THE TANNINS HENRY TRIMBLE ■ran? bhe £ibra?y of Trof JMAfo/scj, [ }9M/2^0^e^c^ F. EL HERRICK. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. 1892 . Copyright, 1891, by Henry Trimble. Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY PREFACE. The title of this monograph might well have been “A Century of Tannin,” as just about one hundred years have elapsed since tannin first became recog¬ nized as a distinct substance, or class of substances, as we now express it. To emphasize this idea of a class of substances the present title was selected. About twelve years ago the author commenced to collect a portion of the literature on the subject, especially that referring to the astringent value of certain tannin-bearing materials, with the methods involved in their estimation. He found, however, the task rapidly assuming such formidable proportions that only by beginning with the history and system¬ atically pursuing the subject through its various phases to an ending, with a complete index to the literature, could he hope to reduce the many published inconsist¬ encies and contradictions to a condition that would be available to himself as well as to others. The taking of notes and references has been persist¬ ently carried on, especially during the past five years, until it is now thought best to give to the public the work on the general subject, with gallotannic acid, and the index to the literature, leaving for a subsequent volume the remaining individual tannins, with such further additions to the index as it may be found possible to collect. It has been the constant effort of the author to make 3 4 PREFACE. this volume something more than a mere compilation of others’ work, therefore some of his own experience has been incorporated which is here published for the first time, and this will be kept constantly in mind during the further contributions on the subject. The tannins occupy a part of the border-land in sci¬ ence between botany and chemistry, which fact has added to the bulk of the literary index as well as to the difficulties of collecting it. However, by the aid of the many complete sets of valuable foreign chemical periodicals recently acquired by the library of the Franklin Institute, and also through constant access to the library of the Phila¬ delphia College of Pharmacy, it has been possible to take from the original sources all but about five per cent, of the titles given. Such references as could not be so consulted were taken from the most available source, and, if possible, in the same language as the original. It is with the hope that information will be received from others interested in the subject, which will assist in making the index more complete, that it is issued at the present time. Much valuable assistance has already been received by the author, especially from those having desirable private libraries, for which he hereby tenders his sincere thanks. Philadelphia, November 13, 1891. CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE General Description or the Tannins . 7 Section I.—The Discovery of the Tannins. 9-16 Section II.—General Characters.17-30 Section III.— The Detection and Estimation of the Tannins .31-51 PART II. Gallotannic Acid. 53 Section I.—Sources.55-64 Section II.—History.65-77 Section III.—The Preparation and Purification of Tannic Acid .78-87 Section IV.—The Properties of Tannic Acid . . . 88-93 Section V.—The Composition and Constitution of Tannic Acid.94-99 An Index to the Literature of the Tannins . . 101 Index of Authors .103-108 Index of Titles with Authors and Sources 109-162 List of Books containing Notable Chapters on the Tannins .163-165 5 THE TANNINS. SECTION I. THE DISCOVERY OF THE TANNINS. The history of tannin as a proximate principle takes its beginning in France during the period between 1790 and 1800. Previous to that time the histories of leather, galls, and oak-bark are our only sources of information regarding the development which led to the discovery of tannin. Great discoveries are rarely made without some warning; in reviewing their origin we see that they have had a gradual birth, and the exact date which in¬ dicates the beginning of their existence cannot be deter¬ mined. In these evolutions of a discovery there are sometimes periods of comparative inactivity, succeeded by sudden and great advances. The history ot tannin has not been an exception to the rule of gradual dis¬ covery, for we find among the earlier writers on the subject a disposition to attribute the astringency of galls and oak-bark to some peculiar principle, which, how¬ ever, they did not separate or name. Dr. William Lewis, in his “ Philosophical Com- of the Arts,'London, 1763,” calls attention to 9 merce 10 THE TANNINS. the presence of a substance in certain vegetable infu¬ sions, which, when mixed with “green vitriol,” pro¬ duces “a deep black liquor, of most extensive use for dyeing and staining black. The power by which they produce this blackness and their astringency, or that by which they contract an animal fibre, seem to de¬ pend upon one and the same principle, and to be pro¬ portional to one another.” “ Of the properties of this colouring and astringent matter, little more is known than that it is dissolved and extracted from the subject both by water and spirit of wine, and that it does not exhale in the evaporation of the liquors by heat.” English writers on tannin usually ascribe to Dr. Lewis the honor of having a part in its discovery, but further than for writing the above quotation of facts, which were well known before his time, it is unreason¬ able to give him credit. He was followed by other investigators, chiefly on galls and oak-bark, especially in the relation of the latter to tanning, which gradually led to the discovery of gallic acid by Scheele in 1786. Diz6 in 1791 repeated Scheele’s experiments on galls, obtaining similar results; but he went further, and separated what he called a resinous substance by means of ether. It was unchanged on exposure to air, pos¬ sessed an herbaceous taste, dissolved readily in water, and this solution formed a white precipitate with sul¬ phuric acid. Two years later, in 1793, Deyeux, a French chemist and apothecary, published a memoir giving the results of an elaborate series of experiments, preceded by a description of the Aleppo and some other varieties of THE DISCOVERY OF THE TANNINS. 11 galls. It is then stated that, “ in the number of prop¬ erties which appertain to nutgalls, there is one, very remarkable, which has always fixed the attention of chemists,—namely, the precipitate of the solution with the solution of iron salts. This has been attributed to an astringent body ,—‘principe astringent “ Among those who have occupied themselves with this subject may be mentioned Cartheuser, Bouelle, Macquer, Monnet, and Giannoti; but it is principally the academicians of Dijon, likewise Scheele, Berthellot, Fourcroy, and others, to whom we are indebted for the positive knowledge of this singular substance. They have demonstrated the existence of a peculiar acid which they have named gallic acid. This has made desirable a knowledge of the other constituents, and it is this which is made the subject of the following memoir.” The record of the experiments was made under eight sections, as follows: 1. “ The action of water on nutgalls. 2. “ The action of alkalies on the infusion and de¬ coction of nutgalls. 3. “ The action of alcohol and ether on nutgalls. 4. “ Distillation of nutgalls with water. 5. “ Dry distillation of nutgalls. 6. “ Examination of the gallic acid which sublimes during the distillation of nutgalls. 7. u Examination ot the precipitate which forms when nutgalls, their solution, and gallic acid are added to ferrous sulphate. 8. “ Recapitulation.” This last section may be briefly stated as follows: Nutgalls are composed of (1) a true extractive mat- 12 THE TANNINS. ter, (2) a peculiar resin, (3) a green coloring-matter, (4) gallic acid, (5) ligneous tissue. “ All of these bodies except the ligneous tissue are in strong combination, resulting in a body soluble in alcohol, ether, and water. It is to this body entire and not to any principle in particular that the astringency belongs, since none of these compounds alone possess it.” In terminating this memoir the author expressed the hope that others would repeat his experiments and rectify his errors. It has been quoted at some length because it is a record of experiments that for ingenuity and accurate reasoning would do credit to any investigator at the present time. The author was wrong in some of his deductions, but, when we consider that then all was darkness where now we have some light, it may not be far wrong to say that he came much nearer the truth than does many a one in our day when examining a new substance. It is due Deyeux to say that he discovered tannin when he exhausted nutgalls with ether and described the product as a u refined dry and friable extract.’ On account of the gallic acid, he overlooked the possi¬ bility of there being a still more important substance present. All previous investigators had pointed so strongly to gallic acid as the principal constituent that, notwithstanding he found what he named a peculiar resin to be present in great abundance, he was unable or unwilling to realize it. Finally, he failed to distin¬ guish between gallic and pyrogallic acids, but others also had failed to detect that difference. We find at this time that the desire to improve the THE DISCOVERY OF THE TANNINS. 13 process of tanning was the great incentive which led to a more exact knowledge of tannin. One of the chief objects in view was to shorten the process, and the idea of extracting the oak-bark or tan with water is usually attributed to Seguin, but previous to his patent was the suggestion of Macbride in 1795 to extract the bark with lime-water, and that of Anthony Fay to make an extract by boiling the tan with water in the proportion of one pound of the former to three gallons of the lat¬ ter. This extract, or ooze, as he termed it, was to be’ weakened with water and used for tanning, which it accomplished in one-half the time occupied by the methods then in use. Fay’s patent was dated January 17, 1790, although not published until 1796. Seguin’s patent appears to have been dated in France in 1795 and in England in 1796, in the latter case under the name of William Desmond. To afford an understanding of what bearing these patents, especially Seguin’s, had on the discovery of tannin, it will be necessary to state that previous to his investigations the process of tanning was not supposed to be one of a combination of tannin with animal membrane, but simply a physical process in which the astringent property of the bark caused the hide to shrivel, harden, and become non-putrescible; therefore, when Seguin reasoned from his experiments, which were chiefly conducted on quite a large scale in the tanyard, that there was a principle present in oak-bark which combined with hide to form leather, he was given the credit of discovering tannin, although it had previously been separated and recognized as a distinct substance by both Diz6 and Deyeux. 14 THE TANNINS. Seguin’s conclusions were strengthened by the fact that, when he boiled hide with water and added to the clear cold liquid an infusion of oak-bark, he obtained a light-colored precipitate, which was insoluble in hot or cold water and became dark on exposure to light. We derive our knowledge of Seguin’s experiments from the report of a committee appointed to examine his process; after some months’ investigation, during which time a hundred or more hides were tanned and the committee wore shoes made of the leather, a satis¬ factory report was made and published. The commit¬ tee consisted of the citizens Lelievre and Pelletier. Seguin’s method of preparing the liquor was some¬ what ditferent from that of Fay. The latter, it will be remembered, boiled together the bark and water, while the former poured the liquor from one lot of ground bark to another until it reached a strength of from 10° to 12°. The advantage claimed for this form of the tanning material was that it could be transported, and, as the committee feared the early extinction of forests in France, they suggested that such an extract could be made in America. The first separation of tannin in a pure condition was accomplished by Proust in 1798. He added a so¬ lution of stannous chloride to a decoction of galls, and produced an abundant yellow precipitate, which he stated to be a combination of the tanning principle with tin and free from gallic acid. The precipitate mixed with water and treated with hydrogen sulphide was decomposed, forming a sulphide of the metal, which precipitated, while the astringent principle re¬ mained in solution. After removing the sulphide by THE DISCOVERY OF THE TANNINS. 15 filtration, the solution was evaporated in a silver basin, yielding a deep-brown, friable residue, which possessed the characteristic odor of the astringent principle. It had a vitreous fracture and did not attract moisture from the air. The taste was strongly astringent, and it completely dissolved in water and alcohol. The so¬ lution of this extract added to a solution of glue formed a magma which possessed the elastic properties of the gluten of flour, was perfectly insoluble in hot water, and was not susceptible of putrefaction. This the author believed to be the secret of Seguin’s preser¬ vation of leather. The remainder of his interesting memoir was devoted to the effects of tannin and gallic acid on ferrous and ferric salts. He also pointed out the fact that the juice of sumac gave the same reaction as this compound from galls. By these four investigators the existence of tannin was completely established, and gallic acid became of secondary importance as a constituent of galls and in tanning. It may be briefly stated that Dize first indi¬ cated the existence of tannin and prepared it in an im¬ pure state, Deyeux prepared it in considerable quantity and recognized it as one of the important constituents of galls, Seguin considered it the tanning principle and put the knowledge of its existence to practical appli¬ cation, and Proust first prepared it in an almost pure state. In 1801, Karsten reviewed the history of tannin, and attributed the discovery wholly to Seguin, although he spoke highly of Proust’s work. It is very probable that his credit to Seguin was on account of the great practical importance of the latter’s invention, which 16 THE TANNINS. gave it extensive publicity, while the more scientific works of Diz6 and Deyeux were overlooked. In 1802, Proust wrote another memoir on tannin, in which he concluded that there were many different kinds of tannin in different plants. This appears to be the first statement of what lias since proved to be a most important principle in the study of the tannins, and with this work of Proust the history of the discovery of tannin may well be closed, and further historical considerations taken up under the individual members of the class. SECTION II. GENERAL CHARACTERS. The terms “ tannin” and “ tannic acid” are used indiscriminately by many writers, while others employ the term “ tannic acid” to indicate the whole series and “ tannin” to denote the product from oak-galls. It, however, appears more rational to apply the term u tannic acid” to the product from galls, since it is an acid when pure, and to use the term “ tannin” to desig¬ nate the whole class of astringent substances, many of which are glucosides, and many more hold an un¬ known position among the chemical compounds. Thus u tannic acid” will agree with the German gerbs&ure and the French acide tannique, and “tannin” with the German gerbstoff and the French tannin, although many writers in those languages have also confused the respec¬ tive terms. There is no objection to the use of a more exact designation by prefixing the source of the com¬ pound, as gallotannic acid to the product from galls, sumaetannic acid to that from sumac, catechutannin to that from catechu, etc. In the following pages, there¬ fore, the term “tannin” will be applied to the whole class of astringents, while the compound from galls, as well as those from other sources where they have been shown to be chemically and physically identical with it, will be designated by “ tannic acid.” In both cases a prefix indicating the source will be applied when necessary. 2* 17 18 THE TANNINS. The tannins may be defined as a class of amorphous, astringent, vegetable substances, the members of which produce a blue or green color and precipitate with salts of iron, and with animal membrane form an insoluble and imputrescible compound called leather. The tannins are widely distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom. The richest deposit appears to be in galls, of which they comprise from twenty-five to seventy-five per cent., according to the variety. The next most abundant source is the inner bark of certain trees, notably of the oak species; they are also found in leaves, unripe fruits, woods, and some buds and flowers, but rarely and in small quantity in seeds. Many theories have been advanced by different in¬ vestigators to explain the uses and method of forma¬ tion of the tannins in plants. It has been observed that starch is always present with tannin in barks; that in many respects the tannins resemble the resins : the members of both classes, when heated with potas¬ sium hydrate, yield the same or similar products of decomposition, and, further, when seeds which are free from tannin germinate, it may then be detected. It has been found that the amount of tannin in a plant varies greatly with the time of year, and in some cases changes with the variation in the amount of starch present, as shown by Peacock in Heucliera Ameri¬ cana. He determined the amount of tannin to be greatest in October and least in May, while the starch was greatest in March. In Geranium maculatum it has © been found by the author that the tannin is present in largest amount in April, just before the plant blooms, and rapidly decreases until it reaches a minimum in GENERAL CHARACTERS. 19 October, thus pointing to the possibility of its being a storage material to assist the plant in blooming and perfecting its seed. The questions which naturally arise from a consid¬ eration of the various facts are, Do the tannins result from the decomposition of starch? Are they closely related to the resins? Are they a reserve material, or simply a useless by-product? These problems remain to be worked out, and the answers may be found to vary with the kind of tannin. For instance, gallotan- nic acid is simply a morbid deposition of the compound resulting from the sting of an insect, while the other tannins vary according to the circumstances under which they have been formed. Probably the most recent contribution to this subject, and one established on many experiments, is the mono¬ graph of Kraus, who has established some facts con¬ cerning the formation of tannin, but has not offered a solution of the various problems. He considered the tannins of different origin to be physiologically alike. This was stated soon after by Reinitzer to be incorrect. Kraus further found that light and carbon dioxide are essential agents of the formation of tannin in leaves. Leaves which are not green are not capable of producing tannin. The outer leaves of a plant, exposed to direct sunlight, contain more tannin than the inner leaves. It is not a product of the assimilation of chlorophyll grains; the oak, willow, and alder assimilate in dull weather without increasing in tannin. The tannin produced in the leaves passes into the branches and roots, and there is no experimental evidence that the tannin which has once passed into the rhizome undergoes further 20 THE TANNINS. change; there is rather an increase in the amount of tannin in the rhizome through a production in the dark. Kraus inclined to the belief that the use of tannin in leaves is either to protect them from being eaten or to prevent rotting, etc. Fallen leaves contain as much tannin as they did during their best time of growth, indicating that the leaf tannin is of no value to the plant. During the germination in the dark of seeds containing tannin, as oak and horse-chestnut, there is no diminution, but an increase, in the amount of tannin. There is not yet sufficient evidence to show whether tannin is produced from non-nitrogenous substances, or whether it is formed in the conversion of nitrogenous compounds into albuminoids. Finally, Kraus con¬ sidered it probable that aromatic compounds may be formed in the production of albumen, some of which are used in the building up of albumen while others yield tannin. His investigations and conclusions rested on slight differences in the estimation of tannin, and Reinitzer claimed that the methods employed for the estimation of tannin are not sufficiently exact for phys¬ iological investigation. This is no doubt true of esti¬ mations made by different chemists, but one person should be able with the present methods to get results which are relatively accurate. It was early suggested to divide the tannins into two classes,—the iron-bluing tannins, or those which give blue precipitates, and the iron-greening tannins, or those which give green precipitates with salts of iron. It lias been found, however, that the same tannin may produce both blue and green precipitates with iron salts. Free acid, especially tartaric, causes the green color, GENERAL CHARACTERS. 21 and, on the other hand, an iron-greening tannin may be changed to an iron-bluing one by the cautious addi¬ tion of alkali. A more recent and much more ex act classification is that of Wagner into 'pathological tannins, those formed on vegetable tissue by the sting of an insect, and 'phys¬ iological tannins, those occurring in vegetable tissue. To the former class belongs gallotannic acid, and to the latter the great number of tannins found throughout the vegetable kingdom. The former give blue and the latter give both blue and green precipitates with salts of iron. It has been found that some of the latter class are identical with gallotannic acid ; this was first pointed . out to be true of sumactannic acid by Stenhouse, and was later confirmed by Lowe. The method of preparing a tannin depends very much on the character of the material in which it occurs. Most of the published processes are based on the use of galls as the source, and a process available for exhausting them is not adapted to extracting a hard woody substance containing only five or ten per cent, of tannin. A process will, therefore, be given for each tannin, unless it can be referred to the following gen¬ eral method, which will be found available in many cases. The finely-powdered material is packed in a perco¬ lator and extracted with commercial ether. The offi¬ cial ether of the United States Pharmacopoeia, contain¬ ing seventy-four parts ether, twenty-six parts alcohol, and a small quantity of water, gives satisfactory results; its specific gravity is very close to 0.750. The ether is recovered by distillation, the last portions being removed A iw 22 THE TANNINS. under reduced pressure, and the residue is dissolved in such a quantity of water as will allow the solution to filter readily. This aqueous solution is distilled to dry¬ ness under reduced pressure, and the residue dissolved in a small quantity of water and rapidly distilled to dry¬ ness in as near a vacuum as possible, using in this, as in the preceding cases, a water-bath as the source of heat, when the tannin will “ puff up” and remain as a light- or dark-brown residue, according to the character of the original material. It may then be purified according to the method given later for the purification of gallotan- nic acid. This process may be used for most substances which contain five per cent, of tannin or over; but it is well to bear in mind that there is no separation of the percolate into layers, as in the case of that from galls. If less than five per cent, of tannin be present, it is more economical to extract with water and precipitate the tannin with lead acetate. The resulting lead tan- nate is then suspended in water, decomposed by hydro¬ gen sulphide, and the filtrate from lead sulphide dis¬ tilled to dryness under reduced pressure. Alcohol is sometimes used, but where the solvent can be recovered it has few if any advantages over ether. When econ¬ omy is the first consideration hot water is used, and this will later claim especial attention under tannin extracts. In a few cases cold instead of hot water must be used or the impurities will predominate, as in the case of canaigre, which contains a large quantity of starch that is dissolved with the tannin by hot water and interferes with the use of the extract for many purposes. Always when a pure tannin is desired heat and ex¬ posure to air must be avoided. Many plants appear GENERAL CHARACTERS. 23 to contain two tannins; when such is the case it will sometimes be found that ether extracts one, and the other may then be removed by water, or occasionally cold water will extract but one and the other may then be removed by the use of hot water. The tannins as a class are amorphous, odorless, slightly acid, and strongly astringent compounds, of a color varying from dark brown to pure white. They are, with few exceptions, soluble in water, alcohol, ether, and glycerin, and insoluble in chloroform, benzol, pe¬ troleum ether, carbon disulphide, fixed and volatile oils. In addition to the above reactions given with iron salts, most if not all the tannins give brown precipitates with potassium bichromate. Lime-water gives precip¬ itates, which, however, vary in color; at first they are white, but become rapidly darker, some red and others blue. Strong solutions of the alkaline carbonates also precipitate them. All the tannins are precipitated by gelatin or albumen; solutions of alum and ammonium chloride render the precipitation more complete. Sat¬ urated solutions of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium acetate, and a number of other salts precipi¬ tate the tannins from solution ; the same is true of moderately concentrated sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. Concentrated sulphuric acid dissolves the dry tannins with a yellow color, which on heating become dark-red rufigallic acid and then black metagallic acid. Nitric acid does not precipitate the tannins from solu¬ tion, but it dissolves the dry compounds with a yellow color, and decomposes them with the formation of oxalic acid. Other oxidizing reagents, as potassium 24 THE TANNINS. bichromate and permanganate, decompose them very easily into carbon dioxide and some other unknown compound. When heated dry with arsenic acid, some of them are converted into ellagic acid. Most tannins are precipitated by alkaloids, notwithstanding the fact that both frequently exist in the same plant without forming an insoluble compound. The action of dilute acids and alkalies is one of considerable importance in determining their character; some, for instance, when heated to 100° with a one or two per cent, hydro¬ chloric acid solution, yield crystalline compounds as gallic and ellagic acid, while others yield dark-colored amorphous compounds allied to the phlobaphenes; glucose is formed at the same time in nearly all the decompositions, thus showing their glucosidal nature. Another method of determining the character of tannins is by the application of heat. When a tan¬ nin is heated to 120° no decided change takes place except a slight darkening in color; on continuing the heat the color gradually becomes darker, until at 160° decomposition takes place. With some tannins the products are metagallic acid and pyrogallol, and with others metagallic acid and catechol. It has been sug¬ gested to divide the tannins into two classes according as they yield, when heated, pyrogallol or catechol. Those which produce a brownish-colored deposit on leather, called “bloom,” and form blue compounds with ferric salts yield, when heated, a sublimate of pyro¬ gallol, while those which do not form a “ bloom” on leather and give green compounds with ferric salts yield, when heated, a sublimate of catechol. To the former class belong the tannins from galls, sumac, GENERAL CHARACTERS. 