Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/fineoldplateantiOOchri CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF FINE OLD PLATE, Srtirrs, BrcsUen, Chelsea, anti otfjer porcelain, ANTIQUITIES, AND OBJECTS; OF A RT MWM ¥imT¥ s FORMED BY THE LATE RIGHT HON. EARL CADOGAN, And removed from Piccadilly: Which (by order of the Executors) asatll tip *olij tip auction, tiy Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1865, And Four following Days , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street, St. James s Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delievry. YI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. 23 BOHEMIAN GLASS DESSERT SERVICE. 355 A pair of large claret decanters, with gilt ornaments 356 A yellow and a white water-jug; one other ; a cup and cover; and two flower-glasses 357 Ten tall champagne glasses 358 Eleven flat ditto 359 Twenty hock glasses 360 Twelve tumblers ORNAMENTAL FURNITURE. 361 A mahogany table, with a drawer and rising top, mounted with or-molu 362 A tall Clock, by Le Roi — in a Case of old Black Buhl, mounted with or-molu 363 An Ionic pedestal, with a coronet 364 A pair of brackets, carved with masks and fruit 365 A chair, formed of stags’ horns, mounted with silver. From Lord Canning's Collection 366 A walnut chair, richly carved with flowers and animals’ heads, the back and seat covered with crimson velvet 367 A fine-toned tenor and a bow—in a case 368 A mahogany French bedstead, with female busts and vases in bronze, and or-molu ornaments 369 A carved Ebony Sofa, with stuffed back and ends, and a squab and bolster covered with damask 370 Six mahogany carved chairs, covered with leather ; and two arm¬ chairs 371 A pair of oak columns; and three panels, carved with ornaments 372 A glazed cabinet, of walnutwood, richly carved with flowers and other ornaments—on a carved stand 373 Two pairs of doors, of oak, the panels beautifully carved with figures and flowers, and six pilasters for the same 374 A rosewood table, with a ^drawer, with chess-board of various marbles 24 375 A Bonheur-du-Jour, with folding front, and secret and other drawers, panelled with twenty-eight plaques, painted with pastoral subjects and insects 376 A SUPERB LIBRARY TABLE, the legs ornamented with sphynxes’ heads in or-molu, and borders, scrolls, and friezes in or-molu, of beautiful work 377 A PAIR OF FIGURES OF A DOG AND A CAT, on cushions for fire-dogs, of bronze doree 378 A small cabinet, with arched centre, looking-glass plate at the back, and cupboards at the sides, the doors carved with Louis XIY. allegorical figures and other ornaments in high relief 379 A walnut pedestal, with carved panels 380 A composition cast from a pedestal 381 A BEAUTIFUL SIDE-TABLE, of walnut-wood, in two divisions, supported on carved columns, and groups of arabesques, the back carved with masks and scrolls From the De Bruges Collection 382 A small black wood cabinet, with drawer and sliding top, mounted with or-molu as a watch-stand 383 A Pair of circular Columns, carved with arabesque ornaments and foliage of fine old Italian work, with Corinthian capitals, partly gilt—6 ft. 8 in. high 384 A carved mahogany Chippendale table, surmounted by a glazed cabinet of architectural design, with two drawers 385 A PIANDSOME PIER CABINET, of walnut and other woods, the door panelled with a slab of Sevres porcelain, painted with figures and turquoise border, and two circular panels at the end, painted with flowers and turquoise borders, the other panels with groups of females supporting a fountain, in or-molu and arabesque borders of or-molu, surmounted by a slab of various marbles 386 A square Indian table, of black wood, with ornaments inlaid in ivory 386* The companion table 387 An EBONY TABLE, on fluted legs, with two drawers, the borders and mountings in or-molu of beautiful work, supporting a cabinet, with glazed folding doors, and a border of medals of Greek and Roman poets; surmounted by a clock by Soliau, Paris, with 25 or-moiu figures and nozzles for lights, and a group of a female with a dog, in or-molu and bronze 388 A CABINET, OF FINE OLD FRENCH MARQUETERIE: on the lid is a warlike trophy surrounded by the royal cipher, the ends, of parqueterie, mounted with or-molu 389 