SLUBBING DYED WITH ANTHRACENE CHROME BLUE RWN BY THE ONE -BATH CHROMATE PROCESS Cassella Color Company <£€>7.2. 36o0 PAT. Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class. ion„A.A..y..A.£ Accession REFERENCE Book..C.2.ZL O GIVEN BY Slubbing dyed with Anthracene Chrome Blue RWN pat. by the One- Bath Chromate Process. m ■&C j ■4 No 1 3 °/o Anthracene Chrome Blue RWN pat. 1.5 °/° bichrome No 2 4 °/o Anthracene Chrome Blue RWN pat. 2 °/o bichrome No 3 3 °/o Anthracene Chrome Blue RWN pat. 0.5 °/o Anthracene Chromate Green KFF extra pat. 1.75 °/o bichrome No 4 2 °/o Anthracene Chrome Blue RWN pat. 2 °/o Anthracene Chromate Blue XR pat. 2 °/o bichrome Directions for Dyeing: Charge the bath of about 50 — 60° C. (120 — 140° F.) with the well dissolved dyestuff and 2 — 3°/o acetic acid 8° Tw. Enter the material at the temperature stated, raise to the boil after a short while, and after V 2 horn’s boding add the the necessary quantity of bichrome in a dilute form, after having previously shut off the steam or cooled off the bath to some extent. Here- after raise again to the boil and continue boihng for 1 hour; if necessary ex- haust the bath by adding acetic acid*. * The acetic acid may to advantage be substituted with formic acid ; 5 parts acetic M 5 - &b8 5f ftiAL- 1 THE GET - CENTER LIBRARY 80 Tw. correspond about with 1 part formic acid 85%. Without guarantee. >««•«•• C c C c •« t < No 3609.