THE ART SKETCHING EROM ,NATUEE. BY THOMAS ROWBOTHAM, AUTHOR OP "the ART OP LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN WATER COLOURS." WITH TWENTY-SIX ILLUSTRATIONS DESIGNED BY THOMAS L. ROWBOTHAM, JUN., PROFESSOR OF DRAWING TO THE ROYAL NAVAL SCHOOL, NEW CROSS; AND MEMBER OF THE NEW SOCIETV OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS, And Engraved on Wood by DalzieL JFourteentfj lEliition* LONDON : WINSOll AND NEWTON, 38, RATHBONE PLACE. 1853. price: oxk suiLiiiiKO. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 THE ART SKETCHING FROM NATURE, BY THOMAS ROWBOTHAM, AUTHOR OF "THE ART OF LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN WATER-COLOURS." THOMAS L. EOWBOTHAM, JUN., PROFESSOR OF DRAWING TO THE ROYAL NAVAL SCHOOL, NEW CROSS, AND MEMBER OF THE NEW SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS. And Engraved on Wood by DaJzieL FOURTEENTH EDITION. LONDON: WTNSOR AND NEWTON, 38, EATHBONE PLACE, artists* Colour Jlato, is special appointment, to f^er fKajcstg, antj to ll.^a.l. iPrmce mbzxt 1853, PREFACE. Many students possessing a certain degree of skill in the use of the lead-pencil and chalk are^ for want of acquaintance with the necessary rules^ entirely at a loss when attempting to commence a landscape sketch from nature; the principal difficulties they experience being, to determine where to commence the sketch, and how much of the subject before them they ought to include within the limits of the paper. Attention to the precepts contained in the following pages, will, it is hoped, clear away these, and many other difficulties, that obstruct the essay of the sketcher. The short cause of instruction laid down is purely elementary, and confined to linear sketching. The limits of this little work do not admit of the intro- duction of the more advanced stages of colouring, and its complex manipulations. These, however, are ren- vi PREFACE. dered the less necessary here, as they have been already fully entered into and explained, in two works, compris- ing portions of the series to which the present treatise belongs.* One of these, written by the Author of this book, in conjunction with his son, treats of the elementary portion of landscape painting in water-colours, and in the other, the subject is continued through its advanced stages by Mr. Aaron Penley, who has laid down, in a full and clear manner, all the details of colouring, and the rules for its manipulation, with which it is requisite for the landscape-sketcher to become acquainted. The instruction attempted to be conveyed in the following pages, is the result of many years^ active practice of the Author^s profession ; and his hopes will be realized if he should be hereby instrumental in assist- ing the student in his endeavour to acquire the power of Sketching from Nature.^^ * " The Art of Landscape Painting in Water-Colours/' by T. and T. L. Rowbotham. Winsor and Newton. Price Is. " A System of Water-Colour Painting/' by Aaron Penley. Winsor and Newton. Price Is. THE ART OF SKETCHING FROM NATURE. In the brief course of instruction proposed in the fol- lowing pages^ the object is to lead the student to a successful result by the simplest means. The rules are few ; but if carefully studied, they will be found applicabk to every object occurring in ordinary experience ; and it is hoped that they will be deemed plain and intelligible. A multiplicity of technical terms and prolix explanations has been purposely avoided, as the end aimed at may be attained without them ; but there are some terms which it may be requisite to explain, as they frequently and necessarily occur in the course of these precepts. These terms are The Picture : The Centre of the Picture; commonly, but erroneously, called the point of sight : 8 SKETCHING FROM NATURE. The Distance of the Picture : The Base Line : The Horizontal Line : The Vertical Line. For the sake of rendering these instructions more clear and perspicuous^ we shall recapitulate a few of the general principles of linear perspective. This recapitulation will be rapid and concise ; touching only upon those more important points which are in fact indispensable in suc- cessful sketching from nature ; and we also purpose to explain the general terms given above. In fact^ our object is rather to recal to the recollection of the learner certain principles and methods^ with which we suppose him to be already acquainted^ — the study of the elements of linear perspective being indeed the very first process to which the attention of the learner should be directed in his introduction to the art of drawing. All objects which present themselves to the eye in a landscape, such as houses, trees, water, fields, moun- tains, &c., can be faithfully drawn in corresponding and similar outlines upon a plane surface. For if a piece of glass be held vertically at a proper distance between the eye and the proposed landscape, so that the part intended to be drawn can be seen through it, it is evident that a tracing of the apparent outlines of all the objects so seen through the glass can be made upon its surface, by the use of any instrument, which. OF THE HORIZONTAL LINE. 9 when carefully guided over the apparent outline of the objects would leave^ by means of colour or any other substance, the traces of its path. As it is impossible to adopt this process in drawing from nature — the material on which the outlineis then made being a non-transparent medium, that is, paper, — it is clear that sketching can be only effected by a distinct apprehension of the real forms of the objects themselves, and of those apparent forms under which they are pre- sented to the eye in their different positions in the landscape. Now all these objects have their real outlines com- posed either of straight lines, or of curved lines, or of both, which either may be irregular in their relation to each other, or may follow certain given laws and con- ditions. If the latter be the case, these laws are, for the most part, of such a simple character as to admit of being easily comprehended ; and when once the prin- ciples, which we shall by-and-by enumerate, are mastered and understood, the student will find, in the repre- sentation of more complex forms of outline, an increasing facility, as his judgment becomes more matured, and his eye more correct. OF THE HORIZONTAL LINE. If a spectator were placed in a flat horizontal plain, the water or ground which he would have in view before 10 DISTANCE OF THE PICTURE. him^ would appear to rise from the spot on which he stood^ the limit of that rise being determined by a clear and well-defined straight line^ called the horizontal line. This will at once be understood^ in the example of the sea- or of a lake^ between which and the sky no object is supposed to intervene. This horizontal line — or (as the word* implies) this boundary — lies exactly opposite to the range of the eye, when the spectator^ in moving round from left to right, or from right to left, looks before him in a direction neither above nor below the natural plane of his vision. It is important that the learner should have a clear and distinct apprehension of what this horizontal line is ; because it is to this line that every other line is referred, and that by its means the accuracy of the drawing is secured. DISTANCE OF THE PICTURE. In Fig. 1, a landscape is supposed to be viewed from the spot marked E ; and that the spectator is desirous of representing on the plane of his paper a certain portion of the scene as seen by him from this point. That portion constitutes his real picture. Here, therefore, arises the first question ; that of de- * The word horizon is nothing more than the participle of the Greek verb signifying to bound." DISTANCE OF THE PICTURE. 11 termining how much of the landscape or the objects he is viewing, should be contained within his proposed picture. The distance of the picture, — or distance of the eye from the plane of the picture (which is the same thing), — means the distance intervening between the spectator's position, and that point on the ground directly in front of him, where the picture, which he is about to make, ought properly to commence. Upon the choice of a proper and judicious distance, the beauty of his work will in a great measure depend. Suppose the landscape to be viewed from the point E (Fig. 1), then that portion of the scene which the eye can easily take in, without moving the head, and without the slightest strain upon the optic nerve, will constitute the picture from that point. Now, under this condition, the spectator will find that he does not distinctly see the ground immediately before him, but that he obtains a perfectly easy view of it only at some distance from his position at E, It is the space included between the point E (where he is placed), and the supposed point alluded to, and here marked S, that establishes the required distance of the picture, that is, the distance of the eye from the proposed picture. For instance, let S be that point on the ground immediately in front of the eye, and that if through S a straight line be supposed to be drawn, perpendicular to the distance ES, this line will 12 DISTANCE OF THE PICTURE. FIG. I. EXTENT OF THE PICTURE HORIZONTALLY. 13 pass through and determine the foremost objects of the proposed picture^ and therefore at this line the picture must commence. THE EXTENT OF THE PICTURE HORIZONTALLY. The next process is to determine how far along this line the view should extend to the right and left of the point S, Pace the distance from E to S. Suppose it to prove twelve paces. Place a mark at S, a glove^ or sticky or any object that may be distinctly seen from the position E ; then walk six paces from S in the direction SD, and there leave another visible mark ; also six paces from S to B, where a third mark should be placed. All the objects seen between the marks at B and D will constitute the intended picture^ as viewed from the point E ; the lines drawn at B and D perpendicular to BSD being the sides of the picture. If it be objected that, from the nature of the ground, this principle could not in some cases be carried out, it will at least be admitted that the student may make himself thoroughly acquainted with it by first practising on places offering no obstacle to his attempts ; and he will thus soon be enabled to form a proper judgment, as to the distance and boundaries of his picture^ under any circumstances whatever. 