1 / vfV 3 Si 7 5 A N ACCOUNT O F T H E LIVES and WORKS Of the moft Eminent Spanish Painters, Sculptors and Architects} And where their feveral Performances are to be feen. Translated from the Mufctum Picforium O F PalominoVelasco. L N D O-N: Printed for Sam. Harding, on the Pavement in St. Martin' s-Lane. 1739. (iii) THE PREFACE. HE Per/on that pre- pared thefe few Sheets for the Prefs \ having no other Advantage from them, than the Hopes of obliging the Lovers of thefe liberal Arts ; flatters himfelf that the Curious at leaf}, muft be agreeably fur- prized, to find a new World of Artijls, ( iv ) Artifls, and an invaluable Treafure of Art, where the Generality, even of Men of Figure, did not fo much as JufpeB, that there had been the leafi Tafte or Notion of it. This little Piece is rather fuc- cinSl than fhort \ for, upon Perufal, you will fee, that it abounds with what is intere fl- ing to the Curious. N. B. The Reader is defired to excufe the Spanijh Names being put with gn inftead of an n with a Stroke over the Top of it, which in the Spanijb Tongue is pronounced like a gn, as in the Names Nigno and Nugnex, &c. the Printer having no fuch Type. An (v) An Alphabetical LIST of the Painters Names. A A Thanafio 179 205 Aleiio 3 2 Alfaro *57 Andres de Leito *4S Anguiiolas 16 Antonilez 148 Antonilez letrado 199 Arbafia 40 Arrellano l 3* Arco 195 Arfe Juan 29 Arfe Jofeph I! 5 Arnau 188 Arias 1 66 Arredondo 208 Arroyo 7 B BArba Barco Barrofo Baufa Becerra Bela Beltran Benavides Bergamafco Berruguete Bobadilla Bru Bufi Nicolas 130 169 23 89 *3 149 2 S 210 I I 4 156 209 1 215 lAbeza de Baca 204 Cabezaiei o 1 40 Carnilo Campagna Cano Juan Cano Alonib Carbajal Cardenas Caro Francifco Lopez 1 07 1 20 65 44 1 72 90 71 ! 22 I38 l 4 192 28 41 Caro Francifco Carducho Vicencio Carducho Bartoiome Carregno Caftelo Caliillo Juan Caflillo Antonio Caftillo Aguft. Caftrejon Caxes Patricio Caxes Eugenio Ceroni l8f 73 69 43 52 191 Cefpedes Chirinos Ciezar Padre Ciezar Hijo Coeilo Alonfo Sanchez^ 186 93 223 87 81 Cone Coello Ciaudio Col I antes Conchillos Contreras Manuel Contreras Antonio ( vi) Corte Gabriel 189 Corte Juan 104 Cot tan 60 Crefcencio 105 Cuevas Eugenio 119 Cuevas Pedro 63 Cuquet 1 1 1 D DE Otros Pintores de Zaragoza 205 Donado 62 Donofo 1 75 E l Scalante 135 Efpagnoleto 88 Efpinofa 159 Eftremegno 3 1 FAtor 19 Fernandez Antonio 166 Fernandez Francifco 75 Fernandez Luis 82 Flores ; G. GAleas 48 Gallegos 6 Galvan 96 Garcias dos 109 Garcia Chriftoval 114 Gaflfen 95 Gentilefca 2 1 Gil 144 Gilarte 202 Gomez Felipe 154 Gonzalez Pedro 218 Gonzalez Bartolome 46 Gonzalez Diego 193 Greco 57 Guirro 201 Gutierrez Manuel 176 Gutierrez Eugenio 196 H HErrera el Mozo 1 7 1 Herrera el Viejo 9 1 Herrera el Hijo 136 Hernandez Geronimo 76 Hernandez Gregorio 47 Horfelin 100 Huerta 225 IRiarte 170 Ignacio 213 Jordan 2 1 2 Juanez 30 Julio y Alexandro 3 Juncofa 214 Juni 47 L LAbrador 3 1 Lanchares 68 Laredo 1 84 Ledefma 133 Leonardo Jofeph 86 Leonardo Aguit. 67 Leonardoni 222 Leon Leal 177 Leoni Pompeyo 39 Liagno 54 I ( vii ) Lopez 1 2 Lucena 78 Luqueto • 1 8 M MAntuano 165 Marc. Miguel 132 Marc. Eftevan 103 Manuel 134 Marinas 158 Martinez Jufepe 162 Martinez Sebaflian 1 2 1 Martinez Ambrofio 142 Mayno 80 Mazo 1 29 Mena 187 Mefa Gregorio 206 Mefa Alonfo 123 Micier Pablo 99 Mingot 27 Miferia 49 Mohedano 56 Molina 15^ Monnegro 26 Montagnes 72 Montero 220 Montero de Roxas 163 Moreno 1 43 Mora 226 Moro 1 o Morales 20 Moya 1 1 2 Mugnoz 182 Murillo 173 N. NArdi 102 Navareteel mudo *5 Nigno Nugnez O. OBregon Orrente P. PAcheco Palacios Pantoja Pareja Pafqual Pegnalofa Pereda Peregrin 194 83 94 74 84 150 45 128 53 64 127 42 Pedro Ant. Cordova 147 Pereyra 1 1 8 Perez Francifco 217 Perez Bartolome 185 Perolas 36 Pertus 205 Piano 205 Polo Diego Mayor 35 Polo Diego Menor 85 Polo 205 Pompeyo 39 Pontons 1 1 6 Prado 8 R. RAbiella Raeth Ramirez Reynofo Revenga Ribaltas dos Ribera Rici Juan Rici Francifco 205 "3 174 'S3 167 61 88 146 168 ( viii ) Kin con Rios Kioja Rodriguez Rcelas Hold an Luifa Ro'dan Pedro Roman Romani Romulo Cincinnato R&mulo Diego Romulo Francifco Rubens Rubiales S. OAcramento I^J Sanchez barabia Sehuc Secano Sencn Lorenzo tSenen Vila Seviila Sol is S©to Juan Soto Lorenzo Sotomayor T. ^TPMciano J[ Toledo Tofres Torrigiano Triftan In the Prefs, The Hiftorical Lives of all the Painters belonging to the Roman School. Ex- traded from the beft Authors. An i 200 87 126 5° 211 197 98 161 38 f* 70 207 l60 24 125 »5> 21 9 215 215 190 164 178 *39 J 7 110 221 2 77 V. VAlpuelia Valdes Vanchefel Vanderhamen Varela Vargas Andres Vargas Luis Vafquez Alonzo Vela Velazquez Vejarano Villavicencio Vicente Victoria Vila Senen Vila Lorenzo Villacis Utrecht X. ^Tlmenez Francii Ximenez Bernardo Y. z. Zambrano Zarignena Zerezo Zucaro Federico Zurbaran 124 183 216 IOI 92 141 22 79 97 106 87 198 203 224 2I S 21; l8o 9 117 137 34 66 33 »4S 37 108 An Account of the LIVES and WORKS Of the moft Eminent Spanijh Painters, &c. i . Antonio del Rincon, A I N T E R of the Bed-chamber to King Fernando the Catholick. The Paintings done by him, are the Old Altar -piece in the Parifh Church of Robledo de Chabela, a Town of the Archbiflioprick of Toledo ; likewife in the Church of St. John de los Reyes, in the City of Toledo, the two Portraits of Fer- nando and Ifabel commonly callM the Catholick Kings \ with many more in the B Roy^ ( 2 ) Royal Apartments of Madrid, and of the City of Granada. He was a Native of Guadalaxara , he died in 1 500. 2. lorrigiano 7orrigiani>Scu\ipt. A Native of Florence. He was employ'd in Stucco-work, in the Palace of T irre Borgia, at Rome. He did feveral Things in Marble, Bronze, and Wood, in England \ for the King. In Spain, his Works are not a few, difpers'd in different Places. A half Relief over the Tower-door in the holy Church of the City of Granada. In the Royal Chapel there, he did that celebrated Figure of Charity, on one fide of the Gofpel; and likewife an Ecce Homo, over the Abby- wicket, in the faid Church. Like- wife the Figures in Half-relief, done ■ from the Life, which are over the Gate upon the Bridge, at Cordova. At Seville, he made a Crucifix of Clay, an aftonifiiing Thing! which is now in the Jeronymite Monaftery, and a St. Jerom with a Lion, a marvellous Piece ; and among other Things, an Image of Our Lady. He died in Spain 1522. 3. Julio ( 3 ) 3. Julio and Alexandra, JTALIANS, and the Difciples of Juan de Udine ; fent for into Spain by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, to paint the Arched Cielings, the Saloons, the little PafTages, the Balconies, and other Parts of the Royal Palace call'd Alhambra^ at Gra- nada. They alfo painted the famous Man- fions de Cobos in the City of Ubeda, in the Kingdom of Jaen^ and the Hofpital of St. J ago, in the faid City ; not to mention feveral other Works of theirs, both at the Houfe of the Duke of Alva^ in Madrid^ and in the Town of Alba de Tormes^ and the Paintings at JMerida^ about the Aqusedu<5ts. They returned to Italy^ and died there 1530. 4. Alonzo Berrugete* A Great Painter, Sculptor, and Archited; born at Paredes de Nava. Painter of the Bed-chamber to Charles the Fifth. A Difciple of Michael Angelo, in Florence. His Works are the great Altar-piece of St. Benedict the Royal, in Valladolid^ and that B 2 at ( 4 ) at the Town of Mejorada, confifting both of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture ; and the middle Choir of Si Has, on the Epiftle-fide together with fome Pieces of Scripture-ftory, done in Half-relief. In the Holy Church of Toledo, the Prefles and Boxes of the Archives of the faid Church. A Saint Leocadia, at the Gate del Cambron, and a St. Eugene, at the Gate Vijagra^ in the faid City of Toledo, where are many other W orks of his Hand in all the Three Arts. He died at Madrid 154.5. 5. Antonio Flore s m&Pedro Campagna^ J?L EMINGS, but originally of Spain. They flourifh'd at Seville, where they left feveral excellent Pieces of their doing. Flores died Young, at Seville 1550. 6. Fernando Gal/egos, BO R N at Salamanca : He was of Albert Duress School. His Perfor- mances are at Salamanca. He died 1550. 7. Diego ( 5 ) j. Diego de Arroyo, PA I N T E R of the Bed-chamber to Philip the Second. He excelled in Por- traits in Miniature. He died in 1551. 8. Bias de Prado, ADifciple of Berrugete, born at Toledo ; he was Painter to Philip the Second. His Works are at Toledo. 9. Chrijlopher de Utrecht, ADifciple of Antonio Moro ; he went to Portugal, and entered into the Ser- vice of Don Juan the Third, where he acquired a great Reputation, efpecially for Face-painting. He died 1 557. 10. Antonio Moro, BO R N at Utrecht \ a Difciple of Juan Efcorelio \ he paffed over to Italy, and ftudied the moft celebrated Works of Mi- chael Angelo and Raphael de Urbino. From Italy he came over into Spain, drew Philip B 3 the ( 6 ) the Second, and went to Portugal^ where the whole Court fat to him for their Pi<5tures. He was fent to England to draw the Princefs Mary, fecond Wife to Philip the Second. He likewife drew the Pi&ures. of abundance of Noblemen in that King- dom. He died at Antwerp 1568. 11. Juan Bautifta el Bergamafco, BO R N at Bergamo^ and a Difciple of Michael Angelo \ he came into Spain along with Becerra. He executed many Pieces at Madrid. He died 1570. He had two Sons named Granelo and Fabricio^ who were concerned in Painting at the EfcuriaL 12. Chrijiopher Lopez^ APortuguefe Painter, a Difciple of Alonzo Sanchez Coello ; his Works are at Lif- bon, where he died 1570. 13. Gafpar Becerra> T) AINT E R, Sculptor, and Architect. JL A Native of Baeza in Andaluzia ; a Difciple of Michael Angelo> and likewife of Raphael ( 7 ) Raphael de Urbino. His Works are in Aftorga, Zamora, Burgos, Salamanca, and Madrid. He died at this laft Place 1 570. 14. Maejfe Pedro Campagna, TH E Place of his Nativity was Bruf- fels ; he was a Difciple of Raphael de Urbino. He came into Spain and fixM his Abode at Seville, where he drew the following Pieces: The great Altar-piece del Marifcal, at the Entrance of the Chapter- houfe of that holy Church ; a Pi&ure of the Purification, in the Chapel fo calPd ; Our Saviour taken down from the Crofs ; the Birth of the Virgin in San Lorenzo \ a Circumcifion of our Lord, in the Con- vent of St. Paul, in a Chapel joining to the Chapter-houfe. He died in Brujfels 1570. 15. Juan Fernandez de Navarre fe, WA S born at Logrogno ; a Difciple of 'Titian, and wascall'd the Spani/h Titian. His Works are in the Efcurial. He died 1572. B 4 16 Sofonifba ( 8 ) 1 6. Sofonisba Angufctola^ A Native of Cremona ; fhe was brought into Spain to be one of the Ladies of Queen Ifabel de la Paz. She drew Por- traits, as likewife other forts of Pi&ures, She died in Spain 1575. 1 7. Ticiano V ecelio Veneciano^ A Native of Cador. Painter of the Bed- chamber to Charles the Fifth, and Philip the Second. He was born 1480 ; was bred under the Difcipline of Juan Belino and George de Cajlel Franco. He was in Spain from the Year 1 548 till 1553. There are many Paintings of his Hand in Madrid^ and in the Efcurial. He died of the Plague 1576, and in the 99th Year of his Age. 1 8. LuquetO) or Lucas Cangiafo y AGenoefe Painter fent for by Philip the Second, to paint in the Efcurial^ where are great Numbers of his Pieces, He died at the Efcurial in 1580. 19 Padre ( 9 ) 1 9. Padre Fray Nicolas Fat or , BO R N at Valencia. In the Convent of Santa Maria de Jefus, a Quarter of a League from Valencia, is a St. Michael beating down and humbling the Pride of Lucifer. A Chriffc bound at the Pillar, in the Convent of Chelva, in the faid King- dom. He died in his Convent 1583. 20. The Divine Morales^ PAINTER, whofe proper Name is not known, was born at Badajoz ; he was a Difciple of Maejfe Pedro Campagna. He went to Seville , and left there many- Pieces of his Hand, and fome in Cordova. He wrought alfo for Philip the Second in the Efcurial. 21. Sofonisba Genti!efca y FA M O U S for drawing fmall Piftures by the Life ; call'd to Court by Ifabel de la Paz, Queen of Spain. \ died 1587. 22. Luis ( io ) 22. Luis de Vargas^ BO R N at Seville i where are feveral of his Works, in Oil and in Frefco. He ftudied in Italy, and was an Imitator of Per in del Vago \ died 1 590. 23. Michael de Barrofo y "VT7"AS a Difciple of Becerra \ he painted V? at the Efcurial y and died in 1590. 24. Alonfo Sanchez Coello y BY Nation a Portuguefe, a moft ex- cellent Face-painter ; he was callM the Portuguefe Titian. He learn'd firft in the School of Raphael de Urbino, at Rome ; and afterwards in that of Antonio Moro, in Spain, He drew a great Number of Pic- tures for the Efcurial, in Philip the Se- cond's Time. He was held in high Efteem* and died 1590, at 75 Years of Age. 25. Fray ( " ) 2$. Fray Domingo Beltran^ the Society of Jefus, born at Vifto- V-/ via, was a Sculptor and Architect. His Works are in Madrid, Murcia, and Alcala de Hennares. He died 1590, in a very advanced Age. 26. Juan Bautifla Monnegro\ or Juan Bautifta de Toledo, SCULPTOR and Architeft, born at Madrid ; executed a good Part of the Church of St. Peter at Rome ; was calFd to the Work of St. Laurence, at the Efcurial, where he did many fine Things. He died in Madrid, very much advanced in Years, 1590. He was a Difciple of Berrugete. 27. Theodojio Mingot, Painter, BO R N in Catalonia, and a Difciple of Michael Angelo painted in the Par do and the Efcurial ; was a very great Draughtfman and Anatomift. He died when he was but 39 Years Old 1 590. 28. Luis ( 12 ) 28. Luis de Carbajal > Painter, A Native of Toledo^ ^nd Half-brother to Juan Bautifta Monnegro \ he worked at the Efcurial^ by Order of Philip the Se- cond; died at Madrid 1591, in the 57th Year of his Age. 29. Juan de Arfe Villafagne y TYTOrking - Goldfmith, Sculptor, and VY Architedt, born in the City of Leon. T.he Tabernacle (in which the blefled Sa- crament is kept on the Altar) in the holy Church of Seville and that of Avila^ and that likewife of St. Paul at Burgos^ are of his Hand. He was born 1524, and died 1595* 30. yuanes^ a Valencia?i Painter, 'IT 7 AS a Difciple of Raphael de Urbino % V? he likewife imitated the Divine Mo- rales \ but with an Excellence fo fuperior to both, that he had greatly the Advantage of them in the Beauty of the Colouring and Phyfiognomy, and was equal to them in ( 13 ) in every Thing elfe, as fully appears from the St. Francis de Paula^ as big as the Life, in a Pifture which is in the Convent of his Order, which is that of St. Sebaftian of Valencia without the Walls of that City ; and a great many others in the fame City mightily admir'd. But above all his Works, is the- mcjl pure Image of the Conception, which is now rever'd in the Chapel be- longing to theHoufe of the Profefs'd of the Society of Jefus, in the City of Valencia \ (call'd la Puriffima) which he executed from the Relation and Revelation of that venerable Servant of God, Father Martin Alb err of the faid Society. He died in that City, 1596. 31. yuan Labrador Painter, FLOURISH'D in the Time of Philip the lid. He was a Difciple of the Divine Morales^ which makes it pro- bable that he was an Eftremadurian^ al- tho' he might not be of the fame City of Badajcz. He painted Fruit and Flowers, Pedlars Ware, and other minute odd Things of fmall Value, with wonderful Juftnefs and Beauty. He died in Madrid^ very old, 1600. 32 Mateo ( »4 ) 32. Mated Perez de Alejto, Painter* A Native of Rome. He came to Seville, JE\ where he did many fine Pieces, efpe- cially one of St. Chriftopher. He was an excellent Draughtfman and Carver. He followed the Manner of Michael Angela, in whofe School he was brought up. He returned to Italy, where he died very much advanced in Years, 1 600. 3 ^Chrijhph.ZarignenaF&mttT* HE was a Native and Inhabitant of the City of Valencia. He went to Italy • ftudy'd there in the School of "Titian. He drew fome Pieces, at Valencia, fo excellent, they feem*d to be done by Titian himfelf ; fuch are thofe in the Royal Monaftery of San Miguel de los Reyes, without the Walls of that City. He was turn'd of 50 when he died, 1 600. 34. Fernando Vagnes, Painter, A Native of Almedma ; was a celebrated Painter, and Difciple of Raphael de Urbino, as is evident from the Paintings of ( i5 ) of the great Altar of the aforefaid Place ; where he liv*d and died, 1 600, little more than 50 years old. 35. Diego Po/oy Painter, A Man of much Reputation, and ait admirable Colourift. His Works are, in the Efcurial, and in the Royal Palace of Madrid. He died before he was quite 40 Years old, 1600. 36. The Perolas, Painters, TH E Perolas, Juan and Francifco^ Brothers, and Natives of the City of Almagro ; Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, Difciples of the School or Michael Angelo^ tho* here (in Spain) they partook more of the School of Bergamafco and Becerra. Some of their Works are in the Palace of Vifo : Others in the Villa nueva de los Infantes. They like- wife aflifted Antonio Mohedano in the Painting of the middle Ifle of the Sanctu- ary of the holy Church of Cordova* They flourifh'd, 1600. 37. Fede- ( i6 ) 37. Federico Zucchero^ Painter, A Native of Urbino in Italy. He painted many Things in the Efcurial. King Philip lid. ordered what he painted in the Cloyfter to be wiped out, and Peregrin executed it. The King liked none of his Works. He was three Years in Spain , and then returned to Italy. He died at Florence, 1610. 38. Romulo Ctncinnato^ Painter, TTJGRN at Florence ; he was invited into JlJ Spain by Philip lid. and liv'd here many Years, and left many of his Perfor- mances, in the Palace of the Duke del Infantado in Guadalaxara. He likewife wrought in the Efcurial, and in the Col- lege of the Society of Jefus in Cuenca. He died at Madrid 1 600, very old. 39. Pompeyo Leoni> Sculptor, \T7 A S drawn from Italy, by Philip ▼ 7 Hd. and did the Figures of the Apoftles in Brafs in the EJcurial, and like- wife ( *7 ) wife thofe of the two Sepulchres of the Kings ; he wrought likewife in other Places both in Brafs, common Marble, and a fpeckled coai-fe Marble. Doubtlefs he muft have been there a good Space, and then went back to Italy, where he died, 1 600. 40. Ccefar Arhafia^ Painter, CAME into Spain, from Italy, about the Year 1 600 ; and among other of his Works, he painted, in the Chapel of the Sanftuary of the holy Church of Cordova, the arch'd Cieling and the Walls down to the Ground ; he likewife drew excellent Landfkips. He returned to Italy, and there died 1602. He was of the School of Leonardo da Vinci. 41. Bartholome de Cardenas^ PA INTER, born in Portugal ; he painted the Cloifter of Atocha (a Mo- nastery of Dominicans in Madrid) and alfo that of Valladolid of the fame Order ; and died there, 1606. C Peregrin ( i8 ) 4.2. Peregrin de Bolonia> of Peregrin de Peregrini^ IT} AINTER, one of the mod noted Jl Difciples and affiduous Followers of the School of Michael Angelo. Many of the moft exquifite Performances, in the Efcurial, were his. Philip the Second heap'd fuch Rewards on him, that he carried to his own Country 50000 Ducats, and died at Mo den a in 1606. 43. Paul de Cef pedes y \ Native of Cordova, was an excellent I\ Painter, a great Philofopher, Sculptor, and Architeft ; he was extremely well fkill y d in divers Languages, particularly, the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Italian. He was a good Poet and Humanift, and wrote large Treatifes. He was twice in Italy and in Rome, where he ftudy'd. He had a ftri<5t Friendfhip with Federico Zucaro. He employed much Study on the Works of Michael Angelo; and fol- lowed Michael, not only in Painting and Arch- ( i9 ) Architecture, but Kkewife in Sculpture. He return'd to Cordova, where he fignaliz'd himfelf by his Performances. Not only in Seville, but other Cities of Andaluzta* are variety of Pictures drawn by him. He was, in fhort, exceeding obfervant and careful in his Draughts, nicely exa6l in the Anatomical Part, diligent in the Expref- fion, ftrong in the Lights and Shades, anxioufly ftudious in the Perfpedtive, plea- fant in the Phyfiognomy, and excellent in the Colouring and Relievo, wherein he feems thoroughly to have imbib'd the Tafte of the great Coregio. Among the many Languages which he was Mafter of, he was perfectly well acquainted with Arabic he died in Cordova, 1608. 44. Bartholome Carducho^ T) A I N T E R, born at Florence ; he Jl came into Spain in Company with Federico Zucaro his Mafter he painted very curious Things in the Efcurial to- gether with Peregrin. . He did other fine Pieces in Valladolid, Segovia, and in the Pardo. He was alfo an eminent Sculptor and Architeft, in which Arts he had for C 2 his ( 20 ) his Mafter Bartholome Amanato. He de- parted this Life at Madrid, 1610. 