fi «.'»■» ( ^ ^i ife'i AN ACCOUNT OF THE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN TO FIELD MARSHAL HIS GRACE €f)e Bufee of «ellmstou. BY %\)t Corporation of Sonlion, IN THE GUILDHALL, ON THE S"- OF JULY 1814. LONDON: PRINTED BT ORDER OF, AND FOR, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON. BY NICHOLS, SON, AND BENTLEV, RED LION PASSAGE, FLEET-STREET. WOOD, Mayor. A Common Council, holdeii in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Thnrsday the 14th day of December 1815 : 1 HE Right Honourable the Lord Mayor laid before this Court a Report from the Royal Committee, appointed to conduct and manag-e the Entertainment given in the Guildhall on the 9th day of July 1814, to Field Marshal His Grace The Duke of Wellington, in relation to the said Entertainment : Which was ordered to be printed, and a Copy thereof to be bound up with the Copy of the Report relati\e to the Entertainment given to His Royal Highness The Prince Regent and His Illustrious Visitors The Emperor of All the Russias and The King of Prussia, ordered, on the 12th day of May last, to be sent to every Member of this Court. IfOODTHORPE. o TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD MAYOR, ALDERMEN, AND COMMONS, OF THE €it^ of S^onlfon, IN COMMON COUNCIL ASSEMBLED. We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, of your Committee appointed to conduct the Entertainment given to His Royal Highness The Prince Regent and His Illustrious Visitors The Emperor of All the Russias 6 and The King of Prussia ; and to whom, — in consequence of the Resolution of this Ho- nourable Court of the 29th day of June 1814, *' That our Ilhistrious Hero His Grace " The Duke of Wellington be in\dted to *' dine with this Corporation in the Guildhall *' on any day that may be convenient to His " Grace ;" and " That the Freedom of this " City, tog-ether with the Sword and Gold " Box agreed to on the 29th day of October, '* 1812, to be presented to the Most Noble *' The Marquis (now Duke) of Wellington " by a Committee of this Court, be presented *' to His Grace in the Guildhall of this City, " in the presence of the whole Court ;" — it was referred, " to take such measures, and give ** such directions in respect of the said En- " tertainment to His Grace The Duke of 7 *' Wellington, and the fitting-up of the " Galleries hi the Guildhall, as we should see " fit," — DO CERTIFY, that your Committee met on the next day (30th June), and appointed a Deputation, consisting of Mr. Alderman Birch (the Chairman), Sir John Eamer, Knt. Mr. Alderman Wood, and Mr. Alderman Goodbehere, attended by Mr. Remembrancer, to wait upon His Grace The Duke of Wel- lington, to ascertain what day would suit the convenience of His Grace to dine with the Corporation, agreeably to their Resolution ; and on the following day (1st July), Mr. Alder- man Birch, Chairman, reported to your Com- mittee, in the name of the Deputation, that they had accordingly waited upon Kis Grace The Duke of Wellington, who received them with great politeness ; and, having expressed 8 himself as highly honoured bv the marks of attention paid to him by the Corporation of London, appointed the 8th July to partake of the Entertainment proposed to be given to him ; but His Royal Highness the Prince Regent having, by Proclamation, appointed Thursday the /th July, the day immediately preceding, for a day of General and Public Thanksgiving for putting an end to the long, extended, and bloody warfare in which we were engaged against France and her Allies ; to which the attention of almost every indivi- dual was directed ; it appeared to your Com- mittee it might be attended with some incon- venience, and an opportunity would scarcely be afforded to do justice to the wishes of this Honourable Court, if the Entertainment were to take place on the 8th. The Deputation 9 were therefore directed again to wait upon His Grace, and request he would appoint the following day, or any other that might be more convenient, when His Grace was pleased to appoint Saturday the 9th. Your Committee proceeded immediately to give the necessary directions to those persons who were employed in respect of the En- tertainment given to His Royal Highness The Prince Regent, and who had acquit- ted themselves so much to our satisfaction, for the fitting-up the Guildhall, and for providing a suitable Entertainment : And, as upon that occasion, we divided ourselves into different Sub-Committees, who met from day to day, and superintended and directed the various works for the purpose. 