/-^^ o*^ » M ^/^ fei^^" /#• i||^> -^&^ ~^^;4'/ ^"jj A CATALOGUE THE CHOICE COXiljECTION ov Hntique Cinque (lento AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART AND VERTU ^ on the head of a winged female figure, and supporting a basket of flowers and fruit on which stands a figure of Justice — late 16th century — 87 A Small Turned "Wooden Cup, mounted with silver-gilt, chased ^^'^-^^ and pierced with strawberry-leaf ornament — 3j in. high -" 38 A Carved Wood Statuette, of the Virgin and Oliild — %\ in. high -^^^cx.^ — 11th century ; a wooden frame, surmounted by a cherub ; and a small male bust 3 [39 A Satyr's Mask : a carving in ivory ; and a small grotesg[ue wooden bust 2 "^Sk^^i-a^ 40 A Small Brass Cup, with strap ornament — found in the Biver Thames near Lambeth Church ; a small fire steel ; and an enamel, set with coloured stones 3 ' ■" 41 A Cup, formed of a cocoanut, carved with birds, and mounted with ^-^Tie^cL^ chased silver cover, handles, stem and foot — 5 in. high /42 A Circular Veure Agglomisee Plaque op St. John — in bronze ^ ' - f locket chased with trophies of arms — early 16th century; &ni '^^^^^^^^ ( a taper stand, of agate and chased metal-gilt c^ '^ y :,-^ y- 43 An Or.LONO Bronze Flaque, finely embossed and chased with a sacrifice, in borders of cherubs' heads, scrolls and festoons flowers 44 Two Frames, with borders of verre agglomisee, ebony mouldingp, >^ . mounted with mtta'-gilt chased with cherubs' heads — lemf Charles II. ITALIAN MAJOLICA. ' - - — 45 An Ubbino Dish, painted with The Triumph of Amphitrite, andu;w>i4tt^ with a cardinal's coat-of-arms above — signed, and dated 1542 ' — 11 in. diam. y. ^ 46 An Urbino Tazza, painted in brilliant colours with MuciusrAji^^ diam. 48 An Uebino Dish, with sunk centre finely painted with the sub-*^«»'«st«o ject of Metabus and Camilla, by Fra Xanto — signed, and dated ^ 1539 — 12 in. diam. — 49 A Majolica Tazza, painted with the subject of The Martyrdom^^Qj^.^'^^v of St. Sebastian — 10^ in, diam. 60 An Ubbino Dish, finely painted with the subject of The Choica^o^ru^Ct/t of Paris, a long inscription on the back — 11 in. diam, 51 An Urbino Tazza, painted with the subject of Diana and Acts&onC^*.^a£^^rvcc holding a sphere on a yellow ground, rich borders of arabesque scrolls and masks in ruby lustre and gold on a dark blue ground — 8^ in. diam. "" • " 57 A LusTEED Deruta Dish, painted in the centre with a portrait x^ntHcCt^^^Of^ of a lady holding a pink, with the inscription on a ribbon, Chosi Trapassa'lo Spirito • Eresta mo-onbra, scale and diaper patterns on the border — 16 in. diam. ^^' - 58 A LusTRED Dish, with raised centre, entirely decorated with/^>4»^i«c^'^i^ arabesque ornament — 13^ in. diam. — • " 59 A LuoA deliiA Eobbia Plaque, with The Annunciation of the AX^^fixc^o^ Virgin in glazed colours, signed on the back Andrea Lucca Florentini Dalla Kubio — 15J in. by 20^ in. — in wooden frame • // — 60 A Circular Plaque, op Similar Faience, with the Virgin, '-o<5>^>t^>^' Infant Saviour and St. John in high relief on a blue ground slightly pencilled with gold — 13 in. diam. — in ehonised frame 61 A Ehodian Dish, the centre enamelled with sprays of tulips and ^X<^&a.^>^ pinks, ammonite scrolls on the border — 10| in. diam. i62 A Dklft Dish, the centre painted with Chinese figures in a /O — / garden, alternate panels of figures and scrolls on the border — ^Qy^J^ " 13^ in. diam. 63 A Dklft Lace Presser, painted with a bird and scrolls in colours ^\^ ^ 10 /D- - ITALIAN CINQUE-CENTO AND LATER BRONZES. 64 Seated Figure, of Cui^id, with quiver at shoulder — 2^ in. high — on,x^M^^!.y^y^ red porphyry base ; and a statuette of Cupid walking, the left hand raised — 3^ in. high — on marble base 2 65 Two Handles, formed as the busts of Bacchantes, semi-draped ,«>4^:.^^:''»~ with claw feet and festoons of flowers and fruit — Italian^ l^th century -/• — • — ' 80 Crouching Venus : Eeproduction from the antique — Florentine, '*^^^^^'^^i-t^Ct^^*\A nth century — 6^ in. high — on circular green pedestal and square Egyptian porphyry plinth y — " 81 Seated Figure of a Boy Extracting a Thorn from b.isI*-^^^^u^ui^ Foot: Eeproduction from the antique — Florentine, late 17th or early 18th century — 6 in. high ^ '' ""^ 82 Venus Adjusting her Sandal : Reproduction from the antique ^-^^f^^^i^ — 17^/j century — 6^ in. high i/- - - — 83 A Pair op Seated Figures of Bots, with pop-gun and trumpetyKQ»i.^./^. _ 88 AN ATHLETE, Holding a Vase: A reproduction from the original antique marble in the Ufifizi Gallery — Florentine, nth century — 12^ in. high ^:f!/a^nyU^n^ Exhibited at the South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 x^ ^^. /SZ~^ 89 SILENUS, with the Infant Bacchus in his Abms'Tj^P'o^'*'^^''^'^ duction from the antique — Italian, 16th century — 13 in. high — on ebonised plinth This reproduction would appear to liave been made from tlic Borgheee marble discovered in Rome in the sixteenth century, and now forming one of the principal ornaments of the Sculpture Museum of the Louvre. It diifers in some particulars from the version of the Bubject belonging to the Vatican Collection. The original work of the School of Praxiteles is believed to have recently come to light in the excavations at Olympia. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 /p ^ y^. '^- /Z- — 90 A Boy, upholding a vase — Italian, IQth century — 7 in. high — on Jr giallo marble pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 ^f^/z- /' ^v ' — 91 A Dancing Figure op an Infant Bacchanal, holding a hvmih of grapes in the left hand — 16th century — S^in. high — on rosso antico pedestal x? ^ ^'^^' — 92 The Apollino, of Praxiteles : Heproduction of the antique now in the Uffizi Gallery, removed to Florence from Rome in 1780 — Florentine, 11th century — 8^ in. high — on octagonal Boulle pedestal loith lions' heads and scroll feet in chased or-molu Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 /~) ^ /p ^ /X ■ — 93 Pabis, reproduction from the antique — Florentine, 11 th century — 9^ in. high — on tohite marble pedestal Exhibited at the BurUngfon Fine Arts Club, 1879 '^»-W3t'»-A, 13 •<*>' •^' ~ 94 Discobolus op Nanktdes : a statuette, reproduction from ^e%J^^^4icn4?l^^ antique ; the finest copy of the statue is in the Vatican — Italian, 17th or ISth century — 9^ in. high — on giallo marble plinth Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 ' ^ " 95 Cupid DiscHAEGiNa an Arrow as he Flies, reproduction from /xX:M-iytt£c/^ the antique — Florentine, 17th or IHth century — 4J in. high — on veined red marble pedestal with giallo base Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 y- m. — 96 Seated Figure op a Boy Extracting a Thorn prom His/Vy^^-jC^i^^^- Foot, reproduction from the antique — Italian, IQth century — 6 in high — on giallo marble pedestal 97 Crouching Venus, reproduction from the antique; this repro-/^'^i^^x-»-i>' duction appears to have been made from the marble now in the Vatican, and not from that in the Uffizi Collection — Florentine, 17th century — 6 J in. high — on circular ebony plinth Exhibited at the Fine Arts Club, 1879 ^- y- - 98 A Group op a Female Satyr, seated, with a young male Satyr ^^i^i^C^-rr-^^ by her side : probably designed for an ink-stand — middle of 16th century — 6^ in. high — on veined marble pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 9- S^ • -^ 99 Venus de Medici, of Kleoraenes of Athens, a reproduction C^^^i^^'t^^^ from the original marble which was found in Hadrian's villa at Tivoli about 1680 and removed to Florence — Florentine, late 17 th or early 18th century — 8 J in. high — on veined marble pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 ZS'. y. - 100 The Fighting Gladiator op Agasias, a reproduction from the iA:iA^n/x£o6A original marble formerly in the Borghese Palace, now in the Louvre^ — Florentine, 17th century — 9^ in. high — on veined green marble plinth mounted with chased or-molu Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Chib, 1879 d'O/CJ 14 i.Jt--—' — 101 Mercury op tde Belvedere, formerly called the Autinous of the Vatican, reproduction from the original marble — Florentine, 17th century — 8 in. high — on small shaped Boulle pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Cliib, 1879 ,£7. /^p. — 202 Hercules, a highly finished statuette, holding a club over his right shoulder, and a lion skin on his left arm — Florentine, late IBth century — 5f in. high — on rosso antico pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Cluh, 1879 3. /S: ^ 203 UNDRAPED FEMALE FIGUEB, holding a lamp in her left hand: a bronze-gilt statuette — 16/^ century — 7f in. high — 071 turned veined red and yellow pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration ^- /jf. , — 104 A Sattb, a bronze-gilt statuette, striding forward with right arm ui)lifted, the face turned up^vards with a leering expression — Italian, early 16/A century — 8 in. high — on African marble plinth Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration J/ 5- - 105 A STATUETTE OF A TRITON, or sea monster, the arms raised as if supporting a shell — Italian, late 17th century — 9 in. high — on circular green porphyry plinth Exhibited at South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration Af-u.- — 206 An Athletk, reproduction from the antique — Florentine, 17 tK century — 11^ in. high — on ebonised pedestal Exhibited at the South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration 'GC0>xCL^A4y W< ^Y/" 'X 15 ^^ 107 THE INFANT HEECULES, strangling the serpents: repro- -u^^^,;,;;^^ duction from the antique — Italian, 16th ceyituri/ — 9 in. high — t^ on veined green marble and Egyptian porphyry plinth Exhibited at the South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide lllustratioi ^- /y- - 108 VEX us, a standing figure partly draped, and as if drying liQv-AUu^i-c^veJh^ self after the bath : a bronze-gilt statuette, by or after Giovanni di Bologna— 17//i century — 10 j in. high — on African marble pedestal and giallo plinth Vide Illustration ^-"•■"'109 A SATYR, a standing figure pouring wine from a jug into a /KJ(a£ciyt^ shell which he holds in his left hand — late \6th century— 1 1 in. high — on veined yellow and black marble pedestal Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration tf - /if~—llO The Titmbler, reprodiiction from the statuette in the Collegia '*^^'^'^0 111 Bacchus, reproduction from the antique — Florentine, 16th century: JQot>7x-ccaJiC' — 16| in. high — on ebonised plinth Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879' _ SCULPTURE AND MARBLES, Etc. ^O-Cy 112. An Alabaster Statuette of St. SBBASTiANy tied to the tree^*-*^^fi.'w on square-shaped pedestal inlaid with plaques of veined red and green marble — 15^ in. high — Italian, late Ihtli century i-^- -. 113 Infant Bacchus, with panther's skin over shoulder: an antique '^i^^ot^x. marble bust on giallo plinth ^ jy^ 16 »4f-'/^' ^ 114; An Oval Plaque of White Marble, with a bas-relief of Apollo and Cupid, in square-shaped setting of giallo marble, fluted border — 12 in. by 9^ in. 115 A Circular Amber Spar Dish — 12^ in. diam. ^J- J. 6 ^116 A Terra-Cotta Plaque 'T^z.^t^^ 117 A Pair of Green Jasper Vases, on square plinths — 9;^ in. /J ' ji' b 118 An Oval Tazza, of rare green porphyry, on oblong Egyptian porphyry plinth— lOJ in long, 7^ in. high ^^m^^Crrota, 119 A Pair of Green Porphyry Pedestals, mounted with cnased ' or-molu — temp Louis XVI. — i^ in. high ^ p /•3- /^ -. — 120 A Mottled Grey Column Pedestal, mounted with chased ?^ or-molu — temp Louis XVI. — 10 in. high ^,^. '/7/3/t 4' /V- (> 121 A Fleur-de-Peche Marble Column Pedestal, on white stafnary marble base — 13 in. high wy ^ . - 2.y. G> ' — 122 A Pair qp Alabaster Pedestals, carved in relief with cherubs' uu cap, and jewels with chain (/ (139 Ecoe Homo EARLY ITALIAN. Ci^^^^^Uvi^- 140 A Saint Holding a Scroll ?• J. — 141 T^g Eesurreotion, on gold ground f''J'- — 142 The Resurrection : the Saviour, seated on the edge of the tomb, <^^«.