A € A T A JL O G UJ IE OF AN ASSEMBLAGE OF . Capital Jtomsfj ant> Sutcf) THE GENUINE PROPERTY And a part of the Magnificent Collection of THAT DISTINGUISHED CONNOISSEUR and PATRON of the ARTS, Henry-Hope* Esq. Dec. REMOVED FROM HIS LATE MANSION IN CAVENDISH SQUARE. AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND, THE VILLAGE EE A S T, A GRAND CHEF D OX Y UK BY TENIERS. AN UNRIVALLED PERFORMANCE FOR SPIRIT OF EXECUTION AND FINE TONE OF COLOR. Cavaliers and Ladies halting from the Chace , by Berchem ; THE VERY CELEBRATED EMBARCATION of K. WILLIAM at ROTTERDAM, AND TWO OTHER SEA PIECES BY BACKIIU YSEN. THE ROMAN CHARITY , BY V. DER WERFF ; A LANDSCAPE BY CLAUDE; TWO by LINGLEBACK. FIVE by POELEMBERG, One of which a most precious Gem, was formerly iu the Private Collection of Rubens; AND OTHERS BY HONDIKOETER, GOLTZIUS. JFERG, CUYP, BREUGHEL, LIMBERG, V. DER HELST, ROTTENHAMER, JANSENS, DE CORT. Two fine Landscapes and Figures , by Zuccarelli ; AND AN ORIGINAL PORTRAIT OF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, by'J amieson. WHICH By mm be ^>oiD hy Suction, Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On SATURDAY, the 6th of APRIL, 1811, PRECISELY AT ONE O’CLOCK. \%\\ ' A pi * (a 1 U May be Viewed Four Days preceding', when Catalogues may be had at One Shilling each of Mr, Christie, Pall Mall, Conditions of Sale. i. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is—Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money: in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. ■* .... .. % IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Buyer’s Expcnce, within One Day after the Sale. / V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. v I. Upon Failure of complying with tlie above Conditions, the Money deposited hi part of payment, shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. C *dL T idL E* O I Griffier ........ 39 View of the Fortress of Ehrenbreifstein, near Coblentz and the Rhine, with Lighters and Boats arriving during a Fair, which is seen on the opposite Bank of the River; to the right in front a Cabaret with Peasants regaling, and beyond it a Cathedral and a Religious Procession: a warmly coloured and highly finished picture. W. Mieris . 40 David and Bathsheba; a beautiful composition of three figures, designed with correctness and in perfect taste: / the naked Bathsheba is seated on a drapery of green velvet that affords a most brilliant relief to the figure : in the Garden Scene is a sculptured Balustrade design¬ ed in truly classic taste; a beautiful specimen of this elegant Artist. • O Breughel . 41 A luxuriant Landscape with a numerous assemblage of Animals preparing to enter the Ark; a subject that lias givien ample scope to the genius of this ineenti^c painter, and a happy opportunity of displaying his skill in designing Animals— The colouring is exceed¬ ingly rich, and the finishing exquisite. 42 Joseph sold to the Ishmaelitcs, an exquisite chef d’ceuvre of this elegant Painter; the attitudes and appropriate Dresses of the Figures are varied with great judgement and taste, and the group of Camels near them produces a striking effect; the Figure of Joseph in the front of the Picture is treated with great delicacy, and sweetly pencilled : a group of Trees touched with great neat¬ ness is on the right, and the Caravan is advancing in the Rocky and Sandy distance—a beautiful Gem. 43 Rebecca and Abraham’s Servant at the Well; an elegant and interesting group of many Figures, Camels, See. with picturesque Edifices of the Ciiy in the distance— exquisitely finished, and coloured Avitli great sweetness. I'ERG Ferg £ / ( 8 * Berchem. ........ . 44 A Female upon an Ass with a Glass of Wine in het hand, resting at the door of a Cabaret; a hearty Landlord with a Wine Flask waiting upon her is inter¬ rupted by a by-standing Peasant: a Cow and Goats in the front ground, Peasants in Conversation under a Shed, and a Female on the Steps of the Inn behind : ✓ # a beautiful garden scene in the distance appears above an Archway, through which a Peasant is driving his loaded Asses. The crispness of touch in this picture is admirable; it is coloured in a clear Evening tone— an interesting and beautiful picture. Poelemberg . 45 A Magdalen in Solitude, a solemn Cavern Scene opening to a Cascade and lively Landscape; in the upper corner of the Picture a Group of beautiful Children: the figures are drawn with great elegance, and finished N ' " with the greatest delicacy—this charming gem was formerly in the private Collection of Rubens, who was the groat friend and patron of Poelemberg. V. Os........; . 