14 THE VERTICAL LINE. It must, however, be observed, that this forms the extreme limit of the picture, laterally. Any portion of the vievr may be taken, within that limit ; as is exempli- fied in the Frontispiece of this book. THE VERTICAL LINE. That an accurate notion of the vertical line may be obtained, the plane of the picture must be supposed to be perpendicular to the horizontal plane. If a straight line be drawn from the spectator's eye, perpendicular to this plane of the picture, that line will fall upon the plane at a point in the horizontal line directly opposite to the eye. In Figs. 1 and 2, C is this point, and it is called the centre of the picture, or centre of view. In reference to the eye of the spectator, every straight line perpendicular to the plane of the picture appears to converge towards this point or centre. The line which, drawn from the eye of the spectator, determines this centre C, is called the vertical line. It is a straight line through 8, perpendicular to the hori- zontal line, and the base of the picture ; and in Figs. 1 and 2 it is represented by the line £C In Fig. 2, the lines and points before described are further illustrated ; and to impress them clearly on the mind of the student, we recapitulate them, as they are exemplified in this figure. THE VERTICAL LINE. 15 E is called the point of sight, or place of the eye. C, the centre of view, or centre of the picture ; being the point on the horizontal line H immediately oppo- site to the eye. (This point C, must not be mistaken for the centre of the paper ; it bears no such meaning, for it is marked, occasionally, somewhat rather to the right, or to the left, of the middle of the horizontal line ; but in all cases it is termed the " centre of view,^^ or " centre of the picture.^^) B D, the base line, equal in length to jE C ; S, the point on the ground immediately opposite the foot of the sketcher, as C is opposite to his eye : E Sj the vertical line — the length of which is equal to the supposed, or known, distance of the eye from the commencement of the picture at It is necessary to explain that E is not the real position of the eye, and that, as it is requisite for practise to draw the length of the vertical line E 8 upon the paper, and as this cannot always be done with convenience below the base line, as in Fig. 1, it may be drawn above, as shown in Fig. 2 ; the only limitation being in this case that the extent of the base line B D is determined by E C, not as in Fig. 1, by E Sy as the space from S to C is allowed for the height of the eye above the ground. The use of this vertical line is the same, whether it be drawn above or below the centre of view C ; and it is shown in the two positions, in Figs. 1 and 2, merely THE VERTICAL LINE. because it is frequently more convenient to mark the point E above^ than it would be to place it below, the horizontal line. Upon the length of the vertical line E C, depends the just and natural representation of objects. If it be too short, they will appear unsatisfactory, and more or less distorted. The following example will illustrate the truth of this statement. (Fig. 3.) FIG. 3. ML A block of wood or stone (Fig. 3) is to be represented at different distances ; it has a square base, and is seen m a 2 18 THE VERTICAL LINE. position in which, its sides are oblique to the plane of the picture ; — seen, in fact, from both points, under the same circumstances in all respects, as regards surrounding objects, except that the perpendicular distance of the spectator from the base line B D, is much less in one than in the other. In Fig. 3, No. 1, the distance of the point of view, from which the spectator sees the stone, is only half the length of the base line B D, (that is, of jB C in Fig. 2). In No. 2, the distance of the spectator is equal to the entire length of B D, (i. e., of E C in Fig. 2). This distance may, in particular cases, be made greater, but in no case should it be less. A slight glance at each will show how much more satisfactory to the eye the drawing is in No. 2 than that in No. 1 ; although it is, in fact, in both cases strictly accurate according to the distance adopted. In both instances (Figs. 1 and 2), the centre C of the picture is placed in the middle of the horizontal line H H ; but it may be placed somewhat either to the right or left of that position, according as the sketcher may be disposed to stand a little to the right or left of the centre of the proposed view. These alterations of C will of course modify the appearances of the objects, under principles hereafter to be explained. POSITION FOB- THE HORIZONTAL LINE. 19 PROPER POSITION FOR THE HORIZONTAL LINE, The proper position of the horizontal line will depend upon the nature of the view to be represented. Hence the sketcher must consider — First, whether he himself and the objects he is about to represent, are on level ground or nearly so. If the view be on a plane nearly level, the horizontal line may be drawn at about one-fifth, or one-fourth, of the height of that space of his paper which is intended for the picture (Fig. 4). FIG 4. Secondly, whether the ground be undulating, or 2 * 20 PROPER POSITION FOR THE whether the objects be viewed from a carriage, or from the lower windows of a building, or any similar moderate elevation. In this case, the horizontal line may be placed at about one-third the height (Fig. 5). FIG. 5. Thirdly, whether the scenery be mountainous, with a lake ; or whether the objects be viewed from some con- siderable elevation. In this case, let him choose a position that will command a good view of the scene, and prevent closer and more immediate objects from concealing any portion HORIZONTAL LINE. 21 of the remote distance; and though the height of the horizontal line in this case may sometimes be a little more than half the height of the paper, according to the elevation attained by the spectator to command the view, yet it is desirable not greatly to exceed this ; otherwise, what is called a bird^s-eye view^^ will be the conse- quence (Fig. 6). In the following example, the horizontal line is drawn at nearly half the height of the paper. FIG. 6. We may here incidentally observe, that, as a general rule, the sketcher will find it advantageous, after having 22 OF THE UP-HILL VIEW. drawn a faint horizontal line^ at its proper height^ to ascertain^ by holding up his pencil horizontally on a level with his eye^ what object, or part of an object, appears on that point of the horizontal line immediately before him ; the island^ for instance^ in the above sketch. He may begin his drawing by representing such object at that pointy and proceeding right and left, on the same level, to the extremities of his picture. This will greatly assist in guiding the delineation of the remainder. OF THE UP-HILL VIEW. All horizontal planes, — appearing to ascend if they lie below the horizontal line, and to descend if they lie above it, — vanish or merge in the horizontal line. So also all parallel sets of horizontal straight lines, not parallel to the horizontal line H appear to descend, if they lie above it, or ascend, if they lie below it, to some point in the horizontal line ; in which point they converge or vanish. Thus in painting, the sea and sky are considered horizontal planes, and we have already in- stanced their apparent meeting in the horizontal line. So again, in representing the interior of a room — the floor and ceiling (if flat and parallel to one another) appear to approach each other, and would, if indefinitely pro- duced, meet or vanish in the horizontal line of the spectator, as their common vanishing line. But suppose the ground before the position at E (Fig. 1) OF THE UP-HILL VIEW. 23 to form an inclined plane instead of a horizontal one ; a plane inclining upwards from the base line^ at some known or supposed angle. In this case^ such an inclined plane will meet the plane of the picture in a line above the horizontal line : hence there will be two vanishing lines on the paper, — one whereby to delineate objects on the horizontal surface ; the other by which to draw those situated on the inclined plane. The following diagram will make this clear. In this figure (Fig. 7), B D k the base line ; H H the common horizontal or vanishing line ; C the centre of view in that vanishing line ; L L the vanishing line FIG. 7. L L H C E B D 24 OF THE UP-HILL VIEW. of the ascent ; and the centre of view in that vanishing Hne. It is obvious^ that in proportion to the less or greater inclination of the supposed plane, the line L L will be nearer to, or more distant from, the horizontal vanishing line, H H. Towards some point or points in this line L L, the representations of all right lines parallel to the surface of the ascent must be drawn ; as is seen (Fig. 8) in the felled trees, the ruts in the road, the upper and lower lines of the wooden palings, &c. But the lines of the brick wall, and those horizontal lines of the house, which are horizontal and also per- FIG. 8. OF THE DOWN-HILL VIEW. 25 pendicular to the plane of the picture^ are drawn towards the vanishing point C in the horizontal line H H, OF THE DOWN-HILL VIEW. If a descending plane be visible to the eye of the spectator, it is clear that it can be represented upon paper ; and the remotest, that is^ the lowest lines of the descending plane of the view will have, in that repre- sentation, a higher place on the plane of the picture than the nearest, that is, the highest ones of the actual view. This is shown in the following diagram. Place on the table, at a short distance from you, a drawing-board, a portfolio, or any other plane, having FIG 9* the nearer end supported, so as to be inclined at an angle under which the plane is yet visible; and let a by-stander hold a straight ruler, vertically, at a small distance from 26 OF THE DOWN-HILL VIEW. the nearer edge ; it will then be found that the lower and more remote edge of the plane will appear higher on the ruler than the nearer one, the lower edge being seen at a, the upper edge at b. Merely, however, to draw two horizontal and parallel lines across the paper, for the purpose of representing a descending plane by the space between them^ alone, without the assistance of other lines in contrast with them, would be impossible ; but whenever the descending plane is visible, the effect of descent can be readily conveyed by means of auxiliary lines on the surface of that plane, assisted by a judicious use of light and shade. Again; — let the sketcher suppose himself on a hill descending directly from him, and that a yard or two in advance of him a line is drawn across the road parallel to his position, and another line a few yards further down parallel to the first; it would be found, on holding a pencil upright at a little distance from the eye, so as to appear to cut both lines, and on looking at them with one eye closed, that the lower line of the descent would cross the pencil transversely at a higher point than would the upper and nearer line. In this example (Fig. 10), the spectator is supposed to be on such a hill, having the vanishing line L L of the descending plane, and the horizontal vanishing line H H, in their proper positions. Then all lines on the descend- ing plane, or parallel with it, — as the timber^ the marks of OF THE DOWN-HILL VIEW. 27 the waggon-wheels^ &c._, — tend towards the vanishing line L L, while the horizontal lines of the house and wall tend in the direction of the horizontal line^ and^ if pro- duced to that limits would converge and there be lost. In this example^ the lower extremity of the descent is FIG 10. evidently^ — as^ according to the principle laid down, it ought to be, — higher on the plane of the paper than the upper one. 28 ON THE REPRESENTATION OF ON THE REPRESENTATION OF HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT LINES —WHETHER PARALLEL, PERPENDICULAR, OR OBLIQUE, TO THE PLANE OF THE PICTURE. A horizontal right line has, with respect to the plane of the picture, one of three positions. It is either parallel to it, or oblique to it, or perpendicular to it. The follow- ing supposition will explain what is meant by these three relations of a horizontal line. Let the student suppose himself sitting with his back against one of the walls of a rectangular room. The wall opposite to him is parallel to that behind him, and conse- quently to the plane of his picture in that position. The two remaining walls being at right angles with that opposite to him, are evidently perpendicular to the plane of the drawing, and all horizontal right lines on those two walls are also perpendicular to that plane, and will appear to tend towards a point immediately opposite to his eye. FIG. 11. HORIZONTAL LINES. 