to 1/21/91 fe^ll / - ^ 1§^LLOY0 «9l r-. .'Pt ^> '> r.'W ^ Nt m^i i- /•- '^\ \p^ ' 'i ryi;^(r^^f^ PICTURES AND OP THE LATE RT. HON. .A.F. CAVENDISH BENTINCK,M.P.,P.C., Removed from 3 Grafton Street and Brownsea Island. PRICE SIXPENCE. OF THE ' "^l/Vvj X> HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OP LoCVv O OBJECTS OF ART, DECORATIVE FURNITURE, AND OLD EJjm'^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II, No iDerson to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to rive in their Nances and Placea of Abode. authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale ghall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. ORDER OF SALE. First Day's Sale. — Wednesday, July 8. Italian Cinque Cento Bronze Medals, Old English and Foreign Silver, and Silver-gilt Plate. Second Day's Sale. — Thursday, July 9. Old French Furniture and Decorative Objects of the periods OF Louis XIV., XV., and XVL, Venetian Furniture, and Chip- pendale AND other Old English Furniture. Third Day's Sale.— Friday, July 10. Old French Furniture and Decorative Objects of the periods of Louis XIV., XV., and XVL, Old Italian Bronzes and Metal- work, and Decorative Furniture. Fourth Day's Sale. — Saturday, July 11. The Collection of Old Italian, Spanish, and Dutch Pictures, and Pictures of the Early English School. Fifth Day's Sale.— Monday, July 13. Old Italian Pictures, English Pictures by T. Stothard, R.A., Sir E. Landseer, R.A., and others. B 2 Sixth Day's Sale.— Tuesday, July 14. Old French Furniture and Decorative Objects of the periods OF Louis XIV., XV., and XVI., Old Venetian Mirrors, Italian Furniture and Metal-work, Majolica and Porcelain. Seventh Day's Sale. — Wednesday, July 15th. On the Premises, No. 3, Grafton Street, Piccadilly, W. Eighth Day's Sale.— Thursday, July 16th. On the Premises, No. 3, Grafton Street, Piccadilly, W. Ninth Day's Sale.— Friday, July 17th. On the Premises, No. 3, Grafton Street, Piccadilly, W. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. PAPAL MEDALS IN SILVER. 1 Martin V., rev. Facade of Church ; Clement VII., rev. Pope canonising St. Nicholas of Tolentino ; Nicolas V., rev. Pope and cortege before the Holy door ; Calixtus III., rev. Fleet in full sail : allusion to the vow made by the Pope to declare war against the Turks ; Pius III., rev. Table with books ; Paul II., rev. Boar hunt ; Sixtus IV., rev. The Holy door ; Innocent VIII., rev. Pope blessing Zozime, the son of Mahomet II. — these medals, averaging size 13, are hy G. Palu- dino — all fine 8 2 Julius II., rev. View of fortress and port of Ostia ; Adrianus VI., rev. Tiara, &c. ; Clement VII., rev. Pope and cortege before the Holy door ; Paul III. (3 varied) : " Annona Pont," figure holding statuette of Victory and Cornucopia ; " Harum Aedium Fundator," Fagade of the Fai'nese Palace {after F. Farmense) ; " In virtute tua servati sumus," Unicora, &c. {after the same medallist^ ; Paul III., after Alessandro Cesati, rev. Ganymede pouring water from a vase upon a clump of lilies — the emblem of the Farnese family ; Julius III., after Cesati, rev. Prudence restraining Fortune — varied sizes — all fine 6 3 Pius IV. (3) : rev. " Claves Regni Celor," The Saviour giving the Kej6 to St. Peter ; " Dive Catheriue Temi)luin," &c., Facade of the Church of St. Catherine ; " Domus mea, Domus Ora- tonis voc," The Saviour expelling the dealers from the Temple ; Pius V. (3) : rev. Hoc Vovi Deo, &c., Fleet in full sail ; " In Fluetib. emergens," The miraculous draught of fishes ; Facade of Church ; Gregory XIII., rey. The Holy door; " Sic Luceat. Lux vestra," The seven-branched candlestick — several hy F. Parmense — various sizes — all fine 8 4 Julius III. (2) : rev. " Claves Regni Color," The Saviour giving Keys to St. Peter ; Hilaritas Ponteficia, Female holding palm and cornucopia; Pius IV., rev. Bust of the Saviour; Mar- cellus II., rev. as preceding ; Gregory XIII. (4), after L. Parmense : rev. Anno Restitute mdxxxii, Ram's head facing ; St. Paul preaching at Athens; Chorely ; Rome sealed — various sizes — all fine 8 5 SixTus V. (3), after L. Parmense and N. Bones : rev. Securitas Populi Romani ; The two antique groups of Monte Cavallo ; St. Peter's at Rome ; Urban VII. (2) : rev. Pope seated on throne, giving standard to kneeling warrior ; Religion seated, holding cross and Papal tiara ; Gregory XII. (3). varied reverses — various sizes — all fine 8 6 Bronze. — Julius II. (3) ; Leo X. (4) ; Julian III. (4) — all varied reverses, several of the same types as the silver medals previously described — various sizes — all fine 12 7 Julian III. (13) — all varied reverses — various sizes — all fine 13 OLD VENETIAN SILVEK—^^j9^/ 8 Six teaspoons ; and a dessert-spoon . 9 Eleven rat-tailed dessert-spoons ; and nine others 10 A plain soup-ladle ...... 11 Three oval-shaped salt-cellars — on scroll feet 12 A pair of larger ditto ..... Oz oz. dwt. 12 8 25 13 8 5 11 7 9 1 13 A pair of ditto, of similai* design, chased with shells and a plain fluted ditto — on scroll feet . 14 A larger ditto, chased with shells ; and one, with band of embossed ornament .... 15 Four oval salt-cellars, in sizes, with gadroon edges — on ball and claw feet ..... 16 Three ditto ; and one, smaller .... 17 Two ditto, nearly similar ; and two, on feet, chased with foliage ....... 18 A pair of small oval salt-cellars, on ball and claw feet and a circular ditto ..... 19 A plain mustard-pot, on four feet, with fluted dome cover ....... 20 Two circular flat gilt stands . . 21 A plain chocolate pot and cover 22 A larger ditto ...... 23 An oval waiter, with gadroon border — on ball and claw feet. ....... 24 A pair of oval dishes, embossed with flowers and foliage, a shield and crown in the centre . 25 An oblong two-handled tray, with shaped border 26 Another ....... 27 A larger ditto — similar ..... 28 A Pair of Plain Circular Waiters, with shaped borders — on ball and claw feet — lO.V in. diam. 29 A Plaln Tazza, with shaped border — on fluted foot 30 A Chalice, on vase-shaped stem and round foot, chased with cherubs, scroll foliage and fruit 31 Another, chased with fruit in scroll medallions . 32 A Set of Four Fluted Vases, with wide lips . 33 A Pair of Vases, chased with bands of foliage . 34 A Pair of Ditto, with bands of foliage and spiral fluting 35 Another Pair, with large spiral fluting, chased with acanthus foliage ...... 36 A Pair of Larger Ditto, with fluted lips, and bands of foliage and bosses ...... 02. dwt. 5 10 5 15 17 7 22 11 17 4 6 15 G 5 9 17 14 17 25 12 13 7 16 49 2 51 57 18 39 2 27 1 10 8 11 12 40 23 18 22 3 29 17 36 18 8 37 Twelve dessert-knives, with threaded pistol handles- all at 38 A double seal, with scroll handle — all at FOREIGN SILVER— ^^ per Oz. oz. dwt. 39 A spoon, with twisted handle chased with a female bust; and a pair of ladles, one with niello bowl . . 5 15 40 Seven spoons, with rat-tailed bowls, and handles with trellis ornament ... ... 9 8 41 Twelve ladles, with shell bowls and scroll handles chased with terminal figures — Luheck . . . 18 6 42 A pair of sugar-nippers, chased with a masquerade figure and flower-bowls . . . . .14 43 A set of six circular salt-cellars, on three lion feet, chased with boys and foliage in relief, and partly gilt; and six salt-spoons — Stuttgart . . . 26 10 44 A boat-shaped salt-cellar, with beaded edge, on ball and claw feet ; and four eggcups, with waved edges . 6 10 45 A pair of pepper-casters, the lower part chased with strap ornament . . . . . . . 8 19 46 A pierced mustard-pot, chased with festoons of flowers — Parts ........ 4 13 47 A plain laitiere and cover, with swing handle — Paris . 9 4 48 A plain cafetiere, on three feet . . . . .10 2 49 A Louis XV. cafetiere, on three feet, chased with scroll ornament — Paris . . . . . . 7 13 50 A laitiere, chased with subjects from La Fontaine's fables, and band of strap ornament, in relief — Paris 10 15 51 A cream-jug, on three feet, chased with cows and scroll ornament ; and a smaller ditto, the lower part spirally fluted — Paris . . . . . 6 10 52 A small jug and cover, spirally fluted; and a pair of small pots and covers, with swing handles — Paris . 13 4 53 An oval-shaped tureen and cover, spirally fluted and chased with flowers — on scroll feet — Paris . . 17 oz. dwt. 54 A two-handled ditto, with fruit knob chased with cupids, flowers and scroll foliage . . . . . 15 4 55 A sauce-boat, with scroll edge and foot, chased with rushes and a coat-of-arms — Parts . . . 15 2 56 A pair of shell-shaped sauce-boats, on shell feet, with serpent handles . . . . . . 24 13 57 A small plain bowl, on foot, with scroll handles, en- graved with inscription — Paris . . . .59 58 Two dinner-plates, with shaped reeded borders ; and one, smaller . . . . . . . 43 15 59 A cruet-frame, of octagonal design, with a small caster and two glass bottles with silver tops . . . 30 12 60 A taper-candlestick, wiith straight handle and shaped threaded border — Paris . . . . .65 61 An oval stand, with shaped border, and band of orna- ment in flat chasing . . . . . . 22 62 A circular dish and cover, with fruit knob, and pierced foliage handles, chased with trophies and festoons of laurel— Pan's 39 10 63 A Set of Foub Plain Table-Candlesticks, on octagonal-shaped stems and feet — Paris . . 71 10 64 A Fluted Standing Cup and Cover, chased with figures and busts in small medallions — on stem formed as a Bacchanalian figure, and surmounted by a figure — Augsburg . . . . . 31 2 FOREIGN SILVER GILT— At per Oz. 65 A spoon, with open filigree handle — Augsburg ; and six small spoons, with twisted and figure handles — Nuremburg , . . . . . . 3 13 66 A spoon, vidth twisted and figure handle — Nuremburg ; and a parcel-gilt ditto fork . . . . .32 10 oz. dwt. 67 A small oval parcel-gilt bowl, with, scalloped border, embossed with a flower in the centre ; and one, embossed w-ith a bird — Augsburg . . . .79 G8 A small engraved goblet, on stem, with bosses in relief — Haarlem ....... 3 9 69 A Vase-shaped Canistee and Cover, engraved with busts and shells in medallions on the neck, and festoons of flowers and foliage — 5j in. high . .85 70 A Pair of Cikculae Salt-cellars, on open scroll tripod stands, with filigree ornament . . . 11 5 71 A Set of Four Oval-shaped Tazze, the borders and feet chased with strap ornament in low relief, and band of flat chasing — Augsburg . . . . 75 10 72 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, on hexagonal- shaped stems and feet, chased with busts iu medal- lions, satyrs' masks, flowers, &c., with three branches chased with foliage, and nozzles for four lights each — Paris . . . . . • . . 88 17 73 An old French silver-gilt snuff-box, chased with Venus and Cupid, flowers and scrolls ; and a silver ditto, with classical figures in scroll borders — all at ENGLISH SILVER— ^^jp^r Oz. 74 Twenty-four plain dessert-forks .... 75 Twenty-four ditto ; three table-forks ; and a dessert-spoon 76 A pair of gravy-spoons, with feathered edges 77 A ditto soup-ladle ....... 78 A soup-ladle, with shell bowl and chased handle . 79 A pair of plain gravy-spoons, with scroll handles 80 Two ditto ; and a skewer, with shell handle 81 A pair of ditto sauce-ladles, with shell bowls , and a sugar-sifter . . . . . . . 4 16 82 Two ditto sugar-sifters ; and three ditto, with threaded handles . . . . . . . . 5 10 oz. dwt. 29 10 38 9 3 9 3 6 4 6 15 9 13 11 oz. diot. 83 Sixteen old plain table-spoons ; and a gravy-spoon . 36 8 84 Five ditto dessert-spoons ; eight teaspoons ; live ditto, with feathered edges ; a mustard-spoon ; an olive- spoon ; four small pickle-forks ; and six silver nozzles 20 13 85 A pair of pierced sugar-tongs, with shell bowls ; and two pairs of sugar-nippers . . . . . .3 18 OLD ENGLISH PLAIN-PxlTTERN SERVICE. 86 Twelve three-pronged table-forks— 1730 87 Twelve ditto— 1708 to 1736 88 Twelve ditto— 1718 to 1759 89 Twelve ditto— 1725 to 1760 90 Twelve ditto— 1713-14 . 91 Twelve ditto —1741 92 Twelve ditto— 1733, &c. 93 Twelve ditto— 1760, &c. 94 Five ditto — 1715 ; and eleven others 95 Five two-pronged table-forks — 1721 96 Three three-pronged table-forks — 1706 ; a rat table-spoon, and a dessert-spoon, with shield handles .... 97 Twelve rat-tailed table-spoons — 1710 98 Twelve ditto— 1716 to 1726 99 Eleven ditto— 1721 100 Nine ditto— 1723 101 Twelve ditto— 1714 to 1719 102 Twelve ditto— 1722-27, &c. 103 Five ditto — 1713 ; and seven others 104 Eleven ditto — Irish hall mark, 1716 105 Five ditto — old Irish hall inarh ; and eight others 106 A rat -tailed table-spoon, with flat handle, with notched top-1686 107 Twelve small three-pronged forks — 1705-1712 oz. dwt. 25 8 24 13 24 5 23 10 26 4 24 2 24 9 25 33 13 7 9 t-tailet I -shapec I 9 14 22 24 2 24 16 21 15 24 9 24 15 23 16 25 rs 25 15 lotched 1 17 10 11 12 108 Twelve ditto— 1737, &c. 109 Eleven ditto— 1714-1768 110 Nine ditto— 1722 111 Twelve rat-tailed dessert-spoons 112 Nineteen ditto .... 113 Thirteen rat-tailed tea-spoons 114 Twelve ditto, with flat handles— 1709 115 A rat-tailed gravy-spoon — 1715 116 A larger ditto— 1721 . 117 Another— 1725 .... 118 A pair of ditto— 1716-18 119 A larger ditto, with shield-shaped handle 120 Another, with plain handle — Irish hall marTc, 1762 121 Another, with plain bowl — Irish, 1748 oz. dwt. 13 13 10 7 16 13 23 5 5 16 4 4 3 16 5 16 7 11 11 6 1 9 3 9 122 A teapot, engraved with borders of key -pattern orna ment ....... 123 A butter-dish, with liner, cover and stand, en suite 124 An oval teapot, with beaded edges . 125 A small fluted tea-caddy .... 126 A milk-jug, partly fluted . . 127 A Plain Queen Anne Coffee-pot, with dome cover- 1705 128 A plain milk-jug, 1733 129 A cream-jug, with scroll handle — 1725 . 130 A ditto, nearly similar, on three feet — 1725 131 A fluted ditto, on three feet— 1729 . 132 A plain cream-jug, on three feet, with scalloped edge —1749 133 A Pair of Oblong Tea-caddies and Covers, sur- mounted by figures of musicians, chased with flowers and scrolls — 1711 — hy G. Sleath l- . 23 . 27 17 . 14 10 . 4 5 5 2 . 25 . 11 10 4 7 . 4 16 . 5 14 16 3 13 oz. dwt. 134 A Vase-shaped Canister and Cover, with flower knob, chased with flowers and scroll medallions, on pierced and chased foot — 1760 . , . .65 135 A pair of circular salt-cellars, with partly fluted borders ........ 4 8 136 A mustard-pot and cover, engraved with key-pattern borders, blue-glass liner ; and a mustard-ladle . 5 15 137 A pair of circular salt-cellars, on round feet, partly fluted and with gadroon edges . . . . 8 16 138 A Set of Four Circular Salt-cellars, on lions' mask and claw feet, chased with festoons of drapery and fruit — Old Irish hall marJc . . . .19 7 139 A pair of plain circular salt-cellars, with corded edges, on three feet— 1738 3 15 140 A pair of plain octagonal-shaped salt-cellars — 1724-5 4 141 A pair of ditto— 1719 4 10 142 A set of four shell-shaped salt-cellars, on scroll feet — Old Irish . 