^fe'^^^ embraced by the Virgin — inlaid marble frame . , ^ C d' "/^ 18 GHIELANDAJO. /i ^/S"' - . — Ho A Gentleman, with long hair, in crimson dress and cap; a view of a town in the background MATTEO DI SIENNA. »2/. — . — 14 i Toe Madonna, with the Infant Saviour on her lap; St. John presenting a cross ^^^'9^7\Jl-<^i^ PINTUKICHIO. 3^t^ //- — j^^g rpgg Madonna, with the Infant Saviour on her lap, surrounded by cherubim A. DEL SAETO. fy. ^. C 146 Portrait of Himself /^3^7u=r^>^t, M. VENUSTI. (147 The Dead Saviour, supported by Angels and the Virgin Mary j EAKLY GEEMAN. ( 148 The Holy Family, under a Baldecino, the Virgin suckling the Infant Saviour J. DE M ABUSE. ^-^.,^^6^,^^ '^' '^' " 149 The Virgin, nursing the Infant Saviour, who holds cherries in t His left hand EAELY FLEMISH. ^;^z^ ^f' —• * 150 A Triptych, with The Descent from the Cross in the centre and saints on the wings -^- ^- - 151 St. John <^-^ L^ IL^ t^-' 19 EARLY FLEMISH. £,£,u^^^. ^S. — — 152 The Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt: The Virgin offering a bunch of grapes to the Infant Saviour SCHOOL OF VAN EYCK. (^^.a^A^r* ty. jf^.^ 153 ijijjE Madonna, with the Infant Saviour in her arms, holding a ^ flower VAN SOMER. y' ^ 'y. b' o 154 A Young Princess, in damask dress with lace collar and cuffs ^- /JL- - 155 A Young Princess, in rich damask dress, lace collar and pearis, holding a spaniel in her right arm M vSi ^/y/ /^. ~ End of First Day's Sale. c 2 6) ^/ o Second Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1897. AT ONE O OLOOK PRECISELY. COINS, MEDALS, Etc. - • «^- - 161 Eoman First, Second and Third brass ; and a few Greek M — some in good condition ^ 49 ''^' 162 Greek Si,\ Tetradraclims of Alexander -©Aje- gram and crown, caryatid winged figures and masks, the barrel spirally fluted 168 Another, of steel, pierced with monogram and coronet; and a small bronze spoon, with shell bowl 169 A Silver Knife-Handle, formed as a terminal female figure — ■ >3^i]ia.ccMiJ^ on ehonised column ; seated figure of Pallas, holding shield decorated with gorgou head, on moulded base with lion feet — 3^ in. high ; small statuette of the Blessed Virgin and Child — on bronze column ; and a plaquette, with escallop border, representing Satyr and nymph 4 170 A Silver Statuette, of exceedingly fine work — Mercury, -Gt^^^^tc^ wearing winged petasus and holding cornucopiaa — 3f in. high — on ehonised pedestal 171 A Small Silver Vase, of classical form, the body decorated -^- ^Dcc'xai«.^»*i'U»' and fluted ornaments, vase-shaped stem supporting two plaques of lapis lazuli with cherubs' heads, and female figures holding acanthus leaf oruament set with cut garnets — 8j in. high — end of \^th century 184 A Set of Four Metal-Gilt Seated Figures, of male and-^?t^^^ female Satyrs — 11 th century 185 A Terminal Female Figure, of bronze-gilt, with a lion's maslt^^^^C^ and fcfstoon of laurels // 23 ANTIQUE POTTERY. /. /O. - 186 An Oenochoe {from Camiros), witli everted mouth, decorated vo-J^-^ black and red on cream-coloured ground, with lions, bulls, chimeree, &c. in two bands around body of vase — 11 in. high; an oenochoe, of black ware, with moulded pattern in relief — 11 in. higJi ; and four others 6 ' •" 187 A Double-Handled Cup, with red figures on black ground, representing on one side Herakles advancing with club, and on the other side a centaur about to hurl a stone — 3 in. high ; a cyathus, painted with black and white figures on red ground, representing an Amazon on horseback between two symbolic eyes, and on either side a pegasus ; an oenochoe, of Nola ware, with trefoil lip — 6 in. hvjh ; and a double-handled cup, of the late Apulian style, painted outside with garland, and inside with female head in white 4 J^. f/^- 188 A Cyathus, similar in design to the one in preceding lot, but £iai^^^ painted on cream-coloured ground and the pegasus replaced ^ C^ by a sphinx ; another, with black figures on red ground, subject, Bacchus and a nymph seated under vine, &c. ; a small hydria, of black ware with design in yellow — 5 in. high ; and two others 5 P- 189 A CvLix, of shallow form, on moulded foot, painted with a frieze /'cs^-oe-o^V, of winged archers and lions in combat, the figures are in ^ red and white on light red ground, the remainder of vase painted black — i\ in. high ; a cyathus, with black figures on red ground, Dionysos reclining under viae, symbolic eye and Satyr on either side ; and a small rhyton, of late style, in form of a ram's head 3 ^— 190 A Cup, of black ware ; various examples of ancient pottery ; frag- <»i<,t>r,0-»T-a ments of sculptured marble, &c. ^ 191 Another Lot, similar / 3. 192 Statuettes, in terra-cotta ; various fragments ; and a carving, in ivory, Hercules and Omphale ; &c. / 6^^ 24 'h. J"' b 293 Fkagments op Enoaustio Paintings (from Pompeii): head of^^^^c*^ youtbful Dionysos, on red ground, of exceedingly good style ; figure of Psyche (broken) ; bust of a draped figure, wearing Phrygian head-dress ; and bust of a female 4 ^T — • — 194 A Large Amphoba, painted with red figures on black groxmiJ^^^^^jyy — 15 in. high ; and an oenochoe, of similar style — 8^ in. high 2 -^ /■ /^ — 196 Two Craters, of late style, painted with red figures on black y ground — 10 in. high ; and an amphora — 12i^ in. high W / ANCIENT GLASS. 196 Two Small AMPUoKiE, of dark blue paste, with bauds and«>!^.^^^ in preceding lot ; a small scarab, of green paste, engraved with a lion couchant ; another, on garnet, male figure filling an amphora at a fountain ; and another, on cornelian, with figure of dragon — the first two mounted with gold shanks, the third in silver 4 b- h- — 212 A Scarab, of red sard, engravedwith figure wearing ch]amys«-^^C4:.^i^ and holding sword, sacrificing at an altar ; and another, also '^ in red sard, with the figure of a kneeling warrior with sword and shield — both mounted 2 / ^^ 26 2 /O- - At. - .