1/2/97 to U/29/97 CATA.LOQXJE mi- Co CC\ AN EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION V OF feljinga aitfr (Knjjrafrmgs, AFTER THE WORKS OF THE PROPERTY OF MR. W. JAMES DAY, OF BOURNEMOUTH: WHICH Mill be cSolb bp faction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, HANSON & WOODS, AT TEERER GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1897, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days "preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’a Square, S. W. / L CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1897, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. AFTER J. L. E. MEISSONIER. Arranged under the names of the various Etchers and Engravers. F. H. ALASONIERE. 1 Une Vedette— -first state—remarque proof, signed 2 Rembrandt Painting in his Studio— proof, on Japanese paper 3 Tote d’Officier Superieur— ditto E. ABOT. 4 Gentilhomme Louis XIII.— proof on Japanese paper ALFRED BOILOT. 5 Le Liseur— remarque proof on vellum, signed, 6 Hallebardicr— ditto 7 Bibliophile— ditto 4 AUGUSTE BLANCHARD. 8 Le Connoisseur— remarque proof, signed by the painter 9 Les Joueurs d’Ecliecs— printed on India paper 10 Les Bons Amis —ditto FELIX BRACQUEMOND. 11 La Paetie Pekdue —remarque proof on vellum 12 La Rixe — artist's proof on vellum, signed by the painter A. BOULARD. 13 Piquet — remarque proof on vellum, signed by the painter 14 Le Voyageur— ditto, ditto 15 Le Dragon— ditto, ditto 16 Solferino— first state, vellum, artist’s proof 17 L ’Attente— proof on Japanese paper CHARLES CAREY. 18 L’Audience— first state, on India paper CHARLES COURTRY. 19 “ 1814 ”— remarque proof on vellum, signed by the etcher 20 L’Aquafortiste —proof on Japanese paper 21 Un Peintre —ditto 22 Napoleon, 1814 (vignette)— remarque proof on vellum, signed by etcher 23 Etude de Cuirassier —proof on Japanese paper 24 La Reconnaissance— remarque proof on vellum, signed by the etcher 25 Sous le Balcon —proof on Japanese paper 26 Le Cavalier — artist’s proof on vellum, signed by the etcher 0 CHARLES COURTRY. 27 Un Fumeur —proof on Japanese paper 28 Portrait of Meissonier— artist's proof on vellum 29 La Chaine —proof on Japanese paper 30 Le Marechal Ferrant —ditto 31 Solimon —ditto 32 Charles I. —ditto 33 Un SoupQon —ditto H. COPPIER. 34 Napoleon I. and his Staff —remarque proof, signed 35 La Rixe— ditto, ditto CHAMPOLLION. 36 At Breakfast —remarque proof, signed 37 La Confidence —Japanese proof 38 Le Rieur— ditto DARBICHE. 39 Brothers Van de Yelde —-first state, on vellum DUPONT. 40 A Warrior— first state J. DE MARE. 41 Le Convoi— first state 42 La Barricade— ditto 6 DES CLAUX. 43 Brothers Van de Velde FAIVRE. 44 Etude de Dragon —Japanese proof 45 L’Ammone —ditto 46 “ 1870 and ’71 ’’—ditto FLAMENG. 47 La Halte —second state 48 Les Lansquenets— first state FOCILLON. 49 Un Canal a Venise —proof on Japanese paper 50 Un Incroyable —ditto FACSIMILE. 51 Le Bretteur —initialled in water-colour by the painter 52 Napoleon, 1814 LEON GAUCHEREL. 53 “ 1794” —remarque proof 54 Le Bibliophile EUG. GERVAIS. 7 ACHILLE GILBERT. 55 A Duellist— remarque proof 56 Sous le Balcon— ditto ACHILLE JACQUET. 57 The Sign Painter — remarque proof , signed by the painter 58 Les Renseignments — ditto, the remarque by Detaille 59 Le Guide — ditto, ditto JULES JACQUET. 60 “ 1807,” (Friedland)— remarque proof, signed by the painter 61 “ 1806,” (Jena)— ditto, signed by the etcher 62 “ 1811”— artist's proof , signed by the etcher 63 “ 1805 ”— remarque proof, ditto 61 Portrait of the Sergeant —remarque proof, signed by the painter —framed F. JASINSK1. 65 La Halte— vellum proof, signed by the etcher L. KRATKE. 66 Desespirse— proof on Japanese paper 67 Officieur Superieur— ditto 68 Le Dejeuner— ditto 69 Dragon en Vedette— ditto 70 Le Trompette, 1807— ditto 71 Un Brigadier do Cuirassiers— ditto 72 Etude de Cheval— ditto 8 L. KEATKE. 