29 H H (Fig. 11) is the horizontal line or level of his sight^ C the point opposite his eye^ and that point towards which all horizontal right lines on the walls A and B appear to slant ; though in reality they are perpendicular to the wall at C The lines 1 and 2, where the ceiling and the side- walls meet, and 3 and 4, the lower limit of the walls, as well as the horizontal lines of the door and its panels, are, in that position of the spectator, all perpendicular to the plane of the opposite wall, and therefore to the plane of the drawing. The representation, upon the ])lane of the paper, of a horizontal straight line, ought to be carefully and dis- tinctly apprehended. The effects of the projection or drawing of these different positions of the horizontal straight line may be understood from the following- diagrams and explanations. Let a straight line be placed horizontally before the sight, and in a direction perpen- dicular to the vertical plane ; but let it be a little above or a little below the level of the eye ; it will appear as if perpendicular to the ground. (See Fig. 12.) Thus C is the point opposite the eye ; 1 and 2 represent a straight line held immediately above or below the level of the sight at C. The line will now seem to the eye, to be perpendicular to the ground; the alteration being, in fact, the apparent diminution of the line as to its length. Now, if it be placed above the level, as before. 30 ON THE REPRESENTATION OF and be removed to the right or left^ it will appear as in Fig. 13. FIG. 12. 1 _ c 2 FIG. 13. c And if below the level of the sights it will appear to take such a direction as this : FIG. 11. But if on the right or left of the eye and on a perfect HORIZONTAL LINES. 31 level, and either oblique or perpendicular to the plane of the picture, it will fall into the horizontal line, thus : FIG. 15. And, lastly, if it be placed immediately opposite to the eye, the projection will be a point ; the end, as it were, alone being visible. These conditions may be illustrated by placing on a table a portfolio, into the upper leaf of which is fixed a long pencil-stick, perpendicular to the plane of the leaf. Let the lower edge of the folio be even with the edges of the table, as the line a bm the diagram. FIG. 16. II f Let the spectator seat himself a little to the left of the folio, the point C, on the horizontal line H H, representing the point immediately opposite the eye ; 32 ON THE REPRESENTATION OF then the sides a d and b e of the folio will appear to tend towards the point C, the centre of view ; the pencil- stick / appearing^ as it really is, perpendicular to the table. Now let the upper leaf of the folio be raised until its plane be perpendicular to the plane of the table. The relations of the lines a d and b e with the horizontal line are now changed, and the stick still remaining perpen- dicular to the leaf of the folio, becomes by the change of position perpendicular to the plane of the picture ; and, like all lines similarly disposed, it tends towards the centre of view C, while the sides a d^ and b e^ are now perpendicular to the table, and appear to be much longer than when seen in their original position. This diagram (Fig. 17) exemplifies the horizontal right line as seen parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the picture; two of the three relations ascribed to it. The lines so parallel are a b and d e ; the lines so perpendicular are a d, b e, and the stick /. FIG. 17. c HORIZONTAL LINES. 33 The apparent increase of dimension of a d, when raised from its horizontal position^ having been shown, the manner of determining the length of this side of the folio, when lying flat, is as follows : FIG. 18. I J a Having drawn (Fig. 1 8) the horizontal line through the centre of view C, and the edge of the folio parallel to it, and having marked the centre of view as at C, set off C E on the horizontal line, at a distance from C equal to the supposed distance of the eye from the point C It has been laid down as a rule that the distance of the eye from the centre C should be equal to the width of the picture, but in drawing a single object, a shorter distance will suffice to show the principle of construction. From the point b on the line a b, make b g equal to one of the shorter sides of the folio; join b C, a C, and draw a straight line from gto E cutting b C in ^, and draw e d parallel to b g cutting a C in d ; then a d e b will be the representation of the leaf lying on the table, and a d will be the apparent length of that side of the folio. 3 34 OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE If the point E were transposed to the other side the centre C, then b y, instead of being marked towards the right hand from b, must be set off from a, towards the left hand^ and the result will be the same. OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE PLANE OF THE PICTURE. The third relation remains to be explained ; namely^ that of horizontal straight lines oblique to the plane of the picture. If the folio^ with one leaf remaining flat and the other vertical, be moved ever so slightly, but obliquely, from the position in which we have considered it, the lines a d, b e, and the stick / will no longer tend towards the centre of view C, but will become oblique to the plane of the picture, and have other vanishing points in the same horizontal line, but approaching to, or receding from C, according to the degree of inclination of 6 e and c d io the plane of the picture. The position of these vanishing points will depend upon the degree at wbich the horizontal straight lines are inclined to the picture. For if the lines be perpendicular to the plane of the picture, we have seen that C, the centre of view, is the vanishing point for all such lines. If the lines be parallel to H H, the vanishing point will be at an infinite distance from C. Hence it is evident that the vanishing point will retire from (7, as the angle of the PLANE OF THE PICTURE. 35 given line with the horizontal line becomes small^ or as its angle at E with E C becomes greater. On these principles the law of the variation of this vanishing point may be determined. First, let the angle made by the given inclined line be half a right angle. This case is exemplified in Fig. 2, in which the lines of the gable, ridge, chimney, window, &c. stand at an angle, equal to half a right angle, or 45°, with the horizontal line. In this case, the vanishing points, on both sides, are V and V, the extremities of the semicircle V E V, Secondly ; let the inclination of the lines to the horizontal line, and to each other, be represented by the angles of a rectangular and horizontal block of stone, similar to that represented by No. 2, Fig. 3, where the vanishing points are considerably beyond the limits of the picture, or paper, an inconvenience of constant occurrence when a pi^oper distance is used for the representation of the object, but which the following expedient is calculated to obviate. The base line, the horizontal line, the centre of view, and the vertical line being drawn as before, also, the near vertical edge {a b) of the block, proceed thus : Make C J5, on the vertical line, equal to, say, ^, the proper distance of the eye from C, (which distance may be more, but never less than the extreme dimensions of the picture, whether it be higher than wide, or wider than 3 * 36 OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE high^) and construct the right angle L E M m such manner that both the points L and M may fall within the limits of the paper^ as seen in the figure. Then the point E will be the representative of the true place of the FIG. 19. t \ \\ .1 1 .2 h i 2 .3 — ~ z. a \: 3 4< S - eye^ and the points L and M. the representatives of the true vanishing points^ which would be^ respectively^ on the horizontal line produced^ equal to three times C M on that side of C, and three times C X on the other ; whilst the true place of the eye^ on the vertical line produced upwards, would be equal to three times C JE. Produce E C to the base line : also bisect the right PLANE OF THE PICTURE. 37 angle L E M to x ; x will be the vanishing point of the diagonal of the square blocks draw b x. Through L and M draw lines (any length) parallel to E C. Take any small opening of the compass^ and mark the space off repeatedly from C to the base line^ or even below it if necessary ; and^ if any portion of the object to be drawn reaches above the horizon, do the same also from C to E, (or higher^ if required). In this example the whole of the object is beloio the horizon. Number those divisions, from C downwards, as in the figure, and, if required upwards from C, in a similar manner. Take in the compass as many of these divisions as make one less than the number of times C jE is contained in the true distance of the eye ; in this example it is contained three times ; therefore take two divisions from the vertical line and mark them off downwards (and, if necessary, upwards) from L and M, Subdivide each of those divisions into as many equal parts as C E is contained in the true distance, in this case 3 : and number them as in the figure. Now if from any point {a) a line be drawn in the direction of the two corresponding points on the divided lines it will tend towards the true, but inaccessible vanish- ing point as required. Thus a line drawn from the upper corner of the vertical edge (6) through the points 2 and 2, on the left hand, will tend towards the true vanishing point of that line ; and which is also the vanishing point for all horizontal 38 OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE lines on the left side of the object. A line from the lower corner {a) drawn at a properly proportioned distance between 4 and 5 on the lines through C and M, will tend towards the true vanishing point on that side ; and which is also the proper vanishing point for the remaining horizontal lines on the right side of the figure. In order to determine the proper apparent extent of the sides^ let the line S represent their real length : and mark off from L along the horizontal line the distance L D equal to L E, On C and D raise any two convenient right lines parallel to each other, as in the figure, and make D e equal to S, Join e L, cutting the line on C at f : C f will be proper measure for the sides of the block. On the base line make, a f, and, a g, each equal to cf. - From / and g draw lines towards C, meeting the lines previously drawn from a, at h and i. At these points, h and i, raise perpendiculars to meet the lines drawn from b k and / from /, and through a point about midway between 1 and 2 on the left hand draw I rn, meeting the diagonal b x in m, and join m k. This completes the figure, the whole of the necessary points being within the boundaries of the paper ; and thus is obviated the diffi- culty arising from the vanishing points being inaccessible on the plane of the paper. A little practice will enable the sketcher in determining his lines, to dispense with points and the ruler altogether^ PLANE OF THE PICTURE. except where occasionally the use of a pencil may be desirable to draw a straight line with sufficient accuracy. If the angles formed by the original lines (as the right angles formed in this case by the sides of the block) be greater or less than a right angle^ a case of frequent occurrence, all that is required will be to draw L E and E M inclined to the vertical line 1? C at angles equal to the given angles. FIG. 20. 