10 With a view to the Entertainment, your Committee had previously directed that the whole of the fittings-up of the Hall, as used at the Eintertainment given to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, should remain, except what was necessary to be removed for the convenience of public business ; by which means the requisite works were the more speedily completed ; and your Committee were not only enabled to afford the same accommo- dations in the Galleries for the Ladies, and to fiu'nish them with similar refreshments as were provided upon that occasion, but by restoring those parts which had been re- moved, re-hanging the chandeliers and lamps, and replacing the several mirrors, with the addition of a magnificent large plate of glass II placed behind the Throne, an appearance was 2;iven to the Hall of equal o-randeur as upon that occasion. The only material alteration in the dispo- sition of the tables, from what was observed in the Entertainment given to His Royal High- ness The Prince Reg-ent, was in the enlarge- ment of the platform at the upper or Eastern end of the Hall, placing- additional tables thereon, and the bringing them so forward that no person should sit upon those Chairs of State, and under that Canopy, which had been used by His Royal Highness The Prince Re- gent and His Illustrious Visitors. These tables were appropriated to the Right Ho- nourable the Lord Mayor, His Grace the Duke of Wellington, the Royal Dukes, p 12 the Ministers of State, Foreig'ii Ambassadors and Ministers, the Court of Aldermen, seve- ral British and Foreign Noblemen, and some of the particular Friends of His Grace the Duke of Wellington mentioned in the List fur- nished by him ; and the remainder of the ta- bles in the Hall, and under the arcades of the Galleries, were appropriated to the rest of the British and Foreign Noblemen and Persons of Distinction present, the several Naval and Military Characters invited upon the occasion, and the Members of the Common Covmcil and City Officers ; the seats of the Members of the Connnon Council having been arranged by lot, as at the Entertainment given to His Royal Hiiihness the Prince Reo'ent ; and similar arrang-ements were made at the Entertainment 13 in almost every other respect. At each of the circular returns of the Galleries frontino- the upper tahles, instead of the banners of the Royal Arms of England, Russia, and Prussia, united, which had been previously removed, and hung over the Canopy at the Eastern end of the Hall, was placed a banner displaying' the Ar- morial Bearings so honourably granted by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to His Grace the Duke of Wellington. That your Committee, — feeling: it our bounden duty to do every thing we could to fulfil the wishes of this Honourable Court, and to add as much as was possible to the dignity of the Corporation, as well as to render the Entertainment acceptable to the 14 illustrious Character who had deserved so well of his Country, and in honour of whom it was given ; and the opportunity present- ing itself to shew some mark of attention from the City of London, to every person who had either in a Naval, Military, or Civil capacity, during* a long" course of war- fare, in any way distinguished himself in the Service of his Country, — extended the invita- tions to this Entertainment to those persons; and for this purpose we directed Lists to be prepared of all who had been not only noticed by name in the Journals of this Honourable Court, but had been at any time noticed in the Votes of either House of Parliament : And the recent happy termination of the War bavins: allowed to return to their native land 15 the Heroes who had been fighting for, and maintaining' the Honour of their Country both by sea and land: your Committee have to boast in the following Lists of persons present, one of the proudest assemblages of the greatest characters in the Kinadom. 16 Royal Family. His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK. His Royal Highness the Duke of KENT. His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX. His Royal Highness the DuKE of GLOUCESTER. 17 Cabinet Ministers, ^-c. The Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor. The Earl of Harrowby, Lord President of the Council. The Earl of Westmoreland, Lord Privy Seal. The Earl of Buckinghamshire, President of the Board of Controul. The Earl Bathurst, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, — War Department. The Earl of Liverpool, First Lord Commissioner of His Majesty's Treasury. The Earl of Mulgrave, Master General of the Ordnance. The Viscount Melville, First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. The Viscount Palmerston, Secretary at War. The Viscount Castlereagh, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, — Foreign Department. 