; : v. ’ .. . \. < \ . . • . > i«i <. .i . i ... ... .i / : ‘ . . 1 ’ ' • O -A. T A. Xj O G- XT B OF A COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE FURNITURE AND SCULPTURE, ARMOUR & ARMS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; A SMALL COLLECTION OF fnralaht, Jfaratrb anil ©Moratibe (Objects, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE COVENTRY PATMORE, ESQ.; A CHOICE THE PROPERTY OF , C. A. T. WETENHALL, ESQ. AND FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH mill be Until bn Auction bjj Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKEIS 6BEAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQDABE, On FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 18 9 8, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street. St. James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Vn. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. ARMS. A sword, with gun-metal hilt, back-edged blade— temp . Louis XIV. A cup-hilted rapier, spirally turned quillons and knuckle guard, the cup chased with two bands of acanthus foliag^ygrooved . blade —circa 1610 > * Af 'H s } 0 3 4 A rapier, with russet hilt chased with scrolls, bayonet blad^— English , circa 1630 A plug bayonet, the quillons and pommel of gun-metal, chased with figures, back-edged blade; and a page’s sword-hilt, of gun-metal 2 > 5 0 6 ARMOUR. A blackened m< rion, with slight raised edges and hinged ear-pieces Jr 7 7 6 8 A Close Helmet, with high graceful comb, umbril and bars-?' /_ / - > *ir«n 1 580 /€ J ? 9 circa 1580 A casque, of bright steel, with ear-pieces A cabasset, with alternate bright and black bands, brass-headed rosettes —circa 1600 A lobster-tailed helmet, with ear-pieces A 7 B 2 4 ^-^ 10 j . ° n / f , 12 /■ * « / , ^13 J , / 0,0 14 /, r ~-/0 - ■? 15 / J,, / 23 Gioconda : a bust, life size, in rich dress with high collar ^ C. LAPINI (Firenze), 1890. O 24 Beauty : a life-size bust - PROF. E. CARONI (Firenze), 1889. 25 A Life-Size Group of a Girl with a Net, on base with foliage ^ and flowers and Cupid The following were the Property of the late COVENTRY PATMORE, Esq. > 26 ? 27 28 ' 29 5 30 ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, Etc. Three small circular Nankin dishes, painted with river scenes * , and panels of flowers on trellis ground; and ten ditto plates, p-rf of different patterns Four ditto octagonal-shaped dishes; a soup-tureen and cover; , a sauce-boat; and twelve plates Eleven blue and white Delft plates; three W edgwood dishes, with / A ✓ water lilies in blue ; and a Herend dish, with swans in relief A Chinese porcelain bowl, enamelled with figures in colours on J ]/ blue and white trellis ground—10| in. diam. ^ Y ’-^-r ^ A square-shaped ditto bowl, enamelled with equestrian and other figures; a cup, cover and stand, red and gold decoration; vA three other cups and a saucer; and a circular dish, red, green and gold, mounted with metal-gilt 31 A small basin and cover, enamelled with flowers in colours; a ditto basin ; a pair of egg-shell cups and saucers, red and gold ground; a cup and saucer, with pierced trellis panels; and a pink lotos cup and saucer, on branch foot z £ 32 A pair of fluted vases and covers, enamelled with figures on red and black chequer ground, with branches and squirrels in relief—10£ in. high ^ 33 A Pair of Large Square-Shaped Vases and Covers, with open gilt dragon handles, enamelled with figures in colours in blue and white borders on gilt ground—18 in. high 34 A pair of old Imari vases and covers, painted with panels of flowers in red, blue and gold on dark blue and gold ground —15 in. high DRESDEN. C? 35 An old Dresden octagonal-shaped bowl, painted with medallions of seaports and figures and flower sprays on pale canary ground—6^ in. diam. 77 36 A pair of fluted yellow cups and saucers, painted with birds and flowers; and three small cups, with red and gold spiral bands / 37 A pair of ditto, with figures and flowers on white and pale blue ground; and a white and gold sugar-caster, painted with figures and flowers O 38 A cup, cover and saucer, painted with seaports and figures on lake and gold scale-pattern ground; and a pair of Loosdrecht tea-cups and saucers, painted with landscapes, figures and animals f 39 A pair of globular yellow bottles, with long necks, painted with battle subjects and river scenes in medallions—13 in. high / ^ 40 An old Worcester milk-jug and basin, painted with spiral bands^ of red, white and blue ornament 41 A large gres de Flandres ewer, blue and grey, with ornaments in ^ ^ relief—28 in. high 42 Another, with circular flat-shaped body, with arms and ornaments 27 in. high DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 0 43 An Empire I Clock, in pedestal-shaped case of giallo marble, mounted with bronze and surmounted by a bronze figure the Crouching Venus—24 in. high 7 44 A" square-shaped tazza, of giallo marble, with four handles, fluted and sculptured with foliage—on square black marble ^ pedestal ^ 45 A circular hanging brass chandelier for eight lights 46 An upright mirror, in ebonised frame inlaid with looking-glass, and mounted with pierced and embossed metal-gilt—58 in. hyp# ✓ 37 in. axis THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. <747 Part of a Crown Derby dessert service, consisting of oblong two- handled basket and five variously-shaped dishes, decorated i/ with flowers and foliage in colours and gold 0 48 A circular Chelsea dish, painted with flowers, and with coloured foliage and fruit in relief; one, of similar character; and an old Nankin bowl ‘ 5 49 A Pair of Battersea Enamel Table Candlesticks, painted with flowers on white ground, and with dark blue and gold / medallions—12£ in. high - , 50 An oblong parqueterie writing desk, with fittings /£ W ^ 8 ,, y .— ^ 61 A Clock, in Louis XYI. case of statuary marble and or-molu, of *■ * / lJ * architectural design, and with Sevres biscuit medallion—glass shade and stand ^ ^ 'V 52 A set of four plated dish-covers, with scroll handles^and gadrooned borders ^ /* /^/ . & 53 A biscuit porcelain figure of a sleeping Satyr DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. A 54 A pair of upright panels of needlework, embroidered with circular panels of landscapes on a groundwork of scrolls and flowers—A 6 ft. by 12 in. // 55 An upright panel of old Chinese brocade, the five-clawed dragon, characters and clouds in buff on a dark blue ground—8 ft . by 5 ft. I > %S • ’ 56 A tea-pot and cover, of Nevers faience, pencilled with figures an 60 An Old Worcester Openwork Two-Handled Basket and Oval Stand, painted with foliage, flowers and buildings in Chinese taste Tf 61 A Pair of Smaller Baskets, en suite (z> 62 An Old Dresden Porcelain Group of Cupid and Psyche Embracing, on white and gold scroll base with coloured flowers and foliage in relief O 63 A Sevres Porcelain Cabaret, consisting of oval tea-pot and cover, sucrier and cover, milk-jug and two cups and saucers, painted with Cupids and trophies in gilt borders on turquoise ground V 64 A pair of bottles and covers, encrusted with May-flower, and with birds, foliage, flowers and fruit in high relief in coloursw 15£ in. high 10 OLD CHINESE POKCELAIN. J 7 0 /ft * * 65 A Paie of Old Nankin Porcelain Tankards, with garden * * Xj? scenes and figures in blue on white ground, and fitted with ^ early English silver mounts 0 66 On oviform vase of the same, with lotos and other foliage and flowers—7 in. high 0 67 A Pair of Vases and Covers, enamelled with figures, buildings and poultry in borders of blue and white ceil de perdrix and ^ flowers— 8 J in. high //~/tf~~ £768 A Set of Three Vases and Covers, and a Pair of Vases, en suite, enamelled with river scenes, buildings and figures in gilt borders, and with squirrels and foliage and flowers in / relief—12 in. high A?‘ 0/ , 0 69 A Pair of Egg-Shell Vases and Covers, enamelled with land¬ scapes, figures and buildings, and flowers in medallions on trellis ground—12 in. high t ^ „ / ft , £ 70 A Pair of Oviform Vases and Covers, enamelled with figures, birds, bamboos and flowers in three medallions in borders of ^ /> arabesque foliage—24 in. high 71 A pair of white figures of seated kylins—on square pedestals— ft 13 in. high 72 A set of three ditto—14 in. high 73 A pair of ditto, coloured blue—13£ in. high ' /S~, <7 74 A pair of oviform white crackle vases, with horses in blue in low /, relief, and butterfly handles—14£ in. high fty /0, 0 75 A pair of globular bottles, with long necks, yellow ground, with < kylins, clouds and flames in colours ft / ft * /& * <7 76 A double gourd-shaped bottle, with flowers and foliage in colours on white ground 11 OLD JAPAN PORCELAIN. Jll A Pair of Pear-Shaped Bottles, slightly fluted, and decorated with flowers and foliage in red, blue and gold, and with vertical blue lines on the necks—11 in. high, / y y f 78 A Triple Gourd-Shaped Bottle, boldly decorated with chry¬ santhemums and other foliage and flowers on the two lower compartments and prunus foliage on the neck—27 in. high / q 79 A Yase and Cover, with groups of foliage and fruit in blue borders on ground of arabesques, surmounted by a kylin pn a ’ rock — 25 in. high // ^ 80 Another, with birds, foliage and flowers in three medallions, in borders richly decorated with flowers — 26 in. high ? 