45. yuan Pantoja de la Cru%, PAINTER, was born at Madrid ; a Difciple of Alonzo Sanchez Coelh. He was Painter of the Bed-chamber to Philip the Second. There are fome Hi- ftory-pieces done by him, but innumerable Pi<5hires from the Life, not only in the Efcurial, but in the Palace at Madrid, where he died about the Year 1 6 1 o, in the 59th Year of his Age. 46. Bartholome Gonzalez^ PAINTER, born at Valladolid, and a Difciple of Patricio Caxes; he came to Madrid in the time of Philip the Third, Anno 1 606. He was his Majefty's Painter; and in his Service executed different Works, efpecially many Portraits of the Auftrian Family, for the Palace of the Par do, with great Juftnefs and Refemblance. He died in Madrid, 161 1, aged 63. 47. Juan ( 21 ) 47- Juan dejunt and Gregorio Hernandez^ Sculptors* IN the time of Philip the Third, flou- rifh'd, at Valladolid, thefe eminent Sculp- tors. Juan de Juni is faid to have been a Fleming by Birth, and that he acquir'd at Rome the Art of Sculpture, in the School of Michael Angelo. There- is a Medal of his doing in full Relievo, in the Cathedral of Segovia, reprefenting the Burial of Chrift, the Figures are after Nature and equal any thing of the great Michael Angelo. There are abundance of his fine Performances in Valladolid and Salamanca. Gregorio Her- nandez was born in the Kingdom of Gal- licia. There are many beautiful Pieces of his doing in Valladolid. They both died at Valladolid about the Year 1614, and fome- what more than 6q Years of Age. 48. Father Francifco Galeas y ACarthufian Monk, Painter, was born at Seville and of the School of Luk de Vargas, in which he fo happily improved C 3 himfelf, ( 22 ) himfelf, as to merit an Elogium in Fran- cifco Pacbeco's Book of Painting, fol. 116. Tho 5 we know of no publick Work of his, becaufe as he did not profefs Painting, he I might only have exercis-d his Talent pri- vately to oblige fome particular Friends, or amufe himfelf ; he died 1614. 49. Fray yuan de la Miferia^ DAINTER, Be la Miferia was his Religious Name, not his Secular one ; in Commerce with the World, he calPd himfelf Juan Narduch. He was born in the Kingdom of Naples. He dedicated himfelf i to the School of Alonzo Sanchez Coello \ he drew fome Portraits, and died 161 6. 50. Dr. Pablo de las Roelas> FAINTER, a Native and Inhabit Jt tant of Seville \ he was a renown'd Painter and a Difciple of Titian ; he came to Madrid^ where he left many Pieces of his doing. He had a good Compofition, a prime Pencil, great Dexterity, excellent Defign, and a celebrated Tttian-\ikz Tint or Colouring. His Works at Seville are in the ( ^3 ) the Parifo of St. Ifidorus ; in the College of St. Thomas ; in the Parifh of St. Peter\ in the Univerfity Chapel there, belonging to the Beneficed Priefts ; and in the holy Church of Olivares ;in the Profefs?d-Houfe of the Society of Jefus ; and in the College of St. Catharines Church of the faid Society. His Painting had great Strength joined with great Sweetnefs 9 applying himfelf fo much as he did to the Study of Nature, and having full Employment, and a great Facility of Working, the Pieces of his performing are fo numerous,, that it were endlefs only to recount the Products of his Pencil, which are publickly to he feen. He underftood Perfpeftive thorough- ly ; his Knowledge was profound in Anatomy, the Organization and Contexture of the Human Body ; the Symmetry, the refpeftive Commenfuration of the Whole with the Parts, in refpeft to the Obfervance of Nature, the Beauty of Colouring, and the various Accidents which alter it, no Man went beyond him ; he died in Seville 1620, turn'd of 60. 5 1 . Juan ( *4 ) 51. Juan de Soto, Painter, HE he was born at Madrid ; he was a Difciple of Bartholome Carducho, in whofe School he made very great Pro- ficiency, and likewife gain'd a great Repu- tation. He painted many Pieces in Ma- flrid) and a capital one in the Par do. He was 40 Years of Age when he died, 1620. 52. Juan de Chtrhios^ Painter, A Native and Inhabitant of Madrid, a Difciple of Triftan, in Conjunction with Bartholome de Cardenas ; he executed great part of the Paintings in the Conyent of Atocha r, he died 1620 and in the 56th Year of his Age. 5 3. P. D. Luis & of quel Gaudin> T} A I N T E R, a Carthuftan Monk of X Scala Dei, in the Principality of Ca- talonia, was born at Villafranca, a Bifhoprick of Barcelona. There are of his Works in the laid Monaftery \ and likewife many others in the Monaftery of Monte Alegre, not ( 2 5 ) not far from the City of Barcelona. He work'd likewife in the Convent of Carthur Jians, in Seville ; he died in the Convent of Scala Dei, in or about the Year 1621, aged 65. 54. Philip de Liagno y Painter, A Native of Madrid, and a Difciple of Alonzo Sanchez. His Works, publick and private, fhew his Ability to have been very general ; he was Angularly eminent for fmall Portraits, infomuch that he was furnam'd Little Titian ; he died about 1625, fomewhat more than 50 Years old, 55, Patricio Caxes> T} AINTER and Architect, a noble XT Florentine. He ferved Philip the Se- cond and Third. His Works are in the Par do he died at Madrid, greatly ad- vanced in Years, 56. Antonio Mohedano^Y^mttx^ A Native of Anteqiiera ; an excellent- Painter and of great Fame. He fol- lowed the School of Paul de Cefpedes \ he painted ( 26 ) painted In Frefco with fuch a Command and Maftery of Defign and Colouring, that none till then exceeded him in thofe Par- ticulars. He painted in Frefco the Chapel of the San&uary of the holy Church of Ccrdova^ as alfo the Landikips which he did to Perfection ; and for the better hitting off what he did and afcertaining his Works, he would make Models of the principal Figures, and ftudied the naked as alfo the extreme Parts by the Life \ he drew fine Pieces in the great Church of the City of Lucena, in which were included all the Species belonging to Defigning and Colouring, executed with a fingular Tafte and Maftery as likewife that which he did afterwards in the Nave of the Sanctuary of the holy Church of Cordova^ in Conjunction with the Perolas ; and tho* in Oil he did not greatly excel, yet he was always very correct. He painted at Seville many Things, efpecially in Frefco, in the Cloifter of the great Houfe of St. Francis ) in Conjunction with Alonzo Vafqiiez, a noted Sevillian Painter. He held a great Correfpondence with Paul de Cefpedes of Cordova \ he died at Lucena^ in or about the Year 1625, being about 60 Years Old, 57. Domi- ( 2 7 ) 57- Dominico Greco, T>AINTER, Sculptor, and Architect. X He was a Greek by Birth ; and a Difciple of Titian, whom he fo nearly imitated, that his Paintings were miftaken for thofe of his Matter. There are of his Works in Toledo, but when he found that! his Paintings often pafs'd for Titian's, he took it in his Head to change his Manner, to fuch a Degree of Extravagance that his Works became defpicable and ridiculous as well for the Irregularity and Diflccation of the Defign, as the Difagreeablenefs of the Colouring. He wrought fine Things in the Town of Illefcas ; He died at Toledo about the Year 1625, and in the 77th Year of his Age. 58. Augujlin del Cajlillo^ *|3 AINTER, he was born at Seville^ -a- and an Inhabitant of Cordova ; he was an eminent Painter and great Defigner he manag'd Colours exquifitely we] J. His Works, efpecialiy in Frefco, are in Cordova. He was the Father and Mafter of Antonio del ( 28 ) del Cajtilloj a noted Painter at Cordova he died about 1626, aged 61. 59. Diego de Romulo^ Painter, BORN at Madrid, and a Difciple of his Father ; was a good Painter. He died at Rome 1626, and his Brother Fran- cifco de Romulo, likewife a good Painter, died there, 1635. 60. Fray Sanchez Cottan^ P AINTER, a Religious of the A Royal Carthufian Houfe of Granada. He ftudied in the School of Bias de Prado in 'Toledo. There are great many very fine Pieces of his in the Carthufian Convent of Granada ; he died 1627, aged 66. 61. Francifco Ribalta and his 'Son, Painters, VTATIVES of the Kingdom of Valen- cm \ there's no diftinguifhing their Works, fo as to fay which were done by the Father and which by the Son. The Father ( 2 9 ) Father is faid to have ftudied in Italy, in the School of Annibal ; but he ftudy'd more the Works of Raphael, and imitated them to fo great a Perfection, that having done a Chrift Crucify'd, for a Nuncio of thefe Kingdoms, he carried it with him to Rome, where (hewing it to one of the bell Painters of that Time, in a Tranfport of Admira- tion he cry'd out, Divine Raphael ! concluding it to be drawn by Raphael. There are very many fine Works both of the Father and Son at Valencia, and in other Parts of that Kingdom ; the Father died in 1600, and the Son in 1630, both very aged. The firft was the Mafter of Ribera Efpagnokto. 62. Brother Adriano Donado> PAINTER-, he liv'd and died in Cor- dova, in the Convent of Barefoot Car- melites, where are many of his fine Works. There is a Penitent Magdalen, which one would take to be of Titian's Hand ; he died very old, in the faid Houfe, 1630. 63. Pedrt ( 3° ) 6 2 • Pedro de las Cuevas y Painter, BO R N at and living in Madrid ; a good Painter, but a better Teacher. He brought up many eminent Difciples ; he died 1635, aged 77. 64. yuan de Pegnalofa^ Painter, BO R N at Baena ; a Difciple of Pat} de Cefpedes. The few Works of his which remain are at Cordova, and they fhew him to be an excellent Defigner \ he died 1636, aged 54. 65. Vicencio Carducho^ Painter, A Gentleman of Florence ; Brother and Difciple of Bartholome Carducho. He was Painter to Philip the Third and Fourth. He was a Perfon adorn'cl with fine Talents of Wit and Learning. No Painter of Eminence has left fo many Pieces in pub- lick Places as Vicencio Carducho, not only in Madrid, 'Toledo, Cordova, and Valladolid, but in other Parts. He had confiderable Difciples; he died at Madrid, 1638, in his 70th Year. 66. Juan ( 3i ) 66. JuanLuis Zam£rano,Va.interi WAS Born at Cordova; he was one of the beft Scholars of Paul de Cef- pedes, of Michael Angelo's School. His Works difcover a fuperior Mattery or Boldnefs, after the Manner of the great Michael Angelo ; they are in the City of Cordova, from whence he pafs'd to Seville* and died fcarce 40' Years old in 1639. 67. Fray Augujlin Leonardo^ PAINTER, a Native of Madrid was a great Painter, efpecially for Portraits* He died at Madrid 1 640, turn'd of three- fcore. 68. Antonio Lanchares^ Painter^ A Native of Madrid and Difciple of Eugenio Caxes. He drew one of the Stations, or Compartments in the Cloifter of the Religious Order of the Merced Cal- zada at Madrid. He did many things in other Places. He died at Madrid in 1640, aged 54. 69, Juan ( 32 ) 69. Juan Antonio Ceroni, Sculpt. AMilanefe. He was called into Spain, by Philip IVth, for the Execution of thofe Angels in Bronze which are in the new Pantheon of the Efcurial; and at the fame Time, he likewife did the famous Front of St. Stephen at Salamanca. He died at Madrid, 1640, aged 61. jo. Peter Paul Rubens > A Native of Antwerp. He was born in that City June 28th, 1577: He was the Difciple of Offiavio van Veen of Ley den. Charles, Prince of Wales, took Rubens with him to Spain 1623. He came a fecond Time as Ambaflador from the Infanta Donna Ifabel, Governefs of Flan- ders, in Auguft 1628, and ftayed at Madrid nine Months, where he did many fine Works. The King honoured him with Knighthood, and naturalized him a Spani- ard ; made him Gentleman of his Bed- chamber, and of the Golden Key. He affociated but little with Painters, only with Diego Velafquez de Silva, with whom he ( 33 ) he had before held a Correfpondence by Letters. He left Spain April 26, 1629, and died at Antwerp May 30, 1640. in his 63d Year. 71. Juan del Cafitllo^ Painter, A Native of Seville : he was a Difciple of Luis de Vargas, and the greateft Proficient of his Time, He has left excel- lent Works in that City. Befides which he did fome at Granada. He went to Cadiz, where he died 1640, in his 56th Year, 7 2. yuan Martinez Montagnes, SC ULP TOR, born in and refiding in Seville: among his eminent Works is St. Hermenegildo and an Image of the Con- ception in the Holy Church of that City, and an Image of Jefus of Nazareth with the Infcription of the Paflion over him in the Royal Convent of the Fathers of the Merced ; alfo in the Chapel of Monferrate, in the RoyalConvent of St. Paul a Calvary, and in the Royal Monaftery of the Carthu- fians de las Cuevas in Seville there are two St Johns with a Chrift. He died at Seville 1640, very much advanced in Years. D Eugenia ( 34 ) 73- Eugehio Caxes, Painter, Native of Madrid. He was Painter Difciple of Patricio Caxes (an eminent Architect and Painter, born at Florence. there are many fine Works of this Painter, at Alcala de Henares and at Madrid ; par- ticularly at St. Martin's, a Birth of the Son of God, and the Adoration of the holy Magi Kings, which are wonderful Performances, and a St. Francis giving up the Ghoft, which looks like Tintorefs Hand. He alfo wrought in the Par do ; above all is St. Joachim in the Church of St. Bernard, which is the Glory and Pride of the Spanijh Painters. He died at Ma- drid 1642, aged 65. 74. Pedro Orrente> Painter, A Native of Murcia. He was a Difciple of Bajfan, he was at Madrid, where he left many of his Performances, as alfo at Valencia, Toledo, and Cordova \ in a word fo numerous are his Paintings, efpecially Hiftory-pieces taken from Holy Scripture, He was the Son and that ( 35 ) it is next to impoffible to particularize them all ; he was very ftudious of Nature, an excellent Defigner and Colourift. He died of old Age in Toledo (where he liv'd many Years) about 1644. 7 5 . Francifco FemandeZ)V&mtQK WAS a Native of Madrid and a Difci- ple of Car due ho. His Works are in the Convent of Victoria. He was one of the beft Genius's of his Time. He died 1 646, fcarce 42 Years old. 76. Geronimo Hernandez^ Sculp. A Native of Seville. He was likewife a great Architect and Defigner \ his fine Works are in the holy Church of Seville and in St. Paul's in the faid City, where he died 1 646, aged 60 odd, , j j. Luis Trijlan^ Painter, WAS born at a Village near Toledo, and was a Difciple of Dominico Greco, whom he excelled in Goodnefs of Tafte and Corre&nefs of Defign. His Works are in D 2 ToIe- ( 36 ) Toledo in the Convent of Jeronymite Nuns. Velafquez apply'd himfelf to follow his manner of Painting, inftead of that of Pacheco his Mafter, which he entirely left. He died at Toledo 1649, aged 54. 7 8 .Don Diego de Lucem¥&inteY y WAS originally of Andaluzia, and liv'd in Lucena. He was a Difciple of Velafquez^ and for great and fmall Portraits, acquired confiderable Reputation. He died at Madrid in the Flower of his Age 1650" 79. Alonfo VasqueZ) Painter, VT7AS born at Ronda^nd liv'd in Seville, ▼ v where he learnt in the School of de Vargas. He had a very good Tafte and Colouring ; his Figures are free, eafy, airy, graceful, and of a good Mien: he was a notable Draughtfman and knew a great deal of Anatomy, as is appa- rent from many excellent naked Pieces he left in the faid City % in the holy Church whereof he did the Alrar-piece of St. Ifi- dor us. He likewife excelled in Fruit-pieces md in Painting in Frefco. He was eminent ( 57 ) for Drapery ; and for Velvets he had not his Equal. He died in the faid City 1650, in the 61ft: year of his Age. 80, Fray jfucin Bautifta Mayno^ PAINTER was a Difciple of Dominico Greco \ he did excellent Pieces in the Convent of St. Peter the Martyr at To- ledo likewife at St. Stephen's in Salamanca^ and at the Buen Retiro. He taught Philip IV. f when Prince) to draw 5 he died in the formentioned Convent 1654, in the 60th year of his Age. 8 1 ^Antonio deContreraSyVainteY) BORN at Cordova. His Works are at Buxalance a City of the Kingdom of Cordova. He had a Talent for Face-paint- ing he died at Buxalance 16 54, aged 67. 82. Luis Fernandez, Painter \717AS born at Madrid. He was a Dif- * * ciple of Eugenio Caxes ; there are of his Works in a Chapel of the Parifh D 3 Church ( 38 ) Church of Santa Cruz. He died between 59 and 60 Years eld, 1654. 83. Pedro NungeSy Painter. HE liv'd in Madrid, the Place of his Birth. He ftudy'd at Rome ; he was one of the Hands concerned in drawing the Pictures of the Kings in the Salon de las Comedias. He alfo did fome Pieces in the Cloifter of la Merced at Madrid, where he died, little more than 40 Years old, 1 654. 84. Francifco PachecOyY&mttv, VfTAS born at Seville about the Year * ▼ 1580. He was fome Years in Italy, where he very much ftudy'd Raphael's Works. He likewife wrote a Book of Painting. He exerted himfelf in 6 Pi&ures in the Cloifter of the Merced Calzada at Seville, to vie with Alonzo Vafquez. He was a Poet, and Matter and Father-in-law of '-Don Diego Velafquez. His Manner of Painting was found fault with as fomewhat dry and unpleafant, but he w r as very dili- gent and obfervant in Defigning, and above all very theoretical in the Fundamentals of ( 39 ) of his Art. He died at Seville 16545 aged 75. 8 5 . Diego Polo, the Lefs, Fainter, HE was born in old Cajlile,and a Difci- ple of Lanchares. He ftudyM in the Efcurial and was a mighty Imitator of Titian. He painted St. John's Baptifm which is in the Church of the Carmelites Calzados at Madrid, a Piece of Painting much efteemed. He died in his 36th Year, 86. yofeph Leonardo, Painter* HE dwelt in Madrid, where he was born. He was a Difciple of Pedro de las Cuevas; he was Painter to his Majefty. There are many Pieces of his Hand in Ma- drid. He died before he was 40, Anno 1659* 87. Domingo de la Rioja, Ma- nuel de Contreras, and Juan de V ejarano. Sculptors* IN Philip IV's Time flourifh'd Domingo de la Rioja, a Spaniard and refiding in D 4 Madrid ( 4° ) Madrid. There is a Statue of his exe- cuting of St. Peter in the Church of St. Martin in Madrid, a moft excellent Thing ! and oppofite to it is a St. Lazarus, done by one of his Difciples, viz. Manuel de Contrares above-named, another beautiful Thing ! Juan de Vejarano was like wife an admirable Sculptor, as is evident from his particular Performance. They all died about 1656, 88. J'ofeph de Rihera> Painter, WA S born at Xaliva in the King- dom of Valencia. He was a Dif- ciple of Francifco de Ribalta: He went and ftudy'd at Rome. He marry'd when very young at Naples. There are many of his Works in Spain. He apply 'd him- feif much to the School of Caravagio. He died at Naples 1656, in his 67th Year. 89. Gregoio Baufa, Painter, HE was born in Majorca, and liv'd in the City of Valencia he was one of Ribalttfs Difciples : The Pi&ure of St. Philip, ( 4* ) Philip* in the Barefoot Carmelites, is of his Hand. He died at Valencia upwards of 6o, about the Year 1656. 90. Felix Caftelo, Painter, WA S born at Madrid, and a Difciple of Carducbo. He did the two Pic- tures of the Jews infulting and (tabbing the Effigies of Chrift, which are in the Convent of the Capuchins de la Paciencia in Madrid. They are executed with great Propriety, both as to the Defign, and the Expref- {ion of the Paffions. He died at Madrid 1656, aged 54. 91. Francifco de Herrera? call 'd Old Herrera, pA INTER, Architect, and Statuary PjE7 in Bronze. He was born at Seville, and a Difciple of Francifco Pacheco. f ie drew many excellent Pieces in the faid City, as alio at Madrid, whither he went in 1640. There is of his Hand a Station in the Cloifter of the Merced Calzada at Madrid, containing Part of the Life of St. Ramon. He was the Father and Mafter of Don ( 42 ; Don Francifco Herrera who was Painter to the King. The Father was really an extraordinary Man, and much more a Painter than his Son. The Father's Paint- ings feem to be folid Figures from the great Body of Colours with which they are painted. They likewife are of a grand Stile in the Drawing, and of great Force in the Clair-Obfcur, as appears in the great Picture he drew of the Day of Judg- ment, which is in St. Bernards Parifti Church at Seville ; and other Pieces of his in the Convent of Nuns of Santa Ines, in two Altar-pieces whofe Boldnefs, Force, and Relievo of the Figures, ftrike all who look on them with Aftonifhment ; and the Caft feems to be totally Italian, and with fo much Maftery as if he had painted it all with his Brufh inftead of a Pencil. He had another Son likewife a Painter, eaird Herrera the Ruddy. He exercifed his Pencil in Things of a comical and even ridiculous Nature, fuch as the Humours of a Hedge-tavern or ordinary Cook's- fnop, and fmal] Figures like thofe of Calot 9 but of a mafterly Defign and rare Invention. He died very young at Se- ville but his Father died at Madrid* \6$6. 92. ( 43 ) 92. Fra?icifco Varela, Painter, T"17"AS a Native of Seville, and a Dif- ciciple of Roelas. He acquired a Manner very tender, jfhowy, and vivid in the Colouring ; and his V/orks have met with an uncommon Applaufe : There are of them in the Parifh. Church of St. Vin- cent, and a large Piece of St. Michael in the Convent of la Merced, He died 1656, little more than 50 Years of Age. 93. Francefco Col!a?ites^¥a.mtzi\ BORN in, and living in Madrid, was a great Painter, but particularly excelled in Landfchapes. He fiourifh'd in the Time of Philip IV. He painted a St. Jerom which one would take to be a Performance of Efpagnoleto. He was likewife eminent for Hiftory-pieces of a middling Size, of which there are fome in the Buen Retire. He alfo painted the Humours of little paultry Victualling- houfes. He died in Madrid 1656, in his 57th Year. 94. Fran- ( 44 ) 94- Pedro de Obregon> Painter, A Native and Inhabitant of Madrid. jl\ He was a Difeiple of Vicencto Cardu- cho. He painted many excellent Pieces for private Families. There are likewife fome publick Works of his, particularly the moft Holy Trinity, in the Hal] de Profundus in the Convent of the Merced In Madrid^ an admirable and almoft fu- per natural Performance! He died 1657, above 60 Years of Age, 95. Francifco Gajfen, Painter, TTTTA S a Catalonian. There are of V Y his Works in the Cloifter of San Francifco de Paula in Barcelona ^ where he died, aged 60, Anno 1658. 