18 The Right Honourable Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons. The Right Honourable Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer. The Right Honourable Charles Bathurst, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Right Honourable George Rose, Treasurer of the Navy. The Right Honourable William Fitzgerald, Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer in Ireland, The Right Honourable Charles Manners Sutton, Judge Martial and Advocate General. The Right Honourable William Dundas, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. Sir George Warrender, Bart. Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. Sir Joseph Sidney Yorke, K. B. Lcrd Commissioner of the Admiralty. The Honourable Sir George Johnstone Hope, K. B. Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. 1.9 Noblemen and Gentlemen of Distinction. Tile Duke of Norfolk. The Duke of Beaufort. The Earl Spencer. The Earl of Breadaebane. The Lord Erskine. The Lord Somerville. The Right Honourable John Charles Villiers. The Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Sir James Graha3i, Bart. The Lord Provost of Glasgow. John Dent, Esq. George Harrison, Esq. William Ha3iilton, Esq. Edward Cooke, Esq. Joseph Planta, Esq. 2 ^0 Timothy Curtis, Esq. Samuel Turner, Esq. William DoaiviLLE, Esq. Samuel Pepys Cockereli-, Esq. Alderman jVPKenny. The Reverend Mr. DouD. The Reverend Mr. Birch. n The Duke of JVellmgtoiis List. The Marquis of Worcester The Lord Beresford. The Lord Fitzroy Somerset. The Right Honourable William Wellesley Pole. The Honourable Gerald Valerian Wellesley, D. D. The Honourable Bagot. William Pole Tylney Long Wellesley, Esq. Richard Wellesley, Esq. Culling Charles Smith, Esq. Lieutenant-General Sir William Payne Galway, Bart. Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton, K. B. Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, G. C. B. Major-General Sir William Henry Pringle, K. B. Major-General Walker. Major-General Sir John Byng, K. B. 22 Major- General Grant. Colonel Hill. Colonel Shaw. Colonel C. Campbell. Colonel Bouverle. Colonel Hervey. Lieutenant-Colonel Canning. Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts. Lieutenant-Colonel Burgh. Lieutenant-Colonel Free3iantle. Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable H. R. Pakenham. Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Sir Alexander Gordon, K. B. Major Churchill. Major Campbell. Major Wells. Doctor M'^Gregor. IS 'L Naval Officers. Admiral Viscount Hood, Admiral Viscount Keith, G. C. B. and K. C. Admiral Lord Radstock. Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, Bart. K. C. B. Admiral the Honourable Sir George Cranfield Berkeley, G. C. B. Admiral the Right Honourable Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart. G. C. B. and K. C. Admiral Sir Edward Thornborough, K. B. Vice- Admiral Sir William Essington, K. B. Vice-Admiral Sir Eliab Harvey, K. B. Vice-Admiral Sir Richard John Strachan, Bai-t. G. C. B. Vice-Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith, K. B. K. C. and K. F. Vice-Admiral Ferrier. 24 Vice-Admlral Sir Robert Moorsom, K. B. Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Burrard Neale, Bart. K. E. Rear- Admiral Lord Amelius Beauceerc, K. B. Commodore Broughton. Captain Sir Philip B. V. Broke, Bart. K. B. Captain William King. 25 Military Officers. General the Honourable John Chapple Norton. General Harris. General Earl Cathcart, K. T. General Campbell. General James Stuart. General Sir Eyre Coote, G. C. B. and K. C. General Arabin. General the Earl of Rosslyn. General Sir David Baird, Bart. G. C. B. and K. C. Lieutenant-General the Honourable Edward Finch. Lieutenant-General Grosvenor. Lieutenant-General Sir John Doyle, Bart. G. C. B. and K. C. Lieutenant-General Sir Tho3IAS Bloomfield, Bart. Lieutenant-General Sir Hildebrand Oakes, Bart. Lieutenant-General Sir Moore Disney, K. B. <26 Lieutenant-General Sir Wroth Palmer Ackland, K. B. Major-Geiieral the Honouiable Sir Charles Colville, K. B. Major-General Bolton. Major-General Sir George Anson, K. B. K. T. S. Major-General Dilkes. Major-General Sir Edward Howorth, K. B. Major-General the Honourable Sir William Ponsonby, K. B. Major-General the Honourable Sir Richard Hussey Vivian, K. B. Major-General