• /^- - 213 A SoARAB, in ret! sard, engraved with the figure of a giant s.honiJtmj2J. to hurl a stone ; another, also in red sard, engraved with fioure holding patera ; and a third, with hearded male head wearing conical pileus — the last mounted in gold 3 214 A Scarab, on black agate, engraved with male figure laohMuQ^my^^f^ spear ; and live others, on red sard — various 6 215 A Scarab, on a very fine banded agate, figure of Paris standing^ia^^^j^^ before column surmounted by a child ; scarab on an onyx, engraved with a bull ; another, in chrysoprase, engraved with a dog — all mounted in gold ; and Ian Egyptian scarab, in silver mount with bronze ring 4 ^^ — 216 Five Babylonian Cylinders — various xf^-^ZzZjoCei^ INTAGLI, MOUNTED AS RINGS. '- / - — 218 Two Fish, anchor and two birds, on red sard ; Greek hoplite with spear and shield, red sard ; Jupiter with fulmen and eagle, incribed, Aioo ; head of Artemis, red jasper ; winged figure holding serpent and female figure holding branch, red sard ; head of Christ (broken) 6 ^' *^ — 219 Capricorn, with cornucopia, red sard ; Satyr and nymph, rcd'*?v2-ax^ sard ; Bacchus and Ariadne on panther, red sard ; Nereid on sea-horse, red sard: Greek hoplite ]O^O^c.£e/ty, massive setting ; warrior with helmet and shield, chrysoprase ; 'cc^^ &c. 11 ^ — — 224 Standing Figure of a Muse, contemplating a mask, on fine red Jt2^A*txk^ sard ; a youth with dog, exceedingly well engraved, and signed ^ ASHNION EnOlEI (one of the Poniatowski series) 2 ?* 225 Ganymede Cabbikd off by Eagle, fine garnet in chased setting ; /^Tjbv^ Bacchus, seated left, holding thrysos, in front panther, red O^ sard, set in simple mount with loop 2 • '^'- 226 Head of Helios, radiates to right, surrounded by border with'o<2'«'<-*t^3<"-ej2. the Signs of the Zodiac, mounted in a bronze stud ; seated figure, with helmet, unmounted ; and five others 7 ■ " 227 A Large Litaglio, on a fine onyx, the upper strata of yellow, (^UciOeC^B^iJ the base white, engraved with figure of Jason consulting <^ the Delphic oracle, at his feet a ram — in gold frame with loop 1 Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1862 ; see Catalogue, ichere the gem is highly commended for work and material. -'' ^O ■ — 228 Half-Lbngth Figure of Ceres, on light brown sard ; youthful ^-^''uiZjt^^C'u^ figure of hunter, holding an arrow, and accompanied by ^ hound, signed rNAIOC 2 '^ ■ — 229 Head of an Athlete, behind a cicada, on fine dark brown sard ^^^^^^^^'-^'^ /y (y^ 28 ^- >Vu- — 230 Figure of a Warbiob, standing beside a bull, on a garnet, the hoop of gold, ring nntique, the bezel modern ; warrior advancing to left, holding sjiear and shield, brown sard ; Hermes evoking a soul from Hades by virtue of his caduceus. ■^ /O ' — 231 Hercules Slaying the Hydra, red sard ; Pan, seated facing light red sard ; Cupid holding leopard by the tail, &e., red *.' — — 232 ^NEAS Carrying off Anchise?, and holding by the hand t^e young Ascanius, red sard, of good style and execution ; draped figure of Hygeia, feeding serpent from patera, golden *** fO' — 233 Tarpeia Crushed by the Bucklers, red sard ; Cupid nshin^^ {^from the Bechford Collection) ; Cupid, with grotesque mask {Lace Collection) yf /2, 3 234 Cupid Driving Plough Drawn by Butterflies, red saro; male figure to right, holding scales, fine red sard ; Diomede ^- J-. carrying the palladium and torch, dark red sard _y^r> ^ / ' "^ 235 Head of M^asNAD, red sard ; Bacchante sacrificing and Silenusy^ y- y.^ < /O-^ ^. /o^ - gathering grapes, yellow sard ; and a gryllus, composed of the heads of Zeus, Ammon and Africa, red sard ^-'^ '6 236 Half-Length Figure of Seated Bacchus, the right a^a^ raised, golden sard ; and a half-length figure, on cabochon garnet, of Hygeia feeding serpent -^ 2, 237 Fragment of an Intaglio, representing the head, in profileTpf;^ Medusa, on black agate, mounted in gold frame with handle, by Castellami 1 This fine gem {from the Praun Collection), is figured hy the Sev. C. W. King, PL XX., 2, described as in the perfect Greek y , style, and one of the finest of the class '^m^' ^tUf ~ 238 Figure of Bacchus, standing by column and holding thyrsos,>y at his feet a panther, red sard ; figure of Msenad, dancing , and playing cmybals, red sard / . ^/y ^ /) 239 Fragment of a Head of Galea, on red sard, very fine work ; fragment of a figure of Venus Victrix, on sapphire ; and fragment of a female head, on red sard 3 29 240 Winged Male Figure, with tropby and shield, amethyst ; ;i'fe^?:^?^t^ figure of dancing faun, red sard ; figure of Apollo, with <^ lustral branch and bow, banded agate 3 241 Male Figure, resting on rock, holding sword, on banded agate /^^^^^^.^t^ with guilloche border ; bull butting, on onyx ; cock with bunch of grapes, perched on edge of vase, red sard ; centaur with thyrsoB, &c. 4 242 Two Fauns Struggling for an Amphora, golden sard ; faun,yAtl^^^«^>x^ with oenochoe and kantharos advancing to right, red sard ; Apollo, with lustral branch and lyi'e, banded agate 3 243 Head of Herakles, red sard ; pig, onyx of two strata ; Silenus^ the bezel of oval form and engraved in intaglio, with standing figure of Dione wearing Stephanos, holding in left hand long sceptre, while with the right hand she holds the peplum Found in Sicily 218 A Necklet, composed of garnet beads with sections of gold chain, /"A^^^^t-^u- the fastenings formed as the heads of goats 249 A Pair of Earrings, terminating in female heads, the loop ofc5^z/«tf^ twisted wire, mounted with beads of garnet and glass ; '^ another pair, of similar fabric, terminating in calves' heads ; and a pair, formed of figures of winged Cupids, and set with a cal>ochon garnet 6 c/ c/ c? 3a •?•—•— 250 A Gold Earring, of cylindrical form, of the finest Etruscan work, v^.cu;C&. the surface elaborately decorated with rosette ornaments and filigree work, the upper portion further ornamented with two sphinx couchant ; a pair of smaller earrings, of similar fabric ; and a pair, formed as winged Cupids 5 jr. /o — 251 The Upper Portions of a Pair of Earrings, of late style, of ^^6^«.Q*i^ an amphora ; two others, as Cupids carrying pateras, &c. ; five gold spirals ; a small gold bulla ; &c. 11 1.. t^, -~~ 256 An Earring, with an electrum bead; an intaglio, on g&rnet ;*^>oei/?C^ head of Artemis, in gold mount ; a pendant, of beryl, with a frog in cameo ; a small gold plate ; and various fragments of ancient jewellery 257 A Greek Gold Eing, the shank tapering, the bezel of lozenge/TJSs^**' form with dotted border, and engraved with figure of warrior on horseback ; and two small gold rings, one set with an emerald, the other with plain circular bezel 3 >. — • — ly 31 rlio UDOn au aerate. eneraved with /> ^" ~* 258 A Gold Eing, set with aa iutaglio upon au agate, engraved with /a<»^ 0' - the figure of a warrior ; a gold ring, with two collets, one set with a cabochon paste ; a small ring, the bezel formed as an amphora and set with a garnet ; and a small gold ring, set with a green paste 4 259 Three Gold Eings, set with intagli ; a small gold ring, the hoop '^eecc'C'it^ terminating in serpents' heads and set with a garnet ; and '^ another 6 260 A Gold Ring, of the 14th century, with rectangular box bezel, -^^^^^-^j.^^^ set with cabochon sapphire ; and a small gold ring, with a lizard 2 'u and strapwork, and set with a paste cameo head of Albert Durer ; a small statuette, in cornelian, of Abundantia, with gold loop ; a figure of a duck, in amethyst ; and a figure, in coral, of St. Andrew 4 • "^ • ~" 266 A Painting on Bloodstone, of Christ with the Cross, in metal-/^t^ gilt frame ; and a head, in agate, mounted on silver bust with red marble base 2 ' ^' "" 267 Statuette of Nude Male Figuee, carved in bone; ^xq^~^uj2£U}Cu tesserae, one formed as a frog, numbered VII., another as a rabbit, numbered I., and one of oblong form, numbered Vim. ; and a small bust of a horse, in silver 5 ANTIQUE BRONZES. 268 Statue^tte of Athena Peomachos, wearing Corinthian helmet <^^^SU^^ and double talaric chiton confined at waist by knotted girdle ; in extended right hand she holds a patera, and the left hand raised as if holding a spear, which is wanting ; over the left shoulder depends the Aegis adorned with gorgon head — on antique bronze pedestal of rectangular form with simple mouldings ; of Eoman work, the drapery boldly treated — height of statuette, 8^ in., total height, 9f in. 1 SL.fC.^ 269 STATUETTE OF JUPITER, standing, holding fulmen andX<^v^ long sceptre ; and with chlamys draped over the left shoulder — on antique bronze base. Eoman work of good style and well patinated — height of statuette 7^ in., total height 7| in. 1 Vide Illustration 270 Statuette of Venus, fastening her girdle : the goddess, who ^^/^£o^z^ represented nude and standing in graceful attitude, holds in the left hand the strophium, which she is in the act of bind- ing round her body below the breasts. An interesting type of Graeco-Romau work of good style, surface somewhat de- cayed — height 8\ in. — on marble base 1 rv" 33 /X- - 271 STAT UETTE OF APOLLO, standing facing, wearing wreath of.^'if^z-^X;? laurel and carrying a quiver fastened by cord passing over left shoulder ; the right hand, extended, originally held a patera, which is missing, and the left hand probably an olive branch, which is also wanting ; on the backs of the thighs is an in- scription in pricked letters, commencing M.PORO. . . — on the original bronze pedestal of octagonal section, with moulded cap and square base. Gallo-Roman work of exceedingly good style and finely patinated — height of statuette 6j^ in., total height 8^ in. 1 Vide Illustration — — 272 Statuette ov Bacchus, semi-draped, standing to left, tha-^fe?^^!*^*^" ^ chlaniys worn around the lower portion of body and draped over left shoulder; he wears a head-dress of eight vine leaves, decorated with bunches of grapes disposed in the form of a nimbus ; in extended right hand he holds a large patera, and in the left hand a pyxis. Roman work, brownish ^Atiusi— height 7^ in. — on circular giallo pedestal 1 /r. - 273 STATUETTES OF VENUS AND CUPID. The goddess is,.^*^.^^!;/^; ; represented entirely nude, standing to left, and wearing lofty diadem ornamented with conventional design ; in the right hand she holds a mirror with handle, while the left hand is raised towards her head as if about to arrange a tress of hair ; by her side, placed upon a column with moulded cap and base, is a small figure of a winged Eros, who holds in right hand a lighted torch and in the upraised left hand a double mirror; the whole upon an antique bronze base of circular form with simple moulding. Roman work of ex- ceedingly good style and with fine dark green jyatina,— height of statuette of Venus, 7^ in., total height 8f in. I Vide Illustration D //' •^ 34 3- /•?• e 274 Statuette of Mars, standing facing, wearing crested Corin-^<:::;^^^t^ tliian helmet, cuirass, &c. (feet and hands wanting) — 4^ in. high — on marble plinth : statuette of a Lares standing facing, wearing chiton with skeves, tlie feet encased in sandals, in the right hand a patera, and in u^jraised left hand a rhytou formed as a deer's head — 4| in. high — on marble plinth 2 ^^ ~ 275 Handle of a Cista, representing figures of Peleus and Atalanta ^Z/^zSz^ standing facing, hand in hand ; each figure has a small circular base forming the i>oint of attachment to the cover of cist. Etruscan work of good style and well patinated — 4^ in. high 2 /' dy. — 276 Statuette of Venus or Spes (?) wearing chiton draped over /l^^Ul^w^ left shoulder, leaving right shoulder and bust bare, the hair over forehead arranged in formal curls, and turned up in roll at back of head; the goddess is represented advancing, and in extended right hand holding an attribute, a fruit or flower, which is missing, Etruscan work of fine style, the details carefully rendered, and in extremely fine condition — 4 J in. high 1 ~ 277 Two Supports, belonging to an Etruscan cista; the feet are ^-'w^t^c**^ formed as lion's paws on circular moulding placed upon a square base ; the upper portion is of semicircular-headed panel form with volute ornaments in the lower corners, and further decorated in high relief with figures of a warrior, armed with sword and shield, supporting a wounded comrade. Of exceedingly good style and in fine condition 2 ' - — . — 278 