96. Don Juan Gafoan y Painter, TJE lived in Zaragoza^ but was a Na- XTjL ^ ve °f Loefta^ in the Kingdom of Aragon. His Works are as numerous a,s they are excellent. He painted the Cu- pola* ( 45 ) pola of St. Jufta and St. Rufina, in the AJfeu 9 and the principal Pidlure of the Bif- calceat Carmelites of St. Therefa, which is. the Trinity de la Terra, both of them in an exceeding good Tafte and agreeable Colouring. He learnt the Art at Rome. He died at Zaragoza in 1658, aged 60. 97 Xhrijiopher Vela^ Painter, VELA was born in the City of Jaen? and lived in Cordova. He was a Difciple of Paul de Cefpedes and Vicencio Carducho. He came to be a very good Inventor, and a great Daughtfman, tho* but of little Tafte in Colouring. There are many of his Works in the Church and Cloifter of the Convent of St. Auguftin 9 where are innumerable Paintings of his Hand. He died 1658, in his 60th Yean 98, Bartolome Roman > Painter, WAS a Native of Madrid, and Dif- ciple of Carducho, tho' he perfected himfelf in the School of Velafquez, as is confirmed by a Pifture of his in the Sa- crifty of the Convent of the Incarnation in Madrid* (.46 ) Madrid^ the Subje6t whereof is the Para- ble of the Marriage of the King's Son, where all that came were obliged to appear in a Wedding-garment. He did feveral other Things both public and private, particularly at Alcala de Hen ares, and above all, in the Sacrifty of the Padres Cayetanos at Madrid. There is a St. Pe- ter weeping done by him, with fuch Soft- nefs and Relievo, that it feems as if done by Rubens. He died in Madrid 1659, at 61 Years of Age. 99. Micier Pablo y Painter T I V E D in Zaragoza : An [excellent -L^ Painter, as is manifeft (among many other Things) from the Pifture he drew for the Oratorio of the Conde de San Cle- mente. He died in the faid City 1659, 76 Years of Age. 1 00. Anton. deHorfelin^ Painter, 1T7AS a Native and Inhabitant of Z'ara- V? goza. He ftudy'd at Rome, was a good Painter. Among his beft Pieces there is a Pi&ure of St. Jofepbde los Carpintetos, and two Pictures on the Side- walls - — in the ( 47 ) the Church of the Barefoot Augufiins, He died in the faid City 1660, and in the 63d Year of his Age. i o r . J. Vanderhameri) Painter, \JtT AS born at Madrid. His Father was V? a Fleming and a Painter, of whom he learnt the Art of Painting. He was an eminent and univerfal Painter yet he had fome Tiniture of that Drynefs which is the Charafteriftick of the old Fkmifh Man- ner, but he had a good Tafte. There are of his Works in the Carthufian Houfe del Paular, and in the Cloifter of the moft Holy Trinity in Madrid. He painted Fruits, Flowers, Landfchapes, and the Humours of your bowzing, guttling Companions in little Tippling Houfes : But for Flower- Pieces he was fo eminent, that he is celebrated for it by Pacheco, in his Book of Painting, fol. 421. He died at Madrid 1660, aged 66. 102. Angela Nardil Painter, AN Italian by Birth : Fie was a Difci- pie of Paul Veroneze^ and refided in Madrid, He was Painter to Phil. IV* He ( 48 ) He did many fine Things in Madrid and Jlcala de Henares. He died in the former of thofe two Places 1660, aged 59. 103. EJlevan Marc> Painter. T TE was a Native of Valencia^ and & -IT3L Difciple of Pedro Orrente^ in whofe School he greatly improved himfelf, and had a fingular Genius for Battles, which he did with a matchlefs Excellence. He was fomewhat whimfical, and not without a Touch of Lunacy. He painted likewife hiftorical Pieces, and gain'd a great Repu- tation that Way, for in St. Juan de Mer- cado there is a Piece of his doing, viz. The Lord's Supper, an incomparableThing! He died in the City aforefaid 1660 much ftricken in Years. 1 04. yuan de la Corte^ Paintef . LI E was born in Madrid and lived A A there. He was a very good Painter of Landfchapos, Battles, and Perfpe&ives, as is demonftrable from his many Per- formances which are diftributed in divers Royal ( 49 ) Royal Palaces and Noblemen's Houfes, both within and without Madrid, efpeci- ally in the Reiiro in the S alone ete. He was Painter to the King, tho' none of the brighteft Genius. What he moft excelPd in was in little Hiftory-pieces, in fmall. He died i66'o 9 aged 73. 105. Don 'Juan Bautijia PAINTER and Architect of whofe Hand there is in the Palace, a Pifture of Fruits and Flowers, which bear Tefti- mony to his excellent Talents and Abili- ties in his Art ; and that he excellM alfo in Architecture is manifeft from the won- derful Model he made for the Pantheon, of the EfcuriaL He died at Madrid 1 660, aged 65. 106. Don Diego Velafquez WA S born at Seville. He was a Dif- ciple of Francifco de Herera the Elden, whofe School he foon left, and de Silva^ E followed ( So ) followed that of Francifco Pacheco. .He took to reprefenting, with a moft fingular Fancy and notable Genius, Beafts, Birds, Fifties, Fifh-markets and Tippling- houfes, with a perfect Imitation of Nature, as alfo beautiful Landfchapes and Figures of Men and Women ; Differences of Meats and Drinks, Fruits of every Sort and Kind all Manner of Furniture, Houf- hold-goods, or any other Neceflaries which poor beggarly People, and others in low Life, makeUfe of ; with fo much Strength of Expreffion, and fuch Colour- ing, that it feem'd to be Nature itfelf. There is a celebrated Painting of a Fellow carrying Water about to fell, in the Buen Retire Herivall'd Caravagio in Strength of Painting, and was equal to Pacheco in the Ipeculative Part. He was an Imitator of Luis Trijlan. He was calPd the Second Caravagiofor his happy mimicking of Na- ture. In his Face-paintings he imitated Dominico Greco^ Mafter of Luis Tnftan, becaufe he thought his Heads could never be fufficiently commended. He ftudyM all the Sciences neceflary to his Art. He was likewife intimately acquainted with the Poets and Orators. He was born *594> ( 5 1 ) I594> an d came to Madrid 1622. He drew Philip IV. jn Armour, and mount- ed on a beautiful Horfe, in a Fixture as large as the Life. In 1623 he was made Painter of the Bed-chamber to the King, with a Salary of 20 Ducats a Month, only by way of Retainer, befides being paid for his Work, and had the King's Phyfician and Apothecary gratis, with a Houfe to live in. His Majefty ordered 300 Ducats to be given him to fit up his Houfe, and a yearly Penlion of 300 Du- cats more towards Houfe-keeping. He did the famous Pi&ure of the Expulfion of the Moors by Phil. III. which was placed in the Grand Salon where it remains. He went to Venice 1629. In Ferrara he ftaid two Days, attentively confidering the Works of Garofoli : He was at Rome a Year, and made Drawings after fome of Raphael's Works, the Laft Judgment of Michael Angelo^ and other Pieces of that Painter. He went after- wards and fpent two Months in the Pa- lace of Medicis (which is in the 2" nnity del Monte) to ftudy the Antique Statues, He went alfo to Naples^ and returned to Madrid the Beginning of the Year 1631. E 2 He ( 52 ) He had the Office of Groom of the Ward- robe conferr'd on him, a Poft of great Eminence in the King's Houfehold. His Majefty likewife honoured him with the Key of his Bed- Chamber, and likewife beftowed on him the Place of Groom of . his Bed-Chamber. He drew the Pidture of the Duke of Modena at Madrid, who prefented him with a very rich Chain of Gold. Among his celebrated Portraits is that of Adrian Pulido Pareja Captain General of the Armada and Flota of New Spain, and is now in the PofTeflion of the Duke of Arcos. He did it with Pencils and Brufhes, which had extreme long Handles which he fometimes made ufe of to paint at a greater Diftance, and with more Boldnefs : fo that near-hand, one does not know what to make of it \ but afar off, 'it is a Mafter-piece. To this Portrait he fet his Name, which he feldom did. The Infcription runs in thefe Words : Didacus Vefafquez fecit Philip. IV, a cubi- culo, ejufque Pi 51 or, Anno 1639. King Philip was deceived by it, and took the Picture for the Admiral himfelf. In the Year 1648, he was fent by his Majefty into Italy with an extraordinary Embaffy to ( S3 ) Pope Innocent X, and to purchafe original Paintings and antique Statues, and to have Cafts made fromfome of the beft. HepaPd thro 5 Genoa, Milan, Padua and Venice. He vifited Michael Colona and Auguftin Miteli in Bolonia, and treated with them in order to bring them into Spain. He went thro' Florence, Modena, and Parma \ from which latter he fet out for Rente, and then went to Naples where he vifited Jofeph de Ribc- ra. He return'd to Rome, where he was carefs'd by the Grandees, and the moft excellent Painters, fuch as the Chevalier Matthias of the Order of St. John ; Pedro de Cortona, Nicolo Pujjho, and Seignor Alexandro Algardi a Bolognefe, and Seig- nor Juan Lorenzo Bernini, both very famous Statuaries. Without negle&ing the Bufinefs of his Commiffion he painted many Things ; the principal was the Pic- ture of his Holinefs Innocent X, of whom he received very great and fignal Rewards; the holy Father fent him a Gold Medal with his Effigy in Half-relief, faften'd to a Chain ; the Pope's Chamberlain was fo ftruck at the Sight of his Mafters Portrait and deceiv'd to fuch a Degree, that he thought he faw his Holinefs himfelf. Pie E 3 like- ( 54 ) likewife drew the Pi6ture of SclgnorCamiL lo Maximo* a renowned Painter, the moft illuftrious Segnora Dogna Olympia* and Flc.miniatfriunfi, an exceeding fine Paintrefs * all thefe Portraits he drew with long-han- dled Pencils and Brufties, and in the ftrong Manner of the great "Titian* and no ways inferior to hisHeads, which nobody will call in queftion, who has once feen thofe of his drawing in Madrid. When he determin'd to draw the Pifture of the HolyFather, he thought fit to prepare himfelf beforehand, by way of Exercife, in painting fome Head from the Life ; for which purpofe he drew that of Juan de Pareja ( a Slave of his and an ingenious Painter) with fuch Similitude and Livelinefs that, having fent it by the fame Pareja to fome Friends to pafs their J Judgment on it, they ftood a while look- ing fometimes on thePidlure and fometimes on the Original, with Amazement and even a fort of Terror, without knowing which they were to fpeak to, or which was to anfwer them. Of this Portrait (which was a- half-length) Andrew Efmitfa Flemijh Painter in Madrid* who was then at Rome) relates that it being a Cuftom on St. Jofepb's Day to adorn the Cloilter of the Rotunda* with ( 55 ) with capital Paintings, ancient and mo- dern, this Portrait was not only placed, with univerfal Applaufe, among them, but in the Opinion of all the Painters of dif- ferent Nations, all the reft look'd like Painting, but this alone feem'd to be a Rea- lity, and thereupon Velafquez was admitted a Member of the Roman Academy, in the Year 1650. He returned to Madrid 1651, and caft a great number of fine Statues. In 1652, His Majefty was pleas'd to make Don Diego Velafquez head Harbinger of his Imperial Palace. Michael Colona and Augufiin Miteli came to Madrid 165S. Miteli died 1660 at Madrid \ Colona re- turned to Italy 1662. In 1659, came t0 lencia Bautifia Juan Moreli a Roman, a fa- mous Statuary, a Difciple of Algardi, and in 1 66 1 he came to Madrid. He executed many Works in Aranjuez and Madrid where he died, not long after the Death of Philip IV. Velafquez drew a Picture of the Queen of Spain in a round Plate of Silver, of the Diameter of a piece of Eight of Segovia, which was highly finilh'd and extremely like ; and painted with an un- common Dexterity,Addrefs, Strength and Sweetnefs. This was one of his laft Pieces E 4 and ( 56 ) and of the laft PerfedHon. In variety of Hiftory-pieces he had evinced his univerfal Comprehenfion of the Art. He was very witty and ingenious in Converfation, and fmart in his Repartees. The King being determined to honour him with the Habit and diftin<5tive Badge of fome of the Mili- tary Orders of Knighthood, and leaving it to his Option, he chofe that of Santiago^ and was invefted therewith the 28 th of Novem- ber 1658 he died at Madrid Augufi 6 1660, and in the 66th Year of his Age, 107. Francisco Lopez Caro % PAINTER, a Native and Inhabi- tant of Seville was of confiderable Eminence in his Profeflion ; a Difciple of Roelas ;he apply 5 d his Studies and Exerci- fes, to all the Parts and Branches of Paint- ing, and attain'd to a laudable Skill in every one of them, but chiefly he diftinguifh'd himfelf in Face-painting. His Performan- ces are to be feen in Seville. About the Year 1608 he went and work'd in the Royal Palace of the Pardo. He died at Madrid 1662, aged 70. Fran- ( 57 ) . i o 8 . Francifco Zurbaran^ PAINTER, was a Native of Fu- ente de Cantos, and HvM in Seville. He receiv'd the firft Rules of the Art under the Divine Morales, and afterwards went to Seville to compleat himfelf in the School of Dodlor Pablo Roelas, and there ao quir'd the Reputation of an excellent Painter, by the many Pieces of his doing, particularly thofe in the fecond Cloifter of la Merced Calzada in that City. All the Drapery he ufed to draw by a Maniqui (and the Naked by the Life.) And thus he performed feveral wonderful Pieces, adhering for this Purpofe to the School of Carabacho, whom he followed fo clofe, that any one wou'd take his Works for Carabacho*s, unlefs they were told w r hofe they were. He left at Seville fuch num- bers of them, and indeed all over Andalu- sia, as well in publick Edifices as private Houfes, that it were almoft impoffible to fpecify the Particulars of them all. In the College of San Pablo at Cordova, are maiiy Pictures of the Saints of the Preaching Order, exceeding fine ! At laft he came to Madrid ( 58 ) Madrid 1650, where he painted divers Pieces, both at the Palace del Campo and other Royal Houfes, He died 1662, in his 66th Year. 109. Miguel and Geronimo Garcia^ Painters and Sculptors, VC7ERE Twins and born at Granada. The one fignaliz'd himfelf moft in making Statues or folid Figures, and the other in colouring and painting them. Their Works are fpread up and down in the City and Kingdom of Granada. They fiourifh*d in Philip the IVth's Time. 1x0. "Juan de Toledo^ Painter, BORN in the City of Lorca, in the Kingdom of Murcia\ his Father's Name was Miguel de Toledo : He was likewife a Painter and taught his Son the Art : who afterwards went to Italy and kept clofe to the School of Michael An- gelo de las Batallas* not negledting to re- fort frequently to that of Annelo FalconL Returning into Spain^ he went and fettled at ( 59 ) at Granada^ where he lived fo me Years, and drew a World of Battle and Sea-pieces, with a Angular Excellence, and fome Night-pieces of Armies and Parties march- ing, and little hiftorical Occurrences tranf- afted by Moon or Link- light, wherein he exprefs'd an exquifite Tafte and Fancy, be- yond all Competition. Not that his great Genius fatisfy'd itfelf with fuch fmall ; Matters, but extended like wife to capital i Hiftories of a very large Size, as is mani- fefted from the different Paintings he drew in the Convent of San Francifco el Grande^ in the City aforefaid. He left alfo feveral | of his Works in Murcia^ Madrid^ Toledo^ i and Alcala de Henares. He died at Ma- drid 1 66 5, aged 54. nr. Pedro Cuquet) Painter, A Native of Barcelona ; was an excellent Painter, witnefs the grand Piece he ; drew of the Council of 'Ephefus, which is placed in the Carmelite Convent in that City, not to mention divers Altar-pieces, of his doing in that City ; where he died 1 666, turn'd of 70. Pedro ( 6o ) 112. Pedro de Mqya y Painter, TT7A S born at Granada, but received yy at Seville a flight Tin&ure of the Art m the School of Juan del Caftillo . F rm thence he went to Flanders, and crofs'd over to England, and apply'd himfelf to the School of Vandyke, where he made great Advances. He return 5 d to Seville and lived there many Years, and, left fuch eminent Inftances of his Skill, as to merit the higheft Approbation of the mofl: celebrated Painters of that Time. He then went to Granada, where he maintam'd the Character he had already acquir'd ; and was, in that City, the firffc Introducer of the good Manner of Vandyke, which he has given a Proof of in a Picture of our Lady's Conception done by him ; which is in the Church of Our Lady of Grace, in the faid City ; with whofe School and that which was left by Juan Fernan- dez Machuca (a Difciple of Raphael de Ur- hino) was form'd in Granada a great Race of Painters. Our Moya died there 1666, aged 56. Igna- ( 6i ) 113. Ignatio Raethy Painter, WAS born at Antwerp, and a Difciple of Father Daniel Segers . He went to Madrid, and painted the Life of Father San Ignacio in 36 Pieces, which are placed in the new Church of the faid ; Houfe : He afterwards returned to his I Province of Flanders and into Germany, where he died (1666) in great Repute for \ his Ability, and very old. 114. Chriftopher Garcia Sal- meroriy Painter, WA S born at Cuenca, and a Difciple of Pedro Orrente ; he painted a ; great deal in that City, as in the Con- I vent of St. Francis, a Pifture of Chriil's Birth, a heavenly Piece! He went to . Madrid, where he drew divers Pidures and I where he died 1666, in the 63d Year of ■ his Age. Jofepb (62 ) ii 5- J°f e ph de Arfe^ Sculptor, TTTAS born at Seville, where he receiv'd * * his firft Rudiments y he went to Rome to perfedt himfelf in the Art. Af- ter an Interval of fome Years he re- turn'd to his native Country, where, be- fides many Statues which he carv'd he im- mortalized his Name, by the Figures of Silver which adorn the Tabernacle of the faid Church, having made the Models from whence they were caft and afterwards repaired them. The Produces like wife of his Ingenuity are the Marble Statues of the Evangelifts and Doctors, which are in the Chapel of the San&uary of that holy Church, Figures above 20 Foot high, a mafterly Performance ! he died in the faid City 1676, aged 63. 116. Pablo PontonSy Painter, A Native and Inhabitant of the City of Valencia, and a Difciple of Pedro Orrente. He had a grand Manner in Painting a la Moda Italiana^ and with a great Command of his Pencil. There are ( 63 ) are abundance of his Works In the faid City, especially in the Convent of la Mer- ced, as well in the Church as in the Cloi- fters in the Carthuftans Monaftery del Puche there are likewife divers Teftimo- nies of his Merit. He died in that City above 60 Years old, Anno 1666. 117. Don Franc t/co Ximenez^ PAINTER, was born at Tarazona.^ where having been initiated in the Art of Painting, he went to Rome and continued there fome years ; from thence he came greatly improved to Zaragoza, and there executed admirable Things, fome of them of very conliderable Magnitude,' Specially three Pieces of forty Palms high, for the Chapel of San Pedro Arbues in the Afeu of the faid City. He alfo painted the Life of St. Elias, for the Cloifter of the Calceate Carmelites ; a Thing of a grand Tafte and Fancy in the Hiftorical Way. He died in the faid City 1666, 78 Years old. Manu- ( H ) 1 1 8. Manuel Pereyra> Sculptor* a Noble Portuguese and an ex- \ y cellent Sculptor^ as ;s demonftrable from the Multitude of Statues he wrought in the Court of Madrid^ and in many- Churches of Madrid and Alcala Henares^ above all, the Effigy of the moft holy Chrift of Per don in the Convent of Dorni- cans del Rofario in Madrid. He execu- cuted, being now in a Manner grown blind, the Model of the Statue of Sf John de Dios which is over the great Portal of the Cloifter of his Convent in Madrid^ and even directed the Stone Statue itfelf, only by his Feeling; it was executed by Manuel Delgado^ a tolerable good Sculptor and his Difciple. It is abfolutely a beautiful Fi- gure ; he died in 1667, in the 63d Year of his Age. 1 19 DonEugeniode lasCuevas, PAINTER, born at Madrid and Dif- ciple of his Father Pedro de las Cue- vas ; and tho' he took the Pencil in Hand only to divert himfelf yet he highly de- ferves < 65 ) ferves a Place here for his excellent Talents. He was pitched upon to teach Don John of Auftria, 'Philip IVth's Son, the Art of Defign. He painted Things in fmalj, of a very good Tafte, fuch as Pictures for Jewels. He died at Madrid 1667, in his 54th Year. 120. Don Francifco Caro, T) AINTER, was born at Seville, W and a Difciple of his Father Francifco Lopez Caro. He perfected himfelf under Alonzo Cano. He dwelt in Madrid, where he drew many and good Pieces for divers private Perfons. He painted the Life of the Virgin in the Chapel of St. Ifidorus^ in which he acquitted himfelf with great Maftery and Command, favouring much of -Alonzo Cano's School ; accordingly he grew into very great Efteem; He died in Madrid 1697, fcarce 40 Years old, 121. Sebafiian Martinez* PAINTER, was a Native and In- habitant of the City of Jaen. He was noted for a capricious romantick out F of ( 66 ) the Way, and fingular Style of Painting ; but yet of a good Tafte and Corredtnefs, and of great Temperance, and wonderfully pretty in his Contours or Outlines, as is apparent in a Multitude of Pictures which he did in that City both publick and pri- vate, efpecially thofe of the Society of Jefus. He did feveral Works in Lucena and Cordova, which were highly ap- plauded by all the good Judges of the Art. He came to Madrid^ and upon the Death of Don Diego Velafquez, Philip IV. made him his Painter, notwithftanding his Ma- jefty told him his Painting had little Force, and that it muft be look'd at very clofe ; becaufe he did every Thing in a very mifty Manner, yet with an exquifite and uncommon Share of Fancy. He likewife drew Landfkips admirably well, and I have feen one which was an Aurora or Day-break, an incomparable Piece. He died at Madrid 1667, aged 65. 122. Antonio del Caftillo y $aa- vedra. Painter, A Native of the City of Cordova, and a Difciple of his Father Aguftin de Cajiillo, who lofing his Father, went to Se- ville ( 67 ) ville to perfect himfelfin the Art, in Com- pany with Jofeph de Sarabia fa noted Cor- dovan Painter likewife) and attained his End in the School of Francifco Zurbaran. CaJlillo 9 now feeing himfelf accomplifh'd in the Art, returned to his native Coun- try, where he did an infinite number of excellent Things, in every kind, both in Frefco and Oil. In the Royal College of St. Paul (of the facred Order of Preach^ ers) of his Hand are all the Paintings of that celebrated Stair-cafe, confiftingof Figures bigger than the Life ; the whole executed with lingular Maftery and Bra- very. His Works are in the holy Churchy in the Hofpital of J ejus of Nazareth. In the Salon of the holy Tribunal, in the Church of the Convent of St. Fran- cis^ in the Convent of the Nuns of St. Ifabel de los Angeles. In the Hofpital of la Caridad^ in that of la Confolacion&nd in the Convent de la Arrizafa of the Recole- tos Francifcos. He had alfo an excellent Hand at Landskips ; for which Purpofe he would often take a Walk into the Country, with his Implements for Draw- ing, and would draw Views from the Life, as alfo Beafts, Carts, Waggons and F 2 Coaches, ( 68 ) Coaches, or any thing elfe that offer'd, as a Brook running among Rocks, with a moft Angular Delicacy. He was like wife a great Architect, Perfpectivift, and Limner of this there are, in the faid City, many undeniable Evidences^ par- ticularly he had an agreeable Way of intcr- fperfing little Towns and Caftles in his Landskips. Above all, for little Hiftori- cal Compofitions of a middling Size, he had not his Equal ; neither is the Court of Ma- drid itfelf, without fome of his Piftures.He had likewife a wonderful Eafe in sketch- ing out and delineating every Thing that fell in his Way fo' that, when he died, there were found innumerable Draughts of his doing, moft of them done with a Pen; and fome Heads (efpecially old Folks) done with a reed Pen, with which he took delight in drawing large Heads with broad Strokes of the Pen, with great Boldnefs and Command of Hand. He likewife was a very good Modeller in Clay, in which I have feen fome naked Figures and Heads of an excellent Gufto. At laft he went to Seville^ in 1666, where he had not been fince he was a young Man, and where feeing the Paintings of Mm ( 69 ) Murillo^ (who was then in his Prime) he was fo concerned at Murillo's being cry'd up by the Populace for his beautiful Colour- ing, which he himfelf was deficient in, the' he far furpafs'd the other in Defign- ing, that he faid, Now is Gafiillo Dead ! and fo it proved, for returning to Cordova he fell into fo deep a Melancholy that he lived but a very little while, and painted .but a few Things, among which, w r as St. Francis drawn to the Middle ; nothing is more true, than that it excell'd all he ever did in his Life, in the Tafte and Delicacy of the Head and Hands, tho' 'tis certain he was not fo happy in Colouring. He died in the faid City 1667, aged 64; leaving fo great a Name in that City, that he who has not a Painting of Cajtillo's is not reckoned a Man of Tafte. 123. Alonzo de Mejfa^ Painter* WAS a Native and Inhabitant of Madrid, and fome will have it he was a Difciple of Alonzo Cano : he painted the Life of St. Francis, in the Cloifter of his Convent in Madrid j in which Work C 70 ) Work is confpicuous his Virtu, his Ge- nius, and his advantageous Difpofition to the Art, fuitable to the Greatnefs of his Manner, and the Experience and eafy Ma- nage fhewn in the Invention and Expreffi- on of the Paffions. He died at little more than 40 Years of Age in Madrid?i668. 124 The Licentiate Pedro V alpuejla, Painter, WAS born in the Village of Ofina? and a Difciple of Eugenic Caxes Paint- ter to his Majefty, and whom none of his Difcip.les ever imitated fo nearly ; for many of his Works have been held to be done by his celebrated Mafter. His Works in Madrid are in the Convent of St. Francis? in St. Miguel? in the Buen SucceJJo? in Santa Clara? and in the Con- ception Francifca. fie died at Madrid 1668; aged 54. 125 Jofeph de Sarabia y Painter^ WAS a Native of Seville ; having per- fected himfelf in the School of Zu ri? aran^ he went to Cordova. There are ( 7' ) are of his Works in the Convent of St. Francis at Cordova ; and in the Convent of la Vifloria there, a Flight into Egypt which he owned he himfelf, was moft pleas'd with, of any Thing he ever did; and he was certainly in the right : he did numberlefs Pieces for private Perfons. He died 1669, aged 61 Years 8 Months. Sf 2 6, Brother Adria?i Rodriguez PAINTER, was of the Society of Jefus in Madrid. _ He was the Son of Adriano Dieriex and born at Ant- werp. He took the Surname of Rodriguez, becaufe his own founded fo ft ran gel y in thefe Parts. He was a profeflf'd Painter, when he enter'd into the Society aforefaid. He was admitted into the profefs'd Houfe at Madrid, where he painted divers Things. He died in that Houfe 1669, aged 51. 127. Don Antonio Pereda, WA S born at Valladolid^ but went to to Madrid and was inftrudted in the Principles of Painting, by Pedro de las Cuevas. He painted an Hiftorical Piece F 4 which ( 72 ) which was juftly admired ; the Subjetft of it was the Marquis de Santa Cruz throw- ing Succours into Genoa ; the Whole very well defigned, and excellently coloured, both in the Drapery and the Heads. By this Pidfcure he gave no lefs pleafing than evident Demonstrations of his Ingenuity and hue Vein ; the Piece is to be feen in the Salon de Comedids of the Buen-Retiro. There are feveral of his Performances in the Church of the M.adres Capuchinas ; in the Church las Nignas de Loreto^ and in that of la Magdalena in Alcala de He- nares 9 in the College of Atocha in Ma- drid ; in the Parifh Church of St. Mi- ck a el ^ in the Carmelites Calzados ; and the famous principal Piece of the High Altar in the Church of St. Antonio of the Capuchines of the Prado^ and abundance more, which wou'd be too prolix to enu- merate. Fie had a peculiar Talent like- wife for reprefenting the Paflages and Hu- mours of ordinary Cook Shops and blind Hedge-Taverns, in which he was excelled by none. He had not only the beft Col- lection, of any Man, of all Sorts of Prints, Drawings, ' Sketches, and rough Draughts Originals, Models, and excel- lent ( 73 ) lent Statues, but an admirable Library of Books, in. various Languages and on va- rious Subjects, efpecially that of Painting ; and yet he cou'd neither read nor write ;fo that whenhis Name and Date was to be fet to a Pidture, he got fome Body to write it upon a Paper, and he copy'd it : he took delight in hearing his Difciples and fome Friends read Hiftories to him, efpecially fuch as he was to paint ; and by this means he reap'd the Benefit of his Library. He died at Madrid i66g, at 70 Years of Age. 128. Juan de Pareja^ Painter, \T7AS born at Seville, of a Meftizo W Breed, that is, of Indian and Spa- nijh Parents, he was of an odd Hue, and was a Slave of Don Diego Velafquez ; and altho* his Matter (for the Honour of the Art)wou'd never fuffer him to meddlewith Painting or Drawing, but only to grind his Colours and prepare the Canvas, and other fervile Offices belonging to the Arr and about the Houfe yet he being very handy and ingenious, and taking all op- portunities of his Mafters Abfence and pafling whole Nights in ftudy when he might ( 74 ) might have taken his reft, he came to do Things very worthy of efteem ; and in order to prevent the effe&s of his Matter's Refentment, which he appre- hended would neceffarily follow upon the Difcovery , he made ufe of the following Stratagem. He had obferved that when- ever the King {Philip IV.) came down to the Apartments to fee Velafquez paint, and chanc'd to fee any Picture let, up againft the Wall, his Majefiy wou'd turn it, or order it to be turned to fee what it was. Upon this Pare] a refolv'd within himfelf to fet up a {mall Piece of his own paint- ing againft the Wall, and to place it fo, as to make it feem to have been left there undefignedly. The King no fooner faw it, but he turn'd it about, and at the fame Time Pareja, who waited for the Opportunity, fell on his Knees and hum- bly begg'd his Majefty to interpofe be- tween him and his Mafter, without whofe Confent he had prefum'd to learn the Art and wrought that Piece. The King turn- ing towards Velafquez, told Pareja he needs fay no "more upon that Head, adding that the Man who had fuch a Talent, cou'd i < not ( 75 ) not be a Slave. Upon this Velafquez Im- mediately gave Juan de Pareja a Letter of abfolute Liberty and Difcharge from his Service but Pareja was fo honourable as to continue not only to ferve VdafquiZ* as long as he livM, but his Daughter after him. Our Pareja had a moft /lingular Ability in painting Portraits, feme of which are fuperlatively good, and fo much in ^/^y#£Z 5 sManner,that they have been often taken for that great Matter's. He died at Madrid 1670, aged about 60. j 29* Don "Juan Bautifta del Mazo Martinez, Painter, A Native and Inhabitant of Madrid* " He was Painter of the Bed-chamber to his Majefty, and Son-in-Law and Dif- ciple of Diego Velafquez. He was univerfal in the Art, he made Portraits to Admi- ration ; he likewife painted to Perfection the Hunting of noble Game, as Wild Boars, Stags, not only with great Ex~ aclnefs, reprefcnting the Situation of the Country and adjoining Towns, but the Occurrences ufual in the Field, viz. feme taking (76 ) taking the Refrefhment .of a hafty Repaft, and others ranging about either on Foot or on Horfeback, ftri&ly obferving the Habits fuitable to the Occafion, and the Cuftom of the Country, and what is won- derful, he was fo fingular in copying after others, efpecially his Maffcer, that there's no- diftinguifning the Copies from the Ori- ginals. I have feen feveral Copies, even from Originals of Tintortt, Veronefe and 'Titian, in the Hands of his Heirs, which if carry'd into Italy, where they knew nothing of his Ability, I make no queftion but they would pafs for the Originals; and I can't help thinking that when a Copy reaches fuch a degree of Perfection, as to de- ceive both the Practitioners and Judges of the Profefiion, it ought to pafs as an Original. O ! how many Pieces wou*d be chriftened by that Name ! but the Diffi- culty is how to attain to this high Degree; for as thofe who copy after others, are ufually but of a middling Capacity, you may difcover a Coldnefs and Tamenefs in the Execution, from their being obliged to a fervile Imitation : but it is not fo with a Man already made to it, and that works with a Malterly and free Pencil, as is evi- i dent ( 77) dent from Ruhens's Copies of Titian which are in the Par do ; and which are really better than the Originals. Juan Bautifta died at Madrid 1670, aged 50. 130. Juan Sanchez Barba^ SCULPTOR, was born among the Mountains of Burgos. He was ait eminent Sculptor, as is apparent from his Works at Madrid in the Church of the Convent of the Carmelites Calzados^ in the Parifh Church of Santa Cruz, and in the Convent of tht Merced y above all, the Holy Chrift de la Agonia which is vene- rated in the Convent of the Padres Agoni- zantes \ I mufl: needs fay, in refpedt to the Truth of Symmetry, and the Paffions and Affeftions of a Perfon giving up the Ghoft, I have met with nothing of a more fupreme Expreflion and Propriety^ He died 1670, aged 55. 131. Juan de Arella?io> Painter, HE was a Native of the Town of Torez in the Archbifrioprick of Tole- do. He was born 1614 ; learnt the Art at ( 78 5 at Alcala de Henares, and afterwards went to Madrid. He was 36 Years old, before he ftiew'd any extraordinary Capacity \ but following the Bent of his Inclinations, he apply'd himfelf to copy feme of Mario's Flower-pieces, and afterwards ftudying Flowers from the Life, he attained to fuch a Superiority in that Particular that no Spaniard went beyond him, witnefs the various Pieces he painted in the Churches and in theHoufes of Noblemen and others. In the Middle of the Chapel of our Lady del bum Confejo^ there are four Pieces of his doing, furprizingly fine. His Study was not lefs employ'd in Fruit- Pieces ; and hisApplication was fo great that he work'd as much by Night as by Day. One asking him, why he gave himfelf fo much to Flowers, and left Figures, he anfwer'd 5 be- caufe they coft me lefs Pains and bring me more Money. He died at Madrid 1670, in his 65 th year. 132. Miguel Mark, Painter, TT7"AS a Native and Inhabitant of the Vt City of Valencia, the Son and Difciple of Stephen Mark, and follow'd his Father's ( 79 ) Father's Genius in applying himfelf to Battle-pieces, but was more universal, and and had none of the Oddities of his Fa- ther's Humour. Befides Battles he wrought many excellent Things ; particularly there's a Painting of his at St. Francis in the third Order of that City, which is admi- rable : and likewife another of the fame Saint not inferior to it, (in which the Prints of the Wounds are reprefented) in the Convent of the Madres Capuchinos : not to mention many more in other Places highly efteemed by the Virtuofo 5 s. He exceli'd in the Art of Defign and had a genteel, graceful, and pretty Way of ma- naging the Colours. He died 1670, no more than 37 Years old. 133. Jofeph de Lede/ma^Pamter. WAS a Native of old Cqjlile, where he received fome Inftruftions in the Art. He became a Difciple, at Madrid^ of Don Juan Caregno \ there are pieces of his Work ; in the Church of the College of St. Thomas in the Convent of the Aguf tinos Recoletos^ there is a Pidlure of th>e dead Body of our Saviour, attended by his C 80 ) his Mother* St. John, and Mary Mag- dalen^ done with fo excellent a Gufto* and fo well executed in refpeft to the Forefliorfning of the Cbrijt i that for this Piece alone the Author deferves an immortal Name. He died at Ma- drid before he reached his 40th Year, Anno 16 jo. 134. Benito Manuel de Aguero % HAINTER, was a Native and In- JL habitant of Madrid. He was a Dif- ciple of Juan Baulijla del Mazo ; and al- tho' he did not make fuch a Progrefs in Figures as fome others* yet he excelled .moft Artifts in the Landskip Parts, as is apparent from many of his Pieces in the Palace of Araniuez, touched up with a moft lingular Relifh nor are the Figures and little Hiftorys reprefented therein lefs to be admir'd. He died 1670, in his 44th Year* 135. yuan Antonio Efcalante> FAINTER, was a Native of Cor- JF dcva\ and after he had there imbibed fome Principles of Painting, he came to Madrid ( 8i ) Madrid^ where he learn'd with much Stu- dy and Application, in the School of Don Francifco Rici. There are feveral Pieces of his in the Convent of la Merced in the faid City, in which is difcover'd the Greatnefs of his Genius, and Affe6Hon to tfintoret and Veronefe^ for he follow'd in all Things that Style, in the Compofition and the Gracefulnefs of the Attitudes ; there arc other fine Pieces of his Hand in the Parifh Church of St. Michael in Madrid : among which is a St. Catharine (Virgin and Mar- tyr)a moft graceful Figure, and of an exqui- fite Fancy vaftly in Tintorefs Manner. But the Thing wherein he out did himfelf was an Effigy of a dead Chrift in the Church of the Holy Ghoft (a Convent of the C!e- rigos Menores in Madrid) a Piece which one wou'd really take tobeof Tz/iWz'sHand.He died at Madrid 1670, in the 40th Year of his Age. 136, Don Sebafitande Herrera y BarnuevOy PA I NTER, Sculptor, and Archited, was a Native and Inhabitant of Ma- drid. He was the Difciple of his Father G Don ( 82 ) Don Antonio Herrera who was an excel- lent Sculptor as is apparent by the An- gel and the other Figures over the Gate of the Royal Prifon at Madrid. After- wards, our Sebafiian ftuck to the School' of Alonzo Cano, more for imitation than inftrudtion, and accordingly he trod clofe in his Steps. He afterwards turn'd out not only an excellent Painter, but a confum- mate Sculptor and Architect ; as is vifible in the repeated Works of his, which are admir'd at Madrid, in all the three Facul- ties. There are Pieces of his in the Con- vent of the Kecoletos Aguftinos, and in the Church of the imperial College of Ma- drid, and in the Church of St. Jerome ; and another of the Martyrdom of St. Laurence (now in the Hands of a Lover of Art J nearly approaching to Titian, tfintoret and Paul Veronefe, for it has the Excellencies of all Three. He was fuper- intendant of the Kings Works, Affiftant Harbinger, Painter of the Bed- Chamber to his Majefty, keeper of the Palace of the Efcurial, and other Employments. There is handed about among the Painters an Effigy in Wax about 4 Inches high, of a Cbrijt tied to the Pillar, which neither Michael ( §3 ) Michael Angelo himfelf nor any other of the moft eminent Sculptors could have out done : I have the caft of if in Silver ex* tremely well finifh'd. He died in Madrid in the 6oth Year of his Age, Anno 1671. 137. Bernabe Ximenez da 11/efcas, Painter, WA S born in the City of Luc en a. In his Youth he Study'd fix Years at Rome, copy'd with great pun&uality, and wrought Grotesks and Foliages. AI- tho' he did not much pratffcife the Art, he left in the faid City, very valuable To- kens of his ingenuity and ability in Paint- ing, and fome very good Difciples ^ and among them, the Licentiate Don Leonardo Antonio de Cajlro, and Michael de Parilla. a Native of Malaga. He died in the City of Anduxar 1 671, "Aged about 60. 138. Francifco Camilo> Painter, WAS a Native and Inhabitant of Ma- drid His Fathers name was 'Domin- go CamilO) a Native of Florence. Francifco G 2 was ( H ) was a Difciple of Pedro de las Cuevas and became a renowned Painter, particularly for a tender, frefh, and foft Colouring. His Genius was fo much inclined to the Mild and the Devout, that whenever he painted Gods and Goddeffes, his Jupiter refembled Jefus Chrift, and his Juno the B. Virgin. There are many of his Works in Madrid \ among others a Holy Mary in Egypt, in the Church of the Capuchin Fathers at Alcala de Henares, wherein are many excellent Figures, more efpecially the B. Virgin fo beautiful and withal fo finely adorn'd as fpeaks her Que en of Angels and in fhort, is fo excellent a Piece that had he done no other Work, he had de ferv'd a Place here; but he likewife wrought another Piece, St. Jofeph, no ways inferior to the fonper, in the Colleg of the Padres Clerigos Menores, an admira ble Thing ! There are likewife many cele brated Performances of Camilo^s in Sala mane a, Segovia, and 'Toledo. He die 1671. ( 8 5 ) 139. Luis de Sotomayor Painter^ \j\J A S a Native of the Kingdom of * * Valencia. He had a great Genius for Painting, and learnM fomething of the Art under Eftevan Marc in the City of that Name, but did not perfedl him- felf in that School, becaufe of the Matters extravagant Humour ; which made Solo- may or ^ leave him and go to Madrid,where he continued in the Houfe of Caregno, and attained to fuch a Maftery in all the Parts of Painting as to be univerfally admir'd. His Works difcover he had a right Tafte of Colouring, a grand Idea of Defign, and an uncommon and rich Vein of Compofi- tion ; all which I have feen, efpecially in Valencia (to which Place he returned) in the Church of the Convent of St. Chrif- topher of the Augujlin Nuns, where all the Paintings were done by him, and, without exaggerating, are fo many Mafter-pieces. Going again to Madrid, he died Anno 1673, fcarce 40 Years of Age. G 3 * Juan ( 86 ) i \o.yuanMartin de Cahezalero PAINTER, was born at Almaden, on the Borders of the Kingdom of Cor- dova. He was a Difciple of Don Juan Caregno, There are of his Works in the Parifh of St. Nicholas at Madrid, and in the Chapel of the third Order, in the Convent of St. Francis, Mafterly Things. He was a Painter extremely Studious and modeft. He had fcarce attained to the Age of 40, before he died in theCityof Madrid, Anno 1673. 