Mm '^'" 0*.; ■^.. ^^ THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY ^r fy.^^yy^^^^' ^^■/^ >'^, ^^/'^^•^'^ 'SJ / A CATALOGUE AND DESCRIPTION of King CHARLES the First's CAPITAL COLLECTION OF PICTURES, LIMNINGS, STATUES, BRONZES, MEDALS, and Other CURIOSITIES; Now firft publifhed from an Original Manuscript in the ASHMOLEAN MuSJEUM at OxFORD. The whole tranfcribed and prepared for the Press, and a great part of it printed, by the late ingenious Mr. Vertue, and now finilhed from his Papers. LONDON, Printed for W. Bathoe, at his Circulating Library near Exeler Change, in thq, Strand, MDCCLVII. Si . Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2012 witli funding from Researcii Library, Tine Getty Researcii Instrtute littp:// ADVERTISEMENT. 'HE catalogue, now offered to the public, of the collection of pidlures belonging to king Charles the firft, was tranfcribed by the late curious and induftrious Mr. Vertue, from a MS. in the Afhmolean Muf^um, and was by him prepared for the prefs, part of it being ad:ually printed off before his death. The catalogue appears, from pages 57 and 63, to have been taken by one Vanderdoort, keeper of the king's cabinet, pictures, jewels, &c. who had before ferved prince Henry in the fame employment: and indeed, from every page, it appears not to have been compiled by an Englifhman, the language in many places being barely intelligible ; in none, tolerably pure. Yet it was ap- prehended, that putting it into a new drefs might have deftroyed much of the fidelity of the defcriptions, which feem very accurately taken ; and as elegance of didion is by no means a neceflary ingredient to a catalogue, it is hoped that the curious will prefer the rude original, in it's native truth, to a more polifhed, but perhaps lefs faithful narrative. King Charles's colledion was one of the moft cele- brated in Europe : he loved, he underftood, he patro- nifed the arts. Not having the fortune to find great genius's in painting among his own fubjedis, he called over fome of the ablefh mafters of other nations — • a a com- ii ADVERTISEMENT. a commendable partiality to foreigners, as it tended to enrich and inftrucl his own country. Nor did he con- fine his expence to artifts: befides feparate pieces, he purchafed the celebrated collection of the duke of Man- tua ; having firfl: laid a foundation in what he inherited from his brother, the amiable prince Henry, who, as appears from this catalogue, had, amongft his other qualifications, a tafte for pictures, and a noble zeal for encourag-ino; the arts. It is recorded of king Charles, that at one time lie made a prefent of ultramarine to the v^alue of five hundred pounds to Vandyke and Mrs. Carlifle, a cele- brated paintrefs; and the immenfe price of eighty thoufand pounds, which his majefty is faid to have agreed to pay to the fame great mafter, for illuftrating the banquetting-houfe with the ceremonies of the garter, is rather a comment on the magnificence of the prince, and the genius of the painter, then probably a matter of fadt. — That noble chamber was foon deftined to a a more melancholy folemnity 1 The ftroke that laid Royaltv fo low, difmifled the painter, and diiperfed the royal virtuofo's collections : the firft cabinets in Europe fhine with it's fpoils. The few fine pieces thinly fcattered through the royal palaces at home, are chiefly what were faved or reafiembled of king Charles's fplendid gallery : the Dutch are reported to have purchafed and reftored fome to his fon : the beft part are buried in the gloom, or periihiing in the vaults, I of ADVERTISEMENT. iif of the Efcurial. The late prince of Wales, who had begun to affemble a fine colledion, propofed to acquire as many as poffible of king Charles's pidures — but painting has ftill been unfortunate in Britain ! The fire of Whitehall contributed to deftroy what rebellion and rapine hadfpared. Many portraits of royal perfons, of whom no image is left, periflied in thofe flames. The faireft works of the natural Holbein, and the exquifite Ifaac Oliver, were probably loft there : works fo valuable, that the memory of them, preferved in this rude tranfcript, muft recommend it to the judicious and curious reader. A STILL farther view is aimed at. Catalogues of this fort are defervedly grown into efteem : while a collection remains entire, the ufe of the catalogue is obvious j when difperfed, it often ferves to authenticate a picture, adds to its imaginary value, and beftows a fort of hiftory on it. It is to be wiflied, that the practice of compofing catalogues of confpicuous collediions was univerfal : and perhaps even this, fo coarfely executed, may tend to incite more elegant imitations. Hitherto, this Vander- doort, and one or two foreigners fcarce better qualified, have been the chief illuftrators of Britifh Mufsums. One Gambarini began with Lord Pembroke's colledion, and made pompous promifes of proceeding with what he was incapable of executing well. There is another account of the pidures and ftatues at Wilton * ; the f By Cowdrey. coins jy ADVE RTISEMENT. coins and medals have been publiflied in a tiiir edition. Many of the duke of Devonlliire's and dodlor Mead's appear in Haym's T'ti'oro Britafimco. Thefe, and the j^des Tf^alpoli^?'ur^ are, I think, the onlv defcriptions of the riches of a countrs' , wliich for fome years has been allembHng the arts and works of the pohteit nations and C;reateft mailers. The eftabhlliment of the Britilli Muf;£um feems a charter tor incorporating the arts, a new cera of virtu. It is to be hoped that coUecflions, wont to flraggle throucjh auctions into obfcuritv, will there hnd a center 1 who that lliould deftine his colledlion to the Britilh Mui£um, would not purchafe curiolities witli redoubled fpirit and pleafure, whenever he remedied, that he %vas collecting tor his countrv, and would have his name recorded as a benetador to it's arts and impro\-e- ments ? and when to fair a foundation is laid, if pictures and ftatues flow in to books and medals, and curiolities of everv kind, mav we not flatter ourielves, that a Britifli academv of arts will arife ; at leaft that we fhall not want great mafters of our own, when models are prepared, and our artifls can ftudy Greece and Rome, Praxiteles and Raphael, without ftirring trom their own metropolis ? PICTURE S Kins CHARLES the Pint, A.T MIS S E \' E R A L PALACES, A K D MA ef B&en Sei.19 % ^e COUlifCIL of STATE. A ^arch 23i 1649. 'T'HIS day the Commons, "in order to eftablifh their new Commonwealth the ■*• more effeiSually, refolved upon the difpoTal of the peifonal Eftates of the late King, Queen, and Prince ; which they, this day *, made an Order to have in- ventoried, appraifed, and fold, except fach parcels of them as fhould be thought fit to be referved for the ufe of the State ; but with this protifo, to avoid the imputation of private intereft, That no member of the Houfe fhould have any concern therein. In this appraifement and fale were included, heu dolor! all he noble Colle£tion of Pi£lures, antique Statues, and Buftos, which the late King, at infinite expence and trouble, had procured from Rome, and all parts of Italy. A Catalogue of thefe moft valuable Curiofities, (many of which now adorn the palaces of the Louvre and the Efcurial, as well as thofe of other foreign Princes) with their Appraifement and Sale, was in the hands of the late John Anjlis fenior, Efq; Garter King at Arms j from which the following Abftraft is taken. * The ASl for difpofing of thefe perfonal Ejiates vaat mt paffed till July following. [3] P I C T U R E S BELONGINGTO King CHARLES I. &c. 'iMBLEDON and Greenwich Pidures, N. 143, '• •^• ^ , appraifed at - - - 1709 19 Pidures out of the Bear- Gallery, and fome of the Privy- Lodgings at Whitehall, N, 61, appraifed at - 2291 10 Amongfl: thefe the Capital Pidures were, 1. Peace and Plenty, with many figures, as big as the life, by Rubens, appraifed at, and fold for 100 /. 2. Pope Alexander, and Caefar Borgia, done by Titian, ap- praifed at, and fold for jog/. 3. The Burial of Chrift, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 120/. 4. The Triumphs of Vefpafian, and his fon Titus, by Ju' ho Romano, apprailed at, and fold for 150/. 5. A great piece of the Nativity, by the fame hand, ap- praifed at, and fold for 500 /. 6. The Cartoons of Raphael, being the Ads of the Apo- ftles, appraifed at 300/. Oatland pidures, N. 81. appraifed at - 733 18 NoNsucH-HousE pidures, N. 33. appraifed at - 2^2 00 Pidures in Somerset-house, with thofe which came from Whitehall and St. James's, N. 447. ap- praifed at - - - - 10052 II Capital Pidures in thefe Colledions, I. Mary, Chrift, and an angel, done by Andrea del Sarto, appraifed at 200/. and fold for 230/. 15069 18 4 Pictures, &'c. belonging to Charles I. Brought over 15069 18 2. Mary, Chrift, St. Catharine, St. John, Elizabeth, and Jofeph, by Molanezo, appraifed at 100/. and fold for 120/. 3. Mary, Chrift, and Jofeph, by Andrea del Sarto, ap- praifed at 150, and fold for 174/. 4. Venus lying along, a Man playing on an organ, by Ti- tian, appraifed at 150, and ibid for 165/. 5. Mary, Chrift, St. Catharine, and Jofeph, by Giorgioni, appraifed at 100, and fold for 114/. 6. Mary, Chrift, St. Mark, and a Genius kneeling, by Titian, appraifed at 150, and fold for 165/. 7. The Three Jewellers, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 100 /. 8. A fleeping Venus, by Corregio, appraifed at, and fold for 1000 /. ^ 9, A Madona, by Raphael, appraifed at, and fold for 2000 /. I o. Mary, the Child, and St. Jerome, by Pertinenjis, ap- praifed at, and fold for 150/. 11. Mary, the Child, and St. Sebaftian, by Palma, ap- praifed at, and fold for 100 /. 12. The King, Qneen, Prince, and Princefs, by Vandyke^ appraifed at, and fold for 150/. 1-5. The great Venus de Pardo, by Titian, appraifed at 500 I. and fold for 6co /. 14. 1 he Marquis del Guafto, making an oration to his fol- diers, by Titian, appraifed and fold for 250 /. I 5. Nymphs at the birth of Hercules, by Julio Romantf, appraifed at 100 /, and fold for 1 14 /. 16. Tidan and hisMidrefs, by himlelf, appraifed at, and fold for 100 /. 17. King Charles on horfeback, by Vandyke, appraifed at, and fold for 200 /. 18. Venus fitting, to be drefled by the three Graces, by Guido Btdlioni, appraifed at, and fold for 200/. 19. St. Margaret afraid of a monfter, by Titian, ap praifed at, and fold for 100/. ^ S^^9 ^^ Pictures, &^c. belonging to CWles I. 5 Brought over 15069 18 20. Solomon offering to idols, by Pordenone, appraifed at 150/. Hampton-court pidures, N. 332. appraifed at - 4675 10 Amongfl thefe were, 1. Nine pieces, being the tiiumphs of Julius Caefar, done hy Andrew de Mantegna, appraifed at 1000/. 2. Herod holding St. John's head in a platter, by Titian^ appraifed at 150/. In the Committee-rooms at the Parliament-houfe were pidures, valued at - - - 119 00 Pidures at St. James's, N. 290, appraifed at - 12049 4 In thefe Colledions were, 1. St. George, by Raphael^ appraifed at, and fold for 150/. 2. The burying of Chrift, by Jfaac Oliver ^ appraifed at, and fold for 100/. 3. The Marquis of Mantua's head, by Raphael, appraifed at, and fold for 200 /. 4. Albert Durer's father and himfelf, by ditto, appraifed at, and fold for 100 /, 5. Frobenius and Erafmus, in two Pidures, by Holbein, appraifed at, and fold for 200/. 6. Mary, Chrift, and others, by Old Palma, appraifed at 200, and fold for 225/. 7. Three figures, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 100/. 8. A Man in black, by Holbein, appraifed at, and fold for 100/. 9. Mount Parnaffus, in a cafe, by Indeluago, appraifed at 100, and fold for 117/. 10. Lucretia ftanding by herfelf, in an Ebony frame, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 200 /. 11. St. John, hy Leonardo da Vinci, appraifed at, and fold for 140 /. B 31913 12 6 Pictures, ^^. belonging to Charles I. Brought over - ' ■ ■ 31913 12 12. A piece of the Mauritians, by Titian, appraifcd at 130 /, and fold for 174 /. 13. Charles V. at length, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 150/, 14. St, Jerome, by Julio Romano, appraifed at, and fold for 200 /. 15. Twelve Emperors, by Titian, appraifed at, and fold for 1200/. 16. Eleven Emperors, by Julio Roma?io, appraifed at, and fold for 1 100 /. 1 7. A Courtezan holding a looking-glafs, by Portinenfis, appraifed at, and fold for 150/. I 8. Titian's Pidture, with a Senator, done by himfetf, ap- praifed at 100 /. and fold for 112/. 1 9. A Satyr flead, by Corregio, appraifed at, and fold for 1000/. 20. Another of the fame, appraifed at, and fold for 1000 /. 21. Three pieces of St. Sebaftian, by Lucas Fan Ley den, appraifed at 100/. and fold for loi /. 22. The Converfion of St. Paul, by Palma, appraifed at, and fold for ico/. 23. David meeting Saul, with Goliah's head, by Palma, appraifed at, and fold for 100/. 24. Dorcas lying dead, by Michael Angela Caravagio, appraifed at 1 50 /. and fold for 170 /. 25. The Family of the Queen of Bohemia, appraifed at, and fold for 100 /. 26. The Hiftory of Queen Efther, by Tintoretto, appraifed at, and fold for 120/. 27. A Family, with divers figures, by Pordenone, appraifed at, and fold for 100 1. 28. The King on horfeback, appraifed at, and fold for 150/. 29. Hercules and Cacus, by Guido Bologne/e, appraifed at, and fold for 400 /. ■ 31913 12 Pictures, &'c, belonging to Charles I. 7 /. s. d. Brought over ■ 3 1 9 1 3 12 STATUES in Somerset-house belonging to King Charles I, appraifed and fold by the Council of State. In the Gallery, N. 120, appraifed at - • - 2387 3 In the Garden, N. 20, appraifed at - - 1 165 14 Statues at Greenwich, N. 230, appraifed at - 13780 13 6 Statues in the Armory at St. James's, N. 29. ap- praifed at - > _ » - 6^6 00 o Among the Statues, the following fold for, as under, L. The Gladiator, in Brafs, - - 300 One of the JVlufes, - _ > 200 A Dieta, - - - - 200 Ditto, - - ,- - 200 Antoninus, - - - - 120 Dejanira, _ _ _ » 200 Venus, in Brafs, - _ _ ^50 Apollo, on a Pedeftal, - - 120 Adonis, - - - - 150 Total — 49,903 2 6 This curious and valuable catalogue, fully juftifies one part of the charader given of King Charles I. by a modern hiftorian*. He had a good tafte of learning, and a more than ordinary fkill in the liberal arts, efpecially painting, fculpture, architedure, and medals; and being a generous benefador to the moft celebrated inaflers in thofe arts, he acquired the nobleft coUedion of any Prince in his time, and more than all the Kings of Englafidhsid done before lum. — To the foregoing account of the fale of the Royal furniture, we (hall add Lord Clarendon's account of the principal purchafers thereof -f- . Cardinal Mazarin, who, in the infancy of the French King, managed that fceptre, had long adored the condud of Oliver * Wdwood. - f Clarendon, Vol. v. p. 263. Cromwell, 8 Pictures, &'c. belonging to Charles I. Cromwell, and fought his friendlliip by a lower and viler applica- tion, than was fuitable to the purple of a Cardinal, fent now to be admitted as a merchant, to traffick in the purchafe of the rich goods and jewels of the ritied Crown, of which he purchafed the rich beds, hangings, and carpets, which furniftied his palace at Paris. The King of Spain had, from the beginning of the rebellion, kept Don jilonzo de Cardenas, who had been his Ambaffador ta the King, refiding ftill SitLo/idon; and he had, upon feveral oc- cafions, many audiences from the parliament, and feveral treaties on foot; and, as foon as this dil'mal murder was over, that Am- baflador, who had always a great malignity towards the King, bought as many pidtures, and other precious goods appertaining to the Crown, as, being fent in (hips to the Corunna in Spain, were carried trom thence to Madrid, upon eighteen mules. Chrijiiana, Queen of Sweden, purchafed the choice of all the medals and jewels, and fome pidures of a great price ; and re- ceived the parliament's agent with great joy and pomp, and made an alliance with them. The Arch-duke Leopold, who was Governor of Flanders, dif-- burfed a great fum of money for many of the beft pidlures, which adorned the feveral palaces of the King ; which were all brought to him to BruJJels *, and from thence carried by him into Gerinany. His Lordftiip adds, that not one of all thefe Princes ever reflored any of their unlawful purchafes to the King, after his reftoration. * Amongft the furniture bought by the Arch-duke, was a fet of tapeflry, the property of Charles I. when Prince of Wales, which had the arms worked in them. Thefe, as we have been credibly informed, were purchafed at Bruf- fcls, fome few years fiiice, for the fum of 30CO/. by his late Royal Highnefs Frederick Prince of JFaies ; and are perhaps all that ever came back to England. N I S, &5 Feer. In. if. 4 DESCRIPTION ■ O F T H E King's CoUedlion of Pictures, etc. Taken from an Original MS. in the AJhmok Mufeum. No. I. I DonebyGeor-TTMPRIMIS, A dark painted man's g j g gione, bought I j^^j jj^ ^ IjJ^j,!