MANUFACTURED BY ROCHESTER OPTICAL CO. Rochester, N. Y. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST OF THE P hotogr aphic. Ap paratus, MANUFACTURED BY ROCHESTER OPTICAL COMPANY, W. F. CARLTON, Proprietor and Manager. Specialty: VIEW CAMERAS FOR AMATEURS AND PROFESSIONALS. ROCHESTER, N. Y. : Rochester Optical Company,. 11 and 13 aqueduct street. June, 1889. To OaR GasroMERS. We invite a careful and critical examination of this our Annual Catalogue of Photographic Apparatus and Materials, which we have the pleasure to offer. Our goods are guaranteed to be, in every particular, exactly as represented. Our prices will always be found as low as possible for the class of goods. We employ only skilled workmen, the most of whom have been with us for several years ; we use nothing but selected materials, and as all our apparatus is made under our personal supervision, we can say without hesitation that our goods are unequaled for durability, workmanship, accuracy, and excellence of finish. We are progressive and improve our apparatus when found practi- cable, as we avail ourselves of every desirable modification of apparatus. Should these changes cause a slight departure from the printed de- scription, it will be for the better, thus adding to the cost of produc- tion, which we voluntarily assume for the benefit of our customers. Terms. Prices given are net, no charge for boxing or cartage. Persons unknown to us, desiring goods sent C. O. D., must remit one-quarter the cost with the order. The goods will then be sent with the privilege of inspection ; should the goods not be kept we will return the amount of remittance, less express charges. Orders for shipment by freight must be accompanied by full amount of invoice. We pack all goods with the utmost care, and will guarantee the safe arrival of all goods sent by freight or express. Small parcels which do not contain glass can be sent by mail if desired, but must be sent at risk of purchaser. In ordering goods sent by mail, postage must be enclosed ; otherwise goods will be sent by express. In ordering goods, please state how to ship. Should this be omit- ted we will use our discretion. View Cameras. View Cameras being our specialty, it is our aim to arrive as near perfection as possible in their construction. They are made as light and compact as possible without loss of strength and durability. IDEAL. REVERSIBLE BACK CAMERA. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. The Ideal Camera is pronounced by all to be one of the best view cameras ever placed on the market. It is the result of much study and many experiments, made with the view of producing an in- strument combining all the qualities required in a View Camera for the professional or amateur photographer. It is made from selected Honduras mahogany, finished in the best possible style, and has all latest improvements. We have spared no pains to make every working point as near perfect as possible. The camera box is square, the back being reversible, so that when a view be wanted either horizontally or vertically on plate, the change can be effected in five seconds by simply reversing the back instead of the entire camera box. The ground glass frame is held to the camera-back by two springs which allow it to recede so as to insert the holder between the ground glass and camera-back. It has rack and pinion focusing movement, the front moving for- ward leaving the back always stationary. -When the focus has been obtained, the front is clamped by turning an independent milled head placed inside the one which turns the pinion. The metal work is of polished and lacquered brass. Fig. 3. As is shown in the cut, the bellows is cone shape, though 5x7 and above are made with front wide enough for stereoscopic work. Our method of applying the horizontal swing is very simple, and it takes no additional room, so that the double swing Ideal is no less compact than a single swing. The bed is in two sections, as, with a lens of short focus, the extra length is not required. Taken in its entirety we can commend the Ideal to both the pro- fessional and amateur photographer. Sizes up to and including 6^ x 8^ are made same as Fig. i, while from 8x 10 to 11 x 14 are made same as Fig. 3. 14 x 17 and larger are made with back focus and with focusing screw instead of rack and^ pinion. Price includes one Perfection Plate-holder and Canvas Carrying Case but no lens or tripod. SIZE OF VIEW. SINGLE SWING. DOUBLE SWING 3^ X aVa $16 OO $iS OO 4 X 5 , 18 00 20 OO A% X 20 00 22 OO 5 X 7 22 OO 24 OO 5 X 8 25 OO 27 OO 6y 2 X 28 CO 3° OO 8 X 10 33 00 36 OO 10 X 1 2 36 CO 40 OO I T X '4 42 OO 48 00 14 X 17 56 00 64 OO 17 X 20 70 OO 80 OO 4 EXCELSIOR. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. The Excelsior is conceded to be one of the best cameras in mar- ket in many respects, combining several new and valuable features. It is provided with reversible back similar to the Ideal to which is applied our spring acting ground glass frame, the holder being in- serted between the ground glass and camera-back. It is made of selected mahogany, finished in the best possible style, every part being as near perfect as possible. All metal parts are made of brass, polished and lacquered. To use the vertical swing, both sides of camera-back are moved from the rigid frame by means of a fine rack and pinion at the side ; the back will then swing and can be clamped in any position. To use horizontal swing one side only is moved, the other remaining station- ary. Owing to its peculiar construction it* is made with double swing only. Figure i, shows camera with back moved from the rigid frame and swung forward at top ; Figure 2, shows camera folded. Price includes Canvas Carrying Case and one Perfection Holder, but no lens or tripod. SIZE OF VIEW. PRICE. 3 J A x $18 OO 4 x 5 20 OO i% x 22 OO 5 x 7 25 OO 5 x 8 27 OO 6^2 x 30 OO 8 x 10 35 00 5 THE UNIVERSAL. CAMERA FULLY EXTENDED. The Universal Camera is a modified English pattern and is the most compact camera in market, the 5x8 being but 2§ inches thick when folded and weighs but 5 pounds. It has extra long bellows, the 5x8 having a focal capacity of 19 inches and other sizes in proportion ; this allows the use of lenses of extreme length of focus, while lenses of the shortest focus can also be used ; owing to the extra length of bellows the camera can be used for copying and enlarging, if desired, and in fact is as near a Univer- sal camera as can well be made. It has reversible back with our spring acting ground glass frame by which the plate-holder is inserted between the ground glass and camera-back. It has fine rack and pinion, the movement being perfectly smooth. All metal work is of brass, polished and lacquered. It is made with both single and double swing, has rising and fall- ing front controlled by a spring acting in a ratchet, doing away with milled heads. The forward end of bellows is attached to the movable front and slides with it, thus avoiding a possibility of cutting off the rays of light. The camera-box is made of selected mahogany highly polished, the entire workmanship being of the highest order. 6 THE UNIVERSAL. PARTIALLY FOLDED. FOLDED. While very compact the Universal is very simple of manipulation, there being no loose screws or parts, and is set up by tightening four milled heads and is folded again by loosening the same number. It is provided with a leather handle, so that it may be carried without the case if desired, as one holder can be carried between the ground-glass and camera-back. Price includes Canvas Carrying Case, one Perfection Holder and Combination tripod but no lens. SIZE OF VIEW. SINGLE SWING. DOUBLE SWING. $24 OO $26 OO 4 x 5 25 OO 27 OO 4% x ey 28 OO 3° OO 5 x 7 33 OO 35 00 5 x 8 36 OO 38 OO 6^ x sy 40 OO 43 OO 8 x IO 45 00 48 00 IO X I 2 52 OO 56 00 II X 14 60 OO 65 OO 7 NEW MODEL. The New Model Camera is well known, it having been on the market for six years, and its popularity attests its merits. This camera shares with the New Model Improved the reputation of being the most popular camera in market for amateur's use. It is very light and compact, making a very desirable camera for the amateur who desires a good but cheap outfit. It is made of selected cherry, highly finished, and with nickel trimmings. It is provided with sliding front, folding bed, and is easily reversed for upright pictures by our new adjustable reversing clamp, by which means the strain is entirely on the bed where it belongs. The folding part of bed is held rigid by our new clamp-hook, the quickest, easiest and most effective device yet used for the purpose. Price includes R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Standard Folding Tripod, Carrying Case and one Perfection Plate-Holder, (except 8 x 10, where neither lens nor tripod are included.) SIZE OF VIEW. WITHOUT SWING. SINGLE SWING. 2>% x 4 x 4% 5 4^x ey 2 5 x 5 x 6V 2 x I 9 00 9 00 10 00 1 1 00 1 1 00 13 00 *i5 00 10 00 10 00 1 1 00 1 2 00 12 00 15 00 17 00 *Not including lens or tripod. NEW MODEL IMPROVED. Fig. 1 . Fig. 2. The New Model Improved is made after the general style of the New Model. It has enjoyed the reputation for the past five years of being the most popular camera in market, and deservedly so, it being the only strictly first-class camera made at a price within the reach of the ordinary amateur, and is conceded to be the best camera for the price to be found in market. It is very light and compact, which, together with its handsome appearance, makes it a very desirable camera for those who desire a good camera but do not care to invest in a high priced outfit. It is made of the best Honduras mahogany, highly polished, with nickel trimmings ; it has sliding front, folding bed, and is reversible by means of our new adjustable reversing clamp. It has rack and pinion focusing movement ; the folding part of bed is held rigid by our new clamp hook, the quickest, easiest and best device yet used for the purpose. Price, including R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Carlton Sliding Tripod, Carrying Case and one Perfection Plate-Holder (except 8 x io, where neither lens nor tripod are included) : — SIZE OF VIEW. SINGLE SWING. DOUBLE SWING X #13 00 $15 OO 4 X 5 14 OO 16 OO X 6% 16 OO 18 OO 5 X 7 18 OO 20 OO 5 X 8 18 OO 20 OO X sy 2 2 2 OO 24 OO 8 X IO *22 OO **s OO *Not including lens or tripod. 