25 chestnut,, and oak, and to the latter those from hem¬ lock, catechu, rhatany, and mangrove. It is known not only that the tannins in the two classes have a dif¬ ferent composition, but that most of those in the same class differ from one another in many particulars. In order to assist one in determining the character of a tannin it is necessary to study its decompositions by heat alone, by acids, and by alkalies. Procter, in his “ Text-Book of Tanning,” and Allen, in his “ Commercial Organic Analysis,” have given similar schemes for carrying out these three processes. The decomposition by heat may be effected by heat¬ ing the sample in a small glass retort, but this is at¬ tended with considerable loss from a portion becoming overheated. The decomposition should take place by slowly raising the temperature from 160° to 215°, keeping it between 200° and 210° for twenty minutes. It has been suggested to assist the sublimation of the volatile products by leading a stream of carbon dioxide into the retort to carry them off as rapidly as formed. Thorpe suggested a method of preparing pyrogallol for photographic purposes by heating gallic acid in glycerin as above directed, and this has since been applied to decomposing the tannins. The details of the method are to heat one gramme of the tannin in 5 cc. of glycerin, slowly raising the temperature from 160°, and keeping it for from twenty to thirty minutes between 200° and 210°. It is then allowed to cool, 20 cc. of water are added, and the liquid is shaken with an equal volume of ether with¬ out previous filtration. The separated ethereal layer is evaporated to dryness and dissolved in 50 cc. of 3 26 THE TANNINS. water and tested for pyrogallol and catechol, according to the following: One pee cent. Solutions op Pyrogallol. Catechol. Ferric chloride . . . Red color, turning brown. Green color. Ferric acetate . . . Dark-purple color. Green color. Lime-water .... Purple color, turn¬ ing brown. Clear red color. Melting-point . . . Pine wood moistened 131°. 111°. with HC1. No change. Violet color. The above tests will readily distinguish between pyrogallol and catechol when either occurs singly or mixed with only a small proportion of the other, but when they occur in a solution in nearly equal propor¬ tions it becomes a matter of much more difficulty. The tannin should be free from gallic acid and catechin before submitting it to the above operation, or else pyrogallol will be obtained from the former and cat¬ echol from the latter; this may be Accomplished by thorough agitation of an aqueous solution of the tannin with ether and separation of the latter, the water is then rapidly distilled from the tannin under reduced pressure. It has been found by the author, in carrying out the application of heat to tannins, that there is a practical difficulty iu separating the ethereal layer containing pyrogallol and catechol when the 5 cc. of glycerin, after the application of heat, are dissolved in 20 cc. of water and agitated with ether. The emulsion formed GENERAL CHARACTERS. 27 is difficult to get rid of. This may be overcome by agitating the 5 cc. of glycerin directly with 20 cc. of ether without first dissolving in water, or the sample of tannin may be heated with 5 grammes of paraffin, in¬ stead of 5 cc. of glycerin, and the paraffin dissolved in petroleum ether; the residue is then treated with water and agitated with ether, the ethereal solution separated as before, evaporated, and the residue dissolved in 50 cc. of water, when it is ready for testing. In order to determine the effect of dilute acids on a sample, a convenient quantity of the latter is heated for an hour or more to 100° with a two-per-cent, solution of absolute hydrochloric acid. This may be accom¬ plished by heating in a sealed tube or strong flask tightly stopped, or by attaching the open flask to an up¬ right condenser and heating with a vigorously boiling water-bath. The solution, after sufficient heating, is allowed to cool, when a separation of insoluble matter indicates ellagic acid, anhydrides, or phlobaphenes. The mixture is filtered, if a separation has taken place, and the precipitate tested for ellagic acid by nitric acid, with which it forms an intense crimson color. The filtrate containing hydrochloric acid, undecomposed tannin, gallic acid, and glucose is agitated with ether to remove gallic acid, neutralized with sodium hydrate, and precipitated with basic lead acetate to remove coloring-matter and tannin. The excess of lead is removed with sulphuric acid, again neutralized with sodium hydrate, and the clear filtrate heated with an excess of Feh ling’s solution. The formation of a red precipitate of cuprous oxide indicates the presence of glucose. 28 THE TANNINS. The ethereal solution which removed gallic acid is evaporated, the residue, dissolved in warm water, al¬ lowed to cool, and filtered, when gallic acid, if present in the filtrate, may be detected by the red coloration produced by the addition of a few drops of potassium cyanide solution. Since glucose occurs as a mixture in most tannins, it is necessary first to get rid of it before applying the above process. This may be accomplished by repeated purification of the tannin by precipitation with lead acetate; but such a process is very slow and tedious: so it has been suggested to use the lead salt for heating with the acid, in which case the sediment which sepa¬ rates when the liquid cools will consist in part or all of lead chloride, which may be collected on a filter with the ellagic acid and treated with boiling water, in which the lead chloride will dissolve. It has been found by the author that the shortest method is to determine the amount of glucose in a tannin by removing the latter with lead acetate, and the excess of lead with hydrogen sulphide. The fil¬ trate is then heated on a water-bath until every trace of hydrogen sulphide is driven off, neutralized with sodium hydrate, filtered, and the glucose estimated in the filtrate gravimetrically with Fehling’s solution. Another portion of the sample is then heated with hydrochloric acid, and, after carrying out the process of hydrolysis, the glucose is estimated. Any excess of glucose in the second estimation over that in the first indicates that much glucose existed in the tannin as glucoside. The action of alkalies is determined either on a sample GENERAL CHARACTERS. 29 of the tannin or on the anhydrides and phlobapheues resulting from the action of hydrochloric acid. This process of heating the tannins with alkali converts some of them into protocatechuic acid and either phloroglucol or acetic acid,—to this class belong the catechol tannins. Another class are converted into gallic and ellagic acids by the alkali, and they are found to be the pyrogallol tannins. The operation is carried out by taking 20 grammes of the sample and boiling for three hours with 150 cc. of potassium hydrate solution, specific gravity 1.20 ; the liquid is then concentrated with constant stirring until it becomes pasty. It is then cooled and neutralized with dilute sulphuric acid, filtered from the potassium sulphate, and the filtrate treated with sodium bicarbonate until the acid is neutralized. The liquid is agitated successively with several portions of ether; the latter, after separation, is recovered by distillation, and its residue dissolved in water; from this solution protocatechuic acid is removed by lead acetate, filtered, and the phloroglucol, when present, removed from the filtrate by ether; the latter is evaporated, and the phloroglucol is recognized by its sweet taste, by ferric chloride, which imparts to its aqueous solution a deep violet-red color, and by bromine-water, which causes a separation of crystalline needles, with evolution of heat and a very irritating odor. With these various characters of the tannins our knowledge of them almost ceases. Except gallotannic and quercitannic acids the individuals have not been much studied, and the latter are only now in course of investigation by Bottinger. As recently as 1881, Dar- ton, who has had considerable experience in the assay of 3* 30 THE TANNINS. various tannin materials, ventured to repeat the conclu¬ sion of the older chemists that we have but one tannin, and that the differences are due to the other materials with which they are associated in the plant. It is true that one is often led, during the practical study of the subject, to ask whether we have more than one tannin or not, but this question is being answered as the study into the constitution of the various members is prose¬ cuted. No doubt some relationship governing them exists, just as there is among the sugars, but as yet it has not been made out, and the study will necessarily be a long one, since there are so many individual tan¬ nins to be investigated. The problem will undoubtedly be worked out by a study of the derivatives, and this by means of bromine and acetyl has been well com¬ menced on the gallotannic and quercitannic acids. We must keep in mind that a number of the individual tannins will be proved to be identical, as has been shown to be the case with sumac and a few others in regard to gallotannic acid, but with the great majority our present knowledge leads to the belief that a rela¬ tionship only is to be worked out. In general it may be said that the tannins are used in medicine, in the manufacture of leather and ink, and as a mordant in dyeing, but the special properties of the different members adapt them to a great number of minor uses. By far the largest amount of tannin is used in an impure state,—that is, in the form of an in¬ fusion or decoction, or as an extract, made by concen¬ trating these solutions. SECTION III. THE DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF THE TANNINS. The simple detection of the tannins is comparatively easy. A few tests applied to an infusion of the plant or substance serve to decide their presence or absence. Ferric acetate or chloride is usually first employed, when a green or blue color and precipitate indicate tannin. Ferrous salts, when free from ferric, cause no change with tannin solutions unless the latter be concentrated, when a white gelatinous precipitate is formed, rapidly becoming dark on exposure to air. Potassium dichromate forms brown precipitates with nearly all tannins. Ammoniacal copper sulphate forms precipitates of different shades of color; but, according to Procter, the tannin of Hungarian larch is not pre¬ cipitated by this reagent, and it does form insoluble compounds with some substances other than the tan¬ nins. Allen recommends an ammoniacal solution of potassium ferricyanide, which produces with the tan¬ nins a deep-red color changing to brown, even in very dilute solutions. Most of the alkaloids, when not in too dilute solution, produce whitish precipitates with the tannins. Calcium hydrate produces a whitish pre¬ cipitate rapidly turning blue with gallotannic, but red with some other varieties, notably that from mangrove. An aqueous solution of iodine in potassium iodide, mixed with a small quantity of ammonia previously 31 32 THE TANNINS. diluted with ten times its volume of water, will pro¬ duce a brilliant red color with solutions of the tannins, even when highly diluted. Other characteristic tests for the tannins will be found under the chemical properties of the different varieties. The methods for the quantitative determination of the tannins may conveniently be considered in four groups: 1. Miscellaneous methods, not belonging to any of the following. 2. Precipitation by metallic salts. 3. The gelatin or hide methods. 4. The permanganate methods. 1. Under the first class is the process of Commaile, which was based on the reduction of iodic acid by tannin in the presence of hydrocyanic acid. The iodic acid not consumed was estimated by reduction with sulphurous acid and precipitation by silver nitrate. This method has been unfavorably criticised by Cecil and by Watts. P. Becker suggested the use of methyl violet, 0.250 gramme in one litre. This was standardized by a one- per-cent. tannin solution, and it could then be used on tannin solutions of unknown strength. Mittenzwey recommended a process in which the volume of oxygen absorbed by an alkaline solution of tannin was measured. Cecil found this to give unsat¬ isfactory results, but Watts, after improving some details in the apparatus, considered it a fairly accurate method. Wagner proposed titrating the tannin solution with cinchonine sulphate, using rosaniline acetate as an indi- DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 33 cator. This method failed to give satisfaction, on ac¬ count of the difficulty in determining the end of the reaction. Clark used a modification of this for the estimation of tannin in tea. His improvement con¬ sisted in adding an excess of the cinchonine sulphate, filtering, and estimating the excess of the alkaloid by titrating with potassio-mercuric iodide. A series of trials, by the author of this volume, in which the method was tried on gallotannic acid, failed to give concordant results. F. Musset suggested using an excess of standard so¬ lution of iodine, and, after twelve hours’ standing, titrating the free iodine with standard sodium thiosul¬ phate, which was added in excess and titrated with decinormal iodine solution and starch. 2. The methods of precipitation with metallic salts are very numerous and comprise many modifications. It is desirable sometimes to obtain the value of a tan¬ nin by this means, therefore the following more impor¬ tant processes will be given. Pribram in 1866 detailed a method involving pre¬ cipitation by lead acetate, washing, drying, and weigh¬ ing the precipitate; but, as there are at least three salts of lead tannate, according as the lead acetate or tannin is in excess, and these salts are readily decom¬ posed by washing, it is evident that such a method can only give approximations. Allen originated a modification of this for assaying the tannin in tea, in which the latter in hot concen¬ trated solution was titrated by a volumetric solution of the lead acetate; the end of the reaction was ascertained by filtering a small portion of the liquid and testing with 34 THE TANNINS. ammoniacal potassium ferricyanide, which gave a red color turning brown as long as any uncombined tannin was present. As stated by its author this estimation in¬ cluded gallic acid, so would not be available for all cases. Dragendorff 1 recommended that precipitations with lead acetate should be carried out in moderately con¬ centrated solutions, avoiding an excess of the lead salt and not continuing the washing too long. R. Jackson suggested the use of lead carbonate with which to agitate the tannin solution. The specific gravity before and after the treatment giving the loss of tannin, a difference of .0038 indicated one per cent, of tannin. For the estimation of tannin in plant analysis Drag¬ endorff recommended estimating the tannin soluble in absolute alcohol, after replacing the solvent by water, by precipitating with lead acetate, rapidly washing, drying, and weighing the precipitate, which was then burned and the residue of lead oxide subtracted from the original weight. This operation was then repeated with copper acetate. When the amount of organic matter precipitated by each was equal, the substance was assumed to be tannin; but, in case the lead salt precipitated more than the copper salt, the organic matter obtained by the latter was taken as representing the amount of tannin, while the excess obtained by lead acetate over that by copper acetate was reckoned as other organic acids and coloring-matter. Copper acetate appears to have been first suggested for the quantitative determination of tannin by Sakur. 1 Plant Analysis, English edition, p. 41. DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 35 The precipitate with it, like that of the corresponding lead salt, is not of constant composition; therefore the precipitation must be made with moderately concen¬ trated solutions, and the resulting precipitate rapidly washed, dried, and weighed. Fleck precipitated the tannin by copper acetate, and washed the precipitate with ammonium carbonate to remove gallic acid. The precipitate was then washed, dried at 100°, weighed, and ignited. Wolff found 100 parts of cupric oxide represented 130.4 parts of tannin. Pavesi and Rotondi found 100 parts represented 145 parts tannin. This difference among different investi¬ gators Schiff explained by supposing they used tannins of variable degrees of purity, and he found 136 parts of pure digallic acid to be represented by 100 parts of cupric oxide. J. Persoz recommended dissolving eight grammes of ammonium chloride in one litre of water, and in this dissolving some stannous chloride. Ten grammes of pure dry tannin were then dissolved in one litre of water, and 100 cc. of this solution precipitated with 100 cc. of this stannous chloride solution, the mixture allowed to stand ten or twelve hours in a graduated cylinder, and the volume of the precipitate read. Then ten grammes of the tannin material were boiled for one-half hour with a half-litre of water, filtered, and the residue washed with sufficient water to make one litre; 100 cc. of this solution in a similarly graduated cylinder were then precipitated with 100 cc. of the stan¬ nous chloride solution, and after standing ten or twelve hours the volume of the precipitate was compared with that from the pure tannin. 36 THE TANNINS. Risler-Beunat proposed to modify the method by col¬ lecting the precipitate of tin tannate, washing, drying, and igniting, with the addition of a little ammonium nitrate in order to completely convert the residue into stannic oxide. The weight of this residue was con¬ verted into tannin by a calculation based on the amount of residue obtained from a pure dry tannin. Dragen- dorff found that the precipitation was incomplete, that, it took place slowly, and that the precipitate was partly decomposed by washing. Gerland suggested the use of tartar emetic in the presence of ammonium chloride for the volumetric es¬ timation of tannin; the method, however, met with little favor until improved by Richards and Palmer, who used ammonium acetate instead of the chloride, both of which prevent the precipitation of gallic acid and assist the precipitation of the tannin. The tartar emetic was dried at 100°, and then used in the propor¬ tion of 6.730 grammes in one litre; in such a solution 1 cc. corresponded to 0.010 gramme of digallic acid. The ammonium acetate was made by saturating glacial acetic acid with strong solution of ammonia, and 1 cc. of this solution added to every 25 cc. of the tannin solution, which latter should contain from 0.1 to 0.3 gramme of tannin in every 100 cc. Three or four tests should be made in as many beakers placed side by side, and the end of the reaction determined by placing a drop of the clear supernatant liquid on a white porce¬ lain surface, adding a drop of sodium thiosulphate, and warming; a red color of antimony sulphide will form when the least excess of the reagent has been added. Ammoniacal zinc acetate was recommended by DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 37 Terreil in 1874, by Carpene in 1876, and by Barbieri in 1877: While the details of the different authors varied somewhat, the following covers most of the methods. The reagent was added to a boiling solution of the tan¬ nin, and the mixture concentrated to one-half, when it was cooled and filtered. The precipitate was dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and the tannin estimated by titration with potassium permanganate, This process was especially recommended for determining the tannin in wine, but Dragendorff found it of little value. Handtke used ferric acetate in the presence of sodium acetate, and found it available for the estimation of the* tannins of oak-bark, valonia, dividivi, sumac, and cate¬ chu, when the concentration was such that the precipi¬ tate yielded 45.8 per cent, of ferric oxide by ignition; but with a number of tannins it did not yield satisfactory results, and the process is apparently not used. 3. Methods of estimating tannins by means of gela¬ tin, isinglass, and hide or hide powder have been sug¬ gested in great number, with as many or more modi¬ fications by others until the list is a formidable one. Apparently the first paper on the quantitative determi¬ nation of tannin was by George Biggin in 1799, who collected, washed, dried, and weighed the precipitate produced by gelatin on tannin. He did not attempt to arrive at the exact amount of tannin present, as he made no estimation of the value of the precipitate in tannin. It could, therefore, be used only to compare one material with another, and was available only to the tanner who wished to compare the value of a new substance with that of a Avell-known one he was using. Davy in 1803 extracted six parts of bark with 4 38 THE TANNINS. water and precipitated it with one part of isinglass, washed, dried, weighed the precipitate, and calculated 40 per cent, of it as tannin. Muller suggested the addition of alum to the isin¬ glass or gelatin solution, and a solution of three grammes gelatin and one gramme alum in one litre of water is largely used at the present time in two modi¬ fications,—one to collect, wash, dry, weigh the precipi¬ tate, and reckon 54 per cent, of it as tannin ; the other to use the solution, volumetrically and determine the end of the reaction by filtering off a small portion of the solution and testing until no further precipitate is caused by the reagent. The solution of gelatin and alum must first be standardized by a solution of pure tannin. Notwithstauding the objection to this method, and the fact that we have many others for which greater accuracy is claimed, it continues to be used, and, no doubt, in careful and experienced hands will yield uniform results. The following details of this process have been em¬ ployed by the author for several years with consider¬ able success. The results have in most cases agreed closely with those obtained by the permanganate method. The solution is made of 2.5 grammes gelatin and 10 grammes alum in one litre. This solution, as well as that of the tannin, is warmed to 70°. The re¬ agent is then dropped in with constant stirring until the precipitate coagulates and leaves a clear superna¬ tant licpiid which gives no further precipitate on the addition of a few drops of the reagent. In case the coagulation does not take place so as to furnish a clear liquid and one that filters easily, the whole should be DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 39 thrown out and a more dilute solution of the tannin material taken. When precipitation has taken place satisfactorily, the mixture should be rapidly poured on two counterpoised filters placed one iuside the other, the precipitate washed with just sufficient warm water to re¬ move alum, dried at 110°, and weighed. For gallotannic acid 54 per cent, of the precipitate should be considered tannin. With the amount of alum above mentioned it is possible to add the gelatin solution in slight excess without dissolving any of the precipitate. According to Jolmnson 100 parts of gelatin precipi¬ tate 120 parts of dry tannin. Schulze recommended the use of ammonium chloride to cause coagulation of the precipitate; his solution contained ten grammes of gelatin in one litre saturated with ammonium chloride, and Lowenthal used a satu¬ rated solution of common salt with one-tenth its volume of hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.120) for the same purpose, but, if the proportion of alum (10 grammes to 1 litre) recommended above be used and the details carefully carried out, it will be found preferable. Powdered or rasped raw-hide was originally sug¬ gested by Davy and more recently used in the process of Hammer. This method consisted in preparing a solution of the tannin material, taking its specific gravity, then digesting it for a few hours with hide to four times the supposed amount of tannin present, which latter should be present to the extent of from 3 to 5 per cent., filtering, and again taking the specific gravity. The loss in specific gravity on account of di¬ gesting with hide represented the tannin, a loss of .0040 indicating one per cent. 40 THE TANNINS. There are many sources of error in this process, as has been pointed out by Ran, who says, “A 5-per-cent, solution of gallotannic acid had a specific gravity of 1.01841. The density of distilled water being 1.0000, the 5 per cent, gallotannic acid was represented by the increase in specific gravity 0.01841. A solution of cane- sugar was prepared having specific gravity 1.01646, and 5 per cent, of the same gallotannic acid dissolved therein. The specific gravity of the latter solution was then found to be 1.03398; consequently the same per¬ centage of tannin was in this case represented by a somewhat smaller increase in specific gravity, 0.01752.” The same author by experiments showed that the col¬ oring-matters of logwood and Persian berries were largely absorbed by the hide powder along with the tannin. Simand recommended the use of bone tissue instead of hide powder. This bone tissue he prepared by taking tubular bones free from joints, macerating them for two days with a five-per-cent, solution of soda, thoroughly washing with water, reducing to smaller pieces, and treating with dilute hydrochloric acid until softened, then washing and passing through a grind¬ ing machine while still wet. This comminuted mass was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, thoroughly washed, pressed, and dried. Simand and Weiss estimated the tannin in extracts by hide powder, which they prepared from fresh skin by washing, unhairing, treating with dilute hydro¬ chloric acid, stretching, and drying. The skin was then planed fine, dried, and worked through a fine sieve. The watery residue from 5 grammes of this powder DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 41 gave only 0.036 gramme dry residue, containing 0.008 gramme ash. In order to estimate a sample of tannin extract, from 12 to 16 grammes of a solid or 22 to 28 grammes of a liquid sample were taken, dissolved in distilled water, made up to one litre, and filtered ; 100 cc. were evap¬ orated to dryness, dried, and weighed, thus giving the total amount of soluble matter; 250 cc. of the solution were placed in a dry flask with one gramme of hide powder and shaken for two hours, then filtered into another flask and this treatment with one gramme of hide powder twice more repeated, and then a fourth time with 2 grammes of hide powder. This quan¬ tity (5 grammes) was considered quite sufficient to ex¬ tract all tanning material. The solution was then fil¬ tered for the fourth time and 100 cc. evaporated and dried. The difference between this weight and that obtained by the first evaporation indicated the amount of tannin. Bone tissue as well as hide powder is available for this process, which has many points of value, and, if the correction for the solubility of the hide powder or bone tissue could be accurately made, it would be the most satisfactory and exact of the numerous methods that have been proposed. In actual practice, however, it has been found almost impossible to get a gelatinous tissue that is not somewhat soluble in water, which solubility should be added to the amount of tannin found, but, as most of the soluble portion is capable of being precipitated by tannin, it is not proper to add the whole amount of tissue which is dissolved by water, therefore the correction is an unknown quantity, and, 4* 42 THE TANNINS. unless a gelatinous tissue can be made that is com¬ pletely insoluble in water, the process is not available. Muntz and Ramspacher contrived an apparatus for use in Hammer’s method, which consisted of a press so constructed that the tannin solution could be forced through hide, the specific gravity taken before and after, or a portion of the liquid evaporated in each case. It, however, had no advantages over the original method, and has been used but little. 