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL ENCOIGNEURES, each with a large oval plaque of Sevres, painted with pastoral subjects in a border of Mazarine blue and gold, surrounded by panels with arabesques and other ornaments in or-molu, by Goutier, glazed 390 A VERY HANDSOME ROSEWOOD CABINET, with masks and other ornaments in or-molu, by Goutier, in glazed panels, the door formed of a plaque of Sevres porcelain, with a beautiful copy of the Marriage of St. Catherine, after Correggio, by Constantine, in an or-molu and malachite border—on a tulip-wood stand, with beautiful or-molu ornaments and a Verona marble slab— 21J in. by 22 in. 391 A hexagonal Table, of mahogany in imitation of bamboo, with or-molu ornaments, and twenty-six Sevres plaques, painted with birds and animals 392 The Companion Table 393 A MARQUETERIE WRITING-TABLE, with drawers, the top and sides inlaid with vases of flowers and utensils 394 A very handsome Circular Table, with borders of black buhl—on a triangular buhl pedestal, with massive or-molu ornaments of masks and dolphins’ heads 395 A Pair of Oval Jardinieres, of old Black Buhl, with satyrs masks, and mountings of or-molu—upon carved and gilt stands 396 A HANDSOME PIER COMMODE, with open front and looking- glass back, the shelving sides and ends composed of large panels of dark tortoiseshell buhl work of plants and birds, the top composed of two slabs of marble, inlaid with birds and other ornaments in brass, and surmounted by a pedestal 397 AN OPEN PIER CABINET, of similar t form, the shelving sides and border of fine old black-shell buhl, with figures and birds: at the back of the cabinet is a fountain, of or-molu, with a triton on a shell, and a figure of a swan above, the back and sides panelled with looking-glass 397a A SPLENDID CABINET, of tortoiseshell and engraved metal. Of fine old Spanish work 4 26 397b A BEAUTIFUL LOUIS XVI. TABLE, with fine Gouthiere or-molu mountings 398 A MAGNIFICENT CLOCK, by Clouzier, in an ebony case, with or-molu rams’ heads, and a figure of a boy above, supported on a pedestal inlaid with brass, with the figures of Night and the companion, after M. Angelo, in bronze—on a plinth of ebony and or-molu, with satyrs, masks, and other ornaments 399 A writing-table, of tulip and other woods, mounted with or-molu and with ten plaques of Sevres, painted with birds and flowers in pink borders 400 A barometer and a thermometer, by Worthington, with circular faces, with festoons and bows of carved wood gilt 401 A handsome old French clock, the case and bracket inlaid with flowers in mother-o pearl and ivory, and mounted with or-molu 402 A pair of pier shelves for porcelain, with heads in high relief in the panels 403 A SUPERB CHIMNEY-GLASS, in a carved oak frame, with Cupids and animals in rich foliage 404 A Barometer and Thermometer, set in a panel, minutely carved with busts, Egyptian figures, animals, and medallions in beautiful taste, and surrounded by an oak frame, carved with figures, &c. 405 An astronomical instrument, with the terrestrial and celestial globes —in an oak frame, carved with figures, &c. 406 A fine Allegorical Group of the Triumph of the Arts, composed of nine figures in or-molu—under a glass shade and stand 407 A Pair of fine Old French Candelabra, of metal gilt, each with two female figures supporting branches for five lights—on marble pedestals, with reliefs and mouldings of metal gilt— 36 in. high 408 A metal-gilt statuette of Wellington on horseback—on white marble plinth 408a A clock, in or-molu case, by Angevin, with a figure standing near a chariot 408b A group of two dancing figures, in terra-cotta, by Pinelli End of Second Days Sale. Third Days Sale. --O0»<0«-- On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. PORCELAIN. ^,1 409 Two Dresden cups, with figures; and two saucers, with flowers 410 A Chelsea Derby Basin, lake ground, pencilled with gold and painted with flowers in two medallions 411 A Berlin cup and saucer; a blue and gold Derby ditto; and a white and gold milk-jug 412 A green and gold cup and saucer, with figures and animals in landscapes; a saucer, with a bird; and a fluted blue and white cup , i > ,413 Six fluted Worcester cups and three saucers, painted with flowers and with blue and gold borders l % 414 Four cups and saucers—nearly similar $ -c> 415 Eight beautiful old Worcester cups and seven saucers, deep-blue ground, painted with flowers in scroll-pattern medallions ^ 416 Three fluted cups and^saucers, painted with flowers in medallions j A on blue ground 2 A* IK o 417 Eight fluted cups and seven saucers, with blue bands, and wreaths of foliage in gold } S' a 418 Five blue and white fluted cups and saucers, with festoons of foliage in gold 418a An openwork basket and cover, encrusted with flowers 28 2 - a 11>' - & k Jit* U*i qy G> Mn^ _ /V 1% R 0 U ^' D ^ • 1 o \ \-o £ - ^ * 0 /O', ^ fik - o is \ \ " 'l V O I o cj 419 Two cups, three saucers, a stand, a basin, and two dishes, of old Derby, with blue and gold borders 420 Three cups and seven saucers, of Dresden, with scale borders and festoons of flowers in colours 421 Eight Dresden cups and saucers, with pink scale borders and festoons of flowers, the outside encrusted with vines 422 A richly-enamelled teapot, with gilt bosses in relief, dragons forming the handle and spout. From the Art Treasures Exhibition 423 A brown cup, with flowers 424 A Crown Derby Service, with Mazarine blue, white and gold borders, beautifully painted with views: consisting of 2 ice- s — - pails, centre dish, 4 shell, 2 square, 4 oval, 2 heart-shaped dishes, 2 tureens, covers and stands, and 35 plates 425 A Nantgarrow Dessert Service: consisting of 5 circular and 4 oval baskets and stands, of openwork, with landscapes painted on medallions 426 A crown Derby tea and coffee service : consisting of teapot, sugar- basin and cover, milkjug, slop-basin, twelve teacups, eight coffee- cups, and twelve saucers i inS^r 427 A hexagonal Derby plateau, for seven cups, painted with flowers, and blue and gold border 428 Three Worcester plates, with ornaments in blue and gold; and two figures in biscuit 429 A blue and white Wedgwood copy of the Portland Yase—on revolving metal stand 430 A fine old Wedgwood vase, with Venus and Cupid in a car, and other figures in relief in white on blue ground 431 A pair of old Worcester cups and saucers, with flowers in compart¬ ments on a mottled-blue ground a-m4 J V' 432 A Toby Philpot jug 433 A marbled matchpot, of Don pottery, made by Green, of Rotherham 434 A brown glazed-ware basket and cover, encrusted with ornaments in relief 435 An old Salopian canopic jar and cover, in glazed colours 29 3 k Wt r X - 1 - o I 1$ o 436 A Turner-ware white two-handled vase and cover, with figures in oval medallions and festoons in relief 437 A vase, by Neale, of Hanley, striped orange and white, and with frieze of gilt ornaments on blue ground 438 A very curious Staffordshire puzzle-jug, with ornaments in green and white, and a figure in the centre inside 439 A Liverpool-ware mug, by Sadler, with a coat-of-arms and emblems in black on white ground 1 O 440 A smaller ditto l • L 2 - «■ / © >0 o 441 A smaller ditto 0 o 442 An Adams-ware vase and cover, with flowers in white on blue ground 443 A Rouen-ware ornament, formed as a temple, encrusted with flowers in colours k 444 A curious marriage-basket, of unglazed old German ware 445 A smaller ditto 446 A ditto, shaped as a cradle 447 A pair of Saxon two-handled seaux, painted with conversations in medallions, flowers and green scale borders f ^ t7 o 5>- ) % $ £ • < , ,0 l t k tv • L\ \ 6-0 $ v 0 * o \S 448 A Monte-Lupo ware ewer, with flowers in colours on red ground 449 A large majolica saltcellar, formed as an altar, and supported on four dolphins, with ornaments in colours 450 A Dresden bottle, formed as a cock 451 A majolica candlestick, supported on a winged lion 452 An oval Belleville tureen and cover, green glaze, surmounted by a stag % Jx 453 A Neapolitan teapot and cover, with views of Pozzuoli and Bairn u .