9 PEERLESS. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. The Peerless Camera is a very popular camera ; it is made in the same excellent manner that characterizes all our work and is first-class in all its appointments, we having spared no pains to make it one of the most desirable cameras in market. It is made with forward focus, the guide brackets working in the groove in the side of the metal rack. The bellows is slightly coned leaving the front wide enough for stereoscopic work. The same method of applying the horizontal swing is used as on Ideal, adding no bulk or weight. It is made of Honduras mahogany, highly polished, with nickel trimmings ; it has sliding front, folding bed, rack and pinion, and is easily reversed, by means of our new adjustable reversing clamp; the same device for holding folding part of bed rigid is used as on the New Model. Price includes R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Carlton Sliding Tripod, Canvas Carrying Case and one Perfection Plate holder (except 8 x io, where neither lens nor tripod are included). SIZE OF VIEW. SINGLE SWING. DOUBLE SWING. 3/4 * A]i 4x5 5 x 7 $16 00 17 00 18 00 20 00 $18 00 20 00 2 2 00 19 00 5x8 ey 2 x sy 2 25 00 *24 00 22 OO 24 OO 27 OO *26 OO 8 X TO *Not including' lens or tripod. 10 MIDGET POCKET CAMERA. The Midget Pocket Camera is the most compact camera ever made, it being but i l / 2 inches thick when folded and the x 4% can be carried in an ordinary coat pocket, while the 4x5 can be carried in an overcoat pocket. On account of its compactness it is invaluable for ladies, tourists, bicylists and canoeists. While so very compact, yet the 3^ x 4% camera has a focal length of 6^2 inches while the 4x5 has 1% inches, so that any lens can be used if desired. The Midget Pocket Camera is made in the best possible manner, being made of selected mahogany highly polished, with metal work of polished and lacquered brass. It has rising front, vertical swing and has fine rack and pinion focusing movement ; the ground glass is spring-acting, the holder sliding between it and the camera box. The lens is a Rectilinear lens of great depth and which is made compact enough to remain attached to the front board and be reversed in the camera. The tripod is an ingenious invention, it having the appearance of a cane when folded. v The size of the x 4^ when folded is 4 x 5 x 1^2 inches, and weighs less than one pound. Price complete with three Holders : 3% x 4#, $25 00 4x5, 28 00 1 1 THE AMERICAN. The American is designed especially for amateur's use, and is an exceedingly neat instrument. The back portion of camera with the bellows, is contained within the forward portion, which also contains one holder. This avoids the necessity of a carrying case, as the bed folds up, making a complete box. The lens is reversed within the camera, and a plain front-board is inserted ; this protects the lens and makes the camera appear a plain box. It has rising and falling front, vertical swing ; is made of cherry and highly finished with nickel trimmings. A leather handle is placed on top of forward portion of camera for carrying when folded. Price includes R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Standard folding Tri- pod, and one Perfection Holder. 4 x 5 $12 oo 5x8 $16 00 4% x 6^2 14 00 6% x 8^2 18 00 NEW MODEL STEREOSCOPIC CAMERA. This is the lightest, most compact and simplest Stere- oscopic camera yet placed on the market, combining all those most desirable fea- tures essential in a Stereo camera. It is made with no loose parts. It has sliding front, double swing back, folding bed, rack and pinion focusing movement, sliding tripod, and canvas carrying case. 12 It is made from best mahogany, highly finished, with nickel trim- mings. Price, for 5x8 complete, including one Perfection Holder and pair of No. 1 R. O. Co. single view lenses, matched, $25 00 Complete, without lenses, - - - - - 18 00 or tripod, - - - 15 00 PERFECTION HOLDER. The Perfection Double Plate-Holder is the simplest and best plate-holder ever placed on the market ; it is simply Perfection. To load the Perfection Holder, the end of the plate is rested against the spring-bar at the the end of Holder, then by simply press- ing the