141. Andres de Vargas> PAINTER, was a Native of the City of Cuenca, and a Difciple of Francifco Camilo at Madrid, and his Manner of Painting was fo like that of Camilo that many of his Pieces have been reputed to be his Matter's, witnefs that Performance in the Chapel of St. Saviour de le Paciencia\ After he had Wrought at Madrid abundance of publick and privateThings, he returned to Cuenca, where he likewife was the Author of many Pieces Pieces of Painting. He likewife did a largePi&ure of the Conception in the Par- i(h Church of the Town of Himefta 9 which is a tranfcendent Piece and fo like- wife is the Miflion of the Apoftles which he did for the Chapter-houfe of that Cathedral : Nor lefs to be admir'd is Our Saviour praying in the Garden, in the Cloyfter of the Trinitarios DefcalzQ? at Madrid^ In which City he died in the Year 1 674, aged about 60. 142. Ambrofio Martinez, PAINTER, was born at Granada and lived there. He was a Painter of much efteem, of the School of Alonfo Cano, as his Works declare in the Royal Monaftery of St. Jerome^ and in the Con- vent of St. Antony of the Religiofos Ter 'ce- res of the Order of St. Francis ; and in the Convent of Carmalites in that City. He died young at Granada^ 1674. j 43, Jofeph Moreno > Painter, WAS born at Burgos where he laid fome foundation of the Art of Painting and then went to Madrid where he ( 88 ) continued with Francifco de Softs, and made fuch Progrefs that our Moreno's Manner of Painting very much refembled his Mafter's, nay, was more corre& and of a better Gufto, for the Truth of which Af- fertion I appeal to the various private Works which came out of his Hands; viz. A Flight into Egypt ; a St. Antonio Abbot; and a Saint Catherine Martyr, a confum- mate Piece ! As for publick Works, he did none that I know of. He return- ed to Burgos, where he died fcarce 30 Years old, Anno 1674. 144, Pheltpe GiU Painter, T^LOURIH'D *t Valtadolid, about Jl 1600, in which City he was alfo born, tho 5 he learn'd at Madrid in the School of Juan Vanderhamen, a Flemijh Painter, and made great Improvements there ; of which when he return'd to the Place of his Birth, he gave many demon- ftrative Proofs in various Works ; efpe- cially in the College of Nignas Huerfanas, and in the Cloifter of the Convent of St. Francis, where moft of the Pidures are of his Hand. He likewife excelPd in Face- ( 89 ) Face-painting, and ftudied Nature ex- tremely. He held an Academy at hisHoufe many Years, and bad made fo good a Colleftion of Drawings, Sketches, Models, and other Things relating to the Art, that upon his Death they were valu'd at 3000 Ducats. He died Anno 1674, turn'd pf 70 Years of Age. 145, Matheo CerezO) Painter, WAS born in the City of Burgos, and coming to Madrid when hardly 15 Years old, he enter'd himfelf in the School of Don John Caregno, where he continued in the Study of Painting with fuch Felicity, frequenting the Academies, and painting from the Life feveral Perfons, merely to exercife himfelf, and copying different Originals in the Royal Palace, befides attending his School fo clofely that he imbib'd his Matter's Spirit to fuch a> degree as to make it a very difficult Mat- ter to diftinguifh his Works from thofe of Caregno himfelf. He was little more than 20 Years old, when he left his Ma- ilers School, in order to make himfelf fa- mous. For the Publick he did wonder- ful ( 9o ) ful Pieces, which are in the Church of St. Elizabeth j and in the Convent de los Agonizantes ; alfo in the Chapel of Our Lady de la Soledad in Madrid. But that which exceeds all praife is the Pidure of the Cattle of Emaus, which is in the Con- vent of the Auguftin Recoletos. He left behind him many fine Works in Vallado- lid. Returning to Madrid he did a great deal of Work for particular Perfons. He likewife had fo excellent a Hand at draw- ing Clowns and ordinary Pot-Companions that none went beyond him tho? perhaps Andres de Leito equalPd him. He died at Madrid 1675, at the Age of 40. 146. Fray jfuan Rid, Painter, TIT" AS a Native of Madrid, and fon * * of Antonio Rici a good Painter; and a Native of Bolonia. He was a Difciple of Fray Juan Bautifta Maim. There are of his Performances in Salamanca, and in Kwja, as alfo in the Cloifter of St. Martin at Madrid : and Our Ladv de Remedies* and in the Church and Cloifters of the Metropolitan Church of Burgos and of the Monaftery of St. ( 9i ) John, and in the Village of la Seca^ fix Leagues from Valladolid. After he had made himfelf much efteem'd in Spain* he went to Rome, where he entered him- felf in the Congregation of Monte Cafino, and where he wrought many Pieces which were much celebrated at Rome. He died ill Monte Cqfino 1675 Aged 80, 147. Pedro AntontOy Painter, WAS a Native and Inhabitant of the - City of Cordova. He was a Dif- ciple of Antonio del Caftillo ; his Colour- ing was very beautiful and pleas'd the Vulgar fo much that they applauded him above all his Co-temporaries,, efpecially after the Death of his Mafter, There ;reof his Works in the Church of the Royal Convent of St. Paul of the Predicant Or- der : without mentioning other Works of his both publick and private, which are very numerous and no lefs meritorious He died at Cordova 1675, in his 6 1 ft Year 148. Don yofeph Antonilez* PAINTER, was born at Seville, where he received his Principles of the Art of Painting, and in order to make himfelf more ( 92 ) more perfedt he came to Madrid,, where -he went thro' a Courfe in the School of .•of Dm Francifco Rici^ and frequented the Academies, (which were then very flourifh- ing) and hemade fuchlmprovements that he was reckoned one of the chief Painters of of his Time, and not without reafon, wit- nefshis manyperformances bothpublickand Private which are to be feen at Madrid^ in all which is particularly difcover'd a grand Gufto and a c fitianic Tint. He had a great Genius for Landskips, in which he feewM a wonderful Delicacy and Fancy. He likewife drew Pidures from the Life, exceedingly refembling the Perfons that fat for them. He did fome Things for the Parifh Church of St. Andrew in Madrid^ and for the Church of Magdalena de Al- cala Henares^ excellent Things ! He died in Madrid i6y6 aged 40. 149, Don Antonio Bela^ f)AINTER, he was the Son and Dif 3L ciple of ' Chrifiopher Bela (a Painter of vfomeNote)He had an uncommonCapacity for Painting He did many Things both m and out of Cordova . He painted two Stations ( 93 ) Stations of the Cloifter of St. Jugufim 9 s Convent. He died in 1676, little more than 40 Years of Age. 150. FrancifcoPalacioS) Painter, WAS a Native and Inhabitant of Mo- drid, he was a DIfciple of VelafqueZf and one of thofe who imitated his manner and tho* he was not known to have done any publick Work, there are excellent Pieces of his in private Families* efpecially Portraits, which he drew extra- ordinary well; and which carry with them fufficient Tokens of the excellent School he was brought up in, and of the Improve- ment he made there: He was not above 36 Years of Age when he died (Airm 16 j6) in Madrid. j 5 1 . Comelio Scut, Painter^ WAS born a Fleming, but liv'd in Seville : He was an excellent Painter, Nephew; and Difciple of another Cornelia Scut, a Graver in Aqua fortis, of whofe Hand we have fome Prints. The Ne- phew acquir'd a great Reputation in Paint- ing, having flourifh'd in the Times of Murillo (94 ) Murillo and Valdes : and tho 5 Kis Works imitated the Fleming? in an elaborate Tedi- oufnefs and Pi^olixity. yet they are correct and highly worthy of Eftimation. He drew a great number of Pieces which give clear Testimony of his eminent Ability. He was a very great Defigner \ for which reafon he ufually prefided in the Academy, giving to all that attended excellent Inftruc- tions as well by word of Mouth as demon- ftrative Figures. He had likewife an un- common Talent for Face-painting, and was as much, if not more employed that way than any of the Profeflion. He died in a good old Age, at Seville, Anno i6j6. 152. Alo7izo Cano, T>AINTER, Sculptor and Architect, was born in Granada. Michael Cano his Father taught him the firft Principles of Architecture, afterwards he gave him- fflf to Painting at Seville, in the Houfe of Fancifco Pacheco, where he fpent eight Months in Defigning, and then went on in the School of Juan del Caftillo ( fome fay likewife in that of old Herrera ) and executed variety of publick Works, in ( 95 ) in the faid City. When he was but 24 Years old he work'd for the Town of JSfebrija in the Jglefia Mayor an Effigy of Our Lady, with fo much Skill that all the Artifts of thofe Parts were aftonifti'd at it : Nay the Fame of it fpread to fuch a Degree that Sculptors came from Fland- ers and copied it m fmall, in order to Work it afterwards in great, in their own Country. No lefs admirable is the Effigy of Chrrjl crucified, which he made for the j fame Church. Under the Patronage of the Duke de Olivarez he came to Madrid and by that Noblemans intereft obtained j the Office of Superintendant of the Royal Works, 1638. He made the Model of the Monument in the Con- vent of St. Giles at Madrid. He was Painter to the King and Teacher to the i Prince Don Balthazar Carlos of Avfiria. At this Time he like wife drew feveral Hiftorical Pieces both Publick and Private, - particularly the famous Picture of the j Miracle of St. Ifidoris Well, which is in I the Parilh Church of St. Mary at Madrid j A Picture fo exquifite both forDefign and \ Colouring, that it is really a Miracie of Art nor lefs defer ving of immortal Ap- 9 ( 96 ) Applaufe is that of St .Francis intheParirfi Church of St. J ago, with many others fo admirably executed that they feem to be of Coregio's Hand. He made ufe of Prints nay fometimes of indifferent ones* and by adding to fome Parts and leaving out of others, they were the Occafions of his producing very wonderful Conceptions; His Portraits were likewife marveloufly well done. Pie afterwards drew fome pictures in Valencia. He return'd to Madrid, where he drew fome Pictures; Then he went to Granada where he carv'd for the great Altar in that Holy Church an Image of the Conception, fo rarely finifh'd that a Genoefe Gentleman feveral ! Times offer'd four Thoufand Dubloons for it, which were refufed. He govern M the Work of the larger Chapel of the del Angel in Granada where the Statues are done with the Correftion and Models of Cano. He alfo painted various Pictures j for the Church of San Diego, the Convent of Difcalceate Francijcans without the Walls of that City, which are fo nume- rous and fo good that it raifes ones Admi- ration up to Aftoniftiment to fee fuch pro- fufion of Excellencies. Malaga may likewife z ( 97 ) likewife boafts of having fome of his Performances. He returned to Granada where he performed many Works both in Painting and Sculpture, for private Fer- fons. He had that Facility in drawing any Thing, that he left Draughts innu- merable. He was a Man really worthy of immortal Memory ; a Prince in all the three Arts, of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. He was likewife a great Mathematician. He left many Difciples; but thofe of mod Note were Don Pedro Mena Sculptor, and in Painting Don Juan Nigno^ and Don Pedro Aianafio, Ciezar i and others, of whom particular Mention will be made. He died in Granada 1676, aged 76. 153. Don Antonio Garcia Rey~ nofo, Painter, WAS a Native of the Town of Calra % and a Difciple of Sebaftian Marti- nez (an excellent Painter in the City of Jaen) whom he imitated in the Main, but ftudied Nature fo little, that he became fomewhat of a Mannerift^ but with a very fingular Grace and good Tafte, in Hiftories, Landskips, Drapery, H and ( 9 8 ) and Skies. He had an abundant and rich Vein in Invention, and left number- j lefs Draughts, which he defign'd with ! perfed: Accuracy. His Drawings were! either wafli'd, done with a Pen, or a piece ! of Charcoal, or Chalk not contenting I himfelf with making one or two Drawings 1 1 of the fame Subjeft, he made a great j many, and all of them different from II one another. He drew a large Pidture for the Church of the Capuchin Fathers : of the City of Andujar, which is a rnoft beautiful Performance, and vaftly extollM by Sebaftian Martinez and Fray \ Manuel de Molina (both great Painters.) \ He likewife painted a celebrated Picture jj of St. Sufannah bathing, for Don Antonio . de Ayala, a Gentleman who liv'd in the \ Town of Linares, and was a great Lover of Painting ; our Artift having finifh'd the Piece and placM it in the Court Yard to dry, a young Sparrow from the Houfe- top feeing the Landskip, and in it the I- Waters of the Bath and a Pond, flew down feveral Times and attempted to fettle on the Edges of the Pond, to the Admiration of the Bv-ftanders, and the great Credit of a Performance which was execut- ( 99 ) executed with fuch Propriety as to de- ceive the little Creature. He was like wife well skill'd in Architecture, and did many publick Works in the Kingdom of Jaen± efpecially at Andujar : but his moft re- markable Works of that kind are in the Town of Martos. In 1675, he went to Cordova where he drew variety of Pictures both publick and private ; and died there Anno 1677, ^ n his 54th Year. 154. Michael Geronimo de Ciezar^ Painter, WAS a Native and Inhabitant of Granada. He was one of the ;brighteft Difciples of Alonfo Cano, as may be inferred from the Abundance of his Works in that City, both in publick Places and private Ploufes; particularly in the Convent of del Angel, and in the :Hofpital del Corpus. He died 1677, * n san advanc'd Age. He left a Difciple call'd Phil. Gomez, who was very far advanced in the Art, and whofe Works in the Church of St. Anthony do honour :o the good School of his Mafter. Gomez lied about 60 Years of Age, Anno 1 694. H 2 fray ( IOO ) 155. Fray Manuel de Molina AN excellent Painter, a Native of the City of Jaen, and a Rival of Sebaftian Martinez, and in order to enable himfelf to make greater Oppofi- tion to him, he went and ftudied at Rome\ from wence after he had great- ly improved himfelf he came back tojaen, where he painted many marvellous Pieces in his Convent of St. Francis. He like- wife drew Portraits with a fuperior Art, and perfectly well refembling the Life. He died in the faid Convent 1677, aged 63. 156. Geronimo de Bobadilla y PAINTER, was born at AMequera, but lived in Seville, where he learn'd the Art of Painting, in the School of Zurbaran. In this School he attain'd to great Knowledge, efpecially in the Perfpe&ive, and in painting Hiftories of a middling Size, with a very good and beautiful Colouring ; which he did with fo excellent a Grace and Nicety that Murillo thought ( 101 ) thought fit to turn over to him fome Things of that Nature; and he made them fo fmooth and glofiy, that they did not look as if they were painted, but bur- nifhed. Befides this he had fome Varnifhes fo tranfparent and drying, that they feem'd to be Glafs, and as he had a good Gout and Fancy in the Compofition, had he been more aided by the Art of Defign,. he had been compleatly perfect; j however in his Way, he was one of the greateft Artifts in Painting. His Houfewas one continued Magazine of Rarities, a perfed Cabinet of Curiofities relating to the Study of this Art ; every Room being iilPd with exquifite Models, Figures of the Academy, many original Defigns, j and rough Sketches of great Mafters. He j died in the foremention*d City 1680, be- tween the Age of 6q and 61. I 157. Don Juan de Alfaro, T) A INTER, was a Native of the A City of Cordova, and a Difciple of { Cafiillo ; coming to Madrid, he was a conftant Attendant in the School of Ve- \ lazquez, where he improved fo wonder- H 3 fully, ( 102 ) folly, that his Paintings (efpecially Por- traits) feem'd no way inferior to thofe of Velazquez ; and if he vary'd any Thing from him, it was to incline to Vandyke's Manner, whofe Works he was very much attached to, and copy'd fome of 'em with fo diftinguifh'd an Excellence that they made the Originals doubtful ; not coming fhort in the Pieces he copy'd from Titian and Rubens, which, by being a Difciple of the Painter to the King's Bed-Cham- ber, he eafily attain'd the Liberty to copy •, more particularly, he grew to fuch Per- fection in painting Portraits in fmall, that he was equal to the beft Artifts that Way. He came back to Cordova before he was quite 20, and there was no publick or private Work to be done but he was apply'd to; upon which Occafion he made abundance of Pidures, for the Cloifter of St. Francis of that City. He at that Time drew the famous Piece of the Incarna- tion of the Divine Word which is in the Oratory of the Difcalceate Carmelites without the Walls of Cordova, infomuch that it feemed incredible that fo young an Artift fhould be equal to fuch Perfor- mances, or able to do any thing like 'em. Returning ( io 3 ) Returning to Madrid, he manifefted his great Skill and Genius in numberlefs ; publick and private Works ; particularly, I Portraits in little, which then were much in Vogue, and bore the beft Price. At that time he executed the celebrated ' Piece of the Guardian Angel, which is in a Chapel of the Church of the Im- perial College at Madrid, the whole condufted with a grand Gout and Beauty. He did fome Portraits vaftly refembling the Life, in and fo noble, fo natural and eafy a Manner, that they feemed to be of Vandyke's Hand. At that time he alfo drew the Pifture of that Spanijh Phcenix in Poetry, Don Pedro Calderon de la Barca, which is now placed over his Tomb in the Parifh Church of San Salvador. He was no lefs excellent in Landskips. Returning to Cordova, he drew variety of Pictures and Portraits, and then went to Madrid where he executed abundance of Pieces as well for the Publick, as for particular Perfons ; but after fome Time, Bufinefs fell off, and he faw himfelf fo deftitute of Employ- ment that he was unable to maintain himfelf in his former Decorum ; and tho' H 4 he ( 10 4 ) he ufed his beft Endeavours to get Work at the Pi&ure-Shops of which fort of Shops there were abundance at that time, (fo low was he obliged to humble himfelf) yet couM he find none ; which funk him into fo deep a Me- lancholy, that it fhorten'd his Days in the 40th Year of his Age, Anno 1680. 158. Enrique cle las Marinas \ DAINTER; his Birth-place was -I Cadiz, where he laid the Foundation of the Art of Painting, which after a while finding himfelf fufficiently grounded in, he took to painting Ships and Matters relating to the Sea, being invited to it by the great Choice of Subje&s, which he met with in that delicious Port. He went afterwards to Rome, where they nick-named him Enrique de las Marinas ^ which he was fo well known by, that his real Name is a Secret to this Day. He was undoubtedly fo great an Artift in Sea-pieces that none ever outdid him, and but few (if any) came up to him. He died at Rome,* 1680, in his 60th Year. Jacinto ( io$ ) 15 9* jfacinto Geronitno de Efpinofa> Painter. WAS born at Valencia and lived there. He was an incomparable Painter, and a Difciple of R.ibalta, vaftly ftu- dious and followed Nature extreamly; his Painting has fuch Force of Light and Shade, that they feem to be of the Hand of Cavallero Maximo. His Works are numberlefs, as well in publick Places as private Houfes. ^He lived to a great Age and died at Valencia, 1680. 1 60. Frayjfuande Guzman > del SantiJJtmo Sacramento, Painter. \%T A S born at La Puente de Don Gonzalo, in the Kingdom of Cor- dova, and a Difciple of Bernave Ximenes de Illefcas. He went to Rome, where he conversed much with Enrique de las Marinas. He return'd to Spain, and went to Seville where he gave Demonstration of his great Ability. He painted much in his Convent of Defcalces de Aguilar, as ( io6 ) as likewife for others of that Province. He was a very great Theorift in that Art 5 in Architecture, and likewife in Arith- nxetick, Geometry, and Perfpe6tive con- fummate. He worked much for the Bare- foot Carmelites without the Walls of the City of Cordova, as well from his own Inventions as from Prints of dif- ferent Authors, be they who they wou'd, (a Liberty in which he was not fcru- pulous) which he executed with a fu- perior Gufto, Sweetnefs, and Maftery ; he painted with a great body of Colours, and his Colouring was very grateful and agreeable, and in handling his Pencil he was excellent, imitating the Manner of Rubens and Vandyke ; of this Affertion the foremention'd Paintings are exemplary Inftances, efpecially the principal Picture of the great Altar. He likewife painted for theConvent of St. Auguftin of the faid City of Aguilar. He died in his Convent, 1680, aged 69. 