Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcurio00soth_2 CATALOGUE OF THE CURIOUS & VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOHN DILLON, ESQ. FIRST DAY’S SALE. O&La Kb ■JtdbL, S~& cr€l \ All Octavo et Infra, unless otherwise expressed. LOT 1 Addison (J.) Works, with Notes by Hurd, 6 vol. portrait LARGE PAPER 1811 2 Addison (Joseph) Cato; a Tragedy 4io. Tonson, 1713 *** This play is inlaid to folio size, and illustrated with Portrait of Addison, by Houbraken, proof; an interesting Autograph Letter of the Author to Ambrose Phillips ; 12 Portraits, Signature of Colley Cibber, Play Bills, &c. red morocco extra, gilt edges 3 Album of the Cambridge Garrick Club, portraits, 1836—Rogers’ Pleasures of Memory, plates, 1803, 2 copies; &c. 4 vol. 4 Ana, ou Collection de Bon Mots, 10 vol. FINE PAPER, uncut, calf neat Amst. 1789 5 Anderson (James) The Bee, or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, 18 vol. in 14 , portraits and woodcuts by Bewick Edinb. 1791-3 6 Anstey (Ch.) The New Bath Guide, first edition, 1766—History of the Royal Malady, with Strictures on the Declaration of Horne Tooke, Esq. respecting her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, commonly called Airs. Fitzherbert, &c. 1789 4 to. 7 Antiquarian Itinerary, 7 vol. in 3, 1815—Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, 10 vol. in 5, 1807—Ancient Reliques, 2 vol. in 1, 1812, numerous engravings, most brilliant impressions LARGE paper, uniformly bound half morocco, gilt tops 8 Arago (F.) Popular Astronomy, vol. 1,1855—Meteorological Essays, translated by Sabine, 1855 2 vol. B 2 l 11 o 12 - // / 13 <3 1 14 V-/ 15 - b l 16 j / n 17 3 18 / 19 3 3 20 Wo /o 21 /3 22 ih 23 : / • 24 £2- 1 25 ARIOSTO (L.) Orlando Furioso, in English Heroical Verse by Sir John Harington, engraved title and plates, 1634 —Harington’s Elegant and Wittie Epigrams, 1633, 2 yoL in 1 calf extra, gilt edges folio. 1633-4 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, translated by W. S. Rose, 8 vol. in 4, calf extra 1823 Art. Photographs of the Gems of the “ Art Treasures Exhibition,” Manchester, 1857, by Sig. Caldesi and Montecclii, Ancient and Modern Series, 2 vol. splendidly bound in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway royal folio. 1858 Art Journal for 1866, 8 parts ; &c. a bundle Athemeum (The) London Literary and Critical Journal (edited by Dilke), 1828 to 1855 inclusive, 29 vol. calf 4 to. v. y. Athcnaum for the years 1864-5-6-7 & 8, in numbers, a few missing two parcels Athenaus, translated by Younge, 3 vol. calf gilt 1854 Aubrey (J.) Letters written by Eminent Persons in the 17th and 18tli Centuries, and Lives of Eminent Men by John Aubrey, Esq. 3 vol. calf gilt 1813 Autographs. Select Collection of interesting Autograph Letters of Celebrated Persons, English and Foreign, from the 16th Century to the Present Time, nearly 300 facsimiles half morocco 4 to. 1849 Ayscue (Sir George) The last great and bloudy fight between the English and the Dutch, and the taking, burning, sinking, and dispiersing of five and forty sayl of the Hollanders, and great victory obtained by Blake 4 to. 1652 Ayton (R.) Essays and Sketches of Character, portrait, 1825—Bosan- j quet’s Essays, 1843—Our English Home, 1861 3 vol. Babbage (Cli.) The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, with j a MS. note by Babbage inserted, calf gilt 1832 BACON (Francis Lord) WORKS, with Life by Basil Montagu, 16 vol. portraits on india paper LARGE PAPER, superbly bound in red morocco extra, gilt leaves and borders of gold, a truly noble set of books. W. Pickering, 1825-34 Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam) Considerations touching a Warre with Spaine, calf extra 4 to. 1629 Baines (E.) History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, portrait and plates, calf gilt Baker (D. E.) Biographica Dramatica, with a Continuation by Reed and Jones, 4 vol. calf extra 1812 Ballads. A Collection of Ballads, Songs (some set to music), Broad¬ sides, Garlands, and a Series of Charles Clark’s Satirical Pub¬ lications, from his private press, many with woodcuts, a very extensive collection, mounted in a large folio volume half russia v. y.\ til* U) oIIa^ ZJ~) al l -1 —- crri-d LO tyzjrUK) H crt tcnjac^ 4 !/~J> ot. St SbtTLJl cltdrlxO d> dn cl cl- -itM* ZO 3 c M-JfL CWlrSjXj < 3 ~& eji^s oL < JSh> <£TM* (PPUnxj oL'- j c Etfo a^JLewc^-f r (Tth) VUoJP cnJ)^ V d54 cr&UsT- cfl-M* l 3> 3* and by the King Charles R. (II); A. L. s., Feb. 10, 1832, Bray- brooke; A. L. s., June 25, 1822, Braybrooke; and numerous plates and illustrations, making a most interesting and charming yolume. 52 Brayley (E. W.) Londiniana; or Reminiscences of the British Metropolis, 4 vol. plates, half calf gilt 1829 53 Breda. Description exacte de tout ce qui sest passe dans les Guerres entre le Roy D’Angleterre, le Roy de France, les etats des Provinces Unies du Pays-Bas et l’Eveque de Munster, 1664-67, PLATES OF BATTLES, Calf Ato. Amst. 1668 54 Bredow (G.) View of Universal History and Literature in a Series of twenty Tables, with additions by J. Bell folio. 1833 55 Brothers. The whole of the Testimonies to the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers as Prince and Prophet of the Hebrews, &c. by N. B. Halhed, Esq. 1795 56 Brothers (The Prophet) Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, 1794, and many others by him and his followers, B. Halhed, &c. &c., with some MS. Memoranda from Journal to Mr. Sharp, very curious collection, ivith portraits , 4 vol. bound and unbound 57 [Brough (Dr.)] Manual of Devotions, old black morocco, g. e. 1650 *** “ Ex dono Tho. Radclivii, 1651.”— MS. on fly-leaf. 58 Browne (Sir T.) Works, edited by Simon Wilkin, 4 vol. portrait blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway W. Pickering, 1836 59 Brydges (Sir E.) British Bibliographer, 4 vol. portraits half calf gilt, VERY SCARCE 1810 60 Brydges (Sir E.) The Characters of Rob. Devereux Earl of Essex, and Geo. Villiers Duke of Buckingham, compared by Sir H.Wotton russia extra, g. e. Lee Priory Press, 1814 61 Brydges (Sir E.) Restituta : or Titles, Extracts and Characters of' Old Books, 4 vol. calf gilt 1814 62 Brydges (Sir E.) Censura LlTERARlA, 10 vol. SECOND EDITION, only 100 copies printed, very scarce, half russia 1815 63 Brydges (Sir E.) List of the Pictures at Lee Priory, in the County of Kent, russia extra, gilt edges Lee Priory Press, 1817 64 Brydges (Sir E.) Select Funeral Memorials, edited by Sir E. Brydges, Lee Priorg Press, 1818—Coelia, containing twenty Sonnets, by W. Percy, ib. 1818, 2 vol. in 1, nissia, gilt edges Ato. 65 Brydges (Sir E.) Joannis Pierii Valeriani de Litteratorum infelicitate Lib. ij curante Dom Egerton Brydges, portrait, LARGE PAPER, uncut, 87 copies printed, Genevce,. 1821—Epistolae F. Petrarchae posteritati Edente Eg. Brydges, uncut, Neapoli, 1820 ; and numerous single leaves relating to his publications, bound in one vol. red morocco small folio 66 Brydges (Sir E.) Res Literarise; Biographical and Critical, 3 vol. in 2, half morocco, uncut, only 75 copies printed Naples, 1821-2 4 4 p /o vT / 1421 /a 4 /. o /2 j /c\ // ! / ^ 67 Brydges (Sir E.) Polyanthea Librorum Vestustiorum LARGE PAPER, uncut, only 75 copies printed Geneva, 1822 68 Brydges (Sir E.) Anti-Critic uncut, only 75 copies printed Geneva, 1822 69 Brydges (Sir E.) Cimelia, uncut, only 75 copies printed ib. 1823 70 Brydges (Sir E.) Gnoxnica; Detached Thoughts, Sententious, Axio¬ matic and Critical, &c. uncut, only 75 copies printed ib. 1824 71 Brydges (Sir E.) Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron, half morocco, uncut 1824 72 Brydges (Sir E.) Life and Death of William Powlett, First Marquis of Winchester, by R. Broughton, portrait, Lee Priory Press, 1818—Wither’s Select Lyrical Poems, printed on tinted paper, on one side only, ib. 1815—Human Pate, and an Address to the Poets Wordsworth and Southey, by Sir E. Brydges, Bart. C. Clark's Private Press, 1848, russia extra, uncut in one vol. 73 Buchan. Gleanings of Scotch, English and Irish Old Ballads, with Notes by Peter Buchan, calf gilt, scarce Peterhead, 1825 74 Burke (E.) Reflections on the Revolution in France green morocco, gilt edges 1790 *,f Presentation copy “ from the Author to Miss Goring, E.B.,” also a Letter to Dr. Parry in the autograph of Burke inserted in the volume. 75 Bumet (G.) The Royal Martyr Lamented in a Sermon preached at the Savoy on King Charles the Martyr’s Day half calf ito. 1689 76 Burnet (Bp.) History of the Reign of King James the Second LARGE PAPER Oxford, 1852 77 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait-, and Proposals for Printing a Second Edition by Subscription, with a list of names, some of which are in the handwriting of Burns j calf extra Edinb. 1787 78 Burns (R.) Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda, edited by W. C. McLehose, illustrated with extra portraits and plates; also inserted are three Letters in the autograph of Burns, “ Edinb. March 17th. The Empress of the Poet’s Soul,” signed Sylvander ; a Letter to Clarinda also signed Sylvander, “ Fate seems determined, Madam, to set you and I at cross purposes,” signed Robt. B—, addressed to Mrs. Riddell, Wood- ley Park, olive morocco, gilt tops Edinb. 1843 *** A most interesting volume, and of the highest interest to the collector of Burns. 79 Burns (R.) Reliques of, by Cromek, 1808—Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Burns, engraved by Storer and Greig, 1805—Hood (T.) Whims and Oddities, woodcuts, 1829 3 vol. 80 Burns. MS. Memoranda relating to Burns from various sources, addressed to the late Mr. W. Pickering on his Publication of the Aldine Edition of the Works of Burns 3& C CXSUO ZD oJl PriD) 1 ZJj o^QJ, OG_ I ''Ux/to cStd in a case 7 cxn^d - Sira 82 83 84 c^=> OrOficrL 85 asm) e *-/ 86 Cul£ yujLro 87 Burns. The Land of Burns, a Series of Landscapes and Portraits, illustrative of the Life and Writings of the Scottish Poet, fine impressions on inclia paper, with descriptive Letter-press by Wilson and Chambers, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt edges 4 to. 1838 Butler (S.) Hudibras, “ the first part,” 1663; “ the second part,” 1664, 2 vol. in 1, calf Butler (S.) Genuine Remains, in Verse and Prose, with notes by Thyer, 2 vol. calf 1759 3 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Dr. Grey’s Annotations, 3 vol. 1819— The Genuine Poetical Remains of Samuel Butler, with Notes by Rob. Thyer, 1827 LARGEST PAPER, the work divided into 7 vol. and most profusely illustrated by the insertion of 148 PORTRAITS, PRINTS AND DRAWINGS, a truly interesting and fine set of books, russia extra , gilt edges 4=2 i Byron (Lord) Poetical Works, 8 vol. 1839 — Letters and <£20 Journals of Lord Byron, with Notices of his Life by Thomas Moore, 2 vol. 1830 MOST EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY FIVE THOUSAND PORTRAITS, PLATES, DRAWINGS AND AUTOGRAPHS, comprising Autographs of Sir John Byron, Lord Byron’s mother, Sir Robert Peel, Mrs. Leigh, Lady Byron, Constance Smith, Tom Moore, Mrs. Shelley, J. G. Lockhart, S. T. Coleridge, Boniverd the prisoner of Chillon; original drawings of Annesley, and several others of unpublished illustrations; among the engravings many will be found in rare states, proofs before letters, and private plates; the whole extended to 26 VOL. 4to. bound in green morocco extra, with joints and gilt edges by Holloway Byron (Lord) Hours of Idleness; a Series of Poems, original and translated, 4to. edition, together with the Critique on the same, from the Edinburgh Review for Jan. 1808,1839 — ENGLISH Bards and Scotch Reviewers, first edition, 12 mo. Cawthorn, n. d. also the 4 to. edition 70 the whole inlaid and illustrated with upwards of one hundred and seventy portraits, some very scarce, and many proofs and private plates, UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED AUTOGRAPHS, including four of Lord Byron, Mrs. Siddons, J. P. Kemble, G. F. Cooke, C. J. Fox, Countess Guiccioli, Sif Walter Scott, Coleridge, De Stael, George Colman, Edmund Kean, Garrick, Charles Lamb, Wieland, Poem by James Mont¬ gomery, Song by Burns, Verses by Grimaldi, &c. &c. twenty- five ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, made expressly for this book, among which are views of Annesley, Annesley Hall, Hucknall, The Eagle Desk, Harrow, Monument to Allegra, portraits of Dr. Mansell, Dr. Jowett, UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY VARIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS, many fine proofs before letters, including Rome, after Turner, by Le Keux, artist's proof, rare, bound in 3 vol. folio, red morocco, joints, gilt edges Byron (Lord) Hours of Idleness, plate, first edition, calf extra, 1820 8 ^2 88 1 ' 3 89 /6 90 u 91 1 9 92 - r 93 32 -C. 94 9 C> 95 Jl /o ■ 96 /d 97 - 6> 98 ' 7 / 99 3 100 ' /■£- 101 - 102 - c* 103 / 104 Byron (Lord) Beauties of the English Poets, chiefly selections from Byron (in English and Armenian) Venice, 1852—II Cor- saro, Novella di Lord Byron, versione in prosa di L. C. calf extra, Torino, 1819 2 vol. Byron (Lord) Tales and Poems, plates 1855 Byron (Lord).—Childe Alarique, a Poet’s Reverie, by H. F. A. a MS. note in the volume says this book was bought at the sale of Lord Byron's library, and that an alteration in a passage at page 89 is in his handwriting, half calf gilt 4 to. 1813 Byron (Lord) Conversations of Lord Byron with the Countess of Blessington (by Medwin) half calf gilt, 1834—Hobhouse’s Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, half calf gilt, 1818 2 vol. Caesar. Life of Sir Julius Caesar, knt. Master of the Rolls, &c. with memoirs of his family and descendants, portraits, large paper, imp. 4 to. uncut, presentation copy from Edmund Lodge to Sir Egerton Brydges 1810 Callcott (Sir A. W.) Italian and English Landscapes, Lithographed by Dibdin , half morocco folio. 1847 Campbell (John Lord) Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, 10 vol. half morocco, gilt top 1856 Campbell (Th.) Life of Petrarch, portrait, 2 vol. half calf gilt, \ 1841—Memoirs of the Life of Col. Maceroni, portrait, 2 vol. half calf gilt, marbled edges, 1838 together 4 vol. Caricatures. British Antidote to Caledonian Poison, Vol. 1, 25 plates —The same, Vol. 2, 25 plates —North Briton Extraordi- j nary, 44 plates, 3 vol. in 1, half calf gilt, BARE Carlisle (F. Earl of) The Father’s Revenge, a tragedy, portrait and plates, russia extra, gilt edges privately printed Ato. 1800 Carlisle (Fred. Earl of) Poems, with autograph of the Princess Elizabeth, green morocco extra, with joints and silk linings, 1807 Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution systemati¬ cally classed, 4 vol. {not published) 1835-52 Catalogue of the Library of E. A. Crowninshield (Books and Auto¬ graphs) priced and named, half calf 1860 Catalogue of the curious and interesting Library of George Daniel, Esq. with prices and names, half morocco, uncut, scarce 1864 Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical Manuscripts, being the well-known collection of Mons. A. Donnadieu, with prices and names, LARGE PAPER Ato. 1851 Catalogue of the Collection of Engraved British Portraits of the late Gen. Dowdeswell, sold by Mr. Dodd, with prices and names, half morocco, uncut 1809 Catalogue of the Select Library of Th. Holbein, Esq. prices and names, 1865—Engravings of T. H. Burke, Esq., prices and names, 1852—Autographs de M. Lajarriette, prices, Paris, 1860 (3) IdJ oMeA^ 0"f-HcruJ artn^A VSrLcC ffbaswo fjJ Qixft & UJ^oj© O&L&uO fi) eJtrb~ 9 (f&ou-uvtu. 105 - - J cruJ 106 OuisUZt-f l 107 108 109 VOeJht 110 111 df’bsU 112 CKa. 113 WoJUUs* 114 115 ,J d 116 117 118 > i 119 Catalogues of J. P. Kemble, E. Nash, I. F. T iffin , Charles Mathews, and others, all with prices and purchasers' names half calf 1821-41 Catalogues of the various portions of the magnificent Library of M. G. Libri, sold by Sotheby & Co. with prices, 3 vol. 1859-61— Catalogue of the Reserved Portion, with prices, 1862—Cata¬ logue of the MSS. and Objects of Vertu of M. Libri, plates, with prices, 1864, half morocco, uncut together 5 vol. Catalogue of Engravings, the property of J. Marshall, Esq. sold by Sotheby & Co. with prices and names, LARGE PAPER, 4 to. 1864 Catalogue of Historical Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of F. Moore, Esq. prices and names, and Three Autograph Letters from Mr. Moore to John Dillon, Esq. inserted, fine paper calf gilt 1856 Catalogue of the valuable Library of the late G. Offor, Esq. 1865 —Libri’s Books printed on vellum, with prices, 1849—Dramatic Library of W. B. Rhodes, with prices, 1825; and others Catalogue of the Books and Prints of L. Pickard, Esq. with prices and names, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, rare 1802 Catalogue of S. Rogers, Esq. (Books, Works of Art, Plate, Pic¬ tures, &c.) with printed prices, portraits half morocco, gilt top 1856 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of George Steevens, sold by King, with prices and names —Catalogue of his Prints, with prices and names, portrait and etching, of which only two copies were taken; also a quantity of MS. Memoranda, in the handwriting of G. Steevens LARGE PAPER, uncut, rare 4 to. 1800 Catalogue of the Stowe Manuscripts and Grenville Correspondence (bought privately by Lord Ashburnham), plates scarce 1849-65 Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill, sold by G. Robins, with printed prices and names, and illustrated by the insertion of cuttings from periodicals, prints, drawings, and an autograph letter, signed “ Orford" (If. Walpole) LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, uncut 4 to. 1842 Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Dawson Turner, Esq. with prices and names, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top 1859 Catalogue of the Library of William Upcott, Esq. (Books, Manu¬ scripts, and Engravings) with prices and purchasers' names half calf Catalogue of Books relating to the History of America, sold by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, with prices and names half calf 1861 Catalogue of 30,000 British Portraits on Sale by Evans and Sons, 403, Strand, 2 vol. n. d. Caulfield (J.) Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, 4 vol. half morocco, gilt top 1819 C T Cc £ | / 42 1 * I - Co . ! - /o - V / • / / c 8 ■ V & - /6 6= : ! // 10 / 128 M / 0 129 Caulfield (J.) Calcographiana, portrait, 1814—Ireland (W. H.) Chalcographimania; or the Portrait Collector and Printseller’s Chronicle, 1814, 2 vol. in 1, half calf CENTLIVRE (Mrs.) WORKS, portrait, and a long holograph letter, signed, to the Rev. J. Barnes, St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, very scarce, 3 vol. calf 1761 Chambers (R.) Scottish Songs and Ballads, 3 vol. calf extra Edinb. 1829 Champin, Excursion a la Grand Chartreuse, 36 lithographic views, folio. Grenoble, n. d. Chap Books. The wonderful History and surprising Prophecies of Mother Shipton, woodcut on title —History of Sir Richard Whittington, woodcuts —History of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw, woodcuts; and 5 others in the volume cJUUj Chap Books. A Catalogue of Chap Books, Garlands, and Popular Histories, in the possession of J. 0. Halliwell, Esq. privately printed 1849 Chardin (Sir J.) Travels into Persia and ye East Indies, map and plates, including two portraits, one a fine drawing in sepia, by Harding, autograph letter in French, signed, exchequer warrant, t$*c. (J-e .; a very interesting collection relating to this eminent traveller, calf extra folio. 1686 CHARLES I. Tragicum Theatrum actorum et casuum Tragicorum Londini, portraits, and a view of the execution of Charles I. at Whitehall, very fine impressions Amst. 1649 Charles II. Articles of Peace between his sacred Majesty and the city and kingdom of Algiers, concluded by Admiral Thomas Allen 4 to. 1664 vo cAo Charles II. A Collection of curious Tracts relating to Charles II. < cr@bru~> Dowglas (Robert) The Form and Order of the Coronation of Charles II. King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, as it was acted and done at Scoon, the first day of January, 1651 His Majestie’s gracious Letter and Declaration, sent to the House of Peers from Breda, and read the first of May, 1660 The King’s Letter and Declaration sent to the Court of Common Councell holden the first day of May, 1660, and ordered to be printed Instructions agreed on by the Lords and Commons for the Com¬ missioners sent to the King at the Hague, with the Speech thereupon by Denzell Holies, 16 May, 1660 Speech of Francis Lovelace, Recorder of Canterbury, to Charles II. upon his Arrivall to Kent, 25 May, 1660 Humble Answer of the House of Peers to his Majestie’s Gracious Letter and Declaration, 23 May, 1660 Humble Address of the Officers of Horse under Lord General Monck, presented at Dartford Heath, 29 May, 1660 The Earl of Manchester’s Speech to his Majesty, in the name of the Peers, at his Arrivall at White-Hall, 29 May, 1660, with his Majestie’s Gracious Answer, 1660 Speech of Sir Harbottle Grimston to the King, 29 May, 1660 11 The Speaker’s Speech to the King in the House of Lords, 29 Aug. 1660 Davenant (Sir William) Poem upon his sacred Majestie’s most happy Return to his Dominions, 1660 God and the King : a Dialogue, showing that the King doth rightly claim whatsoever is required by the Oath of Allegiance 1663 c rPJLsruJ < *** These scarce tracts, in small 4to. are mounted to imperial 4to. size, and illustrated with an AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF CHARLES II. portraits of Charles II. by Chantry; Denzill Hollis, and the Earl of Manchester, beautiful drawings by Harding, Hollar's View of Canterbury, bound in black morocco extra, gilt tops 1651-63 130 Charles II. Fac-simile of the original Marriage Certificate of King Charles II. with Catherine of Braganza, printed in gold and colours; and an interesting Collection of Proclamations, printed in black letter, as follows : — His Majesty’s Pleasure touching his royal Coronation For the Apprehension of Colonell Ludlow For regulating the Proceeding of his Majesty from the Tower to Whitehall Concerning his Majesty’s coronation Pardon Against Vicious, Debauched, and Profane Persons Against fighting Duels Declaration of Peace with the King of Spain For Suppressing disorderly and unseasonable Meetings in taverns and tipling houses, and Forbidding footmen to wear Swords or other weapons Peace between England and Portugal Prohibiting the growth of Tobacco in England and Ireland and 14 others Whitehall, 1660-61 131 Charles II. Ogilby (John) Relation of his Majesties Entertainment passing through the City of London to his Coronation, with a description of the Triumphal Arches and Solemnity, folio, 1661 Tryals and Condemnation of Lionel Anderson, William Russell, Charles Parris, Henry Starkey, James Corker, and William Marshall, for High Treason as Romish Priests, folio, 1680 Last Speech and Behaviour of William late Lord Russel, with Paper delivered by him to the Sheriffs, 1683 ; and Vindication of the same Answer to Mr. Langhorne’s Speech, and one other 132 Cheyne (G.) A Manuscript in a beautiful hand-writing, consisting of copies of some of his letters, chiefly those sent to S. Richardson, copies of Prescriptions, &c. &c., from the Library of Dawson Turner 1735-42 133 Christie (J.) Disquisition upon Etruscan Vases, plates, presentation copy, with portrait, and a note from Mr. Christie inserted FINE PAPER, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway roy. 4 to. 1806 134 Chrysostom (St.) The Golden Book of, concerning the Education of Children, translated by J. E. (Evelyn) 1659 *** See interesting MS. note on the fly-leaf by E. Malone. 3 4 - VD 12 3 ; ? 135 * /3 136 - 7 I 137 J2] // 138 /&> ■ 139 • 4- 140 J6> 141 * * 142 A 143 /k 144 1 42 145 j 146 1? .C- 147 f) 148 - 149 ; / L 150 Churchill (Ch.) Poetical Works, 3 vol. illustrated with portraits, plates from other editions of Churchill's Works, and an autograph letter signed by John Wilkes green morocco extra, by Holloway W. Pickering, 1844 Cibber (Colley) Dramatic Works, portrait, 4 vol. gilt calf 1760 Cibber (Colley) Apology for the Life of, portrait, 1740—The Cabinet, by a Society of Gentlemen, 3 vol. Norwich, 1795—Life of Peter Wilkins, 2 vol. 1784 ; and others 11 vol. Clarendon (E. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 7 vol. calf gilt Oxford, 1849 Clark (R.) An Account of the National Anthem entituled God Save the King, portraits and plates, LARGE PAPER, 1822— Rimbault’s Musical Illustrations of Bp. Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, portrait, 1850 2 vol. Cobbett (W.) The Woodlands, or a Treatise of preparing Ground for Planting, 1825—Rhode’s Peak Scenery, 1824 2 vol. Coleridge (S. T.) The Friend: a Series of Essays, 3 vol. calf extra, gilt edges 1818 Coleridge (S. T.) Literary Remains, collected and edited by H. N. Coleridge, 4 vol. half morocco, SCARCE 1836 Collet (S.) Relics of Literature, half morocco, 1823—Heron’s (.Pinkerton ) Letters on Literature, 1785 2 vol. Collier (J. P.) History of English Dramatic Poetry, and Annals of the Stage, 3 vol. calf extra 1831 Congreve (W.) Works, Plays, and Poems, 3 vol .portrait and plates, with an order for £258. South Sea Stock, signed W. Congreve, calf Birmingham, 1761 Congreve (W.) Plays, 2 vol. portrait, 1774; and others, Dramatic 8 vol. Cooke (W.) Life OF Macklin, most extensively illustrated with Portraits, Characters, Views, Original Play Bills of Covent Garden and Drury Lane Theatres, including some MS. Letters of the most interesting characters, namely, Thomas Coutts, “ Strand,” to the Publisher of Cooke’s Life of Macklin ; Letter of Macklin to Tate Wilkinson, very curious; Advertisements from the Newspapers of the day, and others too numerous to mention in a Sale Catalogue, bound in 3 vol. half morocco, uncut 1806 ^bcrr-co^ (Xojfth. n ys.zi.U s. cruty- Cooke (W.) Views on the Thames from the Source to the Sea, 84 plates, proofs in the first state, the artist's own copy, LARGE PAPER, folio, n. d. with a volume of descriptive letter-press in 4 to. 1822 ‘ (2) Cooper (T.) The Purgatory of Suicides, a Prison Rhyme, 1845— Famous Boys, and how they became Great Men, 1860 2 vol. C -&0JLJ Corneille (P. and T.) A Series of Twenty-six Illustrations to the J ctlct Works of P. and T. Corneille, from the designs of J. M. Moreau, brilliant proofs before letters, also portrait of Corneille, engraved by Woolnoth, LARGE PAPER, half calf Paris, 1815 13 OltlJ 151 152 c 153 154 C2$tXJbh 155 156 u ^ J W.c f 157 WodJtyiJ^ i 158 ZkJ 159 cJtZU* 160 1 161 162 It cnro e y 163 164 -iaJ 165 StTUp 166 OuJl^luxA^ 167 168 f Corney (B.) Curiosities of Literature illustrated, privately printed Greenwich, n. d. Cottle (J.) Early Recollections of the late S. T. Coleridge, 2 vol. portraits, half calf gilt 1837 Cowper (W.) Poems, 2 vol. third edition 1787 *%* W. Hayley’s copy, see MS. note by him. Cowper (W.) Private Correspondence, 2 vol. portraits, 1837—The Yahoo, a Satyrical Rhapsody, New York, 1830 Cries of Venice. Le Arti che Vanno per via nella Citta di Venezia, 60 plates, representing the Cries of Venice half morocco, uncut folio. 1803 Cromwell (Oliver) His Highnesse the Lord Protector’s Speeches to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber, the one on the 4th Sept., the other the 12th Sept. 1654 Cromwelliana ; a Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, 1642, to his death, plates uncut folio. 1810 Cruikshank, Greenwich Hospital, a series of Naval Sketches, descriptive of the Life of a Man of War’s Man, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, uncut 4 to. 1826 Cunningham (P.) Hand Book for London, 2 vol. calf extra 1849 Currency. A Collection of Twenty Tracts on the subject of Decimal Coinage and Currency Dance. A COLLECTION OF Portraits, sketched from the life by George Dance, and engraved in imitation of the original drawings by William Daniel, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco folio. 1809 Dance of Death. Todten Dantz durch alle Stande und Beschlecht der Menchen, 60 plates within borders, with descriptions in German verse 4 to. n. d. Dance of Death, painted by H. Holbein and engraved by W. Hollar, plates n. d. D’Arblay (Madame) Diary and Letters, 7 vol. portraits calf extra, marbled edges 1843 Davies (T.) Memoirs of Life of David Garrick, 2 vol. illustrated by the insertion of numerous portraits of Garrick in his various characters, his book plate, and others connected with the dramatist, bright gilt calf 1784 Da Vinci (Leonardo) Trattato della Pittura con la Vita scritta da R. Du Fresne, plates, vellum folio. Parigi, 1651 Declarations, Forms of Writs, Tracts, Acts of Parliament, Broad Sheets, Speeches, Petitions, Votes, Orders, &c. &c. in Print and Manuscript (118 in number), put forth during the reign of Charles the Second, some very rare, and all are uncut half bound folio. 1660-78 Dee (Dr. John) Private Diary, edited by J. O. Halliwell, 1842— Anecdotes and Traditions illustrative of early English Literature, edited by Thoms, 1839 Camden Society. 4 to. 2 vol. 4c / v | -2 / 1 • - O / - /6 6. i /S - /6> * / / C> ' s> ' // / / /S \ . / w * 1 £ 14 ** f i 169 1 s y / U 170 1 ^ JS 171 v S , 172 3 u 173 4 174 A O- 175 3 176 - /A 177 - S 178 - A 179 - /3 180 / U. ■ _ 181 Defoe (D.) The Representative of London and Westminster in Parliament Examined and Considered, 4 to. 1702—Several Querries relating to an Act of Parliament made in the second and third years of her Majesty’s Reign for the Discharge of Insolvent Debtors out of Prison, &c. 1704 De Foe (D.) Novels and Miscellaneous Works, with Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 20 vol .portrait, half calf gilt, scarce 1840 Della Nobilita et eccelenza delle Donne, &c. Venegia, Gab. Giolito, 1544 ; Ovidio de Arte Amandi, woodcuts, Venegia , 1542 ; and other Italian Tracts in the volume, but the interest of the volume is enhanced by the autographs on the title of the first tract, “ Sum Ben Jonsonii,” also “ T. Hepburn,” old Grolier binding, tooled sides, gilt edges Dermody (Th.) The Harp of Erin, 2 vol. calf, 1807—Gifford’s Baviad and Masviad, calf, 1811 together 3 vol. ' Deslyons (M. Jean) Discours Ecclesiastiques contre le Paganisme des Roys de la Feve et du Roy-Boit red morocco, g. e. and tooled sides, RARE Paris, 1664 De Tocqueville (A.) Democracy in America, 2 vol. 1835; and others 6 vol. C afSruO De Witt. Histoire de la Yie et de la Mort des deux ILLUSTRES FreRES CORNEILLE ET JEAN DE WlTT, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, Utrecht, 1709 ; with a FOLIO VOLUME, com¬ prising a most interesting and valuable Series of Illustrations Pictorial and Autographical, viz., 3 Portraits of Cornelius, very fine ; 3 Portraits of John, extremely fine ; Portrait of Jacob de Witt, by Houbraken ; Broadsides shewing the most remarkable events in the Life of Cornelius and John De Witt. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, Cornelius (2); John (2); Van Tromp, with trans¬ lation of the same; and Portrait, by Th. de Bry, RARE ; Le Massacre de Messrs de Witte, mezzotint, 1668, rare Diane de Poictiers. Signature of Diane de Poictiers to the House¬ hold Accounts of her Steward for one Month, with the scarce portrait by Thomson inserted, from. Dibdin's Tour folio. 1566, OMT U)MSL -*Lo^ SJ JLi S& SJLeru-> °^1 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 £>dJLj 193 n CXflA crr^S) 194 Dillon (R. C.) The Lord Mayor’s Visit to Oxford in July, 1826, plates, half morocco, uncut, scarce 1826 Dodd (Dr. W.) Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Dodd, n. d. —The Convict’s Address to his unhappy Brethren, by Dr. Dodd, 1777 —Serious Reflections upon Dr. Dodd’s Trial, 1777—Catalogue of the Effects of the late Dr. Dodd, sold by Auction by John Burton, March 13, 1777, in 1 vol. half calf gilt — Dodd’s Thoughts in Prison, in 5 parts, calf neat, 1777 (2) Dodd (Dr.) A curious Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers, portraits —Letters to and from his Friends while under Sentence of Death in Newgate, curious and interesting to the London Collector, all mounted in a 4 to. volume, half calf, lettered “ Doctor Dodd ” Doddington (G. B.) Diary, original calf gilt, 1785 — Spence (J.) Anecdotes of Books and Men, with Notes by Singer, portrait, calf gilt, 1820 2 vol. Dodsley, Collection of Old Plays, with Notes, critical and ex¬ planatory, by I. Reed, 12 vol. calf 1780 [Dowglas (R.)] The Form and Order of the Coronation of Charles the II, King of Scotland, as it was done at Scoone, January 1st, 1651, 4fo. Aberdeen, date cut off —The Character of a Trimmer, by Sir W. Coventry, curious frontispiece, 4f o. 1689 2 vol. Doyle (R.) The Foreign Tour of Brown, Jones and Robinson, woodcuts 4 to. 1854 Drake (N.) The Gleaner, a Series of Periodical Essays, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf 1811 Drama. A Collection of Single Plays and Tracts relating to the the Drama, bound in 5 vol. Dryden ( J.) Works, with Notes, and a Life of the Author by Sir W. Scott, 18 vol .portrait, russia 1808 Dryden (John) The Life of, by Sir Walter Scott, portrait on india paper, LARGE PAPER, uncut, russia, gilt tops Do. 1808 * With seventeen additional Portraits of Dryden, Sir W. Scott and others, some very fine; A. L. s. John Dryden to Mrs. Stewart at Cotterstock, near Oundle, 1699, RARE ; A. L. s. Sir Walter Scott, to Millar the Bookseller, respecting an Edition of Dryden’s Works; Order for the Payment of Dryden’s Annuity of £200. per ann., signed by Sir R. Howard ; another for the same, also signed by Sir R. Howard ; Lithograph Facsimiles of his Letters, &c. &c. &c. Dryden. Anthologia Gr^CA, with the Autograph of John Dryden on the fly-leaf, and the whole of the Book interlined in a beautiful hand, most probably by himself, as it appears to have been his School Book (at Westminster) ( see note on fly-leaf by Thos. Rodd) original binding, wants title and end Edinburgh Review, 1816 to 1825, 15 vol. not consecutive V /4 V • 4^ 1 / // ' L* / /c, - \ ■ 3 L *• - 4- ! ^ - / LI 16 Elizabeth (Queen) A curious Collection of Proclamations printed fff, eAjtJLt-Q^ in black letter 1. To forbid the extension of building in London on account of its overcrowded state. Nonesuch, July 7, 1580 2. A Proclamation against Sedition. Otelands, July 15, 1580 3. For revocation of subjects remaining abroad, and against the retaining of Jesuits and Priests, &c. Westminster, Jan. 10, 1581 4. Denouncing Jesuits, traitors. Greenewich, April 1, 1582 5. Against retainers. Greenewich, April 19, 1583 6. Against certain seditious and schismatical books and libels, &c. Westminster, Feb. 13, 1588 7. Provision for remedy of a declaration of great troubles pretended against the realm by Priests and Jesuits. Richmond, Oct. 18 th, 1591 The golden Speech of Queen Elizabeth to her last Parliament, an engraved broadside with portrait Epigram of Theodore Beza to Queen Elizabeth, on the defeat of the Spanish Fleet, printed in eight languages on one sheet. London, 1588, &c. James I, Proclamation against transportation of Leather. West¬ minster, March 31st, 1608 Ellis. Original Letters illustrative of English History, with notes and illustrations by Sir H. Ellis, portraits and facsimiles, the three series complete, 11 vol. half calf gilt 1825-46 WJh [Elsum (J.)j Epigrams upon the Paintings of the most eminent Masters, Ancient and Modem, calf 1700 n olaJ> cr>^& Emerson (R. W.) Representative Men, half calf gilt, 1856— Holmes (O.) Poems, portrait, Boston, 1851; &c. 6 vol. English Cookery five hundred years ago, Totham, 1849—The Asse’s Skin Memorandum Book, lost in St. Paul’s (by J. Hughes), 1820—A Husband and Coach and Six for Forty Shillings, frontispiece, 1732 ; &c. (4 tracts) Erasmus (Desiderus) Playne and Godly Exposytion, or Declaration of the Commune Crede (which in the Latin tonge is called Symbolum Apostolorum) and of the X Commaundementes of Goddes law, put forth at the requeste of Thomas Earl of Wyltshire, father to Quene Anne (Boleyn) black letter, original edition, good sound copy, rare R. Redman, n. d. Erasme (D.) L’Eloge de la Folie traduit par Gueudeville, numerous engravings from the designs of Hans Holbein calf extra, gilt edges Amst. 1731 CZ ■&UJ Erskine (Lord) The Farmers Vision privately printed, 1819 Etruscan Vases, 29 coloured engravings and 4 drawings half calf gilt small folio, n. d. Evans (G. W. D.) Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily, 3 vol. half calf extra, 1835—Nares (E.) Elements of General History, 3 vol. calf, 1825 together 6 vol. 3® cr^JLyuOcx^ u)uf3UL 17 HJLu >A 205 Evelyn(John) Publick Employment and an Active Life, &c. preferred to Solitude, calf, gilt edges 1667 A vti oJULun. j \S I G >\3 212 213 Everett (E.) Orations and Speeches Boston, 1836 Exhibition of 1851, Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, woodcuts, 5 vol. 1851 18 /£ b - 214 /f 215 *- 9 a 216 FA 217 - ? c 218 - /(. 219 - v/ / 220 S' 221 - /(* 222 - / 223 <9 224 1 225 3 226 9 227 ' U- G. 228 ' 3 c. 229 230 Exhibition. Official Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition of 1862, woodcuts, 4 vol. 1862 Exhibition. Reports of the Juries on the International Exhibition of 1862, scarce Exhibition. Official Catalogue of the Fine Arts Department, 1862, —Catalogues of the Various Departments of the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester, bound in 2 vol. half calf 1857 Faulkner (Sir A. B.) Visit to Germany and the Low Countries, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1833—The First Angel, a Novel, 2 vol. half calf gilt, 1851 together 4 vol. Faulkner (Thomas) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea, map and plates, including a Portrait of Th. Faulkner, (private plate), and a verse in MS. on himself. Signed “ Thos. Faulkner,” calf extra 1810 Faulkner (Thomas) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea, &c. 2 vol. numerous illustrations, calf gilt 1829 Ferrier (J.) Illustrations of Sterne, 2 vol. in 1, 1812—Grinning made Easy, Oswestry, n. d. —Drummond (W.) Poems, 1791 together 3 vol. cATMi ijnJ Fielding (Henry) WORKS, with Life bj Murphy, 10 vol. plates original bright gilt calf 1784 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, FIRST EDITION, 6 vol. 1749 UO cJULesb, txn/O Fisher (J.) A Spring Day, portrait, from Lord Macaulay's Library, c — V ctujt. (j 1803 —The Universal Restoration, by E. Winchester, half calf, 1788 together 2 vol. Flaxman (John) Compositions from the Divine Poem of Dante Alighieri, with six portraits of Dante, some brilliant proofs before letters, two drawings of his house and exterior of his tomb, a draw¬ ing by Flaxman of a section of the shield of Achilles, an engra¬ ving of the same, and a receipt in his handwriting for two guineas, signed “ John Flaxman, Junr." and others in the volume morocco extra, gilt edges folio. 1807 Flaxman (J.) Compositions from the Tragedies of iEschylus, designed by John Flaxman and engraved by T. Piroli and F. Howard, uncut oblong folio. 1831 Fletcher (John) The Elder Brother, a Comedy 4 to. London, 1637 Ford (J.) Dramatic Works, with Notes by H. Weber, 2 vol. calf gilt 1811 Fryer (J.) New Account of East India and Persia, portrait, map, and plates, calf folio. 1698 W. F. [William Fullwood,] The Enemy of Idleness, teaching a perfect Platforme how to indite Epistles and Letters of all sortes, black letter, calf 1621 Gallery. The Royal Gallery of Art, Ancient and Modern, Engravings from the Private Collections of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Albert, &c. edited by S. C. Hall, ARTISTS’ PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE ANY LETTKRS, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt edges imperial folio, n. d. c cMM* 19 - cnjjr~ UJiJk 231 Galley. Selected Pictures from the Galleries and Private Collec¬ tions of Great Britain, a series of engravings from the best works of the best British Artists, edited by S. C. Hall, MOST BRILLIANT PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE ANY LETTERS, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt edges atlas folio. Bond. n. d. 232 Gallery. Galleria dell Reale Accademia della Belle Arti di FIRENZE, early impressions on India paper half morocco, gilt edges folio. Firenze, 1845 233 Gallery. The Gallery of the Marquis of Hertford, photographed by Caldesi and Montecchi, half morocco, gilt leaves roy. folio. 1859 /9 / 4 4 / / / $3. /£. £ SECOND DAY’S SALE. All Octavo et Infra, unless otherwise expressed. Tura exJL&s*=- LOT 234 cmso 235 T T 236 cHiJhb 237 a* 238 d> J cru j 239 ej-f f ' 240 Galt (William) Railway Reform, privately printed, 1864—Fearon (H. B.) Thoughts on Materialism, 1833, &c. 4 vol. Garrick (David) The Farmer’s Return from London, an Interlude, FIRST EDITION, with the rare frontispiece by Basire, after Hogarth, scarce, half calf, uncut 4 to. 1762 Garrick (D.) Catalogue of his Library, with prices and names, LARGE paper, 1823—Sale of Garrick’s Villa at Hampton— Catalogue of his Pictures, sold by Christie for £3729. 16s. 6d. —Catalogues of various other Effects at Adelphi Terrace, Hampton, &c. with portraits, plates of character, autograph letters, and other memoranda by or relating to him half morocco 4 to. v. y. Garth (Dr. Samuel) The Dispensary, a Poem, with MS. additions, and Key to the Names ; and autograph signature to an exchequer talley, frontispiece, LARGE PAPER 1699 Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana : The Topography, Edifices and Orna¬ ments of Pompeii, 2 vol. plates, some in colours half morocco, gilt top 1832 German Romance. Specimens of its Chief Authors, with Notes Biographical and Critical, by Thomas Carlyle, 4 vol. frontis¬ piece, uncut 1827 [Goldsmith (Oliver)] An Enquiry into the State of Polite Learning in Europe, 1759—Horace, Latin and English, by Philip Francis 4 vol. 1747 together 5 vols. 3 Co • 3 s- ' U- cv> * 7 1 - /6 . ! > / 20 [241 6 / / 242 243 244 245 Gordon (Lord George) The Trial of Lord George Gordon for High Treason, portrait, 1781—Narrative of the Proceedings of the Persons assembled at the Protestant Association, &c. 1780— Narrative of the Riots and Disturbances in the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. by W. Vincent, 1780—The Triumph of Innocence, a Poem on the Acquittal of Lord George Gordon, portrait, 1781—and others relating to his Trial and the Riots in London, with a letter to Dr. Lettsom, signed “ G. Gordon, Felonside, Newgate ,” very scarce collection half calf gilt in one vol. Gordon (Lord George) An interesting Volume in reference to, consisting of:— Portrait, 1780; Another drawn from Life by R. Brau, full length; Memorial Cypher, Portrait, and Anns of Lord G. Gordon; Burning of Newgate, 2 plates; Burning of the King’s Bench Piison and the House of Correction; Burn¬ ing Mr. Akerman’s Furniture; View by Night of the Lon¬ don Riots, a Dutch engraving; A. L. s. of Lord George Gordon, from Newgate, “Felon’s Side,” 1789; Another, also from Newgate, both addressed to Dr. Lettsom ; An Appeal to the Livery of the City of London, 4 pages ; cuttings from newspapers, S;c. fyc. arranged and mounted in a folio volume half calf neat Grammont. 64 Portraits to Rlustrate the Memoirs of Count Grammont, fine impressions, calf gilt 1810 [ Granger (J.) Biographical History of England, with a Continuation to the Reign of George I. by Noble, 9 vol. calf extra , inserted in the volumes are autograph letters of Granger and Mark Noble, fyc. 1824 Gray (Thomas) Works and Travels : I. The Works of Thomas Gray, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by William Mason, with Extracts from the Author’s Original MSS. selected and arranged by T. J. Matthias, 2 vol. in 3, LARGE PAPER imperial 4 to. 181 II. Designs by Bentley for Six Poems, by Gray, Dodsley, 1766; Gray’s Elegy in Greek, 4 to. Eton, 1793; and another by Sparke, 1794; in Italian by Costa; Italian and English by Giannini, 1782; Italian and English by Forelli, Parma, Bodoni, 1793 ; and Italian by Cesarotte in one vol. III. Unpublished Autograph Notes of his Travels in France, Italy, and Scotland, 1738-64 in one vol. ' The series in five volumes, imperial 4to. illustrated with MS. Notes and Memoranda as to the Family of Gray—Gray’s note (almost obliterated by time) of the beautiful and pathetic in¬ scription on his mother’s tomb—Du Roveray’s and Westall’s illustrations to the Poems, the first, proofs before letters — UPWARDS OF THIRTY AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF GRAY, one written a month only before his death — Autograph Letters of J. Brown, one of Gray’s executors, J. Turner, Win. Mason, Thomas Southern, Count Algarotti; AUTOGRAPH NOTES BY Gray of his Travels in France, Italy and Scotland, containing long descriptions of the places visited, the pictures 21 G -St CruO C^^KJlrtrl Shu didU, <3~& C&H& 'Sn/J c *-J-f cruO> he saw, &c. &c. with views of the places, engravings of many of the pictures, and various other illustrations, above One HUN¬ DRED AND SEVENTY in number—Nicholls’ original Autograph of the “ Recollections of Gray,” &c.—Upwards of Thirty Por¬ traits of Gray and other Literary Celebrities, some very rare bound in half morocco, gilt tops, uniform The unpublished Autograph Notes of his Travels would appear to belong to the autograph portion of this Catalogue, but the unifor¬ mity of binding and size with the printed works, together with the descriptive MS. note of the whole in Yol. I. have appeared to be a reason for retaining the series in one lot,—unquestionably of unique interest in reference to the Poet Gray Gray (T.) Six Designs by Mr. R. Bentley for Six Poems by Mr. - £, T. Gray, plates and portrait of Gray inserted gilt calf folio. 1753 Greene (R.) Dramatic Works, with some Account of the £1 Author, and Notes, by A. Dyce, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra W. Pickering, 1831 Grevill (Sir Fulk) The Remains of Sir Fvlke Grevill, Lord Brooke, being Poems of Monarchy and Religion fine clean copy, calf 1670 Grose (F.) Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of Local Pro¬ verbs, portraits of Grose and a long autograph letter by him, signed “ F. Grose," inserted in the volume LARGE PAPER, half calf gilt royal Ato. 1811 Grose (F. and Th. Astle) The Antiquarian Repertory, a miscel¬ laneous assemblage, intended to illustrate and preserve several remains of Old Times, 4 vol. views, portraits and monuments old russia 4to. 1807 Guizot (Francis) Memoirs of Sir Robt. Peel, calf gilt 1857 Gwinett (A) The Life, Strange Voyages, and Uncommon Adven¬ tures of, frontispiece, very curious book, half calf n. d. Hakewill (J.) Picturesque Tour in Italy, including a Series of beautiful Views, engraved from Drawings on the spot, accom¬ panied with historical and descriptive Illustrations, very fine early impressions on india paper LARGE PAPER, green morocco extra, with joints, gilt edges folio. 1820 Hall (Mr. and Mrs. S. C.) Ireland ; its Scenery, Character, &c. 3 vol. plates and woodcuts, original impressions roy. Svo. 1841 Hamilton (Count Antoine) Memoirs of Count Grammont, 64 por¬ traits, proofs, with several extra from Harding's edition and other sources inserted, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges Ato. 1811 Hampden. A Discreet and Learned Speech, spoken in the Parlia¬ ment on Jan. 4, 1641, by Mr. Hampden, Burgesse for Bucking¬ ham, portrait inserted, 1641 ; and others in the volume, by Pymme, Sir Ph. Stapleton, Stroud, Sir A. Haslerigg, the Earl of Manchester, &c. in 1 vol. half calf, gilt top Ato. 1641-2 /O /o / , ' J A 3 I l 7 / 22 / / 4 /o 257 /• 258 259 9 CO 260 9 262 / /(o 263 V 9 /■ 264 /O u 265 p 266 _ 267 - /• Co 268 ■ f2 269 s 270 / A) J- 271 - // 272 s 1 ^ /o 273 Harding (S.) The Biographical Mirrour, about 126 plates, original impressions, 3 vol. calf gilt 4 to. 1795 Hayley (William) Life and Letters of William Cowper, 4 vol. por¬ trait, Chichester, 1809—Freeman (E.) Memorials of the Mind and Heart, portrait, 1853 together 5 vol. Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1821—View of the English Stage, 1818 2 vol. Hazlitt (W.) Table Talk, 2 vol. half calf gilt, marbled edges 1824 Henry (Robert) History of Great Britain, autograph letter from Dr. Henry to Mr. Cadell the Publisher inserted, 12 vol. calf 1823 Henry IV (of France) Procez exament confessions et negations du meschant & execrable Parricide Francois Ravaillac sur la mort de Henry le Grand, &c. Paris, 1611—Examen de quatre Actes publiez de la part des Jesuites es Annees 1610, 12 & 26, &c. ib. 1633—Anticotton, ou refutation de la Lettre declaratoire du Pere Cotton, 1610 — La Veritable response a l’anticoton sans falsification de son texte, mis en forme de Dialogue par le Sieur de L. N. 1611, RARE, olive morocco, gilt edges by Holloway in one vol. ai su. -crucr ^c> (UCruJ-rr^ cjdLcyvo Henry IV (of France) Histoire des Amours de Henry IV (par L. M. de Lorraine) et autre Pieces Curieuses red morocco, gilt edges Leyde, 1665 Hentzner (Paul) Journey into England in the year 1598 brigh t calf gilt Strawberry Hill, 1757 Heptameron Fran^ais. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite Reine de Navarre, 3 vol. plates, very fine early impressions old green morocco Berne, 1780 Heraldry. The Book of Family Crests, 2 vol. plates 1838 Herbert (W.) History of the twelve great Livery Companies of London, 2 vol. calf 1837 Hill (Dr. John) A Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London, MS. notes in the margins, from Mr. Anderson's copy {very satirical) 4 to. 1751 Hogarth (William) Works, from the Original Plates, restored by James Heath, with additions by John Nichols, portrait and plates, half russia gilt atlas folio. Baldwin, n. d. Hollar (Wenceslaus) A Collection of Prints by Hollar, on one hundred and forty-six copper plates, including two inserted of himself and his wife, calf, RARE folio, n. d. Homes of American Statesmen, woodcuts, plates and facsimiles of their handwriting New York , 1854 Hone (William) Every Day Book, Year Book and Table Book, 4 vol. woodcuts, 1826—Strutt’s Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, woodcuts, 1830—The Apocryphal New Testament, 1820 — Ancient Mysteries Described, especially the English Miracle Plays, plates, 1823—'The Reformist’s Register, 1818—Murray (J.) Sermons to Asses, &c. portrait, 1819—Collection of Satirical Tracts, known as his Facetiae, o2ro St ajvU eJLb. J2?yo CZ PJLAjkH St ctSoiaJ > CLj -g <3~t>cu^r LtJ oJLjcnjsd. 23 f^y-y-udlio 295 Hunt(L.) The Seer and the Indicator, 2 yol. 1840—Xenophon’s Memoirs of Socrates, by Fielding, 1762 together 3 vol. Husbands (J.) Miscellany of Poems, Dr. Farmer's copy, with his autograph, Oxford, 1731 — Halifax (Ch. Earl of) Poetical Works, portrait; and others, Poetical 5 vol. Hutton (Charles) Recreations in Mathematics, &c. 4 vol. and a vol. of plates, 4 to. 1803—Hooper (W.) Rational Recreations, 4 vol. plates, 1783 together 9 vol. Inchbald’s Theatre. The Illustrations to Inchbald’s Theatre, one hundred and forty-nine plates, proofs on india paper, BEFORE LETTERS LARGE PAPER, UNCUT (a charming volume) half morocco 4 to. n. d. Ireland (John) Letters and Poems by the late Mr. John Henderson, numerous portraits inserted of a most interesting character calf gilt 1786 Ireland (Samuel) Picturesque Views on the Thames, Medway, Avon, Wye, and Tour through Holland, Brabant, &c. plates in aquatinta, together 7 vol. half russia, UNCUT 1796-1801 Irving (Washington) History of the Life and Voyages of Columbus, 4 vol. map, calf gilt 1828 ISOGRAPHIE DES Hommes CeLebres, ou Collection de Fac-simile de Lettres Autographes et de signatures, execute et Imprimee par Th. Delarue, &c. 4 vol. uncut folio. Paris, 1843 Jackson (John) Treatise on Wood Engraving, with a Third Preface to a Treatise on Wood Engraving, by W. A. Chatto, woodcuts, 297 c5€ eon/O 1 298 299 300 301 Jeffreys. Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, by H. W. Woolrych, portrait, calf 1827 This is accompanied by a folio volume, comprising Graphic, His¬ toric and Autographic Memoranda relating to this most In¬ famous Character, five different Portraits ; the seizure of Jeffreys at Wapping in disguise of a Sailor, scarce; Cuttings from Peri¬ odicals ; MS. extracts from various Publications; MS. Petitions, with his autograph; Deposition of Richard Lavington, 1686, with the Autograph Signature of John Chapman, Lord Mayor of London ; Original Broadside of the Discovery and Appre¬ hending of George Lord Gefifries, with the Manner of his being taken to the Tower, Dec. 12, 1688, RARE The Dying Speeches and Prayers of the Protestants who suffered in the West of England, 1689 Account of the Injurious Proceedings of Sir G. Jeffreys against Francis Smith, Bookseller of London, for Publishing a Pretended Libel, &c. 1680 The Tryal and Conviction of Sir Sam. Barnardiston, Kt., for High-Misdemeanor before Sir George Jeffreys at the Guildhall, 1683 A Panegyrick on the Loyal and Honble Sir George Jefferies, Lord Chief Justice of England, by E. Settle, folio, 1683; Petition by the Citizens of London for the removal of Judge Jefferies; The Address of the Commons for the removal of Sir G. Jefferies, a very scarce plate by White; Throwing the Great Seal into the Thames, and many others too numerous for detail in a Sale Catalogue. Jeffreys (Judge) The Western Martyrology, or Bloody Assizes, frontispiece, comprising 12 portraits, 1705—The Merciful Assizes; or a Panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys hanging so many in the West, 1701—An Account of the Proceedings against the Rebels and other Prisoners tried before Lord Chief Justice Jefferies in the West of England, 1716—The Life and Charac¬ ter of the late Lord Chancellor Jefferys, 1764, 3 vol. calf Jennings (D.) Life of Dr. Cotton Mather, 1744—Memoirs of Dr. Dodd, woodcut portrait, n. d. —Works of Dr. William staffe, plates, 1726 ; and others Jerrold (Douglas) Shilling Magazine, 4 vol. plates, half calf gilt Johnson (Capt. Charles) A general History of the Adventures of the most famous Highwaymen, Street Robbers, &c. from Sir John Falstaff to the plates, calf gilt, very scarce, fine copy Johnson ( Samuel) Life of Alexander Pope 1845-6 Lives and Murderers, year 1733, folio. 1736 Pickering, 1825 S Wag- 4 vol. This book is inlaid to folio size, and illustrated with about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE PORTRAITS, including Charles I. by Eaithorne, Erasmus by Van Dyck, and fine oval mezzotints of literary characters by Smith, and twenty-five Auto¬ graphs, including letters of Warton, Prior, Tickell, Charles Earl of Peterborough, Bp. Atterbury, Bolingbroke, Swift, Warburton, Tonson, Dr. Johnson, Alexander Pope, also the epitaph for Cragg’s monument, in Pope's handwriting, signa- E V / ■ cP U\/ 2 \ \S>2 \/o 26 3 3 / 9 3 9 / / / / 4 / / 4 ture of Edmond Waller, &c.— ABOVE ONE HUNDRED VARIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS, including eight beautiful coloured drawings, and several of monuments in sepia —View of Pope’s villa after Turner by Pye, artist's proof; and the plates to Du Roveray’s editions, fine proofs in the earliest state, the whole bound in 2 vol. russia, gilt edges In the sale of Manuscripts and Autographs following this will be found the original MS. of Johnson’s Life of Pope. 302 Johnson (Samuel) Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, 1747, presentation copy from the author as a sincere token of friendship and respect; MS. note on the fly-leaf in the hand- ivriting of Johnson —The Vanity of Human Wishes, 1749, with an additional couplet at page 18 in the autograph of Johnson —Ode by Dr. Samuel Johnson to Mrs. Thrale, upon their supposed approaching nuptials, 1784; Anecdotes of the Learned Pig, 1786 ; and several others in the volume relating to Dr. S. Johnson, a most interesting collection half morocco 4 to. v. y. 303 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, original edition, calf gilt 1775 * m * The first edition contains many severe passages against the Scot¬ tish people, which were expunged in the more recent editions. 304 Johnsoniana; or Supplement to Boswell, portraits and plates half calf gilt, marbled edges 4do. 1836 305 Johnstone (Chev. de) Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745-6, two portraits 1822 306 Johanna Southcott. The Book of Wonders, 1813; and many others by her, comprised in 4 vol. bound and unbound 307 JOHANNA Southcott. A very extensive Collection of Tracts by, and relating to, this celebrated Imposter and George Turner of Leeds (together with about 100 pamphlets) 2 bundles 308 Jones (Inigo) Designs, consisting of Plans and Elevations for Publick and Private Buildings, published by Kent, plates, with several extra inserted, including his portrait by Hollar, an \ agreement of contract for making a sewer {on vellum ) with his \ autograph affixed, rare, §c. fyc. 2 vol. in 1, old calf folio. 1727 ! 309 Jones.—Reminiscences of the Public Life of Richard Lambert Jones, Esq privately printed 1863 310 Jonson (Ben) Workes, engraved title by W. Hole calf gilt folio. 1616 With the following verses in a cotemporary hand-writing: Jonson that whilome brought the guilty age To suffer for her misdeeds on y e stage Ruin’d by age now cannot hold out play And must bee forc’d to throw his cards away: For since he so ill keeps what hee earst wonne, Since that his reputation’s lost and gone The age sweares she’ll no longer hold him play With her attention; but without delay Will rise, if some fresh Gamester will not fitte That’-s furnished with a better stocke of witt. Si asisu c (XrJScuxu SSfiirSs 14 J cJLjaiuJ^ < HJ oJULia^ 27 311 312 1 313 314 Cu-trO iJL-1 ' T 315 316 l cJTljU* 317 <3& crttcruo l 318 319 -- f l i : 320 fi 7 2* 321 322 323 324 Journal of the Society of Arts, 1854 to 1868, in parts, not quite consecutive 4 parcels Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 16 vol. half calf gilt 1839-53 Jugglers.—Exhibitions of Juggling, Conjuring, Ventriloquism, Sleight of Hand, Natural Magic, and the Popular Delusions of the Day, exhibited in a Collection of their Advertisements, Bills of Performance, Cuttings from Newspapers, interspersed with Portraits and Woodcuts, mounted in a 4 to. volume v. y. Junius, including Letters by the same writer under other signa¬ tures, edited by Woodfall, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf 1812 KEAN (Edmund) a Collection of Play Bills of Performances at various Theatres at which Mr. Kean appeared, from the year 1806 to 1824, mounted and illustrated with seventeen portraits, mostly in characters, an autograph letter and receipt signed for £50. for one night's performance at Cork, autograph letter of Mrs. Kean, fyc. in 1 vol. folio, half russia, g. e. Kemble (John Philip) Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble’s Retirement from the Stage, including his Farewell Address, Account of the Dinner at the Freemason’s Tavern, &c. &c. 1817 ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF FORTY PORTRAITS, several in his various characters, fine proof of the portrait by Sharp and others, EIGHTEEN AUTOGRAPH letters by himself and his most celebrated contemporaries, UPWARDS OF FORTY ILLUS¬ TRATIONS, including Play Bills of his most important Perform¬ ances, &c. &c. the whole inlaid, with an elegantly-drawn title, and beautifully bound in 1 vol. folio, russia extra, gilt edges, by Holloway King’s (Mr.) Apology; or a Reply to his calumniators, 1798— Remarks on Mr. King’s Apology, 1798; and others 5 vol. Kip (I.) Views of the Queen’s Palaces and principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain, curiously engraven on eighty copper plates, calf . folio. 1709 Kirby (William) and William Spence, Introduction to Entomology 1858 Knight (Ch.) The Working Man’s Companion, “ John Dillon, Esq. with the author's best respects," calf, gilt edges 1831 Knight (Ch.) Passages of a Working Life during half a century, with autograph letter from Charles Knight to the late John Dillon, Esq. 3 vol. calf extra 1864 Knight (S.) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. portrait and plates, by G. Vertue, calf gilt 1724 Knight (S.) Life of Erasmus, portrait and plates by G. Vertue Camb. 1726 Knight (S.) The Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. portraits and plates calf gilt Oxfd. 1823 V J2 i / ■ / /o\ / /A a Q - ; b 5 3 4 4 !H V 3- / 1/2 - w ' u 1 ■ 28 Co S' Vo V 0> G 325 Koningsmarke and Thynne : A true and impartial Account of the cruel and bloody Murther committed upon the body of Thomas Thin, 12 February, 1682 1682 London Gazette, Feb. 13—16, 1681, giving notice of the murder, and Feb. 20—23, proclaiming the arrest of Count Konings- marke Trial of George Borosky, alias Boratzi, Christopher Vratz and John Stern, and Charles John Count Koningsmark, at the Old Bailey, for the Murder of Thomas Thynn, Feb. 28, 1681, cut from the State Trials folio The last Confession, Prayers, and Meditations of Lieut. John Stern, delivered by him on the Cart immediately before his execution, to Dr. Burnet, together with the last Confession of George Borosky, with an account of their deportment, &c. folio. 1682 This curious collection is illustrated with an account of Captain Krautz, extracted from Johnson’s Lives of Highwaymen, in the hand-writing of Mr. Dillon, An Autograph letter of Thomas Thynn, another from the Countess Koningsmark, supplicating the King in behalf of her son—Fine portraits, viz. James Duke of Monmouth by Blooteling, Lady Ogle, drawing after Hard¬ ing, Charles John Lord Koningsmarke by White, Thomas Thynn by White, and a rare mezzotint of the same, proof before any letters ; Charles II. by Smith; and Bp. Burnet; an engraving of the murder by Basire, and drawing of the same; three plans of Charing Cross, Thynn’s monument by Cole, and two drawings of the same; view of Long Leate, &c. In the same volume are contained some illustrations in reference to Sophia of Zell and her favourite Philip Count Koningsmarke, consisting of sketches of the Courts of the House of Brunswick in Germany and England, from Fraser’s Magazine, Oct. 1853—two autograph letters and portrait — drawing by Harding of the Count—fine portraits of Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover, and his wife; George I.; View of the palace and gardens of Herrenhausen—Accession of George I. &c. &c. inlaid and mounted in 1 vol. half morocco, gilt tops royal folio 326 Koops (Matthias) Historical Account of the Substances that have been used to convey Ideas from the earliest date, front. 1801— French (G. J.) Life and Times of Samuel Crompton, portrait, 1859. 2 vol. 327 Laclcington (James, Bookseller) Memoirs of the first forty-five years of his Life, portrait 1791 328 Lackington.—Confessions of J. Lackington, portrait , 1804—Lack- ington’s Confessions rendered into Narrative by A. Macleod, scarce, portrait, 1804, in 1 vol. calf gilt 329 Lackington.—Ode to the Hero of Finsbury Square, with notes referential by Peregrine Pindar, with Original Bill from the temple of the Muses, Caricature Print, &c. &c. half calf gilt 4 to. 1795 C tjU cl I /ujj cSro c^ro cj^clrlx 29 OJw 330 331 332 333 37crtru t>~f (334 \ { )335 336 -J) 9^jeJj /\J tyScruro ejA^ C esoesnJ> r 'jJ ojj :c7t ^ J Lamb (Charles) Elia, both series, 2 vol. caZ/ 1835 Landor (Walter Savage) Imaginary Conversations of literary Men and Statesmen, both series, 5 vol. half calf gilt 1826-29 Larkin (S.) The Columbian Songster, damaged, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1798; and others 6 vol. Las Casas (Bartholomew de) An Account of the first Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, plates of cruelties very fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges 1699 Lassay (Marquis de) Recueil de differentes choses, 4 vol. from the library of Horace Walpole, with his book-plate, Lausanne, 1756 La Trobe (Ch. Ig.) Hymn-tunes sung in the church of the United Brethren, scarce, half calf gilt 4 to. 1826 Laud (William) The History of the Troubles and Tryal of Wil¬ liam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, portrait by White, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, new, in calf, old style, folio, 1695-1700, Illus¬ trated by the addition of a portrait of Laud, the original drawing, with the print for which it was taken, proof before letters —The Arch-Bishop’s Trial in the House of Peers, by W. Hollar ; portrait of Laud on a Dutch broadside, and others, including a long Autograph Letter by the Arch-Bishop, dated Whitehall, May 25, 1640, signed “ W. Cant” ; two other Orders / Q 340 341 342 343 344 345 Leyden (J.) Scottish Descriptive Poems, half morocco, gilt top, 1803—Poems of Sir W. Raleigh, with introduction by Sir E. Brydges, half morocco, gilt top, 1814 Lilburne (Col. John) The Trial of Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, port, uncut, 1649—A Remonstrance of many Thousand Citizens and other free Born People of England to their owne House of Commons on behalf of John Lilburne, portrait, 1646—Putney Projects, or the Old Serpent in a new forme, 1649 ; and several others relating to the Trial and Imprisonment of Col. John Lilburne, VERY SCARCE, in 1 vol. calf extra 4 to. Lindley (J.) The Vegetable Kingdom, 500 woodcuts 1853 Literary Souvenir. Sixty-six Illustrations of this Bijou, PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER half morocco, uncut folio, n. d. Lloyd (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, with some account of the Northern Fauna, 2 vol. plates and woodcuts, calf gilt 1854 Llwyd (R.) Tales Odes and Sonnets, 1804—Gayton Wake, or Mary Dod and her list of Merits, 1804, in 1 vol .—Bennoch (F.) The Storm, and other Poems, 1841—The British Album, 2 vol. portraits, 1790; together 3 vol. 337 Lawrence (F.) Life of Henry Fielding, 1855—Life of Sir Thos. More, by Sir J. Mackintosh, portrait, 1844 - . 338 Lawrence (W.) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, &c .plates FIRST EDITION 1819 ' 1 339 Le Neve (J.) Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vol. (1600-1715) calf gilt 1719 ,3" /o /