4. Under the fourth class of methods we have prac¬ tically one in which the use of potassium permanganate is combined with the gelatin or hide method. The use of calcium hypochlorite has been suggested to replace the permanganate, but with no apparent advantage. Monier in 1858 first proposed the use of potas¬ sium permanganate for volumetrically determining the amount of tannin by adding the reagent until the solution assumed a pinkish color. It was soon found, however, that tannin was not the only substance oxi¬ dized by permanganate, and in infusions the color interfered with the determination of the end reaction. In 1860, Lowenthal rendered the process more avail¬ able by suggesting the use of indigo as an indicator, which at the same time controlled the oxidation, and this he further greatly improved in 1877 by combining the gelatin process with it, making a permanganate valuation, before and after treatment with gelatin. Neubauer in 1871 suggested a similar improvement, using animal charcoal instead of gelatin. The permanganate method, with further improve¬ ments by Procter, Hunt, Yon Schroder, Councler, and others, has come to be regarded as the standard process DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 43 of the present time, although it is not without its faults, and is especially difficult for one who only occasionally desires to make a tannin assay. In 1883 a Commission of German technical chemists was appointed to meet in Berlin and report on a method of tannin assay. This Commission consisted of Dr. C. Councler, Dr. J. v. Schroder, and Messrs. A. Eberz, Franz Kathreiner, Schaun, and F. Simand. W. Eitner, of Vienna, was prevented from taking part in the proceedings. In two years they presented a report, under the title of “Bericht liber die Verhand- lungeu der Commission zur Feststellung einer einheit- lichen Methodeder Gerbstoffbestimmung, Cassel, 1885. Verlag von Theodor Fischer.” In addition to the recommendations, this report contains a critical investi¬ gation of the Lowenthal method by Dr. von Schroder. The following process will give that recommended by the Commission, together with some improvements that have been suggested by various investigators since. Although far from perfect, it may be said to represent fairly the method of to-day, and is capable of giving satisfactory results in competent hands. Briefly outlined, the process, which is still known as Lowenthal’s, consists in taking a dilute solution of po¬ tassium permanganate, determining the amount of it necessary to decolorize or change to yellow a given amount of indigo solution, and then the amount re¬ quired to change the same volume of indigo solution and pure tannin solution. Another portion of the tan¬ nin solution is then treated with gelatin or hide pow¬ der, filtered, and portions of the filtrate and indigo which represent the same amounts as were previously 44 THE TANNINS. treated with permanganate are again decolorized by that reagent. The difference in volume of perman¬ ganate solution used before and after treatment with gelatin gives the amount of permanganate required to oxidize this known amount of tannin. This tannin solution can then be replaced by an in¬ fusion which represents a known quantity of tannin material, and the percentage readily calculated. The indigo serves as an indicator and at the same time con¬ trols the oxidation ; since it is decolorized with some difficulty, it indicates that the other substances have all been oxidized when the blue color disappears. SAMPLING AND PREPARATION OF THE TANNIN INFUSION. From 500 to 1000 grammes are so taken as to rep¬ resent the whole cargo. This sample is then ground in a drug-mill or powdered in a mortar until all of it will pass through a sieve of 20 meshes to the inch. It is not sufficient to discontinue the grinding when enough has been obtained to furnish 10 or 20 grammes for the infusion, but the whole 500 or 1000 grammes must be ground, sieved, and then thoroughly mixed before proceeding, since the first portion ground is much softer than that reduced last, and therefore repre¬ sents a different amount of tannin. After all has been ground, sieved, and thoroughly mixed, 5 grammes of galls, 10 grammes of sumac, valonia, or myrobalans, or 20 grammes of bark are boiled for one-half hour with 500 cc. of water, strained into a litre flask, and washed and pressed with sufficient water to bring the measure of the infusion to one litre. DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 45 As glass is liable to fracture in the above boiling, a kettle of what is known in this country as “agate¬ ware” has been found very satisfactory. The infusion may also be prepared in an apparatus described by Yon Schroder (Fig. 1), which consists of a cylindrical Fig. 1. cast-tin vessel 12.5 cm. high and 7 cm. in diameter, with a spout but no handle; the latter is omitted in order that the vessel may be more readily heated in a water-bath. Accompanying this is a strainer or plunger of the same metal, with a handle about 16 cm. in length. The strainer is of such diameter that when covered with muslin it will just fit the inside of the cylindrical vessel and play the part of a piston to it. Five, ten, or twenty grammes of the powdered material are placed in the vessel, 200 cc. of cold distilled water added, and, 46 THE TANNIN, S’. after macerating for one hour, the strainer is pressed into the cylinder and the solution poured into a litre flask. The strainer is then drawn up, and, without re¬ moving it, 200 cc. of hot distilled water are poured in so as to wash the liquid and powder adhering to the strainer down into the vessel, which is immediately set in a water-bath and heated for one-half hour, the strainer pressed down, and the solution poured into the litre flask. This operation of hot extraction is continued until 1000 cc. of infusion are obtained; it is then allowed to cool, cold water is added to bring the solution again up to the mark, and the whole is filtered. The tannin strength of the solution should be such that 10 cc. will not reduce more than 8 cc. of permanganate solution. It is sometimes desirable to distinguish between the easily soluble tannin and the difficultly soluble tannin. That which dissolves in cold water is accepted as rep¬ resenting the former, while that which is afterwards re¬ moved by hot water represents the latter. The infusion of these may be prepared by extracting in the Von Schroder apparatus with cold water until one litre is obtained, and then preparing a litre of the hot infusion from the residual material. It was suggested by the Commission to employ a Heals press for the cold extraction of the tannin ma¬ terial. This consists of a closed cylindrical percolator of metal so arranged as to allow the water to be applied under the pressure of a column one and one-half metres in height. The accompanying illustration (Fig. 2) is of an ap¬ paratus which may be constructed in any laboratory, DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 47 Fig. 2. 48 THE TANNINS. and will accomplish the purpose under any reasonable height of water column. This consists of a glass per¬ colator, A, fitted with a stopcock, C, at the lower end, and with a tightly-fitting rubber stopper, D, at the top; to a glass tube in this cork is attached a rubber tube, E, of any desired length, and connected with a small reservoir, that is arranged to be placed at variable heights above the percolator, and at the lower orifice of the latter is placed the litre flask B. The sample is packed in A and cold distilled water run on until it begins to drop from the lower end, the stopcock C is then closed, and under a pressure of a column of water one and one-half metres in height it is allowed to macerate for from twelve to sixteen hours; the stopcock is then opened, and the percolation allowed to proceed until one litre of liquid is obtained. The liquid should not be allowed to come from the percolator faster than in drops, and to obtain one litre should require from three to four hours. It is just as well to have a pinch- cock attached to the rubber tube E to assist in control¬ ling the flow of liquid. When the desired amount of cold infusion lias been obtained, the residue is extracted with hot water in a Yon Schroder apparatus or any other convenient vessel in order to obtain one litre of the hot infusion. THE ASSAY OF THE TANNIN INFUSION. For this part of the operation the following appa¬ ratus and chemicals are required. 1. Permanganate Solution .—Ten grammes of pure potassium permanganate are dissolved in 6 litres of water. DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 49 2. Indigo Solution .—A solution of 30 grammes of sodium sulphindigotate (“ Carminum coerul. opt., pure Indigotin I. of Gehe and Co.,” Dresden) in 3 litres of dilute sulphuric acid (1 volume of the acid to 3 volumes of water). This is agitated for some time, filtered, and sufficient water added through the filter to make 6 litres. The value of this solution should be such that 20 cc. in 750 cc. water should require about 10.7 cc. of the above permauganate solution to decolorize it. 3. Hide Powder .—This must be white and woolly in character, and not yield to cold distilled water any substance capable of reducing permanganate. Such a powder is prepared by Dr. Roth, of Berlin, and by the Vienna Research Station, and can usually be had of importers and dealers in chemicals throughout the world. 4. Standardizing the Permanganate Solution .—The purest obtainable tannin (that of Schering was recom¬ mended by the Commission) is used for the standard. For this purpose a portion is dried at 100° to constant weight, then such a quantity of the air-dried substance as to represent 2 grammes of it in the dried condition is taken and dissolved in one litre of water. 10 cc. of this solution and 20 cc. of the indigo solu¬ tion are added to 750 cc. of water, and the permanganate solution is run in from a graduated burette with constant stirring until the liquid assumes a greenish color, and then more cautiously, a drop or two at a time, until a pure yellow color with a pinkish rim is reached, which is most apparent on the shaded side. 50 cc. of the tannin solution are then macerated with 3 grammes of hide powder (which has been previously well moistened and 5 50 THE TANNINS. squeezed out) for eighteen or twenty hours with frequent agitation, filtered, and 10 cc., with 20 cc. of indigo solu¬ tion in 750 cc. of water, titrated with the permanganate as before. The difference between the amount of per¬ manganate in the first and second titrations represents the tannin or oxidizable matter removed by hide. The “ not tannin,” or oxidizable matter not removed by hide, should not much exceed 5 per cent. The titration is best carried out in a porcelain dish, although a beaker-glass on a white surface may be used. Having the value of the permanganate in tannin, we next take the infusion prepared as previously described and carry out the titration Avith permanganate and treatment with hide on it, by using 10 cc. of the infu¬ sion, 20 cc. of the indigo solution, and 750 cc. of water. After obtaining the permanganate value of this infusion, 50 cc. more of the latter are agitated for from sixteen to eighteen hours Avith 3 grammes of hide poAvder as before, and 10 cc. of the filtrate titrated in the presence of 20 cc. of the indigo solution and 750 cc. ot water. From these data it is easy to calculate the percentage of tannin in the material from which the infusion was made. Yon Schroder found by the use of Hammer’s method that the pure tannin does not represent the full value of the tanning material, and suggested that the tannin found be multiplied by 1.05. Neubauer used animal charcoal instead of hide powder for absorbing the tannin ; it has been found, hoAvever, to absorb other substances than tannin in con¬ siderable quantity. DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF TANNINS. 51 Lowentlial used a solution of gelatin instead of hide powder. This solution was prepared by taking 20 grammes of good gelatin, allowing it to swell for several hours in cold water, then dissolving with the aid of heat and more water, saturating the solution with common salt, adding 100 cc. of hydrochloric acid and sufficient water to make one litre. The infusion after agitation for some time with the gelatin solution was found to filter slowly, and Procter suggested stirring in about 5 grammes of finely-powdered kaolin for causing a rapid settling of the precipitate and so giving a solution which filtered rapidly and clear. Simaud recommended the bone tissue previously de¬ scribed. Many more details and numerous suggestions of minor importance might be added, but they would serve rather to complicate the process given. To those who wish to study the original papers on tannin estimation more in detail, the following are recom¬ mended : Gauhe, Cecil, Lowentlial, Neubauer, Procter, Notzli, and the Report of the Commission of German chemists. SECTION I. SOURCES. By the puncture of a small insect, the Cynips Galina tinotorise, on the young buds of the small twigs of Quercus lusitanica, variety infectoria , there are depos¬ ited ova, around each of which rapidly forms a mass that in its perfected state becomes the gall, oak-gall, or nutgall of commerce. The small tree or shrub which furnishes these galls grows chiefly in Asia Minor and some of the other regions surrounding the Mediter¬ ranean Sea. The early history of galls is conveniently assigned to the ancients. Hippocrates administered them me¬ dicinally, and from the earliest times they were resorted to as a means of staining the hair black. Theophras¬ tus, Dioscorides, Pliny, and other writers mention the superiority of the galls from Syria. The most esteemed galls at the present time are those collected in Mesopotamia and shipped from Bombay to London. They are known in commerce as Levant galls. The best-known variety in this country comes under the name of Aleppo or Turkish galls. They are collected in the surrounding districts and taken to Smyrna, where they are sorted and shipped to various 55 56 THE TANNINS. parts of the world. Poorer varieties are shipped from some other Mediterranean ports. Galls are nearly globular, from ten to twenty milli¬ metres in diameter, tapering slightly towards the base, the lower half being smooth, while the upper portion is usually covered with numerous bluntly-pointed tu- bercules. The best galls are gathered before the insect has matured; if left until after this development has occurred, there is found about half-way between the stem and summit a small hole, from which the devel¬ oped insect has escaped; at this period they are found to be deficient in tannin, and therefore become the green or white variety. Those collected at the proper time are heavy, somewhat brittle, breaking with a slightly resinous fracture, exhibiting the larva in a small cavity at the centre, while the surrounding tissue frequently appears as a radiating structure. Internally galls are deep greenish yellow, without odor, of a slightly acid and very astringent taste with a faintly sweetish after¬ taste. When Scheele in 1786 discovered gallic acid he sup¬ posed it to be the most important constituent; Chevreul afterwards found ellagic acid; then Scheele produced pyrogallic acid, and supposed it identical with > gallic acid, but much purer, on account of having been sub¬ limed ; then followed the work of Dize, Deyeux, Se- guin, and Proust, as stated in the preceding general history. After the existence of tannic acid was well estab¬ lished, Davy in 1803 appears to have been the first to make an analysis of nutgalls, with the following result: SOURCES. 57 Tannic acid. 26.00 per cent. Gallic acid. 6.20 “ Gum and insoluble tannin . . . 2.40 “ Calcium and other salts. 2.40 “ Woody fibre. 63.00 “ 100.00 “ These figures indicate either that the quality of the galls was poor, or, more probably, that the methods in use at that time were defective. A more recent analysis was made in 1845 by Guibourt, with the following result: Tannic acid. 65.00 per cent. Gallic acid. 2.00 “ Ellagic and luteo-gallic acids ... 2.00 “ Chlorophyll. 0.70 Brown alcoholic extract. 2.50 “ Gum. 2.50 “ Starch. 2.00 “ Cellulose. 10.50 “ Sugar, albumen. Sulphate of potassium .... Chloride of potassium .... Gallate of potassium.i- 1.30 “ Gallate of calcium. Oxalate of calcium. Phosphate of calcium . . . . , Water. 11.50 “ 100.00 “ These results have been generally accepted, and are universally quoted in text-books, as no chemist since then has attempted such a detailed analysis. It may with reason be doubted if an analysis at the present time would agree in all points with this one. A still more recent, although not intended to be so 58 THE TANNINS. complete an examination was made in 1869 by Wat¬ son Smith, for the purpose of comparing English and Aleppo galls: Tannic acid. 61.65 per cent. Gallic acid. 1.60 11 Woody fibre. 15.68 “ Water. 12.32 “ Coloring-matter and loss. 8.75 £l 100.00 “ Another variety of galls, which for some purposes rivals the Turkish in importance, is that from China. These are formed by an insect, Aphis Ghinensis, on the leaf-stalks and young branches of Rhus semia- lata, a tree from ten to fifteen metres in height, in¬ digenous to North India, China, and Japan. Chinese galls are hollow, from two and a half to four centime¬ tres in length and half that measure in breadth. They are frequently quite irregular in shape, with horn-like projections. The shell, which constitutes the material part, is thin and brittle, breaking with a resinous frac¬ ture. The external surface is grayish or mouse-colored and covered with a fine velvety pubescence. Closely allied to these are the Japanese galls, which are so similar as to lead one to believe they are the same. They have, however, been assigned by Siebold to Rhus Japonica and by Murray to Rhus javccnica. Being more deeply lobed than the Chinese variety, they are consequently more irregular in form. Although the Japanese galls are preferred by some, the two varieties are usually employed indiscriminately. Large quantities of both under the name of Chinese SOURCES. 59 galls are used in Germany and the United States for the manufacture of tannic acid, of which they contain about 70 per cent. They were received in Europe as early as 1817, when they were analyzed by Brande, who stated that they yielded to cold distilled water 75 per cent., and to alcohol the residue gave an additional 4 per cent., leaving 21 per cent, of woody fibre. It was not until 1844 that these galls were recog¬ nized to be of any value, so that our knowledge of their constituents dates from that time. The Japanese va¬ riety was first brought prominently to notice at the Paris Exposition in 1878. W. Stein in 1849, under the name of a new kind of galls, described the Chinese variety as having the odor of tobacco and yielding 2 per cent, of ash, consisting of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron combined with phosphoric, silicic, and carbonic acids and chlorine. The other constituents were given as follows : Tannic acid. Other tannins. .... 4.00 u Saponifiable fat. .... 1.00 a Starch. .... 8.00 it Wood fibre. .... 5.00 a Inert material. .... 13.00 a 100.00 a L. P. Bley in 1850 found that ether dissolved 76 per cent., that moisture amounted to 8 per cent., and that the ash was alkaline, nearly free from calcium salts, but rich in potassium and phosphoric acid. Buchner in 1851 stated that ether-alcohol extracted 74.35 per cent., while Leconnet obtained by maceration with ether 66.66 per cent. 60 THE TANNINS. Buchner considered the tannin identical with that of oak-bark. In comparison with the above he found that Aleppo galls gave to 77.00 percent, of extract. 80.40 “ “ 86.50 “ “ Ether . . . Ether-alcohol Cold water . Under the commercial name of “ Chinese pear-galls/’ Hartwich in 1875 described a species of galls, which he found to contain 72 per cent, of tannin. He was unable to ascertain the botanical source, but they prob¬ ably belonged to one of the above varieties. A number of other varieties of galls have been ana¬ lyzed and described from time to time ; their use, how¬ ever, has usually been confined to the locality in which they grow. Among these may be mentioned the Bassorah, Bur- mah, or Mecca galls, which were analyzed by L. F. Bley in 1853, with the following results: Tannic acid. 26.00 per cent. Gallic acid. 1-60 “ Fatty oil. 0.60 “ Kesin. 3.40 “ Extractive and salts. 2.00 “ Starch. 8.40 Woody fibre. 46.00 “ Moisture . 12.00 “ 100.00 They were described as reddish-brown in color, from the size of a hazel-nut to that of a small apple. They were believed to be produced on the Quercus tinctoria by the sting of Oynips isana, and by Lambert were SOURCES. 61 considered identical with the u Sodom Apple” of the ancient writers. They were used in the Orient in the process of dyeing Turkey red. Piedmontese galls are developed on the acorns of Quercus pedunculata, Quercus sessiliflora, and some other species, by the sting of the Cynips Quercus-ccily- cis. They arc known as lcnoppern or acorn-galls. These galls, which are of the size of a hazel-nut to that of a walnut, are collected in the large forests of Austria- Hungary from August to October, and are brought into commerce partly whole, partly in the powdered condi¬ tion, and are either used directly in one of these forms or are converted into extract. They contain about 45 per cent, of tannic acid, which, according to Lowe, is « identical with that obtained from other galls. Some authorities give 20 per cent., others 50 per cent., as the tannin strength of these acorn-galls, and, no doubt, they vary greatly in value according to the time of collection. They are largely used by the tanners throughout Austria, The German galls are produced on the twigs of Quer¬ cus robur, and are probably identical with the English galls analyzed by Watson Smith in 1869, with the fol¬ lowing results: Tannic acicl . 26.71 per cent. G-allic acid. traces only. Woody fibre. 47.88 per cent. Moisture. 20.61 “ Coloring and loss. 4.80 “ 100.00 “ They were obtained directly from Cheshire, and the author suggested that the absence of gallic acid was 6 62 THE TANNINS. due to their having been analyzed while in the fresh condition. French galls, from Quercus ilex, are round, hard, light, reddish-brown, and related to the Burgundian galls from Quercus cerris, from which are also pro¬ duced the Greek as well as the Italian galls. The commercial name of Trieste galls is usually applied to those from Q. cerris. Istrian galls are very small, light, pale yellow in color, and contain 24 per cent, of tannic acid. Hungarian galls, from Q. Austriaca, are characterized by being covered with wart-like protu¬ berances. Pistacia galls are produced on the plants of a genus , of that name, belonging to the same natural order as the Rhus. Guibourt described one variety, produced on a plant of the genus Terebinthus, as a flattened ves¬ icle enlarged in the middle and tapering to a point at each end, seven centimetres long and seventeen milli¬ metres broad, with a very astringent taste and an odor resembling Ohio turpentine. Another variety pro¬ duced on the pistacia was described as from four to six centimetres in length and eight to fifteen millimetres in breadth, terminating by a sharp point. The taste was described as simply mucilaginous and aromatic without astringency. Tamarisk galls were described by Holmes as of the size of a pea to that of a bean, and containing 40 pei*- per cent, of tannic acid. Those from Morocco are pro¬ duced on Tamarix articulata. In India similar galls are produced on T. Gallica and T. orientalis. They are much used by the natives medicinally. Numerous varieties of galls have been noticed in the SOURCES. 