^ cap and a cloak, with- "^ by the King, -■- ' rr j i /-^ • ^ of Geldrop, out hands or ruit, done by Georgione ; when he was f^id to be his own pifture, being parted ""'^^' upon a new board, fet in a black frame, ^^ ' painted on the right light. if. lo No. 2. Done by Lucas ^*^'^' Under the faid piece a St. Jerom, Van Leyden, leaning upon his right hand, holding a ^^ I'/tfe b° ^^^^ f<^"ll ^" the other hand, whereby the State. ftanding a lighted candle, and alfo hang- ing at the wall a red cardinal's hat ; be- ing painted upon a board ; being one of the five pieces which the State's EmbaiTa- dor gave to the King at St. James's, 163 5, in a black ebony frame, painted upon the right light. if. I No. 3. Bought by the Item. Under the piece aforefaid, a piece King at done by Paul Van Vianan (who was the S Van Via- Emperor Radolph's man) for chafed work, nan. being a filver plate in a black frame, of B if. 3 z T/^f" King's Collection (t/ Pictures. our Lady and Chrift, and fome faint, with Length. a pair of pincers, wherewith flie holds a ^^^'' ^"'^'' tooth. ^f. oi No, 4. A Mantua Item. A ftanding Lucretia, holding with Tklan. °"^ ^^^ ^^^'^ ^^"'^ ^ ^^^ ^^'^ °^^^ her face, and a dagger in her other hand to flab herfelf ; an entire figure, half fo big as the life, in a black ebony waved frame, painted upon the right light. 2^-2 No. c. Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. 4 Given to the King by Sir -Arthur Hop- ion. Given to the Ktng by Sir Ar. Hopton, iheKing'sEm- baflador in Spain; done by young Bru- nei. Done by Rot- Conhamer, up. on an oval cop- per-plate. Item. A little piece, whereon is paint- ed a witch riding upon a black ram-goat in the air, with a diftaff in her hand ; four little Cupids, in feveral adlions; faid to be done by Elfliamer before he went to Italy, from a print of Albert Durer 3 painted upon the right light, ^' J t No. 6. Item. Before the chimney, under the faid Lucretia,. there hangs at this time the little landfcape pidure,.containing twenty- five country people at harveft work j in a black ebony frame, painted upon the right light, f- 3 * No. 7. Item. By the faid landfcape hangs a little piece, of Venus and Cupid and another child, with two Satyrs ; in a black frame, the inner part cut oval, which the King had of Mr. William Murrey, one of the bedchamber, painted upon the right light, f. 5 t 2f. f. 4 f. 6 f. 6 I'he King's Collection 0/ Pictures, No. 8. Was likewiTe Item. Befide the faid piece another fel- kIngVsv ^'^^ landfcape, wherein country people Arthur Hop- are dancing, containing about thirty- five ton ; done by \^x^\s, figures ; alfo in a black ebony frame; the young Bru- . 9 , , ■ / ; ; gel. painted upon the right light. No. 9. Changed with Item. A h'ttlc entire pidlure with a thedeceafed \x\x\q white dog, lying by him, faid to of°Ham'hor be the Lord Parker, Comptroller to King Henry VlII's houfliold, fainted upon the right light. No. 10. Length. Feet. inch. Bought by the King ; done by Raphael Urbin. Item, Above the faid chimney a young man's head without a beard, in a red cap, whereon a medal and fome part of his white rtiirt, without a ruff, in his long hair ; being the marquis of Man- tua, who was by the Emperor Charles V. made the firfl: duke of Mantua. The pic- ture being only a head, fo big as the life. Upon a board in a black frame, painted upon the right light. No. II.' Bought by the Item. Under the faid piecc, a painting fde'doneT °" ^'^^ ^^^^^ ' '^^ ^^^ One fide, the birth Baffan ; the of Chrift, with fomc floepherds, and an other fide by aneel, containing lome five little figures, Paul Veronefe. if Y r ..1 j u whereby are lome cattle : and on the other fide, being done by Paul Veronefe, Mofes, when an Infant, brought to king Pharaoh's daughter, containing fome ele- ven little entire figures, in a black frame; bought of Da.Neice at Venice ; painted f. 3^ f. 6 f'5^ Breadth, 'tet. Inch. f. 5^ f. 4 f. 84 f. 54 2f. 4 7^6" King's Collection of Pictures, upon a thin pafted board, in a black Length, ebony frame, painted upon the wrcwg-^"'"'^"'^^' light. And the other fide done by Baf- fan, painted upo?i the right light. ^^' 3 No. 12. Carved in K. Item. A pifturc carved in a grey foft !?me'^ ^^^^•'' ftone, reprefenting king Henry VIII. at length, an entire figure, in a curious lit- tle carved frame, which the King had when prince. No. 13. Done by the Item. The pidture of feveral forts of 'dor"'giveVto'^''"'^s in a white earthen vefl^el; grapes, the King by apples, chcfnuts, and the like, painted my Lord Cot ^.^^^ ^/_,^ -J^f J- J^f tington. -i £> a No. 14. Item. A little St. George, which the King had in exchange of my Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Pembroke, for the book of Holben's drawings} wherein are many heads, which were done with Cray- ons, which my Lord Chamberlain imme- diately, fo foon as he received it of the King, gave it to my Lord Marftial, Earl of Arundel ; in a black ebone and fpeck- led wooden {r2ime,pai?ited upon the right light \ = Filiebien's Entretiens. Vies des Peintres, torn, pre- miere, page 2i8. He fays, that this pifture is in poffef- fion of the Marquis de Sourdis, at Paris. No. 15. Item. A modeft forward full-faced changed by the painted youHg woman's pidure in her p.'ince.^^ ^" yellow hair, with her left breaft naked, 4 Done by Ra- phael Urbin. f. II Done by John Bellievre ; Breadth. Feet. Inch. if. f. 3i 2f. 3 f. 8^ Feet. Inch. 7"^!? King's Collection of Pictures. and her fmock over her right breaft ; Length, painted upon a blew ground, upon a thin board, and fet upon a new board, in a black ebony frame ; only a head, half fo big as the life, which the King, toge- ther with the two children of Parmen- tius, had in way of exchange for Judith, of Raphal Urbin, when the King was Prince, of the late deceafed Lord of Pembroke, Steward of the King's houfe- hold % painted upon the right light. No. 1 6. P°",f ^7 , Item. The tower of Babylon, with Faulkenburch; ,. , , . i. . bought by the many very little and curious ngures, he- KiNG of Sir ing in a very curious carved and gilded Syl'then'" ^^^"^^. painted upon the right light, f. 84 Prince. tvt No. 17. A Mantua Item, Our Lady and Chrlft playing piece thought ^ith Tofeph at the left fide, in a land- to be done by„.-<-t,,,- ., , Schiavone, or ikip, in a black irame, painted upon the if. Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. 10 fome the like right line. Italian mafier. if No. 18. f. i^t if o Done by Cor- Item. Somc fchollar without a beard, and gtven'to'' j" ^ ^lack habit and a black cap, look- the King by ing downwards upon a letter, which he his Sifter. holds in both his hands, being fide- faced, lels than the life ; which was fent to the King by his Majefty's Sifter, by Mr. Chancellor, Sir Henry Vane, Lord EmbafTador from the King to the King Sweden ; being in a black ebony frame, painted upon the right light. = William Earl of Pembroke. c i£ 7 if 5t Eouglit by the King when Prince ; done by Will. Key. ■^ 7'Z'!\\o is in coniDctition with Cavalier Bernino. No, 20. Given to the Item. In the faid window an Eaftln- fnrYn/n ™^ dlan Idol, black braf?, which was by my Lord Denby, taken out of their church from their altar, being none of the faid Number of eighteen. Lord Denby. No. 21. Bought by the Item. A filver candleftick, made by ^"^- . Chriftian Van Vianan, none of the faid • Number of eighteen. •^^ If. f-7 f. lO-i- Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. O f. o f , o f. o f. o The King's Collection ^j/Statues. zj No, 14. Given to the Done by the Frenchman (Le Seure.) Bought by the. King. Said to be gi- ven to the King by my Ld. Marquis of Hamilton- Here follow the Statues that ftand in the middle windows at this time in the faid cabinet room. No, 22. Item. A Centaur, carrying Dejanira violently away, holding her fhoulder with his right hand, and with his left hand holding fome drapery about her ; flie ftruggling with her right hand up- wards, and her left hand downwards. No. 23. Item. In wood carved, a ftanding countryman, leaning with both his hands upon a fpade, as if it were a gardinerj upon a round turned pedeftal, being none of the faid Number of eighteen. No. 24. Item. The King's ow^n pidure on horfeback, upon a black wooden pede- ftal, belonging to Somerfet houfe, being none of the faid Number of eighteen ^. " A /mall model in brafs, done for that great equtftr.ian Statue oftheKlti'S noiujiandivg at Charing-crofs. No. 25. Item. A little Bacchus, of Corinthian metal, with his right hand holding a pot downwards, and his left holding up- wards, being none of the faid Number of eighteen. No. 26. Item,. The Statue of Laocoon with his two fons, killed by the great Ser- H Length. Feet. Inch. if. if. I f. 8 Breadth. Feet. Inclii. f. a f. o- King. Done by the aforefaid one eyed Italian No. 15. Which the King had of Mr. William Murrey. Being No. 1 6. No. 17. No. 18. No. 31. Item. In the uppermoft window, a head of Mofes, being in biafs blacked over with black varnifti, being fo big as the life. No. 32. Item. In the corner, between the win- dow and the chimney, one of the biggefl horfes in brafs, and the other fellow horfe of the fame bignefs, and a large Centaur of brafs, which being at this time in the chair-room make up the 2f. 2 f. t6 The King's Collection o/ Statues. pent, which my Lord Marquis brought Length, from Germany, out of the Duke of ^"'•■^'''=*'- Kunft-chamber, as it is called in high Dutch. No. 27. Bought by the Item. The little ftatue of Corin- thian metal of a {landing Minerva, be- ing the fellow piece of the aforefaid Bacchus, being none of the faid Number of eighteen. No. 28. Item. A little St. George on horfe- back, with a dragon by, being of brafs, Franciico Fan- upon a bluck ebony pedejlal. nelli. No. 29. Given to the Item. Carved in pear-tree, a little Eve, King by Mr. }joljing j^ onc of her hands an apple, and the other hand her fingers broken off. No. 30. Item. The Statue where Hercules over- comes, and ftriking the Centaur with a club, upon a black ebony wooden pedejlal. Breadth. Feet. inch. if. if. 2 f. The King's Collection o/Statues. Number of the eighteen pieces, which Length, came to the King by the deceafe of »(Diedi6i2.) * Prince Henry, of famous memory. if. 7 A Whitehall piece done in K. Hen.VIIJ's time. Done by . . , . . and gi- ven to the King by a Dutch Mer- chant. Done by the Frenchman Le Seur. Brought from Germany by Sir Hen. Vane, and given to the iCiNG. No. 33. Item. A little {hagged dog, fcratching his head with his left hinder foot, being carved in alabafter, which the King had when he was Prince, being done in King Henry VIII.'s time. ■ No. 34, Item. A naked woman, lying on her back afleep ; a Satyr, being in brafs. No. 35. Item. More at this time ftanding upon the table, the pidure of the King him- felf in brafs, . fo big as the life, being only a head, z^pon a black fquare touch- fto7ie pedejial. No. 36. Item. More at this time upon the fame table, a woman's head in brafs, blacked over with black varnifh, being fo big as the life, upon a black touch-Jlone fquare pedeftal; faid to be an antiquity of Pieta. 17 Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. O f. 8 f. o i8 The King's Collection (?/Statues. Here follows a note of all the brafs fpecified pieces, being Medalions, Medals, and Bafs-re- lievos, which are all fet round about on fquare black frames ; which came to my Lord Cot- tington within thefe three years to prefent to the King at feveral times, being thirty- five. At the fide of the middle window is placed feven round pieces in round black frames, being all feveral Stories and parts taken out of Ovid. [Bafs-relievo's.J No. I. ' IMPRIMIS, Phcebus fitting in his throne, PhaetoR kneeling before him. No. 2. Item. Phaeton tumbling down with his chariot and horfes out of the Clouds. No. 3. Item. M«rcury fent down by Jupiter to cut off Argus's- head. No. 4. Item. Mercury whiflling Argus alleep. • No. 5. Item. The piece where Mercury has cut off Argus's head. N. 6. Item. The piece where Jupiter having lo by him, be- ing transformed into a Gow, 7>^(? King's Collection c/ Statues, ip No. 7. Item. The piece where Juno is beating Califto with her fift, curfing her, and transforming her into the fhape of a bear. At the fame fide in the glafs- windows, two little fquare pieces fet in black ebony frames, in the midil of a round, cut in flate-ftone. No. I. Given to the Imprimis, A little fide- faced pidure cut in flate-ftone. King by the ^ j ^ ^^^^^ j^j^^j^ f^^^^^ deceaied young Mr. Herriott. , t No. 2. Item. At the other fide of it a fquare piece, wherein Chrift being cuffed by the Jews. No. 3. Item. The piece where Chrift is carrying the crofs, be- ing the fellow piece of the aforefaid Chrift. More on the other fide in the fame window, two little pieces, in black ebony frames. No. I. Imprimis, Where Chrift is taken from the Crofs, our Lady fitting by. No. 2. Item. After Albert Dure's print, where two Angels hold- ing the cloth where the face of Chrift is printed upon. At the other fide of the window likewife in a row, hang- ing down one under another, as follows. No. I. Imprimis, Apollo, and Cupid with a dragon by him. No. 2. Item. Daphne being purfued. 30 The King's Collection it ^ • 1 • VIII. s nrit Queen Kathenne, being one of the houfe of Spain, and Queen Mary of England's mother, in a black drefling and habit, adorned with gold and pearls. f. 1 7 No. 27. Done by Hans I^em. Bofie Upon the right light, The Hoiben, and fourth pidlure, being King Henry VIII. t^iTol 'm ^^^ ^"'^ full-faced, in a black cap with Lord Suffolk. 3 white feather, in a golden habit, and furred gown, and a very little falling band. f. ii No. 28. Done by Hof- Item. Done upon the wrong light. The kins. fifth, being King Henry VlII.'s fecond Queen Ann of Bullen, in a black dref- ing adorned with pearls, which was co- pied by Hofkins after an oil-coloured piece. No. 29. Done by Ant. Item. Done upon the right light. The More, given to fixth, being KiNG Henry VlII.'s daugh- LorTsuffolk' ^^'" Queen Mary, done in oil-colours, in a black and white head-drefling, and gold and blew woven flowers, tifTue, and the fleeves lined with fur, holding two red rofes in her hand, and in the other hand a pair of gloves with a carnation M 41 Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. ^.^ f. O Given to the King by my Lord Suffolk. f. f. 14 41 The King's Collection o/Limnings. . , , . , 1 . , Length. I Breadth. curtain behind, and painted upon a round Feet. inch. ' Feet. inch, golden plate. f. 2 f. No. 30. Item. Done upon the right light. The feventh being King Edward VI. meanly done, in a black cap and habit, adorned with pearls and gold, upon a round card. No. 31. Done by the Item. Done upon tJje wrong light, Be- old Hi.hard ingQuEEN Elizabeth, UDon an oval card, bought by the . ° 7^ , ^r . Li t j i-r j King of the ^'^ 3. laced ruiT, in a black dreliing and young Hil- habit, Very richly adorned with gold and '^■^ ■ pearls, and a pid:ure-box hanging at her right bread. Thefe are the eight pictures before fpeci- fied which are in the lead fquare frame of eight inches and a half high. Item. In thefecond and lajl bigger fquare and high frame, being one foot and fiX inches and an eighth part of an inch broad, wherein are left two places empty for two more piBures to come there, being as yet unfnijloed, of his Majejlfs progenitors. No. 32. Suppofedtobe Imprimis, Dofie upon the right light, done by Jen- Upon a round blew card ground with an ner, a trench .,r . , "-n r i limner. Now ifinglars ovcr It, the piclurc or the at Kenfington, j^auphin fon of France, in a black cap Queen's" clofet. a "d a white feather, in a black habit lined with white fur, adorned with gold, The King's Collection <7/'Limnings. Lencrth. which fa id Dauphin was the firft hufband feet.lnch to Queen Mary of Scotland. f* it No. 33. Suppofed to be Item. Done upon the right light. The done by the fecoud pidure of Queen Mary of Scot- jennec. \^^^^ upon z blew grounded fquare card, dreffed in her hair, in a carnation habit laced with fmall gold lace, and a ftring of pearls about her neck, in a little plain falling band, (he putting on her fecond finger the wedding-ring. f. 3 No. 34. Done by old Item. Do?ie upon the right light. The Milliard, given third pidture, Written on it the year of ^° ^ ^ '** ■ our Lord, with golden letters, 1575, and alfo her age 53, being the Lady Marga- ret Douglas, Aunt to Qu^een Mary of Scotland, in a black and white mourn- ing widow's habit, and a little plain ruff. f. 1 7 Copied by Ho- fkins after the principal, be- ing in the Bearftake gal- lery, done by Paul Van Somer. Done by Tfaac Oliver, after the life. 43 Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. O f. 2 f. O No. 35. Item. Done upon the wrong light. The fourth picture, being King James VI. upon an oval lavender coloured card, in a laced ruff, and a black habit, with a corflet about his neck. f. 2 i No 36. Item. Done upon the right light. The fifth pifture, being Q_ueen Ann, of fa- mous memory, of the fame bignefs, upon a red oval card in a white hair-drelTing, in a blew habit adorned with pearls, and a pidure-box at her left breaft. f. 2 f. i^ f. II 44 T^/'^ King's Collection (j/'Limnings. No. 37. Done by Ifaac Item. Done upon the right light. The Se Hft. ^'" ^^^^^^' ^^^"§ ^ ^\€LnTt of Prince Henry, upon an oval red grounded card, in a laced rufF and a gilded armour, with a blew fcarf about his neck, under a cryftal. No. 38. Done by the Item. Done upon the right light. The life, by Ifaac feventh pidlure, being upon an oval red grounded card, of the King when he was Duke of York, in a laced ruff, and gilded armour with blew ribbonds. Length. Feet. Inch. Breadth. Feet. Inch. Oliver. Done by Ifaac Oliver, done after the life. No. 39. Item. Done upon the right light. The eighth piece, upon an oval blew ground- ed card, being the pidlure of the King's fifter before {he was married, in her hair-dreffing and a laced band, and a purple habit with a double chain of pearls about her neck ; are noiv altogether in the afore/aid clofet. Thefe are the eight before fpecified pic- tures in the fecond and lafl: biggeft fquare frame. Here follow three pidlures of Queen Elizabeth. DonebyHilli- ' JSJo. 40. ard, given to 7 • 7 ?