Professional lillllll!l!lllllllllllll!!l!illli;:i!iii!ila - ^ Over 500 1 11 u st^^ti&TTB Goods Shipped to all part£ of the World. BUCHANAN'S COMPLETE y%'J ] ■ V ACTURED, IMPORTED SOLD BY General AgenTToT the^S^e of Platinotypenate in the United States Ameri Peroy Bradford & ent fbr d & Co., si gland. Philadelphia: W. P. Buchanan, i fippiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiilillllliiilill miniiiiipjiiiiiiiiii JllllllllHilHlfi Do not mutilate this Catalogue. If you have no use for it, or have received a Duplicate Copy, notify us and we will remit stamps for its return. NOTICE. THE following pages contain a list of Staple Goods and Novelties of interest to the photographer, both professional and amateur. The prices quoted are in accordance with present terms, and are subject to change without notice. TERflS : Thirty days' credit will be given when satisfactory reference accompanies the order. Our cash discount on all bills paid within 10 days from date of shipment is 2 per cent. In all cases where parties are unknown to us, money must accompany the order. When goods are ordered C. O. D., a remittance sufficient to cover the express charges both ways, is expected. On all C. O. D. orders, amounting to $10.00 or over, no charges for the return of the money will be made. On orders of a less amount such charges will be added to the amount of bill. No charge for boxing, except on Accessories, Trays and Glassware Cartage charged at cost. We pack our goods with the utmost care, and can assume no responsibility for breakage in transit. We ship goods promptly, and being in the great centre of supply, are enabled to get at once any new goods that may be introduced. Do not send money by mail. A Post Office or Express money order is safest, or a certified check or Bank draft. When neither of these can be conveniently procured, money can be sent by Express with safety. Experienced hands in every department, and a trial order will convince you that ours is the best house from which to purchase Photographic Supplies in the United States. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Yours truly, W. P. Buchanan, January, 1893. PHILADELPHIA. The Paper on which this Catalogue is printed was supplied by THE A. M. COLLINS MANUFACTURING CO., Philadelphia. Greeting. To Our Friends : HILADELPHIA to-day is the best Photographic Supply Market in the United States. More than eight years ago we saw the necessity of establishing here a First- Class Photographic Supply House. In 1884 this necessity became a fact under the firm name of Buchanan, Smedley & Bromley, who were succeeded in 1887 by Buchanan, Bromley & Co., and on March 1st, 1892, by the undersigned. To-day there is no better equipped Photographic Supply House in the World. The advisability of having a complete Illustrated Catalogue of our goods became apparent, and we now, therefore, take pleasure in handing you this complete Illustrated List. Please accept the same and give it room either on your desk or in your library. It will save you money every day. We need offer no apologies for the history of the retiring firms —but wish to thank you, one and all, for your kind and liberal patronage in the past, and sincerely hope we have merited your confidence, and that we may still enjoy a share of your patronage in the future. Our policy shall be liberality, as far as consistent with business principles. Our prices will always be the lowest market rates, and any order you may entrust to us will be attended to with care and ability. Yours truly, W. P« Buchanan INDEX. Accessories, 95, 96, 110 to 127 Acid Dishes, 169 Acid, Sulphite Soda, 161 Advertisements, 186 to 208 Air Brushes, 144 Albums, 157 to 160, 184, 185 Albutone, 163 Aristotype Outfits, 149 Aristotype Papers, 148, 149 Armor, Papier Mache, 1 18 to 120 Attachments for Cameras, 35, 36 Baby Holders, 103, 105 Backgrounds, 1 10, 121, 125, 126 Background Carriers, 126, 127 Balustrades, • III, 112, 115, 116, 123 Barometers, ic8 Baths, Glass and Rubber, 132, 133 Baths, Boxes for, 133 Bellows for Cameras, Arithom \s, 49 " " " ScovilPs 46 Blotters, 146 Books and Magazines, 182, 183 Bottles, Wide Mouth, 169 Brass Plates for Lenses, 22 Brushes, 165, 166 Burnishers and Enamelers, 88 to 93 Burnisher Tools, 91 Calcined Flour, 138 Cameras, Amateur and Outfits, . . . . 79 to 83 Copying, 44, 45 " Cooper's Enlarging Lantern, . . 48 " Detective or Hand, . . . . 66 to 78 " Eastman's Enlarging 45, 46 " Enlarging, Copying and Reducing, 45 " Extra Parts of Anthony's, .... 49 " " " Scovill's .... 47, 49 Ferrotype, 34, 35, 37, 39 " Micrographic 47 " Microscopic, 48 " Portrait, 27 to 34 " Stamp, 46 " .Stereoscopic, 75, 78 " View, 37 to 44. 82, 83 Card Stock, 151, 207, 208 Casters for Backgrounds 57 Chaiis, Posing, : 97 to 104 Chemicals, 179, 180 Clips, U. S. Lockwoods and Smiths, . . 152, 153 Collodions, 169 Collodion Bottles, 168, 169 Cotton, Gun, 168 " Filtering, 168 Cuffs, Artists', 163 Cut-outs, 144 Dermaline, 16 J Developers, Dry Plate, 161, 162 " H. T, A, Ferrotype, 162 Developing Outfits, 161 Diamonds, 165 Diffusing Plates, Spurr's 142 Dippers, Hard Rubber, 133 Draperies, 109 Dropping Tubes, 161 Dry Plates, Glass and Ferrotype, . . . 135,136 Dry Plates, Non-Halation, ; . 207 Dry Plate Safety Boxes 136 Easels, Eastman's Enlarging, 47 Electros of Autographs, 154 Enameline, 94 Enclosures, 156 Enlargements, Platinotype, 181 Enlarging Lanterns, 48 Envelopes, Ferrotype, 156, 157 " for Mailing, 156 Evaporating. Dishes, 169 Exposure Meters 166 Fabric, Orange and Ruby, 165 Ferrotype Plates, 136 Films, Transparent, 71, 136 Film Carriers and Holders 51, 53 Filtering Cotton and Paper, 168 Finders, 167 Flash Lamps, 171 to 173 Flash Light Diffuser, 172 Flash Powders, Cartridges, etc , . . . 171, 173 Focusing Cloths, 167 Focusing Glasses, . 21, 166 Foregrounds, Caricature, . 124 Foregrounds, Daisy, 115,117 Frames, Celluloid, 155 French Azotate, 163 Front Boards, 47, 49 Funnels, 167, 168 Gelatine, 177 Glass, Colored, 165 " Covers for Slides, 164 " Cutters, 165 " Focusing, 166 " Forms, 152 " Graduates, 168 " Ground, 164 " Opal, 136 " Rods, Heavy, 180 " Rods, Hollow, 132 " Stirring Rods, 132 Graphoscopes, .... 175 Grass Matts, 114 Guides for Trimmers, 152 Gum Paper, : 146 Gun Cotton, 168 Head Rests, 10410 106 Head Screens, 107, 108 Holders, Benster, 51 H Bonanza, 52 Holders, Dry Plate, 5° to 54 " Glass Corner, 52 " Eastman's Roll, 54 Slides for Dry PlateS, • • . . . . 5 1 « " " Wet Plate, 49. 52 " Spools for Eastman's Easels, ... 47 " Waterbury, " 5° Hydrometers, *33 India Ink, >39 Intensifier, 102 Kits, Rabbeted for Wet or Dry, 55 " Glass Corner, 55 " for Enlarging Easel, 47 Kodaks, 66 to 71 " Condensed Price List, 7 1 " Automatic Counters, 7 1 Lamps and Lanterns, Ruby, etc., . . . 84 to 88 Lanterns, Magic, *76 Lantern Slide — Binding Strips, 164 Boxes, 135 Cover Glass, 164 Mats, 164 Lenses, Condensing, 21, 22 " Gem, and Brass Plaies, 22 " Portrait and View, 4 to 20 Levels, 166 Lubricators, 94 Magnesium Powder, I7 1 Magnifying Glasses, 21, 140 Masks and Disks, H4 Mora Stands, *54 Mortars and Pestles, 169 Negative Boxes, J 34. I 35 " Preservers, I 3& Racks, 134, 135 Negatives, Art Border and Scroll, . . 128 to 130 Oil for Burnishers, 94 Opaque, 138 Paints for Backgrounds I2 5 Paper, Albumenized, *45 " " Sensitized, 148 " Argentic, ! 46 " Aristotype 148 to 149 " Blue Print, « Bromide, 146, 147 " Carbutt's Ruby, 165 « Endless Roll, 147 " Filtering, 168 " Gum, 146 " Litmus, 148 " Matt Surface, Clemons 146 " Plain Saxe, r 47 " Platinotype, *47 " " Sensitized, 147 " Steinbach T 47 Paper and Card Plate Cutters, . . . 150 to 152 Paper Trimmers, 150 to 152 Paste, 153 Peletone Tablets, 162 Photographic Studies, 181 Photoscript, The '3 8 Photometers, i66 Plate Lifters, 162, 163 Platinotype Specialties and Chemicals, . 180, I8t Posing Supports, 105, 106 Powder Spray, Staffords 109 Preservative, Perfect and Tubes 15° Printing, Prices for 154 " Frames *37 » Outfits, 161 " Pads, 138 Print Mounters, I 5° Print Trimmers, I 5° 10 l 5 2 Print Washers, J 49 Prints, Platinotype Contact, 181 " " Enlargements, 181 Prisms, 21 Registers, Studio, *5 8 Retouching Cylinders, 1 39 Desks, HI Fluid, 139 " Frames, H 1 , I 43 " Glasses, H° " Pencils, 1 39 " Powders, 139 Rocks, Artificial, 1 16, 117, 121 Rubber Bands, 160, 161 " Bulbs and Tubing, 27 " Finger Tips, 163 " Plates, 149 Rugs, Chinese Goat, I2 3 Rugs, Felt Floor, I2 3 Saucers, Gold and Silver, 137 Scales and Weights, I77> *7 8 Screens, Color Orthochromatic, 135 Show Cases, Revolving, 154 Shutters, Portrait and View, .... 22 to 27 Silk Printing Solutions, 144 Songsters, American, io 9 Spotting out Colors 14° Squeegees r 5° Stands, Camera, 5 6 to 61 Stereoscopes, I 75> I 7^ Stoves, 94, 95 Tents, Photographers' . . 178 Terms, Front Inside Cover Tissues, Japanese Art and Plain, 155 Toning Powders, and Solutions . . . . 163, 164 Transparency Frames and Etched Glass, . . 164 Transparency Glass, Etched, ....... 164 Trays, 130 to 132 Trimming Boards *49 Tripods, 61 to 66 Tripod Screws 49 Varnishes, I 7° Varnish Pots, . I 7° Vignette Clamps, H3 Grounds, 1 21, 125, 1 26 " Papers, M5 Vignetters, M3. '45 Vines, * 2 4 Vista Mounts, *55 Washing Boxes, l 33 Wastes, Gold and Silver 120 Water Colors 174. 1 75 (4) RAPID RECTILINEAR AND WIDE ANGLE LENSES IMPORTED BY W. P. Buchanan, PHILADELPHIA. This List Cancels All Previous Quotations. Please take Notice.— Upon receipt of price we will send to any address in the United States or Canada any of our Lenses on approval. After giving them a fair trial, if they are not perfectly satisfac- tory, we w.ll return the amount paid, upon receipt of Lens if returned in good condition within 10 days Irom date of invoice. Lenses kept on trial longer than time named above, will not be accepted if returned. 1 arties returning Lense.s must prepay all express charges on the same. ■l, THE LECLAIR LENS. This is a very rapid-working Lens. It has great depth of focus, and is perfectly rectilinear. For portraits, groups, architecture and copying, it has no equal, even among the so- called "high-priced Lenses." It is the best Lens in the market for instantaneous work. Size of No. Plate I 4 X 5 2 5 X 7 3 5 X 8 4 6)4 X 8 5 8 X I o 6 IO X I 2 7 I 2 X 14 7> 4 14 X 17 8 X 20 9 20 X 24 Diameter of Lens. iA in. I A I H i A iii 2V0 Price Back Focus. S T A in- 7^ " 8 9#." 11 " 14 " 17% " 20 " 22 " THE AJAX LENS. Next to the wonderful Leclair, we recommend the Ajax Lens. It is also rectilinear, perfectly aplantic, and for parties wishing a general indoor and outdoor Lens , at a rea sonable price, "it is just what they want." No. Size of Plate. IO 4X5 1 I 5 x 8 I 2 '(>y 2 x 8}4 13 8 x 10 14 10 x 12 J 5 11 x 14 Diameter of Lens. iji in. 2 2^ Back Foci 5 3 A in " 10 " 18 74 Price. $9 00 10 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 35 00 THE AUSTRIAN WIDE ANGLE LENS. Designed for working in confined localities, interiors, etc. Possesses an angle of about 90 0 . Revolving stops. A first-class Lens. No. 16 17 18 Size of Plate. 4X 5 5x 8 8x10 Diameter of Lens. jyi in. iA " 13^ " Back Focus. 434 in. 7 A " Price. 5l2 OO 15 OO 20 OO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 5 STEINHEIL PATENT ANTIPLANETIC GROUP LENS. Designed for Portraits, Groups, Architecture, Landscape, Instantaneous Work and Enlargements. Focal Length Inches. 3A a% rA xoji iPA * Special Detective Camera Lenses : No. ib for plates, No. 2b for plates, 5x4. Nos.o to 3 are made in matched pairs for Stereo Work. Size Size of Hortrait of View or or Group Landscape Inches. Inches. Price. 2X2 $18 CO 3A x 3A AA x 3% 21 00 aA x 3A AAl x 3A 25 oc AA* 3H 5 x 4 28 00 5 x 4 5^x A % 33 00 SA* aH 7x5 37 00 7 x 5 8^x 6/ 2 48 00 8/ 2 x 6/ 2 10 x 8 60 00 10 x 8 12 x 10 95 00 12 x 10 15 x 12 140 00 STEINHEIL APLANATIC LENS. Designed for Portraits, Groups, Architecture, Landscape and Instantaneous Work. Aper- ture. Size Focal of Portrait Size of View or No, Inches. Inches Inches. Inches Price. I A for enlarging #18 00 2 H 3A 3A x 3A aA x 3A 18 00 3 5As aA x 3 I 4 / 5A x aA 25 00 4 }A ' 7 A ' "'$A x 4 A 7 x 5 3 2 00 9 A 7 , x 5 8 A x ("A 38 00 5 II &A x 6^ IO X 8 44 00 6 hH 10 x 8' 12 X 1 0 57 00 7 nA* 12 x IO 14 X 11 86 00 8 m 17 x 14 20 X 17 125 00 9 25 20 x 17 22 X 18 166 CO 10 4A 33 22 x 18 24 X 20 245 00 Price for two identical combinations tor Stereo Work. No. 2, $38.00; No. 3, $52.00; No. 4, $67.00. *) No. 4^ of this Series, with focal length of about g}4 inches. STEINHEIL RAPID WIDE ANGLE APLANAT. Angle about 75 0 and covering a larger field than the lenses of Series III. aperture about f. IO. Effective Specially designed for Landscape Work and Architecture, but can also be advantageously used for Flashlight Interiors and Copying. Size of Picture. Aper- Focal ture. Length. Full Aperture. Smallest Stop. No. Inches. Inches. Inches. Price. I 2 X 2 3A x 3A $18 OO 2 n 3 3A x 3A AA*3A 21 OO 3 A aA 5 x 4 7 x 5 26 OO A 7 x 5 sy 2 x 6A 32 OO 1 9A 8V 2 x6^ 12 X IO 44 00 6 *srt 12 x 10 17 x 14 86 00 7 *A 23A 17 x 14 24 x 20 160 00 6 W. P. Buchanan, ^HiLADELPriiA. STEINHEIL EXTREME WIDE ANGLE APLANAT. Focal Size of Aperture. Length. Sharp Picture. No. Inches. Inches. Inches. Price. I 3 1 6 3H 5 x 5 $26 OO 2 5 1 5 4% 7 x 7 30 OO 3 7 T<> io% x io# 42 OO 4 9 1 6 1 4 1 6 joy s I2X X 12^ 61 00 5 16 i8j£ x i8# 93 00 Th e proportionately short focus and large angle (about IOO°) of these lenses make them particularly adapted for Interiors, Architecture and for very high, broad objects taken from short distances. STEINHEIL WIDE ANGLE APLANAT FOR COPYING. Size of Sharp Aperture. Focal Length. Picture. No. Inches. Inches. Inches. Price. I I 14^ IO X IO $ 75 00 2 18 13 x J 3 105 OO 3 IX 23^ 17 x 17 145 OO 3* 2 30^ 20 x 20 2IO OQ 4 38/g 24 x 24 320 OO 5 3 48X 28 x 28 54° 00 6 3^ 56 34 x 34 760 OO Designed specially for Copying Maps, Charts, Draw- ings, Paintings and Engravings and Photo-mechanical work generally. ROSS' PORTABLE SYMMETRICAL LENSES. U. S. Nos. . . Ratio of Stops 16 32 64 128 256 / / / / / 16 22.6 32 45-2 64 Size of Plate Price. with Diameter of Equiv. Brass Aluminium Extra for Iris No. Large Stop. Lenses. Focus. Settings. Settings. Diaphragm. *I 3X3 ■fa inch. 3 inches. $24 OO $30 60 #4 00 *2 3X4 1 1 « 20 4 " 26 OO 33 40 4 00 *3 4X5 6 (( T(T 5 " 28 OO 35 80 4 00 *4 4^x6^ 7 n 1 0 6 " 32 OO 40 OO 4 00 5 5x8 8 « TTT 7 " 40 OO 48 40 4 00 6 6/ 2 xS/ 2 9 «< T2 " 32 OO . 