Sir Henry Torrens, K. B. J. C. Herries, Esq. Commissary in Chief. Colonel Palmer. Lieutenant-Colonel Duke. Captain the Lord Arthur Hill. '27 Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers. Count Merveldt, Austrian Ambassador. Baron Fagel, Dutch Ambassador. Count de Punch al, Portuguese Ambassador. Count de la Chatre, Prench Ambassador. Count Pernan Nu^jez, Spanish Ambassador. Baron Pfeffel, Bavarian Minister. Count de Bourke, Danish Minister. Count St. Martin b'Aglie, Sardinian Minister. Baron de Rehausen, Swedish Minister. Count de Beroldingen, Wirtemberg Minister. Monsieur Laurentz, Hessian Charge d'AfFaires. Monsieur Ramadani, Turkish Charge d'Affaires. Robert Chester, Esq. Assistant Master of the Ceremonies. R 28 Judges, S^c. The Right Honourable Sir William Grant, Knt. Master of the Rolls. The Right Honourable Sir John Xichol, Knt. Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The Right Honourable Sir William Scott, Knt. Judge of the High Court of Admiralty. Sir Simon Le Blanc, Knt. Sir Robert Dallas, Knt. Sir William Garrow, Knt. His Majesty's Attorney General. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Knt. His Majesty's SoHcitor General. '29 In addition to the before named, your Committee have to mention those distin- guished persons to whom invitations had been sent, but who were prevented being- present by reason of indisposition, distance from London, or some other pecuUar cause : Royal Family. His Royal Highness the Duke of CLARENCE. His Roval Highness the Duke of CAMBRIDGE. 30 Gredt Officers of' State, S^c. The Marquis of Hertford, Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's Household. The Duke of Montrose, Master of the Horse to His Majesty. The Earl of Choemondeley, Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household. The Viscount Sidmouth, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State, — Home Department. The Viscount Lowther, Lord Commissioner of the Treasury. The Lord Henry Paueet, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. The Right Honourable Charles Long, Joint Paymaster of His Majesty's Forces. The Right Honourable Frederick John Robinson, Joint Paymaster of His Majesty's Forces. 31 The Honourable Berkeley Paget, Lord Commissioner of the Treasury. Charles Grant, jun. Esq. Lord Commissioner of the Treasury. John Osborn, Esq. Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. 'iO Noblemen and Gentlemen of' Distinction. The Duke of Richmond. The Earl of Chatham. The Right Honourable George Canning. The Right Honourable Charles Arbuthnot, Secretary of the Treasury. The Right Honourable John Hiley Addington, Under Secretary of State. The Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, Esq. Secretary of the Treasury. John Beckett, Esq. Henry Goulburn, Esq. John Wilson Croker, Esq. Secretary to the Admiralty. 33 Thomas BrooksbAnk, Esq. Private Secretary to the First Lord of the Treasury. Anthony Rosenhagen, Esq. James Perry, Esq. 34 Foreign NohUity. Field Marshal Prince Blucher. Hetman Count Platoff. 35 Duke of Wellingtons List. The Marquis Wel,lesley. The Earl of March. The Lord Blayney. The Lord Burghersh. The Lord George Lennox. The Lord Niddry, The Lord Combermere. Major-General Sir Edward Barnes, K. B. Major-General Sir Denis Pack, K. B. Q/» 6 Naval Officers. Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent, G. C. B. Admiral Sir Richard Onslow, Bart. G. C. B. Admiral Caldwell. Admiral the Honourahle Sir William Cornwallis, G. C B. Admiral Sir John Colpoys, G. C. B. Admiral Sir Roger Curtis, Bart. G. C. B. Admiral Sir William Young, G. C. B. Admiral the Lord Gambier, K. B. Admiral Sir Robert Calder, Bart. K. B. Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton, K. B. and K. C. Admiral Sir Henry Trollope, Knight Banneret. Admiral Sir James Saumarez, Bart. G. C. B. and K. S. Vice-Admiral the Honourable Sir Robert Stopford, K. B. Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Bouldon Thompson, Bart. K. B. Vice-Admiral the Honourable Sir Arthur Kaye Legge, K. B. 37 Rear- Admiral Sir Thomas Francis Freemanti.e, K. B. K. M. T. Rear-Admiral Sir Graham Moore, K. B. Rear-Admlral Sir Home Popham, K. B. and K. M. Rear-Admlral Frank. Captain Sir Edward Hamilton, K. B. Captain Sir Thomas Staines, K. B. and K. F. Captain the Honourable Edward Rodney. 38 Military Officers. General Prescott. General Floyd. General the Lord Hutchinson, G. C. B. General the Earl Ludlow, G. C. B. General the Honourable Frederick St. John. Lleutenant-General Sir Charles Green, Bart. Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Calvert, G. C. B. Lieutenant-General Baron Linsingen. Lievitenant-General Archibald Campbell. Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir Edward Paget, G. C, B. Lieutenant-General Sir Brent Spencer, G. C. B. Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir William Stewart, G. C. B. Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir William Lumley, K. B. S9 Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Frederick Campbell, K. B. Lieutenant-General the Lord Stewart, G. C. B. Major-General Sir Alan Cameron, K. B. Major-General Borthwick. Major-General Sir Thomas Bradford, K. B. Major-General Sir James Willoughby Gordon, K. B. Major-General Sir Henry Edward Bunbury, K. B. Colonel Barnard. John Trotter, Esq. Storekeeper General. 40 Foreign Ambassadors, S^c. Count LlEviN, Russian Ambassador. Count MuNSTER, Hanoverian Minister. Baron Jacobi Kloest, Prussian Minister. 41 Judges, ^c. The Right Honourable Lord Ellenborough, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench. The Right Honourable Sir Thomas Pi^umer, Knt. Vice Chancellor of England. The Right Honourable Sir Vicary Gibbs, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. The Right Honourable Sir Alexander Thompson, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Mr. Justice Heath. Sir Alan Chambre, Knt. Sir George Wood, Knt. Sir Robert Graham, Knt. Sir John Bayley, Knt. Sir Henry Dampier, Knt. Sir Richard Richards, Knt. 42 His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Commander in Chief, and several of the Royal Brothers, having accepted the invita- tion to this Entertainment ; on their arrival they were severally conducted by the Mem- bers of your Committee through the HaU, the Military Bands of Music in the Galleries playing the National Air of God save the King, to the Common Council Room, which was fitted up as a Drawing-room, in every respect the same as on the occasion of the Entertain ment given to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent ; and where they were received by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. And on the arrival of His Grace The Duke of Wel- lington at the Porch of the Guildhall, he was 4.3 received by the Chairman and Members of your Committee, and, preceded by them, en- tered the Hall, where he was g'reeted by long- and loud shouts of applause, the Ladies in the Galleries waving their handkerchiefs, and the Bands striking up. See the conquering Hero conies. From thence His Grace was conducted through the passage, formed by the Members of this Honourable Court in their mazarine gowns, to the Common Council-room, and presented to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor at the upper end, who immediately rose, and, in the name of the Corporation, welcomed His Grace to the Entertainment. His Lordship then, taking his seat, and having several of the distinguished characters who had been invited, and the Aldermen, standing T 44 on both sides of him, and the Members of the Court of Common Council formino- them- selves into a body in front, Mr. Chamberlain advanced, and havings administered the usual Oaths of a Freeman, ao;reeably to the Resolu- tion of this Honourable Court, admitted His Grace The Duke of Wellington into the Freedom of the City of London, in the accus- tomed manner, with the sig-n of Fraternity, and giving- Joy ; and, on presenting the Sword and Gold Box to His Grace, addressed him in the followino: words : " Although the subjects of these Kesolu- " tions are confined to the events which have '* recently taken place in Europe, the Citizens " of London can never forget the many signal " Victories obtained by your Grace in those '* regions which have been dignified by the 45 " Triumphs of an Alexander, an Aurengzebe, '' and a Clive. By the exertions of your " Grace the British Empire in India has been '' placed in a state of security which promises '* felicity to millions in that Countiy, and an '' extension of Conmierce to Great Britain. " To enumerate the brilliant actions of '* your Grace in Europe, would require more " time than the present occasion will permit, " and would trespass too much upon your '* Grace's delicacy ; but it is a truth, which I " cannot refrain from declaring-, that, during* '* the War in Spain and Portugal, which ter- " minated in the complete emancipation of " those Kingdoms, a more illustrious instance " is not recorded in History of the caution of " Fabius most happily combined with the " celerity of Caesar; and when your Grace had 46 " planted the British Standard in