15 12 143 A Warwick Cruet-puame, of hexagonal design, on scroll feet, with three casters and two glasses with silver mounts— 1728 62 4 144 A plain saucepan, with lid and spout — 1723 . . 14 10 145 A set of three o al-shaped two-handled sauce-boats, with gadroon edges, on scroll feet, chased with flowers and shells — 1764-5 . . . . 54 14 146 A Pair of Plain Two-handled Sauce-boats, on oval feet, with two lips and scroll edges, with raised bands of reeded ornament — 1724-5 — by Paul Lamerie. . . . . . . . 40 147 A I* AIR OF Oval-shaped Two-handled Soup-tureens, covers and liners, of pine-apple pattern, with gad- roon borders, on shell and scroll feet — 1776 — by Aug. Lesage ....... 269 148 An Oval Pierced Bread-basket, with gadrooned scroll border, chased with wheat-ears and festoons of foliage, with open twisted handle — 1771 . . 19 13 o:. dwt. 5 4 5 4 11 5 12 2 12 2 14 149 A small circular dish, with fluted border and waved edge — 6^ in. iliam. — 1718 .... 150 Another, with scalloped border— 5^ in. diam. — Old Irish ........ 151 A Labger Ditto — similar — 7J in. — 1714 . 152 Another, with fluted border and waved edge — 8 in. — Irish hall mark — 1718 ..... 153 A Fluted Bowl, with scalloped edge — Irish — 1747 . 154 A Smaller Ditto — similar — on foot — London hall mark 1730 12 4 155 An Old Plain Two-handled Bowl, on foot, with inscription " Gifted hy Katharin Elliot Lady Benholm" . . . . . . . 9 13 15G Four circular fluted dishes, with scalloped edges . 59 10 157 A Plain Circular Deep Dish, engraved with a coat- of-arms — Old Irish hall m,ark . . . . 16 16 158 A Set of Four Circular Tazze, with flower-pattern fluting, the centres engraved with coats-of-arms, on ]>lain round feet — 1638 ..... 159 A Pair of Plain Octagonal Casters — 1702 160 A Pair of Ditto Canisters and Covers — 1717 — hy John Cory ....... 161 A Plain Sugar-caster — 1749 , . 162 A Queen Anne Caster, with gadroon edges, the lower part chased with a band of strap ornament — 9^ in, high — 1703 — hy Richard Greene . . . . 15 3 163 A Set of Three Plain Cylindrical Ditto, with gadroon borders — hy Andrew Itaveyi — 1704 . . 27 12 164 A Pair of Shaped Plain Vases and 'overs, with open foliage and beaded handles, gadroon edges and flower knobs— 1766 . . . . . 14 1 165 A Set of Three Ditto, with gadroon borders, each with three open scroll handles, shells and ornaments in relief— 1755 36 8 39 7 18 12 11 7 16 15 oz. dwt. 166 A Set of Three Ditto, eucli with four open scroll handles, chased with shells, the lower part and covers spirally fluted— 1759 . . . . 25 15 167 A Pair gp Plain Squaue-shaped Waiters, with threaded borders— 5f in.— 1732— % John Tuite . 14 18 168 One, similar, the centre chased with flowers and scrolls —1727— by the same 6 14 169 A Plain Ditto, with rounded corners — 6^ in. — 1729 — hy Francis Nelme . . . . . . 11 5 170 A Pair of Waiters, with shaped gadroon and scroll borders— 71 in.— 174:4.— by G. Wickes . . . 24 171 A Plain Circular Waiter, with shaped border and reeded edge— 8^ m.— 1734 . . . . 14 9 172 A Larger Ditto, the centre chased with flowers, shells and scrolls— Hi m.— 1732— % J. Tuite . . 24 11 173 A Plain Square-shaped Waiter, with rounded corners —10^ in.— 17S3— by the same . . . 21 4 174 Another— 1 Of in. — 1731 — by B. Bayley . . . 22 8 175 A Plain Mug, with scroll handle — Exeter hall mark, 1724 6 8 176 A Large Plain Tankard, with flat cover and scroll handle, with beaded ornament — 1700 — by Henry Jay 28 177 A Plain Two-handled Cup— 1710 . . . 12 11 178 A Larger Ditto — 1705 — by Joseph Ward , . 16 3 179 Another, the lower part and foot spirally fluted — 1701 — by the same . . . , . . . 17 1 180 A Two-handled Cup and Cover, with spiral fluting, and bands of raised corded ornament on the cover and foot— 1719 16 10 181 A Small Two-handled Cup, embossed with foliage and ornaments — 1658 . . . . . 4 11 182 A Cup, with scroll handles chased with terminal busts, and band of acanthus foliage — 1683 . . .98 183 A Porringer, with scroll handles, the lower part chased with a band of acanthus foliage — 1683 . . 7 13 ^16 oz. dwt. 184 A Cup, with scalloped edge, and scroll foliage handles, chased with birds, trees and flowers — 1682 . . 13 14 185 A LARGE TWO-HANDLED CUP AND COVER, with foliage knob, the lower part of cup and the cover chased with foliage, the handles with terminal busts, 1680 fcS 11 186 ANOTHER, chased with grotesque masks and inter- laced scrolls, the handles with terminal busts — 1681; and Stand, with sunk centre, en suite — 1691 34 8 187 A Two-handled Vase-shaped Cup and Coveb, chased with bands of foliage and vines in relief . . 58 13 Presented hy Sir John Lubbock to his godson, Bawdon Lubbock Brown, 1810 188 A Cup and Cover, with scroll handles and gadroon edges, chased witli birds, fruit and flowers— 7r?s^ hall mark, 1768 55 3 189 A Taper Candlestick, on vase-shaped stem and square foot, with gadroon borders — 1766 . . . 6 19 190 A Pair of Plain Table-candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and octagonal-shaped feet — 1722-3 . . 28 19 191 A Pair of Plain Ditto, on hexagonal-shaped stems and feet— 1716 28 14 192 A Pair of Octagonal-shaped Ditto — 1703 . . 27 18 193 A Pair of Fluted Column Table-candlesticks, on octagonal feet, chased with a shield of arms, aud with borders of raised spiral ornament — 1700 . 25 2 194 A Pair of Smaller Ditto, nearly similar — 1706 . 18 16 195 A Pair of Table-candlesticks, with fluted column stems and square feet, with reeded borders — 1683 — hy Buteux . . . . . . . 37 14 196 A Set of Four Table-candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems, with spirally fluted nozzles and feet, with gadroon borders — 1761-2 .... 102 13 17 oz. dwt. 197 A Set op Four Ditto, finely chased with busts repre- senting the seasons, animals, emblems and other ornaments, in high relief — on ball feet — 1738 . 128 8 On octagonal black wood stands, mounted with chased silver shields of arms 198 A Pair of Table-candlesticks, on partly fluted stems and round feet, chased with festoons and wreaths of foliage . . . . . . . . 58 4 199 A Pair of Candelabra, on stems formed as triangular altars, chased with rams' heads and festoons of laurel foliage in relief, with scroll foliage and ribbon branches for two lights each — 1771 . . . 175 10 SILVER G^ILT—At per Oz, 200 Fifteen old three-pronged dessert-forks . . . 16 16 201 Four three-pronged table-forks; and thirteen ditto dessert-forks ...... 202 Twelve rat-tailed dessert-spoons — 1712 203 Eleven ditto— 1717-1723 .... 204 Six teaspoons, with short rats' tails; and five ditto, with threaded edges, and chased handles . . 6 14 205 Five teaspoons, the bowls chased with flowers ; and six ditto eggspoons . . . . . .42 206 An old English rat-tailed spoon, with flat handle and bowl chased with scrolls . . . . .12 207 A Set of Three Vase-shaped Canisters and Covers, with flower knobs, chased with wreaths and festoons of flowers and shields— 1747 . . . . 27 14 In black shagreen case, with metal-gilt mounts 22 10 12 7 11 13 18 SILVER— ^// at 20S A dessert-knife, witli threaded handle ; a fork, with ivory handle; and an ivory and silver muffineer, formed as an owl 209 Forty-eight dinner-knives, with straight blades ; twenty-six ditto, with curved blades ; and thirty-two small ditto, with silver jjistol-handles — in oak case 210 Twenty-four dinner-knives, with silver pistol-handles 211 Thirty-six ditto 212 Twenty-two small knives — similar 213 Eleven dinner-knives, with curved blades and . silver pistol- handles ; and five ditto, with straight blades and threaded silver handles 214 Eight small knives and forks, with steel blades and chased silver handles ; and a carver and fork, with plain silver handles — Corh hall mark 215 Twelve silver-gilt dessert-knives and foi'ks, and sixteen steel knives, with turquoise and gold Sevres porcelain handles, painted with birds in medallions — in a mahogany case 216 Twelve steel knives, with Dresden jiorcelain handles, painted with birds and insects, and with raised scrolls PLATED. 217 Twenty-jix soup-plates, with gadroon borders 218 A pair of tazze, with shaped borders ; a waiter, with chased centre; an oblong ditto, with chased border; two small trays ; and six menu-holders 219 An oval breakfast dish, with revolving cover; a round souffle- dish ; a pair of round-shaped heaters ; and a knife-tray 220 A set of four oblong entree dishes and covers, with gadroon borders ; and a pair of heaters 221 A set of four ditto, with heaters 19 222 A circular vegetable dish and cover, with gadroon edge and division 223 An oval two-handled soup-tureen and cover 224 A pair of oval meat- dishes, with gadroon edges ; and one, larger 225 An oval well-dish, with gadroon border 226 Another, with beaded border 227 Another, with beaded border ; and a dish-cover 228 Another, with gadroon and foliage border, and heater — on claw feet 229 A set of four dish-covers, in sizes, with gadroon borders and beaded handles 230 A pickle-frame, with two cut-glass bottles ; three escallop shells ; two plate-holders ; a pair of decanter stands ; six ash-trays ; a pair of semicircular bowls; six skewers; and two marrow - spoons 231 A pair of oval two-handled dishes ; an open trellis bread-basket ; a dish, with fluted border ; two stands, with lamps ; two pierced baskets ; and various other pieces 232 A pair of table-candlesticks, chased with shells ; a pair of fluted column ditto ; and one other pair 233 Eight chamber-candlesticks ; and a pair of taper-stands 234 A pair of candelabra, of Louis XV. design, with scroll branches for three lignts each 235 A pair of ditto, of Louis XVI. design, with branches for four lights each End of First Day's Sale. C 2 Second Day's Sale. oi»io- — On THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1891, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. FRENCH METAL-WORK. 240 A Kneeling Figure op Atlas, bearing a rock-crystal globe — 6^ in. high 241 A Pair of Or-molu Table-candlesticks, with chased borders OLD FRENCH FURNITURE. 242 An Old Tapestry Panel, with Venus, Cnpid, and a swan, with rich border of scrolls and flowers, mounted as a fire-screen, in richly-carved oak frame, with scrolls, shells, and shield- of-arms — on lion's claw feet 243 A Pier-glass, in frame formed of looking-glass, in borders carved and gilt with scrolls 244 A Small Oblong Parqueterie Work-table, with tray top, moimted with chased or-molu, and circular plaques of dark- blue jewelled Sevres porcelain — on open-work stand, with stretcher, mounted with chased or-molu, stamped with crown, branches of laurel, and initial R. From Miss Eden's Collection 21 245 A Small Square Table, of mahogany, with drawer 246 An Old French Parqtieterie Card-table, with a circular medallion with a vase on the top, inlaid in coloured woods, and mounted with masks and foliage of or-molu Formerly the Property of Judge Halihurton 247 A Small Oblong Mabqueterie Writing-table, the top inlaid with writing materials, a book and a vase of flowers, and scroll ornaments at the sides, fitted with drawer and writing- slide, and mounted with chased or-molu Signed, P. Pioniez 248 An Oval Marqueterie Table, with writing-slide and drawers, and stretcher beneath, inlaid with flowers in coloured woods, by David de Luneville 249 A Pair of Small Marqueterie Encoigneures, of rose and other woods, with circular fronts, each inlaid with a large military trophy suspended by a ribbon, mounted with ornaments of chased or-molu surmounted by marble slabs, by David de Luneville LOUIS XI y. PERIOD. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 252 A Black Boulle Inkstand, mounted with borders and fittings of chased or-molu 253 A Clock, by Terrier of Paris, with enamelled dial — in circular- shaped Louis XIV. case of black buhl, mounted with a boldly chased reclining figure of Time, and surmounted by a flying cupid — on oblong pedestal of black buhl, with masks, foliage, and claw feet of chased or-molu — 35 in. Mgh 254 A Pair of Louis XIV. Table-candlesticks, with ornaments in flat chasing 255 A Larger Pair, with octagonal stems and beaded borders 22 256 A Set of Four Louis XIV. Or-molu Table-candlesticks, chased with heads of Eoman emperors, festoons of drapery, &c — on octagonal feet 257 A Pair of Ditto, with scrolls and other decoration in flat chasing — on circular-shaped feet 258 A Set op Four Louis XIV. Or-molu Table-candlesticks, the stems formed as male and female figures bearing cornu- copia — on circular feet, with ornaments of flat chasing 259 A Pair, larger, of nearly similar design 260 A Pair of Louis XIV. Table-candlesticks, decorated with ornaments in flat chasing, and fitted with branches for thi-ee candles each 261 A Pair of Ditto, with triangular stems, and branches for two candles each 262 A CLOCK AND A BAROMETER, with chased metal-gilt and enamel dial, in hanging case of black boulle, mounted with a medallion head, foliage and other ornaments of chased or-molu — on bracket 263 A BAROMETER, by J. Bianchi,in caseof nearly similar design — on bracket 264 A Set of Four Louis XIV. Or-molu Table-candlesticks, with ornaments in flat chasing 265 A Pair of Ditto — smaller DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 266 A Louis XIV. Parqueterie Commode, of tulip and rosewood, with four drawers, mounted with masks and handles of chased or-molu, surmounted by a veined yellow and white marble slab — 39 in. wide 267 A Louis XIV. Commode, of black boulle, with shaped front and six drawers, mounted with masks, scroll feet and handles of chased or-molu, and with female figures and other decoration of the same at each end, surmounted by breccia marble slabs — 50 in. lonrf 23 268 A Black Boulle Knekhole Table, with seven drawers and eight legs, with stretchers, mounted with borders of chased or-molu — 48 in. long 269 A Pair of Louis XIV. Black Boullb Dwarf Cabinets, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves inlaid with scrolls, figures in or-molu 270 A Louis XIV. Hanging Chandelier, of or-molu, by Boulle, chased with masks, foliage, &c., with branches for six lights From Lady BurreWs Collectiun 271 A Large Black Boulle Inkstand, inlaid with scrolls, &c., in or-molu, and mounted with the same LOUIS XY. PERIOD. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 272 A Pair op Louis XV. Candelabra, chased with scrolls and flowers, with foliage branches for three lights each 273 A Pair of Louis XV. Candelabra, of scroll design, with branches for three lights each 274 A Pair of Larger Ditto, nearly similar 275 A Set of Four Louis XIV. Table-candlesticks, with female masks and busts in high relief, and other ornaments 276 A Pair of Large Louis XV. Candlesticks, chased with scrolls and foliage 277 A Pair of Smaller Ditto, chased with scrolls and engraved with foliage 278 A Barometer and Thermometer, in hanging case, by Boulle, of ebouy and tortoiseshell richly mounted with scroll foliage, drapery and other decorations of chased or-molu 279 A BAEOMETER AND A THERMOMETER, by Lange de Bourbon, in Louis XV. hanging case of tulip wood, richly mounted with scroll and flower ornaments of chased or-molu 280 A Clock, by Gosseliu of Paris, in Louis XV. case of or-molu, boldly chased with scrolls and flowers on red and whito marble plinth 24 281 A Clock, with enamel dial in Louis XV. and or-molu case of scroll design 282 A Clock, in Louis XV. or-molu case, chased with scrolls, flowers and dragons, and surmounted by a vase of flowers and dragons on or-molu pedestal, en suite — 25 in. high 283 A Clock, by Julien Le Eoy, in Louis XV. or-molu case of scroll design, with emblems and flowers surmounted by a figure of a cupid seated on a cloud — 16i in. high 284 A Clock by Estienne Le Noir, in Louis XV. or-molu cartel case, of scroll design 285 A Set of Four Louis XV. Silvered-bronze Table-candle- sticks, decorated with scrolls DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 286 A Louis XV. Sofa, carved with scroll ornaments and flowers in relief, covered with old yellow and green Genoa velvet, with borders of gold lace 287 A Pair of Fauteuils — en suite 288 A Pair of Ditto 289 A Pair of Ditto 290 A Pair of Ditto 291 A Pair op Chairs — en suite 292 A Louis XV. Four-leafed Screen, painted with landscapes and river scenes, in borders of wreaths and festoons of flowers, in colours and gold 293 A Small Louis XV. Commode, with shaped front and two drawers, mounted with masks, scroll handles, &c., of chased or-molu, surmounted by a marble slab — 25^ in. wide 294 A Louis XV. Marquetrie Commode, with shaped front and folding doors, each inlaid with an oval panel of marcpieterie, mounted with flowers, trophies, and other decorations of chased or-molu, surmounted by a red and white marble slab Signed, P. Garlin IMS 25 295 A LOUIS XV. PARQUETERIE COMMODE, of tulip, rose, and other woods, richly mounted with festoons of floweis, foliage, ribbons, and other ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a veined white marble slab Signed, F. A. Mondon IME Purchased at the sale of the contents of the Clarendon Hotel 296 A Pair of Louis XV. Maequeterie Encoigneures, of rose-wood and tulip-wood, with shaped fronts and folding doors, with two large marqueterie panels of flowers, mounted with scroll ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted with pavoniezza marble slabs 297 A Pair of Louis XV. Marqueterie Encoigneures, with shaped fronts, mounted with scroll ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by green and white veined marble slabs 298 A Louis XV. Upright Secretaire, on inlaid tulip, rose, and other woods, with fall-down front and cupboard beneath, mounted with scroll foliage, flowers,- and other ornaments of chosed or-molu, and surmounted by a marble slab — 47 in. loide 299 A Small Louis XV. Secretaire, of pollard wood, coloured green, with fall-down front, mounted with scroll ornaments and flowers of chased or-molu — 23 inches From Miss Eden's Collection 300 A LAEGE LOUIS XV. MAEQUETEEIE SECE:ETAIEE, with foliage ornaments in trellis of tulip and other woods, with cylinder revolving front and three drawers, mounted with handles, feet, and corner ornaments of or-molu chased with foliage — 56 in. ivide 301 A Shaped Oblong Louis XV. Parquterie Library Table, of tulip-wood and rose-wood, with three dj-awers, mounted with scrolls, handles, and ornaments of chased or-molu, the top covered with morocco leather 302 A Louis XV. Marqueterie Writing-table, with three drawers inlaid with flowers in coloured woods, mounted with masks, wreaths, and borders of chased or-molu 303 A Small Louis XV. Parqueterie Writing-table, with writing-slide and drawer, and small cabinet with revolving front above, and shelf beneath, mounted with satyrs' masks, foliage, and borders of chased or-molu Signed, L. Boudin IME 26 304 A Louis XV. Table, with cupboard, of inlaid woods, mouuted with borders and scroll ornaments of chased or-molu, aud surmounted by a veined marble slab, with metal-gilt gallery- SOS Anotheb, of parqueterie and marqueterie, the top inlaid with trellis-pattern aud flowers of coloured woods, mounted with corner ornaments and feet of chased or-molu 306 A Small Oblong-shaped Louis XV. Marqueterie Writing- table, with drawer, mounted with scroll ornaments and chased or-raolu 807 A Louis XV. Pier-table, of walnut wood, with shaped front and ends, mounted with a female mask, trophies, &c., of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a looking-glass in walnut-wood frame, mounted with a shield-of-arms, flowers, and scrolls of chased or-molu 808 A LOUIS XV. MARQUETERIE CABINET, with three doors below and drawer above, inlaid with a wreath of flowers, and a bird suspended by ribbons in the centre, and birds and trees at the sides, the ends inlaid with baskets of flowers, mounted with rams' heads, Cupid, and scrolls of chased or-molu, surmounted by a green veined marble slab, by David de Luneville — 4 ft. long 309 THE COMPANION 310 A TALL LOUIS XV. ARMOIRE, of parqueterie, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves, and mounted with classical figures, terminal figures, masks, and borders of chased or-molu — ^ ft. 5 in. high From Lord Willoughby De Ereshy's Collection 311 A Pair of Louis XV. Marqueterie Cabinets, with circular fronts, with doors inlaid with large groups of flowers in coloured woods, mounted with borders and corners of or-molu, chased with scrolls and flowers, and surmounted by veined-grey marble slabs — 30 in. wide 312 A Pair of Louis XV. Parqueterie Cabinets, with three drawers and shelf, mounted with masks, scroll foliage, aud borders of chased or-niolu It LOUIS XYI. OR-MOLU WORK, Etc. 313 A Pair of Louis XVI. Dwarf Candlesticks, of or-mohi, formed of tripod altars, chased with festoons of foliage and scrolls 314 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Table-candlesticks, partly fluted and chased 315 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Table-candlesticks, with terminal fluted stems, and fluted base 316 A Pair of Large Louis XVI. Table-candlesticks, with fluted stems and nozzles, and chased with foliage and other ornaments 317 A Pair of Ditto Fluted Candelabra, the stems surmounted by vases, and with festoons of foliage in relief, with branches for two lights each 318 A Pair op Large Louis XVL Or-molu Wall-lights, with foliage branches for three lights each, each surmounted by a basket will a group of flowers in or-molu 319 A Pair of Large Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, with branches for three lights, decorated with rams' heads and festoons of foliage, surmounted by spirally-fluted vases 820 A Pair of Louis XVI. Wall-lights, of or-molu, with lions' heads and festoons of foliage, and branches for three lights each 321 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, with fluted and chased stems, surmounted by vases and festoons of drapery, and branches for three lights each 322 A Pair of Louis XVL Table-candlesticks, the stems fluted and chased with festoons and other foliage 323 A Pair of Large Louis XVI. Table-candlesticks, on partly fluted stems, and festoons of laurel 324 A Clock, by Chas. Le Roy, in Louis XVI. cartel case of or-molu, with female mask, ribbons, festoons of foliage, surmounted by a vase 28 325 A Clock, by Corniquet, Paris, in Louis XVI. drum-sliaped case of or-molu, on fluted pedestal and oblong plinth, with a large figure of Cupid, flowers and emblems, surmounted by a door and branch of foliage — 14 in. high 326 A Clock, by Marchand, of Paris, in Louis XVI. case, formed as a galley with merchandise and a male and female figure with Cupid, inscribed " Je vogue au gre de la fortune et protege du Dieu Neptune" — on oblong ebony plinth, with waves and frieze of chased or-molu 327 A Paie of Small Louis XVI. Looking-glasses, surmounted by shields, foliage, festoons and wreaths of flowers 328 A Set of Fouk Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, spirally fluted, and chased with flowers and foliage, and suspended by ribbons, and fitted with branches for three lights each 329 A Pair of Small Louis XVI. Wall-lights, chased with the Eoyal Standards of France and emblems, surmounted by a group of two dolphins and a palm tree, with oak foliage branches for two lights each Formerly the Property of Lady Carrington DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 330 A FiRE-scEEEN, with plate-glass panel, in carved and gilt Louis XVI. frame 331 A Pair of Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Torcheres, formed as trijjod altars, with terminal female busts, festoons of flowers, masks and other ornaments, the feet formed as hoofs, and supporting triangular pedestals carved with ara- besques in relief 332 A Pair of Louis XVI. Maequeteeie Encoignures, with shaped fronts, inlaid with Chinese figures, flowers and other ornaments in coloured woods, and mounted with chased or- molu, and surmouutccl by marble shibs 29 333 A Louis XVI. Mabqueteeie Commode, with two large drawers below and smaller drawers above, inlaid with wreaths of foliage, suspended by ribbons, and the letter H in the centre, mounted with friezes and other ornaments in chased or-molu, surmounted by a marble slab — 41 in. long Signed, " Fait jjar George Hougot eben du Hoi a Stockliolm Van 1776 " 334 A LOUIS XVI. MARQUETEEIE COMMODE, with two large drawers, the front inlaid with a basket and two large bouquets of flowers in coloured woods, and large bouquets of flowers at the ends in marqueterie borders, mounted with feet and other ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a marble slab — 50 in. long From the Collection of John James, Esq. 335 A LOUIS XVI. MARQUETEEIE COMMODE, with two large drawers and drawer above, richly mounted with scroll foliage, festoons of flowers, borders and other ornaments of chased or-molu, by Gouthiere, surmounted by veined purple and white marble slab — 2 ft. 6 in. long 336 THE COMPANION COMMODE 337 A Small Louis XVI. Parquetbrie Secretaire, with revolving cylinder, front glaze folding doors above and drawer beneath mounted with borders and ornaments of metal gilt 338 A Louis XVI. Parquetebie Tray-top Table, of tulip and satin wood, with shelf below, with borders and gallery of chased or-molu 339 A Ditto, nearly similar 340 A Small Oval Louis XVI. Marqueterie Writing-table, with kidney-shaped shelf beneath, the top and shelf inlaid with writing implements, books, flowers, utensils and playing card in coloured woods, and with utensils round the border, mounted with chased or-molu and gallery 341 A Louis XVI. Parquetebie Writing-table, with three drawers mounted with border and ornaments of or-molu, the top covered with Morocco leather — 53 in. long 342 A Louis XVI. Pabqueterie Writing-table, with two drawers, mounted with borders, festoons of laurel and es- cutcheons of chased or-molu, the top inlaid with Morocco leather — 51 in. long 30 343 A Louis XVI. Paeqtjeterie Cabinet, of inlaid mabogany, rose and other woods, with sliding panels above and drawer and sbelf beneatb, mounted with chased or-moln — in. wide 344 A Clock, by Javelot, in Louis XVL cartel case of or-molu, chased with laurel wreatljs and foliage 345 Another, by Dehemant, in case of nearly similar design, sur- mounted by a vase OBJECTS OF ArJT. 346 A Pair of Empire Candlesticks, with bronze figures of boys bearing gilt nozzles for candles — on white marble pedestals 347 A Pair or Empire Or-moiit Table-candlesticks, formed as boys supporting vases, seated on fluted columns 348 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, with partly draped female figures in bronze, supporting spirally-fluted branches for three lights each, with scroll foliage and chains — on grey marble pedestals mounted with or-molu 349 A Clock, by Mercier, in Empire case of or-molu, with alle- gorical figures representing Coriolanus assisting Pome, inscribed " Elevez vous, mere afiligez, Rome est sauvez mais votre fils est perdu " — " Mon fils, prenez compation de votre chere patrie" — on fluted plinth and feet — 16^ in. high CHIPPENDALE FURNITURE. 350 A Circular-shaped Mahogany Chippendale Table — on carved pillar and tripod 351 A Chippendale Mahogant Settee, with carved openwork back — on six carved legs, the scat covered with purple and gold damask 31 352 Two. Mahogany Caeved Armchairs, with openwork backs and scroll arms, the seats covered with green morocco leather 353 A Larger Ditto, carved with scroll foliage in low relief, the seat covered with morocco leather 354 A Small Mahogany Chippendale Table, with tray top — on fluted stem, and tripod with claw feet 355 A Pair of Ditto Candle-tables — on stem, and tripod with claw feet 356 A Small Walnut-wood Ditto — on stem, and tripod 357 A Chippendale Mahogany Octagonal Tea-caddy — on four turned legs 359 A Chippendale Mahogany Stool 360 A Ditto Armchair, with lions'-mask arms, &c., claw and ball feet, the seat and back covered with green morocco leather 361 Two Chippendale Armchairs, with carved openwork backs, surmounted by escallop shells — on carved legs and scroll feet, the seats covered with green morocco leather 362 Six Mahogany Chippendale Chairs, with oval backs, the legs fluted and carved with foliage, the backs and seats covered with maroon morocco leather ; and an armchair, en suite 363 A Set of Eight Chippendale Mahogany Chairs, with open- work backs carved with ornaments in low relief — on carved legs with ball and claw feet, the seats covered with maroon morocco leather 364 A Set of Twelve Chippendale Chairs, and four armchairs, en suite, with reeded borders carved with foliage, and surmounted by groups of roses and leaves, the backs and seats covered with maroon morocco leather 365 A Set of Four Carved Mahogany Chippendale Armchairs, with ball and claw feet, the arms carved with eagles' heads 366 A Mahogany Chippendale Circular Table, with shaped border — on carved stem and tripod 32 367 A Sheraton Table, of satin wood, inlaid with ornaments of coloured woods, and with rising plate-glass top 368 A Small Louis XVI. Square Mahogany Table, with cupboard mounted with or-molu 369 A Pair op Louis XVL Encoigneures, with shaped fronts inlaid with old Sevres plaques, painted with flowers, and mounted with or-molu VENETIAN LOOKING-GLASSES. 