• r the King by Imprimis, Done Upon the right light, W°and"r'e' ^ ^^^"^ forward faced pidure of Queen fenttd by the Elizabeth in her Parliament robes, witli Earl of Pem- ^ fceptre and globe in her hands, in a little Sa^df"""^ fquare box, wooden frame,with a cover. f. 2-i- 4 f. 2 I-l f. ll f. 14 f. 2 The King's Collection o/Limnings. No. 41. Done by old Item x^iiothcr of the aforefaid Queen Hilliard.which£|j2abeth's pidure, being fide-faced ia of my'Lordofthe clouds. With one hand, and a little Arundel. landikip by it, with feme golden letters in the clouds, being under a cryftal, in a black round turned jet-box, the light com- ing neither from the right nor the leftjide^ being done without d^r\y fiadows, in an open garden light. Length. Feet. inch. Done by an unknown hand. No. 42. Item. Done upon the right light. In a white ivory box without a cryftal, a cer- tain lady's pidure in her hair, in a gold bonelace little ruff, and black habit, lined with white furr with gold tiflae fleeves, with one hand over another, fuppofed to have been Qu_een Elizabeth before fhe came to the crown. Here are fpecified two pidures of King James's. No. 43. Given to the Item. There was prefented a cafe with KiNGbythe five little limned pidures to the King J^ady KiUe- , t j it-mi i , . grew. by my Lady Kulegrew to take choice thereof, and his Majefty pleafed to take only the pidure of King James VI. of famous memory, the reft were by the King's appointment reftored back again to the faid Lady, the pidure being the leaft of all Ki N G James's pidures that his N f. 14 4y Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. 2i f. If f. O 4j^_ j^ the fame leather drmioerjix more brazen pieces. Given by my ^Imprimis, The laft Duke Charles of Burgundy. Lord Getting- -^ j^^^^ Queen Mary of Scotland. Item. A piece of Brutus at the one fide, and at the ether fide fome four little figures. Item. An Eaft Indian red copper piece of coin, where^ on fome charadlers and letters are. Item. Another little brazen piece, little worth* R 6i The King's Collection o/Limnings. Item. Another little brazen piece, alfo of little worth, Thefe are the aforefpecified twenty-feven pieces, whereof fifteen are in gold, fix in filver, and fix in brafs. Item. In thefecond leather drawer, which isjlroked with golden flrokes, wherein tbirt\-five little ordinary orjlight Jilver medals are. Item. Here followeth more three felt drawers In the Jirji white felt drawer twenty-four filver and brazen ^ together thirty-four little medals of fmall value. Item. In the fecond white felt drawer thirty-five little medals, being but of little value. Here follow more three white felt drawers. Item. In the firft white felt drawer, twenty-four filver and brazen, together thirty-four little medals of fmall value. Item. In the third white felt drawer, the twelve Em- perors in brafs, being upon little ovals, and twenty-three other mean brazen medals, which make together thirty- five. Item. Twenty-feven in black hoops, caft better and worfe, golden medals, delivered by the King himfelf, out of the cupboard in the chair-room, being the twelve Roman Emperors double ; and three more, one being Adrianus, the other Godfred, the third, a head bound with ribbonds, and the other fide a little figure, written three lines downwards, being an Affyrian piece. Item. Thirty-eight caft and repaired filver medals, fet in black hoops, being feveral and fundry forts of Roman Em- perors, which the King delivered to me out of the cub- boards in the chair-room at WhithalL The King's Collection ^Limnings. dj Hert follow the jive golden 7nedah ivhlch my Lord Duke of Lenox gave to the King, and his Majejly delivered to me hisfervant, Vanderdoort, in the^ be- ing two big ones and three little ones. Imprimis, Adrianus ; at the backfide a galley, weighing one ounce and a half-penny weight. Item. The fecond being Galba ; on the backfide, {land- ing, fome Roman, receiving his command, weighing one ounce and a half-penny weight. Here follow the faid three little ones. Item. The firft being a Trojan, weighing a four-penny weight and fifteen grains. Item. The fecond an on the backfide a Hand- ing fingle figure. Item. The third and laft, being alfo a at the backfide two ftanding figures, the piece having a hole through it, being faid that it was found in Wales. Here follow nine golden pieces which my Lord Marquis of Huntly gave to the King, particularly fpecified. Imprimis, Five Scottifh crowns, being from King James I. till King James VI. Item. One golden piece of Queen Mary. Item. Another gold piece of King James VI. Item. A piece about an angel worth of the Emperor Charles V. Item. The ninth, being Pope Paul V. with the Holy Ghoft at the backfide. Here follow three in filver. Imprimis, A filver piece about eighteen-pence, being coined in the time when Qu^een Mary of Scotland, who 64 The King's Collection m°Poner. white ivory fet upon black velvet ; in a black ebony frame, other two children flanding fighting. DonebyPeti- Item. Carved in box, a ftanding Lucretia, from that tor, an excel- ^vhich IS Hov/ In the Cabinet- room of Titian's painting. Isnt enameller * ^ in France. Given to the Item. In a round old {hutting ordinary box in a wcrm- KiNG by Mr. rotten frame, the pidare of King Henry VIiI. im- Surveyor, Iiu- , ,,.,,' ^^ -^ go Jones. boic in coloured wa;:. G;ven to the Item. More in a long- oval ordinary box, v/herein is a K'NG by Mr. p^j-fej-j^ upon copper, embofl; in wax, of many little fi- gures, for a fcabbard of a fword for King Henry VIII, DanebuFran- Item. In a little book, wherein are fix drawings upon ciico C!eyne ^g^ paper, which were done for patterns for the Great fix, and two ^iifr • n ^ ITT''- thereof byHo- Seal, whereoi two more, very cunoully done by HOsicinSj ^'"=- alfo for patterns. Given to the Item. A little drawing with a pen, in a black frame, ©f King. Marcus Curtius, leaping in the fiery pit at Rome, fet in a black ebony frame. Given to the Item. A drawing in little of Prince Henry, where he is King by Mr.. play jj^g whh a lance, being fide-faced, in a black frame Surveyor. ^ .\ ^ J & > vs'ith a cover. Item. Another drawing with a pen, upon white vel- lum, the King's ov/n pidure on horfeback. DonebyJuH- Item. Under a large glafs, that has been a looking-glafs, b"u'itt'^b^' h"'^ large drawing upon vellum, containing many little fi- King. gures, being behind feen a part of a city. Bought by the Item. In a round wooden double turned box, the Great biaham°D^r- ^eal of KiNG Philip and Queen Mary of England, im- kendsr. prefTed in red wax on both fides. Given to the Item. A double fhutting black ebony wooden cafe, LorYDe^nby^ whcrein are divers filver compaffes and mathematical in- ffruments, being — ■ pieces. Given to the Item. A piece of a landskip, wrought in the manner as- Frenl Em-^^t^V ^^^kc Turkey carpet-work. baffador. 76 77^^ King's Collection oyLiMNiNGS. Here follow the number of the King's pidures, and other things which are kept in ftore in feveral places, and are as yet unplaced, viz. A Mantua TM PRIM IS, In the cabinet- room, one large and fa- Amonfo'cor-^ ■*- i"0"s pidtuFC, painted upon cloth in water-colours, regio. kept fhut in a wooden cafe, where they are tormenting and flaying Marfyas, whereby one fitting and flinging him with vipers, and another blowing in his left ear with a pipe, and the third flaying him, and beneath it a little young Satyr's head, being in all four entire figures, lefs than half fo big as the life, befides the young Satyr's head, being painted in a landskip in an all-over gilded frame, m a double door Jhuttifig cafe. A Mantua Item. The fecond, another the like abovefaid fellow piece, done by piece in water-colours, of Anthony Corregio, being anun- nt. °"^S'° ]jnown ftory, containing four entire figures in a landfkip, and four angels in the clouds, containing in all eight fi- gures, whereof one is fitting with the figns of Prudence, Obedience, Fortitude, and Juftice ; the other figure being fitting in the manner of a goddefs of war, with a piece of a red broken ftaff of a launce, having a monfler with a wolf's head and a dragon's tail under her feet : And the third being an Egyptian, meafuring with a pair of com- paflfes on a globe, fignifying Aflronomy, whereby is {land- ing a naked child to be taught in the fcience j in a wooden cafe^ and in an all-over gilded frame. The King's Collection o/LmNiNGs. 77 A hook of piSiures in ivax *, and gold, andfiher, which were Qu_een Amts, of famous memory, and was left by her Majefty to Vanderdoort for the King, whereof 7ii7%e are in wax and Hvehe in gold, and likewife eleven in fiver, the particulars hereajterfpecified. IMPRIMIS, In v/hite wax, King James at length, crowned, a fceptre in his right hand and a globe in the other hand, in his Parliament-robes ; done upon a black lilver plate, in a green velvet cafe and lilver hooks. Item. The fecond in carnation coloured wax, being alfo King James crowned, with a fceptre and globe in his hand ; upon a black filver plate, being but half figures. Item. More the like in carnation coloured wax, the King's pi6lu re crowned, in his right hand a fceptre, and in the other hand a globe j in a black Abutting box with a green velvet cafe. Item. More in carnation coloured wax, upon a black plate, King James crowned with a laurel without hands; in a black jetton turned box fet in a crimfon velvet cafe. Item. More in carnation coloured wax, King James's pifture, crowned with laurel, without hands, in a black fhutting box fet in a tawney velvet cafe. Item. More in an oval, King James's pidure in white wax, upon a black ground, in a black ebony eight fquare cafe, adorned at both fides with golden plate the King's name with two letters, under an Imperial crown with a green laurel about it, and alfo with golden joints and hooks. Item. The pidture in white wax, upon a black round plate, of Queen Ann's picture, in a black turned (hutting box, fet in a purple velvet cafe with filver galloon-lace and filver hooks. a Models, or imprijpons in 'wax, X 78 The King's Collection Medalion. '= Medalion, ^ Medalion. ' Medalion. ^ Medalio/i. TJoe King's Collection ^/Limnings. 8r one ounce and three quarters, three penny weights and -nine grains. Item. The fecond the like aforefaid, but yet leiTer, alio in filver, King James's pidture% alio crowned with a laurel, being in bignefs two inches and a half over, weigh- ing one ounce and four grains. Item. The third, the very fame again, but yet lelTer, being in bignefs two inches over, weighing half an ounce and half a quarter, in a green velvet cafe. Here follow three Jiher piBures more o/" King fames ^ crowned with an Imperial crown^ with a fceptre and globe in his hand. The firft, King James crowned with an Imperial crown'', with a fceptre and globe in his hand, being in bignefs over three inches and a half, being fafi; in a purple velvet cafe,, M'eighing together with the half cafe, three ounces and fix penny weights. Item. The very fame again% but yet lefTer fize, with aa Imperial crown, with a fceptre and globe in his hands, ■being three inches over, weighing with a crimfon velvet cafe, one ounce and three quarters and half a quarter and ten grains. Item. The third and laft the very fame '', with an Im- perial crown, a fceptre and globe in his hands, being two inches and a half over, weighing three quarters and a penny weight and a half. Here ends the thirty-two pidures of King James, fomc in wax, and fome in gold, and fome in iilver, as are before at large fpecified. f Medalioru ^ Medalian. <= Dim. ^ Ditto. iW8 ^■^■\^--^W^ The S E C O N D V O L U M E. Of all fuch of The KING'S PICTURES, As were by his Majefty's eipecial appointment placed, and at this prefent time remaining in Whitehall, in the feveral places follbwing. In the Tennis-court chamber thefe five pieces are placed. No. r. Brought from TMPRrMIS, The pidlure of Queen Mary of Scof- Scotiand and J[ j^j^j KiNG Tamcs's mother, at length, painted upon a given to the , , , t i i ^ r o ■> r r King. board in a black wooden frame *. a I have feeti this at Hatfield, and copied it, to engrave in the Hijlary of Eng- land. Vide Rapin, vol. ii. No. 2.. Done by Cor- j^gj^j^ The King's pidure at length, done when he nehus Polen- . . ., , f , /• ° burgh. was prince,, in a gilded carved irame. 84 The King's Collection (?/^Limnings. No. 3. Item. The Queen-mother of France's pidlure, {c big as the life, half a ngure, in a wooden carved gildec frame No, 4. Item. The late deceafed Infant Archdutchefs irabel'la her pidure, half fo big a figure as the life, in a wooden frame. No. 5. Item. By quickfilver, a defaced pidure of a figure fit- piece, done by tins upon the clouds, holdina: a large book of fciences Cavellero Bal- ^ ^ 00 liono. Thefe are the five pidures placed in the Tennis-couit .chamber at Sir James Palmer's lodgings. No. 6. A Whitehall Item. In Mr. Ram fey, the King's cloc'kmaker's room piece. at Whitehall, a carved pidture in alabafter, being St. John the Evangelifl upon an eagle in the clouds. A Mantua piece. A mantua piece. A Mantua In the Bear-gallery, at this prefent, remain the twenty-five pi<^ures following, viz. No. I. Done by De- Imprimis, Between the two doors at moro, a Ve- jj^g ]g£j hand, coming from the cockpit into the laid bear- gallery, a piece or our Saviour and the Samaritan woman at the well, three intire little figures, and two in the landfkip afar off; bought by the King, being in an all-over gilded and carved frame. No. 2 Said to be done Item, Above the Duke of Lenox's byPermenfius. ^^^^^ ^ iijjjg fide-faced woman's pidure Length. Feet. Inch. 3f. 2 Breadth. Feet. Inch, 2f. 7 Tloe King's Collection 2 7%^ King's Collection ^Limnings. Done by Pa- dourieno. No. 5. Item. Above the door another lefs St. Sebaftian forwards, alfo tied with his right hand upwards^ and the other hand be- hind his back, half a figure, lefs than the life, in a wooden frame. No. 6. Done by Sal- jj^j^^ -pj^g pifturc of an Italian painter, called Salviate, only a head, looking over his right ihoulder,^ fo big as the life, in a wooden frame.. No. 7, Item, Under the aforefaid pidlure an Ecce Homo, with a reddifli mantle, and with both hands tyed before him, holding a white wand in both his hands, painted upon a board, half figures, in a wooden frame. . No. 8. Item. Above the door, only a head of Apollo with a laurel about his head, which was bought by the King of Var- felin, painted upon a board, in a wooden frame. No. 9. Length. Feet. Inch. A WhkehaH piece. Item.. A Whitehall pifture, being part of the Kingdom of Ireland, painted in the manner of a map of all the country about Kinfale, where the Spaniards were beaten out of Ireland, in a black wooden frame. 2f. I 2f. Breadth. Feet. Inch. 2f. 10 5f- 9 Sf.8 if. 8 2f. f. a> jf. 2 The King's Collection (?/Limnings. No. lo. Done by Tin- Item. Above the door a little pifture '°'""' of a young youth's head, painted upon a blew fky-coloured ground, whereupon fbme leaves of a tree painted, done by old Tintoret, in a wooden frame, bought by the King of Varfelin. if. Length. Feet. Inch. Done by Baf- fano, in his fiflt manner. Done by Per- fsllis. Said to be done .... No. II. Item. The picflure where Abraham, with his family is travelling} fome twelve little intire figures, and fome cat- tle, in a wooden carved and gilded frame. 4f. 2 No. 12. Item. The pidure of St. Andero's Haven, in Spain, where our King took fiiipping when he came from thence, in a black and gilded frame, bought by the King; in which piece containing fome four greater (hips, and fome nine leffer fhips. 4^' 7 No. 13. Item, A very old defaced curious painted altar-piece, upon a thick board, where Chrift is calling St, Matthew out of the Cuftom-houfe, which pidture was got in Qu^EEN Elizabeth^s days, in the taking of Calus Malus in Spain ; painted upon a board, in a gilded arched frame like an altar-piece, containing ten big figures lefs than half fo big as the life, and fome twenty- two afar off lefs figures. Given to the K1N6. 6f, q Bb 93 Breadth. Feet. Inch. f. II 6f. 7f. 4 5^- 7 P4 The King's Collection ^/Limnings. Done by Gui- do Bolognefe. Done by Will Xey. Length. No. 14. Feet. Inch. Item, The pidure, being only a head* of St. Peter; bought by the King of Mr. Nicholas Laniere, upon a ftraining- frame. 