161. Joseph Romania Painter, T17AS born at Bolonia and a Difciple VV f Miguel Colon a. He was a great ( *o7 ) great Painter in Diftemper, and in Frefco, and lived at Madrid many Years : In the famous Garden-Houfe of the Au- gufiin Recolets (which was the Treafury of the befl: Paintings in the World ) he painted divers Pieces in a perfect Tafte, in the Manner of that good School, not only as to the Architecture and De- corations,but in the Figures and little Boys, with great Exa&nefs and Underftanding of the Forefhortenircgs of Figures, and Skill not only in common Perfpe<5Hve, but in that which is ufed in Cielings. There is an Image of Our Lady of his doing in Frefco which is upon a Corner Houfe in the Precindt of Barquiilo in Madrid^ which ftill preferves the utmoft Frefhnefs and Delicacy ; and here by the Way, it may not be amifs to inform the Reader, that in this fort of Painting (i. e. Frefco) to my Knowledge, Jofeph Romania afToon as ever it was dry, ufed to rub it over with Linfeed-Oyl (a Thing very neceflary, becaufe of its being ex- posal to the Inclemency of the Weather.) And as for the Yellownefs which might be occafioned by the Linfeed-Oyl, that is foon done away and purified by the Air ( ioS ) Air and the Sun. Romani likewife did feveral Pictures in the upper Court of Boadilla. He died at Madrid 1680, in in his 64th Year. J tant of the City of Zaragoza. He ftudied the Art of Painting, at Rome. He returned to his native Country, and was made the King's Painter ad honorem. There are in that City abundance of his Works ; particularly, the four Paint- ings of the Angles in the Cloifter of the Monaftery of Jeronymites ; he alfa painted many Pieces of the Life of Chrift y incomparable Things ! He had a Son who was no lefs skilled than his Father* who fent him to ftudy at Rome. In the Carthufian-Houfe of Aula Dei, he painted St. Bruno's Life, with great Reach of Conception and beautiful Co- louring ; and died there 1690, aged 50. His Father continued at Zaragcza where he died 1682, in his 70th Year, or thereabouts. Juan "Jufepe Martinez^ and his bon 3 Painters, was a Native and Inhabi- ( *°9 ) 163. Juan Montero de Roxas> SpA INTER, was a Native and In- X habitant of Madrid. He was Scholar to Pedro de las Cuevas. He went and ftudy'd in Italy, where he made fuch. a Progrefs that many of his Paint- ings were taken for Cambacbo's. Re- turning to Madrid, he painted many extraordinary good Pieces, efpecially in the Church of the College of Atocha. He died at Madrid 1683, aged 70. 164. Den Francifco de Solis^ T)AINTER, was a Native of Madrid. Jt His Father and Mafter was Juan de Solis, who was alfo a Painter. Fran- cifco w 7 as extreamly verfed in the prac- tical Part. His Manner was very frefh, beautiful and pleafing to the Vulgar, and accordingly he did an infinite Number of Things. He left a Library, and a Study of Paintings, which was valuM at Six Thoufand Ducats. For feveral Years together, he held an Academy in his Houfe, ( »*> ) Houfe, which contributed much to his Improvement, and gave him great Facili- ty in Inventing, tho* he gave himfelf much to Painting as a Mannerifi^ without ftudying Nature or copying after her, unlefs on a very extraordinary Occafion. He died 1684, at Madrid, aged 55. 165. Dionis MantuaitO) Painter \% J A S a Bolognefe, and a great Painter v ? in Diftemper and Frefco, but con- fined himfelf to Architecture, Perfpec- tive, and Decorations ; as for Figures, were it only an ugly Face for a Spout of Water, or a Lion's or Bear's Head to be fet on a Wall, or Figures carv'd on Fi- lacers with Faces and Breafts like Women without Arms, and terminating with Leaves, inftead of Legs, in thefe and the like, he was fain to make ufe of other Hands, a common Thing among Fo- reigners. He was at Genoa in 1656 ; after- wards came over to Madrid, where he did abundance of Work, and where he died 1684, little more than 60 Years old. I ( I" ) 1 66. Antonio de Arias Fer- nandez^ Painter, TIT A S a Native and Inhabitant of W Madrid^ and a Difciple of Pedro de las Cuevas. When he was but 14 Years old, he made the whole Pifture, which is in the great Altar, of thtCalceate Carmelites of Toledo, and which got him fo much Honour and Applaufe, that being thereby encouraged to proceed in his Study* by that Time he was 2 5 Years of Age, he was pitched upon for one of the great Artifts of Madrid, who were employed to draw the Pidtures of the Kings of Spain in the Salon de las Come di as. He was very dexterous and of an extenfive Geni- us, and he had great Force in his Manner of Painting. He did eleven Pictures for the high Cloifter of the Royal Convent of St. Philips which is an excellent Per- formance. He died in a good old Age at Madrid, 1684. Lorn ( *M ) 167* Don Juan de Revenga ? SCULPTOR, was born at Zaragoza, and defcended of as good a Family as any in the Kingdom of Aragon, He went over into Italy in his Youth, and was one of the moffc eminent Men of his Time. He would not declare himfelf a Profeflbr of Sculpture, but only a Lover of it, yet he wrought abundance of Things to pleafure his Friends. He alfo did ma- ny things in Wax which vied with Na- ture, if they did not furpafs ; being fpurr'd on by fome Friends, he did the mod celebrated Statue of Our Lady in the Convent of Angels of the Francif- can Nuns at Madrid, which he exe- cuted with fo fuperior a Gout and Underftanding, that, for this Image alone, he deferves immortal Honour. He was turn'd of 70, when he died, Anno 1684, 168. Don Francifco Rici y PAINTER and Architect to Philip IV. and Charles II. was born at Madrid, where he did a great Number of mod beautiful Things ; among which am ( H3 ) are the two celebrated Pictures in the Chapel of St. Ifidore in Madrid ; the Subjeft of one of which is the Miracle of the Well of that Saint ; and the other the Battle of the Plains of Toloja. Both marvellous Pieces of Art ! There is likewife the famous Monument of the holy Church at Toledo ; a prodigious Work and in all Refpe6ts worthy of Admiration ! In this he had the Affiftance of Carregno, Mantnano, and Efcalante. He was a very great Archite6t and Per- fpeftivift : he left Draughts and Defigns without Number he had great Facility in Working ; and when once he had defigned or contrived a Thing, he never altered it, for then, he would fay, he Jhould never have done ; and that a 'Thing may be well done, be it what it wou'd, or in what Por- tion foever, having no fubftantial Fault He died at the Efcurial 1684, aged 77. 169. Alonzo del Barco, T ANDSKIP Painter, was born at 4-* Madrid, and a Scholar of Ante- nilez. He made Landskips with uncom- mon Excellency and a fuperior Ability * for ( ii 4 ) for by Practice alone ( without having the Life or any Drawing before him ) he would enrich his Works with fuch Va- riety and Beauty as was perfectly fur- prizing ; there are abundance of his Works as well in Convents as in private Houfes. He died at Madrid 1685, aged 40. 170. Ignacio de Iriarte. T ANDSKIP Painter, was born at JLl Seville^ and by the joint Suffrages of all his Co- temporaries was allow 5 d to be fingular for his Performance in Landfkip, and his bon Gout in tliat Branch of Painting : Infomuch that Murillo faid, Ignacio drew Landskips by Divine In- fpiration ; for any other Way it feem'd impoffible to do what he did, if v/e con- fider the various Conceptions and Fancies which offer'd themfelves to him, in the Execution of them \ of which there's a great Number in Seville^ efpecially in private Families, and they are all held in high Efteem. He died at Ma- drid 1685, aged about 50. Bon ( II* ) I J i . Don Fra?icifco de Her- rera, the Younger, PAINTER and Architect to his Majeftjr. He was a Native of Seville, and a Difciple of his Father Herrera the Elder. Afterwards he went to Rome^ where he ftudyM with great Appli- cation, as well in the Academies, as the famous Statues and eminent Works in that City \ whereby he made himfelf not only a great Painter, but a compleat Archite<5t and Perfpeftivift. He had alfo a great Genius for drawing the Merry- meetings of fuddling Companions ; and he arriv'd to fo fuperior an Excellence in painting Fifties, that in Rome he went commonly by the Name of The Fijh- painting Spaniard. Returning to Seville, he did fome Pieces with univerfal Ap- probation ; particularly that of St. Francis de Affis^ which is in the Front of the Chapter- Room of the Confraternity of the moft Holy Sacrament, belonging to the Sanftuary of the faid Church ; a Ma- tter piece of Painting, and very furprizing for the Diftribution of its Lights and I 2 Shades* ( it6 ) Shades, in which he fingularly excellM. He alfo made fome Portraits, which were noble, natural, and eafy ; efpecially that of a Frenchman^ in the Habit of a Hun- ter or Sportfman, loading his Piece, which, Pm told by thofe who have feen it, is exquifitely well done. He came to Ma- drid, where he wrought a great many fine Things ; and among others, there's a Pidlure of J ejus of Nazareth fallen down with the Crofs upon him (which is in the Houfe of a Lover of Art) fo fu- preamly executed in the Conduit and Obfervance of the Lights, that it perfectly refembles thofe of Titian. He had an uncommon Talent for reprefenting the Paflages and Humours of boozing and guttling Companions, in little Tippling- Houfes and Two-penny Ordinaries, of which I have feen fome wonderfully well executed ; but he excelled more in Flowers, which he painted with that fprightly Rriiknefs, that Contrail, Light- nefs,and delicate Softnefs you would think, that if you were to blow upon them that they would move. Particularly he drew a Pifture, about two Yards in Depth, with a Tabernacle, nobly put in Per- ( H7 ) Perfpe&ive, and fome little Figures of Boys, and a Feftoon of Flowers, with which they feem'd to be adorning it ; * which is an. abfolute Miracle of Art! He was likewife a very able Architect, and accordingly made abundance of Mo- dels for Altar-pieces and other Works of Architecture, which are now efteem'd by Artifts as fo many Jewels. He died 1685, aged 63. 172. Don yua?t Carregno^ PAINTER of the Bed-Chamber to Charles it Tho' he lived at Ma- dridj he was born at Abiles in Ajiurias^ in 1 614. He began to defign and draw in the Houfe of Pedro de las Cuevas ; and proceeded in the Colouring- part with Bartholome Roman. Madrid and other Cities and Towns abound with his Works ; of which fome in Oil are exceeding fine. He drew a Pi6ture of J ejus ^ Mary, and Jojeph, which is in the Church of the Convent of Benediffine Monks of the Advocation of St. Martin ; the Colouring whereof is extolled by all the Painters as being of a I 3 fu- ( n8 ) iuperior Excellency. He drew a beauti- ful Magdalen for the Almirante de Caftilla to be hung up in the Hall, which he a- dorn'd with the Paintings of the moft eminent Spaniards. There are two Pic- tures of his in the famous Chapel of St. IJidore Labrador in Madrid* at the Sight whereof all Praife becomes mute, and is fwallowM up with Admiration. Segovia too poflefles fome of his Works. He did likewife a famous Pidture for the Convent of the Trinitarians^ of the City of Pamplona^ of the myfterious Infti- tution of thefe facred Religious ; where- in he exhaufted all the Excellencies of the Art nay, there's a rough Draught of his now in one of his Difciples Hands, which is worthy of Admiration. He drew Faces excellently well, and all fo much refembling the Life, that they arc perfectly furprizing ; befides afupream Gout which Heav'n beftow'd on him in a Tint, between Titian and Van dyke fo that, equalling them both, he was fuperior to either. His Painting was amiable, foft, and tender. He died 1685. Don ( "9 ) 173* Don Bartholome Murilloy PAINTER; he was born 1613, at Pilas, a Town five Leagues from Seville. He was a Difciple of Juan de Cafiillo and after he had learn'd enough to maintain himfelf by paint- ing fuch ordinary Things, as were uliially put to fale at Markets and Fairs, he made up (a Cuftom which prevailed very much at that Time) a Cargo of Piftures for the Indies. Coming to Madrid he got into Favour with Velazquez, by whofe Means he frequently faw all the beffc Paintings at Court, and the Ejcurial, and in other Royal Palaces, and No- blemens Houfes. He copy'd many Pieces of Titian, Rubens, and Vandyke, whereby he much improv'd himfelf in Colouring, not neglecting the Defigning-part from the Statues, and in the Academies of Madrid ; and more by the Correftnefs and grand Manner of Velazquez, whofe Communication was of great Service to him. He returned to Seville, where ftudying from Nature (according to the Practice he had obferv'd in Velazquez) 1 4 he ( 120 ) he painted at that Time the famous Cloiftr er of the Convent of St. Francis ; in which is difcoverable that Force of Clair Ob/cure, fo different from what he af- terwards praftis'd. He wrought all af- ter Nature, preferring however the Ideas of what he had feen and ftudied ; and altho' fome foreign Authors have faid that he had been in Italy, it is not true. But the Cafe is, Foreigners will not allow any Spaniard the leaft Sprig of Laurel in this Art, unlefs he has paid Ciiftom in Italy ; not confidering, that Italy has transferred itfelf to Spain in Statues, eminent Paintings, Prints and Books ; and that the Study of Nature, together with the forefaid Auxiliaries, abounds in all Countries ; not to men- tion the famous Men who have come from thence, and have left with us their School and their Works, from Philip IPs Time to this prefent; to which we may add the Spaniards who have traveliM into Italy, and have returned fraught with Inftruftions from thence. After the Work of the faid Cloifter (either thro* the Force of his Fate, or the Flattery of popular Ap- c 121 y Applaufe) Murlllo gave into Sweetning the Tint more, and Weakning his Shades ; but yet with fo exceeding a Gout, that in this Particular no Painter, either Spaniard or other, excellM him : Accordingly at this very Time, out of Spain ^ a Pi&ure of Murillo's is more efteem'd than one of Titian's or Van- dyke's •, fo powerful is the Blandishment of Colouring, to attract the popular Breath and Applaufe of the many. There are feme of his Works fo extreamly fine, in the Hands of the Virtuofi, that they are truly glorious to behold ! And among others there are feveral large Pictures . in the holy Church of Seville : and many more in the Church of the Capuchins ; and in that of la Charidad in the faid City, there are fo many and thofe fo aftonifhing, that no-body, who either loves or pradtifes the Art, but as foon as he fets his Foot within the Place is fo enraptured, that 'tis a good while before he can come to himfelf, or recover the Ufe of his Speech. Gra- nada likewife prides herfelf in the Ad- vantage of poffefling forne of his Works, and Cordova no lefs. In Face-painting, he ( "2 ) he was alfo eminently fkill'd ; nor ought I to omit the excellent Talent he had for Landfkips, which occafionally offered in his Hiftories. He died 1685, a g e d 7 2 - 174. Don Jofepb Ramirez , TT7AS born at Valencia and a Difciple of Geronimo de Efpinofa^ and fo like his Mafter in his Manner of Paint- ing, that many People have taken his Works for his Matter's. There are fome Piftures of his Hand in the Cloifter of the Congregation of San Felipe Neri. He died in the forefaid City, 1686, and little more than 60 Years of Age. 175. Don Jofeph Donofo> T)AiNTER and Architect, was a Native of the Town of Confuegra* and a Difciple of his Father. He went to Madrid^ and was under the Inflec- tion of Francifco Fernandez^ till he was 18 Years of Age ; when he went over to Rome, to profecute his Studies, for the Space of feven Years, where he became a great Painter, an excellent Per- ( 123 ) j Perfpectivift, and a confummate Archi- tect. He afterwards returned to Spain | and came to Madrid^ where he perfected ! himfelf in Colouring, in the School of | Don Juan de Carregno. In the Convent of la Viffioria^ he drew Heads to a, furprizing Degree, and Pieces of Archi- tecture and Perfpective excellently well. He wrought the Conception of Our ! Lady, which is in the Presbyterio of the Parifh-Church of St. Nicholas , and is one of his moft valuable Works and in the beft Gout of any that ever went out of his Hands. He likewife drew the Supper of Our Lord with his Apo~ ftles 7 together with admirable Pieces of* Architecture and Perfpective, which il- luftrated his Hiftories in fuch Manner that they feem'd to be of Paul Veronefe. There is likewife in a Chapel the two Saints Juftus and Paftcr, an incompa- rable Thing ! He alfo drew the Plans of feveral Edifices. He died at Madrid 1686, aged 58. •Man- ( ) 176. Manuel Gutierrez^ Sculpt E was a Native of the Town of Palacios de Benayel^ in the Neigh-* bourhood of Burgos. He was a noted Sculptor, and Co-temporary of Pedro Alonfo de los Rios at Madrid^ and much an Imitator of his Study ; there are of his Works in the Convent of Calceaie Carmelites^ and in the Church of the Noviciate of the Society of Jefus. He died in Madrid 1687, ^ e more t ^ ian 50 Years old. 177. Don Simon de Leon Leal y PAINTER, was a Native and Inhabitant of Madrid. He was one of Pedro de las Cuevas's Scholars ; and continuing in his Study from Nature, and copying celebrated Piftures, he ar- rived to be one of the greateft Painters In Madrid ; convincing Proofs of this are his numerous and famous Works ; and among others he painted the prin- cipal Piece of the Great Altar of the New- ( * 2 5 ) New-Church of the Noviciado of the Society of J ejus, which is about feven Yards high. There is likewife at Toledo an excellent Pi&ure of his, in the Church of las Madres Capuchinas^ over- again ft .another of Carlo Maratti. He fol- lowed Vandyke's School, as well in Great as in Small, with much Beauty and frefhnefs of Colouring. He died in Madrid 1687, aged 77. I 178. Don Lorenzo de Soto y PAINTER, was born at Madrid^ and a Difciple of Benito Manuel a fa- mous Landfkip Painter ; and accordingly Don Lorenzo applied himfelf more to .Landfidps than Figures, tho' he did not want for a Capacity in that Part too % but he did not cultivate the latter fo much as the former, in which he undoubt- edly was excellent and made them very like thofe of his Mafter. He likewife wrought fome Pieces with little Hiftories of holy Anchorets of both Sexes, with Angular Succefs and Efteem. He died at Madrid 1688, aged 54. Don ( 126 ) 179* Don Pedro AthanaJtO y j ,"I)AINTER, was a Native of GranadaM «t and Scholar of Alonfo Cano. Hel had a more than ordinary grand Goutj and a Sweetnefs of Colouring, not with- out being indebted to the Works of! Pedro de Moya, together with the Van- dyke Manner, which he took a great! Fancy to, and obtained it with that Fe- licity that he ingrofs'd to himfelf the popular Applaufe. There are many and very good Pieces of his in the Carthu- fian Houfe in Granada ; and in the I Cloifter of Our Lady of Grace, arc many very good Ones ; and one whofe Subject is the mod Holy Conception i a Phoenix in its Kind ! He was a good j while at Seville, where he gave demon* ftrative Proofs of his Ability, in fome private Works, and afterwards (in 1680) j came to Madrid*, where, he ufed to fay, he fear'd none but Lucas Jordan, and not any Spanijh Painter whatever ; but in Truth he was a great Boafter. He died at Granada 1688, not much above 50 Years old. Don j ( "7 ) i 8o. Don Nicolas de Villacis* PAINTER, was a Native of the City of Murcia. He was a Difciple of Velazquez, and then went to Rome to compleat himfelf thoroughly as he did, in the moft exquifite Parts of the Art. Returning to his Native Country, he followed his Studies there, and was very exadt in his Drawing ; being ex~ treamly accurate, and tedious in finifhing his Works. The Stile of his Colour- ing, in Frefco and in 0/7, was very agreeable, as having learn'd it in Italy. He did in Murcia feveral great Works both in private and publick. He died 1690, at no very great Age. 1 8 j . Antonio Caftrejon> Painter. WAS a Native and Inhabitant of Madrid. He was well verfed in the pra&ical Part of Painting and altho* he was a Mannerift, he had a great Freedom and Eafe in Inventing : He had a very good Hand at little Hiftories, in ( 128 5 f mall 9 of which many are to be feen in the Perfpe&ives of Don Roque Ponce and Jofeph Garcia, and in fome Garlands of Gabriel de la Corte. He painted alfo a good deal in great, as may be feen in the Parifh-Church of St. Michael, and in that of St. Giles at Madrid. He died 1690, aged 65. 