41 60 4 00 3X X 4% I " 6 " 34 00 44 40 4 00 5x6 4x5 IlV " 7^" 42 OO 52 80 4 00 5x8 4^x 7X 1/8 " 9 " 46 OO 57 60 5 00 6/ 2 x 8/ 2 5x8 l/ 2 " io#" 52 00 65 60 5 60 7x9 6>2X 8% i# " 12 " 60 00 73 60 6 00 8 xio 7x9 1^ " 14 " 68 00 84 CO 7 00 IO XI2 8 xio 2 * " 16 " 84 00 112 00 8 40 11 xi3 9 XI 1 2^ " 18 " 92 00 132 00 10 00 12 xij 11 XI3 2>/ 2 " 20 " 116 00 164 00 12 00 16 xi8 12 X15 3 " 24 " 148 00 212 00 16 80 l8 X22 16 xi8 3% " 3 j " 2CO OO 280 00 24 00 22 X25 l8 X22 4% " 34 " 240 OO 360 00 30 00 * These Lenses are supplied accurately paired for Stereoscopic purp ?sts. ROSS' UNIVERSAL SYMMETRICAL LENSES. Diameter of Kquiv. With Waterhouse Aluminium Extra for Iris Size of View. Size of Group. Lenses. Focus. Diaphragm. Settings. Diaphragm. 3X X 4 l X 3 X 3 I inch. 4)4 inch $40 OO $50 So $4 60 4x5 3X X 4X •tV« 6 52 OO 63 90 5 00 5x6 4x5 1)4" 7/z " 62 80 75 80 5 60 5x8 5x6 .9 69 OO 82 60 6 00 6^x 8/ 2 5 x 8 2 " io;4 " 78 OO 94 00 7 00 7x9 6^x 8^ 2>/« 12 " 92 OO 120 00 10 00 8 xio 7x9 2-jL " 1 IT 14 1 1 2 OO 152 00 12 00 10 xi2 8 xio ? 9 (i Z f 0 16 '34 40 180 40 16 80 11 XI3 IO XI2 3 io 18 151 20 215 20 20 00 12 X15 II XI3 iH " 20 " 192 OO 272 00 21 00 16 xi8 12 XI5 4tV' 24 256 00 376 00 28 00 l8 X22 16 Xl8 5 l A " 30 400 00 560 00 34 00 STEINHEIL IRIS DIAPHRAGM. Made in all sizes suitable for Steiniieil Lenses as well as lenses of any other maker. The prices are as follows : — Price List — To fit lenses having barrel diameter less than 1)4 m -> $8 co " " " " of \ ]/ 2 in. and less than 2.y 2 in , 9 00 " " " " 2^ " " 3 " 10 00 3 « « y/ 2 « 11 00 3^ " " 4 « 13 00 4 " " 5 " 15 00 The above prices include the charge for fitting the Iris Diaphragms in lens barrel. At the option of the buyer the Iris Diaphragms are fitted either into the original lens barrel, or into a duplicate lens barrel, w hich is furnished without extra charge. 8 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. VOIGTLANDER & SON'S LENSES. Rq ;ular Portrait-Lens, exclusively for portraits. Quick workers. Diameter No. of Lens. Equivalent Focus. Size of PlaLe. Price. 3B 2 in. 6/ 2 in. VA *' 4^ $57 00 4 B 2^ " 8X « 4X x 6}£ 78 00 5B 3 " 9£ " 5 x 7 90 00 6 B 3% " ii " 6y 2 x 8;< 130 CO 7B 4 14 " 8 x 10 165 00 Portrait-Euryscope. Short Focus, in very short or dimly-lighted studios. SECOND SERIES. Ratio, I to 4 , or F. Specially adapted to general portrait-work No. Diameter. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 3 2 in. 7% in - 4X x 6)4 $62 OJ 4 2y 2 " 9% " 6^ x 8^ • 86 oo 5 . 3 " 8 X IO 116 50 6 3 l A " 14 " 10 x 12 145 00 7 4 " i7/ 2 " 12 x 15 175 00 Nos. 3, 4 and 5 have Rack and Pinion. Nos. 6 and 7 mounted in rigid setting Portrait-Euryscope. Longer Focus. Excellent for groups in short studios. Diameter. in. THIRD SERIES. Ratio, I to 4l4, or F . Unrivalled for general portrait-work. No. IA 2A 3A 4 A 5A 6A 7 A 8A 1 2 *A 3 3% 4 5 Equivalent Focus. &y 2 in. 7.^ " 8% « iof « 13 " " 25 » Size of Plate. 3>^ x 4)i 4 X A x 6 5 10 1 1 14 17 /2 X 8}< X 12 x 14 x 17 x 20 Frice. $45 co 55 00 70 00 95 00 130 00 186 50 226 50 426 50 All these are mounted in rigid settings. Note. — In removing the lenses from the tubes for the purpose of cleaning or inspection, it is essential that they be replaced in their proper original position, otherwise the diaphragms will not, as they ought, pass through the optical centre of the instrument. The best plan is to remove, clean, and return one combination at a time, thus ensuring the correct adjustment of the objective. FOURTH SERIES. Voightlander & Son's Extra Rapid Euryscope, known heretofore as the " Improved ' For Groups, Standing Figures, Large Heads, Buildings, Landscapes, Instantaneous Work, and Copying. Euryscope. Diameter Equivalent Size of Focal Portrait Size Size. Lens. Length. or Group. Landscape. Price. O Ijiv in. 4 3 A 3% x 4% 4x5 in. $27 00 OO 1% « 6^ " 4x5 " 5x7 " 37 5 3 I l'A " sy « 5x7 " 7X9 " 45 00 2 1% « 10 " 7x9. " 8 x 10 " 52 00 3 H " i\V 2 " 8 x 10 " IO X 12 " 65 00 4 2*4 " 14 K " 10 x 12 " 1 1 x 14 " 87 00 5 3 l A " ivA " 11 x 14 " 14 x 17 " 130 00 6 3/2 " 2*:A " 14 x 17 " l8 X 22 " 1 70 00 7 4/s " 24A " l8 X 22 " 20 X 2 4 " 210 00 8 32 « 27 x 32 " 30 x 36 « 390 00 9 (>A " 46 « 30 x 36 « 40 x 50 << 890 00 9 Nos. o and oo can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. The first five sizes of this series can also be had without the front hood, which renders the Lnses more compact. FIFTH SERIES. Voightlander & Son's Rapid Wide Angle Euryscope. A New Group-Lens. Equivalent Size of Size of Diameter Focal Picture, Picture. No. of Lens. Length. Full Opening. Smallest Stop. Price. o I in. 5 A in. 5x7 in. 6 x 8 in. $36 5° \% " 8 " 7x9" 8 x 10 " 50 00 i I'A " 9*A " 8 x 10 " 10 x 12 " 65 5° \% " ii " IO X 12 " 1 1 x 14 ' : 85 50 3 2 " i2]A '■• II X I.* " 14 x 17 " 103 50 4 2>£ ." 13 x 16 " 1 7 x 20 " I40 OO 5 3 " i 9 " 17 x 20 " 20 X 24 " 186 50 SIXTH SERIES. Voightlander & Son's Rapid Euryscope, for Landscapes, Buildings, Instantaneous Work, as well as Standing Figures, Group-;, and Large Heads in the Studio. Diameter of Equivalent • Size of Portrait Size. Lens. Focal Length. or Group. Price. No. oA I in. 7 in. 4x5 in. $30 OO " 00A 8^ « $fi*1i& " 40 O 7 " iA lo H " 6% x 8>£ " 52 O ) " 2A 13 " 8 x io " 64 OO " 3A 2 " 16 " 10X12 " 80 CO " 4A 2^ " 20 " 12 x it; " IlO po " 5 A 3 24 " 16 x 18 " 157 co " 6A Z% " 28 " 18 x 22 " 208 CO « 7 A 4 " 32 " 20 x 24 " 240 CO No. oA can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. SEVENTH SERIES. Voightlander & Son's Wide Angle Euryscope, for Interiors, Buildings, Landscapes, and G pying. Diameter Equivalent Size Plate of Focal with Size. Lens. Length. Full Aperture. Price. O TK in - 4 l /6 in - 4 x 5 in. $29 OO I 1 0 ti IB SA " 5x 6" 34 00 2 1 1 11 1 (> 6^ " 5 x 7 « 39 00 3 1 4 it 16 vA " 6x8" /8 00 4 ii-V " 9 " 8 x 10 " 65 00 5 »& " 16 " 11x14" 82 00 6 m " 20 " 14 x 18 " 100 00 7 m " 17 x 20 " 130 00 8 li 3 2 20 X 24 " 225 00 No. o can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES Of Voigtlander & Son's Wide-Angle Euryscope, for Interiors, Buildings, Landscapes and Copying. Diameter of Equivalent Size -Plate with Size. Lens. Focal Length. Full Aperture. Price. No. 1 \%. >n. 4 x 5 in. $27 OO " 2 8 it T« SA " 5x7" 29 OO 3 1 0 if 1 if ey s « 6x 8 " 34 00 " 4 0_1 11 I If 7^ " 8x10 " 39 00 " 5 . 14 11 T I 9^ " 10x12 " 48 00 " 6 II " 12x15 ' 65 00 " 7 W ". 13^ " 17x19 " 71 00 IO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. VOIGTLANDERS & SON'S NEW QUICK WIDE-ANGLE SINGLE LANSCAPE LENS. umber. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. I 5'A in. 4* 5 $16 50 2 7 " 5" 7 18 5° 3 8^ " 7x 9 2 3 OO 4 IO " 8 x io 28 OO 5 2 12 " IO X 12 33 00 6 i y/z " 12 X 15 39 00 7 16 " 15 X 18 44 5° 8 3 20 " 17 X 21 60 50 9 VA 23 l X " 20 x 24 79 5° IO 27 l /z " 22 X 26 98 00 VOIGTLANDER & SON ANASTIGMAT LENSES. Anastigmat, Series III, Ratio 1 to 7.2. Rapid lens for Instantaneous work, Views and Groups. Front combination composed of two lenses, back combination of three. Angle of view over 80 degrees. No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diameter of Lenses. inch. I I io TS 2- 1 - 3# Equivalent Standard Diameter of With Focus. Size Plate. Disk at 8o°. Sliding Stops 3tl inch - 3>( x 4 X 6| inch. $29 OO 4H " 4x5 7 7 A " 33 00 C 1 4 l£ 316 4X x 5X 9 7 A " 37 00 7tt " 4X x 6>^ 13 50 00 m " 5x8 15 62 00 6/ 2 x 8/ 2 i6y 2 « 75 co 12 A " 8 x 10 20^ " 99 00 I7A " 10 x 12 29! " 157 00 12 x 15 38* " 223 OO ANASTIGMAT, SERIES IV, RATIO I TO 12.5. Wide-Angle lens for Views, Interiors and Reproductions. Doublet composed of four lenses. of angle 96 to 100 degrees; the four largest sizes 85 degrees. Standard Width No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diameter of Lenses. l / inch. H 1 3 is 1 2 3 1 5 Equivalent Focus. 2% inch. 3 7 /s " 4f " 6 7^ " 10X " isX •' 23^ " 351 " 48^ " Size Plates, with Stops. F-18 to F-25. Diameter of Largest Disk. 3% 4 5 t>y 2 4X 5 6 8^ inch. 13 15 20 1 24 x 10 x 12 x 16 x 18 x 24 x 29 ioh 13 A 17^ 22^ 28 43 & 64 86^ With Rotating Stops. $27 OO 27 OO 27 OO 33 00 42 OO 62 OO f 83 00 H o. 145 OO K« 33o 00 1 745 00 ANASTIGMAT, SERIES V, RATIO I TO 18. Wide- Angle lens for Views, Interiors and Reproductions. Doublet composed of four lenses. of view about 104 degrees. Angle Diameter of Equivalent Stai dard Diameter of With No. Lenses. Focus. Size Plate. Largest Disk. Rotating Stops. I •j^ inch. 3 l A i' ich - 4 X 5 8{J r inch. $27 OO 2 7 « 4^ " 5 x 7 1 1 " 27 OO 3 A " J 1 6 6^ x sy 2 I4X " 33 00 4 7A " 8 X IO " 42 OO 5 ■ H " 8|| " 10 X 12 21^ " 5° 00 6 18 ■<■ TS io/ 2 " 11 x 14 26K " 62 OO 7 1 5 « T<> I2# " 13 x 16 3^/2 " ho ' 75 co 8 I " iS'4 « 13 x 16 33 a •3 w - 99 00 9 *H " 24^ " 37f\ " 15 x 18 45^ " 145 OO 10 20 x 24 68 -St/5 290 00 11 3 s*W " 6$H " 28 x 34 94^ " ft 495 00 12 4 " 36 x 44 118 " 825 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ii DARLOT'S RAPID HEMISPHERICAL These Lenses embrace an angle of from 6o° to 75 0 ; are quick acting, No. Diameter. *I I in. *2 3 % :: 4 *X " 5 0 3 " Portrait. View. Price. 4x5 in. 5x7 in. $'3 5° 5x7" 6x8" 20 OO 6x8 " 8 x 10 " 30 OO 8 x 10 " II x 14 " 45 °° 11 x 14 " 14 x 17 " 76 OO 14 x 17 " 17 x 20 " 90 OO For Portraits and Views perfectly rectilinear. Back Focus. $y 2 in- 9 " io/ 2 " 14 " 18 " 21 " Nos. 1 and 2 can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. *These sizes can also be had in rigid settings, and provided with rotating stops suitable for Detective Cameras. DARLOT'S WIDE-ANGLE HEMISPHERICAL. These Lenses embrace an angle of 90 0 , and, being rectilinear, they are valuable for Interiors, Buildings, Landscapes, etc., and in confined localities, where lenses of longer focus cannot be used. Provided with three lever diaphragms. No. I 2 2> 3 4 5 6 Diameter. ill. I 3 Back Focus. Size View. Each. 2 X / Z m - Stereoscopic #12 50 3 " 4 x 5 15 OO 4 " 5x7 15 OO 5 " 61 x 81 20 OO 8 " 10 x 12 25 OO 12 14 X T 7 35 00 16 17 x 20 50 00 Nos. I and 2 furnished in matched pairs for Stereoscopic work. DARLOT PORTRAIT LENSES. Darlot Portrait-Lenses, with rack and pinion, made also for Magic Lanterns and Stereopticons. pairs of equal focus. Size. Diameter. Focus. 1-4 1% in. A l /z in- 1- 3 l 7 /s " S'A " 2 * " 1 , :: 2- 3 *y » sy 2 " 4-4 3 " 10 1 plain. These Lenses are Can be had in matched Price. $7 00 12 OO 14 50 21 OO 32 OO DARLOT PORTRAIT-LENSES, WITH RACK AND PINION, AND CENTRAL STOPS. Size. 1-4 i-3 1-2 4-4 8-4 Diameter. iji in. iji " 2% « 3 " 4 " Focus. Size of Plate. Price. A l A in. 3X x 4X in - $8 75 S% " 4% x S'A " 14 5° 7 " 5x7" 17 50 10% « 8 x 10 " 35 5o 15 " II x 14 " 105 00 The 1-4, 1 -3 and 1 2 can be had in matched pairs of equal focus. DARLOT QUICK-WORKING PORTRAIT LENSES, WITH RACK AND PINION, AND CENTRAL STOPS. Size Diameter. Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 1- 2 2% in. S*A in - 3^ x 4X in - # 22 00 2- 3 2% " 7 " 5 x 7 " 32 00 4_4 / « 8 « ey 2 x %y 2 « 43 00 Extra 14 4 « » " 8 x 10 " 85 °° \2 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ALVAN G. CLARK LENSES. When using these lenses as a wide- angle lens, care should be used in beveling the back of the front board so as to allow free passage of the rays. Full Size 6% x 8)4 Alvan G. Clark Lens. Size of Plate Size of Plate Size of Plate Working with Working with Working with Diameter Back Stop F. 8 Stop F. 20 Stop F. 35 of Lenses. Focus. No. Angle about 55 0 Angle about 75 0 Angle about 95° Price. 3 !% x 4X aYa x 6y 2 A i n - 3 J A in - $14 OO A)i V/\ x A 1 / 4x5 5x8 % " 4% " 18 OO 5 4x5 5x8 5x8 6^ x 8^ H " 5 3 X " 22 OO 8 6^x 8^ 8 x 10 i'A " 7^ " 28 OO 6K x Wi 8 x 10 10 x 12 10^ " 36 OO IO 8 x 10 IO X 12 12 x 15 m " 12X « 48 OO 12 10 x 12 15 " 60 OO 15 12 x 15 *H " 18 » 78 OO 18 16 x 18 3/s " 22 " IOO OO 22 20 X 22 4% " 2S ' 140 OO ZEISS-ANASTIGMAT. Series III. I : 7.2. Tor Instantaneous Work, Studio Work on Groups and Large Heads, Out-door Work of all kinds and Copying. Nos. 1 and 2 sufficient to admit of the introduc- tion of the Diaphragm Shutter. The lenses of this Series have an angular aperture from 85 0 to 90 0 , and can therefore be used as wide aiiele lenses if desired. Size of Plate Diam.of Free Covered with Image Circ. Diam. Equivalent Stop F. 12.5. at 8o°. 3X x 4X 6 To in - 4X5 1% " 4% x 6^ 9H " 5 X7 13 " 5 x 8 i 4 if " 6% x S/ 2 i6 T % « 8 x 10 20^ " 10 x 12 2g)i " 12 x 15 38^ ■« of Lar L Focus. Price. Y% 'ri- 313 in - $29 00 X " aH " 33 00 1 " 511 " 37 00 1% « * 1 1 (i / 1 6 50 00 4* " 62 OO iH " 9H " 75 00 2 " 12 A " IOO OO oi 3 .< i7 3 A " 157 OO 3H " 2 3rV " 223 OO Full Size, No. 4. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. »3 ZEISS-ANASTIGMAT. Series. IV. I : 12.5. For Instantaneous Work, Landscapes, Interiors, Archi- tecture and Copying. The field of the smaller sizes including No. 6 measures an angle of 100 0 . Larger sizes about 85 0 . No. I 3 4 5 6 Size of Plate Diam. of Free Diam. covered with Image Cir. of Equivalent Stop J; 18. at 96 Deg. Lar. Lens. Focus. 3% x 4% in. 4x5 m << 4 X x 6%, 10^ '< 5x8 i 3 # " 8 x 10 I7 X 5 ^ " 10 x 12 22H " \L in. 2 tV in - 3^ *\\ 7H Price. 527 CO jg 27 OO .2" 27 OO e=> ' to 33 00 42 OO £ 62 00 The following sizes for Copying with stop F 36 at 85 0 . For Landscape Work larger plates may be used. 7 12 x 15 27}! « i T V " 83 00 8 16 x 20 43A " 2 " 145 OO 9 20 x 24 3 7 A " irll " 330 OO 10 24 x 30 86^ " 4^.% " 743 OO Full Size, No. 5. ZEISS-ANASTIGMAT. Series V. 1 : 18. WVide angle for Copying, Interiors, Architecture and Lamdscapes. T he field of the smaller numbers, including No. 7, meaisures 108 0 . Larger sizes 90°. Size of Plate Diam. of Free Diam (Covered with Image Circle of Xo. Stop F. 36. at 104 0 Lar. Lens. 1 4 ^ x 6^ 8ft in. A in. 2 5 x 7 11 " y % " 3 ey 2 x sy 2 i 4 A " ja " 4 8 X IO isx " A " 5 IO X 12 21*4 " yi " 6 11 x 14 26$ •' }| " 7 12 x 15 31^ « ff " For reproductions of charts and all large plates when used at an Equivalent Focus. Price. B$2J OO g 5 27 OO f- 33 o° S 42 OO g 50 OO § 62 OO S 75 00 kinds of copying on angle of 85 0 . ZY% in- 4 3 A " Sis " 7A " 8/g " 12A " 8 12 x 15 33tV " 1 " 9 16 x 18 45H " 10 20 x 25 esy « 1 1 28 x 34 94'A " 3 " 12 36 x 44 118^ " nl 5 (( 24^ 37fV 65^ 99 00 145 OO 290 CO 495 00 825 CO Full Size, No. 6. SUTER APLANATIC LENSES. A — Aplanatic Lenses for Portraits, Groups, Architecture and Copying. Angle of View, 65 c Diameter. Focus. Field. No. Inches. Large Stop. Small Stop. Price. *I 6# S x 4 vA x 5 $30 OO 2 9 6x5 9 x 7 40 OO 3 2 n# 8/ 2 x 6/ 2 12 X IO 50 OO 4 ^A 15 10 x 8 15 X 12 78 OO 5 18 13 X II 18 x 16 120 OO 6 3 3 A 22 16 x 13 21 x 16 180 OO *May be had in pairs of exactly equal focus for Stereoscopic purposes, at $60 per pair. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SUTER APLANATIC LENSES, (Continued.) B — Aplanatic Lens for Groups, Landscapes and Architectural Subjects. Angle of View, 6o c Diameter. Focus. Field. No. Inches. Large Stop. Small Stop. Pri ce. *I X 4^ Stereoscopic. 5 x 4 $26 OO 2 I 5 x 4 vA x 5 28 OO 3 I ■ 7 x 5 9 x 7 30 OO 4 8/ 2 x ey 2 10 x 8 40 OO 5 2 10 x 8 14 x 1 1 5° OO 6 12 x 10 16 x 13 78 OO 7 3% 15 x 12 20 x 16 I20 OO 8 3 3 X 25A 18 x 15 25 x 20 180 OO *May be had in pairs of exactly equal focus for Stereoscopic purposes, at $52 per pair. C — Wide Angle Aplanatic Lenses, for Architectural Subjects in Confined Situations, Interiors, Copy ing, etc. Angle of View, 90 0 . Diameter. Focus. No. Inches. Covering. Price. *I 1 4 5 x 4 to 7 X 5 $26 OO 2 1% 6 7 x 5 t0 9 X 7 30 OO 3 r# 8 9 x 7 to 12 X 10 40 OO 4 2 1 1 12 X 10 to 16 X 13 50 OO *May be had accurately paired for Stereoscopic purposes at #52, including brass plates. D — Rapid Series, for the Studio, Groups, Copying Scientific Subjects, Interior. Angle of View, 70° No. I Equival Focus. I3K Diameter of Lens. Flange. Inches. 2% Large Aperture. 8x5 10 x 8 Diameter of Circle. 16 in. 20 " Price. #57 00 85 OO SINGLE (Landscape) LENSES, WITH ROTATING STOPS. Angle of View, 50 0 . Fquival Lens No. Focus. 2 VA 3 9V2 4 13 2 5 18 *A Diameter of Flange. Inches. 13/ Size of View. Price. 6A X 4^ to tA. X 5 $12 OO 7 A x 5 to &A x 6>£ 12 00 SA x 6A to 10 x 8 16 50 10 x 8 lo 14 x 11 28 00 EXTREME ANGLE PERISCOPE. ANGLE 1 1 5°. Equivalent Size of Plate Largest Plate Largest No. Focus. Largest Stop. . Cov ered. Aperture. Price. I 2.9 in. 2A x 2A 5 x 7 f-IO $24 OO 2 3-6 " 3 x 3 6K x sa f-IO 27 OO 3 4.2 i( 3?4 x 4^" 8 X IO f-IO 32 OO 4 5- " 4 x 5 10 X 12 f-14 40 OO 5 5-9 " A% x 6^ 11 x 14 f-14 51 OO 6 7.1 " 5 x 8 14 x 17 f-H 66 00 7 8.4 << 6^ x S>£ 16 x 20 f-16 87 00 8 10. " 8 x 10 20 x 24 f-16 116 00 9 12.6 " 10 x 12 25 x 3° f-17 150 00 J 5 THE PISTON SHUTTER. Exceedingly light, compact, made only for the Periscope Lens. PRICE OF PERISCOPE WITH SHUTTER. No. Aperture. Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 4 9 — lb ill. 8>/ 2 in. 5x8 in. $22 OO 5 ii — 16 " 10X " ' ey 2 x s/ 2 » 25 OO 6 13—16 " 12 " 8 x 10 " 32 OO GRAY'S PERISCOPE. Angle 8o°. The Periscope is a rectilinear combination of the wide angle variety, and is suitable for taking Views, Flash Light Groups, Copying and Interior Work. No. I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diameter of Equivalent Lens. Focus. % 23/ 8 6 12 16 3/ 1 3/ 8 2 354 25 36 Size of Plate Size of Plate Largest Stop. Smallest Stop. Price. 2'/ 2 X 2)4 3X x4X $10 OO 314 4X x 6^ 10 OO 4 x 5 6^ x 8)4 12 OO 5 x 8 8 x 10 15 OO 6^ x 8>< 8 x 10 10 X 12 18 OO 1 1 x 14 2 2 OO 10 x 12 14 x 17 30 OO 11 x 14 16 x 20 40 OO 14 x 17 20 x 24 60 OO 16 x 20 2 5 x 30 90 OO Price With blunter $ 19 OO 2 2 OJ 25 OO 30 OO 40 OO R. O. CO.'S SINGLE VIEW LENS. These Lenses arc furnished with rotating diaphragms, having four apertures, and are very convenient to use ; the largest aperture is huge enough for instantaneous views. No. Length of Focus. Size Price. I 6 in. 4 x 5 $3 00 tH 8 4X* 6y 2 3 5" 2 10 " 5 x 8 4 00 3 II " ey 2 x 5 co 4 13 " 8 x 10 7 00 No. 1 furnished in matched pair s for stereoscopic work $6.00. R. O. CO. S EXCELSIOR LENS. Rapid Rectilinear. They are perfectly rectilinear, have great depth of focus and flatness of field, giving brilliant definition ; they will be found excellent for landscapes, architectural subjects and instantaneous work, as well as groups and portraits. Xo. Length of Focus. Size. Price. . i 7 iii. 4x5 $10 00 2 9 " 5x8 13 50 3 ii-' 6y4 x 8)4 18 00 4. 1 ? 8 x 10 22 00 6 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. GUNDLACH RAPID RECTIGRAPHIC LENSES. No. Size of Plate. Diam. of Lenses. Equiv. Focus. Price. O 3% * VA 5 in. $14 OO I 4x5 I " 6% « 20 OO \% \A x iH " 7 " 25 OO 2 5x8 *X " 8^ " 30 OO 3 i/ 2 " 11 " 38 OO 4 8 x 10 i% " 13 " 50 OO 5 10 x 12 2 " 16 " 64 OO 6 11 x 14 2% " 18^ « 76 OO 7 14 x 17 2^ '< 22 " IOO OO 8 17 x 20 VA « 26 " 125 OO BECK AUTOGRAPH RECTILINEAR LENSES. No. Size of Plate. 3% x 4% 5 6/ 2 10 1 1 14 20 x sy 2 X IO X 12 x 14 x 17 X 22 Diam. of Equivalent Focus. Lenses. n 1 1% 2 3 \A 5 %A II 13 16 18 24 30 Angle DALLMEYER'S RAPID RECTILINEAR LENSES.* (Patent.) Size of View or Landscape. Size of Group or Portrait. Diameter of Lenses. Price Rigid Set. $31 00 37 oo 45 «' 57 5° 74 °o 90 00 123 CO 164 OO 222 OO 262 OO 5x4 furnished in matched pairs for stereo, work. *The apertures of all stops or diaphragms supplied with Dallmeyei lenses (portraits, views and landscapes) are so arranged that, counting from the largest to the next size smaller, the time of exposure is doubled. Stops marked X are exceptions to this rule, and require an exposure only half as long again as the preceding larger stop. 4X x 3% in - 3 l A X 3A in. H in 5 X 4 " 4X X 3A I << 5 X 6 « 5 X 4 u sy x 6'A " 6 X 5 10 X 8 " 8'/ 2 X (>y 12 X 10 " 10 X 8 u 2 15 X 12 " 12 X 10 2^ 18 X 16 " 15 X 12 it 3 <« 22 X 20 " 18 X 16 i 1 3 3 A cc 25 X 21 " 22 X 20 4 << Back Focus. 3^ i 5/2 7A ioy my 15 18 23 28 31 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. DALLMEYER'S TRIPLE ACHROMATIC LENS. Free from distortion. For Architectural Views, Copying, etc., also for Landscapes and Groups. Dimensions and Prices. Size of View or Size of Group Diam. of Back Back Price No. Landscape. or Portrait. Combination. Focus. Rigid Setting. I 6 x 5 in. 5 x 4 in. l}4 in. 7 in. $ 35 00 2 8, / 2 x 6^" x 8 « 7 x 6 " 2 " IO " 49 03 3 10 sy x 6^ " 2# " 12 " 57 50 4 12 X IO " IO x 8 2^ " 15 " 78 00 5 IS X 12 " 12 X IO " 3X " 18 " 98 50 6 18 x 16 " IS X 12 " 4 " 23 " 127 00 7 22 X 20 " 18 x 1 6 " S " 29 " 180 00 8 25 X 21 " 22 X 20 " 5X " 31 " 205 OQ DALLMEYER'S RAPID LANDSCAPE LENS, (Long Focus.) Specially constructed for views, objects, mountain scenery, balloon photography, etc. Each lens is supplied with a set of Waterhouse diaphragms, the apertures of the stops of these lenses being too large to admit of their arrangements in the form of a rotating diaphragm as supplied with the " wide angle " landscape series. Largest Dimensions Diameter of Equiv. Focus. of Plate. Inches. Lenses. Inches. Inches. Price. No. 1 4^ x 6y i-3 9 $37 00 " 2 (>y x sy 1.6 12 47 25 " 3 8 X IO 2.125 15 61 50 « 4 10 X 12 2.6 18 78 00 " 5 12 x 15 3- 22 94 5o « 6 16 x 18 3-5 25 115 00 « ? 20 X 22 4-25 30 144 00 DALLMEYER'S " EXTRA" QUICK-ACTING PORTRAIT LENSES. Possessing the greatest possible rapidity consistent with perfect definition. Especially constructed for Portraits of Children, but generally useful also for Vignettes, Cartes de Visite, Locket Portraits, etc. No. 2 C. Portrait Lens, with rack and pinion movement; the lenses 2^ in. diameter and 4}4 m - focal length from the back glass; for pictures on plates 4^ by 2,% and under . $129 00 This Lens produces pictures in one-half the time of No. 1 B (long), but the field of view is not so flat; hence, for standing figures, a stop must be used. A Miniature Lens. Ditto, ditto. The lenses 1 y in. and \y% in. diameter respectively, and 2 in. focus from the back glass; for pictures on plates 2 in. by 2 in., and, when used with stops, for %y in. by 2% in 47 00 A Medallion Lens. Diameter of combinations y in., back focus 1 in., in a rigid mount, without stops 20 50 DALLMEYER'S PATENT PORTRAIT AND GROUP LENSES (D). With the exception of No. 3 D, the Lenses are mounted in rigid settings, i. e., without rack and pinion movement. No. Diam. of Lenses. Back Focus. Size of Group. Size of View. Price. 3D* Patent, 2j/£ IO^ sy x 6y IO X 8 $78 OO 4 D* 13 10 x 8 12 X IO III OO 5 D 3X 16 12 x 10 15 X 12 143 50 6 D 4 I9>^ 15 X 12 18 x 16 217 50 7 D 5 24 18 x 16 22 X 20 394 00 8 D 6 30 22 x 20 25 X 21 475 00 * Distance for a Cabinet Portrait with No. 3 D, 18 feet; with No. 4 D, 25 feet. DALLMEYER'S NEW PATENT STEREOGRAPHIC LENS. Especially constructed for Instantaneous Views, Small Portraits, Groups, Interiors, Landscapes, etc. In sliding mount, pair $70 00 Ditto, ditto, with rack and pinion movement, pair 78 00 DALLMEYER'S QUICK-ACTING STEREOSCOPIC LANDSCAPE LENSES. No. 1. iy in. diameter, 4^ in. back focus, in rigid mount, with rotating stops, pair $33 00 No. 2. l}4 " 6 " " " " " " 370a i8 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. DALLMEYER'S QUICK-ACTING PORTRAIT LENSES. Especially constructed for Carte de Visite Portraits. I B. Portrait Lens, consisting of two achromatic combinations, mounted in tube, with rack and pinion movement, the lenses 2 in. diameter, and 4j^ in. focal lengih from the back glass, producirg pictures on plates 4^ by 3X m - an( l under Distance between the subject (5 ft. 8 in. high) and the lens, for a figure 2.% in., from 12 _ feet. The Lenses can be had in pairs, or four, of exactly equal foci. .No. 1 B (Long). Diameter of Lenses 2^ in., back focus 4^ in., distance from 14 to 15 ft. for above standard This lens is constructed to meet the requirements of those photographers who desire to ■use a longer focus lens than No. 1 B,but who have not sufficient length of gallery for No. 2 B. No. 'to I- ;i 50 55 5o No. DALLMEYER'S PATENT PORTRAIT LENSES (B). Quick-Acting Lenses. 2 B. Patent Lens, with rack and pinion movement. Diameter of Lenses 2^ in., at>d back focus 6 in. Especially constructed for Carte de Visite Portraits. Distance between subject and lens for a standing figure, 18 ft #109. 00 No. 3 B. Ditto, ditto. Diameter of Lenses 3^ in., and back focus 8 in. Especially con- ' structed for the New Cabinet Portraits. Distance between subject and lens for a standing figure, 18 ft. • • No. 4 B. Ditto, ditto. Diameter of Lenses 4^ in., and back focus 12 in., for pictures 8>£ x 6% in. Distance for a Cabinet Portrait 25 ft. 164 00 328 00 DALLMEYER'S RECTILINEAR STEREO LENSES. Especially constructed for Architectural and Landscape Views in confined situations. Diameter of front combination, y % in.; back focus, 2%. in. (equivalent focus, 3 in.), mounted in rigid setting, with rotating diaphragm plate, pair DALLMEYER'S NEW WIDE-ANGLE LANDSCAPE LENS. (Patent.) The Lenses are mounted in " Rigid" Tubes or Settings, with " Rotating" Stops, Diam. of Lenses. $65 50 No. Size of Plate. iA 5 x 4 1 VA x aYz 2 x ey 2 3 IO x 8 4 12 x 10 5 15 x 12 6 18 x 16 7 22 X 20 8 25 X 21 3 3% 4 1 / iv. Focus. Price. 5X $26 SO 7 31 OO sy 2 37 00 10 45 00 12 57 5o 15 70 00 18 86 00 22 115 00 25 155 00 Remarks. No. I A and No. 1 are made to screw into the same flange as No. 1 Triple Achromatic Lens. Nos. 2 and 3 screw into No. 2 Triple Achromatic flange. DALLMEYER'S WIDE-ANGLE RECTILINEAR LENSES. (Patent.) These Lenses embrace angles of pictures from 90 to 100 degrees No. iAA iA 1 2 3 4 Largest Dimension of Plate. 7X 12 15 18 22 x A l / 2 x ey 2 X IO x 12 x 16 x 20 Diam. Front Combination. Back Focus. 3 l A in- 4}i " b% « V/z " II 14 " Price. $37 00 45 00 61 50 86 co 115 00 164 00 Remarks. No. I A and No. I are made to screw into the same flange as the No. I Triple Achromatic. *This Lens is also well adapted for Stereoscopic Views. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 19 IMITATION DALLMEYER STEREO LENSES. Provided with Central Stops. Suitable for Portraits, Views and instantaneous work, in or out of doors. By removing the back lens, and simply using the front lens, a 6 inch focus is obtained. Back focus 4 inches. Price per pair «i8 00 DALLMEYER'S PATENT PORTRAIT LENSES (A). Of the Ordinary Intensity or Rapidity. No. 1 A*. Patent Lens, with rack and pinion movement. Diameter of front and back combina- tions, 2i{ and 2 f£ in. respectively, and 6^ in. back focus; for pictures 5 x 4 in $106 50 No. 2 A*. Ditto, ditto. Diameter of front and back combinations, y/ 2 and 1% in. respectively; 10 in. back focus; for pictures 6% x 43^ in 148 00 No. 3 A*. Ditto, ditto. Diameter of Lenses 4 in., and 12 in. back focus ; for pictures 8)4 x 6)4 in. 224 00 No. 4 A. Ditto, ditto. Diameter of Lenses 4^ in., and 14 in. back focus; for pictures 10 x 8 in. . . . 316 00 *These lenses are well adapted for the New Cabi- net Portraits, according to length of gallery. Thus, No. 1 A requires a distance of 14 feet between subject and lens (not recommended if a longer focus lens can be used), No. 2 A, 20 ft., and No. 3 A, 24 ft. No. 5 A. In rigid mount. Diameter of Lenses 5 in., and 18 in. back focus; for pictures 15 x 12 and under 410 00 ditto. Diameter of Lenses 6 in., and 22 in. back focus; for pictures and under 49 2 OQ WATERBURY LENSES. Diameter. Back-focus. 1 nches. Inches. A, Single, for 4 x 5 plate 6 $3 50 A, Matched pair, stereoscopic 7 00 y>, Single, for 5x8 plate 1 44 10 4 50 BB, Single, for 6)4 x 8)4 plate x Tf 6 00 c, Single, for 8 x 10 plate plate 2)4 16 8 00 Elite Time and Instantaneous Shutter, with Pneumatic Release, for use with Waterbury Lenses, $3.00 extra. 20 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. MORRISON WIDE-ANGLE VIEW LENSES. These Lenses are absolutely rectilinear; they embrace an angle of fully 90 degrees, and are the most rapid, and are universally conceded to be the best wide-angle lenses made. Diameter Equivalent No. of Lens. Size of Plate. Focus. O ' 3 , x 4^ in. 2% in. 3 f x 6^ " \Yz " 4 - \V m - ■ x 8 " 6 " 5 It* x S/ 2 " 7 " 6 j x 10 " 8^ " 7 1 1 x 14 " 11% " 8 f 14 x 17 *' 13 " 9 *K " 17 x 20 " 18 " 10 20 x 24 " 22 " Price. &20 OO 25 OO 25 OO 25 OO I 30 OO J These 5 sizes will fit into 1 flange. 