370 A Venetian Looking-glass, engraved witli the Crucifixion and Magdalen, in black and gold frame 371 A Pair of Venetian Looking-glasses, in shield-shaped gilt frames carved with scrolls 372 A Pair of Larger Ditto, the frames carved with scrolls and flowers, and grotesque masks beneath 373 A smaller ditto, in gilt frame, carved with masks, flowers and scrolls ; and one other 374 A Pair of Shield-shaped Venetian Looking-glasses, engraved with Mercury and Hercules, in carved and gilt frames 375 A Pair of Small Venetian Glass Mirrors, engraved with the Crucifixion and the Annunciation, in carved and gilt frames OLD ITALIAN FURNITURE. 878 An Old Italian Carved and Gilt Gueridon — on scroll stem and tripod 379 A pair of oval gilt wood stands, carved with figures of eagles and swans 33 380 A Venetian Cabved and Gilt Prie-Dieu Stool, the top supported by two large terminal figures of boys, the back with the brazen snake, flowers, &c. Bought of Guggenheim, Venice 382 A Set of Four Italian Cabved Black-wood Chairs, the backs and seats covered with morocco leather End of Second Day's Sale. D Third Day's Sale. 3ifHo Oil FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. OBJECTS OF ART. 386 Six Old Spoons, six three-pronged forks, and six knife-handles, in upright case covered with leather 387 A Toilet-glass, with bevelled edge and arched top, in black bouUe frame 388 An Oblong Casket, of inlaid tulip and rose wood, the lid of marqueterie, inlaid with a vase of roses and lilies, with mounts and handles of metal gilt 389 A Small Cabinet, covered with morocco leather with stamped and gilt borders, containing three drawers and writing materials 390 A Clock, by Nepveu, of Paris, in drum-shaped case of or-molu, chased with a wreath of oak foliage, and surmounted by an urn — on or-molu pedestal, chased with two figures of boys, doves and emblems, and ebony plinth mounted with chased or-molu — li) in. high 35 OLD FRENCH FURNITURE. 393 A Small Oval Tulip-wood Mabqueteiue Table, drawer autl shelf beueatb, inlaid with a vase of roses, lilies, and other flowers, and mounted with or-molu, the top inlaid with morocco leather and fitted with metal-gilt gallery 394 A Small Oblong Parquetekie Teay-top Table, inlaid with trellis and geometric ornament — on tripod 395 A Two-tier Parqueterie Table 39G A Parqueterie Toilet-table, with rising top and drawers 397 A Parqueterie Writing and Dressing Table, with rising top 398 An Oblong Table, of ebony and red boulle, inlaid with scroll ornaments, and mounted with masks and ornaments of chased or-molu — 36 in. long Purchased of Mrs. Somerset, 48, Charles Street, Berkeley Square 399 A Small Triangular-shaped Writing-table, of old French parqueterie, with marqueterie top inlaid with a bouquet of flowers, with " rising " top and cupboard beneath LOUIS Xiy. PEEIOD. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 402 A Louis XIV. Ink-stand, of black boulle, inlaid with fleur-de- lis, crown and foliage, and with female masks and feet of chased or-molu 403 An Oblong Casket, of red boulle, inlaid with arabesques, flowers, &c. D 2 36 404 A Pair op Louis XIV. Ob-molu Table-candlesticks, with triangular stems and circular-shaped foot chased nnd engraved, and with scroll branches for two candles each — 13^ in. high 405 A Louis XIV. Ob-molu Hanging Chandelier, with branches for twelve lights, chased with female busts, wreaths of flowers and other ornaments, surmounted by a vase with four female busts 406 A Louis XIV. Hanging Oh-molu Chandelier, with branches for twelve lights, chased with scrolls, shells and foliage 407 AN OK-MOLU HANGING CHANDELIEE, by BouUe, with • branches for sis lights, finely chased with female masks, ranis' heads and scrolls, the upper part formed as a vase, and terminal figures, surmounted by a group of cupids' heads Purchased at the sale of the objects of art at the Clarendon Hotel 410 A Louis XIV. Parqueterie Commode, of inlaild tulip and rose- wood, with three drawers, mounted with mask, foliage and scroll ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a purple-veined marble slab — 5 ft. 9 in. long 411 A Louis XIV. Commode, of black buhl, with four drawers inlaid with figures of musicians, animals and scroll foliage, mounted with masks, handles and other ornaments of chased or-molu — 4: ft. 5 in. long From Lady BurrelVs Collection 412 The Companion Commode 413 A Louis XIV. Library Table, of inlaid rosewood, with throe drawers mounted with masks, scrolls, flowers and other decorations of chased or-molu — the top inlaid with leather — 6 ft. 2 in. long 414 A Black Boulle Chest of Fouh Drawers, inlaid with birds, arabesques and scrolls, and mounted with handles, escutcheons and borders of chased or-molu — 61 in. long 37 LOUIS XY. PERIOD. DECOUATIVE OBJECTS. 417 A Pair of Louia XV. Or-molu Andirons, each with a figure of a boy, with a bouquet of flowers on s^^ands of scroll design, chased with foliage of flowers 418 A Small Louis XV. Table-oandlestick, of scroll design 419 A Pair of Large Louis XV. Table-candlestioks, chased with scrolls and engraved with flowers 420 A Pair of Lodis XV. Table-candlesticks, the stems chased with terminal figures of boys, trophies and scrolls 421 A Pair of Larger Ditto, the feet chased with fruits and fiowers, each fitted with foliaa;e branches for three lights each, and with a group of flowers in the centre 422 A Pair of Louis XV. Candlesticks, of scroll design 423 A Pair of Louis XV. Or-molu Wall-lights, with draped terminal female figures bearing branches for two lights, the lower part chased with flowers 424 A PAIE OF LOUIS XV. OK-MOLU CANDELABRA, with foliage branches for three lights each and square plinths of or-molu, each fitted with a large figure of a shepherd and a shepherdess, of old Dresden porcelain — figures 12 in. high 425 A Pair of Large Louis XV. Candelabra, of scroll design, with branches for three lights each, with oak foliage, and with an old bronze figure of Jupiter and Juno in the centre — 28^ in. high 426 A Barometer and Thermometer, by Passement, of Versailles, in Louis XV. inlaid hanging mahogany case, the borders mounted with scroll ornament of or-molu 427 The Companion 38 428 A Clock, by Martinot, in Louis XV. or-nioln case, cliased with scrolls, flowers and a trophy surmouutorl by a figure of a boy holding a sun-dial — on pedestal of similar design 429 A Cartel Clock, by Estienne Lenoir, in Louis XV. case of or-molu, chased with scrolls and flowers, and inlaid with panels painted witli flowers 430 Another, of almost similar design, by Pierre Le Eoy 431 A Clock, by Audinet, of I'aris, in tall upright Louis XV. marqueterie case of tulip, ruse and other woods, inlaid with flowers and ribbons above, and a seated female figure with a globe below, mounted with foliage, ornament and borders of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a vase of the same — 7 ft. 5 in. high 432 A Paiu of Large Louis XV. Wood Brackets, carved with scrolls and foliage, and gilt 433 A Louis XV. Clock, by Biiilluu, in case, with cupids' heads, scrolls, &c. — on or-molu stand, chased with masks and scrolls Formerly belonging tu Sir Buwland Ert ington 434 A Louis XV. Upright Marqueterie Secretaire, with fall- down front and drawer above, and folding doors beneath, inlaid with flowers and mounted with or-molu 435 A Pair of Small Carved and Gilt Louis XV. Sofas, the backs and seats covered with yellow silk brocade, with flowers in colours 436 A Square Panel of Old Bauvais Tapestry, of the period of Louis XV., representing one of ^sop's fables, in border of scrolls and flowers — on carved wood tripod with pole 437 A PiEP.-GLASS, in Louis XV. frame, gilt, and carved with scrolls, flowers and otlicr ornaments 438 A Louis XV. Folding Reading-desk, carved with scroll ornaments, and painted green and gilt 439 A LOUIS XV. EEGULATOR, of inlaid tulip and other woods, richly mounted with a mask, flowers and scrolls of chased or-molu, surmounted by a tigure of Time — 1 ft. 4 in. high 39 440 A Louis XV. Marquetekie Commode, with three drawers, inlaid with birds, vases of flowers, and utensils, mounted with lions' masks and festoons and flowers of chased or-molu — surmounted by a marble slab — 44 in. long Signed, Petit 441 A Small Louis XV. Commode, of inlaid rose and tulip wood richly mounted with scrolls and flowers of chased or-molu and surmounted by a Paramezza marble slab — 38 in. long 442 A LOUIS XV. COMMODE, of old French lac, with Chinese landscapes and buildings in gold on black ground, with two drawers, richly mounted with scroll ornament, borders and handles of chased or-molu — surmounted by marble slabs — 56 in. wide 443 THE COMPANION 444 A Pair of Louis XV. Parqueterib Enooigneures, with circular fronts and folding-doors, mounted with scroll ornaments and chased or-molu, and surmounted by marble slabs 445 A Pair of Louis XV. Parqueterie Enooigneures, with shaped fronts and folding-doors, mounted with borders of scrolls and foliage, and other decorations of chased or-molu, surmounted by Paramezza marble slabs 446 A Pair of Louis XV. Enooigneures, of inlaid tulip and rose- wood, with chased front and folding-doors, richly mounted with scrolls and ornaments of chased or-molu — surmounted by a Breccia marble slab 447 A Louis XV. Marqueterie and Parqueterie Secretaire, with falldown front inlaid with a basket, wreaths of flowers, and musical trophies, the ends inlaid with vases and wreaths of flowers, and drawer beneath, with parqueterie, mounted with trophies and borders of chased or-molu 448 A LOUIS XV. UPEIGHT SECEETAIRE, of inlaid rose and other woods, with falldown front, and folding-doors beneath, mounted with or-molu, chased with scrolls, and surmounted by a Verona marble slab — 53 in. Idgh Signed, Dubois IVE 40 449 A Louis XV. Kneehole Library-table, of tulip, rose, and other woods, with five drawers mounted with borders, handles, and scroll ornaments at the corners, of chased or-molu, and Apollo masks and other ornaments at the ends — 64 in. long 450 An Oblong-shaped Louis XV. Writing-table, of inlaid woods, with three drawers and leather top, mounted with handles, corners, and other ornaments of chased or-molu 451 A Small Louis XV. Parqueterie Table, with shaped front and folding-doors, and drawer beneath, surmounted by a white marble slab, and mounted with or-molu 452 An Oblong Louis XV. Table, of parqueterie and marqueterie, the top inlaid with a bouquet of flowers, mounted with chased or-molu — 27^ in. long From Lady Dungannons Sale 453 A Small Louis XV. Marqueterie Table, with writing-slide and two drawers, the front inlaid with a group of flowers, the top inlaid with books and writing materials, mounted with chased or-molu 454 A Louis XV. Marqueterie Bonheur de Jour Table, with writing-slide and three doors above, inlaid with playing- cards, utensils, &c., in coloured woods, mounted with medallion heads, friezes, and other ornaments of chased or-molu Signed, Pioniez ME 455 A Louis XV. Bonheur de Jour Tulip-wood Marqueterie Writing-table, with writing-slide, drawer, and two small cupboards above, inlaid with vases of flowers, books, music, and utensils in coloured woods, mounted with scroll and other ornaments of chased or-molu Signed, G. Topino W!, From the Countess of Dungannon's Sale 456 A Louis XV. Marqueterie Writing-table, with shaped ends and fall-.lown toj), mounted with borders and corner orna- ments of chased or-molu 41 LOUIS XVI. OR-MOLU WORK, Etc. 458 A Pair of Dwarf Candlesticks, with fluted vase-shaped stems supported by dolphins 459 A Pair of Louis XVI. Dwarf Candlesticks, fluted and chased with foliage 460 A Pair of Fluted Louis XVI. Dwarf Candlesticks, the borders chased with foliage 461 A Pair of Louis XVI. Wall-lights,- fluted and decorated with goats' heads and festoons of laurel, surmounted by spirally-fluted vases, and branches for three lights each 462 A Pair of Louis XVI. Wall-lights, for three lights each, chased with scroll foliage, and surmounted by a group of flowers of or-molu 463 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, with festoons of drapery and laurel, fitted with branches for three lights each, and surmounted by a flaming urn 464 A Set of Eight Louis XVI. Or-molu Candelabra, the stems formed as altars and festoons of foliage, with branches for three lights each — on round feet chased with foliage 465 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, the stems fluted and chased with festoons of flowers, &c,, fitted with branches for three lights each 466 A Clock, by Colin of Paris, in Louis XV J. drum-shaped case of or-molu, with female masks, foliage, and festoons of flowers, and surmounted by a cupid and clouds — on stem, formed of three terminal figures of boys — on fluted and chased circular pedestal — 16^ in. high From Mr. Henry Broadwood's Collection 42 4G7 A Clock, by Fol, in Louis XVI. square-shaped case of or-molu, with fluted columns at the sides, and chased with laurel and other foliage — 10^ in. high 468 A Clock, by Bouchet, with enamelled dial, showing the days of the month and the week, iu Louis XVI. case, of or-molu, richly chased with foliage — on marble plinth, with or-molu feet 469 A Small Louis XVI. Toilet-glass 470 A Pair of Large Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, with festoons of foliage and scroll ornaments, surmounted by vases, with branches for three lights each 471 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu "Wall-lights, with branches for three lights each, chased with lions' masks and festoons 472 A Louis XVI. Fender, of or-molu, the ends chased with friezes of infant bacchanals in low relief, surmounted by bronze figures of boys with emblems 473 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Andirons, chased with wreaths and festoons of flowers, and surmounted by flaming altars 474 A Louis XVI. Fire-screen, with plate-glass panel in carved and gilt frame, surmounted by a vase of flowers — on tripod stand, with claw feet and scroll foliage 475 A Louis XVI. Fauteuil, green damask cover 476 A Louis XVI. Marqueterie Commode, of semicircular form, with two large drawers in the centre and smaller drawer above, and door enclosing shelves at the ends, the front inlaid with musical trophies, vases, &c., in coloured woods, mounted with borders and or-molu, surmounted by a white marble slab — 45J in. long 477 A LOUIS XVL PARQUETERIE COMMODE, of tulip and other woods, with two drawers above and two large drawers below, mounted with friezes of scrolls, festoons, and borders of chased or-molu, surmounted by a veined grey marble slab — 4: ft. 10 m. toide Signed, M. G. Gramer W 43 478 A Louis XV. Pakqcetkrie Writing-tablk, of tulip and other woods, with revolving cylinder front and drawers, mounted with chased or-molu 479 A Clock, by H. Padeval, of Paris, in drum-shaped case of or-molu, supported by a male figure on either side — on ebouized plinth, with claw feet 480 A LOUIS XVL PAKQUETERIE COMMODE, of king wood and tulip wood, inlaid with flower ornaments in trellis, mounted with friezes and scroll ornaments of chased or-molu, surmounted by a Breccia marble slab 481 A LOUIS XVL KEGULATOR, by Robin, in square-shaped case of tulip and rosewood, mounted with borders, ornaments, and surmounted by a vase with festoons of drapery of chased or-molu 482 A Louis XVL Parqueterie Writing-table, of tulip and other woods, with drawer fitted for writing, and mounted with edges and gallery of or-molu Signed, J. S. Re'jouc M, and stamped with a crown and fleurs-de-lis and initials T.H. 483 A Small Louis XVL Parqueterie Table, with drawer and statuary marble top and shelf, mounted with borders of chased or-molu 484 A Louis XVI. Writing-table, of parqueterie and marqueterie, with folding glazed doors above and falldown front beneath, inlaid with an oval marqueterie medallion, with doves and flowers, &c., on a terrace, mounted with chased or-molu Signed, G. Kemp liE Formerly the Property of the Hon. H. Stanhope 485 A Small Louis XVL Cabinet, of mahogany, with inlaid borders, with rounded front and shaped sides, mounted with vases, corners and other ornaments of chased or-molu, surmounted by a veined white marble slab — 25 in. wide Signed, G. Topino 486 A Pair of Square-shaped Louis XVL Pedestal Cabinets, of mahogany, with fluted pilasters at the ends, the doors panelled and richly mounted with festooned fluted vases on pedestals and other ornaments of chased or-molu, surmounted by Griotte marble slabs Signed, Joseph 44 487 A Louie XVI. Upricht Cabinet, of inlaid tulip and other woods, with glazed folding doors, and glazed sides enclosing shelves, snrmoimted by a marble slab 488 A Clock, by Lebrasseur, in Louis XV. or-molu ease, chased with a musical trophy and scrolls, and surmounted by a vase on oblong plinth, en suite ITALIAN AND OTHER DECOR ATIYE OBJECTS. 