2f. o No. 15. Item. The pidure of a Dutch young woman in a citizen's habit, in a Httle ruff, fhe holding with her left-hand her golden chain-girdle about her wafte ; half a figure, painted upon a board in a wooden frame; given to the King by Sir Edmund Scorey, in a black wooden gilded frame. 2f. 8 No. 16. Item. The pidlure of Cavallero John de Bollonia, the famous Sculptor to the Grand Duke of Florence, done in a' lit- tle ruff, and in a furred gown ; given to the King by my Lord Ankrom, being only a head to the fhoulders. if. 10 No. 17. Item. The pidlure of a middle-aged Man, in a white fattin doublet, laced with a little golden-lace; bought by the King, painted upon a board, in a wooden frame. No. 18. Said to be Item. The picture of the head of a donebyBrtm. ^^^^^^ j^^ ^ ^^^^^^ gjj^^^ ^-^.^^^^ painted upon paper, fet upon a board ; bought by the King of Varfelin. if. Done by A- drian Key. Breadch.- Feet. Incli if if. II If. 5 10 The King's Collection (j/Limnings. pj No. 19. Said to be Item. Another fide- faced red colour- donebyBrom- gj pi(^ure of a young man, looking up- wards, in a black frame ; bought by the King of Varfelin, painted upon a board, being only a head. No. 20. Done by Will. Item. The picture of a black com- ^*^* plexioned indifferent ancient man's head, with a little down-falling ruff", painted- upon a board in a wooden frame j bought by the King. Length. Feet. Inck No. 21. DonebyHatw Item. Upon the door, an old Italian Van Acken, soman's head, without a ruff, in a black the Emperor ' , t^ Rodoiph's wooden frame J bought by the King. painter. No 22. Done by Tin- Item. A black complexioned Vene- toret. tian gentleman's head, in a little falling- band, in a black wooden frame; bought by the King. if. if. 10 if. 9 \L II No. 23. Done by Mi- Item. Another piflure of the Bifhop chad janfen of Spalato, in a wooden carved frame, Delft!^ ^' ^' painted upon a board. 2f. No, 24. A Mantua Item. The pidure of our Lady, and piece faid to Chrift lying along before her, with his Se"nfiS. ^"' left-arm leaning upon a globe of the world, and with his right-arm taking Breadth. "eet. Inck II If. 5 if. 4 if. 6 if. 8 f6 The KiUG'b CoLtlCTION $ No, 1 8. Item. Under the faid pidlure another pidure, containing three heads, one full- faced and two fide-faced, holding all three to a ring cafe, being all three done from one that was a jeweller, in a black carved ebony frame. No. 19. Said to be Item. Above the door the pidure of done by Mich. Charles Audax, the lafl duke of Bur- L Vive tfl gundy, in a black armour, leaning with his right-hand upon part of a table, the other hand upon his head-piece, half a figure fo big as the life, in a black ebony frame. 21. Thefe are the nineteen pidlures in the fecond privy lodging-room. Bone by Ti- tian, 2f. 103 Breadth. Feet. Inch. 12f. 2f. E 2^. 5 2f. 4 104 77:^? King's Collection ^yLiMNiNGS. In the third privy lodging-room, alfo p^g"S*-|^ called the fquare table-room, are thefe pieces placed as followeth. No. r. A Mantua IMPRIMIS, Vefpafian and Titus upon ^dioRoi!.llS ^ triumphal chariot, drawn by four horfes, painted upon a board in a white and carved and gilded frame, containing fome ten little fisi;ures. No. 2. fittins St. John, m ■o his holding hand, faid to be A Mantua Item. A piece, done by i . ,- Ant. Corrigio. chain-crols Corrigio, in a wooden gilded frame, in tire figures, lefs than the life. No. 3. A Manaua' Item. Another piece painted upon a S!Mfano>°^^^' ^^^"g our Lady, Chrift, St. John, ' and an Angel, almoft fo big as the life, done by Andrea Delfarto, intire figures, fo big as the life, painted upon a board, in a carved gilded frame. No. 4. 1 ^^''j'"^ , Ite"^- Oi^r Lady and Chrift, St. John, ?!ov!no.°"^ '^6t' Ann, Jofeph and St. K-atherine, fix 3f- a of 4f. 10 Breadtfe, Feet. Inch. 10 5^-7 3^- 9 4^. 3 By Titian. Done by Per- tnenfius. The King's Collection <7/Limnings^ intire figures lefs than the life, faid to be Length. done by Lovino, or otherwife* by one out of the fchool of Leonard da Vinci, 4-^. 5 in a carved and gilded frame. No. 5. Item. Above the door Duke Grettie, of Venice, with his right-hand holding his robes. Bought by the King, half figures fo big as the life, in a. black wooden gilded frame. 4^- 4 No. 6. Item. Another Italian woman's pic- ture, with her arm naked, drefling her- felf, and a man holding a looking-glafs to her ; being done by Permenfius, half a figure fo big as the life, painted upon cloth, in an old fome part gilded frame, sf. 5 No. 7. Item. Under is placed the fifth piece of Pollidore, which piece being one of the twenty-three Italian colledted pieces which the King bought, containing ■ fome eight figures, whereof four is draw- ing a line, in a wooden gilded frame. if. 4 No. 8. Done by Ti- Item. A large piece of our Lady and tian, being the Chrift, where St. Luke is preferring to fix pieces of ^^^-^^ ^ ^^^^ Gentleman, done by Titian, being the fixth piece of Titian's, which is one of the number of the tv/en- ty-three Italian coUeded pieces which the King bought, being four intire E € Done by Pol- lidore, in Frefco. :p Frofley: lOJ Breadth. Feet. Inch. 4f. O 3f-4 2f. 9 jf. O io6 The KiNG^^s Collection oyLiMNiNGs. Done by Georgione. figures, fo big as the life, in an all-over Feet, inch, gilded frame. 4f^ 2 No. 9. Item. A piece containing fix half figures, our Lady, Chrift, Jofeph, St. Katherine, St. Sebaftian, and another private Gentleman, painted upon board, in an all-over gilded frame. Bought by my Lord Cottington for the King. 3^* ^ No. 10. Done by Pol lidore. Item. Here under is placed the fixth and laft piece of the large narrow pieces of Pollidore in Frefco, containing fix figures playing with fome fwans, which is one of the number of twenty-three Italian colledion pieces which the King ^ ■ bought of Frofly. No. 1 1 . A Mamua Itcm^ A large piece painted upon fipLti u? board, by Raphael Urbin, being our bin. Lady, Chrift, and Jofeph, St. John, St. Ann, intire figures lefs than the life, in an all-over gilded and carved frame. No. 12. A Mantua Item. In a gilded carved frame paint- piecedone by ej upon cloth, being a ileeping Venus Anr.Comgio.^^^ Cupid, and a Satyr by, taking up fome part of Venus's drapery, three in- tire figures fo big as the life. A Mantua piece cone by Item. In No. 13. gilded frame upon cloth. Ant. Corrigio. painted by Corrigio, a ftanding naked if. 4 4f. 9 6f Breadth. Feet. Inchi 5^7 4f. 5> 5^. o 3f- 9? 4f ■ O' berlain. Done by Ti iian. The Kings's Collection o/Limnings. Venus, Mercury fitting teaching Cupid Length. his lelTon, intire figures, almoft fo big ^'"- ^""^■ as the life, in a gilded carved frame. Noi 14. had from 'my Jofcph leaning upon a hill with a ftaff ; Lord Cham- which the KiNG hath changed the fourth of Jan. 1638, from my Lord Chamber- lain, for the King and Queen's pidure in limning, jf. 7 No. 15. Item. Above the door a Lucretia,. having a dagger in her right-hand, and a man's face behind, being Tarquin, in a gilded frame, half a figure fo big as the life, done upon a board. 2f. 7 Thefe are the fifteen pidlures placed in the third and laft privy lodging-room. In the Privy Gallery at Whitehall. No. I. Imprimis, A pidure of the late de- ceafed duke of Savoy's Mother, daugh- ter to King Philip II. of Spain, in a Spanifli ruff richly adorned with jewels to the fhoulderSj in a wooden frame.. No. 2. Item, Above the Cabinet-room door^. the pidure of Galen, called the Prince of Phyficians, being only a head, with- out a beard fo big as the life, in a wooden.frame. 107^ Breadth. Feet. Inch. A- Whitehall piece. A- Whitehall piece.. 2f 18 2f. Z loS 71?^ King's Collection c/Limnings. ft Whitehall tpiece. Done by Mi- chael Janl'en Mirevelt ,A Whitehall ipiece. No, 3. Item. The pidcre as it is fappofed to be the old William, prince of Orange, in armour, and the order of the golden fleece, v/ith a truncheon in his hand, half a figure lb big as the life, in a black gilded frame. No. 4. Item. The piflure at length of the Prince Eledor's brother Prince Robert, in his minority, in a yellow habit and blue curtain, fo big as the life, upon a flraining frame. No. 5, Item. The pidure of Margaret de Vallois, daughter to King Henry II. of France, who was married to King Phi- lip II. of Spain, mother to the late de- ceafed Infant of Bruffels, in a red fattin with many jewels adorning her habit, holding in her right hand a hankerchief, half a figure, in a black and gilded frame. No. 6. Item. Above the door of the Coffer Chamber, the pidlure of the valiant Scot- tifli Earl Douglas, alfo called the black Dudley, in a black cap with a little me- dal, being fide- faced. No, 7. Bought by the Item. The late deceafed Duke of Sa- KiNG Said voy's grandmother's picfture to the knees, to be done by . ■' °. . , , , . 1. , ., , , bir Ant. More, m a Widows habit, in a carved glided frame, fo big as the life to the wafte. Length. Feet. Inch A Whitehall 0)iece- Breadth. Feet. Inch, The King's Collection ^/Limnings. lop A Whitehall piece. No. 8. Said to be Item. The fellow piece, being the faid done by Sir deccafed Dukc of Savoy's, grandfather to More. Bought the deceafed Dutchefs of Savoy, in ar- b/ the King, mour, with a truncheon in his right- hand, done by Ant. More, in a carved gilded frame, half a figure fo big as the life. No. 9. Item. The widow of the King of Hungary, who was fifter to the Em- peror Charles V. half a figure fo big as the life, in a black and gilded frame. No. 10. A Whitehall Item. The pidture of the widow of piece. King Chriftian II. of Denmark, {he was fifter to the Emperor Charles V. in a wi- dow's habit, in a black and part gilded frame, half a figure fo big as the life. No. ir. DonebyTitian Item. Emperor Charles the Fifth's- Bought by the wife, without a rufi^, being daughter and ilrret"'^''^''' ^^'^ ^o the KiNG of Portugal, holding fome rofes in her right-hand, in a black fome part gilded frame, half a figure fo big as the life. Length. Feet. Inch. No. 12. A Whitehall pidlure. Item. The Emperor Charles theFifth's own pidure in armour, with a truncheon in his right-hand, in a black fome part gilded frame, half a figure fo big as the life. F f Breadth. Feet. Inch. no T^^ King's Collection (?/Limnings. No. 13. A Whitehall Item. Above the bed-chamber door, piece. a little head of Emperor Maximilian I. being one of the houfe of Auftria, in a black cap, and two hands, lefs than half fo big as the life. No, 14. A Whitehall Item. The Grand Dutchefs of Flo- piece, rence, being born out of the houfe of Lorrain, wife to Ferdinando, Grand Duke of Florence ; in a wooden frame. No. 15. . A Whitehall Item. The pidure of the Queen's piece. Mother of France, before fhe was mar- ried, in a tawny fuit, adorn'd with jewels and pearls, fo big as the life to the fhoul- ders, in a wooden frame. No. 16. A Whitehall Item. The pid:ure of Ferdinando, the piece. Grand Duke of Florence, in a black habit and furred cloke, with St. Ste- phen's order, being a red crofs upon his cloke, and a little diamond chain about his neck, in a black gilded frame, fo big as the life to the (boulders. No. 17. Given to the Item. The pidure of the Duke de Kino by my Albo, in armour, whereupon a crucifix, Lord of Aran- ^j^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ j^j^ ^^ ^j^^ jj^^ to the fhoulders, in a black and gilded frame. Length. Feet. Inch. Breadth. Feet. Inck. The King's Collection <7/'Limnings. 109 Length. I Breadth. No. 18. Feet. Inch, j Feet. Inch.. Given to the Item. The pidure of our Lady and King by the chrift, and St. Katherine, half figures fo of Bucking- Dig as the hre, a landlkip by it, where ham. SaiJ to the martyring of St. Baftian is painted in CofregIo,''and ^'^le i"tire figures, half fo big as the life, by fome el'- being in an old defaced all-over gilded teemed a very fj-^j^g^ goodoldcopy. j^^_ ^^ Slid to be Item. The wife or the miftrefs to ne".%oughT King Francis I. of France, in a black by the King, cap with a white feather, holding an orange in her right-hand, painted upon board and green ground, in a gilded and carved frame. No. 20. J°n^J'y S'> Item. The King's nephew Prince an 1 e. Qj^^j.jgg^ Eledtor Palatine, together with his brother Prince Robert, both painted in armour, in one piece, and adorned with marfhal weapons, in a carved white and gilded frame, half figures fo big as the life. No. 21. Donelikewife Item. The aforefaid fellow piece, be- j FreSma'n.' ^"g ^he pidure of Francis I. King of France, painted upon board, a green ground ; in a black cap and a white feather, in a carved gilded frame, fo big as the life to the flioulders. No. 22. ArviS, , Ite^- A pifture of the Queen's Mo- bought by the ther of France, fitting in a chair in a KiKG. black habit, holding in her right-hand A Whitehall piece. No. 26. Item. The third a larger man's pic- ture without a beard, putting on a ring upon his left-hand little finger, faid to 112 7^^ King's Collection (t/'Limnings. a handful of rofes, half a figure fo big as Length. Breadth. the life, in a carved gilded Vrame. F"t.inch. Feet. inch. No. 23. Item. Above the door, in a little wooden frame, the Prince's arms, being the three feathers, made about with a collar of rofes, being done with a pen upon white parchment fet upon board in a wooden frame. Nine old heads (being Whitehall pic- tures) painted upon board in their frames, which are now placed at the upper end of the Privy-gallery, to- wards the Qu^een's fide. No. 24. A Whitehall ^MPRiMis, A young King's pi. being the Seventh piece frefco. Breadth. Feet. Inch. if. 9f. 8 8f o Feet. Inch. 3f. lo Done by Georgione. The King's Collection (j/Limnings. of the number of the Twenty-three Ita- Length lian Colledion pieces which the King bought of Frefley. No. 3. Item. A piece being Aflson, contain- ing in a troope upon the hrft ground feme Twelve figures, where Diana and her nymphs are wafhing, and in a land- fkip feme Fourteen Httle intire figures, more atar off, in a gilded frame : bought by the King of Mr. Endymion Porter. Dane by Pol- lidore, being the Eighth piece of f re- fco. Done by Per- menfius. No. 4. Item. Another piece, being the Eighth piece of the Twenty-three Italian Colle- (Sion pieces which the King bought of Frefley, containing fome buildings, whereby a fountain, wherein two little intire figures. No. 5. Item. Above the Firft door, the pi- (flure of a black complexion'd gentleman with a black beard, holding in his right- hand a red book, being fome fcholar, painted upon a board in a wooden de- faced frame. No. 6. Done by Pol- Item. Another piece of Pollidore con- llfe°Nimh and taining fome Eight figures, wherein one lad piece of lying along upon a rock in the fea, and the faid Polli- another figure in the air, and Four going dore, done in. ° i/i .rx-. r- Frefco. in a Doat to the more, and 1 wo bemg about bringing a horfe down the hill to the ihore, being the Eleventh piece of I 3f. Breadth. Feet. Inch. 5f-3 6f. o 5f- 2f. 5f. 7 if- 5 2f. 10 132 The King's Collection e- ing in a black gilded frame. 18 Deefl. No. 19. Done by Par- Item. The pidutc of Pardenone painted denone. |^y himfclf after the life, playing upon the M m Length Feet. Inch. 2f. 9 4f. 7 T34 ^"^ King's Collection o/Liukings. lute; in a wooden and inner part of black Length, ebbone frame, which the King did change ^*'' "'^ ' from my Lord Chamberlain and did give the Queen's pidture in blew for it, done by Sir Anthony Vandike. 2f 9 No. 20. Boughtbythe Item. A piecc of a Nunnery, where Eidf'mion ' ^^^y ^""^ fitting a fpinning and the Pater Porter. Fryar of the Cloyfter fitting at his victuals by the fire, a young Nun attending, a young Fryar eating his egg, and the old Fryar is beating with his rod upon the cupboard, where all forts of victuals tum- bling out, by that painted in black and white in the faid pidure where Mofes is beating at the rock for water ; in a black Jratne, fainted ufon a board. No. 21. A Mantua Item. The pidlure of the painter Julio piece donebyj^oj^ano done by himfelf, holding with his JuhoRoma- . , , , i ° , no. right hand a paper whereupon drawn fome draught of the foundation of fome fort or building. Breadth. Feet Inch. 3f- 3 2f. 3 3^- 2 3f-6 No. 22. Done by Ar- te m ilia Gen- tillefco. Item, h woman's pidturein fome blew- i(hdrapery,with a trumpet in her left hand fignifying Fame, with her other hand having a pen to write j being upon a ftrain- ing frame painted upon cloth. ^f. No. 23. A Mantua Item. By quickfilver a defaced pidure oneo/°"'!'^of Adeon and Diana bathing with divers 3f. 2 2f. TToe King's Collection (?/" Limnings. Nymphs, in a 'wooden frame, containing Length. fix intire figures, half fo big as the life. Feet.inch. A Mantua piece. Done by Tin torret. Given to the King by a Dutch mer- chant. 2f. No. 24. Item. A piece, being the pidlure of Ju- dith holding Holofernes his head in her left hand, and an old woman holding a lighted candle in her left hand, and with her right hand holding a bag to put the head in j being in a wooden frame. No. 25. • Item. The pidlure of a certain Venetian Senator, in a golden cloth Venetian gown, with a bald head, without a beard, bought by the King ; half a figure fo big as the life ; in a wooden gilded frame. No. 26. Item. Above the door, towards my Lord of Holland's lodging, the piece, a Spanifh landfkip, wherein upon a mount a church is painted, and near hand where St. Peter is a kneeling receiving the key of Chrift, fome two Difciples ftanding by; in a black wooden frame. 