Coa/S A'K ISgO sp ls?6 /S' presenting the designs on the following pages, we think few words are needed from us. They speak for them- Sj I selves. The high commendation and very fair sales, considering the comparatively restricted circle interested in suc h works, which our former Book of Scrolls and Ornaments, by Mr. J. H. Loudolphe, has met, have encouraged us to still further efforts to meet the wants of the various branches of painting, designing, and decorative work. The present work covers a very wide field, embracing those forms of scrolls which have for many years been favorites, as well as many new designs. This book is entirely different from our former one, which was perhaps of most use to car painters, having been adopted in several of the largest and most celebrated car-shops. Our present volume contains some two hundred different designs and ornaments, adapted to a multitude of different purposes. We have aimed to give those which should be most valuable and beautiful in actual use, rather than such as would look best in print We believe our friends will find them just the thing for practical application. [HI LJ V I a B 5?^ P ' « 2,BcS r B ^ l^gBarSg to p-® a Slg’S^aE- 3 •2^rS|§£Sa 3 ^.uM'Sb ■irggo El 2 " » !?2 E:- y-S* ° “ a 2 a S'i® |||l^l i«||l|^ill I-!-® a ' l^ § ° _ C3 ► © o- &s 7? I GO flfif^ ggE|»a- ^3? ® § - R w£“ ► &g w 2&§2« gp3g.2. £ « ““'B !§•• as SSd" Pg^oe ® b i «s j^f® pgfs« M l S'S’s 3 S'** g •a | ^bQ p2S?cpfr 3 5;B t3"B cr |3 p ®|o^ Slo a,-s 2 _sj ~ Q- fft *1 ct Z5 * ® 2-$* £ a ao!?o H 0 a. 5.”® »o S'g'ia-Sp Co ° P ® g W § + §®s 5 -i a??+§«»! m • mE 1 £§?£§" r™I- B - 4 ig MM sf*-“- § ! OpSaj! St a x & fi o f p-o® 7 tr eP°3 ^ ?a II e ® 3 II ® _g r*-GO ^p-ggp-er- gg®c®-? f&B^Bs ■ Jgg^&g. JZh° Zlttf* rvO-^2 B,S O ®£ a..ogPp B 2 *i ® * ®TO » ? p r. i-j*® ® O 0 §•5 S-'S g S a < 5 2 5 B «* ® 0 c o*. era m g ssog g ^acr ac-K, 2, p-gg-o-^ a.§ | § s 8 o£;£?| 1 ^ 0 b 1 b §Ig'o.|§ £ 5p?S & |3 23. P§'-|S» t> 3o!p a am? foJsBa st^Er \® p..Q » ^ Q erg £ ® ® cc ■ ^ ' M ^ 4 n <6 GO o?gTO a^o ■s."Wo IfigiS a ??m»b E » n ’ CO o ■S n 'S S'3*^Bij 5 P 3^ «Q ® p *2 p P 2 * -< O a" s; -•S* ^hi--2 ° k a* 5 2.5.?o 2 B a 2 £1 g-g 3 g. ?§if^|l£ c * to Containing 1 128 Paget, Paper Cover, Price, 39 Ct*. Anj’ of the above Books sent postpaid on receipt of pries. S’rggBs-aagg san;*;**; ~ b - o-“ g"g Eg B’g alffSli Hi* 1§b|"|2§» ||oEg'g'5’§=» 3 ! il sS fcfUS!'? p a 5“^ «.=* BB'eS'S R B IN § as.Esg. 3 ; sw? oci^a 1,2 §■**« »o^ SigSW^I.8 S^es £ 3 * P 2. B o§ Mggl-^Eo^ *0 S ot§, p ^ ® g-^g- 5- ® 1^.8 8*8 Sfisi 2 e&E °#$ B ® S^s ft ® BS bOB®p> » K S . . 2 fr B 5 H- E ,* IV 03 CD CD crq cr i V s N GO CO EXCELSIOR PUBLISHING HOUSE, 29 & 31 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y.' Any of tbe above Books sent postpaid on receipt of price* EXCELSIOR PUBLISHlWCa (HiQUSE, 29 & 31 Beekman St., PI Y. Y« P. O. BOX 1144. NEW, POPULAR, INSTRUCTIVE, AND ENTERTAINING BOOKS.