489 An Italian Maequeterie Casket, the top inlaid with an animal in coloured woods, the sides inlaid with marble plaques 490 An Italian Maequeterie Casket, of olive wood, inlaid with ornaments of ebony and ivory, and with chased metal-gilt handles 491 An Oblong Italian Casket, of ebony and inlaid ivory 492 A Eed Boulle Inkstand, with terminal figures at the corners of chased or-molu 493 An Oblong Box, of ebony, inlaid with flowers and foliage of engraved ivory 494 An Oblong Walnut-wood Parqueteeie Casket 495 496 A Pair of Italian Gilt-wood Wall-lights, carved with scroll foliage, and fitted with metal rose branches for two lights each OLD ITALIAN BRONZES AND METAL WORK, Etc. 497 A Statuette op Cupid holding a Thunder-bolt — 16^ in. high — on fluted black-wood pedestal 498 A Statuette of Adonis — 13 in. high — on similar pedestal 499 A Pair of Old Italian Bronze Statuettes of Maes, with a sword and shield, and Minerva with a shield and spear — 17 in. high — on fluted ebonizcd pedestals 45 500 A Seated Figure of a Boy, wearing a helmet — 0^ in. high — on carved and gilt-wood stand 501 Mars and Apollo : a pair of old Italian bronze statuettoe — on fluted half-column pedestals — 13 in. high 502 A Dancing Faun ; a ditto, on square marble plinth — llf in. high 503 A Bull and a Horse : a pair of old Italian Bronzes, on black BouUe pedestals mounted with or-molu 504 A pair of Venetian brass candlesticks, chased with goats* heads, on tripod feet formed as leopards ; a spirally fluted brass ewer ; a tea-kettle, on stand ; and a candlestick with china mount 505 A circular deep brass dish, embossed with an angel ; one with stags and hounds ; a smaller dish, with a vase of flowers ; and three other brass dishes 506 A Set op Four Venetian Bronze Altae Candlesticks, with triangular stems, with cherubs' heads and foliage, and trian- gular base with infant angels, and claw feet — 19^ in. high 507 Four silvered-metal Venetian vases, with wide lips ; and a small ditto 508 A pair of chased ditto, with bosses in relief ; and a pair of small ditto 509 Two pairs of metal-gilt ditto, with bust handles 510 Two pairs of smaller ditto ; and a pair of large two-handled ditto 511 A glass goblet, on open metal-gilt stand, and chased foot; a metal-gilt paper-knife, with chased handle ; a ditto cup, on foot ; and a priming flask, with arabesques in relief 512 Two metal-gilt helmet-shaped ewers; two tazze; a ditto, chased with arabesque foliage ; and a cover for a cup 513 A tall metal-gilt cup and cover, partly -fluted, and chased; a metal-gilt candelabra, on tripod claw stand ; and two ditto candlesticks 514 A Statuette of Vulcan — 16^ in. high — on fluted pedestal 46 515 Mekcury and Maus : a pair of bronze Rtatnottes— 22 in. high — on pedestals VENETIAN MIRRORS. 616 A Shield-shaped Mirror, carved with scrolls, and mask bencatli -gilt 517 A Set of Four Shield-shaped Looking-glasses, in carved frames, partly gilt and painted red and black, and inlaid with mother-o'-pearl, the tops formed as canopies 518 A Looking-glass, in black and gold frame, the top carved with scrolls and other ornaments 519 A Pair of Venetian Looking-glasses, engraved with Cupid and Flora, in carved and gilt frames 520 A Pair of Venetian Looking-glasses, engraved with the Anunciation and the Crucifixion, in black and gold frames OLD ITALIAN FURNITURE. 523 A Pair of Old Italian Prie-Dieu Stools, with shelf above, painted with flowers, and ornaments supported by carved and gilt figures of bo^-s and scrolls, the lower part painted with flowers and other decoration 524 AN OLD VENETIAN PIEK TABLE, boldly carved with foliage, flowers, and scrolls, on claw feet with stretcher, carved with a grotesque mask and scrolls, surmounted by a verde antique marble slab — 4 ft. 6 in. long 525 Six Carved Walnut-wood Stools, covered with old brocatolle 47 527 A Pair of Old Venetian Carved and Gilt Torchere, on scroll-shaped stem and tripod, carved with a mask and other ornaments 528 A Walnut-wood Fire-screen, delicately carved above, with the figures of boys supporting a shield-of-arms and a coronet, and with arabesque foliage, the borders carved with lions' masks and arabesques End of Third Day's Sale. // /JL J^ Fourth Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, JULY 11, \m\ AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. oJ»:c ENGLISH PICTURES. 530 Portrait of Lord Mansfield, in his robes, seated Purchased at the Sale of J. Jackson, B.A. T. STOTHARD, R.A. ^/ 531 A Garden Scene, with figures : a sketch in the style of Watteau 19 J in. by 16 in. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 532 Charitt 8f in. by Hi in. From the (Collection of Flaxman, R.A. P. STOTHARD, R.A. 533 Sancho Panza and the Duchess 18^ in. by 15 in. Exidhited at Burlington House, 1873 49 R. WILSON. 535 A Landscape, with a waggon and horses ^ ^rzr-!:^Ce-^^' 9^ in. by 12 in. From the Collection of Dr. Franks G. MORLAND, 1793. O ^' 546 A Hunting Scene /> ,^-rjeMJ / 17 tn. by 23^ IK. O^^'^'^^ / 51 T. GAINSBOROUGH. R.A. fji. 548 A Landscape, with figures C^^^^t^^<^ 9 in. by 11 in. ^ Formerly the Property of F. Darovery, Esq. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. O '54^ Three Figures on a Bank at the Edge of a Wood, cottage and distant landscape on left, blue sky with clouds 13^ in. by 11| in. From the late Mrs. Trimmer's Collection Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 5 j>. 550 An Open Glade in a Wood, with a thick clump of trees on the right, blue sky with clouds /2 /:iyyi.£u.c 13^ in. by llf in. / From the late Mrs. Trimmers Collection Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. r^ 551 Cattle and Sheep, crossing a ford at the foot of a wooded knoll on the right, a landscape on the left, with a river winding away in the distance, blue sky with clouds 12f in. by 14^ in. From the late Mrs. Trimmer's Collection Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. , ^ 552 A Landscape, with figures and animals in the foreground by a pool 35^ in. by 27^ in. E 2 52 T. GAINSBOROUGH. ^ O 558 A Gipsy Encampment /}z . CoSncop^ 19 in. by 24 in. From the Collection of the late Mrs. Trimmer SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 654 POBTRAIT OF THE AeTIST'S BlACK SeKVANT 16 in. by 12 in. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. ,-. 5 55 PORTRAIT OF MISS "FATsrxrv Kr':!\Tr»i.E^ ..Ao=. -^ -i.. -wrs. Daughter of Roger Kemble, and sister of Mr3. Siddons. Bom 1759, became an actress, and performed at Drury Lane. Married Francis Twifls, Esq., and retired from the stage. Died 1812. Half length to tbe right, three-quarter face, white dress with blue sash, grey background. Painted 1783 29 in. by 24J in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 53 CONTINENTAL SCHOOLS. MURILLO. 558 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, in the wilderness, wearing red drapery, holding staff in his left hand, his right clasped to his breast, looking up. Landscape background 47 in, by 41^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1877 Described in Curtis's booh on Velasquez and Murillo, No. 336, page 250 MDEILLO. 559 Three Black and White Spanish Fowls 23 in. by 28 in. Purchased of the Queen of Spain, in Paris, through Don Jose d Guell y Bente D. TENIERS. 560 A Landscape, with two figures and a dog in the foreground, and figures by a farm-house on the right 24 in. by 31 in. From the Hamilton Palace Collection T>. TENIERS. 561 A BUTCHER'S SHOP. Interior, from the ceiling hangs the carcase of a calf, the blood from which is dripping into a pan on the floor. Near it stands a girl in a red boddice and dark skirt, with a knife in her right hand and the head of the calf on a block in front of her. The feet of the calf lie on the ground Signed " D. Teniers. f : " 30 in. by 23 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 54 FYT. 562 A BIRD-CATCHER, with a life-sized kneeling figure on the right, and dead birds, weapons and implements, a boy and dog in the background 67 in. by 90 in. CUYP. 565 A Cock and Hen On panel — 21 in. by 28 in. From the (hllection of the late Captain the Hon. F. Maude, R.N. A. CUYP. 564 A LANDSCAPE, with a peasant and two cows standing under a tree on the right, and two others lying down on the left On panel — 16 in. by 12^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872 From the Collection of Jeremiah Harman, Esq., 1844 From the Collection of James Baker, Esq., 1855 PAUL POTTER. 565 A COCK AND HENS, in a landscape On panel— 20 in. by 23 in. From the Farnlcy Hall Collection 55 J. RUYSDAEL and N. BERCHEM. 566 A RICHLY WOODED LANDSCAPE, with a cavalier on a grey horse, attended by two men and a dog, passing through a shallow stream towards the spectator, a peasant seated on the right, two figures with a dog and three sheep approaching from the left, admirably introduced by N. Berchem 32J in. by 41 in. Signed by both Artists, and dated 1652 Exhibited at the British Institute, 1855 and 1867 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 From the Collection of the Duchesse de Berri, IBS! From the Collection of the late S. Wheeler, Esq^., 1871 Smith's Catalogue, vol. vi. page 34 ITALIAN SCHOOL. 569 The Virgin and Infant Savioub Enthroned, with saints and angels, and four figures of saints below — arched top 15^ in. by 8 in. P. LONGHI. 570 Two Ladies Purchasing Vegetables from a Seller, and a lady with a tambourine seated on the right 24 in. by 19^ in. P. LONGHL 571 A Lady Sitting for her Portrait 15 in. by 20| in. 56 r. LONGIII. 572 The Foutune Teller 24 in, by 19 in. P. LONGHI. 573 An Interior, with three ladies, and a gentleman asleep in a chair — the companion 24 in. by 19 in. P. LONGHI. 574 The Conffessional 23^ in. by 19 in. P. LONGHI. 575 An Interior, with a courtship, and two females at a tambour frame 23^ in. by 19| in. P. LONGHI. 576 An Interior, with a lady and gentleman, and two attendants — the companion 23^ in. by 19i in. P. LONGHI. 577 An Interior, with a lady seated, and an artist painting her portrait 27^ in. by 21^ in. 57 P. LONGHI. 578 Aw Inteeiob, with a lady and gentleman, and three attendants- the companion 27J in. by 21^ in. PALMA VECCHIO. 679 The Vibgin and Child, with Saints : a small three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated, holding the child, who stands on her lap, on the right stairs St. Nicholas of Bari, holding a crozier in his right hand and a book with three golden balls on it in his left, on the left is St. Catherine with her wheel, landscape background 33i in. by 45^ in. ExJitbited at Burlington House, 1891 Purchased of the Count Morosini BAETOLOMMEO MONTAGUA. 580 St. Baktholomew 581 St. Augttstin Painted in Tempera The pictures were formerly the doors of the organ of the Church of St. Bartolommeo in Vinceulza, which church was pulled down many years ago Procured hy Pajaro, from the late Consiglio Ricchetti^ and were purchased hy Mr. Bentinck BELLINI. 682 The Madonna and Infant Saviour, with St. John the Baptist, and two female saints with a book, and donor in attitude of prayer 24 in. by 40i in. 58 SEBASTIMUS LAZZAEI, 1753. 683 A Parrot, Musical Instruments and Still Life 21 in. by 29 in. Signed and dated MOEETTO DE BEESCIA. 584 The Holy Family and St. John 30 in. by 40 in. POMPONIO AMALFEO. 585 The Madonna and Infant Saviour, seated, with St. John the Baptist on the right and St. Simeon on the left, landscape back- ground with buildings and figures 40 in. by 51 in. Inscribed " Nunc Dimittis " VINCENZA CATENA. 586 Virgin and Infant Saviour, with St. Catherine, St. John, and donors Signed " Vizenzius Chaena P." 31 in. by 58^ in. JACOBELLO DEL FIOKE. 587 The Madonna and Infant Saviour 26 in. by 22 in. IL PEETE genovese. 588 POETEAIT OF A NOBLEMAN, in red cloak lined with fur 41 in. by 36 in. 59 CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. 589 Annunciation of the Virgin A portion of a picture formerly in two pieces, purchased by Carrer from the family of Comte Tomasin, of Venice. The other half was burned, owing to superstition. 24 in. by 16 in. Purchased of Antonio Carrer, 1874 JACOPO BASSANO. 590 Portrait of a Cardinal in a Landscape, standing at a table, on which are a crucifix and a Bible 45 in. by 39 in. TITIAN. 591 Portrait op a Young Man, in black dress and white collar 21^ in. by 19 in. Purchased from Cov/nt Alhrizzi TITIAN. 592 Portrait of a Gentleman, with fur collar 221 in. by 19 in. Purchased from Count Alhrizzi TITIAN. 593 The Adoration of the Magi 23^ in. by 41 in. TITIAN. 594 The Coronation of the Virgin, with angels 12 in. by 15 in. From ike Blenheim Collection 60 TITIAN. 595 PORTEAIT OF A VENETIAN NOBLEMAN AND HIS SON 47 in. by 37 in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 596 EsTHA AND Ahasueeus 24^ in. by 18 in. Purchased of Guggenheim, Venice, 1871 G. B. TIEPOLO. 