73 Un Officier Superieur a Cheval— ditto 74 Un Guide— ditto 75 Le Marechal LaDnes — ditto 76 Un Lieutenant de Cuirassiers— ditto 77 Le Port Drapeau— ditto 78 D’Artagnan and Aramis— remarque proof on vellum 79 Solferino, 1859— ditto KOHNEET. 80 Les Connoisseurs— remarque proof on vellum 81 A Ballad Singer— ditto PAUL LE EAT. 82 Les Joueurs de Cartes 83 Une Yedette— vellum proof 84 Le Joueur de Flute— artist's proof , signed 85 Un Bravo— ditto 86 Le Philosophe— ditto 87 L’Homme a la Fenetre— remarque proof, signed by the painter LETEEEIEE. 88 Evian— Japanese proof 89 Le Joueur de Guitare— ditto 90 Le Pont de Poissy— ditto ALPHONSE LAMOTTE. 91 Le Connoisseur —remarque proof on vellum 9 ADOLPHE LALAUZE. 92 Napoleon III .— vignette — remarque proof on vellum 93 La Rixe— Japanese proof 94 ]3tude de Guide— ditto 95 La Halte— artist's proof, second state 96 Meissonier in his Studio— Japanese proof 97 Joueurs de Boules— artist's proof 98 Generals in the Snow— proof on Whatman paper 99 Un Grenadier de la Republique— Japanese proof 100 Coup de Vent— ditto 101 Seigneur Ecrivant— first state, signed 103 Halte de Hussards— proof on Japanese paper 104 Blanchisseuse a Antibes— ditto 105 L’Ordonnance— ditto 106 Antibes— ditto 107 Cavaliers en Marche— ditto ARMAND MATHEY. 108 Le Violoncelliste— remarque artist's proof 109 Portrait of Madame Sebatier— Japanese paper 110 Un "Voltigeur— ditto LUCIEN MARGELIDON. 111 La Halte— remarque proof 112 Le Peintre d’Enseignes— ditto 113 La Chanson— ditto 10 MANCHON. 114 Antibes —Japanese proof 115 Le Bon Hosteller —ditto 116 La Halte —ditto MANESSE. 117 Etude de Cuirassier— Japanese proof P. A. MASSE. 118 L’Ecrivain— remarque proof OBIGINAL ETCHINGS BY J. L. E. MEISSONIER. 119 Sergent Recruteur— first state 120 Les Reitres— ditto 121 Signor Annibal— ditto, signed by the artist 122 L’Homme a l’Epee— ditto A. MIGNON. 123 “ Napoleon, 1814 ”— remarque proof on vellum 124 Pascuale— Japanese proof L. MONZIES. 125 Post Horses — remarque proof on vellum, signed by the painter 126 Polichinelle a la Rose— ditto 127 Une Lecture chez Diderot — ditto 128 Gentilhomme Louis XIII.— ditto, signed by the etcher 11 MORDAUNT. 129 General Championnet —Japanese proof 130 ^]glise Marc —ditto A. MONGIN. 131 La Chanson— artist's proof, signed 132 Portrait du Sergent— ditto PAUL RAJON. 133 La Polichinelle— proof impression 134 L’Aquafortiste— ditto 135 Le Peintre— first state 136 Le Fumeur Flamand— first state 137 Portrait of Meissonier —first state, signed LOUIS RUET. 138 Napoleon, 1814 (vignette)— remarque proof, signed 139 La Partie Perdue— ditto 140 La Polichinelle— ditto 141 A Standard Bearer— ditto 142 L’Empereur— ditto LO RIYOS. 143 “ 1806 ”—Japanese proof RODIGUEZ. 144 Le Yin du Cure —remarque proof, on vellum 12 SPINELLI. 145 Le Liseur —remarque proof, signed 146 Man at Arms —ditto W. STEELINK. 147 The Last Prayer— first state, signed HENRI TOUSSAINT. 148 L’Homme a la Lance— artist's proof, first state 149 La Convalescente— Japanese proof 150 Le Chant— ditto 151 ihude de Paysage— ditto teyssoni£res. 152 Le Port de Poissy— Japanese proof HENRY YION. 153 La Confidence — remarque proof, signed by the painter and etcher 154 La Chanson— ditto 155 Amateur de Tableaux— proof on Whatman paper CHARLES A. WALKER. 156 Le Rieur— remarque proof, signed UNKNOWN. 157 Le Bibliophile— artist's proof CHARLES WALTNER. 158 Portrait of Meissonier 159 A Pine Portfolio Case, 53 in. by 40 in., with struts, and two best lever locks 160 A Portfolio, half-bound leather; and one, cloth-covered OTHER PROPERTIES. 161 Polichinelle, after Meissonier, by L. Ruet— remarque proof 162 Polichinelle a la Rose, after ditto, by L. Monzies— remarque proof on satin, signed 163 Partie Perdue, after ditto, by Bracquemond— remarque proof 164 “ 1807,” after Meissonier, by J. Jacquet— artist's proof, signed by painter and engraver FINIS, Loudon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.