81 A Circular Dish, with a fir tree, and flowers in a vase in the r centre, pomegranates, chrysanthemums, &c., on the border—-A- // ' 21 | in. diam. 82 A Square Ebonised Show Case, with plate glass sides and top, enclosing shelves of the same, on stand with drawer and shelf beneath —made by Drew and Gadman O 83 An old English mahogany secretary, with fall-down front enclosing drawers, and four drawers beneath, mounted with^ ^ brass 7 o 84 A Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, representing a Roman historical subject: a composition of numerous figures, exten- j sive landscape in the distance—9 ft. by 10 ft. 10 in. 12 /, J / */&* /^// 0' A /0 ' oj * £ / A o2s * /& , sE/ * P , JE /0 4 -/ 7 . The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN giving up his Residence in Town. , £7 85 An Etruscan amphora, of early form, with classical figures in red on black ground—14 in. high ARMS AND ARMOUR. p 86 Four cavalry swords; a naval sword; a hanger; and a small sword , O /87 A swept-hilted rapier, with faceted pommel and straight quillonp —late 1 6th century 88 A curious hand-and-a-half sword, with S-shaped quillons, fish-tail pommel, hack-edged blade —early 1 6th century 89 A basket-hilted sword, with back-edged fluted blade 90 A schiavona, with fluted blade /91 Two flint-lock sporting pieces, slightly engraved ( 92 A spetum; a long-bladed partisan; and a halberd, with piercec^ head—17/7i century L/“ , (7 93 Two battle-axes; a morning star; and an Oriental knife cEc/ /94 A blunderbuss, brass barrel; a flint-lock pistol; and a pair of & \ Mexican spurs G v 95 A plug bayonet; and a pair of flint-lock pistols, the stocks slightly inlaid with silver , & 96 A circular engraved shield; a pair of ditto gauntlets; and a small engraved casket & 97 Two lobster-tail helmets, with nasal guards—17*A century ^98 Two Cromwellian breast-plates; and a plain steel cbanfron 13 OLD ENGLISH AND OTHER DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 99 An old English mahogany knife-box, with inlaid borders, con¬ taining ten dinner-knives with curved blades, and steel forks, with blue and white St. Cloud porcelain pistol handles 100 A small Sheraton cellarette, of inlaid mahogany and other woods, with divisions for six bottles—on stand with carve4 legs—25 in. high, 15 in. wide r f-y /Sis 100a A Small Sheraton Upright Secretary, of inlaid mahogany O and satin-wood, with writing slide and revolving cylinder front, folding doors above and drawer beneath, inlaid with arabesques and baskets of fruit in coloured woods—25 in. wide 101 An Adams Upright Secretary, of mahogany and satin-wood, inlaid with vases, rams’ heads and laurel festoons, with sliding and fall-down front, three drawers beneath and tall cabinet above, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves, surmounted by a pierced and carved trellis and scroll orn&y ment—105 in. high , 53 in. wide ^102 A Four-Leaf Folding Screen, with panels of old Spanish tooled, painted'and gilt leather—92 in. high Is ^103 A three-leaf ditto, covered with embossed and tooled leather 73 in. high / DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 104 A Dresden openwork basket, painted and encrusted with Z? flowers; a pair of oviform ditto vases, on tripods, encrusted with flowers; and a ditto bowl and cover, encrusted with forget-me-nots 14 105 An old English ware service, printed with Chinese subjects in blue, and with gilt borders, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, milk-jug, ten tea-cups, nine^ coffee-cups and nine^^i saucers ~ //—- j)106 A Set of Three Old Derby Campana-Shaped Vases, each s 9 f painted with a named view in rich borders of gilt foliage, painted festoons, &c., and with gilt handles gilt foliage^^j /£/ # O * <^107 A Pair of Old Chinese Porcelain Vases, decorated with^ ' . D • ’ ’ ■* • ’ * ’' ’ buildings, foliage, &c. in gold and pink—28 in. high ^ , /O 4 0 108 An old English small timepiece, by R. C. Davison, London , in Sheraton inlaid mahogany case—10^ in. high K*.. ax /4 A 4 # V 109 A parqueterie commode, of Louis XV. design, with shaped front and ends and three drawers, mounted with chased . or-molu—48 in. wide / 9‘ /f /110 A pair of pedestal cabinets, of Florentine pietre dure mosaic, with birds and branches of foliage, flowers and fruit in relief, mounted with terminal figures and borders of or-molu —black marble slabs—33 in. wide / 111 An oblong Gothic oak chest, the front carved with four sunk / panels of tracery—48 in. wide jl $ d * cr 112 An Old German Cabinet, of inlaid woods, with folding doors y of architectural design, carved with columns and arches and inlaid with scrolls and masonry, and Roman numerals above, MXLVI, with large columns at the sides and two drawers beneath, mounted with pierced and tinned hinges, lock and scutcheons—84 in. high by 80 in. wide Designed and constructed by Count Heribert , of the house of Lorraine, in the 15 tli century, and by him given as a wedding present to Barbara Nellerin (whose name is engraved upon the lochs inside the cabinet ), and has been in the possession of the family since that time Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum / 15 113 A French clock, in case of chased metal-gilt, inlaid with painted porcelain plaques and surmounted by a vase—20 in. high glass shade and stand 114 A pair of French porcelain vases and covers, painted with land¬ scapes and figures on turquoise ground—18 in. high 1/ FINIS. London : Printed by Wm, Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ‘ •: - » 3 3125 01074 7109