597 The Death of Sophonisba — a sketch 18^ in. by 14^ in. From the Collection of the late J. T. Gibson- Craig, Esq. G. B. TIEPOLO. 598 Thk Deposition fbom the Ceoss 24 in. by 16^ in. Purchased of Passaro, Venice G. B. TIEPOLO. 599 The Peesentation in the Temple 36 in. by 28 in. Purchased of Guggenheim G. B. TIEPOLO. 600 Cleopatba Keoeiving Antony 17| in. by 25^ in. Study for the fresco in La Pahia, Venice 61 G. B. TIEPOLO. 601 Cleopatra Deopping the Peabl The Companion 17i in. by 25^ in. Study for the fresco in La Pahia, Venice P. VEKONESE. 602 Portrait of a Widow Lady, of the family of Barbo Querine, and her son, inscribed " ^Etatis Subb an. VIII." and dated 1588 51 in. by 45 in. P. VEEONESE. 603 Susakna and the Elders 17^ in. by 20i in. Purchased from the Manfrini Gallery Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872 P. VERONESE. 604 THE VIEGIN AND INFANT SAVIOUE, St. Elizabeth and Infant St. John 46 in. by 62 in. Purchased through the agency of F. della Bovere, from the Conte Lazzara, of St. Francesco, Padua Exhibited at the Boyal Academy Exhibition of Old Masters, 1877 P. VEEONESE. 605 VIEGIN AND CHILD, in glory, with angels 52 in. by 37 in. Purchased of Count Albrizzi 62 P. VERONESE. 606 ST. AUGUSTIN, in richly embroidered cope, with mitre and crosier 46 in. by 35 in. P. VERONESE. 607 PORTRAIT OF THE DOGE NICOLO DA PONTI 46 in. by 38 in. Purchased of Marcato, Venice, 1881 DOSSO DOSSI. 608 PORTEAIT OF THE DuKE OF EsTE From the Gostahile Gallery, Bologna PARIS BORDONE. 609 The Adobation Signed, " Paris Bordoneis, Tareiseneis " 23^ in. by 32^ in. Purchased of Count Morosini PARIS BORDONE. 610 THE SAVIOUR DISPUTING WITH THE DOCTORS IN THE TEMPLE From the Collection of the late J. B. Heath, Esq PARIS BORDONE. 611 A SAINT GIVING FOOD TO A BEGGAR, and a Saint holding a cross on the right 65 in. by 43 in. ? 6;} TINTOEETTO. 612 The Abbot op St. Michaele 37 in. by 31 in. TINTORETTO. /^^ 613 POBTBAIT OP A NaVAL OfFICER OP THE FaMILY OP OaPELLO XU^ J Purchased of the late Mr. Antonio Zen, of Venice ^ This picture was formerly hanging over a door in the Capello Palace, at Venice TINTORETTO. ^-^614 Wab Galleys / <^a^-^^tyiy ^o ? 6 TINTORETTO. 615 The Pbesentation in the Temple 29 in. by 66 in. From the Erizzo Palace, Venice TINTORETTO. 616 MARTYRS 39 in. by 25 in. From the Novar Collection ; TINTORETTO. 617 PORTRAIT OP A GENTLEMAN OF THE CONTARINI ^ FAMILY, the right hand resting on a table, the left holding a handkerchief 49 in. by 39 in. ; 41 7 u TINTOEETTO. 618 PORTEAIT OF GABRIEL ERNO, Prefect of Police Inscribed, " Gabriel Erno Petri Fil : " Brixie Prefectus 45 in. by 35 in. TINTORETTO. 619 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN, in purple dress, turned to the rigbt, his left hand upon his hip and right hand pointing to an open window, with a sea view and a ship, three-quarter length 45 in. by 42 in. TINTORETTO. /•^ 620 A PORTRAIT OF A SCULPTOR, dressed in black, receiv- ing gifts from a cornucopia held by a figure hovering in the right hand corner of the picture Inscribed — OOTAVIVUS DE 8TEA- DA • A • EOSBER • lAC " FIL • CIV • ROM • RODVL * IMP ' IVOBIL • AVLI0V8 " -ffiTA • XVIII • AN • DO • MDLXVII lAO • TENTORET * • F • 50 in. by 40 in. From the Blenheim Collection iL TINTORETTO. 621 A VENETIAN GENTLEMAN AND LADY, CHILD, AND PAGE Purchased at a house of St. Silvestro, Venice, upon the information of Pajaro Exhibited at Burlington House G5 TINTORETTO. ^ > 622 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE VIRGIN Purchased of Marcato, Venice, 1882 TINTORETTO. f /" 623 A Mythological Subject — the companion TINTORETTO. 624 PORTRAIT OF A NAVAL OFFICER, a member of the noblo V) • ^ family of Barbadigo : a three-quarter figure standing to the right, looking towards the spectator, leaning his left arm on a table, on which is a suit of armour, dark dress, dark cloak ; the sea, with shipping, is seen through an open window to the right Inscribed, " Andreas Barbadicus " Purchased at Padua, of Count Guistianiani Cavalli Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 CANALETTO. 625 The Chukch of Santa Maria della Salute 17^ in, by 29 in. ^ "^ From the Collection of Sir Richard Neave, Bart. CANALETTO. 626 The Bridge of Sighs — -The Companion 17^ in. by 29 in. From the Collection of Sir Richard Neave, Bart, CANALETTO. 9 Q 627 The Fortress of Malghera 19^ in. by 32 in. Purchased of Marcato 66 CANALETTO. 9 to ^ 628 The Piazza of St. Mark, with a fete "-^^ 321 i„. by 24^ in. CANALETTO. / ^ <^- 629 A View of the Eialto, aud the surrounding buildings ^-\ \\'X(> 14 in. by 25 in. CANALETTO. ^ S" G30 The Piazza of St. Mark ' IxAAfM^ \l}i in. by 29 in. r CANALETTO. 631 The Doge's Palace, Venice — A sicetch 13 in. by 19 in. CANALETTO. OU / 632 S. MAPtIA BELLA SALUTE, Venice : View of the Church / fry 6 looking across the canal, which occupies the foreground f/^ 22 in. by 33^ in. Purchased of Barhini, of Venice Exhibited at Burlington House 1872, and again in 1891 GIOVANNI BUONCONSIGHI MAEESCALCHO. / >-- 633 THE PEESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE, a composition ^6 of seven figures POEDONONE. 3 5 634 POETEAIT OF A VENETIAN LADY, of the Family of Morosini of St. Formosa — three-quarter length 43 in. by 31 in. Purchased from the present Count Morosini 67 FILIPPO LIPPI. f/O 635 MADONNA, INFANT SAVIOUR, AND ST. JOHN On 'panel—Z\\ in. by 22 in. Exhibited at Leed^ ANDREA. SCHIAVONE 636 THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEIVfPLE UOi/l/LClQ^ 48 in. by 37 in. C GIORGIONE. 637 PORTRAIT OF A VENETIAN GENTLEMAN, standing at \' Q a table and holding a glove in his right hand, and a land- scape background 37 in. by 29 in. ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO. 638 ST. MICHAEL TRAMPLING ON SATAN. Small ivXV length figures in a landscape ; St. Michael on the right holding _^ in his left hand the balance, with a little fi^gure in each scale representing a human soul, and a sword in his right, trampling on Satan who is rising from a cleft in the rock ; beside him stands St. Job, with long beard, flowing hair, and bare feet, leaning on his staff and holding a rosary in his left hand, and on the left St. Andrew is holding an open book with his emblems behind him, a coat-of-arms is represented in the lower part of the picture. Signed and dated " Verrocchio Andrea, 1475 On panel — 53 in. by 51 J in. Purchased of Gtigenheim, Venice, 1874 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 F 2 ti O^i/v^*^ y/^ 68 GIEOLAMO DAI LTBRI. G39 THE VIEGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED, WITH ARCH- ANGELS. A small full-length figure of the Virgin, seated on a throne holding the Child on her lap. He is raising His right hand in the attitude of Blessing ; on the right stands the Archangel Gabriel with the lily : on the left the Arch- angel Eaphael holding by the hand Tobit, who carries the fish under his arm : on the lower step of the throne lie an o2)cn book and an a^ple On 'panel — 56 in. by 46 in. '^ /^ t^A^ 3)6 a Purchased of Bichetti, Venice, 1874: /-^ (rZ^V^ ^ ExJiibited at Burlington House, 1891 ^/^ /f LOEENZO DI CEEDI. 640 VIEGIN AND INFANT SAVIOUR. Small three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated in a chamber, through the window and door of which is seen a landscape : she holds the Child on her lap with her right hand, and offers Him berries of pomegranate with her left : a bed is seen in the background On panel — 30^ in. by 20^ in. From the Collection of the late Alexander Barker, Esq. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 MOEETTO DE BEESCIA. G41 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHEONED WITH SAINTS : a small full length figure of the Virgin, seated on a marble throne under a canopy, holding the Child who stands ^ / //~l\ on her lap, two angels are placing a crown on her head ; on fVy the left is Elizabeth of Hungary with roses in her hand and on the left St. Louis of France, landscape background Arched top — 80 in. by 60 in. Purchased of the late Antonio Zen, Venice, 1880 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 69 F. GUARDI. 642 The Eialto // 10 in. by 17^ in. ./y^^ 643 The Piazza of St. Marks, with the campanile O (^ 644 St. Mark's Quay, looking at St. Giorgio Maggiore //J' 645 The Dog ana 3^ 646 Santa Maria Dblla Salute 647 A Church and Bridge 648 Santa Maria, from the Geudecca 649 A View on the Grand Canal ^Oy tfUv-t-^ F. GUARDI. • TV 650 A View in Venice, with a bridge and gondolas 17 in. by 27 in. F. GUARDI. ? ^ 651 A Street Scene, Venice 10^ in. by 8^ in. F. GUARDI. c3 652 A Venetian Interior, with figures S^in. by 11^ in. a ^cn^M, > GUARDI. A 653 Castello di St. Andrea, Venice 13 in. by 21 in. 42 F. GUARDI 654 The Piazzetta of St. Mark, looking west 11 in. by 17^ in. Purchased of the Executors of Sir Thomas Beckett 70 F. GUARDI. 655 The Piazza of St. Mabk, looking towards the sea — the ^ companion 11 in. by 17^ in. Purchased of the Executors of Sir Thomas Beckett F. GUAEDI. /-^ 656 INTERIOR OF ST. GIOVANNI AND PAOLO, with ^ / ceremony of the Te Deum sung in honour of Pope Pius VI. rl/fr*^ 26i in. by 31^ in. ^ai> 6 F. GUARDI. 657 THE RECEPTION OF THE DOGE AND SENATE BY POPE PIUS VI., in the grand reception hall of the Convent of St. Giovanni and Paolo P rvtv^-vC 26^ in. by 31^ in. The following three 'pictures are from the Collection of the late Samuel Boddington, and afterivards of Lady Webster : — F. GUAEDI. 658 THE DUCAL PALACE AND THE SURROUNDINGS, , A-7J fi'om the port, Venice /'^ 32 in. by 49^ in. '^-e^Cx^M Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 F. GUARDI. 659 THE PIAZZA OF ST. MARK, looking east, with church of St. Geminiano, Venice 32 in. by 49^ in 71 F. GUAEDI. 660 VENICE, looking across the Grand Canal towards the Dogana /Jo Vecchia and S. Maria della Salute, numerous gondolas on the canal, a sailing boat with a red flag on the right, cloudy 32 in. by 49^ in. r Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 GUAEDI. 661 A SET OF TWELVE PICTURES OF THE ISLANDS OF THE LAGUNE, VENICE IsoLA Di S. Maria 33o IsOLA DI SeOONDO C4>^\/^U'^^ P^ ISOLA DI S. LaZZEBO ISOLA DI S. ClENA IsOLA DELLA MaDONNA DEL BoSABIO IsOLA DEL LaZZERETTO, VeOOHIO IsOLA DEL CaSTELO DI S. AnDRBA DEL LiDO IsOLA DI S. CbISTO ford Isola delle Certosa IsoLA DI S. Giorgio Maggiore Two Views of the Outskirts of the Town End of Fourth Day's Sale. Fifth Day's Sale. »oj«{oo On MONDAY, JULY 13, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. 663 The Rape of Europa 11^ in. by 7^ in. 664 The Interior of a Palace 665 The Adoration of the Magi CANALETTO. 666 A View of the Rialto, and surrounding buildings — pen and ink 9 in. by 15 J in. CANALETTO. 667 Santa Maria della Salute 14 in. by 25 in. CANALETTO. 668 Santa Maria della Salute 11 in. by 16^ in. 73 CANAL ETTO. 669 A View Looking ovek the Rialto, Venice 12 in. by 17 in. CANALETTO. 670 The Piazza of St. Mark, with the campanile under repair 18 in. by 11^ in. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 671 Two Heads op Saints, Fresco J. EUSKIN. 665 A View on the Grand Canal, Venice Signed, and dated 1877 P. DE WINT. 673 LowTHEB Castle 13 in. by 20 in. P. DE WINT. 674 LowTHBR Castle 12 in. by 18 in. PICTURES. ENGLISH SCHOOL. 675 A Landscape, with a palace on a hill 676 Interior of a Cathedral 677 Cottages at the Edge of a Wood y^ in. by 11;^ in. 74 SIR G. BEAUMONT. 678 A EivEB Scene 11 in. by 17 in. J. WARD. 680 A Hunting Scene 17 in. by 20 in. F. ZUCCARELLI, R.A. 681 A River Scene, with figures wasliing in the foreground 22 in. by 29 in. J. RUISDAEL. 682 A Coast Scene, with shipping, by W. Etty, R.A. 18 in. by 25 in. W. ETTY, R.A. 683 A Coast Scene B. WEST, P.R.A. 684 A Portrait of George III. as Prince of Wales, seated at table reading a book 30 in. by 25 in. SIR. E. LANDSEEK, R.A. 685 A Man and Two OxEH—'sJcetch llj in. by 17^ in. 75 SIR. E. LANDSEER, R.A. 686 Portrait op the Artist when Young — oval From the Artist's Sale SIR. E. LANDSEER, R.A. 687 A Highland Valley 9i in, by 13 in. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 688 A Road Scene, with cottages 7| in. by 9^ in. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 689 A View in Scotland, with mountains The Companion 7f in. by 9^ in. R. BUCKNER. 690 Head of a Peasant-girl G. MORLAND. 691 "Full Cry" 7\ in. by 6 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 692 A Landscape, with cattle and a pool in the ioreground-— sketch 1 6 in. by 21 in. From the Collection of the late Mrs, Trimmer 76 T. STOTHAKD, K.A. 693 A Dying Kniqut, with nymphs and cupids on the sea shore 15^ in. by 21 in. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 694 Gil Blas in a Cave 15 in. by 12 in. From the Collection of Newington Hughes, Esq. T. STOTHAKD, R.A. 695 Charles II. discovering himself to a Royalist family 11 in. by 14 in. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 606 Qdeen Elizabeth at Tilbuby Fort 10^ in. 14 in. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 697 Charity 19^ in. by 24 in. R. WILSON. 699 A Lake Scene, with buildings 16 in. by 12^ in. R. WILSON. 700 A River Scene, with four peasants in the foreground, and a tower on the right 16 in. by 20i in. 703 Cupids and a Dog 77 DE WITTE. G. DOW. 704 An Interior op a Ruin, with the Magdalen in prayer before a crucifix, with an open book, candle and other objects 10 in. by 7.^ in. W. GABRON. 705 Fkuit, Flowers, and Vegetables Signed and dated 37 in. by 45 in. N. POUSSIN. 706 Nymphs and Satyrs 38i in. by 26 in. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 708 A Figure of an Angel carrying a Book 709 Christ Scoubgkd Painted on Slate 710 The Holt Family 78 711 The Madonna Praying before the Infant Saviour 18 in. by 12^ — in carved frame From the Manfrini Gallery 712 The Madonna and Infant iSAViouu, St. Elizabeth ami St, John 32 in. by 43 in. 713 The Gabdens of a Palace, with figures 714 Virgin and Infant Saviour, holding cross and scroll inscribed " Ecce Agnus Dei," St. John tlie Baptist, and a wounded Saint 78 in. by 58 in. 715 A River Sceme, with a bridge and reclining figure 716 The Adoration of the Magi 25 in. by 21 in. Ill Cupids 718 The Madonna and Infant Christ, and an Angel 719 The Anunciation — on marble 720 The Anointing of a Saint, Figures at the Door of a Monastry, a river scene in the background 6 in. by 15 in. 721 A Half-length Portrait op a Child, in rich dross, and gold chain with order 19 in. by 14 in. Purchased of Favenza, Venice 722 A Head of a Saint in Armoub 18 in. by 14^ in. 723 Cleopatra Entertaining Antony 79 VENETIAN SCHOOL. 