40 OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE In the example in Fig. 20^ the horizontal lines forming the wood work in front of the buildings and those of the roof are oblique to the plane of the picture^ and have a tendency to points considerably beyond the limits of the paper ; but the difficulty is met by the rule already laid down, in reference to Fig. 19^ and is here exemplified in application to a pictorial object. The oblique lines of the gable are represented accord- ing to their angle of obliquity^ and their position in rela- tion to the plane of the picture ; but for general sketching purposes it will be sufficient to draw diagonals as illustrated in Fig. 21. FIG. 21. In this diagram (Fig. 21), or in any similar sketch to PLANE OF THE PICTURE. 41 which the rules of its construction apply^ the lines of the unseen parts of the structure, which are here dotted, may be lightly put in with a pencil, so that when the visible lines and surfaces are firmly represented, the light lines may be effaced. The vertical and horizontal lines, a e, a b, b &c., being determined by the preceding rules, and diagonals a g, e by &c., being drawn, perpencticulars are raised on their intersections at x ; that in front being determined by the assumed height of the gable, as <2; / (or the height of the apex of the pediment, if there be one). Draw the oblique lines e f, and f g. If the roof projects, as it does in Fig. 20, produce outwards the horizontal lines of the walls and the ridge of the roof to the apparent extent, as at e 1 ; and draw a line from 1 towards the proper vanishing point, which will give the point 2. Now produce the lower lines a 3, and b 4, making a 3 equal to e \ ; then a line from 3 towards the same vanishing point will give the point 4 and the junction of 1 4, and 2 3 will give diagonals intersecting at 0, whence a perpendicular is raised, meeting the line//* produced, at 5 ; and 1 5 and 2 5 are the oblique lines of the projecting roof. Thus in the construction of this figure every necessary point is found within the limits of the paper, although the same relations could at once be established by means of the vanishing points, if requisite. The structure represented in Fig. 22 may be drawn according to instructions given in reference to Fig. 19. 42 OF LINES OBLIQUE TO THE Thus, as before, let C E be equal to one-tliird of the true distance of the eye, and the distances of L and M respectively equal to one third of the distance of the true vanishing points from the centre of view C. FIG. 22. y J, ..J f 3 T 3 /v 1 » IP • J 31 \ n N\ C': ii ! ^ rJ— — ' JL Through the corresponding numbers 3 and 3, or 2 and 2, in the lines drawn through M, E, and L respectively, draw lines which will tend to the true vanishing point of the horizontal lines of the wall, in which three openings or windows, with their piers, are to be represented according to their proper scale of relation. This is usually effected by drawing a line from a, or b, PLANE OF THE PICTURE. 43 parallel to the horizontal linc^ on which the geometrical measures of the piers and windows are marked off from a or h, whichever may be adopted. But in this case a confusion of lines would ensue from the adoption of such a course ; an inconvenience which may be obviated by drawing from h a line b x oi any length and parallel to that running through 2 and 2 below M L, and by then marking the windows and piers upon it in their propor- tionate geometrical widths from b to x. Then a line drawn from X through the corner of the wall at d, to meet that through 2^ 2, below L M, at y, gives a point towards which lines from all the divisions on b x may be drawn, dividing the upper line of the wall, as seen in the figure ; from which divisions, perpendiculars may be dropped, showing the proportionate diminutions of the widths of the proposed windows. Again ; let a n on a b he the height of the lower lines of the windows from the ground, and let n o he the height of the springing of the arch from the bottom of the windows, and p the height from the chord to the apex of the arch, and from these points nop, draw lines towards the vanishing point of the line b d ; this, by crossing the perpendiculars, will decide the heights of the windows. The point for the apex of each arch may be found by means of diagonals. 44 CIRCULAR OBJECTS. CIRCULAR OBJECTS. Among the circular objects which may^ in the course of experience^ present themselves to the sketcher, perhaps few would cause him more embarrassment in their deli- neation than a mill-wheel ; which, when viewed obliquely (and it is seldom represented otherwise), presents an elliptical or oval form. The drawing, however of this object will be readily effected by the following application of the foregoing rules. FIG. 23. CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 45 Let a b he the vertical diameter of the wheel j — then according to the preceding rules, draw the right lines c a d,f e, and, i b g. Draw d e g parallel to a b, and at a distance from it equal to the apparent width of half the diameter (which in this position will appear some- what less than the real semi-diameter) ; draw cfi parallel to a b but still less distant from the centre o than d g is, because o ^ is more remote. Produce o b to x, making b x equal to o b. Draw o i, g ; then lines drawn, from x to e and/, will cut o g and i in two points, through which the curve must be described, and touching the straight lines at the points e b, and /. The wheel being an overshot wheel, the lower portion is not visible. Should, however, the entire wheel be seen, the lower points for the curve will be on the diagonals immediately beneath the others, as shown in the figure. The student may have recourse to similar means for drawing the circular arches of a stone bridge. It seldom, however, happens that a bridge of this kind is a desirable object in a landscape, unless perhaps in the distance, or in the middle distance, of the picture. Arches, how- ever, are frequently found in association with the most romantic features of nature ; such, for instance, as that near Aberyswith, called the DeviPs Bridge, and many others. CIRCULAR OBJECTS. Some of the stone bridges in the lake districts of Cumberland and Westmoreland are extremely picturesque. They are of very rude construction^ being in many cases formed only of loose stones for the passage of sheep and herds of cattle over small streams; it is^ however^ from their very ruggedness that they derive their interest^ surrounded as they frequently are by scenery of much grandeur. The sketch below affords a specimen of this kind of simple and picturesque bridge ; it is thrown over a small stream flowing into West Water, one of the most picturesque of the Cumberland lakes. FIG. 24. ~ " ~ " " ^ ] CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 47 The subject of the frontispiece is " Stockley Beck/^ in Cumberland^ which, in combination with a portion of the mountainous district amid which it is situated, forms a passage of landscape scenery that in pictorial interest can scarcely be surpassed. It is only in Wales, in Scotland, and in the lake districts of England, that such combinations are met with. This, and other similar sketches are introduced here, only to afford to the student examples of this class of scenery, and to illustrate the selection and treatment of a sketch. The rude bridge, forming the subject of Fig. 25, T'IG. 25. 48 ON THE CHOICE OF SUBJECT. crosses one of the streams that flow from Snowden. It is near Beddgelert, and so picturesque is it from every point of view that no sketcher goes into the neighbour- hood in which it is situated^ without making a drawing from it. ON THE CHOICE OF SUBJECT. As the strict end of our instructions here is to assist the sketcher in gaining a facility in simply delineating real objects and combinations of objects^ it is desirable that it should be understood, that this is only the first step towards learning to draw from nature. An easy, rapid, and decided manner of sketching is to be acquired only by practice. It is an acquisition essential to excellence in all the other artistic qualities to which it serves as a basis ; therefore, it would be here altogether out of place to propose a discussion on colour, manipulation, and all those questions of feeling and execution, which, brought forward at so early a period of progress, would only serve to divert the student from the attainment of the power of dealing with these effectively hereafter. These subjects * are entered upon in their proper places, in the series to which this little book belongs. It is, however, necessary that the sketcher be assisted in the choice of subject matter. The exercise of a little judgment in this respect, will render his progress agree- ON THE CHOICE OF SUBJECT. 