63 United States, one from Texas on the Q. virens, or live- oak, is said to closely resemble Aleppo galls, and to contain 40 per cent, of tannic acid. Another variety, from California, formed on Q. lobata, is soft and spongy but very astringent. Dr. Squibb in 1873 stated that American galls from oak and sumac have been found valuable sources for gallic acid. In 1890 galls collected in the vicinity of Philadel¬ phia by the author from the leaves of Q. alba in the month of July, and identified by Mr. L. O. Howard, entomologist of the United States Department of Agri¬ culture, as having been produced by the insect Acraspis erinacei, were found to contain 17.89 per cent, of tan¬ nic acid. The moisture was found to be 45.95 per cent., and ash 0.60 per cent. These galls are found most abundantly on the young white oaks, and may be recog¬ nized by their covering of purple spines. Another variety collected in August from the twigs of the same oak, and identified by Mr. Howard as “a Dipterous gall made by some species of Cecidomyia or Diplosis” was found to contain as an average of three estimations 9.34 per cent, tannic acid, 73.19 per cent, of moisture, and 0.46 per cent, of asli. The same variety rapidly dried by artificial heat at about 80°, so as to destroy the insect, yielded 31.68 per cent, of tannin, 11.34 per cent, of moisture, and 2.6 per cent, of ash. Another variety, also collected in August, from the leaves of Q. palustris , and stated by Mr. Howard to have been pro¬ duced by Holcarpis globulus, Fitch, gave 3.91 per cent, tannic acid, 58.73 per cent, moisture, and 0.77 per cent, ash. 64 THE TANNINS. An unidentified variety, collected from the leaves of Rhus glabra, and in many respects the counterpart of the Chinese galls, was allowed to become air-dried, and then found to contain 61.70 per cent, of tannic acid, 12.93 per cent, of moisture, and 2.04 per cent, of ash. Some previous experience has shown that the white-oak galls if allowed to become air-dried lose their tannic acid, presumably by the development of the insect, so that, to determine the tannin value, either the galls in the moist state must be employed, or they must be sub¬ jected to sufficient artificial heat to destroy the insect. SECTION II. HISTORY. While the general history in a preceding section refers largely to this member of the class, it is found necessary now to treat the history of each tannin sep¬ arately, beginning with 1802, when Proust made the statement that there were many different kinds of tannin. Davy published in 1803 the results of two years’ labor on the subject, which was prefaced by some his¬ torical remarks, in which he, like Ivarsten, attributed the discovery of tannin to Seguin, although he called attention to the fact that Diz6 first noticed the precipi¬ tate caused by the addition of sulphuric acid to infusion of galls. He further reviewed the work of Deyeux and Proust, giving the former much credit for his “able memoir,” but to the claim of the latter, “that there exist different species of the-tanning principle, possessed of different properties and different powers of acting upon reagents, but all precipitable by gelatin,” he answered, that, while probable, it could “ not be considered settled until the tannin in the different vege¬ tables has been examined in its pure and isolated state.” He did not accept all of Seguin’s theories about the action of infusion of galls on animal membrane, and considered them unwarranted by facts. Thus far the papers quoted confined themselves to 6* 65 66 THE TANNINS. the history and discovery of tannin ; therefore it is not surprising that in 1804 we find a contribution by Trommsdorff on the nature of this astringent principle in galls. His investigations somewhat resembled those of Deyeux. The work was divided into fifty-five ex¬ periments, in which he studied the precipitates caused by hydrochloric and sulphuric acids on infusion of galls, and added the observation that acetic and phosphoric acids likewise caused precipitates with tannin, while oxalic, tartaric, and malic acids caused no precipitates. He noticed the effect of tannin solution, after removal of gallic acid, on litmus-paper, and further endeavored to obtain pure tannin by Proust’s method of precipi¬ tation with potassium bicarbonate, but found much tan¬ nin in the filtrate, and finally concluded that the pre¬ cipitate contained calcium and that Proust erred in his new method. The same conclusions were reached in regard to Proust’s other methods by precipitation with mineral acids. This long, and at that time valuable, series of experiments was abruptly terminated without drawing conclusions, as he hoped to continue his inves¬ tigations. After the above communication no important results are recorded until Serturner, an apothecary in Eim- beck, during the year 1812, published his experiments, in which he established the absence of nitrogen, and made some observations on the action of alkalies on tannin, and the change into gallic acid. As, however, his results were in part a repetition of those obtained by previous investigators, his work was not kindly criticised by Gehlen. While there were a number of contributions on this HISTORY, 67 subject from year to year, nothing stands out promi¬ nently until the work of Berzelius in 1827, which ap¬ peared in the Jahresbericht and in his text-book. After remarking that every investigator offered a new method of preparation, he proposed two of his own, one by precipitating a clear infusion of nutgalls with sulphuric acid, and the other by a similar precipitation with po¬ tassium carbonate. At that time there was no distinc¬ tion between the tannin of the uutgall and that from the oak-bark, since both are described as “ Eichen- Gerbstoff ” and further he stated that the “ entire oak genus contains a tannin which appears to be identical.” The change of tannin into gallic acid had not been fully investigated at that time ; Berzelius observed that the question is whether gallic acid is formed by the destruction of tannin, or whether it results from the setting free of a substance with which it was in combi- nation. He used the classification depending on the color with iron salts, and described as giving a blue color the oak, sumac, alder, birch, and a few others, and as producing a green color that of cinchona, catechu, kino, fir, and pine. He also reported what was prob¬ ably the first determination of the ultimate composition of tannin. The lead salt was used, and his conclusion was that C 18 H 18 0 12 most nearly represented the formula of tannin. This work of Berzelius is full of historical data, and many of his results are as true to-day as at that time. He gave the credit of discovery to Deyeux in the fol¬ lowing language: “ The operation of tanning was known to the ancients, but the substance which com¬ bined with the hide was first noticed by Deyeux, and 68 THE TANNINS. afterwards with more exactness investigated by Seguin. Proust endeavored to discover a method of separation.” In 1832, Geiger, by a series of investigations on tan¬ nin and the action of that substance on iron salts, came to the following conclusions : (1) All tannins are iden¬ tical, (2) the iron-green tannins become iron-black if the free acid present be neutralized by an alkali or by iron, and (3) the iron-black tannins by the addition of some acid, especially tartaric, become iron-green. Ber¬ zelius, however, did not accept this, and he stated in his Jahresbericht that he too had noticed this peculiarity of the tannins with iron salts under different circum¬ stances, but attributed it to a play of colors, since by standing a black precipitate separated. In Buchner’s Repertorium fur die Pharmacie, 46 , 316, 1833, we find a review of a prize essay by A. W. Buchner on the subject of “ The most Eecent Discov¬ eries on lannic Acid or the so-called Tannin (Gerb- stoff).” This was written in answer to the following questions, offered in 1824 by the Harlem Royal Academy of Natural Sciences : u Is the so-called tannin, which we extract from dif¬ ferent plants, a true principle, or have we given this name to different plant principles which possess the general properties of astringency and of forming leather ? • A ‘‘By what means can we best extract these substances from the various plants in a state of purity, and how determine that they are unmixed and distinct? “ Which is the best and most ready method for pre¬ paring tanning materials from the charcoal of indigo and other vegetable substances with acid, and how HISTORY. 69 far is this artificially prepared tannin distinguishable from the natural? Are not the two identical sub¬ stances ? “ In case of arriving at a fuller knowledge of the different tanning substances, to what use are the various ones best adapted in tanning and manufacturing as well as in medicine?” While the answers to these questions are full of in¬ terest, it is impossible to see that the knowledge of the subject was very materially advanced by the writer. Some of the questions are still unsolved. The next important work was in 1834, when a me¬ moir was presented to the Institute of France by Pe- louze, which memoir was widely copied and appears to have caused a general awakening among the scientists of that day to a closer investigation of this almost dormant subject. Probably the most important part of Pelouze’s me¬ moir was the new method proposed for preparing tan¬ nin. This process is the one usually quoted in the text¬ books at the present day, and is well adapted for the extraction of the tannin from a substance as rich in it as nutgalls. Briefly, it consists in extracting galls with ether con¬ taining some alcohol and water. The solution separates in^.o two layers, the upper an ethereal one of gallic acid with some tannin, the lower an aqueous solution of tannin containing some ether. This aqueous solution on evaporation leaves a porous mass of tannin, which Pelouze claimed was quite pure. This substance gave on drying at 120° the following percentage composition : 70 THE TANNINS. I. II. III. IV. C. 51.77 51.56 51.20 51.72 H. 3.98 4.37 4.29 4.17 O. 44.25 44.07 44.51 44.11 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 These figures, lie stated, closely agreed with those obtained by Berzelius and indicated the formula Ci 8 H 18 0 12 . The remainder of the memoir was devoted to show¬ ing the acid properties of the tannin and its capability to form definite salts with the different bases. He further stated that gallic acid did not pre-exist in the galls, but that it was a product of atmospheric action on tannin, that at a temperature of 215° it was trans¬ formed into pyrogallic acid and carbon dioxide, and that pyrogallic acid in turn was converted into meta¬ gallic acid and water. This appears to have been the first statement, based on experiment, that tannin be¬ comes converted into gallic acid through the influence of atmospheric oxygen. This work of Pelouze attracted general attention to the subject, and in the same year Liebig published his results on an elementary analysis in which he found: C. 52.50 H. 4.12 O. 43.38 100.00 and concluded that C 18 H 16 0 12 more closely represented the formula. This he communicated to Pelouze, who undertook anew the analysis, obtaining the following percentage composition : HISTORY. 71 I. II. c. . 51.30 51.36 H. . 3.83 3.76 0. 44.88 100.00 100.00 These results he shortly after sent in a letter to Liebig, in which he stated that, while the difference was very slight, he was inclined to accept the latter’s formula of C 18 H 16 0 12 , in which view Dumas concurred. With some unimportant reservations Berzelius, in his Jahres- bericht, 1840, accepted this formula also. In 1836, Leconnet suggested another method for pre¬ paring tannin, by stirring finely-powdered galls with sufficient ether to make a thin mixture, and allowing to stand twenty-four hours. The mass was then pressed between strong linen, this process was repeated with more ether, and the syrupy liquid evaporated. He claimed a larger yield (40 to 60 per cent.) than that obtained by Pelouze, with the use of much less ether. Robiquet about this time directed his attention to the decomposition of tannin with the formation of gallic acid. Contrary to the observations of Pelouze, he found that the change to gallic acid would take place without access of air or oxygen, but found it was caused by a ferment in the galls. These observations were confirmed by Larocque in 1841. Previous to the investigations of Stenhouse in 1842, such authorities as Pelouze, Berzelius, and Liebig con¬ sidered the tannins from all sources to be identical, differing only in purity. Although Proust had stated forty years before that there probably existed “ several different species of the tanning principle,” Stenhouse 72 THE TANNINS. was the.first to prove this by experiment. In all the writings to this time the term “ gallotannic acid” was applied to that from oak bark or wood as well as that from galls. Stenhouse, by adopting a method used at the present time to study the tannins,—namely, by heating to decomposition,—found the oak-bark tan¬ nin yielded no pyrogallol. The only substance yield¬ ing true gallotannic acid was found to be sumac, and this, so far as the sumac is concerned, has never been disproved. He also showed by experiment that there was a distinction between the tannins which produced a blue and those which produced a green precipitate with iron salts, thereby contradicting several previous investigators, as well as the expressed opinion of Ber¬ zelius. The subject of iron-bluing and iron-greening tannins attracted considerable attention about this time, and several other chemists devoted their energies to solving the problem of classification by this means, but with indifferent success. The work of Domine in 1844 has been very exten¬ sively quoted, because he offered some improvements on the method of Leconnet for preparing tannin. He claimed that alcohol was an unnecessary constituent of the ether used in extracting galls, but that the presence of a small quantity of water was very essential. The method proposed was to allow the galls to become sat¬ urated with the damp atmosphere of a cellar by expo¬ sure of some days, then mix with sufficient ether to make a paste, and express, this expression to be re¬ peated with ether which had been shaken with six per cent, of water. This process was at one time adopted by both the United States and British Pharmacopoeias. HISTORY. 73 From this time those who worked with tannin busied themselves with attempting to arrive at its constitution as well as its composition ; Liebig’s formula, C 18 H 16 0 12 , did not convey a sufficiently satisfactory idea of what relation tannin bore to other allied compounds, espe¬ cially to gallic and pyrogallic acids. A few investigators stand out prominently. Of these Wether ill first carefully investigated the conver¬ sion of tannic into gallic acid, by boiling 50 grammes of tannic acid with 500 cc. of a solution made by mix¬ ing one volume of sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1.840, with four volumes of water. He obtained from 100 parts of tannic acid 87.4 parts of gallic acid. About the same time, 1847, Mulder made a valuable contribution on the subject. The original being in Dutch and in a publication not found in this country, a full translation may be found in Buchner’s Reperto- rium fur die Pharmacie, 101 , 311, and Erdmann’s and Marchand’s Journal , 17, 337. Berzelius, Jahresbericht, 1850, 224, gave a short abstract of it, and appended some critical remarks of his own, which indicated that he did not believe this work of Mulder in any way superior to the great number of other publications on the subject. Mulder stated in the introductory remarks that the formula of Liebig had been generally accepted, but that he found it to be C 28 H 18 0 17 -j- H 2 0, which compactly stated in our nomenclature is C 14 H 10 O 9 , or exactly that which has been established by more recent investigators and is accepted at the present time. This determina¬ tion was made on tannic acid which had been dried at 120°. He gave much credit to Pelouze, and stated that 7 74 THE TANNINS. no better method of preparing the acid had since been discovered. After further reviewing the work of Pelouze on py- rogallic and melangallic (metagallic) acids, he studied the conversion of tannic into gallic acid by the action of other acids; the action of alkalies on tannic, gallic, and ellagic acids; the percentage composition of tannic acid and its formula; the action of ammonia; and, finally, some of the tannates, especially of lead. With the exception of the work done by Liebig, it is safe to say that this work of Mulder was the most elaborate investigation after that of Pelouze, which in many respects it resembled. While there were about the year 1850 a number of creditable publications, nothing is of great historical value until we reach the work of Strecker in 1852 and 1854, which he carried out in Liebig’s laboratory. These contributions are among the few that stand out prominently, for, besides reviewing some of the work of others, he detected the presence of sugar, as had been previously indicated in Liebig’s revision of Geiger’s Handbuch der Pharmacie, edition of 1843, page 854, where it is stated that Braconnot found in the fermen¬ tation of galls alcohol and carbon dioxide, which in¬ dicated the presence of sugar, that had not been pre¬ viously noted, and that tannic acid contained “the elements of six atoms of gallic acid and one atom of grape-sugar.” Strecker had noticed that by heating tannic acid carefully a large carbon residue was ob¬ tained, when it had been previously supposed that the only decomposition products were pyrogallic acid and carbon dioxide. He also obtained the reactions for HISTORY. 75 sugar in the solution remaining after converting tannic into gallic acid, by treating this solution with acetate of lead, filtering, removing the lead from the filtrate by hydrogen sulphide, and applying potassium hydrate and copper sulphate, whereby he obtained the reduction to cuprous oxide. This he attributed to the presence of sugar or a related carbohydrate. He further investi¬ gated the elementary composition of tannic acid and arrived at the formula C 40 H 36 O 26 , and he explained the change into gallic acid and sugar as follows : QtoH 36 0 26 + 10H 2 O = 2C 14 H 16 0 12 t c 12 h 24 o 12 . These formulas were changed somewhat in his second paper, two years later, when he arrived at the follow¬ ing conclusions : “ Tannic acid is a glucoside, and is split, through the action of acids, alkalies, or ferments, into gallic acid and glucose. u The formula for tannic acid is C 54 H 44 0 34 , in which three equivalents of water are replaced by metallic oxides. The precipitate obtained by acting on tannic acid solution with acetate of lead consists in great part of a basic salt in which are contained ten equivalents of lead oxide to one equivalent of tannic acid. “The hitherto accepted compounds of tannic acid with hydrochloric and sulphuric acids do not exist. “ Gallic acid, C 14 H 12 O 10 , is, as tannic acid, a dibasic acid. “Other tannins are likewise glucosides, and contain apparently also thirty-four equivalents of oxygen.” The tannic acid used in these experiments was pre¬ pared by Pelouze’s method, and purified in one case bv 76 THE TANNINS. dissolving in water and precipitating with ether, and in another case by dissolving in ether and precipitating with water. By these operations different layers were obtained, the heaviest of which he considered the purest and separated. These were then evaporated in vacuo and heated to 125°. Seven different preparations gave, when burned with copper oxide, closely agreeing results. He offered, as further evidence of the glucosidal nature of the acid, the fact that WetheriU obtained 87 per cent, of gallic acid and he found 22 per cent, of glucose. Robiquet in 1852 arrived at somewhat different con¬ clusions, but these were not backed by such a mass of experimental data as characterized Strecker’s. The work of Strecker might be a fitting close to the historical consideration, since the next important work brings us to such a modern period that it may be more properly studied under the properties and constitution of the acid. The authors, however, should be mentioned in this connection ; therefore we must give to Julius Lowe and Hugo Scliiff the credit of independently establishing by careful research our present knowledge of tannic acid. The former in 1867 first succeeded in reconvert¬ ing gallic into tannic acid by treating barium gallate with silver nitrate and obtaining a substance which he described as precipitating gelatin and the alkaloids. His work was taken up by Schiff in 1871 and carried on for several years, and to this latter scientist we owe our present knowledge of digallic acid. It is worthy of note, however, as has been already stated, that most discoveries are in a certain degree anticipated, and this one of digallic acid was no exception, for Illasiwetz in HISTORY. 77 1867 announced that, “If tannin is not a glucoside, it may perhaps be a digallic acid. The analyses of tan¬ nin and its salts agree with this composition as well as can be expected in the case of a substance which is so difficult to purify.” Lowe in 1872 contributed a paper on pure gallotan- nic acid, in which he described a method of purification by acetic ether, which will be more fully considered under the appropriate head. Notwithstanding the fact that most chemists at the present time devote themselves to the study of what may be termed artificial products, still those who have contributed to the literature of tannic acid during the last score of years could not be so much as mentioned in this brief history. During the past decade much time and earnest labor have been given to the endeavor to discover a universal method of estimating not only tannic acid but all tannins, and it is the intention that each author shall receive his full share of credit in the other parts of this work. 7 * SECTION III. THE PREPARATION AND PURIFICATION OF TANNIC ACID. The separation of tannic acid in a nearly pure state was first accomplished by Proust in 1798, by precipi¬ tating the infusion of galls with stannous chloride, separating the tin from the precipitate by hydrogen sulphide, and evaporating the filtrate to dryness. This method, with its variation by using lead acetate in place of the tin salt, has done good service. The same in a lesser degree may be said of the process proposed by Berzelius, which consisted in precipitating the tan¬ nic acid by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, digesting the precipitate, of tannic acid with the acid used, with lead carbonate, filtering, and evaporating to dryness. The above methods are not available for producing the acid on a large scale; and that by precipitation with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is applicable only to galls. The numerous processes for obtaining tannic acid from galls became practically valueless after Pelouze in 1834 published his method for obtaining the acid Iiy percolating galls with ether. This method, which is the one usually quoted in the text-books, consists in percolating powdered galls with commercial ether containing alcohol and water. The details of the operation are to pack the powder 78 THE PREPARATION OF TANNIC ACID. 79 in a cylindrical percolator, the upper end of which is narrow in order that it may be stopped to prevent the evaporation of the solvent. The lower end of the perco¬ lator is plugged with cotton and connected with a flask, ether is poured on the powder, and the ethereal solu¬ tion of the galls allowed to collect. This solution soon separates into two layers, the upper of which consists of ether, gallic and ellagic acids, resin, and fat, with some tannic acid, while the lower is a solution of moderately pure tannic acid in water and ether. The percolation is discontinued when the lower layer ceases to increase in volume. The two layers are then separated, and the lower one evaporated to dryness on a water-bath, by which means the acid is obtained in a porous mass. There have been, since the publication of this pro¬ cess, numerous modifications of it suggested, but the principle remains the same. The product is not abso¬ lutely pure tannic acid, but a mixture of that compound with gallic acid, coloring-matter, resin, and glucose. It is, however, a process that is adapted to working with large quantities, where there are facilities for recovering the ether. In order to obviate using so much ether, many methods have been offered as superior to the above, notably one by extracting with water and precipitating with lead acetate. It is, however, a wasteful process and is difficult and tedious to perform. Mixtures of alcohol, ether, and water in various pro¬ portions have been suggested for percolating galls, in¬ stead of the commercial ether alone. Four parts of ether and one part of alcohol have been recommended as the most suitable solvent, although thirty parts ether 80 THE TANNINS. (specific gravity 0.740), four parts water, and one part alcohol (90 per cent.) also make a good solvent. Equally good is the United States Pharmacopoeia ether (specific gravity 0.750), which is composed of seventy- four parts ether and twenty-six parts alcohol with a little water. Equal volumes of ether and alcohol have been recommended on account of the increased yield obtained; the product, however, is not so pure as that from a more ethereal solvent. In 1836, Leconuet proposed a method for extracting tannic acid by mixing the powdered galls with suffi¬ cient ether to make a paste, allowing the mixture to macerate, then expressing through muslin, and repeat¬ ing the process with more ether. The yield was found to be 60 per cent., and a comparatively small quantity of ether was employed. The process as modified by Domine in 1844 was adopted by the British and United States Pharmaco¬ poeias. This modification consisted in first exposing the powdered galls in a damp cellar for several days, to allow the absorption of moisture, and then macer¬ ating with commercial ether and expressing as in Lecon- net’s process. It has further been suggested to extract galls in such a manner as to form three layers of the percolate. To accomplish this, 10 parts of coarsely-powdered galls are placed in a percolator and a mixture of 12 parts stronger ether and 3 parts alcohol poured on, and the mixture allowed to stand two days, when the percola¬ tion is commenced and continued with the same mix¬ ture of ether and alcohol until 10 parts are obtained. The resulting percolate is mixed with one-third its THE PREPARATION OF TANNIC ACID. 81 volume of water, agitated well, and allowed to stand, when it will be found that three layers have formed. The under, watery layer contains nearly pure tannic acid, and is evaporated rapidly in a vacuum, which causes the acid to become porous. The upper layers are distilled to recover the ether-alcohol, and from the residue water extracts a small quantity of impure tan¬ nin. The last method can be recommended only where it is desired to obtain a pure acid without the trouble of additional purification, for if made from Chinese galls the product should be as pure as it is possible to get the acid in one operation. It is not available as a commercial process, on account of its expensiveness, since the quantity of solvent recommended is insufficient to completely extract the galls. The above-mentioned processes have been enumer¬ ated in order to criticise them, and at the same time furnish information to those who wish to prepare tannic acid from galls on a small scale. The following will treat the subject from a commercial stand-point, and describe what has been a process for producing the tannic acid in quantity. There are three varieties of the acid in commerce, known as— Ether-tannin (the German Schaum-Tannin), Alcohol-tannin, Water-tannin. The first is the one best known in this country, although one or both of the others may be had of importers and manufacturers under the name of “ commercial tannin/’ The Chinese or Japanese galls, on account of their greater freedom from coloring-matter and larger per- 82 THE TANNINS. «centage of tannic acid, are by the manufacturer pre¬ ferred to the Turkish variety. The galls are first crushed and then passed through a mill which will powder by cutting rather than by grinding, so as to furnish a moderately fine powder that is not “ balled” or “ caked.” A quantity of the powder is then stirred, in a wooden or copper vessel, with sufficient water to form a concen¬ trated aqueous solution, or this may better be accom¬ plished with a more complete exhaustion of the galls by a battery of vessels or extractors in which the liquors are run from one to another until of proper strength. The temperature of the water is recommended to be from 40° to 60°, although this varies with different manufacturers. When the liquors have reached the proper strength, they are run into a large settling-ves¬ sel and allowed to cool and settle for twelve hours; especially is this necessary if a higher temperature than that above mentioned has been used. From the set¬ tling-tub the liquor is run through a filter into a cylin¬ drical copper vessel like a churn, in which are numerous paddles so attached as to be capable of slow and contin¬ uous revolution. To the liquor in this vessel about one-fourth its volume of ether (specific gravity .750) is added. The mixture is then thoroughly agitated by means of paddles. The longer this operation is con¬ tinued the better the product is supposed to be, and when completed the emulsion-like liquid is run into a settling-vessel and allowed to stand for from eight to ten days, at the end of which time the complete separa¬ tion into two layers will be found to have taken place. The upper, ethereal layer, which holds in solution THE PREPARATION OF TANNIC ACID. 83 resin, fat, coloring-matter, gallic and ellagic acids, is drawn off and the ether recovered by distillation. The lower layer, consisting of water, ether, tannic acid, and some impurities, is also run into a still and a portion of the ether recovered by distillation until the liquid reaches a syrupy consistence. After cooling, this liquid, which still contains some ether, is spread by means of a brush on plates of sheet tin, and the tin plates are placed for a moment on the hot steam-coil, or flat iron surface heated with steam, and over the whole is placed a wooden box. The tannic acid almost immediately “ puffs up” and dries, although this spongy condition is said to be materially assisted by passing over the acid a jet of dry steam, which softens it slightly and admits of its swelling still further. Considerable practice and dexterity are required in this operation, which exposes the operator to the vapor of ether unless great precau¬ tions are taken. Excellent results have also been gotten by spreading the solution on plates of glass and placing them in a drying-oven heated to 110°, which may be so ventilated as to protect the operator. The product is the ether-tannin, and should be nearly white and completely soluble in water and in alcohol. The needle or so-called “ crystal-tannin” is prepared as above, but, instead of spreading the solution on tin or glass, it is run through small holes and allowed to fall in a very thin stream on a revolving hot cylinder of copper, from which the dried product is scraped in the needle form, which gives the impression of its being crystallized. Alcohol-tannin is prepared by extracting the galls with diluted alcohol (50 per cent.) instead of water, care- 84 THE TANNINS. fully filtering, recovering as much of the alcohol as possible, and completing the evaporation in a vacuum. It is then broken into pieces which resemble rosin, and sent into commerce in that form, or it is first powdered by porcelain rollers, which operation gives it a much lighter color. The product should be completely solu¬ ble in water, indicating its freedom from resin. Water-tannin is extracted similarly to the ether-tan¬ nin, but after filtering, instead of mixing with ether, the solution is run directly into a vacuum-pan and con¬ centrated to dryness. It usually comes in commerce in the powdered form, which operation is accomplished similarly to the alcohol-tannin. Purification .