2 . . /3f. Ct ,Cl*>~cU^- ■ / 7 s . /02. . /O&. //^ / 3 ^ /$£ /S &L^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle02chri_23 *Ot/t n ■ L, CVlAj-tn^/6 9 ^ ? 6 ' /22 ■ /3 3 . /zL Oc.G^c^Cc /S’S'- 5 . /ZS-. /y-2., /Sd~. / CucJ—. /. 3. is f? , Qz, .4-0.4. 7 & ■ . /OS'. //O ■ /2 P~. /^.'Z . /5/. /SS~. u Ho. 2(0. 2 3 9 . /n. /, /2L.?i/u.k y.3. ^P-. S3. S'S. /fa. Ci. fntSaUtu- //J /!/. /fax^a^S) /Z 9, / /3/. / ¥■*/-■ /$ 3 . 3 , //. /Q. Zy- -So ■ , 3 b . •37'. 4^ - <5~o ft . 4~9. &S.&7- . 6 9-73- ' 76 Lh - / tUiUc^i / / /'/ / L~, rffiU. V '°±-" e t 7. u. S &. SQ 9 ” ^ / 3 ' sLlc2. SccIcscCm , 97^riA^s <~<- /3 £ ac^-di. . ?* ■ ?*■ CCS / £/. 3o.33. Sf //V ' cuL /. 6. /&. 3 3 „ s- . 4*44 /+5~. i+ 9 , So. S& p Sf. (o 3 . (j>S o ^ 33/ ti**>*** ^jSL.iJb . 3e -t^c£ilLj.e<-cL /oO. . /05'. /oS. //0-/20. /2 b . /32 ■ /$£ /3S-. /39. /<+*. /¥#■■ /V9 . /b 5~- Oo&rcli. 1 . 5 '. /A/*-. /r.2l ■ 2 6 . 2f. 3/ ,3 63 3 ?. U2 ~ ■ v- £ ■ 6"/. *,-£ .ST .6t>- (yr .6^ . Ijrfo /o 9. ///- //£ - // 5 ". //, /’<5” cf«P- /oo > // S*~' //9 /ffrUS x3^*2-<) nl. /■ib. /?r . /•>/? . ‘fo+ry^f^U. / ^vUZa^ tt~o. /3V- . /4^ /. /V -2. . 23.Z . U.O ■ Lf. Qcu 9 6 ■ jb. /o3. jo//. . // CrCsU £c^tce^ . CVh^LtM^-a-cL /zz . /if-- / 3o . /3(b /3 /l/L2 ~ 3 a. c^-tM- • /&/. 3 . C. j. /% ./?■ - 3 ° ■ 3 3 ■ 3 s~- 3< * ■ y ■ 4 ^ y- - £f-S~- 6~o . 6 Q. ^ S. 3> (s> ■ b 7 /iQ. 7S'- S^O, f7- . ?? ^tCL+U' ^ , ^%s T / j / /OS'. //O. //#- 720- /ZS 3 - /~3- .~lC-C 3 . /6‘ 7. ^ o t # 2 /. 2 3 o - ^^ ^ "*' ^ /? ■ ^ ■ u Ju £? 7* /"' r ' A ' 7 / P2, ^5, feusy - *¥~‘ r ' yia^U- tPuri* *4 Q& 7o2. . /OS ■ 'Of ■ /oF '‘ //0 /2a - «/£v vty£ JV>? - fa. /33 - /y-o. /i+f- /SiT. 75, /Ol /33. /S’b ■ s / fyel&UscM^A - /O //o /2 try-i— /37 /U-b. ' ’ ■ I im C -A. T _A_ Xj O O XT E JOur OF THE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES AND q $3 EDWARD BETTISON, ESQ. DECEASED; INCLUDING THE REMAINING WORKS OF THE LATE WILLIAM TAUNTON: WHICH (by Order of this Executors ) Mill be bu Junction bti Messrs. CHRISTIE. MANSON & WOODS, r J AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, and MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1898, at One o’clock precisely. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bstd, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Stmt , St . James's Square; S . W. 558 b T CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up agaiD and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. $T. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VH. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made gobd by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE —• — •<>• - First Day’s Sale. <*> On FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1898, AT ONE o’OiOOK PRECISELY. The REMAINING WORKS of the late WILLIAM TAUNTON. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. 