49 able to himself, and his works presentable to others. To beginners, the great precept of one of the most accom- plished of our living landscape painters is^ to study little bits,'^ a precept which will apply equally to sketch- ing as to painting. Among the subjects forming the wood-cuts^ which illustrate these instructions, there are many which might serve as initiatory essays ; and others of various degrees of progress, even to compositions which might be worked up into drawings and paintings of considerable beauty. All artists have some peculiarity in their method of sketching, and rapid and broad sketches are frequently intelligible only to those who make them. One of the best qualities, however, of a sketch is, that it should not only refresh the memory of the artist^ but should be suggestive and intelligible to every one. With a little education, the eye will discover material for study everywhere. London and its environs abound wdth subjects of picturesque beauty. Hampstead, High- gate ; the banks and wharves of the Thames down even to the Nore ; every suburban locality ; all the green lanes, and the commons with which they communicate, abound with materials which may be wrought into pictures of the highest degree of interest. These are the localities which have contributed to form many of the best of our land- scape painters : and so it is elsewhere ; there is no spot in the country so entirely divested of picturesque character^ 4 50 ON THE CHOICE OF SUBJECT. as not to supply, to the cultivated taste, subject matter for an interesting picture. In confirmation of this, it is only necessary to look round our exhibitions, to see numerous works of great beauty and interest, produced from materials in themselves apparently extremely slight. Having made himself master of the principles here laid down, the sketcher might select for commencement, some single object, such as the quaint old gable in Fig. 20. A subject like this is sufficiently good to be drawn from various points of view, and it should be studied in such a manner, that at any subsequent period, a coloured drawing might be made from it. Fig. 1, exemplifies a composition of lake and mountain scenery, in which the expression of the pencil is sufficient to show the relation of the objects. Through the middle distance to the foreground, the touch is gradually strengthened, and the most decided and darkest lines appear in the nearest parts of the view. The water is left nearly white. This sketch is as slight as it well can be, to be worked out into a subsequent finished picture. Fig. 4 forms an extremely simple subject, a winding river with a boat, a few trees, and a distant spire ; there is more than mere outline, but still no more than may be gracefully effected by the pencil ; • and in Fig 5, wherein the church tower is the prominent object, the place of the sun would cause the amount of shade which gives force to the sketch. The frontispiece is a COMPOSITION OF LINES AND FORMS. 51 very carefully studied sketch, which might be coloured, with little modification according to its present distri- bution of light and shade. In accordance with the principle, which recommends simple subjects to beginners, the student will do well to sketch some easy group, or single object. It frequently occurs, that with objects of picturesque character there are associated others which do not harmonize with them. In such case, a point of view should be sought that would exclude these objectionable forms. Middle and remoter distances afford facilities for the modification of such objectionable forms ; but a certain amount of practice will be necessary to qualify the student to deal successfully with these niceties. COMPOSITION OF LINES AND FORMS. Every production of art, of whatever kind it may be, is reducible to its elementary construction of lines and forms ; and upon the skilful dispositions of these depends the excellence of the composition of the picture. The essential spirit of composition is variety but, in order that the whole may be with ease and with pleasure to the spectator comprehended in one view, it is necessary that all the minor parts be so harmonized as to form one well- balanced whole, consisting of a few prominent masses or groupings, which according to the principal law of compo- sition must be diversified in magnitude and in form. One 4* 52 COMPOSITION OF LINES AND FORMS. of these masses should be treated as the principal, and the others dependent upon it and contributive to it : but it is necessary that they be distinct in appearance and place^ although all coincident in respect of the proposed senti- ment. Whatever form may be determined on^ it is necessary to guard against a fixed regularity — an equality and repetition of parallel^ rectilinear, and circular forms ; — indeed whatever be the general outline of these masses^ it must neither be too regular^ nor, on the other hand, too much broken ; the continuity must rather be slightly indicated than absolutely and sensibly determined. And in order that nothing may be wanting, the various components should preserve an evident relation among each other ; they should be associated in such a manner" that none may appear entirely detached, the larger masses being broken and relieved by the minor and subordinate parts ; showing a whole so well balanced, that no one part can be abstracted without the deficiency being at once felt. If we turn to the frontispiece, and consider the dispo- sitions observed in that composition, we shall see that the positions of the principal objects are not the result of mere chance, but that they are brought into this com- bination from a particular point of view, which is determined as most favourable in this case to picturesque composition. The principal features in the view are the bridge, the stream, and the mountain. By the emphasis LIGHT AND SHADE. 53 with which the bridge is treated^ it is brought forward to the eye as a principal object ; but it does not^ never- theless^ occupy the centre of the composition^ nor does the stream flow in a direct course down the centre of the drawings nor the mountain rise to a cone equidistant from both sides. These dispositions are effected with a view to avoid that balanced formality against which we have cautioned the learner. Again^ with respect to the arch^ it contrasts with the irregular shapes of the rocks and stones lying near it ; and no two of these are of like form. The lines^ descriptive of the descent of the moun- tain, necessarily tend in one direction ; but a formal parallelism is avoided, and the lines are modified by light and shade. In artificial objects parallels necessarily occur, as in buildings of all kinds ; but such lines and parts are rather indicated than harshly forced upon the eye ; and, by the aid of light and shadow, they are reduced to purer breadth and harmony. LIGHT AND SHADE. In an outline sketch, it is found that outline alone is inadequate to the representation of an object in relief; it cannot give substance, nor define relative distances so as to maintain the objects in their proper places. We have urged the necessity of judicious selection of subject matter, and we have now to observe, that, how well soever the subject may admit of composition, it is yet necessary that 54 LIGHT AND SHADE. it be effective in its light and shadow; for it greatly depends upon the happy or unskilful distribution of these lights and darks^ whether a composition will appear confused and broken^ or agreeably united into one harmonious whole. There are times when the most commonplace material may strike us as beautiful ; while conversely, the most charming scenery may become void of interest. The matter-of-fact representations of the breadth of a meridian light, and the same passages of landscape viewed under the shades of evening, affect the feelings very differently. In the latter, there is a charm which operates even upon minds least susceptible of impres- sion from the beauties of nature : and if it be necessary to cultivate a discrimination even with respect to degrees of the beautiful, how much more necessary is it to aim at acquiring the power of conferring importance upon, and investing with deep interest, any slight subject matter w^hich we may have to treat. This is, after all, the test of the master — the power of giving, by means of judicious light and shade, importance to matter comparatively insignificant. The general principle acted upon by all artists, is to dispose the lights and shades of their work in the manner best suited to the treatment they propose for their work. If we turn to Fig. ' 5, we find a dark mass reared against alight sky, and immediately supported by shaded objects of different degrees of depth, and repe- titions of dark in the foreground ; with very little change. LIGHT AND SHADE, 55 this arrangement of light and shade might be adapted to a great variety of combinations. The simplest form of effect is the opposition of two masses. If the subject by dark — as a building or a group of trees — it will be relieved by a light sky : if it be light, the sky will be darker. This simple opposition we men- tion in order to observe, that, in every pictorial compo- sition, it prevails in the great masses and throughout the details ; but the principle* is concealed in proportion as the w^ork is successful. Every dark must be relieved by a light ; and every light must tell against a dark ; this is the law of natural chiaroscuro, and in art it is the principle of relief ; but the contrasts must not seem either harsh or artificial. The forms of light and shade are subject to the same laws as those of objects : hence, if a subject be treated with a breadth of light, the principal mass must not regularly divide the composition either vertically or hori- zontally. If shade prevail in the picture, the same rule applies ; but light or shade may be introduced at either side of the picture, occupying there the entire plane, and diminishing to a point at the opposite extremity of the horizon. In a light picture a simple and agreeable effect is produced by placing the principal dark or most substantial * Ars est artem celare. 56 LIGHT AND SHADE. point on the right or the left in the foreground^ and by approaching from this point towards the base of the picture and the horizon with graduated tones broken and varied according to the kind of objects introduced. The examples of light and shade here recommended are extremely simple ; and a knowledge of them will prepare the student for an acquaintance with dispositions of greater complexity. END. LONDON : Priuted by Schulze and Co., 13, Poiand Street. C. E. CLIFFORD, ffiflnufarttirmg MmW Cnlnitrmnti, 30, PICCADILLY, OPPOSITE SAINT JAMES'S CHITRCH. CATALOGUE AND PEICE LIST. PRINTED BY HENRY M. ARLISS, 442, NEW OXFORD STREET. 1852. HENRY M. ARLISS, PRINTER, 442, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. C. E. CLIFFORD'S SUBSCRIPTION GALLERY OF WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, 30, PICCADILLY, OPPOSITE ST. James's church, London. C. E. CLIFFORD solicits the attention of Amateurs to his Subscription Gallery of Water-Colour Drawings, which com- prise a very extensive collection in Landscapes, Figures, Marine and Coast Scenery, by the most eminent Masters of the two Societies of Painters in Water Colours, including — J. Absalon C. Bentley W. Bennett H. Bright Coke Smyth J. Callow W. Callow R. Carrick Geo. Cattermole G. Chambers w. collingwood e. corbould David Cox D. Cox, JUN. G. Davidson J. H. D'Egville De Wint T. C. DiBDIN E. Duncan W. Evans Copley Fielding Alfred Fripp Geo. Fripp H. Gastineau J. D. Harding L. Haghe W. Hunt S. P. Jackson J. Jenkins H. Jutsum W. H. Kearney William Lee W. L. Leitch J. F. Lewis D. H. Mc Kewan J. H. Mole J. Nash Oct. Oakley Mrs. Oliver Wm. Oliver C. Pearson Aaron Penley P. F. Poole, A. R. A. Lake Price J. B. Pyne T. M. Richardson D. Roberts, R.A. T, S. Robins T. L. ROWBOTHOM W. C. Smith C. Stanfibld, R.A. F. Stone, A. R. A. F. Taylor F. W. TOPHAM, &c., &c. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION— OVER. €tmB nf iHliBrriptinn. 2 Guineas, 3 Guineas, and 4 Guineas per Quarter, According to the amount of Drawings required at one time. The Drawings to be exchanged as often as required. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Separate Drawings under the value of £l 1 ... 2s. Od. „ 2 2 ... 3 „ 3 3 ... 4 „ „ 4 4 ... 4 6 „ „ 5 5 ... 