:'■-•'■ 88J & 1 c ■Ci t < c • C • c <:cccc* :«r.C* cC< m c- . ."«5r^^ •- • 4BE: c .-«r < -,<:; i • CT:f«C. ■■ ■«. .<«-«- c«^< . fR3"< SCHOOL OF ART. tffi^r&J&'J ■C7m£ < ; •«c- cc^ «r-. ma; (tjsi ' ^'«S, -CCC ;..«":« ccc V «30C"'.C«S>. CCWK1X •• cC«3ac - . acsfiijscv ce'CiS"*- •' c<«a& c< «cc c » I Presented to J±%fa^ for success in the Advanced Section of the Course of Instruction in Art. 3P5^«?T"C cc ' --'C i CC CC C€'.. "C < c <- ^ cccc C C :-cc c«< .-. xr c .^ *^ CC" • c cc C C^0c/ Lfccc. >dE.C - 'C • c c«r « c . «- <: f (€T C < ccrtkrs: ■ <^ 4T- £c«r*€T '. <39t.C■ «■-,•'' '<.. c ;.!fC ^< ;, <: D «£;;.«;.«< <" cSc;«*fc-^c> T «-Ct - v-fci: - J«fe :: ' ^ " • |;;^^ : C ' % ; «r:c ; tf£' '■jgj 1 ©*r^- t?r CCC"-^ -C£C : KTi'' fs Ck ; '• <2C - t C C'it ■ CC'C; ; c < '. < ■ (£■(. ..i COC& i<' ^^ grce •f, CCC.C«; c : c r %^«ctC5C E^S ^C« ^:> f rc«-<-C; CT " ; .. mi -4m c;< ;-: c - ■ (C'fC: C ■ • ■a c <■ cc : CC i cC' :«:c < < : C « ax-- 'CC < f.;c ; C:- ; :€±:«£J&S7 CCcc«jKJ^'< c ■, ^c^ccrc(ar.c 4C^ ■"C:xC i'C#n ^C/?/# Centre, Grew s', Lujht Seaqr-een yj „ Yellow. R. Red* G, &re&v B, BJm&. v', liqkt Rid Si TV, Greew Blue/. S, Sea-c/reen/. P. ii«y& Y, Yellow. s , Doric Seagrreerv p, „ /fri& y, „ Yellow. m 1 , /»?,& i?^? m 2 . Yellow R■> Dark Green, . . Dark Blue, . . Green, Dark Seagreen, Blue, Seagreen-Green, Seagreen-Blue, Seagreen,, . . . Dark Pink, . . Yellow- Green, Gray, Pink Blue, . . Light Green, . Light Blue, . . Light Seagreen, to Red. ,, Yellow-Red. n Pink-Red. Yellow. „ Light Red (axis). ,, Pink. „ Light Yellow. „ Light Pink. „ White. 22 GRADATIONS AND CONTRASTS OF COLOUR. 2. In the direction of the Blue and Red, From Black, . . . Dark Blue, axis of Green, Green increases, without change in n 11 >> 11 11 11 Dark Red, Blue, . . . Dark Pink, Eed, . . . Pink-Blue, Pink-Red, Pink, . . . through Dark Green, . Dark Seagreen Dark Yellow, Seagreen-Blue Gray, .... Yellow-Red . Light Blue, . Light Red, . . Light Pink . n » n n n n n » to Green. „ Seagreen-Green.. „ Yellow-Green. „ Seagreen. „ Light Green (axis). „ Yellow. ,, Light Seagreen. ,, Light Yellow. „ White. 3. In the direction of the or Green, From Black, . . . Dark Red, . axis of Blue, Blue increases, without change in Red 11 11 11 11 11 11 J) 11 Dark Green, Red, .... Dark Yellow, Green, . . . Yellow-Red, Yellow- Green Yellow, . . . through Dark Blue, . . . Dark Pink, . . Dark Seagreen, Pink-Red, . . . Gray, Seagreen- Green, Light Red, . . . Light Green, . . Light Yellow, . to Blue. „ Pink-Blue. „ Seagreen-Blue. „ Pink. „ Light Blue (axis). ,, Seagreen. „ Light Pink. ,, Light Seagreen. „ White. Secondary Gradations. 4. In the direction of the axis of Seagreen, Green and Blue increase equally, without change in Red, From Black, through Dark Seagreen, ... to Seagreen. ,, Dark Red, ... „ Gray, ,, Light Seagreen (axis). ,, Red, ...... „ Light Red, ,, White. And from Dark Pink ... to Light Blue. „ Yellow-Red . . „ Light Yellow. „ Pink-Red. . . . ,, Light Pink. 5. In the direction of the axis of Pink, Blue and Red increase equally, without change in Green, Also from Dark Green . . . to Seagreen- Green ,, Dark Blue . . . ,, Seagreen-Blue. „ Dark Yellow . . „ Light Green. From Black, through Dark Pink, to Pink. „ Dark Green, ,, Green, . . . ii From Dark Blue to Pink-Blue. Dark Red „ Pink-Red. , „ Light Blue. Dark Seagreen Gray, „ Light Pink (axis). Light Green, . . „ White. From Dark Yellow .... to Light Red. Seagreen-Green . . ,, Light Seagreen. Yellow- Green . . . „ Light Yellow. ii ii GRADATIONS AND CONTRASTS OF COLOUR. 