—Tannic acid prepared by the foregoing methods is contaminated with fat, wax, resin, coloring- matter, gallic acid, and glucose. For most purposes the small amounts of these impurities are no objection, but at times the chemist desires a product free from more than traces of impurity, especially when the object is to determine its ultimate composition. The fat, wax, some coloring-matter, and the odorous principle may be re¬ moved by percolation with petroleum ether. A number of processes have been suggested for re¬ moving the other impurities, all of which, however, are attended with considerable waste. One method is to take the best ether-tannin and treat it with stronger ether, to which just sufficient water is added to effect solution. This is best accomplished by using 100 grammes of the tannic acid, 150 cc. of stronger ether, and 100 cc. of water. Three layers are formed, the lowest of which is a concentrated solution of nearly pure tannic acid. Considerable loss occurs by this pro- THE PREPARATION OF TANNIC ACID. 85 cess, as the middle layer contains some of the acid, which, however, may be recovered by distilling the ether and water under reduced pressure. The upper layer consists of ether holding in solution resin, color¬ ing-matter, and gallic acid. Another method of purification consists in dissolving the acid in water almost to saturation, and allowing to stand to separate the resin and other, insoluble impuri¬ ties. The clear liquid is removed by decantation, and there is added to it a clear saturated solution of com¬ mon salt, to this is added some solid sodium chloride in order to completely precipitate the acid, which is col¬ lected on a filter, dried carefully, and dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, or in acetic ether. Lowe recommended to agitate the mixture after addition of salt with acetic ether. In either case the solvent is recovered by distillation, the residue dissolved in water and agitated with ether, the latter separated, and the aqueous solution distilled on a water-bath to dryness under reduced pressure, which causes the acid to become light colored and porous. Glucose is the most tenacious impurity, resulting in part from the decomposition of the tannic acid during each purification. The following process, a combination of some previ¬ ously-proposed methods, has been used by the author with complete success, although, like other processes, it is attended with considerable loss, which, however, might in part be obviated if the quantity desired were sufficient to warrant it. Ten grammes of tannic acid are dissolved in 200 cc. of water, and to the unfiltered solution a 10-per-cent, solution of lead acetate is added drop by drop with con- 8 86 THE TANNINS. stant stirring until the precipitate ceases to be granular, but is more milky in character, ceases to settle, and is pure white in color, distinct from the yellowish color caused by the first drops of the reagent. The filtrate at this point will be colorless. It is important that the solutions be as dilute as the above mentioned, or else the precipitate of lead tannate will not carry down the coloring-matter with it. After filtration the precipitate is washed with sufficient water to bring 1 the filtrate to the original volume. More washing than this is to be avoided, on account of the tendency of the precipitate to decompose. The colorless filtrate, which contains free acetic acid, is agitated with 75 cc. of pure acetic ether and the lat¬ ter separated; this agitation is to be repeated twice with the same volume of acetic ether; the three por¬ tions are mixed and the ether recovered by distillation under reduced pressure to dryness. A light, porous, white tannic acid is obtained amounting to 41 per cent, of the original quantity. It contains gallic acid and has a pungent acetous odor; the aqueous solution of a portion of it, after the removal of the tannic acid by lead oxyacetate, gives no reaction with Fehling’s solu¬ tion for glucose. The tannic acid is further purified by dissolving in water, agitating the solution with stronger ether to remove gallic acid, and distilling the aqueous solution to dryness under reduced pressure. This is once more dissolved in ether with a little water, and again brought rapidly to dryness under reduced press¬ ure. The result is a pure white product which gives no reactions for gallic acid or glucose. A sample pre- THE PREPARATION OF TANNIC ACID. 87 pared by these directions when dried at 120° gave the following percentage composition : 52.10 per cent. C . H . O . 3.52 “ 44.38 “ 100.00 “ An acetyl derivative was prepared of the same sample which melted at 139°, and by boiling with magnesium oxide according to the usual process gave very close to the theoretical quantity of magnesium pyrophosphate that would indicate pentacetyl-tannin. SECTION IV. THE PROPERTIES OF TANNIC ACID. Tannic acid occurs in yellowish-white amorphous powder or masses which are easily pulverized; it is odorless, and possesses a strongly astringent taste, free from bitterness. By exposure to light it becomes yel¬ low to brown in color. It is soluble in 6 parts of water, in 6 parts of glycerin, and in 0.6 part of alcohol. The solutions are yellow in color, react acid with litmus, and are nearly without action on polarized light. Ether containing water or alcohol dissolves tannic acid, but absolute ether dis¬ solves it sparingly, while it is insoluble in chloroform, benzol, petroleum ether, carbon disulphide, fixed and volatile oils, except oil of bitter almond, which dis¬ solves it. A number of salts, as potassium acetate, ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium chloride, as well as the mineral acids, sulphuric, hydrochloric, arsenic, and boric acids, precipitate tannic acid from its concen¬ trated aqueous solution. Nitric acid does not so pre¬ cipitate it. When air and light are excluded from the aqueous solution of tannic acid, it remains for some time without decomposition, but in contact with air oxygen is absorbed, with the formation of a dark color and the production of sugar, gallic acid, and sometimes 88 THE PROPERTIES OF TANNIC ACID. 89 ellagic acid; by prolonging this action carbon dioxide aud oxalic acid also result. When subjected to heat tannic acid changes but little until 120° is reached, when it assumes a grayish color, without, however, undergoing apparent decomposition, at 140° it is darker, and at from 160° to 215° there are formed carbon dioxide, pyrogallic acid, water, and metagallic acid. The last is not volatile, while the others are volatile; and this admits of a ready method of separating the meta-acid, which remains behind as a-black, amorphous mass, from the pyro-acid, which sublimes in acicular crystals. Since the latter vola¬ tilizes at 210°, it is natural to suppose that, in order to obtain it from tannic acid, its volatilizing temperature must be reached; but it is found that the decomposi¬ tion begins at 160°, and, in the escape of carbon dioxide and water, pyrogallic acid is carried off and condensed in the cooler parts of the vessel. The best yield is ob¬ tained by allowing the temperature to rise very slowly to 215°, keeping it between 190° and 210° for one- half hour. If the heat be increased rapidly to 215°, there will be a small quantity of the pyro-acid and a larger amount of the meta-acid produced. On heating with a 2-per-cent, solution of absolute hydrochloric acid, tannic acid is converted into gallic acid: QuHxoOg -f- H 2 0 = 2C 7 H 6 0 5 . The pure acid yields gallic acid only, but that usually met with gives variable amounts of glucose and ellagic acid at the same time. With solutions of the alkalies gallic acid is formed, 8 * 90 THE TANNINS . together with a dark color due in part to metagallic acid and in part, when commercial acid is used, to the action of the alkali on the glucose present. Ammonia acts differently from the fixed alkalies. When tannic acid is heated with aqueous ammonia in an atmosphere free from oxygen, which is best ac¬ complished by passing hydrogen into the mixture, there are formed gallamide and ammonium gallate, according to the following equation : c 14 h 10 o 9 + 2NH 3 =c 7 h 5 o 4 nh 2 + nh 4 c 7 h 5 o 5 - Fermentation causes the change of tannic into gallic acid, several decomposition products resulting at the same time. Ferric salts produce a blue-black color or precipitate with tannic acid, according to the concentration of the solutions. When the solution of iron salt is very di¬ lute, or when free acid, especially tartaric, is present, the color is greenish. Ferrous salts, when perfectly pure, added to tannic acid solution produce no change unless the solutions be concentrated, when a white gelatinous precipitate forms. The least trace of ferric salt is sufficient to change this to a dark-blue color or precipitate, according to the strength of the solution. Soluble vanadium salts also produce the blue-black color or precipitate with tannic acid. Tannic acid precipitates most alkaloids and bitter principles. It gives a light-colored flocculent precipi¬ tate with gelatin, which is rendered more insoluble by alum, ammonium chloride, or sodium chloride; solu¬ tions of starch and albumen are similarly precipitated. THE PROPERTIES OF TANNIC ACID. 91 Most metallic salts form precipitates with tannic acid : tin salts produce a light-colored precipitate; lead salts, a white precipitate, which darkens on exposure to air; copper salts give a dark-brown precipitate; and silver salts, brown precipitates. Tartar emetic causes no precipitate until ammonium chloride is added. Manganese acetate causes a white precipitate; uranium acetate, a crimson or dark-red color, changing to a brown precipitate; potassium dichromate gives a brown pre¬ cipitate; lime-water causes a white precipitate, turning blue. According to Berzelius, when boric acid is dissolved in a hot solution of tannic acid, there is formed a white jelly on cooling, which may be dried to a white powder. Tannic acid displaces carbon dioxide from carbonates and forms tannates; those of the alkalies rapidly turn dark when exposed to the air. Fehling’s solution is reduced by tannic acid, with formation of cuprous ox¬ ide ; in order, therefore, to determine the presence of glucose the acid must first be removed by lead acetate. A. H. Allen gives the following characteristic test for tannic acid : a dilute ammoniaeal solution of potassium ferricyanide, which causes a deep-red color changing to brown. The reaction is very delicate, and the coloi is destroyed by an excess of the reagent. A similar reaction is caused by gallic acid. Ammonium molybdate gives with tannic acid a rod- dish-yellow color, which is destroyed by oxalic acid. A solution of iodine in potassium iodide, when mixed with a small quantity of ammonia which has been pre¬ viously diluted with ten times its volume of water, produces with'tannic acid a brilliant red color. 92 THE TANNINS. Tannates are formed by addition of the acid to car¬ bonates or hydrates in the case of the alkalies, and to hydrates in the case of the alkaline earths. With the metals it forms tannates on its addition to an acetate. By certain precautions the purity of the salt may be improved,—for instance, by the use of alcoholic solu¬ tions in the preparation of the alkali salts. Sodium tanuate, JNaC 14 H 9 0 9 , and potassium tannate, KC 14 H 9 0 9 , are obtained as crystalline precipitates by adding an al¬ coholic solution of the hydrate to an alcoholic solution of tannic acid ; the precipitate dries to a fine powder. Barium tannate, Ba(C 14 H 9 0 9 ) 2 , is formed by pre¬ cipitating the sodium salt with barium chloride. An¬ other barium salt, of the formula Ba(OH)C 14 H 9 0 9 , is formed by adding barium carbonate to a hot aqueous solution of tannic acid. At least three lead salts are known. According to Pelouze and Strecker, the compound 3PbC 14 H 8 0 9 -f Pb(C 14 H 9 0 9 ) 2 + 2H 2 0 is formed by precipitating lead acetate with an excess of tannic acid. Strecker is also authority for the compound 2PbC 14 H 8 0 9 + Pb(OH) 2 by precipitating tannic acid with an excess of lead acetate, and the compound Pb 3 (C 14 H 7 0 9 ) 2 -f 2Pb(OH) 2 by heating an excess of lead acetate with a dilute tannic acid solution. Scliiff found two salts according as the tannic acid or lead acetate is in excess, an excess of the acid giving Pb 2 C 14 H 6 0 9 + 2H 2 0 and an excess of the lead salt giving Pb 3 C 14 IP 4 0 9 . The compounds with lead have probably been studied more than any of the other tannates, and many besides those given above have been described. The tannates of iron have also received a large share THE PROPERTIES OF TANNIC ACID. 93 of attention. The compounds Fe(C u H 8 0 9 )(C 14 H 9 0 9 ) and Fe(C u H 9 0 9 ) 3 + Fe0(C 14 H 9 0 9 ) have been described. All the tannates of iron are unstable, and we know them best in solution as ink. A compound of tannic acid with aluminium has been prepared by adding alu¬ minium hydrate to tannic acid solution ; the compound is soluble in excess of the acid. Zinc tannate is formed bv precipitating an alkali tannate with zinc sulphate, or by adding the acid to ammoniacal zinc sulphate. Copper tannate, Cu 3 C u H 4 0 9 , is formed by precipitating the acid with copper acetate. When alkali is added the precipitate redissolves, and reduction to cuprous oxide takes place. Wackenroder is authority for the statement that, when the copper tannate which has been prepared by an excess of the acid is dissolved in ammonium hydrate, the copper is not precipitated therefrom on the addition of hydrogen sulphide. Compounds of tannic acid with nearly every known metal are described in many of the text-books, but many of these salts were made by the older chemists before the acid had been prepared pure; consequently, beyond the fact that we get insoluble compounds of a certain color, there is very little accurate knowledge concerning them. SECTION v. THE COMPOSITION AND CONSTITUTION OF TANNIC ACID. As stated in the history, numerous investigators in the first half of this century made efforts to establish the composition of tannic acid. Mulder actually de¬ termined the formula, C 14 H 10 O 9 , accepted at the present time. It was not, however, until Lowe in 1867 pre¬ pared digallic acid by treating barium gallate with sil¬ ver nitrate, and Schiff in 1871 studied the conversion of gallic into tannic acid by means of phosphorus oxychloride, that the foundation of our present knowl¬ edge was laid. No better idea can be given of the importance of Schiff’s work than by quoting portions of his papers. He first called attention to the fact that some chemists held the view that tannic acid was a glucoside, while others considered glucose to be an admixture, which varied much in its proportion, and that the behavior of the acid towards reagents was not altered by the removal of the glucose. SchifFs method of forming digallic acid was as follows : “When well-purified gallic acid dried at 110° is mixed with phosphorus oxychloride to the consistence of an emulsion and heated in a water-bath at 100° and afterwards in an oil-bath to 120°, there follows an abun- 94 COMPOSITION OF TANNIC ACID. 95 dant evolution of hydrochloric acid. The gallic acid is converted into a yellow powder, which is washed by decantation with several portions of absolute ether. “ The ether is removed from the residue by gentle warming and then dissolved in a small quantity of water. After twelve hours’ standing the gallic acid crystallizes out and is removed, and to the yellowish- red solution is added sufficient common salt to saturate it, causing a separation of the resin-like mass, which is easily separated from the liquid and washed twice with saturated salt solution. “ The resin-like mass is dried under reduced press¬ ure, dissolved in a small quantity of absolute alcohol, to remove salt, and to the clear alcoholic solution is added an equal volume of ether, filtered, the solvent distilled off, and the amorphous residue dried in a vacuum. “The varnish-like, nearly colorless residue gives similar reactions, solubility, physical properties, taste, etc., which are considered characteristic of tannic acid. “ It is the first absolutely sugar-free tannic acid.” The amorphous residue was entirely reconverted into gallic acid on boiling with hydrochloric acid, and this gallic acid again converted into the amorphous acid by the phosphorus oxychloride. Two elementary analyses gave the following: i. n. C. 51.7 52.3 H. 3.8 4.1 The question in regard to the nature of tannic acid was answered as follows : 96 THE TANNINS. “ Tannic, acid is an alcoholic anhydride of gallic acid, very probably digallic acid.” This structural formula was at first suggested by Schiff: Tannic Acid. Gallic Acid. He subsequently changed this formula to that of an ethereal anhydride, as follows : OH OH OH CO\ O / OH OH CO.OH Schiff* also investigated the reaction, first described by Lowe, of arsenic acid and gallic acid, which the latter considered to be an oxidation. Schilf, however, obtained similar results as with phosphorus oxychlo¬ ride, and considered it an easier method for obtaining digallic acid, since heating the gallic acid with a dilute solution of arsenic acid was sufficient to effect the con¬ version. There is, however, considerable difficulty in removing the arsenic from the tannic acid, a portion of the latter being reconverted into gallic acid. COMPOSITION OF TANNIC ACID. 97 By heating cligallic acid as well as a purified natu¬ ral tannic acid with acetic anhydride, Schiff obtained pentacetyl-tannin, C 14 H 5 (C 2 H 3 0) 5 0 9 , consisting of warty crystals melting at 137°. This compound is insoluble in water and cold alcohol, but moderately soluble in hot absolute alcohol, and gives no color reaction with salts of iron. Two years later, in 1873, Schiff published a review of his former work, with the maturer conclusions which experience gave him. He offered the following as the reaction taking place between gallic acid and phos¬ phorus oxychloride : . 4C 7 H 6 O s + POCl 3 = 2C 14 H 10 O 9 + PH0 3 + 3HC1. The tannic acid thus obtained gave a blue-black precip¬ itate with ferric salts, yielded pyrogallic acid on heat¬ ing, and was converted into gallic acid by the action of dilute acids, without the formation of a trace of glucose. Phosphorus pentachloride and trichloride also con¬ verted gallic into tannic acid, but some intermediate and decomposition products resulted. Schiff also further investigated the action of arsenic acid on gallic acid, and determined that when they are heated together in aqueous solution the change into tannic acid is complete without the arsenic acid under¬ going any change. He considered the reaction to be as follows: (1) C 7 H 5 0 4 -OH + HAsO s = C 7 H 5 0 4 -0. As0 2 + h 2 o ; (2) C? A A} 0 +°>ha.oh =%1$} o+ asho 3 . Pure digallic acid was recommended to be prepared 9 * 98 THE TANNINS. by boiling an alcoholic solution of gallic acid and ar¬ senic acid, the arsenic to be removed from the filtrate by hydrogen sulphide, the solution evaporated to dryness, dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol, ether added in excess, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness. In a former paper Sell iff supposed he had prepared a triacetyl and a tetraacetyl derivative of tannic acid, but later investigation convinced him that only the pentace- tyl tannin existed, the other compounds being mixtures which resulted from the digallic acid containing some intermediate products with phosphorus. Schiff at first concluded that “ the compound present in the plants which yield tannic acid is probably a very unstable glucoside of polygallic acid, perhaps of the formula indicated by Strecker.” “The least purified tannic acid is then the purest, since it contains the largest proportion of sugar.” Later he made the following statement: “ That the glucose present in imperfectly purified natural tannin does not exist in the free state is proved by the fact that ether-alcohol and anhydrous alcohol dissolve such tan¬ nin freely. Unaltered tannin is probably a glucoside of digallic acid QnH 28 0 22 = C 6 H 12 0 6 + 2C 14 H 10 O 9 - 2H 2 0. This formula corresponds with 23 per cent, glucose, and the amount of this substance obtained from natural tannin varies from nothing to 22 per cent., according to the extent to which the tannin has been subjected to purification. C. Etti in 1884 coincided with SchitFs view of the constitution of tannic acid. COMPOSITION OF TANNIC ACID. 99 We must conclude, from our present knowledge, that the tannin from galls as found in commerce is capable of being purified until it is simply digallic acid. It is, however, rarely, if ever, found in this condition, but contains variable amounts of glucose in weak combina¬ tion ; therefore tannic acid as we know it is either a glucoside of digallic acid or a mixture of this glucoside with variable proportions of digallic acid. INDEX OF AUTHORS, A. Adrian, 159. Aikin, A., 119. Allen, A. H., 140. Angillis-Mortier, 126. Arata, P. N., 144, 149. Archer, 135. Arnaudon, J. S., 144. Arnaudon, S. S., 159. B. B. E., 155. Baehr, R., 136. Barhieri, 143. Barfoed, C., 136. Barreswil, 122. Barrow, J., 138. Bartholdi, 111. Bassermann, F., 118. Bastow, E., 156. Baup, S., 117. Becker, F., 153. Bell, J., 121, 126. Benoist, L., 157. Bense, F. A. W., 154. Beral, 120. Berthellot, A. B., 112. Berthellot, C. L., 112. Bertrand, 126. Berzelius, J. J., 116. Bevan, E. J., 150. Biggin, G., 110. Bihot, L., 131. Bissell, E. G., 144. Bissell, W. B., 154. Bley, L. F., 126, 128. Bolley, P., 131, 133, 136. Bottinger, C., 148,150,152,153, 156, 157,158,159,160,162. Bouillon-Lagrange, 111. Bowman, H. K., 138. Braconnot, H., 114, 118, 125. Braemer, L., 159. Brande, W. T., 114. Braun, C. D., 137. Breutel, E., 155. Bridges, R., 122. Brugnatelli, L. V., 113. Buchner, A. W., 118, 126. Buchner, L. A., 126. Buchner, Ph., 123, 136. Bujard, A., 162. Burridge, J., 116. Biisgen, 160. C. Cadet, 114. Calvert, C., 129, 139. Cap, 131. Carles, P., 152. Carpene, 142. Casali, A., 152. Casthelaz, 154. Cavarra, A., 120. Cavillius, 122. Cech, C. O., 136. Chaptal, B., 110. Chevreul, 114. 103 104 THE TANNINS. Christy, T., 144, 149. Clark, 143. Colin, 157. Collier, P., 146, 147, 148. Commaile, 133. Cooper, J. T., 123. Councler, C., 150, 151, 158. Credner, H., 121. Creuzburg, H., 119. Cross, C. P., 150. Cusson, 160. D. D., Dr., 153. Darton, N. H., 149. Davies, E., 148. Davies, J. W., 132. Davy, H., 112. Delachanal, 156. Descostiles, 110. Desmond, W., 110. Deyeux, C., 109. Dierbach, 118. Dieudonne, H., 155. Dize, J. J., 109. Domine, 123. Dorffurt, 112. Doubleday, E., 125. Doutreleau, J., 153. Dowling, J., 131. Dreykorn, 138. D’Urban, 132. Durien, E., 154. Duval, 121. Dvorkovitch, P., 162. E. Eder, J. M., 145, 146, 147. Eitner, W., 147, 150, 151, 155, 161, 162. Erbstein, K. E. W., 110. Erdmann, O. L., 117. Estcourt, C., 141, 145. Etti, C., 143, 148, 149, 151, 152, 158. F. Facilides, O., 137. Fay, A., 110. Fehling, 128. Fernandez, 113. Fleck, H., 131. Fdlsing, A., 161. Freda, P., 145, 146, 147. Frerichs, 125. Fridolin, A., 151. Fuchs, 110. G. Gantter, F., 159. Gardiner, W-, 152. Gartenmeister, 160. Gaube, F., 133. Gautier, A., 143, 144, 145. Gawalovski, A., 150. Geiseler, 130. Geisler, J. F., 152. Gerland, B. W., 133. Giles, J., 117. Gintl, W., 150. Girardin, 121. Giraud, 160. Girgensohn, L., 141. Godeffroy, 147. Gondolo, P., 149. Good, W., 115. Grabowski, A., 134, 135, 137. Graham, T., 132. Grassi, E., 140, 142. Grassmann, 114. Gray, G., 110. Green, F. V., 144. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 105 Griessmayer, V., 139. Guenez, E., 160. Guibourt, 122, 124, 125. Guignet, 0. E., 162. Guillot, M., 111. Giintber, N., 138. Guyard, A., 152. H. Haddock, A. G., 147. Hagen, 121. Hallwachs, 133. Hamilton, W., 124. Hammer, K., 131. Handtke, R., 132. Harff, H., 119. Hartig, T., 137. Hartwich, 0., 147,148, 151,162. Hatchett, C., 113. Hatzfeld, A., 141. Heinecke, 128. Heinz, H. J., 134, 139. Hennig, C., 128. Henry, M., 116, 154. Henry, 0., 118. Hermbstadt, S. E., 111. Hesse, O., 157. Heumann, C., 122. Hill, A., 149. Hinsdale, S. J., 160. Hlasiwetz, H., 135, 136, 137. Hohnel, E. R., 148. Hooper, D., 159. Hooxman, P. J., 143. Hornung, 123. Hoi’sley, J., 129. Howison, J., 112. Hunefeld, 121. Hunt, B., 154. Hurst, G. H., 155. I. Ishikawa, I., 148. J- Jackson, R., 152. Jahn, H., 146. Jahoda, R., 161. Jean, E., 143,144, 150, 154,162. Jennings, H. C., 130. •Tohanson, E., 143,145, 149, 151. John, 114. Johnson, A., 111. Jorissen, A., 150. Judd, W., 133. K. Kaemmerer, H., 143. Kalinowsky, J., 123. Kampffmever, 123, 124. Kapff, S., 161. Karsten, E. J. B., 111. Kastner, K. W. G., 123. Kathreiner, F., 145, 146, 147. Kawalier, 129, 130. Kay, P. 156. Kendrick, W., 115. Kestler, C., 117. Kingzett, C. T., 146. Klinger, A., 162. Knop, A., 127. Knop, W., 127. Koch, R., 157, 158. Koechlin, J., 150. Kohlrausch, O., 149. Kohnstein, B., 153. Kopp, E., 133. Kraus, G., 159. Kubly, 135. Kursak, 132. 106 THE TANNINS. Kurtz, C. M., 140. Kutscher, F., 159. L. Lacaze-Duthiers, 128. Lamasse, 152. Lambert, A., 159. Lang, C., 128. Larocque, A., 121. Laurent, A., 127. Leconnet, 119. Leeds, A. It., 148. Lehman, A., 148, 150. Lelievre, 110. Leuchs, J. C., 132. Lidow, A., 158. Liebig, J., 117, 118, 120. Lotichius, C. A., 140. Lowe, J., 135,137, 139,140,141, 142, 148. LOwenthal, J., 131, 144. Ldwig, C., 120. Luboldt, 130. Luca, S. D., 149. Luck, E., 126, Luckombe, 125. M. Mabern, T., 153. Macadam, 117. Macagno, J., 140, 148, 156. Macbride, D., 109. Macewan, P., 153. Maiden, J. H., 160. Malin, G., 135. Maltchewsky, 160. Marquart, L. C., 118. Marriage, J. H., 132. Martius, T. W. C., 120. Masson, 146. Maumene, 142. McMurtrie, W., 139, 143, 144. Meerkatz, J., 155, 158. Mercadante, 141. Merrick, J. M., 140. Meyer, G-., 160. Mierzinski, S., 156. Minutoli, 116. Mittenzwey, 133. Moeller, J., 145, 147. Mohr, 124. Moll, J. W., 153, 155. Monier, 130. Moullade, A., 160. Mulder, G. J., 125. Muller, F., 122. Muller, G., 131. Muller, J., 125. Mulligan, J., 131. Miintz, A., 138, 141, 142, 143, 149. Musset, F., 151, 153. N. Nass, P., 152. Nasse, O., 152. Nees v. Esenbeck, 116, 117. Neubauer, C.. 129, 139, 140. Neubrand, J. G., 138. Notzli, 155. O. Orth, V., 129. Oser, J., 143. P. Palm, R., 139. Palmer, A. W., 145. Palmer, T. C., 156. Parrish, E., 131. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 107 Passler, J., 161. Patterson, W., 120. Paul, B. H., 130, 146. Pavesi, 141. Payen, 119. Peacock, J. C., 162. Peligot, E., 122. Pelletier, 110, 114. Pelouze, «T., 118. Pereira, J., 123. Perret, E., 145, 152. Pettenkofer, 128. Pfaff, C. H., 113, 114, 117. Plisson, 116. Pohl, J. J., 129. Preisser, F., 121. Pribram, B., 134. Procter, H. K., 141, 143, 144, 145,155,156,160,161,162. Procter, W., 133. Proctor, B. S., 158. Proust, 110, 111. Prud’homme, 140. R. Raabe, 148. Ramspaclier, 141, 142. Ranke, EL, 127. Rau, H. M., 156. Rawson, S. G-., 159. Rebling, 129. Regnauld, J., 141. Reich ardt, 138. Reinitzer, E., 150, 158. Reinsch, 120, 135. Rembold, O., 134, 135, 137. Remont, A., 149. Richards, E. S., 145. Riche, 149. Riegel, 151. Risler-Beunat, 133. Robiquet, 119, 120. Robiquet, E., 127, 128. Rochleder, F., 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 134, 135,136, 137. Roder, 126. Rodsey, 117. Roos, L., 160. Roques, 151. Rothe, O., 138. Rotondi, 141. Roxburgh, W., 112. Rulf, 153. Rutsch, 125. S. Sacc, 138. Salzer, Th., 137. Sandrock, B., 127. Saul, J. E., 155. Schel, J., 142. Schenk,126. Scherer, J. A., 112. Scherk, C., 162. Schiff, H., 130, 139, 140, 142, 146, 147, 156. Schlumberger, A., 132. Schmidt, 141. Schmieden, T., 137. Schoen, 149. Schonbein, C. F., 131. Schroder, J., 150, 157, 161. Schubarth, 123. Schulze, E., 158. Schulze, F., 134. Schwarz, R., 128. Seemann, 126. Seguin, A., 110. Sertiirner, F., 113. 108 THE TANNINS. Sharpies, S. P., 151. Sheldon, W., 115. Siedler, P., 161. Siewart, 136, 145. Simand, 150, 151,153, 155,156, 157. Simpkin, S. J., 142. Skey, W., 134. Smedt, 133. Sonne, W., 159. Sonnenschein, 153. Sprengel, C , 117. Staffel, 126. Stein, W., 125. Stenliouse, J., 121,122,123,132, 141, 142. Stocder, 143. Strecker, A., 127, 128. Svanberg, 119. Swayne, 109. T. Terreil, A., 140. Thompson, W-, 142. Tieghman, Ph., 134. Tod, W., 129. Tollens, 158. Tonner, 132. Toulmouche, 119. Trimble, 156, 157, 158, 160, 162. Tromer, 110. Trommsdorff, J. B., 112, 118. Turnbull, 124. U. Ulbricht, E., 154. V. Yauquelin, 111. Yedova, F. G., 146. Vignon, L., 160. Villon, A., 156, 159. Vincent, 156. Vinen, 129. Virey, D’A., 115. Virey, J. J., 115, 116. Vogel, J. IE, 161. W. Waage, Th., 161. Wackenroder, H., 120, 121. Wagner, E., 158. Wagner, R., 126, 127, 134, 139. Waltl, J., 116. Warington, R., 124. Watson, W., 146. Watts, J., 135. Wehmer, 158. Weiss, B., 155. Westermaier, 153. Wetherill, O., 124. White, J. T., 159. White, T., 114. Whitely, R. L., 161. Wiegand, 132. Wildenstein, R., 133. Willuszewitcz, 155. Wittstein, G. C., 127. Wohler, 125. Wohmann, W., 140. Wolf, A., 138. Wolff, E., 132. Wood, J. T., 161. Wosresensky, A., 120. Wuttig, J. F. C., 113. Z. Ziegler, E., 154, 156. Zolffel, G., 161. Zwenger, C., 121. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 1791. Abgekurztes Yerfahren, die Gallapfelsaure zu gewin- nen. Yon Mich. Jean Jerome Dize. Jour. Physik, 7 , 399 (abstract 1793) ; from Observations sur la phy¬ sique, sur l’histoire naturelle et sur les arts, par MM. l’Abbe Rozier, Mongez et JDe la Metherie, 39 , 420, Paris, 1791. 1792. Communication relative to the use of Oak-Leaves in Tanning. By George Swayne. Trans. Soc. Arts, 10 ,153. 1793. Memoire sur la noix de galle, nontenant son analyse, celle de l’acide gallique, et un examen particular du precipite opere par ses deux substances lorsqu’on les mele avec le sulfate de fer. Par le cit. Deyeux. Ann. Chim,, 17 , 1; abstract Jour. Physik, 42 , 401. 1795. An Improved Method of Tanning Leather. By David Macbride, M.D. Repert. Arts and Manuf., 2 , 341 and 382. 10 109 110 THE TANNINS. 1796 . Some considerable Improvements in the Art of Tan¬ ning Leather. Patent to Anthony Fay, dated July 17, 1790. Repert. Arts and Manuf., 4 , 217. Rapport au Comite de Salut public, sur les nouveaux moyens de tanner les cuirs, proposes par le cit. Armand Seguin. Par les citoyens Lelievre et Pelletier. Ann. Chim., 20 , 15. Translation in Repert. Arts and Manuf., 8 , 272 and 341. 1797 . Method or Process of Tanning all Sorts of Hides and Skins, &c. Patent to William Desmond, dated January 15, 1796. Repert. Arts and Manuf., 6 , 7. 1798 . Extrait d’un memoire de M. Proust, sur le principe tannant. Par le cit. Descostiles. Ann. Chim., 25 , 225. Translation in Repert. Arts and Manuf., 11 , 59 (1799). 1799 . Experiments to determine the Quantity of Tanning Principle and Gallic Acid contained in the Bark of vari¬ ous Trees. By George Biggin, Esq. Phil. Trans., 89 , 259. All. Jour. Chem., 5 , 46 (1800). Chemische Betrachtungen liber die Wirkung der Beizen beym Rothfarben dcs Kattuns. Yom Burger Chaptal. All. Jour. Chem., 2 , 235. Surrogat fiir Gallapfel. Yon Herr Tromer. All. Jour. Chem., 3 , 385 (abstract). Surrogat fiir Gallapfel. Yon Herr Prof. Fuchs. All. Jour. Chem., 3 , 739 (abstract). Surrogat fiir Gallapfel und Eichenrinde. Yon Herr G. Gray. All Jour. Chem., 1 , 444 (abstract). Surrogat fiir Gallapfel. Yon K. E. W. Erbstein. All. Jour. Chem., 4 , 423. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. Ill 1800. Rapport (Tun memoire de M. Proust, sur differens points interessans de la Chimie. Par le cit. Yauquelin. Ann. Chim., 35 , 32. All. Jour. Chem., 2 , 252 (1799). 1801. On the production and application of Myrobalans and their use as a substitute for Aleppo Galls. By Dr. Alexander Johnson. Trans. Soc. Arts, 19 , 343. Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc. Arts, 19 , 32. Resultate der bisher uber den Gerbstoffangestellten Untersuchungen. Yon E. J. B. Karsten. All. Jour. Chem., 7 , 472. Yersuche und Bemerkungen uber die Gei’bung des Ober- und Sohlleders durch verscbiedene Yegetabilien, mit Riicksicht auf die quantitativen Yerhaltnisse des darin befindliehen gerbenden Stoffes, ihrer Yerglei- chung gegen die Eichenrinde, und der Zeitraume, welche eine jede dieser Substanzen zum Gahrmacben der Haute erfordert. Yom Dr. Sigismund Friedrich Heraibstadt. All. Jour. Chem., 6 , 415 and 421. 1802. Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc. Arts, 20 , 36. Chemische Untersuchung der Rinde der gemeinen weissen Weide. Yom Burger Bartholdi. All. Jour. Chem., 8 , 294; Ann. Chim.. 30 , 268. Experiences sur le principe tannant, et reflexions sur l’art du tannage. Par le citoyen Merat Guillot. Ann. Chim., 41 , 323; Repert. Arts and Manuf., 16 , 394. Extrait d’un memoire de M. Proust, sur le tannin et ses especes. Ann. Chim., 41 , 92 ; abstract by Bouillon- Lagrange. 112 THE TANNINS. 1808 . An Account of some Experiments and Observations on the constituent Parts of astringent Vegetables; and on their Operation in Tanning. By Humphry Davy, Esq. Phil. Trans., 93 , 233. Schreiben fiber die Identitat der Gallussaure und des G-erbestofFs. Yon Joh. Andr. Scherer. All. Jour. Chem., 10 , 223. Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc Arts, 21 , 40. 1804 . Neue Beitrage zu nabern Kenntniss der Matur des Gerbestoffs. Yon J. Bartholma Trommsdorff. ISTeu. All. Jour. Chem., 3, 111; Bepert. Arts, and Manuf. f 2 ], 8 , 46, and 129. Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc. Arts, 22 , 10. Preparation of Tan made in the East Indies from the Bark of the Mangrove Tree. By Dr. James How- ison. Trans. Soc. Arts, 22 , 201. 1805 . Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc. Arts, 23 , 9. East India Galls (Aldacay or Caducay Galls). By Dr. William Roxburgh. Trans. Soc. Arts, 23 , 407. Ueber die Matur der adstringirenden Substanzen. Meu. All. Jour. Chem., 6, 224 ; taken from second edi¬ tion of Elemens de l’art de la teinture, par C. L. et A. B. Berthollet, tome 1 , p. 104. Ueber Darstellung der Gallapfelsaure. Yon Dorffurt. Men. All. Jour. Chem., 6 , 222 (abstract). LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 113 Gallapfelsaure von dem Samen des Schmacks. Yon Herr. Fernandes. Neu. All. Jour. Chem., 6 , 231 (abstract). Beweis der Identitat der Gallussaure und des Gerbe- stoffs. Yon J. F. C. Wuttig. Neu. All. Jour. Chem., 6 , 194. On an artificial Substance which possesses the prin¬ cipal characteristic Properties of Tannin. By Charles Hatchett, Esq., F.RS. Phil. Trans., 95 , 211 and 285. 1806. Gold Medal for the Preparation of Tan. Trans. Soc. Arts, 24 , 7. A third Series of Experiments on an artificial Sub¬ stance which possesses the principal characteristic Properties of Tannin. B 3 ’ Charles Hatchett, Esq., F.R.S. Phil. Trans., 96 , 109. 1808. Ueber die nach Scheele’s, Richter’s und durch Subli¬ mation bereitete Gallapfelsaure. Yon Prof. C. H. Pfaff. Jour. Chem. Physik und Min., 5 , 327. Ueber eine Eigenthumlichkeit des Geschmacks der adstringirenden Substanzen. Yon Prof. C. IT. Pfaff. Jour. Chem. Physik und Min., 5 , 331. 1812. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Gerbstoffs und der Gall¬ apfelsaure. Yon F. Sertiirner. Jour. Chem. Physik, 4 , 410. Courte notice sur le cachou et son analyse, et sur les differentes especes de gomme kino. Par L. Y. Brugna- telli. Bull, de Pharm., 4 , 366. 10 * 114 THE TANNINS. 1818 . The Application of Larch-Bark, to answer all the Purposes of Oak-Bark, in Tanning Leather. By Thomas White. Trans. Soc. Arts, 31 , 81. 1814 . Ueber den Chinastoff und die charakterischen Ei- genschaften des Chinaharzes. Yon Prof. 0. H. Pfaff. Jour. Chem. Physik, 10 , 265. On Tannin and some new Combinations of the G-allic Acid with Yegetable Substances. By M. Pelletier. Repert. Arts and Manuf. [2], 25 , 304. Examen du Rhus typhinum. Par M. John. Jour, de Pharm., 6, 77. 1815 . Ueber die Yerbindung des G-erbestoffs mit dem vege- tabilischen Schleime. Yom Apotheker Grassmann. Jour. Chem. und Physik, 15 , 42. 1817 . Sur les vegetaux astringens, et principalement sur ceux qui sont propres au tannage des cuirs. Par M. Cadet. Bull, de Pharm., 3 , 100; Ann. Chim. et Phys., 4 , 404. Observations on an Astringent Yegetable Substance from China. By William Thomas Brande. Phil. Trans., 107 , 39. 1818 . Lettre de M. Chevreul k MM. les Redacteurs des An. nales de Chimie et de Physique, sur l’acide ellagique de M. Braconnet. Ann. Chim. Phys., 9 , 329. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 115 1819 . Die Ratanhiawurzel und ihr Extract. Buch. Rep. Pharm., j; 408 (a review). The Application of Chestnut Wood to the Arts of Tanning and Dyeing. By William Sheldon. Am. Jour. Science, i, 312. 1820 . Des galles vegetaux, et des insectes qui les produisent. Par MM. D’ J.-J. Yirey. Jour, de Pharm., 6 , 161. Invention of an Improvement in the Art of Tanning Hides and Skins and for Barking or Colouring Nets, Sails, and other articles by the Application of certain Materials hitherto unused for that purpose. Patent by William Good. Jour. Arts and Science, i, 97. 1821 . Combination of Apparatus for Extracting a Tanning Matter from Bark and other Substances containing such Tanning Matter. Patent by William Kendrick. Jour. Arts and Science, 2, 171. 1828 . De 1’organisation des tissus vegetaux dans les ex- croissances appelees galles. Par J.-J. Yirey. Jour, de Pharm., g, 314. New Material for Tanning from New South Wales— Extract of Mimosa Bark. Jour. Arts and Science, 5 , 262 (report of Committee); Repert. Arts and Manuf. [2], 45 , 337 (1824). 1825 . On Tanning and the Use of the Barkometer. By John Burridge. Jour. Arts and Science, 9 , 27. 116 THE TANNINS. Hemlock for Tanning. Jour. Arts and Science, 9 , 380. On the employment of the Wood and Bark of the Chestnut Tree in Dyeing and Tanning. Repertory of Patent Inventions, 1 , 108. 1826 . Houvelle substance astringente pour la teinture, dite Algarovilla. Par J.-J. Virey. Jour, de Pharm., 12 , 296. Extracts from Bark. Jour. Arts and Science, 10 , 161. 1827 . Du kino veritable de la Gambie ou de l’Afrique ; de son origine, et des divers sues concrets astringens, usites en medecine. Par M. J.-J. Virey. Jour, de Pharm., 13 , 228. Ueber den Gerbstoff der Gallapfel, der Eichenrinde, der Chinarinde, des Catechins und des Kinos. Von J. J. Berzelius. Jabresbericht, 7 , 244; Lehrbuch, 6 , 209 (edition of 1837); Pogg. Ann., 10 , 257. Memoire pour faire suite a l’histoire do la quinine, de la cinchonine, et de l’acide quinique. Par MM. Henry fils et Plisson. Jour, de Pharm., 13 , 268 and 369. 1828 . Ueber kino und extr. ratanhiae araer. Von Prof. Nees v. Esenbeck d. J. Bueh. Repert. Pharm., 27 , 211. Bemerkungen fiber den Gerbestoff. Von Dr. J. Waltl. Buch. Repert. Pharm., 27 , 258; Jour. tech, und okono- mische Chem., 2 , 28. Ueber den in Europa seit einigen Jahren eingefuhr- ten Farbstoff genannt Bablah. Vom Generallieutenant v. Minutoli. Jour. tech, und okonomische Chem., 2 , 475. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 117 Ueber Gerbstoff, Gallapfelsurrogate und Tintenberei- tung. Yom Herausgeber Otto Linne Erdmann. Jour, tech, und dkonomische Chem., 2 , 21. Ueber Gallussaure, Gerbstoff und das Eiweiss grlin- farbende Principe der Kaffeebohnen. Yom Prof. C. H. Pfaff. Jour. Chemie und Physik, 4 , 410. 1829. Mode of Extracting Tannin from Bark. Patent by Joseph Giles (April 11 , 1827). Jour. Arts and Science [2], 2 , 219. 1881. Untersuchung der Tormentillwurzel auf ihren Ge- halt an Gerbstoff. Yom Dr. C. Sprengel. Jour. tech, und dkonomische Chem., 10 , 40. 1S82. Sur l’acide kinique et sur quelques-unes de ses com- binaisons. Par M. S. Baup. Ann. Chim. Phys., 51 , 56. Some preliminary Experiments upon the pod of Cfesalpinia Coriaria, or Dividivi. By Mr. Eodsey. Communicated by Captain Macadam, of the Royal Marines. Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., 1832, 135. Chemische Untersuchung der cultivirten Holzarten auf ihre feuerfesten Bestandtheile. Yon Dr. C. Spren¬ gel. Jour. tech, und dkonomische Chem., 13 , 382. Bemerkung liber Catechu. Yon Fr. Nees v. Esen- beck. Annalen, 1 , 243. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Chinasaure. Yon Justus Liebig. Annalen, 6 , 14. Yersuche liber die Reaction der Gallus- und Gerb- saure, nebst kurzer Bemerkung liber die Natur dersel- ben. Yon Carl Kestler. Buch. Repert. Pharm., 42 , 381. 118 THE TANNINS. Sur la jusee et l’ecorce de chene.—Existence de la pectine dans l’ecorce des arbres. Par M. Henri Bra- connot. Ann. Chim. Phys., 50 , 376; Jour. tech, und okonomische Chem., 13 , 382. 1883. Neueste Entdeckungen iiber die Gerbsaure, oder den sogenannten G-erbstoff. Yon Aug. Wilh. Buchner. Buch. Repert. Pharm., 46 , 316 (a review of the above prize essay). Algaroba. Trans. Soc. Arts, 49 , 97. (Papers on Colonies and Trade.) 1834. Memoire sur le tannin et les acides gallique, pyro- gallique, ellagique et metagallique. Par J. Pelouze. Ann. Chim. Phys., 54 , 337 ; Jour. Chim. Med., 10 , 257 ; Pogg. Ann., 29 , 180; Annalen, 10 , 145; Jour. prak. Chem., 2 , 301. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Gerbsaure (Gerbe- stofF) und der Gallussaure. Yon Justus Liebig. Anna¬ len, 10 , 172; Jour. prak. Chem., 2 , 321. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Gerbsaure. Yon J. Pelouze. Annalen, 10 , 210 (aus einem Briefe an J. L.). Ueber die salzigen Bestandtheile der Beeren des Gerbersumachs. Yon Dr. J. B. Trommsdorff. Annalen, 10 , 328. Ueber den Thee. Yon L. C. Marquart. Annalen, 10 , 328. Ueber Cortex Radicis Ratanhiae. Yon Friedr. Bas- sermann. Annalen, 11 , 226. Bemerkung iiber die officinellen Friichte der Eichen. Yon Prof. Dierbach. Annalen, 12 , 85. De l’application du tannin pur comme moyen d’al- caloimetrie. Par M. O. Henry. Jour, de Pharm., 20 ,429. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 119 1835. Sur la methode de deplacement appliquee au traite- ment do la noix de galle, etc. Par M. Robiquet. Jour, de Pharm., 21 , 113. De l’action du tannin sur les bases salifiables or- ganiques, et applications qui en derivent. Par M. Ossian Henry. Jour, de Pharm., 21 , 213; Annalen, 15 , 300. Ueber die Wirkung des Gerbstoffs und einigen andern Substanzen auf die Wurzeln der Pflanzen. Yon M. Payen. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 2 , 305. Memoire coneernant Taction des plantes contenant du tannin, et Taction du tannin lui-meme, sur la propriety vomitive du tartrate antimonial de potasse, et sur di- verses consequences therapeutiques nouvelles. Par M. A. Toulmouche. Jour, de Chim. Med., 10 , 198; Buch. Repert. Pharm., 65 , 97. 1S86. Note sur le tannin. Par M. Leconnet. Jour, de Pharm., 22 , 149; Annalen, 18 , 179. On Tanning and Leather Dressing. By A. Aikin. Trans. Soc. Arts, 50 , 192. Unters.uchungen des Kateehus und einiger sich daraus bildende Stofl'e. Yon Svanberg. Pogg. Ann., 39 , 161; Jour. prak. Chcm., 10 , 494. Notice sur l’acide gallique. Par M. Robiquet. Jour, de Pharm., 22 , 483; Jour. prak. Chem., n, 481. Gerbsaures Quecksilberoxydul, Hydrargyrum tanni- cum oxydulatum, Tannas hydrargyrosus. Yon Hein¬ rich Harff. Archiv der Pharm. [ 2 ], 5 , 294. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der weinigen Gahrung amylonhaltiger Substanzen. Von H. Ch. Creuzburg. Jour. prak. Chem., 9 , 299. 120 THE TANNINS. 1887. Improvement in converting hides and skins into leather by the application of matter obtained from a material not hitherto used for that purpose. Patented by William Patterson. Jour. Arts and Science [3], io, 93. Ueber Gallae pistacinae. Yon Dr. Th. W. C. Martius. Annalen, 21 , 179. Tanningensaure (Catechusaure). Annalen, 24 , 215. Du tannin considere sous les rapports de sa pre¬ paration, de son action sur les tissus devenus inertes et sur les tissus vivants ou malades. Par A. Cavarra. Jour, de Pharm., 23 , 88 . 1838. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Ckinasaure. Yon Alexander Woskresensky. Annalen, 27 , 257. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Gerbsaure. Yon Justus Liebig. Annalen, 26 , 128. Faits pour servir a l’histoire de l’acide gallique. Par M. Robiquet. Ann. Chim. Phys. [2], 64 , 385 ; Annalen, 25 , 131. 1889. Uebersicht liber die Eichengerbsaure, Gallussaure, Ellagsaure, Brenz- und Melangallussaure. Yon Dr. C. Lowig. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 17 , 57. Preparation artificielle du cachou brun. Par M. H. Eeinsch. Jour, de Pharm., 25 , 733 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 16 , 509. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Catechusaure. Yon H. Wackenroder. Annalen, 31 , 72. Note sur le tannin. Par M. Beral. Jour, de Chim. [2], 5 , 225 ; Archiv der Pharm. [2], 19 , 309 ; Am. Jour. Phar., 1841, 232. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 121 1840. Note sur la preparation du tannin. Par M. Duval. Ann. Chim. Phys., 74 , 222; Annalen, 36, 95; Am. Jour. Phar., 1842, 171. Sur le cacbou epure du commerce. Par MM. J. Gi- rardin et F. Preisser. Jour, de Pbarm., 26 , 50. On the Preparation of Tannin. By Jacob Bell. Phar. Jour. Trans., i, 410. 1841. Nouvelles recherches pour servir a l’histoire de l’acide gallique. Par Antoine Larocque. Jour, de Pharm., 27 , 197. Ueber die Idiotypie unkrystallinischer organischer Kdrper, insbesondere der Eichengerbsaure und Humin- saure. Von H. Wackenroder. Jour. prak. Chem., 24 , 18. Ueber die Metamorphose der Eichengerbsaure in ihrer wassrigen Losung. Von H. Wackenroder. Jour, prak. Chem., 24 , 28. Eigenschaften der Catechusaure nach Untersuch- ungen von H. Wackenroder. Annalen, 37 , 306. Ueber Catechin. Von Constantin Zwenger. Anna¬ len, 37 , 320. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Catechins. Von Kobert Hagen. Annalen, 37 , 336. Versuche zur kiinstlichen Bildung der Gallussaure oder Umwandlung der Gerbsaure in jene. Vom Prof. Hunefeld. Jour. prak. Chem., 16 , 359. Gallus-Handelnotizen. Von Hermann Credner. Archiv der Pharm., [2], 25 , 93. 1842. On Pyrogallic Acid, and some Astringent Substances which yield it. By Dr. John Stenhouse. Mem. Chem. Soc., ij 127 ; Annalen, 45 , 1 . 11 122 THE TANNINS. On some Astringent Substances as sources of Pyro- gallic Acid. By Dr. John Stenhouse. Mem. Chem. Soc., i, 132. 1843. Examination of Astringent Substances (continued). By John Stenhouse, Esq., Ph.D. Mem. Chem. Soc., i, 208. Sur la constitution chimique des gallates et tannates de fer et des teintures a base de fer. Par M. Ch. Bar- reswil. Compt.-Rend., 17 , 739 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 30 , 379. Observations on the Action of Ether on Galls. By Robert Bridges. Am. Jour. Phar., 1843, 40. Yorlaufige JNotiz iiber einen rothen Farbestoff als Metamorphose der Gerbsaure aus der Apfelbaumrinde. Yon Ch. Heumann. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 81 , 324. Eisengrunender und eisenblauender Gerbstoft. Yon Herr Cavillius. Jahresbericht, 21 , 275; Archiv der Pharm. [2], 36 , 61. Recherches sur la composition chimique du the. Par M. Eug. Peligot. Compt.-Rend., 17 , 107 ; Annalen, 47 , 358. Untersuchung der Gallapfel. Yon Guibourt. Anna, len, 48 , 359; Revue Scient., 13 , 32. 1844. Ueber Gerbestoff; eine Beantwortung der Preisauf- gabe der Hagen-Bucholz’schen Stiftung auf das Jahr 1843. Yon Friedr. Muller. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 38 , 121 and 266. On the Galls of Terebinthus and Pistacia. By M. Guibourt. Phar. Jour. Trans., 3 ? 377 and 381. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 123 On the Chinese Gall, called “ Woo-Pei-Tsze,” and on the Gall of Bokhara, termed “ Gool-I-Pista.” By Jona¬ than Pereira. Phar. Jour. Trans., 3 , 384. Memoire sur la preparation du tannin. Par M. Do- mine. Jour, de Phar. Chim. [3], 5 , 231. Observations on Catechuic Acid. By John Thomas Cooper, Esq. Phil. Mag. [3], 24 , 500 ; Dingier, 93 , 380 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 33 , 429. Yergleichende Versuche liber das Gcrben von Kalb- fellen mit Eichenlohe, Dividivi, Catechu und Ellern- rinde. Yon Kampffmeyer. Dingier, 94 , 154. Gerbsaure. Yon Hornung. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 39, 32 - 1845. Ueber Dividivi. Yon Prof. Dr. Schubarth. Dingier, 97 , 316. Bericht iiber die Resultate angestellter vergleichen- der Gerbeversuche mit Eichen- und Ellernrinde, Cate¬ chu und Dividivi. Yon W. Kampffmeyer. Dingier, 98 , 435. (Aus den Yerhandlungen des Yereins zur Beforde- rung des Gewerbfleisses in Preussen 1845,4te Lieferung.) Gallapfel als Gahrungs-Erreger. Yon K. W. G. Kastner. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 44 , 135. Gallapfel-Aethei'ol. Yon K. W. G. Kastner. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 44 , 137. Ueber Gallussaure und Gerbsaure, Yerhalten dieser Sauren zu Basen, Darstellung, Eigenschaften und Con¬ stitution ihrer wichtigen Salze. Yon Dr. Phil. Buchner, jun. Annalen, 53 , 175 und 349. Reagens auf Cbinasaure. Yon Dr. J. Stenhouse. Annalen, 54 , 100. Yerhalten von Gerbstoff zu Starke. Yon J. v. Kali- nowsky. Jour. prak. Chem., 35, 201; Annalen, 36, 305; Chem. Gaz., 4, 65. 124 THE TANNINS. A New Mode or Method of more expeditiously and effectually Tanning Hides and Skins, and of Extracting and Separating the Catechuic from the Tannic Acid in the Catechu or Terra-Japonica used in Tanning. Patent by Alexander Turnbull. Jour. Arts and Sciences [3], 26 , 234. 1846. On the medical and economic Properties of the Rhi- zophora Mangle, or Mangrove Tree. By W. Hamilton. Phar. Jour. Trans., 6 , 11. Gallapfel von Terebinthus und chinesische Gallapfel. Yon Guibourt. Archiv der Pharm. [ 2 ], 51 , 190; Revue Scient., March, 1846. 1847. Note on the Means of Testing the Comparative Yalue of Astringent Substances for the Purpose of Tan¬ ning. By Robert Warington, Esq. Mem. and Proc. Chem. Soc., 3 , 319; Chem. Gaz., 5 , 147; Dingier, 104 , 316. Yergleichende Gerbvcrsuche zwischen Eichenrinde, Ellernrinde, Catechu und Dividivi. Yon W. Kampff- meyer. Dingier, 106 , 323. Ueber die Umwandlung der Gerbsaure in Gallussaure. Yon Carl Wetherill. Jour. prak. Chem., 42 , 247 ; Jour. Phar. Chim. [3], 12 , 107; Am. Jour. Phar., 1848, 112 . Ueber die Natur der Tanninlosung, die bei der Ex¬ traction mit Aether erhalten wird. Yon Dr. Mohr. Annalen, 61 , 352. Untersuchung der Kaffeebohnen. Yon Dr. P. Roch- leder. Annalen, 63 , 193. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 125 Ueber die Boheasaure und Gerbsaure der Blatter von Thea bohea. Yon Dr. F. Rochleder. Annalen, 63 . 202 . Memoire sur les sues astringents connus sous les noms de Cachou, Gambir et Kino. Par M. Guibourt. Jour. Pharm. Cbim. [3], 11 , 24, 260, and 360, and 12 , 37. Ueber Gerbsaure. Yon Professor G. J. Mulder. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 101 , 311 (1848), and 102 , 38 (1849). (Aus dem Hollandischen von Dr. Johannes Muller.) Schei- kundig. Onderzoek, IY. Deee, 639 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 48 , 90 (1849); Chem. Gaz., 8 , 41 (1850). Hote on the Insect forming the Chinese Galls. By Edward Doubleday. Phar. Jour. Trans., 7 , 310. 1848. Ueber die Yeranderung, welche namentlich organi- sehe Stoffe bei ihren Uebergange in den Harn erlei- den. Yon Wohler und Frerichs. Jour. prak. Chem., 44 , 60. (From “ Hachrichten v. d. Gottingen A. Universitat und der Konigl. Ges. der Wissenschaften,” 1848, Ho. 5.) 1849. Analyse des glands, suivie de considerations sur la presence du sucre de lait dans les grains des vege- taux. Par M. H. Braconnot. Ann. Chim. Phys. [3], 27 , 392; Jour. prak. Chem., 49 , 232. Mecca or Bussorah Galls. By Mr. Luekombe. Phar. Jour. Trans., 8, 422; Am. Jour. Phar., 1849, 265. Cortex Quercus. Yon Dr. Rutsch. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 104 , 401 (1850). (From “ Centr.-Bl. des land- wirthsch. Yereins in Bayern,” 1849, Nro. 10, 374.) Ueber chinesischen Gallus. Yon W. Stein. Dingier, 114 , 433, aus Polytech. Centralblatt, 1849, Liefer. 22. 11 * 126 THE TANNINS. 1850. Nachtragliche Notiz iiber die chinesischen Gallapfel. Yon Prof. Dr. Schenk. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 105 , 346. Observations pratiques sur la preparation du tannate neutre de plomb. Par L. J. Angillis-Mortier. Jour. Pharm. d’Anvers, 6, 417. Chinese Galls. By Jacob Bell. Phar. Jour. Trans., 10 , 127. Ueber sogenannten chinesischen Gallus und seine Bestandtheile. Yon L. F. Bley. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 61 , 297. Ueber Bassorah-Gallapfel. Briefliche Notiz von Dr. Bertrand an Dr. Bley. Archiv der Pharm. [ 2 ], 64 , 52. Briefliche Notiz iiber chinesische Gallae. Yon Dr. L. F. Bley. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 104 , 80. Ueber die chinesischen Gallapfel. Yon Prof. Dr. Schenk. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 105 , 26. Untersuchung der Rosskastanie. Yon E. Staffel. Archiv der Pharm. [ 2 ], 64 , 26. Bemerkung iiber Knoppern-Extract. Yon Dr. A. Buchner, sen. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 105 , 120. 1851. Moritannic Acid. By Dr. R. Wagner. Chem. Gaz., g, 21; Jour. prak. Chem., 61 , 82. Tannaspidic and Pteritannic Acid. By Dr. E. Luck. Chem. Gaz., g, 452; Chem. Central., 1851, 657 and 676. On Gambir. By Berthold Seemann. Phar. Jour. Trans., 11 , 576. Ueber den Werth der chinesischen Gallapfel. Yon L. A. Buchner, jun. Buch. Rep. Pharm., 107 , 313. Istrianische Gallapfel. Von Roder. Chem. Central., 1851, No. 24. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 127 1852. Zur Lehre vom thierischen Stoffumsatz. Yon H. Eanke. Jour. prak. Chem., 56 , 1. The Tannic Acids of the Eubiacese. By F. Eochleder. Chem. Gaz., 10 , 286; from Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, Jan., 1852. Aspertannic Acid. Chem. Gaz., 10 , 61; from Sitz¬ ber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, 1852. Ueber die Constitution der Gerbsaure. Yon A. Strecker. (Briefliche Mittheilung.) Annalen, 81 , 248 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 56 , 184. Ueber die Gerbsauren und eine Classe neuer stick- stoffhaltiger Abkommlinge der Gerbsaurereihe. Yon Ad. Knop und Dr. W. Knop. Jour. prak. Chem., 56 , 327; Chem. Gaz., 10 , 333. Ueber die Formel der Moringerbsaure. Yon Prof. Dr. Eud. Wagner. Jour. prak. Chem., 57 , 441; Chem. Gaz., g, 21. Sur les tannins et les glucosamides. Par M. Aug. Laurent. Compt.-Eend., 35 , 161; Jour. prak. Chem., 57 , 169 . Ueber die Bereitung der Gerbsaure. Yon B. San- droek. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 72 , 265. Eecherches sur la fermentation gallique. Par M. E. Eobiquet. Compt.-Eend., 35 , 19. 1858. On the Preparation of Gallic Acid from Chinese Gall- nuts. By Dr. G. C. Wittstein. Phar. Jour. Trans., 12 , 444. (Aus Yierteljahresschrift fur praktische Pharma- cie, 1853, Heft 1.) Zur Geschichte der Entdeck. u. Zusammens. der Gerbsaure. Yon A. Strecker. Jour. prak. Chem., 59 , 191 ; Jour. Chem. Soc., 5 , 102. 128 THE TANNINS. Ueber Bestimmung des Gehaltes an Gerbstoff in Gerbmaterialien. Yon Prof. Dr. Fehling. Wurtem- bergiscbes Gewerbeblatt, 1853, No. 38; Dingier, 130 , 53 ; Arehiv der Pharm. [2], 78 , 45 ; Chem. Gaz., 12 , 111; Jour. Phar. Chim., 26 , 52. Chemische und pharmakologische Priifung des Gum- mi Kino. Yon Dr. C. Hennig. Arehiv der Pharm. [2], 73, 129- Chemische Untersuchung der sogenannten Bassorah Gallapfel. Yon Di\ L. F. Bley. Arehiv der Pharm. [2], 75, 138. Gallotannic Acid, Kinovatannic Acid. By F. Roeh- leder and R. Schwarz. Chem. Gaz., 11 , 308. Recherches pour servir a Phistoire des galles (struc¬ ture). Par M. de Lacaze-Duthiers. Compt.