Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/alphabeticalclasOOgrea ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED INDEX TO THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, 1851. IN TWO PARTS. Part I.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS, WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Part II.—ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THE CATALOGUE. LONDON: SPICER BROTHERS, WHOLESALE STATIONERS; WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, PRINTERS; contractors to the royal commission, 29, NEW BRIDGE STREET, BLACKFRIARS, AND AT THE EXHIBITION BUILDING. 1851. CONTENTS. PAGE Alphabetical Index, showing the Locality of Articles Exhibited on the British Side of the Building, and the Positions of the Colonies and Foreign Countries.. 3—7 Plan of the Building.. 8, 9 Table of Contents, showing the Class or Foreign Country, and the Exhibitors’ Number on each page of the Official Catalogue.10—12 List of the Local Committees, (and names of Secretaries,) of the United Kingdom which returned Exhibitors, and Subscriptions to the General Fund, up to the period of the opening of the Exhibition. [Corrected to 29th July, 1851.J ............. 13—16 Description of the Building . . . , , , , ..17,18 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED INDEX. Part I.— List of Contributors and Others whose names appear in the Catalogue.19—112 Part II.—List of Articles contained in th,e Catalogue .113—219 Directory .220—226 List of Jurors .227—230 LONDON; PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET, AND CHARING CROSS, ALPHABETICAL INDEX, SHOWING THE LOCALITY OF ARTICLES EXHIBITED ON THE BRITISH SIDE OF THE BUILDING, AND THE POSITIONS OF THE COLONIES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. (See Plan for Letters and Numbers on pages 8 and 9.) UNITED KINGDOM.-West End. Areas. Page. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines, South Side . O P 1 . . . 54 &c. (ix.) QR 1 to 27 | Animal Substances (used as Food ).—See Food. J Animal Substances (for Manufactures ).—See Manufactures. Architecture, Civil .—See Engineering, Civil. Architecture, Naval (vm.). North Side . 32 & 33 . 47 West End Galleries .... F to 0 1 F G 9 South East Gallery .... P 68 to 70 Bookbinding .—See Paper. ! Boots and Shoes (xvi.). North Side . I J 13 & 14 85 South East Gallery .... P 63 & 64 Building .—See Engineering, Civil. Carpets (xix.)’...... * * * Hung about the Building . . . . Carriages (v.). North Side . G H 2 to 8: 10 to 13 30 Carriages (Railway) (v.). North Side . F 1 to 32 30 China, Porcelain, &c. (xxv.). South West Central and Transept C 33 to 37 . 128 Galleries. D E 33 & 36 F 33 to 36 G H 33* & 36 I 33 to 36 Chemical and Pharmaceutical (n.) South West Gallery .... P 26 to 32 . 22 Clothing (xx .).—See also Boots and Shoes . South Transept Gallery N 40 . . . 103 O 40 to 42 QR 40 & 43 S 37 to 43 Cotton (xi.). North Side . I J 3 to 8 . . 73 Cutlery and Edge Tools (xxi.) .... South Side . K 20 . . . 108 M&P 18 to 20 North West Gallery .... F 21 to 24 Decorations (xxvii.). All about the Building. . . 137 Diamonds .—See Jewellery. Koh-i-Noor East Nave near Transept . . . . . . Embroidery (xix.). South West and South Central M 24, 29 to 32 97 Galleries. Wall . P 1 to 23 ; 26 to 32 Embroidery .—See also Lace. N 0 27 Enamels .—See Fine Arts. Engineering, Military (vm.). South West Gallery .... P 4,5,6. . 47 Engineering, Civil (vii.). North West Gallery .... F 2 to 17 . 43 Engineering, Naval.— See Architecture. Engines, Locomotive (v.). North Side . F 1 to 32 . 30 Engines, Marine (v.). North Side .. . C 22, 30 . . 30 D E 30 G H 19 to 21 Engines, Manufacturing and Steam (v.) . . North Side . A to E 1 to 30 . 38 C D E 29 to 32 4 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. UNITED KINGDOM.-West End— continued. Fine Arts (xxx.). Fine Arts.'— See also Sculpture Court, Tran¬ sept, and Nave. Flax (xiv.). Floor Cloths (xix.). Fabrics, Printed (xvm.). Flowers, Artificial (xxix.) . Flowers, Natural.. Food (iii.) . Furniture (xxvi.). Furs (xvi.). Glass (xxiv.). Grates (xxn.). Hair (xvi.). Hair, Ornamental (xxm.). Hardware, G eneral (xxii.).. Horological (x.). Implements, Agricultural and Horticultural. — See Agricultural. Instruments. — See Philosophical, Musical, Horological, and Surgical. Jewellery (xxm.) . .. -Mr. Hope’s Diamonds. Lace (xix.). Leather (xvi.). Locks (xxii.). Machines.— See Agricultural, &c. Manufactures, Animal and Yegetable (xxvm.) Manufactures, Mineral (xxvii.) . . Manufactures, Miscellaneous (xxix.) Minerals and Mining (i.). Models. —See Fine Arts, &c. Mosaics.—See Fine Arts, &c. Mediaeval Court (xxvi.). Musical Instruments (x.). Paper, Printing, and Bookbinding (xvn.) Paper-hangings (xxvi.). Plastic Art. —See Fine Arts and Sculpture Porcelain.— See China. Printing Machines. Printed Fabrics (xvm.). North Side South Side . Hung about the Building . . South Side . Transept and North East Galleries Transept . South West Gallery ... West, North , and South Sides South East Gallery . • . North Side ...... North West Gallery South Side . . North Side . South West Central Gallery South Side West End and South West Central Galleries. South West Central Gallery » East Nave ...... South West Central Gallery . East End , North Side . . . South Side . South Wall . North West Gallery . . . North East Central Gallery . South East Gallery . . . North Side . North East Transept Gallery South Side South Side . North West Central Gallery North Side East End Gallery North Side South Side Areas. Page. F G H 28 to 32 . 147 I J 28 to 29 L to O 5 to 8 . . 83 . . 97 L to ( 3 3 to 5 . . 95 I 40 to 43 . 142 P *15 to 25 . 24 L to O 21 to 25 . 129 I J 19 to 25 P 65 & 66 I J 14 & 15 . 85 I 23 to 33 . 125 18 to 20 . 109 O 9 & 18 P 16, , 18 to 20 I 15 • • 85 M 15 &’ 22 O 18 L M N O 25 to 29 . 109 P 4 to 29 JL 2 & 3 60 M 3 to 6 M 7 NO 18 I 58 22 M I J GH LM S F I P GH I J C D E F G H I 23 to 31 10 to 14 10 to 13 28 & 29 10 to 13 25 to 32 71 67 14 to 18 16 to 18 38 to 43 40 & 43 40 to 43 40 & 43 40 to 43 S 1 to 27 . 14 N O 28 &29. . 129 F G H 18 • • • 60 I 13 to 22 A B 27 & 28 . 91 G H 27 I. I 26 to 28 • • 129 A 28 and B 30 38 L to O ; 3 to 5 . . 95 122 97 85 109 139 137 142 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, 5 UNITED KINGDOM.—West End— continued. Areaa. Page. Philosophical Instruments (x.) .... West End and North West Cen- I 2 to 12 . 60 tral Galleries J to M 2 & 3 North Side . I J 9 Precious Stones (i.). Precious Stones .—See also Jewellery. South Side . S 1 &2 . . 147 Ribbons (xm.).. . . Ribbons .—See also Silk. South West Central Gallery . M 30 to 32 . 81 Saddlery (xvi.). North Side . I J 13 . . . 85 Sculpture Court (xxx.). South Side . .. Q II S 2S & 29 . . 154 Shawls (xv.). South West Transept Gallery N to P 36 . . . 74 Q 33 & 36 R 33, 36, 37 Shawls.—See also Woollens. S 33 to 36 Silks (xiii.). South West Central Gallery . . M 33 to 35 81 O 33 Substances, used as Food .—See Food. P 33 to 35 Substances, Animal and Vegetable, used in South West Gallery .... P 5 to 14 . 27 Manufactures (iv.) Surgical Instruments (x.). North West Gallery .... F 19 to 21 . 60 Stained Glass of all Nations. West End and North East Gal¬ Tapestry.— See Embroidery. Tools.— See Machinery, Hardware, & Cutlery. leries. Weapons (vm.).. South West Gallery . • • • P 1 to 4 . . 47 Weighing Machines (v.). Weighing Machines.— See also Agricultural, North Side .. AB 33 & 34 . 38 Hardware, and Philosophical. Woollen and Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls South Side . L M 9 to 17 . 74 (xii. and xv.) L part IS Worsted.— See Woollen. Vegetable Substances.— See Food and Manu¬ N 0 10 to 17 factures. BRITISH COLONIES.—West End. Areas. Page Areas. Page Abyssinia. Ionian Islands . North Side I J 30 . . 163 Africa (Western) . . South Side M 32 . . 165 Jersey and Guernsey North Side I J 30 . . 162 Australian Colonies— 176 Malta . . . North Side I J 31, 32 . 164 New South Wales . South Side S 30 . . 183 Mauritius . . 0 South Side Q 31 . . 171 New Zealand . . . Q & R 32 . . 177 165 South Australia Q & R 30 . . 177 Natal . . . South Side M 30 . . Van Diemen’s Land . } y S 30, 31, 32 . New Brunswick # South Side a 31 . . 171 West Australia . . } ? S 32 . . Newfoundland . # South Side Q 32 . . 170 Bermudas .... South Side R 32 . . 176 Nova Scotia • South Side p 30, 31, 32 . 170 Canada . South Side M N O 30 to 32 168 Seychelles . * South Side Q 31 . . 171 Cape of Good Hope South Side M 30 . . 165 St. Helena . . Q 32 . . Ceylon . North Side 1 J 31 . . 163 East Indies .... C D E 33 33 to 35 West India Colonies — Antigua .... Bahamas .... South Side Q R 31 . . 31 . . 172 17 4 F 33 to 36 Barbadoes . ’ ’ Q 30, 31 . 171 Eastern Archipelago . South Side tx ±1 I J JL M i> 34 to 36 O P 33 to 36 Q R 3 t & 35 S 32 . . 183 British Guiana Grenada Jamaica Montserrat St. Kitt’s . • * 7 7 7 * 7 7 7 7 ? 7 Q R 31, 32 . S 30 . . R 30 . . R 30 . . Q 30, 31 . 172 171 171 171 171 Falklan d Islands . . .. # 171 St. Vincent 7 > Q R S 30 • . 172 Gibraltar . . . . South Side Q 31 . . 164 Trinidad . • ? 7 30, 31,32 31, 32 . 174 6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. FOREIGN COUNTRIES.— East End. Areas. Page Austria. North and South Side .... C to E 58 to 61 F to 59 to 61 K 59 to 60 L to P 58 to 62 QR 56 to 61 S 57 to 61 193 North East Central Gallery . South East Central Gallery . . , South East Gallery .... I 59 to 61 M 58 to 61 NO 58 P 59 to 63 Bavaria— See Zollverein (2). Belgium . North and South Side .... C 71 to 74 D E 55 to 58 F 55,56 GHI 55to57 J 55, 56 K 55 to 58 L 55 to 57 M N 56, 57 206 North East Central Gallery . . OP 55 to 57 QR 55 S 55, 56 G H 49 I 49 to 57 Brazil. East of Transept . M Part of 42 . . 214 Chili. East of Transept . . , . M Part of 42 214 China. East of Transept . L M 40, 41 . . NO 40 to 42 214 Denmark . . South Side .. L M 68 . . . 216 Egypt,. North Side . GHIJ 41. . . 217 France . North and South Side .... South East Central Gallery . A B 46 to 48 . . C 43 to 53 D E 43 to 54 F to J 49 to 54 K 48 to 54 L to R 46 to 54 QR 77 S 45 to 54; 72 to 77 M 43 to 57 220 N 0 43, 49 P 43 to 58; 71 to 77 NO 77 South East Gallery . . . East End Gallery . . . . Frankfort .—See Zollverein (5). Germany (Zollverein States) .... North and South Side . C D E 62, 23 . . 253 1. Prussia. F 63 to 67; 75, 76 2. Bavaria. G 62 to 64, & 67 3. Saxony. II I J 62 to 64 4. WURTEMBURG. K 61 to 67 5. Frankfort-on-the-Main. L *63 to 66 6. Hesse (Grand Duciiy of). M 63 to 67 7. Luxemburg. N O P 63 to 69 .8. Nassau. North East Central Gallery . QRS 62 to 69 G H 67 I 62 to 67; 74 to 76 South East Central Gallery . M 62 to 67 NO 67 Germany (North).. North Side .. . G to J 65, 66 . 253 Greece.. North Side . I J 42 . . . 285 Hamburgh. North Side . GII 65,66 . . I 66 286 ! Hanover.! ! North Side . . . . . . . | G II 65, 66 I 55 to 57 288 1 Hesse.-- See Zollverein (6). ^ ( ALPHABETICAL INDEX. FOKEIG-ST COXnTTRIES.—East Eixd— continued. Areas. Page Italy.. . North Side .. . I J 46 to 48 Lubeck . ... North Side ....... GH 65,66 . . I 66 286 Luxemburg.—S ee Zollverein (7). ! MecklenburgStrelitz; Mecklen Schwerin North Side .. GH 65,66 . . 288 I 66 . . 288 Mexico. South Side . . . . . . .■ L Part of 42 . . 288 | Netherlands. North Side . North East Central Gallery . . P 57,58 . . G to J 58 GHI 58 288 New Grenada. S 1 & t i 291 Nassau.—S ee Zollverein (8). Oldenburgh .... . North Side ....... GH 65,66 . . I 66 290 Peru . . < . . North Side .. . M 42 I 40 . . . 291 Portugal . North Side . North East Central Gallery . I 45,46 291 Prussia.—S ee Zollverein (1). Rome . North Side . G H 47 . . . 295 Russia . .. North and South Side .... North East Central Gallery . . F to K 68 to 70 . . L 70,71 M to R 70 S 70,71 I 68 to 70 296 Sardinia .. . North Side . North East Central Gallery . . F G H 47,48 . . I 48 I 47,48 301 j Society Islands. South Side .. M 42 . . . North Side . North East Central Gallery . GH 44,45 . . I 44 J 44,45 302 Sweden and Norway. South Side . L 69, 70 . . M 69 308 Switzerland. South Side . South East Central Gallery . . L M 43 to 45 . N 44,45 OP 43 to 45 QR 44 to 45 S 44 M 41,42 309 Saxony.— See Zollverein (3). Tunis... South Side . L to O 42 . . P 40 to 42 Q R 41, 42 314 j Turkey. F G H 40 to 43 I 41,43 J 41 316 | Tuscant ........... North Side . F 44 to 48 . . G H 46 318 { United States. North and South Side .... North East Central Gallery . . G HI 71 to 76 . . J K L 71 to 75 M toll71 to76 I 72,73 184 j Wup.TeMBURO.—S« ZbLLVEREIK (4). PLAN OP TBk 'he Building is divided into areas (spaces of 24 feet square, between 4 columns) which are marked on dan by letters at each corner of the square, and by numbers along the sides; these letters and numbers marked on every column in the Building in white characters at about 7 feet from the ground; A com- :ing at the extreme Northern wall, and S terminating at the southern wall. The numbers commence at vestern extremity and proceed regularly eastward ; there being altogether 77 distinctly numbered pillars.] 84 35 36 NOR1 37 38 9 10 11 12 13 NOliTH Gallery. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 -G-p- o n 1=1 ri 11 05 H III 1*1 H a h l«l Ul d _ r l § 1 Pottery | .)' ; ° T11 : 1 -i- i K C t l°.l i i5i | Q* ! | China. | | | 1 |S| H=r V r i l H . H !_£! j 25.' China, j * j Organ -1)-1 Curt aim 5 1 10 . Philosophical Instruments. | Elec. Teleg. j 10 . Musical Instruments. | j Organs j j 24. Glass, Chandeliers, Decorations —■> — j — 1 — 1 — 1 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — i — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — i — 1 — 1 — 1 — i — i — 1 — 1 —-1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —1 — 1 — 1- y | I North Central Gallery. 5 | | 19. Carpets, Table Covers, Tapestries, Oil Cloths, He., suspended from the Girders in the Gallery,[and against the Walls of the Building. HeT Ma P*ty a k-K 5 I I South Central Gallery. Tiro Carpets and Chandelier exhv | | 10. Clocks , fyc. | a | 23. Jewellery , Plate, fyc. | Sheffield—Plate. | b Jewellery. I M M—— M M M M-M M M M M -M- M M—M- M M M M- H 111 11 7 N N—xV N-N I I 1 19. Lace and Embroidery | Lace. J 13. Silks, Shawls, He. ri 1 1 i= 1 ri \4 r odels, He. j 4. Raw Materials. | | | | | | 3. Substances used as Food. | j | | c | 2. Chemicals. ] j | | •* j 13. Silk j 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 South Gallery, a Black Diamond. b Mr. Hope’s Blue Diamond. c State Bed in Fancy Needlework. Ill IS III I 2 ' k 5 n- r -n- I ^ I 12 . Shawls Organ -R-•- Tartar, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Plaids, He. (.on Wall). N orth Side. Exit. 17 N 19 20 21 22 Exit 24 25 26 O 28 29 SO 31 32 4 5 6 7 —c——c —0 -c mens of Woods, He. (on Wall). 6 . Machines inMotion. f 6 . Machinery in Motion. 9 j Cotton, Woollen, Power Looms, He. Western American Cotton, e '•>3 e Refreshment Court, e g Machinery. Manchester | ^ | | <£ *0 COMOTIVES AND RAILWAY A P 5. Carriages. -i — 1 —1 — 1 — 1 ■ 1. Cotton Fabrics. | — I _ _ . I 27. Mineral l j 5 ‘ Carriages. «j Manufactures. Canvass, He. (on Wall). 6 . Machinery in Motion. PLAN OP Til 34 35 36 37 38 39 X-A-A.-A-A-A-A-A- I <4 I * Queen’s Robing 8 . Naval i -1 I Koom. Ill I Printing b —Band French , . 0 - ^ - I I Machinery. Models, He. I « I Refreshment 1 1 - „ „ _ _ 1 ~ 1 thmrt. _ I Flax, Silk and Lace, Rope Making, |_I 5. Railway H Steam [_[_ I ■ j Machinery in motion. 1 —I Lathes and Tools, Mills. ].—[ _ 7 . Building J j ndia Court. Coalbrookdalc Gates and Fountain.! | j j (Mm'tx | f Tr 0 O, A R A T U S. \ Mod. of Engines. | Books,Maps j Models of Bridges, He. | Plants. Roe’s I . . j Hydraulic Press, | j |_| f ~ I eFoinmiin-c __ H o. Marine „ Steam Hammer, »—h 30. Fine Arts Court."— " India. 'S 11 1 H. M < j Engines, j Fire Engines, He. | | |§| | | at _ Sh 'P Queen. 1 16. Leather, Furs, Hair. 1 27. Minerals j 26. Furniture, Ceilings, j 17. Paper. \ Jersey, j Ceylon. | Malta. | India. | j E- North £ — 1 Transept. - „ -d S J I! Ill Hi In! IIi|siIIHI I a II| o^l s-g»s*g§1 3 ^^ $ | g E l ^ -2| § g a s&i 50 ** - • O w t fi C 3 „ 4 . i s • i * £.° ® e a* si | -o .So . O g b B g 5 * * -s s“ - § I is « « 2 p. I* i §iI*I tOi “ Is!|Ol I!“j III TS ° 8 “ “ £ £ - MO..S 1^0 OT: 3 O ~ £4 o~=Zlrv5^ o H O Osier’s Crystal s|?|«2 O ^ Fountain. 3 ^ < j 2 — ^ ^ ^ HU — ^ ^ w w ^ -L-L-1.- L -L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Ia-L-L-L-L—— L-L-L- h -L-L-L—-L——L-L-I.- L So(’TH gand Dyeing. 114.i^/aT| 115. Shawls. 1 12. Woollen Fabrics. \22Hardware\ 26. Furniture. | 22 . Hardware. | Cape, j Africa. | | India. j | Tra nse pt. '.ted Fabrics I Chester, I HI ’on, and 7 *=* isgow . = j 12 H 15. Woollen and Mixed Fabrics, and Shawls- | Medi- Sheffield. | 26. Furniture. | Birmingham | | Canada. | = 'eneral Hardware, Brass and Iron work of all kinds. Locks and Grates, He. | Kitchen Ranges. \ Lamps. | Vases, j « j Ivory. ■p p p p p-p-p-p p p-p-p ^p p p. P P -----p — P — P — p—- - L ~ 9. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and Implements. | | | West | s 30. q » a Indies, 5 ot the s U£ 2 Queen, d I I m Vi Skins, He. India, j « j—, — .777^7 lems— Clays—Stones. •s -s-s-s-s — 4 5 6 7 8 | 1. Coal—Coke—Models. | 1. Iron—Copper — Lead — Models. Court. | 2V r . S. Wales I I Offices. | | | | -s-S-S-S-S-S- s -»- b - - r - - 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 H 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 G Exit. Exit. Exit. South Side. South Entrance a Machine for weighing Sovereigns. b Her Majesty’s Jewel Case. Against the South wall, West of Transept, are several examples of cements (Encaustic and Parian) and of wall decorations, together with specimens of woods and ivory, and painted imitations of wood and stone. ALLERIES, [The Articles are divided into 30 Classes, occupying the western side of the Building; the British Colonies being arranged in areas adjoining the Transept. The eastern section of the Building is divided into Nations ; the names of such Classes and Nations are given on the Plan, and indicated by banners in the Building. The size of the Plan to the Building is as 1 foot to 1848 feet.] ishing, $c. | | | -D-D-D D j\ ||| f ^ ? North Gallery. 1 | I -.2 | 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 77 | British | | French | | Belgian, | | Austrian, and British. | Prussia | and | Bavaria . | British Papers. | 1 | 1 = 1 | | 1 1 H-1 i i i 1 -- 1 1 i —— H H i—i 1 h=h »' • 1 1 1 1 1 1 II . . ! 00 ! i jili Belgium. | j 1 | Austria | | Zollverein. | Prussia | Russia. | United States. | England. | H ri —j—j—j ■ i. m North Central Gallery. K ft ^ 19. Carpets, Table Covers, Tapestries, Oil Cloths, !(c., suspended from the Girders in the Gallery, and against the lVails of the Building. | § I S I K 5 K ?> li I III South Central Gallery. — L L L 1. M M M-M M-M-M M M M M M M M-Jl M M M- M M M M M M M M M-M M M- witzerland | | | France—Silks, Velvets, Lace, &c. | | | Austria—Lace, Silks, fyc. | Zollverein—Musical Instruments, Apparatus, Silks, Linens, #c. | | £ | •I • N n 5 O —O* n i i si iii m N ^ N Nl i = lr ri i i France — Prints, Flowers, Lace, Linen, Silk, Harness, fyc. | | Austria | | Furniture, British Naval, fyc. | France, Surgical, ftc. | | - p—p — p—p — p— 1»—p—i*—1>— P __p—p—p—p—p — i*— p—p—p —.p—p— p— p— p—p—p—p— p— p—p—p—p —p p 66 67 68 69 70 7 » "2 73 7* 75 7 i » I b—b Machinery , Arms, 8>c ■ [ Machinery, i_ J i ^ I | Machinery, \ ; Furniture, 1 | ftc. | Machi -1 f nery, * 1 *«• 1 [ Open | j Court. | 1 t - 1 1 1 1 • Open Court. ^ ‘ 1 1 [ Open J | Court. | Workshop. 1 i „ J ss J Leather. | Marbles. | Zinc, Iron Safes, fyc. | Metal Works. | Inlaid Woods. | Pipes. | Carriages. | 1 ~-.il sip i!lS|! «• 1 ^8 ! Italy and i Sardinia. | Italy. [ 1 Machinery, Arms, j | | Instruments, Sfc. | | | | France. \ 1 _ 1 J; urn i 1 •«•! i ==u ture q h r i | == | Carpets | ^ | —* — 1 — i 1 | Belgium | 1 Furniture, L^j | Austria. | Octagon \ i Room, 1 | China, §c. | | Zollverein. 1 Hanse | —j Towns, j m | | N. Germany \ Malachite | • Vases, » China, § c. | Russia. | m [ < ' I Egypt. 9 1=1 if I. =r Tunis | Switzerland. | France | | | France. | | Belgium. \ \ Austria \ . | | Zollverein. | Denmark. \Sweden\ United States of America. U '™ ! J Swit- |_l Jewel -1_| Plate. Bronzes, Bel- |_i„ , . ! -I J i_i Pruwia i=i Zoll- ] *| j ,. . . r . . . •|S | | zerland | | lery, fyc j | China, ^c. j g | gium. | | Fabrics | js j barony | | Fabrics | | verein. | ^ j Musical Inst) uments, S,c. unis, i~° |l ^ ~ ! oa ' : arpets.fyc. | Muslins, ^c, j Mer inos. \ Woollens. | J | Leathers. | Saddles. | Woollens. | Papers. | Damasks. j Leather, \ Floor Cloths I . I £ I c. •, I - | Furniture I | | T | A | | S | Prussia I Prussia, | .2 | United States. ? Tunis. « .§ o ni^ace, Q — Q ’ q Belgium. u -—« Toys, q ^ q qH q Cloths, 9 Cloths, Hats* % q Raw Produce, Oil Cloth, | j | jzBrtoid | Gloves, 8fc. | | Carpets, Use. | ^ lum - | | #c. ||| | | | ’f Carpets, tfc. J £ | Hardware. [| on . " ‘j " ‘-"-“-«--■'-■>-“-«-K-It-It-It-K-It-II Q- It-R-It s It-It- | Offices. I | | J France, Printing, Decorations, fyc. [ Belgium. 11||||| | Austria \ ^ | Saxony | § | Zollv. 43 44 45 46 47 48 f 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 E 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 D 68 69 Exit. Exit. Exit. South Side. | | Russia. | | | France | 71 72 73 74 75 "* 7« 1 e Toledo Swords, &c. d Queen of Spain's Jewels, e Mr. Hope’s Jewels. Against the South wall, East of Transept, are arranged examples of woven and felted articles; sheets of metal, and examples of metal manufactures. •aoxvaixa ' Id 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Shewing the Class or Foreign Country, and the Exhibitors’ Number, on each page of the Official Catalogue. UNITED KINGDOM. Classes Nos. 1 to 30. Exhibitors’ Exhibitors’ Class. Numbers. Page. Class. Numbers. Page. 1 Mining and Mineral Products - 1 to 47 14 10 Philosophical, Musical, Horologi-l I to 43 60 48-101 15 cal, and Sui'gical Instruments, j 46 - 106 61 102 - 144 16 109-187 62 145 - 194 17 188 -259 63 ' 195 -264 18 263 - 326 64 265 - 429 19 327 - 395 65 430 - 479 20 396 - 438 66 480 - 533 21 439 - 491 67 2 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Pro-1 ducts. . J 1 -41 42-93 94-123 22 23 24 493 - 546 547 -612 613-670 671 - 711 68 69 70 71 3 Substances used for Food 1 -27 24 712-742 72 28-99 25 100 - 162 26 11 Cotton ------ 1 -40 73 4 Vegetable and Animal Substances,! 1 -45 27 12 41 -65 74 chiefly used in Manufacture. / 46 - 111 28 ) Woollen and Worsted, and Mixed! 1 - 13 74 114 - 139 29 15 } Fabrics, including Shawls. J 14-78 75 5 Machines for direct use, including! 1 - 53 30 79 - 130 130-170 171 -218 219-266 267 -432 76 77 78 79 80 Carriages and Railway and Ma¬ 56 - 152 31 rine Mechanism. j 154 -452 462 - 559 560 - 660 32 33 34 % 661 - 772 35 459 - 501 81 774 - 874 880 - 1000 36 37 13 Silk and^Velvet - 1 - 14 15-59 81 82 6 Manufacturing Machines and Tools 1 - 51 38 60-80 83 52 - 122 124 - 224 39 40 14 Flax and Hemp - - - - 1 -27 83 226 - 430 432 - 631 41 42 28-65 66-97 84 85 7 Civil Engineering, Architecture, and! Building Contrivances. / 1 -37 38-93 94 - 140 43 44 45 10 Leather, Saddlery, Boots and Shoes, 1 Skins, Furs, and Hair. J 1 -9 10 - 63 64 - 116 85 86 87 141 -203 46 117 - 191 88 204 - 224 47 192 -270 89 271 -333 90 8 Naval Architecture and Military] Engineering; Ordnance, Armour ,) 1 -36 37-95 47 48 17 Paper, Printing, and Bookbinding 1 -56 59 - 121 91 92 and Accoutrements. J 97-137 49 138 - 185 50 123 - 176 93 186 - 233 51 177-210 94 234 - 283 52 18 Woven, Felted, and Laid Fabrics - 1 -40 95 284-335 53 41 -94 96 336 -350 54 19 Tapestry, Floor-cloths, Lace and) 1 - 59 97 9 Agricultural and Horticultural Ma-1 1 -41 54 Embroidery. j 60 - 122 98 chines and Implements. JI 41 -86 55 123 - 192 99 87 - 128 56 192 -252 100 129 -190 57 253 -318 ! 101 j 191 -242 58 320 - 394 102 1 243 -291 59 I 395 - 403 103 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 11 Exhibitors’ Exhibitors’ Class. Numbers. Page. Class. Numbers. Page 20 Articles of Clothing for immediate) 1 -28 103 26 Furniture and Upholstery, Paper-] 1-10 129 personal or domestic use. / 29 - 73 104 hangings, Papier Mache, and) 11 -61 130 74- 120 105 Japanned Goods. 62 - 115 131 121 - 163 106 116 - 165 132 164-209 107 166 -207 133 211 -217 108 208 - 266 134 267 -364 135 21 Cutlery, Edge, and Hand Tools 1 -49 108 365 - 536 136 22 General Hardware - 1 -66 109 27 Manufactures in Mineral Sub-] 1 -51 137 67 - 111 110 stances for building or decora- > 52 - 103 138 112 - 155 111 tion. J 104 - 144 139 156 - 196 197 -244 245 -294 295 -337 338 - 374 112 113 114 115 116 28 Manufactures from Animal and) 3-21 139 Vegetable Substances. J 22 - 98 99 - 165 166 - 197 140 141 142 378 - 440 117 29 Miscellaneous Manufactures and) 1 -25 142 441 - 517 118 Small Wares. J 26-77 143 518-580 119 78-136 144 581 - 646 120 137 - 193 145 647 - 697 121 194-275 146 698 - 810 122 277 -320 147 23 Works in precious Metals, Jewel-) 1 to 15 122 30 Sculpture, Models, and Plastic) 1-8" 147 lery, &c. j 16 - 67 123 Art ; Mosaics, Enamels, . 1 o e B SjS Secretary Amount Places. SIT-e of paid to Places. §•515 of paid to kl-g Committee. Commission. o.| -g Committee. Commission. £. s. d. £. s. d. Selkirk • • • 2 Rodger, Peter . 24 0 0 Uttoxeter. . . Bladon, Thomas. 30 0 0 Set'tle • • • 4 Robinson, W. . Wildman, John • 4 0 0 Wakefield • . 12 Witham, James . 279 5 6 Sheerness • . 4 Keddell, J. T. . 21 10 0 Walsall . . . 10 Newman, John W. 39 10 6 Sheffield . . 158 Plimsoll, Samuel 500 0 0 Waltham Abbey 3 Jessop, Laveton . 24 0 0 Shrewsbury. • 13 Pidgeon, Henry . 282 0 0 Wareham • • 10 Filliter, Freeland 22 0 0 Sidmouth Radford, George. 7 2 0 Fike, J. . . . Slough . • . , , 38 15 0 Warrington • • 7 Marsh, John, F. . 150 0 0 Southampton . 13 Deacon, C- E. . 369 2 2 Warwick • . 7 Tibbitts, James • 60 0 0 Southport . * Lewis, Richard • 5 18 0 Waterford . . 3 Nevins, Hugh N. South Molton • Pearse, James • 13 18 6 Wellington(Salop) 1 Benson, J. . 70 0 0 South Shields . 8 Riccard, R. M. . Elliott, Robinson 20 0 0 Wellington 1 (Somersetshire)} 2 White, Fred.. . Stevenson, Alex. Wells . . . 1 Davies, Robert . 38 15 8 Spalding . . 6 Watkinson, Henry Wentworth . • .. 5 0 0 Stafford . . 3 Turnock, James . 30 0 0 Wexford • . 12 Dillon, Rev. E. . Staffordshire 1 Potteries. . } 46 Battam, Thomas . 249 15 6 Whitby . . . 17 Cramp, W. H. , Belcher, Henry . 46 16 8 Stamford . . 7 French, William. 10 15 0 Whitehaven. . 6 Armitstead, R. . 106 10 0 St. Albans . 7 Langley, Aid, 50 0 0 Wigan . . . 4 Acton, Thomas . 160 0 0 St. Austell • . 17 Drew, J. H. . • 15 0 ' 9 Winchester . • 2 Bailey, Charles • 90 0 0 St- Neots . 1 Wilkinson, J. . 11 10 6 Windsor . « 6 Voules, C. S.. 300 0 0 Stirling • • • 10 Boyd, A.. • • 80 0 0 Wirksworth. • 2 Whittaker, James 15 0 0 Morrison, P. G. . Wisbeach • . 10 • . 62 13 6 Stockport . • 4 Yaughan, John . 400 0 0 Witham. • . 3 Walford, S. jun.. Stockton . • 11 Crosby, John • 70 0 0 Wolverhampton 35 Walker, Thomas . 200 0 0 Laing, Joseph . Wolverton . . 1 Allen, J. G. . . 6 0 0 Stonehouse (Ply-1 mouth . . } 1 IRodd, Richard .1 (Mann, J. P. . . J 15 0 0 Wotton-under- 1 Edge. . • J 2 Foxwell, W. Guise 26 10 0 Stourbridge. . 17 Gibson, G. W. . 50 0 0 Worcester • • 20 Webb, Edward . 206 4 2 Stroud . 13 Freston, W. A. . 92 16 0 Purchas, Samuel. Sunderland • . Candlish, John • 205 0 0 Workington. . 5 Armstrong, Geo. 6 11 5 Snowball, William Worthing • • Tribe, W. F.. . 30 0 0 Swansea . . 19 Francis, G. G. . 105 0 0 Swindon . • .. 8 0 0 Yarmouth, Great 10 Palmer, C. J. • 30 7 0 Yeovil • • • 10 Batten, John, jun. 66 3 3 Tam worth . 2 Thompson, J. 41 18 6 York . . . 15 Munby, Joseph . 103 6 * 3 Taunton. • 13 White, Eales. . 55 2 6 Tavistock • 3 Luxton, R. . 30 12 7 Sundry Subscrip¬ | Yosper, A. S. M. tions not included } • • 462 6 7 Tewkesbury • Thomas, Joshua . 20 18 0 elsewhere • » J Totnes • . , Q Seaman, Henry . 17 12 10 O Tring . . . Faithful, Henry * 2 15 0 Total • • 6146 • • 67135 0 9 Truro • . . 25 Simmons, G. N. . Tunbridge Wells 3 .. Trowbridge • • • 41 3 6 1 ( 17 ) DESCRIPTION OP THE BUILDING. The Building was originally designed by Joseph Paxton, Esq., and was so contrived as to take advantage of all the improvements in construction carried out by that gentleman at Chatsworth and elsewhere. Messrs. Fox, Henderson, and Co., of the London Works, Smethwick, near Birming¬ ham, tendered for its construction, for the sum of 79,800?., to which sum considerable additions have been made in con¬ sequence of a great increase upon the works contemplated by them in their tender. The details of construction were arranged, and reduced to the form of working drawings by that firm ; W. Cubitt, Esq., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and Chairman of the Building Committee, being one of the Royal Commissioners, undertook the examination of these drawings and the superintendence of the works; Owen Jones, Esq., Charles Heard Wild, Esq., and M. Digby Wyatt, Esq., being appointed to assist in various practical departments. Messrs. Fox, Henderson, and Co’s, tender was formally accepted July 26, 1850. Possession of the site was obtained July 30, 1850. The first column was fixed September 26, 1850. The building was opened May 1,1851, the day originally fixed. From the beginning of December, 1850, to the opening, the average number of men constantly employed on the ground was 2 , 000 . The materials employed are cast and wrought iron, wood, and glass ; of cast-iron, it has been estimated that 3,500 tons were used; of wrought-iron, 550 tons ; of wood, 600,000 cubic feet; of glass, 900*000 superficial feet, weigh¬ ing about 400 tons. The vertical supports are all constructed of cast-iron ; the horizontal connexions and roof trusses of both cast and wrought iron; the whole of the roof, on Mr. Paxton’s system, and the face-work filling in between the cast-iron columns, is made of glass, fixed in wooden sashes, and sash bars ; the water from the roofs being conveyed away in hollow columns by wooden gutters. In designing the building care has been taken to fix the position of every column at the points of intersection of lines 24 feet apart, crossing one another at right angles, while in the roofing and flooring the squares into which the whole plan has been thus allotted, have been subdivided into 8 feet. This arrangement accounts for the beautiful regularity of the lines of the columns, See., when viewed diagonally. The site for the building is the one originally proposed for it by H.R.H. Prince Albert, at the first private meeting held on the subject of the Exhibition at Buckingham Palace, on the 30th of June, 1849. It consists of a rect¬ angular strip of ground in Hyde Park, situated between the Queen’s Drive and Rotten Row, and contains qbout 26 acres; being approximately 2,300 feet in length by 500 feet in breadth. Its principal frontage extends from east to west. Several lofty elms stretch across the centre of its length, and a few smaller trees are scattered over its area. The ground although apparently level, actually falls not less than 1 in 250, from west to east. The principal entrance to the Exhibition is situated in the centre of the south side opposite to the Prince of Wales' Gate, one of the main entrances to Hyde Park. The building in its general arrangement resembles the distribution of parts in a cruciform cathedral with double aisles, consisting of a vast nave 72 feet wide, 64 feet high, running from east to west, 1848 feet in length. This nave is crossed at right angles near the centre of its length by a transept of the same width, and 408 feet long. The roof of this transept is semicylindrical, the curve commencing at a height of 68 feet. On each side, both of the nave and transept, run aisles 24 feet in width, and 64 in height, with galleries covering the whole width of the aisles at a height of 24 feet from the ground. Beyond these first aisles, and parallel with them, at a distance of 48 feet, are second aisles of similar width, and similarly covered for their whole width with galleries on the same level as those over the first aisles. In order to communicate from one gallery to another, bridges at frequent intervals span the 48-feet avenues, and divide them into courts, each of which has been so arranged as to present an ensemble to the eye of the spectator looking down upon it from the galleries. The avenues of 48 feet, which we have described as thus sub¬ divided, and the second aisles, are roofed over at a height of 44 feet from the ground. The remaining portion of the building consists of one story only 24 feet high ; in which there are of course no galleries. Ten double staircases, each 8 feet wide, give access to the galleries. The total area of the ground floor is 772,784 square feet, and that of the galleries 217,100 square feet. The galleries extend nearly a mile in length. The total cubic contents of the building are about 33,000,000 feet. There are nearly 2,300 cast-iron girders, 23 feet 4 inches long, and 3 feet deep ; and 358 wrought-iron trusses for support¬ ing the galleries and roof; 30 miles of gutters for carrying the roof-water to the columns which support the roof, and 202 miles of sash-bars. Commodious refreshment rooms, &c., have been provided around the trees at the northern extremity of the transept, and adjoining open courts towards the eastern and western extremities of the building, where the presence of the groups of trees dictated their location. The offices of the Executive Committee adjoin the southern entrance. In addition to the southern, or principal entrance, there are two others, one at the east, and the other at the west end of the building. Fifteen exit doors permit visitors to leave the building. Water is supplied in abundance by the Chelsea Water¬ works Company, not only to guard against contingencies by fire, but to supply the numerous fountains which are distributed about the building. Ventilation is effected and regulated by means of “louvres” consisting of metal blades fixed in wooden frames. These louvres resemble Venetian blinds in their action. An area of not less than 50,000 feet, superficial, of venti¬ lating surface is thus distributed generally over the build¬ ing. An ingenious arrangement of cranks, &c., so connects 18 DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING. these louvres one with another, that a single man can open or close with great ease no less than 600 feet, superficial, by one motion of the arm. The decoration of the building was designed by Owen Jones, Esq. In the conduct of the tvorks, in consequence of the shortness of the period within which it was necessary that the building should be prepared for "v e reception of goods, extraordinary contrivances had to be resorted to for the abridgment of labour, and the saving of time, and machinery was therefore employed for every purpose to which it could be applied. In the beginning of September, 1850, the site was en¬ closed, and a hoarding erected, of whi@h the timber, to be subsequently used as joists, floors, boards, &c., furnished the material. Levels were taken, and the position of every column set out with perfect accuracy by Mr. Brounger. Holes were dug, and concrete foundations were made under every column. On these foundations, portions of columns with large spreading bases, called base-plates, were set. On these base-plates were fixed the columns of the ground- floor ; on the top of these columns were secured what were called “ connecting-piecesthat is to say, castings, the purpose of which was not only to connect the columns of the several stories, but to support and retain securely the girders and trusses supporting the galleries and roofs. An apparatus was constructed by means of which every cast-iron girder that came upon the ground was taken from the cart in which it was brought, was weighed, put into a registering-frame connected with an hydraulic press, proved to double the weight it was ever likely to bear, released, and stacked, ready for use : the whole ope¬ ration taking only five minutes to perform. The columns were elevated, and girders and trusses attached to them by means of sheer-legs and tackle,—no scaffolding whatever being employed. Of the cast-iron girders as many as 316 have been cast and delivered in a week. On the 20 th of September, 1850, 7 7 columns had been supplied ; by the week ending the 25th October, the average number fixed per week amounted to nearly 200 , and that rate was continued for several subsequent weeks. The formation of the wrought-iron trusses, of 48 and 72 feet spans, which serve to carry the roof over the avenues of corresponding widths, involved the employment of machines for punching, drilling, and cutting the bar and angle iron of which they were composed. As many as seven of these great 72 ft. trusses have been raised and fixed in one day. The contract for the supply of the glass was intrusted to Messrs. Chance, Brothers, and Co. of Smethwick, near Birmingham. All the sheets were adjusted to one uniform size, 4 feet 1 inch by 10 inches ; and unparalleled exertions were made to deliver the enormous quantity required within the time fixed. Elaborate and beautiful machinery was applied to make and fit up gutters and sash-bars, ridges, &c. The Paxton gutters were made by the con¬ tractors at their mills at Chelsea, and consist of pieces of timber out of which a large trough is scooped on the upper surface for the conveyance of roof water to the hollow columns, by which it is carried away to the drains; and out of which, also, on the sides, two small grooves are cut so as to serve as channels for the conveyance away of the water arising from condensation. As these gutters run in parallel lines every 8 feet apart, from end to end of the building, it may be conceived how important it became that they should be supplied with the utmost rapidity. The sash-bars for the roof, the upright bars for the ver¬ tical lights, and the ridges, were cut out by Mr. Birch of the Phoenix Saw Mills, Camden Town, the machinery employed being of the most ingenious character. Towards the beginning of December, 1850, the climax of activity was reached. The hoisting of the timber ribs which form the transept roof was an operation of great dexterity : they were raised in pairs framed together, to a point directly over the inter¬ section of the nave and transept, and were moved thence on a timber tramway to the exact position they were destined to ultimately occupy. The hoisting of these ribs commenced on the 4th of December, and the whole sixteen required were fixed in a week. It occupied about an hour to raise a pair, and although an operation of considerable risk, owing to the admirable care and precautions taken no accident whatever occurred. The glazing of the nave roof presented formidable diffi¬ culties from the great extent of work to be got through in so short a space of time. The ingenuity of the contractors was, however, brought to bear upon the subject; and pro¬ visions were made by them for the simultaneously glazing of large areas, entirely independent of variations of weather. Seventy-six machines were constructed, each capable of accommodating two glaziers ; these machines consisted of a stage of deal about 8 feet square, with an opening in its centre sufficiently large to admit of boxes of glass, and supplies of sash-bars, putty, &c., being hoisted through it. The stage rested on four wheels, travelling in the Paxton gutters, and spanned a width consisting of one ridge and two sloping sides. In bad weather the workmen were covered by an awning of canvas, stretched over hoops for their protection. In working, the men sat at the end of the platform next to whatever work had been done last, from which they pushed the stage backward sufficiently far to allow them to insert a pane of glass, and as soon as that was completed they moved again far enough to allow of the insertion of another. In this manner each stage travelled uninter¬ ruptedly from the transept to the east and west ends of the building. The dexterity acquired by the men in working the machines was very remarkable. By means of them 80 men in one week put in upwards of 18,000 panes of glass, being not less than 62,600 feet superficial. The greatest number of panes inserted by a man in one day was 108, being 367 feet 6 inches of glazing.. ( 19 ) PART I. * ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Memorandum.—This Index includes the name of every Person, and Public or other Company, mentioned in the Catalogue, whether as Contributor, Manufacturer, Patentee, Agent, or in any way connected with Articles in the Exhibition. [N.B.—In this Index the references following each name distinguish—1. Class in the United Kingdom, the Colony, or Foreign Country in which the same will be found ; and 2. The number in the Catalogue borne by the entry to which the name is prefixed.] A List of the Contents of the Catalogue will be found at page 2. A. Albert, H.R.H. Prince. —Main Ave¬ nue East, 98 ; iii. 107; xn. & xv. 500; (Main Avenue West), xxvii. 140, 141 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 350 Abad, M.—Spain, 181 Abasheff, N.—Russia, 331 Abass-Bak.—Russia, 244 Abate, F.—xxn. 265 Abbey & Son.—United States, 54 Abbot, F.—Persia Abbott, G.—xxiii. 66 , 93; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 53 Abbott, J.—xxyi. 45; Van Diemen’s Land, 290 Abbott, W.—ix. 55 Abbott & Wright.—IV. 121 Abdool-Mahomet-Ogli.—Russia, 243 Abdourza-Maram- Og] i.—Russia, 94 Abele and Co.—Zollverein (4), 76 Abele, F.—Austria, 582 Abell, W.—vi. 80 Abercarn Coal Co.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 49 Abercarn & Gwythen Collieries Co., (Newport).—i. 430 Abercrombie & Yuill.—xu. & xv. 292 Aberry, J.—xxn. 529 Ablett, see Wheeler & Ablett Abraham, A. & Co.—x. 263 Abraham, G. A.—xix. 76 Abraham, J. A.—x. 140 Abramoff, J.—Russia, 131 Abt, Brothers.—Switzerland, 227 Abt, F.—Zollverein, iv. 7 Acadian Iron Mining Association.— Nova Scotia, 1 Ach, Dubois & Co.—Belgium, 360 Acheson, J.—vm. 47. Ackere, J. C.,Van.—Belgium, 215 Ackerman & Co.—xvn. 1 Ackland, W.—x. 368 Acklin.—France, 399 Acland, Lady.—Western Africa, 14 Acland, Sir T. D., Bart., M.P.— Western Africa, 17 ikcott, see Parker & Acott Acquarone, J. B.'—Sardinia, 84 Actien, Verein.—Zollverein (1), 214 Acton, R. R.—xiii. 59. Adair, B.—xxix. 307 Adair, R.—i. 67 Adam, see Thibet & Adam Adam, A.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 18 Adams, IV. 49 ; see Bradwell & Adams. Deane, Adams, & Deane Adams, C., see Adams, S. 8c C. Adams, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 281 Adams, G. G,—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 37. 48. 62 ; North Transept, 43 ; see also Howell, James, & Co. Adams, G. W.— xxm. 88 Adams, H.—United States, 476 Adams, J.—xxii. 538 Adams, Jane.— xrv. 12 Adams, R.— ix. 28 Adams, S.— xxix. 33 Adams, S. & C. —VI. 429 Adams & Sons. —x. 2; XIX. 21 Adams, T.— x. 14 Adams, W. B.—v. 510 Adams, W 7 . & Co.—United States, 462 Adams, W. H. F.—Canada, 331 Adamson, O. G.—Brazil, 1 Adamson, R. —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 300 ; xxviii. 156. Adcock & Co.—xvi. 323a (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Adcock, J.—x. 353, 364 Adcock, T., jun.—vii. 192 Adcock, Mrs. W. — Van Diemen’s Land, 6 Addey, see Cundall and Ackley Addington, W. H.—United States, 471 Addis, J. B. Jun.—xxi. 23 Addis, S. J.—-xxi. 11 Addison & Gilbert.—vm. 192 Addison, R.—x. 487 Ad ikes, J. D.—Hamburgh, 67 Adirondac Manufacturing Company.-^ United States, 344 Adler, C.—Zollverein (3), 175 Admiralty (Somerset House) — VIII. 145, 146 (North Transept) Adolphe, C.—France, 1 . Adolphi, C. F. W.—Zollv., (1), 172 Adorno, J. N.—vi. 448 ; x. 218 Adshead, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 328 Adshead, W. & Co. —xiii. 39 Adt, Brothers.—Zollverein, n. 66 Aerts, F. G.—Belgium, 186 Affonso, M. J.— Portugal, 1023—1043 Affourtit, G. L.—France, 749 Afh, F.—Austria, 646 Aga Melik Mahomet Hadji Ussoof Ogli. —Russia, 290 Agadjan, D.—Russia, 251 Agard, F., see Prat A. & F. Agard Aggio, G. H. — x. 488 ; xxvi. 83 ; xxix. 312 Agombart, P.—France, 2 Aiken.—v. 812 Ain Morka Mines Co.—Algeria, 19 Ainge & Aldred.—xxix. 180 Ainslie, see Harrison, Ainslie, & Co. Ainsworth, see Middleton and Ainsworth Ainsworth, J.—vm. 135 Ainsworth, T.—I. 422 Aire & Calder Bottle Cc.—xxiv. 6 Aitken & Allen.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 310 Aked & Sons.—xu. & xv. 137 Aken, C. B. Van.—Belgium, 121 Aken, P. Van, 6c Son.—Belgium, 122 Akerman, W. H. H.—x. 490 Akermann, see Sulzburger & Akermann Akroyd & Son.—xu. &xv. 130 £0 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Aksenoff, J.—Russia, 182 Alabama, Governor of the State of.— United States, 289 Alba, S.—Austria, 664 Albacete.—Spain, 56 Albani, Brothers.—Sardinia, 7 Albert, J. V., jun.—Zollverein (5), 23 Albert, J. W.—Zollverein (5), 7 Alberti Brothers.—Prussia, 231 Alberti, Fr.—Zollverein (1), 51 Alberty, J.—Zollverein (1), 270 Albertzoom, S.—Russia, 284 Albinet.—France, 400 Albrecht, see Leale & Albrecht. Roeh- rig & Albrecht Albrecht, A.—Hamburgh, 59 Albrecht, Archduke.—Austria, 431 Albro & Hoyt.—United States, 183 Albuquerque, A. S. d\—Portugal, 353 Albuquerque, J. D’, e Mello.— Portugal 478, 479 Albuquerque, S. D’.—Portugal, 442 Alcaide, D. M. G.—Spain, 151 Alcala & Son.—Spain, 213 Alcan.—France, 1050 Alcan & Limes.—-France, 5 Alcan & Locatelli.—France, 4 Alcock, J.—United States, 220 Alcock, S. xxii. 367a A lcock, S. & Co.—xxv. 7 Alcock, S. B. & Co.—xxix. 272 Alcock, T.—ix. 27 Aldebert, see Hallmarke, Aldebert, &c. Aldebert, I.—vin. 152 Alder & Meyer.—Switzerland. 109 Alderman, J., see Chapman, T. & Al¬ derman, J. Alderton & Shrewsbury.— XXII. 403 Aldred, see Ainge & Aldred Aldred, S.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 235 Aldridge, J. M.—xxii. 687. Aleman, P.—Spain, 254 Aleon, H.—France, 1538 Alexander, see Heyman & Alexander Alexander, E.—ix. 198. Alexander, J. T.—xxvi. 99 Alexander, W.—x. 426 Alexandre &Son.—France, 1719 Alexis, J., see Panna, N. & Alexis, J. Alfred, W. H.—xxix. 179 Alftan.—Russia, 306 Algiers, Delegate of.—Algeria, 58 Algiers Mines, Commission of.—Alge¬ ria, 45 Algor, J.—xxii. 118 Ali, Mehmet.—Russia, 246 Alioth,T. S. & Co.—Switzerland, 154 Allard & Claye.—France, 750 Allan, see Ballantine & Allan. Allan, A.—v. 711 Allan, D.—xxvi. 87 Allan, J.—xx. 13; Canada, 28 Allan, J. sen.— vii. 122 Allan, J. H.—vm. 51, 85 Allan, T.—x. 201 Allan, W.—Canada, 121 Allcroft, see Dent, Allcroft, & Co. Allday, W.—xxii. 253 Allen.— xxix. 196 ; see also Aitken & Allen. Bott& Allen. Jeffrey, Allen, & Co. Nicol & Allen. Oldfield, Allen, & Co. Allen, A. B. & Co.—United Slates, 97 Allen & Banks.—xn. & xv. 226 Allen & Co.—vm. 202 Allen, C. B.—xxvii. 68 Allen, E. E.—x. 413 Allen, F.—xxii. 293 Allen, G.—xii. & xv., 225 Allen, G. F.—United States, 236 Allen & Holmes.—xm. 50. Allen, J.—vm. 292 ; Canada, 35 Allen, J. M.—xvi. 36 ; xxv. 40 Allen & Moore.— xxii. 300 Allen, R.—xi. 65 ; xii. & xv. 259 Allen & Solly.—xx. 100 Allen & Son.—xvi. 149 Allen, T. —vii. 151 Allenby, see Lewis & Allenby Alleond, Emanuel.—Jersey & Guern¬ sey, 27 Alleynnes, S. L., Van.—Belgium, 271 Allies, see Cruttvvell, Allies, & Co. Allies, F.—xxix. 157 Allin, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 199 Allin, W.—xvi. 35 Allin, W. S.—xvi. 327 Alliott, see Manlove, Alliott, & Seyrig Allis, J. H.—x. 87 Allison, E. W.—vm. 115 Allison, R.—x. 480, 483 Allix, A. J.—France, 6 Allman, F.—x. 458 Allon, J.—Canada, 100 Alios, J.—Canada, 94 Alluand, sen.—France, 1051 Almansa, D.—Spain, 200 Almeida, J. V. d’—Portugal, 318 Almeida, Silva, & Co.—Portugal, 473. 477. 480 Almeria, Inspector of the Mines of the district of.—Spain, 13 Almgren, K. A.—Sweden and Norway,30 Almy, Patterson, & Co.—United States, 454 Alner, Anna. — Sweden and Norway, 42 Alpers, see Muckenheim & Alpers. Alphen, G. Van.—Netherlands, 41 Alsop, D.—ix. 25a Alsop, Robins, and Co.—xm. 48 Alsterberger, J.—Austria, 503 Altenlob, Brinks, & Co., Zollverein (1), 642 Alther, J. C.—Switzerland, 110 Altmann, J. G.—Zollverein (1), 215 Altmayer, seeFournival, Son. Altmayer & Co. Alvares, R. C., jun.—Portugal, 342 Alvear, J.—Spain, 100 Amand, J.—Belgium, 368 Ambler & Avery.—United States, 214, 291 Ambrose, see Billings and Ambrose. Ambrose, J. —xxvii. 128 Ameloung & Son.—Russia, 296 American Chair Co.—United States, 85 Ameye Berte, R.—Belgium, 209 Amigo, R.—Spain, 217. Amman, see Meyer and Amman Ammanniati, Capt. G.—Tuscany, 17 Amor, F.—Spain, 22, 121 Amos, see Dean, Amos, & Co. Easton & Amos Amos, J.—ix. 66a Amoskeag Manufacturing Company.— United States, 2 Amsell, P.—Zollv. (1), 543; (3) 52 Amtker.—Zollverein (1), 772 Amuller, E. F.—France, 405 Ancliiaux, T.—Belgium, 344 Ancion & Co.—Belgium, 143 Andelle, G. & Co.—France, 1540 Anderegg, T.—Switzerland, 111 Andersen, P.—Denmark, 15 Anderson.—Van Diemen’s Land, 198. See also Oyler & Anderson. Smith, Anderson, & Co. Anderson, A. see Anderson, J. & A. Anderson & Bet.tany.— xxv. 16 Anderson, C.— xiv., 85 Anderson, D.— xvii. 200 Anderson, D. & J.— xi. 16 Anderson, G.— vii. 144 Anderson, G. &Co.—British Guiana, 36 Anderson, J.— v. 801 ; vm. 187 ; x. 403; see also Anderson, D. & J. Anderson, J. & A.—xi. 7. Anderson, J. R. & Co.—United States, 281 Anderson, R.—viii. 190; xxix. 224 Anderson, T.—vm. 136 Anderson, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Courl), 189 Anderwalt, Pasquale.—Austria, 170a Andrassy, Count G.—Austria, 415 Andre.—Main Avenue, East; Algeria, 1; Zollverein (1), 788 Andre, Brothers.—Zollverein ( 6 ), 56 Andre, J. & Major Count de Z. Brono- Bronski.—France, 1054 Andre, J. P. — France, 1053 (Main Avenue, East) Andreae, C.—Zollverein (1), 360. 379 Andreoletti & Son.—France, 10 Andresen, P.—Zollverein ( 1 ), 177 Andrews.— xxii. 379. See also Bar¬ rett, Exall & Andrews. Forster & Andrews WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 21 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Andrews, H. Q.—United States, 540 Andrews, J.— ; Y. 803 Andrews, M.—xiv. 5 Andrews, R.—v. 802; x. 551 Andrews, W. & Co.— xviii. 43 Andrieux, see Rivart & Andrieux Arielli, J.—x. 511 Angell, G.—rxxm. 103 Angell, J.—xxill. Ill Angermaland.—Sweden & Norway, 21, 22, 23 Angrand.—France, 7 Angrave Brothers.—xx. 202 Angula, I.—Spain, 38 Angus, F. J.—v. 716 Animal Kingdom, Sectional Committee on.—iv. 85a Annecy & Pont.—Sardinia, 34 Anschutz, R.—Zollverein (1), 698 Ansell, C.—vm. 185 Anselm, F. C.—Zollverein (6), 59 Anstey, S.—i. 118 Ante, A.—Zollverein (1), 627 Antheit, Societe Corphalie D\—Bel¬ gium, 21 Anthelme,—France, 1541 Anthoni, H. A.—Zollverein (1), 378 Anthony, C. J.—ix. 237 Anund Nath Roy, Rajah.-—India, xxvi. Apolytomene Co., Madrid.—Spain, 55a Appel, C.—Zollverein (6), 15 Appel, J. C.—Hamburgh, 119 Appel, R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 274 Appert.—France, 751 Appiegath, —vi. 122 Applegath, A.—xviii. 12 Appleton, see Upham, Appleton, & Co. Appold, J. G.—v. 420 Aqui, see Oxeda & Aqui Araman, H.—Persia Aramburu, G.—Spain, 101 Aramburu, G. A.—Spain, 103 Arana Salt Works, Alava.—Spain, 36 Archambault, —France, 401 Archbold, see Brown & Avchbold Archer, E. T.—xxvi. 265 Archer, J. S.—xxiii. 110 Archer, J. W.—Main Avenue West, 65 Archibald, C. D.—Nova Scotia, 2 Archibald & Sons.— xii. & xv. 465 Ardamatsky, Brothers.—Russia, 99 Ardamatsky, J.—Russia, 98 Ardamatsky, J. & T.—Russia, 97 Ardamatsky, T., see Ardamatskv, J. & T. Arduin & Chancel.—France, 8 Arera, N. G.—Fiance, 752 Aretio, C.—Spain, 269 Argali, J. & W.—xxii. 404 Argali, W., see Argali, J. & W. Aristarkhoff.—Russia, 359 Arkansas Mining Company.—i. 525 Arliss & Tucker.— xyii. 55 Armakoona, see Marimano & Arma- koona Armani, see Orsi & Armani Armitage, Brothers.—xii. & XV. 103; New South Wales, 1 Armitage. G. & Co.—ix. 38 a; xii. & xv. 146 Armitage, M. & H.—xxii. 150. Armstead, H.— xxiii. 97 Armstrong, see Hopwood & Armstrong Armstrong, J.—xvn. 77; xxvm. 43 Armstrong, J. jun. —xxii. 580 Armstrong, S. T.—United States, 219 Armstrong. W. G .—^y. 44 'Arnaud.—Algeria, ‘J Arnavon, H.—France, 402 Arndt & Berend.—Hamburgh, 24 Arneth, J.—Austria, 368 Arnheim, S. T.—Zollverein (1), 189 Arnheiter.—France, 753 Arnold, see Hecht & Arnold Arnold, A.—Jersey & Guernsey, 33 Arnold, C. H.—Zollverein (1), 835 Arnold, S. W.—xxv. 7 Arnoldi, E. F.—Zollverein (1), 778 Arnott, Dr.—x. 594, 612, 619; xxii. 387, 636 Arnott, R.—British Guiana, 142—144, 145a Arnoux, C,—France, 1542 Arns, A.—Zollverein (1), 626 Arntin, Tabanoff.—Russia, 252 Arosenius, see Soderberg & Arosenius Arrault.—France, 9 Arrer, J.—Austria, 665 Arrieda.—Spain, 292 Arrieta.—Spain, 295 Arrindell, Mrs.—British Guiana, 69 Arrowsmith, A., see Arrowsmith, H. & A. Arrowsmith, G. A.—United States, 138 Arrowsmith, H. & A.—xxvi. 385 Artern, Royal Salt Works at.—Zoll¬ verein (1), 681 Arthur, see Holmes, Herbert, & Arthur Arthur, Ann.—xix. 69 Arthur & Edey.—xxix. 185 Arthur & Frazer.—xii. & xv. 466. Arthur, J.—i. 462 Arthur, Mary, S.—xxix. 58 Arthur, O. C.— xxvii. 4 Arthur, T.—xxvi. 303 Artman, J.—United States, 174 a Arzt, P. L.—Zollverein (6), 27 Asbeck, C. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 645 Ascroft, T.—xxvi. 304 Ash & Sons.—x. 578 Ashburnham, Dowager Lady.—in. 60 Ashbury.—v. 739 Ashby, J.—v. 202 Ashby, W.—vi. 470 Ashe, Lieut. E. D.—x. 194 Ashe, W. A.—x. 194 Asher, A.—United States, 355 Ashfield, J.—Canada, 161 Ashford, G. see Ashford W. & G Ashford, W. & G.—xvi. 64 Ashmead, see Vine & Ashmead Ashmead & Tyler, J. T.—xx. 53 Ashton, see Nicholls & Ashton. Ashton, A.—xx. 171 Ashton & Sons.—xx. 52 Ashton, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 152 Ashworth, S. A. —xviii. 87 Askew, C.—vi. 611 ; vii. 48 Asmead & Harlburt. — United States, 535 Aspdin, see Robins, Aspdin, & Cox Aspern, W. M. V.—Hamburgh, 88 Aspinall, J.—v. 57 Aspinwall & Son.—xxvi. 213 Asprey, C.—xxix. 50 As prey,fJ.—in. 93 Assam Company.—HI. 143 Asser, L.—vii. 5 Assmann, J.—Zollverein (1), 406 Astell & Co.—China Aston, J.—xxii. 301 Aston, W.—xxii. 283, 367 Astrath, C.—Austria, 666. Asturias (Oviedo), Inspector of the Mines of the District of.—Spain, 15 Athanasiou, D.—Greece, 9. Athengeum Boot & Shoe Warehouse (Norwich).—xvi. 137 Athers, Lieut.—Van Diemen’s Land, 328 Atherton, C.—V. 1 Atkin & Son.— xxii. 365 Atkins, see Broadhead & Atkins. Brock- bank & Atkins Atkinson, see Hives & Atkinson. Mar¬ riott & Atkinson Atkinson, B. F.—x. 605 Atkinson & Eldrid.—xvi. 80 Atkinson, J.—i. 261 Atkinson, R. & Co. —xii. & xv. 256 Atkinson, W.—xvii, 56 Atloff, J. G.—xvi. 131 ; xx. 32 Attenborough, R.— XXIII. 113 Attfield, C.—in. 61 Atwood, G. B.—United States, 426 Aubanel.—France, 1055 Aubergier, P. H.—France, 751 Aubert & Klaftenberger.—x. 52a A ubert, L. A.—Switzerland, 73 Aubert & Noel.—France, 403 Aubeux.—France, 1058 Aubin, C.—xxii. 663 Aubin, F. see Aubin, H. & F. Aubin, H. & F.—xxii. 663 Aubrey, see James & Aubrey Aubry, Brothers.—France, 1544 Aucher.—France, 404 Auckland & Waikato Coal Company. —New Zealand, 10 22 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Aucler, P. see Aucler, W. & P. Aucler, W. & P.—France, 1059 Aucoe.—France, 1052 Audemars, L.—Switzerland, 22 Audiat, F.—France, 1545 Audot, J.—France, 11 Augan, M.—France, 12 Augustin, H. F. L.—Zollverein (1), 826 Auld, Berrie, & Mathieson.—xx. 5 Auldjo, Mrs. Richardson. — iv. 8 a; xxvi. 405 Auleuzia Compy, Madrid.—Spain, 53 Ausfeld, A.—Zollverein (1), 704 Auspritz, L.—-Austria, 204 Austell, St., Local Committee.— 1 .166, 469 Austin, G.—xxix. 36 Austin, J,—xxvi. 391 Austin, J. B.—li. 114 Austin,'W.—xvii. 151; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 313 Auzoux, Dr. L.—France, 13 Avanzo, D.—Belgium, 446 Avern, E.—xxn. 303 Averseng & Co.—Algeria, 3 Avery.—x, 631 a, see also Ambler & Avery Avery & Dangar.—xxvi. 389 Avery, O.—United States, 76 Avignon, Chamber of Commerce of.— France, 1049 Avignon, Dr. F. D’.—United States, 132 ; see also Brady, D 5 Avignon & Lester Avisseau, C.—France, 1543 Ax, see Pfirffers & Ax Ayckbourn, F.—vnx. 23 Ayeres, W.—xix. 388 Ayne, Brothers.—-France, 755 Ayrapet, T.—Russia, 201 Ayton, J.— VI. 428 Ayvazoff, S.—Russia, 91 Azevedo, J. R. de.—Portugal, 310 Azoff Sea, Cossacks of the.—Russia, 37 Azulay, B.—i. 224; viii. 39; xxn. 597 ; xxvi. 64 Azzopardi, J. M.—Malta, 20 B. Baader, I—Zollverein (2), 74 Baader, J. A.—Zollverein (2), 22 Baatard, J. A.—Switzerland, 235 Baba-Imam-Verdi-Ogli.—Russia, 264 Babaieff, A.—Russia, 861 Babarikin, M.—Russia, 96 Babb, see Walker & Babb Baber, see Smith & Baber Babbitt.—v. 706 Babounoff, B.—Russia, 345 Bacchus & Sons.—xxiv. 19. Bach.—Zollverein (1), 747 Bach, G. F. & Son.—Zollv. (3), 158 Bach, P.—-France, 1061 Bache, Professor, A. D.—United States, 395 a Bacheley, T.—Portugal, 1015-1020 Bacher, A.—Zollverein (4), 17 Bachman, J.—United States, 391 Bachner, F.—Austria, 565 Bachoven & Yollschwitz.— Zollverein (1), 830 Backe, see Knospe & Backe Backes, J. F. & Co.—Zollv. (1), 411 Backhausen, C. & J.—Austria, 249 Backhausen,!., see Backhausen, C. & J. Bacon, see Sewell, Evans, &c. Bacon, S. F.—United States, 465 Bacon, W. —xxvi. 218 Bacot, P. & Son.—France, 1062 Bacye, see Stubbe & Bacye Badcock, J.—-x. 732 Baddeley, J. H.—xxv. 13 Baddley, W.—v. 409 Badeker, J.—Zollverein (1), 832 Bader, Brothers.—Austria, 250 Badgley, J. F.—Canada, 11 Badillo, J. M.—Spain, 57 Badin, J. C. F.—France, 1063 Badouin, A. P—France, 44 Baecher, A. B.—Austria, 575 Baeches, A.—Spain, 258 a B aenziger& Co.—Switzerland, 112 Baenziger, J.—-Switzerland, 188 Baenziger, Kolp, & Co.—Switzerland, 156 Baer, see Sprecher & Baer Baetens, Miss.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 212 Bafico, J. L. F.—Sardinia, 79 Bagatti, Y.—Austria, 616 Bagby, Gov. A. P.—United States, 329 Bagnall & Gesson.—Western end, south enclosure (outside), 53 Bagot, C.—i. 244 Bagshaw, W.—xxii. 143 Bagster & Sons. —xvii. 87 Baguer.—Russia, 39 Bahn, A. E.—Zollverein (1), 256 Bahr, H. & Co.—Hamburgh, 122 Bahr & Maresch.—Austria, 612 Bahrt, H.— Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 4. 9 Bahuet, A.-—France, 17 Baildon, see Newbould & Bail don Bailes, H.—xxvi. 208 Bailey, B.— viii. 64 Bailey, E. H.— xxm. 97 Bailey, J.—Canada, 86 Baillie, B. —viii. 70 Baillie, E.— xxiv. 61 Bailliere, J. B.—France, 406 Bailly, see Mallet & Bailly Bailly, Comte, & Son.—France, 407 Baily, E. H.—South Transept, 6, 7 Baily & Sons. —xxii. 805, (Main Ave¬ nue, West); xxx. (Fine Art Court), 308 Bain, A.—x. 434 Bain, C.—vn. 34 Bain, W.—vn. 197 ; xx. 70 Bainbridge, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 163 Baines & Co.—Bahamas Baines, F. & Co.—Bahamas Baines, J.-—xx. 200 Baines, T.—Cape of Good Hope, 57 Baines, W.—v. 643 Baird, J.—xn. & xv. 290 Baird, J. R.—viii. 74 Baird, W.—xxm. 26 Bajelaire, E. De.—France, 18 Bakefen, T. T. & Sons.—Switzerland, 152 Baker, see May & Baker Baker, A.—United States, 257 Baker, C.—xxii. 509; xxvm. 84 Baker & Co.—xxii. 319, 547 Baker, E. B.—xxii. 19 Baker, H—x. 396 Baker, J. B.—United States, 498 Baker, R.—x. 354 Baker, R. C.—xxvn. 54 Baker, S.—United States, 1 Baker, S. & Co.—Mauritius Baker, T. K. —viii. 263 Baker, Tuckers, & Co.—xvm. 2 Baker, W.—xxi. 20; xxii. 559 Baker, W. R.—United States, 401 Bakewell, F.—x. 433 Bakewell, W.—xxm. 70 Bakhronshin & Sons.—Russia, 240 Balance, J. & Sons.— xviii. 9 Balatha, F. R.—Portugal, 401 a Balay, J.—France, 1064 Baldamus, see Kramer & Baldamus Baldenecker, T. B. jun.—Zollv. (5) 12 Bales, J.—Canada, 67 Balfour, J.—xiv. 35 Balkfield & Co.—Mauritius, 5 Ball, Dunnicliff & Co.—Vi. 90; xix. 1!) Ball, R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 157 Ball, W.—ix. 132 Ball, W. Y. & Co.—xx. 80 Ballantine & Allan.—xxiv, 78 Ballantyne & Son.—xn, & xv. 194 Balleidier, F,—France, 1065 Balleny, J.—xxii. 299 Balleras, G. E.—I. 4 ; New Granada, 3 Ballheimer, see Prale & Ballheimer. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE, 23 • Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Balling, J. N.—Austria, 133 Bally & Co.—Switzerland, 210 Bally, P.—France, 408 Bally, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 173 Balneavis, Lieut. H. C.—New Zealand, 20 Balny, J. P. jun.—France, 1066 Balthoven, P. Van.—France, 1516 Baltzer, A.—Zollverein (1), 82 Bamber & Son.— xxn. 681 Bamford, J.— xii. & xv. 237 Bampton, J. A. —xxvi. 125 Banco, jun.—France, 446 Bancks, Brothers.— xvn. 96 Bandelier, P. F.—Switzerland, 6 Banim, M.—XXIX. 160 Bank Park Pyropolite Works.—i. 86 Bank Quay Foundry Company (War¬ rington).— v. 412 Bankart.— xxu. 343 Bankart, F.—ii. 49 Bankart & Sons.—i. 429. xxiv. 87 Banks, see Allen & Banks; Jameson & Banks Banks & Barvy.—x. 561 Banks & Chambers.—v. 666 Banks, E.—xxii. 287 Banks, L.—vii. 55 Banks, Son, & Co.—i. 69 Bannerman & Sons.—xvm. 33 Banting, T., see Banting, W. & T. Banting, W. & T.—xxvi. 166 Bantlin, C. D.—Zollverein, (iv^ 37 Banton, E.—xvi. 56 Bapterosses, J. F.—France, 409 Barantchinsk, Imperial Iron Works of. —Russia, 158 Baranowski, J. J.—France, 15 Barbadienne & Co.—France, 1709 Bar bat.—France, 1067 Barbe, C.—France, 1068 •Barbeau, J.—Canada, 110 Barbeaux Lecuyer, L. J.—France, 19 Barbedienne, J., & Co.—France, 1723 Barber, see Firth, Barber, & Co.; Jor¬ dan & Barber Barber-Beaumont, G. D.—v. 752 Barber, C. A.— xxyiii. 118 Barber, Howse, & Mead. —xii. &xv. 19 Barber, James, & Co.—China, Barber, Messrs.—Canada, 140 Barber, S.—xx. 57 Barber & Sons.— xii. & xv. 106 Barberi.—Rome, 15 Barbetti, A.—Tuscany, 74. 80 Barbetti, R.—Tuscany, 76. 77 Barbie, J.—Sardinia, 56 Barbieri, De.—Sardinia, 93 Barbotin & Legoff.—France, 1083 Barboza, Joze.— Portugal, 680. 948, 949, 950 Barboza, T.—Portugal, 959 Barbrinsky, Count A.—Russia, 56 Barcelona, Inspector of Mines of the District of.—Spain, 2 Barclay, G.—xxx.(Fine Art Court) 285 Barclay, Helen.—xix. 389 Barclay, J.—vii. 117 Barclay, Miss P. S. — xxx. (Fine Art Court) 285 Barclay & Son.— iv. 24 Bardoffsky, T. — Russia, 265 Bardwell, C. —xxx. (Fine Art Co.) 175 Barez, see Courtey, Brothers, & Barez Barfield, C.—Zollverein, (1), 188 Barford, F. —xx. 170 Barge, H.— xxn. 144 Baring, Brothers.—China Baring, Thos., M.P.—-Austria, 746 Barker, C. M. —vi. 417 Barker & Co. —iv. 62 Barker, G.— xxvi. 147 Barker, J.— ix. 230; xvn. 189 Barker, Dr. J.— x. 649 Barker, R.— xxi. 37 Barker,T. J.— xxx. (Fine Art Court) 131 Barker, W. G.— xvi. 188 Barkly, Mrs. — British Guiana, 125,128, 129, 135 Barling, J.—x. 90 ; xxiii. 85 Barling & Sons.—xxix. 305 Barlow.—v. 640 Barlow, A.—vi. 82 Barlow, C.—vi. 41 Barlow, E.—United States, 350 Barlow, Gooddy, & Jones.—XI. 35 Barlow, H. B.—vi. 613 Barlow & Heald.—v. 640 Barlow, J.— xxii. 462 Barlow, P. W.—v. 601 Barlow, T. H.—United States, 69 Barlow, W. H.—v. 602 Barn, J. A.—Cape of Good Hope, 46 Barnaoulsk Imperial Works.—Russia, 4 Barnard & Bishop.— -xxii. 34 Barnard, E.—xix. 94 Barnard, J.—United States, 17 ; Van Diemen's Land, 143 Barnes, see Greenwood & Barnes; also Copland, Barnes, & Co. Barnes, E.—xii. & xv. 2l9. Barnes, G. see Barnes, T. & G. Barnes, J. B.—ll. 45 Barnes, J. & W.—xxix. 15. Barnes, R. Y.—xix. 95 Barnes, T.—xi. 40. Barnes, T. & G.—xx. 27 Barnes, W.—xxiv. 19. United States, 246 ; see also Barnes, J. & W. Barnett, Mrs. Edward.—Bahamas Barnicot & Hirst.—xii. & xv. 105 Barnouin & Co. see Fabregue-Nourry, Barnouin, & Co. Barnwell & Son.—xxii. 678 Baron, Brothers.—United States, 353, 370 B&ron, F.—Portugal, 1154 B:'ton & Uhlman.—Switzerland, 74 Baronnet, see Rousselet & Baronnet Barossa Range Mining Co.—South Australia, 2 Barraclough, S.—xvi. 148 Barraclough, W. & Son.— XII. & XV. 133 Barra/, C.—France, 410 Barrallon & Brossard.—France, 16 Barrande, J. B.—France, 756 Barrasa, M.—Spain, 228 Barraud Sr> Lund.—x. 34 Bane, D. 3. La—Canada, 17 ' Barre & -vaster.—Zollverein (1), 827 Barrere, B.—France, 40 Barre-Russin.—France, 20 Barres Brothers.—France, 41 Barret & Co.—vi. 410 Barrett, see Fox & Barrett Barrett, Capt.—i. 511 Barrett & Corney.—xix. 76. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews.— IX. 128 Barrett, J.—xxvi. 305 Barrett, R. M.—x. 349 Barrett & Son.—xxix. 308 Barrie, J.—xxvi. 104 Barrientos.—Spain, 83 Barrington, see Fox & Barrington Barritt & Co.—xvn. 196 Barritt,J.L.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 339 Barron.—xxn. 622 Barron & Son.— xxn. 695 Barroto, F. T.—Portugal, 1123 b Barrow.—xxii. 4 a Barrow, R.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 41; i. 255 Barrowman, J.—ix. 49 Barry, see Banks & Barry Barry & Barry.—i. 178 Barry, C.—xxvii. 27. 92 Barshaghan.—Russia, 312 Barsham, J.—iv. 56 a ! Barsham, Son, & Co.—xxix. 213 ! Bartelmus, Brothers, & Bernhardi.— Austria, 432 Barth, Brothers.—Zollverein (2), 67 Barth, J. A.—Zollverein (3), 179 u th. Massing, & Plichon. — France, 21 B.uthel, J. C.—Zollverein (5), 5 Barthelats, L.—France, 757 Bartholomew, F. H.—United States, 335 Bartleet, W. & Sons.— xxii. 329 Bartlels, J. C. M.—Hamburgh, 105 ! Bartlemore, see Kelsall & Bartlemore | Bartlett, see Webber & Bartlett; Wills | and Bartlett j I let . A. D.—xxix. 291 S Bartlett, R. M.—United States, 30 I Bartley —xvi. 97. Bartolome, M.—Spain, 126 Barton, see Mallett & Barton Barton, C. D.—United States, 228 24 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Homan Numerals,indicating the Class. Barton, H. W.—x. 708 Bartram, A. —Canada, 162 Bartrum & Pretyman.—xxn. 25 Baruch Toledano.—Algeria, 59 Banvell & Co.— xxii. 556 Barwis, W. II. B.—Western end, Soulh enclosure (Outside), 12 Bary, T. de, & Bischoff.—Switzerland, 152 Basely.—France, 411 Basham, F.—United States, 315 Bashkirs, tribe of the.—Russia, 133. 200 Basin, A.—France, 758 Baskcomb, G. H.—v. 804 Basket!, see Martin, Baskett, & Martin Bass, J.—ii. 95 Bass, J. H.—xxviii. 124 Bast, C. de.—Belgium, 189 Basse and Fischer.—Zollverein (1), 664 Basset, see Chatelain & Basset Bastard, A. de.—France, 1717 Bastien, M.—Canada, 70 Bastos, F. Pinto, & Co. — Portugal, 455-457.631.1044-1104.1109-1111 Bataille, V.—France, 42 Batailler, A. P. E.—France, 412 Batalha, F. R. — Portugal, 496a. 509. 541-543 Batatho, see Miranda, Batatho, & Co. Bateman.—Western end, North enclo¬ sure (Outside), 59 Bateman, D. & Sons.— xxii. 84 Bateman, J.—vm. 335 Bateman, Dr. J.—x. 187 Bateman, J. & A. Moore—xxii. 524 Bateman, James.—xxn. 84 Bates, see Mayo & Bates Bates, F.—ix. 186 Bates, Hyde, & Co.—United States, 440 Bates, Jemima.—xix. 375 Bates, T.—vii. 69 Bates, T. H.—xxvi. 44 Bateson & Co.—xn. & xv. 39 Bathalla, F. R. —Portugal 495a.509a Bathier, V.—France, 22 Batjeman, H. C.—United States, 552 Batka, W.—Austria, 9. 135. 629 Batka, Wenzel.—Austria, 100 Batley, see Hodge & Batley Baton, W. & Son.—France, 1069 Batsford, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 262 Batt, R. & Sons.—xx. 11 6a. Battagia, G.—Austria, 366 Batten, A. —i. 19 Batten, D.—xvn. 59 Batten, T.—xxv. 53 Battenberg, G.—France, 1070 Batters, Martha.—xix. 96 Battie, see Jowitt & Battie Batty & Feast.—in. 116 Batty, T.— United States, 351 Batz, P.—Zollverein (3), 150 Bauch.—Netherlands, 98 Bauch, F. T.—Zollverein (1), 728 Bauch, J. F.—Zollverein (1), 793 Bauchau De Bare, A.—Belgium, 262 Bauchet-Verlinde.—France, 413 Baudon.—France, 43 Baudry, see Gide & Baudry Baudry, A. T.—France, 1071 Bauer & Furbringer.—Zollv. (1), 725 Bauer, G.—Zollverein (2), 78 Bauer, J.—Austria, 504 Bauer & Krebs.—Zollverein (5), 13 Bauer, R.—Zollverein (1), 223 Bauer, Theodor, & Co.—Austria, 205 Bauerkeller.—Zollverein (6), 6 Bauerkeller & Co.—France, 1072 Baugh, see Stainburn & Baugh Baugh—Deeley, & Co.—i. 401 Baughen, Brothers. —xn. & xv. 183 Baughen, T., see Baughen, R. & T. Bauhofer, F.—Austria, 388 Baum, E.—Zollverein (1), 760 Baumann, A.—Switzerland, 239 Baumann, Louise.-—Zollverein (1), 224 Baumann, T.—Zollverein (1), 76 Baumann & Wunsch. —xn. & xv. 206 Baumgardten & Hains.—Hamburgh, 12 Baunscheidt, C.—Zollverein, 344 Baup, H.—Switzerland, 52 Baur, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 87 Bautte, T. F.—Switzerland, 236 Bauwens, L. F.—iv. 26 Bavay, P. De—Belgium, 361 Baxter.— xvii. 209 Baxter,G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 115 Baxter, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 334 Baxter, R.—xvi. 156 ; xxvi. 380 Bay, J. De.—France, 45 ; Main Avenue East, 573 Bayard, H.—France, 414 Bayer, J. G.—Austria, 351 Bayley and Craven,—xvnr. 34 Bayley, J. B.—Cape of Good Hope, 5 Bayley, R.—x. 273 Bayley, W.—xxin. 75. Baylis & Son.—vm. 251 a B ayliss, T.—vii. 131 Dayman, H.— V. 485 Baynes, R.—Agnes, xix. 97 Bayno, J.—Sardinia, 48 Bay vet, Brothers, & Co.—France, 415 Bazalay, M.—Russia, 164 Bazanget, A.—Main Avenue East, 97 Bazin, sen.—France, 1073 Bazin, A.—France, 416 Bazin, G.—xxix. 178 Bazin, Xavier.—United States, 36 Bazley, see Gardner & Bazley Bazley, T.—xi. 53 ; Cape of Good Hope, 30 b Beach, Brothers—United States, 544 Beach, W.—xxi. 48 Beacock, see Smith, Beacock, & Tannett Beadon, Capt. R.N.—ix. 208a Beadon, G.—vm. 90 Beadon, W.—vii. 51 Beale Brown, T.—xiv. 77 Beale & Latchmore—xx. 204 Beale, Rev. J. B.—ii. 3 Beales, see Taylor & Beales Beall, see Bradbury, Greatorex, & Beall Beamish.—i. 112' Bean, S. E. T.—Canada, 142 Bean, S. Hartley.—Canada, 137 Beaney, T.—xxix. 130 Bear, H.—Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 8 Beard, see Kirby, Beard, & Co. Beard, J.—France, 759 Beard, R. —x. 292 Bearde, S.—Canada, 93, 98 Beardsell, C. & Sons/— xii. & xv. 120 Beardsell, I. & Co. —xn. & xv. 109 Bearfoot, R.—vm. 274 Bearn & Jeffs. —xvi. 118 Beart.— xxvi. 282 ; see also Roberts & Beart Beart, R. — vi. 301 ; ix. 34 Beattie, J.— vm. 216 Beattie, W.— xxm. 110 Beau, Le, see Griffiths & Le Beau Beauclerc, Capt. G.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 156; xxx. (Sculpture Crt.), 51. 63 Beaufils.—France, 1074 Beauford, R.—x. 406 Beaufort, Miss.—xx. 156a Beaufort, De.—France, 46 Beauharnois, Maddle.—Austria, 747 Beaumont, see Vickerman & Beaumont Beaumont, G. D. Barber.—v. 752 Beaumont, W.—xn. & xv. 72 Beauregard.—Algeria, 4 Beauvais, C.—France, 1076 Beauvais, National Manufacture of.-— France, 1367 Beauvoys, Ch. De.—France, 46 Beavis, J.—xix. 395 Becherer, J.—Zollverein (1), 141 Bechner, W.—Zollverein (6), 1 Bechot, jun.—France, 48 Bechstein, see Rupp & Bechstein Beck, see Smith and Beck Beck & Co.—Spain, 134 Beck, G. F.—Zollverein (3), 65 Beck, Henry.—Zollverein (3), 149 Beck& Heynig.—Zollverein (3),«148 Beck, R.—xvi. 247 Beck & Son.—Belgium, 324 Beck & Sons.—Switzerland, 163 Becker, see Seeling & Becker Becker, C.—Netherlands, 83 Becker, F. E.—Zollverein (1), 232 Becker & Kronick.—Austria, 643 Becker, Sapp, & Co.—Zollv. (1), 471 Becker & Schraps.—Zollverein (3), 84 Beckers, G. F.—v. 503. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 25 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Beckett, E. G.—v. 106 Beckett, G.—xvi. 220 Beckford, T. & Gosling, W.—ix. 60 Beckh, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 174 Beckmann, J. J. C.—Lubeck, 4 Beckwith, H.—vm. 220 Becquet, see Guynet & Becquet Bedel.—Algeria, 5 Bedford, see Wood & Bedford Bedford, Bonson, Drake, & Co.—West¬ ern end, South enclosure (Outside), 24 Bedford, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 80 Bedford, J.—vi. 426 Bedington. —xxii. 370 Bedington & Tonks.— xxii. 361 Bedlano, Peasant Women of.—Russia, 350 Bee, J. F.—British Guiana, 5, 17, 18, 29, 74-76, 82, 83, 102c, 103a, 105b, 105g, 116-1 17a. 124, 134, 156 Beeeham.— xxx. (Fine Art Court) 332 Beecham, Rev. Dr.—Western Africa, 12 Beeching, J.—vm. 136 Beechy, Rev. St. V.—x. 263 Beeck, A. W. A. Van der.—Zollverein (1), 494 Beeckmans, J.—Belgium, 170 Beecroft, Butler, & Co.—I. 415; v. 646 Beedham, see Luard, Beedham, & Co. Beeftingh, N. Van, & Co.—Netherlands, 27 Beek, B. Van.—Netherlands, 89 Beer, see Jenkins & Beer Beere, G.—v. 467 Beernaert, A.—Belgium, 439 Beernaert& De Cuypere, H.—Belgium, 326 Beers, see Monahan & Beers Beeson, J. —xxx. (Fine Art Court) 111 a Beesten, J. Van.—Zollverein (8), 12 Beeston, J.—vii. 191 Beeston, J. S.—xx. 162a. Beevor, J.—xxix. 204 Begent, T. J.— xxviii. 110 Begg, W. G.—v. 407 ; xxix. 109 Begon, Brothers.—France, 49 Begsteiger, M.—Austria, 689 Beguin, A.—France, 23 Behault, Du Carmois de. — Belgium, 191 Btbeyt—Belgium, 76 Behm, T.—Zollverein (1), 685 Behnes, W.—Main Avenue, West, 57; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 54. 77 Behr, C.—Austria, 645 Behr, F. L.—Belgium, 20 Behr, H.—Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 7 Behr & Schubert.—Zollv. (3), 50 Behren & Schmidt.—Zollverein (1), 98 Behrens, J.— xii. & xv. 180 Behrens, J. H.—Lubeck, 3 Beinhauer, C.—Hamburgh, 121 Beir, N. le.—Jersey and Guernsey, 36 Beisiegel, P.—Austria, 667 Beissel & Son.~-Zollverein (1), 407 Beitl, F.—Austria, 438 Belcher, I.—xxi. 42 Beld, J. —xxyii. 57 Belfast Royal Flax Improvement So¬ ciety.—iv. 106 Belfast School of Design.— xx. 118; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 338^ Belibin, P.—Russia, 217 Belislenoriel, de, Tinan, & Co. see Cal- laux, &c. and Co. Belifcheff, M.—Russia, 330 Bell, see Watson, Bell, & Co. Bell & Black.—xxix. 243 Bell, C.—xvi. 93 Bell & Co.— ii. 66 ; xxv. 26 Bell, D.—xxvi. 212 Bell, E. B.—United States, 176 Bell, F. & Co.—ix. 197 Bell, H.—viii. 14, 157 ; x. 715 Bell, J.—i. 189; ii. 116 Bell, J. & Co.— xxvii. 96 Bell, John.—North Transept, 28, 48; Main Avenue, East, 27 ; Main Avenue, West, 53, 83; xxii. 232. 340. 641; (Main Avenue, West), xxx. (Sculpture Court), 24, 71, 72 Bell, Major— xvii. 203 Bell, P. W.—Canada, 103, 173 Bell, R. —xxix. 101 Bell, T.—x. 679 ; xiv. 63; United States, 103 Bell, T. & Co.—xiv. 6 Bell, W.—vii. 63 Bell, W. C.—xxx, (Fine Art Crt.), 249 Bell, W. P.—Canada, 280 Bellamy, see Burney & Bellamy Bellange, A. L-—France, 1077 Belleaby, W.—xxvi. 145 Belleville, Brothers.—France, 1078 Bellhouse, E. T. & Co.—v. 416 Bellioni-Ance, L.—Belgium, 319 Bellon, J. & Co.—France, 1079 Bellot, see Sellier & Bellot Belmonte, Count de. — Portugal, 386, 387 Belmonte, R.—Spain, 256 Beloe, W. L.—x. 709 Below, F.—Zollverein (1), 233 Belvalette, Brothers.—France, 50 Belvidere Manufacturing Co. (Rich¬ mond)—United States, 282 Bemand, R.—Belgium, 478 Ben Zekri.—Algeria, 7 Benagazil, Viscount de.—Portugal, 307. 324. 326. 328. 339. 366. 376, 377. 383. 402 Benbow, Mrs.—xix. 98 Bencraft, S.—France, 24 Benda, George.—Zollverein (2), 1. 9 Bendall, J.—ix. 32 Benecke, W.—Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1 Benecke, W. & Co.— xviii. 42 Beneden, Van.—Belgium, 345, 346 Benedig, J.—Austria, 356 Benes, Miss M.—Algeria, 6 Bengen, D.—Zollverein (1), 234 Benham & Sons.— xxii. 98 Benham, W. A.—ill. 38 Beni Abbes, Tribe of the.—Algeria, 53 Beni Snous, Tribe of the.—Algeria, 67 Beningfield, W.—xxiv. 45 Benito, M.—Spain, 78 Benjamin, J. R.—United States, 152,251 Benjamin & Moses.—New South Wales Benjumea, J. M.—Spain, 185. 1S9 a B enkowits, Marie.—Austria, 389 Bennati, J.—Sardinia, 59 Benner, Dr. W.—xvii. 60 Bennert & Bivort.—Belgium, 390 Bennett, see Lincoln and Bennett Bennett, A. see Bennett, J. & A. Bennett & Adams.— XIV. 11 Bennett, Carr, & Co.—I. 450 Bennett & Co.- —xii. & xv. 185 Bennett, E.—viii. 293 Bennett, G. W.—x. 49 Bennett, H.—ix. 75 Bennett, J.— x. 1 Bennett, J. & A.—xii. & xv. 95 Bennett, T.—i. 498 ; xxm. 18 Bennighauss, J. C.—Zollv. (1), 679 Benno-Niveta.—Russia, 273 Bennoch, Twentvman, & Rigg.— XIX. 394 Benoit, A.—Sardinia, 33 Benoit, F.—Belgium, 369 Benouville, M.—France, 760 Benson, C.—xvi. 12 Benson, W.—in. 39 ; Spain, 251 Bentall, E. H.—ix. 217 Bentinck, Col. H.—xix. 400 Bentley— vm. 264 ; see also Hatnmers- ley & Bentley Bentley, J.—x. 213 Bentley, J. F.—m. 4 Bentley & Son.— vm. 221 Bentley, W. H.—xxii. 606 Benzon.—Denmark, 45 Benzoni, G.—Austria, 725 Benzoni, Gio. Maria.—Rome, 16 Beranger, J. & Co.—France, 761 Berard & Co.—France, 51. Berckmans, J.—Belgium, 170 Berden, F. & Co.—Belgium, 174 Berend, see Arndt & Berend Berend, W.—Hamburgh, 45 Berenguer, J. B.—Spain, 192 a B erenharts, A. & Co.—Belgium, 331 Berg, Brothers.—Zollv. (1), 873 Berg, F.—Austria, 579 Berge, Brothers.—Zollverein (6), 60 Berger, see Burgun, Waller, &c. and Co. Berger, C. H.—Austria, 380 26 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Berger, F.—i. 439 (Main Avenue, West); France, 418 Berger, J.—I. 518 ; Austria, 309 Berger, Madame.—Belgium, 349 Berger, S.—iii. 130. Berger, Walter.—France 25. 1072 Bergewall, F.—Sweden & Norway, 19 Bergin, M. O.—vii. 183 Bergrnann & Co.—Zollverein (1), 106 Bergmann, L.—Zollverein (1), 268 Bergrnann, W.—Zollverein (1), 207 Bergue, C. de—v. 552 ; vi. 45 Berichon, M. Eug.—Mauritius Beringer, B.—France, 1546. Berington, J. —viii. 213 Berland, J.—Jersey & Guernsey, 4 Berlin, L. R. & Lode.—Zollv. (1), 342 Berlin Royal Prussian Iron Foundry.— Zollv. (1), 271. (Main Avenue East) Berliner, A.—France, 52 Berlioz & Co.—France, 53 Bermann, J.—Austria, 370 Bermingham, T.— vii. 13 Bernadon, H. A.—Algiers Bernaert & De Cuyper, H.—Belgium, 326 Bernard.—France, 420 Bernard, Brothers.—Zollverein (6), 9 Bernard, D. F.—France, 762. Bernard, J.—xxix. 177 Bernard, J. B.—France, 1081. Bernard, Hon. Jane G.—xix. 372 Bernard, Jules, see Obry, Jules Bernard, & Co. Bernard, L.—France, 1547. Bernard, St., Board of Direction of the House of Correction at—Belgium, 226 Bernardel, senior.—France, 421 Bernardis.—Austria, 430 Bernardis, Bernardo de.—Austria, 141b. 430 (Main Avenue, East) ; 633, 643, 646 Berncastle, Dr.—China Bernhard, Affinger, J.—Zollv. (1), 309 Bernhard, von Sanden.—Zollv. (1), 14 Bernhard, W.—Zollverein (3), 121 Bernhardi, see Bartel mus, Brothers, &c. Berni & Melliard.-—xx. 103 Bernimolin, N. & Brothers.—Belgium, 150 Bernoville, Larsonnier, & Chenest.— France, 1548 Bernstorff & Eichwede.—Hanover, 8 Berr & Co.—France, 54 Berrall, W. and Son.—xvi. 115 Berres, M.—Zollverein (1), 385. Berretta, Daniele.—Rome, 6 Berrie, see Auld, Berne, & Mathieson Berriedale, Lord.—v. 405 Berrus, Brothers.—France, 55 Berry, B. & Sons.—VI. 48 Berry, Brothers.—xm. 75 Bert.—France, 763 Bert. J.—Spain, 246 Bert, J. J.—Spain, 245. Bertani, A.—Belgium, 477 Bertaud, jun.—France, 1549 Berteche, Chesnon, & Co.—France, 1082 Berthault.—France, 56 Berthelot, N.—France, 422 Berthelot & Bonte.—Belgium, 216 Berthiot.—France, 57 Berthon, Rev. E. L.— viii. 104 Berthoven, Van.—Belgium, 502 Bertinetti, P.—Sardinia, 61 Bertini, G.—Austria, 737 (Main Avenue, East) Bertonnet.—France, 58 Bertou, H.—France, 1084 Bertram, J. —-viii. 136 Bertram, Mrs.—Jersey and Guernsey, 41 Bertrand, A.—France, 764 Bertrand, F. & Co.—France, 59 Bertrand, Gayet, & Dumontat.— France, 1085 ' Bertrand, Provancher.—France, 970 Besant.—x. 369. Bescanzas, F.—Spain, 239 Bescher, R. F.—France, 60 Beseke.—Russia, 303 Besley, R. & Co.—xvn. 195 Besnard,Richoux, & Genest.—France,61 Bessalie, H. P.—Zollverein (1), 71 Bessarabia, School of Horticulture.— Russia, 41 Bessemer, Elizabeth.— xix. 100 Bessemer, H. —v. 421 ; vi. 400 Bessent, Maria.— xxix. 293 Besson, A. de.—Switzerland, 40 Besson, G. A.—France, 424 Best, Messrs.—Van Diemen’s Land, 345 Best, T. — x. 330 ; xxix. 37 Beswick, J.— iii. 100 Beswick, R.— xxvn. 106 Bethel, Ware, & Co.— xx. 76 Bethel], J.— iv. 21 Bettany, see Anderson & Bettany Betteley.— viii. 97 Betteley, J. —viii. 63 Betteley, J. & Co.— viii. 97 Bettignies, M.—France, 1086 Bettle, P.—x. 679 a B ettridge, see Jennens & Bettridge Betts, A.— x. 519 Betts, E. L.— xxvn. 22 Beugger, J.—Switzerland, 113 Bevan, C.—xxvm. 171 Bevan, H.— v. 105 Beveridge, E.— xiv. 29 Bevington & Morris.— xvi. 301 (Main Avenue, West); xxvm. 38 Bevington & Sons.— xvi. 1 Bewick. J.—i. 423 Bexley, Lord.— iii. 100 Bey, H.—Hamburgh, 73 Beyer, A.—Austria, 495 Beyer & Co.—Zollverein (3), 51 Beyer & Heintre.—Zollverein (1), 761 Beyerhaus, A.—Zollverein (1), 144 Beyerle, G.—France, 765 Bezault, J. & Co.—France, 425 Bezronkavnikoff-Sokoloff, A.—Russia, 248 Bianchi, J. & Duseigneur. — France, 1087—1273 Bianchini, G.—Tuscany, 113 Bianchini, Luigi.—Rome, 11 Bianconi, F.—Zollverein (1), 295 Biancoucini, Count.—Rome, 4 Biancoucini, Count Biagio.—Rome, 1 Biber, L.—France, 62 Bicalho’s Factory.—Portugal, 1294 Bicheno, J. E.—Van Diemen’s Land. 294. 326. 327 Bickford, Smith, 8c Davey.—i. 424 Bickle, W.—v. 131 Biddell.—ix. 124 Biddell, G. A.—xxn. 438 Biddle, D.—xix. 1 Biddle, J.—xx. 207 ; xxil. 297 Biddulph.—i. 417 Bideford Anthracite Mining Co.—I. 242 Biden, F. see Biden, J. & F. Biden, J. & F.—xxiii. 51 Bidwell, J.—Persia Bidwell, J. G.—New South Wales, !a B idwell, Rev.W.H.—United States,477 Biedermann, M. L. & Co.—Austria, 206 Biefang, C.—Zollverein (1), 661 Biegel, J.—Zollverein (1), 311 Bielefeld, C. F.—xxvi. 167 (Main Avenue West) ; xxvi. Bay I. 25 Bienaime, A.—Spain, 293 Bienert, D. & Son.—Austria, 143 Bienert, F.—Austria, 303 Bier, see Steinhaeuer & Bier Biertumpfel, H.—vi. 506 Biffen, W.—viii. 179 Bifield, Caroline.—xxvi. 554 Bigaglia, Lorenzo, see Bigaglia, P. Bigaglia, P. (late Lorenzo Bigaglia).— Austria, 600 Bigaglia, Pietro.—Austria 34 Bigford, H.— xxil. 650 Bigg, H. & Son. —x. 676 Bigg, T.—ix. 65 Biggin & Sons.— xxil. 212 Biggs.— xxn. 453 Biggs & Sons.— xx. 205 Bigotti, L.—Tuscany, 78 Bihet, H.— Belgium, 393 Bilbe & Co— viii. 141 Bill am ore, Mrs.— xxvi. 230 Billecoq, A.—France, 26 Billeter, Z.—Switzerland, 147 Billiald, see Whitlock & Billiald Billiard, L.—Belgium, 70 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 27 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country r British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Billiet & Huot.—France, 1550 Billings & Ambrose.—United States,34 Billinton, W.—v. 468 Billson & Hames.—xx. 201 Binder, Traugott.—Austria, 207 Bingham, R. J.—x. 302 Bingley, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 226 Bingley, M.—xvii. 61 Binks, B.—xii. & xv. 31 Binns, R. W.—xxiv. 34 Binns, W.—VI. 55. Binsmead, J.—x. 474 Binyon, A. —x. 610 Biolley, F.—Belgium, 195 Biondek, M.—Austria, 660 Biondetti, H.—France, 766 Birch, J.— vi. 406 Bird, see Gadd & Bird Bird, A.—xxii. 267 Bird, Alfred.— xxii. 600 Bird & Co.—I. 411 Bird, E.—xxvii. 83 Bird, J.—I. 457 a B ird, R.—xii. & xv. 223 Bird, W.— xvi. 189 Bir'k.—Zollverein (1), 191 Birkin, R.— vi. 94; xix. 20 Birkmann, M.—Zollverein (2), 79 Birnbaum, J.—Austria, 95 Birner & Hartman.—Zollverein (2), 2 Birnstell, J.—Zollverein (6), 71 Birrell, D. — xiv. 27 Birt, A.— xx. 153 Bischof.—Zollverein (1), 682 Bischoff, see Bary, T. de, & Bischoff Bischoff, C.A.& Co.—Zollverein (2)98 Bischoff, C. J.—Switzerland, 157 Bischoff, Freres.—Switzerland, 152 Bischop & Rhodius.—Zollv. (1), 312 Bishop, see Barnard & Bishop; Gill & Bishop Bishop, J.—v. 805; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 278 Bishop, J. C.—x. 553 Bishopp, Rev. J.—xxii. 591 Bisiaux.—France, 767 Biss, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court,) 307 Bisse, L. E.—Belgium, 87 Bissen.—Denmark, 38 (Main Avenue, East) Bisso, Brothers.—Sardinia, 69 Bisson, J. jun.—France, 10S8 Bistrom, Baron.—Russia, 46 Bistrom, Madame.—Russia, 215 Bittner, D.—Austria, 144 Bittner, F.—Austria, 699 Bjork, C. L.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Black, see Bell & Black Black, B.— xxii. 464 Black, Dr. — x. 453 Black, H. & Co.—v. 806 Black, J.—vi. 138 Black, J. & Co.— xviii. 51 Black & Wingate.— xii. & xv. 204 Blackburn, Ann Maria.—xix. 103 Blackburn, B.— xxvii. 21 Blackburn, J.—Cape of Good Hope, 18 Blackburn & Thomson.—Van Diemen’s Land, 343 Blackett, Walter.—xxx. (Fine Art Court,) 55 Blackhall, J.—ix. 33 Blackmore, Brothers.—xix. 325, 337 Blackmore/Mary.—xxix. 125 Blackmore, W.—vi. 428 Blackwell, R. see Blackwell, S. & R. Blackwell, S.—i. 427 Blackwell, S. & R.—xvi. 78 Blackwell, W.—x. 653, 734 Bladel, see Dieudonne & Bladel Blaeser, G.—Zollverein (1), 310 Blagg, see Cooper & Blagg Blaha & Rosenberger.—Austria, 259 Blain, see Corry, Blain, & Co. Blaikie, J.—ix. 89a Blair, D.—British Guiana, 71, 72 Blair, J. —xxii. 409 Blair, R.—vra. 136 Blais, see Louis, Blais, 8c Co. Blaize, H.—France, 1089 Blake, see Stephenson & Blake Blake & Parkin.— xxii. 193 Blake, W.—United States, 233 Blakely, E. & T.— xii. & xv. 285 Blakeslee, J.—United States, 131 Blanchard, M. H.— xxvii. 92 Blanche!, see Roller & Blanchet Blanchet, Brothers.—France, 768 Blanchet, Brothers, & Kleber.—France, 1090 Blanchet, J. B.—France, 27 Blancke, E.—Zollverein (1), 801 Bland, Dr.—New South Wales Bland, J. G.—ix. 205 Bland, S. K.—xxiv. 80 Blandall.—xxvi. 112 Blank,E. & H.—Zollv.(l),656 ;(3), 70. Blank, H., see Blank, E. & H. Blankenburg, F.—Zollverein (1), 561 Blankenstein.—Zollverein (1) 842 Blanquart, E.—France, 1551 Blanzy, Poure, & Co.—France, 28 Blaquiere, J. M.—France, 1552 Blaschka & Co.—Austria, 294 Blaschka & Sons.—Austria, 601 Blaylock, J.—x. 92 Blech, Steinbach,& Mantz.—France, 29 Bleckmann, J. E.—Zollverein (1). 623 Blee,R.—i. 459. 512 Bleekrode, Prof. S.—Netherlands, 1 Bleibtreu, L.—Zollverein (1), 313 Bleibtreu, L. O.—Zollverein (1) 686 Bleriot & Lemaitre.—France, 30 Bleuze, II.—France, 1091 Blews & Sons.—xxii. 349 Bley, J.—Austria, 505 Blind Asylum (Glasgow). —xviii. 56a B lind, Society for teaching the, (Regent’s Park). —xvii. 198 Bliss, R. & Co.—United States, 415 Bliss, W. —xii. & xv. 270 Blizard, see Coates & Blizard Blizard, J. —xxviii. 127 Blodget, S. C.—United States, 551 Blofeld, T. G.—xxi. 4 Blofeld, T. J.—n. 77 Blondel, Gaston, & Co.—Sardinia, 17 Bloomer & Philipps.—xxii. 176 Bloomfield, Miss.—xix. Ill Blosch, see Neuhaus & Blosch Blott, Esther.—xxvi. 18 Blowers, W. R.—xvi. 272 Blum, T. G.—Switzerland, 114 Blumauer, W.—Austria, 474 Blumel, C., see Zjcisel, J., &c. Blumel, J., see Zjcisel, J., &c. Blumer & Jenny.—Switzerland, 116 Blumhardt, H.—Zollverein (4), 94 Blundel & Co.—vi. 420 Blundell, Spence, & Co.—n. 48 Blunt, H.—x. 372 Blyberg, Compagnie des Mines et Fon- deries de (Liege).—Belgium, 22 Blyckaert, G.—Belgium, 78 Blyth, see Lethem, Blyth, & Co.; Windie & Blyth Blyth & Jacobs.—I. 131 Blyth, Hamilton, & Blyth.—iv. 60 Blyth, R.—x. 367 Blyth, R. J.—ix. 154 Blythe, R.—xvi. 90 Bo, A.—Sardinia, 19 Boa, W,—Canada, 39. 46 Boadella, J.—-xxvi. 193 Boake, J. F.— xxii. 697 Board.—Western End, South En¬ closure (Outside), 2 Board, C.—xxvi, 240 Bobee & Lemire.—France, 1092 Bobone, D. J.—Portugal, 641-645 Bobone, D. J. d’Azerado.—Portugal,646 Boch, see Villeroy & Boch Boch, J. F.—Zollverein (7), 5 Boche, M.—France, 769 Bock, H.—Switzerland, 31 Bocken, C.—Netherlands, 1 i Bocken, Hubert, & Co.—Belgium, 73 Bockmuehl, P. E,—Zollverein (1), 5£6 Bockmiihl, Schieper, & Hecker.-—Zoll¬ verein (1), 606 Bode, H.— xxviii. 103 Bodemer & Co.—Zollverein (1) 820 Bodemer, G.—Zollverein (3), 40 Bodemer, J. jun.—-Zollverein (1), 726 Bodin, J.—France, 426 Bodley.—vn. 43 Boe, D. De.—Belgium, 98 Boecker, H., see Boecker, R. & H. 28 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Boecker, R. & H.—Zollverein (1), 633 Boeddinghaus & Co.—Zoll. (1), 572 Boehler, F. L. & Son.—Zoll. (3), 56 Boehm.—x. 536 ; see also Ihm, Boehm, & Pfaltz Boehm, T.—Zollverein (2), 23 Boehme, see Confa & Boehme Boehme, C. L.—Zollverein (1), 362 Boeing, Roehr, & Lefsky. : —Zoll. (1), 453 Boekel, A.—Hamburgh, 116 Boelger, M. —Switzerland, 158 Boelstler, J.—Switzerland, 60 Boelstrerli, C., & Co.—Zoll. (4), 55 Boeringer & Co.—France, 770 Boesch & Sons.—Switzerland, 115 Boesche, C. J.—Zollverein (1), 785 Boettiger, H. G.—Zollverein (3), 108 Bogaert, J. B. Van.—Belgium, 107 Bogel, see Nering, Bogel, & Co. Bogoslovsk Imperial Copper Works.— Russia, 1 Bogue, A.—New South Wales, 2 Bohm, Aug.—Hamburgh, 97 Boileau, E.—xvii. 78 Boileau, Lieut.-Col., A. H. E.—China Bois, A. Du & Co.—Belgium, 360 Bois, C. A. Du.—Zollverein (i) 7 Boisotau, see Gigot & Boisotau Boissimon, C. de.—France, 427 Boland, A.—France, 428 Boland, see Goode & Boland Boland, P. —xxix. 104 Bolenius, Nolte.—Zollverein (1), 562 Bolla, see Gatti & Bolla Bollee, E.—France, 1093 Bolin, C.—Russia, 322 Bolingbroke,C. & F.—xii. & xv. 311 Bolingbroke, F., see Bolingbroke, C. & F. Bolitho, E.—i. 440 Boiler, C.—xix. 184 Bollo, J.—Portugal, 1123d Bollo, J. G.—Portugal, 1 I 26 a B olm, C.—Zollverein (1), 769 Bolten, Wilhelm, & Son.—Zollverein (1), 490 Bolton, Capt.—St. Helena, 2 Bolton, T.—x. 94 ; xxii. 353 Bolzani, A. M.—Zollverein (1) 38 Bompiani, Roberto.—Rome, 23 Bonaiuti, C. & Sons.—Tuscany, 81 Bonardel, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 53 Bonasse, Lebel, & Co.—France, 774 Bonavia, C.—Malta, 2 Boncourt, see Durand, Boncourt, &c. Bond, C.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 28 Bond, S.—United States, 37 Bond, W. & Son,—United States, 463 Bondarevsky, Prascovia, Ogla, &c.— Russia, 358 Bondelin, A.—Russia, 238 Bondon, L.—France, 63 Bone, H. P.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 238 Bone & Son. —xvii. 62 Bonet, seeVacossin, Bonet, &c. Bonfils, Michel, Souvraz, & Co.—France, 1094 Bongaerts, F. A.—Belgium, 229 Bonge, A. L.—Zollverein (1), 222 Bongiovanni, B.—Austria, 741 Boniface & Sons.—France, 32 Bonito,Sir T.—New Granada, 5 Bonitto, J.—I. 4 Bonjean & Co.—France, 1082 Bonjean, J.—Sardinia, 12 Bonn Mines & Iron Works.—Algeria, xx. 46 Bonnal, V. & Co.—France, 429 Bonnar & Carfrae.—xxvi. 108. xxx. (Fine Art Court), 344 Bonnassieux.—France, 64 Bonnet, jun.—France, 1096 Bonnet, C.—Portugal, 258. 381. 1223 Bonnet & Co.—France, 1097 Bonnet, J. B.—France, 1095 Bonneton.—France, 771 Bonneville, M. De.—United States, 210 Bonney.—Van Diemen's Land, 281. 289 Bonney, W. W.— vm. 49 Bonson, see Bedford, Bonson, & Co. Bonte, see Berthelot & Bonte Bonte, L.—France, 33 Bontemps, see Godard & Bontemps. Bontems.—France, 430 Bontems, C.—Switzerland, 184 Bonvenschen, H. & Co.—Zoll. (1), 536 Bonyun, G. R.—British Guiana, 31 Bonz & Son.—Zollverein (4), 2 Bonzanigo.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 82 Bonze & Brothers.—France, 772 Boobbyer, J. H.— xxii. 680 Booker, E. & Sons.— v. 809 Boole, L. H.—United States, 312 Boone, J. A.—Belgium, 488 Boote, R., see Boote, T. & R. Boote, T. & R.—xxv. 11 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 139 Booth, see Brown, Rusby, & Booth Booth & Co.—vi. 2 Booth, G. R.—vii. 134 Booth, J. P.—xvi. 112 Booth & Pike.— xiii. 63 Boquet, Marie Virginie.— France, 1098 Bord.—France, 1099 Borde, J.—Algeria, 9 Borden, G.—United States, 524 Boreham, S.—xxm. 92 Borel, H. J.—Switzerland, 19 Borel, Boyer, & Co.—Switzerland, 37 Borer & Porzelius.—Zollverein, (2), 8 Borges, Sottere Antonio. — Portugal, 973-977 Borgnis, Miss M. A.—United States, 487 Bormann, F. A.—Zollverein (1), 112 Borras, see Sugden, Borras, & Co. Borrini, L.—Austria, 734 Borrows, Mary L.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 11 Borsary.—France, 1100 Border, P.—Belgium, 95 Borzone, J.—Sardinia, 45 Bosch, C. G.—Netherlands, 82 Bosch, P. Van den.—vm. 136 Bosclietti, Benedetto.—Rome, 17 Bosio, A.—Sardinia, 85 Bosquet, see Mourgue & Bosquet. Boss, I. A.—xxix. 146 Boss, T.—vm. 219 Bossard, J.—xvi. 294 Bossi, J.—Austria, 239, 386 Bossi, J. B.—France, 773 Bossingham, B.—x. 723 Bossut, see Gilson & Bossut. Bossut, see Motte, Bossut, & Co. Bosteels Geerinck, J.—Belgium, 238 Bostelmann, A.-—Hamburgh, 99 Boston, Mr. Sherilf.—Canada, 25 Botanic Garden.—Cape of Good Hope, 10 Bothcher& Engell.—Zollverein (1), 865 Bott & Allen.— xxii. 422 Botten, C.—v. 429. xxii. 426 Bottier, L. N.—France, 1101 Bottinelli, G.—Austria, 726 Bottinelli & Gandolfi,—Austria, 727 Bottom, see Hudson & Bottom. Bottom, J.—xix. 106 Bottomley.—x. 657. Bottomley, J.—xii. & xv. 181 Bottomley & Sons.—xii. & xv. 165 Bou Taleb (tribe of the).—Algeria, 54 Bouasse, V. L. & Co.—France, 1102 Boubier, Compagnie du Charbonnage de.—Belgium, 29 Bouch, T.—vii. 73 Bouchard, F.—France, 1103 Bouchard-Houzard, W.—France, 775 Boucher, E. & Co.—France, 776 Boucher, T.—Belgium, 399 Boucherie, J. A.— France, 1104 Boucherot, see Oudard, L. & Bouchard Bouchet, A.—xxix. 124 Bouchet, C.—xvi. 246 Bouchez-Pothier.—France, 34 Bouchon, L. A.—France, 431 Boudet.—France, 508 Boudoin and Lebere.—Canada, 15 Boudon, L.—France, 1105 Boudon de St. Amans.—France, 432 Boudouris, B.—Greece, 21 Bouffet, jun.—France, 442 Bouhardet, C. P.—France, 1106 Bouillette, Hyvelin, & Co.—France, 1107 Boulanger, Pierre Honore.—Algeria, 10 Boulanger, T. C.— vii. 198 Boulogne, P.—Austria, 334 Boulonnois.—France, 433 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 29 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Boulter, B—xxn. 6 77 Boulton & Son.—xxii. 330 Boulton & Swales.—Main Avenue, West, 63 Bouquillard.—Fiance, 777 Bouquoi, Count.—Austria, 414 Bourdaloue.—France, 67 Bourdin, C.—France, 1730 Bourdon, E.—France, 1108 Bourgard, C.— United States, 309 Bourgeois, see Leon-Clement & Bourgeois Bourgery, Mrs.—France, 778 Bourgogne, A.—France, 1553 Bourgogne, J.—France, 434 Bourgoin, B.—Sardinia, 75 Bourne, see Pinder, Bourne, & Hope Bourne, E.—x. 636 Bourne, J.—xxv. 35 Bourne, W.—New Zealand, 35 Bourra, L. A.—vi. 610 Bcusfield, seeFinlayson, Bousfield, & Co. Bousson, Mrs. Vleigheer de.—Belgium, 328 Boutchier, Mortimer, and Co.—xvi. 293 Boutillier, Dr.—Canada, 26 Bouvard & Lancon.—France, 1110. Bouvy, A.—Belgium, 266 Bouxwiller Mines Joint-Stock Company. —France, 376. Bovet & Co.—Switzerland, 35 Bovet, F.—Switzerland, 13 Bovey, J.—xxvn. 3, 4 Bowden, G.—xvn. 63 Bowell, J.—xxix. 153 Bowen, A. F.—viii. 325 Bowen, J.—xxvii. 94 Bower, J.—ii. 42. Bower, M. xvi. 329 Bowers, Challinor, & Wooliscroft.— xxvii. 104 Bowers, G. F.—xxv. 13 Bowler, J.—v. 756 ; xvi. 236 Bowley, see Taylor & Bowley Bowling Iron Company.—xxii. 83 Bowman & Son.— xii. & xv. 231 Bowman, William.—China. Bowmar, C. B,—xvi. 87 Bowring, Edgar A. —China Boyce, Dr.— xvii. 123 Boyd, C.—I. 462a; see also Hunt, J. Boyd, F. J.—Canada, 160 Boyd, I.—xm. 13 Boyd, J.—Van Diemen’s Land, 233 Boyd, J. E.—ix. 199 Boydell, J.—v. 660; vii. 56 Boye, C. T.—Hamburgh, 113 Boyer.—France, 70, 1554; see also Borel, Boyer, & Co. Boyer, sen.—France, 35. Boyer & Co.—France, 71 Boyer, P. J.—France, 69 Boyle.—x. 392, see Turbeville, Smith, &Co.; Williams, Coopers, & Co. Boyle, R.—v. 1002 Boyle, W.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 141 Brabant, see Neitzer & Brabant Braby & Sons.— ix. 24 Brace, H.—xvi. 58 Bracht, F. W.—Austria, 240 Bradbee, G. W'.— xix. 72 Bradbeer, S., see Offord & Bradbeer Bradbury & Evans, xvii. 136 Bradbury, Greatorex, & Beall. —xi. 56 Bradbury & Son.— xxiii. 36 Bradeis, I. jun.—-Zollverein, (2), 3 Bradford, R. & W.— xxi. 3a, 3b B radford, S.— xxi. 26 Bradford, W. see Bradford, R. & W. Bradley, see Henn & Bradley Bradley, B. & Co.—United States, 473 Bradley, J.—xxvii. 35 Bradley, R. & Co.— vi. 310 Bradnack, I. R. —xxn. 575 Bradshaw, G. —xx. 39 Bradwell & Adams, xviii. 40 Brady, M. B.—United States, 137 Brady, W. N.—United States, 380 Brady, D’Avignon, & Lester.—United States, 142 Braendlin, Brothers.—Switzerland, 119 Braham, J. —x. 289 Brahmfeld & Gutrup.—Hamburgh, 54 Brain, see Saxby!& Brain Braine, C. T.—China Brainerd, O. M.—Canada, 83 Brainerd, O. N.—Canada, S2 Braithwaite, S.—X. 283 Bramah. —xxn. 622 Bramah & Co.— xxn. 653 Bramall, see Fisher & Bramall Brameld, J. W.— xxv. 43 Bramhall, T.—vii. 129 Bramlage, A.—Oldenburgh, 2 Bramley.— xviii. 84 Bramley Woollen Cloth Company.— xii. & xv. 64. Bramwell, T. & Co.— ii. 27 Brand, see M‘Nair & Brand Brand, W.—Zollverein (1), 620 Brande, J. A. Van den.—Belgium, 511 Brandeis, R. W.—Austria, 133 Branden, Van der, & Co.—Belgium, 363 Brandon, see Wyatt & Brandon Brandon, N. D.—Netherlands, 70 Brandstetter, F.—Zollverein (3), 55 Brandt, see Isidore & Brandt Brandt, F. E.—Switzerland, 10 Brandus & Co.—France, 1111 Brannam, T.— xxvn. 131 Branscombe, S. —xvi. 298 Branston, see Vizetelly & Branston Braquenie & Co.—France, 435 Brasseur & Co.—Zollverein (1), 314 Brasseur, E.—Belgium, 42 Bratts, F. M.—Portugal, 1125 a B rauer.—Zollverein (2), 39 Braumiiller, W.—Austria, 368 Braun, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 491 Braun, C.—France, 72 Braun & Co.—xxvi. 172 Braun, G. J.—Austria, 21 Braun, H.—xxiv. 46 Braun, L.—xx. 64 a Braund, J.—xx. 66 Braunschweig, T.—Zollverein (1), 621 Braux-d’Anglure, De.—Fiance, 779 Bravo, M.—Sardinia, 24 Braxton, C.—United States, 2G9 Bray, C.—xxn. 5U0 Bray, C. & Co.—xm. 67 Bray, J.—x. 531 Braysham, G.—xii. & xv. 463 Brayshaw, J.—xix. 382 Brazier, J. & R.—vni. 206 Brazier, R. see Brazier, J. & R. Breaute, E.—France, 36 Breadalbane, Marquis of.—I. 7. 211. 442; iv. 95 a. 134 Brearey, W. A.—n. 80 Brecht, A.—Zollverein (l), 699 Breda, D. J. Van.—Cape of Good Hope, 32 Bredif, Brothers.—France, 73 Bredt, see Greet!’, Bredt, & Co.; Krem- melbein & Bredt Bredt & Co.—Zollverein (1), 315 Breed, N. A. & Co.—United States, 411 Breets, T. M.—Portugal, 1122 a B reitenstein, J. & Co.—Switzerland, 117 Breithaupt, F. W. & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 670 Breitkopp & Haertell.—Zollv. (3), 25 Bremner, J.—vii. 95; viii. 83. 136; xiv. 74 a Bremner, J. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 258 Bremner & Till.— in. 41 Brendon, W. S.— xxvn. 3 Brenta, D.—Belgium, 435 Brentano, Pellouz, & Co.—Zollv. (2),36 Bresilmaier, J.—Austria, 506 Breteau, C. A.—France, 112 Bretes, M. F.—Portugal, 620 Bretes, M. T.—Portugal, 393. 622 Bretnell, T. D.— xvn. 64 Breton.— France, 1555 Breton, Brothers, & Co.—France, 436. 1113 Brett, A.—x. 422 Brett, Brothers, & Co.—xii. & xv. 20 Brett, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 52 Brett, J. & J. W.—x. 429 Brett, J. W. see Brett J. & J. W. Brett & Little.—x. 422. 696 Brett, T. W. B.—x. 429 Brettell, T.—xvn. 169 Bretts, S. G.—United States, 211 Breuning, F.—Zollverein (4), 8 Breuqinger & Son.—Zollverein (4), 3 30 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class Brevis, Brothers, Messrs.—Austria, 80 Brewer, see Sayle, Merriam, & Brewer Brewer, C. & W.— VI. 144 Brewer, Jane.—vi. 132 Brewer, W. see Brewer, C. & W. Brewin & Whetstone.—xn. & xv. 242 Breyer, see Seyffert and Breyer Breyer, G. W.—Lubeck, 10 Briard, J. Ii.—Belgium, 277 Bricard & Gauthier.—France, 437 Brichant.—Belgium, 498 Bridard, J.—France, 1115 Brider, G.—vm. 202 Brider, J.—vm. 261 Bridges.— xyiii. 79 Bridges, C.—Cape of Good Hope, 21 Bridges, C. H.—xvi. 219 Bridges, G.—x. 339 Bridges, W.—xix. 108 Bridget!, T. & Co.—xm. 49 Bridport Local Committee-— XIV. 73 Brie, J. & Co.— XX. 24 Brie & Jeofrin.—France, 780 Briears, J.—New South Wales Briel, W. 8c Co.—Zollverein (6), 4 Brien, see Gregson and Brien Brien, C.— XXIX. 90 Brien, J.—Canada, 44 Briere, A.—France, 438 Briers, J. sen.—Belgium, 99 Briet, J. C.—France, 439 Brigg.—v. 636 Briggs, G. & Co.—v. 811 Briggs, S.—xxii. 145 Briggs, T.—ix. 103 Bright, see Gibbs, Bright, & Co. Bright & Co.—xix. 401 Bright, J. &Co.—xix. 115 Bright, R.—xxii. 458 Bright, S.—xxvn. 80 Brillies.—xxn. 655 Brimley & Sons.—xn. & xv. 490 Brinck, T. W.—Zollverein (1) 607 Brindley, T.—xvi. 21 Brine, Brothers, & T. Sharp.—Main Avenue, West, 86 Brinks, see Altenloh, Brinks, 8c Co. Brinsley, see Critchley, Brinslev, & Co. Brinsmead.—x. 474 Brinton & Sons.—xix. 110 Briqueeler 8c Co.—Algeria, 11 Briquet & Perrier.—France, 1116 Brisband, H.— xxii. 364 Briscall, J.—x. 95 a B rison, P. sen.—France, 781 Brison, R.—xxix. 257 Brisset, E.—France, 440 Brisson, Brothers.—France, 1117 Bristol School of Industry for the Blind. —xxviii. 30 British Electric Telegraph Co.—x. 432 British & Foreign Bible Soc,— XVII. 201 British Plate Glass Co.— xxvi. 408 (Main Avenue, West) Briton and Sons.—xix. 296 Brittan, W.—xxvi. 220 Brixtre, M. E.—Belgium, 21 Broadbent, J.—x. 122 Broadhead & Atkins.—xxiii. 43 Broadwood & Sons.—x. 518 (Main Avenue, West) Brocchi, C. F.—Tuscany, 27 Brocchiere, P.— in. 16 Brocchieri, P.-—France, 74 Brock.—Van Diemen’s Land, 54, 55 Brockbank & Atkins, x. 40 Brockedon, W.—i. 65 Brockhaus, F. A.—Zollv. (3), 13. 178 Brocking, W.—Hamburgh, 11 Brocklehurst & Sons, xm. 38 Brocklesby & Wessels.—Zollv. (1), 830 Brockmann, F.—Zollverein (1), 539 Brocot, A.—France, 441 Brodie, see Muirs, Connell, & Brodie Brodie, P. E.—i. 54 Brodie, W. —ix. 98; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 159 Brodier, C.—Belgium, 386 Broemel, A.—Zollverein (1), 705 Broenner, F. I.—Zollverein (5), 1 Broesel—Zollverein (1), 727 Brogden, see Watherstone 8c Brogden Brother, H.—Jersey and Guernsey, 13 Broitzsch, M.—Austria, 297 Bromley, G.—vm. 136; see also For¬ rest & Bromley Bronski, Major Count de Brono.— France, 782 ; see also Andre, J. &c. Brook, J. & Brothers.—xi. 24 Brook, J. and Son.—xn. & xv. 487 Brooke, C.—x. 144 Brooke, Gov. Sir Jas.—Labuan, &c. 1 Brooke & Sons— xii. & xv. 86 Brooker, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 109 Brooker, J. — viii. 181 Brookes, E. —xix. 113 Brookes, H.— viii. 143 Brookes, J.—x. 25 ; xxn. 171 Brookes & Son.— viii. 246 Brookes, Wm. & Sons.—xxii. 110 a B rooklyn Flint Glass Comp.—United States, 113 Brookman & Langdon.—i. 64 Brooks, G. jun.—x. 705 Brooks, H. & T.—x. 479 Brooks, T.—xm. 26; see also Brooks, H. & T. Brooks, W. T,—United States, 222 Brooksbank, A.—xxii. 163 Brosche, F. X.—Austria, 20 Brose, W.—Austria, 580 Brosely, M,—i. 275 Brossard, see Barrallon & Brossard Brosse & Co.—France, 1118 Brossier, see Drouin & Brossier Brotchie, R.—xvi. 200 Brotherhood.—v. 502 Brotherton & Co.—iv. 23 Brotzmann, A.—Austria, 310 Brough, J. & J. & Co.— xm. 44 Brough, J. see Brough, J. & J. & Co. Broughton, R. A.—v. 447 Brovellio, J. B. & Co.—Belgium, 72 Browett, H., see Browett, W. & H. Browett, W. & H.— xm. 80 Brown— xxii. 370; United States, 283; see also Inglis & Brown; Lambert, Brown, & Patrick ; Parker & Brown; Perkins & Brown; Royston & Brown ; Schofield, Brown, &c.; Silk & Brown; Tootall 8c Brown Brown, A.— xvi. 300: xxx. (Sculpture Court), 1 Brown, Alfred.— xxiii. 97. 105 Brown & Archbold.—ix. 250 Brown, Captain S.— vii. 10 Brown & Co.—Van Diemen’s Land, 45-46. 283-285 Brown, D. S.—ix. 91; x. 676a B rown, F.— ii. 57 Brown, Fielding.—Van Diemen’s Land, 199 Brown & Forster.— xn. 8c xv. 9 Brown, G.— xxx. (Fine Art Court) 264 Brown, G. S.—United States, 110 Brown, H.— xix. 64 ; xxviii. 49 ; see also Brown, J. & H. 8c Co. Brown, J. — vn. 202; vm. 169a; x. 713; xxii. 235; xxvi. 140; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 34 Brown, J. & H. & Co.— xn. & xv. 469 Brown, John.—Van Diemen’s Land, 14,15, 16 Brown, J. M. &T.— xxvi. 15 Brown, J. Peto.—Western Africa, 3 Brown, J. R. & W.— xiv. 2 Brown, L.—United States, 134 Brown, Lenox, 8c Co.—Western end, North Enclosure (Outside), 58 ; vm. 61 Brown M. L. see Brown, T. 8c M. L. Brown, M‘Laren, & Co.—xix. 114 Brown, Marshall, & Co.—v. 812 Brown, Owen, & Co.—v. 813 Brown, P. A.—United States, 4 Brown & Poison.— hi. 123 i Brown, R.—xxvn. 52, 117 Brown & Redpath. —xxii. 477 Brown, Rusby, & Booth.—Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), 29 ; Western end. North Enclosure (Out¬ side) Brown S.—x. 335 ; United States, 216 Brown, Capt. Sir S.— vm. 334; see also Brown, Lenox, & Co. Brown, S. R. & T.—xix. 58 Brown & Son.— x. 627 ; xiv. 97; xvi. 65; xxix. 237 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 31 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Brown & Sons.— xiy. 17 ; xxn. 182 Brown, T.— Van Diemen’s Land, 345 ; see also Brown, J. M. & T. ; Brown, S. R. & T. Brown, T. B.—vi. 56 Brown, T. & M. L.—xxv. 45 Brown, W.—xii. & xv. 129; New Zealand, 16, 18; see also Brown, J. R. & W. Brown & Wells.—United States, 259 Browne, see Coode, Browne, & Co.; Wright, Tootal, & Browne Browne, C. A.—United States, 419 Browne, F.—xvi. 245 Browne, G. H.—vni. 136 Browne, H.—Belgium, 490. Browne & Lambert.—United States, 334 Browne, W.—I. 109; v. 814 Browne, W. C.—viii. 158 Browne, Sharpe, & Co.—xix. 57 Browning, S. J.—viii. 103 Browning, W.—United States, 557 Brownrigg.—Van Diemen’s Land, 107, 108 Brucciani, D.—North Transept, 36; i. 486 Bruce, G.—iv. 74 Bruck.—Zollverein (1), 747 Bruck, H. von & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 535 Bruckisch, W.—Zollverein (1), 66 Bruckmann & Sons.—Zollverein (4),65 Bruder’s Widow, Rudolph.—Austria, 295 Bruderer, J.—Switzerland, 118 Bruenger, A.—Zollverein (1), 559 Bruening, C. D.—Hamburgh, 63 Bruff, P.—vii. 49 Brugemann & Co. — Zollverein (1), 363 Brugisser & Co.—Switzerland, 227 Bruhm & Nagler.—Zollverein (1), 816 Brum me, A. F. W. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 687 Brun, A.—France, 37 Brun, Brothers.—Sardinia, 21 Bruneau, L. A.—France, 1119 Bruneaux & Son.—France, 38 Brunei, 1. K.—vii. 9 (Main Avenue, West) Brunet, Lecomte, Guichard, & Co.— France, 1120 Brunier.—France, 76 Brunier, Lenormand, & Co.—France, 75 Bruniquel Iron Works.—France, 1710 Briinn Trade Union.—Austria, 213 Brunner, see Imhoof, Brunner, & Co. Brunner, A.—Austria, 574 Bruno, H.—Belgium, 4ll Brunsden & Shipton.—Canada, 128 Brunswick, Ducal Foundry Inspection. —Zollverein (1), 780 Brunswick Iron Works (Wednesburv). —v. 543 Brunswick, M.— XXVI. 180 Brunswig, G. H.—Lubeck, 7 Brunton, J.— x. 596 Bruntop & Nesbit.—xii. & XV. 462 Brunton, W.—i. 404. 519 Brunton, W., jun.—vi. 304 Brunton, W. J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 230 Brusghin, A.—Russia, 29 Brussels, Atelier de ^Notre Dame.— Belgium, 304 Bruthwaite, H.—Barbadoes, 2 Bruthwaite, Mrs. H.—Barbadoes, 2 Brutton, C.— x. 96 Bruzghim, A.—Russia, 216 Bryan, Rev. J.—x. 40S Bryant, W.—United States, 171. 184 Bryceson, H.—x. 735 Bryden & Sons.— xxn. 45 Brymbo Coal Company (Wrexham).— Western end, South Enclosure (Out¬ side), 47 ; i. 274 Bryson & Sons.—x. 154. 665 Bubenitick, J.—Austria, 120 Buccleugh, Duke of.—i. 509 Bucerill, A.—Spain, 71 Buch.—Russia, 289 Buchanan, A.—Brit. Guiana, 86, 86 a, 90, 90a, 95-96a Buchanan, J. —xxix. 175 Buchanan & Law.—Cape of Good Hope, 53 Buchanan, R.—United States, 12 Buchberger, F.—Austria, 690 Buchberger, J.—Austria, 479 Buchholz, see Pauli & Buchholz Buchler, E.—Zollverein (3), 93 Buchler & Sons.—Switzerland, 120 Buchner, A.— Zollverein (1), 735 Buchwald, R.—Zollverein (3), 133 Buck, J.—xxi. 18 Buck & Son. —hi. 162 Bucker, H.—Zollverein (3), 176 Buckingham, J.—Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), 35 ; 1 . 254 ; x. 673a Buckingham, T. L.—United States, 63 Buckland, J. —viii. 308 Buckland & Topliss.—in. 48 Buckle, S.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 301 (Main Avenue, West) Buckley, G.—xxvn. 44 Buckley, Trustees of the late.—n. 4 Buckmaster, W. & Co.-—xx. 1 Budd, J. T.— hi. 37 Budden, E.—xvn. 97 Budge.—xxvi. 219 Budin.—France, 77 Budin, Signez.—France, 78 Budinsky, A.—Austria, 393 Budy, J. P. A.—France, 783 Buecklers, see Koenigs & Buecklers Buel, see Haskell, Merrit, and Buel Buenau, R. de.—Zollverein (3), 35 Buerger, J.—Austria, 700 Buettner, P.—Zollverein (6), 53 Bufe, T. C. & Son.—Hamburgh, 9 Buffault and Truchon.—France, 1122 Buffet, jun.—France, 442 Bugre, A.—France, 1123 Buholzer, see Hurter & Buholzer Buhrer, F.—Zollverein (4), 59 Buignier, G. S. F.—France, 1124 Buisson, sen.—France, 1125 Buisson, E. Robert & Co.—France, 784 Bujatti, F.—Austria, 252 Bukhareff.—Russia, 104 Bulfour, J.—xiv. 35 Bulhoens, Manufactory at.—Portugal, 275-278 Bull, J.—viii. 239 Bull & Wilson.—xii. & XV. 12 Buller, T. W.—i. 128 Bullock, E. & Co.—n. 37 Bullock, G.—St. Vincent Bullock, J. —see Bullock, S. W. & J. Bullock, J, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 199 Bullock, J. L.—ii. 34 Bullock, S. W. & J.—United States, 145 Bullough.—vi. 21 Bulman, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 228a Bunen, Miss Van.—Belgium, 74 Bunn, Lockington & Co.—xxvm. 77 Bunnett, J. & Co.— v. 48 ; vii. 152 Bunney, C.—x. 606 Buouinsegni, Brothers.'—Tuscany, 112 Buquoy, Count.—Austria, 584 Burat, Brothers.—France, 79 Burbach, Brothers.—Zoll. (1), 799 Burbank, see Fogg & Burbank Burch.—xix. 401 Burch, C. & Son.—xxix. 69, 309 Burch, J.—xix. 115 Burch, S. D.—United States, 513 Burch, W.—iv. 77 Burcham, C.—ix. 259 b B urchardt, Brothers.—Zollv. (1), 810 Burchardt & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 164 Burchett, J. R.—New South Wales, 3 Burckhardt,T.C. & Sons.—Switzerland, 152 Burd & Sons.—xvm. 26 Burdett, J.—x. 425 Bureau & Marcotte.—Canada, 192 Burg, Chevalier A. De.—Austria, 130 Biirgeosee,Tschorn.—Zollverein (1), 130 Burger, M. L.—Zollverein (1), 148 Burgess, see Walker & Burgess Burgess, A. & Co.— xii. & xv. 243 Burgess, C.— xii. & xv. 289 Burgess, D.—v. 471 Burgess, E.—xxiii. 2 32 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Burgess, F.— viii. 123 Burgess, G.—xvi. 155 Burgess, J.—xxvm. 119 Burgess & Key.—ix. 237 Burgess, Mrs.—Van Diemen’s Land, 109, 110 Burgess, R.—xvi. 244 Burgh, R.—xix. 75 Burgos, Inspector of Mines of the Dis¬ trict of.'—Spain, 35 Burgun, Waller, Berger & Co.—France, 39 Burke.—xvn. 152; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 42 Burke, J. H.—xxvi. 361 Burke, T. H.—xm. 57 Burke, W. H.—iv. 115 Burkhardt, J.—Switzerland, 270 Burkhart, H. T.—Zollverein (3), 109 Burn, R.—hi. 68 Burnard, N. — xxx. (Fine Art Co.) 302 Burnett, N.—I. 106 Burnett, Sir W.—iy. 7 Burney & Bellamy.— xxii. 633 Burnley & Sons.—xii. & xv. 490 Burns & Palmer.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.) 21 Buron.—France, 443 Burr, G. see Burr, T. W. & G. Burr, T. W. & G.-i. 495 Burrell, C.—ix. 37 Burroughes & Watts.—xxvi. 4 Burroughs, J. —Zollverein (3), 92 Burrows, see Heath & Burrows Burrows, S.— xxii. 222 Burrows, T.— xxii. 576 Bursill.—xxvi. 7 ; see also Cooper^& Bursill Bursill, G. H.—v. 753; x. 673 a, xxvi. 7 Bursill, G. H. & H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 60 Bursill, H. see Bursill, G. H. & H. Burt, H.—xxvi. 390 Burt, H. P.—vi. 468 Burt, S. J.—ii. 85 Burt, T. & Sons Burt, W. A.—United States, 187 Burton & Eames.—VI. 96 Burton, H.—xxix. 117 Burton, J. De.—British Guiana, 79 Burton, M.—xix. 117; xxvi. 77 Burton, Matilda Sarah.—xix. 118 Burton, W. S.— xxii. 247 Bury, see Lambert & Bury Bury, R. xxx. (Fine Art Court).—23 Bury St. Edmunds—vi. 140 Bury, T. T.—xxiv. 64 Busbacher & Zufriedenheit.—Zollverein (1), 315 Busby, W.—ix. 15 Busch, E.—Zollverein (1), 89 Busch, P. A.—Zollverein (5), 2 Buschmann, J. W.—Zollverein (1), 386 Buse, N.—xvi. 4 Bush, C. J.—Cape of Good Hope, GO Bushell, G.—xxvm. 182 Buss, H.— xxiii. 79 Buss, W. H.—Hamburgh, 111 Butcher, Misses.—xix. 256 Butcher, S. see Butcher, W. & S. Butcher, W. & S. —xxii. 192 Buthod, see Husson & Buthod Butler, see Beecroft, Butler, & Co. French & Butler; Lambert & Butler Butler, J. see Nash, E. Butler, J. L.—i. 247 Butlin, W.—ix. 115 Butschek & Graff.—Austria, 281 Butteley.— viii. 97 Butterley Iron Co.—I. 400; v. 34 Butterlev, R.— xxii. 240. Butters, see Nelson & Butters Butters, L.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 290 Butterworth.—United States, 333 Butterworth & Co.—xvi. 240 Buttiegieg, M.—Malta, 31 Button, C.— ii. 3 Button, T.—Van Diemen’s Land, 2. 23. 135. 172 Buxtorf & Bischoff.— Switzerland, 152 Buyteweg, N.-—Netherlands, 22 Byam, Eliza.—xvi. 23 ; xvii. 144 Byers, J.—i. 494 Byers and Son.—xn. & xv. 232 Byne, R. H.—vn. 36 Byrn, O.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 257 By water, W.—v. 427. Bywater, W. M.—xvi. 94 C. Cabanes & Rambie.—France, 1126 Cabanillas, Widow.—Algeria, 12 Cabasson, G. A.-—Fiance. 785 Cabello, D. E.—Spain, 139 Cable, G.—v. 808 Caborn, J.—ix. 200 Cabreras y Alberiht, J.—Spain, 252 Cabriol, J. M.—France, 786 Cabrit& Roux.—France, 81 Cabu-Fevrier, F.—Belgium,'263 Cacciatori, B.—Austria, 706 Cacki-Shvilly.—Russia, 183 Cacoulidis, J.—Greece, 11 Cadby, C.—x. 471 Cadell, H.—v. 766 Cadman.— xviii. 74 Caetano, T.—Portugal, 1224. 1228- 1231 Caffort, J.—France, 444 Caffry, J.— xvii. 167. Caban, E.—xx. 74 Cahen, T. J.—Hamburgh, 34 Cahill, M.—i. 222 ; iii. 90a; iv. 91a C ahlman, Consul S.—Zollverein (1), 699 Cahn, D.— xVii. 65 Calm, S. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 593 Caid Ben Zekie Des Seiguas (the wife of).—Algeria, 61 Cail & Co.—France, 1557 Cail, Derosne, see Vlissengen, Van. & Co. Caillaux, Madame A.—France, 80 Caillet, Frangueville.—France, 82 Cailliez, A. L. J.—Algeria, 13 Caillo, jun., & Prin.—France, 100 Caillou, Maillan, & Formigli.—Tus¬ cany, 19 Cain, see Pattinson & Cain Cain, J.—France, 1129 ; United States, 247 Cairns, J.—xvm. 49 a C airns, J., jun.—i. 63 Caistor, A. B.—xvi. 77 Calcutta Lapidaries.—India, I. Caldecott, Messrs.—xxvi. 206 Caldecourt, W. H.-—xxix. 199 Calder Bottle Co., see Aire & Calder Bottle Co. Calder, J.—xxvi. 55 Calderon, see Flores, Calderon, & Co. Calderon, J.—Spain, 152 Calderon, J. M.—Spain, 220 Caldicott, R. & R.—xm. 68 Caldwell, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 33 Caley, F. G., see Caley, J. W. & F. G. Caley, J. W. & F. G.—xix. 119 Calf, J.—Cape of Good Hope, 55 Caligny, De.—France, 101 Callaghan, Attorney - General. — New South Wales, 4 Callaghan, W.—x. 268 Callam, T.—xxii. 479 . Callaux, Belislenoriel De Tinan & Co.— France, 788 Callcott, J.—x. 547 Calle, La, Fisheries of.—Algeria, 41 Callegari, A.—Austria, 150 Callejas, see Villardel & Callejas Callijo, J.—Spain, 257 Calli & Cotti.— xxvi. Bay M. 24. Calloud, F.—Sardinia, 11 Callow & Son.— xvi. 308; xxix. 83 Cally Mining Co.—Scotland, i. 514 Calotas, P.—Greece, 55 Calvert.— xxvi. 82 Calvert, F. A.—vi. 27 Calvert, W.— xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 228 Calvert, Rev. W. — XXX. (Fine Art Court), 97 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 33 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Calvi, J.—Sardinia, 22 Cambridge, W.—ix. 238 Cameron, J. B.—Bahamas Cameron, G.—xxvi. 93. Cameron, P.—x. 356 Cameron’s Coal brook Steam Coal, and Swansea and Loughor Railway Co.— Western end, South enclosure (Out¬ side), 39. Camilleri, E.—Malta, 14 Camilleri, Fortunata.—Malta, 16 Cammill, see Johnson, Cammill, & Co. Camp, see Penfield and Camp Campbell.— viii. 147 ; see also Isaacs & Campbell. Campbell, A.—xxm. 76 Campbell, A. F.—viii. 147 ; ix. 17 Campbell & Co.—xii. & xv. 201 Campbell, G.—vi. 246 Campbell, G. H. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 220 Campbell, Harrison, & Lloyd.— xiii. 31 Campbell, Major.—Canada, 176 Campbell, S.—United States, 553 Campbell, T.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 23 Camphine Co. English’s Patent, iv. 61 ; vii. 133. Campin, see Fowler, Campiri, & Co. Camus, M.—France, 789 Canada, West, Provincial Agricultural Association.—Canada, 33, 35 Canales, J.—Spain, 242a Canaud, see Philippe & Canaud Canavan, A. —XVI. 101 Candin, see Meures & Candin Candlot.—France, 102. Candy, M., see Carquillat, Miss M., Candy & Co. Candy, T. H.—xvii. 66 Canepa, J. B.—Sardinia, 74 Canfyn, N.—Belgium, 190 Caniff, F. & T.—Canada, 53 Caniff, T., see Caniff, F. & T. Cauley, J.—xxviii. 193 Canneaux & Sons—France, 1130 Cannings, Mary Jane.— xxviii. 186 Cannon-Pierron—France, 790 Canossa, Marchioness Eleonora.—Aus¬ tria, 86 Cant, G. W.—xvi. 169 Cantagalli, L.—Tuscany, 71 Canter, J.—xiy. 36 Cantian.—Zollverein (1), 235. (Main Avenue, East) Canton.—Algeria, 14 Cape of Good Hope Agricultural So¬ ciety.—Cape of Good Hope, 31-59 Capellemans, J. B.—Belgium, 387 Capello, G—Sardinia, 64 Capers, C. B.— United States, 174 Caplin, J. F.—x. 570; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 221 Caplin, Madame R. A.,—xx. 32 a C appellemans, J. B.—Belgium, 37 Cappellemans, J. B., & Daboust.—Bel¬ gium, 393 Capper & Son.— xiv. 95 ; xx. 45 Capper & Waters.— xx. 21 Capronnier, J. B.—Belgium, 438 Carabe, M.—Spain, 112 Caradus, J.—New Zealand, 25 Carbonneau, J. B. C.—France, 104 Carborell, M.—Spain, 290 Card, W.— x. 546 Cardwell, C. & T.— xix. 122 Cardwell, T., see Cardwell, C. & T. Carew, J. E.— xxx. (Sculpture Court), 9-11,53 Carfrae, see Bonnar and Carfrae Carinthia Iron-works of the Chapter of Gurk St. Magdalena.—Austria, 416 Carl, see Tielsch, Carl, & Co. Carle, A. F.—France, 1132 Carles, H. R.—xvi. 251 Carleton, E.—hi. 3 Carmalt, J.—Jersey and Guernsey, 18 Carmichael, J.—xxvi. 114 Carmiers, D. F.—Portugal, 926 Carminati, see Senigaglia & Carminati Carnegie, W. F. L.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 20; i. 198. Carneiro, B. F.—Portugal, 937, 938. 943-945. 958. 960-962 Carnet, X.—France, 105 Carnet-Saussier.—France, 791 Carnley, see Haxworth and Carnley Caron, see Claus & Caron Caron, A.—France, 1133 Caron, A. H.—Zollverein (1), 655 Caron, E.—Canada, 19 Carpenter, Captain.—vm. 194 Carpenter & Co.— xxn. 655 Carpenter, J.— xxix. 143 Carpenter, T. S.—China Carpenter & Tildesley.— xxn. 655 Carpenter, W,—ix. 30 Carpenter & Westley.— x. 270 Carpentier, see Poillart & C-arpentier Carquillat, Miss M. Candy & Co.— France, 1134 Carr, see Bennett, Carr, & Co.; Robert¬ son, Carr, & Steel: Tupper & Carr Carr, J., & Riley.—xxn. 108 Carr, T. & W.—xn. & xv. 273 Carr, W.—xvi. 322, see Carr, T. & W. Carre, L.—France, 445 Carrick, C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 93 Carrick, J.—xxix. 16 Carrick, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 242 Carrier-Rouge—France, 1135 Carriere, Brothers—France, 106 Carriere, F.—France, 1136 Carrington, C. A.—Main Avenue, West, 90 Carrington, S. & T.—xx. 126 Carrington, T., see Carrington, S. & T. Carron, W.—vm. 251 ; xvi. 325 Carroz, see Hooper, Carroz, and Sa- lourier. Carruthers, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 305 Carson. —xxii. 592; see also Ross, O’Connor, & Carson Carson, H.—ix. 110 Carson, R.—xiv. 14 Carson, W.—xxvi. 109 Carstanjen, A. F. jun.—Zollverein (1), 468 Carstens, D. H.—Lubeck, 2 Cartagena, Royal Arsenal. — Spain, 191 Carte.—x. 536 Carte, A. G.—vm. 29 Carteaux & Chaillou.—France, 792 Carter.—xvili. 65 ; see Cunningham & Cartel- Carter, Brothers.—xiv. 36 Carter, J.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 8; i. 3 Carter, M.—xxvi. 1 85 Carter, Yavaseur, & Rix.—xm. 30 Cartier, see Mernier & Cartier Cartisser, Joseph.—xxiv. 83 Cartisser, Poussein.—xxiv. 83 Cartwright, D.—xxn. 661 Cartwright & Hiron. — xxn. 250 ; xxm. 30 Cartwright & Warners.— xx. 196 Carvalho, M. L. de.—Portugal, 617, 623, 624. 1212-1221 Carvao, A. F.—Portugal, 359 Carver & Gilbert.— xx. 98 Carver, T. & Son. —vi. 89 Casado, J. P.—Spain, 85 Casado, J. R.—Spain, 105 Case, C.—xvi. 315 Case, G.— x. 545 Casella, see Paravagna & Casella Casella, L. 1 J . & Co.—x. 157 a, 676a. Caselli.— vm. 184 Casey and Phillips.— xiii. 23 Casha, C.—Malta, 12 Casissa & Sons.—Sardinia, 27 Caslon & Co.— xvii. 78 Caspari, J. F.—Zollverein (3), 132 Casparsson & Schmidt.—Sweden and Norway, 24 Casseboh, T. H.—Oldenburgh, 1 Cassel, J.—Austria, 478 Cassels, A.—i. 26 Cassim-Oussein-Cooli-Ogli. — Russia, 249 Cassin, H.—Rome, 32 b. Castagneto, E.—Sardinia, 76 Casteiran.—Algeria, 15 Castel, E.—France, 83 Castelle, H.—France, 107 Castellini, Raffaele.— Rome, 23 C • 34 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Castello, F.—Portugal, 422. 428-433. 438 Castellon, Agricultural Board of.— Spain, 132 Castellon, Corporation of.—Spain, 194 Castells, J.—Spain, 190 Casterman, J. & Son.- — Belgium, 275 Castillo.—Spain, 218 Castle, see Sowerby & Castle Castle, J. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 314 Castle-Street Glass Works.— xxiy. 83 Casuccini, C. F.—Tuscany, 50 Catanzaro, M.—Tuscany, 64 Catheiros, J. L. de e Menezes.—Portu¬ gal, 460, 461 Catin, Harriet.—xix. 124 Catlin, G.—United States, 531 (Main Avenue, East) Catlin, H. W.—United States, 250 Cator, Nelson & Co.—iv. 46 Cattanacb, B.—xx. 135 a C atteaux, Brothers.—Belgium, 244 Catteaux, G.—Belgium, 245 Cattle, J.—xxvi. 20 Catz, J. B. Van.—Netherlands, 54 Catz, P. S. & Co.—Netherlands, 30 Cauer, C.—Zollverein (1), 431. (Main Avenue, East) Caulcher, J. D.— xx. 112 Caulfield, W. B.— xix. 125 Causse, D. A.— xvi. 259 Causse & Garion.—France, 1137 Cauvet, C.—France, 1138 Cavaillon, De.—France, 109 Cavelan & Co.—France, 1131 Cavers & Lane.— vm. 286a C avigioli, C.—Sardinia, 87 Cawley, J.—i. 47 ; xxvi. 225 Cawley, P.—i. 403 Cayeux, see Moriceau & Cayeux Cayley, Sir G.— x. 673a C azal.—France, 108 Cazalett, A.—Russia, 223 Cazaux, J.—Netherlands, 89 Cea, J. A.—Spain, 61 Cea, P. A.—Spain, 64 Cellier, F. & Son.—Hamburgh, 15 Centenera, E.—Spain, 184 Cento Chamber of Commerce.—Rome, 9 Cerain, J. B.—Spain, 1 Cerceuil, L. F.—France, 793 Cerf & Naxara.—France, 84 Cerqueira, M. J. da Silva.—Portugal, 634 Cerri, C.—Austria, 364 Ceru, C.—Tuscany, 103 Cerveny, W. F.—Austria, 157 Cesari, D.—Austria, 731 Chabot, C.—v. 684; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 239 Chabot, P. J.—xviii. 62 Chadburn, Brothers.—x. 259 Chadwick, see Reed, Chadwick, &c. Chagot, sen.—France, 1139 Chailloux, Lepage, & Pochon.—France, 1558 Chaleyer, J.—France, 111 Challinor, see Bowers, Challinor, & Wooliscroft Chalmers, D.—vi. 32 Chambellan & Co.—France, 1140 Chamberlain.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 74 Chamberlain & Co.—xxv. 44; xxvi. 50 Chamberlain, T.—xxix. 231 Chamberlain, W., juri.—x. 399 Chambers, see Banks & Chambers Chambers, Elizabeth R.—xix. 126 Chambers, R.—xxix. 297 Chambers & Robbins.—xxn. 533 Chambers, W.—xxn. 807 Chambon, C. A.—France, 113, 793a Chambord, F.—France, 112 Chamouillet—France, 1142 Champagne.—Belgium, 187 Champagne & Rougier.—France, 1143 Champanhet-Sargeas, M. M. J.—France, 114 Champernowne, H.—I. 158 (Main Ave¬ nue, West); xxvil. 6. 108 Champion.—Van Diemen’s Land, 12 ; see also Moses, Champion, & Co. Champoiseau, N.—France, 794 Champonet, J.—France, 793 b C hance, Brothers, & Co. — xxiv. 22 ; (Main Avenue, West), 60 Chancel, see Arduin & Chancel Chancellor, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 331 Chandler, see Richmond & Chandler Chandler, T.—ix. 108 Chantry, Sir F. (the late.)—xxiil. 97 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 135 Chapel.—Algeria, 16 Chapin, W. G.—United States, 31 Chaplin.—xix. 367 Chaplin, T.—xxvi. 214 Chapman.—vm. 121; see also Glenton & Chapman; Hilliard & Chapman ; James & Chapman; Whitmee & Chapman Chapman, Elizabeth Annie.—xix. 128 Chapman, J.—vii. 45 ; xxvi. 191 Chapman, J. L.—United States, 68 Chapman, T. & J. Alderman.—x. 601c Chapman & Whitaker.— xii. & xv. 163 Chapon, Madame E.—Mauritius Chaponniere, see Roulet, Gilly, &c. Chapot & Pelon.—France, 448 Chappell & Co. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 66 Chapus & Richter.—France, 795 Charageat, E.— France, 1144 Charbonnier.—France, 115 Chard & Munro.—v. 819; ix. 235 Chardon & Son.—France, 116 Charge, R.—xvi. 277 Charles & Co.—France, 117 Charleston Factory.—United States, 175 a Charlovetz.—Russia, 374. Chari wood & Cummins.—United States, 97 Charriere.—France, 1145 Charriere & Deleuil.—France, 171 Chartier, P.—France, 85 Chartreuze Societe des Charbonnages Pire et Violetto.—Belgium, 34 Chartron & Sons.—France, 796 Chase, M. W.—United States, 99 Chassang, see Ventujol & Chassang Chatain, H.—United States, 337 Chatel.—France, 118; see also Papa- voine & Chatel Chatelain & Basset.—France, 797 Chatelain-Ferou.—France, 86 Chatelineau, Societe des Hautes Four- neaux Usines et Charbonnages De.— Belgium, 27 Chatwin & Sons.—xxn. 286 Chaudiere Mining Company.—Canada, 12 Chaudoir, C. II.—Belgium, 377 Chauvin, G.—France, 449 Chaverondier, H.—France, 453 Chavin.—France, 450 Chazelle, see Opigez & Chazelle Cheavin, S.—v. 443 Chebeaux, J.—France, 1146 Cheek, W.—xxvi. 45 Cheeseborough, W.—xii. & xv. 179 Cheesewring Granite Co.—Western end North enclosure (outside), 54 Cheetham, G. C. & W.—xn. & xv. 46 Cheetham, W., see Cheetham, G. C. & W. Chenard, Brothers.—France, 87 Chenery, S.—ix. 56 Chenest, see Bernoville, Larsonnier, &c. Chenevard, L.—Switzerland, 240 Cheney, G. H. — Canada, 151. 155, 156. 159 Chenneviere, D.—France, 120 Chenneviere, T.—France, 1559 Chenot, A.—France, 119 Cherici, G. & Sons.—Tuscany, 109 Cherif Ben Mimoun. — Algeria, 60 ; France, 1560. Cherot & Co.—France, 88 Cherrett, D.—vm. 297 Cheshire, J. jun.— n. 30 Chesnon, see Bertche, Chesnon & Co. Chesshire, E.—V. 691 Chesters, S.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 246 Chevalier, B.—x. 23 Chevalier, C.—France, 1729 Chevalier, J.—Jersey and Guernsey, 6 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 35 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Chevalier, J. D.—United States, 120 Chevallier, see Lalande & Chevallier Cheverton, B.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 194 Chevet, J,—France, 121 Chiachic, M.—Austria, 171. 282 Chichizola, J. & Co.—Sardinia, 39 Chicle, R.—xii. & xv. 221 Chickering, J.—United States, 458,558. Chidley, R.—x. 544 Child, W. H.—xxviii. 61 Childs, see Mooklar & Childs Childs, J.—xxii. 459 Chilson, Richardson, & Co.—United States, 417 Chimay, Prince of.—Belgium, 370 Chinard, jun.—France, 89 Chinchen, Ann.—xix. 387 Chiozza, C. A. & Son.—Austria, 43 Chirio & Mina.—Sardinia, 89 Chisholme, Emma.—XXIX. 78 Chittenden, see Church & Chittenden Chitty, E.—III. 159 Chocqueel, L.—France, 90 Chollet, S.—Switzerland, 70. Chomei', see Montessery & Chomer Chomereau.—France, 122 Chopin.—Russia, 365 Chopping & Maund.—xxii. 11 Choquart, C.—France, 1149 Chosson & Co.—France, 1150 Chretin, M. T.—France, 1561 Chrimes, see Guest and Chrimes Christ, see Frey, Thurneisen, & Christ Chrislalnigg’s, Count Von, Mining Co. —Austria, 404 Christian, E.—xxvi. 19 Christian, T.—Zollverein (1), 624 Christiani, C. H.—Zollverein (1), 15 Christie, A.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 137 Christie, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 188 Christil, J.—Austria, 327 Christoffel, L.—Zollverein (1), 347 Christofle & Co.—France, 1562. Christophe, L. A.—France 91 Christy.—xi. 44 Christy & Co.— XX. 35. 66 Chruchley, G. F.—xvn. 74 Chrystall.—xxvi. 222 Chuard.—France, 123 Chubb & Son.—xxii. 646 Chuffavt,—Algeria, 17 Church, G.—x. 514 Church, J.—vi. 244. Church & Chittenden.—United States, 382 Church & Goddard.—vi. 135 Churchill, G.—x. 99 Churton, E.—xvn. 67 Chwalla, Ant. C.—Austria 71 Cini, Brothers.—Tuscany, 65, 68 Cioni, G.—Tuscany, 104 Claasen, P. C.—Netherlands, 91 Clabburn & Son.—xii. & xv. 284 Claes, P.—Belgium, 163 Claghorn, see Jennings & Claghom Clair, P.—France, 1151 Clais, C. S. Von.—Switzerland, 121 Clapham, J.—xii. & xv. 157 ; xvi. 9 Clapham, J. K.—X. 712 Clapham, W.— xii. & xv. 158 Clapperton, G., see Clapperton T. & G. Clapperton, T. & G.— xii. & xv. 193 Clapshaw, M.—xxix. 186 Clara, Sta., the Nuns of.—Portugal, 436 Claraz, A.—Switzerland, 228 Clare, Godefroy, sen.—France, 454 Clarenbach & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 506 Clarence, R.—Cape of Good Hope, 13, 54 Clark, see Nunns and Clark Clark, B.—xvi. 154 Clark, C.— vii. IS Clark, C., see Clark, T. & C. & Co. Clark, C. C.— xxii. 517 Clark, C. & J.—xvi. 48 Clark, D. G.—v. 425 Clark & Davidson.—xvn. 135 Clark, E.— VII. 106 Clark, F.—x, 276 Clark, G. D. —vii. 8 Clark, G. H.—i. 190 Clark, J.—vm. 91; ix. 99 ; xii. & xv. 169; xix. 78; Canada, 80; see also Clark, C. & J. Clark, J. A.—vm, 135. Clark, Jane.—xm. 20. Clark, J. & J.—xii. & xv. 13 Clark, J., jun. & Co.— xii. & xv. 293 Clark, R.—United States, 234 Clark, R., & Restell.— xxii. 446 Clark, S. B.—xxvi. 179 Clark, T. & C. & Co.— xxii. 657. Clark, W.—xvi. 75; xvn. 134 Clarke.—xxvi. 42 Clarke & Co.—xxvi. 62 Clarke, E.—xvm. 23 Clarke, Eliza.—xix. 129 Clarke, Esther.—xix. 130 Clarke, E. W.—xvi. 191 Clarke, G. R.— xxii. 3 Clarke, J. —xvii. 68 ; xix. 18; xxvi. 127; Canada, 165 Clarke, J. P.—xi. 32 Clarke, Phidias.—vii. 38 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Clarke, R. C. (Executors of).—I. 266 Clarke, R. & Sons.—xvi. 307; (Main Avenue, West, 301) Clarke, T.—xn. & xv. 432 Clarke, T. C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 342 a Clarke & Williams.—v. 965 Clarkson, J. C.—xvi. 102 Clarkson, T. C. — v. 568; vm. 2; xxviii. 197 Clarne, W. R.—xxix. 14 Classen, F. F.—Hamburgh, 110 Classon, J.—iv. 22 Claude, L.—Belgium, 85 Claudet, A. F. J.—x. 296 Claudet & Houghton.—v. 306 ; xxiv. 25; xxiv. 74 Claudo, J.—Sardinia, 68 Claus & Caron.—Belgium, 81 Clausen, Chevallier.—Canada, 13. Claussen, P.— iv. 105 ; vi. 86 Clavereau, Brothers, J.—Belgium, 69 Clawson, H. N.—United States, 503 Claxton, J.— i. 73 Clay, see Jackson & Clay Clay & Co.— xxvi. 189 Clay, J.—v. 68. Clay, J. T.—xii. & xv. 124 Clay & Sons.— xii. & xv. 136 Claye, see Allard & Claye Claye, J.—France, 798 Clayton, B.— xxviii. 96 Clayton, G.— xxii. 142 Clayton. H.—ix. 47; Van Diemen’s ~ Land, 50 Clayton, R.— vm. 1 Clayton & Sh u ttleworth.— ix. 242 Clayton, Shuttleworth, & Co.— v. 39 Cleal, W.— xxiii. 59 Cleanthes, S.-—Greece, 40-42 Cleare, C.— vm. 311 Cleaver, F. S.—xxix. 20 Cleaver, W. J.—xvn. 207 Cleburne, R.—Van Diemens Land, 144 Clemen^on, Madame.—France, 1152 Clemens, J.—ill. 56 Clement-Bourgeois, L.—France, 455 Clements, J.— xvii. 71; xxix. 189 Clementson, J.—XXV. 8 Clemes & Son.—xx. 156 Clerget, C. E.—France, 799 Clesinger.—France, 1709 Clesinger, T.—France, 419 Clibborn, Hill, & Co.—XIV. 20 Clicquot.—France, 1563 Clifford, G.—n. 26 Clifford, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 222 Clinch, J.—New South Wales, 5 Clingman, T. L.—United States, 358 Clinton.—x. 538 Clinton, E.—United States, 190 Clirehugh, V.—United States, 133 Clive, see Hickman & Clive Clive, J. H.—vii. 41 ; xxix. 54 Clive, J. W.—i. 277 Cloet, C.—France, 456 Close, The Misses.—New Brunswick Clough, R— xii. & xv. 151 Clowes, F.—xx. 150 C 2 36 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AX'D OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Cluappini, A. & Co.—Cape of Good Hope, 22 Clugas, T., jun.—i. 168; Jersey and Guernsey, 25 Clunes, T.—v. 475 Clutton, H.—xxvi. 19 Clymer & Dixon.—vi. 124 Coalbrook Dale Co.—North Transept, 48, 49; Main Avenue West, 53 ; P v - 641; xxii. 641 (Main Avenue, West) Coat.—v. 22. Coate, J., & Co.—xxvm. 51 Coates & Blizard.—v. 815 Coates, E. J.—xxvii. 19 Coatlmpes & Co.—xxiv. 47 Cobb, T.—vi. 150 Cobbold, E.—i. 228 Cobourg-Gotha, Count Ernest of. — Zollv. (Octagon Room), 836 Cocchi, L.—Austria, 707 Cochins, E. E.—Zollverein (1), 12 Cochois & Colin.—France, 124 Cochqueel, see Requillart, Roussel, &c. Cochqueel, F.—France, 1148 Cochran, J. W.—United States, 141. 297. 480 Cochrane, A.— vii. 158 Coclnane & Co.— vii. 26 Cochrane, J.— xxii. 434 Cochrane, J. & W.—xn. & xv. 188 Cochrane, W. see Cochrane, J. & W. Cock, H.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 147 Cocke, Gen. J. H.—United States, 271 Cocker, S. & Son— xxii. 115 Cocker & Sons.— xxii. 234 Cockerill, J.—Belgium, 119 Cockerill, R.— xxix. 281 Cockerill, W.—Zollverein (1), 105 Cocks, C., see Cocks, J. & C. Cocks, E.—xxix. 286 Cocks, J. & C.—xxix. 317 Cocks, R. & Co.— xvii. 123 Cockshot, see Wall, Cockshot, & Wall Cocu, A.—France, 125 Cod, Nicholas.—New Zealand Cody, J.— XX. 64 Coffey, J. A., and J. Smith.—x. 454 Coffey, T.—vi. 615 Cogan, R.—xxiv. 26 Cohen, B.—Austria, 746 Cohen & Orr.—in. 49 Cohn, J. H.—Zollverein (1), 603 Cohn, L. H.—Hamburgh, 42 Cohn, Brothers, & Herman, Brothers.— Zollverein (1), 104 Cohn, Philipp, Sc Co.—Zollverein (1), 137 Coignet & Son/—France, 1153 Coimbra, the Nuns of.—Portugal, 417 Coint-Bavarot, Sc Son.—France, 800 Colclough, see Glover & Colclough Coldters, Yan Roy.—Belgium, 41 Cole, E. J.—i. 504 Cole & Son.—xix. 132 Cole, T.—x. 31 Colebrooke Dale China Manufactory.— xxv. 23 Colegate, W. & Co.'—United States, 301 Colegrave, F. E.—v. 162; vm. 142; xvi. 97 Coleman.—United States, 374 Coleman, R.—ix. 216 Coleman, T. G.—xvi. 68 Coles, W.— vii. 11 ; x. 660 Coifs, J. T.—Belgium, 417 Colgan & Son.—xxi. 25 Colin, see Cochois & Colin Colin, J. R.—France, 1564. Collacchioni, G.—Tuscany, 52 Collard & Collat’d.—x. 168 Collas, M. A. C.—France, 801 Colle.— Belgium, 61 Colie], F.—Zollverein (3), 110 Collenbusch, see Dreyse & Collenbusch Colles, A.—1. 140 Collet, F. C.—France, 93 Collett, C.—vi, 155 Collett, W. R.—i. 458 Colletta- Lefebvre.—France, 458 Collette, Doucet.—Belgium, 5 Colley, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 121 Colliard & Comte.—France, 1154 Collie, W.—Jersey and Guernsey, 22 Collier, Son, & Snowdon.—xxii. 100 Collin, C. E.—France, 126 Collinge.—v. 848. Collinge, C. & Co.—v. 49. 482. 817; vi. 432 Collings, J.— xxviii. 120 Collins.— xviii. 86 Collins, C.— xxii. 573 Collins, C. W.—x. 459 Collins, F.— xviii. 86 Collins, J. —xxii. 88 Collins Sc Rix.—xix. 133 Collins, R. N.—n. 109 Collinson, see Cope & Collinson Collinson, C.—I. 75 Collinson, G. C.—xxvi. 90 Collinson, Rev. J.—New Zealand, 3 Collis.—France, 1709 Coll is, G. R.— xxiii. 34 Collison, see Prince, Collison, & Co. Collot, Brothers.—France, 1155 Colls, L., see Colls, R. & L. Colls, R. & L.—x. 303 Collyer, Gov. H. W.—United States, 289 Colman, Mrs. C.—United States, 71 Colman, J. & J.—hi. 117 Colmenero, F.—Spain, 182 Colnet, De, see Leempoel, Van, De Colnet, & Co. Colomb, see Rauss 8c Colomb Colombo, G.—Austria, 630 Colon, D. Juan.—Spain, 74 Colt, S.—United States, 321 Colton, J. W.—United States, 310 Colville, M. Sc Mile.—France, 802 Comba, F.—Sardinia, 83 Combes.—France, 459 Comins, J.—ix. 143 Commeford Sc Redgate.—United States, 129. 495 Common, J.—xxii. 630 Comte, see Colliard & Comte Con, Van der Maeren & Co.—xxiv. 20 Concanen, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 2 Concha, A.—Spain, 49 Conde, M. De la.—Jersey and Guern¬ sey, 7 A Conerding, Mrs. Ida Von.—xix. 146 Congos, G.—Greece, 57 Connaught Schools.—xix. 61 Conne, A.—xxiv. 28 Connell, see Muirs, Connell, & Brodie Connell, D.— xxiii. 16 Connell, W.—x. 11 ; New Zealand, 10 Connerot, M.—France, 1567 Conrad, F. U.—Netherlands, 90 Conrad, W.—France, 1156 Conradsen, N.—Denmark, 36 Constable.—ix. 109 Constable, H.—vm. 140 Constable, Hannah.—xix. 134 Constable, W.—v. 70 Constantin, Messrs.—France, 94 Constantine, St. Nuns of.-—Greece, 54 Constantinople, Central Committee of. —Turkey, Constantoulachi.—Greece, 53 Conta & Boehme.—Zollverein (1), 815 Conte.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 140 Conteur, Col. Le.—Jersey & Guernsey, 2 Conti, Guido de.—Tuscany, 93 Conti & Son.—Tuscany, 23 Contreras, R.—Spain, 283 Converso.—Algeria, 21 Cooch, J.—ix. 53 Coode, Browne, Sc Co.—South Australia Coode, G.—ix. 154 a C ook, see Hagues, Cook, Sc Wormal Cook, A.—i. 19 Cook, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 104 Cook, J.—xxvm. 34 ; United States, 242; see also Cook, W. W. & J. Cook, J. E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 9 Cook, Rowley, & Co.—v. 816 Cook, T. — xxii. 579 Cook, T. A.—ii. 15 Cook, W.— xix. 135 ; xxii. 16 Cook, W. W. & J.—xi. 38 Cook & Williams.—x. 685 Cooke, see Godfrey 8c Cooke. Cooke, E. W.—iv. 2 a; x. 664 Cooke, H.—vi. 118 Cooke & Sons.—xvii. 73 Cooke, W. Sc Sons.—United States, 318 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 37 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Cookes & Sons.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 110 Cooksey, H. R.—xxii. 320 Cooley.—v. 561 Coombe, B. & Co.—444 Coomber, J.—xxvi. 307 Coombes.— xxii. 27 Cooney, C.—iv. 70 Cooper.—xxviii. 151 Cooper & Blagg.—Zollverein (3), 96 Cooper & Bursill.—vi. 624 Cooper, D. & J.—xn. & xv. 42 Cooper, E. G.—vm. 334 a Cooper, G.—xxii. 223; xxvi. 291; see also Cooper, J. J. & G. Cooper, J., see Cooper, D. & J. Cooper, J. J. & G.— xx. 172a Cooper, J. R. & Co.— viii. 241 Cooper, M.—xvi. 5U Cooper & Maclean.—vm. 72 Cooper, S.—i. 129a Cooper, W. M.— xxvi. 235 Coopers, see Field, Coopers, & Faulds; Spyvee & Coopers; Williams, Coo¬ pers, Boyle, & Co. Cooreman, A. J.—Belgium, 212 Coosemans, M.—Belgium, 56 Cootais, Government of.—Russia, 118 Cope, see Hopkinson & Cope; Sherwin, Cope, & Co. Cope & Collinson.—xxii. 255 ; xxvi. 122 Cope, Hammerton, & Co.—xill. 70 Copeland, Aid. M.P.—Persia; see also Copeland, W. T. Copeland, Fanny.—xix. 136 Copeland, G. A.—i. 520 Copeland, W. T.—xxv. 2; xxvi. 186 a C openhagen Royal Porcelain Manu¬ factory.—Denmark, 33 Copestake, see Groucock, Copestake, & Moore Copland, Barnes, & Co.— iii. 11, 113 Copland, C. M. A.—x. 46 a; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 136 ; China Copling, J. jun.—v. 668 Copney.— ii. 118 Coppel, A.—Zollverein (1), 628 Coppi, see Hall, Brothers, Sloane & Coppi Coppin, L. jun.—France 128 Coppock, J.— ii. 65 Corah & Sons.—xx. 208 Corben & Sons.—v. 818 Corboda.—Spain. 29 Corcoran, B. & Co. —VI. 416 Cordel, see Tautenstein & Cordell Corderant, A.—France, 1157 Cordier, C.—Fiance, 460 Cording, J. C.— xxviii. 82 Cordonuier & Co.—France, 1159 Cordova, Agricultural Board of.—Spain, 99 Cork & Edge.—xxv. 21 Cornea, V. G.—Portugal, 600 Cornear, J. B. T. & J.B.—United States, 13 Corneiro, B. F.—Portugal, 946 Cornelius, & Co.—United States, 46 Cornelius & Kaulbach.—Zollverein (1), 148 Cornell & Co.—xill. 1 Cornell, Lyell, & Webster.— XIII. 22 Cornell, T. —xxii. 245 Comes.—ix. 205 Cornes, J.—ix. 83 Corney, see Barrett & Corney Cornforth, J.—xxii. 322 Covnides, L.—Hamburgh, 101 Cornillon, J. H.—France, 95 Corniquel, C.—France, 461 Corns, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 36. Cornwall, Duchy of. — I. 452 Correa, A. F.—Portugal, 367 Correa & Brothers—Portugal, 798-803 Corridi, G.—Tuscany, 22 Corridi, P.—Tuscany, 89 Corry, Blain, & Co.—xiv. 24 Corry, J. & J.—xvi. 314; xx. 190 Corry ton, J.—vm. 82 Cort y Marti, P.—Spain, 273 Corte. —viii. 177 Cory, W. & W. jun.—i. 265 Cosack, J.—Zollverein (1), 825 Cosens, see Laugher & Cosens Cosquin, J.—France, 804 Cossack women, Orenbourg.—Russia, 132. 198 Cossack’s Wife, A.—Russia, 282 Cossens, E. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 25 Cossins, see Daniel and Cossins Cossley & Sons.—xix. 142 Costain, T. —viii. 136 Coste, F.—Belgium, 397 Costoli, Prof. A.—Tuscany, 106 Cottam, E.—xxii. 59 ; xxvi. 221 Cottam & Hallen.—vi. 221; ix. 109 a; xxii. 698 (South Transept) Cotterell, Brothers— xxvi. 149 Cotterill, E.— xxii. 307 Cottew, J. E.— viii. 98 Cotti, see Calli and Cotti Cottingham, N. J—Main Avenue,West, 63 Cotton, D.—xxx. 177 Couchonnal & Co.—France, 1160 Couchoud, St. E.—France, 1161 Coucke, C.—Netherlands, 57 Couder, A.—France, 1566 Couderc & Soucaret, jun.— France, 96 Coulaux, sen. & Co.—France, 129 Coulbois.—France, 1569 Coulson, J.—xiv. 92 Coulson, Jukes, & Co.— ii. 72 Coulson, W.—xiv. 93 Coulton, J. D.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 342 Coupiri, J.—France, 1162 Couvert & Lucas.—Belgium, 404 Cournerie & Co.—France, 462 Court, J.— xxii, 389 Courtauld, S. & Co.— XIII. 34 Courte, P.—France, 1164 Courtepee-Duchesnay.—Franee, 806 Courtey, Brothers, and Barez.—France, 97 Courtial.—France, 807 Courtin, R.—France, 1570 Courtney, see Jenkins and Courtney Courtois, A.—France, 1163 Courtois, A. sen.—France. 130. 463 Courtois, E. —France, 808. 1571 Courtown, Lord.—I. 143 Courvoirier, see Jacot & Courvoirier Courvoisier, F.—Switzerland, 34 Cousens, S.—hi. 88 Cousens & Whiteside.—X. 86 Cousin.— France, 1572 Cousins & Son.—v. 820^ xxii. 165 Couteaux, A. .T.—France, 805 Coute, D. V.— 139a Couteur, Col. Le—Jersey & Guernsey, 2 Couturier & Renault.—France, 98 Coveliers, see Nuffel, Van, & Coveliers Coventry Ribbons’ Committee.—xill. 72 Cowan, A. & Sons.— XVII. 101 Cowan, H. —ix. 124 b Cowan, L.— xvi. 273 Cowan & Sons.— vi. 166; xxix. 19 Cowell, S. H.— xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 38 Cowell & Thomas.— xxvi. 526 Cowen & Co.— xxvii. 112 Cowgill, Jessop, & Co.— XII. & xv. 122 Cowie & Rae.—I. 16 Cowley & James.— xxii. 62 Cowling, J.— xvi. 142 Cowper, see Murray & Cowper Cowper, Prof. E.— vi. 134 Cowper, E. A.— v. 699; xxix. 245 Cowper, T., see Wallace, W. C'owperthwaite & Co.—United States, 360 Cowslade & Lovejoy.—vi. 91 Cowvan, B. & S.—xxi. 9 Cowvan, S., see Cowvan, B. & S. Cox.—Brazil, 2; see also Robins, Aspdin, & Cox Cox, E., & Co.—Algeria, 68 Cox, F.—Van Diemen’s Laud, 280 Cox, G.—x. 347 Cox, G. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 248 Cox, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 283 Cox, J.—xxix. 6S Cox, N. F.— VIII. 208 Cox, R. S., & Co.— xiii. 66 Cox, S.—xvi. 55 Cox, T.—xvi. 275 38 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Cox, W.—VI. 608 Coxeter, J.—x. 682 Coxhead, see Fordati, Coxhead, & Co. Cozens & Greatrex.—xvi. 283 Crabtree, T.—vi. 3 Crabtree, W.—xii. & xv. 55 Grace, J. G.—XXIII. 97; XXVI. 530 Craddock, T.—V. 76 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 227 Cragg, J—x. 8 Craig.—x. 259 Craig, J.—v. 776 Craig, J., & Co.—ix. 262 a C rampton, T. R.—v. 508 Crane, see Sandland & Crane; also Wright, Crump, & Crane Crane, J.—xxvi. 210 Crap, H. J. L.—Netherlands, 25 Craven, see Bayley & Craven Craven & Harrop.— xii. & xv. 153 Craven & Son.—xii. & xv. 149 Crawford, H. M.—United States, 51 Crawford, J.—xxvi. 96 Crawford & Lindsays.—XIV. 13 Crawhall, J.—vi. 78 Crawshay, see Hawks, Crawshay, & Co. Creak, J.—xvi. 141 Creaser, Mrs.—xxvi. 289 Credrue, F.—France, 134 Creer, see Quilliam & Creer Cremer & Co.—xvi. 198 Cremer, J.—France, 1573 Crespel- Dellisse.—Franee, 465 C respin, E.— xxviii. 36 Cresson, Elliott.—United States, 327 Cresswell, J.—x. 417 Crestadora, A.—v. 557 Creswick, N., see Creswick, T. J. &N. Creswick, T. J. & N. —xxiii. 45 Cretein, E.—Malta, 24 Crew, J. J.— xxiii. 83 Cribb, T. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 146 Crichton & Co.—vi. 36 Crichton, D.—vi. 35 Crichton, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 229 Crichton, J.—X. 452 Crick, Ellen.—xix. 140 Crickitt, R. E.—x. 267 Griper, R.— xxviii. 101 Cripps, W. N.—v. 576 Cristofoli, A.—Austria, 38 Critehley, Brinsley, & Co.—xiil. 40 Croall, W., jun., & Co.—v. 824 Crocco, Brothers.—Sardinia, 50 Crocker, A., see Crocker, J. & A. Crocker, J. & A.—XI. 61 ; XVIII. 11 Croco, F.—France, 809 Croff, G.—Austria, 708 Croger, T. —xxviii. 52 Croggon & Co. —vii. 110 Croisat, J.—France, 1574 Croissan & Lautenstein.—Hamburgh, 7 Cromack, J. J.—xii. & xv. 68 Crombie, J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 228 Crook, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 57 Crook, W.—xxii. 244 Crookes, C.—North Transept, 49 ; xxii. 641 (Main Avenue, West) Croon, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 609 Cropet.-—France, 131 Crosnier, M. L. Le.—France, 1305 Cross, C.—vi. 64 ; xiii. 32 Cross, C. & Co.—xi. 47; xx. 115 a Cross, G.—xvii. 88 Cross, J.—xi. 41 Cross, Mary.—xix. 141 Cross, S.—iv. 1.36 Cross, W.—xii. & xv. 202 Crosskill, E.—v. 826; ix. 11 Crosskill, W.—v. 25; vi. 404; ix. 135 Crossland, H., see Crossland, W. & II. Crossland, W. & H.—xii. & xv. 97 Crouch.—Cape of Good Hope, 58 a Croughton.—xxvi. Bay i. 21 Croughton, W. P.—hi. 92 Croutelle.—France, 132 Crow, T.—xvi. 196 Crowcher, C. jun.—iv. 3 a Crowley & Sons.—ix. 96 Crowquill, Alfred.—xxv. 7 Cruchet, V.—France, 810 Crucifix, E.—France, 133 Criiger. see Droin, Criiger & Co. Crummack, E.—xxviii. 18 Crump, see also Wright, Crump, &c. Crump, T.—ix. 160 Crus de Areas, D.—Spain, 253c Crutwell, Allies & Co.—Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), 52; i. 402 Crutwell & Co.—v. 659 Cruz, De la S.—Spain, 201 Cubitt, see Gregory, Cubitt, & Co. Cubitt, J.—v. 628 Cuendet, Adeline.—Switzerland, 159 Cuesta, A. De la.—Spain, 49 a C uff, R.—xvi. 96 Cuff, R. P.—xxx. 312 Cuglierero, R.—Sardinia, 67 Cugnot, A.—France, 99 Cuijpers, J. F.- -Netherlands, 95 Cullum, see Sharpus & Cullum Culverwell, W.—xxii. 754 Cumming, J. G.—i. 151. 493 Cumming, Rev. J. G.—i. 157. 195 ; xxvii. 64 Cummings, see M‘Lean & Cummings Cummings, J. A.-—United States, 452 Cummins, see Chari wood & Cummins Cumont, D.—Belgium, 235 Cundall & Addey.— xvii. 106 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 112 Cundy, S.—Main Avenue, W 7 est, 60 Cunliffe, Sarah Ann.—xix. 144 Cunning, W.—xxvi. 165 Cunningham, A. R.'—xxii. 626 Cunningham & Carter.—v. 654 Cunningham, W.—xix. 143 Cunnings, Jane.— xxviii. 159 Curjar, T.—Hamburgh, 35 Curmer, A.—France, 135 Curr & Co.—xiv. 88 Curran & Sons.—xxvi. 215 Currie, J.—xvi. 215 Currier, see Prin, Tanner, &c. Curtet, jun.—Algeria, 22 Curtis, see Parr, Curtis and Madeley Curtis, Brothers & Co.— iv. 126 ; xxviii. 194 Curtius, J.—Zollverein (1), 458 Cusson,Pourcher,& Rossignol.—France. 468 Cussons & Co.—xvi. 34 ; xvii. 69 ; xviii. 55 Custer & Schachtler. — Switzerland, 148 Cutch, Rao of.—India, vm. ; xxx. Cuthbertson, see Scott & Cuthbertson Cutler, J. —xxii. 217 Cutler, W.—xx. 69. Cuvillier, H., sen.—France, 469 Cuyere, Mrs.—Tuscany, 59 Cuyper, De.—Belgium, 455 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Cuyper.—Belgium, 455 (Main Avenue, East) Cuyper, H. De, see Bernaert & Cuyper, H. De Cuyper, J. F. De.—Belgium, 192 Cuyper, H. De, see Beernaert, &c. Cwm Avon Iron Co.—v. 645 Czekelius, C.—Austria, 45 Czermak, P.—Austria, 585 D. Dabaret-Tampe.—France, 152 Daboust, see Cappellemans, J. B. and Daboust Dada, B.—Russia, 250 Daehmel, H.—Zollverein (1), 254 Daehns, A.—Zollverein (1), 269 Daflamme, M. A.—Canada, 113 Dafrique, F.—France, 1575 Dagand.—France, 811 Dagnall & Co.—xiv. 89 Daguet, T.—Switzerland, 75 Dahlheim, F.—Zollverein (l), 814 Daily and Co.—xi. 64 Dakin & Co.—vi. 408 Dalby, J. —xii. & xv. 152 Dale, R.—xxii. 501 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 39 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Dalgety, A.—vi. 226 Dalgleish, Falconer, & Co.— xviii. 27 D’Almaine, W. F.—xxvi. 301 Dalphin, J. E.—United States, 493 Dalrymple, Mary E.— XIX. 377 Dalrymple, W.— XII. & XV. 240 Dalton, J.—vi. 4 Dalton, T.—xxix. 48 Daly, J.—v. 400 ; xn. & xv. 264 Damainville.—France, 153 Damant, W. — XXVII. 3, 4. Damiron & Co.—France, 1167 Damon, T.— I. 149 Damsch & Muenzers Sons.—Zollverein (1), 715 Danby, C. & T.—xix. 71. Danby, J.—xxiv. 88. Danby, T., see Danby, C. & T. Dando, see Harding, Dando, & Co. Dando, Sons, & Co.—xx. 50 Dandoy, Maillard, Lucq, & Co.— France, 491 Daneau.—Belgium, 507. Dangar, see Avery & Dangar Dangar, R. C.—New South Wales, 7 Dangerfield—Canada, 111 Daniel, jun.—France, 1168 Daniel & Cossins.— xix. 145 Daniel, J.—China Daniel, T.—xxix. 170 Daniell, A. B. & R. P.— xxv. 23 Daniel], J. C. — ix. 265; xxii. 607. 627 Daniell, R. P., see Daniell, A.B. & R. P. Daniell, W.—vii. 182 Daniells. — xn. & xv. 12, Danjard, L. F.—France, 136 Dann, T.—I. 56. Dannatt, J. —xxii. 43 Danneberg & Son.—Zollverein (1) 710 Danser, J., see Scrive, Brs. & J. Danser Darblay, jun.—France, 1576 Darbro, F.—France, 1577 Darche, C. F.—Belgium, 177 Darier, H.— Switzerland, 61, 76 Dark, Matilda, & Sons.—xxix. 197 Dark, R.—xxix. 198 Darling, G.— xx. 131 Darling, W.—United States, 191 Darmanin, J., & Sons.—Malta, 26 Darnell, J.—x. 383 Darnet. —France, 1578 Darras, P.—France, 470 Dart & Son.—v. 849 Dartet, see Temsonnet, Dartet, &c. Dartevelle & Mounourv.—Belgium, 329 Darton, W.—United States, 449 Darvieu, sen. Valmald & Co.—France, 1169 Daubarn.—xxix. 228 Daubetand Dumaret.—France, 1579 Dauchel, jun.—France, 154 Daucher, S.—Austria, 508 Daudre, A.—France, 1170 Daudrieu. —France, 155 Daudville, A.—France, 156 Daufrias, B. & Co.—Portugal, 853-881 Daufrias & Co.—Portugal, 882-904 Dauphinot-Perard.—France, 471 Dauptain, Gorton, & Co.— ii. 63 Dauthuille, A. T.—France, 1171 Dautremer & Co.—France, 137 Dautresme, see Parnuit, V. Dautresme, Sons & Co. Daveluy, D.—Belgium, 448 Davenport, J. L.—vi. 80 Davenport, J. T.-— ii. Ill Davey, see Bickford, Smith & Davey Davey, S.—i. 503 David, Brothers, & Co.—France, 157 David, C.—France, 812 David, Labbez, & Co.—France, 138 Davidoff, B.—Russia, 332 Davidson, see Clark & Davidson Davidson, A.—x. 385 Davidson, C. H.—viii. 238 Davidson, Capt. D.—viii. 238 Davidson, G. & W.—xxix. 158 Davidson, J., see Davidson, W. & J. Davidson, J. & Co.—v. 774; xiii. 47 Davidson, J. D.—U nted States, 561 Davidson, Lieut.—xix. 148 Davidson, W., x. 198; see Davidson, G. & W. Davidson, W. & J.—XI. 17 Davies, Archdeacon. — Van Diemen’s Land, 178, 179 Davies, D.—v. 828 Davies, G.—xxiv. 37 ; see also Davies, J. & G. Davies, G.’C.—xxvi. 129 Davies, J. —n. 70 Davies, J. & G.—v. 16 Davies, Mrs.—xix. 49 Davies, R.—xx. 216 Davies & Sons.— xii. & xv. 214 Davies & Taylor.—i. 523 Davies, W.—xxiv. 38 Davis, see Moses, Son & Davis; also Schofield, Brown, &c. Davis, C.—xxvi. 329 Davis, D.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (outside), 43 Davis, E.—Main Avenue, West, 51. 56. 59 Davis, G.—xxvi. 143 Davis, Greathead, & Green.—xxiv. 15 Davis, H. A., see Davis, W. Davis, J. —viii. "253; x. 331; xvii. 183; Canada, 78 Davis, J. B.—xxii. 536. 643 Davis, J. D.—United States, 563 Davis, R.— viii. *271. Davis, T.—ix. 46 Davis, W.—x. 30; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 65 Davison, see Gray and Davison Daviss, see Washington & Daviss Davison, W.—British Guiana, 12, 77 Davitti, L.—Tuscany, 46 Davy.—ix. 237 Davy, Rev. C. R.—vi. 234 Davy, Mackmurdo, & Co.— n. 62 Daw, see Witton, Daw, & Co. Dawbarn & Co.—I. 208 Dawbee & Dumbleton.— xxii. 499 Dawes, B.—xxvi. 135 Dawson, see Hird, Dawson, & Hardy Dawson, C.—x. 554 Dawson, Deborah.—xix. 149 Dawson, F. W.—v. 830 Dawson, G.—United States, 543 Dawson, J.—vi. 612 Dawson & Morris.—iv. 118 Dax, R.—xvi. 278 Day.— xxvi. 280; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 30 Day, H. H.—United States, 308 Day, H. J.—v. 133 Day, J.—xiv. 55 Day, J. & W.—New South Wales Day & Millward.—v. 772 Day, Miss.— xxviii. 169 Day & Newell,—United States, 298 Day, R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 16 1 a Day & Son.— xii. & xv., 113; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 80 Day & Twibell.—i. 262 Day, W., see Day, J. & W. Daymond, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Co,), 192 Deacock, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.) 72 Deacock, T.—x. 473 Deadde.—France, 813 Deakin, E.—xxv. 18 Deakin, G.— xxii. 157 Deakin, G. & Co.— xxii. 110 Dean.—Canada, 111 Dean, Amos & Co.—United States, 101 Dean, L.—United States, 245 Dean, R.—Canada, 102 Dean & Son.— xvii. 18 Dean, T.—ix. 4. Deane.—v. 426 Deane, A.—xxii. 392 Deane, Adams & Deane.— viii. 223 Deane, C. A.—v.^158 Deane, Dray,& IJe’ane.—ix. 180 ; xxi. 6 Deane, G & J.— viii. 223a Deane, J., see Deane, G. & J. Deane & Johnson.—Cape of Good Hope, 19 Deans, W.— VIII. 40 Dear, see Rogers & Dear Dear, A.—XIII. 37 Pear, J. C.—xxix. 128 Dearlove, M. W.—x. 707 Deas, see Garvie & Deas Deas, G.—Rome, 49 Debain, A. C.—France, 1172 Debaufer, H.—xxii. 445 40 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Debaune, U.—Belgium, 131 Debbaudt.—Belgium, 39 Debbaust, De la Croix.—Belgium, 92 Debbel, Pellerin & Co.—France, 1173 Deblauvve-Peel, Jean.—Belgium, 325 Debrabandere, P. F.—Belgium, 218 Debray, C.—France, 139 Debuchy, F.—France, 140 Deby, A.& Co.—Belgium, 37 Decesare, P. P.—Malta, 27 Decker, R. L.—Zollverein (1), 148 Decock.—Belgium, 221 Deconinck, A.—Belgium, 112 Deed, J. S.—xvi. 10 Deering, J.—I. 121 Dees, E.—Rome, 50 Deffaux.— Belgium, 188 Defferrari, Brothers.—Sardinia, 44 Deffner, see Zwerger, Van, Deffner, & Weiss Deffner, C.—Zollverein (4), 71 Defrenne, Sophie.—Belgium, 316 Defries, N.—xxn. 482 Degardin, V. A. M.—France, 1174 Degraeve, D.—Belgium, 90 Degryse, L.—Belgium, 63 Deliennault, J. B.—Belgium, 183 Debousse, L.—Belgium, 153 Deighton.—Main Avenue, West, 58 a D einhart & Jordan.—Zollv. (1), 869 Deitrich, Baron J., Von.—Austria, 439 Dejeant.—Portugal, 110,111 .| 115.232- 247. 250, 251. 258-274. Delabarre, see Guidicelli & Delabarre Delabaume, C.—France, 1581 Delabole Slate Company.—I. 214 Delabole, Old, Slate Company.—West¬ ern End, South Enclosure (outside), 8 Delacour, H. P.—France, 472 Delacour, L. F.—France, 1582 Delacour, Peigne.—France, 379 Delacretaz & Fourcade.—France, 158 Delage, Montignac, F.—France, 141 Delahaye, A.—Belgium, 305 Delamare, see Estique & Delamare Delamoriniere, Gonin, & Michelet.— France, 1583 Delanoe,Capt. J. C.—United States, 545 Delarbre.—France, 1175 Delarbre, V.—France, 1176 Delaroche, F. T.—Belgium, 364 Delaroche-Daigremont.—France, 267 De la Rue & Co.—xvn. 76. 177 Delattre & Son.—France, 142 Delbaere, Madame.—Belgium, 66 Delcambre, A.—France, 1584 Delcourt, A.—Belgium, 30 Delegne & Co.—France, 143 Deleuil, see Chariiere & Deleuil Deleuil, L. J.—France, 160 Deleuze, A.—France, 1178 Delevigue.—Belgium, 297 Delevoye, F. D.—Belgium, 421 Delfosse, Brothers.—France, 144 Delgado.—Spain, 231 Delgado, J. J. R.—Portugal, 300 Delicourt, E.—France, 1715 Deliege, J., see Fetu, A., & J. Deliege Delignon, V.—France, 1180 Delire, Mad. F.—Belgium, 380 Delisle & Co.—France, 1181 Delius.—Zollv. (1), 866 Delius, E. A. & Sons.—Zollv. (1), 548 Delius, J. D.—Zollverein (1), 560 Delkeskamp, F. W.—Zollv. (5), 29 Dell, Brothers.—x. 100 Delolme, H.—x. 19 Delongueil, H.—France, 1585 Delloye, M. C.—Belgium, 376 Delstanche, L. see Delstanche, R. & L. Delstanche, R. & L.—Belgium, 433 Delstanehe, P.—Belgium, 510 Delvigne, G.—France, 473 Dely, M.—Switzerland, 16 Deman, T.—Belgium, 116 Demanet, C.—Belgium, 402 Demanet, Colonel.-—Belgium, 178 Demeulenacre, E.—Belgium, 223 Demidoff, Messrs.-—Russia, 21. 120, 153. 324 Demontreuil.—xxx. 360 Dempster, H,—viii. 174 Demythenaere.—Belgium, 246-250 Dench.—Western End, North Enclosure, (Outside), 61 Deneirouse, E. Bois, Glavy & Co.— France, 1182 Denham, Captain.— viii. 72 Deuinger, see Mayer, Michel, &c. Denis, A.—France, 161 Denis, J. B.—Belgium, 160 Denison, Sir W. T. — Van Diemen’s Land, 1-5. 24-28. 38. 56-77. 80. 121-125. 136. 137. 149-151. 176. 188. 229. 269. 270. 272. 287. 304. 312.334. 340 Dennington, C. L—United States, 356 Dennis G.—British Guiana, 140 Dermis, Rev. J. B. P.—xxix. 161 Dennys, see Swainson & Dennys Dent, Alcroft & Co.—xx. 78 Dent, E. J.—x. 55. 68 (Main Avenue, West) Dent, L.—China Denter, see Reed, Chadwick & Denter Dentith, W.— II. 8(Main Avenue, West) Denton, J. B.— x. 317 Denuelle, A. D.—France, 1183 Deo Narain Sing. — India, xxvi. Depierre, Brothers.—Switzerland, 189 Depotter, A.—Belgium, 111 Depoully, C.—France, 15S6 Derfler, J.—Austria, 480 Dering, G. E.— x. 436 Dernberger, F.—Austria, 509 Deroubaix, H,—Belgium, 239 Dervaux-Lefebvre.—France, 145 ; see also Dubreulle, &c. Derville& Co.—France, 162 Derwent Iron Company.—v. 647 Desanges, A.—France, 1184 Desbrodes.—France, 1587 Descalzi, J.—Sardinia, 72 Descartes, J. —France, 815 Deschamps, N.—France, 1185 Desjardins, B.—Canada, 58 Desjardins, P.—Canada, 30. 47 Desjardins-Lieux.—France, 158» Deslandelles, see Guihery, Deslaudelles, & Co. Desmanet de Biesme, Viscount C.— Belgium, 16 Desmedt & Co.—Belgium, 104 Desmedt, Mr.—Belgium, 323 Desmond, M.—xvi. 171 Desplanque, jun.—France, 816 Despontaines, Maison, Leroy, & Son.— France, 1186 Despreaux, A. A.—France, 164 Desrosiers, A.—France, 817 Dessauer.—Austria, 371 Dessaur, A.—Zollverein (2), 68 Destraz, L.—Switzerland, 71 Detape.—France, 1710 Dethier, A.—Belgium, 19 Detige, see Lemaieur, C., Detige, & Co. Detir & Co. (Piano Workmen Society). —France, 475 Detmold, C. E.—United States, 66 Detouche & Houdin.—France, 1589 Deu, G.—Spain, 253 Deuzy, P.—France, 165 Devaranne & Son.—Zollverein (1), 280 Devas, Minchener, & Routledge. — xiv. 34 ; xviii. 6 Devaux & Co.—France, 340 Devers, J.—France, 818 Devey, G.—vii. 54 Deville, see Grolleau & Deville Deville-Thiry H.—Belgium, 445 Deviolaine, Brothers.—France, 1187 Devis, E.—Belgium, 401 Devisme.—France, 166 Devisse, N.—Zollv. (1), 837 Devitt & Moore.—New South Wales, 10 Devon Great Consol Copper Mining Co. (Tavistock).—i. 453; v. 418 Devon North Pottery Company.—i. 127 Devonshire, Duke of.—I. 14. 496. 531; (Main Avenue, East) ; Austria, 746 Devrange, B. jun.—France, 1188. Devy, Eliza.—xx. 44 Dewar, Son, & Sons.—xiv. 35 ; xix. 150 Dewar, T.— in. 119 Dewdney, J.—xvn. 143 Deweweirne, J. J.—Belgium, 293 Dewrance.—v. 706 j WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 41 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Deydier, Mdme.—France, 819 Deyeux.—France, 476 Deyl, Van der, Leendert & Son.— Netherlands, 10 Dezaux-Lacour.—France, 167 Diamond, J.—I. 457 Dianet, S. G.—Belgium, 31 Dick, A.—xvi. 311 Dick, D.—United States, 79 Dick & Kirstchen.—Zollverein (6), 17 Dick and Sons.— xii. & xv. 295 Dickenson and Falkou, xxii. 422 Dickenson, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 181 Dicker, J.—v. 674 Dickert, T.—Zollverein (1), 432 Dickes, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 68 Dickins, T.—vi. 62 Dickinson, C. M.—Canada, 193 Dickinson, J.—i. 414. Dickinson, T. F.—i. 407 a D ickore, A.—Zollverein (6), 18 Dicks, W.—xx. 184 Dicksee, J. R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 271 Dickson, see Malo, Dickson, & Co. Dickson, Mr. Sheriff A.—Canada, 3 Dickson, G. & Co.—n. 79. Dicksons and Laings. — XII. & xv. 234 Dida, A.—France, 1189 Didier, F.—France, 820 Didot, Brothers.—France, 212. Dieckmann, W. & C.—Zollverein (1), 612 Diederichs, Brothers.—Netherlands, 6 Diepers, T. H.—Zollverein (1), 472 Dierckx.—Belgium, 391 Diergardt, F.—Zollverein (1), 509 Dierig, C.—Zollverein (1), 92 Dierzers, J., heirs of.—Austria, 244 Dies.—Rome, 34, 35 Diesel & Co.—Zollverein (1), 824. 882 Dietens, J. B.—Belgium, 288 Dieferich.—Zollverein (4), 96 Dietiker, J.—Switzerland, 211 Dietrich Burckhardt.—Switzerland, 152 Dietrich, F.—Zollverein (1), 297 Dietrich, F. A.—xx. 56. Dietrich & Son.—Zollverein (1), 807 Dietrich & Straff.—Zollverein (3), 103 Dietsch & Co.—France, 146 Dietzl, M.—Austria, 510 Dieudonne & Bladel.—Zollv. (4), 20 Diez, Marble Manufactory at.—Zoll- verein (8), 4 Diez, E.—Austria, 33 Diez, Rivera.—Spain, 172 Digeon.—France, 1590 Digges, Miss La Touche.—xix. 234 Digges, Rev. T. La Touche.—ix. 263 Dighton, see Latham & Dighton Dighton, T.—xxvi. 276 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 142. 235 a D ighton, T. D.—xxx. 160 Dill & Mulcahey.—United States, 273 Dillenseger & Patry.—France, 168 Dillon, J.—v. 560 Dillon, L.—xii. & xv. 258 Dillon, Viscount—iv, 138; xix. 153 Diltsch, J.—Austria, 481 Dimech, F.—Malta, 28 Dimech, Mrs.—Malta, 21 Dimmock, T. —xxv. 12 Dimoline.—xxvi. 187 Dimoline, A.—x. 489 Dinant & Huette.—Trance, 1190 Dingley, S., see Dingley, W. & S. Dingley, W. & S.—xx. 115 Dinglinger, A. F.—Zollverein (1), 175 Dinham, Annie.—xxvi. 92 Dinkier, C.—Austria, 735 Dinneford & Co.— ii. 51 Dinsdale.—x. 718 Dinzl, F.—Austria, 348 Dionisy, J. M.—Netherlands, 106 Dirk, see Voorst, Van, Dirk, & Son Dirks, H. J.—Netherlands, 29 Dirksen, G.—Denmark, 40 Dissmar & Harloff.—Hamburgh, 25 Disturnell, J.—United States, 215 Ditchburn, T. J.—viii. 30 Ditl, Madame.—xix. 152 Dittmar, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 57 Dix, see Randall and Dix Dix, E. R.—United States, 139 Dixcee, T.—xxvi. 16 Dixey, C. W.—x. 271* Dixon, F,—Canada, 94 Dixon, G.—xxix. 91 Dixon, J.—xxvi. 190; Van Diemen’s Land, 19, 20 Dixon, J. & Sons.— xxii. 797 Dixon & Longstaff.—xiv. 75 Dixon, P. & Sons.— XI. 19 Dixon, R. & T.—xii. & xv. 187 Dixon & Sons.— xxiii. 38 Dixon, T.—Canada, 138. 170, see also Dixon, R. & T. Dixon & Whiting.—xvi. 290 Djidjivadze, Prince Niko.—Russia, 95 Dobbelaere, H.—Belgium, 208 Dobbie, W.—x. 166 Dobbs, G.—x. 346 Dobbs, Kidd, & Co.—xvn. 79 Dobree, D.—Jersey & Guernsey, 35 Dobree, Harriett.—Jersey & Guernsey, 30 Dobrowolski, B. W.—x. 524 Dobson, J.—vii. 114 ; x. 323 Docagne, S.—France, 1718 Docquir, P. J. & J. Parys—Belgium, 68 Docte, H. Le—Belgium, 161 Dodd ; E.—X. 505 Dodd, J.—x. 543 Dodd, P. G.— xxiii. 122 Dodd, R. S.—Canada, 87 Dodds & Son.—v. 64 Dodge, Catherine.—iv. 32 Dodge, W.—xvi. 160 Dodshaux, Brothers.—Zollverein (7), 1 Dodson, J.—xvi. 1S2 a D oe, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 253 Doe, Hazleton & Co.—United States, 418 Doe, W.—xvi. 145 Doebel, H. J.—Zollverein (1), 547 Doerffel, C. G. & Sons.—Zollverein (3), 69 Doerffel, T.—Zollverein (1), 54 Doerner, F.—Zollverein (4), 21 Doerr & Reinhard.—Zollverein (6), 33 Dokhtouroff.—Russia, 36 Dolan, D.— xxvii. 45 Dolbeau, see Lapere & Dolbeau " Dolgaroucky, Prince.—Russia, 356 Dolleschal, J.—Austria, 51 Dolllus, Mieg, & Co.—France, 1191 Dollond, G.—x. 145. Dombrowitch, C.—Russia, 355 Domenget.—Sardinia, 96 Domeny, L. J.—France, 476 Dominick, G.—United States, 21 Dommer, T.—Belgium, 233 Don, Brothers, & Co.—xiv. 63 Don, W. & J., & Co.—xiv. 63 Donalds. —xxiii. 103 Donalds, C., see Donalds, W. J. & C. Donalds, W. J. & C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 41 Donat, A.—France, 1192 Donat & Co.—France, 1193 Donbavand, W.—v. 782 Doncaster, D.— xxii. 184 Donegan, J.—x. 52 Donisthorpe, G. E.—vi. 40 Donkin, B. & Co.—v. 42; vi. 130; vii. 46 Donlan, M. J. J.—iv. 43 Donne, G.—North Transept, 4 Donne, G. J.—xxvi. 198 Donne & Sons.— xxiii. 127 Donneaud & Co.—France, 478 Donohue, J.—Western end, South en¬ closure (Outside), 2 Donzel and Maussier.—France, 1195 Doodinsky.—Russia, 77 Doppler, A.—Austria, 5 11 Dopter, J. V. M.—France, 1194. Dorer, M.—Zollverein (1), 343 Dorey, D.—Jersey & Guernsey, 37 Dorey, J.—France, 479. Dorey, J. F.—France, 823 Dorfleutlmer, L.—Austria, 253 Dorr, W. —vii. 57 Dorrien, C.—iv. 81 Dorvell, Elizabeth.—xxix. 77 42 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Dosin, B. J.—Belgium, 429 Bossetor, see Peart & Dossetor Dotres, Gaspar, & Co.—Spain, 215 Doubleday, H.— III. 2 ; Doublet & Huchet.—France, 821 Doucet & Duclerc, A—France, 147 Doucet & Petit.—France, 149 Doudney, E.— XX. 113 Douglas, J. S. & Son.—Hamburgh, 92 Douglas, R.—xvi. 257 Douglas River Coal Co.—Van Diemen’s Land, 13 Doulton & Co.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 64; xxvn. 23 Doulton & Watt.— North Transept, 45 a ; xxvii. 95 Doumerc, E.—France, 822 Dourassotf.—Russia, 197 Doutrewe, F. J.—Belgium, 149 Dove, C. W. & Co.—xix. 155 Dove, D.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 23 Dover, J.—x. 344 Doveston, G.—xxvi. 122 Dow, A.—xxvm. 29 Dowbiggin & Co.—xix. 15G; xxvi. 404 Dower, J.—xvii. 37 Dowie, J—xvi. 180j (Main Avenue, West) Dowling, H.—Van Diemen’s Land, 331. 333 Down, J.—xxix. 56 Down, S.—xxix. 267 Downing, Dr. C. T.—x. 634 Downing, G. & J. H.—xix. 157 Downing, J. H., see Downing, G. &c. Downman, H. H.—I. 501 Downs, Andrew.—Nova Scotia Downs, H.—viii. 133 Downs, W.—xxn. 675 Downton.— XXII. 530 Downtown, J.—v. 474 Dowse,— xvii. 41 Dowse, Henrietta. — XXX. (Fine Art Court), 230 a Dowson, see Young, Dowson, & Co. Dowson, J. E.—xxn. 476 Doxat & Co.— IV. 35 Doyon, see Jouvin & Doyon Diaaisma, D.—Netherlands, 68 Drabble & Co.—v. 842 Drake, see Bedford, Bonson, & Co. Drake, Professor F.—Zollverein (l), 273 ; (Main Avenue, East) Drake, R.—xvi. 306 Draper.—v. 997 Draper, W.—xxvi. 320 Dray, see Deane, Dray, and Deane Dregger, F.—Russia, 362 Dreher, A.—Austria, 668 Dresden Royal Saxon Military Plan Office.—Zollverein (3), 184 Dresler, F.—Zollverein (5), 24 Dresler, J. H., sen. — Zollverein (1), 449 Dreusike, W.—Zollverein (1), 245 Drew, D.—xxvi. 116 Drew, J.—I. 449 Drewson and Sons.—Denmark, 4 Dreyse & Collenbusch.—Zollverein (1), 638 Drides, Tribe of the.—Algeria, 55 Drion, E.—Belgium, 353 Driver, C. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 269 Driver, J.—x. 102. Driver, W.—I. 203 Droitwich Patent Salt Works.— II. 116 Droni, Criiger, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 357 Drouin & Brossier.—France, 169 Druery, J.—viii. 322 Druggists’ Company.— II. 117 Druitt, R.—x. 612. Drummond, see McCartney & Drum¬ mond. Drummond, J. — XII. & XV. 150 j Canada, 32 Drummond, P. R.— ix. 88 Drummond & Sons.— ix. 49 Drury, F.— v. 758 ; xxiii. 51 Drury, J. —X. 56 Drury, J. F.—x. 506 Dubar-Delespaul.—France, 148 Duberger, G.—Canada, 21 Dabler & Sons.—Switzerland, 227 Dublin, Royal Society of.— I. 207. 508. 515; xxvii. 71 Dubois, see Jouhanne& Dubois Dubois, A.—Switzerland, 43 Dubois, C., see Dubois, G. & Co. Dubois, F. W.—Switzerland, 9 Dubois, G.—Belgium, 469. Dubois, G. & Co.—Belgium, 196 Dubois and Son.—France, 170 Duboscq-Soleil.—France, 1197 Dubreuille, Dervaux, Lefebvre, & De Fitte—France, 480 Dubsky, Count.—Austria, 456 Dubus, —France, 481 Du Cane, A.—xxvi. 535 Ducci, A.—Tuscany, 82 Ducci, A. & M—Tuscany, 58 Ducci, M., see Ducci A. & M. Ducel, S. J.—France, 824 Duchastel, Comte. Belgium, 443 Duc’ue, sen. & Co.—France, 1592. Duchene, sen.—France, 1198. Duchene, J. J.—Belgium, 166. Duchenne, Dr.—France, 171. Duchesne.—France, 172 Ducie, Earl.—xvi. 267. Duclerc, A., see Doucet & Duclerc * Duclos, J.—France, 1712 Ducluzeau, A.—Main Avenue East, 96 Ducommun, —France, 482 Ducourtioux, C. L.—France, 1199 Ducroquet, P. A. — France, 173 (Main Avenue, East) Dudgeon & Co.—New South Wales, 11 Dudgeon, Patrick.—China Dudman, J.—xvii. 137 Dudson, J.—xxv. 56 Duelin, M.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 58 Duerrenberg, Royal Saltery at.—Zollv. (1), 856 Duesberg, see Pirenne & Duesberg Dufaux, L.—Switzerland, 249. Dufaux, O.—Switzerland, 249 Dufaville, W.—iv. 125 Dufferin’s, Lord, School, Belfast. — xiv. 3 Duffield, C.—United States, 363, 363 a D uffield, J. E. & Co.—v. 844 Dufosse.—France, 1201. Dufosse, sen—France, 1200 Dufour.—Belgium, 159; see also Sar- rac, H. & Dufour Dufour, jun.—France, 174 Dufour & Co.—IX. 124 a D ufour, J. B.—France, 485 Dufour, L.—France, 483; Sardinia, 13 Dufreiz, Albert.—France, 193 Dugard, H. see Dugard, W. & H. Dugard, W. & H.—xxn. 350 Duggin, T. B.—British Guiana, 3, 4, 7, 20, 26, 49, 54, 56, 57, 64, 80, 81, 99-102A, 119, 141, 146-148A. Duhajon-Brunfaut & Co.—Belgium, 314 Duhme, H.—United States, 15 Dujardin.—Belgium, 246-250 Dujardin, C.—Belgium, 217 Dujard in,L.—Belgium,317; France,825 Duke & Son.—xxix. 191 Dulcius, C.—Zollverein (6), 72 Duley, J.—xxn. 89 Dultgen, T.—Zollverein (1), 641 Dulud.—France, 1202 Dumaine, J. A.—France, 490 Dumaine, X.—France, 175 Dumaret, see Daubert & Dumaret Dumas, A.—France, 486 Dumbleton, see Daw bee & Dumbleton Dumbleton, H.—Cape of Good Hope, 47 Dumerey.—France, 487 Dumeril, Sons, & Co.—France, 176 Dummich, P.—Zollverein (6), 79 Dumont, F. L. H.—France, 488 Dumont, J. S.—United States, 287 Dumont-Pettrelle—France, 826 Dumontat, see Bertrand, Gaytet, &c. Dumortier & Co.—France, 1593 Dumortier, L.—France, 177 Dumoulin, S.—France, 178 Dunbar, D.— New South Wales, 6 Dunbar, D. & Sons.— viii. 315 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 43 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Dunbar, W.—xxix. 234 Duncan, see Sinclair, Duncan & Son Duncan, D. & Co.—xiv. 80 Duncan, Flockhart, & Co.— ii. 104 Duncan, J.—Canada, 351 Duncan, W. L.— II. 76 Duucum, see Foster, Son, & Duncum Dundee Local Committee.—xiv. 63 Dunhill, T.—vii. 90 Dunin, Mx. E. de.—x. 210 Dunlevie, Mrs.—Jersey & Guernsey, 3 a D unlop, J.— xxviii. 155 Dunlop and Schalis.—Trinidad Dunlop, W. A.—United States, 483 Dunn.—v. 624 ; Van Diemen’s Land, 190; see also Holland & Dunn Dunn, J.—v. 998 Dunn, M.— vii. 204 Dunn, T.—v. 618 ; x. 689 a D unn, W.—Canada, 119 Dunnicliff, see Ball, Dunniclifle & Co. Dunt, see Hancock, Rixon, & Dunt Dunton, J. H.—United States, 195 Du pas, E.—France, 1204 Dupasquier, J. P.—France, 1205 Dupes & Co.—France, 1594 Dupierrv, C. jun.—Belgium, 494 Duponceau, see Forton, Duponceau, & Co. Dupont, A.—France, 180 Dupont, Evenor.—Mauritius, 2 Dupont, P.—France, 181 Dnport, V.—France, 182 Duppa.— xxvii. 51 Duprat & Co.—France, 492 Dupre, Prof. A.—Tuscany, 105 Dupre, A. G.—France, 493 Dupre, J. F.—France, 183 Dupre de St. Maur.—Algeria, 23 ■ Dupre, W. H.—Jersey and Guernsey, 9 Dupuis, J.—France, 184 Duquesne, see Serret, Hamoir, & Co. Durand.—France, 186; see also Eck & Durand Durand & Bal.—France, 829 Durand, Boncourt, & Pitard.—France, 1206 Durand, E. P.—France, 1207 Durand, F.—France, 1595 Durand, G.—France, 1208 Durand, J.—France, 1596 Durango y Trigo.—Spain, 46. 127 Durant, R. jun.—iv. 31 Durant, Susan.—xxx. (Sclpt. Ct.) 5. 78 Duranton, J. B.—France, 494 Durham, J. B.—xxi. 46 ; xxx. (Sculp¬ ture Court), 75, 76 Durham, T. D.—x. 668. Durham, T. D.—xxil. 614 Durio, Brothers.—Sardinia, 46 Durley & Co.—xxvi. 169 : Dusauchoit, E.—Belgium, 272. Duseigneur, see Bianchi, J.,&Duseig- neur Dusseart, J.—Belgium, 407 Dussol—France, 150 Dutertr6, A.—Switzerland, 219 Duthoit, J.—xiii. 12. Dutron, jun.—France, 1209 Dutton & Co.—xxix. 287 Dutton, R. W.—m. 6. Dutton, S.—viii. 326. Duura, Van, & Versteeven.—Nether¬ lands, 5 Duval.—France, 474 Duval, A.—France, 189 Duval, M.—France, 1210 Duval, P. S.—United States, 52 Duval & Paris,—France, 151 Duvellerov, P.—France, 495 Duyn, Hipp & Co.—Zollverein (1), 510 Dyedier, C. P.—France, 1580 Dyer, C. K.—I. 131 b Dyer, H.—x. 379 Dyer, W.—I. 10 Dyer, W. B.—i. 62 Dyne, W.— viii. 60 E. Eacer, see Hefford and Eacer Fades & Son.—vi. 224 Eady, H. J.—xxiii. 109. Eagland, T.—x. 567 Eakins, S.—United States, 256 Eames, see Burton & Eames Eange, C.—Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 2 Earl, Smith, & Co.—xxil. 207 Earle, J. H.—xxx. 49 Earle, T.—North Transept, 30. 44, 43 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 16. 21. 82 Earle, T. K. & Co.—United States, 456 Early, E.—xii. & xv. 269 Early, J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 268 Earnshaw.—x. 11 Earnshaw & Greaves.—xxv. 24 Earnshaw, H.—xvi. 107 Earnshaw, R. J.—xxix. 261 Earp, E.—xxvi. 13 Easson, A.—xiv. 63 East. India Company.—China ; India East, Landon & Holland.—xii. & xv. 2 East & Son.—xvi. 34 Easterling, J.—xxix. 282 Eastern Archipelago Co.—Labuan, &c. Eastman R.—United States, 3 Eastman, W. P.—United S'ates, 338 Easton & Amos.—v. 408 Eastwood & Frost.—v. 672 Eastwood, G.—xxi. 49 Eaton, C. L.—United States, 28 Eaton, E.— xxiii. 52 Eaton, J. ix. 22 Ebart, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 145 Ebbs, B.—ix. 56 x Ebbw Vale Co. Abergavenny.—i. 412 ; v. 67. 638 Eberhardt, see Hoffman & Eberhardt Eberstaller & Schindler.—Austria, 427 Eccleshall, T—v. 132 Echinger, Brothers.—Austria, 304 Eck & Durand.—France, 1211 Eckardstein, Baron A.—Zollverein (1), 32 Eckert, J. C. H.—Hamburgh, 84 Eckhardt, F. M.—Zollverein (4), 38 Ecklin, see Goetz & Ecklin Economical Society (Atnicos del Pais), Bisayas Islands.—Spain, 234 Ecroyd, W. & Son.—xii. & xv. 130 a E ddy, Capt.—i. 496 Eddy & Co.—United States, 509. 523 Eddy, J.—i. 463 Ede&Co.—xxix. 18 Ede, F. & Son.—Persia Edelsten & Williams.—xxil. 336 Eder, S. T.—Netherlands, 88 Edey, see Arthur & Edey Edgar, see Swan & Edgar Edge, see Cork & Edge Edge, J.—xxil. 51 Edge, T.—x. 702; xxil. 441 Edgington, B. —viii. 302 Edgington, T. F.—xiv. 90 Edinburgh School for the Blind.—xvn 170 Edkins & Son.—x. 207 Edler Von Wursh, W.—Austria, 52 Edmond, J.—viii. 136 Edmonds, see Remnant, Edmonds, &c. Edmonds & Edmonds.—xii. & xv. 218 Edser, see Ridley & Edser Edwards, D. O.—xxil. 241 Edwards, E.—xxil. 345 Edwards, F.—xxil. 387 Edwards, H.—hi. 134 Edwards, J.—x. 104; xiv. 73; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 67 Edwards, J. & Son.—x. 516 Edwards, J. & Sons.—xxv. 37 Edwards, J. B.—x. 438 Edwards, J. T.—x. 103 Edwards, R.— xxiii. 78 Edwards, S —xxvi. 247 Edwards, T.—v. 12 ; xxiii. 94 Edwards, T. J.—xxix. 81 Eeckhoudt, Van, see Heusschen, Van Eeckhoudt & Co. Eeckhout, Van, & Co.—France, 713 Egan, J.—Canada, 74 Egells, F. A.—Zollverein (1), 200 44 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Egg, H. J.—vm. 232 Egger, Count Ferdinand Von.—Austria, 409, 410. 425 Egger, Count G. Von.—Austria, 31. 401 Egger, J. B.—Austria, 435 Eggerlh, J.—Austria, 361 Egyptian Government.—Egypt, 1-391 Eliinger, A.—Austria, 181 Ehr, N.—Zollverein (5), 25 Ehrenberg & Richter.—Zollverein (1), 750 Ehrensperger & Co. — Zollverein (3), 152 Ehrenzeller, F.—Switzerland, 191 Eiclielberg, H. D. & Co. — Zollverein (1), 660 Eichler, G.—Zollverein (1), 272 Eichner, G. L.—Zollverein (2), 80 Eichwede, see Bernstorff & Eichwede Eickholt, A.—Zollverein (1), 549 Eimen.—Turkey Eiuenkel, J. C. C.—Zollverein (3), 165 Einsiedel.—Zollverein (1), 762 Einsiedelsches.—Main Avenue, East Einsle, E.—x. 127 Eipenschleid, L.—Zollverein (1), 329 Eisenbrandt, C. H.—United States, 481 Eisenmenger, G.—Zollverein (2), 24 Ei senring, see Fehr & Ei sen ring Eisentuck & Co.—Zollverein (3), 151 Eissa (Posen) Corporation of Millers at. — Zollverein (1), 35 Ejoff, J.—Russia, 80 Ekaterinburg Imperial Polishing Ma¬ nufactory.—Russia, 326 Ekaterinoslaff, Peasants of. — Russia, 230 Ekins, G.—xxvii. 13 Elbers, J. H.—Zollverein (1), 348 Elder, D.—v. 152 Eldon, Earl of.—Main Avenue, West, 81 Eidrid, see Atkinson and Eldrid Elemenhorst, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 708 Elex, A.—France, 1215 Eley, C., see Eley, W. & C. Eley, W. & C.—vm. 225 El froth, D. H.—Switzerland, 78 Eliaert, C.—Belgium, 234 Elias, A.—United States, 515 Elias, M.—Spain, 39 Elinhauser, J.—Austria, 344 Elisha, C.—x, 39 Elkington & Co.—Main Avenue, West. 92, 93, 94 Elkington, H.—xxiii. 1 Elkington, Mason, & Co.—xxm. 1. Ell, G.—vn. 93 Ellam, Jones, & Co.—n. 58 Ellin, T. & Co.— xxii. 120 Elliott.— vii. 13 Elliott, G.—ix. 144 v Elliott & Heys.—vi. 50 Elliott, J. —ix. 41 ; xxii. 151 Elliott & Sons. —x. 320. 322 ; xxii. 302 Elliott, T.— v. 702 Elliott, W. —xx. 172 Ellis.— i. 13 ; see also Hahnel & Ellis. Ellis, F. A. —vm. 129 Ellis, F. & J.— xx. 209 Ellis, G. —xvi. 305 Ellis, J. —x. 631b; xxii. 156; see also Ellis, F. & J. Ellis, J. W. & Co.— xii. & xv. 70 Ellis, Miss.—Jersey and Guernsey, 44 Ellis & Son, xxiii. 12 Ellis, Sophie A.—xix. 159 Ellis, W.— xxii. 86 Ells.—ix. 29 Elmendorf, E. F.—Zollverein (1), 470 Eloffe.—France, 1597. Eloin, F.—Belgium, 11 Eloure, W. W.—xxvi. 188 Elsholz, F,—Zollverein (1), 230 Eisner, Von Gronow, & Co.—Zollverein, (0,4 El well, see Varrall, Middleton, & Elwell Elwell, H.—Barbadoes, 2 Emanuel, M.— xxiii. 119 Emanueli, G.—Austria, 709 Emerson, F.-—United States, 433 Emery, F.—xxv. 57 Emery, J. — i. 532 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 345 Emmerich, J. B. & Goerger, M. jun,— France, 1212 Emory & Co.—United States, 148 Emory, T.—United States, 18 Ems, G.—Zollverein (1), 583 Emshall, G.—xiv. 40. Ena, see Margarit & Ena Encke, —Zollverein (1), 736 Enderby, S.—vm. 162 Enderson, H. J.—iv. 16 Enfer.—France, 830 Enfert, D’, Brothers.—France, 496 Engel, see Boshcher & Engel Engel, E., jun.—Zollverein (1), 125 Engel, F.—Zollverein, (l), 274 Engel, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 74 Engel, P.—Zollverein (1), 885 Engel, P. H.—Zollverein (1), 389 Engeler & Son.—Zollverein (1), 242 Engelhard & Karth.-—Zollverein (1), 417 Engelhard, T.—Hamburgh, 93 Engelhard, W.—Hamburgh, 96 Engelmann & Graf.—France, 192 Kngelmann, S.—Austria, 22 Engelmann & Son.—Zollverein (1), Engels, H. W. M.—Hamburgh, 65 England, G.—V. 484. 509 England, G. W. — xxvi. 7. 528 English.— xxii. 343 English, E. F.— xxvi. 57 English, J.— xxii. 572 English’s Patent Camphine Co.—iv. 61; vii, 13 Ennever & Steedman.—x. 479 Enniskillen, Earl of.—I. 116 ; ix. 232 Enrico, C. —Austria, 147 Enriquez, J.—Spain, 106 Enriquez, .T. N.—Spain, 176 Enriquez, Maria.—Malta, 9 Enschede & Sons.—Netherlands, 79, 109 Ensor, T.—xx. 185 Enstaller, G.—Austria, 669 Enthoven, C. L.—Netherlands, 76 Enthoven & Son.—Netherlands, 1 Enzel, J.—South Transept, 15 Enzinger, see Gruber & Enzinger Eoke, Royal Mines at. -— Zollverein (l), 326 Epps, W. J.—ix. 101 Erard, P.—France, 497 Erard, P. O.—x. 496 Erbrau, J.—Switzerland, 4 Erbschloe & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 614 Erbsloh, see Wolff & Erbsloh Erchoff, A.—Russia, 339 Erdelen, C.—Zollverein (1), 474 Erhardt & Sons.—Zollverein (4), 63 Erich, C. A.—Zollverein (2), 19 Ericsson, J.—United States, 146 Erivan, Agricultural Society of the Cau- cacns.—Russia, 58 Erno, see Vetter & Erno Ernoux, C. H.—France, 498 Ernst, see Hefzer, Ernst & Son; Press- pitch, Ernst, & Son Ernst, F.—Switzerland, 149 Ernst, P.—Austria, 457 Erret, see Petzold & Erret. Ershoff.—Russia, 60 Erskine, D.—v. 100; vm. 45 Erskine, J.-—vm. 257 Ertel, Traugott & Sons. — Zollv. (2), 25 Escherich, T.—Zollverein (2), 48 Eschweiler,D., Societe des Mines et Fon- deries.—Zollverein (1), 318 Escudero, C.—Spain, 183 Escudero y Gonzalez.—Spain, 192 Esdaile, J.—xxix. 278 Esdailes & Margrave. — vm. 126 xxvm. 125 Esprit & Noye.—France, 499 Esquilant, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 103 Esschen, N. G. Van.—Belgium, 137 Essex, J.—xvi. 326 Essex, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 241 Estcourt, S.—ii. 64 Estique & Delamare.—France, 1213 Estivant, Brothers.—France, 1214 Estrange, F. L’—x. 597 Etex. — France, 1215 (Main Avenue, East) WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 45 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Etheringtori, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 234 Elienne, Madame D. St.—ill. 138 Etrick, A.—viii. 327 Euboea, Bishop of.—Greece, 14 Eugster, Brothers.—Switzerland, 190 Eustace, J., see Eustace, R. & J. Eustace, R. & J.—xix. 160 Euslate, Friar.—France, 193 Euston & Milligan.—Van Diemen’s Land, 105, 10G Evans, see Bradbury & Evans; Gads¬ den & Evans ; Hill, Evans & Co. ; Sewell, Evans & Co.; Voigtlander, Evans & Co. Evans & Co.—x. 643 a; xi. 33 Evans, D., & Co.— xviii. 1 Evans, E.—xvn. 113 Evans, F.—xxvi. 224 Evans, F. J.—H. 5 Evans, G.—i. 227 Evans, H.—United States, 474 Evans, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 202 Evans, O. B.—United States, 105 Evans, R. & Co.—xix. 74 Evans, S.—x. 670 a ; xiii. 60 ; xvn. 8 Evans, S. A.—xix. 161 Evans & Son.—v. 37 ; xvi. 18 Evans, Son, & Co.— xxii. 103 Evans, T. & Co.—xxix. 148 Evans, W.—iv. 9 a ; x. 274 a Evans, W. F.—x. 106 Evard, E. P.—Switzerland, 29 Eveleigh & Son.—xx. 104 Evenden, Eliza Anne.—xix. 162 Everaert, Misses.—Belgium, 321 Everest, J.—xxvi. 27 Everett, A.—United States, 427 Everett & Co.—xvi. 39 Everitt & Son.—xxii. 352 Every, S. F.—vn. 120 Evrard, J.—x. 647 Evrot, C. N.—France, 190 Ewald, L.—Zollverein (6), 6 Ewart, —x. 324 Ewart, G.—x. 729 Ewart, Henrietta.—xxix. 75 Ewen, J.—iv. 30 Ewens, J. B. & Co.—xiv. 73 Ewing, J. H.—United States, 188 Ewing, Orr, & Co.— xviii. 57 Exall, see Barrett, Exall, & Andrews Exall, W.— viii. 3 Eydaroff, M.—Russia, 75 Eykyn & Millichap.—xxii. 309 Eyles, see Margetts, T. K., & Eyles Eyles, H. — xxvi. 50; xxvii. 91 Eymien & Son.—France, 831 Eyndhoven, A. J. Van. — Netherlands, 49 Eyre, see Hawksworth, Eyre, & Co. Eyre, Ward, & Co.— xxii. 203 Eyres, W. & Son.—xii. & xv. 27 Ezcaray, Manufacturing Company of the Guilds at.—Spain, 219 F. Faber, A. W.—Zollverein (2), 81 Faber, C.—Zollverein (4), 33 Faber, W.—United States, 279 Fabian, C. G.—Zollverein (1), 95 Fabre, B. A.—Switzerland, 11 Fabregue, Nourry, Son, Barnouin,&Co. —France, 832 Facilides & Co.—Zollverein (3), 95 Facy, R.—x. 195 Fadderjahrj, B.—Zollverein (1), 294 Faddy, Mrs. Col.—Western Africa, 20 Faddy, P.—Western Africa, 19 Fadeuilhe, V. B.—in. 140 Faessler, J. A.—Switzerland, 229 Fahey, see Green & Fahey Fahie, J. K.—i. 30. 129 Faiers, J.—xxix. 26 Fairbairn & Co.—vi. 421 Fairbairn, R.—xvn. 9 Fairbairn, W.—v. 417, 522, 732 ; vi. 403 Fairbairn, W. & Sons.— v. 26 ; vi. 200 Fairer, J.—x. 36 Fairless, F.—ix. 155 Fairman, J.— viii. 233 Faist, see Uechtritz & Faist Faist &Steinhaeuser.—Zollv. (4), 54 Faker, W.—United States, 280 Falcini, Brothers.—Tuscany, 84 Falconer, see Dalgleish, Falconer,& Co. Falent, M.—Austria, 458 Faleyeff, Brothers, see Semenoff, Faley- eff, & Brothers Falisse & Rapmann.—Belgium, 154 Falkenrotb, see Lehrkina, Falkenroth, & Co. Falkingbridge, W.— viii. 136 Falkou, see Dickenson & Falkou Faller,Fritscheller,& Co.—Austria, 656 Zollverein (1), 419 Falloise, J.— Belgium, 384 Fallon Pirn, J. B.—Belgium, 10 Falmouth Local Committee.— 1 . 88 Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee. —Western End,South Enclosure, Out¬ side, 30, 163 ; xiv. 57a ; xxix. 185 Faison, S.—Malta, 25 Famin, T. A.—France, 833 Fancourt, Catherine.—xix. 378 Fanner, see Grave, De, &c. Fano, TheFilarida-Bracci Al.— Rome,7 Faraday, see Smee & Faraday Faraday & Sons.— xxii. 444 Farina, A.—Sardinia, 47 Farina, J. M.—xxix. 21 ; Austria, 748; Zollverein, (I), 426, 858 Farjon, H.—France, 1217 Farlow, C.—xxix. 176 Fallow, J. K.—ix. 221 ; xxix. 181 Farmer, P.—xxx. (Sculpture Crt.) 31 Farmer, T.—xxx. (Sculpture Crt.) 73 Farnley Coal Co.—I. 406 Farochon, E.—France, 834 Farquharson, J.—x. 655 Farrange, Miss.—xx. 176 Farrar & Son. —xxviii. 16 Farrar, W.— xxii. 627 Farrel, A.—France, 1220 Farrell, I. J.—vil. 140; xxx. (Sculp¬ ture Court), 52 Farrell, R. H.—xxix. 120 Farrell, T.—xxx. (Sculpture Court) 13 Farren, M.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.) 12 Farrington, A. C.—United States, 286 Farrobo, Count de.—Portugal, 469, 470 Farrow, C.—xxii. 560 Farrow, G.— viii. 136 Farthmann.—Zollverein (1), 16 Fasbender, H. J.—Belgium, 260 Fatio, J. A.—Switzerland, 79 Faudel and Phillips.—xix. 165 Faukhauser, Brothers.—Switzerland, 163 Faulding, J.— xxii. 502 ; xxviii. 91 Faulds, see Field, Coopers, & Faulds Faulhaber & Leube.—Zollverein (4), 13 Faulkner, C. see Faulkner, R. & C. Faulkner, E.—x. 530 Faulkner, O.—xvi. 216 Faulkner, R. & C.—III. 54 Faulwasser, C. E.—Hamburgh, 71 Fauntleroy, R. & Sons.—iv. 135 (Main Avenue, West) Fauquet-Lemaitre.—France, 20l Fauquier-Lemaitre, F.—France, 502 Faure, see Larcher, Faure, & Co. Faure, M.—France, 1218, 1219 Faure, T.—v. 726. Fauset, T.—British Guiana, 93, 94 Faussemagne, J. M.—France, 1599 Fauvelle-Delebarre.—France, 202 Favar, C.—Russia, 195 Favre, H. A.—Switzerland, 23 Fawcett, B.—II. 29 Fawcett, F.—viii. 62 Fawcett, S.—xix. 163 Faye, T. De—Jersey & Guernsey, 14 Fayet-Baron.—France, 1221 Fayle & Co.—i. 100 Fayolle, L. T.—France, 197 Fearncombe, H.—xxii. 160 a F east, see Batty & Feast Featham, Miller, & Sayer.—xxii. 636 Feau-Bechard, V. A.—France, 198 Feaux & Riedel.—Zollverein (1), 3G4 Fechner, F.—Zollverein (1), 266 Federer, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 381 Feer, F. & Co.—Switzerland, 152 Feetham & Co.—xxii. 276 a (Main Avenue, West) 46 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OE CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Homan Numerals indicating the Class. Febr & Eisenring.—Zollverein (2), 54 Fehr, J. C.—Switzerland, 122 Feigenspahn, A.—Zollverein (1), 688 Feistel & Son.—Zollverein (3), 171 Felchlin, C.—Switzerland, 80 Feldbaumer, P.—Austria, 453 Felde, R.—Zollverein (1), 625 Fele, T. & Co.—xxv. 28 Felhoen-Coucke, Madame.— Belgium, 481 Felix, A.—France, 199 Felix & Co.—xx. 51 a F elix, J.—France, 503 Felkersham, Baron.—Russia, 82 Fell & Co.—I. 106 Fell, R.—v. 438 Feller & Son.—Zollverein (1), 107 Felling Chemical Works (Gateshead).— II. 18. Felsing, H.—Zollverein (6), 73 Felten & Guilleaume. — Zollv. (1), 267 (Main Avenue East) ; 380 Felter & Ran.—Russia, 262 Feltham, R. D.—Jersey & Guernsey, 8 Felthauss.—Zollverein (1), 666 Feltrappe, Brothers.—France, 1600 Fendt, see Purdy & Fendt Fenecb, Antonia.—Malta, 19 Fenech, V.—Malta, 6 Fenn, J.—United States, 111 Fenney, F.—xxn. 114 Fenoulhet, W.—xix. 166 Fenton.—xxn. 422; see also Sadler, Fenton, & Co. Fenton, Mrs.—Yan Diemen’s Land, 330 Fenton, W.—xii. & xv. 69 Fentum, M.—xxviii. 48 Ferguson, Brothers.—xvn. 90 Ferguson, C. A. & T.—viii. 84. 184; xxii. 85 Ferguson, D.—v. 78 Ferguson, J.—ix. 214 Ferguson, Miller, & Co.—Western end, North enclosure, (Outside), 66; xxvii. 93 Ferguson & Sons.—x. 631 Ferguson, T. see Ferguson, C. A. & T. Ferguson, W.—Canada, 164 Fergusson, J.—viii. 276 Feril, W.—Austria, 284 Fermento, L. A.—Sardinia, 37 Fernandez, D. F.—Spain, 1276 Fernandez de Cordoba, D. M. M.— Spain, 69 Fernandez, M.—Spain, 169 Fernandez, Vitores.—Spain, 90 Fernconi.-—Austria, 430 (Main Avenue, East) Fernkerna.—Austria, 430 Fernley Iron Works.— XXVII. 102. Feron.-—France, 86 Feron, J. F.—France, 504 Ferouelle & Rolland.—France, 200 Ferrabee & Sons.—ix. 274 Ferrare, F. de.—Belgium, 15 Ferreira, A. J.—Portugal, 33-36 Ferreira, G. B.—Portugal, 1112-1115 Ferreira, M. B. jun.—Portugal, 510 Ferrer & Co.—Spain, 206 Ferrier, Hon. J.—Canada, 5 Ferrigini, G.—Tuscany, 100 Ferv, A.—France, 505 Festugiere, E. J. & Co.—France, 1721 Fetu, A. & J. Deliege.—Belgium, 129 Fetu, J.—France, 1601 Feulgen, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 507 Feutchwanger, Dr. L.—United States, 469 Feuvre, G. C. Le.—Jersey & Guernsey, 20 Feuvre, Mrs. Le.—Jersey & Guernsey, Ha Feuvre, P. Le.—Jersey & Guernsey, 10 Fevre, Le.—France, 1647 Feyeux.—France, 209 Fiala, W.—Austria, 25 Fialha, D. da Cunha.—Portugal, 1122, 1123, 1125 Ficalho, Marquis de.—Portugal, 299. 301. 317. 335.'347. 356, 357. 375. 399, 400. 440. 481, 482. 535. 552. 596. 602, 603. 618, 619, 621 Field, see Maudslay, Sons, & Field; Parker, Field, & Sons Field, A.—United States, 455 Field, Coopers, and Faulus.—I. 263 Field, E.—xxi. 16 Field, G.—xxx. 360 Field, J. see Field, J. C. & J. Field, J. C. & J.—iv. 130 Field & Son.—x. 250 Field & Sons.—xx. 10 Fielder, A. D. G.—Zollverein (3), 128 Fielder, A. G.—Russia, 351 Fielder, W.—xxix. 86 Fieldhouse, G. & Co.—vi. 443 Fieno, J. B. da.—Sardinia, 73 Fieux, sen. Son, & Co.—France, 210 Figdor, T. & Sons.—Austria, 90 Figgins, J. see Figgins V. & J. Figgins, V. & J.—xvn. 124 Figueiredo, J. J. de.—Portugal, 248, 249. 252. 257. 1121 Figuet, Brothers.—Switzerland, 266 Filemonoff.—Russia, 103 Fillemore, G.—Canada, 42 Finch, H.—United States, 300 Finch, J.—xxv. 38 Finch & Willey.— vii. 9 (Main Ave¬ nue, West); 150 Finckh, J. J.—Zollverein (4), 31 Findlay, see Kaye, Findlay, & Co. Findley, C. V.—xxvi. 146 Finistrat, Baron de.—Spain, 195 Finlay, John.—xxn. 140 Finlayson, Bousfield, & Co.—xiv. 48 Finlayson, F. & Co.—xi. 8 Finnagan, J.—xvi. 29 Fino, J.—Sardinia, 77 Finsch.—Zollverein (1), 191. 211 Finzel, see Rotch & Finzel Finzi, S. K.—x. 602 Fiolet, Louis.—France, 211 Fire Annihilator Co.—v. 92 a Firkins, J. & Co.—XX. 163 Firmin Didot, Brothers.—France, 212 Firmin & Sons.— viii. 211; xx. 161 Firth, see Thornton, Firth, See. Firth, T.—v. 472; xxii. 96a; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 263 Firth, Barber, & Co.—1. 264 Firth & Sons.— xii. & xv. 37 Fisch, Brothers.—Switzerland, 192 Fischer.—Zollverein (1), 747 ; see also Basse & Fischer; Huth & Fischer Fischer, A.—Austria, 420. Fischer, B.—Austria, 421 Fischer, Brothers.—France, 506 Fischer, C.—Austria, 617 Fischer, C. A.—Lubeck, 5. Fischer, C. F. A.—Zollverein (3), 168 Fischer, C. H.—Zollverein (1), 290 Fischer, E.—Switzerland, 265 Fischer, F.—India, iv. Fischer, G. F.—India, I. Fischer, J.—Switzerland, 47 Fischer, K.—Zollverein (1), 281 Fischer, M.—Austria, 618 Fischer and Wurm.—Austria, 426 Fishbourne, Captain.— viii. 127 Fisher, see MacQuarie, Fisher, & Co. Fisher, A.—Canada, 69 Fisher & Bramall.—xxii. 206 Fisher, E.—xxix. 225 Fisher, F.—i. 119 Fisher, J.—xxix. 80,220; Canada, 43. 59 Fisher, J. H.—xvn. 10 Fisher, J. N.—xxii. 508 Fisher, J. W.—xxvi. 36 Fisher & Robinson.—xix. 2 Fisher, T.—United States, 263 Fisher, T. W. & Co.-—xxix. 22 Fison, see Harris & Fison Fister, J.—Spain, 221, 222 Fitch, F. C.—in. 160; iv. 8 Fitch, Dr. S. S.—United States, 479 Fitt, W 7 .—v. 118 Fitte, De, see Dubreuille, &c. Fitts, A.—Canada, 135 FitzMaurice, Hon. W. E.—v. 57. vii. 283. Fitzner, C.—Russia, 271 Fitzroy, Lord C.-—Ionian Islands, 4 Fitzwilliam, Earl.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 48 Fiume Privileged Steam Flour-mill.—- Austria, 63 Fiuzi, S. L.—x. 602 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 47 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by’the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Fjebrad.—Denmark, 8 Flacheron-Hayard.—France, 836 Flaissier, Brothers.—France, 204 Flamet.—France, 213 Flammersheim, W.—Zollv. (1), 395 Flather.—xxn. 167 Flather & Haden.—i.'80 Flaud, H. P.— France, 507 Flaussen, Dr.—Zollverein (1), 704 Flavel, S.—xxn. 38 Flechey, J. B.—Algeria, 24 Fleck, A.—Canada, 92 Fleet, J.—xxvi. 24 Flegg, R. C.—Van Diemen’s Land, 271 Fleischman, C. W.—Zollverein (2), 71 Fleisclimann, A.—xxix. 126 Fleming, G.—ix. 253 Fleming, S.—Canada, 153. 350 Flemmich, A.—-Austria, 254 Flemry, J. F.—France, 214 Flerovsky, M.-—Russia, 320 Fletcher, see Parsons, Fletcher, & Co. Fletcher, E.—xxvi. 84 Fletcher, H.—xxix. 240 Fletcher, H. T.—xiv. 36 Fletcher, J.— xviii. 69; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 111; Canada, 127. 136 Fletcher, P.—v. 444; x. 200 Fletcher, R. —xxvi. 151. 207 Fletcher, T.—Till. 255 Fletcher, W. — xxix. 244 Flobert.—France, 215 Flockenhaus & Co.—Zollv. (1), 335 Flockhart, see Duncan, Flockhart, & Co. Floersheim, J. M.—Hamburgh, 52 Floge, G.—Austria, 670 Flood, J.—Sweden and Norway, 7 Floodman, see Good, Floodman, & Co. Florance.—France, 1223 Floreffe, Societe de.—Belgium, 38 Flores, Calderon, & Co.—Spain, 241 Florimond.—France, 1224 Flower, Ann.— xix. 164 Fiuekk, Elizabeth.—Switzerland, 238 Fluekk, J.—Switzerland, 224 Flynn, W. —xxix. 156 Flynn, W. P. —v. 125 ; viii. 183 Foese, G.—Zollverein (1), 813 Fogg & Burbank.—United States, 410 Fogliardi, B.—Switzerland, 54 Foley, J. H.—North Transept, 47; xxx. (Sculpture Court) 4. 19. 70 Follet, G.—xxvi. 364 Follet, Narcisse.—Belgium, 426 Follonica. Royal Foundry at—Tuscany, 73 Foltz, L.—Zollverein (2), 94 FoncecaVaz., A.P.da.—Portugal, 394. 396. 406. 411 Foncua J, L. F. da.—Portugal, 627 Fonnereau, Kate G«— xxvi. 40 Fontain & Porter.—United States, 550 Fontaine, F,—France, 1225, 1226 Fontaine, G.—Belgium, 67 Fontaine Moreau, De.—v. 610; Vi. 30 ; x. 326 Fontaine, P. L.—France, 1227 Fontana, Mrs.—France, 205 Fonte Boa, Viscount de. — Portugal, 305. 327. 378. 441. 518 Fontenau, F.—France, 509 Foon, Dr. H.—Netherlands, 113 Foord, R.—Cape of Good Hope, 30 Foot, J.—i. 180 Foot & Sons.—xix. 68 Foots, Mrs. — xxx. 208 a (Fine Art Court) Foothorape,Showell, & Shenton.—xxvi. 132 Forbes, Dr.—i. 522 Forbes, F. G.—Western Africa, 8. 15 Forbes & Hutchison.—xil. & xv. 291 Forbes, R. B.—ix. 269 a F ord.— see also Paddon & Ford Ford, C. D. de, & Co.—United States, 528 Ford, D.—xxiv. 40 Ford, R.—xx. 36 Fordati, Coxhead, & Co.—France, 1464. 1490 Fordham & Son.—xxvii. 118 Fordham, T.—III. 94 Forester, F.—Zollverein (3), 68 Forestier, le.—France, 1709 Formigli, see Caellon, &c, Forno, J.—Sardinia, 51 Forrer, A.—xxm, 99 Forrest, A. H.—North Transept, 33 Forrest & Bromley.—xxiv. 42 Forrest, R.—United States, 539 Forrest & Sons.—xix, 45 Forrest, W.—xxm. 108 Forster. —xxviii. 178, see also Brown & Forster Forster & Andrews.—x. 562 Forster, E.—xxm. 77 Forster, F.—Zollverein (1), 220 Forster, J.—Main Avenue, West, 26 ; vii. 28; Tin. 7 Forster, J. B.—Switzerland, 193 Forster, J. & T.— viii. 168 Forster, L.—Austria, 512 Forster, Simon A.—x. 509 Forster & Smith.—Gold Coast and Ashantee, 1;. Western Africa, 2 Forster, T., see Forster, J. & T. Forstmann & Huffmann.—Zoll.(l), 508 Forsyth & Co.— viii. 256 Fortane, Eliza.—xix. 168 Fortel, Larbre, & Co.—France, 206 Fortier, M.—Canada, 141 Fortier-Beaulieu.—France, 510 Fortin, see Roux & Fortin Fortin-Boutellier.—France, 484. 1109 Fortner, F. X.—Zollverein (2), 69 Fortnum, Mason, & Co.—in. 55 Forton, Duponceau, & Co.—France, 1228 Forzano, see Ruffoni, Vincenzo, & For- zano Fossick & Hackworth.—v. 10 Foster, see Knight & Foster Foster, E. R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 303 Foster, G.—xxvi. 33 Foster, Porter, & Co.—xviii. 16 ; xx. 2; xxix. 149 Foster, R.— xxii. 650 Foster & Son.— xii. & xv. 143 Foster, Son, & Duncum.— xxix. 74 Foster, T.— vi. 202 Foucault, P.—France, 220 Fouche, L.—France, 216 Fouche le Pelletier, E. E. F.—France, 1229 Foucher.—France, 837 Foulis, Dr.— xvii. 170 Foulques, H.—France, 1602 Foulquie, Mile. & Co.—France, 1603 Fouqueau, L.—France, 1230 Fourcade, see Delacretaz & Fourcade Fourdinois, A. G.—France, 1231 Fourdrinier, E. N.—v. 406 Fourdrinier, G. H.—vi. 100 Fourness, W.—v. 581 Fourneux.—France, 1605 Fournier. —see Vacossin, Bonet, &c. Fournier, C.—Canada, 45 Fournival, Son, Altmayer, & Co.— France, 221 Fourquemin & Godet.—France, 1604 Fous, J. P. De la— xxii. 800 Fowler.—Van Diemen’s Land, 82-89 Fowler,C.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 142 Fowler & Fry.—v. 843 ; ix. 28b Fowler, J.— ii. 55 ; ix. 28a Fownes, Brothers.— xx. 82 Fox.— x. 402 Fox & Barrett.— vii. 166 Fox & Barrington.-—n. 44 Fox, Brothers, & Co.— xii. & xv. 7 Fox, C.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 29 Fox & Co.— xii. & xv. 272 Fox, Henderson, & Co.—Western end. North enclosure (Outside), 55; v. 404; viii. 336 Fox, J. F.—France, 1232 Fox, J. J.—hi. 90 Fox & Polhemus.—United States, 352 Fox, R. W.—x. 377 Fox, T.—xxv. 168 Fox, T. H.— xxii. 35 Fraccaroli, I.—Austria, 710 (Main Avenue, East) Fraener, G. B.—Austria, 732 Fragata, C. A.—Portugal 1126 b F raigneu, A.—France, 1606 Fraikin, C. A.—Belgium, 465 (Main Avenue, East) 48 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Franc, A. & Son, & Martelin.—France, 1233 Franca, A. de.— Portugal, 1022 a to 1022c France, A.— IX. 73 Franceschini, F.—Tuscany, 62 Franceschini, G.—Tuscany, 43 Franche, C.—France, 1234 Franchi, G. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 190 Francis, J.—vm. 136; xxx. (Sculp¬ ture Court), 33 Francis & Sons.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 71 ; xxvii. 47 Francis, W.—New South Wales. Franck, C.—Zollverein (2), 75 Frangois-Gregoire.—France, 511 Frank, F.—United States, 19 Frank, J.—Austria, 328; Zoll. (2), 53 Frank J. G.—Zollverein (6), 61 Franke, J.—Austria, 602 Frankenberg, Count L.—Zollv.(l), 216 Frankenfelde, Royal Administration of. —Zollverein (I), 27 Franklin.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure, (Outside); see also Robson, Levey, &c. Franklin, J. D.— xix. 169 Franklin, Joseph.— v. 784 Franklin, P. S.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 28; I. 144; xxvii. 73 Franklinski, J. A.—v. 816 Franks, C.— xxvm, 128 Franks, J. — xxx. (Sculpture Court), 60 Franz, see Lange, Franz, & Sons Franz, J.—Zollverein (1), 283, 293 Franz, L.—Austria, 679 Franzony, A.—Austria, 647 Fraser, A.—Van Diemen’s Land, 10 Fraser, D. — xiv. 79 Fratin.—France, 1235 Frauenknecht, O.—Austria, 606 Fray, M.—France, 512 Frazer, see Arthur & Frazer Frearson, J.— xxii. 288 Freccia, P.—Tuscany, 110 Frederic, J. B,—Algeria, 25 Fredericksen, J. F.—Cape of Good Hope, 30 a, 58 Frediani, C.—Tuscany, 16 Fredric, Col. C.—Belgium, 142 Freeman.— iv. 25 ; xxiv. 48 Freeman, C. —see Freeman, W. & C. Freeman, Rev. E.—210, 216 Freeman, J., see Freeman, W. & J. Freeman, S.—I. 172 Freeman, T. S.—xx. 72 a F reeman, W. & C.— xxvi. 38 Freeman, W. & J.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 14 ; I. 160 Friedenthal, C.—Zollverein (1), 846 Freidrich & Son.—Zoll. (3), 72-83 French, B.—iv. 127 French & Butler.—xxvm. 126 French, C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 62 French, G. J.—xxvi. 110 French, W. H.—x. 435 Frenholm, E.—Canada, 52 Fresnel, M.—VII. 99 Freston, W.—i, 133 Fretigny, L.—Belgium, 342 Freudenburg, seeHeintze & Frendenburg Freukner, A.—Austria, 513 Freund, F. A.—Zollverein (6), 38 Frewen, Elizabeth,—xix. 170 Frewer, J.—xxvii. 5 Frewei, J. R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 219 Frey, A. J. G.—Switzerland, 82 Frey & Son.—France, 1607 Frey, T., see Frey, T. F. & T. Frey, T. F. & T.—Switzerland, 152. 212 Frey, Thurneisen, & Christ.— Switzer¬ land, 152 Freystadt, Brothers.—Zoll. (1), 178 Freyvogel & Heussler.—Switzer. 152 Friarson, M.—vn. 203 Fribel, L.—Zollverein (1), 289. (Main Avenue, East.) Fricker, C.—Zollverein (4), 10 Friedheim & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 109 Friedl, L.—Austria.—332 Friedrich, A.—Austria, 182 Friedrich, C.—Zollverein (1), 49 Friedrich, F. H. Zollverein (6), 74 Friedrich, J.—Austria, 671 Friedrich, J. P.—Hanover, 10 Friedrich & Son.—Zoll. (3), 72-83 Friedrichsen, K. A.—Hamburgh, 8 Friend.—Zollverein (l), 747 Fries, H.— Switzerland, 22 1 Fries & Zeppezauer.—Austria, 255 Frinault.—France, 1608 Frinneby, F. R.—xxvm. 181 Friry & Rega.—France, 1237 Frisbie, M. J.-—United States, 136 Frison, J.—Belgium, 392 Fritscheller,seeFaller,Fritscheller,&Co. Fritsen, see Petit & Fritsen Frodsham, see Parkinson & Frodshain Frodsham, C.—x. 57 Froely, A.—France, 218 Froggart, see Whittles & Froggart Frohlich, C.—Austria, 514 Frohlich, J. —Austria, 515 Frohlicho, G., & Sons.—Austria, 177 Fromage, L.—France, 219 Frome Field School.— xvn. 172 Froment.-—France, 1720 Froment, Clolus.—France, 208 Froment, G.—France, 1609 Frommann, M.—Zollverein (6), 39 Fromont.—France, 220 Frost, see Eastwood & Frost Frost, H. — xxii. 393; xxix. 34. Frost, J.—vi. 84 Frost, Noakes, and Vincent.—v. 476 Fruh, G.—Zollverein (1), 298 Frumento, J. B.—Sardinia, 92 . Fry, see Fowler & Fry Fry, J.—xx. 193 Fry, J. L.—xx. 116 Fry & Son.— hi. 31 Fry, W. & Co.— xii. & xv. 267 Fryer, F.—United States, 372 Fryer, R. —xxii. 546 Fryer & Robinson.—vm. 112 Fuchs, Maria.—Nuremburg. Fuchs & Son.—Zollverein (2), 4 Fudickar, H.—Zollverein (1), 596 Fuenger’s (Jacob) Widow.—Zoll. (1) 409 Fuisseaux, N. de.—Belgium, 400 Fulcher, R.—Portugal, 1116-1118 Fuljames & Co.—v. 993 Fuller, G. & T.—v. 845 Fuller, J.—x. 592 Fuller, J. E.—United States, 490 Fuller, T., see Fuller, G. & T. Fulton, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 169 Fumet, C. F.—France, 513 Funch, A.—Denmark, 16 Funke & Hueck.—Zollverein (1) 652 Funke, R. M.—Zollverein (1), 587 Funnell, E.—x. 26 Furbringer, see Baur & Furbringer Fuller, Franz.—Austria, 208 Furley, J.—xx. 94 Furness, W.—vi. 401 Furse, C. & S.—xxvi. 369 Furse, S., see Furse, C. & S. Furse, T. W.—Western end, South en¬ closure (Outside), 19 Furst, J.—Austria, 296 Furstenberg, Prince.—Austria, 412 Furstenhoff, Emma.—France, 452 ; Sweden and Norway, 27 Furth, B.—Austria, 46 Fusinata, Maria.—Austria, 390 Fusnot, see Montigny & Fusnot Fussel, F. R.—vi. 95 Fussel, Sou, & Co.—ix. 197 a F yer & Robinson—vm. 112 Fyfe, A. & Co.— xii. & xv. 197 Fyfe, H. & Son.—xi. 18 Fyfe, W. W.—ix. 41 a G. G. M., Mrs.—Spain, 238 Gaas D’Agnen, V.—France, 1238 Gabain, G.—Zollverein (1), 119 Gabelsberger, —Zollverein (3), 182 Gabriel, J. W.—xix. 70 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 49 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Gadd & Bird.— y. 208 Gademan, H.—Zollverein (2), 12 Gadsden & Evans.—British Guiana, 26 Gaertner, A.—Zollverein (1), 193 Gaes ClothManufacturing Co.—Austria, 209 Gaetzschmann, W.—Zollverein (3), 3 Gagelin, see Opigez & Chazelle Gagneau, Brothers.—France, 227 Gaither, Baron E. de.—Belgium, 14 Gaillard,—France, 225 Gaillard, sen.—France, 226 Gaillet-Baronnet.—France, 839 Gaimes, Sanders, & Nicol.—vi. 57, 58 Galabin, see Harris & Galabin Galbraith, W. —xvii. 179 Galbraith, W. J. T.—xxix. 17 Gale, G. H.— vm. 79. 136. 323 Gale, J. & R.— vm. 136 Gale, R., see Gale, J. & R. Galimard, E.—France, 515 Galimard, F.—France, 839 a G alimard, N. A.—France, 228 Galimberti, C.—Sardinia, 29 Gall, J.—x. 687 a; xyii. 170, 171 Gall, M.— xvii. 171. Gallagher, J.—xxx.(SculptureCouit) 43 Galland, R.—France, 989 Gallard, W.— xvii. 11 Gallawav, T.—xx. 120 Galle, P. H.—Netherlands, 47 Gallegos, J.—Spain, 272 Galli, A.—Austria, 711 Gallicher & Co.—France, 229 Galloway, J., see Galloway, W. & J. Galloway 8c Sons.—xx. 93 Galloway, W. & J.—v. 124 Galton, Mary Ann. —xxix. 93 Galy Cazalot.—France, 1 239 Gamaley, T.—Russia, 123 Gamba, P., the Heirs of.—Austria, 109 Gambartzoomoff, Artem.—Russia, 257 | Gamble, G. F.— xxix. 45 Gamble, J. H.—m. 12 Gamble, J. K., & Brothers.—United States, 165 Gamble, W.—Canada, 139 Gambs.—Russia, 297 Gammersbach, Brothers, — Zollv. (1), 860 Gancourt, Mdlles.—Mauritius Gandell, see Hunt and Gandell Gandell, E. F.—vn. 35 Gandillot & Co.—France, 230 Gandolfi.-—-Sardinia, 95 ; see also Botti- nelli & Gandolfi Gandolfi, D.—Austria, 712 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Gandy, G.—xn. & xv. 246 Gann, Louise.— xviii. 94 Gannery, V.—France, 516 Ganser, J.—Austria, 256 Gante & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 563 Ganterie, F.—Zollverein (7), 4 Gantillon, C. E.—France, 1241 Ganville, W.—Canada, 95. 114 Garach, J.—France, 232 Garate, M. de.—Spain, 270 a G arcia, J.—Spain, 205 Gard, W.S.—xix. 16 Gardie, L.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 261 Gardiner, M.—xxii. 556. Gardinier, see Mix and Gardinier Gardner & Bazley.—vi. 87 Gardner & Co.—x. 365 Gardner, H.—vn. 50. Gardner, J., M.D.—iii. 142 ; xxix. 223 Gardner, J. H.—xxvi. 231 Gardner, J. N.—United States, 304 Gardner, M. A.—xix. 174 Gardner, W. H.—xvii. 199 Gardner, W. T.—vm. 280 Gareez, T. C.—Portugal, 611-615 Garfitt & Son.—xxii. 219 Garforth, J. see Gar forth, W. J. &J. Garforth, W. J. & J.—vi. 208 Garion, see Causse & Garion Garland & Co.—Portugal, 39-41 Garland, T.— 1 .488 Garland, W.—xiv. 84 Garmann, H. C.—Sweden & Norway, 38 Garnaud, jun.—France, 233 Garner, I).—xvi. 230. 312 Garnett, H. T.—British Guiana, 13, 14. 31, 32 Garnett, W.—xvi. 69 Garnkirk Co.—Western end, North en¬ closure (Outside), 69 Garrard, J., see Garrard, R. & J. Garrard, R. & J.— xx. 61 Garrard, R. & S.— xxm. 98; Austria 729 Garrard, S., see Garrard, R. & S. Garrett.—xxvm. 141 jGarrett & Sons.— ix. 142 J Garrett, W. E.—v, 35 Garrissini, P.-—Sardinia, 9 Garry.—xvi. 26 Garth, C.—Canada, 158 Garthwaite, W.—xxvi. 48 Garton & Jarvis.— xxii. 483 Garvie & Deas.— xii. 8c xv. 227 Gaspar, see Dotres, Gaspar, & Co. Gaspard, G. A.—France, 1610 Gass, D. see Gass, S. H. & D. Gass, S. H. & D.—xxm. 83 Gasser, J.—Austria, 703 Gassett, II.—United States, 420 Gastinne-Renette.—France, 1611 Gaston, see Blondel, Gaston, & Co. Gatchel, J. L.—United States, 468 Gatchell, G.— xxiv. 12 Gatchill, see Saunders & Gatchill Gatenby & Pass.— vi. 60 Gates, Laura Charlotte.— xx, 72 Gates, T. F.—xvi, 183 Gates, W.—United States. 423 Gating, R. J.—United States, 162 Gatt, A.—Austria, 440 Gatti, A & G.— xxix. 73, 73a G atti & Bolla.—vi. 450 Gatti, G. see Gatti, A & G. Gattiker, G.—France, 841 Gaubot, sen.—France, 844 Gaudchaux-Picard, Sons.—France, 222 Gaudet du Fresne.—France, 842 Gaume & Co.—France, 843 Gaunt & Son.—xxvi. 88 Gaunt, T.—xxiv. 68 Gaussen 8c Co.—France, 1242 Gaussen, jun.—France, 1243 Gauthier, see Bricard & Gauthier Gauthier, jun.—France, 234 Gauthier, J.—France, 1244 Gauthorp.— xviii. 70 Gautier, B.—France, 1245 Gautier, J.—France, 1244 Gauvain, J.—France, 1612 Gavard, A.—France, 235 Gavit, D. E.—United States, 125 Gawkroger 8c Hynam.—I. 48 Gay & Lusprin.—Switzerland, 83 Gayet, see Bertrand, Gayet, & Dumon- tat Gaymard & Gerault.—France, 518 Gayrard, see Vechte, Gayrard, & Yon Gaze.— x. 196 Gaze, T.—vm. 136 Geake, T.—xxvi. 31 Gear, J. W.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 245 Geary, N. —xvi. 235 ; xx. 49 Geary, S.—v. 848 ; vn. 2 Gebauhr, C. T.—Zollv. (1), 84S Gebhardt, C. A.—Zollverein (1), 248 Gebhardt, Rottmann, & Co.—Zollverein (l), 585; Zollverein (3), 90 Gebhart, Brothers.'—Zollverein (6), 42 Gebruder, see Scheldt, Gebruder, & Co. Gee, see Andrews, H. & Sons, & Co. Geefs, G. — Belgium, 466 ; (Main Avenue, East) Geefs, J.—Belgium, 451; (Main Avenue, East) Geefs, S.' —Belgium, 451, 466a Geertz, C. — Belgium, 450 ; (.Main Avenue Hast) f Geffen, J. H. Van.—Netherlands, 46 Gehrenbeck, see Nacke & Gehrenbeck Gehrmann, T.—Zollverein (1), 60 Geiger, Professor.—Austria, 372 Geilinger, Brothers.—Switzerland, 261 Geismar, T. 8c Co.—Zollverein (8), 13 Geiss.—Zollverein (1), 267. 279; (Main Avenue, East) Geissberger, F.—Austria, 11 Geissler, C. S.—Zollverein (1), 100 Geissmann 8c Co,—Switzerland, 227 Gelder, Van, 8c Sons.—Netherlands, 61 D 50 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OE CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the ClaSft. Gelle, sen.—France, 845 Gelling, F. L.—i. 139 Geminy.—France, 1613 Gemunder, G.—United States, 442 Genadendaal Missionary Station.—Cape of Good Hope, 44 Gener, J.—Spain, 212 Genest, see Besnard, Rich qux, & Genest Genin, J. N.—United States, 232 Genoa, Duke of.—Sardinia, 64 Genoux, F.—France, 1714 Gentile, J. P.—hi. 108 Geoghegan, W. M.—xiii. 14 Geological Survey of the United King¬ dom.—i. 159 George, see Lutvvyche & George George, C.—xvi. 32; xix. 175 George, J.—i. 213; xvi. 289 George, J. B.—xix. 381 George, T. W. & Co., xii. & xv. 50 George’s, St., Fields School for the In¬ digent Blind.—xxviii. 100 Gerard, A.—x. 109 Gerard, A. J.—Belgium, 182 Gerada, A.—Malta, 32 Gerault, see Gaymard & Gerault Gerber, C. H. A. — Mecklenburg- Schvverin, 3 Gerbers, E.—Hamburgh, 21 Gerbing, see Schiller & Gerbing Gerhard, A.—Zollverein (1), 487 Gerhardt, A.—Zollv. (1), 839. Gerish, F. W.- —xxii. 652 Gerlach, C. F. — Zollverein (1), 252. 829 Gerlich & Grieff.—Zollverein (1), 537 Germain, A. A. & Co.—France, 81 Germain-Simier M.—France, 1246 Gerresheim & Neef.—Zollv. (1), 872 Gerson, H.—Hamburgh, 32 Gerstendoefter, J.—Zollverein (2), 10 Gerstner, see Lotz & Gerstner Gervais.—France, 520 Geseller, H.—Hamburgh, 6S Gesson, see Bagnall & Gesson Gesson-Mazille.—France, 223 Getsinger, M. R.—United States, 320 Gevelot.—United States, 189 Gevelotand Lemaire.—France, 519 Covers & Schmidt.—Zollverein (1), 50 Geyer, J.—Austria, 346 Geyger, A. & Co.-—Zollverein (1), 870 Geyiing, C.—Austria, 736 Ghent Liniere Compy.—Belgium, 230 Ghent Societe du Phoenix.—Belgium, 134 Ghrimes, S.—X. 574 Giani, J.—Austria, 257 Gibbons, J., jun.—xxii. 654 Gibbons & Sons.— xxii. 194 Gibbs, sec Smith & Gibbs Gibbs, Bright, & Co,—New Bruns¬ wick, 2 Gibbs & Co.— hi. 104 Gibbs, D. & W.—xxix. 305 a G ibbs, G.—viii. 215 Gibbs, PI.—x. 21 Gibbs, .1. A.—xxiv. 75 Gibbs, W., see Gibbs, D. & W. Gibelin & Son.—France, 846 Gibson, A.— viii. 41 Gibson, C.—iii. 102.— xx. 132 Gibson & Co.— xvi. 101 Gibson , John. —xxiv. 72; xxx. (Sculp¬ ture Cou rt), 64 GifTson, M.— ix. 129 Gibson, T.—v. 848 Gibson, W.—United States, 346 Gibson, W. & Co.— xii. & xv. 464 Gick, J. G.—Zollverein (6), 57 Gide & Baudry.—France, 236 Gidney, J. W.— xxii. 556 Giesbers, T. M.—Netherlands, 62 Giesler, see Rimann & Giesler Giessler.—Zollverein (1), 696 Gifford, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 280 Gigolo, S.—Russia, 130. Gigot & Boisotau.^FrAac.e, 224 ' Gilart, R. D.—Spain, 237 Gilbert, A.—United States, 432 Gilbert, Brothers.— xxii. 123 Gilbert, C.—xvi. 179; (Main Avenue West) ; see also Addison & Gilbert; Carver & Gilbert Gilbert, C. J.—France, 237 Gilbert & Co. — xvi. 179; (Main Avenue, West); xxvi. 130a — France, 238. 847; United States, 436 Gilbert, E.— viii. 120 Gilbert, G. M.—x. 234 Gilbert, H.—ix. 53 Gilbert, J.—vi. 447 ; xix. 176 Gilbert, S.—xxii. 494 Gilbert, W.—xxix. 187 Gilbert, W. S.—x. 79 b G ilbertson, J.—vi. 508 Gilder, see Walkers & Gilder Giles, A.—vil. 71 Giliay, J. J.—Belgium, 379 Gill, see Major & Gill Gill & Bishop.—xii. & xv. 77 Gill, G. —xxx. (Fine Art. Court), 145 Gill, R.— xii. & xv. 190 Gill, T. D. —xvii. 12 Gill, V.—Spain, 95 Gill & Ward.— ix. 62 Gill, W. E.—i. 38 Gill, W. L.— xix. 386 Gill am, J. —ix. 138 Gille, J. M.—France, 848 Gillespie & Co.—Canada, 133 Gillespie & Son. —xxii. 493 Gillet, A.—France, 521 Gilletf, J.— ix. 78 Gillman, E. —xv. 44 Gillot.—France, 522 Gillot, F.—France, 849 Gillott, J.— xxii. 324 Gillow&Co.—iv. 15 ; xxvi. 186 Gilly, see Roulet, Gilly & Chaponniere Gilmour, A.&Co.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 50 Gilmour, W. & Co.— xii. & xv. 203 Gilson & Bossut.—Belgium, 241 Gilta, J. L.—Belgium, 105 Gimper, G.—Switzerland, 272 Gingell, W. J.—ix. 25c Ginori, Marquis L.—Tuscany, 72 Ginoves. J.—Spain, 70 Ginzel, R. C.—Austria, 210 Giovanni, San.—xxv. 7 Giovannini, Pasqual.—Tuscany, 1. 97. 99 Girard, Nephew & Co.—France, 1248 Girard, P.—Switzerland, 30 Girardi, Brothers.—Sardinia, 5 Giraud, Brothers.—France, 850 Giro, J.—Spain, 23. 244 Girod, M. & Co.—Sardinia, 8 Girod de L’Ain, Le General.—France, 1249 Girodon, A.—France, 1250 Giron, Madame.—Belgium, 408 Gisbert, J.—Spain, 137 Gisborne, J.—x. 507 Gisin, J.—Switzerland, 72 Gissiger, Y.—Switzerland, 171 Giudicelli & Delabarre.—France, 1614 Giuseppe, San, Conservatorio of.— Malta, 22 Giusti, P.—Tuscany, 117 Gladstone.—v. 488 Gladstone, J. jun. & Co.-— viii. 182 Glaeser, F.—Zollverein (3), 63 Glaeser, J. S. jun.—Zollv. (3), 72-83 Glafey & Neubarth.—Zollv. (3), 105 Glandore Mining Co, Wicklow.— 1 . 505 Glariz, P.—Zollverein (1), 146 Glasgow, J.—vi. 219 Glass, G.M.— iii. 141 Glassford. — Canada, 89; see also, Scott & Glassford Glauchau Weavers’ School.—(Saxony) Zollverein (3), 100 Glavy, see Deneirouse, E. Bois, Glavy, and Co. Gleichauf, B.—Zollverein (1), 887 Gleiwitz Royal Prussian Smelting-works and Iron Foundry.—Zollv. (1), 1 Glenisson & Vangenechten.—Belg. 2S6 Glenny, see Thresher & Glenny Glenny, C.—xx. 37 Glen ton & Chapman.—xxii. 238 Glier, F. & Son.—Zollverein (3), 20 Glier, G.—Zollverein (3), 21 Globe Print Company (Massachusetts). —United Suites, 31 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 51 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating; the Class. Globotschnig, A.—Austria, 357 Glover & Colclough.—xxv. 25 Glover & Dunn.—XI. 50 Glover, J. & T.—xvi. 19 Glover, M.—xvm. 92 Glover, T.—i. 438 ; see also Glover, J. & T. Glover, W.—IX. 121 Gluer, L.—Zollverein (1), 176 Gob, J.—Belgium, 357 Gobelins, National Manufacture of.— France, 1368 Gocht, F.—France, 1615 Godard & Bontemps.—France, 240 Goddard, see Church & Goddard Goddard, Brothers.—United States, 35 Goddard, H.—xxii. 380 Goddard, J.—xxvi. 303 Goddard, J. T.—x. 274 Goddard, L.—x. 636; United States, 537 Goddard, S. A.—viii. 235 Goddet, A.—France, 1251 Godefroy.—France, 1722 Godefroy, L.—France, 1252 Godefroy, P. A.—xii. & xv. 308 Godet, see Fourquemin & Godet Godfrey & Cooke,— ii. 92 Godfrey & Hancock.—xvi. 168 Godfrey, W. —xxvm. 183 Godin, F. L. & Son.—Belgium, 284 Godinho, M. N.—Portugal, 1253 Godson, S. H, -ii. 50 Goebel, F. D.—Zollverein (1), S08 Goebel, G.—Zollverein (4), 56 Goelning & Boehme.—Zollv. (3), 164 Goetis, L.—Belgium, 237 Goerger, M. jun. see Emmerich and Goerger, M. jun. Goetz, F.—Switzerland, 155 Goethem, V. Van.—Belgium, 124 Goetz & Ecklin.—Switzerland, 152 I Goetze, H.—Zollverein (3), 169 GofKnet-Salle, J. B.—France, 524 Gogerty, R.—x. 407 S Going, L —XXIX. 201 ; Going, J. & Co.—xxix. 87 a G olay, see Lecoultre & Golay Golav, L.—Switzerland, 220 Golav-Lereche, A.—Switzerland, 92 ( Golden & Son.— viii. 264 1 Goldenberg, G. & Co.—France, 851. 1737 Golding, E.—ix. 45 a. Golding, M. C.—United States, 320 a G olding, Mrs.—United States, 320 a G olding, R.—hi, 63; ix. 45 Golding, W.—vm. 228 Goldner.—III. 15 Goldschmid, J.—Switzerland, 84 Goldschmidt, M., jun.—Zollverein (5), 20 Goldschmidt, S.—Zollverein (1), 85 Golferichs, P.—Spain, 247 Goll, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 88 Gollop, J.— xxii. 651 Golovanoff.—Russia, 64 Gomes, F. L.—Portugal, 418-420 Gomes, J. L t —Portugal, 403 Gomez, A. B.—Spain, 126a. Gompertz, B.—Hamburgh, 33 Gompertz, L.—v. 652 Gonin, see Delamoriniere, Gonin, &c. Gonnella, Prof. T.—Tuscany, 57 Gonzales, P.—Austria, 713 Gonzalez, C. M.—Spain, 126b Gonzalez, S.—Spain, 198. Gonzalez Vails, R.—Spain, 55 Good, Floodman, and Co.— iy. 95 Good, S. A.—x. 146 Goodbehere, G. T. —xxii. 481 Gooddy, see Barlow, Gooddy, &c Goode & Boland.— xxii. 294 Goodes, G. & S.—in. 50 Goodes, S., see Goodes, G. & S. Goodeve, G.—xvi. 176. Goodfellow, J. —v. 773 GoodgardForges.—Sweden&Norway,13 Good hale & Reeves—i. 476 Goodison. —xxvi. 201 Goodman, G. —xxii. 335 Goodridge, J.—Jersey and Guernsey, 39 Goods.— xii. & xv. 248 Goodwin, C.— xxm. 64 Goodwin, J.— xii. & xv. 11 Goodwin, T.—United States, 217 Goodyear, —xix. 177 Goodyear, C.—United States, 378 Goodyear Rubber Co.—United States, 295 Goolab Singh, Maha Rajah.—India, xv. XXVI. Gooriel, Prince Levan.—Russia, 61 Goossens, G.—Netherlands, 77 Gordon, A., see Gordon, G. & A. Gordon, C.— xxix. 202 Gordon, E.— xvi. 212 Gordon, G. & A.— xiv. 82 Gordon, J. —x. 639 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 81 Gore, C.—i. 127 a G ore, G.— x. 690a; xxvi. 144 Gorigoretzk Farm.—Russia, 121 Gorlitz, L.—Zollverein (1), 890. Gorrie, T.— xxii. 40 Gorringe, W.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 64 Gorsas & Perier.—France, 1253 Gorton, see Dauptain, Gorton, &Co. Gorton, G.— xxii. 374 Gosemann, see Rappard & Goseman Gosling, W., see Beckford, T., & Gos¬ ling, W. Gosnell & Co.—xxvm. 55 Goss, H.—vi. 206 Gossage, J.—v. 414 Gosselin, A.—France, 249 Gott, M.—Rome, 28 Gott & Sons.—xii. & xv. 47 Gotti, B.—Austria, 724 Gottschalk, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 753 Gottscbalk & Schroeder.—Zollverein (1), 730. 758; Zollverein (3), 88. 163 Goube-Pheracie.—France, 852 Gouda, P. F.—Zollverein (5), 25 Goudeau.—Belgium, 135 Gough, W.—xxiii. 33 Gouin, A.—France, 241 Gould.—Main Avenue, West, 66 Gould, A.—xxix. 31, 171 Gould, F., see Gould, J. & F. Gould, J.—xxvm. 143; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 247 Gould, J. & Co.—United States, 98 Gould, J. & F.— xix. 14 Gould, N.—New Brunswick, 3 Gould, T.—Jersey and Guernsey, 34 Gouldirig, J. —xx. 110 Gourdin.—France, 525 Gourlay, I.—xxix. 192 Gourlie & Son. —xvm. 52 Gourock Rope work Co.— xiv. 72 Gous, B.—Zollverein (1), 720 Goutchkoflf, E. & J.—Russia, 189 Goutchkoflf, J., see Goutchkoflf, E. & J. Gowans, J.—i. 132 Gowar, see Rock & Gowar Gower, T.— xxix. 102 Gowing, J. W. —x. 736 Gowing, T. W. — x. 645 Gowland, J.— x. 27 Gowland, T.— xxm. 69 Gozo, Salvo Del.—Malta, 11 Graber, J.—Austria, 441 Grabner, F.—Austria, 469 Grade, L.—France, 1254 Gradman, A.—Zollverein (2), 55 Gradmans, H. C.—Netherlands, 65 Gradwell, G.—xxi. 40 Graefe, J. F. & Son.—Zollverein (3), 102 Graeser &Schweizer.—Switzerland, 216 Graetzer& Hermann.—France, 54. 199. 296; Zollverein (1), 589 Graeztsch, —Zollverein (2), 51 Graf. C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 76 Graf, Ii.—Zollverein (1), 746 Graff, see Butschete & Graff, 281 Graff, H.—Russia, 150 Graff, P.—Zollverein (1), 592 Graff, W.—Zollverein (1), 803 Graham.—Canada, 23 ; see also Jackson & Graham Graham, G.— x. 233 Graham, J.— I. 517; X. 355 ; XVT. 122; Canada, 34 Graham & Hallett.-—South Australia, 3 Graham, Lemon, & Co.— XXIX. 103 Graham & Sons.—xm. 17 Graham, West, & Co.— VI. 445 Graillon, P. A.—France, 853 D 2 52 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Grainger, G. & Co.—xxv. 46 Grainger, J.—VIII. 278 Grainger, R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 165 Grambo, see Lippincott & Co. Granada, Inspector of Mines of. — Spain, 16 Grandbarbe, —France, 244 Grandjean, H.—Switzerland, 8 Grandjean, Madame O.—France, 243 Grandjean, P. H.—Switzerland, 46 Grandval, J. B.—France, 1255 Graner, see Rock & Graner Grange, F.—Sardinia, 1 Grangemouth Coal Company, Sunder¬ land.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 68 ; xxvii. 99 Granger, J. M. F. L.—France, 1734 Grangoir, E.—France, 1616. Grangoir, J. M.—France, 1256 Graniteville Factory (South Carolina). —United States, 175 Grant, see White & Grant Grant, A. T. & Co.—United States 82 Grant, C.—xxiii. 93. 110; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 190 Grant, D.—xxii. 431 Grant, Mrs. Dalrymple.—xix. 89 Grant, J.—United States, 522 ; Van Diemen’s Land Grant, J. C.—ix. 267 Grant, J. H.—United States, 284 Grant, Miss.—Bahamas Grant, P.—x. 46 Grant, W.— vm. 36 Grantham, J. —vm. 93 Grantham, W.—xxix. 39 Grantoff", B. A. & Co.—Austria, 122 Granville & Co.—iv. 115 Granzini, J.—Sardinia, 55 Grassi, Dr, G.—Austria, 83 Grassot & Co.—France, 526. 1257 Gratiot, A.—France, 854 Gratz Silk Worm Breeding Association. —Austria, 73 Grauss, J.—Austria, 442 Graux, J. L.—France, 157, 245 Gravagna, Maria.—Malta, 7 Grave & Neviandt.—Zollv. (1), 591 Grave, De, Short, & Fanner.—x. 333 Graves, D. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 322 Gravil, Capt.—xvi. 16 Gray.—Bermudas, 1; see also Martin & Gray Gray, A. see Gray, J. & A, Gray & Davison.—x. 555 Gray, Eliza Maria.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 293 Gray, G.—v. 694 Gray, G. Le—France, 585 Gray, J.—vm. 100; xxii. 57L 615; xxiii. 101 Gray, Dr. J.—x. 104 a; United States, 302 Gray J. & A.—xxii. 405 Gray & Keen.—x. 138 Gray, P.—x. 724 Gray, S.—xn. & xv. 67 Gray & Son. —xxii. 262 Gray & Sons.—ix. 150 Gray, T, & Co.—United States, 405 Gray, T. W.— xxii. 518 Grayson, see Slack, Sellers, & Grayson Greasley & Hopcroft.—xix. 34 Great Peat Working Co. of Ireland.— I. 231 Great Western Railway Co.—v. 501.506 Greathead, see Davis, Greathead, &c. Greatorex, see Bradbury, Greatorex, &c. Greatorex, D.—v. 415 Greatrex, see Cozens & Greatrex Greaves, see Earnshaw .& Greaves; Reeves, Greaves & Co. Greaves, E.—x. 503 Greaves, H.—v. 615 Greaves, J. W.—I. 210 Greaves, R.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 7 ; I. 99 Grebe, J. G.—Netherlands, 102 Grech, Giuseppina.—Malta, 17 Greef, F. W.—Zollverein (1), 533 Greet!', Bredt, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 590 Greet!' & Son, J. P.—Zollverein (1), 653 Greek Government.—Greece, 15—20. 2*2-24. 26-39. 43, 44. 46, 47. 49 Green.—vm. 131 ; see also Davis, Greathead, & Green; Hirst & Green Green, A. — xxii. 42 Green, B.— vii. 3 Green, C. — xxii. 570 Green & Co.— xxii. 532 Green, E.—v. 53 Green & Fahey.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 8 Green, H.—xvm, 70 a G reen, J.— vii. 17. 186; xil. & xv. 92; xxv. 50; xxx. (Fine Art Co.) 233 Green, J. G.—xxiv. 32 Green, R.—xvi. 85 Green, S.—x. 446; xxii. 532 Green, S. & Co.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 67; xxvii. 125 Green & Sons.—xil. & xv. 65 Green, T.—ix. 66 Green, W.—V. 704 Greenbury, J.'— xxiii. 8 Greener, W.—vm. 59 Greenfield, J. —xxii. 676a G reenhalgh & Sons.—xi. 28 Greenhow, T. M.—X. 630 Greening & Sons.—xxii. 39 Greenshields, W.—xin. 58 Greenway, C.—v. 698 Greemvell, J.—xxiti. 7 Greenwood, Anne Christiana.—xix. 181 Greenwood & Barnes.— xviii. 46 Greenwood, W.—New Zealand; 9, 1 7 Gregan, J. E.— xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 21 Gregoire, F.—France, 1739 Gregory.—vm. 69 Gregory, Brothers.— xil. & xv. 182 Gregory, Cubitt, & Co.— xx. 8 Gregory, Governor.—Bahamas Gregory, R.— ix. 17 a Gregory, T.—xxii. 99 Gregory, Thomsons, & Co.— xix. 182 Gregson & Brien.— xiii. 14 Greig, D. & J.—vi. 114 Greig, G. & Co.—Cape of Good Hope, 56 Greig, J., see Greig, D. & J. Greig, Misses.—Bahamas Greig & Son.—xxvi. 159 Greiner, G. F.—x. 468 Greiner, M.—Austria, 374 A Grekasar, Blast Furnace of.—Sweden & Norway, 3 Grellier, J.—Jersey & Guernsey, 7 Grernailly, sen.—France, 246 Grenanth Brothers.—Zollverein (2) 95 Grenet, L. F.—France, 247 Gressler, E.—Zollverein (1) 854 Greuter& Rister, Brothers.—Switz. 123 Greverie, A. S.—xxvi. 255 Greville, J.—v. 856 Grey, see Moore & Grey Grey, the Countess.—Antigua, 1 ; Cey¬ lon ; Labuan, &c. 1 ; Mauritius, 1 Grey, Earl.—South Australia Grey, the Dowager Lady.—New Bruns¬ wick, 1 Grey, J.—I. 506 Grey, M.—France, 527 Gribanoff', P.—Russia, 237 Grice, F.—Canada, 71 Grieff, see Gerlicb, & Grieff Griess, F.—Austria, 341 Griess, L.—Zollverein (2), 45 Griffin, B.—xx. 117 Griffin, D.—United States, 144 Griffin,-J. J. & Co.—X. 457 Griffin & Ward, see Ward (late Griffin & Ward) Griffith, J.—x. 331 Griffith, J. W.—United States, 226 Griffith, W.— xxviii. 192 Griffiths & Le Beau.—x. 404 Griffiths & Strong.— xxvii. 67 Griffiths, T. F.—xxii. 254 Griffon, Brothers, &c.—France, 1258. Grigg, J.—xxvi. 401 Grignon, M.—France, 1617 Grigor, J. & Co.—iv. 1 Griller, J.—Austria 374 Grillet, sen. & Co.—France, 1259 Grillmayer, J.-—Austria, 172 Grima, F,—Algeria, 26 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 53 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Grimoldi, H. — x. 159 Grimonprez & Co.—France, 855 Grimshavve & Wilkinson— XIV. 52 Grimsley, H. —I. 105 Grimsley, T.— ix. 136 Grisdall, J. E. — v. 858 ; vii. 5S Grison.—France, 1260 Grissell, T.—I. 185 Grist, M.— xii. & xv. 208 Griva, M.—Sardinia, 65 Groeber, A.—Zollverein (4), 66 Groenkloof Missionary Station.—Cape of Good Hope, 43 Groetaers, Capt. J. B.—Belgium, 156 Groger, F.—Austria, 631 Grohmann, A.—Austria, 382 Grohmann, C.—Austria, 178 Grohmann, H.—Austria, 576 Grolimann, J.—Austria, 586 Grolleau and Deville.—France, 1618 Gronow, Von, see Eisner & Co. Groom, J. &R.—xvi. 121 Groom, R. see Groom, J. & R. Groome, J.—x. 549 Groot, C. De.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 92 Gropius, P.—Zollverein, 226 Gros-Odier, Roman, & Co.—France, 248 Grosclaude, C. H.—Switzerland, 24 Grose, H.—Grenada, 1 Groshopf, G. —Austria, 343 Grosjean, F.—xx. 60 Gross, D. J.—Zollverein (1), 17 Grossaver, A.—Austria, 567 I Grossaver, F.—Austria, 568 i Grosse, Brothers.—France, 529 Grossman, Brothers.—Zollv. (3), 125 | Grossman, C. J.—Zollverein (3), 124 | Grossman & Wagner.—France, 856 Grossmann, Agnes.—Zollverein (1), 752 i Grossmith, J.—xxix. 13 Grossmith, W. R. —x. 565 Grosvenor, W.—xm. 52 ; Gro!e, H. G.—Zollverein (l), 538 Gjoucock, Copestake, Moore, & Co.— xix. 3 j Groult, jun.—France, 530 I Groult & Co.—France, 531 Grounsell, W.— IX. 148 Grout, A.—vii. 47 Grout, J. & Co.— xiii. 36 1 Groves, N.—iv. 131 | Grubb, F. C.—xxvi. 25 1 Gruber & Enzinger, Brothers.—Austria, 258 I Gruel, —France, 857 Gruene, W., jun.—Zollverein (1), 43 i! Gruener, F. W.—Zollverein (3), 101 I Grugeon, A.—xxvm. 97 Gruhl, F.—Zollverein (3), 37 ; (Main ! Avenue, East) Grundy, J. C.—xxvi, 121 Grundy, T.—xvi. 227 Grnner, L.—xix. 156; XXII. 340; xxiii. 140, (Main Avenue West^); xxvii. 140, 141 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 350 Grunhut, A., sen.—Austria, 672 Grunhut, J., jun.—^Austria, 673 Grunhut, W.—Austria, 674 Grunthal,—Zollverein (I), 166 Grunwald, J.—Austria, 516 Grut, B.—hi. 36; New Granada, 2 Grutzmacher & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 142 Grylls, S.—i. 444 Grzybowski, H.—Zollverein (1), 63 Grzybowski. Rev.—Zollverein (1), 444 Guadalajara.—Spain, 3 Gubba, H.—Zollverein (1), 435 Guebin, M.—France, 1 Guelcher, see Sternickel & Guelcher Guelfi—Sardinia, 94 Guenal.—France, 1589 Guenther & Simon. — Zollverein (3), 94 Guercino.—Rome, 23 Guerlin, H.—France, 1261 Guerlin, P.—Zollverein (1), 68 Guernsey Cottagers.—Jersey and Guern¬ sey, 3S Guerot, A.—France, 533 Guerre, sen.—France, 858 Guertler, J.—Austria, 211 Guesnu.—France, 250. 859 Guest, J.—ix. 3 Guest, J. & W.—xxii. 524 Guest, W. see Guest, J. & W. Guest & Chrimes.— xxii. 524 Guettler, W.—Zollverein (1), 6 Guevrin-Bouchon & Co.—France, 532 Gueyton—France, 1619 Guichard, see Brunet, &c. Guidotti, G.—Tuscany, 92 Guidre, L.—France, 1247 Guihery, Deslandelles, & Co.—France, 1262 Guilbert & Wateau.—France, 860 Guillaume, G.—I. 153 Guillaume, J. A.—Belgium, 1 Guillaume & Son.—France, 1618 Guilleaume, see Felten & Guilleaume Guillemot, Brothers.—France, 251 Guillerez, A. F.—in. 103 Guillot, J. & Co.—Sardinia, 41, 42 Guillot, J. J. A.—France, 534 Guinaet, J. B.—France, 1620 Guinart, J.—Spain, 188 Guinier, T.—France, 252 Guinness, R.—x. 541 Guinon, N. P.—France, 1263 Guipuzcoa, Inspector of the Mines of the district of.—Spain, 4 Guislain, C.—Belgium, 423 Guiso, M.—Sardinia, 23 Guldsmedshyttan Mines.—Sweden and Norway, 16 Gullia, J. B.—Sardinia, 52 Gundlach, C.—Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 4 Gundry, J. & Co.-—xiv. 73 Gundry, W.—xvi. 173 Gunn, J.—v. 754 Gunn, W. — Van Diemen’s Land, 153, 282 Gunter,. see Luckhaus & Gunter Gunter, R. —xxix. 112 Guppy, J. W.— xvi. 177 Gurieke, B.—Zollverein (1), 73 Gurr, C.—viii. 136 Gushlow, G.— xxx. (Fine Art Ct.)223 Gushlow, T.- —xxvi. 37 Gutierez de Leo^i, R.—Spain, 281a Gutheil & Co.—Zollverein (1) 459 GuttaPercha Co.— vi. 424; xxvi. 21; xxviii. 85 Guy, S.— xxii. 4 Guynemer, A. sen.—France, 1018 Guvnet & Becquet.—France, 254 Guynon, see Marechal & Guynon Guyon, E.—France, 1264 Guyot, see Laurenaudiere Guyotin-Lorsignol.—France, 253 Guzman, R.—Spain, 58 Gwatkin, Eliza, see Gwatkin, Emily Gwatkin, Emily & Eliza.—xx. 87 Gwinner, J.—Switzerland, 50 Gwynne & Hay—i. 231 Gwynne , J. S.—United States, 140 , TjwyThen^Collieries, see Abercarn and Gwythen Collieries Co. Gysi, F.—Switzerland, 85 H. Haag & Son.—Switzerland, 164 Haan, A. de.—Netherlands, 9 Haan, C. & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 366 Haarhaus, Sohne, T. C.—Zoll. (1), 567 Haas, see Hils, Haas, & Co. Haas, A.—Austria, 619 Haas, F. P.—Zollverein (4), 79 Haas, P. & Sons.-—Austria, 243. 259 Haase, G. & Sons.—Austria, 367 Habenioht, A.—Austria, 376 Haberland, G. A.—Zollverein (1), 99 Haberland, W.—Zollverein (1), 689 Hack worth, see Fossick & Hackworth Haddan, J. C.—v. 541 Hadden, Capt.—Van Diemen’s Land, 103, 104 Hadden & Sons.—xx. 134 Haddon, J. C—xxvii. 114 Haden, see Flather & Haden Hadji Aga Baba.—Russia, 269 Hadji Babi Kelbalay Oossein Ogli.— Russia, 53 54 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman. Numerals indicating the Class. Hall, J. & Co.—xiv. 61 Hall, J. S.—xvi. 163; xx. 4; xxviii. 184.190 Hadley, see Prosser and Hadley Hadley, J.—v. 860 Hadley, R.—xvi. 320 Hadrot, jun.-—France, 255 Haebler, see Lieske & Haebler Haeclc, J. T.—Belgium, 341 Haegens, C.—Belgium, 228 Haelen, Madame Van.—Belgium, 299 Haemond, W.—China Haenel, Brothers.—Zollverein (3), 153 Haenel, E.—Zoll. (1), 284 ; (3), 152 Haenle, L.-—Zollverein (2), 47 Haertel, H. C.—Zollverein (3), 72. 83 Haese, B.—Belgium, 115 Hagen, A. Von.—Zollverein (l), 770 Hagen, F.—Zollverein (1), 322 Hagen, M.—Zollverein f2), 83 Hagen, T. F.—Hamburgh, 64 Hagen Turkey-red Dyeing Company.— Zollverein (1), 602 Hagenbruch, C. G.—Zollverein (1), 712 Haggard, W.— x. 328 Haggas & Son.— xn. & xv. 155 Haghe, L. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 80 Haglund, E.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Hague, S.— xxii. 226a H agues, Cook, & Wormal.— xn. & xv. 25 Haidinger, Brothers.—Austria, 620 Haigh, J.—i. 174 Haigh & Sons.— xii. & xv. 236 Haight, Mrs. E.—United States, 385 Haindl, A.—Austria, 517 Haines, G.—xxvi. 114 Haines, J.—Van Diemen’s L. 298. 303 Haines & Sons.—Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), 40 Hains, see Baumgardten & Plains Hairless, T.—ix. 155 Hairs, see Webber & Hairs Halbeard & Wellings, xxvi. 131 Halbig, J.—Zollverein (2), 84 Haldane & Rae.— xxii. 432 Hale, J.— xxii. 563 Hale, J. P.—United States, 533 Hale,-T. & Co.— xxii. 486 Hale, W. S.—xxix. 99 Haley.—v. 486 Ilaley, A. & C-—xii. & xv. 59 Haley, C., see Haley, A. & C. Haley, J. & Sons— xii. & xv. 58 Haley, W.—xx. 124 Halfern, Von, see Kleinsehmit, &e. Halford, H.—x. 604 Hall, see also Lombard & Hall; Roberts & Hall Hall, A.—xix. 185 Hall, Brothers, Sloane, & Coppi.—Tus¬ cany, 12 Hall & Co.—xvi. 164 Hall, G. F.—x. 60 Hall, J.—n. 40 ; viii. 156; xxix. 242; Canada, 18 Hall, J. & T.—i. 146 ; xxvii. 37, 38 Hall, J. W.—xxiv. 41 Hall, Lieut.-Col.— viii. 271; x. 4 Hall, Messrs.— viii. 136 Hall, R.—xvi. 182 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 317 Hall & Son.—xxiv. 70 Hall & Spear—United States, 255 Hall, T., see Hall, J. & T. Hall, T. H.— xxii. 172 Hall, Thomas, & Co.—New S. Wales Hall, W.—vi. 472 ; xxvii. 42 Hall, W. E.—viii. 73 Halla& Co.—Austria, 54 Hallam, see Worrall, Hallam, & Co. Halle, J. Van.—Belgium, 303 Halleberg, L. J.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Hallen, see Cottam and Halien Halleriius & Co.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Haller, A.—Austria, 462 Haller, F.—Zollverein (4), 16 Haller, Halle.—Zollverein (1), 690 Hallers, J.—Austria, 652 Hallett, see Graham & Hallett Hallett, G.—i. 481 Hallett, R. &Sons.—New South Wales, 5 Halliday, A. P.—vi. 617 Halliday, W. —xxviii. 157 Hallmarke, Aldebert, & Hallmarke.— v. 862 Hallmeyer-Appenzeller. — Switzerland, 246 Hally, G.— xii. & xv. 470 Haloche.—Algeria, 27 Halse, see Schofield, Brown, &c. Plalske, see Siemens & Halske Halstead & Sons.—ix. 106 ; xxii. 93 Hamann, A.—Zollverein (1), 58 Hamann, E. F.—France, 861 Hambloch, J.—Zollverein (1), 454 Hamburger, Rogers, & Co.—xix. 186 Hamer, A.—xvil. 84 Hamer, M. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 118 Hames, see Billson & Hames Hamilton.—Van Diemen’s Land, 7, 8 ; see also Blyth, Hamilton, and Blyth Hamilton, C. F.—xxviii. 177 Hamilton, H. G.—x. 733, 742 Hamilton, Miss.' — xii. & XV. 259 Hamm & Co.—France, 862 Hammelratb, P. H.—Belgium, 337 Hammerschmidt, E.—Zollv. (2), 18 Hammersley & Bentley.— xiii. 45 Hammersley, J. A.—xviii. 71 Hammersley, W., & Co. —XIII. 48 Hammertpn, see Cope, Hammerton, &Co. Hammond, see Leitch & Hammond Hammond, N, P., & Co.—Spain, 236 Hammond, R.—Canada, 118. Hammond, R. C.— vii. 15 Hammond, Turner, & Sons— xxii. 282 Hammond, W. P., & Co.—China, Labuan, &c., 2 Hamoir, see Mestiviers & Hamoir ; Serret, Hamoir, & Co. Hampden, J.—xxii. 612 Hampson, see Mackellar & Hampson Hampson, B.—xvii. 153 Hampton, W.—United States, 1726 Hamren, Sophie—Sweden & Norway, 28 Hamsworth, Martha—xix. 191 Hanau, W.—Zollverein (1), 700 Hanbury, see Truman & Hanbury Hanbury, E.—Cape of Good Hope, 20 Hanbury, E. J.—Cape of Good Hope, 28 Hanbury, Louisa Emily—xxvi. 41 Hancock, see Godfrey & Hancock Hancock, C.—xxviii. 90 Hancock, C. F.—xxiii. 112 Hancock, J. A.—South Transept, 25; xxix. 320 (North Transept) Hancock, J. L.— xxviii. 83 Hancock, N.—xxvi. 239 Hancock, Rixon, & Dunt—xxiv. 46 Handley, W.—v. 690 Hands, J.— xxii. 263 Hands & Leavesley— IV. 34 Handyside, A.— Main Avenue, West, 85 ; xxii. 82 Hane!, T.—Zollv. (1) 852 Hanesh, De—Belgium, 23 Hanfstaengl, J.—Zollverein (2), 85 Hanhart, M. & N.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 64 Hanhart, N .—see Hanhart, M. Sc N. Hanicq, P. J.—Belgium, 285 Haniel, F.—Zollverein (1), 455 Hanley, J.—United States, 375 Hanon-Valcke, vi. 457 Hannah, A/—xxi. 31 Hannay, Major.—India, I. Hannington, W.—United States, 311 Hansa—Hamburgh, 58 Hanselmann, see Troeltsch & Hansel* mann Hanselmann, J.—Switzerland, 165 Hansen, C. B.—Denmark, 25 Hansen, J. G. —Hanover, 5 Hansen & De Koning— xxiii. 124 Hanser, J.—Austria, 482 Hanser-Eisen, &c.—Hamburgh, 123 Hanson, see Roe & Hanson Hanson, C.—xix. 188 Hanson, G. — xxii. 702 Hanson, J.— xxii. 616 Hanson & Sons,—xxvi. 197 Hansotte Delloye, H. G. —Belgium, 94 Haractas, Tribe of the.—Algeria, 56 Harand, E.—France, 863 Harbor, T.—xxix. 203 Hatcourt, J., see Harcourt, W, & J. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Harcourt, W. & J.— xxii. 257 Hardegen, G. —Zollverein (3), 7 Harden#—France, 335 Hardgrovo, S., see Hardgrove, T. & S. Hardgrove, T. & S.—United States, 268 Harding-Cocker.—France, 864 Harding, Dando, & Co.—xxiil. 74 Harding, E.—ix. 13 Harding, J.—xxiil. 11.; see also Hard¬ ing, J. & J. vni. 136 Harding, J. P.—xxix. 166 Harding, Pullein, & Johnson.—VI. 102 Harding & Son.—xxvi. 209 Harding & Standfast.—xxix. 81 Harding, T.—xx. 211 Harding, W. & Co.—v. 864 ; xix, 189 Hardman & Iliffe.—xxii. 284 Hardman, J. & Co.— xxii. 700; xxvi. 532 Hardouin,—France, 865 Hardtmuth, C. see Hardtmuth, L. & C. Hardtmuth, L. & C.—Austria, 35. 381. 621 Hardwen 8c Sons,— xiii. 42 Hardwicke, W.—xxii. 496 Hardy.—Algeria, 28; see also Hird, Dawson, &c. Hardy, Miss F. C.—xix. 147 Hardy, G.—x. 85 Hardy, J.—x. 348 Hardy, R. E.—xxii. 131 Hardy, T.—vm. 315; xxii. 146 Hare, J. & Co,—xix, 190 Harford, G. —xiv. 71 Hargrave, Harrison, & Co.—xxix. 147 Hargreave 8c Nusseys.— xii. & xv. 28 Hargreaves,Brothers, &Co.— xviii. 9.38 Hargreaves, J.—New Zealand, 8 Hargreaves, W. & Co.— xxii. 116 Harkes, D.—ix. 23 Harkort, C.—Zollv. (1), 876 Harkort & Son.—Zollverein (1), 456 Harland, E.—vm, 324 Harley, G.— xxii. 660 Harloff, see Dissmar & Harloff Harlon, W. H. & Co.—India, xiv. Harlow, see Peyton 8c Harlow Harlow & Young.—v. 655 Harmer, H. R.—xxix. 168; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 298 Harmer, J.jun.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 56 Harmon, A.—United States, 158. Harnett, J.—X- 684 Harnett, W.—x. 633 Haro, E. F.—France, 866 Harper.—Van Diemen’s Land, 185 Harper & Moore,—xxvii. 119 Harper & Sons.—xxii. 96 Harperath, see Porzelt & Harperath Harrach, Count F. E- Von.—Austria, 285. 587 Harrass, P.—Zollverein (1), 79$ Harrild & Sons.—vi. 157 Harrington, G. F.—x. 721 Harris.—United States, 512 Harris, Brothers.—xix. 192 Harris, C — vi.- 151 Harris & Flison,—xii. & xv. 145 Harris, G. & Co.—xix. 192, 193 Harris & Galabin.—xvn. 173 Harris, H. see Harris. S. & H. Harris, H. G.—xxvi, 395 Harris, J.—i. 42 ; xXx. (Fine Art Court), 244 Harris, J. C.—vn. 74 Harris, Lord.—Trinidad Harris, P. G.—Jersey & Guernsey, 28 Harris, R. & Son.—xxiv. 21 Harris, S. & H.—xxvm. 117 Harris & Son.—x. 149 Harris & Sons.—xiv. 76 ; xx. 198 Harris & Tomkins.—xx. 111 Harris, W.—Main Avenue, West, 80 Harris, W. F.—xi. 29 Harris, Sir W. S.—viii. 150 Harrison, see Campbell, Harrison, 8c c. ; Hargrave, Harrison, & Co. Harrison, A. P.—xvii. 202 Harrison, Ainslie, & Co.—I. 405 Harrison, C. C.—United States, 223 Harrison, C. W. & J. J.—x. 420 Harrison, J.—i. 491; vi. 18; x. 464, 464 a; xix. 194 Harrison, J. J. see Harrison, C. W. & J,J. Harrison, J. P.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 305 Harrison, Margaret.—xxix. 304 Harrison, R. & J.—iv. 6 Harrison, T.—xix. 84; xxm, 37 Harrison, W.—xxii. 555 Harrison’s Wood Carving Co.—xxvi. 222 a Harrold, T.—xxvi. 117 Harrop, see Craven & Harrop Harrop, Taylor, & Pearson.— XIII. 62 Harrows, G.—xvi. 43 Hart, see Walker & Hart Hart, C.—ix. 72 Hart, G.—xix. 81 Hart, H.—vm. 245 Hart, J. — vi. 303 ; xiii. 76 : Cape of Good Hope, 57 Hart, L. J.—Belgium, 441 Hart,Montgomery, &Co.—United States, 260 Hart & Sons.—xxii. 636 Hart, W. & Co.—x. 113 H‘4rtel, H. C.—Zollverein (3), 72. 83 Harter & Huben.—Hamburgh, 87 Hartig, J.— Austria, 212 Hartley, Elizabeth.—xvi. 6 Hartley, J.—xvi. 166 Hartley, J. & Co.—xxii. 700; xxiv. 100; South-East corner (United States department) 55 Hartley & Son.— xii. 8c xv. 71 Hartley, T. H. —xxvii. 12 Hartman, see Birner 8c Hartman Hartmann & Co.—France, 257 Hartmann, L.—Austria, 675. 742 Hartmann, L. & Co.—Switzerland, 230 Hartmann 8c Sons.—France, 256 Hartmann, T. T. —Zollverein (2), 73 Hartog, Brothers.—Belgium, 224 Hartog, C. H.—Hamburgh, 115 Harton, see Watts & Harton Harttree, E. & G.— xix. 195 Harttree, G. see Harttree, E. & G. ' Hartung, see Opaenhoff & Hartung Hartweek, E.—France, 867 Harvey, A.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 86 Harvey & Co.— xxm. 92; see also Price & Harvey Harvev, D.—v. 692; vm. 159 Harvey, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 31 Harvey G.— xxii. 440 Harvey H.—xxix. 169 Harvey, J.—v. 946 Harvey, J. K.— xix. 197 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 119 Harvey & Knight.— xix. 196 Harvey, 1'. & Sons.—vm. 136 Harveys & Tait.— ix. 16 Harvey, W.—x. 47 Harwar, J.—x. 493 a H arwood, Hon.—Canada, 14 Hase, J. H.—Netherlands, 31 Haselden.—xxvi. 95 Haselolf & Co.—Zollverein (1), 713 Hasenclever 8c Sons.—Zollv. (l), 631 Haskell, Merrit, Sc Buel.—United States, 340 Hasketh.—v. 206 Haslam, W. —xx. 421 Haslem, J.— xxm, 97 ; XXX. (Fine Art Court), 237 Haslem, T.—xxm. 72 Hass & Co.—Zollverein (6), 62 Hass & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 357 Hassan-Ooste-Neftali-Ogli.—Russia,253 Hasse, E. —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 259 Hastings, Brothers.— xii. & xv. 100 Hastings, J.— vm. 114 Hastings 8c Mellor. —xvn. 85 Hastings, S.— xxvm. 3 Haswell, R.— viii. 259 Hatch, Caroline.— xix. 209 Hatfield, J. A.—Main Avenue, West, 52 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 135 Hathaway, Mrs.— XX. 160 H atm ell & Ellis— n. 10 (Mainv e- nue, West) Hatt, C.— viii. 16, 136 Hattersley, Parkinson, Sc Co.—xiv. 36 Hattersley, W.—ii. 110 ; v. 701 Hauch, A.—Zollverein (1), 792 Haueisen 8c Son.—Zollverein (4), 58 Hauel, J.—United States, 40 56 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Haughter, V.—vin. 295 Iiauleck, F.—Zollverein (1), 413 Haupt, L.—Austria, 286 Hauschild, see Pansa & Hauschild Hausens-Hap, B.—Belgium, 257 Hauser, J. deJ.—Switzerland, 172 Haussman, see Ziegler & Haussman Haussmann, L.—Zollverein (3), 173 & Havenner, T. H. & Brothers.—United States. 322 Hawcroft & Sons.— xxii. 135 Hawes, G. E.—United States, 153 Hawke, E. H. —i. 526; xiv. 54 Hawker, Col. P.—viii. 205, 234 Hawkes & Co.— viii. 212 Hawkins, see Mottram & Hawkins Hawkins, B. W. — xxii. 641 ; xxx, (Fine Art Court), 132 Hawkins, Capt.—India, viii. Hawkins, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court.), 80 Hawkins, J.—xvi. 57; xxii. 318. 474 Hawkins, S.—xxyi. 237. Hawks, Crawshay, & Co.—vn. 86 Hawks, W. R.—viii. 136a. Hawksworth, A.—viii. 53 Havvksworth, Eyre, & Co.—xxm. 35 Hawley, J. & T.—xxviii. 161. Hawley, T. —see Hawley J. & T. Hawranck, C.—Austria, 65 Hawthorn & Co.—v. 11 I-Tawthorn, R. & W.—v. 536 Hawthorn, W, see Hawthorn R. & W. Hawthorne, J.—n, 39 ; xvn. 7 Haxworth & Carnley.—xiv. 36 Hay, see Gwynne & Hay Hay, J.—ix. 259c Hay, J., Right Hon. Lord. — viii, 136 Hav, J. & J.—xxvi. 100 Hay, W.—X. 376 Hay ball, A.—XXVI. 344 Hay craft, W.—vil. 161 Hayday, James.— xvii. 1Q6 Hayden, J.— xxviii. 132 Hayden, W.—United States, 386 Haydter, S,—Austria, 311 Hayem, sen.—France, 1265 Hayes, Miss E, J.—xix. 330 Hayes, J,—ix. 117 Hayes, M.—ix. 208 a H ayes, P. & Co,—n. 75 Hayez, M.—Belgium, 276 Haynes, J.—XXII. 584 Ilayot, Jules Joseph.—France, 258 Hay ter, F. S.—xix. 198 Hay ter, Sir G.—xxm. 97 Haythorn, J. W.—xi. 25 Hayward, Brothers.—XXII. 582 Hayward E. L. & W.—X. 298 Hayward, G.—ix. 114 Hayward, R. J.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 337 Hayward Rubber Co.—United States, 294 Hayward & Sons.—xiv. 44 ; see also Hayward, C. L. & W. Haywood, see Yates, Haywood, & Co. Haywood, H. & R.— xxvii. 127 Haywood, J.—Western end, South en¬ closure (outside), 22; xxii. 97 Haywood, M.—xxix. 38 Haywood, Mary.—xx. 148 Haywood, R. see Haywood, H. & R. Haywood & Son.—xxii. 647 Haywood, W. see Haywood, E. L. & W. Hazart, R.—United States, 16 Hazelton, see Doe, Hazelton, & Co. Heal & Son.—iv. 59 ; xix. 396 Heald, see Barlow & Heald Heald, B.—xix, 269 Heald, H.—xix. 295 Healy, J. —xn. & xv. 259 Heaps, J. K.—x. 510 Hearder, J. H.—vii. 205 Hearder, J. N.—x. 439 Heasman, W.—xxvi. 52 Heath, G. —x. 351 ; United States, 6 Heath, J.—v. 868 Heath, S. H.—xvi. 195 Heath & Burrows.—South Australia, 6 Heaton, see Pease & Heaton Heaviside, J.—xviii. 91 Hebblethwaite & Lister.— xii. & xv. 96 Hebert, L. A.—France, 869 Hebert & Son.-—France, 1621 Hebrides, School in the.—xx. 191 Hechinger, H.—Zollverein (2), 60 Hecht & Arnold.—Zollverein (4), 27 Hecke, Der A. T. Van.—Belgium, 480 Heckel, sen. & Co.—France, 870 Heckel, C. F.—Zollverein (1), 430 Heckel, T. A.—Zollverein (8), 8 Hecker, see Bockmiihl, Scheiper, &c. Hecker & Brother.—United States, 114 Hecker & Tasch.—Zollverein (3), 96 Heckmann, C.—Zollverein (1) 52 Hedgland, G. — xxiv. 69 Hedinger C.—Zollverein (4), 92 Hedley, G. —viii. 307; xxii. 577 Hedlund, J.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Heel, Van, see Vlissengen, Van, Van Heel, &c. Heeley & Sons.-—xxii. 305 Heepen, Spinning School.—Zollverein (0, 546 Heeps, J. H.—x. 615 Hefford & Eacer.—xvi. 150.* Hegenbarth, A.—Austria, 588 Hegle, C.—Belgium, 348 Heidsick, L. A.—Zollverein (1), 555 Heilbronn, L.—Zollverein (2), 61 Heiligenthal & Co.—France. 259 Heimburger.—Zollverein (1), 883 Heine, G. T.—Hamburgh, 51 Heinig, J. G. & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 812 Heiniger, J.—Switzerland, 124 Heinizch, R.—United States, 168 Heinke, C. E.— vii. 53 Heinlein, C. V.—Zollverein (2), 20 Heinrich.—Zollverein (1), 771 Heinrigs, J. Zollverein (1), 857 Heintre, see Beyer & Heintre Heintze, L.—xvi. 299 Heintze & Freudeuburg.—xvi. 299 ; Zollverein (1), 382 Heintzman, A.—Zollverein (1), 252. 372. 654. 829 ; Zollverein (3), 67. 72-83. 104 Heinzen, Brothers.—Austria, 26 Heirstmann.—Zollverein (1), 617 Heischmann, A.—Zollverein (1), 763 Heiser, F. L.—Hamburgh, 26 Heitemeyer,T.-—Zollverein (1), 486 Heke, D.—Russia, 152. 329 Helbig, J.—Zollverein (2), 87 Helbronner, G. —France, 260 Helbronner, R.—xix. 198 HelcJ, K.—Zollverein (2), 65 ' Helena, St. Agricultural Society.—St. Helena Helen’s, St. Plate and Sheet Glass Works.—xxiv. 66 Helia, J.—Austria, 331 Heljestrand, C. V.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Hell, F.—Austria, 152 Hell, G.—Austria, 260 Hellefors Iron Works.—Sweden & Nor¬ way, 4 Heller, see Schweitzer & Heller Heller, C.—Zollverein (4), 77 Helling, O. & Co.—Zollverein (3), 112 Hellmann, J.—Zollverein (6), 34 Hellyer &Son. —xxx. (Fine Alt Ct.) 61 Helm, A.—Austria, 518 Helme, W.— xii. & xv. 207 Helmich, F. A.—Austria, 589 Helps, Mrs.— xx. 168a H elweg, Hans.-—Zollverein (3), 159 Helwert, J.—Zollverein (4), 24 Hely, A. A.— viii. 13 Hemens, N. J. —xxviii. 195 Hemingway, A. W.—ii. 24 Hemming, E. — xx. 28 Hemming, G. — v. 134 Hemming, H.— xxii. 331 Hemmingway, A.—v. 574 Hemphill, W. D.— xxviii. 158 Hemsley, T.— viii. 106 Hemsworth & Linley.— xvi. 20 Henderson.— ix. 42; Canada, 168, 1S7 ; see also Fox, Henderson, & Co. Henderson & Co.—xix. 200 Henderson, H,—Canada, 145 Henderson, J.— viii. 306 j Canada, 107 Henderson, R.—iv. 80 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 57 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Henderson, T.—Canada, 174 Henderson & Widnell.— xtx. 201 Henilrichs, F.—Zollverein (1), 367 Hendrie, R.—xxix. 10 Hendy, J.—vii. 184 Henkels, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 187 Henley, W. T — x. 428 Henn & Bradley— xxn. 316 Henneberg, F. E.& Co.—Zoll. (1), 772 Hennecart, J. F.—France, 1266 Henneman & Malone.—x. 297 Hennequin.—France, 1623 Hennig, see Walther, Hennig, & Co. Hennige & Wiese.—Zollverein (1), 691 Henning.—Hanover, 1 Henning, J.—VI. 43 ; xiv. 16 Henoc.—France, 261 Henrard, M.— Belgium, 140 Henri, J.—France, 262 Henri, P.—France, 871 Henry, see Simon & Henry Henry, A. & S. & Co.—xn. & xv. 38 Henry, C.—France, 536 Henry & Co.—xxn. 532 Plenry, F.—France, 1622 Henry, H. F.—France, 1267 Henry, P.—Belgium, 283 Henry, S.—United States, 508; see also Henry, A. & S. & Co. Henry & Sons.— XI. 13 Henrys & Co.—x. 508 ; xxm. 131 Hensel, C. J.—Hamburgh, 40 Henseth, J.—Zollverein (2), 76 Henslow, Rev. J.— see Ipswich Museum Committee Hensman & Son.— ix. 149 Henson, H. H.— v. 532 Henson, J.—Canada, 79 Henson, W. G.— xvi. 133 Henton, J.— ix. 191 Herapath.— x. 289 Heras, De Las.—Spain, 161 Herault.—France, 872 Herbert, see Holmes, Herbert, & Arthur Herbert & Co.— xix. 28 Herbert, Mrs. F.— xxix. 301 Herbert, F. P.—Austria, 30 Herbert, J.—Austria, 32 Herbert, J. W.—Canada, 18a Herbert, W.— xxvi. 67 Herdman, W. G.— xxx. (Fine ArtCrt.) 313a Herdt, J. B.—Austria, 694 I Herford Prison (Westphalia), Directors of.—Zollverein (1), 721 Herinek, F.—Belgium, 43 l| Heriot, see Huxley & Heriot; Huxley, Heriot, & Co. I Heriot, E. T.—United States, 172c. Hermann, see Graetzar & Hermann ; Holler, Hermann, & Co. Hermann, A.—xxm. 90 Hermann, C.—Zollverein (1), 435 Hermann, F.—Switzerland, 194 Hermann, F. G. & Son.—Zollverein (3), 122 Hermann, G.—France, 873 Hermann, J. W.—Zollverein (3), 139 Hermannstadt Associated Furriers.— Austria, 347 Hermannstadt Cloth-makers’ Associa¬ tion.—Austria, 214 Hermannstadt Leather-cutters’ Associa¬ tion.—Austria, 345 Hermannstadt Rope-makers , Association. —Austria, 277 Hermannstadt Shoemakers’ Association. —Austria, 330 Hermannstadt Stearine Candle Com¬ pany.—Austria, 42 Hermannstadt Trade Union.—Austria, 398 Herme.—France, 537 Hermes, Brothers, & Wolffers.—Zollv. (1), 520 Hernandez, J.—Spain, 230 Herold, C. G.—Zollverein (3), 19 Herrenschmidt, G. F.—France, 538 Herrick, J. K.—United States, 502 Herring, C.—vii. 60 ; xxvi. 379 Herring, S. C.—United States, 124 Herring & Sons.—xxvi. 205 Herrior, L.—France, 1708 Hersing, C.—Hanover, 9 Herstatt & Co.—Zollverein (1), 427 Hertz.—i. 24 Herve, Brothers.—France, 1624 Hervieu, A.—xxvi. Bay i. 20 Herwitz, B.—xxx. 347. Herz, H.—France, 1268 Herzig, J. & Son.—Austria, 261 Herzlieb, F.—Austria, 146 Herzog, E.—Austria, 76 Heselle, J. A. de.—Belgium, 203 Hesnault & Brother.—Belgium, 273 Hess, G.—France, 263 Hess, L.—Switzerland, 241 Hess, R.—x. 648 Hess, T. A.—Netherlands, 108 Hesse-Darmstadt, Board of Agriculture of.—Zollverein (6) 13 Hesselink, W. F.—Netherlands, 66 Hetherington, T. & Co.—xxn. 351 Hetley, J. IT. & Co.—xxiv. 2 Hett, A.—x. 249 ITetzer, Ernst, & Son.—Zollv. (3), 64 Heukensfeldt., I.—Netherlands, 42 Heunheuse, De.—Belgium, 62 Heureuse, C. D’.—Zollverein (1), 244 Heurteloup, Baron.—x. 666 Heusschen, Van, Eeckhoudt, & Co.— Belgium, 310 Heuveldop, H.—Netherlands, 16 Hewett & Co.—China. Hewitson, see Kitson, Thompson, &c. Hewitson, J.—x. 152 Hewitt, H. B.—xxii. 395 Hewlett, A.—xvi. 238 Heworth Chemical Works (Newcastle- upon-Tyne).—n. 27 Hews, G.—United States, 438 ITey.—Zollverein (1), 26 Ileydenreich.—Zollverein (1), 443 Heydweller & Sons.—Zollv. (1), 521 Heyl, C.—Zollverein (6), 32 Heyl, C. W.— Zollverein (6), 75 Heyl, J. F. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 44 Heyler, Mary.—France, 539 Heymann, C.—Zollverein (1), 290. 575 Heymann, G. F.—Zollverein (3), 39 Heymann, J. D.—Hamburgh, 78 Heymann & Alexander. —xix. 25 Heyn, Emma.— xix. 178 Heynig, see Beck and Heynig. Heynig, J. G. & Co,-—Zollv. (3), 57 Heynsbergen, W. J. Van.—Netherlands, 102 a Heys, see Elliott and ITeys Heywood, Higginbottoms, Smith, & Co. —xxvi. 71 Heywood, J.—xvn. 83 Heywood, W.—x. 404 Hibbert, Platt, & Sons.—VI. I Hibbert, T.—xiv. 39 Hick, B. & Son.—v. 13; vi. 1. 218 Hickey & Tull.—United States, 58 Hickling, see Reckless & Hickling Hickman & Clive.—xxn. 271 Hickman, R. & Co.—xxvn. 107 Hicks, G.—United States, 559 Hicks, H.—xvi. 84 Hicks, T.—i. 164 Hickson & Sons. — xvi. 192 (Main Avenue, West) Hidden, T.—xvi. 313 Hider, Elizabeth.—xvn. 17 Hielten (sons of the late Elias).— Austria, 275 Hierzenberger, G.—Austria, 443 Hietel, J. A.—Zollverein (3), I68n Higginbotham, G. & W.—xxn. 188 Higginbotham, L. C.—United States, 231 Higginbotham, W., see Higginbotham, G. & W. Higginbottoms, see Heywood, &c. Higgins, F.—xxm. 115 Higgins, P. H.—Canada, 185_ Higgins & Sons.—vi. 14 Higginson, Governor.—Antigua. Hig'hley, S— x. 727 Highley, S. jun.—i. 23. 98 Highton.—x. 432 Hildebrand, A.—France, 540 Hildebrand, C. G.—Hamburgh, 2 Hildebrand, C. L.—Hamburgh, 56 Hilditch & Hopwood.—xxv. 17 ITiler, S.—United States, 218 Hilger, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 498. 874 58 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman N umerals indicating the Class. Hilgers, C—Zollverein (l), 659 Hilgers & Sous.—Zollverein (1), 631 Hill, see Clibbon, Hill, & Co.; Shep¬ herd, Hill, &c. ; Watkins & Hill Hill, B.—xix. 203 Hill, C. J. & Son.—United States, 157 Hill & Co.—xix. 204 Hill, D. O.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 300 Hill, E. & Co.—ix, 140 ; xxii. 65 Hill, E. & W. De la Rue.— xvii. 76 Hill, Evans, & Co.— Vi. 619 Hill, G.—xvi. 8 Hill, J. & Co.—xm. 25 Hill, J. V.—i. 58. 200; xxi. 47 ; xxii. 355; United States, 364; see also Hill, O. & J. Hill, L. M.—xx. 107 Hill, O.&J.—vii. 124 Hill, S.—vii. 68 Hill & Stone.—v. 970 Hill, W.—v. 94 Hill, W. & Co. x. 556. Hillas, F.—iv. 28 Hilliard & Chapman.—XXI. 33 Hilliard & Thomason.— xxiii. 29 Hillman, A.—Sweden and Norway, 31 Hillman, F.—Zollvereiu (3), 160 Hillman, J.—XXII. 15 Hills, F. C.—ii. 23 Hills & Underwood.—-m. 7 Hillyer, V.—United States, 343 Ilils, Haas, & Co.—Zollverein (4), 53 Hilton, J. & W.—Canada, 123 Hilton, John.—x. 625 Hilton, W. see Hilton, J. & W. Hinchcliffe, J.—xxii. 224 Hinchliff & Co.—xxvi. 310 Hinchliff, G. see Hinchliff, J. & G. Hinchliff, J. & G. —xii. & xv. 119 Hinchliffe & Son.— xii. & xv. 93 l lincks, Wells, & Co.— xxii. 326 Hinde, E. & F.—xii. & xv. 313 Hinde, F. see Hinde, E. & F. Hinde, J. G. —xxvm. 196 Hindenlang.—France, 1269 Hindhaugh, Mary.—xix. 205 Hindley & Sons.— xviii. 15 ; xix. 206. 399; xxvi. 266 Hine, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 201 Hine, J.— XXIX. 47 Hinitt, J.—v. 714 Hinks, H.—viii. 136 Hinton, C.— X. 62 Hintze, see Paetoch & Hintze. Hipp, see Duyn, Hipp, & Co. Hird, Dawson, & Hardy.—xxii. 85 Hiron, see Cartwright & Hiron. Hirsch & Brother.—Portugal, 28. 52. 64. 68. 77. 503 Hirschel & Minerbi.—Austria, 173 Hirschfeld, J. B.—Zollverein (3), 180 Hirschhorn, see Ullman, Hirschhorn, & Co. Hirshendorff, see Hirsh man,- Hirshen¬ dorff, &c. Hirshmann.—Russia, 34-114 Hirshmann, Hirshendorff, & Ravitch.— Russia, 79 Hirshmann & Kijevski.—Russia, 26 Hirst, see Barnicot & Hirst Hitch, M.— xviii. 59 Hitchcock, Dr. D. K.—United States, 518 Hitchcock, W. L.—United States, 376 Hitt, T.— viii. 296 Hives & Atkinson.—iv. 45 Hjorth, S.—Denmark, 47 Hjula Quarry.—Sweden and Norway, 43 Hoadley, G.— xxiv. 82 Hoadley & Pridie.— xii. & xv. 128 Hoare, M. —xxx. (Fine Ait Court), 168 Hoban, M.— xxvii. 58 Hobart & Robins.—United States, 399 Hobbs, W. — xviii. 83 Hobson. F.—United States, 277 Hoby, G. —xvi. 202 Hoby, J. W.—v. 614 Hochberger, J.—Austria, 14 Hockendon, J.—xxvi. 69 Hockin, C.— xxii. 592 Hockley, see Sinclair & Hockley Hoddick, W.—Zollverein (1), 598 Hodge & Batley.— v. 29 Hodge, W.—xxix. 313 Hodges, B. J.—v. 103 Hodges, R. E. — viii. 269 ; xxvm. 72 Hodges & Sons. —ix. 116 ; xxii. 487 Hodges, T.— xvi. 184 ; xxii. 519 Hodgson & Haley. —vi. 38 Hodgson, M. —viii. 316 Hodgson, R. —v. 143 Hodgson, T., jun.—xx. 155 Hodson, see McCallum & Hodson Hodson, Sir G., Bart.—i. 123 Hodson, J. — vm. 50.136 Hodson, J. S.— xvii. 166 Hoe, H.—Sweden & Norway, 8 Hoeffer, C. F.—Zollverein (3), 41 Hoeffken, see Hoeltririg & Hoeffken Hoeller, A. & E.—Zollverein (1), 637 Hoeller, E. see Hoeller, A. & E. Hoeltring & Hoeffken.—Zoll. (1), 662 Hoen, J. B.—France, 264 Hoeninghaus & Sons.—Zoll. (1), 519 Hoepfner, J.—Austria, 128 Hoerkens, H. I.—Zollverein (1), 554 Hoesch & Son.—Zollverein (1), 392 Hoesel, R.—Zollverein (3), 86 Hoey, S. P. Van.—Belgium, 106 Hofer, H. & Co.—France, 875 Hofer, L. Von.—Zollverein (4), 105 Hofer, P.—Austria, 519 Hofer, Von.—Zollvereiu (1), 105 (Main Avenue, East) ; Hoffman, C.—Zollverein (3), 12 Hoffman, Emanuel.—Switzerland 152 Hoffman, G. F.—Zollverein (1)„ 440 Hoffmann, C. W.—Zollverein (1), 439 Hoffmann, E.—Zollverein (1), 110 Hoffmann & Eberhardt.-—Zoll. (1), 88 Hoffmann, F.—Zollverein (3), 36 Hoffmann, F. A. & Co.—Zoll. (3), 153 Hoffmann, G. —Austria, 49 Hoffmann, G. W.—Zollverein (6), 14 Hoffmann, J. J.—Zollverein (5), 16 Hoffmeister, T. & Co.—Zoll. (1), 773 Hofler, Hermann, & Co.—Austria, 76 a Hofman, N. M.—Austria, 590 Hofrichter, C.—Austria, 644 Hogan, J.—xxx. .(Sculpture Court), 14 Hogarty, Brothers.—xvi. 13 Hohwiesner, see Minoprio, &c. Hohwu, A.—Netherlands, 86 Holbeche, M. M.—Portugal, 454. 544 Kolbeck, J. & Co.— xxiii, 112 Holbrook, J. N.— viii. 9 Holbrook & Stanley.—United States, 208 Holch, W.—Zollverein (4), 14 Hold, A.—xxvi. 85 Holden, H. A.—xxii. 348 Holden, J. & Co.—xiv. 1 Holder, T. M.—Zollverein (4), 106 * Holderegger, C.-—Switzerland, 195 Holdernesse, C.—x. 482 Holdich, G. M. H.— x. 557 Holding, Mrs. Sybella.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 217 Holdsforth & Son.—xm. 61 Holdsworth & Co.—xii. & xv. 166; xiv. 53 Holdsworth, J.— xii. & xv. 165a Holgate, J.— xxii. 450 Holl, F. R.—x. 13 Holl, J. & Co.—vm. 166 Hollamby, H.—xxix. 41 Holland.— xxii. 602 Holland, see East, Landon. &c. Holland, C.—Austria, 609; Zollverein (1), 528. 716. 731. 784 ; (3), 23. 69. 128. 166 Holland & Dunn.—Canada, 152 Holland, H.—xxix. 131 Holland & Son.—xxiv, 63 Holland & Sons.—xxvi. 161 Holland, T.— vii. 132 Holland, T. & Co,—xx. 194 Holland, W.—xxvi. 407 Holland, W. & Sons.—xxvi. 62 a H ollanders, D\—Belgium, 51 Hollenbach, A.—Austria, 14 1 b llollenbach, D.— Austria, 581 Holliday, R.— xxii. 448 Hollins, P.—North Transept, 32 Hollins, S.—xix. 30 ; xx. 96 Hollins, W. & Co.—xi. 36 Holloway & Co.—United States, 514; Holloway, Phoebe.— xix. 207 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 59 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country): British Exhibitors by ltoman Numerals indicating the Class. Holloway, T. J.—xiv. 74 Holm.—vi. 162 Holmhlad, L. P.—Denmark, 27 Holmer, S.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 231 Holmes, see Allen & Holmes Holmes, C.— xxn. 139 Holmes, Captain,— XXII. 12 Holmes & Co.— xil. & xv. 280 Holmes, G. L.—United States, 316 Holmes, Herbert & Arthur. —v. 872 Holmes, J. —VII. 176 ix. 90 A ; XIX. 208 Holmes, J. & Co.—xx. 84 Holmes, J. K.—United States, 79. 331 Holmes & Sous.—ix. 241 ; xn. & xv. 107 Holmes, T.—xVi. 16 Holmes, W. H.—British Guiana, 130- 132 Holms, Brothers.—xil. & xv. 288 Holroyd & Co.—xii. & xv. 163 Holste, Mr.—Austria, 143 Holstein, J. P.—France, 876 Holt, E.—iv. 128 Holt, J.—xxiii. 106 Holthaus, see Schmits & Holthaus Holtum, W.—viii. 20 Holfzapffel & Co.—iv. 14; vi. 232 Holtzstamm, F.—Zollverein (1), 48 Hoi well.—Canada, 101 Holyland, see Rogers, Lowry, &c. Holzapfel, C.—Denmark, 41 Homan & Co.—xx. 17 Homberg & Scheibler.—Zollverein (1), 339. 346 Homel-Esser, F.—Switzerland, 81 Homer, F. L.—United States, 504 a H onaeur, F.—Austria, 215 Honiball, J.—viii. 95 Honig, B. C. & F.—Netherlands, 59 Honig, F., see Honig, B. C. & F. Honig & Son.—Netherlands, 60 Honore, E.—France, 877 Hont, J. D.—Belgium, 206 Hood, see Martin & Hood Hood, J. H.—xvii. 157 Hood, R. V.—Van Diemen’s Land, 111-120. 126. 127. 129. 165. 166. 345 Hood, S.—xxii. 1 Hoogeboom, I. I. & Son.—Netherlands, 37 Hoogen, T. Van der.—Netherlands, 26 Hooghstoel.—Belgium, 422 Hook, J.—xvi. 114 Hooke, T.—vii. 80 Hool, Mary.—xxix. 87 Hoole, Robson, & Hoole.— xxii. 140 Hoomans, see Pardoe & Hoomans Hoop, J. Van der, & Co.—Netherlands, 24 Hooper & Co.—New Zealand, 39 Hooper, C. & Co.— xii. & xv. 210 Hooper, F. see Hooper, S. & F. Hooper, G,—v. 874 Hooper, G. Carroz, & Salourier.— France, 1625 Hooper, H. N. & Co.—United States, 459 Hooper, W.jun.—v. 874 Hooper, W. H.— vii. 196 Hopcroft, see Greasley Sc Hopcroft Hope, see Pinder, Bourne, & Hope Hope, G. C.—xix. 209 Hope, H. T. (M.P.)— xxiii. 73 (Main Avenue, East) Hopkins, H.— xxvi. 234 Hopkins, J. M.—United States, 192 Hopkins, R. P.—xxvi, 139 Hopkins & Son.—xxvi, 154 Hopkins & Williams.— ii. 41 Hopkinson & Cope.—vi. 162 Hopkinson, J. sen.—vii. 104 Hopkinson, J. & J.—x. 500 Hopkinson, Jonathan.—British Guiana, 159 Hopley, E, — xxx, (Fine Art Court), 296 Hopwood, see Hilditch & Hopwood Hopwood & Armstrong.— viii. 68 Hopwood, H.— ii. 100 Horan, H,—iv. 103 Hore, W.—xxix. 151 Horn, A,— vii. 67 Horn, H.— viii. 161 Horn, Mrs.—Sweden & Norway, 29 Homan & Co. late Rodgers & Son.—xx. 17 Hornbostel, C. G. & Co.—Austria, 262 Hornby and Kenworthy.—vi. 20 Horne.—i, 17 ; xxn. 255 Horne, J.—x. 575 Horne, R. —xxvi. 32 Horne, T.—xxii. 275 Horne, Thornthwaite, & Wood.—x, 220 Horne, W.—v. 880 ; xxviii. 160 Hornig, C. E.—Zollverein (1), 722 jHornsby &Son,—ix. 233 HTirnung", , C'."C l ! ""DeninaTk, 30 Horrix. M. & W.—Netherlands, 97 Horrix, W. see Horrix, M. & W. Horrockses, Miller, & Co.—xi. 60 Horry, W. B. C.—United States, 320 e H orsey, J.—xxvm. 188 Horsfall, J.—xxii. 334 Horsfall, J. G. & Co.— xii. & xv. 174 Horsfall, Mrs.—xxvi. 56 Horsky, F.—Austria, 123 ‘Horsmann, C.—Hanover, 2 Horsteiner, see Neuner & Horsteiner Horstman, J.—Zollverein (1), 691 Horstmann & Co.—Zollverein (1), 462 Horticultural Society of London.— China. Horton, A.—xxn, 674 Hosch & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 863 Hosken, R.—Western end, North enclo¬ sure (Outside), 75; i. 466.472; v. 201 ; xxix. 185 Hoskin, R.—i. 472 Hoskings, Ann.—xxix. 72 Hoskins, J.- —viii. 252 Hosterey, G. —Zollverein (1), 648 Hostin.—France, 265 Hotchkiss, G.—United States, 94 Hotchkiss, H. G, & L. B.—United States, 156 Hotchkiss, L. B. see Hotchkiss, H, G, & L. B. Hotchkiss & Prescott.-—United States, 154 Hotchkiss, W.—United States, 342 Hotham & Whiting.—xn. & xv. 4-1 Houbigant, C,—France, 1627 Houdaille, F. N.-—France, 1270 Houdin, see Detouche & Houdin Houdin & Lambert.—Belgium, 253 •] Houette, A. & Co,—France, 1271 Hough, see Schooley and Hough Hough, R. M.—United States, 507 Houghton, see Claudet & Houghton Houghton, Sarah.—xiv. 50 Houldsworth, J, & Co.—xin. 64 Houldsworth, T. Sc Co.—xi. 54. 59 Houlgate, see Puckering & Houlgate Houllier, B,—France, 1628 Hounsell, J.—xiv. 73 Hounsell, W. & Co.—xiv. 73 Houssard, E. F.—France, 1626 Houston, J. D.—United States, 554 Houten, W. Van.—vm. 136 Houtthave, S.—Belgium, 130 Houyet, A.—Belgium, 125 Houzeau, E.—France, 878 Howard, F. see Howard I. Sc F. Howard, Frank. —xxiii. 97 Howard, I. & F.— ix. 240 Howard Sc Kent.— ii. 11 Howard & Ravenhill.—v. 413 Howard & Son.— xxvi. 238 Howard, T.—i. 29 Howarth, J. xxii. 181 Howe.— viii. 132 Howe, D. T.—United States, 497 Howe, G. —v. 779 Howe, J. & Co.— iv. 36 Howe, J. G. — xxiv. 67 Howe, S. G.—United States, 439 Howell Sc Brothers.—United States, 48 Howell, James, & Co.— x. 16 ; xm. 27 ; xix. 5; xxvi. 190 a H owland, C.—United States, 486 Howse, see Barber, Howte, &c. Howton, G. W.—xxvm. 166 Hoy, J.—v. 710 Hoyle & Sons.—xvm. 36 . Hoyles, H.—xxvi. 345 Hoyt, see Albro & Hoyt 60 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Huard, Brothers.—France, 266 Huart de Villemont, D.—Belgium, 48 Hubbard, see Sewell, Evans, &c. Hubbard, C.—viii. 180 Hubbard, H. B.—xxix. 113 Huben, see Harter & Huben Huber, C. E. —France, 879 Huber Sc Co.—France, 333 Iluber, Franz.—Austria, 633 Hubert, see Boken, Hubert, & Co.; Hueui & Hubert Hubert, A.—Belgium, 482 Hubert, C.— xvi. 194 Hubert, Josephine.—Fiance, 268 Hubert, E. de St.—Belgium, 8 Hubner, see Summerfeld 8c Hubner Hub tier, J.—Austria, 622 Httbscb, J.—Austria, 352 Huch, H. C.—Zollverein (6), 22 Huchet, see Doublet & Huehet Huck.—France, 541 Hucke.-—Zollverein (1), 697 Iluddart, Sir J. & Co.— xiv. 68 Hudson.— xii. & xv. 21 Hudson, A.— xvi. 151 Hudson & Bottom.— vi. 88 Hudson, C.—xviii. 66 Hudson, F. T— x. 256 Hudson, J.—xx. 199 ; xxvi. 34, Persia Hudson, S.— xvi. 60 Hudson’s Bay Company.— xvi. 301 a (Main Avenue, West) Hudsveell & Son.— xii. & xv. 85 Hue, J. B.—France, 269 Huebener & Pohle.—Hamburgh, 61 Ilueber, F.—Austria, 428 Huebscher, C—Switzerland, 86 Hueck, see Funke & Hueck Hueck, A. see Hueck, D. & A. Hueck, D. & A.—Zollverein (1), 499 Huefler, H.—Zollverein (3), 111 Hueui Sc Hubert,—Switzerland, 87 Huet, J.—France, 880 Huet, Made.—France, 270 Huette, see Dinant & Huette Hu-tler, J.—XXII. 649 Iluffmann, Brothers.—Zolv. (1) 500 Hutthagle. C.—India, iv. Hutt'zky, Vincenz.—Austria, 613 Huggef, J. jun.—United States, 209 Hughes.—vi. 459 ; x. 691 Hughes, E. —xvii, 4 Hughes, G. A.—xvii. 20 Hughes, H.—xxn. 581 Hughes, J. —viii. 318 Hughes, J. G.—xxii. 461 Hughes & Kimber.—xxn. 609 Hughes P.—British Guiana, 74 a 74b H ugh.es, R.—xii. & xv. 251; xvi. 106 ; xxn. 609 Hughes & Sons.—vi. 459 Hughes, T.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 3 Hughes, T., jun.—xxv. 60 Hughes, W.—x. 401; xii. & xv. 472 Hug-Ith.—Switzerland, 185 Huguenin, see Schwartz & Huguenin Hugues, J. J. & Son.—France, 881 Huillier, E. L’.—France, 1325 Hulbert, S.—Canada, 91 Hulett, D.— xxii. 643 Hull, Hugh.—Van Diemen’s Land, 208. 217-220. 288 Hull Local Committee.—xxix. 290 Hull Patent Camphine Co.—xix. 264 Hull, Theodosia.—xxvi. 63 Hullmandel & Walton.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 71 Hulls, J.—vi, 618 Hulot, A.—France, 882 Humane Society, Royal.— viii. 15 Humbert & Co.—France, 1272 Humble, W.— xxvii. 9 Hume, Rev. W. E.— xvii. 186 Humfrey, C.— II. 7 S Humphrey, see Simpson,Humphrey, &c.; Taylor, Humphrey, & Co. Humphrey, H. Noel.— xvii. 139 Humphreys, see Read & Humphreys Humphreys, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 231a Humphreys, N. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 50 Humphries, T.—xix. 210 Hund, F. & Son.—x. 486 Hungarian, Upper, Mining Association, (Schmollnitz).—Austria, 3 Hunt, C.— xxvii. 109 Hunt, E.—vi. 49 Hunt & Gandell.—vn. 37 Hunt, J.—i. 482 ; vi. 422 Hunt, J. (per Boyd, C.)—vi. 207 Hunt, J. C.— xviii. GO Hunt, John.-—I. 462d Hunt, R.—x. 477a Hunt, Robert.—i. 524; x. 297 Hunt & Roskell (late Storr & Mortimer). —xxm. 97 (Main Avenue, West) Hunt & Son.—xiv. 28 Hunten, J. A. F,—Hamburgh, 44 Hunter, Dr.—India, xxv. Hunter, E.— xxii. 228 ; see also Hunter W. J, R. & E. Hunter, J. —vi. 312; see also Hunter, W. & J. Hunter, L.—I. 219 Hunter, W. & J.—ix. 119 Hunter, W. J. R. & E.—xxvi. 202 Hunter, W. M.—United States, 9 Huntley & Palmer.—xxix. 107 Hunyady Von Ketheley, Count J. H.— Austria, 89 Hunziker & Co.—Switzerland, 166 Huot, see Billiet & Huot Hupfer & Walfeiman.—Zollv. (1), 774 Hurlet & Campsie Alum Co.— II. 13 Hurley, D.—xx. 73 Hurlimman, J.—Switzerland, 119. 125 Hum, see Morrison & Hurn Hurrell, W.—xxix. 46 Hurry, H. C.—v. 122 Hurst, A.—i. 44. Hurst, G.— vii. 66 ; xix, 211 Hurst, J. A.—United States, 80 Hurst & Reynolds.—xx. 162 Hurst & Sons.—xx. 99 Hurst, W.— xxii. 102 Hurtell, M.—Society Islands Hurter & Buholzer.—Switzerland, 231 Hurtrel & Co.—France, 884 Hurwood, G.—vi. 414; vii. 31 Husband, J.— viii. 151 Husband, T. J.—United States, 49 Huscbenreither, F. A. Sc Sons.—Zoll¬ verein (1), 805 Huskisson, H. see Huskisson, J.W. & II. Huskisson, J. W. & H.— II. 86 Hussey, O.—United States, 65 Husson & Buthod.—France, 885 Ilusson, F. C.—France, 542 Huste, see Roeller & Huste Hutchings, J.—xvi. 124 Hutchinson, E.—xxvi. 22 Hutchinson, E. jun.—xxvi. 22 Hutchinson, Elizabeth.—Jersev&Guern- sey, 31 Hutchinson, J.—I. 161 Hutchison, see Forbes & Hutchison Hutchison, T.— xii. & xv. 298 Huth, F. & Co.—Zollv. (1), 578.632 Huth Sc Fischer.— xii. & xv. 123 Huther, M.—Austria, 149 Huttly, F.—v. 882 Hutton, J.—x. 7 ; xxii. 166 Hutton, J. F.—Western Africa, 21 Hutton & Newton. —xxii. 215 Hutton & Sons.—v. 884 Hutton, W. B. &Sons.—Western Africa, 6 Huxham & Brown.—vi. 446 Huxley, E.—x. 598 Huxley, Heriot, & Co.—xxn. 236 Hyams, H.—x. 278 Hyams, M.— III. 46 Hyde, see Bates, Hyde, & Co. Hyde & Co.— xvii. 21 Hyde, F.—United States, 67 Hymettus, Prior of the Monastery of.— Greece, 48 Hynam, see Gawkroger & Hynam Hyvelin, see Bouillette, Hyvelin, & Co. I. Iakoleff, Brothers.—Russia, 344 Ibarra, J. M.—Spain, 26 Ibarzabal, G.—Spain, 268 Ibbetson, Brothers.—France, 1710 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of tlieir Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Ibbetson, Capt. L. L. B.—Main Avenue, West, 91; x. 459; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 323 Ibbotson.—xxi. 27 Ibbotson, Brothers, & Co.—xxii. 191 Ibbotson, R.—xxii. 209 Ibrahim Pasha.—Egypt, 391 Idiers, N. J.—Belgium, 287 Ihm, F.—Zollverein (6), 46 Ilim, Boehm, & Pfaltz.—Zollverein (6), 31 lies, C.—vi. 61 lies, C. & C.—xxvii. 28 Iliff, W. T.—xxix. 253 lliffe, see Hardman & Iliffe Illek, F.—Austria, 216 Illingworth, A.—hi. 115 Imhof & Sons.—Switzerland, 173 Imhoof, B.—Switzerland, 126 Imhoof, Brunner, & Co.—Switzerland 127 Imlin, F.—France, 543 Imperatori, J. H. Brothers.—Sardinia, 38 Imperial Salt Works, Galicia.—Aus¬ tria, 17 Imrie, P.—xxvi. 98 InceHall Coal and Cannel Co., Wigan. —Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 38 ; 1.268 Ince, J.—xvi. 309 Inderwick, J.—xxiii. 56 Indian Iron & Steel Co.—India, i. Indore, Resident at.—India, XV. Indri, A.—Austria, 151 Infanger, M.—Austria, 676 Infeld, Chevalier Von.—Austria, 124 Inglefield, E. A.—viii. 99 Inglessis, N.—Greece, 7 Inglis, see Lynch & Inglis Inglis, A.—vii. 199 Inglis & Brown.—xn. & xv. 191 Inglis & Wakefield.—xvm. 4 Ingram, H.—vi. 122 Ingram, J. W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 321 Ingram, T. W.—xxii. 304 Innes, Elizabeth & Susanna.—xxvi, 91. See also Tapperel & Innes Innes, Susanna, see Innes, Elizabeth & Susanna Inskip, H.—vm. 227 Inslee, J. A.—United States, 161 Ionghaus & Venator.—Zollverein (6), 6 Ipswich Museum Committee, (by Rev. J. Henslow.)—i. 35 Ireland, J. & Co.—xn. & xv. 247 Ireland Mining Co.—Dublin, I. 507 Irish Engineering Co.— vii. 150 Irish Work Society.—xix. 77 Iron Bridge Company, New York,— United States, 147 I Irving, G. V.—iv. 94 Irwin, E.—xn, & xv. 26 Irwin, Elizabeth.— hi. 99 Irwin, J.—Canada, 196 I rza- Cooli- H ad j i -Cagraman- Ggl i. — Russia, 254 Isaac, J. R.—xvn. 165 Isaacs & Campbell.—xxvi. 241 Isabel II., Manufactory of.—Spain, 193 Isabellen Hutte Smelting Works. — Zollverein (S), 3 Isaieff, P.—Russia, 184 Isidore & Brandt.—xvi. 252 Iskander-Beck-Ogli, see Zilfoolgen- Reck, &c. Isler, J. & Co.—Switzerland, 227 Isler, J. jun.—Switzerland, 227 Isler, J. & Son.—Switzerland, 227 Isler & Otto.—Switzerland, 213 Ismael-Abdool-Rughil-Ogli. — Russia, 160 Israel, C.—Zollverein (1), 754 Issmayer, I. M.—Zollverein (2), 26 Istance, R.—ix. 100 Itchegoloff.—Russia, 136 Itzigsohn, M.—Zollverein (1), 97 Ivanotf.—Russia, 267 Ivanoftj P.—Russia, 259 J. Jaccard, Brothers.—Switzerland, 27 Jaccard, L.—Switzerland, 104 Jack, C.-i. 437a J ack, W.— x. 678 Jackson, see Spear & Jackson Jackson, C. — xix. 84 Jackson & Clay.— vii. 75 Jackson, Elizabeth. —xxix. 59 Jackson, E. & W— x. 258 Jackson, E. & W. H.— xxiv. 77 Jackson, G.— xxvi. 242 Jackson & Graham. —xix. 390 ; (North Transept) ; xxvi. 261 ; Bay M. 23 Jackson, H.— vii. 201 Jackson, H. H.—Bermudas, 2 Jackson, J. —v. 703; xi. 1 Jackson & Matthewman, xiv. 36 Jackson, Miss, see Jackson, Mrs. & Miss Jackson, Mrs. and Miss.— xiii. 55 Jackson, P. R. —v. 682 Jackson, R. B.— xvi. 288 Jackson, S. see Jackson, W. H, &S. Jackson & Sons.— xxvi. 5. Bay M. 22- i. 19 Jackson, T.—xxvm. 21 Jackson, W.—xxii. 311; see also Jack- son, E. & W. Jackson, W. H. see Jackson, E. & W. H.; Jackson, W. H. & S. Jackson, W. H. & S.—x. 32 Jacob, H.—Zollverein (1), 786 Jacob, P,—France, 1629 Jacobber.—France, 271 Jacobi, F. A.— Zollverein (1), 787; 823 Jacobs, see Blyth & Jacobs ; Truesdule, Jacobs, & Co. Jacobs & Bering.—Zollverein (1), 524 Jacobs & Dupuis.—France, 8S6 Jacobs, G.—xxix. 183 Jacot, H. L.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 210 Jacot & Courvoirier.—United States, 381 Jacqmain, G.—Belgium, 459 Jacquemart, Brothers.—France, 272 Jacquet, jun.—Belgium, 462 Jacquet, H. & Co.—Sardinia, 26 Jacquet, R.—France, 545 Jacquin, J. J.—France, 546 Jacquot.—France, 547 Jacquot, F.—Belgium, 347 Jaeger, C.—Zollverein (1), 469 Jaen.—Spain, 82 Jaenig, U.—Zollverein (3), 134 Jaffray, J. R.—Austria, 722 Jager, F. I.—Austria, 278 Jaget, see Maurel, Jaget, & Co. Jagodzinsky, A.—Zollverein (3), 8 Jahn, A.—Zollverein (3), 34 Jahti, F. H.—Zollverein (3), 183 Jaillon, Moinier, & Co.—France, 273 Jakovleff, Madame Catherine.—Russia, 25. 286 Jalovitzin, J.—Russia, 236 Jamar, A.—Belgium, 444 James, see Cowley and James ; Howell, James, & Co.; Watt, James, & Co. James & Aubrey.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 37 James & Chapman—United States, 181 James & Co.—v. 411 James, H.—xix. 215 James, J. — i. 413 a; vii. 19 (Main Avenue, West) ; xvi. 40 ; xxii. 317; xxix. 295 James, J. & Co.—ix. 86 James, J. H.—x. 577 James, Jabez.— vii. 106 (Main Avenue, West) James, W. H.—xxiv. 85 Jameson & Banks.—xn. & xv. 278 Jameson & Co.—xiv. 60 Jamieson, see Paterson, Jamieson, & Co. Jamieson, G.—I. 25 Jamieson, R.—Western Africa, 22 Jamin.—France. 548 Jamison, V. D. V.—United States, 173 Jancovvski.—xvi. 50 Jancowski, W.—xix. 48 Janke, Brothers.—Austria, 591 Jannarsch, H.—Zollverein (1), 821 Jannasch, O.—Zollverein (1), 836 Janqueria, Manufactory of.—Portugal, 655, 656, 657 Jansen, A.—Belgium, 139 Jansen, J, W.—Zollverein (1), 349 62 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OE CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating tlie Janson & Luehdorf.—Zollverein (2), 56 Janssen, N. H. A.—Netherlands, 19 Janssens, J).—Belgium, 193 Jantzen, G. E.—Zollverein (1), 205 Jantzen, J. C. F.—Hamburgh, 83 Japuis & Son.—France, 274 Japy, Brothers.—France, 275 Jaquemar, F.—Austria, 335 Jaquemet, see Loroque, &c. Jaquemot, J. M.— IV. 37 Jaques & Son.—Switzerland, 33 Jaquet, S.—Belgium, 461 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Jaquin, C. A.—Yl. 68 J arret t, G.—vi. 154 Jarrett, W.—vm. 319 Jarrow Chemical Works (South Shields). —II. 20 Jarvie.— xviii. 82 Jarvis, see Garton & Jarvis Jastrzebski, F.—Belgium, 176 Jaudin, A.—France, 887 Jaulin, J.—France, 1274 Jaun, T.—Switzerland, 255 Javef, C. —France, 888 Jeakes, W.—xxii. 237 (Main Avenue, West) Jean, Franc.—Switzerland, 152 jeanes, see Johnstone & Jeanes Jeanneret, Brothers.—Switzerland, 38 Jeannet, F.—Switzerland, 5 Jeannin.—France, 1275 Jeanselme.—France, 1276 Jeanselme, J. P. F.—France, 889 Jeantet.—Algeria, 29 Jeanti, Prevost, Perraud, & Co.— France, 1277 Joe, A. S.—vn. 222. 755. (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Jeffcoat, F. L.—xxii. Jeffers, W. H.—United States, 116 Jeflerv, R.—vii. 14 Jeffery, Walsh, & Co.—vm. 188 Jeffrey, A.—-United States, 150 Jeffrey, Allen, & Co.—xxvi. 326 Jeffrey, R.— XIV. 59 Jeffries, 1.—xxix. 184 Jeffries, J.—Canada, 62 Jeffs, see Bearn & Jeffs Jeliin, H. J.— Belgium, 410 Jehotle, C.—Belgium, 447 Jehotte, L.—Belgium, 463 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Jel linek, J.—Austria, 338 Jenken, W.—Netherlands, 74 Jenkins & Beer.— I. 92 Jenkins & Courtney.—I. 93 Jenkins, G.— v. 88 Jenkins, H. W.—i. 502 Jenkins, J.—vm. Ill Jenkins & Stick.—I. 170 Jenkins, W. H.—n. 43 Jenkins, W. & Son.—x. 484 Jenkinson, J.—xxii. 594 Jennens & Bettridge.-— XXII. 371; XXVI. 187 (Main Avenue, West) Jennens & Co.—vm. 201 Jennings, B.—i. 194; xxx. (Sculpture Court) 6. 81 Jennings & Claghorn.—United States, 276 Jennings & Co.—United States, 118 Jennings, G.— xxii. 530. 810 Jennings, H. C.— II. 99 Jennings, J. D.—Van Diemen’s Land, 236 Jennison, J.— IX. 70 Jenny, see Blumer & Jenny Jenny & Schindler.—Austria, 183 Jens, see Wulff, Jens, & Sons Jeppe, H.—Cape of Good Hope, 4 Jepson, W.— xxvii. 132 Jerak, F.—Austria, 134 Jerichau, J. A.— Denmark, 39 (Main Avenue, East) Jerningharp, Commander.—vm. 21 Jerome, Brothers.—France, 549 Jessen, N. S.— Denmark, 14 Jessop.—v. 64; see also Cowgill, Jessop, & Co. Jewett, S. W.—United States, 499 Jewsbury & Co.—iv. 66 Jibb, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 14 Jobart, A.—Belgium, 89 Jobsou&Co. —XXII. 106 (Main Avenue, W est) Jobst, F.—Zollverein, (4), 4 Jodhpore, H. H. the Rajah of.—India, x. Johanney-Aboe, A. W.—Zollverein (1), 493 Johansson, J.—Sweden and Norway, 17 John, A.—Greece, 59 John, J. R. St.—United States, 95. 510. 542 John’s, St. College.—New Zealand, 7 Johne & Thiele.—Austria, 379 Johns, G. E.—xxix. 51 Johnsdotter, Christina M.—Sweden & Norway, 33 Johnson, see Deane & Johnson; Hard¬ ing, Pullen, & Johnson ; Svvauwick & Johnson Johnson, Cammill, & Co.—xxii. 109 Johnson & Co.—xx. 48 Johnson, E.— xxii. 67 ; xxvi. 243 Johnson, G. & Co.—xix. 216. 316 J Johnson, H. T.—vm. 328 Johnson, J.—xi. 48; XII. & XV. 112; New Zealand, 21 Johnson, J. R. —ii. 60 Johnson, Maria.—xix. 217 Johnson & Matthey.—i. 477 Johnson, P.—xxvm. 15 Johnson, R., & Brother.—vi, 212 Johnson, R. J.— xviii. 20 Johnson, R., & Nephew.—xi. 55 Johnson, Sewall, & Co.—United States, 441 Johnson, T.—ix. 257 a J ohnston.—x. 419 Johnston, A. K., see Johnston, W. & A. K. Johnston & Co.—xxvi. 75 Johnston, G., see Johnston, J. & G. Johnston, G. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 19 Johnston, J. — xii. & XV. 274 ; xx. 128a. Johnston, J. & G. — xx. 143 Johnston, W. & A. K. — x, 198 Johnstone, G. —I. 175 Johnstone, J.— xix. 218 Johnstone & Jeanes.— xxvi. 10 Jolly, F.—France, 276 Jolly, J.— ix. 69 Jolly-Leclerc.—France, 890 Joly.—France, 277 Joly, J. M., sen.—France, 891 Joly, Mmes.—France, 892 Jonas & Brothers.—ill. 42 Jones.— V. 156 ; x. 141 ; xxii. 121 ; see also Barlow,Gooddy,& Jones; Ellam, Jones, & Co.; Morris, Jones, & Co. Jones, A. J.— xxvi. 78; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 70 Jones, B. —x. 533 Jones, Brothers.—Belgium, 118 Jones. C. E.— ix. 269 Jones & Co.— III. 43 ; xxvi. 336 ; Bay P. 15 Jones, D.—xxvm. 7; Canada, 41 Jones, E.—ix. 52. 133; xii. & xv. 259. 265 ; xxvi. 215 Jones, J)r. E.—x. 127 Jones, G. —iii. 106 Jones, Isabella B.—xxix. 82 Jones, J.—xx. ,149; xxii. 136. 230; XXVIII. 122 ; XXIX. 182; British Guiana, 37, 38 Jones, J., & Co.— xxii. 801 Jones, John—x. 64 Jones, J. C.—x. 481 Jones, J. E.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 40. 45. 84 Jones, J. jun.— vm. 136 Jones, J. R.—United States, 172a Jones, J. V.—United States, 172 Jones, L. V.—xix. 138 Jones, Mary.—xix. 219 Jones, Owen.—xvii. 139; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 54 Jones, O. & Co.—in. 128 Jones, P.—ix. 123b; x. 652 Jones, R. & Sons.—xxii . 277 Jones, Sells, & Co.—Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), 42 ; i. 258 Jones, Simonson, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 787 Jones & Sons.—xxiv. 11 WljOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE, 63 foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Jones, T.—x. 656 Jones, T. Mv. 656 Jones, W.—xxyi. 287 ; xxvii. 105; Rome, 4S Jones, W. D.—xvi. 30 Jones, Rev. W. H.—xxix. 95 Jones, White, & M'Curdy. — United States, 33 Jones, Z.—xxiv. 44 Jonet, D.—Belgium, 389 Jonghe, A. De.—Belgium, 416 Joostens, G. J.—Belgium, 457 Jordan.—Main Avenue, West, 80, see also Deinhart & Jordan Jordan & Barber.—Austria, 68 Jordan, C. — i. 487 ; x. 285 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 208 Jordan. J.—x. 523 Jordan, J. F.—Zollverein (2), 27 Jordan, T.— IX. 91a Jordan & Timaeus.—Zollverein (3), 6 Jordan, W.—vi. 29 Jordan, W. H.—v. 888 Jordans.—xxvi. 384 Jorez, L., & Son.—Belgium, 306 Jorge, M. J.—Portugal, 928-932. 963. 965. 968-972 Jorritsma, A.—Netherlands, 18 Joseph, J. A.—South Australia, 7 Joseph, J. G.—Canada, 182 Joshua, D.—Zollverein (3), 72-83. 89 Josselin, J. J.—France, 551 Joubert, Bonnaire, & Co.—France, 552 Joubert, J. G.—Cape of Good Hope, 52 Joubert, C. S.—xx. 40 Joudpore, Rajah of.—India, xxvii. Jouhanneaiid & Dubois.—France, 1630 Jouhaud, P.—Jersey & Guernsey, 19 Joule, J. P.—x. 440 Jourdain, W. D.—xviii. 61 I Jourdain, X.—France, 1631 Journet, V., see Maubau & Journet, V. Journial, J.—France, 553 Jouvin & Doyon.—France, 1279 Jouvin, Widow.—France, 893 Jouvne, L. H. F.—Belgium, 123 Jowett, J.—xxii. 170. Jowitt & Battie.— XXII. 187a I Jowitt, 3'., & Co.— xii. and xv. 144 Joyce, F., & Co.— viii. 277 Joyce, W.—v. 20 ; Joynson.—xvn. 42 Joynson, W.— xvii. 42a i Joysel.—xxn. 612 j! Jraf-Ogli.—Russia, 207 ; Jubb & Sons.— xii. & xv. 82 Jubulpore School of Industry.—Eastern end (outside), 104.—India, vill. I Judas Moha.—Algeria, 30 Judge, C.—xvi, 41 Judge, T.—v. 130 Juditsky.—Russia, 137 Judkins, C. T.—vi. 52 Judo, T. B.—Belgium, 420 Jukes, see Coulson, Jukes, & Co. Juleff, J. & J.—xxv. 30 Julenius, Anna.—Russia, 221 Julien, Marguerite.—France, 279 Julin, N.—Belgium, 383 Jullien.—Algeria, 31 ; France, 1280 Jullien & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 63 Junge & Walther.—Zollverein (5), 17 Junghans, I. G.—Zollverein (3), 131 Junker, see Nilson and Junker ; Uhlig’s widow & Junker Junod, Brothers.—Switzerland, 7 Junod, T.—Switzerland, 106 Juhel-Desmares, J.—France, 278 Jurgeuseus, Sons.—Denmark, 17 Jury, see Sharp, Odell, & Jury Juson, W.—in. 95 K. Kaehszmann, J.—Austria, 704 Kaemtnerer, C.—Zollverein (4), 42 Kaesen, J.—Zollverein (1), 408 Kahler. A.—Hamburgh, 117 Kaibel, J.—Zollverein (l), 525 Kain, J. F.—xxvm. 45 Kaiser, A. —Netherlands, 84. Kaiser, G. C. F.—Netherlands.—51 Kaiser, J.—x. 66 Kalide, T.—Zollverein (1), 285 Kaltenecker, J.—Zollverein, 54 a K altenmark, P.—Austria, 520 Kamner, G. T.—Austria, 199 Kane, G.—xvi. 62 Kane, W. J.—n. 53 Kariitz & Sons, M. L.—Austria, 697 Kappeler F.—174 Kapeller, L.—Zollverein (2), 28 Kapp, C. H.—Switzerland, 66 Karcher, F.—Zollverein (1), 391. 877 Karcher & Westermanu. — France, 1632 Karnovitch.—Russia, 31. 101 Karschelitz, S. N.—Zollverein (1), 157 Karth, see Engelhard & Karth Kase.—ix. 237 Kattenbusch, see Tescheymacher & Kat- tenbusch Kauertz, see Krahaus & Kauertz Kauflfmann.—Zollverein (1), 117 Kauffmann, M.—Zollverein (1), 123 Kaufmann, A.—Russia, 117 Kaufmann, C. H. & Son.—Zollverein (3), 114 Kaulbach, see Cornelius & Kaulbach Kaulbach, E.—xxx. 316 Kausche, G.—Zollverein (1), 794 Kavvau Company.—New Zealand Kay, H. —xviii. 68 Kay, J—i. 27 Kay, Richardson & Wroe.—xii. and xv. 186 Kay, T.—xxv. 31 Kaye, Findlay, & Co.—XX. 140 Kayser, A.—Zollverein (1), 370 Kayser, J.—Austria, 368 a Kearney, W. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 5 Kearse, T.—xx. 175 Keasley. W. H.—v. 140 Keating, T.—ii. 102 Keddell, J. S.—xix. 221 Keed, G. F.—xxii. 378 Keen.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 158; see also Gray & Keen Keene, R. W.—xxvii. 10. 27 Keene, W.—in. 98 ; ix. 193; xxii. 94 Keep & Watkin.—XXII. 76. Kehl, J. C.—Zollverein (1), 64 Kehlners, A. C.—Austria, 116 Kehoe, J.—xxx. 90 Kehrli, Brothers.—Switzerland, 242 Keigel, F. A.—Switzerland, 3 Keighley, see Lockwood & Keighley Keith.—v. 466 Keith, D. & Co.—XIII. 1 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Keith, G.—xxii. 601 Keith, J.—xxni. 121 Keith, Shoobridge, & Co.—Xii. and xv. 279 Kekule, C.—Zollverein (1), 5. Kell, see Schwann & Co. Kell, A. & Co.—xxii. 327 Keller.—France, 280 Keller & Co.—Zollverein (1), 888 Keller, J.—Austria, 191 Keilermann, F. — Zollverein (5), 19; Zollverein (6), 62 Kellner, S.—Zollverein (2), 86 Kelly, J. & Co.— XX. 178 Kelly, J. J.—Switzerland, 150 Kelly, R. W. —Canada, 22 Kelly & Son.—xxix. 159 Kelsall & Bartlemore.— xii. & XV. 486 Kelsey, J. T.—xvi, 266 Kemmel & Co., see Willich, A. Kem- mel, & Co. Kemp, see Smith, Kemp, & Wright; Stone & Kemp Kemp, G.—Van Diemen’s Land, 320 Kemp, T.—Zollverein (1), 727 Kempen, J. M. V an.—Netherlands, 101 Kendall, C. H.—xxvi. 246 Kendall & Co.—xxix. 24 Kendall, H.—Zollverein (1), 422 Kendall, J.—ill. 14, 75, 92; Zoll¬ verein (1), 701. 763. 773. 815. (2), 9S Kendall, P.—Zollverein (1),422 Kengyel, J. —-Austria, 8 Kennard & Co.— xxii. 804 64 ALPHABETICAL Ml)!:! OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class, Kennard, R. W.—v. 644 Kennedy, Dr.—ix. 208c Kennedy, Dr. E.—x. 725 Kennedy, J.—British Guiana, 16a, 16b Kennedy, M.—v. 304 Kennedy. W. S.—xxv. 4 Kenrick & Sons.— xxii. 360a Kent.—xvi. 101, see also Howard & Kent Kent, A.—Western End, North Enclo¬ sure (Outside), 62; xxvii. 122 Kent, G.— xxii. 553 Kent, J. — xxii. 396 Kent, J. H.— ii. 90 Kent, R.—v. 892 Kentemost, J. B.—Belgium, 509 Ken worthy, see Hornby & Ken worthy Kenyon, J. & J.— xn. & xv. 94 Keogh, H.— xxix. 119 Kepp & Co. —xxii. 489 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 15 Ker, W.— xxvi. 103 Kerbalay-Hoossein-Ogli.—Russia, 279 Kerbalay-Khooda-Aghali-Ogli.—Russia, 263 Ker bier, J.—Austria, 521 Keremerle, M.—United States, 527 Kerim-Raghim-Ogli.—Russia, 87 Kerke, A.—Russia, 48 Kerkzoff, Van der, & Kreith.—Zolive- rein (1), 512 Kermode, R. L.—Van Diemen’s Land, 235 Kern, H.—Zollverein (6), 45 Kern, J.—Switzerland, 88 Kerr & McMillan.— xviii. 54 Kerr, R.—xii. & xv. 300 Kerr and Scott.—xii. & xv. 275 Kershaw, H. see Kershaw, S. and H. r ~ Kershaw, S. & H.—xii. &xv. 161 Kershaw, T.— xxvii. 1 Kerslake, T. —xxii. 92 Kersten, A.—Zollverein (1), 242, 243 Kesseler, C.—Zollverein (1), 299 (Maim Avenue, East) Kesselkaul, J. H.—Zollverein (1), 371 Kesselmeyer & Mellowdew.— xviii. 44 Kessels, H.—Belgium, 127 Kessler, N.—Switzerland, 243 Kesterton, E.— v. 894 Ketelaere.— Belgium, 350 Kettenhuber, J.—Austria, 483 Kettlewell, Mary.— xix. 223 Key, see Burgess and Key Key, E. S.— xxvii. 126 Keymer, J.— xviii. 12 Keyn, De, Brothers.—Belgium, 406 Keys & Mountford.— xxv. 14 Khalil-Beek-Saphieff.—Russia, 57 Khamoflf, M.—Russia, 162 Khamonnitsky, Iron Works of.—B bbsSsv 20 Khavkoff, N. N.—Russia, 45 Kherson, Peasant Women.—Russia, 211 Khirghis.—Russia, 278 Khokholkoff Sc Gregorieffe.—Russia, 63 Kiaing Tiht’ Chin, Great Porcelain Works of.— China, Kidd, see Dobbs, Kidd, & Co. Kidd, W.—xxiv. 3 Kidd & Podger.— hi. 150 Kidder, C, F.—United States, 492 Kiddle, H.—xxiv. 39 Kiddle, J.—xix. 384 Kidston, W. & Co.—x, 646 Kiel, Miss Van.—Belgium, 333 Kielman.—Zollverein (1), 847 Kiendl, A.—Austria, 148 Kieser & Co.—Zollverein (4), 81 ICietaibl, F.—Austria, 653 Kightley, J.—xix. 123 Kijevski, see Hirshmann and Kijevski Kilburn, W. E.—x. 294 Kilian, H.—Zollverein (1), 665 Killrogan Parochial School.—xix. 372 Kimbal, D.—United States, 457 Kimber, see Hughes & Kimber Kimber, A. M. Sc Co.—United States, 500 Kimberley, J.—xxii. 362 Kimmermann, E. G.—Zollverein (5), 19 Kincaid, T.—vm. 89 Kinder & Wheeler.—v. 895 Kindermann, A.—Zollverein (3), 170 King.— xxiii. 94 King, C.—xxii.' 5; xxvi. 61 King & Co.—i. 91 king, Emma.—IV. 2 King, G—i. 115 King J.—xxvm. 41. King, J. H. see King, T. and J. H. King, Miss.—xix. 224 ; New Zealand, 26 King, P. H. F.—vm. 19 King & Peach.—xxi. 5 King R. Sc W.—xi. 23; Western Afri¬ ca, 7 ! King, S. —xxii. 407 King, T—i. 136 ! King, T. D.—x. 287 i King, T. J.—viii. 281 King, T. & J. H.—xvn. 22 King, T. R.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 113 King, W.—vii. 160 ; see also King, R. and W. King, W. A., xxvi. 113 King, W. W.—ii. 84 Kings, W.—v. 896 Kingsbury, Louisa.—xix. 225 ; xxvi. 124 Kingswell, F.—ix. 25b j Kinnear, see Johnson, T. Kinnis, W.—xiv. 26 Kiuol, A,—Hamburgh, 39 Kinross, W. & Co.— v. 898 Kinselbach, T.—Zollverein (4), 26 Kinzleberger & Co.—Austria, 27 Kirby, Beard & Co. —xxix. 96 Kirby, J.— xvn. 23 Kirby, W. —xvi. Ill Kirk, Henry.—Austria, 729 Kirk, J. —xxx. (Sculpture Court), 46 Kirk, J. M.— xii, & xv. 163 Kirk, J. R. —xxx. (Sculpture Court), 2 Kirk & Sons.— xiv. 10 Kirk & Parry.—i. 179 Kirk, W. B.— xxx. (Sculpture Court), 25 Kirk & Warren.—xxii. 161 Kirk man & Son.—x. 467 Kirkwood, W. —xxii. 524 Kirner, J.—Austria, 121 Kirschbaum, see Schenlzler & Kirsch- baum Kirschfen, see Dick Sc Kiischten Kirsh, J. N.—Portugal, 985—987 Kirstein, C.—Zollverein (1), 120 Kirstein, F.—France, 281 Kii’sten, C. U.—Zollverein (3), 11 Kirtland, B. B.—United States, 84 Kisch, S. A.—xx. 65 Kisker, W.—Zollverein (1), 553 Kiss, Prof. A.—Zollverein (1), 279 f (Main Avenue, East) Kissel, J.—France, 554 Kissing 8c Mollmanu.—Zollverein (1), 647 Kistemaeckers, H.—Belgium, 270 Kiszewsky, Meseritz.— Zollverein (1), 39 Kitchener, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 289 Kitchener, W. C.—ill. 5 Kitchin, J.—iv. 126a; Ceylon Kiteley, J.—xix. 226 Kitschelt, A.—Austria, 434 Kits on, Thompson, & Hewitson.—v. 534 1 Kitteridge, F. O.—United States, 253 ! Kittl’s Heirs, Ant.—Austria, 592 Klaftenberger, see Aubert & Klaften- berger Klamer, J.—Austria, 184 Klanner, F.—Austria, 642 Klarer, J. A.—Switzerland, 244 Kleber, see Blanche!, Brothers, & Kleber Kleeman, see Sturgen and Kleeman Kleft, Brothers.—Hamburgh, 94 Klein, Baron.—Zollverein (6), 80 Klein, C.—Zollverein (6), 23 Klein, F.—Zollverein (1), 595 Klein, F. G.—Zollverein (4), 80 Klein, J. G. sen.—Zollverein (6), 64 Klein, P.—Zollverein (6), 63 Klein, S. C. F.—Zollverein (1), 578 Kleinjasper, J. F.—France, 1633 Kleinjung, see Pferdmenges 8c Klein jung. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 65 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Kleiuschmit & Von Halfern.—Zollverein (1), 372 Kleist, Baron Von.—Austria, 424 Klement, F.—Austria, 569 Klemm, G. A.-—Zollverein (3), 18 Klems, J. B.—Zollverein (1), 595 Klepatsky.—Russia, 35 Klinger, C. A.—Zollverein (2), 29 Klingsey, C. G.—Denmark, 34 Klopper, II.—Zollverein (1), 489 Knecht, Emile.—France, 282 Kneeland, H.—United States, 146 Knierim, F.— Austria, 107 Knight, see Harvey & Knight Knight & Foster.— xxii. 689, 694 Knight, G. & Sons.—x. 453 ; xxi. 24 Knight & Havvkes.— xvii. 107 Knight, J.—xxix. 8 Knight, J. A.—xvii. 86 Knight, T. & Co.—xvm. 42 Knight, T. W.—xxii. 587 Knight, W.—ix. 22 Knill, J.—Austria, 632 Knoll, Brothers.—Austria, 724 Knoll, C.—Zollverein (2), 88 Knops, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 373 Knorr, F.—Zollverein (2), 38 Knospe & Backe.—Zollverein (4), 97 Knowles, see Nelson, Knowles, & Co. Knowles, H.—xxii. 289 Knox, see Morison & Knox; Rainey, Knox, & Co. Knox, G. —y. 514 Knuttner, A.—Zollverein (1), 236 Kobbe, see Moosbrugger & Kobbe Kobelt & Sons.—xxvi. 396 Koblich, H. M.—Zollverein (3), 123 Koch, C. A.—Zollverein (1), 328 Koch, F—Zollverein (6), 87 Kochmeister, F.—Austria, 5 Kock, H. A.—British Guiana, 55 a, 55b, 59a Koechlin & Co.—Switzerland, 152 Koecklin, Brothers.—-France, 1634 Koehler & Schledich.—Zollverein (3), 93 Koellreutter, F.—Switzerland, 196 Koenig & Bueckler.—Zollverein (1), 552 Koenig, C. A.—Zollverein (1), 163 Koenig, G.—Zollverein (1), 323 Koenig, L.—Zollverein (1), 139 Koenig & Pask.—x. 504 jKoerner, M.—Zollverein (1), 246 ' Koester & Uhlmann.—Zollverein (3), 70 [Koheler, J.—Zollverein (5), 26 Kohl, G. H.—Zollverein (4), 14 Kohler, F.—Zollverein (4), 46 Kohler, J.—yiii. 254; x. 540 |Kohlstadt, L.—Zollverein (1), 400 Kolin, M. A.—Hamburgh, 17. Kohn, M. T.—Zollverein (2), 49 jlKohnke, F. J.—Hamburgh, 103 Kohnstamm, H.—Zollverein (3), 68 Kohring, see Schuer, Dr. & Kohring Kok, A. P.—Netherlands, 23 Kokhanoff.—Russia, 295 Kolb & Schule.—Zollverein (4), 28 Krilbel, B.—Austria, 645 a K olbjbrnsen, K.— Denmark, 2 Kolesch, D.—Zollverein (1), 196 Koll, J. N.—Hamburgh, 82 Koller, see Tanner & Koller Ivoller, F.—Austria, 466 Kolm, J.—Austria, 484 Kolokolnikoff.—Russia, 203 Kolp, see Baenzegei, Kolp, & Co. Kolyvan, Imperial Polishing Manufac¬ tory at.—Russia, 327 Konarzewski, A.—Zollverein (1), 300 Kondrasheff.—Russia, 353 Koudriaffzell-Jadenoffsky, B.—Russia, 346 Kongsberf, Manufactory of Arms.— Sweden and Norway, 40 Kbnig, C. G. & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 701 Kbnig, F. P.—Austria, 596 Konig, G.—Austria, 262 Koning, de, see Hansen & de Koning Koningshuette, Royal Works at.— Zollverein (1), 3 Konovnitzin, Count J.—Russia, 337 Konovnizin, Countess.— Russia, 220 Koopmans, K.—Netherlands, 40 Kopke, C. J. L.— Hamburgh, 77 Kopp, H. F. J.—Switzerland, 1 7 Kopp & Kroll.—Hamburgh, 41 Koppe, A.—Zollverein (1), 143 Koppelin, E. —France, 894 Koriakin & Moujikoff (Peasants).— Russia, 134 Korlan, G.—Hamburgh, 53. 62 Korner, G. W.—Zollverein (1), 747 Koshkoflf, M.—Russia, 369 Kossett, J.—Austria, 145 Kossuch, J.—Austria, 406 Kostner, A.—Austria, 264 Koteloff, P.—Russia, 239 Koucheleff, Count.—Russia, 32 Kougsberg Silver Works.—Sweden & Norway, 34 Koukell, Jasnopolsky, J.—Russia, 335 Koushvinsk Imperial Cast Iron Works, —Russia, 5 ; 157 Koussoff, J. & Sons.—Russia, 224 Krach, Brothers.—Austria, 391 Kraetschmar, see Rigo & Kraetschmar Kraft, J.—Austria, 677 Krahaus & Kauertz.—Zollverein (1), 527 Krai, A.—Austria, 305 Kralik. S.—Austria, 169 Kramer, A.—Switzerland, 268 Kramer & Baldamus.—Zollverein (1), 736 Kramer, C. A.—Zollverein (1), 416 Kramer, G., see Kramer, L. & G. Kramer, L. & G.—Zollverein (1), 610 Kramsta & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 128 Kranawetter, J.—Austria, 522 Kranner, J.—Austria, 633 Krashenenekoff.—Russia, 100 Kratschsmann, M.—Austria, 697 Krause, C.G., & Co.—Zollverein (3), 58 Krause, F. U.—Zollverein (3), 147 Krause, M.—Zollverein (1), 278 Krausz.—Zollv. (1) 879 Krebs, W.—Zollverein (1), 259 Kreiger & Co.—France, 1283 Kreitb, see Kerkzoff, Van der, & Kreith Kreso, G. L. Von. — Zollverein (5), 32 Kretchmann, H. W. E.—Zollverein (1), 738 Kreuser, see Meinerzhagen & Kreuser Krichuber.—Austria, 371 Krickl, E.—Austria, 263 Kriegel & Co.—Austria, 623 Krimmelbein & Bredt.—Zollverein (1), 457 Krise, C.—Austria, 353 Krocker & Son.—Zollverein (1), 755 Kroenig, F. W., & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 556 Krohn, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 178 Kroll, see Kopp & Kroll Kronheim & Co.— xvii. 181 Kronheirn, J. M.—XXX. (Fine Art Court), 40 Kronheim, M.—Zollverein (1), 284 Kronick, see Becker Sc Kronick Kroning, Dr.—Zollv. (1) 850 Kronowither, J.—Austria, 463 Kroonenburg, W. F.—Netherlands, 43 Kruger, A.—Hamburgh,20; Zollverein , (1), 69 Kruger, G. H.—Hamburgh, SO Krugmann, see Morgenroth & Krug- mann Krumbholz & Trinks.—Zollverein (3), 30 Krumbigel.—Russia, 287 Krumteich, L.—Zollverein (1), 261 Krupp, F— Zollverein (1), 649. 677 Kruse, A. T.—Zollverein (1), 19 Kruse, C. B.—Zollverein (1), 277 Kiibler, G.—Zollverein (2), 11 Kubo, J., & Son.—Austria, 312 Kuchenreuter, T. A.—Zollverein (2), 21 Kuchinka, F.—Austria, 593 Kuegler, H.—Zollverein (3), 186 Kuehnst, G.—Zollverein (6), 20 Kuenemund, J. G.—Zollverein (I), 795 Kuetzing, C.—Switzerland, 89 Kuhler, J. H.—Hamburgh, 72 Kuhlmann, Brothers.— France, 555 Kuhmstedt.—Zollverein (1), 747 Kiihn, see Moeser & Kuhn E 66 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Kuhn, E.—Zollverein (2), 57 Kuhn, —Zollverein (4), 102 Kuhn & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 152 Kullgrin, C. A.—Sweden and Norway, 100 (Eastern End, outside) Kullrich, F.—Zollverein (2), 58 Kummer, K. W.—Zollverein (1), 194 Kuramer, W. E.—Zollverein (1), 817 Kumpf, J.—Austria, 658 Kuxns, K.—Belgium, 468 Kundert, F.—Switzerland, 45 Kunerth, A.—Austria, 333 Kunhardt & Co.—Cape of Good Hope. 14 Kunheim, L. A. H.—Zollverein (1), 13 Kunst, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 70 Kunz, A.—Switzerland, 128 Kunze, C. F. —Zollverein (3), 120 Kunze, F.—Zollverein (3), 5 Kunzer, J.—France, 346. 883 Kuper, W.—XXII. 32 Kiipfer.—Zollverein (1), 29 Kupfer & Steinhauser.—Zollverein (1), 528 Kurg, C.—Austria 465 Kursteiner, see Schlapfer, Schlatter, &c. Kurtz & Schmersahl.— ii. 9 Kuster, see Barre & Kuster Ivutzer & Lehrer—Austria, 24 Kvaviloff, P.—Russia, 90 Kymphenberg Royal Porcelain Manu¬ factory.—Zollverein (2), 64 Xi. Labat, M.—Spain, 104 Labbaye.—France, 556 Laboulaye, C. & Co.—France, 895 Labouring Classes, Society for improv¬ ing the condition of the.— xxvii. 124 Lacarriere, A.—France, 1284 Lacey & Phillips.—United States, 41 Lachapelle & Levarlet.—France, 1285 Lachassagne, A.—France, 1286 Lacombe, L,—France, 557 Lacour, Brothers.—France, 35 Lacroix.-—-Belgium,499; see also Lazare & Lacroix Lacroix, Brothers.—France, 1636 Lacroix & Son.—France, 283 Lacy, H. C.—v. 556 Ladd, C. P.—viii. 80 ; Canada, 151a Ladd, W.—x. 291 a Lade, E—Hamburgh, 23 Ladies of Great Britain.—xix. 379 Ladies’ Industrial Society.—xix. 213 Ladighin, Madame.—Russia, 283 Ladoubee, L.—Belgium, 256 Lafaye, P.—France, 284 Lafebre, A.—Netherlands, xxvm. 53 Laflamme, M. A. —Canada, 116. 122 Lafont, P.—Russia, 270-277 Lafourie & Co.—Portugal, 814-852 Lagerhjelm, P.—Sweden and Norway, 1 Lagresti, Elena Nuzro.—Malta, 18 Lagreze.—France, 1724 Lahoche, P. I.—France, 1287 Lahousse, A.—Belgium, 80 Lahore.-—France, 285 Laibach Carniolian Agricultural So¬ ciety.—Austria, 70, 127 Laignel, J. B.—France, 1637 Lailler, E. H.—France, 559 Laine-Laroche & Max.—France, 286 Laing.—xiv. 63 Laing, J.—vm. 315; xx. 133; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 240 ; British Gui¬ ana, 40 Laings, see Dicksons & Laings Laird & Thomson.—xil. & xv. 199 Lak, D.—United States, 330 Lalande & Chevallier, late Mallet.— France, 1288 La Mancha, Inspector of mines of the district of.—Spain, 6 Lamb, J.—x. 42 ; xvn. 147 Lambert, see Browne and Lambert; Houdin & Lambert Lambert, A. C—xxvii. 70 Lambert, Brown, & Patrick.—xix. S3 Lambert and Bury.—xix. 4 Lambert & Butler.— hi. 40 Lambert, Eleanor.—xxix. 188 Lambert, Elizabeth.—xix. 229 Lambert, G.—Belgium, 185 Lambert, J.—xn. & xv. 30 Lambert & May.—Zollverein (1), 579 Lambert & Rawlings.— xxiii. 102 Lambert, S.—xxvi. 35 ; France, 1638 Lambert & Son. — v. 478; xvi. 63; France, 1289 ; Zollverein (1), 604 Lambert, T. —xxii. 534; Belgium, 373 Lamberty, Brothers.—Belgium, 25. Lamberty, C.—Belgium 3. Lambinon, Ulrich & Co.—Zollverein (1), 451 Lambruschim, R.—Tuscany, 36 Lamere, Madame.—Canada, 42. Lamm, S. L.—Sweden and Norway, IS Lamort, G.—France, 896 Lamort, J.—Zollverein (7), 2 Lampferhoff, A., see Lampferhoff, F. Lampferhoif. F. & A.—Zollverein (1), 485 Lampitt, C.—ix. 130 Lamplough, H.—ii. 71 Lamport, C.—vm. 134 Lampson, C. M.—xvi. 301. (Main Avenue, West.) Lanagan.—x. 728 Lancaster.—Canada, 6 Lance, E. J.—i. 37 Lanchenick, Jane.—xix. 230 Lancon, see Bouvard & Lancon Landale D.—i. 220. Landau, S.—Zollverein (1), 321 Landernau Joint Stock Linen Company. —France, 1019 Landgraff, C.—Zollverein (3), 72-83 Landgratf, Gotfried. — Zollverein (3), 72-83 Landkroon, J.—Netherlands, 67 Landmark, T.—Sweden & Norway, 19 Landon, see East, Landon, &c. Landon & Co.—-France, 1289, 1290 Landon & Morland.—vm. 204 Landron, Brothers.—France, 1639 Landwhermann, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 560 Lane, see Cavers and Lane Lane and Lewis.— xxvii. 53 Lane, T.—xxvi. 128 Lane, W. R.—in. 35 ; xxii. 794 Lanenegger, see Waldburger & Lanen- egger Latienville, V.—France, 287 Lang, A. F.—Zollverein (4), 34 Lang, F.—Austria, 349. 661 Lang, G,—Zollverein (2), 77 Lang, J.— vm. 226 ; Austria, 185 Lang, L.—France, 288 Langdale, Ann & Helen.— xvi. 222 Langdale, E. F.-— xxix. 55 Langdale, H.— xvi. 222 Langder, J.—Austria, 329 Langdon, see Brookman & Langdon Langdon & Sons.— xx. 168 Langdon, W.— xvi. 91 Langdon, W. jun.— xvi. 89 Langdorf, see Metert 8c Langdorf Lange, A.—Zollverein (3), 17 Lange, Desmoulins.—France, 1291 Lange, F.—Zollverein (1), 739 Lange, Franz, & Sons.—Austria, 179 Lange, H.—Denmark, 42 Langenbeck & Martini. — Zollverein (1), 576 Langenheim, W. F.—UnitedStat.es, 62 Langethal, G.—Zollverein (1), 740 Langevin & Co.—France, 898 Langgaard, J. P.— Denmark, 18 Langlade.—France, 1650 a. Langley, see Morton & Langley Langlois & Leclercq.—France, 289 Langner, H.—Zollverein (1), 833 Lanne, E.—France, 1641 Lantein 8c Co.—France, 566 Lantheere, F. 8c Co.—Belgium, 486 Lapas, D.—Greece, 10 Laperiere.—France, 1710 Laypeyre (Uncle) & Dolbeau.— France, 1292 Lapeyre, Kob, 8c Co.—France, 1642 Laporta, H. F.—Austria, 387 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. fi7 _o»ngn_and Colonial Exhibitors, are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Laporte, V. & Son.—France, 900 Lapshin.—Russia, 145 Lapteff, N.—Russia, 371 Lapthorn, J.—vhi. 170i Lapworth, A.—xix. 232 Eara.^ D. de.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Larbre, see Fortel, Larbre, & Co. Larcher, Faure, Sc Co.—France, 1293 Larcher, Joao.—Portugal, 467, 468 Larchers & Brother.—Portugal, 787-797 Lardei’el, Count F. de.—Tuscany, 24 Lardinois, N. C.—Belgium, 151 ~ Larisch-Moennich, Count H.—Austria 59, 92 Lariviere, C.—France, 290 Laroche, E.—France, 291 Laroche, M.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 252 h Laroque, Son, Brothers, and Jaquemet. —France, 901 Larsonnier, see Bernoville, &c. Larstig, M.—Austria, 62 Lart & Son.—xx. 81 Lasaca, J. J. de.—Spain, 113 Lascelles, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 18 Lascelles, J. W.—xxix. 123 Lassa, M. R.—Portugal, 1151 Lassen, M.—Zollverein (8), 2 Lasson, A.—France, 565 Last, J.—xvi. 33 Last, S.—xvi. 38 Latache de Neuvillette, P. A.—France 562 Latchmore, see Beale, C. & Latchmore Latellin & Payen.—France, 1643 Latham & Dighton.—xxvi. 251 Lathrop, J.—United States, 299 Latinie, A.—Belgium, 184 Latour, A. de.—Belgium, 363 Laitermann & Sons.—Zollverein (3), Lauchhammer.—Zollverein (1) 852 Laude, A.—France. 897 Laue, Eliza.—Switzerland, 55 Laue, F.—Switzerland, 65 Laugher & Cosens.—xix. 10 Laughland, J.—xx. 144 Laugier.—France, 1640 Laumain, C—France, 292 Laur, J. A.—France, 567 Laureau, L.—France, 293 Laurenaudiere, late Guyot. — France 1294 Laurengot, E.—France, 1296 Laurent, D.—Canada, 31 Laurent, F.—France, 564. 1297 Laurent-Frangois — France, 1297 Laurent, J. B.—France, 902 Laurent, Pauline.—France, 563 Laurent-Gsell & Co,—France, 294 Laurenzi, L.—Austria, 108 Lauret, Brothers.—France, 903 Laurie, R. W.—viii. 195 Laurie, S.—x. 576 Laurin, J. J.—Canada, 180 Laury, G. A.—France, 568 Lautenstein, see Croissan & Lautenstein Lauterburg, F.—Switzerland, 48 Lauterburg, J. & Co.—Switzerland, 129 Lautz, L.—France, 295 Lava, K.—Belgium, 500 Lavancky, J. B.—vn. 84 Lavars, J.—viii. 31 Laverdure.—Zollverein (1) 845 Lavernhe & Mathieu dit Verger.— France, 1298 Laviolette, De Moor.—Belgium, 96 Lavoisy, A. D.—France, J299 Law & Sons,—xxvi. 89 Law, see Buchanan & Law. Law, E., see Law, W. & E. Law, R.—ix. 94 Law, W.—vi. 460 Law, W. & E.—xviii. 10 Lawden, see Tipping Sc Lawden Lawlor.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 22 Lawrence.—x. 115 Lawrence, see Robbins & Lawrence Lawrence, A., see Lawrence, A. &A.& Co. Lawrence, Hon. A.—United States, 521 Lawrence, A. & A. & Co. — United States, 409. 453 Lawrence & Co.—x. 722 Lawrence, Elizabeth.—xx. 158 Lawrence, J., see Lawrence, T. B. & J. Lawrence, J., sen.—vi. 604 Lawrence, M. M.—United States, 151 Lawrence, Stone, & Son.—United States, 464 Lawrence, Col. T. B.—United States, 516,517 Lawrence, T. B. & J.—xxn. 54 Lawrence, W.—n. 56 Lawrie, W.—xxvii. 101 Lawson.—North Transept, 390 Lawson, A.—xiv. 63 Lawson, H.—x. 194 Lawson, J.—xix. 235 a. 325 Lawson, J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 294 Lawson, P. & Son.— hi. 105 Lawson & Sons.—vi. 75 Laya & Co.—Algeria, 32 Layard, Caroline M.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 78 Laycock, J.—ix. 134 Laycock & Sons.—xvi. 330 Laydet, sen., & Co.—France, 296 Lazare, "V. sen,, & Lacroix.—France 905 Lea, A.—ii. 105 Lea, J., see Lea, W. & J. Lea, W. & J.—xxii. 665 Leach, H. J., see Leach, M. S. & H. J Leach, M. S. & H. J.—United States, 155 Leach & Sons.— xii. & xv. 5 Leach, T.—vi. 7. Leadbeater, J.— xxii. 506; xxix. 221 Leadbetter & Co.—xiv. 63 Lead better, J. Sc Co. — xii. & xv. 205 ; xiv. 9 Leadbetter, J. G.—v. 650 . Leake, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 63 a L eal, F. M. C.—Portugal, 31, 32, 65- 67, 73, 74, 78, 79 Leale & Albrecht.—xxix. 108 Lean, J.—i. 445 Lear, Ellen, see Rankin, Emily, &c. Leared, A.—x. 620 Learmonth,T.—New South Wales, 8, 12 Learned & Reynolds.—United States, 38 Learned & Thatcher.—United States, 100 Learoyd, E—xii. & xv. 89 Learwood, T.— xxii. 578 Leary & Co.—United States, 130 Leask, Mrs. J.—United States, 108 Leathart, T.—xvi. 317 Leather, J. W.— vii. 107 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Leaver, J. C.— xxii. 583 Leavesley, see Hands & Leavesley Leavitt, G.—Canada, 150 Lebaigue.—m. 29 Lebeda, A. V.—Austria, 114 Lebel, L.—France, 1300 Lebert, L.—France, 569 Lebihan, E—x. 6S8 a L eblanc, A.—France, 297 Lebleis, H.—France, 570 Leblond, J. D.—France, 1301 Lebere, see Boudoin Sc Lebere Lebrun, A.—France, 298, 571 Lebrun, J. A. jun.—France, 572 Lebrun, L. J.—France, 906 Lecand, S.—xxvi. 183 Lecherf.—Belgium, 479 Lechesne.—France, 573 (Main Avenue, East) Lechesne, Brothers.—France, 574 Lechner, F.—Austria, 634 Lechner, M.—Austria, 496 Leclerc, Brothers.—France, 576 Leclerc, H.—France, 299 Leclerc, J.—Fiance, 575 Leclercq, A.—Belgium, 425 Leclercq, J. F.—Belgium, 88 Leclercq, N.—France, 1302 Leclerq, see Langlois and Leclerq Lecocq, H.—France, 1644 Lecocq-Preville.—France, 1303 Lecoentre.—France, 300 Lecomte, see Brunet, &c. Lecoq & Reider.—France, 1304 Lecoultre, A.—Switzerland, 25 Lecoultre, Brothers.—-Switzerland, 90 214 E 2 B8 alphabetical index op contributes and others . ^ Fvhihitors bv Roman Numerals indicating the Class Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Ex_y---— Lecoultre, G.— Switzerland, 262 Lecoultre & Golay.—Switzerland, 263 Lecoultre, J.—Switzerland, 215 Lecoultre & Son.—Switzerland, 32 Lecun & Co.—France, 1306 Leddiard & Co.—xvm. 38 Ledent, M.—Belgium, 148 Ledger, C. —xxii. 155 Ledoux, A.—Switzerland, 58 Ledreney, C.—France, 1307 Leduc, C.—France, 1645 Lee, see M £ Gregor & Lee; Rigby & Lee Lee, B.—xxiii. 71 Lee, C.—ii. 69 Lee, F.—xxvm. 35 Lee, G.—viii. 136 ; XX. 110a ; xxii. 693 Lee, G. L. —xxvi. 402. Lee, J.—v. 507 ; x. 614; xix. 241; xxv. 48 Lee, Dr. J.—i. 125 Lee, J. & Co.—United States, 530 Lee, J. G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 341 Lee, L.—xxvi. 133 Lee, R.—xxix. 185 Lee, T.— viii. 10 Lee, W—United States, 332 Leeb, J.—Zollverein (2), 89 Leech, D.—United States, 159 Leeman, Z.—Switzerland, 257, 258 Leeming, J.—xiv. 41 Leempoel, Van, de Colnet & Co. France, 714 Leendert, see Deyl, Van der, &c. Leeren M anufactory.—Sweden and Nor¬ way, 39 Lees,'A.—xx. 127 a L ees, G., see Lees, R. & G. Lees, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 195 Lees, R. & Co.—xix. 79 Lees, R. & G. —xn. & xv. 192 Lees, T—v. 204. Leeson, Dr. H. B.—I. 8 Lefaucheux.—France, 1308 Lefebre, see Dubreuille, &c. Lefebre, L. J. jun.—Netherlands, 107 Lefebure, A.—France, 1646 Lefebure, J. B.—France, 578 Lefebvre, A. P., France, 577. Lefebvre, Brothers.—France, 579 Lefebvre, Son, & Co—France, 907 Lefebvre, T. & Co.—France, 580 Lefebvre, V. & Co.—Belgium, 354 Lefevre.—France, 581, 1311, 164b Lefevre, A.—Belgium, 403 Lefevre, E.—France, 1312 Lefevre, Ducatteau, Brothers.—France, 1309 Lefrangois.—France, 301, 582 Lefsky, see Boeing, Roehr, & Lefsky. Leftwich, W. H.— viii. 27 Legal, R.—France, 583 Leggatt. —v. 640 Leggatt, H.— Canada, 341 . Legler,—Eastern end (outside) 103. Legoff, see Barbolin & Legoff. Legrand, see Marsaux & Legrand; Schneider, Brothers, & Legrand Legrand, D.—France, 1313 Legrand, M.—France, 584 Legras, A.—Belgium, 47 Legras, L. N. —vii. 93 Legrew, J. North Transept, 34. 42; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 8 Lehmann, A. F— Zollverein (1), 197 Lehmann, C. G.—Zollverein (3), 107 Lehmann, D. J.—Zollverein'(1), 136 Lehmann, IL—Zollverein (1), 138 Lehmann, J. A.—Hamburgh, 49 Lehmann, M.—Zollverein (1), 167 Lehmann, R.—Zollverein (l), 47 Lehrer, see Kutzer and Lehrer Lehrkind, Falkenroth, & Co. — Zoll¬ verein (1), 447 Lehrmann, J. J. A.—Hamburgh, 47 Lehuby.—France, 302 Leicher, A.—Zollverein (8), 6 Leidenfrost, E.—Austria, 192 Leifchild, H. S.—North Transept, 37 Leifchild, J.—II. 67 Leigh, E.—v. 61. Leighton.—xxx. (Fine Art Court,) 112 Leighton, J —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 59 Leighton, J. & J.—xvil. 24 Leighton, Jane & R.—xvil. 158 Leighton, R., see Leighton, Jane, & R. Leimkueler.—Zollverein (1), 398 Leinster, G. L—France, 1716 Leipzig, Society of Worsted Spinners at. —Zollverein (3), 44 Leisegang, W.—Zollverein (1), 149 Leistler, C. & Son.—Austria, 633 Leistner, G, L.—France, 908 Leitch & Hammond.—xxv. 59 Leitenberger, E. —Austria, 186 Leitenberger, F— Austria, 187 Leith, S.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 114 Lejeuue, E.—France, 1314 Lelean, P.—xxix. 185 Lemaieur, C., Detige & Co.—Belgium, 300 Lemaire. — France, 1315; see also Gevelot & Lemaire Lemaire-Descamps & Plissart.— -Bel¬ gium, 240 Lemaire, H. — France, 586. (Main Avenue, East). Lemaire, P. IL—France, 586 Lemaitre, see Bleriot & Lemaitre Leniaitre, B.—France, 1316 Lemann, J., & Soil.— Austria, 265 Lemare, Jane Clara.—xxix. 79 Lemercier, R. J.—France, 587 Lemire, see Bobee & Lemire Lemire & Son.—France, 1649 Lemolt, A. E.—France, 303 Lemon, see Graham, Lemon, & Co. * Lemonnier.—France, 304 Lemonnier & Co.—1 ranee, 909 Lemseigne, L.—France, 1728 Lendenmann, J. C.—Switzerland, 232 Lendenmann, T. C.—Switzerland, 56 Lendy, N.—Sardinia, 60 Lennan, W.—xvi. 61 Lennon, R.—xvm. 77 Lennox, F. M. K.—xx. 147 Lenny, J. T.—xvi. 27 Lenormand, see Brunier, Lenormand, & Co. Lenormand, A.—France, 588 Lenox, see Brown, Lenox, & Co. Lentaigne, Dr.—I. 138 Lentaigne, J.—I. 5 Lenz, C.—Zollverein (4), 67 Leon.—France, 305 Leon, A.—xxii. 225 Leon District, Inspector of Mines of. — Spain, 17 Leon, J.—Spain, 274 Leon-Clement & Bourgeois.—France, 306 Leon y Rico, E. de.—Spain, 243 Leonard, C.—France, 589 Leonard, D.—Belgium, 198 Leonard, J. & T. P.—hi. 20 Leonard, S. W.—x. 306 Leonard, St., Company of (Liege). Belgium, 374 Leonard, T. P., see Leonard, J. & T. P. Leoneuse Austurian Co.—Spain, 21 Leonhardt, J. E.—Zollverein (l), 55 Lepage. — Belgium, 145; see also Chaiiloux, Lepage, &^Pochon Lepelletier.—Algeria, 33 Leperdriel.—France, 307 Lepine, F. D.— France, 910 Lepori, T.—Tuscany, 47 Lepper, G. —Zollverein (2), 6 Lequesne, E. E. L.—Main Avenue, East Lerkhe.—Russia, 311 Lerolles, Brothers.—France, 1318 Lerouge.—Belgium, 246-250 Leroux.—France, 308, 309 Leroux-Maingult— France. 447 Xerby = & - Bom—France, 1186. Leroy Soyer.—France, 1320 Lervilles, J —France, 591 Lerwick Local Committee.—xx. 213 a L eschesne, A. J. B.—France, 573 Lesdernieres, P. T. C. de.—Canada, 24 Lesecq, H.—France, 592^ Lesigne, T.—Belgium, 2/9 Leslie.—xxn. 87; see also & Leslie Leslie, J.—XXII. 101 Lesourd-Delisle, A.—France, Lespinasse.—France, 311 M‘ Donald 593 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 69 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Lesseiux & Son.—Fiance, 1321 Lester, see Brady, D’Avignon, & Lester Lester, T.—v. 4 701 ; xix. 236 Letellier, see Louis, Blais, &c. Lethem, Blyth, & Lethem.—XI. 9 Lethuillier-Pinel.—France, 312 Letourneur, J. — vn. Main Avenue, West, 157 Lettenmeyer, T.—Zollverein (4), 75 Lettillois, F. L. G.—France, 1322 Leuba, H.—Switzerland, 91 Leube, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 5 Leuchars, W.—xxix. 44 Leudersdorff, A. C.—Zollverein (1), 387 Leuman, Brothers.—Switzerland, 130 Leunenschloss, M.—France, 313 Leuschner, see Stauss & Leuschner Levarlet, see Lachapelle & Levarlet Levasheff.—Russia, 266 Leven, F.—Zollverein (1), 423 Leven & Son.—France, 1323 Lever, J. & J.—xvi. 24 Leverkus.—Zollverein (1), 875 Levert, Brothers.—France, 1324 Levey, J.—Canada, 73. 130 Levick, see Owen & Levick Levien, J. M.—xxvi. 203 Levin & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 114 Levraud, P. J.—France, 594 Levy, see Robson, Levy, &c. Levy, Brothers.—France, 595 Levy, H.—Zollverein (3), 31 Levy, W.— hi. 120 Lewer, Eliza.— xix. 239 Lewey, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 198 i Lewin, R. G.— xvi. 165 i Lewis, see Lane & Lewis Lewis & Allenby.— xii. & XV. 276 ; xiii. 16; xxix. 141 i Lewis, Mrs. C.— xvn. 163 Lewis, C. B.— v. 902 I Lewis, D. —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 143 Lewis, G.—xxii. 673 Lewis, R.—Canada, 244 Lewis & Son.— xx. 114 Lewis & Sons.— vi. 209 Lewis, T.—New Zealand, 13 Lewis, W.— xii. & xv. 238 Ley, F.— xix. 255 Leyland, Capt. —Main Avenue, East, 103 ; Rome, 16 j Leyser, M. L.—Zollverein (3), 16 Lhoest, C. V.—France, 912 i Lias & Son.— xxiii. 126 1 Lichtental, M.—Russia, 172 Lichtl, J.—Austria, 523 Liddell, J. J.—x. 362 | Liebig, F.—Austria, 241 Liebig, J.—Austria, 298 j Liebisch, J.—Austria, 188 j Liechfield.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 330 Lieck, A.—Zollverein (1), 436 I Liedel, C. I.:—Zollverein (1), 276 Lieder, F.—Austria, 524 Liegard, H.—F'rance, 1651 Liege, Royal Cannon Foundry.—Bel¬ gium, 142 Lienard, M. J.—France, 1326 Lienart-Chaffaux, Madame.—Belgium, 242 Lienhart, F.—Zollverein (2), 43 Liepmann, J.—Zollverein (1), 147 Lieske & Flaebler.-—Zollverein (3), 52 Lietzmann, J.C.H.—Zollverein (1), 182 Lievain, L.—Belgium, 351 Lievigliani.—Tuscany, 6 Lievre, FI. Le.—xvm. 60 Liewen, Madlle.de.—Sweden & Norway, 32 Ligar, C.—New Zealand, 27 Flight, E.—vm. 5 Lightly & Simon.—Trinidad Lighten, J.—hi. I Lignao, Martin de.—France, 922 Likhacheff, P.—Russia, 325 Lillywhite, J.—vm. 273 Lilly white & Sons.—xxix. 196 Lirnelette.—Belgium, 381 Limerick Local Committee.—i. 212 Limes, see Alcan & JAmes Limeuse, Charlotte.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 179 Limoges, D.—Canada, 40 Linares, the Director of the Mines of.— Spain, 5 Linares Lead Mining Association.— Spain, 14 Limner, L.—xvn. 24. 47. 158 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 211 Lincoln & Bennett.—xi. 57 Lindauer, Miss E. L.—Zollverein (4), 101 Linden, Van.—Belgium, 512 Linden, A., Van der.—Netherlands, 69 Lindenberg, J.—Cape of Good Hope, 45 Linder, see Wex & Linder Linder, B.—Zollverein (1), 629 Lindheim, H. D.—Austria, 422 Lindley, C.—I. 187 Lindsay & Co.—vm. 134 Ifindsay, G.—n. 16 Lindsay, H. H.—China Lindsay, J.—xvii. 200 Lindsays, see Crawford & Lindsays Lindsey, M.—x. 613 Lindt, see Meyer & Ffindt Line, J., see Line, W. & J. Line, W. & J.—xvi. 120 Lines & Co.— xvii. 168 Lingard, G. —xxii. 264 Lingenbrink & Vennemann, Zollverein (1), 526 Lingham, T.—Canada, 49 Linhares, Count de.—Portugal, 483, 484 Linioges, D.—Canada, 46 Link later.—xx. 174 Ijinklater, J.—n. 82 ; m. 24 Linley, see Hemsworth & Linley Linley, G. A. F.—xxii. 231 Linley & Sons.—xxii. 41 Ijinton, J.—v. 116 Linton, W.—xxix. 142 Linz, J. L.—Zollverein (2), 5 FAon, Brothers, & Co.—France, 1327 Lipke, W.—Zollverein (1), 165 Lipp, R. R.—Zollverein (4), 22 Lipp, Fredrich von.—Zollverein (1), 658 Lippe, Count.—Zollverein (1), 316 Lippert, D.—iv. 97 Lippincott, Grambo, & Co.—United States.—57 Lippmann, Julius.-—-Austria, 46 Lipscombe 8c Co.—x. 703 Lipscombe, F.— v. 670; Van Diemen's Land, 42. 174. 297. 308 Lipscombe, J. & Co. -— xxv. 54 ; xxvii. 49 Lipski, Von.—Zollverein (1), 25 Lisbon Company.—Portugal, 707-712 Lisbon Weaving Company.—Portugal, 684-700. 725 Liscoet, Du, Son & Co.—France, 1328 Lisinsk Forest Institution.—Russia, 83 Liskeard Committee.—I. 167. 513 List, G. B.—x. 175 Lister, see Hebblethwaite & Lister Lister & Sons, xxiii. 27 Liszt, A.—Austria, 165 Litchfield, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.) 330 Lithgow & Purdie.—xxvi. 106; Bay, P. I. Litke, J.—Russia, 226 Litschke, C.—Austria, 678 Little Sc Co.—xxix. 174 Little, R. De.—Van Diemen’s Land, 309, 310 Little, Major R. J.—v. 476 ; x. 196 Littlehales, P.—x. 333 Littler, Mary Ann.— xii. & xv. 282 Littman, E.—Sweden and Norway, 15 Liverpool Local Committee. — Main Avenue* West, 95; xxix. 270 Livizzana, Avo Ercole.—Rome, 14 Llangennech Coal Company.—I. 259 Lloyd, see Campbell, Harrison, &c.; Salt & Lloyd Lloyd, A.—xxix. 6 Lloyd, E.—v. 45 Lloyd, G.—v. 300 Lloyd, G. B.— xxii. 357 Lloyd, Lieut.-Col. J. A.—x. 322 Lloyd, J. P.—xvi. 117 Lloyd, L. J.—United States, 78 Lloyd, R.— xvii. 25 Lloyd & Summerfield. — xxii. 700a; xxiv. 18 Lloyd, W. & Co.— xii. & xv. 254 Lobkowitz, Prince Ferdinand Von.— Austria, 16. 53. 58. 124. 454 70 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Clas3. Loburgh Manufactory.—Zollverein (1), 694 Locatelli, see Alcan & Locatelli Lochhead, J.—xxiv. 23 Locke, J.— xii. & xv. 15 Locker, D’Antonio.—Austria, 358 Lockerby & Stephenson.—xxn. 439 Lockett, G.—xxv. 55 Lockhart & Sons.—xiv. 57 Loc'kington, see Bunn, Lockington, &c. Lockwood, Georgiana.—xix. 240 Lockwood & Keighlev.—xii. & xv. 104 Lockyer, J. H.—v. 582 Lodde.—France, 1329 Loddiges, J. & Sons.—North Transept Loeff, S.—Zollverein (1), 192 Loewe, see Nauen, & Co, Loewenson, M.—Zollverein (1), 437 Loewenstark, A. D.—xxm. 62 Loffler, F.—Austria, 339 Logan, J.—Canada, 27. 57 Logan, W. E.—Canada, 1 Logeman, W. M.—Netherlands, 87 Lohdefink, W. A.—Hanover, 4 Lohe Steelworks.—Zollverein (1), 324 Lohmann. F.—Zollverein (1), 630 ' Lohn.—Zollverein vi. 29 Loin, see Serionne De, Loin, & Co. Lokteff, J.—Russia, 204 Lolagnier.—Fiance, 1330 Loleo, J.—Sardinia, 58 Lomas, J.—xxvib' 81 Lomax.—ix. 275 - Lombaer, J. B.—Belgium, 261 Lombard.—France, 913 Lombard, A. C.—Switzerland, 245 Lombard & Hall.—United States, 428 Lombardi, A.—Tuscany, 75 > Lombard-Janpeau, C. A.—Switzerland, 93 Loncke-IIaeze, C. L.—Belgium, 430 London Art Union.—xxx. (Sculpture Court) 85 London, D. II.—United States, 393 London Druggists.— II. 117 London Marble and Stone Working Company—xxvil. 17 London & North-Western Railway ' Company.—v. 512, 513 London Spice Trade.—in. 53 Londos, A.—Greece, 6 Long, C.—xxiv. 86 Long, C. A.—v. 662 Long, G.—xx. 16 a Long, J.—i. 78. 147; iv. 47 ; see also Long, J. & J. & Co. Long, J. & J. & Co. — viii. 71 ; xxii. 290a • Long, J. P.—viii. 71 Long & Reynolds.—iv. 75 Long, W—i. 199 Longden & Co.—xxii. 105 Longdon & Tubberer.—x. 572 Longfield, W.—xxii. 503 Longley, W. H. — xxx. (Fine Art Court) 95 Longmaid, W.—i. 441 Longman.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 288 Longridge & Co.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 57 ; viii. 333 Longstaff, see Dixon & Longstaff, Ulla- thornes & Longstaff Longworth, N.—United States, 199 Lonkutin & Son.—Russia, 319 Lonsdale Co.—Rhode Island, United States, 35 Loo, F., see Loo, E. J. & F. Van Loo, E. J. & F. Van.—Belgium, 339 Loose, C. L.—Hamburgh, 74 Loose, J. R. —Hamburgh, 75 Loosen, J. G.—Zolverein (1), 336 Loot.—x. 696 Lopes, T. J.—Portugal, 1254 Loraine, J. F.—Portugal, 809 Lord, Lynch, & Co.—United States, 366 Lorentz, F.—Zollverein (1), 588 Lorenz, Alois—Austria, 75 Lorenz, G.—Zollverein (1), 37 Lorette, Indians of.—Canada, 177 Loring, G.—United States, 424 Lorkin, J.—xxii. 692 ; xxv. 52 Lorse, E.—Zollverein (3), 85 Lorthiois-Desplanque.—France, 314 Lortic, P. M.-—France, 1652 Loschenkohl, C.—Austria, 525 Loschenkohl, J.—Austria, 526 Loseby, E. T. — x. 12 ; xxii. 796 Loshkareff.—Russia, 33 Lott, G.—Russia, 272 Lotz & Gerstner.—Austria, 594 Louderback, M. J.—United States, 7 Lough, J. G.—South Transept, 1-5, 11; Main Avenue, West, 84 Louis, Blais, Letellier, & Co.—France, 315 Louit, Brothers, & Co.—France, 316 Louie', Marquis de. — Portugal 401 b, 553-579 Loureiro, A. J.—Portugal, 647 Loureive, A. G.—Portugal, 716-720. 727 Love, J.—xxii. 332 Lovegrove, B ; jun.—xxvi. 23 Lovejoy, G.—x. 158 ; xvii. 176; see also Cowslade & Lovejoy Lovelace, Earl of.—xxvn. 87 Lovenskiold.—Sweden & Norway, 35 Loveridge, see Shoolbred, &c. Low, A.—ix. 264 Low & Co.—xxix. 30 Low, J.— i. 489 Low & Motion.—New Zealand, 24 Lowcock, H.—ix. 28 Lowe, see Mapplebeck & Lowe Lowe, A. & Co.— vii. 62 Lowe, G. G.—vii. 145 Lowe, H., see Lowe, J. & H. Lowe, J. & H.— xxii. 346. 803 Lowe, T.—xxv. 39 Lowe, V/.— vii. 33 Lowell Machine Shop.—United States, 447 Lowenthal & Co.-—Hamburgh, 91 Lowes, T. Y. — Van Diemen’s Land, 191. 286 Lowry, see Rogers, Lowry, &c. Lowry, S. — x. 10 Lowthian & Parker.—xi. 22 Loy, F. Van.—Belgium, 508 Loy, W.— xxi. 14 Loy, W. T. jun.— xxi. 15 Loysel, E. —xxii. 488 Luard, Beedham, & Co.—i. 176 Liibbert, E. Z.—Zollverein (1), 23 Lucardie, J. M.'—-Netherlands, 103 Lucas, Brothers. —xxix. 316 ■ France, 1331 Lucas, F.—xxix. 49 Lucas, F. W. & C.—Zollverein (1), 650 Lucas, G.-—xxix. 110. 277 Lucas, H.—xxix. 127 Lircas, M.—Zollverein (1), 8 Lucas, P. jun.—xxvi. 397 Lucas, R. C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 306 Lucas & Son.— xxii. 204a L uce, P. N.—France, 1332 Lucena,the Corporation of.—Spain, 231 a L ucius, J. C. &Co.—Zollverein (1), 729 Luckhaus & Gunther.—Zollverein (1), 631 Luck man, see Wood house & Luck man Lucq, see Dandoy, Maillard, & Co. Llidens.—Zollverein (1), 682 Ludland, H.—United States, 389 Ludlich, W.—Zollvereiu (1), 61 Luehdorf, see Jansen and Luehdorf Luehdorff, J. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 584 Luer, A.— France, 1333 Luettringbaus.—Zollverein (6), 65 Luff, J.— xxvii. 111 Luff & Son.—x. 477 Lugo, Sub-Inspector of Mines of.— j Spain, 18 Luhme, J. F. & Co., see Metzer, U. & : J. F. Luhme Lumm & Ruetten.—Zollverein (1), 531 Lumsden.—Van Diemen’s Land, 144; see also Wynne & Lumsden Lumsden, Miss I. — xxx. (Fine Art I Court), 125 Lunau, B. H.—Lubeck, 6 Lund.—xii. & xv. 163: Belgium, 476 ; see also Barraud & Lund Lund, W.—-France, 15 Lundberg, R.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Lunde, P. F.—Denmark, 12 Lundqvist, A.—Sweden & Norway, 11 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 71 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Lundy, J. A. V.—France, 914 Lundyfoot & Co.—ill. 44 Luntley, J.—x. 237 Luntley, J. & Co.—xxx. 214 Lupp & Son.—Zollverein (1), 605 Luppold.— Zollverein (1), 84 Lupton, see Raynes, Lupton, & Co. Lupton, J.—xvi. 3 Lupton, W. & Co. —xii. & xv. 33 Lurasco, Brothers.—Netherlands, 100 Luscombe, see Toms & Luscombe Lusk, A.—Zollverein (1), 140 Lusprin, see Gay & Lusprin Lulch, J.—Russia, 179 Lutge & Parsons.—xvi. 310. 328 Luther, G.—Zollverein (3), 187 • Liittig, C.—Zollverein (1), 81 Luttvvitz, Freiherr Von.—Zoll. (1) 42 Lutwyche & George.—xvi. 53 Lutz.—Switzerland, 94 Lutze, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 103 Lutzou, de.—Algeria, 34 Lux, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 796 Luz, F. J. da.—Portugal, 756-769. 775, 776 Lydes.—ix. 141 Lyell, see Cornell, Lyell, &c. Lymington & Co.—xi. 55 Lynam, H.—Canada, 131 Lynch, see Lord, Lynch, & Co. Lynch & Ingiis.—v. 24 Lyon & Co.—I. 226 Lyon, E.—-United States, 221 Lyon, W.—xxvi. 30 Lyons, Agricultural Society.—France, 1537 Lyons, Chamber of Commerce.— France, 1141. 1565 Lyons, G.—viii. 86 Lyons, J.—xx. 67 Lyons, M.—vi. 203 M. Maas, H.—Netherlands, 4 Mabey, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 141 Mabire.—France, 1334 Mabrun, P.—France, 653. M‘Adams, J. & W.—United States, 482 M‘Adams, W., see M’Adams, J. & W. M'Alister & Tannehill.—United States, 362 McAlpin, Stead, & Co.— xviii. 14. Macalpine, W.—xxn. 548 MacAnaspie, P. & J.— i. 131a McArthur, see Ramsay & McArthur Macarthur, D. & Co.—xix. 60 Macarthur, Lieut.-Col. E—New South Wales, 13 M‘Arthur, J.—in. 111. Macbay, W.—v. 586 M‘Bride & Co.—xi. 6 McCall, see Ritchie & McCall McCalfum & Hodson—xxvi. 136 McCann, J.—iii. 153 M‘Carten, H.—xix. 246 M‘Carthy, —xxiii. 112 M‘Carthy, H.—North Transept, 38 M‘Cartney & Drummond.—ix. 248 M‘Clelland, D. —viii. 116 McClintock, G. —xxviii. 20 M‘Clintock, J. & Co.'—xx. 152 McClure & Co.—vi. 160 M‘Clure, J. —xxii. 568 McCormick, C. H.—United States, 73 McConnel, I. E.—v. 539 McCracken, J. & R.—Austria, 590 McCracken, R., see McCracken, J. & R. M‘Crea, H. C. —xii. & xv. 135 M‘Culloch, see Glassford, Skinner, &c. McCulloch, C.—II. 96 Macculloch, Dr. J.—Canada, 72 McCulloch, S. D.—United States, 70 McCullum, —xviii. 64 McCullum, J. —xxii. 523 McCullum, M.— iii. 133 M‘Curdy, see Jones, White, &c. Macdaniel, O.—United States, 166 M‘Darmid, Miss.—xix. 247 Macdona, G.—xii. & xv. 260 M‘Donald, A. —xxvii. 66 ; Rome, 30 Macdonald, Major C.—i. 20 Macdonald, D. & J. & Co.—xix. 66 Macdonald, J. —viii. 329 ; see also Mac¬ donald, 1). & J. & Co. Macdonald, L.—Rome, 18 McDonald & Leslie.—xxvii. 74 Macdonald, Margaretta.—xix. 242 MacDonald, Sophia.—Jersey & Guern¬ sey, 29 McDonnell.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 30 MacDoual, E. J.—x. 67 Macdougall, D.—xvi. 331 ; xx. 83 MacDowall, C.—x. 68 M‘Dowall, W.—xvi. 170 MacDowell,—P. South Transept, 16, 22, 23,24; XXX. (Sculpture Court), 61 Mace, J. M.—France, 1335 Macfarlan, J. F. & Co.— ii. 107 McFarlane, A.—Canada, 124 McFarlane, Brothers.—xix, 243. MacFarlane, G.—x. 673 McFarlane Sc Porter—xix. 63 Macfarlane, Son & Co.— xii. &xv. 297 McGarry Sc Sons.— iii. 132 M‘Gee, J. G. & Co.—xx. 118 McGetfrick, F. —viii. 288 McGibbon, E.—xi. 20 McGibbon, J.—xvi. 147 McGillan Sc Sullivan.—Canada, 105 Macgillivray, see Poole & Macgillivray McGinn.—Canada, 61 M‘Givan & Sullivan.—Canada, 106 MacGregor, J. W.—xxviii. 146 M‘Gregor Sc Lee.—United States, 20 M‘Gregor, M.—xxiii. 46 Machado, F.A.—Portugal, 54 M‘Hardy,—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 325 Machell, J. C.—xxii. 639 Machell, T.—x. 654. M‘Henry, J.—United States, 501 Machet-Marote.—France, 596 Machly, —France, 915 Machon, J.—xxii. 168 Macht, H. W.—Zollverein (1), 730 Macindoe, G. P.—vi. 24. McKay & Co.—Canada, 144 Mackay, W. II.—ix. 81 M‘Kay, W. L.—Newfoundland MacKean, W.—xxix. 28 Macheller & Hampson.—xix. 231 McKenzie.—vi. 39 M'Kenzie, A.—xxii. 418 Mackenzie, J. S.—vi. 314; vii. 125 M‘Kenzie, Mrs.—Van Diemen's Land, 167. 170 MacKenzie, W.—xvn. 94 Mackenzie, W. B.—xx. 142 Mackie Sc Son.—xvi. 104 Mackie, W.—Vii. 126 McKillican.— iii. 114 Mackillop, see Palmer, Mackillop, &Co. Mackintosh & Co.— xxviii. 76; India, IV. Mackintosh, J.—v. 28 Mackintosh, T.—Belgium, 471 McKirdy, J. G.—vii. 4 Mackmurdo, see Davy, Macmurdo, & Co. Mackrory, F.—vii. 173 M‘Lachlan, J.—vii. 181;.xxvi. 337; Van Diemen’s Land Mac Lard)', L.—vi. 209 M‘Laren, see Brown, M‘Laren, & Co. McLaren, W.—viii. 139 Made, Van.—Belgium, 168 M‘Lean.—vii. 72 ; xxvi. 386 ; (Main Avenue, West); Nova Scotia; see also Cooper & Maclean McLean & Cummings.—Canada, 95 Maclean, Jane.—xix. 248 McLean & Wright.—Canada, 178 McLenan, E.—United States, 252 McLeod, R.—New Zealand, 30 M‘Leod, W. W.—United States, 172 e M‘L eownan, J. & Co.—xiv. 96 Maclise, —xxiii. 83 MacMahon, C.—x. 60ln McMillan, see Keer & McMillan M‘Mullen, J.—United States, 64 M‘Murray, T. & Co.—xiv. 25 Macnab, J.—viii. 130 McNaghten—Van Diemen’s Land, 96. 102 M‘Nair—xxix. 162 72 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreigrfand Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. McNair, A. & Co.—x. 421 M‘Nair & Brand.—xvm. 50 Macnair, W.— xvii. 117 McNaught.—v. 101 McNaught, W.—v. 22. 686 ; vi. 25 M‘Naughten,— Yan Diemen’s Land, 52. 192-194. 209 M'Naughten, A.—Van Diemen’s Land, 41. 43 M‘Neill, F. & Co.—vn. 142 McNeill, J.—x. 512 McNicholl & Vernon.—v. 434 Macomie & Co.—xvii. 26 Macorra, F.—Spain, 65 MacPherson, —x. 684 a M acpherson, C. & H.—xxi. 36 Macpherson, H., see Macpherson, C. McPherson, J. & Sons.—Canada, 183 McPherson, P.—ix. 258 McQuarie, Fisher, & Co.—xix. 65 Macquinay, Brothers, & Nephew.— Belgium, 378 Macquoid, —xxvi. 161 McRae, J.—xm. 78 McRae, J. & Co. —xxviii. 106 M‘Rae, J. J.—xx. 128 McSherry, M.—xxii. 408 McVay, J.—New Zealand, 5 M‘Weeney, M.—United States, 365 McWilliam, Dr. J. O.—Western Africa Macy, J. & Sons.—United States, 306 Macy, Stanton, & Co.—United States 368 Maddon & Black.—xvi. 256 Madeley, see Parr, Curtis, &c. Maderboeck, M.—Austria, 527 Madrid, Cabinet Botanical Garden of. —Spain, 186 Madrid, Royal Library.—Spain, 31 Maegdesprung, Works at. — Zollverein (1), 682 Maele, Van.—Belgium, 168 Maennel, F.—Zollverein (1), 828 Maeren Vanden, see Con Vanden Mae- ren & Co.—Maes, France, 656 Maflfei, see Riva & Maffei Maffei, C. J.—Tuscany, 95 Maffre, E. F.—Algeria, 35 Magdalinski, J.—Hamburgh, 38 Magee, W. J.—xiv. 7 Maggiorelli, Brothers.—Tuscany, 87 Magnee, F.—Belgium, 440 Magni, F.—Sardinia, 70 Magni, G.—Austria, 126 Magni, P.—Austria, 714 Maguin, J. M.—Fiance, 1654 Magnin, J. V.—France, 1337 Magnus.—x. 419 Magnus, G. E. —xxvii. 46 Magnus, Samuel.—St. Helena, 3 Maguire, W. J.—xxix. 71 Maha Rajah Goolab Singh.—India, xv. XXVI. Maha Rajah Rao Scindiah.—India, xv. xvi. Maher, Louisa.— xx. 182 Mahillon, C.—Belgium, 175 Mahmet-Veli-Ogii.—Russia, 242 Mahomet-Ogli.— Russia, 245 Maibeu, C.— xvi. 46 Maillan, see Caillou, Maillan, &c. Maillard, see Dandoy, Maillard, & Co. Maillard, F,—France, 1338 Maille & Segond.—France, 1339 Maillot, E.—France, 597 Mail-. —xxii. 236 Mail- & Co.—France, 317 Mair, Son, & Co.— xi. 59 ; xvm. 13. 63a Maisterra.—Spain, 43 Maistre, Brothers.—France, 598 Maitland Mines.—Cape of Good Hope, 1 Maitland, R. T.—Netherlands, 92 Maitre, A.—France, 318 Majendie, Ashurst.—i. 28 Majo, S. De—Austria, 50 Major & Gill.—xi. 49 Major, C. T.—Brazil, 4 ; Persia Makepeace, Eliza.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 185 Makin, W. —xxii. 112 Malagar, Inspector of Mines of.—Spain, 19 Malakatesi, J.—Greece, 25 Malandrinus, A.—Greece, 3 Malapane Iron Works—Zollv. (1), 2 Malapert.—France, 319 Malatinozky, E.—Austria, 394 Malcolm, J.—xiv. 22 Malherbe, L.—Belgium, 147 Maling.—xxx. (Fine Arts Court), 154 Maling & Small.—xxv. 42 Malingie.—France, 322 Malins & Son.—xxii. 261 Mallalieu, Brothers.—xix. 244 Mallalieu, W.—xxix. 289 Mallandain & Co.— xxviii. 108 Mallat, J. B.—France, 1340 Mallet, see Lalande & Chevalier ; Van- troyen & Mallet Mallet, Brothers.—France, 599 Mallet, E. C.—Belgium, 467 Mallet & Bailly.—France, 1655. 1740 Mallet.t & Barton.—xix. 29 Mallison & Sons.—xn. & xv. 108 Malloch, P.—x. 208 Malmgren, C. T.—Sweden & Norway, 19 Malo, Dickson, & Co.—France, 320 Malone, see Henneman & Malone Maltos, T. P. de.—Portugal, 593, 594 Malvieux, C. T.—Austria, 102 Marne & Co.—France, 321 Mamede, B. G.—Portugal, 1022 Mammen, F. A. & Co.—Zollv. (3), 59 Manbv, G. W.—vm. 22, Manchin & Morel.— xvii. 128 Mancu, le Chevalier Simone.—Sardinia, 15 Manderson, W.—I. 148 Manetti, Brothers.—Tuscany, 61 Manfredini, G.—Austria, 715 Manget, Mrs.—British Guiana, 121 Maniguet, N.—France, 1341 Manilla,Economical Society of.—Spain 187 Manilla, Society of.—Spain, 250 a M anin.—Russia, 65 Manings.—iv. 86 Manlove, Alliott, & Seyrig.—vi. 405, 454 Manly, J. jun.— xxii. 313 Mann, see Richards & Mann Mann, A.—Canada, 324 Mannessmann, A.—Zollv. (1), 617 Mannhemier, W.-—Zollverein (1), 438 Manning, J.—iv. 63 Manning, S.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 57, 73 Mannings, G.— iv. 86 Mansard.—France, 1342 Mansbendel.— xvm. 88 Manschon, M. F.—Austria, 342 Mansell, J.— xvii. 27 Mansell, R. C. — v. 715 Mansell, T.-—vi. 502 Mansfeld, the Combined Mining Works at.—Zollverein (l), 850 Mansis, H.—Zollverein (1), 301 Manso, R.—Spain, 133 Manson, E.—France, 917 Mantaut, L.—Sardinia, 53 Mantel, W.— xvi. 321 Mantois, Mme.—France, 918 Manton & Son. —vm. 217 Mantz, see Blech, Steinhacb, &c. Manuel, C.—Cape of Good Hope, 11 Mappin & Brothers.—xxii. 139 Mappins, J.—xxii. 180 Mapple, U. D.—x. 69 Mapple, H.—x. 126 Mapplebeck & Lowe.—ix. 131 ; xxii. 370 Maquet, A.—France, 604 Maquet-Hermel.—France, 603 Marcelin.—France, 606 Marcelle, S.—France, 605 March, E.—Zollverein (1), 240 (Main Avenue, East) Marchal.—Algeria, 36 Marchal, D.—Belgium, 362 Marchand, E.—Belgium, 460 Marchand, J. B.—France, 607 Marchand, L.—x. 71 Marchant, M.—xxvi. 320 Marchant, W.—xxvi. 253 Marchesi, G. B.—Austria, 139 Marchesi, L.—Austria, 716 Marchesi & Ossoli,—Rome, 13 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 73 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Marchetti, L.—Tuscany, 79 Marchin, Communal Commission of.— Belgium, 396 Marcinelle et Couillet, Societe Ano- nyme, De.—Belgium, 120 Marcos, J.—Spain, 147 Marcotte, F.—Canada, 8 Mare, C. J. & Co.— viii. 149 Mare, Le, & Sons.— xiii. 21 Marechal & Guynon.—France, 329 Marenzeller, I.—Austria, 166 Maresch, see Bahr & Maresch Mareschal, J.—France, 330 Marga, E.—France, 608 Margarit & Ena.—Spain, 223 Margary.— viii. 87 Margetson, see Welch, Margetson & Co. Margetts, T. K. & Eyles.—xxvn. 91 Margrave, see Esdailes & Margrave Marguerit, J.—Spain, 204 Marie, Louise.—Austria, 747 Marie, M.—Jersey & Guernsey, 16 Marimanoir& Armakoona.—Russia, 81 Marin, J. E.—Belgium, 414 Mariner’s Friend Society.— viii. 310 Marion, A.—France, 609 Mariotti, S.—Tuscany, 68 a M arks, J. 1.—v. 908 Markwick, M.—iv. 114 Marling, S. S. & Co.—xii. & xv. 209 Marlow, J.—xvi. 54 Marmora Iron Co.—Canada, 4 Marne, A. & Co.—France, 1732 Marochetti, Baron.—Western extremity (Outside), 76; North Transept, 50; Main Avenue, West, 92 ; xxm. 112 ; xxv. 1 Marples, R.—xxn. 128 Marples, W.— xxii. 218 Marquard, P.—Jersey & Guernsey, 42 Marquart, Dr. L. C.—Zollv. (1) 327 Marques, C. J.—Portugal, 1299 Marquez, J.—Spain, 108. Marr, W.— xxii. 510 Marratt, J. S.—x. 409 Marrel, Brothers.—France, 331 Marriage, E.—hi. 152 Marrian, F. —xxiii. 31 Marrian, J. P.—xxii. 363 Marriott, Archdeacon.—Van Diemen’s Land, 128. 307 Marriott & Atkinson.-— xxii. 160 Marriott, Mrs. F. — i. 530 ; (Main Avenue, East) Marriott, J.—ix. 243 Marriott, M.—x. 341 Marriott, W. — vi. 116; xxii. 795 Mars.—France, 919 Marsaux & Legrand.—France, 332 Marsden.—vi. 317 Marsden, Brothers, & Silvervvood. — xxii. 169 Marsden, C. — xvi. 316; xxii. 531; xxvi. 527 Marsh.— xxvi. 67 Marsh, F.— xvi. 174 Marsh, J.—xxv. 58 Marsh, Brothers, & Co.— xxii. 162 Marsh, Mrs.— xix. 72. Marsh, W.— xxvi. 34 Marshall.— Van Diemen's Land, 159, 160; see also Brown, Marshall, & Co. ; Parking & Marshall Marshall, C.— xvi. 241 Marshall & Co.— iv. 55 ; x. 686 ; xiv. 26 Marshall, E. S.—xxiii. 104 Marshall, G.—Van Diemen's Land, 36, 37 Marshall, J.—ii. 68 Marshall, Lieut. R.—xxx. 358 Marshall, S.—xxii. 197 Marshall & Snelgrove.— xiii. 33 Marshall & Sons.—xxm. 23 Marshall, W.—Main Avenue, East, 99 ; xx. 25; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 15 Marshall, Lieut.-Col. W.— IX. 35 Marsland, Son, & Co.— vi. 47 ; xi. 63 Marte Mining Co.—Zamora, Spain, 10 Martel, Geoffray, & Valensot.—France, 921 Martelin, see Franc, A. & Son, &c. Martens, F.—France, 610 Martens, S.—Zollv. (1), 868 Marti, S.—France, 601 Martin, see Pawson, Son, & Martin Martin, Baskett, & Martin. —xxiii. 2 Martin, C. A.—France, 613 Martin & Casimir.—France, 612 Martin, E. C.—Netherlands, 63, 64 Martin, E. & E.- —xx. 42 Martin & Gray.— xxii. 332 Martin & Hood.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 85 Martin, J.—vii. 25 ; xii. & xv. 249 ; xvii. 29 ; xxvi. 406 Martin, L. P. A.—France, 1711 Martin, M. C.—Zollverein (1), 425 Martin, O. & Virv, Brothers.—France, 614 Martin, Peter.—Jersey & Guernsey, 26 Martin, R. J.—Portugal, 957 Martin, S.— xxii. 132. 344 Martin & Son.—xi. 37 Martin, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 282 Martin, W.—xxvi. 254 ; Cape of Good Hope, 40 ; France, 323 Martin, W. H.—xvi. 81 Martinek, J.—Austria, 313 Martinetti, F.—Tuscany, 88 Martinez, D.—Spain, 145 Martinez, P.—Spain, 156 Martinez, S.—Spain, 179 Martinez y Periz, V.—Spain, 89 Martini, see Langenbeck & Martini Martir.otti, J.—Sardinia, 62, 63 Martins, J.—Portugal, 443 Martins, RAJ.—Portugal, 919, 939-942 Martyn, E.—i. 107 Marx & Co.-—France, 1343 Marx & Weigert.—Zollverein (1), 113 Marychurch, J.—ix. 93 Maryland, Committee of State of.-— United States, 371 Maryland Soap-stone Company (Balti¬ more).—United States, 180 Marynen Vues.—Belgium, 227 Masera.—Sardinia, 97 Mash, J.—xxiv. 54 Mason, see Elkington, Mason, & Co.; Fortnum, Mason, & Co.; Shand & Mason Mason, Mrs. B.—n. 77 Mason, C.—xxv. 3. Mason, E.— viii. 81 ; x. 714 Mason, G.— iv. 54 ; xm. 35 Mason, J. —vi. 10, 46 Mason, J. W. —xxiii. 128 Mason & Son.— ii. 22 Mason, W. —xx. 157 Mason, W. & Co., xii. & xv. 303 Mason, W. H.— v. 910 Masrat.—France, 920 Massans, S.—St. Helena, I Massardo, Madame J.—Belgium, 415 Masse, W. Tribouillet & Co.—France, 1346 Massemin, C. L.—France, 1345 Masset, L.—Switzerland, 95 Massey,—France, 1347 Massey & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 140 a Massey, W.— xxii. 416 Massey, W. A.—xxix. 190 Massing, see Barth, Massing, &c. Massing, Brothers.—France, 333 Masson, C.—Belgium, 267. Masson, E.—France, 1348 .1 Masson, V.-—France, 628 > Massue, L. J.—France, 615 Massy, J. F.—Switzerland, 222 Masterman, J. & T.—VI. 621 Masterman, T., see Masterman, J. & T. Masters.—India, xi. Masters, A.—in. 65 Masters, M.—x. 569, 733 Masters, T.—xxii. 631 Mata Aquilera, J. de.—Spain, 289 Matagrin, Stoltz, & Co.—France, 616 Matezanz, A.—Spain, 141 Matheison, Lady.—xx. 191 Mathelieu, De.—Belgium, 58 Mather, A. A.—Main Avenue, West, 61 Mather, J. —xvi. 139 ; xxii. 504 Mather, C.— see Mather, W. & C. Mather, W. & C.—vi. 16 Matherton & Bouvard.-—France, 1349 Matheson, see Wilson & Matheson 74 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Mathews, Mary—X. 193 Mathews, J. T.—yiii. 119 Mathews, W.—x. 550 Mathey & Son.-—Switzerland, 41 Mathias, L. A.—France, 1350 Mathie, J.—Austria, 287 Mathieson, see Auld, Berrie, &c. Mathieson, A.—xxi. 32 Mathieson, H. R.—XXVI. 120 Mathieson, T. A. & Co.—xxi. 35 Mathieu, E.—France, 1351 Mathieu, L.—France, 618 Mathieu, N. Danloy.—France, 617 Mathieu, dit Verger, see Lavernhe, &c. Mathison, G. F.—I. 479 Mathys, J.—Belgium, 359 Matifat, C. S.—France, 923 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Matisen, A. & Co.—Russia, 305 Matkin, T.— xxii. 210 Matschuko, N.—Austria, 201 Matsan, Captain.—Western Africa, 9 Mattat & Sons.—Denmark, 10 Matthes& Webber.—Zollverein (1), 464 Matthess, C., jun.—Zollverein (3), 118 Matthewman, see Jackson and Mat- thewman Matthews, C.—Canada, 188 Matthews, E.-— xxiii. 95 Matthews, G.—Canada, 152 Matthews, S.— xxviii. 81 Matthews, W.— x. 181 Matthewson & Son.—Canada, 329 Matthey, see Johnson & Matthey Matthias, J. H.— x. 395 Mattiuzzi, G. B.—Austria, 77 Mattoch, C. G.—Zollverein (3), 43 Mattschass, J. G. H.—Zollverein (1), 217 Mattson, T. W.—United States, 50 Matveieff, —Russia, 40 Matvieff, P.—Russia, 367 Mauban, —France, 377 Mauban & V. Journet.—France, 619 Maucomble.—France, 620 Maudo, De.—-Portugal, 465, 466 Maudslay, Sons, & Field.—v. 38 ; vx. 228 Mauget, Mrs.—British Guiana, 68 Maulaz, J., see Maulaz, L. J. & Co. Maulaz, L. J. & Co.—Belgium, 29 Maund, see Chopping & Maund Maund, B.—hi. 79 PvTaund, E.— xxii. 792 Maunder, J.— xxviii. 28 Maupin, S.—United States, 285 Mauraudv, D. A. J.—Spain, 40 Maurel, Jaget & Co.—France, 621 Maurer, V.—Austria, 200 Pdauritius Royal Society of Natural History.—Mauritius Maury, J. C.—Zollverein (6), 2l Mautois, Madame.—France, 602 Mauzaize, J. N.—France, 924 Mavroianni.—Ionian Islands, 3 Mavroianni, Madame.—Ionian Islands, 2 Mawson, Brothers.—-United States, 87 Max, see Laine-Laroche & Max ; Meyr, Max, & Co. Max, E.—Austria, 705 Maxwell & Co.—xvi. 52 Maxwell, J.—vii. 102 Maxwell, Miss.—United States, 384 Maxwell, W.—i. 134 May, see Lambert & May ; Ransomes and May May & Baker.— ii. 14 May, R.—Russia, 227 Mayall, J. E.—x. 291 ; United States, 491 Mayer,Brothers.—Austria,266; France, 623.1656 Mayer, Emilie.-—Zollverein (2), 52 Mayer, G.—xxiv. 76 Mayer, J.— xxiii. 14 ; see also, Mayer, T. J. & J. Mayer, Madame J.—France, 624 Mayer, J. G.—Austria, 346 Mayer, L.—Zollverein (2j, 46 Mayer, Michel, & Deninger.—Zoll¬ verein (6), 36 Mayer, Paul.—Zollverein (6), 35 Mayer, T.—Zollverein (2), 70 Mayer, T. J. & J.—xxv. 9 Mayer & Zindell.—Russia, 177 Maynard & Noyes.— United States, 445 Maynard, R.—ix. 109 Maynard & Son.—ix. 122 Mayo & Bates.— xxii. 648 Mayo & Co.—i. 18; xxvil. 7 Mayoress, the Lady.—xix. 379 Mazarin, J. G.—France, 626. Mazetti, A.—Tuscany, 90 Mead.—v. 706 ; see also Barber, Howse, & Mead Mead & Brothers.—United States, 109 Meadows, J.— xxviii. 165 Meagher, J.—New Zealand, 7 Meakin.—xxvi. 148 Meakins, see Reed 8c Meakins Mear, see Salt & Mear Mears, see Prouty & Mears Mears, C. & G.— Xxii. 684 (Main Avenue, West) Mears, G.—United States, 562; see also Mears, C. & G. Mechetti (late Carlo Mechetti).—Aus¬ tria, 371 Mechi, J. J. —XXI. 12; xxvi. 79; xxix. 45; xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 220 Meckel, see Rurmann & Meckel Mecklinghaus & Wix. — Zollverein (1), 672 Metcalf, F.—xxvi. 80 Medhurst, T. —v. 780 Medina, M.—Spain, 270 Medina del Campo, Pedrosa, & Gomez- narro.—Spain, 66 Medway, J.— xxix. 195 Medwin & Co.— xvi. 162 Mee, Cornelia. —xix. 51 Meek, G.— xvii. 190 Meer & Co.—Zollverein (1), 529 Meeser, F.—Cape of Good Hope, 16 Mehne, P.—Hamburgh, 81 Mehu, J. M. F.—France, 627 Meier, F.—France, 1352 Meigb & Sons. —xxv. 10 Meilert.-—Zollverein (1), 177 Meillet & Pichot.—France, 629 Meinert, RoberL—Zollv. (3), 72-83 Meinerzhagen & Kreuser, Brothers.— Zollverein (1), 316 Meinhold & Sons.—Zollverein (3), 181 Meinhold & Stoffregin.—Zollverein (3), 61 Meinig, C.—i. 84 Meinig, C. L. A.—x. 437 Meinke, W. C.—Hamburgh, 120 Meinl’s, A., Heirs.—Austria, 383 Meintraud, C., jun.—Zollverein (6), 70 Meissen China Manufactory, Saxony. —Zollverein (3), 10. 174 Meissner, E.—Zollverein (3), 136 Meissner, F. A.—Zollverein (3), 130 Meissner. F. T.—Zollverein (3), 129 Meissner, M.—Zollverein (3), 137 Meissner, T.—Zollverein (3), 126 Meixel, A.—Zollverein (1), 396 Mejjean, A.—France, 1353 Me jean, G.—Tuscany, 15 Melincrythan Chemical Co. — Neath, ii. 2 Meller, see Wyburn, Meller, & Turner. Meller, C. C.—xvi. 73 Melliard, see Berni & Melliard Mellichamp, Mary H.—United States, 177 a Melling, R. jun.-—v. 708 Mello, see Albuquerque, J. D’ e Mello Mello & Brothers.—Portugal, 804, 805 Mellon, M.—Mauritius, 6 Mellor, see Hastings & Mellor Mellotte, E.—Belgium, 302 Mellowdew, see Kesselmeyer & Mellow- dew Melnikoff.—Russia, 111 Melton, —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 297 Melton, Eliza.—xix. 250 Melton, H.—xx. 54 Melville. J.—xxvi. 3 Melzer, D.—Austria, 44 Melzer, G.—Austria, 648 Mende & Son.-—Zollverein (1), 111 Mendelssohn.-—Zollverein (1), 747 Mendes, R. P.—Portugal, 410 Mendez, J. J.—Spain, 253 b WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Mene, P. J.—France, 630 ?•tenet, J.—France, 1657 Menezes, see Catheiros, J. L. de Mengden, M. Von.—Russia, 222 Menge, A. G.—Belgium, 409 Mengelbier, J.—Zollverein (1), 340 Mengen, G.—Zollverein (1), 581 Menghiuis, Brothers.— Zollverein (1), 530 Menier & Co.—France, 925 Menke, see Spinn & Menke Mennet, see Pesel & Mennet Mentasti, B.—Austria, 635 Mentchinsky, A.—Russia, 151 Mentzel,—Zollverein (I), 94 Menzerath, J.—Zollverein (1), 356 Menzies, A.—v. 912 Meraux, J. H.—France, 631 Mercer, J.—xvm. 38. 48 Mercier,—France, 927, 1354 Mercier, A. & Co.—France, 632 Mercier, C. V.—France, 1658 Merceir, J. J.—Switzerland, 175 Mercier, S.—France, 633 ; Switzerland, 96 Mercier, Sarah S. A. Le.—xxvi. 181 Merchx, M.— Belgium, 496 Mercurin, H. J.—Algeria, 37 Mere, Madame La.—Canada, 20. 45 Meredith, see Poland, Son,&c. Meredith, J. H.—i. 141 Meresse, M. A.—France, 1355 Merkelbach & Son. — Zollverein (1), 351 Merlaut, L. T.—France, 634 Merlin, A. & V.—Russia, 281 Merlin, V,, see Merlin A. & V. Mermod, Brothers—Switzerland, 15 Mero, D.—France, 1356 Merou, E.—Spain, 150 Merrett, H. S.—xxix. 45; xxx. (Fine ^ Art Court), 172. 220 Merriam, see Say le, &c. Merris, Madame Van.—Belgium, 65 Merritt, see Haskell, &c. Merriweather, J. B.—United States, 164 Merry weather, G.—x. 151 Merry weather, M.—v. 401 Mersey Iron Co.—v. 649 Merten, J. F.—Zollverein (1), 502 Mertens, Baron.—Belgium, 55 Mertens, C.—Belgium, 132 Mertins, Ii. T.—Zollverein (1), 867 Merz & Sons.—Zollverein (2), 30 Mesina, S.—Sardinia, 31 Mesnier & Cartier.—France, 635 Mess & Co.—Zollverein (1), 468. 487 Mess, L. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 247 Messat, A.—Austria, 246 Messeener, F,—Austria, 321 Messenger & Sons.— xxii. 340 Messervy, G.—Jersey and Guernsey, 11 Mestiviers & Hamoir.—France, 636 Mest.rozi, P.—Austria, 267 Metdepenningen, G.—Belgium, 207 Metert & Langdorf.—Switzerland, 97 Metezanz, Z.—Spain, 140 Methuen & Sons.—i. 126 Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes.— vii. 172 Metternich, Prince.—Austria, 413 Mettler & Son.—Switzerland, 197 Metz, A. & Co.—Zollverein (7), 6 Metz, G.—Austria, 485 Metzer, U., & J. F. Luhme.—Zollve¬ rein (1), 83. 212 Metzler, G.—x. 475 Metzner, W.—Austria, 698 Meurant, Brothers, & Willemin. — France, 1659 Meurant, E.—New Zealand, 15 Meures & Candin.-—France, 1357 Meurisse.—Fiance, 928 Mevissen, G.—Zollverein (1), 557 Mevius, C. de.—Belgium, 86 Mexican Commissioner.—Mexico Meyer.—Hamburgh, 105; see also Al¬ der and Meyer Meyer, A. D.— Denmark, 43 Meyer & Amman.—Switzerland, 176 Meyer, Brothers.—Switzerland, 227 Meyer, C.—United States, 59 Meyer & Co.—Austria, 112 Meyer, D.—Hamburgh, 55 Meyer, E.—France, 637 Meyer & Englemann.-—Zollverein (1), 582 Meyer, H.—Canada, 190 Meyer, H. C., jun.—Hamburgh, 86 Meyer, J. E.—Denmark, 6 Meyer & Lindt.—Zollverein (6), 10 Meyer, M., see Meyer, S. & M. Meyer, Max, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 133 Meyer & Mortimer.— xxiii. 47 Meyer, S. & M.-—xvi. 301 (Main Avenue, West) Meyer & Schwartze.—Zollverein (5), 8 Meyer, T. U.— Hamburgh, 1 Meyer, W.—Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 6 Meyer & Wried.—Zollverein (1), 764 Meyers, A. & P. J., & Co.—Zollverein (1), 768 Meyers, B.—xxix. 140 Meyers, P. J., see Meyers, A. & P. J. Meyerson, L.—Sweden & Norway, 25 Meyersteiri, W.—Zollverein (1), 757; Zollverein (3), 72-83. 87. 95 Meylan-Gohay, H.—Switzerland, 98 Meyriard, see Mourry, Brothers, &c. Meyne, J.—Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 5 Meynier.—France, 638; see also Smith & Meynier Meyr, Adolf & Leonorenhain.—Austria, 595 Meyrueis & Son.—France, 639 Meystre, E.—Switzerland, 225 Mezener, J.—Switzerland, 247 Miagkkoff.—Russia, 62 Michel, see Mayer, Michel, &c. Michel, A.—France, 640 Michel, Bonfils, Michel, Souvraz, & Co. Michel, G.—Switzerland, 248 Michel & Morell.—Zollverein (6), 16 Michel, P.—France, 1660 Michelet, see Delamoriniere, &c. Michelin, T.—France, 641 Michell, F.—I. 46 1 Michell, Sarah.—i. 110 Micheloni, G.—Austria, 119 Michels, F. H.—Zollverein (1), 871 Michiels, J.—Belgium, 385 Micotti, J.—Austria, 717 Middlebrook, J.—xxi. & xv. 74 Middlebrook, T.—xx. 123 Middlemore, W.—xvi. 67 Middleton, see Vanall, Middleton, &c. Middleton & Ainsworth.'—xxi. & xv. 312 Middleton, C., see Middleton, W. & C. Middleton, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 166 Middleton, W. & C.—v. 914-916 Midgley, Brothers.—xn. & xv. 99 Midworth, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 308. Mieg, see Dollfus, Mieg, & Co. Mienerts, J.—Austria, 212 Mieolci, C. L.—Hamburgh, 1 14 Mierlo, A. Van.—Belgium, 133 Miers, W. J.—xxix. 85 Mierstein, W.—Austria, 592 Miesbach, A.—Austria, 1, 610 Miescher & Co.—Switzerland, 167 Miescher & Sons.—Switzerland, 163 Miess, G.—Austria, 217 Miguel, F. de.—Spain, 259, 260 Milan Benevolent Society’s Establish¬ ment.—Austria, 283 Milburn, G.—viii. 136. 138 Milch, A.—Zollverein (1), 9 Miles, E.—x. 601 Miles, G. C.—United States, 266 Miles, H.—xxvi. 256 Miles, J.—x. 568 ; Zollv. (1), 341 Miles, S.—xx. 89. Miles, W.—xxii. 9 Milesi, A.—Austria, 106 Milford, J.—xix. 183 Milkorroschetchnoi, K.—Russia, 11 0 Mill bank, D.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 99 Miller — xxii. 112; see also Featham, &c. ; Ferguson, Miller, & Co. ; Hor- rockses, Miller, & Co.; Mitchell, Miller, &c. Miller, D. & W.—in. 127 Miller, F. M.—Main Avenue, East, 98 a; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 17. 38. 49, 50. 66-68 76 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Miller, G. jun.—Russia, 299 Miller, J. jun.—x. 361 Miller, L. jun.—Russia, 234 Miller, R.—Austria, 528 Miller, Ravenhill, & Co.—vra. 163 Miller & Richard.—- xvii. 150 Miller & Sons.—Main Avenue, West, 29 ; xxii. 645 Miller, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 1; Western Africa, 10 Miller, T.J.—iv. 29 Millian, jun.—France, 929 Milliani, P.—Rome, 12 Millichap, see Ekyn & Millichap Milligan, see Euston & Milligan Millisran, A. M.—Van Diemen's Land, 53. 282 Milligan, J.—Van Diemen’s Land, 38, 79. 81. 180, 181. 197. 200. 206.221. 223. 227. 230, 231. 254-268. 273. 279. 292. 306. 311. 313. 315-319. 324. 341, 342 Milligan, J. & J.—Van Diemen’s Land, 288 Milligan & Son. — xn. & xv. 140 Milligan, W.—vi. 38 Millington, B & E.— vi. 462 Millington, E. see Millington, B. & E. Millner, R. —iv. 85 Milner & Co.— xn. & xv. 163 Mills, see S hens tone & Mills Mills, Eliza.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 329 Mills, Elizabeth.— xii. & xv. 253 Mills, Isabella, —xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 96 Mills, J.—xxv. 32 Mills, J. K. & Co.—United States, 444 Mills, M.—xxiii. 55 Mills, P.—United States, 489 Mills, R.—i. 418 Mills, T.—xxvi. 115 Mills, W. F. jun.—Persia Millward, see Day & Millward Milly, De.—France, 644 Milne, W.— hi. 85 Milner, J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 168 Milner & Son.— xxii. 642 MiJnes, T.—North Transept, 40; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 184 Milnikoff-Gloushkoff, P.—Russia, 212, 214 Milon, M.—France, 642 Milon, T. D. sen.—France, 930 Milton, J.—ix. 291. Mil ward, J. & Son.—United States, 93 Mina, see Chirio & Mina Minchener, see Devas, Minchener, & Routledge. Miner.—x. 402 Mineur, see Perard & Mineur Minghetti, Marco.—Rome, 10 Mini fie, C.—xx. 151 Minitzek, Count S. Von.—Austria, 624 Minns, J.—xxvxii. 99 Minoprio & Co.—Zollverein (5), 4 Minoprio & Hohwiesner—Zollv. (6), 37 Minten, A.—Belgium, 54 Minter and Co.—xxvi. 155. Minter, G.—xxvi. 211 Minton, H. & Co.—North Transept, 50 ; i. 97; xxv. 1; xxvi. 531 ; xxvii. 86 Mintorn, Eliz., see Mintorn, J. H. H. Mintorn, J. H. H., Eliz., & Rebecca.-— xxix. 70 Mintorn, Rebecca, see Mintorn, J. H.H. Minutoli, A. Von.—Zollverein(1), 191. 845. 847 Mir, Brothers.—Spain, 276 Miramout.—France, 1358 a M iranda, Batatho, & Co. — Portugal, 728-747 Mi rat, G.—Spain, 128 Miroude, Brothers.—France, 645 Miroy, Brothers.—France, 646 Mirror Marble Company (Castle-street, Southwark).— xxvii. 18 Misson, A.—Belgium, 413 Misson, Emile & Louis.—Belgium, 412 Misson, Louis, see Misson, Emile, &c. Missouri Iron Mountain Co.—United States, 163 Mitchell, F.—xvi. 213 Mitchell, Rev. G.—v. 918 Mitchell, G. A.—xxix. 94 Mitchell, G. D.—United States, 179 Mitchell, J.— xxii. 339, 611, 672 ; xxv. 29 a ; xxix. 138 Mitchell, J.T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 87 Mitchell, Miller, and Ogilvie.'—xii. & xv. 466 Mitchell, Mrs. S. A.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 124 Mitchell, Sir T. L.—New South Wales Mitchell, W.— xxii. 328 Mitchell, Rev. W.—i. 9. 270; v. 919; xxix. 274 Mitchell, W. B.—I. 45 Mitford, B.—xxvm. 167 Mitjana, R.—Spain, 287 Mittelette, V. -France, 1661 Mitter, J.—Austria, 530 Mitter, J., sen.—Austria, 529 Mitterberger, J.—Austria, 467 Mittrowsky, Count A. Von—Austria, 91 Mix & Gardinier.—United States, 96 Moag, W.—Cape of Good Hope, 29 Moberley, W.—n. 17 (Main Avenue, West) Mock, J. W.—Canada, 333 Moda, Tommaso Della. — Rome, 19 (Main Avenue, East) Moeller.— Zollverein (1), 289 (Main Avenue, East) Moeller, C.—Zollverein (1), 292 Moench, J., & Co.—Zollverein (6), 66 Moerbifz, C. G. E.—Zollverein (3), 127 Moering, C.—Austria, 247 Moerman, V. L.—Belgium, 231. Moerschel. Winzenried, & Co.—Zoll¬ verein (6), 28 Moeser & Kiihn.—Zollverein (!), 156 Mogel, N.—Austria. 314 Mogfovd, —xxvi. 181 Moggridge, M. —xxii. 495 Moglia, Domenico.—Rome, 21 Moglia, Cavaliere Luigi.—Rome, 20 Mohamed Ben Achir.—Algeria, 62 ; France, 1662 Mohammed Ben Salah.—France, 1663 Mohlan, see Seipermann, &e. Mohr, W.—Zollverein (1), 186 a Mohring, F. L.—Zollverein (1), 275 Moinier, see Jaillon, Moinier, & Co. ] Moir McD.—xix. 180 Moison, F.—France, 1358 Mole, R. —viii. 248 Molin.—Sweden & Norway, 31 Molina, A.—Spain, 180 Molinari, A.—Sardinia, 43 Molineaux, Webb, & Co.—xxiv. 13 Mobiles, L.—France, 647. 930 a Molkehanoff.—Russia, 373 Moll, C.—Zollverein (l), 501 Mol lady & Sons.—xx. 125 Molle, E. Van.—Belgium, 255 Roller, C. H. A.—Hamburgh, 22 Moiler, H. P.—Denmark, 32 Mollet-Warme, Brothers.—France, 648 Mollison, J.—~x. 585 Mollmann, see Kissing & Mollman Molloy.—xxvi. 81 Moison, G. E.—Canada, 154 Molteni & Siegleiv—France, 649 Molterer, C.—Austria, 486. 487 Molterer, G.—Austria, 488 Molterer, M.—Austria, 490 Molterer, V.—Austria, 491. Molyn Lesouef.—France, 1359 Monahan & Beers.—United States, 349 Monet.—France, 1664 Money, see Wigram, Money, & Sons Money, Elizabeth.—xx. J89 Moniac, E.—Zollverein (1), 249 Monjikoff, see Koriakin & Monjikoff Monkhouse & Son,—xix. 251 Monkland Iron & Steel Co., Glasgow —i. 426 Montague, A.—1, 421 Montal, C.—France, 1665 Montanari, A. — xxix. 122 ; Austria, 738 Montanari, N.—xxx. (Fine Art CourO, 224 Montandon, Brothers.—France, 601 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 77 foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Montcharmont, —France, 650 Monteagle, Lord.— viii. 317; xxvii. 72 Montebello, —France, 651 Montefiore, Sir M. B.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 160 Montefiori, C.—Sardinia, 57 Monteiro, L. A.—1.150 ; ill. 34 ; China Monteiro, M. B., jun.—Portugal, 11‘23 a M onteiro, T. P.—Portugal, 1252 Monteitlr, H., & Co.— xviii. 49 Monteitb, J., & Co.— xviii. 53 Montenac, Madame—Canada, 163 Montero, S.—Spain, 225 Montesiua, C. S.—Spain, 167 Montessuy & Chomer.—France, 1360 Montfort, F.—Spain, 88. 202. 208 Montgolfier, —France, 324 Montgomery.—v. 22. 553: see also Hart, Montgomery, & Co. Monthny, A.—Belgium, 617 Monti, R.—Main Avenue, East Montignac.—France, 489 Montigny.—Algeria, 38 Montingny & Fusnot.—Belgium, 158 , Montioni.—Tuscany, 5 Montreal Commission.— Canada, 66. 80. 81. 93. 112. 171.301 Montreal Mining Co.—Canada, 10 Montu, J., & Co.—Sardinia, 78 Moody, E.—ix. 110. Mooklar & Childs.—United States, 8 Moon, G.—xxvii. 56 Moor, Major W.—x. 66 a M oore. — xx. 47 ; see also Allen & Moore; Devitt & Moore ; Groucock, &c. ; Harper & Moore ; Savory & Moore; Westwood & Moore. Moore, A.— xxvii. 25; see also Bate¬ man, J., & A. Moore Moore & Co.— x. 476 ; xxii. 274 Moore, D. D. T.—United States, 149 Moore, E. D.—iii. 139 Moore, G.— xvi. 119 Moore & Grey.— viii. 209 Moore, G. W.— xxvm. 176 Moore, J.— iv. 78; xxii. 595; xxiv. 53 Moore, Dr. J.—i. 408 Moore & Murphy.—xxix. 332 Moore, P. G.—New Zealand, 37 Moore & Sons.—x. 33 Moore, S. W—xix. 31 Moore, W.—United States, 564 Moore, W. F.—viii. 35 ; xiv. 67 Moorsom, Capt.— vii. 178 Moorson, Miss E.—xxix. 253 Moosbrugger & Kobbe. — Zollverein (1), 423 Morand& Co.— Zollverein (1), 731 Morant, G. J.—xxvi. 164 Moratilla, F.—Spain, 261 Moravian Missionary Station.— Cape of Good Hope, 44 | Mordan, F. & Co.— xvii. 161 Mordan, S.—i. 65 Mordan, S., & Co.—vi. 205 Mordini, C. G. —Tuscany, 45 Moreau, A.—France, 378 Moreau, A. U.—France, 1361 Moreau & Co.—France, 652 Moreau, F.—France, 326 Moreau, U.—France, 325 Moreira, M. C.—Portugal, 956 Morel, Brothers.—France, 1666; see also Manchin & Morel Morel, J. V. & Co.— xxiii. 117 ; xxvi. 171 Morell, see Michel & Morell Morell, H.—xxix. 248 Morelia, The Corporation of.—Spain, 232 Moreno, Brothers.—Spain, 253(2 Moreton, J.—xxii. 554 Moreton & Langley.— xxii. 669 Morewood & Rogers.—1. 436; ix. 152 a ; xxii. 610 Morey, C.—United States, 460 Morgan, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 266 Morgan, H. K. G. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 215 Morgan, J. & Co.—xn. & xv. 299 Morgan, J. S.—United States, 288 Morgan & Sons.—i. 272 Morgant, E.—France, 1726 Morgenroth & Krugmann.—Zollverein (1), 532 Mori, J.—xiv. 63 Moriarty, D.—xvi. 95 Moriceau & Cayeux.—France, 328 Morimont, J. B.—Belgium, 9 Morin.—Algeria, 39 Morin, Capt.—Canada, 9 Morison, D.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 276 Morison & Knox. — British Guiana, 123 Morisot.—France, 931 Morland, see Landou & Morland Morland, J. & Son.— xxix. 306 Morley, I. & R.— xx. 101 Morley, J.— xxix. 165 Morley, P.— xxiii. 67 Morley, R., see Morley, I. & R. Mornay, E. De.—Brazil, 3 Mornieux, F.—France, 1362 Moro, Brothers.—Austria, 218 Morozofi'.—Russia, 38 Morphet, J.—Western end, South en¬ closure (Outside), 6 Morrall, A.— VI. 240 ; xxii. 333 Morrell, G.—v. 82 Morrell, H.— IV. 58 Morrell, J. —xxix. 92 Morrell, Stewart, & Co.—United States, 202 Morris, see Bevington & Morris; Daw¬ son & Morris Morris, J.—Canada, 114 Morris, John.—St. Kitts Morris, Jones, & Co.—United States, 44 Morris, R.—Canada, 113, 334 Morris, W.—v. 764 Morrison, G.—i. 77 Morrison, J. D.—x. 189 Morrison & Hurn.—xiv. 49 Morrison & Parker.— xxii. 179 Morrison & Son.—ix. 48 Morse, —x. 432 Morson, T. & Son.— ii. 106 Morti, Signor.—Rome, 5 Mortimer, see Boutchier, Mortimer, & Co. ; Hunt & Roskell; Meyer & Mortimer Mortimer, T. E.—viii. 267 Mortimer, W.—xxiii. 13 Mortimer, W. H.—xxiii. 57 Morton, D.— xn. & xv. 160 Morton, G., see Morton, J. & G. Morton, H., see Morton S. & H. Morton, J.—xxii. 104 Morton, J. & G.—xxi. 7 Morton, Prof.— x. 678a Morton, S. & H.—vii. 24 Morton & Sons.—xix. 252 Mosbach, see Savary & Mosbach Moschim, P.—Austria, 636 Moscow, Czarevsk Chintz Manufactory. —Russia, 178 Moscow Manufacturing Co. — Russia, 363 Moseley & Son.—xxi. 13 Moser.—France, 653 Moser, A.—Austria, 531, 532 Moser, A. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 861 Moser, C.—Austria, 533 Moser, E., jun.—Switzerland, 20 Moser, F.—Austria, 534 Moser, G.—Austria, 535 Moser, J.—Austria, 536, 537 Moses, see Benjamin & Moses Moses, Champion, & Co.—Van Die¬ men’s Land, 228 Moses, H. E. & M.—in. 101 ; New South Wales, 4 Moses, M., see Moses H. E. & M. Moses, S.—Van Diemen’s Land, 207, 237 Moses, Son, & Davis.—New South Wales, 15 Mosley & Co.— xxiii. 107 Mosley, J.—xxiii. 17 Moss & Co.—Russia, 192 Moss Hall Coal Co.—Wigan, I. 247 Moss, N.—Cape of Good Hope, 36 Moss, R.—xxii. 498 Mossman, W.—XXX. (Fine Art Court), 204 78 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name'of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Mossner, A.—Zollverein (1), 251 Mossos, T.—Cape of Good Hope, 41 Motala, Iron and Engine Works.— Sweden & Norway, 6 Motard, A.—Zollverein (1), 262 Motelli, G.—Austria, 728 Motelli, M.—Austria, 718 Motion, see Low & Motion. Motley, T.—iv. 90 ; New South Wales, 9 Mott, see Sibell & Mott Mott, C. A.—United States, 81 Mott, I. H. R.—x. 498 Mott, W.—xxiii. 116 Motte, A.—xvi. 37 Motte, Rossut, & Co.—France, 654 Motter, Weyhe, & Co. — Portugal, 748-755 Mottet, C.—France, 932 Mottram & Hawkins.—xxn. 691 Moucheur, F. A.—Belgium, 366 Mouchot.—France, 1667 Mouilliard, P. F. V.— x. 95 Moulard, Mdlle.— France, 655 Moulin, —xxvi. 163 Moulin, C.—viii. 272 Moulton, S. C.—United States, 534 Mounoury, see Darfevelle, &c. Mounoyer, P. J.—Belgium, 352 Mountford, see Keys & Mountford Moureeau,—France, 1668 Moureira, J. J. — Portugal, 918 Mourgue & Bousquet.—France, 1363 Mousley, C. E.—xxvi. 123 Moussard, —France, 657 Moussillac, —France, 933 Moussin, P.—Russia, 294 Moutier le Page.—France, 1364 Mouzaie Mines, Commission of. — Al¬ geria, 18 Mowland, Charlotte G.—xix. 228 Moxon, C.—xxvi. 252. 276 Moyle. S.-—x. 710 Moyne, H. Le—Jersey & Guernsey, 5 Moysen.—France, 467 Moyston, W. A.—United States, 25 Muck, J.—Austria, 354 Muckart, see Shand & Muckart Muckenheim & Alpers.—Hamburgh, 27 Mudge, J.—vii. 190 Mudie, J.—x. 683 a M uehl, Von der. Brothers.—Switzerland, 162 Muehl, Wahl, & Co.—France, 934 Muehle, A.—Zollverein (3), 167 Muehlenderlein, C. F.—Zollverein (3), 157 Mueller, A. L.—Austria, 219 Mueller, C. A.—Zollverein (6), 24 Mueller & Co.—Switzerland, 177; Zoll¬ verein (3), 115 Mueller, J. F.—Zollverein (1), 201 Mueller, J. G.—Zollverein (1), 541 Mueller, J. P.—Zollverein (6), 10 Mueller, Pluess, & Co.—Switzerland, 151 Mueller, T. B. & Co.—Switzerland, 160 Muenzers, see Damsch & Muenzers Muhr, J.—Zollverein (2), 9] Muir, A.—Canada, 37 Muir, G.—Malta, 29 Muir, J. J. & Co.—xx. 146 Muir, P.—xxix. 150 Muir, R.—XA r ll. 174 Muir, W.—vi. 206 Muirs, Connell, & Brodie.—xx. 173. 215 Mularinho, M.—Portugal, 1236 Mulcahey, see Dill & Mulcahey Mulder, De.—Belgium, 57 Mullenbach & Thewald.—Zollverein (8), 10 Muller.—Zollverein (1), 287 ; (2), 90; (Main Avenue, East) Muller, A.—Zollverein (1), 148 Muller, A. F.—Zollverein (1), 723 Muller, C. A.'—Austria, 654 Muller, D.—Persia Muller, F.—iv. 125 a; Zollv. (1),227; Switzerland, 155 Muller, H. F.—Austria, 372 Muller, J. Van.—Denmark, 32 Muller, M. W.— Zollverein (1), 352 Muller, T. A.—France, 1365 Muller, T. L.— Zollverein (1), 183 Muller, W. O.—Hamburgh, 76 Mulliner, F.— v. 922 Mulliner, H.— v. 924 Mullman, A.Won.—Zollverein (1), 319 Mulot & Son.—France, 658 Mumford, W. T. — viii. 144 Mummery, F. H. —xxvi. 292 Municio, V.—Spain, 224 Munro, see Chard & Munro Munro, A.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 41 Munro, J., jun. —viii. 282 Muntz, G. F. (M.P.) —viii. 101 Muquardt, C.—Belgium, 473 Murchison, J. H.—New Zealand, 2 Murcia, Inspector of Mines of the dis¬ trict of—Spain, 7 Murdoch, J. —x. 202 Murley, C., see Murley, W. & C, Murley, W. & C.—xn. & XV. 10 Murphy, D. J.—ix.385; see alsoMoore & Murphy Murphy, J.—xxn. 683 (Main Avenue, West) Murphy, Margaret.—xn. & xv. 262 Murray & Cowper.— xxvii. 66 Murray, H.—Canada, 96 Murray, Mrs.-—South Australia Murray, Sir J., M.D.—ii. 87 Murray, W.—I, 426 ; v. 566 ; viii. 38; xxii. 793; Van Diemen’s Land, 18.40 Murray, Sir W. Bart.—iv. 137 Museler, B. L.—Belgium, 24 Mussa, M.—xvi. 260 Mussini, Professor.—Tuscany, 26 Musslewhite, T.—xvi. 71 Musson, J., see Musson, R. & J. Musson, R. & J.—xx. 97 Mutrot, see Proutat, &c. Muzard, L.—France, 1366 Myers.—xxvi. 533; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 117 Myers & Co.—Western End, South Enclosure (Outside), 35 Myers & Son.— xxii. 338 Myerscough, Steel, & Co.—xi. 39 NT. Nachet.—France, 1370 Nacke & Gehrenbeck.—Zollverein (3), 72, 83 Naef, N.—Switzerland, 131 Naeltjens, J.—Belgium, 308 Naenny, H.—Zollverein (6), 67 Nagl, L.—Austria, 680 Nagler, see Bruhm & Nagler Nagpore, Resident at. — India, xi. Nailor, J.—United States, 178 Nairn, M.— xix. 253 Nairne, T. G.— xx. 179 Nameche, see Temsonnet, G. &c. Namiest Cloth Manufacturing Com¬ pany.—Austria, 220 Nanni, L.—Tuscany, 94 Nannucci.—Tuscany, 67 Napier, J.— xxix. 262 Napier, J. R.—v. 301 Napier & Son.— vi. 158 Naples, the late Queen of.—Austria, 747 Nardi, Brothers.—Tuscany, 70 Narimoff, O.—Russia, 193 Narishkin, L. K.—Russia, 127 Nash. —xxii. 612 Nash, E. (late J. Butler).— xxiii. 86 Nash, Mrs.—Jamaica, 1 Nash, R.—xxn. 310 Nash, T. jun.—xxvm. 68 Nasmyth, G.— vii. 169 Nasmyth, J.—v. 41 ; vi. 236; x. 688 Nassau Government Engineers of Mines. —Zollverein, (8), 1 Nast, H. J.—France, 659 Naudi, Rosina —Malta, 8 Nauen, Loewe, & Co. — Zollverein (1), 93 Naury, J. B.—Spain, 281 Navarra, D. J. de.—Spain, 73 Nawe, Fran§ois.—x. 592 Naxara, see Cerf & Naxara Naylor, I.— viii. 199 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 79 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Naylor, J.— xxii. 638 Naylor, J. H.—xix. 173 Naylor, J. W.—Denmark, 22 Naylor, M.—VII. 81 Naylor, Vickers, and Co.— xxii. 199 Naylor, W.—n. 35 ; xxiv. 30 Naylor, W.—vn. 64 Naze, Son, and Co.—France, 625 Nazet, B.—Fiance, 660 Neal & Tonks.— xxii. 285 Neale, W. J. —vii. 121 Neath Abbey Coal Company.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 44 Needham, II.— viii. 260 Needham, J., see Needham, W. & J. Needh am, W. & J.—v m. -18 Neef, see Gerresheim & ISleef Neess, A. F.—Zollverein (1), 420 Nef, J. J.—Switzerland, 198 Neft, M. N.—Zollverein (2), 62 Negretti & Zambra.—x. 160 a N egro, P. Dal.—Austria, 719 Neie, F. W.— Zollverein (1), 168 Neighbour & Son—ix. 290 Neil, R. —xvii. 91 Neill, Catherine, and Sons.—xil. & XV. 263 Neish, J.—xiv. 63 Neitzer & Brabant.—Zollverein (1), 583 Nelis, J.—i. 15 Nelson, see Cator, Nelson, & Co. Nelson & Butters.—Canada, 84 Nelson, G.—Main Avenue, West, 81 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 35 Nelson, J.—xvi. 324; xxii. 229 Nelson, Knowles, & Co.—xvm. 29 Nelson, Messrs.— xxii. 102 Nelson, T. jun. —Vi. 120 Nencini, Prof. L.—Tuscany, 108 Neraudeau, J. A.—France, 661 Nering, Bogel, & Co.—Netherlands, 80 Nerinck, Soeurs.—xix. 8 Nesbit, see Brunton and Nesbit Nesbitt, J. C.—I. 46 Ness, Mary.— vii. 123 Nessel, C.—Austria, 395 a N etscher, A. D. van der Gon.—British Guiana, 6. 8-11. 16. 19. 27. 73. 78 Nettleton & Son.—xxii. 388 Netto, M.—Zollverein (1), 148 Neuack, see Saelger & Neuack Neubarth, see Glafey & Neubarth Neuber, Friedrich.—Zoll. (3), 72—83 Neuber, W. H.—iv. 123 Neubert, C. G.—Austria, 299 Neubronner, G.—Zollv. (2) 97 Neuburger.—France, 662 j Neuburger & Sons.—Zollverein (4), 49 Neuhaenser, Siegmund, & Co.—Austria, 229 Neuhaus & Blosch.—Switzerland, 1 Neuhaus, H. T.—Zollverein (1), 522 Neuhaus, L,— Zollverein (1), 577 Neumann, T. L.—Austria, 373 Neuner & Hornsteiner.—Zoll. (2), 33 Neuwall, Chevaliers de.—Austria, 56 Nevell & Co.—xx. 7 Neves, A. J. das.—Portugal, 648-651 Neviandt, see Grave & Neviandt Neviandt & Pfleiderer.—Zoll. (1), 523 Nevill & Co.—xx. 20 Neviil, J. P.—v. 450 New Brunswick India-rubber Co.— United States, 560 New Jersey Exploring & Mining Com¬ pany.^—United States, 166 New York Agricultural Soc.—United States, 83 New York Atlantic Dock Mills.— United States, 126 New York Blind Institute.—-United States, 112 New York City Bank.—United States, 339 New York Iron Bridge Company.— United States, 511 Newall, R. S. —xxii. 36 Newberry, F.—x. 460 Newberry, W.—ix. 57 Newbery, J. & R.— xvii. 148; xxvi. 313 Newbery, R., see Newbery, J. & R. Newbold & Owen.— xxii. 133 Newbould & Baildon. —xxii. 1 33a Newbury Local Committee. —xx. 166 Newcomb & Jones.— xix. 257 Newcomb, T. —x. 672 a Newcombe, F.— v. 205 Newcome, J.—xvi. 323 Newell, see Day and Newell Newham, J. —v. 926 Newham, R.— xxx. 100 Newington, S.— x. 20 Newington, Dr. S.— ix. 124 a Newman, G.— xvi. 146 Newman, H. J.—United States, 402 Newman, J. —x. 297. 674 Newman, W. H.— xxvii. 60 Newnham, B.— v. 928 ; xxvi. 365 Newnham, T. G.— vii. 170 Newsham, S. J.— xxiv. 79 Newson, H.— x. 675 Newton, see Hutton & Newton ; Winsor & Newton ; Pigott & Newton Newton, C.—iv. 20 Newton, J.—United States, 387 Newton, Jones, and Willis.— xix. 258 Newton & Son.-—X. 212 Newton, W.— xxvi. 97 Newton, Sir W. J.— xxx. (Fine Art Court) 250 Neyt, A.—Belgium, 157 Nibbs, J. S.—xxii. 472 Nicholas, Martha.—xxix. 154 Nicholay & Son.—xvi. 301 a (Main Avenue, West) Nicholl & Co.—v. 770 Nicholl, S. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 272 Nicholls, A.— xii. & xv. 261 Nicholls, H.—xvi. 5 Nicholls, J.—i. 89. 162 Nicholls, R, H.—ix. 20 Nicholls, W.—x. 414; xxix. 164 Nicholls & Ashton.—Belgium, 318 Nichols, Mary Ann.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 251 Nicholson, see Smith, Nicholson, & Co. Nicholson, A.—United States, 549 Nicholson, G. jun. —vii. 40 Nicholson, J.—xii. & xv. 170a N icholson, R.—Canada, 326 Nicholson, V.— xxm. 38 Nicholson, W. —xxii. 137 Nicholson, W. N. —ix. 50 ; xxii. 87 Nickels, C. & Co.— xxvin. 78 Nicklin & Sneath. —xxii. 332 Nicod, V. & Son.—France, 663 Nicol, see Gaimes, Sanders, & Nicol Nicol, A. & Co.— xiv. 87 Nicol & Allen, —xxvii. 69 Nicolas, P.—France, 664 Nicoll, B.— xx. 34 Nicoll, T.— xxvi. 182 Nicoll, W.— xxm. 21 Nicolle, Miss.—Bahamas Nicolson.—Canada, 8 Nieberg, J. L. — Hamburgh, 10 Niedree, J. E.—France, 665 Nielsen, N.—Denmark, 26 Nietzchmann & Vaccani.—Zollverein (1), 706 Nieuvernborg, Brothers.—Belgium, 343 Nieva, the Alcalde of Santa Maria de. —Spain, 233 Nightingale,C., seeNightingale,W.& C. Nightingale, W. & C.—iv. 57 Nijne-Tourinsk, Imperial IronWorks of. —Russia, 10 Nijni Novgorod, Merchants, &c. of.— Russia, 225. 314 Nikitin.— Russia, 68 Nillus.—France, 1371 Nilson & Junker.—Russia, 308 Nilus, jun.—France, 935 Nimmo & Son.—vi. 37 Nimmo, T. & Co.—iv. 122 Nisbet, J. & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 116 Nissen, J.—Denmark, 20 Nissen & Parker.— ii. 36 Nixey, W. G.—n. 112 ; xxii. 640 Nixon, J. & Co.—I. 267 Nixon, T.—vii. 174; ix. 161 N. N.—Russia, S5. 88, 89. 105-107. 125. 128. 146. 274. 2S0. 291 Noak, J. see Noak, W. & J. Noak, W.& J.—ill. 118 Noakes, see Frost, Noakes, & Vincent 80 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Nobert, F. A.—Zollverein (1), 77 Nobili, C.—Tuscany, 91 Noble, see Standish & Noble Noe, O.—Zollverein (1), 418 Noel,—France, 666. 1669 ; see also Aubert & Noel Noel, F.— Belgium, 322; France, 936 Noel, H. W.—xxvi. 400 Noel, Petit.— Belgium, 246—250 Noerlinger, Professor.—Zoll. (4), 11 Nogaisk Tartars.—Russia, 196 Nogarede, J. L.—France, 937 Noggerath, Dr.—Belgium, 501 Noguiera, A. de Sa.—Portugal, 401. 438 Noirsains—xxn. 491 Nolan, W. H.—x. 538 Nolle, see Bolenius, &c. Noordendorp, P. H.—Netherlands, 110 Noose.—Zollverein (1), 310 a N orberto, P. F.—Portugal, 517. 599. 625. 626 Norchi, E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 309 Rome, 51 Nordmann, G. L.—Zollverein (1), 30 Norgate, see Williams & Norgate Norman, G.—xxii. 391 Norman, S. W.—xvi. 201 ; xx. 167 North, C.—xxyi, 259 North, D.— xxvi. 257 Northern Lighthouses, Commissioners of. —vii. 99 Northern, W.—x. 419 Northhaft, F.—Austria, 492 Northumberland Life Boat Committee. —vm. 136 Northumberland Patent Rope Company, —xxix. 155 Northumberland & Durham Coal Trade, —i. 273 Norton, J.— xn. & xv. 126 ; xxx. 346 Norwood, C.— xxvi. 314 Norziglia, Maria.—Portugal, 71 Nottebohm & Co.—Zollverein (1), 635 Noulton & Wyld.—vm. 178 Nourry, Brothers, & Maynard, Cousins. —France, 1670 Nouvelle Montagne (Societe de la), Verviers.—Belgium, 7 Nova Scotia Central Committee.—Nova Scotia Novello, J. A.—xvii. 127 Nowak, F.—Austria, 115 Nowill, J. & Sons.— xxii. 148 Nowotny, A.— Austria, 66. 625 Noye, see Esprit & Noye Noye, F.—France, 1372 Noyes, see Maynard & Noyes Nuffel, Yan, & Coveliers.— Belgium, 225 Numa-Grar & Co.—France, 667 Nunn, A.— vii. 1S7 ; xxii. 703 Nunn, E. B. see Nunn, J. P. & E. B, Nunn, J. —xxvi. 228 Nunn, J. P. & E. B.—ix. 218 Nunn, R. M.—x. 371 Nunn & Sons.—xxvi. 165 Nunns & Clark.—United States, 374 Nuno, D. —Spain, 62 Nuore, the Divisional Committee of.— Sardinia, 36 Nurgat, Made.—France, 1504 a N urse & Co.—v. 932 Nussbaumer, L.—Austria, 497 Nusseys, see Hargreave & Nusseys Nutchey, J.—xxvi. 258 Nye, E.—xxvi. 54 Nyrop, C.—Denmark, 19 Nyset & Co.—France, 1373 O. Oakden, P.—Van Diemen’s Land, 161 —164 Oakeley, E.—Western end, South en¬ closure (Outside), 34 Oakey, H.—x. 675 a O akford, C.—United States, 45 Oakley, T.—xvi. 270 Oastler & Palmer.—xvi. 286 Oates, J. P.—x. 520 OaRey, Eliza.—xix. 385 Oberburggraf von Brunneck.—Zoll.(l), 45, 46 Oberconz, H.—Zollverein (1), 383 Oberndorf, Royal Gun Manufactory.— Zollverein (4), 15 Obroutcheff—Russia, 348 Obry, Jules Bernard, & Co.—France, 334 O’Bvrne, W. C.—i. 248 Ochs.—France, 668 O’Connell, J.—xi. 31 O’Conner, II.—vm. 189 ; see also Ross, &c. O’Connor, see Ross, O’Connor, & Carson O’Connor, A., see O’Connor, M. & A. O’Connor, M. & A.—xxiv. 65 Oddy, S.— xx. 121 Odell, see Sharp, Odell, & Jury Odent, X., Sons, & Co.—France, 938 Odeurs, J. M.—Belgium, 169 Odiot.—France, 1617 O’Donnell, Mary.— xix. 53 Ody, see Salmon, Ody, & Co. Oeberg & Co.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Oehler, Brothers—Zollverein (3), 116 Oehler, C.—Zollverein (6), 8 Oehme, C. W.—Zollverein (1), 116 Oehmig & Schmidt.—Zoll.(3), 154 Oelbermamann, D. Sons, & Co.— Zollverein (l), 497 Oertling, A.—Zollverein (1), 87 Oertling, L.—x. 334 Oesterberg,C. G.—Sweden & Norway,11 Oestreicher, D.—Austria, 396 Oetzmann & Plumb.—x. 683. Olfergeld, F, J.—Belgium, 4 Offermann, F. W.—Zollverein (1), 350 Offermann, J. H.— Austria, 221 Offlahertie, H.—I. 521 Offner, Brothers.—Austria, 444 Offord, D.—vm. 25 ; x. 680; xxi. 28 Olford, D. F. & Bradbeer.— vm. 26 Offord, R.—v. 934 Ogden, see Sykes & Ogden. Oger, J. L. M.—France, 939 Ogleby & Co.—xxix. 139 Ogilvie, see Mitchell, Miller, &c. O’Halloran, see Parlett, O’Halloran, &c. Ohio Board of Agriculture.—United States, 24 Ohle, E. F,—Zollverein (1), 62 Ohlson, J.—xxiv. 10 Oignie, Charbonnage d’, Coal Mines.— Belgium, 32 Oldfield, Allan, & Co.—xii. & xv. 127 Oldfield & Co.—xxvii. 76 Oldfield, Rev.—i. 21 Oldhardsen, F.—Hamburgh, 90 O’Leary, J.—xvi. 265 Oliver.—xxvii. 41 Oliver, B. S.—xx. 88 Oliver, G. T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 16 Oliver, O.—vii. 65 Oliver, T.—United States, 341 Oliver, W.—xxii. 121 Olivier & Co.—Belgium, 201 Ollerdissen, P.—Zcllverein (1), 550 Olliffe, C. R.—v. 771 Olmo, J.—Spain, 107 Olmsted, Mrs. J.—United States, 359 Olonetz, Imperial Alexandrovsk Cannon Foundry at—Russia, 285 Olorenshaw, J. & Co.—x. 3 Olver, Lydia.—xix. 259 Omalius, G. D’.—Belgium, 171 O’Meara, M.—Canada, 179 Omer, Kibury.—Turkey Onate; Royal Ordnance Office.—Spain, 262 (Main Avenue, East) Ondagahout, P.—Canada, 172 Onion, E.—xix. 56 Onions, J. C.—xxii. 149 Oomen, A. M.—-Netherlands, 8 Oossein-Ogli.—Russia, 142 Oost, P. Van.—Belgium, 219 Ooste, A.—Russia, 194 Ooste-Catchey-Ooste-Ali-Beck-Ogli. — Russia, 163 Ooste-Selim-Molla-Noori-Ogli.—Russia, 165 Opdenhoff & Hartung.—Zoll. (1), 134 Opheri, Van.—Belgium, 49 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 81 foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Opigez & Chazelle (late Gagelin)— Fiance, 336 Oppenheim, H. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 728 ; (3), 99 Oppenheimer, Caroline.—Austria, 701a Oppers, E.—Spain, 271 Orban, J. M. & Son.—Belgium, 372 Orchard, J.—x. 161 Old, see Yeager & Ord Ordnance Survey of the United King¬ dom.—i. 159 ; viii. 128 ; x. 4 Orduna, Y.—Spain, 214 Organ, J.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 1; xxvn. 85 Ormerod, R. & Son.—v. 624 Orpwood, G.—xxii. 552 Orr, see Cohen & Orr; Ewing, Orr, & Co. Orr, M.—viii. 75 Orr, W. S. & Co.— xvii. 109 Orsetti, C. T.—Tuscany, 31 Orsi & Armani.— xxvii. 36 Orton, R.—viii. 136 Osborn, Matilda.—xix. 260 Osborne.—xx. 121 Osborne, C.—viii. 234 Osier, C. see Osier, F. & C. Osier, F. & C.— xxiv. 20 (Main Avenue and Transept) Osmond, G.—xxii. 658 Ossberger’s, P. successor.—Austria, 189 Ossoli, see Marchesi & Ossoli Osten, L. V. D.—Zollverein (1), 150 Osterberger, L.—Austria, 538 Osterby Iron Works.—Sweden and Norway, 6 Oswald, M. & Co.—Switzerland, 152 Oswald, Stevenson, & Co.—xi. 10 & 45 Oswego Starch Factory.—United States, 104 Otey, see Warwick and Otey Oti3, B. H.—United States, 23 Otte, J.—Belgium, 2 Ottley, T.—xxii. 306 Otto, see Isler & Otto; Schaffer, Otto, & Sheibe Otto, F. H.—Netherlands, 56 Otto, H.—Zollverein (4), 47 Oudard, L. Son, & Boucherot—France, 1374 Oudin, C. A. F.—France, 1376 Oudin & Co.—France, 1375 Oudin-Cormy.—France, 669 Ouerim, G.—Austria, 84 | Ougree.—Societe des Charbonnages et Hauts Fournaux, D.—Belgium, 40 Ounkovsky.—Russia, 54 Ourscamp Society.—France, 379 Outridge, J.—British Guiana, 20a. 47. 48. 51. 55c. 62. 84-85. 85b, 85c. 87- 89a. 9 1-92a. 97-98a. 104. 105a. 106.-1 15a. 117d-117e. 148b.-153 Overbeck.—xxm. 129 Overbury, J.—XII. & xv. 216 Overloop, J. C. van.—Belgium, 236 Overman.—Belgium, 297 Owden, see Richardson, Sons, &c. Owen, see Brown, Owen, & Co.; New- bold & Owen; Sandford & Owen; Sandford, Owen, & Watson Owen, C.—n. 83 Owen, H. — x. 670 ; xvii. 180 Owen, J.—Denmark, 44 Owen & Levick.—xxm. 41 Owens, J.—United States, 319 Owtram & Co.—xi. 62 Oxeda & Aqui.—Algeria, 40 Oxland, J. &R.—it. 120 Oxland, R.—i. 225. 485, see also Ox- land, J. & R. Oxley, W.—x. 689 Oxlev, W. & Co.—xxii. 806 Oyler, S.—II. 113 Oyler & Anderson.—United States, 305 Ozeroff, T. Russia.—228 Ozouf, H.—France, 670 P. Paardeberg, J. S. C.—Cape of Good Hope, 7 Pace, see Tylor & Pace Pace, J.—x. 117 Pace & Sons.—x. 517 Pacini, D.—Tuscany, 33 Packer, see Packer & Towns Paddon & Ford.— xxii. 424 Padley, Parkin, & Staniforth.—xxm.42 Padreddii, F.—Tuscany, 60 Pad wick, Anne.—xix. 261 Padwick, W. F.—ix. 215 Paetsch, G.—Zollverein (1), 18 Paetsch & Hintze.—Zollverein (1), 218 Pagan, F.—Switzerland, 64 Page, E.—United States, 92 Page, Eleanor & W.—xxix. 194 Page, H. C.— xxvii. 26 Page, H. M.—xxvi. 229 Page, J. R.—i. 425 Page, W., see Page, Eleanor & W. Paget, J. A.—France, 337 Pagnerre.—France, 940 Paige, J. W., & Co.—United States, 436 Paillard, A., see Paillard, E. & A. Paillard, A. V.—France, 1713 Paillard, E.—France, 671 Paillard, E. & A.—Switzerland, 26 Paillard, J. M.—France, 672 Paillart, Brothers.—France, 338 Paillete, P.—France, 1377 Paine, J. M.—i. 36 ; hi. 62 Paine, W.—x. 295 Pairoto, J. L.—Portugal, 628 Paisant, L. de.—France, 590 Paix, Beauvoys C. De.— France, 941 Palatini, see Serafino, Palatini & Co. Palencia, Inspector of Mines of the district of.—Spain, 27 Palencia, M. R.— Spain, 124 Palhueber, V.—Austria, 637 Palis, A.—Zollverein, (1), 263 Pallenberg, H.—Zollverein, (1), 421 Palling, W.—xii. & xv. 213 Palmella, Duke de.—Portugal, 114. 530-532. 604-610 Palmer, see Burns and Palmer; Hunt- ley and Palmer; Oastler and Palmer Palmer & Co.— xxii. 447 Palmer, F. B.—United States, 39 Palmer, G.—viii. 136 Palmer, H. —xxvi. 59 Palmer, Helen. —xix. 262 Palmer, J. L.—France, 942 Palmer, Mackillop, & Co.—China Palmer, Miss. —xxvi. 322 Palmer, R.—ix. 48 a ; xix. 400 ; xxvi. 53 Palmer, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 197 Palmer, W. R.—United States, 347 Palmer, W. V.—x. 451 Palsgrave, J. T.—Canada, 189 Pammer, S.— Austria, 445 Panciatichi, Marquis.—Tuscany, 96 Panna, N. & J. Alexis.—Austria, 94 Pannell, J.—ix. 204 Pannilini, C. A. G.—Tuscany, 42 Panormo, C.—Main Avenue, West, 89 Panormo, L.—x. 525 Pansa & Hauschild.—Zollverein (3), 42 Pantazapoulus, A,—Greece, 51 Panteleeff, M.—Russia, 175 Paoletti, F.—Tuscany, 29 Paolo, see Vella, Paolo, & Co. Papavoine &*Chatel.—France, 339 Pape, J. H.—France, 943 Papera, J. P.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 17 Papi, C.—Tuscany, 116 Pappafava.—Austria, 79 Papperitz, J. F.—Zollverein (3), 173 Papworth, E. G. — xxx. (Sculpture Court), 27 Papworth, J. W.—Main Avenue, West, 88 ; xix. 379; see also Papworth, W. & J. W. Papworth, W. & J. W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 22 a Paquet, M.—Belgium, 335 Paquet-Fazy. Mde.—Switzerland, 105 Paradis, De Ruolz. & Co.—France, 3 10 Paravagna & Casella.—xxm. 84 Pardoe, Hoomans, & Pardoe.—xix. 263 Pardon, see Reed & Pardon Pardoux.—France, 341 Pardoy, Bartolini.—Spain, 44, 116 Pare, Gera Di.—Austria, 85 F 82 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OE CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Parent.—Fiance, 944 Parent, T. J. F.—Belgium, 278 Pareren, J. A.—Spain, 249 Paret, M.—France, 1378 Parey, C. F. W.—Zollverein (1), 169 Parfrey, G.—v. 972 Parini, J.—Sardinia, 91 Paris, see Duval & Paris Paris, C. E.— France, 1379 Paris Chocolate Co.—m. 30 Paris Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. —France, 1568 Paris, E.—i. 4 ; New Granada, 4 Paris, N ational Printing-office.—France, 544 Parisault, F.—Canada, 77 Parisault, J.—Canada, 76. 129 Parisot, F.—France, 1673 Park and Thompson.—XIX. 59 Parker, see Lowthian & Parker ; Morri¬ son & Parker; Nissen & Parker; Townsend, Parker, &c. Parker, & Acott.— xxit. 298 Parker & Brown.—United States, 235 Parker, C.—viii. 67; see also Parker, C. E. & C. Parker, C. E. & C.—VI. 77 Parker, Field, & Sons.— VIII. 224 Parker, J.—xvi. 242 ; Canada, 68 Parker, J. H.—xvn. 120 Parker, Rev. Dr.—China Parker & Sons.—xvi. 116 Parker, Wilder, & Co,—United States, 407 Parkes.—xxn. 659 Parke's, Brothers.—Canada, 186 Parkes, H. P.—vm. 108 Parkes, J. & Son, x. 671 Parkin, see Blake & Parkin ; Padley, Parkin, & Stamforth, &c. Parkin & Marshall.— XXII. 119 Parkins, T.—xxix. 152 Parkinson, see Hattersley, Parkinson, & Co. Parkinson & Frodsham.—x, 35 Parks.—x. 579 Parks, S. H—x. 337 Parks, W. J.—x. 413 a P arianti, E.—Tuscany, 101 Pari by, see White & Parlby Parlett, O’Halloran, & Co.—Ceylon Parmenter, E.—United States, 244 Parmentier, P.—Belgium, 222 Parnuit, V. Dautresme, Sons, & Co.— France, 673 Paroissien, A.—France, 945 Parr, Curtis, & Madeley.—vi. 6. 213 Parreira, M.—Portugal, 1169, 1170 Parrot, W.—n. 46 Parry, see Kirk & Parry Parsch, Brothers.—Austria, 279 Farsey, A.—v. 591 Parsey, W.—vnx. 88 Parsons, v. 807, see Ransom & Parsons Parsons, Fletcher, & Co.—xvii. 31 Parsons, J.—ix. 112 Parsons, John.—I. 232 Parsons, P. M.—v. 642 Parsons, W.—vm. 270 Partagas & Co.—Spain, 251 Partridge, N.—xii. and xv. 212 Partridge, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 333 Partsch, A. jun.—Austria. 611. 662 Parys, J. see Docquir, P. J., &c. Pascual y Abad, A.—Spain, 286 Pashkoff, A.—Russia, 23 Pashkoff, M.— Russia, 24 Pask, see Koenig & Pask Pasquali, D. R.—Rome, 2 Pasquet, Du, see Vaucher, &c. Pasqui, R.—Tuscany, 83 Pass, see Gatenby & Pass Pass, A. De.—Cape of Good Hope, 50 Pass, C. G.—Zollverein (1), 377 Passamonte, S.—Rome, 32a Passmore, W. —xvi. 79 Pasteyns, P.—Belgium, 484 Pastor-Bertrand & Co.—Belgium, 395 Pastorelli, D.—Tuscany, 35 Patek, P. & Co.—Switzerland, 99 Paternoster, T.—v. 936 Paternostre, J.—Belgium, 331 Paterson, G.—Canada, 115 Paterson, J.— xx. 19. 129 Paterson, Jamieson, & Co.—xi. 11 Paterson, T.—v. 148 Paterson, T. L.— vi. 28 Paton, D. see Paton, J. & D. Paton, J. & D.—xii. & XV. 466 Patoue, Drion, & Co.—France, 674 Patrian, C.—France, 1380 Patrick, see Lambert, Brown, &c. Patron, J. de.— 29a Pattak G.— Austria, 350 Patterson, D.—United States,478; Van Diemen’s Land, 48; see also Aimy, Patterson, & Co. Patterson, J.—Canada, 146 Patterson, W.—vm. 136 Patteson, R. S.—United States, 278 Pattinson& Cain.—1.497 Pattinson, H. L.—i. 480 Pattinson, W. W.—II. 18 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Pattison, E.—xvi. 186 Patton, J.—Switzerland, 44 Pature-Lupin, Seydoux, Seibler, & Co. — France, 1381 Paublan.—Fiance, 946 Paul-Ulysse.—France, 676 Pauli & Buchholz.—Zollverein (1), 368 Pauli, O.—Zollverein (1), 328 Pauller, J. & Son.—Austria, 649 Pauly, A., see Pauly, G. & A. Pauly, G. & A.—Switzerland, 199 Pauw, De.—Belgium, 485 Pauwels, A.—France, 342, 1382 Pavlides, B.—Greece, 12 Pavloff, N.—Russia, 333 Pawson, Son, & Martin.— XII, & XV. 40 Paxon, W.—x. 191 Paxton, J.—ix. 125 Payen, A. R.—France, 1674 Payne. — xxvi. 383 ; see also Rock, &c.; Ward & Payne. Payne, G.—xxix. 29 Payne, H.—hi. 82 Payne & Sou.—m. ,22 Payne & Sons.—xxm. 4 Payne, W. & Co.—x. 73 Pazelt, A.—Austria, 603 Peace, A. & Co.—xii. & XV. 91; xx. 128 Peace, J.— xxii. 233 Peach, see King & Peach Peachey, Emma.—xxvi. 238 Peachey, G.—x. 502 Peachey, J. jun.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 320 Peacock, A.—xxix. 193 Peacock, G.—ii. 73 Peake, C. C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 144 Peake, T.— xxvii. 123 Peal, N.—xvi. 197 Peale, C. W.—United States, 74 Pearce, E. E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 32 Pearce, T. B.—v. 709; vm. 330 ; xxix. 173. 311 Pearce, W.—ix. 77 ; xxii. 671 ; xxvii. • 75 Pearl, J.—xvi. 100 Pears, A. & F.—xxix. 24 Pears, F., see Pears, A. & F. Pearse, Clara.—xix. 266. 393 Pearson.—xvii. 29; xxii. 541; Van Diemen’s Land, 109 ; see also Harrop, Taylor, and Pearson. Pearson & Co.—xi. 21 Pearson, J.— xii. & xv. 239; xx. 126 a Pearson, J. W.—Vlll. 65 Pearson, W. P.—xxv.il. 65 Peart & Dossetor.—xx. 5 Pease, H. & Co.— xii. & xv. 184 Pease, Heaton, & Co.—XII. & xv. 60 Pease, J.—I. 122 Pease, R. H.—United States, 230 Peat.—Brazil, 3. Peat-working Company of Ireland. —I. 231. Pecare & Smith.—United States, 307 | Peck, Mrs. C. P.—United States, 248 Peck, G.—Van Diemen’s Land, 224- s 226 Peckford, J. P.—xvii. 110 Peckham, J.—United States, 320 b P edolin, P.—Switzerland, 49 Whose names appeae in the catalogue, 83 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Homan Numerals indicating the Class. Pedro. S. de Araya, the Director of the Factory of.—Spain, 12 Pedruso Iron Co., Seville.—Spain, 24 Peel, A. K.—xvi. 66 Peel, J.—xxviii. 175 Peel, W. & Co.—xii. & xv. 164 Peems. Mad. H.— Belgium, 50 Peers, Le Chevalier E.—Belgium, 75 Peet, T.—iv. 132. Pegler, C.—xiv. 43 Peigne, V. J.— France, 947 Peile, J. J. & Co.—vii. 77. Pei 11 & Co.—Zollverein (1), 369 Peirce, W.—xxil. 18 Peldrian’s Heirs.—Austria, 288 Pelikan, J.—Austria, 597 Pelitti, G.—Austria, 161 Pelizarus, see Tack, W. & Co. Pell, R. J.—United States, 115 Pellatt & Co.—xxiv. 33 Pellegrini, S.—Rome, 27 Pellerin, see Debbel & Co. Pellerin, C. A.—France, 1383 Pellier, Brothers—France, 948 Pel ling, C.— XIV. 4 Pel 1 issier.—Algeria, 42 Pellouz, see Brentano, Pellouz, & Co. Pelon, see Chapot & Pelou Pelosi, E.—Tuscany, 56 Pelt, Van, see Pyn & Van Pelt. Peltereau, A.—France, 677 Peltereau, F. jun.—France, 949 Peltzer, W.—Zollverein (1), 518 Pemberton, see Simcox, &c. Pena, A.—Spain, 282 Penafiel, E.—Spain, 77 Pendleton Alum Works, Manchester. —ii. 7 Peneau, J.—France, 950 Penfield & Camp.—United States, 296 Penfold, O.— xiii. 59 Penley, E. A.—xix. 267.392 Perm & Son, v. 8 Penner, J.—Canada, 65. 132 Penney, H.—iv. 64 renniman, U. H.—United States, 249 Pennington, J.—x. 53 Pennock, 1'.—i. 218 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. — United States, 327 |?enny, H.—xvii. 32 J enny, J.—xvi. 91 Pern-ice, Lieut. R.E.— vm. 173 Penrose, F. C.—X. 318 Penryn Local Committee, see Falmouth ' and Penryn Local Committee Pentelieon, Prior of the Monastery.— Greece, 45 Penz, J.— Austria, 446 renz, T.—Austria, 447 Penzance Serpertiue Co.—Western end, L South enclosure (Outside) 26 Pepin-Viellaid,—France, 1675 Peplow, W.—xvi. 157 Pepper, see Serjeant and Pepper Pepper, Otto.—Hamburgh, 18 Perard, see Remade. J. &c. Perard& Mineur.—Belgium, 18 Percival, J.—xvm. 73 Percy.—xxm. 94 Perdicus, J.—Belgium, 53 Peree, J. F.—Belgium, 375 Perelli, A.—Sardinia, 66 Pereta, Mines of—Tuscany, 4 Perfect, see Shepard and Perfect Perger, J.—Austria, 111. 174 Perier, see Gorsas & Perier Perigal, H. jun.—x. 693 Perisault, J.—Canada, 322 Perkes & Co.—xxn. 64. Perkes, see Wood & Perkes Perkes, S.°& Co.— vii. 162 Perkins, A. M.—United States, 541 Perkins & Brown.—United States, 201 Perkins, H.—m. 149 Perkins, S. M.—United States, 472 Perkins, W.—x. 581 Perm, Imperial Bogoslovsk Copper Works of.—Russia, 6. 20 Perm, Imperial Ekaterinburg Engine Factory.—Russia, 168 Perm, Imperial Goroblagodatsk Iron Works at.—Russia 7 Perm, Imperial Kamensk Iron Works at. —Russia 8. Perm, Imperial Koussinsk Iron Works at.—Russia, 9 Perm, Imperial Nijne-Issetsk Works at. —Russia, 16 Perot, G. G.—France, 1385 Perot, G. J. sen.—France, 951 Perotis, G.—Greece, 8. Perraud, see Jeanti, Prevost, Perraud, & Co. Perret, A.— Switzerland, 18 Perret, C.— Switzerland, 271 Perret, Charlotte.—Switzerland, 39 Perret & Son.—Switzerland, 21 Perron.—France, 343 Perrot, Petit, & Co.—France, 952 Perry & Co.—xxn. 687; xxiv. 36 Perry, E.—xxn. 60 Perry, Rev. E.—xix. 268 Perry, G. J.—Canada, 1S1 Perry, H.—v. 112 Perry, H. J —VI. 501 Perry, H. T.—v. 562 Perry, J.—xxix. 60; Canada, 157 ; United States, 72 Perry, Mrs.—xix. 268 Perry, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 101 Perselaert & Son.—Netherlands, 71 Pescheloclie-Vivin.—France, 344 Pesel & Menuet.—France, 578 Pessel, G.—Austria, 544 Pester, A.—Zollverein (3), 72, 83, Peter, J.—Switzerland, 67 Peterhoff Imperial Polishing Manufac¬ tory.—Russia, 298 Peterman, A.—x. 711 Peters, see Ustonson & Peters Peters, D.—xii. & xv. 220 Peters & Son.— xxviii. 13 L Peters & Sons.—v. 938 Peters, T. C.—United States, 106 Petersburg, St., Imperial Alexandrovsk Manu.—Russia, 19. 149. 210. 219. Petersburg, St., Imperial China Manu. —Russia, 318 Petersburg, St., Imperial Coach Making Establishment.—Russia, 154 Petersburg, St., Imperial Jjorsk Works. —Russia, 169 Petersen, J.—Hamburgh, 5. Petersen, P.—Denmark, 35 Petersen, P. L.—Denmark, 11 Peterson, T.—hi. 66. xxii. 383. Petit, see Doucet & Petit Petit, A.—Russia, 258 Petit, Clement.—France, 679 Petit & Co. see Perrot, Petit, & Co. Petit, F., & Co.—Belgium, 13 Petit & Fritsen.—Netherlands, 78 Petit, sen., & Co.—France, 345 Petitcolin, J.—France, 953 Petithomme, L. A.—France, 954 Petley, T.—vm. 58 Petrak, J.—Austria, 289 Petri, J.—Zollverein (6), 41 Petrina, Professor.—Austria, 135 Petropoulos, C.—Greece, 5 Petrowits, D.—Austria, 730 Petrucci, C. C.—Tuscany, 40 Petschacher, A.—Austria, 688 Pettit, R. Lewis.—Xxiv. 55 Pettit, W., & Co.—x. 81 Pettit, W. J.—ix. 92 Pettitt & Son.—xvi. 134 a P etz, C.—Russia, 292 Petz, W.—Austria, 28 Petzold & Errett.—Zollverein (3),"46 Petzoldt, F.—Zollverein (3), 141 Peuget, F.—xxvii. 92 Peyman, H. P.—Main Avenue, West, 87 Peyroti, S.—France, 955. 1387 Peyroulx, H.—France, 1676 Peyton & Harlow.— xxii. 371 Pfaff, G.—United States, 526 Pfaff, M.—Zollverein (2), 35 Pfaltz, see Ihm, Boehm, & Pfaltz Pfeiffer, A. F.—Austria, 604 Pfeiffer, C.—Zollverein (1), 184 Pfeiffer, J.—Austria, 418 Pfeiffer, J., & Co.—Austria, 606 Pfeiffer, L.—Ausfria, 681 Pfeningberger, J.— Austria, 248. 359 Pfe-rdinenges, see Widemann, &c. Pi'erdmenges, Brothers.—Zollverein (1)/ 574 F 2 84 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Pferdmenges & Kleinjung.—Zollverein (1), 573 Pfeuffer, C.—Zollverein (1), 286 Ptirffers & Ax.—Zollverein (1), 667 Pfitzner & Beckers.—Austria, 41 Plleiderer, see Neviandt, &c. Pfleiderer, J.—Austria, 476 Pfregner, F. A.—Austria, 682 Pfustersmidt, J.—Austria, 546 Phalon, E.—United States, 390 Pharland, Mrs.—Van Diemen’s Land, 177 Philadelphia—United States, 558 a Philibert, F., see Philibert, L. & F. Philibert, L. & F.—Russia, 124 Philip.—France, 680; see also Wheeler, Philip, & Co. Philip, J. —Main Avenue, West, 60 Philipp, see Cohn, Philipp, & Co. Philippe & Canaud.—France, 956 Philipps, see Bloomer & Philipps. Phillippos, G.—Greece, 4 Phillips, see Bloomer & Phillips : Casey & Phillips; Faudell & Phillips; Lacey & Phillips Phillips, Brothers.— xxiii. 87 Phillips, C.—Western end, North En¬ closure (Outside), 63 Phillips, C., & Co.— ix. 252 Phillips, Emily.— xix. 271 Phillips, G.— ix. 72a P hillips, H.— xxii. 291 Phillips, J.—x. 411; xn. & xv. 222 Phillips, J. B.— xxii. 6 Phillips, Rebecca.— xix. 272 Phillips, Smith & Co.—I. 500 Phillips, Smith & Phillips.—XII. & XV. 217 Phillips & Son.—Zollverein (1), 412 Phillips, W.—I. 101 Phillips, W. H.—v. 92 Phillpotts, Mary Anne.—xx. 18 Philp & Whicker.—x. 641 Phippard, T.—I. 113 Phipps, Dr.— viii. 127 Phipps, W. D.—xvi. 319 Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Massachu¬ setts.—United States, 426 Physick, E. J.—North Transept, 31; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 47. 69 Pian, Castagnaio.—Tuscany, 10 Pianello, D.—Sardinia, 3 Picard, E.—France, 347 Picard-Masy, E.—Belgium, 405 Picault, G. F.—Erance, 348 Picciotto, M. H.—ii 33*; iv. 53 Pichard, A. F.—France, 1388 Pichler, J.—Austria, 545 Pichot, see Meillet and Pichot Pichot, A.—France, 349 Pick, J.—Russia, 170 Pokering, E. T.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 254 Pickering, J.—xxvi. 347 Pickering, W.— xvii. 140 Piekhardt, G.—Zollverein (1), 619 Pickthorn, Esther.—xix. 273 Picquot, E. France, 1389 Pid.ley, F. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 254 Piece, Louisa.—Switzerland, 233 Piedagnel, Mile.—France, 1390 Piegler, G.—Zollverein (1), 765 Pieler, J.—Austria, 539 Piepenstock & Co.—Zollverein (1), 473 Pierce, Mrs. J. S.—United States, 248a Pierce, W.— xxii. 107 Pieri, Count G.—Tuscany, 41 Pieris, T. A.—Ceylon Pierola, M.—Spain, 84 Pierotti, G. — Austria, 720, (Main Avenue, East) Pierret.—France, 350 Pierret, J. B.—France, 958 Pierson.—France, 957 ; Van Diemen’s Land, 9 Piesse, S.—iv. 129 Piette, L.—Zollverein (1), 394 Piggott, see Thurman, Piggott, & Co. Piglhein, see Werner & Piglhein Piglia.—Algeria, 43 Pigott & Co.—xxii. 281 Pigott, J.—xvi. 261 Pigott & Newton.—xiv. 36 Pike, see Booth & Pike Pike, J., see Pike, W. & J. Pike, T. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 336 Pike, W. & J.—I. 102 Pilg-er, L.—Netherlands, 52a Pilkington, J.— VIII. 176 Pillaut & Co.—France, 351 Pillersee & Zenbach, Imperial Smelting Works.—Austria, 407 Pillischer, M.— x. 269 Pillss, F.—-Austria, 541 Pilout.—France, 681 Pilss, C.—Austria, 540 Pilss, G.—Austria, 542 Pilss, M.—Austria, 543 Pirn, Brothers, & Co. —xn. & xv. 255 Pirn, J. E.— xvi. 59 Pimentel, T. M.—Portugal, 920-925. 927. 935. 951, 952. 964 Pimm, H. & Co.—I. 478 Pimont.—France, 1391 Pinan, J.—Spain, 159 Pin-Bayard.—France, 682 Pinches & Co.— xvii. 33 Pinder, Bourne, & Hope.—xxv. 15 Pinder, W. & Sons.—xxii. 574 Pinkerton, J.—xxiv. 5 Pinkerton, J. & R.—xiv. 15 Pinkerton, R., see Pinkerton, J. & R, Pinkus, H.—United States, 504 Pinnell, T. D.—xxvi. 260 Pinner, E. M.—Zollverein (3). 179 ’Pinsonnet, A. L.—France, 1392 Pinto, Basto, & Co.—Portugal, 1044- 1104.1109-1111 Pinto & Co.—Portugal, 770-774. 777- 786 Pinto, J. B. —Portugal, 471, 472 Pinto Perez & Co.— ii. 121 Pinto e Sousa.—Portugal, 1021 Pintus, H. jun.—Zollverein (1), 135 Piper, T. F.—xx. 41 Piper, T. & W.—i. 130 a P iper, W.— see Piper, T. & W. Piques.—France, 1393 Piquet, Brothers.—Switzerland, 273 Pirenne & Duesberg.—Belgium, 199 Piron, T.—Belgium, 200 Pirson, J.—United States, 90 Pistor, G. & W.—Zollverein (1), 481 Pitansier.—Russia, 307 Pitard, see Durand, Boncourt, & Pitard Pitet, sen.—France, 959 Pithoulis, N.—Greece, 52 Pitman, J.—xx. 187 Pitman, T. —xvii. 197 Pitoux, V.—France, 960 Pitt, see Stotliert, Rayno, &c. Piuto, Ferreira, & Sons. — Portugal, 279-293 Piver, A,—France, 1678 Pizzala, F. A.—x. 162 Pizzie, W.—v. 559 Place, G. G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 267 Placentia, Royal Ordnance. — Spain, 265 Plagniol.—France, 1679 Plaideau, J. P.—Belgium, 71 Plambeck, C. F. H.—Hamburgh, 69 Plant, see Pope & Plant Plant, F.—X. 215 Plasse.—France, 1394 Platt.—xxiv. 17; see also Hibbert, Platt, & Sons Platzman, Conrad.—Lubeck, 1 Playne, C., see Playne, P. P. & C. Playne, P. P. & C.— xii. & xv. 211 Pleisch, N.—Zollverein (2), 72 Pleischl, A.—Austria, 433 Plenty, E., see Plenty, J. & E. Plenty. J. & E.—vi. 53; viii. 137; ix. 272 Plessner, S,—Zollverein (1), 179 Plettinck, Madame.—Belgium, 340 Plichon, see Barth, Massing, &c. Plichon, V.—France, 684 Plimsoll, S.—VI. 631 Plissart, see Lemaire-Descamps, &c. ' Plomdeur, N.—Belgium, 146 Plomley, F.—ill. 64 Plomley, W.— xxii. 17 Plon, Brothers.—France, 1395 Ploucquet, H.—Zollverein (4), 107 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 85 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Plowman, J.—xvn. 121 Plows, W.— xxvii. 34. 50 Pluecker, M. M.—Zollverein (1), 568 PI ness, see Mueller, Pluess, & Co. Plumacher, W.—Zollverein (1), 618 Plumb, see Oetzmann, &c. Plummer, H. L.— X. 716 Plummer, R.—vi. 74; xiv. 78 Pluys, J. F.—Belgium, 491 Pochon, see Chailloux, Lepage, &c. Podger, see Kidd & Podger Podsossoff, P. & Sons.—Russia, 229 Poehle.—Zollverein (1), 191 Poelman, J.—France, 961 Polile, see Huebener & Pohle Poidebard, N.—Tuscany, 39 Poiger, F.—Austria, 464 Poillart & Carpentier.—France, 686 Poilleu, Brothers.—France, 962 Poilly, De, & Co.—France, 1396 Poinsignon.—France, 1397 Point & Son.—Belgium, 474 Pointed Screw, Patent, Co.— XXII. 649 Poirier, L.—France, 963 Poirier, P,—France, 1398 Poisat, Uncle, & Co.—France, 1399 Poitevin & Son.—France, 685 Pokornv, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 79 Polak, Mile. F.—Belgium, 298 Poland, Imperial Mining Works in.— Russia, 15. 155. 288 Poland, Son, & Meredith.—xvi. 302 Polhemus, see Fox & Polhemus Poliakoff & Zamiatin.—Russia, 205 Polito, the Canonico.—Malta, 13. 34 Polkinghorne, W.—i. 460 Poliak, J. J. & Sons.—Austria, 322 Poliak, M.—Austria, 47 Pollard, see Sales, Pollard, & Co. Pollard, T. M.—British Guiana, 1 & 2 Pollett, T.—xvi. 210 Polli, F.—Tuscany, 85 Pollock, J.—xvi. 279 Poison, see Brown & Poison Polt, A.—Austria, 650 Polycarpo, A.—Portugal, 632, 633 Pomare, Queen.—Society Islands,1-4 Pommerueil Societe Anonyme des Hauts Fourneaux de.—Belgium, 6 Pommier, P.—France, 1400 Pond, M. & Co.—United States, 414. 434 Ponder, W. R.—ix. 146 Ponseele, E.—Belgium, 495 Ponson.—France, 1403 Ponsonby, T. —xxvi. 199 Pont, see Annecy & Pont. Pont de Loup, Compagnie des Char- bonnages, de.—Belgium, 28 Pontifex, G.—British Guiana, 62, 102 b P ontifex & Wood.— ii. 1 ; vi. 602 Ponting, T. C.—n. 25 Ponton, G.—ix. 104 Pook, S. M.—United States, 446 Pool, C. see Pool, J. & C. Pool, J. & C.—xiv. 46 Poole, J. jun.— viii. 70 Poole & Macgillivray.— XXVI. 204 Poole, Sarah R.—m. 146 Pooley, H. v. 784. Pooley, S. J.—United States, 225 Poore, J. B.—xx. 169 Poortman & Yisser.—Netherlands, 2 Pope, C., see Pope, T. & C. Pope, J.—United States, 32 Pope, Mrs.—Jersey & Guernsey, 43. Pope & Plant.—xx. 6 Pope & Son.— v. 40; xxn. 243 Pope, T & C.—vi. 148 Pope, W.—xxn. 566; xxix. 76 Popelin-Ducarre.—France, 1404 Popinoff, Sophia.—Russia, 310 Popoff, A.—Russia, 144 Popoff, T. & Sons.—Russia, 174 Popper, Brothers.—Austria, 222 Poppleton, R. — xii. & xv. 244 Pordenone Cotton Mill and Dyeing Establishment.—Austria, 175 Porquet, Fenwick, de. —IX. 202 Portelli, A.—Malta, 23 Porter, see Foster, Porter, & Co. ; M‘Farlane & Porter Porter, T.—xx. 30 Porter, W.—xxix. 144 Porter, W. H.—xxvii. 66 Portheim, A. P. & Son.—Austria, 626 Portilla.—Spain, 291, 294. Porto, J. M. S.—Portugal, 905-917 Portschest.—Austria, 337 Portugal, the King of.—Portugal, 1237 Portugal Naval Arsenal. — Portugal, 1225-1227 Portugal Royal Military Arsenal.— Portugal, 635. 1119. 1126 Portugal Royal Tobacco Contractors.— Portugal, 112, 113 Portugal Royal Tobacco and Snuff Company.—Portugal, 1172-1211 Porzelius, see Borer & Porzelius Porzelt, & Harperath.—Zollverein (1), 317 Posselt, A. jun.—Austria, 223 Post, J. D.—Zollverein (1), 615 Post& Sons.—Zollverein (1), 616 Post & Wendt.—Netherlands, 55 Potier, W.—v. 639 Potmager, H.—Denmark 24 Potorrie.—France, 964 Potonie, L.—France, 1401 Potter, A. —xxvii. 115 Potter, C. H. & E.—xxvi. 74 Potter & Co.—i. 87 Potter, E. see Potter, C. H. & E. Potter, E. & Co.—xvm. 30 Potter, H.—x. 538 Potter, L.—ix. 49 Potter, T.—Main Avenue, West, 63 Pottje, J.—Austria, 141a Potton, Rambaut & Co.—France, 1402 Potts, D.—xxviii. 104 Potts, J.—v. 102 Potts, T. H.—vm. 207 Potts, W.—xxii. 323 Potts, W. W.—xxv. 49 Poulat, A.—France, 965 Poulet, J. F.—France, 1680 Poullot.—France, 966 Poulton, C.—x. 252 Pound, M.—ii. 108 Pourcher, see Cusson, &c. Poure, see Blanzy, Poure, & Co. Pousanoff.—Russia, 59 Poussielgue-Rusand.—France, 1405 Pouyat, J.—France, 687 Pouyer.—France, 967 Powell.—xxn. 372; see also Sandy & Powell Powell, E. J.—v. 2 Powell, F.—i. 197 Powell, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.) 148 1 Powell, R.—viii. 210 Powell, s.—XII. & XV. 8; xx. 26 Powell & Son.— viii. 249 Powell & Sons.—xxiv. 31 ; 62 '■ *0 Powell, T.—i. 253 Powell, W.—xxn. 95. Powell, W. J.—i. 2. 202 Power & Weightman.—United States, 262 Powers, Hiram.'—United States, 522; (Main Avenue, East), 548 Pradier, J.—France, 1406, 1407 Pradine & Co.—France, 1408 Praenca, Almeida.—Portugal, 462-464 Praetorius, L.—Zollverein (1), 853 Prague Glovers’ Assoc.—Austria, 336 Prale & Ballheimer.—Hamburgh, 108 Prat, A., & F. Agard—France, 1682 Prats, F.—Spain, 48 Pratt, F. & R. & Co.—xxv. 22 Pratt, H.—vii. 115; xxvi. 403 Pratt, J.—x. 635 Pratt, Major.—vn. 16 Pratt, R. see Pratt F. & R. & Co. Pratt, S.—xxvi. 196 Pratt, W. A. & Co.—United States, 264 Pratt, Z.—United States, 102 Prax & Lambin.—France, 688 Preinsler, T. F. V.—France, 1409 Preira, J. S.—Portugal, 713, 714 Preis, A.—Austria, 117 Preiswerck, D. & Co.—Switzerland, 152* Preiswerck, Lui.—Switzerland, 152 Preitler, M.—Austria, 498 Prelat.—France, 1681 Preller, C. A.—iv. 91 Prendergast, J.—Canada, 125 Prentzel, J. C.—Zollverein (1), 129 , Presbourge, P.—France, 689 86 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTEIBUTOES AND OTHEBS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman N umerals indicating the Class. Preschel, F.—Austria, 48 Prescott, see Hotchkiss & Prescott Prescott, S. H.—Canada, 87 Presspitch, Ernst, & Son.—Zollverein (3), 135 Preston, F.— VI. 5 Preston, R.—xxix. 145 Pretot, L. H. E.-—France, 1410 Pretyman, see Bartrum & Pretyman Prever, J. J.—Sardinia, 20 Prevost, see Jeanti, &c. Prevost, M. — xvi. 250 Price.— xxn. 535; xxiv. 43 Price & Harvey.— xx. 9 Price, D.; see Price, T. P. & D. Price, J.—i. 184; xxvi. 312 Price, T. P. &D.—Western end, South enclosure (outside), 45 Price, V.—xxn. 397 Price, W.—xx. 68 Prideaux, Miss.—xxix. 303 Prideaux, T. S.—xxn. 239 Pridie, see Hoadley & Pridie Priem, Emily.—Zollverein (3), 67 Prime & Son.— xxii. 342 Prin, see Caillo, jun. & Prin Prin, sen.—France, 1411 Prince, Abelmde.—x. 522 Prince, Collison, & Co.—Cape of Good Hope, 34 Pring, Dr. J. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 256 Prins, C. C.—Netherlands, 12 Prins, J. B., see Prins, L. & J. B. Prins, L. & J. B.—Belgium, 382 Prior, Rev. H. E.—xix. 373 Pritchard, A.—x. 248 Prochaska, W.—Austria, 244 Proctor, see Winkworth & Proctor. Proelss & Sons.—Zollverein (3), 54 Profumo, J.—Sardinia, 14 Prokhoroff, Brothers.—Russia, 349 Proksch, A.—Austria, 129 Prosser & Hadley.—vi. 456 Protassoff, A.—Russia, 334 Proulx, J.—Canada, 7 Proutat, Mutrot & Thomeret.—France, 969 Prouty & Mears.—United States, 40-1. 413 Prudent, L.—France, 1412 Prussia, King of.—Main Avenue, East, 98 ; Zollverein (1), 270. 285 (Main Avenue, East) Prussian Royal Iron Foundry.—Zoll- verein (1), 271 (Main Avenue, East) Prussian Royal Porcelain Manufactory. —Zollverein (1), 213 Prussian Royal Salt Works.—Zollve¬ rein (1), 445 Pucher, J.—Austria, 740 Puckbridge, F. L.—x. 609 Puckering & Houlgate.—v. 826 Puckey, J.—i. 446 Puck ridge, F.—iv. 108 Pueschel, see Thieme-Widmarkter, &c. Puff, W.—Zollverein (1), 775 Puggaard, II. & Co.—Denmark, 1 Pugh, D.—India, xxvi. Pugh, J. W.— xn. & xv. 306 ; xiii. 2 Pugin, A. W.— xix. 246 ; xxii. 700 ; xxvi. 186a. 529 Puissant, F.—Belgium, 356 Pujade, J.—France, 1413 Pujals, F.—Spain, 197 Pulham, J.— xxvii. 108.; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 216 Pulis, G.—Malta, 4 Pullan, Matilda.— xix. 12 Pullan, R. P.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 265 Pullar & Sons. —XI. 4 Pullien, see Harding, Pullein, &c. Pullen, R. —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 84 Pulling, J. —xiii. 53 Pullman, J., see Pullman, R. W. & J. Pullman, R. W. & J. —xvi. 285 Pulman, G. P. R.— xxix. 163 Pulsifer, J. S.—United States, 261 Pulvermacher, T. L.—x. 437 Pupinnat, F. H.—Switzerland, 100 Purcell, Francis. —xix, 88 Purchas, Rev. A.—New Zealand, 23 Purdie, see Lithgow & Purdie Purdon, T.— xxix. 39 Purdy, C. W.— Main Avenue, West, 64 Purdy & Fendt. —x. 537 Purger, J. B.—Austria, 655 Purkiss & Son.— xxvi. 315 Purser, J.— vm. 28 Pursey, W. H. —iv. 4 ; xxix. 67 Purtron, J. De. —British Guiana, 15- 15b Purvis, J.—x. 325 Pustan, W. & Co.—China Putnam, G. P.—United States, 122 Puttinati, A.—Austria, 721 Puxley, W.—xxvi. 39 Puzin.—France, 1414 Pym, J.— v. 160 ; VIII. 32 1 Pymore Company.—xiv. 73 Pyn & Van Pelt.—Belgium, 210 Pyne, J. B.—xxvi. 121 Pynson.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 244 Pyrke & Sons.— XXII. 465 Q. Queen, Her Majesty The.— Main Avenue, West, 140; Main Avenue, East, 96, 97; xix. 156, 337, 379; xxiii. 1, 140 (Main Avenue, West) ; xxiv. 20 j xxx. (Fine Art Court), 353 Quan & Sons.-— v. 940 Quanonne, C. & J.—Belgium, 431 Quast, F.—Zollverein (3), 162 Quast, J.—Austria, 627 Quebec Commissioners.—Canada, 339 Queen’s Orphan Schools.—Van Diemen’s Land, 138-142 Querci, G.- —Tuscany, 21 Queru, A. & Co.—France, 1415 Quidt, Madame De.—Belgium, 64 Quigley, M.—Canada, 20 Quilliam & Creer.—I. 151 Queenborough Copper Works (Isle ol Sheppey).—II. 40 Quennessen.—France, 1683 Quin, J.—xxix. 230 Quincey, H.—vn. 146 Quinn.—Van Diemen's Land, 94, 95 Quitzow, Schlesinger, and Co.—xii. & xv. 178 R. Raab, G. A. B.—Zollverein (5), 18 Rabeneck, L.—Russia, 173 a R abourdin.—France, 1416 Rabzevitch.—Russia, 360 Race, E.—ix. 44 Rachaz, C.—Zollverein (1), 452 Radcliffe, A.—vi. 328 Rademacher, C.—Austria, 695 Radford, J.—x. 119 Radmeister Community.—Austria, 400 Radulovits, Brothers.—Austria, 74 Rae, see Cowie & Rae; Haldane & Rae Raedt, J. G. de.—Belgium, 418 Raempler, J. L.—Zollverein (1), 745 Raffaelle, Monti.—Austria, 746 Raffelsperger, F.—Austria, 365 Ratlin, see Thevenet, Ratlin, &c. Ragan, W.—United States, 193 Ragnini, E.—Tuscany, 86 Ragot, J. F.—France, 971 Ragot-Mayens.—France, 972 Raguenet, R.—France, 1417 Rahu, C.—Canada, 19 a R aichlen, L.—Switzerland, 178 Raineri, Biscia, Count.—Rome, 26 Rainey, Knox, & Co.—xii. & xv. 198 Rains, T.—xvn. 162 Ralisch.—Zollverein (1), 788 Ralivsky, Madame.—Russia, 293 Ralli, L.—Greece, 50 Railings, Mrs. W.—United States, 398 Ralph, F. W. —xvii. 142 Ralston, W.—ix. 254 Rambaut, see Potton, Rambaut, & Co. Rambie, see Cabanes & Rambie Rambouillet, National Sheepfold of.—- France, 1080 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 87 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Rame, B.—France, 1418 Ramede, J.—Austria, 300 Ramieres, T. A.—Portugal, 954 Rampendahl, H. F.—Hamburgh, 98 Rampendahl, H. F. C.— Hamburgh, 60. 70 Ramsay, R.— xvii. 187 Ramsay, G. H.—Western end, North enclosure (Outside), 70 ; i. 44. 269 ; xxvii. 90. 110; xxviii. 170 Ramsay & M‘Arthur.—Canada, 117. Ramsay & Smart.— XIV. 85 Ramsbottom, K.—xvi. 127 Ramsden, see Thornton, Firth, &c. Ramsey, C. & Co.—xvm. 32 Ramsey, J. —xxviii. 12 Ramsey, W.—xvi. 74 Ramus, J. M.—France, 1419 Ramuz, A.—xxvi. 152 Ran, see Felter & Ran Ranaldi, R.—Rome, 29 Rand & Sons.— xii. & XV. 173 Randall & Dix.—xvi. 284 Randall, J.—i. 275 Randall & Saunders.—Vi. 324; ix. 136 Randoing, J.—France, 973 Randolph, Wilhelmina.—xxix. 66 Randon, L.—France, 1684 Rangel, A. P.—Portugal, 1120 Rankin, Emily, & Ellen Lear.—xxix. 302 Rankin, J. see Rankin, R. & J. Rankin, R. & J.—vi. 466 Ranniger & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 741 Ransom & Parsons.—xxvn. 97 Ransom, R.—x. 584 Ransomes & May.— V. 30. 628 ; 640; VI. 146 ; ix. 124. Ranuzzi, Count Angelo.—Rome, 8 Rao Scindiah, Maha Rajah.—India, XV. XVI. Raphi-Nuba-Ogli.—Russia, 255 Rapmann, see Falisse & Rapmann Rapp, C. F.—France, 974 Rapp, M.—Austria, 547 Rappard and Co.—Zollverein (1), 516 Rappard &Gosemann.—Zollv. (1), 517 Raschle&Co.—Switzerland, 168 Rasse, A. de.—Belgium, 33 Rastouin, V.—France, 1421. 1727 Raswag, A. & Son.—France, 1688 Ratcliff, Mrs. —xi. 34 Ratliff, J.& C.—xiii. 73 Ratshinsky.—Russia, 49 Ratteray & Thompson.— xxix. 206 Rattich, J. B.—Austria, 29 Ratzenhot'er, J. F.—Austria, 167 Ratzersdorfer, H.—Austria, 577 Rau & Co.—Zollverein (4), 72 Rau, J.—Zollverein (2), 13 Rauch, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 44 Rauch, Professor.—South Trausept, 10 Rancher, L. jun.—France, 1422 Rauscher's Co. Ironworks.—Austria, 403 Rauss & Colomb.—Switzerland, 14 Rauth, J.—Austria, 369 Ravenhil), see Howard & Ravenhill; Miller, Ravenhill, & Co. Ravagli, P.—Tuscany, 48 Ravitch, see Hirshmann, Hershendorff, &c. Rawlings, see Lambert & Rawlings Rawlings, J.— xxm. 54 Rawlings, J. B.— xx. 188 Raworth & Co.—xi. 30 Raworth, R. P.—v. 913 Rawson, C.—China Rawson, Mrs.—China Rawson, T. S.—China Rayko, N.—Russia, 140 Raymond & Schuyler.—United States, 128 Raynbird, H.—hi. 74 Raynbird, R.—hi. 73 Rayner, Mrs.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 47 Raynes, Lupton, & Co.—Western end, South enclosue (Outside), 25 Rayno, see Stothert, Rayno, &c. Raysdale W.—Western end, South en¬ closure (Outside), 4 Rea, E.—iv. 116 Read.—ix. 42 Read, C. A.—United States, 212 Read & Humphreys.— XIX. 275 Read, J. B.—xvi. 47 Read, R.—ix. 89 Read, S. K.—v. 90 Read, W.— xxvii. 32 Reade, A.—Barbadoes, 1 Reade, Rev. J. B.—ii. 3a; (Main Ave¬ nue, West), x. 254 a R eader, J. S.—Mauritius, 7 Readhouse, Charlotte.—x. 677 Readwin, T. A.—i. 456 Reali, Antonio, see Reali, G. Reali, G. (late Antonio Reali).—Aus¬ tria, 61. 101 Reallier, Miss.—Belgium, 309 Rebert, C.—France, 975 Rebow, J. G.—iv. 84 Rebrach, J. J.—Zollverein, n. 82 Rebroff.—Russia, 143 Rebroff, A.—Russia, 139 Rechsteiner, J. B.—Zollverein (3), 28 Reckitt & Son.— iii. 125 Reckless & Hickling.—xix. 32 Recy, C. M. H.—France, 1423 Redelix, C. H.—France, 976 Redelix, H.—France, 1424 Red fern, G.—xxvii. 78 Red gate, see Commeford & Redgate Redgate, J.—xxii. 410 Redgrave, J.—xx. 164 Redhead, T.—Canada, 120 Redier, A.—France, 1425 Redman, J. B.—vii. 12 Redmayne & Co.— xiii. Ia R edmond, A. F.—v. 66 Redpath, see Brown & Redpath Redruth Local Committee.—I. 4-13,444 Reed.—xvi. 101 Reed, Chadwick, & Denter.—United States, 400 Reed, J.—viii. 54 Reed, J. H.—v. 91 Reed, J. & Son.—United States, 484 Reed & Meakins.—Canada, 75, 1 15 a R eed & Pardon.—xvii. 184 Reed, T.—vi. 85 Reekes, J.—xxii. 400 Reekes, T.—viii. 6 Rees.—i. 429; xviii. 85; .Van Die¬ men’s Land, 314 Rees, Mary—xvm. 85, Rees, R.—i. 227 Reesing, H. B.—Hamburgh, 3 Reeve, J.—New Zealand, 12 Reeves.—Van Diemen's Land.—322. 345 ; see also, Goodhale & Reeves. Reeves, Greaves, & Co.—vm. 244 Reeves J.—China ; see also Reeves, T. R. & J. Reeves, J. G.—Van Diemen's Land, 11 Reeves, J. R.—China Reeves & Sons.—i. 66 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 7 Reeves, T. R. & J.—ix. 108 Reffaelli, P. & Son.—Tuscany, 69 Regan.—Van Diemen's Land, 184 Regard, Brothers.—France, 1426 Regeer, H. J.—Netherlands, 112 Regnier, Mr.—Belgium, 374 Regny, L. & Co.—France, 1427 Regout, P.—Netherlands, 99 Rehm, F. F.—Zollverein (4), 54 Reichel, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 442 Reichel, C. F.—Zollverein (3), 140 Reichel, J.—Austria, 499 Reichert, F.—Austria, 268 Reichhold, G.—Zollverein (4), 39 Reichmann, A.—France. 1429 Reid, J. —viii. 54a ; xxii. 543 Reid, R.—x. 583 Reid & Son.—xii. & xv. 481 Reid & Sons.—xxm. 3 Reid, W.—x. 427 ; xx. 23 Reider, see Lecoq & Reider Reidon, E.—France, 1430 Reiffert, T. C.—Zollverein (1), 886 Reilly, E. M.— viii. 237 Reimann, L.—Zollverein (1), 86 Rein, C.-x. 629 Reindl, J.—Austria, 493 Reinecke, C.—Zollverein (1), 594 Reinecker & Co.—Zollverein (1), 404 Reinhard, see Doerr & Reinhard Reinhard, J. M.—Zollverein (6), 54 88 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Reinhardt, G.—Canada, 10. 320 Reinhold, W.—Austria, 315 Reinisch, see Witschell & Reinisch Reinisch, J.—Austria, 163 Eeinscb, O.—Zollverein (2), 63 Reinsliagen, G.—Zollverein (1), 622 Reis, G. & Co.—Zollverein (6), 49 Reisser, W.—Zollverein (1), 748 Reitz, Rieda, & Co.—Cape of Good Hope.—ix. 31 Relf, S.—i. 76 Religious Tract Society.— xvii. 154 Remade, J. & Perard & Son.—Belgium, 371 Rentiers, P.—United States, 254 Remington, Anne. — vn. 175; xxn. 398 Remington, G. W. & J.—vii. 70. Remington, J. see Remington, G. W. & J. Remmie, Misses.—xxix. 167 Remnant, Edmonds, & Remnant.— xvii. 5 Remond, A.—vi. 128 Eemond, N.—France, 977 Remsburgh, J.—United States, 317 Renard.—France, 978 Reuard, L.—France, 1431 Renard & Son.—France, 979 Renault, see Couturier & Renault Renczynski, Capt. G. A.—vii. 27 ; x. 661 Rendall & Coombs.—xiv. 73 Kendall, J.—ix. 36 ; xxviii. 144 Renel, A.—Austria, 378 Rengos, see Saris & Rengos Renkin, sen.—Belgium, 503 lienkin, Brothers.—Belgium, 141 Renner, S. B. jun.—Zollverein (l), 59 Rennie, G.—v. 52; vii. 98 Rennie, G. B. jun.—vn. 98 Rennie, Sir J.—v. 52 Renny, Sons, & Co.—xiv. 81 Renodier & Son.—France, 982 Renouard, Jules, & Co.—France, 352 Renwick, A. see Renwick, T. & A. Renwick, T. & A.— xii. & xv. 233 Repeyre, S.—France, 983 Repingon, see Vieyres & Repingon Repiquet & Silvent.—France, 1432 Requillart, Roussel, & Chocqueel.— Fiance, 1433 Ressegueire, C.—Switzerland, 179 Ressl, J.—Austria, 518 Ressl, M.—Austria, 549 Rested, see Clark, R. & Rested Rested, R.—ix. 208; xxiii. 63 Rettie, R.—vn. 159 Rettie & Sons.—xxn. 249 ; xxiii. 24 Rettig, C. A.—Sweden & Norway, 2 Retor, F.—Switzerland, 101 Reulos, A. J.—France, 1434 Reus, the Board of Trade of.—Spain, 109 Reusen, P. T.—Belgium, 100 Reuss, Brothers.—Zollverein (4), 99 Reuter, S.—Austria, 206 Reuter, W.—Zollverein (6), 40 Reverchon, H.—Algeria, 44 Revillion.—Russia, 361 Revis, T.—ix. 21A Rexer, C.—Zollverein (4), 25. 62 Rey, Brothers.—Sardinia, 35 Rey & Co.—Spain, 207 Rey, G. E.—Hamburgh, 30 Reydor, Brothers, & Colin.—-France, 984 Reymond, jun.—Switzerland, 170 Reynier, Cousins.—France, 353. 1435 Reynold, A. & G. —Hamburgh, 6 Reynold, G. see Reynold, A. & G. Reynolds.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 237; see also Hurst & Reynolds : Learned & Reynolds; Long & Reynolds Reynolds, J.— xxii. 37. 315; xxvi. 262 Reynolds, R. J.—United States, 61 Reynolds & Son.—xvm. 63 Reynolds, W.—xii. & xy. 266 Reynoso, M.—Spain, 211 R. F.—vm. 136 Rheam, E.—xvi. 15 Rhind, W. G.—vm. 290 Rhodius, see Bischop & Rodius Riby, P.—France, 985 Rice, W. H.—Canada, 150 a R ichard, see Miller & Richard Richards, Alfred.—i. 441 a R ichards, B. W.—United States, 357 Richards & Mann.—xix. 277 Richards, N.—x. 188 Richards, T.—v. 138 Richards, Westley, & Son.— viii. 240 Richardson. —see also Chilson, Richard¬ son, & Co.; Kay, Richardson, &c. Richardson, Brothers.— hi. 52 Richardson, Brothers, & Co.—II. 19 ; Van Diemen’s Land Richardson, C. J.—xxvi. 207 Richardson & Co.—xiv. 23 Richardson, E.—North Transept, 41 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 133 Richardson, H. T.—vm. 46. Richardson, J. — v. 648 ; see also Richardson, W. H. B. & J. Richardson, J. & T. & Co.—xiv. 21 Richardson, R.—v. 651; vm. 285 ; xxii. 28 Richardson & Sons.—ill. 59 Richardson, Sons, & Owderi.—xiv. 7 Richardson, T., see Richardson, J. & T. & Co. Richardson, T. W.—x. 264 Richardson, W. H. B. & J.—xxiv. 14 Richer, A.—Canada, 55 Richer, F.—France, 354 Richez, Madame.—France, 1436 Richmond & Chandler.—ix. 137 Richmond, J.—v. 775 Richmond Lunatic Asylum.—xix. 249 Richoux, see Besnard, Richoux, &c. Richt, G.—Zollverein (1), 229 Richter, see Chapus & Richter Richter, A.—Austria, 44a Richter & Co.—Austria, 57 Richter, F.—Austria, 176 ' Richter, H. L.—Zollverein (3), 104 Richter, J. M. S.—Hamburgh, 50 Richter, Linder.—Switzerland, 152 Rickborn, C. H.—Zollverein (3), 14 Rickets, C.— xxii. 433 Rickman, W. C.—ix. 278 ; x. 681; xvii. 194 Ricroch, C. & Co.—France, 986 Riddell, J.—vn. 6 Riddell, Sir J. M. Bart.—i. 55 Riddell, T.—vn. 6 Riddett, G.—xxvi. 49 Riddiford, Jane.—xxix. 65 Riddle, E.—United States, 466 Riddle, T.—xxvi. 14 Riddle, W.—xxn. 637 Rider.— xvii. 21 Rider, E.—United States, 511 Ridge, B.—xxvi. 8 Ridgway, A.F.—British Guiana, 160.161 Ridgway, A. T.—British Guiana, 163 Ridgway & Co.— xxii. 252 Ridgway, J. & Co.—xxv. 5 Ridley & Edser.—xxii. 621 Ridley, J.—xvi. 204; xx. 165 Ridolfi, Marquis C.—Tuscany, 30 Ridolfi, Professor M.—Tuscany, 25 Rieda, see Rietz, Rieda, & Co. Riedl, Von.—Austria, l3l Riedl’s, J. F., Widow.—Austria, 153 Riedler, F.—Austria, 110 Riedler, J.—Austria, 550 Riedler, L.—Austria, 551 Riefler, C.—Zollverein (2), 34 Riego de la Branchardiere, Elenore.— xix. 17 Riepe, E.—Zollverein (1), 447 Rier.—Russia, 138 Ries, B.—British Guiana, 137 Riesi-Stailburg, Baron W. F. von.— Austria, 125 Riess, F. H.—Zollverein (4), 90 Riess, M.—France, 355 Riet, Pierre Jean Von.—Belgium, 103 Rieter, T. J. & Co. — Switzerland, 132 Rietry & Son.—France, 356 Rietsch, F. G.—Austria, 638 Rietschel.—Zollverein (5), 32 Rietschel, Ernst.—Zollverein (3), 185 Rieussec, N.—France, 1685 Rifter, W.—Hamburgh, 43 Riga, see Friry & Riga Rigault.—France, 1686 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Rigby, E. R.—xxvm. 58 Rigby J., see Rigby, W. & J. Rigby & Lee—v. 947 Rigby, P.—xxii. 411 Rigby, W. & J. —viii. 236 Rigg, see Bennoch, Twenty man, &c. Rigge & Co.— yi. 63 Rigmaiden, Lieut. J.—VIII. 291 Rignon, F. & Co.—Sardinia, 30 Rigo & Kraetschmar.—Austria, 395 Riimann, E.—Zollverein (1) 10 Rikli, A. F.—Switzerland, 133 Riley. — ii. 123; see also Carr, J. & Riley Rimann & Giesler.—Zollvereiu (1) 124 Rimediotti, Signora A.—Tuscany, 44 Rimmel, E.—xxix. 3 Rimogne Slate Works Company.— France, 378. 694 Rinaldi, R, — Main Avenue, East, Rome, 29 Ring, J.—Austria, 468 Ringelann.—Zollverein (1) 253 Ringeridge Nickel Works (Norway).— i. 476 Ringham, H.—xxvi. 42 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 88 Ringuet-Leprince.—France, 1437 Rio Tinto Mines (Seville), .Director of. —Spain, 8 Rio Vizello Co.—Portugal, 721-724 Ripa, L. D. Della.—Tuscany, 38 Ripalda, Count.—Spain, 163 Ripley, P. W.—China Ripley &Son.— xii. &xv. 148 Rippingille, E. —viii. 258 Risdon, J.—xix. 276 Risler & Son.—France, 1438 Riss, J.—Austria, 316 Rister, Brothers, see Greuter & Rister Ritchie, A. H.—i. 132 Ritchie, J.—xxix. 259 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 193; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 29 ; see also Ritchie, W. & J. Ritchie & M‘Call.—in. 15. Ritchie, P.—xx. 145 Ritchie W. & J.—ix. 224 Ritter, N.—Austria, 696 Ritterbandt, L. A.—x. 730 Ritzel, Widow.—Zollverein (1), 639 Riva& Maffei.—Tuscany, 63 Rivart& Andrieux.—France, 1439 Rivaud, G.—France, 987 Rivett & Sons.—xxvi. 153 Riviere, R.— xvii. 89 Rix, see Carter, Vavaseur, & Rix ; Collins & Rix Rix, I.—x. 74 llixon, see Hancock, Rixon, &Dunt Roake, J. W.—i. 60 Roat, W.—Van Diemen’s Land, 242 Robant, L.—France, 988 Robarts, G.—xvi. 128 Robb, J.—Canada, 126 Robbins, see Chambers & Robbins Robbins & Lawrence.—United States, 328 Robeck, C.—Zollverein (4), 50 Robert, A.—xvi. 224; France, 357 Robert, A. & Co.—France, 1440. 1735 Robert & Co.—Austria, 55 ; see also Buisson, K. Robert, & Co. Robert, P. J. jun.—Belgium ,432 Robert, R.—xx. 130 Robert-Boileau.—France, 31 Robert.-Faure, C.—France, 1442 Robert-Guerin.—France, 1441 Robert-Mathieu.—France, 1443 Robert-Werly & Co.—France, 1444 Roberts, see Smyth & Roberts Roberts, B. E.—vn. 127 Roberts & Beart..—xxvil. 22 Roberts, G.—xx. 40 a. Roberts, H.— xii. & xv. 171; xxvii. 141. Roberts & Hall.— xxiii. 40 Roberts, J.—ix. 226 Roberts, J. C.—v. 550 Roberts, Mrs.—xix. 365 Roberts, R.—x. 130 ; xii. & xv. 460 Roberts, T.—xvin. 81 Roberts, W. & Co.—xii. & xv. 480 Robertson, see Russell & Robertson Robertson, Carr, & Steel.—xxii. 189. 802 Robertson & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 6 Robertson, G.—ix. 26 Robertson, H.—iv. 51 ; xxii. 565 Robertson, J. —viii. 18 ; New Zealand, 2 Robertson, J. & J.—xii. & xv. 301 Robertson & Son.—xix. 62 Robertson, W.—n. 81 Robertson, W. J.—ill. 161 Robichon, Brothers,& Co.—France, 1445 Robin, L.—France, 1447 Robins, see Alsop, Robins, & Co.; Ho¬ bart & Robins Robins, Aspdin, & Cox.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 5 ; xxvii. 103 Robinson.—Van Diemen’s L., 90; see also Fisher & Robinson; Fryer & Ro¬ binson; Wild. & Robinson Robinson, A.— viii. 136. 214 Robinson, C.— XXVI. 263 Robinson, C. & Co.—United States, 429 Robinson & Co.— v. 950 ; xxvm. 42 Robinson, D.—vm. 136 Robinson, F. K.— xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 120 Robinson, Isaac.—i. 483 Robinson, I. & R. & Co.— XIII. 5 Robinson, J.—viii. 100; x. 582; xvi. 7 ; xx. 149 a Robinson, J. & Co.—iv. 72 Robinson, J. & T.— xm. 6 Robinson, J. & W. & Co.— XIII. 24 Robinson, Miss.—xix. 278 Robinson, P.—x. 37; United States, 265 Robinson, R.—vi. 54; x. 617 ; see also Robinson, I. & R. & Co. Robinson & Russell.—vi. 418; vm. 127. 193 Robinson & Son.—ix. 139 a R obinson, T.— xii. & xv. 54; xm. 77 ; see also Robinson, J. & T. Robinson, W.—ix. 126 ; xxiii. 96 ; see also Robinson, J. & W. & Co. Robinson, W. W.— viii. 136 Robinson & Wilson.—xix. 279 Robotham, S.—xvi. 199 Robson— see Hoole, Robson, & Hoole Robson, J.—vm. 57 Robson & Jones (late), see Jones & Co. Robson, Levy, & Franklin.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 112 Robson, T. J. F.—x. 559 Roby, W.—xvi. 262 Robyns, P.—Belgium, 487 ~ Robyt, L.—Belgium, 311 Rocca, J.—Sardinia, 32 Rocchetti, P.—Austria, 136 Rocchigiani, Antonio.—Rome, 22 Roche & Dime.—France, 990 Rochead, J. T.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 232 Rochefort, J.—Russia, 176. 191. 199. 208 Rocheleau, Helen.—Canada, 175 Rocher, M.—France, 991 Rochlitz, E.—Hamburgh, 49 Rocho, F. C.—Portugal, 978—984 Rocholl, T.—Zollverein (1), 467 Rock. —xxii. 655 Rock, Brothers, & Payne.— xvii. 108 Rock & Gowar.—v. 954 Rock & Graner.—Zollverein (4), 98 Rock.— vii. 143 Rock, J. jun.—i. 50 ; v. 952 Rock, Mary— iv. 5 Rock & Son.— v. 956 Rocke, W.— xxii. 256 Rockhausen, W.—Zollverein (3), 172 ] Rockstroh, H.—Austria, 306 Rodd, T. H.—i. 169 Rode, F. de.—Hamburgh, 16 Rodel & Son.—France, 992 Rodenhurst, J., see Rodenhurst, W. & J. Rodenhurst, W. & J.—ix. 61 Rodger, Lieut. W.—Western end,North enclosure (Outside), 55 ; viii. 336 Rodgers, H. S.—United States, 496 Rodgers & Son.—xix. 280; see also Homan & Co. Rodgers & Sons.—xxii. 690. (Main Avenue, West) Rodier, P.—Canada, 346 90 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Rodrigues, J. F.—Portugal, 990 Rodriguez, B.—United States, 485 Roe & Hanson.—North Transept, v. 462; ix. 84 Roebuck, J. J.— vii. 30 Roeck-, L;—France, 1446 Roehling & Co.—Zollverein (3), 50 a R oehr, see Boeing, Roehr, &c. Roehr, F.—Zollverein (8), 7 Roehrig & Albrecht.—Zollverein (3), 87 Roeller & Haste.—Zollverein (3), 161 Roels & Co.—Belgium, 83 Roeper, F.—Lubeck, 11 ltoesler, C. H.—Zollverein (1), 397 Roethlisberger & Sons.—-Switzerland, 169 Roger, Brothers, & Co.—France, 1449 Roger & Son.—France, 1448 Rogers.—xix. Ill; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 116 ; see also Hamburger, Rogers, & Co.; Morewood & Rogers; Unwin & Rogers Rogers, C. B.—United States, 258 Rogers & Co.—United States, 523 Rogers & Dear.—xxvi. 264 Rogers, E. P. S. & O.—xix. 204 Rogers, G.—xii. & xv. 142 Rogers, H. see Rogers, R. & H. Rogers,!.—ix. 183 ; United States, 127 Rogers, J.—I. 240 Rogers, Lowry, Holyland, & Co.-—XI. 58 Rogers, M.—xxvm. 179 Rogers, R. & H.—xxix. 215 Rogers, S. S.^-i. 70 Rogers, W. G. — xxvi. 195 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 74. 353 Rogers, W. H.—xvi. 91 Rogers & Wroe.—xiv. 32 Iiohlik, L.—Austria, 37 Rohrig, C.—Zollverein (1), 768 Roig, J.—Spain, 216 Roig, S.—Spain, 2496 Roissard, J. M.—France, 1450 Rojon, J. L.—France, 358 Rolfe, W. &Sons.—x. 472 Rolffs & Co.—Zollverein (1), 345 Rolland, see Ferouelle & Holland Roller & Blanchet.—France, 1687 Rolls & Son.—xix. 281 Rolph, J.—xix. 282 Rolt, P.—xxvii. 92 Rolwegan—Van Diemen’s Land,196.345 Rolz, S.—Austria, 384 Remain, jun.—Switzerland, 155 Remain, D.—Netherlands, 104 Roman, see Gros-Odier, Roman, & Co. Romanengo, G.—Sardinia, 82 Romanes & Paterson.—xn. & xv. 466 Romanin & Co., see Callegari, A. Romany y Miro, A.—Spain, 250 Romao, M. J. da Costa.— Portugal, 1168 Rome, R. M.—ix. 152 Rome, Royal Manufactory at St.Peter’s. —Rome, 23 Romedenne, A.—Belgium, 165 Romer, C.—Zollverein (1), 337 Rometsch, C.—Zollverein (4), 73 Rominger, J.—Zollverein (4), 95 Romoli, L. —xxx. (Fine Art Court), 351 Rompler, J. J.—Zollverein (1), 781 Romsee.—Belgium, 506 Ronchard-Siauve.—France, 1451 Ronchetti, A.—Austria, 82 Rondelli, F.—Sardinia, 90 Ronge, De, see Verhulst, &c. Rooch, L.—Russia, 341 Rood, G. & Co.—xvi. 49 Rook, G. H.—viii. 320 Rooker, A. see Rooker, J. & A. Rooker, J. & A. —x. 340 Roome, Ann Empringham.— xix. 283 Roome, T. F. —x. 548 Roosegaarde, G. J.—Netherlands, 21 Roostan, C.—Russia, 256 Root, M. A.—United Slates, 42 Rooyackers & Son.—Netherlands, 52 Rooyen, H. Van.—Netherlands, 58 Roper, J. —xxn. 437 Roper & Son. —xxn. 399 Roper, W.— x. 197 Ropolo, P.—Sardinia, 54 Ropp, Baron.—Russia, 47 Roque, J. J.—Portugal, 18. 19 Roraas Copper Works.—Sweden & Norway, 37 Rosani, P.—Austria, 639 Rose, see Rudall, Rose, & Co. Rose, Elizabeth.—xix. 50. 383; xxvi. 28 Rose, J. & Co.—xxv. 47 Rose, J. E.—x. 719 Rose, J. T.—vii. 180; viii. 164 Rose, Miss.—British Guiana, 136 Rose, W. A. —iv. 27 Rosee, Baron A. De.—Belgium, 365 Rosenberg & Co.—Zollverein (6), 2 Rosenberger, see Blaha & Rosen berger Rosenkilde, C. S.—Sweden & Norway, 45 Rosindale, C.—xxn. 516 Rosing, F. W.—Hamburgh, 100 Rosinsky.—Russia, 342 Roskell, see Hunt & Roskell Roskell, J.—x. 123 Rosier, J.—Austria, 552 Ross.—Main Avenue, W est, 301 Ross, A.—x. 254 (Main Avenue West), 666 Ross, A. H.—x. 157 Ross, C.—United States, 213 Ross, D.—xxvi. 107 Ross, E. C.—-British Guiana, 76 a, 76b Ross, G.—British Guiana, 120 Ross, H.—xxx. 191 Ross, Hon. Mrs.—Main Avenue,West 79 Ross, O’Connor, & Carson.—xxiv. 1 Ross & Sons.— xxviii. 64 Ross, T. —i. 51 Ross & Thomson.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 299 Ross, W.—x. 342 Rosseels, E.—Belgium, 449 Rosselet, C. P.—France, 1452 Rossi, G. M.—Austria, 88 Rossi, L.—xvi. 248 Rossi & Schiapparelli.—Sardinia, 6 Rossignol, see Cusson, Pourcher, &c. Rossmore, Lord.—i. 142 Rossmore Mills.—xii. & xv. 264 Rotch & Finzel.—vi. 405 Roterman, C.—Russia, 71 Roth, C. W.—Zollverein (5), 9 Roth, J.—Switzerland, 53 Roth, J. C.—France, 993 Roth & Sons.—Zollverein (5), 10 Roth, W. jun.—Zollverein (4), 89 Rotheby, Miss.—Western Africa, 4 Rotherham & Sons.—x. 124 Rothschild.—Zollverein (1), 452 Rothschild, Baron S, Von.— Zollverein 0), 28 Rotsch & Reichel.—Austria, 98 Rott, A. H.—Austria, 158 Rott, J.—Austria, 159 Rottmann, see Gebhardt, Rottmann, & Co. Rouchier, F., & Son.—France, 994 Roucou, J.—France, 1689 Rouget de Lisle, T. A.—France, 1455 Rouget, Son, & Co.—France, 1456 Roughton, J.—v. 7 Rougier, see Champagne & Rougier Rouille, see Valtat &Rouille. Roule, A. F.—Belgium, 419 Roulet, Gilly, & Chaponniere.—France, 359 Round, D. G.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 36 Rouse, Captain.—i. 79 Roussanoff.—Russia, 66 Rousseau, A.— xxviii. 116 Rousseau, A. J.—United States, 314 Rousseau, Brothers.—France^ 1457 Rousseau, L.—France, 360 Roussel, see Requillart, Roussel, &c. Roussel, C.—France, 361 Roussel, Requillart, & Chocquel.— France, 1738 Roussel-Dazin.—France, 1458 Rousselet & Baronnet.—France, 1459 Rout, W.—Van Diemen's Land, 152. 154. 158. 173. 187. 291. 293 Routledge, see Devas, Minchener, & Rouvenat, L.—France, 1460 Rouw, P.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 294 Roux, see Cabrit & Roux; Thevenet, Raffin, & Roux WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Roux, F. M.—France, 1690 Roux & Fortin.—France, 995 Rouxel, F.—France, 362 Rovere, F. P. —vii. 163 Row, J.— xiv, 45 Rowat, J., see Rowat, R. T. & J. Rowat, R. T. & J.— xil. & xv. 301 Rowbottom, J.— ix, 262b R owe, J. M., see Rowe, M. & J. M. Rowe, M. & J. M.—United States, 326 Rowe, R. —i. 492 Rowland and Son. —xxix. 1 Rowlands, C. & W.—xxm. 118 Rowlands, J.— xxvn. 63 Rowlands, W., see Rowlands, C. & W. Rowlandson, T.—i. 490 Rowley. —xxn. 278 ; see also Cook, Rowley, & Co. Rowley, J.—x. 290 Rowley, J. J.—ix. 87 Rowney & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 3 Rowney,F.VV.—xxx.(Fine Art Court) 3 Roxburgh, A., see Roxburgh, J. & A. Roxburgh, J. & A.— XII. & xv. 696 Roy, C. F.— Belgium, 301 Roy, Jessie.—xx. 136 Roy, W. L,—United States, 373 Roy, W. Von.—Zollverein (1), 441 Royal Cannon Foundry (Seville).— Spain, 263 (Main Avenue, East) Royal Ordnance Office.—Spain, 262 (Main Avenue, East) Royal Patent Decorative GlassWorks.— xxiv. 83 Royal Prussian Iron Foundy (Berlin).—- Zollverein (1), 271 (Main Avenue, East) Royce, G.—ix. 58 Royer, J. C. A.—France, 1461 Royer, L.—Netherlands, 100 Royer, P. E.—France, 1462 Royle, Dr. J. F.—IV. 107 ; India, n. Royston & Brown—xvn. 34. 205 Ruas & Co.—France, 1464 Ruaud, J. B.—France, 1463 Ruball, V.—Portugal, 1152 Rubenitsch, J.—Austria; 507 Rubery, J.—xxvi. 7 Rudall, Rose, & Co.—x. 536 Rudberg, C. G.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Rudd, T.—ix. 157 Rudert, H.—Russia, 84. 171 Rudloff, Brothers—Zollverein (1), 170 Rudolphi.—France, 1465 Rue, l)e la, & Co.—xvn. 76 Ruel, W. H.—i. 435 Ruetten, see Lumm & Ruetten Ruez, L.—France, 363 Ruff & Co. —xvii. 193 Ruller & Co.—Zollverein (1), 11 Ruffer & Son.—Zollverein (1), 101 Ruffoni, Vincenzo, & Forzano.— xxx. (Fine Ait Court) 220 Rufford, F. T. —xxv. 38 ; xxvii. 89 Rufin, A.—Zollverein (1), 34 Ruggles, G. H.-—United States, 416 Ruhi & Sons.—Zollverein (I), 597 Ruhmann, A.—Zollverein (l), 90 Rumley.— xxvii. 59 Rumms, H.— Hamburgh, 14 Rundell, W. W.— x. 438a ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 279 Runge, Dr.—Zollverein (1), 302 Ruolz.—France, 1466 ; see also Paradis, De Ruolz, and Co. Rupp & Bechst.ein.—Zollverein (5), 11 Rupprecht, S.—Austria, 553 Rups, L.—Zollverein (1), 613 Rurmann & Meckel.—Zollv. (1), 580 Rusby, see Brown, Rushy, &c. Ruschi, Brothers.—Tuscany, 32 Rush, G.—x. 137 Russel, see Wisdom, Russel, &c. Russel, G.— xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 206 Russel, Vicente.—Portugal, 1298 Russell, see Robinson & Russell Russell, H. H.—vii. 78; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 327 Russell, J.—i. 271 Russell, R. —xxix. 40 Russell & Robertson.—li. 59 Russell, S. —xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 230 Russel], Sarah Ann. —xix. 285 Russell & Son.—i. 249 Russell, T. S.—viii. 127 Rust, F. A.—Zollverein (6), 68 Rutherl'oord, H. E. — Cape of Good Hope, 23 Rutherford.—x. 160 a R utherford, J.—i. 182 Ruthven, J.—xxii. 20 Ruthven, M. W. —viii. 171 Rutland, W.—xvi. 99 Ruttens, Helene. —xx. 147a R utter.— xxii. 643 Rutter, J. & W.—xxix. 137 Rutter, W. see Rutter, J. & W. Ryan, J.—xxii. 436 Ryder, W.— Vi. 222 Ryhiner, C.—Switzerland, 152 Ryhiner & Sons.—Switzerland, 161 Ryle, J.—United States, 336 Ryles, M.—x. 190 Rzebitschek, F.—Austria, 162 S. Saad Ben Bartha.—Algeria, 63 Sabatier, H.—France, 1467 Sabinin.—Russia, 116 Sachs, T f —Zollyerein (1), 411 Saclise, W. F.—Zollverein (1), 226 Sacker, F. C.—xxix. 214 Sacre, E.—Belgium, 504 Sacred Harmonic Society.—Main Avenue, West; vii. 38 Sadd, W.—x. 301 Saddingt.on, S. & W.—vi. 609 Saddington,W., see Saddington,S.& W. Sadler.—xiv. 30. 72 Sadler, Fenton, & Co.—xiv. 18 Sadler, J.—iv. 76a S adler, J. H.—vn. 61 Sadler, S.—xiv. 91 Sadler, W. J.—m. 103a; ix. 156 Saelzer & Neuack, United Coal Mines, (Essen).—Zollverein (1), 450 Saffre.—Belgium, 483 Safonoff.—Russia, 55 Saget, W.—France, 364. 1468 Sagra, Ramon de la.—Spain. 157. 186 Sahlberg, C. F. G.—Hamburgh, 36 Sailer, J.—Austria, 570 Saintin, A.—France, 691 Sale, J. N.—xvm. 39 Sales, Pollard, & Co.— hi. 47 Salido, A.—Spain, 75 Salis, Schwabe, & Co.—xvm. 41 Sallandrouze de Lamornaix.—France, 1469 Salm, Prince.— Austria, 430 (Main Avenue, East) Salmon, Ody, & Co.—x. 594 Salmon, W. J.—x. 266 Salmond, W.—xiv. 83 Salomon.—France, 298 Salomon, J. A. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 692 Salomons & Sons.—xil. & xv. 305 Salourier, see Hooper, G., Carroy, &c. Salt & Lloyd.— xxii. 343 Salt, M. & Son.—x. 628 Salt & Mear.—United States, 203 Salt, T.—xii. & xv. 139 Salter.— vii. 107. (Main Avenue, West.) Salter, G.—xvi. 209 Salter, J.— viii. 116 Salter, S.—vii. 220 (Main Avenue, West) Salter, S. & Co.—xn. & xv. 250 Saltmarsh, G.— XXX. 345 Saluce, M.—Sardinia, 10 Salzer, C.—Austria, 245 Salzwimmer, P.—Austria, 554 Sambuc, P.—France, 1470 Sammet, T.—Zollverein (2), 50 Samora, Baron de.—Portugal, 43, 44.48 Sampson, P.—xvi. 303 Sampson, T.— vii. 137 ; xii. & xv. 215 Samson, see Temsonnet, G. &c. Samuel, J.—v. 616 Samuels, D.—iv. 21A Samuels, J. & Co.—xvm. 31 Samuelson, B.—ix. 185 92 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Sanches Pescador and F. del Migue.— Spain, 259 Sanchez, J.—Spain, 255 Sandell, E.—xxix. 97 Sandeman, G.—xxvi. 173 Sandeman, II.—Vi. 44; xi. 2 ; xviil. 92 Sander, P.—Austria, 607 I Sanderl, L.—Austria, 459 Sanders.— xxii. 655 ; see also Gaimes, Sanders, &c.; Spurden, Woolley, & Co. Sanders, J.—xxvm. 73 Sanders, S.—ix. 269b Sanderson, A.—United States, 504 a; see also Sanderson, R. & A. Sanderson, C.—v. 570 Sanderson, G.—x. 160 Sanderson, R. & A. & Co.—xii. & xv.196 Sanderson & Reid.—xm. 3. Sanderson & Sibbajd.— xii. & xv. 189 Sanderson & Sons.—xxiv. 9 Sanderson, T. J.—xxii. 226 Sandford & Owen.—v. 554 Sand ford, Owen, & Watson.—vi. 223 Sandlane & Crane.—xx. 38 Sandoval, De, & Co.—France, 365 Sands, W. & Co.—iv. 88 Sandway.—xvm. 93 Sandy & Powell.—xxvm. 112 Sang, F.—xxvi. 233 Sang, J.—x. 338 Sangiorgio, A.—Austria, 722 Sangiovanni, B. — xxx. (Fine Art Court) 83 Sangoushko, Princess Mary.—Russia, 78 Sangster, J., see Sangster, W. & J. Sangster, W. & J.—xxix. 136 Sanin.—Russia, 28 Sankey, W. H. V.—vii. 32 Sanson, E.—France, 366 Santander, the Inspector of Mines of.— Spain, 9 Santi, Dr. C.—Tuscany, 20 Santos, Dr. C.—Spain, 242 Santosy, Diaz.—Spain, 34 Sapelkin, V.—Russia, 309 Sapognikoff.-—Russia, 372. Sapojnikoff, Brothers.—Russia, 67 Sapp, see Becker, Sapp, & Co. Sapsford, S.—xvn. 35 Sapy, A.—Austria, 6 Saracini, C. A.—Tuscany, 34 Saragoza, the Inspector of Mines of.— Spain, 11 Sarasin & Co.—Switzerland, 152 Sarchet, J.—Jersey and Guernsey, 32 Sardinia, King of.—Sardinia, 64 Sargent, C.—IX. 29 Saris & Rengos.—Greece, 56 Sarrac, H., & Dufour.—France, 1471 Sarre, H. jun.—Zollverein (1), 255 Sarson, T. F.—xxn. 470 Sartorius, A. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 611 Sastre, C.—Spain, 253a Satouriu, M.—Russia, 233 Sattler, W.—Zollverein (2), 14 Sauer, see Spangenberg, Sauer, &c. Sauer & Son.—Zollverein (1), 479 Sauerbier, J. A.—Zollverein (l), 353 Sauerbier, J. C.—Netherlands, 114 Sauerbrey, L.—Zollverein (1), 702 Sauerbrey, V.—Switzerland, 68 Saugrin.—France, 690 Sauken, A. Yon.—Zollverein (1), 433 Saulini, T. —Rome, 24 Saulshausen Salt Works (Hesse).—Zol- verein (6), 3 Saunders, see Randall & Saunders "Saunders, 0.—v. 958; xvi.' 135 Saunders, F. W.—xvi. 271 Saunders, G.—xxi. 34; Jersey and Guernsey, 23 Saunders & Gatchill.— hi. 144; iv. 71 Saunders & Son.—x. 205 Saunders, T. H.—xvn. 36 Saunders, W. J.— xxii. 455 Saunders, W. W.—iv. 9 Saunderson, C.— xvii. 37 Sauraux, J. V.—France, 367 Saussure, J. B. De.—United States, 1 76a Sautret., jun.—France, 1473 Sautreuil, jun.—France, 1474 Sauvage, R. & Co.—France, 1472 Savage, A.—vi. 458 Savage, G. & Son.—Canada, 340 Savage, R. W,— xxii. 56 Savalini, Thomas.—Rome, 24 Savard.—France, 1476 Savaresse, jun.—France, 998 Savaresse, II.—France, 997 Savaresse, P.—France, 1477 Savary and Mosbach.—France, 368 Savery, P. B,—United States, 55 Savi, Professor P.—Tuscany, 51 Saville, J.—xn. & xv. 46 Savory & Moore.—n. 115 Sawney, W.—ix. 31 Sawyer, W.—v. 960 Sax, A. & Co.—France, 1726 Saxby & Brain. —viii. 136 Saxon, A.—vi. 17 Saxony, Royal Direction of Railways (Dresden).—Zollverein (3), 26 Saxton, A.—xx. 90 Sayce, J. & Co.— xii. A xv. 307 Saye, P. G.—France, 1691 Sayer, see Featham, Miller, & Sayer Sayle, Merriam, & Brewer. — United States, 406 Say nor & Sons.—xxii. 198 Sazikoff, P.—Russia, 366 Scaling, W.—xxvm. 9 Scamp, W. M.—vm. 298 Scamps, P.—France, 1479 Scarfe, G.—Jersey and Guernsey, 17 Schabas, J.—Austria, 36 Schachtler, see Custer & Schachtler " Schade, E.—Zollverein (1), 680 Schaeck, Madame.—Switzerland, 251 Schaenffelen, G.—Zollverein (4), 41 Schaerff, R.—Zollverein (1), 118 Schaffer, Otto, & Scheibe.—Zollverein (1), 153 Schalfgotsch, Count of.—Zoljverein (1), 208 Schalch, A.—Switzerland, 180 Schalis, see Dunlop & Schalis Schaller, C.—Zollverein (1), 478 Schaller, J.—xvi. 203 Schamal, F.—Austria, 118 Scharenberg, A.—Mecklenburg Strelitz, 3. Scharf, C.—Zollverein (1), 776 Schattenman, Mr.—France, 376 Scheder, F. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 102 Schedl, C.—Austria, 429 Scheel, C.-—Zollverein (1), 668 Scheibe, see Schaffer, Otto, &c. Scheibe, G.—Zollverein (1), 719 Scheibe, H. L.—Zollverein (1), 742 Scheibler, see Horn berg & Schiebler Scheibler, F. J.—Zollverein (1), 354 Scheibler & Co.—Austria, 80 ; Zollve¬ rein (1), 534 Scheibler & Son.—Zollverein (1), 864 Scheidt, Gebruder, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 504 Scheidweiler, M.—Belgium, 164 Scheile, C.—vi. 402 Scheiper, see Bouckmiihl, &c. Scheit, J. W.—Zollverein (1), 505 Scheitlin, D. see Scheitlin, H. & D. Scheitlin, H. & D.—Switzerland, 217 Scheile, J. G.—Hamburgh, 31 Scheller & Weber.—Zollverein (1), 663 Schelling & Co.—Switzerland, 62 Schelstraete, L.—Belgium, 251 Scheltema, J. & J.—Netherlands, 38 Schelter, G.—Zollverein (3), 182 Schemany, see Schulte & Schemany Schembri, G.—Malta, 3 Schenck & Co.—Zollverein (4), 40 Schendel, P. Van.—Belgium, 173 Scheppers.—Belgium, 497 Scheuble, J. II. & Co.—Cape of Good Hope, 4 8 Schiapparelli, see Rossi & Schiapparelli Schiedmayer & Sons.—Zollverein (4), 23 Schiertz, J. G.—France, 999 Schiess, see Schoch, Schiess, & Co.; Zaehner & Schiess Schiess, E.—Switzerland, 200 Schiesser, G.—Switzerland, 134 Schievelbein, J. F. E.—Zollverein (1), 238 Schiffmann, L.—Zollverein (6), 76 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 93 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. ichiffner & Zimmermann.—Zollverein (.3), 97 >child, J.—Switzerland, 250 Jchildkneght, C. F.—Zollverein (1), 131 ichill & Wagner.—Zollverein (4), 30 Schiller & Gerbing.—Austria, 614 >chiller, J.—Hamburgh, 95 Schilling.—Zollverein (1). 855. Schilling, J.—Zollverein (1), 148 Schilling & Sutton.— ii. 52 Schilt, V.—Switzerland, 59 Schindl, A.—Austria, 318 Schindler, see Eberstaller & Schindler ; ! Jenny & Schindler Schindler, S.—Austria, 555 Bchintzler & Kirschbaum.—Zollverein I (1), 480 Bchipper, C.—Austria, 269 pchlaepfer, J.— Switzerland, 135 Bchlaepfer, Schlatter, & Kursteiner.— Switzerland, 201 chlater, H.—Austria, 701 chlatter, see Schlaepfer, Schlatter, &c. plohledich, see Koehler & Schledich Schlegelmilch, C.—Zollverein (1), 643 Schleicher, C.—Zollverein (1), 405 Schlesinger, see Quitzow, &c., & Co. Schlesinger & Co. — vi. 168; xvii. 38 Schleuss, H.—Zollverein (1), 160 [Bchlick, F.—Austria, 385 fSchliff, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 108 Schlippe, C.—Russia, 27 pchloss, Widow, & Brother.—France, 1480 Schlumberger, jun., & Co. — France, I 1481 jSchlumberger, Gaspard, & Co.—France, 1000 chlussler, H.—Cape of Good Hope, 39 chmantz, C., sen.—France, 370 Schmerbauch, H.—Zollverein (1), 264 Schmersahl, see Kurtz & Schmersahl Schmid, Brothers. — Switzerland, 163. I 269 Schmid, H.—Switzerland, 136 iSchmidlener, J.—Austria, 455. Schmidt, see Behren & Schmidt ; Casparsson & Schmidt; Gevers & | Schmidt ; Wahlen & Schmidt Schmidt, C.—Zollverein (2), 92 Schmidt, C. & H.—.Zollverein (1), 809 Schmidt & Co.—Zollverein (1), 589; Zollverein (3), 11 ISchmidt, E.—Zollverein (6), 58 Schmidt, F.—Zollverein (4), 83 Schmidt, G. F. & Co.—Zollverein (3), 60 j Schmidt, H., see Schmidt, C. & H. Schmidt, H. D.—Austria, 105 Schmidt, J. — Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 2 Schmidt, J. C.—Zollverein (1), 831 Schmidt, J. G., jun., & .Sons.—Zollve¬ rein (3), 49 Schmidt, P. L.—Zollverein (1), 646 Schmidt&Sons.—Zollverein (1), 756 Schmidt, T. D.—Zollverein (l), 651 Schmidt, W.—Zollverein (4), 9 Schmieger, A.—Austria, 193 Schmieger, J.—Austria, 224 Schmieterloew, C.—Cape of Good Hope, 42 Schmit, C.—Zollverein (1), 644 Schmits & Holthaus.—Zollverein (1), 585 Schmitt, F.—Austria, 225 Schmitt, S. M. (Heirs of), & Co.— Austria, 238 Schmoelder, see Widemann, Pferd- menges, &c. Schmolz, M. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 673 Schmuck, Souchay, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 729 Schnabel, Brothers.—Zollverein(l), 503 Schnapper, H. L.—Zollverein (6), 42 Schnautz, VY.—Hamburgh, 104 Schneeberg Cobalt and Nickel Works (Saxony).—Zollverein (3), 9. Schneider, A. see Schneider, E. & A. &c. Schneider, Brothers, & Legrand. — France, 1002 Schneider, E. & A. & Legrand.—France, 1001 Schneider, F.—Switzerland, 102 ; Zoll¬ verein (1), 185, 203 Schneider, H. W.—I. 409 Schneider, J.—Austria, 140 Schneidu & Co.—Chili Schneiter, J. D.—Switzerland, 42 Schnell & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 558 Schnitzer.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 161 Schnitzler, see Ullenberg & Schnitzler Schnorr & Steinhaeuser. — Zollverein (3), 62 Schoch, Schiess & Co.—Switzerland, 202 Schoefel, J.—Austria, 99 Schoefer.—Zollverein (1), 737 Schoell, A.—Austria, 226 Schoell, C. A.—Switzerland, 252 Schoeller, A. F.—Zollve'rein (1), 608 Schoeller, Brothers.—Austria, 227 Schoeller, J. P.—Zollverein (1), 365. Schoeller & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 374 Schdenebeck Chemical Manufactory.— Zollverein (1), 683 Schoenebeck Salt Works.-—Zollverein (1), 834. Schoenenberger.—France, 371 Schoenfeldt.—Russia, 375 Schoenhuber, J.—Austria, 113. Schoening, H.—Zollverein (1), 154 Schoettle, G. J.—Zollverein (4), 12 Schofield, A.—xii. & xv. 474 Schofield, Brown, Davis, and Halse.— xii. & xv. 3 Schofield, J. — xii. & XV. 125 Scholefield, D.—x. 148 Scholer, P. C.—Denmark, 37 Scholev, Misses.—xxvi. 142 Scholl, J.—x. 666 Scholtus.—France, 1482 Schomburgk, Sir R.—St. Domingo Schon, P.—Zollverein (1), 402 Schonberg Privileged Linen Yarn Spin¬ ning Mill.—Austria, 95 a S chonborn, E.—Austria 15 Schoneveld & Westerbann. — Nether¬ lands, 13 Schonhofer.—Zollverein (1), 785 Schonhofes, Sebald.—Switzerland, 258 Schonleber, A.—Zollverein (4), 32 Schooley & Hough.—United States, 200 School of Charity, Ireland.—xix. 227 Schooling, H.—xxix. 114 Schoost, J. N. C.—Hamburgh. 37 Schopfer, S.—Switzerland, 218 Schopper, C. F.—Zollverein (1), 758 Schopper, F.—Zollverein (1). 757 Schopper, M. A.—Austria, 270 Schorder, C. H.—Hamburgh, 13 Schotts, B. & Sons.—Zollverein (6), 25 Schrader, C.—Zollverein (1), 777 Schraidt & Co.—Zollverein (1), 732 Schramm, Brothers. — Zollverein (1), 466 Schramm J. L. F.—Zollverein (1), 806 Schramm, S.—Austria, 397 Schraps, see Becker & Schraps S*chreger, B.—Zollverein (6), 51 Schreiber, F. A.-—Zollverein (3), 71 Schreiber, J. C. G.—Zollverein (1), 783 Schreier, Susanna.—Austria, 390 a S chrieck, Yan Der, Brothers.—Belgium, 101 Schroder, see Schuermann & Schroder Schrodter, E.—Zollverein (1), 484 Schroeder.—i. 437 ; see also Gottschalk & Schroeder ; Wamp & Schroeder Schroeder, J.—Zollverein (6), 77 Schrceer, F. H.—Zollverein (3), 120 Schroers, G. & H.—Zollverein (1),'515 Schroers, H., see Schroers, G. & H. Schropp, Simon & Co.—Zollverein (l), 303 Schruck & Ulich.—Zollverein (2), 15 Schuberdh & Co.—Hamburgh, 102 Schubert, see Behr & Schubert Schubert, A.—Austria, 168 Schubert, Mrs.—Zollverein (3), 156 Schuchard, H.—Zollverein (6), 19 Schuohmann, W. —Switzerland, 264 Schuell, L.—Zollverein (1), 393 Schuer, Dr. & Kohring.—Zollverein, (1), 843 Schuermann & Schroder. — Zollverein (1), 496 94 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foteigii Silid Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Schuetze.—Zollverein (3), 188 , Scbule, see Kolb & Schule Schulte, J. W.—Zollverein (1), 6 75 Sclmlte & Schemany.—Hamburgh, 49 Schultheis, see Weber & Schultheis Schultz.—Russia, 268 Schultz, F. J.—Hamburgh, 48 Schultz, G. S.—Hamburgh, 112 Schultze, D.—Hanover, 6 Sclmltze, F.—Hamburgh, 46 Schultze, J. F.—Zollverein (1), 707. Schulz, (J.—Zollverein (l), 593 Schulz, J.—Zollverein (l), 880 Schulz, L. WZollverein (1), 811 Schulz, W.—Zollverein (1), 881 Schumacher.—Zollverein (4), 93 Schumacher, J. &Sons.—Zollverein (6), 47 Schumans, C. A.—United States, 204 Schuster.—Zollverein (1), 712 Schuster, L.—Zollverein (3), 22 Schuster, M., jun.—Zollverein (3). 23 Schutz, F.—Austria, 375 Schutz, L. W.—Netherlands, 98 Schutze, A.—Zollverein (1), 884 Schutzmann, A.—Zollverein (2), 40 Schuyler, see Raymond & Schuyler Schwabe, see Salis, Schwabe, & Co. Schwann, F.— XII. & XV. 115; XIV. 50 A Schwann, Kell, & Co.— XII. & XV. 141 Sch wan thaler. — Zollverein (1), 90. 285; (Main Avenue, East) Schwarte, J. D.—Zollverein (1), 640 Schwartz, C.—Zollverein (1 ), 202 Schwartz & Huguenin.—France, 1003 Schwartz, Trapp, & Co.—France, 1004, 1005 Schwartze, see Meyer & Schwartze Schwarz, C.—Austria, 470 Schwarz, F. jun.—Austria, 472 Schwarz, F. sen.—Austria, 471 Schwarz, II.—Switzerland, 137 Schwarz, I.—Austria, 473 Schwarz, J.—Austria, 684 Sclnvarze, Dr.—Zollverein (3), 179 Schwarzenberg, Prince.—Austria, 417 Schvvavzenfels Electoral Manufactory. —Zollverein (1), 465 Schwebemeyer, C.—Zollverein (1), 181 Schwefel, A.—Austria, 608 Schweitzer & Heller.—Zollverein (1), 733 Schweizer, see Graeser & Schweizer Schwemanu & Sons.—Zollverein (1), 544 Schwemsal Royal Alum Works. — Zollverein (1), 463 Schwerber, S.—Zollverein (5), 30 Schwerin, Count of.—Zollverein (1), 33 Schwinghammer, S. T.—Austria, 556 Scola, A.—Austria, 72 Scola, B.—Sardinia, 16 Scollick, H. C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 178 Scotch Linen Trade.—Portugal, 701-706 Scoti, Brothers.—Tuscany, 37 Scott.—xxii. 612; see also Keer & Scott Scott, Cuthbertson •& Co.—xxvi. 300 Scott, E., & Co.—iv. 19 Scott, G.—v. 154 Scott, G. G.—Main Avenue, West, 60; vn. 221. (Main Avenue, West) xxvi. 235 Scott & Glassford.—Canada, 148 Scott, L.—ii. 61 Scott, P.—xx. 141 Scott, S. T.—xvi. 228 Scott & Wright.—xii. & xv. 1 Scottish Royal Society of Arts.—VII. 29 Scouller, J.—vm. 113 Scragg, T.—ix. 228 Scrampton.—I. 82 Screen, T.—Van Diemen’s Land, 305 Scrive, Brothers.—France, 1005. 1007 Scrive, Brothers, & J. Dauser.—France, 1006 Scroxton, J. H.—xxvi. 271 Scrymgeour, H.—xxvi. 101 Scuffert, E.—Austria, 141 b S eabrook, W. — United States, 172 f. 320d Seabury, J.& J- L.—United States, 121 Seabury, J. L., see Seabury, J. & J. L. Seager, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 13 Seal, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 218 Seal, F. M. C.—Portugal, 497. 515 Seal, S.—ix. 262 Sealy, J.—xxvii. 130 Seaxner, T.—xm. 15 Searight, J.—Cape of Good Hope, 37 Searle, C.—xxn. 480 Searle, G.—United States, 488 Searle, H.—vi. 65 Searle & Sons.—vm. 169 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Sears, R.—xxn. 620 Seaton, Lord.—Ionian Islands, 5 Seaward, W.—ix. 51 Secchi, F.—Austria, SI Seccombe, S.—i. 454 Sedgwick & Taylor.—xxn. 644 Sedlay, G.—Zollverein (3), 72.83 Seebass, A. R.—Zollverein (6), 50 Seeger, F.—Zollverein (4), 78 Seeger, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 713 Seel, G.-—Zollverein (1), 657 Seel, H., jun.—Zollverein (1), 483 Seeley, J. — Western-end, South en¬ closure (outside), 11; Main Avenue, West, 88 Seeling & Becker.—Zollverein (6), 69 Seeling, G. W.—Zollverein (1), 291 Seemann, C. & H.—Zollverein (4), 36 Seemann, G.—Zollverein (1), 75 Seeman, H., seeSeeman, C. & H. Seer, L. M.—Canada, 16 Seghers, B.—Belgium, 110 Segond, see Maille & Segond Seguin.—France, 692, 1693 Seguin, J.—France, 1008 Seguy.—France, 372 Seib, J. A.—France, 1009 Seibe, A.—xxvi. 11 Seibler, see Pature-Lupin, &c. Seid Omer.—Turkey Seidel, C. & C.—Austria, 228 Seidel, J.—Zollverein (6), 26 Seiffert & Co.—Zollverein (1), 162 Seigneur, J. B. Du.—France, 187; (Main Avenue, East) Seignuret, H. J.—Jersey & Guernsey, 3 Seipermann & Mohlau.—Zollverein (1), 676 Seitter, A.—Austria, 399 Selboe, J. C.—Denmark, 31 Seldis, D.—Zollverein (1), 181 Selenka, J.—Zollverein (1), 800 Selfe, H.—v. 452 Selivanoff.—Russia, 52 Sellar & Son.—ix. 85 Sellers, see Slack, Sellers, &c. Sellers, J.—xxn. 147; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 295 Sellier & Bellot.—Austria, 122 Sells, see Jones, Sells, & Co. Selopis, Brothers.—Sardinia, 4 Seltzer, Sophia.—x. 726 Semenoff & Faleyetf, Brothers.—Russia, 135. 247 Semmens, J.—vm. 136 Semon, Siltzer, & Co.—xii. & XV. 163 Semovilla, R.—Spain, 143 Semper.—Zollverein (3), 174 Sempere, F.—Spain, 4l Sena, S. F.—Spain, 274 a S enechal.—France, 373 Sengenwald.—France, 1010 Sengle, J. G.—Hamburgh, 66 Senigaglia & Carminati.—Austria, 78 Senn & Suter.—Switzerland, 152 Senneff, J.—United States, 75 Sentis, Son, & Co.—France, 1011 Seppe, H.—Cape of Good Hope, 49 Serafino, Palatini, & Co.—Austria, 702 Serionne, De, Loin, & Co. — France, 1483 Serjeant & Pepper.—xxv. 19 Serley, C. G. De.—Prance, 1484 Serret, Ilamoir, Duquesne, & Co.— France, 1485 Servaes, M. T.—Belgium, 295 Servais, J. B.—Belgium, 291; France, 1012 Service, W.—ix. 122 a S erzedello & Co.—Portugal, 37, 38. 42. 50. 61. 69, 70. 72. 75, 76. 80, 81. 504 j i Whose names appear in the catalogue. 95 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Settier, B.—Spain, 2^2 a S etzer, J.—Austria, Vj S everin, E.—Hambu,^ h, 118 Severn, H. A.—vm 186 Sevier.—xix. 115 Seville Royal Cannon Foundry.—Spain, 263 (Main Avenue, East) Sevin, C.—France, 739 Sevres, Manufactory of Porcelain and Stained Glass at.—France, 1369 Sevrin, E.—Belgium, 367 Sewall, see Johnson, Sewall, & Co. Sewell, C. & F.—xxvi. 340 Sewell & Co.—ix. 107 Sewell, Evans, Hubbard, and Bacon.— xiii. 19; xix. 288 ! Sewell, F., see Sewell, C. & F. Sewell, T. R.—vi. 92 Seybel, see Wagenmaun, Seybel, & Co. Seydoux, see Pature-Lupin, &c. Seyeux.—France, 1486 Seyferth, G. & Co. — Zollverein (3), 106 Seyffarth, Dr.—Zollverein (3), 174 Seyffert & Bieyer.— Zollverein (3), 88 j Seykora, J.—Austria, 324 t Seylers, G.—Zollverein (1), 121 Seymour, E. & J.—xxm. 72 Seymour, J., see Seymour, E. & J. | Seymour, Z.—I. 192 | Seyrig, see Manlove, Alliott, &c. i Seyssel Asphalte Co.—Eastern end ; I. 229 Shabelsky.—Russia, 42 Shack lock, G.—xxvi. 29 Shad bolt, G.— x. 677a S haft & Axletree Co.—v. 543 ! Shah, A.—Russia, 126 1 Shah-Wedi-Ogli.—Russia, 166 Shakell, E., see Shakell, Maria, &c. Shakell, Maria, Fanny, & Edw. — xix. j 189 Shalders, W. jun.—v. 402 Shand & Mason (late Tilley & Co.)— V. 4 10 (South Transept) Shand & lVIuckart.— hi. 126 Shanghae, H.M. Consul at.—China Shanks, A, —yi. 210 Shanks, R. H.—v. 962 | Shanks 8c Son.—ix. 67 Sharland, W.—Van Diemen's Land.— 175 Sharland, W. S.—Van Diemen’s Land. I —321 Sharnhorst, C.—Oldenburgh, 3 i Sharp, see Ward, Street, &c. Sharp, Brothers.—Vi. 15. 204 Sharp, D. W.—xn. & xv. 177 Sharp, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 20 I Sharp, Odell, & Jury. —xiii. 69 Sharp, S.—Western end, South enclosure (outside), 18; vi. 440; x. 308 i Sharp, T.—xix. 1 ; xxm. 120; xxx. (Sculpture Court) 20. 26; see also Brine, Brothers, & T. Sharp Sharp, W. D.—v. 104 Sharpe, B.—VIII. 136 Sharpe, see Browne, Sharp, & Co. Sharpe, Brothers, & Co.—XXV. 36 Sharpe, E.—vii. 223 (Main Avenue, West) Sharpe, H. & D.—Zollverein (1), 872 Sharpe, J. & R.—xxi. 10 Sharpe, R., see Sharpe, J. & R. Sharpus & Cullum.—XXV. 41 Shattuck, W. F.—United States, 509 Shattuck, W. G.—United States, 412 Shave, W. J.—xxii. 90 Shaw. A.—Canada, 56 Shaw, B L.—v. 113 Shaw, C.—xxviii. 164 Shaw, H.—xvii. 14; see also Shaw J. W. and H. Shaw, J.— viii. 254 ; xx. 9 i Shaw, J. & Co.—v. 728 Shaw, J. W. & H.—xii. & xv. 98 Shaw, P.—xn. & xv. 90 Shaw, S.—Canada, 149 Shaw & Son.—xxii. 216 Shaw, Son, & Co.— xii. & xv. 110 Shaw, W.—vi. 110 Shea, Capt.—-China Shean, W. J.— xvii. 177 Sheard & Sons.—xn. 8c xv. 81 Shearer, J.-— xxii. 127 Shears & Sons.— xxii. 438 Shechtel, F.—Russia, 357 Sheddon, H.—xix. 293 Sheepshanks, see York & Sheepshanks Sheffield Gas Company.— xxii. 448 Sheffield Journeymen File-makers.— xxii. 138 Sheffield School of Design, xxm. 39 ; xxvi. 344, 345 Sheldon, see Wadsworth 8c Sheldon Sheldon, J. —xxii. 292 Shembri, Antonia.—Malta, 10 Shenton, see Foothorape, Showell, &c. Shenstone & Mills.— xxii. 273 Shepard & Perfect.—xn. & xv. 131 Shephard, J.—xxiv. 8 Shepherd, C.—x. 128 (South Transept) Shepherd, G.—Canada, 63 Shepherd, Hill, 8c Spink.—vi. 220 Shepherd, R. A. J.—United States, 10 Sheppard, A.—hi. 70 Sheppard, F.—xxvm. 111 Sheppard, G., see Sheppard, VV. B., 8c G. Sheppard, W. B. and G.—XII. & XV. 18 Sheridan, P.—xix. 294 Sheriff, T.—ix. 74 Sheringham.—xxii. 582 Sherman & Smith.—United States, 143 Sherrer, G.—New South Wales Sherwin, H.—xxv. 51 Sherwin, J. —xxii. 243 Sherwin, Cope & Co.—Vi. 104 Sherwood Iron Works. — xxx. (Fine Art Court) 138 Shield.—vii. 79 Shier, D.—British Guiana, 21-24. 33-35. 41-44. 55-58. 67. 122. 133 Shikhonin.—Russia, 276 Shikhonin, Alexis.—Russia, 275 Shillibeer, G.—v. 964 Shilton, T.—v. 966 Shinton, R.— m. 33; xx. 75 Shipley, J. G.—xvi. 82 Shipton, see Brunsden & Shipton Shipwreck, National Institution for the preservation of life from.—yin. 309 Shirer, A.—xix. 296 Sholl, J.—ix. 120; United States, 538 Shoobridge, see Keith, Shoobridge, & Co. Shoolbred, Loveridge, & Shoolbred.— xxii. 66 ; xxvi. 282 Shore.—vi. 438 Shore, Anne Jane.—xix. 297 Shorman, J.—vm. 266 Short, see Grave, De, Short, &c. Short, J.—xxix. 129 Shouvaloff & Son.—Russia, 231. 241 Shove & Co.—xxiv. 24 Showell, see Foothorape, Showell, &c. Shreeve—xx. 46a Shrewsbury, see Alderton Sc Shrewsbury Shtange & Vezfel.—Russia, 370 Shuetzendorff, H. H.—Zollverein (1), 399 Shuff, W.—v. 971 Shuldam, Harriett.— XIX. 298 Shuldham, M.—VIII. 172 Shuttleworth, see Clayton, Shuttleworth, & Co. Shuttleworth, W. 8c Co. — xii. 8c xv. 156 Si Ahmed El Hachemi.—Algeria, 48 Si Ali Ben Lamouchi.—Algeria, 65; France, 1695 Si Amar Srnin.—Algeria, 49 Si Amon Ben Ouat, A. F. (or Si Ha- mqn Bel Onataf). — Algeria, 64 ; France, 1694 Si-El-Bey Ben-Bou-Ras.—Algeria, 50 Si El Medani.—Algeria, 66 Si Ham ida.— France, 1696 Sibbald, see Sanderson 8c Sibbald Sibell 8c Mott.—United States, 339 Siber Bischoff.—Switzerland, 152 Sibley, S.—United States, 197 Sibson, H.—North Transept, 35 Sibthorpe, Fanny Louisa.—xix. 299 Siccama, A.—x. 535 Sichart 8c Co. —China Siebe, A.—v. 440; vii. 1 ; ix. 255 a; x. 358 ; xxii. 435 Siebel, C. W. 8c Brinck.—Zollverein 0), 513 96 ALPHABETICAL index of contributors and others Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Siebert, F.—Austria, 271 Siebert, S.—United States, 505 Siegert, C.—Zollverein (1), 74 Siegfried & Waldsbausen.—Zollverein (1),862 Siegl, J. & Co.—Austria, 290 Siegle, H.—Zollverein (4), 6 Siegmund, see Neuhaeuser, Siegmund, & Co. Siegmund, W.—Austria, 230 Siemens, C. W.—v. 46. 203 Siemens & Halske. — Zollverein (l), 252. 310 a Sieron, L.—Belgium, 358 Sievers, E.—Austria, 683 Sigaut.—France, 1487 Sigmund, I.—Austria, 272 Signoret Rochas, P.—France, 1013 Silbermann, G.—France, 374 Silk & Brown.—v. 968 Sillett, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 26 Siltzer, see Semon, Siltzer, & Co. Silva, see Almeida, Silva, & Co. Silva, A. S. P. da.—Portugal, 1296, 1297 Silva, C. J. F. da.—Portugal, 1123c Silva, H. J. da.—Brazil, 4 Silva, J. J. da.—Portugal, 955. 966, 967 Silva, J. P. da.—Portugal, 349. 370 Silva, M. da.—Portugal, 991-1014 Silva Alves E. J. da.—Portugal, 407 Silva Junor, A. da. — Portugal, 319 Silveira, J. C. da.—Portugal, 373. 437 Silvent, see Repiquet & Silvent Silverlock, H.—vi. 158. 162 ; xvii. 40. Silverwood, see Marsden, Brothers, &c. Sim, C. J.—xix. 301 Sim, W.—i. 137 Simcox, G. P.—xix. 302 Simcox, Pemberton, & Sons.—xxii. 321 Sime, J. & Co.—xn. & xv. 195 Simes, S.—United States, 60 Simier, J.—France, 693 Simmens, J.—VIII. 124 Simmonds & Woodman.—xx. 105 Simmons & Co.—United States, 119 Simmons, G. N.—I. 468 Simmons, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 126 Simmons, Mrs. W.—United States, 3 03 Simms, W.—X. 741 (Main Avem ae, West) ; see also Trougliton a utl Simms Simon, see Guenther & Simon; Light ly & Simon; Schropp, Simon, & Co .-j Videcoq & Simon Simon, E.—France, 1014 Simon, H.—Zollverein (2), 37 Simon & Henry.—France, 14S9 Simon, J.—France, 1016 Simon, Miss.—Jersey & Guernsey, 24- Simon, P.—France, 1015 Simon j S.—France, 1697 Simonet, Vitgltiie.-—France, 375 Simonetta, P.—Austria, 291 Simonis, E.—Belgium, 464 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Simonis, J.—Belgium, 194 Simonite, J.—xxii. 270 Simons, J. (heirs of).—Zollverein (1), 514 Simons, W.—vm. 33 Simons, W. V.—x. 663 Simonson, see Jones, Simonson, &c. Simonson, J. & Co.—Zollverein (3), 154 Simounet, P.—Algeria, 51 Simpson.—United States, 565 Simpson, Esther.—xx. Ill Simpson, G.— x 624 ; xxvx. 267 Simpson, H.—x. 642 Simpson, Hannah.—xx. Ill Simpson, Humphrey, & Vickers.—IV. 117 Simpson, J.—xxv. 33 Simpson, J. & Co.—Canada, 48 1 Simpson, M.—XIX. 67 Simpson, Messrs.—India, v. Simpson & Skipton.—V. 14 Simpson, T.—x. 532 Simpson, T. B.—Canada, 90. 277 Simpson, W. B.—xix. 379; xxvi. 270 Simpson & Young.—xvm. 47 Sims, E. H.—United States, 274, 275 Sims, E. W.—United States, 267 Sinclair, C.—xxiv. 50 Sinclair, D.—vm. 136 Sinclair, Duncan, 8c Son.—xvii. 92 Sinclair & Hockley.—X. 329 Sinclair, J.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (outside), 13; Western end, South enclosure (outside), I. 206 Sinclair, J. jun.—XII. & xv. 467 Singer, C. F.—Zollverein (3), 145 Singer & Co.—Western end, North en¬ closure (outside), 65; xxvn. 88 Singer, J.—Austria, 392 Siuigaglia, Brothers.—Sardinia, 25 Sioen, J.—Belgium, 138 Sirot.—France, 1017 Sirtaine, F.—Belgium, 197 Sitoff, Brothers.—Russia, 202. 323 Skalkin.—Russia, 347 Skeltons, R., see Skeltons, S. & R. Skeltons, S. Sc R.—xxii. 220 Skidmore, T. R.—xxiv. 52 Skidmore & Co.—xxii. 183 Skidmore & Son.— xxiii. 129 Skill, Rebecca.—xxix. 84 Skinner.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 362 Skinner, A.—xvi. 83 Skinner, F., & Co.—United States, 450 ! Skinner & M‘Culloch.—Canada, 88.90 Skinner & Whalley.—xxvil. 121 j .Skipton, see Simpson & Skipton Skvorzoff.—Russia, 232. 235 t Slack, J.—v. 42 3^ Slack, Sellers, & Grayson—XXII. 208 Slagg, H. W.—xx$i. 158 Slape, G.— xxviii. 67 Slark, W.—xxix. l'35 Slate, J.—vi. 69 ; XXII. 386 Slater, E.— xii. & xv. 22 Slater, H.—xn. & xv. 170 Slater, J.—xxix. 226 Slater, W.—vm. 78 Slater & Wright.—1. 1 1; vm. 136. 312 Slaughan, Elizabeth.—xxix. 64 Slaughter, see Stothert, Slaughter, & Co. Slieglitz, Mrs. — Van Diemen’s Land, 168 Slight, J.—v. 765 ; ix. 42 Sloane, see Hall, Brothers, &c. Sloane, F.—Tuscany, 28 Slock, E.—xi. 6 Sloggett, R.— vm. 32 Sluter.—Zollverein (1), 270 Sly, J.—Van Diemen's Land, 329 Smal Werpin, A.—Belgium, 398 Smale, W.—viii. 94 Small, see Maling & Small Small, T.—X. 650 Small, T. O.— xxv. 42 Smallman, Smith, & Co.—XXII. 2 Smart, see Ramsay and Smart Smart, R.— xx. 135 Smead, C.—United States, 237 Smed, S.—Denmark, 29 Smedley. T.—I. 124 Smedt, B. De.—Belgium, 232 Smee & Faraday.— x. 464 Smee & Son.— xxvi. 174 Smeeton & Son.—xiv. 63 Smichow (near Prague) Steam Flour Mill.—Austria, 64 Smily, W. R.— xxm. 94 Smith.— xii. & xv. 163; xvii. 33; xxii. 368 ; see also Bickford, Smith, &c.; Earl, Smith, & Co.; Forster & Smith ; Heywood, &c., & Co. ; Pecare & Smith ; Phillips, Smith, & Co. ; Phillips, Smith, & Phillips; Sherman & Smith; Smallman, Smith, & Co.; Stuart & Smith; Turbeville, &c., & Co.; Ward, Smith, & Co.; Withey & Smith Smith, A.— xxviii. 55a ; Canada, 33 ; see also Smith, W. & A. Smith, A. K.—ix. 4 a S mith, Anderson, 8c Co.—XIX. 82 Smith, A. & W., & Co.—ix. 266 Smith, B.—VII. 96 ; xxiii. 110; Ca¬ nada, 64 Smith & Baber.—xix. 371 Smith, Seacock, & Tannett.—vi. 230 Smith & Beck.—x. 253 Smith, B. T. 8c Co.—IV. 65 Smith, C.—xxvi. 341 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 97 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Smith, Charlotte.—xx. 119 Smith & Co.—ix. 234; xxn. 452 Smith, C. R.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 44. 83 Smith, C. T.—Van Diemen’s Land, 78, 189 Smith, D., see Smith, H. & D. Smith, E.—xvii. 100 Smith, F. H.—United States, 566 Smith, F. P.—v. 3 Smith, F. S.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 170 Smith, G.—v. 141; ix. 219 Smith, G. A.—xxviii. 95 Smith, George, & Co.—xx. 55 Smith, G. F.—xxvi. 141 Smith & Gibbs.—xx. 71 Smith, G. R.—x. 424 Smith, G. & Sons.— Main Avenue, West Smith, H.—viii. 165. 279; ix. 192; see also Smith, T. & H. Smith, H. A.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 2n [ Smith, H. & D.—United States, 22 j Smith, H. E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 31 a Smith, J.—in. 161; VI. 59; ix. 256; xiv. 65 ; xvi. 237; xvii. 41; xviii. 89; xxviii. 22; see also Coffey, J. A., and J. Smith I Smith, J. & Sons.—xii. & xv. 235 Smith, J. A.—New Zealand, 6. 14. 19. 29 Smith, J. B. & Co.— xii. & xv. 14 Smith, J. E.—xx. 29 Smith, J. M. & Co.—United States, 519 I Smith, Kemp, & Wright.—xxn. 295 i Smith, L.—United States, 86 Smith, Lieut., R.N. — Van Diemen's Land, 238-241, 295, 296 Smith, M.—m. 14; vi. 22 Smith, Mary.—xiil. 51 Smith, Mary A. P. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 213 Smith & Meynier.—Austria, 360 ; Smith, Nicholson, & Co.—xxm. 110 Smith, O.—xxviii. 95 Smith, O. H.—v. 972 Smith, P.—Van Diemen’s Land, 222 Smith, R.—i. 499 Smith, Mrs. R.—xix. 304 Smith, R. &Son.—v. 449. Smith, S.—VIII. 125 ; x. 573 Smith & Son.—iv. 68; xii. & xv. I 29 ; xvi. 31 Smith & Sons.—x. 129; xvi. 310a (Main Avenue, West) ijSmith, T.—i. 177 ; ix. 222 ; xxn. 57; I xxviii. 172 liSmith, T., jun. — xxx. (Fine Art j! Court), 167 ijSmith, T. & H.—n. 94. Smith, T. H.—xxn. 269 Smith, T. & W.—viii. 305 Smith, W.—ix. 270; x. 359; xii. &xv. 80; see also Smith, A. & W. & Co.; Smith, T. & W. Smith, W. & A.—xxix. 205 ; 280 Smith, W. H.— vii. 165 (Main Avenue, West) Smith & Whyte.— xii. & xv. 459. Smithers, J.—Cape of Good Hope, 38 Smithson, T.—iv. 101 a S mithson, T.—xii. & xv. 48 Smits, P.—Netherlands, 20 Smyth.—xix. 77 Smyth & Roberts.—x. 491 Sneath, see Nicklin & Sneath. Sneider, Pellegrini.—Rome, 3 Snelgrove, see Marshall & Snelgrove Snell & Co.—xxvi. 170 Snell, J.— xii. & xv. 24 Snell, R.—x. 528 Snoeck, C. J.—Belgium, 202 Snowden, R.—hi. 28 Snowden, see Collier, Son, & Snowden Snowden, W. F.—v. 588 Soap Contractors, Royal. — Portugal, 1158-1164 Soares, V. C. V.—Portugal, 360. 364. 390. 391 Sobradiel, Count of.—Spain, 174 Soderberg &" Arosenius.—Sweden and Norway, 19 Soeders, G.—Netherlands, 81 Soenlke, G.—Zollverein (1), 265 Soehnee, Brothers.—France, 380 Soenen, F.—Belgium, 338 Soenens, Le Chevalier.—Belgium, 109 Soetens, C.—Belgium, 424 Soins & Son.—France, 381 Solenikoff.—Russia, 261 Soler, J.—Malta, 29 Soley, B.—Sardinia, 40 Soller & Co.—Switzerland, 152 Sollerig, E. F.—Zollverein (3), 47 Sollerig, Franz.—Zollverein (3), 72. 83 Solly, see Allen & Solly. Solly & Co.—i. 410 Solly, J.—xxn. 258 I Solms, Count.—Zollverein (1), 210 Solomon, J.—x. 286 Solomon, S.—xx. 86 Solomon, T.—i. 81 Solomons, A.— xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 69 Solovieff, J.—Russia, 354 Somajni, F.—Austria, 723 Somalvico & Co. —x. 681a S omers, Earl.—i. 77 Somerset House School of Design.— xxvi. 309 ; Bay I. 23, 24 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 10 Sommer, C.—Zollverein (3), 1 Sommer, C. J.—Zollverein (1), 818 Sommer, F.—Zollverein (1), 878 Sommer, J.—Zollverein (1), 390 Sommerlield, B.—Zollverein (1), 173 Sommerfeld & Hubner.—Zollverein (1), 238 Sommermeyer & Co.—Zollverein (1), 802 Somze, J.—Belgium, 268 Somze-Mahy, H.—Belgium, 265. Sondermann.—Zollverein (l), 288 Sonderman, W.—Zollverein (1), 743 Sondermeyer, J. K.—Netherlands, 72 Sonnenberg, Association of Manufac¬ turers at.—Zollverein (l), 804 Sonnleithner, A.—Austria, 500 Soper, H.—xiii. 29 Soper, R. S.— xiv. 64 Sophianos, A.—Greece, 2 Sopwith, J. see Sopwith, T. & J. Sopwith, T.—i. 483, 484 Sopwith, T. & J.— xxvi. 316 Sorby, R., & Sons.— xxn. 204 Sorel.—France, 1020 Sorensen, C.—Denmark, 13 Soria, Inspector of Mines of.—Spain, 28 Sorokin, Catherine.—Russia, 69 Sorzano, Manuel.—Trinidad Soten, J.—Canada, 355 Sotto.—Sardinia, 91 Soual.—Algeria, 52 Soubeyrand, L.—France, 1490 Soucaret, see Couderc & Soucaret Souchay, seeSchmuck, Souchay, & Co. Souche Paper Mills Co.—France, 377 Souchon, J. M.—France, 1491 Soucin, Corbet.—France, 1698 Soufleto.—France, 1699. 1731 Soulby, J.—viii. 110 Soule.—United States, 342 Soules, Mdme. Hyppolite. — France, 1492 Sounes, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 277 Sounes, W.—xxx. 359 Sourd, A.—France, 1493 Sousa, see Pinto e Sousa Souter, W.—xxn. 354 South Australian Co.—South Austra¬ lia, 1 South Carolina Railroad Co.—United States, 177 Southall & Co.— xxvi. 342 Southey & Co.— xvi. 51 Southorn, W. & Co.— xxv. 29 Southwell, W.—x. 469 Soutter, G.—Switzerland, 51 Souvraz, see Bonfils, Michel & Co. Sowden, M.—i. 171 Sowerby, see Williams & Sowerby Sowerby & Castle.— xxvi. 192 Sowrel, A.—United States, 448 Soxhalet, E. see Soxhalet, H. F. 8c E. Soxhalet, H. F. & E.—Austria, 194 Soyer, A. see Warringer, G. &c. Spalding, J.— X. 561 98 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Spalinger, J.—Switzerland, 253 Spangberg & Co.—Sweden and Norway, 11 Spangenberg, Sauer, & Sturm.—Zoll- verein (1), 477 Spanna, J. & Co.—Sardinia, 88 Spanraft, F. X.—Austria, 273 Sparke, W.— viii. 17. 136 Sparks, J.— xxii. 430 Sparks J. & Co.— X. 591 Sparks, W,—I. 154 Sparrow C. —xxiii. 2. Sparrow, R.—viii. 313 Spaulding, J.—United States, 313 Spear, see Hall & Spear Spear & Jackson.—xxii. 113 Speicb, P.—Sardinia, 71 Speller, W-—vi. 330 Spence, see Blundell, Spence, & Co. Spence, P.—n. 7. Spenceley, J.—viii. 117 Spencer, E.—viii. 11 Spencer, J. A.— II. 31. Spencer, J. & Son.—xi. 52. Spencer & Son.—v. 555 Spencer, T.—xxix. 222 Spendeck, P. & Co.—Zollverein (1) 424 Spengler, C. jun—Zollverein (3), 117 Sperry, H.—United States, 345 Spicer, Brothers.—xvn. 42 Spiegel, W. A. C. & Co.—Lubeck, 8. Spiers & Son.— xvii. 208; xxvi. 70; XXX. (Sculpture Court) 361 Spietschka, V.—Austria, 609 Spiglazoff.—Russia, 76 Spiller J.—vi. 436 Spink, see Shepherd, Hill, & Spink Spinn & Menke.—Zollverein (1), 838 Spitalfields School of Design.—xm. 37 Spitalfields Patent Utrecht Co.—xix. 265 Splengler, H.—Switzerland, 181 Spoerlin & Zimmermann.—Austria, 651 Spohr.—Austria, 371 Spooner, A.—Canada, 169 Spratt, I.—xxix. 121. Spratt, J.—United States, 5. Spratt, W. H.—x. 612 Sprechar & Baer.—Switzerland, 103 Sprengel, Dr. C. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 67 Springer, J. J.—Switzerland, 138 Springfield, W.—xxvm. 138 Sprot, M. & T.—Western end, North enclosure (outside), 69 ; xxvn. 98 Sprot, T., see Sprot, M. & T. Spurden, Woolley, Saunders, & Co.— xx. 14 Spurgin, Dr. J.—vii. 76; ix. 259 Spurgin, T.—ii. 38; x. 542 Spurin, E. C.—xxix. 126 Spurrier.— xxiii. 28 Spurrier, C.—xxvi. 76 Spyvee & Coopers.—xiv. 62 Squair, R.-—Canada, 51 Squire, C.—xxvi. 273 Squire, J. & Co.—v. 706. Squire, J. & W.— I. 74. Squire, P. —II. 93. Squire, R.—xxii. 451 Squire, Son, & Co.—vi. 449 Squire, T.—xvi. 2. Squire, W., see Squire, J. & W. Squires.— VI. 467 Squires & Sons.—I. 117 Squires, W. —viii. 287 ; ix. 144 Srba, A.—Austria, 355 Stab, C. G. sen.—Zollverein, (1), 228 Stabb, Ewen.—Newfoundland, 1 Stadion, Count.—Austria, 123 Staeheli-Wild, C.—Switzerland, 208 Staehelin, see Waldner & Staehelin Staffel, I. A.—Russia, 148 Stafford, D.— vii. 189 Stafford, J. R.—United States, 29 Staib & Wasseroft—Zollverein (4), 69 Staight & Sons—vi. 455 ; xxix. 252 Staight, T— iv. 109 Stainburn & Baugh.—xx. 58 Staines, E.— viii. 268 Stainier, S.—Belgium, 428 Stalon, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 108 Stam, F.—Netherlands, 73 Stamin & Co.—France, 1021 Stampfer, Professor—Austria, 130 Stancomb, J., jun., see Stancomb, W. & J., junrs. Stancomb & Son.—xn. & xv. 16 Stancomb, W. & J., junrs. — XII. & xv. 17 Standen & Co.— xii. & xv. 281 Standidge, Harriett, & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 37 Standisli, Anne.—xx. 106 Standish & Noble—Eastern End, 101; China Standon, Ann.—xx. 213 Standring, J. & Brother.—xxix. 239 Stanhope Limestone Quarries.—i. 204 Staniforth, see Padley, Parkin, &c. Staniforth, T.—xxii. 214 Stanley, see Holbrook & Stanley Stanley, C.—xvi. 208 Stanley, C.—xxii. 551 Stanley, W. P.—ix. 1 Stanton, see Macy, Stanton & Co. Stanton, D.—United States, 367 Stanton Institute for the Blind (Virginia). —United States, 270 Stanton, Mary.—xxix. 8S Stanton, R.—v. 661 Stanton & Son.—xii. & xv. 224 Staple, T.—i. 181 Star, E.—-United States, 194 Starbuck, N. B,, United States, 91 Starikoff.—Russia, 313 Stark, R. M.—x. 284 Starke & Co.—Canada, 191 Starke, M.—Austria, 130 Starkey, A. see Starkey, J. & A. Starkey, J. & A.—xii. & xv. 121 Starkey, T.—ix. 43 ; xxvi. 26 Starling, Mary Anne.—xix. 86 Starr, C.—United States, 88 Startchikoff, N.—Russia, 321 Statham, see Yardley & Statham Statham, W. E.—x. 456 Staudinger, A.—Austria, 640 Stauss & Leuschner.—Zollverein (3), 99 Staveley, T. K., late R. E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 263 Stead, see McAlpine, Stead & Co. Stead, W.—Jersey & Guernsey, 21 Stead, W. & Co.—xii. & xv. 57 Steane, T.—vi. 70 Stears, S.—xxix. 132 Stebbing, J. R.—x. 175 Steedman, C.—xxvi. 346 Steedman, see Ennever & Steedman Steegmann & Co.—xix. 41 Steel, see Myerscough, Steel & Co. ; Robertson, Carr & Steel Steele, A.—Mauritius, 4 Steele, M.—British Guiana, 154, 155 b S teele, P. see Steele, W. & P. Steele, W. & P.—xxii. 60 Steer & Webster.—xxii. 124 Steere, E.—United States, 290 Steevens.—IX. 38 Steevens, J.—xxvi. 124 Stefani, W.—Sardinia, 86 Steffens, P.—Austria, 232 Stehle, J.—Austria, 154 Steiger, G.—Austria, 374 Sfeigerthall, see Zollmann & Steigerthall Stein & Schroeder.—Zollverein (6), 81 Steinbach, see Blech, Steinbach, & Mantz Steinbach, J. J.—France, 382 Steiner, C.—France, 383 Steiner, G. & Sons.—Austria, 87 Steiner, T. & Co.—xvm. 37 Steinhaeur & Bier.—Zollverein (1), 410 'j Steinhaeuser, see Faist & Steinhaeuser; j Kupfer & Steinhaeuser; Schnorr & j Steinhaeuser. Steinhaeuser, H.—-Zollverein (2), 44 Steinheil, Dr.—Austria, 135. Steinkellner, C.—Austria, 164 Steinlin, F.—Switzerland, 183 Stenhouse, A.—ill. 154 Stent. W.—ix. 18 Stephan, A. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 159 Stephanek, F.—Austria, 231 Stephens, E. B.—North Transept, 29 ; j , South Transept, 9 ; xxx. (Sculpture | Court) 36 Stephens, H.— ii. 74; United States, 392 Stephens, J. P. & Co.—xiv. 73. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 99 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Stephenson, see Lockerby & Stephenson Stephenson, Blake, & Co.—xvn. 182 Stephenson, P. — United Slates, 467 (Main Avenue, East) Stephenson, R.— vii. 106; (Main Ave¬ nue, West), x. 674 a; United States, 548 Stepounin, A. see Zouhoof, D. & A. Stepounin. Stern, A.—Switzerland, 57 Sternberger, L.—Belgium, 180 Sternickel & Guelcher.—Zollverein (1), 376 Stetter, C. G.—Zollverein, (1), 304 Stettiner, Patent Bleiweiss Fabrik.— Zollverein (1), 5 Stevens & Co.—United States, 475 Stevens, G. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Ct.), 158 Stevens, H. R.—xxn. 7 Stevens, J.—v. 572 Stevens, J. L.—v. 136 Stevens, R.—in. 91 ! Stevens & Son.—v. 609 Stevens & Sons.— xxvii. 24 ■ Stevens, W.—iv. 3 ■ Stevenson, see Oswald, Stevenson, & Co. [Stevenson, Alan.—vii. 99 I Stevenson, D.—xxix. 23 Stevenson, J. C.—n. 122 Stevenson, J. & J.— xxviii. 152 'Stevenson, Robert, (the late) vii. 99 Stevenson, T. —vii. 99, 100; viii. 304 Stevenson, W.—ii. 20 Stewart.—Canada, 333 a ; see also Mor¬ rell, Stewart, & Co. Stewart, C.—v. 512; xxii. 46 Stewart, C. & Co.—ix. 213 ; xxi. 2i iStewart & Co.—United States, 393 Stewart, D. Y. & Co.—vi. 238 Stewart, Jane.—xx. 177a IStewart, R.—xn. & xv. 298 iStewart, W.— xxvii. 33; Canada, 134 jSliasny, W.—Austria, 377 Stick, see Jenkins & Stick IStieff & Harrass—Zollverein (1), 161 , Stierchofer, A.—Austria, 557 I Stierl, J. jun.—Austria, 558 Still, C. S.— xxviii. 145 Stille, A.—Sweden and Norway, 12a [Stiller & Son.—Zollverein (1), 127 Stillwell & Son.—xm. 7 Stimpson G. jun.—United States, 461 [Stinnes, H. A.—Zollverein (1), 448 Stirk, J.—xxii. 74 $ Stirling, C. M.—xxix. 57 Stirling, Elizabeth.—xxx. (Fine Art j, Court), 186 ^ Stirling, J. jun.—Western end, South ! enclosure (outside), 9 gj Stirling, Morries J. D.—I. 428; (Main , Avenue. East) i Stirling & Sons.—xvni. 56 , Stirling, T. jun.—I. 209 Stirling, T. sen.— xxvii. 120; xxix. 315 Stirling, W.—xvii. 118 Stivens & Sons.—xxix. 35 Stobbelaers.—Belgium, 60 Stobers, T. T.—Zollverein (2), 16 Stobwasser & Co.—Zollverein (1), 199 Stocken.—xxii. 414; xxix. 43 Stocken, C.—xxm. 81 ; xxvi. 200 Stocker, G. see Stocker, S. & G. Stocker, N. B. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 270 Stocker, S. & G.—v. 422 Stockill, W.—xvi. 17 Stockman, W.—Zollverein (1), 788 Stocks, M.—i. 188 Stodart & Son.—x. 470 Stoebers & Sons.—Zollverein (2), 7 Stoehrer, E.—Zollverein (3), 15 Stoelzel, G. F. & Son.—Zollverein (3), 66 Stoetzner, C. F. & Co.—Switzerland, 254 Stoffregin, see Meinhold & Stoffregin Stohr, F.—Austria, 160 Stohrer, T. F.—Zollverein (4), 60 Stoker.—x. 204. Stoker, J.—xvi. 103 Stokes, J. C.—xxii. 252 Stokes, R.—xvii. 80 Stokes, S.— xix. 307. 380 Stokes, W.—ix. 255 Stolberg-Wernigfrode.—Zollverein (1), 779 Stoll, C.—Zollverein (4), 85 ; Stolle, D. C. F.—Lubeck, 9 Stolle, Dr. E.—Zollverein (1), 65 Stoltz, see Matagrin, Stoltz, & Co. Stoltze,—France, 1494 Stolzenberg, J.—Mecklenburg-Sch we- rin, 1 Stone, see Hill & Stone ; Lawrence, Stone & Co.; Walters & Stone Stone, J. & Co.—Austria, 80 Stone & Kemp.—xm. 18 ; xvm. 9 Stone & Son.—xxm. 123 Stopher, T.—xxvi. 66 Stoquart, Brothers.—Belgium, 307 Storer, J.—x. 529 Storey, W.—vr. 206 Stork, P.—Zollverein (1), 511 Storr & Mortimer, see Hunt & Roskell Stoss, V.—Zollverein (4), 19 Stothert, H.—v. 403 a S tothert, Rayno, & Pitt.—v. 403 Stothert, Slaughter, & Co.—v. 4 Stothmann & Wustenfeld.—Zollverein (1), 460 Stotzer, F.—Switzerland, 63 Stow, Brothers—xii. & xv. 35 Stowe, H.—iv. 10 Stowell & Sugden.—xn. & xv. 496 Stoy, H.—v. 705 Strachey, Lieut.—India, iv. Straehelin, B. di B.—Switzerland, 152 Straelen, Van.—Belgium, 327 Straff, see Dietrich & Straff Strahan, R.—Van Diemen’s Land, 17 Strahl, O.—Zollverein (1), 206 Straight, T.—iv. 109 Straith, Major H.—Western Africa, 18 Straker, S.—vi. 142 Strakosch, S. & Son.—Austria, 233 Stranack, T.—x. 724 Strange, B.—hi. 83 Strangeways, J.— xvii. 204 Strassmann, see Wescher & Strassmann Stratingh & Co.—Netherlands, 3 Stratton, W. J.—United States, 182 Strauch, F.—Zollverein (5), 33 Strauss.—Austria, 371 Strauss, E. W. E.—Zollverein (3), 38 Strauss, J.—Sardinia, 80 Street, see Ward, Street, &c. Strazza.—Austria, 713 Strickland, Maria.—xxix. 63 | Strickland, Mrs.—xxvi. 238 Strines Printing Co. the (Manchester), —xvm. 28 Strode, W.—xxii. 443 Strong, see Griffiths & Strong Strongitharm, see Longman, late Stron- githarm Strube & Son.—Zollverein (3), 33 Strudwick, T.—xxix. 42 Struenckelberger,see Sulgar & Struenck- elberger. Strugnell, H.— xxvi. 343; xxviii. 174 Strunz’s, J. Widow,—Austria, 477 Struth, V., sen.—Zollverein, (6), 30 Siruthers, W. S.—Western end, South enclosure (outside), 16 Strutt.— xix. 336 ; xxii. 668 Strutt, W.—Van Diemen’s Land, 232 Stuart, J. —ix. 268 Stuart & Smith. —xxii. 102 Stuart, W. — Vii. 28 (Main Avenue, West) ; xxvii. 55 Stubbe & Bacye.—Belgium, 97 Stubbs, P.— xm. 43 Stubgen & Kleeman.—Zollvferein (1), 776 Stubs, P.—xxi. 39. Stuckey, W.—vii. 193 Stuckhart, J.—Austria, 559 Stumpf.—Russia, 181 Sturdee, A. B.—vm. 337. Sturdy and Turner.—xm. 79 Sturge, J. E.—II. 119. Sturgeon, Harriett.—xxix. 53 Sturges, J.—ii. 88. Sturges, R. F.—xxii. 341 Sturm, see Spanger, Sauer, &c. Sturm, P. H.—France, 384 Sturmy, Maria.—xix. 90. G 2 100 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Sturzenneger-Nef, L.—Switzerland, 139 Stutchbury, J. S.—British Guiana, 25. 28. 30. 39. 45. 46. 52, 53. 59-61. 63.65,66, 70. 85a. 117b-117c, 118, 118a. 126, 127. 138, 139. Stutterd, J.—xxii. 545 Styles, T.—HI. 157 Suchard, P.—Switzerland, 2 Suchel, J. D.—France, 1700 Sudworth, J.— XI. 42 Suermond.—Belgium, 505 Sues3, A. H.—Austria, 325 Suess, W.—Zollverein (1), 482 Sugden, Borras, and Co.—xxix. 62 Sugden, J. and Brother*.— XII. & XV. 167 Sugden, see Stowell & Sugden. Sulger & Struenckelberger. — Switzer¬ land, 152 Sullivan, see M'Givan & Sullivan Sullivan, T.—VI. 156 Sulzberger & Akermann.—Switzerland, 234 Sulzer, G.—'Switzerland, 186 Sulzer, H.—Switzerland, 187 Summerfield, see Lloyd & Summerfield Summerley.— XXIII. 110 Summer*, C.— xxx. (Sculpture Ct.),32 Sumption, J—v. 445 Surmon and Co.—v. 65 Surr & Son.— xix. 80 Susee, H.—France, 1022 Susee, Brothers.—France, 1023 Sussmann, L.—Zollverein (1), 305 Sussmann & Wiesenthal.— Zollverein (1) 132 Sutcliffe, J.—xxvi. 137 Sutcliffe, J. C.—i. 413 Sutcliffe, R.—vi. 42 Suter, see Seun, H. A. & Suter Sutherland, Duchess of.—xxvi. 164; Western Africa, 16 Sutherland J.— Cape of Good Hope, 30 a Sutherland, Janet.—xix. 309 Sutorius, C. F.—Zollverein (4), 100 Sutter, J. J.—Switzerland, 203 Sutton, see Schilling & Sutton Sutton, Eliza.—xix. 308. Sutton, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 105 Sutton, J. & Sons.—ill. 112 Sutton, J. A.—United States, 430 Svalling, F.—Sweden and Norway, 11 Swaab, S. L.—Netherlands, 50 Swain, T.—v. 976 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 176 Swaine & Adeney.—xvi. 92 Swaine, E., see Swaine, J. &c. Swaine, J. & E. & Co.—xn. & xv. 41 Swainson & Dennys.—xvm. 21 Swaisland, C.—xn. & xv. 283 Swales, see Boulton & Swales Swan & Edgar.— xiii. 11 *, XVIII. 9 Swan, R. F.—ix. 80 Swan, T. F.—xvil. 155 Swansea Committee.—I. 473 Swanwick & Johnson.— XVIII. 35 Swanzy, A.—Western Africa, 23 Swedish Iron Manufacturing Co.— United States, 320c Sweetman, J.—I. 40 Sweveghem, Embroidery workshop of. Belgium, 323 Swinburne, G. see Swinborne T. C. & G. & Co. Swinborne, T. C. & G. & Co.—IV. 119 Swinburne, R. W.—xxiv. 4 (North Transept) Swinburne, R. W. & Co.-—XXIV. 84 Swindon, R.—North Transept, 4 Swithenbauk, J.—x. 571 Sybilio.—Rome, 48 Sykes, Lieut..Col.—India, xxvi. Sykes, D. & Co.—xn. & xv. 75 Sykes and Ogden.— xii. & xv. 118 Sykes, Mary E.—xx. 43 Sykes & Brothers—vi. 3 Sykes & Son.— xii. & XV. 34 Sylvester.— xxii. 102 Syme3, W,—xxii. 23. Symington, R. B. & Co.— XI. 14 Symington, W.—vm. 286 Symonds. E. — Van Diemen’s Land, 243-253. 274-278 Symonds, Sir W.—North Transept, 146 Szaffeld, S.—xix. 398 Szego, S.—Austria, 10 Szentpeetrij, J.—Austria, 729 Szolleny, C.—Austria, 12 Sxumrak, J. F.—Austria, 4 T. Tabala, P. V.—Spain, 129 Tabor, J. A.—v., 681 Taborin, P. F.—France, 1024 Tabourdeau, P.—France, 1496 Tacchis, P. A., & Co.—Zollverein (5), 21 Tachy, A., & Co.—France, 1497 Tack, W., & Pelizarus.—Zollverein (1), 674 Taffinder.—x. 54 Tahan, A.—France, 1556 Tailbouis, E.—France, 385 Tailbouis, Verdier, & Co.—France, 1025 Tailey, C. V.—Canada, 30 Tailey, V. P.—Canada, 50 Tailfer, J. B.—France, 1026 Tailfer, J. B., & Co.—France, 386 Taillandier, L. H.—France, 387 Taillard, E. A., Brothers.—Switzerland, 267 Taillet, V. —Belgium, 254 Tait, see Harveys & Tait Tait, W. J.—xvii. 185 Talabot, L. & Co.—France, 1027 Talavera & Ezcaray, Manufacturing Co. of the Guilds—Spain, 219 Talbot, B.—xxx. 349 Talbot, Brothers.—France, 1028 Talbot de Malahide, Lord.—i. 145 Tallerman, Rebecca.—xxvm. 70 Tailing, —i. 33 Tamassia, L.—Austria, 97 Tambour-Ledoyen.—France, 388 Tamm, Baron.—Sweden & Norway, 6 Tandler, S.—Austria, 657 Tann & Sons.—xxii. 507 Tannehill, see M’Alister & Tannehill. Tanner, B.—Switzerland, 204 Tanner, C. D.—Hanover, 3 Tanner, J. U.—Switzerland, 205 Tanner & Roller.—Switzerland, 206 Tanner, T.—Zollverein (4), 51 Tanner, W.—x. 28; xxvi. 65 Tannetf, see Smith, Beacock, &c. Tantz, A.—Austria, 685 Tapi in, R.—v. 5 Tapling, Brothers.—United States, 520 Tapperell & Innes.— xvii. 191 Tarbutt, W.—xxvm. 185 Tardif, E.—Belgium, 281 Tarian, M.— xxii. 544 Tarin, M. L. A.—xix. 310; xxiv. 51 Tarragona, Board of Agriculture. — Spain, 114 Tarrant, A. — xvii. 43 Tartler, M.—Austria, 202 Tasch, see Hecker & Tasch Tasker.— xxii. 221 Tasker, H.— xxii. 205 Tasker, W., xxii. 539 Tate.— xvii. 110 Tate, F.—xxvm. 162 Tatbam, see Titley, Tatham, &c. Tauber, F.—Austria, 276 Tautenstein & Cordel.—France, 1029 Tawell, S.—xix. 13 Tawton, Mary.—xix. 391 Tayler, Ann Maria.—xix. 312 Tayler, E.—xix. 242 Taylor, see Davies & Taylor ; Harrop, Taylor, & Pearson; Sedgwick & Taylor ; Yates & Taylor Taylor, A., see Taylor, C. & A. Taylor, B.—xxvm. 47 Taylor & Beales.—xx. 197 Taylor & Bowley.—xvi. 181; (Main Avenue, West) Taylor, Brothers.—xxii. 211 Taylor, C. & A.—xxvm. 113 Taylor & Co.—xx. 127 Taylor, D.—xix. 254 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 101 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indieating the Class. Taylor, E.—vi. 72 Taylor, F.—vm. 197 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 42 Taylor, G.—ix. 139 ; x. 127 a T aylor, G. R.—x. 740 Taylor, H.—VII. 194 ; XXII. 129 Taylor, Humphrey, & Co.—xxix. 5 Taylor, H. P., & W. C.—United States, 292. Taylor, J.—i. 201. 448; vi. 51 ; x. 350 ; xii. & xv. 88 ; xxii. 622. 662; India, vi.; New Zealand, 11 Taylor, Janet.—vm. 105 Taylor, John.—i. 474 Taylor, R. —i. 434, 451 Taylor, S. —xxii. 251 Taylor & Son.— hi. 77 ; vi. 23 ; xii. & xv. Ill; xxii. 682 (North Tran¬ sept); xxvi. 9 Taylor, J. & Sons.— xxii. 682 (South Transept) Taylor & Sons.—xii. & xv. 163 Taylor, T.—x. 466. 672; xvi. 269, 318 Taylor, T. E.—New Zealand, 33 Taylor, T. G.— hi. 45 Taylor, W.—vi. 136 ; xxii. 359 Taylor,W. C. see Taylor. H. P. & W. C. Taylor, W. G.—xx.' 3 Tcharti-Obdool-Ogli—Russia, 186 Tchertchy of Beirout.—Turkey Tchetverikoff.—Russia, 187 Tchmiloff.—Russia, 188 Tchupiatoff, T.—Russia. 315 Teagle, R. & W.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 3 Teagle, W. see Teagle, R. & W. Teasdel, W.—vn. 44 ; vm. 136 Tebay, J.—v. 436 Tebbitt, W.—iv. Ill ' Tebbutt, C. P.—ix. 196 Technological Institute—Tuscany, 1.98 Tedjoom-Beck-Melik-Shah-Nazaroff. — Russia, 206 Tee &Son.—xiv. 37 Teichman, C.—Zollverein (1), 693 Teil, Messrs.—India, xvi. Teillard, C. M.—France, 1030 Teischke.—Zollverein (1), 258 Teissier Du Cros.—France, 1031 Tejer & Co.—Spain, 54 Tellier.—France, 389 Temple, Emily.—xxix. 61 1 Templeton, J. & Co.—xix. 315 Templetrine Industrial School. — xx. ^ 177 a Temsonnet, G. & Darbet, Nameche, & Samson.—Belgium, 394 Tennant, J.— j, 14. 159 . 516 ; xxvii. 37, 38 Tennant, M. B.—n. 101; v. 564 Tennants, C. & Co.—i. 71 ; n. 7 Tennent, Mrs. R, N.—xxx, (Fine Art Court), 27^ Tennison, Mrs. M. A.—xix. 313 Teongathased, P.—Canada, 97 Ternero, J.—Spain, 68 Terrasson de Montleau, J. A.—France 1498 Terrett, R.—v. 126 Terrier, J. & Co.—France, 1032 Terrin, J. B. & Co.—Belgium, 246- 250 Terry, R. & Son.—xxii. 691 a T eschemacher, E. F.—I. 41 Tescheymacher & Kattenhusch.—Zoll¬ verein (l), 492 Tessada, F.—Sardinia, 49 Tessler, C. L.—Zollverein (l), 41 Tessler, D. F.—Zollverein (1), 40 Testa, F.—Malta, 33 Testa, S.—Malta, 30 Tetley, Mrs.—xu. & xv. 172; xix. 314 Tetrner, G.—Austria, 195 Tetu, C. A.—Canada, 109 Teubner, C.—Zollverein (3), 150 a T eubner & Co.—Zollverein (3), 163 Teuflmayer, C.—Austria, 494 Teutenberg, L.—Zollverein (1), 678 Tevfelmeyer, J.—Austria, 564 Tew, H. S.—United States, 320 f T exier, T. jun.—France, 1033 Texier, V.—France, 1034 Thackeray, J. & Son.—Belgium, 318. Thackeray. J. & Sons.—xi. 27 Thaer, A. P.—Zollverein (1), 23 Thalwitzer, M.—Cape of Good Hope, 3. 27 Thames Plate-Glass Works.—xxvi.399. (Main Avenue, West) Thames Royal Yacht Club. — vm. 294 Thatcher, see Learned & Thatcher Thayer, E. B.—United States, 422 Theed, W.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 13. 59. 79 Theil, J.—France, 1035 Th^nard.— vii. 13 Theobald, J. —vii. 147 Theodor, see Bauer, Theodor, & Co. Theodorshalle, Salt W'orks at.—Zoll¬ verein (6), 5 Thesen, J. P.—Sweden & Norway, 44 Theret, J.—France, 1499 Theunissen, J.—Netherlands, 39 Thevenet, Ratlin, & Roux. — France, 1500 Thevenot, Etienne.—France, 1036 Thewald, see Muelenbach & Thewald Thiban-Accou.—Belgium, 220 Thibau, S.—Belgium, 292 Thibaud-Dallet, Emile.—France, 1501 Thibault Boilesve, H.—France, 1502 Thibert & Adam.—France, 1037 Thibierge.—France, 695 Thiele, see Johne & Thiele Thiele, jun.—Hamburgh, 109 Thiele, F.—Zollverein (1), 65. 78 Thieme-Widtmarkter and Pueschel.— Zollverein (3), 4 Thiemke, A. F.—Zollverein (1), 72 Thier.—France, 1505 Thierry, C. A.—France, 391 ; Thierry, J.—France, 1038 Thierry, Mieg.—France, 1506 Thinks, see Krumbholz & Thinks Thistlethwayte, H. F.—I. 24 Thoegleu, G.—Zollverein (4), 91 Thollon.—France, 1701 Thom, J.—vi. 7 1 . Thomar, Count—Portugal, 1233 Thomas, see Cowell & Thomas Thomas, Brothers.—France, 1040 Thomas, C.—xvi. 76; Zollverein (1), 671 Thomas, C. X.—France, 390 Thomas, E,—vi. 206 Thomas, H.—Zollverein (1), 57 Thomas, J,—xxvi. 276 ; xxvn. 22 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 12 Thomas, John.—Main Avenue, West, 67, 68. 82 ; xxii. 237; xxvi. 252. 276 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 235a Thomas, J. E.—Main Avenue, East, 101 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 7 Thomas, J. T.—i. 419 Thomas, L.—Austria, 196 Thomas, R.— xxii. 358 Thomas & Son.— xvi. 211 Thomas & Sons.— xvn. 44 Thomas, W.— xu. & xv. 493; xxvi. 275 Thomas, W. & Brothers.— xx. 46 Thomason, see Hilliard & Thomason Thomeret, see Prontat, Mut.rot, &c. Thompson— see Kitson, Thompson, &c.j ‘Ratteray & Thompson Thompson, F.—xxii. 808 Thompson, F., jun. —vii. 112 Thompson, F. H.— xxm. 25 Thompson, G.— ix. 105 Thompson, H.— xxix. 209 Thompson, H. A.— ix. 248b T hompson, J. — i. 72; vm. 136; x. 363 Thompson, J. & Co.— XX. 192 Thompson, J. T.—Bahamas Thompson, Miss.—Austria, 747 Thompson, R.—United States, 26 Thompson, S.—xvi. 130 Thompson & Son.-—xx. 62 Thompson, S. L.—United States, 238 Thompson, T.—vm. 66 ; Canada, 99 Thompson, T. B.—Persia Thompson, T. H.—xxii. 705 Thompson, T. J. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 343 Thompson, T. Perronet, M.P.—X. 525. 559 Thompson, W.—VI. 503 102 ALPHABETICAL index of contributors and others Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Thompson, W. M.—United States, 224 Thompson & Worthy.—xxvi. 134 Thompson, Rev. Z.—United States, 241 Thoms, P. P.—China Thomsen, M.—Denmark, 9 Thomson, see Blackburn & Thomson; Laird & Thomson; Ross & Thomson Thomson, A.—x. 80 Thomson, Brothers, & Son.— xviii. 25 Thomson, G.—v. 978; Cape of Good Hope, 15 Thomson, H.—x. 590 Thomson, see Gregory, Thomson, & Co. Thomson, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 236; Van Diemen’s Land, 344 Thomson, J. & Son.—xi. 15 Thomson, R. W.—v. 908 Thomson, W.—vi. 430; xn. & xv. 229 Thomson, Wood, & Co.— xxiv. 26 Thomson, Younger, & Co.— vi. 624 Thonet, J.—Belgium, 144 Thonet, M.—Austria, 641 Thorel, H.—France, 1041 Thorn & Co.— xxvi. 1; xxvm. 86 Thorn, F., see Thorn, W. & F. Thorn, W. & F.— V. 979 Thorne, W.—i, 475 Thorneloe, C.—x. 43 Thorneycroft, G. B. & Co.—v. 636 Thorneycroft, Mrs.—xxv. 2 Thornhill, J.— xxvii. 48 Thornhill, W.—xxi. 2 Thornthwaite.— see Horne,Thornthwaite, &c. Thornton.—v. 490 Thornton, D.—ix. 211 Thornton, Firth, & Ramsden.—xn. & xv. 32 Thornton, Frances.—United States, 227 Thornton & Sons.—Y. 490 Thornycroft.—South Transept, 14; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 65 Thornycroft, Mary, see Thornycroft, T. & Mary Thornycroft, T. & Mary.— xxx. (Sculp¬ ture Court), 34 Thoumin, A.—France, 696 Thouret, F. A.—France, 1702 Threadwin, C. E.— xix. 55 Threlkeld.—Canada, 166 Thresher & Glenny.— xx. 79 Thriscutt, C.—I. 94 Throgmorton, Sir J.— xx. 166 Thronhem & Co.—xvn. 181 Thrupp, C. J.—V. 982 Thrupp, E.— xxx. (Sculpture Court), 39. 56. 58 Thrupp, H. J.—xxii. 676 Thuemer & Toeper. — Zollverein (3), 90 Thuerigen, F. T.—Zollverein (3), 32 Thum, A.—Austria, 197 Thun, Count F.—Austria, 67 Thunberg, C.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Thurman, Piggott, & Co.— xx. 92 Thurn, Count G. Von.—Austria, 419 Thurneisen.—Switzerland, 182 Thurston & Co.— xxvi. 17 Thwaites, A. & R., & Co.— xxix. 105 Thwaites, Mary.— xix. 3l7 Thwaites, R., see Thwaites, A. &' R. & Co. Thywissen Brothers.—Zollv. (1), 375 Tial, J.—Austria, 307 Tibbs.—Van Diemen’s Land, 234 Tiberghien, L. J.—Belgium, 493 Tidcombe, G,—vi. 108 Tidmarsh, R.—v. 707; xxix. Ill Tielsch, Carl & Co.—Zollv. (1), 219 Title, A.—Austria, 692 Tiffereau, T.—France, 1042 Tiflis, Government of.—Russia, 119 Tilbury, J.—v. 984 Tildesley— see Carpenter & Tildesley Till, see Bremner & Till Till & Son.—xxv. 20 Tillancourt, E. De.—France, 697 Tilley & Co., see Shand & Mason Tilley, Lieut.—iv. 5 a T illing, E.—xxvi. 111 Tillinghast, J. B.—United States, 27 Tilman.—France, 698 Timaeus. see Jordan & Timaeus Timmins & Sons.—xxii. 312 Timson, C.—xvi. 28. Tindall, E. O. D. L.—xxii. 542 Tinlot, M.—Belgium, 152 Tinsley, J., & Co.—xx. 122 Tippen, J.—xxii. 412 Tipping & Lawden.— viii. 247 Tisdale, E.—xvi. 88 Tisserant, see Vincent & Tisserant Tite, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 182 Titley, Tatham, & Walker.—xiv. 51 Tittemore, G.—Canada, 36 Titterton.—x. 727 a T izard, Brothers.—xix. 274 Tizzard, W. L.—vi. 630 Tlumacz Beetroot Sugar Manufactory. —Austria, 60 Tober, J.—Austria, 691 Tobey, J. D.—xxiv. 81 Tobias & Co.—x. 78 Tobin.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 171 Tobit, J. H.—United States, 395 Toby & Son.—ix. 210 Tod, D.—x. 589 Todd, C.—vii. 52 Todd, J.—xvii. 119 Todt, A.—Zollverein, (1), 171 Toeper, see Thuemer & Toeper Tojal, Count de.—Portugal, 987A-989 Tolan W.—i. 22 Toledo, Royal Ordnance.—Spain, 266 Tollenaers, Theresa.—Belgium, 330 Toilet, G.— xx. 154 Tolputt, W. B.— x. 382 Tolson & Sons.— XII. & xv. 116 Tolstoy, Count.—Russia, 328 Tomaschitz, J.—Austria, 475 Tomasini, D.— xxvi. 176 Tombelle.—Belgium, 12 Tombs, E.— xix. 297 Tomkins, see Harris & Tomkins Tomlin & Co.— xxi. 38 Tomlin, W.— xvi. 22 Tomlinson, see Wood & Tomlinson Tomlinson, J. —xxvii. 79 Tompson, L.— xxvii. 100 Toms & Luscombe.— xxvi. 178 Toms, G. B. & Co.— vi. 457 Toms, J.— xxiv. 71 Tomsk, Imperial Works.—Russia, 18 Tonge, Miss E.— xxvi. 128 Tonkin, J.— xxii. 58 Tonks, see Bedington & Tonks ; Neal & Tonks Tonna, J.—Malta, 1 Tonti, L.—Tuscany, 102 Tootal& Browne.—South Transept, 10 ; x. 706 Tooth, E.—Van Diemen's Land, 47, 169. 171 Toplis, see Buckland & Toplis Toplis & Sons.—xxvm. 154 Topp, A. L.—Denmark, 3 Topper, A.-—Austria, 411 Topping, Cc M.—x. 667 Tordeux.—France, 699 Torge, M. J.—Portugal, 953 Torres, M. M.—Spain, 67 Torres Novas Co.—Portugal, 658- 669 Torstrup.—Sweden & Norway, 41 Touaillon, C.—France, 1508 Touche, G. E.—-Belgium, 434 Touliakotf, Brothers.—Russia, 346 Toulza, F.—France, 1043 Tourangean, P.—Canada, 98 Tourey, H.—Belgium, 155 Tourey, Professor.—United States, 160 Tournai Savonnerie, Royal Carpet Ma¬ nufactory.—Belgium, 297 Tourneur.—France, 1509 Toussaint, E. N.—France, 464 Tovell, G. R,— viii. 37 Tower of London. —viii. 271 Towler, Campin, & Co.— xii. & xv. 286. 309 Towler, E.—Western end, South enclo¬ sure (Outside), 27 Towne, J.—x. 625 Townend, Brothers.— xii. & xv. 162 Townend, S.—xii. & xv. 175 Townley, R.—xxiii. 125 Townley, W.—vn. 39 Towns & Packer.—x. 494. WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 103 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Towns, W.— x. 327 Townsend, G.—Western Africa, 11,13 Townsend, J.—vm. 243 Townsend, Parker, & Townsend.—xxvi. 318 Townsend, R.—I. 186 Townshend, J. E.— xxvi. 2a Tozer, T.— xxn. 390 Trail, A.— vm. 191 Train, B.—Belgium, 167 Trancart, A. A.—France, 393 Trangott, see Ertel, Trangott, & Sons Trapnell &Son.— xxvi. 31 2a Trapp, see Schwartz, Trapp, & Co. Trappmann & Spitz.—Zollv. (1), 564 j Trautwein, T.—Zollverein (1), 158 Travaglino, J. A.—Netherlands, 48 I Travancore, Rajah of.—India, iv. j Travers, P. L.—France, 1044 Trebbi.—Rome, 33 Trebeck, T. F.— xxix. 200 Tredwen, R.— vm. 55. 136 Tree & Co.—x. 324 Treeze, T.—United States, 169 [ Treggon, H. & W.—xxii. 55 Treggon, W., see Treggon, H. & W. Treginza, R.—xxix. 185 i Treibmann, C. 11.—Zollverein (3), 158* 170 J Treloar.— xxvm. 39 Trelon, Weldon, & Weil.—France, 700 Tremaux, P.—France, 394 Tremblay, A. du.—France, 395 Tremel, A. & Co.— xir. & xv. 147 Tremlett, R.— x. 163 Trendels & Son.—Zollverein (2), 41 Trenholm, E.—Canada, 54 ! Trenkler, A. & Sons.—Austria, 234 Trenner, J.—Austria, 663 Trenor, T.—Spain, 210 Trent, E. W.— iv. 41 Trentanove, A.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), 1 351; Rome, 52 Trenton Iron Company.—United States. 167 Treptow Royal Remounting Depot (Pomerania).—Zollverein (1), 22 Treschow.—Sweden & Norway, 36 Trescoff, Heirs of.—Russia, 74 Tresize, T.—-I. 464 Treskoff.—Russia, 43 Tress & Co.—xx. 102 Tretoolo, A.—Rome, 31 ; Trevethick.—v. 513 , Triandaphylos.—Greece, 59 Tricot, Brothers.—France, 396 Triebert, F.—France, 1510 Trinius & Sons.—Zollverein (3), 45 Trinks, E.—Zollverein (3), 98 ■ Tritscbeller, see Faller & Tritscbeller Troccon, A.—France, 1511 j Troeltsch & Hanselmann.—Zollverein (2), 59 Trollope, Rose.—xix. 320 Trollope & Sons.—xxvi. 162; Bay,M. 21 Tronchon, N.—France, 1512 Troost, C. & F.—Zollverein (1), 601 Troost, F., see Troost, C. & F. Troostenberghe, Van.—Belgium, 264 Trotman, J.—United States, 207 Trotman, S.—vii. 155; x. 698; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 255 Trotte, H.—France, 701 Trotter, Capt. H. D.—Western Africa, 5 Trotter, W.—ix. 145 Troughton & Simms. — x. 74 (Main Avenue, West) Trouillier, J.—France, 466 Troupeau, C. M.—France, 1703 Troupin, J. H. & J. P. Verviers,—Bel¬ gium, 128 Trouve. A.—France, 1513 Trouve-Cutivel, & Co.—France, 702 Trubia, Royal Ordnance.—Spain, 280 True.—France, 703 Truchy, see Vaugeois & Truchy Truchy, E.—France, 1045 Trueba y Campo.—Spain, 253 e T ruefitt, G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 75 Truefitt, H. P.—xxvm. 62 Truefitt, W.—xxvm. 65 Truesdale, Jacobs, & Co. — United States, 494 Trulock & Son.—vm. 222 Truman.—x. 720 Truman & Han bury.—n. 91 Trumpelmann, A.—Zollverein (1), 789 Trundle, Mrs.—xxx. 73 Truro Local Committee.—I. 467, 468 ; m. 71 Truscott, C.—I. 104 Truscott, J.—vm. 289 Trutor, H. A. O.—Cape of Good Hope, 8 Tschoerner, J., jun.—Austria, 235 Tschorn & Burger.—Zollverein (1), 130 Tsitzimbakos, A.—Greece, 13 Tubberrer, see Longdon & Tubberrer Tuck, J. H.—v. 200 Tucker—iv. 124; see Arliss & Tucker Tucker, E.—hi. 122 Tucker, F. & Co.— xxii. 700 ; xxvi. 536 Tucker, J. T.—xxiii. 10 Tucker, R. G.—ill. 121 Tucker, T.—xix. 1 Tucker, T. & Co.—xiv. 73 Tuckerman, E. G.—United States, 117, 229, 333 Tuckers, see Baker, Tuckers, & Co. Tuckey, R.—vii. 101 Tudela, Economical Society of.—Spain, 227 Tudot.—France, 397 Tudsbury, R.—x. 704 Tuerlincks, J.—Rome, 456 (Main Ave¬ nue, East) Tull, see Hickey & Tull Tull, S.—xiv. 69 Tulloch, A.— ii. 21 Tullock, J.—xxvii. 17 Tulon.—France, 398 Tunaberg Cobalt Works.—Sweden & Norway, 9 Tunis, His Highness Mushir Pacha, Bey of.—Tunis Tuph, J.—United States, 383 Tupling, J. —hi. 20 Tupper, M. F.—xvii. 169 Tupper & Carr.—xxii. 550 Turbeville, Smith, Boyle, & Co.—xix. 318 Turchini, L.—Tuscany, 55 Turk, Widow.—Zollverein (1), 636 Turley, R.—xxvi. 138 Turnbull, E.—vm. 154 Turnbull, J., see Turnbull, J. L. & J. Turnbull, J. L. & J. —xvii. 45 Turnbull, R.—vm. 153 Turnbull, T.—xxvm. 98 Turnbull. W.—x. 500 a T urnell, J.—xxvi. 317 Turner.—xn. & xv. 163 ; see also Ham¬ mond, Turner, & Sons; Sturdy & Turner ; Wyburn, Meller, & Turner Turner, Agnes.—xix. 322 Turner & Co.—xxvi. 320 Turner, E.—Western end, North side (Outside), 54 Turner, E. R.—ix. 182 Turner, E. W. K.—v. 428 ; xxii. 520 Turner, G.—Vm. 136 Turner, H. & W.— xxii. 174 Turner, J.— xxvii. 82 Turner, R.— vii. 7 Turner, S.—I. 223 Turner, T.—United States, 425 Turner, T. & Co.— xxii. 117 Turner, W., see Turner, H. & W. Turpin, F. A.—France, 1046 Turrill, J.—xxix. 52 Turton, S.—xix. 179. 361 Turton & Sons.—xxii. 190 Tuscany, Grand Duke of.—Tuscany, 53, 54. 95.111 Tuscany Metallurgic Society. — Tus- cany, 14 Tuscany Royal Manufactory. — Tus¬ cany, 111 Tustian, J.— ii. 97 Tustian & Usher.—ii. 98 Tutein, F,—Denmark, 28 Tutton, J.—vii. 118 Tuvee & Co.—France, 704 Tuxford & Sons.—ix. 271 Tweedale & Sons.—xii. & xv. 4 Tweeddale, Marquis of.—ix. 42 104 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Tweeddale, N.—New South Wales Tweltidge, — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 102 Tvventyman, see Bennoch, Tvventyman, &c. Twibell, see Day & Twibell Twigg, G. & W.—xxii. 279 Twigg, W., see Twigg, G. & W Twining, —China Twyman, H.—Till. 148 Tye, G. P.—xxii. 314 Tylden, Captain.—vni. 275 Tyler, see Venables, Wilson, &c. Tyler, H. & Co.—vi. 605 Tyler. J. T., see Ashmead & Tyler Tylor & Pace.—xxii. 63 Tylor & Son.—vi. 606 ; xxii. 401 Tyree, Brothers.—x. 299 Tyrrel, J.—New Zealand, 1, 28 Tyson, J.—ix. 21 5 a T ytherleigh, W.—ix.212 Tyzack, W. V.—xvi. 264 Tyzacks, J.—xxi. 22 U. Ubardeau, S.—Canada, 60 Ubery, St.—France, 1495 Ubrici, R. W.—United States, 239 Uechtritz & Faist.—Zollverein (4), 68 Uechtritz, L.—Zollverein (1), 21 Ueltschi, J. —Switzerland, 256 Uhlhorn, C. G.—Zollverein (1), 475 Uhlhorn, H.—Zollverein (1), 476 Uhlig’s Widow & Junker.—Zoll. (3), 155 Ulhman, see Baron & Ulhman Uhlman, K. W.—Netherlands, 85 Uhlmann, see Koester & Uhlmann Uhlmann, J.—Austria, 155 Ulander, F.—Sweden & Norway, 11 Ullathornes & Longstaffs.—xiv. 66 Ullenberg & Schnitzler.—Zoll. (1), 355 Ullersdorf Patent Flax Raiting Estab¬ lishment.—Austria, 96 Ullmam, Hirschhom, &Co.—Zoll. (3), 60, 159 Ullrich, J.—Zollverein (1), 403 Ullricht, A. jun.—Austria, 236 Ulmer.—vi. 121 Ulverston Mining Company.— I. 420 Umlauff, Aug.—Hamburgh, 85 Underwood, see Hills & Underwood Underwood, G. H.—in. 23 Underwood, T.— VI. 103; xxx. (Fine Art Crt.) 77 Underwood, W. — XII. & xv. 501 ; xviii. 22 ; xix. 403 Unger, C. G.—Zollverein (3), 146 Ungerer, C.—Zollverein, I. 241 Unwin & Rogers.—xxii. 159 Unwin, W.—xxii. 178 Unwin, W. H.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.) 22 Unzeitig, F.—Austria, 501 Unzelmann.—Zollverein (1), 148 Updegraff.—United States, 546 Upfill,E.—ix. 277 Upham,Appleton,& Co.—United States, 403 Uphill, Mary Ann.— xix. 323 Uppfield, W.—United States, 470 Urach, Linen Yarn, Manufactory of.— (Wurtemburg), Zollverein (4), 35 Urling, G. F.— xix. 15 Urlmann, see Koester & Urlmann Urran, A.—Zollverein (1), 724 Usher, see Tustian & Usher Usher, J. —ix. 123 a Usher, R.—United States, 379 Ustonson & Peters.— xxix. 172 Uwins, T.— xxx. (Fine Art Court) 87 V. Vaccani, see Nietzchmann & Vaccani Vachon, Son, & Co.—France, 705 Vaconius, J. J.—Zollverein (5), 15 Vacossin, Bonet, & Fournier.—France, 1082 Valant, P. T.—1515 Valdansot.—France, 1514 Valdetaro, J.—Sardinia, 81 Valencia, Board of Agriculture.—Spain, 173. 209 Valensot, see Martel, Geoffray, &c. Valentine, Dr.—Van Diemen’s Land, 182 Valeriano, F.—Spain, 25 Valerius, B.—Belgium, 172 Valerius, P.—France, 706 Valerius-Jouan, C.—Belgium, 452 Vales, C.—France, 707 Valgoma, F. A.—Spain, 98 Valin, J.—France, 708 Vallance, J.—xxvn. 40 Vallance, P.—v. 127 Valle, Della, Brothers.—Tuscany, 114 Valmald, see Darvieu, Valmald, & Co. Valtat & Rouille.—France, 709 Valpy, Mrs.—Jersey & Guernsey, 40 Van Diemen’s Land Royal Society, Council of the.—Van Diemen’s Land, 345 Vancampenhoudt, C. & Co.—Belgium, 436 Vanden, Abeele.—Belgium, 52 Vanden Elst, F.—Belgium, 45 Vandenbos-Poelman.—Belgium, 274 Vanden Porre, J.—Belgium, 44 Vandenberghe, J.—Belgium, 252 Vandenbroucke, E.—France, 711 Vanderdorpel & Son.—France, 712 Vanderhaegen, Van Overloop.—Bel¬ gium, 312 Vander Hechte.—Belgium, 475 Vandercamer, J.—Belgium, 355 Vander Kelen, B.—Belgium, 313 Vandermaelen, P.—Belgium, 437 Vandermeersche, C.—Belgium, 458 Vanderoost, M.—Belgium, 427 Vandersmnissen, P.—Belgium, 315 Vanderstraeten, A.&C.—Belgium, 205 Vandestraeten, F.—Belgium, 84 Vandevin, F.—Belgium, 126 Vangenechten, see Glenisson & Co. Vangeeteruyen, C.—Belgium, 489 Vanhool, J. F.—Belgium, 454 Vanhulle, H. J.—Belgium, 453 Vaniukoff, T.—Russia, 112, 113 Vanner, J. & Son.— xiii. 4 Vanner & Son.— xiii. 28 Vanni, A.—Zollverein (5), 31 Vannod, J.—Switzerland, 69 Vanstraelen, J.—Belgium, 269 Vantillard & Co.—France, 1517 Vantroyen & Mallet.—France, 715 Varen, A.—Russia, 352 Vargounin, Brothers.—Russia, 260. 302 Varhovzoff, T.—Russia, 368 Varley & Son.—x. 257 Varnish, E.—xxiv. 27 Varrall, Middleton, & Elwell.—France, 717 Vassal.—Russia, 122 Vasse de St. Ouen.—France, 716 Vassel & Co.—Zollverein (1), 183 Vasselboro Manufacturing Company.—■ (Maine), United States, 324 Vater, F.—Austria, 502 Vatin, jun. & Co.—France, 1704 Vaucher, C.—Switzerland , 28 Vaucher, Du Pasquet & Co.—Switzer¬ land, 36 Vaucher-Picard.— France, 710 Vaugeois & Truchy.—France, 718 Vaughan, G.—vi. 242 Vaughan, G. H.—xxii. 619 Vaughan, J.—xxtu. 20 Vaughan, W.—vii. 139 Vavaseur, see Carter, Vavaseur, &c. Vaz, A. P. F.—Portugal, 580 Vazquez, Y.—Spain, 133a Veale, see Widdowson &Veale Vechte, A.—xxm. 97 Vechte, Gayrard& Yon.—France, 745 Vedrin, Societe de (Namur).—Belgium, 17 Vedy, F.—France, 719 Veevers, Mrs.—xix. 324 Vegetable Kingdom, Sectional Com¬ mittee on.—iv. 40 Vegni, Professor A.—Tuscany, 13 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 105 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Veiel & Co.—Zollverein (4), 45 Veissiere, A.—France, 720 Veitch, J.—x. 6 Velhagen, W. R.—Zollverein (1), 540 Velin, Brothers.—France, 721 Vella, Paolo, & Co.—Malta, 15 Ven, P. C. Vander.—Netherlands, 44 Venables, Wilson, & Tyler. —xvii. 149 Venator, see Ionghaus & Venator Vennemann, see Lingerbunk, &c. Venner, J. —Canada, 327 Ventujol &Chassang.—France, 1384 Ventura, A. B.—x. 18 Verbeek, P. F.—Belgium, 113 Verberckt, H.—Belgium, 470 Verbist, E.—Belgium, 162 Vercauteren, J. L.—Belgium, 82 Vercruysse, Brothers.—Belgium, 91 Vercruysse, F.—Belgium, 213 Verden & Co.—Russia, 30 Verdet & Co.—France, 1519 Verdier, see Tailbouis, Verdier, & Co. Verdure, B. C.—Belgium, 296 Vere, H. H.—xxn. 31 Verein, Landwirtbschaflitcher.— Zoll¬ verein (1), 790 Veret, J. —Switzerland, 223 Verge, A. sen.—France, 722 Verhasselt, D’Oullrelepont, F. — Bel¬ gium, 179 Verheim, J.—Hamburgh, 28; Verheht, F.—Belgium, 102 Verheyden, E.—Belgium, 46 Verhulst, C. & Co.—Belgium, 289 Verhulst, De Ronge, & Co.—Belgium, 243 Verkhne Barantchinsk, Imperial Iron Works of.—Russia, 11 Verkhne Tourinsk, Imperial Iron Works of.—Russia, 12 Vernon, see McNicholl & Vernon Vernum, see Want & Vernum Verreyt, J.—Belgium, 290 Verrier, F.—Algeria, 57 Verriest, P.—Belgium, 214 Verrinder, J.—xxvi. 217 Verschaeve, L.—Belgium, 79 Versnel, J. S.—Netherlands, 105 Verstaen, L. N.—France, 1705 Versteeven, see Duura, Van, & Ver- steeven Verstraete, Brothers.—France, 723 Verstraeten, E.—Belgium, 108 Vertu, Brothers.—Sardinia, 28 Verviers, J. P. see Troupin, J. H. &c. Verviers, Establishment of St. Joseph.— Belgium, 322 Verza, Brothers (late Carlo Verza),— Austria, 87 a Verza, Carlo, see Verza, Brothers Vesofftchikoff, M.—Russia, 173 Vetter & Erno,—Zollverein (4), 74 Vezey, E. see Vezey, R, & E. Vezey, R. & E.—V. 988 Vezfel, see Shtange & Vezfel Vezon, Brothers.—France, 1520 Viard, L.—France, 1521 Viault-Este.—France, 725 Viberg, A. P.—Sweden & Norway, 14 Vibert, S.—Jersey & Guernsey, 15 Viccars, R.—xix. 235 Vick, R.—xvi. 70. 268 Vickerman & Beaumont.—xii. & xv. 102 Vickers, see Naylor, Vickers, & Co.; Simpson, Humphrey, & Co. Vickers, W.—xix. 33 Vickers, W. R.—Till. 8 Victoria Asylum for the Blind (New¬ castle-upon-Tyne).—xix. 284 Victoria Felt Carpet Co.—xix. 327 Victory, J.—vi. 67 Videcoq & Simon.—France, 1706 Videl, R.—France, 727 Vie, J.—France, 726 Viehhaeuser, G.—Zollverein, 4,103 Viehofen Mirror Manufactory. — Aus¬ tria, 583 Vieille Montague Zinc Mining Co., Liege.—i. 437 (Main Avenue, East) ; Belgium, 26; France, 1018 Vieira, II. T.—Portugal, 1232 Vieira, M. J.—Portugal, 1235 Vieira, M. T.—Portugal, 1234 Viel.—France, 1047 Vienna Depot of the Imperial Iron Mines and Iron Works.—Austria, 2, 408 Vienna Imperial Military Geographical Institute.—Austria, 363 Vienna Imperial Polytechnic Institute Mechanical Department. — Austria, 130 Vienna Imperial Porcelain Manufactory. —Austria, 615 Vienna Imperial Printing Office. — Austria, 362 Vienna Imperial Tobacco Manufacto¬ ries.—Austria 69 Vienna Privileged Steam Flour Mill Company.—Austria, 62 Vienna Stearine Candle Co. (Apollo Candle).—Austria, 39 Vienna Stearine Candle Co. (Milly Can¬ dle).—Austria, 40 Vieweg & Son.—Zollverein (1), 822 Vieyres & Repingon.—x. 91 Vigers, E. jun.—xxvi. 382 Vignat, Brothers.—France, 1524 Vignaux, L. J.—Spain, 249 a V ignoles, C.—vn. 105 (Main Avenue, West) Vigourux, S.—France, 728 Viguier, B.—France, 729 Vikoulin.—Russia, 141 Villa, Fratelli.—Malta, 5 Villa, J.—Tuscany, 107 Villardei & Callejas.—Spain, 258 Villemsens.—France, 1707 Villeroi.—France, 1522 Villeroy & Boch.—Zollverein (1), 361 Villiers, J. Z. P. De.—Cape of Good Hope, 2 Vilpelle, T.—France, 1523 Vinas, A.—Spain, 160 Vincent, see Frost, Noakes, &c. Vincent, H. France, 1525 Vincent, J.—France, 1526, 1527 Vincent R.—xvi. 153; xx. 177 Vincent, S.—xix. 328 Vincent, T.—i. 465 Vincent & Tisserant.—France, 730 Vine & Ashmead.—United States, 196 Vine, H. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 242 Vine, R.—xxix. 116 Vingert, A.— Austria, 460 Vinn, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 205 Violard, G.—Belgium, 320 ; France. 731 Violette, J.H. M.—France. 1528 Virebent, Brothers.—France, 732 Viry Brothers, see Martin, O. & Yiry Vis, A.—Netherlands, 7 j Vischi, A. M. J. —xix. 47 Visser, see Poortman & Visser Visser, E. E. — Netherlands, 17 Visser & Co.—Netherlands, 15 Visseur, P.—Zollverein (1), 358 Vissiere.—France, 733 Vitalis, G.—Greece, 61 Vitalis, L.—Greece, 60 Vittoz.—France, 1530 Viullaume, J. B.—France, 735 Vivat, B.—Austria, 598 Vivet, K. T.—France, 734 Vivian. —ix. 227 Vivier & Co.—France, 1529 Vizetelly & Branston. —xxiv. 29 Vizianagrum, Rajah of. — India, xxvi. Vladimirsky.—Russia, 50 Vlasky(J.—Austria, 141 Vlissingen, Van, Van Heel, & Derosne Cail & Co.—Netherlands, 75 Vloebergs.—Belgium, 36 Voelkel, J. G., & Co.—Zollv. (1), 91 Vogel, A.—Switzerland, 226 Vogel, C. F.—Austria, 739 Vogel & Carner.—Zollverein (1), 711 Vogel, M.—Zollverein (1), 148 Vogel, M. A.—Zollverein (1), 148 Vogel, W.—Zollverein (3), 89 Vogelsang, J. & Sons.—Zollv. (5), 22 Vogelsangs, F. L.—Belgium, 181 Vogt, M.—Zollverein (1), 148 Voigt.—Denmark, 46 Voigtlander, Evans, & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 254 Voith, A.—Austria, 560 106 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country: British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Wagner, A.—Zollverein (1), 414 Wagner, Albert.—Main Avenue, East, 1200 Voizot, E.—France, 1531 Vokes, F.—xix, 329 Yokins, C. —xxvii. 30 Vokins, J. &. W.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 46 Yokins, W., see -Vokins, J. & W. Volbrecht, see Zahn & Volbrecht Volderauer, G.—Austria, 13 Volkert.—France, 1532 Yolkhonsky, Prince.—Russia, 109 Volkmann, J.—Austria, 190 Volkonsky, Prince M.—Russia, 53a Volkonsky, Prince V.—Russia, 70 Vollenhoven, C. J., Van.—Netherlands, 93 Vollschwitz, see Bachoven & Vollsch- witz Volner.—Russia, 190 Voloskoff, A.—Russia, 317 Voloskoff, M.—Russia, 316 Volsteedt, J. P.—Cape of Good Hope, 6. 35 Volterra Royal Salt Manufactory.— Tuscany, 2 Vonwiller & Co.—Austria, 237. 292 Vonwiller, U. de G.—Switzerland, 140 Voorst, Van, Dirk, & Son.—Nether¬ lands, 14 Voort, PI., Van der.—Netherlands, 45 Voortman, A.—Belgium, 294 Vorster, C. D.—Zollverein (1), 446 Voruz, J. S., sen.—France, 1533 Voslau Worsted Yarn Spinning Com¬ pany.—Austria, 198 Voss, J.—i. 135 Votkinsk, Imperial Iron-works of, (Viatka).—Russia, 13. 156 Vreede & Co.—Netherlands, 33 Ysevolodowitch, N.—Russia, 338 Vsevolossky.—Russia, 330a Vuilleumier, R. de la.—Switzerland, 12 Vulliamy, B. L.—x. 700 Yyse & Sons.—xx. 11 ; Tuscany, 66 Vyvens.—Belgium, 59 W. Wales, H.R.H. the Prince of.— Main Avenue, East, 98 ; i. 434 Wachter, L.—Austria, 561 Waddington & Sons.—xxix. 134 Wadsworth & Sheldon.—United States, 348 Waechter, T.—Zollverein (1), 434 Waentig, D. & Sons.—Zollv. (3), 53 Wagener, J. C. L.—Hamburgh, 4 Wagenmann, Seybel, & Co.—Austria, 19 Wagner. —xxiii. 108 ; France, 736 ; see also Schill & Wagner Wagner, C.—Zollverein (4), 61 Wagner, C. A.—Hanover, 7 Wagner & Co.—Zollverein (1), 708; (2) 99 Wagner, F.—Austria, 437 ; Zollverein (4), 104 Wagner, F. G. jun.—Zollv. (1), 155 Wagner, J.—Zollverein (6), 52 Wagner, J. & Son.—Zollverein (1), 840 Wagner, Louisa & Marian.—xx. 31 Wagner, Marian ; see Wagner, Louisa Wagner, T.—Zollverein (4), 108 Wahl, F.—Zollverein (i), 332 Wahlen & Schmidt.—Zollv. (1), 401 Waikato Coal Committee.—N. Zealand, 22 Wailes, W.—xxiv. 73 Wait, J.—vi. 504 Waite, G.—x. 441 Wake, T. & Son.— viii. 136 Wakefield, see Inglis & Wakefield Wakefield, F.—xxn. 381 Wakefield, J. T. —xxn. 337 Wakeling & Sons.—xxvi. 194 Wal, K. S. Van der.—Netherlands, 94 Walbridge, H.—United States, 186 Walby, J.—vii. 148 Wald & Son.—Zollverein (1), 96 Waldburger & Langenegger.-—Switzer¬ land, 207 Waldner & Staehelin.—Switzerland, 152 Waldron, W. & Sons.—xxi. 17 Waldthausen, Ed., see Siegfried & Waldthausen Waldthausen, O. W.—Zollv. (1), 319 Walen, J.—Sweden and Norway, 11 Wales, J.—i. 431 Walferman, see Hupfer & Walferman Walford, C. sen.—xxix. 207 Walford, R.—xviii. 19 Walker.—France, 391; see also Titley, Tatham, &c.; Wilson, Walker, & Co. Walker, A.—Van Diemen's Land, 195 Walker Alkali Company (Newcastle- upon-Tyne).—II. 15 Walker & Babb.—xx. 63 Walker & Burgess. — vii. 28; 224 (Main Avenue, West) Walker, C. V.—x. 430 Walker, E.—vii. 119; xvi. 206 : xxii. 29; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 80 Walker, Edward, & Co.—United States, 123 Walker, J.—x. 697 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court) 102 ; Van Diemen’s Land, 44. 49. 51 Walker, J. & Co.— xii. & xv. 23 Walker, J. & R.—xi. 3 Walker, J. W.—x. 561 Walker, R.—i. 120 ; viii. 242 ; see also Walker, J. & R. Walker, S. & Gilder.—v. 989 Walker, Sarah, & Co.— viii. 284 Walker & Son.— xii. & xv. 79 Walker & Sons.— xii. & xv. 87 Walker, T.—xxvm. 87 Walker, W.—ill. 86 ; v. 693 ; xi. 46 Walkinshaw, W.—China. Wall, Cockshot, & Wall.— xii. & xv. 159 Wall, E. & T.—xiv. 70 Wall, T.—xxiii. 5; see also Wall, E.&T. Wallace, A.—Canada, 147 Wallace, Elizabeth.—xxvi. 2 Wallace, J. & Co.—xi. 59 Wallace & Son.— xxii. 413 Wallace, T.—xvi. 132 Wallace, W. & Cowper, T.—i. 510 Wallack, A.—Zollverein (1), 767 Waller, see Burgun, Waller, Berger, & Co. Waller & Co.—Main Avenue, West, 62 Waller, F.—xxvi. 285 Wallis, Capt. R.N. — Main Avenue, East Wallis, Count O. Von.—Austria, 93 Wallis, S.—xxviii. 8 Wallis, T. W.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 89 Walmesley, H.—-xi. 51 Walsh, see Jeffery, Walsh, & Co. Walsh & Co.—xx. 109 Walsh, J. E., Executors of.—i. 183 Walsh, W.—xvi. 207 Walsh & Windley.—xi. 26 Walshaw, J. & Sons.— xviii. 58 Walter, F.—X. 41 Walter & Son.—Zollverein (l), 782 Walters, B. & P.—xxii. 670 Walters, H.— viii. 34 Walters, J. & Co.— xxii. 148 Walters & Son.-—xx. 54 Walters & Sons.—xm. 9 Walters & Stone.— xxii. 296 Waltham Abbey Mills.—n. 21 Walther, see Junge & Walther Walther, G.—Zollverein (3), 177 Walther, Hennig, & Co.—Zollv. (1), 714 Walton, see Hullmandel & Walton Walton, F.—xxii. 701 Walton & Co.—xiv. 38: xxii. 69 Walton, J.—i. 85 Walton, W.—South Transept, 10 Walty, Brothers.—Switzerland, 141 Walwein.—France, 737 Wamosy, D.—Hamburgh, 19 Wamp & Schroeder.—Zollv. (1), 239 Wandesforde, Hon. C.—I. Ill Wanless, T.—xxix. 266 Wanloch Lead Mines (Dumfriesshire). —i. 25 Warm, T. W.—xxvii. 84 A WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 107 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country ; British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Wansborough, J.— xxviii. 75 Want & Vernum.—v. 37 Warburton, C.—xxii. 187 Ward.—x. 527; xxvii. 23 ; see also Eyre, Ward, & Co.; Gill & Ward Ward (late Griffin & Ward).—xxvi. 279 Ward, Anne.—xix. 334 Ward, C.—Van Diemen’s Land.—183. 186 Ward, J.—ii. 89; v. 990. 997 Ward, J. J.—United States, 172 d W ard, J. W.—xn. & xv. 134 ; see also Ward, W. & J. W. Ward, M. & Co.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 43 Ward, N. B.—x. 664 (North Tran¬ sept) Ward & Payne.—xxii. 196 Ward, Smith, & Co.—II. 54 Ward & Sons.— XX. 203 Ward, Street, Sharp, & Ward.—xx. 195 Ward, W. & J. W.—United States, 40 Warden, A. J.—xiv. 63 ! Warden, J. jun.—xxii. 368 | Wardle, H. & T. & Co.— xiii. 41 Wardle, M.—Canada, 104 Wardle, S.—United States, 47 Wardle, T.— see Wardle, H. & T. & Co. Ware, see Bethel, Ware, & Co. Wareham Bituminous Shale Co.—I. 221 i Waring, C. H.—vi. 305 Warlich’s Patent Fuel Co.—I. 230 Warlinek.—Austria, 116 Warming, E.—Denmark, 7 Warmont, V.E.—France, 1048 ( Warnar, Willinck.—Netherlands, 32 Warner, H.—Trinidad : Warner, J. & Sons.—(North Transept) I xxii. 798 Warner, M. R.—xxvi. 72 Warner, R. & Co.—United States, 431 j Warner & Sons.—v. 424 Warner,W.—xxx. (Fine ArtCourt) 275 Warners, see Cartwright & Warners Warrack, Harriet.—xxvi. 102 Warrell, J.—xxix. 32 Warren, see Kirk & Warren Warren, G.—xxii. 402 Warren, J.—ix. 257 ; xvii. 123 Warren, P.—v. 558 Warren, T.—xxvi, 288 Warrick, Brothers.—xxix. 115 ! Warriner, W.—xxm. 60 ; Warringer, G. & A. Soyer. —hi. 21 l Warwick & Otey.—United States, 325 ; Washbourn, Ann.—xix. 335 Washburn, J. & Co.—United States, 421 Washer, F.—Belgium, 318 Washington, Capt., R.N.—vm. 136 Washington Chemical Co. (Newcastle). —ii. 12 I Washington & Daviss. —xiii. 8 Wasley, J.—vi. 412 Wason, R. (M.P.).—xvii. 188 Wasseroft, see Staib & Wasseroft Watchorn, W.—Van Diemen’s Land, 147 Wateau, see Guilbert & Wateau Waterhouse, Emma & Maria, A.—xix. 336 Waterhouse, G. & S.—xxm. 20 Waterhouse, J.—xvm. 72 Waterhouse, Maria A. see Waterhouse, Emma, &c. Waterhouse, S., see Waterhouse, G. &S. Waterlow & Sons.—vi. 164; xvii. 46 Watermeyer, C.—Cape of Good Hope, 17. 51 Waters, see Capper & Waters Waters, C. see Waters J. & C. Waters, J. & Co.—xi. 43 Waterson, J. A.—xvm. 67 Waterston, G. —xvii. 93 Watherston & Brogden.—xxm. 105 Watkin, see Keep & Watkin Watkins, A.—x. 85a Watkins, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 187 Watkins & Hill.—v. 56 ; vm. 238a ; x. 659 Watkins, T. see Watkins, W. & T. Watkins, W. & T.—vi. 66 Watney, A.—I. 276 Watrelot-Delespaul.—France, 738 Watson, see Sandford, Owen, &c. Watson, A. see Watson, J. & A. Watson, Bell, & Co.—xix. 337, Persia Watson & Co.—xix. 337 Watson, E. F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court.), 130 Watson, G.—xxvi. 175. 186 a W atson, G. W.—United States, 53. 361 Watson, H.—vi. 165 Watson, J. & A.—xii. & xv. 477 Watson, John.—Van Diemen’s Land, 316 Watson, M. L. (the late.) — Main Avenue, West 81 ; xxx. (Sculpture Court), 60 Watson & Son.—xix. 338 Watson, T.—v. 712 ; vm. 76 ; xx. 111 Watson, Young, & Co. — New South Wales, 16 Watt .—see Doulton & Watt Watt, G.— hi. 110 Watt, G. T.—x. 717 Watt, J.—ix. 63 Watt, James, & Co.—v. 6 Watt & Son.—iv. 120 Watt, W.—ii. 32 ; vii. 20 Watteyne, J.—Zollverein (3), 2 Watts, see Whiteway, Watts, & Co. ; Burroughes & Watts Watts, C.—v. 991 Watts & Harton.— xxii. 557 Watts, J. —ii. 103 Watts, 11. M.—Canada, 38 Watts, T.—v. 750 Watts, W.—xx. 108 Watts, W. M.— xvii. 164 Waugh & Son.—xix. 339 Waun, T. W.— xxvii. 141 Wautelet.—Belgium, 32 Wayne North ScytheCompany.—United States, 323 Weaber, H.—x. 279 Weare, R.—x. 386 Weatherhead, H.-XX. 33 Weatherley, H. —m. 27 ; vi. 441 Weatherly, see Wilkins & Weatherly Weatherly, E.'—xxi. 1 Webb, see Molineaux, Webb, & Co. Webb, Charles J.—Mauritius, 3 Webb, E.—xvi. 243 Webb, J.—xxvi. 171 Webb, Mr.—i. 12 Webb, R.—hi. 72 Webb & Son.—xix. 150 Webb, T.—xxiv. 17 Webb, Captain T.—xx. 138 Webb, W.— xvii. 156 Webber & Bartlett.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 153 Webber & Hairs.— xii. & xv. 277 Webber, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 149 Webendoerffer, C. H. & Sons.'—Zollve¬ rein (3), 72-83 Webendorfer, Brothers.—Zollv.(l), 759 Weber, see Matthes & Weber; Scheller & Weber. Weber, C.—Zollverein (1), 325. 744 Weber, C. F.—Zollverein (4), 84 Weber, E.—Zollverein (1), 716 Weber, G.—Belgium, 258 Weber, G. D.—Austria, 18 Weber, J.—France, 739 Weber, J. B.—Zollverein (6), 43 Weber & Metzges.—Zollverein (1), 569 Weber & Schultheis.—Zollverein (5), 6 Weber,W.—Zollverein (1), 384 Websky & Son.—Zollverein (I), 122 Webster.—see Cornell, Lyell,&c.; Steer & Webster Webster, A.— xii. & xv. 84 Webster, B.—v. 108 Webster, Capt.—South Australia Webster, D.—xn.& xv. 63 Webster, G.—xx. 154 Webster, R. jun.—x. 17 Webster, T.— xii. & xv. 62 Webster, W. B.— vii. 185; x. 671 a ; vm. 265 Wedgwood, Josiah, & Sons.—xxv. 6. 5 1 ; xxix. 208 Wedgwood, R.— xvii. 47 Wedlake, Mary, & Co.—ix. 127 Wednesbury Shaft & Axletree Co.—v. 543 Weeber, G. & Co.—Zollverein (4), 86 Weedon, F.—XIX. 6 108 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country ; British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Weedon, F. P.—xix. 11 Weedon, T.—x. 640 Weekes, H.—South Transept, 18-21; Main Avenue, East, 102 Weeks, J. & Co.—ix. 248 a W eertb, A. & Co. — Zollverein (1), 333 Weese, W. F.—Canada, 29. 85 Wegner, T. R.—Switzerland, 155 Weichselbaumer, J.—Austria, 562 Weichselbaumer, M.—Austria, 563 Weickert, J. D.—Zollverein (3), 166 Weidl, M.—Austria, 461 Weigert, see Marx & Weigert Weigert & Co.—Zollverein (1), 115 Weightman, see Power & Weightman Weighton & Son.—xxm. 22 Weigle, J. J.—Zollverein (4), 29 Weil, see Trelon, Weldon, &c. Weil-Meyer & Co.—Belgium, 336 Weiland.—Zollverein (1), 388 Weilbach, I. J.—Denmark, 21 Weill, C.—Zollverein (1), 20 Weimarsson.—Zollverein (1), 797 Weinberger, G.—Austria, 280 Weinmeister, G.—Austria, 448 Weinmeister, J.—Austria, 449 Weir, E.—ix. 123 Weir, J.—xvi. 72; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 151 Weise, W. F.—Canada, 37 Weishaupt, C. M. & Sons.—Zollverein (D, 412 Weiss, see Zwerger, 'V an, Deffner, &c. Weiss, jun. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 717 Weiss, J. & Son.—Austria, 572 Weiss, J. H.—Zollverein (l), 684 Weiss & Son.—x. 631 a W eissflog, E. F.—Zollverein (l), 720 Wei borne, J. W.—I. 470 Wei borne, W.—I. 455 Welch, Margetson, & Co.—XII. & XV. 304; xviii. 7; xx. 212 Welch & Sons.—xx. 12 Welch, T.—xviii. 18; xxvi. 150 Welcker, A. C.—Zollverein (1), 331 Weld, J.—viii. 186 Weldon, see Trelon, Weldon, &c. Wellborne, W.—I. 447. 455 Wellings, see Halbeard & Wellings Wells, see Brown & Wells; Hinks, Wells, & Co. Wells, E.—xxvi. 232 Wells, G.—vii. 82 Wells, J. T.—xxn. 290 Wells, L.—United States, 107 Wells, W. B.—xix. 341 Wellsman, J.—in. 78 Wellway, J. S.—x. 465 Welsh Slate Company.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 12 Welzigbach, K.—Austria, 571 Wemmer, F.—Zollverein (7), 3 Wemyss, R.—xiv. 58 Wemyss, Rear-Admiral.— xxvii. 141 Wenderlein, J. H.—Zollverein (6), 55 Wendt, see Post & Wendt Wenham Lake Ice Company.—xxn. 600 Wenzel, C.—Austria, 319 Wentzell, A. —viii. 167 Weppler, C. L.—Zollverein (2), 96 Wermuth, J.—Switzerland, 107 Werner, M.—Zollverein (6), 48 Werner & Piglhein.—Hamburgh, 79 Wertheim, F.—Austria, 573 Wertheimer, D. J.—x. 387 Wertheimer, S.—xxm. 130; xxvi. 177 Wescher & Strassmann, Brothers.—Zoll¬ verein (1), 634 Wesenfeld & Co.—Zollverein (1), 461 Wesley, S. S.—xvn. 169 Wesmael Legros.—Belgium,'282 Wessel, F. W.—Zollverein (1), 542 Wesseley, Zollverein (1), 849 Wessels, see Brocklesby & Wessels West, Alice.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 326 West, Brothers.—Zollverein (6), 44 West, C. Mary.—xix. 374 West, Commander. — vm. 109 ; see also Graham, West, & Co. West of England China, Stone, & Clay Company (St. Austell).—i. 103 West & Gregson.—vi. 21 West & Son.—xxm. 15 West, W.—ix. 246 West all & Co.—iv. 104 Westerbaan, see Schoneveld & Westerb. Westergothland, Peasants of.—Sweden & Norway, 26 Westermann, see Karcher & Westermann Westermann, A. H. & Co.—Zollverien (1 ), 543 Westermann & Co.—Zollv. (1), 80 Westermann, G.—Zollverein (1), 749 Westermann & Sons.—Zollverein (1) 544 Western Fire Company (Cincinnati).— United States, 206 Western Gaslight Co.—I. 260 Westhauster, J.—Austria, 308 Westhead & Co.-—xxix. 275 Westhoff, Brothers.—Zollv. (1), 599 Westley, see Carpenter & Westley; Richards, Westley, & Son Westley, J.—xvn. 48 Westleys & Co.—xvn. Ill Westmacotr, J.—xxx. (Sculp. Crt.), 74 Westmoreland, G.—x. 444 Weston & Son.—xm. 46 Weston, Warwick.—Western Africa, 1. 18 Westrup, W.—vi. 442 Westwood, J.(the late.)—xxx, (Fine Art Court) 292 Westwood, J. O.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 292 Westwood & Moore.— xxvii. 113 Wethered & Brother.—United States, 529 Wetherell, F. S.—xxvi. 236 Wetherill, Brothers.—United States, 43 Wettli, M. L.—Switzerland, 237 Wetzel, C. J.—Zollverein (4), 109 Wee & Lindner.—Zollv. (3), 72-83 Wexford, Peasants.—xx. 181 Weyerbusch, C.—Zollverein (1) 570 Weygand, A.—France, 740 Weygold, A.—Zollverein (1), 429 Weyhe, see Motter, Weyhe, & Co. Whaite, H. C. xxx.—(Fine Art Courl), 340 Whalley, see Skinner & Whalley. Whalley, T.—xxv. 27 Wharrv, J.—xxix. 27 Wharton, W.—v. 713 Wheatley, J.—v. 810 Wheatley, W.—xxvm. 109 Wheatstone & Co.—x. 526 Wheeler. — VI. 618; see Kinder & Wheeler Wheeler & Ablett.— xx. 22 Wheeler, C.— xxn. 799 Wheeler, E.— v. 305 ; ix. 216a W heeler, G. & M.— xxm. 91 Wheeler, Philip & Co.—I. 108 Wheeler, T. —hi. 2 7a ; Canada, 167 Wheeler, T. & Co.— xx. 206 Wheeler, W. S.—xii. & xv. 271 Wheelhouse, A.—Portugal, 529 Wheler, Mrs.— xix. 238 Whetham & Sons.— xiv. 73 Whetstone, see Brewin & Whetstone. Whettam, J.—vm. 136 Whibley, E. —x. 607 Whicker, see Philp & Whicker Whipple, J. A.—United States, 451 Whishaw.— xxvii. 61 Whishaw, F. —ix. 59 ; x. 419 ; xvi.'81 ; xxvi. 264 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 232 a Whitaker, see Chapman & Whitaker Whitaker, H. W.—xxvm. 137 Whitaker, R.— xvii. 49 Whitaker, Son, & Co.—France, 741 Whitbread, J. —xvii. 192 Whitby, E.—xx. 186 Whitcombe, A.—xxvi. 211A White.—x. 687 ; see Jones, White, &c. White, E.—xx. 159 White, G.—Jersey & Guernsey, 12 White, G. H.—hi. 32 White & Grant.—i. 471 White, H. C.—Jersey & Guernsey, 1 White, J.—vm. 36 ; ix. 181; x. 587; see White, T. & J. White, J. C.—xvi. 86 I White, M.—United States, 397 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. 109 Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. White & Parlby.—xxvi. 6 White, R., see White, T. J. & R. White, Son, & Co.—xix. 343 White & Sons.—Western end, South enclosure (Outside), 10; i. 130, 130 a W hite, T. juri.— viii. 52 : xxii. 200 White, T. & J.—viii, 136 White, T. J. & R.—viii. 36a W hite, W.—xx. 51 Whitehead.—xi. 40 Whitehead, J.—ix. 239 ; xxii. 10 Whitehead, J. H.—vi. 46 Whitehead 8c Son.—xx. 139 Whitehill, M., & Co.—xn. & xv. 287 Whitehouse, C. & Co.—xxii. 667 Whitehouse, N.—x. 280 Whitehurst, J.—United States, 525 Whitehurst, J. H.—United States, 377 Whitelaw J.—v. 58 Whiteley, Elizabeth.—xxii. 126 Whitely, Rev. J.—New Zealand, 32 Whiteman, E. jun.—United States, 240 Whiteman, F. J.—xvn. 51 Whiteside, see Cousens & Whiteside. Whitesides.—Van Diemen's Land, 91- 93 Whiteway, Watts, & Co.—i. 90 Whitfield, J. A.—ix. 68 Whitfield, S.—xxii. 356 Whiting, see Dixon & Whiting ; Hotham & Whiting. Whiting, c.—XXX. (Fine Art Crt.) 123; United States, 556 Whitley, J.— xil. & xv. 176; xxii. 656 Whitley, N.—i. 79. 95. 165 ; see also Rouse, Captain Whitlock, B. M.—United States, 369 Whitlock & Billiald.—xix. 27 Whitman, see Wisdom, Russel, &c. Whitmarsh.—United States, 334 Whitmee & Chapman.—xxii. 242 Whitmore & Co.—xil. & xv. 241 Whitney, E.—xix. 347 Whitney, J.—hi. 26; v 69. Whittaker, J.—i. 53 ; xvm. 76 Whittaker, J., 8c Sons.—vi. 1 Whittington.—xxx. (Sculpture Crt.) 10 Whittington, G. T.—Falkland Islands, 1 Whittles Sc Froggart.—xxii. 213. 693 Whitwell, J., & Co.—xix. 345 Whitworth, J., & Co.—vi. 201 Whitworth, J. & Son.—xil & xv. a 56 Whyte, see Smith 8c Whyte Whyte, W.—xxvi. 43 Whytehead, J. R.—v. 101 Whytlaw & Son.—New Zealand, 34 Whytock.—xix. 263 Whytock, A.—vn. 156 Wickham.—xxix. 196 Widdowson Sc Veale.—xxm. 100 Widnall, G. F.—xvn. 52 Widnell see Henderson 8c Widnel Wiedemann, Pferdmenges,8cSchmoelder, —Zollverein (1), 488 Wiedenmann, T.—Zollverein (1), 669 Wiegand, E.—Zollverein (1), 734 Wiegand, F.—Zollverein (1), 745 Wiegandt, J.—Zollverein (1), 415 Wielhorskv,Count Matthew.—Russia,44 Wiell, Van.—Belgium, 114 Wien, L.—Austria, 578 Wiener, J.—Belgium, 442 Wiese, see Hennige & Wiese Wiese, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 495 Wiesenthal, see Sussmann & Wiesenthal Wigdor, M.—Zollverein (1), 257 Wigham 8c Son.—xx. 85 Wight, J.—v. 480. Wigram, Money, 8c Sons.—viii. 56 Wilbud, J. — xxx. (Fine Art Court), 291 Wilby, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 162 Wild,—v. 640 Wild & Robinson.—Zollverein (1), 889 Wilder, see Parker, Wilder, 8c Co. Wilder, A. A.—United States, 388 Wildes, S.—xvn. 102 Wildey 8c Co.—xxviii. 40 Wilding, W. H.—v. 60 Wildsmith, M.—xvi. 190 Wiley & Co. —xxii, 325 Wilford, W.—Belgium, 211 Wilford 8c Sons.—xiv. 42 Wilhelm, see Bolten, Wilhelm, Sc Son Wilhelm, A.—Austria, 142 Wilkes, J.—xxii. 266 Wilkie, J. & Co.—ix. 21 Wilkins, J.—Vi. 92 Wilkins, W. C.—vn. 157 (Main Ave¬ nue, West) Wilkins 8c Weatherly.— xxii. 30 Wilkinson.—xxii. 540; seeGrimshawe Sc Wilkinson Wilkinson, C. see Wilkinson, W.& C. Wilkinson 8c Co.—xxm, 32 Wilkinson, E., see Wilkinson, W. & E. Wilkinson, G., see Wilkinson, T. 8c G. Wilkinson, Sir G.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 319 Wilkinson, H. & Co.— xxm. 44 Wilkinson, J.— xii. 8c xv. 51 Wilkinson 8c Son. —vm. 200; xxii. 122 Wilkinson, T.— ix. 220 Wilkinson, T. & G.— xxii. 175 Wilkinson, W,— xvm. 8 Wilkinson, W. 8c C.— xxvi. 184 Wilkinson, W. Sc E.— xii. & xv. 52 Wilks.— xix. 336 Wilks, J.— xii. Sc xv. 6; xiv. 31 Willans, Brothers, & Co.— xii.&xv. 257 Willard, E. —United States, 536 Willars, J. B.—Spain, 162 Willats, R., see Willats, T. & R. Willats, T. 8c R. —x. 265 Willcock, E. P.— xxvn. 8 Willemin.—France, 1659 ; see also Meurant, Brothers, Sec. Willems.—Belgium, 77 Willet, E., Nephew, Sc Co.—xii. Sc xv. 310 Willet, Messrs.—Canada, 143 Willett, C—Canada, 69 Willett, F.—vn. Ill Willey, see Finch Sc Willey William, B. H.—x. 343 William, Evan.—v. 67 William, H.— xxviii. 163 Williams.— xxii. 612; see Clarke Sc Williams; also, Cook Sc Williams; Edelsten Sc Williams; Hopkins Sc Williams Williams, C.—Vii. 109 Williams, C. C.—v. 530 Williams, Coopers,Boyle,Sc Co.—xxvi. 321 Williams, D.—I. 2l5; v. 63 Williams, F., see Williams, T. Sc F. Williams, G. T,—United States, 389 Williams, Lady Griffin.—xix. 349 Williams, H.—France, 742 Williams, J. — vi. 234; xvii. 53; xxviii. 102; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 82 Williams, L.— vii. 128 Williams, Mary.—United States, 243 Williams, N. L.—United States, 14 Williamson. —ix. 48 Williams Sc Son. —xxix. 4 Williams 8c Sons.—i. 505 Williams, T.— viii. 332 ; xxii. 280 Williams, T. M.—xxix. 219 Williams, W.— i. 191 ; ix. 151 ; x. 352 Williams ScNorgate.—Zollv. (1), 272 Willis.— x. 209 Willison, R.—v. 128 Willmanns, C. W.—Zollverein (1), 209 Willmers.—Austria, 371 Willock, E. P. Sc Co.— vii. 223 ; (Main Avenue, West) Willock, J.—Canada, 108 Willott, W. Sc Co.—xii. Sc xv. 114 Willoughby d’Eresby, Lord.—ix. 195 Willoughby, J.—v. 992 Willoughby, T. —xxii. 173 Wills Sc Bartlett.—xxvi. 160 Wills, W. J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 364 Willson, J.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 315 Willson, J. J. Sc W.— xii. & xv. 245. J Willson, T.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 304 Wilmot, E. W.—ix. 170 Wilshin, S. B.—xvi. 205 Wilson.— xiii. 56 ; xvm. 17 ; xxii. 85 ; see also Bull Sc Wilson ; Robinson Sc Wilson ; Venables, Wilson, See. Wilson, A.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 55 Wilson, Anne.—xix. 350 Wilson, C.—v. 697 110 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS' Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Wilson, Charlotte.—xix. 112 Wilson, Charlotte E.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 363 Wilson & Co.— XIII. 10. Wilson, D.—xn. & xv. 83 Wilson, E. B. & Co.—v. 526 Wilson, G.—vi. 112; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 200 Wilson, H.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 44 Wilson, J.— II. 6 ; v. 995 ; vm. 299; ix. 249 ; xii. & xv. 138 ; xxvii, 11 Wilson, Dr. J.—Canada, 2 Wilson, J. & Sons.—Zollverein (3), 51 Wilson, J. & W.—xix. 351 Wilson, M.—vii. 97 Wilson & Matheson—xxix. 133 Wilson, R.—xvii. 178 Wilson, R, & W.—xxii. 490 Wilson, S.—xxvii. 14 Wilson & Son.—xn. & xv. 468 ; xx, 183; xxii. 195 Wilson & Sons.—xxvi. 293 Wilson, Sir T. Maryon.—i. 49 Wilson, T. H.—vn. 113. 188 Wilson, W.—vii. 97 ; see also Wilson, J. & W.; Wilson, J. J. & W. ; Wil¬ son, R. & W.; Wilson, W. & Son Wilson, W. & Son, xn. & xv. 252 Wilson, Walker, & (Jo.—xvi. 11 Wilson & Woodfin.—vn. 195 Wilton, W.—x. 402 Winder, R.—ix. 190 Windle & Blythe.— xxii. 668 Windley, see Walsh & Windley Windmuller, A.—Hamburgh, 29 Windrath, see Wuelfing and Windrath Windsor, J.—ix. 25 Windus, T.— IX. 36 Winfield, R. W.— xxii. 373. Wingate, see Black & Wingate Wingate, Son, & Co xii, & xv. 200 Wingender, Brothers.—Zollverein (8), 9 Wingerworth Iron Co. (Chesterfield). —I. 416 Wingrave & Sons.-—xx. 16 Winkelman, see Zeitter & Winkelman Winkelmann, J.—Zollverein (1), 282 Winkler, F.—Zollverein (1), 31 Winkler & Son.—Zollverein (3), 91 Winkler, T. C.—Switzerland, 142 Winknecht, T.—Belgium, 259 Winks & Sons— xxii. 134 Winkvelman & Sons.—Zollv. (1), 306 Wink worth.— xviii. 9 Winkworth & Co.—xm. 19 Winkworth&Proctor.— xiii. 65 ; xvm.9 Winship, A. H.—United States, 354 Winsor & Newton.—n. 28 Winsor & Son.—xvi. 14 Winter, C.—xvi. 178 Winter, F.—Zollverein (1), 56 Winter, J. — x. 423 ; Austria, 180, 242 Winter, T. B.—VI. 134 Winter, W.— xvi. 249 Winter born, J.—xxvm. 168 Winterfield, J. A.—Zollverein (1), 204 Winterhalter, F.—Main Avenue, East, 96. 97; xxiii. 97 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 237 Winton.— ix. 259a W inton, H. — vm. 250 Winton & Sons. —xxii. 268 Winzenried, see Moerschel, &c. Wippel, J. jun.— xxviii. 10 Wirkler, T.—Zollverein (1), 786 Wirth, F. E.—Zollverein (l), 819 Wirth, T. F.—Zollverein (4), 70 Wirtz, J.—Switzerland, 259 Wisdom, Russel, & Wliitman.—United States, 205 Wise, Dr.—India, vi. Wisedill, G. Y.—xxiii. 65 Wiseman.—Van Diemen’s Land, 130- 134 Wiseman, A. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 334 Wiseman, H. R.— xvii. 103 Wiss, R.— xxii. 525 Wisson, R.— xxii. 679 Witham—v. 113 Withers, J. H.— xxiii. 61 Withers, W.—xxix. 292 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 27 Withey & Smith.—xiv. 47 Witschell & Reinisch.—Austria, 293 Wittekop &Co.—Zollverein (1), 695 Wittich, A. Kemmel, & Co.—Zoll¬ verein (4), 82 Witton, Daw, & Co.—vm. 203 Wix. see Mecklinghaus & Wix W. M. & R. F.—vm. 136 Wochovszky, J. R.-—Austria, 203 Wodderspoon, J. —xvii. 159 Wcegelin, D.—Switzerland, 242 Woeste, G. & Co.—Zollverein (1), 654 Wohler & Co.—Switzerland, 227 Wohlfartb, J. E.—Zollverein (5), 28 Wojtech, F.—Austria, 274 Wojtech, J.—Austria, 686 Wolf.—France, 744 Wolf, C. A.—Zollverein (3), 142 Wolf, C. H.—Zollverein (3), 48 Wolf, J. G.— Zollverein (3), 143 Wolf, T. H.—Zollverein (3), 29 Wolfe, F.—Austria, 326 Wolff, Albert.—Zollverein(l), 300, 307 Wolff, E. & Sons.—i. 68 Wolff'& Erbsloh.—Zollverein (1), 656 Wolff, F. A.—Zollverein (4), 13 Wolff, J. F.—Zollverein (1), 600 Wolff, T.—Zollverein (3), 144 Wolffers, see Hermes, Brothers, &e. Wolfrum, C.—Austria, 301 Wollersdorf, Privileged Association of Manufacturers.—Austria, 423 Wollf & Co.—Zollverein (2), 17 Wollff, L. J.— xxiii. 68 Wolstenholme, J.—xxvm. 173 Wolter, G. C.—Zollverein (1), 180 Wolverson, E.—xxii. 276 Wood.— xvii. 198; see also Horne, Thornthwaite, &c.; Pontifex & Wood, Thomson, Wood & Co. Wood & Bedford.— ii. 47 Wood, Brothers.— xxii. 75 Wood, C.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 174 Wood,C.H.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 209 Wood & Co.—vm. 102. Wood & Forest, Commission of.— Algeria, 47 Wood, G.—ix. 90 ; xxv. 34 Wood, H. & T.—xix. 352 Wood, H. L.—i. 432 Wood, J.—xxi. 8; xxvi. 105. 118; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 48 Wood, Janet.—xx. 137 Wood, J. W.—x. 737 Wood, P. H.—xxix. 285 Wood & Perkes.—xxiv. 7 Wood, S.-—Nortli Transept, 39 ; see also Wood, W. & S. Wood, T.—xxiv. 16; see also Wood, H. & T. Wood&Tomlinson.—United States, 396 Wood, W.—Belgium, 492 Wood, W. R.—x. 643 Wood, W. & S —xvi. 25 Woodborne, J.—ix. 76 Wood bridge, T. — xxiii. 53 Woodbury, J. P.—United States, 443 Woodcock, F.—United States, 135 Woodcroft, J. & Co.— xviii. 45 Woodfin, see Wilson & Woodfin Woodford, Lady.—Ionian Islands, 1 Woodhead, J.—xxvm. 191 Woodhouse.—x. 731 ; xx. 180 Woodhouse, J.— xii. &xv. 71 Woodhouse & Luckman.—xx. 15 Woodhouse,W.—xxx. fFineArtCourl), 289a Woodin, D.—xxii. 8 Woodington. —xxiii. 92. 119 Woodington,W. E.—South Transept,17 Woodley, J.— xxiii. 83 ; xxvii. 39 Woodman, see Simmonds & Woodman Woodman, H. G.—xxvi. 73 Woodman,J.C.—Cape of Good Hope,26 Woodman, W.—xvi. 42 Woodruff, Thomas.— xxvii. 77 ; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 350 Woods, F. F.— vii. 42 Woods, J.—ix. 82 Woods, W.—xxii. 33 Woodward, B.—xxyn. 21 Woodward, B. H.—xix. 354 Woodward, H. & Co.—xix. 355 Woodward, J.—vm. 230 Woolcock, Catherine.— xix. 356 WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THE CATALOGUE. Ill Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indicating the Class. Wooldridge, J.—xvil. 347 Woolley, see Spurden, &c. Woolley, T.—x. 493 Woolley, W.—Labuan, &c., 3 Woolf & Son.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 129 Woolfield, T.—vm. 229 Wooliscroft, see Bowers, Challinor, &c. Wool lams, J. & Co.—xxvi. 322 Woollams, W. & Co.—xxvi. 210. 309 Woolman, E.—United States, 198 Wordsworth, J.— xxii. 360 Worke, H.—Hamburgh, 89 Workman, J.— xxvii. 116 Worledge.—xvm. 43 a W ormal, see Hagues, Cook, &c. Worn, R.— xvi. 255 Wornell.— xxvii. 99 Wornum, R.— x. 499 Worrall, C.— xxx. (Fine Art Court)196 l Worrall, Hallam & Co.— xxii. 164 I Worsdell, G. & Co.—V. 637 Worster.— xxm. 94 Worthington, W.—I. 57 ! Worthy, see Thompson & Worthy Wostenholm, G.— xxii. 125 Wotherspoon, J. & Co.— xxix. 106 Wotherspoon, R.—iii. 124 Wouvermanns, jun.—Belgium, 35 Wratislaw, Matilda Emily.— Xix. 357 ! Wray, W.— x. 309 Wried, see Meyer & Wried I Wright, see Abbott & Wright; M‘Lean & Wright; Scott & Wright; Slater & Wright; Smith, Kemp, & Wright Wright, C.— xxx. (Fine Art Court)203 j Wright, Crump, & Crane.— xix. 358 I Wright, F.—xxx. (Fine Art Court) 98 Wright, G. W.—United States, 185 Wright, H.—hi. 107a ; xxix. 250 Wright, J.—South Transept, 10; XVII. 139; xxii. 177 ; xxvii. 43 Wright, J. G.—Hamburgh, 57 , Wright, L. W. & Co.—iv. 42 Wright, P.— xxii. 366 Wright, P. & R.—xiii. 54 Wright, R.—xvi. 152 ; see also Wright, P. & R. Wright W.—x. 121 Wright, W. B. & Co.—United States, 77 Wrigley, J. & T. C.— XII. & xv. 117 Wrigley & Sons.—xii. & xv. 101 Wrigley, T. C., see Wrigley, J. & T.C. Wroe, see Kay, Richardson, & Wroe; Rogers & Wroe Wuelfing& Windrath.—Zollv. (1), 565 Wuest, C. L.—Zollverein (5), 14 Wulff.—Denmark, 23 Wulff, G. H. & J. F.—China Wulff, J. F. see Wulff, G. H. &c. Wulff, Jens, & Sons.—Denmark, 5 Wunder, L.—Zollverein (1), 250 Wunsch, see Baumann & Wunsch Wunsche, A.—Austria, 659 Wurden, C. A. Von, & Co.—Zollverein (1), 51 Wurm, see Fischer & Wurm Wurm, F. X.—Austria, 137 Wurst, J. M.—Austria, 302 Wurtemburgh, the late Queen of— Austria, 747 Wustenfeld, see Stohmann & Wusten- feld Wuttig, G. L.—Zollverein (1), 151 Wyatt & Brandon.—vil. 220 (Main Avenue, West) Wyatt, J.—North Transept, 26; xxx. (Fine Art Court), 183 Wyatt, M. C.—Main Avenue, West, 54 Wyatt, M. Digby.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), 30. 80 Wyatt, Richard J. (the late).— Main Avenue, East, 103 Wyburn, Meller, & Turner.—V. 996 Wyk, Van, Brothers, & Co.—Nether¬ lands, 36 Wylam’s Patent Fuel Company.—I. 252 Wyld, see Noulton and Wyld Wyld, J.—xvu. 175 Wynants, C.—Belgium, 472 Wynne & Lumsden.—xxvi. 19 Wyon, B.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt), 287 Wyon, E. W.—xxx. (Sculp. Court), 86 Wyon, L. C.—xxx.(Fine Art Crt.), 286 Wyon, W.—xxx. (Fine Art Crt.), 284 Wyttenbach, T.—Switzerland, 257 X. Xavier, A. M.—Portugal, 312 Xhoffray, C. & Co.—Belgium, 204 Ximenes, M.—Spain, 285 Y. Yarborough, Earl of.—xxx. (Sculpture Court), 80 Yardley & Statham.—xxix. 2 Y ashari-Hosein—T urkey Yates.—xxv. 24 Yates, Emma Jane.—x. 378 Yates, H.— xxii. 664 Yates, Haywood, & Co.— xxii. 384 Yates, T.—x. 9 Yates & Taylor.—xvm. 24 Yates, W.—v. 777 Yburru, J.—Spain, 256 a Yeager & Ord.—United States, 56 Yeates, F. G.—xxi. 19 Yeates, G.—x. 332 Yeates, H.—xiv. 56 Yeatman, T. H.—United States, 11 Yeeber, C.—Mecklenburg-Schweiin, 10 Yeo, D. D.—xxx. (Fine Art Co.), 260 Yeomans & Son.—vm. 231 Yeomens, A.—Canada, 23 Yerbury, J.— xxix. 208 Yewdall & Son.— xii. & xv. 78 Yon, see Vechte, Gayrard, &c. Yon, Mme.—France, 745 York & Sheepshanks.—xii. & xv. 49 Young, C. & Co.—Western end, North side (Outside), 60; see also Harlow & Young; Simpson & Young; Wat¬ son, Young, & Co. Young, C. & Co.—v. 600 Young, J.— II. 7 ; vil. 171 ; x. 131 Young, J. H. & Co.—xi. 12 Young & Son.—x. 366 Young, W.—xxii. 442 Young, Dowson, & Co.—vm. 92 Younge, H.—xxu. 161 Younger, see Thompson, Younger, & Co. Youzbash, K.—Russia, 129 Yraburo, G.—Spain, 275 Ysasi, M. de.—Spain 51. 267. 284 Yuill, see Abercrombie & Yuill Yurghenson.—Russia, 72 Yust & Co.—Spain, 47 Z. Zaalberg, J. C., & Son.—Netherlands, 34 Zabala, P. V.—Spain, 240 Zabern, T.—Zollverein (6), 78 Zadig, J. B.—France, 1535 Zaehner & Schiess.—Switzerland, 143 Zahn, J., sen.—Austria, 599 Zahn & Volbrecht.—Zollverein (6), 11 Zais, W.—Zollverein, (4), 48 Zakharoff, S.—Russia, 108 Zakhert, W.—Russia, 185 Zalaghin.—Russia, 209 Zaman & Co.—Belgium, 136 Zambona, G., see Zambona, J. & G. Zambona, J. & G.—Zollverein (1), 358 Zambra, see Negretti & Zambia.—x. • 160a Zambrano, J.—Spain, 111 Zamiatin, see Poliakoff & Zamiatin Zamora, Inspector of Mines of the dis¬ trict of.—Spain, 20 Zandra, J.—Austria, 693 Zaph, J.—Austria, 340 Zaphirakis, Z.—Greece, 1 Zapparelli, G.—Austria, 733 Zaragoza, Agricultural B >ard of. — Spain, 148 Zaragoza, Academy of Medicine & Surgery.—Spain, 128 a Zascha, J.—Austria, 628 Zastzrebeski, F.—Belgium, 176 Zavagli, P.—Tuscany, 49 Zayas, J.—Spain, 168 112 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS. Foreign and Colonial Exhibitors are denoted by the name of their Country : British Exhibitors by Roman Numerals indieating the Class. Zebger, F. W.—Zollverein (1), 308 Zecchke, L.—Zollverein (1), 259 Zeegers, F.—Netherlands, 96 Zegelaer, E.—Belgium, 280 Zeiger, A.'—France, 747 Zeigler, H.—Switzerland, 108 Zeiler, F.—Zollverein (2), 93 Zeisig, H.—Zollverein (1), 225 Zeitler, J.—Austria, 687 Zeitler, M.—Russia, 343 Zeitlinger, J.—Austria, 450 Zeitlinger, J. A.—Austria, 451 Zeitter & Winkelman.—Zollverein (1), 709 Zeitz, J. F.—Zollverein, 841 Zelisko, A.—Austria, 170 Zeller, F.—Zollverein (4), 1 Zeller, H.—Switzerland, 144 Zellweger, S.—Switzerland, 145 Zemberg Mine, Dobschau (Hungary). —Austria, 7 Zemskoff.—Russia, 115 Zepperzauer, see Fries & Zepperzauer Zetterberg, C.—Sweden & Norway, 10 Zibermayr, M.—Austria, 132 Ziegler, Brothers.—Zollverein (1), 784 Ziegler & Haussman.—Zollverein (3), 92 Ziegler, J.—Austria, 156 Ziegler, Baron T.—Zollverein (1), 36 Ziegler, T. & Co.—Switzerland, 146 Ziegler-Pellis, J.—Switzerland, 260 Zilfoogar-Beck & Iskanda-Beck-Ogli. —Russia, 51 Zimmer, Dr.—Zollverein (5), 3 Zimmerman, G. & S.—xxm. 80 Zimmerman, S., see Zimmerman, G. &S. Zimmerman & Son.—Zollverein (1), 718 Zimmermann, see Schiffner & Zimmer- mann ; Spoerlin & Zimmermann. Zimmermann’s, B., Heirs.'—Austria, 452 Zimmermann, C.—Zollverein (3), 24 Zimmermann, E. G.—Zollverein (5), 19 Zipdell, see Mayer & Zindell Zipelius, G., & Fuchs.—France, 1738 Zirkenbach, —Zollverein (1), 791 Zjcisel, J., & Blumel, J. & C.—Aus¬ tria, 320 Zlataoust, Imperial Artinsk Works.— Russia, 3, 167 Zlataoust, Imperial Manufactory of Fire-arms of.—Russia, 14. 161 Zlataoust, Imperial Salkinsk Iron Works.—Russia, 17 Zobel, J.—Zollverein (1), 195 Zobel, W.—Zollverein (1), 190 Zois, Widow Carl, Ironworks.—Aus¬ tria, 405 Zolesi, S.—Sardinia, 2 Zollmann & SteigerthalT. — Zollverein (1), 566 Zolotoreffj J.—Russia, 136 Zonoli, C. A.—Zollv. (1), 859 Zotoff, Brothers.—Russia, 218 Zouboff, D., & A. Stepounin.—Russia, 180 Zoude & Co.—Belgium, 388 Zox, L.—xx. 59 Zschille, Brothers.—Zollverein (3), 138 Zschille, F. & Co.—Zollverein (3), 119 Zschille, J. C. & K.—Zollv. (1), 844 Zuber, J.—Hamburgh, 107 Zuber, J. & Co.—France, 1536 Zuccani, B.—xxx. 348 Zufriedenbeit, see Busbacher, &c. Zuluaga, E.—Spain, 264, 264 a Z ulueta, J. de.—Spain, 179a Zuppinger, T.—Switzerland, 209 Zuwrdzeg, J. & Son.—Netherlands, 3-5 Zweesaardt, A.—Netherlands, 111 Zweibriicken Mechanical School (Ba¬ varia).—Zollverein (2), 32 Zwerger, Van, Deffner and Weiss. — Zollverein (4), 52 Zwickl, J.—Austria, # 138 PART II. ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. Mcmoiandum. thTsamTs ^ IndeX wlU f ‘ nd that the articles contained therein are arranged according to a principle by which the Bi-carbonate of ’°“ t ! TJTT “ far aS P^icable. E,. gr .; Under “ Magnesia ” will be found « Magnesia, 0 ’ Magnesia, Sulphate of, and so on. Under “ Railways” will be found “ Railway Axles,” “ Railway Bars,” &c &c. [N B._ In this index the references following each Article distinguish-1. Country m winch the same will be found, and Name of Exhibitor; and 9 . same is prefixed.] The Class in the United Kingdom, the Colony, or Foreign The number in the Catalogue borne by the entry to which the A List of the Contents of the Catalogue will be found at p. 2. A. Absynthium —Sardinia, Saluce, 10. Accident Detector—y. Angus, 716. Accordions -Austria, Reiniscb, 163. ' Steinkellner 164. Zollverein (\), Wagner and Co., 701. (3), Zimmerman 24 Accordion-Stand— x. Faulkner, 530. Account Books— xvii. Cowan & Sons, 101. Harris & Galarmi, 373. Knight, 86. Rock & Co., 108. Roy- ston & Brown, 205. Waterlow & Sons, 46. C/mm CopJand. France, Gaymar.l and Geraulf, 518. United States, Herrick, 502. M‘Adams, 482. Sibell & Mott, 339. See also Ledgers. Accoutrements, Military-S^ Military Accoutrements . Accumulator— v. Armstrong, 44. Acetic Acid Austria, W.agenmann & Co. 19. Aconite and its Preparations—ii. Hopkins & Wil- liams 41. Morson & Son, 106. India, n. Spain, labala, 129. Acorns — Spain, 93, 115. -TElodian — Zollverein (1), Baltzer, 82. ^OLIAN Pitchpipes— X. Greaves’ 503. ^Eolian Violin Mute—x. Greaves, 503 Colophon— x. Storer, 529. Aerating Machines-^ Soda-Water Machines. Vases, Syphon (for Aerated Waters). Aerial Currents Regulator— xxii. Edwards, 241. Aerial Machines (Models)—x. Brown, 713. Graham, Aeut.t Tt Ummer ’ /16> , Sa(ld ’ 301 -^also Balloons, Spc. Aerial 4 ^TiNG-xxx. (Fine Art Court), Concanen,2 Agates i Dyer, 10. Gelling, 139. Tolan, 22. xxm. Morel & Co. 117. Canada, Logan, 1. India, i. 9 (1), GorHlz, 890. Keller & Co., 888. Wild & Robinson, 889. ilZ E ri 11 J i V :Barbad0eS ’ Trinidad, Lord Harris. •A.gon The Game of— xxix. Peacock 193. Agra Marble (inlaid)— xxvii. Stewart, 33. Agricultural Implements —ix. 1 to 279. xxi Wal- KmA S W S ,V- 7 - _ xxn - Ku‘terley, 240. Hutton, 166. 17 185 " k “’ 76 - SIa W. !5S. Waldron & Sons, Jl £iM l23 i MagUi ’ 126 ' Prince Kobkcwitz’s S ™ Implement Manufactory, 121. Riesi- Stailhurg, Baron, 125. Belgium, Claes, 163. Delstanehe, 510. D’Omalius, 171. Romedenne, 165. Scheidweiler, 164. Train, 167. Canada, Glassfoid, 89. Skinner & M'Culloch, 88, 90. Ceylon. Denmark, Andersen, 15. Egypt, 169-174. France , Batailler, 412. Bodin, 426.' Jerome, Brothers, 549. Lebert, 569. Mittelette, 1661. Moysen, 467. Schneider & Legrand, 1001. Vachon & Co., 705. India, vi. ix. Netherlands, Cazaux, 89. Hesselink, 66. Jenken, 74. Portugal, 632. Switzerland, Chollet, 70. United States, Allen & Co., 97. Emory & Co., 148. Gates, 423. Gating, 162. Hussey, 65. McCormick, 73. Smith, 86. Wells, 107. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (1), Sprengel & Co., 67 k Stolle, 65. (6), Hesse-Darmstadt Board of Agriculture, *13. See also Barley Aveler. Carts and Waggons. Chair- cutting Machines. Churns. Cultivator. Drill Grub- y^' 9 ' Ploughs. Drills. Fanning-mill. Farm Buildings. Gorse-cutting, Sfc. Machine. Grass and Hay-cutting Machines. Grubbers. Harrows. Hay¬ making Machines. Hay and Straw-cutting Machines. Liquid Manure Machines. Mowing and Heaping Ma- chmes. Oil-cake Mill. Ploughs. Scarifiers. Scythes. Seed-dibbling, Sfc. Machines. Shearing Machines. Steam-Engines, Agricultural. Subsoil Pulverisers. Thrashing Machines. Turnip-cutting Machines. Uley Cultivators. Winnowing Machines. Agricultural Models— Austria, Carniolian Agricultural Society, 127. United States, Bryant, 171. Mix and Gardinier, 96. Ant Conductor—vii. Cochrane, 158. Air Guns. See Guns, fyc. Air Pontoons— United States, Armstrong, 219. Air Pumps and Engines— v. Parsev, 591. x. Bryan, 408. Heywood, 404. Newman,'674. Orchard 161. Varley, 257. Yeates, 332. Denmark, Nissen, 20. Finance, Breton, Brothers, 1113. Air-tight Bed Chair— xxvm. Hancock, 83 . Air-tight Bottles—v. Stocker, 422. Air-tight Jar —xxn. Hampden, 612. Air-tight Taps— xxiv. Shephard, 8. Aire Cast-Iron Bridge (Model) — vn. Leather, 107 (Main Avenue, West). Airish Mow (for the preservation of corn in rainy seasons)_ ix. Jones, 52. H 114 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Alabaster (Stalactite or Stalagmite) and Alabaster Articles— i. Monteiro, 150. Whittaker, 53. xxvii. Hall, J. & T., 37, 38. Egypt , 1-5. Greece , Greek Government, 49. India, I. Tuscany, Cherici & Sons, 109. De Larderel, 24. Zollverein (1), Finsch, 211. Alabaster Fountain —Zollverein (5), Tacchis & Co., 21 . Alabaster Paintings— Switzerland , Schceck, 251. Alabaster Tazza.— Home, Tommaso della Moda, 19 (Main Avenue, East). Alarm Guns—yiii. Carron, 251. Naylor, 199. See also Alarum Guns. Alarum Bedsteads— x. Jones, 656. xxn. Savage, 56. Alarum Bells—xxii. Lea, 665. Belgium , Van Hecke, 480. Alarum Guns— ix. Gillett, 78. Warren, 257. See also Alarm Guns. Alarums (for Clocks, &c.)—x. Baker, 396. xxm. Martin, Baskett, & Martin, 2. France, Pierret, 350. Alarums (for Houses, &c.)— yiii. Carte, 29. x. Darnell, 383. xxii. Cooke, 579. ALBERT, H.R.H. PRINCE, Equestrian Statue of, Wyatt; North Transept, 26. Electrotype Bust of, -Elkington & Co., Main Avenue, West, 93. Portrait of, in Sevres China, Main Avenue, East, 97. Bust of, in zinc, I. Vieille Montagne Mining Company, 437. Portrait of, woven in silk, xm. Cross, 32. Statuette of, in silver, XXIII. Zimmerman, 80. Portrait of, on jewel-case, xxx. (Fine Art Court) 352. Albert Street, Mile End, New Town, Model of dwell¬ ings of Artizans at, yti. Metropolitan Association fox- improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes, 172. Albumen— Austria , Engelmann, 22. Albumen oe Blood— France , Boyer & Co., 71. Albumen erom Eggs— France , Aleon, 1538. Albums— Belgium, Parent, 278. France, Godefroy, 1722. Pilout, 681. Switzerland , Spalinger, 253. Zollverein (1), Gebhardt, 248. Leisegang, 149. Reisser, 748. Schoening, 154. (2), Bischolf & Co. 98. Alcohol— France , Lefebvre, Brothers, 579. Maire & Co. 317. Portugal , 515. Alhambra, The (Piece of the Wall of)— Spain, Ysasi, 284. Alimentary Preserves— France , Appert, 751. Carnet- Saussiere, 791. Chatelain & Basset, 797. Chevet, 121. Cloet, 456. Cuvillier, 469. Du Liscolt & Son, 1328. Dupas, 1204. Durand, 1596. Feyeux, 209. Gillet, 521. Gremailly, 246. Groult, 530. Guihery, Deslandelles, & Co., 1262. Houssard, 1626. Levraud, 594. Maguin, 1337. Masson, 1348. Noye, 1372. Peneau, 950. Philippe & Canaud, 956. Rodel & Son, 992. Rouchier & Son, 994. Seyeux, 1486. Sigaut, 1487. Thorel, 1041. Vidal, 727. Canada, Brunsden & Co. 17. Lubeck , Carstens, 2. Netherlands , Janssen, 19. Russia , Ejoff, 80. Tunis , 89, 90. 154. 157, 158. Zollverein (1), Farthmann, 16. Weill, 20. See also Amazone. Provisions , Preserved. Alkali— St. Helena , Agricultural Society, 2. Alkali Salt—ii. Ward & Co., 54 Alkaloid BeberiNe—ii, Howards & Kent, 11. Alloys —i. Jordan, 487. Stirling, 428. Almanacks —vn. Holland, 132. xvii. Hume, 186. Almond Oil —iv. Brotherton & Co., 23. Portugal , 487-489. Aloe (manufactured specimens of)— Gibraltar. Aloe-Fibre Stuffing (for Furniture) — Belgium, Hau sens-Hap, 257. Aloes and its Preparations —n. Lamplough, 71. Smith, T. & H., 94. Ceylon. Aloes Thread Cloak — Algeria, Bernardon, 8. Alpaca Fabrics —xn. & xv. Bliss, 270. Craven & Harrop, 153. Dalby, 152, Firth & Sons, 37. Mil¬ ligan & Son, 140. Salt, 139. Schwann & Co. 141. Senior, 476. Walker & Sons, 87. Belgium, Decock, 221. Alpine Plants — Zollverein (1), Heckel, 430. Altar Furniture—xxvi. French, 110. Ponsonby, 199. Pratt, 196. See also Ecclesiastical Furniture. Altar-pieces (Painting, Sculpture, &c.)—xxvi. Carter, 185. Thomas, 277. Alto-relievos— France, Kirstein, 281. Alum and its Preparations —n. Copner, 118. Hurlet & Campsie Alum Company, 13. Moberley, 17 (Main Avenue, West). Pattinson, 18 (Main Avenue, West). Spence, 7. Wilson, 6. Austria, Hochbeyer, 14. Miesbach, 1. Egypt, 371. France, Bouxwiller Mines Joint Stock Co. 376. India, I. Rome, Pellegrini, 27. Sneider, 3. Russia, Itchegolaff, 336. Schlippe, 27. Spain, Mauraudy, 40. Turkey. Tuscany, 5, Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. United States, Davidson, 561. Van Diemen's Land, Bicheno, 294. Zollverein (1), Bleibtreu, 313. Harkort, 876. Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. Schwemsal Alum Works, 463. Amadou — Zollverein (1), Becker, Sapp, & Co., 471. Amazon, The (Group in zinc)— Zollverein (1), Kiss, 279 (Main Avenue, East). Amazone, or Essence of Meat —in. Warriner & Soyei-, 21. Russia, Schetverikoff, 187. Amber — xxix. Fletcher, 244. Zollverein (1), Hoffmann, C. W., 439. Hoffmann, (4. F., 440. Mannheimer, 438. Roy, 441. Tessler, C. L., 41. Tessler, D. F., 40. Amber, Oil of —n. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Amber Ornaments— Turkey . Zollverein (1), Jantzen, 205. Winterfeld, 204. Amber, Salt of —Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Ambergris —n. Godfrey and Cooke, 92. Ambulance, Medico-Chirurgical— x. Veitcb, 6. Ammonia—ii. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. xxii. Holliday, 448. Moberley, 17. Ammonia, Benzoate of —n. Hopkins & Williams, 41. Ammonia, Carbonate of—xxii. Holliday, 448. Ammonia, Hydrochlorate of — India , ii. Ammonia, Muriate of—xxii. Holliday, 448. Ammonia, Sulphate of — ii. Wilson, 6. xxii. Holliday, 448. France, Digeon, 1590. Anatomical Figures and Models — x. Gordon, 639. Highley, 727. Simpson, 624. Towne, 625. France, Auzoux. 13. Carteaux & Chaillou, 792, Man-* tois, 602. Zollverein (2), Fleischman, 71, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 115 Anchors —Western end, North enclosure (outside), Rodger, 55. Longridge & Co. 57. Brown, Lenox, & Co. 58. vm. Allen, 292. Bowen, 325. Brown, Lenox, & Co. 61. Exall, 3. Hely, 14. Honiball, 95. Ingle- field, 99. Longridge & Co., 333. Rodger, 336. Smale, 94. Wood & Co. 102. xxn. Wood, Brothers, 75. See also Cables. Chain-cables. Anchors, Machines for raising —vm. Robinson, 100. See also Capstans. Ancient Writings (fac-similes of)— xvii. Harrison, 202. Anemometers —Adcock, 364. x. Gowland, 27. Belgium, De Hennault, 183. Zollverein (1), Kruger, 69. Angle-meter —x. Cox, 347. Angola Cloth —xn. & xv. Harris & Fi3on, 145. Midgley, Brothers, 99. Scott & Wright, 1. Anhydrous Steam-engine — vii. Haycraft, 161. Animal Black — Belgium , Seghers, 110. Verstraeten, 108. Annunciator, Jackson’s — United States, Brooks, 222. Antimony and Antimony Ore —i. Hallett, 481. Lis- keard Committee, 513. ii. Howards & Kent, 11. Austria, Geissberger, 11. Szolleny, 12. Szego, 10. India , i. Tusdany, Mejean, 15. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (1), Maegdesprung Works, 682. Anti-Sargassian Conservative Paint —n. Peacock, 73. Antwerp (Plan of)— Belgium, Valerius-Jouan, 452. Anvils— xxn. Armitage, M. & H. 150. Sanderson, 226. Stirk, 74. Warden, 368. Aperitive Fountain —ix. Read, 89. Apiaries. See Beehives. Apparel. See Wearing Apparel. Appenzell Mountains (Model in relief)— Switzerland, Schoell, 252. Appold’s Self-regulating Friction Break —v. Rot¬ ten, 429. Aquatic Velocimeter — United States, St. John, 534. Arab Tents— Tunis, 82. Arabesque Decoration —xxvi. M‘Lachlan, 337. Smith, 341. Spain, Contreras, 283. Arbela, Battle of, (copper embossed tableau)— Austria, Szentpeetrij, 729. Arbutus-wood Ornaments —xxm. Connell, 16. Archil — See Orchil, Archimedean Agricultural Machine —ix. Murphy, 38 b. Archimedean Screws (for raising fluids, &c.)—v. Bee*re, 467. Belgium, Van Burkhoven, 502. Architectural Models, &c. —xxvi. Bielefeld, 157. Jack- son & Sons, 5. Jones & Co., 336. Norwood, 314. Pugin, 529. xxvii. Keene, 10. Stevens'& Sons, 24. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Clarke, 342 a. Coulton, 342. Day, 161a. Gorringe, 164. Herwitz, 347. Nicholl, 272. Smith, 211, 213. Talbot, 349. Austria, Montanari, 738. Belgium, Joostens, 457. British Guiana, Barkly, 81. Ceylon. France, Flacheron-Hayard, 836. Travers, 1044. India, xxx. Oldenburgh, Casseboh, 1. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Sorzano. Tuscany, Ducci, 82, United States, Basham, 315. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 327. Zollverein (1), Boesche, 785. Kruse, 277. See also Church Architecture. Church Windows. House Deco- tions. Mouldings. Argentiferous Galena. See Lead, Sulphuret of. Argilla Knobs — United States, Dean, Amos, & Co., 101 . Argol — Cape of Good Hope, De Villiers, 2. Arm-holder for Guns — Tunis, 58. Arm-pad (for Tailors)— xxvm. Collings, 120. Armatures —x. Joule, 440. Arming Press (for Bookbinders)—vi. Sherwin, Cope, & Co., 104. Arminius, Prince of the Cheruskers, Statue of—Zoll¬ verein (1), Cauer, 431 (Main Avenue, East). Armorial Bearings (Designs* of)—xxvi. Clarke, 127. See also Heraldic Engraving. Armour — India, vm. Army Clothing — Zollver ein (1), Mentzel, 94. See also Militaru "Accoutrements. Regimental Trowsers. Aromatic Vinegar — France, Brunier, Lenormand, & Co., 75. Arrowroot —m. Brown & Poison, 123. Miller, 127. St. Etienne, 138. Bermudas, Gray. British Guiana, Garnett, 31 & 32. Ceylon. China , East India Company. India , III. Jersey and Guernsey, Martin, 26. Montserrat. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T. 25. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Weston 1. Arrows. —See Bows and Arrows. Arsenic and Arsenical Compounds —i. Garland, 488. Jenkins, 502. Pattinson & Cain, 497. II. Jenkins, 43. Austria, Volderauer, 13. China. France, Briere, 438. India, n. Zollverein (1), Guettler, 6. Arsenic, Instrument for testing —x. Morton, 285. Artesian Well Boring Apparatus — vi. Beart, 301. Artificial Flowers— See Flowers, Artificial. Flowers, Wax. Artificial Fuel. See Fuel, Artificial. Steam Fuel. Artists’Tools, Materials,&c. —n.Winsor & Newton, 28. xvii. Bowden, 63. xxvi. Boadella, 193. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Harvey, 31. Hopley, 296. Rowney & Co. 3. Woltf& Son, 129. France, Fontana, 205. Leblond, 1301. See also Brushes, Artists'. Canvas for Painting. Colours, Artists'. Crayons. Drawing Instruments. Lay Figures. Zollverein (1), Karcher, 877. Asbestus — Canada, Logan, 1. Ashlar Stone —i. Thorne, 475. Asphalte —Eastern end (outside). I. Seyssel Asphalte Co. 229. Canada, Logan, 1. France, Dufour, 485. Henning, 1. New Brunswick , Gould. Rome, Pasquali, 2. Spain, Inspector of the Soria Mines, 28. Asphalte Roofing Felt — vii. Croggon & Co., 110. Assay Balances —x. De Grave & Co., 333. Assaying Materials and Process —i. Mafhison, 479. Pattinson, 480. Astronomical Instruments —x. Bateman, 187. Elliott & Sons, 320. Reade 254 a (Main Avenue, West). Ross, 254 (Main Avenue, West). France, Vedy, 719. H 2 116 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Zollverein (2), Ertel, Trangott, & Sons, 25. See also Astroramas. Chronoglobium. Clocks, Astro¬ nomical. Clocks, Geographical. Eclipse Indicators. Lunarians. Periphans. Planispheres. Sextants. Telescopes. Uranium. Astroramas— x. Matthews, 193. Atlases—xvii. Wyld, 170. Atmopyres —xxn. Edwards, 241. Atmospheric Propeller —v. Eccleshalt, 132. Atmospheric Recorder (for registering changes in the atmosphere)— X. Dollond, 145. Autochronographs —x. Thomson, 80. Autographic Presses —vi. Waterlow & Sons, 164. Autophon —x. Dawson, 554. Autumnal Leaves — United States, De Bonneville, 210. Maxwell, 384. Olmsted, 359. Williams, 243. Aviary —xxx. (Fine Art. Court) Zuccani, 348. Axes —See Tools (Carpenters’, fyc.'). Axles and Axletrees — v. Beecroft, Butler, & Co. 646. Collinge & Co., 817. Drabble & Co., 842. Gibson, 848. Greenway, 698. Raworth, 913. Squire & Co., 706. Thornton & Sons, 490. xxn. Eykyn &Millichap, 309. Hutton, 166. Lucas & Son, 204a, Williams, 280. Denmark, Smed, 29. France, Rastouin, 1727. Netherlands, Soeders, 81. United States, Billings and Ambrose, 34. See also Pall- way Axles. Azimuth Compasses —See Compasses, Azimuth. Azure and Mineral Blues — Belgium, Wouvermans, 35. R. Backgammon Boards —xvi. Woodman, 42. India, xxix. Badges, See., of Knighthood— vm. Firmin & Sons, 211. xx. Firmin and Sons, 161. Bael Tree Wine —n. Pound, 108. Bagatelle Board— xxvi. Wilson & Sons, 293. Bagpipes— New South Wales , Clinch, 5. Baize— Netherlands, Vreede & Co., 33. Spain, Moreno, Brothers, 253d. Zollverein (3), Lehmann, 107. Baked Clay Ornaments— France, Garnaud, 233. Ballasting Vessels (method of)—vm. Shuldham, 172. Ball-Cocks and Taps—xxii. Common, 630. Murray, 793. See also Valves, Cistern. Balloons and Parachutes— vii. Brown, 202. x. Bell, 715. Luntley, 237. Mason, 714. See also Aerial Machines. Ballot Box— France, Baranowski, 15. Balsams—ii. The London Druggists, 117. Turkey. Bamboos — Labuan, Sgc., Hammond & Co., 2. Bandages. See Trusses, Bandages, Sfc. Bank Check Paper—ii. Nissen & Parker, 36. xvii. Saunders, 36. Bank Note, Copy of a—xvii. Caffry, 167. Bank-Note Numbering Machine— -vi. Waterlow Sc Sons, 164. Bank-Note Papers —xvii. Saunders, 36, Bank-Note Printing-machine— vi. Schlesinger & Co., 168. Bannisters. See Stgir Balustrades, Barges (Models)—vm. Holl & Co., 166. Searle & Sons, 169 (Main Avenue, West). Barilla— Sae Potash. Barilla Plant — Spain, 45. Barium, Chloride of—ii. Robertson, 81. Bark, Articles made of — Canada, Campbell, 176. Cen¬ tral Commission, 171. Rocheleau, 175. St. Vincent, Bullock. Turkey. Bark Cloth — India, xiv. Labuan, 8gc., Woolley, 3. Bark Solution — Van Diemen’s Land, Button, 22. Bares —n. The London Druggists, 117. iv. Gillman, 44. British Guiana, Outridge, 62. Stutchbury, 59-61, 63, 65, 66. Cape of Good Hope, Thalwitzer, 27. New Zealand, McVay, 5. Russia, N.N., 88. St. Vincent, Bullock. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Van Diemen’s Land, Button, 23. Denison, Sir W. T. 71, 72, 74-76. Milligan, 39. Rees, 314. See also Oak Bark. Tanners’ Bark-grinding Mill. Willow Bark. Barley-— See Corn. Barley Aveler —ix. Holmes & Sons, 241. Barley Awner —ix. Ransomes & May, 124. Barley Chumper — ix. Golding, 45a. * Barley Hummellers —ix. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews, 128, Cooch, 43a, 53. M £ Cartney & Drummond, 248. Barometers —ix. Brown, 91. x. Abraham, 140. Baker, 396. Brooke, 144. Brown, 676. Bursill, 673. Casello & Co. 157a. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Dixey, 271. Dobbie, 166. Gray & Keen, 138. Griffiths, 331. Grimoldi, 159, Harris & Son, 149. Moyle, 710. Negretti & Zambra, 160a. Newman, 674. Or¬ chard, 161, Pace, 117. Phillips, 411. Pizzala, 162. Ross, 157. Somalvico & Co. 681a. Tremlett, 163. Yeates, 332. Barometers, Aneroid — x. Moreau, 326. Rush, 137. Barometer Clocks— See Clocks, Barometer. Barrel Organs— See Organs , Sfc. Barrels— See Casks. Barricade Mobile —v. Rock, 952. Barricarri — British Guiana, Manget, 121. Barytes —i. Potter, 87. Canada, Logan, 1. Barytes, Carbonate of —i. Beamish, 112. Cairns, 63. Cumming, 157. Pennock, 218. Barytes, Nitrate of — Portugal, Serzedello & Co. 61. Sardinia, Albain, Brothers, 7. Barytes, Sulphate of —i. Riddell, Sir J. M., 53. Robertson, 81. Zollverein (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Baskets and Basket Work —xx. Capper & Son, 45. xxvi. Greverie, 255. xxviii. Adamson, 156. Bode, 103. Cannings, 159. Dunlop, 155. Franks, 128. Indigent Blind School, 100. King, 41. Potts, 104. Smith, 172. Topi is & Sons, 154. Williams, 102. xxix. Warrell, 32. Algeria, Saad Ben Bartha, 63. British Guiana, Dennis, 140. Outridge, 148 b-153. Ceylon. Egypt, 255, 257, 277, 344, 346, 353, 357-360. France, Debray, 139. India, xxvm. xxix. Lubeck, Breyer, 10. Mauritius, Balkfield & Co. 5. Grey, Countess, 1. Rea¬ der, 7. Royal Society of Natural History of Mauritius, 4. Netherlands, Landkroon, 67. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Eoman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 117 New Zealand, 38. St. John’s College, 7. St. Vincent, Bullock. Trinidad, Lord Harris. United States, Mellichamp, 177a. Van Diemen's Land, Symonds, 246-253, 274-278. Western Africa, Beecham, 12. Hutton, J. F. 21. Hut¬ ton & Sons, 6. Jamieson, 22. Townsend, 11. Trot¬ ter, 5. Weston, 1. Zollverein (1), Koerner, 246. (6), Gick, 57. Bas-Reliefs— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Caldwell, 33. Ed¬ wards, 67. Leighton, 59. Russel, 206. xxx. (Sculpture Court), Adams, 48. Farmer, 31. Gibson, 64. Kirk, 46. Miller, 38, 49, 66-68. Thornycroft, 65. Austria, Szentpeetrij, 729. China. Denmark, Jerichan, 39. France, Huber, 879. Greece, Vitalis, 60, 61. Russia, Varhovzoff, 368. Switzerland, Schneider, 102. Tuscany , Barbetti, 77. Zollverein (5), Von Kress, 32. Bassoons— x. Ward, 527. France, Buffet, 442. Zollverein (4), Helwert, 24. (8), Heckel, 8. Bath Abbey Church (Model) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Hoare, 168. Bath Freestone (Articles in)— xxvii. Newman, 60. Vaughan, 20. Bath-Heater (Gas) —xxii. Warriner, 248. Baths—xxii. Azulay, 597. Benham & Sons, 98. Bray, 500. Culverwell, 754. Dale, 500. Gilbert, 494. Gillespie & Son, 493. Hardwicke, 496. Loseby, 796. Machell, 639. Mather, 504. Moggridge, 495. Moss, 498. Shoolbred & Co. 66. Tylor & Son, 401. Walton & Co. 69. Wilson, 490. xxv. 38. xxviii. Winterborn, 168. France, Charbonnier. 115. Bathing-Machine (for Ladies) — ■vin. Holbrook, 9. Bats —See Cricket Bats. Beads (Various) — India, i. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Beam and Cutting M achine — France, Chaleyer, 111. Beams and Scales— See Weights and Measures. Bean-mills —ix. De Porquet, 202. Grant & Co., 267. Samueison. 185. Beans and Peas—hi. Crougliton, 92. Fordham, 94. Raynbird, 73. Strange, 83. Canada, Boa, 39. Brien, 44. Fisher, 43. Fournier, 45. Jones, 41. Limoges, 40. La Mere, 42. Bean-Sowing Machine— ix. Ponton, 104. Bearers for Beams (in Buildings)— vn. Perkes & Co. 162. Beaver Cloth—xii. & xv. Hagues & Co., 25. Wheeler, 271. Belgium , Pirenne & Duesberg, 199. Beberine, Sulphate of—ii. Macfarlan & Co., 107. See also Alkaloid Beberine. Bed-Feathers, Down, &c.— iv. Blyth & Co., 60. Dundee Local Committee, 63. Heal & Sons, 59. Nightingale, 57. xxVi. Board, 240. Gilbert & Co., 130a. Russia, Lapshin, 145. See also Eider Down. Flocks (for Bedding'). Bed-Furniture—xii. & xv, Schofield, 125. See also Bedsteads and Furniture. Bed-Joints—xxii. Burrows, 576. Bed-Quilts —xi. Barlow, 35. Johnson, 48. Myerscough & Co., 39. Spencer & Son, 52. xix. Richmond Lunatic Asylum, 249. Risdon, 276. Roberts, 365. xx. Stand on, 213. xxvi. Board, 240. France, Debbeld & Co. 1173. Turkey. United States, Colman, 71. Spalding, 313. See also Eider-Down Quilts. Bed-Sacking —xiv. Dundee Local Committee, 63. Mor¬ rison & Hum, 49. Wall, E. & T., 70. Bed-Sacking, Metallic — xxii. Chambers, 807. Beds, Equipoise — viii. Brown, Sir S., 334. Beds, Mechanical— France, Kissel, 554. Beds, Portable —xxvi. Pratt, 403. United States, Browne & Co. 334. Bedsteads, Alarum — x. Jones, 656. xxii. Savage, 56. Bedsteads and Furniture —xix. Faudel & Phillips, 165. xxii. Jeffcoate, 755. xxvi. Cawley, 225. Dow- biggin & Co. 404. Durley & Co. 169. Fox, 168. Mummery, 292. Rogers & Dear, 264. Smee & Son, 174. Wakeling & Sons, 194. Canada, Morris, 114. France, Maillard, 1338. India, xxvi. United States, Batjeman, 552. Dunton, 195. See also Rheioclines. Sofa Bedsteads. Bedsteads, Metallic —xxii. Cottam, 59. Cowley & James, 62. Hill & Co. 65. Johnson, 67. Mapple- beck & Lowe, 370. Perkes & Co. 64. Peyton & Har¬ low, 371. Smith, 57. Tonkin, 58. Tylor & Pace, 63. Winfield, 373. xxvi. Canning, 165a. Lyon, 30. Robinson, 263. France, Dupont, 180. Gandillat & Co. 230. Laude, 897. Leonard, 589. Sardinia, Granzini, 55. Spain, Miguel, 260. Sanches Pescador & De Miguel, 259. Bedsteads, Portable—xxii. Blair, 409. Bedsteads for Ships —xxvi. Brown, 140. See also Sofa Bed. Bed-tick Stuffs — xiv. Canter, 36. Carter, Brothers, 36. Fletcher, 36. Hattersley & Co., 36. Haxworth. & Carnley, 36. Jackson & Matthewman, 36. Lockhart & Sons, 57. Pigott. & Newton, 36. Wemyss, 58. Belgium, Felhouen-Coucke, 481. Bed-Warmer— xxii. Farrar, 627. Beehives — ix. Briggs, 103. Golding, 45. Hayes, 208,v. Jones, 269. Keene, 193. Marriott, 243, Milton, 291. Neighbour & Son, 290. Pettit, 92. Phillips, 72 a. Ponder, 146. Rowbottom, 262 b. Sholl, 120. Wood, 90. xxviii, Ramsey, 12. France, De Beauvoys, 47. Paix de Beauvoy, 941. United States, Sholl, 538. Zollverein (l), Bruckisch, 66. See also Bees (Instru¬ ment for securing Swarms). Beehive Ventilator —ix. Instance, 100. Beer —n. Truman & [-Ianbury, 91. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Christian], 15. Beer Engines —v. Stocker S. & G., 422. xxii. Warner & Sons, 798. Beer and Spirit Preservers — xxii. Green & Co., 532. Bees (at work in Glass Hives)—ix. Milton, 291. Bees (Instrument for securing Swarms) —IX. Nunn, J. P. & E. B., 218. See also Beehives. Bees’ Wax — Canada, Parisault, 129. Cape of Good Hope, Lindenberg, 45. Ceylon. China. France, Laugier, 1640, India, iv. Portugal , Bretes, 622. Carvalho, 623, 624. De Ficalho, 618, 619. Van Diemens Land, Milligan, 273. Rout, 293. Beethoven, Louis Von, Statue of (Bronze)— Zollverein (1), Biaeser, 310. 118 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Beetles— ii. The London Druggists, 117. Beet-Root Rasping Machine— ix. White, 181. Beet-Root Sugar— xxix. Wright, 250. Austria , Lobkowitz, Prince, 58. Lurisch-Moennicb, Count, 59. Neuwall’s Manufactory, 56. Richter & Co. 57. Robert & Co. 55. Tlumacz Manufactory, 60. France , Dubreuille & Co. 480. Serret, Hamoir, & Co. 1465. Russia, Koukell Jasmopolsky, 335. Sangoushko, Prin¬ cess, 78. Zollverein (1), Behm, 685. Brumme & Co. 687. Hennige & Wiese, 691. Von Sanden, 14. Belgium, Statistics of— Belgium, Lesigne, 279. Bells, Cattle — Austria, Blumauer, 474. Tomaschitz, 475. Switzerland, Schopfer, 218. Bells, Church, &c.—M ain Avenue, West, (from Montreal). I. Stirling, 428 (Main Avenue, East), v. Drury, 758. x. Broadbent, 122. xxii. Hodges, 519. Mears, C. & G., 684 (Main Avenue, West). Murphy, 683 (Main Avenue, West). Taylor & Sons, 682 (South Transept), Warner & Sons, 798 (North Transept). Canada, Molson, 154. France , Bollee, 1093. Hildebrand, 540. Netherlands, Petit & Fritsen, 78. Zollverein (3), Gruhl, 37 (Main Avenue, East). See also Hand-bells. Bells, Electric— x. Brett, J. & J. W., 429. Bells, Musical Clock—xxii. Hale, T. & Co., 486, Bells, Musical Hand— x. Drury, 506. xxii. Warner & Sons, 798. Bell-hanging and Furniture—xxii. Bryden & Sons, 44. France, Petithomme, 954. See also Bell-Ropes. Bell-Metal— i. Stirling, 428. India , i. Bell-Rock Lighthouse (Model of)—vii. Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, 99. Bell-Ropes—xxviii. Woodhead, 191. Portugal, 1155-1157. Zollverein (1), Zeisig, 225. Bell-Ropes (Church)—xiv. Day, 55. Bell Telegraph— United States, Howland, 486. Bellows— xvi. Allin, 35. xxii. Allday, 253. Linley & Sons, 41. Onions, 249. Taylor, 251. See also Blast Fans. Belts, Surgical— x. Lawrence & Co., 722. Bentinck, Lord G. (Design for Monument to)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Milnes, 184. Benzoic Acid— ii. Fowler, 55. India, ii. Berlin Royal Arsenal (Model)— Zollverein (1) Seeling, 291. Berlin Wool Work— xn. & xv. Quitzow & Co., 178. XIX. Barnard, 94, Bloomfield, 187. Burton, 118. Butcher, 256. Evenden, 162. Gardner, 174. Hayter, 198. Heyn, 178, Kiddell, 221. Kingsbury, 225. Macdonafd, 242. Osborn, 260. Russell, 285. Sib- thorpe, 299. Smith, .304. Sturmy, 90. Szaffeld, 398. Tarin, 310. Taylor, 312. Whitwell & Co. 345. Williams, Lady, 349. Wilson, 350. xx. Miles, 89. xxyi. Azulay, 64. Berlin Wool and Worsted Yarns— xn. & xv. Burgess & Co., 243. Austria, Voslau Worsted Yarn Spinning Co. 198. Berry Wax— Cape of Good Hope, Lindenberg, 45. Bibles— xvn. British & Foreign Bible Society, 201. Belgium, Briard, 277. Netherlands, Euschede & Sons, 109. United States, Starr, 88. Zollverein (1), Badeker, 832. Graf, 746. Billiard Cloths —xn. & xv. Fenton, 69. Palling, 213, Billiard Cues — France, Jeannin, 1275. Billiard Tables — xxvi. Burroughes & Watts, 4, Ra- muz, 152. Thurston & Co. 17. Austria, Knill, 632. France, Bouhardet, 1106. Forton, Duponqeau & Co. 1228. Fouqueau, 1230. Sauraux, 367. Binding— See Bookbinding. Binnacles, Ships’ — vni. Browning, 103. Helmsley, 106. Jenkins, 111. MacDonald, 329. Taylor, 105. See also Compasses, Mariners’. Bird-Cages — xxii. Fox, 35. Kain, 45. Vere, 31. xxviii. Whitaker, 137. xxix. Hall, 242. Quin, 230. Hamburgh, Buss, 111. Heine, 51. Lehrmann, 47. Richter, 50. Schultz, 48. Zollverein (1), Gaertner, 193. See also Aviary. Birds’ Nests (Edible, &c.) — India , iv. Birds, Stuffed — Van Diemen’s Land, Bonney, 281. Western Africa , Sutherland, Duchess of, 16. ISCUIT-BAKING Machine— vi. B_am4t & Co. 41Q. iscuits (Ship and other)— in. St. Etienne, 138. xxix. Boland, 104, Canada, Fitts, 135. Robb, 126. Stewart, 134. Van Diemen’s Land, Brock, 54, 55. Milligan, 53. France, Violette, 1528. Portugal, Wheelhouse, 529. Bismuth—ii. Howards & Kent, 11. Bismuth, Oxide — ii. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Bits and Bridles— See Saddlery and Harness. Bitumen, Mosaic — Zollverein (4), Seeger, 78. Bituminous Substances, Apparatus for generating heat from—vii. English Patent Camphine Company, 133. Black Lead—ii. Blundell & Co., 48. Canada, Harwood, 167. Spain, Malaga Mines, Inspector of, 19. Van Diemen’s Land, Walker, 195. Black Lead Pencils — i. Banks & Co., 69. Reeves & Sons, 66. Wolff & Sons, 68. xxix. Burch & Son, 69. Morell, 248. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Reeves & Sons, 7. Zollverein (2), Birkmann, 79. Faber, 81, Rehbach, 82. See also Pencils. Black Lead Pencils (Materials for) — i. Adair, 67. Brockedon, 65. Brookman & Langdon, 64. Blacking and Boot Varnish —n. Mason & Son, 22. IV. Coovey, 70. xvi. Carr, 322. Everett & Co. 39. xxix. Alcock & Co. 272. Cockerill, 281. France, Hebert, 869. Sardinia, Bourgoin, 75, United States, Baker, 401. Steere, 290. Turner, 425. Van Diemen s Land, Ward, 186. Blankets— xn. & xv. Burnley & Sons, 490. Clay & Sons, 136. Crabtree, 55. Early, E., 269. Early, J. & Co., 268. Fox & Co. 7. Firth & bons, 37. Hagues & Co., 25. Neill & Sons, 263. Nicolls, 261. Robin¬ son, 54. Schwann, 115. Thornton & Co., 32. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Haractas, Tribe, 56. Si Ahmed-el-Hachemi, 48. Austria, Matschuko, 201. Maurer, 200. Canada, Gamble, 139. Paterson, G., 115. Patterson, J., 146. Cape of Good Hope, Thalwitzer, 27. Fiance, Albinet, 400. Buffault & Truchon, 1120. Guy- CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by'the name of the Country. 119 on, 1264. Guyotin-Lorsignol, 253. Pepin-Viellard, 1675. Netherlands, Hoogeboom & Son, 37. Scheltema, 38. Wyk, Brothers, & Co., 36. Zaalberg & Son, 34. Zuurdeeg & Son, 35. Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Central Committee, 2. Portugal , 715. Loraine, 809. Lafourie & Co., 810-813. Tunis, 1-5, 7-9, 11, 80. Tuscany, Franceschini, 62. United States, Parker, Wilder, & Co., 407. Zollverein (1), Haan & Sons, 366. Blankets, Cotton — Belgium, De Behault du Carmois, 191. Malta, Villa, Fratelli, 5. Blankets, Horse— See Horse Clothing. Blast Fans for Furnaces, &c. —i. Kennedy, 304. See also Bellows. Blast Furnaces —i. James, 413a. Watney, 276. United States, Baron, Brothers, 370. Perkins, 541. Blasting Cartridges —i. Copeland, 520. Bleaching Powder — n. Kane, 53. Bleeding, Instruments for —x. Ross, 666. See also Cupping Instruments. Blende & Calamine —i. Grey, 506. Rowe, 492. Blind.^KJ’Aratus for teaching the —x. Hughes, 410. Tolputt, 382. xvii. Edinburgh Blind School, 170. Gall, 171. Hughes, 20. Society for teaching the Blind (Regent’s Park), 198. Stidolph, 19. Watts, 164. France, Foucault, 220. Laas d’Agneu, 1238, 1635. United States, Eisenbrandt, 480. Howe, 439. Starr, 88. Thompson, 26. Zollverein (5), Barthell, 5. (2), Fehr & Eisenring, 54. See also Ink for the Blind. Blind, Manufactures by the (various)— xviii. Glas¬ gow Blind Asylum, 56 a. United States, New York Blind Institute, 112. See also Baskets and Basket-work. Netted Work. Blind, Needle-threader for the —xxix. Adams, 33. Blind-Rollers —See Window-Blind Boilers . Blocks for Building— vn. Asser, 5, Blocks, Ships’ —yin. Betteley, 63. Brown, Lenox & Co. 61. Chapman, 121. Esdailes & Co , 126. Ferguson, C. A. & T. 184. Canada, Clarke, 165. Hamburgh, Friedrichsen, 8. Blood Juice — Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 287. Blotting Roller —vii. Nunn, 187. Blowing Machines— v. Lloyd, 300. France, Enfer, 830. Blowpipes —x. Braham, 289. Ibbetson, 459. Blue Diamonds —xxm. Hope, 73. Blue Lias —See Limestone. Blues (for Dyeing, &c.)—See Azure and Mineral Blues. Cobalt Blue. Indian Blue. Indigo. Pastel. Ultra- marine. Blues (for Laundresses)—iv. Coovey, 70. Boat-plugs — v. Stevens, 136. Boat Propellers —v. Ferguson, 78. Reed, 91. Boat Reels, Sheets, &c.— vm. Beadon, 90. Johnson, 328. Boats, Gutta Percha— yin. Hubbard, 180. Boats, Ships’, River, See. — viii. Biffen, 179. Jarrett, 319. Leftwich, 27. Monteagle, Lord, 317. Noulton & Co. 178. Searle & Sons, 169. Wentzell, 167. Bermudas. Canada, Central Commission, 171. Ceylon. China, Haemond. India, vm, Labuan, fyc. —Hammond & Co., 2. Netherlands, Vollenhoven, 93. Neiv Brunswick —Grey, the Dowager Lady, 1. Turkey. United States , Capers, 174. Francis, 533. Goddard, 537. Van Diemen's Land —Milligan, 279. See also Canoes. Fishing-boats , Life-boats. Punts. Yawls. Wild¬ fowl shooting, 8fc. Boats, Ships’ (Method of launching)—vm. Baird, 74. Etrick, 327. Bobbin Ladder (for Vessels)— vii. Hopkinson, 104. Bobbin Machine — France, Vigouroux, 728. Bobbin-making Machines — v. McNaught, 22. vi. Me Naught, W., 25. Bobbin-net-lace Machinery — vi. Birkin, 94. Sewell, 92. Bobbins (Cotton, &c.)—vi. Mather, 16. xxix. Brown & Son, 237. Bodkins —vi. Morrall, 240. Bog —See Peat. Bog-Wood Furniture, Carving, &c. — xix. Irish Work Society, 77. xxvi. Bell, 212. Jones, 78. xxix. Austin, 36. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Jones, 70. Ivehoe, 90. Boilers, Copper— v. 129. France , Gervais, 520. Boilers, Steam — v. Erskine, 100. Fossick & Hackworth, 10. Garrett, 35. Galloway, W. & J., 124. Vii. Crog- gon & Co. 110. Sampson, 137. ix. Blackhall, 33. xxii. Kerslake, 92. Prideaux, 239. United States. Stevens & Co. 475. Boiler Cleanser— v. Scott, 154. Boiler Explosions (Safety apparatus in case of)— France , Galy Cazalot, 1239. Boiler-Felt (for preventing radiation of heat)— vii. Croggon & Co., 110. Boiler-Plates, Fusible— v. Whitney, 69. Boiler Pumps — v. Broughton, 447. Bolt and Nut-making Machines — vi. Shanks, 210. Williams, 234. Bolting Apparatus— France, Hennecart, 1266. Bolts for Gates, &c.— vii. Wilson, 188. xxii. Bamber & Son, 681. France, Dervaux Lefebvre, 145. Bombazines — xiii. Pugh, 2. Bone Black — France, Tordeux, 699. Bone Carving — Zollverein (1), Bergrnann, 268. Bone Dust — i. Ramsay, 44. Bones, Human (Specimen of) — Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Bonnets, Beaver, Felt, &c. —xx. Pearson, 126a. Austria, Muck, 354. Bonnets, Highland— xx. Darling, 131. Bonnets, Straw —xx, Allan, 13. Bethel, Ware,& Co., 76. Cooper, J. J. & G., 172a. Elliott, 172. Field & Sons, 10. Muirs & Co. 173, 215. Spurden & Co. 14. Vyse & Sons, 11. Welch & Sons, 12. Woodhouse & Co., 15. Russia, Lott, 272. Switzerland , Isler & Otto, 213. Tuscany, Nannucei, 67. Vyse & Sons, 66. Zollverein (1), D’Heureuse, 244, See also Straw Plait, Sfc. Bonnets (various) —xx. Ashton, 171. Corah & Sons, 208. Gwatkin, 87. Harris & Sons, 198. Laurence, 158. Long, 16a. Price & Harvey, 9. Ruttens, 147a. United States, Milward & Son, 93. Zollverein (3), Stoelzel & Son, 66. See also Feather Bonnets. Bonnet Tops and Crowns— xx. Johnston, J. & G., 143. 120 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Bookbinders’ Press— vi. 140. Bookbinders 1 Tools— vi. Sherwin, Cope, & Co., 104. xxn. Briggs, 145. Hamburgh , Berend, 145. United States, Thompson, 224. Bookbinding —xvn. Barrett & Co. 196. Batten, 59. Bene & Son, 62. Budden, 97. Churton, 67. Clark, 134. Clark & Davidson, 135. Clarke, 68. Cleaver, 207. Cocks & Co. 123. Cundall & Addey, 106. De la Rue & Co. 76. Evans, 8. Gould, 143. Leighton, J.&J. 24. Leighton, J. & R., 158. Lewis, 163. Macnair, 117. Macomie & Co. 26. Neil, 91. Orr & Co. 109. Rains, 162. Remnant & Co. 5. Riviere, 89. Sapsford, 35. Stirling, 118. Tarrant, 43. Westley, J. 48. Westleys & Co. 111. Wodderspoon, 159. Wright, 139. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Corns, 36. Leake, 63 a. Wilson, 55. Austria , Strasny, 377. France , Dauthuille, 1171. Houdaille, 1270. Lebrun 906. Lortic, 1651. Simier, 693. Weber, 739. Hamburgh, Mieolci, 114. India, xv II, Malta, Fenech, 6. Netherlands , Regeer, 112. United States , Bradley & Co. 473. Brady, D'Avignoii & Lester, 142. Gassett, 420. Hobart & Robins. 399. Lippincott, Grambo, & Co. 57. Putnam, R22. Walker & Co. 123. Van Diemens Land — Royal Society of Van Diemens Land, 345. Bookbinding in Silver, (ancient mode of)—xxm. Skid¬ more & Son, 129. Bookbinding Machine —United States, Starr, 88. Bookbinding (Materials for)— xvii. Atkinson, 56. Bing- ley, 61. Clements, 71. Cussons& Co., 69. Newbery, J. & R. 148. xviii. Wilson, 17. xxvi. Newbery, J. & R. 313. Russia, Dolgoroucky, Prince, 356. Bookmark —United States, Winship, 354. Books— xvn. Religious Tract Society, 154. Belgium, Briard, 277. Egypt, 248, 374. France, Bailliere, 406. Bance, 446. Bouchard-Huzard, 775. Desrosiers, 817. Firniin Didot, Brothers, 212. Garacli, 232. Gaume & Co. 843. Gide & Baudry, 236. Gruel, 857. Maitre, 318. Niedree, 665. Paguerre, 940. Plon, Brothers, 1395. Rame, 1418. Renouard, Jules and Co., 352. Schoenenberger, 371. Texier, 1034. Hamburgh , Moiled, 22. Netherlands, Zweesaardt, 111. New South Wales, Callaghan, 4. Mitchell, 5. Portugal, Monteiro, 1252. Rome, Dees, 50. Sardinia, Chirio & Mina, 89, United States, Lippincott, Grambo, & Co. 57. Putnam, 122. Roy, 373. Stanton Blind Institute, 270. Van Diemen’s Land, Dowling, 331-333. Milligan, 197. Rolwegan, 196. Royal Society of Van Diemen’s Land, 345. Zollverein (1), Badeker, 832. Schoening, 154. Vieweg & Son, 822. (3), Brockhaus, 178. Nee also Bibles. Typographical Works . Books, Illustrated and Illuminated—xvii. Mackenzie, 94. Parker, 120. Pickering, 140. Wiseman, 103. Wright, 139. Belgium, Muquardt, 473. France, Barbat, 1067. Langlois & Leclercq, 289. Maine & Co., 321. Rome, Dees, 50. United States, Brady, 380, Zollverein (1), Graf, 746. Westerman, 749, Book-Cases —xxvi. Doveston, 122, Jackson and Graham, 261. Wills & Bartlett. 160. Austria, Leistler, 633. India, xxvi. Zollverein (1), Spinn and Menke, 838. Book-clasps and Mountings —xxn. Biddle, 297. Book Titles (Illuminated)—vi. Nelson, 120. Book Trays (Carved)— xxvi. Barrie, 104. Boot Blocking Machine— vi. Mansell, 502. Boot and Shoe Lasts— xvi. Bowler, 236. Garner, 312. Lewin, 165. Scott, 228. xxviii. Wheatley, 109. xxix. Brisen, 257. Belgium, Stainier, 428. Canada , Wardle, 104. Van Diemen’s Land , Miligan, 181. Nee also Boot Trees. Boot and Shoe Machine— vi. Waite, 504. Boots and Shoes —xvi. Allen & Son, 149. Allin, 327. Athenaeum Boot and Shoe Warehouse (Norwich), 137. Atloff, 131. Barker, 188. Barraclough, 148. Baxter, 156. Bearn & Jells, IIS. Beckett, 220. Berrall & Son, 115. Bird, 189. Bossard, 294. Bridges, 219. Brotchie, 200. Burgess, 155, Butterworth & Co., 240. Clapham, 9. Clark, 154. Clarke, 191. Cowling, 142. Creak, 141. Cremer & Co., 198. Crow, 196. Currie, 215. Desmond, 171. Dodge, 160. Dodson, 182 a. Doe, 145. Dowie, ISO (Main Avenue, West). Essex, 326. Faulkner, 216. Geary, 235. Gilbert & Co., 179 (Main Avenue, West). Godfrey & Hancock, 168. Goodeve, 176. Gordon, 212. Graham, 122. Groom, 121. Grundy, 227. Gundry, 173. Guppy, 177. Hall&Co., 164. Hall, J. S. 163. Hall,R,, 182. Hartley, 166. Pleath, 195. Hefford & Eacer, 150. Henson, 133. Hickson & Sons, 192 (Main Avenue, West). Hoby, 202. Hodges, 184. Hook, 114. Hubert, 194. Hudson, 151. Hutchings, 124. Langdale, 222. Line & Co., 120. Lloyd, 117. McDougall, 331. M‘Dowall, 170. McGibbon, 147. March, 174. Marsden, 316. Marshall, 241. Mather, 139. Med- win&Co., 162. Mitchell, 213. Moore, 119. Nelson, 324. Newcome, 323. Newman, 146. Norman, 201. Parker, J., 242. Parker & Sons, 116. Pattison, 186. Peal, 497. Peplow, 157. Pettitt Son, 134 a. Phipps, 319. Pollett, 210. Ramsbottom, 127. Ridley, 204. Robarts, 128. Robert, 224. Robotham, 199. Salter, 209. Saunders, 135. Schal- ler, 203. Smith, 237. Stanley, 208. Tallerman, 70. Taylor & Bowley, 181 (Main Avenue, West). Thomas &Son,211. Thompson, 130. Walker,206. Wallace, 132. Walsh, 207. Wildsmith, 190. Wilshin, 205. Winter, 178. Wright, 152. xx. Atloff, 32. Hall, 4. Longdon & Sons, 168. Norman, 167. Ridley, 165. Smith, 119. xxviii. Hall, 184. Jones, 122. Austria, Christil, 327. Frank, 328. Friedl, 332. Helia, 331. Hermanstadt Shoemakers' Association, 330. Kunerth, 333. Langder, 329. Belgium, Cabu-Fevrier, 263. Vandenbos Poelman, 274. Vanderoost, 427. Van Troostenberghe, 264. Canada, ‘Barbeau, 110. Dangerfield, 111. Montreal Central Commission,112. Ondagaliout, 172. China, Hewett & Co. Lindsay. Denmark, Petersen, 11. Egypt, 261-265. France, Bredif, Brothers, 73. Bridard, 1115. Crucifix, 133. Deschamps, 1185. Dufosse, 1201. Dufosse, sen., 1200. Guillot, 534. Jacobs & Dupuis, 886. Lefebvre, 578. Massez, 1347. Meier, 1352. Poirier, 1398. Rapp, 974. Thierry, 391. Viault-Este, 725, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 121 Hamburgh, Hensel, 40. Kinol, 39. Magdalinski, 38. Sahlberg, 36. Schoost, 37. India, xxix. Netherlands, Rooyackers & Son, 52. Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Central Committee, 2. Bttssia, Barshaghan, 3l2. Miller, 234. Nijni-Nov- gorod Peasants, 314. Popinoff, 310. Shouvaloff & Son, 241. Starikoff, 313. , Sardinia, Gullia, 52. Switzerland, Dietiker, 211. Tunis, 12, 87. Turkey. United States, Addington, 471. Breed & Co. 111. Church & Chittenden, 382. Fogg & Burbank, 410. Frisbie, 136. Hayward Rubber Co. 294. Jeffers, 116. New Brunswick India Rubber Company, 560. Ro¬ binson & Co. 429. Van Diemen's Land, Flegg, 271. Sly, 329. Ward, 183. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (1), Adolphi, 172. Andresen, 177. Buchner, 735. Gottschalk, 753. Langethal, 740. Mohr, 186 a. Muller, 183. Pfeiffer, 184. Shuetzendorff, 399. Wie- gand, 745. (2), Frank, 53. (6), Schumacher & Son, 47. Werner, 48. (7), Wemmer, -7. See also Wooden Shoes. Boot-trees— xvi. Cant, 169. Garner, 230, 312. Belgium, Stainier, 428. United States, Upheld, 470. See also Boot and Shoe Lasts. Borax — n. Howards & Kent, 11. India, n. Boring Machines and Tools (for mining and other purposes)—i. Gowans, 132.. Netherlands, Sondermeyer, 72. Switzerland , Laue, 65. Botanical Gardens, Regent’s Park (Model) — vn. Turner, 7. Botanical Specimens—N orth Transept, Loddiges & Sons. 11. Kent, 90. ill. Lawson & Son, 105. iv. King, 2. Rock, 5, Tilley, 5 a. x. Ward, 664 (North Transept). China, Bemcastle. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Spain, 117. Zollverein (1), Heckel, 430. Bottles, Glass— xxiv. Aire & Calder Bottle Co., 6. xxvii. Westwood and Moore, 113. France, Audelle & Co. 1540. De Poilly & Co. 1396. Deviolaine, Brothers, 1187. Leroy Soyer, 1320. Van Leempoel, De Colnet, & Co. 714. Hamburgh, Wright, 57. Zollverein ( 1), Wagner, 414. Bottles (for Antimony)— Egypt, 275. Bottling and Corking Apparatus— vi. Masterman, J. & T. 621. Tylor & Son, 606. vm. Hely, 13. xxvi. Kendall, 246. France, Montebello, 651. Jersey and Guernsey, Harris, 23. Bowls, Pair of— xxix. Massey, 190. Bows and Arrows— xxix. Beaney, 130. Buchanan, 175. Hore, 151. Jacobs, 183. Muir, 150. British Guiana, Arnott, 142-144, 145 a. Cape of Good Hope , Thalwitzer, 27. India , vm. Switzerland, Kapp, 66. Western Africa, M'William. Trotter, 5. Boxes (for. Lace, &c.)—xx. Oliver, 88. Bracelets (Designs for)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Farren, 12. See also Jewellery. Brackets —xxvm. Rogers 179. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Wright, 98. Branch-Pipes, Flexible— Canada, Ferguson, 164. Brass Foundry and other Ware (various)—xxn. Be- dington & Tonks, 361. Hale & Co., 486. Hands, 263. Harcourt, W. & J. 257. Haywood & Son, 647. Horne, 275. Kimberley, 362. Lea, W. & J. 665. Malins & Son, 261. Marian, 363. Osmond, 658.. Simcox & Co. 321. Whitfield, 356. Winfield, 373. Woods, 33.'?? Wooldridge, 347. xxvi. Bibling, 11. Austria, Haller, 462. Belgium, Chaudoir, 377. De Rosee, 365. France, Carle, 1132. Poulat, 965. Thoumin, 696. India, xxii. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Kissing & Mollmann, 647. See also Lacquered Ware. Brass Lettering on Glass —xxix. Fletcher, 240. See also Metallic Letters . Brass, Perforated— xxn.Walker, 29. Brass Solder —xxii. Bolton, 353. Bread-cutting Machines — xxii. Green, 570. Switzerland, Boelstler, 60. B read-making Machine— vn. Pra tt, U 5^ France, Moucliot, lObY. Bread Platters —xxvm. Smith J,, 22. Breakwaters (Models)—vn. Hooper, 196. Hurwood, 31. Remington, G. W. & J. 70. Rettie, 159. Smith, 165. India, vii. See also Goodwin Sands. Plymouth Breakwater. Brewery (Model of)—vi. Tizzard, 630. Bricks —i. Fisher, 119. King, 115. Roake, 60. xxii. King, -l07. xxv. Bowers, 13. xxvii. Ambrose, 128. Beswick, 106. Fordham & Son, 118. Haddon & Co., 114. Laurie, 100. Lovelace, Earl of, 87. Lufft, 111. Rufford, 89. Sealy, 130. Workman, 116. Austria, Miesbach, 610. Canada, Logan, 1. India, i. Portugal, 275-293. Tunis, 168. Zollverein (1), Milch, 9. See also Fire Bricks. Float¬ ing Bricks. Bricks, Glazed — xxv. Finch, 38. J3k tcks. Hollow — ix. Grimsley, 136. Roberts, 226. xxv. ^^Tfidg way "<&; Uo. 5. xXVii. Betts, 22. Brick Earth —I. Fisher, 119. King, 115. Brick and Tile Machines — v. Greatorex, 415. vi. Bear!, 31) 1. Bradley ec Co..*310. Hart, 308. ix . Grinis- Jones, 133. Whitehead, 239. Belgium, Kessels, 127. United States, Cochran, 141. See also Drain Tile and Pipe Machines. Brick Window Frames—xxvii. Key, 126. Bridge Girders (Model)— vii. Todd, 52. Bridges, Foot (Models)— vii. Williams, 109. Bridges, Portable— vii. Lowe, 33. Belgiui) £, De Pauw, 485, Bridges, Railway, &c. (Models)—Main Avenue, West. Main Avenue, East. vii. Byne, 36. Leather, 107. McKirdy, 4. Perkes & Co., 162. Rennie, 98. Sad¬ ler, 61. ix. Sawney, 31. Spurgin, 76. Belgium, Van Esschen, 137. Canada, Lewis, 244. India, vii. New South Wales, Francis, 5. Netherlands, Conrad, 90. United States, New York Iron Bridge Company, 147, 511 (Main Avenue, East). Van Diemens Land, Blackburn & Thomson, 313. Thomson, 344. See also Suspension Bridges. Tim¬ ber Viaduct. Brien Boroihme’s Harp (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Ball, 157. Brighton Chain Pier (Model)—vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. Bristles — Belgium, Hausens-Hap, 257. Somze-Mahy, 265. India, iv. 122 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. j Russia, Erchoff, 339. Koriakin & Moujikoff, 134. Se- menoff&Faleyeff, Brothers, 135. Zolotoretf, 136. Zollverein (1), Foese, 813. Hucke, 697. Britannia Bridge (Model)— vii. Clark, 106 (Main Avenue, West). Britannia Metal, Goods —xxm. Broadhead & Atkins, 43. Dixon & Sons, 38. Owen & Levick, 41. British Metropolitan Necropolis (Model) — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Willson, 304. Brocades —xi. Owtram & Co., 62. xn. & xv. Blake¬ ley, 285. Kay & Co., 186. Grosvenor, 52. xm. Duthoit, 12. Austria , Giani, 257. Kostner, 264. Lemann & Son, 265. India, xv. j Russia, Kolokolnikoff, 203. Sapognikoff, 372. Sitoff, Brothers, 202, 323. Tuscany , Riva & Maffei, 63. Brocatelle for Curtains, &c. —xm. Stillwell &Son, 7. xxvi. Grace, 530. Bromelia Fibre — Trinidad, Lord Harris. Bronze Colours and Powders — Zollverein (2), Benda, 1, 9. Birner & Hartman, 2. Bradeis, 3. Fuchs & Sons, 4. Haenle, 47. Lepper, 6. Rau, 13. Stober, 16. Stoebers & Son, 7. Bronze Frames — France , Carre, 445. Bronze Medals— Sardinia, Cavigioli, 87. Bronze Wares — China, Reeves. France , Delacour, 1582. Fetu, 1601. Henry, 1622. Levy, Brothers, 595. Robin, 1447. Villemsens, 1707. Zollverein (4), Erhardt & Sons, 63. Bronzes —Main Avenue, West, Coalbrook Dale Company, 53. Hatfield, 52. Wyatt, 54. Main Avenue, East, Coalbrook Dale Company, 27. De Bay. Einsie- delsches. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Gardie, 261. Hawkins, 132. Peachey, 320. Richardson, 133. Austria, Berg, 579. Gasser, 703. Belgium, Brichaut, 498. Jacquet, 461. Lecherf, 479. China, Baring, Brothers. Hewett & Co. Lindsay. France , Barbadierine & Co., 1709, 1723. Bonnassiex, 64. Boulonnois, 433. Boyer, 70. Brocot, 441. Buignier, 1124. Cain, 1129. Cordier, 460. De Braux-D’Anglure, 779. Eck & Durand, 1211. Fratin, 1235. Gillot, 849. Grignon, 1617. Laureau, 293. Lerolles, Brothers, 1318. Lombard, 913. Mattifat, 923. Mene, 630. Miroy, Brothers, 646. Morisot, 931. Paillard, 1713. Pradier, 1407. Saye, 1691. Susse, Brothers, 1023. Vittoz, 1530, Weygaud, 740. Hanover, Bernstorff & Eichwede, 8. Netherlands, Lurasco, Brothers, 100. Bussia, Krumbigel, 287. Spain , Naury, 281. Tuscany, Castoli, 106. Dupre, 105. Zollverein (1), Bernhard Afinger, 309. Blaeser, 310. Einsiedel, 762. Fadderjohn, 294. Fischer, 296. Fleischmann, 763. Franz, 293. Fribel, 289 (Main Avenue, East). Fruh, 298. Kalide, 285 (Main Avenue, East). Kessler, 299 (Main Avenue, East). Kiss, 279 (Main Avenue, East). Konarzewski, 300. Moeller, 292. Muller, 90, 287 (Main Avenue, East). Wild & Robinson, 889. (2), Grenanth, Brothers, 95. Brooch-Fasteners and Protectors — xxm. Gowland, 69. Kestall, 63. Tucker, 10. Wisedil), 65. Brooches (Highland)— xx. Macdougall, 83. Brooms— See Brushes and Brooms. Brown Colour (from the Smut of Corn) — n. Parrott, 46. Brushes, Artists’ and Painters’—xxviii. Child, 61. Frinneby, 181. Nash, 68. Rigby, 58. Smith, 55 a. Austria , Lang, 349. France, Pitet, 959. Presbourg, 689. Brushes, Plate, &c. — xxviii. Dow, 29. Jackson, 21. Brushes, Shoe, &c.— xxviii. Hastings, 3. Brushes, Toilet —xvi. Burgess, 244. xxviii. Baker, 84. Child, 61. Coate & Co., 51. Gosnell & Co., 55. Hamilton, 177. Hawley, J. & T , 161. Low & Co., 30. Ross & Sons, 64. Truefitt, 65. Austria , Pattak, 350. Ritter, 696. Belgium, Loncke-Haeze, 430. France , Laurengot, 1296. Paillete, 1377. United States, Clinton, 190. Zollverein (4), Klein, 80. (5), Ehr, 25. Brushes and Brooms (various, including Clothes and other Brushes, Floor and other Brooms)— XXII. Aston, 367. xxviii. Cook, 34. Hinde, 196. Slape, 67. Austria , Pattak, 350. Belgium , Loncke-Haeze, 430. Somze, J., 268. Somze- Mahy, 265. Canada , Brainerd, 83. Nelson, & Co. 84. Wheeler, 167. France , Dufour, 174. Fauquier- Lemaitre, 502. Lau- rengot, 1296. Paillete, 1377. Netherlands, Dirks, 29. Sardinia, Fino, 77. Montu & Co., 78, United States, Barnard, 17. Clinton, 190. Eaton, 28. Henry, 508. Moore, 149. Rowe, 326. Sanderson, 504a. Taply, Brothers, 520. Tew, 320f. Warner & Co., 431. Van Diemen’s Land , Rout, 173. Zollverein (1), Engeler & Son* 242. (4), Klein, 80. (5), Ehr, 25. See also Bristles. Brushes, Artists’ and Painters’. Brushes, Toilet. Feather Brooms. Brush Handles, invention for preventing, from becoming covered with paint, &c. while working — xxviii. Croger, 52. Buckingham Palace, Model of a Fire-place in— VII. Quincey, 146. Buckles — France, Mathieu, 617. Buckskins — Austria, Brunn Trade Union, 213. Steffens, 232. Zollverein (1), Merkel bach & Son, 351. Muller, 352. Offermann, 350. Ofirffers & Ax, 667. Sauerbier, 353. Scheibler, 354. (3), Bernard, 121. Hueffer, 111. Kirsten, 113. Lehmann, 107. Mueller & Co., 115. Spengler, 117. Zschille & Co., 119. (7), Godshaux, Brothers, 1. Bugles — vni. Shaw, 254. x. McNeill, 512. Buhl Work— xxvi. Boadella, 193. Earle, 130. See also Marquetrie. Building Materials —i. 152, 154. Hill, 200. Liskeard Committee, 167. St. Austell Committee, 166. Bunions, Apparatus for the Cure of —x. J^anagan 728. Burnettized Timber, Canvas, &c.— iv. Burnet, Sir W, 7. Burnham Lighthouse (Model)—xxix. Fletcher, 244. Burnishing Stones (for Plate, &c.)—xxix. Chamber- lain, 231. France, Degardin, 1174. Bute, The late Marquis of, Statue of— Main Avenue, East, Thomas, 101. Butter — Fgypt, 63. France, Dinant & Huette, 1190. Oudin, 1376. Western Africa, M‘William. Weston,!. See also Churns. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 123 Butter Prints and Boards —ix. Jolly, 69. Butter Tubs —ix. Jolly, 69. Egypt, 361. Button Fastenings —xxm. Harding & Co., 74. Buttons, Horn —xxn. Ingram, 304. Wells, 290. xxix. Wright, 250. Austria , Kratschsmann, 697. Zollverein ( 1), Teischke, 258. Wescher & Strasmann, 634 Buttons, Leather—xvi. Hidden, 313. Judge, 41. Buttons, Metal (Military, Naval, &c.)—vm. Firmin & Sons, 211. Jenners & Co., 201. xx. Firmin & Sons, 161. Woodhouse, 180. xxii. Chatwin & Sons, 286. Elliott & Sons, 302. Hammonds & Co., 282. Hardman & Co., 284. Knowles, 289. Pigott & Co., 281. Smith & Co., 295. Twigg, G. & W., 279. Russia , Buch, 289. Switzerland, Scheitlin, 217. Zollverein (1), Caron, 655. Greet* & Son, 653. Hosterey, 648. Ritzel, 639. Turk, 636. Button, Metal, Machinery— vi. Jaquin, 68. See also Dies. Buttons, Mother of Pearl, &c.— xx. Harding, 211. xxii. Banks, 287. Brisband, 364. Smith, Kemp, & Co., 295. Wheeler, 799. Austria, Arrer, 665. Metzner, 698. Zollverein (1), Teischke, 258. ! Buttons, Screw— France, Redelix, 1424. Buttons, Self-adjusting — xxii. Lee, 693. Buttons, Silk, Stuff, &c. — xiii. Stubbs, 43. Weston & Son, 46. France, Dabaret-Tampe, 152. Martin, 613, Mornieux, 1362. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Greeff, Bredt, & Co., 590. Grelich & Greiff, 537. Langenbeck & Martini, 576. Trapp- manti & Spitz, 564. Weyerbusch, 570. Zollverein (3), Hillmann, 160. Muehlenderlein, 157. Oehnig & Schmidt, 154. Uhlig’s Widow & Junker, 155. (6), Schmidt, 58. | Buttons, Wire —xxix. Fisher, 220. !' Cabbage Oil —Belgium, Debbaust, 92. , Cabin Furniture (Ship’s)— yiii. King, 19. xxvi. Tay¬ lor & Sons, 9. See also Tables for Ships’ Cabins. Cabinets & Cabinet Work— xxm. Sheffield School of Design, 39. xxvi. Arrowsmith, H. & A. 385. Bamp- ton, 125. Belleaby, 145. Cheek, 46. Doveslon, 122. English, 57. Foothorape & Co., 132. Halbeard & Wellings, 131. Hanson & Sons, 197. Harrison's Wood Carving Co., 222. Hay ball, 344. Herbert, 67. Howard & Son, 238. King, 113. Med calf, 80. Smee & Son, 174. Tanner, 65. Toms & Luscombe, 178. xxvm. Hayden, 132. xxix. Burch & Son, 309. Hine, 47. Hodge, 313. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Freeman, 100. Ingram, 321. Algeria, Cailliez, 13. Converso, 21. Austria, Klanner, 642. Belgium, Demanet, 402. Cape of Good Hope, Woodman, 26. Ceylon , Kitchen. China. I France, Jeanselme, 1276. Laurent, 564. Tahan, 1556. Hamburgh, Aspern, 88. Mehne, 81. Lubeck, Roeper, 11. New South Wales, Burchett, 3. Russia, Gambs, 297. Sardinia, Griva, 65. Martinotti, 62. Switzerland, Vogel, 226. Wettli, 237. Tuscany, Barbetti, 74. United States, State of Maryland, 371. Van Diemen’s Land, Hamilton, 8. Zollverein (1), Bauer, 223. Baumann, 224. Dreusike, 245. Hagen, 770. Hilgers, 659. Pallenberg, 421. Richt, 229. Schievelbein, 237. (2), Barth, Brothers, 67. Fortner, 69. Cables, Ships’ — Belgium, Goens, 237. See also Chain Cables. Caffeine —n. Spencer, 31. Cages — See Aviary. Bird-Cages. Cairngorm Stones — i. Jamieson, 25. xxm, Weighton & Son, 22. Cake-breaking Machines (for Cattle and Manure)— ix. Hornsby & Son, 233. Stanley, 1. Calabashes — British Guiana, Qutridge, 148b-153. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. M‘William. Trotter, 5. Calamine — India, i. Zollverein (1), Hagen, 322. Malapane Royal Prussian Iron Works, 2. Calcareous Grit- — Van Diemen’s Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 272. Calcined Straw —iv. Crowcher, 3a. Calculating Machines —x. Wertheimer, 387. France, Clair, 1151. Delabaume, 1581. Hamann, 861. Maurel, Jaget, & Co., 621. Thomas, 390. Russia. Staffel, 148. Switzerland, Schilt, 59. Calder Suspension Aqueduct (Model)—vn. leather, 107 (Main Avenue, West). Calicoes —xi. Glover & Dunn, 50. Belgium, De Bast, 189. Deweweirne, 293. Idiers, 287, Verhulst & Co., 289. Voortman, 294. France, Denis, 161. Gros-Odier-Roman & Co., 248. Hartmann & Sons, 256, Japius & Son, 274. Ours- camp Society, 379. Portugal, Scotch Linen Trade, 701-704. Russia, Rabeneck, 173. Sardinia, Annecy & Pont, 34. Switzerland, Greuter & Rester, Brothers, 123. Hermann, 194. Sulzer, 187. United States, Globe Print Company, 31. Paige & Co., 436. Zollverein (1), Bockmiihl, Schieper, & Hecker, 606. Danneberg & Son, 710. Khrenberg & Richter, 750. Hagen Turkey Red Dyeing Company, 602. Lupp & Son, 605. Nauen, Loewe, & Co., 93. Rolffs & Co., 345. Westhoff, Brothers, 599. (3), Becker & Schraps, 84. Calico for Bookbinding. See Bookbinding, Materials for. Calico, &c., Printing (Illustrations and Specimens of)— II. Johuson, 60, xvm. Andrews & Co., 5. Ashworth, 87. Bayley & Craven, 34. Benecke & Co., 42. Black & Co., 51. Bramley, 84. Burd & Sons, 26, Collins, 86. Dalgleish & Co., 27. Ewing & Co., 57. Hargreaves & Co., 38. Hoyle & Sons, 36. McCallum, 64. Mercer, 48. iSelson & Co., 29. Potter & Co., 30. Sale, 39. Salis & Co.. 41. Simpson & Co., 47. Strines Printing Company, 28. Swanick & Co., 35. Waterhouse, 72. France, Feltrappe, 4 1600. India, xyiii. See also Colours 124 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted hy Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. (/or Calico-Printing, $fc.). Printed Fabrics (Designs for). Calico Printing Machinery —vi. Dalton, 4. Blather, 16. xxvm. Clayton, 96. - i Californian Gold, Specimens of—i. Marriott, 530 (Main Avenue, East). Calligraphy (Specimens of)—xvn. Caffry, 167. Gard¬ ner, 199. Wilson, 17S. Austria, Greiner, 374 a, Schutz, 375. Denmark, Schbler, 37. France, Berliner,'52. United States, Dunlop, 483. Stanton, 367. Zollverein (1), Heinrigs, 857. Calotvpe Apparatus — x. Bingham, 302. Horne & Co., 220 . Calotype Process (Illustrations of)—x. Colls, R. & L., *303. Field & Son, 250. Henneman & Co., 297. Owen, 670. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Buckle, 301 (Main Avenue, West). Harmer, 298. Hill, 300. Jersey and Guernsey, Collie, 22. Camalose (Picture-frame made of)— Mexico, the Mexican Commissioners. Cambrics —xi. Blair & Co., 59. xn. & xv. Salomons & Sons, 305. xiv. Bell & Co., 6. Holden & Co., 1. Richardson & Co., 21. Sadler, 30. Austria, Leitenberger, 186, 187. Belgium, Dommer, 233, Egypt, 179. 185. France, Boniface & Sons, 32. Godard & Bontemps, 240. Guynet & Becquet, 254. Legrand, 1313. Mestivier & Hamoir, 636. Russia, Charlovetz, 374. Prokhoroff, Brothers, 349. Switzerland, Raschle & Co., 168. Zollverein (1), Westermann & Sons, 544. (3), Glaeser, 63. Cambridge Assize Courts (Model)—vn. Salter, 220 (Main Avenue, West). Camels’ Hair — Russia, Bashkirs Tribe, 133, 200. Tunis , 190. Turkey. Camels’ Hair Cloth — Russia, Dourassoff, 197. No- guisk Tartars, 196. Turkey. Cameos and Cameo Embossing—xxiii. Paravagna & Casella, 84. xxv. Wedgwood & Sons, 6. xxix. Thompson, 209. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Brett, 52 Nichols, 251. Whiting, 123. Wood, 209. Belgium, Julin, 383. China. Denmark, Petersen, 35. Conradsen, 36. France, Dafrique, 1575. Netherlands, Dionisy, 106. Rome, Deas, 49. Passamonte, 32a. Savalini, 24, Camera Obscura (Photographic and other)—x. Abraham & Co., 263. Ross, 254 (Main Avenue, West). Varley & Son, 257. Willats, T. & R., 265. France, Mayer, Brothers, 623. United States, Harrison, 223. Camomile Flowers — 111 . Carleton, 3. Camphine — xxii. Salt and Lloyd, 343. Camphine Lamps — Zollverein (6), Reis & Co., 49. Camphor and its Preparations — 11 . Howards & Kent, 11. Murray, Sir J., 87. China. France, Conrad, 1156. Camwood Dye —Western Africa, BPWilliam. Canal Boat Weighing Machine —v. Pooley, 784. Canal Lift, or Hydro-pneumatic Elevator —v. Lead- better, 650. vii. Watt, 20. Candelabra—xxiii. Hunt& Roskell,97 (Main Avenue, West). Mayer, 14. Smith, Nicholson and Co., 110. xxiv. Pellatt & Co., 33. xxvi. Nutchey, 258. Wills & Bartlett, 160. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Romoli, 351. Stevens, 158. Austria, Hollenbach, 581. Salm, Prince, 430 (Main Avenue, East). China. France, Marehand, 607. Susse, Brothers, 1023. Hamburgh, Schultz, 112. India, xxvi. Russia, Chopin, 365. Krumbigel, 287. Sazikoff, 366. Shtange and Yezfel, 370. Candelabrum (Design for)— Austria, Bougiovanni, 741, Candle Cap — xxix. Junes, 95. Candle Mould Frame —vi. Biertumpfel, 506. Candles, Bitumen — 1 . Go wans, 132. Candles, Mineral— xxix. Mitchell, 94. Candles, Wax, Tallow, Composite, Stearine, &c.— 11 . Humfrey, 78. iv. Barclay & Son, 24. Free¬ man, 25. xxvi. Tin ker & Co., 536. xxix. Brien, 90. Dixon, 91. Hale, 99. Morrell, 92. Austria, Czekelius, 45. Bermannstadt Stearine Candle Company, 42. Pfitziur & Beckers, 41. Vienna Stearine Candle (Apollo Candle) Company, 39. Stearine Candle (Milly Candle) Company, 40. Belgium, Delstanche, 433. Quannone, 431. Vancam- penhoudt, 436. Canada, Matthewson & Son, 329. China , East India Company. Denmark , Holmblad, 27. Egypt, 260. France, Delacreiaz & Co., 15S. De Milly, 644. Don- neaud & Co., 478. Dumortier & Co., 1593. Jaillon & Co. 273. Masse, 1346. Netherlands, Brandon, 70. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal, Carvalho, 1212. Russia, Alftan, 306. Manufacturing Company, 363. Matisen & Co. 305. Nilson & Junker, 308. Pitan- sier, 307. Sapelkin, 309. Sardinia, Guiso, 23. Ross & Co., 6. Spain , Bert, 245, 246. Sweden and Norway, Johansson, 17. Lamm, 18. United States, Emory, 18. Macy & Sons, 306. Van Diemen's Land, Murray, 40. Zollverein (1), Motard, 262. (4), Reuss, 99. See also Spermaceti. Stearine. Candlesticks—xxii. Blews & Sons, 349. Cane-top Cutter —ix. Ransomes & Blay, 124. Cannel Coal —See Coal, Anthracite. Cannon (Models, &c.)— viii. Ferguson, 184. Fitzmau- rice, 283. Gardner, 280. Haughter, 295. Lilly- white, 273. Munro, 282. Tylden, 275. x. Webster, 671 A. xxii. Daniell, 607. Hird & Co., 85. Belgium, Doutrewe,149. Royal Cannon Foundry, 142. Canada, Bartram, 162. France, Delvigne, 473. India , viii. Spain, Onate Ordnance Office, 262 (Main Avenue,East). Seville Cannon Foundry, 263 (Main Avenue, East). Zollverein (1), Krupp, 67 7. Cannon Locks —iv. Evans, 9a. Portugal, Bobone, 643, 644. Canoes — New Brunswick, Grey, the Dowager Lady, 1. United States, Capers, 174. See also Boats, Ships', 8fc. Canterbury Pilgrims (Carving in Oak)—xxvm. Hal- liday, 157. Cantharides — 11 . Burt, 85. Turkey. Cantharidine— 11 . Burt, 85. Smith, T. & H. 94. Canvas — viii. Margary, 87. xiv. Anderson, 86, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 125 Bridport Local Committee, 73. Dundee Local Com¬ mittee, 63. Fraser, 79. Hayward & Sons, 44. Jame¬ son & Co., 60. Plummer, 78. Ramsey & Co., 85. Belgium, Kums, 468. India, xi. xiv. Netherlands, Theunissen, 39. Portugal, 670. Janqueria Manufactory, 655, 656. Torres Novas Company, 658-660. Spain, Manufactory of Isabel II., 193. Switzerland, Heiniger, 124. See also Sail-cloth. Canvas for Embroidery —xix. Hall, 185. Zollverein (1), Mengen, 581. Canvas for Painting —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Robert¬ son & Co., 6. Belgium, Van Nuffel and Coveliers, 225. France, Haro, 866. Zollverein (2), Schutzmann, 40. (3), Einenkel, 165. Caoutchouc, and Manufactures thereof —i. Turner, 223. iv. Granville & Co., 116. viii. Hodges, 269. ix. Burgess & Key, 237/ xx. Joubert, 40. xxn. Sparks, 430. xxviii. Bunn & Co., 77. Hall, 190. Hancock, 83. Hodges, 72. Horsey, 188. Mackintosh & Co., 76. Mathews, 81. Nickels & Co., 78. Sanders, 73. British Guiana, Outridge, 47 & 48. France, Briquet and Perrier, 1116. Ducourtioux, 1199. Grosmann & Wagner, 856. Huet, 270. Leblond, 297. Rabourdin, 1416. Vie, 726. India, iv. Lahuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co., 2. Netherlands, Rooyackers & Son, 52. Russia, Lerkhe, 311. Switzerland, Piece, 233. United States, Day, 308. Goodyear, 378. Goodyear Rubber Co., 295. Hayward Rubber Co. 294. Moul¬ ton, 534. Zollverein (1), Hoeltring & Hoeffken, 662. Rompler, 781. See also Gutta Percha. Waterproof Fabrics. Cape Town (Model of)— Cape of Good Hope, Foord, 30. Capers — Portugal, 452. jl Caps, Men’s — See Hats and Caps. |! Caps (Travelling)—xx. Braund, 66. Halev, 124. 5 Cap Peaks (Leather)— xx. Garrard, R. & J. 61. Capsicums — British Guiana, Shier, 21-24. Stutchbury, 25. Portugal, 445. Spain, Manso, 133. Capstans, Ships’—viii. Salter, 116. France , Barbotin & Legoflf, 1083. I Capsules for Bottles— xxvi. Kendal, 246. France, Dupre, 493. f Capsules of Copaiba — Portugal, Norberto, 517. | Sardinia, Scola, 16. I Capsules, Medicinal —Lehuby, 302. 1 Cardboard Cutting and Printing Machine— vi. Church and Goddard, 135. j Cardboard Models (Architectural, &c.)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Spiers & Son, 361. Swain, 176. I Carding — Portugal, Loureiro, 647. | Carding Combs (Cast Steel)— France, Raguenet, 1417. j! Carding Engines — vi. Mason, 46. Parr, Curtis & Madeley, 6. j Cards (for Cotton and Wool Carding)— vi. Rigge & Co., 63. Belgium , Fetu & Co., 129. |j France, Coppin, 128. Scrive, Brothers, 1005. Whitaker & Co., 741. United States, Bryant, 184. Zollverein (1), Uhlhorn, 475. | Cards (Paper) — Belgium, Glenisson & Vangenechten, 286. jFr£Wce,Bondon,63. Breante, 36. Miroude, Brothers, 645. Card-setting Machines—vi. Crabtree, 3. France, Papavoine & Chatel, 339. Cardwire —United States, Washburn & Co., 421. Carmine—ii. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Leifchild, 67. Marshall, 68. Austria, Petz, 28. Russia, Tchuplaioff, 315. Voloskoff, A., 317. Volos- koflf, M., 316. Carpenters’ Tools— See Tools ( Carpenters ', fyc.). Carpets — xii. & xv. Schwann, 115. Wilson & Son, 468. xix. Barclay, 389. Bright & Co., 115, 401. Brinton & Sons, 110. Brown & Co., 114. Cole & Son, 132. Crossley & Sons, 142. Dove & Co., 155. Dowbiggen & Co., 156. George, 175. Gilbert 176. Gregory & Co., 182. Harris & Co., 192. Hender¬ son &Co., 200. Henderson & Widnell, 201. Hind- ley &Sons, 206, 399. Holmes, 208. Humphries, 210. Jackson & Graham, 390. Kiteley, 226. Lapworth, 232. McFarlane, Brothers, 243. Monkhouse & Son, 251. Morton & Sons, 252. Naylor, 254. Newcomb & Jones, 257. Newton & Co., 258. Sewell, Evans & JCo., 288. Sheridan, 294. Shirer, 296. Simcox, 302. Templeton & Co., 315. Turbeville & Co., 318. Watson, Bell & Co., 337. Watson & Son, 338. Waugh & Son. 339. White, Son'& Co., 343. Whitwell & Co., 345. Wilson J. & W., 351. Woodward, 354. Wood¬ ward & Co. 355. Wright & Co., 358. xxvi. Crace, 530. Jackson & Graham, 261 a. Morant, 164. Algeria, Delegate of Algiers, 58. Haractas Tribe, 56. Si Ahmed-el-Hachemi, 48. Austria, Dierzers, Heirs of, 244. Fusinata, 390. Belgium,Y\'ei\gny, 342. Royal Carpet Manufactor}'', 297. Verdure, 296. Weinknecht, 259. Canada , Barber, 140. Gamble, 139. Denmark , Warming, 7. Egypt, 249. France, Braquenie & Co.,435. Flaissier, Brothers, 204. Gobelins Manufactory, 1366. Laroque & Jaquemet, 901. Lecun & Co., 1306. Queru & Co., 1415. Salland- rouze de Lamornaix, 1468. Hamburgh, Appel, 119. India, xix. Netherlands, Alphen, 41. Henkensfeldt, 42. Kroonen- burg, 43. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Persia, Copeland. Watson, Bell & Co. Portugal, Daufrias & Co., 895-898. Russia, Baba-Iman-Verdi-Ogli, 264. Kerbalay-Ivhooda- Aghali-Ogli, 263. Switzerland, Hermann, 194. Zuppinger, 209. Tunis, 19, 20. Turkey. United States, Lawrence & Co., 409. Zollverein (1), Beekh, Brothers, 174. Dinglinger, 175. Grossmann, 752. Lipke, 165. Osten, 150. Parey, 169. (3), Beck & Heynig, 148, 149. (5), Vaconius, 15. See also Druggets. Felt Carpeting. Carpets (Worked by hand)—xix. Barclay. 389. Cham¬ bers, 126. Ladies of Great Britain, 379. xx. Mac- dougall, 83. Austria , Thompson, 747. Russia, Shechtel, 357. Carpets (Designs for)—xix. Cunningham, 143. George, 381. Lawson, 235a, 325. Waugh & Son, 339. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Lawson, 357. Somerset House School of Design, 10. Prance, Chebeaux, 1146. Grandbarbe, 244. Carpet Cleaning (Process of)—xxvi. Arrowsmith, H. & A., 385. 126 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Carpet Loom ('at work)—xix. Jackson & Graham, 390 (North Transept). Carpet Shuttles —xxix. Quin, 230. Carpet Strainer —xxvi. Woodman, 73. Carriages (Various, including Models)—v. Anderson, 801. Andrews, J. 803. Andrews, R. 802. Baseombe, 804. Bishop, 805. Black & Co., 806. Booker & Sons, 809. Bowler, 756. Briggs & Co., 811. Brown, Marshall & Co., 812. Brown, Owen & Co., 813. Browne, 814. Cable, 808. Chand & Munro, 819. Coates & Blizard, 815. Cook, Rowley & Co., 816. Corben & Sons, 818. Cousins & Son, 820. Croall & Co., 824. Crosskill, 826. Davies, 828. Duffield & Co., 844. Fowler & Fry, 843. Fuller, G. & T., 845. Greville, 856. Hadley, 860. Hallmarke & Co., 862. Harvey, 946. Hill & Stone, 970'. Holmes & Co., 872. Hooper, 874. Horne, 880. Hutton & Son, 884. Kent, 892. Kesterton, 894. Kinder & Wheeler, 895. Kings, 896. Mason, 910. Middleton, W. & C., 914 -916. Mitchell, 918. Mulliner, F., 922. Mulliner, H. 924. Newham, 926. Nurse & Co., 932. Offord, 934. Peters & Suns, 938. Quan & Sons, 940. Rigby & Lee, 947. Robinson & Co., 950. Rock & Son, 956. Shanks, 962. Silk & Brown, 968. Swain, 976. Thomson, 978. Thorn, W. & F., 979. Thrupp, 982. Tilbury, 984. Vezey, R. & E., 988. Walker & Gilder, 989. Ward, 990. Wyburn, Meller, & Turner, 996. Austria, Knierim, 107. Laurenzi, 108. Belgium, Deman, 116. Jones, Brothers, 118. Van Akerv, 121. Van Aken & Son, 122. Canada, Laurin, 180. McLean & Wright, 178. O’Meara, M., 179. Ceylon. France, Arnoux, 1542. Belvalette, Brothers, 50. De- longueil, 1585. Dumaine, 490. Dupasquier, 1205. Hayot, 258. Moussard, 657. Hamburgh, Croissan & Lautenstein, 7. India, v. Russia, Babounoff, 345. Jakoleff, Brothers, 344. Tou- liakoff, Brothers, 346. Sardinia, Bertinetti, 61. United States, Artman, 174 a. Gould & Co. 98. Rid¬ dle, 466. Watson, 53, 361. Wood & Tomlinson, 396. Zollverein (1), Friedrich, 49. Mengelbier, 340. (6), Dick & Kirschten, 17. See also Omnibuses. Railway Carriages. Wheels, Carriage, 8fc. Carriages, Hand—xxviii. Hodges, 72, See also In¬ valid Wheel Chairs. Carriage Axles —See Axles Sf Axletrees. Railway Axles. Carriage Fittings (Metal)—xxn. Holden, 348. See also Coach Ironmongery. Carriage Jacks— v. Fuljames, 993. Carriage Retarder —v. Shuff, 971. Carriage Rugs— xvi. Essex, 326. Robinson, 7. xxviii. Armstrong, 43. Carriage Springs —v. Rock, J. jun. 952. Carriage Time-pieces —xxm. Ellis &Son, 12. Carriage Upholstery (Lace Trimmings, &c.)— v. Dart & Son, 849. Harding & Co., 864. Huttly, 882. Paternoster, 936. xii. & xv. Fry & Co., 267. Lup- ton & Co., 33. xiii. Keith & Co., 1. xix. Onion, 56. Zollverein (1), Schaerff, 118. Carriage Wheels. See Wheels, Carriage. Carthame Oil— Egypt, 55. Cartonpierre (Works in)— xxvi. Jackson & Sons, 5. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Brown, 264. France, Cruchet, 810. Lechesne, Brothers, 574. Zollverein (1), Gropius, 226. (2), Mayer, 70. Cartridge Cases — xxn. Tarian, 544. Cartridges —vm. Cavers & Lane, 286 a. Eley, W. & C., 225. Joyce & Co., 277. Carts and Waggons (for Agricultural and other Pur¬ poses)—v. Brotherhood, 502. Crosskill, 826. ix. Ball, 132. Barker, 230. Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 128. Beddon, Capt., 208b. Braby & Sons, 24. Busby, 15. Chard & Munro, 235. Crosskill, 135. Crowley & Sons, 96. Digges La Touche, 263. Forbes, 269a. Fowler & Fry, 28b. Glover, 121. Harding, 13. Harveys & Tait, 16. Kingswell, 25 b. Law, 94. Maynard & Son, 122. Race, 44. Ransomes & May, 124. Robertson, 26. Smith & Son, 234. Squires, 144. Swan, 80. xxix. Spratt, 121. India, ix. Carvers’ Tools —xxi, Addis, J. B., 23. Addis, S. J., 11. Mathieson, 32. Howarth, 181. Zollverein (4), Boelsterli & Co., 55. Weber, 84. Carving Machine — Belgium, Wynants, 472. Carvings, Ivory— See Ivory Carving. Carvings, Stone— See Stone Carving. Carvings, Wood— See Wood Carvings. Cash Boxes — Austria, Beitl, 438. Wagner, 437. Cashmeres (including Cashmere Wool)— xn. & xv. Al¬ bert, H. R. H. Prince, 500 (Main Avenue, West). Cow- gill, Jessop & Co., 122. Learoyd, 89. Mason & Co., 303. Schofield, A., 474. Schofield, J., 125. Thornton & Co., 32, Austria, Posselt, 223. Schmitt, 238. Schoell, 226, Seidel, 228. France, Bietry & Son, 356. Croco, 809. Fean-Bechard, 198. Randoing, 973. Thierry-Mieg, 1506. India, XV. Russia, Goutchkoff, 189. Matvieff, 367. Prokhorofl^ Brothers, 349. Tchuriloff, 188. Volner, 190. United States, Vasselboro Manufacturing Comp., 324. Zollverein (1), Boehme, 362. Bruegmann & Co., 363. Hilger, Brothers, 874. Zamhona, 359. Cashmeres, Waterproof — xxviii. Tallerman, 70. Casks — vi. Barlow, 613. Laurence, 604. •xxviii. Mac Gregor, 146. Belgium, Van Loy, 508. France, Herviot, 1708. See also Vats. Cask-tilting Frame — ix. Beddon, 208 b. Caskets —xxvi. Du Cane, 535. xxviii. Tate, 162. See also Jewel jCases. Cassava Juice — British Guiana, Bee, 29. Stutchbury, 28, 30. Cassava-sifter — British Guiana, Bee, 134. Cassava-squeezer — British Guiana, Shier, 133. Cassia— Egypt, 19. Cassimeres or Kerseymeres — xii. & xv. Brook & Son, 487. Brown & Forster, 9. Peters, 220. Schofield, 474. Shepherd, W. B. & G., 485. Walker & Sons, 79. Austria, Steffens, 232. France, Machet-Marote, 596. Nazet, 660. United States, Lawrence, Stone & Co., 464. Skinner & Co., 450. Zollverein (1), Elbers, 348. Menzerath, 356. Pauli & Buchholz, 368. Cassinets — Switzerland, Ernst, 149. Zollverein (3), Boettiger, 108. Burkhart, 109. Collel, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 127 110. Hueffer, 111. Kaufmann & Son, 114. Kirs¬ ten, 113. Matthess, 118. Casting Pots (for Brass, Gold, Silver., &c.)—i. An- stey, 118. Castor Oil — Egypt , 24, 71. Russia, Mikirticlieff, 73. Sardinia , Girardi, 5. Castoreine—ii. Lamplough, 71. Castors (for Furniture)—v. Greenway, 698. France , Roux & Co., 995. See also Brass Foundry. Catamarans— See Life-Boats. Catawba Wine —United States, Buchanan, 12. Cor- near, 13. Duhme, 15. Longwoith, 199. Schumans, 204. Yeatman, 11. Catch-key Lock— vii. Cochrane, 158. Catechu —Zollverein (1), Krimmellbein & Bredt, 457. Catenary Water-Wheel (Model)—v. Wight, 480. Cattle Medicines— See Veterinary Medicines. Cattle Slaughtering Instrument —x. Titterton, 727a. Cattle-weighing Gauges —x. Tree & Co., 324. Ceiling Decorations — xxvi. Bay I. Bielefeld, 25. Croughton, 21. Hervieu, 20. Jackson & Sons, 19. School of Design, 23, 124. Thomas, 22. Bay M. Calli & Cotti, 24. Jackson & Graham, 23. Jackson & Sons, 22. Trollope & Son, 21. Bay P. Jones & Co. (late Robson & Jones), 15. Lithgow & Purdie, 1. Austria, Montanari, 738. | Ceiling Laths — Belgium, Lioen, 138. | Cement (Pooloo’s Chinese, &c.)— ii. Mason, 77. xxii. Nixey, 640. j Cement, Roman, Portland, &c. (with illustrations of their application)—Western end, South Enclosure (out¬ side), Greaves, 7. Robins & Co., 5. Towler, 27. White & Sons, 10. i. Dyer, 131b. Fahie, 30. Greaves, 99. MacAnaspie, P. & J., 131a. Monkland Iron & Steel Company, 426. Piper, T. & W., 130a. Randall, 275. Sweetman, 40. Thorne, 475. White &' Sons, 130, 130a. ii. Nixey, 112. xxvii. Francis & Sons, 47. Griffiths & Strong, 67- Robins & Co., | • 103. Stevens & Sons, 24. xxx. (Fine Art Court) I Pulham, 216. France, Regny & Co., 1427. New Zealand, Smith, 19. Zollverein (1), Eisner & Co., 4. See also Chalk Cement. Dolomite. Gypsum. Hydraulic Cement. Cenotaph (of Granite) — France, Poillen, Brothers, 962. j Censers — China, Sichart & Co. See also Ecclesiastical Furniture. | Centripetal Punch and Gauge —x. Park, 337. Chacoes and Helmets (Military)—xx. Buckmaster & Co., 1. Canada, Alio, 81. Morris, 334. Chaff-cutting Machines — ix. Alcock, 27. Barret & Co., 128. Bland, 205. Oornes, 83. Cottam & Hallen, 109a. Crosskill, 135. Deane & Co., 1 SO. Domax, 275. Ferrabee & Sons, 274. Garrett & Sons, 142. Gillett, 78. Gray & Sous, 150. Lomax, 275. Marychurch, 93. Richmond & Chandler, 137. I Samuelson, 185. Smith, A., 256. Smith & Son, 234.. Smith, W., 276. Stanley, 1. Wedlake & Co., 127. Williams, 157. II | Austria, Pammer, 445. Belgium, Delstauehe, 510. Zollverein (1), Stolle, 65, See also Hay and Straw Cutting Machines. ■ Chain Cables — i. Beecroft, Butler, & Co., 415. vii. Brown, Lenox, & Co., 61. Brown, Sir S., 334. Parkes, 108. vm. Hawks, Crawshay & Co., 86. Wood & Co., 102. xxii. Wood, Brothers, 75. Chain Cable Welding Machine—J ersey and Guernsey. Sarchet, 32. Chains—vii. Hawks, Crawshay & Co., 86. Austria, Kurg, 465. France, Dervaux Lefebvre, 145. India, i. Chains for Pits—viii. Brown, Lenox, & Co., 61. Parkes, 108. xxii. Edge, 51. Chains, Wood—xxviii. McClintock, 20. Chairs— xix. Tennison, 313. xxvi. Aspinwall & Son, 213. Billamore, 230. Dawes, 135. Earp, 13. Eng¬ land, 7, 528. Evans, 224. Herbert, 67. Hindlev &c Co., 266. Jackson & Graham, 261. Jordans, 384. Lambert, 35, Meakin, 148. Scholey, Misses, 142. Spurrier, 76. Tomasini, 176. xxviii. Griper, 101. Belgium, Coifs, 417. Dosin, 429. Judo, 420. Canada, Allan, 121. Dunn, 119. Hilton, 123. Red¬ head, 120. Reed & Co., 115 a. Cape of Good Hope, Adderley, 57. France, Balny, 1066. Descartes, 815. Durand, 1207. Faure, 1219. Jeanselme, 1276. Verge, 722. Pin- sonnet, 1392. Hamburgh, Kruger, 80. Geseller, 68. Heymann, 78. India, xxvi. Sardinia, Cuglierero, 67. Canepa, 74. Tuscany, Bonaiuti & Sons, 81. Faicini, Brothers, 84. United States, American Chair Company, 85. Elias, 515. Commiford & Co., 129, 495. Tuph, 383. Zollverein (1), Becker, 232. Walker & Son, 782. See also Rocking Chairs. Chairs, appendage to (to hold Gloves, &c.)—xxvi. Allan, 87. Chairs, Carved— xxvi. Brittan, 220. Budge, 219. Carmichael, 114. Collinson, 90. Curran & Sons, 215, Findley, 146. Gillow & Co., 186. Hunter, W.J. R. & E. 202. Le Mercier, 181. Martin, 406. Hut¬ chinson, 22. Shackloek, 29. Chairs, Invalid— v. Ward, 997. xxvi. North, 259. Ward, 279. Portugal, Royal Military Arsenal, 1119. Nee also Chairs, Spinal Curvature. Invalid Beds, Chairs, fyc. In¬ valid Wheel Chairs. Chairs, Portable— xxvi. Lovegrove, 23. Chairs, Reclining— xxvi. Hancock, 239. United States, Ragan, 193. Chairs, Rustic—N orth Transept, xxvi. Cooper, 291. Earp, 13. Grigg, 401. Hudson, 34. Molloy, 81. Chairs, Spinal Curvature— x. Seltzer, 726. Chairs, Suspensory— xxvi. Brown, J. M. & T., 15. Chalk— i. 39. Turkey. Chalk Cement —Zollverein (4), Leube, Brothers, 5. Chamois Hunting (Relief Model)— Switzerland, Meze- ner, 247, Champagne Bottles— xxiv. Wood, 16. Champagne Capsules— xxvi. Kendall, 246. Champagne Clarifier — France, Canneaux & Sons, 1130. Chandeliers (Metal, Glass, &e.)— xxii. Bailey & Sons, 805. Faraday & Son, 444. Hale, T. & Co., 486. Hill, 355. Hughes, 461. Hulett, 643. Leaver, 583. Lloyd & Summerfield, 700 a. Lockerby & Stephenson, 439. Martin & Gray, 332. Messenger & Sous, 340. Potts, 323. Sedgwick & Taylor, 644. Winfield, 373, xxiv. Pellatt & Co., 33. xxviii. King, 41. 123 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Homan Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Austria, Brose, 580. Salm, Prince, 430 (Main Avenue, East). France, Carrier-Rouge, 1135. Zollverein (1), Hermann, 435. Charactograph —x. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Charcoal —i. Azulay, 224. Cahill, 222. Rogers, 240. Denmark , Owen, 44. , France, Lapeyriere, 1710. Popelin-Ducarre, 1404. Yiolette, 1528. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Meyer, 6. Netherlands, Smits, 20. Portugal, Pinto Basto, 629, 630. ! Fussia , Demidoff, 21, 120. Spain, The Director of S. Pedro De Araya Factory, 12. Trinidad, Warner, 9. Zollverein (1), Waechter, 434. Charcoal Filters — France, Ducommun, 482. Charlotte, Princess, the late (Velvet Carpet made for the Marriage of)—xix. Simcox, 302. Electrotype Plaster Statue of—Belgium, Michiels, 385. Charts (undescribed)— Hamburgh, Gerbers, 21. Charts (to assist memory, &c.)—xvn. Bell, 203. Strangeways, 204. United States, Willard, 536. Char-volant (Carriage drawn by Kites)—x. Gilbert, 234. Chatelaines — xxi. Durham, 46. Cheese Presses — ix. Carson, 110. Harkes, 23. Rodenhurst, W. & J., 61. Stokes, 255. Chemical Balances tor Analysis — x. Dover, 344. Marriott, 341. Oertling, 334. Chemical Drawings — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Hamer, 118. Chemical Matches — Sardinia . Albani, Brothers, 7. Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus —x. Coffey & Smith,.454. Griffin & Co., 457. Knight & Sons, 453. Statham, 456. xxv. Minton, 1. Austria, Batka, 135. Jerak, 134. France, Bonnet, 1096. Brief, 439. Grosse, Brothers, 529. Fouche, 216. Leperdriel, 307. Machlv, 915. Ozouf, 670. Quennessen, 1683. Tuscany, Nardi, Brothers, 70. Zollverein (1), Arnoldi,|778. Gressler, 854. Hoffmann & Eberhardt, 88. (5), Albert, 23. Luhme, 83. March, 240. Seel, 483. Chemical Preparations (various)—i. Longmaid, 441. Smith, 499. ii. Bullock, 34. Button, 3. Daven¬ port, 111. Davy, Mackmurdo & Co., 62. Fox & Barrington, 44. May & Baker, 14. Squire, 93. Watts, 103. xxix. Fisher & Co., 22. Austria, Braun, 21. Wagenmann & Co., 19. Belgium, Cappellemans, 37. Societe de Floreffe, 38. France, Bataille, 42. Bobee & Lemire, 1092. Coignet & Son, 1153. Cowmerie & Co., 462. De Cavaillon, 109. Digeon, 1590. Drouin & Brossier, 169. Grandval, 1255, Kuhlmann, Brothers, 555. Lalande & Chevallier, 1288. Patoux, Drion & Co., 674. Poisat& Co., 1399. Pommier, 1400. India, n. Jersey and Guernsey, Arnold, 33. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Fussia, Hirshmann & Co., 26. Sardinia, Boujean, 12. Calloud, 11. Spain, Santos, 242. United States, Penfield & Camp, 296. Power & Weightman, 262. Wetherill, Brothers, 43. Zollverein (1), Kunheim, 13. Marquart, 327. Mat- thes & Weber, 464. Pauli, 328. Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. Schuer & Kohring, S43. Schwem- sal Alum Works, 463. Stohmann & Wustenfeld, 460. Wesenfeld & Co., 461. (5), Zimmer, 3. (6), Oelder, 8. Chepstow Railway Bridge (Model) — vn. Finch & Willey, 9 (Main Avenue, West). Chess Boards and Men —xxv. Wedgwood & Sons, 6. xxvi. Nunn & Sons, 165. xxvm. Fentum, 48. xxx. (Fine Art Court)—Laing, 240. Austria, Wien, 578. Belgium , Branden, 511. Bermudas, Jackson, 2. China, Copland. India, xxvi. New South Wales, Burchett, 3. Zollverein { 1), Scharf, 776. Schrader, 777. Weisliaupt and Sons, 412. (3) Jahn, 34. Chess Tables —xi. Lincoln & Bennett, 57. xxni. Eady, 109. xxvi. Jennens & Bettridge, 187. Nunn & Sons, 165. Rose, 28. Webb, 171. xxvii. Vokins, 30. Whishaw, 61. Wilson, 11. Woodruffe, 77. Chest Expanders (Elastic)—x. Binyon, 610. xxix. Clive, 54. Chest Protectors —x. Cook & Williams, 685. Chicory— in. Saunders & Gatchill, 144. France, Lervilles, 591. Netherlands, Heuveldop, 16. Fussia, Sorokin, 69. Zollverein (1), Bleibken, 686. Salomon & Co. 692. (6), Zahn & Volbrecht, 12. See also Pastel. Chicory-cutter —ix. Ransomes and May, 124. Ciiiffonieres —xxvi. Clay & Co., 189. Gillow & Co. 186. Hindley & Co. 266. Newton, 97. Spurrier, 76. Trapnell & Son, 312a. Canada , Reed & Meakins, 115a. India, xxvi. Childbed Linen —xix. Smith, Anderson & Co., 82. Chimney Filter-drain —ix. Sadler, 156. Chimney Guards — vii. Bramhall, 129. Chimney Pieces (Stone, Metal, &c.)—-Main Avenue, West, Brine & Sharp, 86. Thomas, 82. xxii. Coal- brook Dale Co., 641. Glenton & Chapman, 238. Pierce, 107. Jobson & Co., 106. Robertson & Co., 802. xxvi. Moxon, 252. Thomas, 276. Wurme & Lumsden, 19. xxvii. Bovey, 4. Brendon, 3. Coates, 19. Frewer, 5. Lomax, 81. London Marble and Stone Working Co., 17. Mirror Marble Co., 18. xxix. Stirling, 315. Austria, Benzoni, 725. Bottinelli, 726. Motelli, 728. Belgium, Du Bois & Co., 360. Leclercq, 424. France, Aubanel, 1055. Desanges, 1184. Dupuis, 184. Lebrun, 572. Luce, 1332. Marza, 608. Seguin, 692. Zollverein (1), Egells, 200. Porzelt & Harperath, 317. Chimney Pieces (Machine for Constructing)—vn. Vaughan, 139. Chimney Pots — vii. Oliver, 65. xxii. Cowper, 23. Green, 42. Jersey and Guernsey —White, 12. See also Wind Guards. Chimney Screens — Hamburgh, Albrecht, 59. Switzerland, Hallmever-Appenzeller, 246. Chimney-sweeping Machines—vii. Dorr. 57. Every, 120. Neale, 121. Taylor, 194. xxii. Bentley, 606. xxix. Barrett & Son, 308. Zollverein (3), Rickborn, 14. Chimney Ventilating Apparatus — vii. Beeston, 191. Friarson, 203. Hearder, 205. Hill, 68. Oliver, 65, Stafford, 189. xxii. Hart & Sons, 636. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 129 Chimneys, Towers, &c. (Machine for Constructing)— vii. Bain, 34. China— See Earthenware and China. Porcelain Ware. Pottery. China (Designs for)— xviii. Heaviside, 91. China, Imitation—xxvi. Gushlow, 37. China Clay — Belgium, Gaiffier, 14. Tombelle, 12. See also Pottery Clay. China Grass — iv. Hives & Atkinson, 45. Marshall & Co., 55. Wright & Co., 42. China Grass Fabrics —xiv. Wilford & Sons, 42. Chinidine— Zollverein (5), Zimmer, 3. Chintzes—xii. & xv. Littler, 282. xviii. Hindley & Sons, 15. M‘Alpin & Co., 14. Mansbendel, 88. Nelson & Co., 29. Swainson, 21. xxvi. Crace, 530. India, xi. Russia, Czarevsk Chintz Manufactory, 178. Lutch, 179. Mayer & Zindell, 177. Prokhoroff, Brothers, 349. Switzerland, Hurlimann, 12 5. | Chisels. See Tools (Carpenters', <^c.). Chittle— Mexico. Chlorine— iv. Piesse, 129. I Chloroform — ii. Duncan & Co., 104. Squire, 93. Zollverein (1), Marquart, 327. Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. \ Chocolate—hi. Fry and Son, 31. Gentile, 108. Le- baigue, 29. Monteiro, 34. Moore, 139. Paris Cho¬ colate Company, 30. St. Etienne, 138. White, 32. France, Choquart, 1149. De Sandoval & Co., 365. Feyeux, 209. Louit, Brothers, & Co., 316. Menier & Co., 925. Perron, 343. Turpin, 1046. Watrelot Delespaul, 738. Netherlands, Deyl Leendert & Son, 10. Spain, Huesca, 178. Switzerland, Suchard, 2. Zollverein (1), Gross, 17. Wittekop & Co., 695. (3), Jordan & Timaens, 6. See also Cocoa. Chocolate Apparatus — vi. Gatti and Bolla, 450. j Chopping Machines—xxii. Price, 397. ; France , Mareschal, 330. See also Lump Sugar Chop¬ ping-Machines. Sausage * Choppers. Chopsticks— China, Berncastle. I Choregraphical Apparatus — Zollverein (6), Baron Klein, 80. Christian Memorials, &c. (Models)— xxvii., Laurie, 101 . Chromatype Pictures (Mr. R. Hunt’s)—x. Henneman & Malone, 297. Chrome— India , i. Sweden and Norway, Hoe, 8. Chromic Acid — ii. Hopkin and Williams, 41. : Chromo-Lithography (Specimens of)—xxvi. Richard¬ son, 207b. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Day and Son, 80. Dicksee, 271. Hanhait, M. & N., 64. Ward & Co., 43. Russia, Dregger, 362. United States, Duval, 52. Chronoglobium and Planetarium — Austria, Zi- bermayr, 132. | Chronographers-'— France, Rieussec, 1685. Chronometers, Marine — x. Aubert and Klaftenberger, 52a. Barraud and Lund, 34. Bennett, 1. Brockbank and Atkins, 40. Connell, 11. Delolme, 19. Dent, 55. jj Frodsliam, 57. Hutton, 7. Jackson, W. H. & S., 32. Lowry, 10. Olorenshaw & Co., 3. Pennington, 53. Vieyeres and Repingon, 91. France, Huard, Brothers, 266. Lefebvre, 577. Redier, 1425. Zollverein (1), Richard, 342. Thiede, 78. Chronometers (Pocket and other) — x. Barraud & Lund, 34. Gowland, 27. Holl, 13. Hutton, 7. Lowry, 10. Parkinson & Frodsham, 35. Walker, 697. xxiii. Hunt & Roskell, 97. Lester & Sons, 27. Martin & Co., 2. Phillips, Brothers, 87. Austria, Mareuzeller, 166. Denmark, Jurgensens, 17. France, Leroy & Son, 1186. Detouche & Houdin, 1589. Laumain, 292. Lefebvre, 577. Monet, 1664. Vissiere, 733. Switzerland, Andermars, 22. Brandt, 10. Courvoisier, 34. Favre, 23. Golay-Lereche, 92. Grandjean, 8. Lecoultre, 25. Mercier, 96. Atermod, Brothers, 15. Patek, 99. Retor, 101. Chronometers, Railway— x. Wishaw, 419. Chucks (for Lathes). See Lathes. Church Architecture — v. Swain, 976. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Johnston, 19. Church Windows (Designs for, &c.)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Stocker, 270. Belgium, Piuys, 491. France, Thibaud-Dallet, 1501. See also Painted Win¬ dows. Stained-Glass Windows. Churns —v. Whitelaw, 58. vm. Williams, 332. ix. Amos, 66a. Burgess & Key, 237. Deane & Co., 180. Digges La Touche, 263. Drummond, 88. Jolly, 69. Robinson & Son, 139a. Samuelson, 185. Smith & Co., 266. Tytherleigh, 212. Wil¬ kinson, 220. Belgium, Duchene, 166. Canada, Weese, 85. France, Lavoisy, 1299. United States, Dalphin, 493. Tillinghast, 27. Van Diemen's Land, Jennings, 236. Cider — Canada, Penner, 132. Cider Presses —ix. Harkes, 23. White, 181. xxii. Gar ton & Co., 483. Cigarettes— Russia, Protassofij 334. Spain, Fernandez, 127e. Cigar-holders — Austria, Alba, 664. Astrath, 666. Beisiegel, 667. Floge, 670. Friedrich, 671. Grun- hut, A., 672. Grunhut, J., 673. Grunhut, W., 674. Litschke, 678. Nagl, 680. Plregner, 682. Sievers, 683. Cigar-making Machine— vi. Adorno, 448. Cigarillas —m. Buckland & Topliss, 48. Cigars —in. Benson, 39. Cohen & Orr, 49. Goodes, G. & S., 50. Jonas & Brothers, 42. Jones & Co., 43. Sales & Co., 47. Algeria, Andre, 1. Oxeda & Aqui, 40. Cape of Good Hope, Moss, 36. India, hi. Portugal, Royal Tobacco & Snuff Company, 1196— 1209. Gomez, 126a. Gonzalez, 126b. Manilla Factory, 248. Partagas & Co., 251. Russia, ProtassotT, 334. Zollverein (1), Carstanjen, 468. Rocholl, 467. See also Cigarettes. Cigarillas. Tobacco. Cimolite — Greece, The Greek Government, 16. Cinchonie —n. M orson & Son, 106. Cinchonine—ii. Howards & Kent, 11. I 130 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Cinder-sifters — xxii. Bishopp, 591. Kent, 553. Cinnabar —i. Forbes, 522. India, ii. Zollverein (1), Du Bois, 7. Lucas, 8. Cinnamon— Ceylon, Parlett & Co. India, in. Circus Models — Spain, Mata Aguilera, 289. Cisterns, Enamelled — xxii. Kenrick & Sons, 360a. Cisterns, Self-Cleaning — vn. Lowe, 145. Citric Acid—ii. Copner, 118. Howards & Kent, 11. Huskisson, J. W. & H., 86, Sardinia, Acquarone, 84. Clarified Fats — iy. Ewen, 30. Clarionets —Koenig & Pask, 504. Austria, Hell, 152. Belgium , Mahillon, 175. Canada , M‘Pherson, 183. France, Buffet, 442. Breton, 1555. Switzerland, Felchlin, 80. Zollverein (1), LampferhofF, 485. (2), Boehm, 23. (3), Herold, 19. Schuster, 23. (6), Klein, 23. Seidel, 26. (8), Heckel, 8. Clay, J. ndescribed) i. 39, 96. Fahie, 30. Ross, 51. ill. Strange, 83. xxvn. Ambrose, 128. Sealy, 130. Aritish Guiana, Bee, 5. India, i. Turkey. See also Pipe Clay. Pottery Clay. CLAY (Articles in)—Main Avenue, West, Panormo, 89. xxvn. Brannam, 131. Singer & Co., 88. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Christie, 188. India, xxx. Netherlands, Martin, 64. See also Baked Clay Ornaments. Clay Pipes — France, Dumeril & Co., 176. Fiolet, 211. Clay-screening Machine (for making bricks, pipes, &c.) —ix. Harkes, 23. Claystone— i. Rock, 50. Clinometers (for showing list and trim of ships)— viii. Berthon, 104. Clocks, Astronomical —x. Dent, 55. Frodsham, 57. Hall, 60. Parkinson & Frodsham, 35. Payne & Co., 73. Denmark, Funch, 16. France, Gannery, 516. Netherlands, Hohvvu, 86. Kaiser, 84. Switzerland, Dubois, 9. Zollverein (1), Thiede, 78. Clocks, Barometer —x. Bryson & Sons, 154, 665. Clocks, Centrifugal —x. Gerard, 109. Clocks, Electric and Electro-Magnetic —x. Bain, 434. Gowland, 27. Shepherd, 128, (and South Transept). Webster, 17. Hamburgh, Brocking, 11. United States, Bond & Son, 463. Clocks, Geographical —x. Radford, 119. Stoker, 204. Austria, Ratzenhofer, 167. France, Pierret, 350. Clocks, Hydraulic —See Hydraulic Clock. Clocks, Marine—x. Gerard, 109. Clocks, Musical —x. Churchill, 99. Marchand, 71. Clocks, Polyhorion —x. Tanner, 28. Clocks, Tell-tale —x. Newington, 20. Smith & Sons, 129. France, Arera, 752, See also Alarums {for Clocks, Sfc.). Clocks, Timepieces, &c. —x. 105. Adams, 14. Allis, 87. Bell, 679. Bennett, G. W., 49. Bennett, J., 1. Briscall, 95a. Broadbent, 122. Brutton, 96. Cole, 31. Dell, Brothers, 100. Edwards, J., 104. Edwards, J. T., 103. Elisha, 39. Frodsham, 57. Gerard, 109. Gowland, 27. Harvey, 47. Howell, James & Co., 16. Hutton, 7. Jackson, W. H. &S., 32. Kaiser, 66. Lamb, 42. Lovejoy, 158. M‘Dowall, 68. Mapple, 69. Moore & Son, 33. Pace, 117. Parkinson & Frodsham, 35. Payne & Co., 73. Rix, 74. Robinson, 37. Smith & Son, 129. Taffinder, 54. Taylor, 127 a. Thornelowe, 43. Trotman, 698. Walker, 697. Walter, 41. Webster, 17. Yates, 9. Young, 131. xxii. Clark & Restell, 446. xxiii. Walker, 93. Austria, Anderwalt, 170 a. Kralik, 169. Schubert, 168. Zelisko, 170. France, Arrera, 752. Bally, 408. Chavin, 450. Gillot, 849. Gourdin, 525. Leon - Clement & Bourgeois, 306. Lerolles, Brothers, 1318. Leroux, 309. Leroy & Son, 1186. Mallat, 1340. Matifat, 923. Moser, 653. Pescheloche-Yavin, 344. Potonie, 964, 1401. Redier, 1425. Reydor & Colin, 984. Susse, Brothers, 1023. Wagner, 736. Weygand, 740. Hamburgh, Nieberg, 10. Jersey and Guernsey, Feltham, 8. Netherlands, Eder, 88. Russia, Chopin, 365. Switzerland, Perret, 18. Vuilleumier, 12. United States, Holloway, 114. Rogers & Co. 532. Sperry, 345. Zollverein (1), Baltzer, 82. Guerlin, 68. Seemann, 75. (4), Haller, 16. Holch, 18. Stoss, 19. Clocks, Timepieces, &c. (Designs for)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Thomas, 236. See also Clock Cases. Clocks, Travelling — Austria, Liszt, 165. France, Bailly-Comte & Son, 407. Bechot, 48. Leroy & Son, 1186. Moser, 653. Switzerland, Borel, 19. Girard, 30. Leuba, 91. Zollverein (1), Thiemke, 72. Clocks, Turret —x. Bell, 679. Bennett,!. Blaylock, 92. Dent, 55 (Main Avenue, West). Roberts, 130. Smith & Sons, 129. Jersey 8f Guernsey, White, 12. Clock Cases—x. Drury, 56. xvii. Macomie & Co., 27. See also Clocks, Timepieces, &fc. {Designs for). Clock Dials — France, Dorey, 479. See also Dial Illumi¬ nating Apparatus. Clock and Watch Works — France, Huard, Brothers, 266. Japy, Brothers, 275. Marti, 611. Clock-winder —x. Mapple, 69. Clod Crushers—ix. Bennett, 75. Cambridge, 238. Crosskill, 135. Gibson, 129. Pearce, 77. Starkey,43. Clogs —xvi. Carron, 325. Cloth Papers (for pressing & finishing Woollen Cloth)— xvii. Hamer, 84. Cloths —See Woollen Fabrics. Clothes (systems for cutting out) — xx. Griffin, 117. See also Tailors’ Measuring Apparatus. Clover & Trefoil Seed, Engine for Drawing— ix. Maynard, 109. Clumber House (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bain- bridge, 163. Clyster Irrigator — France, Biber, 62. Coaches— See Carriages. Coach Ironmongery —v. Gibson, 848. xxii. Ward & Payne, 196. Warden, 368. See also Carriage Fittings {Metal). Coachsmiths’ Tools — New SoutkWales, Devitt & Moore, K). Coal —Western End, South Enclosure (outside), Abercarn Coal Company, 49. Bagnall & Gesson, 53. Barrow, 41. Brymbo Company, 47. Cameron’s Coalbrook Steam Coal Company, 39. Davis, 43. Fitzwilliam, Earl, 48. Gilmour & Co., 50. Haines & Sons, 40. Ince Hall Coal Company, 38. Neath Abbey Coal Com¬ pany, 44. Oakeley, 34. Price, T. P. & D. 45. Round, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 131 36. i.?Abercarn & Gwythen’^Collieries Company, 430. Atkinson, 261. Barrow, 255. Butler, 247. Butterley & Co. 400. Cadell, 256. Clarke, Executors of, 266. Cowper, 61. Bay & Twibell, 262. Ebbw Yale Company, 412. Farnley Company, 406. Field, Coopers & Faulds, 263. Frith & Co., 264. luce Hall Coal & Cannel Company, 268. Llangennech Coal Company, 259. Mitchell, 270. Monkland Iron & Steel Company, 426. Moore, 208. Nixon & Co. 267. O’Byrne, 248. Pease, 122. Rock, 50. Rogers, 241. Russell, 271. Turner, 223. Wylam’s Patent Fuel Company, 252. xxii. Bowling Iron Company, 83. Hird & Co., 85. Barbadoes. Belgium , Boubier Charbonnage, 29. Chatelineau Four- neaux et Charbonnages, 27. Couillet Fourneaux et Mines, 120. Delcourt, 30. Dianet,31. Petit&Co., 13. Pire et Violetto Charbonnages, 34. Pont de Loup Charbonnages, 28. D’Oignie Coal-mines, 32. Romsee, 506. Suermond, 505. France , Berard & Co. 51. India , i. Labuan, Sfc., Woolley, 3. New Brunswick, Gould, 3. New South Wales, Australian Agricultural Com¬ pany, 5. New Zealand, 38, 39. Connell, 10. Greenwood, 9. Waikato Coal Committee, 22. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Spain, Asturias Mines, Inspector of, 15. De Araya’s Factory, 12. Palen Mines, Inspector of, 27. Pedroso Iron Company, 24. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 28. Turkey. Tuscany, Caillou, Maillan & Co., 19. United States , Detmold, 66. Van Diemen’s Land, Douglas River Company. Zollverein (1), Haniel, 455. Saelzer & Nenack United Coal-mines, 450. (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines. Coal, Anthracite (Cannel or Stone Coal)—Western End, South Enclosure (Outside), Buckingham, 35. James & Aubrey, 37. Jones, Sells, & Co. 42. Neath Abbey Coal Company, 44. i. Bagot, 244. Bideford An¬ thracite Mining Company, 242. Buckingham, 254. Butler, 247. Fahie, 30. Ince Hall Company, 268. Jones, Sells & Co., 258. Morgan & Sons, 272. Ram¬ say, 269. Russell & Son, 249. Wandesforde, 111. Watney, 276. Western Gas Light Company, 260. xxvii. Cowan & Co., 112. See also Furnaces for Burning Anthracite Coal. Coal, Anthracite, Articles in — xxvii. Albert, H.R.H. Prince, 140. Ramsay, 90. xxvm. Ramsay, 170. United States, Patterson, 478. Peale, 74. Coal, Artificial —Western End, South Enclosure (Out¬ side), Buckingham, 35. Coal-Drop (for loading ships)—v. Dunn, 998. Durham, Earl, 999. Coal-mines (Models)—i. Cawley, 403. Hunter, 219. Wales, 431. Vi. Bradley & Co. 310. Coal-mine Machinery —i. Baugh & Co., 401. Mills, 418. Powell, 253. Sutcliffe, 413. Wood, 432. vi. Waring, 305. See also Chains for Pits. Coal-mine Tools—I. Abercarn & Gwythen Collieries Company, 430. Coal-mine Ventilation (Models and Plans)—i. Brun- ton, 404. vii. Martin, 25. Coal-Scales (for ships) — xxii. Stanley, 238. Coal-Scuttles, Vases, &c.—vn. Quincey, 146. xxii. Fearncombe, 160 a. Shoolbred & Co. 66. Soutter, 354. Walton & Co. 69. xxvi. Rogers & Dear, 264. Coat (made from the fleece in 13^ hours)—xx. Newbury Local Committee, 166. See also Wearing Apparel. Cobalt-Blue— Canada, Logan, 1. France, Peyroulx, 1676. Zollverein (1), Graft’, 592. (3), Schneeberg Royal Saxon Cobalt and Nickel Works, 9. Cobalt Ores— i. Barrett, 511. Blee, 512. Spain, Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Sweden and Norway, Tunaberg Cobalt Works, 9. Zollverein (1), Graff, 592. Cobourg Cloths—xii. & xv. Behrens, 180. Clapham, 158. Dalby, i.52. Eckroyd & Son, 130 a. Horsfall & Co., 174. Pease & Co., 184. Peel & Co., 164. Rand & Sons, 173. Rogers, 142. Schwann & Co., 141. Cochineal— iv. Jewsbury & Co., 66. Sadler, 76. Algeria, Hardy, 28. Spain, 136, 149. Alcaide, 151. Berenguer, 192 a. Cruz, 201. Meron, 150. Cocks or Taps— v. Little, 476. vi. Cox, 608. xxii. Barlow, 462. Davis, 536. Hall, 172. Lambert, 534. Masters, 634. xxiv. Shephard, 8. Wood & Perkes, 7. Belgium, Peree, 375. See also Air-tight Taps. Ball Cocks and Taps. Hermetic Taps. Spirit Taps. Valves, Cistern. Cocks for Kitchen Boilers—vii. Holland, 132. xxii. Holland, 602. Cocks for Steam Boilers— v. Little, 476. Siebe, 440. vii. Bain, 34. xxii. Lambert, 534. Cocoa— m. Benham, 38. Fry & Son, 31. Grut, 36. Shinton, 33. White, 32. New Granada, 1. Grut, 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris. See also Chocolate. Cocoa, Extract of—hi. Budd, 37. Cocoa-fat— Trinidad, Lord Harris. Cocoa-nuts — Ceylon. Mauritius, Royal Society of Natural History, 4. Cocoa-nut Fibre (including Matting and other Articles made therefrom)—iv. Barsham, 56. xiv. Morrison & Hurn, 49. Yeates, 56. xxvm. Bevington&Morris, 38. Bristol Blind School, 30. Treloar,39. Wildey&Co., 40. Cocoa-nut Oil— Mauritius, Mellon, 6, Royal Societv of Natural History, Mauritius, 4. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Cocoa-nut Shells, Carved — India, xxvm. Cod-Liver Ointment— n. Dickson & Co. 79. Cod and Skate Liver Oil—ii. Bell, 116. Dickson & Co., 79. Lawrence, 56. Linklater, 82. Owen, 83, Robertson, 81. Newfoundland, Stabb. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal, Norberto, 599. United States, Simes, 60, Coffee— in. Moore, 139. Snowden, 28. British Guiana —Bee, 17 & 18. Kennedy, 16 a & 16b. Netscher, 16. Ceylon, France, Tourneur, 1509. St. Helena, Magnus, 3. Massans, 1. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co. 2. Portugal, 446-451. Society Islands, Queen Pomare, 5. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Van Diemen’s Land, Denison, Sir W. T, Western Africa, Weston, 1. 12 132 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Coffee, Essence of— Lane, 35. Coffee Filterers—xxii. Loysel, 488. Sears, 620. Coffee Leaves (Prepared)— m. Gardner, 142. Coffee Mills— vi. Fieldhouse & Co., 443. Muir, 206. Egypt,, 153. Coffee Pots—xxii. Lane, 794. Shoolbred & Co. 66. Warner & Sons, 798. Zollverein (1), Leick, 436. Coffee, Refining Powder for— xxix. Wood, 285. Coffee Roasting Apparatus —vi. Dakin & Co., 408. Law, 460. xxii. Collier & Co., 100. Keith, 601. Orpwood, 552. France, Vamlenbroucke, 711. Coffee Works and Apparatus, (Model)— Ceylon, Clerihew. Coffer-dam — vii. Teasdel, 44. Coffin, Air-Exhausted— United States, Tuckerman, 229. Coffin Furniture—xxii. Cooksey, 320. Hickmann & Clive, 271. Coffins, Slate—xxvii, Ekins, 13. Cognac Oil — Zollverein (5), Busch, 2. Cog-Wheels for Machinery— Zollverein (7), Metz & Co., 6. Coinage (designs for) — Canada, Duncan, 351. Coining Presses— vi. Maudslay & Co., 228. India, v. Zollverein (1), Uhlhorn, 476. Coins —x. Hamilton, 733, 742. Switzerland, Schuchmann, 264. See also Medals, Coins, fyc. Coir Fibre (arid articles made thereof)— Ceylon. India, xiv. United States, Mills, 489. Coke— i. Butler, 247. Cory, W. & W. jun., 265. Farnley & Co., 406. Pease, 122. Ramsay, 269. Spain, Palen Mines, Inspector of, 27. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 10-14. United States, Detmold, 66. Zollverein (1), Stinnes, 448. Cold Cream — ii. Pound, 108. Collieries (Models) — See Coal Mines. Cologne (Designs for a Bridge over the Rhine at) — vii. Moorsom, 178. Russell, 78. Coloquinto — Egypt, 22. Colour Extractor Apparatus— vi. Bourra, 610. Colour Printing— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Baxter, 115. Cundal and Addey, 112. Dicks, 68. Kronheim, 40. See also Chromo-Lithography. Coloured Glass— See Stained Glass. Colours (for Calico Printing, &c.)— ii. Dentith & Co, 8. XXV. Emery, 57. Colours (for China and Pottery)— ii. Dentith & Co., 8. Colours, Combination of (Device) — xxx. (Fine Art. Court), Oliver, 16. Colours (for Painting, &c.) — ii. Bell & Co., 66. Blun¬ dell & Co., 48. Ellam & Co., 58. Humfrey, 78. iv. Burch, 77. Smith & Co., 65. Austria, Bigaglia, 34. Kinzleberger & Co., 27. Kutzer & Lehrer, 24. Setzer, 23. Belgium, Ougree Charbonnages et Fournaux, 40. Ceylon. China. France, Lange, 1291. Viard, 1521. Netherlands, Diederichs Brothers, 6. Duura & Ver- steeven, 5. Sardinia , Bo, 19. Spain, Zabala, 240. Tuscany , Mussini, 26. Ridolfi, 25. Zollverein (1), Diesel & Co., 824, 882. Heyl & Co., 44. Schwarzenfells Electoral Manufactory, 465. (2), Saltier, 14. (4), Abt, 7. Siegle, 6. Comb-cutting Machine —vi. Staight & Sons, 455. Belgium, Van Mierlo, 133. Combs, Metallic—xxii. 21. Deakin, 157. Marshall, 197. Belgium, Houtthave, 130. Combs, Tortoiseshell, Ivory, &c.— xxii. Armstrong, 580. xxviii. Crummack, 18. Gosnell & Co., 55. Stevenson, J.& J., 152. China, Hevvett & Co. France, Fauvelle Deiaberre, 202. Massue, 615. Noel, 666. Poinsignon, 1397. Trancart, 393. Hamburgh, Umlauff; 85. India,'xx ix. Van Diemen's Land, Anderson, 19S. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Commercial and Banking Tables —United States, Bartlett, 30. Commodes —xxvi. Dowbiggin & Co., 404. Pratt, 196. Compasses, Azimuth —x* Cameron, 356. Crichton, 452. Elliott & Sons, 320. Denmark, Weilbach, 21. Compasses, Drawing — -vii. Bermingham, 13. x. Barton, 708. Lawrence, 115. Penrose, 318. Belgium, Gerard, 182. De Hennault, 183. Lambert, 1S5. Sweden and Norway, Littman, 15. Vi berg, 14. Compasses, Mariners’ —vi. Napier & Son, 158. vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. Soulby, 110. West, 109. x. 692. Dent, 55. Hughes, 691. xxii. Howarth, 181. China, Lindsay. Denmark, Weilbach, 21. United States, St. John, 95. See also Binnacles, Ships'. Compasses, Prismatic —x. Green, 446. Yeates, 332. Compasses, Solar — United States, Burr, 187. Composing Frames — France, Claye, 798. Composing Machine — Denmark, Sorensen, 13. Compositors’ Page-marker — Belgium, Mackintosh, 471. Compressed Air, Application of, to prevent Vessels sinking—vii. Watt, 20. Compressed Air, Motive power by—v. Fell, 438. Concentrated Milk — France, De Lignac, 922. Ou- din & Co., 1375. See also Lactine. Milk, Es¬ sence of. Concertinas —x. Case, 545. Chidley, 544. Wheat¬ stone Si Co., 526. Austria, Reinisch, 163. Steinkellner, 164. Concrete —i. Smith, 177. White & Sons, 130. Confectioners’ Moulds — xxii. Biggs, 453. xxix. Leaie & Albrecht, 108. Denmark, Meyer, 43. Confectioners’Ornaments— xxix. Farrell, 120. Rem- mie, 167. Nee also Wedding-Cake Ornaments. Confectionery —xxix. Begg, 109. Graham, Lemon, & Co., 103. Gunter, 112. Huntley & Palmer, 107. Lucas, 110. Schooling, 114. Warrick, Brothers, 115. Wothevspoon & Co., 106. Canada, Fletcher, 136. France, Aucler, 1059. Durand & Co., 1206. Oudard & Co., 1374. Jersey &f Guernsey, Pope, 43. Spain, Martinez, 179. Zollverein (4), Baur, Brothers, 87. Goll, Brothers, 88. Roth, 89. Troeglen, 91. Conflagration, Model of a— v. Selfe, 452. Congreve Matches— Nee Lucifer Matches. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 133 Conifera Supporter (For Cypresses, Arbor-vitae, &c.)— ix. Seward, 51. Conservatories —See Greenhouses. Cooking Apparatus —ix. Gill & Ward, 62. Hodges & Sons, 116. Thompson, 248 b. xxii. Andrews, 379. Argali, J. & W., 404. Bentley, 606. Brown & Red- path, 477. Callam, 479. Cornell, 245, Edwards, 241. Evans & Co., 103. Flavel, 38. Frost, 393. Garton & Jarvis, 483. Goddard, 380. Keed, 378. Kepp & Co., 489. Longden & Co., 105. Mapple- beck & Lowe, 370. Rickets, 433. Seares, 620. Tozer, 390. Wakefield, 381. Austria, Albrecht, Archduke, 431. Bartelmus, Brothers, & Bernhardi, 432. Pleischl, 433. France, Andreoletti & Son, 10. See also Gas- Cooking, Sfc. Apparatus. Steam-Cooking Apparatus. Cooking Apparatus (for Ships)— xxii. Goodbehere, 481. Wallace & Son, 413. i Cooking Stoves—xxii. Rigby, 411. Wakefield, 381. Canada, Cheney, 151. Cooking Utensils —iv. Dufaville, 125. xxii. Bray, 500. Kent, 396. Sirnonite, 270. Belgium, De Rose, Baron, 365. j France, Boucher & Co., 776. Budy, 783. Hamburgh, Thiel, 123. India, xxii. Russia, Imperial Mining Works (Poland), 288. ! Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zollverein (3), Lattermann & Sons, 27. I Cooling Apparatus — xxii. Masters, 634. See also Freezing Machines. Coopers’ Tools — Canada, Shaw, 149. Coopery Articles —xxvm. Springfield, 138. Canada, Bailey, 86. Dodd, 87. See also Casks. Churns. Copal Varnish— Belgium, Reusens, 100. j Coping—vii. Beadon, 51. i Copper —i. Berger, 439, 518 (Main Avenue, West). Gra¬ ham, 517. Low, 489. Royal Dublin Society of Ire¬ land, 508. Swansea Committee, 473. Austria, Upper Hungarian Mining Association, 3. Vienna Imperial Mines, 2. Canada, Montreal Mining Company, 10. China. Netherlands, Bosch, 82. New South Wales, Mitchell, 5. New Zealand, Taylor, 11. Russia, Perm Imperial Copper Works, 6. Bogoslovsk Copper Works, I. Pashkoff, 23, 24. Spain, Asturias Mines, Inspector of, 15. Ibarra, 26. Rio Tinto Mines, Director of, 8. Valeriano, 25. Sweden and Norway, Roraas Copper Works, 37. 1 Tunis, 33, 34. Turkey. Tuscany, Hall, Brothers, 12. United States, Feutchwanger, 469. | Zollverein (l), Mansfeld Combined Mining Works, 1 850. jCopPER, Acetate of — France, Maire & Co., 317. Copper, Carbonate of— South Australia, Graham & Co. 3. Copper Decorations, Stamped— France, Marsaux & Legrand, 332. Copper Mining, Smelting, &c.., Machinery and Tools —i. Bankart & Sons, 429. Duchy of Corn- i wall, 452. Richards, 441a. Taylor, 434, 450. Copper Ores —i. Barratt, 511. Bennett & Co., 450. Berger, 439. Breadalbane, Marquis of, 7, 442. Cally Mining Company, 514. Collett, 458. Devon Great Consol Copper Mining Company, 453. Dublin Royal Society, 515. Fahie, 30. Lean, 445. Mining Company for Ireland, 507. Puckey, 446. Redruth Local Committee, 443. Seccombe, 454. Swansea Committee, 473. Taylor, 434. Tennant, 516. Thorne, 475. Welborne, 470. Algeria, Mouzaie Mines, 18. Belgium, De Rasse, 33. Canada, Montreal Mining Company, 10. India, I. New Zealand, Lewis, 13. Murchison, 2. Reeve, 12. Russia, Bogoslovsk Copper Works, 1. St. Domingo, Schomburgk, Sir R. South Australia, Barossa Range Mining Company, 2. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Rio Tinto Mines, Director of, 8. Santander Mines, Inspector of, 9. Tuscany, Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. United States, Ward, 408. Zollverein (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Copper Ores, Statistics of Sales —i. Polkinghorne, 460. Copper Oxide —South Australia, Graham & Hallett, 3. Copper, processes for obtaining — Zollverein (1), Mansfeld Combined Mining Works, 850. Copper-Plate Engraving (Specimen of)-— Sardinia , Man taut, 53. Copper-Plate Press —vi. Greig, D. & J., 114. Copper-Plate Printing — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Whiting, 123. Austria, Rattich, 29. France, Beard, 759. Copper Plates (for Engraving) — xxii. Hughes & Kimber, 609. Finder & Sons, 574. See also Engra¬ ving Plates. Copper, &c., Salts of —n. Tennants & Co., 7. Copper, Sulphate of —i. Bankart & Sons, 429. Ten¬ nants & Co., 71. ii. Copner, 118. Hatmel & Ellis, 10 (Main Avenue, West). Pontifex & Wood, 1. France , Digeon, 1590. India, ii. Portugal, Hirsch, 68. Leal, 66, 67. Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. Copper, Sulphuret of — South Australia, Barossa Range Mining Company, 2. Spain, Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Copper Tubes — France, Groult & Co., 531. Copper Vases — Russia, Demidoff, 324. Copper Wares — xxii. Terry &, Son, 691a. Tylor Son, 401. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Turkey. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (4), Wagner, 6 1. Copperas, Crystals of — n. Buckley, Trustees of the late, 4. Copperas (or Green Vitriol) —n. Hall, 40. Lindsay, 16. Copying Machines and Presses —v. Dunn, 618. vi. Mordan & Co. 205. Muir, 206. Pope & Co., 148. Waterlow & Sons, 164. vii. Plowman, 121. Webb, 156. Wedge wood, 475, xxii. Baker, 19. Pierce, 18. Price, 397. Ruthven, 20. Canada, Perry, 157. France, Poirier, 963. Coquillo Oil— Mexico. ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, Corahs— See Handkerchiefs, Silk. Coral and Coral Ornaments—xxiii. Paravagna & Casella, 84. Algeria, La Calle Fisheries, 41. Cape of Good Hope, Maitland Mines, 1. Turkey. Tuscany, Reffaelli & Son, 69. Cordage— See Topes, Cordage, tfc. Cork (Raw and Manufactured)—iv. French, 127. Peet, 132. xyii. Lloyd, 25. xxviii. Bass, 124. Es- daile & Margrave, 125. French & Butler, 126. Algeria, Wood and Forest Commission, 47. France, Duprat & Co., 492. Portugal, 514. Spain, Gerona, 189. Guinart, 188. Cork, articles executed in — Zollverein (1), Gerhardt, 839. Cork Carvings — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bury, 23. O’Byrn, 257. Cork Hats—xxviii. Clarkson, 197. Corks, Mechanical— France, Journial, 553. Corkscrews—viii. Richards & Co., 240. xxi. Bradford, R. & Co., 3. xxii. Haynes, 584. Jones & Sons, 277. Unwin, 178. Corn (including Grain of all Kinds)—ill. Albert, H.R.H. Prince, 107. Asprey, 93. Bexley, Lord, 100. Ca¬ hill, 90a. Cousens, 88. Croughton, 92. Fordham, 94.’ Fox, 90. Gibbs & Co., 104. Gibson, 102. Il¬ lingworth, 115. Irwin, 99. Jones, 106. Juson, 95. Keene, 98. Kendall, 75. Levy, 120. McKillican, 114. Maund, 79. Milne, 85. Payne, 82. Raynbird, H. L., 74. Raynbird, R. H., 73. Sadler, 103a. Shep¬ pard, 70. Stevens, 91. Sutton & Sons, 112. Tay¬ lor & Son, 77. Truro Local Committee, 71. Walker, 86. Watt, 110. Webb, 72. Wellsman, 78. Algeria, Chuffart, 17. Dupre de St. Maur, 23. Jean- tet, 29. Lepelletier, 33. Marchal, 36. Austria, Carmolian Agricultural Society, 70. Belgium, Beheyt, 76. Colie, 61. Coosemans, 56. Delbaere, 66. De Mulder, 57. De Mathelieu, 58. D’Hollanders, 51. D’Huart de Villemont, 48, Herinck, 43. Legras, 47. Merchx, 496. Mertens, Baron, 55. Minten, 54. Peemans, 50. Peers, 75. Perdicus, 53. Stobbelaers, 60. Vanden Elst, 45. Vanden Porre, 44. Van Ophen, 49. Verheyden, 46. Vyvens, 59. Willems, 77. British Guiana, Netscher, 8-11. Canada, Allan, 28. Boa, 46. Desjardins, 30, 47. Drummond, 32. Graham, 34. Laurent, 31. Logan, 27, 57. Muir, 37. Provincial Agricultural Associa¬ tion, 33, 35. Shaw, 56. Tittemore, 36. Watts, 38. Weese, 29. Cape of Good Hope, Barn, 46. Rutherfoord, 23. Volsteedt, 6. Ceylon. Denmark, Benzon, 45. Puggaard & Co., 1. Voight, 46. Eqypt, 52, 68, 70, 73, 84, 85, 87—94, 101. France, Bazin, 1073. Crespel-Delisse, 465. Mabire, 1334. India, ill. Jersey and Guernsey, Le Couteur, 2. Malta, Pulis, 4.' Montserrat. Netherlands , Vis, 7. New Brunswick. New South Wales, Hallett, H. C & M., 5. Moses, 4. New Zealand, 38. Low and Motion, 24. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal, 297-329, 331-391. .Rwsst‘a,Bagner, 39. Bistrom, 46. Bobrinsky, Count, 56. Caucasus, Agricultural Society of, 58. Cossacks of the Azoff Sea, 37. DokhtourofF, 36. Ershoff, 60. Gooriel, Prince, 61. Hirshmann, 34, 114. Horticulture, School of 41. Karkhoff, 45. Khalil-Beck-Saphieff, 57. Klepatsky, 35. Koucheleff, Count, 32. LoshkarefF, 33. MatveiefF, 40. MorozofF, 38. Ounkovsky, 54. Pavloff, 333. PousanofF, 59. Ratshinsky/49. Rekke, 48. Ropp, Baron, 47. SafonofF, 55. Selivanoff, 52. Shabelsky, 42. TreskofF, 43. Vladimirsky, 50. Wielhorsky, Count, 44. Zilfoogar Beck & Iskander Beck Ogli, 51. South Australia, Heath & Burrows, 6. Spain, 56,59, 60, 63, 65, 72, 76, 79, 82, 86. 87, 91, 92, 96, 130. Badillo, 57. Barrientos, 83. Becenll, 71. Benito, 78. Casado, 85. Cea,61,64. Colon, 74. De Cordoba, 69. Gil, 95. Ginoves, 70. Guzman, 58. Medina del Campo, Pedrosa, & Gomeznarro, 66. Montfort, 88. Navarra, 73. Nunno, 62. Penafiel, 77. Pierola, 84. Portilla, 291, 294.: Salido, 75. Ternero, 68. Torres, 67. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 60-67, 69-72, 102-105. Turkey. Tuscany, Brocchi, 27. Paoletti, 29. Pastorelli, 35. Sloane, 28. United States, Bell, 103. Dix, 1139. Heath, 6. Hecker & Brother, 114. Horry, 320 e. Hotchkiss. 342. Jewett, 499. Kirtland, 84. Lathrop, 299. Newton, 387. New York State Agricultural Society, 83. Remsburgh, 317. Ohio State Board of Agri¬ culture, 24. Thompson, 238. Van Diemen's Land, Brown & Co., 45, 46. Denison, Sir W. T. 26, 28, 35, 38. Harper, 185. Lipscombe, 42. McNaughten, 41,43. Marshall, 36, 37. Pat¬ terson, 48. Tooth, 47. Walker, 44, 49. Zollverein (1), Eissa Corporation of Millers, 35. (2), Erich, 19. Hammerschmidt, 18. (6), Hesse Darm¬ stadt Board of Agriculture, 13. See also Flour. Corn-drying Machine—ix. Vivian, 227. Corn and Grain Cleaning and Dressing Machines- vi. Hicks & Son, 218. IX. Brown & Archbold, 250 Caborn, 200. Garrett & Sons, 142. Grounsell, 148 Holmes & Sons, 241. Hornsby & Son, 233. Robin son, 126. Rowley, 87. Royce, 58. Smith, 276 Spiller & Taylor, 64, 64a. White, 181. Belgium, Danneau, 507. Delstanche, 510. Corn and Grain Grinding and Crushing Mills— vt Fairbairn & Co., 421. Huxhams & Brown, 446. Oj Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 128. Bendell, 32. Clay ton & Shuttleworth, 242. Crosskill, 135. Deani Dray & Deane, 180. Gillett, 78. Garrett & Son 142. Hart, 72. Hayes, 117. Ransomes & May, 12-. Richmond & Chandler, 137. Samuelson, 185. Smitl 256. Smith & Co., 266. Turner, 182. Wedlake Co., 127. White, 181. Woods, 82. France, Mauzaize, 924. Mesmer, Son & Co., 63 See also Grinding and Crushing Mills. Millstones. Corn-lift— v. Armstrong, 44. . . Corn Mills —vi. Corcoran & Co., 416. Fairbairn, 40 Westrup, 442. ix. Howard, J. & F., 240. Corn and Seed Meters—ix. Gingell, 25c. xxvii MacGregor, 146. Corn Stacks and Stack Levels—ix. Jenmson, 70. Corn Whisps and Dusters— Canada, Brainerd, 8 Nelson & Butters, 84. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. . British Articles are denoted by Boman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 135 Cornelian Engraving —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Gif¬ ford, 280. Cornet-a-Pistons —x. Gisborne, 507. Jordan, 523. Mac- farlane, 673. Oates, 520. Pace & Sons, 517. Canada, MTherson, 183. France, Besson, 424. Gaubof, 844. Zollverein (3), Glier & Son, 20. (6), Mueller, 24. Cornwall Mining Map —i. Hunt, 524. Cornwall and Swansea—Statistics of Sales of Cop¬ per—I. Polkinghorne, 460. Corrugated Galvanized Iron —i. 216. Corsets. See Stays and Corsets. Corundum-Stone — ii. Ellam, Jones & Co., 58. Cottages, Labourers’, &c. (Models)—v. Greatorex, 415. vii. Holmes, 176. ix. Elliott, 41. Grimsley, 136. xxvii. Albert, H.R.H. Prince, (at the Cavalry Barracks, opposite the Exhibition). Allen, 68. Griffiths & Strong, 67. Society for improving the condition of the labouring classes, 124. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bardwell, 175. Bond, 28. Evans, 202. Sillett, 26. Cotton Fabrics (Various)—xi. Allen, 65. Cross, 41. Glover & Dunn, 50. Ilorrockses, Miller & Co., 60. King, R. & W. 23. Owtram & Co., 62. Paterson & Co., 11. Sudworth, 42. Thackeray & Sons, 27. Walker, 46. xii. & xv. Behrens, 180. Dalby, 152. Firth & Sons, 37. Pearson, 239. Wilson, 138. xiv. Walton & Co., 38. xx. Carver & Gilbert, 98. Algeria, Cox & Co., 68. Delegate of Algiers, 58. Austria, Ehinger, 181. Friedrich, 182. Lang, 185. Leitenberger, E., 186. Leitenberger, F., 187. Oss- berger’s Successor, 189. Wolfram, 301. Belgium, Canfyn, 190. De Cuyper, 192. Petit Noel, Lerouge, & Co., 246-250. Satire, 483. Schelstraete, 251. Servaes, 295. Servais, 291. < Vanderberghe, 252. " • Ceylon. China, Hewett & Co. Lindsay. Denmark, Wulff & Sons, 5. Egypt, 175,178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 297. France, Blech, Steinbach, & Mantz, 29. Bouchard, 1103. Delamoriniere & Co., 1583. Dubar-Deles- paul, 148. Duranton, 494. Hartman & Sons, 256. Ourscamp Society, 379. Patriau, 1380. Scamps, 1479. Schlumberger & Co. 1481. Schwartz & IIu- guenin, 1003. Soins & Son, 381. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. India , xi. Malta, Bonavia, 3. Pulis, 4. Schembri, 3. Villa, Fratelli, 5. Portugal, Barboza, 682, 683. Da Luz, 775, 776. Daufrias & Co., 856-865. Lisbon Weaving Co., 684- 700. Pinto & Co., 770-774, 777-786. Pussia, Molkelianoff, 373. Popoff, 174. Sweden and Norway, 26. Switzerland, Anderegg, 111. Bovet & Co., 35. Brei- tenstein, 117. Hunziker & Co., 166. Lauterberg, 129. Rikli, 133. Vaucher & Co., 36. Zeller, 144. Tunis, 10. Turkey. Tuscany, Padreddii, 60. United States, Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., 2. Char¬ leston Factory, 175 a. Delanoe, 545. Fox & Polhe- mus, 352. Graniteville Factory, 175. Kimbal, 457. Lonsdale Co., 35. Sayle, Merriam, & Brewer, 406. Western Africa, 24. Forster & Smith, 2. Hutton, J. F., 21. IJutton & Sons, 6. King, 7. McWilliam. Rotliery, 4. Townsend, 11. Weston, 1. Zollverein (1), Bodemer & Co., 820. Croon, Brothers, 609. Dahiheim, 814. Funke, 587. Kramer, 610. Lambert & May, 579. Neuhaus, 577. Seipermann & Mohlau, 676. Stephan & Co., 159. Voelkel & Co., 91. Vogel & Carner, 711. (2), Lienhart, 43. (3) , Beck, 65. Becker & Schraps, 84. Boehler & Son, 56. Hetzer & Son, 64. Heynig & Co., 57. (4) , Kolb & Schule, 28. Zais, 48. (5), Meyer & Schwartze, 8. See also Mixed Fabrics. Cotton Gins — India, vi. United States, Bates, Hyde, & Co., 440. See also Cali¬ coes. Cambrics. Chintzes. Cotton-opening, Sfc. Ma¬ chines. Damasks ( Cotton , fyc.'). Doeskins ( Cotton ). Dyed Cotton Velvets. Dyed Cotton Yarns and Cloth. Ginghams. Cotton Machinery— v. Squire & Co.,' 706. vi. Crichton, 36. Hibbert, Platt. & Sons, 1. Higgins & Sons, 14. Leach, 7. Ryder, 222. Sutcliffe, 42. India, VI. See also Bobbins (Cotton, Sfc.). Carding Engines. Roving Frames. Spindles. Spinning Wheels and Machinery. Warping Machinery. Cotton Manufacture, Illustrations of— xi. Bailly, 53. Glover & Dunn, 50. Cotton Opening and Cleansing Machines— vi. Cal¬ vert, 27. Crichton & Co., 36. Hibbert, Platt & Sons, 1. See also Cotton Gins. Cotton, Raw— iv. Royle, 107. xi. Brook & Brothers, 24. Algeria, Benes, 6. Chuffart, 17. Dupre de St. Maur, 23. Grima, 26. Haloche, 27. Morin, 39. Pelissier, 42. Reverchon, 44. Barbadoes. British Guiana, Bee, 74,76: Blair, 71,72. Netscher, 73. Ridgway, 163. Ross, 76 a, 768. Cape of Good Hope, Bazley, 30 b. Botanic Garden, 10. Manuel, 11. Ceylon. China, Shanghae, H. M.’s Consul at. Egypt, 106, 134, 151. India, iv. Malta, Pulis, 4. Schembri, 3. New South Wales, Dudgeon & Co., 4. Portugal, 539, 540. Nogueira, 538. Russia, Abdourza-Maran-Ogli, 94. Djidjivadze, Prince, 95. St. Helena, Agricultural Society, 2. Society Islands, Queen Pomare. Spain, Wdlars, 162. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey. United States, Almy, Patterson, & Co., 454. Bagby, 329. Bond, 37. Hampton, 172 b. Holmes, 316. Jones, J. R., 172 a. Jones, J. V., 172. Lak, 330. M‘Leod, 172 e. Merriweather, 164. Mitchell, 179. Morgan, 288. Nailor, 178. Pope, 32. Seabrook, 172 f, 320d. Truesdale & Co., 494. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Weston, 1. Cotton Seed—hi. Burn, 68. Western Africa, Weston, 1 Cotton Waste—ii. Duncan, 76. Cotton Yarn, Twist, &c,—xi. Dixon & Sons, 19. Greenhalgh & Sons, 28. Houldsworth & Co. 54. Oswald, Stevenson & Co., 10, Waters & Co., 43. xii. & xv. Black & Wingate, 204. Austria, Chiachich, 171. Grillmayer, 172. Grohmann, 178. Hirschell & Minerbi, 173. Perger, 174. Por- 136 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. denone Cotton Mill and Dyeing Establishment, 175. Richter, 176. British Guiana , Ries, 137. France , Cox & Co., 392. Hofer & Co. 875. Motte, Bossut & Co., 654. Picquot, 389. Vantroyen & Mallet, 715. Switzerland , Billeter, 147. Blum, 114. Buchler' & Sons, 120. Clais, 121. Imhoof, 126. Leuraan, Bro¬ thers, 130. Rieter, 132. Schmid, 136. Schwarz, 137. Springer, 138. Winkler, 142. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Brinck, 607. Hagen Turkey Red Dye¬ ing Company, 602. Neuhoff, 603. Sartoeins & Co., 611. Schoelier, 608. Wiedemann & Co., 488. Wolff, 600. (3), Bodemer, 40. Heymann 39. Pansa & Hauschild, 42. Strauss, 38. Otto, 47. Court Costume—xx. Phillpotts, 18. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Mitchell, 124, 356. Court Plumes—- See Feathers, Plumes , Sfc. Cousobrodeur — France , Magnin, 1654. Cow Bells— See Bells, Cattle. Cow Hair —xxix. Wright, 250. Cradles, Cots, &c. —xx. Capper & Son, 45. xxn. Reid, 543. xxvi. Dixcee, 16. Jennens & Bettridge, 187. xxviii. Tarbutt, 185. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Her Majesty the Queen, 353. Cranes —v. Allan, 711. Fairburn, 417. Fox, Hender¬ son & Co., 404. James & Co., 411. McNicoli & Vernon, 434. Slight, 765. Stothert, Rayno & Pitt, 403. Warren, 558. vn. Bremner, 95. Spur gin, 76. ix. Deane, Dray, & Deane, 180. Slight, 42. Netherlands , Enthoven, 76. See also Fireplace Crane. Hydraulic Crane. Steam Cranes. Cranks , for Steam-Engines, &c.— v. Judge, 130. Squire & Co. 706. Crape — xii. & xv. Bottomley, 181. xm. Courtauld & Co., 34. Grout & Co., 36. Pulling, 53. Fgypt, 215, 318, France, Brunet & Co., 1120. Montessuy & Chomer, 1360. Thevenet, Baffin & Roux, 1500. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Funke, 587. Crayon Boards, Coloured— xvn. Turnbull, J. L. & J. 45. Crayon Painting —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Kearney, 5. Crayons —Zollverein (2), Rehbach, 82. Cream of Tartar — Austria, Weber, 18. Sardinia, Castagneto, 76. Spain, Bescanzas. 239. Creosote—ii. Morson & Son, 106. Zollverein (5), Broenner, 1. (6), Oehler, 8. Cribbage-board —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Wilson, 200. Cricket Bats, &c.— xxix. Caldecourt, 199. Clapshaw, 186. Clements, 189. Dark, M. & Sons, 197. Dark, R. 198. Duke & Son, 191. Lilly white & Sons, 196. Medway, 195. Page, E. & W., 194. Crochet Needles —xxn. Hardy, 146. Crochet Work —xix. Constable, 134. Copeland, 136. Cross, 141. Dan by, C- &T.,7I. Faudel & Phillips, 165. Irish Work Society, 77. Lockwood, 240. Padwick, 251. Pearse, 266, 393. Riego de la Branchardiere, 17. Shore, 297. Sutton, 308. Water- house, E.& M. 336. Woolcock, 356. Wratislaw, 357. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 2. Zollverein (6), Moerschel, Winzenried & Co., 28. Crosby|Hall, Bishopsgate —xxx, (Fine Art Court) Seal, 218. Crown Glass— xxiv. Chance & Co., 22. Hartley &Co., 100 (Main Avenue, East). Crucibles— i. Ruel, 435. xxv. Juleff, J. & J., 30. Michell, 29a. Belgium, Puissant, 356. France, Deyeux, 476. United States, Atwood, 426. Crumb Cloths and Stair Carpeting— xiv. Beveridge, 29. Crystallography (Models illustrative of),—i. Leeson, 8. Crystals— i. Devonshire, Duke of, 14, 531. Mitchell, 9. Tennant, 14. xxiii. Emanuel, 119. xxiv. Richard¬ son, W. H. B. & J., 14. France, Bertand, 1549. Lambert, 1638. See also Bock Crystals. Cudbear—ii. Marshal], 68. iv. Smith & Son, 68. Culinary Utensils.— See Cooking Utensils. Cultivator, Self-adjusting— ix. Bendall, 32. See also Uley Cultivators. Cupping Instruments— x. Pratt, 635. Switzerland, lunod, 106. Curd-mill— ix. Stokes, 255. Curling Stones— i. Cassels, 26. Kay, 27. Currant-dressing Machine— vi. Weatherley, 441. Curriers’ Tools—xxii. Briggs, 145. Curry-combs— Austria, Koller, 466. United States, Gardner, 304. Curry-powder, Chutnee, &c.— iii. Payne & Son, 22. Curtain Rods— France, Dupes & Co., 1594. See also Brass Foundry, Sfc. Curtains— Austria, Volk maun, 190. France, Caste], 83. Daudville, 156. Hamburgh, Heiser, 26. Muckenheim & Alpers, 27. Verheim, 28. Zollverein (4), Van Zwerger & Co., 52. Cushions, Needle Work, &c.— xix. Jones, 219. Kiddle. 384. xxvi. Blott, 18. Western Africa, Beecham, 12. Forbes, 8. Hutton, 21. King, 7. Custard Powder— in. Edwards, 134. Cutlery —i. Solly & Co. 410, x. Philp & Whicker, 641. Weedon, 640. xxi. Beach, 48. Blofeld & Co. 4. Bradford, R. & W., 3. Bradford, S., 26. Colgan & Son, 25. Deane & Co., 6. Durham, 46. Grad- well, 40. Hilliard & Co., 33. Loy, 15. Mathews, 181. Mechi, 12. Morton, J. & G., 7. Mosely & Son, 13. Offord, 28. Sharpe, J. & R., 10. Thornhill, 2. Yeates, 19. xxn. Algor, 118. Barge, 144. Bashaw, 143. Blake & Parkin, 193. Brookes & Son, 110 a. Burrows, 222. Clayton, 142. Ellin & Co., 120. Ellis, 156. Eyre & Co., 203. Hague, 226a. Hargreaves & Co., 116. Hincliffe, 224. Holmes, 130, Hutton, 166. Ibbot- son & Co., 191. Jones, 136. Ledger, 155. Leon, 225. Makin, 112. Mappin & Brothers, 139. Marsh & Co., 162. Marshall, 197. Mottram & Hawkins, 691. New- bould & Baildon, 133 A. Nicholson, 137. Nowill & Sons, 149. Oliver, 121. Parkin & Marshal], 119. Rodgers & Sons, 690 (Main Avenue, West). Saynor & Sons, 198. Sellers, 147. Turner & Co., 117. Unwin & Rogers, 159. Unwin, W., 178, Whittles & Froggart, 693. Willoughby, 173. Wilson & Son, 195. Winks & Son, 134. Wostenholm, 125. xxm. Higgins, 115. Austria, Alsterberger, 503. Bauer, 504. Bley, 505. Bresilmaier, 506. Bubenitsch, 507. Daucher, 508. Dernberger, 509. Dietzl, 510. Doppler, 511. Fors- CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 137 ter, 512. Freukner, 513. Frohlich, C., 514. Frohlich, J., 515. Grunwald, 516. Haindl, 517. Helm, 518. Hofer, 519. Kaltenmark, 520. Kerbler, 521. Krana- wetter, 522. Liclitl, 523. Lieder, 524. Loschen- kohl, C., 525. Loschenkohl, J., 526. Maderbceck, 527. Miller, 528. Milter, J., 530. Mitter, J. sen., 529. Moser, A., 531, 532. Moser, C., 533. Moser, F., 534. Moser, G., 535. Moser, J., 536, 537. Os~ terberger, 538. Pessl, 544. Pfustersmidt, 546. Pichler, 545. Pieler, 539. Pillss, 541. Pilss, C. 540. Pilss, G., 542. Pilss, M., 543. Rapp, 547. Reidler, J., 550. Reidler, L., 551. Ressl, J., 548. Ressl, M., 549. Rosier, 552. Rupprecht, 553. Salz- wimmer, 554. Schindler, 555. Schwinghammer, 556. Stierhofer, 557. Stierl, 558. Stuckhart, 559. Voith, 560. Wacter, 561. Weichselbaumer, J.,562. Weichsel- baumer, M., 563. Teyfelmeyer, 564. Belgium , Mounoyer, 352. Cape of Good Hope , Moravian Missionary Station at Genadendal, 44. Ceylon. France, Ckarriere, 1145. Guerre, 858. Lanne, 1641. Picault, 348. Renodier & Son, 982. Roissard, 1450. Tabourdeau, 1496. India , I. xxi. Jersey and Guernsey, Carmalt, 18. Nova Scotia, Acadian Iron Mining Association, 1. Archibald, 2. Russia, Iakvleff, 286. Sweden and Norway, Heljestrand, 11. Lundqvist, 11. Oesterberg, 11. Stille, 12 A. Svalling, 11. Turkey. United States, Lawrence. 517. Pooley, 225. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (1), Boecker, 633. Coppel, 628. Hasen- clever & Sons, 631. Henkels, 1S7. Hilgers & Sons, 631. Hoeller, 637. Linder, 629. Luckhaus & Co., 631. Post, J. D. 615. Post & Sons, 616. Schmolz & Co., 673. Schulz, 880. Schwarte, 640. Thomas, 671. (3), Krumbholz & Trinks, 30. Levy, 31. (4). Dittmar, Brothers, 57. Cvanide Powder — Zollverein (1), Krimmelbein & Bredt, 457. Cyanotype and Chrysotype Pictures (Sir J. Herschel’s) —x. Henneman & Malone, 297. Ciclops Steel Works, Sheffield, (Model of)—xxn. Johnson, Cammill, & Co., 109. Cypress Tree — China , Standish & Noble. D, Daggers — France, Vilpelle, 1523. Russia, Bazalay, 164. Oste-Selim-Molla-Noori-Ogli, 165. Spain, Toledo Royal Ordnance, 266. Turkey. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. McWilliam. Zollverein (1), Schulz, 880. Daguerreotype Apparatus —x. Beauford, 406. Claudet, 296. Field & Son, 250. Horne & Co., 220. France, Mayer, Brothers, 623. Zollverein (1), Schneider, 203. (5), Albert, 7. See also Calotype Apparatus. Camera Obscura, Daguerreotype (or Photographic) Pictures— x. Beard, 292. Bingham, 302. Claudet, 296. Griffiths and Le Beau, 404. Kilburn, 294. Mavall, 291. Paine, 295. Tyre, Brothers, 299. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Craddock, 227. Laroche, 252. Voigtlauder & Co., 254. Austria, Vogel, 739, 740. France, Bayard, 414. Gouin, 241. Le Gray, 585. Maucomble, 620. Plagniol, 1679. Sabatier, 1467. Saugrin, 690. Thierry, 1038. Hamburgh, Kohnke, 103. United States, Brady, 137. Evans, 105. Fontain & Porter, 550. Gavit, 125. Harrison, 223. Lawrence, 151. Mayall, 491. Mead & Brothers, 109. Pratt & Co., 264. Root, 42. Whipple, 451. Whitehurst, J., 525. Whitehurst, J. H., 377. Zollverein (4), Von Minutoli, 191. See also Calotype Process. Chromotype Pictures. Cyanotype and Chrysotype Pictures. Dairy Utensils— India, vi. See also Butter Prints and Boards. Butter Tubs. Cheese Presses. Churns. Curd Mills. Milk Pails. Milk Strainers. Dam for River Operations (Model)— vii. Green, 17. Damask Looms— vi. Henning, 43. Damasks (Cotton, and Cotton and Woollen)— Switzer¬ land, Blumer & Jenny, 116. Zollverein (2), Braun, 39. (3), Heynig& Co. 57. Hcesel & Co. 86. Lohse, 85. Roehrig & Albrecht, 87. Seyflert & Breyer, 88. Damasks (Linen)—xiv. Brown & Sons, 17. Canter, 36. Capper & Son, 95. Carter, Brothers, 36. Curry & Co., 24. Coulson, 92. Crawford & Lindsays, 13. Devas & Co., 34. Fletcher, 36. Hattersley & Co., 36. Haxworth & Carnley, 36. Houghton, 50. Hunt & Son, 28. Jackson and Matthewman, 36. Kinnis, 26. Pegler, 43. Pigott & Newton, 36. Richardson & Co. 7. Austria, Von Harrach, 285. Simonetta, 291. Belgium, Dujardin, 217. France, Grassot & Co., 526,1257. Netherlands, Galle, 47. Geffen, 46. Ven, 44. Voort, 45. Zollverein (1), Mueller, 541. Urban, 724. Westermann & Sons, 544. Wiedenmann, 669. (2), Trendels & Son, 41. (3), Beyer & Co., 51. Lieske & Haebler, 52. Proelss &Sons, 54. Waentig & Sons, 53. (4), Faber, 33. (6), Lobn, 29. Sturth, 30. Damasks (Silk, Satin, and Velvet)—xii. &xv. Hoadley & Pridie, 128. Shepard & Perfect, 131. xm. Boyd, 13. Campbell & Co., 31. Grosvenor, 52. Sewell & Co. 19. Stillwell & Son, 7. Swan and Edgar, 11. W right, 54. Austria, Giaui, 257. China, Lindsay. Shea. France, Adolphe, 1. Lapeyre, 1292. Portugal, Jorge, 965-967. Russia, Kondrasheff, 353. MatvielT, 367. Sardinia , Chichizola & Co., 39. Spain, Orduna, 214. Zollverein (1), Lucius & Co., 729. Wiegand, 734. (3), Behr & Schubert, 50. Hoesel & Co. 86. Lohse, 85. Roehrig & Albrecht, 87. Seyflfert & Breyer, 88. Thuemer & Toeper, 90. Damasks (Worsted and Woollen)—xn. & xv. Akroyd & Son, 130. Brown, 129. Craven & Harrop, 153. Hoadley & Pridie, 128. Holdsworth & Co., 166. Me Crea, 135. Ripley & Son, 148. Shepard & Perfect, 131. Ward, 134. Russia, Favar, 195. 138 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Damp (Composition for preserving against) — Belgium, Coldters, 41. Damp Detectors— x. Green, 446. Damp Walls, Felt for—vii. Croggon & Co., 110. Date Dials (for Counting-houses)—xxn. Shoolbred & Co., 66. Dates— Egypt, 27-36, 54, 60, 132, 133, 167. Tunis, 78,' 79, 112, 134. Decanters— xxiv. Davis & Co., 15. Gatchell, 12. Jones & Sons, 11. Molineaux & Co., 13. xxv. Sharpus & Cullum, 41. See also Glass Ware. Decimal Scales— Portugal, Pinto Basto, 631. Decoctions and Infusions—ii. Austin, 114. Bass, 95. Decorations (Undescribed)—xxvi. Bonnar & Carfrae, 108. Cameron, 93. Goodison, 201. Spain, Yraburo, 275. See also House Decorations. Dental Instruments— x. Finzi, 602. Goddard, 636. Harnett, 684. Harrington, 721. Jack, 678. Wood, 643. United States, Chevalier, 120. See also Electric Gal¬ vanic Apparatus. Dentist’s Chair— x. Matthews, 181. Dentistry (Articles of, including Artificial Teeth,)—x. Ash & Sons, 578. Dinsdale, 718. Finzi, 602. Ghrimes, 574. Harnett, 684. Harrington, 721. Horne, 575. Laurie, 576. Miles, 601. Morrison, 189. Nolan, 558. Parks, 413 a. Perkins, 581. Ransom, 584. Robinson, 582. Rose, 719, Sinclair & Hockley, 329. Truman, 720. Waite, 441. Watt, 717. xxm. Mor¬ timer, 57. Austria , Edler Yon Wursh, 52. Canada, Dickinson, 193. Rahu, 19 a. Jersey Sf Guernsey, De le Conde, 7 a. Spain, Leon, 274. Switzerland, Schneider, 102. United States, Alcock, 220. Ambler & Avery, 214, 291. Avery, 76. Barlow, 350. Brown, 216. Browne, 419. Buckingham, 63. Hawes, 153. Hitchcock, 518. Hunter, 9. Jones, White, & M‘Curdy, 33. Phila¬ delphia, 558. Reynolds, 61. Wardle, 47. Zollverein (l),Kunst, 70. Deodorizing Chambers— ix. Rogers, 183. Depurator— France, Risler & Son, 1438. Derbyshire Spar— i. Potter & Co., 87. Derrick Cranes— v. Fox, Henderson & Co., 404. Designs (undescribed)—xvm. Gann, 94. Hunt, 90. Sand¬ way, 93. Desks —See Writing Desks. Dewrance’s Patent Metal— v. Squire & Co. 706. Dextrine— Austria , Engelmann, 22. Diagraphs and Pantographs— France, Gavard, 235. Dial Illuminating Apparatus— x. Blaylock, 92. Dial Plates ('Barometer)—x. Rush, 137. Dials, Sun —x. Evans, 106. Green, 446. Lawrence, 115. Mauritius, Balkeld&Co. 5. Natural History Society, 4. Netherland , Uhlman, 85. Dials, Sun (Portable)—x. Parkes & Son, 671, Diamond Balances— x. De Grave & Co., 333. Diamonds— xxm. “Koh-i-Noor,” Her Majesty the Queen, 140 (Main Avenue, East). Hope, 73. India, (Durria-i-Noor, or Sea of Light), xxm. See also Precious Stones. Diapers— xiv. Beveridge, 29. Canter, 36. Carter, Bro¬ thers, 36. Clibborn & Co-, 20. Fletcher, 36. Hat- tersley & Co., 36. Haxworth & Carnley, 36. Hibbert, 39. Jackson and Matthewman, 36. Pigott & Newton, 36. Netherlands, Geffen, 46. Zollverein (1), Dierig, 92. (3), Brandstetter, 55. Diastimeter— Zollverein, (4) Kinzelbach, 26. Dibbling Machines— See Seed-Dibbling, 8pc., Machines. Dies (Medal, Button, &c.) — xvii. Pinches & Co , 33. xxii. Lingard, 264. Nash,* 310, xxx. (Fine Art Court) Sounes, 359. Sardinia , Lendy, 60. See also Button, Metal, Machinery . Digging Machine (Model)—ix. Parsons, 112. Dimity —xi. Cook, 38. Martin & Son, 37. Zollverein (1), Neuhaus, 577. Dinant Cake — Belgium, Clavereau, 69. Dinting Vale Viaduct ("Model)—vn. Jee, 222 (Main Avenue, West). Dipleidoscope —x. Dent, 55. Direction-Labels —xvi. Evans & Son, 18. Disinfecting Fluids —iv. Burnet, Sir W-, 7. See also Deodorizing Chambers. Disinfecting Powder— n. Collins, 109. Dissolving Views —x. Horne & Co., 220. Distances (Instruments for ascertaining and measuring)— x. Bridges, 339. Elliott & Sons, 320. Distiller or Rectifier’s recording Close Safe— vi. Dawson, 612. Distilled Waters—xxix. Taylor & Co., 5. istilling Appara tus — France, Andreoletti, 1 0. Lein¬ ster, 1716. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Stolzenberg, 1. Distributor —vi. Lawrence, 604. Diurnal Reflectors — France, Troupeau, 1703, Dividing Machine —x. Best, 330, Diving Apparatus —v. Deane, 426, vii. Heinlce; 53. Siebe, 1. Diving Bells—viii. Bell, 14. Dock-Gate Caissoons—viii. Ditchburn, 30. Doeskins (Woollen)—xii. & xv. Brook & Son, 487. Cooper, D. & J., 42. Scott & Wright, I. Wheeler, 271. Austria, Biedermann & Co., 206. Binder, 207. Gaes Cloth Manufacturing Company, 209. Illek, 216, Namiest Cloth Manufacturing Company,*220. Posselt, 223. Schoell, 226. New South Wales, Ragner, A. & J., 5. Russia, Moss & Co. 192, United States, Withered & Co., 529. Dog-Kennels—xxviii. Toplis & Sons, 154. Dolfor Church (Model)— vii. Newnham, 170. Dolls— Zollverein (2), Neubronner, 97. Dolomite (for Cement)—i. Sweetman, 40. Canada, Logan, 1. Wilson, 2. Domestic Implements — Turds, 51,52. See also Cooking Utensils. Doors (Models)—vi. Williams, 234. vii. Beadon, 51. xxii. Greenfield, 676 a. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Emerv, 345. Doors, Swing — xxii. IVPClure, 568. Door Fastenings —x. Elisha, 39. xxii. Greenfield, 670a. Knight, 587. British Guiana, Steele, 154, 155b. France, Credrue, 134. Rebert, 975. Jersey Sp Guernsey, White, 12, Door Furniture (Porcelain)—xxv. Meyer, T. J. & J. 9. Door Mats —See Mats. Matting. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating theii Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 139 Door Plates, Knobs, &c.— xxviii. Smith, 22. xxix. Lucas, 277. France, Corderant, 1157. Trelon, Weldon & Weil, 700. Door Slides (for excluding draughts)— vii, Wilson, 113, 188. vm. Beadon, 90. xxii. Gidney, 556. Door Springs — xxii. Hampden, 612. Savage, 56. Doubling Machine (for lace thread)—vi. Gardner & Bazley, 87. Down — Russia, Ladighin, 283. Pophoff, 144. See also Bed Feathers, Down, Sfc . Eider-down . Drags and other Apparatus for saving Life from Drowning — vm. Cleare, 311. Royal Humane Society, 15. ix. Whitfield, 68. See also Ice-Boats. Drain-Tile and Pipe Machines — ix. Brodie, 98. Clayton, 47. Cottam & Ilallen, 109a. Dean, 4. Scragg, 228. Whitehead, 239. Williams. 151. xxii. Prideaux, 239. See alss# Brick and Tile Machines. Drain-Tiles and Pipes —Western end, North Enclosure, (outside), Doulton & Co. 64. Ferguson, Miller, & Co. 66. Francis & Sons, 71. I. Cooper, 129a. Fa- hie, 30, 129. Methuen & Sons, 126. Pease, 122. ix. Enniskillen, Earl of, 232. Grimsley, 136. France, Thibault Boilesve, 1502. Drain Traps —See Sewer Traps. Draining Machine (Model)—ix. Gregory, 17 a. Draining Tools —ix. Cottam & Hallen, 109a. Saunders, 269b. x. Cox, 347. Denton, 317. xxii. Skeltons, 220. See also Land Presser. Dramming Apparatus (silk machinery)—vi. Davenport, 80. Draught Boards —See Chess Boards. Drawbridge, Portable (Model)—vn. Lavancky, 84. Drawing Boards —xvn. Turnbull, J. L. & J. 45. Drawing Books —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Brown, 34. Drawing Instruments —x. Dobson, 323. Elliott & Sons, 320. Russia, Imperial Ijorsk Works, 169. Sweden fy Norway, Littman, 15 . Yiberg, 14. Zollverein (1), Nietzchmann & Vaccani, 706. Drawing Models —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Green & Fahey, 8. Sharp, 20. Drawing Regulator — United States, Hayden, 386. Drawing, Roving, and Spinning Frames — vi. Higgins & Sons, 14. Parr & Co., 6. See also Roving Frames. Spinning Wheels and Machines. Drawings (various)— vii. Martin, 25. x. Peterman, 711. xvn. Anderson, 200. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Place, 267. Falkland Islands, Whittington. Lahuan, Sfc., Grey, the Countess, 1. New South Wales, M‘Arthur 13. See also Chemical Drawings. Pen and Ink Drawings. Rice-Paper Drawings. Dress Fasteners (Steel)— xxii. Aston, 283. Dressing-cases —x. Smith & Son, 31. xvi, Brindley, 21. Hardy, 131. Nowill & Sons, 149. xxii. Fearncombe, 169a. xxiii. Stoclcen, 81, 200. xxvi. Page, 229. xxix. Best, 37. Edwards, 89. Mechi,45. Strudwick, 42. France, Aucoe, 1052. Zollverein (1), Schreiber, 783. Dressing-case Fittings —xxii. Brookes, 171. Dressing Machines —ix. De Porquet, 202. See also Corn Cleaning and Dressing Machines . Dried Fruits— See Fruits (Dried and Preserved). Drill Grubbers —ix. Gray & Sons, 150. Wilkie & Co., 21. Drill Ploughs (for Green Crops)—ix. France, 73. See also Drills. Drilling Machines (for Iron-work)— vi. Hick & Son, 218. Parr & Co., 6. Whitworth & Co., 201. Wil¬ liams, 234. Drills — ix. Crosskill, 135. Garrett & Sons, 142. Groun- sell, 148. Hornsby & Son, 233. See also Drill Ploughs. Seed-Dibbling , Sfc. Machines. Drip-Stone — Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 80. Driving Belts (for Machinery)—xvi. Lupton, 3. xxviii. Curtis, Brothers, 194. Driving-Wheel (for Railway Engines)—v. Warren, 1001. Drowning Persons, Apparatus for the Recovery of —vm. Cleare, 311. See also Drags, Sfc. Ice-Boats. Life Belts and Buoys. Life-Boats, Rafts, Sfc. Druggets — Austria, Tartler, 202. France, Boyer, Lacour, Brothers, & Co., 35. Drugs (undescribed)— ii. The London Druggists, 117. Turkey. United States, Haskell, Merrit & Buel, 340. Zollverein (1), 120a. See also Chemical Preparations. Medical Herbs and Drugs. Drums —x. Ward, 527. Hamburgh, De Rode, 16. India, x. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Townsend, 11. Zollverein (4), Rexr, 25. Dry Dock (Model)— vii. Giles, 71. Drying Oil—ii. Blundell & Co., 48. Duelling Pistols— See Guns, Sfc. Dumpy Levels— See Levels, Surveyors’, 8fc. Dundee Triumphal Arch (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Rochead, 232. Durham, Earl of, Monument to (Model)— vii. Green, 3. Durria-i-Noor, or Sea of Light (a Diamond)— India, XXIII. Dyed Cotton Velvets —xvm. Andrews & Co., 43. Cussons & Co., 55. Stirling & Sons, 56. Dyed Cotton Yarn and Cloth —xi. Lowthian & Parker, 22, xvm. Cairns, 49a. Greenwood & Co., 46. Steiner & Co., 37. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Dyed Feathers —xvi. Adcock & Co. 323 a (Main Ave¬ nue, West). Dyed Furs —xvi. Bevington & Morris, 332. Dyed Goods (Various)—xn. & xv. Armitage & Co., 146. Holdsworth, 165 a. Holroyd & Co. 163. Ripley & Son, 148. Schofield & Co., 3. Smith, 163. xvm. Johnson, 20. Dyed Hair—xviii. Hitch, 59. xxviii. Ross & Sons, 64. Dyed Leather — iv. Smith & Son, 68. Dyed Silk & Satin —xi. Daily & Co., 64. xvm. Jourdain, 61. Lelievre, 60. Reynolds & Son, 63. Russia, Hadji-babi-Kelbalay-Oossein-Ogli, 53, 142. Dyed Wool and Woollen Cloth—xii. & xv. Bateson & Co., 39. Pawson & Co. 40. xvm. Chabot, 62. Hitch, 59. xix. Barclay, 389. Dyed Worsted— iv. Robinson & Co. 72, xvm. Walshaw & Sons, 58. 140 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Dyeing and Scouring (Specimens of) — France, Griffon, 1258. Dyeing Stuffs — i. Jenkins, 502. n. Kurtz & Schmersahl, 0. Dentith & Co., 8. Lee, 69. Leifchild, 67. Lind¬ say, 16. Tennants & Co. 7. IV. Burch, 77. xx. Macdougall, 83. xxvm. Harris, S. & H., 117. Belgium , Vloebergs, 36. Ceylon. China , East India Company. France, Bataille, 42. Michel, 640. Mottet, 932. Steiner, 383. India, iv. Netherlands, Smits, 20. New Zealand, Collinson, 3. Russia, 89. Spain, Gisbert, 137. Huelva, 136. Zaragoza Agricul¬ tural Board, 148, Turkey. Zollverein (1), Gruene, 43. Weis, 684. See also Cochi¬ neal. Colour Extractor Apparatus. Dynamographs — Austria, Vienna Polytechnic Institute, 130. France, Clair, 1151. Tailfer & Co., 386, 1026. Dynamostater — Netherlands, Cazaux, 89. Dynanometers— ix. Bentall, 217, See also Electro-Dyna- nometers. E. Far Trumpets —x. Rein, 629. Early-calling Machine —x. Smith, 359. See also Ala¬ rum Bedsteads. Alarums (for Clocks, Sfc.). Earth-Borer — Netherlands, Sondermeyer, 72. See also Boring Machines, Sfc. Earthenware and China —xxv. Allen, 40. Anderson & Bettany, 16. Bowers, 13. Brameld, 43. Brown, T. & M. L., 45. Chamberlain & Co., 44. Clement- son, 8. Coke & Edge, 21. Copeland, 2. Daniel, A. B. & R.P. 23. Deakin, 18. Dudson, 56. Edwards & Sons, 37. Fell & Co., 28. Finch, 38. Glover & Colclough, 25. Green, 50. Hilditch & Hopwood, 17. Juleif, J. & J., 30. Kennedy, 4. Keys & Mountford, 14. Lockett, 55. Lowe, 39. Mason, 3. Meigh & Sons, 10. Meyer, T. J. & J., 9. Miles, 32. Minton & Co., 1. Pratt & Co., 22. Sharp & Co., 36. Sharpus &Cullum, 41. Simpson, 33. Till & Son, 20. xxvil. Porter, 66. Austria, Hardmuth, 621. Minitzek, 624. Ceylon. China, Baring, Brothers. Braine. Hewett & Co. Reeves. Sichart & Co. Denmark, Polmager, 24. Egypt, 345, 347. France, Alluand, 1051. Avisseau, 1543. Barre-Russhi, 20. Boyer, 1554. De Boissimon, 427. Gorsas & Perier, 1253. Lecoq & Rieder, 1304. Mayer & Co., 1656. Morel, Brothers, 1734. Nast, 659. Pony at, 687. Provancher, 970. Ricroch & Co., 986. Ruaud, 1463. Sevres National Manufactory, 1369. Hamburgh, Hansa, 58. India , xxv. Malta, Decesare, 27. Netherlands, Draaisma, 68. Portugal, Pinto, Basto & Co., 1110, 1111. Russia, St. Petersburgh Imperial China Manufactory, 318. Spain, Ysasi, 51. Tunis, 139-148. Turkey. Tuscany, Giuori, Marquis, 72. Van Diemens Land, Tibbs, 234. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. McWilliam. Zollverein (1), Altmann, 215. Conta & Boehme, 815. Fran ken berg, 216. Jannarscb, 821. Mattschas, 217. Paetsch & Iiintze, 218. Sfrahl, 206. (3), Adler, 175. Saxon Royal Manufactory, 174. (4), Uechtritz & Faist, 68. See also Porcelain Ware. Pottery. Pottery Clay. Stone Ware. Earthenware Cornices —xxv. Bowes, 13. Earthenware Glazing, Composition for —xxv. Whal- ley, 27. Earths — See Soils and Earths. East Pool (Copper) Mine (Sectional Model of)—i. Richard, 441a. Eau-de-Cologne— xxix. Farina, 21. Zollverein (l), Farina, 426, 858. Herstatt & Co. 427. Martin, 425. Spendeck & Co. 424. Zonoli, 858. Eau-de-Cologne (British)— xxix. Stevenson, 23. Eau-de-Cologne Fountain— Austria, Farina, 748. Eaves-Gutters—vii. Beadon, 51. Ebbw Vale Iron-Works (Maps and Models illustrative of)—i. Ebbw Vale Company, 412. Ebony— See Timber. Woods. Eccentric Tumbler —v. Beecroft, Butler, & Co. 646. Ecclesiastical Furniture, Decorations, &c.—xxvi. French, 110. Hardman & Co., 532. Ponsonby, 199. Pratt, 196. Pugin, 529. Wynne & Lumsden, 19. xxviii. Wippel, 10. Austria, Krickl, 263. Pfeninberger, 359. Belgium, Dussaert, 407. Van Halle, 303. India, xxn. See also Altar Furniture. Lecterns. Pulpits. Eclipse Indicators —x. Murdoch, 202. Economic Geology (Specimens of)— United States, Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 24. Effluvia Traps—v. Jackson, 682. vn. Lowe& Co. 62. xxii. Duley, 89. See also Sewer Traps. Egg-Beater — xxii. Lorkin, 692. xxv. Lorkin, 52. Egg-Boiler —vm. Inskip, 227. Egg-Shell Carvings, &c.— xxix. Bessent, 293. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Jacot, 210. Eider Down — iv. Heal & Sons, 59. ifwssia, Semenoff& Faleyetf, Brothers, 247. -Seealso Down. Eider-Down Quilts —iv. Heal & Sons, 59. Nightingale and Co. 57. xix. Heal & Son, 396. Elder Pith (Models in)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Clifford, 222. Cossens, 25. Limeuse, 179. Eldon and Stowell Group — (Main Avenue, West) Eldon, Earl of, 81. Electric Clocks—S ee Clocks, Electric. Electric Copying Telegraph —x. Bakewell, 433. Electric Galvanic Apparatus (for use in Dental Surgery)—x. Waite, 441. Electric Locomotives — France, Breton, Brothers, 1113. Electric Printing Telegraphs—x. Brett, J. & J. W., 429. United States, Smead, 237. Electric Telegraphs & Apparatus— x. Alexander, 426. Allan, 201. Bain, 434. Brett, 422. British Electric Telegraph Company, 432. Dering, 436. French, 435. Henley, 428. McNair & Co., 421. Mapple, 126. Reid, 427. Walker, 430. Wishaw, 419. xxii. Tupper & Carr, 550. xxiv. Aire & Calder Bottle Company, 6. Hanover, Lohdehnk, 4. Zollverein (1), Siemens & Halske, 252a, 310a. (3), Stoehrer, 15. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 141 Electric Telegraphs (Comic)—x. Smith, 424. Electrical Machines and Apparatus— x.Harrison, 464. France , Duchemie, 171. See also Galvano-Electric Machines. Thermo-Electric Battery. Electrical Machines, Gutta Percha. —x. Westmore¬ land, 444. Electro-Dynanometers (for measuring Galvanic Currents) — Zollverein (3), Leyser, 16. Electro-Gilding (Specimens of)—xxn. Cartwright & Hirons, 250. Prime & Son, 342. Sturges, 341. Winton & Sons, 268. xxm. Broadhead & Atkins, 43. Elkington, Mason & Co., 1. (Main Avenue, West), Elkington, 92, 93, 94. Gough, 33. Harrison, 37. Hawkesworth & Co., 35. Morley, 67. Roberts & Hall, 40. Robinson, 96. Sharp, 120. Smith & Co., 110. Wilkinson & Co., 32. France, Thouret, 1702. Zollverein (1), Mohring, 275. Electro-Magnetic Alarum—x. Nichols, 414. Electro-Magnetic Engines —v. Stanton, 661. x. Cress- well, 417. Hardy, So. Harrison, C. W. & J. A. 420. Watkins & Hill, 659. Denmark, Hjorth, 47. Electro-Magnetic Machines and Apparatus — x. Dunn, 689a. Henley, 428. Joule, 440. Simons, 663. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. Zollverein (2), Zweibriicken Mechanical School, 32. Electro-Plating and Gilding Apparatus — vi. Lyons, 203. Electrophorus— x. Phillips, 411. Electro-Stereotype Plate (for Printing)—xvn. Muir, 174. Electrotypes (including Specimens of Electrotyping)— x. Hamilton, 733, 742. Newbury, 460. Palmer, 451. xvn. Barrett & Co., 196. Eiggins, V. & J,, 124. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Ibbetson, 323. Pring, 256. Westwood, 292. Zollverein (1), Sussmann, 305. Winkelmann, 282. (3), Buettner, 187. Elephants’ Teeth and Tusks— Cape of Good Hope, Buchanan & Law, 53. Deane and Johnson, 19. Egypt, 115. India, iv. Labuan, Sgc., Hammond & Co., 2. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Elephant Trappings — India, xvi. j Elizabeth, Queen (Statue of)— xxm. Morel & Co. ,117. Elliptograpii (Wilson's)—xxn. Bird & Co., 85. Elster, &c., Viaducts (Models)— Zollverein (3), Dres¬ den Royal Direction of Railways, 26. Embossed Articles— France, Desjardins-Lieux, 1588. Netherlands, Grebe, 102. ij Embossing Irons—xxii. Lee, 693 a. Embossing Presses — vi. Collett, 155. Harris, 151. Jarrett, 154, Muir, 206. United States, Dick, 79. II Embroidery and Embroidered Goods (Silk, Muslin, &c.) — XI. Mair & Company, 59. xii. & xv. Baird, 290. Bottomley, 181, Brown & Forster, 9. Burgess & Co., 243. Clark, 169. Forbes & Hutchison, 291. Salomons & Sons, 305. Smith & Whyte, 459. Tetley, 172. Whitehill & Co., 287. xm, Houlds- worth & Co., 64. Mason, 35. xiv. Brown, 2. Duffer in’s, Lord, School, Belfast, 3. Henning, 16. Pelling, 4. Rogers & Co., 32. xix. Bessemer, 102. Blackburn, 103. Brooks, 113. Brown 8c Co., 57. Brown, S. R. & T. 58. Cangort School of Charity, 227. Clark, r 78. Dalrymple, 377. Daniel and Cossins, 145. Davidson, 148. Ditl, 152. Evans, 161. Harris, Brothers, 192. Hatch, 202. Howell & Co. 5. Irish Work Society, 77. Jackson, 84. Jones, 138. King, 224. Lambert, 229. Lanchenick, 230. Mallalieu, 244. Mee, 51. Melton, 250. Mow- land, 228. O’Donnell, 53. Oliver, 259. Palmer, E., 262. Palmer, R., 400. Purcell, 88. Rogers, 111. Roome, 283. Stirling, 86. Sutherland, 309. Tawton, 391. Tetley, 314. Wasiibourne, 335. West, 374. Wheler, 238. Whitney, 347. xx. Moore, 47. Oddy, 121. Wheeler & Ablett,22. xxvi. Scholey, Misses, 142. Algeria, Baruch Toledano, 59. Austria, Benkowitz, 389. Bossi, 386. Laporta, 387. Meuil, Heirs of, 383. Rolz, 384. Belgium , Belloni-Ance, 319. Berenharts & Co. 334. Dartevelle and Mounoury, 329. Dujardin, 317. Jacq- main, 459. Paternostre, 331. Roy, 301. Sweveghem, Embroidery Workshop of, 323. Vander Kelen, 313. Weil-Meyer & Co. 336. Canada, De Montenac, 163. Dunn, 119. Henderson, 174. Henderson, H., 145. China, Baring, Brothers. Hewett & Co. Lindsay. Rawson. Egypt, 220, 283, 285-287, 319, 322, 323, 331. France, Audiat, 1545. Berr & Co. 54, Bietry & Son, 356. Couchonnal & Co. 11 tiO. Delaroche-Daigrement, 267. Debbeld, Pellerin & Co. 1173. Felix, 503. Guy- net & Becquet, 254. Hooper, Carroz, & Salourier, 1625. Hubert, 268. Quern & Co. 1415. Seib, 1009. Hamburgh, Gerson, 32. Rey, 30. Scheie, 31. India, xv. xix. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 2. Seaton, Lord, 5. Jersey and Guernsey, McDonald, 29. Lubech, Spiegel & Co. 8. Stolle, 9. Malta, Azzopardi, 20. Dimech, 21. Enriquez, 9. Grech, 17. Lagrestiz, 18. Naudi, 8. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Yerber, 10. Netherlands, Otto, 56. Persia, Araman. Russia, Hadgi-Aga-Baba, 269. Ooste, 194. Sardinia, Crocco, Brothers, 50. Stefani, 86. Tessada, 49. Spain, 235, 238. Gilard, 237. Hammond & Co. 236. Sweden and Norway, Almgren, 30. Hamren, 28, Horn, 29. Switzerland, Alder & Meyer, 109. Alther, 110. Baen- ziger, 188. Depierre, Brothers, 189. Ehrenzeller, 191. Eugster, Brothers, 190. Fisch, Brothers, 192. Holder- egger, 195. Koellreutter, 196. Pauly, 199. Schoch, Schiess & Son, 202. Staeheli-Wild, 208. Sutter, 203. Tanner, B., 204. Tanner, J. U., 205. Tanner & Koller, 206, Waldburger & Langenegger, 207. Zaehner & Schiess, 143. Turkey. United States, Borgnis, 487. Getsinger, 320. Haight, 385. Van Diemen s Land, Burgess, 109,110. Western Africa, M‘William. Zollverein (1), Grossmann, 752. Koenig, 163. Parev, 169. Pintus, 135. Schleuss, 160. Sommerfeld, 173. Stieff & Harrass, 161. Weissflog, 720. (2), Graetzsch, 51. Mayer, 52. (3), Boehler & Son, 56. Foerster, 68. Hietel, 168b. Koester & Uhlmann, 70. Krause & Co. 58. Mammen & Co. 59. Meinhold & Stoffregen, 61. Schmidt 8c Co. 60. Schnorr Sc Steinhaeuser, 62. 142 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Schreiber, 71. Schubert, 156. Stoelzel & Son, 66. Teubner, 150a, (4), Neuburger & Sons, 49. Van Zwerger, Detfner & Weiss, 52. (6), Kern, 45. Dul- cius, 72. See also Berlin Wool Work. Crochet Work. Knitted Work. Needle Work. Netted Work. Embroidery (Gold and Silver)— xii. & xv. Bottom! ey, 181. Forbes and Hutchison, 291. xix. Abraham, 76. Barrett & Conney, 76. Ditl, 152. Hanson, 188. Harrison, 85. Jancovvski, 48. Lambert & Brown, 83, Newton & Co. 258. Rodgers & Son, 280. xx. Solomon, 86. Walsh & Co., 109. xxm. Hancock, 112. xxviii . Rousseau, 116. Algeria , Judas Moha, 30. Austria, Bauhofer, 388, Belgium, Paternoster, 331. China, Thoms. Egypt, 218, 220, 221, 313-317, 329, 330. France, Vaugeois & Truchy, 718. India, xv., xix. Ionian Islands, Seaton, Lord. Persia, Araman. Thompson. Russia, Popinoff, 310. Shikhonin, 275, 276. Spain, Gilart, 237. Tunis, 41, 42, 83, 93, 94. Turkey. Tuscany, Parlanti, 101. Zollverein (1), Alberti, 751. Kausche, 794, Sommerfeld, 173. (2), Brentano, Pellouz & Co, 36 Embroidery Patterns and Designs —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Belfast Government, School of Design, 338. Zollverein (1), Gluex-, 176. Griinthal, 166. Neie, 168. Rudloff Brothers, 170. Seiffert & Co. 162. Todt, 171. Emerald, Crystal —(the property of the Duke of Devon¬ shire) I. Tennant, 14. Emeralds— See Precious Stones. Emery —n. Ellam & Co., 58. France, Rojon, 358. Greece, 20. Emery Cloth — xxix. Barsham & Co., 213. Rogers, R. & H., 215. Emery Grinders— France, Dubus, 481. Emigrant’s House (Model)—vn. Whytock, 156. Emigrants’ Kitchens — xxii. Rigby, 411. Enamels and Enamel Painting—xxiii. Buss, 79. Ed¬ wards, 78. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Bell, 249. Bone, 238. Chesters, 246. Doe, 253. Essex, 241. Ether- ington, 234. Haslem, 237. China, Shea. Sichart & Co. France, Baudouin, 44. Boquet, 1098. Sevres National Manufacture, 1369. Sturm, 384. Switzerland, Bautte, 236. Chenevavd, 240. Dufaux, 249. Hess, 241. Lombard, 245. United States, Savery, 55. Zollverein (l),Fuenger, 409. (3), Walther, 177. Enamelled Glass—xxiv. Baillie, 61. Enamelled Mangers, &c.—xxii. Hood, 1. Enamelled Slate — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Bingley, 226. Enamelled Ware (various)— x. Barling, 90. xxii. Clark, 657. Hampden, 612. Hood, 1. Kenrick & Sons, 360 a. Encaustic Paintings— xxvi. Foster, 33. Austria , Baggatti-Valseichi, 616. Tuscany, Ridolfi, 25. Encaustic Tiles—i. Quillamand Creer, 151. xxv. Min¬ ton & Co. 1. xxvii. Allen, 68. Engine Counter (applicable also to Turnstiles and Bridges)—v. Richmond, 775. Engine Turning, on glass— xxiv. Long, 86. Engineering Inventions (Undescribed) —vii. Williams, 109. England (Models of portions of)—Main Avenue, West, Carrington, 90. Engraved Razor & Knife Handles—xxii. Mappins, 180. Engravers’ Tools — xxii. Howarth, 181. Sellers, 147. Taylor, 129. France, Clicquot, 1563. Reynard, 978. Engraving, Brass Foundry—xxii. Haywood & Son, 647. Engraving & Carving Machines— France, Barrere, 40. Engraving and Chasing on Metal (Fac-similes of) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Skinner, 362. Engraving by Clockwork —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Bishop, 278. Engraving for Earthenware Patterns —xxv. Serjeant & Pepper, 19. Sherwin, 51. Engraving on Glass — xxiv. Danby, 88. Belgium, Deville-Thiry, 445. Engraving on Marble — xxvii. Bird, 83. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Rayner, 47. Engraving by Machinery (Specimens of) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Chabot, 239. Luntley & Co., 214. Engraving on Pewter— xvn. Cocks, R. & Co., 123. Engraving-Plates— xxii. Hughes &Kimber, 609. Pin- der & Sons, 574. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Sellers, 295. See also Steel Plates for Engravers. Engravings — xvn, Manchin & Morel, 128. Royston & Brown, 205. Austria, Arneth, 368. Dinkier, 735. France, Blaize, 1089. Chardon & Son, 116. Gaspard, 1610. Hulot, 882. Perot, 951. Petitcolin, 953. Sardinia, Scotto, 91. Zollverein (3), Jahn, 183. (6), Felsing, 73. See also Copper-Plate Engraving. Line Engravings. Lithogra¬ phic Drawing, Engraving, Sfc. Wood Engraving. Engravings, Fac-Similes of] (Process for producing)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Russell, 230. Engravings and Writings (Restoration of, after being damaged) —II. Clifford, 26. Envelopes — xvii. Dudman, 137. Ralph, 142. Spiers & Son, 208. Belgium, Tardif, 281. Zollverein (1), Maennel, 828. Ruhl & Son, 597. Envelope Cases —xxvi. Stocken, 200. India, xxix. Envelope-making Machines —vi. Premond, 128. Water- low & Sons, 164. xvii. De la Rue & Co., 76. Epithems for Medical & Surgical Purposes— iv. Mark wick, 114. Epsom Salts— See Magnesia, Sulphate of. Escritoires — xxvi. Levien, 203. See also Writing Desks. Essences, Culinary — xxix. Galbraith, 17. Essences (Various and undescribed)— France, Collas, 801. Hugues and Son, 881. Tunis, 83. See also Perfumes. Essential Oils — Portugal, Seal, 497-500. Etchings — Belgium, Magnee, 440. Etching-Ground Copper Rollers (Method of applying) —VI. Foster, 202. Euxesis (for Shaving without Soap)—xxix. Lloyd, 6. Excavator for Railways or Canals (Model)—vi. Ran- somes & May, 146. Excelsior Soap — United States, St. John, 510. Eyes, Artificial — x. Fuller, 592. Grossmith, 565, Halford, 604. Whitehouse, 280. Austria, Schwefel, 608. Netherlands, Hess, 108. United States, Gray, 302. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 143 Exhibition of 1851 (Carving in Commemoration of)— Belgium , Vandermeersche, 458. Model of the Building, xxiv. Cogan, 26. F. Falkland, Lord, Statue of (Model)—North Transept, Bell, 28. Fancy Stuffs — Austria, Furst, 296. Portugal, Corneiro, 937, 938, 946, 947. Martins, 939. Pimentel, 935. Zollverein (3), Thuemer & Toeper, 90. Fancy Wares and Work —xm. Acton, 59. Jackson, 55. Penfold, 59. xvn. Tronheim & Co.,, 181. xix. Chin- chen, 387. Austria, Habenicht, 376. Johne & Thiele, 379. Renel, 378. Canada, Campbell, 176. Henderson, 174. Rocheleau, 175. China, Copland. Rawson. France, Basely, 411. Chaverondier, 453. Colletta- Lefebvre, 458. Cornillon, 95. Mercier, 1354. Moulard, 655. India , xxix. Malta, Faison, 25. Bussia, Flerovsky, 320. Loukutin & Son, 319. Turkey. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. McWilliam. Towns¬ end, 13. Zollverein (1), Gebhardt, 248. Koppe, 143. Krebs, 260. Mossner, 251. Schmerbauch, 264. Schreiber, 783. Sommer, 390. (3), Feistel & Son, 171. Rock- hausen, 172. Vogel, 89. Ziegler & Haussmanri, 92. (4), Kieser & Co., 81. Schmidt, 83. Weeber & Co., 86. Wittich, Kemmel, & Co., 82. (5), Gouda, 26. Koehler, 27. Wohlfarth, 28. (6), Moench & Co., 66. Fanning Mill — United States, Grant, 82. j Fan Paintings — Spain, Mitjana, 287. Pascual y Abad, 286. j Fans— British Guiana, Holmes, 130-132. Canada, Henderson, 174. Rocheleau, 175. Ceylon. China, Braine. Hewett & Co. Egypt, 349. France, Doucet & Petit, 149. Duvelleroy, 495. Felix, 199. India, xxix. Spain, Mitjana, 287. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. ] Fardeh— Egypt , 10. J Farina —m. Miller, 127. Stenhouse, 154. Farm Buildings (Models)—ix. Bland, 205. Elliott, 41. Morewood & Rogers, 152a. Tebbutt, 196. Thornton, 211. Tyson, 215a. Wilmot, 170. xxix, Mechi,45. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Baxter, 334. Bulman, 228a. Chancellor, 331. | Farm Machine-House and Machinery (Model)—ix. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews, 128. j Farming Implements— See Agricultural Implements. I Fat-Boiling Furnace— vi. Gilbertson, 508. j Fat-Cutting Machine —ix. Smith & Son, 234. | Feather Bonnets —xxix. Harding, 166. | Feather Brooms — France, Henoc, 261. Feather Flowers— See Flowers, Artificial. Feathers, Plumes, &c. —xvi. Adcock & Co., 323a (Main Avenue, West), xx. Poore, 169. Toilet, 154. xxvi. Gilbert & Co. 130. xxix. Foster & Co., 74. Stur¬ geon, 53. Sugden & Co., 62. Cape of Good Hope, Rutherfoord, 23. Schmieterloew, 42. France, L’Huillier, 1325. Lodde, 1329. India, iv. xvi. Netherlands, Hase, 31. Turkey. United States, Pratt, 102. Van Diemen's Land, Gunn, 153. See also Bed Feathers. Ostrich Feathers. Feather Tissues — France, Badin, 1063. Feet, Artificial — France, De Beaufort, 46. Felspar— i. 31. Fahie, 30. Felt —vn. Croggon & Co., 110. M‘Neill & Co., 142, xxii. Pope, 566. xxix. Esdaile, 278. Pope, 76. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Austria, Bayer, 351. Muck, 354. France, Budin-Signez, 78. Lambert & Son, 1289. Russia, Bardoffsky, 265. Turkey. Tuscany, Cini, Brothers, 65. Zollverein (3), Muehle, 167. Felt Carpeting —xix.Victoria Felt Carpet Company, 327. Turkey. Fencing Implements —vm. Cox, 208. xxii. Kuper, 32. Fenugru — Egypt, 46. Ferns, Glass Cases for— x. Ward, 664 (North Transept). Ferule for Generators — France, Hurtrel & Co., 884. Field Drains (Model)—ix. Thornton, 211. See also Drain Tiles and Pipes. Figure-Heads (Ships’)—vm. Rrooker, 181. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Hall, 317. File-cutting Machine — Russia, Mentchinsky, 151. Files and Rasps — xxii. Brooksbank, 163. Carr & Riley, 108. Cocker & Son, 115. Johnson, Cammill & Co., 109a. Jowitt & Co., 187a. Kirk & Warren, 161. Marriott & Atkinson, 160. Pinder & Sons, 574. Sheffield Journeymen File-makers, 138. Algeria, Ain Morka Mines Co., 19. Austria, Beyer, 495. Lechner, 496. Nussbaumer, 497. Preitler, 498. Richel, 499. Sonnliethner, 500. Unzeitig, 501. Vater, 502. Denmark, Naylor, 22. France, Alcan & Locatelli, 4. Froely, 218. Proutat & Co., 969. Taborin, 1024. Talabot & Co., 1027. India, i. Spain, Yburru, 256a. Sweden and Norway, Haglund, 11. Oeberg & Co., 11. Rudberg, 11. Thunberg, 11. Zollverein (1), Bleckmann, 623. Huth, Fried, & Co., 632. Lohmann, 630. Mannesmann, 617, Pickhardt, 619. Reinshagen, 622. Schmidt, 646. Filigree-Work (Silver and Gilt, &c.)— xxii. Allen, 293. France, Roucou, 1689. India, Xxm. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 2. Woodford, Lady, 1. Malta, Cretien, 24. Faison, 25. Portelli, 23. Sardinia, Bennati, 59. Loieo, 58. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Loewenson, 437. Filtercocks — vm. Beadon, 90. Filters —WesternEnd, South Enclosure(outside), Struthers, 16. i. Stirling, 209. v. Fell, 438. Slack, 423. vi. Beart, 301. vii. Askew, 48. Forster, 26 (Main Avenue, West), xxii. Dawbee & Dumbleton, 499. Green & Co., 532. Murray, 793. Wenham Lake Ice Com¬ pany, 600. xxv. Lipscombe & Co., 54. xxvii. Hunt, 109. Lipscombe, 49. xxix. Fletcher, 244. Stir¬ ling, 315. France, Bernard, 420. Noel, 936. Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 80, See also Charcoal Filters. Filtering Pump —v. Cheavin, 448. Finger Basins —See Glass. 144 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Finger Plates —xxn. Hart & Sons, 636. See also Brass Foundry, fyc. Fir-cones & Fir-nuts— Tuscany , Ridolfi, Marquis, 30. Fire Alarm—x. Mapple, 126. Fire Annihilator —v. Phillips, 92. x. Weare, 386. Fire-Arms— See Guns, Sfc. Fire-Boxes (for Locomotive and other Furnaces)— xxii. Frith, 96 a. Fire-Bricks —i. Pease, 122. Russell, 271. Seacombe, 454. Belgium , Smal Werpiti, 398. JRussia, Barnavulsk Imperial Works, 4. Koussinsk Iron Works, 9. Spain , Aulencia Co., 53 Lugo Mines, Sab-Inspector of, 18. See also Fire-Clay Goods. Fire-Clay —i. King & Co., 9i. Monkland Iron and Steel Company, 426. Moore, 408. Nicolls, S9. Pease, 122. Phillips, 101. Belgium, Boucher, 399. Pastor-Berfrand & Co., 395. Temsonnet and Dartet, 394. Zollverein ( 1), Von Mulmann, 319. (2), Wagner & Co., 99. Fire-Clay Goods —Western End, North Enclosure, (out¬ side), Ferguson, Miller & Co., 66. Ramsay. 70. xxvii. Cowan & Co., 112. Ferguson, Miller, & Co. 93. Grangemouth Coal Company, 99. 'Potter, 115. Ramsay, 110. Rufford, 89. Sprot, M. & T. 98. See also Fire-Bricks. Fire-Engines —v. Baddeley, 409. Berriedale, Lord, 405. Fire Annihilator Co., 92 a. Fletcher, 444. Merry- weather, 401. Read, 90. Shand & Mason, 410 (South Transept). Smith & Son, 449. Warner & Sons, 424. VII. Geary, 2. ix. Crump, 160. Siebe, 255 a. Canada, Perry, 181. Denmark, Dirksen, 40. France , Flaud, 507. Hamburgh, Reynold, 6. United States, Cincinnati Fire Company, 206. See also Garden Engines. Hose for Fire-Engines. Fire-Escapes — v. Merry weather, 401. vii. Bayliss, 131. Daniel, 182. Dunn, 204. Ell, 94. Hooke, 80. Jackson, 201. Jackson & Clay, 75. Hendy, 184. Hopkinson, 104. Mudge, 190. Nicholson, 40. Oliver, 65. Stucky, 193. Theobald, 147. Tuckey, 101. Welby, 148. Webster, 185. viii. Bowen, 325. Brown, 169a. Dutton, 326. Purser, 28. Walters, 34. x. Webster, 671a. xiv. Morrison & Hurn, 49. xxii. 308. Hampden, 612. Nixey, 640. xxvi. Dixcee, 16. xxvm. Baker, 84. Winterborn, 168. Belgium. Jouvne, 123. United States, Baron, 353. Fire-Extinguishers — v. Macbay, 586. vii. Bain, 197. Bergin, 183. Rettie. 159. xxvm. Winterborn, 168. See also Fire-Annihilators. Hydrant , or Fire Cock. Fire-Extinguishers (for Ships) — xxii. Riddle, 637. New South Wales. Bland, 17. Fire-Irons— See Hardware. Firemen’s Helmets, Tools, &c.— v. Merry weather, 401. Fireplace Crane (for Farm Kitchen)—ix. Harveys & Tait, 16. Fire-plugs— v. Sumption, 445. Fireproof Door —vn. Boydell, 56. Fireproof Flooring or Roofing —vn. Fox & Barrett, 166. Fireproof Safes —xxii. Baker, 509. Barnwell & Son, 678, Chubb & Sons, 646. Leadbeater, 506. Milner & Son, 642. Tann & Sons, 507. Whitfield, 356. Williams, 280. Netherlands, Giesbers, 62. United States, Herring, 124. Zollverein (1), Sommermeyer & Co., 802. See also Safes (Wrought-Iron). Fire-Pumps —v. Shand & Mason, 410. Fire Revivers— i. Parsons, 232. Fire-Screens — xxii. Gregory, 99. xxvi. Warrack, 102. Wetherell, 236. Austria , Becker, 643. Netherlands, Zeegers, 96. Fish-Hooks—xxii. Bartleet 8c Sons, 329. Hemming, 331. James, 317. Fishing Boats — viii. Simmons, 124. xxix. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 185. Fishing Nets, Tackle, &c.— iv. Trent, 41. v. Day & Mill ward, 772. viii. Pearce, 330. xm. Mason, 35. xiv. Bridport Local Committee, 73. Falmouth Com¬ mittee, 57a. Tull, 69. xxii. Alcock, 367a. xxix. Ainge & Aldred, 180. Alfred, 179. Allies, 157. An¬ derson, 224. Banim, 160. Bazin, 178. Bernard, 177. Davidson, G. & W., 158. Farlow, C., 176. Farlow,-J. K., 181. Flynn, 156. Gould, 31, 171. Harmer, 168. Haywood, 38. Jones, 182. Kelly & Son, 159. J^ambert, 188. Lascelles, 123. Linton, 142. Little & Co., 174. M‘Nair, 162. Morley, 165. Nicholas, 154. Parkins, 152. Northumberland Patent Twine, Rope, & NetCompauy, 155. Pearce, 173, 311. Pulman, 163. Ratteray & Thompson, 206. Richards, 118. Rowell, 153. Ustonson & Peters, 172. British Guiana, Stutchbury, 138, 139. Ceylon. France, Bertrand & Co. 59. Jersey and Guernsey, Dorey, 37. New Zealand, 39. Moore, 37. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. St. Kitts. St. Vincent, Bullock. Flags, Ensigns, &c. —viii. Edgington, 302. Hawkes & Co. 212. xm. Houldsworth & Co. 64. xiv. 'Morri¬ son & Hurn, 49. xix. Flower, 164. Shedden, 293. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Whaite, 340. Belgium , Melotte, 302. Hamburgh, Meinke, 120. Zollverein (3), Hietel, 168b. Flagstones —See Paving-stones. Flannel— xi. Mair, Son, & Co. 59. xn. & xv. Bamford, 237. Clay & Sons, 136. Hotham & Whiting, 44. Kelsall & Bartlemore, 486. Leach & Sons, 5. Lloyd & Co., 254. Middlebrook, 74. Nicholls, 261. Samp¬ son, 215. Schofield & Co., 3, 125. Smith & Sons, 235. Swaisland, 283. Tweedale & Sons, 4. Wilks, 6. xviii. Mair & Co. 63a. xix. Dillon, 153. xx. Peart & Dosseter, 5. Austria, Hermannstadt Clothmakers’ Association, 214. Belgium, De Heselle, 203. Janssens, 193. France , Boyer 8c Lacour Brothers, 35. Chatelain-Ferou, 86 . Netherlands, Vreede & Co,, 33. United States, .lohnson, Sewall, & Co. 441. Zollverein (1), Damsch & Muensers, 715. Dietrich & Son, 807. Merten, 502. Scheibler, 354. (3), Glafey & Neubarth, 105. Lehmann, 107. (4), Schill Sc Wagner, 30. Flasks (Drinking)— xxii. Dixon Sc Sons, 797. Western Africa , Jamieson, 22. contained in The official catalogue. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 145 Flatting-roll — Netherlands, Nerin, Bogel, & Co., 80. Flax — n. Picciotto, 33. iv. Adams, 49. Cator, Nelson, & Co., 46. Claussen, 105. Donlan, 43. GilLman, 44. Hives & Atkinson, 45. Mason, 54. Picciotto, 53. Royal Belfast Flax Improvement Society, 106. Sectional Committee on Vegetable Kingdom, 40. Trent, 41. X/i. & xv. Quitzow, Schlesinger, & Co., 178. Xiv. Bridport Local Committee. 73. Jameson & Co. 60. Sadler & Co. 18. Austria, Hermannstadt Ropemakers’ Association, 277. Pet rax, 289. Schonberg Linen Yarn Spinning-mill, 95 a. Ullersdorf Flax-Raiting Establishment, 96. , Belgium , De Boe, 98. Degraeve, 90. Desmedt & Co. 104. Ghent Liniere Company, 230. Haese, 115. Laviolette, 96. Leclercq, 88. Roels & Co. 83. Van Ackere, 215. Van Bogaert, 107. Van Hoey, 106. Van Weill, 114. Verbeek, 113. Vercruysse, 213. < Canada, Bastien, 70. China, Lindsay. Rawson. Egypt, 105, 107,108. France, Dumortier, 177. Joubert, Bonnaire, & Co. 552. Lailler, 559. Rouxel, 362. India , iv. Netherlands, Swaab, 50. New Zealand, 38, 39. Caradus, 25. Collinson, 3. King, 26. Robertson, 4. Smith, 19. Tyrrel, 1. Tyrrel, J., 28. Whytlaw & Son, 34. Portugal, 533, 534, 653. Russia, n. n. 105, 106, 107. Alexandrovsk Imperial Manufactory, 19. Ardamatsky, Brothers, 99. Arda¬ matsky, J. & T. 97. Babarikin, 96. Hirshmarm, 34, 114. Karnovitch, 31, 101. Melnikoff, 111. Milo- kro^hetchnoi, 110. Vaniukoff, 113. Zakharoff, 108. Spain , 91, 155, 158. Heras, 161. Pinan, 159. Val- goma, 98. Siceden and Norway, 21. Turkey. United States, Dix, 139. Van Piemen's Land, Dixon, 19. Lipscombe, 174. Zollverein (1), Bruenger, 559. Elmeridorff, 470. Freiherr Von Luttwitz, 42. Hornig, 722. Koenigs & Ruecklers, 552. Mevissen, 557. Ollerdissen, 551. Rufin, 34. (3), Gaetzschmann, 3. Sommer, 1. Watteyne, 2. See also Hemp. Tow. Flax Coats, Waterproof— vi. Brown, 56. Flax Manufactures (Various)— iv. Gillman, 44. vi. Brown, 56. Belgium, Ameye-Berte, 209. See also Linen Fabrics (various). Sail-Cloth. Sheeting. Flax Seed — Canada, Desjardins, 58. New Zealand, Smith, 19. Flax Straw — vi. Robinson, 54. Flax Yarns — xn. &xv. Quitzow, Schlesinger & Co., 178. xiv. Fraser, 79. Jameson & Co., 60. China, Rawson. France, Landernau Linen Co., 1019. Zollverein (1), Elmendorf, 470. Heepen Spinning School, 546. (3) Sommer, 1. Flax Tools and Machinery — vi. Higgins & Sons, 14. Lawson & Sons, 75. Nimmo & Son, 37. Plummer, 74. Robinson, 54. Taylor, E. 72. Taylor, J. 51. IX. McPherson, 258. xxn. Worrall & Co., 164. Belgium, Lantheere, 486. France, Malo, Dickson & Co., 320. Harding-Cocker 864. Zollverein (4), Schoettle,12. Flaxman (Bust of)—xxvi. Bielefeld, 157. Flint Glass— xxiv. Pellatt & Co., 33. United States, Brooklyn Flint Glass Company, 113. Flints — Egypt, 166. Portugal, 294. Flints, Polished— i. Powell, 2. Floating Bricks — Tuscany, Sant.i, 20. Floating Church (Model of)— United States, Denning- ton, 356. Floating Docks (Model) — vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. Floats of Paddle-Wheels, Instrument for Feather¬ ing — v. Smith, 141. Flocks (for Bedding)— xn. & xv. Grist, 208. Flocking Machine (for decorating walls)—xxvi. Hol¬ land, 407. Flcetina (Musical Instrument)—x. Henrys & Co., 508. Floodgates — vii. Bermingham, 13. See also Pock Caissoons. Floorcloth — xii. & xv. Thomson, 229. xiv. Dundee Local Committee, 63. xix. Barnes, 95. Downing, G. & J. II., 157. Franklin, 169. Hare & Co., 190. Harvey & Knight, 196. James, 215. Nairn, 253. £olls & Son, 281. Smith & Baber, 371. Wells, 341. France, Seib, 1009. India, xix. See also Oilcloth. Flooring Boards and Deck Planking Clearing-off Tool — vi. Thomson, 430. Floors (Designs for Ornamental)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Smith, 31 a. See also Inlaid Flooring. Par- queterie Flooring. Floss Yarns (various kinds)— xn. & xv. Johnson, 112. Flour—hi. Buck & Son, 162. Chitty, 159. Fitch, 160. Kidd 8c Podger, 150. Marriage, 152. Smith, 161, 163. Algeria, Chapel, 16. Lay a & Co. 32. Austria , Fiume Privileged Steam Flour-mill, 63. Haw- ranck, 65. Jordan & Barber, 68. Nowotny, G6. Smichow Steam Flour-mill, 64. Thun, Count, 67. Vienna Steam Flour-mill Company, 62. Canada, Caniff, F. & T., 53. Frenholm, 52. Linghan, 49. ’Simpson & Co, 48. Tailey, V. P., 50. Cape of Good Hope, Prince & Co., 34. Sutherland, 30 a. Trudor, 8. Ceylon. France, Cabanes & Rambie, 1126. Darblay, 1576. Feyeux, 209. Leblanc, 297. Lebleis, 570. India, m. Labuan, 8fc., Hammond & Co., 2. Netherlands, Voorst Dirke & Son, 14. New South Wales, Dunbar, 6. Hallett & Sons, 5. New Zealand, 31. Low & Motion, 24. Portugal, 330. Russia, Golovanoff, 64. Manin, 65. Rousanoff, 66. Sapojnikoff, 67. Spain, 86. Fernandez Vitores, 90. Turkey. United States, Atlantic Dock Mills, New York, 126. Catlin, 250. Finch, 300. Harmon, 158. Hecker 8c Brother, 114. Hill & Son, 157. Hillyer, 343. Hotch¬ kiss & Prescott, 154. Leach, 155. Leech, 159. Merri- weather, 164. Raymond & Schuyler, 128. Smith, 22. Stafford, 29. Van Piemen’s Land, Clayton, 50. M‘Naughten, 52. Walker, 51. Zollverein (1), Wittekop & Co., 695. (6), Meyer and Lindt, 10. See also Oat Flour. Oatmeal and Wheat- meal. Flour-dressing Machines — vi. Ashby, 470. Bedford, 426. Blackmore, 428. Coombe 8c Co., 44 4. Cor- K 146 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British. Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, coran & Co. 416. Hunt, 422. Shore, 438. Spikier, 436. Flour Extractor — United States, Learned & Reynolds, 38. Flour-mills and Machinery. See Corn and Grain Grinding and Crushing Mills. Flower-Baskets— xxvi. Brittan, 220. Flower-makers’ Tools — France , Redelix, 976. Flower-Pots. See Garden Pots and Stands. Flower-Stands—xxii. Hughes, 461. Massey & Co., 416. xxvi. Nutchey, 258. Puxley, 39. Reynolds, 262. xxvm. Grugeon, 97. Scaling, 9. xxx, (Fine Art Court) Massey & Co., 140a. Austria, Afh, 646. Franzony, 647. Melzer, 648. See also Garden Pots and Stands. Flower Supporters— ix. Roberts, 226. Flowers, Artificial —xix. Rradbee, 72. Vischi, 47. xxix. Arthur, 58. Blackmore, 125. Fisher, 80. Foster & Co., 74. Gatti, A. & G. 73. Hool, 87. Jackson, 59. Maguire, 71. Perry, 60. Randolph, 66. Riddiford, 69. Slaughan, 64. Sugden.& Co., 62. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Foots, 208a. Austria , Buerger, 700. Schlater, 701. Brazil, Adamson, 1. Major, 4. France , Breteau, 1112. Chagot, 1139. Constantin, 94. Florimond, 1224. Funstenhoff, 492a. Gamlet Du Fresne, 842. Grandjean, 243. Lacombe, 557. Mallet & Baillv, 174t). Perrot, Petit & Co., 952. Royer, 1462. Tilman, 698. Hamburgh, Olshardsen, 90. India, xvi. Jamaica , Nash. Malta, Gerada & Daughters, 32. Portugal, Marques, 1299. Ruball, 1152, 1153. Rus¬ sell, 1298. Sweden Sf Norway, Furstenhoff, 27. Zollverein (4), Lindauer, 101. Viehhaeuser. 103. Flowers, Gelatine— France, Pitoux, 960. Flowers, Ornamental —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Hasse, 259. Flowers Cut in Vegetables — iv. Pursey, 4. xxix. Pursey, 67. Flowers, Wax (including Wax Fruit and Vegetables) —xxix. Chisholme, 78. Dorvell, 77. Down, 56. Ewart, 75. Fielder, 86. Galto-n, 93. Harrison, 304. 11 oskings, 72. Jones, 82. Mintorn & Co., 70. Skill, 84. Stanton, 88. Strickland, 63. Temple, 61. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Lumsden, 125. Makepeace, 185. Peake, 144. Bahamas, Barnet. Barbadoes, Ehoell, 2, Reade, 1. France, Paroissien, 945. Mexico. Zollverein (1), Schmidt, 831. (4), Riess, 90. (6), Birnstill, 71. (8), Beesten, 12. See also Wax for Modelling Flowers. Fluid Camphor and Magnesia—ii. Murray, Sir J. 87. Fluor Spar (Articles in) —xxvii. Bright, 80. Hall, J.&T. 37, 38. Vallance, 40. Flutes —x. Card, 546. Potter, 538. Rudall, Rose & Co., 536. Siccaina, 535. Ward, 527. Denmark, Selboe, 31. France, Breton, 1555. Buffet, 442. Clare Godefroy, 454. Tulon, 398. India,, x. Switzerland , Felchlin, 80. United States, Pfaff, 526. Zollverein (1). Lampferhoff, 485. (2), Boehm, 23. (3), Glier, 21. (6), Seidel, 26. Fly Presses (for Cutting Steel)—vi. Mansel, 502. Fly Presses (for Embossing). See 'Embossing Presses. Fog or Alarm Signals —vin. Robertson, 18. Scouller, 113. United States, Wilder, 388. Folio Frame —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Vokins, J. & W. 46. Folding Doors, Bolt for— xxii. Knight, 587. Follett, Sir William, Statue of —Main Avenue, West, Behnes, 57. Fonts —Main Avenue, West, Peyman, 87. xxvii. Bovey, 4. Margotts & Kyles, 91. xxx. (Fine Ait Court), Castle, 314. Fonts (Designs for)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Driver, 269. Maling, 154. Footballs— xxix. Gilbert, 187. Foot Gauges —x. Hay, 376. Force Pumps— See Pumps, Lift and Force. Forges— Ceylon. Forges, Portable —v. Napier, 301. ix. Deane, Dray & Co., 180. xxii. Allday, 253. Linley & Sons, 41. Onions, 249. Forges, Portable (Steam)—vi. Campbell, 246. Forging Machine— vi. Ryder, 222. Fortification (Models and Plans)— viii. Fergusson, 276. Staines, 268. Fossils (including Fossil Wood) —Western End, South Enclosure, (Outside), Cruttwell & Co., 52. I. 1, 52. Bewick, 423. Paine, 36. Powell, 202. Randall, 275. Tennant, 14. Webb, 12. Antigua, Grey, The Countess, 1. India, !. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Tuscany, Santi, 20. Van Diemen's Land, McLachlan. Fountains —Eastern End, (Outside), Legler, 103. Seeley, 88. Thomas, 68. V. Roe & Hanson, 462 (North Tran¬ sept). vii. Forster, 26. James, 19 (Main Avenue, West). Trotman, 155. x. Lipscombe & Co., 703. xxii. Coalbrook Dale Co., 641, (and North Transept, 48), Farrar, 627. Handyside, 82. Stewart, 46. xxiv. Binns, 34. Osier, F. & C., 20 (Transept), xxv. Lipscombe & Co. 54. xxvii. Lipscombe & Co., 49. Austria, Farina, 748. France, Andre, 1053 (Main Avenue, East). Lechesne, Brothers, 574. Switzerland, Leemann, 258. Zollverein (1), March, 240 (Main Avenue, East). Fountains, Portable—v. Lipscombe, 679. Fowling-pieces— See Guns, Pistols, See. Fractures, Apparatus for—x. Blackwell, 734. Govving, 736. Salt & Son, 628. Thomson, 590. Fraud Preventor (for indicating the number of People entering Vehicles, &c.)—v. Olliffe, 771. Frederic William 111. of Prussia (Cast of part, of the Pedestal of the Monument of)— Zollverein (1), Drake, 273 (Main Avenue, ; East). Free-Labour Pkoduce, and the Produce of Cuba, Brazil, &c. (Undescribed)— hi. Wheeler, 27a. Freestone —Western End, South Enclosure (Outside), Dove, 23. i- 173. Gumming, 195.' Haigh, 173. Price, 184. Williams, 191. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. See alst Bath- Freestone. French Horns— x. Callcott, 547. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 147 Fresco Painting — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Mills, 329. West, 326. Fresnel’s Dioptric Apparatus — vn. Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, 99. xxiv. Chance & Co., 60. Fresnel’s Undulating Plain (Model of)— Zollverein (1), Engel, 2?4. Fretwork — xxviii. Taylor, C. & A., 113. Fretwork Cuttings—xxviii. Paul ding, 91. Friezes (Irish and other)—xu. & xv. Allen, 259. Daly, 264. Dillon, 258. Ellis & Co., 70. Macdona, 260. Murphy, 262. Neill & Sons, 263. Nicolls, 261. Willans, Brothers, & Co., 257. xix. Dillon, Viscount, 1 f>3. Frill Machine — Zollverein (1), Doerffel, 54. Fringe, Machine for Twisting —xu. & xv. Sampson, 215. Fringes, Braid, &c. —xi. Waters & Co., 43. xm. Allen & Holmes, 50. xix. Arthur, 69. Burch, 75. Evans & Co., 74. Foot & Sons, 68. Harding & Co., 189. Yokes, 329. xxix. Standnng & Brother, 239. Westhead & Co., 275. Denmark , Holzapfel, 41. Egypt, 211, 214, 221, 223. Turkey. Zollverein (3), Bach & Son, 158. Haenel, Brothers, 153. Helweg, 159. Fruits (Dried and Preserved)—n. The London Druggists, 117. ill. Batty & Feast, 116. Clemens, 56. Copland, Barnes, & Co., 11, 113. Faulkner, R. &C., 54. Fortnum, Mason & Co. 55. Webb, 72. Barbadoes. British Guiana, Duggin, 26. Purtron, 15-15 b. Cape of Good Hope, Bayley, 5. Clarence, 54. Volsteedt, 35. China, Hewett & Co. France, Aubert & Noel, 403. Maille & Segond, 1339. Oudard & Boucherot, 1374. Rousseau, 360. Greece, Inglessis, 7. Londos, 6. Perotis, 8. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 2. Portugal, 401, 439. Pussia, Nikitin, 68. Sardinia, Romanengo, 82. Spain, 81,82, 92, 94, 177. Alvear, 100. Aramburu, 101,103. Cordova Agricultural Board, 99. Enriquez, 106. Montfort, 88. Olmo, 107. Tunis, 76, 84. Turkey. United States, Louderback, 7. Stephen®, 392. Van Diemen's Land, Dixon, 20. Smith, 238-241. Zollverein (1), Haberlaud, 689. (4), Brenning, 8. Flicker, 10. Schmidt, 9. See also Dates. Fruit Stones, Carved (with a Penknife)— Zollverein, (Octagon Room), Coburg-Gotha, Count Ernest of, 836. Fruit, Wax —See Flowers, Wax. Fuel, Artificial (or Patent)—i. Azulay, 224. Bankart & Sons, 429. Buleford Anthracite Mining Company, 2 42. Evans, 227. Great Peat-working Company of Ireland, 231. Lyon & Co. 226. Parsons, 232. Patent Fuel Company, 230. France, Moreau, 326. See also Steam Fuel. Fuller's Earth — i. Cawley, 47. Gawkroger & Hynam, 48. Cape of Good Hope, Calf, 55. Spain, Malaga Mines, inspector of, 19. Turkey. Zollverein (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Fulling-mill (Model )—United States, Read, 212. Fumigating Apparatus (for Plants)— vii. Boulanger, 198. ix. Brown, 91. xxii. English, 572. Fumigating Pastiles— xxix. Tidmarsb, 111. Fumigators (for Vapour Baths)— vii. Boulanger, 198. Funeral Carriage— v. Shillibeer, 964. Funeral Pall (Design for)—xix. M‘Carten, 246. Funnel (for Marine Boilers)—v. Taplin, 5. Funnel Pipe (Valved) — Belgium, Lund, 476. Funnels (Bottle)— xxii. Marsden, 531. Furnace Bars— ix. Weeks & Co. 248 a. Austria, Wurm, 137. Furnace Bellows. See Bellows. Blast Fans for Furnaces. Furnaces, Blast. See Blast Furnaces. Furnaces for burning Anthracite Coal— i. Watney, 276. v. Williams, 63. Furnaces for boiling Fat— vi. Gilbertson, 508. Furnaces, Smoke-consuming— v. Clay, 68. xxii. Map- plebeck & Lowe, 370. Pope, 566. Furnaces (for Steam Engines)—v. Newcombe, 205. Furniture (various)— xvn. Isaac, 165. xxvi. 60. Bant¬ ing, W. & T., 166. Crace, 530. Eyles, 50. Foot- horape & Co., 132. Greig & Son, 159. Grubb, 25. Herbert, 67. Hindley & Co., 266. Holland & Sons, 161. Isaacs & Campbell, 241. Jackson & Graham, 261. Johnson & Jeanes, 10. Miles, 115. Morant, 164. Pratt, 196. Ramuz, 152. Snell & Co. 170. Spurrier, 76. Toms & Luscombe, 178. Trollope & Sous, 162. Wilkinson, W. & C., 184. Wills & Bartlett, 160. xxviii. Thorne & Co., 86. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Cookes & Sons, 110. Austria, Lechner, 634. Leistler & Son, 633. Men- fasti, 635. Moschini, 636. Palhueber, 637. Rosani, F. G., 639. Rosani, P., 640*. Thonet, 641. Belgium., Barthelemi, 429. Bruno, 411. Delevoye, 421. DeRaedt, 418. Hooghstoel, 422. Jehin, 410. Judo, 420. Marin, 414. Massardo, 415. Misson, A., 413. Misson, E. & L., 412. Roule, 419. Canada, Central Commission, 301. Hilton, J. & W., 123.. Reed & Co., 115 a. China, Astell & Co. Baring, Brothers. Bowman. Braine. Hewett & Co. Rowson, C. Rowson, T. S. Shea. Denmark, Hasen, 25. Nielsen, 26. France, Balny, 1066. Beaufils, 1074. Bellange, 1077. Berliner, 52. Cardonnier & Co., 1159. Cremer, 1573. Danbet & Dumaret, 1579. Descartes, 815. Dulud, 1202. Durand, 1207. Duval, 474. Faure, 1219. Florange, 1223. Fourdinois, 1231. Grade, 1254. Jeanselme, 889, 1276. Jolly-Leclerc, 890. Krieger & Co., 1283. Lechesne, Brothers, 574. Lefebvre, Son & Co. 907. Lombard, 913. Mercier, 927. Pretot, 1410. Ringuet-Le prince, 1437. Ri- vart & Andrieu£, 1439. Van Valthoven, 1516. Hamburgh, Adikes, 67. Bruening, 63. Engels, 65. Faulwasser, 71. Ilagen, 64. Heymann, 78. Koll, 82. Kopke, 77. Loose, C. L., 74. Loose, J. R., 75. Rampendahl, 70. Sengle, 66. Thiele, 109. Werner & Piglhein, 79. Lidia , xxvi. Jersey and Guernsey , Stead, 21. Le Feuvre, 20. Portugal, Fulcher, i 116-1118. Canello, G4. Griva, 65. Descalzi, 72. Speich, 71. Spain, Medina, 270. Tuscany, Barbetti, 74, SO. Van Diemens Land , Brown, id. Pierson, 9. K 2 148 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Zollverein (1), Fleischmann, 763. Hoffmeister & Co., 773. Kramer, 610. (4), Wirth, 70. See also Beds. Bedsteads. Bedsteads, Metallic. Cabinets, Sfc. Chairs. Chairs, Carved. Chiffonieres. Cradles, Cots, Sfc. Cur¬ tains. Escritoires. Iron Furniture. Sofas. Tables. Furniture (Designs for)—France, Zipelius & Fuchs, 1738. Furniture Ornaments — France, Lemaire, 1315. Furniture Stuffs—xi. Croeker, J. & A.. 61. xii. & xv. Reynolds, 266. xiii. Houldsworth & Co., 64. xviii. Nelson & Co., 29. xxvi. Crace, 530. Turner & Co., 320. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Danneberg & Son, 710. See also Tissues for Furniture. Window Curtains. Furs and Skins —Main Avenue, West, Nicholay & Son, Hudson’s Bay Company, and others (xvi. 301). xvi. Bevington & Morris, 332. Booth, 112. Clap- ham, 9. Clarice & Sons, 307. Dick, 311. Drake, 306. Ellis, 305. Hudson’s Bay Company, 301. Ince, 309. Lutge & Co., 328. Lutge & Parsons, 310. Meyer, S. & M., 304. Nicholay & Son, 301a. Robinson, 7. Samson, 303. Smith & Sons, 310 a. Winsor & Son, 14. Austria , Geyer, 346. Hermannstadt Associated Furriers, 347. Belgium, Weinknecht, 259. Canada, Henderson, 107. Cape of Good Hope, Blackburn, 18. Bridges, 21. Chiappini & Co., 22. Hanbury, E., 20. Hanbury, E. J., 28. India, iv. xvi. '[_• Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Bussia, Abass-Bak, 244. Abdool-Mahomet-Ogli, 243. Ali-Mehmet, 246. Ekaterinoslaff, Peasants of, 230. Mabomet-Ogli, 245. Nijni Novgorod, Merchants, &c. 225. Spain, Delgardo, 231. ) Switzerland , Meyer & Ammann, 176. Tunis, 92. Turkey. United States, Mawson, Brothers, 87. Van Diemen’s Land, Barnard, 143. Deuis'on, Sir W. T., 176. Rout, 187. Zollverein (1), Koenig, 139. Langner, 833. Pintus, 135. Schutze, 884. (6), Dunmich, 79. Fustic — Trinidad, Lord Harris. Fuzes for Blasting, &c.—i. Bickford, Smith, & Davey, 424. Brunton, 519. xxix. Bell, 101. Zollverein (3), Schmidt & Co., 11. a. Gaiters (Cloth and Leather)—xx. Smith & Gibbs, 71. Wheeler & Ablett, 22. Galena —See Lead, Sulphuret of. Gallic Acid —n. Macfarlan & Co., 107. Morson & Son, 106. Smith, T. & H. 94. Sardinia, Girod & Co., 8. Zollverein (1), Schcenebeck Royal Chemical Manufac¬ tory, 683. Galloons, &c.—xiii. Booth and Pyke, 63. Russia, Albertzoom, 284. Galvanic Batteries and Machines —x. Meinig, 437. Gore, 690. Horne & Co., 220. Ritterbandt, 730. France, Lemolt, 303. See also Walking Sticks, Electro- Galvanic. Galvanized Iron — xxil. Tupper Sc Carr, 550. France, Paris, 1379. See also Wire Netting, Galvanized. Galvanized Iron, Corrugated— i. 216. Galvanized Tinned Iron —i. Morewood & Rogers, 436. ix. Morewood & Rogers, 152a. xxii. Morewood & Rogers, 610. Galvano-Arsenical Apparatus— x. Morton, 678. Galvano-Electric Machines— x. Chadburn, 259. Galvanography (Specimens of)—Zollverein (2), Hanf- staengl, 85. Galvanometer— x. Gogerty, 407. Horne & Co., 220. Loot, 696. Galvano-plastic Articles— France, Lefevre, 1648. Galvano-typic Plates — Switzerland, Stoetzner & Co., 254. Gamboge— India, n. Gambkoons — Austria, Witschell & Reinisch, 293. Game Registers— vm. Needham, W. & J. 218. Gardens, See. (Models and Plans of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) M’Hardy, 325. Belgium, Rosseel, 449. Vanhulle, 453. Garden Engines, &c.— v. Merry weather, 401. Shand & Mason, 410. Warner & Sons, 424. ix. Crump, 160. Jones, 123b. Read, 89. Siebe, 255a. Weir, 123. xxii. Tylor & Son, 401. Garden Knives — Austria, Bubenitsch, 507. Dernberger, 509. Garden Labels (Enamelled and Metallic)—ix. Smith, 219. Rested, 208. Garden Light or Skylight— vn. Nixon, 174. ix. Nixon, 161. Garden Pots and Stands (Clay and Earthenware)— • Western end, North Enclosure, (outside), Phillips, 63. ix. Roberts, 226. xxv. Kav, 31.; Wedgwood & Sons, 6. Wood, 34. xxvi. Martin, 254. See also Garden Seats ( Earthenware ). Garden Rocking-horse—xxix. Lucas, 127. Garden Seats (Earthenware, Oak, &c.)—ix. Holmes, 90 a. xxii. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641 (Main Avenue, West), xxv. Meyer, T. J. & J., 9. Dimmoek, 12. xxvi. Alexander, 99. xxvii. Blackburn, 21. See also Chairs, Rustic. Garden Tools— See Horticiiltitral Implements. Gas Apparatus — vii. Allen, 122. Booth, 134. Thomp¬ son, 112. Young, 171. xxii. Leslie, 101. Love, 382. France, Pauwels, 342. Gas Cooking and Warming Apparatus — vn. Lamb, 206. xxii. Edwards, 241. Grant, 431. Hedlev, 577. Hulett, 643. Love, 382. Tozer, 389. Warri- ner, 248. Gas Fittings (including Burners, See .)— vii. Allen, 122. xxii. Biddell, 438. Cowley & James, 62. Debaufer, 445. Grant, 431. Haldane & Rae, 432. Messen¬ gers & Sons, 340. Sarson, 470. Whitehouse & Co., 667. Wilkes, 266. xxiv. Vizetelly & Branston, 29. Austria, Salm, Prince, 430. France, Dumas, 486. Pauwels, 1382. Parisot, 1673. Gas-Meters —i. Glover, 438. v. Squire & Co., 706. vii. West & Gregson, 21. xxii. Bolt & Allen, 422. Botten, 426. Cochrane, 434. Edge, 441. Hulett, 643. Paddon & Ford, 424. Roper, 437. Ryan, 436. Shears & Sons, 438. France , Pauwels, 1382, Gas, Portable— Spain, Golferichs, 247. Gas Retorts (Iron Clay)— xxvii. Cowan & Co., 112. Hickman, 107, Potter, 115, Raimey, 110, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 149 Gas-Soot Consumer —v. Judge, 130. Gaseous and Aerial Currents Regulator—xxii. Edwards, 241. j Gaseous Waters Apparatus — See Soda-Water Ma¬ chines. Gassing-machine— (For singeing loose fibre from lace, &c.)—VI. Burton & Eames, 96. Gates for Parks, Railway Crossings, &c. — vn. Adcock, 192. ix. Hill & Co., 140. Uphill, 277. xxii. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641 (North Trans¬ ept), 49. Collins, 573. Cottam & Hallen, 698 (South Transept). King, 5. United States, Woolman, 198. Gauffering-machines — xxii. Hughes, 581. Gaufre Iron Door— Sardinia, Ropolo, 54. Gauges— vm. Somalvico & Co., 681 a. France, Vasse De St. Ouen, 716. See also Cattle¬ weighing Gauges. Centripetal Punch and Gauge. Foot Gauges. Pressure Gauges. Pain Gauges. Square-cutting Gauge. Steam-Boiler Water Gauge. Steam and Vacuum Gauges. Tide Gauges. Timber Gauges. Gauntlets (Military)—xvi. Geary, 235. Gauzes —xm. Brocklehurst & Sons, 38. Penfold, 59. China, H ewett & Co. France, Grolleau & Deville, 1618. Vatin 8c Co., 1704. Russia, Rochefort, 176, 191, 199, 208. Switzerland, Forster, 193. Turkey. [See also Lace. Muslins. Ribbons. Gelatine— in. Glass, 141. iv. Dufaville, 125. Mul¬ ler, 125a. Nimmo & Co., T22. Swinborne&Co., 119. France, Coignet & Son, 1153. Bouasse, Lebel & Co., 774, 1102. Castelle, 107. D’Enfert, Brothers, 496. Grenet, 247. Herve, Brothers, 1624. Humbert & Co., 1272. Leclercq, 1302. Riess, 355. Royer, 1461. Netherlands, Oemen, 8. Portugal, Norberto, 625, 626. Switzerland, Lendenmann, 56. Gelatine Soup —xxix. Wright, 250. Gem Painting on Glass —xxvi. Lane, 128. Geography, Indicator for Teaching —x. Malloch, 208. Geological Specimens —i. Highley, 98. Canada, Logan, 1. France, Eloffe, 1597. Jersey and Guernsey, White, 1. New Zealand, Coilinson, 3. Smith, 14. Taylor, 11. Russia, Koussinsk Iron Works, 9. Perm Imperial Cop¬ per Works, 6. Poland Imperial Mining Works, 15. Satkinsk Iron Works, 17. South Australia, Joseph, 7. See also Minerals, Sfc. Geometrical Instruments —x. Matthias, 395. Yates, 378. Austria, Rocchetti, 136. See also Mathematical Instru¬ ments. Geometrical Models — Zollverein (6), Schroeder, 77. Geometrical Staircases —vn. Banks, 55. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Seager, 13. George I. of Bohemia, Statue of — Zollverein (2), Muller, 90. George Town and Demerara, Diagrams showing the Temperature at — British Guiana, 157, 157a. German Silver Ware — Austria, Poiger, 464. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Meyne, 5. Zollverein (1), Nottebohm & Co., 635. (8), Isabellen Hutte Smelting Works, 3, Gilding (Illustrations of)—xxvi. Baxter, 380. Vinn, 278. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Vinn, 205. Watson, 130. Austria, Behr, 645. Polt, 650. France, Mazarin, 626. Zollverein (1), Bonge, 222. (4), Heller, 77. Mansis, 301. Muller, 227. Gilding, Washable— xxvi. Furse, 369. Gingerbread Nuts— xxix. Hubbard, 113. Ginghams —xi. Anderson, D. & J., 16. Anderson, J. & A., 7. Dixon & Sons, 19. Fyfe & Son, IS. Henry & Sons, 13. Lethem & Co., 9. Lowthian & Parker, 22. M‘Bride & Co., 6. M‘Gibbon, 20. O'Connel, 31. Paterson & Co., 11. Pearson & Co., 21. Pullar & Sons, 4. Walker, J. & R., 3. India, xi. Switzerland, Anderegg, 111. Boesch & Sons, 115. Hunziker & Co., 166. Mettler & Son, 197. Raschle & Co., 168. United States, Uppham, Appleton 8c Co., 403. Zollverein (2), Jansen & Luehdorf, 56. Girandole (Antique)—xxvi. Ponsonby, 199. Girders, Bridge—vii. Todd, 52. Girders for Roofs — Russia, Votinsk Imperial Iron Works, 156. Glass Chimney-pieces— xxiv. Forrest & Bromley, 42. Glass-cutting (Illustrations of)—xxiv. Ohlson, 1(5. Perry & Co., 36. Glass Decorations— xxiv. Barnes, 49. Glass Engraving— Belgium, Deville-Thiry, 445. Glass Fountains—xxiv. Binns, 34. Osier, F. & C., 20 (Transept), xxvii. Lipscombe 8c Co., 49. Glass-house (Models of), Melting-pots and Tools— I. King & Co., 91. Squires & Sons, 117. xxiv. Hart¬ ley & Co., 100 (Main Avenue, East). Sinclair, 50. xxvii. Harper & Moore, 119. Glass Letters— xxiv. Shove & Co. 24. Glass-makers’ Sand— See Sand (for Glass-making ). Glass Ornaments— Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Glass Panelling— xxiv. Ballantine 8c Allan, 78. xxvi. Davies, 129. Hurwutz, 335. Glass, perforated (for Ventilation, &c.)—xxiv. Lock- head, 23. Swinburne, 4. See also Ventilators, Window. Glass Pipes, Tubing, 8cc. —i. Mayo & Co. 18. x. Ed¬ wards, 438. xxiv. Coathupes & Co., 47. Powell 8c Sons, 31. Shephard, 8. Swinburne, 4. Glass Sash Bars, &c.—xxii. Jones, 230. Glass Shade-cutting Machine— vi. Claudet& Hough¬ ton, 306. Glass Silvering (Processes, 8c Articles in)—xxiv. Kidd 3. Swinburne, 4. Varnish, 27. Glass Tiles— Zollverein (1), Rohrig, 768. Glass Verandahs (Portable, for Flowers)—xxiv. Cogan, 26. Glass Ware (Various)—xxii. Edwards, 345. xxm. Lambert & Rawlings, 102. Martin & Co., 2. xxiv. Bacchus & Sons, 19. Binns, 34. Chance & Co., 22. Claudet & Houghton, 25. Coathupes & Co., 47. Cogan, 26. Coune, 28. Davis & Co., lt>. Gatchell, 12. Green, 32. Hancock & Co., 46. Harris & Son, 21. IJetley & Co., 2. Jones & Sons, 11. Lloyd 8c Summerfield, 18. Molineaux & Co., 13. Naylor, 30. Osier, F. & C., 20. Pellatt & Co., 33. Perry 8c Co., 36. Pettit, 55. Powell 8c Sons, 31. Richardson, W. 150 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign arid Colonial by the name of the Couritry. & J., 14. Sanderson & Son, 9. Shephard, 8. Varnish, 27. Vizetelly & Branston, 29. Webb, 17. Wood, 16. xxv. Brown, T. & M. L., 45. Copeland, 2. xxvi. Braun & Co., 172. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Donalds & Co., 41. Austria , Buquoy, 584. Czermak, 585. Franke, 602. Grohmann, 586. Harrach, 587. Hegenbarth, 588. Helmich, 589. Hofman, 590. Janke, Brothers, 591. Kittl’s Heirs, 592. Konig, 596. Kuchinka, 593. Lotz & Gerstner, 594. Meyr’s Nephews, 595. Pelikan, 597. Pfeiffer & Co. 606. Spietschka, 609. Vivat, 598. Zahn, 599. Belgium, Brodier, 386. Capellemans, 37, 387. Dierekx, 391. Frison, 392. Zoude & Co., 388. France , Chartier, 85. De Poilly& Co. 1396. Jouhan- neaud & Dubois, 1630. Lacarriere, 1284. Maes Poussielgue-Rusand, 1405. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Hamburgh, Bohm, 97. India, xxiv. Netherlands, Regout, 99. Portugal, Affonso, 1023-1043. Russia, Ralivskv, 293. Turkey. United States , Chapman, 68. Zollverein (1), Conta & Boehme, 815. Finsch, 211. Goebel, 808. Huschenreither & Sons, 805. Metzer & Lulime, 212. Schaffgotsch, Count, 208, Solms, Count, 210. Von Minutoli, 191. (2), Reinsch, 63. (5), Tacchis & Co., 21. Vogelsang & Sons. 22. See also Bottles, Glass. Decanters. Flint Glass. Optical Glasses. Picture Frames, Glass. Window Glass. Glass, Window —See Crown Glass. Flint Glass. Painted Glass. Painted Windows. Plate Glass. Sheet Glass. Stained Glass. Stained Glass Win¬ dows. Window Glass. Glauberite— Spain, Burgos Mines, Inspector of, 35. Glaziers’ Diamonds— vi. Radcliffe, 328. Hamburgh, Hildebrand, 2. Glazing for Greenhouses— xxvii. Kent, 122. Globes— x. Adorno, 218. Bentley, 213. Bdkins & Son, 207. Fletcher, 200. Johnston, W. & A. IC., 198. Newton & Son, 212. Richards, 188. Stoker, 204. xvii. Wyld, 175. Austria, Riedl, 131. Zibermayr, 132. Belgium, Browne, 490. France , Gosselin, 249. Zollverein (1), Rummer, 194. (2), Klinger, 29. Glove Boxes— Zollverein (1), Blankenstein, 842. Glove Clasps— France, Lepine, 910. Glove-making Machines and Tools— France, Rrun, 37. Jouvin, 893. Jouvin & Doyon, 1279. Gloves, Cloth, Thread, Silk, &e.—xx. Biggs & Sons, 205. Dent &Co'., 78. Firkins J. & C., 163. Foster & Co., 2. Fownes, Brothers, 82. Galloway & Harris, 93. Harris & Sons, 198. Longdon & Sons, 168. Mac- dougall, 83. Morley, I. & R., 101. Musson, R. & J., 97. Pitman, 187. Redgrave, 164. Saxton, 90. Ward & Co., 195. Wheeler & Ablett, 22. Wood, 137. France, Dussol, 150. Heyler, 539. Lauret, Brothers, 903. Taifbouis, Verdier & Co., 1025. Malta , Azzopardi, 20. Russia, Lafont, 270, 277. Turkey. Van Diemen'’s Land, Queen’s Orphan Schools, 138. Zollverein (3), United Merchant Manufacturers, 72-83. (6), Mcerschel, Winzenfried & Co., 28. Gloves, Cloth for —xn. & xv. Allen, 225. Hooper &Co., 210. Norton, 126. Gloves, Flesh —x. Lawrence & Co., 722. Gloves, Leather —xx. Cony, J. & J. 190. Dicks, 184. Firkins, J. & (J. 163. Foster & Co. 2. Money, 189. Whitby, 186. Wingrave & Sons, 16. Austria, Jaquemar, 335. Prague Glovers’ Association, 336. Belgium, Hegle, 348. Denmark, Mattat & Sons, 10. Thomsen, 9. France, Brun, 37. Chosson & Co. 1150. Houbigant, 1627. Jouvin & Doyon, 1279. Lecocq Preville, 1303, Tamboitr-Ledoyen, 388. Texier, 1033. Netherlands, Kaiser, 51. Portugal, Baroti, 1154. Russia, Benno-Niveta, 273, Spain, Villardel & Callejas, 258, Zollverein (1), Lehmann, 138. Plessner, 179. Schnei¬ der, 185. Wahlen & Schmidt, 401. Wolter, ISO. (7), Luxembourg Ganterie Fran^aise, 4. See also Skins (for Gloves). Glue —m. Tucker, 122. iv. Abbott & Wright, 121. Groves, 131. Muller, 125a. Neuber, 123. Nirnmo & Co. 122. Swinborne & Co. 119. Tucker, 124, Watt & Son, 120. Belgium, Bihet, 93. Briers, 99. Ilansotte-Delloye, 94, Jobart, 89. Canada, McFarlane, 124. Denmark, Holmblad, 27. France, Coignet & Son, 1153. Estivant, Brothers, 1214, Herve, Brothers, 1624. Lubeck, Behrens, 3. Netherlands, Oemen, 8. Roosegaarde, 21. Portugal, Da Foncua, 627. Pairoto, 628. Van Diemens Land, Button, 21. Oaken, 162. Zollverein (L), Feigenspahn, 688. Loosen, 336. Lo¬ renz, 37. See also Marine Glue. Gluten —in. Jones & Co., 128. St. Etienne, 138. France —Vezon, Brothers, 1520. Gneiss —i. Riddell, Sir J. M., Bart., 55. Goats’ Hair — Russia, Abramoff, 131. Cossack Women, 198. Tunis, 181. Goats-Hair Shawls — Russia, Bondarevsky, Prascovia, Olga, &c. 358. A Cossack’s Wife, 282. Gobertange Stones — Belgium, Beernaert, 439. Godfrey of Bouillon (Equestrian Statue of)—Belgium, Simonis, 464 (Main Avenue, East). Gold and Gold-Ore —i. Brucciani, 486. Marriott, 530 (Main Avenue, East). Canada, Chaudiere Mining Co. 12. Logan, 1. Chili, Schneider & Co. 1. India, 1. New South Wales, Hallett & Sons, 5. Russia, Demidoff, 21, 120. Turkey. United States, Hobson, 277. Walbridge, 186. Western Africa , Swanzy, 23. Gold-beaters’ Skin— iv. Puckridge, 108. x. Puckridge, 609. Marshall, 104. Van Diemen’s Land, Hood, 166. GoLDBEATiNd Machines — France, Bottier, 1101. United States, Vine & Asbmead, 196. Gold-Leaf (including Silver-Leaf) —i. Bennet, 498. Pimm & Co. 478. xxm. Marshall, 104. France, Favrel, 1220. Turkey. United States, Abbey & Son, 54. Asmead & Harlburt, 535, fan Diemen’s Land, Hood, 165. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 151 Gold Manufacture (Processes of)—xxm. Emanuel, 119. Gold Ore, Specimens of, from California—X. Marriott, 530 (Main Avenue, East). Gold Ores (Machines for Washing)— Russia, Demidoff, 153. Gold Pens— vi. Mordan & Co. 205. xxn. Mordan & Co., 161. Wiley & Co, 325. XXIII. Mosley & Co. 107. Nicoll, 21. United States, Reed, 484. Stimpson, 461. Gold Plates (Engraved)— Sivitzerland, Grandjean, 46. Kundert, 45. Gold Plating— France, Brunier, 76. Gold-reviving Fluid— France, Rosseler, 1452, Gold Sand— Spain, The Inspector of the Granada Mines, 16. Gold and Silver Lace— xix. Harding & Co., 189. Belgium, Noel, 332. France, Guillemot, Brothers, 251, Puzin, 1414. Russia, Startchikoff, 321. Zollverein (2), Troeltsch & Hauselmann 59. (6), Anselm 59. Gold and Silver Stuffs— Netherlands, Travaglino, 48. Portugal, Porto, 909-917. Russia, Sapognikoff, 372. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Kroning, 851. Gold and Silver Ware — xxn. Bell, 232. Guest, J. & W. 524. Wiley & Co. 325. xxm. Abbott, 66. Adams, 88. Angell, G. 103. Angell, J. 111. Attenbo¬ rough, 113. Barling, 85. Bennett, 18. Broadhead & Atkins, 43. Collis, 34. Connell, 16. Dixon & Sons, 38. Dodd, 122. Donne & Sons, 127. Eaton, 52. Ellis & Son, 12. Emanuel, 119. Forrest, 108. For¬ ster, 77. Garrard, R. & S. 98. Gass, S. H. & D. S3. Green well, 7. Hancock, 112. Harvey & Co., 92. Hawkesworth, Eyre, & Co. 35. Higgins, 115. Hilliard & Thomason, 29. Hunt & Roskell, 97. Keith, 121. Lambert and Rawlings, 102. Lester & Sons, 27. Lias & Son, 126. Loewenstark, 62. Mar- rian, 31. Marshall & Sons, 23. Martin, Baskett & Co., 2. Mason, 128. Mayer, 14. Mills, 56. Morel & Co. 117. Mosley & Co. 107. Padley, Parkin, & Co. 42. Payne & Sons, 4. Phillips, Brothers, 87. Reid &Sons, 3. Sharp, 120. Skidmore & Son, 129. Smily, 94. Smith, Nicholson, & Co. 110. Spurrier, 28. Thompson, 25. Wertheimer, 130. Wid- dowson & Yeale, 100. Wilkinson & Co. 44. Wood- bridge, 53. XXVI. Hardman & Co., 532. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Donalds, W. J. & C. 41. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Austria, Baecher, 575. Ratzersdorfer, 577. Belgium, Verberckt, 470. Canada, Savage, 340. Ceylon, Grey, the Countess. China, Walkinshaw. Egypt, 369, 375, 378-380, 382, 385-387. France, Christofle & Co. 1562. Durand, 1595. Fray, 512. Froment, 1720. Gueyton, 1619. Marrel, Bro¬ thers, 331, Odiot, 1671. Gold Coast Ashantee , Forster & Smith, 1. Hamburgh, Brahmfeld & Gutrup, 54. India , xxm. Ionian Islands, Seaton, Lord, 5. Woodford, Lady, 1. Malta, Cretien, 24. Faison, 25. Netherlands, Grebe, 102. Kempen, 101. Lucardie, 103, Portugal, De Franca, 1022a. 1022c. Russia, 274, 291. Koshloff, 369. Yarhovzoff, 368. Sardinia, Montefiori, 57. Switzerland, Dubois, 43, Dutertre, 219. Fries, 221 Goiay, 220- Tunis, 83. Turkey. United States, Brown, 134. Simpson, 565. Zollverein (1), Jacobi, 787. Schneider, 203. Stralil, 206. Wagner & Son, 840. Weishaupt & Sons, 412. (2), Grenantb, Brothers, 95. Zeiler, 93. (3), Strube & Son, 33. (4), Groeber, 66. Gold, Silver, and Coloured Tissues—xxvi. Newhery, J. & R. 313. Golf Balls —xxix. Gourlay, 192. Goloshes —xxvin. Hall, 190. Denmark, Petersen, 11. United States, New Brunswick India Rubber Co., 560. Gongs — China, Hewett & Co. Turkey. Goniometer — Zollverein (4), Kinzelbach, 26. Goodhall, Dr., Statue of —Main Avenue, East, Weekes, 102 . Goodwin Sands (Model of Breakwater and Lighthouse for), — vii. King, 160. Goring by Bulls, Invention to prevent—xxix.Mitchell,274. Gorse Cutting and Bruising Machines —ix. Bennett, 75. Burrell, 37. Wedlake & Co., 127. White, 181. Gothic Door —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Emery, 345. Gothic Window (Undescribed)— Zollverein (4), Staib & Wasserott, 69. Grain —See Corn. Graining and Flatting (Specimens of)—n. Fawcett, 29. iv. Enderson, 16. xxvi. Arthur, 303. See also Wood, Painting on. Granite —Western End, North Enclosure (outside), Hos- ken, 75. 1.193. Breadalbane, Marquis of, 7. Clark, 190. Clugas, 168. Cumming, 195. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 163. Freeman, W. & J., 160. Jamieson, 25. Maxwell, 134. Riddell, Sir J. M., 55. Ross, 51. Rossmore, Lord, 142. Sim, 137. Sparks, 154. Canada, Logan, 1. Wilson, 2. France, Colin, 1564. Jersey and Guernsey, Clugas, 25. Portugal, 103-105. Sweden and Norway, Kullgrin, 100 (Eastern End, out¬ side). Turkey. Van Diemens Land, Milligan, 256, 257. Granite Columns, Obelisks, &c. —Western end, South Enclosure (outside), Freeman, W. & J., 14. Western end, North Enclosure (outside), Cheesewring Granite Co., 54. Hosken, 75. Eastern end, Kullgrin, 100. xxvn. MDonald & Leslie, 74. Pearce, 75. Wright, 43. Granite (Small Articles in)—i. Hutchinson, 161. Jamie¬ son, 25. xxm. Ellis & Son, 12. Grasses —hi. Gibbs & Co., 104. Turkey. New Zealand, Moore, 37. Grass Cloth — China, Hewett & Co. Lindsay. Rawson. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Western Africa, Forster & Smith, 2. Hutton, J. F., 21. Hutton & Sons, 6. Straith, 18. Grass Fibre —British Guiana, De Burton, 80, 81. Dug- gin, 79. Grass and Hay Cutting Machines—ix. Shanks & Son, 67. Ferrabee & Sons, 274. Grates — xxii. 111. Coalbrook Dale Co., 641. Featham & Co., 686. Deane, A., 392. Gorton, 374. Hoole & Co.,140. Leslie, 101. Nicholson, S7. Robertson & Co., 802. Stewart & Smith, 102. See also Kitchen Ranges. Stoves, 152 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Grattan, Henry, The late (Statue of)— xxvn. Mont- eagle, Lord, 72. Gravy Dishes—xxii. Gray, 615. Grease —iv. Rose, 27. Great Britain, Steam Ship, Means used for raising (Models)— vii. Bremner, 95. Greek Slave, The (Statue by H. Powers)— United States, Grant, 522 (Main Avenue, East). Greek Theatre (Model of)— Zollverein (1), Stetter, 304. Greenhouses, Conservatories, &c. —Western end, North Enclosure (outside), Dench, 61. Kent, 62. ix. Toby & Son, 210. Weeks & Co., 248a. xxii. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641 (Main Avenue, West). Gidney, 556. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Frewer, 219. See also Glazing for Greenhouses. Greenhouses, Portable —x. Ward, 664. United States, MacWeeney, 365. Green Peas —i??/ssta,Khokholkoft' & Co. 63. Mlagkkoff,62. GreenStone —i. Graham, 517. Sparks, 154. New Zealand, Moore, 37. Van Diemen’s Land , Milligan, 342. Green Vitrol —See Copperas. Grenades — Russia , Imperial Nijne Issetsk Iron Works, 159. Grey, Earl, The late, Monument to (Model)— vn. Green, 3. Grinding and C r ushing Mil ls (for Minerals, Grain, .Meeds,' Drugs" T<^—vTlTosskill, 404. Hall, 472. Savage, 458. ix. Crosskill, 135. xxii. Whitmee & Chapman, 242. See also Corn and Grain Grindi n g and Cr ushin g M ills. HyRrauUcEeeS^Fresses. ners^ark-grinding Mill. Grinding Machines — France, Hermann, 873. Huck, 541. Grindstones— Western end, South Enclosure (outside), BedffpT^c 'C of 24. Dove, 23. Haywood, 22. I. Meimg, 84. ix. Deane, Dray & Co., 180. India, xxix. New Brunswick. Portugal, 295,296. United States, Lombard & Hall, 428. See also Hones. Millstones. Whetstones. Grist-mills —See Corn and Grain, Sfc. Mills. Gritstone —i. Devonshire, Duke of, and Capt. Eddy, 496. Groats (Prepared)— hi. Styles, 157. Grooving Machine — United States, Woodbury, 443. Grubbers (or Cultivators)—ix. Cowan, 124b, Digges La Touche, 263. Drummond & Sons, 49. France, 73. Gualda Dye — Spain, Gisbert, 137. Guano— i. Gill, 38. Cape of Good Hope —De Pass, 50. Searight, 37. United States, Dix, 139. Van Diemen’s Land, Milligan, 255. Guipure — Belgium, Establishment of St. Joseph, 322. Guitars— x. Church, 514. Dobrowolski, 524. Panormo, 525. Austria, Bittner, 144. France , Hu'sson & Co. 885. India, x. Zollverein (1), Rhumann, 90. (3), Glier & Son, 20. Klemm, 18. Guitarra Harp a — Spain, Gallegos, 272. Gum-Paste Figures —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wood, 174. Gums — ii. Jennings, 99. London Druggists, 117. Picciotto, 33. in. Colmari, 117. Tucker, 121. iv. Coovey, 70. Gillman, 44. Rea, 116. Austria, Engelmann, 22. British Guiana, Duggin, 49. Outridge, 51. Ceylon, Pieris. Egypt , 20, 120, 121. France, Augan, 12. India, iv. Lahuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co. 2. New Zealand, Brown, 16. Portugal, 458. Sardinia, Saluce, 10. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey. Van Diemen's Land, Milligan, 81, 254. Milligan & Hull, 288. Quinn, 94. Smith, 296. Western Africa, Weston, 1. Gun B arrels — vm. Goddard, 235. Hart, 245. Robin¬ son, 214. ' 'Wilkinson & Son, 200. Belgium, Amand, 368. Moncheur, 366. Russia, Ismael-Abdool-Rugtiel-Ogli, 160. Zollverein (1), Anschutz, 698. Gun Carriages — vm. F erguson. 84. F erguson, C. A. & T., 184. Mumford, 144. Munro, 282. Russia, Poland Mining Works, 147, 155. Yotkinsk Im¬ perial Iron Works, 156. Gun Elevator—B eadon, 90. Gun Furniture —vm. Beattie, 216. ^unImplements— vm. Bayiis & Son, 251a. (j Un Locks-Gv iii. Baker, 263. Rippingille, 258. Belgium, Ledent, 148. Tunis, 83. Gun Metal—i. Stirling, 428. Gunpowd er—ii. Tulloch, 21 . Tunis, 91 . GhnsTInlaying andTTngraving on—viii. Shorman, 266. Gttns, J 3 istols. &c.. (including Rifles, Muskets , Blunder- — vi 11 . Beattie, *2Id. Beckwi th, 220. Bentley & Son, 221. Boss, 219. Brazier ^J. & R., 206. Brookes & Son, 246. Bull, 239'. clierrett, 297. Cooper & Co., 241. Davidson, 238. Davis, 253. Deane & C o., 22 3. Deane, G. & J., 223 a. Egg, 232. Erskine, 2^7. Fairman, 233. Fletcher, 255. Forsyth & Co., 256. Gibbs, 215. Goddard, 235. Golden & Son, 264. Golding, 228. Grainger, 278. Greener, 59. Hart, 245. Haswell, 259. Hoskins, 252. King, 281. Lang. 226. Manton & Son, 217. Moore & Grey, 209Mortimer, "So 77 Needham ,*260. Needham, W. & J., 218. Osborne, 234. Parker & Co., 221. Parsons, 279. Potts, 207. Powell & Son, 249. Reilly, 237. Richards & C o.. 240. Rigby, W. & J., 236. Shaw^DL Squires, 287. ToVF57send, 243. Trulock & Son, 222. Watkins & Hill, 238a. Webster, 265. Yeomans & Son, 23 1. x. Webster, 671a. Winton, 250. Witt on & Co., 203. Woodfleld, 229. Woodward, 230. xxii. Oliver, 121. Ashfield, 78, 260. Boyd, 77, 259. Austria, Kehlner’s Nephew, 116. Kirner, 121. Lebeda, 111. Meyer & Co., 112. Micheloni, 119. Nowak, 115. Perger, 111. Schamal, 118. Schoenhuber, 113. Belgium, Ancion & Co., 143. Bernimolin & Brothers, 150. Dehousse, 153. Doutrewe, 149. Falisse & Rapmann, 154. Henrard, 140. Jansen, 139. Lar- dinois, 151. Lepage, 145. Malherbe, 147. Montigny & Fusnot, 158. Plomdeur, 146. Renkin, 503. Renkin, Brothers, 141. Thonet, 144. Tinlot, 152. Tourey, 155. Canada, Ashfield, 161. Boyd, 160. Ceylon. Denmark, Jessen, 14. France, Berger, 418. Beringer, 1546. Bernard, 1547. Bertonnef, 58. Caron, 1133. Cusson, Pourchier, & Rossignol, 468. Devisme, 166. Duclos, 1712. Flo- bert, 215. Fontenau, 509. Gastinne - Renette, 1611. Gauvain, 1612. Goddet, 1251. Houllier, 1628. Jacque- mart, Brothers, 272. Lagrege, 1724. Lefraucheux, 153 CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 1308. Mathieu, 618. Morel, Brothers, 1734. Moutier le Page, 1364. Peigne, 947. Prelat, 1681. Ronch- ard-Slauve, 1451. Hanover, Tanner, 3. India, vm. Jersey and Guernsey, Jouhaud, 19. Litbeck, Fischer, 5. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Schmidt, 2. Persia, Major. Portugal, Royal Military Arsenal, 635-640. Pussia, Shah-Wedi-Ogli, 166. Spain, Aretio, 269. Garate, 270 a. Ibarzabal, 268. Placencia Royal Ordnance, 265. Zuluaga, ‘261a. Sweden and Norway, Kongsberf Manufactory, 40. Switzerland, Destraz, 71. Fischer, 265. Jeannet, 5. Peter, 67. Saurbrey, 68. Vannod, 69. Turkey. United States , Allen, 236. Colt. 321 . Palmer, 347. ~ Fecare & Smith, 307. Robbins & Lawrence, 328. Zollverein (1), Blanche, 801. Brecht, 699. Gehrmann, 60. Gleichauf, 887. Grzybowski, 63. Hanau, 700. Kehl, 64. Konig & Sons, 701. Liidlich, 61. Pis tor, 481. Pokorny, 79. Sauberbrey, 702. Sauer & Son, 479. Schaller, 478. Schilling, 855. Spangenberg, Sauer, & Sturm, 477. Teutenberg, 678. Weiland, 388. (2), Heinlein, 20. Huckenreuter, 21. (3), Thueri- gen, 32. (4), Oberndorf Royal Gun Manufactory, 15. (5), Weber & Schultheis, 6. (6), Dick ore, 18. See also Cartridges. Percussion Caps. Shot Sg Bullets. Stanchion Guns. Steam Gun. War-Engine. Wild Fowl Shooting, Guns, Sgc.for. Gun-shot Distance Measurer — Switzerland, Zeigler, 108. G un-St ocks — Van Diemen's Land, Robins on, 90 Gun Waddings —vm. Fairman, 233. Joyce & (!W, 277. Symington, 286. Walker & Co, 284. Walker, R. 242. xii. & xv. Wilkinson, 51. xvii. Hamer, 84. Gutta Percha, and Articles made thereof —vi. Gutta Percha Company, 424. x. Wishaw, 419. xix. O’Donnell, 53. XX. Helps, 168 a. xxii. Tasker, 221. Thompson, 808. xxvi. Gutta Percha Company, 21. Thorn & Co., 1. xxvm. Bunn & Co., 77. Gutta Percha Company, 85. Hancock, 90. Walker, 87. xxix. Iliff, 253. Moorson, 253. Austria, Dinzel, 348. Canada, Wheeler, 353. India, iv. Labuan, fyc., Hammond & Co., 2. Turkey. See also Boats, Gutta Percha. Electrical Machines, Gutta Percha. Gutta Percha Horse-shoeing —xxvm. Hewens, 195. Gymnastic Apparatus —x. Chaplin, 570. Gypsum —Western end, South Enclosure, Outside, Rays- dale 4. i. 131c. Blyth & Jacobs, 131. Canada, Logan, 1. Labuan, Sgc., Hammond & Co. 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 50, 166, 169-171. Gypsum (Articles in)—xxvn. Hall, J. & T., 37, 38. Tunis, 13. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Noe, 418. H. Hackles — See Flax Tools and Machinery. Haematite —i. Ainsworth, 422. Dickenson, 407a. Drew, 449. Ulverston Mining Company, 420. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 24. Hair (Artificial)— xvi. Laycock & Sons, 330. xxvm. Ross & Sons, 64. Truefitt, 65. xxix. Rimmel, 3. Hamburgh, Pepper, 18. Tunis, 182. Turkey. United States, Wisdom, Russel, & Whitman, 205. Zollverein (3), Goetze, 169. See also Dyed Hair. Wigs. Hair-Brushes — See Brushes, Toilet. Hair-Cloth —xvi. Laycock & Sons, 330. Webb, 243. Hair, Cow —xxix. Wright, 250. Hair-dressers’ Figures — France, Allix, 6. Hair Dyes —iv. Barker & Co. 62. xvi. Leathart, 317. xxvm. Truefitt, 62. Bussia, Belitcheflf, 330. Hair Fancy-work and Ornaments —xxm. Babewell, 70. Cleal, 59. Forrer, 99. Gass, S. H.&D., 83. Hans- sen & Co., 124. Hermann, 90. Lee, 71. Townley, 125. Wall, 5. xxviii. School for the Indigent Blind, 100. xxix. Adair, 3(y. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Gray, 293. Austria, Franke, 602. Denmark, Lange, 42. France, Lemonnier & Co., 909. Hamburgh, Gompertz, 33, Netherlands, Lefebre, 107. United States, Bourgard, 309. Phalon, 390. Zollverein (1), Seel, 657. Hair- Powder —hi. Jones & Co., 128. Austria, Ritter, 696. Hair Sieves — Tunis, 137. Hair Springs — Switzerland, Lutz, 94. Hair, Vegetable — Algeria, Averseng & Co., 3. Hair-working Machine— vi. Thompson, 503. Halters (Horses’)—xiv. Wall, E. & T., 70. Hammocks — British Guiana, Barkly, 125, 128, 129. Rose, 136. Stutchbury, 126, 127. Hampden, Statue of (Model)—North Transept, 46. Hand-Bells —v. Warner & Sons, 424. Handkerchiefs (Cambric, Cotton, and others)—xi. Thom-, son & Son, 15. xii. & xv. Black & Wingate, 204. Webber & Hairs, 277. xiv. Dutferin’s, Lord, School, Belfast, 3. Richardson, J. & T. & Co., 21. xvm. Mair & Co., 13. China, Baring, Brothers. Egypt, 319, 322, 323, 328, 331. France, Lazare & Lacroix, 905. Ionian Isles, Fitzroy, Lord C., 4. Portugal, Da Luz, 756-760. Motter, Weybe, & Co. 748-755. Russia, Rabeneck, 173. Switzerland, Baenziger, 112. Greuter & Rister, Bro¬ thers, 123. Hunziker & Co., 166. Mueller, 160. Schiesser, 134. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Bauch, 793. Funke, 587. Kirstein, 120. Prentzel, 129. (4), Kohlor, 46. Handkerchiefs (Silk)—xi. Mair, Son, & Co., 59. xvm. Baker & Co., 2. Foster & Co., 16. Kerr & Co., 54. Keymer, J., 12. Walford, 19. Welch & Co., 7. Wilkinson, 8. xix. Bennock & Co., 394. Algeria, Casteiran, 15. Austria, Laporta, 387. Liebig, 24l. Mayer, Brothers, 266. Robz, 384. Siebert, 271. Spanraft, 273. Belgium, Verreyt, 290. China, Hewett & Co. France, Chambon, 112. Depoully, 1586. Lazare & Lacroix, 905. Meures & Candin, 1357. Nourry, Brothers, & Meynard, 1670. Paul, 676. Greece, Nuns of St. Constantine, 54. Hamburgh, Bahr & Co., 122. Lade, 23. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 2. Seaton, Lord, 5. Portugal, Carneiro, 960-962. Martin, 957. Russia, Jraf-Ogli, 207. Sardinia, Annecy & Pont, 34. 154 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Switzerland , Baenziger, Kolp, & Co., 156. Schmid, Brothers, 269. Tanner, 205. Walty, Brothers, 141. Tunis, 10. United States, Pierce, 248 a. Updegraff, 546. Zollverein (1), Simons, 514. Handkerchiefs (Designs for)— France, Preinsler, 1409. Hand-Loom (for weaving looped Fabrics)—vi. Claussen, 86. Hand-Loom Fabrics (Cotton, Wool, Silk)— France, Tri¬ cot, Brothers, 396. Hand-Mills (for grinding Flour)—vi. Adams S.& C., 429. Egypt, 155. France, Bouchon, 431. Hand-mule Cotton Machinery —vi. Mason, 10. Hand-power Machine —v. Gunn, 754. Handley, H. (M.P.), Testimonial to the Memory of (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Cburt) Mabey, 141. Hands, Artificial —x. Bursill, 673a. Little, 196. Harbour of Refuge on the East Coast of Ireland (Model)— vii. Bruff, 49. Hardware (various)—-xxn. Bailey & Sons, 805. Blews & Sons, 349. Burton, 247. Carpenter & Tildesley, 655, Chambers, 807. Fearncombe, 160 a. Featham & Co. 686. Glenton & Chapman, 238. Gorton, 374. Gray & Son, 262. Hale & Co, 486. Hardy, 146. Harper & Sons, 96. Harrison, 555. Holgate, 450. Hoole & Co. 140. Mapping, 180. Mapplebecke & Lowe, 370. Moore & Co. 274. Morel on & Langley, 669. Morton, 104. Newbold & Owen, 1^3. Pender & Sons, 574. Price, 397. Robertson, Carr & Co. 802.' Rowley, 278. Shenstone&Mills, 273. Shoolbred & Co. 66. Simonite, 270. Steer & Webster, 124. Stirk, 666. Tarian, 544. Taylor, 359. Terry & Son, 691 a. Turner & Co. 174. Walton, 701. Wright, 177. xxix. Mitchell, 138. Wantless, 266. France, Bricard & Gauthier, 437. Coulaux & Co. 129. Dervaux-Lefebvre, 145. Goldenberg & Co. 851, 1737. Jacquemart Brothers, 272. Laury, 568. Morel, Brothers, 1734. Pieron, 957. Hamburgh, Classen, 110. Flsersheim, 52. Meyer, 55, Schultze & Schemany, 49. India, xxii. Nova Scotia, Archibald. 2. }Russia, Jakvleff, 286. Zollverein (1), Basse & Fischer, 664, Boecker, 633. Christian, 624, Funke & Hueck, 652, Hasenclever & Sons, 631. Hilgers & Sons, 631. Huth, Fried & Co. 632. Lucas & Co. 650. Luckhaus & Co. 631. Piegler, 765, Schmidt, 651, (3), Hoffman, 36. (4), Deffner, 71. See also Ironmongery. IronWares. Ja¬ panned Wares . Harmoniums —x. Wheatstone & Co. 526. Belgium, Verhasselt, 179. Zollverein (3), Zimmermann, 24. France, Debain, 1172. Tremaux, 394. Harness, &c .—See Saddlery and Harness. Harpoon Gun and Apparatus —vm. Murray, 38. See also Whale-Guns. Harpoons—xxii. Thomas, 358. Harps. —x. Bray, 531. Jones, 532. Ventura, 18. France, Domeny, 477. Erard, 497. Harrows— ix. Barker, 230. Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 128. Campbell, 17. Carson, 110. Coleman, 216. Comins, 143. Crosskil!,135. Digges La Touche, 263. Garrett & Sons, 142. Grant & Co. 267, Williams, 151, India. Zollverein (1), Kuenemund, 795. Sprengel & Co., 67. Hassocks— xix. Hope, 209. Hat-Bands, &c.—xiii. Boothe & Pyke, 63. Wilson, 56. Hat-making (Materials for)— xiii. Walters & Son, 9. Wilson & Co., 10. xx. Dietrich, 56. Simmonds & Woodman, 105. Hat Manufacture (Illustrations of)—vi. Gaimes, San¬ ders, & Nichol, 57, 58. xx. Christy & Co., 35. Stainburn & Baugh, 58. Hats and Caps— viii. Allen & Co. 202. xi. Lincoln & Bennett, 57. xx. Ashmead & Tyler, 53. Ashton Sc Sons, 52. Barber, 57. Barford, 170. Beeston, 162a. Berni & Melliard, 103. Bethel, Ware & Co. 76, Braun, 64a. Braund, 66. Carrington, S, & T., 126. Clemes & Sons, 156. Dando, Sons & Co. 50. Darling, 131. Davies, 216. Dietrich, 56. Elliott & Cooper, 172. Eveleigh & Son, 104. Felix & Co., 51a. Gaimes, Sanders, & Nichol, 57, 58. Garrard, R. & J., 61. Gregory, Cubitt & Co. 8. Johnson & Co. 48. Laughland, 144. Lees, 127 a. Long, 16 a. Mason, 157. Melton, 54. Middlebrook, 123. Mollady & Sons, 125. Ritchie, 145, Smith & Co. 55. Thomp¬ son & Co. 192. Tress & Co. 102. White, 51. Zox, 59. xxviii. Clarkson, 197. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Austria, Hubseh, 352. Krise, 353. Muck, 354. Srba, 355. Belgium, Anchiaux, 344. Jacquot, 347. Lievain, 351. Van Nieuvenborg, Brothers, 343. Brazil , Mornay, 3. Cape of Good Hope, Deane & Johnson, 19. France, Badin, 1063. Baton & Son, 1069. Chenard, Brothers, 87. Coupin, 1162. Donat & Co. 1193. Duchene, 1198. Ernoux, 498. Lambert & Son, 1289, Lejeune, 1314. Hamburgh, Caken, 34. Cohn, 42. Curjar, 35. Hanover, Wagner, 7. India, xv. xxviii. New Zealand, St. John’s College, 7. Portugal, Borges, 973-977. Kirsh, 985, 986. Rocho, 978-984. Russia, Fitzner, 271. Spain, Belmonte, 256. Switzerland, Jeanneret, 38. Tunis, 10. Turkey. United States, Genin, 232. Leary & Co. 130. Oak- ford, 45. Western Africa, Matson, 9. Zollverein (1), Freystadf, Brothers, 178. Israel, 754. Leimkueler, 398. Roessler, 397. Rups, 613. Schmidt & Sons, 756. Seldis, 181. Vassel & Co., 186. (6), Schuchard, 19. See also Plushes ( for Hats, 8fc<). Hats, Straw, &c.—xx. Cooper, i. J. & G., 172 a/ Elliott, 172. Austria, Faller, Fritscheller & Co. 656. British Guiana, Barkly, 76. Canada, Commissioners, 339. Malta, Villa, Fratelli, 5. Spain, Settier, 272a. Van Diemen's Land, Symonds, 274-278. Western Africa, Beecham, 12. Hutton & Sons, 6. McWilliam. Zollverein (1), Faller 8c Co, 419. Hautboys —See Oboes. Hay— Belgium, Vanden Abeele, 52. Hay Cart (Model)—xxix. Spratt, 121. Haymaking Machines— ix. Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 1.28. Grant & Co. 267. Smith & Co. 234. Wedlake & Co. 127. Hay and Straw Cutting Machines— ix. Rodenhurst, W. & J., 61. Smith, A. & W. & Co. 266. See also Chaff-cutting Machines. Hay-Racks (for Sheep)—ix. Upfill, 277, Hay-Rakes (Horse). See Bakes, Horse. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 155 Hay-Saffron — 11 . Keating, 102. Heald-making Machines— vi. Judkins, 52. Hearth and other Rugs — xyi. Clapham, 9. Clark, C. & J., 48. Dick, 311. Poland & Co., 302. Robinson, 7. Rood & Co., 49. xix. Beavis, 395. Bottom, 106. Brinton and Sons, 110. Eustace, R. & J., 160. Fortune, 168'. Lawson, 235 a, 325. M‘Farlane, Brothers, 243. xxyiii. School for the Indigent Blind, 100. See also Carpets. Carriage Rugs. Hearth Rugs (Designs for) —xix. Hanson, 188. Heating Apparatus — France , Pimont, 1391. See also Atmopyres. Gas Cooking and Warming Apparatus. Hot-air Apparatus. Hot-water Apparatus. Hedges (Models)—ix. Jennison, 70. Heidelberg Castle (Model)— Oldenburg, Cassebohm,l. Heliographic Prints — France, Blanquart, 1551. Helmets —See Military Accoutrements. Hemming-machines— France , Senechal, 373. Hemp (including manufactures thereof)—xiv. Bridport Local Committee, 73. Jameson & Co., 60. xxvm. Bevington & Morris, 38. Treloar, 39. Woodhead, 191. Austria , Birnbaum, 95. Hermannstadt Ropemakers’ Association, 277. Jager, 278. Parsch, Brothers, 279. Bahamas, Thompson. Belgium, Gilta, 105. Van Bogaert, 107. Van Riet, 1*03. Verhelst, 102. Canada, Grice, 71. Cape of Good Hope, Watermeyer, 17. China. Egypt, 152. France, Joubert-Bonnaire & Co., 552. Laine-Laroche & Max, 286. Leclerc, Brothers, 576. India, iv. Portugal, Palmella, Duke of, 530-532. Rome, Centre Chamber of Commerce, 9. Minghetti, 10. Russia, Filemonoflf, 103. Krasheneneroff, 100. Milni- kofl-Gloushkoff, 212. Milnikoff-Gloushkoflf, M., 214. Milnikoff-Gloushkoff, P., 213. Volkhonsky, Prince, 109. Spain, 153-155, 157, 158. Calderon, 152. Castellon Corporation, 194. Diez, 172. Ripalda, Count, 163. Turkey , United States, Dix, 139. White, 397. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Burbach, Brothers, 799. Doebel, 547. Hauch, 792. Kisker, 553. Verein, 790. (2), Braun, 39, See also Flax. Oakum. Rope and Cordage. String and Twine. Tow. Hemp-dressing Machines — United States , Williams, 14. Hemp Palm — China , East India Company. Henbane, Extract of—ii. Tustian, 97. Heraldic Engraving — xxiii. Matthews, 95. See also Armorial Bearings. Herbarium — United States, Chase, 99. Herbs and Roots — ii. McCulloch, 96. Hereford Cathedral (Lectern for) — Main Avenue, West, Potter, 63. Hermetic Taps — France, Frinault, 1608. Hides —See Leather and Hides. Hide-rolling Machine—v. Newcombe, 205. Highland Dresses and Ornaments —xx. Macdougall, 83. xxiii. Marshall & Sons, 23. Meyer & Mortimer, 47. Highland Games (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) An¬ derson, 189. Hinai, or Indian Vase — Society Islands, Queen Po¬ rn are, 4. Hinges (Various) —xxn. Barnard & Bishop, 34. Col¬ lins, 573. Gerish, 652. Gollop, 651. Ilaslaln, 421. Thrupp, 676. Whitley, 656. Hoes— ix. Dufour & Co., 124a. Spurgin, 259. Warren, 257. Hoes, Horse —ix. Barker, 230. Ben fall, 217. Busby, 15. Comins, 143. Crosskill, 135. Crowley & Sons, 96. Garrett & Sons, 142. Gray & Sons, 150. Harkes, 23. Samuelson, 185. Smith, 270. Wedlake& Co., 127. Hoes, Turnip —ix. Grounsell, 148. Hoisting-machines —v. Greatorex, 415. Holy-Water Vessels — See Ecclesiastical Furniture. Homceopathic Medicine Cases— xvi. Allen, 36. Hone-Stones and Hones —i. Ross, 51. Scrampton, 82, Solomon, 81. Thorne, 475. Belgium, Guillaume, 1. Lamberty, 3. Offergeld, 4. Otte, 2. India, i. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 30. Van Diemen’s Land, Milligan, 79. Honey and Honeycomb — in. Bentley, 4. Doubleday, 2. Dutton, 6. Fortnum, Mason, & (Jo., 55. Kitchener, 5. Lighton, 1. Weatherley, 27. Austria, Carniolian Agricultural Society, 70. British Guiana, Bee, 124. Canada , Lynam, 131. Cape of Good Hope , Joubert, 52. Paardeberg, 7. Ceylon. Egypt, 56, 59, 61, 62. France, Chailloux & Co., 1558. Laugier, 1640. Greece , Euboea, Bishop of, 14. Tsitzembakos, 13. India, n. Portugal, 593-598. Sardinia, Guiso, 23. Spain, Abad, 1*81. Benjumea, 185, 189 a. Cenfenera, 184. Colmenero, 182. Escudero, 183. Huelva, 139 c. Labat, 105. Molina, 180. Tunis, 155,163. Turkey. Van Diemen's Land, Fenton, 330. Rout, 291. See also Beeswax. Honey (Apparatus for obtaining)—in. Kitchener, 5. See also Bee-hives. Honeycombs, Artificial — France, Damainville, 153. Honna-Leaves — Tunis, 85. Hookahs — India , xxv. xxvm. Hooks and Eyes —xxn. Hardman & Iliflfe, 284. Woods, 33. France, Hue, 269. Hops —i. Paine, 36. in. Ashburnham, 60. Attfield, 61. Golding, 63. Masters, 65. Paine, 62. Richardson & Sons, 59. Austria, Schoefel, 99. Von Wallis, 93. Belgium, Degryse, 63. De Quidt, 64. Lava, 500. Van Merris, 65. Canada, Penner, 65. Smith, 64. New Zealand, 39. Van Diemen s Land, Smith, 78. Zollverein (6), Stein & Schroeder, 81. Hop-Bagging Machines— ix. Elliott, 144a. Plenty, J. &E., 272. Wheeler, 216 a. Woodbourne, 76. Hop Fungus —in. Plomley, 64. Hop Separating Machines— xxn. Collins, 88 Hop Tallies —x. Richardson, 264. Horn (Articles in)— Turkey. Zollverein (8), Montag, 11. See also Horn Carvings. Horn Carvings — Switzerland, Ueltschi, 256. Horn Paintings — Hamburgh, Cornides, 101. Horn, Stained (to imitate tortoiseshell)—xvm. Hitch, 59, Hornblende— i. L'skesrd Committee, 513. 156 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Artides-are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Horns (Animal)— Canada, Thompson, 99. Cape of Good Hope, 58. Bridges, 21. Hanbury, 28. Meeser, 16. Ceylon. Egypt, 113. 114, 117-119, 124, 125. India , iv. Turkey. United States, Goddard, 537. Horns (Musical Instruments)— See Trumpets and Horns. Horse-boxes, Railway— ix. Lydes, 141. Horse & Cattle Medicines— See Veterinary Medicines. IIorse-Clothing—xii. & xv. Gandy, 246. Hagues & Co., 25. Whitworth & Son, 56. Wilson, J. & W., 245. XIV. Morrison & Horn, 49. Austria, Maurer, 200. Canada, Gamble, 139. Horse-Hair— iv. Blytb, Hamilton, & Blytb, 60. Belgium, Hausens-Hap, 257. Ivistemaeckers, 270. Somze- Mahy, 265. Hamburgh, Meyer, 105. Netherlands, Catz & Co., 30. Russia, Bezroukavnikoff-Sokoloff, 248. Ivanoff, 259. Kondriaffzell-Jadenaffsky, 340. Switzerland, Hurter & Buholzer, 231. Roth, 53. Van Diemen s and, Roat, 242. Zollverein (1), Fudickar, 596. Horsehair Clothes-lines— xiv. Wall, E. & T., 70. Horsehair Lace— Switzerland, Sulzberger & Akermann, 234. Horsehair Textures— xiv. Wall, E. &T., 70. Belgium, Kistemaeckers, 270. France, Delacour, 472. Zollverein (1), Mengen, 581. Horse-power Machines (Undescribed)— France, Pouyer, 967. United States, Eddy & Co., 523. Horse-Shoes— v. Holmes. & Co., 872. xxii. Chopping & Co., 11. Cook, 16. Guy, 4. Hillman, 15. Holmes, 12. Miles, 9. Plomley, 17. Stevens, 7. Whitehead, 10. Woodin, 8. Zollverein (2), Gradman, 55. Horse-Shoes (Temporary)—x. MacMahon, 601 d. Horse-shoeing, Gutta Percha— xxvm. Hewens, 195. Horse-shoeing Tools—ix. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews, 128. Horse-skin Cloak— Russia, Khirghis, 278. Horses’ Teeth, Instrument for operating on— x. Gowing, 645, 736. Horse-Wheel— v. Warner & Sons, 424. Horticultural Implements— ix. Bates, 186. Ebbs, 56a. Sanders, 269b. Smith, 222. Winton, 259a. xxii. Brookes & Son, 110a. Pdyre & Co., 203. Marsden & Co., 169. Skeltons, 220. Sorby & Sons, 204. Thomas, 358. Thornhill, 2. Austria, Lobkowitz, Prince, 454. Belgium, Le Docte, 161. France, Arnheiter, 753. India, ix. Switzerland, Choi let, 70. United States, Allen & Co., 97. Zollverein (1), Scbeller & Weber, 663. See also Agri¬ cultural Implements. Flower-Stands. Garden En¬ gines. Garden Pots and Stands. Scythes. Hose for Fire-Engines— v. Merry weather, 401. Shand & Mason, 410. ix. Burgess & Key, 237. Hosiery— xn. & xv. Burgess & Co. 243. Dicksons & Laings, 234. Garvie & Dias, 227. Reid & Son, 481. Standen & Co., 281. xix. Hollins, 30. Irish Work Society, 77. xx. Allan & Solly, 100. Angrave, Bro¬ thers, 202. Baines, 200. Barnes, T. & G., 27. Beale & Latchmore, 204. Biddle, 207. Biggs & Sons, 205. Billson & Hames, 201. Bradshaw, 39. Brie & Co., 24. Cartwright & Warners, 196. Carver & Gilbert, 98. Corah & Sons, 208. Farrange, 176. Foster, Porter, & Co., 2. Fry, 193. Furlev, 94. Glenny, 37. Hadden & Sons, 134. Holland & Co., 194. Hollins, 96. Homan & Co., 17. Hudson, 199. Hurst & Sons, 99. Johnston, 128 a. Kaye &Co., 140. Laing, 133. Lart & Son, 81. Morley, I. & R., 101. Muir & Co., 146. Neville & Co., 7, 20. Paterson, .19, 129. Peart & Dosseter, 5. Pope & Plante, 6. Roy, 136. Sandland & Crane, 38. Shaw, 91. Taylor, 3. Tajdor & Beales, 197. Thompson & Co., 192. Thresher & Glenny, 79. Thurman & Co., 92. Ward & Sons, 203. Ward, Strut, & Co., 195. Weather- head, 33. Welch & Co., 212. Wheeler, 206. Wheel- ler & Ablett, 22. Whitehead & Son, 139. Willner, 44a. Wilson & Son, 183. Austria, Budinsky, 393. France, Cochois & Colin, 124. Esprit & Noye, 499. Lauret, Brothers, 903. Milon, 930. Trotte, 701. New South Wales, Morrison, 5. Portugal, Jorge, 968. Loureive, 727. Parreira, 1169, 1170. Russia, Narimoff, 193. South Australia, Webster, 3. Switzerland, Bally & Co., 210. Frey, 212. Turkey. United States, Brown, 110. Peck, 248. Van Diemen’s Land, Queens Orphan Schools, 138-141. Zollverein (1), Kohlstadt, 400. Krocker & Son, 755. ^chopper, C. F., 758. Schopper, F., 757. Weben- dorfer, Brothers, 759. Zimmerman & Son, 718. (3), United Merchant Manufacturers, 72-83. (4), Hils, Haas, & Co., 53. Rehm, 54. Hosiery Looms — France, Berthelot, 422. Hosiery Yarns—xi. Hollins & Co., 1, 36. xn. & xv. Fox, Brothers, & Co., 7. Hospital (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Merrett, 172. Hot-Air Apparatus — v. Green, 53. United States, Perkins, 472. Hot-Air Ovens — United States, Rodriguez, 485. Hot-Water Apparatus —v. Hill, 94. ix. Pannell, 204. Weeks & Co., 248 a. xxii. Dale, 501. Garton & Jarvis, 483. Tozer, 390. xxix. Frost, 34. United States, Perkins, 541. Houses (Models of)—i. George, 213. vn. McLachlan, 181. Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes, 172. xxix. Lascelles, 123. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Pearse, 32. British Guiana, Barkley, 135. Colling, 162. India, vn. See also Cottages, Labourers'. House Decorations (Designs for)—xvm. Glover, 92. xxvi. Horne, 32. Moxon, 252. Turner & Co., 320. xxx, (Fine Art Court), Papworth, W. & J. W„ 22a. Howdahs —State Howdahs and Palanquins presented to Her Majesty. India. Howitzers —See Cannon, Sfc. Huddersfield Viaduct (Model)— vii. Roebuck, 30. Human and Animal Blood — France, Brocchieri, 74. See also Albumen of Blood. Hummelling-machines— ix. Garrett & Sons, 142. See also Barley-Hummellers. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 15'i Hunting Knives— See Cutlery. Hunting and Shooting Bags and Nets— Zollverein (1), Zeschke, 259. Hurdle or Gate-making Machines —ix. Burrell, 37, Hyacinth Glasses and Supports — xxii. Tye, 314. Hydrant, or Fire-Cock—xxii. Guest & Chrimes, 524. United States, Bartholomew, 335. Hydraulic Battery —x. Brett, 422. Hydraulic Cement — Western End, South Enclosure, (outside) Towler, 27. Canada , Logan, 1 . Netherlands, Maas, 4. Hydraulic Clock — France, Tiffereau, 1042. Hydraulic Crane— v. Armstrong, 44. Hydraulic Engines— v. Shalders, 402. Hydraulic Foot-warmer— France, Yiguler, 729. Hydraulic Lamp— x. Taylor, 672. Hydraulic Locomotive —v. Erskine, 100. Hydraulic Machines —v. Armstrong, 44, Shaw, 113. France , De Caligny, 1101. Fontaine, 1227. Leclerc, 299. Moison, 1358. Jersey and Guernsey, Seignuret, 3. Hydraulic Presses —v. Bank Quay Foundry Company, 412. Greatorex, 415. Jackson, 682. Hydraulic Ram— v. Easton & Amos, 408. Roe & Han¬ son, 462. United States, Gatchel, 468. Hydraulic Seed-presses — n. Blundell, Spence & Co. 48. Hydrochloric Acid — Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. Hydro-Electric Machine — -vi. Watson, 165. Hydro Extractor— France, Bezault & Co. 425. Hydrographic Engravings — France, Collin, 126. Hydrographic Instruments — France, Keller, 280. Hydrometers —x. Acland, 368. Baker, 396. Durham, 668. Griffin & Co. 457. Nunn, 371. France, Arrera, 752. United States, Eakins, 256, Zollverein (4), Kinzelback, 26. See also Spirit Meters. Water Meters. Hydrometers (Scales for making)—x. Acland, 368. Hydro-Pneumatic Apparatus —x. Statham, 456. Hydro-Pneumatic Elevators — vii. Watt, 20. Hydro-Pneumatic Engine — v. Jenkins, 88. Hydro-Pneumatic Lift for Canal Locks — v. Led- bitter, 650. vii. Watt, 20. Hydro-Pneumatic Ship Lift — vii. Watt, 20. Hydrostatic Balances, &c. —x. De Grave, Short, & Fanner, 333. Hydrostatic Presses & Apparatus— v. Burgess, 471. Firth, 472, vi. Cottam & Hallen, 221. vm. Gale, 79. Hygrometers— x. Negretti & Zambra, 160a. Newman, 674. Hymn for all Nations—( in thirty languages) xvn. Erettell, 169. I. Ice-Boats (for Saving Life from Drowning)—T in. Royal Humane Society, 15. Ice-Box— xxii. Keith, 601 . Ice-Cream Freezer— United States, Fryer, 372. Ice-making Machines— France , Fumet, 513. United States, Asher, 355, 372. Ice-Plane — xxii. Keith, 601. Ice Safes —Keith, 601. Wenham Lake Ice Company, GOO. Illuminated Designs, Missals, &c. — xvii. Hood, 157. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Beeson, 111a. China, Boileau. France, De Bastard, 1717. Illustrated Books — See Books, Illustrated. Impulsoria —v. Crestadora, 557. Incense — Trinidad, Lord Harris. Inclines, mode of assisting Carriages up and down—v. Snowden, 588. Incubation (Models of)—x. Dinsdale, 718. India Paper (Substitute for)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Leith, 114. India-rubber Manufactures — See Caoutchouc. Indian Blue —ii. Estcourt, 64. Indian Curiosities, &c. — British Guiana, Barkly 135. Colling, 162. Canada, Indians of Lorette, 177. India, xxx. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. United States, Davis, 563. Indian Ink — China, Copland. Reeves, J. Reeves, J. R. Zollverein (1), Diesel & Co., 882. Indicating Levels (Engineers’)—x. Blyth, 367. Ca¬ meron, 356. Indigo — ii. Marshall, 68. in. Colman, 117. iv. Cuovev, 70. * Austria, Fiala, 25. China. East India Company. Egypt, 79. India, iv. Tunis, 15-17. Western Africa, Beech am, 12. Zollverein (1), Krimmelbein & Bredt, 457. Infusion Apparatus — ii. Squire, 93, Infusions, Medicinal. See Decoctions and Infusions. Inhaber Eines, Patent and other Fabrics— xxvin. Fors¬ ter, 178. Inks—xvii. Galbraith, 179. Hawthorne, 7. Lines & Co. 168. Lovejoy, 176. Peckerd, 110. Stokes, 80. Todd, 119. xxix. Ede & Co. 18.' Galbraith, 17. Austria, Halla & Co. 54. France, Larenaudiere, 1294. Hanover, Horsmann, 2. India, xxix. Sardinia, Bo, 19. Tunis, 81. United States, Maynard & Noyes, 445, ^ Zollverein (2), Sammet, 50. Ink for the Blind — xvii. Edinburgh School for the Blind, 170. Ink-Bottles — xvii. Isaac, 165. Ink-Lithography (Specimens of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Leighton, 59. Ink, Marking —n. Pouting, 25. xvii. Swann, 155. Ink-Powder — xvii. Todd, 119. Ink, Printers’ — xvii. Parsons & Co., 31. Inkstands —vi. Mordan & Co., 205. x. Cole, 31. xvii. Mordan & Co. 161. xxii. Edwards, 345. xxm. Cartwright and Hiron, 30. Mayer, 14. Mortimer, 13. xxiv. Wood & Perkes, 7. xxvi. England, 528. Howell & Co., 190 a. North, 257. lxxvii. Rowlands, 63. xxviii. Mallandain & Co. 108, xxix. Strud- wick, 42. Turkey. Inlaid Flooring— xxvi. Cowell & Co., 526. Austria, Leistler, 663. Russia, Miller, 299. See also Parqueterie Flooring. Inlaid Woods (Imitation of)—xxvi. Davis, 329. Fon- nereau, 40, xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bolmar & Carfrae, 344. 158 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Boman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Inlaid Work— xxvm. Peters & Son, 131. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Carrick 93. Millbank, 99. Sutton, 105. Ceylon , Kitchin. Hamburgh, Faulwasser, 71. Loose, C. L., 74. Loose, J. R., 75. Rampendahl, 70. Werner & Piglhein, 79. Sardinia, Bertinetti, 61. Capello, 64. Spain, Medina, 270. Perez, 271 a. Tuscany, Mazzetti, 90. Polli, 85. Van Diemen's Land, M'Naughten, 192. Zollverein (1), Praetorius, 853. See also Buhl Work, Mosaic Work. Insects, Collections of —New Zealand,, Moore, 37. Van Diemen's Land , Cox, 280. Zollverein (4), Noerdlinger, 11. Insects, Fumigating Apparatus for Killing—vii. Boulanger, 198. ix. Brown, 91. xxn. English, 572. See also Vermin Destroyer. Instruction Tables— Jersey and Guernsey, Messervy, 11. AVhite, 12. Instrumental Performers (Instruments for giving strength, &c., to the fingers of)—x. Andrews, 551. Edwards & Son, 516. Intaglios— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Batters, 290. War¬ ner, 275. Wilson, 315. Intaglios, (Mode of taking Impressions from)—xvn. Hyde & Co., 21. Invalid Bed Carriages— v. Willoughby, 992. xxvi. Ridge, 8. Invalid Beds, Chairs, &c.— x. Chapman & Alderman, 601c. Gray, 724. Greenhow, 630. Lee, 614. Weiss & Son, 631. xxn. JelFcoat, 755. Savage, 56. Tippen, 412. xxvi. Gilbert & Co., 130. Minter, 211. Town- shend, 2 a. See also Chairs, Invalid. Invalid Wheel-Chairs— v. Dawson, 830. Heath, 868. Jordan, 888. Newnham, 928. Ward, 997. Iodine— n. Bullock & Co. 37. Howards & Kent, 11. Huskisson, J. W. & H., 86. Ward, 89. Ward & Co. 54. Watt, 32. France , Cournerie & Co. 462. Zollverein (1), Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. Ipecacuanha—ii. Lamplough, 71. Iridium— i. Johnson & Matt hey, 477. Irish Gold and Silver— x. Donegan, 52. Irish Jewellery— xxn. Waterhouse, G. 8c S.,20. West & Son, 15. xxiii. Bennett, 18. Connell, 16. Mos¬ ley, 17. xxviii. Griffith, 192. Iron (Various)—I. Butterley & Co. 400. Crutwell & Co. 402. Solly & Co., 410. n. Howards & Kent, 11. v. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641. xxii. Johnson $c Co. 109. Solly, 258. Whitehouse & Co. 667. Austria, Schwarzenburg, Prince, 417. Thurn, 4 Count, 419. Topper, 411. Canada, Ferrier, 5. France, Festugiere & Co. 1721. Gallicher 8c Co. 229. Masrat, 920, Nova Scotia, Acadian Iron Mining Association, 1. Ar¬ chibald, 2. Russia, Perm Imperial Copper Works, 6. Votkinsk Iron Works, 13. Sardinia, Grange, 1. Spain, Cerain, 1. Giro, 23. Pedro DeAraya’s Factory, Director of, 12. Tunis, 31, 33, 34. Tuiley. United States, Adirondac Manufacturing Co. 344. Darling, 191. Farrington, 286. Zollverein (1), Grenanth, Brothers, 95. Iron Abutments and Tension Rods on Piers— vii. Mor¬ rell, 59. Iron, Bar—i. Bird & Co. 411. v Coalbrpok Dale Com¬ pany, 641. Eastwood 8c Frost, 672. vii. Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 29. xxii. Fisher & Bramall, 206. Perry, 61. Austria, Andrassy, Count, 415. Bouquoi, Count, 414. Lindheim, 422. Zois, 405. France, Lapeyriere, 1710. India, i. Sweden and Norway, Flood, 7. Lagerhjelm,!. Tres- ehow, 36. Zollverein (8), Lassen, 2. Iron, Bloom of — xxii. Bateman, 84. India, i. Sweden and Norway, Lagerhjelm, 1. Iron, Cast —i. Stirling, 428. Austria, Vienna Depot of the Imperial Iron Mines and Iron Works, 408. Belgium, Pommerueil Fourneaux, 6. France, Morel, Brothers, 1666. Moul Brothers, 1734. Russia, Kamensk Iron Works, 8. Satkinsk Iron Works, 17. Spain, Pedroso Iron Company, 24. Tuscany, Follonica Royal Foundry, 73. Zollverein (1), Vorster, 446. (8), Lassen, 2. See also Iron Castings. Iron, Cast, Testing-machine—vi. Stewart & Co. 238. Iron Castings — i. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. v. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641. VII. Clark,-8. xxii. Bramah 8c Co., 653. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641 (Main Avenue, West). Gidney, 556. Handyside, 82 (Main Avenue, West, 85). xxx. (Fine Art Court) Baily & Sons, 308. Sherwood Iron Works, 138. Austria, Fischer, 421. Kitschelt, 434. Salm, Prince, 430 (Main Avenue, East). Belgium, De Latour, 363. France, Andre, 1053. Muehl-Wahl & Co., 934. New Zealand, Bourne, 35. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Zollverein (1), Berlin Royal Prussian Iron Foundry, 271 (Main Avenue, East). Drake, 273 (Main Avenue, East). Jacobi, 833. Malapane Royal Prussian Iron Works, 2. Schlegelmilch, 643. Iron, Chemical Preparations of —n. Huskisson, J. W. 8c H., 86. Iron, Chromate of— India, i. Sweden and Norway, Garmann, 38. Iron, Fagotted — xxii. Warden, 368. Iron Flooring —United States, Lawrence, 516. Iron-Founding (Instrument for illuminating moulds in), x. Jordan, 285. Iron Furniture — France, Gandillot & Co.230. Trouchon, 1512. Iron Joists and Rafters (New method of joining to wood, &c.)— vii. Boydell, 56. Iron Lifting-Crabs—ix. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews, 128. Iron Ochre — Canada, Duberger, 21. La Barre, 17. Caron, 19. Hall, 18. Kelly, 22. Logan, 1. Seer, 16. Turkey. Iron Ores —Western end, South Enclosure, (outside), Round, 136. 1. Ainsworth, 422. Atkinson, 261. Blackwell, 427. Cumming, 195. Drew, 449. Fal¬ mouth & Penryn Local Committee, 163. Harrison & Co. 405. Montague, 421. Moore, 408. Ross, 51. Russell, 271. Schneider, 409. Sweetman, 40. Tay¬ lor, 448. Thomas, 419. Thorne, 475. Ulverston Mining Company, 420, Welborne, J. W., 470, Well- CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of 1 the Country. 159 borne, W. 447. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. xxn. Bowling Iron Company, 83. Perry, 61. Algeria, Beauregard, 4. Egger, Count, 401, 402. Austria, Rauscher & Co. 403. Belgium, Benoit, 369. De Hanseh, 23. Perard & Mineur, 18. Canada, Dickson, 3. Ferrier, 5. Lancaster, 6. Logan, 1. Marcotte, 8. Morin, 9. Proulx, 7. Wilson, 2. Cape of Good Hope, Greig, 56. Maitland Mines, 1. Greece , 17. India, i. New Brunswick. New Zealand, Puvchas, 23. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Bussia, Alexandrovsk Imperial Cannon Foundry, 2. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Amor, 22. Sweden and Norway, Grekasar Blast Furnace, 3. Helle- fors Iron Works, 4. Lovenskiold, 35. Motala Works, 6. Osterby Iron Works, 6. Rettig, 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey. Tuscany, Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. United States, Anderson & Co. 281. Cocke, 271. James & Chapman, 181. Lee, 332. Missouri Iron Mountain Company, 163. Patteson, 278. Rousseau, 314. Sims, 267. Swedish Iron Manufacturing Com¬ pany, 320c. Van Diemens Land, Little, 310. Milligan, 263, 266, 267, 306. Zolloerein (1), Bennighauss, 679. Dresler, 449. Ham- block, 454. (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Iron, Oxide of— United States, Barton, 228. Iron, Pig —i. Ainsworth, 422. Bird & Co. 411. Mon¬ tague, 421. Schneider, 409. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. xxii. Fisher & Bramall, 206. Bird & Co. 85. Perry, 61. Austria, Fischer, 420. Kossuch, 406. Pillersee Imperial Smelting Works, 407. Radmeister Community, 400. Zois, 405. Belgium, Behr, 20. Cockeril, 119. Canada, Marmora Iron Company, 4. India, I. Bussia, Koushvinsk Iron Works, 5. Verkhne-Tourinsk IronWorks, 12. Sweden and Norway, Lagerhjelm, 1. United States, Detmold, 66. Hopkins, 192. Morris, Jones, & Co. 44. Zollverein (1), Lohe Steel-works, 324. Lohmann, 630. Maegdesprung Works, 682. (8), Lassen, 2. Iron, Phosphate of — Canada, Lancaster, 6. Iron, Rolled —v. Eastwood & Frost, 672. Mersey Iron Company, 649. Iron-rolling Machines — vii. Dobson, 114. Zollverein (1), Krupp, 649. Iron Roofing — vii. Allen, 151. Turner, 7. xxii. Topper & Carr, 550. Iron Safes —Zollverein (1), Arnheim, 189. Kolesch, 196. See also Fire-proof Safes. Iron, Salts of —n. Hemingway, 24. Iron-Sand— New Zealand , Collinson, 3. Smith, 14. Van Diemen's Land, Abbot, 290. Iron, Sheet and Plate —i. Phillips, Smith, & Co., 500. xxii. Perry, 61. Belgium, Delloye, 376. Orban & Son, 372. Remade, Perard, & Son, 371. Canada, Cheney, 155. Bussia, Khamounitsky Iron Works, 20. Nijne-Issetsk Works, 16. Nijne-Touriusk Iron Works, 10. Vsevo- lossky, 330 a. United States, Morrell, Stewart, & Co. 202. Iron Ships and Vessels (Contrivance for construction of) —vii. Sadler, 6 1. Iron Stampings—xxii. Griffiths, 254. Iron, Sulphate of —i. Bankart & Sons, 429. n. Bank- art, 49. Buckley, 4. Wilson, 6. Austria, Hochberger, 14. China. France, Bouxwiller Mines Company, 376. Dupre, 183. Portugal, Algoza, 63. Hirscb, 64. Leal, 65. Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. Iron Wares (generally)—i. Biddulph, 417. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. xxi. Nicholson, 87. xxii. Clark & Co., 657. France, Camion-Pierron, 790. Ducel, 824. Karcher & Westerman, 1632. Martin, 614. India, xx n. Portugal, Bacheley, 1015-1020. Spain, Zuluaga, 264. Sweden and Norway, Hallenius & Co. 11. Motala Works, 6. Spangberg & Co. 11. United States, Perkins, 541. Zollverein (X), Assmann, 406. Einsiedel, 762. Kissin<>- & Mollmann, 647. Lehmann, 197. Schlegelmilch, 643. (6), Seebass, 50. Iron Wares, Glazed—xxii. Smallman & Co., 2. Iron Wire (Coppered)— xxii. Cornforth, 322. Iron-wire Netting —See Wire Netting, fyc. Iron-wire Rope —See Wire Bope. Iron, Wrought (including articles made thereof)—i. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. vii. Nasmyth, 169. xxii. Hardman & Co. 700. Hird & Co. 85. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Crook, 57. Austria, Furstenburg, Prince, 412. Belgium, Chimay, Princeof, 370. Couillet Mines et Ciiar- bonages, 120. India . I. Bussia, Satkinsk IronWorks, 17. Verkhne-Baranfchinsk Iron Works, 11. Zollverein (1), Gleiwitz Royal Prussian Smelting Works and Iron Foundry, 1. Iron, Wrought, Table of Weights of — v. Richatd- son, 648. Ironmongery (Various)— xxii. Cope & Collinson, 255. White, 200. France, Cugnot, 99. Dandov, Maillard, Lucq & Co., 491. Jacquemart, Brothers, 272. Japy, Brothers, 275. Morel, Brothers, 1666. See also Hardware. Ironstone —I. Bewick, 423. Brodie, 54. Butterley & Co., 400. Ebbw Vale Co., 412. Farnley Co., 406. Monkland Iron and Steel Co. 426. Page, 425. xxii. Fisher & Bramall, 206. Hird & Co., 85. Austria, Von Christalnigg’s Mining Co., 404. Van Diemen's Land, Milligan, 264. Western Africa, Weston, 1. Zollverein (1), Benninghauss, 679. Ironstone Mines (at Dowlais, South Wales), Section of— I. Dickinson, 414. Irrigating Machines—ix. Burcham, 259b. Wier, 123. Bentley, 606. Belgium , Debaune, 131. Isinglass — iv. Dawson & Morris, 118. Simpson & Co., 117. Swinborne & Co., 119. British Guiana, Morison and Knox, 123. France, Faussemagne, 1599. India, iv. Labuan,8gc., Hammond & Co., 2. Bussia, Mari man off, 81. Vsevolodowitcli, 338. Turkey . 160 ALPHABETICAL and classified list of articles British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Italian Paste — Portugal, 520, 527. Sardinia, Guelfi, 94* Ivory— iv. Fauntleroy &Sons, 135. Belgium, Seghers, 110. Cape of Good Hope, Deane & Johnson, 19. Ceylon. Turkey. See also Elephants' Teeth and Tusks. Vegetable vory. Ivqry (British) — xxviii. Brown, 49. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Gear, 245. Ivory Black (for Printers, &c.)—xvn. Cahn, 65. Zollverein (6), Michel & Morel!, 16. Ivory Carving and Turning— iv. Straight, 109. Tebbitt, 111. vi. Holtzapftel & Co., 232. xxviii. Hemphill, 158. Johnson, 15. Maunder, 28. Smith, 95. William, 163. xxix. Straight & Sons, 252. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Cheverton, 194. Jordan, 208. Lucas, 306. Solomons, 69. Stirling, 186. Tobin, 171. Austria, Dreher, 668. Ceylon. China, Baring, Brothers. Hammond & Co. Hewett & Co. Rawson, Sichart & Co. Denmark, Klingsey, 34. France, Lautz, 295. Tellier, 389. Wolf, 744. Hamburgh, Meyer, 86. Rampendahl, 98. Zuber, 107. India, xxviii. Persia, Thompson. Portugal, Mularinho, 1236. Vieira, 1234, 1235. Tuscany, Bigotti, 78. United States, Fenn, 111. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Fischer, 281. Schulz, J., 880. Schulz, L. W., 811. Schulz, W., 881. (2), Frank, 75. Ha¬ gen, 38. Lang, 77. (4), Stoll, 85. (6), Friedrich, 74. Heyl, 75. (8), Geismar & Co., 13. See also Turning in Wood, Sfc. Ivory-cutting Machine— vi. Straight & Sons, 455. Ivory, Paintings on —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Newton, Sir W., 250. Ivory, Statuettes in Imitation of— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Franchi, 190. J. Jaconets — Austria, Leitenberger, E., 186. Leitenberger, F., 187. Belgium, Verhulst & Co., 243. Switzerland, Sturzenneger-Nef, 139. Zellweger, 145. Jacquard Looms and Machinery—V i. Barlow, 82. De Fontaine Moreau, 30. M‘Kenzie, 39, Taylor <& Son, 23. xi. Walmesley, 51. xii. & xv. Atkinson & Co., 256 (Main Avenue, West). Austria, Gamba, Heirs of, 109. France, Acklin, 399. Martin, 323. Bussia, Alexandrovsk Imperial Manufactory, 149. Zollverein (l), Bonardel, Brothers, 53. Winter, 56. Jalap-root—ii. Keating, 102. James’s, St., Church, Louth (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Ashton, 152. Japanned Slate —xxvi. Steed man, 346. Japanned Wares — xxii. Fearncombe, 160a. Perry, 60a. Terry & Son, 691a. xxvi. Eloure, 188. Scroxton, 271. British Guiana, Hopkinson, 159, China, Hewett & Co. Denmark, Meyer, 6. France, Delignon, 1180. Sardinia, Bafico, 79. Zollverein (1), Meyer & Wried, 764. Stobwasser & Co., 199. (4), Ran & Co., 72. See also Lacquered Wares. Jars — Egypt, 342. Jasper— i. Courtown, Lord, 143. India, i. Turkey . Jasper Vases— Bussia, Ekaterinburg Imperial Polishing Manufactory, 326. Kolyvan Imperial Polishing- Manufactory, 327. Jaw-Lever (for administering Medicine to Cattle)—x. MacMahon, 601 d. Jelly Moulds— See Confectioners Moulds. Jenner, Dr. (Model for a Statue of)—Main Avenue, East 100 . Jersey, Model representing Her Majesty landing at, in 1846— Jersey and Guernsey, Saunders, 23. Jet and Jet Ornaments— i. Slater & Wright, 11. vm. Slater & Wright, 312. xxiii. Greenbuvy, 8. xxix. Fletcher, 244. Spain, 33. Van Diemen's Land, Milligan, 324. Jewel-boxes— vi. Mordan & Co., 205. xvii. Mordan & Co., 161. xxiii. H. M. The Queen, 140. xxvi. Foothorape & Co., 132. Levien, 203. Zollverein (1), Ivullrich, 58. Wallack, 767. Jewel-Engravers’ Models — France, Perot, 1385. Jewellery — xxii. Balleny, 299. Goode & Boland, 294. Guest, J. & W., 524. Parker & Acott, 298. Sheldon, 292. Walters & Stone, 296. xxiii. Bake- well, 70. Campbell, 76. Ellis & Son, 12. Forrer, 99. Gass, S. H. & D., 83. Harding, 11. Hilliard & Thom¬ ason, 29. Hunt & Roskell, 97. Lester & Sons, 27. Martin & Co., 2. Mayer, 14. Mott, 116. Nash, 86, Phillips, Brothers, 87. Rittie & Sons, 24. Row¬ lands, C. & W., 118. Stone & Son, 123. Wather- ston & Brogden, 105. Wheeler, G. & M. 91. WollfF, 68. Zimmerman, G. & S., 80. Austria, Grohmann, 576. Spietschka, 609. Belgium, Hubert, 482. Prins, 382. Canada, Leggatt, 341. France, Bouillette, Hyvelin& Co., 1107. Bruneau, 1H’9. Dafrique, 1575. Fayolle, 197. Felix, 199. Henne- quin, 1623. Henri, 871. Houdaille, 1270. Latellin & Payen, 1643. Lemonnier, 304. Montignac, 489. Ochs, 668. Payen, 1674. Pichard, 1388. Plichon, 684. Rouvenat, 1460. Rudolphi, 1465. Savard, 1476. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. India, xxiii. Ionian Islands, Seaton, Lord, 5. Woodford, Lady, 1. Malta, Cretien, 24. Faison, 25. Netherlands, Romain, 104. Sauerbier, 114. Portugal, Mamede, 1022. Sousa, 1021. Bussia, Aga-Melik-Mahomet, 290. Spain, Moratilla, 261. Tunis, 83. Turkey. Tuscany, IS. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Townsend, 11. Zollverein (1), Backes & Co., 411. Devaranne & Son, 280. Haulick, 413. Hoeller,637. Keller & Co., 888. Schwartz, 202. Steinhaeuer & Bier, 410. Tessler, 41, (5), Goldschmidt, 20. (6), Schreger, 51. See also Bracelets. Coral, Sfc. Gold and Silver Ware. Irish Jewellery. Jet and Jet Ornaments. Precious Stones. Jews’ Harps— Austria, Grabner, 469. Schwarz, C., 470. Schwarz, F., jun., 472. Schwarz, F., sen., 471. Schwarz, I., 473. John’s, St., Church, Paddington (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Fowler, 142. Johnstown Castle, Wexford (Model)— xxx, (Fine Art Court) Morgan, 215. Joiners’ Tqors— See Tools (Carpenters', fyc.), CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE/ British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 161 Joinery and Cabinet-making Machines— vi. Gilbert, 447. Jordan’s Machine Carving (Specimens of) — Main Avenue, West, 80. Jujube Fruit —n Pound, 108. Jujube Wood— Tunis , 35. Jute —xiv. Dagnall & Co., 89. Dundee Local Commit¬ tee, 63. Jameson & Co. 60. India , iv. xiv. K Kaleidescopes —x. Saunders & Son, 205. Kalmuck Fabrics— Zollverein (1), Lambert & Son, 604. Kaolin Earth— India, i. Karman — British Guiana , Bonyun, 50. Keelsons, Wrought-Iron (for wood-built Ships)— vm. Pilkington, 176. Kelp, and its products—n. Bullock & Co., 37. Ward, 89. Watt, 32. Kermes (Red Dye)— Greece, Petropoulos, 5. Kerseymeres— See Cassimeres. Kettles— See Tea Kettles. Keys— See Locks, Sfc. Kieff Suspension Bridge, Russia (Model) — vn. Vignoles, 105 (Main Avenue, West). Kitchen Ranges, &c. — xxii. Benham & Sons, 98. Bentley, 606. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641. Crook, 244. Deane & Co., 186. Ellis, 86. Halstead & Sons, 93. Kennard & Co., 804. Sherwin, 243. Steele, W. & P., 60. Tindall, 542. Wakefield, 381. Wordsworth, 360. See also Grates. Stoves. Kitchen Ranges, Porcelain (Adapted to a gas fire)— xxii. Edwards, 241. Strode, 443. Kites. See Char- Volant. Kneading Machines — France, Bola.nd, 428. See also Breadmaking Machines. Kneejoint Extensor— x. England, 567. Knife-cleaning Machines — xxii. Cunningham, 626. Kent, 553. Masters, 634. Price, 397. Knighthood, Badges of. See Badges, Sfc., of Knight¬ hood. Knitted Work (various)— xi. Ratcliffe, 34. xii. & xv. Standen & Co., 281. xix. Barclay, 389. Baynes, 97. Bernard, 372. Burton, 117. Caulfield, 125. Conerding, 146. Cunliffe, 144. Dawson, 149. Dil¬ lon, Visct., 153. Hardy, 147. Holloway, 207. Kettlewell, 223. Lerwick Local Committee, 213. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Blind Asylum, 284. Richmond Lunatic Asylum, 249. Sewell & Co., 288. Thwaites, 317. Turner, 322. xx. Beaufort, 156a. Farrange, 176. Hathaway, 160. Laughland, 144. Linklater, 174. Mackenzie, 142. Roy, 136. Shreeve, 46a. Webb, 138. xxviii. Indigent Blind School, 100. Austria, Sehreier, 390a. France, Foulquie & Co., 1603. Jersey and Guernsey, Bertrams, 41. Brohier, 13. De Faye, 14. Dunlevie, 3a. Guernsey Cottagers, 38. Marie, 16. Vibert, 15. | Malta, Conservatorio of San Giuseppe, 22. Van Diemen's Land, Queen’s Orphan Schools, 139-142. Western Africa, Me William. Zollverein (4), Robeek, 50. Knitting Machines —-vi. Whitworth & Co., 201. United States, Eastman, 338. Knitting-Pins —Morrall, 240. Knives and Forks— See Cutlery. Knox’s, John, House, Edinburgh (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Weir, 151. “Koh-i-Noor” (Diamond) — xxiii. Her Majesty the Queen, 140 (Main Avenue, East). Kousso (a Drug)— ii. Keating, 102. Kreosote— See Creosote. L. Label-printing Machine —vi. Marriott, 116. Labour Machine (for Prisons)—v. Botten, 429. Labradorite— Canada, Clausen, 13. Lac-dye—ii. Marshall, 68. iv. Jewsbury & Co., 66 Rea, 116. India, iv. Lace —vi. Ball & Co., 90. xix. Adams & Sons, 21. Avers, 388. Ball & Co., 19. Biddle, 1. Birkin, 20. Cardwell, C. & T., 122. Clark, 18. Clarke, Eliza, 129. Clarke, Esther, 130. Crick, 140. Digges, 234. Fisher & Robinson, 2. Forrest & Sons, 45. Frewin, 170. Gard, 16. Gill, 386. Gould, J. & F., 14. Greasley & Co., 34. Groucock & Co., 3. Herbert & Co., 28. Heymann & Alexander, 25. Hill, 203. Hollins, 30. Howell, James, & Co., 5. Hurst, 211. Irish Work Society, 77. Johnson, G. & C., 216, 316. Kettlewell, 223. Kightley, 123. Ladies’ Industrial Society, 213. Lambert & Burt, 4. Laugher & Couzens, 10. Lee, 241. Lester, 236. Macarthur & Co., 60. M‘Farlane & Porter, 63. Mackellar & Hampson, 231. Maclean, 248. MacQuarie, Fisher, & Co., 65. Mallet & Barton, 29. Moore, 31. Nerinck, Soeurs, 8. Patent Utrecht Company, 265. Phillips, 272. Price, 373. Pullan, 12. Reckless & Hickling, 32. Rose, 50. Sim, 301. Stergmann & Co., 41. Tawel, 13. Tizard, Brothers, 274. Treadwin, 55. Uphill, 323. Urling, 15. Viccars, 235. Vickers, 33. Vincent, 328. Weedon, F., 6. Weedon, F. P., 11. Whitlock & Billiald, 27. xx. Capper & Co., 45. Hollins, 96. Moore, 47. Austria, Grohmann, 382. Meinl, Heirs of, 383. Schliclc, 385. ,Belgium, Atelier de Notre Dame, .Brussels, 304. Beck & Son, 324. Belloni-Ance, 319. Beernaert & De Cuypere, 326. Bousson De Vliegheer, 328. Dartevelle & Mounour)’’, 329. Delehaye, 305. De- blauwe-Peel, 325. Defrenne, 316. Duhajon-Brunfaut & Co., 314. Everaert, 321. Haeck,34l. Hammel- xath, 337. Heusschen & Co., 310. Joseph, St., Establishment of, 322. Lemaieur & Co., 300. Naeltjens, 308. Pasteyns, 484. Plettinck, 340. Realher, 309. Robyt, 311. Soenen, 338. Stoc- quart, Brothers, 307. Tollenaers, 330. VanHaelen, 299. Van Halle, 303. Van Kiel, 333. Van Loo, 339. Van Straelen, 327. Vanderhaegen, 312. Vandersmnissen, 315. Washer, 318. Ceylon. Denmark, Wulff & Sons, 5. L 162 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. France , Aubry, Brothers, 1544, Chaverondier, 453. Collet, 93. Del cambre, 1584, Docagne, 1718. Dopter, 1194. Julien, 279. Lefebvre, 1646. Mallet Brothers, 599, Randon, 1684. Rohert-Faure, 1442. Seguin, 1008. Van Eckout & Co. 713. Videcoq & Simon, 1706. Violard, 731. India, xv.x ix. Malta, Camilleri, E. 14. Camilleri, F. 16. Casha, 12. Dimech, 21. Gozo, 11. Gravagna, 7. Naudi, 8. Polito, 13. Shembri, 10. Vella Paolo & Co. 15. Portugal, 1255-1293. Russia, Rochefort, 176, 191, 199, 208. Sardinia, Bayno, 48. Tessada, 49. Spain, Fister, 221, 222. Margarit & Ena, 223. Switzerland, Besson, 40. Perret, 39, 271. Van Piemen's Land, Sharland, 321. Zollverein (3), Doerffel & Sons, 69. Foerster, 68. Hae- nel, 152. Koester & Uhlmann, 70. Priem, 67. Schrei- ber, 71. Stoelzel & Son, 66. Lace (Designs for)—xix. Turton, 361. Belgium, Polak, 298. Violard, 320. France, Mereaux, 631. Toussaint, 464. Lace-dressing Frame — vi. Hudson & Bottom, 88. Lace, Imitation —xiv. Adams, 12. xix. Rolph, 282. Belgium, Atelier de Notre Dame, 304. Van Haelen, 299. Lace Manufacture, Paintings illustrating—vi. Fussed, 95. Lace Papers —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Mossman, 204. France, Devrange, 1188. Lace Trimmings—xix. Cardwell, C. & T., 122. Kigbtley, 123. Spain, Mir, Brothers, 276. Lace-weaving Machine— France , Foucher, 837. Lacquered Ware— Belgium, Giron, 408. China, Baring, Brothers. Hewett & Co. Rawson. Shea. India , xxviii. Turkey. See also Japanned Wares. Lactine (Artificial Milk)—iv. Piesse, 129. See also Concentrated Milk. • Ladders— vii. Ell, 94. Spurgin, 76. ix. Starkey, 43. Belgium, Lambert, 185. See also Library Ladders. Ladies’ Dresses (New Material for, undescribed)—xix. Newcomb & Jones, 257. Laiogome — Austria, Engelmann, 22. Lake— ii. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Lampblack — Zollverein >" (6), Michel & Morell, 16. Oehler, 8. Lamp-burners — France, Grison, 1260. Zollverein, (3) Hoffmann, 36. Lamp-Oil— See Oils. Lamp Reflectors, Glass —xxiv. Tar in, 51. Lamp-Screens — Austria, Oppenheimer, 701a. Lamp-Wicks — xxii. Bright, 458. Lamps, Carriage — xxii. Black, 464. Dugard, W. & H. 350. Hawkins, 474. Hetherington & Co., 351. Lowe, J. & H., 346, 803. Messenger & Sons, 340. Miller & Sons, 645. See also Railway Carriage Lamps. Lamps, Electric Table—x. Allman, 458. Lamps and Lanterns, Ships’ —vm. Macdonald, 329. xxii. Blews & Sons, 349. Brown & Kedpath, 477. Lamps, Marine Signal—xxii. Gilbert, 120. Rettie & Sons, 449. Lamps, Railway Carriage— xxn. Holden, 348. Saund¬ ers, 455. Smiths & Co., 452. Squire, 451. Lamps, Safety, or Davy —i. Wales, 431. x. Newman, 674. xxii. Baker & Co., 319. xxix. Purdon, 39. Belgium, Eloin, 11. Museler, 24. France, Chuard, 123. Lamps and Lanterns (Various)— vii. Quincey, 146. Rettie, 159. x. Newcomb, 672a. Boake, 697. Bright, 458. xxii. Childs, 459. Clark & Rested, 446. Deane & Co. 186. Evans & Co. 103. Hodges & Sons, 487. Lambert, 534. Lloyd & Summerfield, 700 a. Miller & Sons, 645. Naylor, 638. Nibbs, 472. Pal¬ mer & Co. 447. Salt & Lloyd, 343. Strode, 443. Warner & Sons, 798. Young, 442. xxiv. Webb, 17. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cuff, 312. Egypt, 340. France, Bourgogne, 1553. Delignon, 1180. Duval & Paris, 151. Gagneau, Brothers, 227. Hadrot, 255. Lefebvre & Co. 580. Neuburger, 662. True, 703. India, xxn. United States, Cornelius & Co. 46. Western Africa, Forbes, 8. Zollverein (1), Piegler, 765. Pokorny, 79-. Stobwasser & Co. 199. Stubgen & Kleeman, 766. Zobel, 190. (5), Tacchis & Co. 21. See also Camphine Lamps. Gas Lamps. Singeing Lamps. Lamps, Ornaments for—xxii. Hill, 355. Lana Fruit and Dye — British Guiana , Kock, 55 a, 55b. i Land-measuring Chains—xxii. Gorrie, 41. Land-presser for Fen Land—ix. Chenery, 56. Landscape (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cribb, 146. Lantern of Demosthenes, Athens (Model)— xxviii. Minns, 99. Lanterns. See Lamps and Lanterns. Lanterns, Dioptric—vii. Northern Lighthouse Commis¬ sioners, 99. x. Abraham & Co. 263. Lanterns, Horological— x. Cole, 31. Lanterns, Magic— See Phantasmagoria. Lanterns, Trinoptric— x. Abraham & Co. 263. Lanterns, Weather—xxii. Nibbs, 472. Lanyard Plates for Ships— vin. Rig-maiden, 291. Lapis Lazuli, Articles in— xxm. Morel & Co., 117. Pome, Jones, 48. Lapping Machine— United States, Campbell, 553. Lard— xxix. MacKean, 28. Belgium, Touche, 434. Lard Oil— xxix. MacKean, 28. United States, Emory, 18. Frank, 19. Holbrook & Stan¬ ley, 208. Mears, 562. - 5 Lasts, Shoe, &c< — See Boot and Shoe Lasts. Latches, Door — See Locks, fyc. Lathes (Slide, Screw-cutting, and other) and Tools connected therewith— vi. Church, 244. Dalgety, 226. Fades & Son, 224. Holtzapffel & Co., 232. Mason, 10. Muir, 2l)6. Parr, Curtis & Madeley, 6, 213. Sandford & Co., 223. Sharp, Brothers, 204. Shepherd & Co. 220. Smith & Co. 230. Victory, 67; Whitworth & Co., 201. Williams, 234. xxi. Buck, 18. Mathieson, 32. Howarth, 18 .xxviii. Peel, 175. Hamburgh, Kohn, 17. Switzerland, Erbrau, 4. Zollverein (1), Hamann, 58. Laundry, Domestic (in one machine)—xxn. Nunn, 703. Laundry Irons, Apparatus for Heating—xxii. Jeff- coat, 755. Lavender, Oil of—xxix. Short, 129. Law, Clerical, and Civic Gowns—xx. Price, 68. Lawn— xiv. Malcolm, 22. France , Blcriot & Lemaitre, 30. Boniface & Sons, 32. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 163 Godard & Bontemps, 240. Legrand, 1313. Mestivier oc Hamoir, 636. Lawrence Sir Thomas, Bronze Bust of— xxx (bine Art Court) Peachey 320 Lay Figures-x. De Dunin, 210. Austria, Borrini, 734 Lead, Acetate of-ii. Melincrythen Chemical Co. 2. France, Mane & Co. 317. Lead, Carbonate of—i. Dyer, 62. Wallace & Cooper, 510. Walton, 8o. ii. Russell & Robertson, 59. India, ii. Portugal, Norziglia, 71. Spain, Zamora Mines (Inspector of), 20. Lead Chromate of—ii. Russell & Robertson, 59. Portugal, Leal, 73. Lead and Lead Manufactures (Generally)—!. Buc- ckncl, Duke of 509. Royal Society of Ireland (Dublm) 50S. Sopwith, 484. Truro Local Com- mutee, 467 n. Huskissou, J. W. & H., 86. xxn. Hanson, 616. Belgium Blyberg Mines et Fonderies, 22. Vedrin bociete, 17. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Asturias Mines, Inspector of, 15. Livares Mines, Director of 5. Lugo Mines, Sub-Inspector of, 18. Zamora Mines Inspector of 20. _ Tunis, 26-30, 32, 45. Turkey. 14 ’ Ve§ni ’ 13 ‘ V ° lterra Zollverein (1), Brasseur & Co. 314. Bredt & Co. 315. Cossack, 825. Eschweiler Mines et Fonderies, 318. Hartcort, 876. Lambmon, Ulrich & Co 451 Maeo-- desprung Works, 682. Lead-mine Machinery-i. Buccleuch, Duke of, 509 Lead, Nitrate of—ii. Hatmel & Ellis 10 Portugal , Serzedello & Co., 72. Zollverein (1), Kunheim, i’3 Lead Ores (including Silyer-Lead Ore s )-i. Arkansas Mmmg Co., 52o Bird, 457 a. Breadalbane, Marquis 30 H ^‘' 5 ’ Inf' “ avies & Ta y lor > 523 - Fahie, Cffleh t - r,SO s n ;, 4 „ “ ,mn * Co - fOT Ire >and, 50L Offlahertie, 521. Pattmson & Cain, 497. Rowe, 492. ?R°4 y Th° C ^ Ir ?^ d ( Dublin >> 508. Sopwith, Walton, 85 ‘ Canada, Logan, 1. Cape of Good Hope, Maitland Mines, 1. France, Cavelan & Co. 1131. India i. Portugal , 1295. ’ Spain, Linares Lead-mining Association, 14. Sweden and Norway, Guldsmedshyttan Mines, 16. United States, Ubrici, 239. Zollverein (1), Meinerzhagen & Kreuser, 316. (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. T^’p XIMZEI> o C 1 )’ Brasseur and Co., 314. Lead Pencils— See Black-lead Pencils. lead, &c. Pipes, j oint IO r connecting without Soldering—xxii. Jennings, 810 . I « ED Dichbo ?“te of-ii. Russell & Robertson, 59. rfSrJfT 1 ' Byeis ’ 494 ~ Royal Society of Ireland (Dublm), 508. Morewood & Rogers, 436. Austria, Eggar, 435. 8 ’ Lead, Spun — France, Poulet, 1680. ead, Sugar of—ii. Melincrythan Chemical Co., 2. Russia, Sauin, 28. Zollverein (1), Augustin, 826. Kunheim, 13. Galena) ~ i - « 3 - Belgium, Blyberg Mines, 22. Vedrin, Societe de, 17. Indm, i. _ New South Hales, Mitchell, 5. opain, Linares Mines, Director of, 5. Van Diemen's Land, De Little, 309’. Milligan, 311. LEA &c1 H 48 E ° X1 ' ChLorii>e of—ii. Blundell, Spence Leaf Metals Zollverein (2), Gerstendorffer, 10. Kiib- ler, 11. Lepper, 6. Linz, 5. See also Gold Leaf. Leather and Hides—xvi. Bevington & Sons, 1. Bossard, 294. Boutchier, Mortimer & Co, 293. Base, 1* E & Cousins & Greatrix, 283. Deed, i °. Dixon & Whiting, 290. East & Son, 34. Evans & Son 18. Garry, 26. George, C., 32. George, J 289. Glover, J. & T. 19. Heintze, 29. Hemsworth & Lindsey, 20. Hogarty Brothers, 13. Holmes, 16. Jackson, 288. Kelsey, 266. Lambert & Son, bd Lutwyche & George, 53. Nicholls, 5. Oastler OQi Pa ^ er ’, 286, Pullmail > 285. Randall & Dicks, 284. Read, 47. Rheam, 15. Southey & Co. 51. Sqmre, 2 Stokill, 17. Tombs, 297. Wilson & Co. H Wood, W. & S., 25, xx. Whitby, 186. Austria Emhauser, 344. Hermannstadt Leather-cut¬ ters Association, 345. Messener, 321. Poliak 322 Portschest, 337. Seykora, 324. Suess, 325. Wolfe, 326 .tfe/pzzm Bauchau de Bare, 262. Boone, 488. Bouvy 266. Deweweirne, 293. Dubois, 469. Dusauchoit Easbender, 260. Hesnault & Brother, 273 Houdin & Lambert, 253. Jorez & Son, 306. Lom- baer, 261. Massou, 267. Mouthny, 117. Taillet, 254. Tiberghien 493. Van Alleynnes, 271. Weber, 258. Brazil, De Mornay, 3. Canada, Alios, 94. McLean & Co., 95. Murray, 96. Teongathasea, 97. Tetu, 109. Tourangean, 98. Ca P e °f Gdod Hope, Bridges, 21. Cluappini & Co., 2.. Mossos, 41. Schmieterloew, 42. Ceylon . Denmark, Topp, 3. Egypt, 127, 232-242, 247,268-271. France , Barraude, 756. Bayvet, Brothers, & Co -41^ Berthiot, 57. Brison, 781. Brun, 37. Budiu, 77 Carriere Brothers, 106. Corniquel, 461. Coulboisi Courtepee-Duchesnay, 806. Courtois, 808, 1571. David, 812. Deadde, 813. Delisle & Co. 1181 Despreaux, 164. Dezaux-Lacour, 167. Du- buis &Son, 170. Dulud, 1202. Dumont, 488. Du- ?o r !o 182 ' Drirand, 1208. Emmerich & Goerger, Estivant, Brothers, 1214. Felix, 503. Fieux & Co., 210. Fortier-Beaulieu, 510. Gauthier, 1244. Giraud, Brothers, 850. Goube-Pheracie, 852. Guerlin, 1261. Guillot, 534. Herrenschmidt, 538. Houette & Co. 1271. Jouvin, 893. Jouvin & Doyon, 1279. Laroque & Jaquemet, 901. Laudron, Brothers, 1639. Laydet, 296. Legal, 583. Leven & Son, 1323. Lo- lagmer, 1330. Maniguet, 1341. Manson, 917 Massemin, 1345. Merlant, 634. Nyset & Co., 1373* Paillart, Brothers, 348. Peltereau, 677, 949. Prin & Son, 1411. Reulos, 1434. Robant, 988. Rouget Son & Co. 1456. Simon, 1697. Soucin-Corbet, 1698 Suser, 1022. Trouve-Cutivel & Co., 702. Ventujoi & Chassang, 1384. Vincent, 1527. Gold Coast and Askantee, Forster & Smith, 1, Greece , Calotas, 55. Hamburgh, Wamosy, 19. Hanover , Friedrich, 10. India, tv., xyi. Lubeck, Beckmann, 4. Behrens, 3. Brunswig, 7. L 2 164 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country* Netherlands, Buyteweg, 22. Kok, 23. Roosegaarde, 21. New South Wales, Watson & Co., 16. New Zealand, 39. McVay 5. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2, Portugal, 1124-1 124r. Barroto, 1123b. Bollo, 1123d, 1126a. Bratts, 1125a-1125c. Breets, 1122a. Da Silva, 1123c. Fialbo, 1122, 1123, 1125. Fragata, 1126b. Monteiro, 1123a. JRussia, Abass-Bak, 244. Bakhroustrin & Sons, 240. Boudelin, 238. Dolgoroucky, Prince, 356. Gribanoff, 237. Jolovitzin, 236. Koteloff, 239. Koussoft’& Sons, 224. Litke, 226. May, 227. Ozeroff; 228. Podsos- soff, 229. Satournin, 233. Shouvaloff & Son, 231. Skvorzoff, 232, 235. Sardinia, Durio, Brothers, 46. Spain, Roig, 249b. Vignaux, 249a. Switzerland, Gissiger, 171. Hauser, 172. Imhof & Sons, 173. Kappeler, 174. Mercier, 175. Meyer & Ammann, 176. Mueller & Co., 177. Raichlen, 178. Ressegueire, 179. Raymond, jun., 170. Schalch, 180. Spengler, 181. Tunis, 1.2, 21, 35, 83, 92. Turkey. United States, Crawford, 51. Gamble & Brothers, 165. Van Diemen's Land, Button, 135. Reeves, 11. Regan, 184. Rout, 187. Western Africa —Jamieson, 22. Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Adolphi, 172. Bardfeld, 188. Berres, 385. Buschmann, 386. Encke, 736. Federer, Bro¬ thers, 381. Grammersbach, Brothers, 860. Grutz- macher & Sons, 142. Harkort, 874. Heintze Sc Freuden- berg, 382. Kramer & Baldamus, 737. Leudersdoff, 387. Lietzmann, 182. Mecklinghaus & Wix, 672. Obercouz, 383. Ranniger & Sons, 741. Scheibe, 742. Selenka, 800. Weber, 384. (2), Escherich, 48. Mayer, 46. (3), Kunze, 5. (4), Bantlin, 37. Eckhardt, 38. (5), Roth, 9. Roth & Sons, 10. Rupp & Bechstein, 11. (6), Doerr&Reinhard, 33. Hellmann, 34. Heyl, 32. Ihm, Boehm & Pfaltz, 31. Mayer, 35. Mayer, Michel & Deninger, 36. Minoprio & Hohwiesner, 37. (7), Ganterie, Frangais, 4. See also Buckskins. Dyed Leather. Leather Articles (various) —xix. O’Donnell, 53. xxvi. Burton, 77. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Esquilant, 103. Austria, Einhauser, 344. Hermannstadt, Leather-cutters’ Association, 345. Gold Coast Sf Ashantee. India, xvi. Jersey $f Guernsey , Ellis, 44. Portugal, Royal Military Arsenal, 1126. Van Diemen's Land, Davies, 178, 179. Denison, Sir W. T., 188. Sharland, 175. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Jamieson, 22. M‘William. Trotter, 5. Zollverein (I), Scheibe, 719. Scheller & Weber, 663. Schulz, 593. Stab, 228. (4), Reichhold, 39. Sehenck & Co. 40. (6), Berge, Brothers, 60. Klein, 64. Luet- tringhaus, 65. Naenny, 67. Seeling & Becker, 69. Leather Clothing —xvi. Vincent, 153. Leather Cloths — xii. &xv. Lockwood & Keighley, 104. Leather, Dyed —iv. Smith & Son, 68. J-jEAther-making Machinery —x. Newcomb, 672a. Leather, Stained (in Imitation of Wood)—xvn. Evans, 8 . Leather Tapestry Hangings —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Leake, 63a. Leaves (Impressions of)—xxix. Stirling, 57. Lecterns for Churches —Main Avenue West, Potter, 63. xxviii. Lee, 35. Ledgers— xvn. Thomas & Sons, 44. Williams, 53. France, Neraudeau, 661. United States, M‘Adams, 482. See also Account Books. Leeches, Mechanical —x, Kidston & Co., 646. Mouil- liard, 95. Russia, Rosinsky, 342. Leeds Industrial Training School —(Model) xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cotton, 177. Leg Rest —x. W~oodhouse, 731. Legs, Artificial —x. Bossingham, 723. Brunton, 596. Evans, 274a. Fuller, 592. Grossmith, 565. Heath, 351. Masters, 569. Robinson, 617. Swithenbank, 571. See also Wooden Legs. Leiocome— Russia, Schlippe, 27. Lemonade —xxix. Gower, 102. Lemons, Essence of— Spain, Canales, 242a. Lenses —x. Braham, 289. Callaghan, 268. Chadburn. Brothers, 259. Sharp, 308. Hyams, 278. Lentils—iii. Guillerez, 103. Egypt, 96, 98. Letter-Boxes (for Street-Doors)— xxn. Bradnack, 575. Green, 570. Letter-Clips —xvn. Schlesinger & Co., 38. Wedge- wood, 47. Letter-Copying Presses. See Copying-Machines. Letter Engraving — Switzerland, Patton, 44. Letterpress Printing—N ee Printing. Lettuce-Oil— Egypt, 53. Levels, Surveyors’, &c. —ix. Rickman, 278. Weir, 123. x. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Elliott & Sons, 320. Watkins & Hill, 659. Austria, Vienna Polytechnic Institute, 130. Belgium, De Hennault, 183. Netherlands, Becker, 83. Sweden and Norway, Littman, 15. Zollverein (1), Liittig, 81. (6), Huch, 22. See also Dumpy Levels. Draining Levels. Indicating Levels. Road. Levels. Spirit Levels. Lever-Bridge Church, Bolton (Model)—vn. Willock & Co., 223 (Main Avenue, West). Lever-Wheel Plates (Carriage)— v. Saunders, 958. Library Ladders — Netherlands, Horrix, Brothers, 97. Libussa, Queen of the Bohemians (Statue of)— Zoll¬ verein (2), Muller, 90. Lichen and its Products — ii. Wood & Bedford, 47. Life-Belts, Buoys, &c. —vm. Ayckbourn, 23, Carte, 29. Clayton, 1. Hely, 13. Hitt, 296. Holbrook, 9. Laurie, 195. Lavars, 31. Lee, 10. Light, 5. Reekes, 6. Taylor, 197. Vickers, 8. xx. Bain, 70. Caulcher, 112. Zox, 59. xxii. Reekes, 400. xxviii. Walker, 87. xxix, Cox, 68. Life-Boats, Rafts, &c. —Western end, North Enclosure, (outside), Bateman, 59 (Eastern End), v. Angus, 716. Erskine, 100. vn. Bremner, 95. Martin, 25. Rettie, 159. vin. Acheson, 47. Allan, 51. Anderson,.)., 187. Anderson, |R., 190. Ayckbourn, 23. Bate¬ man, 335. Beadon, 90. Bell, 14, 157. Berthon, 1(J4. Bonney, 49. Bremner, 83. Clark, 91. Clarkson, 2. Corryton, 82. Druery, 322. Dyne, 60. Erskine, 45. Fawcett, 62. Forster, J. Sc T. 168. Gale, II. 79 Gale, G. H. 323. Harland, 324. Hatt, 16. Daugh¬ ter, 295. Hawks, 1 36 a. Hawksworth, 53. Hely, 13. Hodson, 50. Holbrook, 9. Husband, 151. Laurie, 195. Light, 5. Manby, 22. Mason, 81. Milburn, 165 CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 138. National Institution for Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, 309. Northumberland Life-boat Committee, 136. Plenty, J. & E. P. 137. Reed, 54. Reid, 54 a. Rhind, 290. Richardson, 46. Robinson, 100. Slater & Wright, 312. Sparke, 17. Sparrow, 313. Spencer, 11. Taylor, 197. Tredwen, 55. Truscott, 289. Went- zell, 167. White, T. J. & R. 36a. Wilson, 299. Jersey and Guernsey , Goodridge, 39. Grellier, 7. See also Shipwreck Apparatus. Life Preservers— India , xxvm. Life Protector— vii. Jeffrey, 14. Lift-Pumps. See Pumps, Lift and Force. Lifting-Crabs— ix. Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 128. Lifting Jacks— v. Bayman, 485. Galloway, W. & J. 124. Gladstone, 488. Haley, 486. Thornton & Sons, 490. See also Screw Lifting Jacks. Traversing Jacks. Lighthouses and Lighthouse Apparatus (Models, &c.)— vii. Gandell, 35. Northern Lighthouses Com¬ missioners, 99. Stevenson, 100. Wells,82. Wilkins, 157 (Main Avenue, West), viii. Brown, SirS., 334. xxiv. Chance & Co., 22 (and Main Avenue, West, 60). France, Saget, 364, 1468. Jersey $f Guernsey, Chevalier, 6. Lightning Conductors— xxn. Kuper, 32. United States, Spratt, 5. Lightning Conductors (for Shipping)—vm. Harris, Sir W. S., 150. Lignite — India, i. New Zealand, Hargreaves, 8. Portugal, Roque, 18, 19. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 27. Zollverein (6), Salshausen Salt & Lignite Works, 3. Limbs, Artificial —x. Atkinson, 605. Belgium, Champagne, 1S7. See also Arms, Artificial. Byes, Artificial. Hands, Artificial , Legs, Artificial. Noses , Artificial. Wooden Legs. Lime —i. Dann, 56. Greaves, 210. France. Agombart, 2. Regny & Co., 1427. Portugal, Machado, 54-56. Spain, Prats, 48. Tunis, 38, 91. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Lime, Acetate of — France, Maire & Co., 317. Lime, Carbonate of— i. Walton, 85. Lime, Chloride of — Austria, Wagenmaun & Co., 19. Portugal, Hir-sch & Co., 77. Zollverein (1), Wesenfeld & Co., 461. Lime, Phosphate of — Canada, Wilson, 2. Western Africa, M‘ William. Lime, Sulphate of — ii. Austin, 114. Spain, Cuesta, 49 a. Lime, Superphosphate of— i. Ramsay, 44. n. Austin, 114. Limes —British Guiana, Netscher, 18. Limestone -— Western end, South Enclosure (outside), Greaves, 7. Raynes & Co. 25. Towler, 27. I. 6, 156. Bell, 189. Gumming, 157. Fahie, 30. Len- taigne, 5. Moore, 408. Smith, 177. Sparks, 154. Sweetman, 40. Taylor, 201. Walton, 85. Canada, Logan, 1. India, i. New Zealand, Brown, 18. Purchas, 23. Bussia, Alexandrovsk Imperial Cannon Foundry, 2. Bar- navulsk Imperial Works, 4. Kamensk Iron Works, 8. Tunis , 168. Turkey. United States, Penniman, 249. Van Diemen's Land, Bichens, 326, 327. Denison Sir W. T., 270. Milligan, 260-26$. Line Engravings —See Engravings. Linen Fabrics (various)—xn. & xv. Allen, 259. Baumann & Wuuch, 206. Bird, 223. Lead better & Co., 205. xiv. Anderson, 86. Bennett & Adams, 11. Canter, 36. Capper & Son, 95. Carson, 14, Cartel’, Brothers, 36. Dundee Local Committee, 63. Emshall, 40. Fletcher, 36. Hattersley & Co. 36. Haxworth & Carnley, 36. Henning, 16. Jackson & Matthewson, 36. Jeffrey, 59. Kirk & Sons, 10. Leadbetter & Co., 9. Leeming, 41. M‘Murray & Co., 25. Malcombe, 22. Pegler, 43. Pigott & Newton, 36. Pinkerton, J. & R., 15. Richardson & Co., 23. Richardson, Sons, & Owden, 7. Sadler, 30, 91. Sadler & Co., 18. . Walton & Co., 38. Wilford & Sons, 42. Wilks, 31. Austria, Haupt, 286. Hielton, 275. Milan Benevolent Society’s Establishment, 283. Peldrian’s Heirs, 28S. Siegl & Co., 290. Vonwiller & Co., 292. Witschell & Co., 293. Belgium , Ameye-Berte, 209. Bernard, Saint, House of Correction, 226. Bongaerts, 229. Catteaux, 245. Decock, 221. Deroubaix, 239. Des Medt, 232. Dob- belaere, 208. Donmer, 233. Harfog, Brothers, 224. Moerman, 231. Parmenter, 222. Servais, 291. Thi- ban-Accou, 220. Thilau, 292. Van Ackere, 215. Van Cost, 219. Vercruysse, 213. Canada, Fortier, 141. China, Hewitt & Co. Rawson. Egypt, 226, 306-309, 311, 312, 338. France, Boniface & Sons, 32. Doucet & Duclerc, 147. Mestivier & Hamoir, 636. Scrive, Brothers & Danser, 1006. Hanover, Schultze, 6. Portugal, Barboza, 682. Torres Novas Company, 661— 665, 667-669. 675, 677. Russia, Dombrovvitch,355. Julenius,221. Konovnizin, 220. Spain, Castellon Corporation, 194. Isabel II., Manufac¬ tory of, 193. Sioeden Sf Norway , 23. Switzerland, Haag & Sons, 164. Hunziker & Co., 166. Roethlisberger & Sons, 169. Tunis, 10, 18. Turkey. United States, Mills & Co., 444. Zollverein (1), Bolenius & Nolte, 562. Brockmann, 539. Bruenger, 559. Delius, 560. Delius & Sons, 548. Gante & Sons, 563. lleidsick, 555. Klopper, 489. Kramsta & Sons, 128. Kroenig, Wilhelm, & Sons, 556. Landwehrmann, Brothers. 550. Rimarm & Geisler, 124. Schnell & Sons, 558. Schraidt & Co., 732. Seylers, 121. Tschorn & Biirgeo, 130. Velhagen, 540. Websky & Son, 122. Wessel, 542. Westermann, 543. Westermann & Sons, 544. (4), Lang, 34. Seemann, 36. See also Cambrics. Da¬ masks {Linen). Diapers. Flax. Ginghams. Hemp. Linen Sheeting. Linen Twists. Linen Yarn. Table Cloths {Linen, Sfc.). Linen Presses— xxn. Tindall, 542. Zollverein (1), Kuttner, 236. Linen Sheeting —xiv. Crawford & Lindsavs, 13. Curr & Co., 88. Nicol & Co., 87. Sadler & Co., 18. Portugal, 672-674, 676, 678. Torres Novas Co., 666. Linen and Silk (mixed fabrics)—xiv. Beveridge, 29. Hunt & Son, 28. See also Mixed Fabrics. Linen Twists — France, Soins &Son, 381. Portugal, 654. Linen-Washing Machines—-S ee Washing, Drying, and Ironing Machines. 166 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Linen Yarns — Austria, Peldrian’s Heirs, 288. Petrak* J. 289. France, Durant on, 494. Hanover, Schultze, 6, Zollverein (1), Bolenius & Nolte, 562. (4), TJrach ma¬ nufactory of Linen Yarn, 35. Linens, Woollen Cloths, &c. (Ornaments for deco¬ rating) — xvii. Mansell, 27. Lines, Clothes— See Horse-hair Clothes-lines. Hopes, Cordage, Sfc. Lining and Relief Copying-machine (Specimens)— Zollverein (1), Wagner, 155. Linseed Presses — vi. Blundel & Co., 420. xvi. Ben¬ son, 12. Linseed and Linseed-Oil and Cake— in. McGarry & Sons, 132. Peterson, 66. iv. Penney, 64. Belgium, Vandestraeten, 84. Vercauteren, 82. Ver- cruysse, Brothers, 91. Hamburgh, Petersen, 5. India, iv. Lubech, Platzman, 1. Netherlands, Oemen, 8. Calvi, 22. Sardinia, Girardi, Brothers, 5. Spain, 170. ‘ United States, Lee & Co., 530. Zollverein, Waechter, 434. See also Cake-breaking Machines. Rape-seed and Rape-seed Oil, 8f\C. Linsey-Wolsey Fabrics —xn. & xv. Byers & Son, 232. Clay & Sons, 136. Garvie & Dias, 227. Green, 92. Locke, 15. Mills, 253. Phillips, 222. Roberts, 460. Renwick, T. & A. 233. xx. Robert, 130. Lint — ii. Oyler, 113. Lint-Machine —vi. Searle, 65. Lion, Bavarian — Zollverein (1), Muller, 90 (Main Avenue, East). Liqueurs —xxix. Taylor & Co., 5. Turkey. Liquid-Manure Machines —vm. Truscott, 289. ix. Reeves, T. R. & J. 108. See also Pumps, Liquid Manure. Liquid Metre — v. Keith, 466. Tebay, 436. xxn. Keith, 601. Liquids, Apparatus for cooling or warming—xxii. Hewitt, 395. See also Ice-Machines. Liquorice — Egypt, 50. Greece, Congos, 57. Spain, Beck & Co., 134. Vasquez, 133 A. Litharge — i. Byers, 494. India, n. Lithographic Drawing, Engraving, and Printing (Specimens of)—xxvi. Richardson, 207. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cox, 248. Duelin, 58. Graf, 76. Hull- mandel & Walton, 71. Martin & Hood, 85. Stan- didge & Co., 37. Underwood, 77. Austria, Bermann, 370. Neumann, 373. Rauh, 369. Belgium, Avanzo, 446. Daveluy, 448. Canada, Meyer, 190. France, Cousin, 1572. Dupont, 181. Engelmann & Graf, 192. Gillot, 522. Guesnu, 859. Koppelin, 894. Schmantz, 370. Tudof, 397. ‘ Hamburgh, Kahler, 117. New Zealand, Moore, 37. Portugal, 1238-1251. Lopes, 1254. United States, Brady & Co., 142. Browning, 557. D’ Avig¬ non, 132. Pease, 230. Pratt, 102. Sowrell, 448. Zollverein (1), Winkvelmann & Sons, 306. See also Chromo-Lithography. Lithographic Music Printing —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Chappell & Co., 66. Lithographic Presses —vi. Greig, D. & J. 114. Me Clure & Co., 160. Straker, 142. Underwood, 103. France, Brisset, 440. Lacroix & Son, 283. Switzerland, Ledoux, 58. Lithographic Stones —Western end, South Enclosure (outside), Raynes & Co., 25. i. Brodie, 54. Canada, Logan, 1. France, Chapot & Pelon, 448. Marn & Co., 1732. Marx & Co., 1343. Greece, The Greek Government, 24. India, I. Portugal, Dejean, lio-115. See also Limestone. Lithopony (Specimens of)— France, Du Tremblay, 395. Lithotypes — Canada, Matthews, C., 188. Liverpool Baths and Wash-houses (Drawings)— v. Pooley, 784. Liverpool Docks, &c. (Model)—Main Avenue, West, Liverpool Local Committee, 95. Liverpool, Specimens of imports into (undescribed) —xxix. Liverpool Local Committee, 270. Llama Cloth— See Merinoes. Lockmaking (Illustrations of the art of)—xxii. Aubin, 663. Locks, &c. (various)— xxii. Barnwell & Son, 678. Barron & Son, 695. Bigford, 650. Boobbyer, 680. Brarnah & Co. 653. Bryden & Sons, 44. Carpenter & Til- desley, 655. Cartwright, 661. Chubb & Sons, 646. Clark & Restell, 446. Cotterill, 307, Downs, 675. Featham & Co. 686. Fons, De La, 800. Foster, 650. Gerish, 652, Gibbons, 654. Harley, 660. Haywood & Son, 647. Horton, 674. Huffier, 649. Lewis, 673. Lingard, 264. Longfield,503. Marr, 510. Mayo & Bates, 648. Mitchell, 672. Parkes, 659. Pearce, 671. Taylor, 622. Walters, B. & P., 670. Windle & Blythe, 668. Wisson, 679. Wolverson, 276. Yates, 664. Egypt, 168. France, Cugnot, 99. Fayet-Baron, 1221. Granger, 1734. Grangoir, 1256. Hue, 269. Paublan, 946. Portugal, 652. Sardinia, Barbie, 56. Spain, Callejo, 257. Sweden and Norway, Hallenius & Co. 11. Hedlund, 11. Lundberg, 11. Ulander, 11. Tuscany, Cioni, 104. United States, Adams & Co. 462. Arrowsmith, 138. Day & Newell, 298. Hanley, 375. McGregor 8c Lee, 20. Tuckerman, 333. Western Africa, Miller, 10. Zollverein (1), Bleckmann, 623. Post, 615. Schmidt, 651. (5), Raab, 18. See also Boor-fasteners. Locks, Wooden — British Guiana , Steele, 154, 154b. Locksmiths’ Tools— Zollverein (1), Asbeck & Co., 645. Locomotive Axle and Connecting Rod — v. Squire 8c Co., 706, Locomotive-Engine Driving Wheels— v. Warren, 558, 1001. Locomotive E ngines, Railway (Including Models)— v. S!damk,^5T0. “ HCrampton, 508. Dodds & Son, 64. Elliott, 702. England, 509. Erskine, 100. Fairbairn, 522, 732. Fossick & Hackworth, 10. Great Western Railway Company, 506. Harvey, 692. Hawthorn, R. & W., 536. Hemmingway, 574. Hinitt, 714. Kitson, Thompson & Co., 534. Lam¬ bert & Son, 478. Lester, 700. London and North- Western Railway Company, 512, 513. Stanton, 661. Wilson, G, 697. Wilson & Co. 526. vii. Ren- czynski, 27. xxii. Johnson, Cammill & Co., 109. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 167 Belgium , Cockerill, 119. Societe Anonyme ties Mines et Charbonages de Couillet, 120. Canada, Rodier, 346. France, Cail & Co., 1557. Netherlands, Maitland, 92. Tuscany, Pelosi, 56. United States, Pinikus, 504, Locomotive Engine Safety Apparatus — France, Le- thuillier-Pinel, 312. Locomotive Machinery (for Inclines from or to Wbarfs) —v. Barber-Beaumont, 752. Locomotive Regulator, Spindle Joint for — vi. Schiele, 402. Locomotive Steam-Carriage for Common Roads— v. Bevan, 105. Locomotive Strap — France, Blanchet, Brothers, 768. Logs, Ships’— vm. Berthon, 104. Jersey and Guernsey —Alleond, 27. Logwood — Trinidad, Lord Harris. London (Model of), with designs for Railways in the Streets—v. Macbay, 586, London Bridge (Model)—vn. Townley, 39. Longcloths— See Cotton Fabrics- Looking-Glasses, Mirrors, &c. (including Chimney and Pier Glasses)—xxvi. British Plate Glass Com¬ pany, 408 (Main Avenue, West). Chapman, 191. Crawford, 96. Donne, 198. Gardner, 231. Herring & Sons, 205. McCullum & Hodson, 136. McLean, 386 (Main Aveuue, West), Ponsonby, 199. Rogers, 195. Squire, 273. Whitcombe, 21 1a. Austria, Abele, 582. Ratzersderfer, 577. Viehofen, Mirror Manufactory, 583. China, Hewett & Co. France, Berlioz & Co. 53. Chamouillet, 1142. Ledreney, 1307. Luce, 1332. Paillard, 671. Hamburgh, Huebener & Pohle, 61. Korlan, 62. Ram- pendahl, 60. Russia, Ameloung & Son, 296. Zollverein (1), Fleischmann, 763. Heinrich, 771. (2), Hechinger, 60. Heilbronn 61. (6), Buettner, 53. Looking-Glass Frames —xxvi. Bielefeld, 157. xxviii. Thorn & Co., 86. France, Hardouin, 865. Jersey Sf Guernsey, Ellis, 44. Sardinia, Martinotti, 63. Looms (including Models)—vi. Brown, 56. Cross, 64. Henning, 43. Smith, 22. xix. Jackson & Graham, 390 (North Transept). Belgium, Jouvne, 123. Ceylon. France, Jacquin, 546. Mercier & Co. 632, India, vi. Western Africa, Forbes, 8. See also Hand Looms. Jacquard Looms. Power Looms. Silk Looms. Stocking Looms. Lord Mayor’s State Barge (Model)— vm. Searle 8c Sons, 169 (Main Avenue, West). Lord Mayor’s State Coach (Model) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Jibb, 14. Lozenges —xxix. Lucas, Brothers, 316. Lozenges, Digestive — Austria, Prince Lobkowitz’s Mines, 53. Lubricators —v. Hasketh, 206. Hurry, 122. Lucifer-Match Boxes — France, Lefrangois, 301, 582. Lucifer Matches —xxix. Bell & Black, 243. Austria, De Majo, 50. Furth, 46. Hoffmann, 49. Poliak, 47. Preschel, 48. Zollverein (.4), Kuhn, 102. Sutorius, 100. Ludlow Castle (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Gill, 145. Lump-Sugar Chopping-machines —xxn. Symes, 23. Lunarians —x. Paxon, 191. Peri gal, 693. Lustres — Hanover, Bernstorff & Eichwede, 8. Zollverein (5), Junge & Walther, 17. Luxor Obelisk (Model )—Zollverein (1), Sussmann, 305. M. Macaroni, Vermicelli, &c.— hi. Gentile, 108. Levy, 120. Portugal, 519, 528. Sardinia, De Barbieri, 63. Guelfi, 94. Valdettaro, 81. Mace (with Samples of the Meal)— hi. M‘Cullum, 133. India, in. Labuan , fyc., Hammond & Co,, 2. Machine Cards —United States, Earle & Co., 456. Machine Mouldings— United States , Chatain, 337. Macready Testimonial —xxm. Smith, Nicholson & Co., 110. Madder and Madder Root — Algeria, Dupre de St. Maur, 23. Montigny, 38. Piglia, 43. France , Avignon Chamber of Commerce, 1049. Sengen- wald, 1010. Greece, Malandrinus, 3. Phillippos, 4. India , iv. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Scharenberg, 3. Russia, Bubaieff, 86. Kerim Raghim Ogli, 87. Spain, 86, 138, 141, 142. Marcos, 147. Matezanz, 144. Metezanz, 140. Semovilla, 143. Tuscany, Pastorelli, 35. Zollverein (1), Weiss, 684. Magic Lantern. See Phantasmagoria. Magnesia — ii. Howards & Kent, 11. Austria, Prince of Lobkowitz’ Mines, 53. India, i. United States, Husband^, 49. Magnesia, Bicarbonate of — ii. Murray, Sir J., 87. Magnesia, Carbonate of—ii. Murray, Sir J., 87. Greece, Greek Government, 21. India, 1. Sardinia, Rossi & Schiapparelli, 6. Magnesia, Citrate of—ii. King, 84. Magnesia Lozenges — Austria, Lobkowitz, Prince of, 53. Magnesia, Sulphate of—ii. Copner, 118. Moberley, 17. France, Malapert, 319. Jersey and Guernsey, Gould, 34. Van Diemen’s Land, Smith, 295. Magnesian Minerals and Chemicals—ii. Dinneford & Co., 51. Canada , Logan, 1. Magnetic Dip and Intensity Instruments— x. Brooke, 144. Wilton,,402. Magnetic Iron and Iron Ore— India, i. Russia, Goroblagodatsk Imperial Iron, Works, 7. Magnetic Toys— Zollverein (2), Issmayer, 26. Magnetized Balances—x. Fox, 377. Magneto-Electric Machines— See Electro-Magnetic Machines. Magnetometers (Self-Registering)— x. Brooke, 144. Magnets— x. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Hearder, 439. Henley, 428. Rundell, 43Sa. xxi. Stubs, 39. xxii. Shaw and Son, 216. Netherlands, Logeman, 87. See also Compasses, Mari¬ ners’. Mahogany —iv. Fauntleroy & Sons, 135 (Main Avenue, West). Gillow & Co., 15. St. Domingo, Schomburgk, Sir R. Malachite —i. Hall, T. & J., 146. Russia, Bogoslovsk Copper Works, 1. Perm Imperial Copper Works, 6. 168 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. South Australia , Graham and Hallett, 3. Zollverein (1), Weishaupt &Sons, 412. Malt —in. Wright, 107. New Zealand , Hooper & Co., 39. Malt, Crystallized —in. Poole, 146. Malt-drying Machines —vi. Corcoran and Co., 416. ix. Abbott, 55. Manchester, Plan of the Town —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Adshead, 328. Illustration of Sewering, Paving, &c. at— vii. Naylor, 81. Mandolines — Switzerland, Metert & Co., 97. Mandrils —vi. Hick & Son, 218. Manganese, and Manganese Ore —i. Fahie, 30. Sweet- man, 40. Williams & Sons, 505. n. Kane, 53. Canada , Logan, 1. France, Cavelan & Co., 1131. Hamburgh, Meyer, 1. India , i. New Zealand, McLeod, 30. Van Diemen’s Land, Milligan, 268. Zollverein (1), Biegel, 311. Harkort, 874. (6),*Briel & Co., 4, Rosenberg & Co., 2. (8), Nassau Go¬ vernment Engineers of Mines, 1. Mangles —ix. Wilkinson, 220. xxn. Baker & Co., 547. Dannatt, 43. Moreton, 554. Strutterd, 545. Tindall, 542. Wilkinson, 540. Man-help for Painting Ships, &c. —vii. Williams, 128. Man, Isle of, Life Boats— vm. Fawcett, 62. Manioca — Portugal, Batalha, 541, 542. Manna — Van Diemen’s Land, Bonney, 289. Mannite — ii. Picciotto, 33. Mannite, Crystallized—ii. Smith, T. & H. 94. Manometers— France, Galy Cazalot, 1239. Mantel-pieces.— See Chimney-pieces. Manufactory (Model of) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Nor¬ ton, 346. Manufactures (Various Designs for)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wyatt, 30. Graves, 322. Harvey, 119. France, De Lisle, 1455. Galimard, 228. Jaret, 888„ Meynier, 638. Ragot, 971. Rouget de Lisle, 1455. Manure Machine — Netherlands, Stam, 73. Manures —I. Blyth & Jacobs, 131. Evans, 227. Gill, 38. Harris, 42. Ipswich Museum Committee, 35. Lance, 37. Nesbitt, 46. Ramsay, A. 44. Ramsay, G. H., 269. Teschemacher, 41. ii. Moberley, 17. ix. Blackball, 33. Daniell, 265. Belgium, Bortier, 95. Denmark, Owen, 44. France, Fouche le Pelletier, 1229. Rancher, 1422. Zollverein (1), Waechter, 434. See also Guano. Manuscripts (of the 15th century)— France, Lundy, 914. Maps (Various)—x. Adorno, 218. Clapham, 712. Den¬ ton, 317. Sanderson, 160. xvii. Candy, 66. Cruch- ley, 74. Hughes, 4. Orr & Co., 109. Ruff & Co., 193. Saunderson, 37. Tapperell & Innes, 191. Whitehead, 192. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wishaw, 232a. Austria, Cerri, 364. Military Geographical Institute, 363. Kayser, 368 a. Muller, 372. Raffelsperger, 365. Belgium, Vandermaelen, 437. Egypt, 126. France, Bauerkeller & Co., 1072. Cosquin, 804. Ma- brun, 1653. New South Wales, Mitchell, 5. New Zealand, Moore, 37. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. United States, Bidwell, 477. Colton, 310. Cowper- thwaite & Co., 360. Disturnell, 215. Lawrence, 521. Sherman & Smith, 143. vSiebert, 505. Zollverein (1), Heymann, 290. Schropp, Simon, & Co., 303. Trautwein, 158. (3), Royal Saxon Military Plan Office, 184. (6), Ioughans & Venator, 6. See also Atlases. Globes. Maps, Ordnance— i. Tennant, 159. vm. Ordnance Survey Departments, 128. Maps in Relief —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Staveley, 263. France, Gaas D’Agnen, 1238, 1635. Switzerland, Schneiter, 42. Zollverein (1), Dickert, 432. Marbles (Specimens of)—Western end, South Enclo¬ sure (outside), Franklin, 28. I. 155. Bell, 189. Clark, 190. Cumming, 195. Fahie,30. Gelling, 139. Hall, J. & T., 146. Howard, 29. Lentaigne, 138. Manderson, 148. Quillam & Creer, 151. Tayler,201. Whittaker, 53. xxvn. Franklin, 73. Porter, 66. Pulham, 108. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Conte, 140. Belgium, Fallon Pirn, 10. Canada, Logan, I. France, Caffort, 444. Colin, 1564. Derville & Co., 162. Seguin, 1693. Greece, 25-39, 43-45, 47, 49. Cleanthes, 40-42. Hy- mettus Monastery, Prior of, 48. India, i. Portugal, 120-231. Spain, 29, 30, 32. Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Asturias Mines, Inspector of, 15. Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Madrid Royal Library, 31. San- tosy Diaz, 34. United States, Pierce, 248 a. Van Diemen’s Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 337. Strutt, 232. Zollverein (1), Laverdure, 845. RiiIreland Ducal Foundry Inspection, 780. (8), Diez Marble Manu¬ factory, 5. See also Purbeck Marble. Marble Columns, Slabs, and other Works —Main Avenue, East. 1. Champernowne, 158 (Main Avenue, West). Colles, 140. Franklin, 144. xxvi. Hunter, W. J. R. & E.,202. xxvii. Bird, 83. Cumming, 64. Hall, J. & T., 37, 38. Hoban, 58. Lomas, 81. London Marble & Stone Company, 17. Monteagle, Lord, 72. Oldneld & Co., 76. Royal Dublin Society, 71. Rumley, 59. Stuart, 55. Turner, 82. Vallance, 40. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Simmons, 126. Belgium, Desmanet de Biesme, Visct., 16. Guislain, 423. Leclerq, 425. Cape of Good Hope, 59. France, Simon, 1016. India, i. xxvii. Portugal, Bonnet, 258. De Figueiredo, 248, 24'9, 252-257. Dejeant, 232-247, 250, 251, 258-274. Thomar, Count, 1223. Rome, 37. Tunis, 95. Tuscany, Guidotti, 92. Maffei, 95. Nobili, 91. Royal Technological Institute, 98. Zollverein (1), Cantian, 235 (Main Avenue, East). De- visse, 837. Marble, application of, to Miniature Painting— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Carrick, 242. Marble, Artificial —xxvi. Taylor & Sons, 9. xxvii. Ransom & Parsons, 97. Austria, Behr, 645. Sardinia, Spanna & Co., 88. Spain, The Apolytomene Company, 55 a. Marble, Imitation (Various)—vi. lies, 61. xxvi. Arthur, 303. Coomber, 307. Hanbury, 41. Hopkins, 234. Purkiss & Son, 315. Sewell, C. & F., 340. Smith, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 169 C., 341. Smith, G. F., 141. Southall & Co., 342. XXVII. Bradley, 35. Buckley, 44. lies, C. & C., 28. Kershaw, 1. Moore, 25. Nicol & Allen, 69. Oliver, 41. Read, 32. Wilson; 14. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Williams, 82. France, Bisiaux, 767. Evrot, 190. Letillois, 1322. Marble Painting on Glass —xxiv. Davies, G., 37. Davies, L., 38. Kiddle, 39. xxvi. Holland & Sons, 62a., 407. Lee, 43, 402. M‘Lachlan, 337. Wallace, 2. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Lee, 341. Marble Pastes for Mosaics—xxvii. Skinner & Whal- ley, 121. Marble, Prepared (to resist Grease, &c.)— xxvii. Page, 26. Marble and Stone Working Machinery, &c.— ix. Rudd, 157. Marine Engines. See Steam-Engines, Marine. Marine Glue —vm. Jeffery & Co., 188. Marine Plants—iv. Holt, 128. Marine Productions — Bermudas, Jackson, 2. Marking Ink— See Ink, Marking. Marl. Turkey. United States, Braxton, 269. Marquees— See Tents and Marquees. Marqueterie — xxvi. Bailes, 208. Boadella, 193. Bruns¬ wick, 180. Gillow & Co., 186a. Watson, 175. Wood, 105. Marqueterie, Imitation — France, Pichot, 349. Mary’s, St., Church, Whitechapel (Model) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Evans, 202. Masks — Austria , Serafino, Palatini, & Co., 702. Masons’ Tools— i.tMitchell, 461. Mast Clamps —vm. Beadon, 90. Masting-Shears — vm. Hughes, 318. Masts (Ships’)—vm. Burgess, 123. Dempster, 174. Ferguson, C. A.&T. 184. Shuldham, 172. Bermudas. Match-boxes— See Lucifer-Match Boxes. Mathematical Instruments —x. Adorno, 218. Ashe, 194. Braham, 289. Cameron, 356. Gerard, 109. Graham, 355. Haggard, 328. Hardy, 348. Miller, 361. Parkes & Son, 671. Penrose, 318. Rookes, J. & A., 340. Ross, 342. Williams, 352. Yates, 378. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Rowney & Co., 3. Belgium, Groetaeres, 156. France, Buron, 443. Desbordes, 1587. Gnidicelli & Delabarre, 1614. Lemseigne, 1728. Molteni & Siegler, 649. Jersey and Guernsey, Le Moyne, 5. Switzerland, Gysi, 85.' Homel-Esser, 81. Kern, 88. United States, Fisher, 263. Zollverein Q), Liittig, 81. (2), Riefler, 34. See also Geometrical Instruments. i Mathematical Telegraph — United States, Fuller, 490. I Matico (Drug)— ii. Keating, 102. j Mat Machine (for wiping Shoes)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Deacock, 72. Mats —xiv. Dagnall & Co., 89. Wall, E. & T., 70. xvi. Robinson, 7. xxvm. Armstrong, 43. Bevington & Morris, 38. Canley, 193. India, xxvm. Netherlands , Crap, 25. Russia, Ivanoff, 267. Levasheff, 266. Schultz, 268. Society Islands, Queen Pomare, 1. Tunis, 178-180, 184. Western Africa, Forster & Smith, 2. Trotter, 5. Weston, 1. Maple Sugar — Canada, Bales, 67. Fisher, 69. Mont¬ real Commission, 66. Parker, 68. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. United States, Barnes, 246. Dean, 245. Dix, 139. Matting —xxvm. Robinson & Co. 42. Algeria, Beni Snous Tribe, 67. Ceylon. China , Hewett & Co. Egypt, 128. New Zealand, Collinson, 3. Moore, 37. Portugal, Ferreira, 1112-1115. See also Cocoa-nut Fibre, Sfc. Mattrasses —iv. Nightingale & Co. 57. xn. & xv. Grist, 208. xxvi. Bacon, 218. Johnston & Co., 75. United States, Kittendge, 253. Mattrass Covers—B elgium, Felhoen-Coucke, 481. Measures. See Corn or Seed Meters. Weights 8? Measures. Measuring Apparatus (for Tailors) — x. Thompson, 363. xx. Cattanach, 135 a. Jones, 149. Robinson, 149 a. Smart, 135. Measuring Machines— vi. Whitworth & Co. 201. Tuscany, Gonnella, 57. Meat-Cutter— United States, Perry, 72. See also Saus- sage Choppers. Meat, Essence of —hi. Warriner & Soyer, 21. Meat Preserver—xxii. Hockin, 592. Meat Screen—xxii. Andrewes, 379. Meats, Preserved— See Provisions, Preserved. Mechanical Drawings from Sculpture — France, Lhoest, 912. Mechanical Figures— France, Mallat, 1340. See also Lay Figures. Milliners ’ Dolls . Mechanical Inventions (undescribed) Specimens of— United States, Godwin, 217. Mechanical Pictures—xxvi. Grigg, 401. Mechanical Purchases— xxvm. Hodges, 72. Mechanical Syllabicator— xvn. Benner, 60. Meconic Acid—ii. M orson & Son, 106. Medallions— xxm. Holt, 106. Austria, Petrowits, 730. Rome , 39. Russia, Count Tolstoy, 328. Tuscany, Giusti, 117. Medals —vm. National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, 309. xxii. Allen & Moore, 300. Ottley, 306. Pigott & Co. 281. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Adams, 281. Woodhouse, 289a. Wyon, L. C. 286. Wyon, W. 284. Austria, Fraener, 732. Zappharelli, 733. Belgium, Hart, 441. Jehotte, 447. Wiener, 442. Canada, Wheeler, 353. Denmark, Conradsen, 36. Petersen, 35. Russia, Tolstoy, Count, 328. United States, Gevelot, 189. Zollverein (1), Fischer, 281. Pfeuffer, 286. See also Coins. Medals, Coins, &c., Fac-sibiiles of— xxvm. Peel, 175. Medical Cloth (backed with India Rubber)— xii. &xv. Wilkinson, 51. Medical Herbs & Drugs (various)— ii. The London Druggists, 117. Austria, Batka, 100. British Guiana, Duggin, 70. Canada, Fletcher, 127. Macculloch, 72. Cape of Good Hope, Jeppe, 4. Scheuble & Co. 48. Thalwitzer, 3. Spain, 118, 119, 120,122,123,125. Bartolome, 126. Durango y Trigo, 127. Palencia, 124. Pardo y Bar- 170 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Homan Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. tolini, 116. Zaragoza Academy of Medicine & Sur¬ gery, 128 a. Tunis, 136. See also Chemicals. Drugs. Medical Walking-Staff (containing Instruments, Medicine, &c.)—x. Gray, 104a. Medicated Bands (for the Cure of Rheumatism)—x. Coles, 660. Medicine Chests— xxix. Lucas, 49. Medico-Chirurgical Ambulance— x. Veitch, 6. Medico-Galvanic Apparatus— x. Hearder, 439. Medieval Objects (undescribed) — Zollverein (5), Schwerber, 30. See also Ecclesiastical Furniture. Meerschaum— Greece , 23. Turkey. Meerschaum Pipes— xxm. Inderwick, 56. xxix. Bar¬ ling & Sons, 305. Austria, Alba, 664. Beisiegel, 667. Grunhut, A. 672. Grunhut, J. 673. Grunhut, W. 674. Zeitler, 687. Spain , 42a. Zollverein (1), Ziegler, Brothers, 784. Melodium Organs— France, Alexandre & Son, 1719, Melophones — France, Pellerin, 1383. Melting & Distilling (New Mode of)—xxn. Defries, 482. Mercury —1. Forbes, 522. ii. Howards & Kent, 11. Mercury, Biniodide of — ii. Hopkins & Williams, 41. Mercury, Bisulphuret of— Portugal, Serzedello & Co. 80. Mercury, Chemical Preparations of — ii. Huskisson, J. W\ & H. 86. Austria, Broscbe, 20. Mercury, Oxide of — Portugal, Seal, 78. Merino Fabrics (Various)—xi. Henry & Sons, 13. xn. & xv. Brewin & Whetstone, 242. Clough, 151. Craven & Son, 149. Day & Son, 113. Hudson & Bousfield, 21. Mason & Co. 303. Rogers, 497. Schofield, A., 474. Schwann, Kell, & Co. 141. Belgium , Wood, 492. France, Bahuet, 17. Barbeaux Lecuyer, 19. Bouchez-Po- thier, 34. Caillet, 82. Dauphinot-Perard, 471. David- Labbez & Co. 138. Fournival & Co. 221. Galland, 989. Gesson-Mazille, 223. Gigot & Boisotau, 224. Girot de l’Ain, 1249. Lamort, 896. Lemaitre, 1316. Lessieux & Son, 1321. Levert, Brothers, 1324. Lucas, \ Brothers, 1331. Maquet, 604. Maquet-Hermel, 603. I Marcelle, 605. Oudin-Cormy, 669. Petit-Clement, 679. Ragot-Mayens, 972. Rambouillet National Sheepfold, 1080. Requillart, Roussell, & Chocquee], 1433. Robert-Boileau, 31. Robert-Guerin, 1441. Robert-Mathieu, 1443. Rousselet & Barounet, 1459. j Sautret & Son, 1473. Vaucher-Picare, 710. Veissiere, 720. j Russia, Volner, 190. Switzerland, Mueller, Pluess, & Co. 151. Ziegler, 146. Zollverein (1), Rothschild, 28. See also Cashmeres. Cohourg Cloths. Orleans Cloth. Paramatta Cloths. Merino Wool — iv. Dorrien, 81. Russia, n.n., 125. Zollverein (1), Kiipfer, 29. Gberburggraf Von Brunneck, 45. Metal (Anti-friction)—xxn. Bolt & Allen, 422. Metal Articles (various)—xvu. Cundy & Addey, 106. xxii. Allen & Moore, 300. See also Hardware. Metal Blinds —xxvi. Burt, 390. Metal Castings (Undescribed)— xxii. Stocken, 414. Met at. & Flock combined —xxvi. Williams & Co. 321 Metal Gauges —x. Hayward, E. L. & W. 298. Metal, Perforated —xxii. Tylor & Pace, 63. See also Blinds , Perforated. Metals and their Alloys (various)— i. Jordan, 487. Metals, Malleability of (Illustrations of) —xxiii. Marshall, 104. Metals (Rolled) —xxii. Evel-ift & Son, 352. Metallic Clay, Articles in—xxvii. Haywood, H.&R. 127. Metallic Cloths & Gauzes— France, Roswag & Son, 1688. Switzerland, Graeser & Schweizer, 216. Metallic Colouring, New Mode of— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Gould, 247. Metallic Cord— xxix. Ritchie, 259. See also Wire Rope. Metallic Lava Pavement—xxvii. Orsi & Armani, 36. Metallic Letters (for fixing on Glass)— xx. Wood- house, 180. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Humphreys, 231a. See also Brass Lettering. Metallic Paste or Cement (for preventing Damp in Walls)—v. Cheavin, 448. Metallic Pocketbooks— xvu. Clark & Davidson, 135. Penny, 32. Metallic Roofing. See Iron Roofing. Metallic Shield— x. Jones, 652. Metallic Sponges— France, Chenot, 119. Metrograph— x. Hardy, 348. Metronomes— x. Greaves, 503. Scholefield, 148. See also Norma Viriums. Metropolitan Cattle and Carcase Market, Abat¬ toir, &c. (Model)— vii. Dun-hill, 90. Micrographic Instruments— France, Nachet, 1370. Micrometer— Zollverein (1), Nobert, 77. Microscope, Illustrations of the Uses o£ the—x. Leonard, 306. Microscopes— x. Abraham & Co. 263. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Jackson, E. & W. 258. Ladd, 291a. Pillischer, 269. Ross, 254 (Main Avenue, West). • Shadbolt, 677 a. Sweden Sg Norway, Littman, 15. United States, Hazart, 16. Zollverein (1), Ausfeld, 704. (2), Merz & Sons, 30. Microscopes, Achromatic, &c.—x. Field & Son, 250. King, 287. Pillischer, 269. Pritchard, 248. Smith & Beck, 253. Microscopes, Oxy-Hydrogen— x. Horne & Co. 220. Ibbetson, 459. Microscope Tables— x. Smith & Beck, 253. Microscopic Objects— x. Hett, 249. Hudson, 25G. Poulton,252. Stark, 284. Topping, 667. France, Bourgogne, 434. Microscopic Objects, Cabinet for —x. Smith & Beck, 253. Mildew— Fgypt, 21. Mildew Oil— Egypt, 39. Mileometer— x. Webster, 671a. Military Accoutrements — vni. Bevington, 213. Hawkes & Co. 212. Landon & Co. 204. xvi. Geary, 235. xix. Hanson, 188. xx. Buckmaster, 1. Lyons, 67. Middlebrooke, 123. Canada, Morris, 334. India, vjii. Netherlands, Heynsberger, 102a. Sardinia, Gandolfi, 95. Zollverein (1), Mentzel, 94, (6), Maury, 21. See also Chacoes 8g Helmets. Regimental Browsers. Swords. Military Accoutrements (Brass Mountings for)—vnj. Firmin & Sons, 211. xx. Woodhouse, 180. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 171 Military Cloak Coat (Design for)— viii. Powell, 210. Military Plans, Models, &c. — vm. Moulin, 272. Belgium , Neyt, 157. New Zealand, Balneavis. Milk, Consolidated or Solidified— in. Fadeuilhe, 140. Belgium, Fontaine, 67. France , Martin de Lignac, 922. See also Concentrated Milk. Lactine. Milk, Essence of — hi. Moore, 139. Milk Pails, Tubs, &c. —ix. Jolly, 69. xxii. Walton & Co. 69. Switzerland, Faessler, 229. Milk Strainer — ix. Jolly, 69. Millboards — xvii. Spicer, Brothers, 42. See also Card¬ board. Milliners’ Dolls — France, Danjard, 136. Millinery. See Bonnets, Straw. Bonnets (various). Wearing Apparel. Mills (undescribed) —France, Moussillac, 933. United States, Ross, 213. Mills, Corn-crushing and Grinding. See Corn¬ grinding, Sfc. Mills. Millstone Dressing Machine —v. Parsons, 642. Millstones — i. Corcoran & Co. 416. Sparks, 154. vi. Hughes & Sons, 459. Huxhams & Brown, 446. Toms & Co. 457. Belgium, Morimont, 9. St. Hubert, 8. Canada, Logan, 1. France, Gaillard, 226. Gueuvin-Bouchon & Co. 532. Montcharmont, 650. Petit, Son, & Co. 345. Riby, 985. Roger, 1448. Theil, 1035. Thibault Boilesve, 1502. Touaillon, 1508. Greece, 18. Tunis, 167. Zollverein (1), Landau, 321. Michels, 871. Millstones, Apparatus for supplying Air to the Surface of — vi. Hurwood, 414. Milton, Royal Terrace Pier at (Model of)— vii. Redman, 12. Mine Shaft Machinery (for ascending & descending) —1. Blee, 459. White & Grant, 471. v. Begg, 407. .Fourdrinier, 406. Belgium, Vander Hecht, 475. Mineral Blue. See Azure. Minerals and Mineral Ores (various and undescribed) —I. 32, 34. Brymbo Co., 274. Burr, T. W. & G. 495. Clive, 277. Deering, 121. Howard, 29. Ipswich Museum Committee, 35. Lance, 37. Mitchell, 45. Randall, 275. Rowlandson, 490. Smith, 499. Sop- with, and a Committee of Mining Agents, 483. Tai¬ ling, 33. Taylor, 474. Tennant, 14. Wallace & Cooper, 510. xxvn. 29. Algeria, Algiers Mines Commission, 45. Bonn Mines Commission, 46. Austria, Batka, 9. Christalnigg’s, Count von, Mining Company, 404. Egger, Count, 401, 402. Hochber- ger, 14. Kengyel, 8. Kochmeister, 5. Kossuch, 406. Pillersee & Zennbach Smelting Works, 407. Radmeister Community, 400. Rauscher & Co. 403. Sapy, 6. Szumrak, 4. Upper Hungarian Mining Association, 3. Vienna Imperial Mines, 2, 408. Zemberg Mine, 7. Zois, 405. Canada, Logan, 1. Wilson, 2. Ceylon. Falkland Islands, Whittington. France , Basin, 758. India, i. New SouthWales, Dudgeon & Co., 11. New Zealand, 38. Portugal, 1-17, 20-27, 58-60, 82-102, 106-109, 119. Russia, 22. Alexandrovsk Imperial Cannon Foundry, 2. Barnaoulsk Imperial Works, 4. Bogoslovsk Cop.per Works, 20. Kamensk Iron Works, 8. Sardinia, Grange, 1. South Australia, Graham & Co., 3. Joseph, 7. South Australian Company, 1. Spain, 3. Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Asturias Mines, Inspector of, 15. Barcelona Mines, Inspector of, 2. Cerain, 1. Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Guipuzcoa Mines, Inspector of, 4. La Mancha Mines, Inspector of, 6. Leon Mines, Inspector of, 17. Linares Lead Mining Association, 14. Linares Mines, Direc¬ tor of, 5. Lugo Mines, Sub-Inspector of, 18. Ma¬ laga Mines, Inspector of, 19. Marte Mining Com¬ pany, 10. Murcia Mines, Inspector of, 7. Pedro De Araya’s Factory, 12. Rio Tinto Mines, Director of, 8. Santander Mines, Inspector of, 9. Saragoza Mines, Inspector of, 11. Zamora Mines, Inspector of, 20. Sweden and Norway, Flood, 7. Grekasar Blast Fur¬ nace, 3. Hellefor’s Iron Works, 4. Legerhjelm, 1. Osterby Iron Works, 5. Rettig, 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 26. Tunis, 25. Tuscany, Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. United States, Cocke, 271. Collyer, 289. Faber, 279. Faker, 280. Feutchwanger, 469. Maupin, 285. New Jersey Mining Company, 166. Tourey, 160. Zollverein (1), Biegel, 311. Bischop and Rhodius, 312. Brasseur & Co., 314. Bredt & Co., 315. Cosack, 825. Dresler, 449. Eschweiler Mines et Fond'ries, 318. Felthauss, 666. Hagen, 322. Hamblock, 454. Koningshuette, Royal Works at, 3. Ulrich & Co., 451. Malapane Royal Prussian Iron Works, 2. Mein- erzhagen & Kreuser, 316. (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. See also Copper Ores. Iron Ores. Zinc Ore. Mineral Oils—ii. Young, 7. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 10—14. Zollverein (1), Wiesman & Co., 334. Mineral Paints — 1 . Thorne, 475. ii. Blundell, Spence & Co., 48. Coulson, Jukes, & Co., 72. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. / United States, Mott, 81. Mineral Washing Cases— See Ore Washing Cases. Mineral Waters (natural and artificial)—i. Ellis, 13. ii. Godson, 50, Schilling & Sutton, 52. Canada, Mann, 324. Sardinia, D omen get, 96. Tunis, 152, 153. See also Soda Water. Soda Water Machines. Miniature Frames — France, Carre, 445. Martens, 610. Miniature Painting —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Tennent, 273. France, De Bastard, 1717. Zollverein (4), Holder, 106. Mining Machinery and Implements —i. Hosking, 472. yi. Wasley, 412. India, vi. See also Boring Ma¬ chines and Tools. Chains for Pits. Coal-mine Ma¬ chinery. Fuzes for Blasting. Lead-mine Machinery. Parachute for Mines. Pumps, Mining. Mining Ventilating Apparatus—vii. Rettie, 159. Belgium, Couillet Mines, 120. France, Mehu, 627. Mint, Essence of — Egypt, 111. Mirrors. See Looking-glasses. Miscellaneous Articles (undeseribed)—xxvin. Can¬ nings, 186. 172 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Missals, Roman— Belgium , Haniq, 285. Wesmael-Legros, 282. Mixed Fabrics (Cotton, Silk, Wool, &c.)— xn. & xv. Bot- tomley & Sons, 165. Clabburn & Son, 284. Clap- ham, 157. Day & Son, 113. Drummond, 150. Ecroyd & Son, 130. Ellis, 70. Foster & Son, 143. Fowler & Co. 309. Gregory, Brothers, 182. Jebb & Sons, 82. Jowett & Co., 144. Mason & Co. 303. Milligan & Son, 140. Peace & Co., 91. Pease, Heaton & Co., 60. Pugh, 306. Sayce & Co. 307. Schofield, Brown & Co., 3. Thornton & Co. 32. Tremel & Co., 147. Welch & Co., 304. Willey, Nephew & Co., 310. Woodhouse, 71. xiv. Beve¬ ridge, 29. xviii. Andrews, Sons & Gee, 5. Ban- nerman & Sons, 33. Crocker J. & A., 11. Inglis & Wakefield, 4. Kesselmeyer & Co. 44. Ramsey & Co. 32. Samuels & Co., 31. Thomson, Brothers, 25-. Woodcroft & Co., 45. xix. Ladies’ Industrial Society, 213. xx. Macdougall, 83. Austria , Furst, 296. Krcitzsch, 297. Tial, 307. Westhauster, 308. France , Bonte, 33. Mollet-Warme, Brothers, 648. Velin, Brothers, 721. Vigoroux, 728. India , xv. Switzerland , Borel, Boyer & Co., 37. Mueller, Pluess & Co., 151. Naef, 131. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Bauer & Furbringer, 725. Bodemer, 726. Boeddinghaus & Co., 572. Cohn & Hermann, 104. Cohn & Co. 137. Diergardt, 509. Kauffmann, 123. Lorentz, 588. Neuhaus, 577. Pferdmenges, Brothers, 574. Pferdmenges & Kleinjung, 573. Pfirffers & Ax, 667. Pintus, 135. Rurmann & Meckel, 580. Scheibler, 354. Sussmann & Wiesenthal, 132. Zoll- mann & Steigerthal, 566. (2),Steinhaeuser, 44. Tren- dels & Son, 41. (3), Dietrich & Straff, 103. Graefe & Son, 102. Lehmann,107. Richter, 104. Trinks, 98. See also Linen 8f Silk mixed Fabrics. Mohair, Mohair Cloth, &c.— xn. & xv. Baughan, Brothers, 183. Gill & Bishop, 77. Haggas & Sons, 155. Huth & Fischer, 123. Lambert, 30. Milligan & Son, 140. Salt, 139. Smith & Son, 29. Stowell & Sugden, 496. Townend, Brothers, 162. Walker & Co. 23. Walker . & Sons, 87. Wheeler, 271. xiii. Browett, W. & H., 80. Turkey. Zollverein (3), Haenel, Brothers, 153. Mohair Manufactures, Illustrations of—xii. & xv. Milligan & Son, 140. Molasses —British Guiana, Shier, 27. Molasses, &c., Centrifugal Apparatus for— vi. Na¬ pier & Son, 158. Rotch & Finzee, 405. Molasses Spirit— France, Francois-Gregoire, 511. Gregoire, 1739. Moleskin Manufacture, Illustrations of—xi. Barnes, 40. See also Cotton Manufactures. Monument, Gothic—M ain Avenue, West, Purdy, 64. Monument of London (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Smith, 167. Monumental Brasses, &c.—M ain Avenue,West, Archer, 65. Gould, 66. Ross, 79. Waller & Co., 62. Moon, Maps and Models of the— x. Blunt, 372. Nasmyth, 688. Readhouse, 677. Mooring Chains—viii. Parkes, 108. See also Chain Cables. Screw Moorings. Moquette— France, Requill art, Roussel & Chocqueel, 1433. Moravian Settlements, Labrador (Models of Dwell¬ ings, &c., at)—xxix. Millalieu, 289. Moreens — xii. & xv. Craven & Harrop, 153. Salt, 139. Morphia—ii. Macfarlan & Co., 107. Morson & Son, 106. India, ii. Mortising and Boring Machine — United States, Otis, 23. Mosaic Work — xxvii. Bright, 80. Tomlinson, 79. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Crichton, 229. Wyatt, 30. Austria, Bigaglia, 600. Grdger, 631. Belgium, Convert & Lucas, 404. De Keyn, Brothers, 406. Lederc, 425. France, Bossi, 773. Chretin, 1561. Laurent-Frau^ois, 1297. Marcelin, 606. Theret, 1499. Portugal, Bonnet, 258. Borne, 25, 32c, 36, 39. Barberi, 15. Boschetti, 17. Moglia, 20, 21. Peter’s, St., Royal Manufactory, 23. Rinaldi (Main Avenue, East). Rocchigiani, 22. Bussia, Peterhoff Imperial Polishing Manufactory, 298. Spain , Ximenes, 285. Tuscany, Bianchini, 113. Buonnisegni, Brothers, 112. Della Valle, Brothers, 114. Zollverein (1), Kielman & Von Minutoli, 847. March, 240. Moosbrngger & Kobbe, 428. Praetorius, 853. Schievelbein, 237. Trebbe, 33. Wiegandt, 415. (7), Boch,5. See also Marble Pastes for Mosaic. Pave¬ ment, Mosaic. Mosaic Cloth Work— xii. & xv. Braysham, 463. Mosaic, Imitation — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Albert, His Royal Highness Prince, 350. Borne, Marehesi & Co., 13. Mosses —n. The London Druggists, 117. iv. Holt, 128. Rock, 5. New Zealand. 139. United States, Davidson, 561. Hicks, 559. See also Lichens. Mother-of-Pearl—xxii. Banks, 287. Mother-of-Pearl Articles — xxii. Brisband, 364, Austria, Schwarz, 684. China, Copland. Hewett & Co. Shea. Egypt, 272, 273. Hamburgh, Eckert, 84. Turkey. See also Buttons, Mother of Pearl. Motion, New Method of Transmitting—x. Good, 146. Motive Power (Model of convertible Wind, Water, or Steam power)—v. Fitt, 118. Mouldings (Picture-Frame, Ceiling, Cornice, &c.)— xxvi. Bielefeld, 157. Vigers, 382. White & Pari by, 6. Woollams & Co., 210. xxviii. Blizard, 127. France, Archambault, 401. Vincent, 1525. Moulding Tools — xxviii. Blizard, 127. Canada, Wallace, 147. Mounts, &c\, for Drawings, &c.— xiii. Burke, 57. xvii. Kirby, 23. xxvi. Burke, 361. Mouth-Bag for Horses— ix. Low, 264. Mowing and Re a ping Machin es —ix. Bates, 190. Beck- f'ortl & Gosling, 60. Blakie, 89 a. Fairless, 155. Garrett & Sons, 142. Mackay, 81. Trotter, 145. France, Brother Eustate, 193. United States. M‘Cormick. 73. Mules (Cotton, &c., Spinning)—vi. Mason, 46. Parr, Curtis, & Madeley, 6. Higgins & Sous, 14. Multum in Uno (forming Loo, Bagatelle, &c. Table)— xxvi. Jennens &Bettridge, 187 (Main Avenue, West). Mundics— See Pyrites. Munjeet (Dye)—xi. Sandeman, 2. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 17: British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Muriatic Acid — Denmark , Owen, 44. Zollverein (1), Mathes & Weber, 464. Music— xyii. Baxter, 209. Brett ell, 169. Cocks, R., & Co. 123. Eromefield School, 172. Wesley, 169. Austria, Meclietti, 371. Muller, 372. France, JBrandus & Co., 1111. Roussel, 361. Tauten- stein & Cordel, 1029. Hamburgh, Schuberdh & Co., 102. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Zollverein (1), Korner, 747. Music, Diagrams for Teaching —x. Oakey, 675. See also Transparent Music. Music Engraving, Plates for — France, Dumerey, 487. Music (New System of) — xvii. Davis, 183. Music Printing—xvii. Armstrong, 77. Novello, 127. Sinclair & Co., 92. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Jullien & Co., 63. Hamburgh, Schultze, 46. Music-Stands — x. Besant, 369. xxvi. Evans, 224. McCollum & Hodson, 136. Riddett, 49. Musical Bells —x. Drury, 506. xxn. Warner & Sons, 798. Musical Boxes — Austria, Rzebitschek, 162. Switzerland, Du Commun Girod, 77. Gay & Louprin, 83. Jaccard, Brothers, 27. Jaques & Son, 33. Le- coultre, Brothers, 90. Lecoultre & Son, 32. Metert & Langdorf, 97. Paillard, 26. Musical Composing Stick — France , Bescher, 60. Musical Game—x. Prince, 522. Musical Instruments (various)—x. Anelli, 511. Koenig & Pa%k, 504. Kohler, 540. Austria, Hell, 152. lluther, 149. Kiendl, 148. Pelitti, 161. Riedl’s Widow, 153. Rott, A. H , 158. Rott, J., 159. Stehle, 154. Stohr, 160. Uhlmann, 155. Ziegler, 156. Belgium , Mahillon, 175. Canada, McPherson, 183. China, Hewett & Co. France , Besson, 424. Courtois, 463, 1163. Debani, 1172. Gaubot, 844. Labbaye, 556. Roth, 993. Savaresse, 997. Sax & Co., 1726. Triebert, 1510. Villeroi, 1522. Vuillaume, 735. India, x. Malt a, Ton na, 1. Turkey. Western Africa, M‘William. Matson, 9. Zollverein (3), Herold, 19. Klemm, 18. Schuster, L. 22. Schuster, M., 23. (6), Klein, 23. See also Accor¬ dions, Bassoons, Clarionets, Cornet-a-Pistons, Drums, Flutes, Guitars, Harmonicas, Harmoniums, Harps , Oboes, Ophicleides, Organs, Pianofortes, Trombones, Trumpets and Horns, Violins, Violoncellos. i Musical Instrument Strings— Austria , Callegari, 150. Indri, 151. Belgium, Lacroix, 499. J France, Bernardel, 421. Combes, 459. Savaresse, 997. Zollverein (1), Reichel, Brothers, 442. '! Musk, Artificial— n. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. ) Musk Root — n Savory & Moore, 115 1 Muskets— See Guns, Sfc. ! Muslins — xi. Anderson, J. & A., 7. Auld & Co., 5. Cook. W. W. & J.. 38. Crocker, J. & A., 61. Davidson, W. & J., 17. Einlayson & Co., 8. Henry & Sons, 13. Johnson & Nephew, 55. Le- thern, Blyth & Lethern, 9. Mair & Co., 59. Owtram & Co., 62. Rogers, Lowett, Holy land & Co., 58. Symington & Co., 14. Young & Co., 12. xm. Grout & Co., 36. xiv. Holden & Co., 1. xvm. Devas & Co., 6. Austria, Leitenberger, E., 186. Leitenberger, F., 187. France, Berr & Co., 54. Dollfus, Mieg & Co., 1191. Ferouelle & Rolland, 200. Hartmann & Sons, 256. Jourdain, 1631. Matagrin, Stoltz & Co., 616. India, xi. Bussia, Charlovetz, 374. Rochefort, 176, 191, 199, 208. Switzerland, Baenziger, 112. Fehr, 122. Forster, 193. Imhoof, Brunner & Co., 127. Nef, 198. Sclilaepfer, 135. Schlaepper, Schlatter & Co., 201. Vonweller, 140. Turkey. See also Gassing-Machines. Lawns. Muslins (Designs for)— xvm. Cadman, 74. Percival, 73. Roberts, 81. Whittaker, 76. Muslins, Sewed— xix. Brown, 64. Connaught Schools, Glasgow, 61. Macdonald, D. & J. & Co., 66. McFarlane & Porter, 63. Park & Thomson, 59. Robertson & Sons, 62. Muslin Trimmings — xii. & xv. Salomons & Sons, 305. Mustard —in. Coiman, 117. Dewar, 119. McGarry & Sons, 132. France, Grey, 527. Louit, Brothers, & Co., 316. Spain, Cordova Agricultural Board, 99. United States, M‘Alister & Tannehill, 362. McCulloch, 70. Mustard Seed — Cape of Good Hope, Jeppe, 4. Egypt, 51. Portugal, Fonte Boa, Viscount, 518. Mylitta Australis — Van Diemen’s Land, Dunn, 190 Lowes, 191. Myrrh—ii. Lamplough, 71. Myrrhine aids to the Digestive Organs—ii. Lea, 105. H. Nails—xxii. Bartrum & Co., 25. Cornforth, 322. Keep& Watkins, 76. Manly, 313. Reynolds, 315. Austria, Egger, Count, 402. Ernst, 457. Falent, 458. Sander], 459. Vingert, 460. Weidl, 461. Belgium, Couillet Mines & Charbonages, 120. De Bavay, 361. Delire, 380. Drion, 353, Lefebvre & Co., 354. Limelette, 381. Macquinay, Brothers and Nephew, 378. Mallet, 467. Sevrin, 367. Sieron, 358. Canada, Holland & Dunn, 152. France, Morel, Brothers, 1666. Sirot, 1017. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. Bussia, Zeitler, 343. Sweden and Norway, Godgard Forges, 13. United States, Field, 455. Morris, Jones, & Co., 44. * Swedish Iron Manufacturing Company, 320c. Zollverein (3), Wolf, 29. Nail-making Machine, France, Frey, 1607. Nankeens— xi. Major & Gill, 49. China, Hewett & Co. Malta, Dimech, 21. Napoleon, Statues, &c., of— France, Seguin, 1693. Bussia, Imperial Alexandrovsk Cannon Foundry, 285. Naptha — Turkey. Zollverein (6), Oehler, 8. Naptha, Apparatus for producing — xxii. Pope, 566. Napthaline —n. Evans, 5. Spencer, 31. Wilson, 6. Natron— Egypt, 11, 16, 17. Nautical Apparatus (Various) — vm. Wood, 102. See also Binnacles. Ships’ Compasses. Mariners’ Logs. Ships' Budders. Ships’ Sounding-Leads. m ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Nautical Models —i. Vieille Montagne Mining Company, 437. vii. Morton S. & H., 24. vm. Admiralty, 145, 146 (North Transept). Aldebert, 152. Allan, 85. Azulay, 39. Bailey, 64. Baillie, 70, Bilbe & Co., 141. Brown, Sir S., 334. Browne, 158. Cole- grave, 142. Deans, 40. Downs, 133. Ellis, 129. Enderby, 162. Grantham, 93. Gray, 160. Green, 131. Hall, 73. Harvey, 150. Hedley, 307. Hen¬ derson, 306. Hodgson, 316. Horn, 161. Howe, 132. Inglefield, 99. Laing, 315. Lamport, 134. Lap- thorne, 170. Maclaren, 139'. Moore, 35. Penrice, 173. Rose, 164. Royal Thames Yacht Club, 294. Russell, 127. Simons, 33. Smith, H., 165, 279. Smith, T. W., 305. Stevenson, 304. Tovell, 37. Turn- bull, E. 154. Turnbull, R. 153. Weld, 186. White, J., 36. White, T., jun., 52. White, T. J. & R., 36 a. Wigram, Money & Sons, 56. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Brooker, 109. Brazil, Cox, 2. China , Haemond. Hamburgh, Bufe & Son, 9. India, vm. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co., 2. United States, Boole, 312. Barton, 449. Griffith, 226. Pook, 446. See also Boats. Figure-Heads (Ships'). Fishing-Boats. Steam- Vessels. Naval Architecture (Diagrams, &c., illustrative of)— VIII. Allan, 85. Brown, 334. Hall, 73. White, 52. Scamp, 298. Sloggett, 32. Smith, 125. United States, Griffith, 226. Nawab Nazim of Bengal, Articles presented to Her Majesty by— India. Nectandria Radiaei, or Green-heart Bark— n. Howards & Kent, 11. Needle-making Machinery —vi. Morrall, 240. Needles —vi. Morrall, 240. xxn. Bartleet. & Sons, 329. Boulton & Son, 330. Chambers, 297. Cocker & Sons, 115,234. Goodman, 335. James, 295, 317. Morrall, 333. Worrall & Co., 164. xxix. Kirby, Beard & Co., 96. Austria, Strung 477. Barbadoes. France, Tachy & Co., 1497. Zollverein (1), Beissel & Son, 407. Schleicher, 405. Needlework —xix. Bates, 375. Brayshaw, 382. Davies, 49. Faudel & Phillips, 165. Harttree, E. & G., 195. Hayes, 330. Helleconner, 199. Hill & Co., 204. Lee, 255. M’Darmid, 247. Oatley, 385. Phillips, 271. Piekthorn, 273. Read & Humphreys, 275. Robinson, 278. Rose, 383. Shake!!, M., F., & E., 289. Stokes, 380. Tennison, 313. Ward, 334. xx. Smith, 29. Standish, 106. Standon, 213. Belgium, Plettinck, 340. Van Loo, 339. China , Rawson. France, Billicoq, 26. Helbronner, 260. " Hamburgh, Appel, 119. Hartog, 115. Severin, 118. Persia , Thomson. Sweden and Norway, Alner, 42. Switzerland, Baenziger, 188. Schiess, 200. United States, Getsinger, 320. Golding, 320 a. Leask, 108. See also Embroidery (Silk, Muslin, Sfc.). Tatting. Netted Work —xix. Wilson, 112. xxviii. School for the Indigent Blind, 100. France, Blanchet, 27. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Netting (for Fruit-Trees, &c.)—ix. Farlow, 221. xiv. Morrison & Hurn, 49. xix. Hall, 185. XXVIII. Woodhead, 191. Netting-Machines — United States, M‘Mullen, 64. Newcastle and North Shields Railway, Model of Arch on the—vii. Green, 3. Newcastle-uFon-Tyne Central Railway Station, Roof (Model)— vii. Dobson, 114. Newcastle-upon-Tyne County Courts, &c. (Models)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Grainger, 165. Newcastle-upon-Tyne High Level Bridge (Draw¬ ings)— vii. Green, 3. Hawks, Crawshay, & Co., 86. Newspapers (published in New York)— United States, Beach, Brothers, 544. Dawson, 543. New York (Views of)— United States , Bachman, 391. New Zealand, Views, &c. of — New Zealand, Moore, 37. Niagara, Falls of (Model)— United States, Catlin, 531 (Main Avenue, East). Nibelungenlied Heroes (Statues) — Austria, Salm, Prince, 430. Nicholas, St., Church, Hamburgh (Model)— vii. Scott, 22 (Main Avenue, West). Nickel — Spain, Lugo Mines, Sub-Inspector of, 18. Ma¬ laga Mines, Inspector of, 19. Zollverein (8), Isabellen Hutte Smelting Works, 3. Nickel Ore —i. Goodhale & Reeves, 476. Spain, Lugo Mines, Sub-Inspector of, 18. Night Dials — vii. Trotman, 155. Night Lights — xxii. Bird, 267. Nineveh Marbles (Models of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Layard, 78. Nipple-Shields —x. Jones, 652. Nitre — Portugal, Serzedello & Co., 42. Spain, Elias, 39. Pardo y Bartolini, 44. * Nitric Acid — Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. India, n. Nitric Acid, Crystals of —n. Pontifex & Wood, 1. Noctographs (for the Blind)— ;xvii. Wedgewood, 47. France, Couteux, 805. Nore Viaduct, Kilkenny (Model)— vii. Moorsom, 178. Norma Viriums, or Musical Accentuators— x. Simp¬ son, 532. See also Metronomes. Northumberland and Durham Coal-fields (Maps and Plans illustrative of)—I. Coal-Trade of Northumber¬ land and Durham, 273. Noses, Artificial —x. Fuller, 592. Whitehouse, 280. Noyeau, Crystallized — Sardinia , Saluce, 10. Nutgalls—xvii. Hawthorne, 7. India, iv. Nut-Oil— Spain, 166. Nuts (various)— British Guiana, Duggin, 20. Portugal, 392-400. Spain, 94, 97, 110. Labat, 104. Reus Board of Trade, 109. Tarragona Board of Agriculture, 114. Valgoma, 98. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 107, 108. Turkey. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. 0 . Oak-bark — Belgium, Stabbe & Bacye, 97. See also Barks. Oakum — Russia, Ardamatsky, Brothers, 99. Kazalett, 102. Sabinin, 116. Oars for Boats— vm. Pearson, 65. New South Wales, Bogue, 2. Turkey. United States, Page, 92. Oat-Flour—hi. Smith, 161. Russia, Davidoff, 332. CONTAINED IN ^THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 175 Oatmeal and Wheatmeal —m. McCann, 153. Buck & Son, 162. Canada, Richer, 55. Squair, 51. Trenholm, 54. United States, Clark, 234. Oboes (or Hautboys)— Denmark, Selboe, 31. France, Buffet, 442. Zollverein (2), Boehm, 23. Ochres (Yellow and other)—i. Gore, 128a, Jenkins & Beer, 92. Sweetman, 40. Canada, Logan, 1. France, Gautier, 1245. India, i. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 17-20, 31. Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 335, 336. Milligan, 265. Odometer (for measuring distances)— x. Payne & Co., 73. Odoriferous Lighters (for igniting Tapers, Lamps, &c.)— xxix. Sandell, 97. Office Index and Tablet Memento—x. Dyer, 379. Oil for Painting —n. Blundell & Co., 48. Belgium, Vandestraeten, 84. Oil-cake Mills, Crushers, &c.—ix. Barrett, Exall, & Andrews, 128. Bennet, 75. Halstead & Sons, 106. Maynard, 109. Nicholson, 59. Ransomes & May, 124. Samuelson, 185. Wedlake & Co., 127. United States, Bullock, 145. See also Linseed-Presses. Oilcloth— xiv. Grimshawe & Wilkinson, 52. xvm. Clarke, 23. Austria, Pfenniberger, 359. Belgium, Jorez&Son, 306. Van Nuffel &Coveliers, 225. Canada, Laflamme, 116, 122. France, Le Crosnier, 1305. United States, Albro & Hoyt, 183. Woodcock, 135. Zollverein ( 1), Burchardt & Sons, 164. Lehmann, 167. (3), Goehring & Boehme, 164. Quast, 162. Roeller & Huste, 161. Teubner & Co., 163. Zollverein (6), Ihm, 46. See also Floor Cloth. Oil-Colour Printing —See Colour Printing. Oil-Painting on Velvet —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Yeo, 260. Oil-Presses — See Linseed-Presses. Oil-testing Machines — v. Whytehead, 101. vi. Muir, 206. I Oils, Expressed and Essential —n. London Druggists, 117. iv. Barker & Co., 62. Ceylon , Parlett & Co. Pieris. See also Lavender, Oil of. Peppermint, Oil of. Oils, Medicinal —India , ii. iv. See also Castor Oil. j Oils, Processes of extracting, from the refuse Soapsuds of Woollens, &c. —iv. Bauwens, 26. \ Oils (Various)— ii. Breary, 80. iv. Freeman, 25. Hillas, 28. Miller & Sons, 29. xxix. Langdale, 55. || Algeria, Curtet, 22. Belgium, Claude, 85. Robyns, 487. Vandestraeten, 84. British Guiana , Stutchbury, 52, 53. Cape of Good Hope, Clarence, 13, 54. Jeppe, 4. Kunhardt & Co., 14. Schmieterloew, 12, Ceylon. China, East India Company. Denmark, Owen, 44. Egypt, 39, 53, 55, 102, 129-131, 390. J France, Geminy, 1613. Jolly, 276. Moreau, 325. De Ruolz, 1466. India, w. New South Wales, Gibbs, 5. I New Zealand, Smith, 29. Sardinia, Girardi, Brothers, 5. South Australia, Webster, 3. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 187,' 188. Turkey. Van Diemens Land, Brown & Co., 283, 285. Gunn & Milligan, 282. Lowes, 286, Oaken, 163, 164. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Zollverein (1), Romer, 337. Schramm, 806. See also Olive Oil. * Oleic Acid — Belgium, Vancampenhoudt & Co., 436. Oleine (For Watches and Fine Machinery)—n. Brearey, 80. Godfrey & Cooke, 92. Belgium, Bisse, 87. Olive-Jar (Earthen)— Portugal, 1098, (Main Avenue, East). Olive Oil—iv. Brotherton & Co., 23. Algeria, Borde, 9. Curtet, 22. Maffre, 35. Mercurin, 37. Ionian Islands, Mavroianni, 3. New South Wales, Hallett & Sons, 5. Portugal , 460-486. Sardinia, Mesnia, 31. Simone Maucu, 15. Spain, 164, 165, 171. Diez, 172. Fernandez, 169. Montesino, 167. Sobradiel, Count of, 174. Valencia Board of Agriculture, 173. Zayas, 168. Turkey. Tuscany, Orsetti, 31. Pacini, 33. Ruschi, Brothers, 32. Saracini, 34. Olives — Algeria, Julien, 31. Fgypt, 57, 58. * Portugal, 440-444. Spain, Carabe, 112. Cordova Agricultural Board, 99. De Lesaca, 113. Marquez, 108. Zambrano, 111. Tunis, 68, 156, 159-161. Omnibuses (including Models)— v. Cook & Co., 816. Kinross & Co., 898. Lewis, 902. Menzies, 912. Parsons, 807. Rock & Gower, 954. Wheatley, 810. Omnibus Passenger Register —x. Webster, 671 a. Omnibus Ventilator —v. Stevens, 136. Opera Glasses —x. Dixey, 271. Elliott & Sons, 320. Pilliscber, 269. Solomon, 286. Whitehouse, 280. France, Plagniol, 1679. Prudent, 1412, Opiiicleides —x. Jordan, 523. Belgium, Mahillon, 175. France, Besson, 424. Courtois, 1163. Gaubot, 844, Zollverein (2), Pfaff, 35. Opium —n. Howards & Kent, 11. Lamplough, 71. Algeria, Frederic, 25. Hardy, 23. Egypt, 23. France, Aubergier, 754. India, n., hi. Optic Square —x. Yeates, 332. Optical Instruments (Various)—x. Heath, 351. Gard¬ ner, 365. Goddard, 274. Hyams, 278. Jordan, 285. xxiv. Chance & Co., 22. Powell & Sons, 31. France, Bernard, 762. Beyerle, 765. Buron, 443. Chevalier, 1729. Dillenseger & Patry, 168. Duboscq- Soleil, 1197. Jamin, 548. Lebrun, 298, 571. Molteni & Siegler, 649. Schiertz, 999. j Russia, Pick, 170. Spain, Oppers, 271. Switzerland, Daguet, 75. Jaccard, 104. Zollverein (1), Busch, 89. (2), Eisenmenger, 24. Merz & Sons, 30. See also Lenses. Opera Glasses. Specta¬ cles. Telescope Glasses. Telescopes. Orange-Wine — Sardinia, Garrissini, 9. Orchil — ii. Marshall, 68, iv. Smith & Son, 68. Austria, Heinzen, 26. France, Mottet, 932. Zollverein (1), Krimmbelbein & Co , 457. Orchilla-weed — ii. Hatmel& Ellis, 10. Cape of Good Hope , Watermeyer, 51. New Zealand, Smith, 19. Orders of Knighthood (in Enamel and Silver) —vm. Firmin & Sons, 211. xx. Firmin & Sons, 161. Ordnance. See Cannon. Ordnance Survey Instruments —x. Hall, 4. Ore Washing-cases and Machines —i. Hunt, 482. vi. Brunton, 304. Hunt, 207. Russia) Demidoff, 153. 176 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Organ-pipes, &c. —x. Roome, 548. Van Diemens Land, Valentine, 182. Organs (Church, Cabinet, and other)—x. Bishop, 553. Bryceson, 735. Brutton, 9G. Forster & Andrews, 562. Gray & Davison, 555. Hill & Co., 556. Holditch, 557. Robson, 559. Walker, 561. Willis, 209. France, Alexandre & Son, 1719. Ducroquet, 173 (Main Avenue, East). Fourneaux, 1605. Herz, 1268. Jaulin, 1274. Martin, 1711. Muller, 1365. Tuscany, Ducci, 58. Zollverein (1), Korner, 747. Schultze, 707. Organs, Barrel (for Travelling)— France, Husson, 885. Muller, 1365. Organzine — France, Dumaine, 175. Dyedier, 1580. Farjon, 1217. Jourdain, 1631. Menet, 1657. Mourgue & Bousquet, 1363. Verdet & Co. 1519. ’ ' Russia, Rebroff, 143, Sardinia, Imperatori, Brothers, 38. Orleans Cloth — xii. & xv. Eekroyd &Son, 130 a. Green & Sons, 65. Haggas & Son, 155, Kershaw, S. & H. 161. Milner & Co. 168. Shuttleworth, 156. Simon, Siltler & Co. 163. Wall, Cockshot & Wall, 159. Belgium, Decock, 221. Zollverein (1), Friedheim & Sons, 109. Or-Molu articles— xxiii. Warriner, 60. xxiv. Green, 32. xxyi. Toms & Luscombe, 178. Wertheimer, 177. United States, Hooper & Co. 459. Or-Molu, Imitation of — xxiii. Rawlings, 54. xxvi. Follit, 364. Lithgow & Purdie, 106. Nevvnham, 365. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Vinn, 205, Ornamental Work (Undescribed)—xm. Greenshields, 58. Ornaments for Interior Decorations — xxvi. Tilling, 111. Ornithological Specimens — viii. Hubbard, 180. ix. Milton, 291. xxix. Bartlett, 291. Dennis, 161. Gardner, 223. Gordon, 202. Hancock, 320. Lead- beater, 221, Spencer, 222. Walford, 207. Williams, 219. Withers, 292. xxx. (Fine Art Court), 27. Belgium, Brenta, 435. British Guiana, Ridgwav, 160, 161. Orreries —x. Facy, 195. * Newton & Son, 212. Plant, 215. Jersey Sf Guernsey, Le Feuvre, 10. Orthorachidic Instruments (for Deformity of the Spine) —x. Chaplin, 570. Orthochord— Denmark, Moller, 32. Orthopedical Apparatus, &c.— France, Pillant & Co., 351. Spain, Cort y Marti, 273. Ossetian Cloth — Russia, Cacki Shvilly, 183, Osteotom (Surgical Instrument)—x. Hess, 648. Switzerland, Wermuth, 107. Ostracide (or Oyster-opener)—x. Brown & Son, 627. Ostrich Eggs — Cape of Good Hope , Trudor, 8. Egypt, 276. Ostrich Feathers —xxix. Foster & Co. 74. Cape of Good Hope, Rutherfoord, 23. Tunis, 92. Turkey . Ostrich Skins — Tunis, 186. Otto of Roses — ii. Bell, 116. India, tv. Tunis, 83. Ottomans— xxvi. Aggio, 83. Everest, 27. Sandeman, 173. Sowerby & Castle, 192. xxix. Aggio, 312. Ouse River Railway Bridge (at Selby)— vii. Walker & Burgess, 224 (Main Avenue, West), Ovens —xxn. Powell, 372. Shave, 90. China, Reeves. France, Lespinasse, 311, United States, Perkins, 541. Zollverein (1), Kaesen, 408. Ovens, Gas — xxii. Edwards, 241. Warriner, 248. Ovens, Portable —Powell, 95. Oxalic Acid—S chlippe, 27. Portugal, Hirsh & Co. 503. Oxford, Martyrs’ Memorial at —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Day, 161 A. Spiers & Son, 36 P. Oxydized Silver, Table of —Main Avenue, East, Wag¬ ner, 1200. Oyster Shells —Cape of Good Hope, Calp, 55. P. Packing-machine— vi. Marriott, 116. Padding and Wadding — xii. & xv. Wilkinson, 51. Paddle-Wheels, Boxes, &c. (including Models)— v. Flynn, 125. Jones, 156. Pym, 160. Terrett, 126. Wilding, 60. vii. Askew, 48. Spurgin, 76. Wilson, 97. viii. Flynn, 183. Mathews, 119. Mumford, 144. Poole, 77. Pym, 321, x. Adcock, 364. Paddle-Wheels, Instrument for feathering the Float of —v. Smith, 141. Paddle-Wheels, Instrument for registering speed of — xxii. McKenzie, 418. Paging and Numbering Machine —vi. Schlesinger & Co. 168. Paints —iv, Bruce, 74. Rose, 27. British Guiana, Outridge, 55c. France, De Ruolz, 1466. Zuber & Co. 1536. Netherlands, Bleekrode, 1 . See also Colours . Paint, Fire-proof— United States, Blake, 233. Houston, 554. Paint-mills— United States, Harris, 512. Painted Glass —xxiv. Chance & Co. 60. Davies, G., 37. Davies, W., 38. Gibbs, 75. Painted Windows —xxiv. Bland, 80. Chance & Co. 60. Claudet & Houghton, 25. Gaunt, 68. Gibson, 72. Toms, 71. xxvi. Hardman & Co., 532. Austria, Bertini, 737 (Main Avenue, East). France, Lasson, 565. Lawrent, Gsell, & Co. 294. Mare- chal & Guynon, 329. Hamburgh, Bostelmann, 99. Zollverein (2), Kellner, 86. Painting on Glass —xxiv. Jackson, E. & W. H. 77. Kiddle, 39. Newsham, 79. Powell & Son, 31. Price, 43. xxvi. M‘Lachlan, 337. xxx, (Fine Art Court), Pike, 336. Austria, Geyling, 736, China, Hewett & Co, Sichart & Co. France, Lafaye, 284. Thevenot, 1036. Hamburgh, Rosing, 100. Zollverein (1), Burckhardt, Brothers, 810. Zebger, 308. (4) Wetzel, 109. See also Painted Windows. Painting on Marble —xxvi. Horsfall, 56. Painting on Tiles — xxvii. Dupper, 51. Painting, Encaustic— See Encaustic Paintings. Painting, House-decorative —xxvi. Calvert, 82. Hol¬ land, 407. Painting in imitation of Marble— See Marble, Imita¬ tion. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 177 Painting in imitation of Wood— xxvi. Carson, 109. Coomber, 307. Davis, 143. Garthwaite, 48. Holland, 407. Sewell, C & F., 340. Smith, 141. xxvii. Kershaw, 1. Painting, New Style of— xxx. (Fine Art Court.), King, 113. Paintings (Oil and. other)—xx. Newbury Local Com¬ mittee, 166. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Miller, 1. China , Baring, Brothers. Hewett & Co. Reeves. France, Bowrgery, 778. Maresse, 1355. India, xxx. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co., 2. Home, 40-47. United States, Jeffrey, 150. Zollverein (1), Jacob, 786. Stockmann & Co. 788. See also Miniature Paintings. Paintings produced by Chemical Action —Zollverein (1), Runge, 302. Palanquins—S tate and other Palanquins presented to Her Majesty. India, v. Palladium— i. Johnson & Matthey, 477. Palm Fruit, &c.— Egypt, 38. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Trotter, 5. Palm-House, Kew (Model)— vii. Turner, 7. Palm Oil—iv. Rose, 27. xxix. MacICean, 28. Portugal, 496a. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Weston, 1. Palmatine Candles— Austria, Pfitzner & Beckers, 41. Palmetto Plait— Bermudas, —. Panels and Panel Decorations— xvm. Gauthorp, 70. xix. Greenwood, 181. XXVI. D'Almaine, 301. Hinch- liff & Co. 310. Pickering, 347. Turner & Co. 320. xxx. (Fine ArtCourt) Cook, 9. /S'eealso Glass Panelling. Panoptic Poly ram a— xxix. Bouchet, 124. Panorgues— France, Jaulin, 1274. Pantographs— France , Gavard, 235. Paper —xvn. Cowan & Sons, 101. De la Rue & Co. 76. Dobbs & Co. 79. Hastings & Mellor, 85. Joynson, 42 a. Mansell, 27. Spicer, Brothers, 42. Spiers & Son, 208. Venables, Wilson, & Tyler, 149. Waterlow & Sons, 46. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Burke, 42. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Fletchey, 24. Austria, Eggerth, 361. Smith & Mevnier, 360. Belgium, Glenisson & Vangenechten, 286. China, Copland. Denmark, Drevvsen & Sons, 4. France, Angrand, 7. Blanchet, Brothers, & Kleber, 1090. Bondon, 63. Breton, Brothers, & Co. 436. Callaux Belislenoriel De Tinan & Co. 788. Delicourt, 1715. De Sarlay, 1484. Doumerc, 822. Dufour, 483. Genoux, 1714. Germain-Simier, 1246. Gratiot, 854. Guesnu, 250. Houzeau, 878. Lacroix, Brothers, 1636. Lapeyre, Kob, & Co. 1642. Lefevre, 1311. Marion, 609. Mauban & Vincent, 377, 619. Mayer, 624. Meillet & Pichot,629. Montgolfier, 324. Obry & Co. 334. Odent, 938. Reichmann, 1429. Souche Paper- mills Company, 377, 619. Zuber & Co. 1536. India, xvn. Netherlands , Gel & Sons, 61. Portugal, De Tojal, Count, S87 a-989. Rome , Miliani, 12. Russia, AristarkhofF, 359. Felter & Ran, 262. Soleni- koff, 261. Spain, Romany y Miro, 250. Switzerland, Steinlin, 183. Thurneisen, 182. Tuscany , Cini, Brothers, 68. United States, Belvidere Manufacturing Company, 282. Zollverein (1), Ebarf, Brothers, 145. Engelhard & Karth, 417. Fechuer, 266. Hoesch & Son, 392. Karcher, 391. Koch, 329. Maniac, 249. Piette, 394. Ruhl & Son, 597. Schaffer, Otto, & Co. 153. Schuell, 393. Selenka, 800. (2), Dessaur, 68. Haenle, 47. (3), Fischer, 168. (4), Rauch Brothers, 44. Schaeuffelen, 41. Veiel & Co. 45. (6), Freund, 38. Weber, 43. West, Brothers, 44. See also India Paper. Perforated and Lace Papers. Rice Paper. Stationery. Paper-Cloth — xvii. Bretnall, 164. China, Shea. Paper-Cutting and Folding Machines —vi. Black, 138. Titcombe,; 108. Wilson, 112. See also En¬ velope-making Machines. Paper-Hangings (various) — xn. & xv. Cropper, 249. Martin, 249. xvm. Carter, 65. Law, W. & E., 10. XXVI. Archer, 265. Arthur, 303. Ascroft, 304. Barrett, 305. Clarke & Co., 62, Cotterill, Brothers, 149. Crace, 530. Fletcher, E. 84. Fletcher, R. 151. Gaunt & Son, 88. Goddard, 308. Haselden, 95. Helbronner, 123. Hey wood & Co., 71. Hinchliff & Co., 310. Horne, 32. Jeffrey & Co., 326. Law & Sons, 89. Marsden, 527. Newbery, J. & R. 313. Potter, C. H. & E. 74. Richardson, 207. Scott & Co., 300. Simpson, 270. Townsend & Co., 318. Turner & Co., 320. Williams & Co., 321. Woolams and Co., 210, 309. Woollams J. & Co., 322. Austria, Spoerlin & Zimmermann, 651. Belgium, Devis, 401. Lefevre, 403. Picard-Masy, 405. China, Hewett & Co. France, Cerceuil, 793. Couder, 1566. Daudrieu, 155. Williams, 742. Hanover, Hersing, 9. Russia, Felter & Ran, 262. Var- gounin, Brothers, 260, 302, United States, Hart, Montgomery & Co., 260. Howell & Brothers, 48. Zollverein (1), Arnold, 835. (7), Lamort, 2. Paper-making Machinery —vi. Brewer, C. & W., 144. Brewer, J. 132. Cowan & Sons, 166. Fourdrinier, 100. Sullivan, 156. Watson, 165. XXII. Makin, 112. France, Bauchet-Verlinde, 413. Varrall, Middleton & Elwell, 717. Zollverein (1), Wuttig, 151. Paper-ruling Machine —vi. Shaw, 110. Paper-Shades-making Machine —vi. Taylor, 136. Paper Weights (Marble)— Van Diemens Land, Boyd, 233. Papier-Mache Ware —xxn. Bray, 500. Walton, 701. xxvi. Davies, 129. Gushlow, 37a. Jackson & Sons, 5. Jennens&Bettridge, 187. Spiers&Son, 70. Welch,150. Austria, Becker and Kronick, 643. Hoffrichter, 644. France, Trouve, 1513. Persia, Abbot. Zollverein (1), Below, 233. Herlord Prison Directors, 721. Hupfer & Walferman, 774. Sommer, 390. (2), Adt, Brothers, 66. Pleisch, 72. (4), Ran & Co., 72. (3), Kindermann, 170. Papier-Mache (Designs for)—xvm. Heaviside, 91. Papyrography —vi. Taylor, 136. xxviii. Barber, 118. Burgess, 119. School for the Indigent Blind, 100. xxix. Daniel, 170. Herbert, 301. Prideaux, 303. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Hine, 201. Unwin, 22. Jersey and Guernsey, Saunders, 23. Simon, 24. Rome, Livizzana, 14. Sweden and Norway, De Liewen, 32. Parachutes for Mines— Belgium, Vander Hechf, 475. See also Balloons and Parachutes. Paraffine— n. Young, 7. M 178 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Paramatta Cloths — xii. & xv. Craven & Harrop, 153. Fowler, Campin & Co., 309. Middleton & Ainsworth, 312. Peel & Co., 164. Belgium, Decoek, 221, Parasols. See Umbrellas and Parasols. Parchment— iy. Groves, 131. xvi. Evans & Son, 18. Lever, J. & J. 24; Tomlin, 22. XVII. Saunders, 36. Belgium, Bemand, 478. Fromce, Berthault, 56. Netherlands, Honig, B. C. & F. 59. Honig & Son, 60. Van Diemen’s Land, Button, 172. Zollverein (1), Sondermann, 743. Parian, Articles in—xxv. Boote, T. & R. 11. Hughes, 60. Meigh & Sons, 10. Meyer, T. J. & J., 9. Minton & Co. 1. Rose & Co., 47. Simpson, 33. xxvn. Keene, 10 27. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Boote, T. & R. 139. Paris White— i. Walker, 120. Park Gates—xxii. Coalbrook Pale Co. 641, (North Transept, 49). Cottam & Hallen, 698 (South Transept). Park Gates, Designs for—xxii. Phillips, 6. Parqueterie Flooring — Austria, Leistler & Son, 633. France, Laurent-Frangois, 1297. Zollverein (1), Beyer & Heintre, 761. Elsholz, 230. (2), Hartmann, 73. See also Inlaid Flooring. Parthenon, Athens (Model of the Portico)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Day, 161a. Partitions of Rooms (Model of Partition, to rise from, and sink into the Floor)—vn. Hurst, 66. Pasteboard — Algeria, Flechey, 24. Belgium, Dussaert, 407. Henry, 283. France, Beguiu, 23. Deuzy, 165. Piques, 1393. Zollverein (1), Biefang, 661. (4), Kaemmerer, 42. Schaeuffelen, 41. See also Cartonpierre. Millboard. Pasteboard Work — France, Bertou, 1084. Cerf & Naxara, 84. Pastel, or Imitation Woad (made from the Chicory Plant)— iy. Saunders & Gatchell, 71. Pastiles— xxix. Tidmarsh, 111. Patchouly, Essence of—iv. Piesse, 129. Patchwork—xii. & xv. Barnes, 219. xix. Chaplin, 367. Johnson, 217. Penley, 267, 392. Pattern Cards—xii. & xv. Nicholson, 170a. Patterns (Tartan and other) Machine for Inventing— xii. & xv. Stewart, 298. Paul’s, St., Cathedral (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Scollick, 178. Wilby, 162. (Model of Ball and Cross)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Kepp & Co., 15. Pavement, Specimens of— (Western End, South Enclosure), Sinclair. Brown, Rusby & Co. Franklin. (Eastern End), Seyssel Asphalte Company. (South or Transept Entrance), Festiniog. Pavement, Mosaic, Encaustic. &c.— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wyatt, 30. “ Pavement, Ornamental—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Pap- worth & Co., 22a. Paving-Stones— Western end, South Enclosure, (outside), 17. Brown & Co., 29. Carnegie, 20. Falmouth and Penryn Local Committee, 30. Franklin, 28. Mor- phet, 16. Sharp, 18. Sinclair, 13. I. Carnegie, 198. Dublin Royal Society, 267. Johnstone, 175. Long, 199. Sinclair, 206. vii. Woods, 42. Austria, Cristofoli, 38. Belgium, Soetens, 424. Zamar & Co., 136. Tuscany, Giovannini, 99. See also Metallic-Lava Pavement. Paying-machine (for Vessels)— United States, Baker, 1. Pearls— i. Cowie & Rae, 16. Jamieson, 25. Ceylon. Pearls, Imitation— France, Estique & Delamare, 1213. Truchy, 1045. Vales, 707. Pearlash— India, i. Pearl Glass Articles — xxvi. Lane, 128. Peas —See Beans and Peas. Green Peas. Peas, Artificial — xxix. Gatti, A. & G., 73a. Pea-Supporter —ix. Stent, 18. Peat and its Products — i. Bagot, 244. Cahill, 222. Cobbold, 228. Evans, 227. Great Peat-working Company of Ireland, 231. Moore, 408. Oxland, 225. Rees, 227. Rogers, 240. iv. Classon, 22. Canada, Boutillier, 26. Zollverein (1), Von Mulmann, 319. See also Bog-Wood Furniture, Sfc. Pebbles —i. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 88. iv. Rock, 5. Pedometer —x. Payne & Co., 73. Pedomotive or Self - propelling Carriage — v. Dawson, 830. Peel, Sir Robert, The late (Electro Bust of) — Main Avenue, West, Elkington & Co., 93. (Bronze Bust of), xxx. (Fine Art Court) Gardie, 261., (Statuettes of), I. Vieille Montagne Mining Company, 437. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Ross, 191. Peel Testimonial, Designs for (Models, &c.) — xxx. (Fine Art Court). Wilson, 327. Pegs (to hold Papers, &c.)— xxviii. Begent, 110. Pegs, Shoe —See Shoe Pegs. Pemettoforo (Machine for carrying heavy Burdens)— Tuscany, Turcliini, 55. Pen and Ink Drawings — Portugal , Da Silva, 1296, 1297. Godinho, 1253. Pencils — Austria, Hardmutb, 381. France, Gilbert & Co. 238, 847. See also Black-Lead Pencils. Pencils (Ever-pointed)— i. Brockedon, 65. ii. Stevens, 74. xxii. Hague, 226a. Pendulum, New Mode of Suspending (Model)— x. Vul- liamv, 700. Pendulum Regulator —.France,Moriceau & Cayeux, 328. Penholders — xxii. Bidle, 297. Mitchell, J. 339. Mitchell W. 328. Penmanship (Specimens of)—xvn. Caffry, 167. Gardner, 199. Wilson, 178. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Salt- marsh, 345a. Austria, Greiner, 374a. Schutz, 375. France, Berliner, 52. United States, Dunlop, 483. Stanton, 367. Pens, Glass —xxiv. Cogan, 26. Pens, Metallic — ii. Stevens, 74. viii. Walker, 242. xxii. Gillott, 324. Hincks & Co., 326. Keli, A. & Co., 327. Knight & Foster, 689, 694. Mitchejl, J. , 339. Mitchell, W., 328. Myers & Son, 338. Perry & Co., 687. Windle & Blyth, 668. France, Blanzy, Poure & Co. 28. See also Gold Pens. Steel Pens, Machine for making. Pepper — ii. London Druggists, 117. Barbadoes. India, m. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co,, 2. Portugal, 445a. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 101, 149. Turkey. Van Diemen’s Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 27. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Weston,!. See also Matico. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. ritish Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 179 Pepper-grinding Mills— vi. Fieldhouse & Co., 443. Peppermint, Crystallized— Sardinia, Saluce, 10. Peppermint, Oil of— xxix. Short, 129. United States, Hotchkiss, 156. Percolator—xxiy. Freeman, 48. Percussion Caps—viii. Fairman, 233. Joyce & Co., 277. Walker, R., 242. Walker, S. & Co., 2S4. Austria, Sellier & Bellott, 122. France, Givelot & Lemaire, 519. Zollverein (1), Dreyse & Collenbusch, 638. Percussion-Cap Machinery — Netherlands, Goossens, 77. Perforated Blinds, Zinc— i. Jack, 437a. Perforated and Lace Papers— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Mossman, 204. France, Devrange, 1188. Perforated Plates (for marking Linen) —xvii. White- man, 51. Perfumes and Perfumery— iv. Barker & Co., 62. xxviii. Gosnell & Co., 55. Ross & Sons, 64. xxix. Ede & Co., 18. Faiers, 26. Fisher & Co., 22. Gal¬ braith, 17. Grossmith, 13. Hendrie, 10. Kendall & Co., 25. Low & Co., 30. Payne, 29. Rimmel, 3. Rowland & Sons, 1. Wharry, 27. Algeria, Mercurin, 37. Simounet, 51. Ceylon, —. Egypt, 135-137. France, Bertou, 1084. Bleuze, 1091. Gelle & Co., 845. Landon & Co., 1290. Leistner, 908. Mero, 1356. Oger, 939. Thollon, 1701. Tunis, 83. United States, Basin, 36. Hauel, 40. Zollverein (1), Kendall, 422. Lipp, 658. See also Dis¬ tilled Waters. Eau de Cologne . Roses, Otto of. Periphans (for the Study of Astronomy)—x. Baker, 354. Cox, 347. Persian Powder (for destroying Insects)— Russia, n. n. 146. Perspective, Illustrations of— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Herdman, 343a. Perspective-Drawing Machine—x. Anderson, 403. Perspective Rulers— Austria, Yienna Polytechnic In¬ stitute, 130. Peruvian Bark, Alkaloids from— Zollverein (6), Koch, 7. Pestachio Powder—IV. Piesse, 129. Peter, St., Statue of (in canopied Niche) — xxvn. Lane and Lewis, 53. Petrifactions (& Petrified Wood)—i. Horne, 17. xxvi. Clarke, 179. Egypt, 6. India, I. United States, Davidson, 561. St. Domingo, Schomburgk, Sir R. Petroleum — India, i. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 2, 10-14. Pewter Articles—v. Stocker, S. &G., 422. xxn. Watts & Harton, 557. France, Robert & Co., 1440. India, i. Phaeton-Hood Lifter—viii. Beadon, 90. Phantasmagoria —x. Carpenter & Westley, 270. Or¬ chard, 161. United States, Langenheim, 62. Pharmaceutical Apparatus— France, Leperdriel, 307. Zollverein (1), Arnoldi, 778. Seel, 483. See also Che¬ mical and Philosophical Apparatus. Surgical Ap¬ paratus. Pharmaceutical Products— ii. 1 to 123, See Chemical Preparations. Phenakisticope— Zollverein (5), Albert, 23. Philosophical Instruments — France, Collott, Brothers, 1155. Delvil, 160. Grosse, Brothers, 529. Laur, 567. Switzerland, Favre, 11. United States, Erricsson, 146. See also Astronomical Instruments. Barometers. Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus. Magnetic Dip, Sfc., Instruments. Magnets. Mathematical In¬ struments. Microscopes. Thermometers. Phonetic Short-Hand Printing — xvii. Pitman, 197. Phonicon — Austria, Cerveny, 157. Phonographic and Phonotyphic Alphabets—xvii. Pitman, 197. Phosphorus — France, Coignet & Son, 1153. Spain, Concha, 49. Zollverein (1), Pauli, 328. Photographic Self-registering Magnetic and Me¬ teorological Apparatus —x. Brooke, 144. Zollverein (5), Strauch, 33. Photographs and Photographic Apparatus. See also Daguerreotype Apparatus. Daguerreotype (or Photographic) Pictures. Photometers —x. Edge, 702. xxn. Edge, 441. Phrenological Busts (in Miniature)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bally, 173. Physical Instruments — Zollverein (1), Breithaupt & Sons, 670. See also Philosophical Instruments. Sur¬ gical Instruments. Pianofortes (including Models) — x. Addison, 487. Aggio, 488. Akerman,490. Allison, 480, 483. Bains- mead, 474. Broadwood & Sons, 518 (Main Avenue, West). Cadby, 471. Collard & Collard, 168 (Main Avenue, West). Deacock, 473. Dimoline, 489. En< never & Steedman, 479. Greiner, 468. Harrison, 464a. Harwar, 493a. Holdernesse, 482. Hopkin- son. J. & J., 500. Hund & Son, 486. Hunt, 477a. Jenkins & Son, 484. Jones, 481. Kirkman & Son, 467. Mathews, 550. Metzler,475. Moore & Co., 476. Mott, 498. Oetzmann & Plumb, 683. Peachey, 502. Rolfe & Sons, 472, Smyth & Roberts, 491. Southwell, 469. Stodart & Son, 470. Tootal and Brown, 706. Towns & Packer, 494. Woolley, 493. Wornum, 499. xxvi. Crace, 530. Jennens & Bettridge, 187 (Main Avenue, West). Austria, Pottje, 141a. Schneider, 140. Scuffert, 141b. Vlasky, 141. Belgium, Aerts, 186. Berden, 174. Deffaux, 188. Jastrzebski, 176. Sternberg, 180. Vogelsangs, 181. Canada, Herbert, 18a. Denmark , Hornung, 30. France, Aucher, 404. Bord, 1099. Cropet, 131. De¬ bain, 1172. Detir & Co., 475. Domeny, 477. Erard, 497. Franche, 1234. Hardeng, 335. Herz, 1268. Kleinjasper, 1633. Mercier, 633. Montal, 1665. Pape, 943. Roller & Blanchet, 1687. Scholtus, 1482. Sou- fletto, 1699, 1731. Zeiger, 747. Hamburgh, Baumgardten & Hains, 12. Eumms, 14. Schorder, 13. Luheck, Lunau, 6. Netherlands, Cuijpers, 95. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Russia, Lichtental, 172, Switzerland, Frey, 82. Hueni & Hubert, 87. Kuefzing, 89. Sprechar & Baer, 103. United States, Chickering, 458. Gilbert & Co., 435. Hems, 438. Meyer, 59. Nunns & Clark, 374. Pir- son, 90. M 2 180 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Zollverein (1), Bessalie, 71. Gerhard, 487. Guricke, 73. Heitemeyer, 486. Klems, 595. Scheel, 668. We3termann & Co., 80. Zeitter & Winkelman, 709. (3), Breitkopf & Haertel, 25. (4), Dieudonne & Bladel, 20. Doerner, 21. Lipp, 22. Schiedmayei' & Sons, 23. (6), Kuehust, 20. Schotts & Sons, 25. Pianoforte Case Bedstead —xxvi. Mummery, 292. Pianoforte Frames, Strings, &c. —x. Erard, 496. Newcomb, 672 a. Turnbull, 500a. Austria , Wilhelm,142. France , Fortin-Boutellier, 484. Pianoforte and Harmonium— x. Luff & Son, 477. Pianoforte-makers’ Tools— xxi. Mathieson, 32. Piano-Violino— United States, Hale, 533. Pickles and Preserves— in. Batty & Feast, 116. Payne & Son, 22. Van Diemen’s Land, Haines, 298-303. Picture Frames— iv. Samuels, 21 a. xix. Burton, 117. xxiv. Beningfield, 45. xxvi. Alexander, 99. Burton, 77. Gillow, & Co., 186. Grundy, 121. Hanson & Sons, 197. Hay, J. &J. 100. Hold, 85. Moxon, 252. Nicoll, 182. Nunn, 228. Ponsonby, 199. Richard¬ son, C. J., 207. Squire, 273. Thomas, 275 A Wallace, 2. Whitcombe, 21 1 a. Jones, 7. xxix. Rankin & Lear, 302. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Keho'e, 90. Ross & Tliomson, 299. Austria , Kolbel, 645 a. Pauller, 649. France, Bouguillard, 777. Clerget, 799. Lemercier, 587. Lesecq, 592. Lombard, 913. Saintin, 691. Servais, 1012. Hamburgh, Korlaw, 53. Mexico. Dome, 40-47. Van Diemen’s Land, Hood, 126,127, 129. Marriott, 128. Zollverein (1), Gebauhr, 848. Kersten, 243. (4), Lette- meyer, 75. Vetter and Erno, 74. (6), Wenderlein, 55. See also Miniature Frames. Picture Models— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Barritt, 339. Picture Printing— See Printing in Colours. Picture-supporting Mouldings—xxii. Potts, 323. Pictures and Transparencies (Undescribed)— Zollve¬ rein (1), Trumpelmann, 789. Pier-Glasses. See Looking-Glasses. Piers for Bridges, &c. (Model)—vn. Sankey, 32. Pill-making Machines— France, Viel, 1047. Zollverein (1), Pokorny, 79. Pillows, Spring— xxvi. Board, 240. Pinchbeck Rings— Austria, Kronowitlier, 463. Pins—xxii. Edelsten & Williams, 336. Goodman, 335. xxix. Chambers, 297. James, 295. Kirby, Beard, & Co., 96. Austria, Strunz, 477. France, Vantillard & Co., 1517. Malta , Faison, 25. Zollverein (1), Reinecker and Co., 404. Pin-Sticking Machine— vi. lies, 61. Pine-Needle Wool (for Wadding)— Zollverein (1), Fa¬ bian, 95. Pine-Tree Fungus— Canada, Macculloch, 186. Pipe-Clay— i. 127 a. Pike, W. & J., 102. Whiteway & Co., 90. India, i. Turkey. Pipe Fittings and Joints— vn. Martin, 25. xxii. Mitchell, 611. Pipes, Cast-iron, Mould-making Machine for— vi. Stewart & Co. 238. * Pipes for Drainage, Gas, and Water~~vi. Stewart & Co. 238. ix. Craig & Co. 262 a. Mapplebeck & Low, j 131. x, Wishaw, 419. xxii. Hodges, 519. Kenrick & Sons, 360a. Canada, Ferguson, 164. See also Tubes 4" Tubing. Pipes, Draining, Machines for Making— ix. Clayton, 47. See also Brick and Tile Machines. Pipes, Glass. See Glass Pipes, Tubing, Sfc. Pipes for Smoking. See Meerschaums. Smoking Pipes. Tobacco Pipes. Pipes for Warming Buildings by Hot Water— ix. Weeks & Co. 248a. Piques (Printed)— Austria , Liebisch, 188. Winter, 180. , Pistols. See Guns. Se c. Pistons for Musical Instruments— France, Courtois, 130. Pistons for Steam Engines— v. Thornton & Son, 490. x. Gillett, 79 b. Pit-Chains — viii. Brown, Lenox & Co. 61. Parkes, 108. xxii. Edge, 51. Pit-Frames—xxii. Edge, 51. See also Mine-Shaft Ap¬ paratus. Pitch— Portugal, 459. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 1, 3-8. Turkey. Pith Models— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Clifford, 222. Cossens, 25. Limeuse, 179. Plaids, of all kinds—xii. & xv. Brunton & Co. 230. Clapperton, T. & G. 193. Clay &Soris, 136. Cross, 202, Dalrymple, 240. Dicksons & Laings, 234. Dixon, R. & T. 187. Gibson, 132. Halley, 470. Johnston, 274. Lees, R. & G. 192. Morgan & Co. 299. Reid. & Son, 481. Renwick, T. & A. 233. Robertson, J. & J. 301. Sanderson, R. & A. 196. Schwann, F. 115. Schwann, Kell & Co. 141. Sime & Co, 195. Sinclair, 467. Tolson & Sons, 116. Watson, J.&A.477. Willans & Co. 257. xx. Wigham&Co.85. Planes — xxi. Ibbotson, 27. King & Co. 5. Canada, Wallace, 147. See also Planing Machines. Planetarium— Switzerland, Masser, 95. United States, Barlow, 69. Planimeters (for calculating Area of Plane Figures)— x. Sang, 338. Switzerland, Goldschmid, 84. Zollverein (1), Ausfeld, 704. f 1 Plantng-machines —vi. Furness , 401. Shanks, 210, Thomson, 430. Whitworth & Co. 201. France, Sautreuil, 1474. Zollverein (1), Moser & Co. 861. Flaning-machines (for Metals)—vi. Parr & Co. 6, 213. Planing-machines, Steam Engines for— v. Erskine, 100 . Planispheres— x. Mollison, 585. Plantagenet Guard Razors— xxi. Stewart & Co. 21. Plantain Fibre —British Guiana, Davison, 77. Netscher, 78. India, iv. xiv. Gold Coast Ashantee. Spain, Vinas, 160. Plantain Meal —British Guiana, Netscher, 8-11. Davison, 12. Garnett, 13, 14. Planting-Line (Garden)—ix. Padwick, 215. Plants, Closed Cases for the Growth of—x. Ward, 664 (North Transept). Plants, Specimens of—N orth Transept, Loddiges &Sons. II. Kent, 90. x. Ward, 664 (North Transept). Spain, 117. New South Wales , Hallett &Sons, 5, Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey. See also Botanical Specimens. .'CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 181 Plant-Watering Machine — ix. Kennedy, 208c. Plaster Casts, Statues, Models, &c. (various) — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Brodie, 159. Burns & Palmer, 21. Colley, 121. Fox, 29. Gushlow, 223. Harmer, 56. Richardson, 133. Smith, 211. Smith, F. S. 170. xxx. (Sculpture Court) Gallagher, 43. Hughes, 3, Kirk, 25. Lawlor, 22. Summers, 32, Belgium, Follet, 426. Geefs, 451. Denmark, Jerichau, 39 (Main Avenue, East). France, Du Seigneur, 187. Etex, 1215. Imlin, 543. Simon, 1015. Hamburgh, Engelhard, 96. Home, Tretoolo, 31. Tuscany, Papi, 116. United States, Chickering, 555. Zollverein (1), Cauer, 431. Drake, 273. Eichler, 272. Franz, 283. Harrel & Lauchhammer, 852. Kalide, 285. Krausz, 879. Sondermann, 288. (2), Foltz, 94. Halbig, 84. Knoll, 88. (3), Rietshel, 185. Plaster of Paris— i. Blyth & Jacobs, 131. White & Sons, 130. See also Cement, Roman, Spc. Plaster Stone— Egypt, 7. Plasters (Membrane)—x. Puckridge, 609. Plastic Casts (in imitation of metal)—xxvm. Tate, 162. Plastic Earth — Belgium, De Ferrare, 15. Plastic Work (Tableau of Rural Fete at Castle Florence), — Zollverein (1), Sonnenberg Association of Manufac¬ turers, 804, Plate-Glass— xxiv. Chance & Co. 22 (Main Avenue, West). Harley and Co. 100 (Main Avenue, East). Swindon, 4 (North Transept), xxvi. Thames Plate- Glass Works, 399 (Main Avenue, West). Zollverein (1), Rohrig, 768. Willmanns, 209. Plate-Glass Grinding and Polishing Table— vi. Bessemer, 400, Plate, Gold and Silver. See Gold Sg Silver Ware. Plate-Warmer —xxn. Roper & Son, 399. Plated-Ware —xxii. Clayton, 142. Hardy, 131. xxm. Bradbury & Son, 36'. Cartwright & Hiron, 30. Creswick, T. J. & N. 45. Dixon & Sons, 38. Gray, 101. Owen & Levick, 44. Spurrier, 28. xxiv. Pinkerton, 5. Russia, Petz, 292. Switzerland, Baatard, 235. Zollverein (1), Wolff & Erbsloh, 656. (4), Bruckmann & Sons, 65. Rau & Co. 72. I Platilles Royales — Zollverein (1), Alberti, Brothers, 231. Platinum —i. Johnson & Matthey, 477. Playing Cards — xvn. Whitaker, 49. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Baetens, 212. Austria, Steiger, 374. Belgium, Daveluy, 448. j Denmark, Holmblad, 27. France, Blaquiere, 1552. Hulot, 882. Zollverein (5), Wuest, 14. (6), Frommann, 39. Reuter, 40. Schnapper, 42. j Playing Cards, Miniature —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Baetens, 212. 1 Ploughs —ix. Abbot, 55. Alcock, 27. Alexander, 198. Armitage & Co. 38a. Ball, 132. Barker, 230. Bar¬ rett & Co. 128. Bentall, 217. Busby, 15. Clark, 99. Comins, 143. Cottam & Hallen, 109a. Cross¬ kill, 135. Drummond & Sons, 49. Dufour & Co. 124a. Fenwick De Porquet, 202, Garrett & Sons, 142. Grant & Co. 267, Gray & Sons, 150. Halstead & j Sons, 106. Harkes, 23. Hayward, 114. Hensman & Co. 149. Howard, J. & F., 240. Jordan, 91 a. Law, 94. Laycock, 134. Low, 264. Lowcock, 28. Ponton, 104. Ransomes & May, 124. Ritchie, W. & J., 224. Samuelson, 185. Sellar & Son, 85. Sewell & Co. 107. Slight, 42. Smith, 256. Squires, 144. Stuart, 268. Warren, 257. Wedlake & Co., 127. Williams, 151. Willoughby D’Eresby, Lord, 195. Wilkie & Co. 21. xxix. Wantless, 266. Austria. , Prince Loblcowitz’ Agricultural Implement Manufactory, 124. Belgium, Berckmans, 170. Delstanehe, 510. Denis, 160. D’OmaliuS, 171. Dufour, 159. Odeur, 169. Ro- medenne, 165. Van Made, 168. Verbist, 162. Canada, Fleck, 92. Hulbert, 91. Egypt, 173. France, Andre & Count De Brono-Bronski, 1054. Bazin, 416. Bodin, 426. Bonnet, 1095. Lebert, 569. Pardoux, 341. Seguy, 372. Talbot, Brothers, 1028. India, ix. Netherlands, Jenkeu, 74. Switzerland, Gisin, 72. United States, Allen & Co. 97. Hall & Spear, 255. Prouty & Mears, 404, 413. Rogers, 258. Starbuck, 91. Thompson, 26. Zollverein (6), Hesse-Darmstadt Board of Agriculture, 13. See also Drill-Ploughs, Dynamostater . Ploughs, Draining —ix. Ferguson, 214. Fowler, 28 a. Ploughs, Steam —ix. Usher, 123 a.] Willoughby D’Eresby, Lord, 195. Ploughing, &c., Machine— xxvi. Lyon, 30. Plug for Ships’ Boats —vin. Parker, 67. Thompson, 66. Plumbago — Cape of Good Hope, Calf, 55. India, i. New Brunswick, Gould, 3. United States, Clingman, 358. Richards, 357. Zollverein (2), Kapeller, 28. Plumbago Crucibles — Belgium, Coste, 397. Plum-pudding Stones (for Crucibles, &c.) — Belgium, Marchin Communal Commission, 396. • Plushes (for Hats,&c.)— xii. & xv. Baughen, Brothers, 183. xm. Booth & Fyke, 63. Evans, 60. xx. Ashton & Sons, 52. Taylor & Co., 127. Austria, Schipper, 269. France, Barth, Massing & Plichon, 21. Brisson, Bro¬ thers, 1117. Courte, 1164. Couturier & Renault, 98. Donat & Co. 1193. Martin & Casimir, 612. Massing, Brothers, 333. Thibert & Adam, 1037. Russia, Lorteff, 204. Sardinia, Guillot & Co. 41. United States, Dumont, 287. Zollverein (1), Andreae, 360. Bacboven & Yollsch- witz, 830. Kauftmann, 117. Lehmann, 136. Meyer, Max, & Co. 133. Oehme, 116. Scheibler & Co. 534. (2), Knorr, 38. Simon, 37. Plymouth Breakwater and Lighthouse (Model)— Vii. Stuart, 28, (Main Avenue, West). Pocket Knives —See Cutlery. Pois Chiche — Egypt, 43, 95, 97. Pneumatic Instruments—x. Ladd, 291 a. Taylor, 466. Pneumatic Governor (Lariviere’s Patent)— v. Tuck, 200. Pocket-Books —xvn. Schlesinger & Co. .38. Widnall 52. Ionian Islands, Seaton, Lord, 5. Zollverein (1), Sommer, 878. Pocket Protector —xx. Shinton, 75. Polishes (Harness, &c.)—xxvm. Harris, S. & II., 1 17. United States, M‘Lenan, 252. See also Blacking and Boot Varnish. Polishing Powders —i. Flather & Haden, 80. 182 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Polychromatic Decorations (Designs for)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Pullan, 265. Pomegranates— Tunis, 135. Pontoons— United States, Armstrong, 219, Poplins —xi. Lowthian & Parker, 22. xn. & xv. Atkinson & Co. 256. Bolingbroke, C. & F., 311. Clabburns & Son, 284. Fry & Co. 267. Hinde, E. & F. 313. Jones, 265. Middleton & Ainsworth, 312. Pim & Co. 255. Reynolds, 266. Townend, 175. xiii. Carter & Co. 30. Gregson & Brien, 14. xix. Irish Work Society, 77. Russia, Goutchkoff, 189. Porcelain Friezes—xxvii. Minton, H. & Co. 86. Porcelain Letters — xxv. Earnshaw *& Greaves, 24. Lee, 48. Porcelain Paintings — France, Nurgat, 1504a. Simonet, 375. Zollverein \ 1), Schade, 680. (2), Schmidt, 92. (3), Bucker, 176. Porcelain Paper— France, Bondon, 63. Porcelain Ware —x. Edwards, 438. xxv. Alcock & Co. 7. Bell & Co. 26. Brown, T, & M. L., 45. Clementson, 8. Copeland, 2. Dimmock. 12. Finch, 38. Grainger, 46. Keys & Mountford, 14. Minton & Co. 1. Pindar & Co. 15. Ridgway & Co. 5. Rose & Co. 47. Wedgewood & Sons, 6. xxvi. Gillow & Co. 186. Minton & Co. 531. xxvii. Rufford, 89. Austria, Bagatti, 616. Fischer, C., 617. Fischer, M., 618. Haas, 619. Haidinger, Brothers, 620. Hubner, 622. Kriegel & Co. 623. Nowotny, 625. Portheim, 626. Quast, 627. Vienna Imperial Porcelain Manu¬ factory, 615. Zascha, 628. Belgium, Cappellemans & Daboust, 393. De Fuisseaux, 400. China, Lindsay. Monteiro. Reeves. Denmark, Copenhagen Royal Porcelain Manufactory, 33. Egypt , 381. France, Bapterosses, 409. Beftignies, 1086. Boquet, 1098. Boudon, 432. Colville, 802. De Serionn'e, Loin & Co. 1483. Foulques, 1602. Giile, 848. Honore, 877. Jacob Petit, 1829. Jacobber,271. Jolly, 277. Lachas- sagne, 1286, Lahoche, 1287. Laurent, 583. Peyroulx, 1676. Piedagnel, 1390. Valin, 708. Portugal , Pinto Basto & Co. 1047-1104. Zollverein (1), Berlin Royal Prussian Porcelain Manu¬ factory, 213. Conta & Boelime, 815. Goebel, 80S. Henneberg & Co. 772. Loetf, 192. Tielsch & Co. 219. Ungerer, 241. (2), Kymphenburg Royal Por¬ celain Manufactory, 64. Porcelain Ware, Raw Materials used in the Ma¬ nufacture of— XXV. Minton & Co. 1. China, Kiaing-tiht C’ning’s Porcelain Works. France, Denuelle, 1183. Porcelain Ware (Semi, or Chemical)—xxv. Grainger, 46. Porphyry —Main Avenue, East, Wallis. i. Barry & Harry, 178. Breadalbane, Marquis of, 7. Clugas, 188. Gumming, 195. Gelling, 139. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 163. Hicks, 164. Jenkins & Stick, 170. Meredith, 141. Nicholls, 162. Rodd, 169. Whitley, 165. Greece , 46. Porrographes — France, Recy, 1423. Porte-Monnaies —Zollverein (1), Sommer, 818, (2), Bischoff 8c Co. 98. Portfolios— xvi. James, 40. xvii. Hood, 157. xxvi. McCullum & Hodson, 1,36. Zollverein (2), Bischoff & Co. 98. Portfolio Brackets and Stands — xvii. Rickman, 194. xxvi. Bindley & Co. 266. Portland Cement —See Cement, Roman, 8fc. Portmanteaus— See Trunks , &fc. Portland Vase, Copies, &c. of the— xxv. Boote, T. & R., 11. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Copland, 136. Holmer, 231. Postage-stamp Expedient — xvii. Gill, 12. Postage-Stamps — France, Meillet & Pichot, 629. Potash (Potass, Potassium, or Barilla) —n. Bullock & Co., 37. Howards & Kent, 11. France, Anthelme, 1541. India, i. Sardinia, Selopis, 4. Spain, 37, 42, 45. Turkey. Van Diemen's Land, Denison, Sir W. T., 334. Potash, Acetate of — Portugal, 75. Potash, Bichromate of — ii. Dentith, 8 (Main Avenue, West). India, I. Sweden and Norway, Leeren Manufactory, 39. Potash, Chloride of —n. Watt, 32. France, Cournerie & Co., 462. Potash, Chromate of— India, i. Potash, Cyanate of — Zollverein (1), Kunheim, 13. Potash, Ferro-cyanide of—ii. Bramwell & Co., 27. Austria, Braun, 21. Potash, Hydro-iodinic— Zollverein (4), Bonz & Son, 2. Potash, Iodine of— France, Conrad, 1156. Cournerie & Co., 462. Jersey and Guernsey , Arnold, 33. Potash, Muriate of — it. Ward, J., 89. Ward, Smith, & Co., 54. Austria, Wagenmann & Co., 19. Potash, Nitrate of —n. Hills, 23. India, i. Potash, Prussiate of —n. Bramwell & Co., 27. Hur* let & Campsie Alum Company, 13. France, Coignet & Son, 1153. Russia, Brusghin, 29. Schlippe, 27. Zollverein (1), Cochius, 12. Gutheil & Co., 459. Kritnmelbein & Bredt, 457. Paub, 328. Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. Potash, Sulphate of —n. Ward, 89. Ward, Smith, & Co., 54. Watt, 32. France, Cournerie & Co., 462. Potash, Tartar of — Portugal, Ferreira, 33, 34. Garland & Co., 39, Leal, 32. Serzedello & Co., 38. Potato-Flour—hi. St. Etienne, 138. Belgium, Blyckaert, 78. Docquir & Parys, 68. Van Bunen, 74, France, Lebleis, 570. Le Paisanf, 590. Netherlands, Schoneveld & Westerbaan, 13. Visser & Co,, 15. Russia, Abasheff, 331. Zollverein (1), Eipenschleid, 330. Farthmann, 16. Wahl, 332. Weerth, 333. Welcker, 331. Potato-germ Extractor —ix. Stewart & Co., 213. Potato-Roaster —xxn. Loysell, 488. Potatoes (Preserved)— Canada, Brunsden & Shipton, 128. Russia, Abasheff, 331. Potato-Starch — Canada, Brunsden & Shipton, 128. Russia, Yurgherison, 72. Zollverein fi), Loburg Manufactory, 694. Paetscli, 18. Uechtritz, 21; (6), Hofmann, 14. Potters’ Flint and Colour-mill—vi. Fourdrinier, 100. Pottery (Various)—i. Buller, 128. Methuen & Sons, 126. Roake, 60. xxvii. Bowers & Co., 104. 183 CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. India , xxv, Switzerland, Ziegler-Pellis, 260. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Zollverein (1), Villeroy & Boch, 361. See also Earthen¬ ware and China. Porcelain-ware. Pottery-clay. Stone-ware. Pottery-Clay— i. Browne, 109. Burnett, 106. Ennis¬ killen, Earl of, 116. Fahie, 129. Fayle & Co., 100. Grimsley, 105. Hodgson, Sir G.,/123. Jenkins & Courtney, 93. Martyr), 107. Michel), 110. Minton & Co., 97. North Devon Pottery Company, 127. Phillips, 101. Phippanl, 113. Pike, W. & J. 102. Pease, 122. Thriscutt, 94. Truscott, 104. Wandes- forde, Hon. C., 111. West of England China, Stone, & Clay Company, 103. Wheeler & Co., 108. White¬ way & Co., 90. Whitley, 95. Egypt, 12. Turkey. Zollverein (8), Leicher, 6. Nassau Government Engi¬ neers of Mines, 1. Pottery Kilns —xxv. Ridgway, 625. Pottery Printing —xxv. Potts, 49. Pottery Printing-presses— vi. Fourdrinier, 100. Pottery Tissue-paper—vi. Fourdrinier, 100. xvn. Lamb, 147. Poultry-troughs —ix. Wishaw, 59. Powder-barrel —vm. Slater, 78. Powder and Shot Flasks— vm. Inskip, 227. xxii. Dixon &Sons, 797. France, Boche, 769. India, vm. See also Shot Belts, Pouches, SfC. Powder-magazIxVes tor Maritime Purposes— vm. Bear foot, 274. Power-engine Meters —x. Brown, 335. Power-looms (Including Models)— vi. Bullougb, 12. Chalmers, 32. Crichton, 35. Elliott* & II ayes, 50. Harrison, 18. Hibbert, Platt, & Sons, 1. Mason, 10. Milligan, 38. Parker & Co., 77. Reed, 85. France, Dorey, 823. Fromage, 219. United States, Lowell Machine-shop, 447. Precious Stones —i. Balleras, Bonitto, & Paris, 4. Mac¬ donald, 20. Majendie, 28, xxii. Goode & Boland, 294. xxm. Garrard, R. & S., 98. Hunt & Roskell, 97. Morel & Co., 117. Phillips, Brothers, 87. Thistlethwayte, 24. Austria, Lobkowitz, Prince of, 16. Schonborn, Count of, 15. Ceylon. France, Lemonnier, 304. New Brunswick. India, i. xxm. 5 New Granada, 1. Balleras, 3. Bonitto, 5. Paris, 4. Turkey. United States, Feutchwanger, 469. Van Diemen’s Land, Kemp, 320. Milligan, 316-319. Zollverein (1), Rumann, 10. Weishaupt & Sons, 412. William, 207. (4), Faist & Steinhaeuser, 64. See also Diamonds. Emeralds. Pearls. Precious Stones, Imitation —xxm. Henrys&Co., 131. Austria, Bigaglia, 600. Blaschka & Sons, 601. Pazelt, 603. Pfeiffer, 604. Sander, 607. France, Henri, 871. Savary & Mosbach, 368. Switzerland, Massy, 222. Veret, 223. Zollverein (1), Weber, 325- (6), Wagner, 52. Precipice Climbing Apparatus —vm. Hubbard, 180. Preserved Fruits —See Fruits, dried and preserved. Preserved Flowers—iv. Stevens, 3, Preserved Pitcher-Plants— iv. Cook, 2 a. Preserved Provisions. See Provisions, Preserved. Press (Undescribed)— France, Meurant, Brothers, & Wil- lemin, 1659. Press-papers —xvn. Hamer, 84. Hastings & Mellor, 85. Pressure Gauge —v. Bursill, 753. Preston Hall (Model)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Thomas, 235 a. Prince Albert’s Mirror — vm. Beadon, 90. Printed Fabrics (Cambrics, Muslin, Linen, Silk, &c.)— xiv. Devon &Co. 34. Tee & Son, 37. xviii. Bradwell & Adams, 40. Gourlie & Sons, 52. xix. Bright & Co., 115. Burch, 115. India, xviii. Portugal, Miranda & Co., 728-747. United States, Reed, Chadwick, & Dexter, 400. See also Calico Printing. Printed Fabrics (Designsfor)— xviii. Bridges, 79. Cad- man, 74. Fletcher, 69. Green, 70 a. Hobbs, 83. Jarvie, 82. Kay, 68. Smith, 89. Waterson, 67. xix. Harvey, 197. Austria, Hartmann, 742. France, Barbe, 1068. Chatel, 118. Didier, 820. Gat- tiker, 841. Henry, 1267. Laroche, 291. Naze, Son, & Co., 625. Picard, 347. Queru & Co. 1415. Trouillier, 466. Walwein, 737. Printers’ Counting-machines— x. Greaves, 503. Printers’ Frames — xvii. Gallard, 11. Printers’ Ink — Zollverein^ 3), Hardegen, 7. Jagodzinsky, 8. (5), Baldenecker, 12. (6), Petri, 41. Printers’ Page Markers — Belgium, Mackintosh, 471. Printers’ Rollers — Sivitzerland, Lendenmann, 232. Printing, Anastatic —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cowell, 38. Printing Apparatus — vi. Cooke, 118. See also Com¬ posing Frames. Composing Machine. Printing Cases — xxix. Napier, 262. Printing, Chinese —Zollverein (1), Beyerhaos, 144. Printing, Colours for —xvii. Caslon & Co., 78. Printing in Colours — xvii. Fisher, 10. Hodson, 166. xxx. (Fine Art, Court) Baxter, 115. Condall & Addey, 112. Dicks, 68. Jones, 54. Kronhein, 40. Melton, 297. Printing, Decorative- xxx. (Fine Art Court) Hum¬ phreys, 50. Printing, Letter-press (Specimens of )— xvii. Bagster & Sons, 87. Bradbury & Evans, 136. De la Rue 8c Co., 76. Evans, 113. Leighton, J. & J., 24. Owen, 180. Silverlock, 40. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Harris, 244. Myers, 117. Austria, Vienna Imperial Court and Government Print¬ ing-Office, 362. Canada, Bureau & Marcotti, 192. France, Battenberg,. 1070. Chardon & Son, 116. Friry & Riga, 1237. Gauthier, 234. Guesrnr, 250. Meyer, 637. National Printing-Office, Paris, 544. Silber- mann, 374. India, xvii. Netherlands, Noordendorp, 110. United States, Walker & Co., 123. Whiting, 556. Zollverein (1), Decker, 148. Engel, 885. Uepmann, 147. Moester & Kuhn, 156. Wagner, 155. (3), Hirschfeld, 180. Meinhold & Sons, 181. (5), Bauer & Krebs, 13. See also Type. Typography. Printing-machines — vi. Cowper, 134. Hopkinson & Cope, 162. Ingram, 122. Napier &Son, 158. Nel¬ son, 120. Sherwin & Co., 104. Ulmer, 121. Water- low & Sons, 164. China, Astell 8c Co. See also Label Printing-Machines. 184 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Printing on Metallic Surfaces —xvn. Arliss & Tucker, 55. xxn. Abate, 265. Printing, Music —See Music Printing. Printing, Ornamental —xvn. Ramsay, 187. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Wilson, 44. Canada , Starke & Co. 191. Printing, Phonetic Short-hand — xvn. Pitman, 197. Printing Presses and Machines —v. Ransomes & May, 640. vi. Ciymer & Dixon, 124. Cobb, 150. Cowslade & Lovejoy, 91. Ilarrild & Son, 157. See also Type. Printing on Tinfoil — xvii. Arliss and Tucker, 55. Printing Typograph for the Blind — x. Hughes, 401. Printing Type— See Type. Printing, Wood-Cut — xvii. Bradbury & Evans, 136. Prints (Undescribed)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Apple, 274. France, Simon, 1014. Zollverein (1), Engel, 389. Prismatic Colours in Glass (Specimens of)—x. Rich¬ ardson, 264. Propelling Apparatus (Undescribed)—vm. Corryton, 82. xxn. Marsden, 513. Proving Presses —v. Fox, Henderson, & Co., 404. Provisions, Preserved —m. Brocchiere, 16. Copland, Barnes, & Co., 113. Gamble, 12. Leonard, J. & T. P., 20. Linklater, 24. Moses, H. E. & M., 101. Ritchie & McCall, 15. Smith, 14. Underwood, 23. Whitney, 26. IV. Dufaville, 125. Canada, Nicholson, 326. Cape of Good Hope, Martin, 40. Schlussler, 39. Hamburgh, Schnautz, 104. New Brunswick. New South Wales, Bogue, 2. Dangar, 7. Dudgeon & Co. 11. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Russia, Vsevolodowitch, 338. Spain, 139b. Conti, 139 a. Switzerland, Baup, 52. Turkey. United States, Borden, 524. Duffield, 363, 363 a- Hough, 507. Smith & Co., 519. Usher, 379. Wadsworth & Sheldon, 348. Van Diemen's Land, Adcock, 6. Lipscombe, 297. See also Alimentary Preserves. Amazone. Prussian Blue — ii. Reade, 3a. France, Souchon, 1491. Pulleys, Antifriction — vn. Coles, 11. Pulp-Strainer (for Paper-making)— See Paper-making Machinery. Pulpits — xxvi. Cooper, 235. Moulin, 163. xxvm. Cooper, 151. Pulpits with Hearing Apparatus for the Deaf— x. Heeps, 615. Pulpits, Portable — xxvi. Melville, 3. Pumice-Stone — Austria, Hardtmuth, 35. Schabas, 36, Bermudas. New Zealand, Meurant, 15. Pump (Model in Glass)—xxiv. Skidmore, 52. Pump for supplying Boilers —v. Broughton, 447. Pumps, Air— See Air-Pumps. Pumps, Boat— vm. O’Conner, 189. Pumps, Centrifugal — United States. Gwvnue. 140. ^jmMTBRAiNiNG- ^y, Appold, 420. Bessemer, 421. * Pumps, Force, Substitute for —x. Plant, 215. Pumps, Lift and Force—v. Stocker, S. & G., 422. Warner & Sons, 424. Willison, 128. Belgium , Jouvne, 123. Pumps, Liquid Manure —ix. Cottam & Hallen, 109 a. Crump, 160. Weir, 123. Pumps, Medical —x. Nunn, 371. Einsle, 127. Pumps, Mining —i. Arthur, 462. Eddy, 463. Pumps, Ships’ —v. Bessemer, 421. Gossage, 414. vm. Macdonald, 329. Robinson, 100. Williams, 332. Pumps (Various , including Models) —v. Clones, 475. Daly," 400. Downton, 474. Read, 90. Selfe, 452. Shalders, 402. Shaw, 113. Smith, R. & Son, 449. Warner & Sons, 424. Whitelaw, 58. vi. Pontifex & Wood, 602. vm. Dutton, 326. ix. Thompson, 248b. Burgess & Key, 237. Deane, Dray, & Deane, 180. Fairless, 155. x. Einsle, 127. Wellway, 465. xvi. Thomas & Son, 211. xxii. Hodges, 519. Belgium, Jouvne, 123. Kentemost, 509. China, Lindsay. Denmark, Lunde, 12. France, Nilus, 935. Jersey and Guernsey, White, 12. United States, Baker, 257. Zollverein (1), Wurden & Co. 51. See also Archime¬ dean Screws. Steam Pumps. Pump Valves —i. Hosking, 466. v. Hosking, 201. Punching-m achines —vi. Whitworth & Co. 201. vm. E trick, 3^/'." "" ' " 1 Punts (for wild fowl shooting)—vm. Ansell, 185. Purbeck Marble (with articles therein)—Main Avenue, West, Mather, 61. i. Freeman, W 4 & J., 160. Sparks, 154. Voss, 135. Purchase Blocks — United States, Sutton, 430. Purse-making Machine — France, Lanenville, 287. Putty-Stone Ornaments— France, Heiligenthal & Co. 259. Puzzles — xxvi. Azulay, 64. Puzzolana — Greece, 22. Pyrites —i. Jenkins, 502. n. Hall, 40. Belgium, Societe de Vedrin, 17. India, 1. Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. Pyrites, Brass— Algeria, Briqueler & Co. 11. Pyrites, Copper —i. Grylls, S., & Redruth Committee, 444. Russia, Bogoslovsk Copper Works, 1. Turkey. Pyrites, Iron — I. Liskeard Committee, 513. n. Spence, 7. Wilson, 6. Turkey. Pyrites, Sulphur —n. Kane, 53. Pyro-gallic and Pyro-meconic Acids—ii. Marson, T. & Son, 106. Pyrography (Specimens of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cal¬ vert, 97. Marshall, 358. Mills, 96. Mitchell, 87: Belgium, Duchastel, 443. Pyroligneous Acid — France, Bataille, 42. Pyroligneous Acid Manufacture Apparatus —vi. Halliday, 617. Pyrometers — Austria, Wurm, 137. United States, Erricsson, 146, a. Quadrants —See Sextants, Quadrants, Syc. Quadrant-Stand—vii. Renczynski, 27. Quadriga (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wyatt, 183. Quartz — I. Cook, 19. Falmouth & Penryn Local Com¬ mittee, 88, 163. Oldlield, 21. Sweetman, 40. Wal¬ ton, 85. Ceylon, Albrecht, Greenhill & Co, France, Bertaud, 1549, CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 185 Spain, Barcelona Mines, Inspector of, 2. Turkey. Tuscany , Frediani, 16. United States, Brown, 2S3. Quartz-crusher — United Stales , Wright, 185. Quartz Crystal —i. Duke of Devonshire, 531 (Main Avenue, East). Quassia —British Guiana, Arrindell, 69. QUEEN, Her Majesty The —Equestrian Statue of Her Majesty by Thorny croft, South Transept, 14.—Eques¬ trian Statues of Her Majesty and H.R.H. Prince Albert, by Wyatt, North Transept,' 26.—Portraits on Sevres China of Her Majesty, by Ducluze.au, and of H.R.H. Prince Albert, by Bazenget, after Winterhalter, Main Avenue East, 96, 97.—Statue of Her Majesty, in Zinc, by the Yieille Montague Mining Co., i. 437 (Main Avenue, East).—Busts of the Queen and Prince Albert, in Zinc, I. Vieille Montague Mining Co., 437.—Por¬ trait of Her Majesty, woven in silk,'xm. Cross, 32.— Portrait of Her Majesty in Embroidery, xix. Lambert, 229.—Domestic Groups of Her Majesty and the Prince of Wales, in Ormolu and Bronze, by Bell, XXII. Mes¬ senger & Sons, 340.—Silver Statuettes of Her Majesty and H.R.H. Prince Albert, xxm. Zimmerman, 80. -—Bronze Bust of Her Majesty, after Chantrey, xxx. (Fine Art Court), Hatfield, 135.—Oval Medallion of Her Majesty, produced by a single line of equal thick¬ ness, xxx. (Fine Art Court.) Bishop, 278.—Jewel-case,de¬ signed by Gruner, with portraits of Her Majesty,H.R.H. Prince Albert, and the Prince of Wales, after Thorburn, xxm. 140 (Main Avenue, West).—Cradle carved in Turkey Boxwood, by Rogers, 353.—Wax Figure of Her Majesty, Holding, 217.—Wax Figure of Her Majesty and H.R.H. Prince Albert, Trundle, 73.— Portrait of Her Majesty in Needlework, Sweden and Norway, Alner, 42.—Full-length Portrait of Her Ma¬ jesty, in enamel, after Chalon, Switzerland, Dufaux, 249. Quercus-Cerris, Extract— Zollverein (2), Boerer&Por- zelius, 8. j Quicksilver — France, Violette, 1528. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Tuscany, 6-11. Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. Quills —iv. Morrell, 58. xxvi. Gilbert & Co. 130. Ceylon. Oldenburgh, Bramlage, 2. Bussia, Rabzevitch, 360. Quilts —See Bed Quilts. Eider-Down Quilts. Quiltings — Zollverein (4), Weigle, 29. See also Waist- coatings. Quince (Bengal)—if. Pound, 1G8. Quinine —n. Howards & Kent, 11. Spencer, 31. Sardinia, Du four, 13. Quinine, Sulphate of— Tuscany , Corridi, 22. Zollverein (4), Jobst, 4. E. Radetzky,Field-Marshal Count (Statue of)— Austria, Prince Salm, 430 (Main Avenue, East). Railways (Models, &c.) — v. Dunn, 998. Perry, 562. vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. Netherlands, Claasen, 91. Railway Accidents, Plans for preventing. See Bailway Collisions Prevention. Railway, Atmospheric (Models)—v. Cunningham & Carter, 654. Harlow & Young, 655. Jackson, 703. Railway Axles — i. Beecroft, Butler, & Co. 415. v. Bee- croft, Butler, & Co. 646. Patent Shaft & Axletree Co. 543. Thorneycroft &Co. 636. Zollverein (1), Piepenstock & Co. 472. Railway-Axle Boxes —v. Adams, 510. Parsons, 642. Worsdell & Co. 637. Railway-Axle Forges —v. Worsdell & Co. 637. Railway Bars —v. Cwm Avon Iron Co. 645. Derwent Iron Co. 647. Dodds & Son, 64. Ebbw Vale Co. 638. Railway Breaks —v. Botten, 429. Davies, 828. Dillon, 560. Gray, 694. Handley, 690. Jones, 656. Knox, 514. McNaught, 22, 686. Pizzie, 559. Stoy, 705. Walker, 693. vi. Chalmers, 32. France, Laignel, 1637. Jersey 6f Guernsey , Berland, 4. United States, Cochran, 481. Railway Bridges (Models)— See Bridges, Bailway, frc. Railway Buffers —v. De Bergue, 552. Clarkson, 568. Fossick & Hackworth, 10. vn. Nicholson, 40. • xxn. Brown, 235. Railway Carriages (including Models & Plans)—v. Adams, 510. Chabot, 684. Cripps, 576. Green, 704. Haddem, 541. Lester, 700. Macbay, 586. M'Connel, 539. Melting, 708. Tennant, 564. Wil¬ liams, 530. vii. Coles, 11. Geary, 2. Nicholson, 40. Sanke}’, 32. Smith, 96. vm. Brown, Sir S. 334. Zollverein (1_), Reiffert, 886. Railway Carriage Cushions— France, Voruz, 1533. Railway Carriage Lamps. See Lamps, Bailway Car¬ riage. Railway Carriage Springs— v. Adams, 510. Gibson, 8-18. Spencer & Son, 555. xxn. Johnson, Cammill, & Co., 109. Railway Cash-Boxes— xxn. Sparks, 430. Railway Chairs— v. Baines, 643. Samuel, 616. Railway Collisions Prevention, See. (Plans for)—v. Cheshire, 691. Gompertz, 652. Mitchell, 919. x. Mapple, 126. Railway Couplings-— v. Jones, 656. Murray, 566. Thornton & Sons, 490. Warren, 558. Railavay Crossings, Gates for— v. Young & Co. 600 (Western End, North Enclosure, outside, 60). Railway Curves, Instrument for Setting Out— v. Sanderson, 570. Railways, Farm — ix. Crosskill, 135. Railway Gauges (Models) — vn. Smith, 96. Railway Grease— France, Moreau, 1361. Railway Guards’Time-pieces— x. Bennett, 1. Fairer, 36. Tobias & Co. 78. Railway Inclines, Mode of assisting Carriages up and down—v. Snowden, 588. Railway" Locomotive Engines. See Locomotive Engines, Bailway. Railways, Apparatus for transferring Mail Bags on — v. Dicker, 674. ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman 'Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 186 Railway Permanent Ways (Models, &c.) — v. Barlow, W. H. 602. Barlow, P. W. 601. Cruttwell & Co. 659. Cubitt, 628. Great Western Railway Com¬ pany, 501. Hoby, 614. Samuel, 616. Railway, Portable (Model)— ix. Sieevens, 38. Railway Rails —v. Greaves, 615. Richardson, 651. Austria, Lindheim, 422. New South Wales, Francis, 5. Russia, Poland Imperial Mining Works, 15. Railway Siding Stop— v. Beckers, 503. Railway Signal-Lamps — vii. Rettie, 159. viii. Pearce, 330. xxii. Boake, 697. Holgate, 450. Messenger & Sons, 340. Riddle, 637. Smiths & Co. 452. Railway Signals —v. Brotherhood, 502. Cooley, 561. Copling, 668. Cowper, 699. De Fontaine, 610. Hattersley, 701. Hoy, 710. Lockyer, 582. Lone, 662. Pearce, 709. Shaw & Co. 728. Stevens, 572. Stevens & Son, 609. Tidmarsh, 707. Watson, 712. vn. Jeffrey, 14. viii. Pearce, 330. x. Allen, 413. XXII. Clark & Rested, 446. Railway Sleepers —v. Barlow, 601. Greaves, 615. Lacy, 556. Ransomes & May, 640. Belyi am, Marchal, 362. Railway Snow-sweeping Engine — v. Faure, 726. Railway Switches & Crossings — v. Baines, 643, Kerx- nard,644. Parsons, 642. Sharp & Co. 728. United States, Cochran, 297. Railway Tickets-dating Machine— vi. Church & Goddard, 135. Railway Trains (Models)—v. Jones, 656. Railway Trains, Apparatus eor Shipping & Un¬ shipping — vii. Bouch, 73. Railway Traversing Apparatus —v. Great Western Railway Company, 501. Dunn, 618. 0:merod&Son, 624. Railways, Trenails & Wedges for —v. Ransomes & May, 610. Railway Trucks— v. Ashbury, 739. See also Springs, Railway Truck. Railway Turn-Tables —-v. Allan, 711. Greenway, 698. Leadbetter, 650. Ormerod & Son, 624. Ransomes & May, 640. Railway Turn-Tables, Model of Railway dispensing with—v. Dunn, 998. Railway Waggons— v. Henson, 532. Railway Water-Cranes —v. Ransomes & May, 640. Railway Wheels —v. Banks & Chambers, 666. Beecroft, Butler, & Co. 646. Haddan, 541. Mansell, 715. Sand ford & Owen, 554. Wharton, 713. vn. Irish Engineering Company, 150. United States, Shattuck, 509. Railway Wheels, Invention to prevent Vibration of— v. Lipscombe, 670. Railway Wheel-Tires & Tire-Bars —i. Beecroft, But¬ ter, & Co. 415. v. Beecroft, Butler, & Co., 646. Thorneycroft, 636. Warren, 1001. Worsdell & Co. 637. Railway Whistles—v. Fourness, 581. Roberts, 550. Tabor, 681. Railway Wrappers —xn. & xv. Gandy, 246. Wilson, J. & W. 245. Rain-Gauges —x. Baker, 396. Newman, 674. Phillips, 411. Raising-machine — xxii. Jackson, 311. Raisins — Spain, Casado, 105. Tunis, 107, 109. Rakes, Horse, &c. —ix. Grant & Co. 267. Holmes & Sons, 241. Howard, I. & F. 210. De Porquet, 202. Smith & Son, 234. Ramrods — viii. Brider, 261. See also Guns, Syc. Ramsgate Hoyellers, Model of Lugger used by—• viii. Twyman, 148. Rape-Seed & Rape-Seed Oil & Cake —in. McGarry & Sons, 132. iv. Brotherton & Co. 23. Austria, Malvieux, 102. Netherlands, Dehaan, 9. See also Linseed Sy Linseed- Oil, Syc. Raspberry Vinegar — Canada, Fletcher, 127. Ratchet-hoisting Machine (Model)— United States, Holmes, 331. Rattans — Labuan, fyc., Hammond & Co. 2. Netherlands, Hoop & Co. 24. Razors— xxi. Bradford, R. & W., 3. Stewart & Co. 21. Tuzacks, 22. Wood, 8. xxii. Butcher, W. & S. 192. Elliott, 151. Fenney, 114. Gilbert, Brothers, 123. Hawcroft & Sons, 135. Martin, 132. Webster, 154. Winks & Son, 134. Austria, Bley, 505. Bresilmaier, 506. Rosier, 552. Rupprecht, 553. Wachter, 561. China, Berncastle. India, i. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Bahrt, 4, 9. Sweden Sy Norway, Stille, 12 a. Switzerland, Burkbardt, 270. Lecoultre, 215, 262. Lecoultre, Brothers, 214. Hoeller, 637. Zollverein (4), Dittmar, Brothers, 57. Rzor-Guards— x. Heather & Blackwell, 653. xxi. Stewart & Co. 2h. Razor-Strops— x. Saunders & Son, 205. xx. Barnes, T. & G. 27. xxi. Cowvan, B. & S. 9. Saunders, G., 34. Stewart &Co,, 21. xxix. Sacker, 214. Sweden and Norway, Burkbardt, 270. Reading Stands and Tables —xxvi. North, 259. Rid- dett, 49. Warren, 2b8. Ready-made Linen —xx. B'ie & Co., 24. Ford, 36. Hemming, 28. Homan & Co., 17. Lennox, 147. Marshall, 25. Miniffe, 151. Neville & Co., 20. Nicoll, 34. Paterson. 19. Porter, 30. Reid, 23. Scott, 141. Smith, 29. Wheeler & Ablett, 22. White; 159. United States, Forrest, 539. Reaping-machines— See Mowing and Reaping Machines. Reception Seat, with Canopy, &c., Presenter! to Her Majesty by the Nawab Nazim of Bengal— India. Ri ciprocating Engines (Invention for converting into a uniform force the fluctuating force derived from reci¬ procating Engines) Models—v. Constable, 70. Reclinia, The (for Astronomical purposes)—x. Roper, 197. Record Office (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Dighton, 160. Rectilinear Motion (Machine for converting into Curvili¬ near Motion)— Belgium, Demanet, 178. Red Lead — Austria, Herbert, 32. Zollverein (l'), Ohle, 62. Reeds (for Weaving)—-vi. De Bergue, 45. Gatenby & Pass, 60. Refractor — Zollverein (2), Merg & Sons, 30. Refrigerators —-vi. Askew, 611. Coffey, 615. Hulls, 618. Lawrence, 604. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 187 Regent's Park Botanical Gardens (Model) — vii. Turner, 7. Regimental Axe— Portugal, Bob one, 646. Regimental Appointments — See Military Accoutre¬ ments. Regimental Trowsers, Invention for producing a Red Stripe on— xx. Grosjean, 60. Regulating Screw for Carriages— France, Rastouin, 1421. Resin— n. Hayes & Co., 75. The London Druggists, 117. Ceylon, Pieris. India, IV. Russia, Rudert, 84. Spain, Flores, Calderon & Co., 241. Turkey. Van Diemens Land, Milligan, 292. See also Gums. Respirator Smoking Pipes— xxv. Leitch & Hammond, 59. Reticules— xvi. Blindly, 21. xxvi. Footliorape & Co., 132. Retorts —See Crucibles. Gas-Retorts. Reversible Cloth (finished on both sides)— xii. & xv. Hargreave & Masseys, 28. Shaw, Son, & Co., 110. YVrigley, J. & T. C., 117. Revolvers— See Guns, Sfc. Rheioclines (or Spring Bedsteads)—xxvi. Cottam, 221. Rheumatic Pitch-plaster —Zollverein (4), Faulhaber & Leube, 43. Rheumatism, Medicated Bands for the Cure of— x. Coles, 660. Rhodium— i. Johnson & Matthev, 477. Rhododendron Wood— Russia, Coutais (Government of), 118. I Rhubarb —n. Lamplough, 71. Tustian & Usher, 98. j Ribbons (Silk, Gauze, &c.)—xm. Allen & Holmes, 50. Berry, Brothers, 75. Bray & Co., 67. Bmigett & Co., 49. Brocklehurst & Sons, 38. Caldecott, R. & R., 68. Cope & Co., 70. Cornell & Co., 22. Coven¬ try Ribbons Committee, 72. Cox, 66. Hart, 76. Howell & Co., 27. Lewis & Allenby, 16. M‘Rey, 78. Marshall & Snelgrove, 33. Ratliff J. & C., 73. Red- mayne & Co., 1a. Robinson, 77. Sharp & Co., 69. Sturdy & Turner, 79. XIX. Bennock & Co., 394. Austria, Messat, A., 246. Moering, 247. Pfening- berger, 248. France, Balay, 1064. Bairallon & Brossard, 16. Buis- son, 1125. Colliard & Conte, 1154. Couchoud, 1161. De Bajeiaire, 18. Douzel & Maussier, 1194. Du- tron, 1209. Larcher, Faure, &Co., 1293. Michelin, 641. Molyn Lesouef, 1359. Robert-Faure, 1442. Schneider &Legrand, 1002. Tuvee & Co., 704. Vig- nat, Brothers, 1524. India, xiii. Russia, Lorteff, 204. Spain, Sena, 274 a. Switzerland, Ribbon Manufacturers, 152. Tunis, 10. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Andreae, 379. Bruck & Sons, 535. Grote, 538. Heydweller & Sons, 521. Hoeninghaus & Sons, 519. Lingenbrink & Venuemann, 526. Menghuis, Brothers, 530. Pass, 377. Scheibler & Co., 534. Siebel, 513. Zollverein (3), Eisenstuck &Co., 151. Ribbons (Designs for)— France, Braun, 72. Rice— Algeria. Hardy, 28. British Guiana, Duggin, 7. Netscher, 6. Ceylon. Egypt, 40-43, 75, 83, 86. France, Fery, 505. India, hi. Labuan, Spc., Hammond & Co., 2. Mauritius, Reader. 7. Natural History Society, 4. Sardinia, Blondel, Gaston, & Co., 18. Pallestrini, Bro¬ thers, 17. Spain, 72. Martinez y Periz, 89. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey . United States, Heriot, 172c. Merriweather, 164. Ward, 172d. > |Rice, Machin e for Peeling— Belgium , Honvet, 125 . Rice Paper— China, Copland. Rice-Paper Drawings— China, Copland. Hammond & Co. Richard Cceur-de-Leon (Statues of) — Western End (out¬ side) Marochetti. Hamburgh, Englehard, 93. Rick Cloths —xiv. Morrison & Hurn, 49. xxix. Fisher, 25. See also Tarpaulins. Rick Ventilator— ix. Gillett, 78. Rifle Mallets (for hot climates) — vm. Brider, 262. Rifles— See Guns, fyc. Riveting-machines— vi. Fairbairne & Sons, 200. Gar- forth, W. J. & J., 208. Road Levels (for Agricultural purposes)— x. Rickman, 681. Road-measuring and Mapping Machine— x. Adcock, 353. Road-watering Machines— v. Geary, 846. ix. Coode, 154 a. Roasting Apparatus— vn. Remington, 175. See also Cooking Apparatus. Rochelle Salts—ii. Pontifex & Wood, 1. Rock Crystals (including Articles therein) —i. Carter, 3. xxvi. Webb, 171. Ceylon. Spain, Zamora Mines, Inspector of, 20. Zollverein (3), Kuegler, 186. Rock Orchilla— Portugal, Batalba, 509 a. Rock Salt—I. Thompson, 72. Worthington, 57. Russia, Obroutcheff, 348. St. Helena, Agricultural Society, 2. Turkey. Rock Stone — Gibraltar. Rocket Apparatus— viii. Corte, 177. Rocking Boat— xxix. Porter, 144. Rocking Chairs— xxvi. Cunning, 165a. Rocking Horses— xxix. Dear, 128. Rolled Iron Plates (used in Marine Engines, &c.) — v. Derwent Iron Company, 647. Roller Blinds— See Window Blinds. Roller-Mill— ix. Stanley, 1. Rollers (for Land). See Clod Crushers. Garden Rollers. Rolling-machines— See Iron-rolling Machines. Roman Cement— See Cement, Roman, Sfc. Roman Missals — Belgium, Hanicq, 285. Wesmael Le- gros, 282. Rood Screens— xxvi. Ringham, 42. Roofing (for Houses, &c.)—v. Tennant, 564. vn. Me Clelland, 116. Newnham, 170. Willet, 11. Canada, Hall, 18. See also Glass Tiles. Iron Roofing. Slates for Roofs. Tiles for Roofing. Timber Roof. Roots of Agricultural Plants —iii. M‘Arthur, 111. Roots (Medicinal) —ii. The London Druggists, 117. Ropes, Cordage, &c.— iv. Trent, 41. viii. Robertson, 18. xiv. Gordon G. & A. 82. Gourock Rope-woik 188 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Company, 72. Hall & Co., 61. Hawke, 54. Hol¬ loway, 74. Huddart, Sir J. & Co., 68. Morrison & Hum, 49. Smith, 65. Soper, 64. Spyvte & Coopers, 62. Tull, 69. xxvui. Woodhead, 191. Bahamas, Baines & Co. British Guiana , Stutchhury, 70, 126, 127. Canada , Dixon. 170. Henderson, 168. Henderson. H., 291. Ceylon. Egypt , 258, 259, 354-356, 362. Finance, Bernard, Richoux, & Genest, 61. Joly, 891. Leclere, Brothers, 576. Leduc, 1645. Louis-Blais, Son, Letellier, & Co., 315. India, iv. xiv. Netherlands, Beeftingh & Co., 27. Catz, 54. Hoogen, 26. Laiebre, 28. New South Wales, Mitchell, 5. Bussia, Cazalett, 223. Spain, 157. Martinez, 156. Switzerland, Beugger, 113. Braendiing, Brothers, 119. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Turkey. Tuscany, Ferrigini, 100. United States, Evans, 474. Van Diemen's Land, Rout, 154-158. Western Africa, M‘William. Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Felten & Guilleaume, 380. See also Bell-Ropes. String and Twine. Wire Rope. Rope (lor Paper-making)—xvn. Lamb, 147. Rope-making Machine— vi. Crawhall, 78. Rope-man(euvring Apparatus (for Ships) — France, Barbotin & Legoff, 1083. Roses, Confection of— n. Tustian, 97. Roses, Otto of— See Otto of Roses. Rose Engine Lathe— Hamburgh, Kohn, 17. Rose Engine and Tracing Machine —vi. Mordan & Co., 205. Rosin— See Resin. Rotatory Machinery (Machine for giving motion to) — ix. Nicholls, 20. Roving Frames— vi. Higgins & Sons, 14. Mason, 10. Parr & Co., 6. See also Drawing, Roving, Sgc. Frames. Roving and Spinning Ironstone Porcelain Guides— vi. Watkins, W. & T., 66. Rowlocks (Boats’)— viii. Beadon, 90. Royal Exchange (Models)— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Smith, 167. Tite, 182. Rudder Fastenings—viii. Young & Co., 92. Rudders (Ships’)— viii. Carpenter, 194. Hall, 156. xxii. Hampden, 612. Portugal, Bicalho, 1294. See also Screw-propelling Rudder. Steering-Wheels and Apparatus. Tillers, Ships’. Rugs— xvi. Bevington & Morris, 332. Essex, 326. Ince, 309. Lutge & Co., 328. xix. Beavis, 395. Bot¬ tom, 106. Brinton, 110. Burton, 117. Crossley & Sons, 142. Eustace, R. & J., 160. Fortune, 168. Harris, 192. Hill, 203. Jackson & Graham, 390 (North Transept). Lawson, 325. Pardge & Co., 263. Pickthorne, 273. Sheridan, 294. Simcox, 302. Templeton & Co., 315. xxvi. Jackson & Graham, 261. xxvui. Canley, 193. Austria, Kamner, 199. Matschuko, 201. Maurer, 200. Persia, Abbot. Portugal, Daufrias & Co., 899-904. Russia, Mahmet-veli-Ogli, 242. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Dinglinger, 175. See also Carriage Rugs. Hearth and other Rugs. Rules, Measures, &c.— x. Best, 330. Elliott & Sons, 320. Tree & Co., 324. xvn. Schlesinger & Co., 38. Austria, Begsteiger, 689. Buchberger, 690. Tober, 691. Egypt, 144. Ruling-machines— See Paper-ruling Machines. Ruyi-r-Egypt, 389. Runjeet Singh’s Diamond — xxiii. Her Majesty the Queen, 140 (Main Avenue, East). Rush— Portugal, 536, 537. Russia, Emperor of (Equestrian Statue, Bronze)— Zollverein (1), Blaeser, 310. Russian Duck— See Linen Fabrics. Rust- preventive Composition—xxii. Jones & Co., 136, 801. Rutland, Duke of, Statue of—Main Avenue, West, Davis, 56. Rye Flour— Russia, Davidoff, 332. Rye Grass— xiv. Nicol & Co. } 87. S. Sabior — Spain, Sempere, 41. Saccharometers— Austria, Brandeis, 133. Sacks and Sacking —xiv. Beale Brown, T., 77. Dun¬ dee Local Committee, 63. Garland, 84. Grimshawe & Wilkinson, 52. Morrison & Horn, 49. Nicol & Co. 87. Ramsey & Co. 85. Ceylon. Western Africa, Beecham, 12. Trotter, 5. See also Bed Sacking. Sack-Holder— ix. Coocb, 53. Sacred Harmonic Society, Exeter Hall (Model of the Orchestra)— vii. Sacred Harmonic Society, 38 (Main Avenue, West). Saddlery and Harness — v. Duffield & Co. 844. Holmes & Co. 872. XII. & xv. Gaudy, 246. xvi. Asford, W. & G. 64. Banton, C. 56. Bell, 93. Blackwell, S. & R. 78. Blowers, 272. Blythe, 90. Bower, 329. Bowmar, 87. Brace, 58. Brown & Son, 65. Byvvater, 94. Caistor, 77. Catiavan, 101. ^Charge, 277. Clark, 75. Clarkson, 102. Colegrave, 97. Coleman, 68. Cooper, 50. Cowan, 273. Cox, S. 55. Cox, T. 275. Cuff, 96. Dax, 278. Ducie, Earl, 267. Earnshaw, 107. Garnett, 69. Green, 85. Hawkins, 58. Hicks, 84. Hudson, 60. Hughes, 106. Kirkby, 111. Langdon, 89. Lennan, 61. Mackie & Son, 104. Maiben, 46. Marlow, 54. Middle- more, 67. Moriarty, 95. Musselwhite, 71. Oakley, 270. Passmore., 79. Pearl, 100. Peel, 66. Penny, 91. Pirn 59. Pollock, 279. Ramsey, 74. Rutland, 99. Saunders, 271. Shipley, 82. Skinner, 83. Stoker, 103. Swaine & Adeney, 92. Taylor, 269. Thomas, 76. Tisdale, 88. Vick, 70. Weir, 72. White, 86. Wilson & Son, 98. xxii. Duguard, W. & H. 350. Flatter, 167. Hale, 563. Marples, 218. Ward & Payne, 196. Algeria, Boulanger, 10. Si-El-Bey Ben-Bou-Ras, 50. Austria, Jellinek, 338. Loffler, 339. Weinberger, 280. Zapf, 340. Belgium, Giliay, 379. Ladoubee, 256, Lambert, 373. Van Molle, 255. Yanstraelen, 269, Brazil, Mor- nay, 3. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 189 Canada, Bell, 103. Holwell, 101. McGillan & Sulli¬ van, 105. Morris, 113. Stewart, 333a. Stewart, W. 134. Egypt, 227-231, 251, 267, 365, 370, 372, 373. France, Bencraft, 24. Liegard, 1651. Prax & Lambin, 688. Sarrac, 1471. Hamburgh, Cahen, 34, Kruger, 20. India , xvi. Jersey and Guernsey, Le Beir, 36. Scarfe, 17. Netherlands, Lafeber, 53. Portugal, Figueirado, 1121. Rome, Biancliini, 11. Russia, Agadjan, 251. Arutin, 252. Babounoff, 345. Cassim-Oussein-Cooli-Ogli, 249. Dada, 250. Gam- bartzvomoff, 257. Hassan-Ooste-Neftali-Ogli, 253. Irza-Coeli-Hadji-Cagraman-Ogli, 254. Jukoleff, Bro¬ thers, 344. Petit, 258. Raphi-Nuba-Ogli, 255. Roostam, 256. Spain, Baeches, 258 a. Tunis, 36, 42, 43, 83, 93. Turkey. Tuscany, Cern, 103. United States, Adams, 476. Baker, 498. Jennings & Claghorn, 276. Lacey & Phillips, 41. Lloyd, 78. Miles, 266. Searle, 488. Trotman, 207. Van Diemens Land, Wiseman, 133. Western Africa, Brown, 3. Zollverein (1), Lange, 739. Mueller, 201. Reinecke, 594. (2), Griess, 45. (3), Haussman, 173 b. Pappe- ritz, 173. See also Curry Combs, Saddle Rugs, Linen—xiv. Tee & Son, 37. Saddlers’ Ironmongery — xxii. Lowe, J. 8c H., 346. Safes (Wrought-Iron)— xxii. Longfield, 503. Netherlands, Pilger, 52 a. See also Fire-proof Safes. Strong Boxes and Safes. Safety Bolt — France, Boeringer & Co., 770. Safety Boxes (for collecting money)— xxii. Fisher, 508. Safety Cot — vii. Williams, 128. Safety Doors — xxii. Ridley 8c Edser, 621. Safety Pockets— xx. Freeman, 72 a. Grosjean,60. Hur¬ ley, 73. Safety Lamps —See Lamps (Safety or Davy). Safflower —iv. Long 8c Reynolds, 75. Russia, Kvaviloft’, 90. Safflower Carmine — Zollverein (1), Krimmelbein 8c Bredt, 457. Safflower Extract — Zollverein (1), Jaeger, 469. Saffron— n. Spurgin, 38. Algeria, De Lutzow, 34. Montigny, 38. China. Egypt, 100. France, Chailloux, Lepage, 8c Poclion, 1558. Russia, Ayvazoff, 91. Spain, 92. Cabello, 139. Tunis, 14. Sago—hi. St. Etienne, 138. Ceylon. India, in. Labuan, 8fc., Hammond 8c Co., 2. Sailcloth —iv. Donlan, 43. xrv. Bremner, 74 a. Dixon & Longslaff, 75. Duncan & Co., 80. Gourock Rope- work Company, 72. Harford, 71. Huddart, Sir J. Sc Co. 68. lVPLeownan & Co. 96. Moore, 67. Poole, J. & C. 46. Renny & Co., 81. Row, 45. Salmond, S3. Austria, Butschek & Graff, 281. Chiachic, 282. Belgium, Ameye-Berte, 209. Bosteels-Geerinck, 238. Haagens, 228. Van Overloop, 236. Willord, 211. Egypt, 183, 250. France , Landernau Linen Joint-Stock Company, 1019. Malo, Dickson & Co., 320. Hanover f Hansen, 5. .... Malta, Bonavia, 2. Russia, Belibin, 217. Bistrom, 215. Bruzghin, 216, Zotoff, Brothers, 218. Spain, Cartagena Royal Arsenal, 191. Castells, 190. Escudero y Gonzalez, 192. Zollverein (1), Kisker, 553. See also Canvas. Sails for Ships (Models, &c.)— vm. Addison & Co., 192. Trail, 191. Sails for open Boats, Treatise on —vm. Orr, 75. Sail-Hooks— xxii. Boulton Sc Son, 330. St. Michael and the Dragon (Colossal Group in Plaster)— France, Du Seigneur, 187 (Main Avenue, East). Sal-AmmoniIc — it. Hills, 23. Zollverein (1), Pauli, 328. (6), Oehler, 8. Sale Ornaments — China, Reeves. Saline Ashes — British Guiana, De Patron, 29a. Saline Products — France, Prat & Agard, 1682. Salinometer —x. Mudie, 683a. Salt—i. Hill, 58. Longmaid, 441. ii. Bell, 116. Cheshire, 30. m. Noak, W. & J. 118. Algeria, Bedel, 5. Austria, Gallicia Imperial Salt Works, 17. India, 1. Portugal, De Samora, Baron, 43-49. Russia, Barnavulsk Imperial Works, 4. St.Helena, Agricultural Society of St. Helena. Spain, Arana Salt Works, 36. Maisterra, 43. Tunis, 165. Tuscany, Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. Van Diemen's Land, Strahan, 17. Zollverein (1), Artern Royal Salt Works, 681. Duerren- herg Royal Saltery, 856. Prussian Chemical Manu¬ factory, 683. Prussian Salt, Works, 445. Schoenebeck Royal Salt Works, 834. (6), Salshausen Salt & Lignite Works, 3. Theodorshalle Salt Works, 5. Salt, Chemical Preparations of — Zollverein (1), Prussian Chemical Manufactory, 683. Salt Water Distillation — France, Leroux-Mainguet, 447. See also Sea-Water Regenerators. Saltpetre —n. Richardson, Brothers, & Co. 19. Egypt, 13. India, i. & n. Tunis, 46. Turkey. Sandals — Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Sands for Castings —i. Collinson, 75. Moore, 40S. Wansdesforde, 111. Wilson, Sir T. M., 49. Sands for Glass-making —i. 127a. Claxton, 73. Lee, 125. Morrison, 77. Phippard, 113. Smedlev, 124. Squire, J. & W. 74. » United States, Gray & Co., 405. Sands (various)—I. Fahie, 30. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 88, 163. Howard, 29. Long, 78. Relf, 7G. Rock, 50. Rouse & Whitley, 79. Sweetman, 40. Whittaker, 53. II. Austin, 114. British Guiana, Bee, 5. Duggin, 3 & 4. Pollard, 1 & 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 23, Sandstone —i. Bewick, 423. Freeman, 172. Jennings, 194. Sparks,154. Walsh (Executors of), 283. Taylor, 201. Canada, Boudoin & Lebere, 15. Ferrier, 5. Logan 1. New Zealand, 39. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 16, 21, 22. Zollverein (1), Koenig, 323. Sandstone Carving —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Montefiore, SirM. B„ 161. Sardines — Algeria, Verrier, 57. France, Caillo 8c Prin, 100. Camus, 789. 190 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Boman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Sarsaparilla and its Preparations —h. Bell, 116* Hattersley, 110. Keating, 102. Portugal , 516. Trinidad , Lord Harris. United States , Andrews, 540. Howe, 497. Sarsenet—xiii. Clark, 20. Sardinia, Annecy & Pont, 34. Sashes and Sash-Frames— See Windows, 8fc. Sash-Fasteners— See Window Fastenings. Sash-Lines— xiv. Wall, E. & T., 70. xxii. Kuper, 32. xxyi. Austin, 391. Sash and Roof Bar-cutting Machines— v. Coalbrook Dale Company, 641. vi. Birch, 406. Satins—xiii. Campbell & Co., 31. Carter & Co., 30. Robinson, J. & R. & Co., 5. Robinson, J. & W. & Co. 24. Austria, Blaha & Rosenberger,25l. Mayer, Brothers, 266. Belgium, D’Hont, 206. China, Baring, Brothers. Lindsay. France, Bacot& Son, 1062. Barrallon & Brossard, 16. Bonnet & Co., 1097. Bouchard, 1103. Gindre, 1247. Heckel & Co., 870. Joly, 892. Kunzer, 883. Pin- Bayard, 682. Randoing, 973. Portugal, Barboza, 959. Carmiers, 926. Joirge, 928-932. Pimentel, 927. Russia, Zalaghin, 209. Sardinia, C'nichizola & Co., 39. Molinari, 43. Switzerland, Bischoff, 157. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Hermes & Wolffers, 520. Jacobs & Bering, 524. Kaibel, 525. Krahaus & Kauertz, 527. Kupfer & Steinhauser, 528. Peltzer, 518. Schildknecht, 131. (3), Behr h Schubert, 50. Kaufmann &Co., 114. Shroeer, 120. Zschille & Co. 119. See also Silk Fabrics. Satin-de-laine— Belgium, Pirenne & Duesberg, 199. Piron, 200. Zollverein (1), Siegfried & Waldthausen, 862. Satinette—xiii. Le Mare & Sons, 21. Canada, M‘Kay & Co. 144. Satinwood —See Woods. Sauces—xxyi. Blott, 18. xxix. Cocks, E., 286. Cocks & Co., 317. Easterling, 282. Harvey, 169. Nicholls, 164. Payne, 29. See also Pickles and Preserves. Sausage Choppers — yi. Perry, 501. Sawing (Specimens of)— xxviii. Sandy & Powell, 112. Turnbull, 98. Sawing-Bench (Models, &c.)— yi. Barker, 417. Sawing-machines— vi. Barker, 417. Prosser &7Ha y, “45b. *— — - United States, Tuckerman, 117. Wright, 77. Saw-mills Machinery —United States, Hotchkiss, 94. Saws (various)— xxi. Buck, 18. Hill, 47. Weatherly, 1.* xxii. Atkin & Son, 365, Carr & Riley, 108. Cocker & Son, 115. Hall, 172. Ibbotson, R., 209. Ibbotson & Co. 191. Peace, 233. Slack & Co. 208. Spear & Jackson, 113. Tasker, 205. Taylor, Brothers, 211. Turner & Co. 117. Austria, Brunner, 574. Hamburgh, Hunten, 44. India , 1 . Zollverein (1), Bleckmann, 623. Brand, 620. Felde, 625. Post, 615. Schon, 402. Ullrich, 403. Saws, Machine for setting the Teeth of — yi. Vaughan, 242. Saxe Cobourg Gotha ; Tableau representing Fete held at Castle Florence —Zollverein (1), 804. Scaffolding for Building Purposes (Model of)—vn. Nicholson, 40. Scagliola —See Marble , Artificial. Scagliola (Works in)— xxyii. Dolan, 45, Scales and Weights —See Weights and Measures. Scarfs —See Shawls. Scarifiers (for Agricultural Purposes)— yi. Beart, 301. IX. Beart, 34. Carson, 110. Coleman, 216. Hill & Co., 140. Ransomes & May, 124. Smith & Son, 234. Thompson, 105. Wedlake & Co., 127. Scent-Bottles — viii. King, 281. Scent Fountains—xxix. RimmeT, 3. Austria, Farina, 748. Scented Waters — Tunis, 53-57. See also Perfumes and Perfumery. Schools, Models for the Use of — xxix. Cowper, 245. School Desks —United States, Shattuck, 412. School Stationery— xvn. Hey wood, 83. Shean, 177. Tart, 185. xxix. Dutton & Co., 287. New South Wales, Mitchell, 5. See also Instruction Tables . Scientific Instruments — France, Froment, 1609. Zollverein (1), Liittig, 81. See also Chemical and Philo¬ sophical Apparatus. Mathematical Instruments. Phi¬ losophical Instruments. Scissors —xxi. Beach, 48. xxii. Cousins & Sons, 165. Gibbins & Sons, 194. Higginbotham, G. & W., 188. Nevvbold & Owen, 133. Unwin, 178. White- ley, 126. Wilkinson, T. & G., 175. Austria, Kaltenmark, 520. Mitter, 530. Rosier, 552. Stierl, 558. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. Portugal, Da Silva Cerqueira, 634. Tunis, 137. Turkey. United States, Heinizch, 168. Zollverein (1), Berg, Brothers, 873. Bleckmann, 623. Gerresheim & Neef, 872. Plumacher, 618. Post & Sons, 616. Woeste & Co., 654. See also Cutlery. Shears. Scotch Articles, in vifood (painted, &c.) — xxviii. M‘Rae & Co. 106. xxix. Smith, W. & A., 205, 280. Scott’s, Sir Walter, Monument, Edinburgh (Model) —x. Evans, 106. Scouring-Powders — iv. Classon, 22. See also Bleach¬ ing-Powders. Scrap-books — xvii. Cross, 88. Rock & Co., 108. Scraper (Shoe)— xxii. Averne, 303. Screens (of various kinds)—xxvi. Arthur, 303. Bifield, 534. Gore, 144. Hall, 63. Innes, E. & S., 91. Rose, 28. Sewell, 340. Turley, 138, xxx. (Fine Art Court) Earle, 49. China, Copland. Hewett & Co. Sichart & Co. Twi¬ ning. Hamburgh, Albrecht, 59. Switzerland, Hallmeyer-Appenzeller, 246. Screening-machine— ix. Smith, 4a. Screw and Bed Wrenches —See Wrenches. Screw Friction Clutch— v. Ashby, 202. Scre,w Jack Loading-machine — France, Mars, 919. Screw Lifting-Jacks—v. Collinge & Co., 482. vi. Williams, 234. See also Lifting Jacks. Screw Moorings —v. Wilson & Co., 526. Screws, Perforated Flexible (Fcv hanging Pictures) —XXVI. Barker, 147. Screw Propellers (Models, &c.)—v. Hodgson, 143. Keasley, 140. Maudslay, Sons, & Field, 38. Powell, 2. Smith r 3. viii. Admiralty, 145. Carpenter, 194. Inglefield, 99. New South Wales, Mitchell, 5. See also Ship Pro¬ pellers. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating tlieir Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 191 Screw Propelling Rudder — tiii. Lyons, 86. Screws and Nuts—yi. Schiele, 402. xxii. Hall, 172. Hawkins, 318. Heim & Bradley, 316. Patent Pointed Screw Company, 649. Russia, Zeitler, 343. Zollverein (1), Altenloh, Brinks, & Co., 642. Marmes- mann, 617. Ullenberg & Schintzler, 355. (3), Rech- steiner, 28. Screw Steam-vessels (Models, &c.)— tiii. Buckland, 308. Campbell, 147. Mason, 81. Screw Stocks, Taps, &c.— yi. Muir, 206. Whitworth & Co., 201. Screw Winch (for Ships’ Rigging, &c.)— tiii. Chapman, 121 . Screwing-machines —-vi. Glasgow, 219. Whitworth & Co., 201. Sculpture— South Transept.—8, 12, 13. Enzel, 15. Baily, 6, 7. Hancock, 25. Lough, 1-5,11. Maedowell, 16, 22, 23, 24. Rauch, 10. Stephens, 9. Weekes, 18, 20, 21. Woodington, 17. North Transept.—Adams, 43. Brucciani, 36. Earle, 30, 44, 45. Foley, 47. Forrest, 33. Hollins. 32. Legrew, 34, 42. Leifchild, 37. McCarthy, 38. Physick, 31. Richardson, 41. Sibson, 35. Stephens, 29. Wood, 39. Main Avenue, West.—Behnes, 57. Davis, 51, 59. El- kington & Co., 92. Lough, 84. Panormo, 89. Tho¬ mas, 67, 82. Main Avenue, East.—Berlin Museum. Leyland, 103. Marshall, 99. Miller, 98 a. Wyatt, 193. i. Gowans, 132. xxvi. Minter & Co., 155. xxvii. Plows, 34. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Abbott, 53, Barker, 131. Batsford, 262. Beauclerc, 156. Burnard, 302. Cox, 283. Davis, 65. Evans, 202. Franchi, 190. Gar- die, 261. Kaulbach, 316. Norchi, 309. Papera, 17. Pidgley, 225. Watkins, 187. Worrall, 196. Wright, 203. xxx. (Sculpture Court), 28, 55, 85. Adams, 37, 62. Beauclerc, 51, 63. Behnes, 54, 77. Bell, 24, 71, 72. ; Brown, 1. Campbell, 23. Carew, 9, 10,11, 53. Du¬ rant, 5, 78. Durham, 75, 76. Earle, 16, 21, 82. Farrell, J., 52. Farrell, T. 18. Foley, 4, 19, 70. Francis, 33. Franks, 60. Hogan, 14. Jennings, 81. Jennings, B., 6. Jones, 40,45, 84. Kirk, 2. Legrew, 8. McDonnell, 30. McDowell, 61. Manning, 57. Marshall, 15. Miller, 50. Miller, F. M., 17. Munro, 41. Nelson, 35. Pap- worth, 27. Physick, 47, 69. Ritchie, 29. Sharpe, 20, 26. Smith, 44, 83. Stephens, 36. Taylor, 42. Theed, 13, 59, 79. Thomas, J., 12. Thomas, J. E., 7. Thrupp, 56, 58. Thruppe, E., 39. Wyon, 86. Yar¬ borough, Earl of, 80. Austria, Cacciatori, 706. Cesari, 731. Cocchi, 707. Crofif, 708. Dal Negro, 719. Emanueli, 709. Frac- caroli, 710 (Main Avenue, East). Galli, 711. Gandolfi, 712 (Main Avenue, East). Kaehszmann, 704. Magni, 714. Manfredini, 715. Marchesi, 716. Max, 705. Micotti, 1717. Monti, 746 (Main Avenue, East). Motelli, 718, 728. Pierotti, 720 (Main Avenue, East). Puttinali, 721. Sangiorgio, 722. Somagni, 723. Strazza, 713. Belgium, De Cuyp'er, 455 (Main Avenue, East). Fraikin, 465 (Main Avenue, East). Geefs, 466, 466 a (Main Avenue, East). Jacquet, 463 (Main Avenue, East). Jehotte, 463 (Main Avenue, East). Marchand, 460. Simdnis, 464 (Main Avenue, East). Tuerlinkx, 456 (Main Avenue, East). Van Linden, 512. Denmark, Bissen, 38 (Main Avenue, East). Jerichau, 39 (Main Avenue, East). jFra? 2 ce,Dagand, 811. De Bay, 45 (Main Avenue, East). Du Seigneur, 187 (Main Avenue, East). Etex, 1215 (Main Avenue, East). Famin, 833. Farochon, 834. Leche-Lemaire, 586 (Main Avenue, East). Lequesne, (Main Avenue, East). Michel, 1660. Pradier, 1407. Ramus, 1419. Seguin, 1693. Susse, Brothers, 1023. Hamburgh, Kleft, 94. Schiller, 95. Netherlands, Versnel, 105. Rome, Cassin, 32b. (Groups by Benzoni) Leyland, 16 (Main Avenue, East). Gott, 28. Macdonald, 18. Rinaldi, 29 (Main Avenue, East). Sardinia, Frumento, 92. Spain, Ricnaime, 293. Sweden and Norway, Hillmann, 31. Tuscany, Dupre, 105. Freccia, 110. Giovannini, 97. Nencini, 108. Villa, 107. United States, Grant, 522. Powers, 522, 548 (Main Avenue, East). Remers, 254. Stephenson, P., 467 (Main Avenue, East). Stephenson, R., 548 (Main Avenue, East). Zollverein (1), Bianconi, 295. Bonge, 222. Cauer, 431 (Main Avenue, East), Dietrich, 297. Drake, 273 (Main Avenue, East). Kalide, 285. Wessely, 849. Wolff, 307. (2\ Helbig, 87. Leeb, 89. Miller, 90. (3), Rietschel, 'l85. (4), Von Hofer, 105 (Main Avenue, East). Wagner,108. (5), Vanni, 31. See also Alto-Relievos. Bas-Reliefs. Bronzes. Plaster Casts. Sculpture Engraving (Specimens)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Chabot., 239. Sculpture by Mechanical Processes—xxviii. Shaw, 164. France, Barbadienne &Co., 1709. Scuttles (Ships’)— vii. Hurwood, 31. tiii. Gregory, 69. Hopwood & Co., 68. xxiv. Lockhead, 23. Scythes —ix. Fussel & Co., 197a. Boyd, 199. xxi. Tomlin & Co., 38. xxii. Eyre & Co., 203. Garfitt & Son, 219. Hutton & Newton, 215. Keep & Watkin, 76. Slagg, 158. Staniforth, 214. Waldron & Sons, 185. Wood, Brothers, 75. Austria, Dietrich, Baron, 439. Gatt, 440. Graber, 441. Grauss, 442. Hierzenberger, 443. Ofiner, Brothers, 444. Pammer, 445. Penz., J., 446. Penz, T., 447. Weinmeister, G., 448. Weinmeister, J.. 449. Zeit- linger, J., 450. Zeitlinger, J. A., 451. Zimmer¬ man, 452. France, Talabot & Co., 1027. Russia, Imperial Artinsk Works, 167. United States, Hitchcock, 376. North Wayne Scythe Company, 323. Zollverein, Post, 615. (4) Haueisen & Son, 58. Scythes, Iron and Steel welded for — xxii. Hutton, 166. Scythe-Stones —ix. Seal, 262. Sea Walls, Apparatus for building, in deep water (Model) —Vii. Bremner, 95. Sea-Water Regenerator— v. Fell, 438. See also Salt- ' T Voter Distillation. Sea-Weed, with its “Preparations— n. Bullock & Co., 37. Watt, 32. xvii. Ackerman & Co., 1. 192 alphabetical and classified list of articles British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Sealing-wax— iv. Morrell, 58. Rea, 116. xvii. Cooke & Sons, 73. Hyde & Co., 21. Waterston, 93. Belgium, Zegelaer, 280. India, xvii. Portugal, Lassa, 1151. Zollverein (2), Kohn, 49. Sea-Snails— Ceylon. Seals and Dies— xxn. Biddle, 297. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Kitchener, 289. Rundell, 279. India, xx IX. Seals, Impressions from— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Long¬ man, 288. Wyon, 2S7. Seed Dibbling and Sowing Machines —ix. Dufour & Co., 124a. Eaton, 22. Guest, 3. Haywood, 14. Hensman & Co., 149. Holmes & Sons, 241. Hunter, W. &J., 119. Johnson, 257a. Lampift, 130. Mar¬ shall, 35. Newberry, 57. Nicholls, 20. Pad wick, 215. Ransomes & May, 124. Revis, 21a. Sheriff, 74. Watt, 63. West, 246. Windsor, 25. France , Crespel-Delisse, 465. See also Brill-Grubbers. Drill Ploughs for Green Crops. Drills. Seed Presses— See Grinding and Crushing Mills. Seeds (Agricultural, Horticultural, and other) — n. The London Druggists, 117. hi. Gibbs & Co., 104. Ill¬ ingworth, 115. McKillican, 114. Barbadoes. British Guiana, Duggin, 54, $6, 57 , 64, 119. Hughes, 74a, 74b. Mauget, 68, 121. Netscher, 19. Shier, 55, 58, 67, 122. Stutchbury, 63, 65, 66. Canada, Fisher, 59. McGinn, 61. Jeffries, 62. Shep¬ herd, 63. Ubardeau, 60. Egypt, 51, 67, 72, 74, 76, 78, 81, 109, 110, 122,123. Malta, Pul is, 4. New Brunswick. Russia, Felkersam, Baron, 82. Mikirticheff, 73. Tres- cotf, 74. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 106, 110. Turkey. United States, Bell, 103. Zollverein (1), Verein, 790. (6), Appel, 15. Seeds (Mode of preparing for sowing)—ix. Keene, 193. Selby Railway Bridge (Model)— vn. Walker & Btir- gess, 224 (Main Avenue, West). Self-Calculator— x. Sang, 338. Self-motive Mechanism— France, Bourdaloue, 67. Senna — Egypt, 25, India, 11 . Sepulchral Monuments— Main Avenue, West, Cundy, 60. xxvii. Baker, 54. Brown, 52. See also Tombs. Serapiiines— x. Snell, 528. Serge—xii. & xv. Clarke, 432. Craven & Harrop, 153. Fox, Brothers, & Co. 7. xm. Brocklehurst & Sons, 38. Davidson & Co., 47. Serpentcleides— x. Jordan, 523. Serpentine Stone— Western end, South Enclosure (out¬ side), Organ, 1. Penzance Serpentine Company, 26, ^ Canada, Logan, 1. Wilson, 2. France , Colin, 1564. India, 1 . Spain, Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Malaga Mines, Inspector of, 19. Turkey. Serpentine Stone Articles—xxvii. Organ, 85. Serving Mallets— United States, Batty, 351. Setons, Cotton for— x. Morton, 678a. Sevres China, Portraits of Her Majesty and H.R.H. Prince Albert on, after Portraits by Winterhalter—Main Avenue, East, 96, 97. Sewage of London, Model for Removing— v. Stotherf, 403a. Sewage of Towns, Application of, to Agricultural Pur¬ poses— vii. Martin, 25. Various inventions in con¬ nexion with— vii. Legras, 93. Sewer Traps —v. Jackson, 682. vn. Lowe & Co. 62. Martin,25. Pratt, 16. Wilson & Woodfin, 195. xxn. Dulev, 89. Thompson, 705. See also Effluvia Traps. Sewing Cotton —xi. Clark, 32. Evans & Co., 33. Hay- thorn, 25. Harris, 29. Marsland & Co. 63. Raworth & Co. 30. xxix. Dan barn, 228. Sewing-machines— vi. Barlow, 41. Judkins, 52. Ma¬ ther, 16. France, Magnin, 1654. United States, Bacon, 465. Blodget, 551. See also Hemming Machines ., Sewing and other Thread — xiv. Bridport Local Com¬ mittee, 73. Finlayson'& Co., 48. Harris & Sons, 76. Holdsworth & Co., 53. Titley & Co., 51. Austria, Hielten, Sons of the late Elias, 275. Tauber, 276. Belgium, Berthelot & Boute, 216. Catteaux, Brothers, 244. Cooreman, 212. Cumont, 235. Debrabaudere, 218. Demeulenacre, 223. Eliaert, 234. Ghent Liniere Company, 230. Idiers, 287. Pyn & Van Pelt, 210. Scheppers, 497. France, Cherot & Co., 88. Dautremer & Co., 137. De- lage-Montignac, 141. Fauquet Lemaitre, 201. Franc & Son, and Martelin, 1233. Langevin & Co., 898. Legrand, 1313. Pesel & Menuet, 678. Polliart & Carpentier, 686. Roger, Brothers, & Co., 1449. Schwartz, Trapp, & Co., 1004. Scrive, Brothers, 1007. Verstraete, Brothers, 723. Malta, Pulis, 4. Oldenburg, Sharnhorst, 3. Portugal, 1167. Da Costa Romao, 1168. De Ficalho, Marquis, 535. Lisbon Weaving Company, 725, 726. Loureive, 716-720. Spain, Alcala & Son, 213. Ferrer & Co., 206. Martinez, 156. Monfort, 208. Sweden and Norway, 22. Johnsdotter, 33. Switzerland, Ivunz, 128. Miesc’ner & Co., 167. Tunis, 87. Turkey. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Felten & Guilleaume, 380. Mevissen, 557. (3), Mattoch, 43. Trinius & Sons, 45. Sextants, Quadrants, &c. — vm. Soulby, 110. x. Bar¬ rett, 349. Crichton, 452. Dixey, 271. Heath, 351. Somalvico & Co., 681 a. Taylor, 350. Watkins & Hill, 659. Shade (undescribed)— xxvi. Hopkins & Son, 154. Shakspeare, Unfinished Statue of— Main Avenue, West, Bell, 83. Bust of, xxx. (Fine Art Court), Wilbred, 291. Shakspeare’ s House (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Powell, 148. Shakspeare Jubilee — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Aldred, 235. Shale (or Schist)— 1 . Bituminous Shale Company, 221. Cow per, 61. 11 . Spence, 7. Shawl-Boxes— xxvm. Rousseau, 116. Shawl Cloaks —xx. Holmes & Co., 84. Shawl Dresses (Wool and Cotton)—xn. & xv. Rainey, Knock, & Co., 198. Shawls (various Fabrics)—vi. Ball & Co. 90. Jackson, 1. xii. and xv. Abercrombie & Yuill, 292. Albert, H.R.H. Prince, 500 (Main Avenue, West). Archi¬ bald, J. & R., 461. Archbald & Sons, 465. Barber & Co. 19. Baumann & Wunch, 206. Blakely, 285. Brunton & Co. 230. Brunton & Nesbit, 462. Burgess, 289. Campbell & Co. 201, Clabburn & Son, 284. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 193 British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Clark & Co. 293. Cross, 202. Dick & Sous, 295. Forbes & Hutchison, ‘291. Fyfe & Co. 197. Gibson & Co. 464. Holmes & Co., 280. Holms, Brothers, 288. Jackson & Banks, 278. Kay & Co. 186. Keith & Co., 279. Kerr, 300. Kerr & Scott, ‘275. Lawson & Co., 294. Lewis & Allenby, 276. Littler, 282. Morgan & Co. 299. Norton, 126. Oddy, 121. Paton, J. & D., 466. Robertson, J. & J., 301. Rowat, R. T. & J., 302. Roxburgh, J. & A., 296. Sampson, 215. Schwann, 115. Smith & Sons, 235. Swaisland, 283. Towler, Campin &Co. 286. Watson, J. & A., 477. Webber & Hairs, 277. Whitehill & Co. 287. Wilson, 138. Wingate, Son & Co. 200. xm. Smith, 51. xviii. McNair & Brand, 50. Monteith & Co., 49, 53. xix. Ball & Co., 19. Patent Utrecht Company, 265. Shuldam, 298. xx. Haywood, 148. Holmes & Co. 84. Macdougall, 83. Oddy, 121. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Austria, Berger, 309. Bossi, 239, 386. Brotzmann, 310. Haydter, 311. Kubo & Son, 312. Laporta, 387. Martinek, 313. Mogel, 314. Ramede, 300. Rein¬ hold, 315. Riss, 316. Schindl, 318. Schmitt (Heirs of) & Co. 238. Span raft, 273. Wenzel, 319. Zjcisel & Blum el, 320. Belgium, Dietens, 288. Paquet, 335. Stocquart, Bro¬ thers, 307. China, Hewett & Co. France, Aubry, Brothers, 1544. Berrus, Brothers, 55. Bertrand, Gayet & Dumontal, 1085. Bietry & Son, 356. Bonfils, Michel, Souvraz & Co. 1094. Cham- bellan & Co. 1140. Chinard, 89. Chocqueel, F., 1148. Chocqueel, L., 90. Damiron & Co. 1167. Delamoriniere, Gonin & Michelet, 1583. Denei- rouse, Glavv & Co. 1182. Duche, 1592. Fourquemin & Godet, 1604. Gaussen & Co. 1241, 1243. Gode- froy, 1252. Grillet & Co. 1259. Herbert & Son, 1621. Lion, Brothers & Co. 1327. Pin-Bayard, 682. lle- peyre, 983. Reynier, Cousins, 353, 1435. Roche & Dime, 990. Thevenet, Raffin & Roux, 1500. Troc- con, 1511. Zadig, 1535. Greece, John, 58. Hamburgh, Windmtiller, 29. India, xn. xv. Ionian Islands, FitzRoy, Lord C., 4. Seaton, Lord, 5. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal, Da Luz, 761-769. Da Silva, 955. Daufrias, 866-881. Lafourie & Co. 814-839. Lisbon Company, 707-712. Moreira, 956, Preira, 713, 714. Pussia, Bondarevsky, &c., 358. A Cossack’s Wife, 282. Lafont, 270, 277. Merlin, A. & V., 281. Prokhoroff, Brothers, 349. Rochefort, 176, 191, 199, 208. I Switzerland, Anderegg, 111. Baenziger, 112. Cuendet, 159. Mettler & Son, 197. Mueller, 160. Tanner & Koller, 206. Tunis, 7, 9, 10, 80. Turkey. United States, Lawrence, Stone, & Co. 464. Van Diemen's Band, Queen’s Orphan Schools, 142. Western Africa, Faddy, 20. Zollverein (1), Bauch, F. T., 728. Bauch, J. F., 793. Bockmuehl, 586. Cohn & Co. 137. Engelmann & Son, 571. Haarhaus, 567. Kein, 578. Luehdorff & Co. 584. Marx & Weigert, 113. Meixel, 396. Meyer & Engelmann, 582. Opdenhoff & Hartung, 134. Pluecker, 568. Rurmann & Meckel, 580. Schild- knecht, 131. Simons, 514. Weigert & Co. 115. (2), Gebhart, Brothers, 42. Steinhaeuser, 44. (3), Facilides & Co. 95. Koester & Uhlmann, 70. Sey- ferth & Co. 106. Stoelzel & Son, 66. Shawls (Designs for)— xviii. Hudson, 66. France, Carnet, 105. Hartweck, 867. Herault, 872. Mathieu, 1351. Shearing-machines — vi. Whitworth & Co. 201. ix. Taylor, 139. Belgium, Troupin, 128. France, Schneider & Legrand, 1001. Zollverein (1), Thomas, 57. Shears (various)—xxi. Tomlin & Co. 38. xxn. Hunter, 228. Jowett, 170. Linley, 231. Machon, 168. Matkin, 210. Shearer, 127. Steer & Webster, 124. Wilkinson & Son, 122. Wilkinson, T. & G. 175. United States, Heinizch, 168. Zollverein (1), Blackmann. 623. See also Scissors. Sheathing Metal and Ships’ Fastenings — vm. Muntz, 101. xn. & xv. Wilkinson, 51. Sheep-Crib— ix. Eaton, 22. Sheep-dipping Apparatus— ix. Bigg, 65. Rome, 152. Sheep-washing Apparatus— ix. Fyfe, 41 a. Sheet Glass— xxiv. Hartley & Co., 100. See also Plate Glass. Sheeting— See Linen Sheeting. Sheets for Cotton Carding— Switzerland, Schelling, 62. Sheffield Ware— See Plated Ware. Shell Marl— Canada, Boston, 25. De Lesderniers, 24. Kelly, 22. Yeomens, 23. Shells & Shell-work— Bahamas , Gregory, Governor. Greig. Nicolle. China, Thoms. France, Hostin, 265. India, xxvm. Jersey and Guernsey, Dobree, 30. Hutchinson, 31. Valpy, 40. Labuan, Sgc. Hammond & Co. 2. Mauritius, Balkfield & Co. 5. Pome, Deas, 49. Sardinia, Rondelli, 90. Van Diemen’s Land, M‘Naughten, 194. Shell Propeller— United States, Treese, 169. Shield, Presented by the King of Prussia to the Prince of Wales—Main Avenue, East, H.R.H. Prince Albeit, 98. Casts taken from the Shield, Zollverein ( l), Krause, 278. Shipping, Models of— See Nautical Models. Ship-Propellers— vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. Corryton, 82. Kincaid, 89. ix. Starkey, 43. See also Screw Propellers. Ships’ Cabin Tables— vm. King, 19. Ladd, 80. Austria, Reitch, 638. Ships’ Cabin Window Apparatus— xxn. Gray, 518. Ship's Deck, Section of—vm. Mason, 81. Ships (Apparatus for preventing Ships from Logging)—vm. Spenceley, 117. Ships’ Cabin Furniture— xxvi. Taylor & Son, 9. Ships’ Cargoes, Machine for Discharging— v. Novi)], 450. Ship Fastenings— vm. Husband, 151. Ships’ Lanterns. See Lamps and Lanterns, Spc. Ships’ Pumps— See Pumps, Ships'. Ship Screws—vii. Peile & Co., 77. Ship-Scrubbers— vm. Murray, 38. Ship’s Stove— xxn. Harvey, 440. Ship Sheathing, Felt—vii. Croggon & Co., 110. Ship Trenails— v. Ransomes & May, 640. Ship Ventilators— United States, Emerson, 433. Ships’ Yards— Jersey and Guernsey, Marquard, 42. 194 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Shipwreck, Apparatus for Saving Life in Case of— vii. Bain, 197. vni. Carte, 29. Greener, 59. Holtum, 20. Jerningham, 21. Mariners’Friend Society, 310. Offord, 25. Offord & Bradbeer, 26. Parsey, 88. Jersey and Guernsey, Chevalier, 6. See also Life-Belts. Life-Boats. Shipwrights’ Tools— See Tools, Shipwrights'. Shirtings— xi. Cross, 41. Horrockses, Miller & Co., 60. Pearson & Co., 21. Shirts— See Ready-made Linen. Shoemakers’ Awls and other Tools — xxii. Baker, 559. Timmins & Sons, 312. Austria, Bachner, 565. Buchberger, 479. Derfler, 480. Diltsch, 481. Grossaver, A., 567. Grossaver, F., 568. Kettenhuber, 483. Kolm, 484. Molterer, C., 486, 487. Molterer, G., 488. Molterer, M., 490. Molterer, V., 491. Northhaft, 492. Shoe-making Machine— France, Dumerey, 487. Shoe-Pegs — xxviii. Jones, 122. United States, Bretts, 211. Thayer, 422. Shoes. See Boots and Shoes. Shoe-Socks— xvi. Clark, C. & J. 48. Shoe-Stuffs — Zollverein (1), Kretschmann, 738. Macht, 730. Shoe-Tips and Heels — Austria, Mitterberger, 467. Shop Blinds, Rotatory —xxvi. Lucas, 397. See also Shutters, Iron Safety. Shop Fittings— Austria , Batka, 629. ShopFronts (Models)— vii. Harris, 74. McLean, 72. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Beecham, 332. Shop Letters —xxix. Miers, 85. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Thompson, 343. See also Brass Lettering on Glass. Glass Letters. Metallic Letters. Porcelain Letters. Wooden Letters. Shop-Shutter Shoe—xxii. Jennings, 810. Shot Belts, Pouches, &c. —xvi. Jones, 30. Middle- more, 67. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. See also Powder 8f Shot Flasks. Shot and Bullets—i. Royal Dublin Society of Ireland, 508. Austria, Diez, 33. Portugal, Da Silva, 991-1014. Russia, Barantchinsk Imperial Iron Works, 158. Koush- vinsk Imperial Cast-Iron Works, 157. Shot Tower (Model)— vii. Shield, 79. Shovels, Railway —v. Thornton & Sons, 490. Shower-Baths— See Baths. Shumac— iv. Kitchin, 126 a. Shutters (for Shops & Private Houses)— vii. Askew, 48. Holland, 132. France, Hoen, 264. Shutters, Iron Safety— vii. Bunnett & Co. 152. Horn, 67. Quincey, 146. Side-Arms— France, Coulaux & Co. 129. Sideboards —xxm. Sheffield School of Design, 39. xxvi. Bland 112. Caldecott, Messrs., 206. Gillow & Co., 186. Hindley & Co., 266. Hoyles, 345. Hunter, W. J. R. & E., 202. Jackson & Graham, 261. Le- vien,’ 203. Palmer, 59. Poole & Macgillivray, 204. Rive’tt & Sons, 153. Ross, 107. See also Furniture. Sieves— vi. Saddington, S. & W., 609. Egypt, 156-161. Tunis, 86, 87. Trinidad, Lord Harris. 0 Van Diemen's Land, Symonds, 243-245. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Sieve-bottoms — Austria, Benedig, 356. Globotsching, 357. Locker, 358. Sieve-Hoops — France, Peyron, 955, 1387. Sifting-machine, Archimedean —ix. Service, 122a. Sign-Boards — France, Remond, 977. Signals (undescribed) — vii. Rettie, 159. See also Lamps, Marine Signal. Signals, Fog. See Fog Signals. Signals, Hand—xxii. Squire, 451. Signals, Marine—viii. Dempster, 174. Signals, Railway —See Railway Signals. Signals, Steam-Boat—v. Tidmarsh, 707. Silk, Raw — iv. Dodge, 32. Doxat & Co., 35. Durant,; 31. Jaquemot, 37. XIII. Had wen & Sons, 42. xix. Simpson, 67. Austria, Canossa, 86. Ouerim, 84. Pare, 85. Ron- chetti, 82. Rossi, 88. Scheibler & Co., 80. Steiner & Sons, 87. Verza, Brothers, 87a. British Guiana, 76a. China, Hammond & Co. France, Chambon, 113. Champanhet-Sargeas, 114. India, tv. xiii. Ionian Islands, Seaton, Lord. Jersey and Guernsey, Martin, 26. Malta, Pul is, 4. Mauritius, Dupont, 2. South Australia, Murray. Grey, Earl. Turkey. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Silk Down —xxvi. Herring, 379. Silk Fabrics (Various)— iv. Hands & Leavesley, o4. Howe & Co. 36. vi. Ball & Co. 90. xii. & xv. Behrens, 180. Dalby, 152. Macfarlane, 297. Shul- tleworth, & Co., 489. Whitehill & Co., 2e>7. xiii. Adshead & Co., 39. Boyd, 13. Brocklehuist Sons, 38. Brooks, 26. Browett, W. & K., 801 Burke, 57. Clarke, 20. Critchley & Co. 40. Cross, 1 32. Davidson & Co. 47. Dear, 37. Graham & Sons, 17. Grout & Co. 36. Hadwen & Sons, Harrop & Co. 62. Hill & Co. 25. Howell & Co. 27. Keith s & Co., 1 (and Main Avenue, West). Lewis & Allenby, 16. Marshall & Snelgrove, 33. Pugh, 2. Robinson J. & R. & Co. 5. Robinson, J. & W. & 18*. 24. Sanderson & Reid, 3. Seamer, 15. Sewell & Co. | 19. Soper, 29. Stone & Kemp, 18. Swan & Edgar, 11. Towler, Campin & Co., 286. Vanuer & Son, 4, 28. Wardle & Co., 41. Weston & Son, 46. Wink- worth & Procters, 65. xviii. Evans & Co., 1. Joul dain, 61. Le Lievre, 60. Reynolds & Son, 63. Swan & Edgar, 9. xix. Bennock & Co., 394. Mackellar & Hampson, 23!. Perry, 268. XX. Carver & Gilbert, 98. Rawlings, 188. . Algeria, Delegate of Algiers, 58. Casteiran, 15. Chub fart, 17. Hardy, 28. Morin, 39. Austria, Backhausen, C. & J. 249. Bader, Brothers, 250. Buo-atti, 252. Dorfleuthner, 253. Flemmich, 2541 Fries & Zeppezaner, 255. Giam, 257. Gratz Silk¬ worm-Breeding Association, 73. Gruber & Kuzinger, 258. Haas & Sons, 259. Hell, 260. Herzig & Son. 261. Herzog, 76. Holier, Hermann & Co., 76a. Hornbostel & Co., 262. Lorenz, 75. Mattiuzzi, 77. Mestrozi, 267. Pappafava, 79. Radulovrts, Brothers, 74 Reichert. 268. Ronchetti, 82. Rossi, 85. Saizer, 245. Scheibler & Co., 80. Schopper, 2/U Scola, 72. Secchi, 81. Senigaglia & Carmiuati, 78, Sigmund, 272. Steiner & Sons, 87. Verza, Brothers, 87a. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 195 Belgium, Deconinck, 112. De Mevins, 86. Depotter, 1 11. Metdepenningen, 207. Olivier & Co. 201. China, Astell & Co. Copland. Hewett & Co. Lind¬ say. Egypt , 198-201, 203, 205-210, 295, 296-298, 300, 305, 325, 339, 384. France, Affourtit, 749. Alcan, 1050. Alcan & Limes, 5. Arduin & Chancel, 8. Ayne, Brothers, 755. Bar- ral, 410. Barrallon & Brossard, 16. Barres, Brothers, 41. Barthelats, 757. Beauvais, 1076. Bellon & Co. 1079. Benonville, 760. Bert, 763. Bertrand, 764. Bertrand,Gayet & Dumontat, 1085. Bianchi & Duseig- neur, 1087. Bonnal & Co. 429. Bonnet & Co. 1097. Bonneton, 771. Boudon, 1105. Bourdin, 1730. Bouvard & Lancon, 1110. Bronski, 782. Brunet, Lecomte, Guichard & Co. 1120. Buisson, Robert, & Co. 784. Cabrit & Roux, 81. Carriere, 1136. Causse & Garion, 1137. Chambon, 113, 793a. Champagne & Rougier, 1143. Champanhet, 114, Champoiseau, 794. Champonet, 793b. Chartron & Sons, 796. Conderc & Soucaret, 96. Darras, 470. Darvieu, Val- mald & Co. 1169. Delarbre, 1175, 1176. Defeuze, 1178. Despreaux, 164. Dumaine, 175. Dussol, 150. Duval, 189. Deydier, 1580. Evmien & Son, 831. Fabregue-Nourry, Barnouin & Co. 832. Farjon, 1217. Galimard, E. 515. Galimard, F. 839a. Gibelin & Son, 846. Gindre, 1247. Girodon, 1250. Grolleau & Deville, 1618. Guinon, 1263. Herme, 537. Jame, Bianchi & Duseigneur, 1273. Lavernhe & Mathieu, 1298. Lapeyre, 1292. Lemire & Son, 1649. Lyons Agricultural Society, 1537. Lyons Chamber of Com¬ merce, 1141, 1565. Mathevon & Bouvard, 1349. Me- jean, 1353. Menet, 1657. Molines, 647, 930a. Montessey & Chomer, 1360. Mourgue & Bousquet, 1363. Nogarede, 937. Pature-Lupin, Seydoux, Seib- ler & Co. 1381. Ponson, 1403. Potton, Rambaut & Co. 1402. Pradier, 1406. Regard, Brothers, 1426. Reidon, 1430. Repiquet & Silvent, 1432. Reynier, 1435. Ruas & Co. 1464. Sambuc, 1470. Schlum- berger, Gaspard, & Co. 1000. Teissier du Cros, 1031. Thomas, Brothers, 1040. Valansot, 1514. Verdet & Co. 1519. Vincent, 1526. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Greece , Costantoulachi, 53. Pantazopoulus, 51. Pit- houlis, 52. Ralli, 50. St. Constantine, the Nuns of, 54. India, iy., xm., xvm. Netherlands, Eyndhoven, 49. Rooyen, 58. Persia, Thompson. Portugal, 856-859, 940-945, 948-950, 1171. Carneiro, 958. Garcez, 611-615. Jorge, 963. Palmella, Duke of, 604-610. Pimentel, 964. Ramieres, 954. Pome, Beirette, 6. Filanda-Bracci al Fano, 7. Morti, 5. ffussia, Hadji Babi-Kelbalay-Oossein-Ogli, 53, 142. Jraf- Ogli, 207. Juditsk|-, 137. Kherson Peasant Women, 211. Kondrasheff, 353. Lapteff, 371. Poliakoff & Zamiatin, 205. Rayko, 140. Rebroff, 139, 143. Rier, 138. Vikoulin, 141. Zalaghin, 209. Sardinia, Bravo, 24. Casissa & Sons, 27. Chichizola : & Co. 39. Delferrari, Brothers, 44. Fermento, 37. Galimberto, 29. Jacquet & Co. 26. Rignon & Co. 30. Sinigaglia, Brothers, 25. Soley, 40. Vertu, Bro- ! thers, 28. 'Spain, 196, 203. Alcala & Son, 213. Almansa, 200. Amigo, 217. Calderon, 220. Castillo, 218. Cruz, 201, Dotres, Gaspar & Co., 215. El Baron de Fines- trat, 195. Garcia, 205. Gener, 212. Gonzalez, 198. Marguent, 204. Monfort, 202. Orduna, 214. Pryals, 197. Rey & Co., 207. Reynoso, 211. Roig, 216. Talavera Guilds’ Manufacturing Co., 219. Trenor, 210. Valencia Board of Agriculture, 209. Sweden and Norway, Casparsson & Schmidt, 24. Meyer- son, 24. Switzerland, Alioth, 154. Boelger, 158. Custer & Schachtler, 148. Fogliardi, 54. Goetz, 155. Lane, 55. Muller, 155. Romain, 155. Ryhiner & Sons, 161. Schmid, Brothers, 269. Sulzer, 186. Von der Muehl, Brothers, 162. Wegner, 155. Zurich Silk-Stuffs Manufacturers, 153. Tunis, 10. Turkey. Tuscany, Casuccini, 50. Davitti, 46. Della Ripa, 38. Franceschini, 43. Lambruschini, 36. Lepori, 47. Mordini, 45. Pannilini, 42, Petrucci, 40. Pieri, 41. Poidebard, 39. Ravagli, 48. Rimediotti, 44. Savi, 51. Scoti, Brothers, 37. Zavagli, 49. United States, Ryle, 336. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zoliverein (1), Bovenschen, 536. Duyn, Hipp & Co., 510. Gabain, 119. Greef, 533. Hermes & Wolffers, 520. Hoddick, 598. Jacobs & Bering, 524. Kaible, 525. Kerkzoff, 512. Kiszewskv, 39. Lucius & Co., 729. Lumm & Ruetten, 531. Meer & Co., 529. Neuhaus, H. T. 522. Neuhaus, L. 577. Peltzer, 518. Rappard & Co., 516, 517. Schmidt & Co., 589. Sohroers, 515. Simons, 514. Stork, 511. Weyer- busch, 570. (3), Behr & Schubert, 50. Roehling & Co., 50b. See also Brocades. Damasks (Silk, Sfc.J. Dyed Silk. Gauzes. Mixed Fabrics. Organzine. Poplins. Ribbons. Sarsenets. Satins. Waistcoatings. Silk. Grass —xiv. Dagnall & Co. 89. Silk Looms & Machinery —vi. Davenport, 80. Frost, 84. Smith, 22. Austria, Sclieibler, 80. France, Harding-Cocker, 864. Muzard, 1366. Roeck, 1446. Soubeyrand, 1490. Russia, Graff, 150. Zoliverein (1), Diepers, 472. Schrodter, 484. Silk, Sewing, Netting, &c.— xm. Alsop & Co. 48. Bridgett & Co. 49. Brocklehurst & Sons, 38. Brough & Co. 44. Browett, W. & H. 80. Davidson & Co. 47. Hammersley & Bentley, 45. xix. Simpson, 67. Surr & Co. 80. Silk-Spinning — France, De Tillancourt, 697. Silk, Thrown —xi. Walsh & Windlev, 26. Silk Trophy — xm. Keith & Co. 1 (Main Avenue, W est). Silk Waste — xm. Holdforth & Son, 61. Hadwen & Sons, 42. Silk-worm Gut — Spain, 199. Silk-Worms — Austria, Grassi, 83. Hoepfner, 128. Turkey . Silk-worm Spinning Apparatus (Models)— Austria, Hoepfner, 128. Zoliverein (1), Bolzani, 38. Silver— ii. Howards & Kent, 11. Canada, Badgley, 11. Logan, 1. Montreal Mining Com¬ pany, 10. Chili, 2 (Main Avenue, East). China , Lindsay. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of the, 13. Sweden and Norway, Kougsberg Silver Works, 34. Turkey. Zoliverein (1), Eschweiler Mines, 318. Silver Embossed Chasing —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Bremner, 258. N 2 196 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Silver Lace — See Gold and Silver Lace. Silver Lead-ores— See Lead Ores. Silver Leaf— See Gold and Silver Leaf. Silver Ore— Canada , Badgley, 11. China, Lindsay. Russia, Barnavulsk Imperial Works, 4. Spain, 3. Sweden and Norway, Guldsmedshyttan Mines, 16. Zollverein (1), Cosack, 825. Lambinon & Co. 451. Silver Plate— See Gold and Silver Ware. Silver, Processes for obtaining — Zollverein (l),Mans- feld Combined Mining Works, 850. Singeing Horses with Gas (Instrument, for)— ix. Crump, 160. Singeing Lamps —xxn. Deakin, 157. Size —n. Davies, 70. Sizing or Dressing Machine —vi. Hornby & Kenvvorthy, 20 . Skates —xxi. Loy, 14. xxii. Brown & Sons, 182. Flather, 167. Marsden & Co. 169. Wright, 177. xxix. Pur- don, 39. Skates, Summer —xxii. Bradnack, 275. Skerryvore Lighthouse (Model)—vn. The Commis¬ sioners of Northern Lighthouses, 99. Skins (for Furs, &c.)— See Furs and Skins. Skins for Gloves — Austria, Boulogne, 334. Skins and Hides— See Leather and Hides. Skipping-Ropes— xiv. Soper, 64. Skylights— vn. Maxwell, 102. Nixon, 174. Slag — Spain, Cerain, 1. Slate —Western end, South Enclosure, (outside), Old Dela- bole Slate Company, 8. Stirling, 9. Welsh Slate Com¬ pany, 12. i. 205. Breadalbane, Marquis of, 211. Dawbarn & Co. 208. Delabole Slate Company, 214. Freeman, W. & J., 160. Greaves, 210. Limerick Local Committee, 212. Taylor, 201. Williams, 215. Slate, Enamelled —xxvn. Hall, 42. Magnus, 46. Slate Manufactures —Western end, South Enclosure (Outside), Old Delabole Slate Company, 8. Struthers, 16. i. Stirling, 209. v. Slack, 423, x. Wishaw, 419. xxvi. Steedman, 346. xxvii. Blackburn, 21. Stir¬ ling, 120. Slate Painting —xxx. (Fine Art Court), Borrows, 11. Slate Pavement —South, or Transept Entrance, Festiniog, North Wales. Slate-Pencils — Belgium, Collette-Doucet, 5. United States, Cain, 247. Slates (for Roofs, &c.)— Belgium, Collette-Doucet, 5. Canada, Hall, 18. Logan, 1. Quigley, 20. France, Lariviere Angers Slate Works, 290. Rimogne Slate Works Company, 378, 694. Sardinia, Pianello, 3. Zolesi, 2. Trinidad, Lord Harris. United States, Sims, 274, 275. Zollverein (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Slates, Metallic — Zollverein (4), Rometsch, 73. Sledges — Russia, Babounoffj 345. Jakoleff, Brothers, 344. Sleighs — Canada, Lawrin, 180. McLean & Wright, 178. O’Meara, 179. Slide Valves (for Steam-Engines) — v. Atherton, 1, Roughton, 7. Wheeler, 305. Sliding Rule of Involution —Rooker J. and A. 340. Slotting-machines —vi. Sharp, Brothers, 204. Whit¬ worth & Co., 201. Slubbing and Roving Frames—vi. Mason, 10. Pair & Co., 6. Smalt — Zollverein (1), Horstmann & Co., 462. Smelling-Bottles — France, Maillot, 597. See also Scent- Bottles. Smelling Salts — ii. Hills, 23. Smelting Furnace (Model)—i. Fresize, 464. Ceylon. Smith’s Hearth or Forge (Portable)—vi. Hick & Son, 218. Smiths’ Implements — xxii. Keep & Watkin, 76. Wood, Brothers, 75. Smoke-Condenser —vn. Cochrane, 158. Smoke-consuming Furnaces (Jukes’ Patent)—v. Sal¬ mon & Co., 65. Smoke Consumption (Apparatus for effecting)— vii. Devey, 54. Smoke-Damper —v. Craig, 776. Smoke-Jacks — xxii. Benham & Sons, 98. Crook, 244. Smoking-Pipes —xxv. Leitch and Hammond, 59. Canada, Henderson, 187. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Persia, Hudson. Turkey. ■■■ Western Africa, Beecham, 12. McWilliam. Zollverein (1), Lux, Brothers, 769. See also Hookahs. Meerschaum Pipes. Tobacco Pipes, Sfc. Smoky Chimneys, Apparatus for Curing —vn. Bram- ball, 129. Grisdall, 58. France, Fondet, 50S. Smoothing-Tree (for Kid Leather)— Zollverein (1), We¬ ber, 744. Smut-machines —vi. Coombe & Co., 444. Millington, B. & E., 462. Rankin, R. & J., 466. Snow-Shovels — Canada, Montreal Central Commission, 301. Snuff —in. Lundy Foot & Co., 44. Richardson, Brothers, 52. Taylor, 45. Austria, Vienna Imperial Tobacco Manufactories, 69. Belgium, Brovellio, 72. Plaideau, 71. Canada, Levey, 130. Portugal, Royal Tobacco and Snuff Company, 1172— 1195. Russia, Protassoff, 334. Spiglazoff, 76. Tunis, 81, 88. Zollverein (1), Carstanjen, 468. (5) Minoprio & Co., 4. (6) Bernard, Brothers, 9. Snuff and Tobacco Boxes —i. Jamieson, 25. xxm. Baird, 26. McGregor, 46. xxviii. Garrett, 141. xxix. Stivens & Sons, 35. Austria, Hofrichter, 644. China, Shea. France, Mercier, 1658. India, xxviii. Zollverein (1), Schulz, 880. (2), Pleisch, 72. (4), Abele & Co. 76. (6), Frank, 61. Soaps (Common, Scented, &c.)— xxviii. Gosnell & Co., . 55. Williams & Son, 4. xxix. Carrick, 16. Clea¬ ver, 20. Cowan & Sons, 19. Dixon, 91„ Gibbs, D. & W., 305a. Going, 87a, 201. Grossmith, 13. Hendrie, 10. Kendall & Co., 25. Knight, 8. Low & Co., 30. Mackean, 28. Payne, 29. Pears, A. & F., 24. Taylor & Co. 5. Williams & Son, 4. Yardlev& Statham, 2. Algeria, Arnaud, 2. Austria, Chiozza & Son, 43. Hermannstadt Stearine Can- j die Company, 42. Melzer, 44. Richter, 44 a. Belgium, Touche, 434. Canada, Matthewson & Son, 329. Cape of Good Hope, Smithers, 38. Ceylon. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating tlieir Class; Foreign and. Colonial by the name of the Country. 197 Denmark , Owen, 44. France , Allard & Claye, 750. Arnavon, 402. Bleuze, 1091. Jaillon, Moinier & Co., 273. Millian, 929. Moreau, 1361. Piver, 1678. Roulet, Gilly, & Chapon- niere, 359. Hamburgh , Douglas & Son, 92. India, xxix. Netherlands , Perselaert & Son, 71. New South Wales, Hallett & Sons, 5. New Zealand , Smith, 6. Nova Scotia , Central Committee. Portugal, Royal Soap Contractors, 1158-1164. Russia, Beseke, 303. Nilson & Junker, 308. Stier, 364. Sardinia, Albani, Brothers, 7. Rossi & Schiapparelli, 6. Spain, 275 a. Bert, 245, 246. Giro, 244. Leon y Rico, 243. Tunis, 172-176, 189. Turkey. Tuscany, Conti & Son, 23. United States, Bazin, 36. Clawson, 503. Hauel, 40. Hyde, 67. Lord, Lynch & Co., 366. Moore, 564. St. John, 510. Taylor, 292. Van Diemens Land, Cleburne, 144. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Zollverein (1), Daehmel, 254. Palis, 263. Sarre, 255. Wunder, 250. Soap-Berries (Sapindus)—n. Pound, 108. British Guiana, Ross, 120. Soap-cutting Machine — vi. Muir, 206, Soap, Soft —Knight, 8. McKean, 28. Soap-Stone— Canada, Logan, 1. Greece, 15. Switzerland, Pedolin, 49. United States, Cocke, 271. M‘Henry, 501. Maryland Soap-Stone Company, 180. Soda — ii. Huskisson, 86. Cape of Good Hope, Jeppe, 4. Egypt, 367. India, i. Turkey. Soda, Acetate of— France, Maire & Co., 317. Soda, Anhydrous Sulphate of — Belgium, Societe de Floreffe, 38. Soda, Bicarbonate of— n. Pattinson, 18. Stevenson, 20. Soda, Carbonate of—ii. Bower, 42. Cook, 15. Watt, 32. Cape of Good Hope, Seppe, 49. India, i. ii. Portugal, Hirsch, Brothers, 51. Serzedello & Co. 50. Spain, Canary Islands, 33. Zollverein (1), Matthes & Weber, 464. Soda, Preparations from— Zollverein (1), Wesenfeld & Co., 461. Soda Soap — Sardinia, Albain, Brothers, 7. Soda, Stannate of— Austria, Braun, 21. Zollverein (1), Krimmelbein & Bredt, 457. Soda, Sulphate of —n. Bullock & Co. 37. Kane, 53. France , Malapert, 319. India, ii. Spain, Augula, 38. Burgos Mines, Inspector of, 35. Zollverein (1), Matthes & Weber, 464. Soda, Tinate of— Zollverein (1), Kunheim, 13. Soda-Water— xxix. Thwaites, A. & R. & Co. 105. See also Vases, Syphon ( for Aerated Waters'). Soda-Water Machines— vi. Cooper and Bursill, 624. Cox, 608. Tyler & Co., 605. Tylor Sc Son, 606. xxii. Masters, 634. France, Savaresse, 1477. Sodium, Acetate of— Austria, Wagenmann & Co. 19. Sofa-Bed (to prevent sea-sickness)— viii. Brown, 169a. Sofa Bedsteads — xxvi. Bursill, 7a. Ramuz, 152. Ver- rinder, 217. Sofas — xxvi. Bursill, 7. Gillow & Co., 186. Jackson, 242. Canada, Reed & Co., 115a. Soils and Earths (Specimens) — i. 43. Lance, 37. Roake, 60. Rogers, 70. Egypt, 9, 12, 18. Portugal, Marapez, 116. Telim, 117. Rome, Bianconcini, 1. Spain, Almeria Mines, Inspector of, 13. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 33-35. Tunis, 24. Tuscany, 3. See also Brick Earth. Clay. Pottery Clay. Solidified Milk— See Concentrated Milk. Solite Obelisks—xxyii. Beld, 57. Sounding Instruments — Belgium, Van Hecke, 480. France, Lecoentre, 300. Mulot Sc Son, 658. South Shields Cobles (Models) —viii. Alan, 85. South Wales Railway Iron Bridge (Model)— vn. Finch Sc Willey, 9. Southwater Church, Sussex (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Carruthers, 305. Sowing Machines. See Seed-Dibbling and Sowing Machines. Spades— See Digging Machine. Horticultural Implements. Spain, Her Majesty the Queen of ; Articles of jewellery belonging to— France, Lemonnier, 304. Spain, The King of, Iron bust of— Spain , Trubia, Royal Ordnance, 280. Spanners —x. Park, 337. Spectacles, Reading-Glasses, See. —x. Bayley, 273. Brabam, 289. Braithwaite, 283. Callaghan, 268. Chadburn, Brothers, 259. Clark, 276. Dixey, 271. Rowley, 290. Solomon, 286. Weaber, 279. White- house, 280. Yeates, 332. xxii. Ballenv, 299. Belgium, Latinie, 184. France, Berger-Walter, 25. Henri, 262. Plagniol, 1679 . Poulot, 966. Zollverein (1), Busch, 89. (2), Eisenmenger, 24. Spectacle-Frames — Zollverein (4), Lenz, 67. Speed Indicator (for Steam-engines or Machines)—v. Yates, 777. Spelf-machine— vi. Smith, 59. Spelt — Belgium, De Heunheuse, 62. Spelter —i. Grey, 506. Spermaceti and Spermaceti Candles— iv. Miller & Sons, 29 (Main Avenue, West), xxix. Ogleby Sc Co., 139. Sweden and Norway, Lamm, 18. United States, Macy Sc Sons, 306. Spermaceti Oil— See Oils (various'). Sph^ro-Annular Condenser (for Microscopes) — x. Shadbolt, 677a. Spices — ii. London Druggists, 117. ill. London Spice Trade, 53. Barbadoes. Grenada, Grose, 1. India, in. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co., 2. Mauritius, Natural History Society, 4. Reader, 7. Trinidad, Lord Harris, 2. Western Africa, Weston, 1. Spinal Curvature Chairs —x. Seltzer, 726. Spinal Curvature, Support for—x. Wood, 737. -See also Orthorachidic Instruments. Spindles (For Cotton and Silk Spinning)—vi. Booth Sc Co., 2. Lewis & Sons, 209. Preston, 5. Ryder, 222. xxii. Lucas & Son, 204a. Portugal, 1222. Spinning-wheels and Machinery —v. Jackson, 682. vi. Higgins Sc Sons, 14. Leach, 7. Macindoe, 24. Parr & Co., 6. Belgium, Societe du Phenix, 134. Gowdeau, 135. Yandevin, 126. France , Stamin Sc Co., 1021. 198 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Hamburgh, Boye, 113. India, v. Mecklenburg - Strelitz, Gundlach, 4. See also Mules (Cotton, Sfc. Spinning). Throstles for Spinning. Spirit-Cases—xxii. Young, 442. Spirit-Levels — v. Judge, 130. x. Dobbs, 346. Liddell, 362. xxii. Bloomer & Phillips, 176. Morrison & Parker, 177. Spirit-Meters — x. Brown, 335. Towns, 327. xxii. Me Cullum, 523. See also Hydrometers. Spirit-Taps —v. Stocker, S. & G., 422. Spirometers —x. Ewart, 729. Sponges — xxviii. Harris, S. & H., 117. Bahamas, Baines & Co. Greece, Paulides, 12. Tunis, 73-75, 150, 151. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Winkler, 31. (3), Thieme-Widtmarkter & Pueschel, 4. Spongio-piline —iv. Markwick, 114. Sporting Implements— Austria, Cassel, 478. France, Boche, 769. See also Gunpowder. Guns, Pistols, 8yc. Shot-Belts, Sfc. Spoons— -See Gold and Silver Ware. Plated Ware. Spring Braces—x. Grossmith, 565. Spring Propeller— v. Clarke & Williams, 965. Spring Seats — United States, American Chair Company, 85. Spring Windows (requiring no lines)— Sweden ff Norway, Rosenkilde, 45. Springs (Carriage, Cart, &c.)—v. Gibson, 848. Marriot & Atkinson, 160. India, i. Springs for Doors — xxii. Aldridge, 687. Springs, Locomotive-Engine—xxii. Turton & Sons, 190. Springs, Mattrass — xxii. Wakefield, 337. Springs, Railway -Truck—xxii. Marsh & Co., 162. Spurs —xvi. Maxwell & Co., 52. Thomas & Son, 211. Belgium, Giliay, 379. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. Square-cutting Gauge — xxii. Robertson, 565. Square for Measuring — x. Purvis, 325. Stack-covering (Various)— xxix. Fisher, 225. Staff of Honour (African)— W. Africa, McWilliam. Stained Glass—xxiv. Baillie, 61. Ballantine & Allan, 78. Holland & Son, 63. Swinburne, 4. Tobey. 81. xxvi. Lee, 43, 402. Austria, Bigaglia, 600. Belgium, Jonet, 389. France, Maes, 656. United States, Gibson, 346. Hannington, 311. Zollverein (6), Schiffmann, 76. Stained Glass, Substitute for — xxviii. Bushell, 182. Stained-glass Windows— xxrv. Bankart & Sons, 87. Bury, 64. Castle-street Glass-Works, 83. Forrest & Bromley, 42. Hall, 41. Mayer, 76. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Wyatt, 30. Belgium, Capronnier, 438. France, Leclerc, 575. Stained-glass Windows (Designs for)— xxii. Kmg, 5. Stained Woods—ii. Hawthorne, 39. Naylor, 35. iv. Stowe, 10. XXVI. Palmer, 53. Stains for Wood — ii. Coppock, 65. Hawthorne, o9. Stevens, 74. Stair Balustrades—xvi. Marlow, 54. xxii. Longden & Co., 105. France, Feron, 504. Staircase Railings, Iron (Design for)— xxii. Cottam & Hallen, 698. Staircases, Earthenware—xxv. Ridgway & Co., 5. Staircases,'Spiral — Zollverein (6), Schroeder, 77. Stair Rods — United Staies, Hiler, 218. Stalactite (or Stalagmite) . See Alabaster. Stamping-press —xvn. Pinches & Co., 33. Stanchion-Guns (For Wild-duck Shooting)— viii. Ansell, 185. Stannates—ii. Young, 7. Starch— ii. Jennings, 99. ill. Berger, 130. Brown & Poison, 123. Colman, J. & J., 117. St. Etienne, 138. Jones & Co., 128. Miller, D. & W., 127. Reckitt & Son, 125. Shand & Muckart, 126. Tucker, E.,.122. Tucker, R. G., 121. Wotherspoon, 124. iv. Cooney, 70. Belgium, Bocken & Co. 73. Vangeeteruyen, 489. British Guiana, Garnett, 31 & 32. Shier, 33-35. Canada, Prendergast, 125. France, Belleville, Brothers, 1078. Ruez, 363. Stem- bach, 382. Netherlands, Bocken, 11. Prins, 12. Portugal, 453. Holbeche, 454. Russia, Roterman, 71. Verdan & Co., 30. . Volkonsky, Prince, 70. St. Domingo, Schomburgk, Sir R. Spain, Mirat, 128. Trinidad, Lord Harris. United States, Colegate & Co., 301. Oswego Starch Factory, 104. Van Diemen's Land, Murray, 18. Zollverein (1), Barre & Kuster, 827. Haller, 690. Kruse, 19. Loburg Manufactory, 694. Schramm, Brothers, 466. (6), Hofmann, 14. See also Potato Starch. Starch Gums — hi. St. Etienne, 138. State Barge, The Lord Mayor’s (Model)— viii. Searle & Sons, 169 (Main Avenue, West). State Beds— xxvi. Scrymgeour, 101. State Coach, The Lord Mayor’s (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court), Jibb, 14. Stationery — xvii. Cowan & Sons, 101. De la Rue & Co 76. Hastings &Mellor, 85. Mansell, 27. Ralph, 142. Smith, E., 100. Smith, J., 41. Spicer, Brothers, 42. Waterlow & Sons, 46. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Burke, 42. France , Vincent & Tisserant, 730. Lidia, xvii. „ „ Zollverein (1), Glanz, 146. Kuhn & Sons, lo2. See also Account-books. Albums. Bookbinding. Books. Envelopes. Lace Papers. Ledgers. Paper. Parch¬ ment. Sealing-Wax. Stationery, Fancy—xiii. Burke, 57. xvii. Ackerman & Co., 1. Austin, 151. Bancks, Brothers, 96. Burke”l52. Byam, 144. Dean & Son, 18. Dobbs & Co!, 79. Hampson, 153. Hider, 17. Kronheim & Co., 181. Meek, 190. Spiers & Son, 208. Wildes, J02. xxvi. Dixon, 190. xxviii. Rousseau, 116. xxix. Stocken, 43. France, Valiant, 1515. Vanderdorpel & Son. ill. Malta, Fenech, 19. Russia, Aristarkhoff, 359. Statuary— See Sculpture. Stays and Corsets—xx. Caplin, 32a. Devy, 44. Gallaway, 120. Geary, 49. Hodgson, 155. Hurst & Reynolds, 162. Joubert, 40. M‘Cliutock & Co., 152. Piper, 41. Pope & Plante, 6. Roberts, 40a. Shreeve, 46a. Smith, 119. Sykes, 43. Thomas, W. & Brothers, 46. Tinsley & Co., 122. I Belgium, Berger, 349. Van Beneden, 345, 346. France, Allix, 6. Caillaux, 80. Clemengon, 1152. Dumoulin, 178. Fontaine, 1226. Grangoir, 1616. 199 CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Joly, 892. Josselin, 551. Mace, 1335. Meurisse, 928. Richez, 1436. Robert-Werly Co. 1444. Soules, 1492. Sucbell, 1700. Stays for Weavers — Zollverein (1), Erdelen, 474. Steam Boilers — See Boilers, Steam. Steam Boiler Cocks— See Cocks for Steam Boilers. Steam-boiler Feeder— x. Siebe, 358. Steam-boiler Furnaces— v. Green, 53. x. Newcomb, 672 a. xxii. Edwards, 241. Steam-boiler Safety Apparatus— France, Lethuillier- Pinel, 312. Steam-boiler Water-gauges —v. Goodfellow, 778. Howe, 779. Steam-Chest and Valve —vm. Macdonald, 329. Steam-Cooking Apparatus (for Agricultural purposes) —ix. Stanley, 1. Steam Cranes (Models)— i. Gowans, 132. v. M‘Nicoll & Vernon, 434. Steam Distilling Apparatus' — Zollverein (4), Wolff, rr^ . Steam-engine Cranks — v. Judge, 130. Squire & Co., 706. Steam-engine Fittings —v. Lambert & Son, 478. Thornton & Sons, 490. Steam-engine Indicators— v. Whitehead, 101. Steam-engines, Various .(in cluding Models) — i. Vin- cent, “365.. Wilding,liO. v. Armstrong, 44. Beckett, 106. Bickle, 131. Bunnett & Co. 48. Butterley & Co. 34. Clayton, Shuttleworth, & Co., 39. Colegrave, 162. Collinge & Co. 49. Constable, 70. Craddock, 76. Crosskill, 25. Davies, J. & G., 16. Deane, 158. Ebbw Vale Company, 67. Edwards, 12. Evans & Son, 37. Fairbairn & Sons, 26. FitzMaurice, 57. Gadd & Bird, Garrett. 3 5. Hawthorn & Co. 11. Hick & Son, 13. Hodge & Batley, 29. Joyce, 20. Leigh, 61. Lambert & Son, 4 78. Lin¬ ton, 116. Lloyd, 45. Lynch &Inglis, 24. McNaught, 22. Maudslay, Sons & Field, 38. Morrell, 82. Nas- mytli, 11. !Paterson, 148." Perry, 112. Pope STSonT* 40*. Potts, 102. Ransomes & May, 35. Redmond, 66. Samuel, 616. "Sharp,~TUL ■ 'S?smefiT,M6, 203. Simp¬ son & Shipton, 14. Squire & Co. 706. Tuck, 200. Watkins & Hill, 56. vi. Crosskill, 404. Fourdrinier, 100. Hick & Son, 218. Shanks, 110. Williams, 234. vii. Haycraft, 161. Remington, G. W. & J., 70. Renczynski, 27. ix. Tuxford & Sons, 271. x. Bettle, 679 a. Gogerty, 407. xxii. Stuart & Smith 102. Austria, Milesi, 106. Schmidt, 105. Belgium -, Cockerill, 119. Sardinia, Benoit, 33. France, Bourdon, 1108. Fland, 507. Galy Cazalot 1239. Pierret, 958. Stoltz&Son, 1494. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. United States, Higginbotham, 231. Steam-engines, Agricultural —ix. Barrett, Exall & Andrews, 128. Caborn, 200. Burrell, 37. Buttin, 115. Clayton, Shuttleworth, & Co. 242. Hemming, 134. Hensman & Son, 149. Horns by & Son, 233. Ransomes & May, 124. Roe & Hanson,”84. Stan¬ ley, 1. Turner, 182. Steam-engines, Marine (including Models)— v. Ather¬ ton, 1. Day,T33. ^ Donkin & Co. 42. Elder, 152. Hodges, 103. Maudslay, Sons,“"ST Field, 38. Penn & Son, 8. Rennie, G. & Sir J., 52. RichardfpTSS. Stothert, Slaughter & Co. 4. Watt & Co. 6.. Web¬ ster, 108. vii. Remington, G. W. & J., 70, 175. Canada, Garth, 158. See also Sub-marine Condenser. Steam-engines, Railway (Locomotive)— See Locomo¬ tive Engines, Railway. Steam Fuel— xxvn. Stirling, 120. Steam-Generator— ix. Gill & Ward, 62. Steam Gun —United States , Perkins, 541. Steam-Hammer— vi. Nasmyth, 236. Steam-Indicators— x. Oxley, 689. Soinalvico & Co., 681a. Steam-producing Apparatus — Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Benecke, 1. Steam-Pumps— v. Garrett, 35. Macintosh, 28. Zollverein (1), Wurden & Co. 51. See also Pumps for supplying Boilers. Steam Travelling Crane— v. M'Nicoll & Vernon, 434. Steam Trigger (Model)— vi. Radcliffe, 328. Steam-Tugs— vm. Brook, 42. Brookes, 143. Petley, 58. Robson, 57. Steam and Vacuum Gauges— v. Lees, 204. Watkins & Hill, 56. x. Baker, 396. Cameron, 356. Chad- burn, 259. Somalviqo & Co., 681a. xxii. Davis, 643. Steam-gauge Whistle— Denmark, Lunde, 12. See also Railway Whistles. Steam-Vessels (Models, &c.)—vn. Royal Scottish So¬ ciety of Arts, 29. vm. Clarke, 135. Ditchburn, 30. Gibson, 41. Macnab, 130. Mare & Co. 149. Miller & Co. 163. Robinson & Russell, 193. Rook, 320. Ruthven, 171. Sturdee, 337. White, T. J. & R., 36a. See also Paddle- Wheels. Screw Propel¬ lers. Screw Steam- Vessels. Steam-Vessels (application of Whistle to)—v. Tabor 681. Stearic Acid— France, Donneaud & Cft. 478. Stearine—ii. Bell, 116. iv. Field, J. C. & J., 130. xxix. Ogleby & Co., 139. Austria, Hermannstadt Stearine Candle Company, 42. Stearine Candle (Apollo Candle) Company, 39. Stea¬ rine Candle (Milly Candle) Company, 40. Belgium, Quanonne, 431. Russia, Manufacturing Company, 363. Matisen & Co. 305. Sweden and Norway, Johansson, 17. See also Candles {Wax, Tallow, frc.). Steatite— i. Sweetman, 40. India, i. Turkey. Steel Manufacture (Illustrations of)— xxii. Jowitt & Battie, 187a. Naylor, Vickers, & Co, 199. Turton & Sons, 190. Steel, and Steel Wares —i. Schneider, 409. Solly & Co., 410. Wingerworth Iron Company, 416. vm. Greener, 59. xxi. Stubs, 39. xxii. Cocker & Son, 115. Earl&Co., 207. Hale, 563. Heelev & Sons, 305. Hutton, 166. Johnson & Co., 109 A. Julies & Co., 801. Jowitt & Co., 187a. Makin, 112. Marriott & Atkinson, 160. Marsh, Brothers, & Co., 162. Nay¬ lor. Vickers, & Co., 199. Oxley, W. & Co., 806. Solly, 258. Worrall & Co., 164. Algeria, Ain Morka Mines Company, 19. Bonn Mines and Iron Works Company, 20. Austria, Egger, 402, 409, 410. Fischer, A., 420. Fischer, B., 421. Gurk, Iron Works of the Chapter of, 416. Pfeiffer, 418. Pillersee and Zeunbach Imperial 200 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Smelting Works, 407. Schwarzenberg, Prince, 417. Thurn, 419. Vienna Depot of the Imperial Iron Mines and Iron Works, 408. Zois, 405. Belgium, Delloye, 376. Falloise, 384. St. Leonard Com¬ pany, 374. Ceylon. France, JBaudry, 1071. Chauvin, 449. Daniel, 1168. Huet, 880. Voizot, 1531. India, i. Nova Scotia, Acadian Iron Mining Association, 1. Archi¬ bald, 2. Russia , Artinsk Imperial Works, 3. Jakovleff, 25. Perm Imperial Copper Works, 6. Tomsk Imperial Works, 18. Zlataoust Fire-arm Manufactory, 14. Spain, Leonese Asturian Company, 21. Sweden and Norway, Eskilstuna, 12. Switzerland, Fischer, 47. Mathey & Son, 41. United States, Adirondac Manufacturing Company, 344. Zollverein (1), Ante, 627. Asbeck & Co., 645. Boeing, Roehr, & Lefsky, 453. Devaranne & Son, 280. Eske Royal Mines, 326. Erbschloe & Sons, 614. Harkort & Son, 456. Huth, Fried, & Co., 632. Krupp, 649. Lehrkind, Falkenroth, & Co., 447. Lohe Steelworks, 324. Lohmann, 630. Mannesmann, 617. (2), Gre- nanth, Brothers, 95. Steel-cutters —Sweden and Norway, Halleberg, 11. Steel Pens— See Pens, Metallic. Steel Pens, Machine for making—xxii. Hinks & Co., 326. Steel Plates for Engravers —xxn. Hughes & Kim- ber, 609. Spear & Jackson, 113. Steel Plates (Process of Tinting) — xxx. (Fine Art Court), Hayward, 337. Steels (Butchers’)—xxi. Barker, 37. Steels for striking Lights — Austria, Ring, 468. Steering Wheels and Apparatus—viii. Allison, 115. Fryer & Co., 112. Hughes, 318. Long, 71. Robin¬ son, 100. Wood & Co., 102. See also Rudders. Screw Propelling Rudder. Stereochromic Pictures —Zollverein (2), Muhr, 91. Stereoscopes —Zollverein (5), Albert, 23. Stereotype Plates —xvn. Knight & Hawkes, 107. Man- chin & Morel!, 128. Stereotyping (Specimens of)— France , Curmer, 135. United States, Star, 194. Stethometers— x. Delolme, 19. Stethoscopes —x. Leared, 620. Matthews, 181. Sticks— See Whips, &fc. Stills —Western end, North Enclosure (outside), Singer & Co., 65. Ceylon. Stocking Frames —vi. Carver & Son, 89. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Lees, 195. Stockings— See Hosiery. Stockings, Elastic— See Surgical Bandages, Sfc. Stone (Specimens of)—Western end, South Enclosure (out¬ side), Brown & Co., 29. Franklin, 28. Freeman, W. & J., 14. Raynes & Co., 25. Sinclair, 13. Towler, 27. I. 196. Abercarri & Gwythen Collieries Company, 430. Clark, 190. Clugas, 168. Damon, 149. Driver, 203. Falmouth & Penryn Local Committee, 163. Freston, 133. Gillaume, 153. Gowans, 132. Grissell, 185. Howard, 29. Kirk & Parry, 179. Lindlej^ 187. Long, 147. Luard, Beedham, & Co., 176. Powell, F., 197. Powell, W.J., 202. Ross, 51. Rutherford, 182. St. Austell Local Committee, 470. Seymour, 192. Snowden, 171. Sparks, 154. Stanhope Limestone Quarries, 204. Staple, 181. Stocks, 188. Townsend, 186. Walsh, Executors of, 183. Egypt, 14, 15. India, i. Ionian Islands, Lord Seaton, 5. Malta , Darmanin & Sons, 26. New South Wales, Hallett & Sons, 5. New Zealand, Greenwood, 17. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tuscany, Royal Technological Institute, 1. Zollverein (4), Zeller, 1. Nee also Ashlar Stone. Bath Freestone. Flint StoneC Freestone. Granite. Lime¬ stone. Marble. Paving Stones. Quartz. Serpentine Stone. Stone, Artificial (including Works therein)—Western end, South Enclosure (outside), Board, 2. Furse, 19. Seeley, 11. Teagle, R. & W., 3. xxvii. Bowen, 94. Pulham, 108. Austria, Cristofoli, 38. Rohlik, 37. France, Debay, 45. Virebart, Brothers, 732. See also Marble, Artificial. Scagliola (Works in). Stone-boring Apparatus— vi. Beart, 301. Stone Carving— i. King, 136. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Foster, 303. China, Thoms. Malta, Dimech, 28. Soler,29. Testa, F., 33. Testa, S, 30. Turkey. Stone, Coloured (by Infiltration)—x. Phillips, 411. Stone Sawing, Dressing, Planing, &c., Machines— vi. Hunter, 312. Randell and Saunders, 324. United States, Eastman, 3. Morey, 460. Foot, 180. Freeman, W. & J., 160. Stone Tombs, &c.—xxvii. Hartley, 12/ Stone-Ware generally—W estern end, North Enclosure (outside), Doulton & Co., 64. Ferguson & Co., 66. Garnkirk Co., 69. Grangemouth Coal Company, 68. Green & Co., 67. Singer & Co., 65. xxv. Bell & Co., 26. Bourne, 35. xxvii. Betts, 22. Doulton & Co. 23. Ferguson & Co., 93. Green & Co., 125. Westwood & Moore, 113. Austria, Nowotny, 625. Cape of Good Hope,- Bridges, 21. France, Mansard,1342. Portugal, Pinto, Basto, & Co., 1109. Siveden and Norway, Hjula Quarry, 43. Turkey. Tuscany, Imperial Hard Stone Works, 111. Zollverein (1), Actien, 214. Villeroy & Boch, 361. Stoppers to Bottles— xxiv. Ayre and Calder Bottle Company, 6. Stove Furniture— Canada, Cheny, 159. Stove Ornaments—xxii. Smith, 269. Stove Polish— United States, Seabury, 121. Stoves — vn. Rettie, 159. xxii. Alderton & Shrewsbury, 403. Bailey & Sons, 805 (Main Avenue, West). Burton, 247. Coal brook Dale Company, 641. Col¬ lins, 88. Court, 3b9. Crook, 244. Deane, A. 392. Deane & Co., 186. Dowson, 476. Duley, 89. Ed¬ wards, D. O., 241. Edwards, F., 387. Evans & Co., 103. Feetham & Co, 276 (Main Avenue, West). Gidney, 556. Gray, J. & A., 405. Harvey, 440. Haywood, 97. Huxham & Brown, 406. Huxley & Heriot, 236. Jeakes, 237 (Main Avenue, West). Jobson & Co., 106 (Main Avenue, West). Keene, 94. M'‘Sherry, 408. Maund, 79£. Nettleton & Son, 388. Nicholson, 87. Norman, 391. Peterson, 383. Pierce, 107. Pope & Son, 243. Price, 397. Redgate, 410. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 201 Searle, 480. Slate, 386. Strode, 443. Yates & Co., 384. xxvi. Lyon, 30. Austria, Mettemich, Prince, 413. Belgium, Mathys, 359. Point & Son, 474. Canada , Cheney, 156. China, Baring, Brothers. Denmark, Lunde, 12. France, Delignon, 1180. Durand, 186. Ferouelle & Rolland, 200. Leoocq, 1644. Hamburgh, Beinhauer, 121. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Benecke, 1. Eange, 2. Netherlands, Graamans, 65. Martin, 63. Tuscany, Cantagalli, 71. United States, Burch, 513. Chilson, Richardson, & Co., 417. Learned & Thatcher, 100. Pond & Co., 414, 434. ‘ Zollverein ( 1), Bainn, 760. Schrr.idt, 644. Stolberg-Wer- nigfrode, Earl of, 779. (5), Hoffman & Son, 16. (7), Metz & Co., 6. See also Grates. Kitchen Ranges. Stoves, Gas— ix. Smith, 192. xxn. Azulay, 597. De¬ fries, 482. Edwards, 241. Sharp, 91. Tozer, 390. Stoves, Lamp -xxii. Deane & Co., 186. Stoves, Thermometer—xxii. Warren, 402. Stowell, Lord—S ee Eldon and Stowell Group. Strasburg Cathedral (Model)— Switzerland , Wytten- bach, 257. Straw Chairs —Zollverein (6); Reinhard, 54. Straw-cutters —United States, Whiteman, 240. See also Chaff-cutting Machines. Straw-Plait, &c., tor Bonnets— xx. Cooper, J. J. &G. 172a. Elliott, 172. Gregory, Cubitt, & Co., 8. Maher, 182. Muirs & Co., 173, 215. Wexford Peasants, 181. xxvm. Rendall, 144. Still, 145. Austria, Taudler, 657. Switzerland , Abt, Brothers, &c. 227. Clarez, 228. Hart¬ mann & Co., 230. Tuscany, Pastorelli, 35. Zollverein (4), Haas, 79. See also Bonnets, Straw. Straw-shaker— ix. Robinson, 126. Straw Table— Belgium, Bertani, 477. Straw Work— xix. Sewell, Evans & Co., 288. xx. Cooper, J. J. & G., 172a. Elliott, 172. Malta, Buttigieg, 31. Mauritius, Balklield & Co., 5. Switzerland, Sulzberger & Akermann, 234. Tunis, 178-180. Zollverein (2), Weppler, 96. Strawberries, Earthenware Support for— ix. Smith, 222 . Street Barricade—vii. Rock, 143. Street-cleaning Machinery (Models')—vn. Nichol¬ son, 40. Townley, 39. Street Engine— v. Fire Annihilate Co. 92 a. Street Watering-Carts (Models)—v. Geary, 846. ix. Coode, 154 a. Strichnine— ii. Morson & Son, 106. String and Twine—xiv. Bridport Local Committee, 73. Haywood & Sons, 44. Moore, 67. Morrison & Hum, 49. Nicol & Co., 87. Smith, 65. Tull, 69. Withey & Smith, 47. xxvm. Farrar & Son, 16. Canada, Spooner, 169. New Zealand, Caradus, 25. Zollverein (1), Blankenburg, 561. Engel, 125. Heinig & Sons, Si2. Hoersick, 554. Schwemann & Sons, 545. See also Ropes, Cordage, Sfc. String and Twine Boxes— xxi. Yeates, 19. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Christie 137. String and Twine Reels —vi. Slate 69. xxix. Slate, 226. Strings for Musical Instruments— See Musical Instrument Strings. Strong Boxes and Safes — Belgium, Delarocbe, 364. Gob, 357. Mathys, 359. France, Verstaen, 1705. See also Fire-proof Safes. Strontia, Carbonate of —i. Riddell, Sir J. M. 55. France, Digeon, 1590. Strontia, Nitrate of— France , Digeon, 1590. Portugal, Serzedello & Co., 62. Strontia, Sulphate of— France, Digeon, 1590. Stucco Casts— Sardinia, Parini, 91. Zollverein (1), Kramer, 416. Stuffs (Worsted, &c.)—xii. &xv. Hirst & Green, 494. Bahamas, Baines & Co. Belgium, Catteaux, 245. Gilson & Bossut, 241. Le- maire, Decamps & Peissarf, 240. Lienart Cbaffaux, 242. France, Aubeux, 1058. Berteche, Chesnon & Co., 1082. Cheuneviere, 1559. Juhel Desmares, 278. Koecklin, Brothers, 1634. Nazet, 660. Sauvage & Co., 1472. Teillard, 1030. Terrier & Co., 1032. Zollverein (1), Broesel, 727. Kramer, 610. Morand & Co., 731. Neitzer& Brabant, 583. Schweitzer & Heller, 733. Schmits & Holthaus, 585. Troost,601. Weissflog, 720. Weber, 716. (3), Behr & Schubert, 50. Glau- chan Weavers'School, 100. Graefe & Son, 102. Hecker &Tasch, 96. Koehler & Schedlich, 93. Rochling & Co., 50b. Trinks, 98. Vogel, 89. (4), Kolb and Schule, 28. Stuffed Birds and Animals —xxix. Beevor, 204. Dun¬ bar, 234. Hancock, 320 (NorthTransept). Harbor, 203. Canada, Perry, 354. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Sardinia, Comba, 83. Turkey. United States, Hurst, 80. Moyston, 25. Western Africa, Faddy, 19. Zollverein (1), Graff, 803. Leeven, 423. llingelann, 253. (4), Ploucquet, 107. See also Ornithological Specimens. Stylography (Specimen of)— Denmark, Scholer, 37. Subclavian Sector (for measuring the body)—xx. Smart, 135. Sub-marine Boats— vm. Bell, 14. Sub-marine Condenser— France, Rocher, 991. Sub-marine Construction, Machines and Apparatus for — vii. Bremner, 95, 164. Gardiner, 50. Sub-marine Propellers —v. Eccleshall, 132. vm. Brown, Sir S., 334. See also Screw Propellers. Ship Propellers. Subsoil Pulverisers —ix. Barrett, Exall, and Andrews, 128. Comins, 143. Gray & Sons, 150. Succine Acid — Austria, Brosche, 20. Succory — Zollverein ( 1), Teichman, 693. Suez, Isthmus of, Ship Canal through (Model)— vii. Clark, 18. Sugar — hi. Perkins, 149. Wheeler, 27 a. xxix. Oxland, R. & J., 98. Austria, Reali, 61. Belgium, Claus & Carron, 81. Barbadoes. British Guiana, Anderson & Co., 36. Jones, 37 & 38. Laing, 40. Shier, 41-44. Stutchbury, 39, 45 & 46. 202 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Ceylon. Egypt , 44, 45, 47, 48, 103, 391. France , Jeanti, Prevost, Perrand, & Co., 1277. Numa, Grar, & Co., 667. Rousseau, Brothers, 1457. Hamburgh, Reesing, 3. Wagener, 4. India, Til. Labuan, Sfc., Hammond & Co., 2. Mauritius, Webb, 3. Portugal, Pinto, Bastos, & Co., 455-457. Russia , Hirshmann & Co., 79. Spain, Arrieda, 292. Arrieta, 295. Enriquez, 176. Zuluetta, 179 a. Trinidad , Lord Harris. Turkey. United States, New York State Agricultural Society, 83. White, 397. See also Beetroot Sugar. Maple Sugar. Sugar-Basins (satin-wood)—xxvi. North, 257. Sugar, Beetroot— See Beetroot Sugar. Sugar-Candy — Denmark, Tutein, 28. Egypt, 66. Sugar-Canes— Egypt, 104. Turkey. Sugar of Lead—ii. Melincrythan Chemical Company, 2. Russia, Sauin, 28. Zollverein (1), Augustin, 826. Kunheim, 13. Sugar-of-Milk Crystals — ii. Hopwood, 100. Sugar-mills, Machinery, &c.— v. Squire & Co., 706. vi. Co Hinge & Co., 432. Graham, West & Co., 445. Pontifex & Wood, 602. Robinson & Russe'll, 418. Sharp, 440. Squire & Co., 449. IX. Ransomes & May, 124. Smith & Co., 266. xxii. Hird & Co., 85. Belgium , Van Goethem, 124. France, Nillus, 1371. Hamburgh, Thiel, 123. Netherlands, Van Vlissingen & Co. 75. See also Vacuum Pans. Sulphur— i. Highly, 23. n. Hatmel & Ellis, 10. Egypt, 8. Greece, 19. India, i. New Zealand, Smith, 14. Rome, Raineri, 26. Sardinia, Selopis, Brothers, 4. Spain, 42a, 45. Durando y Trigo, 46. Yust & Co., 47. Turkey. Tuscany, 4. Volterra Salt Manufactory, 2. Zollverein (1), Harkort, 876. Sulphur Ore —i. Williams & Sons, 505. SULPHURATOR AND FUMIGATOR FOR HOPS, &C.—IX. Alsop, 25a. Epps, 101. Sulphuric Acid — Denmark, Owen, 44. Portugal, Hirscb, 29. Sardinia, Albain, Brothers, 7. Selopis, Brothers, 4. Sulphuric-acid Clay — Zollverein (1), Schwemsal Alum Works, 463. Sulphuring Apparatus — vi. Thom, 71. Sumach Wood — Russia, 93. SuMACK^-Portugal, 511-513. Ferreira, 510. Spain, 146. Sun Pictures (on Paper)— See Calotype Process. Sun Shades — xxvi. Dawes, 135. Surgical Bandages, Stockings, &c.—x. Eagland, 567. Longdon & Tubberer, 572. France, Flamet, 213. See also Medicated Bands. Trusses. Bandages, Sfc. Surgical Instruments and Apparatus —ix. Read, 89. x. Arnott, 619. Bigg & Son, 676. Blackwell, 653, 734. Bottomley, 657. Brown & Son, 62L Chad- burn, Brothers, 259. Coxeter, 682. Ellis, 631b. Evans & Co., 643a. Evrard, 647. Ferguson & Sons, 631. Gowing, 286, 645, 736. James, 577. Jordan, 285. L'Estrange, 597. List, 175. Mac-hell, 654. Marshall & Co. 686. Matthews, 181. Moore, 66a. Philp & Whicker, 641. Reid, 583. Ross, 601e. Salt & Son, 628. Simpson, 642. Sparks & Co., 591. Weedon, 640, Weiss & Son, 631a. Whib- ley, 607. Wood, 737. Woodhouse, 731. xxii. Nel¬ son, 229. Scidmore & Co., 183. Sellers, 147. Whittles & Froggart, 213, 693. Austria, Teofelmeyer, 564. Belgium, Noggerath, 501. Denmark, Langgaard, 18. Nyrop, 19. France, Biondetti, 766. Borsary, 1100. Cabirol, 786. Charriere, 1145. Darbo, 1577. Hamm & Co. 862. Luer, 1333. Mathieu, 618. Pujade, 1413. Roissarb, 1450. Thier, 1505. Valerius, 706. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. Russia, Rooch, 341. Sardinia, Masera, 97. Spain, Paieren, 249. United States, Benjamin, 152, 251. Fitch, 479. Palmer, 39. Thompson, 26. Yeager & Ord, 58. Zollverein (1), Baunscheidt, 344. Goldschmidt, 85. Luppold, 84. Mies, 341. (2), Jordan, 27. gee also Dentists’ Instruments. Fractures, Apparatus for. Medical Walking Staff. Orthopedical Apparatus. Osteotom. Thoracitone. Surveying Intruments —x. Crichton, 452. Gerard, 109. William, 343. See also land-measuring Chains. Levels, Surveyors’. Road-measuring and Mapping Machine. Theodolites. Surveyors’ Plans — xvii. Wason (M.P.), 188. Suspended Animation (Apparatus for restoring) — x. Small, 651. Suspension-Bridge Links — v. Howard & Ravenhill, 413. Patent Shaft and Axletree Company, 543. Suspension Bridges (Models, &c.)—v. Watts, 750. vn. Bell, 63. Clive, 41. Grout, 47. Hammond, 15. Renczynski, 27. Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 29. Russell, 78. Smith, 165. United States, New York Iron Bridge Company, 511. See also Kieff Suspension Bridge. Suspension Tunnel (Model)—vn. Smith, 165. Swak — Tunis, 137, 138. Swansdown — XI. Barnes, 40. Swanskins—xii. &xv. Nicolls, 261. Zollverein (3), Lehmann, 107. Swimming-Belts —See Life Belts and Buoys. Swimming-Gloves —vm. Cooper, 334a. Swivel-Bridge Elevator, &c. —v. Lead better, 650. Swords —vm. Firmin & Sons, 211. Mole, 248. Reeves, Greaves & Co. 244. Wilkinson & Son, 200. xx. Firmin & Sons, 161. Austria , Mitter, 529. Riedler, 110. China, Berncastle- Egypt, 224, 252. France, Delacour, 1582. India, i. vm. Nova Scotia, Archibald, 2. Russia, Khamoff, 162. Ooste-Catchey-Ooste-Ali-Beck- Ogli, 163. Zlatoust Imperial Manufactory of Arms, 1 5 1. Spain, Toledo Royal Ordnance, 266. Ysasi, 267. Zu- luaga, 264a. Sweden and Norway, Zetterberg, 10. Turkey. Tuscany, Mariotti, 68a, Western Africa, Ackland, Sir T. D., 17. Hutton & Sons, 6. Zollverein (1), Hoeller, 637. Schmolz & Co. 673. Schnitzler & Kirschbaum, 480. (4), Kohl, 14. See also Daggers. Syderolite Ware — Austria, Bahr & Maresch, 612. Schiller & Gerbing, 614. Symmetrometer (for cutting Coats)—xx. Jones, 149. See also Measuring Apparatus. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Rom n Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 203 Symphonian— x. Wheatstone & Co. 526. Sympiesometer— x. Negretti & Zambra, 160 a. Syringes, Rotatory— xxn. Siebe, 435. Syrups— Turkey. T- Taaffe’s Patent Slating—vii. Russell, 78. Tabinets — xii. & xv. Allen, 259. Jones, 265. Pim, Brothers, & Co., 255. Table Cloths, &c/(Linen, &c.)—xi. Walmesley, 51. xiv. Andrews, 5. Austria, Mathie, 287. Simonetta, 291. Belgium, Haussens Hap, 257. Canada, Bean, 137,142. France, Daudre, 1170. Hamburgh, Arndt & Berend, 24. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Gerber, 3. Russia, Dombrowitch, 355. Von Mengden, 222. Switzerland, Beck and Sons, 163. Fankhauser, Brothers, 163. Miescher & Sons, 163. Schmid, Brothers, 163. Zollverein (1), Eickholt, 549. See also Damasks, Linen. Diapers. Table Covers (Silk, Cotton, Worsted, &c.) — xi. M‘Bride & Co., 6. xii. & xv. Baughen, Brothers, 183. M'Crea, 135. Ward, 134. xiv. Birrell, 27. Dewar, Son, and Sons, 35. xvm. Underwood, 22. Welch, 18. Yates & Taylor, 24. xix. Cook, 135. Dewar, Son, & Sons, 150. Fenoulhet, 166. John¬ stone, 218. Stokes, 307. Victoria Felt Carpet Company, 327. White, Son, & Co., 343. Wood, H. & T., 352. Austria , Liebig, 241. Pfenniberger, 359. Prochaska, 244 a. Wurst, 302. Canada, Bean, 137. Henderson, 145. Laflamme, 116, 122. Hamburgh, Dissmar & Harloff, 25. Persia, Bidwell. Thompson. Portugal, Thomar, 1233. United States, Nicholson, 549. Zollverein (1), Karschelitz, 157. (3), Glafey & Neu- barth, 105. Schubert, 156. Seyffert & Breyer, 88. Thuemer & Toeper, 90. Table Knives. See Cutlery. Table Ornaments (Composition)—xxix. Keogh, 119. Tables (Console) —xxvi. Holland & Sons, 161. Le- cand, 183. M‘Lean, 386 (Main Avenue, West). Portugal, Caetano, 1224. Sardinia, Da Fieno, 73. Descalzi, 72. Tables (Inlaid. Papier Mache, &c.)--xxiii. Elkington & Co., 1. Hancock, 112. xxvi. Abbott, 45. Clark, 179. Dawes, 135. Edwards, 247. Gillow & Co., 186. Grundy, 121. Harding & Son, 209. Herring & Sons, 205. Jordans, 384. Ker, 103. Lee, 133. Lithgow and Purdie, 106. Miles, 256. Price, 312. xxvi. Dixon, 190. Holbeard & Wellings, 131. Jennens & Bettridge, 187 (Main Avenue, West). Lane, 128. McCullum & Hodson, 136. Mechi, 79. xxvii. Plows, 50. Woodruffe, 77. Austria, Becker & Kronick, 643. Mentasti, 635. Belgium, Branden, 511. Bruno, 411. Demanet, 402. Ceylon, Kitchin. France, Grade, 1254. Hamburgh, Bey, 73. Faulwasser, 71. Kohler, 72. Loose, 74. Muller, 76. Plambeck, 69. Werner & Piglhein, 79. Lidia, xxvi. Rome, Dies, 34, 35. Sardinia, Bisso, Brothers, 69. Claudo, 68. Magni, 70. Perelli, 66. Spain, Perez, 271a. Switzerland, Vogel, 226. Tuscany, Corridi, 89. Martinetti, 88. Van Diemen’s Land, Hamilton, 8. Lipscomb, 308. Zollverein (1), Heimburger, 883. Puff, 775. Tables (Marble, Stone, &c.)—xxvii. 29. Cham- pernowne, 6. Humble, 9. Lambert, 70. Moon, 56. Pearson, 65. Plows, 50. Thornhill, 48. Tomlin¬ son, 79. Woodley, 39. Canada , Hammond, 118. Cape of Good Hope, 58. Rome, 38. Tuscany, Guido De Conti, 93. Guidotti, 92. Nanni, .94. Panciatichi, 96. Royal Technological Insti¬ tute, 98. Zollverein (1), Cantian, 235 (Main Avenue, East). Devisse, 837. Stolberg Wernigfrode, Earl of, 779. Tables (Metal) — ix. Samuelson, 185. Tables for Modellers, &c.—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Palmer, 197. Tables, Rustic — xxvi. Drew, 116. Warner, 72. Bates, 44. Tables for Ships’ Cabins —vm. King, 19. Ladd, 80. Austria, Reitch, 638. Tables (Various) —iv. Auldo, 8a. ix. Starkey, 43. xxvi. Aspinwall & Son, 213. Caldecott, 206. Calder, 55. Chaplin, 214. Creaser, 289. Dawes, 135. Din- ham, 92. Eloure, 188. Fisher, 36. Foothorape & Co., 132. Gardner, 231. Geake, 31. Gillow & Co. 186. Greverie, 255. Harrold, 117. Hawkins, 237. Herbert, 67. Herring & Sons, 205. Hockendon, 69. Jennens & Bettridge, 187 (Main Avenue, West). Jones, 287. Marchant, 253. Morant, 164. Newton, 97. Palmer, 59. Richardson, 207. Simpson, 267. Star- key, 26. Turley, 138. Turnell, 317. White & Parlby, 6. Whyte, 43. Wilson & Sons, 293. Wood, 118. xxix. Down, 56. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Fletcher, 111. Wilkinson, Sir G., 139. Austria, Colombo, 630. Belgium, Dosin, 429. British Guiana, 158. Canada, Hilton, J. & W., 123. Ramsay & McArthur, 117. Read & Meakins, 115 a. Ceylon, Kitchin. France, Balny, 1066. Grade, 1254. Hamburgh, Kohler, 72. Russia , Schoenfeldt, 375. Sardinia, Capello, 64. Switzerland, Fluekk, 224. United States, Doe, Hazelton & Co., 418. South Caro¬ lina Railroad Company, 177. Van Diemen’s Laud, Brown, 15, 16. Champion, 12. Denison, Sir W. T., 149-151. Lumsden, 145, 146. Zollverein (1), Sommerfeld & Hubner, 238. Table-Tops (Marble, &c.)—xxiv. Jones, 44. Mathieson, 120. xxvi. Mousley, 123. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Earle, 49. British Guiana , Bee, 82, 83. Malta, Darmanin & Sons, 26. New Zealand , 38. Tuscany, Maggiorelli, Brothers, 87. Polli, 85. Ragnini, 86. Van Diemen’s Land, Brown, 15. Zollverein (1), Cantian, 235. Tablets (Glass, &c.)—xxiv. Aire & Calder Bottle Co. 6. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Hervvitz, 347. Western Africa, Jamieson, 22. 204 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Taffetas — vi. Ball & Co. 90. xm. Redraayne &Co. 1 a. xix. Ball & Co. 1!). Egypt , 301, 326, 334-335. Russia, Ayrapet, 201. Iraf-Qgli, 207. Tedjoom-Beck- Melik-Shah-Nazaroff, 206. Sardinia, Soley, 40. Switzerland, Yon Der Muehl, Brothers, 162. Turkey. Tailors’ Arm-pad—xxviii. Collings, 120. Tailors’ Measuring &c., Apparatus — x. Thompson, 363. xx. Cattanach, 135 a. Griffin, 117. Jones, 149. Robinson, 149 a. Smart, 135. Tailors’ Trimmings — France, Laurent, 902. Leu- nenschloss, 313. Zollverein (3), Muehlenderlein,l57. Oehmig & Schmidt, 154. Uhlig’s Widow & Junka, 155. Talbotype Process —See Calotype Apparatus. Calotype Process. Talc — vii. Riddell, 6. India, i. United States, Ruggles, 416. Tallow — Belgium, Touche, 434. New South Wales, Moses & Co. 15. Tunis , 185. Turkey. United States, Dominick, 21. Van Diemen’s Land, Watchorn, 147. Zollverein (1), Palis, 263. See also Stearine. Tallow Oil — Zollverein (1), Palis, 263. Tamarinds — Egypt, 64. Tanks —xxn. Burney & Bellamy, 633. See also Cis¬ terns. Tanners’ Bark-grinding Mill —vi. Huxhams & Brown, 446. Tannic Acid —n. Macfarlan & Co. 107. Morson & Son, 106. Tanning Materials —n. Hopkin & Williams, 41. iv. Curtis, Brothers & Co. 126. Kitchin, 126 a. xvi. Boutchier, Mortimer, & Co. 293. Canada, Allon, 100. India, in. New Zealand , McVay, 5. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 137. See also Barks. Leather-making Tools, Sfc. Oak Bark. Tanning Materials (Instrument for Testing)—x. Evans, 670 a. Tapes & Laces— Zollverein (1), Wuelfing & Windrath, 565. Tapestry —xn. & xv. Underwood, 501. xix. Batters, 96. Benbow, 100. Bridges, 108. Bright & Co. 40L Brinton & Sons, 110. Chapman, 128. Harmsworth, 181. Hindhaugh, 205. Hull Patent Camphine Co., 264. Lees & Co., 79. Lewer, 239. Pardoe, Hoomans, & Co., 263. Trollope, 320. xxvi. Crace, 530. France, Beauvais, National Manufacture of, 1367. Braquenie & Co. 435. Carquillat, Candy & Co. 1134. Gantillon, 1241. Gobelins, National Manufacture of, 1366. Lyons-Chamber of Commerce, 1141. Sal- landrouze de Lamomaix, 1469. India, xvm. Jersey Sg Guernsey, LeFeuvre, 11 A. Persia, Ede & Son. Russia, Imperial Alexandrovske Manufactory, 210,219. Zollverein (1), Flammersheim, 395. Weygold, 429. (3), Beck, 149. Tapestry (Designs for)—xix. Underwood, 403. Zollverein (4), Tanner, 51. Tapioca —in. Etienne, 138. Grenada,G rose, 1. India, in. Portugal, Batalha, 543. Taps —See Cocks or Taps. Taraxacum, Juice of — n, Bell, 116. Tarbouches of Touha— Egypt, 302-304. Target, Marine—viii. Browning, 103. Tarpaulin— vi. Brown, 56. xiv. Anderson, 86. Beale Brown, 77. Bridport Local Committee, 73. Can¬ ter, 36. Carter, Brothers, 36. Edgington, 90. Fletch¬ er, 36. Hattersley & Co. 36. Haxworth & Carnley, 36. Jackson & Matthewman, 36. Pigott & Newton, 36. Salmond, 83. See also Canvas. Rickcloths. Tartans (Woollen & other)—xi. Anderson, J. & A. 7. xii. & xv, Archibald & Sons, 465. Ballantyne & Son, 194. Forbes & Hutchison, 291. Gibson & Co. 464. Gill, 190. Gilmour & Co. 203. Laird & Thomson, 199. Locke, 15. McBride & Co. 6. Paton, J. &D. 466. Willans & Co. 257. Wilson & Son, 468. See also Plaids. Tartaric Acid—H owards & Kent, 11, Huskisson, J. W. & H. 86. Pontifex & Wood, 1. Austria, Brosche, 20. Wagenmann & Co. 19. Portugal, Serzedello & Co. 504. Tatting— xix. Ellis, 159. Tazza (of Iron, Alabaster, &c.)— France , Matifat, 923 (Main Avenue, East). Rome, Moda, 19 (Main Avenue, East). Tea—hi. Assam Tea Co. 143. China, Reeves. Hammond & Co. Ripley. India, hi. Tea Caddies—- xxn. Fearncombe 160 a. xxvi. Newton, 97. North, 257. xxviii. Bevan, 171. Day, 169. Tea Chests— xxix. Mechi, 45. Tea-dealers’ and Grocers’ Show-goods (for deco¬ rating Shops)—xxvi. Scroxton, 271. Tea Equipage (Travelling)—xxix. Leuchars, 44. Tea Kettles (Patent & other)—vn. Williams, 128. ix. Hodges & Sons, 116. xxii. Durham, 614. Fearn¬ combe, 160 a. Hodge & Sons, 487. Pyrke & Sons, 465. Soutter, 354. Tozer, 389. Walton & Co., 69. Canada, Savage, 340. See also Hardware. Tea-Leaves (Untwisted)— China, Hammond & Co. Tea Urns —xxii. Hampden, 612. Pyrke & Sons, 465. Soutter, 354. Tylor & Sons, 401. Warner & Sons, 798. Denmark, WulfF, 23. Teeth, Animals’( various)— Cape of Good Hope, Thom¬ son, 15. Labuan, 3fc., Hammond & Co., 2. Van Diemens Land, Moses & Co. 228. Teeth, Artificial— See Dentistry. Teeth, Natural (Specimens of)—x. Harnett, 684. United States, Philadelphia, 558. Telegraph, Marine (Drawing of a System of Sea Signals)— viii. Dempster, 174. Telegraph Registers— United States, Rogers, 127. Telegraphic Belts— Zollverein (1), Siemens & Halske, 252 a. Telegraphic Lighthouse— vn. Wells, 82. Telegraphs, Chemical— Zollverein (1), Siemens & Halske, 252 a. Telegraphs, Domestic— x. Burdett, 425. Telegraphs, Electric— See Electric Telegraphs. Telekouphonon or Speaking Telegraph— x. Whishaw, 419. Telescopes— x. Boyle, 392. Callaghan, 268. Chad- burn, Brothers, 259. Crichton, 452. Dixey, 271. Elliott & Sons, 320. Harris & Son, 149. Marratt, 409. Rein, 629. Richardson, 264. Ross, 254 CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 205 (Main Avenue, West). Salmon, 266. Varley & Son, 257. Wray, 309. Zollverein (4), Kinzellbach, 26. See also Astronomical Instruments. Telescope Glasses —x. Harris & Son, 149. Reade, 254a. Telescope Stands — x. Crickitt, 267. Renczynski, 661. Tempest Prognosticator — x. Merryweather, 151. Temple Church (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Day, 161. Temples, Models of—xxx. (Fine Art Court), Fulton, 169. India , xxx. Tennis Racquets— xxix. Jeffries, 184. Tents and Marquees —Eastern End (Outside), Jubul- pore School of Industry, {India, viii.) vm. Rich¬ ardson, 285. xiv. Morrison & Burn, 49. Tunis, 82. Terra Cotta (Specimens of, Articles in, &c.)—North Transept, Doulton & Watt, 45a. Main Avenue, East, i. Bank Park Pyropolite Works, 86. xxv. Bell & Co. 26. Dimmock, 12. Marsh, 58. Meigh & Sons, 10. Minton & Co. 1. Pratt & Co. 22. xxvii. Bell & Co. 96. Betts, 22. Blanchard, 92. Doulton & Co. 23. Fernley Iron Works, 102. Minton & Co. 86. Pulham, 108. Willock, 8. xxx. (Fine Art Court), Pulham, 216. Sangiovanni, 83. France, Devers, 818. Fox, 1232. Graillon, S53, Hol¬ stein, 876. Spain, Gutierez de Leon, 281a. Pena, 282. Zollverein (4), Staib & Wasseroff, 69. Terralite Ware — Austria, Huffzky, 613. Terro-Metallic Articles —xxvn. Jones, 105. Peake, 123. Tessellated Work— i. Meredith, 141. Tetrugeons Porrographes — France, Recy, 1423. Thames Tunnel (Model)—vn. Donkin & Co. 46. Theatre, Her Majesty’s, Model of the Interior of— Main Avenue, West, Deighton, 58a. Theodolites —vi. Muir, 206. x. Crichton, 452. Elliott & Son, 320. Marratt, 409. Watkins & Hill, 659. Wilton, 402. Yeates, 332. Austria, Vienna Polytechnic Institute, 130. Canada, Joseph, 182. Thermo-Electric Battery — Zollverein (l), Suess, 482. Thermometers —x. Acland, 368. Baker, 396. Bennett, 1. Brooke, 144. Cameron, 356. Casello & Co. 157a. Dixey, 271. Durham, 668. Green, 446. Harris & Son, 149. Jones, 141. Negretti & Zambra, 160a. Newman, 674. Phillips, 411. Zollverein (5), Albert, 23. Thimbles (Ventilated)— xxii. Marsden, 531. Thistles — Portugal, Holbeche, 544. Thoracitone (Medical Instrument)—x. Barker, 649. Thrashing-machines —v. Dodds & Son, 64. ix. Blyth, 154. Carpenter, 30. Clayton & Shuttleworth, 242. Crosskill, 135. Davis, 46. Garrett & Sons, 142. Gray & Sons, 150. Hensman & Son, 149. Holmes and Sons, 241. Hornsby & Son, 233. M‘Cartney & Drummond, 248. Hansomes & May, 124. Rudd, 157. Sargent, 29. Smith, 256. Thread Counter, or Linen Prover —x. Willats, T. & R. 265. Thread and Cotton, Sewing. See Sewing Thread. Thread and Paper (British Vegetable Fibre for th e Manufacture of)—iv. Robertson, 51. Threads, Shoemakers’ and Saddlers’ —xiv. Ulla- thornes and Longstaffs, 66. Threadwork — Portugal, 1165, 1166. See also Needle¬ work. Throne, African Chief’s— Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Throstles for Spinning —vi. Booth & Co. 2. Sharp, Brothers, 15. Ticket-printing, &c. Machines —vi. Church & God¬ dard, 135. Schlesinger & Co. 168. France. Baranowski, 15. See also Pailwaij-ticket Dating- machine. Ticking (for Bedding, &c.)— Belgium, Deroubaix, 239. Marynen Vues, 227. Verriest, 214. France, Sanson, 366. Scrive, Brothers & Danser, 1006. Taillandier, 387. Netherlands, Theunissen, 39. Portugal, Scotch Linen Trade, 705, 706. Torres Novas Co. 668. Zollverein (1), Schraidt & Co. 732. Stiller & Son, 127. Tidal Indicator—x. Ryles, 190. Tidal Staircase—vii. Russell, 78. Tide Gauges —x. Hewitson, 152. Tiles, Encaustic —i. Quillam & Creer, 151. xxv. Min¬ ton & Co. 1. xxvii. Allen, 68. Tiles for Roofing, &c, (various)—i. Roake, 60. ix, Enniskillen, Earl of, 232. Grimsley, 136. xxvi. Minton, 531. xxvii. Griffiths & Strong, 67. Key, 126. Brown, 117. Jones, 105. Lovelace, Earl of, 87. Luft, 111. Minton & Co. 86. Sealey, 130. Austria, Miesbach, 610. France, Amuller, 405. Fox, 1232. Roger, 1448. Thi- bault Boilesve, 1502. Spain, Gonzalez Vails, 55. Tyer & Co. 54. & Water Purifiers— xxn. Bird, 267. See also Filters. Water, Supply of, to Towns (Models) — v. Turner, 428. xxii. Turner, 520. Water Tanks (Models)— vii. India. Water Varnish— iv. Neuber, 123. Water-Vase— United States, Salt & Mear, 203. WaterWheels (Models) —v. Devon Great Consol Copper Mining Company, 418. Erskine, 100. Ferguson, 78. Stevens, 136. Warner & Sons, 424. Wight, 480. ix. Smith & Co., 266. x. Adcock, 364. India, vii. United States, Griffin, 144. Wavertree Church (Model)— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Lascelles, 18. Wax — Austria, Reali, 101. Egypt, 116. Netherlands , Visser, 17. Portugal, Bretes, 620, 622. Carvalho, 617. De Ficalho, Marquis, 618, 619, 621. Eussia, n. n. 85. Spain, Colmenero, 182. Tunis, 183. Turkey. See also Bees' Wax. Vegetable Wax. Wax Baskets— Zollverein (1), Krurateich, 261. Wax, for Etching — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Cock, 147. Wax Figures— xxx. (Fine ArUCourt) Allin, 199. Hold¬ ing, 217. Montanari, 224. Sonnes, 277. Austria, Schlater, 701. Malta, Darmanin & Sons, 26. Polito, 34. Mexico. See also Hairdressers' Figures. Wax Flowers— See Flowers, Wax. Wax, for Modelling Flowers— xxix. Lemare, 79. Wax Models—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Bursill, 60. France, Chomereau, 122. Barhadoes, Elwell, Wax Paintings— France, Vivet, 734. Wax Portraits— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Morrison, 276. Rouw, 294. Weapons (small-arms and other) — Austria, Preis, 117. Reidler, 110. British Guiana, Arnott, 142-144, 145a. Duggin, 141. Ceylon. New Zealand, Moore, 37. Turkey. Western Africa, Acland, Sir T. D., 17. Hutton & Sons, 6. Jamieson, 22. McWilliam. /See also Guns, Pistols, fyc. Swords. Wearing Apparel (various) — xi. Cross & Co. 47. xn. & xv. Albert, H.R.H. Prince,' 500 (Main Avenue, West). Blakely, 285. Clarke, 432. Fyfe &Co., 197. Mason & Co., 303. Rainey & Co., 198. Smith & Whyte, 459. Taylor & Son, 111. Webber & Hairs, 277. xiii. Cross, 32. xiv. Beale Brown, 77. xix. Patent Utrecht Co., 265. xx. Beale & Latchmore, 204. Birt, 153. Cahan, 74. Caplin, 32a. Capper & Son, 45. Capper &Waters, 21. Clowes, 150. Cody, 64. Cutler, 69. Dingley, W. & S., 115. Doudney, 113. Firkins & Co., 163. Fry, 116. Gates, 72. Goulding, 110. Harris & Tomkins, 111. Hill, 107. Holmes & Co., 84. Hurley, 73. Kearse, 175. Kelly & Co., 178. Kisch,65. Laurence, 158. Lee, 110a. Lewis & Son, 114. M‘Rae, 128. Martin, E.&E.H.,42. Nairn, 179. Ne¬ ville & Co. 7. Powell, 26. Redgrave, 164. Robert, 130. Solomon, 86. Stewart, 177a. Thompson & Son, 62. Vincent, 177. Wagner, 31. Walker & Babb, 63. Walsh & Co., 109. Watts, 108. Wheeler & Ablett, 22. xxii. Hardman & Co., 700. xxvi. Hardman & Co. 532. xxviii. Cording, 82. Algeria, Ben Zekri, 7. Beni Abbes Tribe, 53. Bernar- don, 8. Bou Taleb Tribe, 54. Caid Ben Zekie des Seignas, 61. Cherif Ben Mimoun, 60. Drides Tribe, 55. Mohamed Ben Achir, 62. Si Ali Bel Lamouchi, 65. Si Amon Bel Onataf, 64. Austria, Bruder’s Widow, 295. Budinsky, 393. Her- mannstadt Trade Union, 398. Jenny & Schindler, 183. Klamer, 184. Krach, Brothers, 391. Mala- tinszky, 394. Nessel, 395a. Neubert, 299. Oestrei- cher, 396. Rigo & Kraetschmar, 395. Schramm, 397. Seitter, 399. Singer, 392. Volkmann, 190. Belgium, Weil, Meyer, & Co., 336. Canada, Adams, 331. Bell, 173. Henderson, 107, 332. Herbert, 18 a. Cape of Good Hope, Deane & Johnson, 19. Moag, 29. Schmieterloew, 12. China, Bowring. Daniel. Hewitt & Co. Denmark, Fjelrad, 8. Egypt, 190-194, 197, 281-283,285-294,320-324, 327, 328, 332, 333, 336. France, Brie & Jeofrin, 780. Cherif Ben Mimoun, 1560. Cochois & Colin, 124. Cocu, 125. Darnet, 1578. Depoully, 1586. Donat, 1192. Doucet & Duclerc, 147. Haraud, 863. Hayem, 1265. Martel, Geoffrey & Valensot, 921. Meyruers & Son, 639. Milon, 930. Mohamed Ben Salah, 1663. Mohammed Ben Achir, 1662. Molyn Lesouef, 1359. Moreau & Co., 652. Opigez & Chazelle, 336. Parnuit & Co., 673. Reynier, Cousins, 1435. Si Ali Ben Lamouchi, 1695. Si Amon Ben Ouat, 1694. Si Hamidi, 1696. Tailbouis, 385. Valtat & Rouille, 709. Greece, Saris & Rengos, 56. Hamburgh, Kopp & Kroli, 41. India, xv. xx. Ionian Islands, Lady Woodford, 1. Jersey and Guernsey, Dobree, 35. Malta, Dimeck, 21. Feneck, 6. Nova Scotia, Central Committee. Persia , Araman. Thompson. Eussia, Kerbalay-Hoossein-Ogli, 279. n. n. 280. Prok- horoff, Brothers, 349. Sardinia, Forno, 51. Gandolfi, 95. Society Islands, Queen Pomare, 2. Spain, 235. Carborell, 290. Fister, 222. Lucena Cor¬ poration, 231a. Switzerland, Bruderer, 118. Hanselmann, 165. Tunis, 1-12, 22, 23, 41-44, 47, 48, 94. Turkey. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, 213 United States, Haight, 385. Jennings & Co., 118. Leask, 108. Railings, 398. Shepherd, 10. Simmons, 303. Thornton, 227. Van Diemen's Land, M‘Kenzie, 167, 170. Slieglitz, 168. Tooth, 169, 171. Western Africa, Forbes, 8. Hutton & Sons, 6. M‘William. Rothery, 4. Townsend, 11. Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Boeddinghaus & Co., 572. Levin & Sons, 114. Neviandt & Pfleiderer, 523. Zeitz, 841. (2), Gebhart, Brothers, 42. (3), Luther, 187. See also Bonnets. Boots and Shoes. Gloves. Gaiters. Hats and Caps. Beady-made Linen. Shawls. Stays and Corsets. Waistcoats. Weavers’ Heddles — United States, Sennel, 75. Weaving-Cards — Spain, Aleman, 254. Deu, 253. Weaving-Combs — France, Bavarot & Son, 800. Durand & Bal, 829. Henry, 536. Spain, Carreras y Alberiht, 252. Tuscany, Cuyere, 59. Weaving-Machines— See Hand-Looms. Looms. Power- Looms. Weaving, Specimens of (Various)— xi. Walmesley, 51. xii. & xv. Rogers, 472. Zollverein (6), Klein, 63. Rust, 68. Weaving and Spinning Instruments (Undescribed)— Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith, 1. Webbing, Elastic — xx. Hall, 4. Webs and Webbing — xii. & xv. Bliss, 270. Bridport Local Committee, ’73. Early, 269. Gandy, 246. xvi. Taylor, 269. xx. Thomas & Brothers, 46. Ceylon. Webster, Daniel, Plaster Cast of— United States, Chickering, 555. Wedding-Cake Ornaments —xxix. Vine, 116. Wedding Cakes —xxix. Gunter, 112. Moore & Murphy, 232. Wedges — viii. Bennett, 293. Weed-destroying Machines —ix. Fleming, 253. Grant, & Co., 267. Belgium, Delstanehe, 510. India , ix. Weeping Cypress (with Specimens of the Wood)— Eastern End (Outside), Standish & Noble, 100. Weft (undescribed) — Portugal, Rio Vezello Company, 721, 722, 724. Weigh-Bridges —ix. James & Co., 86. ^Weighing-Machines— v . Cadell, 766. Craig, 776. ^TSavicIson" & "Co., 4. Day & Mill ward, 772. Donba- vand, 782. James & Co. 411. ]\|e dhurst, 780. Morris, 764. Nicholl & Co., 770. ffi)olev 7§4. ix. Grant & Co., 267. James & Co., 86. Mapplebeck & Lowe, 131. Maynard, 109. Smith, A. & W. & Co., 266. x. Macpherson, 684a. Webster, 671a. Young & Son, 366. xxii. Marriott, 795. Weights and Measures (including Scales, Beams, &c.) —i. Cadell, 256. Nicholl & Co., 770. x. De Grave, Short & Fanner, 333. Siebe, 358. Tree & Co., 324. xxii. Elliott, 151. Tyler & Son, 401. Warner & Sons, 798. Austria, Pfleiderer, 476. Schmidt, 105. Belgium, Sacre, 504. Canada, Ladd, 151a. Egypt, 162, 163, 165. France, Beranger & Co., 761. Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, 1568. Parent, 944. Gold Coast and Ashantee, Forster & Smith. 1. India, v. Netherlands, Becker, 83. Russia, Vesofftchikoff, 173. Tunis , 37. United States, Bache, 395a. Insler, 161. Western Africa, Beecham, 12. Hutton & Sons, 6. Zollverein (1), Baumann, 76. Broemel, 705. Oertling, 87. Reimann, 86. See also Decimal Scales. Diamond Balances . Weld — Spain, Martinez, 145, Well-block — Tunis, 86, 164. Well-boring Apparatus—vi. Beart, 301. Speller, 330. Wellesley, Marquis of, (Statue of)—South Transept Weekes, 19. Wellington, Duke of (Busts and Statues of)—North Transept, Milnes, 40. Main Avenue, West, Elkington & Co., 94. xxm. Widdowson & Veale, 100. Ritchie 193. Wesley, John, Bust of—xxv. Hughes, 60. Statue of, xxx. (Sculpture Court) Manning, 73. Westminster, Designs for a Bridge at—vii. Hunt & Gandell, 37. Rovere, 163. Russell, 78. Westminster, Design for Improvements—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Bardwell, 175. Whale, Jaw-bone of — Van Diemens Land, Moses, 207 (Main Avenue, West). Whalebone —iv. Horan, 103. Westall & Co., 104. United States, Goddard, 537. Van Diemen’s Land , Moses, 237. Whale-fishing Implements — xxii. Boulton & Son, 330. Whale-Gun — viii. Beadon, 90. See also Harpoon-Guns. Whale-Oil— See Oils {various). Wheat— See Corn. Wheat-dressing Machines— See Corn £f Grain Dress¬ ing Machines. Wheat (Remedy for the Smut in)—n. Sturgess, 88. Wheat-Straw Paper, &c.—iv. Wright & Co., 42. Wheel Bands, Gut —v. Potier, 639. Wheelbarrows —vn. Ell, 94. ix. Ellis, 29. Windus, 36. Wheel-Chairs — See Invalid Wheel-Chairs. Wheel-cutting and Dividing-Engine— vi. Lewis & Sons, 209. Wheeler’s Patent Condensers —vi. Hulls, 618. Wheel-frame — Russia, Imperial Coach-making Esta¬ blishment, 154. Wheels, Carriage, Cart, and Other (Models, &c.)— v. Brown, Marshall, & Co., 812. Crosskill, 826. Gompertz, 652. Grisdale, 858. Lee, 507. Shilton, 966. ix. Crosskill, 11. x. Broadbent, 122. Van Diemen’s Land, Fraser, 10. Wheels for Gun-Carriages — v. Smith, 972. Wheels, Metal — v. Eastwood & Frost, 672. xxii. Lucas & Son, 204a. Wheels, Noiseless (Vulcanised India-Rubber)— v. Marks, 908. Tilbury, 984. xxvi. Ward, 279. Whetstones —i. Scrampton, 82. ix. Seal, 262. Belgium, Collette Doucet, 5. Dupierry, 494. Lam berty, Brothers, 25. Canada , Logan, 1. Turkey. Zollverein (4), Schumacher, 93. Wagner, 104. See also Grindstones; Hones. Whipcords —xiv. Wall, E. & T., 70. Whips —xvi. Atkinson & Eldrid, 80. Callow & Son, 308. Case, 315. Martin, 81. xxix. Callow & Son, 83. Stark, 135. Austria, Griess, 341. Manschon, 342. 214 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country, Canada, Threlkeld, 166. Cape of Good Hope, Bridges, 21. Hanbury, 28. India, xvii. Netherlands , Post & Wendt, 55. United States, Rowe, 326. Marshall, 159, 160. Wise¬ man, 130-132. Zollverein (1), Becherer, 141. Wirth, 819. Whipthongs —xxix. Barnes, J, & W., 15. Whitby Abbey, Ruins (Model of)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Robinson, 120. White Island (Model in Sulphur)— New Zealand, Ligar, 27. White-lead and White-lead Ore —i. 59. Dyer, 62. Potter & Co., 87. Whittaker, 53. Austria, Bigaglia, 34. Diez, 33, Egger & Co., 31. Herbert, 30. Belgium, Brasseur, 42. Dehbaudt, 39. France, Bouze & Brothers, 772. Maire & Co., 317. Poelman, 961. Netherlands, Poortman & Visser, 2. Stratnigh Sc Co., 3. Sardinia, Profumo, 14. United States, Wetherill, Brothers, 43, Zollverein (1), Bischop & Rhodius, 312. Stettiner Patent Bleiweiss Fabrik, 5. Waldthausen, 320. Whytock’s Patent Velvet (Portiere made of)—xix. Henderson & Widnell, 201. Wicker Table-mats — Austria, Kumpf, 658. Wunsehe, ’ 659. Wicker-Work. See Baskets 8p Basket-Work. Wicks for Stearine Candles — France, Nicod & Son, 663. Wigs— xvi. Beck, 247. Bouchet, 246. Brown, 300. Browne, 245. Burgess, 244. Carles, 251. Causse, 259. Douglas, 257. Gates, 183. Hewlett, 238. Isidore & Brandt, 253. Madden & Black, 256. Mantel, 321. Mussa, 260, O’Leary, 265. Pigott, 261. Prevost, 250. Robey, 262. Rossi, 248. Tvzack 264. Winter, 249. Worn, 255. xxviii. Truefitt, 62. France, Croisat, 1574. Thibierge, 695. Netherlands, Coucke, 57. \ United States, Bourgard, 309. Clirehugh, 133. Gilbert, 42. Phalon, 390. See also Hair , Artificial. Wild-fowl Decoy (Model)— xxix. Down, 267. Wild-fowl Shooting, Guns, Punts, &c., for —vm. Hawker, 205. Wilkinson & Son, 200. See also Stanchion Guns. Willow-bark — France, Leroux, 308. Willow-straw — Austria, Tamassia, 97. Wilton Church (Model)— vii. Wyatt 8c Brandon, 220 (Main Avenue, West). Wince for climbing Precipices (Model)—vm. Hub¬ bard, 180. Winchester, Earl of, a. d. 1215 (Model) — xxx. (Sculpture Court), Westmacott, 74. Wind-Dials —x. Bennett, 1. Wind-Guards for Chimney-tops — vii. Green, 186. xxii. Edwards, 387. Jersey and Guernsey, Dupre, 9. Winding and Cleaning Engine —vi. Davenport, 80. Winding-machines (Cotton)—vi. Marsland & Co., 47. Paterson, 28. France, Risler 8c Son, 1438. ¥7ind Instruments. See Cornet-a-Pistons. Cphicleides. Trumpets Sf Homs, 8fc. Sfc. Windlass Purchase —vm. Brown, Lenox 8c Co. 303. Gladstone, 182. Wood & Co., 102. xxii. Wood, Brothers, 75. Windlasses, Ships’— vm. Betteley, 63, 97. Brown, Lenox, & Co. 61. Cottew, 98. Hastings, 114. Soulby, 110, IWindmills (Models, &c.)—v. Terrett, 126. Vallance, 127. Window-Blind Rollers, Pulleys, &c.—xxii. Bryden & Sons, 45. Jenkihson, 594. Long & Co. 290a. Window-Blinds (Spring-roller) — xxii. Azulay, 597. xxvi. Kobelt & Sons, 396. Window-Blinds, Transparent and Painted— xxvi. Harris, 395. Heasman, 52. Noel, 400. Wells, 232. France, Bach-Peres, 1061. Hoen, 264. Morgant, 1726. Hamburgh, Boekel, 116, Zollverein (1), Bengen, 234. Wamp & Schroeder, 239. See also Metal Blinds. Perforated Blinds, Zinc. Venetian Blinds. Window Blinds, Wire — vii. Walker, 119. Window-Cleaner—vii. Ness, 123. Window-Curtains— xi, Bradbury, Greatorex, & Beale, 56. xix. Templeton 8c Co. 315. xx. Shaw, 91. Zollverein (1), Eichelberg, 660. Window Fastenings—vii. Mackie, 126. xxii. Boulter, 677. Fons, De La, 800. Pierce, 18. France, Credrue, 134. Window Glass — Belgium, Bennert & Bivort, 390. Frison, 392. France, Patoux, Drion, & Co. 674. Renard Sc Son, 981. Robichon, Brothers, 8c Co. 1445. Hamburgh, Hildebrand, 56. Portugal, Pinto, Basto Sc Co. 1044-1046. Pussia, Kokhanoff, 295. Moussin, 294. Switzerland, Daguet, 75. Zollverein (2), Neft, 62. See also Crown- Glass. Flint- Glass. Painted Glass. Painted Windows. Plate-Glass. Sheet-Glass. Stained- Glass. Stained-Glass Windows. Window-Glass, Coloured —xxiv. Chance & Co, 22. Hartley & Co. 100- Window-Glass, Ornamented by Machinery— xxiv. James, 85. Window-Shutters —See Shutters (for Shops, Sfc.) Windows, Window-Sashes, &c. (Models, 8cc.)- — vii. An¬ derson, 144. Bates, 69. Bodley, 43. Bunnett & Co. 152. Farrell, 140. Herring, 60. Hill, 68. Hurwood, 31. Mackrory, 173. Maxwell, 192. Newnham, 170. Roberts, 127. Royal Dublin Society, 141. Theobald, 147. Tutton, 118. xxii. Barrow, 4 a. Jones, 230. xxiv. Castle-street Glass Works, 83, St. Helen’s Plate and Sheet-glass Works, 66. xxvi. King, 61. xxviii. Godfrey, 183. Jersey and Guernsey, Dupre, 9. See also Brick Window Frames. Church Windows. Painted Windows. Sash Lines. Spring Windows. Stained-Glass Windows. Wine-Casks, Vats, &c. — xxx. (Fine Art Court) Wood, 48. France, Liesourd-Delisle, 593. Portugal, Rangel, 1120. Wine-Fining Whisp —xxvi. Kendall, 246. Wine Jar, Earthen (from Toboso in La Mancha)— Spain, Ysasi, 51 (Main Avenue, East). Wine-machines (Used in the Management of Wines and other Liquors)—xxii. Farrow, 560. Wine-Presses —vi. Barlow, 613. , France, La Forestier, 1709. ' CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating tlieir Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 215 Wines — China, Lindsay. Turkey. Zollverein (1), Deinhart & Jordan, 869. Geyger & Co., 870. Winnowing-machines —ix. Coocli, 53. Cottam & Hal- len, 109 a. Marychurch, 93. Nicholson, 50. Rals¬ ton, 254. Sawney, 31. Sheriff, 74. Smith, J., 256. Smith, W. 270. Wedlake & Co. 127. Windsor, 25. j Belgium, Delsfanehe, 510. Wire —i. Morewood & Rogers, 436. xxn. Bateman, 84. Bolton, 353. Corn forth, 322. Everitt & Son, 352. Horsfall, 3,34. Wakefield, 337. Austria, Eberstaller & Schindler, 427. Egger, 425. Hueber, 428, Schedl, 429. France , Estivant, Brothers, 1214. Palmer, 942. India, xxn. Nova Scotia, Acadian Iron Mining Association, 1. Archibald, 2. Nuremburg, Fuchs. Russia, Zeitler, 343. Switzerland, Neuhaus & Blosch, 1. United States, Trenton iron Co. 167. Zollverein (1), Kissing & Mollman, 647- Ohle, 62. Reinecker & Co. 404. Schleicher, 405. (2) Gre- nanth, Brothers, 95. Kaltenecker, 54a. Kuhn, 57. (4) Rexer, 62. Stohrer, 60. Wire Bridges for Parks, &c.—vn, Grout, 47. Wire Cartridges—viii. Eley W. & C., 225. Joyce & Co. 277. Wire Cloth —xxn. Greening & Sons, 39. Canada , Rice, 150 a. Spain, Sanchez, 255. See also Metallic Cloth. Wire, Wove and Twist. Wire-Drawing Benches —vi. Johnson & Co. 212. Wire Fences —xxn. Gidney, 556. Wire Fences, Screw for Straining —x. Richardson, 264. Wire Gauze —xxu. Baker & Co. 319. France, Gail lard, 225. Lang, 288. Zollverein (4), Rexer, 62. See also Wire, Wove and Twist. Wire Netting— xxu. Fox, 35. Gorrie, 40. Wire Netting, Galvanized—xxii. Barnard & Bishop, 34. Wire Rope—xxii. Kuper, 32. Newall, 36. Wilkins & Co., 30. Austria , Fischer & Wurm, 426. Wurm, 137. Zollverein (1), Felten & Guilleaume, 380 (Main Avenue, East). See also Metallic Cord. Wire Rope, Galvanized — xxii. Wilkins & Co., 30. Wire Tacks— Austria, Dubsky, 456. Wire-work (various articles, in)—ix. Green, 66. xxu. Cornforth, 322. Fox, 35. Reynolds, 37. Richardson, 26. Zollverein (5), Zimmermann, 19. Wire, Wove and Twist —vi. Coomhe, B. & Co., 444. Corcoran & Co., 416. xxii. Coombes, 27. Nicklen & Sneatb, 332. See also Wire-Cloth. Wire Gauze. Witney Duffils (Wool Dyed)—xn. & xv. Swaine, J. & E. & Co., 41. Woad —iv. Saunders & Gatchell, 71. Zollverein (1), Giessler, 696. Wolfram— 1 . Jenkins, 502. Oxland, 485. WilODS. ( Specimens o fl— 11 . London Druggists, 117. IV. J -~ breadalbane, Marquis of, 134. Classon, 22. Cross, 136. Dillon, Viscount, 138. Evans, 9 a. Fauntle- roy & Sons, 135. Fitch, 8. Gilman, 44. Harrison, R. & J., 6. Holtzapffel & Co., 14. Long, 47. Mur¬ ray, Sir W., 137. Saunders, 9. XXII. Onions, 249. Algeria, Wood and Forest Commission, 47. Bahamas. British Guiana, Bee, 102c, 103a, 105b, 105c, 116—11 7a, 156. Buchanan, 86, 86a, 90, 90a, 95, 95a, 96, 96a. Duggin, 90b, 99—102A. Fauset, 93, 94. Gutridge, 84, 84a, 85, 85b, 85c, 87, 87a, 88, -88a, 89, S9a, 91, 91a, 92, 92a, 97, 97 a, 97b, 98, 98a, 104, 105a, 106— 115a, 11 7a — 117e. Pontifex, 102b. Stutchbury, 85a, 117b—117b. Canada, Davis, 78. Egan, 74. Parisault, 76, 77. Reed & Meakins, 75. Cape of Good Hope, Bush, 60. Dumbleton, 47. Mora¬ vian Missionary Station, Genaaendal, 44. Wood¬ man, 26. Ceylon. Egypt, 112, 138-149, 388. France, Baudon, 43. Boucherie, 1104. St. Ubery, 1495. Ionian Islands, Lord Seaton, 5. Lahuan , 8pc., Woolley, 3. Mauritius, Mellon, 6. Mexico. New Brunswick. New South Wales, Bidwell, 1. Dudgeon & Co., 11« New Zealand, 38. Johnson, 21. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal 505, 508, 581-591. Batalha, 509. De Ficalho, Marquis, 552. De Louie, Marquis, 553-579. Vaz, 580. Rome, Bianconcini, 4. Russia , Kauffmann, 117. N.N. 89. Tifiis, Government of, 119. St. Domingo, Schomburgk, Sir R,. Spain, Madrid Cabinet Botanical Garden, 186. Manilla Economical Society, 187. Trinidad, Lord Harris. Tunis, 96-100. Turkey. United States, Bell, 176. De Saussure, 176a. Pell, 115. Thompson, 241. Van Diemen's Land, Athers, 328. Brownrigg, 107,108. Denison, Sir W. T., 56-70, 121-125, 229, 269. Fow¬ ler, 82-89. Hadden, 103, 104. M‘Naughten, 96, 102, 209. Milligan, 221, 223, 313, 341. Quinn, 95. Smith, 189. Whitesides, 91-93. Western Africa, Hutton & Sons, 6. Zollverein (1), Hilgers, 659. Mess & Co., 247. (4), Noerdlinger, 11. See also Mahogany. Timber. Wood Carvings —Eastern end, outside, Standish & Noble, 1. Main Avenue, West, Boulton & Swales, 63. xxvi. Hayball, 344. Harrison’s Wood Carving Com¬ pany, 222. Hoyles, 345. Myers, 533. Seibe, 11. Thomas, 275. xxvm. Crespin, 36. Howton, 166. Moore, 176. Sandy & Powell, 112. Wallis, 8. Win- terborn, 168. Wolstenholme, 173. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Aitken & Allen, 310. Austin, 313. Biss, 307. Cook, 104. De Groot, 92. Field, 360. French, 62. Gordon, 81. Harvey, 86. Hellyer & Son, 61. Liech- field, 330. Longley, 95. Nisbet & Co., 116. Perry, 101. Pullen, 84. Ringham, 88. Rogers, 74, 35.3. Stalon, 108. Tweltidge, 102. Walker, 102. Wallis, 89. Webber & Bartlett, 153. Belgium, Geerts, 450 (Main Avenue, East). Menge, 409 (Main Avenue, East). Vanhool, 454 (Main Avenue, East). Wynants, 472. Cape of Good Hope, 59. Ceylon. China, Hewett & Co. Shea. Si chart & Co. France, Cruchet, 810. Dumont-Pettreile, 826. Faure, 1218. Knecht, 282. Leinard, 1326. Leschesne, 573. Pinsonnet, 1392. Yon, 745. 216 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating tlieir Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Hamburgh , Bartlels, 106. India , xxx. Meckleriburg-Schwerin , Bear, 8. Behr, 7. New Brunswick , Gibbs & Co. Oldenburg , Casseboh, 1. Persia , Abbot, Portugal, Caetano, 1228-1231. Naval Arsenal, 1225- 1227. Vieira, 1232. Sardinia , Bosio, 85. Capello, 64. Sweden and Norway, Thesen, 44. Switzerland, Baumann, 239. Fluekk, 238. Jann, 255. Kehrli, Brothers, 242. Kessler, 243. Klarer, 244. Michel, 248. Schild, 250. Wettli, 237. Tunis, 59. Tuscany, Barbetti, 76. Lombardi, 75. Marchetti, 79. Pasqui, 83. Western Africa, Trotter, 5. Zollverein (1), Alberty, 270. Bouge, 222. Daehns, 269. Grzybrowski, 444. Heydenreich, 443. (2), Lang, 77. Wood Engraving and Printing— xvn. Manchin & Morel, 128. xxx. (Fine Art Court,) Cundal & Addey, 112. Belgium, Jamar, 444. China, Thoms. Prance, Carbonneau, 104. Dujardin, 825. Zollverein (1), Kilian, 665. Osten, 150. Wood, Imitation— xxvi. Holland & Sons, 62 a. United States, Newman, 402. Wood Impregnated with Block Tin— i. Downham, 501. Wood and Indian-Rubber Joinings— vm. Foster, 7. Wood Matrices (Casts from, for the use of Silk, Cotton, and other Printers)—xvn. Barker, 189. Wood, Mosaic— xxvi. Nye, 54. Wood Mouldings— Zollverein (1), Nees, 420. Wood for Musical Instruments— Switzerland, Stern, 57. Zollverein (2), Henseth, 76. Wood Ornaments (for Furniture, &c.) — . Belgium, De Joughe, 416. Wood, Painting on— Switzerland, Wirtz, 259. See also Graining and Flatting. Wood, Seasoned (Specimens) — n. Peacock, 73. iv. Bethell, 21. Newton, 20. See also Burnettized Tim¬ ber. limber-Seasoning Apparatus. Woods, Stained—ii. Hawthorne, 39. Naylor, 35. iv. Stowe, 10. xxvi. Palmer, 53. See also Stains for Wood. Wood Tissue— France , Christophe, 91. Wood Types— xvn. Fairbairn, 9. Wood Ware (Fancy & other)—xvn. Clark & Davidson, 135. xvm. Shepherd, 111. xxix. Smith, 205. India, xxvm. Wooden Legs— Switzerland, Lompard-Janpeau, 93. Wooden Letters— xxx. (Fine Art Court) Thompson, 343. Wooden Shoes— Belgium, De Ketelaere, 350, Ponseele, 495. France, Bathier, 22. Froment, 208. Wool (of various kinds)—iv. Cahill, 91 a. Dorrien, 81. Good & Co., 95. Henderson, 80. Irving, 94. Lippert, 97. Mailings, 86. Millner, 85. Moore, 78. Motley, 90. Preller, 91. Rebow, 84. Sands & Co., 88. Sectional Committee on Animal Kingdom, 85 a. Smithson, 101 a. xii. & xv. Brunton & Co., 230. Burgess & Co., 243. Cheeseborough, 179. Cheetham, C. G. & W., 45. Fox & Co., 272. Pease & Co., 184. Salt, 139. Sykes & Ogden, 118. Thomas, 493. xx. Laughland, 144. xxix. Quin, 230. Algeria , Canton, 14. Haractasj Tribe, 56. Si Amar Smin, 49. Austria, Figdor & Sons, 90. Hunyady Von Ketheley, 89. Larisch Moennich, 92. Panna & Alexis, 94. Rotsch & Reichel, 98. Von Mittrowsky, 91. Von Wallis, 93. Belgium , Le Chevalier Loenens, 109. Petit Noel, Leronge, & Co., 246-250. Scheppers, 497. Cape of Good Hope, Breda, 32. Reitz & Co., 31. Denmark, Kolbjornsen, 2. France, Bernoville, 1548. Billiet & Huot, 1550. Bru- neaux & Son, 38. Cauvet, 1138. Delattre & Son, 142. Desplanque, 816. Dollfus, Mieg & Co., 1191. Gaillet- Baronnet, 839. Girod de l’Ain, 1249. Graux, 245. Guerot, 533. Hartmann & Co., 257. Lantein & Co., 566. Laporte & Son, 900. Laroque & Jaquemet, 901. Latache de Neuvillette, 562. Lefevre, 1312. Malin- gie, 322. Manjguet, 1341. Pature-Lupin, Seydoux, Seibler, & Co., 1381. Richer, 354. Rivaud, 987. Sentis & Son, 1011. Sourd, 1493. Terrasson de Mont- leau, 1498. Warmont, 1048. New South Wales, Armitage, 1. Learmonth, 8, 10. McArthur, 13. Motley, 9. New Zealand, Tyrrel, 1, 28. Portugal, Cornea, 600. Daufrias & Co., 856-865, 885-889. De Ficalho, Marquis, 601-603. Russia, Gamaley, 123. Gigolo, 130. Gorigoretzk Farm, 121. Konovnitzin, 337. N. n. 128. Narishkan, 127. Philibert, 124. Shah, 126. Vassal, 122. Youz- bash, 129. Sardinia, Brun, Brothers, 21. Mesina, 31. Nuoro Divi¬ sional Committee, 36. Prever, 20. Spain, 226,229. Barrasa, 228. Hernandez, 230. Montero, 225. Municio, 224. Tudela Economical Society, 227. Sweden and Norway, 20. Tunis, 5, 9,11, 39,40. Turkey. Tuscany, Collacchioni, 52. Tuscany, Grand Duke of, 53, 54. United States, Blakeslee, 131. Brown, 4. Ewing, 188. Kimber, 500. Parker & Brown, 235. Perkins & Brown, 201. Peters, 106. Sibley, 197. Van Diemen’s Land, Grant, 346. Kermode, 235. Oak- den, 161. Reeves, 322. Richardson & Co., 346. Smith, 222. Zollverein (1), Eckardstein, 32. Flockenhaus & Co., 335. Frankenfelde, Royal Administration of, 27. Lehmann, 47. Liibbert, 24. Nordmann, 30. Ober- burggraf Von Brunneck, 46. Peill & Co., 369. Sau- ken, 433. Schwerin, Count of, 33. Thaer, 23. Von Lipski, 25. Von Luttwitz, 42. Treptow Royal Re¬ mounting Depot, 22. Weimarsson, 797. (3), Schuetze, 188. WooL,f Artificial — Belgium, Van der Schrieck, 101. Wool-combing Machines —vi. Donisthorpe, 40. France, Desplanque, 816. Harding-Coker, 864. Wool-combing, Tools for —vi. Binns, 55. xxii. Wor- rall & Co., 164. Wool Sheets (for Packing Wool)— xxix. Earnshaw, 261. Woollen Counterpanes— Canada, Bean, 137. Dixon, 138. Woollen Fabrics (various)— xii. & xv. Aked & Sons, 137. Allen & Banks, 226. Armitage, Brothers, 103. Barber & Co., 19. Barber & Sons, 105. Barnicot & Hirst, 105. Barraclough &Son, 133. Beardsell & Co. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 217 109. Beardsell & Son, 120. Beaumont, 72. Bennett, J. & A., 95. Binks, 31. Bramley Woollen Cloth Company, 64. Brett, Brothers, & Co., 20. Brook, J. & Son, 487. Brook & Sons, 86. Brown & Forster, 9. Brown J. & H. & Co., 469. Bull & Wilson, 12. Carr, T. &W., 273. Cheetham, C. G. & W., 45. Chick, 221. Clark, J. & J. 13. Clay, 124. Cooper, D. & J., 42. Cormack, 68. Crosland, W. & H., 97. Da¬ vies & Sons, 214. Dicksons & Laings, 234. East & Co., 2. Ecroyd & Son, 130 a. Edmonds & Edmonds, 218. Ellis & Co. 70. Eyres'& Son, 27. Fox & Co., 272. Godefroy, 308. Gott & Sons, 47. Gray, 67. Hagues & Co., 25. Haigh &Sons, 236. Haley, A. & C. 59. Harris & Fison, 145. Hastings, Brothers, 100. Hayley & Sons, 58. Henry & Co., 38. Hibble- thwaite & Lister, 96. Hinchliff, J. & G., 119. Hinch- liffe & Son, 93. Holmes & Sons, 107. Hooper & Co,, 210. Horsfall & Co., 174. Hudson & Bousfield, 21. Hudswell & Son, 85. Hughes, 251. Huth & Fischer, 123. Ireland & Co., 247. Irwin, 26. Jebb& Sons, 82. Kenyon, J. & J., 94. Lambert, 30. Lewis, 238. Lockwood & Keighley, 104. M‘Crea, 135. Mal- linson & Sons, 108. Marling & Co., 209. Mills, 253. Oldfield & Co. 127. Overbury, 216. Palling, 213. Part¬ ridge, 212. Pearson, 239. Phillips & Co., 217. Playne & Co., 211. Powell, 8. Ripley & Son, 148. Roberts, 171. Salter & Co., 250. Saville, 46. Scho¬ field, A.,474. Schofield, J., 125. Schwann, 115. Shaw, J. W. & H., 98. Shaw, P., 90. Shaw, Son, & Co., 110. Sheard & Sons, 81. Sheppard, W. B. & G., 18. Slater, 22. Smith & Co., 14. Smith & Son, 29. Smith, W., 80. Smithson, 48. Snell, 24. Stancomb & Son, 16. Stancomb, W. & J., 17. Starkey, J. & A., 121. Stead & Co. 57. Stow, Brothers, 35. Swain & Co., 41. Sykes, D., & Co., 75. Sykes & Sons, 34. Taylor, 88. Thornton & Co., 32. Vickerman & Beau¬ mont, 102. Walker & Sons, 87. Webster, A., 84. Webster, D., 63. Webster, T., 62. Wheeler, 271. Wilkinson, W.&E., 52. Willott & Co., 114. Wilson, D. , 83. Wilson, J., 138. Wilson & Son, 252. Win¬ gate & Co., 200. Wrigley, J. & T. C., 117. Wrigley & Sons, 101. Yewdall & Son, 78. York & Sheep¬ shanks, 49. xx. Cross & Co., 115 a. Algeria, Algiers, Delegate of, 58. Austria , Auspritz, 204. Bauer & Co., 205. Biedermann & Co., 206. Binder, 207. Blaschka & Co., 294. Bracht, 240. Briinn Trade Union, 212. Furler, 208. Gaes Cloth Manufacturing Company, 209. Ginzel, 210. Guertler, 211. Hartig, 212. Hermannstadt Cloth-makers’Association, 214. Honauer, 215. Illek, 216. Kamner, 199. Liebig, 298. Miess, 217. Moro, Brothers, 218. Mueller, 219. Namiest Cloth Manufacturing Company, 220. Neuhaeuser, Seig- mund, & Co., 229. Oflfermann, 221. Popper, Bro¬ thers, 222. Posselt, 223. Schmieger, A., 193. Schmieger, J., 224. Schmitt, 225. Schoeli, 226. Schoeller, Brothers, 227. Seidel, 228. Siegmund, 230. Stepanek, F., 231. Steffens, P., 232. Stra- kosch & Son, 233. Thomas, 196. Thum, 197. Trenkler & Sons, 234. Tschoerner, 235. Ullricht, 236. Vonwiller & Co., 237, Wochovsky, 203. Wolfram, 301. Belgium , Biolley, 195. Dubois, 196. Janssens, 193- Leonard, 198. Olivier & Co., 201. Simonis, 194* Sirtaine, 197. Snoeck, 202. Vanderstraeten, 205. Canada , Bean, 137. McKay & Co., 144. Paterson, G., 115. Paterson, J., 146. Willett, 143. Egypt, 188, 189, 366. France , Bisson, 1088. Bouchard, 1103. Chatelain- Ferou, 86. Chenneviere, 120. Courtey, Brothers, & Barez, 97. David, Brothers, & Co., 157. Dela- moriniere & Co., 1583. Delegue & Co., 143. Del- fosse, Brothers, 144. Feau-Bechard, 198. Fortel, Larbre, & Co., 206. Fortin-Boutellier, 1109. Four- nival, Son, Altmayer, & Co., 221. Gaudchaud-Picard, 222. Goffinet-Salle, 524. Guinonprez & Co., 855. Gros-Odier-Roman & Co., 248. Guilbert & Wateau, 860. Guinon, 1263. Hartmann&Sons, 256. Hindenlang, 1269. Kunzer, 883. Laporte & Son, 900. Lefebvre Ducatteau, Brothers, 1309. Lenormand, 588. Machet- Marote, 596. Maistre, Brothers, 598. Milon, 642. Nazet, 660. Paret, 1378. Patriau, 1380. Pin- Bayard, 682. Poitevin & Son, 685. Roussel-Dazin, 1458. Schlumberger & Co., 1000, 1481. Schwartz & Huguenin, 1003. Signoret Rochas, 1013. Si Ila- mida, 1696. India , xn. Fabliau, Sfc., Grey, The Countess, 1. Netherlands, Heuveldop, 16. Koopmans, 40. Vreede & Co., 33. New Zealand, St. John’s College, 7. Nova Scotia, Central Committee, 2. Portugal, 806-808. Correa & Co., 798-803. Lafourie & Co., 814-840. Larchers & Co., 787-797. Mello, 804. Russia, Arsenoff, 182. Bedlano Peasant Women, 350. Fiedler, 351. Isaieff, 184. Stumpf, 181. Tcharti- Obdool-Ogli, 186. Varen, 352. Zakhert, 185. Zou- boff & Stepounin, 180. Sardinia, Rey, Brothers, 35. Society Islands, Queen Pomare, 3. Spain, Cruz De Areas, 253c. Mendez, 253b. Santa Maria de Nieva, Alcalde of, 233. Sastre, 253a. Trueba y Campo, 253e. Sweden and Norway, Bergewall, 19. Landmark, 19. Malmgrew, 19. Soderberg & Arosenius, 19. Switzerland, Hug-Ith, 185. Kelly, 150. Kunz, 128. Tunis, 77. Turkey. United States, Cook, 242. Lawrence & Co., 409. Macy, Stanton, & Co., 368. Western Africa, Acland, Lady, 14. Beecham, 12. Hutton & Sons, 6. M‘William. Trotter, 5. Zollverein (I), Anthoni, 378. Beeck, 494. Behren & Schmidt, 98. Bolten, Welhelm, & Son, 490. Bor- mann, 112. Bothcher & Engel, 865. Braun, Bro¬ thers, 491. Bruhm & Nagler, 816. Christoffel, 347. Cohn & Hermann, 104. Delius, 866. Feaux & Riedel, 364. Feller & Son, 107. Feulgen, Bro¬ thers, 507. Forster. 220. Forshmann & Huftmann, 508. Geissler, 100. Gevers & Schmidt, 50. Graft’, 803. Haan & Sons, 366. Haas & Sons, 357. Haber- land, 99. Harrass, 798. Haseloff & Co., 713. Hendrichs, 367. Hey, 26. Hilger, Brothers, 498. Hoffmann, 110. Homberg & Scheibier, 339. Hueck, 499. Huffmann, Brothers, 500. Itzigsohn, 97. Jansen, 349. Johanny-Abhoe, 493. Kayser, 370. Kesselkaul, 371. Kleinschmit & Co., 372. Knops, 218 ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST OF ARTICLES Britts^ Articles are denoted by Roman Numerals indicating their Class ; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. Brothers, 373. Lucius & Co., 729. Lutze, Brothers, 103. Macht, 730. Martens, 868. Mende & Son, 111. Mentzel, 94. Merlins, 867. Moll, 501. Mul¬ ler, 723. Peill 8c Co., 369. Pelbermamann & Co., 497. Ruffer & Son, 101. Scheder & Co., 102. Scheibler & Sons, 864. Scheidt, 505. Scheldt, Gebruder, & Co., 504. Schlief, Brothers, 108. Schnabel, Brothers, 503. Schoeller, J. P., 365. Schoel- ler & Sons, 374. Schuermann & Schroder, 496. Ster- nickel & Guelcher, 376. Teschevmacher & Katten- busch, 492. Thywissen, Brothers, 375. Visseur, 358. Walther, Hennig, & Co., 714. Weyerhusch, 570. Wiese, Brothers, 495. Zambona, 359. Ziegler, 36. Zirkenbach, 791. Zschille, J. C. 8c K., 844. (3) , Bernhard, 121. Boettiger, 108. Buchwald, 133. Burkhart, 109. Caspari, 132. Collel, 110. Fielder, 128. Glafey & Neubarth, 105. Graefe & Son, 102. Grossman, Brothers, 125. Grossmann, 124. Gruener, 101. Helling & Co. 112. Hermann, 139. Herrmann & Son, 122. Hoesel 8c Co., 86. Hueffer, 111. Jaehnig, 134. Junghans, 131. Kauff'mann, 114. Kirsten, 113. Kob- lich, 123. Lehmann, 107. Meissner, E. 136. Meissner, F. A., 130. Meissner, F. T. 129. Meissner, M., 137. Meissner, T. 126. Moerbitz, 127. Mueller & Co., 115. Oehler, Brothers, 116. Petzoldt, 141. Press- prich, Ernst, & Son, 1*35. Reichel, 140. Schrcper, 120. Seyferth & Co. 106. Singer, 145. Spengler, 117. "Unger, 146. Weickert, 166. Wolf, C. A. 142. Wolf, J. G. 143. Wolff, 144. Ziegler & Haussmann, 92. Zschille, Brothers, 138. (4) , Finckh, 31. Kohler, 46. Schill & Wagner, 30. Schonleber, 32. (6), Arzf, 27. | See also Baize. Blankets. Cassimeres. Damasks {Worsted and Woollen). Doeskins {Woollen). Dyed Wool and Woollen Cloth. Felt. Flannel. Friezes. Plaids. Reversible Cloth. Tartans. Tweeds. Waist- coatings. Woollen Netting —xxi. & xv. Slater, 170. Woollen Rugs, &c.— xvi. Clapham, 9. Deed, 10. Hartly, 6. Hill, 8. Robinson, 7. XIX. Harrison, 194. Woollen Yarns —iv. Breadalbane, Marquis of, 95 a. xii. & xv. Brunton, 8c Co., 230. Burgess & Co., 243. Fox & Co., 272. Marriott & Son, 473. Renwick, T. 8c A., 233. Sharp, 177. Simon 8c Co., 163. Thomas, 493. Townend, 175. Williams & Co., 257. Austria , Keller, 191. Leidenfrost, 192. Schrnieger, 193. Soxhalet, 194. Tetruer, 195. Thum, 197. France , Billiet & Huot, 1550. Hartmann & Co., 257. Lachapelle & Levarlet, 1285. Lorthiois-Desplanques, 314. Lucas, Brothers, 1331. Pradine & Co., 1408. Sardinia , Messina, 31. Fan Diemen's Land , Denison, Sir W. T., 137. Zollverein (1), Clarenbaeh & Son, 506. Cockerill, 105. Feller & Son, 107. Hagenhruch, 712. Ulleqberg & Schintzlet, 355. Wald 8c Son, 96. (3), Schmidt & Sons, 49. Solbrig, 47. Wolf, 48. Woollen Machinery —vi. Hunt, 49. Leach, 7. Sande- man, 44. xvn. Hamer, 54. xxii. Carr & Riley, 108. France , Dorey, 823. Harding-Cocker, 864. United States, Read, 212, Work-Boxes— xxvi. Davis, 129. Welch, 150. xxvin. Horne, 160. xxix. Mechi, 45. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Newham, 100. China, Hammond 8c Co. France , Audot, 11. Work-Box Fittings—xxii. Brookes, 171. Working Classes, Dwellings for (Models)— See Cot¬ tages, Labourers', fyc. Worsted Fabrics — xn. &xv. Akroyd & Son, 130. Bird, 223. Dal by, 152. Eckroyd & Son, 130a. Fowler 8c Co., 309. George, W. T. 8c Co., 50. Haggas & Son, 155. Holdsworth & Co., 166. Pease & Co., 184. Rand & Sons, 173. Shepard Sc Perfect, 131. School of Industry for the Blind, 30. Sugden, Brothers, 167. Towler, Campin 8c Co., 309. Wilson, 138. xx. Had¬ den & Sons, 134. Zollverein (3), Guenther 8c Simon, 94. Schiffner & Zimmermann, 97. Strauss & Leuschner, 99. Winkler & Son, 91. See also Merino Fabrics. Mixed Fabrics. Stuffs (Worsted, 8fc). Tartans. Worsted Machinery —vi. Berry 8c Sons, 48. India, i. W t orsted Manufacture (Illustrations of)— xn. 8c xv. Peace & Co., 184. Worsted Spinning (Illustrations of) —Zollverein (3), Leipzig Society of Worsted Spinners, 44. Worsted Yarns — xn. & xv. Brewin 8c Whetstone, 242. Eckroyd & Son, 130a. Poppleton, 244. Townend, Brothers, 162. Wall & Co. 159. Whitmore & Co. 241. XX. Cartwright 8c Warners, 196. Austria, Schrnieger, 193. Worsted Yarn Spinning Com¬ pany, 198. Belgium, Xhoffray & Co. 204. Zollverein (1), Bergmann & Co. 106. Weiss & Co. 717. (3) Petzold & Ehret, 46. Trinius & Sons, 45. (4) Schonleber, 32. See also Dyed Worsted. Wort Heating and Cooling Machines — vi. Thomp¬ son, Younger, & Co. 623. See also Refrigerators. Wrenches, Screw and other — v. Thornton 8c Sons, 490. viii. Williams, 332. IX. Ferrabee & Sons, 274. Lawrence, 115. Writing Cabinet—xxvi. Sopwith, T. & J., 316. Writing Cases— x. Smith & Son, 31. Egypt, 348. Zollverein (1), Sommer, 878. Writing Desks— xxvi. Foothorape 8c Co. 132. Stopher, 66. Strugnell, 343. Thompson 8c Worthy, 134. Waller, 285. xxviii. Baker, 84. Strugnell. 174. xxix. Asprey, 50. Dalton, 48. Mechi, 45. Turrill, 52. xxx. (Fine Art Court) Newham, 100. Ceylon. France, Gocht, 1615. New South Wales, Burchet, 3. Portugal, Portugal, King of, 1237. W t riting and Tracing Cloth— xvn. Smith, 41. Wrought Iron— See Iron, Wrought. X. Xylopyrography (or Charred Wood Engraving)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Calvert, 97. Marshall, 358. Mills, 96. Mitchell, 87. Belgium, Duchastel, 443. CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. British Articles are denoted by Homan N umerals indicating their Class; Foreign and Colonial by the name of the Country. 219 Y. Vard Measures —x. Elliott & Sons, 320. Yarn Tarring Machine —vi. Plenty, J. & E., 53. Yarn Washing Machine —xxn. Robertson, 565. Yarns (Various)—xn. & xv. Burgess & Co. 243. Kckroyd & Son, 130a. Sugden, 167. Whitley, 176. Willans & Co. 257. xiv. Schwann, 50a. France , Croutelle, 132. Turkey . Zollverein (I), Luehdorff & Co. 584. See also Cotton Yarn. Flax Yarn. Hemp Yarn. Linen Yarn. Woollen Yarn. Worsted Yarn. Yasmas — Switzerland, Geilinger, Brothers, 261. Yawls (non-capsizable)— France , Lahure, 285. Yeast, Dried powdered — Zollverein (1), Friedenthal, 846. Yellow Berries (for Dyeing) — Russia, 92. York Minster (Models)—xxx. (Fine Art Court) Dicken¬ son, 181. Middleton. 166. z. Zaffre —Zollverein (1), Horstmann & Co. 462. Zinc and Zinc Castings and Manufactures —i. More- wood & Rogers, 436. Vieille Montagne Mining Com¬ pany, 437. II. Howards & Kent, 11. Huskisson, J. W. &H.,86. xxn. Lawrence & Co. 54. Treggon, H. & W., 55. xxvi. Vinnell, 260. Belgium, Corpbalie, Societe de, 21. Dethier, 19. Nou- velle Montagne, Societe de, 7. Vandercamer, 355. Egypt, 368. France, De Braux D’Anglure, 770 (Main Avenue,'East). Deydier, 819. Lefevre, 581. Paillard, 671. Sorel, 1020. Vieille Montagne Company, 1018. Netherlands, Bleekrode, 1. Schutz, 98 (Main Avenue, East). Spain, Granada Mines, Inspector of, 16. Zollverein (1), Bischop & Rhodius, 312. Bredt Sc Co. 315. Devaranne & Son, 280. Geiss, 267. Hagen 322. Harkort, 874. Hosch & Sons. 863. Kiss, 279 (Main Avenue, East). Lambinon & Co. 451. Mala- pane Iron Works, 451. Renner, 59. Rochaz, 452. Ruffer & Co., 11. (5), Zimmermann, 19. Zinc Cement —n. Spence, 7. Zinc, Ceruse of— France, Mantois, 918. Zinc Engraving —xxx. (Fine Art Court) Calvert, 228. Green, 233. Zinc Ore— i. Davev, 503. xxii. Lawrence & Co. 54. Belgium, Corphalie, Societe de, 21. Vieille Montagne Mines et Fondries, 26. Canada, Logan, 1. United States, New Jersey Mining Company, 166 (Main Avenue, East). Zollverein (1), Eschweiler Mines et Fondries, 318. (8), Nassau Government Engineers of Mines, 1. Zinc, Oxide of (with colours made therefrom)— ii. Brown, 57. Scott, 61. Zinc, Perforated —i. Jack, 437a. Zinc, Sulphate of— Portugal, Serzedello & Co. 69. Zinc, Sulphuret of —i. Riddell, Sir J. M. 55. Zithers— Austria, Huther, 149. Kiendl, 148. DIRECTORY, HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS. President, His Royal Highness Prince Albert, K.G., F.R.S. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., F.R.S. Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosse, K.P., Pr. of R.S. Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, F.S. A. Rt. Hon. the Earl Granville. Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley. Rt. Hon. Lord Overstone, lit. Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P., F.R.S. Rt. Hon. Henry Labouchere, M.P. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A. Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S. Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, P.R.A., F.R.S. Thomas Baring, Esq., M.P. Charles Barry, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. Thomas Bazley, Esq. Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P. W. Cubitt, Esq., F.R.S., P. of Inst. Civ. Eng. Thomas Field Gibson, Esq. John Gott, Esq. Professor Hopkins, President of the Geological Society. Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. John Shepherd, Esq., Chairman of the Hon. East India Company. Robert Stephenson, Esq., M.P,, F.R.S. Alderman Thompson, M.P. J. Scott Russell, Esq., F.R.S. Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, Bart. Secretaries. Edgar A. Bowring, Act. Sec. Executive Committee. Lt.-Col. Reid, R.E., C.B., F.R.S. (Chairman) Henry Cole, Esq. Charles Wentworth Dilke, Esq. Francis Fuller, Esq. George Drew, Esq. Matthew Digby Wyatt, Esq. (Sec.) Special Commissioners to commu¬ nicate with Local Committees. Dr. Lyon Playfair, F.R.S. Lt.-Col. J. A. Lloyd, F.R.S. Finance Commitee. Rt. Hon. Earl Granville. Rt. Hon. Lord Overstone. Rt. Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. T. Baring, Esq., M.P. R. Cobden, Esq., M.P. T. F. Gibson, Esq., M.P. Sir A. Y. Spearman, Bart. S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P. Committee appointed for all mat¬ ters RELATING TO THE BUILDING. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., F.R.S. Rt.Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, F.S.A. Charles Barry, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. William Cubitt, Esq., F.R.S. Pr. of I.C.E. Robert Stephenson, Esq., M.P,, F.R.S. C. R. Cockerell, Esq., R.A. I. K. Brunei, Esq., F.R.S. Thomas L. Donaldson, Esq.,M.I.B.A # Medal Committee. Rt. Hon. Lord Colborne. W. Dyce, Esq., R.A. J. Gibson, Esq., R.A. C. Newton, Esq. Mons. Passavant. Dr. Waagen. M. Eugene Lamy. Inscription Committee. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. The Lord Lyttelton. Rt. Hon. T. B. Macaulay. The Rev. H. G. Liddell. The Rev. the Dean of St. Paul’s. Committee appointed for com- COMMUNICATING WITH THE LOCAL Committees of the Metropolis. Rt. Hon. Earl Granville (Chairman). Most Noble the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Rt. Hon. Viscount Canning. Rt. Hon. Lord Ashburton. Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of London. Sir John Boileau, Bart., F.R.S. Francis Smedley, Esq., High Bailiff of W estminster. Edward Cardwell, Esq., M.P., F.S.A. Joseph Locke, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. W. Cotton, Esq. Thomas Gibson, Esq. Dr. Arnott, F.R.S. Joshua Field, Esq. Charles Manby, Esq., F.G.S. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES OF SECTIONS. Section I.—Raw Materials and Produce. (a) Mineral Kingdom . Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S., Pr. of G.S. Sir Henry T. DelaBeche, C.B.,F.R.S. Sir Roderick Murchison, F.R.S. Dr. Lyon Playfair, F.R.S. Richard Philips, Esq., F.R.S. (b) Vegetable Kingdom. Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Sir William Hooker, LL.D., F.R.S. Professor Royle, M.D., F.R.S. Professor Lindley, D.C.L., F.R.S. Professor Faraday, D.C.L., F.R.S. Professor Solly, F.R.S. Humphrey Brandreth, Esq. W. Fisher Hobbs, Esq. (c) Animal Kingdom. Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley. Professor Owen, F.R.S. Professor E. Forbes, F.R.S. Professor Brande, F.R.S. Professor Hofmann, F.R.S. DIRECTORY. 221 Section II.— Machinery. Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosse, K.P., Pr. of R.S. Sir John Rennie, F.R.S. Sir John Herschel, Bart., F.R.S. William Cubitt, Esq., F.R.S., Pr, of I.C.E. Robert Stephenson, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. The Astronomer Royal, F.R.S. Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Professor Walker, F.R.S. Professor Willis, F.R.S. I. K. Brunei, Esq,, F.R.S. Sir Baldwin Walker, K.C.B. The President of the College of Sur¬ geons. Sir George Smart. (a) Agricultural Implements. Hon. Dudley Pelham, M.P.(Deceased) Col. B. Challoner. W. Miles, Esq., M.P. Joseph Locke, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Anthony Hamond, Esq. Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Brandreth Gibbs, Esq. H. S. Thompson, Esq. J. V. Shelley, Esq. Section III.— Manufactures. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. Alderman Thompson, M.P. Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P. Thomas Field Gibson, Esq. Thomas Bazley, Esq. John Gott, Esq. Herbert Minton, Esq. Apsley Pellatt, Esq. R. Redgrave, Esq., R.A. J. R. Herbert, Esq., R.A. H. J. Townsend, Esq. J. Jobson Smith, Esq. J. IL Marshall, Esq., M.P. J. H. Vivian, Esq., M.P. Professor Graham, F.R.S. Professor Woodcroft. Professor Cowper. John Hardman, Esq. II. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. Sir John Guest, M.P., F.R.S. Pascoe Grenfell, Esq., M.P. J. D. Morries Stirling, Esq., F.R.S.E. Sir John Boileau, Bart., F.R.S. Section IV.— Sculpture, Models, and the Plastic Art. Rt. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, K.T., F.R.S., Pr. S.A. Rt. Hon. Viscount Canning. Rt. Hon. Lord Ashburton. Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A. Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, P.R.A., F.R.S. Charles Barry, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. Charles Baring Wall, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Wm. Wyon, Esq., R.A. Edward Hodges Baily, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. D. Maclise, Esq., R.A. Thomas Uwins, Esq., R.A. 3°. Commission des Arts Mecaniques et de Precision. M. Pouillet, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Armand Seguier, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Morin, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Combes, de l’Acade'mie des Sciences. M. Michel Chevalier, Ingenieur en Chef des Mines. M. Le Chatelier, Ingenieur des Mines. LIST OF COMMISSIONERS, &c- APPOINTED ABROAD TO PROMOTE THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 IN LONDON. France. La Commission Generale, institute par arretes des 28 Fevrier et 11 Mars 1850, s'est, dans sa seance du 16 Mars, divisee en 6 Commissions speciales, dont voici les attributions et la com¬ position :* 1°. Commission des Affaires admini- stratives et de la Correspondance. M. Charles Dupin, de l’Academie des Sciences, President de la Commis¬ sion Generale. M. de Lesseps, Directeur des Consu- lats et des Affaires Commerciales au Ministere des Affaires Etran- geres. M. de Lavenay, Secretaire-General du Ministere de 1’Agriculture et du Commerce. M. Monny de Mornay, Chef de la di¬ vision de l’Agriculture. M. Fleury, Chef de la division du Commerce Exterieur. M. Delambre, Chef de la division du Commerce Interieur. M. Chemin-Dupontes, Chef du Bureau des Faits-Commerciaux, Secretaire de la Commission Generale. 2°. Commission des Arts Agricoles. M. Hericart de Thury, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Tourret, Vice-President du Jury Central. M. Payen, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Armand Seguier, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. de Kergorlay, Membre de la So- ciete Nationale et Centrale d’Agri¬ culture. M. Monny de Mornay. * Voir le Moniteur du 21 Mars 1850. 4°. Commission des Arts Chimiques et Metallurgiques. M. Balard, de l’Academie des Sciences. M. Hericart du Thury. M. Payen. M. Michel Chevalier. M. Ebelmen, Directeur de la Manu¬ facture Nationale de Sevres. M. le Chatelier. 5°. Commission des Tissus. M. Mimerel, President de la Commis¬ sion des Tissus au Jury Central. M. Legentil, President de la Chambre de Commerce de Paris. M. Barbet, Membre du Jury Central de l’lndustrie Nationale. M. Sallandrouze de Lamornaix, Mem¬ bre du Jury Central. M. de Lavenay. 6°. Commission des Beaux-Arts et Arts divers. M. Fontaine, de l’Academie des Beaux Arts. M. Leon de Laborde, de l’Academie des Beaux Arts. M- Armand Seguier. M. Ebelmen. M- de Lavenay Delambre. Dans une deuxieme seance qui a eu lieu le 20 courant, ont ete elus Presi¬ dents des diverses Commissions:— I. Commission Admi¬ nistrative M. Charles Dupin. II. Commission des Arts f M. Hericart Agricoles . . . | de Thury, III. Commission des] Arts Me'caniques et > M. Combes, de Precision . . J Chimiques et Metal- ftHencart lurgiques V. Commission Tissus . j de Thury. des | M- Legen¬ til. 222 DIRECTORY. VI. Commission desj Beaux Arts et Arts >M. Fontaine, divers . . . . J Tous les renseignements destines a ]a Commission doivent etre adresses au Ministere de 1’Agriculture et du Commerce. Belgium, President. —M. de Brouckere, Bourg- mestre de la Ville de Bruxelles, Membre de la Chambre des Repre- sentants, President du Jury l’Ex- position Industrielle de 1847. Membres. —M. Bellefroid, Chef de la Division de 1’Agriculture au Be- paftement de l’lnterieur. M. Benoit Faber, Delegue de la Cham¬ bre de Commerce de Namur. M. Capitaine, Fabricant a Liege, de¬ legue de la Chambre de Commerce de cette Ville. M. Claes (Paul) de Lembecq, Agro- no me. M. Kindt, Inspecteur pour les Affaires Industrielles au Departement de l’lnterieur. M. Kums, Fabricant a Anvers, delegue par la Chambre de Commerce de cette Ville. M. Manilius, Membre de la Chambre des Representants, delegue par la Chambre de Commerce de Gand. M. Overman, Fabricant a Tournay, delegue par la Chambre de Com¬ merce de cette Ville. M. Partoes, Directeur du Commerce Exterieur et des Consulats au De¬ partement des Affaires Etrangeres. M. Quoilin, Secretaire General au De¬ partement des Finances. M. Romberg, Chef de la Division de 1’Industrie au Departement de l’lnte- rieur. M. Simonis (Armand), President de la Chambre de Commerce de Verviers. M. Spitaels (Ferdinand), Membre du Senat, dele'gue par la Chambre de Commerce de Charleroy. M. Van Hoof, Fabricant a Saint-Nico- las, delegue par la Chambre de Com¬ merce de cette Ville. M. Vercruyse-Bruneel (H.), Fabri¬ cant a Courtray, delegue de la Chambre de cette Ville. M. Verreyt, Fabricant a Bruxelles, delegue par la Chambre de Com¬ merce de cette Ville. Netherlands. President— M. Jonkhur D. R. Givers Deynoot, Directeur de la Societe pour ^Encouragement de 1’Industrie a Haarlem, demeurant a Rotterdam. Membres —M. le Docteur G Simons, Directeur de l’Academie Royale a Delft. M. D. C. Buchler, Membre de 1’In- stitut Royal des Pays-Bas, Vice- President de l’Academie Royale des Beaux Arts a Amsterdam. Herr Ludwig Dambock, Fabriksinhaber, Mitglieder Herr Joseph Zeisel, Fa-f der Wiener briksinhaber, Handels- HerrLudwigHardtmuth, kammer. Fabriksinhaber, Herr Gustav Hofken, Sectionsrath im Ministerium des Handels. Herr Franz Freiherr von Leithner, k. k. Regierungsrath und Fabriks- Director. Austria. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members:— President —Herr Andreas Ritter v. Baumgartner, k. k. geheimer Rath, Sections-Chef im Ministerium der Finanzen, Vice-Prasident der k. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, &c. Prdsidentens-Stellvertreler —Herr Mi¬ chael Ritter v. Sporlin, Fabriksin¬ haber, Mitglied der Wiener Handels- kammer. Vertreter der Ministerien —Herr Dr. Karl Hock, Ministerialrath im Ministerium des Handels. Herr Dr. Moriz Ritter v. Besteneck, Sectionsrath im Ministerium der Finanzen. Herr Joseph Kudernatsch, Sectionsrath im Ministerium des Bergbaues und der Landes-Cultur. Schri/tfilhrer —Herr Heinrich Henking, Ministerial-Secretar. Commissions- Mitglieder fur Nieder-Oesterreich. Herr Theodor Hornbostel, Fabriksin¬ haber, President der Wiener Han- delskammer und des Nieder-Oester- reichischen Gewerbs-Vereines. Herr Carl Rosner, Professor der Bau- kunst und provisorischer President der k. k. Akademie der Kiinste in Wien. Herr Carl Ritter v. Kleyle, Sections- Chef und Ministerialrath im Minis¬ terium fur Landes-Cultur. Herr Adam Ritter v. Burg, k. k. Re¬ gierungsrath, Director des Polytech- nischen Institutes und Vice-Prasi- dent des Nieder-Oesterreichischen Gewerb-Vereines. Herr Paul Sprenger, Sectionsrath der General-Baudir ection. Herr A. Steinheil, Sectionsrath im Ministerium des Handels. Herr Jacob Regenhart, Kaufmann und Fa- Mitglieder briksinhaber, (der Wiener Herr Johann Mayer, Handels- Groszhandler und Fa- kammer. briksinhaber, Herr Alois Auer, k. k. Regierungsrath und Director der Staatsdruckerei. Herr Anton Schrotter, Professor der Chemie, Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Herr Ludwig Von Brevilliers, Fabriks¬ inhaber. Herr Georg Endris, Groszhandlungs- Dirigent. Herr Theodor Gulchern, Fabriksin¬ haber. Herr Carl Leistler, Tischlermeister. Herr Matthaus Edler von Rosthorn, Gewerke. Herr Heinrich D. Schmidt, Fabriksin¬ haber. Herr Otto Schumann, Kaufmann. Herr Dr. Wilhelm Schwarz, Secretar der Wiener Handelskammer. Herr Emil Seybel, Fabriksgesellschaf- ter. Herr Johann B. Streicher, Clavier- macher. Herr Ernst Weidinger, Fabriks-Direc- tor. Commissions-Mitglieder fur Bolimen. Herr Franz Graf von Har-\ rach, Fabriksinhaber und Prasideut des bohm. Ge- werb-Vereins, Herr Carl Balling, Professor der Chemie & Vice-Pra- sident des bohm. Gewerb- Vereins, Herr Johann B. Riedel, ^ in Prag. Kaufmann & Vorsteher des Handelstandes, Herr Dr. Carl Kreutzberg, Fabriksinhaber, Herr B. von Partheim, Fa¬ briksinhaber, Herr Franz Richter, Fa¬ briksinhaber. , Herr Johann Liebig, Fa- \ briksinhaber, und Pre¬ sident des Gewerb-1 in Reichen- Vereines, j berg. Herr Wilhelm Sigmund, I Fabriksinhaber. J DIRECTORY. 223 Herr Carl Fischer, Fabriksinhaber in Pirkenhammer. Herr Eduard Leitenberger, Fabriksin¬ haber in Reichstadt. Herr A. D. Mayer, Fabriksinhaber in Winterberg. Herr M. Mayer, Bergswerks-Director in Neu-Joachimsthal. Herr Joh. Reinhold, Fabriksinhaber in Warnsdorf. Commissions - Mitglieder fur Miiliren und Schlesien. Herr Hugo Furst von Salm-Reiffer- scheid - Krautheim, Fabriksinhaber und President der M'ahrisch-Schlesi- schen Landwirthschaftsgesellschaft. Herr Leopold Haupt, Fabriksinhaber. Herr Florentin Robert, Fabriksin¬ haber in Selowitz. Herr Philipp Scholler, Fabriksin¬ haber in Briinn. Herr Heinrich Zurhelle, Fabriks- Director in Namiest. Commissions-Mitglieder fur Galizien , die Bukowina und das Gebiet von Krakau. Herr Alfred Graf v. Potocky, k. k. geh. Rath und Fabriksinhaber. Herr Joseph Ruszegger, k. k. Guber- nialrath und Bergwerks-Director in Wieliczka. Herr Carl Hausner, Groszhandler, in Brody. Herr Vincenz Kirchmayer, Grosz¬ handler, in Krakau. Herr Florian Seiger, Groszhandler, in Lemberg. Commissions-Mitglieder fur Ungarn, Croatien, Slavonien, Siebenbiirgen, die Woiwodina, das Temescher Banat und die Militdrgrdnze. Herr Graf Joh. Barkotzy,\ Grundbesitzer, I Herr August L. Krause,! k. k. Cameralrath undl Fabriken-Inspector, ^ in Pesth. Herr Christ. J. MalvieuxJ Groszhandler, | Herr Samuel v. Joob, Gii-I ter-Director, / Herr Joseph Ritter v. Ferro, k. k. Sectionsrath und Ministerial-Com¬ missar, in Nagy-Banya. Herr Carl Walburg, Kaufmann, in Kronstadt. Herr Carl Meynier, Fabriksinhaber, in Fiume. Herr Auton Tschopp, Groszhandler, in Carlstadt. inVordernberg. in Klagenfurt. in Laibach. in Triest. Commissions-Mitglieder fur Steier- mark, Kdrnthen, Krain , Triest , Gorz , Istrien, und JJalmatien. Herr Doctor Franz Hlubeck, Professor und Secretar der Steiermarkischen Landwirthschafts - Gesellschaft, in Gratz. Herr Dr. Carl Pein- tinger, Bergwerks- Director, Herr Peter Tunner, Vorsteher der mon- tanistischen . Leh- ranstalt, Herr Thomas Ritter" v. Moro, Fabriks¬ inhaber, Herr J. Scheliesz- nigg, Bergwerks- Inspector, Herr Heinrich Costa,' Oberamts - Direc¬ tor, HerrWilliamMoline, Fabriks-Director, Herr Kaliman Ritter v. Minerbi, Grosz¬ handler und Fa¬ briksinhaber, Herr Carl Regens- dorff, Groszhand- lungs-Dirigent, Commissions-Mitglieder fur das Lom- bardisch- Venetianische Kdnigreich. Herr Graff Archinti, Fabriksinhaber, Herr Ernst v.Mylius, Groszhandlungs - ) in Mailand. Gesellschafter, Herr Albert Keller, Fabriksinhaber, Herr Joseph Ant.v Reali, Fabriksin¬ haber, Herr Peter Bigaglia, F abricksinhaber, Herr Ferdinand Zuc- chelli, Kaufmann, ^ Commissions-Mitglieder fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. Herr Caspar Litti, Fabriks-Director, Herr. Joseph Mayer, Kaufmann, Herr Melchior Jenny, Fabriksinhaber, Herr Johan Kennedy, Fabriksinhaber, Herr Anton Rhom-1 berg, in Venedig. in Innsbruck. in Vorarlberg. Herr Jos. Bettini, Fabriksinhaber, in Roveredo. Herr Johann Putzer, Groszhandler, in Botzen. Commissions-Mitgliedfur Ober- Oester- reicli und Salzburg. Herr Johann Ritter v. Dierzer, Fabriks¬ inhaber in Linz und Vorsteher der Delegation des Nieder-Oesterreichis- chen Gewerb-Vereines. Delegirte des Herr Dr.L.Kompasz, Herr Math. Lechner, ‘ Nied Oesterr. Gewerb - Ve- reines in Stey- [ er. Herr Carl Mitterbacher, Fabriksin¬ haber, in Salzburg. Prussia. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members :— Geheimen Ober-Finanzrath von Vie- bahn. Geheimen Regierungsrath Delbruck. Director des Koniglichen Gewerbe- Instituts, Dr. Druckenmuller. Professor Dr. Schubarth. Fabriken Kommissionsrath Wedding. Fabriken Kommissionsrath Brix. Geheimen Kommerzienrath Carl. Geheimen Kommerzienrath Baudouin. Herr F. Zimmermann. Herr Weigerl. Herr Oertling. Herr Dr. Ludersdorf. Herr Bidtel. Bavaria. The Polytechnic Society of Munich. Saxony. M. le Dr. Weinlig, Conseiller intime au Ministere de l’Interieur. Hanover. Art-Union of Hanover. WURTEMBURG. Herr Sautter,‘President of the Central Society for Industry and Trade. Nassau. The Chamber of Commerce of Nassau, through its President the Assessor Odernheimer of Wiesbaden. 224 DIRECTORY. Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt. Privy Councillor Eckhardt, President of the Trades’ Union of the Grand Duchy of Hesse. Hamburgh. The Society for the Promotion of Arts and the Useful Professions. Dr. W. A. Kramer ( Secretary). Bremen. Dr. Henry Groning. I Lubeck. The Trades Committee of the Patriotic Society. Switzerland. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members:— Dr. Schneider, of Berne ( President). M. Bolley, Professor, of Aarau. M. Colladon, Professor, of Geneva. Major Courvoisier, Neuchatel. M. Jenni, Manufacturer, of Glaris. M. Sarasin, of Bale. M. Sulzberger, Manufacturer, of St. Gall. M. Ziegler Pellis, of Winterthur. Russia. Two Commissions formed, one at St. Petersburgh and the other at Odessa. The Royal Commissioners to com¬ municate with them through the Agent of the Imperial Finance De¬ partment (M. Kamensky), who re¬ sides in London. Sweden. M. D. C. de Skoqman, President du College du Commerce. Norway. M. Langberg, Professor of Natural Philosophy. Colonel Gar ben, of the Engineers. M. Yarbell, Mechanician. Captain Vergeland, of the Artillery. M. Schinner, Architect! M. Vergman, Ornamental Painter. Who together form the direction of the Society of Arts at Christiania. Denmark. A Commission formed. Tuscany. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members:— President. —The Chevalier Baldasse- roni, Minister of Finance and Com¬ merce. Sir G. B. Hamilton, H.B.M.’s Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Tus¬ cany. (Since dead.) Signor Corridi, Director of the Tech¬ nical Institute of Florence. The Chevalier Brocchi, Ex-Director of ditto. The Marquis Ridolphi, Deputy of the Academy of the Georgofili. Mr. Horace Hall, Deputy of the Cham¬ ber of Commerce of Florence. Count F. De Lardenel, Deputy of the Chamber of Commerce of Leghorn. The Marquis Mazzarosa, Deputy of the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca. Naples. A Commission formed, composed of Members of the Reale Istituto dTncoraggiamento. Sardinia. A Commission formed, including the Hon. Ralph Abercromby, H.B.M.’s Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Sardinia. Spain. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members :— Commissioners. El Almirante Duque de Yeragua {President). Don Salustiano de Olozaga. Don Antonio Ramon Zarco del Valle. Don .Tuan Alvarez y Mendizabal. Don Alejandro Olivan. Don Jose Caveda. Don Christobal Bordin. Don Joaquin Alfonso. Don Antonio Guillermo Moreno. Don Juan Manuel Calderon. Don Buenaventura Carlos Ariban. Don Manuel Garcia Bavranallana. Don Cipriano Segundo Montesino. Committee. Don Salustiano de Olozaga {Presi¬ dent). Don Juan Alvarez y Mendizabal. Don Antonio Ramon Zarco del Yalle. Don Manuel Garcia Bavranallana. Don Cipriano Segundo Montesino, {Secretary). Turkey. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members :— President. Ismael Pacha, Minister of Commerce. Vice-Presiden ts. Salik Bey, Assistant of the Minister of Commerce. Said Bey, Secretary to the President. M. Lafontaine, Secretary to corre¬ spond with England. Members. Nejeeb Effendi. Hajji Bekir Aga. Yusuf Hajjar. Seid Mustapha Effendi. Hajji Hashim Zadeh Emin Effendi. Balmoomji Zaden Salik Effendi. Gorghi Alesioglon. Yacoob Yartores. Elia Hava. Greece. A Commission formed, consisting of the following Members:— M. Lucas Ralli, President. M. Simos. M. C. N. Dossios. M. le Capitaine G. Tombazis. M. L. Caftangioglu. Professor Landerer. M. C. G. Douroutti. M. G. P. Scuzes. M. Domnando. M. S. A. Spiliotakis, Secretary. Persia. The Mellik-oot-toojjar, Chief of the Merchants. Chili. The following Gentlemen have been appointed to correspond with the Commission in London : — Don Pedro Nolasco Mena, Chair¬ man of the Society of Agriculture and Beneficence. Don Ignacio Domeyko, Professor of Chemistry. Don Julio Jarriez, Director of the School of Arts and Trades. DIRECTORY. Peru. The Minister of the Home Depart¬ ment ( President ). Don Luis Fonceca. Don Nicolas Pierola. Don Nicolas Rodrigo. Venezuela. A Commission formed. The Royal Commissioners to communicate through Mr. Milligan, Consul-Ge¬ neral for the Government of Vene¬ zuela. United States, The National Institute, in conformity with the wish of the Government, have appointed the following Gen¬ tlemen to form a Central Commit¬ tee to correspond with the different Societies and Local Committees throughout the United States. Hon. Millard Fillmore, President of the United States, Chancellor of the Regents of the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. Colonel Peter Force, President of the National Institute. Hon. Jas. A. Pearce, United States’ Senate, Member of the Board of Re¬ gents of the Smithsonian Institution. Hon. Levi Woodbury, Member of the National Institute, Associate Jus¬ tice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Commodore Lewis Warrington, Uni¬ ted States’ Navy, Member of the National Institute, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydro¬ graphy. Professor Joseph Henry, Vice-Presi¬ dent of the National Institute and Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. Professor Walter R. Johnson, Cor¬ responding Secretary of the Na¬ tional Institute. Professor Alexander D. Bache, Mem¬ ber of the National Institute, Mem¬ ber of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, and Super¬ intendent, of the Coast Survey. Commander Charles Wilkes, United States’ Navy, Member of the Na¬ tional Institute, late Commander United States’ Exploring Expedi¬ tion. Hon. W. W. Seaton, Member of the National Institute, Mayor of Wash¬ ington. Hon. Jefferson Davis, United States’ Senate, Member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. Lieutenant Matthew F. Maury, Uni¬ ted States’ Navy, Vice-President of the National Institute, and Super¬ intendent of the National Observa¬ tory. Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., Record¬ ing Secretary of the National Insti¬ tute. J. James Greenough, Esq., Member of the National Institute. Colonel J. J. Abert, Member of the National Institute, Chief of the Topographical Bureau. General Jos. G. Totten, Vice-Presi¬ dent of the National Institute, Chief Engineer United States’ Army. Thomas Ewbank, Esq., Commissioner of Patents. William Easby, Esq., Treasurer of the National Institute. Dr. Leonard D. Gale, Member of the National Institute, Examiner of Patents. J. C. G. Kennedy, Esq., Member of the National Institute, Superin¬ tendent of Census. Ezra C. Seaman, Esq., Member of the National Institute. Professor Walter R. Johnson, (, Secre¬ tary). Foreign Acting Commissioners. America, United, States of —Edward Riddle; N. S. Dodge, Secretary. Austria— Chevalier de Burg, Charles Buschek. Bavaria —Professor Dr. Schafhautl. Belgium— Charles Cuylits. Brunswick —Professor Varentrapp. Denmark —Regnar Westenholz. Duchy of Nassau —Herr Assessor Odernheimer. Egypt —Capt. Abdul Hamed. Electorate of Hesse Cassel — Herr Assessor Schreiber. France —Sallandrouze de Lamornaix. Frankfort —M. P. Ellissen. Grand Duchy of Hesse —M. Roessler. Greece —M. Ralli. Hamburgh— M. Noback. Hanover —M. Stahlschmidt. Netherlands —G. Goossens. Portugal —F. J. Vanzeller. Rome —Sr. Carlo Trebbi. Russia —Gabriel De Kamensky. Sardinia Chevalier Lencisa. Saxony —Dr. W. Seyffarth, LL.D. Spain —D. Alfonso, Don Ramon de la Sagra, Don M. de Ysasi. Sweden and Norway —Charles Tottie. Switzerland —Dr, Bolley, Professor Colladon. Tunis —Sig. Hamda Elmkadden. Turkey —Edward Zohrab. Tuscany —Professor P. Corridi. Wurtemburg —Dr. Steinbeis, Charles Brand, M. Schiedmayer. Zollverein— M. Von Viebahu. Acting Commissioners and Acting Agents for Colonies. East Indies, Indian Archipelago , Sfc. —Dr. Royle, Mr. Downing. Ceylon —Mr. John Capper, 4, Sussex - place, Canonbury, Islington. Jersey and Guernsey —Capt. Childers, Mr. Clugas. Malta— Mr. Gingell, 66, Cornliill. Cape of Good Hope and Natal —Mr. Harrison Watson. Canada —Sir Randolph Routh, Mr. Peter McGill, Mr. J. H. Drew, Mr. T. Houghton. Nova Scotia —Mr. C. D. Archibald, 15, Portland-place. Barbadoes —Mr. Reade. British Guiana (Demerara, 8fc.)— Mr. Ridgway, 42, Leicester-square. Bahamas —Mr. Danielf 18, Wigmore- street, Cavendish-square. Trinidad —Messrs. Lightly & Simon, 123, Fenchurch-street. South Australia —Messrs. Hallett and Co. Western Australia —Mr. Barnard. New South Wales —Mr. Barnard. New Zealand —Mr. Moore, 30, Arun- del-street, Strand. Van Diemen's Land —Mr. McLachlan, 17, St. Helen’s-place. Departments of the Exhibition during the Arrangements. The Acting Members of the Executive Committee — Lieut.-Colonel Reid, R.E., and Mr. C. W. Dilke (Con¬ trol of Building and General Super¬ intendence) ; Mr. H. Cole (Space and Arrangement of Articles). Juries —Prolessor Playfair and Lieu- ] tenant Ward, R.E. | Preparation of Plans, and Superin¬ tendence of Building Arrangements j —Mr. M. D. Wyatt. Clerk of Works —Mr. Earie. | Architectural Matters, and Decoration of Building —Mr. Owen Jones. 1 P 226 DIRECTORY. Enoineerinq Superintendence —Mr. C. H. V\ ild Correspondin'! Secretary — Mr. F. Dnn- combe. Registrar of Letters— Mr. Wade. Post Office Department —Mr. Os¬ mond Jones. Finance— F. S. Carpenter, ACG. C/eiks to Royal Commission —Mr. H. R. Lack and Mr. G. T. Wright. Superintendents of British Side of Building— Captain Collinson, R.E., and Lieutenant Crossman, R.E. Superintendent of Foreign Side of Building — Captain Owen, R.K. Assistants — Lieutenant K. F. Du- cane, R.K., and Mr. Harman. Se Cretan/ —Mr. Wyide. Receiver of (roods, British —Mr. Bel- shaw. Receiver of Goods , Foreign —Captain Rafter. Spare and A Imission of Articles — Captain Owen, RE., and Lieuten¬ ant Crossman, R.K. British Colonies— Dr. Lindley, Lieu¬ tenant Tyler, R.K.. and Lieutenant Brownlow, Hon E.l.C.E. Indian Collection— Dr. Royle and Professor Solly. Chinese and Persian Collections — Lieut -Colonel Lloyd and Lieuten¬ ant Tyler, R.K. Reaislration of Designs— Captain L. Boscawen Ibbetson. Arrangements for Working Classes— Mr. A. Redgrave. Catalogue—Super intern ent on Part of the Commission — Lieut -Colonel Lloyd. Contractors — Messrs. Spicer and Clowes. Scientific Edi¬ tor - Mr. R. Kllis. Compiler —Mr. G. W. Yapp. Police ^Superintendent for Commis¬ sioner of Police— Mr. Pearce Customs—Mr. Rolls and Mr. Fair- man. Rot/al Sapvers and Miners —5th Com¬ pany, Captain Owen, R.K. 22nd Company, Captain Gibb, R.K.; Acting-Adjutant, Lieutenant Stop- ford, K.E, Admission of and information to, Ex- hibitors — Captain Gibb, R.K., Lieu¬ tenant Tyler, K.E., and Lieutenant Gordon, R.K. Fire Arrangements —Captain Gibb, K.E. Superintendents of Classes on British Side. Class I. Professor Ansted, Mr. R. | Hunt, and Dr. Watson. I II. Dr. Lyon Playfair, Mr. A. i Phillips, and Lieutenant Ward, R.K. III. 1 Dr. Lindley, Dr. Royle, j IV. ) and Mr. Matchwick. V. Mr Hensman, and Mr. Biddle. VI. Mr. Hensman and Lieuten¬ ant Craster, E.l.C E. VII. Mr. Hensman and Lieuten¬ ant Walker, R.E. VIII. Commander E. A. Tngle- field, R.N , and Captain Westmacott R. E. IX. Mr. Brandreth Gibbs and Ensign Soadv, E.I.C.E. X. Lieut.-Colonel Lloyd and Lieut. Trevor. E.I.C.E. XI. I Mr. George Wallis and XII. f Mr. W. Hawkins. xVv } Mr * Wallis. XV. Mr. Wallis and Mr. Haw¬ kins. XVI. Mr. Dodd. XVII. Mr. Owen Jones. XVIII. Mr. Wallis. XIX. Mr. Lowe. XX. Mr. Wallis and Mr. W. Hawkins. 1 Mr. R. A. Thompson. XXIIL Mr. Lowe. "^XXV 1 Lieutenant Pasley, R.E. XXVI. Mr. C. T. Thompson. XXVIL Professor Ansted. XXVIII. Mr. C. T. Thompson. XXIX. Mr. Dodd. XXX. Mr. Owen Jones. Departments stnce the Opening of the Exhibition. Acting Members ., F.R.S. M. Weyhe— Zollverein. V. Machines for direct use, including Carriages and Railway and Naval Mechanism. Chevalier de Burg— Austria. M L. Cappalletto— Austria. Professor Engerth— Austria. W. Fairbairn. John Farey. John Hick. II. Maudslay. Robert McCarthy— United States. Colonel Morin (Deputy Chairman)— France. Rev. H. Moseley, M.A., F.R.S.— (Chairman and Reporter). Robert Napier. C. de Rossius-Orban— Belgium. P 2 228 LIST OF JURORS. Va. Sub-Jury for Carriages. M. Arnoux— France. J. Holland (Deputy Chairman and Reporter). T Hutton. Earl Jersey (Chairman). O. McDaniel— United States. M. l J oncelet— Belgium. VI. Manufacturing Machines and Tools. M. Alois de Cristoforis— Austria. Professor Corridi— Tuscany. Benjamin Fothergill. Charles Gascoigne Maclea. John Penn. Guilherme Kopke. Genera] Poncelet (Chairman and Re¬ porter)— France. George Rennie, F.R.S. (Deputy). T. R. Sewell. S. Webber— United States. Professor Wedding— Zollverein. Professor R. Willis, F.R.S. (Deputy Chairman and Reporter). VII. Civil Engineering, Architectural and Building Contrivances. Dr. Neil Arnott, F.R.S I. K. Brunei, F.R.S. (Chairman and Reporter). M. Combes (Deputy Chairman)— France. M. Conrad— Holland. J. M. Rendel, F.R.S. Count Rosen— Sweden and Norway. Dr. J. V. C. Smith— United States. William Tite, F.R.S. VIII. Naval Architecture and Mili¬ tary Engineering ; Ordnance, Armour , and Accoutrements. Major-Gen. Sir J. Burgoyne, K.C.B. (Deputy Chairman). Lieut.-Coi. Colquhoun. Baron Dupin (Chairman and Re¬ porter)— France. M. Ch. Lesoinne— Belgium. Major Micheels— France. Sir Baldwin Walker, K C.B. A. Whitney— United States. — Watts. IX. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and Implements. Col. Challoner. B. T. Brandreth Gibbs. A. Hammond M. B. Holweg— Zollverein. B. P. Johnson— United Slates. Josh. Locke, M.P., F.R.S. C. M. Lampson— United States. Professor Hlubeck— Austria. W. Miles, M P. M. Moll— France. Baron Mertens D’Ostins —Belgium. P. Pusey, M.P, F.R.S. (Chairman and Reporter). Professor Rau— Zollverein. J. V. Shelley. H. S. Thompson. X. Philosophical Instruments and Processes depending upon their use ; Musical, Horological, and Surgical Instruments , Sir D. Brewster, F.R.S. (Chairman and Reporter). Professor Colladon— Switzerland. E. B. Denison. J. Glaisher, F.R.S. Sir John Herschel, Bart., F.R.S. Professor Hetsch— Denmark. E. R. Leslie, R.A.— United States. M. Mathieu— France, W. H. Miller, F.R.S. Richard Potter, A.M. Baron Seguier— France. Sub-Jury A. for Musical Instruments , W. Sterndale Bennet. M. Berlioz— Fra nee. Sir H. R. Bishop (Chairman and Re¬ porter). Dr. J. Robert Black— United States. Dr. Schafhautl— Zollverein. Sir G. Smart. M. Sigismund Thalberg (Deputy Chairman)— Austria. Dr. Wylde. B. Sub- Committee and Associate Jurors for Horology. Professor Colladon— Switzerland. E. B. Denison (Chairman and Re¬ porter). E. J. Lawrence. Baron Seguier (Deputy Chairman)— France. Sub-Jury C. for Surgical Instruments. Dr. Chadbourne— United States. J. H. Green, F.R.S. (Chairman and Reporter). James Philp. Dr Roux— France. Dr. Lallemand— France. W. Lawrence, F.R.S. XI. Cotton. Sir J. Anderson, Lord Provost of Glasgow (Chairman). Thomas Ashton (Reporter). M. C. Buschek— Austria. Col. R. E. Coxe— United States. M. Philip Ellisen (Deputy Chairman) — Zollverein. W. Gray, Mayor of Bolton. George Jackson. M. Kirchhoffer— Switzerland. M. Mimerel— France. J. Aspinal Turner. XII. Woollen and Worsted. Samuel Addington (Reporter). Henry Brett. M C. C. Carl —Zollverein. John Cooper, J.P. Henry Forbes, J.P. (Deputy Chair¬ man). Dr. Von Hermann (Chairman)— Zoll¬ verein. George Lawton. Thomas Marling. M. Randoning—- France. M. Samoiloff— Russia. M. P. Schuller— Austria. M. Arm. Simonis— Belgium. XIII. Silk and Velvet. Samuel Courtauld. Lieut.-Col. Daniells— Turkey. M. Arles Dufour (Deputy Chairman) — France. Thomas Jeffcoat. George Tawke Kemp (Chairman). M. Mahler— Zurich. M. Antonio Radice— Austria. M. J. Vertu— Sardinia. Charles Warwick. Thomas Winkworth (Reporter). XIV. Manufactures from Flax and Hemp. William Charley (Joint Reporter). Count Van Harrack (Chairman)— Austria. M. Grenier Lefevre (Joint Reporter) — Belgium. M. Legentil— France. John McMaster. John Moir. M. Carl Noback— N. Germany. M. Cherer— Russia. Charles Tee (Deputy Chairman). John Wilkinson, J.P. XV. Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls, but exclusive of Worsted Goods (Class XII). W. Clabburn. M. Gaussen— France. LIST OF JURORS. 229 Herr Van Hoegaerden (Chairman)— Belgium. N. Kingsbury— United States. John li. Lavanchy (Deputy Chair¬ man). John Morgan. William Prinsep (Reporter). Titus Salt, J.P. Frederick Schwann— United States. John H. Swift— United States. Sir Gardiner Wilkinson— Turkey. XVII. Paper and Stationery , Printing and Bookbinding. M. A. Firmin Didot— France. Thomas De la Rue (Deputy Chair¬ man). Viscount Mahon, F.R.S. Dr. Seyffarth, LL.D.— Zollverein. H. Stevens— United States. C. Venables. C. Whittingham (Reporter). M. Van der Weyer (Chairman)— Bel¬ gium. XVIII. Woven, Spun, Felted, and Laid Fabrics, when shown as Specimens of Printing or Dyeing. J. M. Beebe— United States. M. Chevreul— France. John Hargreaves. Alexander Harvey. Edmund Potter (Reporter). M Pahud— Switzerland. M. Persoz (DeputyChairman'l— France. C. Swaisland. W. Schwarz— Austria. Henry Tucker (Chairman). XIX. Tapestry, including Carpets and Floor-cloths, Lace and. Embroidery, Fancy and Industrial Works. Dr. Bolley (C hai rman) - - Switzerland. D. Bidule. Richard Birkin (Reporter). M. Falk— Zollverein. M. Fessler— Switzerland. Peter Graham (Deputy Chairman). M. Laimel— France. Robert Lindsay. Thomas Simcox Lea, J.P. M. Washer— Belgium. XX. Articles of Clothing for immedi¬ ate personal or domestic Use. T. Brown. M. Beruoville— France. T. Christy (Reporter). Elliott Cresson— United States. William Felkin, Mayor of Notting¬ ham (Chairman). M. Hulsse— Zollverein. E. Smith. M. Phillip VValtner (Deputy Chair¬ man)— Switzerland. XXI. Cutlery and Edge Tools. Joseph B. Durham (Deputy Chair¬ man). M. C. Karmarsch— Zollverein. M. Nubar Bey— Turkey. Mr. Alderman Peace. M. Le Play— France. Lord Wharncliffe (Chairman and Re¬ porter). XXII. Iron and General Hardware. Arthur Adams. M. Auer— Austria. W. Bird (Deputy Chairman). W. Dyce, R.A. (Reporter). M. Goldenberg— France. Hon. H. Greeley (Chairman)— United States. Don Manuel Heredia— Spain. E. Stirling Howard. George Shaw. M. Ferd. Spitaels— Belgium. I)r. F. Steinbeis— Zollverein. Henry Van Wart. XXIII. Working in Precious Metals and in their Imitation, Jewellery , and all Articles of Vertu and Luxury , not included in the other Classes. Don Manuel Garcia— Spain. James Garrard. John Gray. M. Gruuer— Zollverein. Henry Hope, M.P. (Deputy Chair¬ man). Sallandrouze de Lamornaix— France. Earl of Lovelace— Turkey. Due de Luynes (Chairman and Re¬ porter)— France. Westley Richards. Robert Younge. XVI. Leather, including Saddlery and Harness, Skins, Furs, Feathers, and Hair. Hon. Col. George Anson (Chairman). J. B. Bevington. J. S. Cunningham— United States. M. Fauler— France. John Foster. J. W. Newman. J. A. Nicholay (Reporter). M. Nottbeck (Deputy Chairman)— j Russia. M. Roessler— Zollverein. Edward Zohrab— Turkey. XXIV. Glass. E. H. Baldock, M.P. (Deputy Chair¬ man). R. L. Chance. L. C. Duncan— United States. M. Jules Frison— Belgium. Lord De Mauley, F.R.S. (Chairman and Reporter). Robert Obbard. M. Peligot— France. Dr. Schueler— Zollverein. XXV. Ceramic Manufacture, Chirut , Porcelain , Earthenware, Sgc, Duke of Argyll (Chairman and Re¬ porter). M. Ebelmen— France. M. Gabriel Kamensky— Russia. W. Mortlock. M. F. Odernheimer— Zollverein. Charles Baring Wall, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. (Deputy Chairman). John A. Wise. Augusto Pinto— Portugal. XXVI. Decoration Furniture and Up¬ holstery, including Paper Hangings. PapierMache, and Japanned Goods. Lord Ashburton (Deputy Chairman). John Lewis Aubert. N. Charles de Beyne— Russia. M. Coppens— Belgium. J. G. Grace. M. Charles Crocco —Sardinia. John Jackson. M. W. Meyer— North Germane. M. Rondot— France. Professor Roesner (Chairman and Re¬ porter)— Austria. Edward Snell. John Webb. XXVII. Manufactures in Mineral Sub¬ stances used for Building or Deco¬ ration, as in Marble , Slate, Porphy¬ ries, Cements, Artificial Stones , £c. Professor Ansted, F.R.S. (Reporter). M. Bernardo de Bernardis— Austria. George Godwin, F.R.S. Sir Chas. Lemon, Bart., F.R.S., M.P. M. Benedetto Pistrucci (Chairman)— Italy. M. Emmanuel Psycha— Greece. Lord Sudeley (Deputy Chaiman). Viscount Herican de Thury— France. XXVIII. Manufactures from Animal and Vegetable Substances, not being Woven or Felted, or included in other Sections. Rev. Gorham D. Abbot— United States. 230 LIST OF JURORS. Don Joaquin Alfonso (Chairman)— Spain. M. Balard— France. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., P.B.S. (Deputy Chairman). Dr. E. Lankester, F.R.S. (Reporter). T. J. Miller. G. Peterson— Russia. T. A. Wise, M.D., Hon. E.I.C.S. XXIX. Miscellaneous Manufactures and Small Wares. Viscount Canning (Chairman). Arthur Henfrey, F.L.S. Professor Hoffman— Zollverein. Warren De La Rue, F.R.S., t F.C.S. (Reporter). John Joseph Meehi. M. Otto Schumann— Austria. Mr. W. K. Smith— United States. M. Wolowski (Deputy Chairman) — France. XXX. Sculpture, Models, and Plastic Art. C. R. Cockerell, R.A. Lord Colborne (Deputy Chairman). J. Gibson. Lord Holland— Tuscany. Count de Laborde— France. C. Newton. A. Panizzi (Reporter)— Tuscany. A. W. Pugin. M. Quetelet— Belgium. Richard Redgrave, R.A. M. Seurmondt— Holland. M. G. Yon Viebahn (Chairman)— Zollverein. Dr. C. Waagen— Zollverein. W. Wyon, R.A. LONDON : PRINTED BV W, CLOWES AND SONS, POKE-STREET, STAMFOJRD-STREET, AND 14, CHAEING-CROSS. PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. ■m- Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, I Description of Article, &c. 157 161 Price. No. 437 Class 1. Mining and Mineral Pro¬ ducts. VIEILLE MONTAGNE ZINC MINING COMPANY.—General Agency, 12, Man- chester-buildings, Westminster-bridge. Rolled zinc sheets, trade sizes for sheeting Do. corrugated, for roofing . Hips and ridges. Perforated zinc sheets, No. 5 hole to 10, and upwards. Zinc ears for bolting. Zinc nails (hand-made), 1 in. to 1£ in. . . Do. (engine-made), from i in. and above Rivets, 75/. Rings for rivets, 31/. Rundles Bust in zinc of Her Majesty. Do. of H.R.H. Prince Albert Statuette of Sir R. Peel, with zinc pedestal Eos, favourite greyhound of H.R.H. Prince Albert. Class 3. Substances used as Pood. II. DOB BLED AY, Coggeshall , Essex. A fine specimen of honey-comb, in rosewood case. £. s. d. per ton. 21/. a 30/. 25/. a 28/. 40 0 0 44/. a 100/, 21 0 0 47/. a 52/. 28/. a 32/. 21 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 141 T. STYLES, sole Manufacturer of Ashby’s Prepared Groats and Barley. — G. s. — Wholesale depot, 148, Upper Thames Street , London. In tinfoil packets at 3c/., 6d., and 1.9. each. N.B. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. 112 SMITH’S PATENT OAT FLOUR. (Protected by Her,'! Majesty’s Royal Patent over England, Scotland, Ire-! land, Channel islands, and British Colonies.) || . Open specimens and also packets of this new and exten¬ sively valuable discovery in the article of vegetable! food have been brought forward in the Great Exhibition! for making its value known to all countries—being alike I interested therein. jl Chemistry proves that the farina of the oat supplies 1 ! more nourishment to the muscle, bone, and blood of man " than any other known vegetable; and medical practi¬ tioners of the first eminence give their testimonj^, and re¬ commend the patent oat flour for invalids generally, used in various forms, and as a delicate and most nourishing food for infants and children, giving vigour and strength, and as food for others. The oat flour in form ot bread, biscuits, &c., from its 91 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London A^ent Description of Article, &c. Class 3 — continued. Price. 5. d. rich and mellow qualities and flavour, is very fine, and in point of economy one third less cost than that made from the flour of wheat. Hence the universal advantage of the new refined produce of thq oats over the husky pre¬ paration of meal hitherto in use. J 1 The patentee will treat with parties at home or abroad for his patent right to manufacture in either of the countries, and for which purpose he begs to refer to his agent in London, James Robertson, Esquire, 48, De vonshire Street, Portland Place, and 35, Walbrook, City who will give full explanations and prospectuses of the merits of the oat flour ; or application may be made to the patentee, address as under— John Smith, Hare Craig , by Dundee , N. B. Price per packet of 21bs. q A liberal allowance to wholesale dealers*. GEORGE M. GLASS, Inventor and Manu¬ facturer of Gelatine, Brandon Street II alworthy London. Wholesale price list:— Gelatine lozenges, Nos. 1 and 2, various fla- ,™ urs *.per pound W hite and coloured flake gelatine . Coloured sheets for ornamental purposes ~ , .. . . , , per 100 Gelatine isinglass, and cut gelatine for jellies, &c. per pound Gelatine for manufacturing purposes, ditto Gum jujubes. Terms 2£ per cent, for cash, or nett at 3 months. JOHN SUTTON & SONS, Seed Growers, Reading , Berks. Skinless Chevalier barley, weight 641bs. per bushel.p er bushel Sutton s purple-topped yellow hybrid turnip— the best substitute for Swedes, per pound Lincolnshire red turnip—a superior sort, pre¬ sented to Messrs. Sutton by Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P.per pound llrf.&l/ 1/6 a 2/6 25/ a 35/ 2/a 4/ 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 1 o Class 4. Vegetable and Animal Sub¬ stances used in Manufactures. C. A. PRELLER, 31, Abchurcli Lane. Specimens of fine wool and goat’s hair and tops for the use of worsted spinners, combed without oil by patent machinery, a set of which consists of 2 combing ma- EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 24 895 882 Class 4 - continued. Price. d. chines and 2 drawing-off frames, and produces in ten working hours, assisted by two young women and four children, 240 lbs. fine English, or 110 lbs. Australian tops. The machinery may be seen at work at Preller’s Patent Machine Combing Company, at Bradford, is em¬ ployed at different other establishments in Yorkshire, and others may be supplied at per set.. 275 l. No. Class 5. Machines for direct use, including Carriages, Hallway and Marine Mecha¬ nism. POUT ABLE STEAM ENGINES, Manufactured by! I LYNCH and ING-LIS, Engineers, Garratt Road, j| Manchester. Horse power. Engine only. Cylindrical Boiler and Fittings. Engine and Engine and improved j Tubular Boiler and Fittings. ob. s. d. £. s. d. ■£, s. d. 1 . . 25 0 0 . . 37 0 0 . . 45 0 0 2 . 38 10 0 . . 57 0 0 . 70 0 0 3 ! . 52 5 0 . . 75 0 0 . . 93 0 0 4 . . 66 0 0 . . 93 0 0 . . 120 0 0 6 . , . 88 0 0 . . 124 0 0 . 160 0 0 8 . , . 110 0 0 . . 150 0 0 . . 200 0 o ! 998 18 KINDER and WHEELER, Leicester. Albert pony phaeton, complete .... 50 S 0 Messrs. C. J. THRXJPP and CO., 269, Oxford Street , London. A new Brougham, to form an open or close carriage. It carries three persons inside comfortably, and has been named the Stanhope Landaulet. Also, their new Sham¬ rock Car, which is a light and elegant gig to carry two persons in front and one behind. Price, 48 guineas. Price of Stanhope landaulet, 160 guineas. WILLIAM CONSTABLE, 57, Marine Parade, Brighton. Model of a compensating fly wheel, being an invention for converting into a uniform force. The invention is provisionally registered, and the right under that regis¬ tration is for sale. Applications to be made as above. Class 6. Manufacturing Machines and Tools. JOSEPH HARRISON, Blackburn, Manuf. 1. Power loom (weaving cloth 30 inches wide) with Kenworthy and Bullough’s patent weft motion and temple applied, and Bullough’s patent loose reed and break ; also a new metallic picking motion, and adapted for weaving plain or twilled cotton, woollen, or flaxen cloths. For weaving light fabrics this loom is pecu¬ liarly adapted. 2. Power loom as above, except having Seller’s patent Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 6— continued. Price. £. s. d. fast reed and break instead of Bullough’s loose reed and break. This loom is more especially for the production of fabrics of a moderate strength and those which are very heavy. For price and more minute explanations apply to Mr. Bullougii, in attendance. 20 I HORNBY & KENWORTIIY, Blackburn, Exhibitors of Sizeing and Warping Machines, Letters Patent for which are the property of J. and W. FIarrisox, Bank Foundry , Blackburn, to whom all communica¬ tions relative to the same must be addressed. These machines are in extensive operation, and have the approval of all who use them ; the Sizeing is adapted for both cotton and flaxen yarn, and is superseding the old systems of Sizeing. It requires less power than the old Dressing Frame, does nearly six times the quantity ot work, and is calculated for coarse or fine throstle or mule yarn; the flour paste is so retained and combined with the fibres of the thread by this process, that the yarn is made smooth and free from “ runners,” and weaves better, and cloth is made of a more superior texture. The nature of the process may be easily understood, and will be ex¬ plained by Mr. Bullough, in attendance at Class 6, Ca¬ talogue 20. This machine will turn oft’ 1300 cuts or pieces 25 yards long each weekly, proving the process the cheapest and most effectual known. Prices of Machines for home use. Warping . 53 272 137 121 each 9/8, including patent right Creel .... 6/4 Ditto. Creel .... Indicators for above N ett Cash. Sizeing. 7/8, including patent right and copper roller 9/8 Ditto.. 6 /4 Ditto. Allowance 1| per cent. JAMES & EDWARD PLENTY, Newbury, Berks , Inv. and Manuf. Machine for tarring yarn. Cl. ix. 4-horse power portable Thrashing Machine, to thrash on its wheels. Cl. vm. Life Boat, length 24 feet ..... 13 0 0 3 0 0 13 10 0 3 10 0 1 10 0 115 0 0 120 0 0 125 0 0 E. & W. ULLMER, Press Makers & Printers Brokers, Fetter Lane, London. Crown folio Albion Press . Patent Self-Inking ditto Crown Albion Press Extra size Self-Inking ditto Demy Albion Press , . , 50 0 0 48 0 0 150 0 0 10 0 0 17 0 0 22 0 o i 40 0 0 33 0 0 i PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 3 No. 402 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ClaS3 6— continued. Price. £. s. d. Royal Albion Press ........ 36 0 0 Patent Self-Inking ditto.I 60 0 0 Super Royal Albion Press. j 40 0 0 Double Crown ditto. 44 0 0 B. J. & E. MILLINGTON, Northgate Steam Mills, Newark. Price of Skreen delivered at the railway sta¬ tion, N ewark. And delivered in London and Hull . . . Class 7. Civil Engineering, Archi¬ tecture, and Building Contri¬ vances. AUGUSTUS SIEBE, Manufacturer to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Board of Ordnance, and Hon. East India Company, No. 5, Denmark Street , Soho, London. Cl. vii. The most improved diving apparatus, com¬ plete . They also can be had for lesser price, but not so complete. Cl. x. A new constructed dial weighing machine, with measuring apparatus for persons A new constructed self acting supply or steam boiler feeder, with patent joint to connect lead pipes without soldering . Cl. ix. 255 A patent rotatory garden or house fire engine pump, with improved hose and jet . . .. 353 570 j Patent Cl. xxii. at rotatory universal syringe, to keep a continual stream of water .... Up cu wuuuuoi oiiv-am v/j. ochci . Patent syringe with universal joint . 94 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London A^ent, Description of Article, &c. 14 14 0 15 0 0 160 0 0 20 0 0 4 15 0 6 6 0 5 5 0 2 2 0 ELL, G., 3 and 6, Tottenham Court , New Road , St. PancraSj Inventor and Im¬ prover. Ell’s adjustable scaffold, especially adapted to the purposes of cleaning and decorating the walls and ceilings of lofty buildings, well staircases, &c., as it may be adjusted to any height within its range, and sup¬ ports itself with safety independently of any attachment to the walls . . 40/. and! upwards. Ditto, if made suitable for a public fire- escape, mounted on two wheels, to be ! drawn by men, with ladders and tackle j attached. . 80/. and upwards. Large ditto ditto, mounted on four wheels, to be drawn by horse .... 120/. and upwards. Ell’s adjustable ladder, for hanging chande¬ liers, &c., may be adjusted to any height within three-fifths of its entire height, sup¬ ports itself by swinging poles attached to the back, braced by light iron work, 8/. and upwards. || 108 164 199 217 110 Class 7 — continued. Wheel barrow for the use of excavators and others, the wheel being placed in a posi¬ tion to take most of the weight from the man’s hands, enabling him to wheel nearly double the weight .from Double steps, with bowed sides and risers grooved to back of steps, and dovetailed in the sides, by which, though lighter, much greater solidity is obtained and more durability: Made in deal.per step Made also in ash, birch, mahogany, &c., and French polished. HENRY P. PARKES and Manu. A specimen board of chains from £ in. 2£ in., as used in her Majesty’s service, price 2D guineas. JOHN T. ROSE, Leith , Designer. Model of a Roman war galley Design for a timber viaduct . . ISAAC NAYLOR, Monk Rretton , near Barnsley. Patent alarm gun, four barrels Ditto six barrels Ditto eight barrels Ditto ten barrels Caps, fusees, and string JOHN MANTON and SON, 6, Dover Street , Piccadilly , Manufacturer. A pair of double guns, case, &c., complete . A double rifle, in case, &c. complete Duelling pistols, case, &c., complete . 1 double gun, in case complete .... CROGGON and CO., 2, Dowgate Hill , London , Manufacturers. Patent asphalte roofing felt, per square foot Inodorous felt for damp walls and floors, per square foot Ship sheathing felt in sheets, 32 by 40 inches, per sheet Hair felt for boilers, in sheets 2ft. Sin. by 1ft. 8in., price according to thickness: No. 1.per sheet 2. „ 3 . „ 4 . „ 5 . „ Class 8. Naval Architecture, Mili¬ tary Engineering, Guns, Wea¬ pons, &c. Dudley, Inv., Pat., 1 10 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 to 0 10 1 0 1 2 21 0 0 5 5 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 2 13 0 2 16 0 0 5 0 84 0 0 63 0 0 31 10 0 42 0 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, Kc. Price. £. s. d. 207 THOMAS Class 8— continued. E. MORTIMER, Gun 273 298 Maker, Edinburgh. The family established as Gun Makers in the early part of George the Third’s reign. 1. A best double gun on improved princi¬ ples, with elevated breakoff and low front sight, by which a clear view of the sight is obtained, and rather more ele¬ vation than if a high rib, as usually used, was on the gun, every part being of the best workmanship . . • • • 2 A best improved double rifle, very little turn in it, with simple safety pistol hand and conical balls . • • • • 3. A. pair of superior inlaid Highland pistols, silver stocks, ... 4. A best gun case, with fittings complete . 5. Specimens of conical balls and supei lor cutter for ditto, some of these balls made bv T E M. upwards of twelve years ago. * An improved pjode for taking out the bolt introduced in these guns. A comparison with other makers respect¬ fully solicited. _. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 30 guineas | 40 guineas Class 9 — continued. Turnip cutter. .. Chaff machine, Iso. 1. Ditto No. 2. Ditto No. 3 . . . • • • • The Utilitarian, for cutting straw into chan, and bruising oats, combined • • • • 3 mills combined, one motion. Scotch cart and ladders. Price. 4 10 5 0 7 7 14 14 7 10 30 0 15 0 F. 45 guineas! 5 guineas.! J. LILLYWHITE, Frederick Street, Fort sea, Manufacturer. Metal model of 68 pounder gun, 95 cwt., carriage and pivot slide, on l- 2 in. scale, intended for forecastle of steam frigates for long range 45 0 0 THOS. HITT, Bridport, Inventor. Life or swimming boot, a pair of which will enable persons to swim a great distance with ease and rapidity . . . P er P air 45a Class 9. Agricultural and Horticul¬ tural Machines and Implements. E. GOLDING, Hursthorne Priors, Andover Road. Improved rolling barley dumper . . from BENNETT, H. Liverpool , Manufacturer. Model of a self-cleaning roller or clod- crusher .. * * ' *. * Mill for mixing provender and prepanng manures for drilling . . . • • • * Machine for preparing gorse, for feeding . Mill for kibbling beans, oats, &c. &c. . . Oilcake crusher. 1 10 0 137 139a 2 2 0 142 MARY WEDLAKE, 118, Fenchurch Street. 24 10 0 5 0 10 10 5 5 o Improved haymaker. Double hay rake .. "Winnowing machine.. • Ploughs.. • 2'- 2s - & Horse hoe . . * * Improved machine for bruising oats. Ditto for bruising gorse . . Oilcake mach . 13 0 9 10 7 10 2 15 2 15 10 10 2 15 DE PORQUET, 11, Tavistock Street, Covmt Garden. Model haymaker, full size . . . Hay rake, ditto ..••••• Skim plough .. Dressing machine. Turnip-cutter. Light plough . . . • .*. * * Improved machine for bruising oats Mill for bruising beans . . • • A 3-horse power steam engine, fixed. A double action winnowing machine A 9 coulter drill. A set of harrow and weigh tree A turnip cutter. An iron oat bruiser. A wooden ditto. 13 0 9 10 4 10 7 10 4 10 2 2 4 10 3 10 84 0 9 10 23 0 RICHMOND and CHANDLER, Manchester. No. 1a. Chaff cutting machine . . 1. Bean and oat mill . • • • 3. Unapproachable chaff machine 2. Premium linseed mill . . • 5. Warranted chaff machine . . T. T. ROBINSON and SON, Coopers, Churn and Hoop Makers, St. Joans Bridge, Coventry. Model Churns. 16 gallon churn, to make 18 lbs. of butter . 24 ditto ditto 28 ditto 30 ditto ditto 36 ditto 40 ditto ditto 50 ditto . These churns, as per model, manufactured , 1 • _1. i.nn -fittimTS. 4 10 5 5 6 15 6 10 14 0 of English oak, with iron fittings. GARRETT and SON, Leiston Works, near Saxmundham, Suffolk. List of Prices of the Implements and Ma¬ chinery exhibited by- No. 1. Garrett’s Exeter prize drill for general purposes ..* a 2 Garrett’s drill for turnips and manure on flat or ridge . 16/. a 3. Garrett’s lever corn and seed drills 18/. a 4. Garrett’s corn and seed drill for small^ 5. GarretFs°hand*harrow drill for clover and rye grass. . • • • 3/ - a 6. Garrett’s Exeter prize hand lever drill for turnips, &c. . . • • • • * 7. Garrett’s patent horse hoe . . 14/. « 8. Garrett’s prize threshing machines 5o/. a 9. Garrett’s improved threshing machines 51 0 0 16 0 0 36/. a 83/. PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 5 No. L85 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. Price. Class 9— continued. 10. Garrett’s threshing machine, with straw shaker, patent riddle and winnowing machine . 60 1 . a 11. Garrett’s horse power driving ma¬ chinery.12/. 12s. a 12. Garrett’s portable agricultural steam engines.190/. a 13. Garrett’s barley aveller or hummel- ling machine.5 1. a 14. Garrett’s corn dressing machines 10/. 10s. a 15. Garrett s patent chaff cutters for horse or steam power .... 10/. 10s. a 16. Garrett’s portable stone mill for grind¬ ing wheat and other agricultural pro- duce.35 l.a 17. Garrett’s linseed, malt, and oat mill . 4/. 10s. a 18. Garrett s rape and linseed cake crusher . 4/. 4s. a 19. Garrett’s iron ploughs for general purposes. 21. 7s. 6 d. a 20. Garrett’s hand power chaff cutters 4/. a 21 . Garrett’s corn dressing machines 5/. 5s. a 22. Garrett’s corn reaping machine . . 24. Garrett’s iron harrows ... 31. a Implements delivered, free of carriage, to London, Hull, or Newcastle-on-Tyne, and shipped to all parts of the world. SAMUELSON, B., Banbury , successor to the late James Gardner. Prizes at the Boyal Agricultural Society’s Shows at Southampton, Derby, Northamp¬ ton, Norwich, and Exeter, and at the prin¬ cipal country shows for turnip cutters, churns, and tile machines. No. 1. Samuelson’s patent Gardner’s double¬ action turnip cutter, on patent wrought iron frame—cuts the last piece—for cattle and sheep. 2. Samuelson’s patent Gardner’s ditto, wood frame. 3. Samuelson’s patent single action ditto* for cattle or sheep. *** All these have Gardner’s patent cranked knife—the only one which stands to its work when the roots are frozen. They all cut the last piece. No. 4. Medium sized chaff cutter, for hand or horse power, on iron frame 5. Small sized ditto.* 6. Universal mill ...!!!! 7. Bean mill, on stand ...!.* i 8. Oilcake breaker .. 9 - Registered atmospheric churn, 14 quarts 10. W.I. general purpose plough, skim coulter.. 11. Horse hoe, with revolving harrow, 3 tines.. 12. Skim and paring plough, strong iron frame. . Carriage paid to London, Liverpool, stoke 0 ’ } ^ ork » Nor wich, and Basing- £. s. d. 75 0 0 48 0 0 235 0 0 10 0 0 14 14 0 16 16 0 40 0 0 11 0 0 9 9 0 3 13 6 6 6 0 7 7 0 28 0 0 4 10 0 6 0 0 5 10 0 4 10 0 5 10 0 4 0 0 5 10 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 1 15 0 5 0 0 2 10 0 4 15 0 No. 192 200 211 220 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 9— continued. H. SMITH, 12, Rvfford’s Row, near the Church , Islington. Horticultural hot water gas stove (15 inches diameter), galvanized inside and out . . JOHN CABORN, Denton , near Grantham. A portable 7 horse power steam engine . A portable threshing machine, with straw shaker. An improved corn dressing machine, for chaffing corn in rough state and finishing Price. £. s. d. 6 10 0 it for market DAVID THORNTON, Ratho , by Edin¬ burgh, Designer. I. Design for a Protection Farm Steading ; providing accommodation for storing the grain crops under cover, in lieu of the or¬ dinary manner, by constructing over the sheds for feeding cattle spacious lofts, in which all the grain can be secured. Venti¬ lation is afforded, and facility for removing the grain to the thrashing mill II. Model of an improved farm drain; which has been found very suitable in moss and old pasture land, and is cheaper than either tile or stone; the drain is dug out wider at the top than the bottom, leaving 2 verges of about 6 or 8 inches high, on which the turf cut from the surface is laid, with the roots upwards; the waste cuttings from saw mills can be substituted for turf . 230 60 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 T. WILKINSON, 309, Oxford Street , London, Manufacturer. Wilkinson’s improved Baker’s Patent Mangle, having three rollers, two of which, with the linen upon them, revolve under the heavily weighted box, while the third is being prepared with the linen, to replace the first which shall be ready for removal; thus capable of com¬ pleting thrice the quantity of work which any upright mangle (one roller only of which revolves with the linen upon it) can possibly accomplish. The alternate rolling and unrolling effected by this mangle is also considered a very material advantage.—Prices from 10 to 17 guineas. Wilkinson’s original improved Patent Box Churn.— The top or cover having perforations for admitting atmospheric air, the beater of the form found by expe¬ rience to be best calculated for agitating the cream, forcing it through the air and incorporating the oxygen with it more perfectly, and so as to produce good sound butter more readily, and of better quality than can be effected by any other churn, the churn being thoroughly cleansed with little trouble, and warmed or cooled by the most simple means as the season of the year or the climate may require.—Prices from 30s. to 6/. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 18 19 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of A rticle, &c. Class 10. Philosophical, Musical, Horological, and Surgical Instru¬ ments. JOHN . GRAGG, 8, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell , London .—Manu. First class watches, suitable for all nations, wholesale and for exportation. The manufacturer engages to supply on as advantageous terms as any house in the kingdom. Signor ANGELO BENEDITTO VENTURA, ' 17, Charks Street , Mortimer Street , Caven¬ dish Square .—The only inventor, pro¬ prietor, and professor of those patent and registered musical instruments. Prices of the instruments :— Harp Ventura..15 1. a British Ventura.5 l.a Ventura English Ce'tra . . . .5 1. a Lyro Ventura. ....... 31. a Venturena. 31. a The representations of the above instru¬ ments in wood cuts are in the Official Illus¬ trated Catalogue Advertiser, page 32. Price. 20 H. DELOLME, 48, Rathbme Place , Manu. & Designer, No. 1. A compensated gold duplex watch, jewelled in 6 holes; in engraved hunt¬ ing case.. 2. A compensated gold lever watch, jew- , elled in 6 holes, with gold dial and seconds . . . . . 3. A ditto, jewelled in 10 holes, with enamelled dial. 4. A compensated gold duplex watch, jewelled in 6 holes, with gold dial and engraved case . . . . . . 5. A compensated gold lever, ditto 6. A ditto, jewelled in 10 holes, enam¬ elled dial, with seconds and engine- turned case. 7. A compensated gold duplex watch, jewelled in 6 holes, with gold dial and engine-turned case ..... 8. A highly-finished marine chronometer complete ......... 9. A ditto ditto ....... The watches are all with isochrone-pendu¬ lum springs, and include the gold chains and keys attached to them. EDWARD FUNNELL, 2, Clarence Street , Brighton, A small lever watch, jewelled in 15 holes, goes 28 hours without winding up; the whole being made of solid gold, measuring less than half an inch in diameter, and being one eighth of an inch in thickness . s. d. 21 0 10 10 10 10 6 6 5 5 No. 53 104 30 10 0 25 10 0 25 0 0 28 10 27 10 25 10 0 28 0 0 300 0 0 122 152 106 291 Name and. Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 337 439 Class 10 — continued. J. PENNINGTON, Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Maker, High Street , Camber- well.— Inv. Marine chronometer, with improved compen¬ sation balance : handsomely fitted in glass box with rosewood case . . ... . JAMES EDWARDS, Stourbridge. Large transparent table-clock, No. 1 Transpare'nt quarter-day ditto, No. 2 J. BROADBENT, Ashton-under-Lyne. Box of bells to ring changes Scale for pitching wheels . . . . JOHN IIEWITSON, Newcastle on Tyne. A self-registering tide-gauge and tidal indi¬ cator Made also from W. DOBBIE, Falkirk , Scotland, Clockmaker in ordinary to the Queen. Royal barometer, with two indexes, the one of the common range, and the other indi¬ cating the thousandth part of an inch in the rise or fall of the mercury . . . . WM. LADD, Microscope and Philosophical Instrument Maker, Fenton Place , Wal¬ worth, Londcm. 1. Compound microscope with double sup¬ port and tripod-stand, with Ladd’s im¬ proved adjustments, by which a very smooth and steady motion is obtained; 2 Huyghenian eye pieces, moveable stage, and large double mirror, from . 71. 7s. a 2. Set of pneumatic instruments (for lec turers, schools, &c.) consisting of air- pump and receiver, filtering cup, Magde burgh’s hemispheres, bladder, frame, and weights, guinea and feather apparatus, fruit and taper stand, hand and bladder glass, single transferrer, fountain appara tus, bell experiment, brass syringe for in¬ stantaneous light, glass for fountain, and guinea and feather apparatus, plate for top of fountain glass, and brass clamp packed in case, I7in. by 12, by 9 deep SAMUEL H. PARK, Kingswood, VFootton under-Edge, Gloucestershire, Manu. 100 0 C 30 0 C A set of improved spanners, registered sizes—one each 26, 18, 12, and 8 inches in length. JONATHAN N. HEARDER, Plymouth. Opposite cast-iron magnet, &c., &c. . . Opposite permanent steel magnet, Sic., &c. Or per cwt. lifting power . . . . . Price. £. s. d. 60 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 17 17 ( 15 15 6 10 2 13 2 10 15 0 7 0 S PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. No. 205 340 444 565 601 617 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 10 — continued. Medio-galvanic apparatus in box complete: 16 degrees of power .. i i ... i 24 degrees ditto . . . . t . . i . 24 degrees ditto, larger. t . 32 degrees ditto * . . 50 degrees and upwards. Cl. vn. Rarefying apparatus, &c. s. ROOKER & SON, East Street, Foundling. A brass sliding scale of Involution, invented by Dr. Roget, Sec. R.S. Questions relating to the increase of po¬ pulation, to compound interest, &c., &c., are resolvable by this instrument. JOHN WESTMORLAND, Derby. Gutta Percha Electrical Machine, made by Mr. John Davis, Optician, Derby . . GROSSMITH, WILLIAM ROBERT, 175, Fleet Street, London. Artificial Legs with newly invented knee and ankle joints, enabling the wearer to walk, sit, or ride with ease and comfort wherever amputated. Perfect in action, will last a lifetime, and not more than half the weight of the common Cork Leg. Prices from 10Z. to 20 L, depending on the place of amputation. Artificial Human Eyes— made in a few hours to fit without Operation or pain, in every case where the sight has been lost. Artificial Arms, Hands, Noses, shapes for wasted limbs. Chest Expanders, to prevent round shoulders, &c. References to persons wearing the above articles, may be obtained at the Manufac¬ tory, 175, Fleet Street. Established 1760. EDWARD MILES, Surgeon Dentist, 15, Li¬ verpool Street, Bishopsgate. Best Mineral Teeth on Gold, such as he be¬ lieves cannot be excelled in London, Ame¬ rica, or Paris. Whole sets from . . . 25 to 30 Guineas. Single Tooth .... 2 Guineas. Price. RICHARD ROBINSON, Leg Maker, &c., 27, Cumberland Street, Portsea , Inventor. An Artificial Leg, made by the Inventor, who, as the result of repeated experiments, called into exercise through his own mis¬ fortune (that of having lost a leg), has succeeded in manufacturing a leg, easy to wear, of natural appearance and action, and by means of inventions and improve¬ ments exclusively his own, rendered less liable to disarrangement than cork legs generally are. Price according to the amputation, as above or below the knee joint, 15 to 20 Guineas. £. s. d. 3 0 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 3 10 0 16 0 0 7 0 0 No. 666 21 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 10 — continued. ANDREW ROSS, 2, Feather stogie Buildings, Agent. Bleeding instruments, as substitutes for leeches and cupping instruments, adapted to apply to any part of the body ; invented by Baron Heurteloup. Cutting instrument with 4 small pumps, with ends of various forms ; complete in case . Extra large pump, in case.. (This invention is perfectly new, and is patented.) Classes 12 & 15. "Woollen & Worsted, Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls. HUDSON & BOUSFIELD, Park Row , Leeds. Price List of Woollen Goods sent to the Ex¬ hibition. 55 in. per yd. 3 Ditto 56 tt 4 Ditto 55 tt 5 Ditto 55 »» 6 Ditto 56 tt 7 Ditto 56 tt 8 Ditto 53 r> 9 Ditto 53 tt 10 Ditto 56 tt 11 Ditto 56 tt 12 Ditto 56 tt 14 Cotton warp 56 tt 15 Ditto 56 tt 16 Woadedbottle medium cloth, , 53 in. tt 19 Do. dahlia 53 tt 20 Coffee brown 55 tt 21 Claret 143 Olive „ 144 Ditto „ 145 Dark „ 146 Ditto olive 148 Brown olive 152 Prussian black 153 Indigo blue cloth 54 55 54 55 55 53 59 56 55 169 462 LUXgV MMXJLVs yivw* - 77 The above cloths prepared for the American market. WILLIAM CRABTREE, Yorkshire. Dewsbury Moor, Bath blankets, 13 qrs., 15 lbs. 8 oz. per pair Extra Supers, 11 qrs., 9 lbs. 8 oz. „ Supers, 10 qrs., 8 lbs. 8 oz. „ The qualities above can be made to any size. JOSHUA CLARKE, 56, High Street, Bradford, Yorkshire. A table cover printer.. MRS. HAYWOOD, Dyer’s Buildings, City Road. White Cashmere shawl, 9 qrs. square, orna¬ mented and fringed with peacock’s feathers, the brilliant parts so disposed as to re¬ semble gems. 8 yards of feather fringe, &c. . . . . • C 2 8 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 43 22 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 14. Hemp and Flax. CHARLES PEGLER and CO., Leeds. Damask table linen. Lord Harewood’s coat of arms, 6 yards . Duke of Wellington, 6 yards .... Royal Horse Guards’ Arms, 8 yards . Peacock borders, 6 yards. Communion cloth. Napkins to match the above . . per doz Coats of arms, &c., inserted in table linen at a small additional cost. Drawings and estimates forwarded on application. 23, j Briggate, Leeds , ’Yorkshire. Class 16. Leather, Saddlery, Boots and Shoes, Skins, Fur, and Hair. WILLIAM COOK, Willesboro , near Ashford , Manu. 13 horse shoes. Price. £. s. d. 6 6 0 4 19 0 6 14 0 3 10 0 2 2 0 35/ a 60/ 21 0 0 No. 245 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. Class 16 — continued. from the foot with the greatest ease without stooping or touching it with the hands.— Patented by the Inventor, Mr. GEORGE ROB ARTS, Surgeon-Dentist, Tavistock .— For price of patent right and further par¬ ticulars, apply to Messrs. Campin and Co., Patent Agents, 156, Strand, London , or Mr. R. Luxton, Guildhall Buildings, Tavistock, Devon; at either of which places a model of the invention can be seen. FREDERICK BROWNE, 47, Fmchurch Street. No. 1. A dark head dress for a lady, made entirely transparent throughout, and so constructed that a lady having a thin head of hair can wear it with much comfort No. 2. A light head dress for a lady, the parting made in a very superior manner to imitate the hair growing from the head, the other part transparent. 120 W. and J. LINE, Wholesale Shoe Manufac¬ turers, Daventry (Established 1819). Cheapness, combined with neatness and durability, being the leading feature of their goods, they submit the following list of prices numbered to correspond with the contents of their case:—■ No. 1. Dress Wellington boots, morocco legs, per doz. 2. Best mid. calf Wellington boot ,, 3. Light ditto .... 4. Extra light ditto 5. Stout calf Clarence boot 6. Black cloth boot . 7. Leather leg buttoned boot 8. Stout calf Blucher 9. Mid. ditto . . . 10. Stout calf tie-shoe, extra 11. Stout calf Oxon. . . 12. Best mid. calf Oxon. . 13. Calf Albert .... 14. Calf side spring shoes . 15. Calf front spring shoes 16. Elastic dress boot . 17. Best light calf Oxon. . 18. Common light Oxon. . 19. Common light tie-shoe 20. Common light Blucher 21. Common strong Blucher 22. Strong calf Wellington 10 16 0 6 18 0 6 4 0 4 12 0 5 0 0 4 12 0 5 2 0 4 0 0 3 12 0 4 2 0 3 12 0 3 4 0 4 4 0 4 7 0 3 12 0 5 8 0 3 9 0 2 8 0 2 2 0 2 7 0 2 6 0 8 2 0 256 No. 3. Auburn crop head dress, representing the hair parted in four divisions; this head dress claims attention from the great novelty of its construction, the hair being secured by looping and also being curled at both ends, shows no roots .... No. 4. A peruke made on the best principle of ventilation, imparting great comfort to the wearer, with crown and parting, having the hair drawn through goldbeater’s skin. No. 5, A lady’s crop head dress, with crop skin parting, made on the ventilating principle, and with one hair in each mesh of the net. No. 6. A youth’s peruke, of a superior de¬ scription of work, being made in a machine of improved principle for making stock¬ ings, and is named the zephyr wig No. 7. A grey peruke for an elderly person, made peculiarly light and perfectly trans¬ parent, all the roots of the hair being taken away. MADDEN and BLACK, Capel Street, Dublin, Manu. A lady’s wig with skin partings . . . ., A gentleman’s wig with skin partings . . Ladies’ fronts. 128 In CLASS XVI., No. 128, in THE GREAT EXHIBITION, is an IMPROVED CLOG, but in the Official Catalogue it appears by mistake in Cl. XX., No. 244. To Clog Makers, &c. —This clog exhi¬ bited, though in appearance like the ordi¬ nary French clog, is so constructed that, by means of a drop heel connected with a lever and spring, it can be put on and removed 269 THOMAS TAYLOR, Banbury, Oxfordshire , Inventor, Patentee, and Manufacturer of the following Articles, exhibited at the Great Exhibition of all Nations, 1851. No. 1. A patent inflated ladies’ side saddle without the off-side head, with a leaping head and balance shap slipper, &c., com¬ plete for durability and economy . No. 2. Patent inflated gentleman’s riding saddle, complete. PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 9 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. Price. £. s. d. Class 16 — continued. No. 3. Patent moveable panel light hunting saddle, complete. No. 4. Patent moveable panel stout agri¬ cultural saddle, complete for durability and economy. No. 5. Portable self-acting shade for harness bridles, to prevent horses shying . No. 6. Registered Pelham bridle, complete No. 7. Registered Weymouth bridle, com¬ plete . No. 8. Body roller, with an improved buckle and shap. No. 9. Suit of horse clothing, complete . Nos, 10, 11. A variety of patterns of webs for girths, roller, brace, riding belts, and registered bindings. No. 12. Samples of webs. N.B. Articles Nos. 3, 4, and 5 were highly commended by the Judges’ Report of the Royal Agricultural Society’s Meeting at Shrewsbury. 4 4 0 4 4 0 0 16 6 1 11 6 1 8 6 0 10 6 4 4 0 7 Class 17. Paper, Printing, and Book¬ binding. HAWTHORNE, JAMES, 77, Charrington Street. Blue, black, and blue ink which turns black, 3 half-pint bottles for. Hair dye.per bottle Ink for staining oak and mahogany, per gall. 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 4 0 Class 19. Tapestry, Floor Cloths, Lace, and Embroidery. 95 R. Y. BARNES, Manufacturer, City Road, London. Decorative Floor Cloths. 1. 36 feet by 12 feet==48 square yards, at 8/ 2. 12. feet by 12 feet=16 „ at 8/ 3. 12 feet by 12 feet=16 ,, at 6/ 19 4 0 6 8 0 4 16 0 198 MRS. F. S. HAYTER, 16, English Street, Hull, Des. andManu. A carpet of Berlin w r ool, about 14 feet by 15 feet, having taken the manufacturer eight years to complete.price 150 0 0 401 BRIGHT & CO., Carpet Manufacturers, Roch¬ dale, London, and Manchester , JOSH. BURCH & CO., Carpet Print Works, Crag, near Macclesfield —Copartners. Velvet pile carpets, same as exhibited, from . .per yard Brussels, in super, best, and stout qualities, from.per yard Velvet and terry tapestry fabrics for window draperies, furniture coverings, &c. p. yard Sold wholesale at 20, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, London, and 22, New Brown Street, Manchester. These goods are woven by Sevier’s power loom, and printed by patent machinery, in¬ vented by Mr. Burch, the exhibitor. 4/6 a 5/6 2/10 a 4/ 6/a 9/ 169 A HYMN FOR ALL NATIONS, 1851, by M. F. Tupper, D.C.L., F.R.S., author of “ Proverbial Philosophy.” Trans¬ lated into 30 languages (upwards of 50 versions). The Music composed ex¬ pressly by S. Sebastian Wesley, Mus. Doc. — London: Printed by Thomas Brettele, Rupert Street , Haymarket , and sold by Thomas Hatchard, 187, Picca¬ dilly, and all booksellers . . . price 0 3 0 196 Class 20. Articles of Clothing, for Immediate, Personal, or Domestic Use. A GREAT OBJECT OBTAINED for the protection to Merchants in shipping coloured and black kid gloves to any part of the world, with a guarantee not to spot. Manufactured by Messrs. J. and J. CORRY, Queen Camel, Somerset, from 6s. to 36s. per dozen. 192 WHITBREAD, 142, Oxford Street. Map of London, in sheet, plain .... Ditto, in cloth case, plain, with index . Ditto, in cloth case, coloured, with index .... Ditto, in cloth case, coloured and mounted. 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 2 6 Class 18. Woven, Felted, and Laid Fabrics, Dyed and Printed. 19 RICHARD WALFORD, 27, Lawrence Lane , Clieapside. East India silks printed in England. Prices from.per piece 14 /a 20/ 226 Class 22. General Hardware, in¬ cluding Locks and Grates. HAGUE, SAMUEL, Cutler, Eldon Street, Devonshire Lane , Sheffield. A case of 63 penknives, with a variety of blades; silver pencils, &c. per doz. per doz. per doz. No. £ s. d. No. £ s. d. No. £. s. d. 1 .. 0 8 a 10 .. 0 8 0 19 .. 1 8 0 2 .. 0 8 0 11 .. 0 11 0 20 .. 0 12 0 3 .. 0 9 0 12 .. 0 12 0 21 .. 1 0 0 4 .. 0 9 0 13 .. 0 11 0 22 .. 1 0 0 5 .. 0 10 6 14 .. 0 12 0 23 .. 1 0 0 6 .. 0 7 6 15 .. 0 14 0 24 .. 0 15 0 7 .. 0 9 0 16 .. 0 15 0 25 .. 0 16 0 8 .. 0 10 0 17 .. 0 9 0 26 .. 0 16 0 9 .. 0 11 0 18 .. 1 5 0 27 .. 0 18 0 10 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £5Xass 22— continued. per doz. per doz. per doz. No. £ s. d. No. £. s. d. No. £. s. d. 28 .. 0 14 0 40 .. 0 13 0 52 .. 2 0 0 29 .. 0 14 0 41 .. 1 10 0 53 .. 2 0 0 30 .. 1 0 0 42 .. 1 14 0 54 .. 1 16 0 31 .. 1 0 0 43 .. 0 14 0 55 .. 1 19 0 32 .. 2 2 0 44 .. 0 18 0 56 .. 1 10 0 33 .. 1 16 0 45 .. 1 0 0 57 .. 14 0 34 .. 1 18 0 46 .. 1 2 0 58 .. 1 4 0 35 .. 2 0 0 47 .. 1 2 0 59 .. 2 0 0 36 .. 2 0 0 48 .. 1 6 0 60 .. 2 0 0 37 .. 1 4 0 49 .. 1 2 0 61 .. 10 0 38 .. 1 5 0 50 .. 1 4 0 62 .. 10 0 39 .. 0 12 0 51 .. 1 4 0 63 .. 18 0 No. 233 293 398 JOSEPH PEACE and CO., Converters and Refiners of Steel, Ornamental Saw Manufacturers, Forge Lane, Sheffield, Inventors of the Plates for Saw Han¬ dles, Registered No. 2288, April 29th, 1850. Numbers and nett cash prices of the saws exhibited, 1851:— Case 1. Each Article. Case 2. No. £ s. d. No. £ s. d. No. £ s. d. 1 .. 0 6 2 13 .. 0 5 2 25 . ,. 0 4 0 2 .. 0 5 10 14 .. 0 3 2 26 . ,. 0 1 3 3 .. 0 6 0 15 .. 0 3 0 27 . . 0 2 6 4 .. 0 6 0 16 .. 0 2 10 28 . . 0 1 0 5 .. 0 3 7 17 .. 0 3 9 29 . . 0 3 3 6 .. 0 5 0 18 .. 0 4 2 30 . . 0 4 3 7 .. 0 4 4 19 .. 0 4 7 31 . . 0 1 3 8 .. 0 3 10 32 . . 0 1 8 9 .. o 3 10 Case 3. 33 . . 30 0 0* 20 .. 0 4 0 34 . . 0 6 0 Case 2. 21 .. 0 4 6 35 . . 0 1 10 10 .. 0 3 7 22 .. 0 7 6 36 . 0 2 0 11 .. 0 4 2 23 .. 0 4 0 37 . ,. 0 6 2 12 .. 0 5 2 24 .. 0 5 4 Case 3. * No. 33 includes the saw and spindle com¬ plete. FREER. ALLEN, 15, Spencer Street , Bir¬ mingham , Manufacturer. Splendid silver filigree work. This most elaborate silver, and silver gilt filigree work, so much admired by her Ma¬ jesty, was made regardless of cost for the present Exhibition, and is acknowledged by competent judges to be the best speci¬ mens ever manufactured. The glass shade containing the silver gilt filigree specimens, viz., one most elaborate vase, one pair salts, brooches, hair pins, bracelet and studs, all fine silver, richly gilt, the wdiole, including shade The glass shade containing the silver filigree specimens, viz., two highly finished vases, brooches, hair pins, bracelet, and two gilt baskets, the whole, including shade REMINGTON, ANNE, 138, Sloane Street , Chelsea. Improved roasting apparatus, with self-act¬ ing baster, and heat reflector, price 9s. 6 d., 10s. 6c?., and 11s. 6 d. 200 0 0 115 0 0 No. 448 600 630 692 754 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 22 — continued. R. HOLLIDAY and CO., Patentees and Manufacturers, Huddersfield , Sheffield , Bradford , Manchester , and 128, Holborn Hill , London. Portable self-generating gas lamps, in great variety, and adapted for all purposes, emit¬ ting a light superior to an argand burner, at ^d. per hour, without trouble, each, from. Liquid ammonia, 880° . Sulphate of ammonia Muriate of ammonia Washing powders in packets Soda. Washing salts .... Washing liquor (ammoniacal) Washing paste .... Vegetable naphtha . Coal naphtha (once run) . Do. twice distilled Do. rectified, 888° . . Do. highly rectified, 845° . Coal pitch. Coal oil for preserving timber Soda ash per ton Archil, red or blue . Cudbear. India rubber and gutta percha solutions per cwt. per pound . per ton . per gross . per ton per pound * per gallon • » . per ton &c. per gal. . from 9Z. a . per cwt. per pound WENHAM LAKE ICE COMPANY, 164a, Strand. Refrigerators The one exhibited from 4Z. 10s. a JOHN COMMON, Plumber, Melrose. A new and improved water ball cock, war¬ ranted to resist any pressure of water. Invented by the exhibitor. 5 inch.. 1 ditto ... * . JOSIAH LORKIN, Patentee, 68, Basinghall Street, London. Patent egg beater, patented for England and France; much patronized ; sold at most fur¬ nishing ironmongers’, earthenware -deal¬ ers’, and brush shops in town and country. Made in three sizes : No. 1.small No. 2.medium No. 3.large CULVERWELL, W., 16, Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road, near Rowland Hill’s Chapel. Registered portable domestic vapour bath: Tin.. . Copper. Price. £. s. d. 6s. a 51. 0 0 4 15 0 0 23 0 0 0 3 6 6 10 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 2 6 1 0 1 10 2 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 21 12 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 12 12 0 50 0 0 0 5 6 0 9 0 0 10 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 12 1 1 PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 1 ! No. Name and Address of Exhibitor ;md London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 68 Class 23. Works in Precious Metals, Jewellery, &c. L. E. WOLFF, 45, Upper York Street , Bryan- ston Square. A desk seal closely set with nearly 2000 £. s. d. 83 stones. Messrs. S. H. & D. GASS, 166, Regent Street .— Prop. Silver dessert service, of great novelty, re¬ presenting 4 species of aquatic plants, mo¬ delled from nature, the leaves forming the dishes. No. 1 represents the Nymphaea Thermalis, 15 in. high. 2 represents the Nymphaea Rubra, 15in. 35 0 0 high . 86 0 0 3 represents the Calladium, 20 in. high . 82 0 0 4 ditto, the Dillinea Speciosa, 20 in. high Silver centrepiece, illustrating a scene in Egypt, with group of water carriers at a 81 0 0 well, surmounted by the Doum Palm . Silver classic wine cooler with vine leaves 300 0 0 and grapes. Silver lily pattern salt cellar and spoon . 10 0 0 Silver rock plant ditto ditto Silver sugar vase, with subjects descriptive 7 0 0 of the culture of the cane. Silver entree dish with flower border and 9 15 0 handle. Silver gilt christenin'g cup (after design by 44 0 0 Redgrave). Silver jewelled dessert knives, forks, and spoons, of original design, set with various 17 0 0 stones. Price for one dozen of each, gilt 76 0 0 Ditto in silver A diamond brooch in the style of the jewels of the Cinque Cento period, with a figure 67 0 0 of Britannia, composed of 923 diamonds . A carbuncle and diamond gold bracelet, with portraits of her Majesty and the Prince of Wales, in the ancient art of Ni¬ ello (after Thorburn). A silver gauntlet bracelet, in Niello, de¬ signed by Maclise, descriptive of the his¬ 350 0 0 190 0 0 92 tory of the bracelet ....... HARVEY and CO., 12.6—128, Regent-street , London. 1. Silver Candelabrum, with triangular base, composed of shell-work, marine plants, and water. On the angles are seated, Venus girdling her hair with one hand, and holding in the other the golden apple, the prize of beauty ; a syren play- | ing upon a harp, and singing the loves of Venus ; the third is also a syren entwined in a net, presenting to Venus strings of coral. On a spiral-formed stem is a young triton crowning Venus with a wreath of . pearls; upon the sflfmmit is Cupid; spring¬ ing from the upper part are three branches 25 0 0 . to bear two lights' each . . ... . i 370 0 0 / 2. Silver fl uted claret jug, from the antique 25 0 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 23 — continued. Price. £. 3. Silver plain claret jug, from the antique 4. Silver claret jug, from the antique, with subjects engraved from designs by Flax- man . 5. Silver statuette of Mercury, designed by Woodington .. 6. Silver-chased, Italian pattern, tea and coffee service, viz. tea-kettle, coffee-pot, tea-pot, bason, and ewer. 7. Silver model of the Portland Vase as tea urn. 8. Pair of silver stork candlesticks, designed by Woodington. 9. Silver-gilt rosewater dish, with antique chased centre. 10. Silver-gilt sacramental service, designed by Cundy, consisting of offertory dish, 3 patens, 2 chalices, and flagon: the whole richly chased with the apostles, evangelists, & c. 11. Pair of silver-gilt chased Vernis Martin vases . 12. Silver-gilt inkstand, model of Wesi minster Hall, the wood part of the old roof . 13. Silver figure salt, with 3 shells and boy and dolphin. 14. Pearl, brilliant, and enamel brooch, with pearl drop. 15. Very fine emerald and brilliant brooch . 16. Emerald and brilliant brooch, with chain and drop. 17. Fine brilliant fuchsia-pattern brooch 18. Very fine opal and brilliant brcoch . 19. Fine brilliant half-hoop ring . 20. Emerald and brilliant ring .... 21. Ruby and brilliant ring. 22. Sapphire and brilliant ring .... 23. Fine agate brilliant snuff-box 24. A watch to beat seconds, and to strike at the minute or 60th second, for noting the time the stars pass the meridian, and for counting the pulse to a nicety. It has only one extra Avheel; it has an original escape¬ ment, called the detached spring lever, which embraces the fine actions of the chronometer escapement and the strength and durability of the lever, and as a time¬ keeper is not inferior to any but the chro¬ nometer. Invented by S. Boreham . 25. Silver plain mustard pot, from the antique 19 10 29 8 24 0 117 19 105 0 34 10 100 0 375 0 70 0 35 0 10 10 160 0 150 0 157 0 170 0 150 0 115 0 96 0 42 0 33 0 200 0 42 0 3 10 120 SHARP, T., 27, Burton Crescent , Des. and Manu. Shakspeare cup, in silver ....... Justice cup, in silver. Centre piece, with St. George and Dragon, electro-plated on German silver Epergne with female figure supporting bas¬ ket for flowers, electro-plated on German silver. Boy and lizard, in marble. Marble chimney-piece by Brine Brothers, and T. Sharp. 60 70 70 25 70 200 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, 12 No. 27 110 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 23— continued. LISTER and SONS, Silversmiths, Jewellers and Watchmakers to the Queen and Prince Albert, and Chronometer Makers to the Admiralty, Newcastle-on-Tyne .— London Agent, Mr. Woodford, adjoin¬ ing. Watchmakers’ Cases or orders to be sent as above, Newcastle-on- Tyne. New pattern silver claret jug. Ditto, Grecian form—the combat of Hector and Achilles. New pattern medallion tea service and coffee pot . .. Ditto, new form ditto. Massive silver snuffbox—High Level Bridge Silver fish carvers, elaborately and beauti¬ fully carved ivory handles. Ram’s head mounted with silver and cairn- gorums and amethyst, as snuff mull . Large and beautiful aquamarine .... Lever clock in a rosewood case .... Chronometer time piece, of exquisite work¬ manship . Splendid set of silver ornaments for a High¬ land Chief, richly chased and set with fine cairngorums and amethysts, consisting of a magnificent dirk, pistols, skein dhu, powder horn, &c. &c., in all 14 articles, usual price 120?. A gold lever watch, compound balance, extra jewelled, | plate, first quality, &c. &c. An entire new elegant pattern gold chain, suspended from the eagle’s head SMITH, NICHOLSON, & CO. (Successors to the late Benjamin Smith), Manufacturing Silversmiths and Electro-Platers, 12, Duke Street , Lincoln’$ Inn Fields. Articles in Silver. No. 1. Candelabrum, with group of Baccha¬ nals and Boy figures of the Fine Arts, stems and branches (for six lights) of rustic fruit trees . No. 2. Group of Deer-Stalking, “ The Death ;’*’ modelled by H. W. M £ Carthy .... No. 3. Dessert service, consisting of— A. Centre ornament with group, “ The Well in the Desert,” Date Palm trees £155 b. Two candelabra for 4 lights each, one with group of Boys representing the 4 Seasons, and one with group of Stags.each 95?. c. Two large fruit baskets, with group of Boy figures, for top and bottom of the table.each 95?. d. Four high fruit or flower stands — The Fuchsia and Iris designs, each 65?. The Thistle and Vine ditto „ 55 1. e. Two figures holding baskets for fruit—Summer and Autumn (part of a set of the 4 Seasons) . . each Sol. f. Two dishes, one with Crown Imperial Flower stem, and one with Ivy wreath giR.each 35?. g. Four fig-leaves with fruit, each 10?, 10s, 190 190 130 110 70 70 42 Price. ;. s. d. 25 0 0 35 0 0 60 0 0 68 0 0 11 11 0 15 15 0 11 11 0 28 0 0 23 0 0 63 0 0 63 0 0 25 0 0 11 11 0 270 0 0 225 0 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 23— continued. Brought forward.£957 h. Two claret-jugs, one with vine and birds, and one with Louis Quatorze ornament.each 22?. 10s. 45 i. Two vases for sugar and cream, Pine and Melon.the pair 30 N.B. Any of the articles in this case can be made in electro-plate at about one-third of the price in silver. No. 5. Glass shade, containing rich salt cellar —Sea Nymphs supporting Shell A silver cup, after Cellini. Ditto ditto ditto gilt . . . Ditto ditto, with ivy wreaths, from the Antique. No. 6. Table ornament for fruit or flowers —The Arum flower; figure of Narcissus No. 7. Glass shade, containing cup, Convol vulus design. A set of decanter stoppers, modelled by Horsley, in silver. Ditto ditto in metal gilt. Articles in Electro-Plate. No. 8. Dinner service, containing— j. Centre ornament, with branches for 6 lights. Eastern design. k. Soup tureen. l. A well-dish with cover. m. Oval and round entree dishes, with hot water stands, each set of four . n. Oval entree dishes, ditto ditto . N.B. The crests, &c., on the covers are specimens. The handles supplied are or¬ namental, corresponding with the dishes. o. 4 salts—Boy and Dolphin; designed by Townshend.each 6?. No. 9. Flower vase or wine cooler—Vine from Nature .. No. 10. Salver, 24 inches diameter, with groups of the Sports. No. 11. A gilt dessert dish. No. 12. Glass shade, containing gilt flower or fruit stand—Cupid sharpening his arrows An electro inkstand, designed by Bell . . Gilt dessert plate. All the prices given are nett. Price. 1032 0 0 38 0 0 16 16 0 19 19 0 18 18 0 84 0 0 22 0 0 15 15 0 6 6 0 80 0 0 23 10 0 32 0 0 60 0 0 55 0 0 24 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 6 16 6 25 0 0 8 15 0 3 0 0 Class 24. Glass. AIRE & CALDER GLASS BOTTLE CO.’S WORKS, Castleford, near Pontefract, Edgar Breffit, Pro¬ prietor. Glass bottles for general purposes, the same with patent hollow Corks and combination Stoppers. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 27 per gross of 12 doz. 48/ 44/ 62/ 42/ 40/ 30/ 45/ 9,18, 30, 46, 60, 80,44 per gross No. per g ll (J. of 12 doz. of 12 8, 32,; 33 . 34/ 29, 42, 76 . 10 . . 32/ 34, 35 . 13, 97 . . 15/ 36, 37, 59 . 15 . . . 26/ 58 . . 24, 25 . . 13/ 150 . 26 . . 53/ 166 . 28 . . . 33/ 170 • * 27/ 24/ 19 / 18/6 8 / V If 20 / PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 13 No. 29 79 52 65 80 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. Class 24 — continued. Price. 10 / 22 / 16/ 11, 19, 48, 53, 61, 63, 111, 118, 119, 62 .... 18/ 12, 43, 54, 55, 56, 57 . 25/ 14, 16, 17, 20, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 124, 125, 132, 133,120,146,151 . 14/ 21, 22, 98, 113, 115, 117, 121,122,126, 127, 134, 136, 137, 138, 147 . 12/ 23, 114, 116, 128, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158 . 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 73, 74, 77, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 110, 72 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 79, 123, 130, 131 ... . 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 75, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 99, 101, 104, 108, 109, 112 10/ a 17/ 70—This is a specimen of Glass Tablets, with in¬ scription, for depositing with first stones in public buildings, &c. &c. Price according to size and circumstances. 129, 145, 154, 157 . 9/ 159—Price according to quantity. 160, 163, 164, 168, 169 . 1/6 161, 162, 165, 167 . 2/6 71 ..each 6/ Subject to a discount of 10 per cent., and to an in¬ creased discount to merchants for quantity. Messrs. THOMSON, WOOD, and CO., Stone¬ haven, Scotland. Patent tubule for the pocket or desk, writes for several hours with one charge of ink. R. W. Thomson, Inventor and Patentee. Pocket pen. Desk pen. Elastic steel pen holder. North East Gallery. S. J. NEWSHAM, 1, Hereford Street, Oxford Street, Des. and Prod. The Prince of Wales’s feather. Class 26. Furniture, Upholstery, Paper Hangings, Papier Mache, and Japanned Goods. WALTER HE ASM AN, 60, Middle Street , Brighton. Circular roller blind; can be made very cheap. The invention is for sale for . . WILLIAM TANNER, 3, Harrington Place, Bath , Manu. Oak Cabinet, made of Riga oak, pollard oak panels, the wings of the base adapted for two large china vases or jars, the upper part for china or articles of virtu . . . F, MEDCALF, 98, Bride Street, Dublin, Cabinet of oak from Wicklow, with top of Connemara marble, from the quarries of Rallinahmch, county Galway .... 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 5 5 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 No. 102 110 116 118 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 26 — continued. MISS HARRIETT WARRACK, 26, Dee Street, Aberdeen. Frame and stand of leather and gutta percha, centre raised velvet flowers .... Central Avenue. GILBERT J. FRENCH, Bolton, Lancashire. (Inquiries by Post.) Ruby velvet Communion cloth, embroidered with post-Reformation ornaments in gold coloured silk. Corresponding covers for service books, each Ditto registers for ditto per set Ditto velvet cushions for ditto each Ditto velvet kneeling stools ,, Brussels carpet, heraldic rose pattern, 27 inches wide.per yard Crimson velvet altar vestments, including antipendium, super-frontal, and super-altar Embroidered cover for service book, to cor¬ respond . Embroidered registers for ditto . per set Ditto velvet kneeling cushions each Azure and gold coloured pile velvet carpet, 27 inches wide.per yard Ditto ditto bordure to correspond . Fair linen communion cloth of finest damask Ditto ditto napkin to correspond Engraved brass alms basin. Azure velvet covers for service books each Kneeling hassocks of azure Utrecht velvet „ Almoniers of velvet (for collecting) . . ,, Sermon cases of embroidered velvet. . ,, Kidderminster carpet, yard wide, ingrain colour.per yard Episcopal chair, from ancient example at York, with footstool. Blue cloth for hangings and door curtains, 2 yards wide.per yard Kneeling hassocks for benches, drab each Ditto ditto crimson „ DENHAM DREW, No. 5, Paul’s Terrace, Truro. Two very handsome rustic stools . . each Handsome rustic table. JOHN WOOD, 59, Milk Street, Bristol. Inlaid table in different sorts of woods, con¬ taining upwards of a hundred thousand pieces. The subject, the Argument on the Battle of the Nile, from a well known pic¬ ture by Wilkie, surrounded by flags and battle pieces, the ships in action: the top surmounted by the figure of Fame holding medallion of the hero Nelson, worked in mother of pearl, surrounded by different coloured flowers, surmounted on pillar and block. The price of the table. Tbe price of the top for table ..... Price. £. s. d. 10 10 0 33 0 0 2 10 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 52 10 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 4 10 0 0 10 6 0 5 0 4 4 0 0 15 0 1 18 0 1 11 6 1 0 0 0 15 0 1 1 0 0 3 9 15 15 0 0 7 6 0 1 0 0 1 3 2 10 0 1 10 0 120 0 0 14 0 0 14 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. 134 174 183 207 317 50 53 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 26 — continued. THOMPSON and WORTHY, Durham. A lady’s writing desk in the antique style, in Spanish chesnut, with candle branches an$ letter bpxes; also a nest of drawers, unlocked by the opening of the desk, and again secured by being closed. Designed and executed by John Thompson, of the firm of Thompson and Worthy, Durham WILLIAM SMEE and SON, 6, Finsbury Pavement. 5 ft. 6 in. wide maple wood canopy bedstead 6 ft. wide mahogany ditto, in the Tudor style Walnut wood cabinet, inlaid with marque- terie, and with mouldings and figures richly chased and gilt.. SAMUEL LECAND, 246, Hoad. Tottenham Court A very superb carved and double gilt con¬ sole glass frame and table, 14 feet high by 7 feet wide; the price of which is three hundred guineas. C. J. RICHARDSON, Architect, 2, Keppel Street , Russell Square. Elizabethan table and stool, 35 1. Mounted horn, 21?. Studies of ornamental design, elegantly bound, 41. 4s. Model Eliza¬ bethan villas, original designs for, with their details and furniture, 40 more views and plans to be added; the copyright of the whole, with letterpress, will be sold for 150?.; if lithographed, 300?. The set would make 4 vols. at 1?. 11s. 6c?. each. (The drawings are exhibited over Exit Door 27, Mineral Court.) J. TURNELL, 32, Pinstone Street , Sheffield. A lady’s work table; a specimen of English elm.. A beautiful loo table, with outlines of animal’s head Class 27. Manufactures in Mineral Substances, for Building or De¬ corations. WILLIAM PLOWS, Sculptor, York. Executes orders on the most reasonable terms. A STATUE of ST. PETER in canopied N iche,Caen Stone, designed and executed by Lane and Lewis, Architectural Sculptors, Cgrvers, & Masons, Richmond Hilly Clifton , near Bristol . Price. £. s. d. 14 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 105 0 0 10 0 0 16 16 0 90 0 0 No. 03 82 88 101 120 129 ISAAC ROWLANDS, N. Wales. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 27 — continued. Llandegai, Bangor , Giant Inkstand, sculptured from a block of slate stones, from Penrhyn quarry, near Bangor.. JAMES TURNER, Buxton , Derbyshire. Two black marble jugs, each 56 inches high, manufactured by James Turner, Buxton. Price 55 Guineas. Price. ALFRED SINGER & CO., Vauxhall Pottery. Price of the Mosaic Pavement, from 3/ to 5/ and upwards per square superficial foot. Chemical apparatus from 9c?. to 1/6 per gallon. WILLIAM LAWRIE, Downham Market , Nor¬ folk, Designer and Producer. Christian Memorials. Four modes of Headstones at the following prices No. 1. 2 . . . . . , • . . . , 3. ......... . 4.. Also No. 5. Model of a Tomb in the early part of the 14th century. THOMAS STIRLING, Bow Bridge Slate Works , Stratford , Essex. Domestic Filter to purify 10 galls, in 10 hrs. Ditto 15 ,, Ditto 20 ,, Ditto 30 ,, Royal Albert Filter and Wine Cooler to purify 60 gallons of water and ice, 6 bottles of wine. Ascension Filter to purify 1600 galls, p. day Enamelled Slate Chimneypieces . . , Do. Chess Table top .... Do. do. imitation inlaid marbles Do. Inkstand. Slate Pig Feeding Trough, for 2 pigs Do. Pickling Trough. Any sizes at 3/6 per foot cube, partition extra. Slate Milk Pan.. Do. Paste table, 6/; Rolling pin, 2/6 . . Orders to the amount of £1. Is. and up¬ wards delivered in any part of London. FERGUSON, MILLER, & CO., Heathfield Works, near Glasgow. Warwick Vase, with pedestal. Exposition do. do. . Nuptial do. do. ..... Chimney card^ 7 feet high . £. s. d. 20 0 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 1 11 6 2 2 0 3 3 0 10 10 0 15 0 0 7 0 0 1 15 0 2 10 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 15 0 0 8 6 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 15 0 PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 15 No. 141 21 22 29 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 28. Manufactures from Ani¬ mal and Vegetable Substances, not being Woven or Felted. GARRETT GARRETT, 1, Victoria Terrace , Ipswich , Proprietor, Designer, and Ma¬ nufacturer. 2 Ivory Snuff Boxes in eccentric and epicy- cloidal turning.each 1 box African black wood cut in hatches with the vertical cutter. 1 box snake wood. 1 box tulip wood. 1 box ebony, eccentric and epicycloidal turning . Class 29. Miscellaneous Manufac¬ tures and Small Wares. JEAN MARIE FARINA, Cologne, 23, Rhein- strasse ; London , 1, Salter's Hall Court (by 82, Cannon Street , City'), Recommends his newly exhibited Ex¬ trait d’Eau de Cologne. 17. per box of Six Bottles (duty paid).—Stock in Bond for Exportation— Extrait d’Eau de Cologne . . . per doz. Double ditto ... ,, Single ditto ... ,, Eau de Lavande (first quality) . ,, Ditto (second quality) ,, Orders will be promptly executed to all parts. COSMETIC ELDER FLOWER TOILET SOAP, James Carrick, Inventor and Manufacturer, 127, Crawford Street , London. A pure and perfect Soap, which has acquired so much notoriety from its combination with an extract of elder flowers, esteemed by Medical men as a most valuable cos¬ metic and cooling application after ex¬ posure to the weather, &c., giving a softness and delicacy to the skin. Sold in Tablets 6(7. each; or 6 for 2s. 6(7. G. PAYNE, Cowes , Her Majesty’s Chemist in the Isle of Wight , Sole Proprietor. Articles Exhibited. Royal Osborne Sauce. A superior condi¬ ment of extraordinary richness, piquancy, and fine gout, specially patronised by the Royal Yacht Squadron, and used in the Great Exhibition Dining Rooms, &c., &c. It assists the digestion, promotes the appe¬ tite, and imparts relish the most exquisite to Fish, Game, Chops, hot and cold Meats, Gravies, Curries, Hashes, &c., and being quite clear, there is no waste with sedi¬ ment. Sold wholesale by W. S. Rumsey, 3, Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street, London. Retail by Sauce Vendors generally. Price per bottle. Price. 2 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 7 0 1/4 & 2/4 No. 32 79 95 131 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 29 —continued. Royal Osborne Bouquet. An exquisite per¬ fume of superior fragrance and permanency for the toilet and handkerchief. In bottles each.1/3, 2/, and Real Isle of Wight Sand Soap, made from the coloured sands of the island. Cakes each. JAMES WORRELL, 36, Dafford Street , Bath. Now exhibiting in a glass case, 13 La¬ dies’ Fancy Work Baskets, made from the hazel and ground-ash, designed by James Worrell, Sole Inventor and Manufacturer. 1. A Ladies’ boat-shaped work basket 2. A large cottage ditto, with mirror 3. Jewel casket with toilet and crochet cover 4. Bridal basket, white, with pink satin 5. Brown and blue knitting, with padlock 6. Crochet basket, silver grey and rose 7. A travelling refreshment basket . 8. A toilet pincushion, pink and white 9. Green canoe for flowers 10. Brown and blue pen tray . 11. Bronze and green key basket . . 12. Model baby linen basket 13. White canoe, all with plaited hinges . LEMARE, JANE CLARA, 11, Cowley Terrace , North Brixton , Manu. Sheet wax for modelling flowers . per gross Rev. W. HENRY JONES, Chailey, Sussex, Inv. and Pat.—Agents, Price’s Patent Candle Company, Vauxhall. Acolyte No. I., electro-plated . Do. . do. brass .... Do. No. II., for dips The above prevent candles guttering when carried about. HOLLAND’S PATENT PENLEVIS UM¬ BRELLA FRAMES (comprising ribs, runners, and notches). 23 inch.per dozen sets 24^ inch. , , 26 inch ...... , » 27£ inch. , , Patent parasol ditto:— 11 inch and 12£ inch . . per dozen sets 14 inch. i , 15£ inch. , , 17 inch. > > Manufactory, 160, Darwin Street , Bir¬ mingham. Price. £. s. d. 0 3 0 0 6 0 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 10 1 2 0 12 2 0 0 5 0 14 1 12 0 12 0 8 1 8 1 11 1 14 1 17 0 16 0 18 0 19 1 0 0 5 6 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 6 16 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. Class 29 —continued. £. s. 140 BARNETT MEYERS, 18, . Crutched Friars , London. Importer and Manufacturer, wholesale and for exportation. English walking sticks. Ash walking sticks, with hooks, per doz. from 0 1 Varnished hark oaks, blackthorns, or cherry per dozen, from 0 1 Varnished peeled oaks, white or red maple, white or red crab . . per doz. from 0 2 Varnished picked saplings • ? > 0 2 Polished reduced ash (any colour) , , 0 3 Loaded sticks and canes . . . each, from 0 0 Polished root bamboos . per doz. from 0 2 Hook rattans or manillas • J ) 0 4 Root partridges 9 9 0 8 Hook partridges . • 9 9 0 15 Fancy mounted canes • 9 9 0 4 Hart and sword sticks . . each, from 0 0 Night protectors Crutch sticks .... 0 1 Silver mounted canes . • • 9 9 0 0 Manillas, dragon, or rattan canes, ivory hooks, and electro collars . . . each, from 0 1 Ditto, ivory hooks and silver collars, in end- less variety . . . . . . each, from 0 3 Malaccas andWhanghee canes, silver mounted each, from 0 3 Suple lacks or vines, box sticks, warted crab, &c. Natural hook hazels . . . each, from 0 0 Whips and hunting crops * • 9 9 0 2 All kinds of camp and fishing stools ,, 0 1 Chair cane ..... per lb. from 0 0 Prepared chair cane and milliner’s cane. Whip cane. . per lb. from 0 0 Parasol cane fibs, best quality, dyed and squared any size^ per dozen sets, being 96 ribs ..... 0 1 Umbrella cane ribs, best quality, dyed and squared any size, per dozen sets, being 96 ribs:— s. d. 27 inch . 0 1 21 inch . . 0 10 28 inch . 0 1 22£ inch . . Oil 30 inch . . 0 1 24 inch ..10 32 inch . . . 0 1 26 inch ..13 34 inch . 0 2 (If self-tipped, 6d. extra per 96 ribs.) Fencing foils, mounted and unmounted. Fencing masks, single sticks and baskets. In the original state :— Bamboos, black and yellow . . each, from 0 0 Malaccas, long and short joints . , , 0 0 Partridges, with and without roots , , 0 0 Manilla dragons, white and red , , 0 0 Sincapore ditto, ditto , , 0 0 Rattans, Sincapore, and Calcutta ground rattans, large and small , , 0 0 Hard bark dragons, white and red , , 0 0 Whanghees. 0 0 Carolina reeds for parasols . . , , 0 0 The list of canes in the original state, as imported, can only give i i general idea, as the market is continually fluctuating. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. Class 29 — continued. £. 5. d. 160 AMATEUR ELY MAKER’S CABINET, Containing all requisites for the manufacture of trout, salmon, lake, and white trout flies, with samples to guide, and two essays on the characteristics and hues of aquatic insects, giving the theory and practice of fly making.. By M. Banim, Fishing Tackle Manu¬ facturer, Kilkenny. 20 0 0 223 JAMES GARDNER, 426, Oxford Street , Bird Staffer to Her Majesty. 1. A case, exhibiting the art of stuffing in the highest perfection, surpassing anything of the kind yet produced ; it represents a snow scene, and a fox surprising a covey of partridges, the fox in a very excellent and natural position. 2. A case, containing a peregrine falcon pur¬ suing a heron. 3. Two glass shades, containing a great and rich variety of coloured birds and hum¬ ming birds, some not larger than a bee, and worth 101 each. 257 ROBERT BRISON, 27, Hart Street , Bristol. Casts of the feet taken in gutta percha, war¬ ranted to ensure an accurate fit, the cast of the foot being the last, on which the hoot or shoe is made ; superseding the use of the common last, which is made by the eye without any mechanical rule, contrary to the form of the feet, and the original cause of bunions and corns . , per pair 2 2 0 259 J. RITCHIE, Manu., 2, South back of Canon- gate , Edinburgh. Sash line with metallic centre ; metallic cord for lustres ; also for pictures and bell pulls, varying from 2 d. to 6d. per yard, according to the size. ! 274 W. MITCHELL, A. M., Raefield , near Por- tobello , Edinburgh , Inventor. Electric somniferous brush, for procuring balmy sleep ......... Ditto, ditto (by post).. 0 5 0 0 5 8 To be bad, wholesale and retail, at Mitcheu amd Co.’s, High Holbom. International Depot for Patent Inventions, d. o 9 0 6 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 n 0 10 6 0 6 6 6 0 0 4 5 7 8 3 Of 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 u PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS* 17 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 29 — continued. Price. d. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 80— continued. Price. 285 P. H. WOOD, 20, Redman's Row , and As¬ sembly Place, Mile End, London, and at the Crystal Palace, Manufacturer of the celebrated Refining Powder for fining, colouring, and improving the flavour of Coffee ; also, Sole Inventor and Manu¬ facturer of colouring for Soups, Gravies, &c. P. H. W. having had long experience in the manufacture of coffee refining powder, has succeeded in bringing this article to the highest state of perfection. It is particularly recommended to coffee house and hotel keepers, and also to private families, as it not only improves the flavour and colour, but is aiso a great saving in the quantity of coffee used. Sold in boxes at Is. each. The colouring will be found of great as¬ sistance in preparing all kinds of soups, gravies, &c.; by using a small quantity a most brilliant colour may be obtained. Sold in boxes at Is. 3d. each. List of prices to wholesale dealers for the coffee refinings, either in powder or nibs: No. 1.per cwt. 2 . I .. (Intermediate qualities, if required.) The above articles being manufactured chiefly from sugar, are warranted not to contain anything unwholesome. The public are particularly cautioned against a spurious article sold under the name of coffee finings, which will turn hard, black, and acid, and spoil the coffee instead of improving it. Country orders accompanied by a remit¬ tance will receive immediate attention. Full directions accompany each box. 4 4 0 3 4 0 2 16 0 1 14 0 304 MISS M. HARRISON, Modeller of Flowers in Wax, 19, Bromley Street , Commercial Road East. Victoria Regia, in shade 20 in. by 20 in. looking-glass stand.10 10 0 Group of Orchidaceous flowers .... 550 Class 30. Sculpture, Models, and Plastic Art, Mosaics, Enamels, &c. 37 H. STANDIDGE & CO., 36, Old Jewry, Lon¬ don, Producers. The Ten Commandments Illuminated, printed in colours by lithography, 2 sheets 1 1 0 !'j 115 GEORGE BAXTER, Inventor and Patentee of Oil Colour Printing, 11 & 12, North¬ ampton Square. Baxter’s Patent Oil Pictures, for Draw¬ ing Rooms, Albums, &c. 33 Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, a full length portrait, superbly mounted, with rich gold border. 34 His Royal Highness Prince Albert, a full length portrait, ditto ditto. Upwards of 300,000 of the above portraits have been sold by the patentee. Now publishing. 54 The Great Exhibition on a large scale, folio. 57 Flora . 60 The Arctic Expedition. 52 The Harem. 53 The Greek Dance. 63 Balmoral Castle. 64 Crucis Abbey. 3 Baxter’s Miniature Album Illustrations, ten Designs. 4 Baxter’s Regal Miniature Illustrations, ten Designs, viz.—Windsor Castle ; His Royal Highness Prince Albert; the Queen; the Queen in her Robes of State; Her Majesty leaving the Isle of Wight; Balmoral; the Coronation; the Duchess of Sutherland; Her Majesty Delivering her Speech at the House of Lords ; and Buck¬ ingham Palace. 49 The Bride. 50 Paul and Virginia.® 51 Chalees Satoon. East India ... 5 Flowers, One Group. 6 Flowers, Three Bouquets. 7 Flowers, Ten Bouquets. 8 Lovers’ Seat, Hastings ...... 9 The Dripping Well, Hastings .... 10 Ben Nevis, Scotland. 11 The Conchologists. 12 The Tarantella Dance. 13 Indian Settlements in British Guiana . . 14 (Will be reprinted) 15 (Will be reprinted) 16 Welsh Drovers ........ 17 Tintern Abbey. 18 Bala Lake, North Wales. 19 View on the River Camel, Cornwall . 20 Brougham Castle. 21 Stolzenfels on the Rhine. 22 Shall I Succeed ?. 23 Water Mill on the Wye. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, will be re¬ printed 32 The Holy Family, after Raphael, superbly mounted, with rich gold border . 35 The Circassian Lady at the Bath, ditto . 36 Verona (Evening Scene), ditto ditto . 37 The Landing of Her Majesty and H.B.H. Prince Albert in Ireland, ditto ditto . 38 Jenny Lind, ditto ditto. 39 Jetty Treffz, ditto ditto ...... 40 (Out of print) 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 | 0 2 0 | 0 2 0 j 0 2 0 | 0 2 0 18 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVEBTISEB. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. Glass 30— continued. 41 The First Impression ...... £. s. d. 0 0 9 42 St. Ruth’s Priory. 0 0 9 43 Llangollen. 0 0 6 44 Cader Idris.; . 0 0 6 45 Warwick Castle .. 0 0 6 46 Lake Como ......... 0 0 6 47 River Tiefy, Cardiganshire .... 0 0 6 48 NOtley Abbey. 0 0 6 145 The above Series are Mounted, with the name of the Subject, except the Miniature Illustrations and Flowers. Will shortly he published. 56 Great Exhibition, 12mo. 58 The Day before Marriage, on a large scale, folio. 59 Yiew in Switzerland, ditto ditto. 61 Jenny Lind—La Figglia del Reggimento. 62 So Nice, &c. &c. Preparing for publication. Baxter’s Interior of the Great Exhibition, same size, and intended as a Companion to the Exterior, now publishing. Licences granted to work the above pro¬ cess in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, &c., &c. The process will be fully explained to Licensees. G. R. GILL, Ludlow. A model of the chapel in Ludlow Castle— a copy of the Holy Sepulchre. The com¬ position is his own, and represents all the tints seen in old ruins, which has de¬ ceived many for stone .... price 10 10 0 159 W. BRODIE, 10, North St. Andrew’s Street , Edinburgh. Little Nell and her Grandfather . . price 21 0 0 161 RICHARD DAY, Architectural Modeller, 1., Rockingham Place , New Kent Road .— (Large Silver Medal, Society of Arts, 1847.) 1. Portico of the Parthenon at Athens, price 6 0 0 2. Temple Church, Fleet Street, London ,, 8 0 0 3. Portico Of the Pantheon at Rome . ,, 8 0 0 4. The Martyr’s Memorial at Oxford 25 0 0 5. The Chancel End of a Church .... 6 0 0 The case of Models complete ..... 60 0 0 167 SMITH, T., Jun., Manufacturer, 49, East Cheap , London. Cork model of the Royal Exchange, scale l-16th inch to a foot. 105 0 0 Cork model of the Monument, scale l-8th of an inch to a foot. 10 10 0 200 GEO. WILSON* at Messrs. IIine and Addison’s, St. Ann’s Square , Manchester . Cribbage board, inlaid with the nacre of a species of pihna from the Pacific, the first of the kind used for inlaid work; includ¬ ing glass case.. 3 3 0 No. 219 225 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Class 30 — continued. FREWER, J. R., 105, Upper Thames Street. Model of a Gothic Conservatory . . price F. J. PIDGLEY, Conniger Cottage , Torre Teignmouth Road , near Torquay , Devon A plateau in Florentine marble, representing the Greeks after the Fall of Troy, cele¬ brating and sacrificing to the event. 270 The figures in this beautiful specimen of artistic genius were by the celebrated Ca- nova, and intended by the Emperor Na¬ poleon for Josephine. Owing, however, to the lapse of time since their completion, and Canova’s death, also the death many years since of the gentleman who brought this work to England, it was found difficult to obtain the authenticity of the same, in order that it might be admitted into the Foreign Department by the Executive Committee of the country from whence the work was supposed to have emanated: it has consequently been placed in its present position, viz., the British Depart¬ ment. The price of this elaborate and chaste work of art, which, as a master¬ piece of talent, has been submitted to some of the greatest critics of the day, and would well grace the palace of any noble¬ man of the land, is • •••••'• Price. £. s. d. 52 10 0 500 0 C N. B. STOCKER, 7, Charles Place , Kentish Town. 2 designs for church windows (registered), the two for . i . .. 26 5 C 276 296 320 D. MORISON, 31, Arlington Street , Morning- ton Crescent. Original front medallic likeness .... White casts from ditto.each Original profile medallic likeness, in white or in colours. Casts from ditto in white .... each Casts, coloured. EDWARD HOPLEY, 16, University Street. The triangular and equidistant arrangement of the features.—Price of the painting (Modern Art, &c.) . . JOHN PEACHEY, Jun., 10, George Street , Hanover Square. A bronze bust of Sir Thomas Lawrence . . 6 6 ( 1 1 ( 3 3 < 1 1 \ 1 11 ! 75 0 35 0 330 JOHN LEITCHFIELD, Pidley. Model of a cottage, composed of 2000 pieces of willow wood, carved with a penknife . 3 0 335 E. RUFF & CO., Hind Court , Fleet Street. Map of London, scale eight inches to the mile, on six sheets. Ditto, on rollers, varnished. Ditto in morocco library case. 2 2 3 10 3 10 PRICED LIST OF BRITISH PRODUCTIONS. 19 No. Name ami Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, & c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 1 Class 4. Vegetable and Animal Sub¬ stances used in Manufactures. JOHN GRIGOR & CO., Nurseries, Forres , Scotland. List of Plants Exhibited : No. 1. Native Scotch pine, Pinus Sylvestris , one year old, from seeds collected in the native forests of Strathspey . . per 1000 No. 2. Two year old plants, grown in the or¬ dinary way. No. 3. Ditto ditto ditto, two year old seed¬ lings, grown by a method which hardens the plants and yields fibrous roots, which adapts them for being planted into bleak and exposed situations, and at great alti¬ tudes . No. 4. Ditto ditto ditto, same age as No. 3, but transplanted, a hardy plant, adapted for bleak and inhospitable soil of great altitude. No. 5. Ditto ditto ditto, three year old plants transplanted at the age of two years . No. 6. Larch, Larix Furopcea , the growth of one year. No. 7. Ditto two year old seedlings, adapted for ground where the heath or other herb¬ age is strong. No. 8. Ditto two year old seedlings, adapted for bare heath or moorland. £. s. d. 0 0 9 0 1 3 0 16 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 Class 4 —continued. No. 9. Larch, two years old, but transplanted when one year old. No. 10. Ditto, three years old, but trans¬ planted when two years of age .... No. 11. Weeping birch, Betula alba pendula, one year old, from seeds produced by na¬ tive trees on the banks of the Findhorn, Morayshire. All the premiums given by the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland for the propagation of the native Scotch pine have been awarded to the subscribers. Their stock of plants for season 1850-51 numbered eighteen millions. John Grigor and Co., Nurseries, Forres, Scot¬ land. Outside, West End of Building. ALFRED KENT, Chichester. A model greenhouse, size 17ft. by 10ft. . Showing a new method of glazing. It can be taken apart, the glass securely packed, and the model re-erected at a trifling cost, requiring no additional materials; it is complete with all fastenings, awning, &c., and as a useful and ornamental memento of the Great Exhibition, can be purchased for the above sum. £. s. d 0 5 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 100 0 0 „.J . 14 t.MlJiJkJ' . . , : VVl 1 »3 ,j , •:? -T; 5 v.-jfc.u- k ' rh jji "fr s* 'Ami •?:. v ' . .r . -jiy.a : U‘. f ,&}<> • *;•: • w; at •« ' ! - i n: a . . r -lot <*. r.id H • r ’ k s» i. ..•!• • ;•; • > •'• -1; . • • • . -. .. -.'1 ■ 5 .i ?> - -!fV»T • l| ; /. ,t--.i'i ■ a in. 'i. & muHitt *o> ggofttvoii . . v£ i !'0 ’jOuft w on •l/i) m -< .nil 4A ■ x v. H J *1 > r';tT+KJ t- i r«ij i if'-JUiVi • '•,■• i •>. h.l ')Oit ■x i- !*ji to'i i ...i. : ■ -> I --,uj ;ui) , f ,* i> > l 'M ;>n JA/ 051 ;•! *> 1 ; .? f t •••I loimii « s ItjTtjsq I ■ : .v • i ..‘ : v ' ,<)> ■■ I r.rkxwH i toikmd > V^ai'w •<(!• bk.tw^x# |< »•?. #c);il 4 A yOXI s ■ » >.■< :-»»n•>•».!<»>•' A ' PRICED LIST OF ZOLLYEREIN PRODUCTIONS Articles placed in that part of the Nave which belongs to the Zollverein Department are marked thus „ on the Floor, South Side „ „ „ „ _ „ North Side „ in the Central Hall „ „ „ ,, in the Gallery, North Side „ „ „ „ „ South Side Na. FI. s. * 1 FI. n. ' HI. G. N. G. s. [. PRUSSIA, BADE, A D U ITED STATES OF ORTHER GERMAY. All Communications respecting the Sale or the Prices of the Exhibited Productions should be addressed to the Agents whose names appear in the Official Catalogue, or to Messrs. Stein and Hall, 70, Newgate-street, City. To establish the required uniformity, the following proportions are throughout maintained :— 4 Prussian ells = 2 yards 2§ feet, English. 4 Brabant ells (as used in Frankfort o. M.) = 3 yards. 6§ Prussian thaler = £1. 10 Prussian silver groschen = 1 shilling. The Prices are in general for Wholesale. Prices, Weights, and Measures are, with few exceptions, English, and net, without any discount, taken at the Exhibitor’s place, o that freight, duty, and other expenses are not calculated. In the reduction of aulns to yards it is not regarded that the custom in England is to measure cloth 37 inches instead of 36 inches per yard, and to allow per cent, measurement as well as 5 per cent, liscount. When the width of stuffs is counted by quarters, it means quarters of an auln. a. Provinces of Brandenburg, Silesia, Posen, and Pomerania. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d, No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, St c. Price. ROYAL IRON-FOUNDRY, Glciwitz.— Cl. I. —FI. N. 4 pieces of 4 different rollers, cast from iron which has been refined in a furnace by the use of gas, excelling in hardness and dura¬ bility. Roller for rolling metals in sheets, perewt. . Ditto bar-iron. „ The specimens of iron refined in a furnace by the use of gas, for scientific purposes, are to be sold for. 1 G 2 l y 8 0 15 O 4 iron and zinc, as well as the products and half-products taken from the same, viz.: brown iron-ore, ochry-brown iron-stone, limestone, coal, coke, &o.; pig-iron No. 1 (kishy and ready); No. 2 (ready grey); ditto of red iron-stone; blast-furnace slags by the use of red iron stone, different coloured blast-furnace-slags; white, mottled, and mottled-grey pig-iron. CEMENT WORKS, Tarnowitz (by the Heirs of Elsner-Gronow and v. Carnall in 2 ROYAL IRON-FOUNDRY, Malapane.— Cl. 1.—FI. s. and FI. n. 1 pair of case-hardened iron rollers, per cwt. To be sold. | Specimens of materials and their productions executed by means of charcoal. 2 19 3 Berlin).—Cl. I.—FI. s. A specimen of Roman-cement (powdered) as prepared at this establishment from the cement-stone found in the neighbourhood, per ton of 400 pounds.0 9 0 A six-cornered piece made from this powder flooring.per piece 0 0 3 3 ROYAL IRON-FOUNDRY, Kdnigshiitte. — Cl. I.—FI. s. A collection of the most important materials used at the works in the manufacture of 5 PATENT MANUFACTURE FOR WHITE LEAD, Stettin— Cl. II.—FI. s.—Agent, Charles Kekule', 60, Mark-lane. White-lead. D 22 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 10 11 12 13 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. W. GUETTLER, Proprietor of the Arsenic and Gold Works, Reichenstein .— Cl. I.—FI. S. Specimens of earth and half-refined mine-pro¬ ductions from the Silesian mountains, viz. : arsenic, gold, washed and unwashed ore, arsenic-meal, arsenic-glass, caput mortuum, &c., with a piece of pure gold. Price. C. A. DUBOIS, Proprietor of Chemical Works, Hirscliberg. —Cl. IY.—FI. s. Specimens of cinnabar, as prepared by the exhibitor for painting and the manufacture of sealjng-wax.per pound MORITZ LUCAS, Proprietor of Chemical Works, Kunersdorfy near Hirscliberg .—Cl. IY.—FI. s. 6 different sorts of cinnabar in small glasses, exhibited on account of the purity and high quality of the different shades . per cwt. The specimens to be sold ALOIS MILCH, Engineer, Warmbrunn and Cologne .—Cl. VI.—FI. S. Drawing of a new brick-making-machine, and several bricks pressed with the same at Warmbrunn in Silesia. ERNST RIMANN, Hirscliberg. — Cl. I. — FI. N. A small case of stones, polished and un¬ polished, found in the environs of Hirsch- berg . BUFFER and CO., Breslau , Proprietors of the Zinc-Rolling Mills at Ohlau. —Cl. I. FI. N. 2 sheets of zinc, No. 11, 33 inches broad, 24 feet long. Ditto of Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, also bent. 7 sheets for glazing, 2 ditto No. 6 'v } 1 ditto No. 91 3 feet broad, 1 ditto No. 10l6 feet long, > 1 ditto No. Ill per cwt. 1 ditto No. 12J per cwt E. E. COCHIUS, Manufactory of Chemical Products, Oranienburg. —Cl. II.—FI. s. Grand crystallisation of hydrocyanate of potash. The price of the same chemical product is, per pound The manufactory produces every year from 250,000 to 300,000 pounds. DR. LOUIS KUNHEIM, owner of a Manufac¬ tory of Chemical Preparations, Berlin .— Cl. II.—FI. s. Various chemical preparations, viz. sal-ammo¬ niac, acetate of lead, acetate of soda and ditto of lime, concentrated vinegar, spirit of vinegar, nitrate of lead, blue vitriol, sul¬ phate of copper and ammoniac, pink-salt, phosphate of soda, cyanide of potassium, chloride of tin, bichloride of tin, oxide of tin, protoxide of copper, wolfranaic acid, &c. £. s. d. No. 14 0 4 10 25 5 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 19 0 19 0 18 0 18 110 0 0 0 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. BERN. Y. SANDEN, Landowner, Wiese and Marwitz. near Prussian Holland. —Cl. II. FI. s. Raw and refined beet-root sugar, grown on the Marwitz estate, prepared in the sugar- house at Marwitz. C. H. CHRISTIANI, Landed Proprietor, Ker- stenbruch, near Wrietzen on the Oder .— Cl. III. FI. s. 20 bottles of 9hip-beer, brewed from starch- sugar without malt, and which is proof against all change of climate, the barrel of 25 gallons. 1 glass vessel with 12 pounds of extract of beer, which by an admixture of cold water produces a durable and thirst-quenching beverage.per cwt. Price. £. s. d. CAPTAIN FAHRTIIMANN, Land Proprie¬ tor, Klein-Schwein, near Glogau .— Cl. III. FI. s. Specimens of dried slices of potatoes. J. D. GROSS, Chocolate Manufacturer to the King, Berlin .—Cl. III. FI. s. Different sorts of chocolate, prepared with cocoa and Indian sugar by steam-power and grinding rollers, in a mahogany case and 3 porcelain plates, viz.: 9 slabs and 5 packets of vanilla chocolate, per pound 9 slabs and 6 packets of sanative chocolate (without spices), .... per pound 2 packets of Iceland moss and rye chocolate, per pound 1 packet of Carragheen chocolate, per pound 5 packets of spice chocolate, . per pound 1 packet of chocolate powder, . per pound GEORG TH. PAETSCH, Merchant and Ma¬ nufacturer, Wrietzen on the Oder .—Cl. III. FI. s. Several bottles of treacle, prepared from j potato-starch, and purified so as to be free from any admixture of insalubrious sub¬ stances. It is remarkable for its brightness, sweetness, and durability, and by reason of these properties, and the large quantity of slimy matter it contains, is eminently qualified for preparing beer, many Ger¬ man brewers actually making this use of it,.per cwt. A. T. KRUSE, Merchant, Stralsund. Agent in London, C. A. Jonas, 17, Mark-lane. —Cl. III. FI. s. 32 cakes of starch, manufactured from new Pomeranian wheat by the exhibitor ; it is drier than other sorts of the same article.per cwt. C. WEILL, Preparer of Fruits, Vegetables, and Delicacies, Berlin .—Cl. III.—FI. s. 12 glasses and Lotties of fruits preserved in sugar, viz.: 2 glasses of whole pine apples » per glass of various fruits 1 0 0 1 6 8 Wd.a2/i l\d. a l/l 0 0 ( 11/10 < 14/10 1 6 1 0 0 15 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 23 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 2 bottles of peaches .... per bottle 6 3 0 28 i S. M. v. ROTHSCHILD, Landowner, Schil¬ 5 „ (apricots, heps, nuts, ler sdorf. Agent, N. M. v. Rothschild, pears, and plums) .... „ 0 2 6 London. —Cl. IV. — FI. s. 1 bottle of pine-apples in slices .... 0 4 6 4 wool-fleeces from the original flock of the 20Z. i a 7 boxes with vegetables, &c., in butter, viz.: exhibitor.per cwt. 20 14 9 2 boxes of green peas .... per box 0 3 o The flock consists of 15,000 heads of 2 „ of French beans . . . „ 0 1 6 finest merino breed; the wool is sold at 2 „ of artichokes .... „ 0 5 0 Sheffield and Aix-la-Chapelle. 1 ,, of larks. „ 0 6 0 29 KUEPFER, Landowner, Czaycze.— Cl. IV.— 21 VON UECHTRITZ. Land Proprietor, Muhl- FI. s. radlitz , district of Liiben.- —Cl. TIL—FI. s. 2 merino-fleeces from two-year-old sheep, Specimens of white potato-starch, as pre- exhibited on account of the fineness and pared by the exhibitor. regularity of their growth, and as a proof of the progress of the growth of wool in 22 ROYAL HORSE DEPOT, Treptow an the the Prussian districts of the Weichsel and Bcqa.— Cl. IV.—FI. s. Netze.per cwt. 14 16 3 From the flocks belonging to the Horse De- — pot, especially cultivated in order to in- 30 NORDMANN, Landowner, Liszkowo. — Cl. crease the wieight of the wool: IV.—FI. s. 1 fleece . . ) , 2 wool-fleeces, exhibited on account of the 2 rams’ fleeces j. cvv * regularity of the growth . . per cwt. 14 1' 6 23 A. P. THAER, member of the Agricultural 31 FERD. WINKLER, Chemist, Berlin.— Cl. Board, Mdqlin , near Wrietzen on the IV.—FI. s. Oder. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. 38 samples of sponges, purified, bleached and 4 fleeces of wool washed, and 1 ditto un- dyed on a new principle by the exhibitor, washed, from the flock of the exhibitor; excelling in elasticity and durability, viz.: 1 exhibited on account of the result obtained 7 samples purified sponges, per pound of ample wool-growth combined with con- 17 15 6 21. 6s. 7 d. a 3 9 10 siderable fineness of a stout merino wool, a ! 6 ditto bleached sponges, per pound per cwt. 22 4 6 21. 18s. 2d. a 4 7 3 These 5 fleeces to be sold for. 15 0 0 7 ditto dyed sponges, per pound 31. 12s. 9c?. a 5 1 10 5 ditto purified Venetian sponges, per pound 24 E. LUBBERT, Land Proprietor, Zweibrodt. 1/. 3s. 3d. a 2 0 9 —Cl. IV.—FI. s. 6 ditto bleached Venetian sponges, per pound 2 wool-fleeces.per cwt. 17 15 6 11. 14s. 11 d. a 2 18 o 7 ditto dyed Venetian sponges, per pound 25 I. LIPSKI, Land-owner, Ludomy , near Obor- 21. 6s. 7 d. a 3 12 9 nick. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. The red dyed sponges are used by phy¬ From the flocks of the exhibitor, viz.: sicians in cases where people have fear of A ram’s fleece, and a ram’s skin, with speci¬ blood. i mens of wool attached thereto. Genealogical description of the flock from 32 BARON ECKARDSTEIN, Beichenau.— Cl. : which the fleeces are taken. IV.—FI. s. A present to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 2 samples of wool in fleeces . . per cwt. 14 16 3 20 ! HEY, Haynsburg , district of Zeitz. —Cl. IV.— 33 COUNT SCHWERIN, half-pay Prussian FI. s. Colonel, Landed Proprietor, Wolfshagen. 2 fleeces of wool, from the ram' and from the Cl. IV.—FI. s. ewe, out of the flock under the personal 2 fleeces of wool for combing, from the ex¬ superintendence of the exhibitor at the hibitor’s fleck, per cwt. 91. 12s. 6d. a 11 2 2 Royal domain of Haynsburg; the flock consisting of 1200 heads, Electoral race, 34 ALFRED RUEFIN, Teacher at the Royal per cwt. 12 4 6 School for Instruction in the Growth of Flax, Biistern. —Cl. IV.—G. s. 27 | ROYAL FLOCK at Frankenfelde , near Wriet¬ I Specimens of flax cultivated in the Belgian zen on the Oder. Exhibitor OCKEL, Ad¬ manner, in Silesia, and prepared in the ministrator.— Cl. IV.—FI. s. above-mentioned school . . per cwt. 2 9 0 1 fleece of wool, (of a ram) . . per cwt. 14 16 3 A second specimen of the same, but after 1 do. (of a ewe) . . „ 14 16 3 the swingling, still hackled flax, per cwt. 5 18 6 1 18 samples of wool in 18 small — glass cases. „ 14 16 3 35 MILLERS’ CORPORATION, Lissa, by their foreman Fieiug.—C l. III.—FI. s. The flock consists of 2000 heads ; it is de¬ Specimens of millet, ground in the 54 mills scended from 5 branches of the Infantado of the company, which formerly supplied race: Moncey, Rambouillet, Murat, Mal- for a long time foreign countries with the tnaison, and Chanteloup. | produce of the mills. 24 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 38 37 38 39 40 41 Name and Address of Kxhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. , £. s. d. Ground millet ...... per cwt. 0 10 4 Buckwheat-m eal Oatmeal BARON T. v. ZIEGLER, Land-owner, Dam- brau. —Cl. IV.— FI. s. 3 wool-fleeces of fed sheep from the original flock of the exhibitor, shorn in an unwashed raw state.per cwt. GUST AY LORENZ, Leather-dresser, Wol¬ ff ast .— Cl. IY.—El. s. 20 cakes of leather-lime, exhibited on account of its clearness and perfect freedom from smell.per cwt. A. M. BOLZANI, Silk-cultivator, Berlin .— Cl. IV.—El. s. A hanging spinning-hive for silk-worms, on the principle of bee-hives, by the use of which no double cocoons can be produced; invented by the exhibitor. Patterns of raw white and yellow silk, pro¬ duced in Berlin. A work by the exhibitor, ‘ Guide to the Cul¬ tivation of Silk.’ IvISZEWSKT, Academical Teacher, Paradics , near 3feseritz. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. Specimens of raw silk with 4, 5, 6, and 7 threads, clean and carefully reeled. The cocoons are grown by the exhibitor and reeled in his establishment . per pound D. F. TESSLER, Worker in Amber, Stolp .— Cl. I. and XXIII.—El. n. 2 large pieces of the better sort of raw dull amber, exhibited on account of their un¬ usual size . per pound of the large piece Do. do. small do. 6 pounds of beads, of which 3 are dull and 3 are transparent, in six packets, with respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 threads/ per pound J 13 pieces with insects, with numbers, per piece C. L. TESSLER, Worker in Amber, Stolp .— Cl. I. and XXIII.—El. n. 1 piece of raw amber, found in the ground . 1 piece of petrified wood, found near the preceding 1 ditto as thrown up on the shores of the Baltic Sea. 1 necklace with bracelet, brooch, and ear pendants. 1 necklace.. 2 cigar-holders, each. 1 pipe mouth-piece and 1 small bottle, each 1 stand with 2 bottles and snuff-box set in gold, with a portrait of Frederick II., each To be sold. 0 13 10 0 15 10 22 4 6 2 1 6 20/4 a 23/3 14 11 7 5 0 17 0 17 3s. a 31. 5 3 6 3 9 4i- 5 5 0 2 5 0 1 10 0 2 5 0 4 10 0 No. 42 43 44 45 46 47 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, ike. | BARON v. LUETTWITZ, Land-owner, Sim- menau , district of Kreuzburg. —Cl. IV.— El. s. | 2 wool-fleeces from self-fed sheep, j Specimens of unhackled flax, produced on the estate of the exhibitor, on whose land there is the largest cultivation in all Silesia. WILH. GRUENE, junior, Chemist and Di¬ rector of a Chemical Laboratory for Dyeing and Printing, Berlin. —Cl. IV. & XVIII.—El. s. 6 bottles of a newly-invented composition for dyeing wool—in flocks yarn and weavings •—in one bath and operation, without pre¬ vious boiling and etching.—The invention to be sold. A pattern-card with woollen-yarn dyed in this manner in ponceau, crimson, pink, yellow, green, violet, brown* black, and other colours. I. F. HEYL and CO., Proprietors of a Chemical and Colour Establishment in Charlottenburg, and of another for Ace¬ tic Acid at Finkenhagen in Pomerania, Berlin. —Cl. II. and XXIX.—El. s. Patterns of different colours for hangings and coloured papers, viz.: 3 pounds of painter’s colour (en pate) per lb. 3 ditto of dry painter’s colour ditto 2 cases with 12 pieces of colours for painting per dozen A sample of pure acetic acid, 7o Baume per cwt. Ditto with 3 pounds of acetate of soda . do. Ditto with three pounds of pyro-acetate of soda.per cwt. A case with wafers in rilievo. BRUENNECK, Head Burggrave of the King¬ dom of Prussia, at Trebnitz.— Cl. IV.— FI. s. A fleece of a Merino ram. Ditto of a Merino sheep, from the exhibitor’s flock at Trebnitz (Lichnow'sky-Bellsch- witz). V. BRUENNECK, Bellschwitz.— Cl.IV.—El.s. Fleeces of a Merino ram and sheep from the Bellschwitz flock, which the exhibitor pro¬ cured from Spain in the year 1763. The flock was collected in 1814, and improved by additions of the finest Saxon and Sile¬ sian races in 1820 and 1824. This wool possesses the three principal qualities— fineness, softness, and lustre. The flock numbers 5,500 heads. The wool is sold one with the other, that is lamb’s and lockwool, &c.per cwt. R. LEHMANN, Farmer, Nitsche 1 near Kosten. Cl. IV.—FI. s. 7 specimens of sheep-wool, from self-reared sheep, exhibited on account of their fine quality.per cwt. PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 25 No. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. HOLTZSTAMM, Bailiff, Berlin.— Cl. IV.— FI. s. In a wooden case; a fibrous matter, silky, extracted by the exhibitor from plants grow¬ ing in Prussia and several other countries, applicable in its present condition to silk buttons and fringes, but available also for spinning and weaving. The preparation of the fibre is the arcanum of the exhibitor. C. FRIEDRICH, Coach-maker, Potsdam .-— Cl. V.—FI. n. A park-coach, commonly called phaeton, to be sold. GEVERS and SCHMIDT, Cloth-finishers, Gdrlitz.—Cl. XII.—FI. s. 2 pieces of cloth finished by the exhibitors, and worked in the neighbourhood, the yrd. To be sold. C. A. v. WUERDEN and CO., Iron-founders and Machine-makers, Grabow , near Stet¬ tin.— Cl. V.—FI. n. A complete vertical steam-pump, with double working piston, &c., instead of the usual valve. C. HECKMANN, Worker in Copper and Brass, Berlin. — Cl. VI.—FI. N. A vacuum-pan of 6 feet in diameter, with a copper double-bottom and worm, head- piece and discharging valve, for refining raw sugar (beet-root as well as Indian), with fittings, valves, cocks, and polished copper tubes. The apparatus contains 80 cubic feet or 245 loaves, which are refined in 1^ to 2 hours out of clairee of 300 Beaume. To be sold. BONARDEL, BROTHERS, Machine-makers, Berlin. — Cl. VI.—FI. n. A Jacquard machine with 400 needles Do. do. 600 „ . . Do. do. 600 double needles A small cylinder moves the lifters or bearers of the perpendicular wires, by which arrangement an assisting machine is not wanted; the cylinder also places the pat¬ terns a second time before the needles in each direction of the turning. In all three machines the cylinder is (as an improvement) placed exactly before the needles. A pattern punching-machine. A cork cutting-machine (manufactures on an average 3000 per day). Price. £. s. d. ~ i Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, •N 0, Description of Article, &c. 85 0 0 6/2 a 7/3 37 10 0 405 0 0 4 10 6 0 9 0 7 10 15 0 T. DOERFFEL, Optician, Berlin. —Cl. VI.— G. s. | A platting-machine.180 A ditto for bobbinet, &c., laces 21 12 without alteration; requiring daily for heating 3 pecks of coals. Exhibited on account of the speed—'the j machine producing 4000 types per hour. 56 FERD. WINTER, Mechanic, Berlin.— Cl. VI. —FI. N. Two Jacquard machines, with 400 and 600 ) needles.f Two levers, belonging to the above men¬ tioned machines, and invented by the ex¬ hibitor, for obviating the turning of the hooks.—To be sold. 57 58 59 J. EDUARD LEONHARDT, Machine- maker, Berlin. —Cl. VI.—FI. N. A newly invented type founding machine, by which zinc or copper moulds can be used 60 H. THOMAS, Machine-maker, Berlin .-— Cl. VI.—FI. n. A longitudinal shearing-machine for shawls TH. GEHRMANN, Gun-maker, Cl. VIII.—FI. n. Price. AUG. HAMANN, Engineer, Berlin.— Cl. VI. —FI. N. A turning lathe of German material, exhi¬ bited on account of its cheapness; the bed 4 feet long, 4^ inches broad, and 4% inches high, with head-stocks 6 inches high, to the centre; 12 screw patterns and chisels ; a plate with 8 divided rings and index; iron fly-wheel, to be turned by the foot; sliding and common rest; and other rest for sup¬ porting in case of boring with a drill, to bore chucks. A small rest with round pivot, attached to a sliding bed with holders for chisels and for drills. A drilling-frame for ornaments. Upon the spindle are fixed, a universal chuck of 11 inches, with 4 stoppers; a smaller one of 8 inches, with holders moved by screws; an oval chuck; an eccentric chuck ; a wire chuck with 3 holders, for wire of l-3rd inch diam. Chucks of wrought iron with 8 screws, 2 hollow chucks, chuck in the form of a drill, and ditto with a wood screw, 1 drill, 1 centre chuck, and 1 key.—To be sold . £. s. d. 60 0 0 4 10 0 9 0 0 3 18 0 8 5 0 105 0 0 S. B. RENNER, JUN., Tinman, Breslau.— Cl. VII.—FI. n. Specimen of a zinc roof after the construction of the exhibitor, which requires only a very I small inclination, and by which the zinc I can expand and contract according to the j temperature. The fastenings of the plates withstand the most violent storms. per square foot Model of the same on a smaller scale. Berlin .— A patent (needle) rifle, inlaid with silver, half-stock and hair-trigger. Ditto, with full stock and hair-trigger, ar¬ ranged to receive a hunting-knife . One fine double-barrel gun, with grooved damascened barrels, inlaid with gold and silver.. Peculiarly constructed (with exception of the barrels).—To be sold. 78 15 0 0 0 6 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 E 26 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. j Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, j Description of Article, &c. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 W. LUEDLICH, Gunmaker, Posen.— Cl. VIII. —FI. N. A rifle made by the exhibitor, with screw¬ driver, powder-flask, and bullet-mould per cwt. HEIRS OF E. F. OHLE, Manufacturer in Lead, Breslau.— Cl. VIII. and XXII.— FI. N. 16 different sizes of shot . 10 sorts of leaden pipes 9 sorts of leaden wire . Litharge and red oxide of lead Patterns of bullets on a string Do. of tinned lead-sheets The prices are wholesale per cwt. H. GRZYBOWSKI, Chief Gunmaker to the King, Potsdam .—Cl. VIII,—FI. n. A gun of exquisite workmanship, in a case of rose-wood. JOH. CONR. KEHL, Gunmaker and En¬ graver, Berlin .—CL VIII. FI. n. A pair of pistols with appurtenances, highly finished. Gun-barrels, forged in Liege and finished by the exhibitor. Annexed are all the ap¬ purtenances. DR. ED. STOLLE. Executed by the Ma¬ chine-maker, FR. THIELE, Berlin.— Cl. IX.—FI. n. A chaff-cutting machine for straw and ve¬ getables, with a roller of vulcanized India rubber, patented by the exhibitor in France and England. W. BRUCKISCH, Superintendent of the Si¬ lesian Bee Company, Koppitz, near Grott- kau .—Cl. IX.—FI. n. Beehives on the Dzierzon system, out of which the wax, honey, bees, &c., are easily taken, viz.:— High double hive.each Long low ditto . Queen’s hive . Straw hive Half straw hive . Model of a double hive Do. conical hive Do. basket hive 10 Books on bees The whole to be sold for DR. C. SPRENGEL and H. HARTMANN, Proprietors of an Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Begenwalde. — Cl. IX.— FI. N. 10 Models of German Agricultural tools, on a scale of l-16th. Most of these tools are considered practical, and are in general use; some are of a novel sort, and therefore exhibited. The prices affixed apply to the various articles in their full dimensions. 1 Improved sowing-machine, by Alban . 1 Drilling-machine on a former plan, con¬ structed in Regent aide. By pushing up the wheels and beams to 2, and by attach- Price. £. s. d. 12 0 0 0 19 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 12 22 10 0 127 10 0 8 5 0 0 10 0 9 0 1 6 4 10 0 7 19 0 No. 68 69 70 71 72 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ing 2 c. and 2 d., it may be converted into a common harrow. 1 Maize-sowing machine. 1 Belgian plough, altered by Schwerz, of Ho henheim. 1 Pomeranian fan-plough. 1 Mecklenburg harrow with yoke 1 East Prussian scarifier with yoke . 1 Plough with 16 shares. 1 Sprengel’s subsoil-plough, turning up the ground from 18 to 22 inches 1 Sprengel’s water furrow-plough PIERRE GUERLIN, Watchmaker, Berlin. Agent, Ludwig Oertling, 13, Store Street .—Cl. X.—G. s. 11 different table-clocks . per doz. 61.12s. alO 16 0 Cartel-bronze. . 13 4 0 9 different fancy clocks . . „ 31. 15s. a 4 19 0 2 Cartels . . . 6 12 0 Different parts of clockwork, viz.:— 1 table-clock in brass . . • » 3 12 0 2 Cartel-parts . . . . • 5? 4 10 0 1 regulator-work. The single parts are to be sold separately at 20 per cent, advance on the price per doz. AUGUST KRUEGER, Teacher at the Gym¬ nasium, Bromberg.— Cl. X.—G. s. Model of an electro-magnetic and self-re¬ gistering weathercock (anemometrograph), invented and constructed by the exhi¬ bitor, consisting of: a frame with weather¬ cock ; a system of 4 electro-magnets, each bound with 50 feet of copper wire ; a small clock, by means of which the galvanic fluid shows all the hours ; and, lastly, an ele¬ ment of platina and zinc. By means of this instrument the 8 different points of the wind may be discovered at any time and at any distance ; at the same time the di¬ rection of the w r ind can be hourly written down by means of the clock .... JOH. AD. KUNST, Dentist and Jeweller, Berlin .—Cl. X.—G. s. 5 samples of enamel, invented by the Exhibitor, for the manufacture of single teeth, and of a set, viz.:— A set of teeth.. 3 half sets of teeth .... per piece. 2 double-teeth ; a set of single teeth; two samples of a composition for teeth. H. P. BESSALIE, Musical Instrument Maker to the King, Breslau.- —Cl. X.— G. s. A rosewood grand pianoforte of English con¬ struction, with an arrangement, invented by the exhibitor, for the easier tuning of the chords ; with a green cloth cover . A. F. THIEMIvE, Watchmaker, Berlin.— Cl. X.-G. s. A traveling-clock, with stop-trigger and compensator, working on 6 stones ; goes 8 days, alarms, strikes quarters and hours, and repeats at every quarter the hour itself. Price. £. s. d. 11 5 0 2 14 0 1 16 0 12 6 0 18 0 0 18 0 3 9 0 2 11 0 2 8 0 5 8 ( 15 0 < 7 10 < 15 0 85 0 PRICED LISt OF ZOLLYEREIN PRODUCTIONS. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description ot Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 78 FR. TIEDE, Watchmaker, Berlin.— Cl. X.— G. s. Agent, L. Oerteing, Engineer, 13, Stone Street. An astronomical clock, with linch-pin and weight of brass, hook of wrought iron, and polished brown wooden case .... 60 0 0 A box-chronometer, in pieces, in a polished brown wooden case .. 45 0 0 79 J. A. POKORNY, Mechanic, Berlin. —Cl. X. G. s. & FI. n. 1 iron mould for pills to 1 and 2 grains. per doz. 6 6 0 1 do. for lapis infernalis, with 12 channels.„ 6 6 0 | 1 iron mortar for pills, 3J, 4, and 5 { inches.. 1 2 5 2 8 0 0 79 10 0 3 0 0 1 decoct, spirit-lamp, with double air-draught, of brass, on 3 feet . 6 0 0 33 0 0 2 spirit-lamps, one with the improve¬ ment which hinders the heating of the spirit-reservoir ..... „ 6 0 0 1 gasometer, after Pepys . . . per piece. 1 16 0 j 1 air-gun and pistol, carrying from 40 to 50 f 3 6 0 and 30 to 40 feet. \ 2 2 0 80 WESTERMANN and CO. (G. Wieemanns), Pianoforte Manufacturers, Berlin. —Cl. X. 0 15 0 — G. s. A large pianoforte (wing) of rosewood.— To be sold. 75 0 0 81 C. LUETTIG, Mechanic, Berlin.— Cl. X.—G. s. 2 levelling instruments.| 15 0 5 14 0 0 1 telescope and 1 box-compass with diopters c 10 10 0 the piece. \ 9 0 0 1 protractor. 3 8 0 1 optometer, for finding the distance of sight of spectacle-glasses. 3 15 0 1 rotation apparatus, for demonstrating pho- tometrical and other luminary appearances 3 8 0 1 ball and 1 ring, for demonstrating the ex¬ pansion of heat. 0 17 0 75 0 0 2 cases mathematical instruments, in Ger- i 2 14 0 man silver and brass.t 2 8 0 1 case, with 12 different compasses . . . 6 6 0 9 0 0 1 glass as camera obscura, for showing the effect of spectacle-glasses on the retina of the eye. 2 8 0 82 ADOLPH BALTZER, Watchmaker, Frank¬ furt.—Cl. X.—G. s. 0 15 0 1 striking-clock (one year) .. 24 0 0 1 ditto. 22 10 0 0 15 0 1 pendulum-clock. 15 0 0 All three with pedestals and glass cases. 1 10 0 1 Aeolodicon, with head-piece.' 150 0 0 To be sold. 2 0 83 J. F. LUHME & CO., Philosophical Instru¬ 0 15 0 ment Makers, Berlin. —Cl. X.—G. s. 2 Berzelius, 1 heating, and 2 decoct, lamps, 1 10 0 per piece. ! 13/6 a 16/6 1 balance, after Mohr, for finding the spe- cific gravity . . 2 2 0 3 15 0 1 apparatus of platina for hydro-fluoric acid 18 0 0 1 E 2 No. 73 74 75 70 77 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. B, GURICKE, Maker of Musical Instru¬ ments, Zossen— Cl. X.—G. s. His rot London are at 91, Charlotte Street, JB Square. repeating mechanism. Both the latter and the architectural style of the instrument are new inventions, for which the exhibitor has taken out patents. Exhibited as the first specimen of this C. SIEGERT, Manufacturer of Copper, Brass, and Iron Goods, Stettin. — Cl. VI.—FI. n. Agent in London, F. W. Sack, firm Messrs Sack, Bremer, and Co. A vacuum apparatus, with wooden fittings A double working air-pump, with wooden fittings, as companion to the above-named apparatus. Made by the exhibitor, and exhibited on account of its great usefulness. To be sold. GUSTAV SEE MANN, Watchmaker, Warm- brunn.— Cl. X.-Hl. 3 small clocks, exhibited on account of their beauty and the care taken in their exe¬ cution .each THEOD. BAUMANN, Mechanical Instru¬ ment Maker, Berlin. —Cl. X.—G. s. An instrument for ascertaining the length of measures, after Bessel’s mode. The micro¬ meters are placed on a strong mahogany bean, and the slide, which carries the two measures to be compared, is so arranged that it moves them exactly behind one another in the micrometer line, and there retains them. One perfect comparison (which consists of 8 measurements, to be executed 4 times in 24 hours) suffices to ascertain the length of 3 feet (1 yard) to within O.ouo 2 lines ; this requires only a an hour . Two yard-measures, one of which represents the lawful and accepted measure; the other a copy, to be compared with the former . F. A. NOBERT, Mechanic, Barth. —Cl. X.—• G. s. 12 glasses, with objects attached for ob¬ servation by means of a microscope:— 2 glasses divided with 1: 500 lines . each 2 glasses with 1:1000 to 1:3636 lines, testing-glass.„ 2 glasses with 1:1000 to 1:5000 lines, testing-glass.„ 2 glasses with 1:4000 to 1: 8000 lines, testing object.„ 2 glasses 0."0016 to 0/ ,/ 0009 inference spectrum.„ 2 glasses 0/'000325 to 0.'"0001875 in¬ ference-spectrum .,, 1 ocular micrometer for telescopes, with light-lines on a dark-ground, new invention.. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 28 III No. 84 85 80 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 analytic balance for 1 kilogr. weight . 2 sets of scales for ditto—German silver. Brass . 3 balances—for 100 grains weight. . . 50 ditto 25 ditto 1 polarization apparatus for saccharine fluids 2 air-pumps, with cylinder and cross-bored ( cocks. \ 6 in. cubic centimeter, divided pipes . 2 steel or diamond mortars . . . . < Price. 1 areometer-case. 1 psychrometer. 1 hygrometer. 4 chemical ovens (1 after Luhme, 1 after Mitscherlich, and 1 after Seifstrom) per piece. 1 soldering apparatus, after Plattner . . . 1 set of crystal-models, after Rose. 4 platina cups and 6 ditto crucibles . Besides different small articles of the same kind. LUPPOLD, Surgical Instrument Maker, Stettin. —Cl. X.—FI. n. A surgeon’s instrument of steel, ivory, and German silver, after Prof. Busch’s plan, improved by the exhibitor by a head-screw, which, by turning the instrument by means of the hindermost head-screw, can be easily taken away and replaced. per piece. per pair. per piece. per piece. S. GOLDSCHMIDT, Surgical Belt Maker, Berlin.— Cl. X.—FI. n. 13 different patent trusses . 9 different double ditto , 4 different elastic stockings. 1 elastic belt, 7/, with a pelotte for umbilical hernia. 2 umbilical hernia trusses . 1 suspensory. 3 pieces of different urinals. 1 artificial hand .... 1 artificial foot .... 4 different wart-covers . 5 different child’s suckling-bottles 1 elastic wart-cover 3 different ear-trumpets. 12 different pessariums . 1 magnetic apparatus 5 different syringes (Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) per piece. 1 bent glass clyster-syringe. 1 elastic hose. Injection, throat, and other syringes, &c. ■£. s. 18 0 3 0 2 14 9 0 6 0 2 14 6 0 3 7 1 16 3 0 0 0 15 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 2 14 0 1 10 0 18/a 2/13/ 10 10 0 2 8 0 24 18 3 5 8 0 2/3 a 1/4/ 3/5 a 3/0/ 8/ a 12/ L. REIMANN, Mechanic, Berlin.— Cl. X.— G. s. A fine adjusting balance for 1 kil. weight, showing 1 milligr.;—the middle axes play on stone, the end axes also on prisms ; the pendants on stone, with arrangement to attach weight-hooks without removing the glass door. 1 set of grain weights in brass, galvanic gilded, to 1 grain, from 1 grain to 1 milligr. in platina. 0 9 0 3/6 a 7/6 0 8 0 5/6 a 10/6 15 0 0 10 10 0 /9 a 3/ 0 0 9 0 0 6 2/3 a 5/ /9 a 1/3 4 1 0 2/3 a 4/3 0 1 0 0 2 0 20 0 0 4 0 0 No. 87 88 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. AUG. OERTLING, Engineer, Berlin .—Cl. X. —G. s. Authorized Agent of the Ex¬ hibitor in London, Louis Oertuing, En¬ gineer, 13, Store Street. 1 balance for chemical analytical weighings. 1 ditto for chemical and physical purposes . Both contain arrangements to ascertain specific weights, to weigh kali preparations, tubes, &c., and are provided with a me¬ chanism for sliding-weights to weigh in secluded space, to be charged to the amount of 100 grammes; when loaded with 50 grammes, they will indicate \ milligr., and only differ from each other by the arrange¬ ment of the scales ; provided with maho¬ gany glass cases. 1 ditto of larger dimensions. Charge 1 kilogr. upon each scale, and indicating with pre¬ cision the difference of 1 milligr. . All the three balances rest upon cor¬ nelian stones. 2 sets of gramme-weights for the first two balances.each. 1 ditto for the third balance, from 1 kilogr. down to 1 gramme in brass, and from 0.5 gramme to O .001 gramme, in platina 2 sextants with glasses of 7 and 5 inches f radius.| reflexion goniometer, newly constructed after Wollaston, with improvements sug¬ gested by Mitscherlich and Poggendorf . All these articles to be sold. 1 HOFFMANN and EBERHARDT, Mechanics, Berlin. —Cl. X.—G. s. An assortment of instruments for che¬ mical, physical, and pharmaceutical in¬ struction, and other technical purposes, viz.:— Balance-beams.per inch. Horn spatulae, 3 to 8 inches long .... Horn spoons, 3 to 9 inches long .... Powder capsulse, 2 to 6f inches long . Basins for balances, 1| to 4 inches diameter per pair. Glass cocks with airtight joint . per piece. Test cylinders.per doz. Metal cocks for exploding gas, pipe-joints, for quicksilver in steel . . per piece. Blowpipe. Tuning-forks. 2 polished spatulae for physicians per piece. 1 diamond pen to write on glass .... Tumblers without seam.... the heap. A machine for distributing plaster, after Mohr. A botanical case .... Bottles with ground corks . Stand-bottles for apothecaries 2 receivers for air-pumps 2 ditto for gas. 3 spirit-lamps of glass . . 2 retorts, with and without tubulus „ 2 small microscopes with 1 and 2 lenses „ Model of a telegraph for instruction in schools Polarisation apparatus, after Norremberg . 1 diamond-mortar, of steel. 1 plant-stabber for botanists. the piece. £. d. 10 4 10 10 22 10 0 1 16 0 6 6 12 15 11 5 37 10 0 Gd. a 9 d. 3d. a 8 \d. 3d. a 11c/. 2| d. a 9b d Gd. a 2 s. 2/6 a 3/6 Gd. a 11c? 3/ a 5/ 0 3 0 0 1 3 S^d. a 10c 0 4 0 0 6 0i 0 16 6 0 7 6 2£d. a 1 / 9 d. a 5/3 1/7 a 4/6 10c?. a 1/'. 10d.,l/,l/ 10c?., 1/f! 15/, 1, 2 14 3 0 0 10 0 1 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 29 No. Name and Address of Exhihitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 apparatus for demonstration of condensing steam-engines. 1 thermo-electric chain, after Pouillet . . 1 apparatus for demonstrating the terrestrial magnetism. 1 model of a steam-engine, for school in¬ struction . 2 air-pumps, for chemists and for analysing ( per piece. } 2 large decoct, lamps ... „ j 1 Berzelius lamp, for chemists. j 1 ditto with separate spirit-lamp .... 1 case with test-glasses and materials after Simon, for analysing spittle. 1 sun-dial after August, for the horizon of Berlin. Different small articles, as funnels, cork¬ screws, &c. 0 5 0 0 15 0 91 2 8 0 2 5 2 2 1 10 0 16 0 11 0 10 0 14 92 1 13 0 0 18 0 89 E. BUSCH, Owner of an Optical Establish¬ ment, Rathenow. —Cl. X. and XXIV.— G. s. I. Portfolio of patterns: 47 different spectacle-frames, ordinary white and blue, of fine blue steel, new silver, gilt, of horn and shell, per dozen from 3s. 6d. to 1 spectacle-frame in gold . . . per doz. II. Portfolio of patterns : With 10 different glasses for spectacles, per dozen from. III. Portfolio with lorgnettes : 15 pieces, singles, of horn, blue steel, shell, and glass.per dozen 25 pieces, double, of horn, steel, gilt, silver, shell, with and without springs to open, per dozen from IV. Portfolio with magnifying glasses : 19 pieces simple, twofold and triple botanical, and twofold medical, likewise watch¬ makers’ magnifying-glasses, and ditto in brass.per dozen from Twofold botanical magnifying-glasses in ivory, with achromatic glasses . per doz. V. Portfolio with opera-glasses: 5 single ones, black varnished, per doz. from 2/14/ a 8 double ones of black horn and of ivory 5/18/6 a VI. Portfolio with 2 daguerreotype-neads. For \ and £ plates.per doz. j VII. Portfolio with 8 different telescopes, per dozen from 3/12/ a And 6 military telescopes, with oculars per dozen from 31. a A telescope on a stand of 48 lines, and 60 inches focal distance, with seeker, singly to be sold at. An ear-trumpet.per piece All these articles together to be sold for. 3 0 0 14 8 0 2/5 a 3/9 2/3 a 15/ 6/ a 9 l. 6s. a 27. 8s. 4 10 0 6 6 0 16 11 6 16 4 0 48 12 0 23 8 0 14 8 0 41 5 0 0 3 6 90 0 0 93 94 95 )0 j A. RUHMANN, Joiner, Eulam , near Lands- berg a. IF.—Cl. X—G. s. 1 j A guitar .. 2 5 0 J. G. VOELKEL and CO., Manufacturers, Langenbielau and Breslau. —Cl. XV.— FI. s. 6 pieces of various stuffs for clothing, per yd. 1 do. of red mattress-ticking .... 6 do. of Jacquard drill, per yard from \/\\d. to 2 pieces of bed-ticking . . per yard from l table-cover.per piece C. DIERIG, Proprietor of a Jacquard Weav¬ ing Establishment, &c., Langenbielau , District of Reichenbach .— Cl. XV.—G. s. 10 patterns of different Jacquard drill, in¬ vented in the year 1843, and since then es¬ sentially improved, viz.: 3 pieces of twisted cotton warp, the weft of English linen-yarn . . per yard from 3 pieces of plain cotton warp . . per yard 3 pieces of Chinese grass-cloth, the use of which in this form is new . . per j'ard 1 piece of blue fancy silk and English white linen yarn.per yard Pattern pieces of ticking, of bleached Chinese grass-cloth and crimson thrown silk, per yard 8 pieces of black and coloured glazed cloth, of 40 medio and 50 mule, English spun per yard To be sold. _ NAUEN, LOEWE, and CO., Manufacturers of Cotton Wares, Berlin. —Cl. XVIII.— G. s. 100 pieces of 7/8 and 9/8 calicoes, printed in sundry manners, woven at Marklissa, Upper Lusatia, in the engine-weaving establish¬ ment belonging to the exhibitors, and printed in the Dannenberg calico-printing manufactory belonging in common to the exhibitors and the mercantile house of Wallach and Nauen. MENTZEL, Privy-Counsellor of the War- Office, Berlin. —Cl. XII.—FI. S. Patterns of the (uniform) cloth which has been used by the Prussian army from 1817 j to the present time, to show the progress in the production of wool and the manufac- I ture of cloth during the last 35 years, j 4 patterns of blue cloth . . . per yard j 7 ditto of grey cloth . . . ditto j C. G. FABIAN, General Agent of the Manu- j factory for preparing the Leaves of Pine- j Trees, Humboldt’s Au , near Trebnitz , j Breslau. —Cl. XV. and XIX. G. s. Ordinary prepared leaves of pine-trees for stuffing furniture and carriages, &c., pro¬ tecting the same against moth . per cwt. J Ditto fine, for wadding cloths, as well as for j wrapping those suffering from rheumatic pains, &c. I Ditto, dyed black (imitated horse-hairs). ] Vvadding of the finest leaves. 1 I Price. £. s. d. 0 0 6 0 12 0 1 11 0 0 11 £ 0 4 0 1/11 a 2/2 2 / « 2/1 0 3 5 i 0 6 2 0 4 2 0 0 6 0 4 10 0 4 2 14 8 30 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 93 07 88 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Descripiion of Article, &c. Mattresses stuffed with pine leaves per pair Quilt of ditto. Mattress and pillow for hospitals, per piece Soles of shoes of ditto for protection against dampness and cold .... per doz. 3 large and 6 small bottles of oil ditto, for outward application for rheumatic pains ; the large. The small. 12 bottles of extract of ditto, for preparing baths for ditto.per pound 2 cakes of soap of ditto, conducive to the softening of the skin and against influences of cold. C. F.WALD and SON, Proprietors of a Spin¬ ning-mill, Zilenzig. —Cl. XII.—PI. s. Different patterns of woollen-yarn, viz. : White Yarns : No. 23. 13 times (2150 aulns in the pound). 25. 12 ditto ditto ditto 27. 11 & 10 ditto ditto ditto 29. 9 ditto ditto ditto 31. 8 ditto ditto ditto 32. 7 ditto ditto ditto 34. 6 ditto ditto ditto 36. 5 ditto ditto ditto Light single coloured yarns: Price. 6 times (2150 aulns in the pound) 7 ditto ditto ditto 8 ditto ditto ditto In brown, green, and dark, fine colours. Mixed and light colours : 6 times (2150 aulns in the pound) 7 ditto ditto ditto 8 ditto ditto ditto In fine and mixed colours. MARCUS ITZIGSOMN, Cloth Manufacturer, Neudanrim .—Cl. XII.—FI. s. An assortment of cloth made from com¬ mon wool, and exhibited on account of cheapness, viz.: 2 pieces common grey and mixed with blue, per yard No. 3001 . . a . No. 3002 .. 2 ditto middle-fine and fine . . per yard No. 3003 . No. 3005 .. 1 ditto light grey (called Russian grey,) pr. yd. No. 3007 . 1 ditto finished, grey, for military equipment per yard No. 3004 . 1 ditto leather-colour for coaches, . per yard No. 3006 ... . . . . . . . To be sold. £. 8. d. 0 9 0 1 10 0 0 12 0 2/ a 6/6 0 10 0 0 6 0 2 6 BEHREND and SCHMIDT, Cloth Merchants, . Berlin. —-Cl. XII.—El. s. 1 piece of blue cloth, of 16§ yards . per yard 1 ditto of black cloth, of 18 do. . „ 1 ditto of brown cloth, of 17^ yards „ 1 ditto of blue half-cloth of 27 yards ,, 1 piece of black ha Sf-cloth, of 2'6f yds. „ 1 ditto buck-skin, of double breadth of Ilf yards.per yard 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 4 0 0 5 6 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 7 No. 99 100 0 5 2 101 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 102 G. AUG. HABERLAND, Cloth Manufac¬ turer, Finsterwalde. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 piece of 3/4 black cloth . . per yard 1 Do. do. . . „ 1 Do. do. . . „ The exhibitor manufactures also cloth of different colours. CARL SAMUEL GEISSLER, Cloth Manu¬ facturer, Gbrlitz. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 12 pieces of cloth, of various qualities and colours, manufactured by the exhibitor from Silesian wool, from its raw state to the finishing, and exhibited on account of the quality and cheapness, viz. :— No. 12,680, gold bronze . . . per yard 12,649, dark blue .... „ 12,629, bronze; 12,567, olive-green; and 12,602, blue-brown . . . per yard 12,483, black. 12,485, blue (prussiate of potasse) ; and No. 12539, green (in the wool), per yard No. 12,538, purple-blue; 12,536, bottle-green; and 12,486, red.per yard No. 12,549, marine-blue ... „ 103 104 S. B. RUFFER & CO., Cloth Manufacturers, Liegnitz. —Cl. XII.—FI. S. Bronze coloured imperial cloth, 56 inches broad.per yard Blue coloured imperial, 54 inches broad „ Prussian blue 3/4 (electoral), 56 inches broad.per yard Olive coloured drap de Russie (Segovia), 55 inches broad . . ... . per yard Halfcloth, black (Royal), 52 inches broad.. . „ Summer cloth, steel-green (cachemir), 53 inches broad.per yard J. SCHEDER and CO., Woollen Goods Manu¬ facturers and Spinners, Schweidnitz .— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 4 different sorts of stuff for clothing materials, manufactured from good ordinary Silesian wool, exhibited on account of their cheap¬ ness, viz.:— 1.4/4 broad buckskin . . . per yard 2. 8/4 „ cloth for over-coats „ 3. 8/4 ,, cloth for coats . . ,, 4. 8/4 „ cloth for trousers . „ LUTZE, BROTHERS, Cloth Manufacturers, Cottbus. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 piece mulberry 3/4 cloth . . per yard 1 ditto olive do. . . „ 1 ditto black do. . . „ COHN, BROTHERS, and HERRMANN, Ma¬ nufacturers of Woollen Goods, Berlin .— Cl. XII. & XV.—FI. s. Agents, Krohn, Brothers, 1, Broad-street. 4 pieces 4/4 Neapolitans, of double twist, No. 60 for warp, and of carded German wool (6 pieces to the pound) . per yard 3 pieces 6/4 crape ditto ... „ 2 „ 8/4 Jacquard satin ditto „ PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 31 No. 105 100 107 108 109 Name and Addre«s of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 2 pieces lama, Scottish, of German carded wool and fulled.per yard 2 pieces lama pointe, ditto . . „ 1 piece „ tigre, ditto . . „ 1 „ peau des chats, ditto . „ 1 ,, buck-skin, ditto ... „ 2 pieces 7/4 cachemir de soie, English warp and English weft .... per yard 2 pieces lustre quadrille, warp of Italian organzine, weft of German worsted yarn.per yard 2 pieces poplin quarre, ditto . . „ WILLIAM COCKERILL, (Proprietor of the Mills at Guben and Cottbus , W. BOTH- MER.)—Cl. XII.- FI. s. 20 hanks of yarn of Pomeranian wool, spun by machines on Cockerill’s system. BERGMANN and CO., Dyers, Berlin.— Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. A card with patterns of dyed and variegated wool, in two parts; the yarn (zephyr-yarn, best quality AA.) is German manufac¬ tured. J. G. FELLER & SON, Cloth Manufacturers, Guben. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Various pieces of cloth of inland wool, viz.:— Black 8/4 broad.per yard ,,9/4 . 5 , RQ . „ „ F.F. Royal 3/4 broad (of Australian and Markish wool).per yard 1 sample of woollen yarn for royal cloth. SAMUEL SCHLIEF, Cloth Manufacturer, Guben.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Various pieces of cloth of Silesian and Posen wool, exhibited on account of the beauty of the work and the low price, viz.:— 9 different specimens of black cloth, per yard 2 ditto of black satin .... „ 1 ditto of brown cloth .... S. M. FRIEDHEIM, SONS, Berlin.— Cl. XV. —FI. s. 6 pieces fancy Orleans, in cotton weft and ■woollen warp: 1 piece black sets (pattern piece with flowers), 1 piece royal sets, 1 piece black with stripes, 1 piece brown with stripes . . per piece 1 piece striped pattern, and 1 piece royal. „ 2 pieces Gros de Berlin (1 piece black and 1 piece violet).per piece 2 pieces Orleans (1 piece black and 1 piece brown).per piece 110 ERDMANN HOFFMANN, Cloth Manufac¬ turer, Noraw.—Cl. XII.—FI. s. 3 pieces of half-cloth, olive-green, bronze and blue.per yard 1 ditto black 3/4. „ To be sold, Price. 0 1 11 0 2 5 0 3 9 0 5 6 0 6 4 0 7 1 0 9 0 0 5 6 6/6 a 9/3 8/3 9/0 8/3 110 1 7 0 15 6 0 19 6 0 4 7i 0 5 5 No. Ill 112 113 114 115 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. TRAUGOTT MENDE & SON, Cloth Manu¬ facturers, Finsterwalde .—Cl. XII.—FI. s. 3 pieces of black cloth. F. A. BORMANN, Spinner and Cloth Manu¬ facturer, Goldberg. —Cl. XII. — FI. s. Various pieces of cloth, of Silesian wool: 2 pieces black 3/4, Nos. 22,304 and 22,340 .per yard 2 pieces black 3/4, Nos. 22,462 and 22,379 . 1 piece black 3/4, No. 22,505 . „ 1 piece blue, 1 English red 3/4, Nos. 22,097 and 22,384 ... „ 1 piece English red 3/4, No. 22,376 „ 1 piece steel-green, No. 22,408 . „ 1 piece black 3/4, No. 22,053 . . „ 1 piece black 3/4, No. 22,219 . . „ 1 piece English red 3/4, No. 22,198 „ MARX and WEIGERT, Shawl and Plush Manufacturers, Berlin. —Cl. XV.—FI. s. 5 different long shawls.each 15 „ cachemir shawls . . . „ 5 patterns of velours d’Utrecht AA. per yard 12 ditto AI.. „ 1 ditto All. ,, 1 pattern of waistcoats, 2 liveries, 6 ditto em¬ bossed, 4 leopard, and 6 cachemir from 3 patterns Pallas 4/4 broad AI. and AH. 5 patterns Pallas 3/4 broad A A., AI., and All. „ 4 patterns leopard, 3/4 broad . per yard 1 „ Astrachan, 4/4 ... „ 7 „ Castorin, 4/4 ... „ 1 ,, Mouquard. „ 1 „ transparent, 3/4 broad, A A. ,, 1 „ „ 4/4 AI. „ 1 „ Pallas-Rachel, 3/4 broad „ 7 „ Tallup, 3/4 broad . . „ HEINRICH LEVIN & SONS, Silk Manu¬ facturers, Berlin.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. 21 coupons of silk gentlemen’s neckerchiefs and 7 coupons of half-silk ditto, of different sorts .... per doz. from 1Z. 4s. a 11 coupons of half-silk plushes for caps and furniture.per yard from 12 coupons of half-silk stuffs for waistcoats, in different patterns . . per yard from 9 pieces of embroidered waistcoat stuffs, silk and wool with silk . . . per doz. from 6 cartoons with patterns : Of waistcoat-stuffs . . per yard from Of silk-stuff .... „ WETGERT & CO., Manufacturers of Woollen Goods, Sclimiedeberg. — Cl. XV.—FI. s. 12 cachemir shawls in different colours, per piece 4 ditto oval cloaks, worked on the loom: 13 coupons velvet, in various qualities and colours .per yard 5 coupons Pallas, ditto ... „ 0 5 2 5 10 6 6 6 10 7 6 7 11 8 3 8 10 10 4 3 0 0 1 5 6 0 6 10 0 6 2 0 5 2 4/6 a 5/6 1/6 1/9 1/3 2/3 0 2 3 0 2 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 4 h 0 1 10 | 3 0 0 4/2 a 5/6 6/10 a 9/8 48/ a 90/ 3/1 a 6/2 5/6 a 10/4 1 5 6 5/a 6/10 1/9 a 2/7 32 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 116 117 118 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 3 coupons castorines 3 „ Tallup 1 ,, transparent . 1 „ leopard . . 2 „ velour-leopard per yard C. W. OEHME, Silk Manufacturer, Berlin. —Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. Agent, Carl Schwebemeyer, 314, Oxford-street. 8 pieces of different velvet for hats, of the best Italian and French silk, and English spun cotton.per yard A card of patterns with silk plush for caps, one colour .... „ Ditto changeant and jaspe . . „ Exhibited on account of the durability, colour, and gloss, the fineness and even¬ ness of the web, and the cheapness. HERRMANN KAUFFMANN, Manufac¬ turer in Wool and Cotton Plush, Berlin. —Cl. XIII.—FI. s. 2 pieces single coloured furniture plush, per yard 0 12 7 ditto ditto 0 10 8 13 ditto ditto • 0 6 2 3 ditto ditto 77 0 5 6 6 ditto embossed furniture plush 77 0 5 10 3 ditto printed furniture plush (pattern of the exhibitor) 77 0 6 6 3 ditto ditto 57 0 7 0 4 ditto livery plush .... 97 0 5 8 1 ditto ditto .... 0 4 7 3 ditto pressed plush for clothes and garments. v 0 4 11 1 ditto ditto 77 0 3 1 1 ditto Astrachan (for great-coats) 79 0 10 4 2 ditto ditto 77 2 ditto shoe cloth. 23 ditto different cap plush in dif¬ ferent colours and dimensions 7 ditto cotton velvet (castorines, flamme et melee) .... 6 ditto fur imitation, in different colours . 7/ and per yard R. SCHAERFF, Manufacturer of Braid and Lace Goods, Brieg. —Cl. XIX.—FI. s. Complete set of braiding for the lining of a state chariot. Ditto, plain, for a barouche. Ditto, ditto, for a coach. 2 yards of woven edging for a hammer cloth 3 bridles in braiding, per piece 18/, 24/, and 2 gun slings in ditto, . . per piece 8/6 and 14 pieces saddle, horsecloth, and other girdles and halters.together 3 pair linen girdles per pair 1/11, 3/, and 2 pattern cards of edgings and girdles. Price. £. A-. d. 0 1 41 0 1 10 0 3 1 0 2 3 0 5 6 3/9 a 9/8 4/2 a 6/2 4/10 a 6/2 0 1 9 1/10 & 2/7 10c?. a 9/3 1 /3 a 4/6 5/a 11/4 48 0 0 6 0 0 4 16 0 1 10 0 0 13 6 7 19 0 0 3 5 No. 119 120 120a Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. GEORGE GABAIN, Silk Stuff Manufacturer (proprietors, Gropius Brothers), Berlin. —Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Silk and mixed silk stuffs, gold and silver stuffs, most of the patterns invented by the exhibitor, viz.: Hangings with gold broche and eagles, on a scarlet ground. Ditto on white ground. 3 patterns of gold brocade . . . per yard 1 pattern silver damask ... „ 2 patterns satin in gold and silver broche . „ 3 patterns brocades, with eagles . „ 2 ditto ditto, ours, scarlet, and carmine, gold broche 1 pattern satin lizere, 32 inches broad. „ 7 patterns brocades in different colours. „ 4 patterns palm. „ 2 ditto gros acanthus, blue and white. „ 2 patterns platanes a rosette, car¬ mine and green. „ 2 patterns Sans-Envers .... „ 1 ditto ditto .... „ 9 ditto damask in different colours „ 1 ditto ditto white, 21 inches broad. „ 2 patterns ditto white ... „ 15 ditto gros de Pologne in dif¬ ferent colours. „ 1 pattern Scotch velvet .... „ 3 ditto gros de Berlin, 29 inches broad . . „ 1 pattern glace d’ete .... „ 5 ditto glace de Berlin ... „ 1 ditto petit glace, fine black, 29 inches broad. „ Backs of fauteuils, 9 galloons, 1 fringe. Cl. C. KIRSTEIN, Merchant, Hirschberg. XIV.—G. s. Various linen goods, woven by hand from yarn bought and prepared by the exhibitor for exportation to America : 4 pieces of white linen, 3 of which are manu¬ factured from hand yarn and 1 piece with weft of hand yarn and warp of machine yarn, of 43|, 37, 37, and 37 yards, each 61., 41. 10s., 21. 2s., and 4 pieces of half-linen of 22 yards . . each 6 linen pocket handkerchiefs . . per doz. 6 cambric handkerchiefs ... ,, 1 piece of white lawn .... ,, Patterns of flowered lawns, per piece of 7J yds. C. KIRSTEIN, Merchant, Hirschberg.— Cl. II.—FI. s. Drugs collected in the neighbourhood of Hirschberg, viz.: fr. Hamburgh. Iceland moss.j' per cwt. Dried bilberries Lovage Hellebore . Baldrian Angelica . . Price. £. s. d. 2 14 6 2 6 3 1 13 6 0 19 0 0 17 0 11/a 14/ 20/a 21/ 10 0 16/ & 15/3 0 12 6 0 12 6 * 12/ a 13/3 0 10 9 0 7 9 7/9 a 9/9 0 18 9 0 8 3 0 5 6 0 7 0 0 7 0 1 10 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 10 4 1 2 3 1 15 6 1 3 8 1 9 8 16 8 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 33 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. 5. d. .21 HEIRS OF G. SEYLER, Linen Dealers, 1 web of 6/4 creas, per web of 43| yards 13 6 Wiistewaltersdorf District of Walden- 1 web of 5/4 unbleached ticking, per piece burg.— Cl. XIY.—G. s. of 43| yards. 1 7 0 2 pieces of rouanes linen, improved and 1 web of 5/4 unbleached ticking, per piece finished in the dressing establishment of of 65^ yards . 1 7 6 the exhibitors, 8/4 broad and each 58 yards 12 different sorts of 11/8 clarified creas, per long . . . per piece 21. 12s. 6 d. and 2 9 6 length of 65^ yards. 37/a 81/ 1 piece of ditto, per length of 65^ yards 2 5 9 .22 WEBSKY and SON, Manufacturers of Linen 6 different sorts of linen napkins, per dozen 4/7 a 16/6 Goods, Wiistegiersdorf, District of Wal- 3 different sorts of 12/4 by 12/4 suits of table denburg.— Cl. XIY.—G. s. linen, each set with 6 napkins, per suit 14/3 a 18/3 Prices fr. Hamburgh. 1 dozen of 3/4 doylies. 0 6 6 Linen for exportation to America, viz. : 4 pieces of platilles, 109 feet long, 30 inches 129 JOH. CHRYS, PRENTZEL, Greiffenberg.— broad.per 200 pieces 180 0 0 Cl. XIV.—G. s. 4 pieces ditto, ditto ... ,, 187 10 0 6 different sorts of handkerchiefs with woven 1 piece rouanes, 151 feet long, 41 inches broad cotton borders, worked on a common per 25 pieces 48 15 0 loom, viz.:— 1 piece ditto ditto ,, 57 15 0 No 600, 4/4 .per doz. 0 12 9 1 piece ditto ditto ,, 65 5 0 900,4/4 . „ 0 19 6 1 piece ditto ditto „ 72 15 0 1200,9/8 . 1 8 6 1300, 9/8 . „ 1 11 6 .23 MEYER KAUFFMANN, Manufacturer, 1000, 5/4 . „ 13 3 Schweidnitz .—Cl. XV.—FI. s. 1200, 5/4 . „ 1 8 6 3 pieces 6/4 half-linen Jacquard drill, of (To be sold.) various quality and colour, for covering furniture. 130 TSCHORN and BURGEL, Linen Manufac¬ 1 piece 4/4 half-woollen damask, exhibited turers, Wiistegiersdorf .—Cl. XIV.—G. s. on account of the blending of the colours 4 pieces of linen for shirts, manufactured by and the pattern used. the exhibitors, 1 yard broad, 43ft yards 2 pieces 5/4 half-linen stuff for summer long:— clothing. Pieces Nos. 1 and 2, unbleached, per piece 36/a 57/ Pieces Nos. 3 and 4, bleached . „ 45/a 69/ 24 RIMANN and GEISLER, Hirschberg.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. 131 C. F. SCHILDKNECHT, Woollen and Cotton 4 pieces (each of 38 yards) of bleached linen, f 1 8 6 Manufacturer, Berlin .—Cl. XV.—FI. s. manufactured by weavers in the neigh-1 2 0 6 4 pieces of satins d’Amerique, for furniture bourhood, warp of machine yarn, weft of j 2 2 0 of Agava americana .... per yard 0 1 9 hand yarn.per piece ( 3 0 0 5 different fancy woollen shawls .... 10/6 a 12/ • _ Q sha.wls half-silk. 12/9 a 24/9 25 ERNST ENGEL, Ropemaker, Gorlitz .—CL 2 long shawls, plain woollen . . . each 0 15 0 XXVIII.—G. s. 2 woollen shawls.„ 0 9 6 An ornamental game bag and different arti¬ cles manufactured in strings ; extra fine 132 SUSSMANN and WIESENTHAL, Woollen double and triple sewing yarn. Stuff Manufacturers, Berlin.— Cl. XV.— TT1 c 27 A. E. STILLER and SON, Linen Ware Ma¬ L 1 • S • Different woollen and mixed stuffs, manu¬ nufacturers, Sorau .—Cl. XIV.—G. S. factured entirely by the exhibitors, viz.: 4 suits of table-linen, half-linen and linen. 0 9 0 19 pieces 14/4 long shawls of wool, in 4 ticking, and ditto damask, consisting of 11 0 15 0 different patterns .... per piece 14/3 a 33/ table-cloth 10/4 broad, 20/4 long, and 12 j 0 15 9 2 pieces 14/4 w r oollen tartans . „ 8/3 a 12/ napkins 5/4 broad, 5/4 long . per suit ( 1 5 6 2 pieces long shawls of wool and cotton, 4 ditto ditto, but the table cloth 12/4 broad 11/, 21,18/, with fringes.per piece 0 12 0 per suit & 31/6 3 pieces 14/4 shawls, ditto, ditto „ 7/6 a 10/ 4 pieces 14/4 shawls of wool, cotton, and 28 C. G. KRAMSTA and SONS, Linen Manu¬ silk, with fringes .... per piece 6/9 a 10/6 facturers, Freiburg , district of Schweidnitz. 15 pieces different, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 10/4, and —Cl. XIV.—G. s. 12/4, shawls of wool and cotton, with Prices fr. Hamburgh, discount 4 per cent. fringes.per piece 10(7. a 4/9 8 hanks of raw linen yarn, per hank or per 1 3 pieces 7/4 and 14/4 ditto, interwoven 10 lees. 1/5 a 2/ with cotton, with fringes . per piece 6/a 15/ 1 8 hanks 6/4 bleached linen, per piece of 1 piece 14/4 shawl, interwoven with cotton 38 yards . 20/9 a 45/ and silk, with fringes. 1 4 0 1 hank 6/4 raw linen, per piece .... 0 17 9 5 pieces 14/4 shawls, interwoven with wool 4 hanks creas, per piece. 27/9 a 45/ and silk, with fringes . . per piece 18/ a 30/ 16 pieces of platilles of 4 qualities, per 200 1 long shawl, broche, ditto, with fringes . 3 0 0 pieces of 38 yards .... 187Z. 10s. a 238 10 0 6 pieces of different stuffs, wool with cotton 1 web of bleached linen 6%, per web of per yard 0 1 0i 4.3| yards. 6 0 0; I: EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name aad Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. 1 £. s. d. 133 MAX MEYER and CO., Silk Manufacturers. 137 PHILIP COHN and Co., Woollen Manu¬ —Cl. XIII.—FI. s. facturers, Berlin. —Cl. XV.—FI. s. 4 pieces half-silk plush, viz.:— ! 2 Valparaiso shawls of cotton . per doz. 9 0 0 1 piece brown, 1 piece dark brown, 1 piece ; 1 Selmar shawl of twisted English great striped (jaspe), 1 piece small warp, No. 60, and German carded striped (chine).per yard 0 5 6 woollen weft yarn.,, 4 4 0 ! 1 Clavigo shawl.,, 3 12 0 3 Clara (1 long) shawls, of silk, Ger- 134 OPDENHOFF and HARTUNG, Shawl and 1 man woollen yarn and English Cloth Manufacturers, Berlin. —Cl. XV. twisted warp.4?. 10s. a 7 10 0 —FI. s. 3 Valparaiso shawls, cotton ... ,, 9 0 0 2 pieces 12/4 and 14/4 plaids . per piece 4/9 a 5/9 1 Angelica shawl, cotton. ... ,, 3 12 0 3 ditto 14/4 tartan .... „ 0 7 6 1 Parisienne shawl, ditto . . . ,, 3 18 0 4 ditto tartan long shawls . . „ 0 13 0 2 Emilia shawls, mixed stuff, ditto ,, 4 4 0 4 ditto with thousand squares . ,, 0 13 6 10 different long shawls, mixed. . 61. 6s. a 8 2 9 4 ditto tartan. „ 0 15 0 1 bella shawl mixed and floret silk ,, 6 15 0 1 ditto ditto. „ 1 0 3 2 long shawls, German woollen yarn ,, 8 8 0 2 ditto Genova and lustrine shawls „ 12/9 a 18/ 3 long shawls, woollen, with Jac¬ 3 ditto 14/4 Genova, Patkul, and quards worked.,, 8 8 0 Oka cloths. „ 6/9 a 7/ 1 long shawl, woollen .... ,, 9 18 0 1 ditto pierced velvet cloth . „ 0 17 3 2 ditto velvet shawls with bor- 138 HEINRICH LEHMANN, Glover, Berlin.— dures and Resilla cloth 21/9 a 24/0 Cl. XX.—FI. s. 2 ditto 14/4 Vigenna and Scho- I. Gentlemen’s gloves, viz. letto cloth. „ 12/9 a 12/6 2 pair of deer skin, oversewn, white and 2 ditto Cabyle cloth, with corners colotired.per doz. 2 5 0 and tapir cloth. „ 8/3 a 12/9 2 pair of goat’s skin, natural colour 2 ditto Renaissance cloths . . „ 13/6 a 15/ and white. ,, 1 7 0 1 pierced cachemir long shawl . „ 2 8 0 2 pair of castor, ditto .... ,, 0 19 6 2 pair of goat’s skin, glace, sewed j 1 13 0 135 H. PINTUS, JUN., and CO., Woollen Manu- with quilted seams and fcross stitches „ j 1 11 6 facturers, Brandenburg on the Havel .— 1 pair ditto, straw colour ... ,, 1 7 9 Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 pair of lamb’s skin, finest glace. ,, 0 19 6 i Several stuffs for common ladies’ mantles, II. Ladies’ gloves :— made of yarn of carded homegrown and 1 pair of goat’s skin, glace, fashion¬ fine spun wool, and elastic woven, so that able colour. ,, 1 4 0 it takes no breaks or folds by being knit 1 pair of lamb’s skin glace. . . ,, 0 17 3 together:— — 2 pieces of embroidered lama . per yard 5/3 & 6/ 139 L. KONIG, Dealer in Peltries and Furs, 4 ditto cashmeer with silk . „ 0 6 6 Berlin.— Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 1 ditto cashmeer .... „ 0 7 0 A fur-camail, composed from tails of narz, 3 ditto double chine ... „ 0 6 0 lined with miniver. 11 5 0 1 ditto chine. ,, 0 4 6 3 ditto ermines .... „ 0 5 6 140 ADOLPH LUSK, Saddler, Berlin.— Cl. XVI. 1 ditto cashmeer .... „ 0 6 6 and XXVIII.—FI. s. 1 ditto imperial .... ,, 0 4 6 Walking sticks in calf leather with leaden knobs (life preservers), cane coloured, 138 D. J. LEHMANN, Manufacturer of Woollen light and dark striped, and plaited per doz. 19/6«1/13/ and Mixed Goods, Berlin. —Cl. XIX.— Ditto strong, flat, cane coloured, FI. s. Agents, Ullmann, Hirsciihorn, with leather knobs .... ,, 1 16 0 & Co,, 2, IValbrook Buildings. Riding sticks in calf leather, with 15 pieces of velours d’Utrecht, of linen knobs and hooks . . . . , ,, 16/6 a 1 5 6 yarn, double twist, and mohair yarn, for Ditto, thorn, with leaden knobs . ,,1/13/ a 1 19 0 furniture and draperies :— Ditto, thorn, with ivory lion heads „ 4 1 0 No. 0 . . . per yard. 11/4 a 0 9 4 Riding whips in leather . . « „ 1/1/ a 1 16 0 No. 1 ,, . 6/6 a 0 5 10 Ditto, in leather. ,,3/12/ a 4 4 0 No. 2 . . . „ 4/10 a 0 5 4 Life preservers. ,, 16/6 n 1 5 6 Damasked, per yard, 6c?. more. 30 pieces plush for caps, waistcoats, collars, 141 JOHN BECHERER, Whip Manufacturer, coats, and linings, of the same yarn in 8 Berlin. —Cl. XXVIII.—FI. s. different sorts :— Eight pattern cards of 144 cane, whalebone, Nos. 0 and 1 . per yard. 4/2, 0 3 5 gut string, and other whips. Price per Nos. 2 3. „ 2/9, 0 2 1 doz..— Coat-plush . . ,, 3/9, 0 3 1 Card No. I.£0 2 0 a 1 1 0 Plush waistcoats ,, 0 6 10 II.0 4 0 a 1 16 0 19 pieces of cloth and double shawls, and 3 III.14 0 a 4 10 0 pieces of cloak stuff, partly of carded IV.0 7 6 a 1 5 6 woollen and partly of cotton yarn. V.0 16 6 a 1 16 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 35 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &«;. Card No. VI.1 16 0 YII.1 16 0 VIII.0 19 6 G. F. GRUTZMACHER and SONS, Leather Manufacturers, Stettin. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 2 brown calf skins.per lb. The tan works of the Exhibitors employ, besides the common labourers, 10 foremen leather workers. ALBERT KOPPE, Leather and Papier Mache Worker, Berlin. — Cl. XXVI. — G. n. Agents : A. and S. Joseph Meyers & Co. 2 cases with an assortment of papier mache and leather works. 1 case with a Christmas tree, mirror, and glass paintings. The Exhibitor supplies chiefly the em¬ broiderers with such work. A. BEYERHAUS, Engraver to the King, Berlin. —Cl. XXIX.—G. n. A case with gilded frame, containing im¬ pressions of Chinese types, cut in steel and cast in copper, which have been executed by order of the American Missionary Society at New York. There are about 4000 stamps, which will produce 24,000 different cha¬ racters. Matrices are to be sold, per piece EBART, BROTHERS, Berlin.— Cl. XVII.— G. n. The Paper Mill at Spechthausen , and the Pasteboard Manufactory at Weitlage , near Neustadt- JEbersw. Samples of paper made by machine and by hand, the first sized in the pulp with animal glue, the latter mixed with chemical sub¬ stances (for bank notes). Samples of pasteboards for glazing and for roof covering. Price. £. a 3 a 6 a 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 No. 148 P. GLANZ, Sealing Wax Maker, Berlin. —Cl, XXVIII.— G. n. 9 different kinds of sealing vrax, viz.:—■ 10 carmine (A without brown shine), per lb, 4 carmine vermilion.„ 4 carmine cinnabar.. 1 superfine .„ 1 ditto.„ 1 extra fine . „ 1 ditto.. Different kinds of middle and common „ Different kinds of black .... „ Different kinds of gold and coloured ,, Different kinds of common per cwt. 2/7/6 a The price of the whole collection JACOB LTEPMANN, Painter, Berlin.— Cl. XXVI.—G. n. 1. A prepared colour for printing, with a plate in rilievo, with which the impression is effected. 2. The holy Magdalene, after Murillo, as a proof of the invented manner of printing . 3. Another prepared colour for printing em¬ broideries in the manner of hangings, with some prints effected with the same colour per yard. 4/10 a 14/7! 7/3 a 11/8 6/10 a 10/2 0 4 10 0 5 10 0 3 11 0 4 4 9 d. a 4/4 Id. a 5/10 3/8 a 8/9 4 9 0 6 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 5 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Descrip ion of Article, &c. 4. The portrait of the painter Kupetzky, in the same manner, upon a ground of plaster of Paris. 5. Christ upon a ground of wax .... 6. Amor upon paper with oil. 7. Frederick the Great upon pasteboard with oil .. 149 150 R. DECKER, chief Printer toH. M. the King, Publisher and Type Founder, Berlin *•— Cl. XVII.—G. w. The New Testament of our Saviour Jesus Christ, after the German edition of Dr. Martin Luther, of the year 1545, great elephant folio, with illustrations after de¬ signs by Cornelius and Kaulbach, and ini¬ tials in the manner of Adalberg Muller, executed in wood by Unzelmann, A. Vo¬ gel, O. Vogel, &c. The paper is of Berlin manufacture ; the binding by Vogt, binder to the Court; the ornaments on the covers by Netto. The Bible, or the whole of the Sacred Scrip¬ tures, royal 8vo., unbound, wholesale price. The same, small 8vo., unbound, wholesale price. The same on better paper, unbound, whole¬ sale price . The New Testament and the Psalms, minia¬ ture edition, unbound, wholesale price . The same on better paper, unbound, whole¬ sale price. The first 5 vols. of the works of Frederic the Great; splendid edition, in 4to., printed by order of His Majesty the King. The first 16 vols. of the same works, in royal 8vo., edition for the trade, price in boards Specimens of the exhibitor’s types, printed expressly for the Exhibition, 290 pages, in imperial 4to. Steel stamps and proofs of cast letters. Galvanoplastic reproductions of woodcuts and ornamental letters. Brass rules for printing. Specimens of copper matrices. WILL. LEISEGANG, Bookbinder to the King, Berlin.— Cl. XVII.—G. N. A case containing an album in red-brovra velvet, richly gilt in Roccoco style, with 45 loose cartoned leaves and lock (to be sold) 1’iice. L. V. D. OSTEN, Card Manufacturer, Stral- sund.— Cl. XVII. and XIX.—FI. s. 4 packs of whist cards, engraved . per pack 2 packs of cards for ladies, ditto . ,, 2 carpets.each 2 tablecovers of different sizes ,, 2 large pictures printed upon muslin . ,, 2 smaller ditto.. 2 true copies of a very rare print of a wood engraving by Albert Diirer . . . each The goods are printed upon elastic plates, invented by Furchau, in oil. The pictures upon muslin may be washed, whereby the painting is rather improved than other- £. s. d. 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 3 6 0 2 6 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 16 0 0 4 0 0 6 3 16 9 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 12 0 0 9 0 0 4 6 0 3 0 36 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. I ■ No. 151 G. L. WUTTIG, Paper Maker, Pulverkrug.- Cl. XVII.—G. n. 152 153 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Coloured paper of 4 different qualities and sizes.per cwt. CARL KUHN and SONS, Bookbinders and Manufacturers in Leather, Berlin .—Cl. XVII.— G. n. 5 account books in green and brown morocco leather, and in calf and sheep leather per piece 1/17/6 a 3 ditto of 5, 6, and 4 quires, ruled, per piece 1/1/6 a 1 large case for preserving prints, in red mo¬ rocco leather, gilded. 2 minister’s and 2 bill portfolios, per piece 19 /> 1 single, 2 three divided, and 1 portfolio in bronze leather . . per dozen 1/8/6 a 1 pattern of coloured prints, the bale of 3 reams, the ream 480 leaves. 3 bank-note books in morocco leather per piece 2 portfolios (souffles) in morocco leather] per piece] 3 albums, in velvet and morocco leather, ( per piece 1 6 different cigar etuis . per dozen 1/16/ a 12 money cases ... „ 16/6 a 4 portfolios .... per piece 15/6 a 2 books in octavo, ruled and not ruled . 1 note-book in chamois leather . per doz. 3 ditto in coloured leather. 154 155 156 Price. OTTO SCHAEFER and SCHEIBE, Fancy Paper Manufacturers, Berlin. —Cl. XVII. —G. N. 2 cases with specimens of fancy and other papers, embossed and visiting cards 2 glass cases with specimens of papeterie in boxes and portfolios, as well as other fancy art?*' es of the same kind. 1 pattern book with specimens of fancy pa¬ pers, envelopes, and cards. H. SCHOENING, Book Binder, Berlin.— Cl. XVII.—G. n. An album in dark red velvet gilded. An altar bible in morocco leather. J. G. WAGNER, Jun., Mechanician to His Majesty the King and Art Member of the Royal Academy, Berlin. —Cl. X.—El. s. A frame with sheets containing proofs of en¬ graving in copper and steel, of lithography, wood and metal engraving, both in general and for the ornamenting of papers of value, especially machines for ruling (etching de¬ signs) and rose-engines, ditto for the rilievo copying machine, the latter according to the execution of the exhibitor. W. MOESER and KUEHN, Printers, Berlin. —Cl. XVII. —G. n. Reference to Mr. Green, 17, Gougli-square , Fleet-street. Patterns of inimitable papers of value, new £. s. d. 3 8 2 19 2 10 1 9 3 10 6 1 3 3 7 10 0 1 10 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 10/3 a 10/9 15 6 1 6 6 1 0 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 4 13 0 4 13 0 1 6 0 9/a 8/6/ 1 16 0 1 14 6 No. 157 158 159 160 161 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. invention of the exhibitors.—The paper distinguishes itself from any other by its peculiar appearance, andpossesses, together with its glassy property, a particular stout¬ ness and a secret characteristic not to be imparted to any other paper.—The print¬ ing in 3 or more colours is effected by a novel process, and with a degree of preci¬ sion not to be attained by any other method. SIEGFR. N. KARSCHELITZ, Woollen Stuff Manufacturer, Berlin. —Cl. XXVIII.— El. s. 6 pieces of printed cachemir tablecloths, viz.: No. 15. No. 1. No. 2. No. lie. No. 16. Price. T. TRAUTWEIN’S Book and Music Magazine (J.Gtjttentag), Berlin.— Cl.XVII.—G. N. An industrial map of Central Europe, on linen in a case, upon which everything which is important to trade and industry is shown by marks and colours .... Ditto upon rollers. A. STEPHAN & CO., Berlin.— Cl. XVHL— G. s. Lining calicoes in sundry colours and finish¬ ings, remarkable for their colours, and exhibited on that account. HERRM. SCHLEUSS, Berlin.— Cl. XIX.- Fl. N. A fire-screen. Different embroideries in mosaic, &c. per yard per piece £. s. d. STIEF and HARRASS, Silk Manufacturers, Potsdam. —Cl. XIII.-—FI. s. Authorised Agents, J. A. Hoffmann & Co., 18, Law- : cnce-lane, Gresham-street. 2 patterns of an artificial weaving in silk, the latter being a product obtained at Sans Souci in the year 1848. The texture represents the shell or Neptune’s Grotto built at Sans Souci by Frederic the Great, and is remarkable for the ability displayed in the execution. The designs, &c., have had their exclusive origin in the establish¬ ment of the exhibitors. Sundry gentlemen’s neckerchiefs, 4/4 and 2/4.per doz. Waistcoat Stuffs: Silken, 5 coupons .... „ 34 „ .... Silken, mixed with cotton : 4 coupons . 63 „. 3 JJ . Embroidered Waistcoats 1 silk mixed with cotton . 3 silk. Exhibited on account of the excellence of the articles. 13 /a 1/5/6 0 18 0 15 6 14 0 18 6 1 1 6 1 4 6 36/a 54/ 0 8 0 8 6 4 5 74 0 5 10 0 6 6 9/a 9/6 PRICED LIST OF 20LLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 37 Jo. 62 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. SEIFFERT and CO., Manufacturers of Em¬ broidery Patterns, Berlin .—Cl. XIX.— FI. s. A pattern for embroidery, exhibited on ac¬ count of the beauty of the drawing, as well as of the new and careful fittings in brown wooden frames. For particulars, inquire of Hermann Kaysek, 35, Aldermanbury. 3 12 0 63 C. A. KOENIG, Tapestry Manufacturer to the Queen of Prussia, Berlin .—Cl. XIX. —FI. n. (The yarn is spun in Gotha and Langensalza, and dyed in Berlin.) A large carpet in cross-stitch, 13£ feet long, and 10 feet broad, of coloured wool and silk, after drawings especially prepared for the Exhibition. A bed-screen in three wings, in cross-stitch, from original drawings in wool and silk, with rosewood fittings. A chimney screen on silk canvas. Cockatoo on flowers, in plush manner, and cut . 2 stitched pieces of work in petit point in silk, under glass frame. 1 cradle quilt, filet work, in silk .... 35 5 2 6 0 5 8 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 64 B. BURCHARDT and SONS, Oil Cloth, Car¬ pet, and Window Blind Manufacturers, Berlin. — Cl. XIX.— FI. s. G. n. 2 pieces 4/4 broad printed oil-cloth, the piece of 8| yds. 3 1 1/8 4 6/4 3 13/8 „ „ 2 8/4 „ 2 8/4 broad printed round table covers.per doz. 1 piece 8/4 broad painted ditto . „ 1 „ 8/4 „ card table cover „ 1 8/4 2 different painted window blinds with land¬ scapes .per doz. 3 ditto. „ 1 ditto, with figures .... „ 1 piece 9/8 broad oil cloth for rooms with borders .... per piece of 7£ yds. 2 pieces 9/8 broad ditto, without border . „ 1 piece 14/4 broad of double varnished coach cloth.per piece of 8| yds. 1 piece double varnished oil cloth for sofa.per piece 1 piece 8/4 broad hair cloth per piece of 32f yds. 6 pieces different painted wire blinds per doz. A card with patterns of oil cloth hat linings, pressed and un¬ pressed, 6/4 broad . per piece of 8f yds. 0 10 6 0 12 0 0 11 6 0 12 9 0 15 0 2 8 0 3 6 0 1 10 0 1 1 0 3 12 0 36/a 66/ 4 10 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 1 10 0 0 15 0 2 5 0 39/a 42/ ll/3al3/6 No. 166 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. GRUENTHAL, Embroidery Pattern Maker, Berlin.- Cl. XVII.—G. n. Price. £. s. d. 14 different patterns for embroidery : Ne¬ groes washing; Concealing the Scottish crown in the church of Kinneff', a.d. 1651; Lady Jane Grey refusing to accept the English crown ; General Washington ; David takes the spear and drinking cup of Saul; carpet pattern with medals ; the cho¬ risters ; the Flight out of Egypt; Madonna and Child; boy playing; corner embroi¬ dery ; embroidery of trees and flowers; seat of a chair ; back of a chair. 167 M. LEHMANN, Oil Cloth Manufacturer, Berlin. —Cl. XIX.—FI. s. Agents, Jo¬ nas Simon sen and Co., 46, Lime-street. 2 pieces of 54 inches broad and 8f yards long black oil cloth .... per piece 2 pieces of 64 inches broad and 8f yards long black oil cloth .... per piece 4 pieces of 54 inches broad and 8f yards long coloured oil cloth . . . per piece 4 pieces round table covers . . per doz. 4 pieces different window blinds „ A carpet without seam, worked in one piece, with bordure on a new principle, invented by the exhibitor. A specimen of ordinary cloth. Two specimens of elastic waterproof roofs for railway carriages. The last three specimens with a varnish invented by the exhibitor. 0 16 0 19/a 21/ 17/6al8/6 48/a 81/ 60/a 198/ 7 2 0 168 F. W. NEIE, Embroidery Pattern Maker, Berlin .—Cl. XVII.—G. n. Two patterns for fire screens, the one with an oriental landscape, and embroideries with flowers; the other with flowers upon a marble plate; both with framings ; a new composition, to be sold for. 6 0 0 169 C. F. W. PAREY, Maker of Embroideries, Berlin .— Cl. XIX.—FI. N. A carpet with embroideries in wool . 37 10 0 170 P. TRUEBE (RUDLOFF, BROTHERS), Embroidery Pattern Maker, Berlin .— Cl. XVII.—G. N. Three coloured patterns, viz.:— 1. Cardinal Ximenes. 2. Laban and Jacob. 3. Hagar in the desert. 2 14 0 1 10 0 0 10 6 A. TODT, Embroidery Pattern Maker, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. 7 patterns for embroidery, viz.: a dog, a cat, 2 borders with flowers, figures, and 2 arabesques. W. LIPKE, Felt Manufacturer, Berlin .— Cl. XIX.—G. s. 4 rugs of machine felt.each 2 „ woven stuff'. „ 1 carpet of machine felt. 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 172 C. F. W. ADOLPHI, Proprietor of the Shoe Shop of C. Heefrich, Berlin .—Cl. XX.— FI. s. 1 pair of white satin lady’s boots 1 „ of lady’s boots of French prunello, black. 0 7 6 0 4 6 38 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 173 174 175 176 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, Sic. 1 pair of lady’s boots in varnished leather of bright colour..• 1 pair ditto with heels, of goat’s leather, with waterproof soles. l.pair of morning shoes in morocco leather, lined with satin. 1 pair of French shoes, iti bronze leather 1 pair ditto in white satin. 1 „ of child’s boots. 1 „ ditto, higher. 1 „ of over shoes with metal springs B. SOMMERFELD, Embroidery Manufac¬ turer, j Berlin. —Cl. XIX.—FI. N.—Agent Carl Schwebemeyer, 314, Oxford-street A fine embroidered altar-cloth. A Scotch landscape in wool . . Moses in Midian .. A plush Bouquet and a dog . . 1 portfolio embroidered with leather 2 ditto cigar-boxes .... per dozen 2 ditto note-books, and 1 porte-monnaie „ 2 ditto spectacle etuis .... „ 2 pair of braces.the pair 2 pieces hooked lampcloths. . . per piece 3 ditto purses.per dozen 4 ditto hooked and 2 short purses per piece 2 ditto embroideries in petit point „ Commenced oreillers .... „ Ditto cigar etuis and portfolios 2 pair ditto shoes .... 2 hooked caps. 1 cap hooked with gold thread 2 pair hooked children’s shoes 3 pair of pearl plates (figures) 3 ditto. per pair per piece per dozen . per piece BECKH BROTHERS, Carpet Manufacturers, Berlin. —Cl. XIX.—FI. s. Brussels carpet, closed figure in Turkish style, 4§ yards long, 3§ yards broad . . Ditto, with flowers, 3§ yds. long, 3 yds. broad Ditto, with arabesques, 3 yds. long, 2j broad 2 carpets, with figures, 3 yds. long, 2^ broad 2 ditto, 2i yds. long, \% yds. broad . . . A. F. DINGLINGER, Carpet Manufacturer, Berlin. —Cl. XIX.—FI. s. The worsted yarn is spun in the exhibitor’s mill at Hirschberg in Silesia. 1 cut carpet, 4§ and 5| yards, with figures . 1 ditto, 3 and 3 § yards. 1 ditto, 2£ and 3 yards. 2 ditto, H and 2£ yards. 2 ditto, \\ and 2£ yards 2 bed carpets .... 2 ditto.. „ 4 pocket velours .per y ar( I Price. £. s. d. 0 5 6 0 5 6 per piece LOUIS GLUER, Embroidery Designer to the King, and Academical Artist, Berlin. —Cl. XIX — G. n. 3 patterns of embroidery: The Descent from the Cross, after Rubens George Washington ....... Albert Prince of Wales. 37 10 8 5 6 6 0 15 2 5 4 10 3 12 2 14 0 17 5/ a 8/ 3 0 0 8/3 & 6/ 0 7 0 0 13 6 3/6 a 4/6 0 3 9 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 14 0 6/a 12/ 0 2 3 6 15 0 6 0 0 1 10 0 3 6 0 1 16 0 13 10 3 12 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 No. 177 178 179 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 180 181 P. AN DRESEN, Shoemaker to the Queen, Berlin. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. Shoes, fastened with wooden pegs, invented and perfected by the exhibitor, viz.: 1 pair of morning shoes, with gold embroidery 2 pairs of top boots.per pair j 2 pairs of cork-soled boots in varnished and ( calf leather.) 1 pair of dress boots (Hessian) for hussar officers . 2 pairs of varnished leather boots. per pair 1 pair of overshoes for the same .... 2 pairs of fine calf-leather boots . per pair 1 pair of overshoes for the same .... 3 pairs of low boots in leather and buckskin per pair 18/, 15/ and 1 pair of varnished dress shoes 1 glass case with wooden pegs .... FREYSTADT BROTHERS, Hatters, Berlin. — Cl. XX. — FI. s. — Agents : Krohn Brothers, 1, Bread-street. 1 silk hat upon felt .... per dozen 2 ditto. ?> 2 ditto Price. £. s. d. 6 0 1 16 2 5 2 5 0 18 0 1 7 0 15/ & 24/ 0 10 0 9/ & 12/6 0 9 0 2 ditto, upon chip . . . 1 lady’s riding hat with veil of 6 to 7 ounces. To be sold. Cl. S. PLESSNER, Glove Maker, Berlin. XX.—FI. s. 3 pair of buckskin gloves . . . per pair 1 dozen of gentlemen’s goatskin gloves (for washing).per dozen 1 dozen of goatskin gloves for la¬ dies (for washing) . » 1 dozen of gentlemen’s gloves, glace and with one principal seam . „ 1 dozen of gloves for ladies, glace and with one principal seam . „ 6 pair of ornamented ladies’ gloves, the pair 2 pair of fine washleather and silk braces each G. C. WOLTER, Glover, Berlin. —Cl. XX.—- FI. s. 1 dozen coloured gentlemen’s goatskin gloves per dozen 4 dozen different ladies’ goatskin gloves. >> 3 dozen different ladies’ lambskin gloves. • » 6 pair of gentlemen’s buckskin do. ,, 3 pair of ladies’ dress gloves . . 3 pair of fancy gloves .... „ German manufacture. E. SELDTS, Hatter, Berlin.— Cl. XX.—FI. s. —Agent: Carl Schwebemeyer, 314, Oxford-street. Various hats without seams, for. the most part prepared from useless or rejected ma¬ terials by the exhibitor. The form consists 0 15 0 7 0 7 36/ & 27/ 9 0 C o 4 e 1 4 C 0 18 ( 1 10 ( 1 4 ( 0 4 < 0 7 ( 1 5 < 1 1 < 0 14 2 2 3 6 0 9 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 39 No. Name aud Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. Price. 1 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. in one piece, and is neither glued nor 185 F. SCHNEIDER, Glover, Potsdam.— Cl. XX. sewed, viz.: FI. s. 8 black silk gentlemen’s hats . per piece 9 /a 13/ 1 doz. lambskin gloves .... per doz. 0 15 0 13 felt hats for gentlemen, ladies, 1 doz. goatskin gloves .... ,, 1 4 0 and girls, smoothed, brushed, and Goods and box to be sold. cut of different colours, also hunt- ing hats with feathers ... „ 10/ a 19/6 6 gentlemen’s beaver hats, ditto for 186 S. VASSELandCo., Hatters, Berlin.— Cl. XX. ladies, light and dark brown and —FI. s. black.. „ 13/6 a 16/6 1 silk hat with velvet edges. 1 7 0 6 imitation felt hats. ,, 1/6 a 6/ 1 ditto with satin edges. 1 5 0 2 light moss-beaver hats with and 1 ditto. 1 4 0 without feathers ..... „ 18/& 13/6 4 different ditto; the hat marked No. 6 is 1 light otterskin hat with feather .... 0 18 0 made impenetrable to perspiration and 9 boys’ hats (felt, beaver, and silk) in dif- pommade by a felt lining . . . each 1 0 0 ferent colours, also 2 barretthats, per piece 6/ a 9/ 1 boy’s silk hat, Russian fashion .... 0 13 0 A knitted ground form. 0 1 3 1 boy’s grey beaver hat. 1 0 15 0 Different dolls’ hats .... per piece 6d. a 1/3 1 boy’s felt hat. 1 5 0 1 ditto for ladies.. 2 0 0 1 ditto black.each 1 10 0 L82 J. C. H. LIETZMANN, Leather Dresser, 2 Amazon silk hats (riding). 1 0 0 Rummelsburg near Berlin. — Cl. XVI. and 2 ditto silk hats, Russian shape .... 30s., 20s. XX.-FI. s. Articles of tanned leather, patented by the exhibitor, durable and warm to the feet, 186a W. MOHR, Shoemaker, Berlin.— Cl. XX.— viz.: FI. s. Boys’ shoes, small.per dozen 0 15 0 1 pair of white satin boots without heel . 0 13 6 Do. large. „ 0 18 0 1 ditto with heel. 0 15 0 Men’s shoes, small. „ 1 1 0 1 pair of boots, of chamois leather.... 0 9 0 Do. middle .... ,, 1 4 0 2 pair of ladies’ goloshes, with and without Do. large. „ 1 7 0 steel springs.per pair 12/, 10/6 6 pair of boot-legs (middle and full size) com¬ 1 pair ditto with an elastic strap (over larger plete, per doz. 1Z. 16s., 1Z. 19s., 2Z. 5s., and 2 11 0 sized shoes). 0 15 0 In black at the same price. 1 pair of gentlemen’s spatterdashes and 1 pair of varnished boots . . . the pair 21s., 30s. 1 pair of gentlemen’s goloshes of varnished 183 J. L. MUELLER, Shoemaker, Berlin. —Cl. leather. 0 15 0 XX.—FI. s. 1 pair of chamois boots with straps . . . 2 5 0 A gentleman’s boot for a deformed left foot. 2 8 0 1 pair of calfskin boots for a clump foot, A model in wood of the foot. 0 15 0 showing externally a well shaped one . 1 4 0 A last to the boot. 0 15 0 A model for these boots. 0 6 0 A pair of boots for deformed feet .... 1 16 0 Two lasts belonging to the boots .... 0 12 0 A model of the foot. 0 15 0 187 J. A. HENKELS, Cutler, Solingen and Berlin. A gentleman’s boot for a foot about 8 inches —Cl. XXI.—FI. n. too short. 1 16 0 Glass case No. 1, containing table-knives, Two models of feet in wood . 1 13 0 per doz.: — A gentleman’s boot with heels (about 7 inches 20 pair of different patterns . . . 4/9 a 2 11 0 too short) . 2 8 0 7 pair of different patterns (dessert) . 6/9 a 1 2 9 A lady’s boot with heels (about 8 inches too 3 pair of different patterns (dessert) . 6/ a 1 11 6 short). 1 4 0 1 pair of butter and cheese knives 2 0 3 A work on Artificial Shoemaking by the ex¬ 1 oyster knife. 0 16 0 hibitor . 0 3 0 1 fish fork . 2 3 3 Exhibited on account of the utility of the in¬ 3 pair of carving forks . . . . 1Z. 10s. a 4 4 9 vention to persons having deformed feet. 3 bread knives . 6/9 a 2 8 0 To be sold. 1 butcher’s knife . 6 6 0 1 hunting knife . 1 9 6 Other different knives, as — kitchen, fancy, |l84 C. PFEIFFER, Shoemaker, Berlin. — Cl. XX. vegetable, beans, bacon, basket, children’s, —FI. s. tressier, sugar, picking, cutting, sharpen¬ j Shoes with nailed soles, viz.: — ing, and moulding knives, and oyster 1 1 pair of common boots . 0 12 0 breakers . 1/6 a 1 4 9 | 1 ditto overshoes for ditto, with springs . 0 9 6 Table knives and forks,and dessert blades4/6 a 0 13 6 1 ditto elegantly finished boots .... 0 13 6 Glass case No. 2. Scissors, paper, pen, and 1 ditto double soled boots (for winter) , 0 14 6 pocket knives, per doz.: — 1 ditto varnished boots, with red tops 0 18 0 3 tailor’s scissors . 13/6 a 5 8 0 To be sold. 17 different shop scissors . . . . 4/6 a 1 16 0 5 different chirurgical scissors. . . 11/6 a 0 18 0 40 exhibition official catalogue advertiser. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 188 189 1 grape scissors.per doz. 2 rose scissors.15/9 a 9 different paper scissors . . . • 18/ a 32 different lady’s scissors .... 3/9 12 different nail scissors ‘ . . . • 7/6 a Other different sorts of pocket, hair, beard and fancy scissors.5/3 a 2 nail scissors.18/ a 2 nail file knives.7/6 a 1 paper knife. 1 pocket knife and spoon. 1 gardener’s knife. 1 sponge box knife. 6 different pocket knives . . . . 5/6 a 5 different ripping knives .... 3/6 a 10 pocket and pen knives .... 16/6 a 5 pen knives. 9/ a Different other knives, as corn knives, razors, &c.3/6 a 1 rule. 1 bow to a lady’s pocket. 1 folder and pen knife. 1 ditto ditto . 1 book marker. Nail files, needle boxes, glove hooks, &c. 3/ a Glass case No. 3. Sabres and other manu¬ factured steel, per doz.:— 2 tailor’s shears.4/. 10s. a 1 gardener’s shear. 1 ditto . 1 lamp trimmer. 1 ditto . 2 hunting knives. 31. 3s. c 1 bread knife .. 1 asparagus knife. 1 ditto . 1 champagne tweezers. 1 pair of horseshoe tongs. 1 knife sharpener. 1 dagger, in ebony.• 2 daggers, in ivory, 21. 5s. . . . massive 1 hunting knife. 1 ditto . 1 sabre blade (Damascus). 1 ditto . 3 sword blades (Damascus).... 12/ a 1 set of fire irons. Steel hilt for sabres.18/6 a Price. £. s. 1 10 2 5 3 18 1 19 0 16 C. BARDFELD, Glove Maker, Posen.— Cl. XX.—FI. s. 2 pair of buckskin trousers . . . each 6 pair of over sewn deerskin gloves per pair 1 pair of deerskin braces. 3 pair of embroidered ditto . . . each 2 pair of garters.per pair . J. ARNHEIM, bookmaker to the King, Berlin— Cl. XXII.—FI. N. Agents: Krohn Brothers, 1, Bread-street. A fireproof money case of iron, in modern style, which cannot be opened without in¬ struction. 17 4 8 13 6 12 12 0 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 8 0 19 2 0 0 18 0 16 0 16 10 10 2 14 6 4 6 16 11 10 14 13 19 14 4 4 0 2 0 12 2 14 1 19 0 12 3 15 No. 190 2 14 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 191 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 192 193 194 per doz. WILL. ZOBEL, Lamp Maker and Academic Artist, Berlin. —Cl. XXII. and XXYI. FI. s. An assortment of electro plated lamps, viz. 1 double arm sliding lamp with porcelain parts . . . .. 1 sliding lamp with china pedestal 2 ditto with metal pedestal . 2 ditto, smaller size .... 2 ditto, vase shaped .... 2 ditto ditto smaller size 1 lamp with regulator . . . 1 lamp with spring pressure . 1 spirit lamp . ..... 1 hand lantern, Gothic form . 2 brass sliding lamps . . . 1 hand lantern in brass . 1 ditto, varnished, with bronze decorations. Price £. s. d. 4Z. 10s. & 14 0 16 0 8 0 16 0 1 10 0 YON MINUTOLI, Counsellor, Liegnitz. Cl. XXX. and XXIV. A.- FI. n. Ruin of a Gothic church, in phello plastic work ; an attempt to execute Gothic archi¬ tecture instead of Roman, in cork. An attempt to use common pottery as an article of luxury for ovens, and to sup¬ port other branches of architecture: 1. Part of the setting of an oven (Renais¬ sance) ; 2. Earthen tiles in the Renaissance style for ovens in castles, &c.; 3. Various patterns. Cut and polished bottle of crystal glass, formed by Von Minutoli; executed by Finsch. S. LOEFF, Coffee Pot, Tea Pot, and Lamp Maker, Berlin. —Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. 6 patent porcelain coffee machines, contain¬ ing 3 to 18 cups, white, with gold edges 11/6 a 6 different tea pots, containing 12 to 24 cups 15/9 a 3 different sliding lamps of porcelain, white, with gold edges . per piece, 10/6,13/6, & 5 different table lamps of porcelain, with oil box, invented by the exhibitor, and placed between the glass bearer and the cylinder, by which the oil is returned to the last, white, with decorations per piece 1Z. 7s. a A. GAERTNER, Tinman, Stettin.— Cl.XXIII. —FI. s. A German silver birdcage.30 0 1 9 i 1 14 0 19 3 0 K. W. KUMMER, Counsellor, Berlin — Cl. X.—FI. n. Agents: Tootal and Browne, 73 and 74, Piccadilly. Globe in rilievo, of 4 feet diameter, consist¬ ing of two hemispheres to be put together, with a bronzed pedestal of papier mache ; proportion of elevation 1:10. The Ex¬ hibitor, in constructing this globe, has availed himself of the latest maps and of the suggestions of Professor Ritter. In the execution of the elevations regard has been had not only to the summits of the moun- PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 41 No. L95 L90 197 198 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. tains, but also to the highlands, rivers, and towns. Both the entire globe and single segments of the same are prepared for the blind; and, for such as enjoy vision, in 2 editions, the one only with the names in¬ dispensably necessary, the other, with more detail, containing the names even of the smallest places, so that the roads of caravans may be traced on it Price. £. s. d. 100 0 0 JULIUS ZOBEL, Tinman, Berlin. XXIII. and XXVI.—FI. s. Cl. each 2 2 1 4 1 11 1 4 1 1 2 Calla jEthiopica in tin 1 Amaryllis ditto. „ I 2 embossed fruit baskets . . . per doz. j 2 bread baskets with perforated borders „ I 2 ditto fine perforated .... „ To be sold. _ I H. KOLESCH, Locksmith, Stettin. — Cl. i XXII.— FI. n. An iron safe, the locks of which are so ar¬ ranged, that they cannot be opened by skeleton keys or any similar instruments; nor can they be opened by any one un¬ acquainted with the secret, even with the right key.I 82 10 A. F. LEHMANN, Iron Founder, Berlin.— Cl. XXIII.—FI. n. A decorated balcony. A gilt crucifix. 2 altar candlesticks.per pair A Warwick vase. A Victoria branch candlestick. An etagere. A group of fighting warriors. A fruit basket. A jewel case. 32 various small articles, viz.: statues, busts, pin cushions, writing desks, &c. per piece 17 various plated fancy articles, viz.: porte- monnaies, portfolios, bracelets, rings, bi'ooches, &c.per piece 65 various castings, viz.: bracelets, brooches, buckles, small crosses, &c. . . per piece 12 0 0 3 15 0 6 15 0 2 8 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 2 5 0 1 1 0 LEWY BROTHERS, Lamp and Japanned Goods Manufacturers, Frankfurt-on-the- Oder.— Cl. XXIII. and XXVI.—FI. s. Cast and japanned articles, per doz., viz.:— 5 lamps with pedestals of sheet and block tin 1 hanging lamp, one flame. 2 lamps. 4 candlesticks, baroque, rose, and shell form 2 glass candlesticks. 3 baskets, shell form and pierced .... 3 cases, Gothic ornamented. 1 knife basket. 1 green sugar box. 2 pails with covers. Water receivers for pipes, writing desks. 2 pattern cards with tin buttons’ and boxes, &c 0 18 0 j 1/6 a 15/ I 1/a 10/6 j l£rf. a 3/ ; 18/ a 30/ 2 14 0 1 10 0 8/ a 10/ 0 19 6 3/6 a 4/ 4/a 5/6 0 18 0 0 12 0 1 16 0 No. 199 200 201 202 203 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. C. H. STOBWASSER and Co., Japanners, Berlin .—Cl. XXIII. and XXVI.—FI. s. Agent: B. Hebeler, Prussian Consul General, 106, Fenchurch Street. 2 coffee trays, painted.each 1 ditto, imitation of agate. 2 ditto, 24 and 16 inches, ditto. . . each 2 bread baskets, imitation of agate . „ 3 coffee trays, imitation of malachite 45s., 29s., 2 bread baskets ditto.each 3 coffee trays, imitation of tortoise shell the piece 8/, 19/, & 2 bread baskets, ditto .... the piece 3 coffee trays, with flowers and fruits the piece 10/, 23/, & 2 bread baskets, ditto .... the piece 2 moderator lamps, in bronze, gilded „ 2 ditto, composition metal, gilded . „ 2 ditto ditto, bronzed. 1 slide lamp, German silver, with 2 burners. „ 4 ditto, German silver .... „ 1 ditto, with pedestal in bronze, No. 1 „ 2 ditto ditto No. 2 „ 1 ditto, in brass, with 2 burners . „ 4 ditto ditto. „ 2 sinumbra lamps, in bronze and gilded. „ £. s. d. 8 2 0 2 5 0 i 29/ & 14/ ! 0 9 0 !& 0 14 0 1 0 9 0 1 13 0 0 6 0 1 16 0 0 7 0 12 0 0 4 1 0 2 2 0 2 14 0 21/ a 27/ 2 14 0 1 8 0 1 13 0 7/6 a 17/ 3 15 0 F. A. EGELLS, Proprietor of an Iron Foun¬ dry and Mechanical Shop, Berlin .— Cl. XXII.- FI. n. A fireplace of cast iron, with two castings of side pieces, not painted, 5 feet 2 inches long, 2 feet £ inches broad, 4 feet lg inches high. 30 0 0 J. F. MUELLER, Leather Worker, Miinche- berg. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 2 bridles of brown, round stitched and twisted leather, with steel curb, per piece 122/6 & 30/ Ditto .... per dozen 12Z. 12s. and 15 15 0 1 ditto of white varnished leather, on a new principle, which is safer on account of the snaffle.per piece 2 5 0 Ditto.per dozen 25 10 0 1 hunting bag with net work . per piece 0 13 6 Ditto.per dozen 7 16 0 CARL SCHWARTZ, Jeweller, Berlin. —Cl. XXIII.— He. 1 golden brooch, representing a lion fight¬ ing with a serpent, in brilliants and roses . 1 golden bracelet, representing an angel resting on flowers, w T ith diamonds . 1 golden flexible bracelet with 4 brilliants . 1 ditto with oak leaves and 1 brilliant 1 golden brooch and 1 pair golden studs with oak leaves and brilliants. To be sold. 63 15 0 16 1 0 FR. SCHNEIDER, Goldsmith and Manufac¬ turer of Daguerre'otype Plates, Berlin, j —Cl. XXHL— He. A writing case of gilt silver, partly of pure gold, under a glass case, upon a column of j rosewood.{300 0 F 1 42 No. 204 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 205 A frame with Daguerreotype plates, by gal¬ vanic process ; the plates are not smoothed with the hammer, hut by a novel method, I. size 84 and 65 : II. % 4? III. 4* 31 IV. 41 31 V. 3| 2 | VI. 31 2 f VII. 3 24 VIII. 2 f 24 per dozen JOH. ALB. WINTERFELD, Worker in Amber to the King, Breslau. —Cl. XXIII.— FI. n. Amber vase. A set of chessmen with box ..... A lady’s ornament in a case. 5 different ornaments . per piece 11. 16s. a 15 pairs of ear pendants . . . per piece 6 pairs of ear rings.per pair 12 pairs of ditto . . . . • >, 6 different bracelets .... per piece fruit-knives with silver blades per piece 8 brooches . • • j> 8 hearts with elastic chains ,, 3 crosses . • • >> 4 lockets . • • »> 6 55 smelling bottles • • 57 chains . 29 jj necklaces, from 1 to 5 times round . . per piece 18 brooches with and without cases per piece 11 55 cigar pipes with meerschaum heads . . per piece 20 3) meerschaum cigar holders „ 36 55 cigar holders per piece, Id. a 7 55 cigar pipes . „ 9s. a 12 55 „ Turkish pipes . „ 12 s. a 1 sugar bowl and spoon 1 lady’s work box . . 1 walking stick head with curious mixture of colours. 1 pair of knives and forks in a case . Paper knives, lady’s studs, crochet cases, pen holders, chains, and pieces of rough and worked amber. 206 candlesticks, and 6 wine glasses To be sold. Price. £. s. d. Stolp. G. E. JANTZEN, Worker in Amber, —Cl. XXIII.—FI. n. 2 ornaments in amber, of various colours, set in gold .... each SL 12s. and 1 lady’s companion. 1 rosary with cross 1 small amber table, with 1 small bowl, 2 OTTO STRAHL, Proprietor of Potteries, Frankfurt-on-the- Oder. —Cl. XXV.—G. N. Gilt and plain earthenware goods, exhibited on account of their durability and the peculiar form of the various articles, 52 10 0 6 0 0 22 10 0 9 0 0 1/6 a 4/0 4/6 a 12/0 2/0 a 24/0 7/6 a 30/0 0 12 0 2/ a 9/ 9d. a 2/6 1 / a 2/6 9 d. a 2/6 3/ a 18/ 1/3 a 12/ 2/ a 24/ 2 / a 60/ 6 / a 12 / 9 d. a 18/ 3 15 0 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 14 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 9 6 4 0 1 0 12 0 2 gilt fruit vases, for table ornaments, per piece 3 15 0 No. 207 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 richly gilt and ornamented tea and coffee service, with 12 cups. 1 gilt and 3 white jugs (cabarets), per piece White deep and shallow dishes, with covers, per piece Ditto with plates.per dozen Different white dessert plates „ A white tureen. 1 salt cellar and 1 butter plate . . each Biscuit plates, fruit dishes, preserve dishes, sauce boats with ring and eagle, per piece WILL. BERGMANN, Stone Cutter, Warm- brunn.— Cl. XXIII.—FI. w. A collection of 59 octagon and oval topazes, from the Giant Mountains, valuable on account of the size, purity, and colour of the stone ; it may be considered as a scale of the colours of the topaz. 2 large dark and claret coloured topazes for seals. ea °h 1 large topaz for the head of a walking stick 4 impressions of stone seals . the cut from The whole collection. Price. SCHAFF- Warm- each GLASS-WORKS of COUNT V. GOTSCH, Schreiberhau , near brunn.— Cl. XXIY.-F1. n. 1 stand for flowers (in form of a fish), in 9 parts. 2 large ruby flower vases, gilt 2 ditto Turks, enamelled, gilt . . „ 2 Ananas vases, gilt. ,, 9 different vases of smaller size . „ 2 crystal enamelled vases, to show the present state of glass cutting „ A set of Venetian glass for eau sucre, cut and gilt. 2 blue enamelled goblets, the second in 4 parts, which are screwed together, with portraits cut on them ..... each Exhibited on account of the clearness of the cutting, and the polish of the gilding, as well as for the beautiful work of the various glasses and vases in the Venetian style.—To be sold. 209 210 3 . W. WILLMANNS, Trader in Glass Arti¬ cles, Berlin. —Cl. XXIV.—FI. -N. A looking glass plate, ground with the royal theatre and the two towers of the Gens- d’armes Markt in Berlin, to be sold . . £. 3 0 0 1/6 a 12 / COUNT SOLMS, Agency of the Glass-houses of, at Baruth and Friedrichsthal. —Cl. XXIV.—G. N. Portfolio of models of coloured table glasses, to give an idea of the principal colours produced in the manufactories. 16 differently coloured circular slabs for watch dials, scales for thermometers, &c. The slabs of milk glass remarkable for the success with which the difficulties in the way of obtaining a clean white colour have been overcome. 21 lamp cylinders of various forms, among which there are some with natural edges, preferable to those affixed by the glass- maker at work. 1 / a 4 / 0 2 0 1/5 a 1/7 0 2 10 0 1 2 ? 7 d. a 1/1( 75 0 0 7 10 0 1 10 O 9/ a SI. 90 0 0 4 10 22 10 3 15 1 4 6 / a 19/1,1 9 0 ( 2 11 ( 13 10 < 5 5 PRICED LISP OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 43 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 3 ordinary tapering water glasses, 1000 pieces Exhibited for the cheapness of the article. 3 ordinary straight glasses, with star in the bottom, 1000 pieces. 3 ditto wine glasses, 1000 pieces .... 3 ditto liquor glasses, 1000 pieces Several glasses, likewise made of ordinary c'^alk glass (water glasses with and without feet, champagne and other wine glasses), fabrics formerly furnished chiefly by these establishments, and which can only be produced by superior workmen. 27 milkglass lampscreens of different shapes, exhibited on account of the good quality both of the material and the workmanship, the screens being intransparent and white, the light not shining through them with a red glare, so that no injury to the eyes is to be apprehended from them, as is the case with many glasses in trade. 12 pipes, in the figures of wax tapers, for gas mountings. 4 coloured bottles, ground in a perfectly plain manner. £. s. d. 2 8 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 5 0 11 MORITZ FINSCH, Glass-maker, Warm- brunn. — Cl. XXIV.— FI. n. Modelled by the exhibitor in the glass-houses of Hoffnungsthal at Schreiberhau. 1 punch-bowl with cover, spoon, and stand, with 12 glasses, exhibited on account of the cutting. 2 vases of alabaster-glass, ditto, exhibited on account of the arrangement.... 1 water-bottle with 2 glasses and tray . 1 wine-decanter with decorations 1 goblet with raised cuttings and polished decorations on ground glass .... 6 15 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 10 6 2 5 0 The last three articles have decorations polished in the fire in a peculiar manner ; the method is the invention patented by the exhibitor, and may be used for the largest pieces. To be sold. IJLRIKE METZGER, Proprietress of the Glass-Works at Zechlin, near Rheinsberg. —Agents in Berlin, Luhme and Co.— Cl. XXIV.—FI. n. Different glass-articles, without lead, viz.: 3 glass-bowls, 1 Berzelius apparatus, 1 nipple glass, 3 cobalt glasses, 34 cylinders, 1 three necked bottle, 1 bottle with stopper, 4 bottles with pipes, 2 bottles for generating gas, 1 champagne glass, 7 cocks, 1 still with cucurbit, 4 lamp glasses, 2 spoons, 3 mea¬ suring glasses, 1 oil sucker, 1 mortar with pestle, 1 retort with tubulus, 8 cucurbits, 5 waterstand tubes, 5 pipes for gas, 16 letter glasses, 5 spirit lamps, 2 specula vaginae, 3 separating funnels, 1 lOOOgr. bottle, 1 tray, 3 recipients, 1 connecting pipe, 1 apparatus for expelling. 213 THE ROYAL PORCELAIN MANUFAC¬ TORY, Berlin.— Cl. XXY. and XXX. —Hl. 1 large potpourri vase with cover 1 vase with the Twelve Apostles, after Peter Yischer . 1 vase with painting after von Mieris and Slingeland in the gallery of Dresden . 1 vase with paintings after v. Mieris and Ter- burg in the gallery of Dresden .... 2 pedestals to the two vases, with gold ground.each 1 vase after Schinkel, with handles of brass, with a painting after v. Klober, repre¬ senting Harvest. 1 vase with serpentine handies, representing dancing figures, after v. Klober, richly gilded. 1 Persian vase, an American forest after Bollermann. 1 fruit vase with flowers and figures, the days of the week. 1 fruit vase with flowers and figures . 2 fruit vases, ditto, with gilded pedestals, each 2 candelabra in green, with porcelain figures upon pedestals in bronze, and base of marbled plaster of Paris, with 19 bronze candlesticks and 2 bronze crowns . each 1 rilievo soup bowl. 1 ditto oblong plate. 3 ditto dining and 3 ditto dessert plates per piece 1 antique soup bowl . 1 ditto plate. 3 ditto diking and 3 ditto dessert plates, per piece 1 punch bowl, with a painting of drinkers after Hogarth. 1 dish, imitation of majolica, after the an¬ tique . 12 dessert plates with painted figures each 1 flower pot, oblong, with paintings after Watteau, with gilded pedestal .... 2 sets of new breakfast plates, consisting of 9 pieces, in ultramarine blue . . each 1 ditto of 9 pieces, with Rhenish landscapes 1 ditto, octagon, with channels en mosaique and lapis lazuli ground. 4 square plates, with grapes, hunters, Yenus, and with flowers, 27/., 37 1. 10s., 33/. 15s., and 60/. 1 figure in white porcelain, viz.: a boy ex¬ tracting a thorn from his foot .... 1 ditto, Ganymede. 2 busts of their Majesties the King and Queen of Prussia.each 2 figuies of Yenus, kneeling . . . each 24 different china transparencies, extra size, coloured and white.3s. a £. s. d. 120 0 0 120 0 0 120 0 0 120 0 0 4 4 0 472 10 0 240 0 0 112 10 0 48 12 0 62 5 0 32 14 0 225 0 0 3 7 6 1 17 6 8/ a 9/6 3 0 0 2 2 0 11/a 12/ 4 4 0 3 15 0 4 4 0 11 17 0 5 13 3 17 1 0 25 1 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 4 10 0 214 SHARE COMPANY at Wilhelmshutte , and Paper Manufactory at Eulau , near Sprottau. —Cl. XXII.—FI. n. Articles of pottery, in Lower Silesian iron:— 33 machine pots of 17 different sorts, per piece 3 d. a 2/1 F 2 44 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 215 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 216 217 Round pots of 6 sorts Dishes of 3 sorts 3 frying pans . . . All to be sold. . per piece Price. d. each J. G. ALTMANN, Potter, Bunzlau. — Cl. XXV.—FI. n. I. Porcelain goods, viz.:— 5 different colfee pots.each 8 ,, pots.. 3 ,, tea pots.. 3 butter plates.. 2 preserve pots.. 1 beer glass.. 1 water can and 1 shape for puddings each II. Common clay goods, viz.:— 8 different coffee pots . . . • • »» 1 large coffee pot, containing 200 cups . 6<7. a 1/5 1/1 a 1/6 0 1 0i 8\d. a 9 \d. 1 \d. a 4jrf. 4 id. a Tid. 3 hd. a 71 d. COUNT v. FRANKENBERG-LU DWIGS- DORF, Proprietor of the Earthenware Manufactory in Tillowitz. —Cl. XXV.— FI. N. 1 corner bracket. 2 fruit baskets.each 2 vases with gold decorations . . . „ 218 WIDOW J. G. II. MATTSCHAS and SON, Manufacturers of Pottery, Frankfurt-on- the- Oder.— Cl. XXV.—FI. N. An assortment of various earthenware ar¬ ticles, viz.: 1 figure in clay (Flora), 2\ inches high . 4 ditto in white earthenware for garden de¬ coration ....... per piece 4 brackets ornamented with coral, in green and copper bronze .... per piece 2 hanging lamps ornamented with coral) per piece j 10 vases, differently glazed, ornamented with coral, in marble and Schiller bronze per piece 4 groups of trees in copper bronze and brown glazed.per piece 1 fruit dish glazed. 7 plateaus, white and green glazed and in bronze.per piece With different other articles, cake and fruit plates, bread baskets, &c. Tid. a 9 d. l{d. 1/3 PAETSCH and HINTZE, Manufacturers of Pottery, Frankfuri-on-the- Oder. ■— Cl. XXV.—FI. N. An assortment of white earthenware goods, of various quality and form (the material used is from this country), consisting of butter plates (round and oval), butter tubs, salad bowls, dishes, preserve dishes, caba¬ rets, plates (conical and common), butter and fruit plates, coffee and tea pots, cups, sugar boxes, tureens, sauce-boats, salt cel¬ lars, portable dinner service, knife rests, candlesticks, basins, flower pots, &c. \{d. a 9 d. 3/ 1 16 0 0 4 6 0 9 0 1 4 0 1/6 a 3/ 2/6 a 6/ 0 6 0 0 2 3 1/ a 6/ 1/a 3/ No. 219 9 d* a 7/6 0 15 0 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 220 C. TIELSCH and CO., Porcelain Manufac¬ turers, Altwasser. —Cl. XXV.—FI. n. 2 painted punch bowls with stands, per piece 4 different vases, per piece . . 27. 2s. a 1 white vase. 1 gilded potpourri.• • 2 water jugs, handsomely decorated per piece 1 biscuit plate ......... 3 biscuit baskets.per piece 34 coffee and tea sets . . each 17. 8s. a 14 toilet services from . . 6 luncheon services. 1 writing stand (1/7) and 4 plates 1 round dish. 22 bouillon cups of 11 sorts . . 9s. 3 \d. a per piece Price. £. s. d. per piece J. S. FOERSTER, Counsellor of Commerce and Cloth Manufacturer, Griinberg. —Cl. XII.— FI. s. 6 pieces of woollen yarn of various colours and quality. . 2 pieces of Spanish stripes for the China market.. P er yard 1 piece of lady’s cloth for the China market per yard 1 piece of f royal cloth for the North Ame¬ rican market.P er yard 1 piece ditto ditto. » 1 ditto ditto ditto. >> 1 piece of satin cloth for the German market per yard 1 piece of fine cloth for the German market per yard 222 AUG. LOUIS BONGE, Gilder and Manufac¬ turer of Articles made of Papier Mache, Potsdam. —Cl. XXVI.—G. N. 223 224 4 little statues (soldiers) . . . per piece 4 brackets for the same, 2, each at . . . And 2 each at. 1 little statue, shepherd boy on bracket . . 2 ditto ditto, Michael Angelo and Raphael, on brackets.per piece 1 clock case with bracket in party coloured gold. 2 busts, bronzed.per piece 1 horse bronzed. 1 boar with bracket. 1 writing case bronzed. 1 German knight of the middle ages, bronzed 2 capitals in raw material . . per piece 1 ditto. BAUER, Joiner, Schwerin on the Warthe. —Cl. XXVI.—G. n. A flower stand. 3 9 0 3 12 0 0 6 0 0 18 0 9/6 & 6/ 0 6 0 2/5 a 15 2 10 6 I 1 C 0 13 1 0 1 f 0 4 ( 2d. a 1/f -Cl. XIX. LOUISE BAUMANN, Berlin. Fh N. A fire screen embroidered in plush (in relief) HENR. ZEISIG, Braid and Lace Maker, Bres¬ lau. —Cl. XIX.—FI. s. 7 bell-ropes from 15s. to 37. per piece, and a pattern card of other braid and lace work. 6 6 1 7 8 If 11 0 5 10 l 6 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 45 No. 226 Name and Address of Exhibitor'and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. PAUL GROPIUS, Papier Mache-Manufac- turer,Berlin .—Cl.XXVII.—HI.—Agent: W. F. Sachse, 36, Trinity-square , Borough. Different statuettes with suitable brackets and other articles of papier mache, viz.: Rudolph of Habsburgh, and Albrecht of Brandt, with brackets Victoria sitting, with brackets 2 small figures, with brackets . per piece . per piece 1/. 5s. 6 d. a 227 Female figure, with brackets. 2 female figures sitting .... per piece 2 Bohemian kings. „ 2 German emperors on brackets . „ Frederick the Second, with bracket . Prince of Prussia ditto 2 Victorias and 2 Muses, per piece 1Z. 2s. and 1 niche with figure and bracket .... 1 large and 1 small bracket with deer-heads 2 medallions with heads . . . per piece 1 swan bracket. Angel praying . .. 2 large and 2 little boys as supporters 2 curtain bearers 2 curtain cornices per piece . 2 looking glasses with frames A small table with marble top 2 door cornices. 2 small looking glass frames . Various small brackets, medallions, &c. . per piece 21. 17s. and . per piece 81. 5s. and per piece rosettes, FERD. LDW. MUELLER, Maker of Gilded W ood Carvings, Berlin.— Cl. XVII — G.n. A pattern card with various specimens of genuine artificial gilded carvings for picture frames and cornices, prepared by the exhi¬ bitor. The artificial are not only half as cheap as the genuine, but twice as durable. The cornices are delivered from No. 00 to 10 b in pieces of 8 feet, and Nos. 4 to 10 can be had in dead as well as in curved polished pieces at equal prices. The prices are : For 100 feet of No. 00. 0. 1. 2. 4. 4 a . 4b . 4c—5. 5—6 lZ.15s.,2Z.9s.6rf. a 7—7 a . 7b . 8. 8 a —86. 9 . 10. 10—106. Half and quarter circumference rods for ceilings . Cornices without plate. Ditto, with plates. s. d. 1 11 6 1 7 0 1 9 0 18 0 19 0 19 2 2 1 8 1 16 0 18 4 1 22/ & 14/9 0 10 6 1 2 6 2 11 0 16/6 & 7/ 0 10 6 2 8 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 1 13 0 19/6 &1Z. 0 6 0 6 0 9 0 11 0 17 0 19 6/6 a 19/ 7 /a 24/6 10/ a 58/ No. 228 229 230 231 232 233 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. C. G. STAB, Sen., Worker in Leather to H.R.H. the Prince Albert of Prussia, Berlin .—Cl. XVII.—G. n. A fancy table of morocco leather and red velvet, with filigree edges. Case No. 1 contains a portfolio . Ladies’ necessaires, per dozen, from 15s. a Workboxes. \l. 4s. a Escritoires .1Z. Is. a Gentlemen’s desks Cigar boxes Counter boxes . Case No. 2, porte-monnaies, per dozen,-3s. a . per dozen 21. 2s. a Notebooks Case No. 3, cigar etuis . Card cases .... Counter etuis for whist Match boxes Notebooks .... Pocketbooks GEORGE RIGHT, Joiner, Berlin. — Cl. XXVI.—G. n. A silver chest, in rosewood, richly carved . A cupboard, in rosewood, richly carved (to be sold) . . . . . . . . . V . FRIEDR. ELSHOLTZ, Joiner, Berlin —Cl. XXVII.—G. n. 2 samples of inlaid floors, viz.: Pattern with stars . . per square foot „ „ veins . . „ The whole with packing case to be sold ALBERTI BROTHERS, Dealers in Linen Goods, &c., Waldenburg. —Cl. XIV.—G.s. Specimens of linen manufactured for expor¬ tation to the West Indies and Mexico, viz.: 4 pieces of bleached platilles royales, per 200 pieces 4 ditto ditto. 4 ditto ditto. The goods deliverable in Hamburgh. F. C. BECKER, Joiner, Berlin.— Cl. XXVI. —G. x. An arm chair with mechanical contrivances, and a reading table. FRIEDR. BELOW, Maker of Gold Cornices, Berlin.— Cl. XXVI.—G. u. 28 patterns of gold cornices to frames for pictures: 2 patterns No. 9, wdth and without deco- 6 and 0 and 0 and 6 and 0 and 0 and 6 and 2 and 0 and 2 5 1 13 ration . . per 100 feet £3 2 2 patterns No. 8, ,, 2 14 2 patterns No. 7, ,, 2 patterns No. 6f, ,, 2 patterns No. 6 j, ,, 4 patterns No. 6, ,, 2 patterns No. 5f, ,, 2 patterns No. 5, ,, 2 patterns No. 4, ,, 8 patterns No. 4\, 3^, 3, 2, 0, and without decora¬ tion . . . per 100 feet 0 3 11 and Price. per dozen 10s. 6 d. a . 9 s. a \l. 4s. a £. s. d. 22 10 4 10 0 3 6 2 8 3 12 1 10 3 12 0 4 1 3 0 2 8 0 4 4 9 1 4 1 13 43 10 0 46 10 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 255 0 0 270 0 0 277 10 0 16 10 0 0 17 0 13 0 14 7 46 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. J 234 D. BENGEN, Blind Maker, Berlin. — Cl. £. s. d. 2 XXVI.—G. n. 1 blind of cotton with flowers . per piece 2 5 0 1 ditto with figures .... „ 14 0 1 ditto with coloured landscapes. „ 0 9 0 1 ditto ditto . » 0 4 6 235 C. CANTIAN, Architect and Proprietor of a Stonecutting Shop, Berlin.— Cl. XXVII. and XXX.—Na. . A column, with pedestal ; the base of Silesian marble of Gross-Kunzendorf, the column of granite sprinkled with garnets, the capi¬ tal of Carrara marble ...... A table plate of marble rosso antico corallmo, exhibited for its dimensions. 39 0 0 54 0 0 A round table plate of red granite, found between Neustadt-Eberswalde and Oder- 48 0 0 236 C A KUETTNER, Master Joiner, Wolgast. —Cl. XXVI.—G. N. A sideboard, executed by the son of the exhibitor; exhibited on account of the arched panels and the high polish . . . 9 15 0 237 J F. E. SCHIEVELBEIN, Joiner, Berlin .— Cl. XXVI.— G. n.— Agents in London : Hulle Brothers & Co. An octagon table, in mosaic work of rare and very seldom used foreign woods, with patterns of the same in an unfinished state 225 0 0 A portable chair . 0 15 0 238 To be sold. SOMMERFELD and HUEBNER, Cabinet Makers, Potsdam. —Cl. XXVI.—G. N. 2 round temple tables of mahogany . each 6 15 0 239 CARL WAMP and SCHROEDER, Manufac¬ turers of Rouleaux, Berlin. —Cl. XXVI. _G. n.— Agent: Herm. Kaxseh, 28, Basinghall-street. Four different rouleaux, painted on cotton : 1. Genre picture.per doz. 20 14 0 2. Oriental picture (group of animals) „ 18 15 0 3. Coloured Swiss landscape . . „ 6 6 0 4. Plain landscape. „ 3 12 0 240 ERNST MARCH, Earthenware Manufactory in the Thiergarten , near Char lot tenburg .— Cl. XXV.—FI. n. andNa. A fountain, consisting of basement, group of children, basin, Triton. 45 0 0 Two Italian vases. 7 10 0 The 4 soldiers at the entrances of the Hotel of the Ministry of War at Berlin, on a re¬ duced scale, with bracket. 4 4 0 The foregoing articles are moulded of the dust of the high road. A large Gothic vase on a basement . 15 0 0 Slabs of mosaic .... the square foot 0 3 0 Sundry chemical implements: 1 great balloon with cock. 1 15 0 1 small ditto with pipe ...... 0 9 0 4 evaporation bowls, 1 pot for acids, 1 small cock. 242 243 Name and Address cf Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. E. UNGERER, Porcelain Manufacturer, Hirschberg. —Cl. VII. — El. n. Tubes, manufactured by the exhibitor from a mixture of clay, &c., with the exception of metals, for conducting water (already much in use), both 4 inches in diameter and 3 feet long; one with branch pipe ce¬ mented on, with a small piece broken off to show the internal appearance. These tubes cost per foot, with a diameter of 2 inches.. °f 3 >>. of 4 ,,. of 5 „. of 6 „. of 8 „.'. Price. s. d. H. M. ENGELER & SON, Brushmakers to the King, Berlin. —Cl. XVI. and XXIX. G. N. The Prussian coat of arms, executed in bristles. 1 large brush, the bristles set in a peculiar way. 54 different hair brushes ... per doz. 9 ditto in ivory . „ 4 ditto for furniture „ 12 ditto for cloth in rose- in ivory wood .... 1 ditto 6 different hat brushes 8 ditto nail brushes, in ivory in bone .... tooth brushes, in 1 ditto 18 ditto ivory 2 ditto 8 ditto 2 ditto 21 ditto >one and table brushes . . horse brushes mane brushes shaving brushes, in bristles and badger’s hair. ditto paint brushes ditto Lyons paint brushes ditto Dutch ditto per doz 30 0 0 4 10 9 9/ a 81 1 13/6 a 36/ 3/9 a 6/ 2/1 i a 8/1 1 1 Cj 3/ a 9/| 6/a 19/C 2 / ! 5/3 a 10/1! 2 14 < 3 0 1 1 4 I 6/a 66/ 7 hd. a 4 2/3 a 7/ 1/ a 6, 244 A. KERSTEN, Worker of Daguerreotype Frames, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. 30 different fancy barroc frames in paste¬ board, with and without fillings for Da¬ guerreotypes, with velvet borders, in a case. 20 ditto, for pocket books, note books, cigar- cases, and etuis. C. D’HEUREUSE, Straw Hat Manufacturer, Berlin. —Cl. XX.—G. S. 3 straw bonnets of Brussels, Swiss, and j Saxony tresses (7 halms) . per doz. ( 1 ditto (11 halms) of Brussels tresses, per doz. 1 bast hat of Italian tresses (7 halms) per doz. 1 Italian straw bonnet (11 halms) per doz. 1 table cover of Italian tresses (11 halms), embroidered with straw and Manilla hemp yarn . ,.. per piece 18 12 15 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 47 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. 5. d. 245 W. DREUSIKE, Joiner.—Cl. XXVI.—G. n. 252 CHR. FRIEDRICH GERLACH, Pewterer, The lockmaker’s work in the money- Naumburg. —Cl. XXIX.—El. n. Autho¬ chest is done by the lockmaker, L. rized Agent, A. Heinzmann, 16, Cole- Dreusike ; both at Neu-Ruppin. brook-row,, Islington. A writing-table for gentlemen to write sit- Six separate paste boxes with toys of tin. ting or standing, of oakwood, in Gothic style, with a fire proof iron money 253 RINGELHANN, Worker in Leather, Hirsch- chest, of wrought iron and thick plate berg.— Cl. XVI.—El. n. iron (bottom, roof, doors, and sides filled Two stuffed animals, viz.— with ashes). A clock in the upper part . 90 0 0 A colt without a seam. 4 10 0 A lady’s jewel box, of rose wood .... 2 5 0 A goat . 1 10 0 A mahogany work table with a quilted foot- stool attached. 254 H. DEHMEL, Soapmaker to Her Majesty the Queen of Prussia, Quaritz. —Cl. XXIX. 246 MORITZ KOERNER, Brass Worker and * —FI. s. Engraver, Schonau. —Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. A vase of soap, containing— A waste paper basket of artificial brilliants, 2 pieces of soap .... per doz. pieces 9c?. composed of a mixture of tin, lead, and 5 pieces of mottled egg shape „ . . . 1/3 bismuth, in many thousand single parts, 2 pieces of oval soap, Tyrolese girl, per doz. 1/6 which are combined by solder, and fitted 17 pieces of rose and orange ... „ . 2/ upon wire. The two plates, with a view of 1 piece of bitter almond soap, oval, eagle Schonau, are of the same composition ; the shape.per doz. V mould used was not of steel or stone, as in 1 piece of rose soap with wreath . „ . 6/ the case of the other pieces of the basket, but of very strong glass. 4 10 0 255 IIEINR. SARRE, Jun., Soap Boiler, Berlin .— Cl. XXVIII.—FI. s. 247 LEOPOLD MESS and CO., Brandenburg Specimens of green and white soaps, viz.— on the Havel. —Cl. XXVII.—G. n. A cake of green soap . . . per 288£ lbs. 2 17 0 Samples of gold cornices, made by steam. Elaine soap.per cwt. 1 6 8 Palm oil soda soap.„ . 1 15 6 248 C. A. GEBHARDT, Worker in Leather, Tallow soap.„ . 1 18 6 Berlin.— Cl. XVII.—G. N. 3 portfolios of morocco leather, embossed. 256 A. E. BAHN, Merchant and Doll Manufac¬ 1 ditto, embossed with gold. turer, Berlin.- —Cl. XXIX.—G. n. Agents, 2 ditto of velvet. Crohn, Brothers. 2 different albums of morocco leather. Several dolls dressed and undressed— 2 ditto of velvet with gold. A great child, with waxen head and natural 2 pocket books, 4 cigar etuis, 4 portemonnaies. hair (invention of the exhibitor), per doz. 18 18 0 A peasant woman of the neighbourhood of 249 EDUARD MONIAC, Papier Mache Manu¬ Berlin.per doz. 11 14 0 facturer, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. A French woman, with white wig . „ . 14 17 0 per doz. A Spanish woman, with natural hair „ 10 16 0 1 Decorations of flowers pressed out of paper A Scotch woman, ditto the head for cartoons, headpieces, &c . 6J 9/ of papier mache . per doz. 9 18 0 2 A tableau of flowers in miniature . 9 d. a 36/ A little child, head, arms, and feet of 3 Cards of congratulation for New Year’s wax . per doz. 6 12 0 Day, and other occasions . 1/6 a 36/ A little child as a pincushion . . „ 9 0 0 4 A tableau of dance decorations .... 6c?. a 9/ A jockey, wrought in leather . . „ 6 6 0 5 Paper pressed and gilded . 1 |rf.a6/ A small ordinary doll .... „ 2 14 0 6 Bonbon envelopes for confectioners 6 c?. a 18/ Various undressed dolls from . . ,, 7/6 a 40/6 7 Various decorations for cotillon 9c?. a 9/ — 8 A tableau of different paper articles . . 6/ a 24/ 257 M. WIGDOR, Turner, Berlin.— Cl. XXVIII. El T\T 150 L. WUNDER, Soap Manufacturer to H.R.H. ■—J: I. N. Patterns of parasols and umbrellas in bone the Prince of Prussia, Liegnitz. — Cl. and wood; the work, including the engrav¬ XXIX.-FI. s. ings and fillings, is executed on the Specimens of soap, prepared out of purified lathe. tallow and palm oil, viz.: 30 bars of tallow soap .... per cwt. 2 1 8 258 J. T. TZITSCHKE, Button Maker, Sorau .— 30 bars of palm oil soap ... „ 1 15 7 Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. 10 bars of ananas-soap; the scent is pure „ 3 16 3 An assortment of different buttons of mother- of pearl, cocoa nut, and horn, viz.: — *51 A. MOSSNER, Bookbinder to the Court, Ma¬ Pearl buttons.per gross 8c7. a 10/6 nufacturer of Portfolios and Leather Ar¬ Cocoa nut buttons. } , 1/1 a 2/7 ticles, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. N. Horn buttons.. 7 d. a 6/ Porte-monnaies, cigar boxes, pocket books, 7 specimens of different pearl buttons, with ladies’ work boxes, railroad vademecums, 4 holes.per gross 1/7 a 9/ ladies’ companions, gentlemen’s neces- 2 specimens of different pearl buttons, with saires, and ladies’ portfolios. ears.per gross 2/ a 2/10 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 250 260 261 262 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 3 specimens of horn buttons, with 4 holes,p er gr. 1 specimen of cocoa nut buttons, with 4 holes.per gross 1 specimen of pearl buttons . . „ LOUIS ZESCHKE, Leather Worker, Miillrose, near Frankfurt a. O. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 9 different hunting bags of common and mo¬ rocco leather, with and without network, with single and double cover . per piece 1 hunting bag with green silk net work . . 4 different hare bags of leather with car¬ tridges, and with and without net work.per P iece 2 large net bags.per doz. 3 fowl bags of waterproof stuff, of morocco leather and deer’s calf-skin . per piece 1 hunting bag of deer’s calf skin .... W. KREBS, Portfolio Maker, Berlin— Cl. XVII.— G. n. Agents in London, Beh- RENDS, BeUMBERG & Co 67 different portfolios 48 different cigar etuis 1 cigar etui . 5 different necessaires 7 different note books 3 ditto 3 different card cases 6 different writing cases 2 purses. 1 match box, 1 bill of exchange tacle case, and 1 crochet etui, per doz. each . per doz. case, 1 spec-) per doz. 3 L. KRUMTEICH, Wax Manufacturer, Schwiebus. —Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. 1 basket of white wax in the form of a paper basket, with painted and gilded decora¬ tions .per doz. 1 basket of white wax with gilded borders, and filled with fruits in wax . per doz. 1 octagon basket of coloured wax . per lb. 2 wax stands, oval and pyramidical „ £. s. d. 1/7^ a 3/6 2/3 8 d. 10/ a 19/6 1 13 0 18/a 23/ 26/a 23/ 12/a 16/ V 14 /a 22/ 18/9 a 54/ 7/6 42 /a 59/ 13/6 a 36/9 / 4/ & 8/3 15/ a 19/6 14/3 a 27/ 15/a 15/6 15/51/33/ &1Z. 18 0 0 7 10 0 5/4 3/11 & 4/5 263 A. MOTARD and CO., Manufacturers of Ger- , man Wax Candles, Berlin. —Cl. XXVIII. | —FI. s. 1 In four boxes of rosewood— 2 specimens of stearic acid, gained from tal¬ low, by the use of lime, sulphuric acid, cold and warm pressure . . . per cwt. 8 candles made of this stearic acid „ Stearic acid from tallow, by the use of sul¬ phuric acid, and by distillation without pressure.per cwt. Stearic acid, cold and warm pressed ,, 8 candles made pf this stearic acid „ Stearic acid frotn palm oil, by the use of sul¬ phuric acid, and by distillation without pressure.. • per cwt. 4 candles made of this stearic acid „ A. PALIS, Tallow Melter and Soap Boiler, Berlin. —Cl. XXVIII.—FI. S. Samples of soap and tallow prepared by the Exhibitor:— Tallow soap, consisting of Prussian tal¬ low .per cwt. No. 264 265 1 17 0 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Palm oil soap Tallow for candles Ditto for soap per cwt. 267 H. SCHMERBAUCH, Bookbinder and Leather Worker, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.— G. N. 3 cigar etuis of calf skin, interlaced with straw and straw ribbons . . per piece 1 cigar etui, interlaced with calf skin, and embroidered with silk. 3 cigar etuis of calf and goat skin, with em¬ broidery of silk and steel . . per piece 1 cigar etui of calf skin, with straw ribbons and steel. 2 portfolios interlaced with leather, per piece 2 ditto of calf skin with embroidery „ 2 card cases of calf skin, interlaced with straw ribbons.per piece 2 portfolios of steel, leather, and straw rib¬ bons .. . . per piece 1 key pocket with embroidery .... 1 portfolio. Price. G. SOEHLKE, Manufacturer of Tin and Toys, Berlin. — Cl. XXIX.—FI. n. 1 A parade of an English regiment, tin figures 2 A sample of patterns for table service, can¬ dlesticks, &c., polished or gilded . . . To be sold. £. s. d. 1 15 6 2 4 6 2 16 3/ 3/9 7/6 a 10/6 6 / 3/ 6 / 2/3 a 4/6 4/6 a 5/3 4/6 1 1 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 F. FECHNER, Dealer in Fancy Articles, &c., Guben. —Cl. XVII. and XXVI.— G. n. . Patterns of articles in various branches oi trade, viz.:— I. of gold tinsels and ornaments. II. III. and IV. of artificial flowers and leaves, &c. V. of fancy paper (sheets and envelopes). VI. of gold, silver, and other coloured papers. VII. for the use of bookbinders, &c. VIII. for confectioners and perfumers. IX. children’s books, toys, and papier mache, &c. The patterns in frames II. to VII. to be spld. M. GEISS, Zinc Founder, Berlin. —Cl. XXX. Na. Agent, Paxje Lauerbach, 2, Pin- ner’s-court, Old Broad-street. Hebe, statue after Can ova. Eve, statue after Bailey.. Boy and swan, after Kalide. 2 stags, after Rauch,' each. A Corinthian capital . . An Ionic capital.. • * Casts in Silesian zinc and bronzed. 268 LOUIS BERGMAN N, Brass Worker, Warm- brunn. —Cl. XXIX.—HI. Different articles carved in bone by the ex¬ hibitor, viz.: a landscape with small ani¬ mals, to be sold. 22 10 C 15 0 C 15 0 C 30 0 C 9 0 C 4 10 C 2 5 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 49 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ADOLPH DAE HNS, Sculptor, Berlin. — Cl. XXX —G. n. Garland of flowers, carved out of a single piece of oakwood, upon a basement, appli¬ cable to a toilette mirror or to a picture. Invention and design by the exhibitor.— To be sold. J. ALBERTY, Sculptor and Academical Artist, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—FI. n. A frame cut in wood after the designs of Stiiler, the architect to the King, gilded— belonging to the painting Lo Spasimo in the Royal Chapel. Madonna cut in linden wood. Both articles the property of H. M. the King of Prussia. Rilievo in pear tree wood after the antique, as a door to a wine case, representing the drunken Silenus. Price. £. s. d. 48 15 0 52 10 0 No. 274 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. with a squirrel; girls with flowers; feeding the swan; children at a bird’s nest; brother and sister ; old man leaning on a crutch . A boy in repose, marble original F. ENGEL, Teacher of Descriptive Geo¬ metry, Berlin. —Cl. X.-—G. s. Fresnel’s wave surface. The model shows the inside and outside of the wave surface, which are touched in 4 points of the Hamiltonian conical refraction—4 cuts through the centre enable the inspector to divide the model four times in 2 parts; they correspond to the chief axes of the constructions ellipsoid and to the optic axes, and they show the nature of the sec¬ tion curves and the form of the interior surface . Model of an ellipsoid with its curves and centre cut. Price. 90 225 s. d. 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 5 0 THE ROYAL IRON FOUNDRY, Berlin.— Cl. XXX.—Na. 2 Amazons, the one on horseback, 1 foot 6 inches high, on a decorated pedestal in¬ laid with silver. 2 fighting warriors, the one on horse¬ back, ditto. The Warwick vase, 2 feet 6 inches diameter,, and with the two handles 3 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches high, with a gilded set . The Athenian vase, 2 ft. diameter, 3 ft. high, with figures and handles, and gilded set . The Alexander’s vase, 3 feet 4 inches dia¬ meter, 2 feet 8 inches high, the borders or¬ namented with the rilievos of the entry of Alexander into Babylon after ThorWald- sen—richly inlaid with silver and gilded set.—To be sold. 90 0 90 0 49 10 52 10 160 10 G. EICHLER, Electrotype Manufacturer, Berlin.— Cl. XXX.—HI. (Agents, Wil¬ liams and Norgate, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden.') 1. Bacchus and Amor, has relief after Thor- waldsen. 2. Christ blessing the Children, ditto . 3. Mary with the Child and John .... 4. 2 cases with castings of medals, per 100 . 5. 2 cases with 52 portrait medals, works of German artists from the years 1520—1590, per 100 6. 2 cases 24 with medals in frames:— largest size ...... second size. third size. 2 8 0 18 0 18 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 1 FR. DRAKE, Sculptor and Professor, Fellow of the Royal Academy, Berlin. — Cl. XXX.—Na. and HI. The monument of the King in the Thier- garten, alto-rilievo, in plaster of Paris, in cylindric form, the cast copy of part of the pedestal to the monument of Frederic Wil¬ liam III., erected by the inhabitants of Berlin in marble and double size, repre¬ senting emblems of garden pleasures : mo¬ ther listening to the rippling of the brook ; young man and woman ‘ near a -well; boy 275 276 277 278 279 F. L. MOEHRING, Manufacturer of Galvano- plastic Articles, Berlin. — Cl. XXX.— FI. N. A bust, finished by galvanic action in copper A rilievo (Charitas by Tieck), ditto . A table service, ditto, silvered and gilded . 15 0 0 9 0 0 7 10 0 C. J. LIEDL, Bookbinder, Warmbrunn .— Cl. XXYI.—G. n. 1 large picture in moss, 2 ditto smaller, 2 landscapes in rilievo in moss and bark, as usually executed in the mountains of Si¬ lesia .4/, 9/, 12/, & 1 10 0 C. B. KRUSE, Merchant, Stettin.— Cl. XXX. — G. n. Agent, C. F. Mathisen, 23, Crutched Friars. Pictures in cork (mosaic), executed by the exhibitor himself. \\ MARTIN KRAUSE, Serving Functionary in the Royal Gallery, Engraver of Pastes. Artistic Member of the Royal Academy, Berlin. —Cl. XXIY. and XXX.—HI. Casts of the Twelve Apostles, cut in onyx on the 3 shield which His Majesty IvingFrederic William IV. of Prussia ordered to be exe¬ cuted as a present for his godchild the Prince of Wales. Bracelet of ten glass pastes with casts of gems, taken from the same, contained in the Royal collection at Berlin, enchased in gold of 8 carats. KISS, Sculptor and Professor, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—HI. and Na. The founding in zinc executed by M. GEISS. Agent, Jul. Nuellens, 43, Albion-street, Hyde Park Terrace. A group, in Silesian zinc, after the model of the exhibitor, and bronzed by a novel me¬ thod—Amazon on horseback, in combat with a tiger. This group, executed in bronze, in the year 1839, was presented by a society cf amateurs to H. M. the King of Prussia, and placed at the foot of the flight of stairs before the Museum at Berlin. The same group, reduced scale, in bronze. I 1 1 0 4 10 0 50 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 280 J. P. DEVARANNE and SON, Foundry of 3 bread baskets . . . . 11 14 0 a 21 12 0 Zinc, Iron, and Metal, and Manufactory 2 spoon baskets .... 7 4 0 & 9 12 0 for Plastic Art, Architecture, and Trade, 2 sugar boxes.12 12 0 & 15 6 0 Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—FI. n. 1 sugar box. 10 16 0 I. In casts of zinc : 1 etagere . 34 4 0 A lion, 7 feet long, 3 feet 3 inches high . 18 0 0 And other articles, as knife bearers, note A panther, 6 feet long, 3 feet 3 inches high . 12 15 0 books, glass holders, &c. A statue, Danae, copy from the antique, 4 feet 2 inches high. 9 0 0 One ditto, hoy playing with squirrel, 3 feet 283 JULIUS FRANZ, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XX. 8 inches high, moulded by C. Devaranne 11 5 0 —FI. N. One ditto, Venus by Canova, 5 feet 6 inches Bronze figure of a shepherd attacked by a high . 13 10 0 leopard, in plaster of Paris.—To be sold . 51 0 0| An assortment of architectural orna- ments :■— 284 EDUARD HAENEL, Printer to the Court, 1 trellis with birds (No. 1261). 12 6 Book, Copperplate and Lithographic 3 trellises, No. 1260 . . . per square foot 0 4 3 Printer, Typefounder, and Engraver, 930 . . . „ 0 3 9 Berlin— Cl. XVII.—G. n. Agent, Mar¬ 929 . . . 0 3 9 tin Kronheim, 32, Paternoster-roiv. 1 ditto (No. 1262), part of the surface of a 500 patterns upon pasteboard in a glass case. stove . per square foot 0 11 3 100 type patterns, ditto. 4 skylight frames (Nos. 1403, 1410, 128, and 1 machine for stamping railway tickets. 128a) . per square foot 3/4al4/l 1 case with brass types for gilders. 3 ditto, (Nos. 891, 883, and 885) « per piece 3/6 a 18/ 19 galvanic cast moulds for typefounders. 1 laurel wreath (No. 689). 0 9 0 8 galvanic copies of woodcuts. 2 knobs (Nos. 1274, 1275). 18/a25/6 1 chemicotyped print plate. 1 bracket, Byzantine style (No. 1280) . 2 5 0 1 piece curved types. 1 great stag’s head and 1 ditto of a lion . 60/a 54/ 2 casts of Prussian arms for stamping. 2 small heads of lions (Nos. 135, 152) 3/6 a 6/9 1 triangular decoration of hangings (No. 195) 0 4 6 285 TH. KALIDE, Sculptor and Professor of the 3 statuettes of apostles, after Vischer (the Academy of Arts, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.— other 9 likewise to be had) . . . each 3 0 0 FI. n. Na. II. In casts of iron, an assortment of jew¬ A Bacchante with a panther, cast in plaster 1 ellery. of Paris after the original in marble. — To . bp Qnlfi . . . . 90 0 0 281 K. FISCHER, Medal Engraver and Teacher A boy with a swan, in bronze, for a fountain at the Academy, Berlin. — Cl. XXX.- — of the Royal Castle at Charlottenburg, — FI. n.— HI. property of H. M. the King of Prussia. Portrait of H. M. the Empress of Russia, cameo in onyx .. 41 5 0 286 C. PFEUFFER, Chief Engraver of Coin Me¬ 9 medallions in bronze, both sides, in frames. dals to H. M. the King, Berlin. — Cl. ' 'll Phrixus and Helle, cut in relief in ivory, XXX.—FI. N. composition of the exhibitor .... 41 5 0 A frame containing 22 medals, 8 of which p are in white metal and 14 in bronze (Anti¬ 282 JULIUS WINCKELMANN, Proprietor of a gone and Sophocles; the Arsenal at Berlin ; Galvanoplastic Institute, Berlin. — Cl. Frederic William IV., King of Prussia; l! XXVI. and XXX.—FI. n. the Bishop of Munster; Vulcan and Mi¬ Frederic the Second, Elector of Brandenburg nerva ; medal for merit in industry). (property of H. M. the King of Prussia), composed in a hollow mould, not worked 287 MUELLER, Caster and Academical Artist, over, and only purified by acids. The ma¬ Berlin.— Cl. XXX.—HI. terial is sulphate of copper. 105 0 0 3 alto-rilievos in bronze, in a case, invented Different articles by galvanoplastic process, and worked by the exhibitor:— silvered and gilded, viz.:— per doz. The Prince of Prussia on horseback, after 14 tea boards. 6 6 0a 54 0 0 Kruger. 2 snuffer plates. 2 8 0 Prince Albrecht of Prussia on horseback, 6 grape leaves. 5 8 0a 8 14 0 after the exhibitor’s composition. 1 large antique dish. 15 0 0 A thorn cobweb, by the exhibitor. 2 fruit dishes. 36 0 0 & 54 0 0 13 different rilievos .... 2 5 0a 3 12 0 288 SONDERMANN, Academical Artist, Berlin. The Lord’s Supper (2) . . . 2 5 0 & 3 12 0 —Cl. XXX.—G. N. 6 different plates .... 410a 9 9 0 A deer’s head after nature, and composed of 1 vinegar and oil stand. 21 12 0 a material which is impregnated with var¬ 5 arm candlesticks .... 20 14 0 a 36 0 0 nish and wax in order to resist the influence 5 goblets. 3 0 0a 4 10 0 of air and temperature, with natural horns 4 table candlesticks ... 7 4 0 & 7 10 0 and with a garland of oak leaves in papier 2 candelabras. 81 0 0 mache.—To be sold . . . . . 3 8 0 12 napkin rings. 0 13 6 & ; 1 1 0 A roebuck’s head, of papier mache, with a 1 goblet ..., t ..... . 7 4 0 garland of oak leaves—To be sold . . 0 19 61 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 51 No. 289 290 291 292 295 Name anti Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. LOUIS FRIEBEL, Brassfounder, Berlin .— Cl. XXX.—Isa. & El. N. A Newfoundland dog in bronze, cast in one piece . A small figure of Hope, after a model of Pro¬ fessor Rauch, cast in the Royal Bronze Foundry at Berlin. CHARLES HEYMANN, Bookseller, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. Three works on architecture, and a map, finished by lithography:— 1. Contributions to the Knowledge of Brick Architecture in Italy, by Runge, 48 lithog. prints and 8 sheets text. 2. Details of Architecture for Practical Use, by Holz, 120 lithogr. prints and text in4to. 3. Collection of Town Houses in modern style, by Titz, trades and ground plans, 15 lithogr. prints with text. 4. Topographical Map of the Environs of Berlin and Potsdam, on a scale of SEELING, Bookbinder, Berlin.— Cl. XVII.— G. N. The principal view of the Royal Arsenal at Berlin, the r }gth P ar ^ °f natural size, em¬ bossed on paper. The half-raised decora¬ tions are partly carved in steel and brass, the round ones modelled in the engraving school by Fischer. C. MOELLER, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XXX. —FI. n. Cast by H. Fischer. A boy with a Newfoundland dog, in bronze A girl with a bull dog, in bronze .... The figures are 1 foot 11 inches high; the plinth 1 foot 3 inches long, and 7J inches broad, after the models of the ex¬ hibitor, and to be sold. JULIUS FRANZ, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XXX. —HI. Bronze figure of Victory throwing a wreath to the conqueror from a rock, 22 inches, after Professor Rauch’s original in natural size, on a polished wooden pedestal.—To be sold. Bronze figure of Victory engraving the names of the hero (who is crowned) in the book of history, 24 inches. BERNHARD FADDERJAHN, Engraver. Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—G. n. Casts of plates for embossing paper and silver. A bronze cast of a Gothic bas-relief in com¬ memoration of the union of the German princes for the finishing of Cologne Ca¬ thedral, after a drawing by Professor Hof- stadt, of Munich. F. BI AN CONI, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XXX. —FI. N. 1. A shepherd, a bust in marble, after Thor- waldsen. 2. Paris, after Canova, statue in marble . 3. Venus, after Thorwaldsen, ditto . . Price. £. s. d. 105 0 0 24 0 0 2 8 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 52 10 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 52 10 0 No. 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. C. H. FISCHER, Founder, andTeacher at the Academy of Arts, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.— Na., FI. n. An eagle in bronze, 2 feet 3 inches high . A girl praying, ditto, 3 feet 2 inches high A Danae, ditto, 1 foot 6 inches high . Executed in the foundry of the exhibitor. FRIEDR. DIETRICH, Sculptor, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—FI. N. Two heads of playing children (boy and girl) in Carrara marble, designed and executed by the exhibitor, to be sold . . . each GUSTAV. FRUEH, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XXX.—FI. n. A figure in bronze, invented by the exhibitor, viz.: A butterfly-catcher. C. KESSELER, Founder, Greifswald. —Cl. XXX.—Na. A bronze statue of the Muse Polyhymnia, full siae, after the antique in the Berlin Museum, cast, with the exception of the head, in one piece. Exhibited on account of the difficulty of the casting and the low price.. ALBERT KONARZEWSKI, Engraver and Academical Artist, Berlin. •— Cl. XXX. —FI. N. A group of storks with a child, in bronze, invented by the sculptor Albert Wolff of Berlin, and finished by the exhibitor . H. MANSIS, Gilder, Berlin.— Cl. XXVI.-G.n. Moulds for gilders in sulphur composition, invented by the exhibitor, divided, to show the union of the sulphur with the plaster of Paris. 11 moulds for the framing of a mirror . 5 ditto ditto. 2 ditto for sofa mirrors. 2 ditto for borders. 4 different moulds, Nos. 19, 22, 23, 24 . Price. £. 52 10 0 49 10 0 42 0 0 60 0 0 12 0 0 F. F. RUNGE, Doctor, Oranienburg .— Cl. XVIII.—G. n. A portfolio with 37 different patterns A pamphlet with the like. A new invention by which figures are pro¬ duced by chemical reaction, recommended to natural philosophers and painters. SIMON SCHROPP & CO., Map Publishers, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. N. The maps are engraved by Berlin Artists. Collection of maps, published during the last few years, viz.: 1. Maps engraved in copper:— Environs of Fiirstenstein . Map of the Moon. Industrial map, 4 leaves . District of Potsdam, 4 leaves The Seven Mountains .... Kingdom of Prussia, 2 leaves Prussia and Poland, 23 leaves . 240 0 0 27 0 0 2 2 0 0 9 0 3/ a 4/ 3/ & 1/ 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 6 0 12 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 4 10 0 52 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 304 305 306 307 308 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 2. Maps lithographed and coloured:— Map of Asia Minor, 6 leaves. „ of the Ottoman Empire, 2 leaves „ of the Seven Mountains, Buckow, Heli¬ goland .each „ of the Thiergarten. Almanac of 1851, 2 leaves. Environs of Aix-la-Chapelle and of Potsdam The Royal Preserves, Potsdam .... 3. Geognostic Charts :— Environs of Carlsbad. „ of Tarnowitz and Beuthen . Chart of Upper Silesia, 2 leaves . „ of the Lake of Laach, 8 leaves . „ of the Mining District in Siegen, 8 leaves . CARL STETTER, Merchant, Breslau.— Cl. XXX.— G. n.— Agent: Edward Ber¬ ger, 1, Fen-court . Model of an ancient Greek theatre, without the pillars and the rock, in strong card¬ board, made by Glaser, head teacher at the gymnasium at Breslau. To be sold LOUIS SUSS MANX, Sculptor, Berlin,— Cl. XXX. —HI. — The galvanic decompo¬ sition by WlNKELMANN. A small model of the Obelisk of Luxor, at present in the Place de la Concorde at Paris, on a scale of 1 ■ 35 (2 feet 9 inches high), by galvanic action, in copper and gilt, not smoothed. The same in plaster of Paris. Exhibited to show the accuracy and finish which is the result of the manner of making, instead of casting. WlNKELMANN and SONS, Proprietors of a Lithographic Print Shop, Berlin. —Cl. XVII.—G. s. Proofs of lithographic prints, particularly of architecture, as the grand hall and different views of the Orianda by Schinkel, the Wiesen-Church in Soest, fresco paint¬ ings at Pompeii, different landscapes, ex¬ hibited in consequence of clearness, beauty of the print, and of variety of colours. ALBERT WOLFF, Sculptor and Academical Artist, Berlin. —Cl. XXX.—HI. A girl with a lamb in marble, representing Innocence, 4 feet 6 inches high, to be sold at F. W. ZEBGER, Glass Painter, Berlin. —Cl. XXIV. and XXX.—G. w. 10 painted glass windows in mosaic, espe¬ cially for churches . . the square foot Different glass paintings : the Empress Edith, St. Christopher, and St. John. To be sold. Price. £. s. d. 0 18 0 0 4 6 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 2/6 a 3/ 0 6 0 1 16 0 1 10 0 30 0 0 42 0 0 10 10 0 225 0 0 5/ a 11/4 No. 309 310 310a Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. J. BERNHARD AFINGER, Sculptor, Berlin. Cl. XXX.—HI. and FI. n.— The castings in bronze by A. Mertens. 4 bronze portraits, viz.: H.R.H. Prince William Ludwig of Prussia H.R.H. the Princess of Weimar General von Wrangel. Christian Rauch, sculptor and professor . Bronze statuette: the Virgin and Child, in mediaeval style. To be sold .... GUSTAV. BLAESER, Sculptor, Berlin.— Cl. XXX. — HI. and FI. n.— The castings in bronze by Albert Konarzewsky. Two figures in bronze, 4 feet high, viz.: 1. Louis van Beethoven, on a pedestal, with 4 corner figures, the Spirit of Chivalry, the Spirit of Religion, Sadness, and Joy. 2. The Empress of Russia on horseback . W. SIEMENS and J. G. HALSKE, Con¬ structors of Electro-magnetic or Galvanic Apparatus, Berlin— Cl. X.—Authorised Agents of the Exhibitors: C. W. Sie¬ mens, Engineer, London Works , Birming¬ ham ; and Ferdinand Pickert, 79, Mark-lane , London. 2 electro-magnetic telegraphs, with hands, keys, and alarum.each 2 fly presses.„ Of these telegraphs and fly presses the exhibitors are patentees in Prussia, Eng¬ land, and France. That which distin¬ guishes them from any other telegraph hitherto known is that the apparatus effects the stoppage and the restoration of the electric stream without the assistance of watchwork or any other mechanical ar¬ rangement, so that every telegraph is a self-acting electro-magnetic machine. They are employed on all the telegraphic lines of the Prussian monarchy. 1 alarum for intermediate stations, with com¬ mutator .per piece 2 telegraphs after Morse, with transferrers. These are erected at the same time with the hand and press telegraphs at the ter¬ mini of the greater telegraphic lines in Prussia.each Other telegraphs, all of them executed by the exhibitors after a construction of their own, mostly novel, viz.: 1 telegraph with 2 wires, with keys, per piece 1 chemical telegraph, with keys . . ,, 2 electro-dynamic telegraphs, without mag¬ nets .each 2 electro-magnetic needle telegraphs, without steel magnets.each 1 m?g net electrometer.. Bell "\vork for guardhouses, upon 2 cast-iron clock® CAst-iron roof . . per piece Price. £. s. d 2 11 0 2 11 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 33 15 0 97 10 Oil 45 0 0 30 0 C 45 0 Cl 7 10 ( 37 10 C 37 10 0 30 0 C 9 0 0! 12 0 0 5 5 0 9 15 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 53 t ). Grand Duchy of Baden, Southern Parts of the West Provinces of Prussia, and of • Electoral Hesse. i No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description ol' Articie, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 311 J. BIEGEL, Bliesen , Owner of the Manganese mens of ore produced from the same, viz.: Mines, Grettnich.—Cl. I.—FI. s. fine crown ore, fine dried ground ore, Manganese in pieces .... per cwt. 0 15 10 dressed ores, upon slime pits, and fine Ditto ground. „ 0 10 4 ground ore, dressed upon Carinthian — tables; metallic lead alquifou for glazing 312 BISCHOF and RHODIUS, Linz, Owners of earthenware, tiles, &c., per cwt. of alquifou, the White Lead Works at Burghbrohl.— from 8s. 2d. a 0 9 2 Cl. II.—FI. s. per cwt. of lead 0 18 0 4 pieces of ceruse, with 2 pieces broken in Shot manufactured from the above men- two.per cwt. 1 15 10 . tioned leads.per cwt. 1 1 3 4 pieces of hard white lead, with 2 do. „ 1 9 4 -- 1 piece of soft white lead ... ,, 1 7 9 317 PORZELT and HARPERATH, Marble Cut¬ 1 piece of white zinc, with 1 broken piece ters, Cologne. —Cl. XXVII. and I.—FI. n. per cwt. 1 9 4 A richly ornamented fireplace of white Car¬ — rara marble, in the Renaissance style 90 0 0 313 L. BLEIBTREU, Owner of the Alum Works A marble slab, as specimen, per square foot 0 3 3 on the Hard, near Bonn.—Cl. II.—FI. s. Marble blocks in their natural state, 2 pieces of alum. The raw material is brown per cubic foot 0 9 6 coal, containing iron pyrites . per cwt. 0 12 6 Hewn from a quarry near the Abbey of For sale. Steinfeld, and cut at a water mill with about — 100 saws. 314 BRASSETJR and CO., Cologne, Owners of the _ White Lead Manufactory at Nippes, 318 ESCHWEILER MINING COMPANY, Stol¬ near Cologne.—Cl. II.—FI. s. berg. Zinc and Lead Works, Birken- A case containing leaden plates, with the gang, Binsfeldhammer, near Stolberg.— oxide and specimens of white lead, per cwt. 1 2 4 Cl. I.—FI. s. I The oxidated plates are worthy of observa¬ 1 piece of raw zinc.per cwt. 0 16 4 tion on account of their perfect condition. 1 block of refined lead .... ,, 0 18 0 The white lead is manufactured by steam 1 block of silver.per lb. 4 0 0 power, in the Dutch manner, and by means Various specimens of calamine, blende, of a machine invented by the exhibitor, not and leaden ore, from Diepenkirchen and injurious to the health of the workmen. Breinigerberg, near Aix la Chapelle; also at — Old Bleiberg, between Cologne and Siegen ; 315 BRANCH MINING COMPANY of BREDT and Kirchfeld and Heidchen, near Aix la and CO., Stolberg. At the mines, “ Biis- Chapelle. - bacherberg,” “ Zufriedenheit,” and the 319 A. von MUELMANN, Zeche Plato, near Sieg- Zinc Works, “ Steinfurth.”—Cl. I. and burg.—Cl. I.-—FI. s. II.—FI. s. Brown coal . . per ton of 4 Berl. Sheffel 0 0 6 Layers of willemit, from Biisbacherberg, Fire proof clay , . . per 1000 kilogram. 0 10 0 worked upon zinc. 2 ditto stone . per 1000 pieces, 1?. 18s. and 1 13 0 Layers of calamine, from the same mine. 1 crucible for 18 marks . . per 100 marks 0 4 0 Layers of ditto from the. “ Zufriedenheit” The original products were found and mine. worked on the lands of the exhibitor. The 1 bar of zinc, from a mixture of the 3 above peat is used entirely for manufacturing mentioned sorts of ore, per cwt., 16s. 4c?. a 0 19 7 earthenware; but the crucibles contain, in Layers of pyromorphite from the mine at addition to the original elements, Bavarian -Biisbacherberg. black lead. Retorts and other earthenware 1 pig of lead, from this ore, without any articles, as well as fire bricks for blast and admixture.per cwt. 18s. a 1 1 3 puddling furnaces, are also manufactured. White lead ore and lead glance, from the The above mentioned bricks are exhibited on “ Zufriedenheit ” mine. account of their cheapness and good quality. 316 COUNT JULIUS OF LIPPE, and the Bro¬ 320 W. O. WALDTHAUSEN, Manufacturer of thers KREUSER, Commern , Owners of Ceruse and White Lead, Clarenburg, the Mines at Bleiberg on the Eifel and i near Cologne.—Cl. II.—FI. s. at Mechernich.—Cl. I. and VIII.—FI. s. A case with white lead from the above men¬ 3 different specimens of leaden ore found in tioned works, obtained only by means of the above mentioned mines in 3 different steam and gases on the Klagenfurt plan, layers; 2 specimens of leaden ore (Knot- without the help of manure, by which ten) separated from the coarse sand and method not a single case of painters’ colic earth, as taken from the mines ; 4 speci- 1 has occurred among the workmen, per cwt. 1 7 8 : 54 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 321 322 323 324 325 326 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. S. LANDAU, Andernaeh and Coblenz .—Cl. I. —FI. s. A pair of mill stones from the lava quarries of Niedermendig, near Andernaeh, for grinding all agricultural productions, hark, colours, mustard, spices, &c.; may he made to any dimensions, from 6 feet diam., and to 18 inches thick. F. HAGEN. Merchant, Cologne , Owner of the “ Margaretha Josepha” Mine, near Gladbach.—Cl. I.—FI. s. 2 specimens of calamine from the above men¬ tioned mines. 1 piece of raw zinc from the same mines, manufactured in the zinc works of the exhibitor, exhibited on account of its com¬ pactness and standard . per cwt. Is. 6o?. a G. KOENIG, Trier.— Cl. I.—FI. s. 6 specimens of sandstone, price per cubic foot: From Udelfangen, a solid stone, of which the church of St. Laurentius in Trier is built. Stone from Aach, of which the Porta Nigra in Trier is built. Stone from Lorich, Menningen, and Wasser- liesch. Stone from Tawern. ROYAL ADMINISTRATION OF FORGES, Lobe. —Cl. I.—FI. s. Products of the raw steel foundries and forges there. White pig iron, fabricated in the blast fur¬ nace out of sparry iyonstone . per 10 cwt. Pig iron, melted out of sparry and brown ironstone in the blast furnace, and more fusible.per 10 cwt. Wrought raw steel, refined steel, first qua¬ lity .per 10 cwt. Ditto, second quality .... ,, C. WEBER, Polisher of Precious Stones to the Court, Mannheim .—Cl. I. and XXIII.— HI. A raw Rhine silicium. A ring of unusually large polished Rhine silicii, exhibited on account of the clean¬ ness and beauty of the polishing ROYAL ADMINISTRATION OF FORGES Price. £. s. d. 0 2 6 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 51 0 0 6 3 7 1 2 13 4 9 3 0 8 13 10 72 0 0 No. 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Dr.'L. C. MARQUARDT, Bonn , owner of Che¬ mical Works in the Valley of J^onn.—Cl. II.—FI. s. Chloroform.per lb. Cyanide of potassium. „ Exhibited on account of their perfect purity. Carburet of sulphur.—(The manufacture of this article is very large.) Acetum concentratum, pure chemical, per cwt. O. PAULY, Owner of the Chemical Works, Biippurr , near Carlsruhe. —Cl. II.—FI. s. A group of crystals of ferrocyanate of potass (cyanide of iron), hydrocyanate (yearly production of factory 80,000 kilogr.), a plate of sal ammoniac (annual produce 20,000 kilogr), a bottle of phosphorus (annual produce 4000 kilogr.) C. A. KOCH, Paper Maker, Kieppemuhl , near Bergisch-Gladbach.—Cl. XVII.—G. n. Different sorts of post paper, exhibited on account of its cheapness and fine quality (960 sheets to the ream) :— Superfine white, thick . . . per ream Superfine blue, thick .... White thin, blue thin, fine blue, and violet. „ White, blue, and violet . . . ,, 6/7 Other different sorts of paper, such as Me¬ dium, Royal, Super Royal, Imperial, un¬ sized and half sized, for printing on copper and stone.per lb. Card paper for various purposes . ,, L. EIPENSCHLEID, Manufacturer, wied. —Cl. III.—FI. S. Potato flour. Neu- A. C. WELCKER, Wallersheim.— Cl. HI- FI. s. Agent, J. II. Kolle, 28, South¬ ampton Mews , JEuston Square. 2 blue cases of potato starch meal from the manufactory of the exhibitor, Wallersheim, near Coblenz. F. WAHL, Manufacturer of Potato Meal, Neuwied. —Cl. III.—FI. s. Potato meal (farina) .... per cwt. Sago flour, exhibited on account of its purity, whiteness, &c. . . . per cwt. A. WERTH and CO., Starch and Gum Ma¬ nufacturers, Bonn .—Cl. III.—FI. s. Specimens of wheat starch and potato meal, and chemical productions extracted from the same. Price. £. s. d. 0 6 3 0 4 6 1 19 0 13/6 a 15/ 15/ 9/ 7/2J, a 7/6 0 0 6 | 0 0 7g 0 13 0 1 12 7 at Stahlberg, near Musen , and of SIDE- RITE MINES in the Mining District of Siegen. —Cl. L-—FI. s. Raw materials for obtaining the above pro¬ ducts and fabrications, likewise the slags resulting from those processes, as: sparry and brown iron stone from the blast fur¬ nace ; spumous slags cooled by water; slags from the first, and ditto from the second process of making steel. 334 A. WIESMANN and CO., Owners of the Augustenhutte Factory, near Bonn.—Cl. II.—FI. s. Agent, J. F. Klein, 38, Fins¬ bury Square. Various productions of slate coals, viz.:— 2 bottles of mineral oil, specific weight 0-800 and 0-850, 1 bottle of paper coal, 1 ditto of parafine, 1 ditto of “ Gluhlack,” 1 ditto fossil black. PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 55 No. 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. FLOCKENHAUS and CO., Cologne. — Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. 1 bottle of Nopp tincture, for colouring linen and cotton threads, in all dark co¬ loured cloths.per bottle 1 white iron box with prepared indigo by a process invented by J. P. Flockenhaus, with which all stuffs are dyed durably over a common cold coop, and by which the noxious napping of the blue cloths is ren¬ dered superfluous, likewise all waste, change, or discolouring of the indigo, and every interruption in the dyeing, pre¬ vented .per pound Along with this article the following dyed substances: flock wool, 4 printed half woollen patterns, 1 of silk, and 4 skeins of Mexican wool. Price. £. s. d. 1 10 0 0 13 JOH. G. LOOSEN, Glue Manufacturer, Co¬ logne.— Cl. IV.— I Cologne glue.per cwt. 2 8 9 C. ROEMER, Manufacturer of Oil, Bruhl.— Cl. IV.—FI. s. 1 bottle of refined bone oil, remains clear and fluid until the thermometer is be¬ low 0 .per cwt. 2 bottles of refined machine oil, contains from 39 to 40 per cent, of greasy matter, is clear, free from acidity, and does not freeze.per cwt. 1 bottle of refined Provence oil, remains clear and white until the thermometer is at 5 ° below 0 .per cwt. GRUND, Carlsruhe.- Cl. XXX.—HI. Two pictures painted by new processes. -Cl. HOMBERG and SCHEIBLER, Eupen. < XII.—FI. s. 5 pieces of 4/4 buckskin, all wool, for trousers.per yard 2 pieces of 4/4 ladies’ cloth, all wool. J. MENGELBIER, Coach Maker, Aix-la- Chapelle.— Cl. V.—FI. N. Agent, J. Nu- eelens, 43, Albion Street, Hyde Park Terrace. A coach, with Collinge’s patent axles, English steel springs, the case with mahogany tables, lined in the Parisian style, con¬ structed by the exhibitor. For sale. ALOYS MIES & SONS, Surgical Instrument Makers, Cologne and Coblenz.— Cl. X.— 4 FI. v. 6 different trusses.per doz. 1 truss for a child. „ 1 truss for umbilical ruptures . . ,, 1 elastic band before and after confinement, also suited to act as a truss . . per doz. 1 calfskin laced stocking ... „ 3 different suspensories, per doz. 12/, 18/, & 2 fontanel bands with German silver fast¬ enings .per doz. 5 17 6 49/a 52/2 9 15 6 0 3 9 129 18 0 48/a 90/ 1 7 0 1 10 0 7 4 3 0 1 10 15/& 12/ No. 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. LOUIS RICHARD, ^ Watch Manufacturer, Lode in Neuchatel, and Berlin. —Cl. X. —G. s. Several watches and chronometers, made by the exhibitor. MICH. DORER, Watch Maker, Furtwangen , in the Black Forest of Baden.—Cl. X.— HI. A watch with anchor escapement, wheels, anchors, balances, bearers, platines, spring- box, case, and dial of ivory, gold screws, and steel wheels; it works in 10 rubies, shows seconds, has a diameter of 10 lines Par., is 3 lines thick, and weighs with glass and case 1 loth. Ditto, which does not show seconds, working in 8 rubies, steel screws, 18 lines in diam., 3£ lines thick, and weighs I 5 loth . . , C. BAUNSCHEIDT, Endenich, near Bonn.— Cl. X.—G. s. An instrument called a “Baunscheidtismer,” for medical purposes, invented by the ex¬ hibitor .each Ditto, when bought by the doz. Leech instruments, sorted, also the invention of the exhibitor.each Ditto, when bought by the doz. For sale. ROLFFS and CO., Manufacturers of Calicos, Cologne and Siegburg. — Cl. XI. and XVllI.—FI. s. 12 pieces of printed calicos, printed with a machine invented by the exhibitors, p. yd. 4 half dozens of printed handkerchiefs per doz. 4 ditto ditto.,, 4 ditto ditto.„ 26 ditto ditto.. WAGNER and SON, Aix-la-Chapelle.— Cl. XII. 6 pieces of black cloth, and 6 pieces of black satin. L. CHRISTOFFEL, Montjoie. — Cl. XII.— Woollen cloth for trousers:— 2 sorts of cloth for winter trousers, Nos. 34507 and 34508 .per yard 10 sorts of cloth for summer trousers, Nos. 34509—34512, and 36401—36406, per yard JOH. HEINR. ELBERS, Montjoie.— Cl. XII. —FI. s. 2 sorts of cloth for coats, Nos. 550, 551, per yard 8 sorts of cloth for trousers, Nos. 552—559, per yard 2 sorts ditto, Nos. 560, 561 ... „ Price. £. s. d. 100 0 0 100 0 0 0 12 0 9 0 6 0 4 0 0 54 0 4 3| 0 4 6 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 4 8 8/a 8/8 0 4 0 0 4 8 56 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 349 350 351 352 353 354 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. J. W. JANSEN, Manufacturer of Woollen Stuffs, Montjoie. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Agent in London, H. Joachim. 8/4 broad woollen stufF for summer paletots, No. 40348 per yard 4/4 broad woollen summer buckskins (4 sorts), Nos. 40349— 40352 .... per yard 4/4 broad woollen buckskins (4 sorts), Nos. 40353—40356 per 3 r ard 7 sorts woollen summer buckskins, Nos. 40357—40363 per yard 4/4 broad woollen winter buckskins, No. 40364 per yard 2 sorts ditto, Nos. 40365, 40366 ,, For sale. F. W. OFFERMANN, Imgenbruch.— Cl. XII. —FI. s.—Agent in London, B. Grut. 10 different sorts of woollen buckskins, § yard broad.per yard For sale. T. MERKELBACH and SOIL Montjoie.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 4/4 broad winter buckskin (all wool), No. 6000 .per yard 4/4 broad summer buckskin (2 sorts), Nos. 6001 and 6003 .per yard Ditto ditto (4 sorts) Nos. 6002,4, 6, 7 ,, Ditto ditto, No. 6005 ... ,, For sale. M. W. MUELLER, Montjoie.— Cl. XII. — FI. s. Woollen stuffs for winter trousers, 4/4, of 2 sorts, Nos. 21000, 21001 . . per yard Stuffs for summer trousers, 4/4, 9 sorts, Nos. 21002—21010 .per yard Summer paletot stuff, No. 21011 „ For sale. J. A. SAUERBIER, Montjoie.—Cl. XII.— FI. s. 4 sorts of 4/4 broad woollen winter buckskins, Nos. 43495, 44522, 44562, 44563, per yard 8 sorts of 4/4 broad summer buckskins, Nos. 44080, 44169, 44269, 44207, 44597, 44625, 44662, 44607 .per yard For sale. F. J. SCHEIBLER, Cloth, Cassimere, and Buckskin Manufacturer, Montjoie. —Cl. XII. and XV.—FI. s. Woollen stuffs, thread and Jacquard woven (price per yard) :— 5 sorts of common stuffs for summer trousers, Nos. 101—105. 4 sorts of best stuff for summer trousers, Nos. 106—109 . 2 sorts of common stuff for winter trousers, Nos. Ill, 112. New stuff for under waistcoats (a kind of cashmere), manufactured from a mixture of refuse silk and wool. The peculiarities of this cloth are: the internal connection of the silk with the wool, its easy manu¬ facture, great strength (although thin), and cheapness, refuse silk being cheaper than wool, No. 110 . .. Price. £. s. d. 0 9 1 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 4 6 0 6 3 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 5 4 0 5 8 0 4 4 0 8 4 0 5 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 5 4 0 3 0 No. 355 356 357 358 359 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ULENBERGandSCHNITZLER, Opladen.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Worsted yarn, viz.:— Worsted yarn, fine and superfine, blue, lilac, &c.per lb. 2/1, 2/5, 20 packages of worsted yarn of various co¬ lours .per lb. Wooden screws of 20 different numbers, \ of an inch to 4 inches long . per gross Ditto in as many numbers and the same sizes.per gross J. MENZERATH, Manufacturer of Woollen Stuffs, Imgenbruch. — Cl. XII.—FI. s.— Agents in London, Droin, Cruger, and Co. 5/6 broad black stuff for trousers, of Silesian wool (price in English yards. Discount 1st quality, No. 8000 0 7 10 2nd 7000 0 6 7 3rd 11 6000, 6100 .... 0 5 7 4th >> 5000, 5100 .... 0 5 3 5th 4000, 4100 .... 0 4 3 6th 1} 3000, 3100 .... 0 4 1 7th 11 2000, 2100 .... 0 3 11 per yard L. F. HAAS and SONS, Burtscheid.— Cl. XII. —FI. s. Agents in London, Henry and Hoffmann. Chalk white 4/4 cloth . Ditto 4/4 cassimere . Ditto 4/4 satin . Fashionable coloured 8/4 satin Ditto buckskin. For sale. P. YISSEUR, Cloth Manufacturer, Aix-la- Chapelle. — Cl. XII. — FI. s. — Agents, Cooper, Fitter, and Maclean, 12, Bil- liter Square. 6 sorts of black 4/4 satin cloth, numbered 21541, 6467, 7359, 5590, 9577, and 10206, per yard 3/2, 3/8|, 4/l£, 3/5£, 2 ditto of 8/4 zephyr .... per yard 1 piece of royal. „ 1 piece of Brazil. ,, 3 sorts of satin, numbered 40205, 12399, 14093 .per yard 6/4, For sale. per yard Z AMBON A BROTHERS, Burtscheid.— Cl. XII. — FI. s.—Agent, H. Kayser, 27, Basinghall Street. 2 sorts 4/4 winter buckskin, Nos. 16,731,16,732 .... 4/4 demi saison, No. 16,841 . . 6 sorts summer buckskin, Nos. 16,307, 16,323, 16,344, 16,337, 16,341, 16,500 . „ Black twisted 4/4 winter twisted tricot, No. 16,096 . „ Black twisted 4/4 tricot, No. 16,066 ,, Twisted 4/4 summer tricot, No. 16,025 „ Price. £. s. d. 2/6, & 3/1 2/a4/f 3 \d. a 7/’i 8c?. a 28/ 0 18 0 0 6 5 0 6 11 0 8 0 0 4 5 3/2, 2/9 3/7 a 4/ 0 4 4 0 5 4 7/5, 8/3 0 5 0 0 4 4; 0 3 11 i No. 360 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 57 361 362 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. C. ANDREAE, Manufacturer of- Velvet, Miiklheim on the Rhine.—Cl. XIII.— El. s. Agents in London, E. and H. Blank. No. in. wide. 18163. Velvet, German si 18213. Ditto, ditto, 17498. Ditto, Lyons, 17736. Ditto, Genoa, 18430. Mantilla velvet, 18431. Mantilla plush, 225. 3 pieces of chine velvet waistcoats 113. 7 ditto fancy velvet ditto 110. 3 ditto silk plush plain ditto 192. 4 ditto plaid ditto 7 pieces of different fancy velvet waistcoats crimson, 17 0 3 4 black, 20 0 7 6 black, 20 0 9 4 black, 20 0 11 9 black, garnet, 32 0 15 0 34 0 14 8 No. 201. 212 . 130. 223 0 11 3 0 11 9 0 12 2 0 12 7 No. 190. 114. 116. Velvet ribbons, different styles, and velvet a jour. VILLEROY and BOCH, Manufacturers of Earthenware Goods, Wallerfangen , near Saarlouis; Mettlacli , near Merzig ; and Mannheim. —Cl. XXV.'—FI. n. Agents in London, W. Adolph and Co. Fine earthenware goods, richly ornamented, viz.: 57 flower vases, 18 flower pots, 3 brackets, 9 hanging flower pots, 39 plaited baskets, 15 milk jugs, 14 goblets, 8 water jugs, 6 wine coolers, 4 punch bowls, 16 cigar and match boxes, 7 cigar ash receivers, 9 tobacco boxes, 7 match boxes, 35 candle¬ sticks, 6 writing stands, 2 letter holders, 10 jewel boxes, 7 butter plates, 2 tea cad¬ dies, 1 small bottle, 1 salt cellar, 3 tea services, 3 preserve dishes, 3 egg cups, 3 mustard pots, 10 milk jugs, 2 pedestals. Goods of this sort, gilt and painted with blue, have not till the present time been executed on the Continent. 60 pieces of earthenware goods, plain and painted. 3 pieces ditto, fine and plain. 43 ditto printed. 42 ditto blue and gold (dinner service). 19 ditto gilt (tea service). 12 ditto vases, flower pots and cups, gilt and painted. 10 pieces of black earthenware, frying pans, milk cans, and black cooking apparatus. C. L. BOEHME, Imgenbruch.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Agent, B. Grut, 11, Lime Street. 4 pieces of fine woollen drap cachemir, viz.: 3 pieces of pense, black and olive, per yard 1 piece of black ...... ,, For sale. Price. £. s. d. per yard. 0 7 0 13 0 9 0 9 0 12 10 0 10 9 0 12 6 0 13 0 12 No. 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. W. BRUEGMANN and Co., Cloth Manufac¬ turers, Burtscheid. — Cl. XII. — FI. S. Agent, G. Enes, 28, Sion Chambers. 1 piece of 4/4 fancy summer buckskin, per yard 1 piece of ditto .... 1 ditto ditto winter 1 ditto ditto .... 1 sort of Mohair cloth . 1 ditto ditto, blue and red 2 ditto ditto .... 1 ditto ditto, blue and red Mohair cloth, lately imported; Angora cloth, also called bearskin; peau de lion, or congs poils, brown and perle . „ For sale. FE AUX and RIEDEL, Cloth Manufacturers, Aix-la-Chapelle. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 piece of 8/4 drap de Russie, for overcoats, per yard 1 piece of woollen blue, No. 15,056 „ 1 piece of satin de laine, No. 13,354, black, per yard 1 piece of croise noir and noir, Nos. 15,878 and 15,175.per yard 1 piece of cassimere royal noir, No. 16,284, per yard J. P. SCHOELLER, Diirm.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Cloth made in English style, with a pure natural lustre : Extra fine woollen black . . . per yard Ditto marine blue. ,, Ditto satin black. „ C. IIA AN and SONS, Manufacturers of Woollen Goods, Moselkem. —Cl. XII.— FI. s. Ordinary white woollen blankets .... Fine ditto . White and red plaid ditto. Coloured horse cloths.each Ordinary grey blankets. F. HENDRICHS, Eupen.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 piece of black croise cloth . . per yard 2 pieces of superfine black croise cloth ,, H. PAULI and BUCHHOLZ, Burtscheid.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Agent in London, H. Hoffmann. 8/4 black royal.per yard Ditto croise . 4/4 ditto cassimere 2 sorts of 4/4 satin . Satin tigre, 4/4 . PEILL and Co., Duren — Cl. XII.—FI. s. 3 pieces of dyed woollen cloth, manufactured from Silesian wool; exhibited on account of its durability and cheapness per yard Price. £. s. d. 0 9 0 0 10 8 0 10 8 0 10 8 10/& 11/4 0 6 8 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 14 5 0 6 9 0 12 0 0 18 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 11 4 12/8 & 14/ 0 9 7 0 8 8 0 6 8 6/2 & 5/10 0 3 5 0 11 7 G 58 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 370 371 372 173 374 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. A. KAYSER, Cloth- Manufacturer, Aix-la- Chapelle .—Cl. XII.—FI. S. 3 different pieces of light twilled cloth, No. 1975 .per yard 1950 ...... „ 1925 „ 3 different pieces of half cloth, No. 19,600 . „ 18,500 . „ 20,900 . „ For sale. J. II. KESSELKAUL, Cloth Manufacturer, Aix-la~Chapelle .—Cl. XII.—FI. s. 9 different pieces of twilled and plain cloth, No. 97,756 97,331 97,840 97,493 98,001 97,999 97,895 98,066 98,040 6 different pieces of satin, No. 98,105 97,922 97,831 97,998 97,863 98,021 per yard KLEINSCHMIDT and VON HALFERN, Cloth Manufacturers, Burtscheid. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Various coloured cloths:— 9/4 black croise, Electoral No. 7000, per yard la. 9/4 black croise 7001 ,, Ila. 8/4 ditto 7002 ,, Ilia. ditto 7003 „ Dps. d’Amazone, in 3 different colours, Nos. 6000, 6001, 6002 .per yard For sale. KNOPS, BROTHERS, Cloth Manufacturers, Aix la Ckapelle.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 3 different sorts of black plain half cloth :— No. 13,641 30,703 . . 16,098 . . ^ 4 different sorts of croise : No. 22,277 . . 22,147 . , 22,028 . . 22,146 . . Satin 2,720 . . per yard L. SCHOELLERand SONS, Dvren.— Cl. XII. FI. s.—Agents, W. Adolph and Co., St. Mary Axe. Cloth and fancy stuffs for coats, exhibited on account of their fineness and perfect finish, and the fine genuine dyed wool; 2 pieces of blue cloth and pomme de chene, both twisted, woollen black, black, laurier, claret, currant colour, crepe de laine, bronze d’or, woollen blue II., fancy paletot stuff, Californian brown. Price. £. s. d. 0 0 0 5 11 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 4 5 1 0 6 10 0 7 8 0 8 3 0 12 0 0 13 8 0 15 H 0 8 10 0 7 8 0 8 10 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 5 7 0 3 8 0 4 6 0 6 10 0 16 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 7 4 0 10 0 4 8 5 3 5 11 0 10 0 3 No. 375 376 377 378 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. THYWISSEN, BROTHERS, Cloth Manufac¬ turers, Aix la Chapelle. —Cl.XII. andXV. —FI. s.—Agentin London, G. Dressder. 5 different sorts of light twilled cloth, per yard 13/1, 11/4, 8/3, 7/4, 6/2. Doeskin.per yard 2 different sorts of winter over coat cloth, per yard Summer over coat cloth .. 2 sorts of winter tricot ...... 1 piece of summer ditto. . . . . 3 sorts of summer buck skin ..... 1 piece of ditto ditto. 4 sorts of ditto ditto (silk thread) .... 2 sorts of winter ditto ....... For sale. STERNICKEL and GUELCHER, Enpm.~ Cl.XII.—FI. s. Agent, B. Grut, 1, Basinghdll Street. 1 piece of black twilled cloth (Electoral), per yard 1 piece of fine black ditto ... „ C. GUST PASS, Remscheid.— Cl. XIII. and XIX. Silk ribbons, cords, &c.: Frisolet ribbon, at 32f yards, in 9 different sorts, with the Numbers J, 1 , 1 J, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6 , and 7, per piece Is. 1 \d.. Is. 7%d., Is. 11 \d., 2 s. 3 %d., 2s. 9 \d., 3s. 3Jd., 4s. 23 c?., 5s. 2 \d., and 6 s. Floret silk twilled ribbon, at 32| yards, in 3 sorts, Is. 2 \d., Is. 830 ?., and 2s. 5 \d. Twilled lace of 3 sorts, Is. 2|cription of Article, ike. rubies, and emerald; with emerald, opal, and roses, each 5?. 0s. 6c?., 16?. 13s., 34?. 7s., 55 1. 16s., and 27 brooches, (14 car. standard) . . each 9 ditto with opal and roses, each 5?. 14s., 61. 12s., 71. 13s., 8?. 5s., 81. 8s., 8?. 17s. 71. 19s., 71. 19s., and 1 ditto with eagle and serpent .... 5 pair of ear rings (14 car. standard), per pair 18s. 6 d., 1?. 4s., 11. 6s. 7 d., 21. Is. 3c?. and 2 bracelets (18 car. standard) with brilliants 56?. 14s. and 1 ditto with brilliants and emeralds . 1 bracelet (14 and 18 car. standard) . 1 ditto (22 and 18 car. standard) lizard ser¬ pent in rubies and brilliants .... 8 ditto (14 car. standard), each 2?. 13s. 3c?., 31. Is., 4?. 4s., 5?. 14s., 61. 12s., S?., and 2 watch hooks with enamel and charivaris, 31. Is. 9c?. 4 rings with pearls and roses, 1?. 19s. 3c?., 21. 0s. 9c?., 21. 17s., and 2 rings with rubies and pearls 6?. 12s. and 1 pin (14 car. standard) with pearls . 1 knitting needle, with pearls and rubies 9 medallions with green enamel, pearls and opals.each 1 ditto with rubies, roses, and pearls 1 enamelled bottle .. C. M. WEISJIAUPT and SON, Jewellers, Hanau.— Cl. XXIII. and XXX.—HI.— Agent, R. Phirrips, of the Firm of Phillips Brothers, 31, Cockspur Street. A set of chessmen of 15 ounces, silver and gold, in the Renaissance style. The prin¬ cipal figures are portraits of Charles V., Emperor of Germany, and his daughter Margaret of Parma; and of Francis I., King of France, and his sister Margaret of Valois. A jewel holder of 14 ounces of silver stand¬ ard, with a coral tree, various precious stones, and a plate in malachites, in the Renaissance style, containing 2 doors opening by means of a spring, and musical box. G. F. HAULICK, Jeweller, Hanau.— Cl. XXIII. and XXX.—HI. A flower in brilliants and rubies, with eme¬ rald and grey enamelled leaves, in a gold and enamelled vase; the flower may also be worn as a hair or breast pin A. WAGNER, Glass Maker, Sulzbach.— Cl. XXIV. Wine bottles, exhibited on account of their cheapness (price per 1000): Bottles for Rhine wine mousseux ; withstand a pressure of 25 atmospheres .... Ditto for Rhine wine, with pressed bottom and ribbed necks. Ditto for Rhine wine, with unpressed bottom and smooth neck. Ditto for Moselle wine, of different sizes, at 4?. 19s., 5?. 8s., and Price. £. s. d. 23 5 23/3 a 82/6 10 7 0 15 18 0 3 9 0 82 16 0 110 14 0 18 6 0 60 6 0 9 9 0 7 2 6 3 9 0 11 11 0 8 5 0 12 0 0 28/6 a 49/ 3 19 6 4 5 9 1029?. 129?. 205?. 16s. 8 2 0 5 2 0 4 19 0 6 0 0 62 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 415 416 417 418 419 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Co- J. WIEGANDT, Carpenter and Joiner, logne ,—Cl. XXVI.—G. N. A round mosaic table of various kinds of wood, 18 inches in diameter, and composed of 24,700 pieces, the whole v/orked by hand A specimen of flooring, consisting of con¬ centric circles and radii, containing 2996 pieces.per square foot 2 of the same sort, with stars and 864 pieces, per square foot C. A. KRAMER, Cologne.— Cl. XXX.—G. n. Plaster cast in the Roccoco style, executed without the assistance of drawings, &c.: each 2 ornaments for keystones ... 3 middle parts in three sizes, each 4s., Is. 6c7., and 2 ornaments.each 3 cornice ornaments .... per foot 5 smaller ornaments.each ENGELHARD and KARTH, Carpet Manu¬ facturers, Mannheim. —Cl. XXVI. Six rolls of house paper stretched on wooden frames, manufactured by the exhibitors. O. NOE, Engraver, Hanau.— Cl. XXX. Plaster model of a branch candlestick FALLER, TRITSCHELLER, and CO., Straw Bonnet Manufacturers, Lenzkirch , in the Black Forest.—Cl. XX—G. n. 420 Different sorts of straw hats and cigar etuis. The straw is grown in Lenzkirch, cut, bleached, prepared, plaited, and made into hats by the exhibitors. The manner of making them is the same as in Tuscany, only that instead of wheat straw, that of rye is used. Half the articles exhibited are made in the Tuscany manner (4 meshes). Price. A. J. NEES, Carver and Gilder, Cologne. Cl. XX VI.—G. n. 6 different patterns of machine made gilt cor¬ nices, plain and carved (marked a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h ), made after a plan patented by the exhibitor—fo^ gilders, upholsterers, and decorators, per 98 feet, 4/. 5s. 6d, 31. 11s. 3d, 21. 17s., 21. 7s. 6c?., 21. 12s. 3d, & 421 422 H. PALLENBERG, Upholsterer, Cologne .•— Cl. XXVI.-G. n. A lady’s writing table, richly carved in rose¬ wood, exhibited on account of its comfort¬ able arrangement, tasteful execution, and cheapness. £. s. d. 22 10 0 H. KENDALL, Cologne , and Aix-la-Cha- pelle. Agent, J. Kendall, 8, Harp Lane, Great Tower Street. Cologne water, pomatum, sachets, assorted perfumes, samples of toilette soap. 0 16 0 0 3 4 0 6 0 7 10 0 No. 423 1 13 3 424 425 426 427 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 428 42 0 0 429 F. LEVEN, Heidelberg.— Cl. XXVI. and XXX.—G. n. Animals’ heads, of European game, na¬ tural size, modelled by the exhibitor after nature, and executed in an imitation of bronze, viz.: Deer’s heads with real horns, each, according to the size of the horns, 21. 14s., 31. 9s. and Deer’s heads with ditto .... each Wild boars’. Wolves’ heads.. Wild goats’ with plaster horns Roes’ heads with real horns . Chamois heads with real horns, each 10/6, 12/, 15/, and each Greyhounds and spaniels Spaniels (with' long hair) .... ,, Badger dogs (Dachshund) and foxes . ,, Wild cats . ,, Hares. ,, Screech owls. „ Eagles. ,, Heath-cocks .. ,, For decorating hunting rooms, and to hang guns, &c. upon. Price. J. P. SPENDECK and Co., Manufacturers of Eau de Cologne, Cologne .—Cl. XXIX. —FI. s. 24 bottles of double eau de Cologne, of 10 different sorts, prepared from pure spirit, per dozen 13 glasses of Eau de Cologne veritable, of 5 different sorts .... per dozen MARIA CLEMENTINE MARTIN, Nun Cologne. —Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. Eau de Cologne, Melisse Carmelite spirit, invention of the exhibitress . per dozen JOHANN MARIA FARINA, Manufacturer of Eau de Cologne, Cologne .—Cl. XXIX. —FI. s. Eau de Cologne (1 sort and double) in com¬ mon and basket bottles . . per dozen C. HERSTATT and Co., Manufacturers of Eau de Cologne, Cologne .—Cl. XXIX.— FI. s. Eau de Cologne, in white six cornered bottles, per dozen bottles Double ditto in glasses . . per dozen MOOSBRUGGER and KOBBE, Coblenz.— Cl. XXVII. 3 table slabs of artificial marble, inlaid with mosaic work.each WEYGOLD, Tax Collector, Erkelenz. —Cl. XIX.—FI. n. A piece of embroidery on canvas, on a method invented by the exhibitor, viz.: Ruth and Boaz, or the Gleaner, 7 feet high and 6 feet broad. In 4860 squares, with 100 points and 486,000 stitches . . . £. s. d. 3 15 0 27/ & 30/ 27/ & 30/ 18/& 21/ 17 0 13/ & 15/ 0 18 0 9/ & 10/6 9/6 & 11/ 6/& 7/6 5/ & 6/ 4/ & 6/ 3/ & 5/6 3/ & 4/6 2 / & 2/6 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 9 C 0 12 ( 6 0 ( 14 2 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLYEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 63 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Ditto in galvanized copper. 90 0 0 Ditto in Carrara marble. Arminius, as a hostage in Rome, meditating over the deliverance of his country; a full sized figure, standing, connected in the middle; designed and modelled in plaster of Paris by the exhibitor. 225 0 0 90 0 0 Ditto in galvanized copper. 180 0 0 . 432 Ditto in Carrara marble. THOMAS DICKERT, Director of the Mu¬ seum of Natural IIistor 3 r , Bonn. —Cl. XVII. 450 0 0 1 plan in rilievo of the Seven Mountains 1 plan in rilievo of Mounts Vesuvius and 1 14 0 Somma. For sale. 2 11 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description ofAiticle, &c. 430 K. F. HECKEL, FI. N. Mannheim. —Cl. IV.- 431 Tableaux of plants (flower groups), in making which plants are used as they are found, without any additional colouring ; price of both pictures. A collection of 25 Alpine plants, dried and arranged in a new manner. The exhibitor delivers to order Alpine plants from Germany and Switzerland, ar¬ ranged in the same way. R. CAUER and C. CAXJER, BROTHERS, Creuznach.— Cl. XXX.—Na. A young Faun, in plaster of Paris, carrying a vine branch on its shoulders; a full sized figure, connected in the middle and at the arms; designed, modelled, and executed by the exhibitor. Pi ice. £. s. d. 42 0 0 7 10 0 45 0 0 c. Provinces of Prussia and Lithuania. 433 434 435 436 437 V. SAUCKEN, Landowner, Julienfelde .— Cl. IV.—FI. s. 2 wool fleeces. J. WAECHTER, Counsellor of Commerce, Tilsit.— Cl. HI. and IV.—FI. s. Agent, A. Gubba. 2 lime and 2 stalk cakes. 5 glasses of animal charcoal . . per cwt. 1 glass pulverised ditto . . ,, 1 do. sugar scum (lcwt. 2qr. 151b.) . . C. HERRMANN, Bronze Founder, Dantzic. —Cl. XXVII.—Fi. n. A pair of candelabra in green bronze, Greek style, after patterns of candelabra found in Pompeii . ADOLPH LIECK, Master Tinman, Marien- werder .—Cl. XXII.—FI. N. A travelling coffee machine, with spout, in a case, with a tea pot, coffee mill, and tea cup; it requires little room, and little firing; and with 1 /64 of a quart of spirit 3 cups can be prepared in ten minutes. Soup and eggs may be cooked in the tea pot.per doz. A ditto with double filter, with tea pot, box, coffee mill, spirit lamp, &c. . . per doz. An almond rubber, with brush, for the pre¬ paration of almond milk, marzipan, &c. per doz. MEYER LOEWENSON, Goldsmith, Tilsit. —Cl. XXIII.—III. A tower in filigree work, with pomegranates as used by the Russian Jews on the Sabbath. 0 10 0 0 7 0 0 4 6 34 0 0 3 6 0 3 16 6 0 19 3 9 0 0 438 439 440 441 WOLFF MAN NHEIMER, Merchant, Konigs- herg .—Cl. I.—FI. N. 2 pieces of amber, one of 6, the other of 4\ lbs. C. W. HOFFMANN, Worker in Amber, Dantzic.— Cl. XX1IL— FI. n. 1 pair of amber candlesticks in a case . 1 letter holder. 1 snuff box, set in gold 1 sugar vase. 1 salt cellar and pepper caster, set in silver 1 writing stand with silver plate 1 cigar ash receiver .... 6 cigar holders in cases 6 packets of coral amber, 1 sort 6 do. do. 2 sorts 5 do. transparent polished coral amber 1 pattern card, with various articles in amber, 1 sort. 1 ditto with various articles in amber . . 22 10 9 0 12s. a G. J. HOFFMANN, Worker in Amber, Dantzic .—Cl. XXIII.—FI. n. 6 lbs. of bastard beads, No. 1/6 ; 6 lbs. ditto, No. 1/2 ; 5 lbs. of transparent fine, No. 1/2; 4 lbs. fine ; 2 snuff boxes in silver gilt and silver, 1 writing stand (inkstand, seal, wafer box, pen knife, pen holder, Sec.), 1 liqueur glass, 1 letter holder (a hand), 1 handle for a paper knife, 1 jewel case, 2 cigar holders, 1 brooch . . . . in all W. v. ROY, Worker in Amber, Dantzic .— Cl. XXHI.—FI. n. A collection of raw amber, properly ar¬ ranged with description: 1 tea tray with the English coat of arms, 1 snuff box set in gold, 1 handle for a couteau de chasse, 3 brooches, 2 seals set in silver, 3 brace¬ lets .in all 66 0 0 108?. 64 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 442 REICHEL BROTHERS, Gutstring Manu¬ facturers, Tilsit. —Cl. X.—G. s. £. s. d. 1 set E strings ) l D (. 1 A j 1 doz.G . 0 9 0 0 16 443 HEYDENREICH, Teacher, Tilsit. — Cl. XXX.—HI. 1 piece of wood carving. 7 10 0 No. 444 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, 8c c. GRZYBOWSKI, Evangelical Yicar of Berent. —C1.*XXX.—HI. 1 A flower vase, containing various flowers, viz.: roses, narcissus, pinks, poppies, lilacs, tulips, mallows, &c., upon which a bird has perched, and attempts to hold his place against another; carved in linden wood in hold relievo; the corner pieces in the form of mussels contain various symbols, viz.; a. Belief, Love, Hope ; b. Science; c. Art, Generosity; d. Agriculture, Trade, Com¬ merce. The roses and wreaths are of wil¬ low wood. The whole in a black frame. . Price. £. s. d. 30 0 0 d. Northern Parts of Electoral Hesse, of the Western Prussian Provinces, the Principality of Lippe. 445 448 447 448 449 450 451 452 ROYAL SALTERY at Neusalzwerk (Rehme). —Cl. I. Coarse grained refined common salt, per load of 36| cwt. C. D. VORSTER, Hagen.— Cl. XXI.—El. N. Specimens of hammered cast iron, and articles made of the same. Ditto with welded cast iron. LEHRKIND, FALKENROTH, and CO., Haspe.— Cl. I. and XXII.—El. n. 2 rolled lumps of puddled steel . . per cwt. 9 bars of hammered and 6 ditto of refined and puddled steel . . . . 1Z. Is. 4 d. a A patent axle tree of puddled steel . M. STINNES, Share Company, Miihlheim.— Cl. I.—El. s. Cokes from washed coals, burnt in vaulted ovens.per cwt. J. H. DRESSLER, Sen., Siegen. —Cl. I.—El. s. Sparry ironstone, brown and black ironstone. White pig iron.per 10 cwt. White raw iron, raw steel iron . . ,, Mottled and grey raw iron ... „ Bar iron, in 3 sorts. „ MINING SOCIETT, acting under the firm of Saeezer and Neu Ack, Essen. —Cl. I.— FI. s. A lump of pit coal (fat coal), 122 $ Prussian pounds weight. LAMBINON ULRICH and CO., Brilon.— Cl. I.—FI. s. 49 layers from lead and blende ores from the Brilon mining district. Finished lead.per cwt. Ditto zinc. C. ROCHATZand CO., Miihlheim and Ruhrort, —Cl. I.—FI. n. Zinc, zinc ore, zinc white, &c. 453 2 14 0 454 . 0 14 3 455 1 7 6 1 10 6 458 MM 00 o o 3 5 3 2 18 9 2 9 0 5 17 6 457 0 0 7| 458 6 fa 7/6 8/a 8/6 459 BOEING. ROEHR and LEFSKY, Limburg on the Lennc. —Cl. I.—FI. n. A rolled piece of puddled steel . per 10 cwt. Hammered steel. „ Round hammered and rolled steel ,, 4 hammered pieces of the same . ,, I.—FI. s. Steel of Miisen . Middle steel of Miisen >ach near Siegen .— Cl. per 10 cwt. 9Z. 9s. a „ 81. 3s. a FRANZ HANIEL, Ruhrort.— Cl. I.—FI. s. Specimens of coal and cokes from the mines near Essen, viz.: poor anthracite, Essen coals (middling, fat, smith’s and small coals), the scheffel of 129 pounds . Coke . .per cwt. PETER HARKORT and SON, Wetter on the Ruhr.— Cl. I.—FI. n. Steel for sword blades, per cwt. 1Z. 15s. lOeZ. a Steel for scythes, „ .... Steel for knives „ .... Raw steel, steel for files, springs, and wood handle hatchets.per cwt. Cemented steel. „ F. KRIMMELBEIN and BREDT, Barmen .— Cl. II.—FI. s. Various chemical preparations, viz. : red prussiate of potass, cyanate, powdered king’s blue, king’s blue composition, china blue, extract of cudbear, safflower and indigo carmine, indigo extract, prepared catechu, rosa salt, stannate of soda, bichlo¬ ride of tin, chloride of tin, powdered tin, and sal ammoniac. J. CURTIUS, Duisburg.— Cl. n.— FI. s. 14 sorts of blue and 4 sorts of green ultra- GUTHEIL and CO., Diisseldorf.— Cl. II.— FI. s. 1 piece of ferrocyanate of potassa. 7 6 8 3 8 0 8 0 11 13 1 10 8 0 8 19 0 7 \d. a 8 d. 0 0 14 4 12 10 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 65 “ T - No. 460 461 462 463 464 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. CHEMICAL MANUFACTORY of STOH- MANN and WUESTENFELD, Neu- salzwerk , near Minden. —Cl. II.—FI. s. Pure sulphate of zinc .... per pound Various acids : Acetic acid (1.040 and 1.060), phosphoric acid chloroform (1.500), per pound resp. 2s. 6d., 4s. 3d. & Neutric, sulphuric, purified hydrochloric acid (1.120), per cwt. 1/. 12s. 7 d., 21. 10c?. & Carbonate of soda (99, 95, and 90 per cent. De'croigilles) per cwt. 1Z. 2s. 10c?., 1?. Is. 2 d. & Ditto crystallised, pure crystallised and ses- quicarbonate of soda, per cwt. resp. 9s. 3c?., 1?. 12s. Id. & Sulphate of soda.per cwt. Ditto, purified. ,, Subsulphite of soda .... per pound Nitrate of soda.per cwt. Seignette salt.per pound Acetate of potass, purified . . „ Carbonate of potass . per cwt. 21. 5s. 8c?. & Ditto, purified.per pound Prussiate of potass. „ Sulphate of potass.per cwt. Do. crystallised . „ Kalium cyanatum, after the suggestions of Liebig.per pound Soda salt of the salt water of Rehme per cwt Mother lye of the same (45 gallons) 180 quarts Chloride of lime.per cwt. Sulphate soda. „ WESENFELD and CO., Barmen.— Cl. II.- Fl. s. Calcined soda, caustic spda, bleaching pow¬ der, and antichlor. HORSTMANN and CO., Horst near Steele.— Cl. I.-FI. s. 17 samples of smalt, per cwt., 1?. 4s. 5c?. a 2 ditto of zaffer ,, 24/. 8s. 9c?. a ADMINISTRATION of the ROYAL ALUM WORKS, Schivemsal , District of Bitter- feld.— Cl. I. and II. Refined potash alum, crystallized in form of a cask.for If cwt. Ordinary potash alum, crystallized in the shape of a cask ..... for If cwt. Sulphate of alumina, passing in trade under the name of “ aluminate,” containing but little iron, applied to the fabrication of pa¬ per, and might be employed with advantage in tanning white leather . . per cwt. E. MATHES and WEBER, Duisburg .—Cl. II. —FI. s. Various chemical productions, viz.: Muriatic acid.per cwt. Chloride of lime, sulphate of soda, soda (crys¬ tallized, calcined, and caustic). Price. £. s. d. 0 0 4 0 5 4 0 16 4 1 0 1 1 6 1 4/11 & 6/6 0 14 8 0 9f 15 10 0 9 2 17 3 2 1 11 6 10 0 4 0 0 9 10 0 15 0 0 19 7 0 7 1 8 10 10 48 17 6 1 10 4 1 2 6 0 6 2 0 1 2A No. 465 466 467 468 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. THE ELECTORAL BLUE COLOUR WORKS, Schwarzenfels near Schliichtern. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. Blue colours : SFFFC .... per cwt. „ SFFC. „ FFFFCF . „ FFFCF. „ FFCB. FCB. „ FH. „ MCB. „ MC. „ g? ; ; each OC2.per cwt. OC3. „ Strewing smalt: MSB .... „ Washing blue: SFFFE .... „ SFFE. „ FFFFE. „ FFFE. „ FFE2. „ FE2 . „ ME. „ MEBS. „ OE. „ OE1 (N.O.C.). „ OE2. „ OE3. „ OE4. „ OSE1. „ BC. „ Violet smalt: FH. „ FFCF. „ FFFE. „ EE1 . Zaffer: FFS . *. * . ’. 1 ” FS. „ MS. „ Copper nickel, metallic .... „ Ditto roasted .... „ Oxide of nickel.per pound Ultramarine.per cwt. P. J. SCHRAMM, Meuss.- Starch and glue. -Cl. IV. THEOD. ROCHOLL, Manufacturer of Ci¬ gars, Minden .—Cl. XXVIII.—FI. s. Havannah cigars with Havannah wrappers and filling. 1000 pieces Guayaquil, with Guayaquil wrappers and filling of Bahia .... 1000 pieces ARN. FRIEDRICH CASTANJEN, SONS, Manufacturers of Tobacco, Duisburg .— Cl. III.—FI. s. Various sorts of tobacco, viz.: Varinas of 8 sorts. Nos. 0.per pound 1 2 3 4 6 7 Price. £. 7 10 4 4 17 3 3 12 11 2 19 9 2 I 10 1 17 10 1 17 10 1 7 0 1 7 0 1 8 4 0 17 18 2 8 3 0 4 7 3 0 18 11 0 17 6 0 16 3 1 19 2 0 17 6 1 17 10 2 3 2 3 2 2 5 8 3 6 11 4 1 16 10 19 10 8/6 & 7/4 6 16 4 4 10 0 1 10 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 2 0 1 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. <)6 m. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 470 471 472 473 Duisburger Justus, American arms and Loui¬ siana, No. 2 .per pound Tobacco for chewing .... „ Snuff: Macoba, grand cardinal, rappee, St. Omer (carofcte St. Omer) per cwt. 4/. 11 s. & Ditto ditto . . . per pound Specimens of cigars: Savannah ....... per 1000 Manilla . „ Java ......... ,, Florida. „ Ambaloma. „ 439 C. JAEGER, Dyer and Maker of Saffron Car¬ mine, Barmen .—Cl. II.—FI. s. Safflower carmine . . per quart (3 gallon) E. F. ELMENDORF, Isselhorst. —Cl. IV. and XIV.—G. s. Flax, called Ravensberg sand flax. Flax yarn, spun by hand, likewise cambric lawn yarns. F. A. BECKER, SAPP, and Co., Fredeburg.— Cl. IV. and XX.—FI. s. 2 pieces of yellow and black sponge, of the best sort and of extraordinary size, per cwt. Medium and ordinary sort . . . „ 2 caps (with and without shades) per piece J. H. DIEPERS, Crefeld.— Cl. VI.—FI. n. A silk winding machine for 40 reels, in half and full size.27 0 Price. PIEPENSTOCK and Co., Hermannshiitte , near Horde.—Cl. X.—FI. n. An iron tube axletree, with two disk wheels for railway carriages. 474 C. ERDELEN, Elberfeld.— Cl. VI.—FI. n. Cast steel reeds (price per 100), viz.:— 1 reed for wool. 2 ditto cotton. 3 ditto cotton and silk . 4 ditto silk . .. 475 478 C. and G. UHLIIORN, Grevenbroich.— Cl. VI. —FI. N. Various sorts of cards for carded and combed wool, cotton, tow, and silk. 477 HEN. UHLIIORN, Grevenbroich.— Cl. VI.— FI. N. A coining machine, a punching machine, and a machine for bordering dollar pieces.— The inventor has forwarded till now to the different mints of Europe and Africa 76 coining presses of all sizes. SPANGENBERG, SAUER, and STURM, Gun-makers, Suhl .—Cl. VIII.—FI. n. An extra fine percussion double barrelled gun, with bronzed Damascene barrels; Reid locks, with turning guards ; genuine silver furniture, with engravings in rilievo, the ground of gold; the iron parts exqui- £. s. d. /6* a: 1/3 0 0 9* 4 17 0 8d. a 1/11 3 9 0 2 8 0 2 2 0 1 19 0 1 16 0 1 1 0 4 17 9 4 7 0 0 1 0 22 10 0 0 2 3 0 0 4\ 0 0 5 * No. 478 479 0 0 6 * 480 481 482 483 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. sitely engraved and richly inlaid with hunting scenes in gold; the barrels also ornamented with gold; the Stock carved most luxuriously; in a case with an arti¬ ficial lock, massive silver handle, and bound with new silver, together with a powder flask of deer’s horn and all other apparatus; all, with the exception of the wooden and iron parts, of genuine silver . CASPAR SCHALLER, Royal Gun Revisor, Suhl— Cl. VIII. A rifle, with cast steel barrel, iron furniture, finely engraved with gold hunting piece; iron spring lid; upon the stock is carved a beautiful scene of the chase ; loading at the breech, with fittings for pointed balls, and all necessary appurtenances. The value of this rifle consists in the uncommon quickness of the loading and the precision of the shot.. F. P. SAUER and SON, Gun makers, Suhl. —Cl. VIII.—FI. n. A double gun.. A single barrelled rifle ....... Ditto, inlaid with silver, in a chatouille, with all appurtenances. SCHNITZLER and KIRSCHBAUM, Solingen. Cl. VIII.—FI. n. A collection of 110 ordinary and fine polished sabre and sword blades; 48 infantry, ca¬ valry, and officers’ swords. 42 fine officers’ sabres and swords, mounted in steel, German silver, and gilt. G. and "W. PISTOR, Gunmakers, Schmalkalden. —Cl. VIII. 1 rifle for pointed balls, with cast steel barrels. The exhibitors make Superfine double guns, with Damascened barrels, patent screws, fine chain locks, ornamented with German silver, steel, or wood, and with safety caps 15Z., 10/. 10s., 9/., 61. 15s., 6/., Ditto, with damascened barrels 6/., 51. 5s., 41. 10s., Ditto, with welded barrels . . 31. 6s., 3/., Ditto, with patent barrels 3/., 21. 14s., 21. 5s., 21. 2s., Ditto, without patent barrels . . 1/. 16s. Double and single rifles, hunting and chil¬ dren’s guns, walking stick guns, Swiss and needle guns, pistols, &c. W. SUESS, Marburg.— Cl. X.—G. s. ' A large thermo battery. H. SEEL, jun., Elberfeld.— Cl. X.—FI. N. A steam apparatus for an apothecary . . 10 sets of weights for apothecaries, of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, and 24 ounces, each 8Jd., 1/, 1/8J, 2/, 2/5, 2/8*. 3/, 3/5, 3/8*, and 3 colature boxes, of 3 sizes . 4/6, 5/7, and Price. £. 92 5 17 0 5 8 1 19 27 0 7 10 and 51. and 31 .1 and 21 .1 and 1/. 1 and 1/. 1 18 15 60 0 0 4 0 6 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 67 No. 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. E. SCHROEDTER, Diisseldorf.—Cl VI. and X.—G. s. An apparatus for ascertaining the weight and value of silk . A 6 inch theodolite. J. and A LAMPEERHOF, Essen.— Cl. X.— G. s. 1 solo clarionet, of novel construction 1 solo flute. 1 military clarionet. THEODOR HEITEMEIER, Munster.— Cl. X.—G. s. A pianoforte of a peculiar construction . . G. ADAM, Instrument Maker, Wesel. —Cl. X. G. s. A grand piano, on Erard’s principle . A semi grand piano. WIEDEMANN, PFERDEMENGES, and SCHMOELDER, Reydt.— Cl. XI. Cotton spun yarn, viz.: Mule No. 10.per pound Ditto 15. „ Medio 38. ,, H. IvLOEPPER, Wellentrupp , near Oerling- hausen.—Cl. XIV.—G. s. A piece of grey linen, 38 yards long, 34 inches broad . W. BOLTEN’S SON, Cloth Manufacturer, Ruhrort. —Cl. XII.—FI. S. Doeskin, black.per yard Do. satin. „ Do. drab coloured and grey . ,, Buckskin diagonal. ,, Summer buckskin, black and white ,, BRAUN BROTHERS, Hersfeld.— Cl. XII.— FI. s. Light blue and dark green cloth, No. 91,014.per yard 91,111. „ Dark blue, bronze, and black, No. 91,192. „ 91,182 . 90,896 . „ J. E. TESCHENMACHER and KATTEN- BUSCH, Cloth Manufacturers, Werden. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Drap de gilet.per yard Ditto mulberry. „ American blue cloth .... „ Black cloth . „ W. A. JOHANNY ABHOE, Hiikkeswagen.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 4 pieces of woollen cloth, mulberry, Russian green, bronze coloured, and black, per yard 4 pieces of Cashmere cloth, black, blue green, golden green, and steel blue, per yard 15/8, 13/9, 13/9, and 1 piece of drap royal, olive . . per yard Price. £. s. d. 51 0 0 21 0 0 9 0 0 4 10 0 2 14 0 60 0 0 90 0 0 43 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 III 0 1 3 3 6 0 6/8 & 6/2 6/& 5/1 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 61 0 9 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 19 6 0 13 9 0 10 10 No. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 piece of drap de Segovie . 3 do. croise' . 1 do. satin, black per yard J. C. VAN DER BEECK, Diisseldorf.— Cl. XII. and XV.—FI. s. 96 woollen long shawls, 12 ditto cravats, and 143 yards of the same stuffs for clothing and mantles. WIESE BROTHERS, Werden. — Cl. XII.— FI. s. 2 pieces of fine black cloth, No. 8621 .per yard 8630 ....... „ 2 pieces of cloth, English green and woollen black, Nos. 8840,9088 . . . per yard PETER SCHUERMANN and SCHROE- DER, Lennep. —Cl. XII.—FI. s.—Agent: Chas. Holland. Patterns of black and mulberry cloth : Nos. 85,176 58 inches per yard 85,565 ,, ,, Black twilled cloth, 2 sorts : Nos. 83,358 58 inches „ 85,631 „ „ Mulberry and blue cloth : Nos. 84,999 58 inches „ 85,617 „ „ J. D. OELBERMANN’S SONS and CO., Lennep.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Patterns of black and invisible green cloth: per yard HILGER, BROTHERS, Lennep.— Cl. XII.— FI. s. 4 pieces of black cloth : Nos. 30,284 .per yard 30,003 . „ 29,545 . „ 29,843 . „ 1 piece of olive cloth : No. 29,287 . „ 1 piece of blue green : No. 29,702 . „ 1 piece of dark brown : No. 29,477 . „ 1 piece of blue green : No. 29,699 . „ D. and A. HUECIv, Cloth Manufacturers, Her- decke on the Ruhr. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 2 pieces of cloth: N os. 1 and 2.per yard 2 pieces of cloth : Nos. 3 and 4. „ 1 piece of cloth : No. 5. „ 2 pieces of cloth 6 and 7 . „ HUFFMANN, BROTHERS, Werden.—Cl. XII.—FI. s. Fine black woollen cloth ... per yard Price. £. s. d. 0 11 10 0 13 9 0 13 9 1 0 0 0 14 9 0 15 3 0 9 0 10 0 9 0 11 0 8 0 9 8/8 & 10 / 0 11 4 0 10 8 0 10 0 0 9 4 0 12 8 0 11 4 0 10 8 0 10 0 0 10 8 0 8 0 0 14 0 0 10 0 0 14 8 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. C. MOLL, Hagen. —Cl. XII.—FI. s.— Agent: J. H. Cohn. 2 pieces of black cloth : Nos. 8551 and 8549 . . . per yard 2 pieces of wool blue cloth : Nos. 8539 and 8540 ... ,, 1 piece of blue main cloth: No. 8548 „ 1 piece of mulberry cloth : No. 8515. „ J. F. MERTEN, TJrdenbach neat' Diisseldorf. Price. £. s. d. 0 9 4 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 No. 508 509 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. FORSTMANN and HUFFMANN, Cloth Ma¬ nufacturers, Werden. — Cl. XII.—FI. S. 2 pieces of black woollen cloth, per yard:— Nos. 40996 and 40998 . 1 piece of green cloth, per yard:— No. 41304 . F. DIERGARDT, Manufacturer of Silk Goods, Vierssen.— Cl. XIII. and XIX.— FI. s. Price. £. s. d. 1 4 0 0 18 0 —Cl. XIL— FI. s. 1§ black and green striped flannel, per yard If red flannel. „ 1§ different coloured molton (5 sorts) „ | and 1| do., do., (2 sorts) per yard . l/3£ & Blue and brown ditto (2 sorts) per yd., 1/2 & 3 sorts of molton blue and red carre, black and red, and green, . . per yard 1/3 & SCHNABEL, BROTHERS, Hukkeswagm.— Cl. XII.—FI. s.—Agent, Ch. Holland. 5 different sorts of cloth : black, imperial. woollen blue, woollen black, black (2 sorts) Nos. 24,205 .... . per yard 26,586 .... 26,064 .... • 25,206 .... * 26,019 .... • 55 SCHEIDT, BROTHERS and CO., Cloth Manufacturers, Kettwig. - FI. s. - Cl. XII. — 6 pieces of doeskin, black, military grey, light grey, Marengo, and striped . per yard J. W. SCHELDT, Cloth Manufacturer, Kettwig on the Ruhr. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Black satin de laine, demi saison : No. 53,493 .per yard Black doeskin de laine: No. 53,495 . „ Military grey satin de laine : No. 53,509 . ,, Corn blue summer doeskin : No. 53,511. „ J. D. CL ARENBACH and SON, Hukkeswagm. —Cl. XII. Woollen yarn of 13 sorts, numbered 1, 2, 3, 6, 9,12,14, 15, 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28, per lb. 2id., 3 \d., 3| d., 7fd., lid., Is. 4± d., Is. 11 ±d., 2s. Id., 4s. 10c?., 9s. 6c?., 9s. lid., 10s. 3d., Wooden screws with 4 cornered heads, 4 to the pound and 32 to the pound . per lb. Ditto, with smooth round heads:— No. 20, at 4 inches .... per gross 10, » .... ,, ■2/0, 2 j? .... ,, FEULGEN, BROTHERS, Werden on the Ruhr. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. 3 pieces of cloth, woollen blue, fleur de mer- veille, and black, per yard :— No. 2850 . 3095 and 3103. 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 5J 0 1 3i 0 1 3A 0 1 3i 1 0 7 0 17 10 0 18 6 0 16 5 0 14 5 0 6 0 0 5 9 0 6 3 0 5 6 0 6 0 & 13s. 4d. & 6 d. 0 9 7\ 0 1 3i 0 0 4i 0 13 9 1 0 7 510 16 pieces of smooth velvet, of pure silk, per yard.'. 2 pieces of e'pingle velvet, bleu de France et celeste, per yard. 7 pieces of smooth black satin a la Lyonaise, per yard. 15 pieces of prime coloured smooth velvet ribbons, per 15 yards. 24 pieces of extra fine blue black velvet ribbons.. 25 pieces of extra fine coloured velvet rib¬ bons . 10 pieces of the best quality, blue, black, and coloured ditto. 6 pieces of ditto with borders. 2 pieces of ditto with coloured ends . . 15 pieces of extra fine raye. 8 pieces of canelle. 3 pieces of satin ribbon with velvet stripes . 20 pieces of smooth black velvet, per yard . 2 pieces of smooth coloured velvet, 18J inches broad, per yard. 9 pieces of smooth^oloured velvet, 20 inches broad, per yard. 31 pieces of waistcoat velvet, per yard . . 2 pieces of waistcoat plush „ 10 pieces of Gauffre velvet a jour, for bon¬ nets, per yard. 1 piece of plush for the same use, per yard . 7 pieces of mole skin, per yard .... 2 pieces of echarpe velvet, brown and green, per 3 yards. 11 pieces of satin a la Lyonaise, per yard 24 pieces of ditto smooth velvet ribbons, per 15 yards . . ... 11 pieces of ditto, per 30 yards . 11 pieces of grosgrain hatbands, per 15 yards 27 pieces of fancy ceinture ribbon ,, Various other ribbons and stuffs, such as cra¬ vats (broad and narrow), slips, velvet cravats, pressed velvet cravats, &c. DUYN HIPP and Co., Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Fancy silk umbrella stuffs iii 5 patterns, num¬ bered from 1 to 5, per yard 5s. 10c?., 5s. 10c?., 5s. 10c?., 3s. 10c?., Silk stuffs for clothing, per yard .... Ditto and waistcoat stuffs, per piece . . . 5/2ia28/l( 0 4 0 4/ a 6/10 1/a 1/11 1/2A a 12/t l/3jal0/8r l/8-iall/9t 4/8Aall/9f 0 12 8 ; 1/7 a 6/7 4/11 a 17/1 0 17 5 3/81 a 8/& 3/6 a 3/8; 5/1 a 7/2:. 7/3§al3/3 0 10 1 0 6 11 0 2 6 4/6 a 7/1 24/ a 33/ 3/6 a 4/3 8^c?. a 6/1 l/9i«13/8 2/1 a 3/8 3/5 a 16/7 & 3s. 6 c?, 0 4 3 4/8 a 8/S I PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 69 hj. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, IWO. Description of Article, &c. 11 .12 ►13 >14 >15 >16 P. STORCK, Silk Manufacturer, Crefeld — Cl. XIII. & XV.—FI. s. Fancy glace changeant, Nos. 1882, 1876, per yard Black lustrine, of 3 sorts: No. 5731 .per yard 5635 ....... ,, 5610. „ Satin de Chine, of 5 sorts: No. 5756 . „ 5820 . „ 5801 . „ 5S20i. „ 5554 ....... „ 4 sorts of neck handkerchief: No. 5605£.per doz. 5810 „ 5600 „ 5798|. „ Satin shawls, with fringes .... each Taffety do. do. .... „ Gilets of 3 sorts.per piece Ditto of 9 sorts. „ V. d. KERKHOFF and KREITZ, Crefeld. Cl. XIII.—FI. s. 17 coupons of silk stuffs for parasols. C. W. SIEBEL and BRINCK, Elberfeld.— Cl. XIX. 16 patterns of cord, gimp, agremens, and galloons. THE HEIRS OF J. SIMONS, Elberfeld.— Cl. XIII. and XV.—FI. s. Silk, half silk, and cotton goods. G. and H. SCHROERS, Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Fancy silk waistcoats: No. 1 to 30.per yard 31 35 ...... „ 36 40 „ 41 109. „ 110 121. „ 122 130 „ Fancy velvet waistcoats: No. 131 to 133. „ 134 137 „ 138 146 „ 147 150 „ 151 152. „ 153 158 ..... . „ Smooth velvet, velvet in cartons, and draw velvet . . per yard, 5s. 7£d., 5s. 7jc?., and RAPPARD and CO., Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Silk neck handkerchiefs of 12 sorts: No. 474 .per dozen 519 . 520 .. . 511. 523 . „ 425 . 499 . „ Price. £. s. d. 0 2 11 0 3 4 0 4 6 0 5 8 0 4 11 0 4 11 0 4 5 0 6 2 0 8 7 2 0 0 3 8 5 3 15 7 2 5 6 1 2 0 0 15 5 0 2 6 0 3 4 0 3 4 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. a. d. No. 422 . . . . . . . per doz. 2 9 6 469 .. 11 2 9 6 507 . 11 2 9 6 513. 11 2 11 0 440 . 11 2 18 6 517 RAPPARD and GOESMANN, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Velvet of 5 different sorts, per yard, 15s. 3d.. 9/4 & 7/4 Satin Jacquards. . per yard 0 6 5 518 W. PELTZER, sen.. Silk Manufacturer, Reydt. —Cl. XIII. and XV.- -FI. s.— Agent, Charles Holland. Velours epingle, 16 inches broad . per yard 0 4 8 Velours, 19 inches broad • n 5/1 a 9/7 Velours, 24 inches broad . . • n 0 9 7 Ditto 31 do. • n 0 12 11 Satin, No. 11533 . • » 0 6 0 Do. 11534 . 0 5 1 Cravattes satines .... . per doz. 1 17 0 Gros grain, No. 11572 . . . . per yard 0 4 2 Do. 11571 . . . • 11 0 4 6 2 pieces of satin, No. 11535 * 11 0 4 9 11536 • 11 0 4 1 18 coupons gilets satines . . • 5) 0 4 10 519 C. W. HOENINGHAUS and SON, SilkManu- facturers, Crefeld. —Cl. XIII.- -FI. s. Fancy silk and velvet ribbons, viz.: No. 10: 12 pieces . . . per 15 yards 0 2 5 12 : 7, 8, and 8 pieces . 5) 0 2 7 16: 21 pieces 11 0 3 5 20: 5, 7, and 14 pieces . 11 0 3 7 40 : 4 and 13 pieces . 11 0 5 2 20: 5 pieces .... 11 0 3 11 120 : 1 piece .... 11 0 13 2 40: 8 pieces .... 11 0 5 6 18 : 8 pieces .... 11 0 5 8 60 : 1 piece .... 11 0 7 10 40: and No. 80: 7, 7, and 8 pieces 11 0 8 10 80: 8 pieces .... 11 0 9 0 100: 1 piece .... 11 0 12 0 170: 5 pieces .... 11 0 15 6 140: 4 pieces .... 11 0 16 6 520 HERMES BROTHERS, and WOLFFERTS, Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld. —Cl. XIII. FI. s. Ombrelles nues jaspes of 3 sorts . per yard 0 2 5 Ditto broche satine of 4 sorts . • 11 2/7i a 3/£ Ditto figure do. 3 sorts . • 11 3/0i a3 /r Ditto J acquard woven of 4 sorts • 11 3/8 a 4/4 Armures satinees .... • 11 0 3 5j Brillantine of 25 sorts . • 11 2/3 a 3/5i 521 J. V. HEIDWEILLER and SONS, Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld. —Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Silk ribbons: Black hat bands .... per 28 yards 1/7^ n 5/5 Coloured ditto .... ii 1/9 6/6 Ribbons for trimmings . . ii 1/6 a 7/3 Ditto twilled. n l/lfal/4! 70 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 522 H. J. NEUHAUS, Crefeld.— Cl. XVIII.— FI. s. Patterns of different fancy and printed silks and silk goods. A list of the charges for bleaching, dressing, colouring, and printing is attached. £. s. d. 523 NEVIANDT and PFLEIDERER, Mettmann. Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Different silk boys’ and gentlemen’s collars, ladies’ fancy aprons, fancy ladies’ hand¬ kerchiefs, and fringed handkerchiefs, &c. 524 JACOBS and BERING, Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. S. Different specimens of taflfety . per yard Different satins. ,, Do. stuffs for umbrellas . . ,, Do. damasts. ,, Do. moires. „ Gros grain. ,, Croise „ Africain fa^nne. ,, 1/11 a 4/6 2/8 a 7/10 \/\\\al/Ql 4/10 a 5/7^ 2/8 a 3 /O 3 0 6 3 0 4 10 0 8 2 525 J. KAIBEL, Crefeld.— Cl. XIH.—FI. S. Patterns of silk goods : gros de Naples, satin de Chine, armures, striped and printed taflfety. 526 LINGENBRINCK and VENNEMANN, Vierssen .— Cl. XIII.— FI. s. Agents, Waether and De Vos. Velvet and velvet ribbons. 527 KRAUHAUS and KAUERTZ, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII. and XV.—FI. s. Satin a coton of 4 sorts, black, crimson, and blue.per yard Satin pour robes of 3 sorts, each 5/2, 5/7, and Satin uni toute soie of 3 sorts, each 5/9, 7/, and (Discount 10 per cent.) 3/6 a 5/6 0 7 2 0 9 7 528 KNUEPFERandSTEINHAEUSER, Greiz. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Agent, Charles Hol¬ land, Finsbury Circus. Thibets: corinth, olive, black, per yard 2/10, 3/2, and Satins: d’Espagne, bleu de France, berber gris, raye vert per yard 5/4, 3/2, and 0 3 4 0 4 4 529 TER MEER and Co., Silk Manufacturers, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Various silk stuffs for parasols . per yard Ditto (twilled and with satin stripes) for umbrellas, No. 140 .... per yard 141 ... . 3 sorts of black taflfety, No. 132 . ,, 133 . 134 . Glazed black twilled taflfety, No. 135 ,, Silk atlas for waistcoats 136 ,, Half silk atlas 137 ,, Atlas for dresses 138 „ 2/4 a 7/4 0 3 3± 0 3 2± 0 2 6 0 4 1 0 5 3| 0 4 0 0 8 4 0 4 4 0 5 9 No. 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. MENGHIUS, BROTHERS, Vierssen.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. Agent, Z. Alexander, 3|, Bow Lane , Cheap side. Smooth and pressed velvets, velvet ribbons, and moleskin. J. W. v. LUMM and RUETTEN, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. 30 patterns of smooth, silk, fancy Scotch stuffs per yard MORGENROTH and KRIJGMAXN, Elber- feld.— Cl. XII. and XV.—FI. s. Velours d’Utrecht, half woollen velvet for furniture, carriage linings, rouleaux, &c., in 7 sorts, Nos. lto7, 6/2, 5/11, 5/9, 5/6, 5/6, 5/6, and F. W. GREEF, Vierssen.— Cl. XHI.—FI. s. Various silk goods, viz.: stuffs for umbrellas and parasols, for clothing, waistcoats, &c., as well as silk plush for hats and caps. SCHEIBLER and Co., Silk Manufacturers. Crefeld.— Cl. XIII. and XIX.—FI. S. Price. 7459 per yard Smooth velvets No. 8771| . . 8414i . . 8695, 8963, 8328, 1423 Smooth velvets, uncut:— No. 8129£, 8440, 84951 Pressed velvet:— No. 90561, 91081, 9094 Silk plush for hats : — No. 8796 . . . Silk plush for caps :— No. 9109 . . . Moire stuffs:— No. 7613 . . . Clothes stuffs:— No. 6992, 6834, 6960 Taflfety of various colours:— No. 7989, 7988 . . Ditto, black:—• No. 7012, 7657, 8064 Sarcenet for lining, No. Red atlas, No. 5308 . Black atlas, No. 7928 Black waistcoat stuffs:— No. 7033, 71551 . „ Various silk ribbons, fancy and uncut, with and without edges . per piece of 15 yards Ditto smooth ribbons ,, ?? Pressed velvet scarfs and some fancy velvet ribbons .... per piece of 15 yards II. VOM BRUCK’S SONS, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII. —FI. s. Smooth velvet, velvet ribbons, and velvet waistcoats. H. BOVENSCHEN and Co., Crefeld.— Cl. XIII.—FI. s. 10 patterns of Jacquards glace . per yard 0 2 4 0 5 3 0 9 4 0 8 C 0 10 81 0 4 C 0 6 i 0 6 ( 0 7 ( 0 4 1 0 4 I 0 5 0 5 0 4 0 12 0 10 0 6 1/6 a 1 1/91 a 1 0 15 0 7 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 71 Wo. 537 538 539 540 541 542 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. GERLICH and GREIFF, Elberfeld. — Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. Various sorts of buttons, covered with silk. H. G. GROTE, Ronsdorf.— Cl. XV. and XIX. —FI. s. Black and dark blue unitaffety ribbons, the 100 yards:— No. ... x 2 . 3 4 .. 1 . . 11 l 2 . 1 3 A 4 . 2 . 2 *. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9. 10. 12. 16 . The same of first quality. Grosgrains black, also black and white, silk and cotton. Half fine galloons, coloured, silk and cotton Extra fine, double price. Filoselle ribbons, black and coloured Half silk and silk twilled borders . . . Galloons, laces, borders, ribbons, cords and tassels of silk, wool, linen, cotton, and mixed materials. F. BROCKMAN N, Wellentrupp.— Cl. XIV.— G. s. A piece of grey linen, 34 inches broad, 38| yards long. W. R. VELIIAGEN, Bielefeld.— Cl. XIV.— G. s. 4 pieces of bleached linens, of yarn spun by hand, 60 Cologne aulns (43f yards) :— No. 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 2 doz. 30 aulns (22 yards) white linen pocket handkerchiefs. JOIl. GISB. WUELLER, Marl (District of Recklinghausen).—Cl. XIV.—G. s. 3 damask tablecloths, each with 2 dozens of napkins, with the coats of arms of Count "W esterhold, Baron W olf Metternich, Count Hompesch, Baron Boselager, and Baron Wolf Metternich.each FR. W. WESSEL, Spenge.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. 5 pieces of white linen of yarn spun by hand, per piece . ID. 5s., 12/., 13Z. 10s., 15/., and 16/. 10s. 1 piece of 5 doz. of handkerchiefs Price. £. s. d. 0 2 7 0 2 10 3 1 3 4 3 7 3 9i 4 2| 4 11 5 5 0 5 11 0 6 7 0 8 1J 0 10 4 0 11 10 0 14 91 0 17 5 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 7 5 1 13 4 3/10 a 18/5 3/6 a 6/5 3/6 a 8/9 2/11 a 13/3 3/4 a 4/9 4 4 0 12 0 12 15 14 5 15 0 4 10 0 25 10 0 12 0 0 No. 543 544 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. A. H. WESTERMANN and Co., Bielefeld and Cologne. —Cl. XIV.—G. s. 6 pieces of lineris, of yarn spun by hand, the piece 37 yards long and 1 yard broad, per piece . . 31. 18s., 4/. 4s., 4/. 10s., 51. 5s., 61., and 11. 10s. A. H. C. WESTERMANN SONS, Damask Manufactory, Bielefeld. ■ — Cl. XIV.— Pieces of bleached linen : No. 1 2 3 4 5 6, 6/4 broad, 4400 threads 7 „ 4800 8 „ 6000 Pieces of grey linen : No. 9, 6/4 broad, 3800 threads 10 „ 4200 11 „ 4800 12 „ 6000 Cambric pocket handkerchiefs: No. 13, blea'ched .... per dozen 14 do. „ 15 grey .... „ Suits of bleached damask table linen: No. 16, with 12 napkins. 17 18 19 20 21 22 12 18 24 18 24 24 Suits of bleached ticking table linen: No. 23, with 12 napkins ... 24 25 26 27 28 2 dozen of bleached damask towels : No. 29.per dozen 30. 2 dozen of bleached ticking towels : No. 31.per dozen .32. 2 pieces of bleached ticking: No. 33 and No. 34. 2 table cloths, raw and white damask: No. 35, 3 yards broad, 11,800 threads 36, 3 ditto 12,800 1 table cloth, raw and white damask, with the coat of arms of Wiirtemberg: No. 37, 3 yards broad, 12,800 threads . . 1 napkin: No. 38, 6/4 broad, 4800 threads . . 1 table cloth, raw and white damask, with the coat of arms of Mecklenburg Schwerin: No. 39, 4£ yards broad, 20,800 threads 1 napkin : No. 40, 7/4 broad, 6000 threads . . . 1 table cloth, raw and white damask, with the coat of arms of 1J an over: No. 41, 4| yards broad, 19,200 threads £. d. 1 19 0 2 8 0 3 12 0 4 4 0 5 5 0 6 15 0 10 10 0 15 0 0 4 4 0 5 5 0 9 0 0 13 10 0 1 4 2 2 1 10 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 4 13 0 6 3 0 6 6 0 8 11 0 9 0 0 2 8 0 2 14 0 2 11 0 2 11 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 1 16 0 2 2 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 1 19 0 2 8 0 3 15 0 3 15 0 0 6 0 7 10 0 0 12 0 | 7 10 0 72 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 545 548 547 548 549 1 napkin: No. 42, 6/4 broad, 4800 threads 1 table cloth, raw and white damask, with the coat of arms of Nassau: No. 43, \\ yards broad, 19,200 threads 1 napkin: No. 44, 6/4 broad, 4800 threads . . . 2 table cloths, all white: No. 45, 3 yards broad, 11,200 threads . . No. 46,3 ditto 11,200 All the above manufactures are of pure linen yarn spun by hand. G. ST. SCHWEMANN Sons, Lippstadt.— Cl. XIV.— G. s. Agent, W. Meyee- STEIN, 15, Watling Street. Twine, 3 threaded, in 8 numbers . per lb. Ditto, 2 threaded, in 11 numbers . ' „ SPINNING SCHOOL, Heepen.—C\. XIV.— G. s. Specimens of linens, of yarn spun by hand. HEINRICH JULIUS DOE BEL, Rope- maker, Halle on the Saale.—Cl. XIV. and XXIX.—FI. s. 6 bell pulls, made of New Zealand hemp, after an original contrivance of the ex¬ hibitor .per doz. 1/. 4s. a 1 ditto ladies’ pouch.per doz. 1 cloth without seam, for straining sugar, made of twist, after an original idea of the exhibitor.per lb. E. A. DELIUS and SONS, Bielefeld.-C\. XIV.—G. s. 10 pieces of bleached linens, of yarn spun by hand: No. 420 .per piece 421 . „ 422 . „ 423 „ 424 „ 425 . „ 426 „ 427 . „ 428 . „ 429 . 5 dozen 9/8 linen pocket handkerchiefs, per dozen 4 ditto 5/4 ditto ,, HEIRS OF ANTON EICKHOLT, Linen Manufactory, Warendorf. —Cl. XIV.— G. s. 5 pieces of 6/4 broad white linen, 31\ yards respectively, of the value of 21. 8s., 21. 18s. 6c?., 31. 3s., 31. 18s., and4Z. 13s. 1 suit of damask table linen, with 24 napkins 1 ditto, with 18 napkins. 3 ditto 12 ditto, 1?. 16s., 1Z. 4s., and 19s. 6d. 2 tea napkins with landscapes, Stolzenfels and Rheinstein.each 3 ditto with designs of flowers, 6s., 6s. 6cZ., <* and 6s. 9c7. Price. £. s. d. 0 6 0 7 10 0 0 6 0 1 19 0 1 19 0 5§gZ. a 1/1 5idal/4 2 11 0 1 16 0 0 2 7 3 0 3 15 4 16 6 0 7 10 8 5 9 0 9 15 11 5 13 10 0 1 16 1 16 5 18 2 14 0 7 6 No. 550 551 552 553 554 555 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 tea napkin with a hunting design . 2 napkins, linen.each 3 table covers with silk: Walter Scott’s Monument at Edinburgh, Cathedral of Cologne, and Stolzenfels .... each LANDWEHRMANN BROTHERS, Joel- lenberk , near Bielefeld.—Cl. XIV.—G. s. 4 pieces of white linen, of yarn spun by hand: No. 1. 2. 3.? . P. OLLERDISSEN, Teacher of the Cultiva¬ tion of Flax, XJerentrup. — Cl. IV.'—G. S. Samples of Bielefeld flax, of grey and yellow colour.per lb. 2 lbs. of cambric flax ..... ,, KOENIGS and BUECKLERS, Thread Ma¬ nufacturers, JDiilken. —Cl. IV. and XIV. —G. s. Raw swingled flax, of 3 sorts, per 5 pounds, 2/4, 2 /O 5 , and 1/9. Ditto heckled, per lb., IlfcZ., 9 \d., &-7eZ. Linen twisted loom thread, Nos. 10 per lb. Ditto '20 „ Ditto 30 „ Ditto 40 ,, Ditto 50 „ Ditto of 3 sorts, per lb., 2/1^, 2/6J, 2/11 Linen harness cord, per packet, 5/6, 6 /, & 4/6 Steel wire for weaver’s reeds, per 1000, 2/, 1/9J, and 11c?. Ditto. per 6000 Velvet reeds. per 100 Oil paper.per square yard Oil cloth, varnished on one side „ Ditto, varnished on both sides „ Ditto for covering railway carriages, per square foot WILH. KISKER, Halle.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. 3 pieces of sail cloth, per piece of 37J yards, No. 1 ... . Ditto ditto 2 . Ditto ditto 3 . H. J. HOERKENS, Lubbecke.— Cl. XIV.— G. s. Packing ropes, in 4 numbers . . per lb. Cord, in 14 numbers. „ L. AUG. HEIDSICK, Bielefeld.— Cl. XIV.— G. s. 2 pieces of bleached linens, of yarn spun by hand, per piece .... 5 9 6 and 1 dozen of bleached 4/4 pocket handkerchiefs 1 dozen ditto 9/8 ditto.. Price. £. s. d. 0 7 6 0 7 6 1 7 0 15 0 0 13 10 0 12 0 0 11 5 0 9<7. & 7 d. 0 2 0 < 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 7 0 8 6 ( 0 ( 0 0 0 in 0 0 2 6 2 2 1 17 8\d. & / 7 \d. a 1 / 6 7 1 12 1 9 JPRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 73 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, No. Description of Article, &c. No. Description of Article, &c. rrice. £. s. d. £. s. d. 556 FR. WIL. KROENIG and SONS, Bielefeld.— 562 BOLENIUS AND NOLTE LINEN MANU¬ Cl. XIV.—G. s. FACTORY, Bielefeld. —Cl. XIV. and 8 pieces of raw linen, of yarn spun by hand, XVIII.—G. s. Agents, Richards & Co., per piece of 37^ yards long, 34 inches 45, Bread Street. broad, No. 6816 . 4 10 0 6 pieces of bleached linens, 38 yards long, 6861 . 4 16 0 1 yard broad per piece, 6831 . 5 5 0 3400 threads .... ,, 3 12 0 6844 . 6 0 0 4000 „ .... 4 10 0 6932 . 7 4 0 4800 „ .... 6 15 0 6918 . 8 5 0 5200 „ .... 8 5 0 6871 . 9 15 0 6000 „ .... 12 0 0 6796 . 12 0 0 6000 „ .... „ 12 15 0 Cambric lawn pocket handkerchiefs, 557 G. MEVISSEN, Thread Manufacturer, Diilken. bleached, per dozen 17. 4s., 17. 10s., and 1 16 0 —Cl. XIV.—G. s. Linen yarn, per piece White thread for embroidering, No. 10 per lb. 0 3 4 Nos. 12. „ 0 0 8i Ditto ditto 30 ,, 0 4 5 13. „ 0 0 6i Ditto ditto 70 ,, 0 2 11 14. „ 0 0 6 White patent thread, Nos. 50 . ,, 0 4 4 15. ,, 0 0 5 h Ditto 60 . . . ,, 0 5 4 16. „ 0 0 5 Ditto 70 ... „ 0 6 10 17. 0 0 8 Black ditto, Nos. 18.. 0 1 8 Bleached linen ticking per yard Ditto 20.. 0 1 9 Nos. 18. ,, 0 2 111 Ditto 25.. 0 1 10 19. 0 1 H Ditto 30.. 0 2 1 20. 0 1 7 Ditto 35.,, 0 2 5 21. 0 1 5| Ditto 40.. 0 2 84 22. „ 0 2 111 Black glazed thread, Nos. 18 ... „ 0 1 H 23. 0 2 2j Ditto 20 . . . ,, 0 1 8 2 dozens of printed linen pocket handker¬ Ditto 35 . . . „ 0 2 4 chiefs .per doz. I 16 0 Ditto 40 . . . „ 0 2 Ditto 45 . . . ,, 0 2 11 563 G. F. GANTE SONS, Bielefeld.— Cl. XIV. Crochet thread .... per doz. balls 0 2 0 —G. s. F. and G. raw flax, per ton of 1000 kilogr. 8 pieces of bleached linens, of yarn spun by Nos. 1 .(2204j lbs.) 48 0 0 hand, per piece of 37g yards, 47.10s., 47.16s., Ditto 2 . 51 0 0 57. 5s., 57.14s., 67. 6s., 67.15s., 77. 16s., & 10 10 0 Ditto 3 .... .... 54 0 0 Ditto 4 . 0 0 564 TRAPMANN and SPITZ, Barmen. — Cl. Ditto 5 . 60 0 0 XXIX.—FI. s. Ditto 6 . 63 0 0 Buttons covered with silk, silk and wool, and cotton. 3558 J. H. SCHNELLE and SONS, Bielefeld.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. Agent, George E. 565 WUELFING and WINDRATH, Elberfeld.— Rey. Cl. XIX.—FI. s. 2 pieces of linen yarn spun by hand. Ribbons, cords, cotton agremens, silk, silk and wool, and 51 pattern pieces. i559 ALBERT BRUENGER, Jollenbeck. — Cl. j XIV.—G. s. 566 ZOLLMANN and STEIGERTHAL, Leich- 4 pieces of white linen, of yarn spun by lingen. — Cl. XV.—FI. s. hand, per piece, 77. 10s., 97. 15s., 117. 5s., & 15 0 0 Half woollen materials, viz.:— ... I 2 patterns of mixed Jacquard stuffs per yard 0 0 (5560 JOH. DAN. DELIUS, Bielefeld.— Cl. XIV. n c ! 3 ditto cotton Jacquard (Berlin) ditto ,, 0 0 5 ] i -VJT. O. 14 pieces and 2 half pieces of linens, of yarn 567 J. C. HAARHAUS SONS, Elberfeld.— Cl. spun by hand and machine, per piece of XI. and XV.—FI. s. ! 37^ yards, 17. 19s. a 97. Shawls and stuffs for dresses, of silk, cotton | 10 dozens of linen pocket handkerchiefs, and silk, wool and silk, wool, wool and per doz. 8/6 a 24/ cotton, and cotton. 1561 FRIED. BLANKENBURG and CO., Lipp- 568 MORITZ PLUECKER, Gladbach. —CL XV. I ! stadt.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. —FI. s. { ' Twine, 2 threaded, in 10 numbers, per lb. 6d. a 1/51 l 4 0 Ditto, 3 threaded, in 11 numbers, „ 4 id. a 2/8 2 . | 1 4 0 Cord for sugar packing . . . . ,, l§d.i 3. I 0 0 Cord, 6 threaded, in 7 numbers . . ,, 6 d. a V i 4 . 1 0 0 Packing ropes, corded and smooth, of all di¬ I 5 . 0 17 0 mensions . per lb. 0 0 4 6 ....... 1 0 13 0 Ditto of Manilla hemp .... ,, 0 0 9 4 7 ....... ; 0 13 0 Bleached cord and twine ... 1 /10 andj 0 1 Sh\ I ! 8 . TT 0 13 0 74 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 569 WEBER and METZGES, Gladbach.— Cl. 576 LANGENBECK and MARTINI, Eiberfeld. XV.—El. s. —Cl. XX. and XXIX.—FI. s. Agent, Woollen and cotton pique waistcoats, per W. Meyerstein, 15, Watllng Street. yard, 1/, 1/1, & 0 1 5* Various buttons.per gross 6 d. a 3/ Half woollen waistcoat stuffs, per yard 2/1, Elastic braces.per dozen 2/ a 18/ - 2/5i, & 0 2 10i 570 C. WEYERBUSCH and CO., Eiberfeld.— Cl. 577 L. NEUHAUS, Betterath. —Cl. XI. and XV. XXIX.—El. s. —FI. s. Buttons for various purposes, covered with Cotton gilets .per yard 0 0 9 silk and wool. Pique gilets ...... „ 0 2 8 — Ditto of cotton and silk ... ,, 0 4 0 571 C. ENGELMANN and SON, Crefeld.— Cl. XIII. and XV.—El. s. 578 C. F. KLEIN-SCHLATTER, Barmen.— Cl. 4 shawls, of various qualities and colours, each XI. and XV.—FI. s. 18s., 1Z. 11s., 11. 16s. & 3 12 0 Cotton, and cotton and woollen shawls. Grosgrains moire, black . . . per yard 0 6 1 572 J. H. FUNKE, BOEDDINGHAUS, and CO., 579 M. LAMBERTS and MAY, M. Gladbach.— Eiberfeld.— Cl. XIII. Cl. XI. and XV.—FI. s. Various silk goods (price per dozen), viz.:— Cotton beaver.per yard 0 0 5 4 pieces romals (No. 36). 0 9 0 Ditto pressed. ,, 6 d. a 7 16 pieces cravats (3 sorts) . 1Z. Is., 16s. 6 d. & 0 11 5 Cotton Calmuck. ,, 0 0 J 4 pieces cravats, best B. (2 sorts) . 13/6 & 0 19 6 Ditto drill. ,, 0 0 l 6 pieces fichus (3 sorts) 1 1. 17s. 6 d., 21. 14s., & 2 14 0 H alf woollen cassinet .... „ 0 1 1 8 pieces slips (2 sorts) . ... 21. 8s. & 3 18 0 Ditto buckskin. ,, 1/3 a If 33 pieces cravats (taffety) of 14 sorts 1 1. 15s. 5 d. a 3 13 6 5 pieces taffety of 5 sorts. . . 1Z. 5s. 6d. a 2 14 11 580 RURMANN and MECKEL, Eiberfeld.— Cl. 3 pieces of tabliers Arabes and Turcs 2 9 6 XI.—FI. s. 13 pieces Corahs, of 2 sorts 23 different sorts of cloth, of cotton and per 7 pieces 1Z. 9s. 5 d. & I 2 11 mixed with cotton, viz.: Various other silk goods, viz.:— No. 129.A per yard 0 0 1 Gilets favorites, A.per yard 0 7 4 128. „ o i : Ditto D. „ 0 5 4 109. „ 0 1 Ditto armures. ,, 0 4 10 110 and 113 ... . „ 0 1 2 pieces of black satin stuffs . . 6/8 & 0 8 0 130. „ 0 1 ! ^ shawls, satin, a caro noir . . per doz. 12 18 0 118.. 0 1 Ditto Jardinieres . ,, 14 14 0 114, 117, and 131 . . . „ 0 1 Ditto a caro damasse noir ,, 16 4 0 112, 124, and 125 . . . „ 0 1 Ditto a caro glace . ,, 17 5 0 123 .. „ o 1 shawls, satin, a, caro noir . . ,, 19 16 0 111 and 132 ... . „ 0 1 ;! Ditto damasse glace . ,, 21 0 0 126. 0 1 1 Ditto Esmeralda . „ 24 6 0 119. „ 0 2 Ditto Arabes glaces . ,, 20 2 0 121 and 127 ... . „ 0 2 120. ,, 0 2 573 PEERDMENGESand KLEIN JUNG, Manu¬ 1 • 108. „ 0 2 j facturers of Woollen Goods, Vierssen .— 107. 0 2 Cl. XV.—El. s. 122. 0 2 Fancy cachemirs of various colours and 133. „ 0 3 qualities.per yard 4/6 a 7/ 68 cotton shawls, ditto cotton and wool, ditto Cachenirs croises. „ 0 3 6 in cotton and silk, ditto in wool . each 1/91 air Ditto supines, of various colours Various cotton and silk stuffs for waistcoats, and qualities. „ 2/5 a ! 3/7 per yard 8 \d. a ' Half woollen buckskins ... ,, l/a lb a 1/4 •- Various sorts of half linen . . . ,, lOfcZ.allfd 581 C. MEN GEN, Vierssen.— Cl. XV.—FI. s. 574 PFERDMENGES BROTHERS, Manufac¬ Mixed goats’ hair, cotton, linen, and silk turers of Woollen Goods, Gladbach .— furniture goods, such as velours d’Utrecht, Cl. XV.—El. s. rips, canevas, lustre, and glace. 5 pieces of cassinet.per yard 0 1 4 4 do. elastiques .... ,, 0 1 7 582 MEYER and ENGELMANN, Silk Manu¬ 3 do. satins, Turc and figure ,, 0 1 facturers, Crefeld .—Cl XIII—FI. s. 2 do. Madras. ,, 0 1 H Silk shawls, a carreaux, of 9 sorts : 8 do. lustrines of 4 sorts . ,, 1/5 ha ’■ 1/7 No. 299 .each 0 3 3 do. gros de Berlin ... ,, 0 1 4 254 .,, 0 12 263 .. 0 8 575 C. HEYMANN and Co., Crefeld .—CL XIII.— 196. „ 0 14 FI. s. 319.. „ 0 16 Various silk waistcoat stuffs . . per piece 2/7 a 4/9 258 .. „ 0 17 Various silk handkerchiefs . per dozen 36 J a 84/ 304, 178, 278 .. 0 18 ! PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 75 No. 583 584 585 586 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Silk shawls, a carreaux, satin moires, of 4 sorts: No. 265 .each 243, 247 . 360 . Silk shawls moiree a reserve, of 3 sorts : No. 322 . 307, 270 . Silk unis shawls of 3 sorts : No. 17. 18. 19. 20 sorts of satin tabliers, each 3/8, 3/8£, 3/91,3/11, 4/, & 4/7. NEITZER and BRABANT, Vierssen.— Cl. XV. Silk, cotton, woollen, and linen stuffs for clothing. J. LUEHDORF and CO., Elberfeld.— Cl. XV. and XVIII.—FI. s. ^ woollen lama shawls . . . per dozen and ij 6 half woollen shawls, of 6 sorts, per doz., 21. 11s. a Lama shawls, of 2 sorts ,, 3/. Is. 6c?. a Ditto in silk ... ,, .... Half woollen barege shawls in silk, of 3 sorts per dozen, 31. 3s., 31. 12s., & Half woollen waistcoat stuffs, with silk of 3 sorts.per yard 1/6, l/7£ Ditto mantle stuff.per yard Dyed woollen in 8 colours, viz. : No. 30, Turkish red water 2a and dark pink per pound No. 40, mule twist, and No. 20, water la, per pound No. 40 ditto, la. „ No. 50 ditto, la., and 40 extra mule twist, per pound No. 50, ditto, extra .... per pound SCHMITS and HOLTHAUS, Elberfeld.— Cl. XIII. and XV.—FI. s.—Agents : in Lon¬ don, Gebhardt, Rottmann and Co., 29, Wood Street , Cheapside; in Paris, W. Rueper; in Hamburg, Herm. Schmidt. Silk and half silk goods, Coteline, damask (silk and wool), velours d’Utrecht, car¬ pets, &c. P. E.^BOCKMUEHL, Elberfeld.— Cl. XV.— 8 pieces of cravats, principally of silk with cotton, of 3 sorts, per doz., 1Z. 7s. 9cZ., II. 8s. 6cZ. & 7 pieces of iris, of cotton and silk, of 5 sorts per dozen 11/5 a 5 pieces of ladies’ shawls, of silk and cotton fancy of 2 sorts . . . per doz. 17/ & 57 pieces of gilets, of 6 sorts . . per yard 28 shawls, plaid, barege, &c., of 8 sorts, per dozen, 21. 2s. a 22 fancy plaids of 5 sorts ,, 3Z. 18s. a 4 plaids, ditto, plain ,, ... Amande shawls, of 2 sorts ,, 6Z. 9s. & Price. £. s. d. 0 17 0 19 1 5 4 16 0 3 13 0 3 18 0 3 18 0 4 7 0 0 1 8 1 0 2 5 0 2 3| 0 2 4 0 2 6 0 2 8 | 0 2 11 1 16 0 1 7 0 10 0 /W\a 3/\\ 5 17 0 8 8 0 1 2 4 4 13 0 No. 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. R. FUNKE, Silk Manufacturer, Gladbach .— Cl. XV.—FI. s.—Agents: Cooper and Bragg, 44, Friday Street. Diamant coton.per yard Diamant coton a carreau Chine coton .... Diamant demelin . Diamant demelin a carreau Chine coton a laine Toile du nord .... Diamant silk .... Victoria silk and coton chine Crepe Chino .... Diamant soie a carreau . Foulards. Silk and laine chine . Germania. Gloria. F. LORENTZ, Gladbach. Half woollen elastiques Ditto buckskin . . Ditto cassinet . Coton pique -Cl XV.—FI. s. . per yard SCHMIDT and CO., Barmen.— Cl. XIX.— FI. s. — Agents, Graetzer and Her¬ mann, 3, Huggin Fane , Wood Street. Silk bands, silk, and woollen laces and cords. GREEFF, BREDT, and CO., Barmen XV. and XXIX.—FI. s. Patterns of buttons, covered with silk, &c Ditto of various qualities. Cl. GRAFE and NEVIANDT, Elberfeld.— Cl. XV.—FI. s. Cachemir waistcoat stuffs in cotton, and wool and silk, of 100 numbers . . per yard PH. GRAFF, Siegen.— Cl. I. and II.—FI. s. Glance cobalt in slate clay. Ditto in greywacke and quartz. Powdered cobalt ore, litt. A., cobalt-glass in 3 sorts, each 50 kilo. (110 lbs.) .... Ditto, litt. B. cobalt glass in 2 sorts, each 50 kilo. (110 lbs.). CARL SCHULZ, Essen — Cl. XVI. & XXVIII. —FI. s. Different varnished stuffs for shades, caps, &c., and 88 walking sticks. C. REINEKE, Saddler, Horn - Cl. XVI.— FI. s. A. lady’s chair saddle, with which she can turn at will, and other arrangements per piece With an umbrella belonging to it ,, J. B. KLEMS, JDusseldorf— Cl. X.—G. s. A grand piano. H. FUDIKAR, Elberfeld.— Cl. XV.—FI. s. Patterns of horse-hair goods and velours d’Utrecht. H 2 Price. £. d. 0 0 7 0 0 8 | 0 0 7; 0 0 10 ^ 0 0 Ilf 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 8 1 9 1 8 1 2 3/5 J a 9/4 21 0 0 7 10 0 8 10 0 9 15 0 105 0 0 76 exhibition OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 597 598 599 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. P. RUI1L and SON, Cassel.— Cl. XVII.—G. s. An assortment of pasteboard boxes ; a series of embossed and printed paper envelopes; patterns of coloured paper. -Cl. XVIII. WILL. HODDICK, Langenberg . —FI. s. Patterns of coloured silk: Coal-black, souple brillant, with 50 per cent. additional weight . . • per pound Ditto with 75 per cent, additional weight per pound Price. WESTHOFF BROTHERS, Diisseldorf. — Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. 39 coupons of printed calico . . per yard 000 J- E. WOLFF, Elberfeld. —Cl. XVIII.—FI. S. 63 pounds Turkish red cotton yarn, per pound 601 602 C. and F. TROST, Calico Manufacturers, Louisenthal. —Cl. XI.—FI. s. 10 pieces of printed calico of various patterns on a red and indigo ground, per piece of 70 Brabant aulns (52£ yards) .... 603 604 ASSOCIATION FOR DYEING TWIST AND PRINTING WITH TURKEY RED, Hagen.— Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. 2 bundles of Turkey red cotton yarn, Ger¬ man packing . . .per English pound 2 bundles of Turkey red yarn (prima) per English pound 10 bundles of Turkey rose, from clear to dark 2 bundles of mule red (secunda), German and English packing per English pound 2 bundles of mule red (extra) ,, 2 bundles of mule red (prima) „ 45 pieces of printed calico, in sundry colours per yard J. H. NEUHOFF, Elberfeld.— Cl. XVIII— FI. s. Turkish red cotton yarn per English pound 605 A. LAMBERTS CHRIST SON, Gladbach.— ■ Agents, Herm. Cox and Co.—Cl. XI. and XVIII—FI. s. Kalmuck, brown, black, and green per piece Kalmuck buckskin. ,, Medley cloth. ,, Beaver, brown, black and fancy patterned. Beaver, pressed . ,, Ditto ditto black .... ,, s. d. 0 1 lli 0 2 4 0 0 4| 0 2 11 21/a 22/6 No. 606 0 2 5 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 51 2/71 a 3/81 0 10 6 0 12 0 0 11 6 0 7 0 9 0 8 LUPP and SONS, Diisseldorf.— Cl . XI. and XV— FI. s. | calico changeant (2 sorts) . . per yard | rips ditto . Rips with satin . Double croise. 3 sorts of Napolitaine with wool . ,, Pique and dimity ..... 607 608 609 610 0 6i 0 6j 0 7i 0 0 4| Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. per doz. 4 sorts of pocket handkerchiefs 4 pieces f plaids .... 4 ditto 1 ditto .... Slips ........ 1§ broad printed calico 1§ and § broad furniture ditto, from „ Printed handkerchiefs . . . per doz. per yard BOCKMUEHL BROTH., SCHLIEPER, and HECKER, Elberfeld.— Cl. XVIII—G. S. 28 coupons of calico in 7 colours, viz,: Rose coloured.per yard Lilac, green ....... Blue, orange, garancine ... ,, Black and white. >> Price. £. s. d. 3/11 a 4/10 0 9 0 0 7 2i 0 4 7 5i d. k 5 \d, 6 \d. a 85 d. 0 4 7i J. W. BRINCK, Gladbach.— Cl. XVin.— FI. s. Prime Turkey red cotton yarn . . per lb. Currant Turkey red, water No. 40 . „ Medium Turkey red, water No. 30 . „ Turkish rose coloured, light, medium, dark, No. 24. • • » 24. 30 ...... . „ Turkish lilac, dark 30, medium 50 . ,, Turkish brown, water No. 30 . . „ Genuine black mull, No. 30 . . . j> 0 0 84 0 0 71 0 0 7 0 0 H 0 1 6 0 1 4 0 1 if 0 1 2 ! 0 1 3 i 0 1 44; 0 1 A 0 1 1 0 0 4 A. and F. SCHOELLER, Elberfeld.— Cl. XVIII—FI. s. Agents, P. W. Longdill and Co. 40 lbs. of Turkish red yarn, in 4 packets per lb. CROON BROTHERS, Manufacturers of Cot¬ ton Goods, Gladbach. —Cl. XV.—FI. s. Cotton beaver.per yard Ditto printed. ?» Cotton Calmuc. ■» Beaverteen. ?> Half woollen cassinet .... ,, Ditto buckskin. 0 3 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1/5 & in 611 L. and G. CRAMER, Diisseldorf.— Cl. XI. and XVIII—FI. s. Gingham.per yard Twill and alliance (2 sorts) . . ,, Twilled Nankin. . . . 6 J 0 ?., 6 frf., k 8d. Furniture stuffs, red .... ,, Ditto darker red . . ,, Ditto blue and white . „ Ditto darker blue. . ,, Ditto fancy. . . . „ 1 coupon of printed rose calico . ,, 2 coupons ditto, lilac ditto. 1 ditto ditto, red and fancy ditto . . . 1 ditto ditto, blue ditto. A. SARTORIUS and CO., Diisseldorf—CL XVIII—FI. s. 2 packages of Turkish red yarn . . per lb. 2 packages ditto fancy ditto. Patterns of rose coloured ditto. 0 7 id. 0 1 k 7§, 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 \d. 5 id. 5 id. 0 ' 0 1 0 I 0 < 0 1 0 1 k 5| & 51 k 5 i 0 2 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 77 No. 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. W. and C. DIECKMANN, Silk Weavers, Elberfeld. —Cl. XIII. and XV.—FI. s. 2 portraits of their Majesties the King and Queen of Prussia, in gilt frames . each Ditto without frames.,, 12 pieces of cotton and silk stuffs for waist¬ coats, of 4 sorts, per yard 10%d., 4s. l£d., 4s. 8d. } & 5s. 6d. L. RUPS, Hatter, Crefeld.— Cl. XX.- 4 silk hats with felt frames 1 ditto with ditto. 1 ditto with ditto. -FI. s. . each FR. WIL. ERBSCHLOE SONS, Liittring- hausen.— Cl. L and XXI.—FI. n. Patterns of refined German steel (once, twice, and three times refined), as: files, copper files, coarse files, knife, gun spring, bayo¬ net, ramrod, and cut steel. 37 patterns of files from the same steel. J. D. POST, Hagen. — Cl. VIII., IX., and XXI.—FI. n. 79 different cutlasses, sabres and blades, 53 knives and forks, 10 scythes, and other implements. J. C. POST SONS, Eilpe. —Cl. XXI.—FI. n. 30 cards with different patterns of cast A. MANNESMANN, Remscheid.—C\. I. and XXI.—FI. n. Agent, Heintzmann, 16, Colebrook Row , Islington. A piece of steel. 2 cards with patterns of 44 files and 165 screws. dozen W. PLUEMACHER, Wald.— Cl. XXI.—FI. n. Specimens of scissors : Nos. 1.per 2 3 !.'!!! .’ 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 ..... . 8 . 9. 10. 11 and 12 ... 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21. 22. 23 . 24 . Price. £. s. d. 3 15 0 0 6 0 0 8 6 0 8 9 0 7 6 0 o b 0 6 7 0 7 0 0 7 2 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 13 1 1 0 6 0 10 0 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 3 6 0 0 6 9 4 24 6 8* 24 84 0 24 0 8 6 0 2 9i 0 4 0 0 4 21 0 4 34 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. No. 25.per dozen. 26. 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . ,, 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 619 620 621 622 G. PICKARDT, Remscheid.— Cl. VI.—FI. n. Smooth, half-smooth, and bastard files of re¬ fined steel, . . each, If d., 1 %d., and Id. Sword files 5 different files . 11 ditto of refined steel 3 ditto ditto 11 ditto ditto 9 ditto ditto 16 ditto cast-steel 9 ditto ditto 3 ditto ditto 4 ditto ditto P. W. BRAND, Remscheid.- 27 patterns of saws. each each 4f d. a „ l/4i a 5) 2/54 Ct -Cl. XXI.—FI. is. J. A. BRAUNSCHWEIG, Remscheid.— Cl. IX. and XXI. 2 pairs of pickaxes.per pair 2 ditto ditto. ,, 3 carvers’ chisels, per pair, 1/74, 2/4, and 3/11 Coopers’ tools.per pair Blacksmiths’ hammers .... per doz. Various sorts of planing irons for turners and cabinet makers, per dozen, 2/84, 4/14, 2/2, 3/6, 2/7f, 3/, 6/7f, 10/3, 1/9, and Ornamented planing irons, double and plain each Hooks for a joiner’s bench . . . per doz. Grooving chisels.per pair Cabinet maker’s and lath hammers per doz. 3/lOf and 6/14 Sculptors’, carpenters’, turners’, cabinet ma¬ kers’, and other chisels, per doz., 1/104 a 2/4, 1/74 a 3/54, 2/4 a 4 / 51 , 4/64 & 3/94, 6/84, 3/94, 2/7f a 7/4, 4/5i a 6/54, 2/84 « 4/104, 3/74 a 3/94. Cabinet makers’ chisels, per pair, 2/84, 4/7f, 8/, 13/104. Polishing irons.each Nail drivers with claws .... per doz. Coopers’ tools and planing irons . . each , 2/14 & 2/64 Various other iron and steel goods. G. RE IN SII AG E N, Remscheid.— Cl. VI.—FI. n. —Agent, A. Heintzmann, 16, Cole- brook Row , Islington. An assortment of 100 files of German steel. Price. 0 0 74 3 d. a 4±d. 3d. a 8 d. M. a 7 d. 5 d. a 11 d. 3/3 a 8/ lftf. a3\d. 0 0 104 0 1 74 0 4 9| 0 2 84 0 4 7; 0 2 0 15 0 7 6 7/6 & 1/lf 0 2 2 1/5 a 2/91 9 d. & 1/4 1/lf & 8/ EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 78 No. 623 624 C. THOMAS, Biichel , near Remscheid. —Cl. VI. and XXI. 4 different sorts of drills (in corners), each with 24 bits.each 2 wooden screw cutters. 2 saddlers’ knives with brass and bone mount¬ ings . 1 square. 625 626 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. JOHN ELIAS BLECKMANN, Ronsdorf. Cl. VI. and XXI.—FI. y. Iron and steel wares, tools, and skates. 627 628 629 R. FELDE, Feld , near Solingen.—Cl. XXI. —FI. N. Various saws:— 2 mill saws.24/9J & Tree saw. Basket saw. Schmiedeberg saw. Straight saw. Saxony bow saws. Bohemian bow saw ...... Veneer saw. 1 pattern of a Silesian ohr . 1 bow saw. Price. £. s. d. A. ARNS, Remscheid. —Cl. VI. and XXI.— FI. N. Former chisels.per lb. Spanish turners’ and joiners’ chisels (6 sorts of the latter), per doz. . . 4/2^ a 5/'2i, 3/3i « 5/, 4/7*, 5/, 8/4|, 3/4*, 2/, 2/7*. 2/94, ani 2/4* Turners’ chisels.per doz. Cornice irons. ,, Plane irons, with and without holes ,, Double planing irons, of 6 sorts . ,, Joiners’ irons with screws ... ,, ANTON ANTE, Ziischen, District of Brilon. —Cl. IX. and XXI.—FI. k. 1 hatchet, 1 chaff cutter .... each 2 large axes with steel necks 1 small axe. 1 carpenter’s hatchet 1 mattock . . . 1 broad axe . A. COPPEL, Solingen.— Pattern card of knives Nos. 100 to 111 124 to 135 352 to 363 376 to 387 472 to 483 580 to 591 -Cl. XXI.—FI. n. each B. LINDER, Solingen. —Cl. XXI.—FI. n. 79 specimens of knives:— No. 1.per doz. 2. 8/6 a 16/ 2/91 & 3 / 2/9£ & 3/ 0 15 13/21 0 9 4 5 5 3 6 4 7 3 4 10i<7.&84c?. 0 6 0 0 1 91 3/21& 3/7i 7i*al/ 0 2 3g 0 3 0 2/& 1/9 0 1 0 1 0 0 4| 9 1 71 1 0 0 3 6 0 1 8 <=> 0 1 7i 0 2 8i 0 1 11 0 1 51 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. Specimens of knives No. 3 . 4 . 5 . 9 4 9 630 7 . 8 . 9 and 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 and 17 . 18 . 19 and 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 and 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 and 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 and 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 and 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 and 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 and 60 . 61 . 62 and 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 and 69 . 70 . 71 and 73 . 74 . 75 . 76, 77, and 78 79 . . . 8 3 9 3 8 2 continued. per doz. FRIED. LOHMANN, Witten.— Cl. XXI.— FI. N. Iron, cast steel, and files, fabricated of the same. £. «. d. 0 5 n 0 7 H 0 10 %i 0 10 0 0 12 11 0 9 7* 0 9 3j 0 8 7? 0 8 4§ 0 5 H 0 8 7jl Ol 0 13 0 9 11 0 16 0 0 18 6 0 11 Si 1 4 6 0 13 %i 1 16 0 0 6 2^ 0 7 3* 0 5 0 5 3k 0 5 4f 0 7 Si 0 9 H 0 13 Si 0 9 11 0 7 Si 0 14 H 0 16 6 1 0 7-4 0 18 0 1 11 6 1 1 0 1 1 31 1 1 4\ 0 15 0 0 18 7* f 0 9 0 0 19 91' 0 18 0 0 15 4#: 0 15 11 0 16 6 0 15 11 1 14 6 1 19 0 1 14 6 1 2 6 0 19 0 0 17 3i 0 19 6 0 16 6 0 16 0 , 2 3 6 2 2 0 1 14 6 4 10 0 5 8 o 4 10 0 1 17 6 3 12 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 79 No. 631 632 633 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. HILGER and SONS, LUCKHAUS, and GUENTHER, P. C. LUCKHAUS and CO., J. B. HASENKLE VER and SONS, Remscheid.— Cl. VI., VIII., IX., and XXL—FI. n. Plane irons, chisels, cleaning knives, com¬ passes, pincers, blacksmith’s knives, polish¬ ing irons, vicesand hand screws, pincers, carriage keys, screw wrenches, nail files, wire gauges, butchers’ saws, gimlets, tin plate shears, 13 tin workers’ tools, 5 crimp¬ ing tongs, 4 hew pipes, 1 pair ration scales, 3 sets of coopers’ tools, 6 trowels, 2 cutting knives, 10 sets of carpenters’ tools, 7 bow saws, 46 saws, 2 joiners’ blades, 2 line and corner irons, 10 breastsprings, 88 files, 7 centre irons, 2 saw bows, 3 tuning ham¬ mers and forks, 14 balance beams, 43 bolts and spring bolts, 97 cake, butchers’, and pen knives, 57 pocket, gardeners’ and sailors’ knives, various sorts of scissors, knives, planes, scales, screws, vices, for the use of workmen, &c. 13 sheep shears, 2 vine shears, 3 hedge trimmers, 6 traps, 5 large knives, l hook, 23 scythes and scythe blades, 6 hunting knives with scabbards, 1 fox trap, 15 scythes, 1 windlass, 1 shovel, 1 ballast shovel. 59 screws and hooks, 238 wooden screws, 328 locks, 10 key rings, 5 nut crackers, 104 hinge and piano hooks, 2 sugar tongs, 22 pair of skates, 477 table knives and forks, 25 large scissors, 399 various sorts of scissors, 84 ditto, 42 ditto, 192 pen knives, 71 various sorts of scissors, 4 coffee mills, 1 pair of mounted skates, 7 pair of scales with stands, 1 set of match boxes, 3 wafer irons, 3 pans. HUTH and CO., Hagen.— Cl. I., VI., and XXII.—FI. s. and n. Cemented, puddled, refined, and raw iron and cemented steel, samples of raw and specular iron. Iron and steel ores, clay for crucibles. Pattern cards of files and joiners’ implements of cast steel. 4 different large vices, per piece, 77, 67, 17 10s., & 27 10s. 2 anvils, with 2 horns, and 1 horn 107 & 37 1 horn anvil. R. and H. BOEKER, Remscheid. —Cl. VI. and XXI. —FI. n. Agent, Oscar Frauen- knecht, 80, Bishopsgate Street Within. Files and rasps.per doz. Chisels, plane, and gouge iron . „ Compasses and pincers .... „ Augers. „ Different locks. „ Different skates.per pair Leather, butchers’, pen, pocket, and table knives.per doz. Tailors’, leather, paper, and various sorts of scissors ... . Price. £. s. d. No. 634 635 2 10 0 1/1* o 39/ 1/6 a 12/ 1/7* a 42/ 7/ a 90/ l/7*a774s. 4| d. a 16/ l/6a4716s. 636 Name and Address of Exhibitor and Loudon Agent, Description of Article, &c. Saws.per doz. Balance beams.each Various other articles, viz.: wooden screws, hinges, &c. 12 horseshoe tongs.per doz. 12 tin plate shears and vine scissors „ 12 butter knives and cheese tasters „ 8 sheep shears. „ 28 butchers’ knives 3/ a 10/6, & 4/6 a 15/6 16 knives for various purposes . . „ 48 hatchets for various purposes . . each 3 hedge shears.„ 5 scythes and straw knives. . . per doz. Price. WESCHER BROTH ERS and STRASMANN, Barmen.— Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. Card of horn buttons, per gross:— In 7 lines. 8 „. 9 „. 10 .. 11 .. 12 .. Waistcoat buttons.per gross Buttons for hunting coats and waistcoats, and bullet buttons (of 3 sorts) per gross, 8 id., 1/91, 2/, 2/li, i /9 i & 1/7 i NOTTEBOHM and Co., Manufactory of Brass and New Silver Wares, Luden- scheid.— Cl. XXII.—FI. n. Door handles .per dozen Lanterns and sash window pulleys ,, Curtain bearers. ,, Shoe horns. ,, Screw, waggon, window, drawer and stove handles, per gross 1/1* a 9/, 1/9* a 15/, 3d. a 36/, & 3d. a 66/. Tacks with pins or screws, hat hooks, 1/2* a 42/, & 4 Id. a 72/. Screw rings with wooden screws or matrices, per gross Rings for frames. Window clasps and pegs. Scutcheons for keys and doors and key hole boxes, per gross resp. 1/6 a 78/ & 1/6 a 27/ Screws with brass or iron worms, coffin, &c. screws. per gross Door, trunk, &c. handles . per dozen pairs Door and alcove latcher . ,, Rollers for chairs, bedsteads, pianos and tables, of brass . . per set of four pieces P. C. TURK’S WIDOW, Lildensckeid.— Cl. XXII.—FI. s. Buttons for liveries and uniforms, German silver, plated silver, silvered brass, gilt, plated gold.per gross Enclosed glass buttons . . „ Gilt naval buttons .... „ Gold plated, striped, silver plated, violet and green bronzed and enamelled diamond coat buttons.per gross Finest livery and naval waistcoat buttons, German silver, silver, gold plated and gilt, per gross £. s. d. 3/2*a27 4s 10/a 17 7s 4/3 *a 18, 18/ a 48/ 4/9* a 18/ 10/6 a 23/ 9*tf. a 3 4§c7a37U 3/8* a 4/6 20/6 a 29 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 11 2 4 8 0 6 4/6 a 10/6 7*c7 a 9/ 2/2* a 9/ 3/ a 45/ 2/1* « 27/ 1/81 a 27/ 3*c7 a 72/ 1/ a 24/ 2/7* a 36/ 3 \d. a 72/ 7 id. a 12/ 18/ a 2/3 ll/a 9/ 9/6 a 6/ 11/a 2/9 7/ a 2/9 80 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. ■ No. 637 638 639 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Various other buttons . . . per gross Steel and polished belt and ladies’ girdle buckles ..... „ Steel, silvered, polished and varnished, like¬ wise yellow buckles for braces, shoes, gar¬ ters, waistcoats, and knee breeches buttons, per gross pair Fine upholsterers’ nails, with iron points in white, red, or yellow, shape pointed, per 1000 Ditto rounded. ,, Various other upholsterers’ nails . ,, Price. A. and C. HOELLER, Solingen.— Cl. VI., VIII. and XXI.—FI. n. 3 patterns of butchers’ and shoemakers’ knives.per dozen 1 pattern card of files ... „ 1 ditto of chisels and planes . ,, 5 ditto of screw drivers ... „ 1 ditto of hammers and jewellers’ tools . 1 sword of honour, in case. 1 dress sword.. . 63 different sabres, swords, and hunting knives .each 7 mounted rapiers for single stick practice . 10 genuine Damascene blades . each 30/ a 60 different sabre, sword, and rapier blades, each Various daggers. „ 18 different hatchets for various purposes „ 1 pair of extra fine carved scissors Different scissors .... per dozen Sheep and tinplate shears . Pen and pocket knives . Razors. Cake knives ..... Ordinary knives for the colonies „ Table knives and forks . . per dozen pairs Hinges and bolts .... ,, Carving knives and forks . . per pair Saws and saw blades, tweezers and compasses, gimlets and augers, locks, 1 chain and 1 card of steel-bugles for a travelling bag, portemonnaies and cigar etuis, per dozen 2/ a 99/, 3/ a 12/, 4/ a 15/, 3 \d. a 72/, 1 /6 a 72/, 4/ a 10/, & 4/ a 71. 10/. Lamp tops.each 1 parallel vice ....... „ DREYSE and COLLENBITSCH, Manufac¬ tory, Sommer da. —Cl. VIII. and XXII.— FI. N. Show box with percussion caps, patented by the exhibitors, and distinguished for the certainty of the ignition, the priming being so isolated as to be secured against all wetness. Show box with plate, cask, and copper rivets, which are all produced on machines with¬ out heating, and remarkable for their cheapness. LEONH. RITZEIfS WIDOW, Liidenscheid. —Cl. XXII.—FI. s. A card with metal coat and waistcoat but¬ tons ........ per gross £. s. d. 6/ a 4| d. 14/ a 5/ 15/ a 1/8J 0 2 8 0 2 3 4/6 a 1/2| 9 d. a 9/ 9 \d. a 18/ 1/ a 12/ 5/ a 16/6 3/ a 24/ 34 10 0 37 10 0 3/ a 15 l. S\d. a 6/ 22 10 0 4 \d. a SI. 1/6 a 45/ 3 \d. a 45/ 9 0 0 30/ a 60/ 5/6 a 24/ 1/6 a 90/ 4/ a 72/ 1/6 a 7/6 7 id. a 3/ 2/ a 60/ 3 \d. a 10/6 2/ a 30/ S/a9/ 2 0 0 No. 4f d. a 15/ 640 641 642 643 644 645 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. J. D. SCHWARTE, Solingen. — Cl. XXI.— FI. N. 4 patterns of razors, numbered from 1 to 4. No. 1.per doz. 2 . 3. 4. Chatelaine hooks 17 patterns of penknive No. 6. 7 . 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . Price. DULTGEN BROTHERS, Diiltgenthal.— Cl. XXI.—FI. n. Steel frames, &c. for umbrellas and parasols, cigar cases, porte-monnaies, frames, money boxes, See. ALTENLOH BRINK and [CO. Schwelm.— Cl. XXI.—FI. n. Agent, A. Heintzmann, 16, Colebrook How, Islington. Screws for wood. CARL SCHLEGELMILCH, Manufacturer in Iron and Iron Plate, Suhl.— Cl. XXII. —HI. A box of iron plate, exhibited for its tenacity and pliability ; the lid can be opened The box has been executed on the rolling mill of the exhibitor. CASPAR SCHMIDT, Soest.— Cl. XXII.— FI. n. An iron cooking apparatus of middling size, made of plate iron, without varnish, to render the adjustment and the manage¬ ment of the plate iron visible without any blows with the hammer, and without any flying off* of the slags ; invented by the ex¬ hibitor . CARL ASBECK and CO.. Hagen.— Cl. XXI. and XXII.—FI. n. 1 anvil.per cwt. 2 vices (1 parallel) . . . . per pound 1 parallel vice , , . . . . . . » £. s. d. H/6s 15/9f 56/14 86/7| 15/2 , 29/3- l/8f 2/3| 3/I5 3/71 3 / 7 i- 3/6 w V 6 / 26/ 22 / 10 * 38/41 1 0 0 9 18 0 1 6 0 6 d. & 1/6 14/9f PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 81 No. 646 847 648 649 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 parallel rasp, per whole set of tools Specimens of steel.per cwt. Ditto of horse shoes . . per single shoe 33 padlocks of German silver, steel, and brass per doz. 3 chaff cutters of German steel . ,, P. L. SCHMIDT, Elberfeld.— Cl. IX.—FI. v. 3 axes and 3 hatchets, numbered 110 to 115 per doz. 2 hedge shears. ,, 1 caterpillar scissors .... ,, 3 sheep shears. ,, 1 rat trap . „ 1 fox trap .each Tweezers.per doz. Hammers. ,, Nut crackers. ,, Screw drivers. ,, Hand vices. ,, Punches. ,, Chisels. ,, Carvers’ chisels. ,, Planing chisels. ,, Saws. ,, Saw bows. ,, Joiners’ blades. ,, Pincers. ,, Tuning forks ....... ,, Tuning hammers. ,, Corkscrews. „ Keyrings. „ Bolts .. „ Hinges. „ Trowels. ,, Various knives. ,, Various locks. ,, Tailors’ scissors. ,, 32 pair of skates . . . per doz. pair 2 smoothing irons.per doz. 7 hand drills and centre bits . . ,, 1 windlass. XXII.—FI. n. Patterns of chased and cast bronze goods, umbrella skeletons, ornaments of curtains, chains, iron and brass wire, tinned iron, polished pinchbeck. G. IIOESTEREY, Barmen.— Cl. XXIX.— FI. s. Pinchbeck buttons, plated with gold, silver, and platina, also covered with silk and wool. FRIED. KRUPP, near Essen. —Cl. I. and V. —FI. N. A piece of the toughest cast steel, per 1031 lbs. A pair of hardened and polished cast steel rollers.per pair A piece of a cylindrical roller. 4 different carriage and buffer springs of cast steel ..per cwt. An axletree for a railway carriage, of strong¬ est cast, steel . . . f f . per cwt. Price. £. s. d. 12 / 1 12 6 0 0 6 12/a 25/6 24/ 9/ a 3 1. 34/ a 54/ 18/ 5/a 9/ 9/22 14/6 2/ a 24/ 6 / a 18/ 7/ 3/71 11/ 1/6 a 4/6 1/6 a 12 / 2/a 3/ 1/6 a 18/ 3/a 60/ 4/6 a 24/ 3/ 16/6 7/6 9/ 1/6 a 6 / 9c?. a 2/3 9 d. a 9/ 1 /a 18/ 3/9 a 18/ 6 / a 30/ 1/6 a 72/ 8/93 3/9 a 54/ 9c?. a 51/ 7/6 a 6 / 18s 4 4 0 650 651 60 0 0 240 0 0 30 0 0 4 i: 4 i; Name and Address of Exhibitor and London A»ent, Description of Article, &c. F. W. LUCAS and CO., Elberfeld.— Cl. XXII. —FI. n. Agent, A. Heintzmann, 16, Colebrook Bow , Islington. Imitated bronze - goods, in lead, tin, and zinc:— 1 pair of altar candlesticks . . per pair 3 pairs of branch candlesticks 12/, 15/, & 1 candlestick.each 1 pair of candlesticks.each 3 pairs of candlesticks .... per pair 4 writing stands, 6/, 2/6, 1/6^ and 1/6 each. 1 match box. 1 cigar holder. 1 flower stand. 4 letter holders, 2/, 4/6, 7/6, and 9/ each. 2 lamp screens.each 2 lamp stands.. 2 tobacco boxes . 1 thermometer. 1 bronze crucifix. 3 ditto.each Gothic hall, with Guttenberg. 2 medals.per pair JOHANN DANIEL SCHMIDT, Jun., Sprock- hovel.— Cl. VI. and XXI.—FI. N. Iron wares. Nos. 1—20. Iron and brass locks for presses and drawers.per doz. Nos. 21—33. Ditto for tea chests and desks per doz. Nos. 34—45. Locks for presses and drawers per doz. Nos. 46—58. Locks for sewing tables and pianofortes.per doz. Nos. 59—64. Fine steel locks for portfolios per doz. Nos. 65—82. Padlocks in iron, brass, and German silver.per doz. Nos. 83—90. Larger padlocks for magazines per doz. Nos. 91—100. Locks for chests, and fine ones for cabinets, in iron and brass . per doz. Nos. 101—102. Bolts .... „ Nos. 103—133. Various sorts of bolts, in iron, brass, and German silver . . per doz. Nos. 134—186. Table bolts, pin joints, &c.; also for pianoforte making, in iron and brass.per doz. Nos. 187—188. Drills with gimlets, per piece No. 189. Wooden chest, with tools Nos. 190—194. Several drills . . per piece Nos. 195—200. Centre bits . . per doz. Nos. 201—252. Large and small drills and centre-bits. Nos. 253—274. Gimlets with handles, per doz. Nos. 275—288. Compasses for joiners, turners, coopers, and mechanics . . . per doz. Nos. 289—306. Wire pliers, pincers, and tweezers.per doz. Nos. 307—311. Tweezers and saddlers’ pincers per doz. Nos. 312—313. Tin shears, pliers for wire drawing.per doz. Nos. 314—322. Pincers for various trades per doz. Nos. 323—334. Sugar and hair dressers’ tongs, nut crackers.per doz. Nos. 337—345. Hand vices . . „ Price. £. s. d. 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 4/& 5/ 2/6 & 4/ 4/6 & 9/ 0 4 6 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 71 3/3f a 35/ 1/41 a 19/ 2/9f a 24/ 2 / a 20 / 2 / a 12 / 1/74 a 42/ 3/6 a 73/2f 4/6 a 84/ 5/ a 7/6 9c?. a 4/ 5 d. a 10/6 6/44 a 18/ 0 3 33 7*d. a 9/6 5fc?. a 9 d. 4d. a 3/ I /41 a 14/ 4/ a 14/ 6/6 a 36/ 13/6 a 28/6 4/6 a 15/ 3/11 a 20 / 2/4| a 13/3 82 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 652 653 654 656 657 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Nos. 346—353. Great and small turn-screws per doz. Nos. 354—361. Screw cutters for wooden and iron screws.per doz. Nos. 362—374. Pairs of scales and beams of the same.per doz. Nos. 335—336. Fox traps . . . per piece Nos. 375—384. Ordinary and middling skates per pair Nos. 385—395. Fine skates ... ,, FXJNKE and HUCK, Hagen. — Cl. XXL— FL N. 2 vices (1 patent).per lb. 1 turn-screw.per piece Specimens of screws, with 4 and 6 cornered tops.per cwt. Ditto, without points. J. P. GREEFF and G. W. SOHN, Barmen.— Cl. XXII. and XXIX.—G. N. 16 cards of metal buttons, of 4 sorts :■— No. 1.per gross 2 . 3. ^. 5 > 20 patterns of metal boxes . . per doz. 20 patterns of lids for the same. G. WOESTE and CO., Solingen. -Cl. XXI.— FI. N. Cast scissors. 655 | J. M. CARON and CO., Rauenthal. near Bar¬ men.—Cl XXII. and XXIII.—FI. s. . per gross Gold plated hunting buttons Pearl buttons. Bronze buttons and bronze steel buttons Enamelled bronze buttons. Gold plated and striped buttons . . 8/6 a Divers other sorts of buttons. Brooches, gilt, per gross Necklaces, gilt, per gross Ditto, per gross . Rings, gilt, per gross Crosses, gilt, per gross . Chains, gilt, per gross . Breast pins, gilt, per gross Ear rings, gilt, per gross Buckles, gilt, per gross . Price. 37. 2s. 4; \d. a . 57. 14s. a 87. 4s. \\d. a 17. 7s. 3f d. a 57. Os. 3 \d. a 57. 9s. 6c7. a . . 8s. a 27. 19s. 33 d. a . 8s. 2|<7. a WOLFF and ERBSLOEH, Barmen. — Cl. XXII.—FI. s. Gold, silver, and platina plated copper and frame plates. G. SEEL, Elberfeld.— Cl. XIX. and XXIII.— G. N. Hair, plaited and worked in various forms, viz.:— A picture in hair, the Jews mourning, after Bendemann. Two landscapes.each A wreath of flowers. A bouquet . Ditto.. Two albums ....... each £. s. d. 2/6 a 18/ 1/2? a 13/ 3|c7. a 3/9 3/ a 15/6 5§<7.a 1/44 2/2 §a 3/6 3|c7. a 6£e7. 0 13 6 1 4 41 1/8? a 21/ 1/3 a 8/6 2/lia 7/ 6tf. a 3/ 4/a 11/ 16/6 a 8/ 0 16 U 6/74 a 5/ 8/ a 6/93 0 10 2f 0 15 lOj 0 10 0 6 16 9? 0 9 11 3 6 6 3 13 0 0 6 2 ? 1 9 2| 0 4 6 19 10 0 9 0 0 18 0 0 7 10 0 3 15 0 3 0 0 No. 658 659 660 661 662 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. A case, containing hair plaited in va¬ rious forms. 1 golden brooch. Designs for brooches, ear, and other rings. F. YON LIPP, Diisseldorf. —Cl. IV. and XVII. —FI. s. 12 bottles of eau de Diisseldorf, fdr scenting per doz. 12 ditto of Oriental scent, for smoking „ Specimens of house paper, in 7 rolls, num¬ bered from 1 to 7, per roll . 5s., 6s., & C. HILGERS, Diisseldorf.— Cl. XXVI.—HI. A lady’s ebony work and writing table, carved, and with 4 views of the Rhine J. D. EICHELBERG and Co., Iserlohn.—Ql XXII.—FI. n. A bronze gallery (delicate brass wares). C. BIEFANG, Duisburg.— Cl. XXVII.—G. w. Frames for daguerreotypes-(per doz.) :— 2 bronze frames, at \ plate. 2 velveted cornices, at | plate .... Blued, gilded, and marbled cornices, at 1/6 plate.12s., 12s,, & 1 lithograph in plain colours .... 1 varnished, at 1/9 plate ..... Ultramarine paper. 1 lithographed, plain colour ..... HOELTRING and HOEFFKEN, Baimen. —Cl. XX. and XXVIII —FI. s. Elastic braces, viz.:— 3 pairs, marked 1—3 No. 1 2 . 3 . 37 pairs, marked No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4—40 per doz. pairs per pair Price. £. s. d. 4 10 0 12 0 0 0 10 9| 0 4 9f 0 8 0 180 0 0 0 18 0 0 16 6 | 0 7 0 0 3 3 0 5 41! 2/9f & 2/ \\d. a 1/ 0 15 0 1 7 0 0 18 O' 0 12 6 1 10 0 0 18 0 1 4 0 1 16 0* 0 10 6-1 0 12 O' 0 15 0 0 16 0 0 2 4 0 5 4! 0 6 3, 0 6 6 0 5 7 0 6 3 0 9 ( 0 12 6 1 6 ( 1 7 C 1 10 ( 1 11 ( 1 7 ( 0 13 ( 0 14 ( 0 9 < 0 10 ( 0 13 < PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 83 Jo. 63 04 165 66 68 69 70 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. No. 31 .per pair 32 . 33 ..... . ,, 34 . 35 and 36 .... ,, 37 . ,, 38 . 39 „ 40 ,, SCHELLER, WEBER, and WITTICH, CasseL— Cl. XXIX.—El. n. Toys. Musket with bayonet; fowling pieces; pis¬ tols ; cross bows; historic lotto ; small box with toys, &c. BASSE and FISCHER, Liidenscheid. — Cl. XXII.—El. n. Snuff boxes, match boxes, belt buckles in German silver, pinchbeck, and Britannia metal, pipe mountings in pinchbeck and silvered, keyhole boxes and curtain rings in German silver, pinchbeck, and brass per gross, 3 d. a HEINR. KILIAN, Siegen.— Cl. XXX.—FI. n. A carving in wood, representing the Lord’s Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci . FELTHAUSS, Comptroller of Taxes, Wetz- lar. —Cl. I.—FI. s. Specimens of ore from the lately opened and very promising cinnabar and quicksilver mine (Ludwig) near Wetzlar, with cinna¬ bar taken from the same. The mine is for sale. C. SCHEEL, CasseL— Cl. X.—G. s. Agents, Weinhold, Wehner, and Co., 31, Lom¬ bard Street. A cabinet piano of 7 octaves, on Erard’s system. J. WIDENMANN, Linen Manufacturer, Gladbach.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. 1 grey and white and 1 white superfine damask table cloth, with the Royal arms of Eng¬ land .each 6 covers, each with 48 napkins and 2 table cloths of fine linen damask, with private coats of arms.each F. W. BREITHAUPT and SON, CasseL— Cl. X.-G. s. Physical and Mathematical Instruments : 1 theodolite, for astronomical purposes, No 321. 1 theodolite for geodetical purposes, No. 336 1 levelling instrument, No. 90 1 large compass apparatus (geodetical), No 115. 1 levelling instrument, No. 274 . . . 1 do. smaller, No. 273 . 1 do. smaller, No. 280 . 1 compass for mining, No. 457 1 pocket compass, in form of a watch, No. 532 1 sextant, No. 63. Price. £. s. 0 14 0 14 0 17 0 16 0 19 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 12 3 15 0 27 0 0 48 0 0 6 0 0 40 10 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 6 15 0 4 13 0 5 14 0 1 11 0 2 10 0 No. 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. F. W. VOGEL, Bookbinder, Jena. Saxe Weimar.—Cl. XXVII.—G. s. A highly finished copy of F. von Schiller’s Works, under a glass cover and on a small table. MERKLINGHAUS and WEX, Barmen.— Cl. XVI.—FI. s. Dressed leather, viz. : No. 1,2/2 brown saddle leather . per lb. No. 2, 2/2 brown leather straps, for stirrups, per 38£ lbs. No. 3, 2/2 brown leather for reins, per 20| lbs. No. 4, 2/2 black leather for reins, per 30£ lbs. No. 5, 2/2 black harness leather . per lb. No. 6, 1 black leather for covers, per 17^ lbs. No. 7, 1 brown leather for covers, per 9f lbs. No. 8, 1 brown heel leather . . . each No. 9, 1 ditto .,, No. 10, 1 brown hog skin .... „ W. SCHMOLZ and Co., Solingen and Berlin. —Cl. I., VIII., and XXI.—FI. n. Nos. 1—18, different swords, mounted in iron, steel, brass, pinchbeck, German silver, and gilt.each Nos. 19—24, sabre, sword, and hunting knife blades, polished and ornamented . each Nos. 25—30, different table knives, forks and hunting knives, mounted in various ways per dozen pairs Nos. 31—38, pen knives . . . per dozen Nos. 39—48, scissors .... ,, Nos. 49—60, specimens of nickel, German silver rolled sheets, and wire . . per lb. W. TACK and PELIZAEUS, Crefeld.- Cl. XIII. 10 silk waistcoats.per yard 40 half silk ditto ..... Price. J. H. SCHULTE, Barmen.— Cl. XV.—FI. s. Silk, calico, and woollen waistcoat stuffs:— Nos. 1. pr. yd. 0 3 2£ I Nos. 12 & 13. pr. yd 0 4 3 | 14 & 15 „ 0 5 4 1 16 & 18 „ 0 6 0 | 19 & 20 „ Discount 51. per cent. 2—4 5-7 „ 8—11 „ SIEPERMANN and MOEHLAU, JDeren- dorf.— Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. Printed cotton furniture stuffs (each piece 26£ yards).per yard FRIEDR. KRUPP, near Essen.— Cl. VI. and VIII.—Na. A complete 6 pound gun, of cast steel, co¬ vered with other metal, with wooden and cast steel carriage. A cast steel cuirass for privates .... Breast plates for ditto, proved by six shots. A rolling mill for a mint. Ditto for adjusting, with hardened cast steel rollers. £. s. d. 45 0 0 0 1 44 2 14 0 1 14 6 1 11 6 0 1 0 1 10 0 1 5 6 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 18 0 LUDW. TEUTENBERG, Gunsmith to the Court, Hiisten. —Cl. VIII. A seven barrelled needle gun. 10/6 a 12 1 6/ a 75/ 13/6 a 90/ 12/ a 72/ 4/6 a 36/ 3/ a 10/6 0 6 8 0 6 0 0 6 8 0 7 2 0 7 9 0 9 4 0 0 5t 3 0 0 388 10 0 330 0 0 22 10 0 84 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. e. Grand Duchy of Saxony, Prussian Saxony, Brunswick, Anhalt, and States of Thuringia. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Ho. Description of Article, &c. -NO. Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 679 J. C. BENNINGHAU3S, Thole, near Qued- Specular iron from the blast furnace, em¬ linburg.—Cl. 1. and XXII.—El. s. ployed in the fabrication of bar iron. 1. Sparry iron stone, from the mine “ Hope 6 specimens of furnace slags with crystals. and God's Blessing.” 2. Brown iron stone, Sharply marked prisms of rhombic and from the mine Heiligenberg. 3. Pig iron, square shapes, single and as twin crystals, from these ores, in a 30 feet high blast fur- frequently occur—some also with blunted nace, with pure charcoal and hot air of edges. 150° R., eminently qualified for the fabri- A waggon axle, puddled and welded in a cation of bar iron. 4. Blast furnace slags. furnace with gas flame . . . per cwt. 1 9 8 5. Bar iron, from common forge, with pure Ditto with a sample of iron and the wheel charcoal, hot wind, and forged under the box, per cwt. of the latter. 0 13 4 lift hammer. Sample H. has been curved Model of a gas furnace, constructed by in a cold, but sample J. in a red hot state. Bischof. This bar iron is distinguished for its dura- Fluor.. per cwt. 1 9 8 bility. The exhibitor’s works comprise 1 Artificial crystals of lead glance, dropped cupola, 8 forge fires, 1 rolling mill for during the process of melting lead glance plate, bar, and fancy iron, 8 fires for forg- in the works of the silver forges. ing polished iron, with the lathes apper- Crude antimony, 3 sorts . . . per cwt. 24/8 a 26/ taining to these, and 1 nail factory. Litharge, pure oxide of lead for preparing (These specimens have been found and sugar of lead.per cwt. 0 17 4 wrought in the mines and forges belonging Hardened lead for bearings, types, candle¬ to the exhibitor in and near Thale, J osephs- sticks, &c., (very useful) . . per cwt. 1 0 9' hiitte, Carlshiitte, and Sorge.) Mixed vitriol, 2 sorts .... ,, 14/10al6/ Divers cooking utensils of plate iron, em- bossed and worked out of one piece, and 683 0. HERRMANN, Owner of the Chemical Ma¬ enamelled with a white, durable substance nufactory (formerly Royal) at Schone- not injurious to health. beck. —Cl. II.—FI. s. 23 bottles with chemical preparations : white 680 EDUARD SCHADE, Painter on Porcelain, oxide of zinc, iron alum, kali zootic., rubr. Breitenbach , Principality of Sonders- Gmelini, acidum gallic, purum, crystal¬ hausen.—Cl. XXX.—HI. lized crimor tartari, bisulphate of soda, 1 porcelain picture in gilt frame, represent¬ kali chloricum, cyankalium, kali carbonic. ing Jubal, the inventor of music . 15 0 0 purum, strontiana nitrica sicca, baryta 1 furniture porcelain painted plate, head of nitrica cryst., acidum phosphor, glaciale, an archangel, after Raphael .... 1 16 0 kalium, natrium, chloroform, brom., alco¬ Per dozen. 12 0 0 hol sulphuris, tin salt, cuprum oxyd. pur., 1 ditto, portrait of a lady in the costume of bismuth nitr. prase., acidum succin. pur., the times of Louis XYI. 0 18 0 kali caust., cadmium metall., hydrargyr. Per dozen. 7 10 0 byodat. rubrum. All the articles to be sold. 684 JULIUS HEINRICH WEISS, Manufacturer 681 ROYAL SALT WORKS, Artern.— Cl. II.— of Madder Colours, Milhlhausen. — Cl. FI. s. IY.—FI. s. Mellite, common salt, mother lye,' and rock Samples of madder colours, which in salt; a drawing of the profiles of the bores point of durability surpass the red co¬ into rock salt. lours of all sorts occurring in trade ; they are applicable to all branches of 682 DUCAL MINING BOARD AT HARZGE- painting, at the same time very cheap, RODE. From the Iron Forge at Mdgde- and therefore admit of general use :■— sprung , and from the Ducal Mines and Sil¬ Madder lac for art painting, in 6 distinct ver Forges.—Cl. I., II., V., and YI.—FI. sorts, the pound 6/7, 10/4, 13/, 15/10, n. and s. 22/2, and 23/10. Model of a blowing machine, constructed by Lac dyes or rose madder, in 6 distinct sorts, Dr. Liiders, in operation at Magdesprung per cwt. 2,1. 13s. 10 d., 81. 6s. 6d ., 11Z. Is. 7d., these 12 years, and which, with little ex¬ 14/. 12s. 4c7., and 22Z. 2s. 3d. penditure of power, furnishes a regular Patterns painted in the above colours. and rapid volume of air. Sparry iron stone, raw from the mines near 685 F. BEHM, Bailiff at the Domain of Hoyrn , Neudorf; employed at Magdesprung in the near Ballenstadt. — Cl. III. — FI. s. fabrication of white or specular iron. Raw beetroot sugar . . „ . . per cwt. 1 12 Sparry ironstone, roasted with crystals of mag¬ An acre of sand ground produces 120 netic sparry ironstone, which are frequently cwt. of roots = 5| cwt. of raw sugar, produced in the furnace by a great heat, 85 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. No. 386 387 388 389 390 391 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. L. O. BLEIBTREU, Manufacturer of Succory Products, Brunsivick. —Cl. III.—FI. s. Samples of dried or baked and burnt succory roots; succory meal and succory coffee, 13§ lbs. of the latter The manufactory was established in the year 1781. BRUMME and Co., Sugar Manufactory, Waldau , near Bern'burg.—Cl. III.—FI. s. 2 loaves of sugar.per cwt. ADOLPH FEIGENSPAN, Manufacturer of Glue, Muhlhausen — Cl. IV.—FI. s. Five samples of glue : No. 1.per cwt. 2 . „ 3 . 4 . » 5. „ In the summer months from 10 to 12 work¬ men are daily employed. W. HABERLAND, Schoningen.— Cl. III. per cwt, 3 sorts of fine peeled dried apples 3 sorts of fine peeled dried apples 11. 10s. 10 \d. & 4 sorts of fine peeled dried pears, per cwt. 1/. 12s. 6c?., 1Z. 10s. 10 \d., U 9s. 3d., & Dried prunes and plums, with sweet almonds per cwt. Dried plums without stones . . „ Dried cherries without stones . . ,, Dried black and red sweet cherries „ Champignons.per lb. Red apples, celery and French beans ,, Mirabelles and melons, at the market prices. Price. HENNIGE and WIESE, Beetroot Sugar Manufacturers, Magdeburg. —Cl. III.— FI. s. Agent, John Horstmann, 26, Finsbury Sq. In a glass : beetroot sugar, made by the cen¬ trifugal machine.per cwt. Clarified loaf-sugar (beetroot) . . „ Refined beetroot sugar .... „ On the cultivation of the beetroot 300 men are employed, in the manufactory 220; 150,000 to 200,000 cwts. are made during the season. £. s. d. 0 3 0 2 10 4 2 13 2 0 2 0 1 18 1 12 JOS. CHR. HALLER, Manufacturer of | Starch, Halle-on-the-Saale. —Cl. IV. — FI. s. Samples of starch made of wheat, after an j original method, and on machines invented j by the exhibitor. This starch is noted for j its purity : articles finished with it preserve j their brightness, and are entirely prevented | from turning yellow. Fine starch, in 4 different sorts . per cwt. j Ditto, blue and white .... „ Air dried starch, only white . . „ Powder, No. 1. 0 19 1 0 0 15 0 19 2 7 2 10 2 13 1 12 6 1 9 3 1 6 0 No. 692 693 694 695 696 697 Name ami Address of Exhibitor and Loudon Agent, Description of Article, &c. J. A, SALOMON and Co., Manufacturers of Succory Articles, Brunswick. —Cl. III. —FI. s. Samples of baked succory roots and of suc¬ cory meal.per cwt. Succory coffee. „ CAESAR TEICHMANN, Manufacturer of Flour Goods, Erfurt. —Cl. III. and XXIX.—FI. s. Succory, 16 a 24 lbs. for. Do. meal, per cwt. Maccaroni „ .. Groats of wheat ,, . Pearled barley ,, .... 30/, 24/, Prepared mustard per barrel of 82| lbs., sharp Do. do. sweet Blacking, 120 boxes of 2 ounces .... Do. 240 boxes of 1 ounce .... THE LOBURG FACTORY, in the District of Jerichow, and in Magdeburg. —Cl. III. FI. s. 6 bottles of sago, 4 brown, 2 white per cwt. 6 bottles of brown sago meal . . „ 3 bottles of fruit sugar, Nos. 1, 2, 3 „ 23/9, 23/, & 1 bottle of potato meal 1 do. do. starch ... „ 0 13 4 1 do. do. groats ... „ 0 17 9 5 do. gum, in pieces and ground „ 29/8 & 28/2 2 do. grape sugar, Nos. 1 and 2 „ 18/6 & 17/9 2 do. syrup, white and brown „ 15/1 a 12/7 1 do. sugar colouring . . „ 12 3 2 do. white sago meal . . „ 0 17 9 WITTEKOP and Co., Brunswick. —Cl. III. and XXIX.—FI. s.—Agents in London, Neumann and Beckh. I. Mill products : 5 lbs. flour, 2 lbs. groats (from a water mill). II. Products of the manufacture of macca¬ roni and vermicelli: 2 pounds of maccaroni and similar articles. III. Products of chocolate : 14 lbs. for drinking, 22 lbs. figures of chocolate. NICOLAUS HEINR. GIESSLER, Magis¬ trate, Trochtelborn. —Cl. IV. — FI. S. Samples of woad ball, prepared from clear woad leaves. Exhibited for its purity, genuineness, and usefulness: Woad leaves.per cwt. Great woad ball. Middling ditto. Small ditto . .. Price. £. s. d. 5/ a 8/ 9/9 a 23/10 0 3 0 0 15 0 24/ a 48/ 15/ & 18/ 15/, & 12/ 0 18 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 18 0 17 1 2 0 13 CARL HUCKE, Director and Teacher of the Agricultural School at Alack. —Cl. III. and IV.—FI. s. Bristles taken off two breeding sows of dif¬ ferent races in the summer of 1850, and which, being a perfectly matured product, are preferable to such bristles as are ob¬ tained by plucking off the skin before its being scalded, or by cutting off from the live animal.per lb. Canary seed, 13 Berlin scheffels .... Coriander .per cwt. 0 14 10 0 14 10 0 16 4 0 17 10 l 86 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. £. s. d. R. ANSCHUETZ, Gunmaker, Zella.— Cl.VIII. —FI. N. 5 brace double gun barrels, handsomely en¬ graved in the French style, 16/6, 18/, 90/, 108/, & 108/. 5 rifle barrels, damascened in various styles, each 60/, 24/, 60/, 9/, & 7/6. 706 699 A. BRECHT, late A. BURCKHARDT, Gun Maker, Weimar. — Cl. VIII.— FI. n. Agent in London, the Grand Ducal Con¬ sul, — CoLnMANN, Esq. A double rifle, with fine Damascene barrels and highly finished stock. A rifle with fine Damascene barrel and highly finished stock; for round and pointed balls. The iron used is Thuringian, the barrel from Liege, the stock of native nut wood. 20 5 0 12 0 0 707 700 WIL. HAN AIT, Armourer to the Court, Gera. —Cl. VIII.—FI. n. 1 brace of pistols for round and pointed balls, with apparatus (14 articles), in a case, per brace 18 9 0 NIETZSCHMANN and VACCANT, Draw¬ ing Instrument Makers, Halle an the Saale. — Cl. X. — G. s. — Authorized Agent, Carl Schwebemeyer. 30 different cases of mathematical instru¬ ments, in brass.each 5 ditto, in new silver.. 6 sets of polished compasses, per set 2s. 4 \d. a 6 sets of unpolished compasses, per set, Is. 10 \d. a JOH. FR. SCHULZE and SONS, Organ Builders, Paulinzelle, Principality of Rudolstadt.—Cl. X.—G. s. An organ, with 16 sounding pieces, 2 manuals, and 1 pedestal. It occupies pro¬ portionately little space, and has uncom¬ mon power, delicacy, and sweetness of tone, being at the same time remarkable for the simplicity of its mechanism. By one contrivance deeper tones may be made to resound on the organ than actually are in it, and by another the in¬ strument is made to sound with ease, and the injury resulting from treading the bel¬ lows wrongly, prevented, duty not paid . 701 702 C. G. KOENIG & SONS, Gunmakers, Coburg. —Cl. VIII.—FI. n. A brace of highly finished pistols, in case : stock and barrels inlaid with gold and sil¬ ver in the Gothic style, with complete ap¬ paratus. L. SAUERBREY, Gunmaker, Zella St. Blasii. Cl. VIII.—FI. n. A double rifle, of cast steel, in one piece, with apparatus. The barrels are so ar¬ ranged as to shoot at one and the same place. For round and pointed balls . A double rifle, with Liege barrels, and appa¬ ratus ; for pointed and round balls A double gun, with Liege barrels, and ap¬ paratus ; for every kind of shot . . . 708 WAGNER and CO., Gera.— Cl. X.—G. s.— Agents in London, Elmenhorst Bro¬ thers. 7 harmonica accordions: No. 23a., 2 pieces .... per dozen 30b., 2 pieces . . per dozen, 11. and 40.per dozen 67 10 0 25 10 0 9 18 0 709 F. ZEITTER and T. CH. WINKELMANN, j Brunswick. —Cl. X.—G. s. A grand piano. A pianoforte. 704 H. AUSFELD, Mechanician and Optician, Gotha.— Cl. X.—G. s. 710 DANNEBERG and SON, Manufactory of Cotton Goods and Dye House, Eilenburg. —Cl. XI. and XVIII.—G. s. 1. A planimeter, with an arrangement for the better examination of the lines; distin¬ guished by its true and easy motion . . . 2. A microscope, exhibited on account of the pictures, and its simplicity and cheap¬ ness . 11 5 0 1 10 0 705 AUG. BROEMEL, Manufacturer of Patent Weighing Machines, Arnstadt , Princi¬ pality of Sondershausen.—Ci. V.—FI. n. A patent weighing machine for 10 cwt. . A ditto of brass, for 100 lbs. Especially adapted for bankers. The iron and wood employed are from the Thuringian forest. 4620 patent weighing machines have been finished in the establishment in the course of eighteen years. 6 0 0 5 5 0 I. Furniture stuffs: Rich .per yard Bright ground, mille fleurs . . ,, White to mille fleurs .... ,, Bright ground rose .... ,, White to rose, with arabesques . ,, Dark ground, striped ... ,, Roller made ramage and bright ground striped.per yard II. Jaconets: Mille fleurs. Rose, lilac, blue, ultramarine . III. Calicos for dress : Mille fleurs. Bright ground and rose . Violet, green, and madder . . Price. £. s. d 3/ a 29/ 6/9 a 15/ 0 5 f 0 4 4 3001. 0 17 i 1 3 1 18 I 2 5 i 75 0 ' 30 0 ! 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 87 No. 711 712 713 714 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. YOGEL and CARNER, Cotton Manufactory, Gera.— Cl. XI. and XV.— FI. S. Cotton goods, woven with coloured yarn : Blue ground demi cotton . . per yard Red ground ...... ,, Spotted. ,, Cotton goods, woven with coloured yarn, patterned: Spotted demi cotton, No. 10 . . per Jfard Blue ground Moriscacelles . . Blue ground croise . . . . j, Mouches, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, per yard, 7 d., 6 £f V alkenstein. EHRENBERG and RICHTER, Manufac¬ turers of Cotton Goods.— Eilenburg .— Cl. XI. and XVIII.—G. n. Calicos of various colours and quality:— 4 pieces blue, 2 orange, 1 brown and red per yard 3 pieces green and 7 lilac . . „ 1 piece brown and partly coloured red, 4 pieces of shirting .... per yard 9 pieces rose and crimson . . ,, 1 piece chamois and red ... ,, 1 piece Allemandes, 1 mille fleurs, and 1 green and white .... per yard 1 piece mille fleurs and 1 Allemandes fur¬ niture ....... per yard 1 piece blue and grey, 1 red and white per yard 1 piece red and grey .... ,, 3 pieces party coloured ... ,, 2 pieces ditto. ,, FRIEDERIKE ALBERTI,Warn—Cl. XIX. FI. N. Embroidered table coverlet upon cashmeer with silk, chenille ( and gold, bouquet of flowers and white stags. Cl. AGN. V. GROSSMANN, Weissenfels. XXIX.—FI. ». An embroidered carpet. Subject of the de sign, The Finding of Moses . . . . J. A. GOTTSCHALK, Shoe Manufacturer, Erfurt. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. 1 pair of satin spatterdash boots 1 pair of lasting ditto 2 pair of satin shoes do. do. do. do. do. varnished shoes . brown leather shoes lasting shoes . . silk quilted shoes . varnished gentlemen’s boot shoes per pair per pair £. s. d. 0 3 0 9 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 10 0 91 0 10J o o-iol 0 11 13 10 0 80 0 C 6 ( PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS, 91 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1 pair of lasting gentlemen’s boot shoes,per pair 0 5 6 1 doz. of cotton 3 threaded white ladies’ 1 do. horse leather ditto . ,, 0 4 3 stockings. 0 17 24 1 do. leather shoes .... ,, 0 2 101 1 doz. ditto, raw. 0 11 11 4 do. children’s boots ... ,, 10Ac?, a 1/6 1 doz. ditto, with fine narrowing .... 0 19 6 To be sold. 1 doz. ditto, ditto and clocks. 1 1 0 2 doz. ditto, with double soles. 17/ ’ a 2 ;5/6 1 doz. ditto, witli extra fine narrowing . . 1 13 0 754 CARL ISRAEL, Manufacturer of Knitted 1 doz. ditto, 2 threaded. 0 8 84 and Worsted Caps, Erfurt. —Cl. XX.— 1 doz. ditto, ditto. 0 10 24 El. s. 1 doz. ditto, ditto. 0 13 24 3 fine 4 seamed caps of plush . . per doz. 21/ a 21/5 1 doz. ditto, ditto. 1 2 6 2 middling 4 seamed caps of plush „ 17/3al6/ll 2 simple red caps with turn down flaps per doz. 0 8 3 759 WEBENDOERFER, BROTHERS, Hosiers, 1 superfine 4 seamed smooth cap . „ 1 1 9 Zeulenroda. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. 1 middling fine ditto . . . * . “ 0 18 0 1 doz. of cotton 3 threaded white ladies’ 1 ditto and 1 superfine pointed cap ,, 19/ & 22/ stockings. 0: 9 0 1 superfine 4 seamed cap of plush . „ 0 19 0 1 doz. ditto.. 0 14 0 1 middling fine ditto. „ 0 15 0 1 doz. ditto.. 0 17 0 1 doz. ditto. 1 4 0 1 doz. ditto, raw. 0 9 0 755 CHR. FR. KROCKER and SON, Hosiers, 1 doz. ditto, ditto. 1 1 0 Zeulenroda. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. 1 doz. ditto, white, 2 threaded .... 0 10 0 1 dozen 3-threaded white cotton ladies’ 1 doz. ditto, ditto. 0 12 0 stockings. 0 9 3A 1 pair ditto, white, 3 threaded . per doz. 0 10 6 1 doz. ditto. 0 9 H 1 pair ditto, white, with double soles, English 1 doz. ditto. 0 10 i seam.per doz. 0 10 6 1 doz. ditto. 0 13 95 1 doz. 4 threaded socks. 1 11 6 1 doz. ditto, with long double heels, English seam and peculiar narrowing .... 1 6 6 1 doz. ditto, with double soles and half long 760 E. BAUM, Tinman, Coburg.— Cl. XXII.— double heels. 1 4 94 FI. N. 1 doz. ditto, with double soles and grisot A polished sheet iron oven, in the shape of a clocks. 1 3 2 2 knight in armour, with a pedestal of cast 1 doz. ditto, 4-threaded, double soles 1 5 94 iron; invented by the exhibitor . . . 43 10 0 1 doz. ditto. 1 12 3l 2 doz. ditto, 3-threaded, English seam 1 doz. raw strong half stockings, English 761 BEYER and HEINZE, Mill Owners, Dobra , seam. 0 8 94 near Liebenwerda. —Cl. XXVIII.—G. n. Patterns of inlaid floors, massively worked and thoroughly grooved . . per piece 0 13 6 756 WIL. SCHMIDT’S SONS, Hatmakers, Dessau. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. 762 THE FORGE OFFICE OF COUNT EIN- 1 extra fine silk hat.per doz. 6 0 0 SIEDEL, Lauchhammer. —Cl. XXII. and 1 ditto, distinguished by lightness „ 6 6 0 XXX.—FI. N. 1 ditto, impenetrable to perspiration ,, 4 16 0 I. Iron foundry:— 1 short haired black felt hat . „ 6 18 0 1 stove, Gothic. 7 10 0 1 long haired ditto. ,, 6 15 0 1 ditto, terraced ........ 3 15 0 1 pure white fine smooth ditto . ,, 6 0 0 1 ditto, round. 3 0 0 Kettle, enamelled. 2 11 0 "Water pan, ditto.. ] 16 0 757 H. SCHOPPER, Zeulenroda.— Cl. XX.—FI. s. The enamelling upon iron was first Agents, A. Gottschalk and Schroder, executed at this establishment. This 72, Basinghall Street. enamel is sufficiently durable, notwith¬ 12 doz. of cotton 3 threaded white ladies’ standing the thin cast of the utensils. stockings.per doz. 7/11 Ao26/8 Enamelled horse manger. 0 10 6 1 doz. of cotton 3 threaded raw stockings . 0 8 5 Ditto smaller articles, as pots, milk tu¬ I 1 doz. ditto. 0 10 6 reens, &c.the piece from 1/2; 4 a 7/6 1 doz. of raw cotton gentlemen’s socks . 0 7 0 II. Bronze foundry:— Figure drawing water, minutely worked, after the model by Professor Wichmann 105 0 0 758 C. FR. SCHOPPER, Hosier, Zeulenroda .— Bust of H.R.H. the Prince of Prussia . 3 0 0 Cl. XX.—FI. s. Ditto, after models by Jul. Hanel. 1 doz. of cotton 3 threaded white ladies’ Great polar bear. 2 8 0 stockings .... ^ 0 7 0 Little ditto .. 1 4 0 1 doz. ditto .. 0 9 0 Group of monkeys. 3 0 0 1 doz. ditto .. 0 10 34 A tiger, in upright and rampant posture . 2 5 0 1 doz. ditto ... . ..... . 0 12 24 Ditto, ditto.. 2 2 0 1 doz. ditto ........ n IS 11 I 2 92 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. 703 764 785 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. A. FLEISCHM ANN, Sonnenberg.— Cl. XXVI. Agent, J. Kendall, 8, Harp Lane. Models by G. Rau, Oberlind. 1 Madonna, a bronzed and gilt statuette with bracket; 4 knights, ditto ; 1 Mazeppa with horse ; 6 richly bronzed and gilt brackets, in the Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Gothic, and Renaissance styles ; 1 lamp screen ; 1 pair of architectural ornaments in the Re¬ naissance style ; 2 dogs; an assortment of animals ; ditto of medals set in horn; 9 ser¬ pentine stone boxes, a cross, goblet and box, with ivory imitation and bronze medals. Cl. XXVII.—Modelled work by Rau, bronze by P. Hetzel. 1 etagere with 2 side pieces, small tables with stands of vines which form an arbour; the branches are beat, and support 2 strong glass plates, constructing a chiffonniere. Drawings of other articles of furniture, as tables, stools, sofas, and room ornaments, made for the most part from iron and glass, and called by the exhibitor “ Paxton Or- ments.” - Cl. XXVII. A looking glass frame, with wooden work in relievo, scene in the Tyrol, on one side rocks, above glaciers, representing hunters pursuing chamois. Matches to hunting frames formerly sent, copies of which are exhibited in the office of the Art Union Journal. 2 Daguerreotype frames. Cl. XXVI.—A. Fleischmann and Conr. Sachsenwager, the latter as modeller of the caricatures on the lustre. Etagere with two vase stands at the sides; two looking glass frames ; a lustre repre¬ senting Jullien’s comic concert with 20 muL dans. Made of papier mache. MEYER and WRIED, Successors to Stob- wasser, Brunswick. —Cl. XXIII. & XXVI. ■—FI. s. and HI. Two lackered tea trays with paintings : The summer’s evening, after Nickoll . . The tinker, after Mieris. Three lacquered pictures in gilt frames : Un bouquet de roses, after Fiiger . . . The blind fiddler, after Wilkie . . . A village stable, after Pfeiffer .... A lacquered firm, with ioat of arms and bronzed frame. Price. GOTTFR. PIEGLER, Schleiz , Manufacturer of Hardwares of Bronze and German Silver in combination with Glass, Porce¬ lain, and Wood.—(Bohemian and Sile¬ sian glass, Thuringian porcelain.)—Cl. X. and XXIX.—FI. n. and FI. s. 2 toilet looking glasses . . . per piece 1 sliding lamp with porcelain 2 candle screens with group 12 table candlesticks . . 20 screen candlesticks . 3 candle screens with barnacles per dozen per piece 4 1 4 10 10 19 0 5 11 0 5 11 0 No. 768 767 768 789 770 0 9 6 0 11 0 12/ & 13/6 7/6 & 21/ 4/6 a 19/6 13/6 a 15/ 771 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 6 platina lighting machines . . per piece 4 paper matches. „ 10 perfuming machines ... „ 6 travelling candles .... per pair 5 balance lamps . . per dozen 1Z. 5s. 6c?. a 12 bottle corks . . „ .... 2 boot jacks.perdoz.24/a 30 German silver lighting machines, per doz. 2 transparent night clocks, with Tyrolian and Tarantella group .... per piece 1 ditto with Saxon group . . „ 1 ditto with tarantella dancers . „ 2 ditto with skittle players . . „ STUEBGEN & KLE EM ANN, Lamp Manu¬ facturers, Erfurt. —Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. A brass sliding lamp, likewise called poll lamp, per dozen :— Without glass . .. With do. . . .. To be sold. A. WALLACK, Court Saddler, Weimar.— Cl. XXIII. — HI. Agent in London, the Grand Ducal Consul, — Collmann, Esq. A bronze jewel case, in the Byzantine style, partly gilt and partly plated .... Executed by the exhibitor himself, who has already made articles of the same de¬ scription to order for Prussia, France, and Holland. - C. ROEHRIG, Counsellor of Commerce, Braunlage , in the Harz.—Cl. XXIV.— FI. N. 2 glass cylinders, with and without caps, each 5 / 6 , 4/4, 6 / 4 , and 8/4 strong white plate glass per set, 5/3, 6/3, 10/and Glass blinds, usual sort, pigared and with rosettes and stripes, per set, 13/6, 16/6, & Glass for painting .... per piece Bowed plate glass. per set Glass gutter tiles.each Double beaver’s tail tiles, double and single - each CARL BOLM, Tinman, Brunswick. — Cl. XXIII.—FI. N. A tea comfort of polished brass, with urn, tea can, and milk pot, the whole worked by hand, without machines. A. VON HAGEN, Manufacturer of Furni¬ ture and Cabinet Maker, Erfurt.— Cl. XXVI.—G. n. A cabinet of walnut wood, in the richest Re¬ naissance style. The carving left in its natural state, and only oiled. The inter¬ nal parts are made of inlaid work in silver, copper, brass, ivory, and mother of pearl, combined with carving work, but the lid consists of various species of wood GOTTFR. HEINRICH, Turner and En¬ graver, Zerbst. —Cl. XXVI.—G. N. A mirror, the frame of papier mache, with gilding, and 12 medallions of ivory, exhi¬ bited on account of the elaborate execu¬ tion of the frame and medallions, to be sold at »»• k »*•**•' ' Price. £. s. d. 2/ a 15/ 2/6 a 4/ 1/3 a 3/ 1/3 a 1/9 2 5 0 0 2 9 1 10 0 9/ a 1/8/6 18 6 15 6 22 / & 20 , 6 2 14 0 3 3 0 8 15 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 16 6 0 9 0; 0 10 6 -j 9 d. & 7| d. \ 9 \d. & 6d. 9 0 0 250 0 0 30 0 C PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 93 __ Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, "0. Description of Article, 5cc. 772 F. E. HENNEBERGand CO., Porcelain Makers, Gotha. —Cl. XXY. and XXYI. —FI. n. and HI. A tea tray, the Fisherman’s Family, after Riedl, in Rome. A china plate, in a gold frame, with land¬ scape : the Wetterhorn in Switzerland Two vases, with raised flower decorations, richly ornamented, with a view of Coburg and Gotha. A statue in white porcelain : Christ . A goblet with pierced ornaments, richly de¬ corated . A tea service, white and gold, consisting of a tray, tea pot, slop basin, sugar basin, and 2 cups. White cups of various shapes . per pair Porcelain plate, with the name of the firm in gold letters. (Joiner’s work by Amthor of Gotha.) A work table, inlaid with porcelain plates handsomely painted. A fruit plate upon pillars, richly orna¬ mented in gold on a blue ground . Price. 8. d. No. 18 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 0 8 0 1 10 0 775 0 18 0 4 d. a l/li 776 24 0 0 16 10 0 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Rosewood with hunting p Ditto coffer, No, Damask, No. IV. Ditto II. Nutwood, No. III. Ditto IV. Nutwood goffer, No. 11 Tortoiseshell, No. III. Ditto II. Tortoiseshell coffer, No. II Gold squared and gold striped All the articles together to be sold for W. PUFF, Joiner to the Court, Coburg. —Cl. XXYI.—G. n. An inlaid table in the old German style ; the shading is caused by the natural colour of the wood. CHRIST. SCHARF, Joiner, Bernburg. — Cl. XXVIII.—G. n. A draught board—a masterpiece—consisting of 6 species of wood: mahogany, chestnut, maple, Jacaranda, zebra, and pine . Price. £. s. d. 0 15 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 13 6 0 15 0 0 13 6 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 13 6 6 0 0 42 0 0 3 8 0 773 T. HOFFMEISTER and T. BEHRENS, Up¬ holsterers and Carvers, Coburg. — Cl. XXVI. and XXX. An oak sideboard, in the Gothic style, richly carved and ornamented with brown plush. 4 oak arm chairs, in the same style, to match. Made with the assistance of the Court painter Rothbart and Th. Kobb. 777 778 774 HUPFER and WOLFERMANN, Manufac¬ turers of Snuff Boxes, Schmolln.' —Cl. XXIX.—G. N. Snuff boxes of a paste expressly made for the purpose (price per dozen) :— Satin box, Nos. I. Ditto II. Ditto III. Ditto IV. Porcelain box, Nos. I. Ditto 0. Ditto IV. Pattern of silk, No. I. Sun boxes, No. I. Ditto II. Sun coffers, No. 0. Marble box, No. II. Ditto IV. Marble coffer, No. II. Ditto III. Scotch, No. II. . . Gilt Scotch, No. II. Ditto IV. White Scotch, No. II. Ditto IV. Scotch coffer, No. I. Gilt Scotch coffer, No. II. Rosewood, Nos. I. Ditto II. Ditto III. with portrait . Ditto with landscape 0 18 0 0 18 0 1 7 0 0 15 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 15 0 1 7 0 1 4 0 1 16 0 15 6 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 13 6 0 16 6 0 16 6 0 15 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 16 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 CARL SCHRADER, Joiner, Bernburg.— Cl. XXVIII.—G. n. A draught board—a masterpiece—consisting of 7 species of wood: plum, king’s wood, Jacaranda, chestnut, melon, mahogany, and maple. 3 8 0 C. E. and F. ARNOLDI, Porcelain and Earthenware Tube Makers, Elgervburg. —Cl. IV., IX., X., and XXV.—FI. n. Goods made from clay, &c., found in the Thuringian forest:— 1 kettle and 1 evaporating kettle .... Evaporating dishes. Vessels for evaporating, of 5 sorts, each 2fc?., 3 id., 7 \d., 1/7|, and 2/2§. 2 sets of evaporating vessels 9 and 4 pieces per set Crucibles of 4 sorts, each 2fc?., 6c?., and 7\d. Ditto.per pair Water bath. ,, Steam cooking apparatus. Glasses for measuring fluids, 4fc?., l/7f, and 2/3§. Filters, funnels, and gas pipes, l/9f, l/3f, and 6 d. Syringe funnel. Treacle cup, powder and match boxes, each Standing cup. Grinding mortars, bread, narrow (3 sorts), 11/, 6/, 3/2f, 10§c?., and l/9f. Various sorts of grinding mortars, each 1/10#, 2/, and 9/. Flat and filtering basins .... each Spattles of 4 sorts, 6 d n 7 \d., 1/, and 1/6. Knife sharpeners, scutcheons . . . each Alembics. per pair Distilling apparatus. ,, Retorts.each Basins, extract boxes, firma board, &c., each 15/, 6/6, and 6/. Water tubes of 4 sorts, each 3 feet long, 6c?., l/2f, 2/, and 5/6. “ For sale. 72/&30/ 1/H&7/ 3/44 & 1/6 0 0 33 0 1 7\ 2/&2/4* 1 /& 2/6 0 1 9A 0 6 9 £ 0 2 6 0 10 0 4 1 3 2§ 0 1 2 § 94 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £,. s. d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. 779 IRON FORGE WORK OF THE COUNT OF STOLLBERG-WERNIGERODE, Ilsenburg .—Cl. XXII. and XXX.—Iil. and FI. n'. Divers castings, produced with charcoal, from ores belonging to the establishment, and exhibited for their praiseworthiness as well as the neatness and accuracy of the casts.:—. 1 Gothic vase (water basin). 1 window frame.. 1 garden table with extra plate .... 1 table with marble slab. 2 stoves.each 1 stag’s head. Several artistic cast goods, such as: 2 deer’s heads, l.boar, 1 fan, 1 work basket, 1 sala¬ mander, 1 horned beetle, 1 fruit basket. 9 0 0 3 15 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 6 12 0 2 2 0 785 786 780 THE GRAND DUCAL INSPECTION OF FACTORIES, Riibeland.— Cl. I., VI., and XVII.—FI. s. Two marble slabs, 48 Brunswick inches long, 32 inches broad, and 1J in. thick; from the black, grey, and red marble quar¬ ries at Riibeland. A square foot of the same marble, 2, If, 1J, lj, and 1 in. thick, costs 3/, 2/, l/8§, l/4f, . and 1/1};. Two cast iron stereotype plates . per cwt. A Bible, printed by the same, unbound . 2 5 3i 787 0 19 6 0 10 781 J. S. ROEMPLER, Manufacturer of Gum Articles, Erfurt.— Cl. XX. and XXVIII. —FI. s. Patterns of India rubber braces. One ditto of India rubber silk cord for watches. Three ditto with silk and half silk stuffs for shoes, mixed with India rubber, and six pairs of shoes made of this material. Exhibited on account of the cheapness and good quality of the manufacture, and several new designs. 788 782 E. WALTER and SON, Brunswick. — Cl. XXVIII.—G. n. 2 easy chairs, basket work, varnished, each 1 paper basket, ditto. To be sold. 0 15 0 0 7 6 789 J. C. BOESCHE, Instrument Maker, Magde¬ burg.— Cl. VII. and XXX.—G. n. Model of the Magdeburg Cathedral, on a scale of - 3 r}, with all the external and in¬ ternal ornaments, executed in linden wood Tomb of Bishop Ernest in the same cathe¬ dral, cast.by Peter Vischer, modelled in linden wood. The beautiful fountain at Niirnberg, by Schonhofer, also in linden wood Model of a spring, composition of the exhi¬ bitor .. 360 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 HEINR. JACOB, Manufacturer of Snuff Boxes and Lackered Goods, Schmolln .— Cl. XXX.—Agent, Th. Winckler, 16, Sidney Street , Commercial Road East. Oil painting upon plate iron, finely lackered and polished, representing an idyll, after Nicolaus Berchem ....... A ditto in somewhat larger dimensions, re¬ presenting St. Magdalen, after Maes. The exhibitor furnishes snuff boxes of all sorts, pictures, and all articles in con¬ nexion with this branch. 16 4 0 F. A. JACOBY, Modeller, Brunswick. —Cl. XXIII. and XXX. —HI. and FI. n. Agents in London, Jonas Simonsen and Co. A silver hunting goblet, chased and chiselled A lion’s head of marble plaster . . . . A salient horse, cast in iron, as head piece to a clock case. A horse of cast iron. | 82 10 0* 3 6 0 8 5 0 21 4 0 W. STOCKMANN and CO., Lacker Manufac¬ turers to the Court, Brunswick. —Cl. XXin. and XXVI.—HI. Five pictures upon plate iron, in gilt frames:— The education of Mary, 31 inches, by Rubens Madonna, called La. Perla, 22 inches, by Ra¬ phael . .. The Holy Virgin of Madrid, 20 inches, by Murillo .. . . The Messenger, 22 inches, by Kalisch Nerila, 20 inches, by Andre. 15 0 0 11 5 0 4 19 0i 5 8 0. 4 19 0 A. TRUMPELMANN, Modeller, Ilsenburg. —Cl. XXX.—FI. n. 783 J- C. G. SCHI4EIBER, Merseburg.— Cl. XVII. FI. s. . Patterns of different sorts of paper. 784 ZIEGLER BROTHERS, Ruhla , Saxe Wei¬ mar.—Cl. XXIX.—FI. n. A. A carved meerschaum dish, representing a hunting scene, ditto with the Wartburg, 7 smaller meerschaum articles, and 3 imi¬ tations. B. Card with wooden pipe heads. C. Card with wooden caps, wooden and por¬ celain pipe heads. D. E. F. 3 cards of porcelain pipes. ! G. H. I. 3 cards of meerschaum, wooden, • and horn articles. Various wax lithophanies:— Sacristan and choir boys, bridal garland, each The auricular confession . . Paul and Virginia, flower girl, Jenny Lind, lady before the ball, female reaper, Italian woman in prayer, Rigolette, hope of ano¬ ther meeting, rendezvous, Madonna del Lago (2), love dream, carrier pigeon, flower girl, reaping girl, love messenger, children bathing. 9 ditto, from Nos. 22 to 29 inclusive, and No. 46. 4 ditto, Nos. 30, 31, 32, and 43 .... 12 ditto, from Nos. 33 to 42 inclusive, and Nos. 44 and 45. 0 2 ( 0 2 ( j i Oil 0 1 i 0 0 1 o o ! PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 95 N o. 790 791 792 793 794 795 79 6 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. AGRICULTURAL’ ASSOCIATION AT SANGERHAUSEN, in the “Golden Stretch of Land” —Cl. III. and IV.—FI. s. and G. s. A chest containing agricultural products, as they are cultivated on a large scale in this highly favoured and fertile part of the country by the members of the Association. A chest containing raw and cleaned hemp. Price. A. ZIRKENBACH, Cloth Manufacturer, Rdauhn , in the Duchy of Dessau. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Agents, Ruck, Turner, & Co. 6, Arthur Street , City. 2 pieces of cloth, black and fashionable colour per yard 3 pieces of cloth royal (§), black, fashionable colour, dahlia .. For sale. Dessau wool, from the exhibitor’s spinning and dyeing establishments. ARTHUR HAUCH, Journeyman Roper, Halle on the Saale.— Cl. XIV. and XXIX. —G. s. Pouches, bell pulls, and saddle girths, made of Manilla hemp (to be sold) : 1 travelling pouch. 2 ladies’ bags.per piece 3 bell pulls, red, blue, green, per piece 9/, 12/, a 2 saddle girths .... „ . F. T. BAUCH, Greizv —Cl. XV.—FI. s. 3 pieces of mousseline de laine shawls, pieces ^, and 1 piece If, perdoz. 78/, 90/, & 1 ditto, coloured print on black ground per doz. Mousseline de laine kerchiefs, If and f „ 42/& Upiece of echarpe brode . . . per doz. GEORGE KAUSCHE, Manufacturer of Ar¬ ticles of Fancy and Embroidery, Bruns¬ wick.— Cl. XVI. and XXIX.—FI. s. Articles with velvet and silk embroidery; ditto in leather, with embroidery in pearls and silk; ditto, embroidery on horse hair stuff; fancy articles with embroidery; em¬ broidered wire work ; stramin work, with embroidery and without. JOHANN GOTTFR. KUEHNEMUND, Blacksmith, Ronneburg. — Cl. IX.— FI. n. A harrow, invented and improved by the ex¬ hibitor, which, on account of its answering all purposes, is in general use in the duchy of Saxe-Altenburg; price, including the package.. . LUX, BROTHERS, Pipe Makers, Ruhla , Saxe Gotha.— Cl. XXIX.—FI. N. Real meerschaum pipe heads; large Hun¬ garians, large shell shaped. Large Hamburgh. £. s. d. 0 6 2 | 0 5 10 0 15 0 ll/«6/ 0 12 0 0 4 0 5 2 0 4 19 0 1 13 0 4 1 0 1 12 6 5 1 . & 71 . 2 0 0 No. 797 798 799 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. iunga Large Courland, and large shell shaped, each 8 smaller ditto, Nos. 1 . „ 4 . „ 5 . ,, 9 . „ 10 . „ 11 . „ 12 . , 13 . Imitation meerschaum heads; Shell shaped . Hamburgh Courland . Shell shaped . German shape Slender shape . Snipe shape 14 other meerschaum heads Imitation meerschaum pipes of 4 ditto, with fine German silver mountings 26/ 2 ditto with ditto .. Porcelain pipe heads. Real meerschaum cigar holders .... Ditto . . 2/, 4/, Porcelain and nut wood short pipes, the latter cut entirely from wood . . . .3 1. Sc Different other pipes. sort F. WEIMAR’S SON, Cloth Manufacturer, Jena.—Cl XII. and XVIII.—FI. s. 4 pieces of elastique-for-over coats and trou¬ sers, made by the exhibitor from raw Thu- ringian wool, and finished in the esta¬ blishment in connection with the manu¬ factory; exhibited on account of their cheapness, quality, and durability, as well as the fineness of the colour . per yard PETER HARASS, Manufacturer of Wooden Boxes and Matches, Suhl. —Cl. XXIX.— •G. N. “ Box for matches without tincture, per 1000 from The same with tinctured covers, per 1000 „ The same with double tincture, per 1000 „ Small boxes for chemical matches, per 1000 Raw matches, 2 inches long, per million Ditto 15 inches long „ Blacking boxes, Nos. 1 & 2, per 1000 . . . Exhibited for the excellence of the ma¬ nufactures. BURBACH, BROTHERS, & CO., Ildrselgau, near Gotha. —Cl. XIV.—G. N. Agent, T. Peterson, Trinity Chambers , Water Lane , Great Tower Street. (Prices free Hamburgh.) A piece of waterproof engine hose, without seam, made from German and Italian hemp, No. 8 broad .... per yard A piece of ditto, No. 5 broad . . „ A papier mache case, with 6 hanks at 8 ounces = 1£ pounds, of hemp yarn, 12,000 Leipzig aulns, or 7400 yards long, per packet of 60,000 yards (12k pounds) . . 6 hanks at 10 ounces = ig pounds, per bundle 6 hanks at 12 ounces- = 2£ pounds . „ 6 hanks at 14 ounces = 2f pounds « „ Price. £. s. d. 1 10 0 10 0 0 3 6 0 11 6 10 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 13 0 0 11 6 0 15 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 5/ a 6/6 4/ « 7/ 1/a 5/ 2/a 4/6 35/& 45/ 9/a. 14/ 2/ & 3/ 0 14 0 6 /& 8 / 3 6 0 0 8 0 1/71 a 9/ 1/8? a 9/6 1/93 a 10/ 16/71 0 15 0 5 2 0 2/& 2/9| 0 11 0 0 13 0 0 14/8f 0 16 6 96 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 800 801 802 803 804 805 800 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. JOHANN JACOB SELENCKA, Bookbinder to the Court, Brunswick. —Cl. XVII. and XXVI.—G. n. A writing portfolio of morocco leather, with 4 coloured heraldic ornaments Koloplastic embossed ornaments of papier mache rooms, as :— 2 rose diamonds . . . per piece 1/. 16s. a A corner piece. And 4 different ledges per foot, I’d, 3d, 4£d, A palmette.per piece E. BLANKE, Naumburg.— Cl. VIII.—El. n. 1 double barrelled gun. 1 rifle gun. 1 rifle, the barrel half made at Liege. Price. £. s. d 3 18 0 1 1 0 0 0 9| 6 d. & 9jjd 0 4 6 15 0 0 12 0 0 SOMMERMEYER and Co., Iron Founders, Magdeburg.— Cl. XXII.—El. n. A fireproof iron safe, with double doors. The construction of this safe and its lock is quite new ; weight 57 cwt., height 7 feet, breadth 4 feet, depth 2 feet 1J inch Prices of safes of the same manufacture No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 120 workmen are employed in this establish¬ ment. GRAFF, Member of the Agricultural Board at Miinchenhof , near Quedlinburg.—Cl. IV.—FI. n. Fleece of wool. Stuffed sheep. 350 0 0 TRADES AND COMMERCIAL UNION, Sonnenberg.— Cl. XXVI. and XXX.— FI. N. A tableau in plastic workmanship, with loco¬ motive figures, representing a popular- festivity in the neighbourhood of Rosenau. F. A. HUTSCHEN REUTHER’S SONS, Wal- lendorf. — Cl. XXIV.—FI. N. 1 lustre.. 1 sailing vessel.. . 1 fruit basket . 1 pendent grape basket. 1 strawberry basket. All these articles consist of glass, and are exhibited on account of their excellence. J. L. F. SCHRAMM, Chemist, Dessau.— Cl. II.—FI. s. A cartoon of 16 flasks with oil for watches, prepared from vegetable substances. A watch furnished with this oil retains, if hung up in the o pen air at a temperature of 16° Reaum., Its motion undisturbed, 100 flasks. 13 10 0 22 10 0 30 0 0 41 5 0 67 10 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 15 0 No. 807 808 809 810 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 811 812 J. FR. DIETRICH and SON, Posstieck.' —Cl. XVIII.—FI. s. Printed flannels, 30 English inches broad: Brown and green . per piece of 15 yards Haity blue, scarlet, lilac, and green per piece of 16 yards Crimson .... per piece of 17 yards FRANZ DETLEV GOEBEL, Wallendorf .— CL XXIV., XXV., XXVI., and XXX. —FI. s. 4 glass plates: Christ on the Cross. Christ’s Descent from the Cross .... Steeple chasing .. Racing. 4 sheets of plate iron: Turk and virgin. 3 horses . Vender of game .. Ploughman and railroad. 4 brooch plates of porcelain: 1 landscape .......... Jenny Lind. Amor .. Child at prayer. 3 porcelain playing marbles, a -j^. CARL HERRMANN SCHMIDT, Pbssneck. —Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. 12 coloured transparencies for lights, con¬ sisting of a wax composition, with frames: Size VI., 1 piece . ,, VII., 2 pieces. ,, VIII., 5 pieces. ,, IX., 3 pieces. ,, X., 1 piece. Price. BURIvHARDT BROTHERS, Eisfeld.— Ci. XXIV. and XXX.—G. n. 4 paintings on glass, viz.: Madonna, after Raphael. Holy Family, ditto. Ditto after Van Dyck. Madonna, after Murillo. The pictures are produced by a new process invented by the exhibitors, which is re¬ markable for the freshness and brightness of the colours. L. W. SCHULZ, Professor and Plastic Artist, Meiningen.— Cl. X., XXVIII., and XXX. —HI. 1 large knight’s goblet of ivory, with rilievo carvings . 1 cylinder clock of ivory. 1 goblet of ditto, with a scene of the battle near Mockern . 1 ditto, with Mecklenburg hussars 1 ditto with the battle of Waterloo J. G. HEINIG and SONS, Rope Makers, Altenburg.— Cl. XIV.—G. s. 4 sorts of packing thread: No. 0 2 per lb. Nos. 0 and 1 particularly fitted for Jacquard loomp. £. s. d. 0 18 9 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 5 Sf 1 5 8| 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 11 2 ? 0 9 0 0 6 104 0 7 9| 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 5 2? o 7 9? 0 1 1 0 2 4 0 7 3? 0 4 9 2 2 15 0 0 15 0 0 13 10 0 9 0 0 300 0 200 0 60 0 60 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 7 0 0 101 0 0 81 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. j— 813 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. GOTTLIEB FOESE, Brush Maker, Halle- on-the-Saale.— Cl. IV.—FI. S. Hog’s bristles for shoe makers . per cwt. Ditto for finer works .... ,, Ditto in black and white, for finer works per cwt. Ditto, ditto.. . „ Ditto, ditto. „ Ditto white for pencil makers . . „ Ditto for rough articles - . „ Hog’s hair, spun and cleanly picked „ 814 J. DAHLHEIM, Manufacturer of Cotton Goods, Salzwedel.- —Cl. X.—FI. s. 14 pieces of cotton plaid gown stuffs (Con¬ cordia) .per yard 1 piece of Napolitaine stuff . . ,, 815 CONTA and BOEHME, Porcelain Manufac¬ turers, Poessneck. —Cl. XXV.'—FI. n. Porcelain figures of different sizes, writing stands with groups of figures, cigar holders with ditto, butter plates in sundry shapes, dolls’ heads in all numbers, and several other articles in porcelain. 816 BRUHM and NAEGLER, Manufacturers of Woollen Goods, Gera. —Cl. XII. and XV.—FI. s. Satin duchesse of wool, fash. . . per yard Velours de laine, fash. ,, Woollen stuff goods, with patterns and without: Thibet in 5 sorts, per yard 1 /Ilf, 2/6, 3/3, 3/6, and 4/. Mousseline de laine .... per yard Napolitaine. ,, Satin duchesse. ,, Drap imp. ,, Drap royal. ,, Cachemir d’Ecosse. ,, Velours de laine . ,, 1 piece of Alepine, half silk, 26,893 ,, 1 piece ditto, ditto, 27,390 ... ,, 1 piece of oriental satin, half silk, 27,089 per yard 817 WILH. LEOPOLD RUMMER’S WIDOW, Doll Manufactory, Weissensee. — Cl. XXIX.—G. N. A group of dolls, consisting of 40 figures, the limbs of which are provided with wires, so as to be put into any posture; each puppet to be dressed and undressed at pleasure. The whole to be sold for 818 C. F. SOMMER, Weaver, Erfurt.— Cl. XIV. —G. s. Two money bags, with and without seam, of Thuringian flax and hand weaving. They contain a peculiar and registered design for each sort, and the name of the firm is secretly interwoven as a means of convic¬ tion in cases of embezzlement. The two patterns bear the mark, “Royal Board of Amortization,”.per doz. Price. £. s. d. No. 819 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. F. E. WIRTH, Whipmaker, Merseburg. —Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. 40 14 8 32 11 9 16 5 11 13 11 7 9 7 1 13 11 7 5 19 6 2 14 4 0 0 8 | 0 0 7| Collection of patterns of cane and whalebone whips for driving, in all 74 specimens; they are overspun with cotton twist, which is varnished, with the exception of 5 var¬ nished whalebone whips and 4 ditto co¬ vered with varnished leather. Among the first mentioned there are : 12 specimens with silvered brass ferrules. 9 ditto with ferrules of new silver. 5 ditto with ferrules of bone. Nos. 40 to 66 inclus., with the lines, per piece Nos. 200 to 226 inclusive, per piece, Is. 1 \d. a Nos. 236 to 244 inclusive, and No. 250, per piece, Is. 6 d. a Nos. 251 to 260 . . . per piece, 2s. A\d, a ‘Nos. 261 to 267 inclusive, and Nos. 208 and 209 .per piece 820 0 4 0 0 4 0 1/8 & 1 / 11 / 6/3 & 7/6 0 3 9f 0 6 3 0 5 8? 2/8g & 3/ 0 3 9| 0 3 1/ 0 2 6 ] 0 4 6 BODEMER and CO., Cotton Manufacturers, Establishment for Hand and Machine Weaving and for Printing Calicoes, Eilmburg.— Cl. XI. and XVIII.—G. s. I. Calicos, 6/4 broad (to be sold) : 3 pieces, 43|, 46§, and 47 yards roul. per yard 3 pieces, 45^, 46£, and 47 do. do. ,, 10 pieces, 39§ a 46£ yards roul. . ,, 1 piece, 45§ yards roul. (printed by a per- rotine machine) .... per yard 15 pieces, 48 j a 46| yards roul. . ,, 1 piece, 4t§ yards (printed by a perrotine machine).per yard 2 pieces, 42^ and 46^ yards (printed with rollers and by hand) . . . per yard 1 piece, 45 yards (printed with rollers and 2 hand blocks).per yard 3 pieces, 37f a 46^ yards (printed with rollers and 2 and 3 hand blocks), per yd. II. 1 piece of jaconet, 6/4 broad, 34^ yards (printed with rollers) . . . per yard III. Furniture calicos, 6/4 broad (to be sold) : 2 pieces with 3 coloured hand printing, per yard 1 piece, with 5 ditto ,, 1 piece, 45f yards .... ,, 1 piece, roller prints .... „ 2 pieces, hand printing . . ,, 2 ditto, ditto per yard, Is. 7| d. and IV. 12 rouleaux, 9/4 broad . . per piece 6 0 0 821 H. JANNASCH, Proprietor of a Manufac¬ tory of Delft Wares, Bernbitrg.— Cl. XXV.—FI. n. 4/6 & 5/3 1 vase, 2 waterpots.each 1 coffee pot. 1 cream pot, 1 cup.each 10 flower pots. The substance is distinguished by a pecu¬ liar degree of cohesion. Artificial marble utensils are made in the manufactory, of white earthenware. Price. £. s. d. 7d.a\/§ 0 4 9 0 3 ICi 0 4 10£ 3/9 a 6/ 0 0 7 h 0 0 7r 2 0 0 8J 0 0 8J 0 0 8 £ 0 0 85 0 0 8 | 0 0 f-’ 0 0 q 0 0 ip* 0 0 s 7 0 0 111 0 1 o-> 0 1 3 1/4 h & 1/7 0 1 10 -' 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 1 3 0 0 9 0 6 0 98 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 822 824 FR. YIEWEG and SON, Booksellers and Printers, Brunswick. —Cl. X. and XVII. —G. N. Several works, printed in the office of the exhibitors, and published by them. The types from which these works are printed were cast in their type foundry, the wood- cuts were produced in their xylographic establishment, and the paper was made in the factory of Fr. Vieweg’sbrother: Graham, Chemistry, p. exemplar Manual of Chemistry, 1—26, ditto Manual of Chemistry, a Supplement, 1—3, ditto. Manual of Physiology, 1—24, ditto . Henle, Pathology, I. II., 1 — 3, printing paper, ditto. Henle, Pathology, I. IT., 1—3, velin paper, ditto.. . Knapp, Technology, I. II., 1—6, printing paper, ditto. Knapp, Technology, I. II., 1—6, velin paper, ditto. DIESEL and CO., Saalfeld.— Cl. IV.—FI. s. Oil colour, water colour, Indian ink, and painters’ colours (price per dozen) : Superfine Parisian (No. 1) and honey (No. 5) colours ... 31. Is. 6c?. and Middling fine honey colour, No. 6 Superfine ladies’ colours, No. 12 Ditto ditto 14 Ditto ditto 15 Ditto ditto 18 Superfine colours, No. 18 Ditto 19 Ditto 20 Ditto 21 Ditto 22 Fine ordinary colours, No. 23 Ditto 24 Ditto 27 Ditto 28 Ditto 30 Indian inks.. per piece Superfine oil colours in every shading (Nos. 80 and 81), the small bottle The large bottle . . 828 829 1 13 9 1 19 0 0 4 6 2 14 0 830 0 15 4i 0 18 0 0 12 4i 0 14 6 3 5 0 0 15 10| 2 14 3? 1 11 1 5 5 3 2 10 0 11 0 5 0 9 0 14 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 | 0 1 lia 0 6 0 831 832 833 834 0 2 63 0 5 li FRIEDR. MAENNEL, Bookbinder, Weissen- fels. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. Portfolio for newspapers, exhibited on ac¬ count of the novel combination of wood and fancy work. To be sold. CHR. FRIEDRICH GERLACH, Pewterer, Naumburg. ■ — Cl. _ XXIX. — FI. n. — Authorized Agent,' A. Heinzmann, 16, Colebrook Row, Islington. Six separate paste boxes, with toys of tin. BACHOVEN and VOLLSCHWITZ, Manu¬ facturers of Hat Plushes, Zerbst, in the Duchy of Dessau. — Cl. XV.—FI. s.— Agents, Brocklisby and Wassels, 4, Muscovy Court, Tower Hill. 6 pieces of black hat plush, of cotton and silk, 7/8 broad, per yard, 3s. 2c?., 4s., 4s. 9|c?., 5s. 2|c?., 5s. 9jc?., and 8s. The Manufactory imports the silk from Italy, but has it coloured in Germany. It employs 200 hands. J. C. SCHMIDT, Manufacturer of Articles in Wax, Erfurt.— Cl. XXIX.-G. n. 46 larger and 48 smaller baskets, 4 small flower pots. J. BAEDEKER, Elberfeld.— Cl. XVII.—G. n. A handsomely bound Bible, in folio, large text.* An unbound copy ........ LANGNER, Furrier, Halberstadt.— Cl. XVI. Paletot of Niirz, and lined with 3840 squir¬ rels’ heads . ... Muff and Victorine, both of German polecat, each ROYAL SALT OFFICE, Schbnebeck. — Cl. n.— FI. s. 1 sample of common salt, of fine grain, and 1 of middling grain, obtained by gradua¬ tion of refined brine at the Royal Salt Works of Schbnebeck. 825 JOSEPH COSACK, Amsberg. — Cl. I.— FI. s. Lead silver ores, lead glance, and blende mineral, from the lead work at Ramsbeck and the mines in the environs. 820 AIJGIJSTIN, Judge, Proprietor of the Sugar of Lead Manufactory at Halberstadt .— Cl. II.—FI. s. Sugar of lead in crystals . . . per cwt. Ditto in ground lumps .... ,, Ditto in crystals and grapes . . ,, Exhibited on account of the cleanness and whiteness of the manufacture. 1 12 7 1 11 10 1 12 7 827 BARRE andKUESTEB, Liilbecke.—CIHl.— FI. s. Wheat starch in sticks .... per cwt. 0 18 4 Ditto in pieces .... ,, 0 15 4 835 J. C. ARNOLD and SONS, Carpet Makers, Cassel. — Cl. XXVI.—G. N. Pattern of a large carpet, made by the ex¬ hibitors, called the il Prussian national carpet ”.per roll Pattern of a hunting decoration . ,, Pattern of a decoration by the use of litho¬ graphy .per roll A roll of fine gold pattern, per roll, 4s. 6o?. a A roll of carpet .... per roll, 5|o?. a 2 rolls of medium.per roll 836 O. JANNASCH, Proprietor of a Vinegar Factory, Bernburg.— Ql. III.— FI. sr. 1 bottle with vinegar spirit, the advantageous production of which is the discovery of the exhibitor. 1 bottle with medicinal vinegar. PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS 99 SUPPLEMENT. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 844 J. C. and K. ZSCHILLE, Franbfort-on- the- Oder. — Cl. XII. — FI. s. (31, Fins¬ bury Square.') Different samples of woollen cloth. £. s. d. 845 | LAVERDURE, Sculptor, Breslau; and COUNSELLOR VON MINUTOLI, Liegnitz.— Cl. XXVII.—FI. s. A set of 22 patterns of various sorts of Si¬ lesian marbles, from a newly discovered quarry. 846 C. FRIEDENTIIAL, Giesmannsdorf. — Cl. II.—FI. s. Newly invented yeast powder for baking (Friedenthal’s lasting dried powdered yeast). 847 IvIELMANN, Master Mason, Posen; and COUNSELLOR VON MINUTOLI, Liegnitz. —Cl. XXVII.—FI. n. 3 mosaic floors, in the old Roman style, of marble chips and glass paste, to form a solid, handsome material for flooring, of a clearer and lighter appearance than the clay mosaic flooring. The designs and measurements by Von Minutoei. 848 C. J. GEBAUHR, Pianoforte Maker, Konigs- berg. —Cl. X.—G. s. 2 rosewood pianofortes; 60 workmen are employed in the establish¬ ment of the exhibitor. 849 WESZELY, Klein Nuhr.— Cl. XXVI.—G. n. Two specimens of elk-heads, modelled after nature. 850 THE COMBINED MINING WORKS OF MANSFELD.- Cl. I. and XXII.—FI. s. Samples of the processes followed in the min¬ ing works of Mansfeld for obtaining cop¬ per and silver: 1. Bituminous marlslate, 2 slabs ; 2. The same with variegated cop¬ per ore and fish impressions ; 3. Sanderz ; 4. Burnt slate, 2 slabs ; 5. Slags of slate smelting ; 6. Raw copperstone ; 7. Pow¬ dered copperstone ; 8. Ditto roasted ; 9. Cemented silver; 10. Fine silver; 11. Slags of residuums ; 12. Thin copperstone ; 13. Black or raw copper ; 14. Refined copper ; 15. Fine copper. Bars and turned samples of refined copper prepared from Mansfeld black copper by a process without interruption, in cupola furnaces, with gas oxide of carbon, then hammered or turned. 851 KROENING, M.D., Stollberg.— Cl. XXIII. —FI. s. Pattern sheet of substances, woven and not woven, which are gilt and silvered by a mechanical process. So. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. :37 838 m 840 NAPOLEON DEVISSE, Artist, Berlin.— Cl. XXX.—Na. Column in Venetian and Florentine mosaic, mounted on iron. Sphere, ditto, with pedestal. Octagon table, with feet of Florentine, Ro¬ man, and Venetian mosaic, enclosing in its interior a mechanical contrivance . Round table ditto. Sexagon table, in Florentine, Venetian, and Roman mosaic, with feet ditto .... Sphere, containing all the letters of the al¬ phabet in Venetian and Florentine mosaic Venetian and Florentine column, with the portrait of H.R.H. Princess Charles of Prussia, basso-rilievo, in the centre, mounted on iron. All these articles to be sold. SPINN and MENKE, Upholsterers, Berlin. —Cl. XXVI. A highly finished bookcase, the front of nut wood, the inside of oak, with bowed glass doors . . . GERHARDT, ALB., Cork Cutter, Berlin.— Cl. XXIII. and XXX.—HI. Pictures and articles executed in cork, with gold and silver chasings. J. WAGNER and SON, Jewellers to the King, Berlin. —Cl. XXIII. and XXX. 1 table ornament in the shape of a fruit dish, of 14 oz. standard silver, made by A. Wag¬ ner. The stand is 4^ ft. high, and repre¬ sents degrees of civilisation of mankind. Man, combating with Nature and himself, is led by the Genius of Transfiguration.— The base, the stem, and the bowl represent human activity ; the palm tree growing from the bowl, with the Genius of Light, the Transfiguration. The under part repre¬ sents the combat from without, the upper part the combat and victory from within. 841 j J. F. ZEITZ, Furrier, Berlin.—Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 1 blue grey paletot; the lining is made of the skin of the Virginian pole-cat, and is so put together that the heads are seen at the arms, and the claws and tails on the collar 1 camail of niirz tails, consisting of 6391 pieces, with light coloured silk lining 842 BLANKENSTEIN, Joiner, Potsdam .— Cl. XXVI. I Rosewood box, with carved frame, for gloves 843 Dr. SCHUER and KOEHRING, Chemists, Brandenburg. — Cl. II. —FI. S. Purified tartrate of potass . . . per cwt. Powdered ditto .... per pound Tartrate of potass, second quality per cwt. Phosphate of soda .... per pound Price. £. s . d. 100 40 100 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 144 0 0 26 5 0 22 10 0 1 8 3 7 2 3 0 2 0 5 15 6 0 0 8 100 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 852 JULIUS HAENEL, Sculptor, Lauchhammer. —Cl. XXX. Ostrich. Giraffe. Dog. Tiger, full size, in plaster. Full sized female tiger, in plaster, after an original in the Zoological Gardens of London.. 11 5 0 4 10 0 2 14 0 853 LOUIS PRAETORIUS, Joiner, Weissenfels. —CL XXVI.—G. n. Tray, bordered a la Roccoco, of ebony wood, richly ornamented with foliage ; the plate of mosaic of wood, with inlayings of mo¬ ther of pearl .. 18 0 0 857 HEINRIGS, J., Cologne.- Cl. XVII.—HI. A calligraphic tableau, representing the Queen of England. 858 JOHANN MARIA FARINA, Manufacturer of Eau de Cologne, opposite the Julichs Place , Cologne. —Cl. XXIX.—HI. Agent, W. Langenbeck, 15, Maddox Street. Eau de Cologne, of one genuine sort, pre¬ pared by the exhibitor, arranged in a case, with his name and remarks, per doz. bottles The firm has existed under the above de¬ signation since 1709, and never had any connexion with other houses trading under the name of Farina. 854 EDUARD GRESSLER, Manufacturer of Chemists’ and Apothecaries’ Apparatus and Utensils, Erfurt. — Cl. X. — FI. N. Authorized Agents in London : Messrs. Griffin and Co. 859 Coal zinc battery, of a novel construction, consisting of 12 elements. 12 coal cylinders, 6 and 3 inches high, the piece . These articles are manufactured by the exhibitor, and are used in galvanic, physical, scientific processes, and in the construction of galvanic telegraphs and locomotive machines. 1 machine for spreading plasters, of brass . 1 machine for sifting powders, with 5 move- able cylinders . .. 1 economical furnace, applicable in particular to apothecaries’ laboratories .... The three last-mentioned articles are wrought after a peculiar construction, contrived by the exhibitor. (To be sold.) 6 0 0 24/ & 18/ 860 1 16 0 2 2 0 16 10 0 861 862 855 V. CHR. SCHILLING, Manufacturer, Suhl. —Cl. VIII.—FI. N. C. A. ZANOLI, Manufacturer of Eau de Cologne, Cologne. —Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. Eau de Cologne: Double zanoli, in basket bottles . per doz. Ditto, in ordinary bottles ,, Ditto, in plain bottles . „ GAMMERSBACH BROTHERS, Leather and Varnish Manufacturers, Meckenheim , near Bonn. —Cl. XIV.—FI. s. Varnished calf skins for shoes, exhibited on account of their excellent tanning, polish, and flexibility . . . per doz. 21. 5s. & Bordered screens of calf and sheep skin, muslin, and papier mache, exhibited on account of the beauty of the stitching and fine quality of the materials used, per doz. A. MOSER and CO., Aix la Chapelle.-Cl. VI.- FI. n. A double planing machine, on a new con¬ struction, invented by the exhibitors . SIEGFRIED and E. WALDTHAUSEN, Cloth Manufacturers, Burtscheid. —Cl. XII.— FI. s. 12 pieces of twilled cloth and satin de laine. A brace of fine target pistols, with grooved Damascene barrels, for pointed balls with¬ out thorn, back action locks, put together without screws, filigree iron furniture, buckles ornamented with dolphins, half stocked, fluted and ornamented, with load¬ ing and cleaning apparatus, powder flask, case for percussion caps, bullet mould, &c., in a veneered chatouille, lined with velvet. 52 10 863 864 0 E. HOESCH & SONS, Dilren.- Cl. I.—FI. n. Rolled zinc plates for glazing paper, per cwt. Raw materials from the Rhine provinces, manufactured in the rolling mills of the exhibitors. L. SCHEIBLER and SON, Montjoie. —Cl. XII.—FI. s. Various woollen stufis for trousers, and loose carded woollen yarn. 856 ROYAL SALT OFFICE, Diirrenburg, near Merseburg. —Cl. I. and II. The pressing engine by the engineer A. Milch, Cologne. Common salt (in 2 bottles), as obtained in the salt works of Diirrenburg and retailed to the public. Brown coal (5 pieces), shaped by a pressing engine and employed in the boiling of the salt water. Bottle with earthy brown coal, of which the above bricks are compressed. 865 BOETHCHER and ENGEL, Imgenbruch.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. Fancy stuffs for summer and winter trousers, manufactured partly of German, partly of Australian, Cape, and Odessa wools per yard 4/1^ a 866 C. DELIUS, Imgenbruch.—Cl. XII. Woollen stuffs for trousers and paletots per yard 4/ a PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 101 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c„ Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 867 H. J. MERTENS, Imgenbruch.— Cl. XII.— FI. s. Different stuffs for coats and trousers. For sale. 868 P. MERTENS, Imgenbruch.— Cl. XII.—FI. S. Different stuffs for coats and trousers. For sale. 869 DEINHARD and JORDAN, Coblenz.— Cl. III.—FI. s. Agents in London, Dein- hard and Jordan. Schwarzenburg Moselle wine, mousseux and Marcobrunn Rhine wine, made from old white wines .... per doz. 1 1. 18s. & Moselle and Rhine wine (Ehrenbreitstein), prepared from red and white grapes per doz. 1Z. 18s. & 2 8 2 0 870 A. GEYGER and CO., Creuznach.— Cl. III.— FI. s. 4 bottles of Rhine and Moselle wine mous¬ seux .per bottle 0 2 871 F. X. MICHELS, Andernach.— Cl. I.—FI. S. 2 small basaltic lava millstones. 872 GERRESHEIM and NEEF, Solingen.— Cl. XXI.—FI. n. An assortment of 42 doz. pair of scissors, and a card with unfinished ditto. 873 i BERG BROTHERS, Wald.— Cl. XXI.— FI. N. Patterns of Scissors, per doz..— No. 1. 2. 3 and 4. 5 . 6 . 7 and 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14 . 15 and 16 ....... 17 .. . . 18 .. 19 . 20 and 21. 22. 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 .. 0 5 0 6 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 4 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 6 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 8 0 3 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 5 Patterns of Scissors, per doz.:— No. 32. 0 4 4-1 33. 0 3 0 34. 0 5 2? 35. 0 8 44 36. 0 3 0 37. 0 10 22 38. 0 8 39. 0 10 0 40. 0 16 9f 41. 0 10 6 42. 0 8 M 43. 0 4 V 44. 0 4 7\ 45. 0 4 32 46, 47, and 48. 0 4 6 49. 0 8 8? 50. 0 11 0 51. 0 13 2§ 52. 0 8 74 53. 0 4 6 54. 0 4 22 55. 0 3 9-3 56. 0 3 li H 57. 0 5 o’ 58 and 59. 0 4 9? 60 and 61. 0 4 22 62. 0 7 7 1 63, 64, and 65. 0 7 24 66. 0 6 o J 67. 0 7 6 68. 0 11 4| 69 and 70. 0 11 6' 71. 0 11 0 72. 0 9 0 73. 0 8 41 74. 0 4 o’ 75. 0 6 6 76. 0 8 0 77. 0 9 71 78. 0 9 0 44 79. 0 7 9 3 22 80. 0 10 7 4 9f 81. 0 8 44 6 82. 0 10 o' 0 83 and 84. 0 7 7{ 91 85. 0 7 o' 6 0 9f 874 HILGER BROTHERS, Lennep.— Cl. XII.— 0 FI. s. 0 u 1 piece of fine violet cloth . . . per yard 0 13 4 3i 1 piece of superfine black cachemir ,, 0 13 4 23 1 piece ditto. ,, 0 14 8 6 0 4 4 875 C. LEVERKUS, Wermelskirchen.— Cl. II.— ?! FI. s. Agent, Fr. Stotz, 80, Bisliqps- 6 gate Street Within. 44 Ultramarine, Nos 1—16 . . per 103 lbs. 30 0 0 o' 17 . . ,, 22 10 0 9§ 18 . . 15 0 0 0 19—21 . . ,, 9 0 0 9§ 22—23 . . ,, 6 0 0 0 24—30 . . ,, 4 10 0 9f 31—32 . . ,, 3 15 0 0 And 28 other sorts . . * • ,, 27/ a 10 10 0 102 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER No. 876 877 878 879 879a 880 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. CHRISTIAN HARKORT, llarhorien. — Cl. I, VIII., and XVI. 50 lumps of cadmia, lead, sulphur, alum, manganese, siderite ore; a cast and a rolled plate of zinc. A shamoy tanned wild buffalo skin per lb. A genuine specimen of Russia leather, ma¬ nufactured by the exhibitor . . per lb. A skin of leather for cards . . . per half Various sorts of helmets for Prussian sol¬ diers, both officers and privates. F. KARCHER, Paper Maker, Carlsruhe .— Cl. XVII.—G.-n. Tracing paper (transparent drawing paper), invented and patented by the exhibitor. This paper excels in its cheapness, trans¬ parency, and absence of all grease ; it may also - be stretched upon vellum paper for painting. Price per ream:— Large sort, 113 to 71 centimeters . Middle, 75 to 50 „ Small, 58 to 46 „ . . The books may be taken as specimens by art and technical institutes. J. SOMMER, Etui and Portfolio Maker, Hei¬ delberg.—C\. XVII.—G. n. "Writing cases in velvet. . . . . each Glove boxes in velvet, ornamented with ivory each Writing desks (papier mache). Shaving cases with apparatus . Necessaires for ladies .... 2 pocket books, of gilt calf . . Pocket books with silk embroidery Cigar and spectacle cases . 13 portemonnaies. each G. SPIEGELHALTER and CO., Watch and Clock Makers, Neukirch , Baden .— Cl. X. —G. s. A large musical clock, and several small H. WEHRLE and STEUERT, Watch and Clock Makers, Neukirch , Baden. — Cl. X.—G. s. 82, High Street , Whitechapel. A clock without weights, pendulum, or any visible works. A self-acting organ, .with 4 barrels . . . JOSEPH SCHULZ, Carver in Ivory, Mei- ningen.— Cl. XXI., XXIX., and XXX.— G. N. 1 ivory snuff box, with game ..... 1 ditto, with bear chase. 1 ditto, with boar chase . . . . . 1 cigar case, with flying stag. 1 ditto, with race horses. 2 walking stick knobs, with bear baiting, each 1 ditto, with fox chase. 1 ditto, with hounds. 1 ditto, with boar chase. 3 pairs of knives and forks, with angels . Price. £. s. d. 0 1 9 0 1 6i 0 13 6 4 4 0 2 2 0 1 10 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 1 4 0 0 18 0 0 5 6 0 6 0 0 7 6 4/6 a 12/ 5 0 0 130 0 0 3 0 2 14 3 0 2 14 3 0 3 6 2 14 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 10 16 0 No. 881 883 884 885 886 887 Name and Address of Exhibitor ana London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 paper folder, with fallow deer .... 1 dagger with ivory hilt, representing a couple of lovers .. 1 set of ladies’ trinkets with gold .... WILH. SCHULZ, Carver in Ivory, Meiningen. —Cl. XXIII.—G. n. 1 note book, with lady and gentleman on horseback. 1 portemonnaie, with fallow deer .... 1 visiting card case, with salient horse . 1 snuff box, with steeple chasing, garnished with gold .. 1 ditto, with a stag chase, garnished with gold ............ 1 ditto, with group of angels. 1 ditto, with race horses. 1 cigar case, with mare and foal .... 1 ditto, with huntsmen. 1 ditto, with flying stag ...... 1 smoking pipe of hart’s horn. 1 walking stick knob, with lion chase 1 bracelet, with the Madonna. HEIMBUERGER, Joiner, Sondershausen .— Cl. XXVI.—G. n. A table of Jaracanda wood, round, 3 feet in diameter, inlaid with mother of pearl, metal, and ivory, containing 12 scenes from Shakspeare, and the portrait of that poet; the foot inlaid with metal. ANDR. SCHUETZE, Furrier, Frose, near Aschersleben .—Cl. XX.—FI. s. A fur, made of German marmot’s skin, in 2 pieces, each 4 feet long and 3£ feet broad . From 60,000 to 120,000 marmots are caught every year in the neighbouring country. __ P. ENGEL, Engraver, Hanau. — Cl. XVII. — G. N. Specimens of new productions for the print¬ ing press, with a few original copies, ex¬ hibited on account of the superior work¬ manship, which enables the printer to imitate lithographic prints. J. C. REIFERT, Coach Maker, Bockenheim. —Cl. V.—FI. n. Various models for railway carriages, partly on a new construction, and partly improve¬ ments on carriages now in use. J. B. GLEICHAUF, Gunmaker, Hanau.— Cl. VIII — FI. n. A needle pistol, with 12 barrels .... L. KELLER and Co., Oberstein; 88, Hatton Garden , London; and 62, St. Paul’s Square , Birmingham.— Cl. XXIII. and XXV.—FI. u. A tea service, consisting of teapot and milk jug, sugar basin, 12 cups, 12 saucers, 12 Price. £. s. d. 1 10 0 2 5 0 12 0 0 2 11 0 2 2 0 14 0 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 8 0 3 12 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 17 0 1 16 0 1 10 0 4 10 0 51 0 0 PRICED LIST OF 20LLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 103 No. 889 890 891 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. plates in fine red cornelian, 12 teaspoons in white cornelian, 3 vases in red cor¬ nelian and onyx, 2 snuffboxes in onyx, 2 canons in cornelian, 3 mounted jewel boxes ■ of fine green moss agate, 4 small ditto, and 2 etuis containing samples. WILD and ROBINSON, Oberstein and Idar ; and 51, Hatton Garden , London. — Cl. XXIII. and XXV.—FI. n. 2 flower vases of onyx, 2 large cups of red cornelian, 1 work box of onyx, 1 ditto of cornelian, 1 bracelet of onyx, 4 connected rings of onyx, 1 canon of oriental jasper ; the whole about. L. GOERLITZ, Idar. — Cl. XXIII.—F1. w. Agent, O. Frauenknecht, 80, Bishops- gate Street Within. 1 box of agate, necklaces (2 of rose agate, 2 of onyx, 1 of cornelian with a bracelet, and 1 of onyx with bracelet), agate orna¬ ments (1 of onyx, 1 plate of ditto, and 1 inkstand of ditto), 2 agate brooches; the whole about. WM. EIFLER, Idar and Oberstein , near Mainz , Worker in Agate.—Cl. XXIII. —FI. n. Agents, Nestee and Hunts- mann, 6, Great Trinity Lane . Samples of agate work. Price. £. s. d. 150 0 0 63 0 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 892 LOUISE VON MEYERN-HOHENBERG, Coburg. —Cl. XXX. £. s. d. A tabernacle of Serravezza marble, in the form of a house in the Byzantine style, gilded; on the door in relievo a group of 4 angels, holding the cross, crown of thorns, lance and. nails, and stand upon passion flowers; upon each extremity of the house Latin inscriptions from St. John and St. Luke, as well as the various em¬ blems of the Evangelists. 60 0 0 893 SOMMER, FERDINAND, Jauer, in Silesia. 1 wind-instrument. 894 J. JANDA, Berlin. — Cl. XXX.—HI.-(Dis¬ ciple of the celebrated master, Professor Rauch.) 1 statuette of Shakespeare, carved in wood (ordered by Dr. E. Stolle.) 895 Dr. EDWARD STOLLE, Berlin.— Cl. XVII. —FI. s. 1 geographical map of the beet-root sugar industry in Europe. 0 3 6 898 RR1EG, .J., Odelshofen,Baden. —Class XIV. G. s. Specimens of Rhenish slit hemp for ropes and cords .... price per cwt., 1 /. 6s. a 1 10 0 104 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. II # BAVARIA. No. 3a 3b Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. G. BENDA, Fiirth, near Niirnberg.—Cl. IV. —FI. s. Specimens of bronze colours and of bronze powder. BIRKNER and HARTMANN, Niirnberg, Prod.—Cl. I. and IV.—FI. s. Specimens of ground bronze and hammered metals. J. BRANDEIS, JUN., Fiirth, near Niirnberg, Prod. -Cl. I. and IV.—FI. s. Specimens of bronze colours in small glasses, of hammered and rolled metal in leaf, and a bar of cast metal. MEIER, JOHANN CASPAR, Fiirth, near Niirnberg, Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. Specimens of metal, gold, and bronze colours. G. L. FUCHS and SONS, Fiirth, near Niirn- berg, Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. A pattern card with 7 books of metal leaf, No. 11; 40 bottles of bronze colour; 4 pieces of various colours; gold tinsel, and 3 boxes of shavings. Finest polishing metal . . per 100 books Bright yellow ditto Yellow ditto Ordinary yellow ditto White ditto ditto Ditto ditto ditto Gold tinsel, per 100 pounds avoirdupois No. 7. 5. 3. Bronze colour, per 1 lb. avoirdupois . LINZ, JOH. LEONHARD, Fiirth, near Niirn¬ berg, Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. Pattern card of white metal leaf, of English Banca tin. LEPPER, GUSTAV.. Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. 1. Patterns of bronze colours in small glass bottles; 50 sorts, of different colours. 2. Metal leaf, 6 books of different colours. L. STOEBER’S SON, Fiirth , near Niirnberg, Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. 108 specimens of bronze colours in small bottles. Price. £.' s. d. 4 19 5 4 0 6f 3 5 If 2 16 7 3 5 If 0 5 1 11 10 6 10 15 2 10 1 3i 8/4a33/4 No. 10 11a 12 13 14 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. BOERER and PORZELIUS, Ratisbon, Prod. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. Specimens of gall extract, exhibited as a no¬ velty in England, and on account of their excellence and great importance in dyeing silk. Black silk stuffs, dyed by means of this article, may gain in weight from 100 to 150 per cent.; and it is with respect to this advantage that gall extract surpasses all other known dyeing materials, amongst others the “ Divi Divi.” J. J GERSTENDOERFFER and C. KUEB- LER, JUN., Fiirth, near Niirnberg, Prod.—Cl. I.—FI. s. Samples of beaten metal (Dutch metal). JOHN PAUL AMMON, Niirnberg , Prod.— Cl. XXIII.— FI. s. Agent, W. Meyer- STEIN, 15, Watling Street. Specimens of gold and silver wire. HEINRICH MARCUS FUCHS, Niirnberg, Prod.—Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. Agent, W. Meyerstein, 15, Watling Street. One pound of extra fine soft and malleable brass wire for metallic cloth, length 76,000 feet. One pound of extra fine chalybeate wire for mine lanterns, length 41,000 feet. H. GADEMANN, Schweinfurt, Prod.—Cl. IV. —FI. s. Specimens of blue, black, and green ultra- marine. J. RAU, Fiirth , Prod.—Cl. IV.—FI. s. Patterns of bronze colours and gold leaf. WM. SATTLER, Schweinfurt, Prod.—Cl. IV. and XVII.—FI. s. Per 110 pounds avoirdupois. Finest Munich varnish .. Prepared indigo blue. Oil or chrome green, and Neuwied yellow green.. Mineral blue (light). Burnt umber, prepared and crimson varnish Mineral green, light and green cinnabar . Price. £. *. d. 2 18 4 1 4 10 1 2 2 10 1 9 3 17 2 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 105 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, Sec. Ochre, dark, prepared, and fine red . Berlin blue. Brunswick green. Schweinfurt green. China yellow. Schweinfurt green. Ditto dark green. Fine ultramarine. Chrome yellow. Dark mineral green. Venetian varnish. Berlin blue. Florence varnish. Paris blue. Brown varnish. Light Sienna and light chrome yellow Bose colour for house painters Carmine cinnabar. Extra fine printing ink. SCIIRUCK and UHLICH, Manu., Bamberg.- Cl. IV.—FI. s. 18 specimens of ultramarine. J. J. STOEBER, heir of Lindner, Manu., 'Fiirth. —Cl. IV.—FI. s. Pattern card of various bronze colours. WOLFF and CO., Manuf., Schweinfurt. —Cl. IV—FI. s. Specimens of ultramarine, prepared from raw materials by a simple process, which renders the goods much cheaper, although as fine as others made in the usual manner. The different qualities are marked as fol¬ lows : Per 110 pounds avoirdupois. O E F. Oh. 0. 1 . 2 . 3 .! ! ! ! ! 4 . 5 . 6 . Green ultramarine. HAMMERSCHMIDT’S SON, Mill Owner, Ratisbon. —Cl. III.—FI. s. Specimens of Bavarian wheat, bran, fine and coarse, wheat flour, Nos. 0 to 5, pollard, Bavarian rye, rye flour, I. and II., pro- vender meal, and pollard. Exhibited on account of their cleanness and fine quality. The prices are about: Wheat flour, Nos. 0 Ditto 1 Ditto 2 Ditto 3 Ditto 4 Ditto 5 Rye floury Nos. 1. Ditto 2. Per 123^ pounds avoirdupois. Price. £. s. d. 4 12 7 5 0 0 5 3 5 6 0 0 6 3 5 6 17 2 7 10 10 7 14 3 8 2 10 9 0 0 10 14 3 11 13 3 14 16 7 17 2 19 5 9 19 5 9 30 0 0 34 5 9 1 19 5 9 8 7 8 7 0 8 2 10 7 14 3 6 17 2 6 0 0 4 14 4 3 7 1 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 19 2 0 16 7 0 15 0 0 12 7 0 9 6 0 8 0 0 11 5 0 9 6 No. 19 20 21 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. CHR. AUG. ERICH, Mill Owner, Munich.— Cl. III. — FI. s. Agents, Gillies and Horne, 17, Mark Lane. Specimens of Bavarian wheat, wheat grits, and wheat flour, and square barley. Exhi¬ bited on account of their cleanness and fine quality. C. V. HEINLEIN, Gunmaker, Bambe.ru .— Cl. VIII.—FI. n. A light, highly finished gun, with Damas¬ cene barrel, engraved in the old German style, with emblems, &c., representing the art of projection from its first invention to the present time; with ebony stock, ela¬ borately inlaid with mother-of-pearl, with genuine silver apparatus; covered lock, of a peculiar and novel construction; simple and firing quickly, and carrying to a long distance. J. ADAM KUCHENREUTEB, Gun and Pistol Maker, Ratisbon. —Cl. VIII.— N. FI. 22 1. A pair of extra fine, highly finished pistols, inlaid and ornamented with gold; the bar¬ rels, beautifully engraved, are coloured blue, hair dressed and rifled in a peculiar manner, the secret of which has been solely in possession of the Kuchenreuter family for more than 100 years. The bar¬ rels are of German steel, with patent screws, peculiar apparatus for assisting the aim at target shooting, open percussion locks, exe¬ cuted in steel, with hair trigger, the stocks of nut wood, tastefully carved in relievo, with complete apparatus. 2. A pair of extra fine pistols, of the same ex¬ traordinarily good quality, though orna¬ mented in a less costly style .... The peculiarities of these two pairs of pistols consist in the following:—When loaded with of a drachm of powder of ordinary strength, and the ball rammed down with a greased patch, they shoot with the accu¬ racy of a rifle at 25 and 50 yards ; and by raising the sight, but xcithout additional powder , will, at a distance of 80, 160, or even 240 yards, send a ball through a deal plank haif an inch thick, when the ball will be as flat as a shilling, if an iron plate is placed behind the deal plank. More¬ over, the grooves of the barrel, although as fine as a hair, are warranted not to wear out; the pistols may be used daily for years, without its being necessary to have them re-rifled. J. A. BAADER and CO., Instrument Makers, Mittenwald on the Isar. —Cl. X.—G. s. 2 violins, 1 tenor, 1 violoncello, after Stra- duarius Cremonensis. Price of the quartetto together .... . Exhibited on account of the fineness of the tones and beauty of the weed. K Price. s. d. 100 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 II 0 0 106 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 23 THEOBALD BOEHM, Munich , Inv. & Man. —Cl. X.—G.s. 1. A key flute with silver and gold embou¬ chure, exhibited on account of the fineness of the tone, equality, and easy production of the same, arrived at by the size of the tubes, a peculiar construction of the keys, and a new sort of embouchure. 2. A flute d’amour, in B, of the same con¬ struction. 3. A model of an oboe, on the same prin¬ ciple. 24 25 f G. EISENMENGER, XXIII.—G. s. Manu., Fiirth. — Cl. 26 27 J. M. ISSMAYER, Tinman, Niirnberg.— Cl. XXVI.—El. n. Patterns of various magnetic articles, toys, &c. £. s. d. 30 spring lorgnettes, eye glasses, and spec¬ tacles, exhibited on account of their quality and extreme cheapness. T. ERTEL and SONS, Proprietors of the Rei- chenbach Mathematical and Mechanical Institution, Munich .•—Cl. X.—G. s. „ An astronomical, universal instrument of the most recent construction, with telescope. The horizontal circle has about 15 inches, the circles for the altitudes about 10 inches diameter; the division of the horizontal circle is direct from 2 to 2 minutes, and Is read by means of two diametrically placed micrometer microscopes down to a second, and still farther ; a second division upon it is to be read, by means of 4 nones which tell 2 seconds ; the division of the circle for altitude gives 4 seconds . . . 188 11 0 29 J. E. JORDAN, Manu., Fiirth.— Cl. XXIX. —FI. s. a. Flexible Pipes. — These pipes form the flexible part of the German tobacco pipes, but are also used for the Asiatic tobacco pipes where the smoke is drawn through water, especially in use in the East Indies, and called hookahs ; for this purpose they are of considerable length. Giraped with silk, gold or silver thread, in all patterns and colours. Prices of the exhibited pat¬ terns, from No. 1 to No. 23, per doz. inches b. Turkish Flexible Tubes .— They are, parti¬ cularly in Turkey, used for water pipes, called Narguile, but may also be employed for medical and chemical use, (inhalation of sulphuric ether, &c.) Manufactured in leather of any colour, plain or ornamented, in any chosen length. Prices : No. 24, 10 feet long, with mouth and tail piece per dozen 25,10 feet long, ditto ditto „ 26, 4 feet long, ditto ditto „ 27, 6 feet long, ditto ditto ,, M. a 2 \d. 30 1 7 1 12 0 9 1 0 c. Flexible ear tubes. —They are in outward appearance like the Turkish tubes, but by a particular method made acoustic, so as to render most effective assistance to per¬ sons of defective hearing. The exhibitor is inventor and sole manufacturer of this and the next named article; he has re¬ ceived a patent for his ear tubes from H. M. the King of Bavaria ; and the useful¬ ness of these ear tubes is already acknow¬ ledged and attested by several of the most eminent German physicians. Prices : No. 27, 3 feet long .... per dozen 28, 4 ditto . . . . „ d. Flexible water sucker .—These solid flexible tubes may be used wherever a tube has to withstand a high atmospherical pressure, and they are, therefore, particularly well adapted for sucking pumps (fire engines). They are preferable to metal tubes, still used in many places, because they may be brought easily to the water over projecting river banks, walls of canals, and wells, &c. They are easily handled, and already much in use. Prices : No. 60, 60 millimeters diameter, without the brass screws.per foot 55 millimeters, ditto ditto . . „ 70 ditto ditto ditto . . „ LORENZ KAPELLER and SON, Manu., Uafnerszell, near Passau.—Cl. XXV.— FI. N. Various sorts of black crucibles for melting gold, silver, iron, steel, &c. These crucibles are rendered more than usually durable by the use of a fire proof strengthening sub¬ stance. 100 marks (100 lbs. poids de Troy) free from Rotterdam. C. ABEL-KLINGER, Numberg .—Cl. X. and XXX.—G. s. 1 terrestrial and 1 celestial globe, of 13J inches diameter, on a stand, with meri¬ dian, quadrant, and compass of argentine silver. The same at 9 inches. Ditto 6 ditto. Ditto 4 ditto.. 1 ditto with 9 ditto diameter and brass com¬ pass . The same at 6 inches. Ditto 4 ditto. 1 ditto with 6 ditto diameter, with usual stand.' The same, with 13| inches diameter . . . Ditto 9 ditto ditto . . . Ditto 4 ditto ditto These articles are manufactory-made and brought into the trade. G. MERZ and SONS, Proprietors of the Op¬ tical Institution of Frauenhofer, Mu¬ nich.—Cl. X.—G. s. 1. A refractor of 45 lines aperture and 48 inches focal distance, set parallactically for variable latitude, with circle for the hours, and the declination of 7 inches diameter, PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 107 33 14 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 32 together with one searching glass, 6 ocu¬ lars, 1 circular micrometer, and 4 solar glasses . 2. A microscope, with 6 objective systems, 3 oculars, screw micrometer, and the nonal apparatus (magnifying power, 20—1800) . DR. H. IiEINSCH, Director of the School of Trade, Zweibriicken. —Cl. X.—G. s. d. Electro magnetic apparatus in a polished nut wood case. The construction of the battery is an invention of the exhibitor, and is distinguished from those at present in use by the substitution of coke powder instead of platina or coke cylinders; the fluid is conducted by means of a strong iron wire. b. Magnetic electric rotary apparatus, in a polished nut wood case. It contains a mag¬ net capable of holding 30 pounds weight. NEUNER and XlORNSTElNER, Instrument Makers, Mittenwald on the Isar.— Cl. X. —G. s. Violoncello, extra fine, in the Straduarius form, covered with ebony. Viola, ditto ditto. 2 violins, ditto ditto. 3 fine Brazil wood violin and violoncello bows, ornamented with silver and gold fish, belonging to the above instruments. The whole (a quartetto) executed in the finest maple w.eod and varnished . . Exhibited on account of the clearness and beauty of the tone ; and the fine workman¬ ship. C. RIEFLER, Mechanician, Maria Rhine near Nesselwang.-— Cl. X.—G. s. A case of mathematical instruments, in Ger¬ man silver, with patented improvements, exhibited on account of the precision and fineness of the workmanship, and the no¬ velty of construction in the compasses M. PF AFF, Instrument Maker, Kaiserslautern. Cl. X.—G. s. A bombardon, in G, with 4 valves and mouthpiece. A trumpet, in B, with 3 valves, 4 bends, wires’ and mouthpiece. Exhibited on account of the beauty of the workmanship and fineness of the tone. PELLOUZ, BRENTANO, and CO. Manu Augsburg. —Cl. XIII.—FI. s. ’’ Specimens of various stuffs, viz.: genuine fine crimson damask, of equal length and breadth, of all colours, suitable for furni¬ ture, &c. Cl. XV. and XXIIL—FI. s. Rich silk stuff, woven with real gold, &c. 3 sorts of stuff for churches, 2 of white, and 1 of genuine fine crimson; all three with real gold. Price. £. s. d. iso 0 0 45 0 0 No. 0 12 0 2 8 0 37 15 10 0 38 10 6 0 10 15 0 3 9 0 39 40 41 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Christ on the Cross, embroidered in silk, ordi¬ nary brocade for furniture, blue brocade with silver; borders with real gold and silver. Cl. IV.—FI. s. Patterns of Bavarian silk, of 5 different sorts viz.: 10 of 1/1 fine organzine silk. 11 do. finer ditto. 12 do. medium ditto. 13 do. fine trama. 14 do. coarse trama. H. SIMON, Manu., Zweibriicken.— Cl. XIII. —FI. s. 1 coupon of silk plush, fine brilliant black, per yard 4 coupons of silk plush, 4* lines, per yard, 8/4, 7/4, 6/7, 5/10. 3 other sorts of the same material, Exhibited on account of the fine quality and durability of the articles. F. KNORR, Manu., Zweibriicken.— Cl. XTII. and XVIII.—FI. s. Agents, Staiil- SCHMIDT and Co., 14, Mark Lane. 4 pieces of silk plush for hats, prepared partly after the French method, and partly after a method of the exhibitor . . per yard 5/5f, 5/10*, 7/3|, 7/8 1 piece of silk hat plush, black, which not only equals'the French plush in colour and lustre, but surpasses it in durability, per yard L. BRAUN, Manu., Wunsiedel. —Owner, J. F. KRAUSS.—Cl. XV.—FI. s. 8 pieces of Manilla damask, each piece 10£ yards, of 8 different designs and colours, made from cotton and Manilla hemp, for furniture and carpets. AUGUST SCHUTZMANN, Prod., Munich.- Cl. XIV.—FI. s. Specimens of painter’s canvas, exhibited on i account of its fine quality and usefulness, j Length 23 feet ; breadth, 13 feet 4 inches. | J. J. TRENDEL’S SON, Manu., Culm- ! bach. —Cl. XIV. and XV.—FI. s. Extra fine linen damask . . . per yard j Fine ditto ... „ . j Fine linen damask, carre ... „ . Fine white linen atlas .... „ . Fine white half linen atlas . . „ . j Half linen stuff for trowsers, striped carre, &c., of five sorts.per yard Exhibited on account of the beauty and cheapness of the articles. 1 - K 2 Price. _ ♦_ £. s. d. 0 11 0 0 8 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 4 of 108 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 42 43 44 45 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, 3cc. GEBHARDT, BROTHERS, Manufacturers, Hof. —Cl. XL, XII., XV.. and XXVIII. —El. s. Cotton stuffs:— 2 pieces, Nos. 3474, 3014 . . . per yard 6 pieces, Nos. 732, 734, 3007, 3150, 3232, 2971 . „ . 1 piece, No. 3560 . „ . 2 pieces, Nos. 3395g, 3333J . . „ Cotton cloths and shawls at various prices, viz. A- dozen 60 in. damask franges filees, per doz. jig ditto 60 in. plaids .... £ ditto 58 in. alepines . . . | ditto 36 in. plaids .... 1 ditto 33 in. alepines . . . 1 ditto 30 in. tartans .... 3. ditto 30 in. mousselines satin charge ,, -I ditto 65 in. pa. veloutes, cotton & wool „ A ditto 33 in. tartans prima ... „ ditto 58 in. plaids, cotton & wool . „ f ditto 40 in. plaids. „ ditto pure laine. „ 2 pieces of elastic trousers, cotton and Indian rubber . Discount 10 per cent. Delivered free at Hamburgh. FRED. LIENHARDT, Manu., IIof, —FI. s. ' •Cl. XV. 6 pieces 29 by 30 in. ginghams, 36, 35J, 35i, 34, 32£, 36, 209§ yards . . . per yard 1 piece 27 in. gingham, 28 yards . . ,, 1 ditto Derry 32^ „ . . ,, 4 pieces 27 in. ginghams, fine, 35f, 36, 34|, 35J, 141J yards.per yard 2 pieces 26 in. imitation tartans, 34J and 19^ yards.per yard Net prices. Exhibited on account of cheapness. HENRY STEINHAUSER, Manu., Hof. —Cl. XV.—FI. s. mixed with cotton.per doz. | dozen 64 in. ditto \ dozen 66 in. ditto a dozen 64 in. fancy ditto 6 pieces 50 in. tartan of wool, mixed with cotton, 108 yards.per yard Exhibited on account of cheapness. LUDWIG GRIESS, Ropemaker, Landau , in Rhenish Bavaria. —Cl. XIV.—FI. s. 4 horse girths of bleached and unbleached yarn.6/10, 8/7, 10/3 & 1 halter of red twisted wool. 1 halter of white hemp yarn. Exhibited on account of the beauty and precision of the workmanship, and the cheapness. Price. £. s. d. 0 0 5| 0 0 51 0 0 6 | 0 0 3j 1 5 1 5 1 0 2 9 81 0 0 5 6| 0 6 2 §- 0 5 8 3 8 1 | 0 18 2j 1 13 2 0 14 7J 0 18 24 0 0 0 5| 0 0 54 0 0 51 0 0 6 | 0 0 7| 2 13 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 4 0 0 1 10 0 12 10 0 4 4 0 2 7 No. 48 47 48 49 50 51 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. T. MAYER, Leather Manu., Munich. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 2 black varnished skins for carriage covers. 6 ditto calf skins ditto. 12 smooth varnished calf skins for shoes. | skins of brown saddlers’ leather. 1 brown pig’s skin for saddles. LEO HAENLE, Manu., Munich.— Cl. XVII. —G. n. Agent, C. H. Schick, 56, High Holborn. 2 rolls of smooth embossed gold & silver paper. 1 case with 156 bottles of bronze colouring. 1 case with print in these colours, and the firm of the exhibitors. 1 case with patterns of genuine gold paper edgings, and other decorations. THEODOR ESCHERICH, Portfolio Maker, Munich. — Cl. XVII.— G. n. A partitioned writing portfolio, representing the royal palace, with gildings .... A large portfolio in brown morocco . A smaller ditto in grey. 2 ladies’ necessaires in silk velvet, with souflet and steel handle.1/. 11s. & 2 ditto in leather, large and small .... 2 portable necessaires for ladies . . each 7 pocket books, from. 10 cigar cases, from. 6 porte monnaies, from. Cl. M. J. KOHN, 'Prod., Mainbernheim. XXVIII.—G. N. Patterns of sealing wax:— Red, of 15 sorts. Carmine, of 3 sorts .... 4/4, 5/1, & Ditto, with 1 and 2 gilt crowns. Coloured, of 72 sorts. Ditto, cramisi, No. 74. Ditto, Nos. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 . Ditto, No. 92, ciriegia.. . Ditto, in round sticks. Various fancy colours of 20 sorts ... Gold, 5 sorts. Bronze, 5 sorts. Ditto 9 sorts, very fine. Real silver bronze. Brown, of 8 sorts, from. 3 cases, with lady’s sealing wax, of 18 sorts, per doz. cases ..1Z. 7 d. Per Bavarian pound, which is equal to’ 316^ English drachms. J. SAMMET, Prod., Marktsteft. —Cl. XVII.-* G. N. Specimens of printing ink, exhibited on ac¬ count of their purity. MINA PRAETZSCH, Teacher in the Young Ladies’ School, Hof.— Cl. XIX.—FI. s. A piece of embroidery in crape threads, re¬ presenting the Madonna, exhibited on ac¬ count of the beauty and peculiarity of the work. Price. £. 7 11 0 12 0 8 0 17 14/ & 6/ l o : 4/1 a 6/] 4/80 8 / 3/5 a 6/j 4 id. a J 0 6 13/8al 0 6 0 12 0 13 0 10 6/lOal 0 5 3 id. a 1 4 J 50 0 t PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 109 52 53 54,' 54b Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. EMILIE MAYER, Milliner, Aschaffenburg .— Cl. XIX.—El. s. An embroidered picture in silk, after A. Kaufif- mann, 3 feet high, and 2£ broad, exhibited on account of its beauty, and the novelty of the work. 55 56 J. FRANK, Shoemaker, Ratisbon .—Cl. XX.— FI. s. 1 pair of black atlas boots for ladies . 1 pair of leather atlas, with cork soles 1 pair of black cloth boots. 1 pair of embroidered slippers. Exhibited on account of the beauty of the workmanship, their durability and easi¬ ness. FEHR and EISENRING, Founders, Augs¬ burg. — Cl. XVII.—FI. N. Metal plates, with letters and characters in relievo, for the instruction of the blind. J. KALTENECKER, Manu., Munich.— Cl. VIII., IX., and XVI.—FI. n. and G. s. 1 brass drum. 2 visors for fencing a . 1 threefold sieve. 1 fine drum sieve. Model for a double malt kiln of iron wire . Pattern card, with various specimens of plaited wood, cane, parchment, horse-hair, brass and iron wire. I parchment sieve. A. GRADMANN, Manu., Erbach , near Hom- burg, Rhenish Bavaria. —Cl. XXI.—FI. n. 40 specimens of horse shoes, manufactured in the form and dimensions usual in Ger¬ many ; by the exhibitor’s method, however, any desired form may be made. These horse shoes are very much approved of at the military and other horse shoe forges, as very serviceable and cheap. They are made by means of a steam engine. A steam or water power of 20 horses is sufficient to turn out in 24 hours 300 cwts. of horse shoes. Further particulars can be obtained of the Exhibitor’s Agent, Mr. J. L. Ottmann, 8, Copthall Court. JANSEN and LUEHDORFF, Manu., Hof. —Cl. XI.—FI. s. II pieces, 27 in. ginghams, Nos. 4112, 4902, 5231, 5305, 5330, 5353, 5379, 5382, 6264, 6369, 6404 = 401^ yards . . . per yard 1 piece, 28 in., No. 6299, 36 yards „ 3 pieces, 30 in., Nos. 902, 4709, 4764 == 110 yards.per yard Exhibited for their cheapness. C. KUHN, Manu., Niirnberg. — Owner, E. SCHMIDMER.—Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. Patterns of plated (Lyons) gold and silver wire (single, double, and triple, smooth and hollow) ; tinsel and bouillon (polished 38 11 0 0 9 2 0 8 11 0 8 11 0 6 6 10 7! 0 12 0 | 0 5 2 1 0 12 0 I 3 8 7 j 0 8 7 0 0 5-i 0 0 5'5 0 0 6 No. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. and dull, smooth and polished, dull frosted, silver, single, double and triple gilt), and cantilles after various designs, silver and single, double and triple gilt. FRANZ KULLRICH, Prod., Munich. — Cl. XVII.—G. n. A lady’s chatouille, in pasteboard work, done in the modern Iioccoco style, richly orna¬ mented with velvet, silk, pictures, &c., and with a secret drawer. TROELTSCH and HANSELMANN, Manu., Weissenburg. —Cl. XXIII.—FI. s. Patterns of gold and silver lace. II. HECHINGER, Manu., Fiirth. —Cl. XXIV. —FI. N. 6 half white covered looking glasses. 1 green ditto. LEOP. IIEILBRONN, Manu., Fiirth.— Cl. XXIV.—FI. N. 10 half white covered looking glasses. MATH. NEFT, Prod., Schleichach , near Elt- mann. —Owner, O. von REDEll.—Cl. XXIV.—FI. X. 6 plates of white halfmoon glass, exhibited on account of its fine white colour, and its clear lustrous reflection. 20 by 26 (Bavarian) high, 19| broad 0 3 20 24 19 . . . 0 3 4 20 22 20 . . . 0 3 20 20 20 . . . 0 3 16 24 14 . . . 0 1 9* 16 15 13 . . . 0 0 A. REINSCH, Telegraph Office, Niirnberg.— Cl. XXIV.—FI. n. I. Optic mosaics, in glass : 1. Table plate in the Arabian style. 2. Ditto in the Greek style. 3. Chatouilles in Arabian style. 4. Ditto imitation of lapis lazuli and mother of pearl. II. Transparencies (hyalophanics) : Hohenschwangau in Bavaria. Moonshine on the sea. The Virgin. Rape of the Sabines. Daphne and Apollo (2). Scene from Musarion, after Ivaulbacb. Venus and Cupids (the latter in arti¬ ficial opal). III. Two damascened looking glasses. By all these objects, the reflection, &c. of the light is brought into operation. THE ROYAL PORCELAIN MANUFAC¬ TORY, Nymphenburg, near Munich.— Cl. XXV. and XXX.—FI. n. 1 china vase, painted after Mieris 2 ditto ditto, blue and gold. 1 ditto ditto, Byzantine style .... 2 ditto ditto, with Italian women, after Riedl Brice. £. s. cl. 9 8 6 72 17 27 8 4 5 22 6 110 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 2 china vases, with violet ground.... 3 2 0 67 BARTH BROTHERS, Joiners and Cabinet 2 ditto ditto, small (1). 0 17 0 Makers, Wiirzbiirc/. — Cl. XXVI. and 1 goblet, with platina and gold decorations. 4 14 0 XXX.—FI. n. 1 ditto (hunting). 3 2 0 A lady’s bureau, in rosewood, in the Renais¬ 1 ditto, with genii. 2 3 0 sance style, with ornaments; the under 1 ditto, with remembrances of Hohenschwan- part serves for writing, the upper closed gau. 9 8 0 by means of two folding doors, with carved 2 ditto, with vine-leaves and portraits . . 31/& 34/ panels for keeping valuable documents, &c. 2 beer cans.each 0 18 10 The whole of the inside is richly orna¬ 1 ditto. 1 5 8 mented with mosaic-work, with tableaux 1 wine can. 0 17 9 (Science, Art, Trade, Commerce) and 4 flower vases, per 2 pieces (2) 21. 11s. and 1 14 0 portraits (Queen Victoria and King 2 table ornaments for fruit. 4 6 0 Maximilian). 12 plates with views of Rome. 20 11 0 A lady’s work table in the Roccoco style, 8 ditto with pictures from Goethe’s “ Rei- richly inlaid with mosaic, representing necke Fuchs”. 18 10 0 allegorically the Triumph of Love. The 3 ewers for holy water . . 12/, 18/6, and 0 15 5 upper part may be made into a writing 1 Madonna . 0 10 7 desk ; the other divisions serve to contain 1 porcelain painting by Adler, after Albano . 47 3 0 ladies’ jewels. The whole of the upper 1 ditto by Legrand, after Raphael . . . 8 3 0 part is borne by caryatides in gilt bronze. 8 statues, the districts of Bavaria, after Both these articles are distinguished by Schwanthaler, in white porcelain . 1 10 0 novelty of form, by purity of style, by 8 busts of celebrated men, in white ditto . 0 16 5 their practical arrangements, and by the 1 girl, reposing, in ditto (3) . 0 9 3 beauty and durability of the workmanship. 1 Munich waitress, ditto (4) . 0 3 5 Bavaria, gilt, ditto . 0 15 5 68 ALOIS DESSAUER Manu., Aschaft'enburg. 2 figures of Tyrolese, in brown ditto 0 8 3 —Cl. XVII.—G. N. 2 statues of Bavarian princes, after Schwan- Patterns of a great many sorts of coloured, thaler, in clay . 2 8 0 gilt, and silvered papers of various sizes, 4 ditto of artists, after Schwanthaler, in clay 1 14 3 ornaments, &c. &c. 4 statues of poets, after Schaller, in clay 1 9 0 These articles are distinguished by their The originals of the articles marked (1) fineness, solidity, and tasteful designs. A to (2), and the ewers for holy water, are by detailed list of prices is placed on the table the Director Eugen Neureuther ; the ar¬ where the articles are exhibited. ticles marked (3) to (4) are likewise by E. Neureuther. 69 FRANZ XAVIER FORTNER, Cabinet Maker, Munich.— Cl. XXVI.—FI. n. 65 KASSIAN HELD, Prod., Nilrnberg. — Cl. A writing table, 7 feet long and 4 feet 6 XY.—FI. n. inches broad, worked in the old German 3meerschaum pipe-heads, richly ornamented, style, inlaid in rosewood, with different viz.: metals, mother of pearl, and tortoiseshell. St. George on horseback , , , . „ 6 8 7 The inlaid figures represent Charlemagne, Bacchanals . . \ A K Q Frederick Barbarossa, Ludwig the Ba¬ 3 horses galloping ) . 0 O varian, Rudolf of Habsburg, and Maxi¬ 2 cigar-holders . each 1 11 0 milian I., together with their armorial 1 ditto . 0 18 10 bearings; likewise old German ladies, Exhibited on account of the rare size escutcheon bearers, and armourers. The and fineness of the meerschaum, and the interiors of the drawers are of rosewood Ipeauty of the execution. and candlewood. Also an easy chair in the same style. Both these articles . 823 0 0 66 ADT BROTHERS, Prod., Ensheim , near 2 portfolios, richly inlaid .... each 8 4 0 Zweibriicken .— Cl . XVII. and XXVI.— Gr N 1 portfolio . „ 5 3 0 Various articles of papier mache, viz.: Cigar case, with the portrait of Schiller . 0 8 0 70 J. MAYER, Inspector of the Institution for Glove-box, with the portrait of Diirer . 0 8 0 the Education of Crippled Children, Workbox . 0 14 4 Munich.— Cl. XXVI.—HI. Cigar cases, long U . . . . \ a mot . 1 1 o Articles made of stone paste: Large pocket-book boxes, 5 A. j P e ( * ozen 1 1Z 0 Virgin and Child with bracket .... 10 5 8 Spectacle case. „ 1 18 4 2 crucifixes, 13 and 12 inches . 21. 6s. and 3 0 0 Porte-monnaies. A flower vase, 2 feet high. 6 17 0 Small pocket-books, Cavaignacs „ 1 4 0 Various other cheaper articles : 1 glass plate. „ 0 4 10 71 C. W. FLEISCHMANN, Manu., Nilrnberg. 1 large bottle stand .... „ 0 8 0 —Cl. X.—G. h. 1 box, engraved by machinery . ,, 0 16 1 Anatomic pathologic preparations in papier 1 ditto ditto, 5 A. „ 1 12 2 mache, viz.: 1 workbox, 5. „ 1 0 2 2 pelvis coarctata, on board .... 0 12 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. Ill No. 72 73 74 75 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, p . Description of Article, &c. rnce. 2 deformed pelves, on board . . each 1 pulmones tuberculis obsessi .... 3 decayed jaws.each 1 antediluvian bear’s jaw, on board . 1 death-head (native American), ditto J. N. FLEISCH, Manu., Ensheim , near Zwei- briicken.—Cl. XVI. and XVII.—G. n. Various sorts of snuff-boxes, needle-cases, cigar etuis, portfolios, napkin rings, &c. in papier mache, at very low prices. J. J. HARTMANN, Manu., Munich.— C 1. VII.—G. n. . ^ 15 patterns of floors. (Price per Bavarian foot, 1-,^ of which = 1 foot English measure.) Ash wood, worked in squares. Maple ditto, with rose diamonds and metal points. Maple, prime colour, in 2 patterns Oak and maple wood, prime colour, in frieze, 2 patterns. Ditto with friezes and maple wood, with 8 edged rose diamonds, 3 patterns Oak and cherry wood, prime colour, forms taken from the Alhambra and in the Greek style. Mirror frames of oak wood, in various de¬ signs, each group composed of 4 plates, per square foot. These floors are distinguished by the fineness of workmanship and by their durability. J. BAADER, Manu., Garmisch. —Cl. XXIII. —G. N. A table candlestick of deer’s horn, exhibited on account of the beauty and peculiarity of the work. C. PRANK, Turner, Fiirth.— Cl. XXIII. and XXX.—G. N. A set of ivory chessmen, with board and po¬ lished box ... . 2 crucifixes, the figure in ivory, with wooden cross . 1 ivory spinning wheel. 1 ivory goblet, with rilievos from the “ Lay of the Niebelungen,” after the cartoons by Schnorr in Munich, 14 inches high . . J, HENSTEH Manu., Lindberg. near Zwie- sel.-Cl. IV.—G. s. 11 Sounding boards, 6 feet 5 inches long, 8 to 17 inches broad (Bavarian measure), for pianos, the wood from the Bavarian forest. Exhibited on account of the beauty and equal age of the wood, and clearness of the tone. *. s. 0 12 0 11 0 4 0 5 0 15 0 1 8 0 2 6 0 3 5 12 17 0 5 11 0 2 17 0 0 18 0 51 8 0 No. 77 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. G. LANG’S HEIRS, Oberammergau , Upper Bavaria.—Cl. XXIX.—G. n. 200 different articles and children’s toys, carved in wood, ivory, and alabaster, ex¬ hibited on account of the beauty and pecu¬ liarity of the work. They are carved and prepared by the poorer class of the inha¬ bitants of the Bavarian highlands, and their sale forms their principal means of subsistence. List of some of the principal articles: ' ^ - - f r . £. s. d. reliefs. 1400 56 11 9 2. 1 goblet of nutwood .... 3. 1 crucifix of boxwood, with Mag¬ 800 32 6 9 dalen . 16 0 12 1 5. 1 case of nutwood. 25 1 0 0 6. 1 vase, with Madonna .... 26 1 0 9 7. 1 screen for lamp or candle . 12 0 9 8 8. 1 chamois on a rock .... 7 0 5 8 9. 1 violin player. 18 0 14 6 10 &11. 2 candlesticks . . . each 16 0 12 11 12. 1 snuffbox, with ivory bas-reliefs . 13. 1 tobacco-pipe head, on which an 70 2 16 7 inn and a waggon are carved . 48 1 18 9 14. 1 ditto with armorial bearings 22 0 17 9 51. 1 crucifix of ivory. 52. 1 ditto with Johannes and Maria, 110 4 8 11 of maple wood. 60 2 8 6 53. 1 ditto of alabaster. 48 1 18 9 54. 1 clockcase, with Albrecht Diirer. 64. 1 group of persons praying, of 48 1 18 9 maplewood. 66. 1 group of persons in the hour of 30 1 4 3 repose . 54 2 3 8 67. The Emperor Rudolph .... 68. Andreas Hofer, Haspinger, and 24 0 19 4 Speckbacher. 20 0 16 2 71. Egmont and Clara. 48 1 18 9 72. Faustus and Mephistophiles 48 1 18 9 73. W. Tell with his Son . . . . 15 0 12 1 74. The Annunciation. 33 1 6 8 75. The three Sages of Saba. . . . 33 1 6 8 76. Monument of Mozart .... 36 1 9 0 77. A vase. 24 0 19 5 78. Ditto. 20 0 16 2 85. A hunting group. 116. A sugar vase, with hunters, cha¬ mois, dogs, Sec. 24 0 19 5 36 1 9 0 117. Ditto. 21 0 17 0 118. Ditto. 22 0 17 9 119, 120. Ditto.each 133. St. George on horseback with the 27 1 1 10 Dragon.. . . 20 0 16 2 139. A chatouille, with the child Jesus. 26 1 1 0 140. The Adoration. 63 2 10 11 187. Magdalen, after Canova 50 2 0 5 188. St. Johannes of Nepomuk . 46 1 17 2 189. A chandelier. 46 1 17 2 190, 191. 2 goblets .... each 192. The Holy Supper, after Leonarad 46 1 17 2 da Vinci, with a glass cover . . 280 11 6 4 195. A Moor.. 30 A great variety of smaller objects, such as needle-cases, cigar holders, folding and paper knives, letter holders, sugar 1 4 3 tongs, &c. &c. at prices from 8 d. to . A complete list of all the articles is deposited for inspection on the Exhibition table. 0 18 0 1 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 112 Mo. 78 79 80 81 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. SOHN, JACOB, Manu., Wurzburg. — Cl. XXII.—FI. s. 2 coffee machines of German silver. 4 ditto in brass. Exhibited on account of their novel con¬ struction and elegant appearance. M. BIRKMANN, Pencil Maker, Niimiberg .— Cl. XXIX. or XVII.—FI. s. Patterns of the finest 6 cornered lead pencils, with round leads, of polished cedar wood, marked with gilt letters, of 7 degrees of hardness.per gross Ditto, fine round polished cedar, of 7 degrees of hardness.per gross G. L. EICHNER, Prod., NUmberg.— Cl. XXIX.—FI. n. 20 sorts of tin toys, exhibited on account of their variety, neatness, and cheapness, viz.:— Castle with forge and fountain . Chinese pagoda, with 2 fountains Circus riders and spectators .... Galloping figure. de- A. W. FABER, Pencil Maker, Stein, near NUmberg.— Cl. XXIX. or XVII.—FI. s. Pattern card: 8 cases, with 4 packets of pen¬ cils, exhibited on account of their fineness and cheapness, viz. (per gross) :— Common pencils, with white wood Ditto, with cedar wood Ditto, ditto. Various, with cedar wood Fine cedar pencils, N os. 1 to 4, in 4 grees of hardness .... Ditto, polished. Pencils with pastel colours Red pencils, 5 sorts .... Black drawing chalk, soft and hard Ditto, ditto.. . White drawing chalk .... Forester’s pencils, very black India rubber pencils .... Joiners’ pencils, 4 sorts . . . Faber’s polygrade pencils, in cedar wood, Nos. 1 to 4, in 4 degrees of hardness . Ditto, natural polish, marked in silver, BBBB to HHIIII, in 10 degrees of hardness. Ditto, black, marked in gold, Nos. 1 to 4 lines, in 7 degrees of hardness . Ditto, yellow, Silver. Ditto, oval, Nos. 1 to 4, in 4 degrees of hardness. Ditto, 3 cornered. Ditto, 6 cornered, Nos. 1 to 5, in 5 de¬ grees of hardness. Ditto, 6 cornered, with gold .... Ditto, superfine black, with gold, in 4 degrees of hardness. Ditto, superfine yellow, with silver, in 4 degrees of hardness. Best and finest, with red polish, BB to HH, in 5 degrees of hardness . . . Price. s. d. 0 10 3f 0 8 6f 3 4 0 14 0 0 16 0 1 4 0 0 0 6§ 0 1 Of 0 1 2/3 a 6/ 0 6 lOf 0 7 H 0 17 if 5/lfal7/lf 0 5 if 0 6 10f 0 6 10f 1 5 0 17 If 3/ a l 5/ 0 8 6f 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 13 8i 0 13 8* 0 15 5 0 17 If 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 5 8i ¥ 0 . 83 84 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Portfolio pencils, Nos. 1 to 4, in 4 de¬ grees of hardness, marked with gold and silver. Ditto, ditto, not marked with gold or silver. 85 J. J. REFIBACH, Pencil Maker, Ratisban .— Cl. XXIX. or XVII.—FI. s. Specimens of lead and red pencils and draw¬ ing chalk, exhibited on account of the fine quality and cheapness of the articles, viz. (per gross):— Drawing pencils, of 4 sorts ees of Ditto, English sort, in 4 degi hardness. Red pencils, of 9 sorts . Lead pencils, of 14 sorts . Pocket book pencils, of 17 sorts Cedar pencils, of 6 sorts . Drawing pencils, of 18 sorts . Writing pencils, of 2 sorts Engineers’ pencils .... Compass pencils .... Polygrade pencils, of 12 sorts Joiners’ pencils, of 14 sorts . Carpenter’s pencils, of 4 lengths Coloured polished pencils Polished 7 B pencils, very soft Drawing chalk, of 6 sorts 7 cases with artists’ pencils, per dozen etuis. Besides various specimens of polygon, polygrade, drawing, and other pencils. Discount, 10 per cent, on an invoice of 10Z. to 45Z., and 15 per cent, on an invoice of 45Z. and upwards. -Cl. MICHAEL HAGEN, Sculptor, Munich.- XXX.—HI. An ivory drinking cup, with carved figures and arabesques, representing a procession of bacchanals, with a gilt silver cylinder and a glass cover ........ 1/21„3/51 JOHANN HALBIG, Professor at the Poly¬ technic School, Munich. —Cl. XXX.— —HI. 1. An imperial German drinking cup, ori¬ ginal in plaster; the subject of the com¬ position is intended to represent the unity of Germany ; on the top stands Germania in the imperial robe ; the figures surround¬ ing the cylinder are the allegories of the Virtues necessary to unity. The coats of arms are those of the Federal States; on the cover that of the Empire and the Kingdoms ; on the cylinder, those of the smaller States of Germany. 2. A bust of Schlanders marble .... Price. £. s. d. 0 6 lOf 0 5 If 0 10 3| l/8£al3/8$ 8 d. a 5/lf 1/lf a 4/lf 1/4| a 3/1 4/9itfl3/8! 6/10fa8/6f 0 13 8g 0 4 1| 5/lf a 12/ 2/0ftfl3/8| 3/5frt6/10f 1/2^ ct 3/Sf 1 0 7 2/8f a 5/lf 7/10i«20/l 300 0 0 F. I1ANFSTAENGEL, Lithographer, Mu¬ nich.—C\. XVII.—FI. s. 2 galvanographic copper plates (male and female), with an impression of the same. The galvanography (invented by Pro¬ fessor Fr. von Kobell of Munich) consists of a process for multiplying painted and 85 0 0 50 0 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 113 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ^rice. £. s. d. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. drawn sketches, produced by galvanism. For the production of such galvanic copper plates are used paintings, executed with encaustic colours and lithographic chalk ; the plates appear as engravings with which the printing may be effected in the usual manner. by Professor J. N. von Fuchs, of Munich. This process unites all the advantages of fresco painting, and is far more durable, and may be renewed at any period 34 0 0 92 CARL SCHMID, Artist, Bamberg.— Cl. XXX. —HI. S. KELLNER, Artist, Niimberg.— Cl. XXX. —HI. A picture on glass, copy of the window by Yolkainer, in the church of St. Lorenz in Niirnberg, 5^ feet high, 4 feet broad, Ba¬ varian measure, of which l ^L foot is equal to 1 foot, English measure. 150 0 0 DR. OZANN, Professor at the University of Wurzburg.— Cl. XVII.—G. N. Painted by G. Peetz. Artists’ festival, painted on porcelain, after Cornelius. Paul in Prison, on porcelain, after Rem¬ brandt .. Ezelino, on porcelain, after Lessing . Painted by H. Schweigger. Peasant’s room, after Rockirs, on porcelain Card players, after Van der"Werft, on por¬ celain . Christ, after Leonardo, on porcelain . 25 0 0 17 0 0 19 0 0 12 17 0 10 14 0 5 0 0 Galvano caustic prints, from a tin plate, etched by the hydro-electric current. Remarks .—Professor Ozann showed first in the year 1841 that the galvanic current might be used for etching copper and other metal plates with much greater se¬ curity, precision, and saving of time than the common aqua fortis. He has since that period been constantly improving his discovery, which he first used to illustrate his writings on natural philosophy. C. KNOLL, Sculptor, Munich.— Cl. XXX.— HI. A goblet; model in plaster, to be cast in bronze, representing “ Loving and living on the Rhine.”—Cast in bronze, finished and gilt in the interior. 137 0 0 JOHANNES LEEB, Sculptor, Munich.— Cl. XXX.—HI. A. Young girl, playing with a nest of Amo- rettes, in Carrara marble. b. Cupid sharpening his arrows, in Carrara marble. 342 0 0 171 0 0 FERD. MILLER, Founder and President of the Royal Foundry, Munich. —Cl. XXX. — Na. A lion in bronze, colossal cast, 14 feet long, 8 feet high, destined for the quadriga, the principal ornament of the triumphal arch in Munich, after the model of the sculptor and professor, Joh. Halbig; exhibited on account of the accuracy and perfection of the casting, and in order to show the pro¬ gress of the art. Two statues, finished casts, each 7 feet high, belonging to an extensive cyclus of bronze statues in the possession of A. von Yeith, in Prague ; cast in bronze after models of Schwanthaler. J. MUHR, Painter, Munich. —Cl. XXX.—HI. Specimen of stereochromic pictures, executed upon wood, covered with mortar; invented Painted by O. Wurteich. Charles IX., after Wappers, on porcelain . 21 7 0 An altar with the Madonna del Sisto, after Raphael, on porcelain, with old German decorations by C. Schropp.51 0 0 93 FRANZ ZEILER, Silversmith, Munich.— Cl. XXIII.—HI. A silver fruit bowl, in the shape of a shell, alto-relievo, representing Yenus and Amor, 18 inches high and broad . „ . 77 0 0 Two alto-relievos in silver, the one repre¬ senting the storming of Belgrade, the other the victory of the Bavarians over the Turks by the Bavarian Elector, Max Emanuel, both. 72 0 0 94 LOUIS FOLTZ, Sculptor, Ratisbon. — Cl. XXX.—HI. A model, in plaster of Paris, beautifully executed, intended for a prize medal. 95 GIENANTH, BROTHERS, Proprietors of Iron Forges, Hochstein , in the Bavarian Rhine Palatinate.—Cl. I., VII., XXII., and XXIII.—FI. n. Iron for guns and railing, iron produced by forge fires, and other rolled and wrought iron, roofing plate iron, iron wire, and dif¬ ferent kinds of steel, fancy cast iron arti¬ cles, and several other articles bronzed, gilt, and silvered. Prices of some of these articles :— fr. c. 1 garden table. 22 0 0 17 9-i 1 umbrella holder. 12 0 0 9 8i 1 candelabrum, bronzed and gilt . 22 0 0 17 9i The head of a hart, ditto .... ~8 0 0 6 H 1 Gothic crucifix. 10 0 0 8 l 1 smaller ditto. 0 0 4 0 1 garden chair. 17 50 0 14 n 1 looking glass. 4 50 0 3 H 1 letter holder, with a craw fish . 5 0 0 4 0 Various figures.each 1 0 0 0 9f A more detailed list of all the articles may be had. 114 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 96 C. L. WEPPLER, Manu., Ansbach. — Cl. XXIX.—G. N. Fancy articles in straw mosaic, such as— Cigar holders, work boxes, glove boxes, playing mark cases, tobacco boxes, needle cases, work boxes, &c. Exhibited on account of the neat work¬ manship and the cheapness of the ar¬ ticles. £. s. d. 15 smaller portfolios. 14 ditto. 19 cigar etuis. 33 porte-monnaies. 7 ladies’ necessaires. Exhibited on account of the very fine workmanship and lowness of the prices. £. s. d. 97 GUST AY NEUBRONNER, Manu., Franken- thal, in the Rhine Palatinate. — Cl. XXIX.— G. n. 6 children’s dolls, most elegantly and richly dressed, two of them with natural hair. 99 WAGNER and CO., Prod., Klingenberg on the Maine. Samples of fire clay, per 100 lbs. avoirdupois, delivered at Mayence . 0 1 6} 88 C. A. BISCHOFF and CO., Manu., Wurz¬ burg. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. — Agent, Jos. Kendall, 8, Harp Lane, opposite the Custom House. 6 writing portfolios. 1 album. 100 AUGUST KNOCKE, Mechanician, Munich. —Cl. X. 1 pair of kettledrums, with a peculiar and ingeniously constructed apparatus for tuning them with quickness and precision, and without noise. i i III. S A X 0 N Y —-published separately. PRICED LIST OP 20LLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 115 IV-WUKTTEMBERG. For information with regard to Prices, &c., apply to Messrs. Brand and Schiedmayer, 17, Hill-street, Knights- Hdge; and 6, Pinner’s Hall, Old Broad-street, City, or at the Wurttemberg Office in the Exhibition, under the forth-east Staircase, No. 9. The Wurttemberg Government has established at Stuttgart a Central Office, called the Konigl. Wurttemberg. Muster ager, which is kept under its immediate superintendence, and through whose medium all inquiries respecting any produc- ons of this country are replied to free of cost to the inquirers. The above named Establishment keeps always an assort- Lent of patterns of the different manufactures for inspection, which may be seen on application. The Wiirttemberg products are generally distinguished for their cheapness, wages being very low in that country, he industry of Wiirttemberg is but slightly represented in the Exhibition, and with the exception of a few pieces of irniture all the articles exhibited are regular trading goods. [Cl. I.] A. HAW MATERIALS. [Cl. II.] No. 04) Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Class I. Mining, Quarrying, Metallurgical Operations, and Mineral Products. Wurttemberg possessed formerly silver, copper, lead, and cobalt mines in the Black Forest to some extent; which, however, like all mining in that district, had for many years been in a state of great decline. The Kinzigtlial Mining Company have lately recommenced working the mines in Baden parts of the Black Forest, W'hich, as it proved successful, will doubtless revive mining also in those parts belonging to "Wurttemberg. The country produces, besides the above articles, salt, iron, &c., in great quantities, in which it carries on an extensive export trade with the neighbouring states. Wurttemberg possesses abundant quarries, yielding fine whetstones and millstones, which are exported to Sicily and Holland, and find their way even to America. ZELLER, F., Neckartenzlingen, near Stutt¬ gart. Specimens of stone from the quarries of the exhibitor, adapted for millstones. Price of red, hard, grinding stone, for wheat, per 1 inch high Ditto for wheat and corn . „ Rye-stones and burstones . . „ Breakers. FERD. WAGNER, Stuttgart. 1 round whetstone. 1 ditto small size. 2 long whetstones.each 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 Class II. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes and General Products. Wurttemberg possesses very considerable chemical manufactories, especially of Soda, which, in consequence No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. of the large quantities of mineral salt which can be ob¬ tained at a trifling cost, is carried on with great success, and promises to be still more extensive on account of the universal demand for soda. In Stuttgart, Heil- bronn, Esslingen, Ulm, Hall, there are large chemical factories of various descriptions, producing colours and all sorts of chemical preparations, which are ex¬ ported to other countries in great quantities. BONZ and SON, Boeblingen, near Stuttgart, Manufacturers. Creosote .per lb. 0 5 0 Hydroiodinic potash.„ 0 11 8 BREUNINGER and SON, Kirchheim, Teck, Manufacturers. Ultramarine, No. 1 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto green per lb. JOBST, F., Stuttgart, Manuf. Sulphate of quinine.per lb. Kali hydroiodinicum.„ Cinchonin sulphuricum .... „ See Class VR SIEGLE, H., Stuttgart , Manui No. 40. Carmine in pieces 36. Ditto ditto 40. Ditto in powder 1. Ditto lack . 3. Ditto ditto . 5. Ditto ditto . 6*. Ditto ditto . 7i. Ditto ditto . 9. Ditto ditto . 10. Ditto ditto . per lb. 0 1 10 16 8 0 10 10 10 0 [Cl. II.] EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Cl. VII.] 116 Mo. ( 43 ) Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. No. 15. 17. 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. Green lack . Light blue ditto Violet ditto . Yellow ditto . Dark violet ditto Ditto ditto Red-brown ditto 2b. Pink madder lack 1. Dark red ditto . 1. Pink ditto . per lb. W. AST, Esslingen , Manuf. Innocuous yellow colour for confectioners’ use ..per lb. IJhn. FAULHABER and LEUBE. Gout paper and gout linen. A pitch plaster, used against rheumatics, large size.per 100 sheets Ditto, small size .... ,, trice. £. s. d. 0 6 8 0 14 0 0 11 4 Class III. Substances used as Food. W u uttemberg being a land of great agriculture and horticulture, food forms a considerable part of its ex¬ port. It also possesses many vineyards growing a good quality of wine, which is particularly well adapted for the preparation of sparkling wines, which in many in¬ stances replace the genuine sparkling Champagne wines. In the towns of Heilbronn, Weinsberg, Esslingen, and Stuttgart, there are several large establishments for the production of sparkling wines, which have acquired good reputation in foreign countries, and carry on an extensive export trade. Mo. | Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of 1 Article, &c. Price. ! £. s. d.\ The great abundance of fruit of every description causes a great number of people to make a particular trade of drying fruit ; some fine specimens of which, consisting of pears, apples, etc., are exhibited. Wiirttemberg possesses also some distilleries of all kinds of spirits, amongst which cherry brandy, and bil¬ berry and raspberry spirits, deserve particular notice. 8 BREUNING, Moehringen, near Stuttgart , Prod. Samples of dried fruits . . per cwt. 12s. a 115 0 9 W. SCHMIDT, Cahnbach , Prod. Samples of dried fruits . . per cwt. 12s. a. 1 15 O' 10 FICKER, C., Kirckheim , Tech, Prod. Samples of dried fruits . . per cwt. 12s. a 1 15 0 Class IV. Vegetable and Animal Substances, chiefly used in Manufactures as Implements, or for Ornaments. Wurttemberg possesses large forests, which grant an abundant supply of timber, which is exported to very distant countries to a great extent. The growth of wool, flax, and hemp is also much d cultivated in that country, supplying her own manufac¬ tories with the raw material. 11 NOERDLINGER, Professor, Hohenheim , near Stuttgart , Prod. A collection of insects (forest) .... Ditto (agricultural) A collection of various sorts of wood for the use of horticulturists and foresters. 10 8 10 6 B. MACHINERY. Class V. [ j Machines for direct use, including Carriages, and Railway and Naval Mechanism. Wii uttemberg possesses some extensive establishments in that branch also,, in which are constructed good loco¬ motives and other railway machinery, very excellent carriages distinguished by cheapness and elegance ; also capital fire-engines, &c., &c. The seats of such establishments are at Esslingen, \ Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Ulm, &c., &c. (110) T. BOELSTLER, Eibach , near Geislingen. Machine for cutting bread, generally adopted by large cooking establishments, particu¬ larly soup kitchens. 2 0 0 j 12 too, are produced in establishments at IJlm, Esslingen, 5 Aalen ; polishing rollers for the manufacture of iron and silver plate at Konigsbronn. SCHOETTLE, G. J., Ebhausen , Manu. A heckle or flax comb. 2 15 0 Class VI. Manufacturing Machines and Tools. In this branch the kingdom of Wiirttemberg produces but little, and manufacturing machines are for the most part imported from foreign countries. There are, how¬ ever, in Ludwigsburg, a few establishments constructing looms for lace makers, which have acquired a good repu¬ tation also amongst foreign countries. Grinding mills, 13 ( 5 ) Class VII. Civil Engineering, Architectural and Building contrivances. The country possesses great riches of material for build¬ ing, and one, particularly, native kind of cement, pro duced in Ulm, which, for its good qualities, deserves to , compete with the best cements known. It is perfectly proof against all influences from weather, cold, or hu¬ midity, for the sake of which qualities it is highly ap proved of by architects and builders. : See Class X. LEUBE BROTHERS, Ulm, Manufacturers. Hydraulic lime, water mortar, the best sort of cement for building under water, which after being within a quarter of an hour under water becomes as hard as stone . per cwt. 0 1 6 [Cl. VIII.] PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 117 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Class VIII. Naval Architecture, Military Engineering, Ordnance, Armour, and Accoutrements. The very extensive establishment for the construction of steam engines, at Esslingen, has lately built several river steamers, which have proved very satisfactory. Arms of every description are produced in the Royal establishment at Oberndorff. Stuttgart and Heilbronn also possess factories for sabres, swords, &c., an extensive business with foreign countries. , which do 14 KOHL, G. H. Stuttgart , Manufacturer. No. 1. gilt and richly ornamented sword of honour . . . . . No. 2. gilt Roman sword, as in the time of 15 0 0 Constantine the Great, with Christian em¬ blems . 13 10 0 No. 3. gilt hunting knife, in the modern Renaissance style. No. 4. steel hunting knife, mounted in gold, 10 0 0 with Damascene blade. 7 10 0 No. 5. fine silver Scotch dirk. 8 5 0 6. gilt dagger in German style . 5 10 0 7. ladies’ dagger, Renaissance style . 2 15 0 8. gilt Grecian sword. 9. gilt Turkish sword, ivory handle . 6 0 0 10. gilt sword, mother-o’-pearl handle 3 0 0 15 ROYAL GUN MANUFACTORY, Obern- dorff. Gun for infantry. 1 12 6 Rifle with bayonet ........ Rifle made of cast steel, constructed on the 3 0 0 principle of Mr. Wild, the well known Swiss engineer, shooting at a distance of 600 to 800 metres. 2 15 0 Class IX. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. (58) HAUEISEN and SON, Stuttgart. £. s. d. Scythes in various shapes and sizes as they are commonly in use in different countries. Heath Scythe. Tyrolean Scythe. Length in Weight, Length in Weight, French inches, , ks. £• s. French inches, ks. £. s. 14 . . . 5 10 26 . 56 . 7 0 16 .. 6 0 28 . 63 . 8 0 30 . 72 . 8 10 Imperial Scythe. 32 . 82 . 9 0 20 39 . 5 0 34 . 92 . 9 15 22 24 44 . 49 . 5 6 10 0 Leipsic Scythe. 26 56 . 6 10 26 . 56 . 7 10 28 63 . 7 5 28 . 63 . 8 10 30 72 . 8 0 30 . 72 9 10 32 82 . 8 15 32 . 82 . 10 5 34 92 . 9 10 34 . 92 . 11 0 Swiss Scythe. Broad Tyrolean Scythe. 20 22 24 26 39 . 44 . 49 56 . 5 5 6 6 0 10 0 10 28 30 32 34 . 63 . . 72 . . 82 . . 92 . 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 28 30 63 . 72 . 7 8 5 0 Ditto, with beak. 32 82 . 8 15 28 . 63 . 10 0 34 92 . 9 10 30 . 72 . 11 0 32 . 82 . 12 0 Polish Scythe. 34 . 92 . 13 0 20 39 . 4 15 Broad French Scythe. 22 24 26 28 30 32 44 . 49 . 56 . 63 . 72 82 .* 5 5 6 7 7 8 5 15 5 0 15 10 28 30 32 36 38 . 63 . • 72 . 82 . 9 10 11 14 16 10 10 0 10 0 34 92 . 9 5 Morteau Scythe. Class X. Philosophical, Musical, Horological, and Surgical Instruments. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and Implements. Under this head we have to name several very cele¬ brated establishments, doing a lively business with other countries. The principal ones are situated in the towns of Neuenbiirg, Friedrichsthal, Hohenheim, Eeilbronn, Tuttlingen, Freudenstadt. A large factory at Neuen- biirg produces exquisite scythes, of natural steel, which are sharpened by cold hammering, by which way the scythes are less worn off than by wetting. Hohenheim possesses a factory of all sorts of agricultural imple¬ ments ; the other quoted towns possessing chiefly estab¬ lishments for the production of garden and agricultural tools. _ 16 See Class X. See Class XXI. Astronomical, topographical, optical, and all other scientific instruments; also, electric telegraph appa¬ ratus, spectacles, &c., are produced in establishments at Stuttgart, Gmiind, and Ellwangen, which have obtained great renown by the cheapness of their prices combined with the good qualities of their articles. A manufactory of spectacle frames exists also at Gmiind. (26) THEODORE KINZELBACH, Optician and Mathematical Instrument Maker, Stiitt- gart. I. Dialytic telescope, on a compendious Uni¬ versal equatorial stand; with divided Arches for right ascension, declination, and elevation; with endless screw motions, with a level and adjusting screws, 2j inch object glass and 23| inch focus, with 2 ter¬ restrial eye pieces of 40 and 60, and 6 As¬ tronomical eye-pieces of 14, 25, 32, 50, 75, and 110 fold magnifying power II. Improved diastimeter for the use of the army, If inch object glass and21f inch 25 0 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Cl. X.] [Cl. x.] ( 67 ) ( 13 ) 20 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. focus ; with two parallel wires, moveable at the same time and at equal distances from the centre to the extent of the field of view, along a scale which is divided to minutes; a table is engraved upon the front-plate near the eye glass, which con¬ tains for various amounts of minutes and \ minutes the corresponding distances of infantry and cavalry in paces, which can he ascertained in a very short time to a great precision. III. Surveying cross, with a limb divided to degrees, and a vernier reading off 5 minutes. The conical body renders its use very practicable on mountainous ground . . IY. Improved goniometer of Wollaston, with an auxiliary glass for a more commodious measuring of the angles of prisms and crystals . Y. Hydrometer, of silver; constructed to measure the density of liquids whose spe¬ cific weights vary from 0'989 to 1-125; particularly adapted to prove the quality of wine, beer, and milk. The degrees of the relative specific weights from 0’989 to T000 are to be read off from the scale; those from T000 to 1-125 are found by the adding of small weights to the body of the hydrometer at the top of the scale C. LENZ, Gmilnd. Spectacle and eye glass frames, silvered and gilt: Eye glass frames .... per dozen Spectacle ditto, 30/4, 30/, 36/, & 38/8. Price. £. s. d. 2 15 0 1 15 0 3 15 0 0 13 0 12/a 16/ Chemical and pharmaceutical apparatus, from the fac¬ tory of Mr. Wolff, Heilbronn, are far famed for their ingenious and practical constructions. WOLFF, E. A. Heilbroun , Manufacturer. No. 1. steam distilling apparatus for fluids, with new refrigerator, of brass tubes . No. 2. ditto, ditto, copper ditto . . . 3. ditto, ditto, for high pressure steam 4. distilling or cooking apparatus . 5. small ditto ditto. 6. 22 measures ....... 7. soldering apparatus .... See HorolOgical Instruments, 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 18 0 0 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are manufactured in Wurttemberg on a large scale, and in high perfection. The Organs of establishments in Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart are exported to foreign countries, even to Russia, to a great extent. The piano¬ fortes of the Stuttgart manufacturers have obtained a very high standing in the German musical world, and the great export trade which is carried on by these manufacturers shows that the good qualities of their instruments have found due acknowledgments also in very distant parts of the globe. Wind instruments, violins, drums, &c. are manufactured at Stuttgart; mu¬ sical clocks in some districts of the Black Forest. DIEU DONNE & BLAEDEL, Stuttgart , Ma¬ nufacturers. A grand pianoforte, with double action, rose¬ wood, 6f octaves. 60 0 0 No. 21 23 24 25 ( 16 ) ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. DOERNER, F., Stuttgart , Manufacturer. A grand pianoforte in rosewood, 6f octaves A square pianoforte in rosewood, 6f octaves LIPF, RICHARD, Stuttgart , Manufacturer. 1 square pianoforte, rosewood, 6| octaves 1 ditto ditto . . Both these pianofortes are cqnstructed on new principle, and the hammers are fitted up with a newly invented quality Of felt. £. s. d. 60 0 0 30 0 0 33 0 0 33 0 0 SCHIEDMAYER and SONS, J. L., Stutt¬ gart , Manufacturers. 1 grand pianoforte in rosewood, with newly invented patent double action, 6f octaves 1 square pianoforte, mahogany, 6| octaves 1 cottage piano, richly decorated, 6J octaves, walnut ........... HELWERT, J., Stuttgart , Manufacturer. Bassoon, with 19 keys, improved construction REXER, C., Stuttgart , Manufacturer. Pair of orchestra kettle drums One large drum ..... One military drum . , Price. 42 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 7 10 0 12 0 0 3 10 0 2 0 0 HOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and common clocks with weights, i.e. Dutch clocks, are manufactured by the inhabitants of the Black Forest, and this forms a branch of industry by which several thousands of people gain their livelihood. They are found in every part of the world, imported into this country for a length of time, and are generally liked. Church and pendulum clocks, watches of every descrip¬ tion, distinguished for cheapness and accuracy, are chiefly produced in Stuttgart, Ulm, Hall, Neckarsulm, &c. HALLER, F., Schwenningen , Manufacturer. Dutch clocks with weights, of various sizes, alarm clocks (77) ....... BACHER, A., Stuttgart , Manufacturer. No. 1. A new escapement for watches with¬ out a balance wheel. No. 2. A watch, with seconds dial, gold . 3. A week going seconds watch 4. A watch of ivory .. 5. A silver watch with compensating escapement. No. 6. A chronograph on a new principle . 7. A lady’s watch in a golden bracelet . 8. A very convenient and elegant tra¬ velling clock. HOLCH, W., Hall , Manufacturer. Regulator, going eight days, in mahogany case, with silvered dial, and jewelled es¬ capement .. STOSS, Y., Ulm, Clockmaker. Patent small church clock, striking hours and quarters, with a new escapement, intended to prevent wind and bad weather from in¬ juring its hands. An eight day clock. 3s. a 15s. 5 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 ■ 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 31 0 0 30 0 0 1 0 0 Surgical instruments are manufactured in high per¬ fection at Tubingen and Stuttgart. [Cl. XI.] : PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. [Cl. XIV.] 119 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, 8cc. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. C. TEXTILE FABRICS. Class XI. Cotton. Wurttemberg produces not by far the quantity of cotton yarn to suffice the demand of the many establish¬ ments employed in its consumption. The principal manufactures are calico, shirting, long cloth, ginghams, muslins, quilts, velveteens, &c. &c. The seat of this branch of industry is divided between the towns of Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Leonberg, Rottweil, Reutlingen, Kirchheim, Ravensburg, Hall, and many thousands of men find their employment in the same. The production of cotton goods is very extensive, and a good export trade is carried on by the manufacturers. 26 See Class X. 27 See Class XV. 28 KOLB and SCHUELE, Kirchheim. The manufactory of these gentlemen is one of the largest establishments of the kind in Wurttemberg. It has existed 90 years, and they have succeeded now in extending so far as to employ constantly from 900 to 1000 individuals. They manufacture their goods in lower numbers of German yarns; in higher numbers, however, they use English. 2 pieces cotton quilting, la. . per yard 2 ditto ditto ,, . . . ,, 2 ditto ditto, * la. ,, 2 ditto ditto, 2a. ,, 2 ditto cameleon. ,, 2 ditto ginghams. ,, 0 1 9 0 1 7 0 1 2 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 6 WEIGLE, J. J., Ludwigsburg. Vesting. per yard 50 coupons cotton quiltings,5 Brab. ells,of f yd. 50 coupons V alentias . . ,, 1/4 a 3/6 3/4 a 6/3 Class XII. Woollen and Worsted. Woollen manufacture in its various shapes has for many years been carried on with good success by nume¬ rous establishments of Wurttemberg; they produce in the towns of Calw, Goeppingen, Mezingen, Reutlingen, Back- nang, Bietigheim, Freudenstadt, &c., chiefly cloths, sum¬ mer cloths, 9atins, buckskins, flannels, also blankets, of a very excellent quality, and export large quantities of ' these fabrics to foreign countries. Worsted yarns are partly spun in mills of the country, partly imported from foreign countries. B0 SCHILL and WAGNER, Calw. One of the oldest establishments in Ger¬ many, existing since 1621, when it was called the Calw Company. They were always well reputed for good articles, and have now given a large extent to their manufactory, employing in the same about 500 hands. 31 32 33 1 piece summer satin, black, fine, 27§ Bra¬ bant ells of | yard .... per yard 1 piece superfine winter satin, black, 18J Bra¬ bant ells.. . per yard 1 piece ordinary winter satin, 18 Brabant ells, per yard. 2 pieces fine flannels unie, 27 and 27£ Bra¬ bant ells.per yard 1 piece fine mixed flannel, 20f Brabant ells,, 1 piece superfine ditto ditto ,, 2 pieces ordinary <0, 22f and 24 Brabant ells per yard 2 pieces fine <^>.,, 1 piece ditto, embroidered with silk by hand per yard 3 pieces ditto ditto on Jacquard loom ,, J. G. FINCKH, Reutlingen , Fine woollen cloths :— Gold brown royal satin Wool brown ditto Pense ditto Sea green ditto . . Black ditto Grey ditto . . . Dark grey ditto . Yds. 21^ per yard 23 * ,, 16 i >. 19 * ,, 23 ,, 18 U 18§ ,, AUG. SCHOENLEBER, Bietigheim. Woollen cloths :— 1 piece winter cloth.per yard 1 piece summer ditto .... ,, 1 piece fine mille raye .... ,, 3 ditto ditto .... ,, Also samples of worsted yarns, from No. 20 to 60, raw and dyed. 0 6 6 0 8 2 0 6 8 0 3 8 0 3 4 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 4 5 0 4 8 0 8 4 0 6 8 0 6 6 0 5 0 Class XIII. Silk and Velvets. This branch of industry is still in a state of infancy. The breeding of silkworms, however, is fast increasing, and promises to give a fair return. A specimen of brocaded woven silk of Wiirttemberg is exhibited under No. 33. C. FABER, Stuttgart. 1 piece of silk damask for tapestry, yellow, crimson, 20§ yards.per yard 1 ditto ditto, crimson gold, 20§ yards . 0 12 0 12 Class XIV. Manufactures from Flax and Hemp. The cultivation of flax and hemp of Wiirttemberg is very considerable, and many people are employed in spinning by hand a very requisite yarn. The great flax mill of Urach produces also a large quantity of linen yarns in all numbers, from the coarsest to the very finest, and sends its productions to distant countries. Besides the above named establishments, Wiirttemberg possesses great manufactories of linen of every descrip¬ tion in Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Urach, Blaubeuren, &c. 120 [Cl. XIV.] EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Cl. XVI.] Ho. S3 34 35 33 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. C. FABER, Stuttgart. Damasks, linen, woollen, and silk, linens, damasks, bleached and unbleached, of the finest handspun linen yarns:— 2 assortments of doylies, of 6 pieces each, l§by Ifyards. 2 ditto ditto, If by 1§ yards .... 1 ditto damask table cloth, with 8 napkins each 2 by 2^ yards. 1 ditto with 6 napkins, 2 by 2 yards . 1 ditto, 2 by 2 yards, with 6 napkins . 1 ditto, 2 by 3§ yards, with 12 napkins . 1 ditto, 2 by 51 yards, with 18 napkins . 1 ditto, 2§ by 7 yards, with 24 napkins . 2 grey and violet tray cloths, 1| by 1§ yard 1 grey and white ditto, 1§ by 1§ yard . '. 1 dozen grey and white linen dessert napkins 1 dozen white ditto. A. F. LANG, Blaubeuren , Linen Manu¬ facturer. Samples of bleached linen, at very moderate prices. _ FLAX MILL OF IJRACH; Proprietors, MESSRS. ESCHER, WYSS, and CO., Zurich , and M. SCRLUMBERGER and CO., Gubviller; established since 1840, with about 5000 spindles, and employing about 400 workmen. The flax is spun in its natural length. 25 F.D. 3 bundles German flax .... 0 7 11 45 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 6 8 55 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 6 8 30F.H. 3 ditto grey Dutch flax 0 7 9 60 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 6 11 75 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 7 1 80 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 7 3 100 ,, 12 ditto ditto .... 0 8 50 F. 6 ditto yellow Dutch flax . 0 6 10* 30 F.L. 3 ditto Flemish flax .... 0 9 0 40 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 8 4 60 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 7 9 70 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 7 11 90 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 8 7 100 ,, 6 ditto ditto .... 0 9 0 50 Z.W.E 6 i ditto more twisted Dutch flax . 0 7 1 20 S. 2 ditto twisted yarn of Dutch tow 0 7 9 25 ,, 3 ditto ditto 0 7 3 30 ,, 3 ditto ditto 0 7 l Cash, 4 months without discount. Price. £. s. d. 0 12 0 14 1 13 0 1 16 8 1 19 0 3 10 10 5 7 6 7 16 8 0 11 4 0 12 1 0 10 0 0 10 6 C. and H. SEEMANN, Stuttgart, a. Linens of finest hand spun flax, per piece piece y, No. 28, 50 Brabant ells of f yard 2 11 8 Ditto 30, ditto 2 13 4 Ditto 32, ditto 2 16 8 Ditto 36, ditto 3 0 0 Ditto 38, ditto 3 5 0 Ditto 40, ditto 3 11 8 Ditto 44, ditto 3 16 8 Ditto 46, ditto 4 3 4 Ditto 48, 44 dittq 4 10 0 Ho. (27) 37 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto ? finest machine spun flax, per £. 30, Irish making up, 35 yards 2 3 32, ditto 2 8 36, ditto 2 15 40, ditto 2 18 44, ditto 3 1 46, ditto 3 5 48, ditto 3 8 50, ditto 3 13 a. White linen drills, per yard:— 1 piece white drills, 25, No. 16, 40 Wrttmb. ells Ditto 20, 40 ,, Ditto 24,39 Ditto Ditto 26, 40 30, 40 b. Grey linen drills :— 1 piece, No. 16, 36 ,, Ditto 20, 36 ,, Ditto 24, 37 ,, Ditto 26,35 ,, Ditto 30,36 ,, a. 10 dozen printed cambrics in elegant cases. Terms, nett cash. per yard per doz per piece Price. o i: 1 ( 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 18 - 0 0 1 * Class XV. Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls. This branch of industry is fairly represented in Wiirt temberg, in the towns mentioned in Cl. XT. and XII., bu from those only Messrs. Hecht and Arnold have sent. ,, HECHT and ARNOLD, Reutlingen. 2 pieces toilinets of 20 yards . . per yard 1 piece Valentias broche, of 20j yards „ 2 pieces ditto of 20j and 24 yards ,, 2 pieces Valentias, of 20 and 22£ yards „ 2 pieces papinettes la, of 30|- yards „ 2 pieces ditto Ila, of 37£ yards „ Class XVI. Leather, including Saddlery and Harness i Skins, Furs, Feathers. Wurttemberg carries on a brisk export trade to neiglf bouring countries in leather of various descriptions, pa : ticularly tanned calf; skins curried, and varnish on glass with colours burnt molten into the 73 J Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. pane of glass, by which process they are ren¬ dered proof against the influences of time or weather, and gain a material preference over pictures executed after the common mode of painting on glass. This very pro¬ cess renders it extremely difficult to produce pictures of any large size, and the artist deserves therefore so much more praise for having succeeded in producing pictures of the size shown in the Exhibition. A long practice and great skill have led him to find the means of lessening the risk of breaking, which also enables him to offer his produc¬ tions at more moderate prices than the public was wont to know of similar pieces of art. 1 painting on glass, the Prophecy of the Pall of Jerusalem. 1 ditto, Esther supplicating the grace of Ahasuerus. 1 ditto, Madonna, after Murillo 25 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 Class XXV. Crockery Ware Manufacture. These goods are produced in a large establishment at Schramberg, consisting chiefly of articles for domestic use. UECHTRITZ and PAIST, Schramberg. Crockery ware. A plain dinner service, plain white, consisting of 2 dozen plates, J dozen desserts, sauce bowl and salad bowl, &c., &c., &c. . Plates of various sizes and shapes printed, 2s. 8 d. to 3s. 8 d .; washing utensils . Coffee service. Tea service: 1 doz. cups, 1 doz. plates, 1 tea pot, 1 cream jug, 1 sugar basin, 1 slop basin. 0 18 4 0 7 6 0 8 0 0 10 9 See Class XXVII. Class XXVI. Decoration — Furniture and Upholstery, in¬ cluding Paper Hanging, Papier Maehe, &c. There are several large establishments for the manu¬ facture of furniture in Stuttgart, &c., producing those articles in a highly finished state, executed in beautiful fine styles, corresponding with the modern taste. Gilt frames and cornices for pictures are very cele¬ brated for beauty of conception and cheapness. Papier mache goods form an article of industry which is brought to high perfection in eminent establishments of Ess- lingen, Goppingen, and Stuttgart. FRED. WIRTII, Stuttgart. 1 Toilette table with bureau, mahogany, with beautiful carved figures .... 208 0 0 1 Dress board, with large looking glass . . 83 0 0 See Class XXII. 126 [Cl. XXVI.] EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Cl. XXVIII.] No. 74 75 78 77 ( 89 ). 78 ( 98 ) Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. CARL VETTER and ERNQ, Stuttgart. Wooden cornices and picture frames made on the machine, gilt or painted in imita¬ tion of wood. The gilding is done on a new principle, being much cheaper than the usual one. Prices for 100 F. English are: Plain gilt frames ..... 8s. 8 d. to Ornamented ditto . Wood frames .... Walnut tree frames . Damasked silver cornices 23s. 4 d. to G. XETTENMAYER, Stuttgart. A rich tableau of gilt cornices. ABELE and CO., Stuttgart. A rich assortment of papier mache snuffboxes, japanned, with pictures and fancy orna¬ ments in various colours, 2s. 6 d. to 10s. 6c?. With inlaid gold and mother of pearl, 15s. to 1/. 16s. each. Price. £. s. d. 1 12 3 2 2 3 3 0 7 10 0 CARL HELLER, Stuttgart. A gilt bas relief, with rich ornaments gilt on a new system, which allows the gilding to be washed even with hot water. Also a kind of glue by which he can fix to¬ gether articles even of the most different nature, as glass and iron, china and brass, &c. &c. No. Glass XXVII. Manufactures in Mineral Substances used for Building & Decorations. Beautiful ornaments for edifices of all kinds, vases, drain pipes, &c., of terra cotta, are produced by esta¬ blishments at Waiblingen and Ravensburg. Artificial pumice stone and w r het stones, which are ex¬ ported to a great extent, come from Bietigheim. The commendable qualities of the latter consist in their great softness and evenness, which renders them preferable to natural stones. STAIB WASSEROTT, Ravensburg. 1 pointed arch for a Gothic window, made of terra cotta, in one piece ...... 1 Ditto round arch ditto. 1 Ditto ditto ditto. Manufacture also tiles, water-pipes, &c., and other arti¬ cles of this description, the prices of which are very low, and are stated in special lists. 2 10 0 1 13 4 1 13 4 SEEGER, E., Esslingen. New process for making asphalt mosaic works, exhibited for its cheapness and colours. SCHUMACHER, Bietigheim , near Stuttgart , Manufacturer. Samples of artificial whet-stones, pumice- stpnes, polishing powder, for the use of workers in wood, steel, &c., &c., and for japanners. 79 80 81 82 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s Class XXVIII. Manufactures from Animal and Vegetable Substances. Beside the straw fabrics before mentioned, we quotj under this head a branch of industry which deserv^ particular attention, viz., that of articles in ivory and bone produced by the diligent and skilful hands of the inhabi tants of Geisslingen. Also Ulm, Esslingen, &c., posses establishments of a similar nature, which are fair! represented by the following names : See Class XX. 83 84 F. G. KLEIN, Brush Maker, Tubingen. Hair brushes, very elegantly fitted up, each 8 c/., Is. 4c?., 2s., 2s. 4o?., 3s, 8c?. and 4s. Cloth brushes, with very elegantly fitted backs, inlaid mother-of-pearl, &c., each Is. 4c?., Is. 8 d., 3s. 8 d., 4s., and 5s ; A cloth brush, showing a name composed of bristles .. A large frame brush for the use of cloth manufacturers. EUGEN KIESER and Co., Gaildorf. Machine carved fancy articles of bone, ivory, and lignum vitee, viz.: A Gothic tower, beautifully executed A thermometer in shape of a well (bone). A jewel tray (lignum vitpe) ... . • Cane button (bone). Napkin rings . . . . . per dozen WITTXCH, KEMMEL, & CO., Geisslingen. Ivory and bone fancy goods : Varioqs sorts of cases and boxes, per doz. Needle cases, put to the shape of some other article in common use, viz. can¬ dles, little barrels, hammers, keys, flowers, umbrellas, &c., per dozen, Is. 4c?., Is. 6c?., Is. 8c?., 4s. 3c?., 10s., & 4s. 2c?. Thread cases, transparent. Thimbles.. Pincushions.. • Inkstands, plain. ]j)itto carved. Paper knife. F. SCHMIDT, Geisslingen. Ivory and bone goods, carved: Chapel. .per dozen Swiss cottages . . per dozen, 21. 10s. a Cabriolets . . . . „ 1?. 6s. a 1 set of furniture (ivory) . • per dozen 1 ditto in imitation, (stag) . „ Cane handles . . per piece, 5s. 10c?. d Brooches ... ,, 6 with him as a witness. 35. Hintze the tomcat brings Reinecke an invitation to court. 36. Reinecke attacks the Rabbit on its way to court . 37. Reinecke a penitent before Gallus the cock. 38. Reinecke a pilgrim. 39. Reinecke at home. 40. A tea party (6 young rats) . . . 41. A married couple (pig and cat) . 42. Schoolmaster (1 marten, 4 rabbits) 43. A duel (2 dormice, and 2 moles as grave¬ diggers) . 44. A declaration of love (2 weasels), summer and winter fur. 45. A medical visit: “ Show your tongue, if you please 2 old and 1 young weasel . 46. A nurserymaid, 4 young and 1 old weasel 47. Farewell on a cross way (marten and cat) 48. A friend of literature ^marten reading an d smoking). 49. An inspector of th e submarine electric telegraph between IDover and Calais (a frog). 50. Shaving a luxury (2 frogs, one shaving the other). 51. An intimate friendship (marten and do¬ mestic cock) . 52. An attorney (weasel) ...... 53. A country dance (marten and hare) . . Price. £. s. d. 5 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 130 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. V.—FREE CITY OF FRANKFORT ON THE MAINE. ITo. 10 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. F. J. BROENNER.—Cl. II. and IV.—FI. Creosote.per pound Colours by samples, after probation, per centner. 20 a P. A. BUSCH.—Cl. IV.—FL s. Cognac oil.per pound Rectified oil. C. ZIMMER.—Cl. II.—FI. s. A glass with chinidin purum crystallicatum (medicinal salt). MINOPRIO and GO.—Cl Rape de Paris Rape de Hollande Marino morocco, coarse Ditto, fine XXVIII.—FI. s. . . per pound J. C. BARTHEL, Teacher at the Asylum for the Blind.—Cl. VI., XIV., and XXVIII, —G. N. 2 apparatus for preparing and tarring tow mats for the blind ; 3 ditto for rendering straw plaiting easier, for moistening the straw, and for the making of straw and list rugs; 1 bone lace weaving apparatus with stool. 1 tow mat.. 1 straw mat. 1 list mat.. 52 Frankfort yards of twilled cordage . . WEBER and SCHULTHEIS.- Fl. N. A single barrelled rifle gun A double barrelled rifle gun . -Cl. VIII. J. W. ALBERT.—Cl. X.—FI. A Daguerre apparatus . . MEYER and SCHWARZE.—Cl. XVIIL— FI. N. 1 pattern base with specimens of coloured woollen yarn. C. W. KOTH.—Cl. XVI.—FI. s 3 varnished calf skins . 3 ditto ditto 3 blacked ditto 3 ditto ditto 3 brown ditto per dozen » % J. A. ROTH SONS.—Cl. XVI. 2 blacked hides . . . per doz., 3/1/8 & 1 brown calfskin.per dozen 3 varnished ditto .... 2 / 2 / 10 , 2 / 11 / 6 , & Price. £. s. d. 0 5 2 45 0 0 10 10 0 13 10 0 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 1 5 0 1 5 15 8 6 13 7 5 75 0 0 16 16 0 3 6 0 2 17 0 3 12 0 2 14 0 4 4 0 2 1 1 3 8 6 3 1 8 No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19a Name and. Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. RUPP and BECHSTEIN.—Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 6 black varnished calfskins, per half dozen J. B. BALDENECKER, Jun.—Cl. XVII.— FI. s. Ink for copper plate printing: No. 1, extra super superfine Frankfort Chi¬ nese .per centner No. 2, ditto Frankfort imperial „ No. 3, ditto ditto „ B. KREBS and J. C. BAUER.—Cl. XVII.— FI. s. New productions for book, newspaper, and title printing, engraved by Bauer, cast by Krebs. The German text are engraved on the concordance system introduced by Bauer, by means of which the under cut¬ ting of the overhanging parts is avoided, and the types, after being cast, require only the bodies of the letters. C. L. WUEST.—Cl. XVII.—FI. s. Cards in folio : No, 1.per gross Nos. 2— 6 , and 15—20 ... „ 7,8. ..... ... .. 9,10,11,12 ..... 6 l. 6 s,, 5A 9s. 5 d., 21. 2s. & 21 , 22 .. . per gross 24. 25, 26, 27, and 28, per 6 dozen or 12 packs, 21. 14s. 8 d., 31. 12s., & J. J. VACONIUS.—Cl. XIX.—FI. s. A sofa rug.i . . 2 ditto.each J. G. HOFFMANN and SON.—Cl. XXV.— FI. N. A faience stove . . . . . ... . JUNGE and WAETHER.—Cl. XXIII. and XXVI.—FI. s. 1 lustre for 32 lights, of real bronze, gilt, in the Greek style . . .. G. A. B. RAAB.—Cl. XXII.—FI. n. 1 iron safe. E. G. ZIMMERMANN.—Cl. X.—FI. n. Thermometer.per dozen Night clocks. Night lamps ....... 5 lithophany plates, per piece, 1 / 0 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 6 , 3/6, & 1 pendulum clock, with dial plate of milk glass . 1 ditto with red dial plate. Seven porcelain pots . . . per dozen Price. £. s. d 1 10 ( 7 4 f 6 3 l 5 2 1 1 11 3 1 2 16 2 14 4 8 2 6 0 13 0 13 0 6 1 16 0 2 16 7 3 1 8 5 2 9 3 12 0 1 16 0 33 0 0 102 17 1 45 0 0 0 5 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 131 » No. 19 b Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. 20 21 E. G. ZIMMERMANN—Cl. XXII. and XXIII.—FI. n. 2 iron ash bowls . . per dozen, 1Z. 4s. & Watch holders.per dozen Bowls for paper lighters ... „ Flat candlesticks. „ 2 visiting card holders, per dozen, 1Z. 10s. & Ash howls.per dozen 2 candle screens ..... „ 1 ditto ditto. » 2 ditto ditto. „ Iron night clock. 3 writing stands per dozen, 5Z. 2s., 4Z. 7s., & 2 ornament holders . per dozen, 5Z. 8s., & Visiting card holders . . . per dozen Group of greyhounds Inkstands . 2 thermometers 1 ditto 2 looking glasses . Flower stands . Crucifix Fruit platter . per 2 penholders Cigar stands . . '. Watch holders . Looking glasses . . Tobacco chests . . 2 candlesticks . 2 branched candlesticks 2 iron fiat candlesticks, Lighting box . Letter holder . Coupe, in genuine bronz Charles Martel, in zinc Stag at the trunk, in iron Lion and wild boar, in zinc Duck shooting, in iron Deer hunting, in iron Horse near a hedge, in iron Spaniel, in iron Ox, in iron Cow and calf, in iron Horse, in iion . Dog, in iron . Horse, in iron Pheasant, in iron Hen pheasant, in iron Group of foxes, in iron Dog, in iron Horse near a hedge, in iron Ditto, in iron An ornament in iron wire per dozen, 1Z. 16s. & per dozen per doz., 4Z. 7s., & per dozen dozen, 17/6 & per dozen per dozen per piece each M. GOLDSCHMIDT and SON.—Cl. XXIII. —HI. A complete ladies’ parure, containing a brace¬ let, a brooch, a watch hook, a pair of ear rings, chains in gold, green enamel, bril¬ liants .. Price. P. A. TACCHI’S Successor.—Cl. XXIV. and XXVII.—FI. n. A large fountain of alabaster crystal, with 4 tubes, 4 shells, and 1 carcell lamp, with richly gilt bronze ornaments, and arrange- £. s. d. 0 12 2 2 1 7 0 18 2 2 10 0 6 16 15 12 12 5 14 8 18 12 10 17 3 0 19 14 2 10 2 13 6 19 4 13 4 10 10 5 0 4 1 14 0 18 0 15 1 2 0 7 0 7 0 10 0 4 0 4 0 10 0 10 0 2 60 0 0 No. 22 23 24 25 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 26 ments for the more effective conducting of the water, for dining rooms and conserva¬ tories . 4 cans in alabaster crystal, ornamented with gold, in the Greek style .... each J. VOGELSANG and SONS.—Cl. XXIV. and XXVI.—FI. N. 2 flower and 2 candle stands, 4 flower vases, 16 vases, 1 wine bottle, 2 wine glasses, 1 champagne glass, and 2 bowls on stands. ‘ J. V. ALBERT’S SON.—Cl, X.—G. s. A mechanical negro head. 2 dolls, both. 2 pattern cards of glass eyes, both . Hartshorn wares with relievo work . 5 optical articles for the polarization of light, together . 14 crystal models of the precious stones, to¬ gether . Collection of chemical glass utensils . . . 2 thermometers, both. A thermometrograph. An undulating board and a portfolio of prints appertaining to the same A stereoscope and a portfolio of prints for its use, together. £. s. d. DRESLER, Type Founder. —Cl. XVII— G. N. 1 bound book with specimens of types. Matrices of these types.each 1 small box of cast letters, made from a new metallic composition, per dozen letters N. EHR.—Cl. XXIX.—G. n. 3 furniture brushes.each Hair brushes:— No. 617.per piece 619 . 570 . , , 581. , , 625 . P. F. GOUDA.—Cl. XXIII.—G. n. 3 work boxes with bronze plates . per doz. 1 ditto with painted plates ... ,, 1 double tea caddy. , , 9 knitting boxes with arrangements:— No. 3608 .per doz. 1608 . , , 1761. ,, 5607 . , , 7765 . 5615. . 6677 . , , 4615. , , 4677 . , , 1 work box. , , 1 ditto. , , 1 writing case. , , 1 ditto. , , 1 ladies’ necessaire. , , 1 envelope. , , 6 18 0 0 18 0 0 9 0 llcZ. a 2/7 1/ a 9/ 0 16 0 1 8 0 1 6 0 1 10 0 14 0 2 6 132 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 27 J. KOEHLER.-Cl. XXX.—G. n. 1 piece of wooden mosaic work .... £. s. d. 5 8 0 28 J. E. WOHLFAHRTH, Sen.—Cl. XVII.— G. N. 1 board with the name of a firm .... 4 10 0 1 portfolio. 9 0 0 1 day book. 3 0 0 Ruled paper. 0 15 0 29 F. W. DELKESKAMP.—Cl. XXX— FI. s. 1 picturesque relievo, a scene in Switzerland 9 15 0 30 1 picturesque relievo of the Swiss and neigh¬ bouring Alps. S. SCHMERBER, Bookseller.—Cl. XVII.— G. s. Arts and Implements of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Nos. 1 to 7 . 2 16 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. Memorials of Roman Architecture on the £. s. d\ Rhine, Nos. 1 to 4. Gothic ABC: the Principal Rules of the 14 0 Gothic Style, for Artists and Workmen . 7 10 0 31 Principe du Style Gothique. A. VANNI.—Cl. XXX.-HI. 1 16 0 32 1 group in ivory, Ariadne, with pedestal G. L. VON KRESS.— Cl. XXX.- FI. n. 3 12 0 1 galvano-plastic statuette.. 30 0 0 1 bas-relief, Cupid on a panther .... 19 10 0 1 crab, from nature. 0 18 0 1 lizard, ditto. 1 serpent, ditto. F. STRAUCH.—Cl. XVII.—G. s. 0 18 0 33 0 18 0 2 photographs.each 3 0 0 1 ditto. 7 10 0 1 ditto. 2 8 0 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 133 VI.— GRAND DUCHY OF HESSE. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Ho. Description of Article. &c. Ho. Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1 W. BUECHNER, Ultramarine Maker, Pfung- 7 F. KOCH, Manufacturer of Alkaloids from stadt, near Darmstadt .— Cl. IV. — FI. s. Peruvian Bark, Oppenheim. —Cl. II.— . ;j 12 different sorts of ultramarine. FI. s. Alkaloids from Peruvian bark :— j 2 ROSENBERG and CO., Proprietors of Man- Chinin acetic.per oz. 0 16 0 1 ganese Mines, Giessen .— Cl. I. — FI. s. Chinin citric. ...... „ 0 16 3 1 Samples of manganese. Chinin muriatic. „ 0 16 0 1 Chinin sulphuric. „ 0 12 5 | I 3 PEAT MINES and SALT WORK, Salzliausen. Chinin sulphuric, neutrale . . „ 0 14 10 I Cl. I., II., and III.—FI. s. * Cinchonin purum crystallis ... „ 0 8 2 I Brown coal, a well known species of fuel em- Cinchonin sulphuric. „ 0 5 2 2 ployed in the salt works. Cinchoidine. ,, 0 2 2 1 Bituminous wood, also applicable to articles made by joiners. Leaf coal, celebrated for its well preserved 8 K. OEHLER, Chemical Works, Offenbach.—- vegetable remains, and only partially good Cl. II. and XVII.—FI. s. for fuel. Pure chemical and crystallising creosote, Pressed blocks of peat grit, used at the works light coal oil, resin naphtha, asphalt var¬ to produce a moderate degree of heat. nish for grinding iron, wood, &c. 2 bot¬ Common salt. tles of refined lamp and Paris black for < Manuring salt, a mixture of the residuum of copperplate printers and lithographers, and j 1 salt and ashes, peculiarly appropriate for for varnishing the finest sort of leather. I meadows. 1 bottle with pure crystallized salmiac. j Salt scums, a compound, consisting of the , 2 specimens of asphalt paper for packing scum formed on the surface of the salt goods which should be kept dry. pans and of the sediment not consumed by the fire ; it is likewise sold as an efficient manure. 9 BERN ARD, BROTHERS, Snuff Manufactory, Peat ashes, for improving wet meadows and Offenbach. —Cl. XXVIII.-F1. s. heavy ground. Samples of sundry sorts of snuff. ii 4 BRIEL and CO., Proprietors of Manganese Mines, Giessen. —Cl. I.—FI. s. 10 MEYER and LINDT, Proprietors of a Steam Samples of manganese. Mill, Sprendlingen. —Cl. III.—FI. s. Products of a steam corn mill, viz.:—finest 1 5 SALT WORK, Theodorshalle, near Kreuznach. wheat flour, finest groats, meal, and finest I -Cl. II. and III.—FI. s. rye flour. Samples of common salt crystals, remarkable for their size; and l bottle of concentrated 11 J. P. MUELLER, Manufactory of Tobacco, 19 mother lye for baths, containing a con¬ Offenbach. —Cl. XXVIII.—FI. s. . siderable quantity of bromine and chloride Samples of tobacco and cigars. \ of calcium. — : S 6 BAUERKELLER’S Relievo Printing Estab¬ 12 ZAHN and VOLBRECHT, Manufactory of l lishment, Darmstadt (JONGHAUS and Succory Coffee, Biisselsheim on the Maine. VENATOR).—Cl. XVII.—FI. s. Cl. III.—FI. s. A geological relievo map of Ducal and Elec¬ 21 samples of surrogates of chicory coffee toral Hesse, the Duchy of Nassau, and the (price per 100 pounds = 50 kilograms) :— 'll neighbouring countries, in a gilt frame, 18 Continental coffee, 5 sorts . . . 17/2 & 0 18 10 1 inches broad and 22^ inches high . 1 11 9 Fine German coffee. 0 18 10 Jfl A geological relievo map of AVurtemburg Chicory, 3 sorts. 0 17 2 1 and Baden, the Rhine-Pfalz, Elsass, and Finest chicory, and surrogate of coffee . 0 18 10 | the neighbouring countries, in a gilt frame, Extra fine salubrity coffee in 3 sorts, al¬ 19£ inches broad, 20^ inches high . 1 11 9 monds coffee ; extra fine coffee, and acorn Bauerkeller’s Geographical Hand Atlas (80 coffee . .. 0 17 2 1 pieces), bound in red English linen, title Easters’ chicory. 0 18 10 II in gold letters, 19 inches broad, 15J inches Finest steam chicory in tin foils .... 1 5 9 H 1 high.. 1 12 i Ditto, in glazed paper. 0 18 10 iff 1 A case with six leaves of the above atlas, on Fine German coffee powder. ! ° 7 11 linen, 38 inches broad, 52 inches high. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 134 No. 13 14 15 16 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AT DARMSTADT.—Cl. IV. and IX.—FI. s. Specimens of land produce, such as:— Suppgommer, oak bark, tobacco leaves, pine seed. Models of agricultural implements, espe¬ cially of the improved ploughs by Bergs- trasser . . Models of potato mill for a brandy distillery . Models of 2 flooding sluices for irrigation, one of wood, the other of stone . . 12/& Models of a draining sluice for irrigation of high land.. G. W. HOFMANN, Chemical Works, Ingen- heim , near Darmstadt .—Cl. III.—FI. s. Potato starch meal for sizing cotton weft and calico, &c,:— Dextrin of 2 sorts, viz.: gomelin and leio- comme, to replace the Senegal gum and gum Arabic for finishing various woven goods, and for woollen, cotton, and silk goods. Starch treacle or grape sugar, may be used with advantage in the manufacture oi beer and vinegar. White and brown sago. 4 sorts of wheat starch, viz.: fine in lumps and sticks, and ordinary and superfine in lumps. C. APPEL, Seedsman, Griesheim.— Cl. III.— FI. s. Forest seeds, price per 50 kilo.: S. aceris platanoidse, pseudo platani . S. alni rubras and albse . . .1/. Is. and S. carpini betuli and fraxini excelsioris . S. robinise pseud-acacise S. pini sylvestris . . . . i . . . Common fois ...... i . . S. laricis europceae. S. abietis pectinatae.. S. pini strobi ......... Sea and black pine . ... . 21. 5s. and Meadow grass seeds: S. agrostis vulgaris and alopecuri pra- tensis.19s. 6 d. and S. anthoxanthi odorati and dactylis glome- ratae . . . SI. 3s., 1Z. 8s., and 1Z. 16s. S. glyceriae fluitantis, pestucas ovinae, p. pratensis, p. rubrae . . 1Z. 64., 1Z. 2s., 1Z. 13s., and 1Z. 3s. S. holci lanati, lolii perennis . 16s. 10cZ. & S. olei pratensis. S. poae remoratis ........ S. poae pratensis. MICHEL and MORELL, Manufacturers of Printers’ Ink, Mayence. (The establish¬ ment is near Epstein , in the Taunus Mountain.)—Cl. IV.—FI. s. Oil black, finest calcinated, in lumps, for lithography, deep black, very light, and thoroughly free from grease. Pine black, calcinated, covering well and drying quickly, for varnishing the flexile calf- leather. Another sort, very light, for preparing printers’ ink. Black varnish and genuine ivory black, finely prepared Price. £. s. d. | 0 15 5 2 11 5 0 5 2 0 1 7 13 6 16 0 12 0 8 6 16 0 1 0 18 0 9 0 1 16 0 7 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 No. 17 18 19 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. deep black varnishing colours, to be ap¬ plied with oil. Black varnish, bright colour and yielding richly, for coloured paper and paper hangings. Paris black, a cheap, finely ground varnish colour, to be used with oil. Vine black, Frankfort black, prepared harts horn, and bone black. Ink for copper plate printing in different sorts, prepared from the best wide lees and finely ground, easy in working, and fur¬ nishing a beautiful durable black colour. DICK and KIRSCHTEN, Coachbuilders, Offenbach.— Cl. V.-—FI. N. 1 phaeton, built chiefly of iron, for one or two horses, and some patterns of carriage axles and boxes. Price. A. DICKORE, Gunsmith, Giessen. —Cl. VIII. —FI. N. A rifle barrel for firing at a target, stock of walnut wood, inlaid with ivory. Accord¬ ing to the present regulation of the aim, it ranges to a distahee of precisely 120 paces, or 100 English yards. It can, however, be • easily regulated by means of the micro¬ meter screws affixed to the piece, in such a manner as to range with the same cer¬ tainty to a distance of 150, 200, and even 300 yards. The barrel is inlaid as far as to the lower sight with gold and silver, and ornamented with arabesques; the name of the maker is inlaid with gold. The stock is adorned on the right side with an arabesque carved in wood, which runs along the whole length; a roebuck, like¬ wise carved in wood, is placed in the ara¬ besque. The same side is also ornamented with hunting pieces in ivory. The left side is adorned with arabesques carved in wood, which run along the whole length of the stock and terminate at the butt end in a hunting-piece, also carved in wood. On the back part of the upper stock there is a coat of arms, the central field of gold, furred helmet mantle and helmet, together with a recumbent stag and hound as shield bearers, of ivory. The stock terminates in a butt of ivory, upon which are repre¬ sented two hunting encampments, race hunting and battue. Throat band, cap, lock, breech, disk, funnel, are all inlaid and engraved, as is also the lower part of the barrel; the lock has on it the name of the maker H. SCHUCHARD, Hatter, Darmstadt. —Cl. XX.—FI. s. 4 black felt hats of hares’ hair, F 1 ditto coloured, undressed 2 ditto white . . . . i Silk hats, Nos. 1 and 2, each . . 2 feather hats, beaver and musk beaver . 3 smooth hats, natural colour, each 2 undressed hats ... 2 ditto ...... * each . 6s. 2d. & . 8s. 3d. & 14s. 5 d. & £. s. d. 82 5 9 12 4 8 7 7 3 7 3 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 135 10 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 4 children’s hats with feathers, each 5 s. 2 d. & 1 Hessian general’s helmet, made from one piece of leather. 1 ditto entirely without seam, made from one flat piece of leather. 1 Hessian uniform hat. 1 ditto .. G. KUEHNST, Pianoforte Maker, Darmstadt. —Cl. X.—G. s. A mahogany grand piano, of 6^ octaves, 9 feet long and 5 feet 4 inches broad . J. C. MAURY, Manufacturer of Varnished Leather and Felt, as well as of Military and other hats from the same materials, Offenbach.— Cl. VIII.—FI. s. Officer’s leather helmets: for the Baden ser¬ vice . Ditto for the Nassau # ser vice (general’s hel¬ met) . .. Ditto for Grand Ducal Hessian ditto Ditto for Bavarian militia cavalry ditto Ditto ditto line infantry . Ditto burgher guard in Gotha 1 felt ditto for the Nassau service 1 leather helmet for Prussian artillery 1 ditto for Frankfort infantry 1 cavalry helmet, made from one piece of felt. 1 helmet for Bavarian militia 1 fireman’s leather helmet 1 cap, made from 1 piece of varnished felt 2 cap shades in leather, each . 1 cap shade. 1 livery hat in felt, with gold band . 1 sailor’s hat, made from 1 piece of nished felt. 1 cabman’s hat of felt, with silver band 1 fire bucket, made from 1 piece of felt A varnished hide .. Price. No. 0 7 3 2 4 3 0 8 3 2 7 4 0 12 4 51 8 7 1 14 4 4 14 3 1 10 0 1 16 0 2 6 3 0 14 7 0 4 10 0 8 3 0 7 9 24 25 26 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 2 7 2 9 4 8 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 F cornetto with appendices. 1 trumpet in F, 1 in C alto, with separate pieces . C. A. MUELLER, Mainz.—OX. X.—G.s. 1 cornet a piston, garnished with German silver .. B. SCHOTT’S SONS, Pianoforte Builders, Mainz. —Cl. X.—G. S. 1 semi-grand pianoforte, in zebra wood, with two pedals, 7 feet 8 inches long, 5 feet 2 inches broad; embraces an extent of 6| octaves ; of 18 notes in the bass each has two covered strings, the rest three strings. It has a wrought iron plate with three bars, and a metallic bridge of double pres¬ sure, improved by a harmonic bac in the treble. The action is constructed with levers, wooden forks, regulating screws, dampers above the strings, and moveable checks. Price. 4 14 3 4 5 9 6 17 2 J. SEIDEL, Musical Instrument Maker, Mainz. —Cl. X.—G. s. 2 B clarinets of box wood, garnished with ivory, 16 keys, including barnacles at the nether brass piece, with closing of the new¬ est construction, 2 heads and 2 buckets each 2 F or tierce flutes of box wood, garnished with ivory, 7 brass keys, with closing of the newest construction. The mouthpiece is provided with a leave and an adjusting screw.each 1 F and 1 Es piccolo of boxwood, garnished with ivory, 4 brass keys, with closing of the latest construction .... each 34 3 8 7 1 4 0 0 13 9 12 H. C. HUCH, Engineer, Mainz. —Cl. X.— G. s. (Discount of J0L per cent, on orders of 6 pieces.) A levelling instrument with diopter, on a tripod, with sliding screws, moveable ho- | rizontally and vertically. The latter also with fine screw for placing. Well arranged in the chest, and provided with a lock. To be used in the construction of railroads, highways, apparatus for irrigating mea¬ dows, &c., to put down lines on horizontal and inclined planes.3 0 0 The same instrument with achromatic tele¬ scope of 12'" aperture, and with horizontal micrometer motion.4 9 2 C. KLEIN, Musical Instrument Maker, Mainz. Cl. X.—G. s. 1 altvono . IE . IF . 1 B horo. 1 German silver B. 1 engraved in German silver B . . . . 0 0 0 4 14 3 4 14 3 3 17 2 5 13 2 4 14 3 27 P. L. ARZT, Cloth Manufacturer, Micliel- stadt.— Cl. XII.—FI. s. 1 piece of mulberry cloth . . . per yard 1 ditto Russian green cloth . . „ 1 ditto of buckskin, mixed blue and green, and green galloon .... per yard 1 piece of ditto, mixed, brown with olive, and olive green galloon . . . per yard 0 5 6 0 5 6 0 2 5 0 2 5 28 MOERSCHEL, WINZENRIED, and CO., Ma¬ nufacturers of Woollen Goods and of Hosiery, Herrnhaag , near Hanau.—Cl. XX.—FI. s. Lined woollen gloves for men, Nos. 2 and 3 per dozen Ditto gloves for women, boys, and children per dozen, 3/11, 3/5, & Gloves for women, boys, and children, not lined, per dozen, 3/10, 2/5, and Hnnting gloves with half fingers, No. 2, per dozen Pulse warmers, red and black, No. la ,, Ditto, No. 2a, coloured ... „ Woollen caps with red streaks . per piece 4/9 & 4/4 0 2 7 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 2 3 0 7 9 136 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 29 30 31 32 34 35 30 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. LOHN, Manufacturer of Linen Goods of Handspun Yarn, Schlitz. — Cl. XIV.— G. s. Patterns of damask and linen webs of hand- spun yarn, bleached in the usual way, viz.: 1 dozen of figured towels. 1 ditto of damask towels. 1 table cloth in damask, 4 Hess, aulns long and 3 aulns broad, with 6 napkins . V. STRUTH, Sen., Manufacturer of Linen Goods, Lauterbach. —Cl. XIY.—G. s. 1 table cloth, hand yarn, hand weaving, and usual bleaching. 12 napkins, ditto. These articles are hand-spun, and hand woven, and bleached in the natural way. IHM, BOEHM, and PFALTZ, Manufacturers of Lackered Leathers, Offenbach .—Cl. XVI.—FI. s. Several patterns of varnished leathers. C. HEYL, Manufacturer of Lackered Leather, Worms. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. Black varnished calf leather for shoes and boots, in 3 dozens of hides. Price. DOERR and REINHARDT, Manufacturers of Lackered Leather, Worms.- —Cl. XVI. —FI. s. 1 dozen of smooth varnished calf hides, No. 1, weighing 3| kil.per doz. 1 dozen of shagreen varnished calf hides, No. 1, weighing 3| kil.per dozen The prices of the other sorts of smooth var¬ nished calf leathers are : Extra large, per dozen, weighing about 5 kil. No. a. per dozen, weighing about 4^ kil. No. 2 ditto ditto 3i do. No. 3 ditto ditto 2f do. The prices of shagreen varnished calfskins : No. a. per dozen, weighing about 4| kil. tvt_ o ditto 3f do. No. 2 ditto J. HELLMANN, Sole Leather Maker, Nec- karsteinach. —Cl. XVI.-—FI. s. Specimens of sole leather, tanned in a pecu¬ liar manner with an entirely new material. The pieces were taken from an old, weakly ox, and were tanned in 5 months, per 100 pounds (wholesale). P. MAYER, Leather Manufacturer, Mainz. —Cl. XVI.—FI. s. . Brown harness and bridle leather, 1 brown and 1 waxed calf’s hide, 2 pair of half boots with back leathers, whole and half black, 1 pair ditto of horse’s hide, whole black, fore leathers of calf’s and horse’s leather. MAYER, MICHEL, and DENINGER, Leather Manufacturers, Mayence. —Cl. XVI.— FI. s. Varnished hides, smooth and shagreened, in divers colours, for carriage and saddler’s work. A selection of coloured calf’s hides, morocco, lambs’ skins, split and unsplit, £. s. d. 0 13 9 0 17 2 0 18 10 0 13 9 1 0 7 2 8 0 2 14 11 3 1 9 2 14 11 2 4 7 2 1 2 5 8 0 No. 37 38 39 40 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. for shoe and bootmakers, bookbinders, saddlers, hat makers, furniture makers, &c. Black varnished calf skins (shoe hides), shagreened ; goat and calf skins, varnished black and coloured, for shoes and boots. Black varnished calf skins for carriage and saddlers’ work; hog’s leather, hides for horse harness, stirrups, bridles, and other saddlers’ work, likewise skins and hides for different uses. MINOPRIO and HOHWIESNER, Manufac¬ turers of Lackered Leathers, Bingen .— Cl. XVI.—FI. s. 2 black varnished calf’s hides .... 1 do. with hair, applicable to shoes and boots to guard the foot against cold and wet 1 black varnished hide for carriage work . 1 black varnished neat skin for ditto . 1 sheet of nessellin, 3 colours, viz.: black, green, and yellow varnished, as a surrogate of leathers. 1 pair of gentlemen’s and ladies’ shoes, of varnished calf’s leather, the latter with fur, made by Schumacher and Son, at Mayence, 12/4 & E. A. FREUND, Manufacturer of Coloured Paper, Offenbach.- —Cl. XVII.—G. n: Patters of fine etiquettes and of embossed papers, as well as glazed and card papers. M. FROMM ANN, Playing Cards Maker, Darmstadt. —Cl. XVII.-—G. N. Playing cards, price per gross : Glazed whist cards,. 31. 12s. & Ditto with printed backs . 61. 13s. 9 d. & Common ditto with printed backs, 1Z. 12s. 7 d., 11. 16s., II. 19s. 5 d., 21. Is. 2d., 21. 2s. 10 d., 21. 4s. 7 d., 21 6s. 3d., 21. 9s. 9d., 21. 13s. 2d., 21. 14s. 11 d., 21. 16s. 7 d., .jand .... Glazed piquet cards. 21. 8s. & Ditto with printed backs . . 4Z. 19s. 5c?. & Common cards with printed backs, 18s. 10 d., 11. 0s. 7 d., 1 1 2s. 4 d., 1 1. 4s., 1Z. 5s. 9c?., 1Z. 7s. 5 d., 1Z. 9s. 2d., 1Z. 10s. lid., 11. 14s. Ad., JZ. 17s. 9d. and. L’hombre, 1Z. 9s. 2d., II. 10s. 11c?., 1Z. 14s. 4c?., 1Z. 16s., 11. 17s. 9c?'., 21. Is. 2d., and . . German.. Spanish.1Z. 10s. 11c?. & Tarok with 78 cards, 4Z. 5s. 9c?., 5Z. 2s. 1 lc?., & Ditto ditto 54 ditto, 31. Is. 9c?., 4Z. 2s. 3c?., & W. REUTER, Playing Cards Maker, Darm¬ stadt.— Cl. XVII.—G. n. Playing cards, price per gross : 20 packs of whist cards, extra fine, Victorias dessins a fleurs, Victorias with coloured backs.. Victorias with gold edges. Victorias with light backs.. No. 00 with views (3 sorts). No. 00, without views . . . . . . . No. 0, without ditto . . . . . . v ... 14 packs of fine ditto, No. 1, without views ; Nos. 2 and 3, with.. . . Ditto, No. 3, without ditto ...... 0 10 3 0 8 7 0 10 3 1 14 4 0 12 4 0 17 I 5 2 1C 8 4 7 3 12 C 3 12 t 6 3 I 11 3 0 4 16 2 6 2 2 1 19 1 17 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. ]37 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. [ £. s. d. No. 4, with American and French views 1 7 5 47 J. SCHUHMACHER’S SON, Shoe Manufac¬ No. 4, without ditto. ! 1 5 9 turer, Mayence.^ Cl. XX.—FI. s. 4 packs of ordinary ditto, No. 5 .... 1 0 7 A pair of varnished boots, with tops of brown Ditto ditto ditto No. 7 . 0 17 2 goat’s leather. 1 5 9 4 packs of ditto, extra fine and with check A pair of black little boots, of goatskin, to back. No. 00. 2 11 5 button up, with varnished borderings . 0 17 2 Ditto ditto, No. 0. 2 2 10 A pair of black little boots, of goatskin, with 4 packs of ditto, fine ditto, No. 2 ... . 1 12 7 India rubber silk strings and varnished Ditto ditto ditto, No. 4 . 1 9 2 borderings . 1 0 7 6 packs of ladies’cards No. 00 (dessins a A pair of varnished shoes, to be laced 0 12 0 fieurs). 2 1 2 A pair of ditto shoes, with varnished bor¬ Ditto ditto ditto No. 0 . 1 10 10 derings, to button up . 0 12 10 Ditto ditto ditto No. 1 . 1 9 2 A pair of red morocco slippers, with var¬ 10 packs of piquet cards, Nos. 5 and 10, with nished leather, &c. 0 12 0 checked backs.15s. 5c?. & 0 10 8 A pair of varnished ball shoes, with heels . 0 8 7 No. 6, with marbled backs. 0 12 0 A pair of boots of Bordeaux leather . 0 18 0 No. 8 ditto ditto . 0 9 7 No. 10 ditto ditto . 0 8 3 48 M. WERNER, Shoe Manufacturer, Mayence. Besides which, 8 cases, with patterns of En- —Cl. XX.—FI. s. glish, Spanish, and French cards. 1 pair of boots with buttons, bordered with varnished leather .... o 13 9 41 J. PETRI. Manufacturer of Copper-plate 1 pair of boots with buttons, with double Printing Ink, Mayence. —Cl. XVII.—G.n. soles . 0 17 2 Copper-plate printing ink, called Paris 1 pair of varnished boots, with tops of mo¬ black, or No. 1. 3 12 0 rocco leather . 1 10 10 Ditto called Frankfort black, or No. 2 . 3 1 9 1 pair of Bordeaux leather. l 0 7 Ditto for music notes, No. 3. 2 8 0 49 G. REISS and CO., Manufacturers of Cam- 42 H. L. SCHNAPPER, Manufacturer of Play- phine and Camphine Lamps, Mainz .— ing Cards, Offenbach. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. CL XXII.—FI. s. An assortment of playing cards. 1 pair of camphine lamps, fa^on Carcel: each gives a light equal to that of 12 wax ks J. B. WEBER, Manufacturer of Coloured candles. Papers, Offenbach. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. 1 The purchaser of the lamps receives An assortment of single and party-coloured gratis a quantity of camphine, wiiich gives papers. a brilliant light, and never casts any soot. 44 WUEST BROTHERS, Coloured Paper Makers, 50 A. R. SEEBASS and CO., Manufacturers of Darmstadt.-^ Cl. XVII.—G. n. fine Cast Iron Wares, Offenbach. — Cl. Specimens of coloured paper. XXIII.—FI. n. | Flower support, gardening girl . . . . i 0 2 9 45 H. KERN, Manufacturer of Stramin and Ditto, soldier of the guards . . . . j 0 3 5 Embroidery Goods, Mayence. —Cl. XIX. Ditto, rilievo figures. Q 3 10 —FI. N. Ditto ditto. 0 2 7 1 embroidered carpet. 12 17 2 Flower stand, female thyrsus bearer . . . 1 0 9 0 An embroidery upon moiree, in frame and Ditto, fancy figure. 0 7 3 glass . 3 15 5 Ditto, page. 0 2 3 3 figures : London dandy .... each 0 3 5 46 F. IHM, Oil Cloth Manufacturer, Offenbach. Windlass upon roccoco pediment, with —Cl. XIX.'—G. s. Agents in London: figure and stag. 0 3 0 J. A. Hoffmann and Co., 18, Luivrence Ditto ditto. 0 3 5 Lane , Gresham Street. Ditto ditto. 0 5 6 1 printed and painted oil cloth sheet upon 1 pair of candlesticks, with flat flow r ers ; silver ground, for railroad ceilings 2 8 0 column, with bust, raised flowers, and 1 ditto pianoforte mat, upon black ground, N aiads. 0 3 10 with coloured bouquet. 0 17 2 Ditto ditto. 0 2 7 1 ditto round mat, upon white ground, with Ditto ditto. 0 3 10 ditto. 0 6 9 Ditto ditto. 0 4 6 1 ditto ditto, upon chamois ground, with ditto 0 7 9 Ditto ditto.| 0 3 5 1 ditto ditto, upon grey ground, with ditto . 0 12 0 1 pair of branched candlesticks for 3 tapers . 0 10 0 1 ditto ditto, upon blue ground, with rose 1 candle screen with 2 candlesticks and diamond. 0 9 0 brilliant lithophany, rilievo figures with 1 ditto ditto, upon black ground, with co¬ lithophany, 2 angels in arabesques 0 13 0 loured bouquet . 0 10 3 Ditto ditto. 0 6 i 1 ditto ditto, upon rosewood ground, with Ditto ditto. 0 4 6 white bouquet. 0 10 3 1 night lamp with figure and lithophany 0 4 6 1 piece of oilcloth fustian, with bronzed Ditto, with genius and ditto .... 0 2 9 printing. 0 16 3 Ditto, with colupm and ditto , . . . 0 2 3 -- M 138 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 night lamp with rilievo figures and lithophany Ditto, and baroque with lithophany cover, No. II. 1 memorandum tablet holder, with gar¬ nished writing tablet. i writing stand with shell and horse, No. Y. Ditto, with dog ......... Ditto, with stag’s head ..... Ditto, with a bust. Ditto, with shepherd’s dog .... Ditto, square, with penholders . . . 1 toilette looking glass, with stag’s head Ditto .. Ditto.. 1 cabinet mirror, to be suspended with eagle 1 cord windlass, broad figured, with knife . Ditto, high figured. 1 crucifix, Gothic style, on adorned orna¬ ment . 1 ash receiver, oval. Ditto, octagonal, fluted. Ditto, round. Ditto, low octagonal. 1 letter presser, N apoleon. Ditto, eagle’s head. Ditto, duck’s head, No. II. .... Ditto, pierced., . Ditto, head in rilievo. Ditto, Genius. Ditto, female thyrsus bearer .... Ditto, heron’s head. 5 cigar stands.per piece 1 comfort, leaf of vine, with polished set . 1 apparatus for lighting by friction . Ditto. Ditto. flat candlestick, large, filigree .... Ditto, round, roccoco. Ditto, baroque, flowered. Ditto, vine-leaf.. Ditto, with handle. Ditto, with the bust of a Genius Ditto, with porcelain screen .... 2 pincushions.1/and Night clock, with stag. Ditto, Genius leaning against a palm trunk. Ditto, Gothic ornament. 4 thermometers, per piece . . . 31. 5s. to 4 watch supporters, per piece . . 1/9 and 51 B. SCHREGER, Jeweller, Darmstadt .— Cl. XXIII.—HI. An assortment of jewellery in oxidated silver, with massive gold settings, viz.: 2 letter holders, 1 bracelet with gold snaps, 2 scale and 2 chain bracelets, 1 cue bracelet with gold leaves, 6 brooches with Hannibal’s head, knights fighting, serpent and leaf with pomegranate shells, branch with group of dogs and with one dog. 2 chains with negroes climbing, gold plates, and horseshoe snap. 1 snap chain with branch key. 1 knot chain with harness, 1 ring chain, and 1 bridge chain with dragon snap. 6 pins, Ariadne, flying Bedouins, deer and dog’s head, game hanging. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. Pricel !| £. s. d. £. d 0 5 6 10 seals, Ariadne, wild boar resting and owl, dancing bear, greyhound, two dogs, cat and elephant’s head, dancer. 0 2 7 1 cane top, horses playing, 1 match box. 0 3 0 The modelling of the figures as well as 0 5 2 the finishing and engraving are done by 0 L2 0 hand. 0 4 6 0 4 0 52 J. WAGNER, Manufacturer of Pearls, 0 5 2 Mayence. —Cl. XXIII.—G. N. 0 4 0 A small red chest, containing: 0 4 0 2 head pins of marcasite . . . each 0 15 0 6 0 | 1 collar of velvet work. 0 2 5 0 9 5 16 sets of head ornaments of white, black, 0 6 6 red, and blue pearls, &c. . per piece 1/9 a 3/1 0 2 7 j 3 pins of black enamel, white satin pearls 0 1 7 and rose chenilles with tassels . each 0 2 1 1 pin of white chenille with tassels 0 19 0 5 6 1 lady’s hood of fine wax pearls . . * 0 4 4 0 1 4 Pattern card of all the pearls : 0 1 4 Fine wax pearls, No. 60, per dozen strings 0 3 5 0 1 7 Ditto No. 90 ditto 0 3 5 0 0 7 Ditto No. 10 ditto 0 8 7 0 3 5 Ditto No. 300 ditto 0 4 4 0 2 7 Ditto No. 350 ditto 0 5 2 0 2 3 \ dozen oval white great pearls ditto 0 5 2 0 1 5 \ dozen fine olives ditto 0 3 5 0 1 7 ^ dozen fine baroques, No. 90 ditto 0 3 1 0 1 0 Ditto No. 90 ditto 0 6 10 0 1 0 Ditto No. 80 ditto 0 3 5 0 2 7 Ditto No. 100 ditto 0 3 5 1/ a 3/5 0 1 11 53 P. BUETTNER, Court Gilder, Darmstadt .— 0 1 0 Cl. XXVI.—G. n. 0 1 7 An oval looking glass, ornamented and 0 2 1 gilded, feet high, 3 feet broad . . . 4 2 3 0 1 9 A toilet looking glass, ornamented and gilded 1 14 4 0 1 8 A gilt frame with velvet, 2^ feet high and 2 ' 0 1 7 feet broad .. 1 7 5 0 1 5 0 1 0 54 J. M. RETNHARDT, Manufacturer of Straw 0 1 0 Chairs, Mayence. — Cl. XXVI. and 0 3 5 XXV III.— G. N. 0 1 7 Straw chairs of walnut wood . per dozen 2 14 11 1 1 0 Ditto, half twisted, walnut wood „ 3 12 0 Ditto, whole twisted, walnut wood „ 4 12 7 1 8 0 Straw easy chairs of walnut wood per piece 0 9 0 0 18 0 — 0 5 2 55 J. II. WENDERLEIN, Court Gilder, Darm¬ • 0 2 0 stadt.—CA. XXVI.—G. n. A curved baroque frame, with the portrait of Her Majesty Queen Victoria . 1 5 9 A double curved baroque frame ...» 4 2 3 A Gothic frame. 0 15 5 Patterns of frames: Roccoco.per foot 6/2 & 5/5 Renaissance. „ 0 6 2 Baroque . . . . . . . . „ 3/5 & 3/1 Ornamented with flowers ... „ 0 3 0 Baroque. „ 0 2 7 Baroque ornamented .... „ 0 1 9 56 ANDRE BROTHERS, Owners of a Fournier Cutting Machine, , liirschhorn. ■— Cl. XXVI.—G. N. Patterns of fine nut wood Fourniers, made from Odenwald wood (per Hessian square 1 , }.! , foot): ... i * ifl No. 501... j o; o 4 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 139 57 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. No. 502 . 503 . 504 . Patterns of Fourniers in frames, No. 505 each E. SCHMITT, Button Maker. Darmstadt .— Cl. XXIX.—FI. s. Silk coat buttons: Qual. A.. per gross . . 5) Price. J. G. GICK, Manufacturer of Wicker Wares, i Mayence.— Cl. XXVIII.—G. n. Baskets of peacock feathers: No. 0. 1. 2. 3 . 4 . 5 . Fruit or work platters: No. 6. 7 ..* . .* ! 8 . Work baskets of newest fashion, with cover No. 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . Imitation of silver filigree baskets: No. 13 . 14 . 15 . Whalebone and sedge baskets (miniature) Wood baskets: No. 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . Baskets of Algerian root: No. 24 . 25 . 26 . Baskets of Spanish cane : No. 27 .. 28 .. 29 . ... Baskets of sugar cane. Baskets of German marsh rushes .... Baskets of German straws : No. 34 .. 35 . 36 . 37 . . .. Wicker work of willows : No. 38 . 3d . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 .... . Flaggos ........ Easy chairs of health ... 0 8 7 0 6 10 0 6 6 0 8 7 0 0 6 0 8 7 0 5 2 0 4 10 0 5 2 0 12 0 8 0 9 0 12 6 0 6 10 0 2 7 0 3 5 Id. k 8 d. 0 6 0 0 6 10 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 2 7 0 2 1 4 2 0 12 0 2/7 & 4/10 2/1 & 3/1 0 6 6 0 4 4 0 6 10 10 7 0 8 7 0 1 9 0 1 7 0 1 5 0 1 11 0 3 3 0 1 5 0 13 0 0 0 0 3 5 1 1 0 0 9 1 0 8 3 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Qual. C.per gross 5. „ f. ” r. ” H. ” J. ” 59 60 Silk waistcoat and ladies’ buttons : Qual. M. Ma. N. P. HR. HR. b. A. c. A. d. E. per gross F. C. ANSELM, Manufacturer of Purses, Gold and Silver Cordonnet, Bouillon, &c., Offenbach.- —Cl. XXIX.—G. n. Patterns of purses, gold and silver webs, cordonnet, bouillon, &c. BERGE BROTHERS, Portfolio Makers, Offenbach. —Cl. XYII.—G. n. 30 portemonnaies (price by the dozen) : No. 1 . . 0 12 5 j 1 No. 17 . 2 . . 0 13 9 i 18 . 3 . . 1 4 o 19 . 4 . . 1 5 9 20 . 5 . . 0 18 0 21 . 6 . . 1 7 5 22 . i • . 1 5 9 23 . 8 . . 0 18 0 24 . 9 . . 0 13 9 25 . 10 . . 1 5 9 26 . 11 . . 1 4 0 27 . 12 . . 0 18 10 28 . 13 . . 0 14 7 29 . 14 . . 1 1 5 30 . 15 . . 0 16 3 30 a. 16 . . 0 19 9 16 cigar cases: No. 31 . . . 2 13 2 40 . 32 . . . o 16 7 41 . 33 . . . 1 10 10 42 . 31 . . . 1 7 r> 43 . 35 . . . 1 4 10 44 . 36 . . . 2 11 5, 1 45 . 37 . . . 1 12 7 46 . 38 . . . 1 17 9 46a. 39 . . . 1 5 9 18 portfolios j No. 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 1 0 0 13 0 13 1 0 1 2 0 14 0 10 0 16 0 16 1 6 No. 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 64a. Price. £. s. ri, 0 6 10 0 6 0 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 1 10 2 1 0 10 1 3 1 12 1 14 1 4 1 4 0 13 0 10 1 1 1 10 3 1 1 14 1 2 1 5 0 13 2 11 2 6 1 14 2 11 6 6 16 18 18 10 16 0 M 2 1 11 9 0 15 5 0 18 10 0 15 0 0 18 10 0 13 9 1 0 7 5 9 9 0 18 0 CiOOCOtC EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, 140 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 2 large portfolios . .. £. s. d. 8/7 & 51/5 2 briquets. 11/7 & 8/7 1 case for spectacles * * 11 0 18 10 7 necessaires: No. 70 . . .£9 8 71 No. 74 . . . 6 8 7 71 . . .952 75 . 3 17 2 72 . . . 9 12 0 1 76 . . . 6 10 3 73 . . . 9 8 7) | 76a. 2 11 5 J. G. FRANK, Manufacturer of Sticks and Papier Mache Snuff Boxes, Offenbach .— Cl. XXVI.—G. n. x4.n assortment Of varnished Spanish canes, and of papier mache snuff boxes. HAAS and Co., Portfolio Makers, Offenbach. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. Several patterns of portfolios .and cases. P. KLEIN, Manufacturer of Purses and Tricot Goods, Offenbach. —Cl. XXIX.— G. N. Patterns of money purses and tricot goods. J. G. KLEIN Sen., Portfolio Maker, Offen¬ bach.— Cl. XVII.—G. n. Fine leather goods, consisting of portemon- naies, cigar cases with and without steel frames, pocket hocks, writing portfolios, gentlemen’s and ladies’ necessaires, with housings for instruments, Sec. A. LTJTTRINGHAUS, Portfolio Maker, Offenbach.— Cl. XVII.—G. N. Patterns of cigar cases, portfolios, &c. J. MOENCH and Co., Portfolio Makers, Offenbach. —Cl. XVII.—G. n. 2 tea caddies in yellow and white polished wood, with steel garniture. 2 chests for cigars, in yellow polished wood. 2 chests for play counters, in yellow and white polished wood, with steel ornaments. 4 work boxes of various sizes, in white and yellow polished wood, with and without instruments, with steel garniture. Sundry ladies’ etuis, cigar cases, portemon- naies, pocket books, ladies’ baskets, and portfolios, w r ith rich steel garniture. H. NAENNY, Portfolio Maker, Bingen. —Cl. XVII.—G. x. 1 leather portfolio, of folio size, in red Le¬ vantine morocco, with damascened lock and gilded ornaments . . . . . . F. A. RUST, Manufacturer of Purses and Tricot Goods, Offenbach. — Cl. XXIX. —G. N. An assortment of money purses and tricot goods. L. SEELING and BECKER, Portfolio Ma¬ kers, Offenbach.— Cl. XVII.—G. n. 6 different portfolios, 3 necessaires, 3 large writing portfolios, 6 different portemon- naies and cigar cases, in steel frames, and 1 album. —_L 2 4 7 70 71 72 73 74 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. CHR. WE1NTRAUT, Purse Maker, Offen¬ bach.—C\. XXIX.—G. N. An assortment of cotton, half and whole silk purses (partly worked by hand, partly by machine), ornamented w T ith pearl, and mounted in steel. J. BIRNSTILL, Darmstadt.— Cl. XXVII.— FI. s. A blue vine with leaves, in wax, in a large gilt frame. 2 apple branches in bloom, in a small gilt frame.each A white camellia with 3 flowers and buds, in a small gilt frame. C. DULClUS, Embroiderer, Bingen. — Cl. XIX. Two embroideries, representing Queen Vic¬ toria and Prince Albert. Both works, intended to imitate engraving, are em¬ broidered on white silk stuff, with fine black trame silk, in which the light and shade deserve particular attention, as it was necessary to split the finest silk thread into its tenth part to bring out the brightest lights. An embroidered landscape, representing the castle of Stolzenfels. H. FELSING, Copper Plate Printer, Darm¬ stadt. —Cl. XVII—FI. s. Two prints with 2 copper plates, engraved by Abbema of Diisseldorf, to show how far the knowledge of the printer has the greatest effect upon the result. The upper print shows as nearly as possible the real state of the engraving ; the lower one the skill of the printer. Both prints are fin¬ ished with the same ink, and are printed one after the other, on the same paper. J. H. FRIEDRICH, Worker in Ivory, Darm¬ stadt.— Cl. XXVIII.—G. H. 6 ivory paper knives .... 6 ordinary ditto. 12 ivory and deer’s horn cigar holders 24 ivory brooches:— No. a. 4 ditto napkin rings ... 6 deer’s horn hand candlesticks 6 ditto match holders 4 ditto writing stands . 6 ditto watch stands :— No. a. 3 pair of ditto candlesticks 6 ivory pen holders . 6 stag’s horn pincushions 6 small ivory crucifixes . 6 ditto stick heads . . each PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 141 ffo. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 6 silk reels.each 1 small etagere with 18 small ivory figures. „ 1 ivory goblet (5/4 feet high) ... „ 1 cocoa nut sugar basin (1 foot high) „ 1 Madonna, 1 small figure .... „ 3 portemonnaies. „ 3 small note books for dancing . . „ 75 C. W. HEYL, Carver in Ivory, Darmstadt. Cl. XXVIII —G. n. and HI. 1 cover for a prayer book, after Fries . . 1 note book. 1 ditto. 1 needle book. 1 small note book for dancing, with stag after Niedinger. 1 letter holder, Tyrolese. 1 snuff’box with stag, after Niedinger . . 1 bracelet, angel singing. 1 ditto, stags after Niedinger. 1 plate for card cases, with bas reliefs . 1 ditto, with stag. 1 ditto for portemonnaie, horse .... 1 paper knife. 1 ditto. 1 brooch, bas relief. 1 ditto, with stag. 1 ditto, ditto. 1 ditto, ditto. 2 ditto, with smooth edges .... each 2 ditto. 1 ditto, child sleeping. 1 needle, free standing figure, Hercules . 1 walking stick handle, tiger. 1 ditto, alligator. 1 ditto, oak branch.. 1 riding whip, horse. 1 ditto, alligator. 1 goblet, the battle fought by Arminius, after Lindenschmitt 17 I J. SCHRODER, Polytechnic Establishment, Darmstadt. —Cl. X.—G. > T . 33 cards with models for instruction in de¬ scriptive geometry (after J. Schroder) 54 different bodies for the same:— Nos. 1—3. 4—8. 9,11. 10. 12, 13. 14—16. 17. 18-23, 28, 30-37 . 24—26 . 27, 29 . 38 39,40, 4*2—44 ’. *. ’. ’. ’. *. ! 41. 45—52 . 53, 54 . 6 cards with models for constructing the curves of the teeth for driving wheels, 1 ditto for pinion, (after Schroder) . . Price. 0 0 14 2 0 0 0 0 14 0 7 0 17 0 15 4 14 8 2 3 3 1 5 9 0 8 7 0 5 2 1 7 9 1 15 0 2 1 2 1 0 7 1 0 7 0 14 5 0 7 3 0 12 4 0 14 5 1 0 7 5 6 8 308 11 5 18 10 10 0 0 10 1 3 1 4 5 2 0 6 10 0 8 7 0 13 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 5 6 3 5 No. 78 79 80 81 82 Name anil Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 1 set of crystal models (after Dr. H. Kopp), with case without glass. Drawing rulers, Nos. 1—6. Rulers, Nos. 1—12; ditto, cylindrical, Nos 1—16. Curved rulers, 2 cards. Angular rulers of 45 degrees, Nos. 1—15 Ditto of 30 degrees, Nos. 17—30 . . . . Models of carpenter’s work, after G. Rossler: Nos. 1—63. 64. 65—67 . 68 . Ditto, after J. Schroder: No. 69. 70 . 71 . 72 . 73—77 . 78, 79 . 80. 4 cards of cornices. 1 model of a window, 1/5 of natural size, after J. Schroder.. 1 spiral staircase, with banister, 1/10 of na¬ tural size, after J. Schroder. T. YON ZABERN, Printer.—Cl. XVII.— G. N. 1 small chest, containing 3 frames with ty¬ pographical productions. The largest contains a placard in colours. Of the two other frames, the one contains the lesser vignettes and tickets, partly in simple, partly in complex bronze print; the other likewise vignettes and tickets in congreve or ordinary print. P. DUMMICH, Manufacturer of Fur Goods, Mayence. —Cl. XVI.—FI. S. 1 coat of seal skin, lined with fox skin . 1 hunting muff' of otter skin. 1 foot basket, bordered with ermine . 1 fur victorine. BARON VON KLEIN, Mayence.— Cl. X.— G. s. A chorographimetricalapparatus,with printed explanation in two pamphlets STEIN and SCHRODER, Mayence.— Cl. IV. —FI. s. Samples of 3 sorts of hops. G. DAEL, Wine Merchant, Mayence.—Q\. III. -FI. s. 1 bottle of Rhenish wine mousseux, with black label.pei bottle 1 ditto, with blue label ... , , 1 ditto, with red label ... , , 1 ditto, with White label ... , , Price. £. s. d. 34 19 5 0 15 5 1 0 7 2 3 11 1 2 8 1 2 8 10 5 9 2 1 2 0 15 5 1 0 7 2 11 5 3 1 0 8 3 1 0 4 0 5 1 5 2 11 10 5 9 25 14 4 5 13 2 1 0 7 1 5 9 2 11 5 0 9 2 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 4 0 142 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Pi ice. 83 C. A. DE METTERNICH,Distiller, Mayence. —CL III.—FI. s. 2 bottles of pine apple arrack essence of punch . £. s. d. 0 2 5 1 bottle of rum essence of punch .... 0 2 1 1 ditto of cognac. 0 2 1 1 ditto of May wine syrup. 0 2 1 1 small bottle of essence of May wine 0 1 9 84 M. SICHEL, Distiller, Mayence.— Cl. III.— FI. s. 6 bottles of cherry brandy, free from the Rhine borders at Mayence, in chests (netto- comptant).per doz. 1 4 8 6 bottles of cognac of 56 procents, free from the Rhine borders at Mayence, in chests per doz. 0 11 8 "1 No. 85 86 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. The same cognac in casks of 80 Hessian gal¬ lons, or 160 litres, the casks girt with iron, free from the border at Mayence . . . The cognac was made of potato brandy in January, 1851. F. BINGMANN and CO., Canvas Makers, Offenbach.— Cl. XI.—G. s. Various specimens of canvas. KLEIN, 3UN., RIESSER, and CO., Port¬ folio Makers, Offenbach .— Cl. XVII.— G. N. Several patterns of portfolios. Price! £, s. d 4 5 1 PRICED LIST OF ZOLLVEREIN PRODUCTIONS. 143 VII.—LUXEMBURG. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. GODSCHAUX BROTHERS, Manufacturers of Woollen Goods, Schhifmvhl , near j Luxemburg.—Cl. XII.—FI. s. 6pieces of flannel (Lamas), per yard, 2s. llic?., | 3s. 2? j > j » »> 5 > > J 3,820 marks. 3,594 ,, 77,568 ,, 38,383 ,, 5,933 ,, 2,884 cwt. 801 »» > > j * 48,556 4,024 2,244 2,000 1,308 j > »» 5 > J > ? > 66,510 6,281 2,331 2,134 2,073 19,140 11,295 1,444 22,558 4,946 2,342 16,642 3,277 2,833 852,633 705,415 598,652 335,071 298,798 128,257 52,833 154,597 133,788 4,114 2,813 1,031 11,792 8,772 4,186 29,547 5,713 1,012 7,830,000 3,504,000 1,113,000 N ? > »> J ) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 146 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction. Not taking into account the products of any other depart¬ ments of mining, it appears, from the results thus given for those above mentioned, that they represent a value or amount of 28,180,500 florins. If from this sum we strike off 8,293,900 florins for that portion of these products which are State property, we have an aggregate of 19,886,600 florins, or very little short of twenty millions of florins, derived by private individuals from these mining operations. The provinces which have taken the most important part in them are, respectively— Hungary, to the amount of . . 8,729,600 florins. Bohemia. 4,894,900 ,, Carinthia and Carnioea . . . 3,947,300 ,, Styria . 3,445,500 ,, Moravia and Silesia. 2,478,800 ,, Transylvania . 1,703,400 ,, The Gold and Silver thus obtained are principally absorbed by the coinage of the empire. The proportion required for the consumption of the goldsmiths and silver¬ smiths (a body comprising 2000 masters, besides their workmen and apprentices, of whom nearly 500 are esta¬ blished in Vienna) is supposed to be furnished chiefly by the broken metal, and by imports from abroad; although in reality Austrian coins, whose intrinsic or real value in all cases exactly corresponds with that of the denomination they bear, are, in spite of the existing laws against this practice, constantly melted down, in very considerable quantities, for the purposes of these trades. The imports in question, on the average of five years, from 1843 to 1847 inclusive (the years 1848 and 1849 are not noticed, circum¬ stances having taken them out of the ordinary course of such calculations), amounted annually to— Gold, in bars and ingots, 339 (Vienna) lbs.; of the value of 231,400 florins. Silver, in bars and broken, 6539 (Vienna) lbs.; of the value of 306,000 florins. Of these there were no exports. During the same period, the imports of the foreign trade of Austria mention leaf, mixed, and wrought gold, of the estimated value of 10,400 florins; and there was exported to foreign coun¬ tries gold of the same designations, valued at 12,100 florins; with gold wire, gold lace, gold chains, &c., esti¬ mated at the value of 393,700 florins. Of coined and wrought silver there were imported 474 lbs., valued at 3800 florins; whilst in silver wire, silver lace, silver chains, &c., there were exported during the like period 269 lbs. weight, value 9400 florins. Against other imports, under this head, to the amount of 10,000 florins value, are to be set exports in the corresponding period, amounting to the value of 156,100 florins. So that these imports and exports were thus nearly balanced, the latter exceeding the former by about 10,000 florins only. The value of the articles manufactured in Austria from Gold and Silver amounts to about 15,000,000 florins annually; from which sum must be deducted ten millions of florins, or two-thirds, for the cost of the material. With the Quicksilver mines of Idria is connected a manufactory of Cinnabar, which produced, in the year 1847, 981 cwt. of that pigment, of the value of 231,500 florins, and in the year 1848, 489 cwt., valued at 107,100 florins. The residue of the quicksilver is used up to some small extent, about 300 cwt., for technical purposes and pre¬ parations, but the greater portion of it is sent abroad. The exports of quicksilver amounted, during the period already mentioned, to an annual average of 2341 cwt., value 602,700 florins (in the year 1846, indeed, they reached 5478 cwt., valued at 1,424,300 florins), and of preparations, Sec., to 41 cwt., worth about 8200 florins. By the con¬ sumption of quicksilver for the manufacture of cinnabar aud for other technical purposes, the value of the annual produce of the raw material is increased by about 150,000 florins. Tin, a metal which of late years has become of so much importance in the occupations of manufacturing industry, is not found within the Austrian Monarchy in sufficient quantity to meet the demand for it. The imports of tin from abroad during the same period of five years, 1843 to 1847, amounted on an average to 3785 cwt. annually, the value of which was 189,300 florins, whilst the exports of this article were but 90 cwt., value 4500 florins. But, whereas the imports of Tin wakes were, for the same time, incon¬ siderable, the exports under this head amounted to 304 cwt., and were of the value of 24,300 florins. The manufacture of this metal realizes to Austrian industry a yearly profit of 140,000 florins. The whole quantity of Raw Copper raised in Austria is not used there. Until the year 1847, indeed, the imports of copper into Austria were greater than the exports from it; the excess of the former as compared with the latter, during the years 1843 to 1846, averaging about 3000 cwt. annually; but since 1847 these exports have been considerably in excess of the imports. In the year 1847 the imports reached 8667 cwt., while the exports were 28,254 cwt.; but in the year 1848, for 3891 cwt. imported there were 5489 cwt. exported, so that out of the whole production of that period 58,568 cwt. remained in Austria. It should, however, ,be borne in mind that the copper found in Austria does not equal the Russian or the Swedish copper in quality, and that it is therefore indispensable to draw a supply of the finer sorts from abroad. Of the quantity produced beyond the amount that she exports, about 40,000 cwt. are con¬ verted at the copper-mills and rolling-works into 38,400 cwt. of copper sheeting and hollow ware (the Government esta¬ blishments produced, in the year 1847, 6562 cwt. of such ware and copper sheeting), and the remaining 18,568 cwt. were used for various alloys and other purposes. The raw copper was worth 3,126,000 florins; that manufactured in the copper-mills, and in the rolling-works especially, 2,302,000 florins. The latter increased the value of the raw material by 276,000 florins, or 12 per cent. The remainder of the copper, worth 824,000 florins, realizes a much higher scale of prices, its value being increased in some cases from ten to twentyfold. Yet this advance of value, on an average, is only somewhat more than double; that is to say, about one million and three-quarters of florins. The brass manu¬ facture alone is of the value of one million and three- quarters of florins. The money value of the manufacture in copper may thus be estimated at 5,160,000 florins. Copper acquires its highest increase of value when employed in the manufacture of percussion-caps, galvano-plastic productions, and brass hardware. Austria drives a brisk trade in articles of copper and brass with her foreign customers. For the four years 1843 to 1846 inclusive, the annual average of imports and exports was as follows:— Hollow Ware . . Copper Utensils . Copper Wire . . Percussion Caps . Scrap Brass . . . Pinchbeck . . . Brass Wire . . . Brass Buttons, i Pins, Candle- l sticks, &c. j Spangles, Tin- 1 sel, &c. f Other Brass Ware Imports. Quantity. Value. 32 cwt. 1,900 fl. 29 „ 2,000 „ 2 100 „ 2 „ 800 „ 755 „ 22,700,, 8 „ 3,400 „ 27 „ 1,700 26 „ 2,700,, ’ 1 „ 400 „ 75 „ 28,100,, Exports. Quantity. Value. 4,834 cwt. 290,000 fl. 2,425 J) 160,100,, 80 6,000 „ 163 65,200 „ 46 1,400 „ 56 5) 22,000 „ 3,832 252,900,, 1,386 138,600 „ 273 109,100,, 15 10,000,, Lead is extracted from the mines of Austria in sufficient quantity, not merely to meet the home demand for that metal, but to supply the staple of a considerable foreign trade which has sprung up. Thus, whilst during a period of Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS.: 147 five years, from 1843 to 1847, the average yearly imports of lead ore amounted to 142 cwt., valued at 700 florins ; and those of raw lead to 22 cwt., value 200 florins ; and of cast and rolled lead to 26 cwt., estimated at 400 florins, the exports during the same interval averaged respectively— 6,182 cwt., valued at 30,900 florins. 2,672 ,, ,, 28,100 ,, and 1,288 ,, ,, 16,300 ,, The imports of Litharge were inconsiderable, and the exports amounted to 1800 cwt., valued at 19,800 florins. By the manufacture of the above enumerated raw materials one million and three-quarters of florins are acquired to Austrian industry; and yet in this calculation we have not taken into account the element of improved value which is derived from the manufacture of certain chemical preparations, and the same remark is equally applicable to the statistics given of the trade in quicksilver and in zinc. Calamine, likewise, is produced in a quantity exceeding the demand for home consumption. From 1843 to 1847 the average annual export was 6704 cwt., valued at 27,000 florins. (In the year 1847 the export reached, indeed, 28,447 cwt., but this excess must be attributed to the incorporation of the district of Cracow with the empire.) Of Zinc, on the other hand, the imports (10,585 cwt., valued at 105,900 florins, during the term already specified, and 5000 cwt. in the year 1847, valued at 50,000 florins) con¬ siderably exceeded the exports, which latter, between the years 1843 and 1847, averaged 4161 cwt., estimated at 41,600 florins, whilst in 1847 itself it rose to 6876 cwt., value 68,800 florins. Of zinc plates, the imports (304 cwt., value 6100 florins) were nearly balanced by the exports of the same article (216 cwt., value 4300 florins). Since her acquisition of Cracow, however, the trade of Austria in raw zinc has become more active. Though it must be admitted that zinc possessed a few years ago a greater industrial importance than attaches to it at present, it is certain that even now, and without allowing for its extensive use in alloys, its value as a raw material is increased in Austria, by the various pro¬ cesses of industry to which it is submitted, not less than 130,000 florins annually. To the Austrian Monarchy, however, by far the most im¬ portant of all the various branches of its mining wealth and industry is that of its Iron, whether it be considered in reference to the extensive development it has already received, or the still more encouraging prospects of its future enlargement, which only requires proper care de¬ voted to it, and the many mistakes, which at present attend its management, to be abandoned. The Pig Iron of Aus¬ tria is smelted in 257 blast furnaces; so that, on an average, more than 12,500 cwt. are the produce of each of these works annually. The Cast Iron is run, for the most part, direct from the blast furnaces into the moulds. Iron of the second casting is produced in 37 cupola and 9 reverbe¬ ratory furnaces, and is less considerable in quantity. The figures above given are very little disturbed by the fluctua¬ tions of trade; for, during the period from 1843 to 1847, the imports of iron ore and pig iron, including scrap iron, were, on an average, respectively, 50,381 cwt. and 24,557 cwt., the exports of iron ore being 9078 cwt., and of scrap iron 5110 cwt.: consequently these amounts exercise no | perceptible influence upon the finishing manufacture of the pig iron into bar iron and steel. The production of Mal¬ leable Iron, including the amount yielded by all the various methods and processes applied to different kinds, and for securing different degrees of fineness, exceeds 2 mil¬ lion cwt. annually. The average price per cwt. at the I works where the iron is produced is 8 florins 21 kreuzers. In the above amount are included— 14,000 cwt. white iron plate 250,000 ,, black ditto 80,000 cwt. small rod iron 650,000 ,, rolled iron 479,000 ,, hammered iron and 850,000 ,, large bar iron. For these quantities about 2,648,000 cwt. of pig iron are requisite. The production of Steel amounts to 287,300 cwt., which may be classed under the following heads :— Cast steel . 4,200 cwt. at 33 florins 8 kreuzers. Keg steel . 75,800 } j 18 ,, 54 ,, Shear steel . 54,000 * ’ 16 ,, 48 ,, Crude steel . 150,800 8 ,, 44 ,, Blistered steel 2,500 10 ,, o ,, The production of this quantity of steel requires the con¬ version of 368,000* cwt. of pig iron, still leaving upon the whole yield of the latter a surplus of201,000 cwt. But from this surplus we must deduct 150,000 - cwt., which are melted down in the cupola and reverberatory furnaces. The balance of trade in malleable iron and steel is in favour of Austria. In a period of 5 years, from 1843 to 1847 in¬ clusive, there were imported of bar and hammered iron 28,674 cwt., valued at 286,700 florins (whereof 27,875 cwt. were railway plates) Of black sheet iron 4008 cwt., valued at 64,100 florins. Of white sheet iron 2800 ,, 56,000 ,, Of steel ... 767 ,, 52,400 ,, In the same years there were exported respectively— 53,297 cwt., valued at 533,000 florins. 3,137 ,, 50,200 ,, 100 ,, 2,000 ,, 87,120 ,, 1,072,000 ,, To the production of cast-iron by the blast furnaces, amount¬ ing to 443,871 cwt., must be added, as has been already ob¬ served, that from the cupola and the reverberatory furnaces. These work 150,000 cwt. of pig iron, and deliver about 136,000 cwt. of cast iron. Here, again, the balance of trade is in favour of Austria, seeing that, during the same period, the imports of cast iron goods averaged annually about 1374 cwt., valued at 15,700 florins, and the exports averaged 10,852 cwt., valued at 97,500 florins. From the aggregate of these results, we find that within about 50,000 cwt. of the entire quantity of the pig iron is worked into refined iron and cast iron (of the second casting). But since, on an average, the surplus stock, remaining over from previous years, is somewhere about 250,000 cwt., the permanent stock on hand of pig iron is raised to about 300,000 cwt. Almost the whole of the malleable iron produced (amounting to 2,243,000 cwt.) must be retained for further manufacturing processes in Austria, seeing that the annual excess of ex¬ ports over imports of this article is not more than 1052 cwt. On the other hand, the stock of steel remaining to the Aus¬ trian manufacturer was reduced to 201,000 cwt. by the ex¬ cess of exports over imports, 86,350 cwt. The pig iron obtained (at an average cost of 3 florins 40 kreuzers per cwt.) was to the value of 11,796,000 florins, whereof 367,000 florins must not be taken into account, by reason of the 50,000 cwt. of the metal that were not further worked. The malleable iron produced (at an average of 8 florins 21 kreuzers per cwt.) was to the value of 19,066,000 florins; the steel, 3,721,000 florins; and the articles of the second casting, 1,500,000 florins; so that the pig iron, in its manufactured state, acquired an increased value of 12,858,000 florins. As the articles of the first casting (at 6 florins 15 kreuzers per cwt.) represent a value of 2,754,000 florins, a comparison of this result with that produced by the same quantities of pig iron demonstrates an enhanced value to the extent of 1,627,000 florins. The materials that still remained appli¬ cable to the iron manufacture were all made use of, and the complaints of the manufacturers in some parts of the mo¬ narchy about a deficiency of them are not without foundation. It is generally found that in the improvement of a half-pre- 148 pared article by manufacturing processes, the cost of labour, with that of the necessary fuel, amounts to as much as, and in some cases to more than, the value of the material em¬ ployed. If, however, it be assumed that this material realizes, on an average, a doubly or perhaps a trebly enhanced value through being thus further improved, there will accrue on the aggregate of all the malleable iron and steel employed an enhanced value to the extent of between 32 and 33 millions of florins. Of the different branches of this department of manufac¬ tures, those that are conducted on a large scale seem to deserve most attention. Among these, the first that presents itself to our notice is the manufacture of scythes, sickles, and chaff-cutters. The produce of 179 scythe factories was 4 millions of scythes, 1,600,000 sickles, and 90,000 chaff- cutters, valued at 5 millions of florins : these articles, on account of their excellent quality, have found their way into all parts of the world. The manufacture of pans, boilers, and kettles, carried on in 50 establishments, turns out 25,000 cwt. of articles, valued at 675,000 florins. The manufacture of wire is of greater importance, and is carried on at 100 factories, producing about 80,000 cwt., value 1,364,000 florins. The manufacture of nails is also very extensively carried on, and amounts to 50,000 cwt. valued at 970,000 florins. The smaller workshops, appropriated to other manufactures in iron, produce files, knives, hatchets, shovels, sword-blades, gun-barrels, and various other ar¬ ticles, to the value of 4,800,000 florins ; give employment to more than 60,000 persons (of whom about 15,000 are mas¬ ters) ; and support 150,000 individuals, including the mem¬ bers of the families of those employed. The figures given below will be tter demonstrate the vast importance of the iron manufacture to the various indus¬ trial classes, by showing the numbers of persons directly or indirectly employed in it. Number of miners required for raising 10 million cwt. of ore ..13,3±0 Number of men employed in the production of pig iron.15,889 Number of men employed in the production of cast iron.3,330 Number of men employed in the production of malleable iron.11,421 Number of men employed in the production of steel. 998 Number of men employed in the larger manu¬ factures .12,755 Number of men employed in the smaller manu¬ factures .: . . 60,000 As carmen. 29,150 146,883 MANUFACTURES OF Biiick-kions are dispersed over every part of the Austrian Monarchy, but are for the most part built on a small scale, and in their construction exhibit but a low degree of modern improvement. To this remark those only which are found in the neighbourhood of large towns, and espe¬ cially of Vienna, form an honourable exception; for they at once produce an excellent article, and are carried on upon an extensive scale. The annual production of the Kilns amounts to more than 3000 millions of bricks, valued at 30,000,000 of florins. The manufacture of common Crockery Ware is still, although extensive, very imperfect with respect to quality. It employs about 7000 master potters, and its annual value, including chamber stoves, is about 6,000,000 florins. [Introduction. This number of persons were the means of a production amounting in value to 67,250,000 florins, without taking into account that quantity of the metal which did not receive its last improvement in Austria; although in this calculation the production of the machine factories is also included. The average movement of the trade in iron goods, with foreign countries, was, during the five years 1843 to 1847, as follows:—■ IMPORTED. EXPORTED. Of Iron and Steel Wire . . 612 cwt. 3,719 cwt. „ Ironmongery .... 3,809 „ 92,284 „ „ Ordinary Locksmiths’ goods . 17 „ 1,756 „ „ Files and Cutlery, to the value of. 44,000 fi. 121,700 fi. „ Machinery and parts of Ma¬ chines, to the value of . . 857,500 „ 74,800 „ With regard to Coal, its production is remarkably small at present; but it must be allowed that a rapidly growing development may be looked for in this department. There were raised of this important mineral, in the year 1819 . . . 1,689,000 cwt. „ 1829 . . . 3,192,000 „ „ 1833 . . . 7,715,000 „ „ 1848 no less than 16,960,000 „ The production of coal, therefore, in 30 years, increased ten fold; and it is to be noted that the last two of these decennial periods show a far more rapid ratio of increase than the first. With constantly increasing prices of wood and charcoal, with an annually increasing demand for fuel to be consumed in the extension of Austrian industry, which is incessantly more and more consolidating the sphere of its operations, it may surely be expected that the really inexhaustible collieries of Austria will at no distant period be worked to a far greater extent than they now are, when scarcely 100,000 cwt. of coals are extracted in a year from coalfields that are known to contain as much as 1500 mil¬ lions of cwt. The exports of Austrian exceed the imports of foreign coal by some 300,000 cwt. The Stone quarries are of importance, but their produce is not well known. According to approximate calculations, more than 50,000 men are employed in the various quarries of the monarchy. The paving stones, as used in Vienna, are superior to those laid down in any other city in Europe, and on account of their durability ought to command the serious attention of pavement commissioners. O’f late years more attention has been paid to the production of roofing slates than was the case formerly. Considerable beds of slate are found in almost all parts of the Austrian Monarchy, especially in the stratifications of Moravia, Sile¬ sia, Bohemia, Lower Austria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Tyrol, Hungary, Transylvania, the North of Lombardy, and the Military Frontier. EARTH AMD STONE. Cray Pipe Bowes constitute another manufacture which merits attention. It produces 18,000,000 of pieces, worth 300,000 florins. The quality of the articles manufactured in that descrip¬ tion of earthenware which resembles the pottery called Wedgewood Ware (Siderolite, Terralite, Stone Clay) is constantly improving. An excellent raw material, sup¬ plied by a clay found in the vicinity of Wildstein, is principally used in the making of stone jars for mineral waters, and to a smaller extent also in that of utensils for various technical purposes. These stone vessels alone (without taking into account those of Siderolite, Terralite, &c.) are worth 300,000 florins. The manufacture of Stoneware and Delpt is carried on EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 149 to a considerable extent in Bohemia and Lower Austria, and partially in Moravia also. The value of the articles produced is about .2,500,000 florins. In the manufacture of Porcelain the productions of the state factory at Vienna are pre-eminent in point of elegance of design and excellence of fabric and workmanship. They are worthy to be classed with the productions of Sevres. This branch of Austrian industry is more widely diffused throughout Bohemia than in the other provinces of the empire. The annual value of this manufacture exceeds one million and a quarter of florins. Other branches of industry, more or less directly connected with it, such as the enamelling of the ware, the manufacture of crucibles, artificial stone, grindstones, stone and marble slabs, &c., yield articles that are, including the Wedge- wood pottery, of the estimated value of 2,500,000 florins. Thus it will be seen that the aggregate value of the pro¬ ducts of this department of Austrian industry exceeds, annually, the amount of 42,750,000 florins. Nor is the trade in such articles without its importance ; for in the year 1847 there were imported and exported respectively:—of IMPORTED. EXPORTED. value. value. Porcelain .... 14,300 fl. . . 34,300 fl. Stoneware . . 2,839 cwt. 71,000 „ 9,144 cwt. 228,600',, Fire-proof cru¬ cibles . . 8,836 „ 44,200 „ 463 „ 2,300 „ Other imports and exports were, respectively, of IMPORTED. EXPORTED. Common earthenware . . 37,600 fl. 48,700 fl. Bricks, to the number of. . 14,660,000 28,114,000 GLASS AND MIRRORS. The manufacture of Glass is one of the most ancient and widely diffused branches of industry subsisting in Bohemia, which has long carried on an extensive trade in glass and glassware with all parts of the world. She still occupies the first rank among the provinces for the manufacture of Glass and Mirrors ; and in the extent of production and excel¬ lence of the article, surpasses all of them put together. In the year 1847 there were exported, of Hollow and table glass 102,119 cwt. valued at 3,369,900 fl. Cut and cast crystal glass and mirrors . 23,075 „ „ 2,307,500 „ Beads, artificial gems, &c. 5,619 „ „ 842,900 „ Of these exports amounting to . . 130,813 cwt. value 6,520,300 fl. the share contributed by Bohemia was, in the First of the above named classes of productions 91,047 cwt. valued at 3,004,600 fl. Second do. do. 19,022 „ „ 1,902,200 „ Third do. do. 5,224 „ „ 783,600 „ So that altogether 115,293 cwt. of articles -- valued at 5,690,400 fl. or 88 per cent, of the entire aggregate of exports and 87 per cent, of the entire value represent the share of Bohemia. The glass and mirrors produced in Bohemia are estimated at more than double the sum of her foreign exports, since they amount to at least 220,000 cwt. valued at ten and a half millions of florins. Considerable sales of these very valuable manufactures are made to other provinces of the empire. Next to Bohemia we may take the Venetian Provinces, celebrated for the beads of many kinds that they make, and which are partly cut in Bohemia. The value of the annual productions of this manufacture exceeds 3,000,000 of florins. Besides these provinces, only Lower Austria, Lombardy, and Upper Austria produce glass wares of the finer kinds, and these but in small quantities : for although they are exported to some little extent by Upper and Lower Austria, these countries do not produce them in quantities sufficient to meet the demands of their whole population. Other provinces limit their efforts to the production of ordinary descriptions of glass only, and are supplied with the finer sorts from Bohemia. From a collation of the results collected for the whole Austrian monarchy, it appears that the glass trade pro¬ duces annually 420,000 cwt. of glassware and mirrors, valued at more than 18,000,000 florins. The careful adoption of the latest discoveries or processes, her richness in the raw materials entering into the pro¬ duction of glass, and the cheapness of its articles, have se¬ cured to Bohemia a most extensive foreign market for her wares, and up to the present time she has had no competitor to fear in this class of productions. The manufactories of the other provinces take those of Bohemia for their model, and are now making rapid progress in the development of their improved capacity and resources. The figures above noted demonstrate the importance of these foreign exports; but in order to afford a correct view of the course of trade in the articles referred to, the results shown for this branch of commerce in the five years from 1843 to 1847 are here stated The imports from abroad were quite inconsiderable, amounting, on an average, to no more than Of table and hollow glass.173 cwt. Cut and cast crystal glass and mirrors . . 209 „ Beads, paste, &c.. . 10 „ Total value, 28,000 florins. But the exports in the same period were— Of table and hollow glass. 102,036 cwt. Cut and cast crystal glass and mirrors . 19,093 „ Beads, enamel, milk, hyalite glass, glass gems, &c. 4,894 „ Of all which the aggregate value was 6,010,600 florins. Thus we have shown that glass and mirrors constitute one of the most important branches of Austrian active trade. MACHINES, INSTRUMENTS, AND MECHANICAL PRODUCTIONS. The rapidly increasing demand for machines, in conse¬ quence of the general development of Austrian industry and the progress of railway constructions and of steam navi¬ gation, has, of late years, called into existence the busi¬ ness of the wholesale manufacture of machines. But this newly-created manufacture had to contend, at its outset, with great difficulties, of which the want of a raw material suited for it was not the least. The natural consequence has been, that engine builders have not yet reached that perfec¬ tion which is to be desired, although they are already able to compete with foreign makers in some of the main or principal articles of their trade, and can now furnish steam-engines, O 2 150 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction. machinery for direct use, planing machines, grooving tools, spinning-mules, mills, cranes, spindles, pumps, &c. to the value of 10,000,000 florins annually. The larger steam-en¬ gines (which are coming into extensive use) are imported from abroad in a smaller number every year. For example, of the 136 steam-engines of 6839 horsei-power, which was the number registered in 1846, ninety-eight of 4559 horse-power in all were manufactured at home. At the close of the year 1846, 760 steam-engines, representing a 24,734 horse-power, were in work in the German Slavonic and Italian provinces, but the number has since considerably increased. Notwith¬ standing the improvement that has been made in this branch of industry, the importation of machines and parts of ma¬ chines from year to year has gradually progressed. The value of these imports amounted in 1843 to 384,600 florins; to 678,600 fl. in 1844; to 750,000 fl. in 1845; to 958,400 fl. in 1846; and to 1,415,310 fl. in the year 1847. These figures clearly show the onward tendency of Aus¬ trian industry in general. The manufacture of surgical in¬ struments, and o bjects of philosophical and optical science, as well as of chemical and medical apparatus, is likewise very considerably on the increase. Its annual production amounts to half a million of florins in value. Vienna is the prin¬ cipal seat of their manufacture. The imports of such instru¬ ments, &c. supplied from abroad amount, on an average, to 46,000 florins, and the exports to 27,000 fl. The manufacture of musical instruments of metal is not, for the most part, carried on in large manufactories ; but it is followed to a considerable extent, and constitutes a profitable trade to the annual value of one million and a half of florins. Musical instruments, pianofortes, and stringed instruments are imported from abroad to the an¬ nual value of 16,000 florins, whilst the annual export of such goods amounts to 230,000 florins. Watch and Clock making is a trade that attains an important extent only at Vienna, Prague, Milan, and Gratz. The works for watches are generally brought, already prepared, from Switzerland; but this branch of industry is almost independent with respect to clocks and time-pieces of a large size, for in the above places, and especially in Prague, excellent astronomical clocks are made, which are in no way inferior to those manufactured abroad. Clocks are sent out of Austria to all the countries of Europe and to America. The imports of clocks and watches and the works thereof, from abroad, amounted, in 1847, to the value of 400,000 florins, and the exports to 565,000 florins. The productions of watch and clock makers’ work represent a total value of two millions of florins. Even if we exclude other articles properly appertaining to this branch of manufacture, the aggregate annual value will be enhanced to not less than 14,000,000 of florins. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. The Austrian monarchy enjoys, by reason of its geo¬ graphical position, a climate which is especially calculated for the support of animal and“vegetable life; in addition to which it is favoured with an excellent soil, so that it is only here and there, in the mountainous districts, that some tracts of territory occur which are not adapted for agri¬ cultural cultivation. The system of agriculture pursued in Lombardy is first- rate; it is less so in the Venetian provinces and in South Tyrol. In emulation of Venice and Lombardy, the states of Bohemia and Silesia, of Upper and Lower Austria, and of Salzburg and Styria, have made unquestionable and praise¬ worthy exertions, although it is beyond question that in the three last named provinces there occur large districts of dreary waste and desert: but even in the two favoured pro¬ vinces alluded to there yet remain some difficulties to be over¬ come. Hungary and Galicia furnish agricultural products far beyond their requirements. Like Bohemia, Moravia and the Lombardo-Venetian provinces are able to export corn and other agricultural productions to other provinces in that neighbourhood, notwithstanding the density of their own population, which varies from 4800 to 7200 inhabitants per Austrian square mile; but how far the abolition of vas¬ salage will have a tendency to increase the production cannot at present be at all anticipated. Agricultural labour throughout the monarchy yields in average years an aggregate of 278,000,000 of Lower Austrian “ metzen” of grain. Of these 47,000,000 are wheat, 61,000,000 rye, 50,000,000 barley, 8,000,000 oats, 31,000,000 maize, 1,000,000 buckwheat. Of peas, the yield is more than 5,000,000 metzen; of potatoes, more than 100,000,000 met¬ zen ; of turnips, about 25,000,000; of hops, about 50,000 cwt.; of butter, cheese, and other dairy produce, about 3,000,000 cwts. The manufacture of cheese is, especially in Lombardy, very considerable; the production is abundant, and of ex¬ cellent quality. It is an article which proves the staple of a large trade, and, next to silk, is the most important to Lombardy of her products. The breed of cattle has not yet attained that perfection which it would be so much to the interest of Austrian hus¬ bandry that it should do, and which it really might be brought up to, when the extremely favourable condition of the soil on which they are reared is considered. The monarchy exhibits 3,000,000 horses, 4,000,000 steers and oxen, 3,000,000 cows, and 35,000,000 sheep. If we take the value of the annual average of the whole production, and combine that of the cattle or stock referred to with it, we shall have a resulting aggregate representing a value of 2500 millions of florins. In 1847 there were imported from abroad—*• Of Wheat Of Maize Of Eye Of Barley Of Oats Whereof entered the 428,000 cwt. 597,000 .. 602,000 .. 167,000 .. 159,000 .. Tyrol. 136,000 cwt. 1,000 25,000 17,000 80,000 Besides these supplies there were 72,000 cwt. of cheese, 13,100 horses, 81,500 oxen and steers, 40,500 cows and calves above one year old, and 69,000 head of sheep im¬ ported. The exports to all countries, during the same period, amounted to— 432,000 cwt. of Wheat 676,000 „ Maize 281,000 „ Rye 624,000 „ Barley 156,000 „ Oats 36,000 „ Cheese Valued together at 1,805,000 florins. Besides these products there were also exported— 11,600 Horses. 81.800 Oxen and Steers. 22.800 Cows and Calves (above one year old). 107,000 Sheep. Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 151 CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS. I.—CHEMICALS. This branch of our national industry has of late years ex¬ ceedingly increased in extent. This continually increasing demand for chemical productions has had its influence upon its manufacture, in spite of obstacles with which it had to contend. Bohemia led the way for the other provinces to follow her in this department, which indeed has been al¬ ready established for centuries in Bohemia, and is at pre¬ sent actively pursued in all the other dominions of the Empire. "With respect to chemical products by what are called “ wet methods,” we shall here mention only the manufac¬ ture of vitriol (sulphate of iron) and alum. In the year 1847 there were made 6532 cwt. of sulphate of copper, valued at 93,700 florins, whereof 5424 cwt. were pro¬ duced by Bohemia, and 12,107 by the Venetian provinces. Of alum, 39,113 cwt., valued at 1,258,600 florins, whereof 15,371 cwt. were the production of Hungary, 14,750 cwt. of Bohemia, 5000 cwt. of Styria, and 2887 cwt. of Moravia and Silesia. The supply thus furnished of those products does not only cover the entire demand for them from the interior, but a not inconsiderable surplus remains for exportation. On an average of the period above cited, 3674 cwt. of alum, and 1338 cwt. of the various kinds of vitriol, were imported from abroad; whilst the exports for the like term were 5681 cwt. of alum, and 12,492 cwt. of vitriol. As to salt, the manufacture of culinary salt takes the first place. Salt forms the object of a State monopoly, and is of three descriptions—rock, boiled, and sea salt. The aggre¬ gate quantity produced is, on an average, 6,000,000 cwt. per annum, whereof 10 per cent, is sea salt, 36 per cent, boiled, and 54 per cent, rock salt. With respect to the movement of this trade, we may state that in the year 1847 there were 211,000 cwt. of sea salt im¬ ported for the consumption of the Lombardo-Venetian pro¬ vinces ; whilst 895,400 cwt. of rock and boiled salt were exported: namely, 678,000 cwt. to Russia, 116,800 cwt. to Prussia, 48,000 cwt. to Turkey, 45,100 cwt. to Switzerland, and the residue, in smaller proportions, to Bavaria and Lichtenstein. The total value of the culinary salt monopoly was 25 millions and a half of florins. Saltpetre is also an article of State monopoly, but is chiefly manufactured by private individuals, who are bound to deliver their productions to the State. The refining, on the contrary, is principally provided for by the State itself. In 1847, the quantity of saltpetre produced amounted to 21.600 cwt., valued at 540,000 florins. This was chiefly applied to the manufacture of gunpowder (whereof there were made 33,800 cwt., of the value of 2,800,000 florins), and also to other purposes. The progress of this trade, how¬ ever, is but inconsiderable. The manufacture of Lucifer Matches, mostly of a very superior description, affords employment for a great number of workmen, and bids fair to become a lucrative staple of export. Next in importance, as a branch of private industry, comes the manufacture of soda and potash. Both salts are produced in Hungary in the largest quantities. The crys¬ tallized soda found on the soil is estimated at 30,000 cwt., annually, and the entire production of soda in Hungary, at 40.600 cwt., whereof about 10,400 cwt. are distributed over the other provinces. In these last, altogether, the same quantity is produced as is raised in Hungary, alone ; and. there are to be added thereto the amount of the excess of im¬ ports (56,000 cwt.) over exports (55,000 cwt.) being 1000 cwt. Of Potash about 350,000 cwt. are produced, and of this quantity 200,000 cwt. in Hungary, the remainder chiefly in Galicia. The production not only covers the whole de¬ mand for home consumption, but leaves a considerable excess for export. Thus, in the year 1847, the imports of potash amounted to 11,900 cwt., whereof the exports were 41,900 cwt. The amount of the production of these salts represents a value of 4,000,000 of florins. In the manufacture of salts and acids for dyeing and other purposes considerable progress is being rapidly de¬ veloped. The fortunate results that have rewarded the activity of Bohemia in the expansion and improvement of chemical manufactures which had their commencement in its territory—have excited the other provinces of the mon¬ archy to follow her example in similar undertakings. Lower Austria already occupies a respectable place. In Upper Austria, Styria, the Tyrol, and Lombardy, the fact of this progress is not to be denied; but Carinthia possesses the most important manufacture of white lead, being favoured by nature with abundant ores of excellent pure lead. The extensive manufactory of cinnabar, at Idria in Carniola, has already been mentioned. In the exchange of Austrian commodities with those of foreign countries a trade has lately risen into activity, in several articles which must not be overlooked. Thus, within the period 1843 to 1847 there were imported, on an average, 104 cwt. of sulphuric acid, and oil of vitriol; 49 cwt. of minium; 292 cwt. of ravr, and 34 cwt. of prepared tartar; 1241 cwt. of white lead; 7 cwt. of Prussian blue and red; and 8 cwt. of mountain green. In the same period there were exported, respectively, of the same articles,— 8,130 cwt. 7,844 cwt. 939 ., 74 „ 4,442 „ 270 „ 2,198 „ On the contrary. in the trade of Glauber’s Salts there were imported— 1,916 cwt. against 746 cwt. exported. Verdigris . . 386 ,, 5 ) 16 >> » Ammonia, and salt ammoniac, to¬ gether 1,032 „ ., 1,200 ,, ,, < » o 1 *UO-w j j * j lj-UU 99 99 so that the balance of this trade was still against Austria. II.—WAX, TALLOW, AND OIL. The rearing of bees is carried on most extensively in the Yayvode and the Temeser Banate, Croatia, Slavonia, and Transylvania, on the military frontiers of Galicia, in Lombardy and Venice, and in Styria, likewise in Carinthia, and Carniola. In the other provinces this trade is of little consequence or extent. The Germanic, Slavonic, and Italian provinces produce on an average 30,000 cwt. of wax, and the production of the other half of the Austrian empire may be of equal amount. Besides, the imports from abroad were rather greater than the exports, 4075 cwt. having been in the year 1847 imported, and only 1814 cwt. exported. The extensive manufacture of wax into candles has been falling off since the introduction of stearine can¬ dles, and is now almost limited to those for the use of churches. It has been calculated that wax, by its manu¬ facture into various articles of use and ornament, candles, artificial flowers, &c., receives an increase of 50 percent, value on the raw material, of 4,500,000 of florins. Thus there results on the total production of wax, a value equi¬ valent to 6§ millions of florins. The production of tallow in the dominions of Austria amounted, on the average of the flue years, 1843 to 1847, to 750,000 cwt., valued at more than 14,000,000 of florins. But by its further manufac¬ ture into tallow and stearine candles, soap, &c., the raw material, after deducting from its aggregate the quantity used up in its raw state, had attained an increased value of 25 per cent. The production of stearine candles amounts EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 152 [Introduction. to 20,000 cwt., valued at* 1,200,000 florins. The share of Yienna in the entire manufacture from tallow could not he adequately represented by a less figure than 2,500,000 florins. The production of olive oil amounts to 90,000 cwt., valued at 2,000,000 florins, two-thirds of which are from Dal¬ matia, one-sixth from Lombardy, one-sixth from Gorz, Gra- disca, Istria, and Trieste. To this quantity must be added considerable imports from abroad.* In the year 1847 they amounted to 234,411 cwt., against which were to be set some very inconsiderable exports. The manufacture of soap from olive oil is chiefly carried on at Trieste and at Yenice. It has decreased considerably of late, and produces at present about 75,000 cwt., the value of which is 2 millions and a quarter of florins. III.—FERMENTED LIQUORS AND ARDENT SPIRITS. The Austrian empire is very rich in wine. The produc¬ tion of it exceeds 40 millions of Lower Austrian eimers, whereof 26£ millions are produced by Hungary, 2^ millions by the Venetian provinces, 2 millions each by Lombardy and Lower Austria, 1J million by Transylvania, 1^ million by Styria, and 1 million by Dalmatia. The manufacture of fermented liquors and ardent spirits has, in some parts of the monarchy, become of considerable extent, especially that of beer, and of brandies. The manufacture of Rosoglio and other liqueurs is already of large extent in Bohemia, Moravia, and Galicia. In the province of Dalmatia they supply an excellent article. The manufacture of spirits of wine is only considerable in Bohemia. The 3000 breweries in the German and Slavonian provinces of the monarchy (without reckoning Lombardy)—Trieste with its district, Dalmatia, Hungary, Croatia, and Slavonia, the Yayvode and the Temeser Ba- nate, Transylvania, and the military frontiers, together an¬ nually produce nearly 10,000,000 of eimers of beer, worth 26f millions of florins, if the so-called cold brew be added. If, again, we combine the other products of the same kind that are annually manufactured in the same districts, we shall find that their united amount is raised to 29,000,000 of florins. Of this total quantity Florins. Bohemia supplies 4424,000 eimers, valued Lower Austria „ 724,000 „ „ Moravia, Silesia „ 1137,000 „ Upper Austria „ 1012,000 „ „ Galicia „ 1066,000 „ „ at 12,500.000 5,900,000 4,200,000 4,000,000 1 , 200,000 The most extensive breweries are these of Bohemia and Moravia—those having the largest trade are in Lower and Upper Austria, where some of the great establishments pay annually 150,000 florins excise, which amount to 25 per cent, on the warm brew. The consumption of beer, in the provinces above-named, amounts in quantity to a proportion of 22 “mass” per head. In the larger towns, however, this average rises to 90 mass, whilst in the country districts it falls to 20 mass per head. The manufacture of brandy is of less extent, and has of late years considerably decreased. The most important decrease has been in those provinces which had previously enjoyed the greatest trade in the article—viz. in Galicia, in Moravia and Silesia, and in Bohemia. But the provinces here mentioned still maintain the first place in point of the quantities produced by them. In those provinces in which the excise on brandy and beer exists, there were, in the year 1847, altogether 20,537 brandy dis¬ tillers, whereof 107 were wholesale traders, 2043 on a small or retail scale, and 18,387 persons pursued this business in connexion with their agricultural occupations. In Galicia, Moravia, and Silesia, the brandy manufacturers have the largest business. The total production in those countries amounted to 2,600,000 Lower Austrian eimers, valued at 19J millions of florins, and including other residuary pro¬ ducts of an analogous kind to 26 millions of florins, of which amount the proportionate shares Florins. Of Galicia may be stated at 15,000,000 „ Moravia and Silesia . . . . 2,750,000 „ Bohemia. 1,750,000 So that the share of the other provinces in this manufac¬ ture of brandy amounted only to 7 per cent, of the whole. The average consumption per head amounts to 6 mass, and fluctuates between half a mass, and 8£ mass. In Carniola, it is ^ mass and the 14£ in Galicia. In Hungary, the Yayvode, the Temeser Banate, and Croatia, as well as in Slavonia, and in the military frontiers, the production of ardent spirits is very considerable. In proof of this we need only mention Slibowitz, where the quantity of the production amounts annually to nearly 100,000 eimers, arid on an approximate calculation the production of fermented liquors and ardent spirits throughout the whole empire reaches the value of 60,000,000 of florins at the least. The imports of beer from abroad exceed the exports in an inconsiderable degree (to the value of about 21,000 florins in the year 1847); whereas the imports of brandy (to the annual value of 246,000 florins), and the exports (141,000 florins only), exhibit a very considerable disproportion. But the difference in this respect in the case of other ardent spirits (as liqueurs, arrack, rum, &c.,) is still more considerable; since, against exports to the value of 3000 florins annually, we find imports to the value of 180,000 florins. IV.-SUGAR AND SYRUP. This branch of industry is divided into the refining of foreign sugars, and the manufacture and refining of sugar and syrup from materials of home growth. The Austrian monarchy can now reckon 23 refineries working up foreign sugars ; which, in the year 1847, prepared 619,424 cwt. of raw sugar, so as to produce 495,539 cwt. of refined sugar and 99,105 cwt. of syrup, both together worth about 16,000,947 florins. Of the entire quantity there may be set down to the share of Lower Austria 158,300 cwt.; to the share of Venice 79,000 cwt.; of Carniola 57,000 cwt., and to that of Lombardy 50,100 cwt. The value of the raw material, so prepared, amounted to 9,291,000 florins. The proportion of sugar and syrup from materials of home growth increases annually in extent and consideration. The home grown ma¬ terials which are used in this preparation are prepared beet-root and potatoes; the latter in small quantities only. The number of sugar manufacturers is 59. Their joint pro¬ duction in 1847 amounted to 157,500 cwt. of raw sugar; for which production 3,148,000 cwt. of beet-root were con¬ sumed, and 3000 cwt. of potatoes. The raw sugar produced furnished 130,000 cwt. of refined sugar, besides 20,000 cwt. of syrup, valued at 4,380,000 florins. Moravia and Silesia con¬ tributed 62,000 cwt. of raw sugar, Bohemia 53,000 cwt., and Galicia 26,000 cwt. ; these provinces having the most im¬ portant share in the manufacture. It consequently appears that this branch of the national industry of Austria furnishes a production, the value of which taken altogether was not less than twenty-six and one-third millions of florins. The quantity of refined sugar produced in Austria almost entirely covered the home de¬ mand, as the imports seem to be of little importance. They amounted, in 1847, to no more than 4400 cwt. On the other hand, in spite of the continued increase of the manu¬ facture of sugar from beet-root, the importations of foreign raw sugar were also constantly on the increase; for there were imported of foreign raw sugars— In 1843 . . 1844 . . 1845 . . 1846 . . 1847 . . 541,800 cwts. 559,700 ,, 525,100 ,, 582,000 ,, 648,600 ,, Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 153 LEATHER AND MANUFACTURES IN LEATHER. The production of leather is an object of indispensable importance, and occupies a very prominent place among the branches of Austrian industry. It is an incontrovertible fact that the manufacture of leather, like the other great divisions through which the industry of Austria is distri¬ buted, has lately struck into a path of progress and improve¬ ment ; especially as regards the tawing and»the production of japanned and chamois leather, which are cheap and ex¬ cellent. Bark tanning, on the contrary, has hitherto suc¬ ceeded to a very small extent only in freeing itself from the disadvantages of the old system of procedure, and in its at¬ tempts to furnish an article which can compete at all with the Rhenish, Belgian, French, and English descriptions of sole and upper-leather. .With respect to the rawmaterial—the hides and skins—the domestic cattle reared in the interior of the monarchy, together with the considerable quantities that are furnished from abroad—especially from across the eastern frontiers and from Switzerland—are not by any means adequate to meet the annual requirements of Austria for her home ma¬ nufacture. The imports of raw and half-prepared hides and skins constitute an important part of the trade carried on by Austria. In the following statement of this trade the divi¬ sion of the different descriptions of skins is taken according to the customs tariff. The larger hides are employed, generally speaking, for the manufacture of sole leather. The smaller skins, which are mentioned in the second class, serve, with the exception of the calf-skins (which are for the most part bark-tanned), as the raw material for “ taw¬ ing ” and chamois tanning. The last skins mentioned, not under any particular name, are those which partly in their rough state, partly as leather, have a special but limited application. On an average of five years, from 1843 to 1847, the im¬ portation of skins and hides amounted, including those of ox, cow, steer, calf, hog, &c., to 68,235 cwt., valued at 2,047,000 florins; goat, kid, sheep, lamb, and shagreen skins, dog, chamois, and doeskin, and lastly hare-skins, 59,013 cwt., valued at 4,726,000 florins. Of skins not otherwise enume- merated, there were 1,055 cwt., estimated at 167,000 florins. The exports of hides and skins amounted to 6,345 cwt., valued at 554,000 florins. With respect to the localities from whence the raw material is derived for the Austrian leather manufacturers, two-thirds of the larger hides, after¬ wards worked up, come from Russia, from the Danubian Principalities, and from Turkey. The remaining third of this aggregate is imported by sea, as Buenos Ayres hides, which last are principally manufactured in Lombardy and Venice into excellent sole leather, far exceeding in quality the productions of the other Austrian provinces. Two- thirds of the smaller skins come from Turkey, and among these must be included those sheep-skins which are ob¬ tained from the flocks that are pastured in Transylvania, but which winter in Bulgaria. The remainder come prin¬ cipally from Albania and Greece, by way of Trieste. If the above data be carefully considered, with respect to the cattle and the time which it takes to reproduce them— if the average imports from abroad be taken at the mode¬ rate amount of 1,500,000 hides, weighing 375,000 cwt., and 9,000,000 calf, sheep, and other skins, of the average weight of 450,000 cwt.—it results that the annual quantity of raw material for the leather manufacture, including that imported, amounts to about 952,000 cwt. In the manufacture of leather of all kinds, 198 masters, with 5000 labourers, and nearly 4000 leather-dressers and curriers, are employed—but this number does not include those engaged in the same occupations in Hungary. It is in the very nature of things that manufactories on a large scale, as well as the tan-pits for preparing the hides, should be found in the greatest number in the vicinity of large towns, where the demand for meat is far more con¬ siderable than in the country. Thus Vienna alone in its immediate neighbourhood reckons eight of the largest leather establishments and 95 tan-yards in which the pro¬ cesses of tanning are carried out on a very large scale. With respect to the extent of this trade, the establish¬ ments at Prague in Bohemia, at Briinn in Moravia, Wil- helmsburg and Krems in Lower Austria, at Reutter in the Tyrol, at Milan, and at Venice, take the greatest share in this productive branch of Austrian industry. In Hungary the largest seats of the leather manufacture are at Pesth- Ofen and Presburg; tanning is very actively carried on in Transylvania at Ilermanstadt, and among the Szeklers, who especially lay themselves out for the preparation of Mo¬ rocco leather, and pursue that branch with great success. The production of leather of all descriptions in Austria is calculated to amount annually to 545,000 cwt.; the value of this on an average of years may be estimated at 57,000,000 of florins annually. Although the demand for alum and chamois tanned and japanned or enamelled leather is per¬ fectly covered by the home mauufacture, so that the ex¬ ports and the imports pretty nearly balance one another, this is not the case with Russia leather and leather pre¬ pared with wood dyes. The trade with foreign countries, on an average of the years 1843 to 1847, shows the follow¬ ing annual results:— IMPORTS. Cwts. Florins. Japanned and enamelled leather 361 Valued at 72,000 Chamois yellow and alum tanned leathers.... 315 „ 42,000 Russia leather . . , . 4,848 ,, 412,000 Other leather. 12,476 „ 1,300,000 Thus it appears that the j total production of leathers >18,000 ,, 1,606,000 amounted to.J The same average shows the following results as the statement of exports:— EXPORTS. Cwts. Florins.’ Of leather of the first of the above described kinds . . 325 Valued at 65,000 Ditto second. 272 „ 43,000 „ third . 252 „ 21,000 „ fourth. 6,587 „ 430,000 So that upon the whole . . 7,438 ,, 559,000 were annually exported. According to this table the excess of the annual imports of prepared leather over the exports amounts to more than 10,000 cwt., valued at 1,000,000 of florins. But it must be recollected that the important element of imports which is comprised under the general title of “other leathers ” consists for the most part — per¬ haps to the extent of 90 per cent.—of goat leather, which is imported from Turkey and worked up into Spanish or Turkey morocco; whereas the exports of 65S7 cwt. consist principally of sole leather exchanged with Turkey. Of the modes of further manufacturing leather, those which regard the covering of the human feet are main¬ tained in the greatest, and employ more than 60,000 shoe¬ makers, with a number of assistants almost as large. But the manufacture of such articles, as has been already shown by the foregoing statements, ranks among the smaller 154 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction. trades only, and is confined as it were to home uses, with the exception of ladies’ shoes manufactured in Vienna, which are known to he excellent, and on account of the elegance of their make and their moderate price find an extensive sale abroad. Besides these a considerable export of shoes takes place from Trieste, which are designed for various markets in the Levant. In the southern provinces of Hungary a very large quantity of shoes and slippers is made for sale in Turkey, and in the military provinces many laced boots are annually manufactured. The making of leather gloves is a branch of trade exten¬ sively followed in Vienna and Prague. The production of this branch not only covers the entire demands of the Home market, but furnishes also large ex¬ ports to the Danubian provinces and to Turkey. In Vienna alone there are established more than 250 glove- makers, some of whom carry on their business on a very large scale. They employ above 500 workmen, and nearly 3500 female sewers, who furnish annually more than 180,000 dozen pairs of gloves, valued at about 1,200,000 florins. Prague reckons about 50 manufacturers of gloves, the annual production of which amounts to about 120,000 dozen pairs, valued at 140,000 florins. The manu¬ facture of fancy articles of leather has also made great progress of late years. This has been the case particu¬ larly in the trade of bookbinding, both in Vienna and Prague, where this branch of trade is conducted on a large scale; these not only satisfying all the requisitions of a daily increasing luxury at home, but also commanding a very profitable sale abroad. In the manufacture of har¬ ness, saddles, and various articles of furriery, Vienna, Prague, and Milan excel all other cities and towns in the empire. In fact, the parties engaged in this branch of manufacture not only supply the whole demand of the monarchy, but also export annually to the value of 100,000 florins to foreign countries, principally to Turkey. FELT AND SILK HATS. Tiie manufacture of felt hats is carried on by upwards of 3000 dealers in these articles, not including those of Hun¬ gary. Very few establishments for hat-making are carried on upon a large scale; and Vienna and Prague are the principal seats of the manufacturers both of felt and of beaver hats. Milan produces silk hats in large quantities, and of excellent quality. Of late years the production of fine felt hats in the Germanic Austrian provinces has fallen off, while the manufacture of silk hats after the Parisian man¬ ner is making great progress. WOOD, AND ARTICLES OF Y/0QD. One-third, or 35,307,000 Lower Austrian chains, of the entire soil of Austria is covered with forests, which furnish yearly the quantity of 17,000,000 cubic cords (42,500,000 cords of Lower Austria) of Wood of every description. The disproportionate excess of forest to the whole area of the soil in some provinces, combined with the diversity of the wages of labour, as well as of the means and facilities of trans¬ port or carriage prevailing in others, and, lastly, the irre¬ gularly distributed demand for wood for purposes of mining, of glass houses, of stationary and locomotive engines, as well as of steam-vessels, are among the causes which have occasioned, on the one hand, the extraordinary difference in the price of wood to be remarked as between various lo¬ calities in the monarchy, where it is largely consumed (a difference ranging in some instances even to 600 per cent.), and on the other hand have given rise to the necessity for importing wood for building purposes, and even for fuel, from abroad. These imports, as we find by an examination of the entries during the five years 1843 to 1847, were to an extent of the yearly average value of 1,620,000 florins: they comprise, for the most part, the quantity required for the use of Lombardy, a province which, by the necessities of its geographical position, is compelled to draw its supplies of wood from Switzerland and Piedmont. Whilst the na¬ vigation of the Danube affords the means of easy transport of building timber and fuel down that stream, from South German} r , and especially of that large supply of firewood ne¬ cessary for the imperial capital, on the northern and eastern frontiers of the empire, the rivers Elbe, Oder, Vistula, Sereth, and Danube afford so many channels for conveying away the wood and timber in which the frontier provinces are so rich. The value of the average yearly exports of building and fire wood, in blocks, logs, beams, planks, laths, &c., as well as of shingles and staves, was as high as 4,610,000 florins. Al¬ though the great bulk of these exports was in rough wood, the exportation to the Danubian principalities of the planks produced in the Bukowina and in Transylvania, and of staves from the shores of Croatia, to Italy, France, and North America, constitutes a considerable element in their entire value. The making of Charcoal, especially for the use of foundries, constitutes an important branch of agricultural industry. It produces annually about 30,000,000 of pecks (Lower Austrian measurement), and gives employment to more than 5000 burners. The trade in charcoal with foreign countries is but of small extent, and is chiefly confined to the frontier districts. The annual imports, on an average of years from 1843 to 1847, were to the value of82,300 florins, whilst the yearly exports reached that of 102,000 florins. The preparation of wood for agricultural and domestic utensils, for casks and the like ordinary uses, appertains, usually, to the smaller trades, and seldom forms the object of any traffic beyond that which is established by the de¬ mands of the locality itself. The manufacture, therefore, of such common wooden articles as are here alluded to, on an extended scale, may seem scarcely worthy of mention ; and yet the yearly exports of common articles of wood, such as casks, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, agricultural and gardening tools, from 1843 to 1847, averaged a yearly value of 308,000 florins, whilst the imports of similar articles are limited to an average of about 46,000 florins. The finer works in wood are made, some of them, by cer¬ tain of the larger manufacturers ; but, for the most part, they constitute the employment of whole districts and val¬ leys in the mountains. This sort of trade is widely spread over Bohemia, the Tyrol, and Upper Austria, and, to some extent, also in Hungary. Architectural Carpentry is carried on, in the towns, on a very considerable scale. Although several large esta¬ blishments of this kind exist in the more populous parts of the empire, their productions are not calculated to meet more than the local demand for them. Within these few years, a factory has been established at Vienna, to pro¬ duce doors, lintels and window frames, &c., which, being in connection with a factory of machine worked massive and Inlaid Floorings and a Furniture Warehouse, forms a portion of the splendid establishment of Messrs. Carl Leist- ler & Son, which for taste and workmanship stands without a rival. The manufacture of Inlaid and Mosaic Floorings has Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 155 lately increased in an extraordinary degree. Vienna, Prague, Budweis, Plass, Dobrzisch, and also Dernes in Hun¬ gary, supply works of this kind in large quantities and of increasing perfection. Cabinet Making and the manufacture of Furniture flou¬ rish in Vienna, Prague and Milan, above all other towns of the monarchy. The perfection of these works of Cabinet- Making, and the comparatively low prices demanded, not only ensure for them the command of the entire home market of the monarchy, but are already establishing a large export trade. This latter, on an average calculated on the period of five years from 1843 to 1847, was found to amount, annually, to the value of 488,000 florins. The value of the imports of similar articles, during the coinci¬ dent period, was limited to 21,000 florins. The manufacture of Buhl and other fancy articles consti¬ tutes a special branch of industry in Milan, and, under the name of “ Intarsiatura,” has been carried on there for centuries. These articles, as well as the Vienna turnery and gilt carving, are of an excellent description, and are also exported to great advantage. The business of Carriage-building is conducted in Vienna and the Bukowina on a great scale. Many elegant car¬ riages are manufactured likewise by the coach-builders of Prague, of Gratz, and of Milan. The coach manufacture in Austria represents an annual value of not less than four millions of florins. The Vienna carriages are distinguished beyond all others for the convenience and solidity of their construction, and command a large sale in Russia. Nearly all the travelling carriages of the ordinary description (Britschkas) used in the Danubian Principalities are built in the Bukowina. The annual value of the exports of this trade averages 278,000 florins. The manufacture of Musical Instruments of wood forms a by no means unimportant branch of Austrian industry. Of these instruments the Piano-fortes rank in the first class, and are manufactured chiefly at Vienna, at Prague, and at Salzburg. The annual production is about 3,000 of these instruments, valued at 750,000 florins, and of this number about 2,500 are made at Vienna. In that capital there are 96 master manufacturers, of whom, however, but a few carry on their business in large factories. The num¬ ber of workmen actually employed in the manufacture of Pianos is but 100:—25 masters with 300 journeymen cabinet-makers produce the cases of these Pianos at their homes ; the other work pertaining to them, such as key¬ boards, covers, pins, hammers, &c., employs 64 other trades¬ people. The Vienna Piano-fortes are celebrated for their lightness of touch, pleasing tone, and cheapness of price. The manufacture of Stringed Instruments (violins, violoncellos and the like) is carried on in Vienna, Prague, Milan, and Cremona ; whilst that of Wind Instruments, of metal and wood, is almost peculiar to Vienna and Prague. In this place, and as articles of trade, which, owing to the division of labour, are made as cheaply at Vienna as any where else, Accordions, Concertinas, and Harmonicons may properly be noticed. Ship Building is carried on on the sea coasts of the Austrian dominions, more especially in the yards of Trieste, Venice, and Fiume, with increasing activity. If the hull and the masts may be properly considered as those parts of shipping which belong to “ manufactures of wood,” the value of the yearly amount of shipping manufacture, on the average of the ship-building of the five years 1843 to 1847, may be taken at 658,000 florins; and the average value of rebuilding and extensive repairs at 55,000 florins : so that here is a branch of industry which causes 713,000 florins to change hands annually. Besides ships for the sea, vessels for river navigation are built on the Danube, the Elbe, the Moldau, the Theiss, and the Save, including steamers and craft propelled w r ith sails and with oars ; but of these classes the number and value cannot be estimated. PAPER, PLAYING-CARDS, PAPER HANGINGS, AND PAPIER MACHE. It is only of late years that the Paper manufacture, although belonging to the oldest branches of industry sub¬ sisting in the Austrian Monarchy, has by reason of the erection of mechanical power made any considerable pro¬ gress, and at the same time partially supplanted the smaller establishments. Lombardy, Lower Austria, and Bohemia occupy, among the provinces of the Austrian Monarchy, the first rank in the manufacture of paper. After them come Venice and the Tyrol. In the other provinces the paper factories are for the most part but of small extent; Dalmatia has none whatever. Lower Austria possesses the most extensive Lombardy shares to the Lower Austria,, Bohemia „ Venice „ The Tyrol „ paper manufactories. The average production of the monarchy amounts to 650,000 cwt. of paper, valued at about 10,000,000 florins. Of this quantity 250,000 cwt. are ordi¬ nary writing paper; 60,000 cwt. fine paper; 20,000 cwt. drawing paper; 150,000 cwt. printing paper; 100,000 cwt. packing paper; and 60,000 cwt. paper for technical purposes. As to the various sorts or kinds of paper, Bohemia and Lower Austria produce the most writing paper; Lombardy and Bohemia, fine paper; Lombardy, drawing paper; Lower Austria and Bohemia, printing paper; Lombardy and Venice, packing paper; and Bohemia and Lombardy paper for technical purposes. Of the entire production tent of 2,000,000 florins. „ 1,956,000 „ „ 1,906,000 „ „ 1,245,000 ,, „ 656,000 „ or 7-9ths of the value of the entire production (10,000,000 florins), so that the remaining 2-9ths only fall to the share of the other provinces. The manufacture of paper employs directly 12,000 people; and indirectly at the least as many more. The mills are driven by water power, with the exception of some few to which steam power and machinery have been applied. Two-fifths of the whole production are made by machine, and three- fifths by hand. As to the course which this trade has taken, it is found that the exports considerably exceed the imports. In the year 1847 the latter amounted altogether to 1992 cwt. together 7,763,000 florins, valued at 127,000 florins, whereas the former were to the extent of 61,449 cwt. valued at 974,000 florins. To this branch of industry belongs also the manufacture of coloured and embossed papers, playing cards, paper hang¬ ings, pasteboard, and papier mache ware. Almost the entire production of these several articles, with the exception of the last, belongs to Vienna. Lombardy alone has established a few paper-hanging factories. The Vienna articles are excellent. As to the manufactures in papier mache, those of Bohemia are the best; those of Vienna the most elegant. This last named department of paper manufactures produces yearly articles or goods to the value of one million of florins. 156 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction. PRINTING, ENGRAVING ON METALS, AND LITHOGRAPHY. The number of printing, engraving, and lithographic estab¬ lishments in Austria has considerably increased of late years. They amount in all to 400, of which 160 are found in Lom¬ bardy and Venice, and 65 in Vienna. The most extensive of these establishments are in Vienna and Prague. First on the list must be noted the Court and Government Printing-Office at Vienna. Concerning this establishment and the Military Geographical Institute, however, separate pamphlets have been carefully prepared, and all particu¬ lars connected with them may be readily found therein. The type foundries, usually in connexion with the printing- offices, not only cover the home demand, but also maintain a brisk, though small, foreign trade. For example, while in 1847 types to the value of only 700 florins were imported, the exports of this manufacture were to the value of 18,500 florins. BILK AND SILK GOODS. Of all the states of Europe the Austrian monarchy pos¬ sesses the most abundant supply of Silk. The production of silk is conducted on the most important scale in the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom. Next in order of import¬ ance comes the Tyrol. The same business is also carried on in the military frontier, Oorz and Gradisca, and also in Istria and Trieste, in Dalmatia and the south of Hungary. Trials have likewise been made in Lower Austria, Bo¬ hemia and Carniola. The production of Cocoons amounts, on an average, annually In Lombardy.to 250,000 cwt. The Province of Venice . . 200,000 The Tyrol. 28,000 The other provinces . . . 12,000 • together 490,000 cwt. or, in round numbers, 500,000 cwt., the value of which is 44 millions of florins. The Cocoons are prepared at the reeling establishments into Haw Silk. From the result of inquiries it would appear that Lombardy comprises 3068 reeling establish¬ ments, with 34,627 kettles, which employ 79,500 work¬ people ; without taking intb calculation the smaller esta¬ blishments, which, as it not unfrequently happens, pos¬ sessing but one kettle' each, are not included in this enumeration. The number of kettles now employed may be taken at 40,000, giving occupation to 95,000 workpeople, who are employed, upon an average, for fifty days of the year. One of these kettles produces, on an average, 110 light lbs., or 62| Vienna lbs. of raw silk; the entire pro¬ duction amounts to 2,512,000 Vienna lbs., and since 12 lbs. of cocoons yield 1 lb. of raw silk, there are required for this aggregate of raw silk 306,400 cwt. of cocoons. The quantity of cocoons required in excess of the quantity produced, an excess of very nearly 50,000 cwt., is covered by the production of the Venetian provinces, chiefly by that of Verona. The value of this staple product amounts, for 2,512,000 Vienna lbs. of raw silk at 12^ florins per lb., and for 376,800 lbs. of employable waste at 24£ kreuzers per lb., to a total of 31,135,000 florins. Now, as the co¬ coons employed have cost 29,080,000 florins, there results an increased value of 2,055,000 florins under this head ; and of this sum about 1,200,000 florins are for wages, and about one-fourth for the cost of fuel. Within the province of Venice the reeling establish¬ ments are pretty numerous, but of less extent. The nearest approximation to the truth in reference to this matter is obtained by taking the number of kettles and the extent of the production at one-half of those in Lombardy. In point of fact, if we include the smaller establishments, there are about 20,000 kettles at work, which employ 48,000 hands and produce 1,256,000 lbs. of raw silk from 150,700 Vienna cwt. of cocoons. The remainder of the cocoons produced in the province undergo further preparation in Lombardy, and partly in the Tyrol also, whilst a portion of those obtained in Gorz and Gradisca, as well as in Istria, are prepared in Venetian reeling establishments. The value of the raw silk (say 10£ florins per Vienna lb.) and of the waste (188,400 lbs. at 20 kreuzers) is as much as 13,051,000 florins. It follows that by means of the process of reeling, the raw material realizes an increase of value of about 1 million of florins. The number and the performances of the. reeling ma¬ chines in the Tyrol are accurately known. In the year 1848, South Tyrol contained 559 of such reeling esta¬ blishments, with 5885 kettles. These employed 13,000 hands, and turned out 265,700 lbs. of raw silk, from 31,900 Vienna cwt. of cocoons. The supply of cocoons required, beyond that furnished by the production of the country, was drawn from the Venetian provinces. This amount of raw silk, together with the waste (39,900 lbs.), is equiva¬ lent to a value of 2,759,000 florins, taking the prices as for Venice, and thus an increased value to the extent of 207,000 florins is realized. The reeling establishments in the remaining provinces produce, conjointly, from 10,000 cwt. of cocoons 75,000 Vienna lbs. of raw silk, valued at 60,000 florins, including the waste. The whole production of raw silk obtained in the Aus¬ trian monarchy (4,108,700 lbs.) together with the waste (716,400 lbs.) must be, therefore, of the value of 47,545,000 florins. The number of working hands employed in the reeling establishments is not less than 160,000, (or if their term of occupation be reduced to 270 days in the year, 30,000 only). Besides the products already enumerated, about 900 cwt. of cocoons are annually imported into Lom¬ bardy, principally from Switzerland and the neighbouring Italian States, and are prepared in the Lombard reeling establishments. The quantity of the silk production is thus increased to an aggregate of 4,116,200 lbs., and its value to the sum of 47,632,000 florins. The raw silk undergoes further preparation in the Throwing Mills, but the whole mass of the production is not thus worked up within the monarchy, for the exports of raw silk are found considerably to exceed the imports. On an average of the five years. 1843 to 1847, the annual imports were 110,000 Vienna lbs. of raw silk (through Venice, Switzerland, and the adjacent Italian States), whilst 700,000 lbs. of this commodity were exported, for the most part to Switzerland, the adjacent states of Italy, and Southern Germany. Hence it results that a balance of raw silk amounting to 589,000 lbs. have been taken off by foreign consumption, and that the other 3,518,800 Vienna lbs. are retained by the states of the monarchy, and more than two-thirds thereof are worked up in Lom¬ bardy. In 1847 that province reckoned 500 throwing- mills, with 1,239,000 spindles, and of these 702,100 were lor spinning, and 507,200 for twisting. In the throwing-mills themselves 12,000 hands were employed (namely, 4400 men, 5500 women, and 2100 children), and, moreover, there were occupied 31,800 female winders. The production Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 157 yielded was 989,000 Vienna lbs. of tram, and 1,189,700 lbs. oforganzine, making together 2,179,500 Vienna lbs. of Thrown Silk, wortli 30,513,000 florins at 14 florins per lb.; for this aggregate of production, 2,256,200 lbs. of raw silk were used. The floss silk was to the weight of 76,000 lbs., worth (at I 5 florin per lb.) 114,000 florins. The increase of value which the raw material had acquired by this pro¬ cess of preparation amounted to 3,001,000 florins. The working of the Throwing Mills of Venice produced, in proportion to those of Lombardy, almost similar results to those above indicated in reference to the reeling esta¬ blishments ; only the production of tram greatly prepon¬ derates. The number of persons employed in the throw¬ ing-mills, both within and without doors, were 20 , 000 . Their production was above 960,000 Vienna lbs., worth 11,520,000 florins at 12 florins per lb.; and the consumption of raw silk by the conversion into this quantity was 1,009,000 lbs., worth 10,290,000 florins, and giving waste (floss) to the amount of 47,400 lbs., worth 74,000 florins. Thus the converted raw material had acquired an increased value of 1,292,000 florins. There are at present in the Tyrol 55 throwing-mills, with 125,047 spindles; 85,583 of which latter are for spinning, and 39,464 for twisting. In these mills 500 men, and 1200 women and children are employed. The pro¬ duction there, including that of the smaller throwing-mills, which give occupation to 500 workmen, amounts to 220,400 Vienna lbs. of thrown silk, valued at 2,645.000 florins, for which 231,400 Vienna lbs. of raw silk, valued at 2,314,000 florins, have to be worked up. Including the floss, or waste, worth 16,000 florins, here is an increase of value acquired to the extent of 347,000 florins. Of the remainder of the raw silk (23,200 lbs.), about 14,000 lbs. are distributed through the other southern pro¬ vinces, and the remaining 9200 lbs. appropriated to other purposes. Thus we find a resulting total of production equal to 3,374,000 Vienna lbs. of thrown silk, of which, including the floss or waste (worth 204,000 florins) and the raw silk appropriated to other purposes (worth 80,000 florins), the aggregate value was 45,142,000 florins: so that the throw¬ ing processes had imparted to the raw silk an increase of value of 4 millions and a half of florins. The further conversion of the thrown silk into silk goods is still confined almost exclusively to Vienna, Milan, and Como, whilst its working up into mixed stuffs has attained considerable extension. By far the greater portion of the thrown silk is therefore exported to foreign markets. From 1843 to 1847 these exports showed an annual average of 1,934,900 lbs. of thrown silk, of 142,700 lbs. of cleaned and dyed silk; so that there remained for home consump¬ tion about one-third of the entire production, or 1,296,300 lbs., worth 16,000,000 of florins, because the imports were very inconsiderable. More than one-half of this quantity is worked up in Vienna, and its manufacture, including the dyeing process, represents a capital of about 13,500,000 florins. The consumption of silk, in Vienna, increases from year to year. It amounted -- In 1839 to 442,029 Vienna lbs. 1842 „ 574,394 „ 1845 to 611,027 Vienna lbs. 1847 „ 889,800 „ Milan may be classed immediately after Vienna with reference to the value of its productions in this class ; Milan producing to the amount of 3,750,000 florins, and Como to the extent of 2,750,000. The province of Venice manufactures goods to the value of at least 3,250,000 florins ; and the other provinces furnish articles of silk to the value of about 1,000,000 florins. The value, there¬ fore, of the silk goods, including those made from the floss, cannot be assigned at less than 21,750,000 of florins. If it be assumed that about the twentieth part of the silk remaining on hand after allowing for the exports is ap¬ plied to the manufacture of mixed stuffs, there will accrue from the manufacture of silk goods an enhancement of the value of this material of 6,500,000 florins. From a com¬ bination of all these several results, and taking at one- third of a million of florins the proportionate increase of value acquired by the raw material from the working up of the floss, the preparation and dyeing of the thrown silk (not hitherto taken into our account), it appears that the cultivation and manufacture of silk in xAustria show a gross resulting total of value of 59,000,000 of florins; and that they employ more than 800,000 persons, some for the whole year, some for shorter intervals, if the breeding of silkworms be also included. Of what importance to Austria the production of silk and silk goods must be is evident from the course of the trade in these articles, which occupy the highest place among the objects of Austrian commerce. It may, therefore, be well here to give the averages furnished by the returns for the year 1847. The returns of the foreign trade of the Mo¬ narchy show that there were respectively Imported and Exported— Imported. Exported. Cwt. Florins. Cwt. Florins. Cocoons Raw silk . 858 1,131 51,500 1,017,900 5,477 4,929,300 Thrown silk . 29 26,100 21,963 19,766,700 Cleansed and dyed 18 21,600 1,242 1,490,400 Seed cocoons and 560 24,900 11,808 573,600 unhackled floss. Floss silk and waste 16 2,400 1,274 191,100 of the same. Fancy silk . . 253 50,600 20 4,000 Silk goods . . 15 24,000 872 1,395,200 1,219,000 28,350,300 It is evident, therefore, that a profitable trade of an an¬ nual value of not less than 27 millions of florins is thus established; but, seeing that the prices assumed by the official commercial reports are far below the market prices, it may be estimated to amount, without doubt, to 33 or 35 millions of florins. MIXED TEXTILE FABRICS, HOSIERY, LACE AND EMBROIDERY, &c. The manufacture of mixed stuffs seems to require spe¬ cial mention, because the materials employed usually ex¬ perience a higher ratio of increased value in the process than they do when incorporated into articles manufactured from one raw material only. This manufacture of mixed stuffs is most important in Bohemia, Lower Austria, Mo¬ ravia, Silesia, Lombardy, Galicia, and Upper Austria. Bo¬ hemia finds employment, in the manufacture of her fabrics of cotton and linen yarn, for nearly 2000 looms; in those of cotton and woollen yarn, for nearly 8000 looms; of linen and woollen yarns, for about 300 looms; of linen, cotton and woollen yarns, for 200 ; of different yarns, combined with 158 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction. silk, for 200 looms: all these, collectively, furnish a pro¬ duction the value of which is about 20 millions of florins. In Lower Austria the stuffs which are composed of cotton and woollen yarns and those which are mixed with silk stand first on the scale of relative importance. They re¬ present a value of at least 15 millions of florins. In Mo¬ ravia and Silesia the stuffs of cotton and linen yarn, those of mixed cotton, linen, and woollen yarn, and those of cot¬ ton, linen, and woollen yarns and silk combined, are of the most consequence. These mixed fabrics are of not less a value than 9 millions of florins. In Lombardy the mix¬ ture of silk is the character of the predominant manufac¬ ture, and of that manufacture the production attains an extent equivalent in value to one and a-half millions of florins. Galicia confines herself to the manufacture of half linens, made of cotton and flax or hempen yarn, and to the value annually of 800,000 florins. In Austria likewise these half linens (composed of cotton and flax yarn), and trouserings, made of cotton and woollen yarns, are of much importance. The mixture of cotton yarn and silk (for waistcoatings and furniture) may rank next to them ; and the production of these is carried on to the amount of 750,000 florins value. In the whole of the other provinces conjointly, the same species of manufactures are produced, to the value of a million of florins. Altogether, therefore, we find the production of these mixed stuffs representing a value of not less than 48 mil¬ lions of florins. In the preceding enumeration of manu¬ factures the quantity of the production has been the ele¬ ment most particularly noticed, but attention has not been called to the increased value acquired under the processes of the conversion of their raw material. If 10 per cent, only of the value be taken from the amount which has been found as representing the aggregate of production, and as much more allowed for those articles which have not been noticed, it will appear that these manufactures of mixed stuffs must have acquired, through the application of Austrian industry, an increase of value to the amount of 5 millions of florins. The lace manufacture formerly provided a very important source of employment for the inhabitants of North Bohemia; but, by the discovery of the bobbin-net frame, the lace manufacture by hand has very much declined, and the number of the inhabitants of the mountain districts, who were once engaged in it, has now fallen from about 80,000 to 12,000. The cheapness of the articles produced, and the establishment of lace-making schools, whereby an improve¬ ment on the methods of manufacture could be learned, have infused, of late years, new life into this branch of in¬ dustrial occupation, but without supplying any well-founded hope that they will suffice to restore it to its former flourishing condition. In Upper and Lower Austria, in Silesia, and in Carniola likewise, lace of ordinary kinds is still manufactured. Net, particularly in Yienna and Bohemia (more especially in the district of Eger), is largely produced, and veils at Milan. The productions of the bobbin-net manufacture in Yienna, Bohemia, Moravia, the Yorarlberg, come in part directly into use, and in part are previously elaborated by lace-work and embroider} 7 . Blonde embroidery is carried on in the Erzgeburg. Fine embroidery is executed chiefly in the Yorarlberg and also in Yienna. The fabrics of mixed and unmixed horse-hair, as "well as articles of Caoutchouc, are made on a large scale in Yienna. Those of Asbestos are produced in Lombardy. The lace and bobbin-net manufacture, embroidery, and the last-named branches of the trade, together furnish manufactured articles to the value of about 3 millions of florins. COTTON GOODS. Of all the branches of industry that exist in the Aus¬ trian Monarchy, none has made such progress in so short a period as that of Cotton. It is of extreme im¬ portance, inasmuch as it gives employment the whole year round to hundreds of thousands of individuals; but no other branch is subject to such fluctuations, and these are occasioned, in the first place, by the necessity for drawing the supply of the raw material from abroad. This rapid development of the cotton manufacture is shown in the clearest manner by the quantities imported at given periods. Now the imports of cotton were, in 1828 1833 1838 1843 65,000 cwt. 143,900 „ 239,600 5 , 370,800 „ and on an average of the five years, 1843 to 1847, they had increased to 403,100 cwt. In the year 1846 they had reached 447,300 cwt. and had thus within 18 years increased seven fold. During the last named quinquennial period, 1843 to 1847, the average value of the imported cotton was 12,899,000 florins. The exports of cotton were unimportant, amounting on an average to about 1700 cwt. only a year: so that the whole quantity imported may be considered as entering for manufacture into the home consumption of the Austrian Monarchy. The first process in the preparation of the cotton takes place in the spinning mills. In the year 1847 the Austrian Monarchy contained 206 spinning mills, with 6125 spinning machines, and 1,421,986 spindles. These however are very unequally distributed over the several provinces. The greatest number of spindles was possessed by Lower Austria, which could reckon 528,918, most of them in the neighbour¬ hood of Vienna, and by Bohemia which had 448,368. Next in order was the Tyrol, which could count 195,410 (these almost exclusively in the Yorarlberg), then Lombardy, with 104,473 spindles, and Upper Austria with 64,489. In the other provinces, spinning mills occur but sparingly, here and there. The entire stock of cotton of all these mills was, at the beginning of 1849, about 52,659 cwt., and they supplied themselves in the course of that year, to the further extent of 499,012 cwt. The total of their production for the same year, of cotton yarn and twist, was 397,240 cwt.;—namely, 89,651 cwt. or 23 per cent, of No. 189,749 „ or 47 „ „ 109,525 „ or 28 „ „ 2,688 „ or § „ 5,617 „ or If „ 1 to 14 14— 34 36— 64 66 —100 sewing cotton. As 120 lb. of cotton are usually found to give 100 lb. of yarn, it follows that 476,676 cwt. of cotton, valued at 15,254,000 florins, must have been worked up: but of the waste 26,649 cwt. were applicable to other purposes. Taking the value of the yarn according to the numbers at, respectively, 40, 60, 80, and 100 florins per cwt., the sewing cotton at 120 florins per cwt., and the useable waste at 30florins per cwt., the entire value of the whole amount of raw material must be taken to have been raised to 24,952,000 florins, or by a sum equivalent to 9,648,000 florins. There were employed directly in the spinning mills nearly 30,000 workpeople; but the number indirectly employed being large, this amount is thereby raised to about 50,000 hands. Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 159 Not only does this quantity or production of yarn attain further stages of manufacture, but considerable quantities also, more especially of the finest yarns, arc annually im¬ ported from abroad. In the five years, from 1843 to 1847, there were imported annually, 41,787 cwt. valued at 5,037,000 florins; whereas no more than 1464 cwt. value 189,000 florins, were exported annually during the same interval. Thus it results that there were 437,500 cwt. of yarn, of the value of 29,534,000 florins, for weaving and for red yarn dyeing. The weaving, in by far the greatest proportion, pertains to the domestic industry of the monarchy, the number of the more extensive establishments being very small. It is followed most extensively in Bohemia, where it employs 180,000 people. Moravia and Silesia come next with regard to the extent to which this occupation is followed, although but one single cotton spinning mill exists in them (and that only since 1848) ; in these provinces 40,000 persons earn a subsistence by weaving. In Lower Austria, and especially in Vienna, mixed stuffs particularly are manufactured, and this is, to some extent, the case in Upper Austria also. In Styria, Illyria, Galicia, and in the province of Venice, the cotton manufacture is but inconsiderable. In the Tyrol (the Vorarlberg) the yarn produced is not worked, but is principally sent to Lombardy, Bohemia, Moravia, and Austria. The cotton weaving-in Lombardy is of more im¬ portance, although at present, with the exception of the mixed stuffs, an ordinary fabric only is produced there. In Dalmatia and in the military frontier this branch of industry can scarcely be said to be carried on at all; and Hungary, together with the Vayvode and the Temeser Banate, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slavonia, produce but common stuffs, for which the neighbouring Austrian pro¬ vinces furnish the principal supply of yarn; for the ave¬ rages of the five years last referred to show that 14,728 cwt. of yarn, valued at 1,780,000 florins, were exported thither, whereas the imports from thence amounted only to 594 cwt., valued at 70,000 florins. The entire value of the manufactures (415,000 cwt. of rough woven goods) amounted to 41,000,000 florins, part of which was distributed in the following proportions, viz.:— to Bohemia, 19 millions ; to Moravia and Silesia, 6 millions ; to Lombardy, 5 millions; to Lower Austria, 4 millions. The increase in value acquired by the yarn in the weaving was about one half—say, on the whole quantity, from 28 to 41 millions, or 13 on 28 millions. The number of hands engaged in the occupations of cotton-weaving amounts to 300,000. FLAX, HEMP, The oldest of all the branches of Austrian industry is the Linen Manufacture. It was, moreover, the most important of them, and continues to be so, intrinsically, on account of the extraordinarily large number of persons whom it employs, part of them throughout the whole year, part of them for a shorter time; but it has suffered severely by the rapid de¬ velopment of the cotton manufacture, which, availing itself of the working powers that had been already organized by the linen manufacture, employed them far more profitably. The linen manufacture suffers, however, still more sensibly from the circumstance that the necessary degree of care is not devoted to the important object of getting rid of defects of preparation and management which are universally acknowledged to exist under the present system. These defects extend even to the production of the raw mate¬ rial ; for the cultivation of flax and hemp is carried on, in Austria, as if it were but a subsidiary or secondary object, it being deemed not sufficiently remunerative. A raw material, however, of excellent quality is produced. The flax, especially that grown in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, is equal to the best produced in any other part of Europe; but, from the careless steeping it receives, it loses enormously in value; large portions of it are partially spoiled, and the waste of the general production is unneces¬ sarily increased. As yet, moreover, machine-spinning has not attained any very considerable degree of development, and the hand-spinning, which affords but a scanty and pre¬ carious living, supplies in general but an imperfect and irregular article. The average production of flax within the Monarchy amounts, exclusive of the growth of Hungary, the Vayvode, the Temeser Banate, Croatia, and Slavonia, as well as Tran¬ sylvania, to 813,700 cwt., and that of hemp to 725,400 cwt. Of Hungary and Transylvania the annual production of flax is reckoned at 380,000 cwt., and of hemp at 500,000 cwt. The average crops, both as to flax and to hemp, may be taken as 1,200,000 cwt. of each. Of the flax, the distri¬ bution is, to Galicia, 256,100 cwt.; to Bohemia, 178,800 cwt.; to Lombardy, 111,200 cwt.; to Moravia and Silesia, 64,200 cwt.; and to the Tyrol, 50,000 cwt. Of the hemp, to Galicia, 494,900 cwt.; to the Province of Venice, 59,600 cwt.; and to the Military Frontier, 57,150 cwt. The above quantities represent a yalue of 39J millions of AND LINEN. florins, if the cwt. of flax he estimated at 18 florins, and the cwt. of hemp at 15 florins. They furnish 360,000 cwt. of clean flax, and 600,000 cwt. of tow, of clean hemp 360,000 cwt., with 480,000 cwt. of tow. These quantities, which ultimately undergo further manufacture, are, as to flax, scarcely at all affected by the course of trade with foreign countries; for, during the quinquennial period, 1843 to 1847, the average imports amounted to 15,900 cwt., and the exports to 19,400 cwt. Hemp, on the other hand, derives a considerable increase of quantity from the excess of the imports from abroad : during the same interval there were annually imported, on an average, 100,900 cwt., whilst only 34,700 cwt. were exported. The value of the flax and hemp worked up in Austria yearly, is thus increased to an aggre¬ gate of about forty millions and a half of florins. As yet flax spinning is done almost exclusively by hand, and is followed, for the most part, as a mere incidental domestic employment. The machine-spun yarn is produced by not more than some 30,000 spindles. As a general principle, it may be assumed that the value of the raw material is doubled by spinning. It is, conse¬ quently, raised to 62,000,000 florins on the total quantity, if we suppose that one half of the hemp comes to be spun ; the other half of the hemp is required for various branches of rope-making and other purposes. Now the average loss of raw material on the spinning of hemp and flax being about 12i per cent., and that on tow 25 per cent., the quantity of yarn spun must be 1,131,400 cwt., and of this quantity 630,000 cwt. must be allowed for tow-yarn. The resulting average price per cwt. does not therefore exceed 55± florins. A portion, more or less considerable, of the time of three millions and a half of individuals is employed in spinning, so that on an average it is found that each of these persons spins 29 lhs. of yarn, a product for which 75 days’ labour is requisite. If the number of working days in the year be taken at 270, it will follow that more than two millions of persons find employment in this occupation throughout the year. The average daily earnings, however, of each person thus occupied do not exceed 2J kreuzers, even if the whole increase of value be considered as wages. The above-mentioned quantities of yarn do not meet the whole demand for the manufacture of woven goods, thread, knitted articles, and hosiery ; and the imports, both of fine 160 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Introduction yarn and of tow yarn, exceed the exports. During the period above stated, the annual average of the imports from all foreign countries was :— Of Flax and Hemp-yarn . . . 16,500 cwt. Tow-yarn. 7,400 ,, But the average of exports showed—* Of Flax and Hemp-yarn . . . 1,400 cwt. Tow-yarn.. . . 1,100 ,, The half elaborated raw material, which is subjected to ultimate processes of manufacture, is therefore worth alto¬ gether 63.^ millions of florins, and consists of 1,153,000 cwt., whereof 636,500 cwt. are tow yarn. Of this department of the national industry, the manu¬ facture of Linens constitutes the principal branch. It is carried on in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, and Galicia qji the largest scale. Of the entire productions, about five- twelfths are brought into the market, and of this quantity the bulk must be of domestic manufacture, since few great linen manufactories exist in Austria. Among the linen fabrics, table-cloths and napkins, veils, cambrics, dimities, twills, and drills are important articles. In the next rank we must place the manufacture of thread, especially in Bohemia, Moravia, and Lombardy. The tape manufacture is of less consequence ; and as to the business of dyeing and printing, that has been almost entirely absorbed by the cotton manufacture, and is now in requisition for thread and handkerchiefs only. As the loss resulting from the processes of weaving, bleaching, &c., is estimated at about 10 per cent., the net aggregate of our manufactures of linen, thread, &c., may be assumed at say 1,037,000 cwt., of which quantity about 450,000 cwt. come into the market, the rest being absorbed by domestic consumption. If we take the value of the former at 83 florins the cwt., and of the latter at 50 florins the cwt., we arrive at a resulting value, for the aggregate amount in question, of 83J millions of florins, thus demon¬ strating an enhanced value of 20 millions of florins; that is to say, of about one-third of the entire value of the half elaborated raw material. Since upon an average of the five years, 1843 to 1847, there appear to have been im¬ ported from abroad only 242 cwt., valued at 59,000 florins, whereas the average of exports for the same period shows 42,609 cwt., of the value of 3,125,000 florins; it follows that there remained for home consumption about one million cwt., estimated at 80g millions florins. Thus on a population of 38,000,000 of persons, about 2§ lbs., valued at 2 florins 4 kreuzers, would fall to the share of each; but this estimate falls much below the truth, when we consider that the national costume in Hungary and Galicia requires more than double the quantity we have allowed above. In fact, the crop of flax is estimated to be 10 per cent* higher than is given in the official reports; but the con¬ sumption of even 3 lbs. per head, which would thus result, is yet smaller than, in reality, it must be. In the imperial army the quantity used up annually by each man averages more than 7 lbs. In the above statistics of the manufacture of linen goods, no allowance has been made for the extensive production of rope-work and the like. Of raw material there still remain to be used 453,000 cwt., valued at 9,500,000 florins; and there will result, if 40 per cent, be allowed for other applications of material and for waste, 271,500 cwt. of manu¬ factured articles, representing, on a calculation of only 30 florins for the cwt., an aggregate value of 83 million florins; but to this estimate must be added 5§ million florins, on the assumption even that the raw material, otherwise applied, acquires an increase of value equal only to the amount of the actual waste. Thus we find that the whole of the Austrian flax and hemp manufacture, exclusive of the manufacture of lace and em¬ broidery, furnishes annually products to the value of 94,000,000 florins. In connection with the trade with foreign countries, before stated, it should be observed that during the period already so frequently referred to, 271 cwt. of rope-work were imported, and 8024 cwt. exported. WOOL AMD WOOLLEN The manufacture of Woollen Goods constitutes another of the most important branches of Austrian industry. It is of so much the greater importance, as it works up a raw material raised and supplied by Austria herself, in which, besides, she carries on a considerable trade, and which, being a native product, is not subject to the fluctuations that the supply of a raw material derived from foreign countries is always liable to. The average production of Wool in Austria amounts annually to about 700,000 cwt., the value of which may be assumed at, say, 63 millions of florins. Of this quantity about one-third (produced in Moravia, Silesia, and Bohe¬ mia, in part, also, from Galicia, Hungary, and Upper and Lower Austria) is of fine quality: one half (drawn from Galicia, Hungary, and partly, likewise, from Transylvania) is of middling quality; the remainder, of an inferior sort, is grown in Hungary, Transylvania, and the southern pro¬ vinces. To this estimate must be added a quantity of infe¬ rior kinds, which, generally, is of much about the same amount, imported chiefly from Turkey and the Danubian principalities: these imports amounted, on an average of the five years 1843 to 1847 (the years 1848 and 1849 having been years out of the usual course and condition, are not noticed here) to 57,000 cwt. annually, valued at about 2J millions of florins ; whilst the annual exports, during the same period, averaged 122,700 cwt., valued at about 11 millions of florins. About 630,000 cwt. of wool remained therefore to be manufactured by Austrian industry, and AND WORSTED GOODS. the value of this quantity was not less than 54| million florins. The woollen manufacture is most extensively diffused, and the raw material receives its greatest increase in value in Silesia, where 230,000 cwt., in Bohemia, where 125,000 cwt., and in Lower Austria, where 40,000 cwt. are annually worked up. With less enhancement of value, wool finds a considerable consumption in Hungary, amounting, together with that of the Yayvode, the Temeser Banate, Croatia and Slavonia, to 100,000 cwt.; also in Transylvania which takes 40,000 cwt., and on the military frontier, which ab¬ sorbs 20,000 cwt. In the other provinces of the empire the manufacture is carried on upon a smaller scale, their con¬ sumption being about equal to their production; but Galicia and the Bukowina constitute an exception to this remark, for these scarcely work up one-tenth part of their produc¬ tion of the raw material, and, with regard to its enhance¬ ment in value, they will probably stand between the first named provinces and Hungary (excepting, however, Dal¬ matia, which furnishes only the commonest articles). Among the particular towns, Keichenberg, Briinn, Vienna, Iglau, and Bielitz stand in the first class of producers of woollen goods. Vienna manufactures scarcely any cloths, whereas, in the other localities, both cloths and other woollen goods are extensively made. The manufacture of Worsted Yarns is not adequate to supply the requirements of the Monarchy. It is most con¬ siderable in Bohemia. Altogether about 10,000 cwt. of Introduction.] PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 161 worsted yarn, of the value of 3,000,000 florins, are wound off 30,000 spindles from 25,000 cwt. of wool. The imports of worsted yarn are almost exclusively furnished from Saxony and brought into Bohemia; on an average of the same quinquennial period last referred to, they amounted to 12,900 cwt., and to the value of 3,225,000 florins. Thus there remained for Woollen Yarn and Hand Spinning about 600,000 cwt. of ra\V material. Of this quan¬ tity something more than the half, or about 350,000 cwt. were spun, for the most part in Moravia, Silesia, Bohemia, and Lower Austria, by machinery on 550,000 spindles into 250,000 cwt. of yarn, valued at 50 millions of florins: the remainder, representing a value of 18 millions of florins, is hand-spun. The value of the raw material is, consequently, raised by preparation from 54^ millions to 70 millions of florins. Of the woollen yarn annually made some balance remains for exportation, and this amounted, on an average of the same quinquennial period, above cited, to 2500 cwt., valued at 500,000 florins. The first place among the manufactures from Woollen Yarn must be assigned to cloth. This branch flourishes, especially in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. Not taking into the account Hungary with theVayvode, the Temeser Banate, Croatia, and Slavonia, as also Transylvania and the Military Frontier, the production of cloth and other milled stuffs amounted to one million pieces, weighing200,000 cwt., valued at 48,950,000 florins : for this production 324,000 cwt. of wool were required. We must also observe that 60,000 pieces of coarse and home-made goods, weighing 14,000 cwt., and valued at 1,750,000 florins, consumed 24,000 cwt. of raw material. In Hungary, Transylvania, and the Military Frontier, the raw material attains a much less en¬ hanced rate of value. In Hungary, the manufacture of 70,000 cwt. of goods from about 100,000 cwt. of wool may be taken to represent a value of about 7 million florins. In Transyl¬ vania, where the cloth manufacture is more extensively carried on, and works up more than 10,000 cwt. of wool, the increase which took place in the value of the raw material, of which more than 40,000 cwt. were disposed of, was con¬ siderably greater than in Hungary; and the production, 25,000 cwt. of goods, cannot be valued at less than 2 millions of florins. But the proportion of this increase rises still higher in the Military .Frontier, where very great attention is paid to the spinning and weaving processes; and the pro¬ duction of 14,000 cwt. of woollen goods from 20,000 cwt. of raw material, represents a value of 1,250,000 florins. Stuffs for which Worsted Yarn is principally employed are made in greater quantity in Bohemia, Lower Austria, Moravia, and Silesia. These amount annually to 700,000 pieces, weighing 60,000 cwt., and worth 19 million florins. The quantity of wool absorbed in their production is 70,000 cwt. In combination with these goods we must take the manufacture of shawls and scarfs, hosiery and Turkish caps, for which, in addition to wool, cotton, linen yarn and silk are required. The manufacture of shawls and scarfs con¬ stitutes an especial branch of industry in Vienna, and embodies a value of some 3J million florins. The manufac¬ ture of hosiery amounts to 3^- million florins, and is most important in Bohemia, whose share is 2^ millions. The manufacture of Fez caps amounts to a million and a half of florins; a million being the share of Bohemia; the remainder that of Venice, Vienna, and Briinn. Of the entire manufacture of wool the value must be taken at 88,500,000 florins, so that the worth of the raw material, 54^ million florins, becomes thus enhanced in manufacture by 34 millions, or by 62 per cent. Assuming the half of the increase for wages, and reckoning the annual scale of such wages per head at 100 florins, it results that this great branch of national industry employs 170,000 persons, exclusive of those employed in the production of w'ool. Of these 170,000 individuals, 50,000 labour in the manufactories, and comprise— 10,000 -weavers, 6,400 clothworkers and shearers, 6,000 spinners, 2.200 stocking-weavers, 1.200 rug and carpet-weavers, 400 millers; the remaining 23,800 consist of journeymen, apprentices and labourers. The whole aggregate value of the manufacture of Wool¬ len and Worsted Goods is thus distributed among the provinces, namely:— Florins. Moravia and Silesia. 35,000,000 Bohemia. 24,000,000 Lower Austria. 13,500,000 Hungary, with the Vayvode and the ( Temeser Banate, Croatia, and \ 7,000,000 Slavonia.1 Transylvania.• 2,000,000 Venice . 1,300,000 The Military Frontier. 1,250,000 Styria and Illyria. 1,200,000 Lombardy. 1,000,000 The Tyrol and Vorarlberg .... 750,000 Galicia and the Bukowina .... 600,000 Dalmatia. 500,000 Upper Austria and Salzburg. . . . 400,000 Of the separate towns, the most considerable are, re¬ spectively, Brunn, which, it is calculated, shares of the ge¬ neral produce 15,000,000 florins ; Reichenberg (12,000,000) ; Vienna (7,000,000) ; Iglau (5,250,000); and Bielitz (3,750,000). The importance of the great branch of Austrian industry now under our notice assumes a still more remarkable and prominent character, when w T e consider the trade of which it forms the staple. In the quinquennial period, from 1843 to 1847, the statistics of the trade with foreign countries showed these results:— Average Imports. Average Exports. cwt. fl. cwt. fl. Wool.12,900 Fine woollen goods 96 Thales (Jewish pray-) ing garments) . J Shawls and scarfs . . . Other woollen goods 176 Pilot cloth .... 222 13,394 Add the wool . 57,500 70,894 3,225,000 28,900 2,500 19,555 500,000 4,008,900 . 17,100 19,100 24,400 1,571 9,586 2,356,200 1,054,500 3,314,500 2,500,000 33,212 122,700 8,019,600 11,000,000 5,814,500 158,912 19,019,600 Thus there results a balance of exports of 13,205,100 florins, which is in reality enhanced to about 17,000,000 florins, seeing that both the fine woollen goods and the hosiery are disposed of at considerably higher prices than those which supply the basis of the commercial reports; and since the exports of goods half or entirely manufactured from wool to foreign countries amount to about 12 millions of florins, there remain 76^ millions of florins for the population of the monarchy, so that 2 florins’ worth, or about 1 lb. weight, fall to the share of each individual. 162 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. MONEY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, See, The prices are, in most cases, given in Austrian Florins, of 60 Kreuzers. The Cwt. is the Austrian Centner of 100 Austrian lbs., and is equal to 123*46 English lbs. avoirdupois. The Austrian pound has 32 loth, and is equal to 1*234 English lbs. avoirdupois. The Cloth measure is the Austrian Ell. The Liquid measure is the Mass, 40 of which make an Eimer. The measure of Grain is the Metzen. 1 Austrian lb. = 1*234 English lb. avoirdupois. 1 do. Ell = 0*8522 English Yard. 1 do. Mass = 0'31147 English Imperial Gallon. 1 do. Metzen = 0 21151 English Imperial Quarter. 1 English lb. avoirdupois = 0-809978 Austrian lb. 1 do. Yard = 1*1735 do. Ell. 1 do. Imperial Gallon = 3-21063 do. Mass. 1 do. Imperial Quarter = 4*72781 do. Metzen. 1 French Kilogramme = = 2-204597 English lbs. avoirdupois = 1*785675 Austrian lb. 1 do. Metre : 1 0936 do. Yard = 1*2833 do. Ell. For every information relative to articles exhibited in the Austrian Department, apply to Mr. Charles Buschek, at 43, Clarges Street, Piccadilly, or at 133, Fenchurch Street, City, who will be happy to act as Agent between parties whenever such a course may be considered desirable. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 163 PRICED LIST. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Per cwt. on the spot. 1. MIESBACH, ALOIS, Proprietor of Mines, Vi¬ enna.—1.1. From pits in fl. kr. 1. Brown coal . Gloggnitz, in Lower Austria 0 18 2. Fossil coal * Griinbach, ,, 0 20 3. Brown coal . Thallern, ,, 0 18 4. Fossil coal . Grossau, ,, 0 24 5. Lignite . . Ottnang, in Upper Austria . 0 6 6. Brown coal . Wildshut, ,, 0 15 7. Ditto . . . Leoben, in Styria ... 0 14 8. Lignite . . Neudorf, in Moravia . 0 10 9. Brown coal . Brennberg, in Hungary. . 0 15 10. Ditto . . . Mogyoros, ,, . . 0 18 11. Ditto . . . Miklosberg, ,, . . 0 18 12. Fossil coal . Szasz, near Fiinfkirchen, in Hungary.0 16 13. Alum . . . Zillingdorf, in Lower Austria 8 0 Mr. Alois Miesbach is the largest coal-owner in the Austrian dominions, and employs up¬ wards of 2000 miners. His pits are estimated to produce 900,000,000 cwt. of coals, of which 864,000,000 were discovered by himself. 2. DEPOT OF THE IMPERIAL MINES, Vi¬ enna.—2.1. 1. Native cinnabar from Idria. 259 0 2. Ground do. H R from do. 269 0 3. Ditto D R from do. 269 0 4. Imitation Chinese do. from do. 269 0 5. Quicksilver, from do. 269 0 6-17. Quicksilver ores from do. 18. Rose copper from Agordo, in the province of Venice .. 65 30 19. Ditto from Moldova.66 0 20. Blistered copper from Schmollnitz, in Hun¬ gary .65 0 21. Marcasite of copper from do. 64 0 22. Sheet copper.61 0 23. Assay lead from Bleiberg, in Carinthia . 17 18 24. Common lead from do. . . 17 18 25. Soft lead from Pzribram, in Bohemia . • 16 0 26. Hard lead from do. 13 30 27. Tin from Schlaggenwald, in Bohemia . • 63 0 28. Zinc from Javorzno.10 30 29. Red Bohemian litharge from Pzribram, in Bohemia. 15 30 30. Green Bohemian litharge from do. 14 30 31. Crude antimony from Magurka, in Hungary 14 0 32. Sulphur, in rolls, fromRadoboj in Croatia . 9 18 33. Flowers of sulphur from do. 13 18 34. Sulphur, in slabs, from do. 8 54 35. Sulphur ore, from do. 36. Sulphur, in rolls, from Szwoszowic, in Croatia. 7 30 37. Sulphur, in slabs, from do. 7 30 38. Crude sulphur, from do. 6 30 3. UPPER HUNGARIAN MINING ASSOCIA¬ TION (Waldbiirgerschaft), Schmollnitz Min¬ ing District, Hungary.—11. I. Samples of Quicksilver Gray copper ore No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Per cwt. on the spot. Samples of Various smeltings Refined copper Copper in pigs fl. kr. 4. SZUMRAK, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, Pro¬ prietor of Mines, Neusohl, Hungary.—3. I. Cobalt and Nickel ores from Bocza, in Hungary 45 0 Analysis of the residue obtained from these ares. The ore from the Ferdinand level, in Bocza, produces 61*8 o/o residue, which residue con¬ tains :— Nickel. 22-546 Cobalt ...... 19-886 Copper.9-719 Iron.15*403 Arsenic, sulphur, &c. . 32-446 100-000 The ore from the Dreibriider level, in Bocza, produces 54-8 o/o residue, which contains:— Nickel.17-224 Cobalt ...... 16-430 Iron ...... 8-102 Bismuth.7 • 644 Copper.2-101 Arsenic, sulphur, &c. . 48-499 100-000 Annual produce of these ores, 600 cwt. Calcareous grindstone from Molcsa, in Hungary 3 0 Any quantity can be furnished. The cost of grinding and cutting the same, per square foot 0 4 5. KOCHMEISTER, FRIEDRICH, Pesth.—24. I. Spongy Nickel ...... per cwt. 525 O Ditto in squares. ,, 525 O Oxide of cobalt, red .... ,, 1,200 0 Ditto do. black .... ,, 1,500 0 These varieties of nickel contain 97 to 98 per cent, of pure metal, free from arsenic, &c.; and are excellently adapted for the manufac¬ ture of argentane or German silver. The ex¬ change in this instance, to be reckoned at 12 florins to the pound sterling. 6. SAPY, ALEXANDER, Director of the Phi- lippi-Jacobi Mine, Rosenau, Hungary.—5.1. Nickel ore.30 O Annual produce, 200 to 300 cwts. 7. ZEMBERG MINE, Dobschau, Hungary.—6.1. Cobalt nickel ore Cobalt-bloom and nickel on one piece Annual produce, 4000 cwts. 8. KENGYEL, JOHANN, Director of the Johan- nis Mine, Rosenau, Hungary.—7.1. Nickel ore, at Rosenau.30 0 Annual produce, 300 to 350 cwts. 164 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 9. BATKA, WENZEL, Prague, Bohemia.—12.1. Magnesite Molybdic acid Lapis hsematitis Talcum venet. pulv. Vanadium ore Bohemian tara garnets Purified clay Sacharum lactis Plumose alum Uranium Nickel ore Carbonate of iron Talcum venet. tot. Purified graphite, I Ditto, III Cobalt ore Lepidolithe Feldspar Native molybdenum Molybdic ore Caput mortuum (purified) Lapis fabrilis Tungsten ore (native tungstate of iron and manganese) Tungstic acid Titanium (Rutile ore) Plumb, antimonifer Terra viridis Emery • 10 . SZEGO, SIGISMUND, Director of the Michaelis Mine, Rosenau, Hungary.—4. I. Per ewt. on the spot. fl. kr. Antimony ore ..... .... 90 Annual produce, 1500 to 3000 cwt. Crude antimony.14 0 Annual produce, 1200 to 1500 cwt. 11. GEISZBERGER, FRANZ, Proprietor of the Franzens Smelting-works, Metzenseifen, Hungary—(Depot, Wilhelm Kollmann in Kaschau).—8.1. Metallic antimony (regulus), at Kaschau . . 25 0 12 . SZOLLUSZ, CARL, Proprietor of the Bisrtro Antimony Works, Rosenberg, Hungary.— Metallic antimony (or regulus), at Vienna . 32 30 13. YOLDERAUER, GEORG, Proprietor of Mines, Salzburg.—10.1. Specimen of arsenic ore. Do. white arsenical glass 1 a a Do. yellow ,, | ... b to 8 Annual produce, 1500 cwt. 14. HOCHBERGER, JOHANN, Sti. Procopi Che¬ mical Works, Kahr, Bohemia.—15. I. On the spot , Sulphate of iron, Do. Superfine alum, Ordinary ,, Sulphur in bars, Crude sulphur, Torrefied sulphur per cwt. 2 . . 1 40 3 . . 11 0 4 . . 8 45 5 . /. 8 0 6 . . 7 0 7 . . 8 0 At Prague') per cwt. fl2 6 2 15 12 0 9 15 8 30 7 15 8 30 15. SCHONBORN, ERWEIN, COUNT YON, Proprietor of Mines, Dlazkowic, Bohemia. —13. I. Bohemian garnets. (Pyrope.) Price on the spot , Vienna Weight. fl. kr. fl. kr. 30, per Loth . 15 0 No. 110 , per lb. . . 20 0 40, ?} . 7 0 165, ,, . 11 0 50, ? l . 3 30 265, ,, . . 3 36 60, 1 54 350, ,, . 1 20 75, j > . 1 18 400, ,, , . 0 40 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 16. LOBKOWITZ, PRINCE FERDINAND VON (DUKE OF RAUDNITZ), Proprietor of Mines, Bilin, Bohemia.—14. I. fl. kr. 4 rows of cut and pierced garnets, 322 pieces 153 40 5 do. do. 500 J ) 11 0 5 do. do. 500 J 5 8 0 5 do. do. 500 5 J 6 0 18 sets cut garnets . ... . 365 ? 9 196 29| 8 ,, rough ,, . . . . . 572 9 J 9 42 2759 9 9 384 51f 17. IMPERIAL SALT WORKS, Wielicska, Ga¬ licia.— 30. I. Samples of culinary salt. 18. WEBER, G. D., Venice.—Manuf. Samples of fine cream of tartar. 19. WAGENMANN, SEYBEL, & CO., Vienna.— Manu.—17. I. Aluminite Sulphate of magnesia Sulphate of copper Sulphate of soda Sulphate of zinc Arseni ate of kali Phosphate of soda Chloride of lime Chloride of potass Ferrocyanide of potass Pink salt Protochloride of tin Bichloride of tin Stannate of soda Tartaric acid Chloride of potash Sulphate of potash Rochelle salts Nitrate of lead Carbonate of ammonia Chloride of ammonia Sulphate of ammonia Liquid ammonia Acetic acid Vinegar Acetate of soda Acetate of lead Neutral acetate of copper Nitrate of copper fl. kr. 12 0 10 0 70 0 40 0 64 0 58 0 20. BROSCHE, FRANZ XAVER, Prague, Manu —16.1. Succinic acid.per lb. . Do. from malic acid Tartaric acid.100 lb. Rochelle salts.... Emetic tartar . . . Chloride of barium . Nitrate of baryte .... ,, . 60 0 Nitrate of lead ..... ,, . 32 0 Protochloride of tin ... ,, . 48 0 Pink salt. ,, . 60 0 Stannate of soda ..... ,, . 55 0 Peroxide of tin ..... ,, . 75 0 Deutoxide of uranium. • . per lb. . 10 0 Subcarbonate of zinc . . .per 100 lb.. 46 0 Chromate of zinc Protoxide of antimony . Deutoxide of copper . Oxide of copper . . . Protoxide of chrome . Magistery of bismuth . Peroxide of mercury Protochloride of mercury Perchloride of mercury Periodide of mercury . . . per lb. . Golden sulphur of antimony . per 100 lb.. Ferrocyanide of potass ... ,, . 230 0 21. BRAUN, G. J., Prague, Manu.—19. I. Albumen.4 20 Stannate of soda ........ 1 30 Ferrocyanide of potass ...... 50 per 100 lb. 90 60 80 80 225 300 350 0 275 0 260 0 12 0 60 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 165 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 22. ENGELMANN, SxlMUEL, Karolinenthal, Prague, Manu.—32.1. Per cwt. on the spot. Albumen .. 350 0 Dextrine.15 0 Laiogome.14 0 Artificial gum ..110 The prices vary with the rise and fall of corn. 23. SETZER, JOHANN, Weiteneck, near Molk, on the Danube, Manu.—23.1. p er cwt Ultramarine blue, No. 0 350 0 Do. 1 ...... 200 0 Do. 2.130 0 Do. 3.100 0 Do. 4.80 0 Do. 5.70 0 Do. 6.50 0 Do. 7.25 0 Do. green.50 0 Red madder, per lb. ..... 24 0 Rose madder ,, ».10 0 Cadmium yellow ,, .32 0 24. KUTZER & LEHRER, Prague, Manu.—28.1. pet' cwt. on the spot. Ultramarine blue FB , . , ... 170 0 Do. do. S B.150 0 Do. do. B.160 0 Do. do. D B.140 0 Do. do. A.120 0 Ho. do. D.110 0 Do. do. C.90 0 Do. do. O.70 0 Do. green U a.50 0 Do. do. U b.50 0 Do. black S a.25 0 Do. do. Sb.10 0 PREPARED MINERAL COLOURS. Caput mortuum . . . No. 1 4 0 Do. violet . 2 6 0 Chinese red ..... 3 10 0 Prague red. 4 7 0 Umber. 5 9 0 Ochre, yellow .... 6 6 0 Ochre No. 117 ... . 7 12 0 Do. 62 ... . 8 8 0 Do. 63 ... . 9 6 0 Graphite. 10 4 0 Talc ppr. T 8 0 Chrome green .... Z a 56 0 Do. do.Zb 48 0 Do. red. R 60 0 Orange. 0 a 54 0 Do.. . Ob 45 0 Chrome yellow .... C d 90 0 Do. Do. Cl 95 0 Do. orange.... Co 88 0 Crimson lake .... L 54 0 Florentine do. F 120 0 Parisian blue .... P 180 0 Schweinfurt green ... G 120 0 Imperial green .... K FIALA, WENZEL, Prague, Manu.- -25. I. 40 0 Indigo blue I. quality . . . . per lb. 1 0 Do. II. ... 0 40 Do. III. . . . * 0 30 fl. kr. 26. HEINZEN BROTHERS, Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia, Manu.—26. I. per cwt. Red herb archil (Orseille d’herbes) ... 20 0 Violet do. do. do. ... 20 0 Red Cudbear.80 0 Red extract of archil (Extrait d’orseille rouge) ..55 0 Violet extract of do. (Extrait d’orseille violet). 55 0 Cudbear violet.80 0 Do. red.80 0 Specimens of dyed wool, for which the above have been used. 27. KIN ZLBERGER & Co., Prague, Manu.— 27. 1. One hundred and eighty samples of colours. 28. PETZ, W., Pesth, Manu.— 22. 1. Carmine 1.per Loth 2 20 Do. 2.. do. 1 20 29. RATTICH, JOHANN B., Atzgersdorf near Vienna, Manu.—29. I. Black ink for copperplate printers. 30. HERBERT, F. P., BARON VON, Klagenfurt and Wolfsberg, Carinthia, Manu.—18.1. Krems white lead shaped No. 7 . per cwt. 17 0 Do. do. in powder 8 • 9 9 17 0 Do. do. not shaped 9 • 9 9 17 0 Venetian do. fine 5 16 0 Do. do. common 6 • 5 ? 14 0 Hambro do. fine 3 • 9 9 12 30 Do. do. common 4 • 9 9 10 0 Dutch do. fine 1 • 9 9 8 30 Do. do. common 2 • ) 1 6 0 31. EGGER, GUSTAV, COUNT VON, St. Veith, Carinthia, Manu.—12 III. a. White lead fine Krems.per cwt. 22 0 Do. fine Venetian. ,, 20 0 Do. common do. ,, 16 0 Do. fine Hambro. ,, 13 0 Do. common do. ,, 12 0 Do. fine Dutch. ,, 10 0 Do, common do. ,, 9 0 32. HERBERT, IGNAZ, BARON VON, Klagen¬ furt, Carinthia, Manu.—20. I. Orange mine (Minium or red lead) . per cwt. 29 0 Deep red do. ,, 16 0 Refined litharge. ,, 14 50 Superfine do. . ,, 15 20 33. DIEZ, ERNST, Villach, Carinthia, Manu.— k Price at Trieste. Superfine Krems white lead . per cwt. 26 0 Venetian white lead fine • • 9 9 24 0 Do. do. common . 21 0 Hambro do. fine • • 9 9 17 0 Do. do. common . • • 9 9 13 0 Dutch do. 10 0 The Krems is always hard, the rest may be had either hard or soft. P 2 166 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 34. BIGAGLIA, PIETRO, Lorenzo Bigaglia’s successor, Venice, Manu. 169 a. Red lead (Bleyberg) £. s. d. per 100 lbs. English 0 12 0 169b. Verdigris . ,, 0 11 8 170. White lead, Venetian, middling ,, 13 0 171. Ditto ditto fine ,, 1 7 0 172. Ditto very fine Krerns ,, 2 4 0 fl. kr. 35. HARDTMUTH, LUDWIG & CARL, Vienna and Budweis, Bohemia, Manu.—93 III. a. Naples yellow.per lb. 1 30 19 pieces artificial pumice stone .... 2 45 38. SCHABAS, JOHANN, Vienna, Patentee.— 45. I. Patent artificial pumice stones of 1, 2, 3 lbs. for cabinet makers .... per cwt. 8 0 Machine pumice stones for perlishing cy¬ linders . ^ . 80 Pumice stones to rub down chamois skins . 8 0 Pumice stones for pointing lead pencils per doz. 0 20 37. ROHLIK, LAURENZ, Prague, Inv. and Pat. —•46.1. Patent artificial Carrara marble, a new inven¬ tion, particularly adapted for vases, can¬ delabra, lustres, chandeliers, argentine lamps, drawing room ornaments, furniture, and mosaic pavements. The secret for the manufacture of the material to be sold, As specimens of the same:— 1. The Duke of Wellington, chiselled by hand, in gold frame.10/. 2. A lion, on a stand, of light Dalmatian Lapis Lazuli. 1/. 3. A lion, on a stand of dark Persian Lapis Lazuli. 17. 38. CRISTOEOLI, ANTONIO, Padua.— Samples of paving blocks, and Columns of artificial marble. 39. APOLLO CANDLE COMPANY, Vienna. —41. I. Stearine (or Apollo) candles. fl. kr. Nos. 1-7 . . I. per Austrian lb. 0 44 (*. e. per English lb. 0 35§ Sample of stearine. 40. MILLY CANDLE MANUFACTORY, Vi¬ enna.—42. I. Stearine candles, viz. :— Large candelabra Carriage lamp Lantern . , Table Toilet or piano Night . Altar ... Stearine, superfine per cwt. per lb. per cwt. Portraits in alto-relievo of Her Majesty and Prince Albert, and of H.M. the Emperor of Austria, executed in stearine, in gold frames. 75 0 0 50 75 0 fl. kr. 41. PFITZNER & BECKERS, Vienna, Manu. —43. I. 100 lbs. Palmatine candles,—obtained by the l distillation of palm Oil . . > 65 0 141bs. Palmatine, in cakes.j 42. STEARINE CANDLE COMPANY, Iler- mannstadt, Transylvania.—16. III. b. 13. Stearine altar candles . . . per 100 lb. 80 0 Do. table candles ... ,, 73 20 Pure Stearine ...... ,, 70 0^ Elaine soda soap ..... ,, 22 Of Stearine, rough pressed Cretaceous soap (the intermediate State ) * Discount on orders above 50 lb. 4 per cent, f Do. - on large orders 10 per cent. 43. CHIOZZA, CARL ALOIS, & SON, Trieste, Manu.-^44.1. SoArs, . per 100 lb. Vienna weight. Superfine Marseilles.£2 2 0 Do. blue marbled.1 18 0 Do. floating white Genoa . . 1 15 0 Da. Harz imitation English ..180 Common. do. ..140 Superfine white okLVenice .... 1 12 0 Patent Cocda-riut-oil-soap, for washing. Common floating rose-coloured ..180 Do. white.17 6 DO. ro§e-coloured hard . 1 6 0 Db. white do. .15 0 Do. ' ° yellow do. .15 6 Do. ’ orange do. .16 0 Fine patent toilet soaps— White unscented.2 12 0 Blue marbled do.2 12 0 , '•Red do, do.2 12 0 White cocoa-nut soda do.2 16 0 Yellow do. scented . . . . 3 4 0 Yellow palm . . 2 16 0 Light brown palm scented *. . . . 3 4 0 Dark do. . . . •. . . . 3 4 0 44. MELZER, DANIEL, HemahnStadt, Transyl¬ vania, Manu.—16 III. b. 3f. fl. kr. White soap, hard . . . . . per cake 0 26 ; Soap, soft. j . ,, 0 8 44a. RICHTER, ANTON, & CO., Kbnigsaal, Bo¬ hemia.—54. I. Extra fine white soap. . .. 27 30 Fine do. ..... ..27 0 Common do. .......... 22 30 Common white marbled do. . .... 22 0 Fine do. . . . s . %.26 0 Fine yellow marbled soap. 23 30 Black soap.15 30 Oil soap.26 0 45. CZEKELIUS, CARL, Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania, Manu.—16. III. b. 2. Tallow candles.per lb. 0 19 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. ' 167 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. each per pair per ell 45 a. BACHRICH, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu.— 35 a. I. All branded with “ a lion, J. Bachrich.” Unprepared agaric (for amadou, or German tinder), No. I., tough . . . per cwt. Ditto, No. I., tender .... ,, Ditto, No. II.. Ditto, No. Ill. ,, Ditto, round pieces, totally unprepared ,, Prepared agaric, No. I., in pieces ,, Ditto, No. II., in bundles ... ,, Ditto, No. III., in bundles . . ,, Fusee amadou, large size, per 1000, without boxes Ditto ditto ,, with boxes Ditto small size ,, without boxes Ditto ditto ,, with boxes Medicated agaric, an infallible remedy for acute rheumatism, lumbago, headache, &c. For coat lining, in large pieces per sq. foot Ditto in small pieces ,, For trowser lining .... ,, Comforters, to wear over the breast Travelling or night caps Soles. Bandages . Agaric styptic, an immediate remedy for cuts and wounds ..per sq. foot 46. FUETH, BERNARD, Schiittenhofen and Goldenkron, Bohemia, Manu. (Agent, Julius Lippmann, 29, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, London.)—38. I. Lucifer matches. per doz. b< In boxes containing 80 .... In wooden boxes containing 100 In round wooden boxes containing 100 Ladies’ lucifer matches. In boxes containing 80 .... In figured boxes containing 50 . Do. Animal figures, containing 50 Do. Recumbent animals, containing 80 Coloured drawing-room lucifer matches in japanned wooden boxes, containing 100 Do. do. do. containing 200 Hexagon coloured do. in boxes cont. 70 . Quadrate do. do. . Do. do. in oval paper boxes cont. 150 Do. do. in round do. cont. 150 Flat do., with coloured stripes, in book-shaped boxes coiit. 50. Coloured do., in ornamental boxes cont. 70 Do. do., in boxes cont. 100 . Paper pipe-lights, in boxes cont. 25 . . "Wood splints do. cont. 50 CigEir-lights ' ' do. cont. 50 . . Do., crescent-shaped, in boxes cont. 50 . Do. do. do. cont. 50 . Do., amadou-boxes cont. 50. Do. (paper), in portfolio boxes cont. 50 . Do., amadou boxes cont. 50. Wax taper matches, in boxes cont. 75, thick Do. do. do. thin Friction shavings, in boxes cont. 240 . Figures for fixing on boxes .... Case cojit. 50 boxes to hold 100. . . . Do. .coitf. 144 do. to hold 100. . . . fl. kr. 30 30 20 11 12 55 25 18 0 12 0 18 0 10 0 16 0 24 0 18 0 24 2 0 1 0 0 30 0 12 0 24 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 7 0 42 0 20 0 20 0 28 0 25 0 20 0 50 0 45 0 6i 0 71 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 9 0 36 0 30 1 0 0 30 0 10 0 30 Ro. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Case cont. 144 boxes to hold 100 .... 0 32 Round thin woods for lucifer matches 25,000. 0 5 Do. thick do. do. ... 0 5 Square do. do. ... 0 6 H exagon do. do. ... 0 7 Semicircle do. do. ... 0 8 Flat striped do. do, ... 0 8 47. POLLAK, A. M., Vienna, Manu.—35. I. 2 Chests of patent matches for lucifers 300 0 48. F. PRESHEL & Co., Vienna, Manu.—36.1. Patent lucifer matches, &c. 200 0 49. HOFFMANN, CARL & GUSTAV, Wisoczau, near Prague, Bohemia, Manu.— 38a. I. Lucifer matches. per doz. boxes. For drawing-rooms.0 22 Extra fine, pressed.0 54 Superfine.018 Do. with pictures.. 0 40§ Do. with heads.0 54 Ladies’ superfine. 0 40^ Do. fine.0 10 Do. middling.0 8 Do. common.0 7 Congreves.per gross 2 40 Cigar-lighters. per doz. 0 17£ Splints, common. , , 0 12 Do. fine. , , 0 18 1 Case of common congreves containing 100 0 ll-, 4 0 1 Do. do. do. 80 0 10 1 Do. do. do. 70 0 9 1 Do. do. do. 60 0 1 Do. without sulphur . 0 14 DE MAJO (SAMUEL), Triesch, Moravia, Manu.—34. I. Lucifer matches. 0 50 1 . Case of 50 boxes, each containing 100 . . 0 13 0 42 2. Do. do. do. 75 . . 0 11 3. Do. do. do. 65 . . 0 10 0 12 4. Do. do. do. 50 . . 0 9 0 22 5. Do. for drawing-rooms do. 100 . . 0 32 Do. of splints. Do. do. scented. Drawing-room matches. Case of, in 48 small pasteboard boxes Ladies’ matches, without sulphur. Case of, in 48 large pasteboard boxes Wax taper matches. Thick, in pasteboard boxes . . Thin, do. Fusee daggers, in pasteboard boxes Amadou boxes do. Do. each containing 50 ... . Drawing-room matches. In pasteboard boxes .... In coloured cases. In impressed cases. In impressed boxes .... In rosette boxes. In impressed boxes .... In small metal boxes .... In larger do. In ropnd do. . . . per doz. per 100 per doz. 0 16 0 28 0 40 0 28 0 50 0 28 0 17 0 12 0 54 0 14 0 20 0 42 0 42 0 34 0 42 1 24 2 30 0 24 168 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Drawing-room matches. per doz. fl. kr. 24. In oval metal boxes.0 24 25. In hunting-boxes.0 86 26. In coloured boxes. 0 22 27. In figured do. . . . 0 48 28. In double figured do. 1 36 29. In japanned wood boxes.0 24 30. Matchwood . ... 0 12 51. DOLLESCHAL, JOSEPH, Vienna, Pat.—48. I. Patent tincture for destroying vermin, per bottle 0 30 52. WURTH, WILHELM EDLER VON, Vienna, Inv. and Pat.—49.1. Material for stopping decayed teeth per box 3s. 53. LOBKOWITZ, FERDINAND, PRINCE VON (DUKE OF RAUDNITZ), Bilin, Bohemia, Manu.—31.1. fl. kr. Magnesia.percwt. 70 0 Digestive lozenges (pastilles digestives), to produce the same effect as the Bilin waters, per box 0 30 54. HALL A and CO., Prague, Manu.—33. I. Chemical powder for the instantaneous pro¬ duction of black writing-ink . . per lb. 1 18 55. ROBERT and CO., Gross Soclowitz, Moravia, Manu.—52.1. Beet-root lump sugar. per 100 lbs. Double refined, fine crystal.0 42 Do. medium do.0 42 Do. large do.0 42 Ordinary. 0 40 Moist.0 30 56. NEUWALL, BROTHERS, CHEVALIERS DE, Klobauk, Moravia, Manu.—51. I. per 100 lbs. Lump-sugar from mountain beet-root... 37 0 Do. do. lowland do. ... 36 0 Double refined beet-root lump-sugar ... 38 0 57. RICHTER, ANTON, and Co., Konigsaal, Bohemia, Manu.—54. I. per cwt. Beet-root sugar-candy ....... 50 0 Do. lump-sugar., 40 0 Do. moist sugar, No. 1, produced by centrifugal machine .... 23 0 Do. moist sugar, No. 2, produced by centrifugal machine .... 20 0 Do. lump-sugar.36 0 58. LOBKOWITZ, FERDINAND PRINCE von (DUKE OF RAUDNITZ), Bilin, Bohemia, Manu.—55.1. Beet-root lump-sugar .... per cwt. 38 0 59. LARISCH-MCENNICH (COUNT H.), Karwin, Silesia, Prop.—50.1., & 5. III. b. Sugar-candy manufactured from beet-roots. 60. TLUMACZ BEET-ROOT SUGAR MANU¬ FACTORY, Tlumacz, Galicia.—53.1. Double refined beet-root lump-sugar, per cwt. 40 0 Refined .. do. ,, 39 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description, of Article. Price. fl. kr. 61. REALI, G., late A. REALI, Venice. Four sugar-loaves. 62. STEAM MILL FLOUR COMPANY, Vienna. —61. I. Best wheaten flour from Austrian wheat, de¬ livered in London, per 280 English lbs. . 2Z.2s.10e?. 63. STEAM FLOUR-MILL (STABILIMENTO COMMERCIALS DI FARINE), Fiume. —62. I. An assortment of flour, from Hungarian Wheat, branded per barrel, Fontana Hungarian, extra superfine, No. 0 . Do. do. superfine, No. 1 . Do. do. fine No. 2 . 64. STEAM FLOUR-MILL, Smichow, near Prague. —56. I. Wheaten flour. Imperial, No. 00 (pastry-flour) . . . . Royal, No. 0. Bakers’, No. 1 /a, superfine. Do. No. 2/a, fine ....*.. Coarse wheaten flour, No. 1. Do. do. No. 2. , Wheat groats, No. 5, coarse. Do. do. No. 6, fine ...... 30s. 27 s. 24s. rQ 0> T3 r S o P 65. HAWRANEK, CARL, Troja, near Prague, miller.—59.1. An assortment of wheaten flour:— Imperial, No. 0, per 100 lbs. Vienna Royal, 1, ,, Confectioners’, 2, ,, Biscuit, 3, , , Bread, 4, ,, Pollard meal, 5, , , Groats, large grain ,, Do. small grain ,, Bran, fine , , Do. coarse . ,, fl. kr. 11 0 10 0 9 0 11 36 2 0 1 36 68, NOWGTNY, ANTON, Prague, miller.—58. I. Assortment of flour and meal from un¬ washed grain, which, though not equal in whiteness to that from washed, is more productive, and is capable of being pre¬ served for years:— No. 0. Imperial flour.11 24 1. Confectioners’ flour .... 9 12 2. Coarse-groats.12 24 3. Middling do. 11 48 4. Rye flour sifted ..... 6 48 5. Ditto.5 48 67. THUN, FRANZ, COUNT, Tetschen, Bohemia. —57. I. Samples of wheat, with flour, bran, chaff, &c., manufactured from ditto. 68. JORDAN & BARBER, Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia, millers.—60. I. Wheaten flour, No. 1, per 100 lbs. Vienna . 11 30 Ditto 2, , , . . 10 45 Ditto 3, , , . . 9 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 169 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 68a. RAZUMOVSIvY, COUNT LEO YON, and FRANZ GOTTFRIED RIETSCH, £6h- misch Rudoletz, Moravia. Grain-stone (Zeilithoid), for brewing by a quick process with cold water. The in¬ vention of F. G. Rietsch. Provisionally registered. This invention is of great importance for shipping, as it can be made with salt water once only distilled, and for use in -warm cli¬ mates. The beer produced in this manner can be made of any strength, colour, and flavour, and the bitter of the hop retained for any length of time. 69. IMPERIAL TOBACCO MANUFACTO¬ RIES, Vienna.—66. I. Snuffs from tobacco grown in the Tyrol— s. d. No. 1, per Vienna lb.6 0 2, ,, .5 0 Snuffs from tobacco grown in Galicia— Nos. 3 and 4, per Vienna lb.3 5 70. CARNIOLA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, .Laibach, Carniola.—63. I. Honey, chiefly collected by bees from buck- fl. kr. wheat blossoms. per lb. 1 6 Winter linseed.per metz 5 30 Indian corn, grown in Upper Carniola, 400 fathoms above the level of the sea per metz 4 30 White millet. ,, 4 30 Red ditto. ,, 4 30 71. CHWALLA, ANTON, Vienna, Manufacturer. —23 IH. c. 27. Trame of 2 filaments -j 30. Ditto 1 40. Ditto I 39. Trame of 3 filaments f * * P er lb ‘ 20 0 40. Ditto I 42. Ditto J 72. SCOLA, AUGUST, Linz, Upper Austria. —21 III. c. Raw unspun silk.per lb. 17 0 73. STEIERMARK ASSOCIATION FOR BREEDING SILK WORMS, Gratz, Styria.—20 III. c. Specimens of raw silk.i Tableau, representing the treatment of > 20 0 silk-worms.J 74. RADULOVITS, BROTHERS, Weisskirchen, Hungary.—25 III. c. Silk in skeins.. per lb. 16 0 75. LORENZ, ALOYS, Weisskirchen, Hungary. —24 IH. c. 8 ^ Raw unspun silk.per lb. 17 30 76. HERZOG, EVA, Werschetz, Hungary, silk¬ worm breeder.—22 III. c. Raw unspun silk , . . . . . per lb. 17 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 76a. KOFLER, FRANZ, HERMANN k Co., Botzen, Tyrol.—22. a. III. c. Various samples of floss silk. s. d. A. Galette Reelle, No. 40, double per lb. 11 8 Ditto 40, single . ' 9 0 Ditto 50 ,, . 9 4 Ditto 60 ,, . 9 8 Ditto 70 ,, . 10 0 Ditto 80 ,, . 10 4 B. Chappe Sublime, 10, double 7 8 Ditto 20 ,, * * 8 4 Ditto 40, single 7 8 Ditto 60 ,, . 8 4 Ditto 80 ,, . 9 0 Ditto 100 ,, 9 8 Ditto 120 ,, . 10 4 Ditto 140 ,, . 11 2 Ditto 160 ,, . 5 3 12 0 77. MATTIUZZI, G. B., Yarmo, Friuli. Specimens of raw silk. 78. SENIGAGLIA, ISAAC, and GIOVANNI B. CARMINATI, Palma, Friuli, Lombardy. —27 III. c. Raw silk.per lb. £1 2 0 79. PAPPAFAVA, Zara, Dalmatia.-—26 III. c. Raw silk according to the Locatelli method fl. kr. per lb. 16 0 80. SCHEIBLER & CO., Milan, Producers.— Agents, J. Stone & Co., 53, Old Broad- street, London. Six specimens of cocoons, viz_ A. Yellow, coarse fibre. B. Do. delicate. C. Do. satin. D. Do. saffron. E. White, coarse fibre. F. Do. fine fibre. Specimens of raw silk, one thread. Raw silk, yellow and white. Specimens of tram silk, three threads. Specimens of organzine silk, for velvet, heavy and light satins, and plush. Specimens of grenadine. Organzine grenadine, four threads. Two qualities of grenadine, manufactured at the looms of Messrs. Brevis, Brothers. 81. SECCHI, FRANCESCO, Milan.— 17m. per lb. . Raw Silk, spun with cold water . 25 Austrian lire. Organzine ...30 ,, 82. RONCHETTI, PIETRO ANTONIO, Como, Lombardy, Manufacturer.— 22m. Samples of silk, organzine. 83. GRASSI, Dr. GIUSEPPE, Milan, inventor. —40m. Preparations exemplifying Dr. Grassi’s method of treating diseased silk-worms 20 Austrian lire. 84. QUERINI, GIOVANNI, Venice. Samples of raw silk. 170 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description, of Article. Price. 85. PARI, GERA DI, Canegliano, Province of Treviso. Samples of raw silk. 80. CANOSSA, ELEONORA, Dowager Mar¬ chioness di, nee MUSELLI, Verona, pro¬ ducer.— 8 m. Raw silk, per kilogram 75 Austrian lire. 87. STEINER, G., & SONS, Bergamo, manu¬ facturers.—16 m. Specimens of raw silk . . per lb. 32 Austrian lire. Organzine ..... ,, 40 ,, 87a. VERZA, BROTHERS, late Carlo Verza, Milan, producers.— 11m. Specimens of silk. Eabrics from the like silk manufactured by Pietro Bouillet and E. Brevio & Co., of Milan. 88. ROSSI, GIOVANNI MARIA, Sondrio, Lom¬ bardy, producer.— 19m. A. White and yellow cocoons. B. Raw silk, white, from these cocoons. C. Do. yellow, do. D. Do. do. do. E. Organzine from B., white. E. Do. C., yellow. G. Trame from D., yellow. These samples were worked by Messrs. C. M. & G. E. Guecchi, of Garlate, near Lecco. 89. HUNYADY VON KITHELY, COUNT JO¬ SEPH, Urmeny, Hungary, proprietor.— 3. III. b. fl. kr. Sheep’s wool in fleeces ..... each 8 0 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 95. BIRNBAUM, JACOB, Pesth, manuf.—1. III. c. 1. Fine spinning hemp . , . per cwt. 60 0 2. Braids. ,, 36 0 3. Harness-ropes. ,, 28 0 4. Hemp for twine. ,, 20 0 95a. LINEN YARN SPINNING MILL, Schon- berg, Moravia. Raw flax. Heckled flax. Linen from ditto. 90. PATENT FLAX RAITING ESTABLISH¬ MENT, Ullersdorf, near Schonberg, Mo¬ ravia.—10 III. c. Raw flax, 1850 growth .... per cwt. 30 0 Heckled flax, 1850 growth ... ,, 45 0 97. TOMASSIA, LUIGI, Poggio, manuf. —14m. Austrian lire. o. 80. Willow chip . . per 50 flats 0 67 70. Ditto . . do. 0 58 60. Ditto . . do. 0 54 50. Ditto . . do. 0 46 45. Ditto . . clo. 0 44 32. Ditto . . do. 0 40 11 fili. Ditto . . do. 0 58 13 fili. Ditto . . do. 0 70 TSCH & REICHEL, Gratz, Styria.—67.1. ;yrian teazles for woollen manufacturers— fl. kr. Of 1 to 1| inches . per thousand 2 0 2 to 2j do. • « . do. 3 0 2| to 3 do. « 1 . do. 3 0 99. SCHOFFL, J., Saaz, Bohemia.—64. 1. Hops from Saaz, Ausch, and Melnik, in Bohemia .... per cwt. . 87, 6Z., and 4?. 80. EIGDOR, ISAAC, & SONS, Vienna, mer¬ chants.—2 III. b. s. d. Sheep’s wool in fleeces. Specimens of sorted Hungarian sheep’s wool per lb. English 6 0 Do. do. Silesian sheep’s wool ,, 7 0 Do. do. Silesian lamb’s wool ,, 7 0 01. MITTROWSKY, COUNT ANTON VON, Grossherrlitz, Silesia, proprietor.—4 III. b. Sheared merino fleeces wool, from pure breed. 02. L ARISCH-MCENNICH, COUNT HEINRICH, Karwin, Silesia, proprietor.—5. III. b. Sheep’s wool in fleeces ....... 83. WALLIS, OLIVIER, COUNT VON, Kolles- chowitz, Bohemia.—65.1. fl. kr. Sheep’s wool in fleeces. Washed and unwashed wool.20 0 Bohemian hops.5 0 94. PANNA, N., & J. ALEXIS, Cronstadt, Tran¬ sylvania. — 1. III. B. Washed Siebenbiirger Zackel sheep’s wool, (Cretan-goat wool) .... per cwt. 48 0 Unwashed Siebenbiirger Zackel lamb’s wool 36 40 Unwashed Siebenbiirger Zigaja lamb’s wool 70 0 Washed Siebenbiirger Zigaja sheep’s wool . 60 0 100. BATKA, W., Prague, Bohemia.—12. I. ' fl. kr. Acidum succinii ..180 Cantharides. 280 0 Flores Malvse vulg. ..40 0 Do. Papav. Rhserad.40 0 Do. Verbasci.50 0 Do. Camomil. Roman.. 36 0 Do. Arnicae cum Papis ..12 0 Do. do. sine Papis. 80 0 Do. Malvas Arbor.30 0 Do. Camomil. Vulgar.16 0 Herb. Aconiti ..150 Do. Conii.12 30 Do. Hyosciami.18 0 Do. Digitalis Purp. ....... 15 0 Do. Lactucae virosae.40 0 Semen Hyosciami ........ 20 0 Do. Colchici.150 Rad. Aronis.20 0 Do. Bistort. s i s s : . . . . 10 0 Do. Mezerei.15 0 Do. Colchici.. . 12 30 Do. Hellebor. Nig.11 0 Do. do. Alb...11 0 Do. Arnicas. 22 0 Do. Belladonnas ........ 15 0 Do. Asari.12 0 Do. Aconiti. 22 0 Do. Alcanae . * * *.18 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 171 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. N ame & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 101. REALI, G., late Antonio, Venice. Bleached Venetian wax, granulated. 101a. WINTER, A. J., Vienna, Manu. Various sorts of sealing wax. 102. MALVIEUX, C. J., Pesth, Hungary, manu¬ facturer.—40.1. Unrefined rape-seed oil . . . . per cwt. 28 0 Refined ditto .... ,, 30 0 103. STEINBOCK, A., St. Georgen, near Mauthhausen, Upper Austria. Seven Vases, with Linseed-oil, Varnish, Austrian and Moravian Linseed. Vase. No. 1.— Prime Quality. Produced from Upper-Austrian linseed, distinguished for its particularly fine yellow colour, and offer¬ ing the advantage that colours mixed with it do not lose their tint. Vase No. 2. — Second Quality. Produced from Upper-Austrian linseed, is easily dried, and is particularly fit for the manufacture of all sorts of oil-varnish; recommended to tin, leather, and coach-painters, manufacturers of oil-cloth, and wood and iron painters. Vase No. 3.— Refined Linseed Oil. Produced from Upper-Austrian linseed, dries more easily than the second sort, and keeps its colour unchanged: it is cheaper than the prime sort. * Vase No. 4.— Oil Varnish. Produced from linseed oil, and remarkable for its drying in eight or ten hours’ time. Vase No. 5.— Linseed Oil. Produced from Moravian linseed, dries very well, and is applicable to house-painting, being cheaper than oils produced from Upper-Austrian linseed. Vase No. 6. —Austrian Linseed. Vase No. 7.— Moravian Linseed. Inquiries and orders to be addressed, post¬ age free, to Mr. A. Steinbock, Merchant, Suburb Lichtenthal, No. 74, in Vienna; or, during the Exhibition, to his Agent, No. 5, Denmark Street, Soho, London. 105. SCHMID, H. D., Vienna, manuf.—1. II. Steam Engine, with a newly invented para- boloidic regulator. 3000 0 Model of a weighing machine for bridges . 800 0 14 japanned iron sugar-moulds .... 33 0 106. MILESI, A., Verona, engineer. Model of the double condensation steam- engine' erected at Verona, and now in full work. 106a. OLDRINI, JOHANN, Vienna. Model of an indigo mill. Model of an apparatus for printing yarn, &c. before weaving. 107. KNIERIM, E. Vienna. A Brougham.. 160Z. 108. 109. 110 . 111 . 112 . 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. LAURENZI, L., Vienna.—82. III. D. A caleche having four seats, hung on nine steel springs, with folding steps, &c., lined and painted.115Z. GAMBA, HEIRS OF PIETRO, Milan, ma¬ nufacturers.— 39m. Model of a Jacquard loom ...... 240 fr. RIDLER, FERDINAND, Spital am Pyhrn, Upper Austria, Steel Worker.—56. III. A. fl. kr. 1. Damascene steel for sabres .... 40 2. Do. sabre-blade.16 0 3. Do. sword-blade.10 0 4. Do. do. .10 0 5-8. Do. couteau de chasse blades, each 5 0 PERGER, JOSEPH, Gratz, Styria, gun- maker.—58. III. A. A pair of pistols, in case.180 0 MEYER & CO., Innspruck, Tyrol. — 64. III. A. A Tyrolese rifle, exhibited for its superior qualities and cheapness.150 0 SCHO UBER, JOSEPH, Villach, Carin- thia_13. II. A bolt rifle, propelling the bolt by means of a spring, on a new construction ... 50 0 LEBEDA, A. V., Prague.—62. III. A. A double-barrel gun, richly ornamented .. 350 0 A Tyrolese rifle.180 0 A pistol for target-shooting, in the Byzantine style.160 0 NOWAK, FRANZ, Prague, gunmaker.— 60. III. A. Double-barrelled gun, with apparatus, com¬ plete, in a case. 700 0 A brace of target pistols, with apparatus, complete, in a case.ISO 0 KEHLNER’S NEPHEW, A. C., Prague, gunmaker.—61. III. A. A brace of target-pistols in a case ; entirely manufactured on his own premises, even to the carvings, which have been executed by Worlinck, a young artist, after designs by Marx and Seiberts. 300/. PllEIS, ANTON., Prague, sword cutler.— 59. III. A. fl. kr. 1. Hanger.100 2. Do. with Sollingen blade .... 12 0 3. Italian dagger, with ivory handle, Sol¬ lingen steel blade and velvet sheath . 32 0 4. Hanger.14 0 5. Do. with ivory ornaments .... 50 0 6. Do. with gold and silver ornaments . 70 0 7. Do. ivory handle and Sollingen blade, mounted in silver.66 0 8. Do. with tortoiseshell handle ... 24 0 9. Do. with buckhprn handle . . . , 35 0 172 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. ltr. 10. Hanger with tortoiseshell handle ... 20 0 11. Do. gold mountings and ivory handle 60 0 12. Do. engraved and ornamented with silver . . 70 0 13. Do. silver mounted and carved ivory handle.60 0 14. Do. silver mounted and carved . . 62 0 15. Do.9 0 16. Ivory dagger, carved in the antique style, the sheath entirely in one piece ... 65 0 17. Small ivory dagger, carved .... 20 0 18. Hanger, with Damascus blade, &c. . . 68 0 118. SCHAMAL, FRANZ, Prague, Bohemia, ma¬ nufacturer.—13. A. II. An air pistol, in case. 119. MICHELONI, GIOVANNI, Brescia, manu¬ facturer.—30 m. Double-barrelled fowling piece, with case and apparatus, complete. 350 fr. Extra sorts. franco Hexagon percussion caps, split and japanned per million 3700 Military percussion caps, with large borders and 6 splits, japanned . . per million 5000 Do. do. with small borders and 6 splits, japanned . . per million 4500 Do. do. with edges and cop¬ per tops.per million 5000 Do. do. with 10 splits, bor¬ dered, and copper tops . . per million 4500 Fulminating caps for shooting without pow¬ der .per thousand 22/50 Fulminating caps, small, for pistols . . . 2/50 The above are delivered either at Hambro or Bremen, free of carriage or charge for packing. Discount of 3 per cent, for cash. 122a. DIEZ. ERNST, Villach, Carinthia. — 21.1. fl. kr. Shot, No. PP. P. 00. 0., 1 to 18 . . . . 18 0 Bullets, 0. 00, 1 to 4 . . . . 18 30 Small bullets.18 30 120. BUBENITSCEK, JOSEPH, Hermannstadt, Transylvania, manufacturer.—63. III. A., 3. III. i>. A travelling pouch, containing— 1. A couteau de chasse, with various other useful instruments inserted. 2. A pistol. 3. The apparatus for loading. 4. Knife and fork as used by Romanians. 121. KIRNER, JOSEPH,] Pesth, Hungary.— 57 HI. a. fl. kr. Double-barrelled gun. 200 0 121a. COLOMBO, CARLO MARIA, Milan. An ebony cross-bow, inlaid with brass, of antique form, with interior springs. 122. SELLIER & BELLOT, Prague, manu¬ facturers.—39. I. Iron Cylinders coated with cast-steel for rolling out copper for percussion caps. Nipples so constructed that when the cap is affixed they become so hermetically sealed as to render it impossible for water to penetrate between the nipple and cap, or even to damp the powder. Patent Percussion Caps— Plain, No. 39, 40, 41, 42 , . per million Do. 44,45 ... . ,, Ribbed, 39, 40, 41, 42 . ,, Do. 44,45 ... ,, Plain and split, 39, 40, 41, 42 ,, Do. 44,45 . . ,, Ribbed and split, 39, 40, 41, 42 ,, Do. 44,45 . . If required to be japanned, 210 francs ad¬ ditional for every million, and, if ordered in boxes to contain 100 each, 110 francs must be added to the above prices. francs 1115 1320 1220 1430 1220 1430 1325 1535 Extra Sorts. English percussion caps, No. 42, 44, manu¬ factured from strong copper, ribbed, split, and japanned.per million 3600 123. HORSKY, FRANZ, Libiegitz, district of Pilsen, Bohemia, inventor and patentee,— 11. II. 1. Horsky’s i seed harrow. 10 0 2. 5 3 mould thereto. 3 20 3. 5 9 ruchadlo, or Bohemian plough . 12 0 4. " 9 7 mould thereto. 10 0 5. 3 ) turnip and drill cultivator . . 85 0 6. 5 3 potato cultivator ..... 60 0 7. ; 3 ’ drill sowing machine 160 0 8. 3 3 comb drilling machine . 280 0 9. 3 3 car drill cultivator .... 30 0 10. 3 3 superfluous turnip and weed eradicator. 25 0 11. 3 3 hand weed eradicator . . . 10 0 (All provisionally registered.) 124. LOBKOWITZ, PRINCE FERDINAND VON (Duke of Raudnitz), manufactory of agricultural implements, Eisenberg, Bo¬ hemia.—10. II. 2. A seed harrow .... . . . . 16 0 4. Infeld’s double marker . .... 20 0 5. ,, seed coverer . . . . 1 0 6. ,, seed loosener . .... 3 0 7. ,, weeder .... .... 8 0 3. ,, subsoil plough . . .... 7 0 Invented by the Chevalier F. d’lnfeld, manager of the works. 125. RIESE-STALLBURG, BARON WERNER FRIEDRICH VON, Schlan, Bohemia, Proprietor.'— 12. II. A carrot driller. 100 0 126. MAGRI, GIOACCHINO, Mantua, manu¬ facturer.—37 m. An iron harrow, in 12 pieces • , 125 Aust. lire 127. PAJK, GEORG, carpenter (by the Carniola Agricultural Society, Laibach).—63.1. Model of Carniola granaries. Model of a Carniola bee-hive. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 173 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—-Description of Article, Price. fl. kr. 128, HOPFNER, JOSEF, Grottenhof, Styria.— 28. III. c. Model of a stand for cocoons.30 0 129, PROKSCH, ANT., Ghrkau, Bohemia, manu- facturer.—14. II. Knapsack, &c., of convenient construction . 6 0 130. IMPERIAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Mechanical department, Vienna.-—5. II. I. A universal Y level, telescope 15 lines aperture, and 20 times magnifying power, horizontal limb, with 2 verniers from 30 to 30 seconds; altitude circle, with ver¬ niers divided in single minutes on silver ; micrometer screw, with divided head for measuring distance and altitude. Pa¬ tented by Stampfer and Starke; in po¬ lished case. 280 0 II. A Y level, an excellent instrument for measuring-distance and altitude; patented by Stampfer and Starke; telescope 13 lines aperture, 15 times magnifying power, the eye-piece with machinery for accurate adjustment; limb divided by the vernier to single minutes on silver; horizontal clamping and horizontal adjustment, &c. In polished case with lock and handle . 220 0 III. A level with fixed telescope, 16 lines aperture, 12 times magnifying power; limb divided at every minute on silver; hori¬ zontal clamping and horizontal slow mo¬ tion. In polished case.120 0 IV. A level with fixed telescope, 11 lines aperture, 12 times magnifying power, eye¬ piece with machinery for accurate adjust¬ ment ; oblique limb divided at every minute on silver; arrangement for mea¬ suring distance, &c., as above. In polished case.130 0 V. A level without limb ; telescope 11 lines aperture, 12 times magnifying power. In polished case.80 0 VI. A pocket level, weighing 10J ounces, with telescope 6 times magnifying power 50 0 VII. A pocket levelling dioptric, with teles¬ cope without magnifying power . . . 38 0 VIII. A telescope lineal of novel construc¬ tion, made very light, only weighing 1 \ lb. In polished case.76 0 IX. A telescope lineal, patented by Stampfer and Starke. In polished case .... 135 0 X. A universal level (theodolite) for mines ; rectangular telescope, 11 lines aperture; horizontal and vertical limb, divided on silver by verniers from 30 to 30 seconds ; . arrangement for measuring distance and altitude, striding spirit level, &c. In case. 300 0 XI. Adam Chevalier de Burg’s Dynamo- graph, for ascertaining the average strength of draught. In case . . . . 85 0 131. RIEDL VON LEUENSTERN, J., Vienna, manufacturer.—4. n. A globe of the moon.36 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 132. ZIBERMAYR, M., Gratz, Styria, manu¬ facturer.—3. II. A chronoglobium ........ 10/, A planetarium.15/, 133. BRAN DEIS, R. W., Prague, Bohemia, ma¬ nufacturer.—8. II. Saccharometer for trying beer, made under fl. kr. the direction of PROFESSOR CARL J. N. BALLING. In a mahogany case . . 40 0 134. JERAK, FRANZ, Prague, manuf.—7. II. A. Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus of Glass. 1. Glass thermometer to 310° Celsius, with case . .. 80 2. Glass thermometer to 100° Celsius, with case.4 0 3. Thermometer, with enclosed paper scale to 100 Reaumur.2 30 4. Thermometer tube, for taking boiling points.1 30 5. Thermometer tube.0 24 6. Do. .0 45 7. Do. .0 12 8. Do. . ..0 12 9. Aerometer for specific gravity of fluids heavier than water ...... 30 10. Aerometer for specific gravity of fluids lighter than water.2 30 11. Alcoholometer . .4 0 12. SacGharometer.5 0 13. Oleometer.6 0 14. Urinometer.2 0 15, 16. Aerometer tubes.each 0 36 17. Do. .„ 0 20 18. Exhausted tube, partly filled with water 1 0 b. Chemical Apparatus of Glass. 19. Graduated tube for nitrogen determina¬ tion, in case.6 0 20. Do. do. do. . 2 30 21. Tube for assaying soda and vinegar, in case.2 30 22,*23. Specific gravity bottles .... each 0 40 24. Liebig’s carbonic acid apparatus ... 0 40 25. Vill and Varrentrapp’s nitrogen apparatus 0 36 26. Chloride of calcium tube.0 24 27. Do. do. .0 8 28. Liebig’s suction tube.0 8 29. Reduction tube, of the hardest glass, for organic analysis.0 12 30. Combustion tube, do. . 0 12 31. Do. do. . 0 12 32. Do. (36 kr. per lb.) do. . 0 6 33, 34, 35. Set of test tubes.each 0 5 36. Do. do.0 2 37, 38. Blowpipes.each 0 15 39. Syphon for poisons.0 36 40. Pipette.010 41. Security tube.0 30 42. Do. .0 24 43. Funnel tube.0 8 44. Wulf’s bottle.0 30 45. Do. .0 24 46. Pipette.012 174 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. J'Jo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 47. Retort . 48. Do. . 49. Receiver C. 'Medical Apparatus of Glass. 50. Syringe. 51. Eye syringe. 52. Ear syringe. 53. Pulse sand glass, 15 seconds 54. Tubes for vaccine matter . 55, 56, 57. Leech tubes .... 58. Bottles for homoeopathic me fl. kr. 0 15 0 12 0 15 4 0 1 0 0 30 0 30 0 lj 59. Do. do. do. . . 0 2 60. Do. do. do. . . 0 2 61. Do. do. do. . . 0 D. Works of Art in Glass . 62. Blue human eye . . . 10 0 63. Grey do. 0 64. Brown do. . . 0 65. Dark-brown do. . . . • • • . . 10 0 66. Pair of cat’s eyes . . 30 67. Pair of lynx eyes. 68. Sample card of glass fruits for embroidery: Apple. Pear.each ■ Pig.. Plum.each Cherries.„ Gooseberry.„ Strawberry.. Raspberry. Blackberry . .. , Mulberry .. Hips .. Grapes, green and purple .... Currants. 4 0 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 § fl. kr. YI. A coil of iron wire rope, No. 3, per fathom 0 26 VII. Do. do. 6, 0 36 VIII. Do. do. 10, J J 0 54 IX. Do. do. 12, 7 J 1 12 X. Do. do. 14, 1 15 XI. Do. do. 12, j ) 1 30 XII. Do. do. 14, 2 45 XIII. A newly invented furnace bar (provi¬ sionally registered).3 20 188. ZWICKL, JOSEF, Atzgersdorf, near Vi¬ enna, manufacturer.—6. II. An instrument for measuring concave sur¬ faces .80 0 139. MARCHESI, GIAN BATTISTA, Lodi, inventor.—33 m. A writing machine for the blind, producing the letters either black or in relief . . 700 0 Provisionally registered. For large orders the price could be reduced to less than one-half. 140. SCHNEIDER, JOSEF, Vienna, manufac¬ turer.—33. II. A grand pianoforte, 7 octaves, with Vien¬ nese mechanism; the case of American maple wood, ornamentally inlaid . . . 1700 0 141. VLASKY, JOHANN, Prague, manufacturer. —34. II. Pianoforte, 7 octaves; the case of walnut- tree . 600 0 135. BA1KA, WENZEL, Prague, Bohemia, ma¬ nufacturer.—15. II. Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus and Preparations. Various glass pipes. Glass beakers. Flasks. Set of funnels of glass. Glass retorts. A universal apparatus. A portable medicine chest. An alkalimeter. An aerometer. Steinheil’s saccharometer, Balling’s do. Oxide of uranium. Oxide of nickel. Cadmium. German silver lamp. Pneumatic basin, mounted with German silver and glass. Two kali apparatus. Petrina’s electro-magnetic apparatus. Plattner’s Blowpipe appa¬ ratus. Two boxes of crystal models. 130. ROCCHETTI, P., Padua, engineer. Various geometrical instruments. 137. WURM, FRANZ XAVER, Vienna, inventor and manufacturer.—9. II. fl. kr. I. A pyrometer . .60 0 II. Artificial feet ...... each 35 0 III. Do.. 32 0 IV. An artificial arm.20 0 V. Do; .18 0 141a. POTTJE, JOHANN,Vienna, manufacturer. —34. a. II. Grand Piano, of rosewood, with rich, carved work, 7 octaves . . . price in Vienna 110£. 141b. SETJFFERT, EDUARD, Vienna, manuf. fl. kr. —40. II. A piccolo pianoforte of rosewood, inlaid with buhl, transposition mechanism; de¬ signed by Bernardo di Bernardis . . . 5000 0 The case is so constructed that the instru¬ ment contained in it can be at any time taken out and replaced by another. The buhl work was executed entirely in E. Seuffert’s establishment; the bronze work by D. Hollenbach of Vienna. 141c. IIOXA, FRIEDRICH, Vienna, Manufac¬ turer. Grand pianoforte, 7 octaves, with brass string-plate and the strings attached to separate iron tongues; the case of Hun¬ garian poplar .£45 141 d. DEUTSCHMANN, JAKOB, Vienna, Manu.—41. II. fl. kr. A melodium .210 Oj PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 175 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 142. WILHELM, ANTON., Modling, Lower Austria,.manufacturer.—36. H. 1. Pianoforte leather for covering hammers 22 0 2. Do. do. .do, . 21 0 3.’ Do. do. do, . 19 0 4. Do. do. do. . 18 0 5. • P°- do. do, . 17 0 6. , Do. do. do. . 16 0 7. „ . !po. do. do. . 18 0 8. Do. do. do. . 17 0 9. Do. do. do. . 15 0 10. Do. do. do. . 13 0 11. Do. do. do. . 9 0 12. ^Do. do. dp. . 8 0 143. BIENERT, D. and SON, Maderhauser,' Bo¬ hemia. Agent, Mr. Holste, 76, Basing- hall Street, London.—35. II. Wood for musical instruments. 144. BITTNER, DAVID, Vienna, mapuf.—21. II. A stringed quartett, viz., 2 violins, tenor, and violoncello, with hows, &c., complete, iq 3 gases , , , .. 600 0 A violiji, iplajd >vith box and ebony, with bow in case. 500 0 A bass-viol, with bow, &c. (the neck un¬ screws) . 250 0 Guitar, fine-toned, inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl, in case. 200 0 145. KORSELT, JOHANN, Turnau, Bohemia. —20. II.' Violoncellp in case ........ 100/. 148. HERZLIEB, FRANZ, Gratz, Styria, manu. — 22 . 11 . A stringed quartett, viz., 2 violins, tenor and violoncello.80/. 147. CERUTI, ENRICO, Cremona, mapu.—52 M. fl. kr. Violin . 200 0 148. KIENDL, ANTON, Vienna, manu.—23. II. Cithern or lyre, with reserve strings, and case.90 0 Ditto with tuning-key and case .... 60 0 149. HUTHER, MICHAEL, Vienna, manu.—24. II. Cithern, with 28 strings.100 0 150. CALLEGARI, A., (firm of Antonio Priali detto Romanin and Co.) Padua, manu.— An assortment of strings for musical instru¬ ments, including violin,violoncello, double- bass, harps, &c. Specimens of cat-gut. 151. INDRI, A.,’ Venice, Manufacturer. Samples of musical strings, including guitar, violin, violoncello, harp and double bass. 152. HELL, FERDINAND, Vienna, Manu.—28. Clarinet of metal . .32 0 Cornet a pistons .31 0 No. Name & Address 6f Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Bugle with valves.36 0 Trumpet.36 0 Horn ..80 0 Euphonion .100 0 Hell Horn (a new invention) .... 100 0 Bass Tuba.120 0 The prices are reckoned at 10 fl. to the 1/. 152 a. TIIEISZ, S., Hermannstadt, Transylvania, Manufacturer.—16. III. B. 7. French horn *• ......... 40 Fife . .. .- ........... 0 40 153. RTEDL’S WIDOW, JOSEPH FELIZ, Vienna, Manu.-=-29. II. ■ . ■ Bombardon . t .’ .[ . . . . . . . 85 0 Barytone . 7 . . . 75 0 French liorn . .’ . .' . . . . . 130 0 Tenor trombone.48 0 Bugle.36 0 Trumpet . . . . . . . . . 40 0 Ditto ... ,i ....... 38 0 Ditto.50 0 Bugle.. 80 0 French horn.140 0 154. STEHLE, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu. — 32. II. Harmonic bass (a new instrument) . . . 100 0 Bassoon.80 0 155. UHLMANN, JOSEF,Vienna, Manu.—31. II. Clarinet in A.80 0 Ditto B.80 0 Ditto C.80 0 Ditto D.80 0 Ditto - E b . ..80 0 Ditto E.70 0 Ditto F ..70 0 Ditto G, . 70 0 Ditto A P.70 0 Corno Inglese.60 0 Bass horn.80 0 Oboe.160 0 Clarinet of brass.80 0 Flute.100 0 Bassoon. 200 0 158. ZIEGLER, JOHANN Vienna, Manu. — 30.11. A flute of cocoa-nut wood, in case , . . 120 0 Ditto of ebony, in case.100 0 A clarinet of ebony, in case.100 0 157. CERVENY, W. F., Ivoniggriitz, Bohemia, Manuf.—25. II. 1. Comet .30 0 2. Cornet a pistons.36 0 3. Bugle'. 40 0 4. Trumpet ..30 0 g‘ | French horns, each.60 0 7. Zwukoroh, a new invented phonikon horn 400 0 8. Bombardon ......... 300 0 176 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 158. ROTT, A. H. Prague, Manu.—28 A. II. —26. II. Tenor bombardon Alt horn ... French horn Guitar Yiolin bow Ditto 100. STOHR, FRANZ, Prague, Manu.—27. II. Euphonion ........ 21 M. Musical instruments of novel construction. a. Pelittone, bass instrument in C and fr. B flat.. . 400 0 b. Duplex; an instrument producing the tones of the trombone and bombardon, in B flat ......... 400 0 c. Duplex; producing the tones of the trumpet in F, and bugle in F . . . 300 0 These two instruments, b and c, when played together produce the effect of four instruments. d. Trumpet in G, with mechanism for transposing into all keys without using crooks.120 0 162. RZEBITSCHEK, F., Prague, Manu.—39. II. fl. kr. Musical box, 6 tunes.100 0 Ditto 4 ditto.50 0 Ditto 3 ditto . . . Ditto 2 ditto.' 30 0 20 0 103. REINISCH, JOSEF, Vienna, Manu. II. -37 Harmonicons. Price per piece fl. kr. 0 34 0 40 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 1. 2 . 3! 4. 5. 9. to. 10 *. 12 . 13. 14. 141 . Mi- 15. 18. 20 . 30 35 50 10 10 10 1 15 1 15 1 25 1 40 2 10 30. . 39. . 42. . 42*. • 44. . 49. . 50. . 50J. . 56. . 66 . . 72. . 73. . 74. . 75. . 97. . 100 . . 112 . . fl. kr. 3 20 0 40 30 40 50 20 30 40 48 20 55 50 0 30 0 42£ 2 40 2 8 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 113. • * 2 0 182. • 1 50 0 125. • • 0 50 186. • • 8 24 0 128. • • 5 0 193. • 1 40 0 129. • • 4 40 194. • 2 36 0 1381. 2 30 195. • 3 0 0 140. • • 0 50 196. • 7 36 150. # • 0 524 197. • 90 0 mu. 151- • • 1 0 198. • 80 0 178. 4 10 199. • 120 0 £. s. 1 6 d. 0 Mouth-organs. Price per dozen. 1 2 0 fl. kr. fl. kr. 0 16 0 1. 0 20 12. • 2 12 0 15 0 2. * 0 24 13. • 4 24 2 0 0 3. • • 0 54 14. 2 0 0 7 6 4. • • 1 8 15. 4 6 0 13 0 5. • • # 1 20 16. • 8 12 0 3 6 6. 2 24 17. • 9 0 0 1 9 7. 2 54 18. • 20 30 8. 3 24 00 # # 13 30 fl. kr. 9. 5 30 19. • 9 8 0 nn A 10. 0 56 20. • • 16 0 U 0 11. . 1 48 21. • 34 0 Hand'Organ 40 0 — Ditto smaller . 9 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 164. STEINKELLNER, CHRISTIAN, Vienna, Manu.—38. II. Accordions. Price each. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. % 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. fl. kr. 4 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. ( 41. 42. 43. I 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. f 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. fl. kr. 14 0 15 14 13 12 15 13 9 12 9 20 23 6 10 26 18 20 22 25 18 30 36 46 48 56 50 125 130 136 146 150 70 164a LAUDACHER, FRANZ, Linz, Upper Austria. Church clock PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 1/7 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 165. LISZT, ANTON, Vienna, manu.—18. II. Ormolu travelling clock.85 0 An eight-day ditto.120 0 166. MARENZELLER, J., Vienna, Clockmaker. Chronometer of novel construction, £200. 187. RATZENHOFER, J. F., Vienna, Manu.— 16. b. II. A geographical clock, showing the mean time in all the capitals of Europe, in a case. From a design by B. di Bernardis . . 1000 0 188. SCHUBERT, ANTON, Vienna, Manu.—19. 4 Bracket clocks') lqF - n 1 Table clock j . . u 16 Small table clocks .••••.. 75 0 169. KRALIK, SAMUEL, Pesth, Hungary, Manu. —16a. II. 1. A large clock, in the form of a travelling clock, with thirteen applicable escape¬ ments, in a mahogany case .... 3000 0 2. A gold cylinder watch, exhibited as hav¬ ing been made entirely by one person . 100 0 170. ZELISKO, AUGUST, Prague, Bohemia, Manu.—17. II. A clock which only requires winding up once in the year: six holes and escapement jewelled, and v ith compensation pendulum, in mahogany case.100/. (Purchaser to pay the import duty.) 170a. ANDERWALT, PASQUALE, Trieste, Manu. 173. HIERSCHEL, LEONE, and CHEV. CA- LIMAN HE MINERBI, Haidenschaft Cotton-spinning mill, Illyria.—90. IIIb. "White Cotton Warp-yarn— £. s. d. No. 10 ... per pack of 5 lbs. 0 6 5^- 20 " " 30 40 Red-dyed Cotton Mule-yam— No. 10 ... per pack of 11 lbs. 1 14 1J 20 ... . „ 1 16 11^ 30 ... . „ 1 19 9± 40 ... . „ 2 2 7i 173a. LENSSEN, JULIUS, Tisehnowitz, Bohemia. Red cotton yarn. 174. PERGER, JOSEPH, Hirtenberg Spinning- factory, Vienna.—88 IIIb. 1 . Raw cotton. 10. Roving. 2. Cleaned do. 11. Do. 3. Lap. 12. Do. 4. Carded cotton. 13. Do. 5. Do. 14. Do. 6. Stretched do. 15. Do. 7. Do. 16. Bobbins. 8. Do. 17. Hanks. 9. Do. fl. kr. 18. Mule Twist, No. 20 per 10 lbs. English 6 0 19. Do. 30 5} 6 36 20. Do. 40 7 6 21. Do. 50 7 36 22. Do. 60 8 0 23. Wick-yarn 0 40 175. PORDENONE COTTON MILL & DYE¬ ING ESTABLISHMENT, near Venice. Samples of cotton-twist, dyed Turkey-red. 178. RICHTER, FRANZ, Prague, Manu.—91. Ills. Cotton-yarn spun from good middling Mobile.per 8 Ibs.Vienna 10 0 u o 773 0 7 31 0 7 9 a. A pendulum clock, calculated to go for 30 years without further attention, as, by the disengagement of hydrogen gas, it winds itself up twdce a month . . . . 50/. b. A ditto for 20 years.30/. c. A barometrical clock, so constructed as Constantly to wind itself up by the pres¬ sure of the atmosphere on the quicksilver ; and, if not to be denominated “a per- petuab motion,” at least calculated to last for an indefinite number of centuries . . 100/. The above were provisionally registered 1st May, 1851. d. An illuminated dial, in the form of an allegorical picture.100/. 171. CHIACHICH, MICHELE, Fiume, spinner. —92. III. b. Specimens of cotton yarn. 172. GRILLMAYER, JOHANN, Linz, Upper Austria, spinner. —89. IIIb. ^ Cotton Yarn . Weft, No. 6 W. per 8 lbs. 6 8 Do. Warp, 20 P. „ 7 0 Do. „ 40 P. „ 8 10 Do. „ 60 M. „ 10 24 Do. Weft, 80 P.S. „ 13 12 176a. DIERZER’S HEIRS, JOHANN, There- sienthal, near Gmunden, Upper Austria. Cotton yarn. 177. FROHLICH’S SONS, G. A., Warnsdorf, Bohemia.—97. III. b. Cotton velvets, various colours— No. 1—12 . . . per ell 0 40 Do. printed 13—26 ... „ 0 45 White Flannel 27 . . . „ 0 48 178. GROHMANN, CARL, Lindenau, Bohemia, Manu.—96. IIIb. Cotton-yarn, dyed Turkey-red . . per lb. 1 42 Do. dyed rose-colour . „ 1 40 Cotton velvet, dyed Turkey-red . per ell 1 6 Calico, dyed Turkey-red ... „ 0 18 179. LANGE, FRANZ, & SONS, St. Georgenthal, Bohemia, Manu.—98. IIIb. 120. Cotton velvet ..... per ell 0 36 115. Do.. 0 33 99. Do. .. 0 30 180. WINTER, J., Vienna, Manu.—73. IIIb. £. s. d. Quilt, green.each 0 12 0 Do. white .. „ 0 18 0 Do. do. „ 14 0 Do. rainbow ...... „ 0 14 0 178 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 27o. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price, 181. EHINGER, A., Oberlangenau, near Hohen- elbe, Bohemia, Manufacturer 8s Bleacher. —99. IIIb. fl. kr. 1. Jaconet.per ell 0 15 2. India cloth ....... „ 0 22 3. Jaconet ........ „ 0 30 4. Handkerchiefs + . . . . per doz. 6 40 5. Webbing.per ell 0 14 6. Jaconet. „ 0 16 7. Prints. „ 0 16 8. Do. ... * . „ 0 14 9. Hamann. ,, 0 18 10. Prints.. „ 0 14 11. Gradl (the common dress of the lower orders).per ell 0 16 12. Hamann.0 18 13. Strong Webbing. „ 0 14 14. Pocket Handkerchiefs .... per doz. 1 40 15. Do. .... „ 3 12 16. Indian cloth, extra wide . . . per ell 1 0 17. Gradl. „ 0 16 18. Webbing. „ 0 14 19. Do. . „ 0 14 182. FRIEDRICH, ANDREAS, Vienna, Manu. 15. Ditto 16. Cotton robe 43. 44. Batiste robe Ditto —-93. IIIb. 17. Batiste robe 45. Indian cloth robe 2. Coloured designed shirting, per piece, 24 ells 4 6 18. Satin muslin robe 46. Cotton robe 3. Do. soft-dressed do. „ 47 10 0 19. Tulle robe 47. Ditto 4. Do. glazed do. „ 24 6 24 20. Batiste robe 48. Batiste robe 5. White soft-dressed do. „ 47 9 24 21. Satin muslin robe 49. Tulle robe 6. Do. 47 10 12 22. Muslin robe 50. Batiste robe 7. Colouredglazed muslin,very fine „ 12 7 36 23. Batiste robe 51. Indian cloth robe 8. Do. „ 24 5 24 24. Indian cloth robe 52. Batiste robe 9. Coloured checks .... „ 24 5 54 25. Ditto 53. Indian cloth robe 9. Do.„ 24 5 54 26. Ditto 54. Cotton robe 10. Coloured cotton Thibet . „ 1*4 5 24 27. Ditto 28. Batiste robe 55. Indian cloth robe 183. JENNY 8c SCHINDLER, Hard, Voralberg, Manu.—106. IIIb. £. Rouge-cotton, plain red . . . per ell 0 0 7 Do. red and black . 0 0 8 Do. yellow and black . ?? 0 0 9 Do. bouquets and border » 0 0 9 Do. chalis .... per doz. 0 0 10 Rouge-kerchiefs, yellow . . . 0 10 8 Do. white n 0 13 2 Do. coloured . 0 11 4 Do. white and black 5> 0 13 4 Do. coloured chalis 1 4 0 Do. bordered . . 1 13 6 Linen kerchiefs. 0 15 0 Shawl. each 0 12 10 Do. 0 13 6 Do. 0 16 6 Dress. 0 18 4 Child’s scarf. ?? 0 3 8 Lady’s scarf. V 0 6 5 Woollen kerchiefs. per doz. 1 11 2 KLAMER, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu.— 94. IIIb. . fl. k. Batiste dress. . 8 ells 6 0 Do. plain Do. plaid Zephyr dress . . Elora dress, plain . Do. . Flora brocheQ . . 9 ells 6 0 6 30 6 15 7 0 7 0 8 48 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Striped cotton.16 ells 7 12 Batiste kerchiefs.per doz. 7 0 185. LANG, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu.—100. IIIb. Satin batiste . . . per piece of 7 ells 4 12 Fine Croise .... „ 4 12 186. LEITENBERGER, EDUARD, Reichstadt, Bohemia, Manuf.—104. III. b. 1. Satin muslin robe 2. Ditto 3. Tulle robe 4. Batiste robe 5. Ditto 6. Muslin robe 7. Batiste robe 8. Ditto 9. Satin muslin robe 10. Batiste robe 11. Ditto * 5 * * 12. Indian.clotth robe 13. Muslin robe 14. Batiste robe 29. Batiste robe 30. Indian cloth robe 31. Ditto 32. Cotton robe 33. Batiste robe 34. Indian cloth robe 35. Ditto 36. Cotton robe 37. Batiste robe 38. Cotton robe 39. Batiste robe 40. Ditto 41. Ditto 42. Indian cloth robe 187. LEITENBERGER, FRANZ, Cosmanos, Bohemia, Manuf.—105. III. b. Printed cottons. per ell fl. kr. No. 1, 3, 5, 8, 93, 130, 131,132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138 . 2, 4, 9, 12, 13, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 92, 94, 139. 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22,23, 24 19, 39, 40, 41, 42, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 232 . 20 . 21, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 157, 161, 162, 224, 225, 229, 230 . . 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 . . . 43, 44, 45, 95, 221 . 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 223, 228 . 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 222, 226 ... . 117, 118, 119, 227 . 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,146,147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 . 158, 159 .. 160 .. Printed jaconets. No. 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,172,177,205,206 . 173, 174, 175, 176 . 0 20 0 21 0 18 0 19 0 21i 0 20J 0 19A 0 22 0 221 0 23 0 25 0 16 0 17 0 27 0 29 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 179 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Printed muslins. fl. kr. No. 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183—207, 215 . 0 28 184, 185, 196, 208, 209, 211, 212 .. . 0 30 186, 231 . 0 26i 187 0 36 188, 195, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204 .. . 0 29 189, 101, 193, 194,213 . j . ; . . 0 27 -190, 192 . 0 32 197, 198.. . . . 0 34 201 0 25i 210.0 23 214.0 35 Printed batistes. No. 216, 217, 218, 219 . 0 22£ 188. LIEBISCH, JOHANN, Warnsdorf, Bohemia. —101. III. B. Quilting for waistcoats .... per ell 1 6 189. OSSBERGER’S HEIRESS, PETER, Markt- Zwettl, Lower Austria, Manuf.—102. III. b. Cotton chintz, various colours, glazed, per ell 3 15 Ditto rose ..4 45 190. VOLKMANN, IGNAZ, Gumpendorf, Vienna, Manuf.—95. IH. b. Lady’s dress (Ajor), per piece of 8 ells . . 6 0 Ajor curtain.12 0 191. KELLER, JOSEPH, Briinn, Moravia, Spin¬ ner. —8. III. B. Twelve samples of woollen yarn arranged under glass. 192. LEIDENEROST, EDUARD, Briinn, Mo¬ ravia, Spinner.—7. IH. b. Woollen yarn of various colours. No. 1—43. 193. SCHMIEGER, ANTON, Neudeck, Bohemia, Spinner. —11. III. b. Worsted yarn, No. 48, warp aaa per lb. 4 OJ Ditto 76, weft aaa • n 4 30 Ditto 60, Electa warp ,, 8 0 Ditto 100, Electa weft 9 9 9 0 Woollen yarn 22 . . . • 9 9 1 36 Ditto 24 . . . • 9 9 1 42 Ditto 45 . . . • 9 9 3 30 Thibet AAA . . . per ell 2 30 Ditto Electa . . . • 9 9 4 0 Mousseline de laine aaa . . • 9 9 2 0 194. SOXHLET, H. F. & E., Briinn, Moravia, Spinners.— 6. IH. b. Woollen yarn. 1. White weft.per lb. . 3 30 2. Blue weft. ,, . 4 30 3. White Peruvian weft ... ,, . 35 4. White Peruvian chain . . ,, . 2 48 5. White and blue twisted . . ,, .50 6. White twisted. ,, . 3 54 7. White and blue-black twisted ,, . 4 40 8. Ditto. ,, . 4 30 195. TETZNER, GUSTAV, Gorkau, near Co motau, Bohemia, Spinner.—10. III. b. Woollen yarn No. 30 per lb. English 2 0 Ditto 24 ,, 1 45 Vigogma (§ Wool & § Cotton) No. 40 1 50 196. THOMAS, LEOPOLD, Graslitz, Bohemia, Manuf—72. III. b. Half wool tartans . . per ell. 1 0 Wool lama .... „ 2 15 2360. Wool thibet .... per ell fi. kr. 1 24 2400. Ditto. n 1 12 2375. Ditto. 1 6 2397. Ditto. 55 1 0 576. Mousseline de laine . . 9* 0 50 43. Worsted yarn, A weft per bundle 32 15 Ditto A warp 99 32 30 Ditto B warp 99 30 0 Ditto B weft 99 29 30 Woollen yarn . . . • 99 10 30 196a. DIERZER’S HEIRS, JOHANN, Theresienthal near Gmundeh, Upper Austria. Worsted yarn. THUM, ANTON, Reichenberg, Manuf.—50. III. b. Raw worsted B warp No. 28 . Bohemia, . 5 lbs. 2 24 Do. A „ 30 . 99 2 36 Do. AA „ 32 . 99 2 50 Do. C weft 30 . 99 2 2 Do. B „ 34 . 99 2 24 Do. A „ 40 . 99 2 44 Do. AA „ 44 . 99 3 2 Woollen yarn . . . 20 . 99 1 4 Do. 24 . 99 1 12 Do. 30 . 99 1 24 Coloured yarn . . . 20 . 99 1 24 Do. 24 . 99 1 32 Do. 30 . 99 1 44 Thibet. per ell 1 6 Circassian . . . 99 1 0 Orleans. per piece 9 0 Printed waistcoating per doz. 6 0 Printed Cashmere shawls each 4 30 Printed Circassia do. 99 2 50 Do. 99 2 24 198. VOSLAU WORSTED YARN COMPANY, Voslau, near Vienna.—9. III. b. Berlin Wool, various shades. Merino zephyr 1 fine colours . . per lb. 5 30 Do. 1 coloured * • 5 20 Do. 1 • ' 33 4 40 Worsted yarn A weft No. 42* per 10 lbs. 33 30 Do. A „ 40 99 33 0 Do. A warp 32 99 33 0 Do. A „ 30 99 32 30 Do. B weft 36 99 30 15 Do. B „ 34 99 30 0 Do. B „ 32 99 29 45 Do. B „ 30 99 29 30 Do. C „ 32 99 27 0 Do. C »» 30 99 26 45 U U. \J „ OU Arras yarn, 1st & 2nd sorts CC No. 10 „ 14 30 Do. „ CC 8 „ 14 0 199. KAMNER, GEORG TRAUGOTT, Cron- stadt, Transylvania, Weaver.—12. III. b. White sheep’s wool rug.9 0 Blue striped ditto.6 0 Black and white “ Gujoratz” cloth per ell 1 0 200. MAURER, VINZENZ, Iglau, Bohemia, Manuf.—18. HI. b. Horse-cloth, with borders.14 0 Do. checked.8 0 Counterpane ..90 Rug.9 0 180 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 201. MATSCHUKO, NICOLAUS, Cronstadt, Weaver.—12. III. b. 3. White long-haired rugs. Blue do. do. Bed, green, blue, and white striped rugs White and blue bordered rugs . . . White ground and green do. Red ground and blue bordered do. . . 202. TARTLER, MICHL, Cronstadt, Manuf.— 12. III. B. Drugget . . Summer cover per ell fl. kr. 7 0 6 30 7 0 6 30 8 0 11 0 2 12 5 12 203. WRCHOVSZKY, J. R, Skalitz, Hungary, Manuf.—19. III. b. Woollen bolting-cloth .... per ell 0 12 Do. „ 0 14 Do. „ 0 16 Do. „ 0 20 Do. extra fine ... „ 0 30 204. AUSPITZ, L., Briinn, Moravia, Manuf.— 39. III. b. No. 1. Satteen original . . . per ell 2 2. Satteen elastic .... „ 2 3. Double satteen elector . „ 2 4. Satteen elector .... „ 2 5. Satteen superfine elector . „ 2 6. Do.. 2 7. Twilled satteen .... „ 2 8. Crape. „ 2 9. Cachemirienne originate . ,, 4 10. Do. elector .... „ 4 11. Do. Do. superfine . . „ 5 205. BAUER, THEODOR, & CO., Briinn, Mo¬ ravia, Manu.—48. III. b. Woollen cloth: 18 18 26 24 30 36 45 30 15 30 0 fl. kr. fl. kr. 8251 . . per ell 2 0 8255 . . per ell 1 27 8252 . * )) 1 24 8256 . . „ 1 30 8253 . • J? 1 24 8257 * . „ 1 12 8254 . * 1 30 | 8258 . , „ 1 24 BIEDERMANN, M. L., , & CO., Teltsch, Moravia, Manuf. (Agent, S. Reuter, Moor- gate Street Chambers, London.—42. III. b.) Woollen cloths. 61853. Green ...... per yard 61839. Black. „ 61840. Black. „ 61848. Blue. „ 61849. Blue. „ 61851. Green. „ 61854. Olive. „ 61855. Olive. „ 59498. Violet ladies’ cloth . . „ 59629 Do. 61859. Black ladies’ cloth . . „ 62998. Black doeskin .... „ 63100. Do. „ 207. BINDER, TRAUGOTT, Hermannstadt, Transylvania, Manuf.—16. III. b. 5. Doeskin, blue No. 1 . . . per ell Do. Do. 2 . . . „ Do. grey ...... „ s. d. 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 17 6 17 6 9 10 11 0 13 2 9 1 9 1 fl. kr. 2 20 2 0 1 40 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 208. FURLER, FRANZ, Gratz, Styria, Manuf.— 13. III. B. Beavers, called 11 Assor,” various colours, fl. kr. 4861. ^ . 1 30 4866. ... 1 36 4865. ... 1 30 4867. ... 1 36 4863. ... 1 36 4864. ... 1 42 4860. ... 1 42 ... 209. GACS CLOTH MANUFACTORY, Gacs, Hungary. — 36. III. b. 8602 Fine black cloth .... per ell 7 30 11029 Do. doeskin ... „ 2 24 11038 Fine stuff. 3 0 11044 Do. „ 1 18 210. GINZEL, BERNARD CONSTANT, Reich- enberg, Bohemia, Manuf.—31. III. b. Gold Brown cloth.per ell 4 0 Green do. „ 4 30 Black do. ....... „ 5 30 Do. do. „ 5 30 Black Peruvian cloth .... „ 3 45 211. GURTLER, JOSEPH, Briinn, Moravia, Manuf.—40. III. b. 1. Summer trowsering . per ell 1 36 2—6. Winter do. • 2 6 7. Summer do. * 1 36 8—12. Winter do. • 5? 2 6 13. Summer do. • 1 36 212. HARTIG, JOSFPH, Reichenberg, Bohemia, Manuf.—22. III. b. Drab Peruvian cloth per ell 3 12 213. BRUNN TRADE UNION, Briinn, Mo¬ ravia. —47. III. b. Summer buckskins. per ell Nos. 3887, 3882, 3888, 4780, 4957, 4778, 4955 4784 . 5013, 4786, 4970, 4774, 4789, 4950, 4969, 4796, 4994, 5025 4965, 5009 .... 5011, 4973, 4975, 5003 5018, 5019, 5022, 5053, 5036, 5052 5031, 4826, 4822, 4815 . . . 5050 . .. . Casimere (Quadrille). 4982, 5021, 5045, 4851, 5048 . . Black satteen de Cour, No. 4987, 4626 . Mixed doeskin, 4858, 4856 ..... Mixed satteen cloth, 5056, 5057, 5058 Do. do. 5059, 5060, 5061 . . Cloth named by natives “ Watermul.” 4473, 4460, 4476, 4486, 4482, 4917 214. CLOTHWEAVERS’ GUILD, Hermann stadt, Transylvania.—16. 4. Ill, Blue uniform cloth White cloth . . Blue flannel . . Variegated flannel White flannel per ell 1 15 1 30 1 24 1 21 1 33 1 27 1 42 1 33 1 27 0 48 0 44 0 54 1 20 1 15 0 50 0 42 0 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. ]81 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 215. HONAUER, FRANZ, Linz, Upper Austria. -46. III. b. 1 . Imitation skin felpa per ell 1 48 2. Felpa .... 11 1 42 3. Do. half cut . 1 42 4. Do. do. green. 11 1 45 5. Do. 1 45 6 . Plush .... 11 3 12 7. Do. . . f . 11 2 30 8 . Do. 1 48 9. Do. 1 42 10. Scarlet saddle plush 2 12 11. Green do. 1 48 12 . Amiens .... 0 36 13. Satinette . . 0 40 14. Haircloth . . 33 0 32 15. Scarlet bunting . 11 0 22 16. Green do. 0 18 17. White camlet . 1 30 18. Blue do. . . 1 30 19. Black do. . . 1 24 20 . Black satteen . 1 18 21 . Turkish belts . each 9 0 22 . Wallachian do. . 9 0 23. Striped do. . ” 4 50 24. Red do. . 11 6 0 216. ILLEK, FRANZ, Briinn, Moravia, Manuf. -Al. III. B. Wool dyed doeskin. Nos. 4165, 4123, 4140, 4004, 4157 per ell 1 51 217. MIESS, GEORG, Cronstadt, Transylvania, Weaver. —12. 2. III. b. White “ Hallina” cloth .... per ell 1 0 Do. do. do. }) io 218. MORO, BROTHERS, Klagenfurt, Carin- thia, Manuf.—33. HI. b. Scarlet cloth.per ell 10 0 Pompadour cloth ...... „ 10 0 Drab cloth. „ 10 0 Crimson cloth. 9 0 Apple green cloth. „ 7 30 Indigo pale-blue cloth .... „ 70 Indigo bright-blue cloth ... „ 7 0 Citron yellow cloth. „ 6 30 White cloth. „ 90 Do. ....... ,, 10 0 Orange-yellow cloth. 9 0 219. MULLER, ANTON LUDO, Reichenberg, Bohemia, Manuf.—24. III. b. Checks.per ell 4 0 220. NAMIEST CLOTH COMPANY, Namiest, near Briinn, Moravia.—35. III. b. Scarlet cloth, extra superfine . . per ell 10 0 Black do. do. „ 8 30 Brown superfine cloth .... „ 7 30 Blue elastic. }J 8 0 Drab elastic. ,, 7 0 Black cloth royal. „ 6 45 Green do. „ 4 45 Orange do. „ 6 30 Scarlet Peruvienne. „ 5 0 White Peruvienne . . Blue do. . . Black do. ... Bronze dore ditto . . Double doeskin, black Superfine do. black Fine do. drab Superfine do. white White cassimere . per ell j> it » j? 5) ?> V 221. OFFERMANN, JOHANN HEINRICH, Briinn, Moravia, Manuf.—37. III. b. Winter trows ering. Nos. 72887, 73432, 73846, 74251, 75430, 75200, 75421 . . Summer trowsering. Nos. 75883, 76003, 76015, 76018, 76038, 76208 .... 76273, 76285 . Summer cloth for coats .... Nos. 69950, 80512, 80792, 80999, 80369, 80379 . Drab elastic, 80104 . Blue do. 80106 . Blue cloth for winter coats, 80501| Drab do. do. 80523 Blue zephyr, 52101 .... Black mousseline de laine, 67384 Black cloth, 68153 .... Black zephyr, 80396 .... Do. do. 80900 .... Black Clofh, 80982 .... Doeskin, 75269 . Do. 75604 . Do. 75688 . Corbeau zephyr, 54568 Black mousseline de laine, 6738 Black cloth, 68153 Black zephyr, 80397 . Do. do. 80900 . per ell » ?> 5> 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 . 11 11 11 11 11 11 Black cloth, 80982 Black doeskin, 75269 Do. do. 75604 Do. do. 75688 . . Winter trowsering, 75084 222. POPPER, BROTHERS, Briinn, Moravia, Manuf.—43. III. b. “Watermul” mixture .... per ell Trowsering 11 Cloth for coats . . 11 Circassian . . . . 11 Scarlet Peruvienne . # . 11 Black do. 11 Black zephyrienne 11 Doeskin . . . . 11 Satteen. 11 223. POSSELT, ANTON, Junr., Reichenberg, Bohemia, Manuf.—30. III. b. Sky blue doeskin.per ell Black do. . Checked cassimere. „ Black doeskin .. 223a. POSSELT, ANTON, Reichenberg, Bohe¬ mia, Manuf.—25. HI. b. Blue-black cloth.per ell Q 2 fl. kr. 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 0 3 30 3 0 2 30 3 0 3 0 2 30 1 48 2 0 4 0 3 45 7 45 8 0 5 30 5 0 5 0 4 30 5 30 5 30 6 0 4 0 1 48 2 30 2 15 5 0 4 30 5 30 5 30 6 0 4 0 1 48 2 30 2 15 2 30 2 12 2 24 3 48 3 30 3 42 3 48 3 30 2 24 2 0 1 36 2 0 0 42 3 30 3 52 182 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 224. SCHMIEGER, JOHANN, Brunn, Moravia, Manu.—41. III. b. 4646 Cloth for winter clothing . 4647—50 Do. . . . per ell fl. kr. 3 0 2 42 225. SCHMITT, F., Aicha, Bohemia, Manuf. Woollen cloth. SCHOLL, AUGUST, Brunn, Moravia, Manu. —44. m. b. per ell. 5 5 5 > 5 5 y y 9 9 Elastic, drab. Brazil, blue . Do. raven. Cassimere, blue Winter cloth Doeskin, blue Do. mille raye 2 36 2 24 1 36 227. SCHOLLER BROTHERS, Brunn, Moravia. —45. III. b. Double elastic. Elastic—blue, 7fl. 30kr.; drab, 7fl. 30kr. Brazil—black, 6fl. 30kr.; blue, 6fl.; green, 5fl. 45kr.; raven, 5fl. 45kr. Calmuc mixture. Do. Mousseline de laine, blue. Peruvienne, black. Do. blue. Americaine .. Quadrille. Winter cloth . .. Summer cloth.. The prices are at lOfl. to the £1. 228. SEIDEL, C. & C., Kratzau, Bohemia, Manu.—51. III. b. Cashmere, drab.per ell. Do. puce. ,, Do. remond. ,, Do. black. , , Do. monster. , , Alpaca, black.per piece. Orleans, black. ,, Do. figured. , , Do. do. various colours . ,, 229. SIEGMUND, NEUHAUSER, & CO., Rei- chenberg, Bohemia, Manu.—32. III. b. Brazil—black, green, raven, or blue . per ell Peruvienne—brown, green, or blue-black ,, Beaver—drab, green, or brown . . ,, Elastic-green... 230. SIEGMUND (W.), Reichenberg, Bohemia, Manu.—2J. III. b. 32,449 Mousseline de laine, blue per ell. 32,243 do. black 32.283 do. black 32.284 do. black 32,566 do. black 32,251 Duffel, sea green . 32,610 Mousseline de laine, blue 32,565 do. black Mohair, mixed.per piece. Do. black ....... . , , 8 0 2 20 2 36 2 15 1 30 1 30 24 45 17 15 18 15 19 0 4 24 4 24 5 15 6 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Orleans sky blue.per piece Do. blue. ,, Do. black. , , Do. figured blue .... , , Rips, black. ". , , Do. blue ....... , , Mandarin.per ell Austrian . .*. ,, Woollen shawls.each Do. mixed with silk . . kr. 0 0 0 0 Bristol summer mixture Do. black. Do. do. Do. winter black . . Circassian black .... Mixture half-wool Peruvienne Blue cloth ...... Mixture-cloth . . . . Wool-dyed blue cloth . . Black Peruvienne . . . Wool-dyed hlu$ P^ruyie^ne per ell. > 5 14 30 15 30 0 54 0 54 5 0 5 15 231. STEPANEK, FRANZ, Bruck an der Mur, Styria, Manu.—14. III. b. Beavers ..per ell. 2 232. STEFFENS, PETER, Goldenkron, near Budweis, Bohemia, Manu.—49. HI. b. 3349 Black cassimere .... per ell. ’ ’ 1 24 3165 Do. . . . . 1 18 3282 Black buckskin . . .* . 1 30 3209 Do. . . . . ) > 1 24 STRAKOSCH, S., & SON, Brunn, Moravia. —38. III. b. Cloth for scarfs and mantles . . per ell 3 30 Ladies’ cloth for mantles . . . * 5 * 3 0 Ladies’ cloth. 4 0 Autumn trowsering .... • y y 2 24 Summer trowsering .... • y y 2 0 Do. .... 1 54 Do. . . . . • y y 2 12 TRENKLER, ANTON, & SONS, Reichen- berg, Bohemia, Manu.—29. III. B. No. 9,580, Raven Peruvienne . . . , per ell. ' 9 y 3 0 9,579, Do. drap Dufour . . . 3 0 45,450, Blue cloth . 4 12 349, Black do . 4 0 346, Do. do. . . . . . 4 0 394, Do. do . 4 0 398, Do. do . 1 i 4 12 TSCHORNER, JOSEPH, Junr., Reichen- berg, Bohemia, Manu.—27. III. B. Olio cloth.. . . per ell. 3 32 236. ULLRICH, ANTON, Jun., Reichenberg, Bohemia, Manu.—26. III. b. Blue cloth.per ell. Blue-black peruvienne .... ,, 237. VONWILLER & CO., Haslach and Senften- berg, Bohemia, Manuf. — 34. III. b. 4 12 3 12 0 0 3 12 3 9 24 57 48 3 30 4 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 183 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 239. BOSSI (J.) Vienna, Manuf Cashmere shawl, richly embroidered. Do. do. a la mode Do. do. white. Do. do. do. per ell. 238. SCHMITT’S (J. M.) HEIRS & CO., Neu- gedein, Bohemia, Manu.—20. III. b. Thibet, drab .... Satin cashmere, drab . Figured do., ultra-marine Thibet, aa, cherry Cashmere, c, green . . Thibet, bt, gold brown Cashmere, c, drab . Figured satin cashmere, green Thibet, aa, violet Do. at, grey . Do. a, green . Do. at, light blue Do. A, drab . . Cashmere, white . Thibet, aa . . . Do. ... Cashmere, black . . Electoral Thibet, el, Ultramar Do. scarlet Three-thread camlet, black Three-thread fustian, variegated Variegated satteen . Do. Three-thread fustian Do. Satteen, scarlet . . Do. cherry . Plaid shawls Circassian do. . . Check do. Skarmant do. Fantasie do. Watermuldo.. Knitted cloth (tricot) do. Cashmere do. . Mousseline de laine do. Do. Long shawl . . . Merino Apron each -68. III. b. Scarf, flowered. Do. with palms. Do. with garland. Do. do. Do. with palms. Long shawls. Do. do. zephyr. Shawls, checked. Do. mousseline de laine. Do. cashmere. Zephyr scarfs. Zephyr robes. Cashmere robe. Robes of pure Turkish wool. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. fl. kr. 1 12 2 0 2 6 1 45 1 42 1 12 1 42 2 0 1 45 1 21 1 36 18 1 12 1 12 0 50 0 50 1 12 1 12 0 50 0 50 3 15 5 30 6 30 6 30 flowered au naturel. a la mode. 240. BRACHT, F. W., Vienna, Manu. —67. III. B. 1. Balzarine dresses (silk) , per piece. 2 f Do. do. do. . . ,, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 3. Balzarine dresses (silk) per piece 9 0 4. Mousseline de laine dress 7 30 5. Do. do. . . 7 0 6. Do. do. . . 9 9 7 30 7. Do. do. . . 6 30 8. Do. do. . . 7 0 9. Do. do. . . 6 0 10. Do. do. . . ’ ’ 6 30 11. Do. do. . . 5 45 12. Do. do. . . } ? 6 15 13. Do. do. . . } f 5 48 14. Do. do. . . 5 5 6 15 15. Do. do. . . 5 j 5 15 16. Do. do. . . ’ ’ 5 45 17. Do. do. . . 6 30 18. Do. do. . . } ? 6 0 19. Do. do. ? 9 6 30 28. Do. do. 5 0 20. Long shawls (all wool). each 15 0 21. Barege shawls .... 5 y 15 0 22. Barege kerchiefs . 7 7 7 0 23. Shawl, all wool . y y 5 30 24. Woollen scarfs, do. 4 30 25. Balzarine shawls y y 20 0 25. Silk barege long shawls 7 y 20 0 26. Do. do. shawls . . . y y 9 0 27. Do. do. scarfs . . . 7 7 5 0 241. LIEBIG, FRANZ, —53. III. b. Reichenberg, Bohemia. Thibet ladies’ neckerchiefs (Fichus) per doz. Do. neckcloths, 4/4 Do. do. 9/8 . . Do. scarfs 9/8 7 30 Do. kerchiefs 8/4 • 7 7 5 45 8 0 Circassian kerchiefs, white . • 7 7 3 36 7 0 Do. do. do. • 7 7 3 36 6 0 Do. do. coloured • 7 7 4 30 1 30 Do. do. red • 7 7 4 42 16 0 Table cover, green border . • y y 8 0 1 0 Do. coloured • 7 7 10 0 Do. do. • 7 7 11 0 242. WINTER J., Vienna, Manu.— 73. III. b. £. s. Printed mousseline de laine (half wool) per dress. 0 12 Figured satin alma. . . . *■ 5 > 1 4 4 45 243. HAAS, PHILIPP, & SONS, Vienna, Manu. —66. III. b. £. 310. Carpet 311. Do. 312. Do. 313. Do. 314. Do. each 15 0 .,,79 . „ 10 0 . „ 3 12 .,,10 244. DIERZER’S HEIRS, JOHANN, Klein- miinchen, near Linz, Manu.—64. III. B. Carpet, 29^- ells Do. 32 § Do. 32 Do. 27£ Do. 28J Do. 28j| Do. 27£: Do. 25§ Do. 28£ fl. kr. per ell 1 30 184 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. . . . . per ell 3 30 .... , , 1 30 Carpet, Do. 2 4 Do. 24§ Do. 24* Do. 27f Do. 29J Do. 291 244a.. PROCHASKA W., Prague, Tailor. Two patchwork table covers. 245. SALZER, CARL, Vienna, Dyer.—29. III. c. Three specimens of various coloured silks, in gold frames ........ 1200 0 248. MESSAT, ANTON, Vienna, Manu.—55. III. c. Silk Ribbons, per piece = 13 metres, = 16J Vienna ells. 3012. fl. kr. 2 40 3070. . 8 40 3014. 9 10 3072. . 5 30 3016. 13 30 3073. . 8 0 3018. 10 40 3077. . 8 50 3020. 3 10 3078. . 7 10 3021. 8 0 3079. . 3 30 3033. . 6 0 3081. . 3 0 3035. * 9 30 3083. . 7 40 3039. 9 30 3084. . 8 0 3041. 8 0 3086. . 10 20 3047. 7 40 3088. . , 3 0 3057. 2 40 3091. . 7 30 3059. 11 40 3094. . 6 30 3063 6 20 3097. . 7 40 3066. 9 30 3098 . 7 10 3068. • 6 0 247. MORING, CARL, Vienna, Manu.—56. III. c. Figured Gros de Naples Ribbons. fl. kr. fl. kr. 4414. per piece. 18 0 4330. per piece. 12 24 4476. . . . 9 36 4470. . 17 12 4436. . . . 7 40 4316. . 17 12 4381. . . . 11 12 4482. . 18 15 4477. . . . 11 30 4308. . 14 24 4437. . . . 14 30 4473. . 16 0 4386. . . . 11 0 4294, . 15 0 4463. . . . 8 18 4488. . 10 18 4464. . . . 12 24 4478. . 14 36 4340. . . . 10 18 4484. . 13 18 4468. . . . 7 48 4483. . 9 24 4329. . . . 12 54 4364. . 15 0 4475. . . . 14 36 4300. . 11 0 4370. . . . 11 24 4462. . 20 0 4362. . . • 13 24 4458. . 33 0 4314. . . . 11 18 4293. . 22 30 4232. . . . 15 40 4487. . 32 0 4244. . . . 16 0 4416. . 15 30 4396. . . . 12 48 4374. . 8 18 4454. . . . 8 24 4331. . 11 24 4441. . . . 12 36 4318. . 10 40 4363. . . . 12 12 4366. . 14 15 4425. . . . 11 6 4435. . 8 20 4302. . . . 14 24 4466. . 7 36 4452. . . . 16 24 4432. . 6 54 4322. . . . 8 48 4384. . 7 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 248. PFENINGBERGER, JOSEPH, Vienna, Manu.—57. III. c. Design * 249. BACKSAUSEN, CARL & JOHANN, Vi¬ enna, Manu.—51. III. c. No. Half Silk Dresses. 1. kr. 679. Satin figured .... per piece 3 0 633. Do.. y y 3 0 652. Do. with wool stripes . . y y 3 6 654. Do. figured . ; . . . 9 y 3 12 612. Do. do. . y y 3 12 670. Do. y y 2 19 648. Do. ....... . y y 2 19 664. Do. striped with wool . y y 2 25 607. Do. figured. 9 y 2 29 655. Do. * ’ 2 0 605. Do. . . .. 2 0 680. Do . y y 1 37 636. Do . y y 1 37 632. Do . y y 1 37 627. Do. .. y y 1 37 615. 1 37 686. Do .. . y y 1 37 672. Do. striped with wool . y y 1 40 656. Do. do. do. 9 9 1 37 619. Do. figured . 9 y 1 50 551. Do. with foulards 9 9 1 35 626. Do. . . .. y y 1 22 565. Do.. . . 9 9 1 22 657. Do. 9 9 1 11 622. Do. . .. 9 9 1 11 658. Figured ground silk 9 9 5 15 629. Do. do. . . . 1 50 628. Do. do. 9 9 1 28 660. Ordinary figured satin. 9 9 1 28 381. Do. do. ... y y 1 28 638. Ordinary figured foulards 9 9 1 42 645. Blage . 9 9 1 42 642. y y 1 16 Shaded satins (satins ombres) 9 9 1 25 Do. do. 9 9 1 3 Do. do. y y 0 42 Do. do. 9 9 0 28 Do. do. 9 9 0 25 Striped satins (satins rayes) . 9 9 1 13 Do. do. 9 1 0 57 Do. do. 9 9 0 36 1 . 302, 303, 304 9 36 2. 306, 307, 308, 311, 3i2, 313, 316 11 0 3. 319, 320 . 11 40 4. 321, 322, 327 • 9 9 10 50 5. 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334. • 9 9 12 15 6. 336, 338 . 13 20 7. 339, 341 . 12 30 8. 344, 345 . 14 10 9. 346, 350, 352, 354, 355 . 6 • 9 9 7 30 10. 356, 359, 361, 362, 364 . • 9 9 5 36 11. 365, 368, 370 12 30 250. BADER BROTHERS, Vienna, Manu.— 47. III. c. 1. Barege scarf.3 30 2. Gauze scarf ........ 70 3, 4. Marabout scarf.8 0 5. Do. . 6, 7. Do. 10 0 10 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 185 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. lcr. 8. Marabout scarf.110 9, 10, 11. Do. 12 0 12, 13. Do. 13 0 14. Gros de Naples scarf.9 0 15, 16, 17. Satin scarf.15 0 18, 19. Do. .16 0 20. Do. .15 0 21. Do. .16 0 22. Do. .16 0 23. Satin gros d’Afrique ..... 15 0 24. Do. 18 0 25. Do. 18 0 26. Do. 18 0 27, 28. Figured black.10 0 29. Blue figured marabout dress . . . 20 0 30-65. Cravats.per piece 7 30 66-73. Figured do.8 0 74-78. Scotch levantine.42 0 79-80. Chaine levantine.48 0 81. Half-mourning figured levantine . . 40 0 82. Chaine gros de Naples.40 0 83. Gros de Tours, with satin squares . 30 0 251. BLAHA & ROSENBERGER, Vienna, Manu.—31. III. c. Figured satin for waistcoats . . per doz. 30 0 Figured quilting do. , , 25 0 Velvet do. per piece 5 30 Do. do. ,,60 252. BUJATTI, FRANZ, Vienna, Manuf.—30. III. c. 1. Silk furniture, red and yellow per ell 4 30 2. Brilliant do. blue and white ... 2 24 3. Do. do. brown and yellow . . 2 18 4. Silk carriage linings.4 0 5. Brilliant furniture, blue and white . . 2 24 6. Lampasses (East India stuffs), white and red.3 0 7. Furniture silks, green and yellow . . 4 48 8. Flag damask, carmine.3 36 9. Lampasses yellow and white ... 2 48 10. Brilliant furniture, blue, brown, & white, 2 sewed together.5 0 11. Lampasses, yellow.2 48 12. Do. brown and red .... 2 48 13. Do. green and white .... 2 48 14. Brilliant furniture, half silk, red & yellow 1 48 15. Lampasses, for church use, white & black 2 15 16. Brilliant furniture, blue and yellow . 2 24 17. Do. red and white . . 2 48 18. Carriage furniture, drab and blue . . 3 48 19. Lampasses, yellow and red .... 5 30 20. Counterpane, red and yellow, each. . 25 0 21. Do. green and white, each . 25 0 22. Do. red and white, each . . 24 0 23. Do. blue and white, each . . 30 0 25. Do. do. ...... „ 3 30 26. Foulard ....... 18 27. Satin, black .„ 2 6 253. DORFLEUTHNER, LEOPOLD, Vienna, Manuf.—43. III. c. Half Silk Wares. 1. Rose-coloured, with wool . . per ell 2 12 2. Green, with wool.2 12 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 3. Azure, with wool ....... 2 12 4. White, with wool ....;.. 2 12 5. Grey, with wool.2 12 6. Blue poplin, with wool.13 7. Black satin, with wool.1 27 All Silk. 8. Satin § wide, white.1 48 9. Do. f blue .2 24 10. Do. § black.2 42 11. Do. | black ..... 3 12 12. Figured Gros de Grece, white ... 2 15 13. Do. gold dust and blue . 2 15 14. Do. white and grey . . 2 15 15. Crimson velvet.3 12 16. Orange velvet.3 36 17. Fine crimson velvet.4 45 18. Fine black velvet.5 30 254. FLEMMICH, ANTON, Vienna, Manuf.— 36. III. c. 1. Figured blue and white silk . per ell 3 6 2. Do. black and cherry silk ... 36 3. Do. mousegrey and white silk . 3 6 4. Do. black silk.3 6 5. Watered silk.2 30 6. Do. mousegrey.2 30 7. Figured fawn-coloured silk ... 30 8. Do. grey and white do. .... 36 9. Do. grey and brown do. ... 30 10, Do. drab and blue do.3 0 255. FRIES, ANTON, &ZEPPEZAUER, Vienna, Manuf.—44. III. c. 1. White figured silk for dresses per ell 5 0 2. Silk for dresses, drab . 4 0 3. Do. 4 0 4. Do. . 4 0 5. Silk for dresses, white 4 0 6. Do. vapeur. 4 0 7. Do. rose-coloured .... 4 0 8. Do. shaded. 4 0 9. Do. grey. 4 0 10. Do. black. 3 0 11. Do. drab. 3 0 12. Do. blue. 3 0 13. Do. white. 3 0 14—18. Striped watered grosgrain, black 2 48 19. Glace striped grosgrain . . . Caffart (half silk) trellis damask. 2 18 20. Crimson and white 1 42 21. Green and white .... Trellis damask, all silk. 22. Crimson and yellow 1 42 3 0 23. Blue and white. 3 0 24. Crimson and yellow 3 0 25. Flag damask, crimson . . . 3 42 26. Black § satin. 2 54 27. Flag damask, blue .... 2 54 28. Gold brown § satin . . . 2 24 29. Gold brocade, crimson . . 5 0 30. Do. yellow . . 5 0 31. Blue and yellow furniture satin . 2 24 32. White, half rich . . . . 1 54 33. Gold brocade. 34. Do., with real gold, for churches 8 0 35. Do. do. do. 8 0 186 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. * No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 36—44. Gold brocade, various colours . . 2 24 45. Yeil, all silk, white .... each 13 0 46. Do. half silk, white.7 0 47. Do. all silk, crimson.12 0 48—51. Figured scarfs.10 0 52. Blue § satin.per ell 2 24 53. Brown § satin.2 24 54. Gold brocade.2 24 55. Do. .2 24 56. Green satin.4 24 57. Brown satin.4 24 58. Blue satin.4 24 59. Drab satin. 4 30 60. Black satin. 5 30 250. GANSER, J., Vienna, Manuf.—34. III. c. 1. Gauze, white ...... per ell 0 30 2. Do. do. „ 0 30 3. Do. green. „ 0 30 257. GIANI, JOSEPH, Vienna, Manuf.—49. HI. c. Ecclesiastical brocade, real gold per ell Do. crimson, & imitation gold or silver Do. white & ditto .... Do. yellow & ditto .... Glace brocade, with imitation gold White do. do. Yellow Lyonese lama .... White do. do. Black stocks .... Black handkerchiefs 7-8ths Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 4-4ths 4- 4ths 9-8ths 9-8ths 5- 4ths 5-4ths 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . Gros de Naples, watered Satin figured ... Gros de Naples, watered Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Satin Do. Satin handkerchief Ombre do. Chinese do. Embroidered do. Do. do. Satin do. Do. do. Do. do. Gros de Naples do. Ombre do. Do. do. do. figured watered figured watered figured watered each 10 0 2 30 2 30 2 12 1 30 . each per dozen Black handkerchiefs 4-3rds per dozen Do. do. 4-3rds „ Do. do. 6-4ths „ Black stocks .... „ 258. GRUBER, M. & ENZIGER BROTHERS, Vienna.—46. III. c. per ell 2 44 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 5 2 5 2 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 22. Gros de Naples handkerchief 23. Do. 24. Ombre 25. Do. 26. Do. 27. Do. do. do. do. do. do. each 28. Gros de Naples do. 259. HAAS, PHILIPP & SONS, Vienna, Manuf. —66. III. b. per yard Utrecht velvet, red No. 0. fl. kr. 1 50 1 35 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 28 1 25 1 — 3. 4—10. 11 . 12 . 13—15. 16—17. Do. do. coloured, No. I. Do. do. brown, No. III. Last velvet, yellow, No. IV. Do. do. red, No. V. , Do. do. coloured, No. V. 18. Pressed Utrecht velvet, No. 0. brown 19—20. Do. do. No. II. red 21—26. Do. do. No. III. coloured 0 27—28. Do. do. No. III. coloured 0 29. Pressed Last velvet, No. IV. blue 0 30—32. Do. do. No. V. red 0 33—34. Do. do. No. V. coloured 0 35—43. Half silk damask, red 0 44—72. Do. do. coloured 0 73. Quarter silk damask, red 0 74, 75. Do. do. coloured 0 76—78. Lampasses (E. I. damask) 4-3rdswide 0 79—85. Do. do. 2-3rds wide 0 86-123. Carpets.0 124—187. Half wool damask, red 0 188—204. Do. brown 0 205—224. Do. coloured 0 225—265. Do. variegated 0 266—269. Cotton damask, coloured 0 270—291. Half silk damask for hangings . . 0 292. Carpets.each 0 293. Do. do.„ 1 294. Do. do.„ 1 „ 1 2 11 3 10 3 5 3 10 3 6 2 10 32 0 296. Do. do. 99 1 11 0 20 0 297. Do. do. 99 1 13 6 298. Do. • 99 2 2 0 ! 299. Do. 99 2 0 6 300. Do. 99 2 6 3 301. Do. . 99 3 11 0 1 45 302. Do. 9? 3 3 0 1 42 303. Do. 99 2 16 6 1 45 304. Do. • 99 4 8 0 1 45 305. Do. . 99 7 5 0 2 6 306. Do. with border 9> 4 15 0 2 3 307. Do. -do. # 5 16 10 2 6 308. Do. do. 99 7 17 6 1 45 309. Do. do. • 99 8 14 0 V el vet, half wool half cotton, 2-3rds wide Do. do do. do. Damask, half silk half wool Lampasses, do. do. 4-3rds wide Do. do. do. 2-3rds wide Carpeting, wool, mixed with linen yarn. Damask, half wool half cotton Damask, all wool. Damask hangings, half wool half cot¬ ton Carpeting, wool mixed with linen , Do. do. do. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 187 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 260. HELL, GEORG, Vienna, Manuf.—54. III. c. Width in per ell. No. Brocatelle:— centimetres. 75/1477. Tricolor, richly brocaded 165 50 0 74/1470. Brown, crimson, and yellow 165 20 0 72/1421. Yellow in yellow . . . 165 11 0 76/1478. Crimson and yellow . . 165 13 0 76/1422. Crimson and crimson . 165 13 0 76/1401. Green and yellow . . . 165 13 0 66/1139. Blue and salmon . . . 160 9 0 66/1475. Crimson and yellow . . 160 9 0 Double Damask:— 73/1428. Repson brocatelle, drab and white. 116 9 0 465/1473. Victoria brocatelle, crim- son, brown, white, green, yellow. 116 8 30 470/1471. Drab and white . . 116 8 0 470/1411. Drab and white 116 8 0 Brocatelle Lampasses:— 415/1404. Orange and yellow . 116 7 0 115/1433. Green and green 116 6 0 420/1406. Drab and orange . . . 116 8 30 420/1408. Drab and red .... 116 8 30 Brocaded Armure:— 205/1416. Drab and blue .... 116 6 0 205/1413. Blue and white .... 116 6 0 ■65/1419. Brown, crimson, white, green, yellow 116 6 0 65/1427. Blue, brown, white, yellow 116 6 0 65/1434. Brown, green, and yellow . 116 6 0 Victoria Damask:— 466/1474. Linen satin, vermilion and yellow. 116 6 0 414 / 409. Drab. 116 6 0 414/1414. Drab. 116 6 0 414/1429. Drab. 116 6 0 414/1468. Royal blue. 116 6 0 Figured Carriage Velour:— 14/1432. Drab. 116 5 30 417/1476. Brown and crimson 116 5 30 417/1469. Orange and white . . 116 5 30 417/1403. Brown and blue 116 5 30 417/1417. Brown and yellow . 116 5 30 417/1418. Blue and white 116 5 30 417/1405. Blue and white 116 5 30 417/1472. Royal blue and salmon 116 5 30 417/1420. Royal blue and yellow 116 5 30 417/1431. Royal blue and royal blue 116 5 30 417/1430. Sapphire and gold . 116 5 30 417/1410. Red and yellow 116 5 30 Half Brocatelles 117/1402. Crimson and white . 116 5 0 117/1407. Green and white 116 5 0 117/1412. Brown and white . 116 5 0 117/1435. Brown and yellow figured satin. 116 5 0 H83/I426. Royal blue and yellow 57 4 0 418/1424. Azure and white 57 4 0 261. HERZIG, JOHANN & SON, Vienna, Ma- nuf.—37. III. c. 1. Black grosgrain, with satin stripes per ell 2 15 2. Grey and orange do. ... „ 2 20 3. Silver grey do. „ 2 20 4. Blue do. 2 20 Do. do.j. 2 20 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 6. Gros de Naples. per ell 1 54 7. Do. . 55 1 54 8. Do. . 55 1 54 9. Do. . 55 1 54 10. Ottoman velvet, brown 55 2 30 11. Do. do. blue 55 2 30 12. Drap de Soie, black . . . 55 2 0 13. Millepoints, black .... 55 1 54 14. Do. .... 55 1 54 15. Damask, brown figured . . 55 1 36 16. Do. black figured . . 55 1 36 17. Spinet, black 55 1 21 18. Black Levantine .... 55 1 21 19. Black diagonal. 55 1 21 20. Black Croise. 55 1 10 21. White do. 55 1 15 22. Grey do. . 55 1 15 23. Drab do. . 55 1 15 24. Pale yellow do. 55 1 15 262. HORNBOSTEL, C. G., & CO., Vienna, Manuf.—48. III. c. 1, 2. Silk velvet. per ell 4 24 3—6. Half silk velvet . . . • 5 5 3 36 7—18. Lutestring. 11 55 19—24. Barege. 0 45 25—27. Figured damask • 5 5 3 24 28. Striped satin Grosgrain . • 5 5 3 0 29. Figured satin .... • 5 5 3 12 30. Do. .... 3 30 31—36. Printed Foulards (the stuff made on self-acting water-looms and printed by G. Konig, in Vienna) per piece 26 0 37—42. Bareges. 5 5 7 0 43—45. Barege Bayaderes . 5 5 4 10 46. Do. } 5 5 0 47—49. Broche Barege Bayaderes 5 5 5 30 50. Do. n * 6 30 51. Broche Grenadine Bayaderes ,, 7 48 52—53. Imitation crape Bayaderes • 5 5 12 30 54. Do. 5 5 15 0 56—60. Crape neck-ties (Fichus) . each 1 36 61. Do. j, 1 54 55. Figured crape Bayadere per piece 13 30 62—66. Broche gros Fichus . . each 1 36 67. Do. . . • > > 1 54 263. KRICKL, ERNST, Vienna, Manuf. — 52. III. c. A priest’s imfula, of real cloth of silver, richly embroidered with gold . . . . 130 0 Casula (Mass robe), of crimson silk velvet, embroidered with gold and silver, with stole, &c., complete. 500 0 Casula, of real cloth of silver, richly embroi¬ dered with gold, with stole, &c., complete . 600 0 264. KOSTNER, ALBERT, Vienna, Manuf.— 50. III. c. 1. Complete suite of ecclesiastical vest¬ ments . 1000 0 2. Flowered ecclesiastical brocade, real gold and silver .... per ell 70 0 3. Red chenille brocade, worked through with real gold and silver, and silk flowers . . „ 50 0 4. Red brocade, with gold and silver „ 40 0 188 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 1*70. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 5. White flowered brocade, gold & chenille.per ell 6. White brocade, with green che¬ nille and gold flowers ... „ 7. Red brocade, with gold . . . „ 8. Red satin, worked with chenille „ 9. White Silk brocade, worked with flowers and gold 3o.^ do. )o.* do. Do. do. 13. Yellow brocade, half silk, worked with imitation silver & flowers ,, 14. Blue damask.„ 15. Crimson damask.„ 16. Black pall, embroidered with real g° ld .„ 265. LEMANN, JOSEPH & SON, Vienna, Manuf.—45. III. c. Do. do. do. Do.* do. do. Do. do. do. fl. kr. 35 0 30 0 25 0 20 0 14 0 8 0 5 0 3 30 2 15 4 15 3 15 400 0 1 — 4. Ecclesiastical brocades . per ell 1 24 5 — 9. Oriental stuffs . . . 1 57 10—20. Ecclesiastical brocades 2 0 21 — 32. Do. do. 2 12 33 — 35. Do. do. 2 36 36. Do. do. 3 10 37—50. Do. do. 4 15 51. Lyonese silver, watered brocade . 2 24 52. Real silver brocade 8 0 53, Real gold brocade . 9 0 54. Do. do. . . 10 0 55. White ecclesiastical brocade, real gold 6 0 56. Do. do. do. 9 0 57. Do. do. do. 9 0 58. Crimson do. 9 0 59. Do. .... 9 0 60. Blue and real silver do. . . . # 10 0 61. White and real gold do. • • • . 10 0 62. Do . • • W 10 0 63. Do . ... . 12 O 64. Do . • • • 16 0 65. Do . 18 0 66. Do . ... . 18 0 67. Do . . . 18 0 68. Do. 18 0 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Crimson and real gold do. White and real gold do. . Damask, crimson and real gold . . Ecclesiastical brocade, white and real gold. Real gold plated ecclesiastical bro¬ cade . Ecclesiastical brocade, white and real gold. Do. Do. pure silver ground and real gold Do. Do... Do. Do. Do. Do. with colours. Ecclesiastical brocades, with real gold ground ......... Do. Do. .. Do. 18 0 22 0 23 0 30 0 30 0 32 0 36 0 44 0 46 0 47 0 48 0 49 0 48 0 48 0 49 0 50 0 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 87. Ecclesiastical brocades, real gold with fl. kr. crimson chenille ground. m , 50 0 88. Do. 52 0 89. Do. 56 0 90. Do. real gold, with green chenille ground.* . * 56 0 91. Gold lace, on crimson chenille ground . 20 0 92. Pall, black and real gold . Tapestry, crimson and real gold each 20 0 93. 33 150 0 94. Antipendium, white & real gold 53 28 0 95. Veil, crimson and mosaic gold 33 9 0 96. Do. white and mosaic gold 33 9 0 97. Do. yellow and German silver j) 9 0 98. Do. white and mosaic gold 33 14 0 99. Do. crimson and mosaic gold 5$ 14 0 100. Do. blue and German silver 55 14 0 101. Do. white and imitation gold 35 20 0 102. Do. white and real gold 33 40 0 103. Do. do. do. 33 80 0 104. Do. crimson and pure gold 33 100 0 105. Do. white and pure gold 35 110 0 each each 286. MAYER BROTHERS, Vienna, Manu.— 40. III. c. 1135. Figured damask-satin scarf 900. Do.. 971. Figured corded satin scarf 1139. Do. 1025. Figured flowered-satin scarf 1243. Do.. 902. Figured corded-satin scarf 1244. 1211, 1253. Do. 1057. Figured flowered-satin scarf 1266. Do. 1233. Figured corded-satin scarf . 1120. Figured flowered-satin scarf 1059. Figured corded-satin scarf 1268. Figured flowered-satin scarf 1269, 1270. Do. 61. Plain satin scarf .... 1222, 1164,1214, 1221, 1056, 1216, 1223,1115, 1224. Figured satin neckerchiefs 1204. Figured silk neckerchiefs . 9. Plain satin cheque neckcloths . i 16. Silk cheque neckcloths. 1242, 738. Figured grenadine waistcoatings, per piece 1215, 1212. Do. „ 30. Plain grenadine waistcoating „ 1245. Figured satin waistcoating . „ 1079, 1162, 1167. Do. „ 1257. Figured damask waistcoating „ 1264, 1087. Do. „ 1142. Figured silk waistcoating . „ 1185. 1191, 1141, 28. Do. , . . „ 1057-58, 62, 1063. Plain silk-plush waistcoating. „ 896, 903, 1033. Plain grenadine vel¬ vet cheque waistcoating ... „ 1021.1025. Figured satin velvet do. „ 1000, 1014, 1036, 1056, 1171, 1044, 1056. Do. 1014, 1034, 1045. Figured velvet waistcoating. j, 1076, 1081, 1084, 1091, 1092, 1095, 1009. Do. „ 1070. Figured grenadine velvet do. „ 48 48 30 30 30 30 20 5 20 30 30 20 30 20 30 30 15 4 30 3 15 3 45 3 6 5 0 4 0 3 50 3 30 3 30 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 7 15 7 15 7 30 7 30 7 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 189 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 1072, 1079, 1079, 1078, 1080, 1069, 38. Figured grenadine velvet waistcoating.per piece 1049, 1043, 1026. Velvet do. . . „ 1040, 902, 1002. Do. „ 267. MESTROZI, PAUL, Vienna, Manu.—41. III. c. 1-12. Ladies’ neck-ties . . per dozen 13-18. Do. „ 19-36. Figured damask kerchiefs „ 37-96. Plush kerchiefs ... ,, 97-102. Figured satin waistcoating . each 103-108. Figured satin scarfs . . . „ 109-120. Velvet waistcoating . . . „ 121-126. Satin bayaderes .... „ 268. REICHERT, FRANZ, Vienna, Manu.— 42. III. c. 1. Watered grosgrain, black . . per ell 2. Do.scarlet . . „ 3. Do.white . . „ 4. Gros d’Afrique . grey . . „ 5. Do.bright-green „ 6. Grosgrain . . dove-coloured „ 7. Gros d’Afrique . rose-coloured „ 8. Do.white . . „ 9. Gros de Naples . azurd . . „ 1°- Do.grey . . „ 11. Do. .... pink . . „ 12. Do.dove-coloured „ 13. Do.sea-green . „ 14. Do.bi-colour . „ 15. Levantine . . black . . „ 16. Satin Turque . . blue . . „ 17. Do.black . . „ 269. SCHIPPER, CARL, Vienna, Manu.—35. III. c. 1. Silk hat-plush.per ell 2. Do.. 3- Do.„ 4 - Do.. 270. SCHOPPER, M. A., Vienna, Manu.—39. III. c. 1. Half brocatelle (linsey-woolsey), garnet white, and golden yellow 271. SIEBERT, FRIEDRICH, Vienna, Manu.— 32. III. c. Black silk chenilles ..... per piece Grey silk chenilles. ,, Bayaderes .. ,, fl. kr. 7 30 7 45 8 30 9 0 10 0 18 0 11 30 2 36 3 15 3 45 14 0 1 36 1 36 1 36 1 36 1 36 1 36 2 45 2 36 2 36 4 0 3 30 3 0 2 30 and blue.per ell 4 30 2. Brocatelle, crimson and yellow . 8 0 3. Do., light-blue and white . 3 30 4. 5. Do., grey and green .... Satin, brocaded with bouquet and 55 5 30 garland. 55 21 0 6. Do., with large and small bouquet 55 18 0 7. Do., with gold ornaments . . . 30 0 8. Brocatelle, garnet and crimson . 5 30 9. Do., crimson and white 3 30 10. 11. Do., blue and white .... Half-brocatelle, garnet and golden 55 5 30 12. colour. Victoria damask, blue garnet, 55 4 30 36 0 32 0 21 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 272. SIGMUNDT, IGNAZ, Vienna, Manu.— 33. III. c. Silk lawn.per ell ?° . . ” Gauze.„ go. ... Bayaderes.per piece 273. SPANRAFT, FRANZ XAVER, Vienna, Manu.—53. III. c. Ladies’ silk and satin ties, each. fl. kr. 0 30 0 30 0 42 0 42 0 4 fl . kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . m 1 9 4 . 1 16 1 7 9 . 1 20 2 . # 1 10 5 . 1 18 1 8 , , 1 40 3 . • 1 15 6 . . 1 18 1 Gentlemen’s silk and satin kerchiefs, each. 9 . 2 24 16 . # 3 18 23 , , 4 18 10 . # 2 36 17 . 3 15 24 m # 4 30 11 . 5 2 45 18 . # 3 24 25 # # 4 18 12 . 2 54 19 . 3 36 26 , , 4 30 13 . 2 54 20 . 3 24 27 # , 4 40 14 . 3 0 21 . 3 30 28 , , 5 0 15 . 3 15 22 . 3 40 Gentlemen’s satin scarfs. 29 . 3 45 32 . 4 10 35 # , 4 30 30 . # 3 45 33 . . 4 0 36 # . 4 40 31 . . 4 0 34 . . 4 24 37 • . 5 0 38 Ladies’ ’ gros grain scarfs 9 0 39 6 0 per ell Ladies’ mantelets. . 10 15 | 40 . . 14 0 Ladies’ satin scarfs." 41 . . 10 30 | 42 . . 10 45 | 43 44 Ladies’ satin mantelets 45 Ladies’ satin scarfs. 46 Ladies’ serge demi-mantelet . Gentlemen’s satin scarfs. 47 . . 5 30 | 48 . . 49 Signoria, black striped 50 Gros de Naples.. 51 Do., figured.„ 52 Do., figured.„ 53 Gros grain, watered.„ 54 Moire, figured.. 55 Do., figured.. 56 Do., do.. 57 Do., do.. 58 Damask.. 59 Gros grain, black .... per piece 274. WOJTECH, FRANZ, Vienna, Manu.— 38. III. c. 1, 2, 3, Waistcoating.each 4, 5, 6, 7. Do. 8, 9, 10, 11. Do., black . . . 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17. Do. black satin 18, 19. Do., coloured satin . 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Do., do. 26 Do., coloured grenadine 27, 28. Gentleman’s scarf ... 29, 30, 31, 32. Gentleman’s satin scarf „ 275. HIELLEN, SONS OF THE LATE ELIAS Schonlinde, Bohemia, Manu.—6. III. c. 14 30 16 30 16 0 19 0 2 30 2 45 2 30 2 40 2 50 3 0 3 30 3 0 5 0 Sewing thread, 2 twist, No. 1, per packet . 1 12 Do. shaded, 42 skeins. 2 37£ 190 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Bleached sewing-thread, per pound. No. 40 ... 2 5 | No. 70 .. . 3 20 50 ... 2 45 I 80 . . . 40 No. 35 Black sewing-thread, No. 1 “per lb. 1 50 Crochet-thread ... . . . per piece 2 15 “Warp-thread, bleached, hand-spun „ 0 50 Sewing-thread, 4 twists, per piece. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . . 0 54 8 , , 0 52 15 9 # 1 3 2 . . 0 54 9 0 52 16 # # 1 6 13 t 4 . . 0 52 10 # # 0 52 17 1 9 . . 0 52 11 , , 0 54 18 # # 1 12 5 . . 0 52 12 # , 0 54 19 • • 1 16 6 . . 0 52 13 , , 0 57 20 0 9 1 20 '7 . . 0 52 14 1 0 Sewing-thread, 4 twist, twisted flatly, per piece. O . . 0 56 6 • • 0 52 11 . . 0 54 1 . . 0 54 7 • . 0 52 12 , , 0 54 [3 . . 0 52 8 # , 0 52 13 . , 0 57 4 . . 0 52 9 0 52 14 . 1 0 5 . . 0 52 10 • 0 52 16 . 1 6 Sewing-thread, 2 twist, lmo., per piece. 0 . . 0 38 5 0 34 9 0 37 1 . . 0 37 6 0 34 10 . 0 38 2 . . 0 36 7 , , 0 35 11 . 0 39 3 . . 0 34 8 0 36 12 0 40 4 . . 0 34 Crochet-thread, 4 twist, coloured, per ball Sewing-thread, 2 twist, bleached Knitting-thread, lrno., per piece. 0 54 0 54 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 54 0 54 0 57 1 0 Linen, per piece of 53 Vienna ells. 566, containing 2480 warp-threads 562 „ 3200 „ 607 „ 3760 „ 639 „ 4600 276. TAUBER, FERDINAND, Unter-Meidling, near Vienna.—Manu.—2. Ill. c. 12 different shades of twine manufactured from tow (linen).per lb. Black twine. „ White do. „ Drab do. „ No. 100 natural. „ 6 natural. „ 5 natural. „ 277. KOPEMAKERS’ GUILD, Hermannstadt, Transylvania.—16. III. b. Girth-lines, 6 feet in length . . . each Long traces .. ,, Middling ditto.. . „ Ox-traces. „ Halters .. „ Rope. „ Cord. „ Twine . .. 1 20 1 25 26 0 39 0 55 0 85 0 8 30 6 48 5 0 0 142 0 12 0 8J 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 3 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 277a. HERMANNSTADT TRADE UNION (Binder, T., Director), Hermannstadt, Transylvania.—16. III. b. 6*. Cotton and linen cloth .... per ell Waistcoat quilting Flax-thread trowsering Bleached linen Unbleached linen Do. The above are produced by peasants. 278. JAGER, FRANZ JOHANN, Prague, Manu. —4. III. c. I. Bolster, the covering made from New Zealand hemp (Phormium tenax) and the stuffing from the same plant, thus showing the various uses to which it can be applied. II. Carpet of New Zealand hemp . . . III. Carpet spun from Italian hemp-thread . IV. Specimens of New Zealand hemp, plaited, each V. Caps of do.. VI. Tobacco-pouch, from New Zealand hemp, spun in the finest manner . . VII. Bell-rope of New Zealand hemp . VIII. Halter of New Zealand hemp IX. Saddle-girth of New Zealand twisted hemp adapted for horses, on which smooth girths do not retain their hold . X. Hemp embroidery XI. Horse-hair horse-brush ..... XII. Game-pouch of New Zealand hemp twine XIII. New Zealand hemp bridle .... 279. PARSCH BROTHERS, Graupen, Bohemia, Manu.—5. III. c. Water-hose of Bohemian hemp, for fire- engines .per ell 280. WEINBERGER, GOTTLIEB, Linz, Manu,—3. III. c. Twist Work . 1. Saddle-girths 2. Curb-girth.„ 3. Saddle-girth.. 4. Curb-girth.,, 5. Tricolor saddle-girth . . . » „ 6. Curb-rein.,, 7. Saddle-girth 8. Curb-rein.. 9. Curb-rein.. 10. Saddle-girth.. 11. Curb-rein.. 12. Saddle-girth.. 13. Curb-rein.. 14. Clothes-lines.. 15. Rope twisted sixfold, white . . „ 16. Blind-lines . . . . . . . „ 17. Blind-lines ........ Hemp Manufactures , covered with lasting Wools. 18. Lamp or lustre cords, covered in red, per piece 19. Do., blue and red, with silver „ 20. Halters, blue with real silver „ 21. Halters, red, with silver . . „ 22. Halters, red, blue, and gold . „ fl. kr. 0 15 0 10 0 10 per ell 7 0 10 0 6 0 1 30 2 0 3 12 6 0 0 48 2 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 20 0 18 0 8 0 18 0 8 0 18 0 8 0 18 0 10 0 10 0 18 0 8 20 0 20 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 191 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—rescription of Article. Price. fl. kr. 23. Halters, spun over with red Turkey wool.per piece 1 20 Hemp Manufactures (Girths'). 24. Double-twisted girths . . . per ell 0 24 25. Girths from twine.,, 0 20 26. Swimming-belt.„ 0 18 27. Saddle-girths.„ 0 20 28. Saddle-girths.„ 0 10 29. Curb-girth.„ 0 4 30. Thread-girdles.„ 0 3 31. Do.. 0 3 32. Head-cloth, with 3-thread twine . „ 0 20 33. Bellyband.„ 0 15 Hemp Manufactures (Lines'). 34. Trace-lines, from Bolognese hemp, each 4 0 35. Do., from Hungarian hemp . . „ 4 0 36. Rope, from Bolognese hemp . . „ 2 0 37. Drum-lines, from Bolognese hemp, a 28 loths ounces).0 30 . .10 Hemp Manufactures ( Twisted Cords). Cords, 2 lb. 50 ells in length . each Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Hemp Manufactures (Twines). 46. Garden-twines. 47. Blind-cords. 48. Vine-twine. 49. Document-twine. 50. Sealing-twine. Various Cordages from Hemp. 51. Rope-harness for 4 or 6 team, of Bo¬ lognese hemp. 52. Shaft-horse harness. 53. Traces for leaders ....... 54. Short traces. 55. Leading reins a 8 ells. 56. Fishing cordage. 57. Binding cords. 58. Forage-cords. 59. Black and yellow sledge-whips 60. Uncoloured ditto.• . . 61. Postman’s whip. 62. Small whip. 63. Muzzles.. 64. Hungarian halter. 65. Halter. 66. Caps, with coloured linings .... 67. Work-basket, with red lining . . 68. Purse, with pearls. Twine from German Hemp. Girdler’s or saddler’s sewing twine (black) 10 twists. Ditto 24 twists. Twine 3 twists. Do. 6 twists. Do. 9 twists. Do. 12 twists. Do. 15 twists. Do. 18 twists. Do. 24 twists. Do. 30 twists 1 30 1 12 1 0 0 48 0 30 0 24 0 20 1 0 0 40 0 30 0 25 0 20 0 30 0 20 0 15 0 12 0 20 0 3 0 10 0 2 0 30 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. * fi. kr. Crochet-twine, 3 threads, 30 twists ... 0 24 Four-thread twisted twine.2 24 Three-thread sewing twine.0 4 Bolognese .spinning hemp.0 40 Hungarian spinning hemp.0 30 German spinning hemp ...... 0 30 281. BUTSCHEK & GRAFF, Briinn, Moravia, Manu.—§. III. c. No. 1. Sailcloth.per ell. 0 34 2. Do. ,, 0 32 3. Do. ,, 0 31 4. Do. ,, 0 30 5. Do. ,, 0 29 7. Do. ,, 0 27 8. Do. ,, 0 26 These sailcloths are entirely, from the raw material to their completion, the production of our own manufactory. 282. CHIACHICH, MICHELE, Fiume, Manu.— 7. III. c. 1. Sailcloth.per yard 2. Do. ,, 3. Do. ,, 4. Do. ,, 5. Do. ,, 6. Do. 12c?. 11c?. 10c?. 11c?. lO^c?. 10c?. 283. THE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY’S ESTA¬ BLISHMENT (Direzione peele Pie Case d’ Inpustria e piRicovero), Milan. —20. m. 1. Tablecloth of Lombardy linen . . . 2. Do. • . . 3. Do. . . . 4. A piece of Lombardy linen per metre. Francs. 120 96 67 3 * 284. FERIE, WENZEL, Merklow, near Starken- bach, Bohemia, Manu.—18. III. c. 353. Cambric, extra fine white, handspun by the inhabitants of the Riesenge- birge, Bohemia, from pure linen fl. kr. thread ...... per piece 100 0 2192. Ladies’ linen pocket handkerchiefs, extra fine, handspun . . per doz. 36 0 Linen yarn, handspun from grey flax.per oz. 1 0 285. HARRACH’S (Count) LINEN MANU¬ FACTORY, Janovitz, Moravia, and 0 20 Starkenbach, in Bohemia.—13. III. ? - c. per piece. 0 10 Quality. 4 0 1. Huckaback Towels, 13*16 by 30 37 10 0 6 0 2. Do. do. 53 13 0 4 0 3. Linen tick towels, 5*8 by 18 . 51 7 0 4. Do. do. 55 7 30 5. Do. do. • 57 8 0 0 48 6. Damask towels, 5*8 by 18 # 69 11 0 1 30 7. Do. do. # 81 14 0 0 30 8. Do. 11 *16 by 21 • 71 14 0 0 36 9. Table-covers, 8*4 .... 225 6 0 0 40 10 . Do. .... 225 6 0 0 44 11 . Ticken garniture for 6 persons- 0 48 Tablecloth 1651 1 7 A 0 54 6 Napkins . 73 J r 7 U 1 20 12. Do. do. Tablecloth 185] t Q A 1 36 6 Napkins • 81 j r 9 U 192 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 13. Damask garniture for 6 persons—■ Tablecloth . 2551 , a n 6 Napkins . 125 f U 14 Do. do. Tablecloth . 2551 1Q n 6 Napkins . 125/ 10 u 15. Damask garniture for 12 persons— Tablecloth . 2701 o n n 6 Napkins : . 115/ 16. Do. do. Tablecloth . 295 1 6 Napkins . 120/ Ui 17. Do. do. Tablecloth . 3551 n 6 Napkins . 140/ U 18. Damask (linen) for furniture, 7-8 by 36 65 26 0 19. Do. do. 65 30 0 20. Do. do. 65 27 0 21. Do. do. 65 31 0 22. Do. do. 65 30 0 23. Do. do. 65 35 0 24. Do. do. 65 28 0 25. Do. do. 65 46 0 26. Web from bleached yarn, 9 • 8 by 53 73 28 0 27. Do. do. 79 35 0 28. Web from bleached yarn, 9*8 by 53 99 50 0 29. Do. with 4400 chain-threads 101 53 0 30. Do. do. 115 70 0 31. - Do. with 4800 chain-threads 125 85 0 32. Do. with 3800 chain-threads (unbleached yarn) 9 • 8 by 50 . 100 53 0 33. Do. with 4200 chain-threads 110 70 0 34. Do. with 5000 do. 130 110 0 35. White pocket-handkerchiefs, per dozen stiffened. 60 4 30 36. Do. do. 70 6 0 37. Do. do. 85 7 0 38. Do. without stiffening, similar to battistes ... 95 10 0 39. Do. do. 100 12 0 40. Do. do. 105 15 0 41. Do. do. 110 18 0 42. Do. do. 115 20 0 43. Linen handkerchiefs, printed by Appiano at Hiitteldorf, near 44. Do. do. 46 11 30 45. Do. do. 48 12 0 46. Do. do. 52 13 0 280. HAUPT, LEOPOLD, Briinn, Moravia. Manu.—15. HI. c. Delivered free to London. per piece. 1. Hand-yarn house-linen.9 30 2. Do. do. 10 50 3. White yarn linen.18 30 4. Dark coarse linen cloth.6 10 5. Damasked ticken.7 40 6. Bed, blue, and white, half-wool cloth . 8 40 7. Natural and parti-coloured striped cloth 10 10 8. White and blue do.9 40 9. Natural and blue do.10 40 10. Natural and green do.10 40 11. White and blue do.11 0 12. White and blue do.110 13. Natural, green, and yellow' do. . . . 110 14. Natural and brown do.110 15. Natural and red do.11 20 16. Natural and parti-coloured do. ... 12 0 17. Do. do. ... 12 0 per piece fl. kr. 18. Natural and parti-coloured striped cloth 12 0 19. Do. do. ... 12 0 20. Do. do. ... 12 0 21. Natural and red do.12 30 22. White and red do.13 30 23. White, blue, and red ticken .... 13 30 24. White and red striped cloth . . . . 14 20 25. Natural and green do. . . * , . 17 40 26. Natural and blue do. 17 40 27. Natural and brown do.18 20 28. Natural and red do.19 20 29. Unbleached white yarn linen. . . . 18 30 287. MATHIE, JOHANN, Haslach, Upper Austria.—11. III. c. Towels, No. 29.per doz. 7 36 Do. No. 34|. ,, 9 36 Do. No. 35. ,, 10 0 Do. No. 36 . ,, 10 24 Do. No. 40 ..... ,, 12 0 Napkins, No. 23. , 5 12 Do. No. 27±. ,, 7 0 Complete service for six persons (table¬ cloth and 6 napkins). 9 0 Do. for eighteen persons.26 0 Tablecloth.18 0 288 PELDRIAN’S HEIKS, FRANZ, Hohenelbe, Bohemia, Manu.—14. III. c. All from pure Yarn ’ (according to the accom¬ panying specimens), hand-spun and grass-bleached. I. Linen,‘42 Vienna ells long and 4*4 broad per piece. 45 0 n. Do. do. do. 50 0 HI. Do. do. do. 9 f 60 0 IV. Do. do. do. ’ ’ 70 0 V. Do. do. do. 90 0 VI. Do. do. do. 115 0 VII. Linen web, 50 by 9*8 105 0 VIII. Do. do. 120 0 IX. Do. do. 130 0 X. Do. do. 170 0 XI. Do. do. 200 0 XII. Do. do. 250 0 XIH. Smooth linen web, 50 by 9*8 55 0 XIV. Do. do. 75 0 XV. Do. do. 100 0 XVI. Do. do. 140 0 XVII. Linen handkerchiefs . per doz. 10 0 XVIH. Do. do. 11 0 XIX. Do. do. 14 0 XX. Do. do. 20 0 XXI. Do. do. 24 0 XXII. Do. do. 29 0 xxin. Glazed linen . . . 54 0 Handspun warps, as in web No. XII. Handspun woof, as in linen No. XXIII. Handspun chain, as in handkerchiefs No. XXH. 289. PETRAK, JOSEPH, Branna, Bohemia, Manu.—9. III. c. 1. Linen pocket-handkerchiefs . per doz. 30 0 2. Prepared flax. 3. Yarn from the same flax . . per 2 loth 2 0 4. Prepared yarn.per 1| loth 2 12 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 193 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 290. SIEGL, JOHANN & Co., Schonberg, Mo¬ ravia, Manu.—12. III. c. per p 9/8 Double dowlas, 38 ells, No. 240 Do. do. 250 14 0 Do. do. 260 9 14 30 Do. do. 270 15 0 Do. do. 280 15 30 Do. do. 290 9 9 16 0 Do. do. 300 9 16 30 Do. do. ' 310 # 17 0 Do. do. 320 17 30 Do. do. 330 9 18 0 Do. do. 340 18 30 Do. do. 350 9 9 19 0 Do. do. 360 m 19 30 Do. do. 370 9 20 0 Do. do. 380 m 9 21 0 Do. do. * 390 9 9 22 0 Do. do. 400 9 23 0 Do. do. 410 # 24 0 Do. do. 420 # 25 0 Do. do. 430 m 26 30 Do. do. 440 9 28 0 Do. do. 450 m 29 30 Do. do. 460 31 0 Do. do. 470 32 30 fl. lcr. 13 40 4/4 Long drawn Dowlas, 38 ells, No. 150 12 30 Do. do. 170 13 30 Do. do. 190 # 14 30 Do. do. 210 15 30 Do. do. 220 9 16 0 Do. do. 240 9 17 30 Do. do.j 250 9 18 30 Do. do. 260 19 30 9/8 Do. do. 270 . 15 0 Do. do. 290 16 0 Do. do. 310 # 17 0 Do. do. 320 17 30. Do. do. 340 18 30 Do. do. 360 9 19 30 Do. do. 370 20 0 Do. do. 400 9 23 0 Do. do. 410 24 0 Do. do. 430 # 26 30 Do. do. 450 29 30 Do. do. 470 32 30 Double do. do. 490 9 35 30 Do. do. 510 38 30 Bleached web, 54 ells . . . . 22 m 40 0 Do. do. . 29 # 51 0 Do. < do. ... . 31 55 0 Do. do. . 32 9 57 0 Do. do. . . . . 33 9 59 0 Natural web, 51 ells . 480 66 0 SIMONETTA, PETER, Helfenberg, near Linz, Upper Austria, Manu.—16. III. c. Rumburg Web, per piece, fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1010. . 34 0 1070. . 37 0 1180. 42 30 1020. . 35 0 1040. . 36 0 Iris] 1080. . 38 0 1160. . 41 0 ti Linen, per yard. 1240. * 46 0 7080. . 0 48 1 8020. . 0 52 1 9000. 9 1 0 8000. . 0 50 | 8040. . 0 54 Tablecloth, all Linen, per 1 9040. ell. • 1 4 1788. . 0 26 1791. . 1 12 1793. 9 1 56 1789. . 0 39 1790. . 0 50 1792. . 1 26 1794. • 2 18 Dowlas, half Linen, per piece. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 23. . 9 6 30. . 9 48 45. . 10 48 24. . 9 12 31. . 9 54 46. . 10 54 25. . 9 18 40. . 10 18 47. . 11 0 26. . 9 24 41. . 10 24 48. . 11 6 27. . 9 30 42. . 10 30 49. . 11 12 28. . 9 36 43. . 10 36 50. . 11 18 29. . 9 42 44. . 10 42 Dowlas, all Linen, per piece. 90. . 11 40 210. . 17 0 320. . 19 0 100. .. 12 0 220. 4/4 17 30 330. . 19 30 110. . 12 20 220. 9/8 14 30 340. . 20 0 120. . 12 40 230. . 14 50 350. . 20 30 130. . 13 0 240. . 15 10 360. . 21 0 140. . 13 30 250. . 15 30 370. . 21 30 150. . 14 0 260. . 15 50 380. . 22 30 160. . 14 30 270. . 16 30 390. . 23 30 170. . 15 0 280. . 17 0 400. . 24 30 180. . 15 30 290. . 17 30 410. . 25 30 190. . 16 0 300. . 18 0 420. . 26 30 200. . 16 30 310. . 18 30 2076-77. Tapestry . . . per ell 4 0 2078. Do. . . 5 5 4 36 2079-80. Damask hangings 3 36 2081-82. Do. . ’ ’ 3 12 2083-85. Do. . 4 0 2086-97. Do. . . 3 9 1 20 2098-105. Do. . . } 9 1 12 2106-12. Do. . . 0 40 2113-14. Half woollen stuffs . . j ’ 0 44 2115-21. Wool and cotton cloth 5 0 44 2122-26. Half woollen stuffs 0 24 2127-32. Lamas, wool and cotton ’ j 0 30 2133-39. Do. do. 91 0 58 2140-41. Half woollen stuffs 0 44 2142-44. Toile de lion (silk and wool) ,, 0 48 2145-46. Toile de Chine (silk & cotton) ,, 0 36 2147-48. Toile de nord (half linen) 0 24 2149-50. Waistcoatings (wool & silk) 1 4 2151-52. Do. do. 2 0 2153. Half wool trowsers per doz. 24 0 2154. Sailcloth, all linen per ell. 0 42 2155. Unbleached drill. 0 30 2156. Do. 0 32 2157. Do. 0 36 2158. Do. • • 0 40 2159. Do. • • 0 44 2160. White drill . • • 0 52 2161. Do. . ? J 1 0 Drills a la mode. , per ell. fl. kr. fl. kr fl. kr. 2162. . 0 48 2177. . 0 54' 2192. . 0 44 2163. . 0 48 2178. . 0 50 2193. . 0 40 2164. . 0 52 2179. . 0 46 2194. . 0 40 2165. . 0 48 2180. . 0 52 2195. . 0 48 2166. . 0 45 2181. . 0 50 2196. . 0 48 2167. . 0 48 2182. . 1 0 2197. . 0 48 2168. . 0 42 2183. . 1 0 2198. . 0 52 2169. . 0 54 2184. . 0 54 2199. . 0 48 2170. . 0 58 2185. . 0 56 2200. . 0 42 2171. . 1 0 2186. . 0 56 2201. . 0 30 2172. . 0 50 2187. . 0 48 2202. . 0 23 2173. . 0 50 2188. . 0 52 2203. . 0 20 2174. . 0 48 2189. . 0 54 2204. . 0 20 2175. . 0 42 2190. . 0 44 2205. . 0 20 2176. . 0 40 2191. . 0 48 2206. Mixed drills . , . per ell. 0 20 2207. Do. . 0 22 2208. Do. • • . • • 5 * o 2 * 194 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 292. VONWILLER & Co., Ilaslach and Senften- berg, Upper Austria, Manu.—17. Ill. c. 4503. Drills half linen . . per ell 0 38 5703. Do. do. ... 5> 0 49 6708. Do. do. ... 0 53 6904. Do. do. ... 0 59 7602. Do. do. ? 1 7 8206. Do. do. ... 33 1 8 8807. Rips, clo. . . . 33 1 13 8704. Do. do. • . . 1 15 10806. Do. do. ... 1 25 10902. Do. do. ... 1 28 3104. White linen drills . . 0 24 3802. Do. . . jj 0 33 2104. Unbleached linen drill . 33 0 15 8203. Do. " 1 11 8506. Linen gingham . . . 1 11 170. Linen handkerchiefs printed lig ;ht blue per dozen 7 24 240. Do. red, brown, and chamois 10 27 240. 240. 270. 270. Do. Do. Do. Do. 293. WITSCHL & REIN1SCH, Warnsdorf, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—19. III. c. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5 . 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 28. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Soft crapes .... Fine black lasting . Yellow checked Nankeen Do. do. White do. Rips Do. do. Do. do. Coatcloth . . . Trowsering . Do. . Drill, unbleached linen Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Russian drill, unbleached White cotton satteens Do. drill . White 5 linen drill Do. linen drill Do. do. Figured waistcoating Check do. Figured elastic . . Figured trowserings Gambroon linings, figured Do. do. Do. do. Figured agonal Figured elastic . . per ell 294. BLASCHKA & Co. Manu.—52. III. b. Liebenau, Bohemia, Orleans, black, figured Do. coloured do. Do. coloured, plain Do. blue do. fl. lcr. per piece 10 27 10 27 11 42 11 42 0 18 0 12 0 17 0 26 0 33 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 26 0 30 0 48 0 20 0 20 0 18 0 24 0 26 0 34 0 42 0 22 0 22 0 24 0 26 0 28 0 32 0 32 0 32 0 36 0 30 15 30 16 0 16 30 17 30 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Orleans, crimson, plain. per piece 21 0 Rips, coloured . • ?? 19 0 Do. blue 33 20 0 Silk rips, , coloured • • • 33 22 30 Paramatta 33 25 30 Orleans, plain black 10 FO 33 14 0 Do. do. 10 F 33 16 0 Do. do. 10 FF 33 18 0 Do. do. 10 FFC 33 22 0 Do. do. • 10 FFB 33 26 0 Do. do. 10 FFA 37 30 0 Do. do. 10 FFA 37 34 30 Do. do. 10 FFAA 77 36 30 Black lasting No. 50 Do. 55 . Do. 60 . Coloured Thibet kerchiefs Do. Do. Do. Do. Circassian shawl Do. per ell per dozen common fine 295. BRUDER’S WIDOW, RUDOLPH, Vienna, Manu. — 76. III. b. Figured ladies’ coats . . Mantle. Long Shawl. Woollen bayadere . Cashmere waistcoats Do. figured Do. light . Do. bordered Men’s scarfs. Travelling do. 298. FURST, JOSEPH, Vienna, Manu.—102. III. B. 600—5. Half-silk dresses 606—11. Do. 612—17. Do. 618—23. Do. 624—33. Do. 634—47. Do. 648—56. Fine cotton dresses 657—65. Do. 666—83. Middling fine cotton dresses 684—705. Do. 706—45. Do. 746—60. Brocaded cotton dresses 761—75. Do. ... 776—81. Half-wool mantle, brocadei 782—87. Do. check 78S—93. Do. mixed 794—99. Half-wool ladies’ scarfs 800—5. Do. do. 808—11. Do. do. 812—17. Do. do. Ladies’ scarfs, half-silk Do. do. Gentlemen’s scarfs, all wool Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Printed cotton kerchiefs Do. do. 1 15 1 24 per dozen 32 0 „ 10 0 „ 10 0 „ 4 30 „ 18 0 24 30 36 0 26 0 22 0 30 30 30 30 40 40 30 30 20 3 20 2 40 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 10 15 1 15 1 50 1 50 1 30 1 15 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 195 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 297. KROITZSCH, H., Aussig on the Elbe, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—69. III. b. Lama cloth.per ell Poils de chevre Soijeux Fil de chevre Dollars . . 298 LIEBIG, JOHANN, & CO., Reichenberg. Bohemia, Manu.—71. III. b. fl. kr. 0 54 0 28 0 32 0 28 0 40 1 . Orleans, black . per piece 1 7 0 2 . Do. do. . 1 13 0 3. Lustre do. . . . 2 6 0 4. Do. do. 2 12 0 5. Orleans, figured , grey . 1 2 0 6 . Do. do. green . 1 2 0 7. Do. do. do. . 1 2 0 8 . Do. do. black . 1 1 0 9. Do. do. blue . 1 4 0 10 . Orleans, figured, bicolor , . per piece 1 3 0 11 . Do. do. amaranthine ,, 1 9 0 12 . Do. do. bicolnr 1 4 0 13. Do. do. do. 1 4 0 14. Do. do. blue 1 5 0 15. Do. do. azure 1 3 0 16. Do. do. grey 1 3 0 17. Do. do. brown 1 3 0 18. Do. do. green 1 3 0 19. Do. do. do. 1 3 •o 20 . Do. do. cherry . 1 3 0 21. Orleans rips, figured, green grey violet grey cherry green (2 colours) 1 with silk, cherry 1 10 0 do. blue 1 12 0 green, per piece 15 0 grey „ 22. Do. do. 23. Do. do. 24. Do. do. 25. Do. do. 26. Do. do. 27. Do. do. 28. Do. do. 29. Do. do. 30. Do. do. 31. Thibetine blue 32. Do. green^... „ 1 33. Thibet, cherry .... per ell 0 37. Do. rose coloured . . „ 0 39. Lasting, black . . . per piece 3 40. Do. do. . . . „ 2 41*. Do. do. . . . „ 1 42—45. Mandarin shawls, half-wool, each 0 46—53. Winter do. „ 0 54—58. Do. ... „ 0 59—62. Plaid do. „ 0 63 —66. Mandarin cloth . . per ell 0 Printed Thibet kerchiefs per doz. 1 Do. do. each 0 Thibet, amaranthine . per ell 0 Do. buff ... „ 0 Do. light blue . . „ 0 Lasting, black . . . per piece 3 299. NEUBERT, C. C., Georgswalde, Bohemia, Manu. — 70. III. b. Prepared for printin 0 . 1 . Balzarine.per ell 2. Challis 3. Do. 4. Pergalin 5. Muslin. 6 . Linen striped with muslin 7. Satin striped muslin 1 18 0 N0. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 300. RAMEDER, IGNAZ, Vienna, Manu.—65.III. b. Woollen shawls, all wool .7 0 Petticoat, coarse.2 10 Do. fine. 2 20 Counterpane.100 Do.15 0 301. WOLFRUM, C. Aussig on the Elbe, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—74. III. b. Victorine.per ell Imperiale. „ Poile de chevre. „ Organzine. „ Poplin. „ Augusta. „ Alhambra. „ Fil de chevre. „ 302. WURST, JOHANN N., Freudenthal, Silesia, Manu.—103. III. b. 2 . Do. blue-red. 3 0 3. Do. white-yellow. 3 0 4. Do. worked with linen thread . 4 0 5. Do. woollen. 0 6 . Woollen table-cover ...... 6 0 7. Table-cover, grey silk. 16 0 8 . Woollen table-cover, worked with yellow silk. 15 0 9. Do. with yellow and red silk 18 0 10 . Do. with white and red silk 20 0 303. BIENERT, FLORIAN, Vienna, Manu.— 77. III. b. Vesting 72.per ell Do, 4331,4333, 4352 ... „ Do. 4329, 4349, 4637, 4699, 4710, 4713 .... „ Do. 4648, 4712 . „ Do. 4681, 4714 .. 1 10 0 34 0 24 0 48 0 48 0 36 0 36 0 34 3 0 1 24 9 19 2 24 2 48 4 0 16 0 304 . ECHINGER BROTHERS, Vienna. — 82. 1 9 III. B. 2 c 8 n 1. Waistcoating. per piece 10 0 O U 5. Do. . 17 0 2 0 6 .' Do. . 13 0 18 0 7. Do. . ” 14 0 5 8 8 . Do. . 12 0 8 0 9. Do. . 10 0 7 4 6 6 Wbollen scarfs. per dozen 20 0 1 5 305. KRAL, ANTON, Vienna, Manu.- -78. III. b. 6 Q 0 6 300—305. Vesting .... per piece 26 0 O 2 10 200—202. Do. 20 0 2 7 306. ROCKSTROH, HEINRICH, Vienna, Manu. 2 7 —79. III. b. 11 0 11—14. Vesting, wool and silk per piece 12 0 15—17. Do. without silk 10 0 18. Do. embroidered 5? 10 0 fl. kr. 1 . Do. woollen . 12 0 0 50 0 20 307. FIAL, JOHANN, Gumpendorf, Vienna, 0 16 Manu.—80. III. b. 0 15 1—4. Woollen vesting . per piece 10 0 0 18 5— 8 . Half-silk vesting . . . 12 0 0 16 70—82. Do. ... 12 0 0 20 9—10. Do. ... 13 0 196 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ko. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. WESTHAUSSER, JOSEE, Vienna, Manu.—- 75. HI. b. fl. kr. 1—5. Quilting vesting .... per ell 1 36 6 — 12 . Do. .... yy 1 48 13, 14. Do. .... 73 2 0 15—18. Do. .... 33 1 48 19—24. Do. .... 37 2 0 25—30. Do. .... yy 2 6 42—47. Do. .... 33 2 0 31—37. Woollen vesting . . . 37 2 17J 38—40. Do. 33 2 50^ 41. Do. .... 33 3 26 48—53. Do. .... 33 2 30 309. BERGER, JOSEPH, & SON, Vienna, Manu.—62. III. b. 699, 696, 707. Ramage shawl each 12 30 684, 687, 712. Ditto 33 14 30 688 , 703-705, 715. Ditto 17 0 713. Ditto yi 24 0 718. Ditto 33 42 0 731. Ditto 33 68 0 730. Shawl 33 80 0 721. Long shawl 33 23 0 722. Ditto yy 24 0 709. Ditto 25 0 695, 710. Ditto yy 28 0 685, 692, 701. Ditto 29 0 711. Ditto yy 34 0 733. Ditto yy 140 0 732. Ditto yy 160 0 Long shawl. 33 28 0 Orange do. 73 70 0 310, BROTZMAN, ADAM, Vienna, Manu.— 59. III. b. Scarlet long shawl.30 0 "White ramage. . 15 0 Drab cloth shawl.18 0 Black ramage^do.14 0 Scarlet do. ".13 0 Light blue do. 10 0 Tapis do. 8 30 Green ramage do.. 70 311. HAYDTER, SEBASTIAN, Vienna, Manu. —56. III. b. 396. Shawl, white.14 0 379. Do. light blue.15 0 380. Do. red.150 370. Do. white.15 0 382. Do. black.15 0 393. Do. do.16 0 400. Do. scarlet.18 0 394. Do. monster green ..... 18 0 371. Do. yellow.18 0 378. Do. white.20 0 378. Do. light blue ....... 20 0 399. Do. black.25 0 385. Do. do.20 0 392. Long shawl, monster green . . . . 60 0 392. Do. light blue.60 0 392. Do. red.60 0 398. Do. monster green .... 32 0 398. Do. white ....... 32 0 398. Do. black ....... 32 0 397. Do, yellow ...... 32 0 fl. kr. 397. Long shawl, red 32 0 397. Do. black . 32 0 368. Do. white . 30 0 368. Do. red 30 0 368. Do. light blue. 30 0 375. Do. monster green .... 27 0 375. Do. yellow 27 0 372. Do. white and monster green . 27 0 367. Do. white • • * O 9 • 28 0 367. Do. scarlet ...... 28 0 IvUBO’S SON, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu. —54. III. b. fl. kr. fl. kr. 131. 6/4 Shawls 2 30 889. 9-4ths Shawls 194. 7/4 33 3 10 (plaid) 10 30 195. 33 3 10 406. 11 30 53. 33 3 10 279. 12 0 31. 33 3 10 204. 19/8 „ 42. 15/8 33 4 0 (plaids) . 14 0 43. 33 4 0 296. 13 0 72. 33 4 15 297. 15 0 114, 33 4 15 298. 15 0 122 . 33 5 0 702 . 16 0 221 . 33 5 0 604. 10/4 „ 19 0 224. 33 5 15 603. „ 20 0 225. 37 5 15 Table covers. 424. 33 5 30 641. 9/4 . . 5 30 226. 33 5 30 642. . . 5 30 352. 9/4 33 6 0 661. 10/4 . . 6 30 271. 33 6 30 662. 10/4 . . 6 30 163. 37 6 30 631. . . 14 0 165. 33 6 30 Long shawls. 152. 33 6 30 164. 18/4 . . 16 0 153. 33 6 30 277. . . 24 0 164. 33 7 30 278. . . 28 0 244. 33 7 30 278. . . 30 0 821. yy Thibet shawls. with garland 8 0 11, 12. 9/4 805—807. Shawls wool border 5 15 with garland 8 15 13,14. silk border 6 30 805, 806. Shawls, 15. 10/4 . . 6 15 plain . 8 45 16, 18. . . 6 45 807. Shawls, ram- 17. . . 7 0 age . . 9 0 White summer shawl 387. Shawls . 8 30 402. 12 0 522. „ . 8 30 404. . . . 12 0 855. „ . 8 30 Ditto, wool bor¬ 371. „ . 9 30 der . . . 5 30 251. 9/4 Shawls 13/4 Silk wrap¬ (plaid) • 10 0 per .... 12 0 501. 3! , 10 30 MARTINEK. , JOHANN. , Vienna, manu- facturer.—60. III. b. 18/4 Long shawls, black quatre fa§es . . 42 0 Do. white do. . . 42 0 Do. green ..33 0 Do. red ....... 33 0 17/4 Do. blue.28 0 10/4 Ramage, quatre fa§es.32 0 Do. black. . 32 0 Do. black quatre fa9es ... 26 0 Do. black huit fages .... 28 0 10/4 Striped tapis.24 0 10/4 Ramage, white.. 23 0 Do. black. . 23 0 9^/4 Do. black quatre fages . . . 19 0 j PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 197 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Ramage, white quatre fa 5 es . . . 19 0 Do. quatre fa§es.18 0 Do. yellow.18 0 9/4 Do. blue.15 0 Do. green ..15 0 314. MOGEL, NIKOLAUS, Vienna, manufac¬ turer.— 81. III. B. 18/4 Black long shawl, No. 85 .... 28 0 9/4 White ramage, No. 86 .13 0 9/4 Black guirlande, 87.10 0 Do. 73 and 81 . . . 9 0 Do. 79 . 8 30 9/4 Tapis, No. 78 . 10 30 Do. 74 . . ..10 0 8/4 Black guirlande, No. 75 . 7 30 315, REINHOLD, WILHELM, Vienna, manu¬ facturer. —55. III. b. 1 . Shawls, black tapis. . . 14 0 2 , black ramage . . . . 0 3. 37 white. . . 14 0 5. 77 black. 0 6 . 77 77 .. 0 7. 77 white. 0 8 . 0 9. 37 black. 0 10 . 37 scarlet . 0 11 . 33 black. 0 12 . 77 white ....... 0 13. 77 „ ....... 0 14. 3? brown ...... 0 15. 77 white Cashmere . . 32 0 16. 77 quatre fa 9 es do. . . 45 0 17. 77 black. 0 18. 77 quatre fa£es. 22 0 19. 3? black. 0 20 . If white. 0 21 . 77 monster green Cashmere . , . 32 0 22 . 77 0 23*. 7? scarlet . 0 24. 37 azure . 0 25. Long ; shawl, black. 0 26. 77 monster green . . 25 0 27. 77 black. 0 28. 77 yellow. 0 29. )) black Cashmere . . . 45 0 31. 77 ?> • -T . . 70 0 32. white. 0 33. Black Cashmere shawl . 0 316. RISS, JOSEPH, Vienna, manufacturer.— 57. III. b. 17/8 Ramage shawl, black, No. 142 . . . 10 0 37 white, 167 . . . 10 0 9/4 black, 170 . . . 13 0 77 white, 166 . . . 14 0 7' black, 168 . . . 15 0 77 white, 168 . . . 15 0 Long shawl, black, 169 . . . 26 0 77 white, 169 . . . 26 0 318. SCHINDL, ANDREAS, Vienna, manuf.— 61. III. B. 282. 9/4 shawl, light blue.14 0 279. „ green.16 0 283. 19/8 „ white and blue . . . 19 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. and monster. . . 19 0 0 . . 18 0 0 red . . . . . 26 0 light-blue . . 26 0 white . . . 32 0 77 • • * . . 32 0 black . . . 32 0 2S1. 10/4 „ red . 281. ' „ white 276. „ „ 280. 17/8 Long shawl, 280. 275. 9/4 287. 287. 319. WENZEL, KARL, Vienna, manufacturer. —58. III. b. 9/4 Mourning shawl (damask) .... 8/4 „ . . black . 9/8 „ . . invisible green 9/4 „ mousseline de laine 8/4 n » j? 9/8 320. ZEISEL, J., and J. manufacturers.— 757^. Scarf shawls, 752. 753. 765. Check shawl, 795. 805. „ 772. „ 790. „ 770. 771. „ 794. 793. 785. „ • 792. 788. „ 791. 808. „ 754. 735i. „ 761. 762. „ 818. 818. 818. 816. Long shawl, 799-|. 781. „ 817. 815. „ 810. 730. 760. „ 803. „ 813. 814. 733. „ 819. six fa 9 es yellow . quatre faces ground quatre fa 5 es, rea mere Cashmere Cash 3 0 2 15 0 40 3 0 2 20 0 42 & C. BLUMEL, Vienna, -63. III. b. scarlet . yellow . azure white . yellow . scarlet . sea-green white . scarlet . white . yellow . white . black, wool black . white . quatre faces scarlet . white . >> black . deux fa^es white . scarlet . white . sky-blue, wool yellow . sea-green white . 321. MRSSNER, FRIEDRICH, Reutte, Tyrol, manufacturer..—1. III. d. Brown calf-skin for boots . . . per cwt. 130 Brown cow-hide for waterproof boots ,, 100 Biack do. „ „ 100 R 2 198 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. TJo, Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Brown calf-skin Black Pressed grained calf-ski sheep-skin 822. POLLAK, J. J. & SONS, Prague, curriers.— 4. III. D. 1. Black japanned calf-skin . . per doz. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . Grained „ Black „ with the hair on „ Sheep-skins dressed to imitate chamois fl. kr 34 0 32 0 30 0 28 0 34 0 32 0 15 0 27 0 25 0 28 0 26 0 25 0 23 0 24 0 22 0 26 0 24 0 30 0 26 0 24 0 324. SEYKORA, JOSEPH, Adler Kostelec, Bo¬ hemia, manufacturer.—5. III. d. Cow-leather, tanned with pine-bark, and used in boots and shoes, for the army, per cwt., 110 fl. to 120 fl. 825. SXJESS, A. H., currier.'—2. III. Sechshaus, D. near Vienna, Brown calf-skins for strong boots, per lb. Coloured „ fancy articles, per Buschen (containing 10) Brown sheep-skins for furniture, per do. Coloured leather for lining . Red japanned morocco . Black do. for ladies’ boots . Yariegated do. for fancy articles Bo. Turkey morocco for do. Bo. do. do. Blue do. do. Green do. do. Japanned calf-skins for gentlemen’! boots: . per doz. £. s. 0 3 2 12 1 16 1 4 dress No. 6 5 4 3 326. WOLLFF, FRIEBRICH, Hermannstadt, Transylvania, tanner.—16. III. b. Japanned goat-skins— Black. Green, with gold .. Brown, „ . Bark-green, with gold.1 Bark-blue, „ . Japanned sheep-skins— Green, with gold . . . , . ~ , Red, ,, ...... . Goatskin, green, with silver and copper „ blue, impressed.0 48 „ in four metallic colours ,, in gold-coloured metal . . . Calf-skin, black. 3 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 527. CHRISTL, JOSEPH, Vienna, shoemaker. —13. III. D. per pair. 1 Japanned (patent) leather pumps 2 Short white silk-stocking shoes, with springs 3 Black silk eyelet-holed stocking-boots, ja¬ panned leather fronts, with springs . . 4 Black satin half-boots, with springs and ja¬ panned leather fronts. 5 Black silk gaiter-buttoned shoes 6 Black goat-skin buttoned boots, without seam, and patent leather fronts 7 Patent leather walking pumps, with small side-springs, without seam, but screwed . 8 Black morocco button-boots, with light cork soles and japanned leather fronts . 9 Goat-skin boots, with springs and japanned leather fronts. 10 Goat-skin boots with springs. 11 Light Cashmere summer half-boots, with springs and japanned grained goat-skin fronts. 12 Brill half-boots, with springs and ja¬ panned leather fronts. 13 Calf-skin half-boots, with springs .... 14 Strong goat-skin half-boots, with springs and japanned grained cow-leather fronts, screwed soles. 15 Strong calf-skin lace-shoes for mountain travelling!. 16 Superior calf-skin boots, with brown tops and patent spurs. 17 Superior calf-skin boots, with cork soles 18 do. do. pegged . 19 Strong drab-gaiter half-boots, with springs and japanned grained calf-skin fronts 20 Calf-skin top-boots, front and back of one piece .... . 21 Japanned leather boots, with blue tops and hollow heels.. 22 Japanned leather boots, stitched in a supe¬ rior style and red Morocco tops 23 Strong waterproof cow-leather sporting boots, pegged. FRANK, JOHANN, Vienna, 8. III. D. patentee. Pair of half-boots, with patent soles, No. 2 . Bitto ditto No. 1 . 329. LANGER, JOSEF, Vienna, shoemaker.— 11. III. D. fl. kr. 5 0 10 0 8 0 10 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 14 0 11 0 8 0 7 30 20 0 11 0 20 0 12 0 7 0 7 30 1 Gentlemen’s shoes per pair 5 0 2 „ ditto. 5 0 fl. kr. 3 „ half-boots . . . 10 0 1 36 4 „ do. „ 10 0 1 40 5 » d°. 8 0 1 36 6 „ do . 8 0 1 0 7 jy boots • • • • • 14 0 1 0 8 ,, do. . . . . ■ . 14 0 9 „ japanned leather boots 40 0 2 0 10 „ do. „ >> 32 0 2 0 11 „ morocco boots 11 0 1 30 A AQ. 330. SHOEMAKERS’ ASSOCIATION, Hermann- U rfcO 1 30 stadt, Transylvania.—16. III. b. 1 0 Pair of Spanish leather tschismen (boots) . 6 0 3 0 „ lace-up boots. 4 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 190 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pair of socks and slippers. „ Goat-skin kelzun, with buffalo soles (the usual wear of the Romanians) „ hoots for men, as worn by Saxons . „ boots for women, ,, fl. kr. 3 0 10 0 6 0 6 0 331. HELIA, JOHANN, Vienna, ladies’ shoe¬ maker.—12. III. d. per pair A White satin ladies’ boots. B White satin ladies’ shoes, with elastic 5 30 shoes, springs. Ladies’ boots, with elastic springs . Brown leather ladies’ boots, with cork soles and elastic springs. Ladies’ button-boots . •. 8 30 8 0 10 0 7 0 6 30 G 77 5) 5? 35 * * 6 0 111. D. per doz. II cloth button-boots. 5 0 .. Kid gloves for gentlemen. . 14 36 I wadded satin boots .... 8 0 Ditto for ladies ...... . 13 0 K blue velvet boots. 8 0 Ditto long ditto. 0 L 55 black velvet boots, with elastic Lambskin gloves for gentlemen . . 8 0 springs. 10 0 Ditto ditto for ladies .... 0 M 55 grey prunella boots .... 5 0 Sheepskin ditto for gentlemen . . 7 0 N checkered summer boots . 3 18 Ditto ditto for ladies .... . 6 0 O 33 checkered prunella boots . 2 48 Reindeer wash-leather gloves for gentlemen . 24 0 grey prunella boots, with heels cloth button shoes. morning slippers, with gold em¬ broidery . morning slippers, with gold and silver embroidery . morning slippers, embroidered . 3 0 5 0 10 0 w 33 33 2 } 1 111 Idvv • • • satin morning slippers . . . V ” black leather morning slippers, with buckles ...... X 35 prunella shoes. z 33 morocco shoes. AA 35 black and white satin shoes . 1 30 2 30 332. FR1EDL, LEOPOLD, Ladies’ shoemaker, Vienna.—9. III. r>. Grey silk ladies’ boots.9 Prunella ditto .9 Calf-skin ditto .8 Patent-leather ditto, with pegged soles . . 5 White satin shoes.3 Over shoes.6 Black satin shoes.4 Calf-skin shoes.3 Slippers.3 333. KUNERTH, ANTON, Vienna, Ladies’ shoe¬ maker.—10. Ill, d. per pair 1 Ladies’ shoes of silk-velvet embroidered with real gold .... 2 Ditto slippers, ditto ditto . 3 Ditto shoes, French form, gilt . 4 Ditto galoshes, pointed shape 5 Ditto ditto, wide shape, gilt 6 Ditto ditto, Vienna-shape, gilt 7 Gentlemen’s shoes, ditto Ditto ditto Ditto half-boots . Ladies’ slippers, Vienna-shape . Ditto ditto, gilt .... Ditto ditto, gilt .... Ditto shoes, Vienna-shape with lace 15 3G 13 30 5 40 5 12 5 12 5 40 4 0 3 30 17 0 2 36 3 30 3 30 2 36 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 334. BOULOGNE, P 6. III. r>. Kid for gloves, No. 1. Do. 2. Do. 3. Lamb-skin for do. 1. rague, Leather-dresser.— per dozen skins fl. kr. 54 0 45 0 42 0 25 0 335. JAQUEMAR, FRANZ, Vienna, Glover.— 14. III. D. An assortment of gentlemen’s gloves. Ladies’ gloves Light-coloured ditto ditto. Swedish ditto ditto *** Exhibited as samples, not for sale. 336. GLOVERS’ ASSOCIATION, Prague.—15. 337. PGRTSCHEST, Leathercutter, Xlermann- stadt, Transylvania, Manu.—3. III. d. Goat-skins (Morocco) . . . per 10 skins Sheep-skin leather .... , , Kid-skin leather ..... , , 22 10 12 338. GELLINEK, JOHANN, Prague, Saddler.— 24. III. d. Set of harness, silver-plated and worked with silver.400 339. LOFFLER, FRIEDRICH, Prague, saddler. —23. III. d. £. 1. Ladies’ side-saddle . . . . . .16 2. Hunting-saddle.6 3. Saddle.6 4. Pig-skin saddle.5 5. Goatskin saddle, to be used in summer with white trousers. 6. Saddletree for horses with curved back 4 10 0 10 340. ZAPF, IGNAZ, Vienna, Saddler.—21. III. n. 1. Pig-skin saddle, with stirrups, girths, fl. &c., complete ....... 45 2. Ditto ditto. 30 3. Ox-skin ditto.22 4. Pig-skin ditto .... ... 23 5. Military saddle on a new principle . . 20 6. Girth ..7 7. Ditto.6 8. Bridle.9 9. A Bit.8 kr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Champ. 0 30 Woollen bridle.9 0 Bit .3 30 Champ.0 30 Snaffle.3 30 Ditto.1 30 Bridle.5 0 17. Bit.2 30 18. Champ.0 30 19. Woollen bridle.9 0 200 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 20. Bit . . . 21. Champ . 22. Horse-rug, printed grey 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Ho. Ho. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. white . brown . striped do. do. 28. Horse clothing complete, blue .... 29. Patterns of letters, crowns and arms for trappings, viz.: Crown and A A interlaced Ditto and B B , , Ditto and C C , , Ditto and D D ,, Ditto and EE , , Arms of a Prince and F 341. GBIESS, FRIEDRICH, Vienna, Whip- maker.—18. III. D. Ho. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Sheepskin dog-whip . Leather do. Calfskin do. Whalebone and thread horsewhip Whalebone and string ditto . Do. do. Do. with silver ring . Cane whip. Ditto with silver button . Ditto with silver ring Outrider’s whalebone whip mounted with silver .... Cane riding-whip . Whalebone riding whip Do. . . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Riding stick Cane Driving-whip Whalebone driving whip Do. Do. Driving whip . Do. . . . Whalebone driving whip Do. Do. Cane do. Black thorn do. Whalebone ditto, with silver button Driving whip topped with German- silver ......... Bo., topped with ivory . . .. Do. with silver button with silver button do. silver mounted do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. fl. kr. 4 0 0 30 3 30 3 30 2 15 2 15 2 0 2 0 60 0 0 40 .1 0 1 20 2 20 3 30 5 0 7 0 3 15 8 0 8 0 15 0 0 20 0 48 1 0 0 54 ■2 24 15 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 48. 49. 50. 51. Driving whip with silver button . Do. with silver mounts Do. mounted with silver and ivory Do. four in hand mounted in silver and ivory ....... 342. MANSCHON, M.F., Pesth, whip and stick- maker.—17. III. D. Hungarian Csiko’s whip ...si. fl. kr. 12 0 19 0 25 0 15 0 20 0 343. GROSKQPF, GEORG, Vienna, Manu. 19. III. v. 1. Ox-hide travelling-trunk » . * 2. Leather hunting-pouch . » » 3. Hunting-pouch with a green net . 4. Chamois-leather pouch .... 5. Shagreen pocket ..... 40 0 12 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 344. EINHAUSER, JOSEF, Uderns, Tyrol, leather-cutter.—20. III. D. 1. Leather reticule embroidered with pea¬ cock feathers ........ 2. Ditto ditto ditto 3. Hunting-pouch. 4. Rifleman’s pouch. 5. Belt. 6. Ditto . . . ..• . . 7. Ditto... 8. Table-cover. 9. Do. .. 10. Gun-sling. 11. Do. 20 0 18 0 16 0 12 0 18 0 9 0 15 0 10 0 845. LEATHER - CUTTERS’ ASSOCIATION, Hermannstadt, Transylvania.—3. III. d. A belt..12 O 346. GEVER, J., Pesth, Hungary, Furrier.—7. III. D. 1. Hungarian Bunda (cloak) . . . . £80 C 347. FURRIERS’ GUILD, Hermannstadt, Tran¬ sylvania.—16. III. B. Wallachian fur stomacher i ' . . . Heltauervest . . . . ..... Saxon ladies’ stomacher . . . , . Black lambs’-skin ....... ■ i 10 0 4 0 5 0 1 30 AO 21 U 0 Gutta Percha' Articles. per doz. 6 0 Child s riding-whip . 2 0 10 0 Do. do. 12 0 24 14. Riding do. . 2 48 0 54 52. Do. do. . ! 2 48 1 30 534. Light coloured do. . 20 0 4 30 544. Light-coloured riding-whip . . 12 0 0 26 63f. Black do, .... 0 0 40 68§. Light-coloured do. (ladies 7 -"whip) . 12 0 1 24 154i. Do. do. do. . 12 0 1 36 154|. Do. do. do. . 12 0 4 30 156.4. Do. do. do. . 10 0 2 20 162|. Do. do. . 12 0 2 0 1654. Do. do. . . . 20 0 10 0 1664. Do. do. ... * . 16 0 1684. Do. do. 0 6 0 1834. Do. do. . 72 0 7 0 1904. Do. do. 0 8 0 2004. Do. do. 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 201 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 207£. Light-coloured riding whip per doz. 207. Brown do. 221|. Light-coloured do. 1. Brown stick 3. Do. do. 44. Light-coloured stick 63|. Do. do. 65. Brown do. 70. Green do. 14H. Light-coloured do. 1784. 1824. 2074. 2094. 2164. 2174. 217. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Black 2274. Green 2284- Light-coloured do. Hound snuff-boxes Boxes. Large boxes, with arabesques Balls . . . Goblets . Flower-pots and saucer, plain Do. do. ornamentec Holy-water vase, plain . Do. do. ornamented fl. kr. 10 0 2 48 36 0 each 18 0 44 0 30 0 48 0 18 0 30 0 72 0 22 0 24 0 18 0 18 0 28 0 44 0 26 0 12 0 10 0 12 0 1 48 5 0 7 0 16 0 1 10 20 0 849. LANG (F.), Stadt Steyr, Brushmakeiv UI. x>. -99. 350. PATTAK, GEORG, Hermannstadt, Tran¬ sylvania, Manu.—16. III. b. 10. Horse-brush.3 0 Clothes-brush.1 24 Head-brush.10 351. BAYER, J. GEORG, Hermannstadt, Transylvania, Hatter.—64. III. c. Hare felt, dark brown .... per ell Do. waistcoat, scarlet Do. do. black . Do. cap, scarlet . Do.' f do. black Samples of hair, in its various states, for the above hare felt. 852. HUBSCH, JOSEPH, Prague.—67. III. c. Silk hat. Hare-felt hat, finest quality. 353. KRISE, CARL, Prague, Manu.—68. III. c. 8. Silk hat. 7. Do. 6. Do. 13 0 8 0 - 6 30 4 0 3 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 7. Felt hat ... . Opera hat on springs Bison hat .... 354. MUCK, JOSEPH, Prague, Manu.—65. III. c. of of and 1. Uniform-hat for Austrian staff office “felt, gold-lace, and plume 2. Do. for Austrian minister of stat silk-felt, gold-lace, and plume . 3. Austrian rifleman’s hat, of felt, plume. 4. Austrian infantry-chako, do. 5. Mining officer’s kalpak (cap) 6. Gentleman’s silk hat .... 7. Do. do. 8. Do. do. 9. Do. do. 10. Double felt hat, grey and brown (may be worn on both sides) 11. Shooting-hat, with plume . 12. Tyrolese hat, of green Cashmere 13. Slavonian do. brown do. 14. Hungarian do. black do. drab grey red do. do. do. 15. Italian do. 16. Styrian do. 17. Servian cap 18. Bonnet, of grey felt, figured 19. Do. drab felt* do. 20. Do. brown felt do. 21. Ladies’ riding-hat, of rabbit elt No. 1. Brushes of badger-hair . each. 0 6 per doz. 1 12 23. 24. Children’s hat, of felt . . . Do. do. ... 3 3 0 0 2. Do. • « • • • 0 8 1 36 25. Felt top-boots . . . . . per pair. 3 0 3. Do. ..... . 0 10 2 0 26. Felt half-boots. 2 0 4. Do. . , . . . . 0 12 2 24 27. Felt shoes. j? 1 0 5. Do. • . ... . 0 14 2 48 28. Felt half-boots, brown 77 3 0 6. Do. . 0 23 4 36 29. Felt shoes, brown and grey . 5? 1 30 7. Do. . 0 32 6 24 30. Ladies’ felt boots, brown . 57 2 30 8. Do. . 0 43 8 36 31. Men’s felt stockings 3 0 9. Do. . 0 55 11 0 32. Men’s felt socks .... 2 0 10 . Do. 1 5 13 0 33. Do. .... 55 1 30 11 . Do. • • ... 1 20 16 0 34. Men’s felt gloves .... 1 0 12 . Do. . ' 1 30 18 0 35. Ladies’ do. .... 7? 1 0 per foot. 0 25 36. Coloured felt cloth . 355. SRBA, ANTON, Prague.—66 1. Silk hat .... 2. Do. ... 3. Do. ... 4. Felt hat, waterproof 5. Opera hat on springs 6. Military hat, waterproof 7. Hare-felt bonnet 8. Do. shooting-hat 9. Wool do. 10. Do. do. 356. BENEDIG, JOSEPH, Strassisch, near Krain- burg, Carniola.—69. III. c.* s. d. 6 0 10 0 8 0 fl. kr. 24 0 24 0 6 0 2 30 12 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 7 0 2 30 2 30 2 3Cf 2 30 1 30 10 0 8 0 8 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 fl. kr. * fl. kr. fl. kr. 6 0 1 Linz. 0 40 12 Linz. 1 0 8 Facon 0 48 6 0 2 Do. 0 46 14 Do. 1 4 10 Do. 0 52 3 Do. 0 50 1 Facon 0 32 12 Do. 0 48 s. d. 4 Do. 0 52 2 Do. 0 34 4 Best 0 42 10 0 6 Do. 0 58 3 Do. 0 38 6 Do. 0 45 8 0 8 Do. 0 58 4 Do. 0 42 8 Do. 0 48 6 0 10 Do. 1 2 6 Do. 0 45 10 Do. 0 52 202 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. J-XO, Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Cylindrical sieve-bottoms for paper manu¬ factories. fl. kr. Of 2 hairs, per doz. 2 0 3 4 ;; 5 » 6 „ Medium Small . 0 36 fl. kr. Common, perbuschen. 2 hairs 3 4 6 8 10 0 22 0 24 0 26 0 32 0 36 0 40 357. GLOBOTSCHNIG, ANTON, Strassisch, Carniola.—71. III. c. Iiorse-hair sieve-bottoms.- 1. per buschen 0 31 22. per packet 1 22 2. 0 38 23. „ 1 36 3. 0 44 24. „ 1 40 4. 0 47 25. „ 0 58 5. 0 48 26. „ 1 8 6. 0 54 27. 1 12 ,, j. i-i 7. 0 54 28. per dozen 0 35 8 : 1 0 29. „ 0 38 9. 0 57 30. „ 1 42 10. •) 1 1 0 31. „ 2 45 11. per packet 1 30 32. „ 3 40 12. J j 2 6 33. 4 0 13. ? j 2 18 34. „ 4 40 14. 2 32 35. per buschen 1 8 15. 1 28 36. „ 1 10 16. 3? 1 30 37. „ 1 14 17. ?? 1 41 38. „ 0 52 18. 3? 0 45 39. „ 0 52 19. 33 1 28 40. „ 0 52 20. 33 1 30 41. per dozen 4 0 21. ?3 1 41 1 42. „ 4 20 358. LOCKER, ANTONIO, Krainburg, Car¬ niola.—70. III. c. Horse-hair sieve-bottoms, per buschen. 1 . 0 40 4 . . . . 0 52 2 .... . 0 46 6 . . . . 0 58 3 .0 50 Cylindrical sieve-bottoms for paper- manufactories, per doz. 1.6 0 j 2 ... . 80 359. PFENINGBERGER, Manu.-—72. III. c. JOSEF, Vienna, Oil-cloths i (including table-covers , &c.). , per piece of 10 ells:— A . 8 48 F . 8 0 L . 12 30 1 1 Q. . 20 0 B . 7 0 G . 7 0 M 6 36 | R . 18 0 C . 8 0 H . 6 24 N 4 0 | S . 16 0 D . 6 40 I . 6 24 O . 3 18 I T . 16 0 E . 6 0 K . 12 0 P 16 0 U . 20 0 Per dozen:— V . 11 0 Y 12 0 BB 3 45 W . 15 0 • Z 17 0 CC 6fl. & 7 0 X . 12 0 AA . 17 0 DD 6A.&10 0 300. SMITH & MEYNIER, Fiume, Manuf>- 84. III. d. Printing Papers. size. 1. News 264 by 40 2. Fine ditto 26| 40 3. Superfine demy 144 194 per ream, weight. s. d. 36 a 38 lbs. 17 0 39 40 19 6 15 16 90 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Foolscaps, Sfc. size. weight, per ream. 4. Blue wove 13| by 164 13 a 14, 161bs. 9s.0d. 5. Yellow wove 13| 164 13 14 9 0 6. Do. 15| 21 17 18 11 0 7. Blue wove 15! 21 17 18 11 6 8. Do. 134 184 13 14 9 0 9. Yellow wove 134 184 13 14 8 6 Drawing and Writing Papers. 10. Imperial superfine 224 by 324 68 70 65 0 11. Elephant do. 244 34 88 90 70 0 12. Drawing in rolls 204 33 P*. , roll 10 0 13. Elephant lithogr. 22! 33 100 105 lbs. 80 0 14. Imperial firman 224 334 72 75 50 0 Yellow wove. 15. Account royal 20 264 40 42 28 0 Blue wove. 16. Account royal 20 26| 40 42 30 0 Coloured Papers. 17. Coloured stationery 23 36 24 26 20 0 18. Blotting paper 19. Tracing paper 174 234 17 18 12 0 20 31 9 10 14 0 Letter Papers. 20. Blue wove post Hi 184 6 7 5 6 21. Yellow wove post 114 184 6 7 5 0 22. Blue wove post 104 16 5 6 4 6 23. Yellow wove post 104 16 7 8 4 0 24. Thin blue wove post . . . 104 16 3 4 5 6 25. Bank post, blue 104 16 2 3 6 6 26. Note, large yel- low wove . 8 11 3 4 3 0 27. Note, small yel- low wove . . 7f 9f 2 3 2 0 361. EGGERTH, JOHANN, Stubenbach, near Schiittenhofen, Bohemia.—85. III. i>. Packing paper (flannel paper) of a peculiar kind, to be used in packing mirrors or glasses, by laying it between the same in¬ stead of strips of cloth, 12fl. to 15fl. per cwt. 362. IMPERIAL COURT & GOVERNMENT PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Vienna. Punch-Cutting Hepartment. — Steel punches of foreign characters only, of which the Imperial Establishment possesses 104 distinct alphabets. Punches of middle age types, including facsimiles of manuscripts. Types for the use of the blind of Europe and Asia. The Alphabets are as follows :— Hieroglyphic. Hieratic. Demotic. Ethiopic and Am- haric. Himyaritic. Himyaritic (orna¬ mented). Cabylic, American inscript., Touaric and Thugga. Ancient Hebrew. Samaritan. Hebrew. Raschi, or Rabbinic. German Hebrew. German Raschi. Hebrew, Spanish- Levantine. Aramaic. Chaldee. Palmyric. Estrangelo. Syriac. Cufic. Arabic, Neschi. Mauritanic. Phenician. Phenician (orna¬ mented). Punic. Numidian. Etrurian. Ancient Italian. Runic. Gothic. Celtic. Celtic (new shape). Anglo-Saxon. Ancient Greek. Greek. Coptic. Ciryllic. Ciryllic (different¬ ly shaped). Russian, Servian, Wallachian. Glagolitic. Albanian. Albanian (differ¬ ently shaped). Lycian. Armenian. Georgian. Georgian (eccle- / siast. letters). Persepolitancunei- J form letters. Pehlvi. Zend, PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 203 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. XSTo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Cabool. Peguan. Oldest Ind, signs. Western Grotto inscription. A. Austria’s Hero-Album, 34 portraits, each 1 fl. 40 kr. 56 40 Souvenir of the Hungarian Campaign, 6 prints at lfl.6 0 Pane for Austria’s Heroes, 15 portraits at 30k. 7 30 Album of Vienna, 26 prints coloured . . 12 0 374. STEIGER, J. G., Vienna, Card Manufacturer.—96. III. D. Tableau exhibiting various playing-cards. . 300 0 *** The frame by J. Griller, of Vienna, the metal ornaments by Gottschalk and La- masch, Vienna. Taroc cards.per doz. packs 15 0 Whist cards, thick ... ,, 50 Do. do. thin ... ,, 4 30 Patience cards .... ,, 30 374a. GREINER, MORITZ, Vienna, Calligra- phist. 1. A large calligraphic tableau . . . £300 2, 3, 4. Specimens of Calligraphy. 375. SCHUTZ, FRANZ, Vienna.—12. IV. A specimen of Calligraphy.fl. 150 0 370. HABENICHT, AUGUST, Vienna.—26. III. d. *** The bindings of the six albums pre¬ sented to Her Majesty by the Emperor of Austria, and exhibited in Leistler’s Gothic bookcase, were executed by Mr. Habenicht. Ladies’ toilet-table, with velvet and ivory fl. kr. ornaments. 800 0 Casket for a wedding present .... 350 0 An easel for pictures.130 0 Gentlemen’s travelling dressing-case, with fittings. 224 0 Ladies’ do. do. 224 0 Album, bound in velvet and ivory . . . 120 0 948. Portfolio, with amber ornaments . . 56 0 Carved ivory crucifix.50 0 Pair of light screens, with paintings on glass 68 0 884. Casket for jewels, velvet and ivory . 23 0 880. Reading-desk do. do. . 40 0 881. Do. do. do. . 36 0 883. Inkstand, with fittings.42 0 885. Letter-weights.9 0 886. Do. 7 0 887. Counter-boxes, in velvet. . . . . 20 0 888. Do. leather . . . . 13 30 882. Pen-quivers, in velvet and ivory . . 7 0 758. Tea-caddy, with 12 ivory divisions . 22 0 759. Cigar-case, in leather.16 0 1. Portfolio, of Russia leather .... 24 0 146. Papeterie inkstand.35 0 147. Do. do. in a case, with paint¬ ing on china.12 40 154. Do. do. portfolio with lock . 10 48 159. Reading-desk.10 40 165. Do. 10 30 168. Do. 12 0 269. Ladies’ companion.16 0 243. Gentlemen’s do. .10 30 246. Do. do. ...... 23 0 fl. kr. 251. Ladies’ companion.7 30 218. Writing-desk.6 0 47. Casket in leather, mounted with Ger¬ man silver.8 0 20. Portfolio.7 30 21. Do. . . 12 0 219. Portfolio.6 0 207. Pen-etui.2 30 210. Pen-box.4 0 211. Pen-etui.3 20 252. Ladies’ companion.8 40 278. Do. do. .6 0 280. Do. do. ..5 30 279. Instrument-case.3 20 281. Ladies’ companion.5 0 323. Cigar-box.10 425. Bronze porte-monnaie.1 10 212. Pen-case.4 30 626. Homoeopathic medicine-chest, with fittings ..5 36 625. Do. do. do. 6 40 244. Companion.3 0 257. Ladies’ companion.4 0 627. Homoeopathic medicine-chest, with fittings ......... 30 330. Cigar-box.1 40 514. Pen-case.0 48 253. Ladies’ companion.5 0 77. Glove-box.. 30 78. Do.4 0 268. Companion.6 30 151. Papeterie case ....... 9 30 480. German silver porte-monnaie ... 1 40 451. Leather porte-monnaie.2 40 389. Cigar-box . 4 0 560. Tortoise-shell cigar-box.6 36 395. Portfolio, mounted and gilt .... 3 40 352. Do. do. .... 3 20 316. Steel cigar-box.1 48 476. Porte-monnaie.1 30 422. Do. ..2 0 423. Ladies’ companion.2 30 403. Portemonnaie.1 10 442. Do.1 25 472. Do. mounted.2 20 240. Gentlemen’s companion.5 30 337. American cigar-box.2 20 346. Do. do.1 20 241. Ladies’ companion.5 0 445. Porte-monnaie.1 30 443. Ladies’ companion.2 30 259. Do. do. 2 10 471. Porte-monnaie.1 40 449. Do. 0 50 426. Bronze porte-monnaie.1 10 392. Portfolio, with gilt steel mountings . 4 30 380. Steel cigar-box. 20 388. Portfolio.1 55 327. Cigar-box.2 0 340. Do.10 411. Portemonnaie, with memorandum-book 1 0 464. Bronze do.1 40 481. Porte-monnaie, with gold plated mountings.3 0 452. Porte-monnaie, in leather .... 1 30 474. Do. with medallion ... 1 30 420. Do. 1 40 317. Cigar-case, with cutter.1 48 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 207 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 338. Portfolio . 334. Do. 383. Tobacco-box 430. Porte-monnaie 460. Do. 404. Do. 448. Do. 121. German silver lucifer-box 341. Cigar-case . 345. Portfolio, with cigar-case 361. German silver portfolio 392. Portfolio, with steel clasp 356. German silver portfolio 559. Cigar-case .... 372. Do. ... 484. Do. ... 406. Tortoise-shell porte-monnaie 406. Do. do. 404. Do. do. 442. Porte-monnaie 398. Cigar-case. 379. German silver portfolio . 389. Portfolio and cigar-case . 396. Do. do. mounted 236. Dressing-case, with cigar-box 477. Steel porte-monnaie . 476. Do. do. 439. German silver do. 469. Steel do. 483. Do. do. 414. Dressing-case 270. Crochet-box 326. Portfolio 318. Cigar-case . 312. Do. 255. Dressing-case 428. Porte-monnaie 239. Spoon-case, with fittings 447. Porte-monnaie 415. Dressing-case . 271. Crochet-box . . 303. Italian cigar-case . 398. Do. 301. Do. 554. Do. 308. Do. 332. American do. 478. Do. do. 273. Crochet-box 465. Porte-monnaie 275. Crochet-box 272. Do. 274. Do. 15075/6^. Pocket-book 15061/3L Card-case . 15073/5. Pocket-book 24036/5. Japanned leather pocket-book 25030/5. Do. do. 16088/5^. Gold dust do. 16089/54. Skiver do. 188. Lady’s reticule 189. Do. 258. Do. companion 264. Do. do. 266. Do. do. 284. Do. do. 285. Do. do. 289. Do. reticule . 290. Do. do. fl. kr. 2 30 1 48 2 0 2 40 1 40 2 20 1 5 0 55 0 55 1 20 2 40 3 30 2 40 1 48 1 25 2 0 2 20 2 20 2 30 0 50 1 50 2 40 2 30 3 0 2 50 2 10 0 55 1 20 2 18 3 10 2 0 2 30 1 40 1 0 0 48 I 25 1 0 3 20 0 48 1 30 2 0 2 0 1 50 1 17 1 15 0 36 1 30 1 0 0 50 0 33 1 30 1 15 0 40 3 0 1 20 1 30 1 48 2 30 2 20 1 0 2 45 5 30 5 30 4 30 9 48 8 40 8 40 5 0 0 fl. kr. 377. STIASNY, WILHELM, Prague, Book¬ binder.'—25. III. d. Bill-case, gilt.30 0 Album, with view of Prague Castle and Cathedral, with gilt lock.50 0 Papeterie, in brown velvet, with gold strings 45 0 378. RENEL, A., Vienna, Fancy-ware Manu¬ facturer.—28. III. d. 630. Paper basket.30 0 520. Paper transparent light-screen ... 60 723. Letter-weight, with meerschaum dog . 6 0 696. Sacred tableau in meerschaum, on velvet. 36 0 662. Paper basket. . 50 0 6. Paper ornaments.2 0 379. JOHNE & THIELE, Vienna, Fancy-ware Manufacturers.—27. III. d. Articles in Velvet Covers. 81. Work-box.5 0 152. Do.14 0 613. Watch-stand, embroidered .... 1 48 451. Pin-cushion, embroidered, with bronze feet . 7 0 863. Dressing-case.2 48 2318. Do.5 30 1404. Lucifer-box.1 12 1530. Match-stand.3 0 1524. Wall-pocket.8 30 1528. Letter-weight.4 0 1535. Lucifer-box.3 0 1705. Pin-cushion.0 36 Articles in Brown Japanned Pasteboard. 2109. Cup.0 36 2107. Do.. . 0 48 2128. Do.0 56 2044. Do.1 12 2171. Basket.3 36 2165. Do.2 12 2195. Do.3 12 2332. Dressing-case (with fittings) . . . 12 0 2337. Do. do. ... 3 30 2327. Do. do. ... 2 30 2302. Do. do. ... 2 30 2338. Glove-box.2 0 2307. Cigar-case.4 0 2308. Do. .5 0 2151. Jewel-case.6 0 2303. Box.1 12 2304. Do.0 54 2306. Do. ..0 36 2502. Dressing-case.2 20 2507. Do. 2 48 2280. Looking-glass.10 2031. Watch-stand.0 40 2077. Do.1 12 2185. Do. .0 32 2404. Do.0 40 2405. Do. .1 30 2259. Pin-cushion.0 20 2268. Do.13 2275. Do.0 36 2277. Do.1 30 2278. Do.0 54 2281. Do.0 30 2286. Stand.0 48 2340. Box.1 12 208 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Articles in Pasteboard, bronzed green. 3017. Pin-cushion ....... 3090. Work-basket. fl. kr. 0 54 3 0 380. BERGER (C. H.), Vienna, Manu.—47.1. Gold and silver wafers . No. 6, per 1000 6 0 Wafers, with crowns 7, 150 0 30 Tin-foil wafers .... 10 , 1200 5 0 Wafers, with devices . U, 1000 2 30 Gold and silver wafers, with devices .... 12 , 1000 6 0 Wafers, with views . . . 14, 1000 2 30 Gold and silver wafers, with views. 15, 1000 6 0 Gelatine wafers .... 1000 6 0 Wafers. 100 0 25 Do. gold and silver . . 100 0 45 HARDTMUTH, L. and C., Budweis and per doz. per gross Vienna, Manu.—93. 1II.,A. A stand to display pencils. Lead pencils, extra fine, polished, per gross Do. do. round , t Do. middling & thin, polished ,, Do. do. ,, Do. extra fine, black Do. unpolished Do. extra thin polishec Do. deal Do. aspen . Do. alder Do. oak . . Do. for carpenters Leads in boxes . Drapers’ pencils Red lead pencils in aspen. Do. in cedar Do. polished Red leads in case Black chalk in aspen Do. in cedar Do. polished Black chalks in case Lead and red lead . White chalk in cedar Artificial slates . Do. large 66 0 8 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 0 45 4 0 8 0 1 0 1 12 2 0 4 0 per doz 382. GROHMANN, ADOLE, Schonlinde, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—60. I'll. c. 6/4 Black Jacquard stuff . . . per ell. 6/4 Do. do. 2J inch black Jacquard lace 3 „ do. 3j „ do. 4^ „ do. 5£ „ do. 6/4 Black petinet . . 6/4 White do. 6/4 White illusion Black Jacquard veil.each. Black petinet lace, No. 1 . per ell. Do. do. No. 2 White blonde lace, No. 1 Do. do. No. 2 Owing, to the price of raw silk, the prices this year are 10 to 15 per cent, dearer than formerly. 0 1 0 M No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 383. MEINL’S HEIRS, 62. III. c. A., Vienna, Per ell. Black silk cross-bar lace. Manu.— 1 fl. kr. . 4 6 2 . 2 52 3 . 2 38 4 . 1 30 5 . 1 22 6 . 1 18 7 . 0 52 8 . 0 50 9 . 0 44 10 . 0 33 11 . 0 33 12 . 0 32 Black wool lace. 3.5 . 1 38 36 . 1 8 37 . 1 4 38 . 0 41 39 . 0 36 40 . 0 36 Coloured ditto. 53 . 0 28 54 . 0 26 55 . 0 24 56 . 0 19 57 . 0 14 58 . 0 14 fl. kr. fl. kr. 13 0 30 24 0 20 14 0 30 25 0 20 15 0 30 26 0 17 16 m 0 30 27 0 16 17 m 0 28 28 0 15 18 m 0 27 29 0 15 19 9 0 23 30 0 15 20 0 22 31 0 13 21 0 21 32 0 13 22 # 0 20 33 0 12 23 • 0 20 34 0 12 41 0 34 47 0 20 42 0 32 48 0 17 43 # 0 27 49 0 11 44 # 0 30 50 0 10 45 # 0 23 51 0 10 46 0 21 52 » 0 9 59 0 14 65 0 10 60 # 0 131 66 l 0 9} 61 # 0 11 67 0 9 62 m 0 11 68 0 9 63 0 0 101 69 0 9 64 0 101 70 • 0 9 2 0 71. Pearl lace • 0 . . per piece 7 0 0 40 72. Tamboured lace . . per ell 0 57 12 0 73. Do. . . . . . . 4 0 28 2 0 Bobbin lace, per ell. 6 0 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 8 0 74 . 1 22 77 . 1 0 80 0 26 2 0 75 . 1 22 78' , 0 44 81 0 26 5 0 o 76 . 1 0 79 . 0 35 82 . 0 23 7 0 Bobbin thread Valenciennes lace, per piece. 2 0 83 . 2 31 88 . 7 28 93 # 9 8 1 32 84 . 4 20 89 . 7 30 94 # 10 48 12 0 85 . 5 18 90 . 7 34 95 13 20 1 5 86 . 5 18 91 . 8 38 96 13 28 8 0 87 . 5 46 92 . 8 40 97 • 13 40 Bobbin thread lace, per piece. 98 . 1 56 108 . 5 18 117 9 8 52 o 50 99 . 2 10 109 . 5 46 118 9 32 0 50 100 . 2 10 110 . 6 15 119 9 36 0 31 101 . 2 24 Ill . 6 44 120 # 10 34 0 °2 4 102 0 54 112 . 7 21 121 10 34 o 41 103 *. 3 22 113 . 7 22 122 12 30 o 54 104 . 3 40 114 . 8 39 123 13 26 o 7 105 . 3 50 115 . 8 39 124 . 14 o 30 106 . 4 ,0 116 . 8 40 125 . 15 0 30 107 . 5 2 0 24 126. Zephyr lace . . r . per ell 0 30 0 32 127. Do. • • • . • 5 ? 0 33 Bobbin thread gimp, per ell. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 128 . 0 7 133 . 0 15 138 . 0 16 129 . 0 n 134 . 0 15 139 . 0 16 130 . 0 10 135 . 0 15 140 . 0 16 131 . 0 10 136 . 0 16 141 . 0 16 132 . 0 n 137 . 0 16 142 . 0 17 209 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Embroidered linen cambric handkerchiefs, each. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 143 , . 30 0 149 . 13 36 154 . 9 0 144 , . 22 0 150 . 13 0 155 . 9 0 145 , . 22 0 151 . 12 30 156 . 9 0 146 , . 21 0 152 . 11 30 157 . 8 0 147 . 20 0 153 . 9 0 158 . 8 0 148 , . 18 0 159. Embroidered cotton ditto . . each 3 0 160. Embroidered dress 80 0 161. Do. pellerine . 8 0 162. Do. bayadere . 16 0 163. Do. do. . 26 30 164. Bobbin thread do. . . 42 0 165. Do. do. , . 43 0 166. Tambour blonde do. . . 18 30 167. Do. do. • . 12 0 Bobbin thread collars. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 168 . 0 48 172 . 1 6 176 . 2 10 169 . 0 48 173 . 1 6 177 . 2 36 170 . 10 174 . 1 18 178 . 3 0 171 . 1 0 175 . 1 18 179. Bobbin thread mits . # , per pair 1 18 180. Do. pellerine 18 0 181. Embroidered thread berthe 7 0 182. Bobbin do. 7 0 183. Do. do. 6 0 184. Do. blonde berthe 7 30 185. Do. do. 7 30 186. Zephyr barbe . , 1 36 187. Bobbin thread barbe 4 15 188. Do. do. 3 30 189. Au passe dress . . 18 0 190. Do. sous-chemisette 1 48 191. Embroidered modestie 2 24 192. Do. do. 1 57 193. Do. sous-chemisette 2 9 194. Do. do. 3 15 195. Do. do. 3 30 196. Do. do. 3 54 Embroidered collars. fl. kr. fl .kr. fl. ,kr. 197 . 0 38 201 . 1 4 205 . 1 55 198 . 0 48 202 . 1 24 206 . 2 0 199 . 0 52 203 . 1 30 207 . 2 3 200 . 0 54 204 . 1 48 208 . 2 36 209. Bobbin thread bayadere . . 9 # 92 0 210. Applique thread sleeve . # , 1 48 211. Do. visite . . . 13 0 212. Do. veil 3 54 213. Do. berthe . # 4 0 214. Bobbin thread do. ; 7 0 215. Tambour bayadere 6 30 216. Do. veil .... . 1 15 217. Do. do. # 9 1 45 218. Black do. m . 2 36 219. Applique black veil . . . . . 3 48 220. Do. do. . , 3 0 221. Do. do. 4 0 222. White tambour Brussels bayadere 0 6 0 223- Embroidered mits per pair 0 27 224. Do. do. 0 28 225. Do. ruffles . 1 6 226. Do. do. ... 2 9 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 384. ROLZ, JOSEPH, Graslitz, Bohemia, Manu. —61. III. c. 1. White silk bayadere.40 0 2. Fine embroidered linen cambric handkerchief 50 0 3. Fine embroidered cambric sous-chemisette 12 0 385. SCHLICK, FRANZ, Vienna, Manu. —63. III. c. Silk petinets and tulles. Per ell. 1650. Light black jacquard . 0 50 101. Do. do. , , 1 6 1638, 1636, 1491. Heavy black jacquard 0 30 983, 1598, 1587. Do. do. 1 0 1160, 1348, 1303. Do. do. 1 0 1664. Do. do. 1 20 1640. Black crochet. . # 0 45 1652,1654,1656,1658,1660,1662. Black double body . 1642, 1644. Black Mechlin 0 45 1666, 1669. Do. do. 1 30 1678, 6895. Do. do. 2 30 1646, 1810, 1648. Black lace . . 2 0 1735, 1966, 1826. Do. 2 0 1676, 10,191, 2. Do. 5 0 1674. Do. 5 0 942. Black jacquard . 3 20 946. Do. 3 50 947. Do. 3 40 1354, 1670. Black Mechlin. 5 30 1980—1984, 1988, 1993. Black lace 4 0 1682. Black Jour d’Angleterre . 5 0 1531. Do. thread . . 0 56 1672. Do. filigree . . 0 52 1321, 1395, 2627. Brown tulle perruque . 2 0 1458. Black merline . . 3 0 1591—1596, 1680. Thread knot . 3 15 Black jacquard lace. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr, 3| in. 0 4 1 5 * 0 7 1 8 • 0 13 4 „ 0 5 | 6 . 0 9 1 9 • 0 14 Black lace. . 0 5 4 . 0 13 6 . 0 20 2 . 0 6 4 i • 0 15 8 . 0 26 2b . 0 8 5 . 0 16 9 . 0 30 3 - . 0 10 5i . 0 18 16 . 0 48 3J . 0 12 Black double Mechlin lace. 3 . 0 10 1 4 • 0 13 1 5 * 0 16 31 . 0 12 1 H • 0 15 i 51 . 0 18 Black point lace. 2 .06 sb . 0 12 6 . 0 20 2i . 0 8 4 i • 0 15 9 . 0 30 3 . 0 10 . 0 18 Black lace. 5 . 0 16 9193 1 0 2091 2 48 6 . 0 20 8426 1 20 491 3 0 7 . 0 23 2538 1 20 1967 2 51 8 . 0 26 Black crochet lace. 1 . 0 16 I 3 . 0 30 1 4- . 0 36 2 . 0 24 | Black lace. 51 . 0 40 1 9 * 1 20 1 I 10 . 1 30 6 . 0 50 1 1 210 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ifo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Black single body veil . fl. kr. 0 36 Crochet do. 0 50 Do. do. 1 0 Coloured do. 1 0 Black Mechlin do. 1 20 Do. crochet < do. 2 24 Black double bodied bayadere • • • 2 0 Crochet do. • • • 3 0 Coloured do. • • • 3 30 Lace collar 2 0 Blue lace bayadere . 4 0 Coloured lace scarf . 6 0 Crochet scarf . 6 0 Double body kerchief 1 15 Single body do. . , 4 30 Crochet do. . , 9 0 Shawls, fl. kr. 911 . 12 0 981 . fl. 1; 15 :r. 0 315 . fl. kr. 24 0 ' 1019 . 12 0 1031 . 15 0 9 . 18 0 942 . 15 0 1011 . 15 0 13 . 15 0 Brussels lace. Per ell. 54. 626. 647. 649. 719. 760. 1137. 1277. 1422. 6314. . • . • • • 0 27 2001. White Tulle Illusion . 1 10 Entoilage. 1.0 0-4 1 2 . 0 11 r 3 . 0 If Brussels Entoilage. 1 . 0 11 j 2 . , 0 1| 1 3 . 0 2 380. BOSS!, JOSEPH, Vienna, Manu.—68. III. b. 1. Cashmere shawl, richly embroidered. 2. Do. embroidered a la mode. 3. Do. do. white. 4. Do. do. do. 5. Scarf, flowered. 6. Do. palms. 7. Do. garlands. 8. Do. 9. Do. palms. Long shawl, printed. Zephyr long shawl. Shawl, carre. Do. mousseline de laine. Do. cashmere. Zephyr scarf. Zephyr robe. Cashmere robe. Robe of pure Turkish wool. Do. do. with u fleurs naturels.” Do. do. “ genre mode.” 887. LAPORTA, R. F., Vienna, Manu.—58. III. c. 716. Black velvet shawl, with blue em¬ broidery .90 0 717. "White cashmere shawl, with varie- ■ gated embroidery. 80 0 s 718. Black do. do. 45 0 j 719. White do. do. 80 0 J 720. Do. do. with white I embroidery. 75 0 | 721. Blue satin mantilla, embroidered . 52 0 | 722. Green cashmere mantilla do. . 36 0 [ 723. Drab cashmere mantilla, embroidered 36 0 I 724. Green velvet mantilla do. . 65 0 j 725. Red cashmere scarf, with variegated * embroidery ....... 28 0 Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 726. Black cashmere scarf, with grey em¬ broidery .30 0 727. Green do. gaily embroidered 28 0 728. 16/4 Long shawl, richly embroidered 729. 9/4 Black shawl, embroidered . . . 225 0 730. Brown cashmere embroidered mantilla 40 0 731. Green do. do. . 35 0 732. White do. do. . 35 0 388. BAXJHOFER, FRANZ, Embroiderer, Vi¬ enna.—59. III. c. The arms of England embroidered in gold, silver, and silk.115 0 389. BENKOWITS, MARIE, Vienna, Embroi- deress.—11. IV. 1. Embroidery with crape-thread on white Gros-de-Naples, in a gilt frame, 27 inches high by 20J wide, glazed. Subject—“ Be¬ nevolence” . 450 0 . Embroidery in wool and silk on white Gros-de-Naples, in a gilt frame, glazed. Subject—“ The grave of the fallen war¬ riors of the 10th battalion of Jagers” , 100 0 390. FUSINATA, MARIA, Belluno. An embroidered carpet. 390a. SCHREIER, SUSANNA, Vienna, Specimens of knitting:—• 2 pair of gaiters. 1 pair of shoes. A bodice. 391. KRACH, BROTHERS, Prague.—85. III. b. Dress-coat of silk (exhibited as specimen of workmanship). 200 0 Double-coat, wool and Angola (exhibited for novelty of material).45 0 Coat (exhibited for its cheapness) ... 2 30 Coat (as specimen of material) .... 35 0 892. SINGER, JOSEPH, Pesth, Hungary, Tailor. —86. III. b. Elastic dress-coat, to fit any shape . . . 150 0 393. BUDINSKY, ANTON, Reichenberg, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—83. III. b. s. 1. Men’s vests.each 4 2 2. Trowsers.„ 5 0 3. Women’s bodices.„ 6 8. 4. Children’s vests.„ 3 8. 5. Children’s jackets ....... 20. 6. Bodice.14 7. Cap.2 6 8. Woollen cap.0 8 9. Child’s hood.0 8 10. Do. large.0 10 11. Pair of child’s worsted shoes .... 04 12. Ditto, with socks.0 6^ 394. MALATINSZKY, EMERICH, Miskoltz, Hungary, Manu..—87. III. b. Hungarian cloak, called Sziir . . . . £10 0 0 Ditto .. 24 0 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 211 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. N ame & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 395. RIGO, S„ & KRAETSCHMAR, RimaSzom- bath, Hungary, Manu.—17. III. b. la. Extra fine black cloth Cuba (cloak) . 16 0 1&. Fine black cloth do. . . 11 0 2. Fine grey cloth do. . 7 0 3. Fine black cloth do. . 6 30 4. Do. do. . do. . 6 0 5. Ordinary black cloth do. . 2 43 6. Do. do. do. . 2 24 7. Shooting jacket . .10 0 8. A long-haired guba.28 0 395a. NESSEL, C., Oedenburg, Hungary, Tailor. A coat and waistcoat. 393. OSTREICHER, D., Pesth and Mayk, Hun¬ gary, Manu.—15. III. b. 3*. o. U. White guba (cloak).2 0 0 Grey do.200 White ^ “ Hallina” cloth . . per ell 0 2 2 Grey § do. ... „ 040 Rug.0 16 0 397. SCHRAMM, S., Hermannstadt, Transylva¬ nia, Manu.—16. III. b. 6. fl. kr. g Romanian veil, 2 ells in length . . 1 0 Do. do. 2^ do. 1 15 Do. do. 3£ do. . . 1 0 Do. do. 3 do. . . 0 45 Do. do. 2£ do. 0 30 398. HERMANNSTADT TRADE UNION, Hermannstadt.—16. III. n. 7. Manufactured by Wallachian peasants:— White “Szelistjer” rug. Do. do. . A “ Szarika” Wallachian national dress . 7 0 6 0 7 0 399. SEITTER, ANTONIA, Briinn, Moravia, Manu.—84. ill. b. 401. EG<$ER, GUSTAV COUNT VON, Knap- pen berg, Carinthia.—12. III. a. Specimens of Iron Ores from Knappenberg Mines. 1-7. Efflorescent pearl-spar (sparry iron ore) from Fleischenstoll 8. Heavy-spar (sulphate of baryta) from Andreaskreuz 9-12. Efflorescent pearl-spar from Friedenbau 13-17. Do. do. from Andreaskreuz 18-20. Do. do. from Magarethenbau 21. Crystallized sparry ore from Ferdinandi- stoll 22. Fibrous sparry iron ore (hematite) from Andreaskreuz 23. Calccdony with dendrites, on brown iron ore, from Andreaskreuz 24. Pearl-spar, with rock crystal, from An¬ dreaskreuz 25. Crystallized calcareous spar on brown iron ore, from Ferdinandistoll 26. Crystallized sparry ore from Andreas¬ kreuz 402. ECGER, GUSTAV COUNT VON,Klagen- furth, Carinthia.— 12. III. a. From Iron Works at Treibach. Cold-blast pig-iron from white metal Do. grey floss. Do. white floss. From Oberfellach Foundry. Cast-steel in 34 bars, square, fiat, and round —No. I. very hard; II. hard; III. soft; IV. very soft. 3 bars of cast die-steel, No. Ill. Levant Nail, 70. Do. 3. Do. 2. Do. \\ . Do. ordinary. Scrap iron. Tondinelli. From Altendorf near Feldkirchen. Brescian steel bars. Die-steel bars. Cast-steel bars. Orienta Nisam, No. 3 Do. 4 Do. 5 Caps Do. 6 Do. 7 Do. 8 Megidic . Servian, No. 7 Do. Polish, No. 2, scarlet Do. red per doz. >5 55 55 55 fJ 55 55 EADMEISTER COMMUNITY, i. e. The Guild of Iron Masters, Vordermberg, Styria.— 8. III. a. Soft pig iron.por 1000 lbs. Brown spar. Gangue stone. Slag. Bar-iron, prepared for blistered steel, per 100 lbs. 403. R AITS CHER COMPANY, St. Veith, Carin- 16 o thia, from Mines at Heft and M asinz, 14 0 (Mosinitz).—11. III. A. 12 0 Iron ore, taken from 80 fathoms deep. 11 0 Do. do. 105 do. 10 0 Do. do. 120 do. 9 0 Do. do. 150 do. 12 0 White floss . . 10 0 Fined floss 10 0 Sheet-iron 4 45 Heavy spar. 404. CHRISTALNIGG, COUNT CARL VON, Mining Company, Eberstein, Carinthia.— 10. III. A. 30 0 8 0 1. Brown iron stone (hematite). 2. Do. (compact). 3. Brown spar (spathose iron). 4. Do. (compact carbonate). 5, 6. Heavy spar. 7. White pig iron for making steel. 8. Fined pig iron for puddling. 9. Grey pig iron for casting. 212 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 405. ZOIS’ WIDOW, GAEL, Laibach, Carniola. —17. III. A. Iron Ores and Raw Iron. fl. kr. per 1000 lbs. Cut steel, No. 00 128 0 Do. Y.110 0 Kolled saw steel, No. IIII.110 0 Unhardened cut steel, No. 1.118 0 Finest bar iron.106 0 406. KOSSUCH, JOHANN, Szinobanya, Hungary. Agent, F. Vogel, Vienna.— 9. III. a. 1. Ankerit iron ore. 2. Ditto, partly oxidized. 3. Ditto, roasted. 4. Ditto, oxidized. 5. Ditto, do. 6; Pigeon, frcm^ditto. . . • | per cwt . 3 36 407. IMPERIAL SMELTING WORKS, Jen- bach and Pillersee, Tyrol.—14*. III. A. Refined steel from Jenbach, per cw 7 t.:— fl. kr. 1. I. No. 0 . . 22 0 10. III. No. 3 2. I. 3 . . 21 0 11. III. 6 3*. I. 6 . . 20 0 12. III. 9 4. I. 9 . . 19 0 13. IV. 0 5. II. 0 . . 27 0 14. IV. 3 6. II. 3 . . 26 0 15. IV. 6 7. II. 6 . . 25 0 16. IV. 9 8. II. 9 . . 24 0 17. III. 7 9. III. 0 . . 30 0 18. IV. 7 19. Spring steel, No. 7. 20. Do. No. 9. 21. Cast steel (weldable), No. 1 . 22. Do. No. 3. 23. Do. sweated, 9 and 4 times No. 1 24. Do. do. No. 2. 25. Cast steel for scythes. 26. Sparry ore from Pillersee. 27. Do. do. 28. Grey pig iron, hot-blown. 29. Specular do. do. 30. White do. do. 31. Hard wrought iron, worked by large hammer. 32. Do. do. do. 33. Rough steel. 34. Do. 35. Bar iron. 57. Coopers’ iron from Neuberg . 58. Grating iron from ditto. 64. Spring iron from ditto. 67. Steel tires. fl. kr. 29 0 28 0 27 0 33 0 32 0 31 0 30 0 28 0 31 0 17 30 17 0 30 0 28 0 30 0 29 0 26 0 11 38 11 38 8 58 11 36 11 24 10 0 19 54 408. DEPOT FOR PRODUCTS FROM IM¬ PERIAL MINES, Vienna— 14. III. a. 1. Cast steel of w-eldable iron ores with 2 in □ 27 0 2. Do. harder 3. Do. softer 4. Do. do. 5. Do. harder 6. Do. softer 7. Do. do. 8. Do. harder 9. Do. do. 10. Do. softer 11. Do. do. do. If ?5 27 0 do. If 27 0 do. If 27 0 do. H 27 0 do. 27 0 do. i 27 0 do. l 3 J 27 0 do. 3 4 33 28 0 do. 4 33 28 0 do. i 1 53 30 15 12. Slags of iron ores. 13. Floss do. 14. Sparry iron ore. 15. Do. calcareous. 16. Do. changing to brown spar. 17. Do. usually called blue ore. 18. Chisel-steel, from Weyer .... 19. Raw steel. 20. Polished shear-steel. 21. Common do. . Mill-steel, from Weyer fl. kr. 18 42 11 12 20 42 18 42 Single welded. fl. kr. Thrice welded. 22. No. 2 . . 19 42 36. No. 17 . . 29 42 23. 4 21 42 37. 18 . . 30 42 24. 5 21 42 38. 19 . . 31 42 25. 6 22 42 39. 20 . . 32 42 26. 7 . . 22 42 40. 21 . . 33 42 27. 8 23 42 41. 22 . . 34 42 28. 9 23 42 42. 23 . . 35 42 Double welded. Four times welded. 29. No. 10 . . 24 42 43. No. 24 . . 36 42 30. 11 . . 25 42 44. 25 . . 37 42 31. 12 . . 25 42 45. 26 . . 38 42 32. 13 . . 26 42 46. 27 . . 39 42 33. 14 . . 26 42 47. 28 . . 40 42 34. 15 . . 27 42 48. 29 . . 41 42 35. 16 . . 28 42 49. 30 . . 42 42 50. Die steel . . 40 42 51. Brescian triple-hardened steel . . . 23 12 52. Hoop iron, from Neuberg.9 42 53. Hoop iron for naves.11 54 54. Tram-road iron.11 54 55. Hoop iron for wheels.9 42 56. Wall-nail iron.11 54 ] 57. Coopers’ iron.12 36 58. Railiron.1124 59. Do.12 36 60. Tram-road iron.11 54 . 61. Coopers’ iron, from Neuberg . . . . 10 16 62 Do. do. .11 24 ! 63. Matrix iron.1012 64. Spring-iron.10 0 65. Tack iron. 10 24 i 66. Do.10 42 67. Steel tires. 19 54 I 68. Angle iron.13 6 1 69. Rails for railroads from hand-refined iron 15 0 70. Do. do. do. . 15 0 71. Hand-refined iron, ’welded in blast fur¬ nace (soft).12 43 72. Do. do. (hard) . . 12 43 73. Do. do. (middling) . 12 43 ‘ 74. Puddling-iron repeatedly doubled . 12 0 75. Do. doubled.10 0 76. Hand-refined iron w T elded in blast furnace 77. Railroad rail from puddling iron . 78. A sheet from ditto. 79. Pig iron. 80. Sparry ore from Mariazell. 81. Cast iron, hot-blow'n ...... 82. Do. cold-blown. 83. Do. smelted in furnace .... 84. Specimen of hard iron from Mariazell pig iron. 85. Specimen of soft ditto. 86. Specimen of hard ditto. 87. Specimen of smith iron stretched under the hammer. 12 43 9 30 19 0 3 30 ** V 5 0 14 17 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 54 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 213 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 409. EGGER, FERDINAND COUNT YON, Lippitzbach, Carinthia.—36. III. A. Puddled Iron.per cwt. Hoop Iron from ditto, No. 00 . . „ Ditto No. 0 . ,, Ditto No. 1 to 11 „ Ditto No. 12 . . „ Ditto, from wrought iron, 13 to 20 „ Square iron, No. 1 from puddled iron ,, Ditto No. 11 ditto „ Rod iron No. 1 ditto „ Ditto No. 17 ditto ,, 410. 411. 112 . fl. kr. 4 48 11 30 10 30 10 0 10 20 10 20 8 50 7 54 10 30 8 20 Rolled saw-steel, for hand-saws . 14 40 Ditto for machine-saws 14 40 Hard plate iron for cementation, If wide. 8 30 Ditto, ditto, 2 wide . . 8 30 EGGER, FERDINAND COUNT YON, Treibach, Carinthia.—36. III. a.* Brescian, or fused steel, No. 00 . per cwt. 13 12 Do. do. 0 . J J 12 48 Do. do. 1 . 12 12 Do. do. 2 . 11 36 Accialon rose-steel . . 5? 12 0 Scythe-steel. 10 0 Axe-steel (called fir-steel) . . 11 36 Statuary-steel . 12 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 12 0 TOPPER, ANDREAS, Scheibbs, near Waidhofen on the Ybbs, Lower Austria. —30. III. a. Sheet Iron. Ship-sheeting, No. 1 .... per cwt. Channelled-sheeting, No. 2 „ Tender-sheeting, N o. 3 and 4 . „ Roofing, No. 5. „ Pipe, No. 9. „ Common, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 10, 11,12 . „ Bar of ship and 4 bars of ordinary hoop-iron Furnace irons, Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17 per cwt. Welded Gas Pipes. 1£ inch, No. 18, measuring 12'7 . per foot 1 19 15-8 . „ 3/4 20 16-5 . 3/8 21 15-4 . „ Welded Manometer Pipes. 1 3/4 inch, No. 22, measuring 13 11 per foot 2/3 23 15-10 „ 1/3 24 16- „ Welded covered manometer pipe, No. 25, measuring 14T0.per foot FURSTENBERG, PRINCE,. Althutten, Neuhutten, Rostolc and Neujoachimsthal, Bohemia.—19. III. a. Castings from Neujoachimsthal. A colossal “ Christ on the Cross” . . . 210 30 A stove, with stand, No. 16 . . . . . 35 32 Do. do. No. 15 . 24 34 Do. No. 14 .23 16 Do. No. 3 . 26 40 Do. No. 2 . 23 24 Gothic monument, No. 58 . 352 0 A monument, No. 23 . 66 20 Bedstead . 36 40 Balcony . 56 40 Ornament 24 21 0 34 0 19 0 16 0 11 0 50 0 30 0 20 0 36 fl. kr. Chain .6 0 Round do.6 34 Specimens of Slag and Raw Iron. Iron Ores. From Neuhutten. Forged spindle, 18 8 by 5 . 342 7 Screw-vice. 23 27 Screw-spindle with brass matrix .... 186 24 Glass polishing-disk of turned cast-iron . . 2 2 A common ploughshare.1 30 A Carinthian do.1 18 From Althutten. A rolled round spindle, 4 thick . . . . 41 51 Iron rule, angular.41 48 Iron-plate table, 6-6 by 3‘2 by 5 . . . . 65 34 Do. Bottom, 41 by 6 33 21 From Rostok. —I. Forge Iron. Bar horse-shoe, No. 5 \ Nail-rod, No. 2 Locksmith’s iron, No. 6 > common iron 8 16 Do. No. 7 Grate or lattice iron, No. 6 J Carriage hoop, light.8 40 Calash hoop.9 28 Iron for carriage-springs.9 28 Waggon-hoop, heavy, 4 broad .... 9 28 Do. do. 6 .... 13 20 Spindle, 3 □ by 12 in length.15 0 II. Hammered Iron. Iron for cask-hoops, No. 2.9 28 Do. do. No. 10.9 28 Do. for tubs, pails, &c., No. 7 .... 10 0 Iron for lattice.10 0 413. METTERNICH, PRINCE, Plas, Bohemia. —21. III. A. Stove decorated with hunting subjects . . 150 0 414. BOUQUOI, COUNT, Kallich Foundry, Bo¬ hemia.—27. III. a. 1. Hoop-iron, 1/6.3 0 2. Do. 3/4.2 45 3. to 6. Do. 1, 1 1/6, 2 1/8, and 3 ... 240 7. to 11. Lattice-iron, 2, 3fl. 20kr.; 3, 2fl. 40kr. ; 3/8, 2fl. 20kr.; 1/6, 2fl. 20kr. ; 5/8 2 10 12. and 13. Do. 1$, 2fl. 48 r ^kr. ; 2 . . . . 2 10 14. to 21. Rod-iron, 2, 3fl. 20kr.; 3, 2fl. 50kr. ; 9, 2fl. 40kr. ; 5, 2fl. 35kr. ; 3/4, 2fl. 25kr.; 1, 2fl. 132kr.; 2, llfl. 24fkr.; 3 . . . . 31 40^ 22. Forge-iron.2 40 23. Beaten iron-plate .5 2| 24. Do. black sangler. 0 38| 25. Do. W F.0 44 26. Do. D.W.F.1 30f 27. Do. W. Sangler. 0 40-j 28. Do. Sheet iron, 14 □.1 38| 415. ANDRASSY, COUNT GEORG, Derno, Hungary.—23. III. A. 1. No. 8, Carriage-hoop stretched by char- coal-gas loops.8 24 2. No. 40, Nave-ferrules do. 12 0 3. No. 40, Lattice do. 12 0 4. No. 8, Carriage-hoop, stretched by wood- gas loops.8 24 5. No. 40, Nave ferules do. 12 0 6. No. 40, Lattice 12 0 S 2 1 4 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 413. GURX CHAPTER’S FOUNDRY, St. Mag¬ dalena, Carinthia. — 18. III. A. Brescian Steel. fl. kr. No. 00 per 1000lbs. 142 0 O ,, 137 0 1 „ 132 0 2 „ 124 0 Accialon steel, with roses . Do. without roses Fine file-steel 2/8 □ . Do. 3/8 □ . Do. 4/8 □ . Fine flat file-steel Common do. . fl. kr. No. 3 per 1000 lbs. 118 0 4 „ 116 0 5 „ 114 0 . . per 1000 lbs. 120 0 „ 118 O „ 123 O „ 124 0 „ 120 0 „ 118 0 „ 116 0 Mill-Steel. fl. kr. fl. 3/4 □ per 10001bs.ll2 0 I 6/4 □ per 1000 lbs. 106 4/4 □ „ 103 0 J Saw-Steel. fl. kr. fl. No. I. per 10001bs.l06 0 I No. III. per 10001b. 112 No. II.* „ 109 0 | No. IV. „ 116 Scythe-steel.. . „ 106 417. SCHWARZENBERG,PRINCE, Murau, Up¬ per Styria.—13. III. A. A.— Paal Steel. Long die steel, 7—8 □ thick, hardened per 100 lbs. 30 Short do. . „ 20 Lancet steel ...... „ 15 Do. . „ Razor steel . „ 13 30 12 30 B .—Brescian or Carinthian Steel. Raw Steel. First sort, 12—18 □ thick, hardened . Do. do. do. unhardened, in Second sort Do. do. do. do. do. buschen hardened . unhardened, in buschen an steel No. 00 2 —3 long 3 □ thick 13 36 Do. 0 9? Si 9* 13 24 Do. 1 59 4 59 13 0 Do. 2 59 yy 12 30 Do. 3 55 5 yy 12 0 Do. 4 59 11 30 Do. first sort. flat 1 by 5, hardened 11 0 Do. second sort . 40 File-steel, flat, 1 by unhardened . . . 12 30 Do. 5 □ thick, unhardened . . . 13 0 Fir-steel, 1 by f □ (for hatchets),unhardened 10 20 C.— Styrian Paw Steel and Hard Iron. Steel, first sort, 12—18 □ thick, hardened . 10 40 Do. second sort.9 20 Do. third sort.9 0 Break-iron (hard iron), first sort, hardened onty at the break.8 20 Saw-brand (hard iron), second sort ... 80 Spring-iron, very hard, 6 long 2 broad £ thick 10 0 Hoop-iron do. 6£ 2£ £ 9 40 NO. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. D .—Refined Steel. First sort, sword steel, unhardened, of fl. kr. va¬ rious dimensions. 20 0 Second sort, axe-steel, unhardened ... 18 0 E .—Soft Iron for blistered Steel. In bars.8 0 418. PFEIFER, JOSEF, Spitzenbach, Post Alten- markt on the Enns, Upper Styria.—15. III. A. Shear-steel Tack-smith steel . Scythe-steel, No. 0 . Brescian 00 . Mill-steel 2 . Do. 4 h . per 100 lbs. 18 0 16 0 11 30 16 0 18 O 19 0 419. THURNSCHELZ, COUNT GEORG, Kla- genfurt, Carinthia.—16. III. a. Divided steel for nails.10 48 Nails.9 36 420. FISCHER, ANTON, St. Egidi, near Lilien- feld, Austria.—35. III. a . Ores from Lower Alps Pig-iron from ditto Raw steel (called mock steel).5 47 Wire-iron Rough iron, produced by puddling . . . 8 51 Rolled flat fine iron (called Ramleer-iron) Do. square fine iron (called lattice-iron) 46 0 Rolled fine iron (called pattern-rolled) . . 15 28 Polished steel in flat bars Polished spring steel.51 50 Polished steel in angular bars Polished spring-steel do.. . 55 26 Files, various sizes, on 8 cards . . . . 157 39 Do. do. on 5 cards .... 79 40 Large files, , on 1 card .... Coarse iron wire. No. 40 to 34 . . 91 55 10 40 Do. do. 33 to 27 . . . 66 16 Do. do. 26 to 19 . . . 57 45 10 20 Middle do. 18 to 10 . . . 60 36 9 20 Fine do. 9 to 1 . . . 47 52 Finest do. 0/0 to 12/0 . .. . 39 39 9 20 Weaver’s comb-wire, 2j, 2J, 3, 4, 8 . . 29 28 421. FISCHER, BERTH, Traisen, Lower Aus¬ tria, Manu.—65. III. a. Articles in Cast Steel. fl. kr. 7. Spindle-beds . 10 26 Wool-spindle 12. Water-spindles 8 6 Mule jenny . Large wool-spindle 0 27 Silk-spindle . . Conical spindle . 0 26 Reeling spindle , Spindle . . . 0 21 Articles in malleable Cast-Iron. Eccentric for selfactors. Fragment to show the grain when hardened. Keys per lb, from 26kr. to lfl. lOkr. Parts of guns, swords, coffee-mills, wind¬ lasses and scissors ; average price per lb. 2 Keys completely twisted, to show the tenacity of the metal A 2^ times twisted dp. Fragment to show.the grain wh,en soft 4 0 0 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 215 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. b amo & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fi. kr. 422. LINDIIEIM, H. D., Josephihutte, near Plan, Bohemia.—28. III. a. Hoop-iron, 5/8, 7/8, or 1 ...*.. 10 20 I)o. 1^, or li.10 0 Bod-iron, 1/4, or 1/2.* . 10 0 Bar-iron, 1/4, or 3/8.10 0 Ho. 1/2.9 30 423. WOLLERSDORF TIN-PLATE WORKS, Wpllersdorf, hear Vienna. — 31. III. a. Tinned plate.40 0 Soft do.42 0 Fine rolled do.45 0 Double sized do. 41 0 Moulds. 424. KLEIST, BARON VON, Neudeclc, Bohemia. 29. III. a. Gutter-pipe, 20/24 .. 49 0 Do. 18/24 . 44 0 Do. 15/24 . 35 0 Do. 12/24 . 28 0 Do. (English form) 10/14 . . . 35 30 Fine Sengler sheet-iron (called Sengler’s iron post-paper).30 0 425. EGGER, FERDINAND, COUNT VON, Feistritz, near Hollenberg, Carinthia.— 36. III. a. From Feistritz Manufactory. Extra fine music wire. per cwt. 44 30 Fine do. 77 41 30 Middling fine do. 77 38 30 Common do. 35 30 Wreath wire . 77 33 0 Currycomb wire . . 77 30 30 Bed-spring wire . . 57 28 30 fl. kr. fl. kr. 0 . . . 27 0 6. . 19 30 12, » • • 16 20 1 , . . . 25 40 7. . # 18 40 13, 16 0 2, . . . 24 20 8. . # 18 0 14, 15 40 3, . . . 23 0 9. . 17 30 15, 15 20 4, . . . 21 40 10. . 17 0 16, * • • 15 0 5, . . . 20 30 11. . 16 40 Pit-rope w T ire, No. 9, length, , 2520 feet per cwt. 19 30 Do. 15, 77 660 : feet 17 20 Spring-wire, N o. 16, 16 30 Do. 17, 15 30 Middling fine wire, No ’. 17. ) 13 0 Do. 18, 12 30 Do. 19, 12 12 Do. 20, 11 48 Ordinary wire,! No. 21, 11 12 Do. 22-24, . 11 0 Do. 25-30, . 10 50 Six Strand Wire-Hopes. fl. kr. lbs. Unvarnished. Varnished. 14. 121 thick, to carry20,000 2 45 2 50 8. 7 57 77 10,000 1 20 1 24 10. 8 57 77 12,500 1 30 1 34 12. 10 15,000 2 0 2 5 14. 12 thick, , to carro 20,000 2 30 2 35 16. 14 57 55. 26,000 2 54 2 59 18. 16 30,000 3 15 3 20 427. EBERSTABLER & SCHINDLER, Stadt L Steyr, Manu.— Iron wire, No - 1 . . 0 ST. per cwt. , 29 36 2. Do. 1 32 48 3. Do. 2 55 ’ 36 0 4. Do. 3 3.) 12 5. Music-wdre 4 42 0 6. Do. 5 46 0 7. Do. 6 55 56 O 8. Do. 7 72 0 9. . Do. 8 88 0 10. Do. 9 104 0 11. Do. 10 55 120 0 12. , 12 0 13. Do. . , 4 0 14. Do. . . 4 0 428. HUBER, FRANZ, Josephsthal, Bohemia. —38. III. a. Fine music-wire . . No. 5 per 100 lbo. 46 0 Ordinary do. 4 55 40 0 Wreath-wire 3 77 38 0 Fine currycomb-wire . 2 77 36 O Bed-spring-wire 0 55 t 32 0 Fine sling-wire. 1 57 28 0 Ordinary do. 2 75 26 0 Ardee wire .... 3 55 77 25 36 Bella wire .... 4 24 24 Fine needle-wdre . 5 23 36 Middling do. K 1 "2 77 22 48 Largest do. 6 55 22 24 Knitting do. 7 75 22 0 Middling do. 8 55 21 12 Largest do. 9 75 20 24 Lamp-wire .... 10 77 20 0 Middling do. . 11 57 [19 36 Largest do. . 12 19 12 Fine common wire 13 77 18 24 Middling do. 14 57 18 0 Largest do. 15 17 12 Fine girdlers’ wire 16 55 16 24 Middling do. 17 57 16 0 Largest do. 18 57 15 36 Fine kettle-wire 19 55 15 12 Strafettino .... 1 77 12 24 Do. 5 55 12 24 Do. 10 57 12 24 St. 426. FISCHER, ANTON, & WURM, near Lilienfeld, Lower Austria.—39. III. a. Egidi, Three Strand Wire-Ropes. lbs. Unvarnished. 429. Varnished. SCHEDL, CARL, Vienna, Wasserlug and Frauenthal, near Lilienfeld, Manu.—37. III. a. Iron Wire, per cwt. I. 1. thick, to carry 1,000 0 12 0 15 2. 0 1. . 27 0 3. 3 77 77 1,500 0 24 0 27 3. 0 2. . 29 0 5. 3% 77 77 2,100 0 27 0 30 4. . 35 0 3. . 31 0 6. 4 77 77 3,200 0 30 0 34 5. . 37 0 4.* . 33 0 8. 4j 77 77 4,000 0 42 0 45 6. . 48 0 5. . 35 0 10. 4* 77 5,000 0 54 0 58 7. . 44 0 6. . 38 0 12. 6 77 77 7,000 1 12 1 16 8. . 48 0 7. . 42 0 14. 7 77 77 9,000 1 15 1 19 9. . 55 0 8. . 46 0 16. 8 77 77 12,000 1 24 1 29 Middle . . . 25 0 9. . 53 0 12. 8 57 57 15,000 1 4f 1 50 10. . 58 0 II. 216 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. III. fl. kr. fl. kr. 2. .24 0 17. .... 12 40 3. 0 18. .... 12 40 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. .21 .20 0' 0 0 0 0 2. 4. 5. Burnt. .... 24 .... 22 . . . .21 0 0 0 9. .17 0 Spring-wire. 10. 11. Ordinary. ..... 16 0 40 15. 16. 17. .... 16 .... 15 .... 15 0 0 0 12. 0 Strafettino. 13. 14. .14 .14 20 0 25. . . . .11 40 15. 20 25 lbs. Cylindrical. 16. 0 .... 11 0 430. SALM, Prince, Blansko, Moravia. — 20. III. A. Bronzed cast-iron lanlp post, from a design by B. di Bernardis. 1500 0 Bronzed statue of Field-Marshal Count Ra- detzky oil pedestal. 880 0 Four statues of heroes celebrated in the Niebelungen-Lied, modelled by Fernkorn. 431. ARCHDUCAL PRODUCT-DEPOT, Vi¬ enna. From Archduke Aebrecht’s Ena¬ melled Iron Foundry at Trzinietz, near Teschen, Silesia.—24. III. a. Enamelled pots 1. 2. 3. 4. 12 k. 14 k. 21k. 27 k. 35 k. 1 48 Ditto stewpansi 1. 2. 3. 4. with handles] 17k. 24k. 27 k. 35k. . 1 43 432. BARTELMUS & BERNHARDT, Neu-Joa- chimsthal, Bohemia.—25. III. a. Iron enamelled pots of various sizes, for hot-air stoves, viz. :— fl. k. fl. k. fl. k. a . 0 11 2 . 0 32 7 1 37 § . 0 12 2§ . 0 39 9 2 5 I . 0 14 3 . 0 46 11 # 2 33 f . 0 17 3 h . 0 53 12 2 51 1 . 0 20 4 . 0 58 14 m 3 10 H . 0 22 5 . 1 8 25 9 5 57 . 0 25 6 . 1 21 Enamelled bellied potsfor common hearths. fl. k. fl. k. fl. k. 2 . 0 13 2 . 0 32 4 # 0 58 3 4 . 0 17 ^2 . 0 39 5 # 1 8 1 . 0 20 3 . 0 46 9 2 5 lh . 0 25 Swiss pots, fitting into each other. 1 . 35 k. 1 4 .51k. | 8 . lfl. 35 k. Tyrolese caldrons. 1| . 28 k. 1 2 . 39 k. Stew-pans, with handles. fl. k. fl. k. fl. k. 1 2 . 0 15 2 . 0 32 8 1 56 3 4 . 0 20 91 "2 . 0 39 9 2 5 1 . 0 22 4 . 0 58 18 # 4 12 H . 0 25 6 . 1 21 25 5 57 1 a . 0 28 Deep stew-pans, with handle. 15 k. . 20 25 k. 32 Middle depth stew-pans. 3 4 ' . 20 k. 2 , 32 k. fl. k. 1 . 22 3 . 46 5,18 n . 25 4 . 58 10 . 2 14 Flat stew-pans. i . . . 15 k. 3 . . . 0 58 k. i . . . 25 4 . . . 1 fl. 8k. 2 ... 32 Deep skillets, with feet. 4 . . . Ilk. 1 1 • . . 20 k. k . . . 15 | n . . . 25 Flat skillets. No. 2, with feet . . . 22 k. No. 3, without feet . . . 31 Brassieres (stew-pans for braising). 2b ... 39 k. fl. k. 2c • • • 46 4 . ..13 2d • . 42 5 b . . . 1 17 3 • ; • 56 5 a . . . 1 32 Flat dishes. 2 . , 32 k. | 3 41 k. [ 4 . 57 k. Ham saucepans, with covers. 6i . . lfl. 52 k. 1 9i . . 2 fl. 27 k. Milk bowls. 2k . . 39 k. I 51 . . lfl. 24k. Pans. With 7 holes. 38 k. with 9 holes, 56 k.; ■with 10 holes, 53 k. Manger for horses . Spittoon . Tobacco-box . 2 34 2 31 433. PLEISCHL, ADOLF, Vienna.—32. III. a. Enamelled Iron Plate Ware. Boiler..90 0 Enamelled pots, various sizes, for hot plates, viz.:— fl. k. fl. k. fl. k. 0 24 H . 0 44 3 . 1 36 0 28 . 0 50 4 . 1 54 0 32 0 35 14 . 0 58 5 . 2 12 Ditto, with hoops, f, 35k. Enamelled stewpans. Deep fl. k. fl. k. . 0 24 Deep H . 0 54 . 0 35 2i . 1 16 . 0 40 5? 4 5 . 2 12 28 k.—H, 52 k.- -If, 1 fl. 10 k. Deep, with handle, j, 28 k. Shallow, ditto . 1,58 k. Enamelled pots for common fires. 2 . „ 1 fl. 20 k. 8 . . 3 fl. 54 k. Enamelled boat, 3£. Apothecary’s pans.2 24 2 16 Four-cornered brassiere, No. 4 3 6 Flat plafond cups, 6.0 30 Egg-cups, 5.0 24 Elastic stove-cup, §.. , Q 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 217 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 434. fl. -k. KITSCH ELT, A., Vienna, Manuf. — 22. III. a. b. Zinc articles. Table. 350 0 Vase in metal, with pedestal, from a design by F. Stache. 450 0 A cross, with 2 lights, in metal, from design of F. Stache.40 0 Flower vase in bronze, in one piece, without joining.60 Toilette-table, from design by B. diBernardis 600 Fauteuil to match ,, „ „ .170 Foot-stool to match „ „ „ . 30 Table ... „ „ „ .40 Chair ... „ „ „ .30 435. EGGER, JOHANN BAPTIST, Villach, Carinthia, Manuf.—7. III. a. Roll of pressed leaden pipe, 1800 feet long, in one piece, weighing 983 lbs.—on stand, per cwt. 18 Pressed tinned leaden pipe, with 3 bores 0 ° 0 per cwt. 20 These pipes are remarkable for their great length, purity, and evenness. They can be manufactured of any length. 438. HIRSCIiE, FRANZ, Briinn, Moravia.—22. III. A. Pewter Articles. Church-lamp Tea-service Inkstand, with glasses Chafing-dish Cooking vessel (a novelty) Pattern-cards of letters and ornaments Tea-pot. 437 433. BEITL, FRANZ, Prague.— 3 i. III. a. 439. 440. GATT, ALOIS, Erl, near Kufstein, Tyrol. —51. III. A. Scythes, 1.per 100 pieces 9 | 441. GRABER, JOSEPH, Weer, Unterinnthal, Tyrol.—52. III. A. Scythes, branded J. T. G. 1 per 100 pieces 9 branded with Tyrolese eagle, 1 9 3 » 11 5. 4 ,, WAGNER, FRANZ, Prague.—33. III. a. Strong-box of polished steel .... 1200 Strong-box. 2000 Ditto.850 DIETRICH, JOSEPH BARON VON, Spital am Soemmering, Styria.—46. III. a. An assortment of Russian scythes. 31 33 40 50 45 54 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 442. GRAUSS, JOHANN, Finsing, Tyrol.—47. III. A. Scythes, Styrian, branded with Horse per 100 pieces „ Tyrolese, branded J. G. ,, „ Styrian, branded with Horse „ „ Tyrolese, branded J. G. „ 443. HIERZENBERGER, GOTTLIEB, Leon- stein, near Stadt Steyr.—19 St. Scythes, 1 & 2.per hundred „ 3 . . „ 4 & 5 . „ 6 . . „ 7 & 8 . fl. kr. 88 0 56 0 52 0 444. OFFNER, J. Manuf.—42. M., Wolfsberg, III. A. American corn-sickle Swiss ditto Russian grass sickle Wallachian grass sickle Carinthia, . per 100 445. PAMER, SEBASTIAN, Schalehen, near Mattighofen, Upper Austria.—43. III. a. Chaff-cutter of Styrian steel. Scythe of Styrian steel. 446. PENZ, JOHANN, Miihlerau, Zillerthal, Tyrol.—50. III. a. Scythes, 1 Blue Veronese . . per piece „ 1 Grey do. . „ 2 Milan . „ 3 Piedmontese . „ 3 Do. „ 4 Florentine j Grey Romanian „ 5< Blue do. I Do. do. „ 6 Grey Swiss ,, 7 Blue Russian . ,, 8 Blue French 447. PENZ, THOMAS, Kleinboden, Tyrol.-48. III. A. Scythes, 1 Grey .... per 100 pieces 2 ,, 1 Blue 2 „ 4 „ 6 „ 448. WEINMEISTEB, GOTTLIEB, Spital am Pyhrn, Upper Austria.—41. III. A. Scythes and sickles of various sizes of Inner- berg and cast steel. 449. WEINMEISTER, JOSEF, Briihthal, near Leonstein, Upper Austria.—18 st. Scythes, 1.per dozen » 2 . ,, ii 3 . ii 90 0 80 0 48 0 40 0 1 12 0 36 0 27 0 24 0 42 0 32 0 42 0 33 0 24 0 31 0 42 0 22 0 38 0 30 37 0 45 0 55 0 84 0 47 0 57 0 70 0 55 0 7 12 6 36 7 12 12 0 218 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. N ame & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 450. ZEITLINGER, JOSEPH, Spital am Pyhrn, Upper Austria.— 44. III. a. 1. Scythe of the hest Styrian steel, as used in East Prussia. 2. Ditto, as used in the South of France, 31 inches. 3. Ditto (quite straight), ditto, 31 inches 4. Broad scythe, 32 inches .... 5. Ditto manufactured for France, 32 inche 6. Ditto, another sort, ditto, 32 inches. 7. Ditto, another sort (quite straight), ditto 8. Ditto, another sort (straight) ditto. 9. Ditto manufactured for Saxony, 32f inchs 10. Ditto, 36 inches. 11. Ditto, 39g- inches, used in Saxony anc Westphalia. 12. Ditto, French form, 36 inches. 13. Ditto, used in France. 14. Ditto, used in France. 15. Ditto, ditto (straight). 16. Ditto, ditto, in North France . . 17. Ditto, 3S inches. 18. Ditto, used in North France . 19. Ditto. 20. Ditto, quite straight, used in France 451. ZEITLINGER, JOSEP stein, Styria.—45. Ill Scythes, 1 . . . 3 ALOIS, Eppen A. . per 100 pieces scy hes, 1 fl. kr. 0 45 0 54 0 54 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 54 1 15 1 36 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 37 1 37 1 37 1 37 DO 0 76 0 70 0 60 0 452. ZIMMER.MANN’S HEXES, BERTLINA, Meirhofen, in Zillerthal, Tyrol.—49. III. a. & 53. III. a. per ICO pieces 51 0 49 0 47 0 28 0 31 0 35 0 39 0 44 0 51 0 61 0 40 0 47 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 14. Hoe . . 15. Ditto . 16. Hatchet 17. Ditto . 18. Ditto . 19. Hoe . 45A. LOBKOWITZ, Prince F., Mixni 69*. III. a. Shovels, 1 o ,, _ p 3 5 , 4 :> 5 Hoes, 6 » * Crampiron for quarrymen, 8 z, Styria.— fl. kr. 0 50 1 0 3 0 1 12 1 12 1 0 0 28 0 22 \ 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 lit? 0 19* 0 51 10 . ,, ,, 54 0 1 . . . . 3 12 5 . . . . 1 30 2 ... . 3 0 6 . . . . 1 0 453. FELDBAUMER, PETER, Trofajach, 3 ... . 2 30 7 ... . 1 0 Styria.— 68. III. a. 4 ... . 2 0 8 ... . 1 0 1. Large coal-shovel . . . . 5 0 2. Snow shovel . 459. LANDERL, LEOPOLD, Stadt Steyr, Manu. 3. Common ditto . . 1 0 — 2. ST. 4. Garden ditto .. 1-. brads, No. 0 . . per 1000 0 16 5. Mining pickaxe . 2. do. 1 • • 0 18 6. Garden ditto .. 3. do. 2 • • » 0 21 7. Brickmaker’s ditto . 4. do. 3 • • 0 24 8. Crampirons for quarrymen .... . 1 12 5. do. 4 • • 0 27 9. Pickaxe for road-making .... . 1 12 6. do. 5 • • 0 30 10. Mining pickaxe. 7. tacks 1 • • 0 30 11. Ditto. 8. do. 2 • • 0 35 32. Woodcutter’s axe. 9. do. 3 • • 0 41 13. Carpenter’s ditto. 10. do. 4 • • 0 47 455. SCHMIDLEHNER, JOHANN, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—20 St. Hatchets, 1.per dozen 10 33? 5j 2. ,, 9 71 „ 3. „ 9 36 458. DITBSKY, Count, Lissitz, Bohemia.— 29. III. A. Pattern card of wire tacks glazed, in gold frame.No. 1 Do. 2 Polished case containing in 4 drawers 95 sorts of tacks: 47 ditto for builders, 31 ditto for ornamental work and 15 for builders, round and twisted .... 70 80 150 0 457. ERNST, PETER, Stadt Steyr.-34 st. Tacks. per dozen. per dozen. 0 . fl. 0 12 9 . . . fl. 2 18 1 . . 0 24 10 . . . . 2 30 2 . . 0 36 11 . . . . 2 42 3 . . 0 48 12 . . ..30 4 . . 1 0 5 . . 1 12 6 . . 1 30 per 1000. 7 . . 1 42 14 . . ..20 8 . . 2 0 15 . . . . 1 24 458. FALENT, M., Stadt Steyr.—4 st. Eoeged Nails. Price per 1000. fl. kr. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 219 JJo. Name & Address of Exhibitor--Description of Article. Piice. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 11. tacks, No. 5 . per 1000 0 53 47 ... . 0 54 71 . 2 42 12. do. 6 • „ 0 59 48, 49 . . . 2 18 72 . 3 18 13. nails . . . . • 11 0 52 50 ... . 1 46 73 . 2 18 14. do. . . . . • 11 1 4 51 ... . 1 44 74 . 2 0 15. do. . . . • 11 1 16 52 ... . 2 14 75 . 1 50 16. do. . • 11 0 55 53 ... . 1 50 76, 77 2 0 17. do . • 3 3 1 7 54 ... . 5 36 78, 79 1 50 18. do. . . . . • 3 3 1 19 55, 56 . . . 3 16 80 . 4 16 57, 58 . . . 2 6 81 . 4 18 yiNGERT, ANTON, Stadt Steyr, Manu. 59 ... . 1 12 I 82, 83 3 0 —3. st. 60 ... . 3 22 84 . o 50 fl. kr. 61— 65 . . . 3 0 85—87 4 18 0 tacks per 100 0 20 8 tacks per 100 3 12 66 ... . 4 36 88 . 3 25 1 do. „ 0 30 9 do. „ 3 36 67 .... 4 18 89 . 3 12 2 do. „ 0 40 10 do. „ 4 0 68 ... . 3 25 90—91 3 18 3 do. „ 0 50 11 do. „ 4 24 69 ... . 4 42 92 . 1 0 4 do. „ 16 12 do. „ 4 48 70 ... . 3 12 5 do. „ 1 22 13 do. per 1000 0 53 6 do. ,, 2 12 14 do. „ 1 5 404. POIGER, FRIEDRICH, Stadt Steyr.— 7 do. 2 48 15 do „ 1 17 12 ST. WEIDL, M., Stadt Steyr. —5. ST. German silver rings. Per dczen. Machine-made nails. Price per thousand. fl. kr. 0 22 6 . . . . 0 20 0 18 7 . . . . 0 18 0 30 8 . . . . 0 13 0 24 9 . . . . 0 10 0 20 10 . . . . 0 9 462. HALLER, ALOYS, Ncuzeus Steyr. — 10. st. near Stadfc 463. Brass rings 1—3 r gross 0 10 4-8 0 12 9 . 11 0 20 10—15 11 0 14 16, 17 11 0. 20 18 . 11 0 30 19 . 0 36 20 . 11 0 40 21—23 11 0 48 24—28 11 1 6 29 . 11 1 10 30, 31 • 1 30 32—35 11 1 40 36—42 11 1 46 KEAN OW1TH ER, JOSEF, Ncuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—11. st. Pinchbeck rings. Per gross. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . . 4 46 23 3 31 2 . . 4 51 29 3 29 3—6 . 4 36 30 3 14 7 . . 4 21 31 2 14 8—10 . 4 18 32 3 14 11 . . 5 3 33- -35 0 48 12—14 . 4 16 36 2 16 15—17 . 3 25 37 1 52 18 . . 3 28 38 2 16 19 . . 3 23 39 4 36 20 . . 3 3 40 3 18 21 . . 2 6 41 2 42 22 . . 3 18 42 2 14 23 . . • • 1 36 43 3 16 24 . . • • 3 14 44 4 36 25 . 2 50 45 1 52 26, 27 . 2 18 46 1 18 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor - Description of Article. Price. 1 2—4 5 6 7—8 9 10 , 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20 , 21 22 23, 25 26 27 28 29* 30—32 33 34, 35 36, 37 38 39, 40 41 42 43—45 46 47, 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57, 59 60 61 62 63 58 fl. kr. 0 151 64 fl. kr. 0 12 0 20 65 0 15£ 0 14 2 65 0 164 0 18* 67 0 251 0 124 68 0 151 0 16 6 J 0 20 0 18 70 0 16 0 24 71 0 16J 0 20 72 0 16 0 16 73, 74 ! 0 151 0 22? 75 0 12 0 29 76 0 171 0 18 77- -80 ’. 0 13^ 0 13§ 81 0 15£ 0 12 82 0 12 0 10 83 0 131 0 20 81 1 0 0 24 85, 86 ! 0 ,0 0 18 87 0 16$ 0 16 88 0 14? 0 30 89 0 161 0 26f 20 0 12 0 164 91 0 15fj 0 14 2 92 0 14? 0 16* 93 0 171 0 14? 94 0 14? O 20 95 0 171 0 164 96 0 12 0 20 97 0 151 0 25 2 98 0 24* 0 14 2 99 0 17$ 0 171 101, 102* 0 20 0 14* 103 0 164 0 20 104 0 171 0 29 105 0 20 0 24 106, 107* 0 16 0 29 108 0 191 O 25* 109 0 164 0 53 110 0 14 2 0 26? 111 0 16* 0 18 112 0 12 0 14? 113, lit’ 0 24 0 25 2 115- -117 0 20 0 16 118 0 11? 0 18-4 119 0 13| 0 17J 120 • 0 164 220 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor— Description of Article. Price. 121, 122 . . fl. kr. 0 13|- 130 ... fl. kr. 0 30 123—125 . . 0 20 131 ... 0 18 126 ... 0 18i 132 ... 0 15 127 ... 0 24 133 ... 0 18 128 ... 0 20 134, 135 . . 0 16 128a . . . 0 15 136 ... 0 12 129 ... 0 38 465. KXJRZ, KARL, Stadt Steyr—6. st. 1. Snaffle. 2. Curb. 3. Horse buckle .... per dozen 16 48 3 12 4 48 486. ROLLER, FRANZ, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.—21. st. . . . . per dozen 2 24 .... „ 40 .... „ 3 38 Curry combs 1 9 407. MITTERBERGER, JOHANN, Sierning- hofen, near Stadt Steyr.—7. st. Shoe tips.per dozen pair 408. RING, JOSEPH, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr. — 17. st. Steels for striking light 1 9. 3 4 5 6 7 8—10 per dozen 469. GRABNER, FRANZ, Molln, near Stadt Steyr. —8. st. Jews’ harps, 1.each 0 30 0 29 0 20 0 30 0 28 0 40 0 24 0 18 0 16 0 IS 0 Of 0 1 0 Of 0 Of 0 Of 470. SCHWARZ, KARL, Molln, near Stadt Steyr. — 9. st. Jews’ harps, 1.each 9 * . J) 471. SCHWARZ, FRANZ, Sen., Molln, near Stadt Steyr. — 16. st. Jews’ harps, 1.each 9 0 1 o n 0 1 o 03 472. SCHWARZ, FRANZ, Jun., Molln, near Stadt Steyr. — 15. st. Jews’ harps, 1.each 2 . 3.’. ” 473. SCHWARZ, IGNATZ, Molln, near Stadt Steyr. — 14. st. Jews’ harps, 1.each 2 . 0 Of 0 0| 0 2 0 1 o 03 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor--Description of Article. Price. 473. BLUMAUER, —13. ST. Horse bells 1 2 3 4 5 6 WILHELM, Stadt Steyr. per hundred fl. kr. 6 0 4 0 475. TOMASCHITZ, JOS., —26. III. a. Veldes, Carinthia. Bells for cattk 2 24 476. PFLEIDERER, JOHANN, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr. —38. st. Small pair of scales 1 2 1 30 1 0 477. STRUNZ’S WIDOW, JOSEF, Vienna.— 40. III. A. Pat tern card of needles and buckles 100 0 478. CASSEL, JOHANN, Vienna, Leather Manu. —22. III. d. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1707i 1708. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1721. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1729. 1730. 1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735. 1736. 1737. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1741. Double shot bag Single do. Powder and shot flask Do. do. Powder horn Powder flask Do. Do. Do. Shot measure Powder measure Percussion-cap cases do. do. do. do. double fourfold Do. Do. Do. Do. Ramrod case Speaking-trumpet with whistle German silver whistle . Powder measure Do. small . Fox trap .... Wolf do. Tiger do. .... Large lantern Small do. Tinder box complete Do. Do. Do. Cigar lighters Lucifer boxes, large size Do. small Cigar lighters, small size Tinder box and steel German silver lucifer box Brass do. Do. do. Do. do. German silver do. Do. tinder box Square lucifer box, large size Do. do. small . 1 50 1 40 8 0 2 40 3 0 1 30 2 30 3 0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 40 0 30 0 20 0 40 1 20 1 0 0 40 0 20 0 50 0 12 1 40 2 3 4 0 1 0 0 40 1 0 0 50 0 40 0 30 0 40 0 40 0 30 0 24 0 30 0 30 0 20 0 6 0 12 1 20 0 40 0 40 0 36 i PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 221 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1763. Cigar cutters, large size Do. medium Do. small Box. Tinder box and steel Do. do. . . Cigar pointer . . . Do. with cutter Box for waxlights Cigar knife, large Do. small Travelling tinder box . Inkstand with tinder box Royal patent, with leather Fusees . Tinder box .... Do. (leather) Inkstand large size, with Cigar case .... Do. tube .... Tobacco stoppers . . tap fl. kr. 0 50 0 40 0 35 0 20 0 40 0 40 0 24 0 40 0 20 1 20 0 40 2 30 4 0 1 20 0 40 1 0 1 20 3 0 1 0 0 10 0 40 479. BUCHBERGER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.— 41. ST. Awls, A and B.per 1000 6 30 C and D. „ 5 30 E to Q. „ 4 30 480. DERFLER, JOHANN, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—44. st. Awls, 1.per 1000 6 24 2 „ 5 24 3 „ 4 24 4 „ 5 12 481. DILTSCH, JOHANN, Stadt Steyr.—40. st. Awls, 1.per 100 3 .per 1000 4 . , , 5 . ,, 6 .. 482. HAUSER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.—50. st. Gimlets, each. 1. . . . . 0 1 8. . . . . 0 2. . . . . 0 1 9. . . . . 0 3. . . . . 0 2 10. . . . . 0 4. . . . . 0 2 11. . . . . 0 5. . . . . 0 2 12. . . . . 0 6. . . . . 0 4 13. . . . . 0 7. . . . . 0 4 * 10 0 6 40 12 30 10 0 7 0 8 30 4* 10.i 483. KETTENHUBER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.- —49. st. Awls, 1 .per dozen 2 . 3 .per 100 4 . 64 1 12 0 *24 1 32 1 0 6 . . . 7. . . 8 . . . 9. and 10. 11 . . . 12 . . . 14 . No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 484. KOLM, JOHANN, Stadt Steyr.—46. st. Awls . ..per 1000 7 36 485. METZ, GEORG, Stadt Steyr.—52. st. Gimlets, 1. and 2.each 3. , t .- e.!•! 0 1^ 0 If 0 24 0 12 ^ 0 32 1 0 486. MOLTERER, CAJETAN, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.—47. st. Awl 1.per 1000 2 . 3 . 4 . , , 487. MOLTERER, CHRISOSTOMUS, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr. — 45. st. Awls, 1.per 1000 2 and 3. , , 4.. a 6 48 5 48 4 48 6 24 9 30 10 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 488. MOLTERER, GEORG, Stadt Steyr. — 43. st. Awls, 1.per 1000 2 . ,, 3 . , , 4 . 490. MOLTERER, MATHIAS, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—39. st. Awls, 1 and 2. 3 and 4. 5 and 6. 7 and 8. 9 and 10. 491- MOLTERER, YINCENZ, Stadt Steyr.—48. st. Awls, 1. 2 . 3. per 1000 per Neuzeug, near 1000 492. NOTHHAFT, FRANZ, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—42. st. Awls, 1 and 2.per 1000 3. t : : : : : : : ;; :: 6 25 5 25 6 45 5 45 4 45 6 0 5 0 4 0 7 0 5 45 4 40 12 0 10 0 5 40 7 7 2 0 Gimlets, each 7 7 1 32 fl. kr. 1 fl. kr. 7 7 1 0 1. . . 0 24 9 and 10 . . 0 6 7 7 1 0 2. . . 0 20 11. . * . . . 0 4 per 1000 6 0 3 and 4. 0 16 12. . . . . . 0 5 7 7 6 24 5. . . 0 8 13. . . . . . 0 4 7 7 5 36 6. . . 0 6 14. ... . . 0 4 per 100 2 0 7. . . 0 8 15. . . . . . 0 1 \ 1 0 8. . . 0 12 222 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ko. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 494. TEXTFLMAYER, KARL, Stadt Steyr. 37. st. fl. kr. 495. 1. A vice 2. Screw stock, dies, and taps . . . 10 48 BEYER, ANTON, Stadt Steyr.—23. st. Files and rasps, each. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1. . . . . 2 15 10. . . • 0 8 2. . . . . 0 24 11. . . • • • 0 16 3. . . . . 0 16 12. . . 0 10 4. . . . . 0 22 13. . . 0 18 5. . . 0 20 14. . . 0 16 6 and 7. . . 0 15 15. . . • • • 0 10 8 and 9. . . 0 12 16. . . • . . 0 18 LECHNER, MATHIAS, Stadt Steyr. — 29. st. Files. 1—3. per doz. 4. , , File 5 . ,, 6 . , , 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. , , 60, 48, 40, 30, 24, 16. 12, 10 . . 8,6,5 . . 4, 3. . . . S/4 files and rasps . 7/4 Ditto 6/4 Ditto Heavy files, each Ditto rasps ,, Fine cut. Middling fine. Bastard. . 0 48 0 45 0 42 . 1 0 0 54 0 48 . 1 12 1 6 1 0 . 1 36 1 30 1 24 . 2 0 1 48 1 36 . 3 0 2 48 2 36 . 4 0 3 36 3 0 . 5 0 4 48 4 0 . 6 0 5 24 5 0 . 8 0 7 36 7 0 . 10 0 9 36 8 0 . 11 12 10 36 9 0 . 12 0 11 24 10 12 per bundle 2 48 3 0 3 0 3 12 3 0 2 48 2 36 0 25 0 22 497. NUSSBAUMER, LEOPOLD, Stadt Steyr. 1. Rasp.10 2. File •.0 45 3. Ditto. 0 22£- 488. PREITLER, M., Stadt Steyr. — 25. st. fl. kr. [’fl. kr. 1. . . . 1 12 16. . 0 10 2. . . . 0 42 17. 8 3. . . . 0 21 18. 6 4. . . . 0 14 19. 12 5 and 6. . 0 21 20. 10 7. . . . 0 14 21. 8 g . 0 9 2° 20 9*. .’ .* . 1 0 23 and 24. . . . 0 18 10. . . . 0 21 25 and 26. . . 0 10 11. . . . 0 10-i 27. 8 12. . . . 0 14 28. 6 13 and 14. 15. . . . 0 15 . 0 12 29 and 30. . . . 0 15 489. BEICHL, JOSEF, Stadt $teyr.— 26. st. Files, 1.each :: 0 45 0 22A 0 15 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 500. SON NLEITH HER, ANTON, Stadt Steyr.- 27. st. Files and rasps, each Files. fl. kr. 1st Division. 5. . . . . 0 251 fl. kr. 6. . . . . 0 19 • 1 16 7. .... 0 151 • • • • • 0 51 8. . . . . 0 12f 5. • • • • 0 38 9. .... 0 10,2 ? L. . 0 302. 10. .... 0 7f fl. kr. fl. kr. 2nd Division. 5. .... 0 11 1. 1 24 6. . . . . 0 17 2. 0 56 7. . . . . 0 13* 3. • • • # 0 42 8. • • • • ogp 4. . 0 332 9. . . . . 0 28 5. 0 28 10. . . . . 0 20 6. * ’ | # # 0 21 11. . . * . . 0 35 7. . , . . 0 164 12. .... 1 6§ 8. . 0 14 9. 0 8i Smooth Files. 10. • 0 82 5th Division. Rasps. 3rd Division. 1. 2 . 3 and 4. . 5 and 6. . . 7. . . . 8 — 11 . . . . 4th Division. 1. . 0 5 2. . 0 13 3. . 0 19* 0 38. 4. . 0 174 0 2jg 0 122 0 19 5. . 0 21 6 and 7. . 0 9i 8. . 0 11| 0 9^ 9. . 0 174 0 3| 10. . 0 38^ 11. . 0 27f 3. 12. . 0 65 13. . 0 144 14. . 0 16* 0 6 15. . 0 32f 0 8 16. . 0 41* 0 7 17. . 0 47£ 0 13 501. XJNZEITIG, FRANZ, Stadt Steyr.—28. st. Files and rasps, each :—• fl. kr. fl. kr. 0. .... 5 0 6 . . . . . 0 221 1 . .... 7 30 7. . . . . 0 14- 2. .... 2 50 8 . .... 0 10 Z s'. .... 4 15 9. . . . . 0 8/fj 4. .... 5 40 10 . . . . . 0 5. . . . . 0 44 501a FISCHER, GEORG, Hainfeld, Lower Austria. Files and crucibles. 502. VATER, FRANZ, Steyr.— 22. st. , Files, 1. . . . 2 . 3! ! ! ! 4. . . . 5. . . . Neuzeug, near Stadt per dozen 7 12 3 36 2 36 1 12 1 0 503. ALSTERBERGER, JOHANN, Stadt Steyr. -76. st. J Dessert knives and forks. 1.. 2.* * « 3. . . . . .4 j per dozen 2 6 2 30 3 12 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 223 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor - Description of Article. Pri :e. Dessert knives and forks. 4 . 5 . 6 .. per dozen 504. BAUER, JOSEF, Steyr.—83. st. Knives, 1. Steinbach, near Stadt per dozen fl. kr. 2 24 3 12 3 6 0 43 1 2 ? 1 7 1 26 1 41 1 43 505. BLEY, JAKOB, Stadt Steyr.—107. st. .per dozen 12 0 . i, 4 0 3. , , 3 12 Razors 1. 9 503. BHEIILMAIER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.— 109. St. Razors, 1.per dozen 2 . 3* •* * •* ' •' ' ”, 503. DAUCHER, STEFAN,Untergrdnburg, near Stadt Steyr.—72. St. Knives and forks, 1. 2 . 3. per dozen 509. DFRNBERGER, FRANZ, Griinburg, near Stadt Steyr.— 100. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 . 4 48 4 43 4 0 4 43 4 0 2 24 6 0 7 12 4 48 3 36 4 48 510. DIETZL, MATHIAS, Stadt Steyr.—57. St. Knives and forks, 1. . 2 . . 3. . 4. . Sierninghofen, near per dozen 511. DOPPLER, ADAM, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.— 77. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 . 3 . 4 . 512. FORSTER, LEOPOLD, Stadt Steyr.—78. St. Neuzeug, near 4 0 3 48 2 43 4 18 2 43 4 24 2 36 2 6 Knives, per dozen:— fl. kr. fl. kr. 1. . . . . 3 0 9. .1 50 2. . . . 2 22 10. .1 20 3. . . . ; 315 11. .1 24 4. . . . . 2 48 12. .1 20 5. . . . . 2 36 13. .1 36 6. . . . . 4 12 14. .1 54 7. . . 4 24 15. .1 36 8. . . . 2 30 16. .1 18 fl. kr. 513. FRENKNER, ANTON , Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr. —56. St. Knives, 1. . 5 24 9 11 2 56 3. . . 11 2 0 4. . . 11 2 36 5. . . 11 2 12 6. . . 19 1 32 514. FROHLICII, CARL, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.—99. St. Knives, 1. . . . per dozen 0 48 2 11 1 0 3. 11 1 0 515. FROHLICII, JOHANN , Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.— 90. St. Knives, 1. 0 43 2. 11 O 54 3. to 5. ... 1 0 6. 11 1 12 518. GRUNDYALD, JOSEF, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—61. St. Knives, 1. 2 12 2 11 2 18 3. 11 2 0 4. 11 2 48 517. HAINDL, ANTON, Stadt Steyr.— 71. St. Knives and forks of various kinds. Price per dozen fl. kr. fl. kr. | fl. kr. 1. . . 20 0 17. ..60 32. . . 12 0 2 . . . 18 0 18. ..90 33. . . 10 48 3. . . 90 19. ..80 34. . . 6 0 4. . 5 0 20. to 21 . 2 0 35. . . 10 0 5. . 6 0 22 . . . 2 12 36. . 8 0 6 . . . 70 23! . . 2 24 37. . . 9 0 7. . . 60 24. ..40 38. . . 12 0 8 . . . 50 25. ..60 39. . . 4 48 9. . . 60 26. . . 4 48 40. . . 36 0 10. . . 4 0 27. . . 84 0 41. . . 24 0 11 . . . 8 0 28. ..80 42. . . 3 12 12. to 14. 7 30 29. . .10 0 43. . . 4 0 15. . . 8 0 30. . . 12 0 44. . 4 0 16. . . 5 0 31. . . 18 0 45. . . 3 35 51S. HELM, ALOYS, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.— 62. St. Knives, 1. 5 0 2 5 > 4 0 3. . 6 0 4. ” 4 0 5. 3 30 519. IIOFER, PIIILTPP, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.— 55. St. Knives, 1. 1 42 9 1 1 1 36 3. to 5. , # . 11 1 39 6. 11 1 27 520. KALTENMARK , PETER, Linz, Upper Austria.'—55. III. A. 1. Grape scissors with ivory handles 4 0 2. Do. horn handles . . . 2 0 224 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER,. 2To. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 3. Carving knife. 4. Table knives, ivory handles 5. Do. ebony handles 6. Pocket knife with cross 7. Garden knife . 8. Do. . . 9. Razor . . . per pair Pocket-knives, each fl. kr. 2 30 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 48 4 0 fl. kr. fl kr. I fl. kr. fl. kr 10. 1 12 13. 1 12 16. 0 40 | 19. 1 0 11. 1 12 14. 2 30 | 17. 0 30 1 12. 1 30 15. 1 12 | 18. 0 30 1 20. Shears , m m • • € . 3 0 21. N ail-scissors 2 0 22. Ditto , . 4 0 23. Paper-scissors . 2 0 521. KERBLER, JOSEF, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.— 59. St. Knives and forks, 1.per dozen 2 . .... 3. to 5. . . „ 522. KRANAWITTER, JOHANN, near Stadt Steyr.— 95. St. Neuzeug, 524. LIEDER, FRIEDRICH, Stadt Steyr. 74. St. Dessert knives and forks, per dozen fl. kr. 1. and 2. 3. . . 4. . . 5. . . 6. and 7. 4 15 4 0 3 48 4 0 3 48 8. to 11. 12 . . . 13. . . 14. . . 525. LOSCHENKOHL, near Stadt Steyr.- Knives, 1. . . CARL, -53. St. 526. LOSCHENKOHL, JOHANN, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr. — 93. st. Knives 1.per dozen 527. MADERBAECK, MICHAEL, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.—94. st. Knives 1 & 2.per dozen . 4 0 3 36 4 0 Knives, 1. . 3 0 9 4 24 3. . . 3 12 LICHTL, JOHANN , Stadt Steyr. .—66. St. Knives and forks, 1. per dozen 6 30 2 . 3 36 3! . 5? 6 0 4. 3 24 5. and 6. . 3 12 fl. kr. 3 45 3 15 4 0 3 0 Frattenbach, . per 1,000 0 431 0 50? 0 58 0 48 0 50? 1 2 ? 1 12 1 24 1 48 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 528. MILLER, ROMUALD, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.— 92.. st. fl. kr. Knives 1 . 2 . 3 & 4 5 . 6 . per dozen 1 48 1 36 1 24 1 36 1 12 529. MITTER, JOSEF, Senr., Stadt Steyr.- 110. ST. 1. Lance ..2 30 2. Hunting knife.5 3. Hanger.12 4. Do. 30 5. Sword .io 6 . Cavalry officer’s sword.14 530. MITTER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.— 102. st. fl. kr. 1. Knife 2. do. do. 3. 4. do. 5. do. 6. do. 7. do. 8. Scissors 9. Razor 10. 7 very small knives and razors 11. Knife 12. Razor 13. Scissors 14. Knife 15. do. . 16. do. . 0 24 0 30 1 6 0 48 2 0 1 12 1 24 3 12 5 0 3 30 10 0 5 0 2 12 3 0 2 48 0 48 531. MOSER, ANTON, Stadt Steyr.— 85. st. Knives 1 2 .... . 3 . . . . Steyr.—87. st. Knives 1 . 2 . . 3 . . 533. MOSER, KARL, Steyr. —104. st. Steinbach. 534. MOSER, Steyr.- Knives 1 2 3 4 5 6 FRANZ, -86. st. Steinbach . Knife . . 1 12 . do. . 2 0 . do. . 1 36 . do. . 1 54 . do. (with sundries) . 3 30 . do. . . . 1 15 . do. (with fork, &c.) 6 0 . do. . 1 36 . Stiletto . 8 0 . do. . . . 1 48 . Knife . . 4 0 . do. . 0 40 . do. . . . 1 12 . Paper knife . 3 0 . Knife 1 36 jhofen, near . per dozen 0 48 * 0 48 • 2 0 1 , near Stadt . per dozen 3 0 * ?> 2 30 * ?? 2 48 , near Stadt . per dozen 5 12 • V 2 24 * 3 0 * 2 24 * 1 36 h, near Stadt . per dozen 14 0 * 6 0 * ?? 2 24 * 10 0 2 0 • » 1 48 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 225 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 535. MOSER, GEORGE, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.— 88 . st. Knives 0 .per dozen 0 38? 1 . „ 0 431 2 . „ 0 50f 3 . „ 10 536. MOSER, JOSEF, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.—97. st. Knives 1 .per dozen 12 0 2 . „ 6 0 3 . „ 3 24 4 Lancet ..... each 1 20 537. MOSER, JOHANN, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr.—60. st.j Knives 1.per dozen 0 44 2 . „ 0 48 3 & 4. „ 10 5 . „ 1 12 6 . „ 1 24 538. OSTERBERGEft, L., Stadt Steyr.— 101. ST. Knives.— per dozen. 1 . 20 0 5 . 10 0 9 . . 30 0 2 . . 12 0 6 . . 24 0 10 . . 8 0 3 . . 48 0 7 . . 126 0 11 . . 84 0 4 . . 20 0 8 . . 12 0 12 . . 18 0 PICHLER, JOHANN. , Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.— Knives 1 -63. st, per dozen 33 2 42 2 3 12 540. PILS, KARL, Neuzeug, —73. St. Knives and forks, 1 . 2. to 4. 5. 6 . to 8 . near Stadt Steyr. . . per dozen 541. PILSS, FRANZ, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr. —82. St. Knives, 1. and 2 . 3. 4. and 5. 6 . per dozen 3 54 7 12 6 0 4 48 3 48 1 36 2 12 2 30 1 36 No. Name & Addren of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. per dozen Sierninghofen, near 8 . Knives . 9. & 10. Do. 11 . Ditto 12 . Ditto 13. Ditto 544. PESSL, GOTTLIEB, Stadt Steyr.— 103. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 545. PICHLER, JOHANN, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr.—58. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 . 3. 546. PFUSTERSCHMIDT, JOHANN, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.— 64. St. Knives, 1. .per dozen 2 . 3. MA' 547. RAPP, Knives, 1. 2 . 3. " 4. 5. 6 . ’BIAS, Stadt Steyr.—67. St. per dozen 548. RE SSL, JACOB, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.— 91. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 . 4 . 55 549. RESSL, MATHIAS, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.— 54. St. Knives, 1.per dozen 9 3. 4. to 6 . PILSS, GOTFRIED, Siernin" jhofen, near 7. and 8 . • 73 11 12 Stadt Steyr.—84. St. 550. RIEDLER, JOHANN, Neuzeuc, near Stadt Knives, 0. . . per dozen 0 48 Ste} r r.—69. St. 1. * 5? 0 54 Knives and forks, 1. . . per dozen 6 0 9 * 5? 1 6 2. 55 5 36 3. * 5? 1 18 3.* ! ! • 55 4 48 4. * 3? 1 30 4. . . 4 24 5. * 55 1 42 5. . . • 55 3 36 6. . . 2 0 PILSS, MICHAEL, Neuzeug, near Stadt 7. . . ” 1 38 Steyr.—83. St. ” 1. Dessert knives and forks . . per dozen 2 24 551. RIEDLER, LEOPOLD, Stadt Steyr.—81. St. 2. Ditto • 57 2 48 Knives and forks, 1. . . per dozen 9 36 3. Ditto * 55 3 48 2. . . • 33 7 12 4. Knives . • l 36 3. . . • 33 6 48 5. Ditto . • 33 1 24 4. and 5. . • 33 6 0 6. Ditto. • 33 2 12 6. . . • 33 4 48 7. Ditto. • j> 2 0 7. . . • 33 9 36 per 1000 1. kr. 1 54 2 6 1 48 2 0 1 36 1 12 1 14? 1 4 0 40? 1 24 1 24 0 53 1 36 3 42 3 0 3 0 2 42 2 30 2 6 3 30 1 26 1 38? 2 6 ' 2 0 2 54 1 0 1 12 1 24 1 48 0 16 0 14 0 12 15 12 226 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—description of Article. Price. Knives and forks, 8. 9. . . 10 . . . 11. and 12. per dozen fl. kr. 6 48 6 0 5 12 4 48 552. ROSLER, IGNAZ, Nix dor f, Bohemia.—54, III. a. Tailors’ Shears :— fl. kr. 13 . . 49 30 i 9 8 . . 13 10 1 11 12 . . 43 45 | 10 Hail-nippers:— 1400 . . 14 0 Hail-scissors:— 270 . .4 30 253 . . 7 10 252 . .5 45 Paper-scissors :— 11 . . 10 50 17 . .14 30 9 . . 9 40 18 . .13 30 Linen-scissors :- 207 324 323 283 G 10 5 30 5 30 4 45 nssors:— 62 . . 122 149 229 145 121 66 152 151 70 260 159 65 150 148 74 3 40 2 35 3 15 6 0 5 30 3 10 3 40 3 5 3 15 5 5 4 25 3 5 Toothpicks: 20-i . . 209 . . 208 . . 207 . . 9 0 8 0 8 0 5 0 Penknives 2370 . . 75/0 . 74/0 . 2630 . . 10/0 . 55/0 . 254 . . 470 . . 492 . . 151 . . 59/0 . 6 4 . . 36 4 . . 122 . . 304 . . 3 20 6 0 6 0 5, 45 24 0 18 0 15 20 12 0 10 50 14 0 16 0 10 30 8 20 7 0 8 0 fl. kr. . 17 45 . 34 30 . 24 0 630 114 251 167 9 244 283 334 77 . 63 . 203 . 164 . 287 . 64 . 266 . 262 . 256 . 261 . 296 . 259 . 348 . 258 . 154 . 257 . 201 200 206 202 6 30 3 25 6 30 3 35 7 10 14 50 14 30 10 25 4 15 8 10 5 30 4 15 a o 3 5 5 15 3 20 3 0 3 15 2 50 2 15 3 50 4 0 4 25 3 20 3 20 3 45 3 40 3 25 4 0 2 30 3 0 2 40 72/0 4901 . 233 . 218 . 336 . 338 . 676 . 310 . 705 . 264 . 73/0 490' . 363 . 306 . 70 . per dozen, fl. kr. . 10 0 . 7 30 10 0 8 0 12 20 13 0 7 0 8 40 5 50 7 0 9 0 7 40 16 0 8 0 11 0 10 50. 3 45 110 . . 3 35 254 . . 3 35 Ill . . 3 35 19 . . 10 5 16 . . 6 0 204 . . 5 40 203 . . 5 40 245 . . 7 50 31 . 3 10 163.. . 2 55 271 . . 5 30 249 . . 4 45 292 . . 4 50 55 . . 3 5 327 . . 6 0 247 . . 4 35 291 . . 5 10 246 . . 4 15 1 . . 5 0 200 . . 3 50 328 . . 4 50 25 . . 3 10 28 . . 3 0 203 . . 2 30 205 . . 3 30 3-130 . , . 12 10 4910 . , . 12 0 2410 . . . 11 20 440 , ..40 611 , . . 5 30 128 , . . 10 0 97 . ..55 • 66 , . . 6 0 149 , ..50 321 , . . 6 15 690 , . . 9 20 3330 . . 7 30 2320 . . 4 20 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor -Description of Article. Price. Pocket and Garden Knives fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 80/0 . 11 0 79/0 . 48 0 1710 . 12 30 4030 . . 8 0 1600 . 21 0 61/0 24 0 4790 . . 12 20 1950 . 8 40 77/0 28 0 2500 . . 11 0 2940 . 8 40 78/0 30 0 3260 . . 8 40 4895 . # 8 10 4920 . . 26 0 3560 . . 9 40 4832 . 8 0 4856 . 11 0 1978 . . 6 40 1330 . • 5 50 4904 . 12 0 4840 . . 11 20 1530 . 9 20 1480 . 18 0 3530 . . 6 25 1750 . 10 10 4822 . 14 0 4837 . . 9 45 4656 . . • 5 20 62/0 16 0 4190 . . 7 40 4616 . 6 10 4748 . 13 40 4624 . . 11 40 4930 . 9 0 1650 . 14 0 4776 . . 16 0 4440 . , # 8 30 1860 . 8 0 3630 . . 9 20 1440 , , • 7 40 3140 . 15 0 76/0 . 32 0 2470 , > • 6 50 1720 . 14 20 1560 . . 24 0 3050 , » • 5 40 4677 . . 8 20 48/0 : 40 0 3120 , ► • 7 0 3770 . 9 0 4773 . . 23 0 145 , 4 50 2010 . 6 35 260 . . 36 0 152 , 6 0 7610 . 32 0 4768 . . 19 0 116 ; 5 20 4656 . 5 20 600. Pistol and dagger, ' 72 fl. Razors: — • 505 . . 18 0 612 . S 30 140 . 4 30 266 . . 21 0 254 # 11 30 239 . 8 30 252 . . 12 0 265 9 0 Ill . 7 30 505/81 . 22 0 372 6 30 1 . m 4 0 528 12 30 259 8 0 53 . m 4 20 527 . . 11 0 371 6 0 la . 3 0 503/102 . 15 0 253 11 0 64 . m 4 0 256 . 11 30 232 10 0 78 . 3 30 268 . . 30 0 238 # 10 0 59 . m 3 30 53 1. . 11 30 134 9 30 50 . m 3 0 370 . . 7 0 242 • 10 0 10 . # 3 30 258 . . 11 0 125 . 8 30 67 . 3 SO 262 . . 12 30 112 8 30 378 . 8 0 264 . . 8 30 136 • 5 0 553. RUPPRECHT, SEBASTIAN, Stadt Steyr. —108. st. Razors 1. per dozen a :::::: : ;; 554. SALZWIMMER, PHILIPP, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr. Knives 1.per dozen 9 t : : : : : • ; 555. SCHINDLER, SIMON, Steinb&ch, near Stadt Steyr.—79. st. Knives 1.per dozen 2 . ...... . ,, 3. ...... . i .. ” 6 . ...... . 550. SCHWINGHAMMER, SIMON T., Stein- bach, near Stadt Steyr. —28. st. Knives 1.per dozen o 3. ...... . ,, 4. 5. ... , . 4 0 2 0 1 12 3 0 2 27 2 0 1 54 1 0 1 12 1 48 2 48 9 94 2 24 2 12 1 48 1 36 1 36 1 24 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 227 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 557. STIERHOFER, ALOIS, Stadt Steyr. — 80. st. Knives and forks per dozen :■— 1 .5 0 2 . '...60 3.7 0 558. STIERL, J., Stadt Steyr—105 st. Scissors, per dozen :— 1 . . 0 48 6 . , . 1 0 11 . . 2 0 16. . 4 12 2 . . 0 48 7. , . 1 0 12 . . 2 24 17. . 4 0 3. . 1 12 8 . , . 1 0 13. . 5 0 18. . 6 0 4. . 1 12 9. , . 1 0 14. . 5 12 19. . 4 48 5. . 1 0 10 . 2 0 15. . 4 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 505. BACHNER, FRANZ, Stadt Steyr.—31. st. Shoemakers’ tools, per dozen :— fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . . . . 9 0 24. . . 1 24 2 . . . . 6 24 25 to 27. 2 0 3 to 6 . . . 4 36 28. . . 1 24 7. . . . 4 0 29 and 30. 0 36 8 and 9. . 6 0 31. . . 2 36 10 to 12 .. . 3 0 32. . . 1 6 13 and 14. . 2 0 33. . . 3 0 15 to 17. . 7 0 34. . . 1 24 18. . . . 4 24 35. . . 2 48 19. . . 36. . . 2 12 20 . . . . 7 0 37. . . 2 30 21 to 23. . . 2 0 559. STUCKHART, JOHANN, Stadt Steyr.— 68. st. Knives and forks, per dozen 1 . . . . . 40 0 17. 24 2 . . . 30 0 18. . 6 0 3* to*9. * . . 36 0 19. . 3 24 10 . . . . . 18 0 20 . . 10 0 11 . . . . . 8 0 21 . . 6 24 12 . . . . . 11 0 22 . . 7 0 13. . . . . 7 12 23. . 12 0 14. . . . . 10 0 24. . 10 0 15. . . . . 7 12 25 to 27 *. ! . 6 0 16. . . . . 5 48 28. . 7 0 560. YOITH, ALOIS, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.—70. st. Knives 1.per dozen 5 0 2. . . * . , , 3 36 3. .. , , 4 0 4. ,, 6 0 581. WACHTER, LEOPOLD, Stadt Steyr.— 106. st. Razors 1 .per dozen 9 36 2 . , , 7 36 3 . , 4 48 562. WEICHSELBAUMER, JOSEF, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.—75. st. Knives and forks per dozen :— 1 . . . . fl. kr. . 2 0 6 . . . . 2 18 2 . . . . . 3 12 7 and 8 . ! i 30 3. . . . . 2 0 9. . . . . 1 24 4. . . . . 2 36 10 . . . . . 1 18 5. . . . . 1 54 11 and 12 . . . 1 48 563. WEICHSELBAUMER, MICHAEL, Sier¬ ninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.—96. st. Knives, 1.per dozen 2 48 2 . , , 2 0 3 . , , 2 24 4 . , , 2 24 5 . ,, 2 0 564. TEUFLMAYER, JOSEF, Untern Himmel, near Stadt Steyr.—111. st. Fleam .. 2 15 567. GROSSAUER, ALOIS, Stadt Steyr.—36. st. Shoemaker’s tools, 1. . per dozen 12 0 2 . . . . , , 60 3. . . . , , 40 568. GROSSAUER, FRANZ, Stadt Steyr.— 35. st. Shoemakers’ tools, 1. . . . per dozen 4 48 2. . . . , , 2 24 3. . . . , , 2 24 509. KLEMENT, FRANZ, Stadt Steyr. —30. st. Cabinet-makers’, coach-builders’, furriers’, and turners’ tools. 1. . . . c . « , 2 .. 3 to 5. . . . « . 6 to 8 . 9. 10 . 11 and 12 . per dozen 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 0 4 48 2 24 2 0 7 12 4 48 2 0 570. SAILER, JOSEF, Stadt Steyr.—32. st. Coach-makers’, furriers’, and coopers’ tools, &c., per dozen :— fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . . . 2 24 12 . 1 0 2 to 6 . . 2 0 13. 1 36 7. . . 1 12 14. 2 24 8 . . . 1 24 15. .... 4 48 9. . . 0 58 16. .... 2 24 10 . . . 4 48 17 and 18. . . 8 11 . . . 1 12 WELZIBACH, KASPAR, Stadt Steyr. - 33. st. Furriers’, coach-makers’, cabinet-makers’ and comb-makers’ tools, per dozen:— fl. kr. fl. kr. 1 . . . 2 48 7. 6 48 2 . . . 2 0 8 . 4 48 3. . . 6 0 9. 2 0 4. . . 2 0 10 . 2 24 5. . . 1 52 11 . 2 0 6 . . . 16 48 12 . . 2 24 T 228 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 572. WEISS, JOHANN, & SON, Vienna, Manuf.— 71. III. A. Tools Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price 573. WERTHEIM, FRANZ, Vienna, Mann.—70. III. a. Hanging basket.5 1. Tools of steel, iron, brass, and wood, for fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. joiners. , carpenters, coopers, turners, each, 46.- 0 24 91. 5 i 18 wheejwrignts, curriers, tanners, leather- 1. 0 30 n 92.- -2' 0 ! 54 cutters , saddlers, and engineers: :— each , 2. ' . 0 27 r 2|' 1 0 No. s. d. No. s. d. No. s. d. 3. 0 34 i" 3' 1 6 1—3. 1 2 79. , . 1 6 178. .. 1 2 4. 0 36 i" • 4' 1 18 4. .. 12 0 80. # # 1 8 179. .. 0 6 5. 0 30 i§" 0 40 93. 1 0 5. .. 6 0 81. 1 10 180. .. o : L0 6. 0 38 47. 0 32 94. # # 9 : 24 6. .. 10 0 82. , t 1 7 181. .. o : 10 7. 1 12 48. 0 32 96. i 12 7. .. 2 0 83. , , 1 8 182. .. l 0 8. 9. 1 48 1 6 50. 53. •• 0 40 0 42 101. 102. •• l ; 1 ; 36 36 8,9... 10. .. 4 3 0 0 84,85.. 86. .. 2 2 0 8 183,184 -) together J 0 10 10. 1 0 54. ,, 0 42 103. . . 1 48 11. .. 4 0 87. . . 2 0 185, 186. 3 0 11. 1 10 55. 0 36 104. . . 4 48 12. .. 11 0 88. , , 1 2 187. .. 2 6 12. 1 36 56. 0 54 106. 1 45 13. .. 0 8 89. 2 0 188. .. 0 4 13. 2 12 58. , , 0 36 105. # . 1 30 14. .. 14 0 90. 1 2 189. .. 1 8 14. 0 40 59o 1 24 107. i 30 15. .. 12 0 91. 2 0 190. .. 1 0 15. 0 44 <> 2 36 108. 3 30 16. .. 4 0 92. , , 1 0 191. .. 0 10 16. 0 32 . . 2 36 109. 2 30 17. .. 6 0 93. 2 0 192. .. 1 0 17. 0 30 60. 0 48 110. 1 0 18. .. 2 0 94, , , 1 0 193. .. 0 10 18. 0 32 61. . . 0 48 111. . . 2 0 19. .. 2 6 95. . # 3 0 194. .. 0 6 19. 1 0 62. , , 0 8 112. 2 0 20. .. 2 2 96. # . 1 4 195, 196. 0 5 20. 1 0 63. 0 18 113. 1 30 21. .. 8 0 97. 2 0 197. .. 0 4 21. 1 20 64. 0 12 114. 1 15 22, 23.. 1 0 98- -100. 1 4 198. .. 6 0 22. 1 24 65. 0 18 115. , , 1 15 24. .. 0 6 101. • • 1 2 199. .. 0 1-0 23. 0 30 66. 0 12 116. , , 0 54 25. .. 0 8 102. 1 0 200. .. 10 0 24. 1 0 67. 0 15 117. 1 0 26. .. 1 0 103. 0 8 201. 6 0 25. 1 18 68. 0 20 118. 1 0 27. .. 0 10 104. 1 0 202. .. 8 0 26. 1 30 73. 0 8 120. 2 0 28. .. 0 8 105. . , 0 9 203. .. 10 0 27. . , 0 26 81. 0 22 121. 2 0 29. .. 0 10 106. , , 0 8 204. .. 0 8 28. § # 1 30 83. —i ; 0 54 122. , , 1 45 30. .. 1 1 107. 0 9 205. .. 0 5 29. # m 0 48 24' 1 9 123. # , 2 30 31,32.. 1 0 108. 0 11 206. .. 1 4 30. 1 6 3' 1 24 124. , # 1 40 33. .. 0 10 109- -111. 1 0 207. .. 3 0 31. , # 1 30 84. “11 r' 0 35 125. 1 54 34, 35.. 0 6 112, ii3: 0 8 208, 209 7 n o 33. 1 9 2' 0 45 126. 1 50 36,37.. 0 7 114, 115. 0 7 together j U Jj 34. 1 27 85. . 0 43 127. 1 20 38. .. 0 fl 116. ,, 0 8 210. .. l 0 35. 1 12 86. 1 12 128. 2 12 39. .. 0 7 117. 0 7 211. .. 0 8 36. 1 30 1' ' 2 12 129. 0 42 40. .. 0 6 118. •. 0 10 212. .. 0 10 37. . 0 1 45 2" 5 30 130. 0 48 41,42.. 0 10 119. ,, 1 0 213. .. 0 7 38. • . 1 54 per dozen. 131. 0 15 43—45. 1 0 120-143 -) 1 n 214. .. 0 8 39. 0 26 87. —2" 2 0 132. , . 0 20 46. .. 0 10 together) IU 0 215. .. 0 4 40. , # 0 28 3' ' 2 45 133. 0 12 47. .. 0 11 144. 0 7 216. .. 10 5 41. 0 54 4' ' 3 30 134. . , 0 15 48. .. 0 9 145. # # 8 0 217. .. 0 7 42. . . 0 32 5" 4 0 135. 0 15 49. .. 0 11 146. ,, 4 0 218. .. 0 8 43. 0 32 6 ; ' 4 40 136. 0 24 50. .. 1 0 147. 0 9 219. .. 5 7 44. 0 32 7' '' 5 20 137. 0 24 51. .. 1 1 148- -150. , 6 0 220. .. 0 3 45.- -r r 0 24 8' ' 6 40 138. 0 36 52*: .. 0 6 151- •156 > 1 A A 221. .. 0 7 0 32 9' " 7 40 139. 20 0 53. .. 0 7 together) U 222. .. 1 4 i" 0 32 10' " 8 20 186. 6 0 54. .. 0 8 157. ► • • 10 0 223. .. 1 8 I" 0 32 11 " 9 20 187. 3 30 55. .. 0 9 158. • • 3 0 224. .. 0 5 r' 0 32 12 " 10 0 188. 0 48 56. .. 0 8 159. • • 0 4 225. .. 2 2 i r 0 40 88. . 14 48 57, 58.. 0 10 160. • • 10 0 226, .. 1 4 189: Model of a bench . 40 0 59, 60.. 0 8 161. • • 8 0 227. .. 0 4 Rosewood tool-chest for amateurs # 500 0 61,62.. 1 0 162. 6 0 ’228. .. 0 3 140- -185 . An assortment of 46 tools, su - 63. .. 0 11 163. • • 4 0 229. .. 0 7 perior quality . 500 0 64. .. 0 7 164. 6 0 230. .. 0 11 Another assortment of tools . 50 0 65. .. 1 0 165. • • 2 5 231. 1 4 per dozen p 5 54 197. , 3 48 66. 0 7 166. • • 1 7 232. .. 1 10 190. 2 6 1 r 7 0 198. , 4 0 67. .. 0 9 167. 1 0 233. .. 0 11 191. —If" 2 38 2 8 24 199. , 2 0 68. .. 1 0 168. • • 3 0 234. .. 0 4 If " 2 54 24 9 0 200. , 3 40 69. .. 1 4 169. 4 0 235. .. 0 8 If " 3 54 2§ 9 30 201. . 2 0 70, 71.. 1 0 I70r -172*7 2 A 236. .. 0 5 2i " 4 12 3 10 0 202. . , , 1 54 72. .. 1 4 together j u 237. .. 0 8 2\ " 4 48 193 . 3 40 203. . 1 54 73. .. 1 0 173. , 3 0 238. .. 0 9 2f " 5 12 194 . 5 0 204. . 2 0 74, 75.. 1 4 174, 20 0 239. .. 0 4 3" 5 48 195 . 2 6 205. . 3 0 76. .. 1 b 175-177 i Ct 240, 241. 0 7 192. —1|" 5 30 196 . 2 18 206. . 2 6 ■77, 78.. 1 4 together j - 4 O 242. .. 1 0 229 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. 243. . 244. . 245. . 246. . 247. . 248. 249 250. . 251. . 252. . 253. . 254. . 255. ., 256. ., 257. ., 258. .. 259. .. 260. .. 261. .. 262. .. 263. .. 264. .. 265. .. 266. 267. .. 268. .. 269. .. 270. .. 271. .. 272. .. 273. .. 274. .. 275. .. 276. .. 277. .. 278. 279. .. 280. .. 281. 282. .. 283. .. 284. .. 285. .. 286. .. 287. .. 288. .. 289. .. 290. .. 291—203. 294. 295. .. 296. .. 297. .. 298. .. 299,300. 301 s. d. O 10 1 8 1 10 40 0 0 5 0 11 1 2 4 2 5 5 4 5 7 8 7 8 4 2 4 7 5 5 0 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 12 0 6 0 No. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. s. 10 0 3 0 4 0 14 0 8 0 7 0 322-338 | irn . together 5 100 0 339—341. 3 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 8 0 6 10 0 2 9 60 0 6 0 302. .. 303. .. 304. .. 305. .. 306. 307. .. 308. .. 309. .. 310. .. 311. .. 312. .. 313. .. 314,315. 10 0 14 0 3 0 10 0 8 0 10 0 4 0 4 0 342. 343. . 344. . 345. . 346. . 347. . 348. . 349. . 350. . 351. . 352. . 353. ., 354. ., 355. .. 356. 357. .. 358. .. 359. 360. 361. .. 362. .. 363. .. 364. .. 365. .. 366. .. 367. .. 368. .. 369. .. 370. .. 371. .. 372. .. 373. 374. 375. .. 376. .. 377. .. 378. .. 379. .. 380. .. 381. .. 332. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 332. 29 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 No. s. d. 421—434. 1 4 435—437. 1 1 438,439. 1 4 440,4 41. 1 1 442—449. 1 4 450—457. 1 1 458—463. 1 4 464—468. 1 ' 1 469—476. 1 4 477—484. 1 1 485—492. 1 4 493—495. 1 1 1 10 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 8 1 2 2 10 1 8 1 3 0 11 0 9 7 5 4 y 4 7 3 0 10 1 2 1 10 8 0 10 0 1 1 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 2 7 2 5 2 0 3 0 2 2 2 10 1 2 1 8 2 8 3 4 4 0 14 0 1 8 0 7 8 0 2 0 3 10 2 0 1 7 1 10 3 2 1 0 5 0 0 7 2 0 521—523. 3 6 524—532. 1 o 1 0 6 0 7 0 3 7 4 0 4 0 3 0 393-397. 1 398—403. 1 404—407. 1 408—412.10 0 413,414. 2 2 415. ..17 416. .. 2 2 417. .. 418,419. 420. .. 533. 534.5.. . 536.7.. . 538. .. 539. .. 540. .. 541—546. 1 4 547—550. 1 1 551—559. 1 4 560—562. 1 1 563—570. 1 4 571—587. 1 1 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 1 8 1 3 0 11 0 9 0 7 0 1 1 3 0 2 0 597—600. 0 601. .. o 602. ..08 603,604. 2 0 605. .. 40 606. ..36 0 607. ..100 0 608—609. 0 6 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. 610. .. 611. .. 612. .. 613. .. 614—616 617. .. 618. .. 619. .. 620—621 622. 623. .. 624. .. 625. .. 626. .. 627—630, 631. 632. 633. .. 634. .. 635. .. 636. 637. .. 638. .. 639. .. 640. .. 641. .. 642. .. 643. 644. 645. .. 646. .. 647. .. 648. .. 649. .. 650. .. 651. .. 652. .. 653. .. 654. .. 655. .. 656. .. 657. .. 658. .. 659. .. 660-661. 662, 663. 664. 665. s. d 0 8 0 5 0 8 0 6 . 0 5 0 6 1 0 1 2 . 0 10 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 10 1 8 . 1 0 4 0 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 2 0 10 4 0 10 0 2 0 667. .. 668 . .. 669. .. 670. .. 671. .. 672. .. 673. .. 674. .. 675. .. 676. .. 677. .. 678,679. 680. .. 681,682. 683—685. 686 . .. 687, 688. 689. .. 690. .. 10 0 6 0 5 0 3 0 4 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 4 1 6 1 6 0 11 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 10 1 7 No. 691. .. 692. .. 693. .. 694—696. 697. .. 698. .. 699. .. 700. .. 701—702. 703. .. 704. .. 705,706. 707. .. 708. .. 709. .. 710. .. 711. .. 712—714. 715. .. 716. .. 717. .. 718. .. 719. .. 720. .. 721. 722. 723. .. 724. .. 725. .. 726. .. 727. 728. 729. .. 730. .. 731. 732. .. 733. .. 734. .. 735. .. 736. 737. .. 738. .. 739. .. 740. .. 741. 742. .. 743. .. 744. .. 745. .. 746. .. 747. .. 748—768 1 together / 769, 770. 771, 772. 773, 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786—793 i together | 794. s. d. 1 4 2 0 2 8 2 0 1 10 d. 4 0 1 0 1 4 1 10 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 10 3 0 2 0 1 4 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 11 1 1 No. s. 795-7981 0 together | u 799—809 [ together j 810—821 I . together / 4 6 822—8331 . R together f 4 b 831—835.' 0 0£ 836,837. 0 1 838. .. 0 1$ 839,840. 0 2 841. .. 0 2£ 842,843 . 0 3 844. 845. 8l6. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 0 3£ 0 8 4 H 3 0 2J 0 2 - 0 1J 852-854. 0 1 855. .. 0 0-£ 856-910 ?. Q . together! 18 4 911. ..80 912. .. 29 0 0 11 1 1 1 0 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928-967 8 0 0 10 6 0 0 8 0 7 1 0 0 8 12 0 5 0 4 0 0 10 16 0 968-1013?., Q together! y 1014-35 ) together J """ u 1036-1056. 7 0 0 9 0 10 1057 1058. 1059. 1060. 1081. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 0 13 0 9 2 5 7 2 10 I 8 0 7 0 6 1068-1071. 0 7 0 10 0 11 1 1 3 0 5 7 8 5 13 10 7 1072. 6 1073. 9 1074. 0 10 J 5 ' u 1076. 4 1077. 1078. T 2 230 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 2v T o. N ame & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. s. d. 1079. ..10 5 1080. ..57 1081. ..14 1082. .. 0 11 1083-1084. 0 10 1085. ..10 1086. ..14 1087. ..20 1088. ..04 1089. ..03 1090. .. 0 21 1091. ..03 1092. ..04 1093. .. 0 2i 1094. ..08 No s. d. 1095-1096. 0 9 1097. ..10 1098. .. 0 10 1099. ..08 1100. ..06 1101,1102. 4 0 1103,1104. 3 0 1105. ..06 1106. ..07 1107. ..05 1108. ..04 1109-1114 ) , . together j 1115. ..14 1116-1122. 0 4 No. s. d. 1123. .. 2 10 1124,1125. 3 0 1126. ..26 1127-1130. 0 5 1131. ..17 1132,1133. 1 0 1134. ..15 1135. ..17 1136-1140. 2 10 1141. ..17 1142. .. 15 1143-1148), 0 together / 1149. ..60 0 1150. ..40 Special attention is called to the prices of the joiners’ and cabinetmakers’ tools. A carpenter’s bench 6 feet long, with double screws, costs 1Z.; a plane, with irons, from 8 d. to 2s. The quality of all the tools is guaranteed. 574- BRUNNER, ANTON, Vienna, Manu.— 67. III. a. Compass Saws, per dozen. No. Blue. Yellow. White. 00. 7 fl. 8 fl. 8 fl. 0-5. 6 7 7 6, 7. 7 8 8 8, 9. 8 9 9 10. 9 10 10 Saws for inlaying, saws for piercing, and saws for pressure . 6 7 7 Saws for inlaying floors, No. 1, 20 kr.: No. 2, 30 kr.; No. 3, 2 fl. 575. BACHER (A. B.), Vienna, Silversmith.— 4. III. a. Plate. £. s. d. 1. Silver stand.14 11 7 2. Do. bread basket.4 13 9 3. Do. do. .6 5 0 4. Do. cake tray.1 1 10 5. Do. do.2 8 0 6. Do. do. .13 5 7. Do. child’s bell.0 4 7 8. Do. do. .0 4 7 9. Do. cup.150 10. Do. goblet.1 15 5 11. Do. sugar basket.3 10 10 12. Do. candlesticks, the pair . . . 10 8 4 13. Do. cruet stand.3 15 -0 14. Do. etui, with 6 tea spoons . . .17 1 15. Do. mustard pot.2 5 10 16. Do. napkin holder.0 6 3 17. Do. sugar basket, with glass basin .'171 18. Do. stand, with glass dish . . . 2 14 2 19. Do. sugar basket 1 6 0 20. Do. saltcellar, lined with glass . . 1 0 10 21. Do. saltcellar.1 7 1 22. Do. sugar tongs.0 8 4 23. Do. do. . 0 9 4£ 24,25. Do. do. .0 8 10 26. Do. do. gilt inside . . .084 27. Do. saltcellars, with glasses, the pair 1 2 11 28. Do. do. ... „ 1 15 5 29. Do. do. ... „ 1 2 11 30. Do, inkstand. 2 4 9| £. s. d. 31. Silver toothpick case.15 0 32. Do. goblet, gilt inside .... 2 1 8 33. Do. ladies’ companion .... 0 9 10^ 34. Do. do. . . . . 0 13 0 35. Do. do. with knitting implements.0 18 2| 36. Do. bracelet. 0 5 8£ 37. Do. do. gilt.0 6 3 38. Etui, with 6 silver gilt teaspoons ..171 39. Case containing child’s knife, fork, and spoon, silver gilt.0 8 10 40. Do.0 10 5 41. Do. with teaspoon.0 12 6 42,43. Do._.0 8 4 44. Case containing knife, fork, table and teaspoons. 1211 45. Etui containing dinner knives and forks. 7176 46. Etui containing 12 dessert knives and forks . . 1Z. 0s. 10 d. & 1Z. 2 s. lleZ.=: 2 3 9 47. Etui containing 8 dinner knives and forks .. 1 17 6 48. Milk jug. 2 10 0 49. Silver gilt cake tray.2 12 1 50. Etui containing 6 dessert knives and forks . 1Z. 17s. 6 eZ., & 2Z. 5s. 10<7.= 4 3 4 51. Etui containing 6 dessert knives . . 0 16 8 570. GROHMANN, HIERONIMUS, Prague, Bohemia, Jeweller.—1. III. a. £. s. d. 1 . Necklace and bracelets of Bohemian garnets. 70 0 0 2. Parasol handle, mounted with Bo¬ hemian garnets. 80 0 0 3. Do. do. . 40 0 0 4. Brooches (can be used also as buttons or hair-pins), set with Tyrolese garnets 12 0 0 5. Bracelet, set with large Bohemian garnets in 4 rows.15 0 0 6 . Bracelet of Bohemian garnets . . .700 7. Bracelet of large Bohemian garnets .16 0 0 8 . Bracelet of Bohemian garnets . . .800 9. Brooch and pair of ear rings of Bo¬ hemian garnets, with Tyrolese garnet centres.300 10. Corsage of Bohemian garnets-. . .300 11 . Pair of Bohemian garnet coat holders 3 0 0 12 . Corsage of Bohemian garnets . . .300 13. Velvet bracelet, with Bohemian garnet snaps.300 14. Do. do. .300 15. Silver filigree casket, ornamented with large Bohemian garnets . . . . 60 0 0 577. RATZERSDORFER, HERMANN, Vienna, Jeweller.—2. III. a. £. s. d. Toilet glass in massive silver frame . 200 0 0 578. WIEN, LOB, Prague, Goldsmith and Sil¬ versmith.—3. III. a. £. s. d. Silver filigree chessboard and men. . . 50 0 0 579. BERG, FRANZ JOSEF, Prague, Manu¬ facturer of Bronzes.— 6 . III. a. fl. kr Knight with horse in bronze metal . . . 150 0 Animals fighting—a group in ormolu . . 45 0 Ormolu plateau, with double set of dishes, dull gilt.. 400 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 231 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fi. kr. Pair of ormolu candelabra, for 7 lights each 175 fl. 350 0 Crystal goblet, with cover and stand, No. 3 60 0 Do. do. No. 2 40 0 Do. do. No. 1 20 0 Table lamp.75 0 580. BROSE, WILHELM, Vienna, Manu.— 4. a. m. a. A pair of ormolu candelabra, ornamented with porcelain. 450 0 581. HOLLENBACH, DAVID, Vienna, Manu. —5. III. A. Pair of ormolu candelabra. 3000 0 fl. kr. Mustard pot, with cover and spoon ... 10 Jug.6 0 Pair “of Forget me not vases.6 0 Eau sucree service, consisting of sugar basin, bottle, and two glasses, the whole fitting in each other.5 40 Bottle, with glass to serve as stopper . . 3 30 Decanter, Chinese stoppers, amber cut bottoms.3 0 Sherbet bowl, with cover and cup . . . 3 12 Freemason goblet.1 12 Goblet, large.2 24 Do. small.2 0 Ladies’ tumbler.1 40 Flower vase, with saucer and stand ... 80 Plain Glass. 582. ABELE (F.), Neuhurkenthal, Bohemia Manu.—III. A. 2. Anhang. Chimney glass, 88 by 43, cut in facets, in rich gold frame. 420 fl. or 584- BUQUOY, COUNT, Schwarzthal and Sil- berberg, Bohemia.—72. & 73. III. a. Red Hyalite Glass, Gilt. 16. Flower vase. 17. Etruscan vase, w r ith cover. 4. Jug, wdth cover. 1. Inkstand.. Wavy Hyalite Glass. 6. Flower vase. 5. Do. . 7. Do. 9. Do, . 2. Comb box. 6. Etruscan vase. 12. Do. 2. Pen-tray. 2. Paper weight. 3. Do. 3a. Do. . 3 b. Toilet table top. Crystal Glass. 1. Vase, with cover and stand .... 2. A pair of column-shaped vases Cut Glass. Decanter. Wine decanter. Water goblet. Wine goblet. Beer goblet. Champagne glasses . Wine glasses, large. Do. middle. Do. small. Half-cut glass, Radiated Bottoms. Decanter. Wine decanter. Water goblet. Porter goblet. Champagne glasses. Wine glass, large. Do. middle. Do. small. Sugar glass, with cover. Salt cellar. £. s. 42 0 fl. kr. 7 0 11 0 5 0 8 0 10 30 11 0 11 40 8 0 2 34 10 0 11 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 75 0 80 0 4 0 3 0 1 12 1 0 1 36 1 6 1 0 0 54 0 45 Decanter .... Do. Do. second size Do. do. Water tumbler . Do. . . Do. curved Do. do. Wine glass, first size, Do. do. Do. second do. Do. Do. Do. Liqueur glass Do. do. third do. do. C. 1 B. 1 C. 2 B. 2 C. 3 B. 3 C. 5 B. 5 White and Enamelled Porcelain Glass. Flower glass. Milk jug. Cream iug. poblet.. Cotfee cup and saucer. Milk jug. Flagon. CarafFe. Do. smaller. Champagne tumblers, large size . Tun shaped tea caddy. Ruby glass jug. Decanter. Flagon . . Do. Blown Glass. Decanter. Wine decanter. Tumbler. Wine glass. Champagne glass, high. Do. low. Wine glass, first size. Do. second do. 1 6 0 46 0 54 0 41 0 13 0 71 0 12 0 7 0 20 0 11 0 13i 0 8 0 121 0 7 0 10 0 6 2 0 2 30 18 36 0 50 54 0 50 0 12 1 12 1 42 1 0 0 54 0 22 0 20 0 20 0 30 0 20 0 18 2 40 Do. third do. 0 16 1 48 Do. fourth do. • • 0 15 0 1 40 0 585. CZERMAK, P., Prague.—74. III. A. 0 40 1. Chimney vase, white enamelled glass 24 0 0 38 2. A pair of do. do. do. 32 0 0 36 3^ Pair of flower-vases do. do. 48 0 0 32 4. Do. do. do. 40 0 1 48 5. Do. do. do. 32 0 0 36 6. Do. blue do. 36 0 232 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. KTq. Name & Address of Exhibitor— Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 7. Pair of flower vases, alabaster enamelled glass. 120 8 . Do. green do. 16 0 9. Do. do. do. 16 0 10. Pair of fruit bowls, with vases for flowers 30 0 11. Pair of stands, rose do. 40 0 12 . Pair of fruit bowls do. do. 26 0 13. Do. do. do. 18 0 14. Do. do. do. 13 0 15. Pair of compotiers, with covers and stand, do. ........ 26 0 16. Pair ofcompote dishes, rose and enamelled 11 0 17. Jugs do. do. each 9 0 18. Six cake plates do. do. „ 5 30 19. Twelve dessert plates do. do. ,, 3 30 20. Sugar basin, cover and stand do. 6 0 21. Decanter and six glasses, blue do. 13 0 22. Goblet do. do. 12 0 23. Scent bottles white do. each 1 15 24. Soap trays do. do. „ 2 0 25. Pomade boxes ...... ,, 1 15 26. Tooth-powder boxes .... „ 1 15 27. Comb box. 5 0 28. Tooth-brush tray.4 0 29. Jewel box. 2 30 30. Bottle, with glass to serve as stopper . 5 0 31. E wer and basin.15 0 32. Pomade boxes . . . . . . each 2 0 33. Milk jugs. ,, 2 0 34. Tray with water bottle, rum bottle, sugar basin, and 2 tumblers ..... 22 0 35. Pair of scent bottles . . . . . . 15 0 36. A pair of decanters with tumbler stoppers 12 0 586. GROHMANN, JOSEPH, Kreibitz, Bo¬ hemia.—75. III. a. and 19 Anhang. Gilt glass ware: 1. Cornucopia ..30 0 3. Alabaster flower vases .... per pair 9 8 4. Alabaster cornucopia .... ,, 6 22 5. Turquoise blue do. .... ,, 6 58 6 . Scent bottles ....... ,, 24 7. Do.. ,, 2 50 8 . Candlesticks. , 9 7 36 587. HARRACH, FRANZ ERNST, COUNT YON, Neuwelt, Bohemia.—77. III. a. and III. A. 4 Anhang. Glass Ware. 1. A pair of blue on crystal Vases, richly cut in the style of the 14th century . 800 0 2. A pair of blue on crystal enamelled vases, in the Moorish style . . . 254 0 3. A pair of ruby on crystal Turkish vases. 480 0 4. A pair of Japan vases, decorated with gold and colours ...... 120 0 5. A ruby on crystal jug. 160 0 6. An Elizabethan blue on crystal goblet 115 0 7. A pair of blue on crystal enamelled vases, with leaf decorations and por¬ traits .180 0 8. A pair of Turkish oil cruets .... 15 0 9. A pair of Japanese lapis lazuli enamelled vases .......... 120 0 10. A pair of gold enamelled vases . . . 82 0 11. A pair of vases.22 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 12. A pair of petinet drinking cups ... 80 0 13. Thread-glass goblet.25 0 14. A pair of thread-glass goblets . . . 60 0 15. Thread-glass sugar vase.26 0 16. A pair of pomade boxes, black hyalite with red Etruscan decorations . . 15 0 17. A similar pair, red hyalite with black . 15 0 18. Chrysoprase composition pomade boxes, per pair 22 0 19. A pair of Etruscan jugs, black hyalite with red ornaments. 20 30 20. A similar pair, red hyalite with black ornaments. 20 30 21. A pair of Etruscan flower jugs, black hyalite with red ornaments ... 80 22. A similar pair, red hyalite with black ornaments.8 0 23. Pair of Etruscan flower vases, black hyalite with red ornaments . . . 11 40 24. A similar pair, red hyalite with black ornaments.11 40 25. Toilet vases, ruby composition the pair 17 0 26. Do. lapis lazuli composition „ 32 0 27. Do. turquoise composition „ 8 30 Toilet vases, per pair : 28. 8fl. 30kr.; 29. Sfl. 30kr.; 30. 8fl. 50kr.; 31. 8fl. 50kr.; 32. Sfl. 50kr. Toilet bottles, per pair, do.: 33. Sfl.; 34. Sfl.; 35. 8fl.; 36. 9fl. 30kr. j 37 . 9fL 30kr.; 38. 9fl. 30kr. 39. Pair of toilet vases, gold topaz . . . 22 30 40. Pair of small vases, crystal and blue . 12 30 41. Flower jugs, painted . . . per pair 9 0 42. Flower jug, blue enamel on crystal . . 6 50 • 43. Pair of flagons do. ... 90 Goblets, blue or ruby and enamel. 44. 7fl. 45kr.; 45. 7fl. 20kr.; 46. 5fl. 47. Flower jugs, rose coloured feather glass 4 15 48. Jewel box, rose coloured, gold cover . 7 15 49. Jug, with cover containing figures cut in relievo. 156 45 50. Wine decanters, green, cut per pair 23 0 51. Wine glasses do. do. to match per dozen 54 0 52. Winedecanters, crj^tal and rose-coloured per pair 20 40 53. Wine glasses do. do. to match ...... per dozen 50 0 54. Wineu decanters, yellow . . per pair 15 20 55. Wine glasses do., to match, per doz. 40 0 56. Wine decanters, miry . . . per pair 39 40 57. Wine glasses do., to match, per doz. 71 0 58. Salt cellars, crystal, cut . . . each 10 15 59. Pepper boxes, do. do. ... ,, 5 40 60. Wine decanter, for Malaga, dark ruby 22 30 61. Wineglasses the dozen 85 12 62. Wine jug, crystal, cut ..... 11 0 63. W r ine glasses, do. do. . . . each 4 45 64. Goblet, feather glass.. 27 0 68 . Ruby sweetmeat plateaux, with 3 stands, cut, richly gilt, with pendants . each 557 0 67. Do., with 2 stands'.„ 489 0 68 . Candelabra, with 5 lights, 4 crystal branches, richly gilt, with pendants each 562 30 74. Inkstand, with handle, and ormolu orna¬ ments . ..... 16 0 76. Rose enamel scent-bottles. . . each 3 50 77. Alabaster Etruscan vases „ . . „ 33 10 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 233 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 78. Rose and crystal jug, with cover . . 91 45 79. Chrysolite Hock bottles, with cut stop¬ pers . each 31 15 80. Wine glasses to match . . . per doz. 98 0 81. Crystal hunting cup, richly ornamented 129 0 82. Blue enamel eau sucree set, consisting of Avater bottle, arrack bottle, sugar basin, 2 glasses and tray, richly cut and gilt.. . 83. Crystal goblet and cover, cut and gilt in the Moorish style. 85. Water bottles, cut and gilt . . each 86 . Crystal glasses to match ... „ 87. Wine coolers, deeply cut and frosted ,, 88 . Oil and vinegar stand, with 2 bottles, green and yellow, richly cut and gilt . 89. Toilet bottles, with pedestal and covers the pair 91. Enamel and crystal scent bottles „ 92. Scent bottles.. 93. Hock bottles ....... 94. Lapis lazuli vases ...... 96. Dark ruby goblets.„ 97. Enamel lustres, cut, and with pendants the pair 98. Enamel rose scent bottles . . . ,, 99. ruby do. . . . each 100 . blue do. . . . „ 101. Hock bottles.the pair !583. HEGENBARTH, AUGUST, Meistersdorf, Bohemia, Manuf.—9. III. a. Anhang. 189 30 93 45 45 0 9 42 31 20 96 0 17 30 5 40 11 40 24 50 19 30 9 0 33 30 16 40 2 7 4 15 15 50 1. A drinking cup and cover, engraved with lion hunt, 27 inches in height . . . 80 0 2. Ditto, engraved in old German, 27 inches high.50 0 3. Ditto, engraved with boar-hunt, 19 inches high .60 0 i 589. HELLMICH, F. A., Wolfersdorf, Bohemia, Manu.—82. IXI.A. Glass beads, per 100 meshes, 5 inches, 10 threads :— Colour and Price. No. fl. kr. fl. kr. 3/0. Ruby, 1 40 Garnet and Black, 1 11 2 / 0 . 3 3 1 54 ? > 3 5 1 17 0 . 2 4 3 3 9 9 1 21 0 j. 9 9 2 15 1 . 3 3 2 24 3 J 3 3 1 23 H. 9 9 2 36 2 . 2 52 1 29 3.* 2 57 } f 9 1 57 4. 9 9 3 38 } f 3 3 2 12 5. 9 9 4 4 9 9 2 19 6 . 3 3 4 37 5 J 3 3 2 27 7. 5 27 ’ ’ 9 9 2 41 8 . ’ 9 5 52 2 43 9. 6 17 2 52 10 . 6 50 ’ ’ 9 9 3 0 11 . 7 37 9 9 3 21 12 . 8 47 3 3 3 45 13. ,, 10 5 4 15 14. ,, 11 30 J 3 3 3 4,45 Knitting pearls, in 100 meshes :— 4 in., 10 threads. f 5 in. 10 threads, fi. kr. fl. kr. 1, 2, 3, . . 2 30 . . 3 0 4, 5, 12, . . 2 0 . . 2 30 Knitting pearls, in 100 meshes :— Nos. 4 in., 10 threads. 5 in., 10 threads. fl. kr. fl. kr. 6—111 18—28 > . . 1 40 . . ..25 43 i 13—17, 29—42 1 30 . . . . 1 50 44—66 . . 1 25 . . . . 1 40 51—100 . . 1 20 . . . . 1 35 101—182 . . 1 15 . . . . 1 25 183 (black) . 18 . . . . 1 15 1008. Alabaster vases, with beryl snake, gold enamel.the pair 4 52 1606. Alabaster vases, lapis lazuli snake the pair 4 38 Beryl ditto ditto „ 5 10 1268. Alabaster ivy vase, in 3 parts . . . 10 51 1039. Light rose ivy vase, in 4 parts . . 18 2 1226. Rose vase, with enamel snake ... 7 54 1133. Alabaster vase, 2 beryl rings, rose and gold borders. 1 22 1428. Alabaster vase, turquoise, palm and snake.416 824. Alabaster vase, 2 turquoise garlands, in 5 parts. 6 15 613. Alabaster vase, beryl snake ... 8 51 296. Alabaster vase, rose border, beryl ring 1 12 510. Alabaster sugar vase, snake on border 7 39 448. Ditto ditto . . 1 44 511. Alabaster cake plate.5 15 512. Alabaster flower vase, dead cut, with light rose stand.7 0 516. Alabaster butter cooler.5 48 517. Ditto .3 44 518. Ditto .1 58 519. Alabaster casket, with turquoise lion 1 3 531. Alabaster candlestick. 3 2 532. Ditto .4 2 533. Turquoise candlestick.117 534. Alabaster ditto .1 29 535. Alabaster scent bottle.1 28 536. Ditto . 0 36 537. Ditto . 1 39 539. Ditto ..... 1 41 540. Alabaster candlestick.4 0 541. Alabaster scent bottle.2 32 542. Turquoise ditto. 0 29 543. Alabaster candlestick ..... 2 22 544. Alabaster decanter, plate, and sugar basin.together 5 47 545. Alabaster sugar basin.15 [ 546. Alabaster butter cooler, with cover and stand.3 18 548. Ditto .3 38 549. Alabaster vase.3 57 550. Ditto .2 24 4. 1 £. Rose vases, alabaster snakes, the pair 4 16 1301 /4. Turquoise vases, alabaster snakes „ 8 30 C. 36. Ditto 14 1326. Beryl scent bottles . . . . „ 0 28 1328. Alabaster ditto.„ 0 26 1325. Beryl ditto.. 0 34 10071/44. Alabaster bottle . . . . „ 0 20 589 a. HOTTINGER, ADOLPH, Vienna. Six vases of crystal glass, cut, in which the productions of Messrs. Heinzen Brothers, of Tetschen on the Elbe (No. 26), are shown. 234 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. KTo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. s. d. 590. HOFMANN, W., Prague. — 76. in. a.— (Agent, J. R.McCracken, 7, Old Jewry, London.) Glassware. 1. Pair of colossal vases (7' high) of ala- baster and dim green glass, cut 80 0 0 Vases of opal, alabaster, or crystal glass, cut, painted, or enamelled, per pair:— £. s. £. s. £. s. d. 2 . . . 20 0 6 . . . 9 0 10 . . 1 12 0 3. ..90 7. . .3 12 11 . . 1 10 0 4. . . 12 0 8 . . . 3 4 12 . . 2 0 0 5. ..80 9. . . 2 10 13. Smelling bottle, enamelled and cut . 0 13 0 14. Do. do. 0 12 0 15. Jug do. . 1 2 0 16. Pair of watercups do. 1 0 0 17. Japan-shaped vase and cover, ena- melled blue, with black and gold 3 12 0 Vases, enamelled and cut, per pair :— £. s. £. s. 18. . . 4 10 22 . . . 12 0 26. . 2 8 0 19. ..34 23. . .74 27. . 1 10 0 20 . . . 2 10 24. . .50 28. . 0 15 0 21 . ..14, 25. . .40 29. Flower glasses, alabaster with green, cut, &c. 3 0 0 30. Do. do. 95 2 0 0 31. Vases do. 59 3 0 0 32. Do. do. 99 3 4 0 33. Do. do. 59 3 0 0 34. Do. do. 59 2 12 0 35. Do. do. 99 1 6 0 36. Candlesticks do. 99 0 14 0 37. Do. do. 59 0 7 0 38. Boxes do. each 0 10 0 39. Vases, cerill and enamel, cut, &c. per pair 2 8 0 40. Do. do. 59 2 0 0 41. Do. do. 0 16 0 42. Beer-cups do. each 0 7 6 43.’ Smelling bottles do. 95 0 4 0 44. Vases, turkey and enamel, cut, &c. per pair 2 0 0 45. Do. do. 1 16 0 46. Smelling bottles do. each 0 8 0 47. Do. do. 59 0 3 6 48. Beer-glasses do. 59 0 7 6 49. Pair of vases, , ruby, cut, &c. . 3 12 0 50. Bottle with glass and tray, , ena- melled, &c. 0 18 0 51. Do. do. do. 0 10 0 52. Pair of vases, ruby and white, en- graved 4 0 0 53. Jug, ruby, cut, &c. 2 0 0 54. Beer-glasses, do. each 0 10 0 55. Do. do. 99 0 18 0 56. Old German cups, do. . . . 95 0 16 0 57. Water set, pink crystal and enamel. cut, &c., consisting of 6 pieces . 3 4 0 58. Do. jug, cup, and plate, do. do. . 1 14 0 59. Eau-sucree set, consisting of bottle, glass, sugar box and plate, do. do. 1 12 0 591. JANKE BROTHERS, Blottendorf, Bohe¬ mia, Manu.—81. III. a. 1. A Gothic crystal drinking cup . . .£380 2. A pair of crystal flagons . . each 7/ 0 14 0 £. s. d. 3. A pair of crystal flagons smaller, each 5/ 0 10 0 4. A pair of crystal flower vases each 10/ 10 0 5. A pair of crystal flagons with flower vase stopples.each 4/8 0 9 4 6 . A pair of flower vases, richly decorated with gold and flowers . each Si. 18s. 7 16 0 7. A pair of flower vases with tops, richly decorated with gold and colours on alabaster stands . . each 31. 12s. 7 4 0 8 . A pair of flower vases, richly decorated with figures of horses and gold, on alabaster stands . . . each 12/. 24 0 0 9. Blue violet glasses with arabesques in gold.per doz. 0 2 6 . 10. Violet do. enamelled with gold per doz. 15 6 11. Two ruby Rhenish flasks, with foliage each 2/8 0 5 4 12. Pair of crystal candlesticks each 3/10 0 7 8 13. A crystal pint tumbler. 0 0 10 14. Tumbler for common use . per 100 0 9 4 15. Two flower vases .... each 3/8 0 7 4 16. Two flasks.each 2/10 0 5 8 17. Pair of alabaster bouquetiers each 6 / 0 12 0 18. Pair of alabaster flasks . . each 3/060 19. Do. do. . . . each 2/5 0 4 10 592. KITTL’S HEIRS, ANTON, Kreibitz, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—III. a. 5. Anhang. (Agent, W. Meierstein, 15, Watling Street, London.) 1 . A pair of ruby flower vases . . . . 10 0 2. A pair of ruby and agate flower vases 0 5 0 3. Do. 4s.; 4. do. 3s. 6 c?.; 5. do. 2 s. 10 d .; 6 . do. 3s. 7. A pair of dark blue flower vases . . 0 16 0 8 . Do. 4s. 6 d .; 9. do. Is. 2d .; 10 . do. 8 d. 11. A pair of opal flower vases . . . . 0 18 6 12. Do. 13s. 6 g?. ; 13. do. 2s. 6 c?.; 14. do. Is. 6 c?.; 15. do. 8 d. ; 16. do. 10s.; 17. do. 8 s. 10c?. 18. A pair of agate flower vases . . .012 19. A pair of azure flower vases . . .036 20. A pair of dark green flower vases ..034 593. KUHINKA, FRANZ, Katharinenthal, Hun¬ gary.—78. III. a. Decanters, each: 1. 24kr.; 2. 15kr.; 3. 20kr.; 4. 12kr.; 5. 16kr. 6 . lOkr. Goblets, each: 7. 24kr.; 8 . 9ikr.; 9. 10kr.; 10. 9ikr.; 11. 7kr. 12. 6ikr.;l3. 7kr. Liqueur glasses, each: 14. 51 kr.; 15. 5kr. 594. LOTZ, WIDOW, & F. GERSTNER, Deffer- nik, Bohemia, Manu.—HI. a. 11. Anhang. fl. kr. 1. Opal vine leaf, polished and gilt ... 2 0 2. Ruby do. do. do. ... 2 0 3. Isabelle (French white) Cross .... 3 0 4. Isabelle teapot. 0 14 5. Water can enamelled white .... 1 6 6 . Milk can enamelled blue.16 7. Cream ewer with ladle enamelled white . 3 0 8 . Do. do. do. blue . 2 0 9. Jug, blue ......... 0 30 10. Can, red. 0 20 11. Teapot, rose colour. 0 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 235 i No. 1 — Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. each Pen tray, turquoise .... Scent bottles, turquoise and gold Do. blue.,, Do. white enamel . . ,, Do. do. . . ,, Do. with jewel tray, dark blue enamel each Do. do. sky blue Scent bottle, rose coloured Double scent bottles, rose coloured Snake, white enamel Candlestick, blue enamel Rummer, rose coloured Bottle and cup, green Do. do. crystal Do. do. rose coloured Do. do. turquoise A pair of turquoise flower vases Flower vase, alabaster . A pair of ruby vases Yase, alabaster. White enamelled vase, with snake A pair of vases, alabaster and gold, large 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 ! 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Do. 2 20 1 36 2 15 3 10 3 0 2 30 2 10 6 0 1 30 2 0 2 0 6 30 2 0 0 36 10 0 do. do. small 35. Cup, green . each 2 40 53. 36. Do. white 7 7 2 51 54. 37. Do. rose coloured . 7 7 1 15 23. 38. Goblet, white enamel 5 5 4 0 16. 39. Hat 7 7 0 24 64. 40. Do. . . 7 7 0 30 107. 41. Do. 7 7 0 40 106. 42. Boot, violet 7 7 0 45 101 . 43. Do. yellow 7 7 0 32 102 . 44. Pair of boots, ruby 5 24 108. 45. alabaster 1 40 109. 46. 77 ruby 1 40 118. 47. 5) blue 1 24 119. 48. 77 ruby 1 24 120 . 49. 77 rose coloured 1 24 121 , 122. 50. 77 blue 1 24 26. 51. 77 ruby . 1 0 21 . 52. 77 rose coloured 1 0 22 53. 7 7 blue 1 0 17! 54. Plate, alabaster ., . 55. Liqueur tray with bottle and 12 glasses 56. Table ornament, coral, green and gold with china table. 57. Wine butt, with pipe, tap, stands, &c., complete and 12 glasses to match . A service of crystal glass for 1 person, 1 45 20 0 210 40 No. I. 12 21 Do. do. II. 11 44 Do. do. III. 14 42 Do. do. IY. 11 9 Do. do. V. 6 32 Separately thus: I. II. III. IY. V. 89, fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 91, Water flagon 3 0 3 0 3 30 3 0 2 0 69. Wine flagon 2 0 2 0 2 12 2 0 1 30 136. Water beaker . 1 0 1 0 1 12 1 0 0 24 137. Wine goblet 0 45 0 0 0 58 0 45 0 18 10 . Water goblet 1 12 1 20 1 30 0 0 0 26 8 . Champagne glass 1 0 1 0 1 12 1 0 0 24 129. Flat do. ... 1 0 1 0 1 12 1 0 0 24 130. Claret glass . 0 50 0 50 0 58 0 50 0 20 131. Madeira glass . 0 40 0 40 0 50 0 40 0 18 132. Tokay glass . 0 30 0 30 0 40 0 30 0 16 73, Liqueur glass . 0 24 0 24 0 28 0 24 0 12 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 595. MEYR’S NEPHEWS, Adolf & Leonoren- hain, Bohemia, Manu.—22. III. A. (An- hang.) and 79. III. a. No. 99. Pair of dragon-handle Vases 59£ by 17£ inches on pedestals. 100 . Ditto. 103. A vase, 48 by 15, on Pedestal. 97. A vase, 36 by 11 , on Pedestal. 33. Pair of 16 inch vases. 24. Pair of 11 inch flower vases. 94. A 3 light candelabrum (Branch), 32 by 141. 95. Ditto. 98. A pair of vases on pedestals. 96. An ivy stand. 104. A pair of Gothic drinking cups with covers, 40 inches high. 84. A pair of 21 inch pedestal vases. 4. A flower vase, 27 inches high. 12. A pair of ditto. 13. A pair of 16 inch vases. 38. Two sugar vases. 39. Two ditto. 53. A pair of 19| inch vases with covers. Do. 27 inch do. Do. 11 inch flower holders. Do. II 5 inch vases. Do. 11 inch candlesticks. Do. 34 inch pedestal vases. Do. 22 inch do. Do. 18 inch vases. Do. do. 108. Two pedestal sugar vases. 109. One ditto. 118. A pair of 9 inch vases. 119. Ditto. 120. A pair of 7\ inch vases. 122. A pair of ditto. 26. A pair of 8 inch vases. 21. A pair of 12j inch vases. 22 . Ditto. 17. Two pair of 9 inch vases. 19. A pair of ditto. 18/1. Two pair of ditto. 36. A pair of ditto. 18. A pair of 11^ inch vases. 55. A pair of 10 J inch flower holders, with stands. 56. Ditto, 9j; 57. ditto, 111 . A pair of flower holders. 123. Two bottles with stopple glasses. 124. Ditto. 125. 126. Two pairs flagons, 7\ inches. 127, 128. Ditto, 5 inches. 70—72. Ditto, 9 inches. 85, 86 . Ditto, 8 inches. 90. Two pairs of quart ditto. stands and covers. 236 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 44, 45, 138. Bijouterie stands. 40, 42, 43. Milk jugs. 28. Cream ewer. 29. Milk jug. 11. Ditto. 9. A pair of cigar stands. 27. Two sugar Basins. 49. Ash receiver. 50. 2 ditto ; 51. 2 ditto. 63. A pair of 11 inch candlesticks. 76. Melon on dish. 48. A box. 7. A. pair of antique shaped pitchers. 1. A pair of vases, 20 inches. 83. Ditto. 2. Ditto, 16 inches. 14. Ditto. 135. Ditto. 20. Ditto, 12J inches. 32. Ditto, 11£ inches. 31. Ditto, 14 inches. 52. Ditto, 20 inches. 113. Ditto, 16J inches. 114. Ditto, 18 inches. 115. Ditto. 105. Two epergnes. 6. A pair of 17| inch vases. 15. A pair of vases, 11J inches. 34, 35. Ditto. 25. A pair of vases, 8 inches. 110. Ditto, 18 inches. 112. Ditto, 16 \ inches. 116. Ditto, 21 inches. 30. A sugar vase on stand. 46. Box. 47. Ditto. 81. Honey pot, with cover and stand. 82. Ditto. 133. Wine tray, with bottle and 6 glasses. 5. Pair of pedestal vases, 42 by 114 inches. Milk jug. Milk ewer. Wine tray, with flask and 6 glasses. Butter cooler on green stand. Pair of vases. Ditto. 596. KQNIG, FRANZ PALLME, Steinschonau* Bohemia, Manu.—III. a. 8. Anhang, rth. gr. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. A centre piece ....... A pair of crystal vases. Do. ..... Do. . A pair of sugar vases. Do. .. A pair of sweetmeat vases .... A biscuit dish on stand ..... A pair of compotieres, with covers . . A pair of round salad bowls .... A pair of do. • .... A pair of compotieres. Do. . Do. ...... A pair of Cheese dishes and covers . Dessert plates . . . ... . each Do. .,, Do. ...... ,, 20 0 11 10 8 10 5 22 3 6 2 6 4 0 3 14 9 2 8 0 5 16 4 20 3 22 2 28 6 20 1 27 1 17 1 0 rth. gr. 19. Ice plates . ..each 0 23 20. Pair of butter coolers, with covers and stands.4 28 21. A punch bowl, cover, and ladle . . . 13 20 22. A rummer, richly engraved .... 4 17 24. A pair of hock bottles.2 24 25. Do. .1 24 26. Ani ique shaped chalice ..... 1 23 597. PELIKAN, IGNAZ, Meistersdorf, Bohemia, Manu. — III. A. 7. Anhang. . fl. kr. 1. A drinking cup and cover, 33 inches in height, with a chase engraved thereon . 250 0 2. A Gothic drinking cup and cover, 27 inches in height.. 150 0 3. A drinking cup and cover, 27 inches in height, with mythological painting . . 100 0 598. YIYAT, BENEDICT, Langerswald and Benedictthal, Styria. — 80. III. a. Crystal glassware. fl. kr. 1. Sugar basin, with stand and cover . 5 0 2. Sugar vase.. 40 3. Quart decanter . ..4 6 4. Pint do.. . 2 6 5. Do. do.. . 2 0 6. Jug ........... 2 36 7. Goblet . . . 2 10 8. Drinking cup ........ 30 9. Do.. 1 30 10. Do. ........ 1 33 11. Do.10 12. Drinking-cup.1 12 13. Tumbler.. 0 46 14. Do. ... ..0 40 15. Do.1 10 16. Do. ... ..10 17. Do.1 24 18. Do. . . ..1 30 19. Do.0 40 20. Wine glass ........ 0 54 21. Do. ..0 24 22. Liqueur glass ........ 0 12 23. Champagne glass.10 24. Do. .0 18 25. Liqueur glass.. 0 16 26. Wine glass.. 0 12 27. Do. .0 6 28. Goblet ..0 20 29. Bottle.0 33 30. Water bottle and stopple .... 0 13 31. Bottle.. 0 16 32. Coffee goblet.. 1 20 33. Pair of knife rests.0 6J 34. Do. .0 6i 35. Retort.0 12 35i Do. ..0 5 36. Drinking cup.3 15 37. Decanter and stopple.5 56 38. Round bottle with divisions for 5 dif¬ ferent wines.10 0 39. Ewer and basin.20 10 40. Decanter ..60 41. Drinking cup.6 30 42. Coffee goblet.1 20 43. Goblet..3 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 237 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. I . . ... fl. kr. 44. Drinking cup. 2 40 45. Do. . 3 12 46. Do. 10 47. Do. . 0 40 48. Czutra, ruby and crystal .... 50 49. Drinking cup, with Love’s captivity engraved thereon. 7 36 50. Goblet. 0 5£ 599. ZAHN, JOSEPH, Senior, Steinschonau, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—III. a. Anhang. 10. 1 . Large drinking cup, red enamel with finely engraved shield.150 0 2. Drinking cup, blue enamel with 3 finely engraved shields.90 0 3. Drinking cup, tricolor with an engraved garland.65 0 4. Small drinking cup, red enamel with en¬ graved shield.15 0 5. Pair of high flagons, tricolor with garland 20 0 6 . Large crystal vase.18 0 7. Pair of smaller ditto to match. ... 15 0 8 . Pair of small do. .... 7 30 9. Pair of vases for preserves with covers 19 30 10. A white enamel centre piece, richly gilt 100 0 | G00. BIGAGLIA, PIETRO, late Lorenzo, Yenice. 1 . A pattern board, with assortment of £. s. d. 146 bunches of glass and enamelled beads (seed).1 15 0 2. A ditto, 80 bunches pound beads . 1 12 0 3. A pattern board, with 33 bunches fancy beads. 5170 4. A pattern board, with 12 slabs of imitation marble:— 1. Mille fleurs.0 14 0 2 . Red agate.0 8 0 3. Mille fleurs, less lively . . . 0 14 0 4. White and green, with avventurina 0 10 0 5. Red and white porphyry ..060 6 . White lapis and avventurina, veined and large stripes . . .066 7. Tortoiseshell, dark, white, and black.060 8 . Ditto, agate, large spots . . .060 9. Ditto, white, red, and yellow .070 10. Red porphyry, with avventurina 0 14 0 11 . Yerde antico. 0 14 0 12. Ruby, yellow, and avventurina . 0 14 0 5. A block of unwrought avventurina, weighing 167 lbs. Engl., at 1/. 7s. per lb.■ . . 225 0 0 6 . Ladies’ ornaments.3 4 0 7. Inkstand. 7120 8 . Handles for knives and forks. . . 1 13 0 9. Paper weight.14 0 10. Dice .. 10 0 11. 2 large paper weights. 6 5 0 12 . 1 ditto, and 1 middling . . . .570 13. 2 ditto and 1 seal. 6 2 0 14—16. 3 avventurina snuff boxes . . . . 17 15 0 17. 1 ditto, larger.7 0 0 18. 1 Avventurina and Obsidian ditto .700 19. A small box containing a row of beads with a cross, likewise of av¬ venturina . 600 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 22 — 31 , 33, 35, 37, 39, 41 , 43, 45- 81, 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66 . 67. 68 . 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 79. 80. 82. £. s. d. 2 cigar holders, 2 pipe mouth pieces, and 2 handles for sticks . . . .950 A sweetmeat stand of avventurina, consisting of 3 dishes and 3 other pieces annexed. 40 0 0 4 millefleurs balls. -.150 Glass bead necklace and cross ..700 Pattern millefleurs.15 0 A picture in mosaic, with a view of the Mole of Yenice.17 10 0 A small table of avventurina and obsidian, with pedestal.24 10 0 A Gothic window of round filigree .900 2 filigree enamelled bottles . each 0 4 6 2 filigree enamelled glasses . ,, 0 2 3 Ditto ditto, Champagne ,, 0 2 3 Ditto ditto, claret . ,, 0 2 3 Ditto ditto, smaller . ,, 0 16 Ditto ditto, Cyprus . ,, 0 2 0 Ditto liqueur glass, small feet. 0 16 Tray with bottle and glass, in various colours and avventurina . . . . 0 10 6 A plate, 9 inches, double filigree, av¬ venturina, lapis, and enamel . . .046 A bonbonniere, 8 inches high ..070 A large filigree plate, size 11 inches 0 8 6 A jug and a basin of avventurina . 115 0 A jug of avventurina and lapis lazuli basin.1 15 0 A Moor.120 A large vase, enamelled in various colours, and avventurina, dark shade.0 17 0 A large vase, red and avventurina . 0 12 6 Ditto ditto. 0 12 6 Ditto ditto, green and white . . . 0 10 6 Ditto ditto, lapis and avventurina . 0 10 6 Ditto, of glass, with coral and avven¬ turina .090 Ditto, inlaid with avventurina and mille fleurs. 0126 Ditto, inlaid with rich avventurina . 0 10 6 Ditto, porphyry, with avventui’ina . 0 12 6 Glass, lapis, avventurina, enamelled 0 2 3 Ditto, light blue, enamelled, avven¬ turina .023 Ditto, green. 0 2 3 Ditto, lapis, enamel, avventurina .030 Ditto, ruby enamel. ..... 0 2 0 Ditto, ruby avventurina . . . .030 Ditto, enamel avventurina, double filigree.030 Ditto, coral, enamel avventurina .030 A smelling bottle, green, enamel avventurina.0 3 0 Ditto, white filigree. 0 2 3 A large vase, in 2 pieces, red por¬ phyry with avventurina .... 1 2 0 A small bottle, mille fleurs, dark tint, for flowers. 0 11 0 A large vase, red and white . ..070 A Turkish pipe and bowl,' filigree, ruby enamel. 0 7 0 A flower vase, glass, with flowers and ruby, antique . •. 0 6 6 Column shape, spotted red and white.each 0 7 6 238 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. s. d. 83. A sweetmeat stand with foot, size 8 inches, double filigree, enamelled lapis avventurina. 0 7 0 84. A smelling bottle, small, with coral, lapis, enamel avventurina .... 0 1 6 85. Ditto . 0 2 3 86 . Ditto, middling. 0 2 3 87, 88 . Ditto, small.each 0 16 89, 90. Egg cups, simple filigree, foot blue and avventurina.each 0 0 9 91. A smelling bottle, with lapis, enamel, coral and avventurina.0 2 3 92. Ditto ditto, larger.0 3 0 93. Basin, double filigree, lapis, enamel, avventurina. 0 3 6 94. A milk glass.0 3 0 95. Ditto, large lapis.0 16 96. A claret glass, small, enamel, avven¬ turina, red. 0 3 0 97. Ditto, large, blue and avventurina . 0 3 6 98. Etruscan smelling bottle, Californian enamel.023 99. A smelling bottle, coral, enamel avventurina.0 3 6 100. A vase, filigree, with perpendicular stripes, red, avventurina .... 0 4 0 101. Ditto, inlaid.0 6 0 102 . A bottle, filigree, enamel . . . .060 103. A bottle, with knots of filigree, enamelled. 0 3 6 104. A large glass.0 3 6 105, 106. Ditto, ruby and enamel . . each 0 2 3 107. Hock glass, lapis and white . . .023 108. Ditto, filigree, simple white . . .020 109. Ditto, ditto.0 16 110. A modern Champagne glass . . .023 111. Ditto, with green stripe . . . .023 112. Ditto, large, double filigree, enamel 0 6 6 113. A green tazza, avventurina . . .029 114. Ditto, smaller.0 2 3 115. A cake of glass, violet . . . .008 116. Ditto, black. 0 0 7 117. Ditto, enamel.0 0 7 118. Ditto, lapis.0 0 9 119. Ditto, rose colour. 0 16 120. Ditto, crystal. 0 0 8 121 . Ditto, lapis. 0 0 9 122 . Ditto, turquoise.0 1 0 123. Ditto, double black.0 0 10 124. Ditto, sea green.0 0 7 125. Ditto, red.0 0 7 126. Ditto, light blue.0 1 0 127. Ditto, green.0 0 7 128. Ditto, sunflower.0 0 9 129. Ditto, light green.0 0 9 130,131. Ditto, turquoise.each 0 10 132. Ditto, violet.0 0 8 133. Ditto, red.0 0 7 134. Ditto, ruby.0 2 6 135. Ditto, orange.0 0 9 136. Ditto, blue. 0 0 7 137. Ditto, blue.0 0 9 138. Ditto, milk colour.0 0 5 139. A large round plate of glass, double filigree, for window, Scotch pattern.050 140. Ditto ditto, spiral, blue and white .046 141. Ditto ditto, double, 4 colours ..030 £. s. d. 142. A large round plate of glass, ruby .026 143. Ditto ditto, ruby, large size . . .030 144. Ditto ditto, blue, white, double. .030 145—150. 6 ditto ditto, various colours at Is. 9c?. each.0 10 6 151—158. 8 ditto ditto, smaller, ditto, at Is. 6 c?. each. 0 12 0 159—164. 6 ditto, ditto, ditto, at Is. 9c?. each . 0 10 6 165—168. 4 ditto, ditto, ditto, at 9c?. each ..030 173. A pattern board, with samples of beads. 174. Ditto: 175, 176. 2 large boards, with samples of glass and enamel paste, assorted in pearl and other shapes. 6 0 0 A small case with a pair of eye glasses of avventurina, mounted in gold ..200 2 pair of eye glasses of avventurina, mounted in gold, and 2 other slabs of imitation marble, two large balls of avventurina with 2 small saucers, and a column of avventurina in 3 pieces. 601. BLASCHKA and SONS, Liebenau, Bohemia, Manu.— a. III. 14. Anhang. fl. kr. 1. Paste for artificial precious stones, value 10 0 2. Beads. 3 0 3. Artificial precious stones .... 80 4. Ditto superfine ...... 30 0 5. Glass buttons ........ 30 6 . Lustre pendants. 3 0 7. Articles in pinchbeck . 6 0 602. FRANKE, JOSEPH, Bohmisch-Kamnitz, Bohemia, Manu.— a. III. 18. Anhang. 1 . Glass hair ornaments . each 5 0 2 . Ditto 99 5 0 3- -7. Ditto 99 3 0 8 . Ditto 99 2 0 9. Ditto 99 2 0 10 . Ditto 99 2 0 11 . Ditto 99 2 0 12 . Ditto 99 1 15 13. Ditto 99 1 15 14. Ditto 99 1 15 15. Ditto 99 0 10 16. Ditto 99 0 10 17. Brooches . . . . 99 0 20 18. Ditto . 99 0 3 19. Ditto . . . . 99 0 5 20 . Ditto . . . . 99 0 10 603. PAZELT, ANTON, Turnau, Bohemia. Assortment of artificial stones of glass, cut. Round shape, per 100 dozen:— 8 /0, 7/0, 6 /0, 5/0, ,4/0 0 3/0, 2/0, 0 ,1, i 2, i 3,4 0 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 5,6,7 . 10 0 15.per doz.O 13 22 . per doz.O 27 8 . .. 11 40 16. .. 0 14 23. , .. 0 30 9.per doz 0 8 17. .. 0 15 24. , .. 0 36 10 . .. 0 9 18. .. 0 16 25. , .. 0 45 11 , 12.. 0 10 19. .. 0 18 26. , .. 1 0 13. .. 0 11 20 . .. 0 20 27. , .. 1 12 14. .. 0 12 21 . .. 0 24 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 239 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Oval per doz.:— 3/0, 2/0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 . . 0 5 5. .. 0 6 14. .. 0 24 22 . .. 1 0 7. .. 0 9 15. .. 0 27 23. .. 1 6 8 . .. 0 10 16. .. 0 30 24. .. 1 12 9. .. 0 12 17. .. 0 32 25. .. 1 18 10 . .. 0 15 18. .. 0 36 26. .. 1 20 11 . .. 0 18 19. .. 0 40 27. .. 1 24 12 . .. 0 20 20 . .. 0 50 28. .. 1 30 13. .. 0 27 21 . .. 0 55 29, 30.. 1 40 Blunt edged octangular, per dozen 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6 , / 0 6 8 . .. 0 7 16. .. 0 20 24. .. 0 56 9. .. 0 8 17. .. 0 24 25. .. 1 0 10 . .. 0 9 18. .. 0 27 26. .. 1 9 11 . .. 0 10 19. .. 0 30 27. .. 1 9 12 . .. 0 12 20 . .. 0 36 28. .. 1 12 13. .. 0 14 21 . .. 0 40 29. .. 1 16 14. .. 0 16 22 . .. 0 45 30. .. 1 20 15. .. 0 18 23. .. 0 50 31. .. 1 30 PFEIFFER, FRANZ ANTON, Neudorf, near Morchenstern, Bohemia, ' Manuf.— III. A. 13. Anhang. Paste for artificial precious stones, per lb. Massive. Hollow. Massive. Hollow. 1 . . 184k. . . 194k. 12 . . 31k. . . 32k. 2 . 33 . . 34 13 • • 184 . . 194 3 . 31 . . 32 14 . . 31 . . 32 4 . 31 . 32 15 . . 184 . . 194 5 . 31 . 32 16 . . 30 . . 32 6 . 25 . . 26 17 . • 214 7 . 31 . . 32 18 . . 31 . . 32 8 . 19 . . 20 19 . . 24 . . 25 9 . 184 . . 194 20 . . 25 . . 33 10 . 50 . . 52 21 . . 30 11 . 50 . . 52 606. PFEIFFER, JOSEPH, & CO., Gablonz, Bohemia, Manuf.—III. a. 15. Anhang. (Agent, O. Frauenknecht, 80, Bishops- gate Street Within.) Samples of— Glass buttons. Glass drops. Glass pins and brooches. Chandelier pendants. Artificial precious stones. Beads. Scent bottles. Candle ornaments. Knife trays. Letter weights (Mille Fiori). Box of spun glass. Basket of spun glass. Glass toys. 607. SARDER, PETER,, Gablonz, Bohemia, Man. — III. A. Ap. 16. rer Gross. Finger-rings:— No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 1 . .. 0 24 8 . .. 1 0 15. .. 1 24 2 . .. 0 38 9. .. 1 0 16. .. 1 40 3. .. 0 38 10 . .. 0 36 17. .. 1 12 4. .. 1 0 11 . .. 1 30 18. .. 1 24 5. .. 0 54 12 . .. 1 30 19. .. 1 30 6 . .. 1 12 13. .. 1 12 20 . .. 1 20 7. .. 1 0 14. .. 1 24 21 . .. 1 12 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Finger-rings 1 . No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 22. l 30 87. 1 0 150. .. 6 30 23. l 40 88. 1 38 151. .. 3 15 24. 1 24 89. 1 6 152. .. 5 0 25. 0 40 90. 1 30 153—155. 3 30 26. 0 48 91. 1 36 156. .. 3 0 27. 1 12 92. 1 15 157. .. 1 30 28. 3 0 93. 1 10 158. .. 3 30 29. 1 54 94. 1 24 159. .. 2 0 30, 31 2 0 95. 1 12 160. .. 2 30 32. 2 15 96. 1 6 161. .. 3 0 33. 1 • 6 97. 1 30 162. .. 1 12 34. 1 24 98. 1 12 163. .. 4 0 35. 2 0 99. 1 6 164. .. 4 30 36. 1 15 100. 1 6 165. .. 2 45 37. 1 0 101. 1 15 166. 4 0 38. 0 36 102. 4 0 167. .. 3 45 39. 0 45 103. 2 12 168. .. 1 0 40. 0 40 104. 2 0 169. .. 1 12 41,42.. 0 48 105. 1 0 170. .. 3 0 43. 1 20 106. 1 36 171. .. 1 30 44. 1 15 107. 1 12 172. .. 2 30 45. 1 12 108. 1 36 173. .. 3 0 46. 2 0 109. 0 12 174. .. 4 0 47. 1 18 110, iii! 0 20 175. .. 5 0 48. 0 45 112. 0 16 176. .. 2 30 49. 1 24 113. 0 18 177,178. 3 0 50. 1 0 114. 0 36 179. .. 4 0 51. 1 20 115. 0 H 180. .. 1 12 52. 1 10 116. 1 12 181. .. 1 30 53. 1 20 117. 0 24 182. .. 1 12 54. 1 45 118. 1 0 183, 184. 3 0 55. 2 0 119. 1 12 185. .. 1 12 56. 3 0 120. 0 45 186. .. 3 0 57. 1 18 121. 3 0 187. .. 2 45 58. 2 45 122. 3 0 188. .. 1 24 59. 2 45 123. 2 30 189. .. 2 45 60. 3 0 124. 3 12 190. .. 1 24 61. 1 48 125. 3 0 191, 192. 2 30 62. 1 30 126. 4 0 193. .. 1 12 63. 3 0 127. 1 36 194. .. 1 18 64. 2 30 128. 1 36 195. .. 1 12 65. 2 30 129. 3 0 196. .. 2 12 66. 1 48 130. 4 0 197. .. 1 0 67. 1 40 131. 2 45 198. .. 1 12 68. 0 45 132. 3 6 199. .. 1 30 69. 1 0 133. 1 0 200. .. 2 0 70. 1 6 134. 2 0 201. 3 0 71. 1 0 135. 3 0 202. 1 12 72, 73.. 1 6 136. 3 12 203. .. 0 48 74. 1 12 137. 2 30 204, 205. 2 0 75. 1 15 138. 3 0 206. 2 30 76. 1 18 139. 3 30 207. .. 1 12 77. 1 18 140, 141.’ 4 30 208. .. 2 0 78. 1 0 142. 3 12 209. .. 1 6 79. 1 6 143. 2 30 210. .. 36 0 80. 1 30 144. 5 0 211. .. 48 0 81. 1 6 145. 1 30 212. .. 36 0 82. 1 10 146. 4 0 213. .. 24 0 83. 1 0 147. 4 30 214. .. 6 0 84. 1 15 148. 5 0 215, .. 1 30 85. 2 12 149. 6 0 216. .. 1 12 86. 1 24 r-rings 1 30 1 5 - .. 3 15 9, 10.. 2 30 2 0 6. .. 7 0 11. 3 30 . # 3 0 7. 2 30 12. .. 5 0 2 : 24 1 8 !! 3 1 I 13. .. 3 15 fl. kr. 4 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 5 0 7 0 8 0 4 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 7 0 8 0 5 30 5 0 4 15 5 0 12 0 5 0 10 0 4 30 8 0 10 0 6 0 10 0 5 0 5 30 6 0 10 0 6 15 buttons 0 9 0 24 0 9 0 8 0 20 0 10 0 10 0 22 0 12 0 16 0 26 0 10 0 24 0 31 0 30 0 23 0 30 0 28 0 20 0 22 0 28 0 34 0 34 0 46 0 38 0 36 0 32 0 40 0 28 0 30 Dendan 0 30 0 28 0 30 0 28 . Price. fl. kr. 0 45 0 35 0 30 0 36 0 45 0 35 1 20 1 50 0 30 0 43 1 18 2 10 0 45 1 24 1 36 1 50 2 23 2 36 0 45 0 46 1 9 1 30 1 0 1 12 3 0 1 30 1 0 1 24 1 6 1 30 1 0 1 12 1 30 1 0 1 6 2 24 2 36 4 0 4 6 4 20 4 0 16 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 18 0 22 0 0 56 0 58 1 12 18 0 36 0 20 0 20 0 18 0 15 0 23 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. f—Description of Article. Price. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 54. .. 7 30 88, 89.. 24 0 55. 3 0 90. .. 40 0 56. .. 6 30 91. .. 36 0 57. .. 3 0 92. .. 48 0 58. .. 3 30 93. .. 26 0 59. 3 15 94. .. 30 0 60! 2 15 95. .. 20 0 61,62.. 2 0 96. .. 6 0 63. .. 3 30 97. .. 24 0 64. .. 3 0 98. .. 26 0 65. .. 6 0 99. .. 15 0 66. .. 1 12 100. .. 48 0 67. .. 3 30 101. .. 36 0 68. .. 5 30 102. .. 15 0 69. .. 5 0 103. .. 8 0 70. .. 6 0 104. .. 9 0 71, 72.. 3 0 105,106. 15 0 73, 74.. 8 0 107. .. 10 0 75. .. 7 0 108. .. 12 0 76. .. 8 0 109,110. 5 0 77. .. 40 0 111. .. 7 0 78. .. 25 0 112. .. 10 0 79. .. 50 0 113. .. 12 0 80. .. 7 0 114. .. 15 0 81. .. 8 0 115. .. 18 0 82. .. 5 0 116. .. 15 0 83, 84.. 3 10 117. .. 12 0 85. .. 18 5 118. .. 20 0 86. .. 20 0 119. .. 10 0 87. .. 48 0 120. .. 3 0 31. . . 0 35 63. . . 1 15 32. . . 0 36 64. . . 0 58 83. . . 0 56 65. . . 1 20 84. . . 0 54 66. . . 1 0 35. . . 1 30 67. . . 1 12 36. . . 0 45 68. . . 1 12 37. . . 0 26 69. . . 1 10 38. . . 0 42 70. . . 1 12 39. . . 0 54 71. . . 1 50 40. . . 1 40 72. . . 0 40 41. . . 1 0 73—75. 5 0 42. . . 0 44 76. . . 6 0 43,44. . 1 10 77. . . 2 30 45. . . 0 38 78. . . 3 0 46,47. . 0 54 79. . . 3 15 48. . . 0 58 80. . . 4 0 49. . . 1 6 81. . . 3 30 50. . . 0 30 82. . . 5 0 51. . . 0 29 83—85. 7 0 52. . . 0 30 86. . . 2 30 53. . . 0 40 87. . . 5 0 54. . . 0 58 88. . . 5 30 55. . . 1 6 89,90. . 4 0 56. . . 0 54 91. . . 5 0 57. . . 1 0 92. . . 3 0 58. . . 0 44 93,94. . 4 0 59,60. . 1 0 95. . . 5 0 61. . . 1 30 96. . . 4 0 62. . . 1 10 97,98. . 5 0 3, polished 7. . . 0 30 11. . . 0 32 8. . . 0 28 12. . . 0 30 9. . . 0 30 13. . . 0 32 10. . . 0 36 14. . . 0 36 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—] Chandelier pendants, polished:— No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 15. . . 0 28 45. . . 1 30 16. . . 0 30 46. . . 1 20 17. . . 0 32 47, 48. . 0 40 18. . . 0 34 49. . . 0 42 19. . . 0 36 50. . . 0 40 20. . . 0 30 51,52. . 0 50 21. . . 0 32 53. . . 1 0 22. . . 0 34 54. . . 1 15 23. . . 0 36 55. . 2 6 24.’ . . 0 38 56. . . 2 0 25. . . 57, 58. . 3 0 26. . . 0 28 59. . . 1 30 27. . . 0 30 60. . . 2 0 28. . . 0 36 61,62. . 0 35 29. . . 1 0 63, 64. . 0 45 41,42. . 0 36 65. . . 1 6 43. . . 1 25 66. . . 3 0 44. . . 2 6 67. . . 0 30 Chandelier pendants : —• 1—23 . 0 46 29. . . 0 45 ] 24—27 . 0 45 30. . . 0 50 28. . . 0 48 31—40 . 1 6 I Pins:— 1. . 37, 38. . 1 12 2. . .’ 0 36 39,40. . 2 30 3—12. , 0 45 , 0 50 41—43. . 2 0 13-15. 44. . . 3 0 16—20. . 1 0 45—49. , 2 30 21. . . 1 6 50. . . 2 15 22—27. , 1 30 51. . . 2 30 28. . . 1 12 52, 53. . 3 0 29. . . 1 30 54. . 2 54 30. . . 1 12 55. , . 2 30 31,32. . 1 30 56—59. 1 30 33,34. . 1 0 60. . . 1 24 35. . . 1 12 61. . . 1 30 36. . . 1 0 62. . . 2 30 Hair-pins 1 . . ’.2 0 10,11. . 4 36 2. . . 2 40 12. . . 4 0 3. . . 4 36 13. . . 3 0 4. . . 4 12 14. . . 3 30 5. . . 4 36 15. . . 4 0 6,7.. . 3 36 16. . . 3 0 8,9.. . 4 30 17. . . 2 20 Feather-pins: — 1. ..80 9. . . 10 0 2. . . 8 30 10, 11 . . 6 0 3. . . 9 0 12. . . 8 0 4,5.. . 10 0 13—16. 16 0 6. . . 18 0 17. . . 8 0 7,8.. . 12 0 18. . . 10 0 Scent bottles, per dozen: — 3—6. . 0 30 15. . . 0 38 I 7,8.. . 0 34 16. . . 0 42 11. . . 0 40 21. . . 0 45 12—14. 0 36 23. . . 0 50 1 Brooches, per gross :— 18 0 1. ..' 15 0 10. .. 2. .. 18 0 11,12.. 15 0 3. .. 15 0 13. .. 18 0 4. .. 18 0 14,15.. 15 0 5, 6 .. 15 0 16—28. 18 0 7,8 .. 18 0 29. .. 22 0 9. .. 15 0 30. .. 15 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 241 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Brooches, per gross: fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 40. .. 20 0 48,49.. 18 0 55. .. 16 0 41. .. 16 0 50. .. 22 0 56. .; 21 0 42. .. 18 0 51. .. 20 0 57. .. 24 0 43,44.. 20 0 52. .. 22 0 58. .. 9 0 45,46.. 18 0 53. .. 15 0 59,60.. 12 0 47. .. 20 0 54. .. 14 .0 Bracelets, per dozen:— 1. .. 36 0 1 15. .. 20 0 9. .. 15 0 2. .. 10 0 6. .. 16 0 10. .. 18 0 3. .. 12 0 7. .. 20 0 11. .. 22 0 4. .. 15 0 1 8. .. 18 0 12. .. 14 0 Necklaces, per gross 1. .. 24 0 13. .. 50 0 1 5. .. 40 0 2. 48 0 4. .. 75 0 1 6. .. 28 0 Glass boxes, per dozen :— 2. . 1 30 I 5. . 1 40 3. . 2 15 6. . 5 0 4. . . 2 0 1 Beads, per bundle of 100 rows 1 Kuby beads. Garnet beads. Olive garnet beads. 0. .. 0 30 0. .. 0 32 3/0 0 33 1. .. 0 33 1. .. 0 35 2/0 0 36 2. .. 0 39 2. 0 40 0. 0 40 3. .. 0 46 3! ..* 0 48 1. 0 46 4. .. 0 56 4. .. 1 0 2, 0 52 5. .. 1 12 5. .. 1 16 3.’ 1 6 6. .. 1 26 6 . .. 1 30 4. 1 20 f • • • 1 42 7. .. 1 46 5. 1 35 8. .. 1 55 8. .. 2 0 6. 1 46 9. .. 2 10 9. .. 2 18 7. 2 2 10. .. 2 23 10. .. 2 33 8. 2 18 11. .. 2 35 11. .. 2 48 9. 2 32 12. .. 3 0 12. .. 3 15 10. 2 54 Beads, per bundle of 100 rows :— Fine printed. 1. .. 0 32 2. .. 0 38 3. .. 0 45 4. .. 0 54 5. .. 1 5 6. .. 1 16 7. .. 1 26 8. .. 1 36 9. .. 1 46 10. .. 1 56 11. .. 2 10 12. .. 2 25 Medium fine. 9/0 .. 0 7* 8/0 .. 0 7* 7/0 .. 0 7* 6/0 .. 0 7* 5/0 .. 0 8 4/0 .. 0 9 3/0 .. 0 11 2/0 .. 0 13 0. .. 0 15 1. .. 0 18 2. .. 0 28 3. .. 0 34 4. .. 0 44 5. .. 0 54 6. .. 1 6 7. .. 1 16 8. .. 1 26 9. .. 236 10. .. 3 20 Composition. 4/O-2/0. 0 26 0. .. 0 29 Fine, thrice. 4/0 .. 0 14 3/0 .. 0 14 2/0 .. 0 16 0. .. 0 17 Medium fine, twice, 4/0, 3/0.0 10 2/0 .. 0 11 0 . .. 0 12 Fine, five times. Cornelian, uncut. 0 . .. 0 40 1. .. 0 45 2. .. 0 50 3. .. 0 57 4,5. .. 1 5 6. .. 1 30 7.- .. 1 45 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 1 50 2 0 2 30 2 30 3 5 8 / 0 . .. 0 20 6/0 .. 0 20 5/0. .. 0 24 Fine, thrice. 9/0-5/0. 0 14 4/0. .. 0 16 Medium fine, twice. 9/0. ..07* 6 / 0 . .. 07 * 5/0. ..08 4/0. ..09 3/0. .. 0 11 Cornelian, cut, half strong. 1. 0 50 2. 0 55 3! 1 2 4. 1 10 5. 1 20 6. 1 35 7. 1 50 8. 2 5 9. 2 25 10. 2 45 11. 3 5 12. 3 20 Beads, per bundle of 100 rows Cornelian cut, strong. fl. kr. 1. 0 55 2. 1 2 3. 1 10 4. 1 20 5. 1 35 6. 1 50 7. 2 5 8. 2 24 9. 2 50 10. 3 0 11. 3 20 12. 3 40 Mirror laurels. cut. 1. 1 27 2. 1 44 3. 2 8 4. 2 19 5. 2 36 6. 2 33 Mirror beads, cut. 0 50 0 58 1 5 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 1 12 1 19 1 26 1 34 1 41 1 56 2 10 Mirror beads, plain. 0 15 0 19 0 24 0 30 0 36 0 42 fl. kr. 7. 0 50 8. . , 1 0 9. 1 10 10. . . 1 24 Mirror beads, composition. 1. 0 22 2. 0 30 3. 0 36 4. 0 42 5. 0 50 6. 0 57 7. 1 6 8. 1 13 9. 1 30 10. 1 50 Mirror laurels, plain. 0 . 0 54 1. 1 3 2. , . 1 12 3. 1 21 4. , . 1 30 5. , . 1 39 6. . . 1 48 7. , # 2 6 8. , . 2 24 9. . . 2 42 10. 3 0 11. 3 30 Satin snail beads 1 . .. 0 12 2. .. 0 15 3. .. 0 18 Satin olive. 5/0. . 4/0. . 3/0. . 2 / 0 ... 0 . . 0 12 0 13 0 15 0 17 0 19 Chandelier drops 3. ..20 4. .. 2 30 5. .. 2 45 6. .. 2 54 7. ..36 8. .. 3 36 9. .. 4 48 10. .. 7 0 11. .. 8 0 12. .. 9 0 fl. kr. 1. ., . 0 22 2. ., . 0 25 3. ., . 0 28 4. ., . 0 32 5. ., . 0 36 6. .. , 0 40 7. .. . 1 0 Satin. 2/0. . . . 0 21 0. . 0 23 1. .. . 0 27 2. ., . 0 32 3. ., . 0 40 4. ., . 0 45 5. . 0 50 6. ., . 1 0 7. ., . 1 8 8. ., . 1 15 9. ., . 1 24 10. ., , 1 40 11. ., . 1 54 12. ., . 2 15 Satin ] laurels. 2/0. ., . 0 34 0. ., . 0 36 1. . 0 44 2. ., . 0 48 3. .. , 0 58 4. ., . 1 12 5. .. . 1 28 6. .. , 1 48 7. .. , 2 6 8. .. , 2 24 9. .. 2 42 10. .. ! 3 0 11. .. , 3 18 12. .. . 3 36 13. .. , 4 0 14. .. , 4 24 15. .. , 4 48 16. .. , 5 12 13. .. 10 0 14. .. 12 0 15. .. 15 0 16. .. 18 0 Artificial stones, per 100 dozen :— Oval, glass, co¬ 19. 9 10 11. 3 54 loured. 20. 11 0 12. 4 12 4. .. 1 18 21. 12 15 13. 5 33 5. .. 1 21 22. 14 0 14. 6 24 6. .. 1 24 23! 16 0 15. 8 0 7. .. 1 37 24. . . 18 0 16. 9 36 -8. .. 1 53 25. # , 22 0 17. 11 0 9. .. 2 17 26. 26 0 18. 13 0 10. .. 2 34 19. 15 0 11. .. 2 48 Oval, ruby. 20'. 17 0 12. .. 3 20 4. 1 34 21. 19 0 13. .. 4 5 5. 1 42 22. 21 0 14. .. 4 33 6. 1 57 23.* 23 0 15. 5 10 7. 2 18 24. 26 0 16. .. •6 20 8. 2 41 25. 29 0 17. .. 7 10 9. 3 12 26. 32 0 18. .. 7 48 10. 3 33 242 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Artificial stones, per 100 dozen: Oval, fine, glass coloured. fl. kr. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 10 45 12 13 14 30 16 0 20 0 23 0 25 30 29 0 32 35 38 44 48 54 60 70 78 88 100 Oval, fine, com¬ position. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Long, angular, glass coloured. 11 . . . 100 13 0 15 0 17 0 18 30 22 30 26 0 29 30 33 30 26 30 40 26 45 32 52 0 60 70 80 95 112 125 150 12 . Sealstone:— 2,3. 4—6 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 120 13 20 15 0 18 20 20 0 23 20 25 0 28 20 31 40 35 0 28 20 41 40 45 0 50 0 55 0 Round, black. 4 30 5 0 5 45 6 30 7 0 8 0 13. 14. 15. 16. fl. kr. 130 1 40 16 0 18 0 Long, angular, composition. 11. .. 11 30 12. .. 14 24 13. .. 16 0 14. .. 18 15 15. .. 20 0 16. .. 22 0 Long, flat, angu- lar, glass, coloured. 4. .. 5 0 5. .. 5 15 7. .. 6 0 8. .. 6 30 9. ..8 0 10. ..9 0 Ditto, composi- tion. 4. .. 5 12 5. .. 6 30 6. ..7 0 7. .. 7 45 8. .. 8 30 9. .. 9 35 10. .. 10 30 Obtuse angular glass coloured. 14. .. 19 0 15. .. 22 0 16. .. 25 0 17. .. 29 0 18. .. 34 0 19. .. 40 0 Ditto, composi- tion. 14. .. 26 0 15. .. 32 0 16. .. 38 0 17. . . 450 18. . . 550 Oval, black. 1 . ..2 0 2. .. 2 5 3. .. 2 10 4. .. 2 20 5. .. 2 45 6. ..3 0 7. .. 3 10 8. .. 4 0 9. ..5 0 10. .. 6 0 Black. 1 . ..7 0 2. .. 8 0 3. .. 10 0 4—6.. 8 0 7. .. 9 0 8 — 12 . 12 0 19. . fl. kr. . 650 Fine cut angular. 2. .. 10 0 3. .. 11 30 4, 5. .. 11 40 6. .. 15 30 7. .. 16 30 8. .. ,18 20 9. .. 25 0 10. .. 26 40 11,12.. 30 0 13. .. 35 0 14. .. 38 20 15. .. 41 40 16. .. 43 20 17. .. 46 40 18. .. 50 0 Round, glass coloured. 4. .. 3 38 5. .. 4 0 6. .. 4 30 7. .. 5 0 8. .. 5 30 9. .. 6 0 10. .. 7 0 11. .. 8 0 12. .. 10 0 13. .. 12 0 14. .. 14 0 15. .. 16 0 Ditto, composi¬ tion. 4. .. 4 0 5. .. 4 30 6. .. 5 0 7. .. 5 30 8. .. 6 0 9. .. 7 0 10. .. 8 0 11. .. 10 0 12. .. 12 0 13. .. 14 0 14. .. 16 0 15. .. 18 0 Mirror. 1. .. 0 40 2. .. 0 45 3. .. 2 0 4. .. 0 40 5. .. 0 50 6. .. 1 15 7. .. 2 15 8. .. 6 0 9. .. 5 0 Spotted. 1. .. 1 30 2. .. 15 0 3. .. 16 0 4. .. 20 0 Square. 8. .. 18 0 9. .. 20 0 10. .. 22 0 11. .. 24 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Agate, white .. 200 0 yellow. 250 0 Cornelian .. 300 0 Heartshaped. 1 45 1 54 2 10 3 0 3 45 Fine crimson. 1 20 1 20 1 40 1 50 2 0 2 10 Mosaic, per dozen. 1 0 1 15 1 30 1 30 2 30 N.B.—Rose and crystal are 5 per cent, dearer than the other composition colours. 608. SCHWEFEL, A., Vienna, Glass Manuf.— 85. III. a. Artificial human eyes in glass . . . each 2 0 609. SPIETSCHKA, V., Liebenau, Bohemia, Manuf.—83. III. a. and 12 Anhang.—• (Agent, C. Holland, 41, Finsbury Circus, London.) Sample card of glass beads. Sample card of glass drops. Sample card of pins and hair ornaments, Sample card of glass buttons and brooches. Sample card of glass bead necklaces. Sample card of pinchbeck rings and ear-rings with coloured glass settings. Sample card of scent bottles. Sample card of artificial stones. Sample book containing drawings of pearls, drops, necklaces, rings, scent bottles, stones, &c. 610. MIESBACH, ALOIS, Vienna and Pesth, Manuf.—87. III. A. each fl. kr. 1. Ornamental bricks, washed, pale yellow 0 2 2. Do. vaulting ,, „ 0 2 3. Flooring „ „ „ 0 2 4. Flags, hexangular ,, ,, 0 1| 5. Do. square „ ,, 0 2 6. Do. ,, 7. Do. octangular 8. Bricks, window coping 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. sloping red 0 L 0 l\ 0 L 0 18 0 2 ornamental, vaulting ,, flooring „ „ octangular ,, ,, filling up, to fit with No. 7. 15. Flags, hexangular. 16. Bricks, vaulting (made by machinery) 17. Do. draining pipe ditto 18. Flags, figured 19. Do. do. 20. Bricks, washed, machine pressed . 21. Do. common.per 1000 22. Tiles, glazed, roofing ....,, 23. Flags, Hambro’.. 24. Tiles, common, roofing . . . ,, 25. Bricks, hollow.each 26. Various fragments of washed bricks. Bricks from the manufactory at Rakos :— 1. Bricks for walls, marbled . . per 1000 2. Do. for chimneys .... ,, 3. Bricks for paving .... ,, 4. Washed do., marbled ... „ 0 10 0 30 0 15 0 10 0 2 15 0 50 0 60 0 20 0 0 4 13 0 13 0 13 0 20 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 243 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. *** A Tabular Summary of the following Brick and Tile Works, the property of Mr. Alois Mlesbach, with their annual productions. Name of the Works. I 1 Annual Produc- I tion of Bricks and Tiles. Number of People Employed. In the Province of Austria below the Enns. 1. Inzersdorf, on the Wie-\ ner-Berg (the largest 1 # brick manufactory in | the world). ) 2. Ober Laa, on the Laaer-1 Berg. 3 3. Biedermannsdorf . 4. Vosendorf. 5. Guntramsdorf .... 6. Zillingdorf, near Wie-1 ner-Neustadt. 3 65,500,000 8,500,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 8,000,000 900,000 2,890 495 180 220 315 40 Total . | 91,900,000 4,140 Hungary. 7. Rakos, near Pesth 15,250,000 740 Together . . . 107,150,000 4,880 Remarks. —The brick and tile factory on the Wienerberg, covering a space of ground of 264£ En¬ glish acres, with 680-^ English acres as the source of excellent material for brick making for several centuries to come, consists of four sections, sepa¬ rated into ten subdivisions. There are drying-sheds 24,930 feet in length for the manufacture of ordinary bricks, moulding-sheds, 8304 feet, for the manufacture of tiles, facings, and ornamental bricks, 5 artesian wells, a drain 2,160 feet long, and 43 kilns con¬ structed to burn from 45,000 to 110,000 bricks per kiln, or to burn at one time 3,510,000 bricks. In this establishment are also infant schools for 120 children, a hospital with 52 beds, a tool workshop, a wheelwright’s and carpenter’s shop, and great washing and kneading pits for red and white orna¬ mental bricks. In all the sections there are the re¬ quisite dwellings for the officials and workmen, with stabling for about 300 horses; and eight places for cooking, and selling liquor. The six other brick factories are provided in the same proportion. 611. PARTSCH, ANTON, Junior, Theresienfeld, near Vienna, Manu. —88. III. A. Clay tobacco-pipes, per dozen. No. fl. k. N 0. fl. k. No. fl, . k. 1 — 3.. 0 48 22- -24.. 0 36 43. .. 2 36 4. 0 12 25. 1 40 44. : 4 30 5, 0 30 26. 2 0 45. 4 48 6 — 7*.’. 0 36 27. 0 36 46. 4 30 8. 1 0 28. 0 30 47. 2 36 9- -io!! 0 36 29. 0 48 48—49.. 1 0 11, ► .. 0 30 30. 2 36 50. 6 0 12. 1 o 31. 6 0 51. 1 0 13. • • 2 0 1 32- -34..’ 2 36 52. 2 0 14- -15.. 1 0 35. 6 0 53—54.. 0 12 16. 1 12 36- -38.’.* 0 18 55—56.. 4 18 17. 4 36 39. . . 0 30 57—60.. 0 12 18. 0 18 40- -41.. 0 18 61. 0 24 19- - 20 !! 0 48 42. # . 4 30 62—76.. 0 12 21. .. 1 40 612. BAHR & MARESCH, Aussig on the Elbe, Bohemia.—89. III. a. Syderolite JVare , per piece. 20 Vase, copper-green 29 „ gold. . . 34 ,, bronze-green 30 „ black . 35 ,, copper-green 3 Jug copper-green bronze-green Table candlesticks, copper-gr ,, black . „ _ red . Bedroom candlesticks, green „ red black Basket 20 Flowerpot and stand ditto ditto ditto ditto Bust of Abdel Kader ,, Jellacich „ Radetzlcy ,, Emperor of Austria Bracket, bronze-green ditto, copper 20 Paper-weight, bronze reen 19 ditto golden 24 ditto black 2 ditto brown 34 ditto copper 17 ditto black 7 ditto painted 35 ditto black 36 Inkstand, bronze-green 33 ditto black 9 ditto copper 15 ditto black , 29 ditto brown 11 ditto copper 17 ditto brown 31 ditto golden s-heac 12 Fruit-dish, copper 9 ditto bronze-green 5 ditto red 12 Plate, green . 23 ditto green . ditto green . ditto copper ditto copper-green ditto bronze-green ditto bronze-green ditto gold Tobacco-box, copper-green ditto copper Turk Figure, Venus, bronze-gre ,, Louis XIV., gold ,, Madame de Sevigne, gold ,, Hunter’s Triumph, gold 35 Flower-holder, bronze-green . 40 ditto gold 5 Tea-service in four parts, black 17 ditto brown . 12 ditto brown . Censer, brown . 5 Basket, plaited, red 2 ditto .... 4 ditto .... 10 Fruit-dish, red, plaited G Centre-piece, plaited, uncoloured rth. gr 8 0 1 8 1 8 0 14 0 14 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 4 5 4 8 6 5 11 8 8 0 8 0 10 1 6 0 12 0 10 0 12 0 G 0 14 0 12 0 10 0 9 0 22 0 14 0 11 0 9 0 10 0 16 0 12 0 10 0 16 0 12 0 7 0 6 0 6A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 1 18 1 18 0 22 1 12 1 0 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 4 0 11 0 7 i 0 5J 0 12 0 13 244 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 6 Basket, uncoloured . 7 ditto . . . • Figure, Centaur, copper ,, Horse,-brown . 3 Plateau, with 7 dishes, red 10 Miniature tea-service, red 13 ditto ditto red Miniature cups, red 6 Coffeepot, brown 14 Tea-urn, brown . 3 Butter-dish, brown 9 Cigar-holder, black 4 ditto copper 2 ditto brown 30 Flowerpot, red . 7 Cigar-ash cup, red 12 ditto red . . 0 10 ditto copper . 0 8 ditto black 0 11 ditto gold . . 0 3 Lucifer-match box, gold 0 Ditto, brown 0 per dozen rth. 0 0 1 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pyramid censer, black.0 Eggcup, green.0 Pipe-bowls, red .... per dozen 1 12 & 13. Figures, Peasants, male and female, copper-green.each 0 Figure, Hunter blowing horn, black . . 0 Toothpick-holder, Chinese, bronze-green 0 ,, Bacchus, copper . . 0 ,, Lovers, red ... 0 ,, Tyrolese, bronze-green 0 „ Postillion, green . . 0 Figures, per dozen. The thaler, equal to 3 shillings, contains 24 groschen. 613. HUFFZKY’S WIDOW, VINCENZ, Hohen- stein, near Toplitz, Bohemia.—91. III. a. Terralite Ware 1. Flowerpot, green 2. Teapot, grey 3. Milkjug, grey 4. Sugarbox, grey . 5. Slop-basin, grey 6. Fruit-dish, yellow 7. ditto yellow 8. Fruit-basket, grey 9. ditto painted 10. ditto yellow 11. ditto yellow 12. Jewel-basket, red . 13 Fruit-basket, grey . 14, Dessert plate, grey „ gr. 12 10 8 22 15 10 17 14 13 12 10 3 4 2 i n 2 4 * 7 5 3 h 4 3 2 5 1 6 12 4 3 2 5 2* 2 2 Spring, copper-green . 0 18 Summer, copper-green . . 0 18 Autumn, copper-green . . 0 18 Winter, copper-green . 0 18 Arab, male and female . . 0 15 Hunter and dog, copper-green . 0 20 JJ Dancers, male and female . . 0 18 Austrian Deputy, black . . 0 18 Schoolmaster, black . . 0 12 Travelling Apprentice . . 0 11 3? Bacchus, green .... . 0 12 3> Dog, bronze-green . 0 10 fl. k. 0 40 1 0 0 30 0 36 0 40 1 30 1 30 4 0 5 0 1 20 1 15 0 30 1 20 0 30 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 15. Dessert plate, grey . . 16. Centre piece, brown 17. ditto ornamented 18. Inkstand, brown 19. ditto bronze-green 20. Cigar-holder, bronze 21. ditto red . . 22. Candlesticks, brown . 23. Coffeepot, red . . . 24. Milkjug, red.... 25. .Russian Monument 614. SCHILLER & GERBING, Bodenbach, near Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia, Manu.— 90. in. A. Syderolite ware. 10. Table candlestick, yellow . 17. ditto yellow . 10. Centrepiece. Tea kettle . .. Figures (Faith and Hope), rose-bronze 21. Hunting-jug, brown .... 33. Antique jar, Pompeii shape, red & yellow 34. Wine jug, red and yellow 27. ditto yellow, 5J gr. 59. Letter weight, red. 46. ditto copper-bronze 23. Pair of flower vases, red . . . 8. Plateau, with 8 dishes, yellow Flower pot, extra large, yellow . 30. Inkstand, bronze. Figure (child praying) , yellow . 16. Basket, bronze-green .... Miniature tea service, red Wine cooler, yellow .... 35. Beer mug, large, silver-bronze . Flower vases, each 57. Rth. 0 27 67. „ 1 20 70. „ 2 10 red . . 49. 60. Rth, 1 6 69. „ 2 0 64. „ 0 12 12. Candlestick 2. Butter dish, brown ..... Drinking cup, yellow .... Wafer-shell, with Angel, bronze . 4. Pepper and salt cellar, red 26. Tea service (tea pot, milk jug, sugar slop basin), brown .... 51. Ditto antique .... 34. Tea pot and strainer, brown . 58, Ditto antique 7. Coffee pot and strainer, brown 17. Fruit dish, rose . . . . . 18. Ditto bronze-green . 10. Ditto red. Busts:—Queen Victoria, yellow Prince Albert, yellow . Emperor of Austria, yellow 9. Jug, green . . 34. Letter weight, yellow .... 29. Pair of flower vases, yellow, with bouquets. 19. Ditto .... 27, Ditto .... 29. Ditto red . . 27. Inkstand, black. 25. Flower basket, lead colour 4. Match box with candlestick, black Pomade box, yellow, with red flowers fl. kr. 0 20 1 15 1 0 1 0 1 20 1 12 0 24 0 48 0 30 0 8 6 0 Th. Sgr. 1 5 i 5 1 0 0 25 3 0 0 18 0 21 0 20 0 17 0 5| 0 9 0 14 1 5 2 15 0 27 1 10 0 19 0 21 0 23 3 10 and red 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 7; 0 7 ; 0 22 0 8 0 6 0 26 1 0 0 21 0 26 0 21 0 13 0 15 0 8 1 0 1 0 0 13 0 17 0 24 0 20 0 15 0 20 0 18 0 17 0 14 0 9 0 3i PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 245 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. rth. gr. 24. Fruit dish, yellow, 15gr.; 26. 16gr. 2. Cigar holder, red.0 3| 16. Candlestick, rose.0 7 3. Tobacco box, bronze.0 9£ 8. Ditto brown.0 6 Figure (Chinese, with plate), red . . 0 4£ Figure (Lion), yellow.1 15 3. Tooth powder box, bicolor .... 0 3 46. Plate, rose.0 50. Ditto, green.0 6 47. Ditto, rose.0 3£ 52. Letter weight, black.0 12 These prices are in thalers of 30 groschen. 615. IMPERIAL PORCELAIN MANUFAC¬ TORY, Vienna.—95. III. a. China:— fl. kr. Plates.* each 16 0 Soup plates. J} 160 Pudding dish.,, 12 0 Figures.,, 40 0 Dishes round, in sizes, each 40fl., 36fl., and 30fl. Ditto oval, 36fl., 40fl., 45fl., 50fl., and 60fl. Soup plates.each 16 0 Sauce tureens and stands ... ,, 54 0 Butter cooler.,, 40 0 Punchbowls.,, 200 0 Casseroles. } , 60 0 SaladiereS 1 . }} 30 0 Salad bowls. } } 40 0 Compotiers, round. }} 24 0 Dishes, corner. }} 36 0 Sugar basins. 40 0 Compotiers, oval, on stands . . ,, 24 0 Soup tureen and stand.140 0 Wine coolers, 50fl., and 60fl. Vase and stand, large. 1000 0 Pair of vases, with stands ..... 1400 0 Ditto Bread plates. Fruit dishes. Plates to match .... Ice pail, with stand . . . Vase, large size .... Group, “ The Music Lesson ” . . each 20 0 Figure, large.,, 40 0 Ditto “ La Curieuse ” . . . . ,, 12 0 Letter weights, “ Knitting ” . . ,, 3 30 Ditto “ Letters ”... ,, 30 Ditto “Handkerchief” . 2 30 Ditto “Snuffbox” . . ,, 8 0 Inkstand. 6 0 Table, round.’ ’ 500 0 Figures, soldiers. 5 ? 12 0 Ditto ditto. } ’ 8 0 Ditto. | 10 0 Ditto.12 0 Ditto, Biscuit. 5J 250 Vase.’’ 50 0 Coffee cups. ; , 50 0 Ditto, veiy transparent .... J5 12 0 Ditto ditto. 5} 3 0 Plates, each Iff 12kr., 45k., 1 fl. 30kr., 2ff 15kr., lfl. 15kr., lfl. 30kr. Painting—“The Flight”. 2000 0 Ditto “ Flowers ”. 2000 0 Ditto “Invalids”. 500 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Prices. Painting—“ Storm ” . Ditto “Madonna” Ferdinand drinking cup Group of Viennese Group of Saxons . fl. 400 300 50 12 12 616. BAGATTI-VALSECCHI, PIETRO, Milan, Artist. — 4. & 7. m. a. Enamel painting on glass, representing Lucia in Manzoni’s “ Promessi Sposi.” b. Painting on porcelain, representing “Ra¬ fael’s Studio,” after Podesti. c. Enamel painting on metal, “Magdalene.” d. Enamel painting on metal, “ Madonna.” e. Enamel painting on metal, “ Head of the Magdalene.” f. Painting on porcelain, “ Madonna and Child, surrounded by a garland of flowers.” g. Painting on porcelain, “Valenzia Gra- denigo before the Inquisitors,” from Venetian history, after Hayer. h. “ An Odalisque,” on porcelain. i. “ Madonna,” on earthenware. 617. FISCHER, CHRISTIAN, Pirkenhammer, Bohemia, Manu.—97. III. a. China :— £. s. d. 1. Dinner service, for 15 persons, gold edge.21 0 0 2. Do. for 12 persons, blue and gold. 1150 3. Do. blue leave border . 6 110 4. A set of three vases (one large and two smaller), black and gold, with bouquets.. . . . 10 0 0 Vases, per pair:— . . 300 0 5. ..£12 0 9. ...£4 0 12. .. 1 0 0 each 36 0 6. .. 7 0 10. .. 1 15 13. .. 0 12 0 ,, 36 0 7. .. 5 0 11. .. 1 0 14. .. 1 0 0 ,, 24 0. 8*. .. 1 15 0 15. Confituriers . per pair 3 0 0 0 16. Fruit baskets „ 2 10 0 17. Candlesticks .... 18. Holy water vase (angels) 19. A figure (guardian angel) 20. Flower vase . 21. Do. ... 22. Do. ... 23. Letter weight (dog) 24. Do. 1 15 0 each 1 1 0 18 0 9 and stand 25. Soup basin, with cover 26. Butter cooler and cover 27. Do. 28. Tea and coffee service, decorated 29. Do. white and gold . 30. Do. black and gold, with bouquets .... 31. Do. cobalt blue 32. Breakfast service for 2 persons, blue and gold. 33. Tea service for two persons 34. Breakfast set for 1 person 35. Do. 36. Tea and coffee service, white and gold 37. Breakfast service for 2 persons . . U 0 0 10 0 1 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 4 10 0 3 6 0 7 0 6 0 2 5 0 1 10 0 0 12 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 246 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Inkstands: 38 . 0 10 0 41 . 0 10 0 1 44 . 0 8 0 39 .050 42 . 1 5 0 45 . 0 4 0 40 . 0 10 0 43 . 1 0 0 1 Baskets:— 46 . 1 0 0 50 . 0 4 6 | 54 . 0 2 0 47 . 0 8 0 51 . 0 3 0 55'. 0 1 0 48 . 1 5 0 52 . 0 1 6 56 . 0 3 0 49 . 0 4 6 53 . 0 1 6 ! 57. Toilet service, containing basin and ewer, with trays complete, blue, with bouquets 5 0 0 58. Do. white, blue, and gold 2 0 0 59. Pomade box and cover . 0 2 0 60. Flagon and stopper . 0 1 6 61. 62. Fruit, dishes .... . each 0 4 6 63,64. Do. • 0 5 0 65. Fruit dish, bipartite, green and gold 0 14 0 66 . Dishes in 4 divisions • » 0 10 0 67. Do. . in 3 divisions • » 0 8 0 68—70. Do. in 2 divisions 0 6 6 71—73. Do. in 2 divisions • jj 0 5 6 74. Fruit dish, on stand • » 0 16 0 75, 76. Do. • j 7 0 8 0 77—80. Cake dishes * 59 0 6 6 81. Do. . . . 0 5 0 82. Dessert plates, shell shape • ” 0 5 0 84. Do. per doz. 2 0 0 85. Do. . each 0 7 0 86 . Do. per doz. 2 0 0 87. Butter dish 0 4 0 88 . Do. 0 5 0 89. Mustard pot 0 3 6 90, 91. Candlesticks per pair 0 14 0 92. Scent bottle 0 6 6 93. Do. 0 10 0 94. Do. 0 9 0 95. Do. 0 6 6 96. Do. 0 9 0 97. Do. 0 6 6 98. Do. 0 9 0 99. inkstand . 0 12 0 100. Do. 0 5 0 101. Do. . 0 10 0 102, 103. Do. . . each 0 6 6 104. Calendar 0 10 0 105. Group of figures (Holy FamihO . . 1 5 0 106. Workbox 0 5 0 107. Figure (child at the piano) 0 10 0 108. Letter weight .... 0 6 6 109. Jewel stand 0 7 0 110. Do. 0 14 0 111. Cigar holder 0 5 0 112. Candlestick 0 2 6 113. Pastille burner . . . . 0 4 0 114. Scent bottle 0 1 6 115. Etui, with flowers . 0 5 0 116. Book-shaped Etui . 0 4 0 117—119. Boxes . each 0 1 0 120. Candle ornaments . per pair 0 2 0 121—124. Do. JJ 0 1 6 125. Pair of slippers .... 95 0 2 6 126. Milk jug, with cover (female figure) 0 5 0 127. Do. (male do. ) 0 3 6 12S. Butter dish 0 4 0 129. Figure (cigar holder) . • . . 0 2 6 130. Do. ..... 0 4 0 131. 3o. 0 2 6 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. s. d. 132—134. Groups of figures (dancers) each 0 2 6 135. Group of figures.0 3 6 136. St. John, with Lamb.0 2 6 137. 138. Group of figures (donkey party) each 0 16 139. Do. . . • • 0 2 0 140. Figure (toothpick holder) . Cups:— £. s. d. £. s. d. * * * 0 1 0 141 . 0 14 0 147 . 080 153 . 0 6 6 142 . 0 10 0 148 . 080 154 . 0 5 0 143 . 0 10 0 149 . 080 155 . 0 4 0 144 . 0 10 0 150 . 080 156 . 0 4 0 145 .0 8 0 146 . 0 8 0 151 . 080 152 . 066 157 . 0 3 6 158. A set of 3 Rococo vases . 25 0 0 159. Vases .per pair 1 10 0 160. Do. „ 161. Teacups (12, each of a different co- 2 0 0 lour) . 1 10 0 162. Breakfast service for 2 persons . 1 5 0 163. Do. for 1 person . 1 0 0 618. FISCHER, M., Herend, Hungary, Manu.— 103. III. a. China. fl. kr. Vase (urn-shaped, with cover) .... 85 0 Pair of candlesticks in the Renaissance style 12 0 Dinner service for 12 persons .... 124 40 Esterhazy coffee service for 2 persons . . 10 12 Do. for 1 person . 7 6 Pair of Chinese coffee cups ..... 2 40 619. HAAS, A., Schlaggenwald, Bohemia, Manu.— 99. III. a. Porcelain:— 1. Dinner service for 24 persons . . . 758 16 2. Breakfast service for 12 ,, ... 70 0 3. Dinner service for 18 ,, ... 326 44 4. Pair of vases.100 0 620. HAIDINGER, BROTHERS, Elbogen, Bo¬ hemia, Manu. — 96. III. a. Porcelain. 1. Dinner service for 12 persons 500 0 2. Do. do. 160 0 3. Do. for 6 persons . 60 0 4. Sporting service for 2 persons 8 0 5. Do. 10 0 6. Do. for 3 persons 12 0 7. Bread plate 14 0 8. Do. 18 0 9. Fruit basket on stand . Vases, per pair 20 0 10. ..160 0 22. .. 24 0 34. .. 5 0 11. ..160 0 23. .. 30 0 35. .. 4 0 12. .. 100 0 24. .. 30 0 36. .. 8 0 13. .. 72 0 25. .. 16 0 37. .. 6 0 14. .. 50 0 26. .. 20 0 38. .. 6 0 15. .. 36 0 27. .. 24 0 39. .. 5 0 16. .. 80 0 28. .. 12 0 40. .. 4 0 17. .. 36 0 29. .. 16 0 41. .. 3 20 18. .. 32 0 30. .. 16 0 42. .. 5 0 19. .. 40 0 31. .. 12 0 43. .. 5 0 20. 21. .. 40 0 .. 16 0 32. .. 10 0 33. .. 10 0 44. .. 16 0 45. Dessert plate. 1 20 46. Do. 2 0 47. Do. with sepia views • 9 9 6 0 PRICED LIST OE AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 247 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 48. 49. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Tea Trays. .. 12 0 | 50. .. 15 0 [ 52. .. 15 0 | 51. .. 18 0 | 53. Butter cooler, with cover and stand . Toilet service, containing ewer and basin, with trays complete Do. do. . Tea canister Bracket .... Holy water vase Match box . Figure “ Hairdresser” Do. “ Tinker,” sitting do. standing “ Saracen armed ”. Do. Do. fl. kr. 123. Rubbing bowls:—• fl. kr. 18 0 0000. . 0 9 I 0i. .. 0 24 2. . . 0 56 20 0 000. . 0 10 Of. .. 0 30 3. . . 1 35 q n 00. . 0 12 1. .. 0 35 4. . . 2 17 o u 0. . 0 13 | 1£. .. 0 44 30 0 124. 1. Powder boats 8 30 3. Do. 4 0 125. Medicine cup . 1 30 126. Plate for a Pneumatic bowl . 0 5 3 0 2 0 1 30 1 30 Cups. 65. .. 2 o I 75. .. 2 0 85. 2 30 66. .. 6 0 76. .. 6 30 86. 8 0 67. .. 8 0 77. .. 6 30 87. 6 30 68. .. 5 0 78. .. 6 30 88. 3 0 69. .. 8 0 79. .. 3 0 89. 3 0 70. 4 0 80. .. 8 0 90. 6 0 71. .. 6 0 81. .. 8 0 91. 8 0 72. .. 8 0 82. .. 8 0 92. 6 0 73. .. 6 0 83. .. 3 0 93. 8 0 74. .. 1 40 84. .. 10 0 1 94. 10 0 95. Tea service for 6 persons 40 0 96. Do. do. 60 0 97. Do. do. 50 0 98. 99. 100 . 101 . 102 . 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 108. 109. 109. 109. 110 . Chemical Vessels Plate for spirit lamp Do. do. Do. do. Evaporation vessels, the s Do. do Do. do Drainer for crystallizations Do. Filtering cups . Funnels . 1. Filtering funnel 2. Do. do. 1. Receiving do. 2. Do. do. 3. Do. do. of 13 20 14 12 kr 40 kr 0 40 1 0 0 10 9 42 5 25 23 13 0 30 0 50 a 0 24 a 1 0 0 45 1 0 0 8 0 12 0 16 Crucibles:— 0, 4 kr.; 1, 5 kr.; 2, 6 kr.; 3, 3 kr. 4, 3 kr.; 5, 10 kr.; 6, 12 kr.; 7, 16 kr. 8, 20 kr. 111. Crucibles:— 1, 5 kr.; 2, 6 kr. ; 3, 5 kr.; 4, 8 kr. 112. Crucibles:— 1, 5 kr.; 2, 8k..; 3, 8 kr.; 4, 12 kr. 113. Crucibles.the set 0 29 114. Cupel for heating.0 6 115. Do. .0 2 116. Do. .0 6 117. Crucible.0 16 118. Do. 1. 20 kr.; 2, 24 kr.; 3, 40 kr. 119. Burning tube.0 48 120. Acid evaporation vessel.10 121. Plate for reagent glasses.0 20 122. Mortars: 4 0, 28 kr.; 1, 40 kr.; 2, 1 fl. 6 kr.; 3, 1 fl. 44 kr.; 4, 3fl. 5 kr.; 5, 4fl. 30 kr. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 621. HARDTMUTH, L. and C., Budweis, Bo¬ hemia, Manu.—93. III. a. Stone Ware. Coffee service for 6 persons . Tea service do. Dinner service do. 1. Water jug. 8. Do. 6. Lard pot. 5. Pot. Dinner service for 12 persons Cups and saucers . Milk jug and coffee pot Glass, vase shaped ... Chemical vessel .... Tube. Gold purifying bowl per l doz. 8 36 12 0 9 0 0 14 1 24 0 48 0 43 37 0 2 24 0 54 1 0 6 0 1 0 6 0 “ 622. HUBNER, JOSEF, Gablonz, Bohemia.— 101. III. A. Porcelain pipe bowls. painted. per doz. 1. 0 36 27. 0 32 53. . . 6 45 2. 0 42 28. 0 40 54. . . 7 0 3. 0 38 29. 0 54 55. . 7 15 4. 0 44 30. 1 6 56. . . 7 30 5. 0 40 31. 1 12 57. . 7 45 6. 0 46 32. 1 30 58. . . 8 0 7. 0 50 33. 2 0 59. . . 8 15 8. 0 55 34. 1 24 60. . . 8 30 9. 1 0 35. 2 0 61. . . 8 45 10. 1 30 36. 2 6 62. . . 9 0 11. 2 0 37. 2 12 63. . 9 15 12. 2 30 38. 2 18 64. . . 9 30 13. 10 0 39. 2 24 65. . . 10 0 14. 0 20 40. 2 30 66. . . 10 30 15. 0 24 41. 3 0 67. . . 11 0 16. 0 24 42. 3 30 68. . . 11 30 17. 0 30 43. 4 0 69. . . 12 0 18. 0 30 44. 4 15 70. . . 13 0 19. 0 36 45. 4 30 71. . . 14 0 20. 0 40 46. 4 45 72. . . 15 0 21. 0 48 47. 5 0 73. . . 16 0 22. 1 0 48. 5 15 74. . . 18 0 23. 1 12 49. 5 30 75. . . 20 0 24. 0 24 50. 5 45 76. . . 30 0 25. 0 26 51. 6 0 77. . 40 0 26. 0 30 52. f 15 78. . .100 0 623. KRIEGEL & CO., Prague, Manuf.—100. III. A. Porcelain. £. s. d. 1. Fruit basket.12 6 2. Vase.. 0 16 0 3. Tray. 0100 4. Breakfast service for 6 persons . . 114 6 5. Ditto for 2 persons . . 0 14 0 6. Cup.each 0 4 0 7—9. Cups.„ 0 5 0 248 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. 8. d. 11. Do.029 12. Do.0 3 9 13—18. Dessert plates 5s.; 5s.6c?.; 6 s.; 3s.9c?.; 6 s.; 9s. 19. Salad bowl. 0 3 9 20 . Do. 0 5 0 21 . Tobacco box (Turk’s head) . . .060 22. Apple. 0 16 23. Inkstand . . . 080 24. Pair of pastille burners . . . . 0 18 0 25. 26. Flower vases .... per pair 0 5 0 27. Inkstand.036 28. Biscuit figure (a lion).0 2 0 29. Letter weights.0 4 6 30. Ice plates ...... per £ doz. 046 31. Dessert plates .... ,, 110 32. Figure, Sereczaner.0 2 0 33—35. Figures, with musical instruments, each 0 10 0 36. Fish dish . . ..0 18 0 37. Powder flask. 0 9 0 38. Fruit dish on stand . . . . . .096 39. Coffee cups .... per 5 doz. 050 40. Tazza . ;.06 0 41. Broth cup.0 13 42. Ditto.012 43. Ditto.009 44. Ditto.008 45. Vase . . .. 0 12 0 46. Do..0 12 9 47. - Do. ..090 . ^48. Bust of the Emperor of Austria ..013 49. ,, Radetzsky. 0 13 50. ,, Archduke John . ..013 51. ,, Luther. 0 13 52. ,, Goethe. .013 53. Stand.013 54. Do.0 0 11 55. Ladle.008 56. Pestle and mortar.0 0 9 57. Filtering plate.0 0 9 58. Ditto.0 0 6 59. Vase, large size, blue and gold, with flowers ..18 0 0 60. Dinner service for 12 persons . . . 14 17 6 61. Ditto ..9 18 3 62. Pair of vases.10 16 0 63. Biscuit figure (Madonna) . . . .060 64—68. Figure scent bottles . . . .056 69. Ditto. 0 6 0 70. Figures (“ Lacing stays ”) . . . .083 71. Toothpick stand (“ A page”) . . .040 72. Parrot .090 73—75. Inkstands . . . . . . . 0 12 0 76. Inkstand.046 77. Coffee service for 2 persons . . . 0 12 0 78. Pair of Cornucopia vases . . . .0160 79. Do.0 12 0 80. Do.0 17 0 81. Tray.. . 0 12 6 82. Do.. 0 18 0 83. Do.. 0 10 0 84. Fruit dish . . . .. . . . .090 85. Do. 086 86 . Biscuit figure (horse galloping) . . 1 10 0 87—90. Scent bottles, figures . . each 0 7 0 91. Do. (Page with horn). . . . .039 92. Do. (Hussar). 6 0 0 93. Do. (Market Woman) . . . . 0 4 0 94. Group (Tom Thumb) . . , ,050 Wo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. £. s. d. 95. Cupids. 0 3 0 96. Maidens. 0 3 0 97. Hungarians. 0 1 6 98. Figure (Tom Thumb) . 0 1 0 99. Figures. 0 1 6 100, 101. Cigar trays .... • 5) 0 1 6 102. Do. 0 2 0 103. Bottle stoppers .... per pair 0 1 6 104. Jewel tray. 0 5 6 105. Grasshopper. 0 1 0 106. Cockchafer. 0 1 0 107. Jewel box. 0 3 6 108. Set of chessmen and board . 4 0 0 109. Davenport cup .... . each 0 7 6, 110. Brussels cup. 0 7 0 Ill, 112. Greek cups .... * 0 4 0 113. Flower vase. 1 5 6 114. Broth cup . 0 8 0 115. Jewel stand. 0 7 6 116. Grecian tazza. 0 3 6 117. Bourbon tazza .... 0 7 6 118. Tray, in three divisions 0 15 0 119. Bust of Haydn . . . . 0 1 3 120. Do. Thorwaldsen . . 0 1 3 121. Do. Jenny Lind • 0 1 3 122. Do. Mozart .... 0 1 3 123. Do. Schiller .... 0 1 3 124. Letter weight .... 0 2 3 125—127. Cupids. 0 2 3 128. Rococo figure (Girl with rose) 0 2 0 129. Bust of Schwanthaler . . . 0 1 3 130. Pair of vases. 1 1 0 131. Cupids. 0 3 0 132. Ivy leaves. per pair 0 3 0 133. Letter weight .... 0 2 3 134. Tray, in 2 divisions . 0 10 0 135. Do. • . 0 11 0 136. Do. 0 12 0 624. MINITZEK, COUNT S. VON, Frain, Mo¬ ravia.— 92. III. A. Stoneware per piece fl. kr. 1. Vase, richly fl. kr. 20. Plate 0 40 gilt . . . 50 0 21. Butter cooler 2. Service for and cover . 2 0 dejeuner ala 22. Cream jug . 1 10 fourchette . 43 0 23. Flower vase 6 0 3. Candlestick. 1 30 24. Bowl 1 30 4. Teacup . 2 30 25. Slop basin . 1 0 5. Plate 0 20 26. Inkstand 1 12 6. Ditto 0 30 27. Sandbox 0 24 7. Coffee service 28. Penstand . 0 24 for 6 persons 30 0 29. Wafer dish 1 40 8. Teacup . 3 0 30. Dish . . 2 0 9. Fruit dish, 31. Fruit plate . 0 48 shaped as vine 32. Toilet candle¬ leaf . . . 6 0 stick . 1 40 10. Do. shaped as 33. Dessert plate 0 12 shell . . . 4 0 34, 35. Do. each 0 12 11. Breadbasket 3 0 36. Toilet box . 0 40 12. Basin and ewer 8 0 37. Fruit dish . 3 0 13. Plate . . 1 20 38. Pomade box 0 50 14. Ditto 1 10 39. Plate . . 0 40 15. Ditto 1 20 40. Basin, very 16. Ditto 0 20 large, with Chi¬ 17. Ditto 2 30 nese painting 32 0 18. Basin and ewer 4 0 41. Ewer to do. 16 0 19. Letter weight 42. Basin, smaller (a dog) . . 1 0 to match. 16 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 249 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of A rticle. Price. fl. kr. fl. kr. 43. Ewer to match 3 0 48. Plate 1 0 44. Box . 2 30 49. Ditto . . 0 30 45. Soap dish . 1 30 50. Vine leaf . 0 30 46. Toilet box . 1 30 51. Plate 0 12 47. Plate 1 20 52. Ditto 0 6 625. NOWOTNY, AUGUST, Alt-Rohlau, near Carlsbad, Bohemia, Manu.—94. III. a. Stone ware :— 3. Tea service for 6 persons .... 4. Dinner service for 12 persons . 6. Toilette service, consisting of ewer and basin, with trays complete .... | Dessert plates . per dozen. fl. kr. 15 0 13 30 4 18 1 36 11. Do. . • • 1 24 China:— 1. Vases p.pair 40 0 7. Pair of vases 0 48 2. „ 24 0 1 Flower pot . 3 0 16 0 Cigar tray . 0 30 4. „ „ 14 0 Baskets 0 10 5. „ 10 0 Heads . 0 20 6. „ „ 5 0 Buttons 0 30 2. 8fl.; 3. 6fl. 30kr. 2. lfl. 4. 5fl. 2 30 2 0 2 30 2 0 0 10 3. 54kr. : Bread basket, 1. lOfl. Tray.. . . Butter dish and cover . . . Blind buttons. Jewel stand. Lamp stand. Holy water vases.—1. lfl. 48kr. 4. 50kr.; 5. 20kr. Inkstands.—1. 3fl.; 2. 3fl.; 3. 2fl. 40kr. Coffee service for 6 persons.12 0 Cups per pair.—3 and 4. lfl. 12kr.; 5. lfl.; 6. 54kr. Dinner service for 6 persons. 33 51 Pair of painted biscuit figures .... 80 Painted biscuit figure of a man, with pipe . 0 48 Do. huntsman, dog and boy.0 40 Figures.—1. 7fl.; 2. 5fl. ; 3. 7fl.; 4. 4fl.; 5. 2fl.; 6.30kr.; 7. 30kr ; 8. 30 kr.; 9. 24kr.; 10. 20kr. ; 11. 24kr.; 12. 20kr.; 13. 15kr.; 14. 15kr. ; 15, 16. 6kr. ; 17. 8kr.; 18. 6kr.; 19. 24kr.; 20. 4fl.; 21. 2fl. ; 22—25. 30kr.; 26. 40kr.; 27—29. 6kr. 626. PORTHEIM, A. P. and SON, Unter Kodau, Bohemia, Manu.—98. III. a. China. 1 to 43. Dinner service for 6 persons . . 280 0 44. Soup tureen .8 0 45 and 46. Sauce tureen with ladle and stand.3 50 47. Mustard pot with spoon.2 0 48. Dish, round.3 10 49. 50. Do. oval.3 38 51. Do. square.3 10 52—55. Soup plates.. . 15 56—63. Plates.10 64—67. Dessert plates.0 40 68. Saltcellar.. 0 50 69—77. Coffee service for 6 persons . . . 19 10 78—86. Ditto . . . 11 10 87—95. Ditto richly decorated . 57 40 96—104. Ditto decorated ... . 32 0 105—113. Ditto ... 20 0 114—117. Ditto for 1 person ... 80 118. Coffee tray for ditto.8 0 119. Bread basket decorated.8 0 120. Ditto richly decorated with gold 5 35 121—126. Dessert plates .... each 1 40 fl. kr. 127. Cornucopia.9 35 128. Vase with raised flowers .... 40 129—132. Tea service for 1 person ... 3 10 133. Pair of tazzas ..3 10 134. Tazzas. per pair 3 10 135. Ditto. „ 2 25 136. Ditto. ., 1 20 137. Ditto. ;, 10 138. 139. Inkstands and ornament . each 6 50 140. Letter weight.3 10 141. Inkstand.4 50 142. Ditto.2 0 143. Holy water vase.1 20 144. 145. Scent bottles.each 2 25 146, 147. Ditto.„ 2 25 148. Biscuit figure, “ Cupid” ... ,, 20 149. Holy water vase.„ 2 30 150. 151. Flower vases.a pair 1 35 152. Inkstand ....... each 4 50 153. Tulip vase.1 35 154. Vase.0 50 155. Cigar holder, a Sleeping Girl ... 3 10 156. Match pot.1 10 157. Figure, Madonna.4 0 158. Ditto Group.2 45 159. Ditto Emperor Francis Joseph . . 1 10 160. Ditto Do. . . 2 25 161. Ditto Female.4 0 162. Ditto Group: the Young Squire . . 5 10 163. Ditto Italian Guard.2 30 164. Ditto Male.4 0 165. Ditto.8 0 166. Ditto Napoleon and Rustan ... 40 167. Spirit lamp.2 25 168. Figure, Cupid forging his arrows . . 2 0 169. 170. Do. Gardeners with flowers, each 1 20 171. Centre piece.40 0 627- QUAST, JOHANN, Prague, Manuf.—102. III. A. a. A china vase, painted.£30 0 0 b. A china plate, with painting of the battle of Waterloo.6 0 0 c. A china plate, with painted insects . 6 0 0 d. A china slab, with painting of the Last Judgment.8 0 628- ZASCHE, JOHANN, Vienna, Artist.— 13. IV. Painting on porcelain, “ Madonna,” after Carlo Dolce.30 ducats 629. BATKA, WENZEL, Prague, Manu.—38. III. d. fl. kr. 2 chests of drawers for apothecaries . . . 20 0 630. COLOMBO, GIOVANNI, Milan, Manu.— 49. m. Loo table, inlaid with tortoise shell, gold, and silver, 12,000 francs. 631 GROGER, FRANZ, Vienna, Cabinet-maker. —32. III. d. Ebony cabinet containing 33 secret drawers, with statuettes carved in ivory (represent¬ ing the Emperors of the House of Habs- burg), and ornaments in stone mosaic 7000 0 Work-box of Brazil woods, with malachite and ivory mosaic ornaments .... 250 0 These prices are in silver florins, ten to the pound sterling. 250 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 632. KNILL, JOHANN, Vienna, Manu.—39. HI. d. Billiard table, with balls, cues, &c., complete.£300 0 0 633. LEISTLER, CARL, & SON, Vienna, Furniture and inlaid Flooring Manufacturers.—30. III. d. The Furniture and Flooring for a suite of Four Rooms, viz.: Dining Room. Zebra-wood Dining table for forty persons, Side¬ board, and set of 36 chairs. — Massive oak flooring. Library. A Gothic bookcase, of oak, presented to her Majesty the Queen by his Majesty the Emperor of Austria. —A bookcase of Austrian and Hungarian ash, in the Renaissance style.—A table, 6 chairs, and easy chair, to match.—Inlaid flooring. Drawing Room. Zebra-wood Loo table, 6 ft. 3 in. in diameter; Do., 8 ft. 10 in. do. ; Corner table, Console table, 2 occa¬ sional tables, revolving picture stand, 2 eas} r chairs, and set of 4 arm and 8 other chairs.—Massive oak flooring.—Mahogany folding-door, leading to Bed Room. Zebra-wood bedstead with furniture, a prie-Dieu, 2 Italian cupboards, 2 stools, Sofa, Sofa table, Con¬ sole table, carved flower stand, looking-glass frame, 2 easy chairs, and set of 8 chairs.—Inlaid flooring. Ante Room. An oval table of walnut.—Loo table of rosewood.— Ormolu oval table.—2 Picture frames. — Small crucifix. *** The design for the Queen’s bookcase was made by Mr. Bernardo di Bernardis, architect, as¬ sisted by Mr. Joseph Krarmer, of Prague. The rest of the furniture was designed solely by Mr. Bernardo di Bernardis. The gimp, fringe, and tassels were manufactured by Mr. Franz Huber, of Vienna. Specimens of Inlaid Flooring , veneered, and inlaid, fl. kr. No. 1. per 100 square feet.125 0 2. do. 108 40 3. do. 100 0 4. do. 133 20 5. do. 141 40 6. do. 158 20 7. do. 158 20 , 8. do. 150 0 9. do. 125 0 10. do. 125 0 11. per foot, 11 inches wide .... 4 30 12. Do. 8 do. .... 3 30 13. Do. 11 do. .... 4 30 14. per 100 square feet. 52 30 Solid Oak. 15. per 100 square feet.50 0 These prices are on the spot at Vienna, and do not include the expense of laying down, freight, &c. 634. LECHNER, FRANZ, Vienna, Cabinet¬ maker.—35. III. d. Walnut-tree easy chair, stuffed and covered with Utrecht velvet.150 0 Oak balzac, stuffed and covered to match . 220 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Austrian lire 635. MENTASTI-BELIA, BROTHERS, Milan, Manu.—31 m. 1. Oblong table, with inlaid' work, repre¬ senting Napoleon crossing Mount St. Bernard. 2000 2. Prie-Dieu, with inlaid work, representing various religious emblems.1300 N.B. These can be polished at any time, and will always maintain the same effect and colour, no superficial dyes being employed. 3. Samples of marble cornices, worked by machinery with extraordinary facility. A piece of marble 2 metres long and 15 centimetres wide, can be worked in 15 minutes. 636. MOSCHINI, PAOLO, Cremona, Manu.— i 29 m. 1. Lady’s toilette table, with looking-glass, £ candlesticks, &c., richly ornamented . . 280 2. Escritoire richly ornamented .... 300 3. Small oval table richly ornamented . . 20 637. PALHUEBER, VINZENZ, Vienna, Cabinet¬ maker. —36. III. d. fl. kr. Inlaid Gothic work table. 720 0 Inlaid Gothic hanging basket .... 240 0 638. F. G. RIETSCH, Bohmisch Rudoletz, Mo¬ ravia, Inventor.—2. II. Model of a ship table (provisionally regis¬ tered). 638a SPELUZZI, Milan. Mosaic table. 639. ROSANI, Brothers, PIETRO and BER¬ NARDO, Milan, Manu.— 23m. Austrian lire. 1. Secretaire of American maple and rose¬ wood, with inlaid and mosaic work . . 6000 2. Small oblong table of American maple, with inlaid and mosaic work .... 2000 640. STAUDINGER, ANTON, Vienna, Cabinet¬ maker.—33. III. d. fl. kr. 1. Carved rosewood table, inlaid with buhl 200 0 2, 3. Rosewood book-case. 380 0 4. Rosewood sofa, stuffed and covered in green morocco.135 0 5. Chairs inlaid with buhl, stuffed and co¬ vered to match.each 60 0 641. THONET, MICHAEL, Vienna, Cabinet¬ maker.—34. III. d. Rosewood sofa, easy chair, and 6 chairs inlaid with buhl. 407 0 Rosewood easy chair, inlaid with buhl, with cushion.. . . 90 0 Mahogany hanging-basket, inlaid with buhl 36 0 Loo-table, inlaid with buhl, tortoiseshell, and mother-of-pearl. 250 0 Rosewood bonnet stands, inlaid with buhl each 20 0 Specimens of inlaid floorings, composed of mahogany, rosewood, and buhl work, each 30 0 Ditto ditto ditto . 3 20 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 251 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. Mahogany bonnet stands.each 8 0 Walnut-tree easy chair, cane seat . . . 32 0 Rosewood loo-table, inlaid with buhl and various wood . .. 1500 0 Rosewood sofa table, inlaid to match . . 800 0 Rosewood stand, inlaid w'ith buhl . . . 66 0 642. KLANNER, FRANZ, Vienna, Manu.— 40. III. d. 1. Lady’s workbox. 2. Gentleman’s ditto. 3. Lady’s ditto. 4. Ditto ditto. 5. 6, and 7. Workboxes, 4fl., 6 fl. and 10 fl. 7 0 5 30 5 30 4 0 Caskets: 9. 12 . 13. . . 4 0 1 10. . . 10 30 . . 5 0 | 11. f. . 10 0 14—17. Tea caddies, 11 fl., 8 fl., 8 fl., and 5fl. 18—21. Sugar caddies, 5 fl., 3 fl., 2 fl. 30 k , & 22, 23. Workboxes.4fl. and 24, 25. Watchstands.each 26. Do. inlaid with buhl 27. Vessel for holy water, with crucifix 28. Chinese painted tazza . Workbaskets: 1 24 1 40 o '1 D 29. . . 30. . . 31. . . 34. Reading desk .... 35. Mahogany table basket 36. Light-screen .... 37. Travelling looking-glass . 3 30 2 30 3 0 3 30 3 30 2 30 Pocket looking-gla 38. . . 0 12 sses: 42. . . 0 14 45. 0 34 39. . . 0 18 43. . . 0 50 46. 0 30 40. . .0 10 44. . . 0 38 47. 0 26 41. . .0 12 48. Workboxes each 1 20 49, 50. Ditto . 11 1 12 51, 52. Ditto . 48 k. and 24 k. Sugar caddies : 53. . . 0 28 1 56. . . 0 40 59. , # 1 0 54. . . 0 30 57. . . 0 48 60. 1 12 55. . . 0 36 j 61. Razor-case 58. . . 0 56 0 36 62. Lady’s dressing-case 1 0 63. Gentleman’s ditto . 1 12 64. Lady’s ditto 0 48 65. Casket 1 24 66. Lady’s dressing-case , 3 45 67. Sugar-caddy . * 4 30 68. Casket 2 30 69. Money-box . 70. Ditto . . . 71. Table-basket 72. Ditto . . 73. Work-basket 74. Watchstand , Looking-glass: 75. . . 1 20 I 77. . 76. . . 1 40 I 78. . 80. Cups for counters . 81. Ditto. 82. Ditto. 83. Draughtboard . 84. Game of fortification 85. Lady’s dressing-case 4 0 9 0 0 54 1 4 2 30 2 15 1 15 0 40 7 30 2 0 1 15 1 6 1 24 2 12 0 36 643. BECKER & IvRONIK, Vienna, Manu.— 31. III. d. fl. kr. Six leaf Chinese screen of japanned wood, inlaid with mother of pearl .... 1000 0 Four leaf papier-mache screen with rococo tableau. 300 0 Table with tazza.50 0 Papier-mache tazza.25 0 Tazza, with view of a castle.25 0 Ditto, with view of Venice.35 0 Ditto, with view of Vienna.40 0 Ditto, with interior of the Ambassadors’ reception-room at Madrid.30 0 Portfolio, with view of Luxembourg, in mother-of-pearl.20 0 Pair of vases.1000 0 644. HOFRICHTER, C., Reichenau, Bohemia, Papier-mache Manufacturer.—29. III. d. Papier-mache Articles , per piece. 3/0000 Boxes, , small size, mounted 0 5f 3/000 Do. larger do. do. 0 6£ 1/00 Do. do. ornamented . 0 83 3/00 Do. do. mounted 0 6 4/00 Do. do. black 0 4f 5/000 Do. do. Sandau 0 4 | 6/000 Do. do. 0 4 f 6/00 Do. do. 0 5f 11/000 Do. small size, painted 0 6 11/00 Do. large do. do. 0 6| 11/1 Do. do. do. 0 10 12/00 Do. small size, do. 0 8| 7/00 Do. do. do. 0 64 14/1 Do. do. do. 0 16 26/000 Do. do. 0 3| 26/000 Do. do. 0 4 26/00 Do. do. 0 4 -t 27/00 Do. do. 0 6| 29/00 Do. do. . 0 44 29/0 Do. do. 0 6 33/1 Do. do. Scotch. 0 10 47/000 Do. do. 0 4 47/00 Do. large size 0 6 50/00 Do. do. 0 6 143/00 Do. small size 0 4| i/o Ladies’ boxes. with gilt ornaments 0 9 4/0 Do. do. black . 0 54 5/0 Do. do. Sandau 0 l 6/0 Do. do. stamped . 0 7 7/0 Do. do. painted 0 7 11/0 Do. do. do. 0 8* 26/0 Do. do. Sandau 0 5 27/0 Do. do. painted 0 4 36/0 Do. do. with mottoes 0 10 37/0 Do. do. Sandau 0 12 47/0 Do. do. gilt . . 0 7 50/0 Do. do. do. . 0 7 91/0 Do. do. Sandau 0 7 84/1 Do. do. silvered . 0 10 143/0 Do. do. painted o 14 29/2 Boxes 0 7 3/2 Do. silver mounted 0 84 36/2 Do. with mottoes . 0 12 11/2 Do. painted 0 22 12/2 Do. do. 0 17 13/2 Do. do. 0 18 14/2 Do. do. 0 20 15 /% Do. do. 1 0 16/2 Do. do. 0 36 252 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. JTO. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 18/2 Boxes, painted. 20/2 Do. do. 0 48 1 0 33/2 Do. do. Scottish . 0 20 36/2 Do. do. 0 16 100 Do. smallest size r . 0 6| 101/5 Do. large do. striped . 0 10 105 Do. do. silver-mounted 0 10 140 Do. do. Scotch . 0 10 140/4 Boxes, large size Scotch . 0 12 118/4 Do. do. painted . 0 14 109/2 Do. do. striped . 0 15 9/G Boxes, mounted .... 0 18 109/H Do. 0 20 60/1 Do. black. 0 17 112 Do. do. mounted 0 22 55/R Do. do. do. 0 20 116 Do. Sandau do. 0 25 107 Do. long, striped . . . 0 17 53/R Do. black, do. 0 15 9/R Do. do. do. 0 17 54/R Do. do. gilt .... 0 18 60/00 Do. do. 0 24 132/0 Do. small, wide, mounted 0 16 132 Do. do. do. 0 18 133 Do. high do. 0 18 141 Do. Scotch . . . 0 18 142/1 Do. do. .... 0 22 142/2 Do. do. .... 0 20 142/3 Do. do. 0 18 190/1 Do. with mottoes . 0 20 190/3 Do. do. 0 17 190/0 Do. sealed. 0 25 210 Do. gilt ..... 0 18 210/3 Do. black ..... 0 17 159 Do. high, mounted 0 22 9/Po Do. black do. 0 22 121 Do. painted .... 0 32 170/E Do. small size .... 0 18 118/2 Do. painted .... 0 16 58/E Do.-mounted .... 0 24 160/R Do. do. .... 0 26 61/R Do. small size .... 0 22 110/R Do. striped .... o 0 20 117/0 Boxes, red. 0 30 207 Do. Sandau .... 0 22 157/R Do. high, gold ornaments 0 24 162 Do. do. silver-mounted 0 22 146/0 Do. Scotch . . , 0 25 111 Do. silver-mounted . 0 22 118/1 Do. do. 0 20 160/1 Do. mounted .... 0 18 155/1 Do. painted .... 0 24 309 Do. gilt. 0 18 164/2 Do. with springs, painted 0 18 164/1. Do. do. do. 0 17 164/0 Do. do. do. 0 16 183/2 Do. black . . . 0 30 163/1 Do. gold. 0 14 163/0 Do. black, small size . 0 13 165/0. Do. Scotch. 0 16 161 Lucifer-match boxes, painted 0 15 162 Do. do. Scotch 0 15 130 Boxes, round edged, painted 1 0 136 Do. do. do. 1 12 142 Do. do. do. 1 24 148 Do. do. do. 1 30 154 Do. do. do. 1 40 128 Do. painted .... 0 56 186 Do. gilt. 0 55 55 Do, painted .... 1 0 Uo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price, 185 180 150 126 121 129 115 21/E, 119 186 118/00 164/3 Boxes, painted Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. round edged Scotch . . Do. painted . . . . . , Do. do.. Do. do.. Do. do. Do. do. 106/0 Bottle-stands, gold ornaments . . 106 Stands for glasses, with gold orna¬ ments .. . . 107/0 Bottle stand, tinned edges 107 Glass stand, ditto 108 Covers for glass ...... 109 Do. small size . . . . . . 112 Coffee-cups . . . . . . . 4/2 Black round boxes . . . . . 37/2 Sandau boxes . . . . * . * 16/1 Ladies’ boxes . . 109 Sandau do. small size . . . 110 Heads . . . . . . ... 103 Black pipe-boxes. 105 Gold-sand do. . . . . . 101 ’White do. 115 High Sandau do.. 116 Goblets. 530 Spice-boxes ....... 111 Boxes with hunting scenes ' . . . 535 Sugar-caddies ....... fl. kr. 0 75 0 40 0 40 0 36 0 32 0 32 0 30 0 25 0 27 0 34 0 24 0 20 0 14 7 14 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 50 0 7 0 17 0 30 0 14 0 25 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 18 0 30 4 0 UOO YY .. 1 Buttons, large size . . . . 0 2 Do. silver-mounted . . . 0 3,4 Do. small size . . . . . 0 5 Do. Scotch , , 6 Do. do. 7, 8, 9 Do. gilt . . . . . 10, 11 Do. do. . . . . . . . 0 12 Do. do. . . 0 780 Pictures representing saints . . . 0 20 781 Do. do. portraits , . 0 30 782 Do. do. saints . . 0 30 783 Do. do. portraits . . 0 30 784 Do. do. saints . . 0 40 785 Do. do. portraits . . 1 0 645. BEHK, CARL, Prague, Manu.—43. III. d. 511. Artificial marble column pedestal 100 12 10 512. Do. 513, Do. work box Specimens of artificial marble, in washable gold frames.each 1 30 Lithophanic compositions in ornamental frames.each 2 0 Samples of gilt wood which will bear washing.60 0 645a. KOLBEL, B., Carver and Gilder, Vienna. Ornamented frame for a picture or looking glass, richly gilt.1000 0 Specimens of ornaments for frames. 046. AFH, ERIDRICH, Vienna.—80. III. d. A flower stand of bamboo and canes . 800 0 A stand for a figure and flowers, of bamboo and canes . 200 O Both designed by B. di Bernardis. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 253 No. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. kr. 647. FRANZONY, A., St. Wolfgang, near Ischl, Upper Austria. — 37. III. d. A hanging shaped flower stand with an agaric, 2 ft. long, lj wide, and 1 to 9 inches thick. 300 0 648. MELZER, GEORG, Krems on the Danube, Lower Austria, Artist.—79. III. d. A hanging basket made of a variety of barks 30 0 649. PAULLER, JOHANN, and SON, Vienna, Manu.—42. III. d. a. Picture frame. 1750 b. Do. .145 0 c. Do. .20 0 Sconces.each 30 0 650. POLT, ANTON, Vienna, Manu.—41. HI. d. Prie-Dieu altar in the Gothic style, in glass case .ducats 250 0 651. SPOERLIN & ZIMMERMANN, Vienna.— 97. III. d. 2009. Roll of paper for hanging rooms, white satin ground.16 2010. Ditto, ultramarine and metal ground 3 24 2017. Ditto, light green and metal ... 2 30 2023. Ditto, white satin.0 48 2033. Ditto, white satin, flowered ... 10 1. Model of a ceiling with frieze and grey cornice . . . .No. 1953. 2. Do. with grey rosettes . . 1951. 3. Do. with frieze and cornice . 1626. 4. Do. with rosettes in metal . 1895. 5. Do. with frieze and grey cornice, 1897. 6. Do. 1897. 7. Do. with rosettes .... 1628. 8. 9, 10, 11. Four models. Representations of simple machines . . 2 0 Do. of sections.2 0 652. HALLER’S, JOHANN, WIDOW & SON IN LAW, Vienna, Manu. — 75. b. III. d. Toys, Dolls, &c. No. £. s. d. No. 7 £. s. d. No. £. s. d. 1 . . 3 10 0 22 2ol2/ 1 4 0 43 .. 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 23 .. 1 0 0 44 .. 0 1 0 3 *. 2 0 0 24 .. 0 15 0 45 .. 2 0 0 4 . 2 0 0 25 .. 0 8 0 46 .. 1 0 0 5 2 0 0 26 .. 0 8 0 47 .. 1 0 0 6 . 1 1 10 0 27 .. 1 0 0 48 .. 0 3 0 7 . . 1 10 0 28 .. 1 0 0 49 .. 0 2 0 8 . . 1 10 0 29 .. 0 12 0 50 .. 0 2 0 9 . 2 0 0 30 .. 1 0 0 51 .. 0 3 0 10 . ! i 0 0 31 .. 0 15 0 52 .. 0 2 0 11 . . 0 10 0 32 .. 0 12 0 53 .. 2 10 0 12 . 1 0 0 33 6 a 8/2 8 0 54 .. 0 8 0 13 .’ . 0 15 0 34 .. 0 12 0 55 .. 0 12 0 i4 . . 1 10 5 35 .. 0 15 0 56 .. 0 6 0 15 . . 1 0 0 36 .. 0 12 0 j 57 .. 0 4 0 16 . . 1 0 0 37 .. 0 12 0 58 .. 0 14 0 17 . . 0 15 0 38 .. 0 6 0 59 2 a 5/0 10 0 18 . . 0 18 0 39 .. 0 3 0 60 .. 0 1 6 19 . . 0 15 0 40 2 a 2/0 4 0 61 .. 0 8 0 20 . . 0 14 0 41 .. 2 0 0 62 .. 0 9 0 21 . . 15 0 42 .. 2 0 0 63 .. 0 2 6 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. 64 .. 0 2 Toys, Dolls, &c. 0 No. £. s. d. No. £. s. d. 65 .. 0 14 0 133 3 a 8/ 1 4 0 201 .. o’ 1 6 66 .. 0 5 0 134 3 a 5/0 15 0 202 .. 0 2 6 67 .. 0 3 0135 . . 0 2 0 203 .. 0 2 8 68 .. 0 2 0136 . . 0 2 0 204 .. 0 3 6 69 .. 1 0 0137 . . 0 4 0 205 .. 0 7 6 70 .. 0 4 0138 . . 0 2 6 206 .. 0 5 6 71 .. 0 1 0139 . . 0 3 0 207 .. 0 9 0 72 .. 0 1 6 140 . . 0 4 6 208 .. 0 9 0 73 .. 0 1 0141 . . 0 6 0 209 .. 2 0 0 74 .. 0 2 0142 . . 0 4 0 210 .. 1 1 6 75 .. 0 4 0143 . . 0 5 0 211 .. 0 5 6 76 .. 0 2 0144 . . 0 7 6 212 .. 0 4 0 77 .. 0 2 0145 . . 0 13 6 213 .. 0 12 0 78 .. 0 3 0146 . . 0 4 0 214 .. 0 0 6 79 .. 0 3 0147 . . 0 6 0 215 .. 0 4 6 80 .. 0 1 6 148 . . 0 7 0 216 .. 1 0 0 81 .. 0 1 0 149 . . 0 7 0 217 .. 0 9 0 82 .. 0 1 6 150 . . 0 7 6 218 .. 1 0 0 83 .. 0 1 o 151 . . 0 13* 6 219 .. 1 10 0 84 4 a 9/1 16 0152 . . 1 0 0 220 .. 2 0 0 85 4al2/2 86 5 a 5/ 1 8 0 153 . . 1 0 2 221 .. 1 10 0 5 0154 . . 1 2 0 222 .. 2 0 0 87 .. 0 6 0155 . . 1 0 0 223 .. 1 16 0 88 6 a 4/1 4 0 156 2 a 3/ 0 6 0 224 .. 1 0 0 89 .. 1 10 0 157 . . 4 0 0 225 .. 0 6 0 90 .. 1 0 0158 . . 0 2 0 226 .. 0 9 0 91 .. 1 3 0159 . . 0 7 0 227 .. 0 2 6 "92 4 a 4/ 0 16 0 160 . . 0 12 0 228 .. 0 1 0 93 .. 0 1 6 161 . . 0 5 0 230 .. 0 8 6 94 .. 0 3 0 162 . . 0 3 0 231 .. 0 8 6 95 .. 0 6 0163 . . 0 3 0 232 .. 0 7 0 96 .. 0 3 0164 . . 0 2 6 233 .. 0 14 6 97 .. 0 1 6165 . . 0 2 6 234 .. 0 7 0 98 .. 0 3 0166 . . 0 2 0 235 .. 0 3 0 99 .. 0 4 0167 . 8168 . . 0 2 6 236 .. 0 4 0 100 .. 0 2 . 0 5 6 237 .. 0 4 6 101 .. 0 1 6169 . . 0 4 6 238 .. 0 0 6 102 .. 0 2 0170 . . 0 1 0 239 .. 0 1 6 103 .. 0 2 0171 . . 0 2 0 240 .. 0 7 6 104 .. 0 3 0172 . . 0 5 6 241 .. 0 5 6 105 .. 0 2 0 173 . . 0 4 6 242 .. 0 2 6 106 .. 0 1 6il742 a : 7/0 14 0 243 .. 0 1 6 107 .. 0 1 6 175 . . 0 2 0 244 .. 0 1 0 108 .. 0 1 6 176 . . 0 1 6 245 .. 0 0 8 109 .. 0 1 6 177 . . 0 8 6 246 .. 0 5 6 110 .. 0 2 6 178 . . 0 8 0 247 .. 0 4 6 111 .. 0 1 6 179 . . 0 4 6 248 .. 0 5 0 112 .. 0 2 0 180 . . 0 4 6 249 .. 0 5 6 113 .. 0 5 0 181 . . 0 8 6 250 .. 0 6 0 114 .. 0 10 0 182 . . 0 4 0 251 .. 0 12 0 115 .. 0 10 0 183 . . 0 3 0 252 .. 0 9 0 116 .. 0 7 0 184 . . 0 2 6 253 .. 0 4 0 117 .. 0 9 0 185 . . 0 2 0 254 .. 0 3 0 118 .. 0 1 0 186 . . 0 1 0 255 .. 0 1 6 119 .. 0 1 6 187 . . 0 3 0 256 .. 0 1 0 120 .. 0 1 6 188 . . 0 4 6 257 .. 0 0 8 121 .. 0 1 0189 . . 0 1 6 258 . . 0 1 6 122 .. 0 1 0190 . . 0 1 6 259 . . 0 0 6 123 .. 0 2 0191 . . 0 1 6 260 .. 0 0 8 124 4 a /6 0 2 0 192 . . 0 2 0 261 .. 0 0 10 125 2 a 1/0 2 0 193 . . 0 7 6 262 .. 0 1 8 126 .. 1 0 0 194 . . 2 0 0 263 .. 0 1 6 127 .. 0 5 0 195 . . 0 0 6 264 .. 0 2 0 128 .. 0 1 0 196 . . 0 0 8 265 .. 0 2 6 129 .. 0 1 0 197 . . 0 1 01266 .. 0 3 0 130 .. 0 1 0 198 . . 0 1 6 267 .. 0 2 0 131 .. 0 0 3 199 . . 0 1 8 268 .. 0 2 6 132 .. 0 0 2 200 , , 1 0 0 269 .. 0 2 8 254 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Toys, Dolls &c. Assortment of Toys No. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 1 No. fl. kr. 270 .. 0 2 6 287 .. 0 0 6 304 .. 0 2 0 4586 . 1 0 7017 . 2 24 8092 . 24 0 271 .. 0 1 6 288 .. 0 0 7 305 .. 0 2 5 4608 . 0 43 7024 . 2 36 8098 . 6 36 272 .. 0 1 8 289 .. 0 10 306 .. 0 2 6 4637 . 0 54 7034 . 0 10 8201 . 1 18 273 .. 0 5 6 230 '.. 0 1 4 307 .. 0 3 0 4677 . 1 36 7053 . 0 14 8203 . 1 54 274 .. 0 12 6 291 .. 0 1 6 308 .. 0 3 6 4732 . 0 50 7059 . 0 32 8205 . 2 36 275 .. 0 2 6 292 .. 0 0 4 309 .. 0 4 4 4740 . 1 48 7067 . 0 15 8206 . 3 0 276 .. 0 12 0 293 .. 0 0 5 310 .. 0 4 6 4752 . 0 29 7068 . 0 18 8207 . 3 12 277 .. 0 1 6 294 . . 0 0 6 311 .. 0 0 6 4761 . 0 30 7069 . 0 24 8209 . 1 0 278 .. 0 1 6 295 . . 0 0 7 312 .. 0 0 10 4791 . 0 54 7083 . 0 10 8210 . 1 18 279 .. 0 0 2 296 .. 0 0 8 313 .. 0 0 14 4816 . 0 36 7084 . 0 48 8211 . 1 18 280 .. 0 0 2 297 .. 0 0 9 314 .. 2 1 6 4846 . 1 36 7112 . 1 6 8212 . 1 24 281 .. 0 0 3 298 .. 0 0 10 315 ... 4 0 0 5016 . 1 48 7283 . 0 18 8213 . 1 36 282 . 0 0 3 299 ’.. 0 1 0 316 .. 1 0 0 5107 . 1 6 7295 . 0 30 8214 . 1 43 283 .. 0 0 4 300 .. 0 1 4 317 .. 1 6 0 5118 . 0 32 7303 . 0 23 8215 . 1 54 284 .. 0 0 4 301 .. 0 16 318 .. 14 0 5318 . 0 50 3254 . 0 6 8220 . 3 12 285 . 0 0 5 302 .. 0 1 0 319 .. 0 11 0 5330 . 0 111 3256 . 0 10 8221 . 3 36 286 .. 0 0 5 303 .. 0 1 6 229 .. 0 12 0 5389 . 1 12 3257 . 0 14 8225 . 1 36 5938 . 0 15 3259 . 0 19 8228 . 1 36 653. KIETAIBL, FRANZ, Vienna.— 76b. III. D. 5939 . 0 20 3260 . 0 21 8229 . 0 57 Mechanical and musical tov 3. 5942 . 0 45 3262 . 1 0 8230 . 1 18 No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 6181 . 2 48 3263 . 0 17 8257 . 2 36 1 . 45 0 14 3 30 27 5 30 6317 . 1 20 3266 . 0 57 8258 . 1 54 2 . 34 0 15 4 0 28 3 0 6769 . 0 9 6975 . 7 0 8259 . 1 24 3 . 35 0 16 4 0 29 4 0 6771 . 0 13 6996* . 2 24 8261 . 4 24 4 . 20 0 17 4 0 30 4 0 6778 . 0 6 7005 . 0 54 8853 . 10 48 5 . 16 0 18 4 30 31 7 30 6781 . 0 10 3283 . 18 0 8875 . 12 0 6 . 16 0 19 5 0 32 5 0 6788 . 0 10 3772 . 69 36 8999 . 14 24 7 8 0 20 5 0 33 5 0 6790 . 0 18 5077 . 8 0 9057 . 2 24 8 8 0 21 3 30 34 .. 3 30 6800 . 0 8 5443 . 14 24 9075 . 4 48 9 . 10 0 22 3 30 35 .. 3 30 6802 . 0 15 7117 . 6 48 9079 . 10 48 10 . . 10 0 23 4 0 36 3 30 6950 . 0 131 7184 . 8 24 9100 . 18 0 11 . 12 0 24 4 0 37 5 0 6981 . 0 18 7410 . 15 36 Per gross. 12 3 30 25 4 30 38 5 0 6993 . 1 15 8038 . 10 0 3685 . 0 29 13 3 30 26 5 30 39 5 0 6999 . 0 14 8044 . 12 0 3687 . 0 40 7012 . 0 15 8059 . 10 48 3688 . 1 0 654. MULLER, C. A. and CO., Oberleutensdorf, 7015 . 0 42 8074 . 9 0 3699 . 1 6 Bohemia, 76a. III. d. Assortment of toys. Per dozen boxes. 655. PURGER, JOHANN BAPTIST, Groden, 622 . 1 48 2450 . 3 6 I 5244 . 38 24 ±yroi. — to . xii. d. fl. kr. fl. kr, 12611 . 1 6 2509 . 48 0 5523 . 0 49 Jointed wooden dolls in sizes, per doz. 0 48 to 2 0 1797 . 0 18 2520 . 15 36 5525 . 1 36 Do. do. with curls 99 0 12 . 2 36 2001 . 19 12 2549 . 7 12 5560 . 0 19 Leather dolls . 5} 1 3.90 2010 . 36 0 2556 . 2 0 5561 . 0 29 Do. moveable .. )> 1 12 . 15 0 2015 . 10 48 2558 . 6 0 5563 . 0 49 Dolls’ heads, varnished . 99 0 24 . 7 0 2025 . 0 34 2594 . 2 30 5565 . 1 36 Leather dolls with wooden legs 99 1 15 . 2 1£ 2077 . 0 15 2611 . 6 36 5567’ . 2 48 Do. do. body 9> 1 0 . 2 24 2079 . 0 32 2623 . 84 0 5808 . 0 19 Children in swaddling clothes 99 0 6 . 1 12 2081 . 1 0 2644 . 12 0 5825 . 0 48 ! Do. with moving head 99 0 30 2093 . 1 12 2648 . 24 0 5827 . 1 24 Pantaloon . 99 0 24 2114 . 15 36 2649 . 7 36 5830 . 3 0 Harlequin . 99 0 40 . 1 0 2153 . 4 0 2669 . 6 0 5833 . 5 48 Figures 99 0 16 . 8 0 2156 . 3 0 2670 . 33 36 5837 . 28 48 Do. with moving head. # 99 1 36 . 2 12 2176 . 4 48 2671 . 21 36 6335 . 0 15 and 3 12 2190 . 9 0 2907 . 1 36 6340 . 1 8 Do.with moving head and mouth 99 12 0 2214 . 8 24 3871 . 4 12 6347 . 2 36 Caricature 99 2 24 22 . 66 0 3910 . 2 12 6404 . 1 12 Nut-crackers . . 99 1 24 22.: . 7 12 4078 . 0 14 6408 . 3 12 Ducat-maker . 99 1 0 2242 . 34 0 4079 . , 0 17 9339 . 8 0 Tobacconist 99 1 12 2247 . 22 48 4081 . , 0 36 12961 . 3 0 Jumping frogs, mice, &c. 99 0 6 . 0 30 2270 . 9 0 4084 . 1 24 112962 . 4 0 Horsemen . ? 9 1 36 . 4 12 2305 . 21 36 4098 . 1 9 3215 . 0 45 The Nativity (12 figures) each 1 24 2327 . 0 17 4100 . 1 48 3229 . 0 11 Churns . 24 2328 . 0 32 4242 . 1 6 3248 . 1 18 The Virgin and Child 99 8 0 2370 . 2 36 5156 . 0 32 3591 . 0 18 Monkeys . 99 0 33 - 2 0 2377 . 10 48 5158 . , 1 0 3674 . 0 15 | Puppet-heads . • • 99 0 33 . 2 2 2399 . 26 24 5160 . , 1 24 3676 . 0 33 Horses . . . 9 5 0 12 . 1 36 2427 . 31 12 5207 , , 1 12 4573 . 0 42 Watch-cases, gilt , each 1 36 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 255 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Animals. Noah’s ark (with 100 pieces) Harlequins on horseback Do. on wheels Snakes . Chandeliers, remonstrants, &c fl. kr perdoz. 0 17 . each per doz. Rope-dancers Do. with sounds Do. (2 figures) Nun with friar in chapel, 3 12 5 0 3 12 0 30 0 8 perdoz. 0 36 „ 3 36 5 24 Do. do. emitting sounds ,, Marble games .... ,, Horse and 2-wheel cart, painted ,, Do. do. white wood ,, Horse and gig .... ,, Styrian carriages, with 4 wheels and 1 horse. ,, Styrian carriages, with 2 horses ,, Horse and cart .... ,, Horse and 4-wheel waggon . „ Chessmen .... per doz. sets Flying angels.per doz. Rope-dancers. ,, Harlequins pulling ... ,, Do. with moving mouth ,, Pole-tumblers and mice . ,, Humming-tops .... ,, Manufacturers, sand-toy . ,, Drummers, do. . ,, Capuchin ringing a bell . ,, Crucifixes. ,, Figures, moving head and mouth ,, Needle-cases. ,, Toothpick cases .... ,, Napkin-rings. ,, Jewel-box, with chamois-hunter ,, Paper knives. ,, Knitting needle-cases . . ,, St. Joseph ...... ,, Our Saviour. ,, Watch-cases, carved ... ,, Lay figures for painters’ models ,, Swiss cottages .... ,, Painters’ models, 66 inches Do. 50 „ Horse for painters’ model . Our Saviour, 36 inches . St. John and the Madonna, 33 in. The Madonna, painted and gilt, 36 inches. Christ on the Cross, 12 inches . 0 36 1 36 1 30 0 54 2 36 6 24 7 36 0 54 1 12 6 0 3 36 0 20 0 54 1 0 0 12 0 20 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 12 12 0 19 12 3 0 7 12 43 12 10 0 14 24 8 24 57 36 „ 20 „ 9 „ 8 each 36 „ 10 „ 50 „ 6 12 50 12 fl. kr. 4 1 1 20 0 48 moving head • 77 6 0 Busts. 0 36 Nurses. . per doz. 0 12 Vases. 0 32 Chalices . • 77 0 24 Cradles, with child . • 77 0 12 . 0 36 10 0 1 12 16 0 3 0 . 60 0 656. FALLER, TRITSCHELLER_ and CO., Yallonara, near Bassano.— 45m. Straw hats and bonnets:— fr. . c. fr. c. 10. Infant’s . . 0 80 16. Girl’s . 1 35 12. Do. . . I 0 11. Women’s . 0 70 16. Child’s . . 1 60 52. Lady’s . 30 0 19. Do. . 2 40 13. Boy’s . . 1 45 21. Do. . . 3 20 13. Sailor’s . . 1 45 10. Do. . 0 65 13. Man’s . 1 75 30. Girl’s . 4 60 13. Lorraine . . 1 45 657- TANDLER. STEFAN, Zinnwald, near Toplitz, Bohemia.—73. III. c. No. Straw Plaits, per piece :—- fl. kr. 1. Seven straw plait.0 30 2. Ditto .0 27 3. Ditto .0 20 4. Ditto .0 15 5. Eleven straw plait.0 26 6. Ditto .0 20 7. Ditto .0 16 8. Fifteen straw plait.0 30 9. A fa 9 on plait.0 40 10. Four straw plait.0 11 12. Straw flowers.0 30 13. 15, 19. Heckled plait.0 40 14. Ditto .0 44 16. Ditto .0 32 17. Ditto .0 20 18. Ditto .0 50 20. Fa£on plait.018 21. Shiny plait.0 18 22. Ditto .0 30 23. Machine plait.4 30 24. 26. Ditto .4 0 25. Ditto .6 0 27. Wood plait.0 20 28. A Bohemian ell of ash.0 15 658- KUMPF, IGNAZ, Schluckenau, Bohemia, Manuf.—76. 111. c. Articles woven or worked from aspen tree. 1. Raw material as prepared from aspen tree. 2. Ditto finer. 3. Cap flats . per • doz. 0 50 4. Ditto. 79 * 0 54 5. Table mats. 77 • 0 40 6. Fine ditto. 77 * 1 10 7. Cap covering. 77 1 40 8. Pressed ditto. 77 • 2 30 9. Table mats. 77 • 0 52 10. Ditto covered with muslin 99 1 30 11 . Ditto with fine muslin 1 36 12 . Ditto Ditto 2 30 13. 7/4 Table cover .... 77 18 0 15. 5/4 Ditto . 77 • 15 0 16. Ditto 6/4 to ^ . 77 • 5 0 17. Boy’s hat . 77 0 45 18. Lady’s hat . 77 0 50 19. Girl’s hat. 77 • 4 0 20. Ditto. 21. Waistcoat. 5 0 659. WUNSCHE, ANTON, Alt Ehrenberg, near Rumburg, Bohemia.—74 & 75. III. c. 1, 2. Cap made from chip. each 15 0 3, 4. Ditto Ditto 77 18 0 1 to 3. Table mats of chip 77 0 30 4 to 6. Ditto 77 0 40 7, 8. Coloured table covers of chip . 77 1 0 9, 10. Painted table cover ot chip . 77 1 30 yj iU. 1 dllllcU. IclUIL LUVcI UJ l/llljp • 1 ou 11. Printed table cover of chip, lfl. 30 kr.; 12. ditto, 2fl.; 13. ditto, 3fl. each. 14. Waistcoat of chip.,, 4 0 660. BIONDEK, MICHAEL, Baden, near Vienna, Manu.—49. III. d. Agriot cherry sticks, each. fl. kr. fl. kr. 1. Unbored . . 0 40 | 4. Unbored 2. ,, . . . . 0 40 ! 45" to 54 long 1 40 3. ,, 45" long 0 50 I 5. ,, 45 to 54" long 1 48 256 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. PriQe. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor- —Description . of Article. Price. Agriot cherry sticks, each. fl. kr. fl. kr. Pipe Mouth-piecei fl. kr. s, per dozen. fl. kr. fl. kr. 6. Bored 2 40 18. Bored . . . 2 40 5129 .. 2 28 5140 . , 4 50 5151 .. 1 12 7. 2 40 19. TJnbored . 2 0 5130 .. 2 45 5141 3 50 5152 .. 1 18 8 3 0 20. „ 1 40 5131 .. 3 18 5142 3 18 5153 .. 2 12 9 3 0 21. 1 0 5132 .. 3 50 5143 , . 2 45 5154 ..3 6 10. 3 20 22. „ 0 40 5133 .. 4 24 5144 . . 2 6 5155 .. 4 24 ii 4 0 23. 1 0 5134 .. 4 57 5145 1 45 5156 .. 5 30 12 4 0 24 1 0 5135 .. 5 30 5146 1 33 5157 .. 2 12 13. 3 20 25. „ 0 8 5136 .. 6 36 5147 1 20 5158 .. 2 24 14. 3 20 26. ” 0 13 5137 .. 6 36 5148 1 6 5159 .. 2 38 15. 3 0 27. ”, 0 18 5138 .. 5 42 5149 0 54 5160 .. 2 50 16. „ 3 0 28. ;; • • 0 13 5139 .. 5 30 5150 1 0 17. „ 2 40 29. „ . 0 5 Pipe Tubes:— per dozen. 5161 ..4 0 5207 3 30 5254 .. 8 48 661. LANG, FRANZ, Vienna, Manu.—48. 111. d. 5162 .. 1 45 5208 4 12 5255 ..31 0 Agriot, or odoriferous cherry sticks , unbored ? 5162i .. 7 42 5209 5 0 5256 ..31 0 per dozen. fl. kr. 5163 .. 4 24 5210 11 36 5257 ..31 0 long. fl. kr. long. 5164 .. 5 30 5211 10 30 5258 .. 28 36 7206, 7205 8" 1 12 7217, 7218 54" . 8 0 5165 ..5 0 5212 11 36 5259 .. 28 36 7204, 7203 14" 2 0 60" . 10 0 5166 ..5 0 5213 4 24 5260 ..22 0 7202, 7201 18" 3 0 per piece 5167 .. 2 12 5214 13 12 5261 .. 28 36 7200, 7207 24" 4 0 68" . 1 15 5168 .. 1 45 5215 4 24 5262 .. 28 36 7208-7210 28"a30 " 4 30 84" . 2 0 5169 .. 2 0 5216 13 12 5263 .. 33 0 7212, 7213 32"a36 "50 7211 2 0 5170 .. 2 24 5217 7 42 5264 ..33 0 7214—7216 48" 7 0 5171 .. 2 24 5218 12 6 5265 ..33 0 662. PARTSCH, ANTON, Theresienfeld, near 5172 5173 .. 2 38 ..5 0 5219 5220 4 50 13 12 5266 5267 .. 26 24 .. 26 24 Vienna, JManu.— 88. 111. A. 5174 ..2 0 5221 4 24 5268 .. 7 42 Aromatic Agriot Cherry Pipe Sticks. per doz fl. kr. 5175 ..2 0 5222 2 38 5269 .. 13 12 per doz. fl. kr. per doz. fl. kr. 5176 .. 2 12 5223 8 48 5270 .. 28 36 1 5 6 10 . 1 30 19 6 36 5177 .. 1 45 5224 # # 11 0 5271 . 106 0 2 .. 3 48 11 2 30 20 .. 6 45 5178 ..10 5225 10 0 5272 .. 53 0 3 .. 3 18 12 1 45 21 7 12 5179 .. 4 24 5226 8 48 5273 ..66 0 4 .. 3 48 13 . 24 0 22 .. 7 24 5180 .. 2 24 5227 13 12 5274 ..53 0 5 .. 2 30 14 . 30 0 23 .. 8 0 5181 .. 3 18 5228 15 24 5275 .. 46 30 6 .. 2 30 15 . 5 40 24 .. 10 0 5182 ..2 0 5229 15 24 5276 ..60 0 7 .. 2 15 16 . 5 12 25 .. 10 30 5183 .. 3 50 5230 14 18 5277 ..42 0 8 .. 1 30 17 . 5 36 26 .. 16 0 5184 .. 1 12 5231 . # 8* 48 5278 ..53 0 9 .. 2 45 18 . 5 36 5185 .. 1 24 5232 10 30 5279 .. 60 0 5186 ..20 5233 10 30 5280 ..74 0 663. TRENNER, JOSEPH, Baden, near Vienna, 5187 .. 1 18 5234 11 0 5281 ..66 0 Manu. —47. 111. D. c 5188 ..2 0 5235 5 0 5282 .. 26 24 Agriot cherry sticks :■— 5189 .. 0 48 5236 2 38 5283 .. 24 30 Unbored , 7" to £ S" inches long per hundred 10 0 5190 .. 0 45 5237 5 0 5284 .. 46 30 Do. 10 to 12 12 0 5191 .. 3 30 5238 3 30 5285 .. 33 0 Bored 14 to 16 . . per dozen 3 0 5192 .. 2 50 5239 44 0 5286 ..66 0 Do. 18 to 20 4 0 5193 .. 2 24 5240 12 6 5287 ..74 0 Do. 20 to 22 H 4 30 5194 .. 2 24 5241 14 18 5288 .. 46 30 Do. 22 to 24 5 0 5195 .. 2 50 5242 17 36 5289 .. 33 0 Do. 27 6 0 5196 .. 3 50 5243 12 6 5290 .. 35 30 Do. 30 >> 7 0 5197 .. 6 36 5244 11 0 5291 *. 36 30 Do. 30 to 33 8 0 5198 .. 2 38 5245 7 42 5292 .. 26 30 Do. 34 to 36 ?? 10 0 5199 .. 2 24 5246 13 12 5293 ..53 0 Do. 40 14 0 5200 .. 2 24 5247 14 18 5294 .. 26 30 Do. 44 18 0 5201 .. 2 50 5248 8 48 5295 .. 36 30 Do. 48 to 50 20 0 5202 .. 4 50 5249 6 36 5296 .. 36 30 5203 .. 3 30 5250 10 0 5297 ..35 0 664. ALBA, ! SAMUEL, Vienna.—64. III. d. 5204 .. 3 30 5251 4 24 5298 .. 39 0 Pipe Mouth-pieces, per dozen. 5205 .. 2 24 5252 11 0 5299 .. 46 30 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 5206 .. 2 24 5253 7 42 5100 . . 0 18 5110 .. 0 24 5119 . 0 26 Cigar Mouth-pieces:— 5101 . . 0 33 5111 .. 0 24 5120 . 0 53 5300 .. 1 33 5309 13 15 5318 .. 17 36 5102 . . 0 16 5112 .. 0 24 5121 . 0 35 5301 ..2 0 5310 15 24 5319 .. 13 12 5103 . . 0 24 5113 .. 0 26 5122 . 0 39 5302 .. 2 45 5311 17 30 5320 ..11 0 5104 . . 0 10 5114 .. 0 24 5123 . 1 45 5303 .. 3 18 5312 66 0 5321 .. 7 48 5105 . . 0 22 5115 .. 0 28 5124 . 2 12 5304 .. 4 24 5313 53 0 5322 .. 6 36 5106 . . 0 24 5116 .. 0 33 5125 . 1 6 5305 .. 5 30 5314 39 36 5323 .. 5 30 5107 . . 0 24 5117 .. 0 31 5126 . 1 18 5306 .. 6 36 5315 33 0 5324 .. 13 12 5108 . . 0 22 5118 .. 0 39 5127 . 1 45 5307 .. 8 48 5316 , , 26 24 5325 .. 16 30 5109 . . 0 26 51181 .. 0 44 5128 . 2 12 5308 ..11 0 5317 • • 22 0 5326 .. 15 24 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 257 No. Name & Address of Kxhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Cigar mouthpieces:— fl.kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 5327 .. 24 0 5382 .. 3 0 5436 , # 11 0 5328 .. 24 0 5383 .. 2 45 5437 . . 13 12 5323' .. 24 0 5384 .. 6 0 5438 6 36 5330 .. 26 0 5385 .. 8 48 5439 8 48 5331 .. 26 0 5386 .. 5 0 5440 , # 11 0 5332 .. 15 24 5387 .. 8 48 5441 13 12 5333 .. 26 24 5388 .. 8 48 5442 6 36 5334 .. 39 36 5389 .. 10 0 5443 8 48 5335 .. 4 24 5390 .. 6 O 5444 . . 11 0 5337 .. 5 0 5391 .. 3 50 5445 13 12 5338 .. 5 30 5392 .. 6 0 5446 8 48 5339 .. 6 36 5393 .. 10 0 5447 # # 11 0 5340 .. 8 48 5394 ... 7 42 5448 13 12 5341 .. 11 0 5395 .. 3 18 5449 16 30 5342 .. 13 12 5396 .. 8 48 5450 8 48 5343 .. 15 24 5397 .. 3 0 5451 11 0 5344 .. 17 36 5398 .. 3 18 5452 13 12 5345 .. 21 0 5399 .. 3 50 5453 16 30 5346 .. 26 24 5400 .. 4 24 5454 5 30 5347 .. 33 0 5401 .. 5 30 5455 8 48 5348 .. 46 12 5402 .. 6 36 5456 11 0 5349 .. 53 0 5403 .. 7 42 5457 11 0 5350 .. 60 0 5404 .. 8 48 5458 7 42 5351 .. 39 36 5405 .. 11 0 5459 12 0 5352 .. 26 24 5406 .. 11 0 5460 13 12 5353 .. 20 0 5407 .. 8 48 5461 15 24 5354 .. 66 0 5408 .. 7 42 5462 8 48 5355 .. 16 30 5409 .. 6 36 5463 10 0 5356 .. 13 12 5410 .. 5 30 5464 12 0 5357 .. 11 0 5411 .. 4 24 5465 16 30 5358 .. 8 48 5412 .. 3 50 5466 5 30 5359 .. 6 36 5413 .. 3 18 5467 6 36 5360 .. 5 30 5414 .. 2 45 5468 8 48 5361 .. 4 24 5415 .. 2 45 5469 10 0 5362 .. 2 45 5416 .. 3 18 5470 13 12 5363 .. 4 24 5417 .. 3 50 5471 16 30 5364 .. 6 0 5418 .. 4 24 5472 15 24 5365 .. 1 40 5419 .. 5 30 5473 11 0 5366 .. 1 24 5420 .. 6 36 5474 5 0 5367 .. 2 45 5421 .. 7 42 5475 . ; 5 30 5368 .. 2 40 5422 .. 10 0 5476 5 0 5369 .. 2 24 5423 .. 11 12 5477 ■ , 11 0 5370 .. 2 0 5424 .. 16 30 5478 # # 11 0 5371 .. 1 24 5425 .. 13 12 5479 10 0 5372 .. 1 45. 5426 .. 11 0 5480 8 48 5373 .. 2 45 5427 .. 8 48 5481 10 0 5374 .. 3 30 5428 .. 6 36 5482 7 42 5375 .. 3 50 5429 .. 5 30 5483 8 15 5376 .. 3 18 5430 .. 4 24 5484 7 12 5377 .. 2 45 5431 .. 3 18 5485 6 0 5378 .. 6 36 5432 .. 2 12 5486 5 30 5379 .. 6 36 5433 .. 6 36 5487 5 0 5380 .. 6 0 5434 .. 7 42 5488 3 18 5381 .. 5 30 5435 .. 8 48 5489 2 45 Pipe tubes. 5490 .. 17 36 5494 .. 26 24 5498 46 30 5491 .. 17 36 5495 .. 80 0 5499 46 30 5492 .. 16 30 5496 .. 46 30 5500 100 0 5493 .. 17 36 5497 .. 22 0 5501 . . 20 0 Cigar mouth pieces 5502 .. 2 45 5509 .. 6 36 5516 • ® 8 15 5503 .. 3 48 5510" .. 7 12 5517 7 42 5504 .. 3 50 5511 .. 7 42 5518 12 5505 .. 4 24 5512 .. 8 15 5519 6 36 5506 .. 5 0 5513 .. 8 48 5520 6 0 5507 .. 5 30 5514 .. 9 24 5521 # , 5 30 5508 .. 6 0 5515 .. 8 48 5522 5 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Cigar mouthpieces:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 5523 .. 4 24 5530 .. 33 0 5536 .. 33 0 5524 .. 3 50 5531 .. 33 0 5537 .. 26 24 5525 .. 2 45 5532 .. 26 24 5538 .. 36 30 5526 .. 13 12 5533 .. 26 24 5539 .. 3J 36 5527 .. 13 12 5534 .. 22 0 5540 .. 44 0 5528 .. 13 12 5535 .. 46 30 5541 .. 46 30 5529 .. 13 12 Meerschaum pipe bowls. 5542 .. 8 48 5554 .. 15 30 5566 .. 26 30 5543 .. 10 0 5555 .. 20 0 5567 .. -26 30 5544 .. 10 0 5556 .. 17 36 5568 .. 26 30 5545 .. 11 0 5557 .. 15 30 5569 .. 33 0 5546 .. 11 0 5558 .. 26 30 5570 .. 26 30 5547 .. 11 0 5559 .. 16 30 5571 .. 16 30 5548 .. 12 0 5560 .. 20 0 5571i .. 42 0 5549 .. 12 0 5561 .. 20 0 5572 .. 42 0 5550 .. 13 12 5562 .. 16 30 5573 .. 48 0 5551 .. 13 12 5563 .. 22 0 5574 .. 48 0 5552 .. 13 12 5564 .. 20 0 5575 .. 54 0 5553 .. 14 18 5565 .. 16 30 • 5576 .. 54 0 Amber mouth-pieces. 5577 .. 6 0 5589 .. 5 0 5601 .. 5 0 5578 .. 9 0 5590 .. 5 0 5602 .. 1 30 5579 .. 8 0 5591 .. 5 0 5603 .. 3 0 5580 .. 9 0 5592 . . 8 0 5604 .. 3 0 5581 .. 6 0 5593 .. 5 0 5605 .. 4 0 5582 .. 12 0 5594 .. 7 0 5606 2 30 5583 .. 8 0 5595 .. 6 0 5607 .. 4 0 5584 .. 12 0 5596 .. 6 0 5608 .. ‘4 0 5585 .. 15 0 5597 .. 5 0 5609 .. 5 30 5586 .. 16 0 5598 .. 6 0 5610 .. 2 30 5587 .. 11 0 5599 .. 5 0 5611 .. 6 0 5588 .. 12 0 5600 .. 7 0 5612 .. 6 0 Meerschaum cigar mouth pieces. 5613 .. 4 30 5619 .. 5 0 5625 .. 4 0 5614 .. 6 0 5620 .. 5 0 5626 .. 5 30 5615 .. 5 30 5621 .. 4 0 5627 .. 4 0 5616 .. 4 30 5622 .. 4 0 5628 .. 5 30 5617 .. 6 0 5623 .. 6 0 5629 30 5618 .. 5 0 j 5624 .. 4 0 5630 ’! 5 30 Meerschaum pipe bowls. 5631 .. 8 0 5646 .. 3 0 | 5661 .. 20 0 5632 .. 7 0 5647 .. 5 0 5662 .. 20 0 5633 .. 7 30 5648 .. 4 30 5663 .. 16 0 5634 .. 7 30 5649 .. 11 o 1 5664 .. 12 0 5635 .. 8 0 5650 .. 16 0 5665 .. 14 0 5636 .. 9 0 5651 .. 14 0 5666 .. 15 0 5637 .. 7 30 5652 .. 11 o ! 5667 .. 20 0 5638 .. 8 0 5653 .. 10 0 5668 .. 16 0 5639 .. 8 30 5654 .. 10 o i 5669 .. 12 0 5640 .. 7 0 5655 .. 12 0 5670 .. 7 0 5641 .. 8 0 5656 .. 10 0 5671 .. 8 0 5642 .. 7 0 5657 .. 10 0 5672 .. 12 0 5643 .. 6 0 5658 .. 10 0 5673 .. 50 0 5644 .. 5 0 5659 .. 11 0 5674 ..110 0 5645 .. 7 0 5660 .. 11 0 5675 ..125 0 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth pieces. 5676 .. 7 0 1 5686 .. 14 0 56 6 .. 8 0 5677 .. 6 0 5687 .. 15 0 5697 .. 25 0 5678 .. 5 30 5688 .. 16 0 5698 .. 40 0 5679 .. 10 0 5689 .. 12 0 • 5699 .. 40 0 5680 .. 12 0 5690 .. 12 0 5700 .. 45 0 5681 .. 12 0 5691 .. 15 0 5850 .. 50 0 5682 .. 10 0 5692 .. 18 0 5851 .. 50 0 5683 .. 11 0 5693 .. 20 0 5852 ..120 0 5684 .. 12 0 5694 .. 20 0 5853 ..160 0 5685 .. 14 0 5695 .. 10 0 268 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. 665. ARRER, JOHANN, Vienna.—74. III. d. Mother-of-pearl buttons, per gross. No. 3/0 2/0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 f 9 10 kr. kr. kr. kr. kr. kr. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 20 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 » 15 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 26 21 11 11 11 12 12 14 ie 0 18 0 21 0 23 0 25 0 27 0 31 22, 23 15 15 16 17 19 20 i i 0 25 0 30 0 38 0 48 0 54 1 6 24 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 ' 26 0 31 0 39 0 47 0 56 1 9 30 16 16 16 18 22 25 27 0 32 0 38 0 50 1 0 1 12 1 24 100, 101 17 17 18 19 21 26 32 0 40 0 48 0 54 1 12 1 30 1 48 104 18 18 19 20 23 28 34 0 44 0 52 1 0 1 18 1 36 1 54 105 30 30 30 32 34 39 45 0 56 1 10 1 56 2 0 2 30 3 0 106 18 18 19 20 23 28 34 0 44 0 52 1 0 1 18 1 36 1 54 107 17 17 18 19 21 26 32 0 40 0 48 0 48 0 54 1 12 1 48 110 26 26 26 30 33 38 45 0 56 1 15 112 42 42 42 44 47 50 1 fl. 1 10 1 30 113 26 26 26 30 33 38 45 0 56 1 15 114, 115 34 34 34 36 38 46 56 1 10 1 24 116-120 26 26 26 29 32 37 43 0 45 1 10 121—123 26 26 26 30 33 38 40 0 56 1 15 124-128 26 26 26 29 32 37 43 0 55 1 10 129 26 26 26 30 33 38 45 0 56 1 15 130 26 26 26 29 32 37 43 0 55 1 10 131 26 26 26 30 33 38 <*5 0 56 1 15 132 29 29 29 33 36 43 50 1 2 1 20 133, 134 26 26 26 29 32 37 43 0 55 1 10 135-137 29 29 29 33 36 43 50 1 12 1 20 138 26 26 26 29 32 ! I 37 43 0 55 1 10 No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. a. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 200 0 30 0 37 0 42 0 48 0 56 1 4 1 10 211 0 42 0 48 0 54 1 0 1 9 1 18 1 24 201 0 36 0 42 0 46 0 52 1 0 1 6 1 16 250 0 30 0 37 0 42 0 48 0 56 1 4 1 10 202 0 57 1 6 1 10 1 15 1 30 1 36 1 45 251 0 36 0 42 0 46 0 52 1 0 1 6 1 16 203 1 0 1 6 1 12 1 15 1 24 1 36 1 54 252 0 57 1 6 1 10 1 15 1 30 1 36 1 45 204 1 36 1 42 1 48 1 51 2 0 2 12 2 36 253 1 0 1 6 1 12 1 15 1 24 1 36 1 54 205 2 30 3 0 3 30 4 0 5 0 9 0 12 0 254 1 36 1 42 1 48 1 51 2 0 2 12 2 36 206, 255 2 30 3 0 3 30 4 0 5 0 9 0 12 0 t0 1 18 1 24 1 30 1 36 1 48 2 0 2 24 256 1 3 1 9 1 15 1 20 1 30 1 42 2 0 210* 257) 212) 213/ 1 18 1 24 1 30 1 36 j 1 48 2 0 2 24 to [ 263) 1 18 1 24 1 30 1 36 1 48 2 0 2 24 No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 300 1 36 1 48 2 12 2 36 3 0 3 24 3 54 5 0 5 45 10 30 301 1 54 2 12 2 36 3 0 3 24 3 48 4 15 5 0 6 15 11 0 302, 303 2 6 2 18 2 42 3 6 3 30 3 54 4 24 5 30 6 18 11 0 304, 305 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 306, 307 3 36 3 48 4 12 4 36 5 0 5 24 5 54 7 24 7 45 12 30 308 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 309 2 36 2 48 3 12 3 36 4 0 4 24 4 54 6 0 6 45 11 30 310 2 6 2 18 2 42 3 6 3 30 3 54 4 24 5 30 6 18 11 0 311, 312 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 313—323 2 36 2 48 3 12 3 36 4 0 4 24 4 54 6 0 6 45 11 30 400 1 36 1 48 2 12 2 36 3 0 3 24 3 54 5 0 5 45 10 30 401 1 54 2 12 2 36 3 0 3 24 3 4S 4 15 5 0 6 15 11 0 402—404 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 405—409 2 36 2 48 3 12 3 36 4 0 4 24 4 54 6 0 6 45 11 30 410 2 6 2 18 2 42 3 6 3 30 3 54 4 24 5 30 6 18 11 0 411 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 412 2 36 2 48 3 12 j 3 36 4 0 4 24 4 54 6 0 6 45 11 30 413 2 15 2 30 2 45 j 3 15 3 40 4 0 4 36 5 42 6 30 11 15 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 259 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. 665. ARRER, J., Vienna.—74. III. d.— Mother-of-pearl buttons, per gross.— continued. No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 414—422 2 36 2 48 3 12 3 36 4 0 4 24 4 54 6 0 6 45 11 30 500 1 48 2 0 2 24 3 0 3 24 3 48 4 18 5 24 6 15 11 0 501 2 12 2 24 2 48 3 24 3 48 4 18 4 48 5 54 7 0 12 0 502—507 2 48 3 0 3 24 4 0 4 24 4 48 5 18 6 24 7 15 12 0 601 1 48 2 0 2 24 3 0 3 24 3 48 4 18 5 24 6 15 11 0 602 2 12 2 24 2 48 3 24 3 48 4 48 4 48 5 54 7 0 12 0 603—608 2 48 3 0 3 24 4 0 4 48 4 48 5 18 6 24 7 15 12 0 fl. kr. fl 1. kr. fl. kr 1038—1043 . . 8 48 1044 . . 4 48 1045— 1053 . . 8 48 1 No. N ame & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 660. per piece ASTRATH, CARL, Vienna.—58. III. D. Amber cigar mouth pieces, mounted with gold and jewels. 450fl 10205 . per piece 150 6 . „ 100 7 . 100 amber cigar mouth- per piece. 10201 2 3 . ,, 4 • Meerschaum and pieces, carved. 10208 Hunting . 9 Austrian arms 10 Duck shooting 11 Jockey . . . 12 . 30fl 30 20 30 18 10213 70fl 40 38 15fl 14 Arms of Russia 20 15 Dogs’ heads 15 16 . 17 Agriot cherry tubes, mounted. 10218 . per doz. 19 . 20 . 21 . Meerschaum and pieces, carved. 39fl 42 30 25 ! amber 10222 23 24 cigar mouth- 10225 . . 8fl. 10235 , # 30 fl. 10245 26 . . 8 36 # # 27 46 27 . . 16 37 , , 10 47 28 . . 24 38 10 48 29 . . 30 39 , , 18 49 30 . . 20 10240 , , 15 50 31 . . 12 41 , , 18 51 32 . . 6 42 15 52 33 . . 30 43 20 53 34 . . 36 44 . • 30 54 10259 60 61 10263 per doz. » each 10255 Amber pepper box Amber mouthpieces. 10256 . per doz. lOfl 57 . „ 15 58 . „ 36 Amber ear drops. 10262 . . a pair 2 0 667. BEISIEGEL, PHILLIPP, Vienna, Manuf.- c. 57. m. d. Turkish agriot-cherry tobacco-pipe tubes silver mounted, amber mouthpieces. 15 10 20fl 18 12 18fl. 35 20 35 45 65 8 10 10 8 35 18fl. 12 20 a pair 2 0 251 252 253 254 40fl. 60 40 30 255 256 257 258 30fl. 70 75 80 259 260 261 262 45fl. 75 30 55 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 263 Cane, carved ivory handle .... 264 Do. smoking stick, ivory handle and amber mouthpiece. 265 Turkish agriot cherry smoking sticks, ivory handle and amber mouthpiece. Agriot cherry and ebony smoking sticks, do. 266 267 268 269 5fl. 4 6 7 270 271 272 273 6fl. 4 5 6 274 275 2751 Canes and sugar canes, carved ivory handles. 276 277 278 279 7fl. 10 7 20 280 281 282 283 15fl, 14 18 20 284 285 286 287 288 289 Best meerschaum pipe bowls and cigar holders, silver mounted, and amber mouth¬ pieces. 8fl. 5 5fl. 8 9 12fl. 20 10 10 10 289 35fl. 298 m . 25fl. 307 # 20fl. 290 40 299 m . 30 308 # 25 291 25 300 . 30 309 # 15 292 0 25 301 . 35 310 18 293 25 302 . 50 311 30 294 20 303 . 40 312 30 295 20 304 . 20 313 25 296 30 305 . 10 314 25 297 30 306 . . 30 315 • 20 deerschaum pipe bowls. 316 30fl. 334 . 125fl. 352 40fl. 317 30 335 # . 45 353 25 318 25 336 . 40 354 . 50 319 40 337 . 30 355 25 320 25 338 . 30 356 . 28 321 20 339 . 25 357 8 322 25 340 . 30 358 5 323 45 341 . . 30 359 15 324 60 342 . 18 360 18 325 50 343 # . 12 361 . 6 326 60 344 . . 20 362 6 327 40 345 # . 24 363 4 328 35 346 . . 25 364 6 329 25 347 . 28 365 8 330 18 348 . 16 366 50 331. 40 349 . 70 367 12 332 45 350 . 20 368 6 333 60 351 . 25. 369 5 X 260 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of A rticle. Price. Meerschaum cigar mouthpieces, carved. 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 410 18 fl. 22 25 30 25 12 8 12 8 6 6 7 9 10 384 385 388 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 6fl. 7 10 10 8 7 11 6 6 5 10 5 10 14 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouthpieces. Ifl80k 417 5 lOfl. 411 # 2 6 6 .. 11 5 .. 4 412 2 40 7 .. 12 6 .. 5 413 3 30 8 .. 14 7 .. 7 414 4 0 9 .. 16 8 .. 8 415 5 0 10 .. 22 9 .. 10 416 m 6 30 11 .. 26 10 .. 12 417 1 4 0 12 .. 30 11 .. 14 2 5 0 418 1 .. 2 12 .. 18 3 6 0 2 .. 23 4 8 0 3 •• 2| 418 4 Amber, mother-of-pearl and metal cigar mouthpieces. 419 . . . . Ifl. 10k. I 420 . . . . 421 Meerschaum and box wood cigar mouth¬ piece . 422 Snake wood and amber cigar mouth¬ piece . 423 Meerschaum and box wood cigar mouth¬ piece . 424, 425 Ditto. amber .... 426 Amber and moth er-of-pearl cigar mouth¬ piece . 427 Mother of pearl cigar mouthpiece, mounted. 428 Ditto ditto Amber Cigar Mouthpieces. fl. kr. fl. kr. 429. 4 20 0 5 24 0 6 26 0 429. 1 13 0 2 15 0 3 18 0 430 431 432 433 431 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 Meerschaum Pipe Bowls. 12 0 15 0 12 0 18 0 10 0 18 0 16 0 25 0 25 0 15 0 20 12 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 18 0 12 0 15 22 10 0 14 0 24 0 8 0 8 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 22 0 8 0 9 0 9 0 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 14fl. 15 17 17 18 19 16 12 10 9 6 10 50 k. 1 22 0 20 0 10 1 40 0 50 0 40 0 50 fl, kr. 5 0 5 0 1 20 12 0 25 0 12 0 15 0 12 0 12 0 8 0 30 0 14 0 13 0 8 0 12 0 12 0 18 0 16 0 8 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Meerschaum Cigar Holders. 494 fl. 6 kr. 0 512 fl. 12 kr. 0 530 fl. 18 kr. 0 495 7 0 513 10 0 531 35 0 496 10 0 514 8 0 532 14 0 497 10 0 515 9 0 533 # 16 0 498 75 0 516 10 0 534 20 0 499 15 0 517 10 0 535 40 0 500 10 0 518 # 10 0 538 # 35 0 501 6 0 519 18 0 537 # 25 0 502 9 0 520 25 0 538 100 0 503 . 12 0 521 25 0 539 100 0 504 . 15 0 522 30 0 540 35 0 505 8 0 523 30 0 541 20 0 506 * 7 0 524 30 0 542 18 0 507 8 0 525 30 0 543 25 0 508 12 0 526 25 0 544 40 0 509 # 6 0 527 # 15 0 545 14 0 510 6 0 528 12 0 546 18 0 511 • 12 0 529 • 10 0 547 • 60 0 668 . DBEHEft, ADOLF, Vienna.—67. III. n. 701. Etuis, mother of pearl . . per doz. 6 0 702. Do. bone. „ 4 0 703. Paper knives, mother of pearl „ 6 0 704. Needle cases do. . „ 7 12 705. do. do. . . „ 6 0 706. do. do. 77 37 4 48 707. do. do. 8 0 708. do. do. )) 7 12 709. Piercers do. 97 6 0 710. Silk winders do. 79 3 0 711. Paper cutters do. 73 14 24 712. Paper knives do. each 2 48 713. Do. ivory 77 3 12 714. Do. do. f • 77 3 24 715. Do. do. 97 4 0 716. Do. do. , , 77 4 12 717. Do. do. >7 3 48 718. Do. do. . . 97 3 36 719. Do. mother of pearl 77 3 0 720. Dice, ivory . . . per doz. 3 0 721. Do. • . . 73 4 0 722. Do. , , . . 77 4 48 723. Thimbles, mother of pearl 37 7 0 724. Do. ivory ' . . 37 3 0 725. Knives, mother of pearl . 79 7 12 726. Teaspoons, ivory . . , 37 6 0 727. Do. do. . . . 33 4 48 728. Sand sifters do. . . « 37 8 0 729,30. Salt spoons do. 731,32. Needle cases, mother of pearl Meerschaum Cigar Holders. 733. Toothpicks, ivory and tortoise shell 734. Do. do. „ 735. Do. do. „ 736. Do. do. „ 737. Whist counter boxes, mother of pearl 7£8. Do. do 739. Do. do 740. Do. do 741. Thread waxers. . . 742. Do. ... 743. Knife rests, ivory 744. Nail cleaners do. . , 745. Netting needles, ivory fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 747. Crochet needles, ivory . 37 1 36 481 . 10 0 485 . 10 0 489 . 12 0 748. Do. . . 77 2 24 482 . 7 0 486 . 9 0 490 . 9 0 749. Do. 37 2 0 483 . 6 0 487 . 8 0 491 . 8 0 750. Pipe stoppers, bone . . . 73 1 36 484 . 14 0 488 . 8 0 492, 493 10 0 751. Ell measures, mother of pearl 37 8 0 3 fl. & 4fl. 12fl. & lOfl. 9 36 1 0 4 0 2 0 12 0 16 48 * 14 24 11 12 4 48,'! 6 0 4 0 4 0j 12 0 2 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 261 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor —Description of A rticle. Price. fl. kr. oz. 30 0 752. Jujube boxes, mother of pearl, 753. Tablets, ivory 754. Do. do. 755. Card cases do. 756. Salad tongs. . . , 757. Salad knife and fork . . . 758. Chess board and men, bone . 759. Do. do. . 760,761. Do. boxwood 762. Do. horn . 763. Do. boxwood each 764. Salad tongs, bone .... ,, 765. Do. buffalo horn 766. Salad knife and fork. do. 767. j[ Do. boxwood per doz. 768. Spoons, horn . 769. Do. 770. Do. 771. Sand sifter, horn 772. Paper folder do. 773. Tongue scraper do 774. Paper folder do. 775. Plaster knife do 776. Shoe horn do. . 777. Child’s knife, fork, and spoon, horn 778. Inkstand, horn 779. Thread winder 780. Do. 781. Paper folder, bone 782,83. Horse clyster pipe * . . each 784. Enema, No. 2 . 785. Do. 3 . 786. Do. 4 . 787. Do. 5 . 788. Do. 6 . 789. Matrix . 790. Do. 791. Throat syringes 792, 93. Wound do. . 794. Enema . . . 795. Bent tube . 796. Flat tube . . 797. Elastic tube 798. Travelling cups, horn 799. Tube, bone 800. Sugar hammer, boxwooc 801. Punch ladle 802. Coffee mill . 803. Stopper, maple wood 804. Glove stretcher . 805, 806. Crucifixes, ivory . 807. Shepherd, do. . . 808. Shepherdess, do. . 809. Chessboard and chessmen, do. 810. Do. do. 811. Inkstand, inlaid with buhl . 812. Do. do. rosewood 813. Do. do. do. 814. Workbox, tortoise shell . 815-821. Sets of dominoes, bone, each, 2 2 fl. 15 kr., 2fl., lfl. 30 kr., and 2 fl. 30 kr. per doz. „ 41 each per doz. each per doz. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 822. Cigar box, rosewood . . . 823. Watch stand ..... 824. Holy water vase .... 825, 826. Flower vase, mother of pearl 827. Workbox. 828. Set of billiard balls . 829. Money holder, tortoise shell per piece 830, 831. 832. 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. Money holder, tortoise shell per piece Do. do. „ Snuff box, seal skin ... ., Do. horn .... ,, Money box, tortoise shell . „ Do. mother of pearl ,, do. „ Do. Do. do. n. kr. 2 45 3 0 5 0 4 30 3 30 3 0 3 30 4 0 .&lfl. 839. Do. horn , # 55 3 0 3 0 840. Do. do. , , 55 3 30 3 0 841. Do. ivory . 55 3 30 1 40 842. Do. do. . 55 4 0 2 0 843, 844. Pocket inkstands . 55 3 0 1 40 845. Box, tortoise shell, inlaid 55 6 0 5 0 846. Tinder boxes . 55 1 20 3 36 847. Do. . . 55 1 30 4 48 848. Do. tortoise shell 55 1 30 6 0 849. Do. do. 55 1 30 4 0 850. Snuffbox, tortoise shell . 55 5 0 3 36 851. Do. do. 55 5 30 4 0 852,853. Do. do. 55 6 0 6 0 854, 855. Do. do. „ 8 fl. & 9 fl. 4 48 856. Do. horn . 0 . . 5 0 4 48 857. Do. do. . j) 4 30 8 0 858. Do. do. • • 7 0 4 24 2 24 2 0 2 0 668a. KETTERL, EDWARD, Vienna, Turner. —67. A. III. D. Articles in bone :— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. & 4fl. 2001. . per dozen 3 0 each 0 15 2 0 2002. • • 5 5 2 0 5 5 0 10 1 48 2003. • # 5 5 3 0 5 5 0 15 1 36 2004. • • 11 4 0 5 5 0 20 1 24 2005. • • 11 2 12 5 5 0 11 1 12 2006. • • 11 1 12 5 5 0 6 1 12 2007. • • 11 1 12 5 5 0 6 1 0 2008. • • 11 2 0 5 5 0 10 6 0 2009. • • 11 • • 59 3 0 5 5 0 15 1. & 3 fl. 2010. 1 12 5 5 0 6 5 0 2011. • • 11 • • 9 9 3 0 5 5 0 15 1 0 2012. 2 0 5 5. 0 io 1 30 2013. * * 11 4 0 5 5 0 20 1 0 2014. 3 0 5 5 0 15 1 20 2015. 00 11 • • j j 5 0 5 5 0 25 0 48 2016. 3 0 5 5 0 15 1 0 2017. • * 11 3 0 5 5 0 15 1 0 2018. • • 9 9 1 36 5 5 0 8 2 0 2019. • • ) J 2 0 5 5 0 io 2 0 2020. • • 11 1 36 5 5 0 8 4 48 2021. 1 36 5 5 0 8 1. & 80fl. 2022. • • 99 1 36 5 5 0 8 100 0 2023. • • 9 1 1 12 5 5 0 6 100 0 2024. 00 11 2 0 5 5 0 10 100 0 2025. 3 0 5 ♦ 0 15 45 0 2026. * * 1 1 • • 9 9 1 36 5 5 0 8 5 0 2027. 3 30 5 5 o m 2 0 2028. • • 9 5 5 0 5 5 0 25 2 30 2029. 3 30 5 5 0 17^ 80 0 2030. • • 99 4 0 5 5 0 20 2031. • • 9 5 5 0 5 5 0 25 l, 2032. * * 5 5 7 0 5 5 0 35 2033. 6 0 5 5 0 30 .2 0 2034. • • 11 4 0 5 5 0 20 1 30 ] 2035. 00 11 4 30 5 5 0 221 3 0 2036. 4 30 5 * 0 221 100 0 2037. • * 5 5 4 30 5 5 0 221 150 0 2038. • • 99 3 0 5 5 0 15 28 0 2039. • • 9 5 5 0 5 5 0 25 2 30 2040. • * 5 5 4 0 5 5 0 20 X 2 262 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 2041. Articles in bone. . per dozen 4 0 each fl. kr. 0 20 2042. 9 9 7 0 # 3 9 0 35 2043. 9 > 8 0 • 9 9 0 40 2044. * 9 * 8 0 • 9 3 0 40 2045. ) 3 7 0 • 3 3 0 35 2046. 3 3 8 0 4 3 3 0 40 2047. 9 9 3 3 8 0 • 3 3 0 40 2048. # 15 • 3 3 3 3 1 15 2049. 3 3 8 0 0 40 2050. 3 3 7 0 3 3 0 35 2051. 3 3 7 0 • 3 3 0 35 2052. 3 3 8 0 • 3 3 3 3 0 40 2053. 3 3 8 0 • 0 40 2054. # 3 3 10 0 . ■ 3 3 0 50 2055. • 3 3 6 0 . 3 3 0 30 2056. Articles in ivory, per dozen 60 0 each 5 0 2057. # 5 j 36 0 # 3 3 3 0 2058. # ) ) 48 0 3 3 4 0 2059. 5 1 y y 50 0 3 3 4 10 2060. 60 0 # 3 3 5 0 2061. # > } 72 0 # 3 3 6 0 2062. j } 180 0 3 3 3 3 15 0 2063. # ) j 72 0 6 0 2064. 5 J ’ ’ 36 0 # 3 3 3 0 2065. 36 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 2066. 48 0 # 4 0 2067. , 5 > ’ ’ 15 0 # 3 3 1 15 2068. . 48 0 3 3 4 0 2069. 12 0 3 3 1 0 2070. } } 15 0 . 3 3 1 15 2071. } } 15 0 3 3 1 15 2072. } } 15 0 3 3 1 15 2073. } } 8 0 3 3 0 40 2074. # } } 18 0 3 3 1 30 2075. . 18 0 3 3 1 30 2076. # 5 ? 60 0 3 3 5 0 2077. 72 0 # 3 3 6 0 2078. # 48 0 ; 3 3 4 0 2079. 5 y 36 0 3 3 3 0 2080. # } ) 60 0 3 3 5 0 2081. • ♦ » } 36 0 • 5 > 3 0 669. ENNSTOLLER, GEORG, Stadt Steyr.— 53. III. d. 1 . A miner’s pipe bowl.10 2. Do. .1 12 670. FLOGE, GERHARD, Vienna, Manu.—56. III. 1001 D. fl. 72 kr. 0 Pipe Tubes. fl. kr. 1019 . 5 30 1037 fl. kr. . 4 24 1002 20 0 1020 . 5 36 1038 . 15 0 1003 45 0 1021 5 36 1039 . 18 0 1004 60 0 1022 5 36 1040 . 4 24 1005 # 48 0 1023 6 30 1041 . 3 36 1006 # 60 0 1024 7 12 1042 . 2 0 1007 36 0 1025 13 12 1043 . 3 36 1008 # 11 0 1026 7 12 1044 . 8 0 1009 12 0 1027 # 7 12 1045 . 11 12 1010 # 42 0 1028 8 0 1046 . 3 36 1011 28 0 1029 13 0 1047 . 3 0 1012 33 0 1030 12 30 1048 . 4 48 1013 21 0 1031 10 0 1049 . 3 12 1014 11 0 1032 18 0 1050 . 6 24 1015 17 48 1033 10 0 1051 . 2 12 1016 3 40 1034 # 10 0 1052 . 2 12 1017 # 3 4-0 1035 # 16 48 1053 . 1 36 1018 5 24 1036 • 20 0 1054 . 5 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pipe Tubes. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 1055 1 48 1096 15 0 1136 3 45 1056 # 7 0 1097 16 0 1137 6 0 1057 1 50 1098 15 0 1138 5 30 1058 8 0 1099 # 40 0 1139 3 45 1059 2 12 1100 25 0 1140 3 30 1060 3 0 1101 # 22 0 1141 4 30 1061 84 0 1102 21 30 1142 5 0 1062 24 0 1103 9 22 0 1143 3 30 1063 10 0 1104 9 7 0 1144 14 0 1064 9 16 0 1105 ; m 10 0 1145 9 0 1065 # 22 0 1106 9 9 0 1146 8 0 1066 # 9 0 1107 9 0 1147 * 4 0 1067 13 0 1108 10 0 1148 # 4 15 1068 10 0 1109 14 0 1149 5 0 1069 9 9 0 1110 7 0 1150 . 8 0 1070 # 14 0 mi # 8 0 1151 . 5 0 1071 9 33 0 1112 * 3 0 1152 4 30 1072 10 0 1113 9 5 0 1153 # 12 0 1073 m 10 0 1114 5 0 1154 12 0 1074 18 0 1115 # 7 0 1155 # 5 30 1075 18 0 1116 7 0 1156 5 30 1076 8 0 1117 ] 9 0 1157 6 0 1077 14 0 1118 # 8 0 1158 5 0 1078 # 13 0 1119 # 14 0 1159 # 6 0 1079 7 0 1120 84 0 1160 5 30 1080 # 7 12 1121 # 5 30 1161 5 0 1081 4 0 1122 13 30 1162 5 30 1082 4 0 1123 # 84 0 1163 # 5 30 1083 . 7 0 1124 # 17 0 1164 . 8 0 1084 ' m 1 40 1125 60 0 1165 6 0 1085 4 30 1126 52 0 1166 # 7 30 1086 3 30 1127 136 0 1167 2 0 1087 m 3 45 1128 , 60 0 1168 3 45 1088 9 4 48 1129 48 0 1169 5 0 1089 4 0 1130 136 0 1170 3 15 1090 6 0 1131 9 84 0 1171 5 0 1091 9 12 0 1132 12 0 1172 7 30 1092 # 5 30 1133 36 0 1173 6 0 1093 # 2 15 1134 36 0 1174 4 15 1094 22 0 1135 5 0 1175 5 15 1095 . 22 0 1 ' Cigar Mouth-pieces. 1176 42 0 1202 • 18 0 1228 • 24 0 1177 36 0 1203 18 0 1229 • 18 0 1178 48 0 1204 80 0 1230 • 13 0 1179 42 0 1205 • 36 0 1231 • 13 0 1180 • 26 0 1206 • 80 0 1232 12 0 1181 • 33 0 1207 • 36 0 1233 15 0 1182 • 30 0 1208 18 0 1234 18 0 1183 • 24 0 1209 • 18 0 1235 # 22 0 1184 • 11 0 1210 • 18 0 1236 30 0 1185 • 12 0 1211 • 18 0 1237 48 0 1186 • 8 0 1212 • 60 0 1238 42 0 1187 • 9 0 1213 • 60 0 1239 # 45 0 1188 • 6 0 1214 20 0. 1240 30 0 1189 • 5 0 1215 • 18 0 1241 25 0 1190 • 8 0 1216 • 60 0 1242 15 0 1191 • 8 0 1217 18 0 1243 # 8 0 1192 r 3 0 1218 • 20 0 1244 # 7 0 1193 5 0 1219 • 14 0 1245 5 0 1194 • 3 0 1220 18 0 1246 # 6 0 1195 3 0 1221 20 0 1247 # 12 0 1196 • 24 0 1222 • 24 0 1248 13 0 1197 • 3 0 1223 36 0 1249 9 18 0 1198 • 3 0 1224 • 45 0 1250 18 0 1199 3 15 1225 • 60 0 1251 24 0 1200 . 18 0 1226 44 0 1252 42 0 1201 . 18 0 1227 • 36 0 1253 . 30 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 263 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor- —Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor —Description of Article. Price. Cigar Mouthpieces. No. fl. kr. Cigar mouth-pieces. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 1254 . 24 0 1326 . 9 0 1398 . 48 0 1472 . 900 0 1496 . 132 0 1516 1 24 1255 . 22 0 1327 . 20 0 1399 . 36 0 1473 . 96 0 1497 . 72 0 1517 1 28 1256 . 20 0 1328 . 13 0 1400 . 42 0 1474 . 108 0 1498 . 96 0 1518 1 32 1257 . 15 0 1329 . 9 0 1401 45 0 1475 . 120 0 1499 . 120 0 1519 1 36 1258 12 0 1330 . 20 0 1402, 1403 30 0 1476 . 132 0 1500, 1501 96 0 1520 1 40 1259 7 30 1331 . 20 0 1404 . 15 0 j 1477 . 144 0 1502 . 72 0 1521 1 44 1260 . 11 0 1332 . 12 0 1405 . 12 0 1478 . 96 0 1503 . 240 0 1522, 1523 1 48 1261 . 3 0 1333 . 16 0 1406 10 0 1479 . 144 0 1504 . 8 0 1524, 1525 1 40 1262 . 6 0 1334 . 15 0 1407- 1409 42 0 1480 . 120 0 1505 . 3 36 1526 1 48 1263 11 0 1335 . 10 0 1410 . 45 0 1481 . 144 0 1506 . 4 48 1527 1 54 1264 . 10 0 1336 . 14 0 1411 . 87 0 1482-1484 96 0 1507 . 9 0 1528, 1529 2 10 1265 . 3 0 1337 . 24 0 1412 300 0 1485 . 108 0 1508 . 24 0 1530 2 20 1266 5 0 1338 . 25 0 1413 . 60 0 1486-1488 96 0 1509 . 1 6 1531 2 26 1267 9 0 1339 . 22 0 1414 48 0 1489,1490 84 0 1510 . 1 9 1532 2 32 1268 9 0 1340 . 14 0 1415 36 0 1491 . 144 0 1511 . 1 16 1533, 1534 2 48 1269- -1272 4 0 1341 . 84 0 1416 42 0 1492 . 96 0 1512 . 1 9 1535 3 0 1273 3 0 1342 . 24 0 1417 54 0 1493 . 144 0 1513 . 1 12 1536 3 15 1274 6 0 1343 . 24 0 1418 . 14 0 1494 . 420 0 1514 . 1 16 1537, 1538 4 30 1275 4 0 1344 . 24 0 1419 . 7 0 1495 . 360 0 1515 . 1 20 1276 1277 1278 1279 • 8 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 1345 . 1346 . 1347 . 1348 . 33 '72 22 25 0 0 0 0 1420 1421 1422 1423 5 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 Chessboard, with ivory men . . Meerschaum figures, 56 pieces Meerschaum, 41 pieces. . . . • * . 80 0 . 100 17 1280 . 4 0 1349 . 25 0 1424 . 3 0 871. FRIEDRICH. JOHANN, , Vienna, Manu, i _ 1281 • 3 0 1350 . 36 0 1425 • 2 30 60. III. d. 1282 4 0 1351 . 20 0 1426 2 45 1283 1 0 1352 . 15 0 1427 # 2 0 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces, carved :— 1284 # 1 0 1353 . 48 0 1428 3 0 1551 .. 90 1559 .. 9 0 1567 18 0 1285 1 24 1354 . 24 0 1429- 1431 2 45 1552 .. 12 C ) 1560 .. 12 0 1568 12 0 1286 2 0 1355 . 27 0 1432 6 0 1553 .. 150 1561 .. 12 0 1569 12 0 1287 1 48 1356 . 20 0 1433 , 30 0 1554* .. 12 C > 1562 .. 30 0 1570 18 0 1288 3 0 1357 . 84 0 1434 28 0 1555 .. 90 1563 .. 30 0 1571 20 0 1289 2 0 1358 . 20 0 1435 120 0 1556 .. 12 0 1564 .. 30 0 1572 30 0 1290 # 5 0 1359 . 20 0 1436 . 30 0 1557 .. 150 1565 .. 30 0 1573 50 0 1291 # 2 0 1360 . 84 0 1437 . 28 0 1558 .. 90 1566 .. 30 0 1292 # 1 45 1361 . 2 30 1438 36 0 1574 Carved with the English arms and 1293 . 1 48 1362 . 2 65 1439 . 30 0 ornaments, representing Fame with 1294 # 1 48 1363 . 3 0 1440 . 36 0 her trumpet, Industry and Com- 1295 2 0 1364 . 2 15 1441 . 30 0 merce 100 0 1296 1 48 1365, 1366 2 0 1442 . 42 0 1575, 80fl.* 15 7< 6 , 50 fl. 1297 # 1 36 1367 . 2 30 1443 . 36 0 1577 With Hungarian dance . 1298 # 3 0 1368 . 3 30 1444 . 30 0 1578 .. 18 0 1587 , .. 9 0 1598 .. 20 0 1299 # 1 24 1369 . 3 0 1445 . 48 0 1579 .. 90 1588 , .. 12 0 1599 30 0 1300 2 0 1370 . 2 0 1446 , 36 0 1580, 1581 12 0 1589-1591 15 0 1600 35 0 1301 9 1 24 1371 . 30 0 1447 . 30 0 1582-4.. 300 1592, 1593 25 0 1601- -1603 1 20 0 1302 2 12 1372,1373 5 0 1448,1449 24 0 1585 .. 15 0 1594-1596 15 0 1604 .. 15 0 1303 # 3 0 1374,1375 6 0 1450 96 0 1586 .. 12 0 1597 , .. 15 0 1605 30 0 *1304 # 3 12 1376 . 14 24 1451 , 42 0 1606 Pipe-howl, carved 40 0 1305 . 6 30 1377 . 36 0 1452 . 54 0 1607, 1608 Ditto, 40fl. and 30fl. 1306 10 0 1378 . 14 24 1453 . 3 0 1609 Cigar mouthpiece, < carved . . . 30 0 1307 12 0 1379 . 36 0 1454 24 0 . 1610,1611 Ditto . 15 0 1308 # 13 0 1380 . 14 24 1455 3 0 1612, 1613 Ditto . 25 0 1309 15 0 1381 . 48 0 1456 . 54 0 1614 Pipe-bowl 1 carved . 30 0 1310 1311 • 20 20 0 0 1382 . 1383 . 26 36 24 0 1457 1458 • 3 24 0 0 Cigar mouthpieces, carved: 1312 m 24 0 1384 . 14 24 1459 3 0 1615 .. 25 0 1634 . . 20 0 1648 .. 40 0 1313 # 21 0 1385 . 36 0 1460 . 50 0 1616 .. 200 1635 . . 50 0 1649 45 0 1314 # 19 0 1386 . 16 48 1461 3 0 1617 .. 80 1636 . . 25 0 1650 .. 35 0 1315 # 13 0 1387 . 24 0 1462 66 0 1618 .. 100 1637 . . 20 0 1651 15 0 1316 13 0 1388 . 14 24 1463 39 0 1619 .. 15 0 1638 . . 35 0 1652, 1653 45 0 1317 m 11 0 1389 . 5 0 1464 . 48 0 1620-1623 20 0 1639 . . 40 0 1654 12 0 1318 # 9 0 1390 . 6 0 1465 . 108 0 1624-1626 15 0 1640 . . 20 0 1655 40 0 1319 5 0 1391, 1392 5 0 1466 . 84 0 1627 .. 40 0 1641 . . 30 0 1656 .. 50 0 1320 # 3 15 1393 . 36 0 1467 108 0 1628 .. 15 0 1642 . . 50 0 1657 .. 35 0 1321 2 0 1394 . 12 0 1468 300 0 1629 .. 60 1643 . . 30 0 1658 12 0 1322, 1323 1 48 1395 . 18 0 1469 . 84 0 1630 .. 12 0 1644 . . 12 0 1659 .. 25 0 1324 # 2 24 1396 . 30 0 1470 96 0 1631,1632 25 0 1645,1646 40 0 1660 ... 35 0 1325 . 3 0 1397 . 30 0 1471 1800 0 1633 .. 15 0 1647 . . 12 0 1661 •• 12 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 264 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 678- GRUNHUT, Jun., Prague.— 66a. III. d. fl. kr. A meerschaum pipe. A cigar pipe. A cigar mouthpiece. 674- GltUNHUT, AH TON, Senior, Prague, Maim. —29. III. B. fl. kr. Meerschaum pipe.. . 45 0 Cigar mouthpiece (Diana).10 0 Gipsey pip-e, with Prince Lobkowitz’s arms, (the property of Prince John Lobkowitz), value 17 fl. 675. HARTMANN, LUDWIG, Vienna.—59. III. d. Pipe mouthpieces, ] 7826 . 0 36 >er dozen 7859 . 2 12 7891 0 30 27 . 1 12 60 2 30 82 1 30 28 . 0 40 61 2 48 93 1 48 29 . 0 42 62 3 24 94 1 18 30 . 0 48 63 4 48 95 1 0 31 . 2 12 64 6 0 96 1 24 32 . 3 6 65 7 12 97 1 42 33 3 42 66 8 0 98 2 0 34 . 2 54 67 10 0 99 2 24 35 . 0 48 68 12 0 7900 2 54 36 . 0 42 69 # 14 0 1 3 24 37 . 1 18 70 16 48 2 3 54 38, 39 0 27 71, 72 0 40 3 5 0 40 . 0 30 73 . 0 24 4 0 42 41 . 0 36 74 0 24 5 0 22 42 . 0 28 75 0 24 6 0 24 43 . 0 27 76, 77 0 30 7 0 36 44 . 0 30 78 . 0 30 8 0 27 45 . 0 26 79 . 0 27 9 0 24 46,47 0 24 80 0 48 10 0 22 48 . 0 27 81 0 36 11 0 42 49 . 0 30 82 0 14 l 2 r 13 0 27 50-52 0 24 83 0 28 14 0 40 53 . 0 28 84-86 0 22 15 # 0 27 54, 55 0 26 87 # 0 30 16- ■19 0 36 56 . 0 40 88 0 22 20 0 27 57 . 1 18 89 0 28 21 # 0 30 58 . 1 30 90 • 0 22 07905 . 0 30 Pipe tubes 6737 . ' 6 24 6748 18 0 6759 7 36 38 . 4 12 49 26 0 60 4 24 39 . 4 24 50 24 0 61 4 18 40 . 14 0 51 31 0 62 5 48 41 . 7 12 52 25 0 63 4 18 42 . 8 0 53 l 21 0 64 3 18 43 . 9 0 54 , 26 0 65 3 48 44 . 16 0 55 # 10 48 66 .4 18 45 . 32 0 56 13 0 67 3 18 46 . 26 0 57 # 6 0 68 # 3 18 47 . 35 0 Bone mountings i 58 . 'or sticks. 5 48 , ivory light shades, and engraved cam< 7681 . 7 0 30s:— 7695 2 24 7708 10 0 82 . 5 0 96 2 36 9 6 0 83, 84 3 36 97 4 24 10 10 0 85, 86 4 0 98 2 48 11 5 0 87 . 3 30 99 5 0 12- -14 10 0 88, 89 4 0 7700-2 4 24 15 # 6 0 90 . 1 24 3 # 3 36 16 5 0 91 . 2 36 4 # 7 0 17 4 0 92 . 2 48 5 . 4 0 18 # 6 0 93 . 4 24 6 7 30 19 10 0 94 . 3 36 7 • 6 0 20 9 30 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Bone mountings, &c. 7721 fl. kr. . 2 24 7731 fl. kr. 22 0 7741 fl. kr. 4 48 22 . 4 0 32 20 0 42 # 3 0 23 . 30 0 33 # 14 0 43 4 0 24 . 10 0 34 10 o 44 # 3 36 25 . 13 0 35 # 7 30 45 4 0 26 . 17 0 36 3 36 46 3 36 27 . 24 0 37 6 48 47 4 0 28 . 30 0 38 . 6 48 48 3 0 29 . 30 0 39 7 30 7794 4 24 30 . 20 0 40 * 7 30 7793 ♦ 4 24 Ivory buttons, eng] 7749 . 4 24 raved 7764 5 0 7779 3 36 50 . 4 48 65 6 0 80 3 30 51 . 5 36 66 4 0 81 2 24 52 . 6 30 67 . 4 30 82 2 0 53 . 8 0 68 3 36 83 3 30 54 . 3 36 69 3 0 84 # 3 36 55 . 9 0 70 4 0 85 # 3 36 56 . 5 0 71 # 2 30 86 3 38 57 . 5 0 72 . 4 0 87 3 36 58 . 4 48 73 # 4 0 88 # 3 36 59 . 3 36 74 7 30 89 3 36 60 . 3 36 75 7 30 90 # 3 0 61 . 3 0 76 6 0 91 # 2 48 62 . 1 40 77 4 30 92 5 36 63 . 7 30 78 • 2 0 Mouthpieces, amber, mother-of-pearl, wood, 7429 10 48 7471 . 16 0 7512 30 16 0 72 . 11 0 13 31 7 0 73 . 8 0 14 32 3 12 74 . 5 0 15 33 .. 3 36 75 . 5 0 16 34 # 5 0 76 . 5 24 17 35 6 0 77 . 80 0 18 36 7 0 78 . 80 0 19 37 8 0 79 . 48 0 20 38 9 36 80 . 54 0 21 39 6 0 81 . 54 0 22 40 7 0 82 . 72 0 23 41 # 8 0 83 . 84 0 24 42 3 30 84 108 0 25 43 4 0 85 144 0 26 45 12 0 86 . 34 0 27 46 20 0 87 130 0 28 47 14 0 88 . 36 0 29 48 # 9 0 89 . 48 0 30 49 7 0 90 . 54 0 31 50 4 0 91 . 69 0 32 51 4 48 92 . 48 0 33 52 8 0 93 . 48 0 34 53 10 0 94 . 54 0 35 54 # 24 0 95 . 36 0 36 55 # 36 0 96 . 24 0 37 56 60 0 97 . 10 0 38 57 48 0 98 . 18 0 39 58 # 15 0 99 . 30 0 40 59 12 0 7500 132 0 41 60 . 5 0 1 . 72 0 42 61 15 0 2 144 0 43 62 . 26 0 3 144 0 44 63 36 0 4 156 0 45 64 45 0 5 . 66 0 46 65 30 0 6 . 96 0 : 47 66 20 0 7 . 12 0 48 67 9 0 8 . 24 0 49 68 3 36 9 . 36 0 50 69 14 0 10 . 60 0 51 70 • 18 0 11 . 72 0 52 bone, &c. . 66 0 . 30 0 . 20 0 . 15 0 . 3 36 . 6 0 . 8 0 . 9 0 . 13 0 & 16 0 . 22 0 . 36 0 . 60 0 . 66 0 . 96 0 132 0 168 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 8 0 . 10 0 . 5 0 . 7 0 . 10 0 . 12 0 . 14 0 . 18 0 . 21 0 . 24 0 . 30 0 . 42 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 21 0 . 5 0 . 7 0 . 6 0 . 3 36 . 4 48 . 5 30 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 265 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Mouthpieces, amber, &c. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 7553 6 30 7565 3 0 7577 . 3 0 54 7 0 66 2 30 78 . 5 30 55 . 10 48 67 2 0 79 . 6 0 56 16 0 68 1 30 80 . 5 0 57 4 48 69 # 18 0 81 . 3 36 58 # 8 0 70 18 0 82 . 15 0 59 # 10 0 71 # 16 0 83 . 17 0 60 12 0 72 # 36 0 84 . 20 0 61 * 15 0 73 24 0 85 . 16 0 62 # 16 0 74 # 4 30 86 . 16 0 63 6 0 75 12 0 87 . 15 0 64 • 5 0 76 • 16 0 88 . 16 0 Amber necklaces 7589 .. 4 0 | 7590 . . 4 0 | 7591 ..6 0 Meerschaum pipe bowls 7659 g 11 30 7679 # 7 0 7975 . 5 30 60 g 16 0 80 # 7 0 76 . 4 0 61 14 0 7957 3 36 77 . 4 0 62 14 0 58 # 4 0 78 . 4 0 63 # 12 0 59 5 0 79 . 1 36 64 14 0 60 # 6 0 80 . 3 30 65 5 0 61 . 5 0 81 . 4 0 66 14 0 62 3 0 82 . 3 38 67 12 0 63 3 0 83 . 2 30 68 # 6 0 64 3 36 84 . 2 24 69 # 6 0 65 # 6 0 85 2 24 70 # 12 0 66 5 30 86 1 3 0 71 # 12 0 67 # 6 30 88 . 3 30 72 # 9 0 68 # 4 0 89 . 3 36 73 # 14 0 69 4 30 90 . 2 0 74 12 0 70 # 3 36 91 . 1 24 75 # 8 0 71 # 4 0 92 . 6 0 76 7 0 72 5 0 93 . 10 0 77 8 0 73 5 0 78 8 0 l 74 • 6 0 Pipe tubes :— 6635 1 24 6655 1 48 6981 . 9 48 36 1 24 56 2 18 82 . 9 0 37 # 1 18 57 # 1 36 83 . 9 48 38 1 6 58 # 1 36 84 . 13 0 39 # 1 36 59 2 0 85 . 14 0 40 . 1 24 60 2 0 86 . 12 0 41 1 36 61 9 2 0 87 . 11 48 42 2 0 62 1 36 88 . 11 30 43 1 54 63 2 30 89 . 11 0 44 # 2 48 64 # 1 36 90 . 9 0 45 1 54 65 2 0 91 . 8 48 46 1 54 66 2 0 92 . 6 30 47 . 2 30 67 1 54 93 . 6 0 48 1 54 68. 2 0 94 . 3 54 49 # 2 30 69. 2 36 95 . 4 42 50 2 18 70. 2 18 96 . 7 0 51 2 36 6977. 5 0 97 . 5 48 52 1 18 78 4 24 98 . 3 48 53 1 24 79 6 0 99 . 4 24 54 . 1 18 80 7 0 Cigar mouth pieces 7101 0 54 7110 # 1 0 7119 . 0 42 02 1 6 11 # 0 42 20 . 1 54 03 1 6 12 1 36 21 . 2 12 04 2 24 13 1 6 22 . 2 12 „ 05 2 0 14 1 36 23 . 2 48 06 # 1 0 15 # 1 0 24 . 0 48 07 1 6 16 1 30 25 . 2 24 : os # 2 48 17 # 0 42 26 . 1 6 09 • 1 0 18 • 2 12 27 . 1 12 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. flgar mouth pieces:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 7128 2 0 7197 . 0 27 7317 . 19 0 29 * # 2 0 98 . 1 36 18 . 16 0 30 g 1 24 99 . 0 48 19 . 15 0 31 2 24 7200 . 3 54 20 . 14 0 32 1 0 01 . 1 6 21 . 12 0 33 # 1 6 02 . 4 24 22 . 11 0 34 1 6 03 . 1 6 23 . 7 0 35 1 12 04 . 1 18 24 . 4 0 36 . 1 0 05 . 1 30 25 . 3 12 37 m 1 36 06 . 1 6 26 . 24 0 38 0 42 07 . 0 27 27 . 36 0 39 ; 1 24 08 . 1 6 2S . 32 0 40 ' # 0 42 09 . 1 30 29 . 16 0 41 2 48 10 . 1 36 30 . 30 0 42 0 20 11 . 1 36 31 . 24 0 43 3 0 12 . 1 0 32 . 16 0 44 # 2 6 13 . 3 0 33 . 21 0 45 2 48 14 . 1 24 34 . 12 0 46 # 3 0 15 . 1 24 35 . 14 0 47 # 1 36 16 . 1 6 36 . 14 0 48 4 24 17 . 1 30 37 . 32 0 49 9 6 48 18 . 1 36 38 . 30 0 50 1 36 19 . 1 6 39 . 42 0 51 9 0 48 20 . 0 32 40 . 3 48 52 m 0 28 21 . 0 36 41 . 11 0 53 1 54 7273 . 22 0 42 . 5 12 54 0 42 74 . 21 0 43 . 14 0 55 # 1 18 75 . 18 0 44 . 36 0 56 , 1 0 76 . 4 48 45 . 30 0 57 1 0 77 . 42 0 46 . 15 0 58 2 0 78 . 48 0 47 . 2 42 59 ■ 1 42 79 . 4 48 48 . 4 0 60 # 1 18 80 . 16 0 49 . 4 48 61 9 0 54 81 . 16 0 50 . 5 12 62 9 2 30 82 . 12 0 51 . 7 12 63 2 0 83 . 1 24 52 . 9 0 64 m 0 54 84 . 2 36 53 . 13 0 65 0 48 85 . 4 24 54 . 14 24 66 0 54 86 . 5 12 55 . 18 0 67 m 1 6 87 . 9 0 56 . 14 0 68 1 0 88 . 11 0 57 . 9 0 69 1 6 89 . 13 0 58 . 7 0 70 # 1 6 90 . 14 24 59 . 5 0 71 1 48 91 . 22 0 60 . 4 48 72 0 48 92 . 26 0 61 . 4 0 73 # 1 6 93 . 27 0 62 . 2 42 74 1 30 94 . 5 0 63 . 72 0 75 1 36 95 . 10 0 64 .144 0 76 # 1 24 96 . 14 0 65 . 96 0 77 # 1 24 97 . 20 0 66 . 84 0 78 # 1 6 98 . 24 0 67 . 3 0 79 2 48 99 . 36 0 68 . 5 30 80 1 24 7300 . 40 0 69 . 11 0 81 0 54 01 . 45 0 70 . 17 0 82 2 54 02 . 50 0 71 . 25 0 83 * 11 0 03 . 3 30 72 . 40 0 84 2 54 04 . 5 0 73 . 22 0 85 0 48 05 . 6 0 74 . 15 0 86 2 0 06 . 8 48 75 . 7 30 87 0 54 07 . 9 36 76 . 4 0 88 1 6 03 . 10 48 77 . 2 0 89 1 0 09 . 12 0 78 . 15 0 90 # 0 36 10 . 15 0 79 . 22 0 91 0 27 11 . 19 0 80 . 12 0 92 1 18 12 . 22 0 81 . 27 0 93 0 27 13 . 24 0 82 . 18 0 94 0 40 14 . 28 0 83 . 48 0 95 0 48 15 . 25 0 84 . 84 0 96 1 24 16 . 22 0 85 . 60 0 266 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Cigar mouth pieces:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 7386 .108 0 8007 . 5 0 8016*, 17 5 0 7994- 8 . 6 0 18— 21 6 0 8002 * 5 0 9—13 8 0 22 # 20 0 3- -5 6 0 14 . 9 36 23 16 0 6 . 8 0 15 . 6 0 24 12 0 Meerschaum pipe howls :—• 8026 . 12 0 8034 . 26 0 8042 16 0 27 . 10 48 35 . 48 0 43 18 0 28 . 14 0 36 . 36 0 44 18 0 29 . 18 0 37 . 54 0 45 14 0 30 . 15 0 38 . 12 0 46 16 0 31 . 16 0 39 . 12 0 47 . 14 0 32 . 20 0 40 . 14 0 48 18 0 33 . 24 0 41 . 14 0 Cigar mouth pieces, meerschaum and amber 8049 . 60 0 7229 . 7 0 7273 . 15 0 50 . 60 0 30 . 8 0 7387 # 3 12 51 . 54 0 31 . 11 0 88 3 36 :52 . 48 0 32 . 12 0 89 5 36 53 . 54 0 33 . 14 0 90 # 6 48 54 . 42 0 34 . 24 0 91 9 9 0 55 . 42 0 35 . 42 0 92 14 0 56 . 42 0 36 . 12 0 93 m 17 0 57 . 36 0 37 . 14 0 94 18 0 58 . 42 0 38 . 16 0 95 20 0 59 . 48 0 39 . 24 0 96 22 0 60 . 54 0 40 . 36 0 97 9 20 0 61 . 54 0 41 . 42 0 98 14 0 62 . 48 0 42 . 48 0 99 10 0 63 . 48 0 43 . 8 0 7400 18 0 64 . 54 0 44 . 11 0 1 7 0 65 . 54 0 45 . 14 0 2 5 36 66 . 60 0 46 . 20 0 3 # 4 0 67 . 48 0 47 . 26 0 4 2 48 68 . 48 0 48 . 30 0 5 1 48 69 . 48 0 49 . 32 0 6 1 30 70 . 42 0 50 . 36 0 7 4 48 71 . 48 0 51 . 24 0 8 6 48 72 . 54 0 52 . 20 0 9 7 0 73 . 42 0 53 . 15 0 10 8 0 74 . 48 0 54 . 10 48 11 9 0 75 . 48 0 55 . 9 0 12 # 14 0 76 . 72 0 56 . 7 0 13 16 0 77 . 72 0 57 . 5 36 14 18 0 78 . 54 0 58 . 4 0 15 19 0 79 . 66 0 59 . 14 0 16 19 0 80 . 60 0 60 . 10 0 17 # 16 0 81 . 60 0 61 . 7 0 18 # 14 0 82 . 54 0 62 . 6 0 19 # 10 0 83 . 54 0 63 . 2 24 20 8 0 84 . 48 0 64 . 2 6 21 7 0 85 . 42 0 65 . 1 30 22 # 6 0 7222 . 54 0 66 . 0 48 23 # 4 48 23 . 30 0 67 . 1 0 24 # 3 0 24 . 48 0 68 . 4 0 25 42 0 25 . 30 0 69 . 4 48 26 42 0 26 . 54 0 70 . 5 0 27 50 0 27 . 30 0 71 . 6 0 28 54 0 28 . 28 48 72 . 11 0 Pipe-tubes: — 6671 . 2 0 6678 . 3 0 6686 # 3 6 72 . 2 24 79 . 2 48 87 3 54 73 . 2 30 80 . 3 0 88 . 3 54 74 . 2 30 81 . 3 0 89 # 3 54 75 . 3 0 83 . 3 0 90 3 54 76 . 2 24 84 . 3 6 91 # 3 48 77 . 2 54 85 . 3 0 92 3 48 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pipe-tubes 6693 . fl. kr. 3 48 7930 94 3 48 31 95 3 6 32 96 2 54 33 97 3 48 34 98 3 0 35 99 # 3 0 36 6700 2 54 37 1 2 30 38 2 2 36 39 3 1 30 40 4 2 36 41 5 2 24 42 6 # 1 36 43 7 # 2 6 44 8 1 54 45 9 2 6 46 10 2 30 47 11 2 12 48 12 # 2 12 49 13 1 36 50 14 2 12 51 15 1 30 52 16 2 12 53 17 1 24 54 18 # 2 0 55 19 3 36 56 20 . 1 24 6401 21 # 2 54 2 22 2 48 3 23 # 1 36 4 24 3 54 5 25 9 1 36 6 26 2 0 7 27 4 12 8 28 1 24 9 29 . # 1 0 10 30 2 48 11 31 # 3 0 12 32 1 6 13 33 1 36 14 34 4 12 15 35 2 24 16 36 1 12 17 7922 4 48 18 23 6 0 19 24 # 7 24 20 25 . 9 0 21 26 . 10 0 22 27 12 0 23 28 14 0 24 29 15 0 25 fl. kr. fl. kr. 16 0 6426 # 2 18 ■ 9 5 30 27 9 2 30 # 7 0 28 9 2 42 . 8 48 29 3 18 10 0 30 1 20 m 12 0 31 # 1 24 9 14 0 32 1 36 16 0 33 1 42 18 0 34 1 48 26 0 35 . 1 57 # 32 0 36 2 6 4 0 37 2 18 5 0 38 2 30 10 0 6522 1 24 . 14 0 23 1 30 1 18 24 . 1 36 1 18 25 2 6 2 48 26 2 12 2 48 27 # . 2 24 9 2 48 28 2 48 0 24 29 3 24 2 48 30 . 3 48 2 12 31 1 36 # 5 36 32 # 1 42 2 0 33 1 48 1 18 34 1 52 9 2 48 35 1 54 9 0 40 36 # 3 36 0 45 37 # 3 48 9 0 48 38 . 3 54 0 50 39 3 12 0 52 40 3 48 0 57 41 # 2 6 # 1 12 42 2 12 1 18 43 2 18 1 42 44 2 36 2 12 45 3 18 0 38 46 # 3 24 # 0 40 47 # 3 36 0 45 48 3 54 0 50 49 4 0 0 52 50 4 42 0 57 51 # 1 54 1 12 52 2 6 # 1 20 53 2 12 1 30 54 # 2 36 1 24 55 # 3 6 1 36 56 3 12 # 1 42 57 3 48 1 48 58 3 54 # 1 57 59 # 4 0 • 2 6 60 • 4 42 Canes and other walking sticks:— 7050 . 3 54 7064 . 2 48 7624 . 13 0 51 . 3 54 65 1 24 25 . 20 0 52 . 3 24 66 1 36 26 . 15 0 53 . 3 54 67 3 54 27 . 13 0 54 . 5 30 68 4 12 28 . 14 0 55 . 16 0 69 3 12 29 . 38 0 56 . 3 54 70 3 54 30 . 48 0 57 . 4 12 71 9 48 31 . 34 0 58 . 5 48 72 3 42 32 . 15 0 59 . 1 30 73 5 0 33 . 13 0 60 . 2 24 74 3 54 34 . 13 0 61 . 1 30 75 3 24 35 . 23 0 62 . 2 48 76 4 48 36 . 11 0 63 . 1 24 7623 . 14 0 37 . 14 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 267 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor Description of Article. Price. No. Name & Address of Exhibito r- ■Description of Article !. Price. Canes and other walking sticks Cigar-tubes:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 7638 . 34 0 7594 . 4 24 7619 16 48 6590 2 54 6605 , 3 6 6620 1 24 39 . 50 0 95 3 30 20 16 48 91 3 0 6 . 2 18 21 2 0 40 . 28 0 96 . 4 12 21 . 3 54 92 2 12 7 2 30 22 2 6 41 . 56 0 97 . 4 24 22 . 4 54 93 2 18 8 2 42 23 2 0 42 . 8 24 98 . 5 36 7077 . 34 0 94 3 48 9 2 30 24 4 12 43 . 56 0 99 3 24 78 . 60 0 95 4 12 10 2 0 25 1 24 44 . 58 0 7600 . 4 24 79 . 15 0 96 4 0 11 2 42 26 3 0 45 . 22 0 1 . 4 42 80 . 9 0 97 3 12 12 2 0 27 1 0 46 . 15 0 2 . 3 48 81 . 46 0 98 5 12 13 2 18 28 1 36 47 . 6 0 3 . 4 12 82 . 14 24 99 3 42 14 1 6 29 1 24 48 . 56 0 4 . 2 54 83 56 0 6600 3 6 15 1 12 30 1 24 49 . 34 0 65 2 6 84 20 0 1 3 6 16 1 12 31 1 18 50 . 52 0 6 . 9 36 85 68 0 2 2 48 17 1 6 32 0 54 51 . 34 0 7 . 11 30 86 . 21 0 3 2 48 18 1 24 33 0 54 52 . 18 0 8 . 5 0 87 17 0 4 3 12 19 0 54 34 1 30 53 . 22 0 9 4 12 88 34 0 54 . 5 36 10 4 12 89 . 60 0 Natural tubes:— 55 . 9 0 11 . 4 24 90 . 16 0 7795 21 0 6776 4 12 6814 2 12 56 . 12 0 12 • 17 0 91 • 47 0 96 23 0 77 4 30 15 2 0 57 . 18 0 13 . 32 0 92 . 9 0 97 26 0 78 4 54 16 1 42 58 . 23 0 14 . 17 0 93 25 0 98 28 0 79 9 30 17 1 36 7098 . 2 42 15 . 2 48 94 16 0 99 30 0 80 2 48 18 1 30 99 . 2 12 16 . 2 48 95 25 0 7800 36 0 81 3 0 19 1 18 7100 . 4 12 17 . 10 48 96 . 17 0 1 40 0 82 4 12 20 1 12 7592 . 4 18 18 • 15 0 97 . 60 0 2 46 0 83 4 24 21 1 6 93 . 4 0 3 . 48 0 84 4 12 22 . 1 0 Pipe-tubes 4 . 60 0 85 . 4 48 23 . 1 40 6439 . 0 38 6467 0 48 6495 2 30 5 . 9 0 86 . 5 48 24 . 1 42 40 . 0 40 68 0 45 96 3 30 6 . 10 0 87 . 5 54 25 . 1 54 41 . 0 45 69 . 0 40 97 3 36 7 . 14 0 88 6 42 26 . 2 0 42 . 0 48 70 . 0 38 98 3 48 8 . 18 0 89 . 9 48 27 . 2 6 43 . 0 50 71 1 20 99 3 54 9 . 20 0 90 . 10 24 28 2 12 44 . 0 52 72 1 24 6500 1 24 10 24 0 91 . 2 24 29 . 2 18 45 . 0 57 73 1 36 1 1 27 11 . 25 0 92 2 30 30 . 2 24 46 . 1 12 74 1 42 2 1 30 12 28 0 93 2 36 31 . 2 42 47 . 1 18 75 1 48 3 1 36 13 28 0 94 2 40 32 . 3 0 48 . 1 42 76 1 54 4 1 42 14 36 0 95 2 48 33 3 30 49 . 3 18 77 2 6 5 1 48 15 5 36 96 2 54 34 . 1 6 50 . 2 42 78 2 18* 6 1 54 16 . 7 0 97 . 3 24 35 . 1 12 51 . 2 30 79 2 30 7 2 24 17 10 0 98 4 24 36 . 1 24 52 . 2 18 80 2 42 8 2 36 18 10 0 99 3 54 37 . 1 36 53 . 2 6 81 3 18 9 3 12 19 15 0 6800 4 12 38 1 54 54 . 1 54 82 1 24 10 3 48 20 16 0 1 4 42 39 3 0 55 . 1 48 83 1 27 11 4 30 21 16 0 2 . 1 36 40 . 2 24 56 . 1 42 84 1 30 12 3 48 22 . 8 0 3 . 1 42 41 . 2 30 57 . 1 36 85 1 36 13 # 3 36 23 . 12 0 4 . 1 48 42 . 3 48 58 . 1 24 86 1 42 14 3 30 24 . 5 36 5 2 0 43 4 54 59 . 1 20 87 1 48 15 3 24 25 5 36 6 . 2 12 44 . 4 30 60 . 2 12 88 1 54 16 3 18 6769 . 1 54 7 2 18 45 . 3 12 61 . 1 42 89 2 6 17 2 48 70 . 2 48 8 . 2 24 46 . 3 6 62 . 1 18 90 2 12 18 2 24 71 . 3 24 9 2 36 47 2 18 63 . 1 12 91 1 54 19 2 12 72 . 3 36 10 . 2 48 48 2 12 64 . 0 57 92 2 6 20 2 6 73 . 3 48 11 . 3 30 49 2 6 65 . 0 52 93 2 12 21 1 54 74 . 3 54 12 3 48 50 . 1 54 66 . 0 50 94 . 2 24 75 • 3 48 13 • 2 48 51 • 1 48 Cigar-tubes Pipe tubes: :■— 6561 . 2 48 6571 . 1 24 °6579 1 12 7000 . 3 30 7010 1 48 7020 1 48 62 . 2 12 72 1 30 81 1 30 1 3 0 11 1 42 21 . 2 0 63 . 4 18 73 1 30 82 3 48 2 . 2 24 12 1 42 22 1 36 64 . 1 48 74 1 12 83 0 36 3 2 12 13 1 0 23 . 2 6 65 . 1 12 75 . 2 0 84 m 0 54 4 2 6 14 1 6 24 2 12 66 . 2 54 76 2 0 85 3 48 5 2 0 15 1 18 25 . 2 48 67 . 1 36 77 2 36 86 2 0 6 1 24 16 1 24 26 2 0 68 . 1 0 78 . 1 18 87 m 1 48 7 2 24 17 2 54 27 , 2 0 69 . 2 0 79 1 18 88 3 0 8 2 0 18 1 48 28 . 2 30 70 . 1 24 80 • 2 4 89 * 3 0 9 • 1 54 19 2 0 29 • 2 6 268 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. $?0. Name Sc Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Nq. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pipe-tubes:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 7030 2 30 7037 3 0 7044 4 30 31 # 2 12 38 9 0 45 . 4 24 32 # 2 42 39 g 5 42 46 2 30 33 g 3 0 40 7 0 47 2 0 34 3 24 41 5 48 48 2 0 35 2 48 42 7 12 49 # 1 18 36 • 2 54 43 * 4 54 Natural tubes:— 6943 2 30 6955 5 54 6966 # 10 0 44 # 3 24 56 6 12 67 . 12 0 45 3 42 57 ■ 7 30 68 11 24 46 5 12 58 9 0 69 . 13 48 47 # 7 0 59 10 0 70 7 24 48 8 0 60 4 0 71 7 0 49 m 8 24 61 g 4 24 72 . 6 48 50 9 0 62 5 54 73 5 24 51 11 12 63 6 24 74 4 48 52 # 3 12 64 9 12 75 . 4 0 53 4 6 65 # 9 0 76 . 3 12 54 4 24 Pipe tubes 6888 g 9 48 6919 0 56 6858 6 30 89 g 4 12 20 g 1 0 59 8 30 90 7 42 21 g 1 6 60 2 0 91 g 3 6 22 1 18 61 2 54 92 3 0 23 1 30 62 4 12 93 2 36 24 1 36 63 5 0 94 # 2 30 25 0 2 18 64 6 48 95 1 48 26 g 3 42 65 6 30 96 g 1 54 27 8 0 66 5 48 97 g 1 48 28 9 36 67 9 0 98 2 0 29 g 6 30 68 # 8 36 99 g 2 0 30 g 2 0 69 5 48 6900 2 12 31 2 30 70 4 12 1 2 36 32 2 24 71 . 4 30 2 # 2 48 33 g 3 0 72 g 4 12 3 3 24 34 g 1 54 73 # 4 0 4 # 2 42 35 1 48 74 # 3 0 5 . 4 12 36 1 42 75 3 12 6 2 48 37 g 1 42 76 2 30 7 # 2 36 38 . 2 48 77 2 24 8 # 2 30 39 2 0 78 2 0 9 2 30 40 0 48 79 # 2 6 10 1 36 41 # 1 42 80 # 2 18 11 1 40 42 1 30 81 2 54 12 2 6 6852 2 0 82 g 2 24 13 # 2 12 53 # 3 0 83 9 4 24 14 2 18 54 # 4 24 84 3 42 15 2 54 55 # 5 48 85 . 4 12 16 3 12 56 6 0 86 5 12 17 4 42 54 g 6 24 87 6 12 18 . 0 54 8086 Work box of be >ne, carved Per piece. . 50 0 87 Tobacco boxes, ivory.20 0 88 Goblets, buckhorn.56 0 89, 90 Pipe tube, ebony, mounted . . lOOfl., 90fl. 91 Ditto cherry ditto .... 25 0 92 Ditto ditto .... 20 0 93 Ditto ditto .... 30 0 94 Ditto ditto .... 24 0 95 Ditto ebony ditto .... 25 0 96 Ditto ditto .... 20 0 97 A piece of raw amber weighing 3lbs. 7 loth Vienna weight (rare size). 350 0 98 A piece of raw meerschaum finest quality 70 0 676. INFANGER, MICHAEL, Stadt Steyr, Manu.—54. III. n. fl. kr. 1 Boxwood pipes, hunting subject, each . 2 42 2 Ditto ditto . 2 30 677. KRAFTL, JOSEF, Vienna—69. HI. d. 2250. Inkstand, mahogany . . per doz. 15 0 51. Do. cherry ... ,, 11 30 52. Penholder, bone, mounted . ,, 2 0 53. Do. do. do. . ,, 2 12 54. Do. rosewood, do. . ,, 2 0 55. Do. bone do. . ,, 2 0 56. Do. wood .... ,, 0 20 57. Do. bone .... ,, 0 45 58. Pocket inkstand .... ,, 2 50 59. Do. .... ,, 6 54 60. Do. ... ,, 3 45 63. Do. .... ,, 3 20 61. Machine for making paper cigarettes, boxwood and metal ,, 4 40 62. Do. boxwood and horn ,, 4 40 64. Umbrella handle, ivory, carved ,, 5 40 65. Do. ivory, horn, and wood, carved ,, 5 0 66. Do. ivory and mother-of-pearl,, 6 50 67. Do. do. „ 5 0 68. Umbrella ring, ivory . . ,, 5 30 69. Do. hook do. . . ,, 6 0 70. Do. ring do. . . ,, 6 0 678. LITSCHIvE, CARL, Vienna.— 57. b. III. d. Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces - Per Dozen, fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 2271 . 40 0 2287 . 41 0 2303 # 42 0 72 . 60 0 88 . 50 0 4 g 44 0 73 . 46 0 89 . 60 0 5 g 45 0 74 . 34 0 90 . 36 0 6 48 0 75 . 27 0 91 . 35 0 7 65 0 76 . 39 0 92 . 68 0 8 * 64 0 77 . 55 0 93 . 17 0 9 # 48 0 78 . 48 0 94 . 29 0 10 # 27 0 79 . 50 0 95 . 13 48 11 # 20 0 80 . 50 0 96 . 12 0 12 0 17 0 81 . 57 0 97 . 13 0 13 16 0 82 . 70 0 98 . 28 0 14 12 0 83 . 54 0 99 . 15 0 15 11 0 84 . 40 0 2300 . 19 0 16 12 0 85 . 42 0 1 . 48 0 17 14 0 86 . 38 0 2 . 36 0 18 12 0 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces: 2320 . 15 0 2340 . 8 48 2377 14 0 21 . 9 36 58 . 14 0 78 0 12 0 22-24 10 0 59 . 18 0 79 13 0 25 . 2 0 61 . 11 0 80 10 0 26 . 2 24 62 . 13 0 81 13 0 27 . 3 0 63 . 35 0 82 15 0 28 . 3 36 64 . 42 0 83 . 7 0 29 . 2 48 65 . 67 0 85 . 12 0 30 . 4 0 66 . 85 0 86 # 40 0 31 . 3 18 67 . 40 0 87 0 12 0 32 . 3 24 68 . 44 0 88 g 14 0 33 . 5 0 69 . 9 0 89 g 8 0 34 . 4 0 70 . 9 36 90 g 12 0 35 . 4 48 71 . $ 36 91 g 20 0 36 . 5 0 72-74 8 0 92 g 10 0 38 . 4 48 75 . 5 0 93 14 0 39 . 6 0 76 . 9 0 94 • 16 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 269 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Wood tobacco-pipe tubes :— 01 fl. kr. 0 28 2467 fl. kr. 1 42 2533 fl. kr. 1 35 2 m 0 35 68 . 1 48 34 1 35 3 9 0 38 69 9 2 0 35 3 36 4 9 0 33 70 5 0 36 1 30 5 0 40 71 9 2 42 37 3 0 6 0 32 72 2 48 38 2 36 7 0 40 73 9 3 38 39 2 48 8 0 54 74 16 24 40 3 12 9 0 35 75 9 5 0 41 . 3 12 10 9 0 35 76 # 3 36 42 # 4 24 11 9 0 21 77 4 48 43 2 36 12 9 0 24 78 2 24 44 7 30 13 0 24 79 9 4 0 45 3 30 14 0 21 80 4 0 46 # 3 12 15 0 36 81 2 6 47 5 0 16 9 0 21 82 2 6 48 3 0 17 0 34 83 2 48 49 4 0 18 9 0 21 . 84 2 24 50 9 0 19 0 0 34 85 2 24 51 . 4 0 20 0 45 86 1 6 52 . 3 4 21 9 0 21 87 1 45 53 • 4 36 22 9 0 48 88 7 0 54 . 2 48 23 m 0 36 89 3 36 55 1 45 24 0 40 90 # 1 12 56 . 3 0 25 0 45 91 # 1 42 57 . 7 0 26 0 37 92 1 36 58 3 12 27 0 36 93 1 36 59 2 36 28 . 0 36 94 # 1 48 60 . 4 0 29 9 1 0 95 9 1 42 61 # 1 56 30 0 48 96 1 42 62 9 3 10 31 0 55 97 9 1 42 63 . 2 6 32 1 0 98 1 54 64 3 12 33 1 8 99 m 1 18 65 3 12 34 9 0 46 2500 9 2 48 66 9 3 18 35 9 0 42 1 1 36 67 9 2 48 36 0 36 2 9 1 18 68 # 2 18 37 0 48 3 # 1 6 69 . 2 18 38 0 42 4 1 25 70 1 50 39 0 48 5 # 1 42 71 1 48 40 0 42 6 # 1 42 72 # 3 36 41 m 1 0 7 # 1 36 73 9 1 45 42 1 6 8 2 24 74 1 54 43 9 0 50 9 2 24 75 1 42 44 9 1 6 10 9 2 12 76 . 1 36 45 0 46 11 1 48 77 2 12 46 . 0 54 12 5 0 78 . 2 0 47 1 15 13 8 0 79 # 1 30 48 0 58 14 9 8 0 80 2 16 49 9 3 36 15 9 0 81 # 1 42 50 9 1 36 16 . 5 0 82 1 36 51 1 24 17 5 24 2610 15 0 52 1 24 18 12 0 11 15 48 53 1 12 19 3 36 12 10 0 54 . 0 56 20 . 4 0 13 8 0 55 1 24 21 2 36 14 15 0 56 1 0 22 3 36 15 9 18 0 57 1 18 23 9 3 0 16 12 0 58 9 1 30 24 9 3 40 17 9 8 0 59 . 1 0 25 3 12 18 . 4 48 60 1 54 26 3 12 19 . 12 0 61 1 36 27 # 6 0 20 11 0 62 1 36 28 6 0 21 9 15 0 63 . 1 30 29 1 54 22 7 0 64 1 42 30 1 45 23 18 0 65 1 48 31 1 24 2710 2 36 66 1 48 32 • 2 0 11 . 6 30 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Horn and wood cigar mouth-pieces :— No. fl. kr. •No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 2624 . 0 43 2715 0 48 2662 4 1 18 25 . 0 45 16 # 1 12 63 # 4 48 26 . 0 57 2641 2 0 64 9 2 54 27 . 0 36 42 9 2 24 65 9 1 24 28 . 1 3 43 9 1 48 66 9 1 18 29 . 1 12 44 9 1 48 67 9 1 24 30 . 0 48 45 . 2 30 68 0 54 31 . 0 24 46 1 48 69 9 1 6 32 . 0 58 47 3 12 70 9 0 48 33 . 0 42 48 1 12 71 # 0 54 34 . 1 0 49 4 0 72 1 4 35 . 0 18 50 1 48 73 4 48 36 . 0 15 51 # 2 48 74 1 0 37 . 0 40 52 3 36 75 1 6 38 . 0 42 53 4 0 76 1 6 39 . 0 16 54 # 4 0 77 . 1 12 40 . 0 16 55 9 4 0 78 # 1 12 2720 . 0 10 56 . 1 36 79 # 0 11 19 . 0 10 57 9 1 24 80 0 18 21 . 0 44 58 0 22 81 0 40 12 . 0 22 59 2 24 82 1 12 13 . 0 24 60 1 36 83 . 2 54 14 . 0 22 61 1 6 Wood tobacco-pipe tubes: — 2684 . 1 24 2741 1 36 84 # 2 30 85 . 3 6 42 # 3 0 85 # 2 54 854 2 12 43 # 72 0 2800 1 36 86 ! 3 24 44 10 0 1 3 36 87 . 2 12 45 2 15 2 1 36 88 . 1 52 46 # 3 15 3 # 3 12 89 . 1 3 47 4 0 4 9 3 36 90 . 4 0 48 1 18 5 . 1 36 91 . 8 48 49 4 0 6 1 48 92 . 6 0 50 1 42 7 9 4 0 93 . 3 36 51 # 1 12 9 1 12 94 . 9 0 52 1 12 10 1 36 95 . 4 24 53 9 3 6 11 9 1 36 96 . 5 48 54 9 1 40 12 2 30 97 . 12 0 55 # 1 40 13 9 2 30 98 . 4 12 56 1 10 14 9 1 36 99 . 2 30 57 . 1 42 15 # 2 36 2700 . 2 24 58 1 40 16 9 2 40 1 . 1 30 59 # 1 12 17 9 1 45 2 . 0 52 60 # 1 6 18 9 3 30 3 . 1 12 61 1 36 19 0 48 4 . 1 40 62 1 30 20 # 0 36 5 . 4 48 63 . 0 48 21 1 12 6 . 2 36 64 3 36 2 # 1 18 7 . 3 0 65 2 18 3 # 1 30 8 . 2 42 66 . 1 36 4 . 4 24 9 . 4 0 67 7 0 5 6 0 12 . 2 48 68 2 30 6 . 12 0 26 . 60 0 69 3 40 7 . 9 0 27 . 1 18 70 # 1 48 9 . 2 12 28 . 1 12 71 9 1 48 30 9 1 54 29 . 1 12 72 . *7 0 31 4 12 30 . 1 12 73 3 36 32 5 0 31 . 1 48 74 30 0 33 . 6 30 32 . 1 42 75 2 36 ^4 2 24 33 . 3 0 76 1 48 35 . 2 30 34 . 1 18 77 . 1 48 36 1 36 35 . 1 18 78 . 2 36 37 2 48 36 . 1 48 79 2 54 38 . 1 12 37 . 2 24 80 . 1 30 39 # 1 30 38 . 1 12 81 1 36 40 # 1 48 39 . 3 12 82 # 1 40 41 1 40 40 : 5 30 83 2 48 42 • 5 0 270 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER, No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. "Wood tobacco-pipe tubes:— No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 2843 . 2 12 2854 # 1 36 2865 . 2 30 44 . 1 50 55 1 48 66 . 7 12 45 . 1 51 56 m 1 24 67 . 3 30 .46 . 1 40 57 0 1 54 68 . 1 40 47 . 1 24 58 # 2 24 69 . 1 54 48 . 3 12 59 1 24 70 . 2 0 49 . 1 20 60 1 12 71 . 2 16 50 . 1 30 61 # 2 0 72 . 1 48 51 . 5 24 62 1 48 73 2 12 52 . 5 42 63 1 48 74 *. 1 42 53 . 1 36 64 1 24 Cigar mouth pieces. 2876 . 2 36 2897 1 12 2917 . 1 54 77 . 4 0 98 4 48 18 . 1 18 78 . 1 30 99 # 2 48 19 . 1 6 79 . 1 25 2900 1 48 20 . 1 6 80 . 2 48 1 1 6 21 . 1 42 81 . 2 48 2 0 22 22 . 0 42 82 . 1 52 3 1 25 23 . 0 32 83 . 1 6 4 0 32 24 . 0 38 84 . 1 32 5 . 2 24 25 . 2 18 85 . 3 14 6 2 0 26 . 2 24 86 . 2 12 7 # 7 0 27 . 1 24 87 . 1 36 8 1 6 28 . 2 0 88 . 1 30 9 0 48 29 . 1 40 89 . 1 12 10 9 3 20 30 . 2 6 90 . 1 6 11 # 2 42 31 . 9 36 91 . 1 28 12 11 0 32 . 1 18 92 . 1 27 13 2 36 33 . 1 10 93 . 0 52 14 m 1 4 34 . 1 54 94 . 0 39 15 1 54 35 . 1 40 95 . 0 33 16 m 1 30 36 . 1 48 96 . 1 54 Pipe mouth pieces: :— 2583 . 0 30 2795 0 24' 2344 . 3 18 84,85 0 27 96 ; 0 21 45 . 2 54 86,87 0 26 97 0 9 h 46 . 4 0 88-91 0 25 98 0 10 47 . 6 0 92,93 0 24 99 0 11 48 . 8 0 94 . 0 23 2793 0 32 49 . 4 30 95 . 0 24 94 0 36 50 . 4 48 96 . 0 21 2792 1 10 51 . 2 48 97 . 0 24 91 . 2 6 2337 . 2 24 98-602 0 21 90 . 2 0 2352 . 2 30 2603 . 0 24 2789 # 2 18 53 . 5 0 4608 . 0 21 88 2 6 54 . 8 0 9 . 0 16 2341 . 1 12 55 . 10 0 2786 . 1 42 42 1 48 56 . 18 0 87 . 1 24 43 . 2 24 57 . 36 0 Pipe tubes :— 2713 . 1 54 3319 . 2 30 2951 . 80 0 14 . 2 36 20 8 30 52 . 32 0 15 . 2 18 21 4 12 53 . 36 0 16 . 2 36 22 1 24 54, 55 32 0 17 . 2 24 2937 14 0 56 . 35 0 18 . 1 12 38 48 0 57 . 36 0 19 . 3 0 39 19 0 58 .300 0 20 . 2 48 40 . 11 0 59 .150 0 21 . . 2 30 41 . 15 0 60 .157 0 22 . 3 0 42 * 10 0 61 .250 0 23 . 3 18 44 5 39 62 .170 0 24 . 4 48 45 . 4 0 63 .160 0 25 . 5 12 46 6 0 64 .100 0 3314 . 2 24 47 36 0 65,67 60 0 15 . 1 36 48 82 0 69 . 9 0 16 . 1 42 49 34 0 70 . 9 0 18 . 1 40 50 • 155 0 71 . 10 30 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pipe tubes:— No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No fl. kr. 2972 14 0 3236 . 1 30 44,45 2 36 73 14 0 37 . 1 42 46 . 2 24 74 22 0 38 . 1 48 47 . 2 30 75 12 0 39 . 2 6 48 . 2 0 76 15 0 40 . 2 18 49 . 2 18 77 17 0 41 . 2 18 50,51 1 42 78 21 0 42 . 2 18 52 . 1 48 79 . 36 0 43 . 2 30 53 . 1 42 Cigar mouth pieces. , per piece 3254 5 0 3274 . 20 0 3297 . 4 30 55 4 30 75 . 16 0 98 . 5 0 56 # 4 0 76 . 20 0 99 . 3 50 57,58 5 0 78 . 15 0 3300, 1 4 0 59 6 0 79 . 12 0 2 . 7 0 60 10 0 80 . 10 0 3 . 9 0 61 4 0 81 . 12 0 5 . 3 50 62 6 0 82 . 8 0 6 . 10 0 63 7 0 83 . 7 0 7 . 14 0 64 # 8 0 84 . 15 0 8,9 15 0 65 7 0 85 . 9 0 10 . 14 0 66 8 0 86 . 6 0 1 . 5 0 67 # 6 0 87 . 10 0 2 . 4 30 68 0 5 30 88 . 6 0 3 . 12 0 69 0 8 0 89 . 7 30 A .500 0 70 9 9 0 91 . 5 30 b . 80 0 71 m 12 0 92 . 6 0 c . 40 0 72 # 10 0 93, 94 8 0 o CO A 0 73 18 0 95, 96 7 0 679. LUDWIG, FRANZ, Vienna, Mann.—57. III. D. Sticks 3101 2 36 3113 l 4 24 3125 . 3 0 2 ; 3 36 14 4 0 26 . 4 0 3 . 3 0 15 3 36 27 . 4 24 4 . 3 12 16 5 30 28 . 3 36 5 . 3 12 17 3 12 29,30 4 0 6 . 2 48 18 4 24 31 . 4 48 7 . 3 12 19 9 5 30 32 . 4 24 8 . 4 24 20 5 0 33 . 3 12 9 . 4 0 21 4 0 34 . 4 0 10 . 3 0 22 3 12 35 . 4 48 11 . 3 12 23 5 30 36 . 4 0 12 . 4 0 24 • 3 12 37 . 3 36 Switch canes :• 3191 . 12 0 92 . 12 0 93 . 12 0 94 . 24 0 Pipesticks •— 3138 . 3 42 39 . 6 0 40 . 5 30 41 . 6 0 Spanish canes:— 3203 . 14 0 4 . 10 0 5 . 12 0 6 . 18 0 3195 . 12 0 96 . 14 0 97 . 36 0 98 . 14 0 3142 . 2 48 43 . 19 0 44 . 18 0 45 . 22 0 3207 . 19 0 8 . 20 0 9 . 18 0 10 . 22 0 3199 . 30 0 3200 . 12 0 1 . 14 0 2 . 12 0 3146 . 10 0 47 . 6 0 48 . 2 48 49 . 6 0 3211 . 10 0 12 . 15 0 13 . 9 0 14 . 24 0 Switch canes with ivory handles, per piece:— 3215 . 8 0 3219 . 7 0 3222 . 6 0 16 . 12 0 20 . 10 0 23 . 7 0 17 . 9 0 21 . 5 0 24 . 5 30 18 . 7 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 271 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Spanish canes with carved ivory handles, per piece : — No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 3225 # 5 0 3229 10 0 3232 . 9 0 26 6 0 30 9 0 33 . 7 0 27 6 0 31 9 10 0 34 . 8 0 28 • 12 0 Canes 3150 # 2 0 3160 3 0 3170 . 4 24 51 3 36 61 4 24 71 . 3 36 52 # 4 0 62 9 2 12 72 . 4 24 53 3 36 63 9 4 0 73 . 4 0 54 3 12 64 # 4 0 74 . 2 24 55 3 0 65 4 0 75 . 4 0 56 3 36 66 9 5 0 76 . 2 48 57 4 0 67 # 4 24 77 . 4 12 58 # 4 48 68 4 0 59 • 2 48 69 • 4 24 Canes, lacquered:— 3178 . 8 0 3183 . 10 0 3187 . 8 0 79 . 10 0 84 . 8 0 88 . 10 0 80 . 10 0 85 . 8 0 89 . 12 0 81 . 8 0 86 . 10 0 90 . 6 0 82 . 9 0 680 . NAGL, LEOPOLD, Vienna, Manu.—62. III. D. Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces:— 3867 . 28 0 3871 . 15 0 3874 . 10 0 68 . 22 0 72 . 10 0 75 . 8 0 69 . 13 0 73 . 9 0 76 . 9 0 70 . 20 0 Meerschaum pipe:— 3877 130 0 Ebony travelling smoking stick:— 3879 30 0 Pipe tubes, amber mouth-pieces, mounted:- 3416 . 50 0 3419 . 12 0 3421 . 50 0 17 . 40 0 20 . 80 0 22 . 30 0 18 . 80 0 Hookah pipe 3423 120 0 Pipe tubes of agriot cherry and other woods, amber mouth-pieces:— 3400 . 14 0 3406 # 72 0 3411 . 24 0 1 . 13 0 7 # 72 0 12 . 80 0 2 . 40 0 8 80 0 13 . 16 0 3 . 20 0 9 # 68 0 14 . 6 0 4 . 4 36 10 9 22 0 15 . 18 0 5 . 48 0 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces 3424 30 0 3438 40 0 1 3451 . 24 0 25 16 0 39 40 0 52 . 22 0 26 15 0 40 . 24 0 53 . 30 0 27 12 0 41 22 0 54 . 12 0 28 # 8 0 42 # 20 0 55 . 12 0 29 # 6 24 43 # 26 0 56 . 13 0 30 # 5 0 44 60 0 57 . 18 0 31 16 0 45 36 0 58 . 48 0 32 14 0 46 . 23 0 59 . 42 .0 33 11 0 47 # 24 0 60 . 54 0 34 # 10 0 48 21 0 61 . 50 0 35 # 7 0 49 # 30 0 62 . 24 0 36 5 30 50 26 0 63 . 28 0 37 • 24 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Horn pipe mouth-pieces No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 3464 0 28 3490 0 36 3512 • 3 0 65 0 24 91 0 20 13 . 3 0 66 0 23 92 0 36 14 # 0 24 67 0 28 93 0 28 15 0 28 68 0 28 94 0 20 16 0 26 69-73 0 24 95 0 22 17 0 26 74 # 0 28 96 9 0 20 18 0 24 75 0 24 97 9 0 22 19 # 0 24 76 5 0 98 0 20 20 * 0 26 77 0 45 99 0 20 21 0 24 78 . 0 34 3500 0 16 22 0 24 79 . 0 36 1 6 0 23 0 22 80 0 36 2 # 0 32 24 0 22 81 0 45 3 0 24 25 0 20 82 1 12 4 # 0 36 26 . 0 14 83 4 0 5 0 30 3331 0 12 84 0 43 6 . 0 36 32 # 0 3 85-87 2 0 ' 7 0 40 33 0 14 88 4 0 8- 10 0 48 34 0 16 89 . 0 40 11 . 1 0 35 • 0 13 Pipe tubes of wood 3526 . 2 12 3534 2 6 3542 # 1 6 27 # 2 6 35 2 12 43 1 6 28 9 2 6 36 2 24 44 # 1 12 29 9 3 12 37 9 1 12 45 # 2 30 30 9 2 43 38 # 1 48 46 1 24 31 2 0 39 1 12 47 4 0 32 9 1 12 40 1 40 48 1 12 33 1 30 41 1 40 49 • 1 6 Horn and wood cigar mouth' -pieces 3550 9 6 0 3560 9 2 0 3570 2 43 51 9 2 48 61 9 2 24 71 # 2 48 52 9 2 24 62 9 2 12 72 # 6 24 53 9 12 0 63 9 7 0 73 # 2 0 54 9 2 0 64 2 30 74 # 2 24 55 9 3 0 65 6 36 75 9 0 56 . 2 43 66 8 0 76 * 5 0 57 9 2 12 67 6 24 77 # 10 0 58 9 2 0 68 3 12 78 # 2 24 59 . 2 24 69 • 4 36 79 • 3 36 Pipes of i superior quality, amber mouth- pieces :— 3580 9 70 0 3584 16 0 3588 # 60 0 81 9 15 0 85 15 0 89 # 30 0 82 9 60 0 86 80 0 90 30 0 83 . 60 0 87 . 65 0 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces :■ 3591 48 0 3609 15 0 3626 12 0 92 9 5 30 10 22 0 27 20 0 93 9 7 48 11 28 0 28 * 22 0 94 # 9 0 12 40 0 29 1 4S 95 9 13 0 13 30 0 30 2 48 96 14 0 14 28 0 31 * 3 0 97 20 0 15 24 0 32 4 0 98 . 26 0 16 15 0 33 2 40 99 32 0 17 14 0 34 4 20 3600 23 0 18 . 18 0 35 # 4 48 1 27 0 19 11 0 36 6 0 2 9 24 0 20 11 0 37 6 30 3 9 19 0 21 . 6 30 38 4 20 4 12 0 22 9 5 30 39 4 0 5 9 10 0 23 5 12 40 # 3 40 6 7 0 24 # 6 30 41 15 0 7 9 12 0 25 7 30 42 # 15 0 8 12 0 272 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. ----- ~No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Flat and elastic pipe tubes :— No. fl. k. No. fl. kr. No. fl. kr. 3643 . 1 0 3653 . 1 10 3663 . 1 43 1 44 . 0 54 54 . 1 10 64 . 2 0 lj 45 * 0 56 55 . 1 24 65 . 1 56 46 a 1 0 56 . 1 13 66 . 4 30 47 . 0 56 57 . 1 13 67 . 2 8 . 48 . 1 0 58 . 1 48 68 . 2 2 49 . 1 4 59 . 1 48 69 . 2 2 50 . 0 58 60 . 1 42 70 . 5 16 it 51 . 1 6 61 . 1 52 71 . 2 10 52 . 1 12 62 . 1 43 72 . 5 10 3673 . 5 0 3681 . 10 0 3689 . 5 30 1 74 . 4 0 82 . 3 48 . 90 . 3 30 75 . 3 30 83 . 3 24 91 . 6 30 ' ! 76 . 3 0 84 . 3 0 92 . 2 48 77 . 4 0 85 . 4 0 93 . 1 30 1 78 . 6 0 86 . 6 0 94 . 2 0 79 . 8 30 87 . 2 36 95 . 1 48 80 . 5 30 88 . 6 0 96 . I 54 Pipe tubes — 3697 . 4 0 3705 . 4 0 3713 . 5 30 98 . 4 30 6 . 3 0 14 . 6 0 99 . 2 36 7 . 5 30 15 . 7 0 3700 . 4 20 8 . 10 0 16 . 7 30 1 . 5 0 9 . 3 30 17 . 3 48 ' 2 . 5 0 10 . 5 30 18 . 19 0 II 1 I 3 . 4 30 11 . 4 30 19 . 4 30 4 . 4 30 12 . 10 0 20 . 24 0 1 Wood and horn cigar mouth-pieces 3721 . 18 0 3731 . 2 12 3741 . 2 6 22 . 16 0 32 . 0 42 42 . 9 0 23 . 18 0 33 . 0 40 43 . 9 0 24 . 0 40 34 . 0 36 44 . 2 24 |ii 25 . 1 30 35 . 3 0 45 . 4 0 26 . 1 12 36 . 1 24 46 . 2 36 11 ; 27 . 0 48 37 . 1 24 47 . 9 0 if 28 . 0 48 38 . 1 24 48 . 2 24 29 . 2 36 39 . 0 50 49 . 2 12 1 30 . 1 24 40 . 1 36 50 . 9 0 | ill Pipe tubes:— B 3751 . 4 0 3779 . 1 12 3807 . 1 10 !' 52 . 5 0 80 . 1 24 8 . 1 12 53 . 7 0 81 . 1 8 9 . 2 24 54 . 7 12 82 . 1 0 10 . 0 48 55 . 8 0 83 . 0 36 11 . 1 48 56 . 7 0 84 . 0 48 12 . 1 24 I 57 . 6 0 85 . 2 48 13 . 1 36 58 . 6 0 86 . 3 0 14 . 1 48 )| 59 . 10 0 87 . 2 24 15 . 1 48 60 . 3 12 88 . 2 12 16 . 3 0 61 . 12 30 89 . 2 36 17 . 1 48 j. 62 . 9 12 90 . 2 0 18 . 1 48 | 63 . 6 0 91 . 2 0 19 . 1 36 64 . 5 0 92 . 1 24 20 . 1 40 65 . 5 0 93 . 2 12 21 . 1 48 66 . 4 0 ' 94 . 2 24 22 . 2 0 67 . 3 0 95 . 1 18 23 . 2 24 68 . 3 0 96 . 3 0 24 . 2 24 69 . 3 0 97 . 1 30 25 . 2 48 11 70 . 2 36 98 . 2 18 26 . 2 48 1 71 . 2 36 99 . 1 48 27 . 3 0 : 72 . 2 36 3800 . 1 40 28 . 3 0 73 . 1 48 1 . 2 0 29 . 2 48 74 . 2 24 2 . 1 48 30 . 4 0 II 75 . 2 18 3 . 1 18 31 . 3 12 | i 76 . 2 0 4 . 1 40 32 . 3 12 | 77 . 1 24 5 . 1 12 33 . 2 12 il 78 . 1 20 6 . 1 36 34 . 3 0 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Pipe tubes:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 3835 . 4 0 3846 . 1 48 3857 . 5 0 36 . 4 0 47 . 1 48 58 . 6 0 37 . 4 0 48 . 0 30 59 . 18 0 38 . 3 48 49 . 0 18 60 . 9 0 39 . 3 36 50 . 0 18 61 . 96 0 40 . 2 12 51 . 0 18 62 . 13 0 41 . 2 12 52 . 0 18 63 . 4 48 42 . 2 6 53 . 0 18 64 r 4 0 43 . 2 12 54 . 0 15 65 . 6 0 44 . 2 6 55 . 6 0 66 . 8 36 45 . 2 0 56 . 4 0 681, PFEIFFER, L., Vienna, Manuf.—52. III. b. Pipe tubes, per dozen. 5700 . 4 15 5723 . 2 30 5749 . 3 45 1 . 3 30 24 . 3 30 50—51 3 0 2 . 4 30 25—27 4 0 52 . 4 0 3 . 4 0 28 . 3 45 53—56 3 0 4 . 4 15 29 . 2 45 57 . 5 30 5 . 3 15 30 . 3 0 58 . 3 0 6 . 5 30 31—33 3 15 59 . 3 15 7 . 3 30 34 . 2 45 60 . 3 0 8 . 4 30 35 . 4 45 61—69 2 15 9 . 5 15 36 . 3 0 70 . 2 0 10 . 4 30 37—38 3 30 71—74 2 15 11 . 5 0 39 . 3 20 75 . 18 0 12 . 4 30 40—41 5 15 76 . 19 0 13 . 4 15 42 . 5 30 77 . 18 0 14 . 5 30 43 . 5 15 78—79 23 0 15 . 3 30 44 . 5 30 80 . 14 30 16 . 4 0 45 . 4 0 81—82 9 30 17, 18 3 30 46 . 4 45 83 . 1 30 19- -21 2 30 47 . 3 0 84 . 1 45 22 . 3 30 48 . 4 45 682. PFREGNER, FRANZ ANTON, Vienna, Manuf.—55. III. d. Cigar holders. 3901 . 0 21 3939 . 1 6 3978 . 7 0 2 . 0 25 40 .10 79 . 2 48 3- -4 0 30 41 . 1 6 80 . 2 18 5 . 0 36 42 . 2 0 81 . 0 54 6- -8 0 45 43 . 1 6 82 . 1 30 9 . 0 50 44 . 0 48 83 . 1 9 10 . 1 15 45 . 1 0 84 . 1 42 11 . 0 52 46 . 0 56 85, 86 5 48 12 14 0 54 47 . 1 9 87 . 1 30 15 . 1 0 48 . 1 18 88 . 5 42 16 . 0 56 49, 50 1 12 ' 89 . 1 18 17 . 2 40 51 . 1 24 90 . 1 54 18 . 2 30 52 . 1 40 91, 92 6 24 19, 20 2 0 53, 54 1 42 93 . 4 12 21 . 1 18 55 . 5 0 94 . 6 24 22 . 2 20 56 . 1 48 95 . 5 36 23 . 1 15 57, 58 0 52 96 . 2 40 24 . 1 9 59 . 1 30 97 . 1 48 25 . 1 6 60, 61 0 48 98 . 1 36 26, 27 1 0 62 . 1 36 99 . 1 48 28 . 1 24 63—66 1 12 4000 . 3 30 29 . 0 58 67 . 1 6 1 . 1 12 30 . 1 36 68 . 1 12 2 . 0 54 31 . 1 33 69 . 1 6 3 . 0 45 32 . 1 0 70, 71 1 12 4 . 0 42 33 . 2 0 72 . 1 6 5 . 0 30 34 . 1 6 73 . 1 24 6 . 0 48 35 . 1 42 74 . 1 12 7 . 0 44 36 . 0 54 75 . 1 24 8, 9 0 11 37 . 2 12 76 . 7 21 10 . 0 57 38 . 1 15 77 . 2 18 11 . 3 6 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS, 273 Ko* Name & Address of Exhibitor- —Description of Article. Price. JJo. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Ciear holders. Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth pieces, per doz. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 4012, 13 1 12 4061, 62 3 0 4108 . 2 24 4268 . 24 0 4300 . 22 0 4335 . 60 0 14 1 6 63 2 48 9 . 2 30 69 . 18 0 1 . 13 0 36,37 36 0 15 1 12 64 0 54 10 . 1 24 70 . 12 0 2 . 20 0 38 . 48 0 16 1 6 65 0 57 11 . 1 42 71 . 10 0 3,4. 27 0 39 . 9 0 17 1 12 66 1 0 12 . 2 15 72 . 7 0 5 . 24 0 40 . 12 0 18 2 48 67 0 54 13 . 1 39 73 . 5 30 6 . 36 0 41 . 6 30 19. 20 1 36 68—70 1 30 14 . 1 27 74 . 4 30 7 . 30 0 42 . 6 0 21 1 18 71 0 39 15 . 1 39 75 . 3 30 8 . 20 0 43 . 6 30 22- 24 0 40 72 0 48 16 . 2 0 76 . 2 36 9 . 16 48 44 . 10 30 25 0 45 73 0 50 17 . 2 18 77 . 1 40 10 . 20 0 45 . 12 0 26 1 12 74 3 30 18 . 2 24 78 . 1 15 11 . 9 0 46 . 10 0 27 1 18 75 5 0 19—21 2 0 79 . 3 30 12 . 14 0 47 . 9 0 28 0 36 76 1 24 22 . 2 12 80 . 4 48 13,14 42 0 48 . 6 30 29 1 16 77 1 12 23 . 4 12 81 . 10 0 15 . 32 0 49 . 7 30 30, 31 1 18 78 1 30 24 . 6 0 82 . 6 0 16 . 30 0 50 . 9 0 32 0 36 79 1 54 25 . 4 0 83 . 5 0 17 . 40 0 51 . 5 0 33 3 0 80 1 30 26 . 5 24 84 . 4 0 18,19 28 0 52 . 6 0 34 3 36 81, 82 1 24 27 . 5 0 85 . 5 15 20 . 27 0 53 . 5 30 35 0 40 83 1 30 28 . 1 30 86 . 5 30 21 . 20 0 54 . 10 0 36 0 45 84 2 48 29 . 3 48 87 . 4 48 22 . 24 0 55 . 5 30 37 1 12 85 2 36 30 . 3 24 88 . 6 30 23,24 20 0 56 . 4 48 38 1 6 86, 87 2 24 31 . 3 0 89 . 8 0 25 . 10 0 57,58 5 36 39 1 0 88 3 30 32, 33 2 30 90 . 8 0 26 . 16 0 59 . 6 0 40 1 12 89 1 24 34, 35 2 18 91 . 9 0 27 . 8 0 60 . 4 30 41 0 40 90 3 30 36 . 2 30 92 . 7 0 28 . 12 0 61 . 5 0 42 1 6 91 5 0 37 . 2 18 93 . 8 24 29 . 14 0 62,63 6 0 43, 44 1 12 92 4 48 38 . 2 30 94 . 9 0 30 . 18 0 64 . 14 0 45 2 30 93 4 0 39 . 2 18 95,96 11 0 31 . 22 0 65 . 5 30 46 1 18 94 9 0 40 . 3 42 97 . 14 0 32 . 46 0 66 . 5 0 47 1 6 95 4 48 41 . 4 24 98 . 12 0 33 . 27 0 67 . 6 0 48 # 1 30 96 4 0 42 . 5 12 99 . 14 24 34 . 20 0 | 68 . 5 0 49 1 12 97 9 0 43 . 9 0 50 . 1 24 98 . 6 0 44 . 1 30 684. SCHWARZ, JACOB, Vienna.—68. III. d. 51 # 4 12 99 # 7 0 45 . 6 0 52 1 36 4100 5 0 46 . 7 0 Mother-of-pearl. 53 3 45 1 1 0 47 . 8 0 1 17 Needle-cases 8 34 54 # 1 40 2 2 48 48, 49 4 0 18 Memorandum-book . * t 1 0 55 1 24 3 1 18 50 . 3 0 19 Needle-cases 2 0 56 57 • 0 56 1 36 4 5 * 1 15 1 30 51, 52 53 . 2 12 4 0 52 56 } counter-boxes . . . 7 52 58 • 0 36 6 . 2 0 54 . 2 0 25, 29, 31, 48, 61 Toothpick :cases . • • • 2 12 59 . 1 18 7 1 42 55, 56 0 54 32, 33, 34 Stamps . 2 24 60 1 36 26, 27 Glove buttoners 0 8 I 28. 37 Piercers 0 16 683. SIEVERT, EDUARD, , Vienna, Manu.—63. 30, 35, 41, 44 Knives . . . . . 2 48 111. n. 36, 38, 43 Tambour needle-case . • • • 1 4 Meerschaum and amber cigar mouth-pieces. 39 Compasses 1 36 I per dozen. 40 Cutters 0 32 4201 . 15 0 4222 4 0 4243 . 45 0 42 Penholder 1 36 h 2 # 16 0 23 3 30 44—46 36 0 45 Rule . . 2 24 3 # 18 0 24 # 3 0 47 . 30 0 46 Card-case 2 0 4 18 0 25 2 36 48 . 24 0 47 Juiube-box 4 0 5 20 0 26 2 20 49 . 20 0 49, 50 Folding sticks . 4 0 6 24 0 27 2 0 50 . 18 0 51 Mouth-mirror 0 24 7 24 0 28 # 4 0 51 . 15 0 57 Ruler . 0 36 8 30 0 29 5 0 52 . 12 0 58 Tongue-scraper . 0 48 9 36 0 30 6 0 53 . 10 0 59 Medallion 0 12 10 45 0 31 7 30 54 . 9 0 60 Thimble . 0 16 11 # 66 0 32 8 24 55 . 8 0 62, 63 Pocket-combs 64 Shaving-brush 1 12 12 # 78 0 33 10 0 56,57 5 0 0 48 13 # 12 0 34 12 0 58 . 6 0 65 Tooth-brush 0 48 14 10 0 35 15 0 59,60 15 0 66 , 67, 68 Thread-waxer • 0 26 15 9 0 36 18 0 61 . 20 0 69, 70 Ell-measures 1 4 16 8 0 37 20 0 62 . 10 0 71 Knitting-needle case 0 24 17 7 30 38 24 0 63 . 24 0 74 Thread-winder . 0 8 18 7 30 39 30 0 64 . 16 0 73 Memorandum-book . 10 0 19 6 0 40 36 0 65 . 18 0 75, 76, 77, 78 Pincushion 6 42 20 5 0 41 48 0 66 . 24 0 79, 80, 81 Flagons . 6 48 21 • 4 30 42 • 60 0 67 . 36 0 82, 83, 84, 85 Inkstands 14 24 274 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. fl. lcr. 88 Drawers.5 u 87—96 Watch-stands.81 36 Light-screen . .. 685. TAUTZ, ADALBERT, Vienna, Manu¬ el. III. n. 4501 Sticks with hone handle per doz. 2 Ditto carved . . ,, 3, 4 Ditto „ . . ,, 5 Ditto „ . . ,, 6 Canes „ „ . . ,, 7 Switch canes, with staghorn handle ,, 8 Ditto buffalo horn and ivory 60 0 handle . . . . 10 0 4509 Ditto # , . horn handle 9 0 10, 11 Ditto ditto 10A.&12 0 12 Whalebone, ivory handle . . 15 0 13 Stick, with ivory . . 11 0 14 Ditto bone, carved . . 6 0 15, 16 Ditto ivory ,, . . 11 0 17 Whalebone, ditto . . 15 0 18, 19 Sticks ditto 12 fl. & 18 0 20 Whalebone ditto . . 17 0 21, 22 ditto . . 14 0 23 Switch cane ditto . . . 14 0 24 Whalebone ditto . . 60 0 25, 26 Ditto ditto # 48 fl. & 54 0 27, 28 Stick ditto 36 fl. & 20 0 29 Switch cane ditto . . 28 0 30, 31 Ditto ditto 8fl. & 28 0 32, 34 Ditto ditto # . . 10 0 33, 35 Ditto ditto . 11A.&18 0 36 Cane, cast iron handle . . 19 0 37 Switch cane ditto . . 4 0 38, 39 Ditto plated ,, 24 fl. & 15 0 vitch canes:— per doz. Plated handles. 48 . . 24 0 4540 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . . per doz. . 22 0 Ivory handles. 47 . . . .30 60 Stick carved in ivory Switch Canes, Ivory Handles 24 30 36 36 25 25 46 24 36 30 72 240 4561 . 66 0 4568 . 120 0 4575 . 96 0 62 . 72 0 69 . 96 0 76 . 78 0 63 . 64 0 70 . 84 0 77 . 120 0 64 . 96 0 71 . 216 0 78 . 120 0 65 . 62 0 72 . 480 0 79 . 48 0 66 . 144 0 73 . 216 0 80 . 78 0 67 . 96 0 ■ 74 . 120 0 81 . 78 0 4582—84 Canes, ivory handles . . 216fl., 78 &42fl. 85 Switch cane.96 0 86—87 Canes.96 0 88 48 0 89—91 Switch cane .... 120fl., 24 and 35fl. Janes, ivory handles :— 4592 . 120 0 4598 . 96 0 4604 . 120 0 S3 . 108 0 99 . 120 0 5 . 108 0 94 . 96 0 4600 . 14 0 6 . 96 0 95 . 48 0 1 . 10S 0 7 . 216 0 96 . 108 0 2 . 96 0 8 . 240 0 ' 97 . 120 0 3 . 84 0 Ho. Name & Ad dress of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 4609 Whalebone, gilt silver 10 11 Ditto Switch canes:— 4612 . 96 0 13 . 18 0 14 . 120 0 Ditto ditto fl. ki. 120 0 38 0 24 0 4615 16 17 4618 19 20 30 60 686. WOJTECH, JOSEF, Vienna, Manu.—50. III. Pipe Sticks, per doz. 151 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 158—9 160 . 1 .. 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 48 2 36 3 30 2 12 2 12 4 0 1 42 1 36 2 30 2 12 1 36 1 48 2 24 165 6 7 8 9 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cigar Mouth-pieces:— 4851 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 5 0 Pipe Bowls 4885 . S 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 4900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 24 5 24 0 0 24 48 48 24 48 12 2 48 24 24 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 4863 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 4914 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 12 178 1 24 2 0 9 . 0 30 4 0 180— 83 1 36 2 12 4 # 1 12 2 24 5 # 1 24 2 18 6 1 48 1 12 7 0 30 2 48 8 # 1 48 3 48 189—190 1 12 2 12 191—194 1 36 1 36 195 # 0 30 2 24 1 48 aa, j Manu.—65. III . D. 7 0 4875 . 16 34 7 0 76 . 16 34 7 0 77 . 11 0 7 0 78 11 0 7 0 79 # 5 30 7 0 80 . 5 30 9 12 81 5 30 9 12 82 3 12 9 12 83 2 36 9 12 84 . 1 48 9 12 9 12 12 0 4943 33 36 12 0 44 38 24 12 0 45 # 48 0 48 0 46 28 48 48 0 47 48 0 48 0 48 # 48 0 48 0 49 . 48 0 48 0 50 48 0 24 0 51 48 0 38 24 52 48 0 24 0 53 . 48 0 28 48 54 54 0 28 48 55 54 0 24 0 56 . 38 24 28 48 57 48 0 24 0 58 . 48 0 24 0 59 54 0 24 0 60 . 54 0 33 36 61 48 0 24 0 62 48 0 24 0 63 . 48 0 28 48 64 48 0 33 36 65 48 0 28 48 66 . 48 0 24 0 67 48 0 28 48 68 . 48 0 28 48 69 48 0 33 36 70 48 0 33 36 71 • 6 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 275 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. No. fl. kr. Pipe No. Bowls. fl. kr. | No. fl. kr. 4972 . 5 0 4983 9 15 0 4994 . 16 0 73 . 5 0 84 9 12 0 95 . 16 0 74 . 5 0 85 m 18 0 96 . 10 0 75 . 6 0 86 9 25 0 97 . 15 0 76 . 8 0 87 9 25 0 98 . 4 0 77 . 10 0 88 9 15 0 99 . 4 0 78' . 12 0 89 9 12 0 5000 . 3 0 79 . 10 0 90 9 5 0 1 . 2 0 80 . 4 0 91 5 0 2 . 3 0 81 . 12 0 92 9 15 0 3 . 2 0 82 . 15 o 1 93 • 5 0 088. PETSCHACHER, ALEXANDER, Vienna, Manu.—51. III. d. Samples of elastic pipe tubes (for Hookahs) 10 0 Waterproof elastic tube, covered in red leather, No. 5.3 50 Do. do. No. 6.4 10 Do. do. No. 6, in yellow leather .... 4 10 Cooling-glass, mounted in black ... 4 30 Red leather tube.3 40 Hookah cooler, mounted with box, and yellow leather tube.9 10 638a. EHRLICH, GEORG, Kaisd, Hermannstadt, Transylvania.—16. HI. b. 8. Pipe carved in wood.10 0 689. BEGSTEIGER, MICHAEL, Stadt Steyer, Manu.—46. III. d. 1. Rules . ..per doz. 0 52f 2. Do. „ 0 52} 3. Folding do. ,, 1 16} 4. Do. „ 1 16} 690. BUCHBERGER, FRANZ, Stadt Steyer, Manu.—45. III. i>. 1. Rule, figured.0 15 2. Do. unfigured.0 14 3. Carpenter’s rule.0 12 4. Rule on the decimal standard .... 014 691. TOBER, JOHANN, Prague, Manu.—44. III. d. Rule, 6 inches.0 6 Do. 1 foot.0 15 Do. 2 feet.0 30 Do. 3 feet.0 40 692. TIFFE, ADOLF, Vienna.—71. III. n. Umbrella and parasol sticks.—per doz. 5901 24fl. 5917 , 9 24fl. 5933 5fl. 2 21 18 . . 8 34 . . 8 3 * 24 19 . , 8 35 12 4 9 24 20 8 36 12 5 90 21 , , 8 37 12 6 20 22 8 38 12 7 9 90 23 . , 36 39 . . 12 8 4 24 36 40 # . 12 9 5 25 , , 36 41 , . 12 10 m 5 26 . , 12 42 12 11 9 5 27 12 43 6 12 9 5 28 18 44 . # 6 13 9 5 29 , # 12 45 6 14 5 30 12 46 6 15 9 4 31 , , 12 47 • . 6 16 . 24 32 • • 12 48 • • 6 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 692a. WEISS, JOSEF, Vienna, Manu. — 70. a. III. n. Umbrella and Parasol bone handles, per dozen. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 4701 . 9 0 4708 . 2 50 4715 # 8 0 2 . 9 0 9 . 3 30 16 9 8 0 3 . 9 0 10 . 5 0 17 8 0 4 . 9 0 11 . 6 0 18 9 9 0 5 . 8 0 12 . 8 0 19 9 10 0 6 . 8 0 13 . 8 0 20 10 0 7 . 2 40 Horn hand 14 les for . 8 0 ditto, per c 21 lozen. * 12 0 4722 .60i 4725 . 7 0 4727 9 8 0 23 24 . 5 30 . 6 0 | 26 . 5 0 28 • 8 0 Umbrella and parasol sticks. 4729 , . 3 30 4737 . 10 0 4744 . 6 0 30 , . 3 40 38 . 2 40 45 . 6 0 31 , . 5 0 39 . 2 40 46 . 8 0 32 , . 5 0 40 . 3 0 47 . 10 0 33 , . 5 0 41 . 3 0 48 . 10 0 34 . , 6 0 42 . 2 40 49 . 10 0 35 . . 6 0 43 . 5 0 50 . 6 0 36 . , 6 0 693. ZANDRA, JOSEF, Vienna.—70. III. i>. Umbrella and Parasol Sticks. 10001 1 30 10039 3 45 10076 # 5 0 2 2 30 40 4 15 77 # 5 0 3 3 15 41 4 30 78 9 0 48 4 3 15 42 9 4 30 79 9 1 0 5 4 30 43 4 30 80 9 1 30 6 . 4 30 44 4 30 81 . 2 15 7 4 30 45 4 30 82 9 2 15 8 4 30 46 9 4 0 83 9 2 15 9 6 0 47 4 30 84 9 2 15 10 6 0 48 . 4 30 85 2 45 11 6 0 49 5 30 86 2 45 12 6 0 50 9 5 30 87 2 45 13 6 0 51 5 30 88 # 2 45 14 6 0 52 5 30 89 5 0 15 * 6 0 53 6 0 90 5 0 16 3 30 54 # 5 30 91 5 0 17 # 3 30 55 8 0 92 # 5 0 18 6 30 56 8 0 93 5 0 19 6 30 57 8 0 94 9 5 0 20 7 0 58 • 8 0 95 9 5 0 21 1 30 59 8 0 96 5 30 22 2 30 60 2 15 97 5 30 23 2 30 61 2 45 98 9 5 30 24 3 15 62 # 3 30 99 5 30 25 3 30 63 2 45 100 8 0 26 4 15 64 2 45 10101 9 9 0 27 4 15 65 4 30 2 9 0 28 # 4 30 66 # 1 45 3 9 0 29 . 4 30 67 1 45 4 5 30 30 5 0 68 . 2 0 5 5 30 31 5 0 69 . 2 30 6 # 5 30 32 # 5 0 70 2 30 7 . 5 30 33 5 0 71 # 3 0 8 8 30 34 2 30 72 3 30 9 . 8 30 35 # 2 30 73 3 0 10 . 8 30 36 # 3 15 74 4 0 11 8 30 37 3 15 75 4 0 12 9 6 0 38 • 3 15 Y 276 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor Description of Article. Price. 694. HERDH, J. B., Vienna.—84. III. d. Umbrellas and parasols.—per doz. 11 . . 18fl. 43 . . 5711. 66 . . 34fl. 14 . . 33 44 . . 57 67 . . 42 17 . . 66 45 . . 60 68 . . 38 23 . . 16 46 . . 63 72 . . 66 24 . . 19 48 . . 66 73 . . 69 25 . . 25 49 . . 81 76 . . 75 26 . . 27 50 . . 81 78 . . 80 28 . . 42 52 . . 90 81 . . 80 29 . . 96 54 . . 117 83 . . 96 30 . . 84 55 . . 87 86 . . 108 31 . . 25 56 . . 96 90 . . 120 32 . . 33 57 . . 96 93 . . 96 35 . . 45 58 . . 96 94 . . 104 37 . . 51 59 . . 108 96 . . 108 39 . . 39 60 . . 132 99 . . 156 41 . . 39 62 . . 144 42 . . 45 63 . . 78 695. RADEMACHER, CRISTIAN, Vienna.—78. III. d. Silk parasols, per dozen. 801 . . 9fl. 815 . . 150ff. 829 . . 72fl. 2 . . 13 16 . . 66 30 . . 75 3 . . 28 17 . . 60 31 . . 72 4 . . 34 18 . . 75 32 . . 84 5 . . 32 19 . . 63 33 . . 102 6 . . 40 20 . . 84 34 . . 192 7 . . 36 21 . . 75 35 . . 69 8 . . 24 22 . . 240 36 . . 57 9 . . 45 23 . . 36 37 . . 60 10 . . 48 24 . . 96 38 . . 62 11 . . 54 25 . . 66 39 . . 72 12 . . 54 26 . . 60 40 . . 108 13 . . 78 27 . . 180 14 . . 60 28 . . 72 696. RITTER, NORBERT, Vienna.—81. III. ». Per dozen. Tortoiseshell chignon combs. fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. 1 . 148 12 1 3 . 120 0 1 5 . 123 2 . 122 0 | 4 . 132 o 1 6 . 118 Horn chignon combs:— 7 . 10 0 15 . 2 48 23 . 4 48 8 . 4 0 16 . 3 54 24 . 5 0 9 . 3 48 17 . 5 0 25 . 9 0 10 . 3 48 18 . 4 12 27 . 3 12 11 . 4 0 19 . 3 36 28 . 4 0 12 . 2 48 29 . 4 24 29 . 3 0 13 . 3 48 21 . 4 0 30 . 3 12 14 . 3 12 22 . 4 24 Buffalo horn chignon combs:— 26 . 14 0 36 . 3 12 42 2 0 31 . 9 0 37 . 2 0 43 4 0 32 . 9 0 38 . 3 24 44 1 54 33 . 9 0 39 . 2 0 45 14 0 34 . 8 0 40 . 4 48 35 . 2 48 41 . 4 0 Ho. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Buffalo horn cases:— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 46 . 8 0 49 6 0 52 8 0 47 4 24 50 6 0 53 4 24 48 • 6 0 51 • 5 48 54 3 0 Horn cases :— 55 2 24 1 57 4 24 I 59 3 42 56 4 0 | 58 . 4 o i 1 60 . 4 0 Buffalo horn cases: — 61 6 36 73 # 5 0 85 # 4 36 62 3 24 74 4 0 86 # 3 36 63 3 24 75 6 0 87 4 0 64 . 4 0 76 6 0 88 # 3 48 65 3 24 77 6 0 89 # 3 24 66 4 0 78 5 0 90 3 0 67 6 0 79 5 24 91 3 12 68 5 48 80 6 0 92 3 0 69 5 48 81 8 0 93 # 3 0 70 4 24 82 5 0 94 2 48 71 6 0 83 4 12 72 . 4 0 84 . 4 12 Ivory cases: — 95 7 0 107 6 30 119 8 0 96 14 0 108 # 4 30 120 16 0 97 7 0 109 8 48 121 2 48 98 6 0 110 8 0 122 16 0 99 6 24 111 7 0 123 15 0 100 4 0 112 # 8 0 ■ 124 15 0 101 4 0 113 8 0 125 7 0 102 . 5 36 114 10 0 126 15 0 103 . 6 0 115 10 0 127 r 15 0 104 4 0 116 10 0 128 7 0 105 4 0 117 8 0 129 . 15 0 106 . 7 0 118 . 8 0 130 18 0 Buffalo horn brushes: — 131 8 24 137 # 6 0 143 1 4 12 132 7 24 138 . 6 0 144 4 12 133 6 24 139 . 6 0 145 4 0 134 6 0 140 6 0 146 # 4 0 135 6 0 141 # 5 30 136 6 0 142 6 0 Horn hairdressing combs:— 147 2 40 151 . 3 0 155 . 2 48 148 2 0 152 . 2 48 156 . 14 0 149 3 24 153 . 2 20 150 • 2 20 154 . 3 30 Buffalo horn hairdressing combs : — 157 . 14 0 168 . 12 0 179 . 4 36 158 6 0 169 . 9 0 180 . 5 0 159 6 48 170 . 7 0 181 . 10 0 160 6 24 171 . 6 0 182 . 6 0 161 . 6 0 172 . 5 0 183 . 8 0 162 v ; 6 0 173 . 6 0 184 . 18 0 163 3 48 174 . 5 0 185 . 4 12 164 5 48 175 . 4 0 . 186 . 4 0 165 . 5 48 176 . 4 0 187 . 3 0 166 9 0 177 . 4 0 188 . 5 0 167 • 10 0 178 . 4 0 189 . 6 0 Ivory hairdressing combs 190 5 0 195 . 12 0 200 . 120 0 191 # 6 0 196 . 12 0 201 . 144 0 192 7 36 197 . 11 0 202 . 36 0 193 # 8 48 198 . 14 0 194 • 10 0 199 . 5 0 PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 277 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Tortoise shell hairdressing combs ;_ fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. 203 . 150 0 208 . 54 0 213 . 2 0 204 . 280 0 209 . 96 0 214 . 4 0 205 . 136 0 210 . 120 0 215 . 600 0 206 . 108 0 211 . 54 0 207 . 62 0 212 . 4 0 Buffalo horn brushes :— 216 . 50 0 219 . 36 0 222 . 12 0 217 . 30 0 220 . 30 0 218 . 36 0 221 . 20 0 Ivory brushes :— 223 . 13 0 1 225 . 12 ° 1 227 . 12 0 224 . 18 0 | 226 . 11 o 1 Tortoise shell brushes 228 . 60 0 | 229 . 24 0 | 230 . 144 0 | 231 . 156 l 0 Horn curry comb:— 232 .. . Buffalo horn walking sticks. 233 .48 0 I 234 . 84 3 0 0 I 235 .96 0 696a. HERMANNSTADT TRADE UNION, Transylvania.—16. III. b. 6*. Combs.perdoz. Double combs. „ Wallachian combs. ,, Combs with wide and narrow teeth ,, Ladies’ combs. ,, Fine combs. ,, 697. KRATSCHMANN, M., Vienna, Manu.— 73. III. d. Agents, Kanitz, M. L. and Sons, Vienna. Flora buttons (prices in French francs.) Oval coat buttons:— 11 . 1 5 1 0 1 0 0 30 2 48 2 48 2 24 9 9i 10 0 87| 1 0 12 Oval high coat buttons 25 50 75 0 25 121 13 67i 874 2 25 | 12 . 2 50 85 0 25 Sporting buttons:— 9 . 1 75 I 11 10 . 2 0 I Black horn buttons, holed:— 5 . 0 66 I 9.0 6 . 0 75 I 10 i 1 7 . 0 75 11 . 1 8 . 0 80 J Red and yellow ditto, 12£ c. dearer per gross. Black coat buttons, shanked:— 9 . 1 0 I 11 . 1 25 1 13 . 1 10 . 1 121 I 12 . 1 50 I *** Red and yellow ditto, 12^ c. dearer per gross. Oval waistcoat buttons.0 Black plain horn ditto Ditto coat buttons Ditto ditto Brown plain horn coat buttons Browr and white ditto Oval coat buttons . . « . No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. METZNER, WILHELM, Vienna.—72. III. d. Per half gross. Horn buttons, silk pattern :•— fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. S'" . 0 11 I 11"' . 0 18 I 14'" . 0 35 10 . 015 12 . 0 24 Horn buttons, semi-spherical and plain 6 '" 8 9 0 13 0 24 0 26 10 "' 11 Fancy horn buttons:— 12'" .201 14'" 13 . 2 30 I 18 Horn buttons, holed:— 5 . .081 9 . 6 . . 0 9 | 10 . 7 . . 0 10 11 . 8 . . 0 12 12 . 0 35 0 40 2 30 4 0 0 15 0 18 0 22 0 27 12 '" 13 0 45 0 50 15'" . 6 0 0 35 0 2C 1 0 Per gross. White and black mother-of-pearl shirt buttons:— oooo . 0 22 I oo . 0 22 I o . 0 22 ooo . 0 22 I | Per half gross. White and black mother-of-pearl coat buttons, shanked:— ooo oo o 1 1 0 1 24 1 38 1 55 2 20 2 40 2 55 6 . . 3 20 7 . . 3 45 8 . . 4 15 16, \ gross 4 30 White and black mother-of-pearl coat buttons, holed:— ooo . 0 30 I 2 .1616 .2 oo . 0 33 I 3 . 1 18 I 7 . 3 10 o . 0 39 4 . 1 37 8 . 3 40 1 . 0 52 I 5 . 2 10 I 16 .30 Per gross. Superfine mother-of-pearl shirt buttons:— 1 . . 0 18 I 3 . . 0 24 I 4 . . 0 30 2 . . 0 20 I Fine mother-of-pearl shirt buttons:— 1 . . 0 14 | 3 . . 0 18 | 4 . . 0 22 2 . . 0 16 Horn buttons,flat:— 5 „ o . 0 11 | Horn buttons, 'silk pattern:— 0 17 6"' . 0 12 1 9'" . 0 19 1 11'" . 0 32 8 0 17 | 10 . 0 26 | 12 0 42 75 Superfine mother-of-pearl shirt buttons:— la . , . 0 20 5a . 0 42 6c . . 0 52 lb . . 0 24 5c . 0 45 6b . . 1 6 624 lc . , . 0 22 3a . . 0 28 1A . . 0 22 75 4b . . 0 40 3c . . 0 30 2A . . 0 26 0 2b . , . 0 28 3b . . 0 32 3a . 0 28 50 2c . . 0 26 4c . 0 33 4A . . 0 38 124 2a . . 0 24 4d . . 0 38 5A . . 0 45 75 2d . . 0 26 4a . . 0 34 6A . . 0 52 12| 5b . . 0 54 6a . . 0 50 Y 2 278 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 2^0. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. Superfine mother-of-pearl waistcoat buttons fl. kr. fl. kr. fl. kr. la . . 0 42 6c . . 2 20 6b . . 1 30 lb . . 0 45 6d . . 1 40 6a . . 1 18 lc . . 0 50 5a . . 1 6 3a . . 0 54 4a . . 1 0 5b . . 1 24 3b . . 1 0 4b . . 1 6 5c . . 2 6 3c . . 1 20 4c . . 1 54 5d . . 1 30 3d . . 1 6 4d . . 3 0 4b . . 1 6 2a . . 0 45 6a . . 1 18 4a . . 1 0 2b . . 0 54 6b . . 1 30 5a . . 1 6 2c . . 1 0 699. BITTNER, FERDINAND, Neudorf, Bo¬ hemia.—77. HI. d. Planes for joiners.per piece 0 24 Wood for lucifer matches, per bundle of 1000 matches.0 1 700. BURGER, JOSEF A, Vienna.—101. III. d. Nos. 100—144. Wax flowers on alabaster, framed and glazed.7 21 Nos. 146—171. Do. in frames .... 4 42 172—183. A jour glasses .... 0 47 209—339. Bouquets in frames ... 7 34 213—216. Leaves in frames. ... 07 223—273. Flowers for confectioners . 1 22 219—333. Pictures in frames ... 1 18 Wax fruits.8 0 Glass shades.5 34 3^0. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 701- SCHLATER, H. Vienna, Manu.—100. III. d. No. 0. Wax figures with red stands per doz. 1. Do. do. fl. kr. 2 12 2 39 2. Do. do. 11 77 3 31 3. Do. do. }) 4 38 4. . Do. do. 77 6 36 5. Do. do. 9) 10 24 6. Do. do. 11 52 No. 0. Wax figures with black stands ,, 3 18 1. Do. do. 77 3 58 2. Do. do. •J 4 50 3. Do. do. 77 5 44 4. Do. do. 77 7 56 5. Do. do. 77 11 26 6. Do. do. 77 13 12 o. 0. Bouquets of flowers . . per doz. 3 18 1. Do do. , , 9? 3 58 2. Do. do. # # 77 4 50 3. Do. do. f , 77 5 44 4. Do. do. , , 77 7 56 5. Do. do. 77 15 50 6. Do. do. 77 21 7 a. OPPENHEIMER, CAROLINE. , Vienna. A lamp screen, cut by hand . £10 0 702. SERAFINO, PALATINI and CO., Venice. Twenty-five specimens of assorted masks. FINE ARTS. For Prices and Particulars apply to Charles Buschek, Esq., Austrian Committee , 43, Clarges-strect , Piccadilly , London. 70S. CROFF, GIUSEPPE, Milan, Sculptor.—48. m. Statues in Carrara mai’ble :— a. Danae awaiting the golden shower. b. Leda and the Swan. c. Group in Carrara marble “ Hermes and Salmace.’ 70S. GASSER, JOHANN, Vienna, Sculptor. 1. IV. a. Statue in bronze representing Venus Bathing. b. Four small statues in bronze. c. Model in bronze and zinc for a fountain. d. Flower vase cast in bronze and zinc. e. Statuette of a lady in plaster. 704. KaHSZMANN, JOSEPH, Vienna, sculp- tor.— 3. IV. * * Statues in Carrara marble:— a. A Shepherd. b. A Flower Girl. c. Hebe with the Eagle. 705. MAX V EMANUEL, Prague, Sculptor. — a. Group in Carrara marble — Hagar and Ishmael. b. Bas relief in Carrara marble—An Amazon on horseback. 703. CACCIATORI, BENEDETTO, Milan, Sculp¬ tor.—10. IV. Bambino in a flower basket, executed in Carrara marble. 707. COCCI1I, LUIGI, Milan, Sculptor.— 50. m. Statue in marble—The Virgin. 709. EMANUELI, GIOVANNI Milan, Sculptor.— 46 m. Statue in Carrara marble “ A Boy with a bird’s nest.” 710. FRACCAROLI, INNOCENZO, Verona, Sculptor. — 44 . m. Statues in Carrara marble:— a. Achilles wounded in the heel. b. David slinging the Pebble. c. Group in marble, “ Atala and Chactas,” as de¬ scribed by Chateaubriand. 711. GALLI, ANTONIO, Milan, Sculptor.—42. m. Three statues in Carrara marbles:— a. Susanna from the bath, surprised by the Elders. b. Jephtha’s Daughter. c. A Boy swept ashore. 712. GANDOLFI, DEMOCRITO, Milan, Sculptor. — 41. M. a. Group in Carrara marble, “ The Emigrant” (a veiled widow begging for her children), an Epi¬ sode from the History of France in 1793. b. Statuette in Carrara marble, “ Trust in God.” c. Statue in marble for a tomb, “ Grief.” d. Statue in plaster, “Italy.” e. “ Dancing Girl” in marble, copy of Canova. PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 279 No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. f. Mantelpiece with mirror frame in Carrara marble, in the style of the 17th century, with figures of Cupid and Psyche, &c. g. Model of a fountain in the Asiatic style, to be placed in a room, with a group of three statues, “ Bathsheba at the Bath.” This can be executed so as to be capable of being converted in winter into a fire-place. h. A Triptich, consisting of a Crucifixion, the Blessed Virgin, and St. John, modelled in ivory paste. i. Eight medallions in ivory paste, representing ideal heads, and august and illustrious historical per¬ sonages. k. Thirteen models in wax, plaster and terra cotta, representing 1 to 4. The Evangelists. 5 & 6. The Bride of Solomon’s Song. 7. St. Cecilia. 8. Rebecca at the Fountain. 9. Rachel at the Well. 10. Hero awaiting Leander. This would serve to light the room in which it is placed, by introducing a jet of gas into the torch held in the hand. 11. Esmeralda. 12. Modesty. 13. Helen urging Paris to attack the ene¬ mies of Troy. 7L3. STRAZZA, GIOVANNI, Milan, Sculptor.—38. m. Statue in marble:— “ Ishmael in the Desert.” (Property of P. Gonzales of Milan.) 714. MAGNI, PIETRO, Milan, Sculptor.—32. m. Group in Carrara marble ;— “ Learning to Walk. The first Step.” 715. MANFREDINI, GAETANO, Milan, Sculptor.- 34. m. Statue in Carrara marble :— “ Narcissus gazing in the Fountain.” 710. MARCHESI, LUIGI, Milan, Sculptor.—35. m. Statue in Carrara marble:— “ Eurydice bitten by the snake.” 717. MICOTTI, IGNAZIO, Milan, Sculptor.—28. m. Statue in Carrara marble:— “ Candour,” represented as “ A Child with Dog.” 718. MOTELLI, METELLO, Milan, Sculptor.—36. m. Group in Carrara marble:— “ Cupids gathering Grapes,” from a design by his father, G. Motelli.” 719. DAL NEGRO, PIETRO, Verona, Sculptor.—47. m. Statue in marble, “Innocence,” represented as “ A Boy bitten by a Viper.” 720. PIEROTTI, GIUSEPPE, Milan, Sculptor.-25. m. a. Group of figures in plaster, “Mazeppa being bound to the Wild Horse.” b. Carrara marble group, “ Horse attacked by a boa constrictor.” 721. PUTTINATI, ALESSANDRO, Milan, Sculptor.— 24. m. Statue in Carrara marble, “ Prayer.” No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 722. SANGIORGIO, ABBONDIO, Milan, Sculptor — 12. & 18. m. 1 a. Statue in Carrara marble, “ Soul ascending to Heaven” (the property of J. It. Jaffray, Esq., of London). Two Heads in Carrara marble, viz.:— b. “ The Redeemer.” c. Monti the Poet. 723- SOMAJNI, FRANCESCO, Milan, Sculptor.—15. m. Group in Carrara marble, “ Pan and Syrinx.” 724- GOTTL, BERNARD, Carlsbad, Bohemia.—5. 4. A pair of Medicean Vases of Carlsbad Thermal tufo, executed by KNOLL BROTHERS, of Carlsbad, each 2 ft. 9 in. high, and 1 ft. 7 in. diameter. 725. BENZONI, GAETANO, Milan, Sculptor. —6. m. A mantelpiece in marble with eight figures of boys. 728. BOTTINELLI, GIUSEPPE (late), Milan, Sculptor. 1. M. a. Richly ornamented mantelpiece in Carrara marble (property of Sr. Sopransi of Milan). b. Ornamented mantelpiece in Carrara mai’ble. c. Model in plaster of a richly ornamented mantel¬ piece surmounted by a frame for chimney glass. 728. MOTELLI, GAETANO, Milan, Sculptor.—27. m. a. A mantelpiece in Carrara marble, with Cupids and ornaments. b. Group in Carrara marble, “ Paolo and Francesca da Rimini,” the subject taken from Dante’S Divina Commedia. c. Nest of Cupids (property of Joseph Paxton, Esq.). 729. SZENTPETERY, JOSEPH, Pesth, Hungary, Ar¬ tist in Metal.—7. IV. A Tableau, after Lebrun, representing “ King Porus taken Prisoner by Alexander the Great,” contain¬ ing 217 figures of men, elephants, and horses, most exquisitely embossed, in the style of Benvenuto Cellini, on a plate of pure silve weighing 18 marks 6 loths Vienna. A Tableau, after Lebrun, representing the Battle of Arbela, embossed on copper in Benvenuto Cellini’s style (the property of Henry Kirk, Esq.). This magnificent specimen for five years occupied the self-taught artist, who, after the most unwearied zeal in overcoming difficulties, has produced an object that will bear comparison with the great master of the art. Szentpetery, now a septuagena¬ rian, with a liberality worthy of imitation, would be delighted to furnish younger artists with the fruits of his experience, and by pointing out the various methods he adopted, remove their difficul¬ ties in restoring an art which for more than half a century has been considered lost. 729a. FRIEDRICH, JOSEF, Prague, Bohemia. Statuette of fine silver, “ Rudolf of Habsburg.” Weight, 4 marks, 10£ loth. 730. PETROVITS, DEMETER, Vienna, En¬ graver.—9. IV. 33 Medallions, cast in a metal composition invented by Exhibitor :— 1.60 florins. 2 & 3.each 20 „ 4-13.. 15 ,, 14-24.„ 12 „ 25-33. „ 10 „ 280 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. •s < * J No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 781- CESARI, DESIDERIO, Milan, Sculptor.— 51. M. Portraits, chiselled and embossed in sheet copper, in the style of Benvenuto Cellini,— a , Gian Domenico Romagnosi; 6, Ales¬ sandro Rolla ; c, Antonio Bertini. 732- FRENER, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Milan, Engraver.—43. m. Medal, in bronze, of Joseph Verdi. 733. ZAPPARELLI, G., Brescia, Engraver.—13. m. Medals, dies, and rings, with sample-book. 734. BQRRINI, LUIGI, Milan, Painter.—3. m. Lay figure for artists. 735. DINKLER, CARL, Vienna, Engraver.—8. IV. Metal stamps, to be used with any coloured ink. 736. GEYLING, CARL, Vienna, Glass Painter.—2. IV. Four paintings on glass :— a. A church, b. A winter landscape in Upper Austria. c. View of Johannisberg, on the Rhine. d. View of the town-gate of Kremnitz, in Hungary. 737. BERTINI, GIUSEPPE, Milan, Painter.— . 5. M. A magnificent stained glass window, repre¬ senting Dante, with subjects taken from his ‘ Divina Commedia.’ Oval painting on glass : The Holy Family. 738. MON TAN ART, ALESSANDRO, Milan, Decorator.—26. m. Decoration of a vaulted ceiling for a library, with Milton and scene from Pa¬ radise Lost as centre.£300 739. VOGEL, C. F., Milan—10. m. Photographs. 740. PUCKER, JOHANN, Veldes, Upper Car- niola.—63.1. Photographs on glass, by a new method. No. Name & Address of Exhibitor—Description of Article. Price. 741. BONGIOVANNI, B., Vienna, Sculptor.—6. IV. Design for a candelabrum, executed with crowquill, in gold frame. 742. HARTMANN, LOUIS, Prague, Pattern- Designer.—77. III. c. Designs for Merino Furniture, Prints, &c. No. 1. Rondelle illuminee.30 0 2. Border, red ground, in colours . . 10 0 3. White ground furniture, with colours 80 0 4. Red ground furniture, with colours . 60 0 5. White ramage, with grey .... 50 6 . Do. do. ..50 743 . MONTI, RAFFAELE, Milan, and 45, Great Marlborough-street, London, Sculp¬ tor. Works in Carrara Marble. a. Statue : “ Eve after the fall,” as described by Milton: “.“Up she rose As from unrest. ...... destitute and bare Of all her virtue : silent and in face Confounded, long she sat, as stricken mute.” Paradise Lost , Book ix. b. Statue: 11 A Veiled Vestal” (the pro¬ perty of the Duke of Devonshire). c. d. Statuettes : “ Ancient and Modern Love” (the property of B. Cohen, Esq.). e. Statue: “A Female Slave exposed for Sale in the Market.” /. Group of “ Angelica and Medoro,” taken from Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso. g. Group of children representing ** Inno¬ cence.” h. Group of two girls fishing—portraits (the property of an English gentleman). i Statuette : “ A Boy catching a Grass¬ hopper” (the property of Th. Baring, Esq., M.P.). 744 - THOMPSON, MISS, 35, Euston Square—Prop. A carpet worked by the late Empress Marie Louise, assisted by the late Queen of Wiirtemburg, the late Queen of Naples, and Mademoiselle Beauharnois. Intended for the Emperor Napoleon, but never pre¬ sented. INDEX OF NAMES OF EXHIBITORS TO PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 281 INDEX OF NAMES OF EXHIBITORS. A. No. |lBele, F., Neuhurkenthal, Bohemia . 582 Ifh, F., 'Vienna.646 iiba, S., Vienna ....... 664 Llbrecht’s (Archduke) Enamelled Iron Foundry, Trzinietz, near Teschen, Silesia.431 dexis, J., Cronstadt, Transylvania . 94 dsterberger, Johann, Stadt Steyr . 503 Lnderwalt, Pasquale, Trieste . . 170a Lndrassy, Count G., Derno, Hungary 415 tpollo Candle Company, Vienna . . 39 .rchducal Product Depot .... 431 frneth, J., Vienna.368 trrer, J., Vienna.665 ^strath, C., Vienna.666 mer, Alois, Vienna.362 .uspitz, L., Briinn, Moravia . . . 204 B. rACHNER, Franz, Stadt Steyr . . . 565 achrich, J., Vienna.45 a ackhausen, C. and J., Vienna. . . 249 ader Brothers, Vienna .... 250 agatti-Valsecchi, Pietro, Milan . .616 ahr and Maresch, Aussigon the Elbe 612 ailing, Professor C. J. N., Prague . 133 arber, see Jordan and Barber ... 68 firtelmus and Bernhardi, Neu-Jo- achimsthal, Bohemia.432 atka, W., Prague, Bohemia 9,100,135,629 iattagia, G., Venice. 366 auer, T. and Co., Briinn, Moravia . 205 auer, Josef, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.504 auhofer, F., Vienna.388 ayer, J. G., Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania . 351 Bcker and Kronik, Vienna . . . 643 Ackers, see Pfitzner and Beckers . . 41 gsteiger, M., Stadt Steyr .... 689 bhr, C., Prague.645 Jisiegel, Ph., Vienna.667 gjtl, F., Prague.438 illot, see Sellier and Bellot . . . 122 jnedig, J., Strassisch, Krainburg, Il¬ lyria .356 inevolent Society’s Establishment ^Direzione delle Pie Case d’lndustria p di Ricovero), Milan.283 bjikowits, Marie, Vienna .... 389 mzoni, Gaetano, Milan .... 725 krg, F. J., Prague.579 srger, C. H., Vienna.380 rger, Jos. and Son, Vienna . . . 303 irmann, J., Vienna.370 trnardis, B. de, Vienna 141 b, 430,434, 633, g46 trtini, Giuseppe, Milan .... 737 No. Beyer, Anton, Stadt Steyr .... 495 Biedermann, M. L., and Co., Teltsch, Moravia . 206 Bienert, D., and Son, Maderhauser, Bo¬ hemia .143 Bienert, Florian, Vienna .... 303 Bigaglia, Pietro, Venice . . .34, 600 Binder, T., Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania .207 Biondek, M., Baden, near Vienna . . 660 Birnbaum, J., Pesth, Hungary ... 95 Bittner, D., Vienna.144 Bittner, F., Neudorf, Bohemia . . . 699 Blaha & Rosenberger, Vienna . . . 251 Blaschka & Co., Liebenau, Bohemia . 294 Bley, Jakob, Stadt Steyr.505 Blumauer, Wilhelm, Stadt Steyr . . 473 Bliimel, J. & C., see Zeisel and Bliimel 320 Bongiovanni, B., Vienna .... 741 Borrini, Luigi, Milan.734 Bossi, Joseph, Vienna . . . 239,386 Bottinelli, Giuseppe (late), Milan . . 726 Boulogne, P., Prague.334 Bouquoi, Count, Kallich Foundry, Bo¬ hemia .414 Bracht, F. W., Vienna.240 Brandeis, R. W., Prague, Bohemia . 133 Braun, G. J., Prague.21 Brehlmaier, Josef, Stadt Steyr . . . 506 Brosche, F. X., Prague.20 Brose, W., Vienna.580 Brotzman, A., Vienna . . . . . 310 Bruder’s Widow, Rudolph, Vienna . 295 Briinn Trade Union, Briinn, Moravia . 213 Brunner, A., Vienna.574 Bubenitscek, Joseph, Hermannstadt, Transylvania. 120,507 Buchberger, F., Stadt Steyr . . .690 Buchberger, Josef, Stadt Steyr . . .479 Bucher, A. B., Vienna.575 Budinsky, A., Reichenberg, Bohemia . 393 Bujatti, F., Vienna.252 Buquoy, Count, Schwarzthal and Sil- berberg, Bohemia.584 Burg, Chev. Adam de, Vienna . . . 130 Burger, J., Vienna.700 Butschek & Graff, Briinn, Moravia . 281 C. Cacciatori, Benedetto, Milan . . .706 Callegari, A., Padua.150 Canossa, Eleonora, Dow r ager Marchio¬ ness di, ne'e Muselli, Verona . . .86 Carminati, G. B., Palma, Friuli, Lom¬ bardy .. . . 78 Carniola Agricultural Society, Laibach 70 Cassel, J., Vienna.478 Cerri, K., Vienna.364 Ceruti, Enrico, Cremona .... 147 Cerveny, W. F., Koniggratz, Bohemia 157 No. Cesari, Desiderio, Milan .... 731 Chiachich, M., Fiume . . . 171,282 Chiozza, C. A., & Son, Trieste ... 43 Christalnigg, Count C. von, Mining Company, Eberstein, Carinthia . . 404 Christl, J., Vienna.327 Chwalla, A., Vienna.71 Clothweavers’ Guild, Hermannstadt, Transylvania.214 Cocchi, Luigi.707 Colombo, Carlo Maria, Milan . . ,121 a Colombo, Giovanni, Milan .... 630 Cristofoli, Antonio, Padua .... 38 Croff, Giuseppe, Milan.708 Czekelius, C., Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania .45 Czermak, P., Prague.585 D. Dal Negro, Pietro, Verona . . . 719 Daucher, Stefan, Untergriinburg, near Stadt Steyr.50 Depot for Products from Imperial Mines, Vienna.408 Depot of the Imperial Mines, Vienna . 2 De Majo, S., Triesch, Moravia ... 50 Derfler, Johann, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.480 Dernberger, Franz, Griinburg, near Stadt Steyr.509 Deutschmann, Jacob, Vienna . . .141 d Dierzer’s Heirs, J., Kleinmiinchen, near Linz .... 176 a, 196a, 244 Dietrich, J. Baron, Vienna .... 439 Dietzl, Mathias, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.510 Diez, E., Villach, Carinthia . 33, 122 a Diltsch, Johann, Stadt Steyr . . . 481 Dinkier, C., Vienna.735 Dinzl, F., Vienna.348 Direzione delle Pie Case d’lndustria e di Ricovero, Milan.283 Dobschau, see Zemberg Mine ... 7 Dolleschal, J., Vienna.51 Doppler, Adam, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.511 Dorfleuthner, L., Vienna .... 253 Dreher, A.,»Vienna.668 Dubsky, Ccurit, Lissitz.456 JE EBERSTALLERandSchindler,StadtSteyr 427 Echinger Brothers, Vienna .... 304 Egger, Ferdinand Count von, Lippi tz- bacb, &c., Carinthia . . 409,410,425 Egger, Gustav Count von, Klagen- furth, &c., Carinthia . . 31, 401, 402 282 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Egger, J. B., Villach, Carinthia . . 435 Eggerth, J., Stubenbach, Schiittenho- fen, Bohemia ....... 361 Ehinger, A., Oberlangenau, near Ho- henelbe, Bohemia.181 Ehrlich, G., Kaisd,near Hermannstadt, Transylvania. 688a Einhauser, J., Uderns, Tyrol . . . 344 Emanueli, Giovanni, Milan .... 709 Engelmann, S., Karolinenthal, Prague 22 Ennstoller, G., Stadt Steyr .... 669 Enzinger Brothers, see Gruber and En- zinger nK 258 Ernst, Peter, Stadt Steyr .... 457 F. Falent, M., Stadt Steyr.458 Faller, Tritscheller, and Co., Vallonara, near Bassano ....... 656 Feldbaumer, P., Trofajach, Styria . . 453 Ferie, W., Merklow, near Starkenbach, Bohemia.284 Fial, J., Gumpendorf, Vienna . . . 307 Fiala, W., Prague.25 Figdor, Isaac, and Sons, Vienna . . 90 Fischer, A., St. Egidi, near Lilienfeld, Austria.420 Fischer, A., and Wurm, St. Egidi, near Lilienfeld, Lower Austria . . . 426 Fischer, B., Traisen, Lower Austria . 421 Fischer, Ch., Pirkenhammer, Bohemia 617 Fischer, Georg, Hainfeld, Lower Aus¬ tria . . 501 a Fischer, M., Herend, Hungary . . 618 Flemmich, A., Vienna.254 Floge, G., Vienna.670 Forster, Leopold, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.512 Fraccaroli, Innccenzo, Verona . . . 710 Frank, J., Vienna.328 Franke, J., Ivamnitz, Bohemia . . . 602 Franzony, A., St. Wolfgang, Ischl . . 647 Frener, Giovanni Battista, Milan . . 732 Frenkner, Anton, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.513 Friedl, L., Vienna.332 Friedrich, A., Vienna.182 Friedrich, J., Vienna ..671 Friedrich, Jcs., Prague .... 729 a Fries, A., and Zeppezauer, Vienna . 255 Frbhlich, Carl, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.514 Frbhlich’s Sons, G. A., Warnsdorf, Bo¬ hemia .177 Frbhlich, Johann, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.515 Fiirler, F., Gratz, Styria .... 208 Furriers’ Guild, Hermannstadt, Tran¬ sylvania ...... 4 . . 347 Fiirst, Joseph, Vienna . . *. . . 296 Fiirstenberg, Prince, Althiitten, Neu- hiitten, Rostok, and Neujoachims- thal, Bohemia.412 Fiirth, B., Schiittenhofen and Golden- kron, Bohemia.46 Fusinata, Maria, Belluno .... 390 G. Gaes Cloth Manufactory, Gaes, Hun¬ gary . 209 No. Galli, Antonio, Milan . . . . ’■% 711 Gamba, heirs of Pietro, Milan . . . 109 Gandolfi, Democrito, Milan .... 712 Ganser, J., Vienna.256 Gasser, Johann, Vienna.703 Gatt, A., Erl, near Kufstein, Tyrol . 440 Geiszberger, Franz, Metzenseifen, Hun¬ gary ‘..11 Gellinek, J., Prague.338 Gerbing, see Schiller and Gerbing . . 614 Gerstner, F., Deffernik, Bohemia . . 594 Geyer, J., Pesth, Hungary .... 346 Geyling, C., Vienna . . . . . . 736 Giani, J.', Vienna.257 Ginzel, B. C., Reichenberg, Bohemia . 210 Globotschnig, A., Strassisch, Illyria . 357 Glovers’ Association, Prague . . . 336 Gotti, B., Carlsbad, Bohemia . . . 724 Gottschalck and Lamasch, Vienna . . 374 Graber, J., Weer, Unterinnthal, Tyrol 441 Grabner, Franz, Molln, near Stadt Steyr.469 Graff, see Butschek and Graff . . . 281 Grassi, Dr. Giuseppe, Milan ... 83 Gmuss, J., Finsing, Tyrol .... 442 Greiner, Moritz, Vienna. . . . 374a Griess, F., Vienna.341 Griller, J., Vienna.300 Grillmayer, J., Linz, Upper Austria . 172 Groger, F., Vienna.631 Grohmann, A., Schonlinde, Bohemia . 382 Grohmann, C , Lindenau, Bohemia . 178 Grohmann, H., Prague, Bohemia . . 576 Grohmann, J., Kreibitz, Bohemia . . 586 Grossauer, Alois, Stadt Steyr . . .567 Grossauer, Franz, Stadt Steyr . . . 568 Grosskopf, G., Vienna.343 Gruber and Enziger Brothers, Vienna 258 Griinhut, A., sen., Prague ". . . . 674 Griinhut, jun., Prague ..... 673 Griinwald, Josef, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr ..516 Gurk Chapter’s Foundry, St. Magda¬ lena, Carinthia.416 Giirtler, J., Briinn, Moravia . . .211 H. Haas, A., Schlaggenwald, Bohemia . 619 Haas, P., and Sons, Vienna . . 243, 259 Haase’s Sons, G., Prague .... 367 Ilabenicht, A., Vienna.376 Haidinger, Brothers, Elbogen, Bohemia 620 Ilaindl, Anton, Stadt Steyr . . . .517 I f alia & Co., Prague . •.54 Haller, Aloys, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.462 Haller’s, J., Widow and Son-in-law, Vienna.652 Hardtmuth, L. & C., Budweis, Bohe¬ mia, and Vienna . . . 35, 381, 621 Harrach, F. E., Count von, Glass Ma¬ nufactory, Neuewelt, Bohemia . . 587 Harrach’s, Count, Linen Manufactory, Janovitz, Moravia, and Starkenbach, in Bohemia.285 Ilartig, J., Reichenberg, Bohemia . 212 Ilartinger, A., Vienna.362 Hartmann, L., Vienna.675 Hartmann, Louis, Prague .... 742 Haupt, L., Briinn, Moravia . . . 286 N Hauser, Josef, Stadt Steyr .... 41 Hawranek, C., Troja, near Prague . < Haydter, S., Vienna . . . . . .31 H egenbartb, A., Meistersdorf, Bohemia 51 Heinzen Brothers, Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia.. j Helia, J., Vienna.3! Hell, F., Vienna.11 Hell, G., Vienna.21 Hellmich, F. A., Wolfersdorf, Bohemia 51 Helm, Aloys, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr ..5 Herbert, F. P., Baron von, Klagenfurt | and Wolfsberg.. , Herbert, J., Baron von, Klagenfurt, Carinthia.. ~ Herdb, J. B., Vienna . . . . . 6 Hermann, see Kofler, Hermann, & Co. 7i Hermannstadt Cloth Weavers’ Guild . 2 Hermannstadt Furriers’Guild . . 3 Hermannstadt Leather Cutters’ Asso¬ ciation .3 Hermannstadt Ropemakers’ Guild . . 2 Hermannstadt Shoemakers’ Association S Hermannstadt Trade Union, Transyl¬ vania . 277 a, 398, 69 Herzig, J., & Son, Vienna .... 2 Herzlieb, F., Gratz, Styria .... Herzog, Eva, Werschetz, Hungary Hiellen, Sons of the late Elias, Schon- linde, Bohemia. ft IlierscheljL., and Chev. C. De Minerbi, Uaidenschaft, Illyria.] Hierzenberger, Gottlieb, Leonstein, near Stadt Steyr . . . . .. . A Hirsche, F., Briinn, Moravia . .. k Hochberger, Joh., Kahr, Bohemia . Hofer, Philipp, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr. ,'i Hoffmann, C. &G., Wisoczan, Bohemia Hofmann, W., Prague . . . . .1 Hofrichter, C., Reichenau, Bohemia . ( Hollenbach, D., Vienna . . . 141n, i Ilonauer, F., Linz, Bohemia . .. . S Hopfner, J., Grottenhof, Styria . . ] Hornbostel, C. G. & Co., Vienna . . 4 Horsky, Franz, Libiegitz, Pilsen, Bo¬ hemia .f Hottinger, Adolf, Vienna ... 51 Hoxa, Friedrich, Vienna . . . h Huber, F., Josephsthal, Bohemia . . t Huber, Franz, Vienna . . . . . ( Hiibner, J., Gablonz, Bohemia . . I Hiibsch, J., Prague.'J Huffzky’s Widow, V., Ilohenstein, near Toplitz, Bohemia . . . . #) Hunyady von Kithely, Count Joseph, Urmeny, Hungary. Huther, M., Vienna.1 I. Ileek, F., Briinn, Moravia . . . d Imperial Court and Government Print¬ ing Establishment, Vienna . . .r Imperial Military Geographical Insti-' tute, Vienna.' Imperial Mines, see Depot . . . . Imperial Polytechnic Institute, Vienna ] Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, Vi¬ enna .f§ INDEX OF NAMES OF EXHIBITORS TO PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 283 No. nperial Salt Works, Galicia . . . 17 nperial Smelting Works, Jenbachand Pillersee, Tyrol.407 nperial Tobacco Manufactories, Vi¬ enna .69 idri, A., Venice.151 Manger, M., Stadt Steyr .... 676 ifeld, F., Chevalier d’, Eisenberg, Bohemia.124 ■onmasters’ Guild, Vordernberg, Styria 400 J. .egeb, F. J., Prague.278 anke Brothers, Blcttendorf, Bohemia 591 aquemar, F., Vienna.335 enny & Schindler, Hard, Voralberg . 183 erak, Franz, Prague.134 ohne & Thiele, Vienna.379 ordan & Barber, Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia.68 K. [aehszmann, Joseph, Vienna . . . 704 Laltenmark, P., Linz, Upper Austria 520 Lamner, G. T., Cronstadt, Transyl¬ vania .199 Ijayser, Josef Franz, Gi’atz, Styria 368 a gehlner’s Nephew, A. C., Prague . .116 teller, J. Briinn, Moravia .... 191 Lengyel, Johann, Rosenau, Hungary . 8 £erbler, Josef, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.521 ^ettenhuber, Josef, Stadt Steyr . . 483 letterl, E., Vienna. 668 a tiendl, A., Vienna.. . 148 tietaibl, F., Vienna.653 linzlberger & Co., Prague .... 27 timer, Joseph, Pesth.121 titschelt, A., Vienna.434 tittl’s Heirs, A., Kreibitz, Bohemia . 592 tlamer, J., Vienna.184 tlanner, F., Vienna.642 Lleist, Baron von, Neudeck, Bohemia 424 tlement, Franz, Stadt Steyr . . . 569 mierim, F., Vienna.107 mill, J., Vienna.632 Inoil, Brothers, Carlsbad, Bohemia . 724 kxchmeister, F., Pesth.5 lofler, Hermann, & Co., Tyrol . . 76 a iolbel, B., Vienna. 645 a Roller, Franz, Steinbach, near Stadt I Steyr.466 tolm, Johann, Stadt Steyr .... 484 tonig, F. P., Steinschonau, Bohemia 596 [orselt, J., Turnau, Bohemia . . . 145 tossuch, J., Szinobanya, Hungary . 406 Lostner, Albert, Vienna .... 264 trach, Brothers, Prague .... 391 kraetschmar, see Rigo and. Kraetsch- mar.395 traftl, J., Vienna.677 krai, Anton, Vienna.305 ■ralik, Samuel, Pesth, Hungary . . 169 ranawitter, Johann, Neuzeug. near I Stadt Steyr.522 tranner. Joseph, Prague . . . 633 tranowither, Josef, Neuzeug, near I Stadt Steyr.463 tratschmann, M., Vienna .... 697 trickl, E., Vienna.263 No. Kriegel and Co., Prague.623 Krise, C., Prague.353 Kroitzsch, 14., Aussig on the Elbe, Bo¬ hemia .297 Kubo’s Son, J., Vienna.312 Kuhinka, F., Katharinenthal, Hungary 593 Kumpf, J., Schluckenau, Bohemia . . 658 Kunerth, A., Vienna.333 Kurz, Karl, Stadt Steyr.465 Kutzer and Lehrer, Prague .... 24 L. Lamasch, see G ottschalck and Lamasch 374 Landerl, Leopold, Stadt Steyr . . . 459 Lang, F., Stadt Steyr.349 Lang, F., Vienna.661 Lang, J., Vienna.185 Lange, F. and Sons, St. Georgenthal, Bohemia.179 Longer, J., Vienna.329 Laporta, R. F., Vienna.387 Larisch-Mcenuich, Count H., Karwin, Silesia.59,92 Laudacher, F., Linz, Upper Austria 164 a Laurenzi, L., Vienna.108 Leather-cutters’ Association, Hermann- stadt, Transylvania.345 Lebeda, A. V., Prague.114 Lechner, F., Vienna.634 Lechner, Mathias, Stadt Steyr . . . 496 Lehrer, see Kutzer and Lehrer ... 24 Leidenfrost, E., Briinn, Moravia . . 192 Leistler, Carl, and Son, Vienna. . . 633 Leitenberger, E., Reichstadt, Bohemia 186 Leitenberger, F., Cosmanos, Bohemia . 187 Lemann, J., and Son, Vienna . . . 265 Lenssen, J., Tischnovvitz, Bohemia . 173 a Lichtl, Johann, Stadt Steyr .... 523 Liebig, Franz, Reichenberg, Bohemia 241 Liebig, J., Reichenberg, Bohemia . . 298 Liebisch, J., Warnsdorf, Bohemia . . 118 Lieder, Friedrich, Stadt Steyr . . . 524 Lindheim, H. D., Josephihiitte, near Plan, Bohemia.422 Linen Yarn Spinning Mill, Schonberg, Moravia. 95a Liszt, Anton, Vienna.165 Litschke, C., Vienna.678 Lobkowitz, Duke of Raudnitz, Prince Ferdinand von, Bilin, Bohemia, 16, 53, 58, 124 Lobkowitz, Prince F., Mixnitz, Styria 454 Locker, A., Krainburg, Carniola . . 358 Loeflier, F., Prague.339 Lorenz, Aloys, Weisskirchen, Hungary 75 Loschenkohl, Carl, Frattenbach, near Stadt Steyr.525 Loschenkohl, Johann, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.526 Lotz, Widow, and F. Gerstner, Deffer- nik, Bohemia.594 Ludwig, F., Vienna.679 M. Maderbaeck, Michael, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.527 Magni, Pietro, Milan.714 Magri, Gioachimo, Mantua .... 126 No. Majc, S. de, Tricsch, Moravia ... 50 Maiatinszky, E., Miakoltz, Hungary . 394 Malvieux, C. J., Pesth, Hungary . . 102 Manfredini, Gaetano, Milan. . . . 715 Manschon, M. F., Pesth.342 Marchesi, G. B., Lodi. . . . . . 139 Marchesi, Luigi, Milan . . • . .716 Marenzellcr, J., Vienna . . . . .166 Marti nek, W., Vienna.313 Mathie, J., Haslach.287 Matschuko, N., Cronstadt .... 201 Mattiuzzi, G. B., Varmo, Friuli. . . 77 Maurer, V., Iglau, Bohemia .... 200 Max, Emanuel, Prague.705 Mayer Brothers, Vienna.266 Mechetti, P., Vienna.371 Meinl’s Heirs, A., Vienna .... 3S3 Melzer, D., Hermannstadt, Transylvania 44 Melzer, G., Krems on the Danube . . 648 Mentasti-Belia, Brothers, Milan . . 635 Messat, A., Vienna.246 Messner, F., Reutte, Tyrol .... 321 Mestrozi, l 3 ., Vienna.267 Metternich, Prince, Plas, Bohemia . 413 Metz, Georg, Stadt Steyr .... 485 Metzner, W., Vienna.698 Meyer and Co., Innspruck, Tyrol . .112 Meyer’s Nephews, Adolf & Leonoren- hain, Bohemia.595 Micheloni, Giovanni, Brescia . . .119 Micotti, Ignazio, Milan.717 Miesbach, Alois, Vienna and Pesth 1, 610 Miess, G., Cronstadt, Transylvania . 217 Milesi, A., Verona.106 Miller, Romuald, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.528 Milly Candle Manufactory, Vienna . 40 Minerbi, Chevalier C. de, Haidenschaft, Illyria.173 Minitzek, Count S. von, Frain, Mora¬ via .624 Mitter, Josef, sen., Stadt Steyr . . 529 Mitter, Josef, jun., Stadt Steyr . . 530 Mitterberger, Johann, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.467 Mittrowsky, Count A. von, Grossherr- litz, Silesia.91 Mogel, N., Vienna.314 Molterer, Cajetan, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.486 Molterer, Chrisostomus, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.487 Molterer, Georg, Stadt Steyr . . . 488 Molterer, Mathias, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.490 Molterer, Vincenz, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr .491 Montanari, Alessandro, Milan . . . 738 Monti, Raffaele, Milan, and 45, Great Marlborough-street, London . . . 743 Moring, C., Vienna.247 Moro, Brothers, Klagenfurt, Carinthia 218 Moschini, Paolo, Cremona .... 636 Moser, Anton, Steinbach, near Stadt k/tvj A ••••••••• t JKjJmit Moser, Anton, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.531 Moser, Franz, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.534 Moser, George, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.535 284 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Moser, Johann, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr.. 537 Moser, Josef, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.536 Moser, Karl, Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.533 Motelli, Gaetano, Milan . . . .728 Motelli, Metello, Milan.718 Muck, J., Prague.354 Muller, A. L., Reichenberg, Bohemia 219 Muller, C. A., and Co., Oberleutensdorf, Bohemia.654 Muller, H. F., Vienna.372 N. Nage, L., Vienna.680 Namiest Cloth Company, Namiest, near Briinn, Moravia.220 Negro, Pietro dal, Verona . . . .719 Nessel, C., Oedenburg, Hungary . 395a Neubert, C. G., Georgswalde, Bohemia 299 Neuhauser, seeSiegmund, Neuhauser, & Co.229 Neumann, L. T., Vienna .... 373 Neuwall, Brothers (Chevaliers de), Klobauk, Moravia.56 Nothhaft, Franz, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.492 Nowak, F., Prague.115 Nowotny, A., Alt-Rohlau, near Carls¬ bad, Bohemia.625 Nowotny, A., Prague.66 Nussbaumer, Leopold, Stadt Steyr . 497 O. (Estreicher, D., Pesth and Mayk, Hungary.. . 396 Offermann, J. H., Briinn, Moravia . 221 Offner, J. M., Wolfsberg, Carinthia . 444 Oldrini, Johann, Vienna . . . 106a Oppenheimer, Caroline, Vienna . 701 a Ossberger’s Heiress, P., Markt-Zwettl, Lower Austria.189 Osterberger, L., Stadt Steyr . . . 538 P. Pajk, Georg, Laibach.127 Palatini, see Serafino, Palatini, & Co. . 702 Palhueber, V., Vienna.637 Pamer, S., Schalchen, near Mattighofen 445 Panna, N., & J. Alexis, Cronstadt, Transylvania..94 Pappafava, Zara, Dalmatia .... 79 Pari, Gera di, Canegliano, Treviso . 85 Parsch Brothers, Graupen, Bohemia . 279 Partsch, A., Theresienfeld, near Vienna 662 Partsch, A., jun. Theresienfeld, near Vienna.611 Patent Flax Raiting Establishment, Ullersdorf, near Schonberg, Moravia 96 Pattak, G., Hermannsiadt, Transyl¬ vania .350 Pauller, J., and Son, Vienna . . . 649 Pazelt, A., Turnau, Bohemia . . . 603 Peldrian’s Heirs, F., Hohenelbe . . 288 No. Pelikan, Ig., Meistersdorf, Bohemia . 597 Pelitti, Giuseppe, Milan . . . .161 Penz, J., Miihlerau, Zillerthal in the Tyrol.446 Penz, Th., Kleinboden, Tyrol . . . 447 Perger, J., Vienna.174 Perger, Joseph, Gratz, Styria . . .111 Pessl, Gottlieb, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.544 Petrak, J., Branna, Bohemia . . . 289 Petrina, Professor, Prague .... 135 Petrovits, Demeter, Vienna . . . 730 Petschacher, A., Vienna .... 688 Petz, W., Pesth, Hungary .... 28 Pfeifer, Jos., Spitzenbach, Upper Styria 418 Pfeiffer, F. A., Neudorf, near Mor- chenstern, Bohemia.604 Pfeiffer, J., & Co., Gablonz, Bohemia. 606 Pfeiffer, L., Vienna.681 Pfenningberger, Josef, Vienna . 248,359 Pfitzner & Beckers, Vienna ... 41 Pfleiderer, Johann, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr.476 Pfregner, F. A., Vienna.682 Pfusterschmidt, Johann, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.546 Pichler, Johann, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.539 Pichler, Johann, Sierning, near Stadt Steyr.545 Pie Case d’lndustria e di Ricovero, Milano.283 Pierotti, Giuseppe, Milan . . . .720 Pils, Karl, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr. 540 Pilss, Franz, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr 541 Pilss, Gotfried, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.542 Pilss, Michael, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.543 Pleischl, A., Vienna.433 Poiger, Friedrich, Stadt Steyr . . .464 Poliak, A. M., Vienna.47 Poliak, J. J., & Sons, Prague . . . 322 Polt, A., Vienna.650 Popper Brothers, Briinn, Moravia . . 222 Pordenone Cotton Mill and Dyeing Establishment, near Venice . . . 175 Portheim, A. P., & Son, Unter-Kodau, Bohemia.626 Portschest, Leathercutters, Hermann- stadt, Transylvania.337 Posselt, A., jun., Reichenberg, Bohe¬ mia .223 Posselt, Anton, Reichenberg, Bohemia 223 a Pottje, Johann, Vienna.141 a Prague Glovers’ Association . . . 336 Preis, Anton, Prague.117 Preitler, M., Stadt Steyr.498 Preshel, F., & Co., Vienna .... 48 Pretsch, Paul, Vienna.362 Prochaska, W., Prague.244 a Proksch, Ant., Gorkau, Bohemia . . 129 Pucher, J., Veldes, Upper Carniola . 740 Purger, J. B., Groden, Tyrol . . . 655 Puttinati, Alessandro, Milan . . .721 Q. Quast, J., Prague.627 Querini, Giovanni, Venice .... 84 Rademacher, C., Vienna .... 61 Radmeister Community, i. e. The Guild of Iron Masters, Vordermberg, Styria 4( Radulovits Brothers, Weisskirchen, Hungary. j Raffelsperger, F., Vienna . . . . 3f Rameder, Ignaz, Vienna.3( Rapp, Mathias, Stadt Steyr . . . 5^ Rattich, J. B., Atzgersdorf, near Vi- . enna. \ Ratzenhofer, J. F., Vienna . . .11 Ratzersdorfer, H., Vienna . . . . 5 ! Raudnitz, Ferdinand Duke of, see Lob- kowitz. 16, 53, 58, 11 Rauh, J., Vienna.31 Rauscher Company, St. Veith, Carin- - thia.4( Razumovsky, Count Leo von, and F. G. Rietsch, Bohmisch Rudoletz, Moravia 6f Reali, G., Venice.61, 1( Reichel, see Rotsch and Reichel . . 1 Reichert, F., Vienna.21 Reichl, Josef, Stadt Steyr . . . . 4! Reindl, Johann, Stadt Steyr .... 4 Reinhold, W., Vienna.3 Reinisch, Josef, Vienna.1 Renel, A., Vienna.3, Ressl, Jacob, Steinbach, near Stadt gj Steyr.5< Ressl, Mathias, Steinbach, near Stadt g Steyr.5' Richter, F., Prague.1' Richter and Co., Konigsaal, Bohe¬ mia .44 a, i Ridler, F., Spital on the Pyhrn, Upper Austria.L Riedler, Johann, Neuzeug, near Stadt & Steyr. . 51 Riedler, Leopold, Stadt Steyr . . .5! Riedl’s Widow, J. F., Vienna ... 11 Riedl von Leuenstern, J., Vienna . . 11 Riese-Stallburg, Baron Werner Fried- rich von, Schl^n, Bohemia . . . 1; Rietsch, F. G., Bohmisch Rudoletz, g Moravia. 68a, 6J Rigo, S., and Kraetschmar, Rima Szom- bath, Hungary.31 Ring, Joseph, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr ..4( Riss, J., Vienna.31 Ri.tter, N., Vienna.61 Robert and Co., Great Soclowitz, Mo- • ravia. J Rocchetti, P., Padua.13 Rockstroh, H., Vienna.3C Rohlik, L., Prague.3 Rolz, J., Graslitz, Bohemia.3S Ronchetti, P. A., Como, Lombardy. . fi Ropemakers’ Guild, Hermannstadt, , Rosani Brothers, Pietro and Ber- y nardo, Milan.63 Rosenberger, see Blaha and Rosen- berger.25 Rosier, J., Nixdorf, Bohemia ... 55 Rossi, Giovanni Maria, Sondrio, Lom¬ bardy .8 Rotsch and Reichel, Gratz, Styria . . 9 Rott, A. H., Prague.15 INDEX OF NAMES OF EXHIBITORS TO PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 285 No- Etott, Jos., Prague.159 Etupprecht, Sebastian, Stadt Steyr . 553 Elzebitschek, F., Prague.162 S. Sailer, Josef, Stadt Steyr . . . . 570 Salm, Prince, Blansko, Moravia . . 430 Salzer, C., Vienna.245 Salzwiipmer, Philipp, . Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.554 Sangiorgio, Abbondio, Milan . . . 722 sapy, Alexander, Rosenau, Hungary . 6 Sarder, P., Gablonz, Bohemia . . . 607 Schabas, J., Vienna.36 Schamal, Franz, Prague, Bohemia . . 118 Schedl, C., Vienna, Wasserlug and Frauenthal, near Lilienfeld . . . 429 Scheibler and Co., Milan .... 80 Schiller and Gerbing, Bodenbach, near Tetschen, on the Elbe, Bohemia . . 614 Schindl, A., Vienna.318 Schindler, Simon, Steinbach, near Stadt * Steyr.555 Schindler, see Eberstaller and Schind- i ler.427 Schindler, see Jenny and Schindler . 183 Schipper, C., Vienna.269 Schlater, H., Vienna.701 Schlick, F., Vienna.385 Schmid, H. D , Vienna ..... 105 Schmidlehner, Johann, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.455 Schmieger, A., Neudeck, Bohemia . . 193 Schmieger, Johann, Briinn, Moravia . 224 Schmitt, F., Aicha, Bohemia . . . 225 Schmitt’s, J. M., Heirs, and Co., Neu- gedein, Bohemia.238 Schmollnitz Waldbiirgerschaft ... 3 Schneider, Josef, Vienna .... 140 Schoffl, J., Saaz, Bohemia .... 99 Scholl, A., Briinn, Moravia .... 226 Scholler Brothers, Briinn, Moravia . 227 Schonberg Linen Yarn Spinning Mill . 95a Schonborn, Erwein, Count von, Dlaz- kowic, Hungary.15 Schonhiiber, Joseph, Villach, Carin- thia.113 Schopper, M. A., Vienna .... 270 Schramm, S., Hermannstadt, Transyl- I vania.397 Schreier, Susanna, Vienna . . . 390a Schubert, Anton, Vienna .... 168 Schutz, Franz, Vienna.375 Schwarz, Franz, sen., Molln, near Stadt [ Steyr.471 Schwarz, Franz, jun., Molln, near Stadt Steyr.472 Schwarz, Ignatz, Molln, near Stadt Steyr.473 Schwarz, J., Vienna.684 Schwarz, Karl, Molln, near Stadt Steyr 470 Schwarzenberg, Prince, Murau, Upper Styria.417 Schwefel, A., Vienna.608 Schwinghammer, Simon T., Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr.556 Scola, A., Linz, Upper Austria ... 72 Secchi, Francesco, Milan .... 81 No. Seidel, C. and C., Kratzau, Bohemia . 228 Seitter, Antonia, Briinn, Moravia . . 399 Sellier and Bellot, Prague .... 122 Senigaglia, J., and G. B. Carminati, Palma, Friuli, Lombardy .... 78 Serafino, Palatini, and Co., Venice . 702 Setzer, J., Weiteneck on the Danube . 23 SeufFert, Eduard, Vienna .... 141b Seybel, see Wagenmann, Seybel, and Co.19 Seykora, J., Adler Kostelec, Bohemia. 324 Shoemakers’ Association, Hermannstadt, Transylvania.330 Siebert, F., Vienna.271 Siegl, J. and Co., Schonberg . . . 290 Siegmund, W., Reichenberg, Bohemia 230 Siegmund, Neuhauser, and Co., Reich¬ enberg, Bohemia.229 Sievert, E., Vienna.683 Sigmundt, J., Vienna.272 Simonetta, P., Helfenberg, near Linz . 291 Singer, Joseph, Pesth, Hungary . . 392 Smith and Meynier, Fiume .... 360 Soap-boilers’ Association, Vienna . . 39 Somajni, Francesco, Milan . . . .723 Sonnleithner, Anton, Stadt Steyr . . 500 Soxhlet, H. F. & E., Briinn, Moravia . 194 Spanraft, F. X., Vienna.273 Speluzzi, Milan. 638 a Spietschka, V., Liebenau, Bohemia . 609 Spoerlin & Zimmermann, Vienna . .651 Srba, A., Prague.355 Stabilimento Commerciale di Farine, Fiume.63 Stache, F., Vienna, Designer . . . 434 Stampfer, A. Vienna.130 Starke, C. Vienna.130 Staudinger, A., Vienna.640 Steam Flour-mill, Fiume .... 63 Steam Flour - mill, Smichow, near Prague.64 Steam-Mill Flour Company, Vienna . 62 Stearine Candle Company, Hermann¬ stadt, Transylvania.42 Stedion, Count, Josephsthal, Bohemia . 123 Steffens, P., Goldenkron, near Budweis, Bohemia.232 Stehle, Johann, Vienna.154 Steiermark Association for Breeding Silkworms, Gratz, Styria .... 73 Steiger, J. G., Vienna.374 Steinbock, A., St. Georgen, nearMauth- hausen, Upper Austria .... 103 Steiner, G. & Sons, Bergamo ... 87 Steinheil, Doctor, Vienna . . . .135 Steinkellner, Christian, Vienna . . 164 Stepanek, F., Bruck an der Mur, Styria 231 Stiasny, W., Prague.377 Stierhofer, Alois, Stadt Steyr . . . 557 Stierl, J., Stadt Steyr.558 Stohr, Franz, Prague.160 Strakosch, S., & Son, Briinn, Moravia . 233 Strazza, Giovanni, Milan . . . .713 Strunz’s Widow, J., Vienna . . . 477 Stuckhart, Johann, Stadt Steyr . . 559 Suess, A. H., Vienna.325 Szego, Sigismund, Rosenau, Hungary. 10 Szerxtpetery, Joseph, Pesth, Hungary . 729 Szolleny, Carl, Rosenberg, Hungary . 12 Szumrak, Johann Friedrich, Neusohl, Hungary.4 Tandler, S., Zinwald, near Toplitz, Bohemia.657 Tartler, M., Cronstadt.202 Tauber, F., Unter-Meidling, near Vi¬ enna . ... 276 Tautz, A., Vienna.685 Tetzner, Gustavus, Gockau, near Co- motau, Bohemia.195 Teuflmayer, Josef, Unter-Himmel, near Stadt Steyr.564 Teuflmayer, Karl, Stadt Steyr . . . 494 Theisz, S., Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania .152 a Thiele, see Johne & Thiele .... 379 Thomas, L., Graslitz, Bohemia . . . 196 Thompson, Miss, 35, Euston Square . 744 Thonet, M., Vienna.641 Thum, A., Reichenberg, Bohemia . . 197 Thun, Franz, Count, Tetschen, Bo¬ hemia ..67 Thurnschelz, Count G., Rlagenfurt, Carinthia.419 Tiffe, A., Vienna.692 Tlumacz Beet-root Sugar Manufactory, Tlumacz, Galicia.60 Tober, J., Prague.691 Tomaschitz, Jos., Veldes, Carinthia . 475 Tomassia, Luigi, Poggio .... 97 Topper, A., Scheibbs, Lower Austria . 411 Trenkler, Anton, & Sons, Reichenberg, Bohemia.234 Trenner, J., Baden, near Vienna . . 663 Tritscheller,seeFaller,Tritscheller, &Co. 656 Tschorner, J., jun., Reichenberg, Bo¬ hemia .235 U. Uiilmann, Josef, Vienna . . . .155 Ullersdorf Patent Flax Raiting Esta¬ blishment, Ullersdorf, near Schon- berg, Moravia.96 Ullrich, A., jun., Reichenberg, Bohe¬ mia .236 Unzeitig, Franz, Stadt Steyr . . . 501 Upper Hungarian Mining Association (Waldbiirgerschaft^), Schmollnitz Mining District, Hungary ... 3 V. Vatek, Franz, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.502 Verza, Brothers, Milan. 87a Vingert, Anton, Stadt Steyr . . . 460 Vivat, B., Langerswald and Benedic- thal.598 Vlasky, Johann, Prague.141 Vogel, C. F., Milan.739 Voith, Alois, Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr.560 Volderauer, Georg, Salzburg ... 13 Volkmann, Iguaz, Vienna . . . .190 Vonwiller & Co., Haslach and Senften- berg, Bohemia. 237, 292 286 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Vordermberg Iron Masters’ Guild,Vor- dermberg, Styria.400 Vosiau Worsted Yarn Company, Vos- lau, near Vienna . . - . . . . 198 W. Wachteb, Leopold, Stadt Steyr . . 561 Wagenmann, Seybel, & Co., Vienna . 19 Wagner, F., Prague.437 Wallis, O. Count von, Ivolleschowitz, Bohemia.93 Weber, G. D , Venice.18 Weicl;selbaumer, Josef, Neuzeug, near Stadt Steyr.562 Weichselbaumer, Michael, Sierning- hofen, near Stadt Steyr .... 563 Weidl, M., Stadt Steyr.461 Weinberger, G., Linz.280 Weinmeister, G., Spital on the Pyhrn, Upper Austria.448 Weinmeister, Josef, Bruhthal, near Leonstein, Upper Austria . . . 449 Weiss, J., & Son, Vienna .... 572 Weiss, Jos., Vienna. 692a No- Welzibach, Kaspar, Stadt Steyr . .571 Wenzel, Karl, Vienna.319 Wertheim, Franz, Vienna .... 573 Westhausser, J., Vienna .... 308 Wien, L., Prague ....... 578 Wilhelm, Anton., Modling, Lower Austria.142 Winter, J., Vienna .... 180, 242 Winter, A. J., Vienna .... 101 a Witschl and Reinisch, Warnsdorf, Bo¬ hemia .293 Wojtech, F., Vienna.274 Wojtech, J., Vienna ..686 Wolfrum, C., Aussig on the Elbe, Bo¬ hemia .301 Wollff, F., Hermannstadt, Transyl¬ vania .326 Wollersdorf Tin-plate Works . . . 423 Worlinek, Prague.116 WYchovszky, J. R., Skalitz, Hungary . 203 Wunsche, Anton, Alt Ehrenberg, near Rumbui'g, Bohemia.659 Wurm, F. X., Vienna.137 Wurm, see Fischer and Wurm . . . 426 Wurst, J. N., Freudenthal, Silesia . . 302 Wiirth, W. Edler von, Vienna ... 52 Zahn, J., sen., Steinschonau, Bohemia 59 Zandra, Joseph, Vienna.69; Zapf, J., Vienna. 34 Zapparelli, G., Brescia.73 Zasche, Johann, Vienna.62 Zeisel, J., and J. and C. Blumel, Vi¬ enna . 321 Zeitler, J., Vienna.68 Zeitlinger, J., Spital on the Pyhrn, > Upper Austria.45 Zeitlinger, J. A., Eppenstein, Styria . 45 Zelisko, August, Prague, Bohemia . 17 Zemberg Mine, Dobschau, Hungary . Zeppezauer, see Fries and Zeppezauer . 25 Zibermayr, M., Gratz, Styria ... 13 Ziegler, Johann, Vienna.15 Zimmermann’s Heirs, B., Meirhofen , 1 in the Zillerthal, Tyrol . . . .45; Zimmermann, see Spoerlin and Zim¬ merman n . 65 Zois’, C., Widow’s Son, Alphonso, Lai¬ bach, Carinthia.*40 Zwickl, Josef, Atzgersdorf, near Vi¬ enna .13 INDEX OF ARTICLES EXHIBITED TO PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 287 INDEX OF ARTICLES EXHIBITED. A. .CCORDIONS, 164. I garic, 45 a. gricultural implements, 123—126. lbumen, 21, 22. lbums, 362, 369, 372, 373, 376,377. lphabets, 362, 367. lum, 1, 14. mber mouth-pieces, 664—683. ntimony, 2, 10, 11, 12. ILpothecaries’ chest of drawers, 629. Lrbela, battle of, 729. Lrms, artificial, 137. pmy costumes, 370. Lrsenic, 13. Artificial eyes, 134. Lrtificial feet and arms, 137. Irtificial precious stones, 600—607. [..spen, and articles woven or worked there- F from, 658. Lvventurine, 600. pvls and gimlets, 479—493. B. ALCONY, 412. ark-basket, 648. leads, 589, 601, 606, 607, 609. leavers, 208, 229, 231. edstead, 412. eet-root sugar, &c., 55—60. ells, cattle, 475. ells, horse, 473. elf, 215,345. erlin wool, 198. ilin Lozenges, 53. iliiard table, 632. Jolting cloth, 203. one articles, 668 a. ookbinders’ tools, 362. ooks, printed, 362, 366, 367, 368. oots, shoes, &c., 327—333,354. low, 121 a. trads, 459. ficks and tiles, 610. rocades, 257, 264, 265. [jrocatelles, 260, 270. ironzed statues, 430. jronze horsemen, 579. ronzes, 703. Irushes, 349, 350, 696. luckles, 465, 477. jluckskins, 213, 232. Bullets, 122 a. junda., 346. lunting, 215. Duttons, 665,697. c. t siNETMAKERs’ wares, 629—642. binet, ebony, 631. dmium, 23. jilico, 178. jilligraphy, 374 a, 375. Cambrics, 187, 284. Candelabra, see Glass, Ormolu, &c. Candelabrum, bronzed iron, 430. Candelabrum, design for, 741. Candles, 39—42, 45. Caps, 393,399. Cards, 374. Carmine, 28. Carpets, 244, 248, 259. Carpets, embroidered, 390, 744. Carriages, 107, 108. Cashmere shawls, 239, 386, 387. Cassimere, 213, 220, 223, 226, 232. Cattle bells, 475. Ceiling for a library, 73S. Chaff cutter, 445. Chemical apparatus, 134, 135. Chemical preparations, 19, 20, 53. Chemical vessels, 620. Chemitypy, 362. Chess-board and men, silver, 578; ivory, 668, 668a, 670. Chimney glasses, 582, 583. China, 615—628. Chip articles, 659. Chrome, 24. Chromo-lithographs, 362. Chronoglobium, 132. Chronometer, 166. Church clock, 164a. Cigar boxes and cases, 376. Cigar lights, 46, 49, 50. Cigar mouth-pieces, 664—683. Cinnabar, 2, 34. Clocks and watches, 165—170a. Cloth, 395, 396; see also Linen, Wool¬ len, &c. Coal, 1. Coats, 391—395a. Cobalt, 4, 5, 7. Cocoons, see Silk. Cocoons, stand for, 128. Colours and dyes, 23—28, 35. Combs, 6..6, 696a. Concave measure, 138. Copper, 2, 4. Copperplate engraving, 362, 368. Cordage, 276, 277, 280. Cotton, 174. Cotton goods, 171—190, 277a. Cotton twist, 175. Cotton velvet, 177, 179. Cotton yarn, 171—176, 178. Counterpanes, 200, 252, 300. Crape, 293. Cream of tartar, 18. Cross, metal, 434. Crucifixion, 412. Crys al goblets, 579. Cudbear, 26. Curb, 465. Currycombs, 466. Cutlery, 503—563. D. Dagger, 117. Damascus blades, 110. Damasks, 252—267. Dante, subjects from, 737. Danube, panorama, 370. Designs, 741, 742. Desks, 376. Dextrine, 22. Doeskins, 213—226. Drawings, 369. Dress, articles of gentlemen’s, 391—396. Dress, ladies’, 183—190, 386 ; see also Satin, Silk, Velvet, &c. Dressing-cases, 376, 379, 642. Drill, 291—293. Drugget, 202. Drugs, 9, 100. Duffel, 230. Dyes and colours, 23—28. Dynamograph, 130. E. Eccentric for self-actors, 421. Ecclesiastical robes, 263—265. Elastic frock-coat, 390. Electro-metallurgy, 362. Embossed tableaux, after Lebrun, 729. Embossed and chiselled portraits, 731. Embroidered carpet, 390, 744. Embroidery, 388, 389, 390. Emery, 9. Enamelled iron-work, &c., 431, 432, 433. Engravings, 362, 369, 370, 373. Engravings on wood and metal, 735. Eyes, artificial,' 134, 608. F. Fancy wares, 376—379. Feet, artificial, 137. Felt articles, 354. Felt, hare, 351. Figures of saints, &c., 655. Files and rasps, 495—502. Flannel, 214. Flannel paper, 361. Flax and hemp, 95, 95 a, 96. Fleam, 564. Fleeces, 89—93. Flooring, inlaid, 633. Flour and meal, 62—68. Flower stands, 646, 647, 648. Frock-coats, 391, 392. Furnace bar, 137. Furniture, 434, 630—641. Furniture stuffs, damasks, &c., 252—265. Furs, 347. Fusees, 46, 49, 50. Fustians, 238, 248. 288 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. G. Galvanography, 362. Gambroon, 293. Garnets, 9, 15, 16. | Gems, artificial, 607. Gilt wood, washable, 645. Gimlets and awls, 479—493. Glass ware, 134, 584—609. j Glass, paintings on, 736, 737. I Glass photographs, 740. Globe of the moon, 131. j Gloves, 335, 336. Grain stone, 68 a. | Granaries, models of, 127. Graphite, 9. f Great-coats, 391. j Grindstone, 4. I Guba, Hungarian cloak, 396. j Gum, artificial, 22. | Guns, 114, 115, 119, 121. Gutta percha matrices, 362. ' Gutta percha wares, 348. Gutter pipe, 424. H. Haircloth, 215. Hangers, 117, 529. [ Hare felt, 351. Harmonicons, 163. Harness, 95, 338. Hats, 352—355. Hat-plush, 269. Hemp and flax, 95, 95 a, 96. Hemp (New Zealand), and articles manu¬ factured therefrom, 278. Hempen articles, 280. Hempen water-hose, 279. Herbs, medicinal, 100. Honey, 70. Hookahs, 688. Hops, 93, 99. Horse-bells, 473. Horse-cloths, 200, 340. Hungarian national dress, 394. Hunting knife, 529. I. Indian corn, 70. Indigo, 25. Indigo-mill, 106a. Ink for copperplate printers, 29. Ink-powder, 54. Iron bedstead, 412. Iron, carbonate of, 9. Iron, oxide of, 9. Iron, raw and manufactured, 400—433. Iron, sulphate of, 14. Ivory articles, 668, 668 a. J. Jaconets, 181, 186. Jacquard loom, 109. Jewellery, 576. Jew’s harps, 469—473. K. Knapsack, 129. Knitting, 330a. Knives and forks, 503, 504, 507—552, 554 —557, 559, 560, 562, 563. t L. Lace, 382—385. Laiogome, 22. Lamp, 579. Lamp-screen, 701a. Lance, 529. Lasting, 293, 294, 298. Lay-figure for artists, 734. Lead, 2. Lead pencils, 381. Leaden pipe, 435. Leather, 321—326, 334, 337. Leather for pianofortes, 142. Leathern articles, 343, 344, 345,478. Lepidolithe, 9. Letter-founts, 362. Lignite, 1. Linen, 277a—293. Linen yarn, 285—291. Linseed, 70, 103. Linseed oil, 103. Litharge, 2, 32. Lithographs, 362, 369, 370, 373. Lithophanic compositions, 645. Looking-glasses, 577, 582, 583, 642. Loo-table, 630, 633. Loom, Jacquard, 109. Lozenges, 53. Lucifers, Congreves, &c., 46—50. -wood for, 699. M. Madder, 23. Magnesia, 53. Maize, 70. Mantelpieces, 712, 725, 726, 728. Maps, 363, 364, 365, 368a, 370, 372. Marble, artificial, 37, 38, 645. Marble cornices, 635. Marble statues, bas-reliefs, groups, &c. 703. —743. Masks, 702. Matrices, 362, 367. Mechanical toys, 653. Medallions, cast,'730. Medallions in ivory paste, 712. Medals, 732, 733. Medical apparatus, 134. Meerschaum, and articles manufactured therefrom, 664—683. Melodium, 141d. Millet, 70. Mineral productions, 1—14. Minium, 32, 34. Mixed fabrics, 180—320. Models, 105, 106, 106a, 109, 127, 128, 638. Molybdenum, 9. Morocco, 325. Mosaic table, 638 a. Mother-of-pearl articles, 668, 684, 697. Mousseline-de-laines, 180, 193, 196, 221, 227, 230, 238—242, 299. Mouth-organs, 163. Mule-jenny, 421. Music, 362, 371, 372. Musical boxes, 162. Musical instruments, 140— 141d, 144—14 152—164, 653. Musical strings, 150, 151. Music-wire, 425, 427, 428. Muslins, 182—187. Nails, 419, 456—461. Nankeen, 293. Neckerchiefs, 240, 302. Needles, 477. Nickel, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. O. Oil, 102, 103. Oil-cloth, 359. Oriental caps, 399. Ormolu articles, 579—581. P. Painters’ models, 655. Paintings on porcelain, glass, &c., 616, 62* 628. Pall, 265. Palmatine, 41. Paper, 360, 361. Paper-hangings, 651. Papeterie, 377, 378, 379. Papier-mache articles, 643, 644. Parasols, 694, 695, Pasteboard articles, 379. Paste for artificial precious stones, 601, 604 Patchwork table-covers, 244a. Paving blocks, 38. Pencils, lead, 381. Percussion-caps, 122. Perpetual Motion, 170a. Pewter articles, 436. Philosophical instruments and apparatus 134, 135. Phormium tenax, 278. Photographs, 362, 739, 740. Pianofortes, 141—141c. Pianoforte leather, 142. Picture-frames, 649. Pipes, 611. Pipe-bowls, 622, 663— 688a. Pipe-sticks, tubes, mouth-pieces, &c., 661 — 688 . Pistols, 111, 114, 115, 116. Pistols, air, 118, 120. Planes, 569—573, 699. Planetarium, 132. Plaster models, 703, 712, 720. Plate, 575—578. Playing-cards, 374. Plush, 215, 269. Porcelain, 615—628. Porte-monnaies, see Fancy wares. Portfolios, 376. Portraits, 371, 373. Portraits, chiselled and embossed on coi per, 731. Porus taken Prisoner, 729. Potass, ferrocyanide of, 20, 21. INDEX OF ARTICLES EXHIBITED TO PRICED LIST OF AUSTRIAN PRODUCTIONS. 289 ouch, travelling, 120. rie-Dieu, 633, 635, 650. riests’ vestments, 263—265. rinted books, 362, 366, 367, 368. rinting, 362, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369. umice-stone, artificial, 35, 36. unches for type, 362. yrometer, 137. Q. UICRSILVEH, 2, 3. uiltings, 188, 215, 251, 277.4, 308. uilts, 180, 242. It. APESEED OIE, 102. asps, see Files. kzors, 505, 506, 530, 552, 553, 561. ibbons, 246, 247. ifle, bolt, 113. fles, 112, 114. ngs, 462, 463, 464. pmanian veils, 397. bpe, 277. lidolph of Habsburg, 729a. ligs, 199—201, 398. [lies, 689, 690, 691. S. [CCHAROMETER, 133. ddlery, 280, 33 ), 340. ilcloth, 281, 282. It, 17. [tins, 248—258. ales, 476. arfs, 183,239—241, 250, 266, 273,274,295, 296, 304. issors, 520, 530, 552, 558. onces, 649. alptures, 703—743. pthes and sickles, 439—452. iling wax, 101a. awls, 230, 238—240, 294, 295, 309—320, 386, 387. ears, see Scissors, ip table, model of, 638. t>e tips, 467. oes, boots, &c., 327—333, 354. bt, 122 a. bvels, 453, 454. ikies, see Scythes. !ve bottoms, 356, 357, 358. k and cocoons, 71—88. ks and silk dresses, 240—258, 261, 262, £66, 267, 385. ks mixed with other materials, 219, 253, fe96. ks, specimens of coloured, 245. kffle, 465. iff, 69. tiff-boxes, 348. .p, 42—44 a. Soda, stannate of, 21. Spindles, 421. Stained glass window, 737. Statues in marble, plaster, &c., 703—743. Steam engines, 105$ 106. Stearine, 39, 40, 42. Steel, 110, 402—421. Steel engraving, 362. Steels for striking light, 468. Stereotype plates, 362. Sticks, 348, 679, 685, 696. Stock, dies and taps, 494. Stone ware, 621, 624, 625. Stoves, 412, 413. Straw, and articles therefrom, 656, 657. Strings for musical instruments, 150, 151. Strong boxes, 437, 438. Stuffs, 252. Sugar and sugar-candy, 55—61. Sugar moulds, 105. Sulphur, 2, 14. Surveying instruments, 130, 136. Sword, 529. Syderolite ware, 612, 614. Szarika, Wallachian national dress, 398. Sziir, Hungarian national dress, 394. T. Table-covers, 241, 243, 244a, 248, 259,285. 302, 310. Tacks, 456, 457, 459, 460. Tartans, 196. Teazles, 98. Terra-cotta models, 712. Terralite ware, 613. Thread, 275, 276. Tiles, 610, Tin, 2. Titanium, 9. Tobacco-pipes, 611, 622. Toilette covers, 202. Toilette glass, in silver frame, 577. Tools, 453, 454, 455, 565—574. Tooth cement, 52. Toothpicks, 552. Tortoiseshell articles, 668, 696. Toys, 652—655. Travelling pouch, 120. Tricot cloth, 238. Triptich, 712. Trowsering, 211—293. Trunk, 343. Tungsten, 9. Turkey red cottons, 178. Turnery ware, 668—684. Twine, 276, 277, 280. Twist, cotton, 175. Twist, hempen, 280. Type, 362, 367. Typography, 362, 365—369. Typometry, 362. U. Ultramarine, 23, 24. Umbrellas and parasols, sticks, &c., 692— 695. Uranium, 9. V. Vanadium, 9. Varnish, 103. Vases, 434, 589 a, 612, 617, 620, 623, 624, 625, 703, 724; see also Glass. Veils, 265, 397. Velvet, 177—179, 253—262, 267. Velveteen, 215. Verdigris, 34. Vermin tincture, 51. Vestings, 197, 308; see also Cloth, Wool, &c. Vice, 494. Vigogma yarn, 195. W. Wafers, 380. Wallachian dress, 398. Wallachian travelling case, 507. Watches and clocks, 165—170 a. Wax, 101. Wax figures, 701. Wax flowers, fruit, &c., 700, 701. Wax models, 703. Weighing machine for bridges, 105. Whips, 280, 341, 342, 348. White lead, 30, 31, 33, 34. Willow straw, 97. Window, stained glass, 737. Wire, 420—429. Wire rope, 137. Wood for musical instruments, 143. Wool, 89—94. Woollen cloths, &c., 199—238, 294—320, 395. Woollen yarn, 191—198. Wool mixtures, 294—320. Workbox, with malachite and ivory orna¬ ments, 631. Workboxes, 379, 642. Worsted fabrics, 182—301. Worsted yarn, 193, 195, 196, 198. Writing machine for the blind, 139. X. Xylography, 362. Y. Yarn, cotton, 171—176, 178. Yarn printing machine, 106 a. Z. Zeilithoid, 68a. Zinc, 2. Zinc table, 434. 290 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. INDEX or THOSE PLACES IN THE AUSTRIAN MONARCHY WHICH HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE EXHIBITION. A. Adder-Kostelec, Bohemia, 324. Adolf and Leonorenhain, Bohemia, 595. Agordo, Venice, 2. Aicha, Bohemia, 225. Alt-Ehrenberg, near Kumburg, Bohemia, 659. Althiitten, near Beraun, Bohemia, 412. AU-Rohlau, near Carlsbad, Bohemia, 625. Aussig on the Elbe, Bohemia, 297, 301,612, B. Baden, near Vienna, Lower Austria, 660, 663. Belluno, Venice, 390. Benedictthal, Styria, 598. Bergamo, Lombardy, 87. Bilin, Bohemia, 16, 53. Blansko, Moravia, 430. Bleiberg, Carinthia, 2. Blottendorf, Bohemia, 591. Bocza, Hungary, 4. Bodenbach, Bohemia, 614. Bohmisch-Kamnitz, Bohemia, 602. Bohmisch-Rudoletz, Moravia, 68a, 638. Botzen, Tyrol, 76a. Branna, Bohemia, 289. Brennberg, Hungary, 1. Brescia, Lombardy, 119, 733. B;uck an der Mur, Styria, 231. Briihthal, near Leonstein, Upper Austria, 449. Biiinn, Moravia, 191, 192. 194, 204, 205, 213, 216, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 233, 281, 286, 399, 436. Budweis, Bohemia, 35, 381, 621. c. Canvgetano, Treviso, Venice, 85. Carlsbad, Bohemia, 724. Como, Lombardy, 82. Cosmanos, Bohemia, 187. Cremona, Lombardy, 147, 636. Cronstadt, Transylvania, 94, 199, 201, 202, 217. D. Deefernik, Bohemia, 594. Derno, Hungary, 415. Dlazkowic, Bohemia, 15. Dobschau, Hungary, 7. E. Eberstein, Carinthia, 404. Eisenberg, Bohemia, 124. Elbogen, Bohemia, 620. Eppenstein, Styria, 451. Erl, near Kufstein, Tyrol, 440. P. Feistritz, Carinthia, 425. Fin sing, Tyrol, 442. Fiume, Croatia, 63, 171, 282, 360. Frain, Moravia, 624. Frattenbach, near Stadt Steyer, Upper Austria, 525. Frauenthal, Lower Austria, 429. Freudenthal, Silesia, 302. Gr. Gablonz, Bohemia, 606, 607, 622. Gacs, Hungary, 209. Georgswalde, Bohemia, 299. Gloggnitz, Lower Austria, 1. Goldenkron, Bohemia, 46, 232. Gorkau, Bohemia, 129, 195. Graslitz, Bohemia, 196, 384. Gratz, Styria, 98, Ill, 132, 146, 208, 368a. Graupen, Bohemia, 279. Groden, Tyrol, 655. Grossau, Lower Austria, 1. Grossherrlitz, Silesia, 91. Gross-Soclowiiz, Moravia, 55. Grottenhof, Styria, 128. Griinbach, Lower Austria, 1. Griinburg, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 509. H. Haidensciiaft, Carniola, 173. Hainfeld, Lower Austria, 501a. Hard, Vorarlberg, Tyrol, 1S3. Haslach, Bohemia, 237, 287, 292. Helfenberg, Upper Austria, 291. Herend, Hungary, 618. Hermannstadt, Transylvania, 42, 44, 45, 120, 152a, 207, 214, 277, 277A, 326, 330, 337, 345, 347, 350, 351, 357, 398, 507, 696a. Hohenelbe, Bohemia, 288. Hohenstein, near Tbplitz, Bohemia, 613. I. Idria, Carniola, 2. Iglau, Bohemia, 200. Innspruck, Tyrol, 112. J. Janovitz, Moravia, 285. Javorzno, Galicia, 2. Jenbach, Tyrol, 407. Josephihiitte, near Plan, Bohemia, 422, Josephsthal, Bohemia, 123, 428. K. Kahr, Bohemia, 14. Kaisd, near Hermannstadt, Transylvanii 688a. Kallich, Bohemia, 414. Karwin, Silesia, 59, 92. Katharinenthal, Hungary, 593. Klagenfurt, Carinthia, 30, 32, 218, 402. Kleinboden, Tyrol, 447. Kleinmiinchen, near Linz, Upper Austri 244. Ivlobauk, Moravia, 56. Knappenberg, Carinthia, 401. Kolleschowitz, Bohemia, 93. Koniggratz, Bohemia, 157. Konigsaal, Bohemia, 44a, 57. Krainburg, Carniola, 358. Kratzau, Bohemia, 228. Kreibitz, Bohemia, 586, 592. Krems, Lower Austria, 648. I». Laibach, Carniola, 70, 127, 405. Langerswald, Styria, 558. Leoben, Styria, 1. Leonstein, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austri 443. Liebenau, Bohemia, 294, 601, 609. Libiegitz, Bohemia, 123. Lindenau, Bohemia, 178, Linz, Upper Austria, 72, 164a, 172, 21 280, 520. Lippitzbach, Carinthia, 409. Lissitz, Bohemia, 456. Lodi, Lombardy, 139. M. MaderhjeuSer, Bohemia, 143. Magurka, Hungary, 2. PLACES IN THE AUSTRIAN MONARCHY WHICH HAVE CONTRIBUTED 291 Hantua, Venice, 126. ilariazell, Styria, 408. Hayk, Hungary, 396. deirhofen, Zillerthal, Tyrol, 452. deistersdorf, Bohemia, 588, 597. derklow, near Starkenbach, Bohemia, 284. detzenseifen, Hungary, 11. diklosberg, Hungary, 1. dilan, Lombardy, 80, 81, 83, 87a, 109, 121a, 161, 283, 616, 630, 635, 638a, 639, 706 to 709, 711 to 718, 720 to 723, 725, 726, 728, 731, 732, 737, 738, 739, 743. diskoltz, Hungary, 394. dixnitz, Styria, 454. dodling, Lower Austria, 142. dogyoros, Hungary, 1. dolcsa, Hungary, 1. doldova, Hungary, 2. dolln, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 469 to 473. iliihlerau, Zillerthal, Tyrol, 446. durau, Upper Styria, 417. N. Gamiest, Moravia, 220. ^euberg, Styria, 408. ^eudeck, Bohemia, 193, 424. feudorf, Bohemia, 1, 604,699. feugedein, Bohemia, 238. ^euhurkenthal, Bohemia, 582. ^euhiitten, near Beraun, Bohemia, 412. feujoachimsthal, near Beraun, Bohemia, 412, 432. feusohl, Hungary, 4. Jeuwelt, Bohemia, 587. feuzeug, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 455, 462, 463, 468, 480, 487, 490, 491, 492, 502, 512, 516, 522, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 550. sixdorf, Bohemia, 552. O. )berlangenau, Bohemia, 181. )berleutensdorf, Bohemia, 654. )berfellach, Carinthia, 402. )edenburg, Hungary, 395a. )ttnang, Upper Austria, 1. P. ‘adua, Venice, 38, 136, 150. ‘alma, Friuli, Venice, 78. *esth, Hungary, 5, 28, 95, 102, 121, 169, £42, 346, 392, 396, 610, 729. ‘illersee, Tyrol, 407. ‘irkenhammer, Bohemia, 617. ‘Ian, Bohemia, 422. ‘las, Bohemia, 413. ‘oggio, Lombardy, 17. ‘ordenone, near Venice, 175. ‘rague, Bohemia, 9, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 37, 54, 64, 65, 100, 114 to 118, 122, 133, 134, 135, 141, 158 to 160, 162, 170, 176, 244a, 278, 322, 334, 336, 338, 339, 352 to i 355, 367, 377, 391, 437, 438, 576, 578, 579, j 585, 590, 623, 627, 629, 645, 672, 673, 674, ,691, 705, 729a, 742. Ifzribram, Bohemia, 2. R. Radoboj, Croatia, 2. Reichenau, Bohemia, 644. Reichenberg, Bohemia, 197, 210, 212, 219, 223, 223a, 229,230, 234, 235, 236, 241,293, 298. Reichstadt, Bohemia, 186. Reutte, Tyrol, 321. Rima Szombath, Hungary, 395. Rosenau, Hungary, 6, 8, 10. Rosenberg, Hungary, 12. Rostok, Bohemia, 412. S. Saaz, Bohemia, 99. St. Egidi, Lower Austria, 420, 426. St. Georgen, Upper Austria, 103. St. Georgenthal, Bohemia, 179. St. Magdalena, Carinthia, 416. St. Veith, Carinthia, 31, 403. St. Wolfgang, near Ischl, Upper Austria, 647. Salzburg, 13. Schalchen, near Mattighofen, U pper Austria, 445. Scheibbs, Lower Austria, 411. Schlaggenwald, Bohemia, 2, 619. Schlan, Bohemia, 125. Schluckenau, Bohemia, 658. Schmollnitz, Hungary, 2, 3. Schonberg, Moravia, 95a, 96, 290. Schonlinde, Bohemia, 275, 382. Schiittenhofen, Bohemia, 46. Schwarzthal, Bohemia, 584. Senftenberg, Bohemia, 237, 292. Sierning and Sierninghofen, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 467, 476, 486, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 521, 531, 535, 537, 542, 544, 545, 554, 560, 563. Silberberg, Bohemia, 584. Skalitz, Hungary, 203. Sondrio, Lombardy, 88. Spital am Pyhrn, Upper Austria, 110, 448, 450. Spital am Semmering, Styria, 439. Spitzenbach, Upper Styria, 418 Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 349, 427, 457 to 461, 464, 465, 473, 479, 481 to 485, 488, 493 to 501, 503, 505, 506, 517, 523, 524, 529, 530, 538, 547, 553, 557, 558, 559, 561, 565 to 571, 669, 676, 689, 690. Starkenbach, Bohemia, 285. Steinbach, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 466, 504, 514, 515, 526, 527, 528, 532, 533, 534, 536, 548, 549, 551, 555, 556. Steinschonau, Bohemia, 596, 599. Strassisch, Carniola, 356, 357. Stubenbach, Bohemia, 361. Szasz, Hungary, 1. Szinobanya, Hungary, 406. Szwoszowic, Croatia, 2. T. Teltsch, Moravia, 206. Tetschen on the Elbe, Bohemia, 67,68. Thallern, Lower Austria, 1. Theresienfeld, near Vienna, Lower Austria, 611, 662. Theresienthal, near Gmunden, Upper Austria, 176a, 196a. Tischnovitz, Bohemia, 173a. Tlumacz, Galicia, 60. Traisen, Lower Austria, 421. Trofajach, Styria, 453. Treibach, Carinthia, 402, 410. Triesch, Moravia, 50. Trieste, 43, 170a. Trzinietz, Silesia, 431. Turnau, Bohemia, 145, 603. U. Uderns, Tyrol, 344. Untergriinburg, near Stadt Steyr, Upper Austria, 508. Unter-Kodau, Bohemia, 626. Unter-Meidling, near Vienna, Lower Austria, 276. Untern Himmel, near Stadt Steyr, Upper .. Austria, 564. tirmeny, Hungary, 89. V. Vallonara, near Bassano, Lombardy, 656. Varmo, Friuli, Venice, 77. Veldes, Carinthia, 475, 740. Venice, 18, 34, 61, 84, 101, 151, 366, 600, 702. Verona, Venice, 86, 106, 710, 719. Vienna, Lower Austria, 19, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 45a, 47, 48, 51, 52, 62, 69, 71, 90, 101a, 105, 106a, 107, 108, 130, 131, 137, 138, 140, 141a to 141d , 144, 148, 149, 152, 153 to 156, 163 to 168, 174, 180, 182, 184, 185, 190, 239, 240, 242, 243, 245 to 274, 295, 296, 300, 303 to 320, 325, 327, 328, 329, 331,332, 333, 335, 340, 341, 343, 348, 359, 362 to 365, 368, 369 to 376, 378 to 381, 383, 385 to 389, 390a, 433, 434, 477, 478, 572 to 575, 577, 580, 581, 589a, 608, 610, 615, 628, 631 to 634, 637, 640 to 643, 645a, 646, 649 to 653, 661, 664 to 668, 668a, 670, 671, 675, 677 to 688, 692 to 696, 697, 698, 700, 701, 701a, 703, 704, 730, 735, 736, 741. Villach, Carinthia, 33, 113, 122a, 435. Vordermberg, Styria, 400. Voslau, Lower Austria, 198. W. Waidhofen on the Ybbs, Lower Austria, 411. Warnsdorf, Bohemia, 177, 188, 293. Wasserlug, Lower Austria, 429. Weer, Unterinnthal, Tyrol, 441. Weisskirchen, Hungary, 74, 75. Weiteneck, Lower Austria, 23. Werschetz, Hungary, 76. Weyer, Lower Austria, 408. Wieliczka, Galicia, 17. Wildshut, Upper Austria, 1. Wisoczan, Bohemia, 49. Wolfersdorf, Bohemia, 5S9. Wolfsberg, Carinthia, 30, 444. Wollersdorf, Lower Austria, 423. Z. Zara, Dalmatia, 79. Zillingdorf, Lower Austria, 1. Zinnwald, near Toplitz, Bohemia, 657 Zwettl, Lower Austria, 189. Z 292 Exhibition official catalogue advertiser. A'NALYSIS OF THE CROWN LANDS CONTRIBUTING TO THE EXHIBITION. The 250 places enumerated in the foregoing Index are distributed through the Austrian dominions as follows ~ Austria above the Enns.21 Austria below the Enns.23 Bohemia..85 Carinthia.13 Carniola. 5 Croatia ..3 Dalmatia.1 Galicia.* . 3 Hungary.28 Lombardy . 9 Moravia.11 Salzburg. 1 Silesia.4 Styria .15 Transylvania.3 Trieste. 1 Tyrol ..14 Venice.. . 10 250 5 . : : : : : : : : : : ;; The flaxes Nos. 1,2,3 are cultivated in Saxony in the Belgian manner, retted in water, and swingled; Nos. 2 and 3 in establishments ex¬ clusively erected for the preparation of flaxes purchased in greater quantities from the growers. These specimens show the progress made in the culture and preparation of flax in Saxony. THIEME-WTCDTMARCKTER&PUESCHEL, Manufacturers , Reudnitz n. Leipzig. —Cl. IV. Prepared and Bleached Sponges. 1. 3 pieces fine quality, weighing 2| oz. per lb. 2 . 11 ditto toilet sponges, weighing li oz. ,, FREDERIC KUNZE, Manufacturer. Rochlitz. -Cl. XVI. Varnished Leather , of very perfect execution. 1 . 12 pieces, black, calves’, for shoemakers per doz. 2 . 2 ditto, for beltmakers and girdlers ,, 3. 2 ditto, sheep’s. ,, JORDAN & TIMAETJS, Manufacturers , Dres¬ den. (Gold medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850; Silver Medal, Berlin Exhibition, 1844.)— Cl. III. Dessert and Table Chocolates. 1 . The Monument of Arminius, weighing 50 lbs. 2 . The Nelson Monument, ditto 5 „ 3. A series of figures of cacao mass, coloured, per lb. 4. 8 boxes pastilles, with Vanilla per box Price. £. s. d. 3 15 3 0 2 14 2 11 2 5 2 8 0 1 16 0 2 5 0 3 12 0 2 4 0 7 10 0 1 10 0 NO. 7 . 8 . 9 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 5. 2 boxes pastiles, with Lord’s Supper and Madonna ....... per lb. 6 . 2 boxes pastilles, with flowers’ language per box 7. 2 ditto with chocolate-girls per lb. 8 . 1 ditto with talon pastes per box 9. Brilliant chocolate .... per lb. 10 . Chocolate praline. ,, 11. Gilt and silvered pearls ... ,, 12 . Different sorts of potable chocolates and cacao masses (at prices varying from Is. to 4s. per lb.) 13. Princess chocolate in cartoon . per lb. 14. Coloured cacao butter .... ,, 15. Chocolate for cooking, in boxes of 1 lb. 16. Ditto ditto ditto, with spice 17. Water-chocolate, in boxes of 1 lb. per lb. 18. Racahout de 1’Orient .... ,, 19. Ditto des Arabes .... ,, 20. Cacao mass of its oil, in 5 lb. boxes ,, The exhibitors’ manufactory is one of the greatest and most renowned establishments of that kind on the Continent. It works with steam, and with the most perfect mechanical apparatus. Prices free from Dresden, exclusive of pack¬ age ; 20 per cent, discount. Price-currents to be had gratis. _ G. HARDEGEN, Leipzig.— Cl. XVI. 1 . 1 box, with 2 lbs. of black printing-ink for hand-presses.per 100 lbs. 2 . 1 Ditto ditto, for machines ,, In barrels of from 50 to 100 lbs., including barrel; on greater quantities, from 5 to 10 per cent, discount. _ ANTON JAGODZINSKY, Leipzig.— Cl. XVI. 1 . 1 box, with stout oil-varnish (free from Leipzig).per lb. 2 . 1 box, with calcined soot . . ,, 3 . 1 ditto, with printing-ink for machines, per 100 lbs. 4. 1 ditto ditto ditto ,, 5. 1 ditto ditto, for presses, ord. ,, 6 . 1 ditto ditto ditto f. ,, 7. 1 ditto ditto ditto If. per lb. 8 . 1 ditto ditto ditto extra f. ,, This branch of industry has made essential progress in Leipzig during the last five years. THE ROYAL SAXON COBALT AND NICKEL WORKS, Schneeberg.— Cl. I. & II. Agent, Benjamin Biggs, Esq. 1-28. Cobalt Colours, 28 Sorts, viz.:—■ Z 2 Price. 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 0 15 0 3 0 0 2 14 0 0 1 0 4 3 6 3 18 4 4 5 8 0 ] 294 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Machines. No. 10 . 12 . IS. 14 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. F.F.F.F.E.S. ; F.F.F.F.F.E. ; S.F.F.E.; F.F.F.F.E.; F.F.F.E.; F.F.E.; S.F.C.I.; S.F.C.I.I. ; F.F.F.C. ; F.F.C. ; M.S.B.Q.; M.S.B.I.; F.F.U.; F.U.: M.U.; O.U.; U3.; TJ4.; F.F.S.; P.K.O.; F.K.O.; R.K.O.; A.K.O.; K.O.H.; Enamel blue ; Cobalt green, 1 and 2. 29. A crystallized piece of metallic bismuth . 30. 10g lbs. metallic bismuth, for sale per lb. 31. 4 lbs. metallic nickel, in cubes . . ,, The oldest establishment of the kind in the world. _ THE ROYAL CHINA MANUFACTORY, Meissen. —Cl. II. 6 sorts of artificial ultra-marine blue. The fabrication of artificial ultra-marine, Price. £. 18 0 0 0 2 6 0 8 6 No. 11 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. executed by the Royal Saxon China Manufac¬ tory, after a method which is a secret even now, forms an important branch of that estab¬ lishment. _ SCHMIDT & CO., Daubnitz, n. Lommatzsch .-— Cl. I. 1. A box with porcelain clay . per 100 lbs. Safety Fusees , Bickford's system. 2. No. I., for working in quarries, &c., black cover, 2,000 feet in one piece . per foot 3. No. II., for working in mines, grey cover, 40 feet.per foot 4. No. III., for working under water, 4 feet, per foot On orders amounting to 100,000 feet and up¬ wards, 16 2/3 per cent, discount. Price, 0 1 0 3/16 3/16] 5/8 j II—MACHINES AND INSTRUMENTS. a.—MACHINES. C. HOFFMANN, Mechanician , Leipzig. (Silver Medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. VI. la. Cast-iron table for planing typographic types, with a second pair of dies for the stock, and a key. b. 2 simple type-planes, with plane-irons and a key. c. A fancy-plane, with iron and a key . d. An universal plane, with three irons and two keys. These machines are commonly used in Ger¬ man typographic establishments and letter- foundries. 2. Machine for boring corals, with wooden support and porcelain dish. A little machine of very perfect execution. L. A^BROCKHAUS, Letter-foundry , Leipzig. 1. A machine for casting types, with casting- instrument for petit. A machine of completely ascertained practical use, saving much time and material. 2. Casting-instrument for corpus .... H. RIECKBORN, Chimney-sweeper , Inventor , Leipzig. (Bronze medal, Leipzig Exhibi¬ tion, 1850.)—Cl. VII. A machine for sweeping and cleaning narrow chimneys.the machine The Roll. This apparatus, consisting of a common sweeping-instrument and a scratching-instru- ment for the more consistent soot (both are easily separated from each other, if the latter only shall be made use of), is to be let down by a cord from the top of the chimney. The scratching-instrament is also provided with springs, in order to make it fit for chimneys that are from 7 to 10 inches wide, which is done by merely pulling the cord. 15 6 0 1 10 0 3 6 0 5 8 0 34 10 0 22 10 0 2 5 0 6 0 0 1 16 0 15 . 16 . 17 . b. —PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND WATCHES. EMIL STOEIIRER, Mechanician,!Leipzig. (Gold medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. X. Electro-magnetic telegraphing apparatus, on the Exhibitor’s own principle .... The machine is put in motion by the in¬ duction-current of a rotary electro-magnetic machine of the exhibitor’s well-known con¬ struction. By the present size of the machine the stream is strong enough to give signs for a distance of 100 miles. The work is moved only by the electric current and the mutations of its direction. The dial has 36 fields ; it serves for giving and receiving signs. The signs are given by moving the arm the nearest way, for¬ ward or backward, to the intended field. The hand, which notes the signs, turns always to the right. By the ordinary speed of the ma¬ chine 8 signs can be given every second. The apparatus has also an alarum, to be included and excluded by a register. Another register excludes the whole apparatus. These apparatuses have been in use on the electro-telegraphic lines of Saxony and Bavaria since 1847. _ M. L. LEYSER, Mechanician at the University of Leipzig. —Cl. X. Electrodynamometer, with mirror and teles¬ cope for measuring exactly the mutual action of galvanic currents in moveable rolls of wire. Constructed after the directions of Prof. Wm. Weber, F.R.A.S. (Poggend. Ann. lxxiii. p. 193.) _ ADOLPHUS LANGE, Watch-manufacturer , Glashutte. (Gold medal, Leipzig Exhibi¬ tion, 1850.)—Cl. X 6 . 1. A case, with arrangement of the parts of a watch and 4 watch-works, in different stages of perfection, the last of them with repetition on a peculiar principle; some watch-cases, and engraved patterns. 27 0 0 18 0 0 and Instruments.] ' PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. * 295 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. 5 . d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Wholesale prices. 2. A watch, guilloched silver case, chrono¬ meter balance, 6 stones, No. 343 3. Ditto 6 stones. No. 374 4. A watch, engraved silver case, chrono¬ meter balance, 6 stones, No. 406 5. Ditto 6 stones, No. 504 6 . A watch, guilloched silver case, chrono¬ meter balance, 6 stones, No. 581 7. Ditto 6 stones, No. 534 8 . Ditto 6 stones, No. 541 9. Ditto 8 stones, No. 1024 . With an arrangement to wind up the spring, and regulate the hand by a button without opening the case. 10. A watch, guilloched gold case, chrono¬ meter balance, 8 stones, No. 436 11. Ditto 8 stones, No. 822 All watches with improved anchor escape¬ ment. These watches are the products of the first establishment in the Zollverein, manufacturing watches after the system of Switzerland by complete division of labour. The establish¬ ment commenced business in 1846 with teach¬ ing young men ; it brought the first watches to market in 1849, and employs at the present time circa 40 men. 2 16 0 2 16 0 3 0 0 2 17 0 2 17 0 2 16 0 2 16 0 4 4 0 6 3 0 6 9 0 19 . c.—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The manufacture of Musical Instruments in Saxony, as represented by the exhibitors Nos. 18 - 23 , has its seat in some little towns, namely, Markneukirchen and Klingenthal, in that part of Saxony called the Voigtland. About 1000 men, scattered over a great many workshops, are directly engaged in it. A number of merchant-manufacturers—among them the exhibitors—bring the products of this industry into the market. This manufacture is distinguished partly by the extreme cheap¬ ness of its products (especially stringed instru¬ ments), partly by superiority of construction and execution (especially wind-instruments). The products are exported in great quantity. The manufacture of stringed instruments is usually united with that of Wood-combs, which gives sometimes employment to part of the less 20 . 6 . Cord-Rims-violin, stick with screw of nacker; veneered case. 7. Tenor-viola of eyewood, stick with gold¬ fish-screw and silver ornaments; in ven. case. 8 . Guitar of ebony-wood, patent screws, ve¬ neered bottom, engraved ornaments of nacker with gold; in veneered case 9. Chromatic trumpet in G, with Mentz valves, 5 bows and 2 mouth-pieces . 10. Chromatic horn in F, with cylindric valves ; newest construction. 11. Violin, old imitation, with stick; in black wooden case. 12. A pattern book of string-holders, bridges, mutes, capo d’Astro’s, &c. C. G. HEROLD, Manufacturer , Klingenthal .— Cl. Xa. 1 . Tenor tuba with 3 conic valves; fine wooden case. 2 . Horn, with 8 valves of German silver, with moveable heads ; in fine wooden case 3. Clarinet in E, of brass, 16 valves of Ger¬ man silver ; leather case. 4. Piccolo in D, of ivory, 10 valves of Ger¬ man silver; leather case. 5. Mouth Harmonica of 112 tunes ; in elegant case . . 6 . Wood combs, No. 490, pierced . per doz. 491, ,, . ,, 330, figured . , 331 , ,, . Wholesale Prices. 6 15 3 18 3 15 1 16 0 18 0 9 0 7 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 FERD. GLIER and SON, Manufacturers , Klin¬ genthal. — Cl. Xa. Agent, Fked. E. D. Hast, 18, Aldermanbury. 1 . 8 Violins, an assortment of the most cur¬ rent descriptions for exportation, with an assortment of 9 fiddlesticks. 2. Fine Guitar, in a case. 3. Trumpet of German silver, in case 4. Cornet of copper, in case. 5. Cornopean of brass, in case. 6 . An assortment of 9 cards (45 pieces) wood combs. GOTTLIEB GLIER, Manufacturer, Markneu¬ kirchen. —Cl. Xa. skilful workmen. 18. GEO. & AUG. KLEMM, Manufacturers, Mark¬ neukirchen —Cl. Xa. Agents, I. D. Kohler and Son. 1. Brescian counter-bass, with mechanical screws. 2. Brescian cello, with mechanical screws, gilt touches and wheels, in black wooden case. 3. Fine violin (Paolo Albani); fiddlestick with screw of nacker, in black wooden case 4. Amati-violin, with lion-head, extra-fine stick with silver ornaments ; in a veneered case. 5. Stainer-violin, with stick; in veneered case 1. Cor de Saxe mi h basse, 4 cylinders 2 . Ditto si b tenor. 3 . Ditto mi b with bugles .... 4. Bugles of copper, with 8 keys of argentan 5. Ditto of brass, ditto ditto . 6 . Flute in D, of ebony, with all keys . . 5 8 0 2 14 0 1 16 0 2 5 0 1 16 0 2 14 0 22 . LUDWIG SCHUSTER, Manufacturer , Mark¬ neukirchen , Cl. Xa. 1 . Sackbut in B, of gilt brass, with 3 cylin¬ ders, mouthpiece, and case. 3 7 6 2. Trumpet in G, of German-silver, with mouthpiece, in case. 6 0 0 3. Cornet in b , of gilt brass, with three bows and mouthpiece, in a case. 2 14 0 ; I t ‘t i: $ 296 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. No. 23 . 24 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. M. SCHUSTER, jun., Markneukirchen. —Cl. X«. Agent, Charles Holland, 41, Finsbury Circus. 1. Clarinet in D, of German-silver with all keys. 2. Clarinet in B, of German-silver with all keys. 3. Cornet in B, with 3 cylinders .... 4. Bass Clarinet with all keys .... CHARLES ZIMMERMANN, Carlsfeld n Eibenstock. —Cl. Xa. 1. Chromatic Concert Harmonica No. 0. . 2. Ditto ditto ditto 1. . 3. Ditto bass ditto 2. . 4. Ditto tenor ditto 3. . 5. Accordion of 40 tunes 4. . 6. ditto of 20 ditto 5. . Price. £. s. d. 3 6 0 4 4 3 0 4 10 6 0 3 12 3 12 1 16 0 18 0 12 No. 25 . 26 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. BREITKOPF and HAERTEL, Leipzig. (Gold medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850; silver medal, Berlin Exhibition 1844.)—Cl. Xa. Piano for concerts, greatest size, rosewood case. -MODELS OF ENGINEERS’ BUILDINGS. OF THE ROYAL SAXON DIRECTION RAILWAYS, Dresden.— Cl. VII. 1. Model of the great viaduct over the Goltzsch Valley (Saxo-Bavarian Railway) 3-800 of natural size. 2. Model of the viaduct over the Elster Val¬ ley (same railway) 3-800 of natural size . Both'viaducts have been executed during the last four years, by the engineers of the Saxo- Bavarian Railway, and have only just been finished. Price, 75 0 0 III—MANUFACTURES, A.- METALLIC PRODUCTS. a.—Iron and Steel. H. L. LATTERMANN and SONS, Morgen- rothe , n. Auerbach. —Cl. XXII. 1. Vessels of tinned-iron (Saxonia vessels): a, Pots for cooking-machines b, Bavarian-pots for open fire, c, Coffee-pots for machines, d , ditto for open fire >•3 a 1 2 litre 0 0 3g 7 a 7 7 7 0 1 n 24 a 24 7 7 0 3 i 2 a 2 7 7 0 0 64 8 a 8 7 7 0 1 3J 3 a 3 ? 7 0 0 101 1 a 1 5 7 0 0 4f 2 a 2 7 7 0 0 8 4 a 4 7 7 0 1 4 1 5 a 5 7 7 0 1 5| 5 • • 0 1 6 6 • • 0 1 11 e, Stewpan with handle & lid f, ditto with ear and lid g, Bavarian-pan h , Frying-pan These vessels are made after an improved method of tinning vessels of iron plate when the article has been shaped. They are of very practical use and durability, and uncommonly cheap. 2. Iron spoons, Nos. i—xi, per barrel up to 100 dozen . . 4 1. 10s. down to 1Z. 13s. Ditto per half-dozen . 5 \d. to 2 d. Fixed wholesale prices. JOHN BARTH. RECHSTEINER, Leipzig.— Cl. XXII. Wood Screws, fabricated with a new ma¬ chine invented by the exhibitor. An assortment of 28 patterns. J. H. WOLF, Burgstddt , n. Chemnitz .—(Bronze Medal, Leipz. exhib. 1850.)—Cl. XXII. An assortment of Rivets, Nails, and Tags of all kinds, and for all purposes. KRUMBHOLZ and TRINKS, Neustadt , n. Stolpen.— Cl. XXI. Steel Wares. 1. Hunting knife with 6 blades, nacker shell 1 16 0 31 . 32. 7. Knife for cutting segars, with segar holder, nacker shell. 8. Hunting knife, with magazine of priming capsules, hartshorn shell. 9. Champain knife, with 4 blades, nacker shell 10. Pen knife, ,, 32 ,, . . . 11. Knife with self-acting pistol .... 12. Pocket knife with 3 blades, iris shell . 13. Ditto 4 ,, and rule, ivory shell. 14. Knife with 6 blades, and signet, nacker shell 15. 16. 17, 18, 19, 20 , Segar knife, with 2 blades and holder Ditto 2 ,, in form of a parrot Dagger, with haft of carved ivory . Ditto in form of serpent, haft of nacker . A pair of table knives, with hafts ,, . . Pocket knife with 4 blades, rule, pen, and crayon, in nacker 21. Ditto 3 ,, pen, crayon, and snuff-box ,, . .. 22. Ladies’ knife with knitting-hook and box 23. Pen knife with 4 blades, iris shell . 24. Pocket knife in form of a serpent, tortoise shell. HERMANN LEVY, Dresden.— Cl. XXI. 1. Carving knife and fork, the handles of one solid piece of mother-of pearl—but the bor¬ ings of ordinary depth—verrels of silver, in elegant etui. This piece is executed in all its parts by the exhibitor with his hands. F. T. THUERIGEN, Meissen.— Cl. Vni. Hunting-piece, with double barrel, percus¬ sion on a new principle, ornamented stock 2. Pocket knife with 15 blades, iris shell 0 12 3. Ditto toise shell . ,, 9 ,, and saw, tor- 0 7 4. Ditto shell . . . ,, 10 ,, and saw, nacker 0 7 5. Ditto ,, 3 7 7 7 7 0 5 6. Ditto tortoise shell ,, 9 ,, and fire steel, 0 5 0 6 0 0 8 6 0 5 6, 0 10 6 1 0 18 10 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 10 0 15 0 18 3 6 3 10 2 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 5 10 0 2 6 0 3 0 6 15 0 50 0 0 Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF. SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 297 No. 13 . 34 . 35 . 38 . 37. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. b .— Other Metals. TH. STRUBE and SON, Jewellers, Leipzig. (Silver medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)— Cl. XXIII. Agents, Phillips Brothers, 31, Cockspur-street. Vase of siiver, with 15 flowers of silver, 93J ounces. Price. £. s. d. AUG. JAHN, Dresden.— Cl. XXIX. 8 sets of Chess figures of metallic composition, with four chess-boards— No. 1, a , per set >> i,'—/, >, „2,6-/, „ RUDOLPH BUENAU, Beudnitz, n. Leipzig — CL XXIX. and XXII. Agent, Charles Holland, 41, Finsbury-circus. Metallic Composition Goods. 1. Castle and tournament . . . per doz. 2. Bronze furniture, with velvet covers 3. Mahogany furniture ,, 4. Ditto cane seats 5. Carriage for children 6. Table cover-thee . 7. Table service . 8. Victoria, or the battle 9. Stable. 10. 2 Plower-tables . 11. 2 Plower-stands . 12. Plat-menage . . . 13. Plate for wine 14. Punqh-bowl . 15. Coffee and tea-service Wales). 16. Mechanical striking match-box 17. Cradle .... 18. 2 Jewel-boxes 19. Segar-box . 20. Glove-box 21. Tea-caddy . 22. Toilet-mirror . Wholesale prices for ready money (Prince of 90 0 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 3 6 1 10 1 10 0 18 0 13 0 13 per dozen. FREDERIC HOFFMANN, Sebnitz. (Bronze Medal, Leipz. Exhib. 1850.)—Cl. XXII. 1. Lamp Burners of brass— No. 1. D.S. and 10 S . 4. S. 8i. 5. S. 6i. 2. D.W. and 9 W. 6. W. 6| and 7 S. m. S 8. S. 2. Regulating Jacks . per gross, of 12 doz. 3. Winding tubes.per dozen FREDERIC GRUHL,j5eZ/ Founder, Kleimvelka, n. Bautzen. —Cl. XXII. Agent, Mallalieu. A Bell of Bronze, 383^ Kilogr. weight, with iron clapper and wooden belfry, the bell the Belfry. B.—YARNS AND THREADS. a.—Of Cotton. Royal Saxony has 130 cotton spinning factories, with 475,000 spindles. 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 0 7 0 0 5 6 1 10 0 1 10 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 8 5 0 1 10 0 1 9 0 1 7 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 18 0 1 8 6 0 3 0 54 0 0 6 0 0 No. 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. E. W. STRAUSS, Chemnitz. (Silv. Med. Leipz. Exhib. 185Q.)—Cl. XI. A frame, with patterns of cotton yarn, Nos. 40, 50, 60 medio ; 60, 80, 100 prima mule. G. F. HEYMANN, Chemnitz.— Cl. XI. Price. £. s. d. 70, 60, 50, 30, extra medio per lb. 0 2 7 ditto. ? 9 0 2 2i ditto. 0 2 0 ditto . j y 0 1 H ditto. j y 0 1 71 single red schild . y y 0 1 5J medio yellow schild . y 9 0 1 6 ditto .. 0 1 5 Prima red schild . . ? * 0 1 7 £ 6 thr. knitting . 9 9 0 2 °ii GEORGE BODEMER, Zschopau. (Gold medal Leipzig exhibition, 1850).—Cl. XI. 1 Bundle yarn for stockings, No. 12, single yellow schild. per lb. 1 ditto, No. 20, yellow schild . , , 1 ditto, prima, No. 16, red schild . , , CHARLES FRED. HOEFFER, Tannenberg, n. Annaberg. (Gold medal, Leipzig exhibi¬ tion, 1850.)—Cl. XI. A frame, with cotton warp yarns, Nos. 30, 40, 50, spun from pure Georgia. PANSA and HAUSCHILD, Chemnitz. (Gold Medal, Leipzig exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XI. A box with 24 sorts of cotton knitting yarns— The six top drawers, and the first of the second row to the left, contain 6 threaded knit¬ ting yarns, made of yarn Nos. 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, spun from good fair Georgia. The next five drawers of the second row con¬ tain 6-threaded crotchet yarns, manufactured in the same manner of Nos. 20, 60. The six drawers of the third row contain 4 threaded knitting yarns, spun of two-thirds fair Georgia and one-third prima Surate. The three first drawers of the bottom row contain 3-threaded knitting yarns, of two-thirds Georgia and one-third Surate. The last three drawers contain 2-threaded sewing yarns, of best quality. 6 -threaded Knitting,prime quality. No. 4. per lb. 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9. ) i 10.. 6 -threaded Crotchet, first quality. No. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.. per lb. 1 21 1 3 : 1 3 , 298 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. No. 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, See. Arthreaded Knitting, second quality. No. 10. 12 . 16. 20 . 30. 40. 3 -threaded Knitting , second quality. No. 20. 30. 40. 2- threaded Sewing. No. 40. 50. 60. Wholesale prices. per lb, per lb, per lb C. G. MATTOCH, Chemnitz.— Cl. XI. 28 patterns of cotton thread, very cheap quality. b .— Worsted and Woollen Yarns. SOCIETY OF WORSTED SPINNING, Leip¬ zig. (Gold medal, Berlin exhibition, 1844 ; Dresden 1845 ; Leipzig 1850.)—Cl. XII, A tableau showing the whole process of wors¬ ted spinning, from the raw wool to the finest yarn. 1. 1 bundle electa weft, No. 110 . per lb 2. 1 ditto warp 72 . , , 3. 1 ditto A A. weft 50 . ,, 4. 1 ditto warp 36 . , , 5. 1 ditto zephyr 28 4-thread,, Wholesale prices. The greatest establishment of the kind in Saxony. BERNH. TRINIUS, SONS, Eutritzsch , n. Leip¬ zig.—C\. XII. A screen with an assortment of raw and dyed zephyr yarns, AA. 2. 4. and 8 thread. Dyed by Bergmann and Co., Berlin. PETZOLDT and EHRET, Reichenbach (Silver medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XII. 2. Worsted Yarns, AAA warp, 40 3 ! Ditto AA weft, 48 4. Ditto AA warp, 34 5. Ditto A weft, 42 6. Ditto A warp, 32 7. Ditto B mixed weft,35 Wholesale prices. Of the weft-yarn AAA No. 70, here exhibited, is woven the fine wool-satin, No. 3045, exhibited by Glafey and Neubarth, No. 105. C. F. SOLBRIG, Chemnitz .—Class XII. 1. Worsted Yarns Electa, No. 90 weft, per lb. 2. Ditto AA 52 ditto ,, 3. Ditto A 46 ditto ,, 4. Woollen Yarn, AAA 36 ditto ,, Wholesale prices. Free, Chemnitz ; with 2 per cent, scontro for ready money. Price. £. s. d. 0 1 21 0 1 2f 0 13 0 1 4 0 1 51 0 1 7 0 14 0 1 51 0 1 7 0 1 0 1 9 ; 0 2 5 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 7 3 0 6 9 0 6 4 8 0 7 2i 0 19 0 0 7 0 0 6 4 0 6 0 No. 49 . 50 . 50 b. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. J. H. WOLF, Burgstadt , n. Chemnitz. —Cl. XII. 1. Woollen Yarns, No. 21, . . . per lb. 2. Ditto 22, . . 3. Ditto 24, . . 4. Ditto 25, . 5. Ditto 26, . £. s. d. J. G. SCHMIDT, jun., SONS, Altenburg and Penig. (Gold medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XII. 1-24. An assortment of 24 specimens coloured Knitting worsted yarns, Nos. 10,12,14, 16, 20, 24, all 4/fold; 16, 22, both 2 fold. The specimens 23 and 24 are dressed. Royal Saxony has in the whole 220 factories for spinning wool; 40 for soft worsted with 54,000 spindles, and 180 for woollen yarns with 80,000 spindles. C.—WOVEN GOODS. a.—Silk Stuffs. BEHR & SCHUBERT, Frankenberg.— Cl. XIII Rich Silk Stuffs for Tapestry , Furnitures , Carriages , 8fc. 1 . Satin for tapestry, 20 inch, crimson, mais and bear. 2. Ditto, 20 inch, louise and mais . 3. Ditto, ditto green and white . 4. Damask, 20j inch, gold button, boiled 2 trame. 5. Brocatelle, 40^ inch, French-blue, ■vthite and mais. 6 . Ditto, 20 ,, green & jonquille . 7. Ditto, white and scarlet .... 8 . Coteline, 44 inch, mode . . .) silk and 9. ditto „ 5 , mode and white/ cotton. 10. Satin for flags. 11 . A portrait woven in silk ..... 12 . A flag of double satin with fringes, &c. . H. ROEHLING and CO., Annaberg.— Cl. XIII Silk Stuffs for Ladies’ Presses. per aune de France, a 115 centim. 1. Lam pas, 24^ inch, fine crimson. 2. Lizered damask, 22 inch, white napoleon, and celeste. 3. Broderie pompadour moire a reserve 22 mais and white.. . . 4. Ditto 22 lilas, wood and white. 5. Ditto ,, black, green, and mais 1 6. Ditto ,, mode and napoleon . / 7. Ditto ,, rose pure. 8. Ditto ,, pense and black . . ) 9. Fa 9 onne lance de'coupe, 22 fine grey > and currant. J 10. Ditto glace 22 fine grey and white 11. Ditto ,, ,, carnation and cherry 12. Armure ,, mode and white 13. Ditto ,, celeste and cherry . There are at present in Saxony only these two manufacturers of silk stuffs, working circa 300 looms in all. Price. 2 2 10 3 0 3 21 3 5 0 9 0 7 0 8 0 7 0 19 0 10 6 0 6 111 0 7 0 0 6 0 Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 299 No. 51. 52 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. b.—Linen Damasks and Diapers. The Manufacture of Linen Damasks, one of the oldest and most renowned branches of Saxon industry, has its seat in that part of the king¬ dom called Upper Lusace (Oberlausitz), the centre of which is the town of Zittau. The weavers live for the greater part in the villages Schonau and Waltersdorf, and in the neigh¬ bourhood ; Gross-Schonau is, indeed, the cradle of this industry. The merchant-manufacturers trading in this article reside partly in Gross- Schonau, partly in Zittau; there are also a few firms at Dresden and Leipzig. BEYER’S WIDOW and CO., Zittau. (Silver medal, Leipzig exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XIY. & XY. Agents, John Wilson & Sons, 159, New Bond-street. Damasks , all pure Linen , best hand-spun Yarn, a. Raw and White. 1. Table-cloth, 10/4 yds. by 10/4 yds., new peacock centre . 2. ditto oriental centre .... 3. ditto new swan centre .... 4. ditto fruits and flowers centre 5. ditto runnings. 6. ditto sprigs. 7. ditto, with silk, new oak-tree, and bird’s nest. 8. Table-cloth, 7/4 by 7/4, fox-hunting . 9. 10. 2 tray-cloths, 7/4 by 7/4 . 11-13. 3 ditto 6/4 by 6/4 . . . . 14, 15. 2 ditto 5/4 by 5/4 .... 16. Table-cloth, 12/4 by 14/4, united Prussian and Dutch arms. 17,18,19,20,21, 22. 6 napkins, 7/8 by 7/8, cor¬ responding to the table-cloths Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 23. 1 dozen D’Oyleys, 3/8 by 3/8, fruit centre 24, 25, 26. 3 dozen ditto new gothic . b. Bleached. 27, 28, 29. 3 table-cloths, 10/4 by 10/4, corre¬ sponding patterns to Nos. 3, 4, 6 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 5 dozen napkins, 7/8 by 7/8, corresponding to Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 . LIESKE & HAEBLER, Gross-Schonau, near Zittau. (Gold Medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850; Silver Medal, Berlin Exhibition, 1844.)—Cl. XIV. & XV. Agent, Philipp Amsel. 1. Raw linen damask table-cloth, 12/4 by 12/4 2. ditto tray-cloth 10/4 ,, 10/4 3. ditto, with silk , , 7/4 ,, 7/4 4. ditto , , , , 6/4 , , 6/4 5. ditto , , , , 6/4 , , 6/4 6. Bleached linen, with silk, ditto 6/4 ,, 6/4 7. Bleached linen table-cloth 12/4 ,, 12/4 8. ditto ditto 12/4 , , 14/4 9. ditto ditto 12/4 , , 21/4 10. ditto ditto 12/4 ,, 28/4 11. ditto ditto 10/4 ,, 10/4 12. ditto tray-cloth 10/4 ,, 10/4 13. ditto ditto 10/4 , , 10/4 14. ditto ditto 10/4 ,, 10/4 £. s. d. 1 14 14 16 13 13 1 1 15 0 1 13 1 10 2 2 2 14 No. 53 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 15. Bleached linen tray-cloth 16. ditto • ditto 17. 4 napkins, with arms Wholesale prices. _ 8/4 by 8/4 8/4,, 8/4 7/8 ,, 8/8 per dozen Price. CHR. DAV. WAENTIG & SONS, Gross-Scho¬ nau n. Zittau and Leipzig. (Gold Medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XIV. and XV. Agent, Charles Holland, 41, Fins¬ bury Circus. a., Pure Bleached Linen Damasks. Table-cloths. per doz. 1. 7/4 by 7/4, with 6 napkins 7/8 by 7/8 . 2. 10/4 ,, 10/4 . 3. 10/4 ,, 12/4, with 12 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 4. 10/4 ,, 10/4 ditto ditto 5. Ditto ditto ditto 6. 10/4 by 10/4. 7. 10/4 ,, 12/4, with 12 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 8. 9/4 ,, 10/4 ditto ditto 9. 10/4 ,, 10/4 ditto ditto 10. 10/4 ,, 12/4 ditto ditto 11. 10/4 ,, 12/4 . 13. Ditto with 12 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 6 3 0 14. 10/4 by 10/4 1 15 0 15. 10/4 ,, 14/4, with 12 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 5 18 6 16. 10/4 ,, 10/4 17. Ditto ditto ditto 5 7 0 ditto ditto 6 2 0 18. 12/4 by 12/4 ditto ditto 8 7 3 19. 10/4 ,, 12/4 ditto ditto 7 5 6 20. 7/4,, 9/4 ditto ditto 6 6 0 21. 16/4 ,, 16/4 ditto ditto 15 10 6 22. 10/4 ,, 24/4 . 23. 15/4 ,, 15/4, with 12 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 24. 10/4 ,, 12/4, with 6 napkins 7/8 by 8/8 25. 12/4 ,, 30/4, with 24 napkins 8/8 by 9/8 finest quality The finest hand-yarn for this piece has been collected during twelve years. 26. Napkin 7/8 by 9/8; woven in the year 1770 ; finest hand-yam. 27. Napkin, 7/8 by 9/8 ; woven in 1775; finest hand-yarn. 28. 2 napkins, 7/8 by 8/8 ; woven in 1800-1805 29. Napkin, 8/8 by 9/8; woven in 1810; Electoral arms. 30. Napkin, 8/8 by 9/8; w r oven in 1818; Wel¬ lington’s arms. 31. Napkin, 8/8 by 9/8; woven in 1844; Etruric rosette. 32. Napkin, 7/8 by 9/8, exhibited to show that black stripes caused by hand-yarn cannot be removed by bleaching. 33. Napkin, 7/8 by 9/8, woven 1835 for the Duchess of Berry. 34. Napkin, 7/8 by 9/8, woven from best flax- yarn (Marshall at Leeds), Nos.180-190, w arp of more than 2600 threads. 35. Table-cloth, 7/4 by 9/4, with Prince Piick- ler’s arms, most perfect pattern .... 36. Table-cloth, 9/4 by 9/4, half silk, with 6 napkins, 5/8 by 5/8, with fringes 37. Tray-cloth, 6/4 by 6/4, all silk, Battle of Waterloo. Wholesale prices. £. s. d. 14 0 1 13 0 75/a 81/ 0 15 0 15 9 0 8 0 2 2 19 6 3 8 0 1 5 6 4 2 6 3 19 0 4 5 0 4 17 0 2 0 0 6 1 12 ( 5 K 27 15 0 0 7 6 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 16 6 0 16 6 0 9 0 0 13 6 2 0 6 6 15 0 3 6 0 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 300 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. b .—Raw and White. Price. £. s. Tray Cloths . ' 38. 8/8 by 9/8, pure linen. 39. 7/4 by 7/4 ditto same pattern as No. 16 40. Ditto ditto same pattern as No. 21 41. 6/4 by 6/4, half silk, raw, and white . . 42. Ditto ditto ditto . . . 43. Ditto ditto crimson and white . 44. 7/4 by 7/4 ditto chamois and white . 0 4 1 17 1 17 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 14 54 . 55 45. Table-cloth, 21 /4 by 21 /4, pure linen, raw and white, executed by the continued work of 7 men for 54 days. 46. Napkin, 6/4 by 7/4, with Cardinal’s arms 31 10 0 9 PROELSS sen. seel. SONS, Dresden. —Cl. XIV. and XV. Raw and White Linen Damasks. 1. Table-cloth, 12/4 by 14/4, with arms . 2. Ditto 10/4 by 12/4, with Saxon arms 3. Ditto 10/4 by 10/4, with Neptune . 4. Napkin, 7/8 by 8/8, with arms . 5. Ditto ditto half silk, with arms. 6. Table-cloth, 10/4 by 10/4, partridges’ pat¬ tern .. 7. Ditto 7/4 by 7/4, lion-hunting (Rubens.). 8. 9. 2 Doyleys, with fringes ..... FRED. BRANDSTETTER, Leipzig. — Cl. XIV. Table-cloth of fine linen diaper from bleached hand-yarn, 10/4 by 30/4.3 6 With 24 napkins, 7/8 by 7/8. ...60 c .— White Cotton Goods and Embroideries. The very important branch of Saxon industry represented by the exhibitors Nos. 56-64 has its seat in that part of the kingdom called .the Voigtland; the centre of it is Plauen, where, and in some little neighbouring towns, the ^ merchant-manufacturers usually reside. All the goods are woven by hand-weavers on jac¬ quard and embroidering looms, in their houses ; many thousands of them crowd the towns and villages of the country. The patterns for the figured goods are procured by the merchant- manufacturers. The goods embroidered by hand are chiefly worked by girls. The bleaching, dressing, and finishing of the goods are done in the establishments of the manufacturers, or in buildings erected for that purpose. 58 . F. L. BOEHLER & SON, Plauen.— Cl. XI. and XIX. 1. 1 piece 5/4 plain mull, 20 yards 1 10 2. 1 ,, ,, figured cambric, 12 ,, 0 19 3. 1 ,, 6/4 striped curtains gaze. ' 24 ,, 1 4 4. 2 ,, ,, figured ,, 24 ,, 1 14 5. 1 ,, 7 ? 7 7 7 7 7£ ,, 0 12 6. 1 ,, ,, ,, sieve, ,, 24 ,, 1 11 [Manufactures. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &e. ' Price,! d. £. s. 1 7. 2 pieces 6/4 tweel figured mull curtains, 14^ yards. 1 7 | 6 8. 2 Coup a 12 pieces 9/8 figured Nansoc bor¬ 6 ders .per stripe 0 0 9 6 9. 1 Coup a 4 pieces 9/8 embroidered Jaconet 0 borders . 0 4 ft 6 10. 1 Coup a 2 pieces 9/8 embroidered Jaconet 0 borders . 0 5 7 0 11. 2 Coup a 4 pieces 9/8 embroidered Jaconet borders . 0 6 0, 12-29. 18 fine embroidered linen handker¬ chiefs .per piece 12/a 371 0 The prices are all to be understood for whole¬ 0 sale. 57. J. G. HEYNIG, Jun. and CO., Plauen.— Cl. XI. and XIX. 1. 1 piece 6/4 gaze 'a bordure, festooned, 3 curtains, 7£ yards, D. 1485 . 1 14 6 2. 1 piece 6/4 gaze a bordure, yellow, a 24 yards, D. 1301. 1 13 0 3. 1 piece 6/4 gaze a bordure, rose, a 24 yards, D. 1252 . 1 13 ' 0 4-6. 3 pieces, 6/4 gaze a bordure, white, a 24 yards, D. 1944, 1936, 1869 ..... 1 10 C T. 1 piece 6/4 bordure a jour, a 24 yards, D. 1487 . 1 8 6 8. 1 piece 6/4 broche damasse, a 144 yards, D. 1857 . 1 5 6 9. 1 piece 6/4 plain mull, a 12 yards . 14 9 10. 1 ,, ,, cambric, a 12 yards .... 0 19 6 11. 1 ,, 5/4 Jaconet, a 20 ,, .... 1 7 0 0 58 . C. G. KRAUSE and Co., Plauen.— Cl. XI. and 0 XIX. 1. 5/4 figured jaconet, No. 120-125— piece of 8 yards 0 11 9 2. 5/4 figured mull, No. 156 ,, 0 10 0 3. 5/4 mf. ,, No. 160 ,, 0 13 6 4. 5/4 eff. ,, No. 170 ,, 0 15 0 5. Figured borders, No. 22E, 4 stripes, per st. 0 0 6.1 6. Ditto No. 22S, ,, ,, 0 0 7| 7. 3 specimens coloured borders, 4 stripes J per stripe 0 0 59 . F. A. MAMMEN and Co., Plauen.— Cl. XI., XIV., and XIX. 1-5. Capes of mull, tamboured . . . , . If d. a3\d 7-15. Ditto long stiteh and tambour. 3hd.a 8 §d 16. Capes of half-batist, long stitch & tambour 6 o io 17. Capes of mull ,, ,, 0 1 0 18-36. Capes of mull and half-batist, flat stitch 8 ±d. to 4/ 37-42. Capes of jaconet, tamboured . . . 2d. a 3\d. 43-49. Ditto long stitch and tambour 4 d. a 8 kd. 50-59. Ditto flat stitch *. 8 kd. a 2/ 60. Capes of linen-batist, flat stitch . o j 2 n 61. Ditto ,, ... 0 3 5' 62-64. Handkerchiefs of jaconet, tamboured 5 ld.aG\d. 65-67. Ditto long stitch and tambour 6§d. a 10 d. 68-88. Ditto flat stitch. 6|dal/10 0 89-94. Handkerchiefs of linen batist, flat 6 Q stitch. 5/5 a/30 6 60. G. F. SCHMIDT and Co., Plauen. (Highest 0 prize, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850). — Cl. XI. 6 and XIX. Agents, Ujllmann, Hirsch- horn, and Co. Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 301 Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. A Set of Embroidered Furniture , viz.:— 1. Easy chair, jaconet, German embroidery, with fringes. 3, 4. 2 easy cushions, jaeonet, French em¬ broidery . 5. Foot-stool, embroidered in cassimer with silk. 6, 7. 2 window-cushions, German embroi¬ dery, with fringes. 2. Easy pillow, with gimp work and French embroidery. 8. Wall-basket in mull and jaconet, French embroidery. 9. Table-cover in jaconet, French embroi¬ dery, with fringes. 10. Shade, embroidered in silk, with silk and gold. 11. Shade-stand, in batist, with coloured em¬ broidery . 12. Letter-case, in batist, French embroidery 13. Pin-cushion ,, ,, . . 61 . MEINHOLD and STOFFREGEN, Plauen.— Cl. XI. and XIX. (Retail prices.) 1. 1 piece 6/4 brillantine brodee, a yards . 2, 3. 2 pieces 6/4 gaze brochee ,, 4, 5. 2 handkerchiefs of embroidered linen, 6, 7. 2 pieces 9/8 robe barege, a 9 yards . 8. 1 piece plain mull. 62 . SCHNORR and STEINHAEUSER, Plauen. (Silver Medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)— Cl. XI., XIV., XIX., and XX. 1. 1 pair of sleeves, pagode fashion, in mull . 2. Ditto ,, ,, . 3-10. Capes, embroidered, in mull. 11-13. Ditto a l’Anglaise, in Scottish batist. . . 14-15. Ditto in tull gimp work 16-22. Chemisettes, in mull, embroidered, a la Duchesse, a 1’ Amazone, a la Marie . 23-29. Handkerchiefs in French batist, em¬ broidered . 30. Morning-dress of Scottish batist, weight 7^ ounces. 31. Robe of mull, embroidered, weight 8 oz. 32. Ditto ,, weight 7 oz. 33. Pillow, in French batist, embroidered 63. FERD. GLAESER, Lengenfeld.— Cl. XI. 1-7. 7 pieces, 5/4 yards, cambric, a 12 yards, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4i, 5, 6 . . . . . . . 8-12. 5 pieces, 5/4 yards, jaconet, a 20 yards, Nos. 1,2,4, 5,6 . . . . . 13-15. 3 pieces, 5/4 yards, spotted, a 12 yards, Nos. 7, 11, 35. 64 . ERNST HETZER & SON, Auerbach .—CL XI. 1. 1 piece 6/4 gaze ramage for curtains, a 24 yards . 2. 1 piece 5/4 jaconet, a 20 yards . . . 3. Ditto batist, a 12 yards .... 4. Ditto organdy, a 10 yards . . . d.—Cotton Quiltings. The manufacture of quiltings, concentrated in Hohenstein and Lichtenstein, is one of those £. Price. No. s. d. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. branches of Saxon industry that excel by the perfect execution of their work. 65 . G. F. BECK, Hohenstein n. Chemnitz. (Silver Medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XI. and XIX. 36 0 0 1-7. Counterpanes of cotton quilting, per coverlet 8. 1 piece 4/4 plain quilting 9. Ditto ditto 10. Ditto rough quilting 11. Ditto ditto 12. 4 quilting-petticoats . . Wholesale prices, with 2 per cent, discount for ready money. per dozen 17 0 0 8 6 21/ a 24/ 0 15 0 1 1 0 o io o ! 0 13 0 I 6/ a 9/ 2/5 a 3/2i 3/6 a 4/2 .j 4/ a 15/ 9/a 120/ 66 . 2 12 6 3 3 0 6 15 0 11 5 0 7/3 a 13/9 12/9a21/6 10/6 a 17/ 1 16 0 1 4 0 1 2 6 0 16 6 e.—Laces and Embroideries in Cdtton, Linen, Silk, and Wool. The manufacture of bone-laces, sewed and em¬ broidered net and lace articles, is a very old branch of the Saxon industry, forming the principal occupation in the highest mountain¬ ous parts of the Erzgebirge and Voigtland, where wages are extremely low. The number of persons engaged in it amounts to many thousands, chiefly women, girls, and boys ; also aged and labouring men during the winter. The merchant-manufacturers that collect their products, either themselves, or through factors and forestalled (who provide the workmen with the patterns and the materials), reside generally in Eibenstock and Schneeberg, or in some little neighbouring towns and villages. The laces made in the environs of Annaberg and Wiesenthal are partly brought to the market by the merchant-manufacturers of Annaberg. — See Catalogue, Sect. III. C. O., No. 152, &c. STOELZEL and SON, Eibenstock.— Cl. XIX. and XX. The prices are all to be understood for wholesale. 1. Capes or collars in mull, festooned . 2. Ditto jaconet, festooned 3,4, 5. Ditto mull and batist, em¬ broidered . 6. Ditto mull, embroidered with genuine thread-laces .... 7, 8. Chemisettes in mull, half-embroidered, with engl. laees. 9. Chemisettes in mull, embroidered . 10. Ditto ,, with genuine laces. 11,12. Capes of tull, with gimp work. 13. Pelerine tull, ,, .... 14. Sewed Brussel bodice. 15. Gimped visite. 16-18. Black pelerine and cardinal .... 19-21. ,, veils. 22-24. ,, shawls. 25-27. ,, visites and mantillas .... 28. ,, genuine bone-laces barbe . 29. ,, ,, berthe . . 30. White thread-ruffles . . . per pair Price. £. s. d. 9/7 a 14/6 0 18 0 1 1 0 0 18 0 0 16 6 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2/3 a 3/6 0 2 6 1/9 a 2/ 0 4 6 0 6 0 9o?. a 1 / 0 4 0 0 12 0 1 15 0 0 4 0 3/ a 7/6 14/ a 45/ 20/ a 40/ 0 10 6 0 18 0 0 1 6 302 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. No. 67 . 68 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36-38. 39. 40. 41, 42. 43. 44. 45-47. 48, 49. 50-58. per pair 59. 60. 61, 62. 63-65. 66 - 68 . 76-83. 84-93. 94r-97. 98-103, 104-106, 107-109, 110-117, White Valencienne ruffles ,, collars .... ,, ,, Valencienne . Bonnets or hoods with heard .... Blond-lace collars. ,, hood-centre. ,, hood-heard ..... Collars, hlack and white, embroidered Chemisette ,, . Genuine bone-lace ruffles . . per pair Hood-centres, white and coloured . Bonnets, hlack and coloured .... Hoods with beards, coloured, hlack, white; partly with gold. Gimp-work collars. Hood-centre of hobbinet. White hobbinet hoods with beards . Brussel-laces, white, per Leipzig ell = 3/5 yard. White bed-laces (insertion) .... Coloured woollen bone-laces .... Black ,, ,, .... Sewed bone-laces, per Leipzig ell Genuine thread bone-laces, per aune de France . White blond-laces, per aune de France ,, thread-laces. ,, Valencienne laces. E. PRIEM, Eibenstock.— Cl. XIX. and XX.— Agent, A. Heintzmann, 16, Colebrook-row, Islington. 1. Genuine bone-laces, gown, withfalbula . 2. 14 yds. genuine bone-laces volant, per yd. 3. Black sewed veil. 4. Ditto corset. 5. Crape bertha. 6. Black with yellow tull fanchon 7. White crape fanchon. Pattern-books oflaces. FRED. FOERSTER, Eibenstock. (Bronze medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. and XX.—Agent, Heimann Kohnstamm, 7, Union-court, Broad-street. Price. s. d. 2 3 2 6 4 0 a 12/ 2/6 a 16/ 0 5 0 0 10 0 9d. a 1/ 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 3 0 2 6 3 /a 10/6 0 0 9 0 1 3 0 3 0 3 cl 9 d. 2/ a 7/6 4/ a 12/ 3/ a 36/ 6d. a Id. 1/6 a 10/ 3/ a 6/ 4/ a 7/ 8/ a 30/ 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 1 - 10 . 11-27. 28-29. 30-32. 33. 34. 35. 36-37. 38. 39. 40-45. 46-49. 50-53. 54-57. 58-66. 67-73. Embroidered collars or capes . . . 7\d. a l/ Genuine thread-lace collars or capes . 1 /a 8/6 Ditto ruffles, pair . . . 5/6 a 6/. Black silk lace collars.0 2 6 Ditto crape ditto .0 17^ Zephyr hood.0 4 0 Thread ditto. 05-6 Zephyr barbes.5/3 a 6/6. Hood centre. 0 1 6 White applicated.0 4 6 Hoods—zephyr, white, black and red, with gold, silk, crape .... 4/, 11/, 11/, 9/, 4/, 10/6. Berthas—zephyr, blond-lace, thread-lace, black silk lace.6/, 12/, 13/6,4/6. Veils—sewed, white silk, applicated, black silk, 2/6, 6/9, 16/, 14/6. Shawls—black silk, white silk, applicated, genuine thread. 15/, 30/, 72/, 120/. Pelerines and Cardinals—embroidered in muslin and jaconet, gimped Brussel, black silk, genuine thread, &c., 6/9,10/6, 2/6, 4/, 4/, 3/9, 3/9, 24/, 12/. Chemisettes in mull, tambour, and long-stitch, in jaconet, gen. thrd., §/, f/, f/, 1/, 1 */, 1*/, 4/. No. 69 . 70 . 71 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 74-79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86-88. 89-91. 92-93. 94-95. 96-98. 99. 100 . Embroidered handkerchiefs Brussel ladies’ jacket with falbula Zephyr ditto ditto ditto mantilla. Genuine black silk mantilla with bone- laces . Ditto barbe .... 20 yards zephyr-laces, one piece 3 pieces bed-laces. 4* ditto genuine thread-laces Black silk laces, per yard Ditto bobbin-laces, per yard Genuine thread-lace barbes . Ditto white blond-lace barbe Ditto black ditto Price, £. d.\ 16/ a 24yl 11/0 l/10/0i 1 / 10/0 13/10/0 3/9 21/3 5/3 a 11/J 12/ a 22/4 2/ a 3/S 3/7* a 41 3/6, 6/, 10/ 11/0 11/0 3. G. DOERFFEL SONS, Eibenstock. (Silver medal, Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. Agent, Ch. Hoeeand, 41, Finsbury Circus. 1-27. 41* pieces white thread-laces of 5* yards 28. 1 coup, black silk lace-insertion, per Leipzig ell=3/5 yard. 29-60. 32 coup, black silk laces. KOESTER and UHLMANN, Schneeberg.— Cl. XIX. and XX.—Agents, E. and H. Beank, 10, Trump-street, King-street, Cheapside. 1-25. 25 coup, black silk bobbin-laces, per yard 26-49. 24 sorts, 66 pieces, a 5* yards laces in the Valenciennes manner, per piece of 5* yards . .. 50-67. 18 sorts, 40* pieces, at 5* yards, extra fine thread-laces. 68-103. 36 pieces of 18 yards linen bed-laces, piece of 18 yards. 104. Genuine Brussels lace berthe 5/ a 26/6 6 i d . %d. a '2j r 105-109. Ditto ditto capes .... 110. Ditto ditto ruffles 111-114. Ditto thread-lace capes .... 115-122. Ditto ditto a la Valenciennes 123-125. Ditto ditto ruffles .... 126-128. Ditto ditto a la Valenciennes, 129. Ditto ditto berthe .... 130-133. Ditto ditto barbes .... 134. Black silk bone-lace mantilla 135-140. Genuine batist-handkerchiefs 141. Zephyr tull long shawl . . 142. Ditto ditto berthe . 143-145. Ditto ditto capes . . 146-154. Black silk half-veils . 155. Ditto tull mantilla . 156. Ditto gimped .... 157. White silk ditto .... F. A. SCIIREIBER, Dresden , Oberwiesenthal. (Bronze Medal, Berlin Exhibition, 1844; Gold Medal, Dresden Exhibition, 1845.)— Cl. XIX. and XX. , 2. 2 Volants, Brussel imitation 3. Berthe ditto 4. Barbe ditto 5. Echarpe ditto 6. Ditto, sewed points 7. 2# yards point-laces, ancient style, per yd. 8. 11/3 yard ditto 9. Barbe ditto 10. Berthe ditto 11. Cape and ruffles .... 3d. a 7 / 4 ) 1/6 a 46/ 1/11 a 36} 1/9 a 27/ 6 8 0 8 / « 12 / 0 6 0 3/ a 3/S 5/ a 12/ 1/6 a 2/ 2/8 a 6/ 1 0 0 8/ a 16 / 14 8 fll 8/6 a 32/ 3 0 0; 0 14 0 1/6 a 2/ 3/ a 10/ 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 5 0 16 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 o°; 0 | o H Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 303 No. 74. 82. 72. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 12. Cape and ruffles. 13. Cape, ancient style. 14,15, 2 Capes, sewed points. 16. Handkerchief. f. — Hosiery. Cotton, Linen, Wool, and Silk. (Nos. 72-82, Cl. XX.) Eleven exhibitors, Nos. 72-82, have united for the purpose of representing systematically one of the most important branches of Saxon in¬ dustry. They have therefore settled among themselves about the articles to be exhibited by each: but it is clearly to be understood, that every one of them is prepared to furnish many more articles than it has fallen to his share to exhibit. The manufacture of hosiery- goods, principally in cotton, but also in wool, linen, and flax, employs more than 30,000 looms, almost all of them being centred near the towns of Chemnitz, Penig, Waldenburg, Hohenstein, and Lichtenstein, where all little places and villages abound with stocking- weavers. The total number of hands amounts to 45,000. The merchant-manufacturers that collect the products for sale (generally through the medium of factors) reside, most of them, at Chemnitz, Limbach, Hohenstein, Lichtenstein, Oelsnitz, and Waldenburg. WEX and LINDNER, Chemnitz. (Per Dozen.) A. —1. Men’s brown cotton hose. 2. Ditto ditto . 3-5. Men’s white ditto. Wholesale prices. FRANC. SOLBRIG, Chemnitz. B. —1-5. Women’s 2-thread white cotton hose . 74. Wex and Lindner, Chemnitz. 10-12. Women’s white cotton hose 13. Women’s brown cotton hose, silk em¬ broidered . 14-15. Women’s white cotton hose 16-17. ,, ,, 4-thread soles 18. Women’s white Lisle thread .... GOTTFR. LANDGRAFF, Hohenstein n. Chem¬ nitz. —Agent, D. Joshua, 34, King-street , Cheapside. 25-28. Women’s single-thread white cotton hose. 74. Wex and Lindner, Chemnitz. 40-44. Women’s 3-thread white cotton hose . 72. Gottfr. Landgraff, Hohenstein. 60-61. Women’s 4-thread white cotton hose . 62-65. ,, ,, ,, full size 70-73. ,, 2-thr. white cotton hose, full size 80. ,, ,, ,, double soles 81* )) } } 5 > j » full size. Price. £. s. d. 1 1 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 12 0 0 0 8 5 0 8 11 10/6al2/9 6/4 a 8/6 6/8 a 9/4 0 9 2 9^s.al0/6 14/a 15/ 0 15 0 6/6 a 9/4 7/ a 12/6 10/ a 15/ 9/6 a 12/ 0 16 6 1 0 0 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 82. Franc. Soebrig, Chemnitz. 90. Women’s single-thread brown cotton hose 91-92. Women’s 2-thread ,, 93. Women’s single-thread ,, 94-95. Women’s 2-thread ,, 96. Women’s 3-thread ,, 97. Women’s 4-thread ,, I £. s. d. 0 3 11 5/7 a 8/ 0 7 8 6/11 a 9/8 0 8 2 0 9 10 CO H. WEBENDOERFFER and SONS, Lichten¬ stein. 120-128. Women’s 3-thread white cotton hose 7/3 a 18/ 79. H. C. HAERTEL, Waldenburg. (Bronze Medal, Leipzig, 1850.) — Agent, D. Joshua, 34, King-street, Cheapside. 150-152. Women’s 4-thread white cotton hose 18/9 a 45/ 77. Fred. Neuber, Chemnitz. C.— 1-6. Women’s white hose fashioned . 4/ a 6/2 ' 75. Nacke and Gehrenbecic, Chemnitz. Agent, W. Meyerstein, 15, Wat ling-street. D. — 1 — 12. Women’s white hose, cut up . . 3/6 a 6/6 76. FRIEDRICH and SON, Chemnitz. Agent, W. Meyerstein, 15, Watling-street. E. — 1,2. Women’s white Lisle thread hose, lace and plain. 3. Ditto ditto silk embroidered . 4. Ditto ditto lace. 5. Ditto ditto and silk embroidered . 0 17 5 0 17 5 0 11 10 1 1 9 72. Gottfr. Landgraff, Hohenstein. 20-22. Women’s white 2-thread Lisle thread hose, full size. 23. Ditto 4-thr. ditto ditto 24-25. Ditto 2-thr. ditto lace 13/ a 21/ 1 10 0 14/a 18/ 74. WEX and LINDNER, Chemnitz. F. — 1. Women’s white cotton hose, lace . 3. Ditto brown ditto and embroidered . 4. Ditto white Lisle thread. 5. Ditto brown cotton embroidered . 0 10 6 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 13 6 72. Gottfr. Landgraff, Hohenstein. 20-23. Women’s 2-thread white cotton hose, lace, full sized. 9/4 a 13/6 75. NACKE and GEHRENBECK, Chemnitz. Agent, W. Meyerstein, 15, Watling-street. G.—1-12. Women’s mixed hose. 13. Ditto slate in grain hose .... 14. Ditto black ditto. 3/10 a 9/7 0 8 1 0 13 1 77. Freder. Neuber, Chemnitz. H.—1—13. White half hose, cut up ... 1/10«3/1C 82. Franc. Soebrig, Chemnitz. I.—1-6. Brown half hose, fashioned 7-9. White ditto ditto. 3/7 a 4/9 4/ a 5/7 j 74. Wex and Lindner, Chemnitz. K.—1-6. 2-thr. brown cotton half hose . . . 7-11. 3-thr. ditto ditto ditto . . . 12-18. 4-thr. ditto ditto ditto . . . 5/ a 7/4 4/7 a 7/6 6/a 8/6 ! 304 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [MANUPACT'URfig. No. 77 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 79. Henr. Christ. Haertee, Waldenburg. Agent, D. Joshua, 34, King-street , Cheapside. 51-53. 4-thr. brown cotton half hose . 54. Ditto white ditto. 55. Ditto brown ditto long elastic . 56. 6-thr. ditto Lisle thread ditto . . FRED. NEUBER, Chemnitz. 100. Brown knitting half hose 75. Nacke and Gehrenbeck, Chemnitz. L.— 1-7. Mixed half hose. 82. Franc. Solbrig, Chemnitz. 30. Mixed half hose . 31-35. 3-thread ditto mixed . 72. Gottfr. Landgraff, Hohenstein. 61. Coloured half hose 62. Ditto ditto 79. Henr. Christ. Haertee, Waldenburg. 201. Children’s half hose. Ditto ditto . . . . 76. Friedrich and Son, Chemnitz. Agent, W. Meyerstein. M.—1. 3-thr. white linen cadet’s hose 2. Ditto ditto women’s 3. Ditto ditto ditto 4. 2-thr. brown ditto 5. Ditto white ditto 6-8. Ditto ditto half hose 9. 3-thr. brown ditto 10. 2-thr. coloured ditto 11. Ditto brown Amazons 12. 3-thr. ditto ditto 13. 2-thr. coloured Lisle thread and Amazons . . 14-15. Ditto brown lined, H. H. . 16. 3-thr. ditto drawers . . 17. Ditto white ditto . . . lined 74. Wex and Lindner, Chemnitz. N.—1-7. Children’s white cotton hose 8-9. Boys’ brown ditto half hose 10-11. Ditto white ditto . . . . 12. Ditto ditto lace .... 13. Children’s ditto hose . . 14-15. Ditto coloured ditto . 16-17. Boys’ ditto half hose . P.—1-4. Brown cotton drawers . 5-7. Ditto ditto jackets . . . 82. Franc. Soebrig, Chemnitz. 10. Brown cotton drawers, 4-thr. 76. Friedrich and Son, Chemnitz. 21. Brown cotton ladies’ drawers . 22-23. ,, drawers .... 24-25. White cotton drawers, with feet . 26. Brown cotton drawers .... 27. White ,, . 28-29. Brown ,, . 30. Brown cotton drawers, 2 & 3 thread h —1. White woollen eamisols, 1/1 opened 2. ,, ,, 1/2 and 1/1 opened Price. 8/6 a 11/ 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 6 0 2/5 a 4/4 0 4 10 5/7 a 6/11 0 8 6 0 5 6 0 6 1 0 6 9 1 7 10 0 18 10 1 2 7 0 18 3 0 19 7 8/3 a 9/10 0 11 0 0 10 3 0 4 7 0 12 0 0 5 0 5/a 5/3 2 12 4 2 19 0 3/9 a 8/5 3/ a 3/7 2/10a4/7 0 3 0 0 4 0 3/6 a 6/10 3/9 a 3/10 20/a 21/8 17/a 26/ 1 9 0 0 18 0 21/a 25/6 21/a 39/ 1 11 0 1 12 2 19/6 a 29/ 29/a 30/6 71/3a76/6 No. 80. 81. 78. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 3. Coloured cotton eamisols, red and blue striped. 4. White cotton eamisols. 5. Brown ,, .. 6. ,, ,, for sailors . . . 7. White ,, ,, . . . J. S. GLAESER, jun., Schonau n. Chemnitz. R.—1-9. Coloured cotton women’s gloves . 10-17. Coloured cotton men’s gloves . 18. Black cotton men’s gloves .... 19-20. Coloured cotton men’s gloves . 21-23. Coloured cotton children’s gloves . 27- 43, 45-48. Coloured Lisle thread men’s gloves. 26-44, 46-47. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves . 28- 30,31-36. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves, with ruffles . 37-39. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves, with ruffles, embroidered 41. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves, with double ruffles . . . 29,38-40. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves, embroidered. 42. Coloured Lisle thread ladies’ gloves, fashioned fingers.. 32-35. Coloured Lisle thread children’s gloves. 57-60. Coloured Lisle thread children’s gloves. (Silver Medal, AUG. PESTER, Limbach. Leipzig Exhibition, 1850.) S. —6. Men’s coloured tricot gloves . . . . 7. Ladies’ ,, ,, . . . . T. —1-8. Coloured cotton fancy children’s hose 76. Friedrich and Son, Chemnitz. U.—1. White cotton caps lace } J 3 * > > } 5 4. 2-thread white caps lace 5 * j> j > 6. ,, ,, knitting 7. 4-thread white Lisle thread caps lace 8. Children’s white cotton caps . 9. ,, Lisle thread caps 10. Cotton Salzburg caps 11 . 12. Cotton Prussian caps 13. ,, sailors’ caps 14. ,, Negro caps . MEINERT, BROTHERS, Oelsnitz. (Per Dozen.) O.—35-36. Women’s white merino hose 37-38. Men’s mixed merino half-hose 39. Men’s grey merino half-hose 40-41. Men’s white merino jackets . 13/2a Price. 79. Henr. Christ. Haertee, Waldenburg. Z.—1. Men’s 3-thread white Vigogne drawers . 2. Women’s 3-thread white Vigogne hose . 3. Men’s 3-thread grey mixed Vigogne half¬ hose 4. Men’s 3-thread brown mixed Vigogne half-hose. £. «. d, 26/ a 29/1 14 3 1 1 9 10 0 14 9 1/6 a 2/4 1/8 a 2/8 0 2 5 2/5 a 2/10 1/3 a 1/5 3/9 a 6/ 3/4 a 4/2 4/6 a 5/6 0 6 4 0 6 0 4/5 a 5/3 0 5 3 2/8 a 3/ 3/4 a 3/9 0 13 0 0 11 0 2/1 a 3/7 0 2 3 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 2 5 0 3 6 0 1 0 0 1 5 i 0 3 4 0 2 11 0 2 4 0 3 4 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 14 10 0 10 7 0 12 2 45/6a54/8 2 11 0 1 1 0 0 12 9 0 9 9 Manufactures.] PRICED LISf OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 305 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. M.—39. Men’s white linen and cotton half-hose. 80. J. S. Glaeser, jun., Schonau. R.—24. Ladies’ coloured silk and cotton gloves 25. Men’s coloured silk and cotton gloves . 49. Ladies’ mixed spun silk gloves . 50-51. Ladies’ black spun silk gloves . 52-54. Ladies’ coloured spun silk gloves 55. Men’s coloured spun silk gloves. 56. Men’s black spun silk gloves £. s. d. 0 6 5 83. 0 5 3 0 6 5 0 6 6 6/6 a 7/4 6/6 a 8/3 0 7 6 0 7 6 GUST. SEDLAG, Kdnigsbruck. 1. A piece 5^ yards woollen elastic for pan¬ taloons . 2. Blue women’s woollen jacket, green border 3. White women’s woollen camisol ,, 4. Blue ditto ditto jacket, with red and yellow border. 5. Blue men’s woollen jacket, green border . 6. Grey mixed women’s woollen jacket, with green border. £. s. d. 0 18 0 0 6 0 0 5 6 0 5 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 72. Gottfr. Landgraff, Hohenstein. L.—60. Coloured silk and Lisle thread half-hose 0 13 6 84. 78. Meinert, Brothers, Oelsnitz. O.—1-2. White woollen children’s hose perdoz. 3-6. Coloured ' ditto ditto . . 7-9. White ditto half-hose . 10-12. Coloured ditto ditto . 13-16. White woollen women’s hose . 17-19. Ditto ditto cadets’ hose . 20. Ditto ditto men’s hose 21. Black ditto ditto . . . 22-25. White ditto men’s half-hose . 26. Mixed ditto ditto 27-29. White ditto men’s jackets . . . 30. Rose ditto ditto . . . 31. Nankin ditto ditto • . 32. Light blue ditto ditto .... 33. Scarlet ditto ditto . . 34. White ditto men’s drawers 4/10 a 6/9 5/1 a 8/ 4/2 a 6/ 4/10 a 7/2 ll/10a20/ 17/1 a 24/ 1 7 0 1 8 0 9/a 13/4 0 8 0 36/a 73/ 3 8 0 3 8 0 3 8 0 3 10 0 3 12 0 79. Henr. Christ. Haertel, Waldenburg. 61. Black and grey mixed woollen chil- dren’s half-hose . . 62. 3-thread . . 63. Ditto blue ditto ditto 64. Ditto brown ditto ditto . 65-67. Ditto white ditto ditto . 68-71. Ditto blk. mxd. woollen women’s hose 72-73-75. 3-thread ditto ditto 74-76. Ditto white ditto 77-78. Ditto ditto woollen camisols, £ opened 79. Ditto white^ woollen camisols, J opened with silk.. 80. Ditto rose woollen camisols, ^ opened 81. Ditto white woollen patent, \ opened 82. Ditto white woollen camisols, \ opened with silk. 83. Ditto coloured woollen camisols, g opened with silk. 81. Aug. Pester, Limbach. S.—1-2-4. Coloured woollen men’s gloves . . 3-5. Ditto ditto ladies’ .... 8. Ditto silk double tricot ladies’ gloves 79. Henr. Christ. Haertel, Waldenburg. M. 31. Brown linen women’s hose lace 32. White ditto ditto and embroidered 33. 3-thread ditto ditto half-size 34. Brown ditto ditto half-hose . 35. 3-thread white ditto ditto 36-38. Brown ditto ditto 40, 4-thread white linen drawers . . 0 11 o o 13 6 0 15 0 0 17 6 14/3al8/7 8/a 11/3 14/a 31/6 20/3a33/9 43/a 52/6 4 1 0 4 7 0 3 19 6 4 8 6 4 16 0 12/a 14/ 10/6 all/ 0 16 6 7 16 0 8 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 6 0 15 9 7/6 a 13/2 j 2 16 0 85. g.—Printed Cotton Goods. BECKER and SCHRAPS, Chemnitz.— Cl. XVIII. piece of 38 Brabant ell. 1. 2 7/8 printed calico, warranted colours 2. 1 9/8 printed calico, warranted colours 3. 12 9/8 printed calico, warranted colours 4. Ribbed cotton cloth, printed with 8 steam colours.per doz. 5. Ditto ditto ditto ,, 6. Rosa cravates, madder foulards . ,, 7. Cravates of different sorts . ,, 8. Figured foulards.,, 9. Blue cravates.,, 10. Fine madder cravates .... ,, Wholesale prices. 0 11 5 0 15 6 0 19 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 9 9 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 6 6 0 7 0 h.—Coloured Cotton and Mixed Stuff's and Damasks. (Cotton , Wool , and Silk .) The manufacture of cotton, wool, and silk- mixed damasks, and similar stuffs, engages in Chemnitz and the neighbourhood above 2000 Jacquard looms, only a few of which are united in factories, most of them belonging to hand- weavers working at home. To provide them with patterns and the material, as well as the finishing and dressing of the goods, is the busi¬ ness of the merchant manufacturers residing at Chemnitz. This branch of the Saxon industry has made immense progress during the last ten years. EDWARD LOHSE, Chemnitz. (Highest prize, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XI., XII., XIII., & XV. Agent, William Meyerstein, 15, Watling- street. No. pieces, in. yds. colours. 1,2. 2 26^/27 by 29^- 2 damask, silk & cotton thread, called Valencia 3. 1 26^/27 by 29f 3 damask gobelin silk and cotton thread 4-7. 4 27/28 by 29 2 damask, impe¬ rial, wool and silk 54/55 by 29 2 ditto 27/28 by29| 8 - 10 . 11 , 12 . 13. 1 14. 1 54/55 27/28 by 29 by 30 3 damask, gobe¬ lin, silk and wool 3 ditto 3 damask, gobe¬ lin lance, wool, silk and cotton thread 15. 1 54/55 by 30 3 ditto 16-18.3 26 by 29^ a 30 2 all wool, damask 19,20.2 51/52 by 29 2 ditto 306 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactured No. 86 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. No. pieces in. 27,28.2 27/28 by 29 49,50. 2 51, 52. 2 53. 1 ,, 54-56. 3 26/27 yds. colours. by 29 4 damask, presi- dent, wool and cotton thread by 29 4 ditto by 29 1 damask, rips- berakan, all wool by 29 3 damask, gobe¬ lin, wool and cotton by 29 3 ditto by 29 2 damask, impe¬ rial, cotton and wool by 29 2 ditto by 29J- 2 damask, impe¬ rial, all cotton by 29i 2 ditto by 29 2 damask, cotton and wool by 36 half silk, foulard- lustrine, plain 9 9 half silk, foulard- lustrine, checked 9 9 cotton cameleon, plain 5 9 ditto, checked ginghams, checked 57-59. 3 60. 1 Table-covers. 62/63 in. square, all silk, 2 colours . 59/60 ,, half silk 61-64. 4 62/63 65,66. 2 53 by 74 67-70. 4 62/63 in. square, half wool, President, 4 colours 71-73. 3 59/60 ,, ,, Gobelin, 3 colours 74,75. 2 48/49 ,, ,, ditto 76-82. 7 62/63 ,, ,, imperial, 2 colours 83. 1 bed-cover, 63 by 84 in. cotton, impe¬ rial, 2 colours 84-88. 5 table-covers, 62 by 63 in. square, cot¬ ton, imperial, 2 colours 89. 1 ditto, 54 in. square ditto 90. 1 piece, 24/25 in. by 36 yds., cotton, gingham glazed 91-94. 4/4 dozen, 31/32 in. square, cotton, Jaconet cravats 95-97. 3/4 dozen, 29/30 in. square, cotton, Atlas cravats 98-100. 3/4 29/30 in. square, cotton, with silk, checked satin cravats R. IIOESEL & CO., Chemnitz.— Cl. XII. &XY. coup. yds. yds. 6 all wool, damask, 1 colour ,, silk and wool, damask, 2 colours. ,, silk and wool, striped Gobelin, 3 colours . . ,, silk and wool, damask, 2 colours. ,, silk and wool, damask, 3 colours. ,, cotton and wool, damask, 2 colours. ,, cotton and wool, damask, 3 colours. 23-27. 5 table-covers, cotton and wool, damask 1-3. 3 6/4 4. 1 9 9 5. 1 9 9 6. 1 9 9 00 2 3/4 9-17. 9 6/4 18-22. 5 9 9 Price. 28,29, 2 ditto silk and wool 87. 88 . 89. jj-Q Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. ROEHRIG & ALBRECHT, Chemnitz.— Cl. XI., XII., & XY. Agent, W. Meyerstein, 15, Watling-street. piece, yds. yds. 1. 1 3/4 by 29 cotton, imperial, 2 colours 2. 1 ,, ,, wool and cotton, damask, 4 colours 3,4. 2 5. 1 6,7. 2 8 . 1 9,10. 2 11-13. 3 6/4 9 9 wool and cotton, damask, 2 colours ... 3/4 9 9 wool and cotton, damask, 3 colours ....'. 6/4 9 9 ditto 9 9 silk, wool, and cotton, damask, 2 colours . . 3/4 by 28 & 29, silk, wool, and cotton, damask, 3 colours . 14-16. 3 17. 1 18. 1 3/4 by 29 silk and wool, damask, 2 colours. 6/4 by 26 a 29 ditto 3/4 by 26 silk, wool, and cotton, Mosaic, 5 colours 6/4 by 28 silk, wool, and cotton, Mosaic, 4 colours . . 1 . 1 2 . 1 SEYFERT & BREYER, Chemnitz. (Bronze Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XV. Agents, A. Gottschaek & Schroder, 72, Basing- hall-street. piece, yds. yds. 3/4 by 30 cotton and wool, Victoria Gobelin. ,, 29^ cotton and wool, coloured Gobelin. ,, ditto ,, cotton and wool, imperial damask I. ,, ditto 28§ silk, wool and cotton, striped, imperial damask 29 silk and wool, imperial damask. 30 cotton and wool, imperial damask II. 9. 7/4 Table-cover, half wool, coloured, Go¬ belin . 10. Ditto ditto • ditto 3. 1 4. 1 6/4 3/4 5. 1 6 . 1 7. 1 8 . 1 WILLIAM VOGEL, Chemnitz.— Cl. XI., XII., and XV. Agent, D. Joshua, 34, King- street, Cheapside. coup. yds. in. 1, 2. 2 a 71 54, large damas, mi soie veloute royal mi soie 3. 1 4,5. 2 6-8. 3 9,10. 2 11,12. 2 13. 1 14-16. 3 17. 1 pieces 18-20. 3 21. 1 22. 1 23, 24. 2 25-28. 4 royal raye soie . royal coloured . ,, f. . . prima sat in laine col. ord and f. ... damas mi soie . . satin laine raye soie, col. ord .... sat. la. raye soie, col. f. 30 27, large la. satin laine col. ord. ,, ,, ,, col. f. . ,, ,, 2da. satin laine, col. ord ,, ,, ,, col. f.. Price. satin coton, col. ord. . Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 307 No. 90. 91. 92 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. THUEMER & TOEPFFER, Chemnitz.— Cl. XI., XII., and XV. Agents, Gebhardt, Rott- mann, and Co., 29, Wood-street, Cheapside. 1. 1 piece half-silk damask, la. . . 2. 3/2 pieces 6/4, half-wool, imperial la. 3. 2 pieces, 6/4, half-wool, imperial 2da. 4- 4 .. | ,, ,, | cotton, ,, f half-wool damask . 25 inch, half-wool damask ,, cotton, ,, 9. 4 table-covers, 7/4 square, half-wool damask 10. 4 ,, ,, cotton ,, 11. 12 ,, 6/4 square, patent half . . 12. 11 coup, a 12 yards, satin laine, figured . 10 " ,, ,* ,, P lain - • 5. 4 6. 3 7. 3 8 . 2 13. t. —Soft Worsted and Mixed Goods. The manufacture of worsted and mixed goods, as represented by the exhibitors Nos. 92 to 103, is concentrated, with few exceptions, in the towns of Glauchau and Meerane, and the neigh¬ bourhood. The goods are woven by hand- weavers in their own houses, and the business is carried on by the manufacturers almost in the same way as the other branches of Saxon weaving. The number of looms engaged in the manufacture amounts to upwards of 10,000. WINKLER and SON, Rochlitz. (Gold Medal, Berlin, 1844, and Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. piece, yds. 1.1 a 15 2. 1 19$ 19$ OTA 3. 1 4. 1 7-10. 4 11-13. 3 14. 1 15. 1 16. 1 90$ 123§ 25§ 22 $ 22 $. Wholesale prices, ready money. in. per yard 26, large satin double, made 47 ,, maroquin de laine, black .... 46 ,, cuir laine I., black 43 ,, popeline laine I., mode .... 43 ,, velours laine, bronce 44 ,, velours laine. raye, mode .... 45 ,, cachemire electa, coloured . . . 24$- ,, batiste de laine, coloured . 46 ,, cachemire d’Ecosse, I A, green 49 ,, satin de chine fa- 5onne I, mode 47 ,, drap d’ete MI, black payable (free) London, piece, yds. ZIEGLER and HAUSSMANN, Glauchau.— Cl. XII. Agent, J. Bourroughs, 18, Addle- street. per Brabant ell = $ yard |, coloured poult de Soie, No. 3 , ,, ,, croise, No. 2 . . . . , ,, Amienne, No. 3 . f ,, Thibet, No. 37 , ,, cachemire d’Ecosse, No. 36 . . . 3. 1 4. 1 5. 1 a 15 16$ 15 | 18| 181 - Price. £. s. d. 0 3 10 6 5 6 5 0 4 6 0 4 4 0 4 10 2 0 7 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 2 9 0 2 0 2 No. 93. 94. 95. 98. 6$!l 6 I! °-i|j Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. piece, yds. per Brabant ell = $ yard £. s. d. 6. 1 a 18 \ coloured cachemire duchesse, No. 3 ... 0 3 4 7. 1 19$ , chemic blue Thibet, No. 95 0 3 2 8. 1 19? , coloured Thibet, No. 70 0 2 4 9,10. 2 19$ & 20$ f, coloured satin imperial, No. 11 . . . 0 2 10 11. 1 18f , ., satin de Saxe, No. 3 ... 0 2 1 12. 1 18| , ,, Thibet, No. 90 0 2 10 13. 1 18j , ,, cachemir tissu, No. 3 ... 0 3 5 Wholesale prices, net; payable 3 months after execution of the order. KOEHLER and SCHEDLICH, Glauchau.— Cl. XII. Agent, Ed. Buchler. Pieces. Yds. Per Brabant ell of | yard. 1. 2 of 39 Ecossais prima 2. 2 of 38 & 38$ ditto secunda . 0 0 3. 2 of .38 & 39 Islyennes . 0 0 4. 2 of 37$ & 39 ditto broches 0 0 5. 2 of 39 & 39§ stradella en soie . 0 0 6. 2 of 38$ & 39 amiennes en soie . 0 0 7. 2 of 37$ & 38§ veloutes 2da. . 0 0 8. 2 of 36 & 37$ ditto Ida. . 0 0 9. 2 of 38$ & 38§ ditto broches . 0 0 10. 2 of 27 & 27§ 9/8 ditto la. . . 0 1 11. 2 of 39 favoritas . . . 0 0 12. 1 of 39 regina en soie. 0 1 13. 1 of 37$ Wholesale prices. veloute in prime . 0 1 Price. 0 0 GUENTHER & SIMON, Glauchau.— Cl. XII. Pieces. Yds. Per Brabant ell of f yard. 1. 1 of 39 2-3. 2 of 38 & 38§ 4. 1 of 39g 5. 1 of 38 Wholesale prices. valentia estella . cachemirienne armure FACILIDES & CO., Glauchau.— Cl. XII. Agent, William Meyerstein, 15, Watling-street. Per doz. 1-2. 2 shawls 8/4 mosaic A. 3-6. 4 ditto ,, ditto jaspe .... 7-8. 2 ditto ,, teutonia en soie 9. 1 ditto ,, teutonia .... 10-16. 7 long shawls 9/4 zephyr pure laine 17-20. 4 shawls 8/4 cachemir brode 21-24. 4 shawls 9/4 nancy brode 25. 1 long shawl 9/4 nancy brode HECKER & TASCH, Glauchau. (Gold medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. Agents, Cooper and Blagg, 44, Friday-street, Cheapside. Pieces. Yards. 1. 1 of 38f 2-3. 2 of 37f & 38$ 4. 1 of 38 5. 1 of 38$ 6,7. 2/2 of 18$ & 20$ - of 24$ of 24$ & 24$ 8 . 9-10. 11-14. 15-20. Lombard Montpensier Cathmore . tartan . trisanna . pure laine I ditto jaspe I of 25$, 24$, 24f, 24J, pure laine, II of 24f, 24£, 24|, 25, 24f, 24$ yards cameleon pure laine 2 A 20i 8 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. Eo. Name'and Address'd? Exhibitor and Lorid on Agent, Description.of Article, &e. Price. £. s. d SCHIFFNER and ZIMMERMANN, Glauchau. —Cl. XII. Coup, Yds. Per Brabant ell of | yard. 1-3. 3 of 12 .. Stallmen e ; ' . . . 4-6. 3 of 3| .. Melpomene a soie ^ 7-9. 3 of 11 / .. Melpomene^ ’. & ' 10-12. 3 of -12§ .. Aqueline . . 13-15. • 3 of 1 ^, 4|, 114 Castigiione J 16-18. 3 of 3;| .. ' Montaubau . . 19. 1 of 4/ ... ' StalimeUe a sole .• Wholesale prices. 102 h 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 71 0 0 81 0 0 101 o i u 0 3 1/ DIETERICH and STRAFF (Bronze Medal, Leipz., 1850). Mewdne— Cl. XII. Pieces. Yards. 1-4. 4 from 25^ to 26 pure laine, per yard . 0 2 5-9. 5 ,,, 37| to 28 tartan , : . . . 0 1 10. 1 of 38 Cachemirienne „ . 0 1 11-15. 5 from 37J to 39 Montpensier ... 0 1 16-18. 3 ,. 38/ to 885 Qdeon checks ..01 19-20. 2 ,, ,.24/ to 24^ satine . .... 0 2 Wholesale prices. Free .Hambro’. 2 per cent, discount for ready money. 5 1 1 2 1 1 ED. TRTNKS, Gian /r •, (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Ci. XU. Coup, Yds, Per Brabant ell — § yard, 1. 1 of 114 .' Florida . . . . 2 . 1 of Ilf „ fagqnne . 3,1 of 6 lama in soie . . .' . (Per piece of 40 Brabant ells, equal to 30 yards.) 4. I of 9 popeline . . . ’ . . . 5. 1 of 9 * ditto, fagonne / . 6 . 1 of 9 ditto, rayee . . . 7. 1 of 9 imite ....... 0 0 0 3 3 2 Wholesale prices. 103 . 0 93 0 lot 3 0 0 0 3 O 8 0 8 0 HENRY LUDW. RICHTER, Meerane.— Cl. XII. Agent, A. IlEiNTzajANN, 16, Colebrook- row, Islington, Pieces Yards 1. 1 of 24-3/4 chemic blue Angora, with orange silk . per yard 2. 1 of 22/ changeant Montpensier . 3. 1 of 38 checked muslin d’Ecosse . 4. 1 of 24 ditto Napolitaine, la. . 5. 1 of 38 21/22 inch, checked Napoli¬ taine, 2 a... . Wholesale prices, net, free Hambro’. 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 9 STA1TSS and LEXJSCHNER, Glauchau .—CL XII. Agents, Gebhaubt, Rottmann, & Co., 29, Wood-street, Cheapside. Piece. Yards. 1-4. 4 of 22| to 24| yards, 35 inches large, pure-laine (all wool) . 5. 1 of 22f 35 in. large, eros (all wool) . 6 . 1 of 37f 24/25 in. large, Montpensier fagonne, cotton & worsted 7. 1 of 39§ yards 24/25 inches, lama uni cotton and wool . . 8 . 1 of 26| yards 24/25 inches tides, spun silk and worsted . THE WEAVERS’ SCHOOL, Glauchau .—CL XII. 1 . 1 robe, 12 yards, half-woollen dress-stuff 2-4. 3 Shawls of worsted and silk . . piece These very cheap articles are woven by the pupils of the Weavers’ School at Glauchau. 104 . 0 13 6 0 7 6 105 . FERD. WILLIAM GREENER, Glauchau. (Sil¬ ver medal, Leipzig, 1850.) Cl. XV11I. 1-20. 20 coup of very fine Thibet, dyed with different colours by the exhibitor ■(proprietor of the greatest dyeing es¬ tablishment art Glauchau.) J. F. GRAEFE & SONS, Meerane,— CI. XII. per Brabant Pieces. Yards. ell =y f'yard. 1-3. 3 of 37/, 354, 374,3/4 Montpensier . . 4-9. 6 of 374 to 33/ 3/4 Cachemirienne . 10-11. 2 of 38/and 37f 3/4 plaids 2da. . . 12 . 1 of ' 38f 3/4 „ la. . , . „ . 13. 1 shawl 10/4 checked damask . . V 14. 1 . ditto plain fond and border 15. 1 ditto 8/4 ditto . . . 16. 1 ditto 10/4 ditto Stradella . Wholesale prices. Free Meerane, with 2 per cent, discount for ready money. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 9 0 7 0 7 107 . 0 6 0 6 ii .— Woollen and mixed Dress Stuff’s, and printed Articles. GLAFEY and NEUBARTH, Reichenbach .— Cl. XII. and XVIII. per Brabant Pieces. Yards. ell ----3/4 yard. 1-5. 5 from 31 to 32 woollen figured Atlas, different colours . 0 6 . 1 of 32/ fine chemic blue At¬ las, I, 0 7. 1 of 32 extra fine brown At- 2 0 j 2 4 las, II. . . . . This piece is woven of weft AAA, No. 70, spun by Petzold and Ehret, No. 46. 8 - 12 . 5 table covers 9/4 of printed clotb, dif¬ ferent patterns and colours 13. 1 table cover, 8/4 of printed Circassia 14—16. 3 dittb 13/8 ditto flannel 0 2 11 22/6a 27 1 2 6 15/ a 18 JOH. SEYFERTH and CO., Reichenbach — Cl. XII. and XVIII. per Brabant Pieces. Yards. ell = 3/4 yard. 1 - 2 . 2 of 37 to 38 5/8 Cachemir . . . 3-4. 2 ditto ditto lama. 5-9. 5 table-covers, 9/4 Victoria, printed with different patterns and colours, per doz. . . , .. 10. 1 ditto, 10/4 ditto . . li.—Flannels and Boys’. C. G. LEHMANN, Bohrigen , n. Rosswein. (Sil¬ ver Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)-—Cl. XII. Agents, GottschalK. and Schroder, 72, Basinghall- 0 0 9 0 0 f 9 18 0 11 2 0 street. per Leipzig ell Coup. Yd. 31/55 yards. 1-6. 6 at 4| f lama flannels, all wmcl,mixed coloured, with checks. . 7-12. 6 ,, ,, plain mixed 13-27. 15 ,, ,, ,, checked . 28-31. 4 ,, ,, ,, plain . . ■ i oil! 01 ° 1 J 0 1 Manufactures.] PRICED LIST SASON MODuCfToTOT im Ho. 108 . 109 . 110 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Coup. Yd. per Leip. ell, 3.1/55 yds. 32-39. 8 at 4 / £ lama flannels, all wool, co¬ loured, mixed and cruised f ■ , checked . 32-inch ,, expensive colours ,. ,, drap'. colours § buckskin ,,. £ superf. Thibet flannel, all 40-52. 13 , 53-55. 3 , 56,57. 2 , 58. 1 , 59. 1 . worsted 60. 1 , 61. 1 , 62. 1 , shirts . 63. 1 61. 1 65-66. 2 f if. Mol ton, all wool. 32 inch. , , very strong , , f. half wool flannel, for ,, 16 ,, , swanskin . ,, § f. all wool, flannel .... ,, all wool Molton, blue and grey mixed, made from yarn waste and willow waste .. 67-78. 12 ,, ^ half wool baizes, striped . 79-82. 4 ,, ,, ,, checked. . 83-86. 4 ,, ,’, ,, ,, with borders .... . Wholesale prices. A very large establishment, with its own wool-spinning factory, as well as dressing and finishing machines, doing a great deal of busi¬ ness for exportation. • l .— Woollen and Mixed Stuffs. The manufacture of cassinets, elastics, satins, buckskins, and similar articles forming the transition to the clothing manufacture is almost concentrated in Crimmitzschau. The goods, with few exceptions, are made by hand- weavers. The spinning, dressing, and finish¬ ing machines, sometimes also the dyeing houses, are in the establishments of the manufacturers. H. G. F. BOETTIGER, Crimmitzschau. (Silver Medal, Leipz., 1850.)—Cl. XII. 1—4. 4 pieces 32, 28, 28/, 29 yds. Cassinet, green, brown, blue, black, per Leipz. ell, = || yard 5. 1 28/ 6 . 1 17 7, 8 . 2 V 14/ 9. 1 5? 14/ 10 . I 21 mixed . Tric-Cora . Double Cassinet, black and blue ditto mixed checked cachemir H. TH. BURKHART, Crimmitzschau.— Cl. XIT. pieces, yds. per Leipzig ell == f/ yard 1 , 2 . 2 a 16?- & 16£, fash, winter elastics . 3,4. 2 b 6. 15^ Sc 167, plain summer elastics ctr%" o or\ 1 •_ 1 _^_ l. J? _ FREDERIC XIT. 32 & 32|, mixed cassinet, half wool COLLEL, Crimmitzschau. — Cl. pieces, yds. 1. 1 a 14, 2. 1 lli 3. 1 17 4. 1 Sr 5. I 20£ per Leipzig ell summer satin . winter elastics . mixed cassinet olive ,, green ,, yard Wholesale prices, with 2 per cent discount. 3 months, 3 per cent, discount for ready money. Price. s. ■d.\ 0 2 6 0 0 101 0 1 3} 0 1 2 0 2 6 0 1 2 § 0 0 10 ‘ ! 0 1 2 § 0 0 9 0 0 7 1 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 9/ 0 0 104 0 0 101 0 1 5f 0 1 41 0 2 41 2 0 1 104 1 9i? Ho. 1 10 } 2 9" 111 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and T ondon Agent, Description ot Article, &c. 112 . 113 . 114 . HENRY BUEFFEK, Crimmitzschau.- -CL XII. per Leipzig ell = § 4 yard 1-4. 4 pieces a 10 % 10% 5|, 8 , ; yards, 3/4 winter buckskin (tAvisted warp)/ . ’ . . . .' 5-7. 3 pieces: a 12 },. 8 % llg yards, 3/4 dressed vtxSPei* Kiel ....... 8-15. 8 pieces a 8 to 10 yards, 3/4' dressed ic rskin. 16. Ipiehe' a IT/yards, 21 in., grey cassinet 17. 1 piece .°, ... Wholesale prices, 2 mos. 2 per cent, discount. Price, j. 115 . OSCAR HELLING and Cp., Crimviitzschau. (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1859.) —Cl. XII. Agents, Bartheemes and Buckop, 28, Swan-chambers, Gresham-street. Pieces. Yds. per Leipzig ell — §4 yard 1-6. 6 a 10} to 16% 3/4 summer buckskin . 7-10. 4 si to 16% 3/4 winter • . , , Wholesale prices, 3 months ; 2 per cent, dis¬ count fpr ready money. CHARLES WILLIAM KIRSTEN, Crimmitz¬ schau . — CL XH. per. Leipzig ell r=j J| yard 1, 2. 2 pieces a 131 yards, cas. green and striped 3, 4. 2 pieces a 25/ 8 ; 13} yards cassinet, mode and mixed ......... 5-8. 4 pieces a 13 to, 16 yards summer buck¬ skin, quarr. and mode . . . . C. H. KAUFMA1 I .X: A, Grii.iuiizschau. (Gold medal, Leipzig;,, 1850; Bronze medal, Berlin, 1844.)—Cl. XII. per yard 1 . 1 piece a 15 yds, zephyr la, deep scarlet 2 . 1 3,4. 2 5,6. 2 7. 1 8,9. 2 10-14, 5 15. 1 16-17. 2 18_ , , electoral zephyr, deep scarlet .,:,. . . .•a • 19| to 1B| yds. peruvienne . 13/to 21 / ,, stuff for paletot 16/ yds. winter elastic . 16'} to 17 yds. summer elastics 17} to :2i/ yds;, spf.- summer satin . 29. yds. mixed cassinet . . 9/ yds. plain Wholesale prices, free Crimmitzschau. 116 . MUELLER and Co., Crimviitzschau. (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII, per Leipzig ell — yard 1-5. 3 pieces of 8 }, 1 of 8 % 1 of 15| yds. sum¬ mer buckskin .. . 6 - 9 . 4 pieces of 8 /, 7|, 8 §, and 8 / yds. winter buckskin, two of them made of Aus¬ tralian wool . . -Cl. OEHLER, BROTHERS, Crimmitzschau. XII. per Leipzig ell = yard 1-4. 4 pieces of 29 to 30. yds. cassi’et, black, brc.wn, mulberry, dive . . . . 5-6. 2 pieces of 29/ to 30 yds. cas. green, blue 7. 1 piece of 21 yds. black doeskin . . 8 . 1 ,, 25 yds. drap. col. satinet . . 9. 1 ,, 25 yds. glace . Wholesale prices, free Leipzig, 2 per cent. discount for ready money. 2 A 2 ?. 4 2 8f 2 Iff 2; Jr 0 Ilf 1 1 2 0 1 I 1 0; 2 1 0 8 7 0 9 8 0 7 X 0 6 2 0 4 10 0 3 6 0 3 10 0 2 1 0 2 9 0 13 0 1 0 2 310 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures, No. 117. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 118. CHARLES SPENGLER, Crimmitzschau.— Cl. XII. per Leipzig ell 1-3. 3/2 piece of 13 yds. winter buckskin 4. 7 j piece of 11! yds. ,, . Wholesale prices, 3 months, 2 per cent, dis¬ count for ready money. 119. 120a. 1206. 121 . CHARLES MATTHESS, Jun., Zschopau n. Chemnitz. (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1850.) —Cl. XII. per Brabant ell — f j r ard 1-3. 3 pieces of 19, 30, 33 yds. cassinet, silver grey, mode, blue and red .... Wholesale prices. FEDOR ZSCHILLE and Co., Grossenhain. (Silver Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup, 28, Swan- chambers, Gresham-street. per yard 1, 2. 2 pieces of 14 and 19 yds. 6/4 light blue and black satin. 3, 4. 2 pieces of 16§ and 181 yds. 3/4 blk. satin 5 . 1 coup of 2§ yards plain winter stuff, (twisted warp). 6 , 7. 2 coup of 2| yds. stuff for summer pan¬ taloons, checked and pla&n .... 8 . 1 coup of 2 yds. black summer paletot . 9. 1 coup of 2 j yds. pique divin paletot Wholesale prices, ready money. Agents F. H. SCHROEER, Oschatz.— Cl. XII. Barthelmes and Buckup. per Leipzig ell = §§ yard 2 coup of 6f yds. bronze and olive cassimer. 1 coup of yds. black satin .... Wholesale prices. l,: Price. £. s. d. 0 2 33 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 5 6 2/5 a 2/8 0 2 6 0 1 10 0 5 0 0 5 4 0 3 10J 0 4 9 G. F. KUNZE, Oschatz.- Cl. XII. per Leipzig ell = 34 yard 1 , 2. 2 coup of 61 yds. bronze and green satin 3. 1 coup of 7! yds. black duffel-cloth . 0 3 4 h 0 3 3 WILLIAM BERNHARD, Leisnig.— Cl. XII. Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup. per yard 1,2. 2 pieces of 19.1- to 19§ yds. 54 in. large bronze and olive paletot stuff . 3,4. 2 pieces of 19 and 21f yds. 54 in. large black and olive paletot stuff 5. 1 piece of 16| yds. 56 in. large blue-black duffel-cloth. Wholesale prices, net. m .— Cloths. The clothing manufacture of Saxony, employing more than 8000 men and 4000 looms, has its seat in a number of little towns, where the weavers are associated in companies or guilds. The spinning, dressing, shearing, fulling, and finishing machines are sometimes collected in the establishments of single manufacturers; but several of the companies keep their own fulling machines. The dressing and finishing are in some cases in the hands of a distinct No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 122 . 0 7 0^ 0 8 8 0 10 4 guild of cloth dressers and finishers. For the last ten years this branch has made essential progress, chiefly by way of greater concentra¬ tion. The principal centres are Bischofs- werda, Camenz, Grossenhain, Oschatz, Leisnig, Dobeln, Rosswein, Werdau, Kirchberg, Len- genfeld. Each of these towns fabricates in particular certain classes of cloths, and the order of towns and exhibitors followed up in the catalogue descends in general from the finer sorts to the coarsest and cheapest. F. G. HERRMANN and SON, Bischofswerda. (Highest prize Leipzig 1850.)—Cl. XII. Pieces. Yds. per yard, 13J blue cloth, 1st quality . 133 black cloth ,, ... 13i ,, . 123. 124. 1 . 2 . 3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9. 10-11. 12-13. 14-15. of 13£, 13! black cloth, 2nd quality l.ia 1R1 Qvrl + 13|, 13§ 13§, 13| 14, 13| 14g, 14 131, 13f Wholesale prices, ready money. 3rd quality 4th quality 5th quality 6 th quality 7th quality H. M. KOBLICK, Bischofswerda. Cl. XII. 1-3. 3 pieces of 13|, 17,18yardsof cloth, olive, bronze, invisible . . . per Leip. ell CH. G. GROSSMAN N, Bischofswerda. Cl. XII. 125. Cloths for the United States Market. Pieces. Yds. per yard. 1-9. 9 of 21! to 23| black cloth .... 10-12. 3 of 23^ to 23^ light brown, dark bronze, deep green. 13. 1 of 231 olive. 14. 1 of 2l| light green. 15. 1 of 23| blue. Wholesale prices. 126. 127. GROSSMANN, BROTHERS, Bischofswerda, (Dresden and New York.)—Cl. XII. Cloth , middle sorts, for the United States market Pieces. Yds. 1 -2. 2 of 14^ an( I 14§ light green 3-4. 2 of 14| and 14^ deep green 2 of 14^ and 13£ olive . 2 of 16§ an( l 14! bronze 3 of 13|, 13£, and 13§ blue Woven by E. H. Bernhardt at Leisnig finished in the establishment of the ex hibitors. - 5-6. 7-8. 9-10. FR. TRAUG MEISSNER, Bischofswerda. (Bronze Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XH. Pieces. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 1. 1 of 15 black cloth . . , , 2. 1 of 194 C. G. E. MOERBITZ, Bautzen. Cl. XII. 1. A Tableau, representing the whole pro¬ cess of clothing manufacture, from the raw wool to the finished cloth. 2 . 1 piece of raw cloth. Price. £. s. d\ 8/6 9/ 8/6 7/6 a 8 7/ a 7 6/6 a 6/9. 6 / a 6/3 5/6 a 5/9 5/ a 5/3 6 / 6/6 a 10 ; 9/ 8/7| 9/6 10 / 0 5 3 0 5 0 Manufactures... PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 311 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 11 No. | Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. . j Price. £. s. d. j Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. £. . s. d. 3-6. 4 pieces of finished cloth, drap, bronze, 7. 1 of 23 black | cloth . . ,, 0 3 104 olive, green. 8. 1 of 224 ,, . . 0 3 6 1 9. 1 of 19£ 0 7 6 128. A. D. GOTTLOB FIEDLER, Oederan. 1 10. 1 of 19* ,, . . ,, 0 6 6 (Gold Medal, Leipzig, 1850.) — Cl. XII. 11- 1 of 20|- ,, . . 0 5 9 Agent, Cii. Holland, 41, Finsbury Circus. 12. 1 of 18ft 0 5 3 Pieces. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 13. 1 of 21 5 0 4 6 1. 1 of 224 black ff cloth. 0 8 0 Wholesale prices, free Leipzig, including 2-3. 2 of 14f and 18j bronze and mixed package. - summer dress stuffs. 0 6 0 136. ERNST MEISSNER, Grossenhain. Cl. XII. "Wholesale prices. Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 1.29. L, 1 of 21 Pense cloth . . ,, 0 4 7-1 F. T. MEISSNER, Grossmhain. (Silver Medal, | 2. 1 of 20$ blue cloth . . 1 0 4 74 Pieces. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 137. j MORITZ MEISSNER, Grossenhain. Cl. XII. 1-4. 4 of 20 to 24 black f cloth .... 3/9 a •V i Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup, 28, Swan 5. 1 of 15 olive f cloth. 0 4 0 1 Chambers , Gresham-street. 6. 1 of 224 blue .. 0 4 6 I Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 7. 1 of 204 black cloth. 0 4 9 ' 1. 1 of 20ft olive cloth . . ,, 0 6 0 8. 1 of 194 bronze cloth. 0 4 9 2. 1 of 201 green cloth . . ,, 0 6 6 3. 1 of 20ft ,, . . ,, 0 4 6 L30 F. A. MEISSNER, Grossenhain. (Bronze Medal, Berlin, 1844, and Leipzig. 1850.)— 138. ZSCIilLLE, BROTHERS, Grossenhain. (Gold Cl. XII. Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup, medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. Agents, 28, Swan Chambers , Gresham-street. Barthelmes and Buckup. Pieces. Yds. Per Leip. ell. Pieces. Yds. per Leipz. ell 1-2. 2 of 20 & 21 brown and green cloth . 0 5 0 1-2. 2 of lift 12$ true wool-blue and wool- 3. 1 of 19 black and green cloth 0 5 6 black cloth. 0 8 0 4. 1 of 194 black and green cloth 0 5 3 3-4. 2 of 13 12 blue-black and blue-green — cloth. 0 7 6 131. J. G. JUNGHANS, Grossenhain. Cl. XII. 5-6. 2 of 12ft 12$ blue-black and black- Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. black cloth. 0 6 9 1. 1 of 214 black cloth . ,, 0 4 0 7-8. 2 of 124, 12$ olive and black-black 2. 1 of 21| 0 3 7 — f cloth . 0 5 6 3. 1 of 211 blue cloth . . , , 0 6 0 9. 1 of 13 brown cloth. 0 5 0 4. 1 of 214 brown cloth . , , 0 5 3 10. 1 of 11$ bronze ditto. 0 4 6 5. 1 of 20$ pense cloth . , , 0 4 6 Wholesale prices, ready money. L32. JOHN FRED. CASPARI, Grossenhain. Cl. 139. ! WILLIAM HERRMANN, Leissnig.— Cl. XII. XII. Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup. Pieces. Yds. per Leipz. ell Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 1-2. 2 of 18i and 22 cloth . ,, 0 4 0 1. 1 of 15 black cloth . ,, 0 5 0 3-5. 3 of 20ft, 12ft 20ft ditto ,, 0 4 6 2. 1 of 16 green cloth . ,, 0 5 6 1 6-7. 2 of 19 and 20§ ditto . ,, 0 4 10$ 3. 1 of 15 wool-black cloth . ,, 0 6 3 4. 1 of 165 bronze cloth . ,, 0 7 0 140. CHR. FRED. REICHEL, Eosswein. (Silver medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. l33. REIN HARD BUCHWALD, Grossenhain. Pieces. Yds. per yard Cl. XII. 1. 1 of 184 dahlia cloth. 0 5 2$ Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 2-3. 2 of 19 and 184 pense and green § cloth 0 5 o' 1. 1 of 21 black cloth . . ,, 0 4 n 4-5. 2 of 18ft and 17j olive and bronze ditto 0 5 71 2. 1 of 20ft brown cloth . ,, 0 4 22 6-8. 3 of 17ft 17. 17, scarlet, mineral blue, and black § cloth. 0 6 6 34. WILLM. JAEHNIG, Grossenhain. Cl. XII. Wholesale prices. Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 1. 1 of 19g brown cloth . . ,, 0 5 3 141. FERD. PETZOLDT, Lengenfeld n. Plauen. 2. 1 of 194 blue cloth . . ,, 0 5 0 Agents, Barthelmes and Buckup.—C l. XII. 3. 1 of 19$ black cloth . . ,, 0 6 6 Piece. Yds. per Leipz. ell 4. 1 of 19f 0 4 6 1. 1 of 191 black cloth large . ,, 0 2 44 Wholesale prices. 2. 1 of 18f ditto ditto . ,, 0 2 74 _ 3. 1 of 19 ditto y ditto . ,, 0 3 0 35. ERNST PRESSPRICII & SON, Grossenhain. 4. 1 of 18 ditto f ditto . ,, 0 3 6 (Bronze Medal, Berlin, 1844.)—Cl. XII. Wholesale prices, free Leipzig. Piece. Yds. Per Leip. ell. 1. 1 of 23 black | cloth . . ,, 0 7 6 142 j C. A. WOLF, Kircliberg n. Zwichau. 2. 1 of 24 ,, - • ,, 0 6 0 i | Pieces. Yds. per Leipz. ell 3. 1 of 23 ,, . . ,, 0 5 6 1 1-2. 2 of 15 and 16 scarlet and crimson 4. 1 of 23ft ,, . • ,, 0 5 0 cloth. 0 3 3| 5. 1 of 24 ,, . . ,, 0 4 7 4 3-4. 2 of lQi blue and black ditto 0 1 11 6. 1 of 254 ,, . , ,, 0 4 3 !! 1 12 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL. CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. ilo. 143 . 144 . 145 . 143 . 147 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Descriptron of Article. &c. 148 . 149 . J. G. Y/0LF, Sen., Kirchbsrg. (Silver medal, : Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XII. Pieces. Yds. per Leipz. ell 1-2. 2 ,-.of 15§ scarlet and,crimson cloth . 3. 1 of 161 scarlet ditto . . . . . 4. 1 of 151 black ditto . . . . '•5. i ‘T of dpi ditto ' . ....... FERB. WOLFF, Kirchhsrg.— Gl. XII. Piece. • Yds. per Leipz. ell 1 . 1 of crimson cloth. ... • 2 . 1 of 14^j deep scarlet . . . 3. 1 of 16§ chemic blue. Wholesale prices, t C. F. SIN G'EU^Kirchbsrg .—CL XII. per Leipz. ell • Pieces. 1. 1-of 15| black cloth 14" scarlet ditto . . 17 and 172 mixed and blue ditto. 17 true blue ditto .... 153 deep green ditto 7. • 1 ' of • 13? blue ditto ■ .. v Wholesale prices*._ 2 . 3-4. 5. of of of of Price. £. s. d. C. G. -UNGER, Kh-chberg.— Cl. XII. Piece. Yds. per Leipz. ell 1 . 1 of ■ 16 dbep blue cloth . . 4 . i 2. 1 of 14| blue mixed ditto . >. 3. 1 of 12 deep green ditto . . ; ■ Wholesale pric es. mm.—Printed Cloth. F. W. IIRATJCE, Grosst'i\aia. Agents, Bau- theemes and Buciojp, 28, Swan Chamber's, Gresham-street. —Cl. XVIII. and XII, ■Coup. Yds. per Leipz. ell 1-3. 8~ of 12 cloth for waistcoats, printed 0 witli chemic blue ... . • i -94-10. 2. of 74 and 8| scarlet cloth for,waist- coats, printed with black ..... 11-15. 5 of 9 to 15 woollen waistcoats printed oil coloured ground-, 2nd quality ,. 16-20. 5 of 6 to 18'ditto ditto 1st, quality .. , n.i —Carpets and 'Tapestry. BECK and HEYNIG, GlavPiau. (Silver Me¬ dal, Leipzig,' 1850.)—CL XIX.'and 1 XXIX. 1. Sofa carpet with figures ''. : per piece 2. Carpet- . ... . ,, 3-5. Carpet bags of different qualities' 6 . Bjag with bow of German silver . and leather earh . d 1 Y- ' P ■■ • 7-8. Pockets with Lows ; . . . . per doz. 9-12/ -Rockets-withjflaps and-leather bottom HENRY BECK, Glakpiau .—CL Xtrd&XXIX! Cords jar Shoes I ockcis :— 1-9. A book \vitli 9 adjusted upper' parts 1 , of shoes . . . . . . , per dbz, 10. a dozen ditto, ditto fell nd black ,, 11. Ditto ditto'ditto Turkish 12. Ditto' ditto ditto carpet-like v /, ■ 13; £ dozen school baskets, carpet-like /,, 14. Ditto ditto ditto smaller , , •' 15. I" dozen pockets for children ■ to Wear per gross of 12 doz, 16. Ditto* ditto smaller ,, 3 2? 2 6 1 6 1 0 3 82 3 8 f 3 0 1 6 1 3 1 0 No. 150 . 1505 . 0 1 7> 0 16 0 1.3 0 2 3 2 5 0 0 10 6 4/a 9/ 0 3 3 22/6a31/6 19/6a35/3 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 14 0 5 110 0 18 0 151 . Name and Address'of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 152 . PHILIPP BATZ, Leipzig. —Cl. XIX. & XXIX. Per Dozen. Ladies’ pockets, velvet-like . . Ditto ditto \ plain . Ditto ditto pressed . . . ; Ditto ditto wi h steel Ditto ditto wirh pearl handle 13. Hand-pocket, pressed . : . . 14-15. Ditto velvet-like . . . 16. Ditto common quality . Wholesale prices. 1 - 6 . 7-8. 9-10. 11 . 12 . 21/a 51/ 45/ a 54/! 34/6 a 45/1 4 10 0 2 14 0 3 12 0 37/6 a 84/j 1 1 0 CARL TEXJBNER, Rossibeiri.— Cl. XIX. and XXIX. 1 . Ladies’ pocket, interlaced work of zephyr worsted yam . . . . . . per piece o, — Fringes, Laces , Galloons, Gimps, Tassels, Buttonmakers Goods. The manufacture of galloons, belts, laces, gimps, loops, tassels, &c,, gives occupation in that part of Saxony, the centre of which are the towns of Annaberg and Buchholz, to many thousand men. The exhibiting firms are mer-. chant-manufacturers, who collect and adjust for sale the products of the hand-workmen. These manufacturers also work a number of looms (partly mechanical) in their houses. 153 . Price. EISENSTUCK and CO., Annaberg. (Bronze medal, Berlin, 1844.) — Cl. XIX. & XIII. Agent, C. II. Treibmann. 1-32. 59 pieces of 16j yards, with linen bed- laces, piece of 16£ yards . . 33-40. 10 Ditto ditto ditto, insertion . 41-73. 55 coup black worsted laces, per yard 74-92. 84 pieces of 14| yards half-silk galloons, per piece, of 14^ yards 93. 8 ditto 7j yards haif-silk belt-ribands, mixed with flattened gold & silver wire, piece of yards .... 94. 3 ditto ditto ditto belt-ribands Wholesale prices. EM. CHR. HAENEL, Annaberg.— Cl. XIX.' I Agents, Conrad Ehrenspekger and Co., 4, Laurence Pountney-place, Cannon-street. 1-18. 34 coup of 18 different prices, black silk laces, per yard. 19-32. 27 pieces of 5J yards of 14 different prices, thread-laces . . . ., . 33-47. 26 ditto ditto of 15 different prices; a l’aritique . ... 48. 1 ditto of 5% ditto ditto ditto . '. . Wholesale prices, ,. v > ■ s ■ l>>. 0 12 0 1/3 a 16/6 3/4 a12/fc l^d.al/i 1/a 6/9 0 2 9 0 3 2 4d. a 3/9 2/2 a 16/ 1/3 a 22/ 1 4 HAENEL, BROTHERS, Annaberg. —Cl. XIX. Agents, T. A. Hoffmann and Co. 1 - 10 . 10 pieces black silk sewing-fringes, per piece . . . . j!X jo J . 11—37. 27 ditto black woollen (mohair) fringes 38-43. 6 ditto coloured ditto ditto .... Wholesale prices. 8/4 a 15/8 3/a 10/8 6/10 a 11/ Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. ;i 3 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. i54. .55. 156. OEHMIG and SCHMIDT; Annaberg. (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. Agents, Jonas Simonson and Co. 1 . 1 piece curtain-strings, white cotton 2 . 1 ditto ditto coloured . 3. 4, 8-18, 36-55. 33 sorts of curtain-loops (or holders) white cotton per doz. 5-7, 18.)-32, 56-80. 23 ditto ditto, co¬ loured and lyhite cotton . 4/10/ 61-62. 2 ditto ditto, coloured woollen . . . 33, 63, 65. 4 ditto ditto, coloured half-silk . . 31, 35, 66 . 3 ditto ditto, ditto silk .... 67-71. 5 ditto ditto decorations, white, cotton 72-75. 4 ditto ditto ditto coloured ditto . 76-77. 2 ditto ditto ditto silk . . . .81/ 78-89. 12 ditto of tassels, white cotton . 90-92, 94-98. 8 ditto ditto coloured ditto . j 93. 1 ditto ditto ditto woollen . „ ' 99. 1 ditto ditto ditto silk . 100. 1 ditto ditto for rouleaux with 3 yards of string, white . . 101 . 1 ditto ditto with 7 ditto coloured . 102. 1 pair ditto for curtains with 7 ditto ditto, per dozen pair .... j Wholesale prices- _____ UHLIG’S WIDOW & JUNKER, Annaberg.— Cl. XIX. 1-13. 20 dozen buttons for ladies’ dresses with and without, tassels, per doz. 14-18. 5 ditto strings for ladies’ dresses with tassels . 19-20. 2 ditto tassels for pipes per doz. . 21 . 1 garniture-trimmings for ladies’ dresses per garniture . . . ... 22-25. 4 ditto tassels for furniture, per garn. 26-2.8. § dozen loops for men’s cloaks, per doz. 29-31. 3 ditto buttons for ladies’dresses . Wholesale prices. _ ERNESTINE SCHUBERT. (Silver medal, Dresden, 1845.) Annaberg , Cl. XIX. A table-cover, made of gort-threads on net- lace with the needle after self- drawn designs . Price. No. L57. C. F. MUEHLENDERLEIN, Annaberg. (Silver Medal, Leipzig, 1850.) -Cl. XIX. 1-35 35 pieces half-silk fringes, per piece 36-56. 21 ,, agremens . 57. 1 wall-basket, half-silk .... 53-62. 5 pieces silk, Atlas, jacquard . 63. 28 ,; silk, wire chenille . . ■ 64-67. 36 , , ,, velvet chenille . 68 . 22 ,, ,, ditto, for embroidery 69^9$. 25 ,, woollen fringes .... 94-99. 6 ,, . ihoh'air laces . . . . . 100-124. 25 ,, cotton, white fringes 125. 1 ., 11 ounces weight, silk, india- rubber galloons . per half-ounce 126. 1 ,, 12 ounces weight, wool, indi a- rubber galloons- . . . per ditto 127-128. 2 ,, 9 and 38 ounces weight, cot¬ ton, india-rubber galloons, per do. d. l/8f 3/2? 2/4|al7/6| a 21/9 U/a 14/6 10/6 a 27 24/a 96/ 18/a 22/9 23/6 a 69/ x i 00/6 If /a 13/ 4/8 a 20/ 9/9 33/ 2/6 9/6 33/ 3% a 2/9 4/6 a 7/6 2/3 a 4/6 5/ 3d. a\Q\d. 2/9 a 4/ 2/6 a 3/ 15 0 0 Wholesale prices. 58. [ G. E. BACH & SON, Buchholzn. Annaberg.— j Cl. XIX. Agent, C. H. Tkeibmann. pieces, yds. per piece. 1-45. 45 a 18 white cotton fringes . . 2/9 a 33/ 7/6 a 28/ 45/ 15/6 a 24/ n/ 1/3 a 4/6 n/ 2/a 7/ 21/6oe56/6 1/6 a 6 / 9 d. 6f d. 5 M. 1/a. 17/9 159 . 160. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, & c. pieces, yds. ■ per piece. 46-53. 8 a 18 white cotton fringes, with gaze borders .. 54-65. 12 ,, ditto, domestic fringes . 68-74. 9 ,, white cotton bullion . 75. 1 ,, ditto counterpane 76—77. 2 , , ditto toilet . 78-120. 43 , , ditto ball 121-133. 13 ,, coloured cotton ball . 134—13/. 4 14§ coloured worsted creteis 138,139. 2 ,, coloured worsted and cot¬ ton cretes . . . . , , coloured worsted half-silk cretes . 18 black half-silk bullion fringes . . ,, coloured half-silk (half- net, half-sewing) fringes , , color, silk sewing fringes 12 coloured half-silk gimps (trimmings) ... , , color, half-silk Algerine 140-144. 5 145. 1 146-148. 3 149-176. 28 177-219. 43 220-226. 7 57—236. 10 Wholesale prices, gimps . colof . half-silk lace-gimps free from Hamburg : cash payment in sterling money, without discount. HANS HELWEG, Buchholz n. Annaberg. (Bronze Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. Agents; Uelmantn, HirsSchhorn, & Co. 1—10. 10 pieces a 13 yards, white cotton sew- fringes . 11-16. 6 pieces a 18 yards, white cotton ball fringes , . . ... Wholesale prices , 1 free from Hambro’ • net, three months. FRED. ... 7, Selmitz n. Dresden. (Silver Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. 1-3. 3 pattern-books, with 622 sorts of silk and half-silk buttons for coats and waistcoats . .. . . . 4. 1 cartoon, with 75 pieces a 18 yards coloured silk and Ispahan cords, strings, and galloons . . . 5. 1 cartoon, with 39 pieces a 18 yards black silk and genappe cords, strings, ons .. 6. 66 dozen rich black silk buttons . p. — Oil-cloths. The id fac ure of < il-< h ths is a very import¬ ant branch of Saxon industry, centred almost entirely at Leipzig, and working for the Ger¬ man market as largely as for foreign parts. 161. ROELLER & HUSTE, Leipzig, 'jeipz'g. (Silver Medal, - Cl A 3, uES- hardt 1 Ik •• Co., 83, Hat ton-garden. pieces'. 1-4. 6,7. 6 48 inches (9/4 ells) floor-cloth, I quality, 10 yds. (16 ells) No, 151 Q,‘ 160, 1481, 186 A, 199, 196 P. . 5. 8 . 2 48 inches (9/4 ells) floor-cloth, tio. 194-1 S3 L, varnished . 9-12. 14. 5 54 inches (10/4 ells) black bronzed oiled fustian, . 8 f yards (14 ells), No. 587 H, 5871,"539 f, 577 L, 592 . Price. £. d, 2/7«10/10 2/2 a 4/ 10 2/9 a 8 ' 2/2 1/7 a 1/9 2/8all/l 3/7 a 8/7 2/6 a 6/5 4/5 a 6/5 6/ a 12/ 28/10 21/10 a 34/7 6/4§a48/5 1/3 a 31/ 2/5 a 13/6 7/6 a 20 / 6/3 a 25/6 10/9 a 52/ 1 1 0 12 6 0 16 6 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures. ' 314 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Pieces. 13. 1 54 inches (10/4 ells) speckled jacaranda idem. 15. 1 36 inches (7/4) black, bronzed idem, No. 582 f (speckled) . 16. 1 42 inches (8/4) black, bronzed, and painted idem, 7| yds. ( 12 | ells) 17. 1 42 inches bronzed jacaranda, idem, No. 589, 8 | yards. 18. 1 42 inches, plain mahogany, idem . 19. 1 42 inches, green figured, idem . . N.B.—Varnished, according to the width (33 —66 inches) Is. to 2s. more per piece. 20 . 1 36 inches, black oiled muslin, 7J yards (12 ells). 21,22. 2 84 & 108 inches (16/4 & 20/4) oil¬ cloth sofa-mat, No. 196 E, 129 C . 23. 1 oiled fustian piano-cover, black, bronzed and painted (the painting representing the London Exhibition building). 24. 1 round, 66 inch. (12/4) table-cover, oiled fustian, imitation of mahogany 25. 1 round 54 in. (12/4) table-cover, black, bronzed (English arms) . 26. 1 ditto. 27. 1 ditto, and painted. 28. i round 66 in. (12/4) table-cover, ground-colour gold, bronzed, var¬ nished . 29. 1 round 54 in. (12/4) table-cover, ground-colour silver, imitation of velvet. 30. 1 round 36 in. (12/4) table-cover, ground-colour blue, bronzed . 31. 1 square 22 k 34 in. (4/4 & 13/8) table-cover, oiled fustian, black, bronzed . 32. 1 square 191 k 25 in. (7/8 & 9/8) table-cover, jacaranda, bronzed . 33. 1 square 22 k 28 in. (4/4 k 5/4) table-cover, blue, bronzed . 34. 1 square 22 & 25 in. (4/4 k 9/8) table-cover, red, bronzed 35,36. 1 set table-mats, oiled on both sides, of 3 different patterns, or black and jacaranda ground, bronzed . 37,38. 8 round 5, 7£, % k U in. ( 6 , 8 , 10, 12 zoll), black and jacaranda dish- mats, bronzed . 39. 1 round 17 in. (3/4 ells) dish-mat, black, bronzed, and imitation of velvet. Note .—The above numbers refer to those on the tickets of the exhibited articles, and the whole list is annexed to our general price- current, which, together with our trade-card, may be had gratis at our Agents’, or at the Exhibition-building. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. Price. 162. £. s. d. 0 15 9 0 12 0 1 1 0 0 14 9 0 12 9 0 12 9 0 6 0 0 16 0 0 16 6 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 7 6 0 5 6 0 2 6 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 13 0 1 £ 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 9 FEEDER. QUAST, Leipzig. (Silver Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. Pieces. Yds. Inches. 1-3. 3 of 8 3/4 54 oiled fustian, wood imi¬ tation 4-7. 4 ditto ditto ditto marble 8-18. 11 ditto ditto ditto bronze 19. 1 ditto 48 round table-cover 20. 1 ditto 54 ditto 163. 164. 165. 166. 22 . 23. 24r-25. Pieces. Yds. Inches. 21. 1 of 8 3/4 27 to 33 edged 1 ditto 33 to 36 ditto 1 ditto 21 to 77 ditto painted 2 of 9 3/4 44 double floor-cloth £. s. d. TEUBNER and CO., Leipzig. (Gold Medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XIX. Agents, Gotts- chalk and Schroder, 72, Basinghall-strect. 1 . 1 piece of floor-cloth, printed, 5^ yards large, 21 yards long, woven in one piece 2 . If yards piano cover of oiled fustian 3 . 1 piece of square table-cover of oiled fustian .. 4. 1 piece of 1^ ditto ditto . . . 5-6. 2 pieces of 54 inches broad, 27 yards long, oiled fustian, bronzed and printed 7-12. 6 pieces of 54 inches broad, 8 £ yards long, oiled fustian, bronzed and printed 13. 1 piece of 54 inches broad, 8 £ yards long, oiled fustian, plain wood imitation . 14-16. 3 sets of table-mats. A pattern-book of wood and marble imi¬ tations . GOEHRING & BOEHME, Leipzig.— Cl. XIX. 1 . Round table-cover of oiled fustian, tor¬ toise imitation. Collection of 7 egg-shaped table-mats . Ditto round ditto . Card of patterns of printed oil-cloths in gold and silver. Ditto ditto in colours Ditto floor-cloths . Card of patterns of linens and tickens for painters. 8 . Card of patterns of oiled cloths for hat- linings . I. CHR. CHARLES EINENKEL, Dresden.— Cl. XIX. 1 . 1 piece of fine white linen for painters 2 - 5 . 4 ditto ticken ditto 6 - 9 . 4 pieces of ordinary fine white linen for painters . 10 . 1 piece of ditto grey ditto . 11 . 1 piece ordinary white ditto . 12-13. 2 ditto grey ditto . All these sorts of linens and tickens are ma¬ nufactured by the exhibitor in any length and colour, and from 7/16 yard up to 6 yards of breadth, in gradations of £ to | yard. Larger kinds must be sewed, but this is done in a man¬ ner scarcely to be seen. J. D. — MANUFACTURERS FROM HAIR, LEATHER, WOOD, AND PAPER. Piano Cloths (Felts). D. WEICKERT, Manvfacturer, Leipzig. (Bronze medal, Leipzig, 1850.) Cl. XYI. Xa. 1 . 1 sheet hammer-cloth, 1st quality A, 3lbs. weight, per lb. 2. 1 ditto ditto 2nd quality, lib. lO^oz. weight, per lb. 3-5. 3 ditto damper-cloth, 1st quality, lib. 4^oz., 6 oz., 5oz. 6 . 1 ditto red under-cloth, 2 £ ounces . 7. 1 ditto green ditto, 2 £ ditto . . . Retail prices. 0 16 6 0 13 6 0 16 0 12 0 12 Manufactures.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 31i No. 167. 168. 686. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent Description of Article, &c. Price. The first establishment in Saxony for making piano-cloths, which, till now, piano-makers used to procure from France. AUG. MUEHLE, Pima , Hat-maker.—Q 1. XX. 1. 7 pair of ladies’ shoes, of extra fine white felt . 2. 6 ditto ditto ditto coloured felt 3. 1 ditto gentlemen’s ditto ditto . . 4. 2 ditto ditto slippers, coloured felt 5. 3 ditto ladies' ditto ditto GOETZE, Hair Merchant , Leipzig , I. Raw German Hair (Brabant Hair) natural colour. 1-10. Wefts of long hair, from £ to 2i yds. in length.per lb. 11—13. 3 sorts of stump hair . II- —Completely purified and prepared hair. [Per lb.] 11 sorts of long hair, natural colours 14-24. 25-26. 27-28. 29-31. 32-34. ditto short mixed hair . ditto hair prepared for toupees ditto curled hair for locks . ditto prepared hair, dyed light- brown, dark brown, and black . HI-— Artificial-hair manufactures for making wigs , fyc. 35. 2 sorts of hair-dresses for wigs, per 100 ells (60 yards). 36. A wig for gentlemen, tamboured in gros de Naples, without dresses, perdoz. 37-38. 2 hair-crowns, made in the same manner 39. 1 top-string, ditto ditto .... 40. 1 great top for ladies, tamboured in gros de Naples, with dresses and artifi¬ cial skin. 41-43. 3 fore tops, same manner. 44. Part of a crown, worked in silk-tull 45-46. 2 fore tops, ditto ditto. 47-48. 2 crowns, tamboured in Gros de Naples with dresses. 49-53. 5 fore tops, ditto ditto. 54-55. 2 ditto for dolls. The establishment of the exhibitor employs from 60 to 70 men in purifying and preparing human hair for sale, and working the hair- articles required by periwig-makers. Wholesale prices for Leipzig weight and mea¬ sure ; on orders of considerable amount an allowance in proportion. 9. d. 4/6 a 50/ 9/ a 18/ No. 169. • I 7/6 a 91. 18/a 30/ 9/ 9/ a 16/ 10/6 a 24/ 10 / 144/ 10/6 15/ Embroideries of hair and silk. J. A. HIETEL, Leipzig. 1. Embroidery of human hair—the portrait of her Majesty of England . . . 2. Ditto of human hair and silk—the por¬ trait of his Majesty of Saxony 3. Ditto ditto—the sleeping workman 4. Ditto of human hair and silk—a bathing girl. 5. Ditto of coloured silk—the flags of all nations. 6. Ditto of grey silk—a rose with Amor . 7. Ditto of black silk—the building of the Central Hall at Leipzig . , , 144/ 21/a 27/ 9/ 15/a 19/6 5/6 a 9/ 12/a 24/ 3/9 a 5/ 33 0 0 170. 171. 49 0 0 172. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London 4gent Description of Article, &c. 10 0 To Nos. 1-5 a glass has been fixed on the back to show the manner in which they are stitched; Nos. 6 and 7 are without frame and C. F. A. FISCHER, Bautzen. (Gold medal, Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XVII. An assortment of Papers , containing 1. Plate paper for stones. .... 2- ,, for steel-plates . . 3, 4. Printing paper, f. and ff. . . . 5, 6. Tissue paper, white and rose . . . 7, 8,9. Writing paper, ff. post white, rose an blue. 10. Writing paper, ff. post white,"extremel thin. 11,12. Chancery paper, f. and ff. 13. Drawing paper, made on the machin with vegetable glue. 14. Vegetable paper for counter-drawing 15. Papers for documents, bank-bills, &c. 16. A sheet of gigantic mill-board for waggons. The exhibitor’s two factories thrown into one contain 3 endless machines, 24 hollanders, 2 sutining machines, moved by 5 turbines and 6 water-wheels of 150 horse-power, employ circa 200 men, and produce circa 1,300,000 lbs. of paper (value, 25,000/.) a year. Prices £. s. d, A. KINDERMANN, Buchholz n. Annaberq .— Cl. XXVI. A Series, of 44 different figures of animals, very different sizes, coloured exactly after nature, made of papier-mache . per dozen Is. 6d. to 'll. 8s. Wholesale prices, free Buchholz, net in ster¬ ling money. _ FEISTEL and SON, Aue n. Schneeberg. —Cl. XXIX. Snuff Boxes. 1-6, 16, 17. 8 boxes, tortoise pattern, with buf- fles’ horn. 7-10. Large metal boxes with paintings . 11. Damask box with silver ornaments . 12,13. Scottish boxes ,, . 14. ,, with draught-board . . 15. Draught-board box with buffles-horn and tortoise. 18. Ivory box with painting. Wholesale prices. WILLIAM ROCKHAUSEN, stadt— Cl. XXVI. Johanngeorgen- Fancy Boxes and Toilets of Inlaid Work. 1-3. Boxes of jacaranda-wood with mother- of-pearl . 4-9. Boxes of jacaranda, rosewood, &c., with German silver. 10. Counter-box of jacaranda 11. Segar-box. 12. Ladies’ toilet-secretary, jacaranda 13. ,, travelling-desk . . . 14. ,, toilet., Prices, free Leipzig. per doz, 30/ a 51 2 14 O' 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 45/a 60/ 27/a 42, 2 5 0 3 12 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 14 0 316 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. [Manufactures:* No. Name and Address of Exhibrior and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. | Price. 173. JOHN FEEDER, PAPPERITZ, Dresden . (Bronze medal, Berlin, 18-14; Silver medal, Leipzig, 1850.)— CL XVI. 1. Flat English saddle, wadded and covered with hog-skin, with fine woollen girth, stirrup-lashes arid cover. 2. Saddle of the same style, of less size, half- j £. s. d. 5 2 0 wadded .......... 3. Bridle, pierced and bombed work, covered 4 16 0 173ft. buckles, polished bridle and bradoon-bit. LUDW. HAUSSMANN, Dresden. (Bronze medal, Berlin, 1844.)-Cl. XVI. 1. A pair of complete harnesses with collars, round reins, counter-holds, silver doubled 1 16 0 174. buckles, bridles of steel . . . 2. Bridle, complete, deep brown, double sewed . . . .. 3. Bridle, complete, light brown, single . 4. ,, ,, black, sewed round, with front-piece laced in the Hungarian manner 5. 2 whips, over-braided with gut-string, handles of whalebone. 6. 8 hunting whips, braided of leather, inside whalebone. E.—CHINA .AND EARTHENWARE. ' THE ROYAL SAXON CHINA MANUFAC¬ TORY, Meissen n. Dresden. (Silver Medal, Berlin, 1844; Leipzig, 1850.)—Cl. XXV. 1-2. Two vases, royal blue, glazed with the portraits of Her Majesty of England arid 18 0 0 ■ His Royal Highness Prince Aibert ; the other escutcheons filled with nosegays ; rich gilding, with postaments of a simi¬ 19 4 0 lar descrip ion .... 2 pieces 3. Lustre, with 9 girandoles, coloured and 6 0 0 gilt. piece 4. Camellia-plant, with leaves and white flowers of china, in a. gilt pot on white 39 6 0 and gilt stand. 5. Vase, after M. Semper’s design, with 90 0 0 numerous painted medallions and gilding 6. Vase, with postament, painted with figures (after Watteau) and flowers, or¬ 127 10 0 namented with relievo flowers and gold 7. Mirror-frame, very rich, with 2 giran¬ doles, ornamented with coloured flowers 150Z. in relievo. 8-11. 4 Vases with paintings and bronze gild¬ 150Z. ing • . . . • . . . . 2/15/6 a 12: Figure, girl playing the guitar, with 11 5 0 laces.. 8 9 0 13. Figure, the flute-player, without laces 1-4. Etagere with girandole, flowers in re¬ 5 6 6 lievo, gilt leaves. 9 12 0 15. Ditto witn rich bronze gildii^g . 16-17. 2 dessert-dishes, rich glazed and bronze 2 0 0 gilding. 8/6 a 14/ 18-19. 2 dessert-plates, pierced, painted and gilt ! 20-22. 3 Ditto ditto with blue* Chinese paint¬ 33/6U42/6 ings, red and gold . ...... W a 7|/ 23. A frui t-basket with ears, pierced, painted and gilt. 0 15 10^ 24. A figure, girl feeding doves 25. A pair oi cups, with the painted por¬ traits of the King and Queen of Saxony 2 16 6° the two pairs 6 13 0 j ; No. il Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Price, 1 Description of Article, <:c. :i 26. A pair of cups, blue, rich painted and ' A*. 5. d. \ !j bronze gilt.the pair 27. A cotfee and tea service, consisting of 1 0 9 9| ij coffee-pot, tea-pot, mik-pots, sugar-basiri, 1 and six pairs of cups; painted with flowers and bronze gilt . the whole 28. A deeuaef with oval plate and two 6 1C 7$ cups, royal blue, with medallions painted after originals by Dutch masters . . 12 0 6 29-30. Goblets of different quality per piece 37/6a7f)/6 I 31-35. 5 pair of cups, painted arid bronze gilt 6;/«i 4\ 36. 1 painted tableau, the lace-maker, after Slingelandt... 4 . . 37. 1 plate with common blue painting, 52 10 Ml shaded with gold. 0 5 2? 38-3 ;. 2 busts (Danaide after Rauch, Pietas after Rietchel) . . . . ' . . . . 6Z. all.lOs. ' 40-43. 4 bush, smaller (Kings of Saxony and Prussia, Madonna, Socrates) .... 44. 1 figure, Ganymede after Thorwaldsen, G/jS. a 9s. in marble china . . . . ; . : 45-52. 8 transparent shades . . . ... An assortment of Chemical and Pharmaceutical 1/6 a 2/6 fessels. . j . 1. A set of 9 rubbing mortars . per piece 8?/ a 7/4- 4 ! The 9 pestles • • . . . . . . ’. 1 2. 3 mortars for making solutions . 1/3^2/4i With 3 pestles . . . .’ A A' vi . . 4 d. a 6M 3. A set of 14 evaporating vessels . . . 22 d. a 8/81 4. Ditto, 5 pouring vessels . . .** 3 Id. a 1/7* 5. 2 plungers - . . . . . .. . , id 63 d. a l^d. \ 6. 11 crucibles with lid, different numbers 1 2 Id. a 9|d| 7. 3 basket-funnels . . . . Is. 2 ~d. a\ 0 1 101 8. 3 pierced ditto.10fA a 0 1 101 9. 2 ribbed ditto.* .' . fd.aVfd. 10. 1 preparing ditto A A “ 0 0 4| 11. 2 spattles ...... A . . 2 \d. a 3d. 12. 1 retort with tubulus ...... 0 3 3? 13. 1 alembic . . . . . . . . 0 1 l| 14. Crip for drying over sulphuric acid . 0 2 li 15. Plate for spirit lamps . 0 2 3 1, 16. Crucible for the soldering pipe . 0 0 3 17. 2 calcining dishes . . . . . . . V-d. a 1 id. 18. Burning-dish . . • i • , • - / •’ 0 0 '22 19. Calcining-ships . . . . . r A 1 id. a 2?rZ, j 20. Tubes No. 1. .' . . ' A' 'V . 0 2 0 21. Measure No. 1. ....... 0 1 101 22. 5 bottle-covers. 1-1A a 744! 23. Filtering-cup, No. 4 . . . . . 0 3 I! 24. Leeches-spoon. 0 1 2,1 25. Striking-table for mineralogists .. f . 0 o 74 26. Double spattle . . . . . - A very old establishment, known all oyer the 0 0 3? 1 ' i world. 175. CHARLES ADLER, Konigsbriich. n. Dresden. Cl. XXV. From earthenware. 1. A soup-tureen . ' . .. ' “ 0 0 2-4.' 3 coffee-po.'ts . ■ . / *: 1 2d. u 7W. < 5,6. 2 vases for flowers . . . A- f • • A’ 6 o 'f:- ! 7. 1 Tea-pot . . . f • ‘ .' '■» i 0 0 8. An assortment of milk-pots . . .. . 9. Specimens of children’s playthings, per 3A a Ik/. j 66 pieces ... . . . * • •; *, 0 2 0 These earthenwares, fabricated in Saxony, are considerably exported. 1 1 To be had at F. A. Raffs, Eambro’. 1 Typography - and Arts.] PRICED LIST OF SAXON PRODUCTIONS. 317 No. 178. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182 . Name and Address of Exhibitor and London A-ent Description of Article, &c. Paintings on Cnina after Classical Pictures. HE NRY BUCKER, Dresden.— Cl. XY. and XXX. 1-11. 11 greater paintings in gilt frames, after Correggio, Carlo Dolce, Titian, Murillo, Gessi, Guido Reni, Raphael, Mengs, Pattoni, Liotard. (ji 12-29. 18 painted plates of greater size, without frames, after Murillo, Titian, Holbein, Guido Reni, Correggio, Raphael, Sasso- ferrato, Ruisdael, Claude Lorraine, &c. Price. £. s. d. al9Z. 10s. No. 177. Name and Address of Exhibitor and London Agent, Description of Article, &c. 30—37. 8 medallions 38-75. 38 enchased brooches 76-113. 38 plates for broches 18/a 90/ XV.—TYPO GRAPH Y AND ARTS. GUST. WALTHER, Dresden.— Cl. XXY. and XXX. 1-7. 6 greater paintings after classical pic¬ tures of Cignani, Correggio, Guido Reni, Murillo, and Raphael .... 8. 1 plate for a bracelet. 9. 1 plate for a broche . . . . F. A. BROCKHAUS, Publisher and Printer Leipzig.— Cl. XVII. A collection of 356 volumes, partly with illustrations, all printed in the year 1850 in the’ office of the exhibitor, in elegant bindings. Exhibited to show the extensive powers of the exnibitor’s establishment, and the superio¬ rity of typographic execution. AMBROSIUS BARTH, Publisher, Leipzig .— Cl. XVII. and XXX. Splendid Typographical Works. 1. The Minstrels of Germany, edited by Herr van der Hagen, on parchment, painted vignettes and initials. 2. Ancient Egypt, by Dr. Schwarze, printed in 27 . languages ; first sample of typo¬ graphic execution of Egyptian hiero¬ glyphs . 3. Talmud Babli; Babylonian Talmud in Hebrew, with German translation, and the Commentaries of Raschi and Jose- photh, edited by Dr. E. M. Pinner, vol. i. imperial folio, i842 . . .’ . J. B. HIRSCHFELD, Printer, Leipzig. (Silver medal, Berlin, 1844.)—Cl. XXX. 1. Polychromic printed tableau in 19 sheets, executed wiih 45 plates . a complete ex. The last sheet. -. A volume of specimens of printing types . MEIXHOLD and SONS, Printers, Dresden. (Bronze medal, Berlin, 1844: Leipzig, 1850.) —Cl. XXX. 1. 4 tableaux, with polychromic prints . . GUSTAVES SCHELTEE, Letter-founder,Leip¬ zig.-OX. XVII. 1. A volume with the newest specimens of types . 183. 184. 127 10 0 7 10 0 186. 6 16 0 0 15 0 188. h-i CD CD 190. 1 2. 1 tableau with specimens of printed music notes.per cwt. 3. 1 ditto ditto . ,, 4. 1 tableau with specimens of stenographic types, the first experiment in that way. FRED. HERM. JAHN, Engraver to the King of Saxony, Dresden. —Cl. XXX. A tableau with specimens of engravers’ works, consisting of an engraved plate with arms and address, surrounded with specimens of engraved arms, signets, &c. THE ROYAL MILITARY PLAN-OFFICE, Dresden. —Cl. XXX. The three first numbers of the great engi¬ neers’ map of the kingdom of Saxony, in elegant cover. Exhibited for superiority of execution. PROF. ERNST RIETSCHEL, M.R.A.F.A., Dresden.— Cl. XXX. 1. The Christangel, relievo, done in Carrarian marble. 2. Cupid, mounted on the back of a panther, relievo, in Carrarian marble .... 3. Maria kneeling at the dead body of Jesus Christ, full-size group, in plaster of Paris.. . WILLIAM HENRY KUEGLER, Dresden.- Cl. XXX. A signet in form of a vase, ground of a piece of rock-crystal. G. LUTHER, Plauen.— Cl. XIX A lady’s ball-dress . . . . Price. £. s. 1 1 10/6 a 15/ 6/ a 10/6 HENRY SCHUETZE, Dresden. Samples of wool of the fine Electoral sheep of the Exhibitor’s estate, called Schweta. 16a42 gns 1 11 6 2 2 0 21 0 0 28 10 0 115 10 0 73 10 0 57 15 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 •v - .■'4'-.23Lcsiiillit ^ i » " V .. i ' - ' hvy;?,?,] / ,' I ' I )t .. *■'->. . u jri ■■■ . i ■H, f ! ! « . • > 5 jYi v ,U >.'•-) I S uJ ; .i - > (, %*t. Vs v i ■ i’j:: i{if '•, •:»<» 1 ,aausitod . ;. yo , . v ,a ; • • • * ;. -.r < ■ ■ t . • . .• iy rru’i :.'■■! I < 1 >■' t*l ;'•! y< if ■J: ■ ■■•<.}: \ •••'•?' < , dia :•<* «J«W9 vi? : i A 'to . 1 jw> •<< u, r>'o; / • •••'.■ •/■ • rJy : ;« ;irip : v •' tiKr-tV t-'iBU o : ;anf. : 1 if i i I ::;;g -i .. t ij '1 p . ufoit: dd .y-5 *■ ii lit Xt r; t,i V ,,.ti j-J rljtUadR :n-V>‘.'bf! 1 9 :• , 3«! i aj«ife^9. ! 1 // r )tBtttxgqp ws^iO I « *i - --•> 4 ' ' * P- | - ... 4 ’r v .• ft ; : 4 . 5 • ! . t" ; r i • ■ Official (fotalape JiMrerjkr. PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. IMPERIAL BOGOSLOVSKY COPPER WORKS.—Government of Perm. Native copper from Michael Archangel mine. Red oxide of copper with green carbonate ore in compact limestone from Soukho- doisk mine. Red oxide of copper, with green and blue car¬ bonates of copper, from Michael Archangel mine. Do. in hardened clay. Tile ore (Ziegelerde) impregnated with na¬ tive copper, from Vassilievsk mine. Bituminous copper ore from Frolovsk mine. Ditto, spotted with green and blue carbonates of copper, from Michael Archangel mine. Earthy black oxide of copper, in white clay, from Vassilievsk mine. Black oxide of copper from Michael Arch¬ angel mine. Copper pyrites. All these ores contain from 2± to 1\ per cent, of copper. Vitreous ore, with copper pyrites, impregnated with quartz, from Michael Archangel mine. Amorphous vitreous ore from Vassilievsk mine. Vitreous ore with calcareous spar, from Souk- hodoisk mine. Ditto in white clay, from Vassilievsk mine, i Ditto, crystallized with copper pyrites, from I Frolovsk mine. I All these ores contain from 13£ to 37 per j cent, of copper. Reniform malachite, with bituminous ore in I a decomposed state, from Frolovsk mine. ! Radiated malachite from Soukhodoisk mine, i Green carbonate of copper with red oxide of copper from ditto. Blue and green carbonates of copper and vi¬ treous ore from Bogoslovsk mine. The price of all these ores at the Fabrique is per ton Red clay, used for the repairing of furnaces per ton White refractory clay used for preparing cement, and firebricks, also for lining fur¬ naces in the manufacturing of copper per cwt. Frolovesk sand, used for beds of furnaces per cwt. The diffeient materials for the furnaces in ! the manufacturing of copper. The different products in the process of the i refining of copper. Copper of pale rosy colour . . per cwt. I Price. £. d. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. LMPERIAL ALEXANDROVSKY CAN¬ NON FOUNDRY.—Government of Olonetz. Iron ores—contain 28 per cent, of iron Limestone. Cast iron for heavy guns ... per cwt. IMPERIAL ARTINSK WORKS.-District of Zlataoust. Specimens of cast steel used for making scythes and saws. per cw £ IMPERIAL BARNAOULSK WORKS — District of Altaisk, Siberia. Silver ores from Zmeevsk mine; contain U drams of silver in 36lbs. Di . tto J r r Salairsk mine, contain If drams in 36 lbs. Ditto from Zirianovsk mine: contain 12A drams in 361bs. 2 Di . tt0 Sokolni mine; contain U drams in 361bs. Ditto from Semenovsk mine: contain 2A drams in 381bs. Ditto from liidersk mine ; contain If drams of silver and 1£ drams of lead in 361bs Limestone. Lake salt. Firebrick. Slags and the different products in the process of refining the above-named ores. Fine silver. £. s. d. 0 7 6 0 14 21 I 0 17 0 V 0 0 3 0 0 2-i j 0 0 1 }| S 5 8}|| 5 | IMPERIAL CAST - IRON WORKS OF j KOUSHVINSK.—Government of Perm, j Pig iron, used for the manufacturing of j wrought iron, and for different castings J _ per cwt. j 0 1 4£ 8 IMPERIAL COPPER WORKS OF PERM.— Government of Perm. Rocks of the Permian system of Sir Roderick I. Murchison. j Marly sandstone penetrated by vitreous cop¬ per ore, and green carbonate ore, from the Novobershetsk mine; contains about 12 per cent, of copper. r Granular marly sandstone, with the impres¬ sions of plants, penetrated by the green and blue carbonates of copper, and covered by vanadiate copper, from the Sviato- Troitsk mine ; contains about 21 per cent, of copper. Ditto, dark red colour, penetrated by green carbonate ore, from ttie Voskressensk mine ( —contains about 2 per cent, of copper. !20 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Grey rharly sandstone, with fragments of clay, penetrated by green and blue carbo¬ nates of copper, and covered with vanadi- ate copper, from the Yoskressensk mine ; contains about 2 per cent, of copper. Ditto, with the impressions of leaver, pene¬ trated by; green carbonate of copper, from j the Czarevo-Nicolsk mine • contains about ! 3 per cent, of copper. Black grey marly clay, with disseminated particles of vitreous copper ore, from Ri- jevsk mine ; contains about 1| per cent, of copper. Ditto of grey colour with fragments of clay, penetrated by green carbonate of copper, with impressions of the plant “Sphenop- teris furcata” from the N ovobershetsk mine; contains about 1| per cent, of copper. Ditto coloured with hydrate of iron, and penetrated by blue and green carbonates of copper; from the Pokrovsk mine ; con¬ tains about 1| per cent, of copper. Ditto penetrated by green carbonate of cop¬ per, with an impression of the plant “ chei- lantites cuneifolia,” from V oskressensk mine; contains about 2 per cent, of copper. Grey marly sandstone, with fragments of clay penetrated by green carbonate ore, with impressions of the plant “ Sphenopteris furcata,” from Sviato-Troitsk mine; con¬ tains about 1| per cent, of copper. Small grained marly sandstone, penetrated by green carbonate ore, from Czarevo-Nicolsk mine ; contains about 2 per cent, of copper. The price of all these ores is . . per cwt. Decomposed dolomite, known as Gelinsk sand, used as the flux in the smelting of all the Permian ores .... per cwt. The different products in the process of re¬ fining copper. Copper in ingots, contains 99 per cent, of pure metal; is used in coining per cwt. Copper in ingots which is afterwards rolled into sheets. Sheet copper used for making percussion caps .per cwt. Nerinsk quartz for covering the hearths of furnaces for smelting copper ores. Nerinsk white refractory clay for making firebricks.per cwt. Firebricks in their different states previous to, and after having been in, use. Compound materials, used for the furnaces in the smelting of copper ores. IMPERIAL GOROBLAGODATSK IRON WORKS.—Government of Perm. Magnetic iron ore from Blagodatsk mine, contains 73 per cent, of iron. Ditto, roasted.per ton Brown iron stone from Balakinsk mine, con¬ tains 52-60 per cent, of iron. Ditto, roasted.per ton Brown iron stone from Levinsk mine, con¬ tains 70-50 per cent, of iron. Ditto, roasted . . . . . . per ton Brown iron stone from Kedrovsk mine, con¬ tains 67*38 per cent, of iron. Ditto, roasted.per ton Price. d. Ho. 0 0 7b 0 0 7) 3 11 11 4 12 0 0 31 0 15 , 0 19 0 1 4 0 1 8i 10 11 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Brown iron stone from Nijne Tourinsk mine, contains 42*996 per cent, of iron. Ditto, roasted.per ton Limestone, used as a flux in smelting iron ores. IMPERIAL KAMENSK IRON WORKS.— Government of Perm, District of Eka¬ terinburg. • Ore Melnikovsk (brown clay iron stone), con¬ tains about 50 per cent, of iron . per ton Ore Razgouliaevsk (brown clay iron stone), contains 25 per cent, of iron . . per ton Ore Novikovsk (brown clay iron stone), con¬ tains 28 per cent, of iron . . . per ton Limestone . . r . Silica . . . . -.1 j ,', Quick lime . . . . . . . . „ : Slags. Hard cast iron, used for casting and for making wrought iron by the French method . .pfer cwt. Strong or close grained cast iron for heavy guns ..per cwt. Soft grey cast iron, used for casting shot and shells, and for making wrought iron by the French method.. . per cwt. Price IMPERIAL KOTJSSINSK IRON WORKS. -— Government of Perm, District of Zlataoust. Stone that resists the fire . . . per cwt. Eire brick .......... Brown iron stone from Akhtensk mine . Ditto, roasted. Brown iron stone from Nijne-Kissegansk mine . . . . . . . . . . Ditto, roasted.. Limestone, used as a flux . . . per ton Slags from iron furnaces. Cast iron, used in the manufacture of shot and shells.. per cwt. Prepared iron for anvils. Fibrous iron, manufactured by the French method.per cwt. Large grained wrought iron . . „ IMPERIAL IRON YfORKS OF 'NIJNE TOURINSK. Bar iron, used chiefly for the manufacture of muskets, prepared by the French method per cwt. Ditto, made by the open fire . . „ Sheet iron, 4' 8". by 2' 4'/ weight, 18 lbs. per cwt. Boiler plate iron, manufactured for the naval department, 8 ft. by 2 ft., in. thick, 123 lbs. weight . . . P r . . . .. ." d IMPERIAL IRON WORKS OF YERKHNE- BARANTCHINSK. Rolled iron of different forms and dimen¬ sions, prepared by the French method per cwt. £. 0 lfl 0 5/101 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 321 Namfe and Aft'drPSS of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. IMPERIAL IRON WORKS OF YERKHNE TOURINSK. Pig iron, obtained from the mixture of mag- nefic ore with brown iron-stone, used only for the casting of heavy guns . per cwt. IMPERIAL IRON WORKS OF VOT- KINSK.—Government of Yiatka. Puddling iron of various sizes, manufactured with charcoal, hnd only once worked per cwt. Ditto, doubled up, welded, and rolled, of various sizes . per cwt. Ditto, boiler plate. „ Ditto, the same process thrice repeated, of various sizes.per cwt. Iron prepared in open forges and rolled, of various sizes.per cwt. Sheet iron, made by the same process ,, Ditto, boiler plate .. Cemented steel, manufactured from scrap iron . per cwt. Cast steel, manufactured from the above, and rolled . per cwt. IMPERIAL MANUFACTORY OF FIRE ARMS OF ZLATAOlISr. — Govern¬ ment of Orenburg, District of Zlataoust. Raw steel, used for making the reforged re¬ fined steel . . per cw T t. Blister steel, used for manufacturing dif¬ ferent tools . per cw r t. Twice reforged steel, used for manufacturing sword blades . per cwt. Cast steel, used for file cutters’ chisels, blades, surgical cutlery, and dies for stamping coins . . . . . per cwt. Damasc steel, manufactured in small quan¬ tities for ornamenting Asiatic weapons per cwt. Cast damasc steel, of a superior quality, for the above use . . . . . . per cwt. IMPERIAL MINING WORKS OF PO¬ LAND. Brown iron ore, contains 38 per cent, of iron per cwt. Ditto, contains 30 per cent, of iron . ,, Ditto, ditto . . ,, Marly iron ore, contains 21 per cent, of iron per cwt. Cast iron, prepared with charcoal for casting •per cwt. Ditto, for making bar iron ... ,, Ditto, prepared with coke for the above use per cwt. Rolled iron, of various sizes . . . „ Medium sheet iron .. Sheet iron for roofing. ,, Common wrought iron .... ,, Tin, 14" by 10" . per sheet Tin, 17" by 124" .. Calamine, contains 26 per cent. . per cwt. Zinc .. Ditto, in sheets.. Cadmium.per lb. Cadmium pyrite.. Price. £. s. d. 0 2 4 8/94 a 7/11 0 8 4i 0 15 6 0 10 4§ 0 13 94 0 13 6 L 0 9 11 0 14 If I 2 8 24 0 10 3§ 1 5 5 1 17 8 2 0 9i 11 17 6 5 14 0 0 0 4 0 0 3f 0 0 3| 0 0 34 0 3 0 3 0 3 24 13/ a 25/8 12 7 1 9 1 0 14 7 0 54 0 84 0 114 0 0 2 94 3 6-1 0 10 6 1 No. 15a 16 17 18 19 20 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. IMPERIAL MINING WORKS OF PO¬ LAND. . Rails, after the.system of Mr. Yignoiies. One mile of railway, between Warsaw and Yienna, is made with these rails per cwt. Iron screw with brass nut . Iron work for gun carriages . . . . IMPERIAL NIJNE-ISSETSK WORKS.— Government of Perm. Iron for musket barrels, prepared by the French method . . . . . per cwt. Sheet iron, for roofing houses, prepared as above, 4' 8 " by 2‘ ... per cwt. Boiler plate iron, ditto, 4' 8 " by 2' 4" „ IMPERIAL SATKINSK IRON WORKS.— District of Zlataoust. Brown iron stone, from Klutshevsk mine, contains 50 per cent, of iron . . per ton Ditto, roasted . ,, Ochry ore, from Bakalsk mine, contains 45 per cent, of iron . per ton Ditto, roasted . . ,, Lime sand, used as a flux in the iron fur¬ naces . per ton Slag, from blast furnaces. Soft cast iron, from blast furnaces per cwt. Bar iron, prepared by the French method, for the manufacturing of fire arms, per cwt . Sheet iron, used in the artillery department per cwt. Boiler plate iron, manufactured for the naval department . per cwt. IMPERIAL WORKS. — Government of Tomsk, District of Altaisk. Samples of cast and damasc steel:—• Cast . per cwt. Damasc . „ IMPERIAL ALEXANDROYSK MANU¬ FACTORY, near St. Petersburg. Steeped flax from Pskoff, 1st quality, per ton Spread do. from Melenkoff, 1 st do. ,, Do. from Velikoselsk, 2nd do. ,, Do. from Poletzk, 1 st do. ,, Tow from steeped flax of Pskcff, 1st do. ,, Do. do. do. 2 nd do.. ,, Do. from spread do. of Melenkoff ,, Do. do. do. ■ 2nd do. ,, Do. of Yelikoselsk 1st do. ,, - lj Do. do. 2 nd do. ,, Do. of Poletzk 2nd do. ,, IRON WORKS OF KHAMOUNITSKY, MADAME PONOMAREFF, Proprie¬ tress.—Government of Yiatka, District of Slobodsk. Iron, manufactured by the French or Cata¬ lonian processes, with charcoal :— Sheet iron, of various sizes, 4' 8 " long, of various weights from 6 to 12 lbs. per cwt. Oxidized iron .. Boiler plate iron . . . . „ 0 14 7 18 0 19 d. 0 14 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 5 101 0 11 If 0 11 1 1 2 17 8 11 35 16 0 38 4 0 35 12 63 0 17 4 20 0 23 4 30 0 20 0 17/ a 23/ 1 4 0 1 3 1 322 exhibition official catalogue advertiser* Mo. 21 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. MESSRS. DEMIDOFF, Proprietors.—Nijne- Taghilsk, Siberia. Price. £. s. d. Magnetic iron ore. Do. roasted. Red copper ore. Phosphate of copper. Black copper ore. Native copper. Malachite. Do. reniform. Do. polished. Copper in ingots, in cakes, and in sheets. Specimens of rocks found in auriferous sands. Do. do. found in platina sands. Gold sand, in boxes. Platina sand, do. Malachite colour. Old sable iron. Fibrous do. Iron prepared in the open forge fires. Do. prepared in the French method, of va¬ rious sizes. Puddling iron. Scrap do. Cast do. from the blast furnaces, and rever¬ berating do. Boiler plate do. Sheet do. dyed with colour of malachite. Tin. Forged steel. Spring do. Cast do. Cemented do. 22 SPECIMENS OF THE MINERALS FOUND IN NEW RUSSIA, BESSARABIA, AND IN THE TRANS-CAUCASIAN PROVINCES. Gneiss. Syenite. Syenite-Gneiss. Fine-grained syenite. Diorite. Feldspar. Do. Lamellated calcareous spar. Gross-grained granite. Fine-grained do. Granite syenite. Fine-grained granite, in a state of transition to gneiss. Pegmatite. Sulphureous lead. Compact quartz. Do. do. Porphyry. Trachyte do. Dioritic slate. Greenstone, approaching to basalt. Jasper, 3 pieces. Crystals of amethyst. Hornstone. Petrified wood, 2 pieces. Semi-opal. Limestone, 4 pieces. Compact calx (statuary marble). Marble from Balaclava. I No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Oriental alabaster. Breccia. Red do. White clay, employed at the foundry of Loo- gane, for firebricks. Porcelain clay, 2 pieces. Marble. Dolomite. Mass of calcedony, containing gryphites. Irradiated obsidian. Red do. Red tuff. Manganese ore. Red copper do. , Magnetic iron do. Purified soda. Crude do. Mineral salt. Black naphtha. 23 PASHKOFF, MICHAEL, Proprietor. — Government of Orenburg, District of Sterlitamatsk. Copper in ingots.per cwt. Do. in cakes ....... ,, Do. in sheets. „ 24 PASHKOFF, ALEXANDER, Proprietor.— Government of Orenburg, District of Sterlitamatsk. Copper in ingots.per cwt. MADAME JAKOLEFF, CATHERINE, Proprietress. — Government of Riazan, Estate of Grishino. Samples of steel. 26 HIRSHMAN & KIJEVSKI, Manufacturing Chemists, Warsaw. A case containing chemical productions in bottles, viz., blue vitriol, green do., white do. alum, prussiate of potash, do. of a red colour, chloride of lime, flowers of sulphur, and sugar of lead. Colours:—white lead, brown-red do., Parisian blue, Bremen do., Scliweinfurt green, Impe¬ rial do. (Kaiser grim), mountain do. (Berg grim). 27 SCHLIPPE, CHARLES, Manufacturing Che¬ mist.—Government of Moskow, District of Vereisk, Estate of Plesninsk. Prussiate of potash. Alum. Muriate of tin. Oxalic acid. Tartaric ditto. Vinegar. Leiokom—stannate of soda. SANIN, —, Manufacturer.—Government of Kaluga. Sugar of lead.per cwt. ■ V ert de terre. „ Vertdegris. „ Blue vitriol. ,, Alum. „ PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 323 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. BRUSGHIN, ALEXANDER, Manufacturer, Koselsk. Prussiate of potash, lbs. , , per pound VERDAN & CO Leiocom Dextrin Lustrin Albumin Starch Manufacturers, Moskow. . per cwt. Price. £. 5. d. 0 1 4 1 13 3 1 18 0 1 15 0 28 1 8 0 12 8 KARNOVITCH, —, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Jaroslaff. Oats. Rape-seed. COUNT KOUCHEI St. Petersburg, iEFF, Proprietor.—Near Estate of Ligovo. Ears of corn. Winter rye. Winter rye. Spring ditto. Spring ditto. Spring wheat. Spring wheat. Polba. Polba (spelt wheat). Barley. Barley. Buckwheat. Oats. Millet. Buckwheat. Flax. Millet. Clover. Tares. Tares. Flax. Timothy grass. Clover. Rye grass. Timothy grass. Pearl barley. Corn. Hops. LOSHKAREFF (Peasant), Producer.—Go¬ vernment of Simbirsk. Wheat. No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. MOROZOFF, Peasant, Producer. — Govern¬ ment of Kostroma, Estate of Korobeinikoff. Wheat called “ Belotourka.” BAGUER, Proprietor.—Near the town of Kertch. Hard wheat called “ Arnaout” per bushel MATYEIEFF, Peasant, Producer.—Govern¬ ment of Orel, District of Eletz. Prepared buckwheat. SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE, Bessa¬ rabia. Indian wheat. SHABELSKY, Proprietor.—Government of Ekaterinoslatf, District of RostofF. Hard wheat called “Arnaout” . per bushel TRESKOFF, Proprietor.—Government of Warsaw, District of Gostindsk, Estate of Khodove. Wheat called “ Sandomirsk ” . per bushel COUNT VIELIIORSKY, MATTHEW, Pro¬ prietor.—Government of Penza, Estate of Znamensk. Corn “ Vielhorka.” Price. £. s. d. 0 3 10 0 3 3 0 5 2 HIRSH MAN, Proprietor.—Government of Lublinsk, District of Sedletsk, Estate of Sokolovo. Large-eared wheat. Rye. KLEPATSKY, —, Proprietor.'—Government of Kharkoff, District of Koupiansk. Spring wheat, called “ Arnaoutka.” DOKHTOUROFF, Proprietor.—Government of Toula, District of Ivashirsk. Prepared manna buckwheat. Fine pearl barley. Fine groats. 45 N. N.—Government of Kharkoff, District of Zmievsk. Swedish barley. Himalaian ditto. 46 BARON BTSTRAM, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Courland, District of Mitaw, Estate of Patzen. Pearl barley. 47 BARON ROPP, Proprietor.—Government of Courland, Estate of Bixsten. Pearl barley. COSSACKS OF THE AZOFF SEA, Pro¬ ducers.—'Territory of the Don Cossacks. Blue-eared spring-wheat, called “ Boolgarka,” in sheaves.per bushel Ditto in grain. Black-eared ditto, called “Boolgarka,” in sheaves. Ditto in grain. 0 3 10 48 REKKE, AUGUSTUS, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Courland. Pearl barley. 49 RATSIIINSKY, Proprietor. — Government and District of Smolensk. Smolensky grits. 2 B 324 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADYERTIS No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. VLADIMIRSKY, Peasant, Producer.—Go¬ vernment of Novgorod. Grits of unripe rye. ZILFOOGAR - BECK- ISKANDER - BECK OGLI, Producer.—Government and Dis¬ trict of Shemakha,Village ofMatchakhi. Chaltick. Chaltick grits. SELIVANOFF, Proprietor. — Government and District of Penza, Estate of Kout- chouk Portch. Oats. PRINCE VOLKONSKY, M., Proprietor.— Government of Jaroslaff, District of Mologsk. Oats. OUNIvOVSKY, Proprietor.—Government of Novgorod, District of Tikhvinsk, Estate of PanefF. Oats. SAFONOFF, A. E., Proprietor. — Govern¬ ment of St. Petersburg, District of Shlisselburg, Estate of Kiritsk. Spring rye. COUNT BOBRINSKY ALEXIS, Proprietor. — Government of Toula, District of Bogorodsk, Estate of Mikhailovslc. Winter rye. KHALIL-BECK SAPHIEFF, Producer.— Government of Erivan, District of Sharoor, Village of Bashoorashen. Rice. Rice grits. Native rice (called “ chaltick”) . per cwt. Chaltick grits. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of the CAU¬ CASUS.—District of Erivan. Rice. POUSANOFF, Proprietor.—Government of Koursk, District of Stchigrovsk, Estate of Nikitsk. Millet. Black ditto. ERSHOFF, Proprietor. — Government Saratoff, District of Kamishinsk. of Wheat (called Millet. koubanka”). PRINCE LEVAN-GOORIEL, Proprietor.— Government of Cootais, District of Ozerguet. Caucasian Millet (called “ gomia ”) per cwt. Price. £. s. d. 0 4 9 3/9 d 4/9 No. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. MIAGKKOFF, Peasant, Producer.—Govern¬ ment of Jaroslaff, District of Rostoff, Estate of Ugodino. Green peas. KHOKHOLKOFF and GREGORIEFF, Pro¬ ducers.—Government of Jaroslaff. Green sugar peas. GOLOVANOFF, Peasant, Producer.—Go¬ vernment of Olonetz, District of Pou- dojsk, Estate of Sartchevsk. Wheat flour. M ANIN, Merchant.—Government of Olonetz, District of Vitegorsk. Polish manna. Finest wheat flour. ROUSS ANOFF, Merchant.—Government of Orel, District of Eletz. Finest wheat flour. SAPOJNIKOFF, BROTHERS, Merchants.— Government of Saratoff. Wheat flour.. per cwt. NIKITIN, Confectioner.—Town of Smolensk. Dry preserved fruit ... . SOROKIN, CATHERINE, Proprietress.— Government of Jaroslaff, near the town of Rostoff. Succory coffee. PRINCE VOLKONSKY, V., Proprietor.— Government of Tamboff, District of Shatzk. Starch gum, 7 bottles. ROTERMAN, CHRISTIAN, Manufacturer. —Reval. Wheat starch..per cwt. YURGHENSON, Proprietor. — Government and District of Novgorod, Estate of Marieno. Potato starch. MIKIRTITCHEFF, CARAPET, Producer.- Government of Erivan, District of Soon maline, Village of Arnaret. Seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus) per cwt. Lucern seeds.. Sesamum seeds » . . per cwt. 2/. 18s. a HEIRS of TRESKOFF, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Warsaw, District of Gostindsk, Estate of Streltze. Turnip seed.. . . . MUSTAPHA EYPAROFF, Producer.—Go¬ vernment of Tiflis, District of Bertchalin, Turkish tobacco ...... per cwt. Price. £. s. d, 0 15 7 3 3 4 1 13 3 0 8 0 8 4 16 0 5 $ 2 8 0 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS, No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. 76 77 78 79 80 81 SPIGLAZOFF, ALEXIS, St. Petersburg. Tobacco. Cigars. Snuff. Manufacturer.— DOODINSKY, Proprietor.—Government of Shemakha, District of Lencoran. Maryland tobacco.per cwt. Havanna ditto. PRINCESS SANGOUSHKO, MARY, Pro¬ prietress.—Borough of Shepetovka, Go¬ vernment of Yolhynia, District of Sasslaff. Beetroot sugar, 2 loaves, per lb. lO.Vi. a Ilf d. HIRSHMANN, IIIRSHENDORFF, and RAYITCH, Sugar Refiners. — Govern¬ ment of Lublinsk, District of Sedletsk, Estate of Sokolovo. Refined sugar.per lb. Raw ditto. ,, Price. EJOFF, JOHN, Peasant.—Government and District of Vologda, Estate of Navoisk. Portable soup, 2 pieces .... per lb. MARIMANOFF and ARMAIvOONA, Farm¬ ers of the Salyan Fishery.—Government of Shemakha. Isinglass.per lb. Cartilage of fish (called Yiziga) . ,, 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 BARON FELKERSAM, Proprietor. — Go¬ vernment cf Courland, District of Grobin, Estate of Papenhoff. Madia. Different sorts of sunflower seeds. LISINSK FOREST INSTITUTION. — Go¬ vernment of St. Petersburg, District of Czarslcoe Sielo. Fir-wood extract, and fir-wood turpentine, I 6 bottles. Rosin, 3 pieces. RUDERT, HENRY, Musical Instrument Maker.—Warsaw. Purified rosin, 4 pieces. N. N.-—Government of Smolensk, District of Dorogobooj. Wax.per cwt. BABAIEFF, ARAKEL, Producer.—Govern- I ment and District of Derbent. Madder roots .... per cwt. 21. 8s. a\ No. 2 8 0 0 0 lOf Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &e. 2 18 0 KERIM RAGHIM OGLI, Producer.—Go- ! vernment of Derbent, District of Cubi. Madder roots .... per cwt. 21. 8s. a\ 2 18 0 N. N.—Government of Shemakha, District of Shoosha. Bark of the wild pomegranate tree, per cwt, 0 19 0 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 86 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 N. N.—Government of Stavropol, on the banks of the Terek, and on the Plain of Coo- mack. Dyewood (Statice coriaria) . . . per cwt. KVAVILOFF, POPIUS, Producer.—Govern¬ ment of Tiflis, District of Telaff. Safflower . . ..per cwt. AY V AZOFF, SERGIU S, Producer.— Govern¬ ment of Shemakha, District of Baki. Saffron.per cwt. GOVERNMENT of DERBENT, District of Cubi. Yellow berries for dyeing . . . per cwt. GOVERNMENT of SHEMAKHA, District of Nookha. Wood of the Sumach, for tanners per cwt. Leaves of ditto ditto ABDOURZA-MARAM OGLI, Producer.— Government of Erivan, District of Sharoor. Native cotton .per cwt. PRINCE DJIDJIVADZE (NIKO), Proprie¬ tor.—Imeretia. Cotton, produced from seeds, brought from the Island of Bourbon . per cwt., 21. 8s. a BABARIKIN, MICHAEL, Merchant.—Go¬ vernment of Pskoff, Town of Kholm. Flax.per cwt. ARDAMATSKY, JOHN and THEODORE, Merchants. •— Soletz, Government of Pskoff. Flax ......... per cwt. ARDAMATSKY, JOHN, Merchant.—Go¬ vernment of Pskoff, Town of Porklioff. Flax of superior quality .... per cwt. Tow of the first and second qualities. Flax of the second quality . . . . Ditto third ditto. ARDAMATSKY BROTHERS, Merchants.— Government and District of Novgorod. Flax and tow of the first and second quali¬ ties. KRASHENENEKOFF, Producer.—Govern¬ ment of Orel, District of Sevsk. Hemp of the second quality. KARNOVITCH,Proprietor.—Government of Jaroslaff. Flax, prepared after the Flemish method. KAZALETT, ALEXANDER, Manufac¬ turer.—St. Petersburg. Oakum . .per cwt. FILEMONOFF, KOSMA, Merchant—Go¬ vernment of Jaroslaff, Town of Rilsk. Hemp.per cwt. * 2 B 2 326 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 1 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. No. [Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. £. s. d. £. S. d. 104 BUKHARRE.b, Proprietor.—Government of 121 GORIGORETZK FARM.—Government of Pskoff, District of PorkhofF, Estate of Mohileff. Idanovich. Merino wool, in a raw state. Tow. Flax, prepared by the Belgian method, p. cwt. 1 10 0 Common rye . . 0 1 7 105 N. N.—Government of JaroslafF, Estate of Yelikoe. 122 VASSAL, Proprietor.—Government of the Spread flax .... per cwt. 1Z. 18s. a 2 18 6 Tauride, District of the Dneiper. Spanish wool (Merino). . per cwt. 91. 10s. a 19 0 0 100 N. N.—Government of Esthonia, District of Yinsk, Estate of Valk. 123 GAMALEY, THEODORE, Producer.—Bes¬ Flax sorted. sarabia, District of Ackerman. Spanish wool (Merino) .... per lb. 0 1 4 107 N. N.—Government and District of Pskoff -- 124 PHILIBERT, LEWIS and FRANCIS.—Go¬ Flax of the first and second qualities. vernment of the Tauride, District of Melitopol. 108 ZAKHAROFF, STEFAN, Merchant.—Go- Spanish wool (Merino). vernment of Pskoff, Town of Ivhoim. Flax.per cwt. l 13 3 125 N. N.—Esthonia, Estates of Schloss Bargam and Kaltenbrunn. 109 PRINCE VOLKHONSKY, Proprietor.—Go- Merino wool. vernment of Orel, District of Sevsk. Hemp of the first quality. 126 SHAH MIRZA AKHOONDOFF, Producer. 110 MILOKROSHETCHNOI, KOSMA, Mer- —Government of Stavropol, District of chant.—Pudoj. Piatigorsk. Korelsk flax of the first quality . per cwt. 1 18 0 White wool, unwashed, of the Caratchay sheep.per cwt. 14 0 111 MELNIKOFF, Merchant.—Government of Flax of the second quality. 127 NARISHKIN, L. K., Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Saratoff, District of Balasheffsk, 112 VANIUKOFF, JOHN, Merchant.—Soletz, Estate of Serghievka. Government of Pskoff. Wool. Flax ... . . per cwt. 1 13 3 128 N. N.—Schloss-Trikaten, Government of Li¬ 113 VANIUKOFF, THEODORE, Merchant,— vonia. Soletz, Government of Pskoff 1 . Wool, 2 cases. Flax ppp cvvt 1 13 3 114 CLARKE, MORGAN, 8c CO. 1 —Government 129 YOUZBACH MAHOMET KHAN, Producer. of Vologda. Flax. ■—Government of Derbent, Khanate of Kiurin. White wool, unwashed .... per cwt. 2 2 0 115 ZEMSKOFF, Merchant. — Government of 130 GIGOLO SHRVILI, Producer.—District of Novgorod, Town of Staraja Russa. Gorsk. Tow of the first and second qualities. Black wool, unwashed .... per cwt. 19/a 29/ Do. of the Caratchay sheep . . ,, 14 0 116 SABININ, Producer.—Government of Toula, . Town of Beleff. Oakum. 131 ABRAMOFF, JOHN, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Ekaterinoslaff, District of 117 KAUFMANN, A., Proprietor. •— Govern¬ Rostoff. ments of Grodno, Minsk, and Volhynia. Fine unwashed Cashmere goat’s hair. Specimens of different woods from the above mentioned Governments. 132 COSSACK WOMEN.—Government of Oren¬ burg. 118 GOVERNMENT of COOTAIS, District of Goat’s hair, bleached .... per lb. 0 14 5 r Ozoorget. Do. grey. „ 0 14 5 Plane-tree wood. Rhododendron wood. 133 TRIBE OF BASHKIRS. Cleaned grey and yellow camel’s hair, per lb. 0 2 0 119 GOVERNMENT of TIFLIS, District of Dja- rohelocan. 134 KORIAKIN & MOUGIKOFF, Peasants.— "Walnut-tree wood. Government of Vologda. Beech-tree wood. : J Bristles. . No. 135 138 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. SEMENOFF (JOHN), and ALEXIS & BA- SILE FALEYEFF, BROTHERS, Ma¬ nufacturers.—Government of Kalouga. 144 Bristles (“ Okatka.”) . . Horsehair, first quality . . per lb. 0 7 2 per cwt. 28 10 0 145 ZOLOTOREFF (JAMES), Manufacturer.— Government of Kalouga. Bristles, first quality Do. second quality Do. third quality . White horse hair, first quality Black ditto. per cwt. ?? )> 14 5 0 9 6 0 5 6 10 20 18 0 18 1 6 146 148 JTJDITSKY (Rearer of Silk Worms), Pro¬ ducer.—Moskow. Samples of cocoons, and different sorts of silk. RIER, Producer.—Government of the Tau- ridc, District of Molotchansk. Raw silk. REBROFF (ALEXANDER), Proprietor.— Government of Stavropol, District of Piatigorsk. Raw silk. RAYKO (NICOLAS), Producer.—Odessa. Raw silks, and cocoons, white and yellow. per cwt. vTKOULIN, Proprietor.—Government of Vo- ronej, District of Zadonsk. Raw silks of different colours. Organzine. 149 i 24/a 28/ j 150 151 HADJI BABA KELBALAY OOSSEIN- OGLI, Producer.—Government of She¬ makha. Dyed silks, crimson.2 lbs. Do. black. ,, Do. green. ,, Do. yellow. ,, Do. blue. ,, 0 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 152 153 REBROFF (ALEXIS), Rearer of Silk Worms. —Government of Stavropol. Raw silks : French wound off two cocoons . Do. Arabian three ,, Do. Thibethian four ,, Do. Chinese six ,, Do. Chinese & French six ,, Do. Italian eight ,, Do. Spanish ten ,, Do. Guillane ten ,, . Organzine: French. Do. Arabian. Do. Thibethian. Do. Chinese. Do. Chinese & French. Do. Italian. Do. Spanish. Do. Guillane. 154 156 157 158 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. POPOFF (ALEXANDER), Merchant. — Moskow. Down of the best quality . . . per cwt. LAPSHIN (JOHN), Manufacturer.—St. Pe¬ tersburg. Goose down.per lb. AVhite Bejetsk feathers .... ,, Grey Do.„ N. N.—Government of Erivan, District of Alexandropol. Persian powder for destroying insects, p. cwt. STAFFEL (ISRAEL ABRAHAM), Manu¬ facturer.—Warsaw. Calculating machine, for performing addi¬ tion, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the extraction of roots, in arithmetic. Machine for ascertaining the weight of pre¬ cious metals. IMPERIAL ALEXANDROVSKY MANU¬ FACTORY.—Near St. Petersburg. Machine for trying the strength of sailcloth, invented at the manufactory .... Ditto for trying the strength of cotton tw r ist Ditto for trying the strength of cotton thread . A Jacquard loom, with all the improve¬ ments, made at the manufactory . GRAFF (HENRY), Inventor.—St. Peters¬ burg. Silk throwing machine, with a copper, and all the necessary fittings. MENTCHINSKY (ADAM), Inventor.—Go¬ vernment of Kieff. Patent machine for cutting files, employed in making rasps for the Beetroot Sugar- Manufactory. HEKE (DANIEL), Coppersmith.—Warsaw. A vacuum pan for the evaporation of sugar syrup . MESSRS. DEMIDOFF, Proprietors.—Nijne Taghilsk, Siberia. Vaschgerd. (Table for washing gold sand.) IMPERIAL COACHMAKING ESTABLISH¬ MENT, St. Petersburg. Frame for wheels without felloes An oak wheel ring. IMPERIAL IRONWORKS OF VOT- KINSK. Iron work for gun carriages . . per cwt. Girders for roofs. „ IMPERIAL CAST-IRON WORKS OF KOUSHVINSIv. Shot.per cwt. IMPERIAL IRON WORKS OF BARANT- CHINSK. Shells, grenades, and bombs . . per cwt. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. IMPERIAL NIJNE ISSETSK IRON WORKS.—Government of Perm. Grenades ........ per cwt. ISMAEL ABDOOL RUGHIL OGLI.—Go¬ vernment of Shemakha, District of Lagitch. Pistol barrels, gun barrels . each Price. £. s. d. 0 8 5 2 17 0 Ho. 187 168 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article,-&c. IMPERIAL ARTINSK WORKS, District Of Zlataoust. Cast steel scythes.per cwt. IMPERIAL EKATERINBURG ENGINE FACTORY.'—Government*of Perm. Mechanical tools. . . . . . per set Price. £. s. d. 1 1 li 4 17 9i IMPERIAL MANUFACTORY of ARMS, Zlataoust. 189 Hussar soldier’s sabre ....... Dragoon’s ditto. Cossack ditto ditto ....... Cavalry officer’s ditto, gilt handle and damascene blade. Ditto ditto ditto . Dragoon officer’s ditto, highly polished blade Turkish sabre, steel, and silver mounted, with damascene blade. Half sabre of cast steel. Soldier’s broad sword.. Cuirassier officer’s ditto, with gilt handle, and highly polished blade . . . , Cossack officer’s sabre, called Shashka Ditto with damascene blade and gilt orna- 0 15 4 0 15 5 0 17 4 1 18 3f 2 7 6 2 6 10 6 18 0 3 1 10i 0 18 3| 2 11 lli 2 6 2i ments ........... Ditto gilt. Ditto, damascene blade, in Asiatic style Asiatic ditto, with damascene blade and velvet scabbard. Ditto ditto, with damascene blade and silver mounted. Short sword .......... Infantry officer’s ditto, with gilt handle Soldier’s cuirass in brass. Hulan lance .......... Cossack ditto.. Soldier’s dagger . . * .. Dagger, with damascene blade and ebony handle .. Ditto, with ditto and ivory handle . Ditto, with ditto, silver mounted, and orna¬ mented with precious stones * . . . 2 9 10 3 2 4 7 9 6 4 16 4 16 7 0 10 5i 2 15 6 4 3 8 0 5 41 0 2 10 0 14 4 1 8 31 2 1 11 7 4 9 IMPERIAL IJORSK WORKS.—Nehr St. Petersburg. Drawing instruments in mahogany cases, viz.: A complete set, mounted in silver, contain¬ ing 27 instruments ....... Ditto, containing 11 ditto, 5 inches in length Ditto 10 3 ,, Ditto, mounted in brass, containing '24 ditto Ditto, containing 11 ditto, 5 inches in length Ditto 10 3 ,, Pocket Drawing Instruments , viz. •*— Compasses: Folding, silver mounted.. Brass, with silver sheath In tubes, with silver sheath. Brass, with sheath of same metal ... Folding compasses, with smaller ditto, and silver sheath . . . .. Ditto, brass, with sheath of same metal . Ditto, with drawing pens, pencil tubes, straight compass, and silver sheath Ditto, brass, with silver sheath .... Tripartite compasses, with separate ditto, drawing pen, and silver Scale . . . . Ditto, with separate ditto, brass mounted, and brass scale ........ Brass folding compasses, with silver sheath, without case . r . Ditto, all brass ... 7-inch drawing pen, silver tube . . . . 2 sextants, 10 inch radius, in mahogany case Levelling instrument, with additional hori¬ zontal divided circle ...... 45 2 6 6 13 0 4 10 3 13 9 2 3 8 8 2 5 3| 3 5 6 1 14 4 2 5 2f 1 5 4 3 16 0 1 11 8 3 3 4 1 14 10 3 19 2 1 18 0 1 2 2 0 9 0 4 10 5| 17 8 4 19 0 0 KHAMOFF, North Daguestan, Fort of Temir Khan Shoori. Caucasian sabre, called u Shashka.” ... 938 OOSTE-CATCHAY OOSTE ALI BECK OGLI.—Government of Shemakha, Dis¬ trict of Nookha, Tillage of Gemzali, A Caucasian sabre, called il Shashka” . 0 14 3 BAZALAY.—North Daguestan, village of Cazanistch. Four Caucasian daggers of different qualities, 3 1. 3s. 4 d., 5 1. 6s. Id., 4 1. 2s. Ad., and 31. 16s. OGSTE-SELIM-MOLLA NOORI OGLI.— Government of Shemakha, District of Nookha, Village of Gemzali. A Caucasian dagger . .. 0 9 6 SHAH WEDI OGLI, Gunsmith of Coobatchin, Government and District of Derbent. A Caucasian ride ........ 28 0 0 170 PICK, JAMES, Manufacturer.—Warsaw. Microscope, with 2 eye-pieces, 3 sets of achromatic object glasses, magnifying 800 times; 3 adjusting screws, and all the necessary apparatus for making obser¬ vations .. A level, with 2 achromatic telescopes A quadrangular magnifying glass of foreign material, polished at his manufactory, and mounted in tortoise shell ..... Pair of spectacles ........ 23 15 8 15 16 8 0 19 0 0 12 8 171 RUDERT, HENRY, Manufacturer.—Warsaw. A small violin, the upper part made of fir ; the sides, back, and handle of plane wood; with bow .......... 23 15 0 172 LICFITENTAL, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Imperial pianoforte .. Cottage ditto.. 158 110 6 16 8 8 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 329 No. 173 173 a 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. VESOFFCHIKOFF, Manufacturer.— Nijne Novgorod. Iron scale beam. RABENECK, LEWIS, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Moskow, District of Bogo- rodsk, Estate of Sobolevo. Cotton twist. per lb. Red twill (“ Coumatch ”) . . per yard Plain velveteen.per piece Calico of red colour .... per yard Printed ditto.. „ Printed handkerchiefs of different patterns, 18s., 15s. 8c?., 12s. per doz. All these articles dyed with madder from Derbent, on the Caspian Sea; and instead of gall nuts, an extract of fir-wood, invented by Mr. Rabeneck, is employed as a mordant. POPOFF & SONS, THEODORE, Manufac¬ turers.—Government of Vladimir, Sho- uia. Long cloth .... 34 yards, per yard PANTELEEFF, Proprietor.—Government of Moskow, District of Bogorodsk. Cotton velvet, of black, blue, and crimson colours, 1G5 yards. ROCHEFORT, JAMES, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Moskow, Estate of PerovO. Printed muslin dresses of different colours, 56 yards Green and white, lilac, blue, green and blue, morone and blue, morone and rose, dark pink and black.per yard MAYER & ZINDELL, Moskow. Chintz (No. 1) Ditto (No. 2) . . Ditto (No. 3) . . . Ditto (No. 5) . . Manufacturers. — . . per yard CZAREVSK, Chintz Manufactory,—Govern¬ ment of Moskow, District of Dmitrovsk. Chintz of blue colour (No. 8). Ditto pink (No. 7). Ditto (No. 6). Ditto (No. 5). Ditto (No. 1) . . .. Ditto for furniture (No. 2) Ditto French F. Ditto, blue. Price. LTJTCH, JAMES, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Chintz of different patterns, from ZOUBOFF (DMITRI) & STEPOXJNIN | (AKIM), Manufacturers.—Government of Tshernigoff, District of Sourajsk, Sub¬ urb ofKlintz. Dark blue cloth.per yard £. s. d. 4 15 0 0 0 4i 0 1 1 0 0 11 0 0 lOf 0 0 9L 0 0 8# II 0 0 8 0 0 8f 0 0 9| 0 0 101 0 1 01 0 1 0| 0 1 4 0 1 2 9 d.a 1/2 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. 181 182 183 184 STUMPF, FREDERICK, Manufacturer.— Government of Warsaw, Town of Toma- sheff. Black cloth.per yard Green ditto ....... „ AKSENOFF, JOHN, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Tshernigoff, District of Sou¬ rajsk, Suburb of Klintz. Light grey cloth.per yard CACKI, SHVILLY, Producer. —Government of Tiflis, District of Djarobelocan. Ossetian cloth (called “ Tiftick ”) per piece 185 ISAIEFF, PETER, Manufacturer.—Govern¬ ment of Tshernigoff, District of Sou¬ rajsk, Colony of Novi Meziritch. Cloth of chocolate colour . . . per yard Ditto blue (D). „ Ditto light blue (EE) . . . . „ Ditto grey (D). ,, ZAKHERT, WILLIAM, Manufacturer.- Government of Grodno, Town of Si prasl. Cloth of different colours. Doeskin. 186 TSCHARTI-OBDOOL OGLT, Producer.— Government of Tiflis, District of Djaro¬ belocan. Cloth for Caucasian trowsers . per piece Lesahian cloth. ,, 187 188 189 TCHETVERIKOFF, Manufacturer.—Near Moskow. Black Satin Amazone, made of wool from the flocks of Count Nesselrode per yard Ditto ditto 1 TCHURILOFF, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Silk and wool mixed cloth, with silk stripes.per yard Checked Cachmere. „ 190 GOUTCIJKOFF, ELPHIN & JOHN, Mann facturers.—Moskow. Plain Cashmerienne Striped ditto Plain Scotch ditto . Figured and striped ditto Plain ditto .... Mousseline de Laine, printed Ditto plain Poplin. Scotch Cashmere shawls . Cashmerienne ditto Table covers .... Price. £. s. d. 0 11 5 0 7 11 0 7 7 0 6 4 0 11 2 | 0 11 o: 0 9 9 0 9 9b VOLNER, Manufacturer.—Moskow. French merino, of different colours, made of Saxon yarn.per yard Ditto, made of Russian yarn . . ,, Cashmere, of different colours, made of Saxon yarn. ,, Ditto, made of Russian yarn . . ,, 0 4 9 0 9 6 0 14 3i 0 12 3 0 2 7f 0 1 7| . pe] r yard 0 5 8 ” 0 6 I 5 . 7 yards 0 3 3* . 41 99 0 3 3 99 0 4 8 . 150 1 9 9 0 x H . 41 0 2 8 . 22 ” 0 3 5 each 0 9 0 ” 1 2 2 ” 2 t 2 0 3 8 0 3 8 0 2 llj 0 2 114 330 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. .No. 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Mousseline de Laine, of different colours, made of Saxon yarn' .... per yard Ditto, made of Russian yarn . . ,, Satin de Laine, made of Saxon yarn ,, Ditto of Russian yarn ,, Woollen yarn (FF zephyr) of different co¬ lours .per lb. Ditto (B ditto) ... „ ROCHEFORT, JAMES, Manufacturer.— Government of Moskow, Estate of Pe- rovo. Printed Mousseline de Laine . . per yard Printed dress, in goat’s hair, pink ground, 19 yards Ditto green ditto Printed woollen square shawls . . each Scotch ditto ditto' .... Patterns of printed barege, made in silk and wool.per yard Patterns of barege glace, made in silk and wool.per yard Patterns of printed cloth for furniture „ . Patterns of cloth for furniture, warp of Sha- makhansk silk ; weft of English wool per yard Patterns of poplin.„ . Patterns of Cashmere of Saxony wool „ . MOES & CO., Manufacturers.—Government of Grodno, near Belostok. Doeskins (433’82) 31 yards, Ditto (44-831) . . . Woollen yarn, warp 32 Ditto' weft 40 . . . per yard >» per lb. NARTMOFF, OVANESS, Producer. — Go¬ vernment of Shemakha, Town of Shoo- Woollen socks for men . Ditto women per pair OOSTE, ALEXAR, Embroiderer.'—Govern¬ ment of Shemakha, Town of Nookha. Embroidered cushions of red and blue cloth each FAVAR, CHARLES, Manufacturer.—Dis¬ trict of Moskow, Estate of Poushkino. Woollen Damask, 109 yards . . per yard NOGAISK TARTARS, Producers. Real camlet of camel’s hair, white and grey, 12 yards.per yard DOURASSOFF, Proprietor.—Government of Orenburg, District of Bougourouslansk. Cloth made of camel’s hair. COSSACK WOMEN, Producers.—Govern¬ ment of Orenburg. Spun goat’s hair.per lb. Shawl of ditto. Price. £. 31 6 0 0 2 0 0 16 0 9 0 1 51 1 5 2 8 3/7 to 5/ 0 2 8 0 3 1 6 8 5 ha 7 2 7 2 0 0 51 0 0 4| 1 2 2 0 4 1 0 5 10 1 2 4 5 8 5 No. 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. ROCHEFORT, JAMES, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Moskow, Estate of Perovo. White net shawl. Black ditto ditto. Net neckerchiefs.each Black lace.per yard Ditto. „ Ditto ........ „ TRIBE OF BASHKIRS, Producers. Spun camel’s hair.per pound AYRAPET TARAEFF, Manufacturer.— Go¬ vernment of Shemakha, Town of She¬ makha. Tatfeta.per piece of 11 yds. Ditto.per piece of 3J yds. Caucasian silk stuff, called Moff, do. 11 yds. SITOFF BROTHERS, BASILE, Manufac¬ turers.—Moskow. Samples of brocade. PAUL KOLOKOLNIKOFF, —Moskow. Brocades. Grape. Flowered. Gold . Gold ground .... Manufacturer. per yard & POLIAKOFF (BASILE) (PETER), Manufacturers Silver glassett, 15 yards Watered ditto, 19 yards Ditto Silver ditto . Ditto flowered . Ditto with crosses . Gold brocade Gold and silver ditto per yard LOKTEFF, JAMES, Manufacturer.—Mos¬ kow. Plain velvet. Figured ditto .... Order ribbons, 46 yards . Plush, 4 yards .... Velvet for waistcoats . Ditto ditto with satin stripe Waistcoats in grosgros Neckerchiefs .... per piece ZAMIATIN .—Moskow. per yard TEDJOOM-BECK-MELIK SHAH-NAZAR- OFF, Manufacturer.—Government of Shemakha, Town of Shemakha. Caucasian silk stuff, called Djidjim, per piece of 11 yards . Taffeta, per piece of 11 yards. Ditto.per piece of 3J yards Silk handkerchiefs.per dozen Caucasian silk stuff, called Moff per piece of 11 yards Price. £. s. d\ 1 1 0 14 1 1 19 0 11 1 8 3 9 5; 3 9 5 3 9 5 2 17 2 0 15 10 0 15 10 0 5 10 0 13 9 0 13 9 0 15 10 0 15 10 0 6 4 1 19 1 11 3 17 1 13 1 19 0 11 1 5 1 8 6 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 331 No. 207 208 209 210 211 212 2L 214 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. PASHA JRAF OGLT, Producer.—Govern¬ ment of Shemakha, District of Nookha, Village of Khatemar. Taffeta of silk and cotton, per piece of 6 yards . Silk stuff for trowsers, as worn in the Cau¬ casus, red.per piece Ditto ditto, grey ... ,, Ditto ditto, blue ... ,, ROCHEFORT, JAMES, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Moskow, Estate of Perovo. Printed foulard handkerchiefs of Persian silk.per piece Foulard handkerchiefs, dyed with madder, of Transcaucasian silk . . . per piece Printed silk neckerchiefs of Transcaucasian silk.each Figured printed silk ditto, warp of Italian silk, weft of Shamakhansk silk . . each Printed foulard ditto of Persian silk . „ Crape ditto of different colours of Transcau¬ casian silk.each Ditto crape printed.,, Ditto dresses, of different colours, of Trans¬ caucasian silk.per yard Printed silk dresses; warp of Italian silk, weft of Transcaucasian silk . per yard Foulard checked dresses; warp of cotton, weft of Transcaucasian silk . per yard Alexandra pink gauze.„ Crape of different colours of Transcaucasian silk.. per yard ZALOGHIN, Manufacturer.—Moskow. Gros de Naples, glace striped . per yard 0 4 4 Ditto checked. yy 0 3 8 Ditto for cloaks, superior quality yy 0 5 10 Gros-gros moire, watered silk . yy 0 3 11 Satin, double. j) 0 3 8 Satin. 0 5 10 IMPERIAL ALEXANDROVSK MANU¬ FACTORY.^—Near St. Petersburg. A silk woven picture. Silk portraits. PEASANT WOMEN, Producers.—Govern¬ ment of Kherson, District of Tiraspol. Ornamental head-dresses, called “Naframa,” from 6s. 6 d. to A silk sheet. A silk cloth .. A towel. PAUL MELNIKOFF GLOUSHKOFF, Mer¬ chant.—Rjeff. Hemp yarn.per cwt. PETER MELNIKOFF Merchant.—Rjeff. Hemp yarn .... GLOUSHKOFF, . . . per cwt. MICHAEL MELNIKOFF GLOUSHKOFF, Merchant.—Rjeff, Government of Tver. Hemp yarn.per cwt. Price. No. £. s. d. 1 2 9 1 8 6 1 5 4 1 1 10 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 1 54 1 5 * 1 2 h 0 1 2i 0 1 54 0 3 7| 0 3 74 0 1 0 { 0 2 0 0 1 74 215 I 216 217 I 218 219 1 4 9 1 5 9 0 15 10 4 10 6 1 2 7 0 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 220 221 222 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. MADAM BISTROM, Proprietor of a Manu¬ factory.—Government of Kalouga, Dis¬ trict of Medinsk. Sail-cloth.per yard ALEXANDER BRUZGHIN, Manufacturer. —Government of Kalouga, Kozelsk. Sail-cloth.per yard PAUL BELIBIN, Manufacturer.—Govern¬ ment of Kalouga. Sail-cloth.per yard ZOTOFF BROTHERS, Manufacturers.—Go¬ vernment of Kalouga, Kozelsk District. Sail-cloth.per yard IMPERIAL ALEXANDROVSK MANU¬ FACTORY.—Near St. Petersburg. Bleached sail-cloths, 24 inches wide, 8 pieces, viz.:— No. 1. 2 3 !!!!!!!!!! 1 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . Boiled, 24 inches wide, 8 pieces:— No. 1. 3.11.....!.! 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . Bleached damask table-cloth, 4 yards 24 inches square, 1 piece. Ditto, 3 yards 32 inches square, 1 piece . Half bleached ditto, 4 yards 24 inches square, 1 piece . COUNTESS KONOVNIZIN, Proprietress. —Government of Kharkoff, District of Achtirsk. Linen, 1 piece.per yard ANNA JULENIUS, Peasant woman.—Go¬ vernment of Abo, Finland. Linen. MICHAEL VON MENGDEN, Proprietor. —Government of Kostroma, District of Keneshemsk. Table-cloths, 2 yds. 12 in. by 9 yds. 12 in., with 3 dozen napkins, first quality . Table-cloth, 2 yds. 12 in. by 3 yds. 18 in., with 1 dozen napkins, second quality . Ditto, third quality . Ditto, fourth quality. Two breakfast cloths, 1 yd. 20 in. sq. each Ditto, second quality ..... ,, One dozen towels. Price. £. s. d. 0 1 24 0 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 11 0 3 6 0 3 2 0 2 17 0 2 15 0 2 11 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 2 17 0 2 13 0 2 9 0 2 6 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 1 15 0 1 13 0 9 9 0 6 6 0 9 9 0 0 3 2 19 15 10 4 8 8 3 19 2 3 19 2 1 18 0 1 5 0 2 11 4 332 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 223 224 225 22 ( 227 228 229 2S0 281 282 233 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. A. CAZALETT, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Rope, 4 inch.per cwt. Tross, 3 do. „ Tross, 3 do. ....... „ Rope yarn. ,, Ditto. ,, JOHN KOUSSOFF & SONS, Manufacturers. •—St. Petersburg. Three hides (half tanned) . . . per cwt. DIFFERENT MERCHANTS AND PEA¬ SANTS.—Government of Nijni Nov¬ gorod. Sheep-skins. JOHN LITKE, Tanner and Manufacturer. —Warsaw. Tarnished calf leather, 4 pieces per piece Russia leather (yupht) 2 do. . ,, Calf leather for shoes 2 do. . ,, Varnished ox leather for carriages, 4 do. ,, RUDOLPH MAY, Manufacturer.—Warsaw. Varnished calf leather for shoes, 2 pieces, per piece Varnished ox leather for carriages, 1 piece . Black oil cloth, 1 piece. THEODORE OZEROV, Proprietor.—Go¬ vernment of Koursk, District of Bel¬ gorod^ Village of Bessonovka. Black glazed leather for bridles, 1 piece . Ditto thin for carriages, ditto .... Black Russia leather, ditto . . . . Ditto glazed goatskin, 2 ditto . per piece Ditto, soaked in salt, 1 ditto. White calfskins, 2 ditto . . . per piece PETER PODSOSSOFF & SONS, Manufac¬ turers.—Government of Nijni Novgorod, Arzamass. Red Russia leather (A)j 11^ lbs. . per lb. Ditto (B), 10 lbs. ,, Ditto (B), 9 lbs. ,, Ditto (D), 9| lbs. ,, DIFFERENT PEASANTS OF THE GO¬ VERNMENT OF EKATERINOS- LAFF. Lambs’ skins (5 pieces). SHOUVALOFF and SON, Manufacturers.— Moskow. Varnished leather, 3 pieces . . per piece SKVORZOFF, Manufacturer.—Government of Moskow, District of Svenigorodsk. Leather for boots, 3 pieces . . per pound Sole leather, 4 pieces .... „ MATTHEW SATOURNIN, Peasant.—Go¬ vernment of Nijni Novgorod, District of Balashinsk. White leather.per piece Black do.. Price. £. s. d. 5 8 6 4 9 9 6 2 10 1 2 4 9 7 6 5 3i 8 6 7 11 8 8 3 4 3 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1; 0 1 2i 0 0 10f 0 5 8i 0 2 9| 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 3 2 No. 234 236 237 238 289 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. MILLER’S SON, Bootmaker.—Warsaw. Gentlemen’s boots of extraordinary lightness 1 pair A pair of shoes, without seams .... Morning boots made of different pieces of leather . JOHN J ALOVITZIN, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Kalouga. Sole leather tanned with extract of rye, 5 pieces .per pound -Go- PETER GRIBANOFF, Manufacturer.- vernment of Kalouga. Sole leather tanned with extract of rye, per lb. ALEXANDER BOUDELIN, Manufacturer. —Government of Nijni Novgorod, Arza¬ mass. Red Russia leather, 5 pieces, 45 lbs. weight per lb. White ditto . . . . . . . „ PETER KOTELOFF —Kasan. Morocco leather, for exportation to China per piece Ditto for home consumption, 30 pieces ,, Ditto for shoes. „ NATALIE BAIvHROUSHIN and SONS, Manufacturers.—Moskow. Morocco leather of different colours, 10 pieces per piece Calf ditto for boots, 1 piece . . . . . SHOUVALOFF and SON, Manufacturers.— Moskow. Ladies’waterproof boots without seams, No. 1, 2 pairs.per pair Ditto, No. 2.. „ Ditto clogs, 2 pairs .... „ MAHMET VELI OGLI.—Town of Shoosha. Horse rug.. ABDOOL MAHOMET OGLI.—Government of Shemakha, District of Nookha. Skin of a wild goat ....... ABASS BAK.—Government of Shemakha, District of Lencoran. Leopard skins (2). Ditto, smaller ......... Tiger skin. Pelicans’ skins (6) ..... each MAHOMET OGLI.—Government of She¬ makha, District of Nookha. Skin and horns of the mountain sheep MEHEMET ALL-—Government of Shemakha, District of Salyan, Village of Saydan. Antelope skins, called djeyran (2) per pair Skins of Martens (2) . , . . „ Price. £. s. d. 2 17 0 0 11 8 4 15 0 0 1 6i! 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0g- 0 4 1 0 2 8 0 2 41 0 4 9 0 2 8 0 12 8 0 11 1 0 7 11 0 19 0 0 0 71 1 11 0 0 19 0 1 18 0 0 0 llg 0 3 2 0 2 6 0 9 6 No. 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. £, Price. . s. JOHN, ALEXIS, and BAZILE SEMENOFE and EALEYEFF BROTHERS, Manu¬ facturers.—Government of Kalouga. Trimming of eider down.3 3 ALEXANDER BEZROUKAVNIKOFF- SOKOLOFF, Manufacturer.—St. Pe¬ tersburg. Prepared horse hair for furniture and mat¬ tresses ........ per lb. 0 1 CASSIM OUSSEIN COOLI-OGLI.—Govern¬ ment of Shemakha, Town of Shoosha. Horse trappings, embroidered with silk . . | 3 3 DAD A BADANOFF.—Government of She¬ makha, Town of Shoosha. Caucasian saddletree.Ill — AGADJAN DJIFAROFF.— Government of Shemakha, Town of Shoosha. Caucasian bit.0 12 ARIJTIN TABANOV.—Town of Shoosha. Saddle bag.0 6 HASSAN OOSTE NEFTALI OGLI.—Town j of Shoosha. Saddle cloth.019 IRZA COOL1 HADJI CAGRAMAN OGLI. —Government of Shemakha, Town of Nookha. Silk horse cloth, called cadjara . . . . j 1 5 Caucasian housing, called yachar-ich ..[15 RAPHI NU BA OGLI.—Town of Shoosha. Saddle packing bag, called Mofram . . . [ 0 12 ROOST AM CAZAROFF.—Government of Shemakha, Town of Shoosha. Caucasian stirrups for common use . . . 0 19 No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. d. 260 VARGOUNIN BROTHERS, Manu.-St. Pe¬ tersburg, Nevsky Paper Manufactory. Copying paper.per ream Medium. „ White post. ,, Writing paper . . . per 3 reams, 17s. a 4 4 8 261 SOLENIKOFF, Manufacturer.—Government of Vladimir, District of Pokrovsk, Estate of Serghievka. Writing paper, No. 1 2 4 7 Post blue, No. 1 Ditto, thin Post white, No. 2 Ditto, thin . ... per ream 8 4 0 262 FETTER and R AHN, Paper Hanging Manu¬ facturers .—Warsaw. Coloured paper of various colours and dif¬ ferent qualities (20 quires) . . per ream A book of patterns. Paper hangings (36 pieces) . . per roll Patterns of paper hangings (1 roll). A gross of pencils.per gross Table covers in oil cloth (6 pieces). 263 4 4 8 | KERBALAY IvHOODA VERDI AG HAL I OGLI.—Government of Shemakha, Town of Baki. Carpet. BABA IMAM VERDI OGLI.—Town of Shoosha. Felted carpet. 0 265 THEODORE BARDOFFSKY, Manufac¬ turer.-—St. Petersburg. ARTEM GAMBARTZOOMOFF.—Town of ! Shemakha. Caucasian steel stirrups, inlaid with gold .668 ALEXIS PETIT, Hair dresser.—Odessa. Wigs made by a new method. PETER IVAN OFF, Manufacturer.—St. Pe¬ tersburg. White buffalo plumes . . .21. 7s. 0 \d. a Do. horse mane do. Black do. do. White horse tail do. Do. bleached buffalo hair per lb. 71. 3s. 4 d. a Do. unbleached do. ..... Do. bleached horse mane. Do. unbleached do. . Do. bleached horse tail. Do. unbleached do. . Do. crimson dyed. Black horse mane. Black dyed do. . Do. horse tail. Do. black dyed. Do. buffalo hair. ! 0 15 10 i 31/8 a 12/8 12/8 a 9/6 0 19 0 6 5 5 3 11 8 35/10«21/6 21/6 a 10/9 0 14 4 0 7 2 0 10 9 0 7 2 5/4a a 2/8| 0 5 4^ 0 2 8T 89/7 a 71/8 266 267 Different articles of furniture and utensils made of felt (38 pieces), Table. Ewers and basons Soap box . Foot bath Boxes . Flower stands Sugar boxes . Slop bason , Tray . . . Chamber sot for travelling Articles made of horse hair. Ewer and Bason Soap box . Soldier’s cap. 11. 11s. 8 d. a 6s. 4 d. a 12s. 8 d. a 1 1. 11 s. 8 d. a 9s. 6 d. a 12s. 8 d. a LEVASHEFF, Proprietor.- Nijni Novgorod. Mats (5 pieces). 11. bs. Ad. Government of IVANOFF, PEASANT.—Government of [ Kostroma, District of Vetloujsk, Estate of Starkovo. Check mats. 334 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. Price. No. Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. « £. s. d. £. s. czj 270 SHEKHONIN, Manufacturer.—Torjok. Boots of red leather, embroidered with gold 1 11 8 Ditto blue ditto ditto . 1 8 6 Satin caps, embroidered with gold 12 2 Velvet caps, embroidered with silver 1 2 2 Morocco cap, embroidered with gold . 0 12 8 Silk and tinsel flat caps. 0 6 4 7 18 4 Shoes embroidered with gold. 0 9 6 Ditto ditto silver..... 0 9 6 Boot legs, embroidered with silver . . . 1 7 0 111 8 Ladies’ boots embroidered with silk and 0 9 6 silver .. 0 12 8 Ditto, embroidered with gold. 0 14 3 Shoes of the same description, 1st ... 0 8 8 Ditto ditto 2nd 0 5 4 15 4 Morocco vamps embroidered with gold and 0 IQ o silk.each 0 3 8 Tobacco pouch, embroidered with silver 0 7 11 Vamps, wove silk and gold. 0 9 6 3 17 7 277 PAUL LAFONT, Manufacturer.—Moskow. Figured tulle.per yard 0 3 3| 3 19 2 278 IvHIRGHIS. Yergack, or cloak, made of horse skins . . 7 12 0 0 12 8 279 KERBALAY HOOSSEIN OGLI.-Govern¬ ment of Tiflis, District of Djiarobelocan. 1 11 8 Caucasian felted cloak of the Lesghis . . 0 12 8 0 16 10 19/ a 9/6 280 N. N:—Abasia. 0 6 4 Caucasian felted cloak (called boorka) . 0 6 4 0 6 4 281 A. and V. MERLIN, Proprietors.—Govern¬ 1 5 6 ment of Riasan, District of Jegorievsk. Shawl ... . 475 0 0 282 A COSSACK’S WIFE. - Government of Orenburg. 5 10 10 Shawl in white goat’s hair. 4 15 0 12 2 283 MADAME LADIGHIN, Proprietor.—Go¬ 1 11 8 vernment of Tamboff. 1 2 2 Articles made of Goose-down. Texture for a pillow case ...... 15 16 8 0 9 6 White woven muff, with borders (Turkish 0 4 9 pattern). 4 15 0 A Q A 1 284 ALBERTZOOM SAPHIANOV, Galloon U o 4^- Maker.—Town of Shemakha. 0 3 2 Caucasian gallooned collar .. 1 18 0 8 yards galloons, 1st quality . . per piece 1 2 2 0 2 8! 4 yards ditto 2nd quality . . „ 0 12 8 0 6 4 a o a 8 yards ditto 3rd quality . . „ 1 2 2 u £ o 0 8 8 285 IMPERIAL ALEXANDROVSKY CANNON 1 5 4 FOUNDRY. — Government of Olonetz. 0 15 10 Statue of Napoleon . 0 11 11 0 4 9 Bust of ditto . 0 15 2 0 2 4 Clock case (Les Adieux) . 2 9 9 0 2 6 Ditto (Chevaux de Marly) .... 2 7 6 0 1 7 Letter presser . 1 2 11 No. 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &e. SCHULTZ, Proprietor.—Government of Perm, District of Ekaterinburg. Mats made from the bark of the Aspen tree. HADJI AGA BABA, Embroiderer.—Govern¬ ment of Shemakha, Town of Shoosha. Blue woollen table cloth, embroidered with silk ... PAUL LAFONT, Manufacturer.—Moskow Printed shawl. Silk gloves .... per dozen, 15s. 9 d. a CHRISTIAN FITZNER, Hat Maker.—St. Petersburg. Folding hat .. Silk hat s.1Z. 2s. 2d. a GEORGE LOTT, Bonnet Manufacturer.— Warsaw. 6 bonnets of Italian and Belgian straw, for 6 per pair BENNO-N IVETA, Glove Maker.—Warsaw. 16 pair of gloves, Russian kid, for ladies and gentlemen.for 16 pair N. N.—Town of Nakhitchevan upon the Don, District of Taganrog. Sash of gold ribbon (niello), for men. Ditto for women . A cap, called Fess, w’orn by the women of I\ T akhitchevan .... Shoes, embroidered in gold Bracelets in silver (niello) . A thimble and a ring in silver A silver needle case (niello) A steel-edged small dagger (in Turkish called Taban), in a silver sheath (niello) . ALEXIS SHEKHONIN, Merchant.—Govern¬ ment of Novgorod, Town of Novotorjok. Velvet boots, 2 pairs: Embroidered with gold ...... Ditto silver. Ditto, 3 pairs: In leather .. With morocco soles ....... Ditto .. Velvet vamps, embroidered with gold, 3 pairs per pair 12s. 8d. a Satin ditto, embroidered with gold, 7 pairs, per pair 6s. 4eZ. a Chamois leather vamps, embroidered with gold and silver, 2 pairs , . . per pair Ditto, embroidered with gold, 5 pairs, per pr. 4s. Id. a Ditto in leather, embroidered with gold and silver, 16 pairs . . per pair, 3s. SJcZ. a Ditto, wove in silk and gold . . per pair Ditto, wove in silk and tinsel, 6 pairs „ Slippers, 1 pair.. Sash, wove in silk and gold ..... Ditto, broad.. Ditto, half breadth.. Ditto, narrow ......... 2 broad sashes, wove silk and tinsel . each Ditto, half breadth.each PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 335 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. Price. MADAME CATHERINE IAIvOVLEFF, Proprietress. — Government of Riazan, Estate of Grishino. Hardware, viz.:— 1 dozen table knives and forks, with ivory handles, mounted in silver. 1 dozen dessert knives and forks, with handles of mother of pearl, mounted in silver . Scissors of various sizes, 6 pairs . . 14/ a Pen knives of various sizes . . . 5/6 a A hunter’s knife, with a horn handle. Ditto, with an ivory handle, for killing hares Snuffers, 1 pair. Razors, with ivory handles. ..... Ditto, with bone handles. Corkscrew. s. d. 8 14 2 IMPERIAL MINING WORKS.—Poland. Kitchen utensils (enamelled). KRUMBIGEL, Manufacturer.—Moskow. Two gilt bronze candelabra of large di¬ mensions, 11 feet 8 inches high, with lamps 950 0 0 BUCH, Manufacturer.—St. Petersburg. Samples of metal buttons. AGA-MELIK MAHOMET HADJI USSOOF OGLI.—Government of Shemakha, Town of Baki. Enamelled Gold Trinkets. Small goblet. Ditto. Buckle for sash . . Ear rings. Thimble. Shirt buttons. Pin. Buttons . . Ring. HADJI MAHOMET OUSSEIN HADJI USSOOF OGLI.—Town of Baki. Small goblet.. . • . Ditto. Buckle for sash '. Ear rings. Thimble.. Three shirt studs. Two buttons. Pin. Ring. 3 9 2 .2 0 8 3 12 10 2 10 8 0 19 0 1 5 4 0 15 8 0 12 8 0 14 4 CONSTANTINE PETZ, Manufacturer. — Moskow. Plated tea urn, containing about 6 quarts Plated tea urn for travellers, containing about 5 quarts. 3 9 2 0 3 4 2 17 0 19 0 17 0 15 10 0 19 0 0 11 0 13 9 2 11 11 8 MOUSSIN POUSHKIN, Proprietor. — Go¬ vernment of Novgorod, District of Krestezk. Window glass. KOKHANOFF, Proprietor.—Government of St. Petersburg, District of Novoladojsk. Window glass. No. 296 297 298 299 302 303 305 306 307 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. AMELOUNG and SON, Looking-glass Manu¬ facturers.—Government of Livonia, near Dorpat. A looking-glass. GAMBS, Cabinet Maker.—St. Petersburg. Cabinet in rosewood, ornamented with bronze and porcelain. IMPERIAL POLISHING MANUFACTORY. —Peterhoff, near St. Petersburg. A table, inlaid with various stones in Floren¬ tine mosaic, on a bronze gilt pillar. An ebony casket, with precious stones in alto rilievo, representing various fruits, &c. GEORGE MILLER, Junior, Patentee and Manufacturer of Inlaid Floors. — St. Petersburg. 1. Coloured inlaid floor, with Grecian frieze of different kinds of wood, 72 square feet 2. An inlaid floor, with a frieze of different kinds of wood (imitation of mosaic pattern) 3. Ditto, 36 square feet. 4. A coloured inlaid floor of different kinds of wood, 36 square feet. 5. An octagon inlaid floor (mosaic pattern) of oak and birch, 21 square feet 6. Ditto, with 9 stars in white and grey birch, 21 square feet. 7. Ditto, in oak, 21 square feet .... 8. Ditto, coloured with large stars, 21 square feet. 9. Ditto, of white birch, oak, and beech (veined) 21 square feet. 10. Ditto, oak, with inlaid flowers of same wood, imitation of damask pattern, 110 square feet. 11. Ditto, in white and grey birch, with inlaid flowers of same wood, 21 square feet . 12. Ditto, in plane tree, inlaid with various precious woods, brass, mother of pearl, and zinc, 21 square feet. 13. Small inlaid table. 14. Octagon inlaid table. YARGOUN1N and BROTHERS, Manufac¬ turers.—St. Petersburg. White paper for hangings ... 5 pieces Grey ditto ditto . BESEKE, Manufacturer.—St. Petersburg. Cocoanut soap, unperfumed (13 pieces) per piece Soap from Olein, unperfumed . . ,, ANDREW MATISEN and turers.—St. Petersburg. Stearine in lumps, 32 lbs. Stearine candles, 18 lbs. . CO., Manufac- per cwt. £. s. d. 34 4 0 554 3 6 950 0 0 16 15 158 ALFTAN, Manufacturer. — Government Yiborg (Finland), Kaklinsk parish. of Stearine candles. PITANSIER, Stearine Candle Manufacturer. —Odessa. Stearine candles, 4 lbs.per cwt. 39 3 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 17 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 17 0 6 7 7 10 3 0 16 8 6 8 0 9 1 0 6 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 4 0 0 4 15 0 4 15 0 336 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. SOS 309 310 311 312 313 814 315 316 317 318 819 _ T Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of No. Article, &c.. NILSON and JUNKER, Manufacturers.— Moskow. Stearine candles.per lb. Cake of Stearine ..... per cwt. Lump of soda soap, prepared from Olein per cwt. VOLDEMAR SAPELKIN, Manufacturer.— Government of Moskow, Estate Yladi- mirovo. Wax candles ...... ^ per lb. SOPHIA POPINOEF.—Tiflis. Yelvet cushions embroidered with gold (2) LERKHE, Merchant.—St. Petersburg. Clogs, in India rubber, for ladies and gen¬ tlemen (25 pair) ........ Waterproof morocco pillow. BARSHAGBIN, Peasant.—Government of Arkhangel. White felt boots. STARXKOFF, Proprietor. — Government of * Nijni-Novgorod, District of Semenovsk. Felt shoes, for ladies. DIFFERENT PEASANTS.—Government of N ij ni-N o vgorod. Felt boots and shoes for men and women. TERENTI TCHUPXATOFF, Manufacturer. —Rjeff. Carmine .... . . . per lb. (2) Lake ........ >u (2) JOHN YOLOSKOFF, Manufacturer. — Rjeff. Carmine, No. 1. per lb. Ditto, No. 2. ,, Dark carmine lake (1 piece) . . ,, Ditto, scarlet colour . . . . ,, ALEXIS YOLOSKOFF, Manufacturer.—St. Petersburg. Carmine extract ...... per lb. Carmine lake. . ,, Lake.. Crimson lake. ,, Dark do. ....... ,, Scarlet do. ....... „ IMPERIAL CHINA MANUFACTORY.— St. Petersburg. Large vase, Medicis pattern, after Winter¬ halter .. Ditto smaller size. . . Slab for table .. Picture on porcelain, after Berghem PETER LOUKUTIN &SON, Manufacturers. — Government and District of Moskow, Estate Danilkoff. Snuff boxes of various sizes and designs . . Cigar ditto.. Box... Price. £. s. d. 0 0 10 4 0 9 1 5 0 1 9 5 15 1 8 7/Oi« 5/10 4 15 0 2 13 10 4 15 2 7 18 1 18 7 18 4 3 12 1 2 0 0 1 13 3 0 12 8 0 96 1046 0 0 269 2 4 1135 5 0 814 12 6 2/10,a 38/ 22/2 a 38/ 3 19 2 No. 320 321 322 323 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. FLEROYSKY, Manufacturer. — Tobolsk, (Siberia.) Boxes of birch bark. NICHOLAS STARTCHIKOFF, Manufac¬ turer.—St. Petersburg. A specimen of a patented gold tissue, for the covering of cupolas, instead of copper gilt. to CHARLES BOLIN and IAN, Jewellers the Imperial Court.—St. Petersburg. 1 Diadem, composed of diamonds and other precious stones . . . . . . . . 1 Brooch, ditto in the form of a branch . 1 Bracelet, turquoises and diamonds 1 Gold chain bracelet, with pearls and dia¬ monds ... 1 Bracelet, vine leaf in diamonds, grapes in rubies. . . . . . . . . ■ . 1 Sevigne, diamonds and pearls .... 1 Brooch and earrings, turquoises 1 Bracelet of turquoises . . . , . . MESSRS. DEMIDOFF, Proprietors.—St. Pe¬ tersburg. Articles made of Malachite, and executed at their manufactory in St. Petersburg, viz.:— 1 Doors, 14 feet 5 inches high, 7 feet wide 1 Chimneypiece, 4 feet 3 inches high, 6 feet 8 inches wide.. . 1 Writing table, 5 feet long, 2J feet wide . 1 Ditto oval, 3 ,, ,, 1 Ditto square, 3 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 7 in. 1 Small round table, 2 feet 7 in. in diameter 1 Large ditto.. . 6 Chairs.each 2 Arm ditto ......... „ 1 Large vase (Medicis) . . ... 1 Ditto (Chinese) . . . . 1 Ditto (Rococo).. 1 Large tazza. 9 Book paper weights (large size) . each Ditto (middle size) . Ditto (small size) . Paper presser (8 dancers) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto each (6 figures) (5 figures) (2 mougiks) . (water-carrier) (peasant) (traveller sitting) (fisherman) (3 figures) (2 figures) (2 boys) . Pedestal, with bust of Peter the Great Ditto ditto Charles XII. Ditto with figure of Peter the Great at Poltava .. 1 Clock.. Several specimens and blocks of Malachite 2 Horses by Baron Klott, bases of green marble 1 Lump of native gold, weighing 6 lbs. 3 oz 1 Ditto ditto n 4 1 1 Ditto native platina „ 25 9 1 Ditto ditto „ 22 4 1 Ditto ditto „ 21 6 Price. £. s, d. 4800 3-10 370 0 ( 350 0 ( 370 0 ( 475 0 ( 18 0 ( 55 0 ;( 6000 0 ( 1600 0 ( 400 0 ( 400 0 ( 400 0 ( 240 0 ( 320 0 ( 120 .0' c 160 0 ( 2400 0 c 2000 0 ( 3200 0 ( 2400 0 ( 10 0 ( 8 0 ( 6 0 ( 40 0 ( 32 0 ( 26 0 ( 10 0 ,c 10 0 c 8 0 ( 8 0 f 8 0 ! C 20 0 c 20 0 t 10 0 c 16 0 t 16 o: ( 40 0 c 256 0 % 112 0 fi PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. No. 325 327 328 323 330 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. PAUL LIKHACHEFF, Manu burg. Gold plated epaulettes . Silver ditto ditto Silver shoulder knots -St. Peters- 8 pair IMPERIAL POLISHING MANUFAC¬ TORY of EKATERINBURG, Govern¬ ment of Perm. A bordered vase of greenish jasper, 3 feet high . IMPERIAL POLISHING MANUFAC¬ TORY of KOLYVAN, Government of Tomsk. 1. A square bordered vase of grey violet jasper on a pedestal of the same material, 2 feet 6 inches square, 4 feet 8 inches high, including the pedestal. 2. A square vase of green marbled jasper, 2 feet 2 inches wide, 1 foot 10 inches high . 3. A vase of the same material, 3 feet 2 inches high. ARTICLES OF FINE ART, designed, model¬ led, and executed by COUNT TOLSTOY, Vice-President of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg. 1 galvano-plastic cast of a medallion, repre¬ senting H. I. M. the Emperor Nicolaus I. in the ancient costume of a Slavonian warrior. 4 galvano plastic casts of bas-reliefs, repre¬ senting subjects from Homer’s Odyssey . 20 metallic dies, being allegorical composi¬ tions on the events of the wars of the years 1812, 1813, 1814. 20 medallions in plaster, being allegorical compositions on the events of the wars of 1812, 1813, 1814. 1 galvano-plastic cast of a model of the en¬ trance doors of our Saviour’s Cathedral, now in construction at Moskow. From this model four doors of colossal dimen¬ sions (about 30 feet English in height) have also been executed by Count Tolstoy 1. A galvano plastic cast of a model of a bas- relief, representing the Holy Virgin with the infant Jesus, executed in colossal di¬ mensions, by Count Tolstoy, for the upper part of one of the doors of the same Ca¬ thedral at Moskow. 12 medals in gutta percha, commemorative of the Turkish and Persian wars . VSE V OLO J SKY, Proprietor .—Go vernment of Perm, District of Solikamsk. Medium sheet iron, 7 feet lengths per cwt. Sheet iron for roofing, 4' 8" lengths ,, Price. £. s. d. 8 17 4 1 2 2 456 15 10 No. 330a 331 332 466 17 0 224 13 4 160 11 0 0 15 10 0 15 10 3166 12 0 DANIL HEKE, Manufacturer.—Warsaw. Copy of the Warwick vase in copper, ham¬ mered, not cast. 4 15 0 I; 316 12 0 | 80 0 0 1 18 0 79 3 3 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. BELITCHEFF, Merchant.—St. Petersburg. Hair dye.8 bottles NICOLAS ABASHEFF. — Government of Smolensk. Dried potatoes and potato flour. BAZILE DAVIDOFF, Proprietor.—Govern¬ ment of Tamboff, District of Morscliansk, Estate Kulevatovo. Oat grits.per bushel Rye flour, sifted through copper sieves, p. cwt. Ditto superior quality, sifted through silk sieves.per cwt. NICHOLAS PAVLOFF, Proprietor. —Gov. Saratoff. Wheat called Koubanka. JOHN KOUKELL JASNOPOLSKY, Manu. —Government Kharkoff. Beetroot loaf-sugar.per cwt. ALEXANDER PROTASSOFF, Manu.—St. Petersburg. Snuff.per pound Cigarettes.per hundred Cigars . „ £i tto . „ Ditto. STCHEGLOFF, Manu. -— Government Vla¬ dimir, District Alexandrovsk, Marga- retinsk Chemical Works, superintended by Mr. Bess. Manufactured alum . . . .per cwt. COUNT JOHN KONOVNITZIN, Proprie¬ tor.'—Government of Kharkoff, District Akhtirsk, Estate Nikitoffka. Fleece of three year old sheep. NIKITA VSEVOLODOWITCH VSEVO- LO JSKY.—Government of Astrachan. Different sorts of dried fish . . per cwt. Isinglass of various fish. Caviar ..per pound. ALEXIS ERCHOFF, Manu.—Moskow. White bristles, called Okatka, per pound Bronze ditto ditto ,, Grey ditto ditto „ Black ditto ditto ,, Bristles of 1st quality . Ditto common .... Ditto short. Ditto dry. Ditto ditto 2nd quality Ditto ditto common BAZILE KOUDRIAFFZEFF JADENOFF- SKY, Manu.—St. Petersburg. per lb. Horsehair from tail, white, unwashed, 1st quality, 40 inches long. Black ditto ditto, 42 inches long .... White ditto ditto, washed, 35 inches long Black ditto ditto, 34 inches long . . , . 338 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. "White horsehair from tail, washed, 20 inches long ..per pound Black ditto ditto, 23 inches long „ Horsehair from mane, white, transparent, or opaque, 28 & 30 inches long, per pound Ditto, for furniture, twisted black „ Ditto ditto, grey . . . Ditto ditto, white . . Ditto untwisted black . Pigs’ hair twisted Ditto, untwisted, washed LEWIS ROCH, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Surgical instruments, viz.: Osteotome, for sawing bones . . . . Instruments for operating on the eye . . THEODORE ROSINSKY.—St. Petersburg. Patent apparatus, to be employed instead of leeches . Price. MICHAEL ZEITLER. — Government of Radom, District of Olkoush, Estate Dombrovo. Samples of wire, nails, and screws . . . PETER and JOHN JAKOLEFF, Brothers. —St. Petersburg. Droshki for one person. Sledge for winter races ...... Harness, silver mounted. BASILE BABOUNOFF.—St. Petersburg. Droshki for one person Sledge for winter races Harness. TOULIAKOFF, BROTHERS.-St. Peters¬ burg. Droshki for two persons. SKALKIN, Peasant.—Government of Tver, District of Rjeff, Estate Mouravievo. An axe. OBROUTCHEFF, Military Governor.—Go¬ vernment of Orenburg. 1 column of rock salt from Iletz. PROKHOROFF, BROTHERS, Manufac¬ turers.—Moskow. 20 pieces wrappers, 1 yard 20 inches wide each Ditto ditto 2 yards 12 inches wide ,, 10 ditto for dressing gowns, 1 yard 20 inches wide . .each 15 coloured shawls, 1 yard 20 inches wide each Ditto plain blue, ditto ditto „ Ditto blue flowered pattern ditto ditto each Ditto cashmere, 28 inches wide „ 3 ditto cambric ..... ,, 12 ditto chintz. ,, Ditto pale yellow, and pink . . „ Ditto violet. ,, £. s. d. 0 2 8 0 0 91 0 10 6 0 0 Ilf 0 0 10 £ 0 0 Ilf 0 0 Ilf 0 0 22 0 0 3i 15 16 8 19 0 0 2 10 8 1 3 9 47 10 0 23 15 0 19 15 10 55 8 4 29 5 10 7 18 4 45 2 6 0 2 41 0 7 2 0 10 2i 0 9 0 0 4 1 0 4 6 0 5 0 14 0 14 0 12 0 11 0 10 No. 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. PEASANTS OF THE ESTATE OF BEDINO, Producers.—Government of Radom, District of Opotchno. 2 pieces cloth for peasants’ dress, of white and grey colour.each ADOLPHUS GITSTAYUS FIEDLER, Man. —Upatovka, near Kalish. 2 pieces black and dark green cloth, per yard A. YAREN, Manufacturer.—Government of Tavasthousk, Parish of Tamel. 17J yards dark blue cloth, made of Finland wool.per yard KONDRASHEFF, Manufacturer.—Govern¬ ment of Moskow, District of Bogorodsk. 32 pieces of fancy silks and damasks, viz.: Etoffe brode.per yard Damas... Brochet.,, Gros Victoire.,, Chine orientale.,, Damas.. . . . ,, Brochet ..,, Du Barri.,, Satin quadrille.,, Printaniere ... ,, Gros de N aples quadrille . . . . ,, Gros de Casack.. ,, Patterns of furniture damask . . . ,, Shawl No. 1. .. 2. 3. Silk woven portraits. JOHN SOLOYIEFF, Manufacturer.—Go¬ vernment of Moskow, District of Bogo¬ rodsk. Patterns of velvets of different qualities, and various colours.per yard Silk and cotton velvet.. Yelour epingle.. CHARLES DOMBROWITCH, Farmer, Producer.—Government of Augoustow, District of Mariampol, Estate of Dobro- wola. 4 pieces linen, 19 yards each, from 3 different sized table cloths, from Napkirs, per doz. from . 2 breakfast cloths, white Ditto grey 6 dessert ditto white Ditto grey . 3 dozen towels, from. for 2 ?) per doz. PRINCE NICHOLAS DOLGOROUCKY, Proprietor.—Government of Smolensk, District of Gjatsk, Estate of Dmitrievsk. 20. Leather for 20 pair of boots . per pair 60. Sole ditto . from 2. Russia ditto, white colour Ditto black. FRANK SHECHTEL, Merchant. 1 Embroidered carpet ... -Saratoff. Price. 0 1 0 1 1 0 15 0 6 4 5 5 19/ a 9/ 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 7 6 16/4 a 8/2 0 7 6 0 5 8 § 28/10 a 8/5 25/2 a4/ 19/a 8/ 0 7 5 0 5 9 0 4 9 0 4 3 17/a 10/6 0 4 9 1/7 a 1/1 0 11 1 0 9 6 150 0 0 PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 339 No. 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. PRASCOVIA, OLGA, MARIA, APOLI- NARIA, and ALEXANDRA BONDA- RE V SKY.—Orenburg. Shawl, made of goat’s hair, and presented by the above named to H.I.M. the Empress of Russia, who has been graciously pleased to send it for Exhibition. ARISTARKHOFF, Manufacturer.—Govern¬ ment of Kalouga, District of Borovsk. Post paper, No. 2.per ream j> 3 . ?» 4 •n .. 3 reams paper, coloured, of different sorts „ 6 reams writing paper, No. 2 . „ » » 3 . ,, » ?> ^ » J> ^2 • )» 5 • „ _ » 3 • ?> Post paper, No. 1. ,, Ditto, superfine, No. 1 . „ RIABZEVITCH, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. 4000 quills purified after a chemical method invented by Mr. Zell, viz.:— Crown marked .... per thousand No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. „ Made pens.per box REVILLON, Letter Founder and Manufac¬ turer.—St. Petersburg. Specimens of the types of the twelve dialects in use in Russia. FREDERIC DREGGER, Artist.—Moskow. Chromolithographies of the Antiquities of the Russian Empire. ASSOCIATED COMPANY OF MOSKOW, FOR MANUFACTURING STEARINE CANDLES.—Moskow. Stearine candles. Samples of Stearine. HUGH STIER, Manufacturer.—Warsaw. 15 pieces toilet soap .... for all CHOPIN, Bronze Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. 1 bronze candelabrum with 81 candles, and 4 carcel lamps, on a wooden carved and gilt pedestal, about 15 feet high, and 7 feet wide at the base.. . 1 bronze clock, in the style of Louis XVI., ornamented with a group of 33 figures, on a bronze pedestal, about 5 feet high, and 3j feet wide at the base ....... 1 bronze mounting for a round porcelain table, the slab of which is manufactured at the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, 4 feet 8 inches in diameter. A winged figure, 1 foot 2 inches high, being a specimen of the first essay of galvanic gilding, executed in Russia in 1841 by the Academician Jakobi. Price. £. d. 0 19 0 0 16 31 0 12 8 1 2 7± 0 16 ' 0 11 0 9 0 7 0 6 0 5 1 2 1 7 9 10 4 15 3 3 1 11 0 3 0 11 0 633 6 8 395 16 8 No. 366 367 368 369 370 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description ot Article, &c. Price. IGNACE SAZIKOFF, Silversmith, Manu¬ facturer.—Moskow. 1 large vase for centre of dinner table (piece du milieu), with a group representing Dmitri Donskoi after the battle of Kouli- koff. 2 large candelabra with bears . . per pair Cup, Byzantine style. ... . ... . Do. Do., pine-apple shape. Goblet. Do. Do. Do. .. Do. . . .. Drinking-pot. Large do., with spout (called endova) . . . Large goblet, with wolves’ heads .... Vase, ancient Russian style. Goblet, do.. Drinking-horn, gilt. . Do. plain .. Drinking-cup (kovsh). Do. Do., in form of a cock. Do. Inkstand ....•• . Bell. Goblet, representing a Cossack woman . . Ditto ditto ditto . . Ditto • ditto a Finnish hunter . Ditto ditto a girl looking at herself in a Well. Ditto ditto a milk woman . Letter-presser, representing dancing bear and peasants. PETER MATVIEFF, Manufacturer.—Mos¬ kow. Figured cashmere.per yard Drill, plain. ,, Ditto, striped. „ Washing damask. „ Ditto. ,, THEODORE VERKHOVZOFF, Silversmith. —St. Petersburg. Bas-relief in silver on a gilt ground, repre¬ senting the Descent from the Cross, chased by hand. Bas-relief in silver, on a gilt ground, repre¬ senting the Crucifix, Prophets, and Evan¬ gelists, chased by hajid in the old Byzan¬ tine style ; intended as an upper cover for the New Testament. MICHAEL KOSHKOFF, Manufacturer.— Government of Vologda, Ustiug. Silver articles in Niello, viz.:— 2 table spoons, knife and fork handles, 2 dessert and 1 tea spoon, snuff boxes, sugar tongs, tumbler. 1 knife and fork, and 6 tea spoons SHTANGE and VERFEL, Manufacturers.— St. Petersburg. Bronze candelabrum, with 12 solar lamps . 2 C £. s. d. 2850 0 435 8 95 0 43 10 10 27 14 31 13 31 13 17 8 12 13 14 5 34 0 48 5 35 12 126 13 89 9 35 12 25 6 11 1 11 11 26 2 26 2 67 5 19 15 10 36 8 35 12 71 5 10 49 17 6 59 7 91 0 10 0 4 5 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 7 4 0 9 4 55 8 4 87 1 8 13 7 8 12 16 6 356 12 0 340 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. No. 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. NICHOLAS LAPTEFF, Manufacturer.— Government of Moskow, District Bo- gordsk. Silk for a cloak.per piece Ditto for ditto.,, Silk for dresses, viz.:— Chine.. ,, Figured... Chine checked.. . ,, Ditto Shawls.each Ditto chine.. Ditto crape .. ....... . ... „ Ditto gauze ........ „ Mantles, viz.:— Velvet wove ........ each Silk figured ..„ Ditto ... Crape. „ Scarf.. N.B.—All the above are made from Rus¬ sian silk. HEIRS OF SAPOJNIKOFF, Manufacturer. —Moskow. Gold brocade, No. 1*. .... per yard „ 2. ?> 3 . „ n 4.. „ ,, 5. . . . . ,, 6. „ EVGRAFF MOLTCHANOFF, Manufac¬ turer.—Moskow. Cotton goods, viz.:— Doeskin.per yard Fancy cloth. „ Chintz worn by the peasants . . ,, Neckerchiefs used by ditto per doz. from CHALOVETZ, Manufacturer.—Moskow. Scotch Cambrics ..... per yard Muslins. „ Velveteen for furniture ... „ SCHOENFELDT, Manufacturer.—St. Peters¬ burg. Lady’s work table. KAEMMERER & ZEFTIGEN, Jewellers to the Imperial Court, St. Petersburg. Diadem of diamonds and emeralds . . . Bouquet of diamonds. Berthe of diamonds.. Brooch of diamonds and turquoises . . . VOLOSKOFF, BAZILE. — Government of Tver, Rjeff. Carmine, 1st quality.per lb. Ditto, 2nd quality .... ,, Ditto, 3rd quality .... ,, CURTIUS, —. Manu.—St. Petersburg. Manufactured ultramarine colour, per lb.:— 1st quality . .£0 3 61 3rd quality . . 2nd quality. . 0 2 6 | 4th quality . . Price. £. s, d. 5 10 10 4 15 0 3 16 3 12 3 9 3 3 2 17 2 6 2 1 0 19 2 7 0 12 2 15 4 1 2 2 12 2 2 9 3 1 2 17 2 9 2 10 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 1 1 13/a2/l/10 0 1 0i 0 0 11 0 2 4 158 6 8 3315 15 10 742 0 0 2341 4 10 760 0 0 3 11 3 1 6 11 1 8 8 0 2 0 0 1 9 No. 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 Name and Address of Exhibitor, Description of Article, &c. RDUTOFFSKY, Proprietor. — Government ofMintsk. Fir wood turpentine. EGGERS, FRANZ, Furrier.—Moskow. Carpet made of 37 pieces of furs of different animals found in Russia ...... CABINET OF H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. Furs, viz.:—Pelisse of black fox .... Ditto silver fox. . . . Ditto sable of Kamchatka. Skins, viz.:—Black fox.each Ditto. Ditto.’; Sable, 20 skins ... ,, Ditto, Kamchatka . . ,, BORODOULIN, NICHOLAS, Manu. —St. Petersburg. "Wax candles of different forms and sizes for church service.per lb. SHINEMAN and SHWARZWALD, near Shlusselburg. Chintz.per yard Ditto .. ,, Ditto. ,, Ditto. ,, Ditto. ,, Ditto.. . ,, Ditto. ,, NOTTBECK, CHARLES. — Tammerfors, Finland. Cotton twist (mule, No. 40) . . . per lb. Ditto (water, No. 36) . . . Calico.per yard OOSTE, ALEXAR. -— Government of She¬ makha, Nookha. Embroidered cushions of blue and red cloth Lamp mats.(2) Shoes for men and women .... (2) COMMICHAW, AUGUSTUS HERMANN. -—Bialostock. Woollen cloth for ladies’ cloaks, of different colours and designs, viz.:— Nos. 1459, 1460, 1468 . . . . per yard Nos. 1483, 1511, 1502 .... Nos. 1505, 1425, 1470, 1510 . . ,, Shawls, silk and wool mixed, viz.:— Nos. 572, 556.each Woollen shawls, viz.:— Nos. 569, 569|, 576, 576|, 563§, 567 . ,, Nos. 546, 529, 578, 573, 571, 559, 561, 574, 566, 564, 562, 579’, 580, 581 . . . each Shawls, cotton and wool, mixed, viz.:— Nos. 930, 1273, 1296, 1130, 1171, 1236 ,, Nos. 981, 862, 680, 560, 1290, 1313 . ,, BENZENSOHN, DAVID, Viborg. Uralian Phenacite, weight 710 grs., cut in Holland.. Price. £. 5 . 47 10 0 3392 205 245 9 7 10 71 56 11 (j 16 i 8 y 10 < 18 < 3 5 5 ( 12 1 ( 0 1 10 0 7 0 8 0 8 § 0 9 0 9f 0 if 1 2i 0 1 31 0 17 0 0 51 2 2 4 0 9 6 0 9 61 0 4 0 4 0 4 5j 0 13 If 0 11 81 0 11 1 0 7 11 0 6 6 350 0 0 INDEX OF NAMES TO PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS. 341 INDEX OF NAMES OF EXHIBITORS. A. No. Abasheff.331 Abasia, N. N.280 Abass-Bak.244 Abdool Mahomet Ogli.243 Abdourza-Maram Ogli.94 Abramoff.131 Aga-Melik-Mahomet-Hadji-Ussoof-Ogli 290 Agadjan DjifarofF.251 Agricultural Society.58 Akhoondoff.126 Aksenoff.182 Albertzoom Saphianov.284 Alexandrovsk Imperial Manufactory 19, 149, 210, 219 Alexandrovsky Imperial Cannon Foun¬ dry .2,285 Alftan.306 Ameloung and Son.296 Ardamatsky, J. and T.97 Ardamatsky,. J.98 Ardamatsky Brothers.99 Aristarkhoff.359 Artinsk Imperial Works.3 Arutin Tabanoff.252 Ayrapet Taraeff.201 Ayvazoff . 91 No. Brusghin. 29 Bruzghin.216 Buch ..289 BukharefF.104 C. the Cabinet of H. I. M. Russia Cacki-Shvilly. Cassim-Houssein-Cooli-Ogli . Cazalett, A. ..... Chalovetz. China Manufactory, Imperial Chopin. Clarke, Morgan, and Co. Coach-makiug Establishment, Impe St. Petersburg. Commichaw ...... Cootais, Government of . . . Cossacks of the Azoff Sea Cossack women .... 132 Curtius. Czarevsk Chintz Manufactory . Emperor of . 381 . 183 . 249 102, 223 . 374 . 318 . 365 . 114 rial, 154 . 386 ..118 . 37 198, 282 . 378 . 1 D. B. Baba-Imam-V erdi-Ogli .... 264 BabaiefF.86 Babarikin.96 Babounoff.345 ' Baguer.39 } Bakhroushin and Sons.240 ' Barantchinsk Imperial Iron Works . 158 BardofFsky.265 Bargam (Schloss) and Kaltenbrunn, Esthonia, N.N.125 'Barnaoulsk Imperial Works ... 4 : Barshaghin . ... 312 Bashkirs ....... 133, 200 Bazalay.164 Belibin.217 BelitchefF. 330 a Benno-Niveta.273 Benzensohn.387 Beseke.303 BezroukavnikofF-SokolofF .... 248 Bistram.46 Bistrom, Madame.215 Bobrinsky.56 Bogoslovsky Imperial Copper Works . 1 Bolin and Jan.322 Bondarevsky.358 Borodoulin, Nicholas.382 Boudelin.238 Dada Badanoff .250 DavidofF.332 Demidoff. 21, 120, 153, 323 Derbent, Government of.92 Djidjivadze.95 DokhtourotF ........ 36 Dolgoroucky.356 Dombrowitch.355 Doodinsky ..77 Dourassoff.197 Dregger.362 E. Eggers ..380 Ejoff.80 Ekaterinburg Imperial Polishing Ma¬ nufactory .326 Ekaterinburg Imperial Engine Fac¬ tory .168 Erchoff.339 Erivan, N. N.. . 146 ErshofF.60 Esthonia, N. N.106 EydarofF.75 p . a, No * Filemonoff.103 Fitzner.• ... 271 Flerovsky.. Gr. Gamaley .[. 123 Gambartzoomoff.257 Gambs ..297 Gigolo, Shvili. ] 133 GolovanofF.. Gooriel.. 61 Gorigoretzk Farm.121 Goroblagodatsk Imperial Iron Works ! 7 GoutchkofF.. Graff.* | i5Q Gribanoff.237 H. Hadji-Aga-Baba. Hadji-Mahomet-Oussein-Hadii-Fssoof- Ogli. Eassan-Ooste-Neftali-Ogli . Heke.. Hirshman. Hirshman and Kijevski ..... Hirshmann, Hirshendorff, and Ravitch 269 . 291 . 253 152, 329 . 34 26 79 I. Iakovleff.286 Ijorsk Imperial Works.139 Irza-Cooli-Hadji-Cagraman-Ogli . . 254 Isaieff. ^ : Ismael-Abdool-Rughil-Ogli . . . ! 160 Ivanoff.* 267 Ivanoff, Peter.] 259 i J. F. Favar.195 Felkersam.82 Fetter and Rahn.262 Jakoeeff Jakovleff Jalovitzin Jaroslaff, N Jraf-Ogli Juditsky Julenius N. 344 25 236 105 207 137 221 Kaemmerer and Zeftigen Kamensk Imperial Iron Works 376 8 342 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 31, Karnovitch . . . ■ • • Kaufman . . Kerbalay-Hoossein-Ogli. Kerbalay-Khooda-Verdi-Aghali-Ogli . Kerim-Kaghim-Ogli. Khalil-Beck-Saphieff.. Khamoff. Kharkoff, N. N., Government . . . Khirghis. Khokholkoff and Gregorieff.... Klepatsky. Kokhanoff. Kolokolnikoff . . . • • Kolyvan Imperial Polishing Manu¬ factory . Kondrasheff. Konovnitzen : . .* • • • • Konovnizin . . Koriakin and Mougikoff. Koshkoff. KotelofF. . Koucheleff . . KoudriafFzefF, Basile. Koukell Jasnopolsky . . . • • • Koushvinsk Imperial Cast-iron Works Koussinsk Imperial Iron Works . . Koussoff and Sons. Krashenenekoff. Krumbigel. Kvavilolf.* • No. 101 117 279 263 87 57 162 45 278 63 35 295 203 327 353 337 220 134 369 239 32 340 335 5 9 224 100 287 90 No. Ladighin. Lafont. Lapshin. LaptefF. Lerkhe. Levasheff. Lichtental . . • . • LikhachefF .... Lisinsk Forest Institution Litke. LoktefF. LoshkarefF .... Lott. Loukoutin and Son . Lutch. 270, 283 277 145 371 311 266 172 325 83 226 204 33 272 319 179 M. M AHMET-V ELI-OgEI . . Mahomet-Ali. .... Mahomet Ogli .... Manin. MarimanofF and Armakoona Matiscn and Co. . . . MatveiefF . . . MatviefF . . . • • May ....... Mayer and Zindell . . MelnikofF. Melnikoff-Gloushkoff (M.) MelnikofF-GloushkofF (Paul) Melnikoff-G loushkofF (Peter) Mengden, Von * . . . . 242 246 245 65 81 305 40 367 227 177 111 214 212 213 222 Mentchinsky.151 Merlin . i ....... • 281 MiagkofF.62 MikirtitchefF.73 Miller, G.,jun.299 Miller, M. . 234 Milokroshetchnoi.HO Minerals found in New Russia and Bessarabia, and in the Trans-Cauca¬ sian Provinces.22 MoesandCo. ..192 MolchanofF.373 MorozofF.38 Moussin Poushkin.294 2L Nakhitchevan, N. N.274 NarimofF.193 Narishkin.127 Nijne-Issetsk Imperial Works ... 16 Nijne-Novgorod, different merchants and peasants of. 225, 314 Nijne-Tourinsk Imperial Iron Works . 10 Nikitin.68 Nilson and Junker.308 Nogaisk Tartars.196 Nottbeck.384 O. Obroutcheff .348 Oossein-Ogli-Hadji-Baba-Kelbalay . 142 Ooste-Alexar. 194,385 Ooste-Catchay-Ooste-Ali-Beck-Ogli . 163 Ooste-Selim ..165 Ounkovsky.54 Ozeroff.228 P. Panteeeeff . PashkofF, A. PashkofF, M. PavlofF .... Peasants of the Estate Bedli Peasants of EkaterinoslafF Peasant women, Kherson Perm Imperial Copper Works PeterhofF Imperial Polishin factory . . . Petit. Petz .... Philibert . . . Pick. Pitansier . . . PodsossofF . Poland, Imperial Mining Poliakoff and Zamiatin Ponomareff Popinoff Popoff .... Popoff and Co. Pousanoff . Prokhoroff . Protassoff . Pskoff, N. N. . Work Manu- of 175 24 23 333 350 230 211 6 298 258 292 124 170 307 229 15 205 20 310 144 174 59 349 334 107 R. No. Rabeneck.173^ Raphi-Nuba.255 Ratshinsky.. . 4& Rayko.14C Rdutoffsky.37S Rebroff.139, 143 Rekke.48 Revillon.361 Riabzevitch.36C Rier . . . . 131 Roch.341 Rochefort .... .176, 191, 199, 208 Roostam Cazaroff... . 256 Ropp.4< Rosinsky.34S Roterman.71 Roussanoff.. . 66 Rudert.. 84,171 S. Work Sabinin .... Safonoff .... Sangoushko Sanin .... Sapelkin . . . Sapojnikoff, Heirs of Sapojnikoff • • • Satkinsk Imperial Iron Satournin Sazikoff .... Schlippe, C. . . . Schoenfeldt . . School of Horticulture Schultz .... Selivanoff . Semenoff and Faleyeff Shah-Wedi-Ogli Shabelsky . Shechtel . . Shekhonin, Alexis Shekhonin . . Shemakha, N. N. Shemakha, Government of Shineman and Shwarzwald Shouvaloff and Son Shtange and Verfel Sitoff . . Skalkin . Skvorzoff Smolensk, N. N Solenikoff . Sorokin . . Solovieff. Spiglazoff Staffel . . Starikoff . Startchikoff Stavropol, N. N Stchegloff . Stearine Company Stepounin . Stier . . . I Stumpf . . 135, Ilf 5f 7! 2! 30! 37f 6: i* 231 36( 2 ', 37! 4: 26! 5! 24! 16( 4! 35' 27! 271 231, INDEX OF NAMES TO PRICED LIST OF RUSSIAN PRODUCTIONS, 343 To No. Tchetverikoff.187 Tchupiatoff.315 Tchuriloff.188 Tedjoom-Beck-Melik-Shah-NazarofF . 206 Tiflis, Government of.119 Tolstoy, Count.328 Tomsk Imperial Works.18 Touliakoff.346 Treskoff.43 Treskoff, Heirs of ...... 74 Trikaten. (Schloss), N. N.128 Tscharti-Obdool-Ogli.186 V. Vaniukoff, J.112 VaniukofF, T..113 Yaren . . . • ..352 No. Vargounin ....... 260, 302 Vassal.122 Verdan and Co.30 Verkhne-Barantchinsk Imperial Iron Works.11 Verkhne-Tourinsk Imperial Iron Works 12 Verkhovzoff.368 Vesoffchikoff.173 Vielhorsky.44 Vikoulin.141 Vladirmirsky.50 Volkonsky.109 Volkonsky, M.53 Volkonsky, V.70 Volner.. . 190 Volos koff, A.317 VoloskofF, Bazile.377 Voloskoff, J.316 Votkinsk Imperial Iron Works . . 13,156 Vsevolojsky.330 Vsevolojsky, Nikita.338 Y. No. Youzbach, Mahomet Khan . . . 129 Yurghenson.72 Z. Zakharoff .108 Zakhert.185 Zaloghin.209 Zeitler.343 Zemskoff.115 Zilfoogar-Beck-Iskander-Beck-Ogli . 51 Zlataoust Imperial Manufactory of Arms.14, 161 Zolotoreff.136 Zotoff ..218 Zouboff . 180 6 : l c 1 )’ LONDON : WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, PRINTERS, DUKE-STREET, STAMFORD-STREET, BLACKFRLARS *, & 14, CHARING-CROSS.