5 And Five per Cent, on any Work exceeding the above amount. The Charge for Hire being according to the vahie of the Drawing, for a period not exceeding Seven or Fourteen Days. The value in all cases to be deposited. Drawings detained longer than Fourteen Days will be charged as though again hired. drawings damaged must be paid for. C. E. CLIFFORD, MANUFACTURING ARTISTS' COLOURMAK 30, PICCADILLY. MOIST WATER COLOURS. The art of painting in Water Colours has now become so essentially a part of polite education in England, and its study so extended, that C. E. CLIFFOED deems no apology necessary when submitting to the notice of Artists and Amateurs generally the advantages pro- cured by the use of MOIST WATER COLOURS, and the reasons which first caused them to be employed, and now to be so generally adopted by the great body of British Artists — the largest and most eminent school of Water- Colour Painters in the world. The introduction of Moist Water Colours into this country took place about eighteen years ago, since which time they have been, with unremitting attention, infinitely improved, and are now brought to the highest perfection. This assertion is evidenced by their being found in the studio of almost every artist, and the out- door companions of all sketchers from nature. The art, it may be afiirmed, has received additional impulse, and has been materially assisted and benefitted by their introduction, as, through them, increased brilliancy, vigour, and power have been obtained, which qualities form the great characteris- tics and charm of the English School. In sketching from nature, and when depicting transient and evanes- cent effects, the advantages of the Moist Colours must be evident, as a2 vi from their readiness of application, colour is at once produced, which, by the old and tedious method of rubbing the dry cake was impossible ; and not unfrequently the effect, and with it the thought, of the artist, had vanished before the material could be obtained. It is this quality, indeed, which at once brought Moist Colours into note, and which was, and is, the great cause of their popularity with the artist, who, with the evidence of his works before him, produced by their means some twelve or fourteen years ago, perhaps, still uses them as his only materiel. C. E. Ci.iFroRD's Moist Water Colours retain their solubility and dampness for an unlimited period, and a box of them, though laid aside for two or three years, will be found, when required again, equally moist and serviceable as when purchased ; these qualities are preserved to the fullest extent in the hottest climates, and they are on this account particularly adapted and recommended to parties going out to INDIA, as the dry cake colours, from the atmosphere and heat there, generally break up and crumble into small pieces, when they are, of course, useless : this never occurs with the Moist Colours, The colours are placed in thin porcelain pans, in form and size similar to the usual dry cakes, and they are afterwards enclosed in tin foil for security. When required for use the foil is removed from the pans : they then present a surface of colour which is at once attainable in large or small quantities, by the application of a wet brush. It is strongly recommended to keep the colours in the japanned tin sketching boxes, which are exceedingly light and por- table, and of the nuDst convenient form for use ; the double flaps of the boxes serving as palettes, on which (being japanned ivith flat or dead white) the tints are readily mixed. 30, Piccadilly, London, June, 1852. %kx tfl Catalogue OF DRAWING AND WATER COLOUR MATERIALS. PAGES 8 TO 32. PAGE Artists' Pencils, Cumberland Lead 19 ,, „ Patent Lead 19 Asphaltum for Water Colours 18 Boxes for Moist Colours fitted 10 „ „ in Tubes 9 Boxes for Moist or Dry Cake Co- lours , 13 Bristol Boards 24 Bronzes 32 Brushes, Brown Sable Hair 26 „ Water Colour 26 ,, Finest Brown Sables 26 „ Brown Dyed Sables 27 ,, Water Colour, for Skies... 27 „ Red Sable, in quill 27 ,, Camel Hair, in tin 27 ,, Frencli Siberian 27 Burnishers 30 Chinese White 18 Colossal Drawing Cartridge 20 Coloured Drawing and Crayon Papers 21 Conte Crayons, Chalks, Charcoal, Chalk Pencils, Lithographic Chalk, &c., for Drawing 25 Creta Levis, or Permanent Draw- ing Chalk Pencils 25 Drawing Boards, Mahog. Framed 30 „ „ Deal Framed 30 Drawing Papers, Whatman's Tur- key Mill 20 „ „ of extra weights and thickness 20 Drawing Pins, Brass 25 Easels, Deal and Mahogany 31 ,, Mahogany Rack 31 ,, Mahogany Table 31 Ear-thenware Sundries 28 Folding Morocco Pouch Cases 29 Indelible Brown Ink 18 Indian Glue 32 Indian Ink 32 „ „ Liquid 32 India Rubber 32 Ivories 25 PAGE Liquid Carmine 32 Liquid Colours and Mediums 18 London Boards 24 Mathematical Instruments ii5 Millboards, covered with Paper ... 29 Moist Water Colours 8 ,, „ „ in Tubes 9 Mounting Boards Tinted 24 „ „ White 24 Ox Gall, Liquid Colourless 18 „ in Pots 32 Palette Knives, Ivory 32 Palettes, China 28 Parallel Rules, Ebony 29 Pencils, Camel Hair 27 Pencil Cases 29 Portcrayons 29 Portfolios 21 Prepared Gum Water 18 Prout's Liquid Brown 18 Saucers, Nests of Cabinet 28 Scrapers and Erasers 32 Shells, Gold and Silver 32 Sketching Boards, Mahogany 30 „ Stools 31 „ Seat & Easel combined 31 Sketch Books 23 Sketching Folios 25 Sketching Umbrellas 81 Slabs, Indian Ink and Colour 28 Solid Sketch Books 22 „ „ Blocks 23 Stumps, various 32 Tiles, Slant Division 28 ,, Flat Division 28 Tracing Papers 21 T Squares 29 Water Colour Medium 9 ,, Megilp 18 Water Colours, whole & half cakes 14 ,, ,, in Boxes 16 Water Colour Boxes, Plated 13 Water Bottles and Cups 13 Catttlngite utiii ^rire tmi AGEKT FOR WINSOR I NEWTON'S AND NEWMAN'S WATER COLOURS. MOIST WATER COLOURS. " The Art of Painting in Water Colours has been greatly assisted by improvements in the preparations of the pigments : the greatest advan- tage, however, has been the introduction of moist colours, which, I be- lieve, are a French invention, but greatly improved." — Extract from Mr. Harding's Principles and Practices of Art. LIST OF COLOURS AND PRICES. PRICE Is. EACH. Antwerp Blue Bistre Burnt Sienna Burnt Roman Ochre Brown Pink Blue Black Burnt Umber Brown Ochre Chrome Yellows, 1, 2, & 3 Cologne Earth Dragon's Blood Emerald Green Gamboge Hooker's Green, No. 1 Hooker's Green, No. 2 Indigo Indian Red Italian Pink Ivory Black Lamp Black Light Red Neutral Tint Naples Yellow Olive Green Prussian Blue Prussian Green Payne's Grey Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Sap Green Terre Verte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermilion Yellow Ochre Yellow Lake [Continued, C. E. CLIFFORD, PICCADILLY. 9 MOIST WATER COLOURS, Continued. WHOLE CAKES, Is. 6d. EACH. Sepia Warm Sepia Roman Sepia Brown Madder Constant White Chinese White Indian Yellow Mars Brown Mars Yellow Crimson Lake Scarlet Lake Purple Lake Scarlet Vermilion WHOLE CAKES, 2S. EACH. Cobalt Blue. WHOLE CAKES, 3S. EACH. Green Oxide of Chromium Lemon Yellow French Blue Pink Madder Rose Madder Intense Blue WHOLE CAKES, 5s. EACH. Mars Orange Pure Scarlet Burnt Carmine Smalt Purple Madder Ultramarine Ash Carmine Gallstone Cadmium Yellow Orange Vermilion, WHOLE CAKES, 21s. EACH. Genuine Ultramarine. MOIST WATER COLOURS IN PATENT COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. A iiev/ preparation of Moist Water Colours, particularly adapted for large works, as any quantity of colour can be immediately obtained, thus affording additional facilities for rapidity and increased power ; they present a range of pigments, which, in bril- liancy and similarity of manipulation, much resemble Oil Colours. Price per Tube, for each Colour, the same as the Ordinary Moist Colours in Fans. 10 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, JAPANNED TIN SKETCHING BOXES. FILLED WITH MOIST COLOURS. The following arrangements of Colours are selected from those most in use by the first Water Colour Artists. 3 Cake BOX^ No. 1. — Light and shade Drawings on Tinted Paper. containing Sepia, French Blue, and Chinese White. Price 9s. 6 Cake Box, No. 1. — Assorted for Landscape. containing Gamboge, Raw Sienna, Venetian Red, Crimson Lake, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown. Price iQs. DittOy No. 2, — Landscape and Figures. containing Vandyke Brown, Indigo, Cobalt, Crimson Lake, Light Red, Indian Yellow. Price lis. 6d. 8 Cake Box, No. 1.— Landscape, containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Crimson Lake, Cobalt, Indigo, Vandyke Brown. Price l3s. 6d. No. 3. — Landscape and Figures. containing Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Set. Ver- milion, Rose Madder, Cobalt, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Prussian Blue. Price 16s. 10 Cake Box, No. 1.— Landscape. containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Venetian Red, Crimson Lake, Vandyke Brown, Olive Green, Neutral Tint, Cobalt, Indigo. Price 16s. Ditto, OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 11 10 Cake Box, No. 2. — Landscape and Figures. containing Yellow Ochre, Indian Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermilion, Rose Madder, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown, Olive Green. Price 18s. 12 Cake Box, Wo. 1— Landscape. containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Vermilion, Indian Red, Neutral Tint, Crimson Lake, Cobalt, Indigo, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink. Price 18s. 6d. Ditto, Wo 2. — Landscape, Figures, &c. containing Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Indigo, French Blue. Price £1 2s. 6d. 14 Cake Box, No. 1.— Landscape. containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Indian Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Indian Red, Crimson Lake, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Emerald Green, Neutral Tint, Indigo, Cobalt. Price £1 2s. Ditto, No. 2. — (Landscape, Figures, &c.) containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Indian Yellow, Light Red, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Emerald Green, Olive Green, Neutral Tint, French Blue, Purple Lake, Rose Madder, Indigo, Scarlet Vermilion. Price £1 5s. 6d. 12 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, 16 Cake Box, No, 1, — Landscape, Figures, &c. containing Lemon Yellow, Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermilion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Payne's Grey, Indigo, Cobalt. Price £1 8s. 6d. DittO^ No. 3. — Flowers, Landscape, &c. containing Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Gallstone, Chrome No. 1, Vermilion, Indian Red, Pure Scarlet, Rose Madder, Carmine, Burnt Carmine, Vandyke Brown, Ivory Black, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, French Blue. Price £2 2s. 6d. 18 Cake Box. — Landscape, Figures, &c. containing Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermilion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Brown Madder, Olive Green, Vandyke Brown, Emerald Green, Payne's Grey, Cobalt, R. Sienna, French Blue, Indigo. Price £1 l3s. 6d, 20 Cake Box. — complete for Landscape, Flowers, Figures, &c. containing Lemon Yellow, Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Chrome No. 3, Vermilion, Light Red, Indian Red, Rose Madder, Carmine, Purple Madder, Vandyke Brown, Sepia, Brown Pink, Sap Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, French Blue, Smalt, Cobalt. Price £2 7s, 6d. N.B. For any Colour of the foregoing lists, another may be substituted, and if the Colour selected is higher or lower in price, the difference added or deducted. OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 13 JAPANNED TIN MOIST COLOUR SKETCHING BOXES. [with palette flaps.] FOR MOIST OR DRY CAKE COLOURS. To hold 3 Cakes 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 each d. 6 6 6 6 6 Portable J apan Boxes, size 8| by 3 J, and 1 inch deep, with Palette Plaps 6s. 6ci . Improved do., with folding Japan Palette, which fits into the box, to hold 12, 15, & 20 Tubes . 