Sales m this volume are bound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except Mar. 21, l8o6 / which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. - J 22. 2223 7 _ ^v_ jS Z. 2/9^.< s/i^t t^-i I'jtt- ,'v’ro - s’yt 2s St s/is2, 4 s& *1 -t A S3- t y S P*-> 2/7. 22SZ " . ^ •* ^2/ r %. P/^SL/Zt '■>' sZ./ Z Si try 2c c s , %. 27 * <■ a i y 27 . /2S3 -— * i l t-e J*ti2> 7/si 7/s y z/sft/? -•/ ^s/cc’c r'/^//a / L /tt-s2zy t ^ , /2SJ> 3 / / /f 2A ^ rs? t- 22. /tr *f~ t/ q £ y C /t-Tk, ‘ a2 . 2 s- c s 2 c y » fsi 1c 2/ 222 /2S3 y • / ^ v-2 A ' // " ^ 7/2/2^r/ 22/-c^s/cs^>n * A' <7^/? _ sy-/ 2/c c.y 2c c s Ss2stjf- 2s _ /7s d /7 _ ^ ^ ^ /.c>sr-si/ 7c / s /si a c si _ 7 72 1 t, 2. 22S 3 - 2 / - 2 s 2 s 2 s 2 2 r s 2 ,/ ^y// /ir v~ 2sf e 2f/ oZ ^p-syts-g-r'' _ sk 3 1 /* 2< y 2/jt e- Z %./*-*■ ^ 4 / //'? 22S3 4_ -'/z K ' 7 tyyi f 22£ a// 2'/* z. z *.'2^ -^7a ^ 23 , 2232 2y 2 / 9 / 2 s 3 / 22r 2 ~/22 / 2 y _ (TJ //92 2s< 7 2 sScjS i-t. < ^ V r Zy/-X-> Si-2 s'/i t ’S2r^s- ^y/psl-ty 22 " ,22S2/ . „ ' , , * /y . St * tf n ^ ^ 2° / ' 2 y c-*rSZs/ -y- /c rT^y 2 v 2 '/z-Zr 2c ZZZos Znc^tS ZZ'Z ^ZZ, /Z$ ' \jZ>ZZr^*^> ZZZZs s^Ks ols/ Z%Zsr /Ztjl^s ^sZ A-y Ztf ZyZ -- ZzfZ 7'Z*-1 Z-s*~r ** zZs13*/JZsy/^ /ZZ * t. ■**■ /t r a r'/Z.s ZZ • ZZ& ^ Z•Z~~‘ i^/? ^ U3?Z 2^/ft>7 - ^ •„ n ~ . fib s- si Flemish and Dutch Schools; THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF THE LATE RICHARD HULSE, Esq. of Blackheath, Dec. • . 7 i- ;■ .... : a. ■ ■>. . - - - - >..■■■ (4 - i 1 J \ 4 EMINENTLY DISTINGUISHED FOR. HIS TASTE AND LIBERALITY IN THE FINE ARTS. ’ , . ' : L.r: . I 3.: I ■ • a - A A -.i: . oJ > i. .... . ..\ This Collection comprises a most capital Picture of S. Rosa, the Lycian Peasants trans¬ formed into Frogs; in his finest Manner.—G uido, a large Assumption of the Virgin.— Tintoretto, a Holy Family, with Zacharias and other .Saints.—R uben's, a* Hbly Family. —Rembrandt, a' Bbih'eSti'c Scene- from SaCiAd History.—Two charming Landscapes, G. Poussin.—T wo capital Ditto, Cuyp.— four fiyCx aud'e .—]& £ed 'istofm, Vandeveldt. —Portraits by Vandyck, &c. many small Bijoux, by the scarce Italian Masters. ' AW 1 : AN EXQUISITE COLLECTION OF High-Finished Dutch Cabinet Pictures, VIZ. Bellini, Titian, Giorgione, A. Solario, Paduanino, Baboccio, Bassano, Vanni, Palma, Tibaldi, P. da Cortona, Carracci, A. del Sarto, Guido, Murillo, Teniers, N. Poussin, BercheSi, Domenichino, S. Bourdon, Wouvbrmans, Guercino, Watteau, Du Jardin, Albano, Ruben?, Ruysdael, ^ ola j V. DVck, ' Barrett & Gilpin. which (BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, .By Mr. Christie, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On Friday, March 21, 1806, and following AT TWELVE O’CLOCK, WITHOUT RESERVE. U Bay, May be Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had (at is. each) in Pall Mall. 2T6 r A v ■> r\ r\ \ \ , *"y v) v.x j u. \ _ jj.'vfi -L S • >V.P A-.MAY Y.MID H C! '/, J. H , rJ:SL T ----- ll A A ■■ ■ '• ’! -4 I * T ' f ' CONDITIONS OF SALE. ’ "> ! f> \ I» nP’HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between two or more iL Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fliall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Is. Above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo in Proportion. < t ) f • • •. i - f t? I ' .* — • *t * ,!/*•* \ •• i III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of “ Payment fliall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fliall be re-fold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, fliall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. / c A CATALOGUE, 3Cc. Sfc. Sfc. FIRST DAY'S SALE , •» > ■’ ’ .*. FRIDAY, MARCH the 21st, 1806. i PICTURES. Teniers. ... 1 Landscape and Figures. Rubens. 2 A Battle Piece (school of) Dobson... 3 Portrait of a Gentleman. Bourdon. 4 A Sacrifice to Pan. . 