46 A Vase with a large Group of Flowers—painted in a fresh tone, designed to convey the idea of Morning and a newly gathered Bouquet; various Insects and Reptiles are represented upon the Plants, all of which are painted with the greatest truth, and very freely and elegantly designed. Ditto... . 47 A fruit Piece, the companion :—a beautiful chef d’oeuvre. The Grapes and different Fruits elegantly disposed, coloured with warm and ripe effect, and finished to illusion. This and the companion Picture are in the very finest time of this inimitable Painter. V. der Werf . 48 The Roman Charity—this subject, often treated by various Italian Masters, has received novelty from the pencil of V. der Werf; the attitude of the female is not. ( 9 ) only drawn with perfect elegance, but is highly natural and pleasing—this Picture is a remarkable specimen of of the exquisite high finishing for which V. der Werf was particularly famed, Zrcr ah et,t.i . 49 A Landscape with Female Figures angling on the banks of a River, which is ornamented with Buildings, and the famous Bridge of Palladio ; the whole designed to represent the ancient site of the City of Venice. Ditto .... . 50 Italian Peasants and Cattle, pleasingly grouped in a roman- t ■ tic Landscape, with Mountains and Buildings—a beautiful Pastoral, treated with great taste and touched with spirit. DietrIch . 51 A Scene by Moonlight, the denouement of a Comedy, where a group of Characters looking from a Terrace Wall, and lighted by Cupid with a fiambeau, discover a ^air in the front ground of the Picture : the several figures are painted with great spirit, and coloured in the rich manner of Watteau, whom Dietrich has evi¬ dently imitated Claude. .... 52 A Beautiful Italian Landscape, Warm Evening Scene; a group of Military Figures advancing through a i l— Thick Wood on elevated Ground to the right, seem to have given alarm to some Peasants in the Fore¬ ground, who are hastily driving off their Cattle; a River with Buildings, a Mill and Bridge, form the Objects in the left part of the picture—The intense heat of a Summer Evening is very naturally diffused through every part of the Scene ; the foliage is touched with lightness and delicacy. Berchem..... . 53 A Rocky Scene with a halt of Cavaliers and Ladies after Hawking; two Horsemen with tired Dogs crossing a B L. BACKHUYSEN Lingleback Kondikoeter L. BACKHUYSEN TENIERS.. ( 10 ) . Stream, and Peasants reposing—painted in a loose and free manner with a very spirited Pencil. 54 A GRAND SEA PIECE with Vessels of War in a River, ■v one of which with a Cutter alongside it; the bustle on the crowded deck is highly characteristic of the Scene; the several objects in this grand and imposing Scene are admirably grouped. It is of Backhuysen’s very • finest time and manner —capital. 55 A View of thh Forum in Rome; a Market Scene, with many Figures engaged in various occupations, highly characteristic of the People ;—painted in a clear and lively lone and finely finished—a capital Picture of the Master. 56 An Eagle stooping at Poultry; a Stream represented in the Front of the Picture has given the Painter an opportunity of introducing various Water Fowls ; in distance is a Romantic Landscape—Painted with great spirit and with a rich glow of Colour 57 The very celebrated Picture, representing the E MB AR CATION OF KING WILLIAM AT ROTTERDAM: a Ship of War manoeuvring in the Centre of the Picture, forms an important object ; to the Right are seen the King and his Suite in a Barge of State going on Board the Yacht. This highly interesting event has been recorded by the Pencil of ' , Backhuysen with deserved spirit; the Water especially is in his happiest manner, and proves the Painter to have been a just and successful Observer of Nature— CAPITAL. 58 COUNTRY FETE in the Court Yard of a Flemish Farm House, with a variety of Figures ; in the Cen- (er is a spirited Group of Dancing Feasants; in the Front a Boor inviting an unwilling or tired partner to join again in the Dance; a Seigneur aud his Lady with their Page are looking on; a bag-piper under a spreading tree is animating the merry party, a few - excepted, who appear engaged in separate courtships ; a pleasing distant Landscape, finely pencilled and colored with great richness—for spirit of execution and clearness of tone, this Picture is unrivalled. A 4 F f N I S. ' > * ” •'/ \* « 0. SmeetWIt Prefer, 17, Martin* ftane. 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