the heart of" " the Enemy's Country, you gave a great ex- <' ample to the world of the practicability of " that lesson which the great Roman Poet " taught his Countrymen, ' Parcere subjectis, et debellare supeihos." *' I am conscious, my Lord, how inade- <' quately I express the sense of my Fellow ' Citizens of your Grace's merits ; but they ' will recollect, that where I have failed, no ' one has succeeded. The most eloquent in ' the British Senate, and the first authorities ' in the two Houses of Parliament, have con- ' fessed themselves unequal to the task; but ' ample justice will be done to your Grace by * the World at large, who will frequently and * attentively peruse with admiration and delight * those inimitable dispatches, which, like the 47 " Coninieiitaries of Caesar, will hand down " with Honour the name of then- Illustrious " Author to the latest posterity. " Your Grace has been a chosen instru- " ment in the hands of Providence durina: o *' War. — May you long- enjov in Peace the " Love of your Country, and the admiration *' of 3Iankind; and in the discharg-e of that " Honourable Office to which His Royal " Highness the Prince llegent has recently " appointed you, may you cement and per- " petuate union and good- will between Great " Britain and France, so essential to the Peace " and Happiness of Europe !" His Grace the Duke of \A ellington then, bowino- to the Lord Mavor and Chamber- lain, took from his side his own Sword, and giving it to one of his Aides-de-camp, put on 48 the Sword which had been presented to him. and expressing' his high sense of the honour confeiTed upon him by the Corporation of London, attributed, under Divine Proddence, the success of all his enterprizes to the ability with which he was supported by his Brother Officers, and to the valour and discipline of the Allies. His Grace then declared his readi- ness to employ the Sword he had just received in the service of his Sovereign and his Country, should it unfortunately happen, that the general wish of the Nation and of Europe for a pennanent Peace should be dis- appointed. The Members of the Common Council then retired ; soon after which. Dinner being announced, a Procession was formed from the 49 Common Council-room into the Hall, in the following- order : Trumpeters. Two City Marshals. The Committee, with wands. Officers of the Lord Mayor's Household. Principal City Officers. The Lord Mayor's Chaplain. The Common Cryer and The Sword-bearer, Serjeant at Arms, bearing bearing the City the Mace. State Sword. The Right Honourable THE LORD MAYOR. His Royal Higlmess THE DUKE OF YORK, Commander in Chief, conducting His Gr.^ce THE DUKE OF WELLLXGTON. The Royal Dukes. 50 The Aldermen and Sherifts. The Lord Chancellor. English and Foreign Nobility. Particular persons in the suite of His Grace the Duke of Wellington. Cabinet Ministers. Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers. Naval and Military Officers. Other Persons of Distinction. The Members of the Court of Common Council. On entering- the Hall the Procession turned to the right, and, going round the tables at the West end, the Ladies in the Gal- leries had an opportunity of seeing the Illus- trious Hero, and the other distinguished cha- racters accompanying him. The Procession was received with reiterated shouts of ap- 51 plause ; and the band the whole tmie played, See the coiujuering Hero comes : then, pro- ceeding to the Eastern end of the Hall, the company took their seats at their respective tables. The City Officers returaing- to the table under the Gallery on the right hand of the entrance into the Hall, and next to the Platform at the upper end ; the Members of the Court of Common Council to the several tables appropriated to them by lot ; and the Officers of the Lord Mayor's Household to the Guildhall Coffee-house, where a dinner was provided for them, as also for the Suites of the Lord Chancellor and the Judges. u 52 At the principal table, at the upper end of the Hall, the party were seated in the follow- ing order : In the centre : Tlie Right Honourable the Loud Mayor, with His Grace The Dike of Wellington on his right. To the right : His Royal Highness the Duke of York. His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. To the lefi ' His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. 