spring-bar with the thumb, the plate falls into place. On account of its simplicity the Perfection Holder can be loaded and unloaded with the greatest of ease, even in absolute darkness. As the plate is held in place by the ends only, the full width of the plate is exposed and but 1-16 inch is cut off from each end. X 4^ $1 00 ey X sy $1 60 4 X 5 1 00 8 X 10 I 85 X 6y 2 1 25 1 0 X 1 2 3 00 5 X 7 25 1 1 X T 4 4 5° 5 X 8 1 35 13 ENGLISH BOOK HOLDER EXTRA THIN. This is the regular English form of holder, and it has many ad- vantages ; the two sides are hinged, and open like a book, when placing or displacing the plates ; the septum, for division between the two sides of holder, is also hinged, and no trouble to put in place in, the dark room. $i 60 1 60 1 75 1 85 2 00 4 x 5 a% x ey 5 x 7 5 x 8 6% X sy $2 25 8 X 10 3 00 1 0 X I 2 4 5° 1 1 X 14 6 00 14 X 17 7 5° INSIDE KITS. Consist of thin wooden frames, made to fit in the Dry Plate Holder, and with rabbets for holding smaller plate. Our Kits have spring at back for hold- m m ing plate in place. 4 X 5, to hold 2>Ya x 4% plates, each, - - - $0 25 aVa X " zVa^aVa " «---- 25 5 X 7, 3*4 x 4}( or 4 x 5 plates each, - - 30 5 X 8, " 2>Va x 4/4, 4x5 or 4^ x plates, each, 30 6y 2 X " 4x5, 4% x 6 l / 2 , 5x7 or 5x8 plates, each, 35 8 X 10, 4% x 6^, 5 x 7, 5 x 8 or 6^ x 8^ " " 40 10 X 12, " 5 x 7, 5 x 8, 6^ x 8>}4, or 8 x 10, " " 50 1 1 X 14, " 5x7, £>y 2 x 8^2, 8 x 10 or 10 x 12, " " 60 14 X 17, a 8 x 10, 10 x 12 or 11 x 14, " 75 17 X 20, " 8 x 10, 10 x 12, 11 x 14 or 14 x 17, " " 1 00 14 TRIPODS. Standard Folding Tripod This is our original style of tri- pod, an extended description of which is hardly necessary. It is light, strong and rigid. The tripod screw remains always in the iron top, ready for use and not liable to loss. Price, — for cameras from 4x5 to ey 2 x sy 2 , - $ 2 oo CARLTON'S SLIDING TRIPOD. This is the simplest and best form of Sliding Tripod yet - made. The legs are made in three pieces, same as the folding, which renders the tripod firmer when set up than where made of two pieces, which is the ordinary form. The tripod top is of wood with, cloth cover. The brass clamps each side of the leg have the ends turned toward each other, and when clamped, the pres- sure is exerted from all sides, render- ing it the most rigid tripod in market. The special advantages of a sliding tripod over a folding one, are ease of leveling the camera in rough places by adjusting the length of tripod legs, and the quickness with which it is set up or taken down. No. 1 — for 3^ x 4}( to 4^ x 6}4 camera, - - $2 50 No. 2 — for 5 x 8 and 63/2 x . 8J/2 " - - 3 00 No. 3 — for 8 x 10 to 1 l x 14 - - 3 50 i5 COMBINATION TRIPOD. COMBINED SLIDING AND FOLDING. This Tripod is one of the most con- venient forms of tripod ever introduced. It is jointed in three lengths, and when closed is but 22 inches long. The tripod top is of wood covered with cloth. As the lower section slides, the tripod has all the advantages of adjustment of the Sliding Tripod. No. 1 — For cameras 3^ x 4^ to 4 x 6^, - - - $3 50 No 2. — For cameras 5x8 and 6^x8^, - - - - 4 00 No 3 — For cameras 8 x 10 to 1 1 x 14. - - - - 4 50 PERFECTION TRIPOD. DOUBLE SLIDING. In design and finish this Tripod leaves nothing to be desired. It is thoroughly made, every point being as near perfection as possible. The lower section slides within the second, which in turn is con- tained within the third, thus render- ing the tripod quite compact when closed. No. 1 for Cameras 3^ x 4^ to 4^ x 6^, - - $5 50 No. 2 for Cameras 5 x 7 to 8 x 10, - - - 6 00 VIEW FINDER. The View Finder is in reality a miniature camera, and is attached to the top of a view camera in taking instantaneous pictures. The same view is seen on the screen of the Finder as is reflected in the camera, and by observing the screen of the Finder the exact moment for exposure can be told. Price, - - - $1 25 16 shutter. R. O. CO.'S DROP SHUTTER. This is one of the neatest and best shutters in market, being simple, durable and convenient. The action can be hastened from the gravity drop to as quick an exposure as desired, by the use of a rubber band. It is made of brass, full nickeled. It is made to fit all sizes of R. O. Co.'s Single View and Excelsior lenses ; also Nos. i and 2 Darlot Rapid Hem- ispherical and will be made to fit any size up to 2J inch. Price, for any of the above sizes, - $3-°o UNIVERSAL DROP SHUTTER. This is a very simple yet effective form of shutter. The slide falls of its own weight when released, and by the use of a rubber band any degree of rapidity may be obtained. The body of the shutter being of mahogany, it has a very handsome appearance. A thin strip of rubber is placed in the top of the shutter to lessen H the concussion caused by the falling slide. Price, with spring-release, - $1 25 With Britton's pneumatic release, bulb and tube, 2 00 HARVEY'S ROTARY SHUTTER. BOTH TIME AND INSTANTANEOUS. This is a most excellent shutter for am- ateurs. A circular plate of hard rubber revolves within a rim on the wooden body of the shutter. It can be operated for both time and instantaneous, at any distance from the With Britton's pneumatic release, rubber tube and bulb. Price - - - $4 00 UNIVERSAL SHUTTER FOR STEREOSCOPIC LENSES. This is similar to the Universal Drop Shutter except for two lenses, and as the slide moves horizontally, it is moved by a rubber band. Price, - - - $1 75 i7 CARLTON'S STEREOSCOPIC EXPOSER. The Carlton Stereoscopic Exposer is not de- signed for instantaneous work, but rather is a de- vice for exposing the two lenses simultaneously though it can be done very rapidly indeed. Price, - - • - $2 oo FOLDING NEGATIVE RACK. An inexpensive and very convenient ac- cessory for the dark room, preventing the negatives from becoming scratched while drying. Holds 24 negatives. Price, for plates up to 6^2 x 8>j4, $0 40 " 8 x 10 to 14 x 17, 70 NEGATIVE BOXES. Made from selected whitewood, with hinged cover. Are exceedingly convenient for storing negatives. Each holds 24 plates. 3 J A x 4#. - $0 60 5 x 8, - 75 4x5, - -60 6^x8^, - 85 4/i x 6^2, - 65 8 x 10, - i 00 5x7, - - 70 TO X 12, - I 50 DRY PLATE SAFETY BOXES. These are made similar to the Negative Box, but with all joints thoroughly broken, and are lined with black velvet, which prevents reflection. They are useful in the dark room, as the box of plates may be put in the safety box, saving wrapping and unwrapping them when rilling the holders in a hurry. A lock and key can be furnished with each at 60 cents extra. 3'A x 4 J A, ■ - $0 75 5 x 8, - - $1 00 4x5, - - - 75 6% x 8^, - - 1 20 A-A x 6j4, - - 90 8 x 10, - 1 40 5x7, - - - 1 00 10 x 12, - - 2 00 18 FAVORITE PRINTING FRAMES. Having been requested to make a lighter Printing Frame than our regular flat frame, we comply and place the Favorite on the market with the full confidence that it will prove all that the name implies. While the Favorite is much lighter than the ordinary flat printing frame, they are equal in strength and durability, making them especially desirable for amateurs. These frames have the same style of catch, spring, etc., as R. O. Co's Flat Printing Frame, the backs also being cut in the same manner. R. O. CO.'S FLAT PRINTING FRAMES. x 4/4* So 40 4 x 5, 40 x 6#, 45 5 x 7, 5° 5 x 8, 55 6% x sy 2t 60 Ill 8 x 10. to 75 10 X 12, I 00 II X 14, I 75 14 X 17, 2 25 I.; 16 X 20, 2 75 17 X J 20, 3 00 Our Printing Frames are constructed on an improved plan. The springs are fastened by rivets instead of screws, and have a washer placed under them to prevent wear on the wood-work. The catch buttons are set into the wood flush with the top, thus preventing their turning. The back is made to open at the center, or two-thirds, whichever style be wanted, though we find best sale for the latter as it allows more of the print to be seen during printing. 19 IDEAL LANTERN. We claim this is the best lantern for the dark room yet placed on the mar- ket. By an improved method of ven- tilation, and by use of a superior burner, the combustion is perfect, so that when the wick is turned up for a strong light there will be no smoke, and when turned low for a weak light there will be no flickering, but the flame will be perfectly steady through- out. There are three sides for light, each of which has double glass, one sheet each Orange and Ruby, which combination makes a perfectly safe light. The front side is provided with a shield to protect the eyes and also to reflect the light down toward the developing tray. It also has a silvered reflector, thus increasing the volume of light. If desired, one side may be used for making trans- parencies or for printing with bromide paper, by using a sheet of ground glass in place of the Orange, and a tin slide or shield in place of the Ruby. Price, - - - $3 co. THE UNIVERSAL RUBY LANTERN. The Universal Ruby Lantern is indeed the best Dry Plate Lantern for the price in market, it being the only really good dark-room lantern at so low a price. The ventilation is perfect, and the volume of light is ample for the purpose of the ordinary amateur. To light the Universal Lantern, the glass is raised in the slide. Price, - - $i oo. 20 THE GEM RUBY LAMP. The Gem Ruby Lamp is one of the neatest lamps for dark-room purposes ever placed on the market. It gives an abundance of safe light for all the purposes of the ordinary amateur, and the ruby chimney being round, the light is emitted in all directions. It is the most com- pact lamp in market, and can be carried on a trip with no inconvenience. To light the Gem Lamp, the ruby chimney is removed, same as on an ordinary house lamp. Price, $i oo. JAPANNED TIN DEVELOPING TRAYS. 