3f-3 2f. 8 if. II No. 27. Done by Item. The pidlure where Virtue with young Paima a fword is fcparatiug the Vices from th°ameiGarre^t* ^^^"^^ churchmen ; painted upon a boards without a frame ; bought by the King. ^f. 4 No. 28. Done by Item. A young man's pidure without a George beard, fitting in a black habit with red SpenceofNu- ' " remberg, 4 Breadth. Feet.Inch- 3f.7 2f. 6 2f. O 3f-4 3f-5 3f- A Mantua piece. ,136 T'he King's Collection of Limnings. bought by the (leeves, in his right hand holding fome Length. K-ine when he , . ^ • 1 j » Feet Inch was Prince, ofWnite ftiched glovCS 11 = 11=11=11 = NecafiusRuf-andhis left hand being upon his knee. No. 29. Item. The pidure of Herod las holding in both her hands a platter wherein the hangman is putting the head of St. John Baptift, where by an old woman in a yel- lowifh head drefling, and fome four half figures fo big as the life ; in a wooden frame. No. 30. Item. Above the door of his Majefty's robes a certain Saint leaning upon his left hand, holding in his right hand a fcroU of paper; in an all over gilded Jrame. 3f. Done by Guerchino 2f. No. 31. Done by Paul Item. The pidure of Faith, in a white habit, with a Communion cup in one hand, and in the other arm holding a-crofs, be- ing the thirteenth piece of the twenty three Italian collection of pieces, which the King bought of Frofley. 3^-4 Done by Can tareno. No. 32. ■ Item. Upon a bed lying along a Lucretia forced by Tarquin, intire figures half fo big as the life, which the King changed for a Mantua piece with the Dutchefs of Buck- ingham 3 in an all overgilded frame. No. 33. A Mantua Item. Abovc the chimney a pidure in Lucas Van-^w^^^"^ colouts, whcrcthey are fitting play- leydon. 2f. Breadth. Feet.Inck. 3f. 10 3f. II if 4f.i 3f. 2 T'be King's Collection of Limnings, ing at chefs, containing Tome fifteen fi- Length, gures being half fo big as the life; in ^ ^^"■i"'^'^- nsooden frame. 3^-4 No. 34- Bought out of Italy. A Mantua piece, faidto be of Julio Romano. Item. A piece of the good thief upon the crofs, who was crucified with Chrift half fo big as the life; in a carnjed all over gilded frame, bought by the King. ^f o No. i^. Item. A piece where Rome is fet on fire, where the people flying with pack and fack, containing upon thefirft: ground fome feventeen figures, befides the little ones in the landfl-iip afar off. 3^- ii No. 36. Bought by the Item. The fellow piece of the afore- King, out of ^^-j gQQj ^^j^f ^^^^ jj^g ^,j.Qfg crucified with Chrift, being the bad thief; in the like carved all over gilded frame; bought by the King. ^f_ ^ No. 37. Done by Paul \x.t'cci. The Venetian captain in armour, bo'ught'by the folding a yellow fcarf in his right, and King. with his left hand leaning againft a pillar, holding a handkerchief; bought by the King; fo big as the life, to the knees; in an old carved wooden frame, painted upon cloth. . 4f. ^ No. 38. Done by Luc. j^ -ji^^ pidure of our lady, where Conjageo, . ,,• .r>i -n • i • r n- given to the me IS fwadliog Chrilt in his Iwadling King, by Sir ^ N n James Pal- mer. Breadth. Feet.Inch. 5f.9 4f. 9 3f.6 2f. 2 3f. 6 138 T'he King's Collection o/'Limnings. clouts; in a black frame half figures^ Co Breadth. big as the life. ^"V^"<^^- No. 39. DonebyBaf- Item. The pii5ture of a fool playing witha cat's tail, a boyftanding by pouring blood upon his head, and another playing upon a fiddle ; in a isoooden gilded frame. fan No. 40. Saidtobedone Item. Above the Duke of Lenox his byoldPalma ^q^^ ^ the pifture of a woman in yellow hair, and white habit, white wide fleeves, holding her right hand to the left hand fleeve ; half a figure fo big as the life ; given to the King by Sir Henry Fanchurch. No. 41. Done by . . . Item. The pidlure of a drunken fwag- gering laughing bufi^-coat, holding in his left hand a vyal de Gambo, half a figure fo big as the life; bought by the King, in a wooden frame. A Mantua piece, done by Doffo. 3f. O torret. if. 3f.5 No. 42. Item. A great piece of our Lady and Chrifl; playing with a cock in his arms, and Jofeph and another Saint {landing by, in a landfkip ; in an old wooden gilded frame. 5f. 7 No. 43. Done by Tin- Item. The pidture of a private Vene- tian gentleman with two hands in a black cloak, in a black habit, which was chang- ed with the King for the pidlure of Se- cretary Winnwood. By Sir John Trevars. 2f. 1 1 I Length. Feet, Inch. 2f. 3 2f. I I 2f. 7 2f. 9 6f. 2f. 5 Hje King's Collection (j/" Limnings. 139 No. 44. A Mantua Item. The pidure of an old grey piece, done by bearded Capucin Fryar, holding with both his hands a ftufF, in his grey Capucin ha- bit ; in a -wooden fi-ame. Length. Feet.Inch. Fetti. Done by old Tintorret. A Mantua piece. Done by Hemikirk. No. 47. Item. Above my Lord Duke of Lenox his door, ablack complexionedman, with his right hand on a table, in black flafh'd fleeves, with white under it, in a little falling peaked band, ftiched with iilk; in a wooden frame ^ half a figure. No. 48. Item. The pidlure of an old Dutch woman, her head dreffed after the old fafhion, with linen, in a black habit, 3f-5 No. 45. Item. The birth of Chrift where by four fliepherds, and an ox and an afs are, a landiliip, being the fourteenth piece of the twenty-three Italian colleftion of pieces wliich the King bought of Frofley, intire figures io big as the life ; upon a Jirmning frame. No. 46, A Mantua Item. Another old Fryar fidefaced, with pkce,doneby^lQ„ beard, looking upwards, hold- ing in his left hand a white lily branch, whereon are two a little blowedopen, and fix buds J in a wooden frame. 3f.8 3f.5 2f. 5 Breadth. Feet Inch. 2f 6 4f.5 3f.6 2f. O 140 'The King's Collection of Limnings. holding; both hands together, with the Length Dotieby Pal- ma. Pater NoRer, half a figure, fo big as the life; in a woo den frame. No. 49. Item. The firft oval piece painted upon copper, of the refurredion of Chrift, where by fome fix foldiers, watching men a-fleep, little figures; in a black ebony peaked fquare Jrame. No. 50. Item. The pidlure of St. Matthew, looking upward?, holding with his right hand the pen to write, and with his other hand leaning upon the table, holding the inkhorn,and a lamp by, in a red drapery ; half a figure fo big as the life ; in a black wooden frame, fpoiled. No. 51. Done by Tin- Item. The fecond fellow piece afore- torxet. ^gjj^ painted upon copper, being the birth of Chrift, with fome iix Angels, and di- vers fliepheirls, little intire figures in a fquare peaked black ebony frame. Feet. Inch. if. 1 I Said to be done Brefcia no. Said to be done by Sal- viati. A Mantua piece. No. 52. Item. Thepidtureof the Lady Denny, with her right hand holding upon her breaft, and her left hand holding a pair of gloves, a landfkip by ; given to the King; in a wooden Jrame. No. 53. Item. A gentleman's pidure, in a black cap and habit, girded with red ribbands, 3f- 2f. 10 3f. o 2f. Breadth. Feet. Inch. if. I 2f. 5 3f. 2 2f. I I "The King's Collection (s/'Limnings. bands, with his left hand at his breaft ; in Length. a wooden frame, halfJigiires,fobigas the life. 2f. lo No. 54. Done by Pal- Item. The third oval piece painted jna. upon copper, where Chrift is apprehended and taken by the Jews in the garden, St. Peter drawing his fword, containing fome 12 intire little figures. 3^* ^ No. S5- DonebyBaf- Item. A defaced pidure, being the 4th ^^"" and laft oval painted pidure upon copper, where Chrift is beating the buyers and fellers out of the temple, containing about fome three or four and twenty pidlures, little figures; in a black ebony fquare peaked frame. 3'- <^ No. 56. Done by Hans ^^^'^' ^ profpedive piece done by de Vries. Hans de Vries, the figures therein done by Blockland^ where Chrift is fitting with Mary, and three figures more fitting by a green table j upon boards in a black gilded frame. 2i'. 8. No. 57. Item. A gentleman's pidture with a blackcap and habit, holding in his right hand a large fword in a wooden frame, af, 8. i4r Breadth. Feet.Inch- 2f. 6 2f. 2: A Mantua peice. No. 58. Item, The peice of the flaying of the be'doneC Innoccnts, faid to be of the old Brugill, A Mantua 3f. 8 2f. Erughel, O o 142 The King's Collection (?/'Limnings thefoldiers being all in boors habits j in a J^ength wooden Jraine. Feet. Inch. 2f. 6 No. 59. A Mantua Item. At the lower end of the gallery peice donebybefjjg jj^g orchard window door, apiece or Lantyr, to whorn is prefented by a young man, a dead wild boar, and Envy lying on the ground, with fome other figures; painted iipofi a board ivithout a frame. No. 60. A Mantua Item. On the other fide of the faid peice doneby window the pidtore of Tapiter : a woman JuhoRomano. n ,• , u u- ^ -^ a c i ■ Itanding by holding the name of Jupiter s thunder-bolt in her hand, on the other fide fi:anding Pallas ; painted aljo upon a boards without a frame. 4f. 4f- 3 No. 6 I. A Mantua petce. Item. Above the door, a defaced gen- tleman's pidure without a beard, band, or ruff, in armour, holding a long trun- cheon in his left hand; done upon a rotten doth, pafted upon a new board. 3 f. o No. 62. Item. The peice where Socrates is rode by his naked wife, another wench looking on through a window. ^f. a No. 63. A Mantua Item. A man faint, with a big beard, iSiatr' ''^ ^^"^ ^^^° folded hands, praying and look- ing upwards, in a red and blue upper ha- bit. 3f. 4 A Mantua peice. Breadth. Feet.Inch. 3f 6 2f jf 3f-4 3f- 7 2f. 7 Length. Feet. Inch. A Mantua piece. 7^5 King's Collection ofLiuNii^Gs No. 64. Item, Upon the firft window-pofl, a a young man's pi ther. if. 4i- if. 2 No. 13. Item. The picture of Erafmus Roter- damus, with a furred gown, and a black cap, with both his hands, which was brought by the Lord Marquifs from Ger- many, and given to the King. 2f. o if. 6 Tlje King's Collection of Limnings. 155 Length. No. 14, Feet. Inch, Item. A defaced pidlure of Qaeen Mary of Scotland, in her white morning habit ; given to the King by the Lord Marquifs of Hamilton. if. o No. 15. Saidtobedone Item, Another like unto the aforefaid by Jennet, piece, more curioufly done, of Queen Mary of Scotland, in her white morning habit, 171 a black ebony frame ; given to the King by the Lord Denby. ' if. o No. 16. Done by Sa- Item. A landikip piece of a den of vaiy. lions, fent to the King by his nephew the Prince Eledlor. if. o Breadth. Feet. Inch. of. 9 Done by Oc- tavan Via- nem. No. 17. Item, Above the door, the pidure of the three Kings, coming to offer to Chrift, containing feventeen figures, where by an ox and an afs in the ftable ; brought by the Lord Marquifs of Hamilton, from Germany, and given to the King. No. 18. Done by For- Item. A drunken Satyr, withaflaffin denone. hls left hand, and his right hand up, being a dancing, and his young fatyr by, with fome flowers about his head, haling by a firing, done upon cloth, in an all over gilded frame; bought by the King. if. ^ if4i 2f. lA if 6 i^. ir 156 'The King's Collection is/'Limnings. 'No. 19. Length. Breadth. ■r\„_„i,„c-.„„ T^ T r r.- • . .Feet.Inch. Feet.Inch. uonetoybten- Item. In a profpecuve piece, painted by Stenwick, wherein Cornelius Johnfon hath painted the King at length, in little, with a walking-ftaff in his left hand, his right hand on his fide in a light green afh- coloured imbroidered fuit. No. 20, ^"PPoCed to Item, A piece of Saint Bartholomew, oneoTthe^Ca-'^'^^'' ^^^ his hands tyed up to a tree, racci. where they are flaying his fkin, there by a commander on horfeback, and three other figures, and an angel over his head, crowning him with a garland, painted upon cloth, in a black frame ; brought firom Germany, by Sir Robert Anfi:ro- ther, and given to the King. if. 6 No. 21. Done by Par- Item. A Saint Katherine fitting, and mentius. ^^^ angels a gathering palm branches, in a landfkip, done upon board ; in a black frame. of. 1 1 No. 22. Item. A fitting Saint Jerom, with a book in his right hand, and a dead fkuU in his left hand, a crucifix, and a lion by, in a rocky landfkip, upon a board, in an all over gilded frame; brought by the Lord Marquifs of Hamilton, and given to the King. if, ^ No 2 3. A Mantua . ' r r » • 1 piece, done by Item. A picTure of our Lady m the ibmeoutof clouds. With fouf ansels, and beneath Raphaels ' o » fchool. if. of. Si. 2f. 2 iTje King's Collection of Limnings. upon the earth, in a landfkip, a little Length, kneeling, Saint John holding both his^'"'^"'*' hands upwards; in a new all over gilded frame, if. 8 No. 24. Done by Sco- j^^^^ r^j^^ y^\^mt of a churchman, in a black cap and a black gown, holding a book in both his hands, which was bought by the Lord Cottington. Done by Al- bert Durer. No. 25. Item. The pidure of Albert Durer, when he was young, in his long yellow hair, in an old antique fafhioned black and white leathern cap and habit, with gloves on his hands, through a window, a landfkip, painted upon a board ; in an old wooden frame ; prefented to the King by the city of Nurenberg, in High Ger- many; fentby the Lord Marfhal, Earl of Arundel. No. 26. Item. Another the like fellow piece, beingAlbert Durer his father, in a black an- tique old Hungarian fafhioned black cap, in a dark yellow green, where his hands are hidden in the wide fleeves, painted upon a reddifh all cracked board; in the like aforejaid frame. No. 27, Done by Al- Item. A red faced man's pidure, with- ert urer. ^^^ ^ beard, in a long reddifh hanging, Sf Done by the aforefaid Al- bert Durer. if. 9 If. 8 if. 8 Breadth. Feet. Inch- if. 2 [f. 6 if. if. 4 158 'The King's Collection (j/Limnings. in a black cap, with a black habit, lined Length. \ Breadth with white furr, a little of his white fhirt^'"-^"'^'''''"^"'" and red waiftcoat feen; m a ftnall carved ebony frame; painted upon board. if. 2 No. 28. A Mantua Item. Upon a marble ftone the pifture of £ of Ae'^^ thrift painted, where he is in a trance, Corregio. in the mount Olivet, where an angel is prefenting him with a cup in his right hand, and his left hand upon Chrifl's {houlder 5 in a wooden frame. No. 29. Done by Hoi- Item. Upon a crack" d board, the pidture of a merchant, in a black cap and habit, having a letter with a knife in his hand, cutting the feal thread of the letter, a feal lying by, upon a green table; brought by Sir Henry Vaine, and given to the ■ King. Done byTor- rentius. No, 30. Item. In a black ebony frame, two Rhe- nifh wine glafles, wherein the refledlion of the fteeple of Harlem is obferved j given to the King by Torrentius by the deceafed Lord of Dorchefler's means. 2f. 2f. O of. No, 31. Done by old Item. Painted upon a board, in black Brircghell. and white, three Switzers, a drummer, a piper, and an auncient ; in an all over gilded frame ; given to the King by Mr. Endymion Porter. 3f, 8 10 If. 7 If. 7 of. 6 of. 7 T^f King's Collection of Limnings. 159 Said to be done by Mi- chael Coxis, or Sotto Qeeve. No. 32, Item. Under thefe three pieces belong- eth a little piece of Bacchus his feaft, of many young children and angels, which the King delivered with his own hands to Sir James Palmer, for him to ufefor a pattern for the making of hangings, the which he has fent to Mortlack, amongft the tapiftry works. of. 8 No. 33. Done by an Item. Under a green cuftaln, ouf Lady Italian pain- ^j^j^ Chrift upon her lap, who is reach- ter, asyetun-. ^ , K . , f : . , , , known. i^g lome chemes, with his right hand to Jofeph, who is receiving them with his right hand, Jofeph being in greyifli pur- ple habit, in a ruff, cuffs about his hands ; painted upon board, in afpeckled wooden Jrame. of. 11 a No. 34. Done by Ifaac Item. Under this aforefaid pidure hangeth ^ '^"" the big pidture in limning of Prince Henry, in gilded armour, where by a red curtain, and a little piece of a landikip, and fome tents in the field are pitched ; in a black ebony frame. of. 5 Thefe are thirty- four pldtures which are placed round about in the chair- room, by the King. No. I. By Lucas Van Item. The fecond in a black ebony Leyden. frame^ of Lucas Van Leyden, where Saint Length, j Breadth. Feet. Inch. Feet. Inch. if 4 If- 4 of 4 i6o 7^^ King's Collection o/'Limnings. Sebaftian ftands tyed to the flump of a Length. tree, to be fliot at. Feet.inch. Note, This JJmdd follow No. i^.page 1 1 . and No. 3 9, JJoould be called the third and laji of Lucas Van Ley- den Breadth. Feet. Inch. No. 2. Done by the Item SpanifliLa bradore. Done by A- dam Elfha- mer. round turned wooden frame painted, a red Spanifli wine pot, and fome bunches of Spanifli grapes, done upon a board, being brought from Spain by my Lord Cottington, and given to the King. of No. 3. Item. The pidure of Saint Chriftopher, carrying Chrift upon his fhoulders, done upon copper, where by a dark landfkip ; given to the King. of^ iV". B. Such a pidure, with the mark C. R. behind it, is now in poflef- fion of the Duke of Portland. In the dark fky the Moon is feen. G. V. No. 4. Done by Lu- Item. The pidture of a naked ftanding cas Chronich. ^(5an^ ^^^ gyg^ where by in a buQi lying a great flag, with long horns, Adam is eating the apple ; intire little figures ; brought from Germany, by my Lord Marquifs of Hamilton. if I 7 if Done by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. 'The King's Collection (?