5 Portrait of a Cardinal, and eight Picture Frames. Craddock. 6 Live Fowls. A. Both. 7 Italian Peasants —a pleasing Picture. . 8 Portrait of Matthioli. Yandyck. 9 Fortune, (a Sketch)—gracefully composed. % Bartolomeo...10 Landscape and Figures— the Scenery grand and romantic. 4 FIRST DAY’S SALE. Stella . The Thresher — a scriptural Subject — a little brilliant and elegant Picture. Zucchero.. . . Head of Lord Burleigh. Van Achen .. . . Himself singing, and a Woman playing on the Guitar. Zellotti .. .... 14 Judith -^nd,Jie£ Nurse. ~ ; \ y Mola. . Angelica and Medoro— an elegant- Composition, painted in a rich Tone of Colour. Vandyck.. Portrait. P. Lauri. Pan and Syrinx — axabinet Jewel. Rubens. St. Andrew — very fine. Vandyck . ....19 James Malderus, Bishop of Antwerp — the character remarkably anima¬ ted, andJinely coloured. Teniers ..... . Village Festival — a pleasing and interesting Scene, painted in his silvery Tone. L. Giordano .. Europa—a well-drawn and rich coloured Specimen. Raphael ... . A Madona and Child — very fine, after Le Moine . The Pjsjppvery of Oalisto, Carracci .. Virgin and Child — a Cabinet Jewel. Brauwer . . Dutch Boors at a Window — highly finished. S. Bourdon . ....26 The Virgin, Child and St. John — a most pleasing and perfect Specimen. Raphael . The Transfiguration— a beautiful Copy. rr T T»y ■ ■ Albano ...28 Five, a pair .of Heads, P. Veronese-, a Miniature in. Water Colours, subject Jupiter anij Jpnq ; Cherubim, and 1 other Gonzales.29 Three, a Portrait of a La ( ( ) * A. Del Sarto.86 D. Teniers. 8J • G. Poussin.88 S. Rosa.89 Vandeveldl. .90 Cuyp. 91 Tintoretto.92 End Landscape and Figures, a Warm Evening— this admirable painter displays a discriminating Pencil the richest^Masses ffkis Groupcs and Foliage, which with a glowing Warmth of Colour rendered him a faithful Pourtrayer of Nature. Noah and his Family— Grand and Capital. A Landscape with a Bridge— the ftrtist has here displayed a surprising ability, in the effect of light and true representation of Nature. Dead Christ with the Virgin— Composed, Drawn and Painted in the grand Style of this celebrated Painter. ■ ■ r ' The Holy Family— a capital Picture, composed with great elegance, and coloured in a clear and brilliant Style. A Cavern Scene with Gypsey Fortune Tellers —painted in his Silvery Tone. In the Composition, Drawing and Painting of this charming Picture, Teniers has shewn hoxv much he delighted and excelled in these subjects. Landscape with Buildings and Figures, a Flock of Sheep decending through a Wood —the stillness and serenity that appear in this charming Scene, and the agreeable freshness of the Tone render this a most desirable Picture. A grand Romantic Scene with a Waterfall— painted with surprising effect and brilliancy of colouring. A Sea Storm — an astonishing Picture of this celebrated Artist, who seems to have called forth all the resources of his Art to produce the wonder¬ ful effect intended, the agitation of the Elements, the breadth of Light and spirit of Pencil render this a truly capital chef d’CEuvre. Cattle and Figures on the Banks of a River—a charming Picture of this fascinating Painter, who for truth of Colouring, breadth of Effect, and spirit of execution in these sulyects, stands unrivalled. The Virgin, Child, St. Joseph and Zacharias —the Composition grand and beautiful, the air of the Heads remarkably elegant, and coloured with the glowing richness of the Venetian School. • ' , w . * -* r ... T i ' of the First Day’s Sale. SECOND DAY'S SALE, . \ • , \ 5 ■ \ v J V. SATURDAY, MARCH the 22d, 1806. . • * \ y\ /j ' . . . . • < • .1.0 ? « •• - , ' a PICTURE®. Yandeveldt. 1 X"\ Sea Piece— Calm. Asselyn. 2 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures Velasquez. 3 Portrait. Old Teniers. 4 An Interior, with Figures, Herbage and Culinary Articles, Chiari... 