1 Farm at Southgate ; and At Knockholt 2 2 At Chalfont; and A Study at BnocKENkuRsi' 2 3 A Landscape in Worcestershire ; and High Wood Hill 2 4 A View in Worcestershire; and Near HolmSey, New Forest 2 5 A Sussex Cottage ; and On the Whakfe 2 6 At St. Albans ; and At Chesham, Bucks 2 7 Near Potter’s Bar ; and A Lane, near Dorking 2 8 Near Blandford ; and Cornish Coast 2 9 Near Christchurch, Hants ; and At Mill Hill 2 B 2 4 /• /f , o 10 Near Malvern ; and A Kentish Mill 2 11 Woodland Stream, Wilts; and Near Christchurch 2 ^ 12 A Warwickshire Village ; and At Knighton, Dorset 2 ' t/i 13 MatlG'ck ; and A Mill on the Stour 2 14 Backwater on the Medway ; and In the Dales of Derby- ^ SHIRE 2 15 Brixham ; Rnd Water Meadows, Dorset 2 16 Carnarvon; and West Malling 2 & 17 At Hendon ; and Haymaking —study 2 18 North Wales Coast ; and Ruined Shed 2 ^ 19 Brentford; and Worcestershire Village 2 20 A Sandpit, Dorset ; and At Totteridge 21 Old Mills, Essex ; and Midday Rest 2 l4 22 An Old Mill in Dorset ; d A Lane at Hampstead 2 23 At Bedwyn, Wilts; and A Grey Day 2 24 Highgate from Hampstead ; and Otford in Kent' 2 / /^l 25 A Dartmoor Stream ; and On the Yare 2 ^ 26 At Barmouth ; and Near Bettws 2 ^ 27 Near Pulborough ; and In Holmbury Park 2 ^ 28 At Mill Hill ; and At Winsford, Wilts 2 /v 29 Near Dover ; and Hanham Lock 2 Q/ 30 A Lane Scene at Hampstead ; and Hampstead 2 81 At Micheldever, Hants ; and Dorset Coast 2 2- 32 Aberdody ; and Boxhill 2 fo 33 Wivenhoe ; and Near Swanage 2 Coast of Somerset; and On the Roden 2 tA 5 r 35 V. 36 , O 37 , 0 38 4 39 40 , ^ 41 42 , ^ 43 44 . 99 ■ 100 <7 101 O 102 * 103 ° 104 6 105 / 106 a 107 o 108 Denham, Suffolk Near Yalding, Kent Looking towards the Isle of Wight Near Worcester A Devonshire Mill In Windsor Park Bolton Abbey Harvest Time, Carnarvonshire Swanage l S^C2s?s2^k? uJhr~ - Study of an Old Mill Study of Old Cottages Near Godalming On the Ockment, Dartmoor A Kentish Lane Cattle by a River Landscape, with fallen timber Storing Timber, near Arundel Lane Scene, near St. Albans Forest of Arden The Road by the Outskirts of the New Forest Exhibited — ■Jh —* yfrlr— <&>—- 9 ? 132 Hayward’s Heath ° 133 Cottages at Brockenhurst 134 Sandpits 135 Up the Thames < 136 Streatley 137 Bruges >■ 138 At Hatfield * 139 On the Avon & 140 At Redhill 141 At Abingdon ' 142 Romsey, Hampshire /. 143 Water Meadows, Newbury Jr- - - -- End of First Day’s Sale. 3 Second Day’s Sale. /. f ■ •r. «/-, /£* / £ •£/, / 4 On SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. G. BARRET. 0 144 A View in the Tyrol O 145 A Fresh Breeze C. BENTLEY. C. BENTLEY. ° 146 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats C. BENTLEY. , O 147 Rough Weather: Tenby ——» C. COLLINS. (j> 148 South Downs, Sussex 7 TTyt) T. G. COOPER. £ 149 A Summer Day : Shanklin, Isle of Wight 11 D. COX, 1807. 6 150 A Mountain Torrent, North Wales D. COX. ^ 151 A Landscape, with cattle D. COX. o 152 Bettws-y-Coed Church D. COX. 153 The Llugwy, West Wales D. COX. * A. vjtk i - * 154 A Landscape with Castle D. COX. ^ 155 Old Farm Buildings on a Stream, Wales D. COX and W. TAUNTON. ^ 156 On the Tees, near Rokeby / 157 Harvest Time, on the borders of the New Forest ^ 158 Making a Clearance, in the New Forest £ 159 Crossing the Common -gr T'f J» CF n *" r £ 160 Outside the Forest (? J. FAULKNER. £ 161 A View in Ireland J. FAULKNER. , £ 162 St. George’s Hill, near Byfleet 12 BIRKET FOSTER. 163 A. View near Dorking, with cottages and figures &n. ;■ ?■ / H. GASTINEAU. 