/Limnings. Mo f Length. ■'■^"- 5- Feet.Inch. Item. Hanging at the ceiling, above the table, the model and firft pattern of the painting in the banqaetting houfe ; which was fent to the King, to have his Majef- tles approbation thereof; painted upon cloth, in a wooden gilded frame. if* 3t No. 6. Done by Ifaac Item. In a dark coloured oval grounded Oliver, by the card, with a chryftal over it, a naked youth, he holding both his hands on his bread ; m a black turned box. of. 2 ~ i6t Breadth. Feet.Inch. if. lO life, Lord Kill grew. No. 7. Given to the It^m. A Certain little jewel. Weighing King by my about three quarters of an ounce, where an altar is made, wherein is fet a table of a diamond, above upon the altar fome eight rubies cut in falhion as flames, whereby is expreffed the facrificing, burn- ing fire upon the altar, fome fix little fi- gures about the altar, and an ox and fome other cattle for to be facrificed. No. 8. Which was Item. More, the lumpifli piecc of gold fent and given which they Call bofies, being in the midfl to the Kins: as I i vu i. • .. aprefentfrorat"'"^^" With a hammer in two pieces, my Lord De- which they fay was fouad m Ireland un- puty of lre_ j^j. g-j-ound, in the province of Connaught, land, the Earl .° '. r ^ ^r ^ of Strafford. Weighing nine ounces and a half and a quarter, and alfo X.'^o little pieces broken of the great piece, weighing two penny weight. T t i62 7;^^ King's Collection o/'LiMNiNGs. Given to the King by my Lord An- krim. No. 9. Item. In a round turn'd wooden box, a fryar meanly done in wax, with a glafs over it. No. 10. Item. The King's head looking into the fields; re verfe, the King's arms, weight fix penny weights half a grain. No. II. Done by Tor- Item. A piece where one fitting fhow- rentlus, given jng his naked back, holding a purfe with bVLord'Dor-i^o"^y i" ^'^ left hand, a looking glafs chefter. ftanding behind him, a fhut book, where- by a great fpider, a dead (kuU and a green nieans fcarf, two arrows flying befideshis head, the invention thereof is not known, ^f. 4 No. 12. Item. A piece wherein are painted Spanifti grapes in a white Spanifli earthen vefTel, wherein fome apples, grapes, vine branches, and Spanilh chefnuts with a- corns lying by. No, Length, 1 Breadth. Feet. Inch. 1 Feet. Inch. 2f. 4 2f. 9 Done by Louifa Mul- len. Item. 'Another piece of grapes, and peach and vine leaves, upon a ftone ta- ble, done by a French woman in France, called Louifa Mullon. No. 14. Item. A' long narrow landfkip piece, in filk, with a needle, Done in Hoi land by a wo man given to jjone in Holland, the Kmg by > the States. 2f. J Given to the King by the French am- baflador. He King's Collection ^Limnings. being a landfkip of fome Roman ruins, Length. and a Tea whereon fome four or five fhips, in the landikip a bridge where a herd drive two goats, containing fome little figures, being one of the five pieces which the States amballador gave to the King at St. James's. 2f. i No. 15, Item. A landfkip piece of trees, and fome Moorifh water, wherein are two ducks a fwimming, and fome troup of water flowers, being done in a new way, whereof they do make Turkey carpets, which was prefented to the King by the French ambaffador ; in an all over gilded frame. if, 10 No. 16. Given to the Item, The Queen's pidure fticht in King by Lordfilkj in a frame, and all over embroidered Coningfby. ^.j^j^ flowers, which was given to the King for a new year's gift by Lord Coningfby. 2f. 2 No. 17, Done by Cor- Item. The large landfkip piece wherein regio. ^ grape tree and a wood painted, where fhepherds are dancing, and an afs ftand- ing in the fields with a fack on \i\% back. No. 18. By Vandyke. Item. The lady Shirley in fantaftick habit, (fuppofed to be a Perfian habit) by Vandyke. 3f.5 163 Breadth Feet.lnch. 4f. II 2f.5 If. 9 4f. 8 ,164 The King' s"" Collection (^/'Limni'ngs. ' No. 19. By Guido. Item. Hercules and Cacus in four pie- ces by Guido j iyi the French King's ca- binet. No. 20. A little piece of the Marquis del Gua- flo, being his lady, his daughter, and his fon, reprefenting Mars, Venus, and Cu- pid. No. 21. Which was Item. Imboft in coloured wax, fo big Sam Vandt'-'^s the life, upoH a bkck ebony pedeftal, doort, and a woman's head laid in with filver and given to gold, which was made for the Emperor uponconditi- Rodulphus, who did write divers times ons, which for it to be brought to him, but Prince piece IS too Henrv would, upon no terms or condi- big to be kept . ■' , , V ^ 11 1 1 in the cup- tions, let the lame, and the maker there- boards at of eo out of England, but promifing he Whitehall. ?. • r ^ A \ . ■ . would give 10 good entertainment as any Emperor fhould j whereupon he promifed him, that when the cabinet room (liould be done, that he fhould have the keeping of all his medals, (3c. and 50/. a year for fervice done, and to be done, which as yet, by reafon of his unfeafonable death, was never performed. N. B. He was afterwards keeper of King Charles's cabinet at Whitehall, newly built by hiigo fones j it was ere£led about the middle of the buildings running acrofs from the Thames^ towards the banquet- I Done by Fal kenburg. 2f. 6 'the King's Collection (j/'Limnings. 165 ingHoiife, and fronting -wejiward ^/^^^^ength^ j pSnch. Privy Garden. No. 22. ■ Item. In water colours a landflcip piece, where Chrift is tempted of the devil to to make the ftones bread, whereby the river Rhine is painted, where the Rats towers are painted, where the Bifhop thought to have faved himfelf from the rats ; in a black frame ; bought by Sir James Palmer for the King. if- 9 No. 23. Item. Four landfkip pieces of onebig- nefs, being the views of Nordron painted. No, 24. Done by a Item. A Very curious pidiure of a man French pain- j^ ^ black Cap, With a white feather, and a pearl hatband, in a white doublet, and a laced leather jerkin, holding in his right hand a pair of gloves, and the other hand . being upon the table; fainted upon a board without a frame ; thought to be the pidure of Charles the Ninth of France, bought by the king. if. 2f Done by Po- lenburg. No. 25. Item. Two little landfkip pieces of Polenburg, the one being where Diana is haling Calilta by the hair, where four other Nymphs are a looking on, being very little in tire figures; in a clofe black frame, of. g U u of. \o\ of. 8 i66 7/5^ King's Collection ^Limnings. Length. Feet.lnch. Done by Po- lenburg. No. 26. Item. The other fellow piece of the faid Polenburg, in a landfkip, wherein are painted fome old ruins, whereby fome herd keeper of goats, (heep, and kine ; bought by the king. of. 8 No. 26. DonebyChri- Item. Upon a board, painted fome fix derSt'"' ^^^^ birds, being a woodcock, a bullfinch, and a goldfinch, with three other birds more, whereby two wine glaffes, with a white and blew earthen white pot, which was removed out of St. James's cabinet room upon the Queen mother's coming there ; l>epig in a black ebony frame, which was given by the Lord Marflial to the King when he was Prince. More pidlures in flore at Whitehall at this time, in the paflage room be- tween the Banquetting houfe and the privy lodgings. Done by Sir Peter Paul Rubins. Raphael Ur- bin. No. r. Imprimis, The great St. George which the King bought of Mr. Endymion Por- ter. No. 2. Item. In a flit deal wooden cafe, fome two Cartoons of Raphael Urbin's for hang- ings to be made by, and the other five are, by the King's appointment, delivered to Mr. Francifcus Cleane at Mortlack, ta make hangings by. Breadth. Feet.Inch. of. 8 Done by Huntorft. 'the King's Collection ^Limnings. 167 No. 3. Item. More, in the faid room, the King of Scotland, King James the 5th's wife, mother to Queen Mary of Scotland, No. 4. Item. More, in the faid room, a very large piece, which was painted by Hunt- orft; in the faid piece is painted the King and Queen of Bohemia in the clouds, and the Duke of Buckingham coming to prefent to the King the feven liberal fcien- ces, under the perfons of their children. No. 5. Item. A defaced piece of the Duke of Parma, his bridge over the river the Scheld, made before Antwerp, and was attempted by the States to be blown up, but was mift. No. 6. Item. In the faid room in the ftair cafe, a large piece, the figures half fo big again as the life, of Diana and Califta, which was made for a pattern for hang- ings. No. 7. Item. A Whitehall piece; painted up- on a boards being where Mucins Scsvola burns his hand at the fiege of Rome. No. 8. Item. In the fame ftair-cafe are fome of the remnant of the utterly ruined and i68 The King's Collection (?/'Limnings. fpoiled pieces of quickfilver, which came from Mantua. No. 9. Item. Painted a Cupid with wings, upon a board, fitting alleep, leaning upon his left hand. No. 10. Item. A St. Sebaflian, a whole iritire figure upon a board, turned black by quickfilver. No. II. Item. A pidture of four young Roman lords children, painted all in one piece, being quite defaced and utterly by quick- filver fpoiled. No. 12. Item. A piece of the 'emperor Otho, which is alfo utterly fpoiled by quickfilver, and quite waflied away, which the King did fend to his agent to Bruflels, but fince it is come to Mr. Porter's hands. Item. In the little ftore room in the bear gallery. Imprimis. The piflure of two youths together, which can be fhowed to be four figures. No. 2. Done by Mi- Item. Moreiuftore, the pidure of the ^^^^^'^J°Ji"f°nDukeof Brurifwick, alfo called the Bi- (hop of Herborftatt, painted to the fhoul- ders; upon a board. A Mantua piece. A Mantua piece. A Mantua piece. A Mantua piece. A Mantua piece. Done at Ve- nice. Done by Huntorft. 'The King's Collection of Limnings. 169 No. 3. Item. A very big, and very krge print, of Albert Durer, being the triumph part of the Emperor Maximilian Primus, which was bought by the King, of Abra- ham Dorkinder. No. 4. Item, A water coloured piece, faid to be of old Brugel, but is not ; where the blind being leading the blind; being alfo utterly fpoiled, and defaced by quickfilver. No. 5. Item. More, another water-coloured piece, wherein fome branches with cher- ries, alfo quite fpoiled by quickfilver. No. 6. Item. Another the like, by quickfilver quite fpoiled Mantua piece of fome branches. No. 7. Item. In a frame ^ fome drawing piece upon paper. No. 8. Item. In the Queen's bed-chamber, a little piece of a Bacchus triumph, many little intire figures, done in black and white. No. 9. Item. In the Queen's little drefling room, the Queen's own pidure, in a (hep- herd's habit. X X lyo 'The King's Collection (?/'Limnings. No. lo. Item. More, a big piece painted upon taffaty, being the birth of Chrift ; in a •wooden frame. No. 1 1. Done by Item. Morc, the pidure of the Kind's Huntorft. ^^■^^^^^ j^ ^ (hepherd's habit. No. 12. Item. More, the Queen's firter, the Dutchefs of Savoy, when fhe was yount^, in her blew embroidered habit. No. 13. Item. The pidure of the Queen her own felf, before fhe was married. No. 14. Item. The pidure of the now Prince of Spain. No. 15. Item, The pidure in a print, of the King and Queen together. No. 16. Item. In the Queen's fecond bed-cham- ber, our Lady and Chrid new, and frefh made, done in France, removed from Somerfet-houfe gallery. No, 17. Donebyiuca Item. Our Lady, Chrift, Saint John, ouiagio. ^^^ Joleph, in an all over gildedframe. I'he King's Collection i?/" Limnings. 171 Gentilefchi. Said to be of No. 18. Item. Another piece of our Lady, Chrift and Jofeph being copied by Genti- lefchi. No. 19. Item. Another piece of our Lady, and Raphael'u"-' Chrift painted upon a heavy board, (he bin. reaching, with her right hand, flowers to Chrift, and with her left hand holdinga- book, which the King himfelf removed out of the long gallery into the Queen's bed-chamber. No. 20. Item. Another, our Lady with Chrift, DonebyVan-^j^gj.g jj^^py angels are a dancing; re- moved by the King himfelf, out of the little room by the long gallery. Notjo gf. 1^ Lord Orford's. No. 21. Item. In the Queen's with-drawing chamber, above the chimney, a Sufanna with the two elders. Here folioweth the number of the King's pidtures and other things which are kept in ftore, in feveral places, and are yet unplaced. No. 22. A Mantua Item. Upon a board, our Lady fitting piece, faid to q^ jj-jg p-round. with Chrift on her lap, oe done by Ti- ^ ' ^ tian. Length, j Breadth. Feet.lnch. JFeet.Inch- 7f.o4 172 of. 9t Thouglit to be done by Frederick Zuccaro. 7^^ King's Collection of Liuthings. in a blew garment, with Jofeph in a yel- Length. low drapery, with three angels in a land- '^*'-^"' • ikip. No. 23. Item. The Queen Mary of Scotland, her picture, as big as the life, to the fhoulders, her name being thereby written in great letters, in a carved, and all over gilded frame, upon a cloth, this piece was changed with the Lord of Holland, for the King's pidlure in brafs. 2f. Ite m. No. 24. A man's piflure, as big as the Done of Tin- work^ ta^ken ''^^' ^° ^^^ knees, in a black cap and ha- for Titian, bit, and a little ruff, his left hand on his fide, the other hand leaning on a table, which the Lord Cottington has delivered to the King, which is yet unpaid for. Breadth. Feet. Inch. of. 2 of. Hi 3f. No. 2 J' Doneby Jolin Van Beliame. Item. The Queen's pidure when fhe was a child, with gold flowers, made in a bead dreffing, upon a red ground, paint- ed upon a cloth, upon a Jhainiitg frame, being but meanly done. No. 26. Item. A profpedive piece, wherein the Queen is painted in little, at length, {land- ing by a blew table, in white apparel. No. 27. Another the like profpedlive and the if. 10 if. 8 Item. Done by Houkgeft,and pjece painted by Houkgeft, Corn. John- f ' ^ •' '-' fon. 4 2f. 3 if. 6 If. 5 The King's Collection of Limnings. 173 Queen's pidlure therein, done by Corne- Length lius John Ton, whereof the drefs is un- fini(hed. Feet.lnch. if. 8 No. 27. Done by Sir Item. In black and white, the long nar- AnthonyVan-j-Q^y pjg(,g^ where the King and Lords of the Garter, are going in proceffion in Saint George's order. fFas agaiiifold, in if. 2 Sir P. Lely'sfak. No. 28. CopiedbyMr. Item, Two copies of Albert Durer, Greenbury. and his father, which are done by Mr. Greenbury, by the appointment of the Lord Marfhall. No. 29. Said to be out Item. The pidure which belongeth to ofthefchool Greenwich houfe, in the King's bed cham- ber, being brought from thence to be mended, being the birth of Chrift; in the landlkip, in the fame piece, a church. Breadth. Feet Inch. if. 6 If. 7 of Raphael. 2f. I It has been engraved by Hollar. No. 30. Item. An altar-piece, with two {hut- ting all over gilded doors, wherein is painted on the one fide Richard the fecond lideling, kneeling in his golden robes to our Lady, befides him ftanding Saint John Baptift, with a white lamb, and King Edward theConfeflbr, with a ring on his left hand, {landing by, and Saint Edmund with an arrow in his left hand, and upon the other door, our Lady and Chri{l, and if. 10 174 ^^ King's Collection <3/"Limnings. fome eleven Angels all in blew, with gar- Length, lands of rofes upon their heads, the ^^^' ""^ badge of the white hind upon their left ihoulders; on the outfide of the door, the arms of Edward the Confeffor, with a red hat and mantle ; which [aid piece was given to the King, by Sir °James Palmer, who had it of the hord 'Jennings. if. 9 In the little room in the upper end of the long gallery, there were left there and in the long gallery, the ftatues and bronzes, &c. as foUoweth. No. r. Imprimis. In thefaid litde room, in the windows, at the right fide, an old Greek man's head, fomething broken and de- faced, without neck and flioulders. if. o Breadth. Feet.lnch. If. 4^ No, 2. Item. Another in the fide window, the like broken defaced, in marble, a Greek man's head. of. 1 1 No. 3. Item. In the firft window on the right hand, in the long gallery, a laughing ftatue of Bacchus, with grapes, and vine leaves upon his head, with a goat's fkin about his llioulders, upon a round pedej- tal, the neck being crack't, and the under part of the breafl mended with plaif- ter. Ihe King's Collection o/" Limnings. 175 No. 4. Item. In the fecond window, at the right fide, a young man's head, with- out a beard, turning about towards his left flioulder j upon a round pedejial. No. 5. Item. In the faid fecond window, on the right hand, another laughing fatyr, with vine-leaves about his head, and a great goat's fkin about his flioulders, his head turning towards his right fhoulder ; upon a round pedejial. No. 6. Item. In the firfl window on the left handj a fitting fleeping cupid. No. 7. Item. In the faid window, a ftanding Bacchus, his feet and his left arm broken, and upon his fhoulder a goat's fkin full of lienor. No. 8. Item. In the faid window a child's head, with a little part of the (houlder, with a fcarf about his {houlder. No. 9. Item. Upon the firji wooden pedejlaly a Greek man's head, of marble, with fome Greek written by, the under part being eut fquare inflead of a pedeftal. Length. Feet.Inch. 2f. 2 176 The King's Collection o/Limnings. No. 10. Item. Upon the fecond wooden pedes- tal, the head of Galba, with fome Ro- man drapery upon his (houlders} upon a round marble pedejlal. No. 1 1. Item. Upon the third wooden pedeftal^ a younger youth's pidlure, with his Ihoul- der and breafl; naked. No. 12. Item. Upon the fourth wooden pe- dejial, a man's head without a beard, be- ing looking about; upon a grey marble pedejlal. No. 13. Said to be Item, Upon the Jifth wooden pedejlal Marcus Aure-a full fac'd man's head with curl'd hair, and beard, looking ftrait forwards ; almojl no pedejlaly with fome drapery. No. 14. ■ Said to be of Item. Th&Jixth wooden pedejlal, where- Fauftina. upon a woman looking ftrait forwards, with a drapery over her head hanging downwards; upon a grey marble pedejlal. No. 15. Item. Upon the feventh wooden pe- dejlal, a man's head with curl'd hair and beard, looking towards his right fhoulderj upon a reddijh marble pedejlal, 4 7^^ King's Collection <7/*LiMNiNGS. 