5 Cleopatra. Ricci. 6 Landscape. Tintoretto. 7 The Festival of distributing Money to the Populace on the Election of a Doge—a cabintt picture of this Master. Vouet... 8 A Female Head. P. Veronese. g Mars and Venus. Mille..10 An elegant Italian Landscape, with Figures. N. Poussin.11 The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew,— engraved . Solemaker .12 A Landscape and Cattle— a brilliant picture. Palma .13 The Virgin, Child and St. Jerome Murillo.. A Girl’s Head. Wouvermans.. A Landscape and Figures. SECOND DAY’S SALE. Teniers.l6 Plundering a Village— spiritedly painted. Canaletti.. 17 A View of the Rialto. De Vos.13 Portrait— very animated andfine. Teniers...19 A Flemish Festival— a pleasing Composition touched with Ms usual delicacy and spirit. C. Lotti.20 Christ and the Woman in the Garden. Le Due...21 An Interior, with Banditti dividing their Booty— elaborately finished. Ditto.22 The Companion— of equal merit. A. Sacchi.23 St. Bruno— in giving the true Expression with suitable Chastity of Colour , ' i this Painter stands unrivalled. Berchem.24 A Landscape with Cattle and Figures, the Point of Time, the Dawn of Day— a pleasing Picture. C.Maratti.25 Alpheus and Arctium— an elegant Composition, painted in an agreeable Tone of Colour. Vandyck.26 St. Peter— very fine. A. V. Velde.27 A Landscape and Cattle— a charming little Picture, painted with all that Truth and Delicacy of pencil, by which this Painter is eminently distinguished. Lairesse.28 An Historical— a grand Composition. L. Giordano.29 Virgin and Child. Giorgione.30 Portrait of a Warrior— the Character remarkably grand and animated, and painted in his usual rich Tone of Colour. Vanni.31 The Virgin and Child— an elegant Composition, the Character remark¬ ably beautiful, and possessing all the Grace of Corregio. Baroccio.32 Portrait of Himself— the Character very fine and animated, exquisitely finished. Vandyck.33 The Duke of Richmond and his Brother— a Study for the large Pieture, Coloured with all the Richness and Brilliancy of Titian. Guido.34 Joseph and the Infant Christ— an elegant Composition. B jq SECOND DAY’S SALE. C. Schwartz...35 The Adoration of the Shepherds, Engraved— a singularly curious Speci¬ men of this Painter, better known by the Appellation of the German RaphaeL Holbein.36 A Pair of Devotional Subjects, highly finished, and exceedingly curious. Guercino.37 A Sybill.— painted with great Breadth and Effect. Vernet.38 A Landscape.— a most pleasing Composition, and in his best Manner. Ditto.39 The Companion, of equal Merit. Mignard.40 The Holy Family, after Raphael-— no Painter was more succesful than Mignard in imitating the lovely Characters of the Divine Raphael, which he touched with great Sweetness and fnishcd with peculiar Delicacy. V. Castelli.41 Tobit restoring his Father’s Sight— a little spirited and beautiful Jewel. Albano........42 Christ and the Woman of Samaria— a beautiful Landscape, highly finished. Netscher.43 Boys blowing Bubbles— an exquisite and highly finished Picture . Van Toll.44 An Old Man at a window cleaning Fish, and Figures in the Interior— finished with a Delicacy and precision equal to G. Dow. S. Rosa.45 St. Peter with the Fish— a truly valuable Cabinet Picture, — The Figures composed with grandeur and painted with spirit, in his best manner. N. Poussin.46 Venus and Adonis— a graceful and elegant Picture, brilliantly colored. Vernet...47 View in the Mediterranean, with a variety of Shipping and Fishermen dragging their Nets—a natural Effect of IVarm Fog. G. Bellini....... ...48 St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse, St. Antony and St. Peter— the Heads are very animated and painted with freedom of Pencil, which dis¬ tinguishes this Picture from the too frequently dry Productions of Bellini; it is also a very fine Specimen of his Colouring. Lingleback.49 A Market with Italian Peasants— a lively aad interesting Scene, the Figures pleasingly and naturally grouped, the finishing delicate, and the Tone of Colour in his clear and brilliant Manner. Velasquez.50 Portrait of Clement IX. seated in a Chair— the Attitude remarkable from its ease and free Design ; the Mind is admirably pourt rayed, and for vigour of Execution, firmness of Touch and Force of Colour this Chef d'auvre may vie with the finest Works of Titian and Vandyck SECOND DAY’S SALE. :D Schidone. .. 