182. Don Sebaftian MugnoZi Kings Painter, ITT AS born at the Town of Na- W valcarnero, and was a Difciple of Claudio Coblo and one of the brighteft of 'em. At. 26 Years of Age he went to Rome, to ftudy under the Corre&ion of Carlo Maratti : and at 30 he returned back to Spain, where he began to (hew his great Ability, as well in the Aca- demies, in Defigning and Drawing, as in feveral Paintings in Oil and Frefco which offered themfelves and efpecially in the Royal Palace ; there is alfo a large Piece of his of the Funeral of the Queen of Spain, Donna Maria Luifa de Orleans^ Charles IPs Confort ) in the Convent of the Carmelites Calceate, at Madrid? where he died 1690, aged 36. ( ) 183. Don Juan de V aides ^ |3AINTER, Sculptor, and Architect, was born at Seville : He went to Cordo- va, where he painted, in the Church of the Calceate Carmelites, fome Women-Saints drawn to the Middle, with fo much Beauty of De(ign, Colouring, and Hand- ling that they feem to be of Velafquez ; and undoubtedly they are done from the Life, fince they have the very Viva- city and Truth thereof. Returning to Seville he made a celebrated Pidture for la C bar i dad, of the Triumph of the Crofs, a moft curious Piece ! and there v like wife is an Hieroglyphick of Death, reprefenting a dead Corpfe corrupted and half devoured with Worms, which gives an Horror and Dread to look at it ; befides it is fo natural, that many feeing it, inadvertently, have either fhrunk back with Fear, or ftopp'd their Nofes, left they fhould be infefted with the Stench of the Corruption. In fhort> our Values was a very great Defigneri an excellent Perfpe&ivift, Architect, and Sculptor \ particularly in making Clay- K Models ( m ) Models he had a wonderful Readinefs. He prefided many Years in the Academy of the faid City, and defign'd therein with the greateft Maftery and Facility of any. He died at Madrid 1691, aged 60. I 84. Don Juan de Laredo, TJA INTER, was born at Madrid, i and a Difciple of Rici. He paint- ed in Perfpeftives ; and excelled in the Manage of Diflemper, and efpecially for Groves, Gardens, and Cottages. He died at Madrid 1692, aged 60. 185. Don Bartolome Perez, f ■ 1 H E King's honorary Painter, was \_ born at Madrid % and was Son-in law to Arellano ; and came to paint Flow- ers full as well as his Father-in-law, for whom his Son ufed to paint the Figures in fome of his Pieces. He had likewife a particular Grace and Beauty in painting Curtains. He died at Madrid aged 59. Don ( ) 1 86. Don Claudto Coello, pAINTER of the Bed-Chamber X and Architect. He was a Native of Madrid, and a Difciple of Francifco Rici. He grew a very great Proficient as well in Hiftory as in Architecture and Perfpec- tive, both in Diftemper and Frefco. He did two Portraits in the Parochial Church of St. Andrew, which fecm as if done by Velafquez. He copied much the Origi- nals of Titian?RubenS) Vandyke others , by which Means he vaftly improved his Colouring. He painted fome Things in the Cupola of the Chapel del Santo Chrijlo, in the Imperial College, fo exceeding curious that 'tis no exaggerating to fay they come up to Anibal - y for in truth, it is impoffi- ble to out-do them. He alfo executed another famous Work in Zaragoza. On Occafion of drawing the King's Pifture, his Majefty order'd a Patent to be expedit- ed conftituting him Painter of the Bed- Chamber, with all the Wages, Allowan- ces,and Emoluments thereunto belonging ; a Houfe to refide in, and the Key of Harbinger to the Houfhold. He did many fine Things in the Palaces, and in the Churches of Madrid , and in order K 2 to ( ) to make the beft Choice of an Outline, he wouM put the Life into thirty dif- ferent Pofitions. Fie left many good Difciples, particularly Don Sebajlian Mug- nos, who was Painter to the King, and Don tfheodoro Ardemans, now the Maeftro- Mayor and Painter of the Bed-Chamber to his Majefty. He died at Madrid^ 1693. 187. Don Pedro de Mena> CCULPTOR, was born at Adra in the & Alpujarra (Mountains.) He was a Dif- ciple of his Father, and afterwards of Alonzo Cano in Granada. His firft famous Work was a Statue of Our Lady for the Church of the Town of Algendin near Granada ; and in the Convent del Angel are fome Statues which, for expreffing the Paflions of the Soul, are the Admiration of all Granada. He wrought a World of very fine Things in Malaga. He did alfo a very curious Piece of Chrift in his Ago- ny, for Prince Doria^ which he fent to Genoa ; and in his own Opinion it was the moft perfect of all his Performances. He did for Cordova, in 1673, a St. Peter of Alcantara^ in the Convent of St. Francis which ( i33 ) which is exquifite ! He was a general Ar~ tift in Wood, Stone, and Ivory. There are alfo very fine Works of his in Madrid^ and a St. Francis de AJJis in the holy Church of Toledo, very curious and highly valu'd. He did numberlefs Things with equal Eftimation and Credit. His ap- teft and moft eminent Difciple was Don Miguel de Zayas, a Native of Ubeda. He died in a good old Age at Malaga, 1693. 188. yuan ArnaU) Painter, \JVJ A S born at Barcelona, and a Difci- * * pie of Eugenio Caxes at Madrid. He went back to the Place of his Nati- vity where he manifefted his great Ca- pacity, in variety of Works ; particularly in the Cloifter of St. Auguftin, and in the Church of St. Mary de la Mar. He died at Barcelona 1693, after a Life of 98 Years compleat. 189. Gabriel de la Corte> PAINTER, was born at Madrid \ the Son and Difciple of Francifco de la Corte (Painter of PerfpeftivesJ He painted Flowers praftically with a plea- K 3 fing C 134 ) fing Prettynefs and a good Handling. He wrought Garlards which we're en- riched with little Hiftories by Antonio Cajtrejon, of Marias de Torres and others. He died in the faid City 1694, aged 46. 190. yuan de SewHa, Painter, \\T A S a Native and Inhabitant of VV Granada. He perfected himfelf in the School of Pedro de Moya, and folio w'd very fuccefsfully the florid and Vandykijh Manner of his Mafter. He followed the Stile and good Tafte of Rubens, fo nearly, that in truth his Manner of Painting feemed to be of the School of Rubens. Both Granada and Cordova have of his Works. I faw them lately put up ; and they were nicely curious, of great Sweetnefs and Frefhnefs of Colouring, and a grand Gout in touch- ing up the Lights. He painted a good deal, both in Dftemper and Oil. He died at Granada 1695, turn'd of 66. Don ( 135 ) 1 9i« Don Jofepb de Ciezar y PAINTER, was a Native of Gra- nada ; Son and Difciple of Don Miguel Geronimo de Ciezar. He was a great Painter in Diftemper ; and altho* he did every Thing well, yet his more efpecial Excellence lay in Landskips, and in Flowers, v/hich he painted with fo much Delicacy, Propriety, and tender Softnefs, that tho 5 done in Diftemper, in fome Screens, it feem'd as if the Air would put them in Motion. Pie painted alfo many Things in 0/7, at Madrid j where he died 1696, aged 40. 192. yuan de Cano de Arevalo^ pAIN TE R, was a Native of the XT Town of Valdemoro*, four Leagues diftant from Madrid. He painted Fans fo exquifitely, that, for this Sort of Work, there was none in Spain equal to him. He like wife painted large Things in Diftemper and in 0/7, but not with fo much Beauty. He died at Madrid 1696, aged 40. K 4 Don ( 136 ) 193* & on Diego Gonzalez de V eg a, Painter, WA S born at Madrid and lived there. Has was a Difciple of Fran- cifco Rici^ and one of the ableft of 'em all, and who neareft imitated his Man- ner, as is plainly feen in his many pub- lick Works as well as private ; but a- bove all other his Paintings, the good Tafte h moft confpicuous in that which is placed at the Difcalceate Carmelites Houfe in Madrid : The Subject is, St. J nan da la Cruz writing, and the Holy Ghoft enlightening him, and with great Difplay of Glory, accompany 'd with little Angels ; the whole executed with a grand Gout and Beauty of Colouring. He died at Madrid 1697, aged 75. 194. Don yuan Nigno de Guevara^ Painter, WAS born at Madrid^ but lived in Malaga. He ow'd his firft In- ftru&ions to Miguel Manrique^ a Na- tive ( *37 ) tive of Flanders and Difciple of Rubens. Afterwards he took a Journey to Ma- drid and attended the School of Alonfo Cano, and became fuch a Proficient as to equal, if not furpafs the Paintings of his Mafter ; for he always preferv'd the Milk, as it were, which he firft fuck'd in Rub em's School. Some of his noble Works are to be feen at Malaga, in the Church of la Ckaridad del Triumpho, and in the Cathedral of St. Juan de Dios difunto \ where is, befides, a famous Picture of St. Michael, a very bold Figure ! He painted the Cloifter of St. Auguftin's Convent at Cordova. He drew fome Faces which really feem to be of Rubens or Vandyke. He painted the Cloifter of St. Auguftin's. Convent in Granada. In which Pieces he difcover'd grand Notions of Defign, a brisk and gallant Pencil, and a noble and fuperior Talte throughout. There is an a dmirable Pidture of his drawing, which he gave a Friend, rather than he would fell it for lefs than its Value to an ignorant and covetous Fellow \ it is now placed at the great Altar in the Church of St. Peter de Alcantara, in ( 138) it! the faid City of Malaga. In my Opinion, he did not come fhort of Murillo in any Thing 5 and what is more, in the Art of Defign and Drawing, Nigno had the Advantage of him. He ended his Days at Malaga 1698, in his 6jtb Year. 195, Alonfo del Arco y ? PAINTER, commonly call'd el Sordillo de Pereda, was born at Madrid^ and was a Difciple of Don Antonio de P ere da. He was deaf and dumb from his Birth. He arriv'd to a Degree of a very good Painter, efpecial- ly of Faces which he did excellently well and very like. His beft Works are in the Chapel of Our Lady de la Novena, which belongs to the Comedians of Madrid ; he wrought fo abundantly, that there's fcarce a Church or Houfe at Madrid^ but has fomething of his doing. Even in his Youth he painted fome Hiftories, with a fuperior Tafte in Colouring, and fhew'd a great deal of Care and Study in the Drawing. He painted likewife in Difiemper admirably well s he died at Madrid, aged 75 1700. I ( *39 ) 196. Fray Eugenio Gutierrez^ de 7 or ices. HE was a great Sculptor and Painter of Wax, to that Degree that Colona and Miteli, upon feeing fome of his Works, cried out, A Miracle ! Some of them are placed in the belt Cabinets of the greateft Princes of Europe : befides abundance which remain at Ma- drid ; where he died at the Age of four- fcore Years. 197. Pedro Roldan, SCULPTOR, Painter, and Architect* he was a Native of Seville and Jived there. He was the firft that made Boys Heads, with a becoming Difpofition and Fulnefs of Hair for before, they were all ufed to be made with three Tufts, one at the top , another on each fide of the Face; he had an uncommon Ca- pacity for every Thing. Among other his publick Works, there is an Interr- ment of Chrift, in the Altar of the Church ( l 4° ) Church of la Caridady confifting of Figures even bigger than the Life ; and what adds not a little to their Beauty, is their having receiv'd the Colouring and Carnation, from the eminent Pencil of Don Juan de Valdes. There is, more- over, an Image of the Immaculate Con- ception, in Cordova, in the Church of the Difcalceate Trinit avians , a Capital Piece ! Again, there's a Virgin-mother de los dolores (Sorrowing) callM Our Lady de la Antigua, which is ador'd by all Seville ; the Cathedral of Jaen too has of his Works. He died at Seville Anno 1700, aged 76. 198. Don Pedro Nugnez de ViUavicenciO) Painter, YTT A S a Native of Seville, but he W learn'd the Art at Malta in the School of the Chevalier Matias fotherwife caird the Cavalier Calabres) and made fuch Improvements, that it was remark- able, the Things he copied after his Mafter were not to be diftinguifhed from the Originals. Of this Clafs I faw a Mary ( 141 ) Mary Magdalen of his Hand, which I took to be done by the Chevalier Mafias . Befides thefe, he wrought many Things of his own Invention, following Mu- rillo's Stile, in fome toying Sports and wanton Diverfions of little ragged Boys, done from the Life ; one whereof I have feen, executed with extreme Pro- priety. Above all, he excelPd in Faces, both as to drawing with perfeft Like- nefs, and with all the Strength of Painting ; following that great School of his Mafter, which was that of Guer- chino. He died at Seville Anno 1700* aged 60. 199. Don Francifco Ochoa^ y AntonileZ) the learned Painter. HE was born at Seville^ and made fuch Proficiency in the School of Murillo, that happening to fee, at Ma- drid^ a Pifture painted upon Copper by him, of Our Lady, with her moft Holy Son an Infant when in Egypt y attended by fome tender-hearted Women wafhing the Infant-God's Linnen and hanging it ( W ) it out to dry, I concluded it to be Murillo% and valu'd it at an hundred Crowns, being about a third Part of a Yard in Size. He likewife drew fmali Portraits exceeding well. He died at Madrid 1700, aged 56. 200. Pedro Alonfo de los Rios> SCULPTOR, was a Native of Val- ladolid, and Difciple of his Father Francifco Alonfo, a very agreeable and graceful Carver. Our Pedro dwelt in Madrid and was highly efteem'd for Carving, and well deferv'd to be fo, witnefs his Works in Madrid worthy of the greateft Applaufe. They are in the Chapel of Confectioners in the Parifhof Santa Cruz in the great Chapel of St. Martin, and in that of St. Gertrudis Magna ; and in St. Philip el Real, with many more. He died Anno 1700, at Madrid^ fomewhat turn'd of 50. Fran- ( H3 ) 201. Francifco Guirro, Painter* TTTAS born at Barcelona, and a very W excellent Painter, witnefs the large Piece he drew of St. Monica, Widow; v/hich is to be feen in the great Altar of the Convent of the Auguftin Recolets* of the Advocation of the faid Saint He died in 1700, aged 70. 202. Mateo GiJarte, Painter, WAS born at Valencia, and a Dis- ciple of Rib alt a ; and after he had gone thro 9 his Courfes in the Academies of thofe Parts, he removed to the City of Murcia, where he gave convincing Proofs of -.his Ingenuity, being thoroughly grounded in the Art of Defign, and en- dowed with a good Gout in Colouring, both m Oil znd Frefco. There alfo he paint- ed the Church of Our Lady del Rofario in Frejco. He painted alfo" the Battle of Lepanto ; and it is faid that in order to make this Work the more magnificent, he ( H4 ) he engaged the AfTiftance of the famous Battalift Juan de Toledo, Captain, of Horfe. He died in 1700, aged 53, 203. Bartholome V icente, PAINTER, was born in the Dif- -T tricft of Zaragoza *, and learn'd the Principles of his Art at Madrid tinder Caregno. Afterwards he found Means to be admitted into the Efcurial^ where he employ'd feven Years in copying many of the moft valuable Pictures there: Then he went to Za- ragoza where he performM not a few excellent Things, abounding with Fan- cy, and of a beautiful Colouring like Baffin's Manner which he imitated. He had likewife a rare Hand at Landskips," and fucceeded very well in Frefco. He died Anno 1 700 in the faid City, in his 70th Yesx. Don 1 ( *45 ) 204. Don Francifco de Vera Cabeza de Baca, Painter. HE was born in the City of Ca- latayud, in the Kingdom of Ara- gon ; and receiv'd his firft Inftrudtions in the Art, from no lefs a Perfon than his Highnefs Don John of Auftria. He exercised Painting only to oblige fome particular Friends, efpecially with Portraits which he drew admirably well. He died in the City aforenamed, in 1700, aged 63. 205. Other Celebrated Paint- ers of the City of Zaragoza, TH E renown'd City of Zaragoza has produced other Painters befides thofe already mentioned, whofe Capacity, tho' it was not general, yet they had an excellent Talent in particular Things : as in Face- painting, AJjenJi ; in Flowers, Polo ; in Landfkips, Pcrtus ; in Battles* Rabklla \ and in Architecture and orna- L mental ( *46 ) mental Embellifhments, Francifco Piano, who, fome will tell ye, was not at all inferior to the celebrated Bolognefes, Co- lona and Miteli. All thefe died in 1700. 206. Gregorio de Mefa, SCULPTOR, was a Native of the City of Calatayud in the Kingdom of Aragon, and liv'd in the City of Zaragoza. He ftudied in the Acade- mies of Tolofa in France, in which he attain'd to fuch a Degree of Skill as to be the Author of celebrated Statues, both for Size and Value ; fuch as the San Miguel de los Navarros in Stucco, in Zaragoza, bigger than the Life ; and two others of St. Bruno, extraordinary Pieces ! for the Carthufian Houfe of Aula Dei. He died in 1701 in the faid City, aged little more than 60. 207. Miguel de Rub tales*) OCULPTOR; he was born at *3 Madrid, where he lived and died. He was a Difciple of Pedro Alonfo, and an ( H7 ) an exquifite Sculptor, as is apparent in a Chrifi taken down from the Crofs, which is in the College of St. Thomas m Madrid^ &c. He died there Anno i 702, aged 70. 208. Don Ifidoro Arredondo, pAlNTER to his Majefty ; the Town of Colmenar de Oreja gave him Birth, and Don Jofepb Garcia his fir ft Rudiments in Painting; ; he was afterwards under the Difciplitie of Don Francifco Rici at Madrid. Rici died, and left Don Ifidoro Heir to his Col- lection of Paintings, which was very con- fiderable ; for Rici's Drawings, Sketches, and Plans, were both innumerable and ineftimable, Don Ifidoro was the Au- thor of many publick and private Works in Madrid, efpecially of a large Picture Twenty Foot high of Chrifcs Incarnation to be fent abroad ; he paint- ed likewife in Difiemper and Frefcc* He died at Madrid 1702, aged 48. Mofcn ( 148 ) 20 9- Mofen Vicente Bru y PAINTER, was born at Valencia and brought up to Painting xm&zrConchillos. Some of his Works are to be feen in the Church of St. Juan del Mercado, and are unqueftionable Proofs of. his Genius. After his Death a Frenchman (a Lover of Painting) made a Purchafe of his Drawings, at a great Price. He died in the faid City, Anno 1703, not more than 21 Years old. 210. Don Vicente de Bena- videsy Painter, WAS born at Oran. He came to Madrid and was a Difciple of Rici. As for Figures, he had no great Tafte in Perfpe&ive, Architecture, and Deco- rations, he was eminent, executing the Whole, with a moft Angular Exa&nefs and Dexterity which he had acquir'd in Dijiemper nor had he lefs Skill in Frefco-painting, as is vifible in divers Works both within and without Ma- drid \ where he died 1703, aged 76. Donna ( H9 ) 2ii. Donna Luifa Roldan y AN Eminent Sculptrefs, was born at Seville, She was the Daughter and Difciple of Pedro Roldan, a noted Sculptor. She went to Madrid, where fhe carv'd an Image of Jefus of Na- zareth, of a Bignefs proportionable to the Life, of fuch exquifite Beauty and at the fame Time fo full of a com- panionate Concern., that it was the Aftonifhment and Admiration of the whole Town. And fuch was the Amaze I was in at feeing it, that I thought it an Irreverence to view it without Kneeling, for it feemed to be the very- living Original itfelf ^ and having ad- mired it and carefully furvey'd it for a good Space, I went and fat down : and returning once more to look at it, I told my Friend, I would not lit down in the prefence of the Image, un- lefs they cover'd his Majefty ! So great a Refpe6t and Veneration it caused in me, that I folemnly aver I want Words to declare it ! For not only the Ex- preffion (which I have already men- L 3 tion'dj ( i5o ) tion'd of the Head, but the Hands and Feet were fo divinely executed, with fome Drops of Blood trickling down, that the Whole appear'd to be very Nature itfelf. This fupreme Prodigy of Art was accompany'd with an Effigy of his moft Holy Mother forrowing, no lefs to be admir'd than the other ; and they are both placed in the Town of S if ante in la Mane ha, adjoining to San Clement in a Convent of Barefoot Nuns, with the Title of Jefus Nazarenus. She died in 1 704, at Madrid, not quite 50 Years of Age. 212. JLucas Jordan, King's Painter. WA S born at Naples 1628 (tho' originally of Spanifh Extraction. ) His Father was a Painter, and work'd for his own Shop, on which Occafion he began to praftife at fo tender an Age, that in my hearing he told the King ( Charles II.) In the fame Manner that they give little Children the Primer to learn to read in y fo he was put upon Drawing ; by which ('5' ) which means Painting became fo natural to him that, by the Time he was /even Tears old, he faid, he had done Things which*, for a Boy of his Age, were much admired. And by thus early beginning, and bufying himfelf in Painting, as it were for the Shop or the Market, he acquired fuch Facility of handling his Pencil, that he out-ftripp'd thofe who were the moft vers'd in the Practical Part : and his Father wou'd often fay to him, when he haften'd him, Luca fa prefto (Luke, make hafte) and by this Name he was more known in Italy than by his own Name. He afterwards apply'd him- felf to the School of Jojeph de Ribera el Efpagnoleto (Spaniolet) to whofe Stile he lean'd fo much and followed his Man- ner fo clofe in feveral of his Pieces, as to puzzle the moft difcerning Criticks to diftinguifh them from his Matter's Hand. He remov'd to Rome, where he not only ftudy'd all the noble Re- mains of Antiquity but made Draughts of them ; and copy'd many Originals of the moft celebrated Painters, with fo intenfe an Application that, making him- felf perfect Mafter of the different Stile L 4 and ( »5* ) and Manner of each, he attained to imitate them all fo well, that People are every Day deceived by his Paintings ; now mimicking Raphael, then following dittany fometimes keeping fintoret in his Eye, and other times flicking clofe to Coregio, or fome other great Mafter ; info much that it is not every Pretender to Painting that can diftinguifh them from the Performances of thofe excellent Hands. He likewife at this Time ap- ply 