177 No. 16. Item. Upon the eighth high wooden pedeftal, a woman drefled, with a fmooth hair dreffing on her head, looking ftraight forwards, upon her (lioulder fome drapery; on a round marble pedejial. No, 17. Item. Upon the ninth wooden pedeftal, a young man's head, with curl'd hair, his left Ihoulder naked, and on his right (houlder fome drapery j upon a marble pedeftal. No. 18. Item. Upon the tenth pedeftal, an old man'^s head without a beard, holding his hand in a drapery, like as it were wrapt in a cloak. No. 19. Item. Upon the eleventh pedeftal, a woman's head with fome drapery upon her fhoulders. No. 20» Item. In the fifth window, upon the twelfth wooden pedeftal, a young woman^s head bigger than the life, without a mar- ble pedeftal or drapery, cut round off. No. 21. Item. Upon the thirteenth wooden pe- deftal, a head in an Iconian habit, adorned Z z '':i7'8 71^^ King's Collection. (?/'Limnings. upon the breaft with fome golden Mor- reflo. No. 22. Item. By the Duke of Lenox his door, iipon the fourteenth high wooden pedef- tal, a full fac'd man's head, with curl'd hair and beard, in a Roman habit at his right flioulder. No. 23. Item. Upon the fifteenth wooden pe- deftal, a woman with a bunch of hair> wherewithal fhe is dreft, and another bunch in her neck, with her right bread naked, and her left breafl: partly covered with drapery ; upon a round pedejiai. No, 24. Item. Upon the fixteenth wooden pe- deftal, a young man's head with a beard, in fmooth hair, with a drapery about his breafl: ; Upon a reddijio marble pedeJlal.^ No. 25. Item. Upon the feventeenth wooden pedeftal, a man's head in fmooth hair, with a drapery about his breaft ; upon a reddiJJo marble pedeftal. No. 26. Item. Upon the eighteenth wooden pe- deflial, a woman's head in a fmooth head- dreffing, upon a piece of a pedeftal, with drapery about her. 'The King's Collection (j/Limnings. 179 No. 27. Item, Upon the nineteenth wooden pedeftal, a man's head with a fhort beard, and a drapery about his fhoulders; upon a red pedeftal. No. 28. Item. Upon the twentieth wooden pe- deftal, a man's head turning towards his left (lioulder, with a fhort beard, in a Roman habit, fome fcarf upon his left fl:ioulder. No. 29. Item. Upon the twenty-firft wooden pe- deftal, a young man's head without a beard, in fmooth hair, bigger than the life, with his naked breaft and fhoulder j without his left fhoulder. No. 30. Item. Upon the twenty^-fecond wooden pedeftal, a young man's head with a ftiort beard and curl'd hair, in a Roman habit upon his left fhoulder ; Jet upon a fquare frame. . No. 31. Item. Upon the twenty-third pedeftal, a young head looking forwards, with a fmooth drefTed hair, fomewhat hanging down; upon an ajb- colour e d pedejlal.' No. 32. Item. Upon the twenty-fourth wooden pedeftal, a man's head in curl'd hair, and j8o The King's Collection ©/"Limnings. beard, wanting his under lip, with a Ro- Length, man habit, a fcarfe about his neck; upor^^^"^'^^^^' a red-ground pedejlal. Here follow both the ftatues of brafs and marble, which are at this time in the Chair-room at White-hall. No. I. Done by La- Imprim. In the firft window the King's Sueur. /tatue, caft in brafs, by the French- man La Sueur; being a buft upon a black pe- deftal, with a helmet on his head, where- upon a dragon, after the ancient Roman fafliion ; being in height, with the pedef- tal and all together, three feet. 3^ o No. 2. Item. In black touchftone, an Indian little idol, with a young one at each fide, given to the King. of. i o No. 3. Item, a black brafs little ftatue, where little David overcomes the great Goliah ; bought by Mr. Endymion Porter, for the King. if. 5 No. 4. Done by John Item. The fecond great horfe removed de BoUouia. ^^^ ^^ g^^^^ James's cabinet room. i £ 7 No. 5. Item. A woman's buft of ftone, with- out a pedeftal, lefs than the life, which "The King's Collection o/'Limnings. flood a while in the King's breakfafl: Length. chamber. iSi Feet.Inch. if. 7 If. 9 No. 6. Item. The ftatue of Geirt, being a bufi: in white marble, upon a pedeftal, v/hich flood a while in the King's breakfafl cham- ber. 2f. 6 No. 7. Item. A woman's head, only fo far as the neck, in white marble, bigger than the life, which Hood a while in the King's breakfaft chamber. No. 8. Item. In thefecond window, thepidure of Nero in greyifli marble, upon a pedeftal j which the King bought when he was Prince. No. 9. Item. The flatue, in white marble, be- ing the pidure of Fauftina, upon a new pedeiial ; which the King brought from Spain. 2f. 6 No. 10. Item. The eighth and laft brazen ftatue, which was removed from Saint James's cabinet room, being a bigger Centaur carrying away Dejanira. 2f. 9 No. 1 1. Item. The ftatue of a man's head, in white marble, cut fquare by the neck j Aaa 2f. 9 i82 7^^ King's Collection of Limnikgs, which flood awhile in the King's breakfaft - chamber. Thefe are the eleven ftatues as well in brafs as marble, at this time placed in the chair room ; which faid eleven ftatues, together with thirty-two painted pictures, make in all forty- three pieces in the faid chair room. FINIS. [ i83] INDEX of Painters and Pictures. Page No. 95- 21. 157- 25. ibid. 26. ibid. 27. 1- 145. 77- 5«- 47- 16. 63. 133- 12. 120. 62. 121. 69. "7- 47- i^n- 30- 84. 5- 14. 52- 152. 4- 3- II. 93- II. 138. 39- , HI- 55- J33- 13- /i-/^. 17- 4- 15- 172. 26. 89. 27. 329. 18. 86. 10. 140. so- 132. il. 19. 75- Names. Acker, Hans Van. Albert Durer, Ditto — — Ditto — — After Albert Durer, Aldegraef, Mich. Angelo Baonaroti, M. Angelo da Caravagio, Ditto. — B Balliano, Bartolomeo, Ditto. Baffan, Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Baffan's manner, Bellino John, Beliame Van, Bodingham, Bonifacio, Bonnel, Brefciano Ditto. Biil, Paul, Subje(Sts. Italian woman's head. His own pidlure. His father. A red fac'd man without a beard. Head of Chrift, a drawing upon blue paper. Chrift praying in the garden. A book of drawings. A woman's head. Holy family. Arch-duke Charles of Auftria. Arch-duke Mathias. Prince Arthur. Altar-piece. A figure in the clouds. A Landfkip with ruins. Ditto. Birth of Chrift. Abraham and his family travelling. A fool playing with a cat. Chrift driving the buyers and fellers out of the temple. Paul dead in the ftreet. Night-piece. Young woman. King Charles's Queen. Eleftor Palatine's brother. Landfkip. Henry fourth of France, Saint Matthew. Woman lamenting. Landfkip. 184. I Page No. 94- 18. Bfomfino, 95- 19. Ditto. 150. 99. Ditto. 133- 16. Ditto. J4I. 58. Brueghel old, 159. 32- Ditto 2. 6. Ditto young. 3- 8. Ditto Ditto 14. 53- Ditto Ditto H4- 74- - 139- 47- - - - 169. 4' . - . ibid. 5- . - - ibid. 6. * 1 • ibid. 8. - 170. 10. C 6. 19. Cangiagio Luca, 127. 9- Ditto 170. 17- Ditto 137- 38. Ditto 133- '5- Ditto 132. 8. Cantarino, 132. 32- Ditto 20. 76. Carfngs, ibid. 77- Ditto 19. 74- Carracci Annibal, 156. 20. Ditto 12. 45- Chronick, 13- 51- Ditto 160. 4- Ditto 75- Cleyne, 149. 95- Cone Balthafar de. .7.6- Corregio, ibid. Ditto 97- 6' Ditto 104. 2' Ditto 106. 12" Ditto //i^/W. 13- Ditio III. 18. Ditto 125. 10. Ditto 129. 19. Ditto 158. Us. Ditto N D E X. Young man's he.^d. Young man looking upwards. Orpheus playing before Pluto. - Pluto in Hell, Devils tormenting. Murder of the Innocents. Three Switzers. Landfkip, Ditto. Refurreflion of Lazarus. Bacchus. Black complexion'd man. - Blind leading the Blind. - Branches with cherries. Branches, Bacchus's triumph. Birth of Chrift. Holy family, Mary Magdalen. Virgin Mary, Chrift, Saint John, and Jofeph. Virgin Mary and Chrift. Mary, Jofeph, Chrift, and Saint John. Ecce Homo. Tarquin and Lucrece. Landfkip. Ditto. Viroin Mary and Chrift. Saint Bartholomew. Hans Van Griffin Dorfe. Martin Luther. Adam and Eve. Four patterns for the great Seal, drawings on blue paper. Virgin Mary and Chrift, an altar piece. Apollo flaying Marfyas. Landflcip with figures. Saint JohnBaptift. Saint John. Sleeping Venus, Cupid and a Satyr. Venus, Mercury teaching Cupid. Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint Catherine. Mary Magdalen, Saint Jerom. Chrift on Mount Olivet. N X. Page 163. 103. 159. 143- 118. 116. 165. 75- 10. 93- No. 17- 19. 33- 66. 52. 44. 24. 36- 13- 185 146. 81 Ditto Coxis Mich. Coxls or Soto Cleevc, Croy, de la. 147. 121. 115. 168. 170. ibid. 172, 89. 67. 40. 9- 15- 25, 84. 138. no. 85. 118. ibid. 107. 121. 120. 122. I. 42. 17- O O. 55- 53- I. 70. 63- 71- ibid. \ -J 3. I34-U3- 167. ibid. 169. 170. 2. 169. 109. 115. D Demoro, Doffo, 5- 6. 7- 12. 5- 3- 12. 37- Elflieimer, Ditto - Landfkip with fhepherds. Charles Audax Duke of Burgundy. Feaft of Bacchus. Virgin Mary, after Raphael. Carolus Magnus. Charles the ninth of France. Ditto. King Charles on horfeback, a drawing. Chrift kiiSng Saint Catharine. Chrift calling Saint Matthew out of the cuftom-houfe. Chrift carrying the crofs. Chrift and the Samaritan woman. Converfion of Saint Paul. Countefs of Collona. Cupid with wings. King Charles's Queen. King Charles and his Queen, a print. King Charles's Queen, when a child. Our Saviour and the Samaritan woman. Holy family. Duke of Alba. Duke of Brunfwick. Duke John. Duke Philip. Duke of Savoy's mother. Duke of Savoy when young. Duke of Savoy. Duke of Savoy's daughter. Ditto. Diana and Afteon. Duke of Parma's bridge. Diana and Califia. A drawing. Duchefs of Savoy. A witch on a goat. Saint Chriftopher carrying Chrifti Emperor Charles the fifth. Emperor Charles the fifth's aunt. B b b i86 Page No. li6. 119. 42. 58. no. 13- 108. 6. 1 12. ibid. 24. 26. 42. 30. 120. 61. 117. 48. 115. 41. ic8. 5- 45- 168. 42. 12. 5- 16. 11. 42 12. 44. 139- tbid. 44. 46. 143- 145. 165. 69. 76. 22. 154. 1 1. 39- 21. 15J. I. J17. 50. no. 16. 151. 102. 162. 12. 168. 11. 8. 28. 9- 31- 129- 17- 134. 58. 126. 22. 49. 7- 171. lb. N D E X. Emperor Frederick. - Emperor Frederick and his fon Maximilian. Emperor Maximilian I. Earl Douglas, called black Dudley. - King Edward III. - King Edward IV. - King Edward VI. Ditto. - Elizabeth, King Edward's Queen. Elizabeth Queen of Bavarta. Elizabeth de Valois, vjrote Margaret. - Queen Elizabeth. Emperor Otho. Falkenburg, Tower of Babylon. Ditto Houfe on fire. Fetti, Lot and his two daughters. Ditto Capucin fryar. Ditto - Fryar with a grey beard. Ditto Saint at his Devotion. Ditto - Saint writing. Ditto - Temptation of Chrift. Franks, old, Cabinet of pictures. Frofley, Emperor Rodulphus. Garofalo, Ditto Gayiton. Gentilefchi, Artemifia, Ditto, Horatio, Ditto Ditto - Father and four fons. Ferdinand of Arragon. Ferdinand grand Duke of Florence. Fortune on a globe. Fruits. Four young Roman Lords. Holy family. Chrift appearing to two Difciples. Duchefs of Urbin. Fame with a trumpet. Eight drawings. Woman, left breaft naked. Holy family. De Piles, in his lives of the painters, fays Gentilefchi painted for King Charles, a Madona, a Magdalen, and Lot and his two daughters, he alfo painted the Cielings of Greenwich and York houfe. INDEX. 187 No. 1. Georgione 9- Ditto 12. Ditto 3- Ditto 2. Goltzius, Hen 30. Guercino 28. Greenbury 14. Guido 103. Ditto 2. Ditto 19. Ditto 66. - 65. - 73- - 53' - - - 57 - 61. - 22. - 96. - 2. 1 H 65. Heefhere 48. i^emflcirk 20. tiiUiard, old 31- Ditto 34- Ditto - 40. Ditto - 41. Ditto - 44. Ditto - 5c. Ditto - 51- Ditto - 5^- Ditto - 53- Ditto - - 57- Ditto 55- Ditto 72. Ditto Ditto 30- Holbein 43- Ditto 46. Ditto 48. Ditto 49. Ditto 27. Ditto Man's head. Virg.Mary,Chrifl:,Jofeph,St.Catherine, &c. Shepherd with a pipe. Diana and Adteon. Titian and Aretin. Saint leaning on his left hand- Albert Durer and his father. Head of Saint Peter. Judith and Holofernes. Portia fwallowing fire. Hercules and Cacus. Antient gentleman without a beard. Gentleman with a broad beard. Ditto in a furr'd gown. Ditto in a black cap. Ditto with a black cap. Ditto in armour. German and his wife. An old grey fryar. Head of Galen. Landfkip. Dutchwoman. Prince Henry in armour. Queen Elizabeth. Lady Margaret Douglafs. Queen Elizabeth in her robes. Queen Elizabeth fide faced in the cloud's. King James 1. King Henry VII. King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Earl of Hertford. Gentleman with a flaxen beard. Spanifti armada. Battle of Bofworth field, enamaTd^ Gentleman fide fac'd. Frobenius the printer. Gentleman fide fac'd. Sir Thomas More, Erafmus. King Henry VIIL i88 N D X. Page No.' 46. 45- 51- 64. Hid. 65. 120. ib. 15S. 29. 36- 1 1. 37- 12. Ibid. 13 Hid. '5- 38. 16. 40. 25- 41. 28. 43- 35- 75- 172. 27. 85. 5- ibid. 6. 123. 2. 124. 4- 169. 9- 125. 8. 167. 4- 170. II. 14. 55- 112. "3- 27, ibid. 28. 40. 24- 47- 49. 114. 33- ibid. 32- ibid. 34- 113- 29. 114. 31- 115. 38. 47- 48. 46. 47. "3- 30- 46. 46. 41. 26. 118. 56. SO. 61. 75- Holbein Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Hofkins Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, Ditto Ditto Houkgeft and C. Johnfon Huntorft Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto King Henry VIII. A child of the Duke of Brandon, Another child ut the Duke of Brandon. Queen Elizabeth, Merchant in a black cap. King Charles's Queen. Ditto with a white feather. Ditto in her hair, drefling. King Charles and his Queen, afterVandyke. King Charles. King Henry VII's Queen. Ann Boleyn. King James I. Patterns for the great Seal. Landfkip and King Charles's Queen. Prince Henry of Orange. Prince Henry's wife. King of Bohemia. King Charles's fiftcr. King Charles's Queen. Duke of Buckingham and family. King and Queen of Bohemia. King Charles's niece. Ho'y family, holyGhoft, and God the Father. King Henry V. Ditto. King Henry VI. King Henry VII. Ditto. Ditto. King Henry VII's Queen. King Henry VII's Queen, lej/ir. King Henry VII's daughter. King Henry VIII's mother. King Henry VIII in his youth. Ditto without a beard. Ditto aged 35. Ditto. Ditto with a beard. King Henry VIJI's Queen Catherine. King Henry VIII, his Queen, Prince Ed- ward, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth. One of King Henry VIII's court. Prince Henry, a drawing. INDEX. i8( Page No. I3°6. 29. - . . Herodias with the Baptift's head. 144. 70, . Ditto. 148. 90. - Head in a black cap. 42. 32- Jennet, Dauphin of France. 43- 33- Ditto Mary Queen of Scots, his wife. 155- 15- Ditto Mary Queen of Scots. 49. 56. Ditto - Charles the IXth of France. 111. 19. Ditto Francis Ift his wife or miftrefs. ibid. 21. Ditto Francis I. 119. 57- Ditto King Henry VIII when young. 86. II. Ditto Henry II of France. 75- Juliano Little figures and a city, a drawing. 99. 4- Julio Romano - Noah's flood. 100. 7- Ditto r Sacrifice. ibid. 8. Ditto An Italian Prelate. JOI. 9- Ditto Birth of Hercules. ibid. II. Ditto Birth of Chrift. ibid. 12. Ditto Cupid and figures. 104. I. Ditto - Vefpafian and Titus. 123. 2. Ditto Mermaid giving fuck. 128. 16. Ditto - A man with two hands mended by Rubens. 132. 7- Ditto Julius Casfar, with a black fpread eagle on his flioulder. I33- 14. Ditto - Child fucking a goat. 134- 21. Ditto His own piiture. 137- 35- Ditto Rome on fire. 142. 59- Ditto Young man prefenting a wild boar. ibid. 60. Ditto . Jupiter with a thunder-bolt. 148. 94. Ditto Young woman and young man. 154. 10. - King James when five years old. 120. 66. - King James. 45- 43- - King James. 154. 12. - King James Vth of Scotland. 167. 3- - King James Vth his wife. 118. 54- - Julius Csfar. 94. 16. - John de Bologna. 156. 22. - Saint Jerom. 144. 71- - Saint John. 135- 24. - Judith and Holofernes. 84. 4- - Arch-Dutchefs Ifabel. 51- 62. - Judge with a chain. C c c 19° INDEX. Page 94. ibid. 95- 148. log. ibid. 4' 153- 160. 72. 146. .53- ibid. 104. I. xo. 1 6c. I ! I 36', 114. 115. 152. 117. 162. 163. 90. 119. 150. 125. 8. 9- 17- 54- 85. 88. 95- 108. No. 20. •5- 17- 20. 92. 9 10. 13- 6. 80. 70. 71- 4- 2. 35- I. 39 33' 63- 35- 36. 5' 46. 14. 15- I, 60 100 I 27 33- 70. 73 7- 23 4 K Kay, William Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Labrador Ditto Ditto - Lemons. Lodano. Louifa, Princefs Ditto Lovino Lucas Van Lej'den Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto M iMabufe Ditto Mandorra Manfredo Mantegna, Andrew, Ditto Ditto Maria da Fiori Mireveit Ditto Ditto Ditto Head of Spindalo. Young Dutch woman, Man in afattin doublet. Old man's head, with a ruff. Young man's head in a ruff. King of Hungary's widow. King Chriftian lid of Denmark'swidow. Fruits. Still life. A wine-pot and grapes. King Charles, Virgin Mary and Chrift. Falconer. Angel leading Tobias, Virgin Mary, Chrift, Saint John, &:c. Saint Jerom, Jofeph before a Judge. Saint Sebaftian. One in a bed,another kneeling at the feet of it. Playing at chefs. Lady, her hands one over the other. Lady in a red habit. A lady, Landfkip, Lewis King of France. Landflcip, in needle work. Ditto, in carpet work. Adam and Eve. Pr. Arthur, Pr. Henry, Princefs Margaret. Virgin Mary and Chrift. Two playing at cards. Death of the Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John. Adulterous woman. Flower pot. Piince Maurice of Orange. Charles the EleiSor Palatine. BiQiop of Spalato. Prince Robert, the Elector's brother. I N D X. 191 Page 126. 