51 Erminia at the Neatherd’s Cottage — composed, drawn and coloured wi'h taste truly Corrcgiesque. Murillo . 52 A Girl and Kittens — a fascinating Picture, the Character of the Girl replete with naivete, painted in a Tone of Colour correspondent with the simplicity of the Subject, in the sweet Style of this inimitable Painter. A. Solario.53 Iloly Family— composed with elegance, and finely coloured. Vandyck.54 Henrietta — a capital Portrait, painted with great delicacy and with great brilliancy. Ditto . 55 Charles the First — the Companion, of equal Merit. Paduaninft.56 Venus at her Toilet, an Infant Satyr holding a Mirror—Me Body of the Venus is gracefully turned, and the whole partakes of that rich and •warm Colour so highly prized in the glowing Productions of this Master. Du Jardin. *..57 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures— painted with sweet simplicity and truth, and in his clear silvery Tone, a charming Cabinet Picture. Le Brun . 58 Virgin, Child and St. John — well composed, and drawn and painted in the best Time of this great Ornament of the French School. Both ... 59 A Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — the Scenery grand and beautiful, painted with Delicacy and Spirit. Canaletti. .. 6'0 A pair of Views in Venice — nothing can surpass the Truth and brilliancy of Effect which distinguish this Painter’si> Works. In point of situa¬ tion these Views are well chosen : they are of his very best Time. Guercino . 6l Angelica with the Magic Ring, becoming invisible to Rogero —a fasci¬ nating Picture, the composition remarkably elegant, the colouring divested of that sombre effect which we sometimes regret even in his finest works. L. Carracci ... .62 The Annunciation — an elegant Picture, the Face of the Virgin remarkably beautiful, painted with great Delicacy and Spirit. Cuyp . 63 View of Dovt with Figures —spiritedly painted and of brilliant effect. Colombel . 64 Christ driving the Money changers out of the Temple —a grand composi¬ tion, the taste of Drawing and general effect, not inferior to N. Poussin, Engraved. SECOND DAY’S SALE 12 Ditto.......... 65 The Companion, Christ restoring the Blind— in every respect equal to the preceding Picture. Watteau...66 Fete Champ&tre— the perfect knowledge of the Chiaro Scuro and the wonder¬ ful power of Colour, for which this Master was unequalled , are here admirably displayed, and glow with effect in every part of this beautiful chef d’EEuvre. Teniers.. 67 Morning, Sportsmen in a Mountainous Landscape— painted with great simplicity, in a sweet Tone, a charming Picture of the Master. Ditto.68 Evening, Women returning from Market, the Companion — of equal merit. Claude.69 4 Sea Port with Buildings and a variety of Shipping and Figures— Sun¬ set, the reflection on the water admirably managed, painted in a warm clear Tone. Titian......70 A Reposo, in a rich and beautiful Landscape— a most fascinating Picture, the Composition remarkably grand, painted with a Jinn and vigorous pencil, and possessing all the magic Effect of his rich and harmonious Colouring. Poussin.71 Christ healing the Blind —the characters variously and finely expressed, and the whole touched with delicacy und beauty, an exquisite Easel Picture of this Master. J.Ruysdael.72 A Landscape and