- 454 A Dresden figure of a cat 455 A Dresden pug-dog 456 A square black vase, of Turner-ware, with figures in relief in medal¬ lions, and busts at the angles 457 A set of three Spode vases and covers, with Chinese figures, birds, and flowers in gold on crimson ground 458 An old Salopian lamp, with masks in relief, marbled in colours 459 A ditto coffee-pot and cover, marbled brown, with vine branches in relief gilt ; f2 )/Cv G* 9 0 7 471 A black and white Wedgwood bulb-stand ( 472 A black Salopian teapot, with vines in relief gilt 473 A Worcester inkstand, red and gold, painted and encrusted with flowers 474 An early Staffordshire teapot and cover, with shells in relief partly gilt I e I U - 7 ' & 0 -/ $ e> 1 14 o a . \ 475 A plain ribbed ditto 476 A curious early Salopian jug and cover, with perforated trellis and flowers in relief 477 A smaller ditto 478 A Salopian teapot and cover, milkpot and cover, a basin, and two cups and saucers, with fruits in relief » 479 A curious Salopian teapot, formed as a house, with the royal arms in relief 480 A beautiful Wedgwood coffee-cup and saucer, with three subjects of figures in medallions, and borders of foliage in white on sage- green ground 480* A Teacup and Saucer, similar 480** A Teapot and Cover, similar 31 5 . L . o 481 ■ i 1 ■ n ■ l, 482 483 5 ,>r 484 II X 485 > ~) ■ * 486 ?•* - 487 2 K'O 7 488 y. o • o 489 - 490 2 . S’ • * 491 492 493 1 III - 494 >. n (> 495 i.q - 0 496 \ t> 497 1.(8- » 498 1-3, ill- 499 A large Wedgwood medallion of C. J. Fox, in white on blue ground A pair of ditto of the Prince and Princess of Wurtemburg A beautiful Wedgwood cup and saucer, with three subjects of figures, and borders of foliage in white on blue ground. From Baron Hochschild’s Collection A red and yellow Wedgwood matchpot, and a green and white ewer, with foliage in relief A white Wedgwood plate, painted with fruit and flowers in colours; a white dish, with plants in relief, in imitation of Oriental; and a willow-pattern plate, with open-work border A white Staffordshire teapot and cover, with shells in relief, a Salopian cream-jug, with plants in relief; and a helmet-shaped Staffordshire jug A pair of cylindrical Wedgwood matchpots, with festoons of flowers in relief in white on black ground 9 A white scroll-shaped vase and cover, of Bow porcelain, encrusted with flowers A Pair of beautiful Wedgwood Candlesticks, with white figures of nymphs supporting blue nozzles, formed as cornucopia, on blue and white plinths—glass shades and stands i/V Four old ^wMsea plates, painted with plants named at the bottom A pair of green and white shell-shaped dishes, of Leeds ware An old Worcester deep plate, with classical figures in green on blue ground Two fluted white and gold cups, and a saucer of Swansea porcelain A marbled-brown Salopian milkpot and cover, with vines in relief gilt, and a black Wedgwood teapot and cover, with ornaments in colours An old Worcester basin and cover, on feet, with Chinese figures in blue on white ground, encrusted with flowers \ ; < ^ A fluted two-handled vase and cover, by Neale of Hanley, with a portrait of Shakspeare, and ornaments in colours and gold on green ground A blue Swansea-ware stand, supported on three dolphins r A white glazed figure of a cock An old Salopian elephant 9 32 500 An old Salopian tortoiseshell cat 501 An old Salopian figure of a bear r- -i i b. t . 11 \ u 8 4- b \*i U \ \ Ift 502 A Staffordshire figure of a griffin, by Caldwell and Wood 503 An elegant Two-handled Wedgwood Vase, with medallions, and festoons of foliage in relief in white on blue marble ground a , , - j \' 504 A teapot, coffee-pot, and milkjug, of red glazed ware, the covers formed as canopic heads 505 A Plymouth pomegranate-shaped cup and cover, with birds and plants in blue 506 Two Salopian basket-pattern boxes and covers 507 A basin, on foot, marbled in imitation of agate, brown inside. Stamped Sarquemines * e> 508 An Oriental sea-green bowl, with plants in slight relief 509 A pair of Egyptian-pattern two-handled vases and covers, with masks and handles in relief 510 A flower-shaped cup, on stem and foot,encrusted with snails /A.^ h o 511 A two-handled basin and cover, with masks in relief 512 A large oval dish, with a pike and other fish in relief, in colours A o 513 A Wedgwood pedestal-shaped bulb-stand, with subjects in medal¬ lions, and foliage in white on blue ground 514 A pair of two-handled vases, of Warburton’s ware, white, with bands of black pencilled with gold 515 A beautiful Service of Old Wedgwood, with flowers and foliage in white on black ground: consisting of teapot and cover, milkpot and cover, sugar-basin,, cover and stand, slop-basin, and cup and saucer 516 A figure of St. Sebastian. Marked D. P. 83 517 A seated female figure, holding a basket ( A' . c> ;t i % * 518 A pair of elegant Wedgwood vases and covers, with two handles, on square feet, surrounded by figures of the Muses and borders of foliage and honeysuckle, white on black ground—11 in. 519 A triangular majolica saltcellar, supported on three arabesque figures 520 A majolica bottle, with the marine Venus in a medallion, inscribed “ A.D. Bethonica,” and with trophies in orange on blue ground 9 9 o yj 1- 2 . i , c> 2 0. o 525 j /£-. o 526 ^ 527 / iJ < u 529 530 531 I . } 8 o 532 533 534 535 536 9-' f . . 