168. 7J- 9.. 144. 41. 85. io8. 109. 148. 162. 85. 87. ibid. 124. 89. ibid, ibid, ibid. 90. 126. 91. 6. 16. 34- 164. 75- 83. 92. 138. 147- 142. 155- lb-]. No. 6. 2. 3- 72. 29. 57- 132. 134- 165. 38. ibid. 93- 13- 4- 16. 18. 3- 28. 29. Z°- 31- 32- 5- 33- 21. 64. 4- 20. J. 9- 41. 85. 67. 14. 7- 22. 10. 20. 23- 17- 18. Ditto Ditto Moine, ie Moral), Leonard de Ditto More, Antonio Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Mullon Mytens. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto - Ditto and Corn. Johnfon N O Oliver, Ifaac Ditto Old man's head. Duke of Brunfwick. Gentleman in a peaked beard. Abraham offering Ifaac. ■ Saint Sebaftian. Queen Mary. Philip lid of Spain, her hufband. Duke of Savoy's grandmother. Dutchefs of Savoy's grandfather. A child. Grapes and other fruits. Count Mansfield. King James IVth of Scotland. Mary Queen of Scotland. Prince Henry. Duke of Richmond. Duke of Buckingham. Marquifs of Hamilton. Earl of Nottingham. William Earl of Pembroke. His own picture. Jeffrey the Queen's dwarf. Mary Magdalen. Young man's head laughing. Marquifs of Guafto, after Titian. Ditto. MarcusCurtiusleapingintothepitja^/rflzc/jwj', King James's mother. Map of Ireland, painted. Man with aViol de Gambo, Man putting on his armour, Man with a fhaven beard. Mary Queen of Scots. Mucius Sc£vola. Nobility of France, in fifty-four drawings-, Neptune in his carr. A nunnery. Nordron town, four views. Prince Henry in armour. Ditto with a pike. 192 1 Page No. 44. 3 Ditto - 159. 35- Ditto - 44. 38- Ditto - 43- 36- Ditto - 44- 39- Ditto - 49. 54- Ditto - 40. 23- Ditto - 50. 58. Ditto - ibid. 59- Ditto - 52. 67. Ditto - 54- 75- Ditto - 161. 6. Ditto - 32- 1. Ditto and Peter 8. 29. Oliver, Peter 33- 2. Ditto - 34- 3' Ditto - ibid. 6. Ditto - 35- 7- Ditto - ibid. 8. Ditto - ibid. 9- Ditto . - ibid. 10. Ditto . 52. 68. Ditto - 50- 60. Ditto - 39- 19. Ditto - 37- 14. Ditto - 39- 22. Ditto - 143. 68. - - 145. 78. P 10. 37- Pal ma, old 138. 40. Ditto - 140. 49. Ditto - 141. 54- Ditto - 7- 25- Ditto, young 135- 27. Ditto - H9- 95- Ditto - 52. 69. Palmer - 7- 26. Parmentius sl. 2. Ditto - 95- 24. Ditto - 105. 6. Ditto - 124. ib. Ditto - 131- 5- Ditto - N D X. Prince Henry in armour. Ditto in armour. King Qiarles when Duke of York, Queen Ann Kmg Charles's fitter. Queen of Bohemia. Ditto Earl of Effex. Lady Shirley. Ditto Young man naked to the wafie. Death apprehending Pilate. Naked youth. Burial of Chrift. Saint Paul and the Viper. Saint George, after Raphael. Holy family, after Titian. Adonis, Venus, and Cupid. Venus and Cupid afleep. Venus, Mercury, and Cupid. Woman lying down. Virgin iVIary, Chrift, and Saint Catharine. Landfkip after Brueghel. Doftor Chambers. Prince Henry with a pike. King Charles's Queen. King Edward VI, after Holbein. Old man without a beard. Old man with a grey beard. Our Lady, Chrift,St. Catharine, and St. John. Woman in yellow hair. RefurrecSion. Chrift taken by the Jews. Laft fupper. Virtue feparating Vice from 3 churchmen. The great naked Venus. Tarquin and Lucrece. Chrift and Saint John. A woman fide-fac'd. Virgin Mary and Chrift. An Italian woman. Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John. Scholar with a book. N D E X. 193 Page No. 156. 21. 124. 5- 13- 50. 93- 12. 128. '3- 129. 20. 83 2. 124. 7- 165. 25. 166. 26. 105. 7- 99 2. 106. 10. 100. 6. 130. 2. 101. 10. 13'- 4- 102. 13- 131- 6. 89. 26. 92, 5- 155- 18. 133- 19. I/- 67. 88. 22. 7- 24. 3- 9- 112. 23- 115. 39- 116. 43- 117. 45- J19. 59- 146. 82. 121- 68. 122. 72. 135- 26. 170. 14. 118. 51- 110. 15- 84. 3- 163. i6. Ditto Perino del Vaja Perfellis Ditto Piambo, Bartolomeo Ditto Polenburgh Ditto Ditto Ditto Polidore Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto - Ditto - Ditto - Ditto - Ditto - Pordenone Ditto Ditto Ditto Pourbus Ditto Procacino Q. Saint Catharine, Nine Mufes. Sea piece. Saint Andero's haven. Fryar. Woman in green. King Charles at length. King of Bohemia's children. Diana and Califta, Landfkip with ruin". Eight figures, four drawing a line. Four Children playing with four Goats. Six figures playing with Swans Satyr and a woman. The Gods. Nine children. Fountain with buildings. Two fatyrs and a woman in a boat. One lying on a rock, and other figures. Cupid playing with two pigeons. Saint Sebaftlan. Satyr dancing. His own piflure. Two heads. Queen mother of France. Ecce Homo. Lord Palmer. Prince's arms, draion with a pen. Princefs of Caftllion. Philip Arch- duke of Auftria. Philip Duke of Burgogne. King Philip II of Spain. King Philip lid's two daughters. Young Palfgrave. Palfgrave's three children, with the red and white rofe. Saint Peter receiving the keys from Chrift. Prince of Spain. Queen of Caftile. Queen mother of France before marriage. Queen mother of France. Queen's Pidure in needle work. D d d J 94 INDEX. Page 3 4- 7 9- io6. 125. 128. 166. 171. 10. 156. 173- 147. 86. 87. 126. 127. 145- 161. 166. 147- 146. 150. 146. 2. 13- 10. 112. 88 92. 127. 140. 142. 16. 104. 128. 107. 132. J55- 87. No, 10. 14- 26. 32- II. 9- 15- 2. 19. 38- 23- 29. 8b. ^3- '4- 2. II. 75- 5- I. 87. 8+. lOI. 83- 7- 47- 34- 25- 20. 6. 8. 52. 63- 6b. 3' u ibid. 9 16. 17- R Raphael Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto - ' Ditto - Ditto - Ditto Ditto Raphael's fchool Ditto Ditto Rubens Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Rembrandt Ditto Ditto Romanino Rottenhamer Ditto Salviati Ditto Ditto Oitto Ditto Samarchini, Horatio Sarto, Andrea del Ditto Ditto Ditto S a vary achiavone Marquifs of Mantua. Saint George, in little. Judith. Two mice. Holy family, Saint John, and Saint Ann, Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John. A man with a peaked cap. The Cartoon,s. Virgin Mary and Chrift. Our Lady, Chrift, and Saint Catharine. Virgin Mary in the clouds. Birth of Chrift. Rape of the Sabines after Raphael. Difference between peace and war. Daniel in the lions den. His own pifture. Duke of Mantua's brother. Woman in black. Cieling of the Banqueting houfe. Saint George, the great. His own piiflure. Scholar reading. An old woman. Temperance. Landfkip. Jupiter and Danae. Two rofes of Provence. King Richard Hid. Three angels flying in the clouds. Ahead. Mary Magdalen. Lady Denny. Saint praying. Chrift ril'en from the dead. Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John. Harbinger of the Medici family. Holy family. Woman with a flower in her hair. Den of lions. Virgin Mary and Chrift. N D E X. ^95 No. 15- 97- 24. 23. 61. 19. 21. 9- 28. 13- 41. 57- 59- 19. 5- 72. 74- 62. 10. 21. 10. 22. 25. 43- 45- 51- 24. 4- I. 15- 12. II. 10. II. 12. 5- 18. Ditto Scorel Ditto Seger Ditto - Van Somer Ditto - Snelliiig Sotto Cleeve Ditto Spence Ditto - Stanwick Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto - Tintoret Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditio Ditto Ditto Titian Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John. ^ Landfkip. Churchman with a book. Provence rofes. The Salutation. King James. Qiieen Ann. Afcenfion of the Virgin. His own pidlure. His wife. Young man without a beard. Eralmus. Saint Peter in prifon. A prifon, two prifoners fettered. Angel leading Saint Peter out of prifon. King Charles, copied from Corn. Johnfon. Five fmall Cartoons in perfpedlive. A fcholar. Shooting at butts. Socrates's wife riding on hisback. Saint Sebaftian. Sufanna with the two elders. Young man's head. Venetian gentleman's head. Venetian fenator. Venetian gentleman. Birth of Chrift, with four fhepherds. Ditto with fix angels. A man. Lucretia ftanding. Tarquin and Lucrece. Lucretia and Tarquin. Emperor Charles V. Emperor Charles Vth's wife. Marquifs of Vaugona making an oration to his foldiers. Marquifs del Guafto. Titian and a fenator of Venice. Italian woman. Man with a globe on the table. Three heads, from a jeweller. Three heads. 196 Page No. 105- 5- 127. 10. 96. 2. 105. 8. 91. 4- 96. 3- 97- 7- 126. 3 103. 16. 97- 9 99. 3- 102. 15- 96. 4- 97- 5- 99. I. 171. 22. 158. so- 162. li. 137- 34- ibid. 36- J 68. I. 169. 3- 166. 26. 85. 3- 88.. 24- 90. 34- III. 20 ibid. 22. 148. 91. 88. 25 126. 4- 90. 35- 123 I. ibid. ik. 130. ib. 152. 3- 163. 18. 171. 20. 173- 27. IN D E X. Ditto - ^- Duke Grettie of Venice. Ditto - - Marchionefs of Mantua. Ditto ' - - Pope preferring the general of his navy to Saint Peter. Ditto - - Saint Luke preferring a Genoa gentleman to Chrifl. Diito - - Saint Sebaftian. Ditto - - Saint Margaret triumphing over the deviL Ditto - - Burial of Chrift. Ditto - - Ditto. Ditto - - Mary Magdalen. Ditto - - Our Saviour and his two difcipIesatEmmaus. Ditto - - Holy family. Ditto - - Ditto. Ditto - - Woman putting on her fmock. Ditto - - Naked woman lying down. Ditto - - Concert of mufick. Ditto Holy family and three angels. Torrent! us - Two Rhenifh wine glaffes. Ditto - - Naked man. _ _ - Good thief on the croft. _ _ - Bad thief on the crofs. _ _ _ Two youths. _ _ _ - Triumph of the Emperor Maximilian, a print. V Vanderborcht - Dead game. Vandyke - - Count Henry Vanderborcht, Ditto - - Princefs of Faulfburgh. Ditto - - Nicholas Laniere. Ditto - - Ele£^or Palatine and his brother. Ditto - - Quten mother of France. Ditto - - -^" o''^ man's head. Ditto - - Dutchefs of Richmond. Ditto - - His own pifture. Ditto - - Mufician without a beard. Ditto - - King Charles's five children. Ditto - - King Charles's Queen. Ditto - - King Charles, his Queen, Prince Charles, and Princefs Maria. Ditto - - King Charles on horfeback. Ditto - - Lady Shirley. Ditto - - V irgin Mary andChrift, with dancing angels. Ditto - - Proceffion of the Knights of the garter. INDEX. 197 Page 3- 136. 147. 150. 137- 155- 18. 130. ■ S- 7'- 141- 15- 144- 159- 170. 108. 52. 143- 145. II. 172. No. II. 31- 88. 98. 37- 17- 7'- 21. 18. 56. 58. 73- 34' 16, 66. 64. 79- 40 Veronefe, Paolo, Ditto Ditto Ditto Vianen Ditto Vinci, Leonard da. Ditto Vifcher, Corn. Van Vorft Vries, Hans de. W Mofes and Pharaoh's daughter. Faith,, in a white habit, Diana and Adleon. Jupiter and Leda. Venetian captain in armour. Three Kings offering to Chrift. Saint John Baptift. ^Woman fmiling. A fcholar. Virgin Mary, Chrift, and Saint John, a drawing. Chrift and the Virgin. Virgin Mary, with Chrift. Virgin Mary, after Raphael. Virgin Mary and Chrift. Ditto William Prince of Orange. Zucchero, Taddeo, 23. 5 Zucchero, Frederick, Young lady. Young man in a landfkip. Young man with gloves. Chrift praying in the garden. Mary Queen of Scotland. E ei [ 198] IN DEX of Statues, Medals, Carv- ings, Models, Chaslngs, Prints, Page No. 29. I . 3'- 2. 57- 46. 77- 72. ■22. 6. 2.1 12. 25. 25. 73- 56. 174. 3- 175- 7- 14. 56. 24. 17- 25. 22 lb. 32 25- 7.7, ibid. 24 27. 35 72. 78. 29. 2 ibid. I ibid. S ibid. 2. 72. A Polio and Cupid, with a dragon. Abraham and three angels. Albert Durer's prints of proportions.. Queen Ann ; a model in ivax. An arm of the King of Denmark, in plaijier, by Stenwinclds. B A Bull ; in mttal. A Blackmoor woman ; in metal. Bacchus ; Corinthian metal. B&zz\ms, c-axns&hy t\NO istyxs; (has' d by Rogiers, Books. A lau2;hino Bacchus, A ftandino; Bacchus. Cupid {having his bow ; in white ivory, Cupid on horfeback. Centaur carrying Dejanira. A Centaur. Countryman with a fpade. King Charles on horfeback ; in metal. King Charles; a buji, in metal. King Charles, eighteen years old ; a model in wax^ King Charles with an imperial crown ; ditto, Chrifl: cufPd by the Jews; in Jlate-Jlone. Chrift taken from the crofs. Chrift carrying the crofs. Chrifl's face on a cloth ; after Albert Durer. Head of the Emperor Charles Vj in plaijUr, I N D E Page No. 14. 54. A child on a goat ; in ivory, 162. 10. Head of King Charles j a medal, 175. 6. Cupid fleepingi ibid. 9. A child's head. 180. I. King Charles ; ij i2(/?, in metal. 181. 10. Centaur carrying Dejanira i in metal. D 22. 7. Diana ; in metal. 27- 33- A dog; in alabajier, 29. 2. Daphne purfued. 180. 3- David and Goliah ; in metal. 199 24. 26. 59- 74- 176. 21. 24. 17- 181. 162. 176. 178. 26. 75- 16. 16.. 174. ibid. 181. 20. An Eaft Indian idol ; in metal, 29. Eve; carved in pear-tree. 1. An Emperor's head; in agate. Europa carried away by Jupiter ; chas'd by Rogiers. 10. Emperor Galba. F 2. Flora; in metal. ig. Achildafleep; by FiamiKga. 60. A farm houfe ; carv'd in wood, 69. Fauftina ; white marble, 9. Ditto ; ditto. ib. A fryar ; in wax, 14. Fauftina. 22. A full fac'd man's head. 28. Saint George on horfeback; by FarmeUi. Great feal of Philip and Mary; in wax, 62. A goat and three children ; in ivory. Piece of gold ore. 1. . A Greek maa's head. 2. I Ditto ; in marble, 9. I Ditto ; ditto. 6. I Geirt ; a hijl in white marble. H 4- 75- 21. 12. I. I King Henry VJII; a model in Terra Cottar by Holbein, I King Henry VIII. imbofs'd in, wax, I Hercules j in metal. 200 N E X. Page No. 26. 30- 30. r, 180. 4- 26. ?3- ibid. /i. 21. 4- 22. 5- ^V- 21. 23- n- 31- 6. 84. r'i. 180. 2. 77- /*. /i. ?■*. ib. 28. 6. 30. 3- 3^- /■*. 29. 7- 59- 4- 74- 25- 26. ?'• 74- ibid. IS- 59- 3- 31- 4- 75- 31- 5- i8i. II. 23- 14. 28. 4- ibid. 3- 30- 6. 74- Hercules ftriking the Centaur ; in metal. Hercules overcoming the bull. Great horfe ; in metal, by John de Bologna. A horfe ; in metal. Ditto ; ditto. A little horfe; ditto. A horfe, larger ; ditto. A head in an Iconian habit. An Italian bird-catcher; in metal. Saint John. Saint John the Evangelift; in alabajler. Indian Idol ; in touchftone. King James in his robes ; a model in wax. King James a half figure ; ditto. King James ; ditto. King James crowned with laurel ; ditto. King James under an imperial crown ; ditto. Jupiter and lo ; has relief. Jupiter and Califta. Jupiter, Juno, and Califta. Juno beating Califta ; bas-relief. Julius Casfar ; in agate. Judgment of Paris ; by Vianen, chas'd infilver. Laocoon, Part of a ftatue of Laocoon. Landfkip with two women and a child ; chased by Rogiers. Landfkip with Pyramus and Thifbe j ditto by ditto, Landfkip in needle work. A lion ; in cats eye fi one. Saint Luke. Lucretia ; carved by Petitof. M Saint Mark. A man's head ; white marble. Mercury ftanding on one leg ; metal. Mercury whiftling Argus afleep ; bas-relief A'lercury fent to cut off^ Argus's head ; ditto. Mercury whiftling Argus afleep. Mercury piping Argus afleep ; by Vianen, chas'd inflvtr. 177- 28. ibid. 3°- 59- 75- 74- 23- 74- ibid. 29. 24. 30- 161. 175- 3°- 74- 75- Page No 60. 6 78. 80. 26. 27. ibid. SI- 176. 'S- 181. II. 72. 176. 12. ibid. •3- ibid. '5- 178. 25. 179. ibid. 27. 28. ibid. 32- 30- 7- 74- 181. 8. 18. 15. I. 18. 5. 7. 5. 8. INDEX. Mercury cutting ofF Argus's head J byHanen, diits Medals. Medalions ; in gold. Ditto; in Jilver. Minerva. Mofes's head, A man's head. Ditto ; luhite marble. R^ufical infbrument. A man's head without a beard. Emperor Marcus Aurelius. A man's head. Ditto in fmooth hair. Ditto with a fhort beard. Ditto with a Roman habit. Ditto withcurl'd hair. N Neptune in triumph. Neptune guiding his horfes ; in ivory, Nero ; grey marble, O Old man's head, without a beard. Phoebus and Phaeton; bas-relief. Phaeton's fall ; ditto. Phaeton's three fifters bewailing his death. Philip of Spain; in agate. Patterns for a fcabbard for Henry VIII ; imbofs'd in waxt Paris, Venus, Cupid, &c. by Vianen, chas'd in Jilver, A fhepherd ; metal. A fatyr and three women ; chai'd by Rogiers, A fatyr and two goats ; ditto by ditto. A fide face; in Jlate-Jlone. A fitting figure ; by Stanwinkle, a modtl in terra cotta, Sufannah and the two elders. Sacrifice; onajavel. A laughing fatyr. T Titian's glory ; carv'd. Two children fighting ; carved in ivory. Two children fighting ; ditto. Ff f 2Qt 202 N D X. Page No 22. 10. 24. 21. I. 3- 31- 7- 57- 43- 73- ibU. ibid. ibid. 21. 3- 22. 8. ibid. 10. 23- i6. 27- 34- 36. 180. 5- ibid. 7- 164. 24. 177. ibid. 16. 19. 178 ibid. 23- 26. 181. 7- 175- 4- ,76. II. 177- ibid. '7- 20. 178. 24. 179. ibid. 29. 30- 31. Venus fitting with Cupid. A filver candieftick ; by J'idnen, Virgin Mary, and Chrifl: ; by ditto, chas'd in filver. Virgin Mary inftalling a Bifhop. Prints of Ulyffes. Clirift in the garden ; an engraving by Vojlerman. The burial of Chrift ; ditto by ditto. King of France; ditto by ditto. Emperor Ocho. W A woman ftanding, left hand on her breaft ; ?nctal. A woman naked, with her left hand on a pedeftal ; ditto. A woman kneeling ; a'i^io. A woman -{looping ; ditto. A woman and a fatyr ; ditto. A woman's head ; ditto, on a black touchftone pedejlal. Ditto ; Jione. Ditto; while marble. Ditto ; in ivax. A woman with fmooth hair. A woman's head with drapery. A woman with a bunch of hair. A woman's head, in a fmooth head drefling. A woman's head ; marble. Young man's head. A youth. Vouna: man's head, with curl'd hair. Young woman's head. Young man's head with a beard. Ditto without a beard. Ditto fhort beard. A young head looking forwards. •allfi* 1» p-f/f^? C55 T^HF. GEm CENTER LiBRARY