Figures, the Scenery from beautiful Nature, painted with a firm and spirited Pencil —one of the very beautiful and charming Pictures of the Master. Dominichino.73 Jael and Sisera— The character and Figure of the Female are truly beau¬ tiful; and the finishing is in the most delicate Style of the Master. N. Poussin.74 A grand Landscape, with the subject of Eurydice— a classical composition, painted with great Freedom, and brilliant Effect. Berehem.75 A warm Landscape, Cattle and Figures — an exquisite production of this charming Painter, who, for truth in representing Pastoral Subjects, and for firmness and spirit of Pencil is unequalled. Titian...76 A musical Conversation— a composition of four Figures • a truly capital Picture of this powerful colourist. Seb. Bourdon.77 The Meeting of Jacob and Esau— a group of several Figures, admirably designed, in a grand and solemn Landscape, embellished with Buildings and various monuments of Egyptian antiquity ; one of the classical and very perfect Pictures of the Master. SECOND DAY’S SALE. 13 Barrett and Gilpin.78 A View of Winandenneer Lake, a Mountainous broken Scene: to the Left, a Peasant driving his Flock, and Cattle naturally and pleasingly grouped. —The Mist dispersing as the Sun arises from behind the tops of the Mountains, and passing over the Surface of the Lake, is a happy Trait of Nature, in whose School these Artists were truly nurtured.—This Picture is a very grand Chef d’lEuvre that does infinite Honor to the British School. V. Dyck.....79 Philip Earl of Pembroke— very animated, painted with Dignity and fine Execution. Claude ... .80 A Landscape and Figures —remarkable for the grandeur of Effect — the Figures are elegantly placed, and the whole is painted with a firm and vigorous Pencil. Rubens.... 81 Hunting the Wild Boar —a very spirited Picture, the Animals finely drawn and coloured, and the Landscape in a fine silvery Tone. Wouvcrmans.. ...82 View of an Inn Yard with Travellers Mounting— the Figures and Animals drawn with his usual correctness and Spirit. The colouring . very rich and harmonious—capital Cuyp . ,.. .S3 A Landscape with Cattle, and a Farmer on a Grey Horse, conversing with a Herdsman —painted with warm and glowing Colour, and touched with greatfirmness of Pencil. Rubens.84 The Virgin and Child with St. Elizabeth, Joseph, and St. Francis— a truly capital Performance, the Composition elegant and pleasing, the Colouring rich, -brilliant, and harmonious, and touched with great Spirit. G. Poussin. ..85 A rich and elegant Landscape, with Figures reposing —a View in the Centre into a deep and fertile Vale, enlivened by Buildmgs, and the meandering of a River—a charming poetical Scene, painted in his best Style, and in purest Condition. Rembrandt.86 Abraham and Sarah Instructing their Son Isaac —a pleasing Domestic Scene, painted with great Force, and with all that richness and Power of Colour, which constitute the Charm of Rembrandt’s Pencil. 14 SECOND DAY'S SALE. S. Rosa Guido, ,87 The Lycian Peasants transformed into Frogs —an extraordinary Effort of this unrivalled Genius. The Subject is treated with Poetic Taste, and was evidently executed at a Period, when his Abilities had attained their highest Perfection—unlike the studied Compositions of his Rocky Landscapes, this Picture is a free representation of Nature, and may be compared with his finest Works painted for Noble Families his Patrons. 88 The Assumption of the Virgin —a Composition full of Dignity. The peculiar gracefulness, as well as the Divine Ecstacy apparent in the Virgin, and the lovely Characters of the attending Angels and Cherubim supporting her, are inimitable—the whole is painted with a grandeur of Outline, freedom of Pencil, and clearness of Tone, that distinguish the Works of this great Master, # *njll 2§y^ <§*& *1$ ar" ■ \: