'^rv>Y\j ^Tutf iS ^-^^j2- Qy6uvy^^Ly^> f^-r-e^T- CZrx^tl •" *>■'•?. ^ Detail Drawings and Sketches. Meafured and Drawn from Ecclefiaftical and Domeftic Buildings of the Middle Ages ENGLAND AND FRANCE. By Frederick Rogers, Architect. LONDON: ATCHLEY AND CO., architectural anD a&lgineering IPuMisfjcrs, 106, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, W.C. DETAIL DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES. CONTENTS. FOREIGN SUBJECTS. No. of Plate. No. of Plate. I. View of House at Dinan. 27. Chartres Cathedral, Details of Central West Portal. 6. Chateau Maintenon, View from the Park. 28. ,, Font. 8. Houses at Bayeux, Lisieux, and Maintenon. 28*. „ Details of North Portal. 9- Houses at Ypres. 29. Church at Jouay, Western Doorway. 22. Font in Church at Limay. 30- Chartres, Doorways. 2 3- Rouen Cathedral, details of West Portal. 3 2 - Etampes, Church of S. Giles. 24. Mantes, Church of our Lady, details of Central West Portal. 33- Chartres, View of Tower, &c., East of S. Transept. 2 5- Chartres Cathedral, View of North West Angle of North 36. St. Peter’s, Lisieux, South Western Doorway of Nave. Portal. 37- ,, South Western Pier of North Western Tower. 26. ,, Details of Central West Portal. 38. ,, View of S. Transept. 10. Houses at Bruges and Tirlemont. ENGLISH SUBJECTS. A'b. of Plate. No. of Plate. 47 - Abbot’s House, Wenlock, Salop. 77- Selby Abbey Church, Bays of Nave. 48. Hever Castle, Kent. 78, Kirkstall, View from the South West. 49- Yeovil, View of House. 80. Furness Abbey, Plan of Chapter House. 5°- Thornbury Castle, View from Garden. 8l. „ Elevation of two Bays of ditto, Si- ,, ,, Front. 82. „ Details of ditto. 52. Hinton Farm, Berkshire. 83- ,, Archway into ditto. 58. Hereford, Vicar’s Cloister. 84. „ Piscina and Aumbrey in the Abbot’s 59- View of Pooley Hall, Tamworth. Chapel, (incorrectly called Bede House Chapel in the 60. Sketches of Farmhouses. Plate.) 61. Sketches of Cottages. 85- „ Corbels. ^3- Aylesbury Church, West Doorway. 87. Rievaulx Abbey, Interior View of Refectory. 64. Ely Cathedral, Tile Pavement. 88. ,, View of Choir from North East. 67. Ripon Cathedral, Door from Transept in Choir Aisles. 89. „ Entrance into Refectory. 68. Wells Cathedral, North Porch. 90. ,, Details of ditto. 69. Fountains, Abbey, View of Refectory. 91. „ Bays of Choir. 70. ,, View of Entrance to Refectory, and 92. ,, Details of ditto. Lavatory Arcade. 94. „ Corbels. 7 1 - ,, Entrance to Refectory, and Lavatory Arcade. 96. Canterbury Cathedral, Archbishop Theobald’s Monument. 72. ,, Details of ditto. 97- York, St. Mary’s Abbey, View of the Hospitium. 73- „ Various Corbels 98. York Minster, Presses in Vestry. 75- Selby Abbey Church, Bay of North Aisle. 99. „ Tomb of Roger de Kempton. 76. „ West Front. 100. Byland Abbey, North Western Doorway of West Front. 61*. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Torn! in Church Yard. Works published by Messrs. A tchley and Co. on Architecture, &c. MR. WARING’S NEW WORK ON ART connected with Architecture. 41 superb chro. litho. plates, half-morocco, small paper, £ 6 6s. Large paper, £10 10s. “ The best work published.”— ATHENJEUM. DETAIL DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES OF EC¬ CLESIASTICAL AND DOMESTIC BUILDINGS of the middle ages in England and France. By F. Rogers, Architect, bound in 1 vol., 60 plates, folio, half-morocco, £2 2s. ENGLISH MANSIONS, VILLAS, LODGES, &c„ Imp. 4to, tinted plates, with plans, specifications, and estimates. Cloth, lettered, 4to, £2 2s. By F. Rogers, Architect. A NEW WORK ON ARCHITECTURE. Buildings exe¬ cuted by Messrs. Scott, Abraham, Gough, Rochard, Rhind, Tarring, Penfold, Weightman, Hadfield, Goldie, and others. Royal 4to, cloth, 20 plates, with text, £2 2s. HADFIELD’S CHURCHES OF ESSEX. 80 fine detailed plates and letter-press, price £4 4s. SPECIFICATIONS ; or PRACTICAL GUIDE to the Archi¬ tect, Engineer, Surveyor, and Builder, in drawing up Specifications and Contracts for Works and Constructions. 