Fsisadleinisip ttihe Crowm of tlhe VsiMey P ASADEXA, the Crown City of Southern California, is pre-eminently a city of beautiful homes. This feature is very strikinji; to the "strang-er within our gate.s," and to the one who has resided in this Southland long enough to have come into touch with its varied conditions, it presents a never ending charm. From the little bungalow to the more pretentious residence, everything seems arranged in an artistic manner, and with a view to comfort. In older settled communities the word "cottage" stands for small rooms, with the ma.xinuun of inconvenience, hut it becomes a matter of surprise to the tourist in Pasadena, to see the small bungalow, with all modern conveniences, and thoroughly up-to-date. The weather conditions make Pasadena unsurpassed as a winter resort, and the number of fine residences in the city, and the increasing number built yearly, attest the fact that the city is gaining popularity from season to season, as it becomes better known. Pasadena's history, as a definite settlement, dates from 1874, when a number of men from Indianapolis, Indiana, established a community which, for want of a better name, was called the Indiana Colony. Since that time the growth has been as ra])id as is consistent with permanency. The U. S. census of lyoo gives a population of 9,117, while the city directory of 1905 indicates over 21,000, showing an increase of over 100 |)cr cent, in half a decade, ami "the end is not vet." The citv is on the lines of the Santa Fc, .Southern Pacific and the new Salt Fake Route. The Pacific Electric Company has two lines between Pasadena and Eos Angeles, a third line under construction. The hotels of Pasadena are known from Coast to Coast, and the fact that they have been enlarged and refitted on a more elaborate scale, from year to year, shows their increasing popularity, d'he capacity of the Hotel Green is 1000 guests; the Maryland (with its cottages), 500; the Raymond, 500 ; tlie Pintoresca, 200, and the Guirnalda too. Some' of the hotels are open only during the winter season, and others run the entire year, so that amjile accommodations are furnished to the visitor at any season of the year. The educational facilities offered are gratifying in the highest degree. In addition to Throop Polytechnic Institute, the city has seventeen public schools, with over one hundred teachers ; two business colleges, and a number of ]>rivate schools. There is a fine public lihrarv of upwards of 24.000 volumes, situated in one of the city parks, surrounded by a wealth of semi- trojjical vegetation, making an ideal location. .A lack of space forbids detailing all the points of interest about the city ; the many accessible canons in the Sierra Madre Range, which stands like an ever-watchful sentinel over the city; the numerous beach re.sorts, all of which can he reached by electric or steam lines; the mountain camps, among the fragrant pines; the ride to .Alpine Tavern and Mount Fowe on the incline and electric railways, a wonderful piece of engineering; the Carnegie Solar ohservatorv, on Mt. \\'ilson, just completed, costing $100,000.00; the old San (lahriel .Mission — all these and more are of never failing interest, and are all easily accessible to the city . Two daily papers are carrying full .Associated Press reports. During the past year over 800 dwellings and too store rooms were constructed, representing an expenditure of over $1,000,000. Pasadena's past, business, social and educational, is more than satisfactory and her future is promising of con- tinuallv increasing prosperity. What more can he said? Much credit is due IMr. H. H. Fyons for collecting and arranging the fine representative series of views contained herein. PASADENA IN 187S. ORANGES AND ROSES, PEPPERS AND BLOSSOMS. FIRST HOUSE IN PASADENA, MR. FRANK RYDER'S BUNGALOW, S. MADISON AVE. NORTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE. COLORADO STREET LOOKING WEST FROM RAYMOND AVENUE ^IT. LOWE RAILWAY, ABOVE THE CLOUDS PASADENA GARDEN SCENE SAN GABRIEL MISSION STEPS. FALLS AT EATON'S CANYON THE MOUNT I.OWE RAILWAY INCLINE. MUTUALLY SATISFIED. THE WALK— iFARENGO AVENUE. E. COLORADO STREET. A DRIVE ON ORANGE GROVE AVENUE HOTEL LA PINTORESCA. A POPPY FIELD, 1 1 ,..i fC.O U1 l.f y . ^ESi! i 1 ^nn ^|l 1 miW THE PERGOLA AT HOTEL MARYLAND. PUBLIC LIBRARY AND PARK, A POPPY FIELD— SHOWING ALTADENA AND THE ilOUNTAINS, 50,000 GOLD OF OPHIR ROSES. PANORAMA VIEW OF INTERIOR OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 f vT’'ttieSBL i; .-a' { 'jsu&flnu ’* ^ 1 IpSku - ’1^ 2*iw fab^*«9H A FIELD OF LILIES.. THE HOTEL RAYMOND— GENERAL WENTWORTH. ^lANAGER, WALTER RAYMOND, PROPRIETOR. A TRAIL ON MT. LOWE. UNIVERSAI.IST CHURCH, RAYMOND AVE. TWIN PALMS RESIDENCE OF C. P. MOREHOUSE, ORANGE GROVE AVE, RESIDENCE OF COL. HOLMES, N. GRAND AVE, RESIDENCE OF ANDREW McNALLY. HOTEL MARYLAND— D. M. LINNARD, MANAGER. SAN GABRIEL MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH FROM INSPIRATION POINT, MT. LOWE. CITY HALT.. PASADENA. WILSON SCHOOL. EAGLE ROCK THE WATER DAM AT DEVIL’S GATE t i t-f -«. ' 5 SS lif" - ’*5 * «.^VT v.,.,'. < •i'-^>..'*'J^:>r-^^; •>_-r'^ IS ^ / <•: '‘V^ ^ • *%.'■ ‘ ;^/i« ’T' iP>K ».Aj,« > ,X ! • I -t 0 e;.- - '‘ii..v.;,-> ^,.i.‘/ii E-Si:»E, E ;.4,- 5-' ; 'J " ^ ‘. .','V4 ■* »* ’icrv ‘■)i^ ' ' f,’ > V ^ * ■?‘^lt?'* ■■ » .-e " ->V ‘ ' <'» ■•'^ . s'" / X V’?' • > Vj.. 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