537 538 * C> & A 539 '540 541 £>,#, 542 16 4'* 521 An octagonal Oriental bulb stand, enamelled with Oriental figures, and encrusted with mice and vines on green ground 522 A pair of pale-yellow Oriental bottles, mounted with or-molu 523 An Oriental white figure of a Fakir; a cup and saucer, with Chinese figures; and two small blue and white cups and saucers 524 A majolica ewer, formed as an arabesque figure A pair of Neapolitan white and gold flower-pots and stands, painted with classical figures in Indian ink A deep red crackle bottle, mounted with rims and handles of or-molu A female head, inscribed “ Incognita; ” oval medallion, of Marcolini Dresden, in imitation of Wedgwood—in black wood frame 528 An upright slab, of Della Robbia ware, with the Virgin and Child and cherubs in relief—the faces not glazed A Dresden eagle—on rock-work stand A white jug, formed as a goat e- A brown-ware jug, with figures in relief A tankard, with Bacchus oil a panther and terminal-winged figures, in relief in white b An Oriental incense-burner and cover, with mask and ring handles, and ornaments in relief partly gilt A brown-ware saucer; and a Delft dish, with flowers in colours A hexagonal canister, of coloured ware, with figures and animals in relief, pewter top A flat-shaped globular bottle, with heads in relief in colours A pair of deep-blue bottles, with insects and plants in white A very fine oval medallion of Wedgwood, with a group of four figures in white on blue ground Two boys and a bird, oval medallion, on sage-green ground Moses, by Wedgwood and Bentley; and a bust of a faun, in white on blue ground Three small medallions, with classical figures in white on black ground, and coloured borders Two medallions, with Cupids; a large ditto, with two figures before an altar; and one other 543 A pair of Chelsea figures of men dancing 544 A fine old Chelsea group of a female painting, and two Cupids } 'j,. r ; \ & 9 34 lt> 545 A pair of column candlesticks, with spiral ornaments and masks in relief 546 A cup and saucer, painted with fruits N s (> 547 A Dresden bottle, painted with flowers in scroll borders, and mounted with metal gilt t , ' t, - 548 An oval tureen and cover, of Capo di Monte, with the bath of Diana, and other figures in relief in colours _ 549 A pair of vases and covers, of the same, with classical subjects in relief 550 A turquoise group of a shepherd and shepherdess , % o 551 A majolica ring bottle, painted with figures and animals 552 A small Oriental vase, encrusted with flowers in colours, the inside of the lip with flowers in gold on red ground /l ' «, 553 A beautiful old Dresden teapot, painted with figures in landscapes, the handle and spout encrusted with masks \ o 554 A Bottscher-ware jar and cover, on lion’s-claw feet, with a hunting subject in silver on brown ground 555 A glazed-ware slab, with boors drinking; a stan,dard-bearer; and a stick-handle, formed as a man’s head ^ ' •, J 0 o 556 An upright slab, of Coloured ware, with the Conversion of Saul in relief j \a \ 557 An upright slab of green glazed ware, with a group of the Virgin and Child in relief—repeated three times | It 558 An oval terra-cotta plaque, with a female holding a statuette of Minerva, before a bust of a philosopher 559 A Vienna cabaret, lustred brown: consisting of plateau, coffee-pot, milkpot, sugar-stand, and two cups and saucers 560 A Bottscher-ware, coffee-pot and cover, with plants in gold on brown ground C v‘561 A suer ter and cover, of old Tours porcelain, with dark-blue bands, and flowers in gold on white ground 562 A Dresden cup and saucer, with plants and birds, on white and CO.S. green ground, the handle surmounted by a bust 563 A Dresden teapot, with plants in blue and gold, in imitation of Oriental 564 A cup and saucer, painted with figures, in blue and gold scale border / l’I b 1 \ v'^w\ * \ ; 1 tv 35 565 A Bottscher-ware basin and cover, with a Chinese subject, in silver on brown ground rwL. 566 A teapot, cup and saucer, and basin, of the same, with hunting subjects If \ * b. o 567 A brown teapot and cover, with plants in relief; and a small blue vase, with gilt handles ' A C| _ 568 A pair of octagonal plates, mottled brown and green 569 A plate, with blue and gold border, painted with flowers / >;* .