40 00 50 00 80 00 These 2 sizes will fit into I flange. r 1 These 2 sizes 60 00 I will fit into j 1 flange. ____ »Nos. ! to 6 are all made in matched pairs for stereoscopic work. The shorter focused lenses: are especially adapted for street and other views in confined situations. For general purposes, a pair of No. 5 Lenses will be found most useful. MORRISON COMBINATION WIDE-ANGLE LENSES. The device is so simple that it will be readily understood from the following explanation. Put in Cells as follows : Front. 5 5 Back. 4 5 5 for 4-inch Back Focus. " 5 " « g « « Thus the operator combines five focal lengths in one Lens. These Lenses, if purchased separately, would cost in the aggregate $130, thus a saving of $55 is effected. No. I, price complete in morocco case $75 00 No. 2, combining four, five and six inches focal lengths 55 00 E. A. PORTRAIT LENSES. With Rack and Pinion. Back Focus. Inches. 1-4 Plain 4 3 4 1-4 Central Stop i-3 1-2 4-4 4^ 5 6 10 Each. $7 5° 8 75 14 50 17 50 35 5o E. A. VIEW LENSES. These are single combination lenses, used for landscape work only, but cover the plate very sharply. They have diaphragms in the front of the tube, and rack and pinion movement. 1-9 size, Stereoscopic, 1-6 « " 9 1-4 " for 4-4 View, 10 1-3 " " 8 x 10 " 12 1-2 " " 10 x 12 " 15 4_4 « « 14 x 17 " 20 Sizes and Prices. 6^-inch focus, per pair $9 60 " 10 00 each 6 40 7 60 9 60 19 20 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 21 PRISMS. For making non-reversed ferrotypes, and for copying plans, etc., by photo-lithography. 2]/ z inches square, mounted in brass, each, $30 00 These can be fitted to any lens by giving the diameter of front hood of the lens. COMBINATION FOCUSING GLASS. Handy and compact; serving the double purpose of a convenient drinking cup and a perfect focusing glass. A tele- scopic metallic cup, with a fine lens the bottom, and packed in a neat metal case with screw cover. Every tourist photographer should have one. Price $0 75 FRANCO FOCUSING GLASSES. New Design, easily adjusted. Price each THE NEW DUPLEX FOCUSING GLASS. Cheap and Good. Price fi 00 COMPOUND FOCUSING GLASS. For fine work the Compound Focusing Glass is the best, double compound lens. The price is $2 50. It has a MAGNIFYERS. Pocket Folding, nickel-plated, each 25 cents DARLOT'S CONDENSING- LENSES. Plano-convex, made of White Crown Glass, are short focus, and perfectly polished. We can safely recommend them as the best lenses ever made for solar work and enlarging on Bromide paper. Each. 10-inch diameter, 14-inch focus 12 14 15 16 18 20 16 25 35 Same quality as above, eut longer Focus $26 00 40 00 55 00 65 00 75 00 115 00 160 CO Each. 6-inch diameter, 15- inch focus $5 00 8 " " 20 " " . 12 50 10 " " 20 " " 22 00 22 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. DARLOT'S CONDENSING-LENSES. Plano-convex for Magic Lanterns and Stereopticons. Per pair. 4^-inch diameter, 6^-inch focus $5 00 4^ " " 7K " " 6 00 5 " " 1% " " 7 5° 6 " " 9 " . 12 00 8 " " 10 " " 22 00 These can be mounted in brass for $4.50 to $5 per pair, and in tin for $1.50 to $2 per pair. GEM LENSES. These are exactly the same in working order as the portrait lenses before mentioned,, but have neither rack-work, hood, nor central stops. They come matched — the one- ninth in sets of 4, 6 or 9 each ; the quarter size in sets of 2, 4, 6 or 8. 1-9 size, 3 inches back focus, each, $2 25 | 1-4 size, 4^ inch back focus, each, $3 75. BRASS PLATES, FOR GEM LENSES. With Holes Cut and Threaded. Each. For 4 one-ninth Gem Lenses fl 00 " g " " " 1 80 " 4 one quater " " 1 3° PROSCH PHOTOGRAPHIC SHUTTERS. TRIPLEX. LIST OF SIZES AND PRICES WITH ROTARY STOPS. Size, . . 00 o oA I 1 A 2 2 A 3 3 A 4 5 Aperture, % % 1 1% 1% \ft 1% 2 2% 2% Price, . . $12. 50 13.00 13.50 14.00 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 Up to and including size 2A are fitted with rotary stops. Fitted for use of ordinary stops (same as are sizes above 2 A), $1.00 less. When flange screw is on body of tube, 50 cents extra ; but larger than size 3, 75 cents. Triplex Stereoscopic Shutters consist of two Shutters on one frame, moved in unison by one lever and operated by one release, and consequently give two identical exposures. Made in two sizes^ corresponding to No. 00 and o of regular Shutter. The lenses are placed t>}1 inches from centers \. any separation deviating from this costs $1 00 more. Rotary stops are included. Prices : Size No. 00, $20.00; No. o, $21.00; flange collars, when required, 75 cents the pair. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 2 3 LOW "KAZOO" SHUTTER, No. I. l l A inch opening, 4 lH " " V 2 « " 43 2^ " " 5, 3 2»X " " 6 inches long by 2j( wide, $6 co 2^ " 6 50 " " 3'4 " 7 00 3 7 A " 7 5o « " 4}^ " 8 oj The Low "Kazoo" Shutter, No. 1, is a handsomely finished nickel-pla'ed shutter, Can be instantly changed from time to instantaneous exposures by simply moving the small lever to - one side. Gives the correct exposure, and requires no setting after either time or instantaneous movement, as it sets itself after every exposure without opening the wings. LOW "KAZOO" SHUTTER No. 2. i'A inch opening, 4 inches by 2^ outside $6 00 \% " " 4 3 A " 2 A " 6 5° 2 « " 4 7 /s " 3 l A " 7 00 2# " " 5 3 A " 3 7 A " 7 50 iy z " " 6 " $y 2 " 8 00 This Low " Kazoo " No. 2 is designed to be placed on the inside of camera and attached to the front board. It can be operated entirely from the outside of the camera and at any distance away. To change from time to instantaneous exposures it is only necessary to push in or pull out a small brass pin, which passes through the front board and into the Shutter. It will balance open for any length of time while focusing. 24 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. LOW VIEW SHUTTER, No. 8. Price .... $4.00 each. 2 inch opening, 4^ inches round 2^ " " 5 The Low View Shutter No. 8 is designed to make only time exposures. inch opening, 3^ inches round. « 4 X " LOW VIEW SHUTTER, No. 10. Price .... $6.00 each. inch opening, 4^ inches round. " " 6 " " 1^ inch opening, 3^inches round. *X " " 4X " The Low Shutter No. 10 is the same as No. 8, with the addition of the instantaneous attachment. LOW SHUTTER, No. 3. Price, $4.00 each. 1% in. opening by 2^ in. wide bv 3% in. long 1^ " " " ZY% " " " A l A " " 2 » " « y/ 2 « « - 43^ « « 2^ « '< « 4 3/ & « •< « 5 ^ « « 3X " " " SH " " " 7X " " 3^ " " " b% " " " lH " " 4 " " " 7'A " " " 9 " " The Low Shutter No. 3 is designed to be attached to the front-board on the inside of camera. It opens so as to light the drapery and foreground most. Will balance open while focusing. LOW SHUTTER, No. 5. iy 2 in. opening, 3 in. square " y/ 2 " " $4 00 i# « 4 00 2 " " 4 " « 4 50 2% " " 4% " " 4 5° 3 " " 5^ " " 5 00 3 1-4 inclusive. With Double Swing-back. 8x10 attachment and holder, $85 00 8 x 10 " " 100 00 8 x 10 < : " no 00 8 x 10 " " 120 00 n x 14 " «* 140 oa 28 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ECLIPSE PORTRAIT CAMERAS. Sizes and Prices of Eclipse Portrait Cameras. No. Size. To Cover I 1-4 3X x 4^ 2 1-2 4 1 / x 5^ 3 4 4-4 6^ x sy 2 5 Extra 4-4 8 x 10 6 10 x 12 7 8 11 x 14 12 x 15 9 14 x 17 IO 16 x 20 it 17 x 20 12 l8 X 22 »3 20 x 24 14 22 X 27 15 25 x 30 16 30 x 38 with platform 30 in. long 36 '< and vertical shifting front, 6o 65 65 70 72 72 80 100 With Double Swing-back. . $20 OO 27 OO 30 OO 35 CO 38 OO 48 OO 64 OO 72 OO 76 OO 88 00 90 00 IOO OO no OO 130 OO 170 OO 350 OO When ordering, please specify whether Waterbury or Bonanza Holder is preferred. CLIMAX CAMERAS With Solid Beds. These cameras are manufactured in the most substantial manner from the best of mahogany, and handsomely finished. They are supplied with Lewis's Patent Universal Solid Glass Corners. The Single Swing Cameras are not kept in stock, but made to order only. Prices, with the Patent *' Benster" Plate Holders are also given below. No. For Reversible Single Double Double Swing, Plate. Swing. Swing. Benster Plate 1 9 #15 00 10 ey 2 x &y 2 26 OO 11 8 x 10 $27 00 31 00 #3 6 CO 1 2 10 x 12 32 50 37 50 42 50 13 II x 14 39 00 44 OO 50 OO 14 14 x 17 48 00 54 00 62 50 15 17 x 20 56 50 62 50 72 OO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 29 "PEERLESS" PORTRAIT CAMERAS. These Cameras are made of seasoned Mahogany, well polished. They have the Lever Focusinig Attachment. Above 10 x 12 size they have the Telescope Extension Plat- form, Double Swing-back. These Cameras are either fitted with Bonamza Holder with Dry Plate Rail in addition to the Wet Plate Trough, or if so ordered, they may be fated with plain Ralbbeted Holders. No. Size. 400 401 402 11 x 14 " Extension Platform 403 14 x 17 " " " 404 17 x 20 " " " 405 18 x 22 " " " 406 20 x 24 " " " When the above Cameras are fitted with the With Double Swing Back. 42 OO 60 OO 70 OO 84 OO 90 OO IOO OO furnished with the Boston Imperial Cameras, the price is as follows : 11 x 14 Peerless Portrait Cameras, with 8 x 10 Attachment and Holder. 14 x 17 " " 410 411 412 413 414 17 x 20 18 X 22 20 x 24 8 x 10 8 x 10 8 x 10 11 x 14 #so OO 95 00 105 00 115 00 135 oa CLIMAX PORTRAIT A>ND GEM CAMERA. (No. 43 C.) The best every-day camera in the market. With sliding holder and swinging ground glass- improved focus screw; extension bellows.. With rabbeted kits for dry plate and ferrotype work With a single 4-4 or extra 4-4 tube, it will imake all regular work, reversible, from 1-4 size to 8 x 10 . also two cabinets on 8 x 10 plate, or two 5 x: 7 size on two 5x7 plates. With a 1-4 or 1-2 size tube; copying and enlarging to 8 x 10; with four 1-4 Gem tubes set in brass plate, it makes eight large bon- tons or card size on 7 x 10; also four of thie same size on 5 x 7, and eight small bon-tons on 5 x 7- Price : No. 43 C. All complete except tubes $ 22 5° 3° W. P, Buchanan, Philadelphia. STANDARD IMPERIAL CAMERA. This is the best and cheapest Camera in the market for the money. It is made of first growth mahogany, has Carriage with sliding Bonanza Holder, Extra Rail, Rubber Bellows, etc. Double Swing. No. 512. — With Lever Focus Attachment (as per cut), $33 00 ACME STANDARD PORTRAIT CAMERAS. "The Acme Portrait Cameras have Rubber Bellows, Swing Ground Glass, and Reversible Holder. Plain with Double Swing . solid glass back with Corner Holder Bonanza Holder 500 1-4 size, rever., plate 3^ x 4^ inches, $ 8 00 ... 501 1-2 " " " 4jj£ x " 10 00 ... 502 4-4 " " " 8*4 " 14 00 $24 00 503 Ex. 4-4 " " 8 x 10 " 20 00 26 00 504 " " " " 8 x 10 " with focus rack, ... 22 50 28 00 505 10 x 12 size, reversible, with focus rack , 25 00 33 00 506 II x 14 " " " " 35 00 45 00 507 14 x 17 " " " ''■ 45 00 55 00 510 6)4 x ^>]4 Acme Standard Portrait Camera, with Sliding S. G. Cor. Holder, 19 00 511 8 x 10 Acme Standard Portrait Camera, with Sliding, S. G. Cor. Holder, 27 00 'Solid glass corner or rabbeted Dry Plate Holders supplied with these cameras. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 3 1 CLIMAX CAMERAS, FITTED WITH THE "BENSTER" PLATE HOLDERS. These cameras are manufactured in the most substantial manner from the best of mahogany, and handsomely finished with all late improvements. No. 13 B. " 14B. « 15 B. " 16 B. " 17 B. " 18 B. 20 B. No. 14 B Climax Camera, with Telescopic Bed and Benster Holder. CLIMAX PORTRAIT CAMERAS. Double Swing Back, Tangent Screw motion and Telescopic Bed. 11 x 14 and under: length of bed, 49 in $59 00 14x17 " " " 60 " 7° 00 17x20 " " " 65 < : 83 00 18 x 22 « " " 75 " 9o 00 20 x 24 " " " 77^ " 97 00 22 x 27 " Cameras made to order only lis 00 25 x 30 « " " " »50 00 All the above are supplied with a lever attachment, by which the most minute adjustment of the focus mav be instantly obtained. CLIMAX IMPERIAL CAMERAS. No. 19 B. For 8 x 10 and under and two cabinets on 8 x 10 plate, or two C. de V. on smaller plate; length of bed, 30^ inches. Fitted with "Benster" Holder and car- riage movement on Patent Rollers, and lever focusing attachment. Double swing back . $39 00 The same for iox 12 and under, length of bed, 32 inches, double swing back 55 00 No. 19 C. Same as above, in 8x10 size, length of bed, 28^ inches, varnish fin- ish, Dry Plate Bens- ter holder, with cur- tain slide .... 30 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 8x10 STANDARD IMPERIAL CAMERA. SCOVILL. DOUBLE SWING BACK. The above Camera has lever focus attachment, rubber bellows and carriage movement. Fitted with bonanza holder, with extra rail for dry plates $25 00 CLIMAX ROYAL CAMERA. This camera has the sliding back or carriage for plate hold- er, and has a ground glass attached in place, where it is always at hand. When the operator has the plate holder ready, he places it in the car- riage, instead of laying it on the floor or some other incon- venient place, while he gets his focus. Fitted with the celebrated Benster plate holder, working 8 x 10 plates and smaller; two 5x8 negatives on an 8 x 10 plate; two 4^ x 6j!^ nega- tives on a 6 l /2 x 8)4 plate ; two 4x5 negatives on a 5x8 plate, etc. 8 x 10 size, complete .... Prices : 75 11 x 14 size, complete #70 00 NEW YORK IMPERIAL CAMERA. Fitted with the " Benster" Plate Holder. A new combination cam- era, with carriage movement, consisting of an 11 x 14 dbl. swing-back camera, with tel- escopic bed, for portraiture from 11 x 14 to 8 x 10 and and reversible. Also with an 8 x 10 attach- ment for 8 x 10 to irrever- sible, as follows : making two cabinets on an 8 x 10, using one tube, and two cartes de viste on 4^ x6^. These will fill all the re- quirements of any studio. Price, Complete: II x 14 $80 00 14 x 17 95 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 33 THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. ROYAL CAMERAS. extra quality. No. 40. — 8 x 10 Royal Camera, dbl. swing-back, $50 00 41. — II x 14 " " " 85 00 42. — 14x17 " " " no 00 Above the 8 x 10 size an extra ground glass is supplied for use in focusing when pictures of groups are being taken. When ordering, please specify whether Bonanza or Waterbury Holder is preferred. 0 I C PORTRAIT CAMERAS. Rubber bellows, improved wooden guide, solid bed, swinging ground glass aud reversible holder. 2. 1-2 $8 50 3- 4-4 11 5o 4. 8 x 10 17 00 5. IO x 12, focus rack #21 00 6. 1 1 x 14, " " 30 00 7. 14 x 17, " " 40 00 THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. IMPERIAL OR CABINET CAMERAS. EXTRA QUALITY. Two promenade or imperial cards on an 8 x 10 plate, using one 4-4 tube; any size single picture from 1-4 to 8 x 10 ; two cards on a 4^ x 6% or 5 x 8 plate using a 1-2 size lens. With Double, No. Swing-back. 21. 4-4 Imperial Camera, $40 00 22. 8x10" " 45 00 23. 10 x 12 " " 60 00 24. 11 x 14 " " 80 00 25. 12 x 15 " " go 00 26. 14 x 17 " " 100 00 When ordering please specify whether Bonanza or Waterbury holder is pre- ferred. 34 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. CLIMAX CINCINNATI GEM CAMERA. FITTED WITH THE " BENSTER " PLATE HOLDER. For negatives or ferrotypes (admitting of picture 8 x 10 and under, two on 8 x io, 7 x 10 or 5 x 7 with one lens) with carriage movement on Patent Rollers, lever focusing attachment and fitted with the " Benster" holder with wooden slide. 43 B. Without swing $27 00 43 B. Single swing. . . 3000 43 B. Double swing 34 5° When fitted with four 1-4 Gem Tubes on plate, it will admit of eight on 7 x 10, and four on 5x7 CINCINNATI GEM CAMERAS. scovill's. This Camera, by some called the Lake- side, makes with one tube one picture on either a I -4, 1-2, 4"4, 8 x 10, 5 x 7 or 7 x 10 plate, and two on either a 5x7, 7x10 or 8x 10 plate. It makes, with four 1-4 gem tubes on brass plate, four or eight pictures on a 5 x 7 or 7 x 10 plate. The 7x10 and 5 x 7 are rabbeted kits. The kits for all other sizes are supplied with solid glass corners — Scovill's Improved. It has but one outside holder, in which all the kits reverse. No. "Unfitted with either Bonanza or Solid Glass Corner Holder. Price. 540 Plain (without Carriage or Swing) . . 541 Carriage Movement . ... . . . 542 Single Swing 543 Double Swing 544 Cincinnati Imperial Carriage . . . . 545 Cincinnati Imperial Double Swing . . "When ordering please state style of Holders wanted. 522 00 25 00 28 00 Unfitted with Water- bury Ho'der. Price. S32 OO 35 00 40 OO 33 00 27 °° \ Bonanza Holder. 30 00/ W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 35 ATTACHMENTS FOR BACK OF ECLIPSE PORTRAIT CAMERAS. (American Optical Co.'s make, Nos. 5 to 7 inclusive.) Consisting of a carriage and plate holder to be attached to larger portrait cameras, by occu- pying the place of the ground glass or shield of the same for producing smaller pictures, without using the large shield belonging to the camera. Two carte de visite or cabinet portraits can be made with one lens. These attachments can be laid aside when large-sized pictures are to be taken, and replaced when imperial work is to be done, for which they are available, from the largest size specified down to the smallest im- perial work. In ordering these, it will be necessary to •specify camera in use, and the outside size of the back, to guard against possibility of error. 8 x 10 Holder and Attachment for No. 5 Camera, II x 14 .... ; $22 00 8 x 10 " " " 6 " 14 x 17 26 00 8 x 10 " " •' 7 " 17 x 20 32 00 11 x 14 " " " 7a " 20x24 42 00 ATTACHMENTS FOR AN- THONY PORTRAIT CAMERAS. In ordering please state what kind of camera is in use, and give the out- side size at the back, to guard against •error. 8 x 10 and cabinet and C. de V. attachment for II x 14 . . $22 00 8xio and cabinet and C. de V. attachment for 14 x 17 . . 25 00 8 x 10 and cabinet and C. de V. attachment for 17 x 20 . . 32 50 5x7 STANDARD VICTORIA CAMERAS. 515 Without Lenses #13 50 516 With four Lenses on a brass plate 27 00 The newest pattern of the standard quality of Victoria Cameras, which produces 9 and 18 pictures on a 5 x 7 plate, is called the No. 517 " Multiplying Victoria Camera." Price, without Lenses 15 25 When ordering the above Cameras, please state whether rabbeted or solid glass corner Holder is desired. Extra Holders $5.63 each. 36 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. ADJUSTERS FOR CABINET WORK. These are made to fasten in the same place as the back diaphragms, which •while the adjuster is used, and are designed for use with the new Scovill Patent S Holders. With each is a hinged ground glass. Price of Adjuster with hinged ground glass and Carriage arranged for either 4X XD )^>5 X 7 or 5 x 8 Cabinet Negatives, according to choice, as follows : Adjuster for 8 x io American Optical Co. Portrait Camera, with one Single Light- Weight Holder, . $ 8 oo must ingle be displaced Light-weight 10 x 12 11 x 14 12 X 15 14 x 17 15 x 18 17 x 20 18 X 22 20 x 24 9 OO 10 OO 11 OO I I OO 12 OO 13 OO 13 OO 14 OO Extra Single Light-Weight Holders; All x 61/ Single Light-Weight Holders, per doz $13 °° 5x7 " " " 14 50 4 50 IS 50 18 00 21 00 CLIMAX ATTACHMENT FOR CABINET SIZE DRY PLATE HOLDERS Is an attachment for use with either single or double dry plate holders, which will be found especially desirable by those doing a large amount of cabinet work, who, by its use, are enabled to load any number of holders they may wish, and be ready for sittings as fast as they may appear. Each carrier is fitted with one single dry plate holder, and additional holders will be furnished at prices quoted below. The carrier is supplied with a swinging ground glass, and for use, is attached to the back of the camera, in same place as the ordinary ground glass and frame. The dry plate holders which are supplied for this carrier are all of same outside dimensions, but are fitted to receive plates either \% x 6%, 5 x 7 or 5 x 8, as desired. In ordering, please specify which size plate is to be used. SIZE OF CARRIER, OUTSIDE. 12 V wide x \2% high, for 8 x 10, No. 19C, 19B and No. II and Royal Climax Cameras, fitted as above $8 00 1 2>K w ^ e x x 3/^ k'§h. for 43B Cameras fitted as above 8 00 17 " x 17^ " 13B, 11x14" " 1000 2o>£ " x 21 " 14B, 14x17" " . . 11 00 Larger sizes to order. Cabinet Single Dry Plate Holders, per dozen 14 40 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 37 ROYAL ATTACHMENT FOR ANTHONY'S PORTRAIT CAMERAS. Similar to Climax Attachment, as illustrated, except that in place of swinging ground glass, the ground glass and plate holder are both fitted into grooved carriage, in the same way as shown in Climax Royal Camera. The dry plate holders which are supplied with this carrier are all of same outside dimensions, but are fitted to receive plates either 4^ x 6 x / 2 , 5 x 7 or 5 x 8, as desired. In ordering, please specify which size plate is to be used. Size of carrier outside: To fit No. 13B, II x 14, is 17 inches wide by 17^ inches high. Price each, $12. To fit No. 14B, 14 x 17, is 20J/2 inches wide by 21 inches high. Price each, $14. Cabinet single dry plate holders extra. Per dozen, $14.40 FERROTYPE CAMERAS. This cheap, strong camera, made of cherry or mahogany, will make four bon-tons on a 5x7 plate, with four % lenses, or a full cabinet with a single lens. Plain, without lenses, $12 00 Extra Holders, $3.75 each. PATENT NOVELETTE VIEW CAMERAS. PRICES. Without Single Double Swing. Swing. Swing. 4 X 5. including one Novelette double dry plate holder. . . $12 50 $15 50 A% X 6^, 20 OO 5 X 7, 20 OO $23 OO 6^ X 8/z, 25 OO 28 OO 8 X 10, 30 OO 33 00 10 X 1 2, 42 OO 45 00 1 1 X 14, 48 OO 54 00 With the 4x5 size the " Zephyr " plate holders are used. Price, with one single Novel Dry Plate Holder. 14 x 17, Single swing $55 co Double swing $60 00 17 x 20, " " 64 50 " " 72 00 18x22, " " 71 50 " " 79 00 3S W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. VICTORIA CAMERA. EXTRA QUALITY. It works a 5 x 7 plate, and may be used to make two Victoria cards, using one tube, on a 5 x 7 plate; four cartes-de-visite, using four 1-4 tubes, on a 5x7 plate, and by reversing the four lenses it will make eight " bon tons," on a 5 x 7 plate. It also makes all regular sizes, from 1-6 to 5 x 7, using one tube. Four 1-4 lenses only accompany the camera when it is ordered fitted. No. Price. 51 Victoria Card Camera, with four 1-4 tubes only $44 oo- Victoria Card Camera, without tubes . . 24 00 52 New style, using two 1-4 size tubes only (without tubes) 24 00 New style, with two 1-4 size tubes . . . 44 oo- FRONT FOCUS NOVELETTE CAMERA. It is fitted with the Eclipse double dry plate holder, which is included in price of camera quoted below. Also one Telescopic Brass Bound Canvas Carrying Case. Size. Plain. Single Swing. Double Swing. 4x5 $19 CO $21 OO • • #23 50 4% x 6yi . . . .. 22 50 . 25 OO 5x7 23 OO . 2 5 5° 5x8 24 OO . . 27 00 6yix sy 2 . . 29 00 32 00 8 x 10 34 50 . • ■ 37 50 10 X 12 . . ... 45 CO . 50 00 II x 14 55 00 . 60 00 14 x 17 . . 70 00 75 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 39 LEADER VIEW CAMERA. The Leader View Camera is the most popular and lowest priced reversible back camera in the market. It has swing back and rack and pinion movement for focusing. The forward end of the bellows is attached to the movable front and slides with it thus avoiding all possibility of cutting off the rays of light. The box is finely polished and the metal parts are nickel plated, which gives the instru- ment a very handsome appearance. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: 5x7 $22 00 6)/ 2 x 8)4 26 00 5x8 £24 00 8 x 10 28 00 ALBiON CAMERAS. PRICE-LIST OF ALBION CAMERAS. Each with Albion Tripod and Extra Fine Canvas Carrying Case. No. Size. 550 4^ x 6/ 2 #47 00 551 5 x 7 48 00 552 5 xS 49 00 553 6)/ 2 x 8)4 5° 00 554 60 00 AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.'S STAR VIEW CAMERAS. no III For View. 4x5 Single Double Swing-back. Swing-back. 4>+ 7 x S# 112 4^ x 6)4 113 5 x 7 114 5 x 8 115 6)4 x 8)4 116 8 x 10 117 11 x 14 £25 00 26 00 30 00 32 00 34 00 36 00 40 00 60 00 $29 00 30 00 34 00 35 00 38 00 40 00 44 00 64 00 40 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. REVOLVING-BACK CAMERAS. (PATENTED.) REDUCED PRICE-LIST. Single Double REVERSIBLE Swing. Swing. 1 20 For View 4 x 5 in. $27 00 $2 2 OO 121 x 5* " 34 00 122 A}( x 6)4 " 3 1 00 36 00 123 5 x 7 » 33 00 38 00 124 5 x 8 " 35 00 40 00 125 6% x 8>< « 40 00 45 00 126 8 x 10 " 45 °o 50 00 127 " 10 X 12 " 60 00 65 00 128 " 1 1 x 14 " with detachable revolving back 65 00 70 00 I29 14 x 17 " " " 75 00 80 00 I30 17 x 20 " " " 85 00 90 00 131 " 18 X 22 " 95 00 ICO 00 132 " '20 x 24 " 115 00 120 00 Revolving-back Cameras, each incased in a Canvas bag, with handle, and above 14 x 17 size, with two handles. With Revolving Back and Reversible Back and Holders for each Back. $90 CO 105 OO 115 OO 130 OO 150 OO These Cameras are fitted with Daisy Dry-plate Holders. Please state, when ordering any size below 10 x 12, whether front or back focus is desired. Revolving- back Cameras, front focus, not made above 8x10 size. Canvas cases to contain Camera with more than one Holder made to order at extra price. THE LANDSCAPE CAMERA. This new camera is made of mahogany, polished, and has single-swing vertical shifting front, cam for focusing, patent side latch for folding platform, and side plate for reversing. It was designed for pro- fessional photographers who wish to carry about a very light, compact View Camera, which is cheap, and yet in every respect substantial and serviceable. Price, No. 570 8x 10 size, with one Scovill patent double dry plate-holder $25 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 4i ACME REVERSIBLE BACK, VIEW CAMERAS. (patented.) These Cameras are supplied with Cone bellows, patent reversible back, vertical shifting fronts and folding platforms — are very compact, light and portable. Single No. Double Swing. Swing- back. 560 6)4x Sj4 reversible $29 00 $33 00 561 8 x 10 562 10 x 12 563 11 x 14 654 14 x 17 565 17 x 20 34 00 38 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 55 00 60 00 65 00 70 00 75 00 VIEW CAMERAS.— (Extra Quality.) THE MATCHLESS CONE VIEW CAMERA. (Patented.) Each with Canvas Carrying Case. Single Double No For view. Swing-back. Swing-back. 101 Cone View Camera, 4% x 5 % reversible $3 l 00 ^ 00 102 " " " 5x7 " 33 00 38 00 103 << " " 6^ x 8/ 2 » 39 00 44 00 104 » " " 8 x 10 " 43 °° 48 00 toe « " " 10 x 12 " 59 00 64 00 IOO « " « 11 x 14 " 63 00 68 00 107 « " 14 x 17 " 71 00 76 00 ID g « u << 18 x 22 " single roller slide-holder 95 00 100 00 IoQ « « « 20 X24 " " " " no 00 12000 THE VENUS REVERSIBLE BACK VIEW CAMERA. It has the American Optical Company's cone bellows, reversible back view camera, double swing- back, with the addition of a stereo attachment and a 5 x 8 kit. Its capacity is 1-4, 1-2, 4-5, 5 x 8 and 8 x 10 pictures, reversible, with one tube and stereos, on 5 x 8 plate, with two tubes. Reversible Back Venus Camera $45 00 $50 00 42 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE UNIVERSAL. REVERSIBLE BACK. PARTIALLY FOLDED. Price includes canvas carrying case, one perfection holder and combination tripod, but no lens. (With sizes above II and 14 we send English book holder.) Single swing. Double swing. • $27 00 S29 OO " 28 OO 30 OO Size of view. 3 l A * 4% • • • 4x5 .... 4% x 6% 30 00 3200 5 x 7 3? 00 35 00 5 x 8 36 00 38 00 t> l / 2 x 8^ 40 00 43 00 8 x 10 45 00 48 00 10 x 12 52 00 56 00 11 x 14 60 00 65 oo 14 x 17 72 00 80 00 17 x 20 90 00 100 00 THE ANTHONY COMPACT CAMERA. PRICES, WITH ZEPHYR HOLDER AND CARRYING CASE. 5x7, single swing $28 00 I 6^ x 8)4, single swing 5x8," " 30 00 J 8 x 10, " " $35 00 40 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 43 THE ROCHESTER VIEW CAMERA. This is designed for a thorough business camera and can be recommended to both the professional and amateur photographer. It has the reversible back with the latest adjustable spring-actuated ground glass screen, always in. position and ready for use. It has a front focus, rack and pinion movement. With the reversible back you can change it so as to take a picture vertically or horizontally without changing the position of the box or altering the focus, and is so arranged that the slide can be drawn, from the top, bottom or either side. It has a rising and falling front with rachet movement, cone-shaped rubber bellows, which is- attached to the front, allowing it to be raised or lowered with the lens. The price includes canvas carrying case and one double plate-holder. 5 X 7 $22 oo 5 x 8 24 oo ey 2 x sy 2 8 x 10 26 00 2S 00 10 x 12 $34 00 11 x 14 38 00 14 x 17 48 00 17 X 23 60 OO THE IDEAL. REVERSIBLE BACK. Price includes one Perfection plate- holder and canvas carrying case, but no lens or tripod. With sizes above 11x14, we send English book-holders. Size of view. Single swim A% 5 6'A 4 A% 5 5 6^ 8 10 1 1 14 17 18 6* 7 x ay X 10 X 12 x 14 x 17 x 20 X 22 517 OO 18 OO 20 OO 22 OO 25 OO 28 OO 33 00 36 00 42 00 56 00 70 00 90 00 Double swing $19 OO 20 OO 22 OO 24 OO 27 OO 30 OO 36 OO 40 OO 48 CO 64 OO 80 OO IOO 00 44 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EASTMAN'S INTERCHANGEABLE VIEW CAMERAS. Complete Camera, including Extension Bed, one extra Lens Board and one Double Holder. Extra Back and one Double Holder. X $26 OO $13 OO 4X X ey 2 28 CO 14 OO 5 X 7 32 OO l6 OO 5 X 8 34 00 17 OO 6^ X 36 OO l8 OO 8 X IO 40 OO 20 OO IO X 12 50 OO 25 OO ii X 14 60 OO 30 OO X 17 75 00 37 5o 17 X 20 85 00 42 50 18 X 22 90 00 45 50 20 X 24 100 00 50 00 STANDARD COPYING CAMERAS. 70 6)4 x 8)4 width bed 3 feet in length $25 00 7 1 8 x 10 " " 30 00 72 10 x 12 " 4 " 38 00 73 11 x r 4 " A l A ,; 45 00 74 14 x 17 " 5 « 58 00 75 17 x 20 " 6 " 64 00 76 20 x 24 " 6 " 90 00 Larger sizes made to order. When ordering Copying Camera, please state style of Holder desired, also give length of cone, if that is needed. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 45 0 ! C COPYING CAMERAS. No. 28 With 3^ 29 " 4 30 " 4>< 32 In Walnut, with extra long rubber bellows, cone, improved wooden guide, focus screw and sliding front. These cameras are all fitted with Benster holder, with wooden slide and silver saving bottle. 8 X 10 to I -4 #28 75 10 X 12 " I -2 36 5o 11 X 14 « I -2 43 00 14 X 17 " 4 -4 55 5o 17 X 20 " 8 X IO 61 50 THE SCOVILL ENLARGING, REDUCING AND COPYING CAMERAS. No. 61 « 62 " 63 « 64 When ordering, please specify number and sizes of kits, also style of Holder wanted. 6 l A x &}4 ...... #30 00 No. 65 14 x 17 8 x 10 35 00 "66 17 10 x 12 48 00 " 66y£ 18 11 x 14 60 co "67 20 Special sizes and styles made to order. x 20 x 22 x 24 72 CK> 90 Oo IOO OO IIO OO WINDOW BOX FOR ENLARGING. This box is the back end and bellows of the Eastman Enlarging Camera and it is intended for use in connection with another camera. Window box complete with ground glass,, bellows, and adjustable carrier for nega- tives 3^ x 4}( to 8 x 10, price, $12 50- 46 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EASTMAN'S DAYLIGHT ENLARGING CAMERAS. Especially Designed for Use with Enlarging Easels and Bromide Paper. 8 x io Camera with Adjustable Carriers for 8 x 10 Negatives and under price complete, $25 00 5x8 " " " " " 20 00 INDIA RUBBER BELLOWS. (Scovill's.) Outfits. 3X x ■ 5- 4% x SVz $1 5° 4% x 6^, 5 x 7, 5 x 8 I 50 6 l / z x 8^ 2 co 8 x 10 3 00 10 x 12 11 x 14 14 x 17 17 x 20 18 X 22 20 x 24 Plain Portrait. $3 00 3 co 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 13 00 16 00 Cone View. #4 5° 6 00 6 00 7 5o 9 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 16 00 20 00 HYATT'S STAMP PORTRAIT APPARATUS. With this wonderful little instrument the photographer is enabled to reproduce from a cabinet ■photograph 25 small pictures, the size of a postage stamp, on a 5 x 7 plate, by simply placing the picture to be copied on the easel behind the matt or border and ex- posing and developing the plate in the usual manner. No focusing is required, as all the lenses are accurately adjusted and focused. Every instrument thoroughly tested and guaranteed. Patented July 12, 1 Stamp Photo, size for 25, on 5 x 7 plate, including 2 borders, $5° 00 Minnette Photo, size for 8, on 5 x 8 plate, including 2 borders, 40 00 Perforators for perforating same under Stamp Patent (also issued July 12, 1887), . . 35 00 Extra Borders or Designs, each, I 00 Adhesive preparation for gumming the backs of above photos, l pint can, 45 cents, I ]/ z gallon can, -I quart 75 ft 25 2 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 47 EASTMAN'S ENLARGING EASELS. WITH SPOOL HOLDER. Price Complete. No. I — For spools up to and including n inches, (for II x 14 pictures), £7 50 No. 2 — For spools up to and including 16 inches, (for 16 x 20 pictures), 10 00 No. 3 — For spools up to and including 22 inches, (for 22 x 27 pictures), 12 50 No. 4 — For spools up to and including 25 inches, (for 25 x 30 pictures), 15 00 No. 5 — For spools up to and including 30 inches, (for 30 x 40 pictures), 20 00 Prices of Extra Spool Holders. Price. No. I will take spools for paper up to II inches wide, $2 00 No. 2 will take spools for paper up to 16 inches wide, 2 50 No. 3 will take spools for paper up to 22 inches wide, 3 00 No. 4 will take spools for paper up to 25 inches wide, 4 00 .No. 5 will take spools for paper up to 30 inches wide, 5 00 Kits for Enlarging Easels. Outside. Inside. Price. 25 X 30 22 X 27 22 X 27 20 x 24 I 40 20 x 24 l8 X 22 I 30 l8 X 22 16 x 20 I 20 16 x 20 14 x 17 I OO 14 x 17 II x 14 80 II x 14 IO X 12 66 IO X 12 8 x 10 60 THE WALMSLEY PHOTO-MICROGRAPHIC CAMERA. "Walmsley Micro-Camera $1800 " " 4^ x 5^, enlarging, reducing and copying pattern 30 00 6%x8y 2 , " " « 3500 SCOVILL FRONT BOARDS. MADE OF SPANISH MAHOGANY, FINELY POLISHED. 2x2 in $0 32 H « u 8x8 $l 25 3 x 3 i' 1 40 .1*2 f . 9X9 1 5° 4 x 4 in 50 o .2 FH n 10 x 10 I 80 5 x 5 in 60 I a « 12 x 12 2 00 ■6 x 6 in 75 S8 * £ 14 x 14 2 40 7 x 7 in 1 00 .H g > Plain fronts, not published, one-half above list. Sliding fronts for '76, Philadelphia, or Model Stereoscopic Cameras fi 20 Plain front for " " " " 60 SCOVILL'S DIAPHRAGMS, BLOCKS, &c. Blocks Diaphragms, for lenses. For No. 153, 1-2 New York Gem Camera 90 $1 35 " 11, 1-2 Gem Camera 90 1 35 " 154, 1-4 " 90 1 35 iS5. 1-2 " 9° 1 35 " 156, 4-4 *.« 1 80 1 80 " 157, 4-4 " . 1 80 1 80 " 22, 4-4 Imperial Camera I 35 1 80 23, 8 x 10 " 1 35 1 80 " 24, 10 x 12 " 1 80 I 80 " 25, 8 x 10 Multiplying Camera 9 00 1 80 " 21 or 21 a Victoria Camera 2 70 I 80 (For Cincinnati Cameras 2 00 1 80 4 8 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE SCOVILL PHOTO-MICROSCOPIC OUTFIT. — CONSISTING OF — I Scovill Special Half Plate Camera. I Multum in Parvo Lantern, with Double Condenser. I dozen 4^ x 5^ size B Keystone Plates to make Negatives; also 1 dozen 3^ x 4^ size A Plates for Transparencies. . . Price, Complete $18 00 The Camera, Alone 9 00 The Presumption is that you are provided with a microscope. If not, we recommend the purchase of one from a regular dealer in microscopical goods. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 49 MAGIC LANTERN ATTACHMENT TO COOPER S ENLARGING LANTERN. Consists of Frame, six Carriers and box $7 50 EXTRA PARTS OF APPARATUS. (Anthony's.) Including Slides for Holders and Front Boards, Ground Glass, Focus Screws, Tripod Screws and Bellows for Cameras. * 6 « t. *j o CP- 's % •o u n > .SPh V T3 rt . O Q P3 7 si Ph o w U i— 00 p-' •HO O S pq * u Ph Is u n 3 3 p4 -a 2 6 t« 6 _ <* £1 75 1 75 1 75 1 7s $0 70 1 15 1 35 1 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 25 1 60 2 00 2 50 2 75 3 2 5 3 5° 4 00 — *- so 50 Jo 50 J2 00 $3 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 60 4 50 60 6 00 8 00 60 10 00 80 12 00 15 00 I 1 0018 00 1 00 24 00 1 00^2 00 I 00-40 00 I I 00 5 So 7 00 9 00 11 00 13 00 16 50 20 00 27 00 $0 10 5o 15 . 20 $0 20 25 30 3° 40 50 1 00 1 30 2 25 $0 25 $0 30 $1 00 1 25 1 35 1 50 1 SO 2 00 50; 2 50 70 7° 70 $i 5o 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 00 3 3° 4 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 $2 25 2 75 3 25 3 25 $0 20 3 75 4 50 5 50 7 75 11 00 st 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 $0 25 2S 25 25 25 25 25 50 5=> 50 HOLDER SLIDES. (Scovill's.) Holder Slides. Holder Slides. 1-4 Plate Camera $0 27 Cincinnati Camera $0 72 4x5 " 3 2 10x12 " 1 35 1-2 " 34 11x14 " 2 02 4# x6 K" 36 14x17 " 2 25 5x7 " 38 17x20 " 2 70 5x8 " 40 l8 X 22 " 3 15 6y£x8*/," 45 20x24 " 3 60 8 x 10 " 72 25 x 30 " 5 40 FOR INDIA RUBBER SLIDES add 40 per cent, to above prices. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE WATERBURY DRY-PLATE HOLDER IS THE BEST FOR THE STUDIO. REVISED PRICE LIST OF WATERBURY STUDIO HOLDERS. 6%X $/ 2 $ 9 °° 14X17 $24 OO 8 x 10 10 co 17 x 20 28 00 For Cincinnati Camera 1500 18x22 3000 10 x 12 16 00 20 x24 35 00 11 x 14 21 00 25 x 30 44 00 And 10 per cent, to above list when with Curtain Slide. DOUBLE DRY PLATE HOLDERS. (ScovilPs.) Size. 3X x 4# 4 x 5 4% * 5 l A 4% x6 ^ 5 x 7 5 x 8 6^x8^ 8 x 10 x 12 x 14 x 17 10 J I 14 17 18 20 25 x 20 X 22 x 24 x 30 Light Weight and Double Film Holders. 25 25 25 3° 1 40 1 70 2 oo 3 50 5 00 7 5° Scovill's Patent Double Dry Plate Holder Kits Extra. IO 25 25 25 3° 40 70 00 5o oO 50 Double Daisy Dry Plate Holder. Kits Extra. 75 00 10 25 35 5o 20 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 50 15 5° 18 00 21 50 26 00 Flammang's Single Dry Plate Holder. With Kits. 2 IO 2 20 3 80 5 00 7 co 8 50 10 80 13 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 Albion Holders. $2 25 2 35 2 3 4 50 25 3° *Not made because of the weight of holder and of double thick glass. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 5 1 PRACTICAL DRY PLATE AND FILM HOLDER. MADE of stiff paper and very light. To use the improved Practical Plate Holder, it is necessary to have a frame attachment for what- ever size of camera you propose to work them with. In ordering please observe the following instructions : First, lay your ground-glass frame on a piece of paper and outline the exact dimensions. Next give correctly by an inside line the size of rabbets, so as to insure an exact fit. And finally state what size of holder you intend to use. To warrant the good results of our holder, your frames should be ordered with holders. PRICE LIST. 3X x 4# P er doz., #3 5° 5 x 7 per doz., #5 00 4 x 5 . v " 3 50 5x8 « 5 00 4X x S% " 4 50 6^x8^ " 6 00 4X x 6 X " 4 5° 8 x 10 « 7 I5 REGISTERING SLIDES. (Scovill's.) Size for x 4^ $018 Size for 5 x 7 $0 35 " 4x5 20 " 5x8 40 " A l A *5}4 24 « 6j4x8y 2 55 " 4% x 6}4 28 " 8 x 10 75 Registering Slides not made above 8 x 10 size. THE " BENSTER " PLATE HOLDER. WITH CURTAIN OR WOODEN SLIDE. THE BENSTER HOLDER with wooden slide is applied only to boxes for wet plate work, such as 43 B and copying cameras, and in these holders the plate rests on pure silver wire and there is a trough with large bottle beneath, into which all the silver waste readily finds its way. The prices of Benster Holders for Portrait Cameras are as follows : For 8 x 10 plate and under, I2j£ inches wide, 13^$ inches high . . . . . $10 00 " 8 x 10 " " 133^ " 13^ " . 10 00 « 10x12 " « 15 « 153/ « . 1400 " ii x 14 « » 17 " i 7 £ « j8oo " 14 X 17 " " 20y 2 " 21 " 22 OO " I7X20 " " 23^ " 24 " 25 00 " l8 X 22 " " 26 « 26% " 30 OO " 20x24 " " 28 " 28^ " ........... 35 OO " 22 X 27 " " 31 " Z ll A " 4OOO Special sizes, to order, will cost 20 per cent, additional. 52 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE IMPROVED PATENT BONANZA PLATE HOLDER. Please bear in mind that Bonanza Holders cannot be put on any camera that will not take a silver-saving bottle in the holder. X 4X x 5x7 6^ 4 25 6 40 8 00 8 50 PRICE LIST BONANZA HOLDERS. 4-4 9 60 14 x 17 8 x 10 10 50 17 X 20 10x12. . . . . . . $1600 20x24 11 x 14 21 50 25 x 30 24 00 27 50 35 75 44 00 Bonanza Holder for Cincinnati Camera with Rabbet Kits, $12 75 " " Multiplying " 12 75 Troughs for Bonanza Holders one-half of the price of the complete holder. SOLID GLASS CORNER PLATE HOLDERS— FOR WET PLATES. Outside Holder Only. For 3% X4X . $4 4° "4 x 5 4 80 " 4# x $}4 and New York Gem Box, . 5 00 " 4^ 5 50 "5 x 7 and Victoria Camera, 6 25 "5 x 8 6 50 " a#xsj£ ........ . 7 30 "8 x 10 and Cincinnati Box, 8 50 Outside Holder Only. For 10 x 12 $11 00 " II x 14 13 40 " 14 x 17 16 80 " 17x20 19 50 " l8 X 22 22 OO " 20 x 24 24 OO " 25 x 30 32 OO Kits Extra. 5x8 Solid Glass Corner Holder for Stereo. Camera, Rabbeted Outside Holders 10 per cent, less than Solid Glass Corner Holders below 10 x 12 size Larger sizes made to order. ANTHONY'S PATENT ZEPHYR DOUBLE DRY PLATE HOLDERS. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 53 ANTHONY'S PATENT ECLIPSE AND NOVELETTE DOUBLE DRY PLATE HOLDERS. Outs id : Dimensions. For Plates. U x 5X x 7/2 4X x 6y 2 6x8 5 x 7 % x 6x9 5x8 Ya x 7'A x 10 6^ x 8^ %x 9 x ii}4 8 x 10 I X "A x 10 X 12 I X ™A x 15^ 11 x 14 16 x 19 14 x 17 each $2 20 2 20 BARNETT'S PATENT UNIVERSAL FILM CARRIER. Size Per Dozen. 3% X 4% $2 OO 4 x 5 , . , . . .• 2 00 4X x sA 2 25 A% x (>A 2 50 5 x 7 and 5 x 8 2 75 6^ x 8^ 3 25 8 x 10 4 00 ANTHONY'S FILM HOLDERS. 4 X5 each $1 50 4 l A x &A « 2 20 5 x 8 . > . . " 2 20 11 x 14 6lt x S/ 2 x 10 X 12 each S3 3o 4 3° 6 00 each ANTHONY'S PATENT METAL FILM KITS. 2)4 x 2]/ z each 05 5 x 7 each 3X x A% • " 05 5 x 8 4 x 5 ...... " 06 6*4x 8*A " 4X x 6 A " °9 8 x 10 " ROCHESTER HOLDERS. When ordering holders please state what camera you wish them to fit. Size. Size. 4 x 5 $1 00 8 x 10 $1 75 5 x 7 I 25 10 x 12 2 75 5 x 8 I 25 11 x 14 4 00 6A x 8%. 1 50 54 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. DOUBLE DRY PLATE HOLDERS FOR R. 0. CO.'S CAMERAS. PERFECTION HOLDER. Size. 5 6 14 4 4X 5 5 6/ 2 8 10 ii 14 17 18 x 7 x 8 x8^ x io X 12 x 14 x 17 x 20 X 22 Perfection Holders Facile Film Holders Perfection Facile English Polished Mahogany Polished Mahogany Holders. Film Holders. Book Holders. Rubber Slides. Rubber Slides. $1 OO $1 25 $1 60 $1 50 £1 75 I OO I 25 I 60 I 50 1 75 I 25 I 40 1 75 I 90 2 00 I 25 I 50 1 85 2 OO 2 15 1 35 I 60 2 00 2 OO 2 25 I 60 I 85 2 25 2 40 2 75 1 85 2 20 3 00 2 85 3 2 5 3 °o 4 5° 4 5° 4 5o 6 oo 7 5o 10 00 15 00 6 00 EASTMAN'S ROLL HOLDERS, MODEL OF 1889. 4 4% 4% 5 Size. Size. x 4X #1000 5 x Ty 2 x 5 10 00 5 x 8 x S'A 10 00 6*4 x 8j£ x £>y z 10 00 8 x 10 x dyi 10 00 10 x 12 S12 50 12 50 16 00 20 00 24 00 X 7 12 50 EASTMAN'S DRY PLATE HOLDERS. Extra Back and one Double Holder. Double Holders, Book Form. Double Holders, Eureka. 