23 6. In the direction of the axis of Yellow, Red and Green increase equally, without change in Blue, From Black through Dark Yellow, ... to Yellow. 5) From Dark Bed . Dark Green Dark Pink n Dark Blue, . . . Blue, , . to Yellow-Bed. , . ,, Yellow-Green. . „ Light Bed. » Gray, ,, Light Yellow (axis). Light Blue, .... „ "White. From Dark Seagreen ... to Light Green. Pink-Blue „ Light Pink. Seagreen-Blue . . . „ Light Seagreen. ii Secondary Cross Gradations. 7. In the direction of the cross axis of Green and Blue, Green increases and Blue decreases, equally, without change in Red, From Blue, '. through Dark Seagreen, ... to Green. Pink-Blue, ... „ Gray, „ Yellow-Green (axis). Light Bed, „ Yellow. Pink, ii ii From Dark Blue to Dark Green. ,, Seagreen-Blue . . . „ Seagreen-Green. „ Dark Pink ,, Dark Yellow. From Light Blue . Pink-Bed . . ii ii Light Pink to Light Green. „ Yellow-Bed. ,, Light Yellow. 8. In the direction of the cross axis of Blue and Red, Blue increases and Red decreases, equally, without change in Green, From Bed, through Dark Pink, to Blue. „ Yellow-Bed, ... „ Gray, „ Seagreen-Blue. (axis) ii Yellow, „ Light Green, ,, Seagreen. From j> . Dark Bed . . . Pink-Bed . . . Dark Yellow to . . . Dark Blue. „ . . , Pink-Blue. „ . . . Dark Seagreen. ii ii From Light Bed to Light Blue. Yellow-Green . . . „ Seagreen-Green. Light Yellow .... „ Light Seagreen. 9. In the direction of the cross axis of Red and Green, Red increases and Green decreases, equally, without change in Blue, From Green, through Dark Yellow, ... to Bed. Seagreen-Green, ... „ Gray, „ Pink-Bed (axis). Seagreen, „ Light Blue, .... „ Pink. ») From Dark Green to Dark Bed. „ Yellow- Green . . . „ Yellow-Bed. . „ Dark Seagreen . . . „ Dark Pink. From Light Green to Light Bed. ,, Seagreen-Blue. . . . ,, Pink -Blue. „ Light Seagreen . . . „ Light Pink. Tertiary Gradation. 10. In the direction of the axis of White, Red and Green and Blue increase equally, through Gray, ... to White (axis). From Black, From Dark Bed to Light Bed. „ Dark Green . . . „ Light Green. „ Dark Blue .... „ Light Blue. From Dark Seagreen ... to Light Seagreen. Dark Pink ,, Light Pink. Dark Yellow .... ,, Light Yellow. ii ii ik 24 GRADATIONS AND CONTRASTS OF COLOUR. Tertiary Cross Gradations. 11. In the direction of the cross axis of Red and Seagreen, Green and Blue increase, and Red decreases, equally, From Red, . . . through Gray, . . to Dark Seagreen. From Dark Eed . . „ Yellow-Red ,, Pink-Red . . „ Light Green „ Light Blue. . to Seagreen (axis). From Light Red to Light Seagreen. Dark Yellow Seagreen-Green. ,, Dark Pink „ Seagreen-Blue. 12. In the direction of the cross axis of Green and Pink, Blue and Red increase, and Green decreases, equally, From Green, . . . through Gray, ... to Pink (axis). From Dark Green to Dark Pink. Yellow-Green . . Seagreen-Green . „ Light Red. „ Light Blue. From Light Green to Light Pink. Pink-Blue. >> Dark Seagreen Dark Yellow . :i Pink-Red. 13. In the direction of the cross axis of Blue and Yellow, Red and Green increase, and Blue decreases, equally, From Blue, . . . through Gray, ... to Yellow (axis). From Dark Blue to Dark Yellow. ,, Pink-Blue ,, Light Red. „ Seagreen-Blue . . . „ Light Green. From Light Blue to Light Yellow. ,, Dark Pink „ Yellow-Red. „ Dark Seagreen . . . „ Yellow-Green. The mean colours in all the minor gradations may be easily found by reference to the figure of the cube. In those parallel to the tertiary axes they are