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L-i-cn^ /% ^ JcaA&\ -J^Laa* of ctwrcfr /p Ot,Ut&vO brut 'bo-Usi^.c t £azfr, - : Snagfe — tJ^C<5/ cot-cud-its-- fictc&4 tfci • (r^L . ££clc/{ wi.o . . docv ct yfa — JjrAjje, yC y^/eM. (A LONDON. ATCHLEY & C° ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLI SHERS, 106.GT RUSSELL SI.BEDFORD SQJ866. 5 ectdnv Cf • SeSliiM. at 1) Stctcn\ aL £ J bait/ /L/ixne. sa .chley Sc C° Architectural Sc Engineering Publishers. 106. (?Russell St Bedford Square Dec 1 ' 1867. PoQUSY . M.A'UU . tveaT 'PAMWCTH H •—YiSQJ'-la-fa/i -jmm Ikt . banHIS- 4 Uu CVvuU.._:_ - - _ _,--v-~-— london Mess r3 Atchley &C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers.l06,G!-Bussell St Bedford Square Jan v 1866 . London Mess'? Atchley k C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers.106, G L Russell St Bedford Square June 1868 London Mess rs Atchley fcC° Architectural Sc Engineering Pubhshers.iOe.G 1 Russell St Bedford Square Dec r 1867 -'O 6 fe- o 0 o ❖ o o o o o o ❖ o o o o o o o o o o o o <> * 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 flJi-CJ> £P. a*i UoA. -ti/uuijA '£/&<> ' ■ pi/nst. 6y- London. Mess r . s A.tchley&C? Architectural & Engineering Publishers 106.G l Russell St Bedford Square. DecL.,1867. LONDON ATCH LEY & C“ ARCHITECTURAL 4 ENGINEERING PUBLISHERS, 106, CT RUSSELL SI, BEDFORD 50.1866. /z/j-cs-ro. London Messf'AtchleyfcC? Architectural it Engineering Publishers. 106. G'-Russell St Bedford Square May, 1868. in don Mess 1- ' 1 Aiohiey kC° Architectural & Engineering Publishers.106.G 1 Russell Si Bedford Square Dec r 1867. m&6.7S London Mess r3 /U.chley &C° Architectural k Engineering Publishers.106. G 1 Russell St Bedford Square Dee r 1867. iondcn Mess r . s AtchleyibC° Architectural Sc Engineering Publishers.106. (JL .Russell St. Bedford Square, Jan 7 1866 LON DO!! ATCHLEY & C» ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLISHERS. 106, C! RUSSELL S T , BEDFORD SQ.I866. LONDON. ATCH LEY & C°, ARCHITECT URAL & ENGINEERING PUBLI SHERS, 106, C T RUSSELL SI BEDFORD SQ.I866. London Mess r . s Atchley k C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers. 106. Russell St Bedford Square Dec 1 ' 186' tY* 8/ LONDON. ATCHLEY & C° ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLI SHERS. 106,C T RUSSELL ST. BEDFORD SQ.I866. LONDON.'ATCHLEY & C°,ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLISHERS, I06.CT RUSSELL ST,BEDFORD SQ.I866. E^ggg^ ^gg SBS JO**, London. Mess rs Atchley &C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers.106, (P Bussell St.Bedford Square. March,1866. . ■ , Clu JjL IM. JtrruVj.^? ] C ha fo-L / %“?-$ ea A £)fJ/>J/ ^ london. Mess”Atchley &C? Architectural & Engineering Publishers ,106, ©-Bussell St. Bedford Square. March,1866. london Mess^Atchley k.C° Architectural & Engineering Publi shers,106. G l Russell St,Bedford Square, March, 1866. london. Mess r9 At.chley &C° Architectural ^Engineering Publishers.106, G 1, Bussell St..Bedford Square. Jan y 1866. MG?- 9L- Irmdon Mess r . s Att:hley&C? Architectural & Engineering Publishers.106, G l Russell St Bedford Square. May 1868. 11 ^; . JltXnHl/r^-rf'r/ie C! Acj^E^J c a b e ,£-„/= London Mess r5 Atchley &C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers, 106. G l itussdl St Bedford Square ‘May 18 68, ■■mi LONDON ATCI!i EY 8-€ fJ AHCHIl FCTUR4I & t N 'INHERING PUB LI SHERS. 106,C T RUSSELL ST. BEDFORD SQ.I866. London Mess rs Alchley & C° Architectural & Engineering Publishers 106. & Bussell St Bedford Square May, 1868 LONDON ATCHLEY & (^ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PU BLI SH ERS. 106, C T RUSSELL ST.BEDFORD SQ.I866. landon Mess rs Atchley&C? Architectural & Engineering Publishers, 106,(P Russell St.Bedford Square.Jan y 1866. LONDON. ATCHLEY & C? ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLISHERS, 106.GT RUSSELL SI,BEDFORD SQ.I866. LONDON ATCHEEY & C?,ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING PUBLISH ERS, I06.CT RUSSELt ST, BEDFORD SQ.I8 66. u