164 A Lake Scene l LOUIS HAGHE, 1875. J, o 165 THE CHRISTENING FONT, St. Peter’s, Rome T. B. HARDY. O 166 Dartmouth 7 -/ /X. 0 . £ 167 Dort T. B. HARDY. T. B. HARDY. ¥ J t o 168 The Lagoons, Venice S. P. JACKSON. fj A «/ , t? 169 On the Thames . • ? a ^ STUART LLOYD. ->2/ * ° 170 The Old Manor House by the Riverside /v * /tJ . ^ 171 Lincoln STUART LLOYD. STUART LLOYD. /^y'. /// , £>172 The Old House by the Riverside - 13 G. LUCAS. 0 173 Changing Pastures f ft D. H. McKEWAN. 0 174 A Welsh Eiyer Scene, with fishermen 0 A. J. MEADOWS. P 175 Lago Maggiore J. H. MOLE, 1871. 176 Coniston Falls J. PRICE. 0 177 Sheep in a Turnip Field J. B. PYNE. / ■> ^ q 178 On the Italian Coast E. RICHARDSON, 1859. , ^ 179 A View in Switzerland T. M. RICHARDSON. , (0 180 LOCH KATRINE T. M. RICHARDSON. , ^181 Blackmount Forest T. M. RICHARDSON, & 182 A Highland Stream, with bridge £/ / B 4 14 T. M. RICHARDSON. 24. f. * 188 Near Naples CARLTON SMITH. jy. 0 181 Bed Time And now the happy day is done, Up to bed the children run ; Every bird is in its nest, And little children, too, must rest.” Exhibited at the Boyal Academy nJ '/•r. 4 CARLTON SMITH 185 Spring Time .r. : A/: / F. STEAD. 186 Leisure Moments ^^2 J. STEEPLE. f ~ S' . > 187 A Breezy Day on the Common, Llandudno J. STEEPLE, 1885. f f ^ 188 Low Water on the Medina, Isle of Wight . Exhibited at the Institute of Painters in Water-Colours ^1/ ?■ 9 ■“ F. TAYLER. 189 The Old Manor House -CCcf-4 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. /& . /2 , O 190 York Minster A. A . * 191 The Old Mill A. VICKERS. 15 PICTURES. H. ANDREWS. 192 The Tryst at the Stile —a pair D. BATES. y 193 Low Tide at Arthog, North Wales R. BEAYIS. 0> 194 Conway Mountains : Cattle returning: Evening R. BE A VIS. 195 A Landscape, near Redhill, with cattle H. BRIGHT. , 0 196 A River Scene, North Wales G. CHAMBERS. 197 A Coast Scene, with fishing boat G. COLE. A. DE BREANSKI. / 0 200 In the Month of May 16 //, A A?' AC 0 At. /«/: * •TJ/. / DE FLEURY. 201 A Coast Scene H. C. FOX. 202 A River Scene at Broxbourne F. GOODALL, R.A., 1891 203 Water Carriers on the Nile / 4U 77. F. GOODALL, R.A., 1896. 204 Eastern Shepherdess Bringing Home the Flock A W. W. GOSLING. 205 The Thames at Hampton t/A-Ai J. D. HARDING. 206 The Lake or Lucerne, near Brunnen E. HARGETT. 207 On the Sands : Twilight E. HARGITT, 1865. 208 Cattle Going South J. F. HERRING. 209 The Farm Yard A 1 R. HILDER. / & 210 Fording the Stream 17 W. C. HORSLEY. / & 211 A Man Putting on a Turban H. KOEKKOEK. 212 A Coast Scene : Stormy weather P. R. LEE, R.A. O 213 A Farm Scene, with cattle C. J. LEWIS. O 214 A Landscape, with shepherd and sheep 215 An Estuary 0 216 Calais Pier C. J. LEWIS. A. J. MEADOWS, 1891. J. MEADOWS. , ( > 217 Fishing Boats Unloading J. MOGFORD. , c 218 Inverary Castle J. MOGFORD, 1855. @ 219 The Ferry, near Barmouth 220 In Disgrace C. MOTTRAM. 18 A. NASMYTH. , & 221 A Waterfall in Derbyshire S' J. F. PASMORE. 222 Disputed Rights S. R. PERCY. JL /d / (S ^223 The Road through the Common, at Hayward’s Heath a A7 JJ, z t O 224 A View of Arundel J. B. PYNE. 6$7r LEOPOLD RIVERS. - / f . O 225 The Village of Grafton / uS* /Z&t V > / C? . W. S. ROSE. 226 Homewood Common, near Dorking ^ ^ . & G. SHALDERS, 1849. 227 A Landscape, with cattle on a road W. SHAYER. 228 On the Road to Market . O 229 Rustic Courtship W. SHAYER. 19 230 231 232 / 233 t * 234 f 235 A 236 A 237 z* 238 253 O 254 W. TAUNTON. View near Conway Barnard Castle, on the river Tees A River Scene, with castle Crossing the Common A Landscape, with waggon Scene on Hampstead Heath, looking A Landscape, with cattle Near Uxbridge Llandudno In the Grounds at Dudley Castle Conway At Brookenhurst, Hants Mill at Iffley On the Common Study of Ferns and Furze A Landscape, with sheep A Lane Scene in Hampshire Harvesting at Brookenhurst Bolton Abbey Changing Pastures Landscape near Peterborough Back of the Old Farm House Bletchworth Park Old Mill, near Bishop Stortford At Godstow, Oxon tA — Q. _ ) 20 /, /l , O 255 Z*, 4£7. #256 /, / /* /* J, /y 257 258 ^ 259 The Bird Catchers View at Bosham View in the New Forest Evening at Longleat View on the Exe Jh /— £ 260 0 261 On the Dee, North Wales Scene on the Eiver Erme, near Ivy Bridge, Devon j /, 6 . ^262 , 0 263 * 00,0 264 /, £ , O 265 // , /0,0 266 A , A/: * 267 £ . /«T, * 268 At Brockenhurst A Landscape, with windmill and sheep Lane Scene, near Andover, Hants Rustic Bridge at Marlow Fern Harvest, in the New Forest The Woodcutters, near Huntingdon A Landscape, with timber cart on a road (3uc Z^ly0Lk/~truJ A. VICKERS. /afy /tf~. O 269 Meadows, near Oxford T. F. WAINEWRIGHT. / 270 A Coast Scene, with cattle T. F. WAINEWRIGHT. * / . & 271 Wargrave Meadows, with cattle; and The Companion 2 O0jZ^. ^0C J. WEBB, 1879. /-?, O 272 Fishing Boats on the Beach, Hastings 21 J. WEBB, 1881. q 273 A Gipsy Encampment, near Epping Forest J. WEBB, 1875. (j 274 Moel Siabod, North Wales ^ J. WEBB, 1883. 275 Calais Pier J. WEBB, 1888, £> 276 Sunset, near Maldon J. WEBB, 1889. f ~ £,277 An Extensive Landscape, with windmill E. WILLIAMS. > 0 278 Landscape, with farm cottages E. C. WILLIAMS. 279 Boats on the Avon J. J. WILSON. 280 A Coast Scene near Deal, with fishing boats J. J. WILSON. ° 281 A Kiver Scene ; and A Mill— a pair C. W. WYLLIE. , C 282 View of West Mersea, estuary of the Colne f X « * 7 s 22 /•?.£ C. W. WYLLIB. ^283 Summef. : West Mersea ^ C. W. WYLLIE. r 284 Wild Flowers : near Brightlingsea W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A., 1879. /• T - M . ^>285 The Sand Diggers End of Second Day’s Sale, V X Third Day’s Sale, On MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1898, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. REMAINING WORKS of the late WILLIAM TAUNTON. 287 288 289 290 291 292 /. 293 ^294 O 295 296 O 297 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. Cornwall ; and Cut Timber At Chalfont St. Peter’s ; and Winchelsea A Coast Scene ; and Arundel Near Brightlingsea ; and Cornish Landscape A Farm near Leamington ; and Backwater on the Mole Northawe, Herts ; and Bolton Abbey Crossing the Sands ; and Near Poole Windsor Park; and On the Medway On the Broadmoor ; and Hayward’s Heath, Sussex Village of Ashtead ; and Cooper’s Hill, Windsor Mill near Cliffe; and North End, Hampstead 2 2 Jlr - 298 / y- 299 A/ 300 /y. 301 /y. 302 •A , a 303 Ay 304 Ay. 305 /A? , 306 Ay 307 "/• 308 /^y . # 309 / V’ 310 aa/. 