724 Cupids Dancing 34 in. by 102 in. 725 The Holy Family, with saints and angels 726 The Eape of Europa 727 An Interior, with four men working at a forge, and a seated figure 728 A Study of Sculpture, with cupids supporting a frame 729 Justicia et Pax 730 A Landscape, with a camp scene, with figures ; and the interior of a palace, with figures — a pair 731 An Allegorical Figure op Justice 11^ in. by 9f in. 782 The Announcing Angel 7 in. by 8 in. SCHOOL OF LONGHI. 733 Interiors, with three figures — a pair 10 in. by 7 in. P. LONGHI. 734 A Lady Standing at a Table, and holding a book P. LONGHI. 735 Alexander Marcello, Senator 47 in. by 35 in. P. LONGHI. 736 Portrait of a Lady 80 P. LONGHI. 737 A Jester and a Lady 32 in. by 33 in. P. LONGHI, 738 A Lady at her Toilet, with three attendants, and figures at a card table — a pair 25 in. by 21 in. ANDREA BUSATO 739 The Madonna and Infant Saviour, with St. John, and portrait of the donor in a landscape BONIFAZIO. 740 Joseph Lowered into the Pit by his Brethren ; and Prisoners presented to a General 7 in. by 14^ in. From the Collection of W. E. Frost, R.A. ORIZONTL 741 A EocKY River Scene, with figures and sheep, and a ruined castle in the background 16 in, by 11^ in. LUBOVICL 742 The Lobby of the Theatre BISSOLO. 743 The Holy Family, with a female Saint PORDONONI. 744 Allegorical Figures — a pair, in grisaille 81 GIROLAMO SAVOLDO. 746 Thk Adoration of the Shephebds 44 i'n. by 62 in, FEANCESCO MOLA. 746 A Lake Scene, with figures and animals in the foreground 61 in. by 93 in. From the Blenheim Collection GREGORIO LAZZARINI. 747 A Mtthological Subject M. VENUSTI. 748 PiETA : after a drawing hy Michael Angela 16^ in. by 11 in. CANALETTO. 749 The Entrance to the Arsenal, Venice CANALETTO. 750 View of the Mold 18^ ill. by 32 in, GEORGIONE. 751 The Death of a Patriarch — a study 5^ in. by 8^ in. PARIS BORDONE. 752 A Portrait of an Italian Nobleman 37 in. by 28^ in. a 82 SCHIAVONE. 753 Building the Tower of Babel 7^ in. by 24^ in. SCHIAVONE. 754 A EiVER Scene, with four nymplis in the foreground 7 in. by 15^ in. SCHIAVONE. 755 Christ before Pilate From the Blenheim Collection DOSSO DOSSI. 756 The Portrait of a Gentleman with his Page — whole length, life size J. BASSANO. 757 A Legendary Subject From the Collection of the late E. Cheney, Esq. J. BASSANO. 758 The Miraculous Flow of Water in the Wilderness Purchased from the Malfeini Gallery ZELOTTI. 759 Justice, with a shield bearing the arms of the Contarini family — in half circle F. GUAEDI. 760 A View op an Island of the Lagune, Venice 83 CANALETTO. 761 A Canal Scene in Venice, with bridge 24 in. by 43 in. CARLETTO CALIARI. 762 A POETRAIT OF A BOY DuKSSED IN BlACK AND BlUE— toAoie length 45 in. by 28^ in. GUIDO. 763 The Holy Family, with St. John, in a landscape — on copper 15^ in. by 11^ in. TITIAN SCHOOL. 764 The Marriage of St. Catherine 29 in. by 38 in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 765 Design for an Altar Piece, with a saint blessing donors G. B. TIEPOLO. 766 The Martyrbom of a Female Saint 23^ in. by 13 in. G. B. TIEPOLE. 767 The Vision of a Saint, with the Virgin and Infant Sayidur enthroned 22^ in. by 13 in. G 2 84 G. B. TIEPOLO. 768 Spanish Saints 22^ in. by 14 in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 769 The Agony in the Garden — painted in grisaille G. B. TIEPOLO. 770 The Adoeation of the Magi G. B. TIEPOLO. 771 The Madonna Befoee the Almighty, with angels 23 in. by 17 in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 772 A Keligious Allegory 30 in. by 22^ in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 773 The Woman taken in adultery 19 in. by 22 in. G. B. TIEPOLO. 774 Christ Healino the Lame Man The Companion 19 in. by 22 in. 85 G. B. TIEPOLO. 775 The Death of a Capuchin Monk 21 J in. by 16 in. P. VERONESE. 776 Adobation of the Magi ; and the companion P. VERONESE. 777 The Adoration of the Cross, by Capuchin Monks ANDREA DA MURANO. 778 The Madonna, with St. Joseph and another Saint, adoring the Infant Saviour With inscription 27 in. by 23 in. GIORGIONE. 779 Herodias, with the head of St. John the Baptist, and an attendant 35 in. by 27 in. A Beplica of the Picture in the Borghese Gallery From the Novar Collection BARTOLOMEO montagua. 780 The Madonna, Infant Saviour, and two saints and the donor kneeling 281 in, by 21 in. 86 PAKIS BORDONE. 781 Portrait of an Italian Gentleman 38 in. by 29 in. Exhibited at Burlington House F. ZURBAEAN. 782 A Capuchin Monk 23 in. by 14 in. F. ZURBAEAN. 783 A Monk seeing the Vision of St. Peter CIPRIANI. 784 Three Nymphs in the Centre, with festoons of flowers, and nymphs on either side gathering them 785 The Companion 786 An Antique Marble Bust of a Faun 787 An Antique Terra-cotta Bust End of Fifth Day's Sale. Sixth Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 790 An Old French Stationery Case, of stamped and gilt morocco leather, with a double shield-of-arms on the lid 791 A Toilet-glass, in black boulle frame, with arched top mounted with mask and scroll ornaments, in borders of chased or- molu ; and one, nearly similar 792 A Eeb Boulle Casket, fitted as an ink-stand on ball feet, and inlaid with birds, flowers, scrolls and animals of chased or- molu 793 Two Ditto Caskets, with borders, and inlaid with scroll design of or-molu 794 An Or-molu Fenber, formed as a balustrade with kneeling female figures at their toilet at each end 795 A Pair of Or-molu Andirons, of square form, with terminal winged figures in relief and surmounted by double-headed eagles — 17 in. high 796 A CAETEL CLOCK, by C. Dutertre, in or-molu case suspended by ribbons and decorated with lilies, children representing the sciences and foliage of chased or-niolu 88 OLD FRENCH FURNITURE. 800 A Tbelhs-i'attkrn Parqueteeie Tkay-top Wouk-table, on stand, with stretcher 801 A Pair of Oblong Parqueterie-tkay Tables, with shelves below 802 A Paequeterie Writing-table, with drawer below, and rc- vulviug panels above enclosing drawer, mounted with chased ornament and gallery of or-inolu — 39 in. lang 803 A Small Old French Parqueterie Writing-table, of tulip and other woods, with drawer, and morocco leather toj) and brass gallery 804 A Small ^^quare Parqueterie Table, the top inlaid with a head of Medusa, writing-slide and two drawers above and shelf below, mounted with chased or-molu 805 A Small Oblong-shaped Marqiteterie Table, the top beautifully inlaid with a musical trophy, baskets and wreaths of flowers, in coloured woods on pale ground, the sides inlaid with wreaths of flowers Signed, L. Boudin & Evalde IS 806 A Small Louis XV. Parqueterie Table, of tulip wood and rosewood, iuhiid \\ith geometric ornament, mounted with chased or-molu — 2ft. 1 in. long LOUIS XIV. PERIOD. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 809 A Red Boulle Ink-stand, mounted with feet, borders, and ornaments of chased or-molu 810 A Red Boulle Inkstand — on ormolu claw and foliage feet 811 A Set of Four Louis XIV. Girandoles, with terminal female figures, with cornucopia, wreaths and masks, with scroll brauches for tlirce lights each, in chased or-molu 89 812 813 A Pair of Small Louis XIV. Candlesticks, the stems formed each of four teriniual female figures — on circular feet, with busts and scrolls in relief 814 A Pair of Louis XIV. Wall-lights, chased with male masks and festoons and scroll foliage, with branches for three lights each 815 A LOUIS XIV. HIGH BAROMETEE, in black wood case with gilt borders, on oblong pedestal of black wood, mounted with an or-molu figure of Hercules with his foot upon a monster, mask and festoons of or-molu — 42 in. high 816 A Louis XVI. Parqueterie Commode, of rose and tulip wood, with three small drawers above and two large drawers below with feet, corners, and handles of chased or-molu, surmounted by a veined white marble slab — 62 in. wide 817 818 A CLOCK BY BALTAZAE MARTINOT, of Paris, with or- molu dial chased with arabesque, in Louis XIV. case of red buhl, mounted with terminal figures, foliage and borders of chased or-molu, on four scroll feet and sphinxes of or-molu and shaped buhl plinth with a group of Cupid and Psyche — on high black buhl pedestal mounted with scroll foliage and borders of or-molu — 6 ft. 5 in. high 819 A Louis XIV. Commode, of inlaid tulip and other woods, with shaped front and two drawers richly mounted with masks cupids, heads, and allegorical figures of boys, with handles and scutcheons of chased or-molu with Breccia marble slab Signed, F. A. Mondon & Chevalier 820 A Louis XIV. Black Boulle Library Table, with morocco leather top and or-molu border — on ebony stand, mounted with lions' masks, friezes of ornament and foliage of chased or- molu— 5 ft. 4 in. long 90 821 A LOUIS XIV. UPRIGHT SECRETAIEE, of ebony, with fall-down front and drawer above and folding doors beneath, the centre mounted with a large chasing of or-molu repre- senting Diana in a chariot drawn by stags, and attendants, with allegorical female figures below, with borders of foliage and scrolls, arabesques and wreaths of flowers at the top and corners, and surmounted by a Breccia slab — 36 m. wide Signed, Birokle W, 822 A Louis XVI. Gilt-wood Fire-screen, carved with ribbons, festoons of laurel, and foliage, with glass panel LOUIS XV. PERIOD. DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 824 A Pair of Louis XV. Or-molu Andirons, with classical figures — on stands of scroll design 825 A Pair of Louis XV. Or-molu Table Candlesticks, chased with scrolls and with beaded ornament on the feet 826 A Pair of Larger Ditto, with shell ornament on the feet 827 A Set of Four Large Louis XV. Or-molu Table Candle- sticks, the stems and feet boldly chased with scrolls 828 A Pair op Ditto — similar 829 A Pair of Larger Ditto — nearly similar 830 A Pair of Louis XV. Or-molu Wall-lights, with scroll branches for three lights each 831 A Pair of Louis XV. Candelabra, of bold scroll design, with branches for two lights each 832 A Barometer and Thermometer, by Passement, of Vorsaw, in Louis XV. case of tulip wood, richly mounted with scroll ornaments of or-molu 91 833 A Barometer and Thermometer, by Gallonde, of Paris, in Louis XV. hanging case of tulip wood, mounted with chased or-molu 834 A CLOCK, by Gille I'Aine, of Paris, in Louis XV. or-molu case boldly chased with flowers, cupids and scrolls, and sur- mounted by a seated figure of Venus, on bracket of scroll design, with wreaths of flowers 835 A Pair of Louis XV. Girandoles, of scroll foliage design, with branches for three lights each From the Chateau d'Eu 886 A Clock, by Ledoux, Paris, in Louis XV. case of scroll design, with branches of flowers and foliage — on pedestal of similar design — 18 in. high 837 A Pair of Candelabra, with branches for two lights — en suite 838 A Clock, by Moisy, of Paris, in Louis XV., of scroll design, boldly chased with flowers, foliage and scrolls, and sur- mounted by a group of two boys, on or-molu pedestal representing Masonry, with a reclining figure of a boy — on wood plinth, with or-molu feet— 28 in. high From Sir R. Page Turner's Sale 839 A CLOCK, by Lepaute, with two thermometers in Louis XV. hanging case of tulip-wood, richly mounted with scroll borders and ornaments of chased or-molu 840 A BAROMETEE AND CLOCK, by Dubois, in hanging black tortoiseshell case and mounted with or-molu, forming a pen- dant to the preceding 841 A MASSIVE LOUIS XV. OR-MOLU CHANDELIER, of scroll design, with birds and cupids, copied from the Mazarine Chandelier in Paris, by Mr. Barker, of Piccadilly, from the original, by the permission of the late Emperor Purchased at The Barker Sale 92 842 THE COMPANION From the Stamford Collection 843 A Clock, by Couratin, of Paris, in Louis XV. case of or-molu, chased with an arcadian trophy, flowers, and scrolls, sur- mounted by a figure of a boy on a cloud — on stand of or-molu — 20^ in. high 844 A Watch-stand, of or-molu, chased with cupids, birds, and flowers 845 A Paik of Walnut-wood Louis XV. Arm Chairs, the seats and backs covered with green damask 846 A Fire Screen, formed of a panel of old Bauvais tapestry, illustrating the fable of the wolf and the lamb, in border of scrolls and flowers, in Louis XV. frame, painted and partly, on tripod stand 847 A Pair of Louis XVL Or-molu Candelabra, with branches for three lights each, chased with satyrs, masks, festoons of foliage, &c. 848 A Pair of Large Louis XV. Or-molu Girandoles, with scroll foliage, branches for three lights each 849 A Pair of Louis XVI. Ormolu Girandoles, formed as flaming torches, and chased with scroll foliage with branches for five lights each 850 A Louis XV. Parqueterie Bonheur de Jour Cabinet, with shelf beneath, inlaid with green ornaments and trellis on light ground, mounted with metal-gilt Signed, G. Dester IVE 851 A Pair op Louis XV. Parqueterie Encoigneuees, with shaped fronts, mounted with borders and ornaments at the sides, of scroll design 852 A Small Louis XV. Maequeterie Commode, of tulip and other woods, with two drawers inlaid on the front, with a basket of flowers and bouquets of flowers at the sides, with corners, feet and scutcheons of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a Breccia marble slab Signed, F. Romage IVE Fro)n the Collection of Sir Boland Errington, Bart. 93 853 A LOUIS XV. MAEQUETEEIE COMMODE, with shaped front and ends and two large drawers, the front inlaid with flowers, and richly mounted with scroll foliage and flowers of chased or-molu on the front, corners and ends, surmounted by a veined marble slab — 54 in. wide Signed, Joseph 854 A Small Louis XV. Pabqueterie Commode, mounted with or- molu, with shaped front — 22 in. wide 855 A Louis XV. Kidney-shaped Marquetrie Weiting-table, the top inlaid with a trophy of musical instruments and foliage, and fitted with two small drawers Signed, J. Manger ME 856 A LOUIS XV. WEITING-TABLE, of inlaid tulip and rose- wood, on six legs, with drawer in the centre and cupboards at the ends, mounted with female masks and other decorations of chased or-molu, the top covered with morocco leather — 60 in. long 857 A Louis XV. Writing-table, of inlaid wood, mounted with terminal busts, scrolls and borders of chased or-molu, the top covered with morocco leather — 57 in. wide 858 A Shaped Oblong Louis XV. Writing-table, of tulip and rose- wood, with three drawers and leather top, mounted with borders and scroll ornaments of chased or-molu 859 Another, mounted with grotesque masks, and scroll ornaments 860 A Louis XV. Oblong Inlaid Eose-wood Table, with white marble top and metal gilt border, and two shelves beneath, the corners and feet mounted with chased or-molu 861 A Louis XV. Marqueteeie Table, with cupboard and shelf, inlaid with bouquets of flowers, and mounted with chased or- molu 862 A Small Oval Louis XV. Marqueterie Table, with shelf beneath, the