4 x 5, - - - $020 6y 2 x Sj4, - - $o 30 5x8, - - - 25 8 x 10, - - - 40 VULCANIZED RUBBER TRAYS. The neatest developing trays yet introduced, is that made from vul- canized rubber. It has a polished surface, thus it is'readily kept clean. 4 x 5, - - - $0 35 6y 2 x sy 2f - - $0 90 5x8, - - - 70 8 x 10, - - 1 40 AGATE-WARE PANS. FOR TONING PRINTS. Stronger and lighter than porcelain and not liable to breakage. 7x9,- - - $1 00 10 x 12, - - - $1 50 8 x 10, - - - 1 25 12 x 14, - - - 1 80 GRADUATED GLASSES. FOR MEASURING LIQUIDS. $0 20 20 2 5 30 45 60 75 2 [ GLASS FUNNELS. >2 Pint, - - - $o 20 1 Quart, - - - $0 30 1 " 25 2 ... 40 GLASS FORMS. Stereoscopic, Arched Top, So 50 5 x 7, Square Corners, $0 60 S% x 4/i> Square Corners, 40 5 x S, " " 70 4 x 5, " 45 6^ x 8}i " 44 80 4/^ x 6^2, " 50 8 x 10, " " 1 00 ABSORBENT COTTON. 2 oz. Parcel, - - $0 20 8 oz. Parcel, - - $0 50 4 oz. " - 30 1 ib. - - 80 DEVELOPING TONG. A very convenient article for development, avoiding the necessity of handling the plate with the fingers. No. 1, for Plates 3% x 4^ to 6^ x &}4, - - - - $0 30 No. 2, " 5 x 7 " 8 x 10, - - - - - 35 BRISTLE BRUSHES. For mounting photographs, also good for dusting out plate holders. 1 inch wide, - - $0 10 2^ inches wide, - $0 25 i l A " 15 3 - 30 * " " - - 20 SIBERIAN BRUSHES. For dusting plates or holders. 1 inch wide, - - $0 20 2^ inches wide, - $0 50 iji " " - - 30 3 " " - 60 2 " - ' - - 40 CAMEL'S HAIR BRUSHES. Very soft, for dusting off plates. 1 inch wide, - - $0 25 2^ inches wide, - $0 60 iy 2 " « - - 40 3 " " 80 BLOTTING PAPER. 9 x 12 inches, per dozen sheets, - - - $o 30 12 x 19 " " " - 60 19 X 24 " " " ----- 1 20 NEGATIVE PRESERVERS. These are envelopes made of strong manilla paper, the proper size for the negative; they are open at the end for inserting the nega- tive, and have space cut for admitting the thumb and finger in re- moving it. On the face are printed lines for name, number, description and remarks. They are invaluable for preserving the negative from dust, scratches, etc. Put up in packages of fifty each. 3^ x 4^, per pkg., $020 5 x 8, per pkg., $0 30 4x5, " *2o ey 2 x $y 2 , " 35 aV\ x 6^, " 25 8 x 10, * 45 5x7, V. 30 10 x 12, 75 SCALES AND WEIGHTS. 5 inch beam, weighing grains and drams, - $0 60 6 " " " " " - . 75 Standard Scale, 5^2 inch beam, 2 inch brass pans with upright beam, on walnut stand; all packs in drawer. Price, - - - $6 00 CARLTON'S PYRO-POTASH DEVELOPER. CONCENTRATED. We claim for this developer that more can be done with a plate than almost any developer in the market; the operator has almost perfect control over the plate, and brilliant negatives is the rule. Put up in two 8-oz. bottles, in card-board box. Per Box, - 60 cts. CARLTON'S HYDROCH INON DEVELOPER. Will not stain the fingers or plate; gives clear shadows; especially desirable for transparencies. Can be used over and over again. Put up in two 16-oz. bottles, in card-board box. Per Box, - 5c cts. 23 CREAM PASTE. FOR MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS. Pint, I " i Quart, Gossamer Rubber, Velvet, FOCUSING CLOTHS. 45 $0 60 1 00 DRY PLATES. We sell several makes of Dry Plates, among them being Forbes' Cramer's, Seed's, and Carbutt's. 3V4 per dozen, $0 45 8 x 10, per dozen, $2 40 4 x 5. 65 10 X 12, 3 80 aVa x 6^, 90 I I X 14, 5 00 5 x 7, 1 10 . 14 X 17, d'ble thick, " 9 00 5 x 8, 1 25 16 X 20, " " " 12 50 6% xsy 2 , 1 65 18 X 22, " «. i 15 5o OTHER ACCESSORIES. Negative Varnish, (4 oz. bottle), Concentrated Intensifier, (4 oz. bottle), Chloride of Gold, (15 grain bottle), Acetate of Soda, (2 oz, bottle), - Hypo-Sulphite Soda, (1 lb. box), " (5 lb. box), Pyrogallic Acid, Sulphite of Soda, Carbonate of Potash, Bromide Ammonia, Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Carbonate of Soda, Hydrochinon, Meta-bisulphite of Potash, Borax, .... Tungstate of Soda, Chloride of Lime, - each, $0 40 25 75 10 10 40 5° 25 25 5 5 5 70 40 5 15 5 per ounce, per pound, per ounce, 24 READY SENSITIZED ALBUMEN PAPER. This paper is imported by us and will be found to be of the finest quality and of uniform sensitiveness, and will tone rapidly and evenly. Put up in light-tight packages of two dozen sheets, except 18 x 22, which are in rolls of one dozen sheets. 3*A x 4%, Per package, $0 35 5 x 8, per package, $0 75 4x5, " " 40 ey x sy, " " 1 00 4% x 6#, " " 55 8 x 10, " " 1 50 5x7, " " 70 18 x 22,' per roll, 3 00 FERRO-PRUSSI ATE OR BLUE PAPER. FOR MAKING BLUE AND WHITE PICTURES. This paper is prepared after an improved formula, and the chemical qualities are perfect. This paper is coated on Rives' photographic paper, same as is used with the best albumen paper. Most Ferro-Prussiate paper is coated on a domestic paper, which is not so fine and smooth. This paper is extremely simple in its manipulation, as it requires no toning and is very convenient for making proofs from negatives. It is also adapted for architects and reproduction of machinery, etc., for an engraver to copy from. The rapidity with which a print can be made is a great recommendation in its favor. Put up in light-tight packages of two dozen sheets. 3/i x 4^, per package, $0 20 5 x 8, per package, $0 40 4x5, " " 20 6y 2 x &y 2 , " " 50 4% x 6%, " ' 30 8 x 10, " " 75 5x7, " ^ 35 BROMIDE PAPER. "A v — Smooth surface, thin, for proofs and positive printing. "B" — Smooth surface, heavy, for positive printing and enlarging. U C" — Rough surface, heavy, for enlarging and working in crayon. PRICE LIST, "A," "B" OR "C." 2>y x 4^, per doz., - $0 25 5x8, per doz., - $0 75 4x5," . . 40 6% x sy, -i 10 4% x 6^, " - 55 8 x 10, " -150 5 x 7, 65 10 x 12, • . . 2 25 25 CARD MOUNTS. Card Mounts are cards on which to place the finished print. The appearance of the finished photograph depends in no small degree on the manner in which it is mounted. A good photograph is worthy of a good card mount, while a poor one is not worth mounting at all. The sizes given are the size of the print, the actual size of the card mount being larger, to allow a margin. Put up in packages of two dozen each. No. 1 — Plain, assorted colors. 4 x 5 per pkg. %o 20 Cabinet, " - - 25 4 J A x6^ " - 30 5x8 " - 40 6 j / 2 x sy ik - 60 8 x 10 '* - - 80 No. No. 2 — Unenameled back face, assorted colors. 4 x 5 per pkg. Cabinet " - 4% x 6)4 " 5x8 6y 2 xsy 2 ' k 8 • x 10 " - and 25 30 35 5° 75 00 No. 3 — Rose tint, with gold bev- eled edge. 4 x 5 per pkg. 30 Cabinet - 35 4/^x6^ " - - 40 5x8 " 60 6^x8^ " - - 80 8 x 10 " - 1 10 4 — Gray, with wide border, for framing. 4 x 5 per pkg. 4% x 6% " 5x8 6^x8^ " ■ 8 x 10 45 5o 65 80 00 No. 5 — Amber, Unenameled, with Gold Beveled Edge. 4 x 5 per pkg. $0 40 Cabinet 45 4% x ey 5 No No No, x 8 & x sy X 10 50 CO 40 6 — Bottle Green, with Gold Beveled Edge. 4 x 5 per pkg. 5o 60 70 90 1 20 1 75 7 — Maroon face, Gray back with Gold Beveled Edge. Cabinet 4% x6^ 5 x 8 65' * x sy 2 X 10 4 x 5 per pkg. Cabinet 4% x 6% " - 5x8 ey x sy 44 - 8 x 10 8 — Chocolate, with border for framing. 4 x 5 per pkg. 4^x6^ " 5x8 " - 6y x sy 8 x 10 " - 50 60 70 90 1 20 1 75 wide 5o 60 80 1 00 1 20 26 EXTRA PARTS OF APPARATUS. HOLDER SLIDES. 3% x 4^, - - - $015 5 x 8, - ' - - $o 25 4 x 5 , - - - - 15 6/2x8%, - - 30 4% x 6^2, ... 20 8 x 10, 35 5 x 7, - - - - 25 Add 50 per cent, if made of hard rubber. FRONT BOARDS. To fit New Model, up to 6yi x 8^, - - - $0 25 a U tt o 8 x 10, - - - 35 New Model Improved or Peerless, up to' 6% x 8 l / 2 , 40 " " " " 8x 10, - 50 Ideal, Universal or Excelsior, to 6j4 x 8^2, 40 8 x 10 and above, - - 50 Front Board and division for Stereo, work, 50 GROUND GLASS. 3 J A x 4 l A, - - - $015 5 x 8, - - - $0 25 4 x 5, - - - - 15 6^2 x 8 l / 2 , - 3° 4/i x 6/^, - 20 8 x 10, - 40 5 x 7, - - -. - 25 10 X 12, - - - 60 Caps for R. O. Co.'s Single View Lenses, each, - - 25 cents. " Excelsior - - 40 " Diaphragms for Excelsior Lens, per set, 75 " Morocco Case for Diaphragms for Excelsior Lens, - - 60 " Flanges for R. O. Co. Single View Lens, - - - 50 " Excelsior Lens, - - - 75 " Spring-catch, for holding holder on New Model, each, - 25 " Tripod Head for Standard Tripod, - - - - - 50 Wood Head for Combination Tripod, 50 " Reversing Attachment for New Model, - - - - 50 " Tripod Screws, each, - - - - - - 30 kt Clamp-Hooks for holding folding bed rigid, - - - 25 " Ruby Glass for Universal Lantern, ----- 10 " Ruby or Orange Glass for Ideal Lantern, - - - - 15 " Ruby Chimney for Gem Lantern, 25 '* 27 CHEMICAL OUTFIT. FOR PRODUCING THE NEGATIVE. The chemicals and articles which should accompany any of our cameras, and with which the picture is made, consist of the following articles, arranged in sizes according to the size of camera used: Two Japanned Tin Developing Trays ; one dozen Dry Plates ; one 4-oz. Graduated Glass; one box Carlton's Pyro-Potash Developer; one 1 -pound box Hypo Soda ; one Universal Ruby Lantern ; one copy Amateur Pho- tographer-, one Gossamer Focusing Cloth. Above arranged for 3 J A x 4/i camera, $3 40 5 x 8 camera, $4 25 4x5 " 3 50 6% x Sy 2 " 4 75 4/i x 6y 2 " 3 90 8 x io " 5 75 5x7 " . 4 20 PRINTING OUTFIT. FOR PRINTING, TONING, AND FINISHING THE PICTURE. One Printing Frame ; one package Sensitized Albumen Paper ; one one 2-oz bottle Acetate of Soda; on 15-grain bottle Chloride of Gold ; one package Card Mounts. Above arranged for 4 x 5 camera, $1 80 5 x 8 camera, $2 50 4H x6^ " 2 15 ey x sy 3 oo 5x7." 2 40 8 x 10 " 3 85 TO AMATEURS^ We omit the usual "Outfit Department," which we deem unneces- sary, as our cameras are complete with the exception of the Ideal, Excel- sior, Universal, and 8 x 10 New Model, New Model Improved and Peer- less, which we list in this way for the reason that most people who buy the best class of camera, and especially the larger sizes, prefer one of the higher grades of lens, and many people, especially professionals, have one or more lenses and tripods, and wish only the camera, without these articles. Should you select one of these cameras, you have only to add price of lens and tripod selected, which makes the camera complete. To the price of the complete camera add the price of the Chemical and Printing outfits, corresponding to the size of camera selected, which will be everything necessary to take pictures. 