9s., 9s. 6d., 10s. 6d., 12s. Japan Boxes for Moist Colours made to Order, to hold any number of Cakes, and on any plan to suit the Artist's convenience. PLATED WATER COLOUR BOXES. WATER BOTTLES AND CUPS. Japanned Water Bottle, with double Cups, for holding Water in Sketching from Nature, the Cups being attached to the Moist Colour Boxes ... 2s. 6d., 3s., and 3s. 6d. Copper Plated Water Bottle and Cups . . 4s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 7s. 6d. B 14 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, WATER COLOURS. PREPARED IN CAKES AND HALF CAKES. Whole Cakes, Is, each. Half Cakes, 6d. each. Antwerp Blue Bistre Burnt Sienna Brown Pink Blue Black Burnt Umber British Ink Brown Ochre Burnt Roman Ochre Chrome Yellow, 1, 2, & 3 Cologne Earth Dragon's Blood Emerald Green French Green Gamboge Green Bice Hooker's Green, No. 1 Hooker's Green, No. 2. Indigo Indian Red Italian Pink Ivory Black King's Yellow Lamp Black Light Red Neutral Tint Naples YelloAv New Blue Olive Green Orpiment Prussian Blue Prussian Green Payne's Grey Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Red Lead Red Ochre Red Chalk Sap Green Terra Yerte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermilion Verdigris Yellow Ochre Yellow Lake OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. WATER COLOURS. CONTINUED. Whole Cakes, Is. 6d, Sepia Warm Sepia Roman Sepia Brown Madder Constant White Chinese White Indian Yellow Mars Brown Half Cakes, 9d. Mars Yellow Crimson Lake Scarlet Lake Purple Lake Chalon's Brown Black Lead Scarlet Vermilion Whole Cakes, 2s. Half Cakes, Is. Cobalt Blue Whole Cakes, 3s. Green Oxide of Chromium Lemon Yellow French Blue Half Cakes, Is. 6d. Pink Madder Rose Madder Intense Blue Whole Cakes, 5s. Mars Orange Pure Scarlet Burnt Carmine Smalt Purple Madder Half Cakes, 2s. 6d. Ultramarine Ash Carmine Gallstone Cadmium Yellow Orange Vermilion Whole Cakes, 21s. Half Cakes, 10s. 6d. Genuine Ultramarine. 16 E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, C. E. CLIFFORD'S WATER COLOUR BOXES FITTED. WATER COLOUR BOXES, Of superior workmanship, manufactured of the finest Spanish Maho- gany, or other wood, brass bound, &c., variously fitted with every requisite for Miniature, Figure, or Landscape Painting, Engineering, &c., &c., from £5 5s. to £10. HALF CAKE BOXES. £ s. d. Mahogany slide top, six half cakes, brushes, &c. . . 4 Ditto, twelve ditto, ditto . . . 7 Ditto, eighteen ditto, ditto . . . 10 Twelve half cake box, with lock, brushes, and pencils . 10 6 Eighteen ditto, ditto 13 Twelve ditto, with lock, drawer and saucers, brushes, and pencil 12 Eighteen ditto, ditto ditto 15 Twelve ditto, fitted complete, with palette, division tile, brushes, pencils, saucers, &c., &c 14 Eighteen ditto, ditto ditto 18 Twelve do., caddy lid, fitted complete, with palette, brushes, division tile, pencils, saucers, &c., &c. . . . 18 Eighteen ditto, caddy lid, ditto ditto , . 12 6 OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 17 WHOLE CAKE BOXES. Mahogany slide top, six colours and brushes Ditto, twelve ditto .... Ditto, eighteen ditto .... Mahogany lock boxes, with twelve colours, brushes and pencils Ditto, ditto, eighteen colours ditto . Ditto, ditto, with twelve colours, drawer, con- taining saucers, brushes, pencil, &c Ditto, ditto, eighteen colours ditto Ditto, lock and drawer, French polished, twelve cakes, ink slab, water glass, brushes, pencil, &c., complete Ditto, ditto, eighteen colours .... Ditto, diito, twenty-four colours .... Superior Caddy Lid Mahogany boxes, French polished, with twelve cakes (including Cobalt and Madder Brown), ink slab, cut water glass, brushes and pencils, fitted complete . , Ditto, ditto, with eighteen colours (including Sepia, Cobalt, and Madder Brown) Ditto, ditto, with twenty-four colours (including Chinese White, Sepia, Cobalt, and Madder Brown) . Handsome Rosewood Boxes, with twelve colours (in- cluding Madder Brown and Cobalt), fitted very com- plete with cut water glass, ink slab, sable brushes, best gilt Indian ink, ivory pencil rest, &c., &c. Ditto, ditto, with eighteen colours, fitted as above . Ditto, ditto, with twenty-four colours, fitted as above B 2 £ s. 6 12 18 14 1 1 IG 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 1 10 2 2 3 3 5 3 4 18 C. E. CLIFFOKD, 30, PICCADILLY, LiaUID COLOURS AND MEDIUMS. CHINESE WHITE. A PUEPAKATION OF WHITE OXIDE OF ZINC. The most eligible White Pigment for Water Colour Painters. IN BOTTLES OR TUBES. Is. 6d. EACH. ASPHALTUM. PREPARED FOR THE USE OF WATER-COLOUR PAINTERS. IS. Gd. PROUT'S LIQUID BROWN. A BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT BROWN FOR WATER COLOURS. Is. 6d. INDELIBLE BROWN INK. FOR OUTLINES OR FOR SKETCHING. 1 S. 6d. This rich and permanent Ink is found to bo of great service to the Architectural Artist, as the outhne, or ornamental design, drawn with it (even if the Ink be diluted with water to the palest tint), cannot, when dry, be effaced by continued washings. WATER COLOUR MEDIUM. PREPARED FOR THE USE OF WATER-COLOUR PAINTERS. 2s. C. E. CLIFFORD has the honour of introducing to Amateurs and Artists his Water Colour Medium, which has been tested by artists of the first eminence, and used for many years by the membars of the Societies of Painters in Water Colours. A most desirable Medium, imparting additional depth, brilliancy, and transparency in Water Colour Painting, improving the working of the colours, and preventing them running one into another. COLOURLESS LIQUID OX GALL. Price Is. 6d. PREPARED GUM WATER. Price per Bottle, Small, 6d. Middle, Is. Large, Is. 6d. OPPOSITE ST. J^VIMES'S CHURCH. 19 C. E. CLIFFORD'S ARTISTS' PENCILS, MANUFACTURED OF THE PUREST CUMBERLAND LEAD. C. E. CLIFFORD begs respectfully to call the especial attention of Amateurs, Artists, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, &c., to his Drawing Pencils, which are manufactured of the purest Cumberland Lead, warranted to be perfectly free from grit. These Pencils are unrivalled for depth, uniformity, and richness of colour, firmness, and delicacy of tint; they are remarkable for the varieties of hardness and evenness of texture, their ready and com- plete erasure, and the truth and certainty to which they are made to answer to the degree or letter they represent, from the HHHH Pencil, for Architect or Wood Engraver's outline, to the BBBBBB for the broadest and deepest tones required in Pencil Drawing. H Moderately hard (used for light sketching) HH A degree harder (for outlines and fine drawings) HHH Very hard (for architectural drawing) .... HHHH Extremely hard (for Engineering, or Drawing on Wood) FF Used for light shading F Fine drawing (firm) , HB Hard and black (deeper shade than F) . . . . B Black (for shading, or for free sketching) B3 Softer ditto (for deep shading) BBB Intensely Black (for extra deep shading) broad lead, Is each BBBB With very broad lead, Is. Gd. each, 15s. per dozen. BBBBBB Very thick Lead 2s. each, SOs. per dozen. PATENT LEAD DRAWING PENCILS, MANUFACTURED OF COMPRESSED PREPARED PLUMBAGO. HHHH Extremely hard HHH Very hard HH Hard . H Rather hard FF Used for light shading .... ) F Free Working HB Hard and black B Black for shading BB Soft and black BBB Very Black . . . ud. each. 5s, per dozen. BBBB A'cry oLu k . . . 9d. each. 7s. Od. per dozen. BBBBBB Very thick lead and black Is. each. 10s. per dozen. These Pencils possess nearly all the best qualities of the old genuine Cumberland Lead. They are ^vell adapted for drawing masters, schools and students. 10s, per dozen. 20 C. E. CLIFFOED, 30, PICCADILLY, WHATMAN'S TURKEY MILL DRAWING PAPER. (or THE BEST QUALITY.) SIZE. per sheet. per quire. in. in. s. d. £, s. d. Demy 20 by 15 .02 3 6 Royal 24 „ 19 .04 5 6 Imperial . 30 „ 21 . .06 8 6 Columbier 34 „ 23 .08 13 6 Double Elephant 40 „ 27 . 10 16 Antiquarian 52 „ 31 .36 3 10 All these Papers are kept hotpressed at the same prices. DRAWING PAPERS OF EXTRA WEIGHTS AND THICKNESS. per slieet. per quire. s. d. £ s. d. Whatman's Imperial, stout, weighing 90lbs. to the ream 6 . . 10 Ditto, extra stout „ llOlbs 9 . , 14 Ditto, very thick „ 140lbs 1 . . 18 Ditto, Double Elephant, stout 1 3 . . 18 Ditto, Double Elephant, extra thick 1 6 . . 1 10 Ditto, Harding's Pure Paper, stamped J.D.H." 6 . . 10 Ditto, „ extra thick, ditto 1 . . 1 Imperial Engineer's Drawing Cartridge, thick 4 . . 6 6 Ditto, ditto, ditto, thin 3 . . 4 6 3 . . 4 6 Extra Qualities of WHATMAN'S DRAWING PAPERS with parti- cular Surfaces, rough or smooth, as used by the most eminent artists. C. E. CLIFFORD'S COLOSSAL DRAWING CARTRIDGE PAPER. Price 1 s. 6(1. the yard of 4 feet 6 inches wide. OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 21 COLOURED DRAWING AND CRAYON PAPERS. per sheet. per quire. MACHINE MADE CRAYON PAPER. Imperial, Size 30 in. by 21 , . . 4d. . . 7s. Ditto, ditto, hand made, adapted for Academy Drawing and water colours . 6d. . . 9s. TRACING PAPERS. Double Crown, Yellow or Blue Wove, SIZE, in. in. 30 by 20 per sheet, s. d. 4 . per quire. £ s. d. .066 Double double Crown, do. 40 „ 30 6 . . 9 Double double double Crown, do. 60 „ 40 1 . . 18 French Tracing Paper 6 . . 9 Crystal Tracing Paper, double cr. size 30 „ 20 6 . . 9 Transfer Paper, Black or Red 22 „ 18 6 . . 9 PORTFOLIOS. Silk Strings, Leather Backs, Corners, and Cloth Sides, made in a Superior Manner, extra stout Boards. With Holland flaps, s. d. s. d. 4to. Imperial, 1 5 inches by 1 1 . each 2 3 . 3 Music size, 16 11 2 6 . 3 6 i Medium, 18 5? 12 3 . 4 ^ Royal, 20 13 4 . 5 Demy, 21 16 4 6 . 6 ^ Imperial, 22 5? 16 5 . 6 6 Medium, 23 ?5 18 6 . 7 6 Royal, 25 20 7 . 9 6 Super Royal, 27 J> 20 8 6 . . 11 6 Imperial, 31 5? 22 12 6 . 15 6 Atlas, 30 ?J 29 15 . . 18 Columbier, 36 )) 24 18 . 22 Dble. Elephant 40 >> 28 . 26 . . 30 22 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, SOLID SKETCH BOOKS. These Books consist of a number of sheets of paper, compressed so as to form an apparent solid substance: each sheet can, however, be immediately separated, by passing a knife round the uppermost surface. C. E. Clifford's Solid Sketch Books are all made of stout and extra thick Drawing Papers, as being better adapted for Water-Colour Painting. A large stock and great variety are constantly kept, con- taining the papers used by the most eminent artists, including Mr. Harding, Mr. Dewint, Mr. Copley Fielding, &c., &c. Solid Sketch Books made of any Paper, and to any required size, on the shortest notice. SOLID SKETCH BOOKS. Half-bound, with leather backs. Pocket for the Sketches when removed from the Block, and a place for Pencil. WHITE PAPER. s. d. 32mo. Lnperial, 5 inches by 3^ . half-bound 2 6 16mo do. 7 „ 5 . . 