all intermediate between the nearest corner colour, and the central Gray; and may be designated Dark Gray, Gray Red, Gray Green, Gray Blue, Gray Seagreen, Gray Pink, Gray Yellow, and Light Gray. Groups of the Second Kind. The leading convergent groups of gradations are those which tend towards the principal colours. The principal gradations in each of these are given the following lists, with the laws of their formation: — In gradations tending to Black, Red and Green and Blue decrease in proportion to their respective quantities, as From White .... through Gray. „ Dark Seagreen. ,, Dark Pink. }> » Seagreen Pink . . Yellow . Red . . . Green . . Blue . . . >> 5J Dark Yellow. Dark Red. Dark Greeri. Dark Blue. 2. In gradations tending to White, Red and Green and Blue increase in proportion to their respective defects, as „ Red lllUUg n vj i ay • Light Red. ,, Green .... » Light Green. „ Blue >> Light Blue. ,, Seagreen. . . )> Light Seagreen „ Pink » Light Pink. „ Yellow .... 57 Light Yellow. GRADATIONS AND CONTRASTS OF COLOUR. 25 3. In gradations tending to Red, Red increases in proportion to its defect, and Green and Blue decrease in proportion to their quantities, as through Gray. Dark Yellow. Light Red. Light Pink. Pink- Red. From Seagreen 55 It 11 Green . White . Blue . . Pink . . Black . Yellow ii Dark Red. YelloAv-Red. . In gradations tending to Green, Green increases in proportion to its defect, and Blue and Red decrease in proportion to their quantities, as From Pink through Gray. „ Dark Seagreen. Blue . . White . Red . . Yellow Black . Seagreen ii ii ii Light Green. Dark Yellow. Yellow-Green. Dark Green. Sea s:reen- Green. 7. In gradations tending to Blue, Blue increases in proportion to its defect, and Red and Green decrease in proportion to their quantities, as From Yellow .... through Gray. Red ,, Dark Pink. White .... „ Light Blue. Green ,, Dark Seagreen. Seagreen Black Pink . ii Seagreen-Blue. Dark Blue. Pink- Blue 4. In gradations tending to Seagreen, Blue and Green increase in pro- portion to their defects, and Red decreases in proportion to its uuaiiw.LV, a through Gray. „ Pink. . . . ii Light Blue. „ Black . . . n Dark Seagreen. „ Yellow . . a Dark Green. „ Green . . . n Seagreen- Green „ White . . , ii Light Seagreen. ii Seagreen-Blue. 6. In gradations tending to Pink, Blue and Red increase in proportion to their defects, and Green decreases in proportion to its quantity, as From Green through Gray. Yellow .... Black ii ii 55 55 5) 55 Seagreen . n 55 11 Blue . White Red . Light Red. Dark Pink. Light Blue. Pink-Blue. Light Pink. Pink-Red. 8. In gradations tending to Yellow, Red and Green increase in proportion to their defects, and Blue decreases in proportion to its quantity, as From Blue through Gray. Seagreen. . . 55 55 )) 55 55 55 Black . Pink. . Red . . White Green 55 Light Green. 55 Dark Yellow. 55 Light Red. 55 Yellow-Red. 55 Light Yellow. 55 Yellow Green. Contrast is the effect of the difference between two colours. The nature of the contrast is determined by the direction of the line between the places of the colours in the cube, and its strength by the length of that line. All contrasts of colours on the same line, or on different lines parallel to the same, are of the same nature, only E 26 GRADATIONS AND CONTRASTS OF COLOUR. varying in strength according to the distance between their places. They may therefore be grouped in the same ways as gradations; and the extreme colours of the principal gradations above-mentioned