311 312 0 , 0 313 314 / y- 315 /?/• 316 o . 317 y 318 ?/■ 319 320 /<>/* 321 , & 322 /// 323 Near Brookenhurst ; and Near Chigwell 2 Wrotham, Kent; and Coast Scene, with castle 2 Driving in the Cattle ; and Near Basingstoke 2 St. Denys, Hants ; and Boad to Tunbridge 2 A Staffordshire Village ; and A Warwickshire Village 2 In the Vales of Derbyshire ; and At Bingwood 2 Near Paddock Wood; and Beaminster 2 Landscape, with ruins ; and Fittleworth, Surrey 2 On the Yare ; and The Avon at Freshpool 2 The Firs at Hampstead; and Near the Wrekin, Wor¬ cester 2 Hornebury, Surrey ; and Near Sevenoaks 2 View in the Isle of Wight; and Bickmansworth 2 Bevaulx, Yorks ; and Near Epsom 2 Bruges ; and The Toad Bock, Cornwall 2 Stoney Cross, Hants; and Study from Nature 2 Windmill Study; and On the Derwent 2 Near Slough ; and At Langley 2 Welsh Cottages ; and Near Lynton 2 The Holmwood ; and The Weald of Kent 2 On the Tees ; and Near Hamworthy, Dorset 2 Cornfield Studies 2 Near Penm^nmawr ; and Cornish Coast 2 Norbury Park ; and Shoreham Bridge 2 Sunshine and Showers; and At Hornebury 2 Malvern ; and Westmoor 2 Near Colchester ; and Whitley Common 2 2 o o o £> O 324 At Finchley; and A Welsh Village 325 Trosley; and Carnarvon 826 Hampstead ; and Harvest Time near Andover 327 A Forest Pool in New Forest ; and On the Colne 328 A Mountain Road 329 A Surrey Farm 330 Near Folkestone 331 Bridge on the Stour 332 At Blandford, Dorset 333 Above Bettws 334 South Mimms 335 At Brockenhurst 336 Landscape at Knockholt 337 Charnwood Forest 338 Brooken hurst 339 The Combat — - 340 BletchWorth Park 341 In Norbury Park 342 Old Bridge on the Thames 343 View in North Wales 344 At Bedwin, Wilts 345 Bridge on the Teign 346 Dunster 347 Near Bedford 348 Near Worcester 349 Marshlands, Dorset 350 Windy Day on the Common /a *$ 1 > V — 2G A 851 /■£/■ 352 fA 353 354 A 355 A , o 356 /y 357 A A* / o > 358 /y. 359 ^, /A . 360 A^ 361 A /A 0 362 A /Ay . <7 363 A A . a 364 A JL . o 365 A /£ . 0 366 A , Ao . 0 367 / . A . o 368 A , /A , 0 369 A , , o 370 A A A O C-> 371 372 * if . 0 373 / * /Ay A 374 r . o 375 A /Jj+ 876 /Ay , O 377 388 In the Weald of Sussex 389 On the Llugwy 390 Study of an Old Mill O 391 The Wharfe, Bolton Abbey (/ 392 Near Chislehurst 393 Sluice on the Trent 0 394 At Haslemere, Surrey o 395 Cheriton o 396 At Chislehurst O 397 On the Brent & 398 Near Ashtead, Surrey ^ 399 At Highbeech 400 New Forest o 401 Bridge on the Mole 0 402 Sherwood Forest O 403 Near Lyndhurst o 404 In New Forest 0 405 Broadmoor o 406 Near Malwood, New Forest o 407 A New Forest Stream <^408 Mill near Chelmsford Jhr~ ^ - ^ —■— -- 28 409 $ear Leatherhead, Surrey- 410 Near Charnwood, Leicestershire /£. O 411 West Moor, Hants /, , & 412 Richmond Park & 413 Near Rinqwood, Hants / 4 t ^414 On the Derwent £ # y a 415 Sutton Coldfield /^ /£ e & 416 New Forest, 1848 /. /f . O 417 Near Malvern ~z? 418 Wateringbury, Kent Z? 419 View in Kent '¥• 420 New Forest at Brookeniiurst /y 421 Mill Stream FINIS. * / 7 " London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.