Small Statuette, of very fine style, representing one of the ^'5i»Y_ Dioscuri, Castor or Pollux (?) ; he is standing facing in i:y giaceful attitude, the head inclined to the left, and wears conical pileus with star in front ; the chlamys is lightly draped around shoulders, and one end hangs over the left arm ; in the right hand he holds the cestus. Eoman work, finely modelled and with a smooth patina of pale green colour — 2^ in. high 1 / 35 279 An' Alto Relievo, in bronze, probably the lower portion of ^^/l^oJ^oc-i^ handle of a very large vase, the subject, which it is has been suggested refers to the Dacian Conquest, represents a warrior seated in a dejected attitude beneath a tree, while before him stands a draped female figure ; in background, shield, trumpet, spear and quiver. Roman work of fine style — 4f in. high — mounted on support of Sienna marble 1 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 280 Handle of a Bronze Cjsta, formed of two athletes carrying /^C^:V^.^w-v/ wounded comrade. Etruscan work of fine style and in a remarkable state of preservation, traces of patina — 4^ in. high 1 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 281 Statuette of Harpocrates, winged, "standing facing, the left ^^2T-<5t^^M> > arm resting on the trunk of a tree ; he wears a wreath of grapes and vine leaves, which is surmounted by the pschent; the chlamys is draped over left shoulder, and suspended from a necklace is a bulla ; the right hand is raised, the fore- finger approaching the lips, while the left hand supports a cornucopia around which is coiled a serpent. Alexandrian work of exceedingly good style, in fine condition — 4;^ in. high 1 282 Statuette of Young Hercules, nude, and standing to right, ^.-^6>^»t-«;^'^^ - wearing around head a simple fillet, and lion's skin hanging over the left arm ; the right is raised as if in the act of brandishing a club, which is wanting — 8h in. high — on giallo base X D 2 4^/ yC^ 36 l(y,-.. — 283 An Etruscan Mirror, engraved with Belleropliou Btanding z?'?^^^?^ before seated figure of Oenomanos ; in the background Pcgasos, tlie hero is represented holding in right hand the tablets addressed by Proteus to lobates ; below the principal subject is a figure of Scylla holding in each hand a branch of olive forming a wreath enclosing the whole design ; over the heads of the figures the names " Melerpanti '' '' Arco " " Oenomanos " in Etruscan characters ; on the front of the mirror, near the handle, which terminates in a ram's head, is engraved a figure of Phoebus in his chariot, and below a figure of Aurora — from Palestrina (engraved by Gerhard, Elruscan Spiegel, pi. 333, Vol. IV.^ — a very fine and interesting example 1 '' ^0~ — 284 Statuette of Hygeia, of Archaistic style, standing facing ; the=^Se^5Cc^ goddess wears a semicircular diadem, and is clad in a sleeve- less chiton draped around body, one end passing over left shoulder ; in her right hand she sustains a fold of her drapery, whil6 with extended left hand she grasps a serpent — 6g in. high — on giallo j^edestal with hlacJc moulding and base 1 ' '^* "" 285 Statuette of Venus, semi-draped, standing facing; the drapery, ^-^i*>-^ wanting) — 8 in. high — similar pedestal 1 / 37 • - 288 A MASK OF A MAETNE DEITY (Scylla?), in very bold -^^;^^^?^ relief, winged, and surrounded or composed, in a decorative sense, with dolphins, escalloped shell, &c. ; the eyebrows are of silver inlaid, and the eyeballs, which are of the same metal, are set with cabochon rubies forming the sights. This remark- able piece of the finest Graeco-Roman work was found at Pompeii, and doubtless formed the termination of the handle of a bronze vase — 3 J in. dtam. — on giallo support 1 Exhibited at the South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862, and at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879 Vide Illustration ' —" 289 Statuette of Pallas, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, segia<^^^a£oaj^/jd adorned with gorgon head, and holding spear in right hand ; small statuette of Hercules with club, and holding on left arm seated figure of the infant Dionysos ; and a small figure of a winged harpy, the upper portion of the handle of a bronze vase 3 — 290 Two Bronze Oenochoe, ornamented with egg and tongue,u^^^^^^.-?$ — moulding around lip, scroll handles terminating in masks — 6| in. high 2 — 291 Handle op a Vase, formed as a nude figure of an athlete ^^i>t^ holding cestus ; and another, of scroll form, terminating in a Satyr's head 2 - 292 Statuette of Camillus, holding rhyton and patera, the drapery-^'^^'^^^^^^^^^'njz^ inlaid with bands of silver, on antique base ; two masks, mounted on marble supports ; and a small bust of Isis, draped and wearing uraeus 4 293 A Vase, formed as the bust of a youth, on moulded bronze base /^^ and with looped handle ; a bronze lamp, formed of a comic mask ; a smaller lamp, ornamented with head of a lion in relief ; and a bucranium 4 294 Nude Statuette, of a Discobolus, standing facing, the hair/''22^^v turned up and rolled; the right hand rests on hip, while "^ with the left hand he holds the disc. An exceedingly well- modelled statuette — 5^ in. high 1 I. ^ ^/^ 38 ; 296 A Small Oenoohoe, of extremely graceful form, with trefoil /%w lip, the body ornamented with godrons in low relief; and a cup, of semicircular form, with looped re-curved handles, finely patinated 2 2 • Ji . — 296 Bronze Patera, of shallow form, with handle of octagonal section^^^a.cMv^ terminating in a lion's head 1 ^' / • — 297 Statuette of Hercules, the head covered with lion's skin — /j>^^j^?x.. '* and a forgery of a bronze axe 4 ~ — 305 Statuette of Artemis, huntress clad in chiton, carrying ■a-^^^z-st^j'^y, quiver at shoulder, and holding bow and arrow — 2f in. high — on wooden pedestal ; an applique, semi-draped figure of Venus, seated — on marble base ; portion of stand or support of a mirror, formed as a bas-relief representing a semi-draped figure of Venus, seated on square base to right, and before her Cupid, the