cTlfAcrtxJo^, / 9€c^^JJo cT^G-XrM OLa^S { re^r',.11^ < r~A crf&-, ^^txraeilL (jinjQu. AS~L> C e/\jt_d- 366 367 368 London.—A Plain and Succint Account of the Riots and Disturb¬ ances in the Cities of London and Westminster, with an Account of the Commitment and Trial of Lorge George Gordon, 1780, illustrated with an original portrait of Lord George Gordon, the original Proclamation, portraits , cuttings, fyc. fyc. London.—Smith (J. T.) Etchings of Remarkable Beggars and other Persons of Notoriety in London and its Environs original copy, half calf gilt, TJHCUT roy.Mo. 1815 London.—Tentanien; or an Essay towards the History of Whit¬ tington, some time Lord Mayor of London, 1820—Anecdotes of John Bull, n. d. London.—Partington’s Natural History and Views of London, 2 vol. 300 engravings, 1834—Malcolm’s Anecdotes of the Man¬ ners and Customs of London, 2 vol .plates, 1810 together 4 vol. London.—Vestiges of Old London, a Series of Etchings from original Drawings, illustrative of the Monuments and Archi¬ tecture of London, with Descriptions and Historical Notices by J. W. Archer , half morocco, gilt edges folio. 1851 London.—Brewer’s Memoir of the Life and Times of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London, temp. Henry V. and VI. plates, 1856—Another Edition, 1836—The Antiquities of London from the Works of Pennant, plates, 1818 3 vol. London.—The great City Frauds of Cole, Davidson, and Gordon fully exposed by S. Laing, half calf, n. d. — Brownlow’s History of the Foundling Hospital, plates, 1865 2 vol. London. Prospects of the most noted Public Buildings in and about the City of London, with a short Account relating to the same, 38 plates 4 to. John Bowles London. Curious and interesting Collection in reference to Lord Mayors; Recorders; Chamberlains; &c. of the City of London, consisting of Autographs, Copies of Letters, Manuscript Memoranda, Newspaper Cuttings, Broadsides, Portraits, Plates, Coats of Arms, Monuments, &c. &c. relating to Sir Thomas Alleyn, Sir Richard Brown, Sir John Frederick, Sir John Robinson, Sir William Bolton, Sir William Peake, Sir William Turner, Sir Samuel Starling, Sir Richard Ford, Sir John Eyles, Sir John Shorter, John Green, Sir Thomas Harrison, Sir Stephen Theodore Jannsen, Sir John Peake, Isaac Pennington, John Wilkes, &c. Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographers’ Manual of English Literature, 4 vol. a few extra memoranda inserted calf gilt W. Pickering, 1834 Lowndes (W. T.) British Librarian or Book-Collector’s Guide, , “ Religion and its History,” vol. I. all published calf gilt 1839 Luther. The Last Wil and last confession of Martyn Luthers faith, cocerning the principal articles of religion which are in controversy, which he wil defend and malteine until his death, printed in Gothic type 1543 32 =2- 369 " G> 370 V 8 £=> 371 ' Ip U 372 c 373 /2 374 s \ 375 - /£ 376 - /A 377 /o 378 / / / // 379 ' y-f 380 / SIS ID . 381 Macgregor (J.) My Note Book, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt 1835 Macgregor (John) Commercial Statistics, 5 vol. half morocco roy. 8o. 1843-50 Mackie (Ch.) The Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary of Scotland, portrait and plates 1849 Macklin (Charles) The Man of the World, portrait, 1793; Love a la Mode, 1793 ; illustrated with plates, original play bills, Au¬ tograph letter of Macklin, $-c. 4 to. Macleod (H. D.) Theory and Practice of Banking, 2 vol. scarce roy. 8vo. 1855 Marlowe (Christopher) Works, with Notes, and some Account of his Life and Writings by Dyce, 3 vol. crimson morocco extra W. Pickering, 1850 Marshall (Mrs. William Calder) Poems red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1843 Martin (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Privately Printed, presentation copy, with autograph note of John Martin to John Sainsbury, calf extra 1834 Martineau (Harriet) Society in America, 3 vol. half calf gilt, 1837 —Retrospect of Western Travel, 3 vol. half calf gilt, 1838 together 6 vol. Marvell (Andrew) Miscellaneous Poems, portrait, one added from Hollis' Memoirs , and an Autograph Letter from A. Marvell to M. E. Thompson, Merchant, Yorke, franked And. Marvell, Nov. 5, 1674 folio. 1681 Mary II (Queen of Great Britain) A Collection of Funeral Orations pronounced in Holland upon the Death of Mary II, Queen of Great Britain, done into English from the Latin, original portrait by Picart, brilliant impression, and a most interest¬ ing autograph letter from the Queen to her husband the King ( William III.), half calf, uncut 4 to. 1695 Massinger (Philip) Dramatic Works, 4 vol. 1759—The Iron Chest, a Play by G. Colman, with Corrections for the Stage, 1796— Steele’s State of the Case between the Lord Chamberlain and the Governor of the Royal Company of Comedians ; and others in the vol. curious, 1720 ; &c. 3 vol. Mathews (Charles) Memoirs of, by Mrs. Mathews MOST EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE HUNDRED PORTRAITS AND SEVENTY-TWO AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of the most Eminent Theatrical Characters of his day; also an Extra volume, lettered Ivy Cottage, containing the Sale Catalogue of his Effects at 102, Great Russell Street; of his Books and Autograph Letters sold by Sotheby and Son, with prices and names ; List of his Pictures, with their cost; Catalogue Raisonnee of Mr. Mathews’ Gallery of Theatrical Portraits, 1833 ; View of Ivy Cottage, with some Account of the Life and Genius of the late Charles Mathews, by George Daniel, Esq.; and many other interesting Memoranda relating to this distinguished Comedian, together 4 vol. 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, and one vol. 4 to. half morocco, uncut ' 1839, ffc. < fx!xru^r3 eft cMJLh n> C?£> c r&Lxruj fP’crS fesx^ 'tOJU 33 cJ'tML tffccrei UJ QuJ dOfto crCJlen-u gl ■ W^leM, Z^TZHrtK3 Mathews (Charles) A most interesting Collection of Illustrations to his various entertainments styled “ At Home,” containing an Autograph Letter of Mathews and of Yates, 22 books of various editions of the Entertainments, some of which are excessively rare, 14 Portraits, about 75 various Illustrations, two of which are drawings, and above 120 various Play Bills and Cuttings from Newspapers and other publications relative to the same the whole hound in one vol. folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uniform with the foregoing An autograph note explanatory of the contents of this volume is written at the commencement by the late Mr. Dillon. Mathews (Charles) Illustrations to the Life of Charles Mathews, containing about 30 Portraits, Autographs, Drawings, Carica¬ tures, Play Bills, &c. several of which are curious and very rare the whole mounted and hound in one vol. folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uniform with the above Mathews (Mrs.) The Life and Correspondence of Charles Mathews, plates, 1860 ; &c. 8 vol. Maty (Henry) A New Review, with Literary Curiosities and Literary Intelligence, 9 vol. calf 1782-6 Maundeville (Sir John) Yoiage and Travaile, with Notes and a Glossary by J. 0. Halliwell, calf gilt 1839 Medici. Opere di Lorenzo de’ Medici detto il Magnifico, 4 vol. printed on English vellum paper made by Whatman, portrait, Firenze, 1825—Poesie edite e inedite del Magnifico Lorenzo dei Medici, inlaid in 4fo. portrait by Wagstaff, proof before letters, another by Vosterman, after Rubens, Lucca, 1825 —Autograph Letter to John Lampardini, signed “ LaurentiuS d’ MedicII,” with transcript and translation, and Transcripts and Copies of Letters of other Branches of this celebrated Italian Family, together 5 vol. half crimson morocco, gilt tops folio Memoirs of the celebrated Dwarf J. Borowloski, portrait, also the portraits of Joseph Cardozo and John Jarvis ; from the library of the late George Daniel, Esq. calf 1788 Mennis (Sir John) and Dr. James Smith, Musarum Deliciae: or, the Muses Recreation, with a Thousand Outlandish Proverbs, 2 vol. woodcuts, RARE 1817 Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries, with Notes and a Glossary by H. Weber, 3 vol. calf gilt 1810 Miller (John) An Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnasus, 2 vol. coloured plates, calf gilt 1794 Milton (John) Poetical Works, 2 vol. portrait and plates 4 to. 1720 Milton (J.) Prose Works, with Life and Critical Remarks by Symmons, 7 vol. 1806—Symmons (Ch.) Life of John Milton, portrait, 1810 LARGE PAPER, uniform in russia together 7 vol. F 34 /o € If Lp t / !/ * i /&> / 'Q / / * 42 9 1" / 3 V I \/y / _ 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, a Poem written in ten Books FIRST EDITION, with the first title, “ printed and are to he sold by Peter Parker ,” blue morocco extra, gilt edges 4to. 1667 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in ten Books FIRST EDITION, with the third title , “ printed by S. Simmons ,” Sfc. blue morocco extra, gilt edges 4 to. 1668 Milton ( J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books, portrait by Dolle SECOND EDITION, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway, 1674 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books, portrait by Dolle ( damaged ) THIRD EDITION, calf extra, by Bedford 1678 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books THE FOURTH EDITION, ADORNED WITH SCULPTURES, with List of Subscribers, portrait by White, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway folio. 1688 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books FIFTH EDITION, ADORNED WITH SCULPTURES, portrait, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway folio. 1691 Milton (J.) Del Paradiso Perduto, traduzione di Paolo Rolli, with portraits oj Milton, Prince Frederick and Rolli morocco, gilt edges, by Holloway folio. 1735 Milton (J.) Poems, &c. upon several occasions, with a small Tractate of Education, calf extra, by Bedford 1673 Milton (J.) Comus, a Mask, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, by H. J. Todd, half morocco, gilt top Canterbury, 1798 Milton (J.) Treatise on Christian Doctrine, translated by C. R. Sumner, half morocco 4 to. 1825 Milton. A Sketch of the Life of John Milton, 1862—A Narra¬ tive of the Disinterment of Milton’s Coffin, in the Parish Church of St. Giles’ Cripplegate, with cuttings from the news¬ papers of the time, 1790—Milton’s Italian Poems, translated by Dr. Langhorne, 1776—Pedigree of Milton, MS. Autograph Letters by Ch. Symmons, Ch. Dunster, Fr. Wrangham— Transcripts of Deeds and Copies of Letters from Sig. Dati, a Florentine Nobleman—A Proclamation for calling in, and suppressing two Books written by John Milton, black letter, 1660—A Series of the Portraits of Milton from Hollar to the present time, some early impressions and very fine the whole mounted and bound in one vol. half morocco 4 to. Milton. Lauder (William) Essay on Milton’s use and Imitation of the Modems in his Paradise Lost, 1750—King Charles I vindicated from the charge of Plagiarism, brought against him by Milton, 1754—Milton no Plagiary, by J. Douglas, 1756— A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his Vindica tion of Milton, 1751, with long MS. letter from W. Lauder to Dr. Mead, 1751—A. L. s. Mon Saumaisse, in French, Leyden, 1638—A. L. s. Claudius Salmasius, in Latin, Leyden, 1632 in one vol. half morocco 4 to. Crr-£> ct^wj XjU s cJtdbL LU O-QjCru2$. —, iQstx 35 Milton (J.) History of England to the Time of the Norman Conquest abridged MANUSCRIPT, with alterations and corrections, very similar, if not in the handwriting of the Poet n. d. Milton. Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton, by S. L. Sotheby, Photographs and Facsimiles from the various Styles of Writing of the Poet, including several addi¬ tional, presentations from S. L. Sotheby, Esq. —A. L. s. Arch¬ deacon Wrangham to the Rev. Dr. Symmons, with proof portraits —Four Autograph Letters of Dr. Ch. Symmons, re¬ specting his Edition of Milton half morocco, gilt top folio. 1861 / /J Mitford (Mary Russell) Dramatic Works, 2 vol .portrait and MS. note, signed M. R. MlTFORD inserted, half calf 1854 £2 44 fl crznJ e -*—r I <4 ClaJ) 409 Mitford (M. R.) Atherton and other Tales, 3 vol. portrait, half calf gilt, 1854—Grant, The Great Metropolis, 2 vol. second series, half calf gilt, 1837 together 5 vol. 4- 410 Moliere. Select Comedies in French and English, 8 vol .portrait 1732 411 Monk (George) Duke of Albemarle,— The Order and Cere¬ monies USED FOR AND AT THE SOLEMN INTERMENT OF GEORGE Duke of Albemarle, collected by Sandford and engraved by White, 20 plates, half morocco, gilt edges, folio, 1670, with additions as follows :— Portrait of Monk, the Original Drawing by Bulfinch; 3 other Portraits of him, engraved by Loggan, R. White, and P. Stent; Portrait of Charles II, by Crosse, very fine ; Portrait of Prince Rupert, after Vandyke ; Autograph Order for £350. for a Dia¬ mond Ring, on the Death of our Mother, signed by “ Charles II.” and “ Albemarle”; Letter describing an Engagement with the Dutch Fleet, signed “ George Monck”; Letter or Dispatch, signed “ George Monck ” and “ Ri. Deane”; another from on Board the Resolution, near Shotland, May 17, 1653, signed “ Ri. Deane” and “ George Monck” 412 Montaigne (Michel de) Essayes, done into English by John Florio, two fine portraits of Montaigne inserted, a little ivormed, other¬ wise a fine copy, old calf gilt folio. 1613 413 Montaigne (M.) Essays, with Amendments from the Edition of Peter Coste, 3 vol. calf gilt 1776 414 Moore (Thomas) Memoirs of the Life of R. B. Sheridan, portrait inserted, half calf gilt 4 to. 1825 415 Moore (T.) The Epicurean, a Tale, plates red morocco extra, gilt edges 1838 *f* Portrait, and the Original Manuscript of a Song “ Oh ! Abyssian Tree,” at page 149 of the Book inserted. The Song is in the form of a Letter, addressed to Mr. Power, 34, Strand, London, May 11, 1827. 4 / ^ / 4 14 V& 36 ! J2 /Co 416 ~iT7 ! I ~u 418 J2l n 419 V UT 420 - /* Cad c. 421 - 422 - /Q / 423 /o /6 ' 424 Ip 4 425 / /c 426 \ P JS 427 / / 428 Moore (T.) Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Th. Moore, edited by Lord John Russell, portraits and plates, with auto¬ graphs and other illustrations ; and an additional Volume, con¬ taining Notes from Autograph Letters of Thomas Moore to Mr. Power, suppressed —A Catalogue of Autograph Letters of Thomas Moore, sold by Puttick and Simpson, and many other interesting Memoranda relating to Moore, 9 vol. calf extra 1853 Moore (T.) Illustrations to Moore’s Irish Melodies, 162 plates, after the designs of Maclise, ARTIST’S PROOFS before letters, on india paper ROYAL PAPER, green morocco extra, gilt edges folio. 1845 Moravian Hymns, 2 vol. THIRD EDITION, calf 1746 More (Sir Thomas) Utopia, translated into English by Raphe Robinson, a New Edition with copious Notes by T. F. Dibdin, portrait and plate ; Portrait of Dr. Dibdin, private plate; and Two Autograph Letters, signed, of Dibdin LARGE paper, calf extra 4 to. 1808 Morrison (James) The Influence of English Railway Legislation, on Trade, and Industry, calf gilt 1848 Muller (F. Von.) Characteristics of Goethe, with Notes, &c. by S. Austin, 3 vol. tree marbled calf gilt 1833 oCAjCstjo dtMa ( Muller (G. F.) Conquest of Siberia, 1842 ; and others 7 vol. Nares (Robert) Glossary of Words, Phrases, Customs, &c. with additions by Halliwell and Wright, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt top 1859 National Gallery. Engravings from the Pictures' of the National Gallery, published by authority, with a double set of plates, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE LETTERS and a set of the ETCHINGS, both in the first states morocco extra, gilt edges royal folio. 1840 Naunton (Sir Robert) Fragmenta Regalia FIRST EDITION, inlaid in folio paper, illustrated with portrait of Sir R. Naunton, by S. Pass, long HOLOGRAPH LETTER, signed,of Naunton, and portrait of Queen Elizabeth sitting in state by Elstracke, russia extra, gilt edges folio. 1641 Naunton (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia, portraits on india paper and original drawings of Queen Elizabeth, the Earl of Leicester, and Sir W. Raleigh LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges 1824 Maiioui fb cXJcoz-> QS> Naunton (Sir R.) The Court of Queen Elizabeth, with Biographical Additions by James Caulfield, portraits, with many additional inserted from the ELerLologia and other sources, some very fine impressions, 31S. note by J. Caulfield, SfC. fyc. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt edges 4 to. 1814 Nelson (Lord) Dispatches and Letters, with Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 7 vol. tree marbled calf extra 1844 c r -c 'UU 37 kfruD dJU-J x.OOu^f UJoJlb*. ZsQ CX-& 7 EL. <3 ^~ JL ^^° rrLJ ^ ^ °° . u)cJ3L^ S cnx> ^3yiu=o qJIX L=. c^ c$7a ?7ci 429 Netherclift (Frederick G.) Handbook of Autographs, with a Bio¬ graphical Index by R. Sims, half morocco n. d. 430 Newcastle (Duchess of) Poems, or several Fancies in Verse, portrait by P. Van Schuppen, and another by Greatbacli after Harding, proof before letters; also the drawing in colours by Harding, from which it was engraved, fyc. fyc. calf extra folio. 1668 431 Newspaper Cuttings, Political and Election Squibs, Broadsides, Parish Notices, Songs, many relating to Mr. Morrison’s Elec¬ tion, &c. &c. mounted and bound in a folio vol. v. y. 432 Ney. Memoires du Marechal Ney, portrait, 2 vol. 1833; and others 5 vol. 433 Nicolas (Sir Nicolas Harris) Synopsis of the Peerage of England, 2 vol. calf gilt 1825 434 Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Historic Peerage of England, continued by Courthope 1857 435 Nichols (John) Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Cen¬ tury, portraits and other illustrations, 10 vol. in 9, 1812— Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, portraits, 8 vol. 1817 tree-marbled calf gilt, uniform together 17 vol. 436 Nichols (J.) History and Antiquities of Canonbury, Islington, THE AUTHOR’S OWN COPY, with drawings, views, and his MS. additions and corrections, and farther additions by the late John Dillon, Esq. including Hollar's six views of Islington, drawings of Canonbury House and stables, old poem on Islington Wells, fyc. cT_-4=- 39 C%> cT^OXO nxjuv^ HjJ nJLi 0~rz=. 456 Pepys (Samuel) Diary and Correspondence :— dO A large and important collection made for the purpose of illustra¬ ting this work,—consisting of the Treaty of Breda, an important State Document, with seals and signatures of the contracting parties; Letters and Documents of distinguished personages of the time, ABOVE TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY in number, including Autographs of James II.; Duke of York; Charles II.; Prince Rupert; Manchester; Pepys; Sandwich; Digby; Essex; Monck; Ormond; Warwick; Orrery; Lambert; Penn; Coventry ; Middleton ; Blake; Selden; Southwell ; Kempthome ; Sir Edward Nicholas ; Lawson ; Letter to John Evelyn from his nephew, Mr. Jackson, announcing the death of Pepys, &c. &c.— One Hundred and Eighty-five Por¬ traits ; Hooker, Ashmole, Sir R. Haddock, and Carlisle, by Faithorne; Sanders and Wallis by Loggan; Sandwich by Blooteling; Duke of Ormond, Sir Stephen Fox, and Sir William Petty, by Smith; Duke of Gloucester by Van Dalen; Lord Carbery by Faber; curious Dutch Portraits of Naval Com¬ manders ; Proofs of Lodge’s portraits folio; drawings of Sir J. Frederick; Mennis; &c. &c.—about One Hundred and Thirty VARIOUS Illustrations, comprising Hollar’s Views of Tan- giers, contemporary prints of the Dutch War; Views of Rochester, Chatham, The Medway, Naval Engagements, Titus Oates in the Pillory ; Views in London, &c.—London Gazettes containing accounts of the Dutch Fleet coming up the Medway, —Satirical Broadsides, Proclamations, &c. &c. the greater por¬ tion uniformly inlaid in folio 457 Perreault (Charles) Contes de ma Mere Loye, Histoires ou Contes du Temps passe, frontispiece, and a cut to each Fairy Tale calf, extremely rare, unknown to Brunet Suivant la copie a Paris (avec la Sphere), 1700 * i * This delightful volume of Fairy Tales contains the Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, Blue Beard, Puss in Boots, the Fairies, Cinderella, Riquet with the Tuft, and Hop-o-my-Thumb. This edition, which is eagerly sought by Elzevir collectors, usually brings a high price. 458 Perroniana et Thuana, calf gilt, Col. 1694—Life of Mr. Hill, by Spence, Strawberry Hill, 1758 together 2 vol. 459 Petitot. Les Emaux de Petitot du Musee Imperial du Louvre, 2 vol. most brilliant impressions of the portraits, proofs before letters LARGE PAPER, green morocco extra, with joints and gilt edges by Holloway folio. Paris. 1862-4 460 Petrarcha Rime corretto da Dolce, ivoodcuts, Venegia, appresso Giolito, 1547—Opcomste der Neder-Landtsche beroerten, &c. curious frontispiece, Tat. Ceulen, 1666 together 2 vol. 461 Phillips (Charles) Specimens of Irish Eloquence, portraits, calf, 1819—Grose (F.) The Olio, with autograph of u W. Hone" on the title, 1792 together 2 vol. 462 Philobiblon Society. The Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare, by H. G. Bohn, portrait 1863 /3 9 /o ‘ / • /-h '■ eTkr Only a very limited number printed, and none for sale 40 o 4 463 / /3 464 Pindar (Peter) Dr. Wolcot, Poetical Works, portrait and caricature prints, 2 vol. calf 4 to. 1789, &c. Pine (John) The Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, repre¬ senting the several engagements between the English and Spanish Fleets in the year 1588, plates, with some additional, including the interiors of the House of Lords and Commons by Pine, Ardell's portrait of Pine from a picture by Hogarth, fine and rare; and a Receipt in Pine’s hand writing for Nine Guineas for six sets of his Horace, signed half russia folio. 1753 Li) c- CxJISO 476 477 J 1 e->—r r 478 cA 479 7 480 OCULs-rr^ 481 r 482 \ . Hi 483 d'tilrL 484 485 trAJLcn^u 6" / A / /P ■ V A £ / P- - / / Co [_ v / 42 487 RALEIGH. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, founded on au¬ thentic and original Documents, some of them never before published, with a Vindication of his Character from the attacks of Hume and others, by P. P. Tytler Edinb. 1832 This work is inlaid in folio, most extensively illus¬ trated, and enlarged TO three volumes. The illustra¬ tions consist of NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED PORTRAITS AND PLATES, some exceedingly rare , comprising Sir Walter Raleigh and Louis XIII. by De Leu; Sir Thomas Smith by Simon Pass, first state, and frontispiece to his Virginia; Queen Eliza¬ beth between the pillars; Sir Francis Drake by Crispin Pass; Sir Walter Raleigh by Houbraken, proof; Equestrian Portrait of Robert Earl of Essex; and other rare and fine portraits, fyc. UPWARDS OF SIXTY RARE AUTOGRAPHS, among which are FOUR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, SIGNED, OF SlR WALTER Raleigh ; one of Prince Henry ; Robert Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth, Francis Duke of Alenqon, John Strype, Isabella of Austria; Autographs of James I. Henry VII. Alexander Farnese, Cecil Lord Burghley, &c. &c— About FORTY DRAWINGS, TWENTY-ONE of which are by Harding, from authentic pictures, most of them EXQUISITELY FINISHED IN HIS BEST MANNER, including Raleigh, whole length, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Francis Drake, Albert and Isabella of Austria, George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, Dudley Earl of Leicester, &c. bound in dark brown morocco extra, gilt edges * # * It is impossible within the limits of a sale catalogue adequately to describe this beautifully-illustrated book. Raleigh. A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir W. Raleigh, Knight, as well in his Voyage as in, and since his Return; and of the true motives and inducements which occa- | sioned his Majestie to proceed in doing Justice upon him, por¬ trait by Simon De Pass, another by Kilian, portrait of Count Gondomar on the title-page of the second part of Vox Populi, Goricom, 1624 —An Order to Sir Rd. Wigmore at Flushing, j March, 1606, signed by the King JAMES I. the whole inlaid in folio, and elegantly bound in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1618 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Poems, now first collected, with a biogra¬ phical and critical Introduction by Sir Egerton Brydges, illus¬ trated with a highly interesting and important historical letter of Sir Walter Raleigh, having reference to Queen Elizabeth, with a transcript, a drawing, portrait of Sir Walter, and auto¬ graph letters of Sir Egerton Brydges and Dr. Bliss russia extra, gilt edges 4 to. Lee Priory Press, 1813 It is to be regretted the letter of Sir Walter Raleigh is some¬ what stained and mutilated, but it is of unquestionable authen¬ ticity and interest, and exceedingly rare. Raleigh (Sir Walter) A Collection of Cuttings from Reviews, News¬ papers, Advertisements, and other sources, in which the name or family of Raleigh are mentioned, with MS. notes illus¬ trating the same, pasted down, and arranged in seven several collections v. y. DJ r Da 43 UCL, 491 Ss* 492 <2 o [ crri^A 493 494’ UG oJUbui^ 495 496 . kfg-LO 497 5b 498 499 * * 500 QJLa 501 cJ> — axo 502 Raphael. Seven Cartons, drawn and engraved by S. Gribelin, most brilliant impressions, 1728; also fine Portrait of Raphael by Carl Mserollus inserted, calf extra oblong folio Raphael. A Series of 48 Outline Engravings from the Designs of Raphael, on india paper , SCARCE, oblong folio, no place or date Reid (H.) Sketches in North America, 1861; and others 10 vol. Report on the Copyright of Designs, 1840, 2 copies—Report on the Ipswich Election, 1835 ; and others folio. 5 vol. Republique Franjaise,—Jacques Menou, Ordre du Jour, au quartier- general du Kaire, a curious specimen of what might be called military printing, being printed at Cairo, in Egypt, by command of Napoleon, during his campaigns in that country, with an order in MS. signed “ Jacques Menou" folio. 1792 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works, with an Account of his Life and Writings, by E. Malone, 3 vol. portrait, calf 1809 Richardson (Samuel) Works, with a Sketch of his Life and Writings, by Mangin, 19 vol. portrait, calf 1811 Richardson (Samuel) Correspondence, with a biographical Account of that Author, by A. L. Barbauld, 6 vol. portraits and plates calf gilt 1804 Riders (Cardanus) British Merlin; bedeckt with many delightfull varieties and usefull verities, black morocco, gilt edges 1690 Used as a diary, with some very interesting manuscript memo¬ randa. Riepenhausen (G.) Leben Raphaels von Urbino, 12 outline en¬ gravings 4 to. Roma, 1833 Ritson’s Publications of Old English Ballad Poetry, viz.:— English Songs, 3 vol. original edition 1783 Scottish Songs, 2 vol. 1794 Metrical Romances, 3 vol. 1802 English Anthology, 3 vol. 1793 Robin Hood Ballads, 2 vol. original edition 1795 Ancient Songs 1790 Ancient Songs and Ballads, 2 vol. 1829 Ancient Popular Poetry 1791 Caledonian Muse 1821 Bibliographia Poetica 1802 Northern Garlands 1810 King Arthur 1825 Annals of the Caledonians, 2 vol. 1828 Fairy Tales 1831 Life and Letters by Sir H. Nicolas, 2 vol. 1833 Life, by Hazlewood, portrait inserted 1824 Minot’s Poems 1795 28 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT Ritson. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of Shakespeare, half morocco, gilt top 1783 / // / £> / ’ Jl C v

i^ 'LULn& 47 -CrcjO Ou l * * ■"£> IbLd 544 545 C2 duJUL, /OCL/>~0 546 i c-S^> 547 Seignior (George) Moses and Aaron, a Sermon preached before the King (Charles II) at Saxham, in the County of Suffolk, Ap. 16, 1670 1670 * Inserted in this are: I. An original Letter addressed to some Nobleman, very interesting to Sportsmen, relative to the doings of the King at Newmarket (rising at 5, riding of the Heates and after the Course itself; which exercise hath been so great, that his stomach and appetite is so increased, the company so agreeable, and the aire so sharpe, that his Ma. resolves to continue at this place (Newmarket) till fryday come a fortnight, &c.), it was during that stay that this Sermon was preached before the King. II. An Etching of the Church, by H. Davy. III. Portrait of Wm. Lord Crofts, to whom the Manor of Saxham belonged. IV. A MS. Pedigree of the Family of Crofts. V. On the volume are the Autographs of Dr. Michael Lort and James Bindley, Esq. to whom it has successively belonged. Dr. Lort in his note states, that possibly Warburton took his hint of an Alliance between Church and State from this Sermon. Selden (J.) Table Talk, portrait, calf TV. Pickering , 1847 Settle (Elkanah) The Empress of Morocco, a Tragedy, 4to. inlaid, and interleaved, to folio size 1673 A desirable copy of this play, which is of peculiar interest from its connection with Dryden, and the fact of it being the first pub¬ lished with Engravings, which are all here of the original impression; also, the reprint of “ The Interior of the Duke’s Theatre,” and various other Prints and Portraits of mark, viz. Jacques Due de Iorck, by Bouttats ; Sir W. Davenant, by Faithorne; Betterton, by Vander Gucht; Charles II, by Boel; Nell Gwyn, by G. Valck, SCARCE ; A Satirical Print of the interior of the Theatre Royal, Lincolns Inn Fields, under the management of Rich, UNIQUE, half red morocco, gilt edges Shakspeare. Fifteen different Portraits of Shakespeare, some very fine proofs before letters; Portraits of his Commentators, viz. G. Steevens, Isaac Reed, E. Malone, R. Farmer, F. Douce, and Autographs of the following, L. Theobald, July 13, 1733, A. L. s.; G. Steevens (three Letters) A. L. s.; Isaac Reed, July 8, 1779, and Dec. 1800, A. L. s.; E. Malone, Dec. 29, 1807, A. L. s.; E. Malone, April 24, 1787, A. L. s.; Dr. R. Farmer, March 23, 1787, A. L. s.; F. Douce, Dec. 30, 1789, to J. Pinkerton, A. L. s.; another undated to Mr. Bum, A. L. s.; Mrs. Cowden Clarke to Dawson Turner, 1845 (two) A. L. s.; J. P. Collier to G. Daniel, Esq. June 28, 1831, A. L. s.; an Epistle addresed to Sir Th. Hanmer on his Edition of Shakespear’s Works by W. Collins, folio, 1744; numerous Cuttings and Extracts, forming a charming volume to the Shakesperian Collector, half morocco, gilt top folio, v. y. SHAKESPEARIANA. Chalmers (G.) Apology and Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers, which were Exhibited in Norfolk Street, 2 vol. 1797-9—Ireland (W. H.) An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, &c. 1796 48 o 548 . 549 - / 550 ' / 551 V u 552 - <5~ • 553 / 554 —Ireland (S.) An Investigation of Mr. Malone’s Claim of Scholar or Critic, &c. n. d. —Jackson (Z.) Shakspeare’s Genius Justified, being restorations of Seven hundred Passages in his Plays, 1819—Kemble’s Essay on Macbeth and King Richard the Third, 1817—Mason (J. M.) Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with some Observations on Shakespeare, 1798—Morgann (M.) Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, 1777—Pye (H. J.) Comments on the Com¬ mentators of Shakespear, 1807 — Richardson’s Essays on Shakespeare’s Dramatic Characters of Richard III, King Lear, and Timon of Athens, 1784—Philosophical Analysis of some of Shakespeare’s Remarkable Characters, 1784—Essays on Shakespeare’s Dramatic Character of Sir J. Falstaff, 1789— Seymour (E. H.) Remarks upon the Plays of Shaltspeare, 2 vol. 1805—Skottowe (A.) The Life of Shakspeare, &c. 2 vol. 1824 —Whiter’s Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, 1794— Wheler’s Historical and Descriptive Account of the Birth Place of Shakspeare, Stratford, 1824—Wilson’s Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c. relating to Shakspeare, 1827—A Letter on Shakspeare’s Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen, 1833 —.A Concordance to Shakespeare, suited to all Editions (by Beckett), 1787—The Confessions of W. H. Ireland, containing the Particulars of his Fabrication of the Shakspeare MS. 1805 a most desirable series of Shakespeariana, all UNCUT, and neatly half bound morocco , with gilt tops, together 22 vol. Shakespeariana. Collier (J. P.) Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare’s Plays, from early MS. Corrections in a copy of the 1632 folio in his possession 1853 Shakespeariana. Ingleby (C. M.) A Complete View of the Shaks- pere Controversy concerning the Notes by J. P. Collier, from his folio copy of 1632 1861 Shakespeariana. Hamilton (N. E. S. A.) Inquiry into the Genuine¬ ness of the MS. Corrections in J. P. Collier’s Annotated Folio of 1632, 1860—Collier’s Reply to the same, 1860—Proposed Emendations of the Text of Shakspeare’s Plays, by S. Jervis, 1860—Collier, Coleridge and Shakespeare, a Review, 1860 (4) Shakespeariana. Shakespeare’s Legal Acquirements considered, by John Lord Campbell, 1859—The Shakspeare Fabrications, or the MS. Notes of the Perkins Folio, shown to be of recent origin by C. M. Ingleby, 1859 (2) Shakespeariana. Landor (W. S.) Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare and others, touching Deer Stealing, &c. calf gilt, 1834—The Confessions of W. H. Ireland respecting the Fabrication of the Shakspeare MS. half calf, 1805 2 vol. Shakespeariana. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of W. Shakspeare, in the Possession of Samuel Ireland of Norfolk Street, 1796; and others in the volume, half calf Shakespeariana. Pye (H. J.) Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear, half morocco, uncut 1807 — Zx) oJL) i 4 , cMcHjL* U) 49 3~° WoMsu-^ 'Ll) I lx J dL)crr-c> ZJ-) (xdjcn. otcr> cStilrL C ^hL crtLLn^j ■tdJU LO O^HfcrL cJK £yi3 d^jinJb Q C 2^ cj/P hJLTLJXy-r-^ :-MLht «. rUiJl^aLyr-r^ cM&vUuo 555 Shakespeariana. Morgann (M.) Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Fal staff, A a// - morocco, uncut 1820 556 Shakespeariana. Proceedings of the Sheffield Shakespeare Club from 1819 to 1829, plate, Sheffield , 1829—Wheler’s History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, 8 plates, Stratford , 1806 2 woZ, 557 Shee (Sir Martin Archer) Alasco: a Tragedy, presentation copy, with portrait and autograph note inserted, calf gilt 1824 558 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Queen Mab W. Clark, 1821 559 Shirley (James) Dramatic Works, and Poems with Notes by Gifford and the Rev. A. Dyce, 6 vol. two portraits, one proof before letters large PAPER, calf extra 1833 560 Sismondi (J. C. L. de) Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated by Roscoe, 4 vol. tree-marbled calf gilt 1823 561 Smiles (S.) Life of George Stephenson, portrait 1857 562 Smith (J. E.) Tour to Hafod, in Cardiganshire, the Seat of Thomas Johnes, Esq. plates in colours half russia, gilt edges royal folio. 1810 563 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, the Old Palace, St. Stephen’s Chapel, &c. numerous plates, including the sixty-two additional, the stone plate, 8fc. an original copy, early impressions half morocco, uncut royal 4 to. 1807 564 Smith (William) Catalogue of the Works of Cornelius Yisscher half calf gilt royal 8 vo. privately printed, 1864 565 Smollett (Tobias) Works, with Memoirs of his Life by Moore, 8 vol. portrait, fine copy calf extra by J. Clarice 1797 566 Somerville (William) The Chace, a Poem, woodcuts, with a long letter to Allan Ramsay, upon his publishing his second volume of poems, signed “ W.S.” RARE, portrait by Worthington, proof before letters, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 4 to. 1802 567 Songs of Shakespeare, illustrated by the Etching Club, seven plates, 1843 568 SOTHEBY (Samuel Leigh) PRINCIPIA Typographica, the Block Books, &c. issued in Holland, Flanders and Germany during the 15th Century, 3 vol. facsimiles of early printing, wood¬ cutting, water marks, printers' devices, fyc. fyc. half morocco, uncut folio. 1858 569 SOTHEBY (Samuel Leigh) Observations upon the Hand-writing of Philip Melanchthon and Martin Luther, illustrated with fac¬ similes, half morocco, uncut folio. 1839 570 Southey (Robert) History of Brazil, with portraits of Southey etched by Mrs. Dawson Turner, and MS. note, signed, from Southey, dated Keswick, May 17, 1822, 3 vol. calf extra 4to. 1810 571 Southey (R.) Common Place Book, edited by Warter, 2 vol. 1850 H 1 ^ o ■ / cG V a T2 /S 4 - ft Gd /O ’ / iy / / £ vT 4 - 42 J" y / c - d r - 3 Vo, 50 - f) IS ■ V i r j2 l/| / <1 ^ __ /0 ' A> . - XL ’ / /s ' u 7 Co 572 Spangenberg (A. G.) Life of Nicolas Lewis Count Zinzencforf, portraits, calf gilt 1838 573 SPECTATOR. A compleat Set of the Spectators, by Richard Steele, Esq. the original Numbers as published daily, No. 1 to 555 in 2 vol. folio, calf extra, RARE (not subject to collation ) 1711-1713 574 Spectator, with Biographical Notices of the Contributors, portraits, 1841 — Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois par M. Levizac, etc. 3 vol. calf gilt, 1803 together 4 vol. 575 Speeches in Parliament, 1641-43, by Grimston; Mr. Speaker’s Speeches on several subjects ; Waller; Denzell Hollis ; Lord Lowden; Sir B. Rudyard; His Majesties two Speeches to the Gentlemen of Nottingham and Lincoln, 1642; and others in the volume, half calf 4 to. 576 Spence (Joseph) Polymetis, an Attempt to Illustrate the Roman Poets, and the Remains of Antient Artists, mutually by one another, portrait by Vertue, first edition, plates by Boitard, and the vignette caricature of Provost Cooke, of Eton, withdrawn in the second edition, russia, gilt edges 1747 577 Spence (J.) Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books AND Men, collected from the conversation of Mr. Pope and other eminent Persons of his Time, with Notes and a Life of the Auther by S. W. Singer, LARGEST PAPER, russia, gilt edges, folio 1820 Illustrated with nearly Sixty Portraits and Plates, among which will be found Mezzotint Portraits in the finest state of Ben Jonson, Wycherley, Swift, Marlborough, Garth, Addison, Dryden, Kneller, Peterborough, De Foe, Steeie, Prior, Milton, &c. &c.; Drawings of the Villa and Grotto of Pope at Twickenham, Monument to his Mother, The Seat of the Blounts; Autographs :—A. Pope, A. L. s.; an Autograph Fragment of his Poem “ Windsor Forest;” and A. L. s. of Addison; Warton; Earl of Dorset; Steele; Earl of Peter¬ borough; Warburton; Tonson ; Spence; &c. &c. &c. *** A Literary Bijou of the greatest interest, and would form a dis¬ tinguished feature in any collection 578 Spenser (Edward) Poetical Works, with a Preface by Aikin, 6 vol. plates, from the designs of Stothai'd, LARGE PAPER, calf 1802 579 Stademann (F.) Panorama von Athen, a series of views of Athens, with a key to each plate atlas folio. Munchen, 1841 580 Steele (Sir Richard) The Theatre, No. 1 to 28—The Anti-Theatre, No. 2 to 15; from the Collections of James Bindley and E. Malone, with MS. Notes on the Fly-leaf in their hand-writing, “ If Mr. Bindley should survive me, I desire this Book may be presented to him, E.M .” half morocco folio. 1720 581 STERNE (Laurence) WORKS, with Life of the Author, portraits and plates, some additional, including a letter of Sterne, addressed to M. Becket, Bookseller in the Strand, signed L. STERNE, VERY RARE, 10 vol. calf gilt 1793 L>(J G <56 op —- CTU3 OJJXk nxjcfl^ ; SZM* OlSK, ruju%. 51 C?^> crOAercu a-^-j f <-A ljlA^Luo (XA1> UJcJLf cn~ 4= 1 pPTJbPs cPMtl^> a -^-i 587 cSro Ui C*-Jl J &T~oL> CxJUljLSrT^ 588 589 590 591 592 U) CX_ lU.oi.cL> i i wJoJ^iiaAD CXjJITi^xA^ 593 594 595 Sterne. A funeral discourse on the death of Mr. Yorick, preached before a very mixed society of Jemmies, Jessamies, Methodists and Christians at a nocturnal meeting in Petticoat Lane, by Christoph er Flagellan 1761 Stevens (G. A.) Lecture on Heads, woodcuts by Nesbit, and 14 additional portraits inserted, LARGE PAPER, calf extra 1799 Strafford (Earl of) Letters and Dispatches, with an Essay towards his Life, by Sir Geo. Radcliffe, collected from the Originals by W. Ivnowler, 2 vol .portrait by Vertue, calf folio. 1739 Strafford (Thomas Earl of) Trial upon an Impeachment of High Treason, collected without observation by John Rush worth, portrait folio. 1680 Strafford (Thomas Earl of) Depositions and Articles against Thomas Earle of Strafford, 1640—Sir T. Wentworth’s Two Speeches, 1641—Lord Digbie’s Speech on the Bill of Attainder of the Earle of Strafford, 1641—An Elegie upon the Death of Thomas Earle of Strafford, by Thomas Herbert, 1641—Relation of the Manner of the Execution of Thomas Earle of Strafford, 1641, portraits of Lord Strafford and Lord Northampton ; with several other Tracts on the same subject, in 3 vol. small 4 to. v. y. Strafford. Mr. Pymme’s Speech in Answer to Thomas Lord Strafford’s Defence at the Barre, April 13, 1641—Lord Digby’s Speech on the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford, April 21, 1641—The Earle of Strafford’s Speech on the Scaffold before he was Beheaded, May 12, 1641, half calf 4 to. Summers. A Pleasant History of the Life and Death of Will Summers, portrait and plates Caulfield, 1794 Swift (Dr. Jonathan) Works, with Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott, 19 vol. portrait LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Eclinb. 1814 Symmons (Charles) Life of Milton, large paper, 1810—Life and Death of Counts Struensee and Brandt, portraits, 1774 together 2 vol. Tagart (E.) Locke’s Writings and Philosophy historically con¬ sidered 1855 Tangier. A Description of Tangier, the Country and People adjoining, with an Account of Gayland, the Usurper of Fez, and a Short Narrative of the Proceedings of the English in those parts, portrait 4 to. 1664 Taylor (John, author of Monsieur Tonson ) A Collection of Forty- two Autograph Letters on Literary Subjects, from John Taylor, addressed to Thomas Hill, Esq. with Biographical Memoirs of John Taylor and Thomas Hill, Esqrs. portraits of Taylor and Hill, private plates, appears to have been prepared and arranged for publication, half morocco 4 to. 1799-1811 Taylor (John) Poems on various Subjects, 2 vol. calf extra 1827 Taylor (J.) History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, 1827—Process of Historical Proof examined and explained, 1828 7 / . I / O - V Q> V / /Q. *- ty / w 7 /o * . / / V /* Co £> 1 * /P if *■" 7 k 1 52 /Y / Co 596 Ho - 597 - Co 598 3 599 // 600 / 601 4 - £ / 1/3 <3 /8 i o ! Co 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 Testament (The Newe) by Wm. Tyndale, with Prologues, woodcuts black letter, A VERY rare EDITION, wants title, last leaf of New Testament, and some leaves at the end, date unknown, dark morocco, gilt edges Testament. The Newe Testamente, from the Greek into English, by W. Tyndale, with a Memoir by George Offor, portrait red morocco extra, gilt edges 1836 Testament. Tig Nief Testament da mess senger Jesu Christ, Stampan a Cuera, 1820—Le Nouveau Testament trad, par J. Le Clerc, 2 vol. in 1, plates, 4 to. Amst. 1703 Thompson (S.) Evidences of Revealed Religion on a new and original Plan, russia, 1842—[Hickson (W. E.)] Time and Faith, 2 vol. half calf gilt, 1857 together 3 vol. Thomson (James) Seasons, illustrated with engravings by Bartolozzi and Tompkins from the original pictures painted by Hamilton calf gilt folio. 1807 Thomson (R.) and W. Tite, Two Lectures on Illuminated Manu¬ scripts from the 8th to the 18th Century, not published, 1857— Catalogues of the Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of Dawson Turner and R. Cole, Esq.—The MSS. and Books of the Poet Gray (4) Thoresby (Ralph) Diary and Letters now first published, by J. Hunter, 4 vol. tree-marbled calf extra 1830 Tracts. Life and Memoirs of Miss Robertson of Blackheath, port. 1802—Memoirs of George Barrington, n. d. —Narrative of the Remarkable Adventures and Curious Intrigues of Miss Fanny Davies, 1789—Life and Death of William Davies, who was Executed Dec. 11, 1776 Tracts. Musical Travels in England, by Joel Collier, 1775— Hoyle’s Dictionary of Music, 1770 ; and others in the volume Tracts. A Collection of Unitarian, Catholic and other Theological Tracts, 5 vol. half calf v. y. Tracts. A Collection of Political and Historical Tracts, by Mill, McCulloch, Ricardo, Cobbett, and others 5 vol. Tracts and Pamphlets. Commercial, Political, Historical, Con¬ troversial, &c. &c. a very extensive collection, uniformly half bound in 12 vol. Tracts for the Times, by Members of the University of Oxford, 6 vol. half calf 1834, &c. Tracts. A Collection on National Wealth, Paper Currency, Corn Laws, Poor Laws, &c. &c. 4 vol. half calf, lettered “ Political Economy” 1797-1821 Tradescant. Musceum Tradescantianum; or, a Collection of Rarities preserved at South Lambeth, neer London, by John Tradescant, portraits by Hollar RARE, old calf London, 1656 Tradescant. Museum Tradescantianum ; or, a Collection of Rarities preserved at South Lambeth, neer London, by John Tradescant, portraits by Hollar, old olive morocco, gilt edges 1660 fXJ cVLj cruof-, 1 IV eAfeXL Vk J oJl IcyxcA. - C StZUo sCJLen VV oJJJcruJl M 53 Zfi oJU cruJ^ 9°c (X.ajs ?AJ aJbj crufl^-. CuK, ruLU\z (XsJfcL^ 3z3 4434 i C\j ^bro c=2ro 34 CTl'xm^rj^ cfWJkL L( J oJL, J £T2_oL. aiix/’Ja*b s crUjr J______ 612 Transactions of the Association for the Promotion of Social Science for 1863-4-5 3 vol. 613 Trials. A Complete Collection of State Trials, &c. vol. I to III, 1730—Declaration of the Horrid Conspiracy against the late King, his present Majesty, and the Government (by Dr. Sprat), 1685 folio. 4 vol. 614 Trials. Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence from the earliest records, 6 vol. portraits and plates, scarce 1825 615 Trials. Historical Account of all the Tryals and Attainders of High Treason from Charles I to the Present Time, 2 vol. 1716; and others 7 vol. 616 Trial of the Twenty-nine Regicides, two copies , 1660—Trial of Mr. Christopher Love, scarce , 1660—Memoirs of James Wad- wort, a Jesuit, that recanted, uncut , 1679—Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King’s Judges, 1660 617 Trials. A Collection of Single Trials, and other legal Tracts, a bundle 618 Trials of Hunt, Thomas Muir, portrait, Despard, Keppel, Richard Carlisle, his Wife, and others, for selling his Publications; Thomas Thurtell—Life and Memoirs of Miss Ann Catley, por¬ trait ; and various others 6 vol. v. y. 619 Trial of Richard Patch for the Murder of Mr. Is. Bligh, with portraits and MS. note inserted 1806 620 Trial of John Peltier for a Libel against Napoleon, calf gilt 1803 621 Trial of Renwick Williams (commonly called the Monster) portrait 4 to. 1790 622 Tupper (Martin F.) Proverbial Philosophy, portrait calf extra 1853 623 Turner (Colonel James) Speech and Deportment at his Execution in Leadenhall Street, Jan. 21st, 1663, condemned for breaking up the house and robbing of Mr. Francis Tryon, merchant, living in Lime Street, frontispiece 4 to. 1663 624 Vanbrugh (Sir John) Plays, 2 vol. old calf 1730 625 Vane (Sir Henry) Life and Death of, portrait inserted, 1662—The Tryal of Sir H. Vane, Kt. at the King’s Bench, 1662—The Substance of what Sir H. Vane intended to have spoken upon the Scaffold on Tower Hill, 1662, in 1 vol. calf extra kto 626 Vasari, Life of Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole, translated by Bezzi, plates Arundel Society, 1850 627 Vernon Gallery of British Art. Engravings from the Works of British Artists presented to the Nation by the late R. Vernon, Esq. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE LETTERS IN THE FINEST POSSIBLE STATE, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, superbly bound in green morocco extra, gilt edges and borders, by HOLLOWAY atlas folio, n. d. 628 Views in Paris, Florence, Lucca, &c. from the designs of Durand, fyc. 55 plates folio. Paris, n. d. 3 CL £ 4 31 Co 34. 3 3 3 - 3 - i 4 3 / 4 l < j / cj S2\/c\ 54 <=3 629 // 630 A ■ 631 - o 3 632 633 - / 634 A 635 - 9 • 636 - / 637 p/ /6 638 J2. \/G /*>\ J2 u. c> / 4 Virgil, iEneis, translated by Charles Symmons, 2 vol. in 1 calf gilt ChiswicJc, 1820 Voltaire, La Henriade, 2 vol. plates after Eisen's designs, French calf, gilt edges Paris, 1770 Waldron (F. G.) Shakspearean Miscellany, with portraits of ancient and modern actors, half russia 4 to. 1802 Walker (J.) Rhyming Dictionary, 2 vol. 1824; etc. 4 vol. Walker (Th.) The Original, 1838—Shakspeare (W.) Dramatic Works, portrait, 1821 together 2 vol. Waller (Edmund) Works in Verse and Prose, published by Mr. Fenton, portrait 4to. 1729 Walpole (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some Account of the principal Artists, with a Catalogue of Engravers from the MSS. of George Vertue, 5 vol. portraits, original calf 4 to. Strawberry Hill, 1762 Walpole (Horace) The Works of Jonathan Richardson, forming a Supplement to Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painters and Engravers, portraits, half morocco, gilt top 4to. 1792 Walpole (Horace) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard the Third, plates 4 to. 1768 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Au¬ thors of England, Scotland, and Ireland, continued to the present time by T. Park, portraits, including a duplicate set of proofs on indiapaper before letters, HOLOGRAPH LETTER, “ Straw¬ berry Hill,” July 27, 1785, signed “ Hor. Walpole;” Another, “Arlington St.” to Dr. Ducarel, Jany. 12, 1758, signed “ Hor. Walpole;” with a number of the plates in various early states, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, gilt edges by Holloway 4to. 1806 639 Walpole (Horace) The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, A VERY NEATLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT COPY, with a few corrections apparently in the hand-writing of HORACE WALPOLE calf extra, gilt edges 4to. n. d. 640 Walpole (Horace) The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, with book¬ plate of H. Walpole, and an autograph note dated Strawberry Hill, 1789, signed “ H. Walpole," half calf gilt Dodsley, 1781 641 Walpole (Horace) Fugitive Pieces in Verse and Prose, 200 copies printed at the private press of Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill 1758 642 Walpole (Horace) Letters, 1735 to 1797, 6 vol. portraits and plates calf extra, gilt edges 1840 * m * In each volume are inserted specimens from the Strawberry Hill Press, one of which has some corrections in the hand-writing of Horace Walpole. 