4% X 5'A 4% X 6V 2 5 X 7 5 X 8 6^ X 8^ 8 X 10 10 X 12 1 1 X 14 14 X 17 17 X 20 18 X 22 20 x 24 ?I3 oo Not made 4° 14 C 3 " I 40 16 OO $2 50 I 50 17 OJ 2 50 I 60 18 OO 4 20 2 OO 20 00 6 co 2 40 25 oo 8 00 3 50 30 OO IO O) 4 00 37 53 12 50 6 00 42 50 15 00 8 00 45 co 18 co 10 00 50 00 21 co 15 00 55 PRICE LIST FOR FITTING ROLL HOLDERS TO CAMERAS. 4% 5 8 Eastman's Cameras. Size. Price. and4j4f x6^ $i oo 7 to 6j4 x 8 *4 ... • ... I 25 x 10 1 50 No charge when purchased with the Camera. Scovill & Adams Co. -Model" "76" •' Waterbury" or "Philadelphia." Size. Price. 3X x 4# to 4% x 6% $1 75 5 x 7 to 8 x 10 2 00 Blair Camera Co. " Reversible Back." Size. Price. 3X x 4 1 / to 4)1 x 6yi $1 75 5 x 7 to 6^2 x 8 j4 2 25 8 x 10 2 50 Rochester Optical Co.'s "Ideal" Size. Price. Z% x 4% to 8 x 10 $2 00 Rochester Optical Co.'s "New Model." Size. Price. 3X x 4% to 4^ x 6£ $ 2 25 5 x7 to 6)4 x 8)4 3 00 8 x 10 ... 3 50 E. & H. T. Anthony Co.'s "Novel" or " Improved Model." Size. Price. Z% x 4% to 4 # x 6^ |i 75 5 x 7 to 6^ x 8^ 2 00 8 x 10 2 50 Scovill & Adams "Revolving Back" Camera requires extensive alterations to the back, which makes the cost of fitting from $4.00 to $8.00 each. Anthony Duplex and Novelette Cameras require an adapter, and the cost for fitting is from $6.00 to $10.00 each. INSIDE KITS. Consist of thin wooden frames, made to fit in the Plate Holder, with rabbets for holding smaller plate. Any size opening. For wet or dry plates. R. O. Co.'s Scovill's Outside and Anthony's and Size. R. C. Co.'s Adams Co 4X5. • • $0 25 . . • ■ $0 25 . . . . $0 28 4% x ey 2 . 25 . . 25 . . • • 30 5x7 30 . . 30 . . • • 31 5x8. 30 . . 30 . . • • 32 ey 2 x sy 2 . 35 • • 30 . . ■ - 34 8x8. 35 • . . 40 8 x 10 40 . . 35 . . 40 10 X 12 50 . . 55 • • . . 60 11 x 14 60 . . 60 . . . . 66 14 x if . 75 • ■ 75 ■ • . . 80 17 x 20 . . 1 00 . . . . 1 00 . . l8 X 22 . . 1 50 . . . . 1 00 . . SOLID GLASS CORNER KITS. OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT IN INCHES. 3X x 4X IO X 12 $1 25 4 x 5 64 11x14 1 3° 4X *S l A 65 H x 17 1 80 4% x 6> 2 ' 67 17x20 5 x 7 68 l8 X 22 2 30 5 x 8 74 20 x 24 6^x8^ 84 3 80 95 56 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE BONANZA CAMERA STAND. This stand was first introduced at the Cincinnati Convention and elicited general admiration. It has been in great demand since then. The superior elevating crank and fitting arrangement used on the Gem City Stand have recently been put on the Bonanza, thus making it one of the best stands in the market for 8 x 10 cameras and under. By means of an ingenious attachment it can be made instantly rigid on the floor. Finished in Ash $15 00 THE GEM CITY CAMERA STAND has stood the " test of time," and is now universally acknowledged the best camera stand ever introduced to the photographic trade. It is, without doubt, the most rigid and at the same time the easiest handled. The best and cheapest for 8 x 10 to 25 x 30 cameras. No. I, for 4-4 to 10x12 cameras, 30-inch bed $20 00 No. 2, for 1 1 x 14 and 14x17 cameras, 40-inch bed 20 00 No. 3, for 17 x 20 and 18 x 22 cameras, 48-inch bed 25 00 No. 4, for 20 x 24 cameras, 60-inch bed . . . . 30 00 No. 5, for 25 x 30 cameras, made to order only . 35 00 Nos. I and 2 have one weight; Nos. 3, 4 and 5 have two weights, and base to correspond to size of bed. They have been greatly improved. No set screw is required, when prop- erly balanced act automatically, and there is no danger of binding with even the heaviest camera. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 57 "GEM CITY" LEVER CASTER. For attachment to camera stand to insure rigidity when once in position, required. Price, each Ji co MAGIC CASTER. FOR BACKGROUNDS, CAMERA STANDS, SCREENS, ETC. The best castor ever produced for studio purposes, for which it was especially invented. The wheel is of wood, 3 inches in diameter, and does not drop out when raised from the floor. Price, per set of four $1 00 ANTHONY'S GIANT CAMERA STAND. For large size Cameras. Is, as its name implies, strong and thoroughly re- liable. It is constructed on the principle of cog wheels working in a spiral screw thread, which insures ease and accuracy of manipulation combined with great lifting capacity. The top of the stand is fitted with an extension which adapts it to use for the largest sized box with a mini- mum of floor space consumed. Every part of this stand is made of the best material and it is guaran- teed to do all that is claimed for it. Its minimum height is 28 inches, which may be increased to 42^ inches and the top may be inclined forward. 58 IRON CENTER STAND. This is now the favorite cheap stand. Price, for 1-4, 1-2, 4-4 and 8 x 10, $3.50 THE SEMI-CENTENNIAL CAMERA STAND. Reasons why you should adopt it : First — Because you can lower the Camera within 13 inches of the floor, this being lower than any other stand will admit of. Second — Because it is the only Camera Stand using Rubber Wheels as castors, therefore it is perfectly noiseless. Third — By the use of its coiled springs and a key you can make it counterbalance any weight of Camera from 8 x 10 to 12x14 inclusive. Weight of Stand, packed ready for shipment, 95 lbs. Price, boxed $25 00 PATENTED January 7 and March 11, 1890 LEVER ADJUSTMENT GALLERY STAND. Manufactured with brass mountings and patent lever adjustment, also with Pocket to hold Plate Holder. The only stand suitable for large cameras, being portable, easily adjusted, and of great solidity. No. 5. — For all sizes to 8 x 10 inclusive $15 OO No. 6.— " " " 17 00 No. 7. — Combining in one, a stand for all sizes from 8 x 10 to 11 x 14 19 00 No. 7^. — Combining in one, a stand for all sizes from II x 14 to 20 x 24 inclusive 28 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 59 ELITE STUDIO STANDS. PATENTED. with " 7" Price, with Rack for Plate Holder $3 2 00 #3° THE MAGIC CAMERA STANDS. Simplicity, solidity, strength, convenience, rapidity and ease of adjustment, fine finish, low price. It is made of ash, beautifully finished ; is sup- plied with the windlass and pulley system of eleva- tion, with the roller stop which holds and binds the center shaft at any height automatically, doing away with all set screws. It also has a new self- acting appliance for tilting the top, and is supplied with the best caster ever made, and with a conve- nient tray for holding the plate holder while focusing, etc. The camera can be let down 4 to 6 inches lower than with most other stands, while it raises as high as any. Size suitable for camera 8 x 10, or smaller, reduced to $12.00. This cut represents the No. 1. Magic, patented May 5, 1885, W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. MAGIC STAND. Continued. New principles, new shape; the lighest, the strongest, the most dur- able; beautifully finished, easy to work; no heavy weights, no set screws, no noise, no weak points ; perfectly rigid, perfectly reliable, quickly adjusted. A coil spring bears the most of the weight in raising and lowering, and self-acting stops hold the center frame and bind it firmly at any height desired by the operetor, no set screw being required to make it rigid. It has also a new and supe- rior device for tilting the top. Nos. 3 and 4 are substantially the same as shown by cut, except that the tilt of the top is held by two automatic supports instead of one. All the metal work is either nickel plated or ebonized. This cut represents the No. 2 Magic, patented July 29, x? and May 5. 1885. N.) 2, for cameras 11 x 14, each . . . $16 00 No. 3, for cameras 14 x 17, each No. 4, for cameras, 17 x 20 to 20 x 24, each . . . $25 00 $20 00 THE KNICKERBOCKER STAND. No. o, for 4-4. camera $5 00 "I, " " 6 25 " 2, for 8 x 10 camera ^9 00 " 3, " 8 x 10 " 10 50 " 4, " 8x10 :f with Stoddard Top . . 13 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 6r THE PERFECT CAMERA STAND. The "Perfect" Camera Stand has been manufac- tured for several years, and is, as it has been justly called, a "Perfect" Camera Stand, made of finely polished black walnut and best of metal castings. It has superior advantages for cameras up to iox 12 size. Price, with Plate Holder Pocket #15 00 THE ACME CAMERA STAND. No. I. 1-2 and 4-4 $8 00 No. 2. With Plate Holder Pocket, 8 x 10 and 10x12. 12 00 THE EXTENSION TRIPODS. No. I, for 1-4 and 4x5 Cameras, . . each $3 00 No. 2, for 5 x 8 Cameras " 3 25 No. 2%, for 5 x 8 Cameras .... " 350 No. 3, for 6}£x 8)4 Cameras ... " 500 62 THE ALBION TRIPODS. This is the most elegant Tripod ever introduced. It is adapted to and is firm enough to support without vibration any View Camera from 5x7 to 10 x 12 size inclusive No. 1. Cherry Wood $4 5° No. 2. " " 6 00 No. 3. Spruce (very light) 6 00 THE ADJUSTABLE TRIPOD. No. I Price, each, $3 50 | No. 2 Price, each, $5 00 Adjustable Jointed Tripod, to fold and pack in a 22-inch Valise ^4 00 « " " " " " " " with Canvas Bag and Handle . 4 75 THE IMPROVED TAYLOR TRIPOD. Price, with metal disc and non-detachable screw . . • . . . Adapted for Cameras from 1-4 to 8x 10 size. each $2 25 JOINTED TRIPODS. No. 1, Improved Folding Tripod, 6 in. circular top $2 25 No. 2, Improved Folding Tripod, 8 in. circular top 2 25 No. 4, Telescopic legs, adapted to Stereoscopic and 8x10 sizes . . 3 5° No. 5, Telescopic legs, adapted to 11 x 14 size 3 75 No. 6, Large Tripod with unjointed legs and 12 incb top, sufficiently strong for the heaviest view cameras 0 00 Telescopic Folding Tripod, Nos. 3 and 4. Improved Folding Tripod, Nos. 1 and 2. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 63 PEERLESS FOLDING TRIPODS. No. I. Peerless Stereoscopic, double-jointed legs, 6 inch wooden top $2 85 No. 2. Peerless Stereoscopic, double-jointed legs, 12 inch wooden top 4 75 No. 3. Peerless Five foot, hinged legs, 12 inch wooden top . . 5 70 No. 4. Peerless Five foot, " legs, 11 inch metal top . . 9 50 No. 5. Peerless Six foot, rigid legs, 12 inch wooden top . . 6 00 No. 6. Peerless Six foot, " legs, 15 inch wooden top . . 8 00 THE DAISY TRIPOD. Length, when folded, 16% inches. Weight, 2 lbs. Price, £3.50. THE CLIMAX TRIPOD. As shown by the cut, this tripod folds in three joints, making it much more convenient to carry than the ordinary two-jointed folding tripod. It resembles the Triplex tripod in length, but is not telescopic. The legs may be left permanently in the top when folded, and the other ends being fastened by a strap, a leather handle on one of the legs forms a convenient method of carrying it. Price, #3 50 64 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE FAIRY TRIPOD. When folded it is only 16 inches long and weighs but one lb. 15 oz. Price, each $3 5° Fine Sole-leather Carrying Case, with shoulder straps for legs of above tripod, each $2 5° THE PHANTOM TRIPOD. Is the newest and best tripod of its kind to be found. The legs are firmly attached to the top by means of turn screws, and are so set into it that they do not require to be detached when carrying the tripod. The legs are telescopic — folding twice — and the whole tripod when folded occupies a space only 3^ x 3^ x 23^ inches. Price, $$ 00 PATENT TRIPLEX TRIPOD. This is the finest finished in market and perfectly ridgid, com- bining both the folding and telescopic, besides which it occupies little space, and for transportation can be packed with clothing in a large grip-sack. It is made of cherry throughout, and has the patent springs on under side of top, by which it is impossible for the legs to become unfastened accidentally. When the leg is fully extended, it is held automatically by a spring, saving necessity of using thumb-screw for clamping same. Price |54 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia, 65 THE ROCHESTER COMPACT TRIPOD. This tripod is made to fold and slide, and can be adjusted to any desired length. It is made of best selected ash with all wearing parts of brass, thus giving it the utmost rigidness and strength. When extended it is four feet ten inches long, while it is but twenty-three inches in length when closed. The tripod-screw is arranged to always remain in the top. No. Size of Cameras. Price. 1 3% x 4^—4 x 5 or 4^ x 6^ $ 3 50 2 5 x 7—5 x8or6^x8^ 4 00 3 8 x 10 or 10 x 12 4 50 4 11 x 14 or 14 x 17 5 00 R. 0. CO.'S TRIPODS. Standard Folding Tripod. It is light, strong and rigid. The tripod screw remains always in the iron top, ready for use and not liable to loss. Price, for cameras from 4 x 5 to 6% x 8^, ... $2 00 R. O. CO.'S PERFECTION TRIPOD. DOUBLE SLIDING. In design and finish this Tripod leaves nothing to be desired. It is thoroughly made, every point being as near perfection as possible. The lower section slides within the second, which in turn is contained within the third, thus rendering the tripod quite compact when closed. No. I — For cameras x 4X to 4X x 6*4, $5 5° No. 2 — " 5 x 7 to 8 x 10, 6 00 66 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. CARLTON'S SLIDING TRIPOD. This is the simplest and best form of Sliding Tripod yet made. The legs are made in three pieces, same as the folding, which renders the tripod firmer when set up than where made of two pieces, which is the ordinary form. No. I— For i% x 4 ^ to 4% x d]/ 2 camera $2 50 No. 2— For 5x8 and 6^' x 8}4 " 3 00 No. 3— For 8 x 10 " 10 x 12 " 3 so No. 4 — For 1 1 x 14 " 14 x 17 " 450 No. 5 — For 17 x 20 to 20 x 24 " 5 50 R. 0. CO.'S COMBINATION TRIPOD. COMBINED SLIDING AND FOLDING. This Tripod is one of the most convenient forms of Tripod ever introduced. It is jointed in three lengths, and when closed is but 22 inches long. The tripod top is of wood covered with cloth. As the lower section slides, the tripod has all the advantages of adjustment of the Sliding Tripod No. 1— For 3 X x 4X to 4% x 6%, . . . . $3 5° No. 2 — For 5x8 and 6% x 8^, .... 4 °° No. 3— For 8 x 10 " 10' x 12, .... 4 50 No. 4— For 11 x 14 " 14 x 17, .... 5 50 No. 5 — For 17 x 20 to 20 x 24, .... 