PROGRAMME & RULES FOR ' THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ms ist gracious uiram ■ uwii . PALACIO DE CRYSTAL., OF OPORTO in the months of September & October 1885 (PROGRAMME N.° 17) OPORTO CENTRAL-TYPOGRAPHY OF AVELINO ANTONIO MENDER CERDE1RA 317, Bomjardiin Street I . OttCulat acOxe^ec) to t lie £Poxtucjue$e & J'cteicjn $ic^eddiouaf! 8c cft>i/wa teux ^poto^xapfiexdj TTfoa uuja ct ux exa o| ? 9?(iotocjxapfiic cA>ppaxatua 8t £&itoxd oj 7 o^xt pufifxcatioud. Oporto 2 o ,h March 1 885. We beg to inform you that the Board of Directors of the ((Crystal Palace » in Oporto, as well as the Society «Photogra- phia Moderna» and some contributors to the ‘Portuguese art Jour- nal=A Arte PHOTOGRAPHiCA=are organising for the months of September and October of the present year of 1 885 an Inter- national Photographic Exhibition, under the patronage of His Most Gracious Majesty I). Fernando, who will offici- ate as President, in which Professional and Amateur photogra- phers, ^Manufacturers of photographic apparatus and products, as well as Editors of publications of all countries, relating to that important division of art, are respectfully requested to take part. The Exhibition, which will take place in the great central hall or Nave of the Crystal Palace in Oporto, will embrace every branch referring to Photography as well as its most re- cent applications to Science, Art and Industry. By the enclosed programme will be seen the mode of classi- fication and disposition of the different specialities, as well as the conditions under which the Exhibition will be carried out. The art of Niepce and c Daguerre so highly appreciated in Portugal, has met in this country with numerous and enthusias- tic adepts who have* assiduously cultivated their profession and brought it to a degree of. proficiency perhaps overlooked abroad. Under these circumstances we consider it expedient to bring together the elements of an extensive competition in which master pieces and the most recent improvements of other more favoured countries should be exhibited. This would give Portu- gal its place in the artistic world, and add to the many favours s already shown us in other countries where we have competed in foreign exhibitions. Besides this, ground for making our attempt, we might likewise call attention to the advantage which would accrue to all parties, — first in view of a diffusion of knowledge and secondly from the international stimulus which must necessarily arise from a vast exchange of products and the subsequent encouragement to general progress and more enlightened study. Please then let us know in conformity with the disposit- ion of our programme whether you wish to enter your name as exhibiter, and favour us with your participation in this Inter-' national event. Indications as to how much space you would require, as well as what description of photographs you intend to exhib- it would greatly oblige. yours most respectfully The Principal Commission, PROGRAMME OF THE INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION TO BE OPENED On the l sl of September 1885 The Board of Directors of the ((Crystal Palace » & the So- ciety «Photographia Moderna» seconded by Portuguese Ama- teur photographers contributors to the arl journal=A Arte Pho- TOGRAPHiCA,=intend to open on the first of September 1 885 an ((International Exhibition)) of works, products, etc., belonging to every branch of Photography & Heliography. All Photogra- phers & Amateurs, Manufacturers, of Photographic appara- tus & implements referring directly to the oArt in question, whether Portuguese or foreign, are respectfully requested to take part in this concourse. For further information we beg to present our readers with the following programme adopted by the Commission ; 4 PROGRAMME ARTICLE I.° The opening of the Exhibition will take place in the Crys- tal Palace of Oporto, on the i st of September 1 885, and the clos- ing will be effected on the 3i st of October of same year. . 1 tj U r $ ARTICLE 2.° Persons wishing to become Exhibiters arc requested to communicate, up to the 3o tb of April i885, with the Secretary of the Commission, and indicate the space which they will require, as well as the class or nature of the objects to be ex- hibited, in conformity with the conditions specified in the dif- ferent clauses of this programme. article 3.° All objects to be exhibited must be forwarded before the i 8t of July 1 885 , at the expense of the senders, to the following address; Commissdo Executiva da Exposicdo International de Photographia — Oporto. article 4. 0 The articles must be accompanied bv a list, indicating the number of objects sent, signed by the exhibiter, and specify- ing whether the space which he wishes to occupy be hori- zontal or vertical. V 5 ARTICLE 5.° The Exhibiters must secure their proofs in appropriate frames. In order to avoid expenses and difficulties to the Ex- hibiters, the Commission will take upon itself to furnish suit- able glass cases at the most moderate prices. A previous de- mand having been made by the Exhibiter to this effect, the proofs must be sent in proper condition, according to the cus- tom on such occasions. The account presented by the commission must be pre- viously settled by the Exhibiter. article 6.° The Exhibiter is requested to inscribe his name on each separate proof, or frame containing several proofs. article 7. 0 . It will be necessary to mention and specify: i stly the subject 2 nd,y the negative process whether (as in the case of damp or dry collodium), collodium or gelatine emulsions, albuminous as well as positive processes. Every indication regarding photo- graphic processes in general will be thankfully received. article 8.° Exhibiters wishing to sell their proofs, frames or pro- ducts of whatever sort, must give notice of their intention to the Commission; and will please name the price, which will be affixed to the object during the whole time of the Exhibition. 6 ARTICLE 9. 0 No proof or object can be withdrawn from the cases be- fore the closing of the Exhibition, without the special permission of the Executive Commission. article io.° The same Commission reserves to itself the right of reject- ing such objects as may be considered unworthy of being exhibited. ARTICLE II. 0 The Executive Commission will place at the disposal of a special Jury, gold, silver and copper medals and honorary cer- tificates, to be conferred on the most praiseworthy Exhibiters, whose products will enter into the following categories: A Prints of fatty tints in gelatine layers on metal or glassw B Heliographic impressions (photogravure sur cuivre). C Woodburytype, photoglyptie, stannotypie, and other processes. D Photolilho and photozincography, gilotage, etc. E Coal Photography, chromotype, photochromia on paper, glass, wood, and porcelain. F Photography on albuminous paper, collodio chlorete, ge- latine bromure, gelatine chloreto, platinotype, etc. G Cyanotypia and analogous processes. H Enamels, vitrified photographs, coloured photography processes, applied to pottery. 1 Amplifications of cliches, portraits, and landscapes. Speci- al positives for projections, together with such explan- 7 % ations appropriate for teaching and scientific lectures. Amplifications in gelatine, bromure, chromotvpia, ferro prussiato, collodio chloreto. J Apparatus and photographic implements, specialities of work referring to the operations of scientific expeditions, for tuition, industry, etc. K Photomicography, different appliances of photography re- lating to micographical studies and investigations. L Works and journals on photography. M Photographically illustrated publications and photomecha- nic processes. N Gelatine plates, paper prepared for the different processes, portrait cards and different sorts of cardboard, chemic al products, albums, passepartouts, together with what- ever ornamentations may be applied to photographic proofs. ARTICLE I 2.° The Special Jury for the awarding of prizes will be com- posed of a certain number of Members indicated by the Prin- cipal Commission. V ARTICLE I 3.° The Principal Commission takes upon itself, to regulate the general expenses of organisation, installation and adminis- tration. article 14. 0 10 % will be received on the value of articles exhibited and sold, during the exhibition. 8 ARTICLE I 5.° The articles belonging to the different Exhibiters, will be sent back to them directly, at their expense and risk, within the term of 3o days after the closing of the Exhibition. article 1 6 .° Any case unforeseen, and not included within the clauses of these regulations, will be resolved by verdict of the Princi- pal Commission. Against this verdict there will be no appeal. The Principal Commission, uaud/o Q T f nma. i'0