top and shelf inlaid with vases of flowei-s and utensils, mounted with chased or-molu — 23^ in. wide 863 Another, nearly Similar 864 A Pair of Louis XV. Encoigneures, of inlaid tulip and rose-wood, with shaped fronts, and two doors each, mounted with allegorical figures of boys, scroll ornaments, and borders of scroll or-molu, and surmounted by veined marble slabs Signed, Watteau MS 94 865 A Louis XV. Encoignede, enclosing shelves, mounted with scroll ornaments of chased or-molu and surrounded by a green marble slab Signed, Schwing 866 A Small Louis XV. Maequeterie Seceetaiee, of inlaid tulip and rose-wood, with fall-down front enclosing drawers, richly mounted with feet, borders and scutcheons of chased or- molu Signed, Peridiez ME 867 A LAEGE LOUIS XV. SECRETAIEE, of inlaid tulip-wood with rose-wood borders, with revolving cylinder front and four drawers, mounted with chased handles, feet, borders and gallery of or-molu — 4 ft. 8 in. wide Signed, J. Oeben M Formerly the Property of Mr. Chistopher SyJces 868 A Pair of Louis XV. Candelabea, with four branches for lights of floral design, the stems formed as two children — on circular bases, with scroll and shell feet OK-MOLU WORK, &c. 871 Five Oe-molu Candlesticks, of various designs 872 A Pair op Louis XVI. Or-molu Candlesticks, formed as spirally fluted columns and wreaths of laurel foliage, with reversible nozzles for lights 873 A Pair of Louis XVI, Fluted Or-molu Dwarf Candlesticks, chased with foliage From the Hamilton Palace Collection 874 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, chased with rams' heads and festoons of foliage, and surmoimted by vases, with branches for three lights each 875 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candlesticks, with blue enamelled stems mounted with wreaths of ivy and other foliage of chased or-molu — on chased circular feet 95 876 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Wall-lights, of scroll foliage design, with branches for three light each 877 A Pair of Louis XVL Or-molu Wall-lights, chased with foliage and surmounted by a trophy of arms, with branches for two lights each 878 A Pair of Louis XVL Or-molu Wall-lights, formed as flaming torches, and festoons and wreaths of foliage suspended by ribbons, with branches for three lights each From the Collection of the Hon. H. Stanhope 879 A Pair of Louis XVI. or-molu candelabra, the stems formed as half fluted columns with festoons of laurel, surmounted by flaming urns, with key-pattern ])ranches for two lights each — on circular bases 880 A Pair of Louis XVL Candelabra, with draped bronze female figures supporting marble baskets, with or-molu flowers and branches of the same, for three lights each — on square white marble pedestals, mounted with chased or-molu — 21^ in. high 881 A Pair of Louis XVL Or-molu Candelabra, formed as fluted vases, the handles formed as infant tritons, the sides chased with female masks and oak foliage in high relief, and branches for four lights each — 16 in. high 882 A Clock, by Berthelet, of Besangon, in Louis XVI. case of or-molu, chased with lions' masks, wreaths of oak foliage and other decorations — on statuary marble pedestal, with chased or-molu mounts 883 A Clock, in Louis XVI. case of bronze, formed as a fluted half column, mounted with a wreath of laurel foliage, and a festooned vase of or-molu — on square-shaped pedestal of the same, with two large figures of Cupid, vases and emblems — 17 in. high 884 A Small Oblong Louis XVI. Inkstand, of or-molu, chased with festoons of foliage and trophies 885 A Louis XVL Inkstand, of or-molu, with acanthus leaf corners and ball feet, the sides inlaid vnih. Sevres plaques painted with bouquets of flowers, in turquoise borders 06 886 A Pair of Louis XVI. Or-molu Gieandoles, with branches for three lights, each chased with festoons of flowers suspended by ribbons, scrolls and other ornaments 887 A Clock, by Lepine, in Louis XVI. or-molu cartel case, boldly chased with female busts, acanthus foliage, and wreaths of laurel 888 A Clock, by Veeneaux, in Louis XVI. case of or-molu, chased with wreaths of laurel and acanthus foliage, and surmounted by a trophy A Clock, by Le Roy, in Louis XVI. or-molu case, formed as a pedestal, surmounted by a globe, with a large figure of a boy at the side DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 889 A Carved and Gilt Double Foot-stool, of Louis XVI. design A copy of the original, in the possession of the Earl of Lonsdale 890 A Louis XVI. Or-molu Fender, with a frieze of scroll orna- ments in the centre, and reclining figures of boys blowing horns at the ends 891 A Pair of Louis XV. Or-molu Andirons, representing a boar- hunt and a stag-hunt, on pedestals of scroll design chased with foliage 892 A Fire-screen, with Louis XVI. carved and gilt frame 893 A Louis XVI. Carved Fauteuil, of black wood, with oval back, surmounted by a trophy of emblems and flowers, covered with crimson Genoa velvet 894 A Small Louis XVI. Commode, of inlaid woods, with three drawers, mounted with goats' heads, festoons of foliage, handles and scutcheons of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a veined rod and white marble slab — 25 in. wide Signed, Schey 1)7 895 AN EARLY LOUIS XVL PAKQUETERIE COMMODE, with two large drawers in the centre and cupboard at each end, mounted with friezes and ornaments of chased or-molu, the handles formed as festoons of drapery, surmounted by a Breccia marble slab — 4 ft. 8 iii. wide 896 A LOUIS XVI. UPRIGHT MARQUETERIE SECRE- TAIRE, with fall-down front inlaid with a large basket of flowers, and folding doors beneath, each inlaid with a bouquet of flowers, with four bouquets at the ends, and richly mounted with friezes, borders and ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a black and green marble slab Signed, R. Lacroix M3 897 A Cartel Clock, in or-molu case of the Transition Louis XIV. and XV. Period, boldly chased with a flying Cupid and re- clining Venus, scrolls and foliage, and surmounted by a Cupid in a chariot, and doves — 44 in. high 898 A LOUIS XVL MAHOGANY CONSOLE-TABLE, with curved ends, mounted with masks of Apollo, freizes of scrolls, and wreaths of foliage of chased or-molu, with shelf beneath formed of a veined white marble slab, and veined marble slab on the top — ^ ft. 8 in. long Signed, H. Riesener 899 ANOTHER— nearly similar By the same 900 A Small Louis XVL i Table, of mahogany and satinwood, with three drawers, and statuary marble top, and shelf bencsath with marble slab, mounted with friezes of arabesques and wreaths of flowers, and other ornaments of chased or-molu 901 A Louis XVL Inlaid Mahogany Table, with two drawers, with parqueterie fronts, mounted with borders, festoons, and other ornaments of chased or-molu, the top covered with red morocco leather — 42 in. long 902 A Small Satin-wood Cabinet, with inlaid borders, glazed folding doors above, drawer and two shelves of statuary marble beneath, mounted with brass borders, and pillars of or-molu From Miss Eden's Collection H 98 903 A Loins XVI. Satin-wood Parqueterie Wouk-table, inlaid with carnation flowers and trellis border, mounted with metal- gilt 904 A Pair of Louis XIV. Ou-molu Table Candlesticks, the stems formed as a male and female figure, with cornucopia 905 A Larger Pair, each with a male and female figure supporting a bov ITALIAN xMETAL-WORK. 906 A Pair of Brass Altar Candlesticks, engraved with flowers, on triangular base, with claw feet — 15 in. high 907 A Pair of High Brass Altar Candlesticks, on triangular feet — inscribed " Soc. Corp. Chri. S. Quirici, 1716," 908 An Oblong Eepousse Plaque, of gilt bronze, with the Judg- ment of Solomon in high relief 909 A Circular Metal-gilt Plaque, with the Madonna, Infant Saviour, and St. John, in relief 910 An Old Italian Metal-gilt Pax, with the coronation of the Virgin, and numerous angels and cherubs in relief, with border chased with scrolls and masks 911 An Oblong-shaped Plaque, with a Madonna and Infant Saviour and St. John in relief — in black frame 912 The Adoration of the Magi — in similar frame 913 A Square-shaped Plaque, with Christ entombed, with angels — in ebony frame 9 Id An Upright Ditto, with arched top, with St. Mark and lion in a landscape — in ebony frame — 13^ in. high 915 An Old Florentine Statuette, of a kneeling male figure bearing a shell — 8 in. high 916 A Pair of Gilt Bronze Figures of Angels — 11 in. high — on ebonized pedestals 917 A Ditto Figure of St. John — 13 in. high — on ditto pedestal 918 A Pair of Venetian Bronze Candlesticks, engraved with foliage — on triangular feet 99 919 A Paib of Figures of Angels — ou marble pedestals — bin.hvjh 920 A Pair of Figures of Cupids — on circular metal-gilt pedestals — 6 in. high 921 A Group of Vexos and Cupid — on oblong pedestal — 6i in.high; and a draped female figure — 6j in. high 922 A Kneeling Figure of Atlas — on pedestal of metal-gilt with glass panels 923 An embossed metal-gilt tureen and cover ; an oval fluted deep dish ; four octagonal trays ; and a relief of Charles Dickens 924 Two oval embossed dishes ; a round ditto ; and one other 925 A pair of round dishes, with border of fruit and flowers ; one other ; and two oval embossed dishes 926 A large round dish, embossed with arabesque foliage ; and a larger ditto, engraved with arabesques 927 A large metal-gilt dish, chased with a mask and foliage in the centre, and border of classical figures and arabesques 928 A Pair of Plaques, with the Virgin and Infant Saviour ; and two smaller ditto, with the Crucifixion 929 A Bronze Plaque, with the Anunciation in carved wood frame ; and one with Christ being baptised by St. John VENETIAN MIRRORS AND LOOKING G-LASSES. 930 A Pair of Venetian Shield-shaped Mirror=i, in carved and gilt frames inlaid with looking glass, and fitted with branches for two candles each 931 A Venetian Engraved Looking-glass, with a figure holding a sword — in carved and gilt frame 932 A Small Venetian Glass Mirror, engraved with a figure of an evangelist — in carved and gilt frame 933 A Pair of Shield-shaped Venetian Mirrors — in gilt wood frames carved with masks, ribbons, flowers and foliage 100 934 A Smaller Ditto, engraved with a figure of Ompliale — in open-work frame elaborately carved witli scroll ornaments 935 Anothee, engraved witb a classical figure, shield-of-arms and cornucopise — in carved and gilt frame 936 A MiEROR IN Old Venetian Frame, gilt, and carved with ter- minal female winged figures, flowers and scrolls, surmounted by a fomale bust 937 Two Oval Italian Mirrors — in carved and gilt frames 988 A Set of Four Shield-shaped Venetian Glass Mirrors, engraved with figures, flowers and scrolls — in frames carved with terminal female figures, lions' masks and scrolls of open design, and gilt ITALIAN FURNITURE. 941 A Long-shaped Cabinet, of ebony inlaid with engraved ivory, with thirteen drawers, and small cupboard in the centre, mounted vvith brass — on inlaid stand ebony and ivory 942 A Casket, of ebony and other woods, inlaid with panels of ebony inlaid with ivory 943 Another, smaller, nearly similar, with metal-gilt handles and corner ornaments 944 Another of Octagonal Form 945 A Walnut-wood Corner Table, with carved border, on stem of scroll design, and tripod with ball and claw feet 946 A Pair of Carved and Gilt Gueridons, with borders carved with flowers, on scroll stem and tripod carved with foliage and flowers 947 A Pair of Small Commodes, with shaped fronts and four drawers, each on four legs, with carved stretchers, surmounted by marble slabs 948 A Pair of Carved and Gilt Gueeidons, on scroll-shaped stems and tripods 949 A Set of Four Old Itali/k Caeved and Gilt Torcheres — on tripods formed as scrolls 101 PORCELAIN, Etc. 952 A Pair of Table Candlesticks, of Chinese porcelain, enamelled with birds and flowers, with chased silver mounts 953 The Findinq op Moses: a Venetian majolica plaque; and a Portrait of a Lady 954 An Old Urbino-wabe Dish, with Ajax and Achilles — dated 1541 — 10| in. diam. 965 A Ditto Tazza, with Mettius Curfcius leaping into the pit — 11 in. diam. 956 A Ditto Dish, with Mercury and Medusa — 8f in. diam. 957 A Lucca della Kobia Figure of St. John — 39 in. high 958 A Pair of Old Sevres Porcelain Seaux, with scroll and shell handles, painted with blue lines, sprays of flowers and gold 959 Six Smaller Ditto 960 A Pair of Ditto Ecuelles, Covers and Stands — of similar design 961 Nine Ditto Coffee-cups and Ten Saucers — similar 962 Four Ditto Plates ; and one other 963 An Inkstand, en suite, mounted with rim and claw feet of chased or-molu 964 A Small Sevres Two-handled Cup and Saucer, with roses, festoons of foliage in colours and gold 965 A Cup and Saucer, with gold edges, and sprays of flowers in blue 966 An Oblong Ring Tray, the centre painted with birds in a landscape, and a turquoise border 967 An Inkstand and Pen Tray, painted with green and gold ribbon borders and bands of flowers, mounted with three ink- bottles formed as vases, with festoons of laurel in relief of silver-gilt From the Collection of Lady Carmarthen 102 968 An Old Venetian Tea and Coffee-service, painted with the flowers and a shield of arms of the Semitecoli family, consisting of : soiicrier and cover, six coffee-cups, twelve tea- cups, and twelve saucers, in old case covered with stamped morocco leather Formerly the property of the Semitecoli family 969 An Old Dresden Dessert-service, with trellis borders, scrolls and flutings in low relief, and painted with birds, insects and flowers : Two dishes, with shaped edges and open scroll handles Four large circular deep dishes Four smaller ditto Five smaller ditto Two oval ditto A circular and a square-shaped bowl Four perforated dishes, on shell feet Five dozen and nine plates Fifteen deep plates, and twenty-three smaller ditto Four leaf-shaped sauce-boats Two oval butter-dishes, covers and stands Two circular ditto, with covers Eight small shell-shaped dishes, on three feet Three fluted dishes, with gilt edges, and Four smaller ditto 970 A Circular de Reuter-ware Plaque, painted with narcissu and a coat of arms 971 An Urbino-ware Dish, painted with a betrothal scene 972 A Circular Fluted Majolica Tazza, painted with a cupid with a drum in the centre, and border of arabesques End of Sixth Bay's Sale. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Cliarinsr Crosp. The Remaining Portion, including Italian Objects of Art and Decorative Furniture, will be Sold at the Mansion, 3 Grafton Street, Piccadilly, on Wednesday, July 15th, 1891, and two following days, at One o'clock precisely. ^^--v^-' # N;: 4: ^^dfe> p!^ sm r^"^ ■'^^Jlr*?'*^ *• \r GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01023 8489