right arm resting on a column ; a small statuette of Cupid (imperfect) ; and a handle of an oenochoe, terminating in a mask 5 ' " ~~ 306 Statuette of a Goat — 6 in. high — on marble base ; aw^^^^^jz^^^icti-f^ Egyptian bronze, seated cat — 5 in. high ; statuette of Mercury (imperfect) ; and a Christian lamp, in bronze, the handle formed as a cross, with chain for suspension 4 ' -~ 307 Mask of a Youthful Faun, with ram's horn, mowwiecZ on morrWe ;'^=^^^t««i-i^i) head of veiled female — 2i in. high ; small vase ; a bell ; and various small bronze figures, &c. 22 308 Statuette of Venus, diademed and draped, holding an apple^^t^fc^fcjiv^ and a pyxis — 4f in. high ; two statuettes of Bacchus ; two massive handles of a bronze amphora, the grip fluted, the plates decorated with conventional honeysuckle ornament in relief; and a semi-draped statuette of an orator — 3^ in. high — on marble pedestal Q ^/6 40 5. S"' — 809 Handle op Vase, formed of a nude female figure, the legs ^y^lRc^c*-* crossed, the left arm bent, resting on a small cushion, which supports the head, finely patinated — 5 in. high ; a small applique, formed as a female head, facing, with serpents around neck, projecting from an escallop-shaped disc ; spout of a bronze situla, formed as a lion's head ; bust of Jupiter Serapis, with modius — 2f in. high — on marble base ; small statuette of an actor, seated, on square cippus ; and a statuette of Venus (imperfect^ 6 310 A Pyxis, with chain and loop; a bracelet, ornamented with lines ^H^Qoua-t and circles, finely patinated ; fragment of a hand from colossal statue ; three antique pedestals, &c. ' ^^^ — - 311 Handle of an Etruscan Patera, formed as a nude male figure, /"'^ifeikyu the hands raised and supporting the semicircular attachment, decorated with palmette ornament and scroll, the back of which is ornamented with a scalp of a lion in low relief; the feet of the figure rest upon an ornament decorated with a palmette, in very fine condition and well patinated — 8| in. high 1 /Ji - ■J'^ 312 Small Statuette of Cupid, with a goose, on antique bronze'^^i^^^^v base ; head, wearing Phrygian cap, mounted on marble ; figures of a squirrel, pig, wild boar, an eagle, &c. 313 A Fine Bronze Pin, of octagonal section, with moulded and "^^^^^ fluted cap, surmounted by a semi-draped figure of Venus holding a mirror and arranging her hair — 12 in. long ; and another, with a bust of Zeus — 10 in. long 2 314 A Bronze Fibula, the bow mounted with ten glass heads of '-^t^«-J subjects — Dutch, 17th, century This box was picked up in the wilds of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1832, hy Col. Halifax 323 An Oblong Bronze Box, similar, with hunting subjects in slightc^i^S^^ relief — iSth century 324 An Oblong Green Shagreen Tobacco-Box, lined with hrasB ; je4;it*c^ and one, of light shark-skin 325 An Oval Pekin Snuff-Box, with foliage on a gilt ground ; &nc^K^Ui^ octagonal silver box, the top containing an agate plaque ; and a small oval agate box, mounted with silver 3 /4_. — 326 A Circular Box, of veined stone, mounted with gold ; and a ^^^^acc^ green porphyry box, with gold mounts 2 '^^ — 327 A Circular Vernis-Martin Snuff-Box, the top painted with ,.*«'<*^^ with Oriental figures in mother-o'-pearl 332 An Ivory Snuff-Box, mounted with silver ; and a shaped avan- /'^fe-^t-zK^ turine dish, silver mounts 2 333 An Old Dutch Oval Brass Tobacoo-Box, engraved with «2^€fc«e<362A, metal-gilt, containing a miniature in oils after Teniers 336 A Green Shark-Skin Watch-Case, mounted small scrolls in ^deJOi-aSaiz^ metal-gilt, containing a miniature in the style of Blarenburg, avanturine plaque at the back 337 A Small Shaped Shagreen Etui, inlaid with studs in goldf-^^2j.^^2^ and containing ivory and gold fittings and mounts — tem'p Louis XV. 338 A Black Boulle Frame, containing seven small Wedgwood "^o^st^ryxt^i^ plaques and eight small examples of Eoman mosaic ^339 A Miniature Portrait of a Gentleman, on ivory — temp George 11. ; and The Madonna and Child 2 ■"/■^ SILVER BOXES, Etc. ^340 An Octagonal-Shaped Box, engraved with a village scene and figures 341 A Fluted Oblong Box, engraved with the battle of 'i^Q^-J'-'^ Doggersbank and inscription 342 A EussiAN Nielloed Silver Snutf-Box, the lid engraved with.«tJ^vt.^y^ figures carousing '^ 313 A Shaped Ditto, engraved with warriors and hunting scenes -^V^ ^ C/^ L/ 44 344 A Pair op Vase-Shaped Dutch Boxes, embossed witb orna- ^^^^«<^>c^ ment ; and a watch key ^ 345 An Old Dutch Cobksceew, the handle formed as a swan ; and ■'^n^^o^ one, with a lion 346 A Louis XVI. Oval Ssuff-Box, chased with wreaths of laurel /L^C^^ and with corded borders in relief 347 An Oblong Ditto, chased with trophies and foliage «^^^?K« 348 A Shell-Shaped Box, chased with scroll foliage and hunting ^-J^.^ subjects in low relief — parcel-gilt 349 A Cieculab Dutch Box, the lid embossed with a domestic •^* /Sy octagonal-shaped foot — 1709 — weight 4 oz. 361 Another, nearly similar — 1712 — 3 oz. 3 dwt. AX/Q- 362 A Lemon-Strainer, with flat handles pierced with scrolls — ,A/^^^,<^«^ 1717 363 A Small Plain Cream-Jtjg — 1741 — weight 4 oz. 2 dwt. "^^-^^^yl^ 364 A Cream-Jug, spirally fluted and chased with flowers, and a/^-^ figure of a dog on the handle — 1758 — 3 oz. 18 dwt. 365 A Larger Ditto, on three feet, chased with flowers, shells and^y^<^ scrolls — old Dublin hall mark — 6 oz. 18 dwt. 366 A Small Open Wire Sugar Basket, chased with ribbons and <=9rC>^u£&^ flower branches in applique work, blue glass liner — 1769 — 2 oz. 10 dwt. 367 A Half-Pint Mug, with scroll handle, chased with foliage and •^UaMxJl^ flowers— 1780— 6 oz. 15 dwt. 368 A Miniature Caudle Cup, with scroll handles, repousse with -— ^^<;«-tf^ spiral fluting and a shield — 1739 369 A Commonwealth Ditto, fluted, and repousse with conventional ^AydcL^t^^fPL flowers in compartments — 1656 370 A Larger Ditto, with lobed border, the lower part repousse *-^7€^^,^C with acanthus foliage, temj) Charles II. 371 Another, repousse with a band of acanthus foliage, with chased iy}:/iiQjCst^r\^ scroll handles surmounted by busts — 1724 372 A Small Plain Cup, with scroll handles— Dm^^w, 1737 ^^T^i^Sz^a-*^ 373 A Larger Ditto, partly fluted, and repousse with a shield ^^'^f^^i£co7^ 374 A William III. Caudle Cup, with scroll handles, repousse ^oov L with a corded band, and spiral fluting below — hy W. Andrewes —1697 375 A Porringer, repousse with a corded baud, the lower part -•siev^-^^ fluted— 1776— it-ez^Af 6 oz. 2 diet. ^ 376 A Larger Ditto, repousse with a shield — 1719 — 7 oz. 