•/ 570 A two-handled basket-pattern tureen and cover, painted with flowers 2 - . 571 A majolica dish, with the Virgin and Child, and embossed border with metallic lustre j -> 572 A plate, with figures in a landscape, and cherubs head border 573 A Dresden two-handled vase, with a group of figures crowning an author in relief, in white on green ground 574 A white and gold Dresden scroll-pattern bracket; and a white and gold frame, with flowers in relief l SEVRES. ) 575 576 , o .577 578 b A small teapot, rose-du-Barri and green, painted with roses f c - - A vase and cover, turquoise and gold, painted with female figures, and seaports, in four oval medallions—mounted on plinth of or-molu—16 in. ( A jar and cover, gros-bleu, painted with exotic birds in two medallions A cup, cover and stand, turquoise and gold, painted with roses in medallions—in a leather case tak *w\^ Vl (- DRESDEN. IT , 579 A pair of two-handled cups, pencilled with animals, in gold on white ground 580 An oval-shaped vase and cover, encrusted with busts, Cupids, and festoons of flowers, painted with minute views ^ v .. . 581 A pair of etageres, painted and encrusted with flowers !'• '5^- ■. D 2 a . 1 % -d 582 A pah* of oval Marcolini baskets, with handles partly gilt, painted on the inside with birds and insects <2. . } ‘ * 583 584 A minute cup, deep-blue, encrusted with bouquets of flowers Nine old Dresden plates, painted with flowers 8 ' l ^ •6 . O P ^ 585 586 Thirteen ditto A Set of Four beautiful Candlesticks, of white Dresden porcelain, formed as columns, on pedestals of openwork, encrusted u l with flowers in relief, on four trellis-pattern brackets of the same, white and gold ^ , ■« 1 - - v ( (\ U/’V -V >l(h r l? (,/v^-— n OLD CHELSEA. 587 A Pair of large Vases, with arabesque foliage, in brown on primrose ground, painted with figures of Ceres, in medallions, the lower part fluted, white and gold, a wreath of flowers in colours, round the neck, the handles formed of white and gold trophies of armour —20 in. 588 A vase, with scroll handles, pencilled with birds, foliage, and trophies in gold on deep-blue ground—19 J in. 5 ' /- V , c 589 A pair of fluted bottles, with lizard handles, deep-blue ground, with ; a |,, flowers and birds pencilled in gold in medallions, mounted with or-molu necks and feet, and on circular pedestals of old Sevres, gros-bleu, pencilled with festoons of flowers, in gold—17J in. 590 A Pair of beautiful Scroll-shaped Vases and Covers, lake ground, painted with festoons of flowers, in three medallions 6 in. H fiA-p* < * ft \)^~ J (aykc y*.^ru 591 A Pair of very fine Two-handled Vases and Covers, with Q^yJJr V &%A' 1 ’ 4 , flowers encrusted, blue ground, pencilled with butterflies in gold, i f {Mfy f and painted with a landscape with figures and birds in two q Adarge medallions, a butterfly and insects in two medallions on J the neck —8 in. \ v CKt 592 A pair of fluted vases and openwork covers, with white and gold scroll- pattern handles, beautifully painted with flowers—9 in.—one imperfect 593 Fifteen very fine deep plates, gros-bleu, richly pencilled with 9 gold, painted with fruit in three medallions on the border, and a bird in the centre ^ % H. Cr-'M l : R > rf 1+t ^ r r f ! /( f , t ° Cm . V 37 > )l OP* 594 Twenty -seven Nymphenburg plates, with basket-pattern borders, the centre of each plate beautifully painted with birds and flowers / 2^ 595 A very fine Plate, painted with flowers in the centre, and five scroll-shaped compartments, the intermediate spaces gros-bleu, richly pencilled with birds and foliage in gold i y y \ > * s 596 A pair of teacups, two coffee-cups, and two saucers, primrose ground, with foliage in slight relief, the borders painted with scrolls and . _ foliage :JH v .A. n 597 A fluted Chelsea Derby cup and saucer, lake ground, painted with flowers in a medallion /') dt A t » / 598 An oval dish, painted with fruit and birds in pompartments, on - gros-bleu ground fvw 9^-' ■ ^ 600 A Pair of Basins, beautifully painted with exotic birds in A colours on gold ground. Exhibited at Manchester 601 A fine Fluted Yase and Cover, with green, white, and gold scroll- - L pattern handles, exquisitely painted with bouquets of flowers—12 m. 602 A set of three deep-blue vases, with white and gold scroll-pattern handles, painted with exotic birds in two heart-shaped medallions —7 in. [ i 1 h * i o c 603 A smaller ditto—54 in. £uXv( 1 / h i >• & q • *. 