53 The Ministers of State, Nobility, parti- cular Friends of The Duke of Wellington, Aldermen, and distinguished parties invited, taking their seats as had been appropriated for them at the tables on the platform. The Dinner was as sumptuous as possible, and consisted of two distinct courses, the principal table being served on plate. After Dinner, Non nobis, Domine, sed no- mini tuo da Gloriain was sung by the vocal performers in the orchestra ; and, after a flourish of trumpets, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor proposed as the first toast, THE KING; which was received with reverential silence. The succeeding toasts were severally an- nounced by a toast-master, stationed at the back of his Lordship, after a flourish of 54 trumpets, and were received with tlie loudest applause. His Lordship, in proposing the health of the Illustrious Hero Field Marshal The Duke OF Wellington, addressed him, nearly in the following: words : " The hio'hly g;ratifying visit of His Royal Highness The Prince Regent to this festive Hall, accompanied by mighty Sovereigns " and renowned Warriors of Foreign Nations, " is still fi-esh in our recollections. Many, " perhaps all of us, regretted the British " Hero was not seen amidst the laurelled '* Conquerors upon that memorable occasion. " The regret was natural, but perhaps unsea- " sonable ; for who can doubt but the in\ in- " cible Commander of our own brave Armies " deserved a Civic Triumph to himself. It (( (( 55 ' would be ingTatitude not to celebrate dis- ' tinctly the splendid Victories achieved by ' our own brave Illustrious General, which * accelerated the restoration of Peace. Vic- ' tories not bestowed by the capricious favour ' of fortune, but won bv noble perseve- ' ranee, through adverse circumstances, and ' by hard-contested struggles with rival ' Generals of consummate skill, and veteran ' Troops of acknowledged valour ; and though ' every tribute of praise is due to the native * bravery of our own Soldiers, of what avail ' would it have proved, if it had not been di- ' rected, and raised even to enthusiasm, by ' the Militarv Genius, the Personal Valour, * and the Indefatigable Vigilance of their ' great Commander. His Grace will allow ' me, in the name of my Fellow Citizens, to 56- " assure him, it is not in his presence that we *' praise him most ; and that in the Entertain- " ment given to him this day, they do not " pretend to do more than testify their grati- *' tude for services rendered to his Country, " which, in their estimation, nor any honour '* from the Crown, nor any applause from the " People, can more than adequately reward." Which was received with continued cheer- ings and plaudits. And His Grace, in reply, totally disclaimed any peculiar merits attaching- to himself; but attributed it, under Divine Providence, to the perseverance of the Nation, the wisdom of His Majesty's Councils, the care and attention of His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, and the brave co-operating exertions of ■'>7 his Fellows in Arms, so many of whom he felt hig-hly gratified in seeing surrounding- him upon this occasion ; and, above all, he had the honour of commanding- an Army of Englishmen, who lost not an atom of the spi- rit of their Country, and behaved as English- men should do. After dinner, in the course of the evening, the temporary staircase was opened from the Galleries, in like manner as at the Entertain- ment to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and the Ladies descended and mixed with the company in the body of the Hall. Soon after, the Lord Mavou rose, and, with His Grace The Duke of Wellington, the Royal Dukes, the Aldermen, and others of 58 the company, retired to the Common Council- room, where refreshments of tea and coffee were provided for them ; and which refresh- ments were also provided for the remain- der of the company in other rooms of the Guildhall. At half past eleven o'clock His Grace the Duke of Wellington departed, having* been conducted to His carriage by the Members of the Committee ; and shortly afterwards the Royal Dukes, and the principal part of the company took their leave. And your Committee have the satisfaction ol stating, that the whole of the Entertainment was conducted with regularity and order, and great conviviahty, and concluded in perfect harmony. 59 All which we submit to the judgement of this Honourable Court. Dated this 23d day of November 1815. Samuel Goodbehere. C. Smith. C. Magnay. W. Heygate. John Earner. C. W. Hick. W. Box. Jno. Wilt. Goss. J. Daker. Sam. Hay ward. Thos. Greenaway. Wm. Jno. Reeves. Thos. Whitby. Thos. Marriott. Edw. Frisby. Jno. Ord. Wm. Child. Pnuled by Nichols, Sou, aud Beuiley, Ked Liua Passage, Fleet Slreet, London. K^ in"] -RENTER ■ ijjw'-^^'^-^m m 4 k )' ^