under all the leading groups of gradations, will serve as. examples of the principal contrasts belonging to the corresponding groups of contrasts. Thus the colours of distant points in lines parallel to a primary axis form contrasts in Red, in Green, or in Blue ; parallel to a secondary axis, contrasts in Seagreen, in Pink, in Yellow, and cross contrasts in Green and Blue, in Blue and Red, and in Red and Green; parallel to a tertiary axis, contrasts in Black and White, and cross contrasts in Red and Seagreen, Green and Pink, Blue and Yellow. Colours belonging to opposite points on any two parallel sections of the cube will be contrasts of equal strength and of the same nature : those belonging to a sphere described about any point in the cube, will contrast equally, though all in different ways, with their central colours. Plate II. contains four series of sections of the cube, taken through the principal and their intermediate colours (one hundred and twenty-five in all) The places of the former are indicated by dark circles; of the latter by light ones; and a double circle denotes the central Gray. Gradations parallel to any primary, secondary, or tertiary axis, are indicated by full, broken, or dotted lines. The series in Fig. 1 is at right angles with a primary axis, and therefore three distinct sets of this form may be made; that in Fig. 2 is at right angles with a secondary axis, and may therefore have six variations; that in Fig. 3 is at right angles with a tertiary axis, and may have four variations. Fig. 4 gives one of the innumerable series of sections which may be taken across other diameters; in its medial section lies a tertiary axis and one of the three secondary axes perpendicular to it, so that it may have twelve variations. Representations of the principal colours and their means (twenty-seven in all), arranged as they would occur in sections at right angles with the several axes of the cube, are all that can be given here. They may serve to illustrate those gradations and contrasts which are formed in the directions of the axes, and also to give some idea of the beauty and variety of regular combinations of colour, each distinguished by its own peculiar effect. The characteristics of the several sections, together with the names of the colours represented in each, are stated in front of the representations. All the thirteen sets contain the same colours arranged in different ways; and by ascertaining which of the axes lie in the middle section of each set, it will be easy to see what groups of parallel gradations and contrasts that set presents. In every set the place of the perfect complementary of any colour will be found by drawing a line from the colour's place to the central Gray, and producing it to the same Fig. 3 Plate R. Fia. 1 T\ / \\ / P /K r\ / t 1 /■ \ y\ 1 / \ 1 / \ 1 "f\/ v \\/ [ \ / r\/ 1 1 s\ [/ s, \y \ 1/ N^ "f \ / v \\ / l N /V p> /T V \ {/ \ {/ \ v Y- 1 \ / \\ / \ /" r\ /T L/ \ l^\ s\ s /'nJL Pu/. -O— O Q— ©- i \/T\/j\/l\/| O—O- " i\ / \ / \/ \/l 1/ 0- l\ V / \ \ / / \ / i 1/ / \ ,'\ ,'\\ o— g- . o — o — o— o— o o— o— o 0— O— O f/\i/\i/\i/\i Q—O— O-O— O 0—0—0~- b- \ I — -• .A \ ^4 : ©-. \ /' \ sC \ , \ -© V I \ / ■ -©- -© / .-©-. ©' / \ ■' V ■> 1 ■"©' @- / \ / V ©1. \ \ -,© ^' ^ © / 0- -0 ©--■-^ \ ~-0- V ~ ■-© ■■Qf / © •■©- \ -©. © r f Q V o ■o Fiq.9. ■-- >v '■■■ .■• \*iy f T .'"7i x - ~~ a s," ^ x ~~~y \r,x\ yj,y ^fe w. o •o. o FLxte V. Fiq. 11 . 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