3 6 8vo. do. 10 „ 7 . . 6 4to. do. 14 „ 10 . 12 do. 20 „ 14 . 21 16mo. Royal 4i . . 2 9 8vo. do. 9 5i . . 4 6 4to. do. m „ 9 . . TINTED PAPER. 9 16mo. Imperial, 7 inches by 5 . 3 8vo. do. 10 7 . . )? 5 4to. do. 14 10 . 10 do. 20 „ 14 . . 18 OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHUKCH. 23 SOLID SKETCH BOOKS. BLOCKS WITHOUT BINDING. WHITE AND TINTED. White. Tinted, s. d, s. d. 32mo. Imperial, 5 inches by 3^ . . 1 6 . . 1 3 16mo. do. 7 5) 5 2 3 . . 2 8vo. do. 10 7? 7 4 6 . . 4 4to. do. 14 5> 10 9 . 8 h do. 20 J) 14 . 16 . 15 16mo. Royal, 5i 5? 4i 1 9 8vo. do. 9 ?? 5i 3 6 4to. do. Hi 5> 9 7 6 SKETCH BOOKS. MADE OF THE BEST DRAWING PAPER. Stitched. Com. half bd. s. d. s. d. 32mo. Imperial, 5 inches by 3i 6 , . 9 16mo. ditto, 7 „ 5 9 1 8vo. ditto, 10 „ 7 1 3 . 1 6 4to. ditto, 14i „ 10 2 6 . 3 SKETCH BOOKS. Neatly half-bound, roan backs and corners, 40 leaves, made of the Best Drawing Paper, white or tinted. s. d. 32mo. Imperial, 5 inches by 3^ . . . each 1 6 16mo. ditto, 7 „ 5 2 6 8vo. ditto, 10 „ 7 4 6 4to. ditto, 141 „ 10 ..... 8 The Imperial sizes, as 5 by 3^, 7 by 5, 10 by 7, and 14 J by 10, are all kept with Tinted Papers, as well as White. 24 C. E. CLIFFOKD, 30, PICCADILLY, SUPERFINE LONDON BOARDS. These Boards are manufactured of Whatman's finest Drawing Paper, and are adapted for Pencil Drawing, Plower Painting, Minia- tures, &c. THICKNESS. 2 sheets. 3 sheets. 4 sheets. 6 sheets. SIZE. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Foolscap, 15in. byl2 each 4 . 5 . 7 10 Demy, 18 „ 14 )> 5 .. 8 .. 10 1 3 Medium, 20^ „ 15^ 5J 7 10 ., 1 2 .. 1 8 Royal, 22^ „ 17^ 8 . 1 . . 1 4 .. 2 Imperial, 28 „ 20 11 1 3 2 .. 2 6 3 9 BRISTOL BOARDS. Manufactured of fine Drawing Paper, and used for the same purposes as the London Boards, being a second quality of the same article. SIZE. Foolscap, 15in. by 12 . each Demy, 18 „ 14 . „ Medium, 20^ „ 15^. „ Royal, 22i „ 17^. „ Imperial, 28 „ 20 . „ THICKNESS. 2 sheets. 3 sheets. 4 sheets. 6 sheets, s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 3..0 4..0 5..0 8 4..0 6..0 7..1 5 .. 7 .. 9 .. 1 2 6..0 9..1 0..1 6 1 0..1 6. .2 2.. 3 MOUNTING BOARDS. These Boards are used for mounting Water Colour and other Draw- ings ; they are made either white or tinted, a good variety of the latter being always kept in stock. THICKNESS. 3 sheets. 4 sheets. 6 sheets. SIZE. s. d. s. d. s. d. Demy, 1 Sin, by 14 . . each 6..0 8.. Oil Royal, 22| „ 17J . . „ 7 .. 9 .. 1 1 Imperial, 28 „ 20 . . „ 11 .. 1 3 .. 1 9 WHITE MOUNTING BOARDS. A capital second quality Mounting Board, and from their extreme cheapness are well suited for mounting Sketches and School Studies. SIZE. Demy, 18in. by 14 Royal, 22i „ 17 i Imperial, 28 20 per dozen 11 THICKNESS. 3 sheets. 4 sheets. 6 sheets, s. d. s. d. s. d. 3 6 .. 4 6 .. 7 4 6 .. 5 6 .. 7 6 7 .. 9 .. 14 OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 25 SELECTED IVORIES OF THE BEST QUALITY. READY PREPARED POR MINIATURE PAINTING. SIZE. SIZE. No. s. d. No. S. d. 2 inches by ij . . 4 7 inches by 3^ . . 2 6 1 H 55 2 . . 6 8 ^8 „ H • . 3 3 2 2f 5> . 9 9 4t „ 3f . . 4 3 2| 55 n . . 1 10 5* „ 4^ . . 5 6 4 3* ?5 . 1 4 11 5i 7 6 5 3| J? . 1 9 12 6* 45 9 6 6 3i )J 91 -s • . 2 IVORIES OF LARGE SIZES PREPARED AT A SHORT NOTICE. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. In Mahogany Cases .... from 3s. to 25So In Mahogany Cases, German Silver . from 15s. to 80s. Brass Drawing Pins for Fastening down Paper, 9c?., Is., AND Is. 6c?. PER DOZEN. SKETCHING FOLIOS. WITH TIN FRAMES, FOR HOLDING DOWN THE DRAWING PAPER SECURELY, HALF-BOUND, LEATHER TUCK, AND POCKET FOR CONTAIN- ING THE LOOSE SKETCHES AND RESERVE OF PAPER. s, d. 8vo. Imperial, 11 inches by 7i . . . .50 4to. Royal, 12 „ 9i .... 6 '4to, Imperial, 15 .. 11 . . . ,76 i do. 22 „ 15 . . , . 13 6 CONTE CRAYONS, CHALKS, CHARCOAL, CHALK PENCILS, LITHOGRAPHIC CHALK, &c., FOR DRAWING, GRETA LEVIS, or PERMANENT DRAWING CHALK PENCILS, INCLUDING A GREAT VARIETY OF COLOURS. S. d. Boxes containing 12 . 7 18 . 10 „ 24 . 14 Boxes containing 36 48 s. d. 21 28 c 26 C. E. CLIFFOED, 30, PICCADILLY, SUPERIOR FRENCH SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOUR PAINTING. BROWN SABLE HAIR. s. d. Crow Quill 6 Duck Quill 8 Goose Quill 10 Extra Small Swan Quill . ... 2 6 Small Swan Quill 3 6 Middle Swan Quill 5 Large Swan Quill 7 6 Extra Large Swan and Eagle Quill, from 10s. to £2 2s. C. E. CLIFFORD solicits especial attention to his stock of Water Colour Sable Brushes, which will be found most complete, and of the finest Quality being selected with the greatest care from the best makers in Paris. WATER COLOUR BRUSHES. IN GERMAN SILVER FERRULES, WITH POLISHED EBONY HANDLES FLAT OR ROUND Red Sable, s. d. s. d. No. 1 . . 1 I No. 4 .. 1 9 No. 1 , 2. .13 5. .20 2 3. ,16 6. .23 3 Brown Sable. s. d. s. d. ] 3 I No. 4 .. 2 16 5 . . 2 3 19 6 . . 2 6 FINEST BROWN SABLES. LARGE SIZE, IN GERMAN SILVER FERRULES, WITH LONG POLISHED EBONY HANDLES. Bound. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 7, 10 12 14 17 d. 6 6 6 6 Flat. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 s. d. 4 6 6 8 10 12 6 15 OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 27 RED SABLE BRUSHES. s. cl. Large Swan Quill 4 6 Middle ditto 3 6 Small ditto 2 6 Extra small ditto 2 Goose Quill 9 Duck ditto 6 Crow ditto 4 Pigeon ditto for Lithography . . .03 The form and sizes of these Brushes correspond with the Brown Sables. WATER COLOUR BRUSHES. FOR SKIES, WASHES, AND LARGE WORKS. Large Round Wire-bound Brush, made of Siberian Hair, a most useful Brush where large washes of colour are required. Price 3s. 6d. Large Flat Brush, in Tin, made of Dyed Sable Hair, suitable for skies foregrounds, and large works Price 3s. 6d, FRENCH SIBERIAN BRUSHES. TIED WITH SILVER WIRE. Large Swan Quill Middle ditto Small ditto Goose ditto Duck ditto Crow ditto each s. d. 2 6 1 6 1 3 2 1 These Brushes correspond in size and form ivith the Sables in QuilL CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES IN TIN. Flat, 8d. per inch. | Round, 4d. to Is. 9d. CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. 28 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, EARTHENWARE SUNDRIES. CHINA PALETTES. OVAL. s. d. OBLONG. s 3 Inch 4 3 Inch 4 „ . . 6 4 „ . . . 5 „ . . 8 5 „ . , . 6 „ . . 9 6 „ • . . 10 7 „ . . . 1 8 „ . . 1 8 „ . . . 1 9 „ . . 1 3 9 „ . . . 1 10 „ . . 1 6 10 „ . . . 1 SLANT DIVISION TILES. s. d. s. 3 Divisions 6 8 Divisions 1 4 9 10 „ . . 1 5 „ 10 12 „ . . 1 6 1 12, with Well 2 FLAT DIVISION TILES. s. d. s. 2 Squares 6 6 Squares 1 3 „ 8 9 „ . . 1 •i „ 10 12 „ . . 1 INDIAN INK AND COLOUR SLABS. No. 3, 6d.. I No. 10, 8d. | No 11, 9d= | No. 12, Is. | No. 13, 2s. NESTS OF CABINET SAUCERS.— SIX IN A SET. Ditto in Morocco Cases- s. d. s. d. No. 1 1 6 No. 1 ... 3 2 1 9 2 ... 3 6 3 2 3 ... 4 Tinting Saucers, various sizes. Bartholomew, or Rough China Tiles. Plain China Tiles, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 inches square. China Ware in every Variety used by the Artists. OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH, 29 MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD T SQUARES. WITH FIXED AND MOVING STOCKS. Mahogany. Rosewood. Fixed Moving Fixed Moving Stock. Stock. Stock. Stock. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 12 inches long 1 9 2 6 2 6 3 6 15 2 3 2 9 4 IB „ 2 3 3 6 3 4 6 21 „ 2 6 4 3 3 5 24 „ 2 9 4 6 3 6 5 6 27 „ 3 5 3 9 6 30 „ 3 3 5 6 4 6 6 33 „ 3 6 6 j 4 6 7 36 „ 4 6 6 1 .5 7 6 EBONY PARALLEL RULES. s, d. s. 6 inch 1 3 15 inch 3 9 „ 1 9 18 „ 3 12 „ 2 6 24 „ 5 PORTCRAYONS. Steel and Brass Portcrayons . . from 6d. to 2s. each. Albata Portcrayons, from 8d. to Is. 6d. each. PREPARED MILLBOARDS. STRAINED WITH STOUT DRAWING PAPER. PENCIL CASES. LEATHER AND CLOTH, Flat Pencil Cases, a variety of sizes, to contain different numbers of Drawing Pencils. Folding Morocco Pouch Cases, for Pencils, Sables, &c., 2s. ed., 3s. 6d., to 7s. 6d. 30 C. E. CLIFFORD, 30, PICCADILLY, MAHOGANY FRAMED DRAWING BOARDS. SIZE. s. d. 4to Demy 8 inches by 6 3 6 4to Roy3,l . 10 J 8 4 4to Imperial 13 5 4to Colombier 15 ?? 11 6 i Royal 17 lOj 6 6 Demy 18 13i 7 6 ^ Imperial 19 13i Q o U Medium 20 15 9 Royal 22 57 17 10 Imperial 28 19 14 J Antiquarian 28 ?9 23 18 Colombier 32 21 20 DEAL DRAWING BOARDS. CLAMPED. 4to Royal 10^ 5? 8 1 u 4to Imperial 13 J) 4, 4to Colombier 15 ?7 11 i ^ Royal 17 55 lOj 2 Demy 18 55 13i 2 3 J Imperial 19 >5 13i . o Medium 20 )J 15i . 3 Royal 22 55 17 3 3 Imperial 28 55 19 4 Imperial, full size . 30 55 21 4 6 Colombier 32 55 21 5 Atlas 31 55 24 7 Dble. Elephant 38 55 24 8 Antiquarian 50 55 29 11 MAHOGANY SKETCHING BOARDS, with Pins and Frame, for holding securely the Drawing Paper when strained. 4to Imperial . . 15 inches by 10 J . . 7 i „ . . 21 „ 15 . , 11 6 OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. 31 SKETCHING STOOLS. s. d. Enclosed Seat, 18, 21, and 24 Inch 6s. 6d., 7s. Od., and 7 6 Loose Seat, 18, 21, and 24 Inch 5s. Od., 5s. 6d., and 6 Walking Stick Sketching Seat 7 6 Screw top ditto 9 Sketching Umbrellas . . £1 5s. THE GERMAN SKETCHING SEAT AND EASEL COMBINED. The Easel when closed occupies a space of 24 in. by 13 and perfectly flat. Price 2 Is. SKETCHING SEAT AND EASEL COMBINED, ADAPTED FOR EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. A new and very clever arrangement, and the most convenient and pleasant Apparatus ever introduced for the use of the Lady Sketcher. This Easel folds up in a similar manner to the German Sketching Seat, as men- tioned above, and occupies the same space. By a very simple contrivance the Desk is immediately attached to the Seat, and removed at the pleasure of the Sketcher. Price 30s. DEAL AND MAHOGANY EASELS. s. d. Deal closing Easel, 6 feet high 7 Mahogany ditto ditto 10 6 Deal Folding Portable Easel 14 Mahogany ditto 21 Deal Pramed or Standing Easel 12 Mahogany ditto . . . . . . . 16 Mahogany Rack Easels, from 26s. to 84s. MAHOGANY RACK EASEL. FOR WATER COLOUR PAINTING, OR WITH THE DESK REMOVED, FOR OIL PAINTING. INVENTED BY H. CORBOULD, ESQ. MAHOGANY TABLE EASELS, 32 C. E. CLIFPORD, 30, PICCADILLY. GOLD AND SILVER SHELLS. Gold Shells . . each Is. | Silver Shells Liquid Gold Ink in Bottles. Is. 6d. each INDIA RUBBER. 6d. to MISCELLANEOUS. Liquid Carmine Burnishers, various shapes Scrapers and Erasers Reed Pens Ox-Gall, in Pots Pearl Cement, for mounting Drawings, and for Fancy Card-Board Work Sponge, small pieces .... Ivory Palette Knives .... Ivory Pencil Rests ..... Crow^ Pens . . (in bundles of 25) Indian Glue Mordan's Leads for ever-pointed Pencil Cases, marked H. M. & S. . . . . per packet Gold, Silver, and Copper Bronzes . per packet of 1 oz. Indian Ink, Best Gilt . . . ,1s,, 2s,, 3s., 4s. and Liquid Indian Ink per bottle Stumps, Leather and Paper, in great variety. Ditto, Cork. per bottle from, each from Is. per doz. each 8d. and per bottle each 8d. and „ Is. and 6d. and per stick d. 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 C. E. 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