643 Walpole (Horace) Letters to Sir Horace Mann, 4 vol. portraits calf extra, gilt edges 1843 *#* Inserted in each volume are some of the single leaves printed at the Strawberry Hill Press. cjTM, tXj ej teJL&zz <25734 nrrLe^ a -A^tLv a/>ns> A IL ^ d ( bJJvrx^fc. I -JfM S3 cr Ucr UO <=K^f T 55 cfjf cJ&IjQ-u J ^7 .0 OJlyv C j)ieyv oyy^Js dtcM* OcoV^fcc<^_, ~H ULu> ■cn-u ckj. , cruu~ <3fM* txj oJ^^cn^a^, 644 Walpole (Horace) Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory, 1769 to 1797, portraits, calf extra, gilt edges 1848 *#* These volumes are also illustrated by the insertion of some of the smaller publications of the Strawberry Hill Press, viz.—Do- rinda, a Town Eclogue, T. Kir gate, 1775. “ The Press at Straw¬ berry Hill to Miss Mary and Miss Agnes Berry.” 645 Walpole. A Set of the Illustrations to the Letters and Cor¬ respondence of Horace Walpole and his Friends, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER BEFORE LETTERS ; two Views of Strawberry Hill; Holograph Letter signed “Hor. Walpole,” Berkeley Square, Dec. 26, 1791; and one from Horace Mann, Cotismore, near Stam¬ ford, March 3, 1788, half calf extra, gilt edges folio 646 Ward (Edward) Miscellanies in Prose and Poetry—London Spy- History of Clubs—State Poems, &c. &c. 6 vol VERY SCARCE 1703, &c. 647 Ward (E.) Secret History of the Calves Head Club ; or the Re¬ publican Unmasked, plates, calf extra 1709 648 Warton (Tho.) History of English Poetry, from the close of the 11th to the 18th century, 3 vol. which contain also the printed fragment of Vol. 4—Indexes to the previous volumes and Ritson’s (malevolent) Observations on the Work calf, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 4 to. 1774 649 Washington.—American State Papers, 2 vol. with Portrait, offi¬ cial Documents addressed to Washington, and a long Autograph Letter, dated Head-quarters, Picks-Kills, March 21, 1777, signed “ G. Washington,” RARE, 2 vol. calf extra, uncut 1795 650 Washington.—A Sermon occasioned by the death of Lieutenant- General George Washington, late President of the United States of America, by Henry Holcombe, minister in Savannah 4 to. uncut, n. d. 651 Watts (W.) Collection of Views of the Seats of Nobility and Gentry of England and Scotland half morocco, gilt edges 4 to. 1781 652 Weber (Henry) The Court of Oberon, or the three Wishes, coloured frontispiece large paper, half morocco, gilt edges, privately printed 4 to. 1831 653 WEBSTER ( J.) Works, now first collected, with some Account of the Author, and Notes by Dyce, 4 vol. crimson morocco extra W. Pickering, 1830 654 Weld.—Proceedings in the Arches Court, in a Cause between Mrs. Catherine Weld and Edward Weld, her husband, “ on a Citation for Insufficiency,” 1732—Narrative of the Proceedings between the Rev. John Swinton and Mr. George Baker, both of Wadham College, Oxford, 1839 (2) 655 Wellesley (Marquis of) Prihitke et Reliqile privately PRINTED, rare Lond. 1840 656 Wellington (Duke of) Selections from his Dispatches and General Orders, by Col. Gurwood, half calf 1841 c* o / V 3 / 56 -! / /I Cd £?~) ~ I / To 16 G>\- 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 Westminster Review, vol. 1 to 6, with autograph note by Francis Place; Free-thinking Christians’ Magazine, vol. 1 to 4, 1811-14 together 10 vol. White.—Life of Joseph Blanco White, Edited by J. H. Thom, 3 vol. half calf gilt 1845 crCHcrLO Whitworth (Ch. Lord) An Account of Russia as it was in 1710 gilt calf Strawberry Hill, 1758 Wilkes (John) The North Briton, portraits, 4 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, uncut 1772 Wilkes.—Almanack des Muses, Paris, 1771, John Wilkes copy, with his Book Plate, and Poems in his handwriting on the fly- eaves Wilkes.—A Collection of 19 Curious Tracts relating to the famous John Wilkes and his Obscene Publications, by J. Kid- gell and others, very scarce and curious, bound in 2 vol. half morocco 4 to. 1763, &c. <31 cuiaJ dJ- r Wilkes.—The Life of John Wilkes, 1773—Observations upon the Apprehension and Confinement of Mr. Wilkes, 1773—Reflec¬ tions on the Case of Mr. Wilkes, 1768—Sketch of the Life of Mr. Wilkes, from the Monthly Review, and other matters relating to him, Illustrated with Portraits, Copy of his Will, and an Autograph Note in his handwriting, in one vol. half morocco, gilt top v. y. Wilkes.—Britannia’s intercession for the Deliverance of John Wilkes from Persecution and Banishment, n. d .—Cuttings from the Newspapers of the Day, numerous portraits and prints relating to him and his transactions in the City of London, including five Letters in his autograph, signed; Autograph Letter, signed Charles Churchill, to Mr. Kearsley, Bookseller, with Portrait, proof on india paper, boolc plates, Coats of Arms; No. 45, revived in Wilkes handwriting: “ It gives me pleasure to revive The famous number, Forty-five Ye Minions of State who would Bind Wilkes in fetters, In the following words are Just Forty-five Letters. Speeches and contemporary copy of the famous No. 45 of the North Briton The whole mounted and bound in one volume half morocco, gilt tops folio, v. y. *** A Collection of the greatest Historical interest to the London Collector, illustrating the Life and Actions of this great Political Agitator; it should find a place in one of our of Public Libraries. 665 Wilkie (Sir David) Spanish and Oriental Sketches, drawn on Stone by J. Nash, coloured and mounted on cardboard, in a case folio. 1828 4 ° 57 dt&L Cufi 1XA/t> M 666 667 668 669 ZJO &j4 on-ob c XJU 31 - & f 670 671 r jU oJLicruJL, i Cri ell rxjUL^sr -ta 672 673 9 C*-Oj> cry^js Cyj x-44 OJ oe/> 7 _j -ervo c3&> o^JLcruj) &-+- OL T 674 675 676 677 678 679 Wilkinson (Tate) The Wandering Patentee, 4 vol. York, 1795— Memoirs of his own Life, 4 vol. ib. 1790; Both Works illus¬ trated by the insertion of Portraits, Cuttings, Play Bills, and Autograph Letters of Tate Wilkinson and other Eminent Per¬ formers of the Day, together 8 vol. calf gilt, uniform Wilkinson (Tate) The Wandering Patentee, or a History of York¬ shire Theatres, portrait, 4 vol. calf neat York, 1795 Wilkinson (Tate) Memoirs of my own Life, 3 vol. Dublin, 1791 — Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, portrait, 4 vol. 1801 7 vol. Williams (J.) Poems by Anthony Pasquin, 2 vol. n. d. —The Pin- Basket, 1797—The Eccentricities of John Edwin, 2 vol. 1791 -—The Children of Thespis, 1792 together 6 vol. Williams (W. M.) Annals of the Worshipful Company of Founders of the City of London, plates, privately printed n. d. Williamson (G.) Memorials of the Early Life and Development of James Watt, illustrated by Portraits of Watt and Boulton, and Medallions, proofs on india paper; also Autograph Letters of Sir Ch. Grey, Balmoral, signed; James Watt, Tenby, South Wales, signed; M. Boulton, Birmingham, signed ; another by him, Soho, signed ; and other illustrations bearing on the Life of this Eminent Engineer calf extra 4 to. Printed for the Watt Club, 1856 Wilson (James) Capital Currency and Banking 1847 Wilson (T.) A Catalogue Raisonne of the select Collection of Engravings of an Amateur, engravings, some of which are by G. Cruikshank; also an autograph note by him, signed, and a portrait of Hollar, engraved by himself calf extra, gilt edges, very scarce Ato. Privately printed, 1828 Wodhul (M.) Poems, portrait, 1804; and others 10 vol. Woolnoth (W.) Graphic Illustrations of the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Canterbury, plates, calf extra, gilt edges Ato. 1816 Worcester (Marquis of) Century of Inventions, with explanatory Notes by Partington, calf extra 1825 Wordsworth (Christopher) Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive and His¬ torical, plates, proofs on india paper, and woodcut illustrations LARGE PAPER, green morocco extra, gilt edges Ato. 1840 Wotton (Sir Henry) Short View of the Life and Death of George Villers Duke of Buckingham, calf extra Ato. 1642 Wren (Sir Christopher) A COLLECTION OF SEVENTY-TWO ILLUS¬ TRATIONS of the Works of this celebrated Architect, among which will be found several Views of St. Pauls, both interior and exterior, Model of the first design; a Catalogue of the Churches and other Public Buildings erected by him during fifty years, 1668 to 1718; portrait of Sir C. Wren, a drawing by Harding, from the original in the collection of the Royal Society; portrait by T. Holloway , 1798; two Holograph Letters by him; Receipt signed C. Wren; a Prospect of the City of London, large folding view, I W3 61 / J ' /e\ ' 4 i 42 ■ 3 ' £ 3 3 Z2 • . 3 ■ 1 L j i/4 y cj \/3 58 scarce; Report on the designs for the Monument, &c. &c. &c. the whole neatly mounted and hound in one vol. half olive morocco folio, v. y. %* A most important Collection of Graphic Illustrations of the Life and Works of this great Architect, and invaluable to the London Collector. 680 W. S. Rebels no Saints, or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Prayers, &c. of Persons lately executed , frontispiece 1661 681 W. S. A compleat Collection of the Lives, Speeches, Private Passages, Letters, &c. of Persons lately executed, Harison, Carew, Cook, Scot, Hugh Peters, &c .frontispiece of portraits 1661 682 Wyatt (Digby) The Industrial Arts of the 19th Century, plates in colours and tinted , 2 vol. half morocco, gilt edges folio. 1851 683 Wycherley (William) Miscellany Poems, portrait by Smith, MS. note on the fly-leaf, “ For ye fayrest Lady in Kent Mrs. Jane Twisden, from her most humble servant W. Wycherley,” in the dramatist's own handwriting, VERY RARE LARGE paper, original gilt calf gilt edges folio. 1704 684 Young (Edward) Night Thoughts, yiZaies from the designs of Blake (with all faults) folio. 1797 685 [Young (John)] Catalogue of Autograph Letters, Historical and Literary Documents and engraved Portraits, forming part of a Collection of a Member of the Law Society LARGE PAPER, half morocco 4 to. 1862 686 Zoological Society’s Proceedings, and Index to 1860, plates, 2 vol. and 11 parts, ( wanting part I, 1867) 1863-68 687 Zoological Society of London, Transactions, vol. 5 and 6, 9 parts, not consecutive 4 to. 1863-8 C5^3 o&leru J ( <^ro Cri^Jcx fh) oJD oo^oH^ — THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT COUNTY HISTORIES ARE ADDED BY PERMISSION. LOT 688 DALLAWAY (Rev. James) HISTORY OF THE WESTERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX, including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester, continued and com¬ pleted by E. Cartwright, 80 portraits and plates, with numerous vignettes SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY 100 FINE ORIGINAL Drawings by J. and J. C. Buckler, &c., fourteen of THEM BEING BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED IN COLOURS ; UPWARDS OF ONE THOUSAND COATS OF ARMS EXQUISITELY EMBLAZONED BY THOS. Dowse, the major part of them being additional; the seals coloured, and upwards of 250 additional portraits and plates, some finely coloured in imitation of drawings ; some choice proofs on india paper and very fine impressions, and the extra title to vol. 2 beautifully facsimiled by Thos. Dowse, 2 vol. in 4, imp. 4to. handsomely bound in morocco extra, gilt edges, and tooled with the arms of the principal families of the county 1815-30-32 *** A SPLENDID AND MATCHLESS COPY OF A VERY SCARCE BOOK; 500 copies of the first volume, and of vol. 2 part 1 were printed, but an unfortunate fire taking place in the printer’s warehouse, destroyed upwards of 300 copies of vol. 1 and 440 of vol. 2 part 1. The latter part has since been reprinted, but the impression being limited to 200 copies, w-ill always render it a rare book. From the Collection of JOHN Morice, Esq., whose Library was sold at this house in 1844. 689 ORMEROD (GEORGE) HISTORY OF THE COUNTY PALATINE AND CITY OF CHESTER, compiled from Original Evidences in Public Offices, the Harleian and Cot¬ tonian MSS., Parochial Registers, Private Muniments, unpub¬ lished MS. Collections of successive Cheshire Antiquaries, &c. &c. portrait and plates, vignettes and seals, 3 vol. folio 1719 LARGE PAPER, PROOF IMPRESSIONS, VERY SCARCE, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY SIXTY ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS AND PLATES, AND UPWARDS OF FIVE HUNDRED COATS OF ARMS of the Nobility and Gentry of the County, richly EMBLAZONED, NEARLY ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY OF WHICH ARE ADDITIONAL, AND ONE LARGE SHIELD OF ARMS OF THE family of Booth, consisting of 88 Coats, emblazoned on VELLUM, INSERTED superb copy in light olive morocco extra, gold borders, gilt edges 60 690 Hutchins (John) The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. Second Edition, corrected, augmented and improved by Richard Gough and John Bowyer Nichols, 4 vol. folio ( wanting vol. 2) LARGE PAPER, portraits, maps and plates, uncut 1796-1815 Vol. 1 excessively rare, the greater portion having been destroyed by tire in the printer’s warehouse in 1808. A/3 2o\/o 691 Hutchins (John) History of Dorset, vol. 4 LARGE PAPER, portraits, maps and plates, uncut 1815 692 Whitaker (Thomas Dunham) Thoresby’s Ducatus Leo- DIENSIS, OR THE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE TOWN AND PARISH OF Leedes, and Loidis and Elmete, in the County of York, with sixty fine portraits, plates, vignettes, fyc. 2 vol. folio Leeds, 1816 ILLUSTRATED WITH SIX EXTRA PLATES, FOUR HUNDRED COATS of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of the County, SPLENDIDLY EMBLAZONED BY THOMAS DOWSE, UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED OF WHICH ARE ADDITIONAL, fine tall copy, hound in French calf extra, marbled edges, by Clarice (jLnJffvuPl* 'JjcxcTLoto fiff / 693 Whitaker (Thomas D.) History of Richmondshire in the County of York, together with those parts of the Everwic- shire of Domesday, which form the Wapentakes of Lonsdale Ewecross and Amunderness in the Counties of York, Lancaster and Westmoreland, forty-five fine plates, those after Turner proofs on india paper, several extra plates inserted, 2 vol. folio 1823 a fine tall copy, bound in French calf extra, marbled edges, by Clarice, uniform with the preceding *** Proofs of the plates after Turner are rarely met with except in Large Paper copies, these were carefully selected for presentation. £ p/. p. S to /7 END OF SALE. J. Davy & Sons, Printers, 137, Long Acre, London. CATALOGUE OF THE INTERESTING AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, ltt;muscripts # || lateral Jteuments, OF THE LATE JOHN DILLON, ESQ. INCLUDING (Bnglislj & Jforeign §lapl |)emiraip, StoMIitg $ Sentry REFORMERS, MARTYRS & DIGNITARIES OF THE CHURCH, MILITARY AND NAVAL COMMANDERS, AND REMARKABLE PERSONS IN PUBLIC LIFE, HISTORIANS, PHILOSOPHERS, AUTHORS, POETS, DRAMATISTS, ACTORS, AND MEN OP EMINENCE IN SCIENCE AND ART, AMONG WHICH MAY BE MENTIONED A REMARKABLE COLLECTION RELATING TO THE POET BURNS, ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH POEMS OF LORD BYRON, Cbm RcimuTuibU JpalogrHjjIj letters of (Dibber Cramfoetl, Queen Elizabeth’s Correspondence with Dr. Dale on the Anjou Marriage, fifrclgn’s |Iife of $$lrs. dobolpljht, in % Original ^lannscripl, Johnson’s original manuscript of the life of pope, and a highly INTERESTING COLLECTION RELATING TO HIM, ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS & MUSIC OF TOM MOORE, AND IMPORTANT COLLECTIONS RELATING TO LORD NELSON, THOMAS WENTWORTH, EARL OF STRAFFORD, &c. &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, "auctioneers of TJtcrarp ^roperig anti 2®or6s illustratibe of tfjc Jane arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W. C. On THURSDAY, the 10th day of JUNE, 1869, and Four following Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE YIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR, AND CATALOGUES HAD. J. DAVY AND SONS, PRINTERS, 137 , LONG ACRE. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide such dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of payment of the Purchase-money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. 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