-Rend., 36 , Yorkommen der Gerbsaure in den Holzpflanzen. Yon Prof. Pettenkofer. Jahrb. der Pharm., i, 360; Jour. prak. Chem., 62 , 508 ; Dingier, 134 , 158. Untersuchung der Gallapfelgerbsaure. Yon Adolph Strecker. Annalen, 90 , 328; Jour. prak. Chem., 62 , 434; Compt.-Rend., 39 , 49; Am. Jour. Phar., 1855, 49. Note sur la constitution moleculaire du tannin et de l’acide gallique. Par M. E. Robiquet. Jour. Phar. Chim. [3], 26 , 29; Am. Jour. Phar., 1855, 51. Fabrication des Knoppern-Extracts. Yon Carl Lang. Kunst- und Gewerbeblatt fur Bayern, 1854, 268; Ding- ler, 135 , 156 (1855). 1855. Ueber Darstellung des Tannins aus chinesischen Gallapfeln. Yon Th. Heinecke. Arehiv der Pharm. [2], 83 , 4. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 129 Ueber den praparirten Catechu. Yon Dr. J. J. Pohl. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, Band 12 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 64 , 48. Ueber Thuja occidentals. Yon A. Kawalier. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, Band 13; Jour. prak. Chem., 64 , 16. Ueber die cbinesischen Gelbschoten. Yon M. Y. Orth. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, Band 13 ; Jour, prak. Chem., 64 , 10. On the Conversion of Tannic Acid into Gallic Acid in the Extracts of Tanning Substances. By Prof. Crace Calvert. Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., 1855, 265 ; Chem. Gaz., 12 , 440 ; Dingier, 136 , 221; Am. Jour. Phar., 1856, 455. Aphis chinensis. Yon Rebling. Archiv der Pharm. [ 2 ], 81 , 280. Ueber den Gerbsauregehalt mehrerer Gallapfelsorten. Yon W. Tod. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 84 , 9. 1856. English Oak Galls. By Dr. Yinen. Phar. Jour. Trans., 16 , 137; from Jour. Linn. Soc., 1856. Spaltung der Gerbsaure. Yon Rochleder und Ka¬ walier. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 87 , 57; Chem. Cen¬ tral., 1857, 234. Ueber Catechu und dessen Sauren. Yon C. Neu- bauer. Annalen, 96 , 337 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 67 , 257. On the Conversion of Tannic into Gallic Acid. By John Horsley. Reports in Brit. Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 1856, 52. ISTotiz uber die Gerbsauren. Yon Prof. Rochleder. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, 18 , 3 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 68 , 405. 130 THE TANNINS. 1857. Ueber die Entfarbung des gerbstoffsauren Eisen-oxy- duloxyds dimch Oxalsaure. Yon Dr. Geiseler. Archiv der Pharm. [2], 89 , 165. Cadmiumtannat. Yon I)r. Hugo Schiff. Annalen, 104 , 327. Ueber die Gallapfelgerbsaure. Yon Dr. F. Roch- leder. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien, 22 , 558; Cbem. Gaz., 15 , 228; Am. Jour. Phar., 1856, 464. Occurrence of Tannic Acid in Plants. By B. H. Paul. Phar. Jour. Trans., 17 , 174; Am. Jour. Phar., 1857, 554. 1858. Improvements in the Production and Application of Tannin or Tannic Acid. Patent by Henry C. Jennings. Jour. Arts and Sciences [3], 8, 158. Memoire sur la determination du tannin des vege- taux par les methodes volumetriques. Par M. E. Mo- nier. Compt.-Rend., 46 , 577. On the Tannin of Galls. By M. Kawalier. Chem. Gaz., 16 , 421; from Sitzber. der Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Gelber Farbstoff der griinen Theile von Thuja occi- dentalis. Von Dr. Friedrich Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 74 , 8 . Gallapfel-Gerbstoff. Von Dr. Friedrich Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 74 , 28. 1859. Ueber das Yerhalten der Gerbsaure gegen Aether und Wasser. Yon R. Luboldt. Jour. prak. Chem., 77 , 357; Am. Jour. Phar., 1860, 322. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 131 Quantitative Bestimmung des Gerbstoffgehalts in gerbstoffhaltigen Korpern, nach der priimiirten Preis- schrift des Apothekers Gustav Muller. Dingier, 151 , 69; Cbem. Gaz., 17 , 115; Am. Jour. Pkar., 1859,427. On the Estimation of Tannin in some Tanning Ma¬ terials. By John Mulligan and John Dowling. Chem. Gaz., 17 , 430. 1860. Bestimmung der Gerbsaure in den Gerbmaterialien. Yon H. Fleck. Gerberzeitung, 1860, Mr. 2, 3 und 4. Yersuch einer allgemeinen Massanalyse fur sammt- licbe Farbstoffe, Gerbstoffe, etc. Yon J. Lowenthal. Jour. prak. Cbem., 81, 150. XJeber das Yerbalten des SauerstofiFes zur Gallus- gerbsaure und Gallussaure. Yon C. F. Schonbein. Jour. prak. Chem., 81 , 11. Das Yerbalten der Gallapfelgerbsaure gegen Aether, —ein Mittel zum Machweis eines Wassergehalts des letzteren. Yon P. Bolley. Schweiz. Zeit., 5 , 54; Dingier, 157 , 380; Annalen, 115 , 63; Am. Jour. Pbar., 1861, 337. Tannate de bismuth. Par M. Cap. Jour, de Pharm. d’Anvers, 16 , 170. Du tannate de bismuth. Par M. L. Bihot. Jour, de Pharm. d’Anvers, 16 , 363. Meue Metbode zur Bestimmung der Gerbsaure. Yon Karl Hammer. Jour. prak. Chem., 81, 159; Dingier, 159, 300; Pbar. Jour. Trans. [2], 3 , 433. 1861. Mote on the Supposed Chemical Compound of Tannic Acid, Ether, and Water. By Edward Parrish. Am. Jour. Phar., 1861, 207. 132 THE TANNINS. Die Menge des Gerbstoffs in der Bichenrinde. Yon E. Wolff. Krit. Bl. fur Forst und Jagdw., 44 , 167. Titrirmethode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Gerbsauren. Yon Dr. Robert Handtke. Jour. prak. Cbem., 82 , 345. Einfluss der Gerbsaure auf die Weingahrung. Yon Johann Carl Leuchs. Jour. prak. Cbem., 82 , 455. Die Blatter von Epacris. Yon Herrn Tonner. Jour, prak. Cbem., 84 , 441. Tannin antidote de la strychnine. Par M. Kursak. Repert. Chirn. App., 3 , 99 ; Phar. Jour. Trans. [2], 2 , 227. On Some Yarieties of Tannin. By John Stenhouse. Proc. Royal Soc., 11 , 401; Phar. Jour. Trans. [ 2 ], 3 , 329; Dingier, 165 , 150; Am. Jour. Phar., 1862, 252. 1862. Satze uber die pliysiologiscke Badeutung des Gerbe- stoffs und der Pflanzonfarber. Yon Wiegand. Bot. Zeitung, 1862, 121. On Liquid Diffusion applied to Analysis. By Thomas Graham. Phil. Trans., 1861, 183; Jour. Chem. Soc., 15 , 216; Annalen, 121 , 55. A Process for Estimating Tannic Acid in Galls. By J. H. Marriage. Phar. Jour. Trans. [2], 3 , 509. Sur un extrait astringent de lentisque et de mysthe. Par Albert Schlumberger. Bull. Soc. Muhl., 32 , 316 ; Chem. Central. [2], 8 , 319. 1868. The Tannin Process. By J. W. Davies. Pub. by H. Greenwood, Liverpool. English Ink-Galls. By Mr. D’Urban. Phar. Jour. Trans. [ 2 ], 4 , 520. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 133 On the Estimation of Tannic Acid. By Dr. B. W. Ger- land. Chem. News, 8, 54; Am. Jour. Phar., 1863, 519. Zur Werthbestimmunggerbsaurehal tiger Materialien. Yon Robert Wildenstein. Zeit. anal. Chem., 2 , 137; Dingier, 172 , 231. Ueber die Darstellung des Chinintannats. Yon de Smedt. Jour, de Pharm. d’Anvers, ig, 198; Jour. Pharm. Chim. [3], 44 , 133. Zur Kenntniss des gerbsauren Rosanilins. Yon E. Kopp. Jour. prak. Chem., 92 , 241; Chem. News, 7 ,16. Zur Bestimmung der Gerbsaure. Yon Dr. H. Risler- Beunat. Zeit. anal. Chem., 2 , 287. 1864. Memoire sur une nouvelle methode de dosage des matieres astringentes vegetales. Par M. Commaile. Compt.-Rend., 59 , 399. Beitrag zur volumetrischen Bestimmung der Gerb¬ saure, Gallussaure, sowie des Eisens, Mangans u. s. w. Yon Moritz Mittenzwey. Jour. prak. Chem., gi, 81. Die Soja-, Zoga- oder Coua-Rinde als Farbematerial. Yon Prof. Bolley. Jour. prak. Chem., 93 , 361. On the Odor of Commercial Tannic Acid. By Wil¬ liam Procter, Jr. Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc., 12 , 255; Am. Jour. Phar., 1865, 53. Ueber die Bestimmung der Gerbsaure. Yon Fr. Gauhe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 3 , 122. 1865. Tannin in British Galls. By William Judd. Phar. Jour. Trans. [ 2 ], 7 , 228. Zur Bestimmung der Gerbsaure in gerbsaurehalten- den Materialien. Yon W. Hallwachs. Zeit. anal. Chem., 5 , 231; from Gewerbeblatt fur das Grossherzogthum Hessen, 1865, Nr. 51 und 52. 12 134 THE TANNINS. 1866. Notiz tiber die Blatter von Epacris. Yon Friedrich Rochleder. Jonr. prak. Chem., 98 , 208. Aus dem 53 Bde. der Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Hotiz iiber die Bestandtheile der Wurzelrinde des Apfelbaumes. Yon Dr. Friedricb Rochleder. Jonr. prak. Chem., g8, 205. Aus dem 53 Bde. der Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Neues Yerfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs. Yon R. Pribram. Zeit. fiir Chem. [2], 2 , 634; from Wittstein’s Yierteljahresschrift, 15 , 520. Beitrage zur Kenntniss und zur quantitativen Be- stimmung der Gerbsauren. Yon Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wag¬ ner. Zeit. anal. Chem.. 5 , 1; Jour. prak. Chem., 99 , 294. Neues Yerfahren zur Ermittelung des Gerbstoffge- haltesder Loli-Rinde. Yon Prof. Franz Schulze. Ding¬ ier, 182 , 155. 1867. Sur la fermentation gallique. Par M. Ph. Yan Tie- ghem. Compt.-Rend., 65 , 1091. Ueber den Gerbstoff von Aesculus Hippocastanum. Yon FT. Rochleder. Archiv der Pharm., 178 , 148. Aus dem Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Jour, prak. Chem., 102 , 103. Tanninreinigung. Von H. J. Heinz. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1867, 469. Formation of a Substance resembling Artificial Tan¬ nin from Coal. By William Skey. Chem. Hews, 14 , 206. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Eichenrinde. Yon A. Gra- bowski. Jour. prak. Chem., 102 , 62 (abstr.). Untersuchung der Bestandtheile der Tormentillwur- zel. Yon O. Rembold. Jour. prak. Chem., 102 , 62 (abstr.). LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 135 Ueber einige Gerbsauren. Yon H. Hlasiwetz. An- nalen, 142 , 219; Jour. prak. Chem., 101 , 97. Im Aus- zug. a. d. Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Ueber die Bestandtheile des Thees. Yon H. Hlasi¬ wetz. Jour. prak. Chem., 101 , 109. Chinagerbsaure. Yon O. Rembold. Annalen, 143 , 270; Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 217 (1868). Ratanhiagerbsaure. Yon A. Grabowski. Annalen, 143 , 274; Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 219 (1868). Filixgerbsaure. Yon G. Malin. Annalen, 143 , 276 ; Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 221 (1868). Filixsaure. Yon A. Grabowski. Annalen, 143 , 279 ; Join*, prak. Chem., 103 , 225 (1868). Gerbsiiure der Granatwurzelrinde. Yon O. Rem¬ bold. Annalen, 143 , 285; Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 229 (1868). Ueber Aesculus Hippocastanum. Yon Dr. Friedrich Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 101 , 415. A. d. Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. Ueber die Umwandlung der Gallussaure in Gerb- saure. Yon Julius Lowe. Jour. prak. Chem., 102 , 111 . Darstellung der Aepfelsaure aus den Frnchtzapfen von Rhus coriaria und das verschiedene Yerhalten der Gerbsauren. Yon H. Reinsch. Archiv der Pharm., 182 , 153 ; from N. Jabrb. fill* Pharm., 25 , 2. Ueber Gallapfel. Yon Archer. Archiv der Pharm., 179 , 120 . A Critical Examination of the Various Published Processes for the Estimation of Tannin. By Mr. John Watts. Pbar. Jour. Trans. [ 2 ], 8, 515. Gerbstoff der Rhabarber (Rheumgerbsaure). Yon Herrn Kubly. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1867, 603 ; Zeit. fur Chem. [2], 4 , 308. 136 THE TANNINS. Ueber die Beziehungen der Gerbsauren, Glucoside, Pblobaphene und Harze. Von H. Hlasiwetz. Annalen, 143 , 290; Jour. prak. Chem., 105 , 360 (1868). Ueber das gallussaure Silberoxyd. Von C. Barfoed. Jour. prak. Chem., 102 , 314. Ergebnisse bei der Bestimmung der Gerbsaure in einer grosseren Anzahl von Eichenrinden mit Beriick- sicktigung der neueren Methoden. Von Prof. Dr. Buch¬ ner. Dingier, 184 , 250 and 330. Studien iiber quantitative Bestimmungs-Metboden der Gerbsauren. Von C. 0. Cech. Inaug.-Diss., Heidel¬ berg, 1867. 1868. Entsteht aus der Gerbsaure des Sumachs, Gallussaure und Pyro-Gallussaure oder nicht? Von Prof. Dr. Bol- ley. Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 485. Ueber die Nadeln von Abies pectinata. Von Fr. Roch- leder. Jour. prak. Chem., 105 , 123; from Sitzber. der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien, Juli, 1868. Zur Kenntniss der Korksubstanz. Von M. Siewart. Jour. prak. Chem., 104 , 118. Ueber die Kapseln der Rosskastanienfriichte. Von Dr. Fr. Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 104 , 392; “a. d. 57. Bde. Sitzber. der K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien.” Ueber einige Bestandtheile der Blatter der Rosskas- tanie. Von Dr. Fr. Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 104 , 385 ; “a. d. 57. Bde. Sitzber. der K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien.” Sur la formation d’acides gallique et pyrogallique au moyen du tannin de sumac. Par MM. Bolley et Rob. Baehr. Bull. Soc. Chim., 10 , 67 ; from Schweiz. Zeit., 1868. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 137 Ueber einige Gerbsauren. Von H. Hlasiwetz. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Eichenrinde. Von A. Grabowski. Ueber die Bestandtheile der Tormentill-Wurzel. Von O. Rembold. Annalen, 145 , 1 and 5; Jour. prak. Chem., 105 , 389. Ueber die Bildung von Ellagsiiure aus Gallussaure. Von Dr. Julius Lowe. Jour. prak. Chem., 103 , 464. Ueber die verschiedenen Methoden zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Gerbsaure. Von C. D. Braun. Zeit. anal. Chem., 7 , 130. Zur Gerbsaurebestimmung. Von Tli. Salzer. Zeit. anal. Chem., 7 , 70. Ueber einige Benzol-Derivate. Von Friedrich Roch- leder. Jour. prak. Chem., 106 , 293 (1869). “A. d. 58. Bde. d. Sitzber. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien.” 1869. Ueber Catechin und Catechugerbstoff. Von Dr. Friedrich Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 106 , 307. “A. d. 59. Bde. d. Sitzber. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien.” Ueber einige Bestandtheile der Blatter und Rinde von Cerasus acida. Von Dr. Friedrich Rochleder. Jour. prak. Chem., 107 , 385. “A. d. 59. Bde. d. Sitz¬ ber. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien.” Ueber den Gerbstoff der Eiche. Von Dr. Theodor Hartig. Stuttgart, Verlag der J. G. Cotta’schen Buch- handlung. (A monograph of 40 pages.) Ueber Tannin. Von Otto Facilides. Arehiv der Pharm., 189 , 234. Ueber die Bedeutung der Gerbstoffe im Pflanzen- reich (eine phytochemische Abhandlung). Von The- ophil Schmieden. JSTeues Rep. fur Pharm., 18, 257 and 321; Pharm. Zeit. Russ., 1869. 12 * 138 THE TANNINS. Quantitative Determination of the Amount of Tannin in Various Vegetable Astringents. By Henry K. Bow¬ man. Am. Jour. Phar., 1869, 193. Die Gerbrinde. Von J. G. Neubrand. J. D. Sauer- lander’s Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., 1869. (A mono¬ graph of 231 pages.) On a Comparative Analysis of English and Aleppo Galls. By John Barrow. Chem. News, 19 , 169. 1S70. Ueber die Darstellung des Tannins. Von Oscar Rothe. Archiv der Pharm., 192 , 232. Sur la composition de la peau, sur les modifications que le tannage lui fait subir, et sur la fermentation du tannin dans les fosses. Par M. A. Muntz. Ann. China. Phys. [4], 20 , 309. Ueber den farbigen Gerbstoff des Erlenbolzes (den Erlenfarbstotf). Von Dr. F. Dreykorn und Prof. Dr. E. Reichardt. Dingier, 195 , 157; Archiv der Pharm. [2], 142 , 215. Beurtheilung der analytischen Methoden, welche zur Bestimmung des in Katechu, Ratanhia, Kino und eini- gen anderen gebrauchlichen Droguen vorhandenen Gerbstoffs zur Verfiigung stehen. Von Gunther. Pharm. Zeit. Russ., 1870 ; Chem. Central. [3], 2 , 395 ; Zeit. anal. Chem., 10 , 354. Ueber den Gerbstoff der Eiche. Von A. Wolf. In¬ augural-Dissertation, Leipzig, 1870. 1871. Recherches sur la formation de 1’acide gallique. Par M. Sacc. Compt.-Rend., 72 , 766. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der im Sumach, in den Myro- balanen und in der Dividivi vorkommenden Gerbsauren. Von N. Gunther. Inaugural-Dissertation, Dorpat, 1871. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 139 Ueber das Verhalten von Starke und Dextrin gegen Jod und Gerbsaure. Yon Victor Griessmayer. Annalen, 160 , 40. Ueber Natur und Constitution der Gerbsaure. Yon Hugo Scbiff. Berichte, 4 , 231; Bull. Soc. Chim., 18 , 23. Ueber Gerbsaure und einige Derivate derselben. Yon Hugo Schiff. Berichte, 4 , 967. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Gerbstoff- gehalts der Eichenrinde. Yon C. Neubauer. Zeit. anal. Chem., 10 , 1. 1872. Ueber reine Gallapfelgerbsaure. Yon Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 11 , 365. Bucbarische Gallapfel. Yon E. Palm. Archiv der Pharm., 199 , 233. Sur la purification du tannin. Par M. Heinz. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 15 , 308. Dyes and Dye-Stuffs. By Dr. Crace Calvert. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 2 , 596 and 614. “Derivate.” Yon Hugo Schiff. Berichte, 291, 437, and 642. Synthese geschwefelter Gerbsauren. Yon Hugo Schiff. Berichte, 5 , 661 and 731. Heue Eeaction auf Alkalien und vice versa auf Gerb¬ saure. Yon Victor Griessmayer. Zeit. anal. Chem., 11 ,43. Beitrage zur Technologie der Gerbstoffe. Yon Prof. Dr. Eud. Wagner. Dingier, 205 , 137. From Deutsche Industriezeitung, 1872, Hr. 10 und 11. 1878. Tannic Acid, its Determination, and the Percentage found in some Woods of the Southwest. By Wm. McMurtrie. Ann. Eep. of the U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1873, 181. 140 THE TANNINS. Das Tannin. Von Dr. C. M. Kurtz. Zeit. des Oester- reich. Apotheker-Vereines, n, 56. Beziehung zwisohen Catechusaure und Catechugerb- saure. Von Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 12 , 285. Estimation of Tannin. By J. M. Merrick. Am. Chemist, 3 , 322, and 4 , 15 and 202 . Untersuchungen iiber die Natur und Constitution der Gerbsaure. Von Hugo Schiff. Annalen, 170 , 43 ; Gazz. di Chim., 3 , 353, and 4 , 540. Geschwefelte Gerbsaure aus Pbloroglucin. Von Hugo Schitf. Berichte, 6, 26. Ueber Sumacbgerbsaure. Von Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 12 , 128. Ueber das Vorkommen des Quercetins und Quer- citrins im Catechu und Sumach. Von Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 12 , 127. Die Schalung von Eichenrinden. Von W. Wohmann, C. Neubauer und C. A. Lotichius. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel’s Verlag, 1873. 1874. Methode zur Tanninbestimmung mittelst Quecksil- bernitrat. Von J. Macagno. Berichte, 7 , 360. Eine Methode zur direkten Bestimmung des Wein- farbstoffs. Von E. Grassi. Berichte, 7 , 359. Dosage du tannin, de l’acide gallique et de l’acide pyrogallique. Par M. Maurice Prud’homme. Bull. Soc. Chim., 21 , 169. ISTouvel appareil pour doser les tannins contenus dans les diverses matieres astringentes employees dans la tannerie. Par M. A. Terreil. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 19 , 445 ; Bull. Soc. Chim., 21 , 261. Coffee, Chicory, and Tea. By A. H. Allen. Chem. Hews, 29 , 140, 167, 189, and 221. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 141 Dosage du Tannin. Par MM. A. Muntz et Ram- spacher. Bull. Soc. Chim., 22 , 241; Compt.-Rend., 79 , 380; Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 20 , 287; Zeit. anal. Chem., 13 , 462. On the Estimation of Tannic Acid. By C. Estcourt. Chem. Mews, 29 , 109. Preliminary Notice on the Action of Bromine on Protocatechuic Acid, Gallic Acid, and Tannin. By J. Stenhouse. Chem. News, 29 , 95. Gerbsaures Eisenoxydul zur Injection von Holz. Yon A. Hatzfeld. Beriehte, 7 , 262. Bestimmung der Gerbsaure. Yon Pavesi und Ro- tondi. Beriehte, 7 , 590. Procede de dosage comparatif des substances tan- nants. Par E. Schmidt. Bull. Soc. Chim., 21 , 256 ; Zeit. anal. Chem., 14 , 204. Sul compostamento dell’ acido tanniconella strato coltivabile. Di M. Mercadante. Gazz. di Chim., 4 , 484. The Estimation of Tannin. By C. Estcourt. Chem. News, 30 , 63. The Estimation of Tannin. By H. R. Procter. Chem. News, 30 , 78. Reaction fur Gerbsaure. Yon H. R. Procter. Be- richte, 7 , 598; Zeit. anal. Chem., 13 , 326. Zur Albuminometrie und zur Kenntniss der Tannin- verbindungen der Albuminate. Yon L. Girgensohn. Neues Rep. fur Pharmacie, 22 , 557; Zeit. anal. Chem., 13 , 78. Catechusaure und Catechugerbsaure. Yon Julius Ldwe. Zeit. anal. Chemie, 13 , 113. Observations et experiences pharmacologiques sur le tannate de quinine. Par M. Jules Regnauld. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], ig, 5. 142 THE TANNINS. 1875. Die physiologische Wirkung der Gerbsaure in der Pflanze. Yon J. Schel. Bot. Jahrb., 1875, 872. Action of Bromine on Protocatechuic Acid, G-allic Acid, and Tannin. By J. Stenhouse. Jour. Chem. Soc., 28 , 9. Estimation of Tannic Acid. By S. J. Simpkin. Chem. Hews, 32 , 11. On a Simple Apparatus for the Estimation of Tan¬ nic Acid b}^ the Method of Miintz and Kamspacher. By William Thompson. Chem. Hews, 32 , 310. Zur Bestimmung des G-erbstoffs. Yon E. Grassi. Beriehte, 8, 257. Sur un procede pour determiner le tannin dans les vins, et sur les stations experimentales en Italie. Par E.-J. Maumene. Bull. Soc. Chim., 22 , 41. Ueber die Hatur und Constitution der Gerbsaure. Yon Hugo Schiff. Annalen, 175 , 165; Jour. Chem. Soc., 28 , 1197. Synthese geschwefelter Gerbsauren. Yon Hugo Schiff. Annalen, 178 , 171; Gazz. di Chim., 6 , 1. Huovo metodo per dosare l’acido tannico contenuto nei vini. Di Antonio Carpene. Gazz. di Chim., 5 , 129 ; Beriehte, 8 , 822. Ueber die Gerbsaui’e der Dividivi-Schoten und deren Beziehung zur Gallussaure. Yon Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 14 , 35. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Myrobalanen und ihre Iden- titat mit der Ellagengerbsaure. Yon Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 14 , 44. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Knoppern und ihre Iden- titat mit Gallusgerbsaure. Yon Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 14 , 46. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 143 Ueber die Gerbsaure der Eiche. Von J. Oser. Chem. Central., 1875, 517; Wien. Anz., 1875, 139. Beitrage zur Chemie der Eichen-, Weiden und Ul- menrinde. Von Edwin Jobanson. Inaugural-Disser¬ tation, Dorpat, 1875. Druck von C. Mattieson. 1876. On the Estimation of Tannin by Muntz and Ram- spacher’s Method. By Henry R. Procter. Chem. News, 33 , 245. An Investigation of Methods of Determining the Tannin of Tea. By J. S. Clark. Am. Jour. Phar., 1876, 558. Ueber die Anwendung des Tannins bei der Wasser- analyse. Von Hermann Kaemmerer. Jour. prak. Chem., 122 , 322. Note surun nouveau procede de titrage des matieres astringentes. Par M. Ferdinand Jean. Bull. Soc. Chim., 25 , 511. Berichte, 9 , 730. Ueber die Gerbsaure aus den Hopfenzapfen. Von Carl Etti. Annalen, 180 , 223. Tanninbestimmung. Von J. Barbieri. Berichte, g, 78. American Tanning Materials. By Wm. McMurtrie. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1876, 52. 1877. Sur les eatechines. Note de M. Arm. Gautier. Compt.- Rend., 85 , 342 and 752. Preparation et essai du tannate de quinine. Par M. Stocder. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 26 , 418. Sur la preparation du tannate neutre de quinine. Par M. P. J. Hooxman. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 25 , 420. Sur la fixation du tannin par les tissus vegetaux. Par M. Miintz. Jour. Phar. Chim. [4], 26 , 339; Compt.- Rend., 84 , 955. 144 THE TANNINS. On Scientific Research in Relation to Tanning. By Henry R. Procter. Chem. News, 36 , 137. Contribuzione alio studio del tannino contenuto nell’ Ilex Paraguayensis. Di Pietro N. Ai*ata. Gazz. di Chim., 7 , 520. From “Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina.” The Relation of Tannin and Gallic Acid. By Thomas Christy. Jour. Soc. Arts, 25 , 456. Sur l’oenotannin ou tannin du vin. Par M. A. Gau¬ tier. Bull. Soc. Chim., 27 , 496; Berichte, 10 , 1179. Note sur le quebracho, nouvelle matiere tannifere. Par M. Ferdinand Jean. Bull. Soc. Chim., 28 , 6 . Des bois tannants et en particulier du Quebracho aspidosperma; application du meme bois a la teinture. Par M. J. Arnaudon. Bull. Soc. Chim., 28 , 524. On Some Methods of Estimating Tannins. By Henry R. Procter. Chem. News, 36, 58; Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 7 , 1020. Some Constituents of Hops. By Emery G. Bissell. Am. Jour. Phar., 49 , 582. Economic Value of Sumac. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Com¬ missioner of Agriculture, 1877, 13. American Sumac. By Wm. McMurtrie. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1877, 76. Sumac. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agri¬ culture, 1877, 546. Dyeing and Tanning Materials. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1877, 144. On the Tannic Acid of Guarana. By Francis V. Green, M.D. Am. Jour. Phar., 49 , 388. XJeber die Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs. Von J. Lo- wenthal. Zeit. anal. Chem., 16 , 33 and 201. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 145 1878. Beitrag zur Kenntniss einiger Gerbstoff bestimmungs- metboden. Yon Franz Kathreiner. Dingier, 227 , 481, and 228 , 53. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs und die Ana- tyse des Thees. Yon Dr. Josef Maria Eder. Dingier, 229 , 81. Tanninbestimmung in der Eichenrinde. Yon E. Perret. Dingier, 229 , 400. From Moniteur Industriel Beige, Jan., 1878. Ueber das Quebrachoholz. Yon Dr. Josef Moeller. Dingier, 230 , 481. From Deutsche Industriezeitung, 1878, 45. Sur les catechines; catechines des gambirs. Par M. Arm. Gautier. Compt.-Rend., 86 , 668 . Zur Ivenntniss einzelner chemischer Bestandtheile der Weiden und deren pathologischen Gebilde und iiber einige Reactionen mit Gerbstotfen und denen verwandten Korpern. Yon Edwin JohansOn. Archiv der Pharm., 213 , 103. On the Estimation of Tannins. By H. R. Procter. Chem. News, 37 , 256. The Estimation of Tannins. By C. Estcourt. Chem. News, 38 , 58. Notes on Antimony Tannate. By Ellen S. Richards and Alice W. Palmer. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts [3], 16 , 196 and 361. Tanning Materials of South America. By Professor Max Siewart. Jour. Soc. Arts, 26 , 143. Extracts of Tannin. Chem. News, 37 , 265; Moni¬ teur Scientifique, May, 1878. Sulla preparazione dell’ acido digallico. Del Dr, Pasquale Freda. Gazz. di Chim., 8, 363. 13 146 THE TANNINS. Bicerche e considerazioni sulla natura glucosidica del tannino naturale delle noci di galla; ( 1 ), e su di una sostanza cristallizzata obtenuta merce l’azione dell’ acido arsenico sull’ aeido gallico. Bel Dr. Pasquale Freda. Gazz. di Chim., 8, 365; Beriehte, n, 1248. Notiz iiber einige griechische Gerbmaterialien. Von Hans Jahn. Beriehte, n, 2107. Gahrung von Glycose in Gerbsaurelosung. Yon P. Freda und H. Schiff. Beriehte, n, 346 and 2033. Gerbstoff bestimmung. Von Herrn Katbreiner. Ding¬ ier, 228 , 53; Beriehte, 11 , 981 and 1137. Gerbstoff bestimmung. Von Herrn Eder. Zeit. anal. Chem., ig, 106; Beriehte, 11 , 1932. Wattle Bark. Ann. Bep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, 507. Improvements in the Manufacture of Materials con¬ taining Tannic Acid. By F. G. Yedova. English Patent, No. 2948, July 24, 1878. Notes on the Tannins. By B. H. Paul and C. T. Kingzett. Jour. Chem. Soc., 33 , 217. Notes on an Abnormal Specimen of Glycerinum Acidi Tannici. By George Masson. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 9 , 201. A Method of Distinguishing Gallic, Tannic, and Py- rogallic Acids. By William Watson. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 9 , 46. Tanning Material. Ann. Bep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, 93. Examinations for Tannic Acid—Analysis of Canaigre Boot. By Peter Collier. Ann. Bep. of U. S. Commis¬ sioner of Agriculture, 1878, 119. Examinations of Docks for Tannin. By Peter Col¬ lier. Ann. Bep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, 121. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 147 Examination of Algarobilla for Tannin. By Peter Collier. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agricul¬ ture, 1878, 121. 1879. Gerb- und Farbmaterialien. Yon Dr. Josef Moeller. Dingier, 232 , 275, 373, and 478. “Tom Yerfasser gef. eingesendeter Auszug aus dem Berichte iiber die Weltaustellung in Paris, 1878.” Ueber das Quebrachoholz. Yon Dr. Josef Moeller. Dingier, 231 , 451. Gerbstoffexcurse. Yon W. Eitner. Der Gerber, 5 , 197. Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs und die Analyse des Thees. Yon Josef Maria Eder. Dingier, 230 , 81. Chinesische Gallen. Yon Carl Hartwich. Archiv der Pharm., 214 , 524. Gambir. Yon Carl Hartwich. Archiv der Pharm., 214 , 527. Le tannin de l’algarobillo. Par M. R. Godeffroy. Jour. Pharm. Chim. [4], 30 , 71. From “Zeit. des Oes- terreich. Apotheker-Yereines,” March, 1879. Osservazioni varie intorno all’acido digallico. Del Prof. Ugo vSchiff. Gazz. di Chim., g, 1 ; Berichte, 12 , 33. Yolumetric Estimation of Sulphuric Acid, Tannin, etc. By Ai’thur G. Haddock. Chem. Hews, 39 , 156. Sul pretesco acido tannico artificiale. Del Dr. Pas- quale Freda. Gazz. di Chim., g, 327. Zur Constitution der Ellagsaure. Yon Hugo Schiff. Berichte, 12 , 1533. Beitrag zur Kenntniss einiger Gerbstoff-Bestim- mungsmethoden. Yon Franz Kathreiner. Dingier, 227 , 481; Zeit. anal. Chem., 18 ,*112. 148 THE TANNINS. 1880. Rhatania-tannic acid. Yon Herrn Raabe. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1880, 577. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Eichenrinde. Yon C. Etti. Monatsbefte, I. 262. Die Gerberinden. Ein monographischer Beitrag zur tecbnischen Rolistofflehre. Yon Dr. Franz R. v. Hohnel. Berlin, Verlag von Robert Oppenheim. Ueber Algarobilla. Yon C. Hartwich. Arcbiv der Pharm., 217 , 281. On the Tannic Acid of Sumach Leaves By J. Macagno. Chem. News, 41 , 63; Gazz. di Chim., 11 , 297. Materials containing Tannin used in Japan. By I. Ishikawa. Chem. News, 42 , 274. The Chemistry of Tanning. By Edward Davies. Pbar. Jour. Trans. [3], 10 , 536. On the Action of Light and Darkness on Standard Ammonium Chloride and Tannin Solutions. By A. R. Leeds. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 2 , 246. Ueber Phlobaphen, Eichenroth und Lohgerberei. Yon Dr. Carl Bdttinger. Annalen, 202 , 269. The Estimation of Tannin. By Peter Collier. Ann. Rep. of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1880, 142. 1881. Ueber den Zucker der Eichenrindgerbsaure. Yon C. Bdttinger. Berichte, 14 , 2390; Dingier, 241 , 69. Ueber die Gerbsaure der Eichenrinde. Yon Dr. Julius Lowe. Zeit. anal. Chem., 20 , 208. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs. Yon A. Leh¬ man. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1881, 321; Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 4 , 351. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 149 Yerfahren der Gerbsaure-Extraet-Gewinnung mittels Dialyse. Yon Otto Kohlrausch. Dingier, 240 , 72 (abstract from Patent). Yerfahren zur Extraction des Tannins. Yon P. Gondolo. Dingier, 240 , -172 (abstract from Patent). Ricerche sul tannino contenuto negli organi del Cor- bezzolo, (Arbutus unedo.) Di S. de Luca. Gazz. di Chim., 11 , 487. Estimation of Tannin in Tea. By Alfred Hill, M.D. Analyst, 6, 95 and 232. Sur la deperdition en tannin des substances tannantes. Par MM. Muntz et Schoen. Jour. Pharm. Chim. [5], 4 , 583. Sur le dosage du tannin. Par M. Riche. Jour. Pharm. Chim. [5], 3 , 230. Zur Gerbstotfbestimmung. Yon Edwin Johanson. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1881, 577. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Catechins. Yon C. Etti. Monatshefte, 2 , 547. Sur le dosage du tannin. Par A. Remont. Jour. Pharm. Chim. [5], 3 , 230. On the Estimation of Tannic Acid in Tanning Ma¬ terials. By Nelson H. Darton. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 4 , 4. On the Comparative Yalue of the Several Methods of Determining Tannic Acid. By Nelson H. Darton. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 4 , 49 and 62. Studio chimico della Persea lingue e del suo tannino. Di Dr. Pietro N. Arata. Gazz. di Chim., 11 , 245. From “ Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina,” 10 , 193. 1882. New Commercial Plants and Drugs—No. 5. Tan¬ ning Materials. By Thomas Christy. Published by Christy and Co., London, 1882. 13* 150 THE TANNINS. Zur Gerbstoffbestimmung nach Ldwenthal. Yon Ferd. Simand. Dingier, 244 , 391. Zur Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs. Yon A. Lehman. Zeit. anal. Chem., 21 , 414. From Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1882, 321. Zur Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon Ferd. Simand. Dingier, 246 , 41 and 133. Ueber Algarobilla fur Gerbereizwecke. Yon W. Eitner. Dingier, 244 , 80. On the Application of Tannin. By Juste Koechlin. Chem. News, 45 , 112. Zur Ermittelung der Gerbsaure in Gerbmaterialien, Lohbruhen und Gerbstoffabfallen. Yon A. Gawalovski. Zeit. anal. Chem., 21 , 552. Das Neubauer’sche Yerhaltniss der reducirenden Wirkung von Oxalsaure und Tannin. Yon C. Coun- cler und J. Schroder. Berichte, 15 , 1373. Emploi du tannin dans l’analyse des eaux. Par M. A. Jorissen. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 6, 289. Origin of Tannips. By C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan. Jour. Chem. Soc., 41 , 106. Ueber die Bestandtheile der Blatter von Fraxinus excelsior L. Von Dr. Wilh. Gintl und Friedr. Reinitzer. Monatshefte, 3 , 745. Sur le titrage du tannin et de l’acide oenogallique dans les vins. Par M. F. Jean. Compt.-Rend., 94 , 733 ; Bull. Soc. Chim., 38 , 358. 1883. Zur Geschichte der Eichenrindegerbsauren. Yon C. Bottinger. Berichte, 16 , 2710. Zur Untersuchung der Gerbstoffextracte. Yon F. Simand. Der Gerber, 9 , 211; Dingier, 251 , 471 (1884). LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 151 Ucbersicht der technisch und pharmaceutisch ver- wendeten Gallen. Yon C. Hartwieh. Archiv der Pharm., 221 , 819 and 881. Zur Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon Edwin Johanson. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 22 , 577 ; Zeit. anal. Chem., 23 , 428. Tbe Estimation of Tannin. By M. Roques. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 14 , 163. From L’Union Pharm., 24 , 359. Zur Geschichte der Eichenrindegerbsaur-en. Yon C. Etti. Monatshefte, 4 , 512. 1884. Tannin Yalues in the Bark of various Trees of the United States. By S. P. Sharpies. Tenth U. S. Census, 9 , 265. Yergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Gerbstoffe der Nymphcea alba und odora, Nuphar luteum und advena, Ccesalpinia coriari, Terminalia Chebula und Tunica granatum. Yon Alexander Fridolin. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 1884, 393; Berichte, Ref. 17 , 487. Werthbestimmung der Eichenrinde und der Gall- apfel. Yon Franz Musset. Pharm.*Central., 25 , 179 and 191; Chem. News, 51 , 41. Knoppern. Yon W. Eitner. Der Gerber, 10 , 269; Dingier, 255 , 485 and 487. Ueber verschiedene Gerberrinden. Yon C. Counclcr. Gerberzeitung, 1884, 275 and 297 ; Dingier, 255 , 483. Eichenholzextract. Yon W. Eitner. Der Gerber, 10 , 256. Extractgehalt verschiedener Gerbmittel. Yon F. Simand. Der Gerber, 10 , 54 and 173; Dingier, 255 , 487. Yerhalten der Gerbstoffbriihen beim Kochen. Yon M. Riegel. Der Gerber, 10 , 102; Dingier, 255 , 488. 152 THE TANNINS. Ueber den Gerbstoff der Castanea vesca. Yon Paul Nass. Inaugural Dissertation, Dorpat, 1884. Abstract in Zeit. anal. Chem., 25 , 134. Dosage du tannin contenu dans les matieres vege- tales, et principalement dans les ecorces de chene, bou- leau, sapin, quebracho, quinquinas, dividivi, guttes, etc. Par M. Perret. Bull. Soc. Chim., 41 , 22. Note sur Faction de Fair sur les dissolutions de tan¬ nin et sur le dosage des tannins. Par M. Antony Guyard. Bull. Soc. Chim., 41 , 336; Chem. News, 50 , 26. Tea Analysis. By J. P. Geisler. Analyst, 9 , 220 ; from American Grocer. Zur Kenntniss der Gerbsauren. Yon O. Nasse. Be- richte, 17 , 1166. Observations au sujet du dosage du tannin. Par P. Carles. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 9 , 33. Sur le tannin de l’ecorce d’aune. Par M. Lamasse. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], g, 485. Estimation of Tannic Acid by Carbonate of Lead. By Robert Jackson. Chem. News, 50 , 179. Function of Tannin in Vegetable Cells. By W. Gardiner. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 14 , 588; Jour. Chem. Soc. Abstracts, 46 , 1209 ; from Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Nuovo processo tannimetrico. Del Prof. Adolfo Casali. Annali di Chimica, 79 , 65. Ueber das Verhalten von Tannin und Eichenrinde- gerbsaure gegen verschiedene Reagenzien. Yon C. Etti. Berichte, 17 , 1820. Zur Kenntniss der Hemlockgerbsaure. Yon C. Bot- tinger. Berichte, 17 , 1041. Ueber Rindengerbsauren. Yon C. Bottinger. Be¬ richte, 17 , 1123. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 153 Erfahrungen iiber die Acetylirung der Gallussaure, des Tannins und deren Anwendung. Yon C. Bdttinger. Berichte, 17 , 1503. Eine mikroehemische Eeaktion auf Gerbstoff. Yon J. W. Moll. Berichte, 18 , 84 (Ref.). “ Aus Maandbl. v. Naturw.,” Nov., 1884. Yerfahren zum Reinigen vom Gerbstofflosungen. Yon J. Doutreleau und Comp. German Patent 32,632, Oct., 1884. Ueber das Yerhalten der Gerbsaure bei der Keimung der Pflanzen. Yon Dr. Rulf. Inaugural-Dissertation, Halle, 1884. 1885. Yerhalten Fehling’scher Losung gegen Tannin. Yon A. Sonnenschein, Dingier, 256 , 555; Berichte, 18 , 649 (Ref.). Die TTntersuchung gebrauchter Lohe. Yon Franz Musset. Phar. Central., 26 , 44. Physiologische Bedeutung des Gerbstoffs in Pflanzen. Yon M. Wester maier. Sitzber. der W. Akad. zu Berlin, 1885, 1115; Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 18 , 15. Catechu and its Uses for Dyeing and Printing. By Dr. D. Jour. Soc. Dyers and Col., 1 , 94; from Cen- tralblatt fur- die Text. Ind., 3 , 55. Bestimmung der freien Sauren in Gerbebruhen. Yon B. Kohnstein und F. Simand. Dingier, 256 , 38. Commercial Tannin. By T. Mabern. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 15 , 850. The Gambier and Baros Camphor of Johore. By Peter Macewan. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 15 , 793. The Quantitative Determination of Tannin. By Dr. F. Becker. Chem. News, 51 , 229. 154 THE TANNINS. Prep, und Anwendung des Catechus als Beize. Yon E. Ziegler. Jahresbericbt, 1885, 2256; Patent—from Moniteur Scientifique [3], 15 , 1250. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Gerbstoffex tract. German Patent 32,693 ; Dingier, 258 , 180. Extraction du tannin du bois de chene. Par M. Henry. Revue Scientifique, 36 , 96. Note sur un nouveau mode d’essai des matieres tanni- feres. Par M. Ferdinand Jean. Bull. Soc. Chim., 44 ,183. Hop Extract. By Wayne B. Bissell. Am. Jour. Phar., 1885, 166. Zur Gerbstoffbestimmung nach der Lowenthal’schen Methode. Yon R. Ulbricht. Berichte, 18 , 1116. Extractionsapparat fur Gerbmittel und Farbholzer. Patent of F. A. W. Bense. Dingier, 256 , 275. Note sur les tannates de mercure. Par M. Charles Castbelaz. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 12 , 353. Note sur un nouveau proeede de dosage volumetrique du tannin. Par E. Durien. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 12 , 374. Preliminary Note on the Synthesis of Tannin. By Bertram Hunt. Chem. News, 52 , 49. Bericht fiber die Yerhandlung der Commission zur Feststellung einer einheitlichen Methode der Gerbstoff¬ bestimmung; geffihrt am 10 Nov., 1883, zu Berlin. Yerlag von Theodor Fischer, Cassel, 1885. Zeit. anal. Chem., 25 , 121 (1886). Ueber die Gerbholzextractfabrik in Zupanje. Der Gerber, 11 , 205; Dingier, 259 , 571. On the Estimation of Tannin. By Bertram Hunt. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 4 , 263. Note on the Destruction of Tannin by Boiling Solu¬ tions of Gambier. By Bertram Hunt. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 4 , 266. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 155 1886. Untersuchungen der Gerbsauren der Cortex adstrin- gens Brasiliensis und Siliqua Bablah. Yon Y. Willus- zewitcz. Phar. Zeit. Buss., 25 , 1, 17, and 33; Berichte, 19 , 349 (Ref.). Heue Gerbstoff bestimmungsmethode. Von Hermann Dieudonne. Cbem. Zeit., 70 , 1076; Berichte, ig, 715 (Ref.). Unterscheidung des Kastanienholzextract vom Ei- chenholzextract. Yon Wilhelm Eitner und Johannes Meerkatz. Phar. Centralh., 27 , 25; Der Gerber, 11 , 193. Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon E. Breutel. Zeit. fur die Chemische Industrie, 1 , 64. New Test for Tannic Acid. By J. E. Saul. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 17 , 387. Houvelle reaction du tannin. Par. J. W. Moll. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 14 , 559. Hew Tanning Materials. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 17 , 85. Zur Gerbstoffbestimmung, ein Vorschlag. Von E. B. Zeit. anal. Chem., 25 , 527 ; Chem. Hews, 55 , 236. Algarobilla, ein naturlicher gelber Earbstoff. Yon G. H. Hurst. Dingier, 262 , 288 ; abstract from Romen’s Jour., 1886, 205. Ueber Untersuchung von Gerbstoffen. Yon F. Hotzli. Dingier, 259 , 177, 228, and 272. Zur Untersuchung von Gerbstoffextracten. Von F. Simand und B. Weiss. Der Gerber, 12 , 1; Dingier, 260 , 564- Recent Coutributions to the Estimation of Tannins. By Henry R. Procter. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 5 , 79 and 210 . 156 THE TANNINS. Darstellung eines Farbstoffes und eines Gerbmittels aus Katechu. Yon E. Ziegler. Dingier, 262 , 35 ; Ger¬ man Patent, No. 36,472. 1887. Tannin: ils Present and Future Sources. By-Henry Trimble. Jour. Franklin Institute [3], 93 , 442. Animal Tannin. By M. Villon. Chem. News, 56 ,175. On a Gravimetric Method of Estimating Tannins. By Henry R. Procter. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 6, 94. Die Gerb- unci Farbstoff-Extracte. Yon Dr. Stanis¬ laus Mierzinski. A. Hartleben’s Verlag, Wien, 1887. Determination of Tannin in Sumach. By J. Ma- cagno. Jour. Chem. Soc. Abstracts, 52 , 624; Chem. Central., 1887, 125. On the Estimation of Tannins, with critical Notes on the Methods of Hammer and Lowenthal. B}" Henry M. Rau. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 9 , 52. Nouveau procede de dosage du tannin. Par M. Villon. Bull. Soc. Chim., 47 , 97. Sur un acide tannique contenu dans les baies de sorbier. Par MM. Camill Vincent et Delachanal. Bull. Soc. Chim., 47 , 492. Note on Estimation of Tannin in Extracts of Su¬ mac. By T. Chalkley Palmer. Jour. Soc. Dyers and Col., 3 , 175. Analysis of some Tannin Matters. By P. Kay and E. Bastow. Jour. Soc. Dyers and Col., 3 , 132. Ueber Hemlockextract. Von F. Simand. Der Gerber, 13 , 102; Zeit. Chem. Industrie, 1 , 357. Isomerie dell’ aeido tannico. Di Ugo Schiff. Gazz. di Chim., 17 , 552; Berichte, 21 , 524 (Ref.). Ueber die Gerbsaure des Eichenholzes. Von Dr. Carl Bottinger. Annalen, 238 , 366. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 1 57 Ueber Abkommlinge der Eicheni’indgei'bsaure. Yon Dr. Carl Bottinger. Annalen, 240 , 330. Gallusgerbsaures Iiydrochinin. Yon O. Hesse. An¬ nalen, 241 , 273. Zur Bestimmung der freien Saure in Gei’bbrxihen auf titriraetrischem Wege. Yon R. Koch. Dingier, 264 , 395. G-erbstoffbestimmnng. Yon Y. Schroder. Gerber- zeitung, 1887, Nr. 33; Zeit. angw. Chem., 1888, 216. 1888. Gewichtsanalytische Bestimmung der Sauren in Gerbbi’tihen. Yon R. Koch. Dingier, 268 , 329. Selbstthatiger Extractionsapparat fur Gerbmate- rialien u. s. w. Yon Dr. R. Koch. Dingier, 267 , 513. Zur Weiner gewichtsanalytischen Methode der Be¬ stimmung des GerbstofFes in concentrirter Losung. Yon Dr. R. Koch. Dingier, 268 , 329. Zur Simand-Kohnstein’schen Methode der Saure- bestimmxxng in Gerbbruhen. Yon Dr. R. Koch. Ding¬ ier, 269 , 168. Dosage du Tannin. Par MM. Ch. Colin et L. Benoist. Moniteur Scientifique [4], 11 , 364; Dingier, 269 , 288; Chem. News, 57 , 214. Ueber Differenzen, welche bei Gerbstoff bestimmun- gen entstehen konnen durch wechselnde Ausscheidun- gen schwerloslichen Gerbstotfs. Yon Y. Schroder. Dinglei’, 269 , 38. Notes on Gambier. Phar. Jour. Ti’ans. [3], 18 , 863. lleprint from “Tropical Agriculturist,” Feb. 1, 1888. Catechxx and Gambier. By Henry Trimble. Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc., 36, 99; Am. Joui*. Plxai\, 1888, 497. Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon F. Simand. Der Gerber, 14 , 65; Zeit. angw. Chem., 1888, 216. 14 158 THE TANNINS. Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon C. Councler. Gerber- zeitung, 1888, Nr. 14; Zeit. angw. Chem., 1888, 216. Ueber das Yorkommen und die Yerteilung des Gerb- stoffs bei den Crassulaceen. Yon E. Wagner. Chem. Central. [3], 19 , 449 (abstract). Ueber den Gerbsauregehalt des Sumachs des Kau- kasus. Yon A. Lidovv. Jour. russ. phys.-chem. Gesell., 1888 (1), 607; Beriehte, 21 , 889 (Ref.). Einwirkung von HC1 auf Tannin. Yon Wehmer und Tollens. Annalen, 243 , 327. Ueber Yerbindungen von Leim mit Gerbsaure. Von Dr. Carl Bottinger. Annalen, 244 , 227. Einiges liber Gallussaure und Tannin. Von Dr. Carl Bottinger. Annalen, 246 , 124. Zur Kritik der Koch’schen Saurebestimmungs-me- thode in Gerbbriihen durch Johann Meerkatz. Yon Dr. R. Koch. Dingier, 267 , 459. Zur Chemie der Gerbsauren (1. Abhdlg.). Yon C. Etti. Monatshefte, 10 , 647 and 805. Bemerkungen zur Physiologie des Gerbstoffes. Yon Friedrich Reinitzer. Ber. deut. botan. Gesell., 7 , 187; Chem. Central. [4], 1 , 292; Jour. Chem. Soc. Abstracts, 58 , 186. 1S89. Reserve Material, especially Tannin, contained in Evergreen Deaves. By E. Schulze. Jour. Chem. Soc. Abstracts, 57 , 540. Tannin, its Solubilities, etc. By B. S. Proctor. Phar. Jour. Trans. [3], 20 , 351. Zur Bestimmung der Gerbenden Stolfe in sauren Briihen. Yon J. Meerkatz. Der Gerber, 15 , 73. Canaigre. By Henry Trimble. Am. Jour. Phar., 1889, 397. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 159 Die Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs mit Chamaleon. Yon F. Gantter. Zeit. angw. Chem., 1889, 577. Ueber die Einwirkung von Luft und Warme auf den Gerbstoff der Weidenrinde. Yon Dr. W. Sonne und Fr. Kutscher. Zeit. angw. Chem., 1889, 508. Ueber Benzoyltannin. Yon Dr. Carl Bdttinger. Annalen, 254 , 369. Grundlinien zu einer Physiologie des Gerbstoffs. Y on Gregor Kraus. Leipzig, 1889. A monograph of 131 pages. Acidum Tannicum. Drogisten-Zeitung, Wien, 1889, 496. On the Tannin in Indian and Ceylon Teas. By David Hooper. Chem. Hews, 60 , 311. On some New Tests for Tannic and Gallic Acids. By S. G. Rawson. Chem. News, 59 , 52. Estimation of Tea Tannin. By John T. White. Chem. News, 59 , 261. Action du borax sur les phenols polyatomiques. Note de M. Aug. Lambert. Compt.-Rend., 108 , 1017. 1890. Les tannoides, introduction critique a l’histoire pbysiologique des tannins et des princies immediate vegetaux qui leur sont chimiquement allies. Par L. Braemer. Lagarde et Sebille, Toulouse, 1890. 150 pages. Distinction entre les tannins a Palcohol et les tan¬ nins a l’eau. Par Adrian. Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], i, 595. Etudes sur les bois tannants. Par S.-S. Arnaudon. Moniteur Scientifique [4], 4 , 915. Fabrication des tannins decolores. Par M. A. Yillon. Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], 3 , 785. 160 THE TANNINS. Dosage volumetrique du tannin. Par E. Guenez. Compt.-Rend., no, 532; Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 21 , 618. Dosage volumetrique du tannin dans les vins. Par MM. L. Roos, Cusson et Giraud. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 21 , 59. On the Amount of Tannin in Certain Australian Plants. By J. H. Maiden. Jour. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, vol. 21 . Function of Tannin in Plants. By M. Biisgen. Jour. Chem. Soc. Abstracts, 58 , 819; Chem. Central., 1890, 397. Gantter’s Method of Estimating Tannin. By H. R. Procter. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., g, 260. Bestimmung des Gerbstoffs in Rinden. Yon G. Meyer. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 29 , 820. Some American Galls. By Henry Trimble. Am. Jour. Phar., 1890, 563. Colorimetric Method for Estimating Tannin in Barks. By Samuel J. Hinsdale. Am. Jour. Phar., 1890, 119 ; Chem. News, 63 , 50. Ueber eine neue Reaction des Tannins. Yon Dr. Carl Bbttinger. Annalen, 256 , 341. Die Darstellung der reiner Gallusgerbsaure. Yon R. Gartenmeister. German Patent “ 51,326, vom 23. Juni, 1889, kl. 12Berichte, 23 , 368 (Ref.). Sur un nouveau procede de dosage du tannin par l’iode. Par M. A. Moullade. Jour. Phar. Chim. [5], 22 , 153. Zur Bestimmung der Gerbstoff im Thee. Yon P. Maltschewsky. Phar. Zeit. Russ., 29 , 427. De l’emploi des tannins comme agents desincrustants dans les chaudieres a vapeur. Par Leo Vignon. Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], 3 , 410. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 161 Untersuchung von Canaigre, einer gerbstofFhaltigen Pflanze. Yon Dr. Sigmund KapfF. Farber-Zeitung, i, 313 and 335. Priifung der Gantter’schen GerbstofFbestimmungs- methode. Yon Prof. Dr. v. Schroder und Dr. J. Passler. Dingier, 277 , 361. Zur Klarung und Entfarbung von GerbstofFextracten. Yon A. Folsing. German Patent 53,398; Zeit. angw. Cliem., 1890, 559. 1891. Ueber die GerbstofFe der Algarobilla und der Myro- balanen. Yon. Dr. Georg ZolfFel. Arcbiv der Pharm., 229 , 123. Canaigre, ein neues Gerbmaterial. Yon W. Eitner. Der Gerber, 17 , 109. Die Beziehungen des GerbstofFs zur Pflanzenchemie. Yon Dr. Th. Waage. Phar. Centralb., 1891, 247. Ueber Togotorinde. Yon P. Siedler und Th. Waage. Berichte der Phar. Gesell., 1 , 77. Was sind GerbstofFe? Yon Th. Waage. Berichte der Phar. Gesell., 1 , 92. Estimation of Tannin. By Henry R. Procter. Chem. Hews, 64 , 10. A Note on Lowenthal’s Method of Tannin Analysis. By R. L. Whitely and J. T. Wood. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 10 , 523. Beitrage zur Analyse des Zuckers und Tannins im Wein. Yon Dr. J. H. Yogel. Zeit. angw. Chem., 1891, 44. Ueber die Yeranderlichkeit des GerbstofFgebaltes in einigen Gerbmaterialien. Yon Dr. Rudolf Jahoda. Zeit. angw. Chem., 1891, 104. 14 * 162 THE TANNINS. Die Untersuchung Chinesischen Thees. Yon P. Dvorkovitch. Berichte, 24 , 1945. Anleitung zur Bestimmung des wirksamen Gerb- stoffgehaltes in den Naturgerbstoffen. Yon Carl Scherk, jun. A. Hartleben’s Yerlag. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1891. Heuchera Americana. By Josiah C. Peacock. Am. Jour. Phar., 1891, 172. Geranium Maculatum. By Henry Trimble and Josiah C. Peacock. Am. Jour. Phar., 1891, 265. Uber die Canaigrewurzel, ein neues Gerbmaterial, und iiber Gerbstoffbestimmung. Yon Dr. A. Klinger und Dr. A. Bujard. Zeit. angw. Chem., 1891, 513. Preliminary Note on the Technical Analysis of Gam- bier. By H. R. Procter. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 10 , 681. Ueber die Gerbsaure des Eichenholzes. Yon Dr. Carl Bottinger. Annalen, 263 , 109. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des Tannins. Yon Dr. Carl Bottinger. Archiv der Pharm., 229 , 439. Ueber Myrobalanen. Yon W. Eitner. Der Gerber, 17 , 4. Transformation de l’acide gallique et du tannin en acide benzoique. Note de M. Ch. - Er. Guignet. Compt.-Rend., 113 , 200. Sur la fabrication du jus et des extraits tanniferes. Par Ferdinand Jean. Moniteur Seientifique [ 4 ], 5 , 913. Ueber Gallen. Yon C. Hartwich. Phar. Centralh., 32 , 588. Chestnut-Wood Tannin. By Henry Trimble. Jour. Franklin Institute [3], 102 , 303. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 163 In addition to the foregoing list, the following works contain noteworthy contributions to the subject of the tannins: 1807. Chemisches Worterbuch. Yon Martin Heinrich Klaproth und Friedrich Wolff. Zweiter Band. 1827. Lehrbuch der Chemie. Yon J. Jacob Berzelius. Dritten Bandes, orste Abtheilung. Aus dem Swedischen tibersetzt. Yon F. Wohler. 1848. Ilandbuch der Chemie. Yon Justus Liebig. Abtheilung. 1845. Zweite Chemie der organischen Yerbindungen. Yon Carl Lowig. Erster Band. 1862. Hand-Book of Chemistry. * By Leopold Gmelin. Volume 15 . Translated by Henry Watts. 1S64. A Dictionary of Chemistry. By Henry Watts. 1873. Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches. Yon Julius Wiesner. 1878. The Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances. By G-. C. Wittstein. Translated from the German by Baron Fred, von Mueller. 164 THE TANNINS. 1882. Die Pflanzenstoffe. Yon Aug. Husemann, A. Hilger und Thood. Husemann. Physiologische Chemie der Pflanzen. Yon Ernst Ebermayer. 1884. Plant Analysis. By G. Dragendorfif. Translated from the German by Henry G. Greenish. 1885. A Text-Book of Tanning. By Henry R. Procter. 1886. The National Dispensatory. By Alfred Stille and John M. Maisch. Fourth Edition. 1887. Organic Analysis. By Albert B. Prescott. Handworterbuch der Chemie. Yon A. Laden burg. The Principles of Pharmacognosy. By Friedrich A. Fluckiger and Alexander Tschirch. Translated from the Second German Edition by Frederick B. Power. 1888. The Dispensatory of the United States of America. By H. C. Wood, Joseph P. Remington, and Samuel P. Sadtler. Sixteenth Edition. A Treatise on Chemistry. By H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer. Yolume 3 , Part 4. 1889. Commercial Organic Analysis. By Alfred H. Allen. Yolume 3 , Part 1. LITERATURE OF THE TANNINS. 165 1890. Handbuch der organischen Cheraie. Yon F. Beil- stein. Zweite Auflage, Dritter Band. 1891. Muspratt’s tbeoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie. Yon F. Stohmann und Bruno Kerb Yierte Auflage, Dritter Band. A Hand-Book of Industrial Organic Chemistry. By Samuel P. Sadtler. INDEX Acide tannique, 17. Acorn-galls, 61. Acraspis erinacei, 63. Alcohol-tannin, 81, 83. Aleppo galls, 55, 58. American galls, 63. Aphis chinensis, 58. Assay of tannin infusion, 48. Bassorah galls, 60. Bloom, 24. Bone tissue, 41. Boric acid and tannin, 91. Burgundian galls, 62. Burmah galls, 60. Catechol, 24, 26. Catechu, 25, 37. Characters of the tannins, 17. Chestnut, 25. Chinese galls, 58. Chinese pear galls, 60. Commission of technical chem¬ ists, 43. Composition of tannic acid, 94. Constitution of tannic acid, 94. Crystal-tannin, 83. Cynips gallte tinctoriae, 55. Cynips isana, 60. Cynips Quercus-calycis, 61. Detection of the tannins, 31. Digallic acid, 76, 77, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99. Discovery of the tannins, 8. Dividivi, 37. Eichen-Gerbstolf, 67. Ellagic acid, 24, 27, 56. Estimation of the tannins, 31. Ether-tannin, 81. Extracts, 22. Gallotannic acid, 39, 53. Galls, 24, 55. Galls, Aleppo, 55, 58. American, 63. Analyses of, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. Bassorah, 60. Burgundian, 62. Burmah, 60. English, 58. French, 62. German, 61. Greek, 62. Hungarian, 62. Istrian, 62. Italian, 62. Japanese, 58. Levant, 55. Mecca, 60. Piedmontese, 61. Pistacia, 62. Tamarisk, 62. Turkish, 55. Gelatin methods, 32. General characters, 17. Geranium maculatum, 18. Gerhsaure, 17. Gerbstoff, 17. German galls, 61. Greek galls, 62. 167 168 INDEX. Heuchera Americana, 18. Hide powder, 49. Hide-powder methods, 32. Holocarpis glohulus, 63. Hungarian galls, 62. Hungarian larch, 31. Indigo solution, 49. Infusion, preparation of the, 44. Iron-bluing tannins, 20. Iron-greening tannins, 20. Istrian galls, 62. Italian galls, 62. Japanese galls, 58. Ivnoppern, 61. Levant galls, 55. Mangrove, 25. Mecca galls, 60. Metallic salts, precipitation by, 32. Miscellaneous methods, 32. Nutgalls, 55. Oak-bark, 37. Pathological tannins, 21. Pentacetyl-tannin, 87, 97. Permanganate methods, 32. Permanganate solution, 48. Phlobaplienes, 24, 27. Physiological tannins, 21. Piedmontese galls, 61. Pistacia galls, 62. Preparation of tannic acid, 78. Properties of tannic acid, 88. Purification of tannic acid, 78, 84. Pyrogallol, 24, 26. Quercitannic acid, 29. Quercus alba, 63. Austriaca, 62. cerris, 62. ilex, 62. lobata, 63. lusitanica, 55. palustris, 63. pedunculata, 61. robur, 61. sessiliflora, 61. tinctoria, 60. virens, 63. Keal’s press, 46. Rhatany, 25. Rhus glabra, 64. Japonica, 58. Javanica, 58. Rufigallic acid, 23. Sampling, 44. Schaum-tannin, 81. Sodom apple, 61. Sumac, 25, 37. Tamarisk galls, 62. Tamarix articulata, 62. Gallica, 62. Orientalis, 62. Tannates, 92. Tannin, 17. Tannin extracts, 22. Tannin extracts, estimation of, 41. Terebinthus, 62. Turkish galls, 55. Valonia, 37. Water-tannin, 81.