LOS ANGELES 1913 University Club Los Angeles, California BY-LAWS AND HOUSE RULES With LIST OF MEMBERS 1913 Sixth and Hill Streets Los Angeles Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/bylawshouserulesOOuniv ©fKrerfl anin Elimtnra 1898. W. A. SPALDING. C. C. WRIGHT. RUSS AYERY . W. F. BURBANK E. T. PIERCE .President .Vice-President .Secretary A. R. SPRAGUE B. R. BAUMGARDT W. A. SPALDING E. W. CAMP. RUSS AVERY . L. R. HEWITT E. T. PIERCE P. R. WILSON E. W. CAMP. A. R. SPRAGUE. F. D. BULLARD 1899. .President .Vice-President .Secretary W. T. CRAIG W. F. BURBANK 1900. .President .Vice-President .Secretary 1901 H. BERT ELLIS. F. D. BULLARD. .President Vice-President 1902. FRANK D. BULLARD N. P. CONREY. C. C. DAVIS FORCE PARKER W. J. VARIEL .President ..Vice-President GEO D. CADWALADER C. S. TAPPAAN 1903. F. D. BULLARD.President FORCE PARKER.Vice-President RUSS AVERY WILLOUGHBY RODMAN CLAIR S. TAPPAAN GEO D. CADWALADER 3 ©fiitfra anii Stmtnra 1904 . W. C. PATTERSON.President WM. HORACE DAY.Vice-President FIELDING J. STILSON.Secretary B. R. BAUMGARDT SAM’L T. CLOVER W. H. ANDERSON 1905 . W. C. PATTERSON.President WM. HORACE DAY.Vice-President FIELDING J. STILSON.Secretary B. R. BAUMGARDT WALTER LINDLEY W. H. ANDERSON SAM’L T. CLOVER 1906 WALTER LINDLEY.President FIELDING J. STILSON.Vice-President RUFUS L. HORTON.Secretary J. H. MARTINDALE FREDERICK STEVENSON J. A. FOSHAY WILLIUGHBY RODMAN 1907 . FIELDING J. STILSON.President WM. H. ANDERSON.Vice-President FREDERICK STEVENSON.Secretary DR. WALTER LINDLEY LEE C. GATES RUSS AVERY RUFUS L. HORTON 1908 . FREDERICK STEVENSON.President LEE C. GATES.Vice-President T. L. WOOLWINE.Secretary RUSS AVERY MYRON HUNT DR. JOHN C. FERBERT H. H. MAYBERRY 1909 . RUSS AVERY .President N. P. CONREY.Vice-President NEWMAN ESSICK .Secretary MYRON HUNT WILLOUGHBY RODMAN DR. JOHN C. FERBERT MARSHALL STIMSON 4 ©Sirens mb Birerlnra 1910 . N. P. CONREY. CHAS. E. RICHARDS NEWMAN ESSICK .... C. S. TAPPAAN MYRON HUNT .President .Vice-President .Secretary E. L. MAYBERRY HARRINGTON BROWN 1911 . C. S. TAPPAAN.President E. L. MAYBERRY.Vice-President EDWARD NORTH .Secretary AUSTIN MARTIN DYNN HELM HARRINGTON BROWN HILL HASTINGS 1912 . CHAS. E. RICHARDS.President EDWARD MAYBERRY .Vice-President GEO. W. DRYER.Secretary C. S. TAPPAAN EDWARD JOHNSON R. P. JENNINGS ELMER GREY 1913 . E. L. MAYBERRY.President GEORGE W. DRYER.Vice-President ROY V. REPPY.Secretary ROY B. WHEELER.Treasurer E. M. BROWN H. O. WHEELER, JR. PERCY L. WICKS 5 BY-LAWS Qualifica¬ tions of Members Resident and Non- Resident Members OF THE UNIVERSITY CLUB OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ARTICLE I. Section 1. Any person shall be eligible to regular membership who shall have attended a College or University of approved standing for a period of three full years, or who shall have received a degree from any Professional School affiliated with a College or University of approved standing; or who shall be elected as a Directors’ Member as hereinafter provided, Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall de¬ termine what Colleges, Universities and Pro¬ fessional Schools are of approved standing for the purpose of eligibility to the Club. Sec. 3. The members shall be resident or non-resident. All members whose residence or place of business is within twenty-five miles of the Los Angeles City Hall shall be resident members. All others shall be non-resident members or resident members at their option. Sec. 4. A non-resident member shall be¬ come a resident member when he either takes up his residence or acquires a place of busi- 7 ness within twenty-five miles of the Los An¬ geles City Hall; and he shall then pay as addi¬ tional initiation fee the difference between the sum he paid for initiation fee as a non-resident member and the amount required as a resi¬ dent member’s initiation fee at the time of his change of residence or place of business. Sec. 5. A resident member may become a non-resident member whenever he has neither residence nor place of businss within twenty- five miles of the Los Angeles City Hall, but no part of his initiation fee shall be returned to him. Sec. 6. Only resident members shall hold office, or have the privilege of voting. Directors* Sec. 7. The Board of Directors may elect Members to membership in the Club as “Directors’ Members” persons who have not attended any College, University, or Professional School for the time required under Section 1 of this article, but who, in the opinion of the Board, have by the concededly high character of their work proven themselves qualified for such member¬ ship. The number of “Directors’ Members” shall be limited to five per cent of the total membership of the Club; provided that- no more than five such members shall be elected in any one calendar year. Faculty and Sec. The mem bers of the faculties of ac- Clergy credited Colleges, and clergymen, regardless Members of their place of residence, may be admitted and rated as non-resident members while ac¬ tive in their professoin and exclusively occu¬ pied therein. 8 Honorary Members Limitation of Mem¬ bership Officers Sec. 9. At any regular meeting the Club may, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Directors and by unanimous vote of those members present and voting, elect men of distinction to honorary life member¬ ship in the Club. The unanimous recommend¬ ation of the Board of Directors in such case shall take place at least a month prior to the time of said meeting of the Club and notice of such nomination by the Board of Directors must be given by posting on the Bulletin Board of the Club at least a month prior to the date of election. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of members of the Club except the rights of voting and of holding office, and they shall be exempt from the payment of any admission fee, monthly dues or assessments whatsoever. Sec. 10. The resident membership shall be limited to seven hundred and fifty (750), and the non-resident, including those admitted un¬ der Section 8 of this article, as faculty or clergy members, to one hundred (100); pro¬ vided, that by order of the Board of Directors the number of resident members may be in¬ creased from time to time, but such resident membership shall not be made to exceed twelve hundred (1200). ARTICLE II. Section 1. The government, management and control of the Club shall be vested in seven of its members, to be known as the 9 Board of Directors Board of Directors, from whom shall be elected a President, a Vice-President, a Secre¬ tary, and a Treasurer. The Directors shall enter upon their term of office upon the day following their election and shall hold office until their successors are elected and have organized. Sec. 2. Seven Directors shall be chosen at the election of Directors to be held on the second Thursday in March, 1913. At their first meeting thereafter the Directors shall so classify themselves by lot that three of them shall hold office for one year and four for two years, and at each annual election of Directors held thereafter the Club shall elect only such number of Directors as shall be necessary to fill the places of those whose terms of office are then about to expire, and all Directors so elected thereafter shall be elected for the term of two years, provided, however, that in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of a Director elected for two years, during the first year of his term of office, and of such vacancy being temporarily filled by appointment by the Board of Direc¬ tors, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of this article, such appointee of the Board shall hold office until the next election of Di¬ rectors thereafter occurring, at which time the Club shall fill the vacancy by the election of a Director for the remaining year of the un¬ expired term. Sec. 3. At their first meeting after the an- 10 nual election, the Board of Directors shall elect from their number, a President, a vice- President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, to serve for the term of one year from the date of their election and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Vacancies Sec. 4. If a vacancy shall occur in the office How Filled of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors by the election of one of its own number; and in the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a Director, the Board shall elect a member from the Club at large to fill the same; provided, however, that any Director so elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the next annual election of Directors or until his successor is elected and qualified. ARTICLE III Powers and Section 1. The Board of Directors shall Duties of prescribe and enforce such rules (conforming Directors w ith these By-Laws) for the regulation of the affairs and conduct of the Club as may in their judgment seem proper. Sec. 2. The Board shall have charge of the election of candidates for membership, subject to these By-Laws, and their proceedings in re¬ spect thereto shall be confidential and secret. Sec. 3. The Board shall have power and direc¬ tion over the suspension, discipline and expul¬ sion of members for cause, provided, however, that any ten members of the Club shall have 11 the right to appeal to the Club from any action of the Board of Directors under this section by giving notice in writing of such appeal to the Secretary of the Club within five days after notice to said suspended, disciplined or ex¬ pelled member of the action of the Board. Sec. 4. The Board of Directors shall have power, whenever they deem it for the best in¬ terest of the Club, or necessary for the purpose of paying the debts or expenses of the Club, or of conducting the business of the Club so to do, to levy and collect assessments upon the members of the Club (not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars per member for any one assessment), and may fix the time and man¬ ner in which the same shall be paid, the time of delinquency of the same, the time and man¬ ner of giving notice of the assessment and of the delinquency thereof, and the penalty for the non-payment of the assessment when due; and for the non-payment of any such assess¬ ment or of any fine which may be imposed pur¬ suant to this article, within the time prescribed for the payment of the same, the Board of Directors may impose, as a penalty, the suspen¬ sion or expulsion of the delinquent member, or the forfeiture of his membership. Sec. 5. The Board of Directors shall cause to be posted each month a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Club and of the general condition of the house, restaurant and other departments of the Club so as to show the general financial condition £>i the Club 12 from month to month. This statement shall remain posted at least ten days. President Vice- President ARTICLE IV. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Presi¬ dent to preside at all the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors; to see that the By-Laws and such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Directors are rigidly en¬ forced, and to report to the Board of Direc¬ tors any infraction of the same; to call such meetings as are herein provided to be called by him; to have a general supervision over all the affairs of the Club; and at the annual meet¬ ing to make a report of the accounts and general concerns of the Club during the pre¬ vious year. Sec. 2. He shall be ex-officio a member of all the standing committees, which committees shall be nominated by him, as hereinafter pro¬ vided, at the commencement of his term of office, and shall be presented to the Board of Directors for confirmation. Sec. 3. The President and Treasurer shall sign all checks and the President and Secre- i tary shall sign all contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing which may have been first approved by the Board of Directors. Sec. 4. During the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. 13 Sec. 5. If both the President and Vice- President shall be absent from any meeting of the Club, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and an acting President shall be elected by the meeting. ARTICLE V. Secretary Section 1. The Secretary shall keep an exact record of the proceedings of the Club and of the Board of Directors; he shall keep an ac¬ curate card index of club members with mail¬ ing addresses and shall maintain the official correspondence of the Club. ARTICLE VI. Treasurer Section 1. The Treasurer shall have charge of the accounts of the Club and shall receive all moneys belonging to the Club, and dis¬ burse the same under the direction of the Board of Directors upon checks or orders signed by the President and himself. He shall deposit all funds, in the name of the Club, with the bank or banks designated by the Board of Directors. He shall submit a state¬ ment of his accounts at each monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, with proper vouch¬ ers. Sec. 2. The funds of the Club shall not be loaned to any member. ARTICLE VII. Standing Section 1. The Standing Committees to be Committees appointed by the President, as provided for by 14 Article IV of these By-Laws, shall be as fol¬ lows: Nominating Committee. Advisory Finance Committee. Membership Committee. Library and Art Committee. House Committee. Program Committee. Outing Committee. Nominating Committee Advisory Finance Committee One member of each Committee shall be se¬ lected from the membership of the Board of Directors, provided, however, that no member of the Board of Directors shall be eligible to appointment to membership on the Nominating Committee or on the Advisory Finance Com¬ mittee. The Nominating Committee shall con¬ sist of seven members and the Advisory Fi¬ nance Committee of three members. All other committees shall consist of three or more members. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Nomi¬ nating Committee to propose members for election as Directors at the annual election, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. The members of the Advisory Fi¬ nance Committee shall hold office for the term of three years. The members selected after the annual election of Directors to be held on the second Thursday in March, 1913, shall so classify themselves by lot that one shall hold office for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. Thereafter appointment to membership on the Committee shall be made 15 only to fill a vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of a member, or by resig¬ nation or removal from office of a member; provided, however, that in case the vacancy is cause by resignation or removal, the per¬ son appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold office only until the expiration of the term for which the person resigning or removed from office was appointed. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Advisory Finance Committee to exercise a general ad¬ visory control over the finances of the Club It shall examine and audit all accounts, in¬ cluding those of the Treasurer, as often as the same may be necessary, but not less than once a month, and no financial statement shall be posted or reported to the Club unless it shall have been audited by said Committee. It shall investigate and report to the Board of Directors upon all proposed expenditures in excess of One Thousand Dollars and upon all proposed permanent investments of Club funds, and no expenditure in excess of One Thousand Dollars, and no permanent investment of Club funds shall be made by the Board of Directors until the same shall have been duly approved by said Committee; provided, however, that upon the failure or refusal of said Committee to approve a proposed expenditure or a pro¬ posed permanent investment of Club funds, the Board of Directors may refer the matter for final action to the next regular meeting of Club members, or to a special meeting 16 Member¬ ship Committee Library and Art Committee House Committee called for that purpose. At such meeting the Club members by a majority vote may au¬ thorize such expenditure or permanent invest¬ ment of Club funds. Sec. 5. The members of the Advisory Fi¬ nance Committee shall be ex-officio members of all special building or furnishing committees that may be appointed. Sec. 6. To the Membership Committee shall be referred for investigation all applications for membership in the Club, and no person shall be elected to membership in the Club until a report by this Committee upon his applica¬ tion shall have been made to the Board of Directors. Sec. 7. The Library and Art Committee shall exercise general supervision and control over the library and reading-room of the Club, shall select the periodicals for which the Club shall subscribe, and shall recommend purchases of books and works of art for the library and Club rooms. Sec. 8. The House Committee shall, subject to supervision by the Board of Directors, make and establish all house rules. It shall investi¬ gate all infractions of house rules Drought to its notice and shall report thereon to the Board of Directors with its recommendation as to proper penalty to be imposed. It shall have charge of the club rooms and shall exercise general supervision over the buffet and restau¬ rant service of the Club and shall appoint, re¬ move and exercise supervision over the house employees. 17 Program Committee Outing Committee Miscel¬ laneous Provisions as to Committees Sec. 9. The Program Committee shall have charge of all entertainment programs for Club meetings, including the monthly dinners of the Club. Sec. 10. The Outing Committee shall have charge and control of arrangements and pro¬ gram for the annual outing of the Club. Sec. 11. The committees mentioned in this article, with the exception of the Nominating Committee and the Advisory Finance Commit¬ tee, shall be subject to the supervising power of the President and to the authority of the Board of Directors. All programs of enter¬ tainment prepared by either the Program Com¬ mittee or the Outing Committee shall be sub¬ mitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Placards containing a list of the standing com¬ mittees and of persons composing the same shall be placed in the office of the Club. Sec. 12. The members of said committees, with the exception of the Advisory Finance Committee, shall hold office for the term of one year from their appointment. All vacan¬ cies, temporary or otherwise, in the member¬ ship of the standing committees shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to confirmation of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII. Nomination of Directors Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Nom¬ inating Committee, at least four weeks prior to the date fixed in these By-Laws for the an¬ nual election, to report to the Board of Direc¬ tors the names of those members whom the 18 Committee shall nominate for places on the Eoard of Directors, one nomination being made for each impending vacancy in the mem¬ bership of the Board. The report of the Com¬ mittee shall be at once posted on the Bulletin Board of the Club and shall remain posted until the opening of the polls for the annual election. At any time after the report of the Nominating Committee is posted, and not less than ten days prior to the opening of the polls for the annual election, it shall be the privilege of any seven members of the Club other than those composing the Nominating Committee to make other nominations for Directors by filing or causing to be filed with the Secretary of the Club a notice in writing of such nomination, signed by all the members making the nomina¬ tion. All notices of nomination so given shall, when received, be posted by the Secretary on the Bulletin Board of the Club and shall remain posted until the opening of the polls for the annual election. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Secre¬ tary, as soon as the time for making nomi¬ nations under the preceding section has ex¬ pired, to prepare and cause to be printed bal¬ lots upon which shall be placed in alphabetical order the names of all nominees, with a space on the left side of each name sufficient for a mark indicating the choice of the voter, and as many blank spaces for writing other names as there are Directors to be elected. The nominees of the Nominating Committee shall be so designated on the ballot. 19 Elections Sec. 3. It shall be the further duty of the Secretary at least one week prior to the an¬ nual election to mail to each member of the Club enttiled to vote at the annual election, at his address as the same appears upon the rec¬ ords of the Club, a sample ballot containing the names of all members nominated in the order and form in which they appear on the official ballot. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. The annual election of Directors shall be held on the second Thursday in March of each year. The voting shall be by ballot and a plurality of votes shall elect. No no¬ tice of such election other than the mailing to members entitled to vote of the sample ballot provided for in Section 3 of the preceding article shall be necessary. Sec. 2. The polls shall open at twelve o’clock M. and shall be kept open until seven o’clock P. M. on the day of the election. Section 3. Three judges of election shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to supervise the election, two of whom shall be present the whole time the polls are open. They shall count the votes and report to the President in writing the number of votes cast for each candidate and the names of those re¬ ceiving a plurality and the President shall declare the result at the annual meeting suc¬ ceeding the election. Sec. 4. The decision of the judges of election upon any question arising as to the 20 Meetings of the Club voting shall be final unless reversed by action of the members at the annual meeting. All protests concerning the voting shall be re¬ duced to writing and all ballots which are, subject to protest shall be securely sealed in separate envelopes and respectively endorsed by the judges with the name of the voter and preserved with the protest and memoran¬ dum of the judges’ decision. Sec. 5. In case two or more competing can¬ didates shall have received an equal number of votes a ballot shall be taken at the annual meeting succeeding the election upon such equal candidates, but upon no others, and the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes at said annual meeting shall be declared elected. Sec. 6. No ballot shall be counted at any election, upon which more names or less names' are indicated as voted for than there are Di¬ rectors to be elected at said election. Cumu¬ lative voting is hereby prohibited. ARTICLE X. Section 1. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held at eight o’clock P. M. on the second Thursday of March. Sec. 2. The order of business at the annual meeting of the Club shall be as follows: 1st, reading of the minutes of previous meetings; 2nd, the report of the President; 3rd, miscel¬ laneous business; 4th, declaring the result of election for Directors. 21 Sec. 3. Regular monthly meetings of the Club shall be held at six o’clock P. M. on the second Thursday of each month, which meetings shall consist of a dinner and such other entertainment as the Program Commit¬ tee may determine. At such monthly meet¬ ings any Club business may be transacted. The Board of Directors may, by order entered upon its minutes, provide that any or all reg¬ ular meetings of the Club shall be omitted for June, July, August and September, or for any one of those months. Sec. 4. Special meetings of the Club may be called at any time by the Board of Direc¬ tors or upon the request in writing of at least twenty-five members. Notice of special meet¬ ing shall be mailed to all members at least five days before such meeting, together with a statement of what matters are to be brought forward, and only such matters can be acted upon at such special meetings. Personal serv¬ ice of such notice upon a member shall be equivalent to the notice by mail. Sec. 5. All meetings -of the Club shall be held at the office or rooms of the Club unless otherwise specifically provided by the Board of Directors. Sec. 6. At any meeting of the Club one hun¬ dred and twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 7. No notice of the annual meeting nor of the regular monthly meetings need be given. 22 ARTICLE XI. Meetings of the Board of Diectors Election of Members Section 1. The Directors elected, and those who may hold over, shall meet for organi¬ zation at the Club rooms on the day succeed¬ ing the annual meeting of the Club at 12:30 o’clock P. M. and shall at such meeting or¬ ganize and elect the officers of the Club, as hereinbefore provided, and shall fix the day and the hour for the regular meetings of the Board. Sec. 2. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held weekly, upon such day and at such hour as shall have been fixed by the Board, as provided in the preceding section of this article. Sec. 3. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President (or by the Vice-President in the absence of the President) by a notice thereof given verbally or by mail, twenty-four hours previous to such meeting. * Sec. 4. All meetings of the Board shall be held at the office or Club rooms of the Club unless otherwise specially stated in the no¬ tice of the meeting. Sec. 5. No notice of the regular meetings of the Board nor of the meetings provided for in Section 1 of this article, need be given. ARTICLE XII. Section 1. Applicants for membership in the Club must be proposed in writing by two resi- 23 dent members, and all applications must be accompanied by the initiation fee. Sec. 2. All applications for membership, as soon as received, shall be referred for inves¬ tigation and report to the Membership Com¬ mittee. Upon receipt by the Board of Direc¬ tors of the report of the Membership Com¬ mittee upon any application, the Board shall, if it desires to consider the application further, cause said application, containing the name of the applicant, together with the names of the members proposing him, to be posted on the Club Bulletin Board for a period of ten days. At the end of said period, and provided no objection shall have been filed under these By-Laws, the Board may elect the applicant to membership in the Club. The votes of five Directors shall be required to elect. Sec. 3. If objection to the election of any Objections proposed member is made in writing to the to Applicant g oar( j G f Directors within the ten days during which his name is required to be posted, and said objection in writing shall bear the signa¬ ture of ten protesting resident members, such written objection, so long as the same remains on file, shall prevent his election, and it is ex¬ pressly hereby provided that no cause need be alleged in said written protest; provided, however, that any member joining in such ob¬ jection to an applicant for membership may at any time thereafter file with the Secretary a written withdrawal of such objection. If because of such withdrawals the number of 24 Initiation Fee and Dues objectors to the applicant is reduced to nine or less, the Secretary shall give notice of said fact verbally or by mail to those mem¬ bers who have not withdrawn objection. If during the period of ten days after said notice is given enough other members file written objection to the applicant to make the total number of objectors ten or more, the election of the applicant shall be prevented; but if such objection shall not have been filed, the Board of Directors may at the end of said ten day period elect the applicant to membership. Sec. 4. On the election of each new member by the Board of Directors the Secretary shall forthwith notify him of his election in writing and as soon as possible thereafter the new member shall sign the original By-Laws in the office of the Club. ARTICLE XIII. Section 1. The initiation fee for resident members shall be One Hundred Dollars, pro¬ vided however, that when the total member¬ ship shall reach Seven Hundred and Fifty thj; Board of Directors in its discretion may increase the initiation fee to One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars. The initiation fee of a non-resident member shall be one-half of the established resident membership fee at the time of admission of such non-resident member. No admission fee shall be required of officers of the Army or Navy or of any scientific corps of the United States who shall 25 Payments and Penalties be elected to regular membership while on active duty; and no dues shall be required of such officers when on duty outside the State of California; nor shall any admission fee be required of clergymen who shall be elected to membership while active in their profession. Officers and clergymen elected subject to this provision shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of other regular mem¬ bers except the right of voting or of holding office. Sec. 2. The monthly dues of resident mem¬ bers shall be Five Dollars and the monthly dues of non-resident members shall be Two Dollars. ARTICLE XIV. Section 1. The monthly dues shall be pay¬ able in advance on the first day of each cal¬ endar month, together with any indebtedness to the Club incurred by the member during the preceding month. If payment of such indebt¬ edness be not made by the member on or before the 25th of the current month, and such indebtedness amount to Ten Dollars or over, his name shall be posted on the Club Bulletin Board with the amount of his indebtedness. If he shall fail to pay said indebtedness dur¬ ing the calendar month following such posting he may be suspended or dismissed from the Club by the Board of Directors, provided, how¬ ever, that on due cause shown the Board of Directors may restore to membership any 26 member so suspended or dismissed; and pro¬ vided further that no member whose name is on the list of absent members shall be posted under the provisions of this section. Sec. 2. A new member shall pay full dues for the calendar month in which his elec¬ tion to membership takes place. Sec. 3. No member or guest shall at any time become indebted to the Club for more than One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Sec. 4. No member posted for indebtedness shall be given further credit in the Club until the amount of his indebtedness shall have been paid. ARTICLE XV. ... Section 1. No member or visitor shall be Gratuities or Fees allowed to give, t/ider any pretense whatever, money or other gratuity to anyone in the service of the Club. ARTICLE XVI. Section 1. Persons residing at a distance Temporary G f more than twenty-five miles from the Los Members Angeles City Hall, and officers of the Army and Navy and scientific corps of the United States sojourning in Southern California, may by resolution of the Board of Directors, be granted the privileges of the Club for a term of three months as temporary members upon payment of the sum of Eighteen Dollars in advance. Such temporary membership may be renewed from time to time in the same man¬ ner and on the same terms. 27 Visitors Sec. 2. At the request of a member the Secretary shall, subject to the rules and reg¬ ulations of the Board of Directors and of the House Committee, issue a visitor’s card to a person eligible to become a temporary member, as defined in the preceding section of this arti¬ cle, granting the privileges of the Club for a limited period not exceeding thirty days, pro¬ vided, however, that no member shall be en¬ titled to the issuance of more than two such visitors’ cards at a time, and no person may be received as a visitor under the terms of this section for a total period of more than thirty days in any one calendar year. Sec. 3. Members introducing visitors or guests shall be responsible for their conduct, and for their indebtedness to the Club up to One Hundred Dollars. Sec. 4. No person residing within twenty- five miles of the Los Angeles City Hall shall be introduced into the Club by any one mem¬ ber oftener than once a month, nor may any such person be invited by a member to any monthly dinner of the Club, provided, how¬ ever, that the foregoing provision is not in¬ tended to limit the power of the Board of Di¬ rectors to issue special invitations to dinners, luncheons or Club entertainments. Sec. 5. Members of University Clubs of other cities may be received as visitors at this Club, under such regulations as may be established by the Board of Directors and en¬ tered upon its minutes. 28 ARTICLE XVII. Absent Members X Resignations of Members Section 1. Any resident member who while continuing his residence or place of business within twenty-five miles of the Los Angeles City Hall, expects to be continuously absent from said territory for a period of six months or more, may have his name placed on the list of absent members by giving written no¬ tice of his intended absence to the Board of Directors and paying all indebtedness to the Club. Upon receipt by the Secretary of a further notice from said member that his ab¬ sence has been continuous for a period of six months there shall be refunded to said member the difference between the dues paid by said member during said period and the amount which could have been claimed from him under these By-Laws as a non-resident member, and thereafter, during further con¬ tinuous absence of said member and until his return, he shall pay dues only at the rate for non-resident members. ARTICLE XVIII. 1 Section 1. All resignations from the Club must be made in writing to the Board of Di¬ rectors. Sec. 2. No resignation from membership shall be accepted or take effect until all in¬ debtedness of the member to the Club shall have been paid or until the payment thereof shall have been secured to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors. 29 ARTICLE XIX. Liability of Members and Interest in Property of the Club Debt Section 1. Newly elected members shall im¬ mediately upon their election become liable to the creditors of the Club for their respective proportions of all of its then existing indebt¬ edness and liabilities in like manner and to the same extent as if they had been member? of the Club at the time when the indebtedness was incurred or the liabilities accrued. Sec. 2. Only such members as are rated as resident members under the provisions of these By-Laws shall be entitled to any interest in the property or assets of the Club; and upon dissolution of the Club neither honorary mem¬ bers, temporary members, nor non-resident members, shall be entitled to a share. Sec. 3. Upon the resignation, death or ex¬ pulsion of a member of the Club, all his in¬ terest in and to the property or assets of the Club shall cease and revert to the Club, and such resignation, death or expulsion shall oper¬ ate as a release and assignment to the Club of all the rights, title and interest of such member or members in and to the property and assets of the Club. ARTICLE XX. Section 1. The Club shall at no time incur any standing or funded indebtedness exceeding Five Thousand Dollars except for the purchase of a lot, or acquiring or furnishing the Club quarters. 30 ARTICLE XXL Section 1. It is hereby declared to be the Proxies sense of the Club that voting by proxy is un¬ desirable and objectionable in a purely social organization and that the right, if it does exist by law, should not be exercised by the mem¬ bers of this Club. Sec. 2. No proxies shall be recognized un¬ less they are in writing, limited to run not to exceed thirty days from their date, made to a member in good standing, entitled to vote, and filed with the Secretary at least ten days before the meeting or election at which the proxy is to be used. Sec. 3. The Secretary shall keep a list of such proxies filed, which, together with the proxies, shall be open at all times for in¬ spection by the members of the Club. ARTICLE XXII. Section 1. On all questions arising as to Construction the construction or the meaning of the By- of ByLaws Laws the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final unless rescinded by the Club at the annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. ARTICLE XXIII. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed, Amend- or new By-Laws may be adopted at any reg- ments ular mee ting of the Club by a vote represent¬ ing two-thirds of the total membership of the Club, provided said action by way of repeal or amendment or adoption of new By-Laws shall have been proposed at a previous regular meet- 31 ing of the Club. The written assent of two- thirds of the members shall likewise be effec¬ tual to repeal or amend any By-Laws or to adopt new By-Laws. Like power to repeal and amend these By-Laws and adopt new By-Laws is also hereby delegated to the Board of Di¬ rectors to be exercised under the following conditions: If the Board of Directors shall desire to repeal or to amend these By-Laws, or to adopt new By-Laws, it shall pass a resolution of in¬ tention to take such action, setting out therein a copy of any By-Law to be repealed or adopt¬ ed and in case of a desired amendment, set¬ ting out a copy of the By-Law intended to be amended and of said By-Law as it will read when amended, and shall post said resolution upon the Club Bulletin Board, and shall cause the said resolution to be read at the next reg¬ ular meeting of the Club succeeding the pas¬ sage of said resolution. If fifty regular members shall, within the period of two weeks succeeding the regular meeting at which said resolution has been read, notify the Secretary in writing that they object to the action proposed to be taken by the Directors, then such action shall not be taken except by the vote or written assent of two- thirds of the members of the Club as herein¬ above provided. If, however, within said period of two weeks no such objection to the proposed action is filed with the Secretary, the Board of Directors shall have the power to make the change in the By-Laws proposed in said reso¬ lution of intention. 32 Gfcrttfirafr I hereby certify that the foregoing By-Laws were duly adopted on February 1, 1913, by the written consent of more than two-thirds of the members of the University Club. GEO. W. DRYER, Secretary. 33 Ifouse SUtU's Hours Visitors The Club will be open for members at 7 A. M. daily and closed at 1 A. M., after which time admittance may be claimed by those only who occupy living apartments in the Club. The Buffet shall be clased at 12:00 M. and no drinks shall be served after that time. No music shall be permitted after 12 o’clock midnight except at Club entertainments or with permission of the House Committee. All visitors and guests must be registered in the Guest Register at each introduction and be indorsed by the member introducing them. No visitor or guest shall introduce strangers into the Club. Visitors or guests shall be charged for rooms at the rate of $2.00 per day for room with bath and $1.50 per day for room without bath. No visitor or guest without a card shall be allowed in the Club rooms unaccompanied by the member introducing him. No checks shall be cashed for visitors or temporary members unless indorsed by a member of the Club. If a guest’s account be delinquent, the same shall be charged against the member introduc¬ ing him, and paid for on the first of the month next succeeding the expiration of the card. 34 Indebted¬ ness Dining Room A member or a guest shall not at any time be indebted to the Club for more than $100.00. If the Manager have cash on hand he may, at his discretion, cash checks for members up to, but not exceeding, $25.00. If a member has not discharged any indebt¬ edness he may owe amounting to $10.00 or over by the 25th of the month, a notice shall be mailed to such member stating the amount of his indebtedness, and notifying him that no further credit shall be extended him until same shall be fully paid. Purchases in the Club shall be restricted to members of the Club and those holding vis¬ itors’ cards. The hours for serving meals in the dining¬ room shall be as follows: On week days: Breakfast, 7 A. M. to 9 A. M. Luncheon, 12 to 2 P. M. Dinner, 6 P. M. to 8 P. M. On Sundays and Holidays: Breakfast, 7 A. M. to 12:00 Noon. Dinner, 6 P. M. to 8 P. M. No luncheon served Sundays. An extra charge of 25 cents shall be made for serving meals in rooms. Orders shall not be taken for the dining¬ room after 8 P. M. Private dinners shall be arranged for b> members of the Club only who shall be re¬ sponsible for same and shall be subject to the approval of the House Committee. No flash-light photographs shall be permit¬ ted. 35 Library Conversation is prohibited in the Library. Newspapers, pamphlets and books belonging to the Club shall not be taken away from the Library or marked or cut. All publications intended for the library must be submitted to the Library Committee. Sleeping Members or guests living at the Club must Apartments give notice at the office, before noon on the day of departure, or charge shall be made for an additional day. Those members or guests not occupying rooms who desire use of bath will make ar¬ rangements for same at office. A charge of 25 cents shall be made for use of bath. The Club shall not be responsible for loss of property from sleeping apartments occupied by members or their guests, or for any other loss sustained by members or their guests in the Club rooms. Sleeping apartments rented to members by the month shall be charged for at rates fixed by the Board of Directors. Servants No employe shall be sent out of the Club on errands, nor shall any member of the Club call or command him for any service which inter¬ feres with his duties in the Club. The giving of fees or gratuities in any form whatsoever to any employe of the Club is pro¬ hibited. If a member has any fault to find with the services of any employe, he shall report same to the Manager, and not reprimand the employe. 36 General House Rules Public messengers or private servants in uni¬ form shall not be admitted to any part of the Club. Members calling or being called by same must see them in the lobby. Subscription papers shall not be circulated, nor shall any article be exposed for sale upon the premises. It is not permissible to place any gift or pic¬ ture in the Club, without the consent of the House Committee, nor shall notices be posted on the Bulletin Board, or about the Club rooms, without the approval of the House Committee. Members shall be held liable for damage to Club property, caused by them or their guests. Any person under 17 years of age shall not be admitted to the Club rooms. (This does not apply to the Ladies’ Annex.) The game of poker, or any other gambling, is positively prohibited. The playing of cards is restricted to the rooms set apart for that purpose. No games except Chess shall be allowed in the Library and no games of any sort shall be permitted in the sleeping apartments of the Club. A charge of tv/enty cents per hour shall be made for the use of each Billiard and Pool table. Minimum charge shall be twenty cents. No jump or masse shots shall be permitted. At least once a year the Secretary shall fur¬ nish each member of the Club a copy of the By-Laws and a list of members. 37 No restaurant supplies shall be furnished in the library, writing room or lounging room. All tickets for drinks, cards, etc., must be signed for at the time same are served. Members shall sign written orders for all restaurant supplies before they are furnished. No dogs shall be allowed in the Club. 38 Slaifaa’ Sitting Soom The Ladies’ Dining Room will be open from 6:00 to 8:00' P. M., except upon the evenings of the Club’s regular monthly dinner. The Ladies’ Dining Room shall be open dur¬ ing the dinner Lours as specified above to members of the Club or holders of visitors’ cards, if accompanied by ladies, and to all la¬ dies comprising the family of any member who shall register their names at the office on blanks supplied for that purpose. The family of a member within the meaning of this section, shall include his mother, sis¬ ters, wife and daughters. Ladies so registered shall have the privilege of bringing guests. No money will be received in the Ladies’ Dining Room. Cards must be signed for ex¬ penditures and bills will be rendered, monthly. Delinquent accounts will be treated in the same manner as provided for in the Club proper, members of the Club being held re¬ sponsible for any indebtedness contracted by ladies introduced by them. The ordinary house rules of the Club proper are applicable also to the Ladies’ Dining Room, wherever expedient. Members or guests unaccompanied by ladies will not be served in the Ladies’ Dining Room. All cards signed by ladies shall be charged as directed by the member who registers them. 39 lumbers With their college connections and class. (Corrected to March 1, 1913.) ABRAHAMS, ARMISTEAD L.... ADAMS, T. G. ALBRIGHT, P. H. ALDEN, DR. ELIOT. ALEXANDER, H. L. ALLEN, DR. C. L. ANTON, DR. FRANCIS L. ARCHER, ALLEN T. ARMSTRONG, DONALD H. AVERY, KASSON . AVERY, L. G. AVERY, RUSS . BABCOCK, DR. W. D. BACON, DR. CHAS. E. BADGER, HENRY FRANKLIN BAILIE, S. G. BAINBRIDGE, C. R. BANCROFT, DR. I. R. BANDINI, RALPH .. BARBER, DR. D. C. BARKER, L. M. BARKER, WM. A. BARLOW, DR. W. JARVIS. BARNARD, A. F. BARNARD, DR. F. S. BARNARD, WILFRED K. BARNES, CLARENCE A. BARRY, DAVID N. BARUCH, CLARENCE . BARUCH, EDGAR . BARUCH, MILTON . BASKERVILLE, H. H. .Pennsylvania ’99 ....Yale ’91 ....Missouri ’05 ....Harvard ’01 ....California ’96 ....Virginia ’82 Maryland ’87 ....Southern California ’99 ....Southern California ’10 ....University of Denver ’10 ....California ’07 ....Stanford ’10 ....California ’94 Harvard Law ’97 ....Lafayette ’71 ....Kansas ’90 ....Cornell ’03 ....Stanford ’99 ....Michigan ’07 ....Tufts ’97 Harvard '00 ....Stanford ’07 ....Moor’s Hill ’82 ....Indiana ’05 ....U, S. Naval Academy ’83 ....Columbia ’89 California ’92 ....Yale (S. S. S.) ’03 Wisconsin ’06 ...Hahnemann ’94 ...Yale ’01 ...Harvard ’05 ...Texas ’92 ...California ’02 ...California ’01 ...California ’09 ...Stanford ’06 40 BASSET, WILBUR . .Harvard ’96 Chicago ’99 BAUMGARDT, B. R. .Stregnas, Sweden BAYLY, HAROLD . .Stanford '13 BAYLY, ROY D. Stanford ’ll BEACH, DR. EVERET C. .Stanford ’98 BEACH, WESLEY H. .Stanford ’00 Columbia ’07 BECKER, TRACY C. .Union ’74 BENNETT, DR. C. L. .Illinois Medical ’97 BENNETT, JAMES S. ..Pomona ’03 Columbia ’05 BENNETT, RALPH . .Illinois ’99 BENT, CHAS. E. .Pomona ’03 BENTON, IRVING W. .California ’ll BERGSTROM, GEORGE E. .Yale ’96 Mass. Inst. Tech. ’99 BICKNELL, DR. F. T. .Rush Medical ’70 BISHOP, DR. T. W. .Bellevue Hospital ’95 BIXBY, L. .Pomona ’01 Mass. Inst. Tech. ’04 BLACK, CHAS. W. .Cornell ’05 BLACKMER, W. D. ’98 BLAKE, FRANK O., JR.. .Missouri School of Mines ’10 BOCKIUS, H. GRAHAM . .Yale ’97 N. Y. Law School ’00 BONNER, CLARK J. ’10 BONYNGE, DR. C. W. BOOTH, FRANKLIN . .California ’88 BOOTHE, E. Y. ’07 BORDEN, SHELDON . .California ’84 BOVARD, W. B. .Southern California ’08 BOWMAN, D. E. ’93 BRAINERD, E. R. ’79 BRAINERD, DR. H. G. BRANT, DR. ALFRED. .Virginia ’07 BRANTLY, HENRY T. .Stanford ’99 BRESEE, E. H.-. _Simpson ’84 BREYER, ROBERT S. .Texas Mass. Inst. Tech. ’10 BRIDGE, DR. NORMAN Northwestern ’69 BRILL, DR. WM. .Columbia ’87 41 BRIMHALL, DR. SILAS J.Pomona Minnesota BRITTAIN, J. R.Mass. Inst. Tech. BROOK, HARRY E.Pygott, England BROOKS, S. D.Amherst Harvard BROUGHTON, DR. GEO. A.De Pauw BROWN, ARVIN H.Stanford BROWN, ANDREW McCORMACKMichigan BROWN, C. C.Southern California BROWN, DR. EARLE M..Michigan BROWN, ELTINGE T.Stanford BROWN, PI ARRINGTON .Princeton BROWN, DR. JOHN M.Western Univ., Canada BROWN, LUTHER G.Earlham BROWN, THOMAS B.Stanford BROWNING, DR. C. C.Missouri BRYANT, DR. ALLEN L.Drake University BRYANT, O. C. Harvard BULLARD, DR. F. D.Colby BURRALL, GEO. E.Wisconsin BUTLER, WALTER H.Southern California ’97 ’02 ’93 ’64 ’75 ’82 ’96 ’07 ’01 ’10 ’01 ’12 ’76 ’99 ’07 ’83 ’97 ’83 ’81 ’85 ’07 CADWALADER, GEO. D CADWALADER, T. R. CAHEN, DR. E. M. CALLENDER, H. R. CAMPBELL, DR. M. B.... CASS, FRANK T. CATES, ALTON M. CHAFFEY, A. M. CHAMBERS, H. C. CHAMBERS, WM . CHAPMAN, DR. R. B. CHASE, RALPH A. CLARK, E. P. CLARK, JOY R. CLOVER, S. T... COBB, NORMAN F. COCHRANE, COL. F. J.. COCHRAN, GEO. I. CODE. WM. HENRY . Ohio Wesleyan Stanford Southern California Mass. Inst. Tech. Harvard Southern California Minnesota Prince Alfred College Armour Inst. Tech. .Queen’s Kingston Cook’s Medical Southern California Grinell .Chicago .St. Nicholas, London Stanford Utah Marietta Toronto Michigan ’09 ’08 ’93 ’66 ’09 ’94 ’89 ’09 ’83 ’96 ’08 ’67 ’10 ’12 ’59 ’81 ’92 42 CODY, HIRAM S. COFFEY, DR. T. J. COFFIN, JOHN E. COLE, DR. GEO. L. COLE, GEO. T. COLLIVER, DR. J. A. COLLORAN, DR. J. E. CONATY, RT. REV. THOS. J.... CONREY, JUDGE N. P. CONWELL, J. S. COOKE, DR. T. BATES. CRAIG, W. T. CRENSHAW, C. R. L. CRENSHAW, L. O... CRILEY, DR. C. H. CRIST, DR. ROYAL HERBERT CROW, DR. G. M. CULVER, GEO. BLISS. CUNNINGHAM, D. W. CURRAN, DR. JOHN F. CUZNER, GUY L. .Michigan .Pennsylvania .Haverford .Bellevue Hospital .Ecole de Beaux Arts .Stanford .Northwestern .Holy Cross .De Pauw Michigan Law .Northwestern .Dartmouth .California .Michigan .Michigan .Pennsylvania .Southern California .Pennsylvania Stanford Columbia Harvard .College of Dental Sur¬ gery, Chicago Stanford ’08 ’99 ’82 ’87 ’96 ’07 ’69 ’81 ’83 ’82 ’96 ’89 ’02 ’06 ’01 ’98 ’01 ’97 ’02 ’01 ’01 DAMON, GEO. A. DANIELS, RALPH . DAVIDSON, DR. A. DAVIDSON, J. P. DAVIDSON, P. B. DAVIES, W. H. DAVIS, CHAS. CASSATT . DAY, REV. WM. HORACE. HEARING, HARRY L. DE BOLT, THURMAN ALDEN DICKEY, EDWARD W. DICKSON, PHILIP W. DILLON, R. J. DILWORTH, DR. W. D. DIXON, MAXWELL MERTON. DODGE, JOHNATHAN S. DOLE, A. M. DONNELL, BIRNEY . ..Michigan ..Southern California -Glasgow, Scotland -Stanford -Stanford ..Yale ..Ohio Wesleyan .Amherst Chicago ..Stanford .Stanford .Michigan .Stanford .Hastings .Physicians and Surgeons Southern California .Cincinnati .Pomona .California ’95 ’99 ’81 ’05 ’09 ’91 ’73 ’89 ’06 ’10 ’05 ’ll ’96 ’94 ’05 ’92 ’96 ’98 43 DORSEY, CLARENCE W. DRYER, GEO. W. DUFF, EMERSON L. DUNLOP, GEORGE H. Denison ’94 Harvard ’96 .Stanford ’02 Stanford ’10 .De Pauw CO 0° EARLE, DR. CHAS. H.New York ECKMAN, A. W.Texas EDELMAN, DR. DAVIS W.California ELDER, C. A.Illinois ELDER, E. B.Grant ELLIOTT, KARL .Southern California ELLIS, ARTHUR M.California ELLIS, DR. H. BERT.Arcadia ELSASSER, M.California EMERY, DR. R. D.Vermont ENGLISH, CLARENCE ARTHUR. Cornell ENGSTROM, DR. CHAS. J. R.Southern California ENGSTROM, F. E.California ESSICK, NEWMAN .Wabash EVERSOLE, DR. HENRY O.Southern California ’89 '10 ’89 ’94 ’04 ’00 ’99 ’84 ’87 ’99 ’09 ’04 '99 ’87 ’08 FAIRBANKS, FREDERICK C.Princeton FAY, G. PIAMILTON .Michigan FEITSHANS, F. R.Kansas FELLOWS, DR. ALFRED.Northwestern FINLAYSON, FRANK G.Hastings FISH, DR. CHAS. W.Allegheny FISHBURN, J. E.Michigan FLEMING, M. A.Young Harris FLETCHER, KIMBALL .Michigan FORD, CAPT. REUBEN AYORD—.Kenyon Western Reserve FORGY, E. W.......Wooster (Ohio) FOSHAY, JAS. A.New York Normal FOSTER, ERNEST K.Allegheny FRANCIS, J. H.Otterbein FREEMAN, W. A.Southern California FRENCH, LEON . Columbia FRENCH, SAMUEL H.Washington & Jefferson FROST, LOWELL C.Yale FRY, DONALD H.Stanford ’03 ’06 '04 ’96 ’85 ’81 ’96 ’10 ’02 ’04 ’90 ’79 ’09 ’08 ’02 ’94 ’05 ’95 44 GAGE, R. P. GALUSHA, ELON G. GARDNER, W. W. GARLAND, GROVER T. GARRETT, L. R. GATES, CLARENCE LUTHER GATES, C. W.. GATES, E. J. GATES, DR. GEO. A.. GETTY, JEAN PAUL. GIBSON, JAS. A., Jr. GIFFORD, H. V. GODIN, DR. ARTHUR F. GOODENOW, F. G. GOODMAN, DR. NYE W. GOODWIN, D. P. GOODWIN, HENRY P. GORDON, DR. FRANK H. GORDON, G. B. GORDON, HUGH T. GORTON, C. W.. GRAVES, FREDERICK R. GRAVES, MYRON O.. GREENBAUM, JOSEPH . GROS, FREDERICK . University of Delaware ’96 .Rochester ’99 .Harvard ’10 .Stanford ’12 .Southern California ’94 .Pennsylvania ’00 .University of the Pacific ’81 .California ’93 .Dartmouth ’73 -Southern California ’12 .Stanford ’08 .Yale ’00 .Southern California Med. ’01 .California ’01 .Western Reserve ’05 .Virginia ’10 .Virginia ’09 .Rush Medical ’91 .Yale ’08 .California ’08 Harvard ’12 .Rochester ’78 .Hobart Kenyon ’06 .Michigan ’88 .Royal Academy Munich ’05 .Hanover ’96 Columbia ’99 HAAS, CHAS. E.Stanford HAHN, EDWIN F.Pomona HALL, IRWIN R.Northwestern HAMILTON, C. H.Northwestern HAMILTON, JULIUS R.Illinois HANSEN, ANDREW C.California HARTIGAN, FRANK E.Doane HARWOOD, DR. E. M...Pomona HASTINGS, DR. HILL .Virginia HAVER, S. C., Jr.Stanford HAYES, VINCENT BUTLER .St. Cyrile College HAYNES, DR. JOHN R.Pennsylvania HAYWARD, DR. HENDERSON ....Georgetown HEAD, NATHANIEL S.Harvard ’98 ’98 ’00 ’80 ’06 ’03 ’90 '98 ’95 ’05 ’07 ’74 ’69 ’06 45 .Princeton ’79 .Harvard ’05 .South Dakota ’93 .Kenyon ’07 .Allegheny '86 .Stanford '02 .Michigan '04 .Stanford '07 .Pomona '98 .Dallas '81 .California '88 .Albion, Michigan '98 .Union College '99 .Virginia '79 .Fort Wayne Medical '81 .Pulte Medical College ’91 .Northwestern '92 Mass Inst. Tech. '93 .California '06 .Blackburn '86 .Stanford '05 .Cincinnati '02 .Princeton '84 Pennsylvania '87 Iowa State University '09 .Stanford '06 .Univ. of Mississippi '06 .Michigan w 00 .Pomona o o .Minnesota '01 .Mass. Inst. Tech. '75 .Mass. Inst. Tech. '99 Harvard Mass. Inst. Tech. '82 Norwich '79 Stanford '09 Harvard '93 Columbia '00 Williams '07 Harvard California '11 46 JONES, MATTISON B.Kentucky ’94 JONES, ROY .Harvard ’92 KESSE, SAMUEL JOHN .Ohio Wesleyan KEIM, T. B., Jr.Perdue KELLOGG, DR. P. B.Yale KELLY, ARTHUR R.Illinois KELSEY, DR. A. L.California Jefferson Medical KERCKHOPP, HERMAN H.California KIEFER, DR. HUGO A.Stanford Pennsylvania KIERULPF, BENJ. F., Jr.California KIGER, DR. W. H.Toledo KING, DR. EDWARD DUFF.Western University KINGSLAND, G. R.California KINNEY, BURT O.Stanford KNEPPER, EARL H.Stanford KOEBIG, A. H.Berlin KOEBIG, A. H., Jr.Stanford Amherst KOEBIG, DR. W. C. S.Southern California KOONS, DR. H. H.Pennsylvania KOTHE, GEORGE .Cornell KRESS, DR. G. H.Cincinnati KUEHNRICH, P. MAX .Leipzig KURTZ, DR. JOS.California KYSOR, CHAS. H.Columbia ’71 ’06 ’86 ’02 ’83 ’88 ’89 ’94 ’97 ’03 ’00 ’02 ’09 ’97 ’02 ’76 ’09 ’09 ’97 ’07 ’96 ’72 ’08 LANE, E. A.Stanford LANE, FULTON ...Stanford LANE, DR. RICHMOND C.Southern California LANG, DR. JAMES ELTON.Philadelphia Dental Col LANKERSHIM, JACK .Harvard LAPHAM, ROGER D.Harvard LAUBERSHEIMER, D. K.California LAVINSON, DR. RALPH S.Pennsylvania LAWSON, LAWRENCE M.Stanford LAZARD, DR. EDWARD MYER....Southern California LEAF, ERLE MERVIN .Stanford LEEDS, CAPT. CHAS. T.West Point LEFFINGWELL, C. W., Jr.Columbia LEITCH, ALEXANDER Y.U. S. C. Law LEWIS, F. B.Rose Poly., Indiana ’07 '06 ’06 . ’98 ’05 ’98 ’02 ’02 ’97 ’10 ’92 ’05 47 LEWIS, DR. WM. MONROE.Bellevue Hospital LINDLEY, DR. WALTER .Long Island Hosp. Col. LINSCOTT, HARRY ARBYN .California LLOYD, WARREN E.California Yale LOBDELL, J. KARL . LOEB, EDWIN J. LOEB, JOS. P. LOEWENTHAL, MAX ... r . LOTT, CLOYD P. LUND, DR. G. J. LYDAY, CHESTER S. LYNCH, HENRY BAKER LYON, HARRY ELLISON LYONS, WILLARD E.. LYSLE, WALTER S. .Southern Cal. Law California California California Ohio State Rush Medical Texas California Princeton .Stanford Columbia '79 *75 ’99 '95 '98 '11 '08 '05 '81 '06 '82 '10 '07 '01 '07 '02 MacCORMACK, REV. WM MACDONALD', JAMES E.... MACFARLAND, J. C. M ACL AREN, REV. R. F.... MACLEISH, DR. A. C. MACNEIL, BRUCE . MAC RAE, DR. THOMAS... MANAHAN, R. H. MANN, MATTHEW D., Jr, MARBLE, JOHN E. MARBLE, WM. CAREY . MARKS, BENJ. W. MARSH, L. J. MARTIN, AUSTIN O. MARTIN, HENRY J. MARTIN, HOMER . MARTIN, MELROWE . MARTIN, SAMUEL B. MARTINDALE, DR. J. H.. MATHEWS, BRYANT . MATHIS, E. H. Toronto ’90 McGill ’97 .Stanford, Harvard Law ’07 Brown Univ., Union Coll., N. Y. '64 Allegheny Theo. Sema. '67 California '05 Southern California '08 California '10 .Univ. of Texas Cornell '07 .Stanford '95 .Yale '06 Cornell '08 .Stanford .Amherst '03 .Chicago '05 .New Hampshire '04 .Southern California '00 .Northwestern '91 .Stanford '03 .California '09 .Pennsylvania '08 .New York .Stanford '06 .Southern California '03 California '07 48 MATTISON, DR. P. C. E.Chicago Phys. & Surg. MAYBERRY, E. L.California Mass. Inst. Tech. MAYBERRY, H. H.California MAYNE, DR. W. H.Coll, of Med., U. S. C. McALLEP, WILL R.Southern California McARTHUR, DR. PETER R.Toronto McARTHUR, WM. T.Toronto McCartney, Frederick w .Stanford MCCLELLAND, T. E.Michigan McCULLOUGH, VERNON C.Stanford McConnell, Walter h .Stanford McCOY, DR. GEO. W.Ohio Wesleyan McCOY, DR. JAMES D.Southern California McCOY, DR. JOHN R.Southern California McCOY, LON S.Southern California McDOUGALL, TAYLOR .Lafayette McKINLEY, JAMES W.Michigan McKINNEY, JOHN G.Cornell McLACHLAN, JAMES .Hamilton McLAIN, GEO. B.Stanford McNEIL, DR. H. G.Southern California McPherson, Walter scoTT....wmiams McREYNOLDS, DR. ROBT. P.Pennsylvania Vanderbilt MERRILL, FRANK H.Mass. Inst. Tech. MESMER, LOUIS F.Mass. Inst. Tech. METZLER, IRVING S.California MEYER, CHAS. AUGUST.Nebraska Berlin Boston Tech. MILLER, FRANK L.Lafayette MILLER, DR. ROBERT W.Bellvue Hospital MILLER, DR. U. G.Marian Simms Medical MILLSPAUGH, PROF. JESSE F...., Michigan Pennsylvania MITCHELL, ALVIN .Amherst MITCHELL, GEO. E.Indiana MITCHELL, JOHN S.Southern Calif., Stanford MOERDYKE, N. P.Stanford MONTAGUE, DR. J. S.California MONTGOMERY, CHAS. C.Wisconsin ’88 ’96 ’06 ’89 ’00 ’02 ’99 ’95 ’10 ’90 ’09 ’ll ’00 ’06 ’ll ’08 ’98 ’79 ’81 ’78 ’07 ’01 ’07 ’95 ’92 ’93 '06 ’04 ’07 ’10 ’ll ’03 ’87 ’91 ’79 ’83 ’13 ’08 ’07 ’08 ’05 ’00 49 MONTGOMERY, DR. C. H.Toronto MOORE, DR. ALBERT W.Pennsylvania MOORE, GEO. H.Illinois MOORE, H. N.Columbia MOORE, DR. ROSS .Wabash MOORE, WALTER, Jr.Southern California MORGAN, OCTAVIUS W., Jr.Stanford MORRIS, JOHN M.Mass. Inst. Tech. MORRISON, WILLIS I.Princeton Harvard Law MOYSE, GEO. U.California MULFORD, ROLAND H.Princeton Pennsylvania MULL, BERT F.Ohio Wesleyan MUNGER, GEO. E.Princeton MUNOZ, GONZALO C.Pennsylvania MUNOZ, PAUL .Pennsylvania MUNSON, ARTHUR CASE.Southern California MURPHY, DR. CLAIRE W.Harvard MYERS, DESAIX B.Mass. Inst. Tech. Pennsylvania MYERS, LOUIS W.Wisconsin MEYRS, WM. R.Iowa '02 '05 '02 '08 '96 '10 '09 '06 '02 '05 '97 '09 '12 '98 '03 '04 '10 '94 '08 '05 '95 '88 NASH, CARL ENOS .Art Institute Phila. Schl. Indust. Art NEEL, DR. WHERRY E.Southern California NEHER, OTTO H.Stultgart, Germany NETTLETON, F. H.Dartmouth NEWBERRY, DR. FRANK J.Upper Iowa Illinois NEWMARK, HENRY M.California NEWMARK, MARCO R.California NEWMARK, ROBERT .California NICHOLS, DR. CHAS. B.Dartmouth NICHOLS, CLARK A. .Syracuse NOBLE, DR. CHAS. CROSSMAN.. Detroit Medical NOLAN, EDWARD J.Southern California NORTH, JOHN C.Southern Calif. Law NORTON, HENRY K.Dartmouth NUTTING, E. M.California NUTTING, DR. FLOYD .Denver Medical '01 '01 '84 '93 '98 '98 '03 '02 '71 '96 '97 '11 '04 '05 '04 '89 50 OLBERG, CHAS. REAL .Geo. Washington ’00 OLIVER, ERNEST WARNER.California *00 OLMSTEAD, REMINGTON.Harvard ’05 OLSHAUSEN, B. A.Stanford ’02 ORCUTT, W. W.Stanford ORMOND, FRANCIS .Galliard Lausanne OSBORN, J. LESTER .B. Y. College, Utah ’01 OVERTON, PAUL .Williams PARDUE, S. H. PARKER, L. A. PARKER, OSWALD S. PARKS, W. HAMILTON. PARSONS, SIDNEY J. PASCOE, DR. ELMER R. PECK, C. L. PENDLETON, C. W., Jr. PERRY, FRED J... PEYTON, ROBERT C. PHELPS, JOHN . PIERCE, DR. C. W. PIERCE, PROF. E. T. PIERCE, S. N. PINKHAM, JAS. ROY. POMEROY, A. E. PORTER, FRANK M. POTTER, ISAAC BUCKLIN POTTINGER, DR. F. M. PUTMAN, CHAS. E. QUINT, DR. S. J. RATH, HOWARD G. REED, GEO. H. REEVES, H. ALBAN . REEVES, JAMES W. REPPY, ROY V. REYNOLDS, WILFRED T. RICE, PARAN F. RICE, ROGER L. RICHARDS, CHAS. .Michigan, U. S. C. .Mass. Inst. Tech. Texas Harvard .Michigan .Southern California .Perdue Stanford .California .Stanford Stanford .Stanford .Southern Calif. Medical Union, New York .California .California Univ. of the Pacific .Wisconsin Cornell .Otterbein Cincinnati .Minnesota .Southern California .Williams .Emory .Farmington .Southern California .Stanford Harvard Law .Pomona .Syracure .Williams Mass. Inst. Tech. Yale ’09 ’12 ’83 ’08 ’04 ’06 ’10 ’00 ’09 ’00 ’98 ’10 ’02 ’64 ’81 ’74 ’92 ’94 ’93 ’99 ’07 ’02 ’84 ’10 ’02 ’05 ’02 ’05 ’06 ’82 51 ROBY, J. B.. ..Cambridge ’96 -Southern California '03 -Harvard ’ll -Princeton ’04 ..Cooper Medical ’94 -Pennsylvania ’95 -Southern California ’ll -Miami ’70 -Rochester ’82 -New York -Cornell ’97 -Garfield -Stanford ’05 .Southern California ’09 -Rush Medical '01 -Southern California -Michigan '75 Meadville ’77 -Hahnemann ’73 -Stanford ’07 -Stanford ’03 ..Techinkum Mittweida ’03 -California ’06 -California -Pennsylvania ..Pomona ’05 Harvard ’07 .Southern California ’09 .California ’99 .California '03 .Indiana ’90 .Mass. Inst. Tech. ’10 .Cincinnati '01 .Michigan '08 .California ’07 .Southern California ’99 .Alabama Polytechnic ’01 .California *08 .Virginia Mil. Inst. .Georgetown ’04 .Stanford ’05 Harvard '09 .Southern California ’06 52 SPALDING, T. R. SPENCER, F. McD. TAPPAAN, CLAIR S.. .Virginia ’ll .Cornell ’09 .Cornell ’87 .Cooper Medical ’00 .Stanford '12 .California ’13 .Michigan '75 .Stanford '08 .Southern California ’09 Columbia ’04 .Hamilton ’76 .Southern California ’09 Virginia ’10 California '07 Harvard '10 .Southern California ’00 .Miami Medical .Centro ’78 .Geo. Washington ’05 Stanford ’03 St. Johns, England ’66 California ’10 Harvard ’00 Southern California ’99 Pennsylvania '91 .Mississippi ’81 Geneva '05 Southern California ’07 Yale ’96 Stanford ’05 Columbia ’09 Pomona ’99 Stanford *97 Cornell '98 Boston '81 Southern California '07 Pennsylvania ’98 Colby ’03 Harvard '07 .Michigan '97 Cornell *00 53 TAYLOR, NELSON ...Stanford TAYLOR, DR. RAYMOND G.Southern California THOMAS, DR. C. P....Oregon THOMAS, H. W.-.-Westminster THOMAS, OSCAR E.-South Carolina THOMAS, WILLIAM H...Chicago THOMPSON, OSCAR ....Geo. Washington THOMSON, A. P..Southern California THOMSON, C. W.......Lafayette THORPE, DR. A. C..Minnesota THORPE, DR. HARVEY LASHERChicago TODD, EDWARD W. „.„.Lake Forest TOWNE, GEORGE STARK.-....California TRASK, JUDGE D. K.-.Waterville Classical Inst. TRIPPETT, OSCAR A..Virginia TROOD, S. P....University of Paris TRUEWORTHY, DR. JOHN W.Rush Medical TYROLER, DR. A...Michigan ’10 ’96 '88 '02 '06 '06 '11 '97 '83 '97 '09 '00 '08 ’81 '78 ’97 '65 '94 VALENTINE, FRED’K COFFIN—Union '87 VEDDER, HORACE E.-Union '10 Albany Law '12 VISSCHER, DR. L. G.Vurz, Germany VOIGHT, A. H.-..Michigan '81 VOORHEES, DR. H. M.Pomona '01 Southern California '06 WAITE, M. P. WALDRON, RICHARD, Jr. WALKER, JOHN DOUGLAS WALL, E. T.-. WARREN, J. G. WARREN, VAN COURT ... WASHBURN, H. B.. WATSON, LOYAL F. WEAVER, WM. K.. WEBBER, GEO. W. WELLBORN, CHAS.. WEYSE, HENRY G. WHEAT, A. C. WHEAT, FRANK I... WHEELER, H. O., Jr. WHEELER, ROY BRADLEY ....Stanford ...Michigan ..-Chicago —Northwestern ...Hiram ...Mass. Inst. Tech. —Michigan ....Rensselaer ...Lake Forest —Pratt Institute ...Columbia —Harvard ...Michigan ...Boston —Vermont ...Harvard '00 '01 '98 '06 '10 '03 ’07 '95 '02 '85 '88 '90 '87 '04 '05 54 WHITE, DR. HARRY OSCAR. ...Illinois WHITMAN, DR. C. H. ...Illinois ’90 WHITMAN, N. D. ...Mass. State '01 WICKES, L. WEBSTER . ...Mass. Inst. Tech. ’00 Columbia ’03 WICKS, PERCY L. ...California *06 WIER, HARRY M. ...Michigan ’06 WIESENDANGER, THEADORE. ...Geneva ’73 WILBUR, JUDGE C. D.- ...Anapolis ’88 WILLARD, JOHN F. ...Mass. Inst. Tech. ’76 WILLARD, J. M. —California ’04 WILLETT, C. J.- —Michigan ’71 WILLIAMS, BENJ. O. ...Cornell ’05 WILLIAMS, E. S. —Stanford '98 WILLS, DR. WM. LeMOYNE. —Harvard ’76 Univ. of Pennsylvania ’82 WILSON. A. E. ...Berlin '07 WILSON, DR. A. P. —Southern California ’02 WILSON, HORACE S. ...Stanford ’05 WINTER, FRANK C. —Southern California ’06 WITBECK, CHAS. STRONG_ ...Yale '91 WOOD, AARON FRANKLIN. ...Indiana ’04 WOOD, WARREN D. ...Rensselaer Poly. Inst. WOODRUFF, GEO. H. —Stanford '99 WOOLWINE, CLARE W.„. —Stanford ’ll WOOLWINE, THOMAS L. —Cumberland '08 Columbia '04 WRIGHT, ALFRED . ...Stanford '10 WRIGHT, FOSTER C. —Southern California '99 WRIGHT, GILBERT S. —Chickering Institute YOUNG, REV. WM. S. —Lafayette © oo ZERFING, DR. CHAS. E. ...Pennsylvania '95 55 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS ADAM, CARL F.Rensselaer BAKER, LEO D.California BEEBE, DR. J. L.Northwestern BLAKE, FRED C.Missouri School of Mines BLANCHARD, NATHAN W.Colby BLEDSOE, JUDGE BENJ. F.Stanford BUCHER, DR. WM. H. BUNCE, WALTER H.Mass. Inst. Tech. BURBANK, EUGENE D.Dartmouth BUSH, IRVING EDWARD.Columbia CHAPMAN, CHAS. STANLEY.Pomona Yale CLAPP, RICHARD E.Harvard CRITES, G. S. w ... DIGNOWITY, R. P.Nevada FORSTER, H. WALDO.Harvard GREGG, M. H.Michigan HALL, L. CAMPBELL.Amherst HARWOOD, JUDGE CHAS. E.Williams HARWOOD, EDWARD C.Stanford HARWOOD, FRANK H.Pomona HEALY, REV. EZRA A.Victoria INGRAM, STUART H.-California MANWARING, CLARENCE T. MAYNARD, REA E.Stanford NAFTZGER, R. E.Stanford NICHOLS, ALLEN P.Yale NORDHOFF, WALTER .Yale OGLE, JOHN HOWARD.Cornell PAUL, EARL W.Pittsburg POST, WM. S.Knox POWER, GEORGE C.Yale RICE, DR. ELMER V.Carleton Col. Penn. Col. Dental Surgery RICH, FRANK E.California ROSS, JOHN M. SALISBURY, ALFRED J., Jr.-California SCOTT, CHAS. F..Ohio Wesleyan SHEPHERD, DR. CHAS. ANGELLBuffalo SINSHEIMER, SIDNEY W.California ’90 ’10 '03 ’05 '53 ’96 ’84 ’91 ’91 ’10 ’12 ’04 '10 ’74 ’96 ’52 ’95 ’98 ’72 ’08 ’94 ’06 ’91 ’03 '01 '88 '74 '90 '90 ’07 ’94 '96 '95 56 STABLER, LAIRD J. .Michigan ’85 Perdue ’91 STORKE, THOMAS M. .Stanford ’98 SUMNER, C. B. .—Yale ’62 SUMNER, GEO. S.. .Pomona ’84 Yale ’87 THACHER, E. S. .Yale ’72 TWEEDY, GEO. A. .Mass. Inst. Tech. ’00 ULREY, A. B. .Indiana ’92 VAN PATTEN, DR. PHILIP S... .Columbia ’98 WATKINS, W. K. __California o oo WATSON, G. GAYLORD. .California ’04 WIER, A. C. .Knox ’96 YOUNG, CHAS. SUMNER. .Ohio Wesleyan ’75 57 DIRECTOR MEMBERS BATCHELLER, CHAS. L. BURDETTE, REV. ROBERT J. GATES, L. C. GIBBON, THOS. E. GREGG, JACKSON S. GRAFF, M. L. GREY, ELMER HOLABIRD, W. H. HOUSH, W. H. LOTT, CLIFFORD McVAY, W. E. PARKYNS, G. A. PATTERSON, W. C. PETTIGREW, E. T. SLAUSON, JAMES WASHBURN, WM. J. 58 HONORARY MEMBERS ADE, GEORGE BAER, DR. J. W. BLAISDELL, J. A. BOVARD, G. F. CHAFFEE, LIEUT.-GEN. ADNA SCHERER, JAMES A. B. DECEASED MEMBERS DR. W. E. HIBBARD.-. LIEUT. SAMUEL V. McLURE. GEORGE WHITFIELD WEST.. November 25, 1912 E. R. DART... December 3, 1912 CHESTER LAWRENCE .._. December 21, 1912 REV. W. F. DAY, D. D.— January 15, 1913 HENRY HAUSER ... February 2, 1913 59 INDEX Page Advisory Finance Committee. 15 Absent Members . 29 Amendments . 31 Board of Directors. 10 By-Laws .~ 7 Construction of By-Laws. 31 Certificate of Secretary. 33 Committees, Standing . 14 Debt . 30 Directors’ Members . 8 Elections . 20 Election of Members. 22 Faculty and Clergy Members. 8 Gratuities or Fees. 27 Honorary Members . 9 House Rules . 34 Initiation Fee and Dues. 25 Ladies’ Dining Room. 39 Liability of Members and Interest in Prop¬ erty of the Club. 30 Library and Art Committee. 17 Limitation of Membership. 9 List of Directors and Officers. 3 List of Members . 40 Resident . 40 Non-resident . 56 Directors . 58 Honorary . 59 Deceased . 59 Meetings of the Club.-. 21 Meetings of the Board of Directors. 23 61 Membership Committee . 17 Miscellaneous Provisions as to Committees 18 Nominatinf Committee . 15 Nomination of Directors. 18 Objections to Applicant. 24 Officers . 9 Outing Committee . 17 Payments and Penalties. 26 Powers and Duties of Directors. 11 President . 13 Program Committee . 17 Proxies . 30 Qualifications of Members. 7 Resident and Non-resident Members. 7 Resignations of Members. 29 Secretary . 14 Temporary Members . 27 Treasurer . 14 Title Page . 1 Vacancies How Filled. 11 Vice-President . 13 Visitors . 27 62