'J'Z 46 377 A Large Porrixger, repousse with a corded band, and spiral «--^fcc>n^ fluting below— 1717— 10 oz. 14 dmt 378 A Shaped Porringer, with cbased scroll handles, the lower»-'^<>7t^ part spirally fluted — teawp George II. — 6 oz. 10 diet. 379 A "William 111. Small Porringer, the lower part repousse /<^v^ --^ with a band of acanthus foliage — 1693 — 5 oz. 9 diet. 380 A Bowl, formed of a cocoauut, mounted with silver rim, cover ^^-a^cCaM and three claw feet FOREIGN SILVER. 381 An Old French Wine-Taster, fluted, and with serpent ring ^^i^io^^ handle 382 A Larger Plain Ditto, inlaid with a medal of Louis XVI. — ^T^^^Ll^ 1789 383 A Small Plain Pyx, surmounted by a cross, engraved with a /^^:S-^«t< cardinal's coat-of-arms, and containing two small vases for the sacred elements — Paris 384 A Pair of Yase-Shaped Canisters and Covers, fluted and Tyoo^t,^ chased with foliage, and with chased swing handles — Paris 385 A Louis XV. Sucriee and Cover, fluted, and chased with..:^^e<^^ flowers and branch handles, on scroll feet — Paris — weight n oz. A diet. 38G A Louis XV. Laitiere, with cover, spirally fluted and chased eJnf^&-^j^ tooled ground — 4 oz. 388 A Louis XVI. Cuocolatiere, chased with flowers, fol'age and /^^v^^»^ a mask under the spout, on three scroll feet — Paris — 9 oz. 9 dwt. 389 A Louis XIV. Beaker, engraved with strap and trellis ornament ->-^j^' "^ and with inscription — 4 oz. 6 dw'. 390 Another, chased with groups of bulrushes in relief, and with>/^ w^ with band on the cover, and panels of arabesque foliage, on three ball feet, the billet chased as a bird, the cover engraved with monogram and inscription — 17th century — 5 oz. 11 dwt. 399 A Miniature Swedish Tankard and Cover, on three ball feet, '^y^/tZK^^/t^ repousse with large flowers and foliage, the lid engraved 400 A Small Ditto Goblet, engraved with allegorical figures, '-^^c^^-ch'^ fruit and foliage, on fluted stem and round ioot — Christiania 401 Another, on round stem and square foot, embossed with laurel^^i^SI^^^i,^— • festoons; and a cup, with pierced bowl and foot — 7 oz. 7 dwt. 402 A Norwegian Plain Beaker, with gilt band in relief, with t^'i^^c^^ix pendant ornaments, on chased cherub foot — Bergen 403 A Ditto Small Goblet, slightly chased and with open ornament <>^'^- '^ on the stem — Bergen f-2^ 48 / /^~ ^ ^ 404 A S>iALL Swedish Beakek, engraved with figures and other .j^jc,^- ornament, the rim and foot with zig-zag thread 405 An Old German Folding Fork and Spoon, combined, with /*a^.^:** goat's-head handle— /SirasZ^ur^/ ; and a Norwegian spoon, with chased handle, surmounted by a terminal male figure 406 A Norwegian Spoon, with lion top handle ; a Dutch spoon, with /^iy^ia^jf^ figure handle ; and a simoon, the bowl engraved with inscription 407 Six Tea-Spoons, with open filigree handles ; a pointer, with ship •t-^*-*^^ handle ; and an engraved silver plate, with an interior and figures 408 A Pair of Vase-Shaped Canisters and Covers, chased withX^sc-^c^ shells, tassels and other ornament ; and a small tazza, en suite — Haarlem — 10 oz. 4 dwt. 409 A Small Plain Bowl and Cover, with beaded edges and ring /jek^^.A^ handles, on square foot with pierced border — 10 oz. 410 An Oblong Tray, with pierced gallery, on ball feet ; and a x/^,,^ small octagonal-shaped box and cover, on three feet with ^ foliage in flat chasing — 8 oz. 7 dwt. 411 A Circular Open Stand, chased with medallion heads, ribbons ^X^^«^ and festoons of laurel — 6 oz. 4 divt. 412 An Oval Pierced and Engraved Cruet-Stand, with beaded /(V* ^-' edge and goats' head and ring handles — The Hague — 6 oz. 9 dwt. 413 An Oval-Shaped Fluted Casket, on four feet, the lid chased v^^:^^^e- with a flower spray — 9 oz. 414 A Pair of Small Ewers and Covers, with bands of cut cardo^4v^-t^^^<»<»» Air and Water, and groups of fruit, a kneeling figure of a child on the cover — 7 in. high — 13 oz. 5 dwt. 428 A Beaker, parcel-gilt, the borders engraved with strap orua- ^J^^^CjQz'ry^ ment, foliage and flowers, a shield-of-arms under the foot — German, 11th century — 424 Another, repousse with large flowers and foliage — St. Peters- /^^^/^bM^z^*^ hurg, 1780 • — 425 A Smaller Ditto, the lower part repousse with shell ornament, J-J^.^ &c. — St. Petersburg, 1687 — 426 A Small Nuremberg Chalice, on short vase-shaped stem and /7i><^z-^2tr hexafoil bell foot • — 427 A Miniature Nurembukg Goblet, chased with scroll foliage '^^^<^ three claw feet — Frankfort -^•■^•^- "" 431 A Small Fluted Goblet, with engraved panels, on h^hi&iQX ^•^- 3 stem and octagonal-shaped foot, fluted and engraved — Vienna 432 A Pair of Beakers, engraved with bands of scroll foliage and/TS^^*^ strap ornament, and chased with waved thread round the foot — with initials and date 1749 — 8 oz. 19 dwt. 433 A Beaker, repousse with an allegorical subject of three figures, ^^'*c-0 fir trees, &c. — 4 oz. 17 dwt. •^ ~" 434 A Fluted Goblet, ou vase-shaped stem and round foot, with "/leiz^ repousse border — Augsburg — 6 oz. 3 dwt. 435 A Shallow Fluted Bowl, with arabesque dragon handles, the -^^u^ centre repousse with an open rose — B.iga 43 G A Gothic Chalice, of metal-gilt, on hexagonal-shaped stem ^Z^a^ with large knop and shaped foot, engraved with panels of foliage ornament, and underneath with shield-of-arms and date 1604 — 8^ in. high / ^/^ ' /$ , 6 FINIB. /^, - Loudon : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamlord Street and Charing Crote. -^aMy- m wi 'J. J . ^^^ i 5r* ■••^^. «- ^J 1p%r -^2 ^'iWf. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00893 0931