604 A pair of plates, lake borders, pencilled with gold, an exotic bird painted in colours in the centre , > 0 ’ 605 A pair of vases, deep-blue ground, painted with exotic birds in two t-* medallions—5 in. 'Ww, ' v»A- "V'C.ik n ' •: Nf 0 606 A white group of two figures, on scroll-pattern plinth—6 in. 607 A Pair of Flat-shaped Yases, with handles, lake ground, with birds and flowers in gold, each painted with a Bacchanalian subject—8 in. high 608 A Pair of Oval Two-handled Yases and Covers, the necks U and feet with flowers in gold on lake ground, the body painted with flowers on white ground—15 in. high A r 609 A MAGNIFICENT TWO-HANDLED VASE, with openwork neck and cover, beautifully painted with flowers on a gold ground—17 in. high. Exhibited at the Manchester Art C 1 Treasures; and engraved in Waring s work he* {<4 fr y ft ft „ f M * if i x.l m Utjr I A . j. A iiSf**' V* 1/ l 38 ) V- 610 A VERY FINE OLE CHELSEA FIGURE OF A FEMALE, holding a branch of foliage in her hand, a lion at her feet, the drapery painted with flowers, on deep-blue scroll-pattern pedestal, pencilled with foliage in gold GRES-DE-FL ANDRES. 611 A bottle, with horses, birds, and ornaments in blue on brown ground 612 A large tankard, with a frieze of thirteen subjects, and dated 1590, pewter cover —imperfect 613 A cistern, with masks and cherubs’ heads in relief, foliage in grey on blue ground 614 A jug, with spout, with masks and ornaments in relief, in grey on blue ground, with silver cover—engraved. Exhibited at Man¬ chester 615 A white cannette, with medallion heads of Philip of Spain, and arabesque ornaments in relief, with pewter lid PALISSY WARE. 616 A circular dish, with a nymph playing to an infant satyr, with border of Bacchanalian boys and masks 617 An oval dish, with scalloped border, Bacchanalian figures and masks in relief 618 A small oval dish, with a tortoise and reptiles 619 A circular dish, with Perseus and Andromeda 620 Another, with indented centre, masks and festoons on the border 621 An oval deep dish, with fluted border, the Baptism of Christ in the centre 622 An Oval Pierced Dish, with five pools, gold and yellow borders, the colouring most brilliant 623 A large oval-pierced basket, with reptiles, fruit and flowers in relief in colours 624 A two-handled vase, with lizards and plants in relief 39 625 A hanging fountain and basin, with snakes and reptiles in relief 626 An upright-shaped looking-glass, in frame, encrusted with foliage and reptiles surmounted by a dragon 627 A pair of large vases, with arabesque figures forming the handles, and busts in relief forming the sides. Exhibited at Manchester 628 A jug, with reptiles and shells in relief. Exhibited at Manchester 629 A shell-shaped ewer, with dragon handle on stem, with a serpent and shells. Exhibited at Manchester End of Third Days Sale , Fourth Day s Sale. -o^BtJoo On THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Bronzes are measured including the Pedestals. ANTIQUE BRONZES, &a 630 A small figure of Venus leaning on a staff, round which a dolphin is entwined—4-J in. —in a case 631 Three fibulae 632 A fibula; a spoon; a pair of shears ; a pair of compasses; a nail; and five other pieces 633 Nine handles of vases—various 634 Two fibulae; a toad; and five other pieces 635 Three fibulae; a seal; a horse; and four other pieces 636 Four fibulae of different patterns ; some partly gilt 637 A bust of Mars; a seal; two fibulae ; and six other pieces 638 A sistrum; two figures; one in black stone ; and Isis nursing Horus 639 Two massive silver bracelets, one of the leech pattern; the other terminating in twisted wire—both fine 640 A fibula of choice design, and perfect state—5 in . long 641 Another—-on the front raised ornaments—5 in. long