5 d himfelf to the School of Pedro de Cortona ; and affifted him in the celebrated Works which he painted in Frefco at Rome, acquiring, in this Branch of Paint- ing, fo fuperior a Handling and fo noble and free a Stroke, that he arriv'd to the Height 'of whatever could poffibly be performed in that Way, not only with refpeft to the Elegancy and Refinednefs of Tafte but in Celerity of Working, which was fo incredibly prodigious that he would difpatch. more Bufmefs in a Day than any other could in a Week. Returning to Naples, he was fo much employ'd in Painting for different Princes of Europe, that his Reputation was fpread far and wide, not only by the forefaid Means, ( 153 ) Means, but alfo becaufe all the Vice- Roys ufed to carry or fend his Paintings to the King ( Charles II. ) Infomuch that his Majefty, defiling to fee him paint and to have him do • fome thing in Frefco at the Efcurial, invited him to come over into Spam in 1692, or- dering him to be paid for that Purpofe 1500 Ducats de plata ; permitting what- foever he brought in his Ship with him to enter Cuftom-free, which was no fmall Quantity ; honouring him with the Golden Key, as Groom of the Bed- Chamber, difpenfing with his At- tendance, that he might be more a Matter of himfelf and his Time. It was in May 1692, that he arriv'd at Madrid, There is a common Report that he painted St. Michael's Triumph in 24 Hours, in Competition with Claudio CoellO) but it is all a Fidtion, for I was Witnefs of the Whole. He did not fimfti that Work in 24 Hours, nor 24 Days neither. For the King having commanded that no body fhould be admitted into fee Lucas at Work, that he might not be hindered his Majefty fent to tell me, that that Order did not ex- tend ( *54 ) tend to me. It is impoflible to enu- merate or exprefs the Number and Beauty of his Compofitions in Madrid^ the Ef- curial, and Toledo. Lucas Jordan em- ployed only two Years in painting ten arch'd Cielings of the Church and Stair- cafe belonging to that Palace(the Efcurial) to which if we add his Sketches and Drawings painted with great Maffes of Colour, his Cartoons, and the like pre- parative Materials, one would think a Man's whole Life little enough to ex- ecute it. This Artift was much celebrated for his Facility and Expedition in paint- ing in Oil ; but as to Frefco^ he outdid all and himfelf too. His Works were gallant* brave, and rich with beautiful Drapery, charming Airs, and lively Ornaments v his Manner in Frefco was finifh'd, well empafted, and fmooth as in 0/7; and therefore his Manage in Frefco did no Prejudice to his Pra&ifing in 0/7, but rather made it eafier to him ; and the fame will happen to all that fhall manage in the fame Manner. By the King's Or- der* he imitated fome ancient Painters, wm> Rapbael,Coregio,Titian y and Spaniolet y without CefTation or any Refpite, not even ( i55 ) even on Holidays ; and happening to let flip one Day without Working he faid, fpeaking of. his Pencils which had lain idle, they are defirous of being my Superiors and Matter, but I muft have them fubjeft to me and under my Feet. His conftant Task was (efpecially in Summer) from 8 in the Morning till 12 ; from thence till 2 he pafs'd the Time in Eating his Dinner and Repofing : after which he refum'd his Task till 5 or 6 in the Evening, and then he went abroad to take the Air in a Coach which the King kept on purpofe for him with exprefs Or- ders, that it fhould be always ready to at- tend him whenever he defired it; and thus he lived without fpending a fingle Mara- vedi of his own on any Account what- . ever : In fhort, he got Money fo faft that he was not worth fo little as 200, 000 Ducats^ and highly in the Efteem of all the Kings and Princes of Europe of his Time. In the Year 1702, Philip V, having determined to go over to Naples on the %th of February J 'or dan waited on him thither, and died in 1704, in the laid City ; the Almighty having been pleas'd to grant his Defire of not dying out ( ) out of his Native Country ; which I have heard him many times ardently pray for, always concluding with a deep Sigh, O Naples ; Dear, Dear Naples ! Of all his Difciples, the moft excellent, that we know of, are Simoneli, Paolo de Mateis^ and Franc ifco Solimena. He was 76, when lie died. 213. Don Franci/co Ignacio Ruiz de la Iglefia^ T> A INTER of the Bed-Chamber, JL was born at Madrid and lived there, lie was firft put to learn of Camilo and afterwards of Car regno \ but he im- proved much more in the Company of Cahezalero, not miffing the Academies or neglecting the Study of the Statues and Paintings at Court 5 whereby he laid a folid Foundation of Defign, with a very fprightly and beautiful Colouring; which Advantages placed him in the foremoft Rank or Painters, and made his Name the Subjedt of all Converfation among the Virtuofi. He wrought a- bundance both for the publick Structures \ and ( l S7 ) and private Houfes, with exquifite Study and perfedi Bxadtnefs, for he gave him- felf very much to the Obfervance of Nature and the Models, and was, as it were, fo tied to 'em, that when he did the Hairs of a Beard he would make them in a Manner as folid and maffy as the Model reprefented them. He af- terwards attach'd himfelf to Jofeph Donojo* He painted much in Frefco^ and very well, as is apparent in the Church of the Royal Hofpital of the Aragonians m Madrid ; the Whole executed with very beautiful Ornaments, Architecture, and Perfpe<5tive, in which he had great Skill Befides, he painted in Diftemper 9 with extraordinary Art, as he fliew'd (when the Queen Donna Maria Anna of Neoburg made her Entry) in the little Market-place or Square of Madrid ; as alfo in divers Theatres and Curtains of the Colifeum of Buen-Retiro : but moft of all, as is ft ill to be feen in a large Pidure in Diftemper, which is placed in the Monument of the Royal Hof- pital of the Aragonians^ in the Holy Week : Than which, nothing furely^ can ( m ) can be better done ; info much that it it feems to be in Oil. He died at Ma- drid 1704, aged 56. 2 1 4. Fray yoachin yuncofa, P AINTER; he was a Native of JL Catalonia, and a Religious of the Monaftery of the Carthujian Houfe of Aula Dei, in the fame Principality ; he was an excellent Painter, when a Man of the World, and afterwards when a Monk, witnefs his Paintings in the Church of the faid Monaftery, which are per- fectly well defign'd and exquifitely finifh'd ! Before this, and being as yet a Layman, he painted abundance of Things reprefenting the Fables and Fidions of Paganifm (in which Sort of Learning he was very converfant.) Thefe he did for private Families. He died in the forenamed Monaftery 1708, aged 77. Senen 1 ( 159 ) 2 i 5. Senen Vila^ WAS a Valencian^ and a very ex- cellent Difciple of EJievan Marc\ exceeding nice in Defign ; infomuch that his Works have a notable Effeft and look admirably well in the Outlines only. He wrought inceflantly for more than 30 Years in Murcia till 1708* when he died ; he was a very great Man in many Refpe&s. He was renown'd for painting Sacred Story ; he was like- wife very learned and well read, in fhort an extraordinary Humanift, and a conftant Attendant in the Academies of Valencia. He painted abundance of Things for Convents : in St. If abetted % in Murcia he did a prodigious Per- formance of Hiftory, in the large Chapel Both within and without that Kingdom his Name was mightily extended. He was as great a Theorift as a Practitioner \ no lefs skilful in Landskip-painting than in Limning ; he was very modeft in the Expreflion of his Hiftories, notwithftand- ing he was fo great an Anatomift. Don Lorenzo ( i6o ) Lorenzo Vila, his Son, had the Advantage of the Father, as to Invention and the Beauty and Softnefs of his Works, which were finifh'd with great Practice, Neat- nefs, and Spirit of Defign, in which he every Day employ'd much Study, fome- times from Models, other times in the Academy, which he fettled in Murcia for ftudying from the Life ; and fo great was his AffedKon to it, that he ufually form'd Models in Wax or Clay, with the lingular Approbation of the great Don Nicolas de Buji an Italian (who dwelt in Murcia) Sculptor to Philip IV. whofe Effigy he carv'd pro- portionable to the Life as alfo that of the Queen Mother. Bufi died in the Carthu- ftan Monaftery of Valencia about the Year 1709, in a good old Age, leaving many remarkable Works in Murcia, which he wrought at exceffive Prices ; but there are not Eyes to fee them, nor Words to extol them. Don Lorenzo died in 1 713, not 30 Years old. Don ( ifii ; 216. Don Juan Vanchefel^ PAINTER to the Queen, was a Flemings the Son of Juan Vanchefel and one of his forwardeft and mod expert Difciples. The Father was a Difciple of David 1 enters. Our Van- chefel trod in his Father's Steps and admirably well imitated him in Fifh" es, Birds, Beafts, and Landfldps ; and* in my Opinion, outdid him in Face- painting, in which he imitated Vandyke to that Height of Perfection, that I make no doubt but many of VanchefeFs Portraits will in Time be taken for Vandyke's. After fome Time he came to Madrid {Anno 1680) and began to exercife his Talents at the Houfe of a Countryman of his, where he was the Author of fine Performances, efpecially a large Family-piece of his Friend and Protector, reprefenting him to the Life with his Wife and Children, the Whole defign'd and executed with great Art and Variety of fuitable Adlion, and in it, himfelf, likewife drawn to the M Life, ( I«2 ) Life, putting his Head out of a Win- dow, to write his Name on the Wall ; and were it not for this Circumftance, it might have pafs'd for Vandyke's Draw- ing. He painted alfo the Portrait of a Man on Horfe-back, fo lively and re- fembling, (in a Size lefs than the Life,) that nothing but the Smallnefs of the Figures could have put it out of Doubt, which was the Pi&ure, and which the Reality. He did abundance of other Portraits to the utmoft Degree of Per- fection, both as to Likenefs and every Thing elfe. He died at Madrid 1708, aged 64. 217. Don Francifco Perez Sierra^ WA S born at Naples, but came over into Spain, and lived in Madrid ; he was the Son of Don Mar- tin Perez, a Spaniard and a Native of Gibraltar. In Italy, he laid fome Foun- dation with Annelo Falcono in the paint- ing Battles, to which he was much in- clin'd : and coming into Spain, as I faid, he ( i6 3 ) he there continued his Application to Battles, with Juan de Toledo, who at that Time was at Madrid ; and having vaftly improved himfelf, he painted Bat- tle-pieces with an excellent Stroke and a grand Handling ; and likewife other Subje&s, fuch as poor Cottages and Country-Hovels, little Night-pieces, and fuch like Things. He pra&is'd too in Frefco and Diftemper, and was alfo a good Perfpe&ivift. Afterwards he ap- ply'd himfelf to the Painting of Flow- ers and Fruits by the Life, and arrivM to fo fupreme an Execution therein, that it feem'd impoffible to carry that Branch of Painting to a greater Height. Befides all this, he apply'd himfelf to paint- ing the frolickfome Merry-Meetings of ordinary Pot-Companions, with variety of little Implements and trifling Gew- gaws from the Life, and fome Herb- Stalls, with all Sorts of Pulfe and Gar- den-Stuff", difpofed fo artfully and with fo good a Tafte, that it was really pro- digious. He died at Madrid 1 709, after compleating his %id Year. M 2 Don ( 1 64 ) 2 1 8 .Don Pedro Ruiz Gonzales, PAINTER, was a Native and Inhabitant of Madrid, He learn'd not the Art of Painting, till he was advanced in Years, in the School of Don Antonio Efcalante and altho* his Ge- nius was then hardened, yet he went on very well, and imitated his Matter a good deal at firft : but afterwards getting acquainted with Carregno^ he im- prov'd vaftly, as is apparent in variety of his Works, in the Church of St. Juftus and St. Pqftor, at Madrid^ which difcover a noble and a good Compofi- tion. He was a man exceeding bright and learned, and excelled in Invention and Compofition-, and, had his Judg- ment been equal to his Invention, he had been the firft Man in the World ; for, in truth, his firft Draughts feem'd to promife no lefs. I have feen a Piece of his, of the Judgment Hall of Pilate y where they are loading Our Saviour with the Crofs, which had all the Ap- pearance of Paul Veronefe. Another I have ( l€5 ) have feen of Chrijl's Sepulchre, which approached very near to Titian ; but his Execution, in the Great, was not anfwer- able, as may be feen in the Veftry of of theParifh Church of St. Gines. He had a great Facility in defigning any Subjeft whatever, and accordingly he left behind him an infinite Number of Drawings ; but then he was fo fond of a Name, that, let the Thing be what it wou'd, a paultry Figure of the Academy, or the moft inconfiderable Scratch with a Pen, it was not to go without his Name to it and the Date, He died at Madrid 1709, aged 76, 219. Don Geronimo Secano, PAINTER and Sculptor; he was born at Zaragoza^ where he laid-in fome flight Principles of the Art, and then removed to Madrid \ where, by frequenting the eminent Painters, and conftantly attending the Academies, and copying excellent Originals, in which he fpent fome Years, he became a confum- mate Artift, and found himfelf Matter M 3 of ( 1 66 ) of Deilgn, and expert in Colouring, in which he had indeed a fingular good Tafte. With thefe Advantages he returned to Zaragoza, where he gain'd a great Ef- teem by his Paintings, of the Excellency whereof there are not a few Vouchers-, fuch as thofe in the Chapel of St. Michael in that City,and the Cupola thereof, paint- ed in Frefco with a mafterly Gout. Af- terwards, being now turn'd of 50, he took to Sculpture, which he eafily con- quered and came to be eminent in that alfo. Among other Works of Statuary he executed thofe of the Chapel of St. Laurence in that City, with great Judg- ment, Command, and Addrefs. He died there 1710, aged 72. 220. Don Lorenzo Montero^ T} A I N T E R, was born at Seville : Jt and was a very good Painter in Dijlemper, particular in Architecture, Or- naments, and Targets. He was much admir'd for drawing Fruit, Flowers, and Landlkips, when he came to Madrid in 1680; but above all for his Skill in painting the Scenes and Decorations for the The- ( i O R N at Valencia, and a Difciple of Eftevan Marc (a Painter of great Repute, particularly for Battle-pieces.) He came to be a very great Painter, es- pecially in Defign. After fome Years, he remov'd to Madrid, to fee the emi- nent Performances there, and contrail Acquaintance with the great Matters. Which done, he went back to Valencia, mightily improved in the Colouring Part, and no lefs in Defign ; for he was very Sedulous in frequenting the Academies, and in copying the beft Pictures, with- out forgetting to ftudy the celebrated Statues of the Court. And indeed he continued fo to do all his Life-long, mfomuch that he procured an Academy to be eftablifhM at Valencia \ nay, many Years held it in his own Houfe. Among others, there are two celebrated Pieces of Hiftory 20 Palm's high, of his Paint- ing, placed in the Parochial Church of St. Salvador in the faid City ; and they are the beft that ever went out of his Hands, ( *7* ) Hands, having fliewn more Skill and Judgment, in thofe than in any of the reft of his "Works. He had a prodigious Facility in making wafh'd Drawings, of whatever Subje&s came in his Way, or of any uncommon odd Accident, Situation, or Circumftance, which he chanced to meet with ; as it happened when I went to Valencia. He came, with a Difciple of mine, as far as the Inn at Chiva, to meet me and the next Day he fhewM me, in a wafh'd Drawing, the whole Re- ception, with the Calefhes, the Inn, the Well and great Ciftern of Water, which is over-agairift the Houfe, with all the other Circumilanc.es of the Coun- try thereabouts ; dfo my Difciple em- bracing me and likewife every one of the Company, and himfelf too, with fo great Propriety, that by the Aftions, Motions, and Garb, it w r as prefentiy known who each particular Pcrfon w r as, He died at Madrid 171 1, aged 70, Don ( ) 2 24. Don Vicente ViEtoria y TT|A INTER, was born at Valencia , Jt but went over into and, at RomCj apply'd himfelf clofe to Paint- ing,- in the School of the renowned Carlo Maratti, where he made great Proficiency, efpecially in Face-painting, and in a good Underftanding of Symmetry and Anatomy ; of which he was a very curious Obferver. In Portraits, and every Thing elfe relating to the Imitation of Nature, he was really wonderful ; for Inftance, he drew the Reprefentation of a Table, upon Canvas, over which there hung fome Drawings and other Trifles, which, I ingenoufly own, I took to be the real Things themfelveg, and not Pic- tures of 'em. Returning to Rome^ he was appointed the Pope's Antiquarian, with a very extraordinary Salary. He died there 1712, aged 54. Gaf- ( m ; 2 2 5- Gafpar de la Huerta^ "QAINTER ; he was bora at Campiih JL de Alto Buey. From whence he removed to Valencia, not quite 6 Years old, and was lodged in the Houfe of Jefualda Sanchiz a Female Painter; and under her he learned fuch Rudi- ments of the Art as his Miftrefs's len- der Skill afforded. Afterwards, moved by his own happy Difpofition, and the Dint of his Genius (which, it mui be own'd, was very great) he fo ftronglf devoted himfelf to the Study of Painting* that he rofe to the firft Rank of Paint- ers in Valencia ; for his Manner of Paint- ing (befides a Sufficiency in Defign) was vaftly pleafing in the Colouring, whereby he ran away with the popular Applaufe to that Degree, that there's fcarce a Church in the City and Kingdom of Valencia^ which has not fome of his Painting in it; in his whole Life he had gained 35, ooo Crowns, and died in the fail City 1 7 14, aged 73. Dm ( ) 226. Don yofeph de Mora, CCULPTOR to the King, was born at Granada, and a Difciple of Alonfo Cano. When he found himfelf pretty well improv'd, he came to Madrid, where he profecuted his Studies in the School of Don Sebaftian Herrera ; and made fuch further Advances, that his Works have often been taken for Se- baftiarfs. He wrought abundance of Things for the Publick, and among others, the two Angels and young Children of the Paflion, which are in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Seven Dolours , in the Royal College of Atocha in Madrid, an extatic Piece ! He went back to Granada for his Health, where he lived about 30 Years, and where he wrought Numbers of excellent Pieces in Sculpture \ efpecially for the Mo- naftery of the Carthufians there. There are alfo of his doing eight Statues of fo many different Saints, in the Chapel of Cardinal Salazar in the holy Church of Cordova. Pie was fingular in one Thing, ( i75 ) Thing, he would never let any body fee him work ; neither did his moft intimate Friends know where his Work- houfe was, tho* it was fomewhere within the Walls of his Habitation but there was no Poffibility of perfuading him out of this particular Way of thinking, which made People fay, he work 3 d in the Night, and walk'd abroad and took his Pleafure in the Day. He died at Granada 1724, aged, 86. THE END. BOOKS, &c. Printed for and fold by Samuel Harding, On the Pavement in St. Martina-Lane. HP H E genuine Firft Book of Andrew Palladio's Works, ■** in Folio, which contains the Five Orders of Architecture , faithfully and correctly tranflated, and the thirty-one Plates neatly engrav'd, but exactly copied (without any Deviations from the Author's Drawings, or needlefs Decorations intro- duced, or any ways altering his Meafures) from the original Edition pubhnYd by himfelf in Venice in 1570, by the late COLEN CAMPB ELL,^; Architect, Author of the Three Volumes o/*Vitruvius Britannicus. To this Edition Mr. Campbell has added five curious Plates (of his own Invention) of Doors, Windows, and Chimney -Pieces, price 7s bound. THE School of Miniature : Which contains the moft expeditious and infallible Ways of Drawing, and all the Methods of Colouring, Stippling, &c. without being taught. To the whole are annexM, many valuable Receipts for pre- paring the Colours for this kind pf Painting, communicated by the beft Italian and other Matters. Alfo the Preparation of an excellent polijh'd Gold, Shell-Gold and Shell-Silver^ Price is. Rcpertorium-Sculptile-Typicum, or Compleat Collection of the feveral Marks and Cyphers, by which the Prints of the beft Engravers are diftinguinVd. To which is added An Hijlorical and Chronological Lift, of the Painters. Price is 6d. A Iar & s round Prnit of a Table of all Merchandizes, fervlng for whelefale and retail^ with all Manner of Prices of any Num- ber of Weights and Meafures ready caft up. Ufeful not only for the greateft Merchant, but the meaneft Dealer, Price is. A Print of a Pyramidal Multiplication -Table, from twice z 51 times 51 ready caft up. Price 6d. A Conference between a Painter and an Engraver, con* taining fome ufeful Hints and neceflary Inftru&ionJ, pro- per for a Young Artift, Price 6d. 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