28 R. O. CO.'S SINGLE VIEW LENS. These Lenses are conceded to be the best of the low priced Lenses, giving a wonderful definition, with great depth of focus, and flatness of field, especially when using the smaller diaphragms. They are perfectly achromatic, and are as near rectilinear as is possible in a Single Combi- nation Lens and are quick working. These Lenses are furnished with rotating diaphragms, having four apertures, and are very convenient to use; the largest aperture is large enough for instantaneous views. Though designed for landscape work they will make excellent groups, and even portraits. R. O. CO.'S EXCELSIOR LENS. RAPID RECTILINEAR. The Excelsior Lens was made to meet the wants of the amateur who desires a better Lens than our Single View Lens, and yet at a moderate outlay, and it has acquired a popularity quite beyond our expectations. We confidently think they are the best value of any lens, and are equal to many lenses at a much higher price. They are perfectly rectilinear, have great depth of focus and flatness of field, giving brilliant definition; they will be found excellent for land- scapes, architectural subjects, and instantaneous work, as well as groups and portraits. 29 The class of lens best suited to the varied wants of the Amateur, is what is called the Rapid Rectilinear series. They embrace an angle of from 60 to 75 degrees, and are well adapted for portraiture, groups, architectural subjects, instantaneous work, and general landscapes. The following are among the best known lenses of the Rapid Recti- linear series : DARLOT RAPID HEMISPHERICAL LENS. NO. LtNlx 1 H £OLUb. SIZE. PRICE. i 5^2 inches, 4X5 $I 5 OO 9 5 x 8 25 OO 3 iofi " 8 x 10 35 00 4 14 11 x 14 50 00 BECK'S "AUTOGRAPH " RECTILINEAR I LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. i 6^. inches, 4 x 5 30 OO 3 « 5 x 8 35 00 4 H " 6y 2 x sy 2 50 00 5 i3 • " 8 x 10 60 OO 6 16 10 x 12 75 00 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO.'S "UNIVERSAL.' NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 1 inches, 4 x 5 26 OO 7/3 k 5 x 8 32 OO 3 i°3/ 8 " 6^ x sy 2 40 OO 4 4% " 8 x 10 55 00 5 15 r 10 x 12 70 OO GUNDLACH'S RAPID RECTIGRAPHIC LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 1 5^ inch. 4 x 5 $20 OO 5 x 8 30 OO 3 10 6^ x sy 2 38 OO 4 12 8 x 10 50 OO 5 . *5 10 x 12 64 OO 6 17 " 11 x 14 76 OO 30 VOIGTL^ENDER'S EURYSCOPE. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 0 4^/2 inch 4 x 5 $27 00 1 8 5x8 45 00 2 10 " 6y 2 x 8}4 52 00 3 11^2 " 8 x 10 65 00 5 14 '* 11 x 14 87 00 THE SUTER APLANATIC LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 2 6^ inches 4 x 5 $28 00 3 &tt " 5 x 8 30 00 4 10^ " 6}4 x 8y 40 00 5 14^ " 8 x 10 50 00 ROSS' RAPID SYMMETRICAL LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE VIEW. PRICE. 1 6 inches 4 x 5 $34 00 2 8}^ " ' 5x8 46 00 3 1 1 6j4 x 8^ 52 00 4 13 " 8 x io 68 00 5 16 " 10 x 12 84 00 ROSS' PORTABLE SYMMETRICAL LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 3 5 inches 4 x 5 $28 00 4 6 5x8 32 00 6 8 " 6^x8^ 48 00 8 10 " 8 x 10 64 00 FRANCAIS' RAPID RECTILINEAR LENS. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 2 7 inches 4 x 5 $32 00 3 9 5 x 8 3 8 00 4 12 " 6y 2 x 8^ 50 00 5 14 " 8 x 10 63 00 6 17 " 10 x 12 84 00 3i WIDE ANGLE LENSES. "Wide angle Lenses are used mostly for street views, architectural effects in confined situations, and interiors, embracing as they do, an angle of from 90 to 100 degrees, they admit of being much nearer to the object photographed. They are not so quick working as those of ordinary angles. The principal objection to their more general use is that, on account of the great width of angle, the perspective is exaggerated, objects in the foreground being unduly magnified. EXCELSIOR WIDE ANGLE LENS. NO. I 2 3 4 LENGTH FOCUS. 3^2 inches 5 " 554 " i% " SIZE. 4 x 5 5 x 8 6y x sy 2 8 x 10 PRICE. $10 OO 15 00 . 18 00 2 2 OO DARLOT'S WIDE ANGLE HEMISPHERICAL. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. 2 3 inches 4 x 5 $15 00 3 5 " ey x sy 2 20 00 4 8 8 x 10 25 00 BECK'S "AUTOGRAPH " WIDE ANGLE. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. I 3 inches 4 x 5 $25 00 2 4 " 5 x 8 30 00 3 s " 6y 2 x sy 2 37 5° 4 7 " 8 x 10 50 00 WIDE ANGLE EURYSCOPE. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. O 4}i inches 4 x 5 $29 OO I sY* " 5 x 8 34 00 3 6% " 6y 2 x 8y 2 39 °o 4 7^ " 8 x 10 48 00 BAUSCH & LOMB " UNIVERSAL" WIDE ANGLE. NO. LENGTH FOCUS. SIZE. PRICE. I 2%. inches 4 x 5 $16 OO 2 5 x 8 28 00 3 6y 2 x sy 36 00 4 8 x 10 44 00 5 6% " 10 x 1? 50 OO 32 [