6 50 "YOU PRESS THE BUTTON, WE DO THE REST." KODAKS No. I Kodak. For round pictures, 2^ in. in diameter; capacity, 100 exposures without reloading; size, 3% x 3^x6 inches, or 73 cubic inches; weight, loaded, 1 lb. 8 oz. Price of No. 1 Kodak, loaded with 100 exposures, Including sole leather case, $25 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 67 No. 2 KODAK. For round pictures, 3^ in. diameter; capacity, 100 exposures without reloading; size, 4^x5x9 in. or 202 cubic inches; weight loaded, 2 lbs., 12 oz. Price No. 2 Kodak, loaded with 60 exposures, including sole leather carrying case $32 50 Note. — The price includes spool of 60 exposures, but the camera will take a spool of 100 exDOsures. No. 3 KODAK. For square pictures, t>/( x capacity, 100 exposures without reload- ing; size, 4 it$ l /2 xi 1^=268^ cubic inches; weight loaded, 4 pounds. Price of No. 3 Kodak, loaded with 60 exposures, including sole leather carrying case . . $40.00 Note. — The price includes spool of j 60 exposures only ; the camera is capa- ble of receiving spool of 100 exposures. No. 3 KODAK, Junior. For square pictures 31^ x4^ ; capacity, 60 exposures without reloading; size 4^ x 5^ x9=2io cubic inches; weight loaded, 3 pounds. Price, No. 3 Kodak Junior, loaded with 60 exposurses, including sole '< leather carrying case $40 00 This camera can be fitted with ground glass attachment for glass plates. No. 3 Junior Glass Plate Kodak without roll holder for films. With 3 double holders $40.00 No. 4. KODAK. For 4x5 square pictures ; capacity, 100 pictures without reloading, size, 5 x 6^x12^=406 cubic inches; weight loaded, 4^ pounds. Price of No. 4 Kodak loaded with 48 exposures, including sole leather carrying case . . $50 00 Note. — The price includes spool of 48 exposures only, but the camera is capable of receiving a spool of 100 exposures. 6S No. 4 KODAK, Junior. For square pictures, 4x5; capacity, 48 exposures without reloading size, 5 x 6^2 x IO /^=3 2 6 cubic inches ; weight loaded, y/ 2 pounds. Price of No. 4 Kodak Junior loaded with 48 exposures, including sole leather carrying case, $50 00 This camera can be fitted with ground glass attachment for glass plates. No. 4 JUNIOR GLASS PLATE KODAK. "Without roll-holder for films, with 3 double holders, $40 00 Glass Plate Attachments for No. 3 Jr. and 4 Jr. Kodaks, 5 00 Double Holders, each, 1 00 Leather Carrying Case for 3 Holders and Attachment, 2 00 " << " " 6 " " " 2 50 " " " 6 " only, I 50 " " " " 1 " " 1 oa No. 4 FOLDING KODAK. For square pictures, 4x5 in. ; Capacity, 48 exposures without re- loading ; size (folded) 7 x 5 x 5)4,— 192*4 cubic inches; weight loaded, 3 lbs. 9 oz. The camera forms its own carry- ing case. Price No. 4 Folding Kodak complete with shoulder strap, loaded with spool of 48 expo- sures, . $55 00 Pneumatic release for shutter, including rubber tube and bulb, ^ gjjEj $2.50 extra. oth. JNo. 4 and 5 Folding. No. 5 FOLDING KODAK. For 5x7 pictures ; capacity, 54 exposures without reloading ; size (folded) 6 '4 x 7 x 9 = 393 cubic inches; weight loaded, 5^ pounds. Price No. 5 Folding Kodak complete with shoulder strap, loaded with spool of 32 exposures, . $65 00 Note. — The price includes spool of 32 exposures only, but the camera will take a spool for 54 exposures. Pneumatic Release for Shutter, including rubber tube and bulb, $2.50 extra. Glass Plate Folding Kodaks with 3 Double Holders and carrying case, without Roll Holder, same price as above. GLASS PLATE ATTACHMENTS FOR FOLDING KODAKS. No. 4 Adapters #2 50 Double Plate Holders, I 00 Leather Cases for 3 Holders and Adapter, or 4 Holders without Adapter .... I 50 No. 5. $3 °° 1 25 2 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 69 A ORDINARY KODAK. For rectangular pictures, 2j( x 3^ inches; capacity, 24 exposures without reloading. Size of c?mera, 3^ x 4 jjl^ x Ji{ inches; weight, 17 ounces. i|l Length of focus of lens, 4 inches. S~ Handsomely finished in natural wood, p? A Ordinary Kodak, loaded for f 24 exposures, $6 00 B ORDINARY KODAK. For Rectangular pictures, 3^ x 4 inches capacity, 24 exposures with- out reloading. Size of camera 4^ x 4^ x g}4 inches. Weight I pound 13 ounces; length of focus of lens 6 inches. Handsomely fin- ished in natural wood. B Ordinary Kodak loaded for 24 exposures . . . $10 00 C ORDINARY KODAK. For rectangular pictures 4x5 inches capacity, 24 pictures without reloading. Size of camera 5 x 6% x 11^ inches. Weight 3 pounds 7 ounces; length of focus of lens 7 inches. Fitted with focus- ing lever and index, 2 finders, revolving stobs and adjustable speed for shutter. Handsomely finished in natural wood. C Ordinary Kodak, loaded, for 24 exposures, $15 00 C Ordinary Glass Plate Kodak, including 1 double dry plate holder $1500 Roll Holder for above not loaded, 5 00 C SPECIAL KODAK. For Glass Plates. This camera is similar in construction to the C ordinary except that it is coverep with leather and has a double combination lens. It is a splendid instrument, equal to any glass plate camera in the market. C Special glass Plate Kodak, including 1 double dry plate holder, Roll holder for above, not loaded, #25 00 6 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. A DAYLIGHT KODAK. For rectangular pictures, 2}( x 3^ in. capacity, 24 exposures without reloading. Size of camera 3^ x 4 x 7% ™- Weight, 17 ounces; length of focus of lens, 4 in. Handsomely finished and covered with leather. This Kodak can be LOADED IN DAYLIGHT. A Daylight Kodak, loaded for 24 ex- posures, $8 50 B DAYLIGHT KODAK. For rectangular pictures, 31^ x 4 in. ; capacity, 24 exposures without reload- ing. Size of camera, 4^ x 43^ x q]/ z inches ; weight, 1 lb. 13 oz. ; length of focus of lens, 6 inches. Handsomely finished and covered with leather. This camera can be LOADED IN DAYLIGHT. B Daylight Kodak, loaded for 24 C DAYLIGHT KODAK For rectangular pictures, 4x5 inches*, capacity, 24 exposures ; size of camera, 5 x 6^ x .1 1}( inches ; weight, 3 lbs. 7 oz. ; length of focus of lens, 7 inches. Fitted with focusing lever and index, 2 finders, revolving stops and adjustable speed for shutter. Handsomely finished and covered with leather. This Kodak can be LOADED IN DAYLIGHT C Daylight Kodak, loaded for 24 ex- posures, $25 00 GLASS DRY PLATE ATTACHMENTS. CAN BE SUPPLIED ONLY FOR THE C KODAKS. Glass Plate Attachment for Daylight style, $5 00 I Double Holders, each $l 00 << « '< " Ordinary, . . 4 00 | Leather Carrying Case, 2 00 LEATHER CARRYING CASES FOR KODAKS. WITH SHOULDER STRAP. A. B. C. A. B. C. Black Sole Leather, . . . $1 20 $1 60 $2 30 | Leatherette, . * $0 60 $0 80 $1 00 FELT CAPS OR PLUGS. REELS. For time exposures, for A. B. or C, . . each, 10c. | Extra Reels for ordinary Kodaks, . . each, 25c. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 7i CONDENSED KODAK PRICE LIST. SIZE OF PICTURE. Capacity, Exposures, Length of Spool, * Loaded for Exposures, f Reloading, Developing and Printing, . . . f Developing and Printing only, . X Spool for Reloading, ^p^e 511163 X Spool for Reloading, | p^!° SUreS Developing and Printing only, each, Developing only, each, . . . . . \ Printing only, each, No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 3 No. 4 No. 4 No. 4 No. 5 Regular Junior Regular Junior Folding Folding ifot on #>^0 uu $40 OO $40 OO #50 00 ik Co no Sec on $f)C no 2$4 in. 3 x 4 in- Diam. Diam. 3* x 4# 4X5 5x7 loo loo IOO 60 IOO 46 4& 54 2% in. 4X in - 3X in - 5 in. 4 in. 4 in. 5 in. 100 60 60 60 48 48 48 3 2 $10 00 $10 00 $10 00 $10 OO #10 OO |io OO $10 OO $10 00 #7 5° $ 7 5'o $ 7 5° $ 7 5°$ 7 00 $ 7 00 $ 7 00 | 6 00 100 60 60 60 48 48 48 32 $ 2 50 $. 2 50 $ 2 50 $ 2 50 $ 3 00 $ 3 00 1 3 00 $ 4 00 100 100 IOO 60 IOO 48 48 54 $ 2 50 $ 4 25 $ 4 25 $ 2 50 $ 6 25 $ 3 co $ 3 00 $ 6 00 7^c. I2^C. I2J^C. I2^C. 15c. 15c. 15c. 20c. 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 12% 8 50 $15 00 $25 00" 6 00 10 00 15 00 f This price is for full spools only. X In ordering spools, always state whether for Regular, Junior or Folding, to avoid mistakes in length of spools. \ This price includes gold bevel maroon mounts. j@°On orders for developing or printing less than one dozen, 25 cents extra will be charged to cover expense of packing, etc. A. B. C. A. B. C. SIZE NEGATIVE, 2^x3^ 3>^X4 4x5 " Daylight " style, covered with black leather, fitted for spools to reload in daylight ...... j : ... '. "Ordinary" style, finislied in natural wood, All the above Kodaks are loaded with spools for 24 exposures, and have automatic exposure counters. A Daylight and A Ordinary Kodaks have single lenses with fixed stops. B Ordinary and C Ordinary have single lenses and revolving stops. B Daylight and C Daylight Kodaks have double lenses and revolving stops. A and B Kodaks have fixed universal focus. C Kodaks have focusing lever and index and adjustable speed for shutter. Spools for 24 exposures, Daylight, Spools for 24 exposures, Ordinary In ordering spools always give Camera letter and stale whether Day- light or Ordinary patterns. Reloading, developing and printing, 24 exposures, Developing and printing only, Printing only, Prints mounted on gold-beveled edge cards, burnished, . . Developing only, On orders for less than one dozen prints 25 cents extra will be charged. 75 6; 2 50 1 85 06 04 1 10 1 00 4 00 3 °o 06 1 60 1 5o 5 00 3 50 10 08 ACME AUTOMATIC KODAK COUNTER. PATENTED Sept. 1 5, 1 89 1. No. I. — All regular sizes of Kodaks, $2 00 No. 2 — All Junior Kodaks, . . 2 00 7 2 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. DETECTIVE CAMERAS. — THE RATTLER. This popular Hand Camera is not a toy, as some may have supposed on account of the remarkably low price at which it is sold ; but it is a good, practical working instrument, one that we can recommend as being superior in every respect to any Camera sold at double the price. It will make pictures 4x5, inclusive, size, either " snap shot " or on a tripod. Anybody can learn to make pictures with The Rattler. No. I, 4 x 5 Rattler . . . .#500. Extra Holders for Rattler . . . . each, $ 100. THE " KNACK."— NEW AN- TIQUE OAK CAMERA. No. 1. — 4 x 5 The New Antique Oak Cam- era, $15 00 " 2. — Leather Covered, 17 50 Plate Holders, Extra, . each, 1 00 THE P. D. Q. CAMERA. This equipment includes the camera, lens, shutter and three patent double holders, and the price, complete, covered in black grained leather, is only $17.50. If finished in plain polished walnut, the price is only $15.00. Directions for use accompany each camera. FOLDING PREMIER. Either plates, cut films, or a roll of films can be used, as the different holders are interchangeable. The change from plates to films can be made in five seconds. When closed, the 4x5 Folding Premier is only 6% x 6^ x 7 inches. 4x5 Complete, with one Perfection Holder, $21 00 With Rapid Rectilinear Lens, 27 co Extra Perfection Holders, each 1 00 Facile Film Holders, (for cut films), I 25 Roll Holder, empty, g DO Roll of Films, 24 exposures, . . . 1 50 Roll of Films, 48 exposures, 3 00 Prices. 5 * 7 $28 00 37 00 1 25 • 5° 10 00 3 00 6 00 ey 2 x8y 2 $38 00 55 00 1 60 1 s 5 16 CO 4 00 8 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 73 THE PREMIER. With the Premier either glass plates or films can be used, or both, as the Plate-Holders and Roll Holder are interchangeable. The Premier is made for holding both four and six Perfection Holders, the difference in length being x]/ z inches. The size of the 4 x 5 Premier is only 6^x6^x11 inches, and weighs less than four pounds. 4x5 Complete, with one Perfection Holder, $18 00 With Rapid Rectilinear Lens, 24 co Extra Perfection Holders, 1 00 Facile Film Holders, (for cut films) , ... j 25 Roll Holder, empty, ..... 1 1 00 Roll of Films, 24 exposures, 1 50 Roll of Films, 48 exposures, ... 3 co Canvas Covered Case for Premier, with Shoulder Strap, 2 50 Leather Covered Case for Premier, with Shoulder Strap, 3 00 ROCHESTER 4x5 FOLDING CAMERAS. 5 x 7 $2$ OO 35 oo i 25 1 5o 14 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 5o It measures when closed 4% x x 7 inches, yet holds the lens, shutter and three double plate- holders. It is made of polished mahogany, trimmed with polished and lacquered brass and covered with fine grain leather. When closed no working parts are visible thus giving it the appearance of a small sample case as shown in above cut. The Shutter can be set without exposing the plate, it is easily regulated for speed and for time or instantaneous exposure. The Ground Glass Screen is spring actuated, which leaves it always in position and when putting it in the holder the screen is moved back by the holder, which saves the necessity of drawing it back with the hand. It can be placed on the tripod either verticle or horizontal. It is fitted with a light weight Rochester holder, the smallest and lightest practicable holder yet placed in the market. Price including lens, shutter and three double dry plate-holders $30 00 74 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ROCHESTER 5x7 FOLDING CAMERA. As its name implies, this is designed for a neat hand camera for making 5x7 pic- tures. It is made first-class in every particular, and when closed, measures but 7 x 7^ x 8%, yet holds lens, shutter and four hol- ders, or roll-holder. It is covared with fine grain leather and when closed there are no working parts to be seen, which gives'it the appearance of a neat sample case. Price with Rapid Symmetrical Lens, #40 00 " " Gundlach's Rapid Recti- graphic Lens 45 00 Extra Holders, each ... I 25 Roll-holder, 50 exposures 15 00 THE AMATEUR. This is the only first- class hand camera ever placed in the market at a low price, being especially designed to meet the wants of the amateur who does not wish to in- vest much money in a hand camera. It is constructed in the best possible manner with ! every working part as true and accurate as possible. It is covered with fine grain leather which makes it as neat in apperance as any of higher price. It has two perfect view-finders that show the image exactly as it will be on the plate after exposing it. The shutter is so arranged that it can be regulated tor fast or slow work and also for making time exposures. As the shutter works exceedingly quick it should not be set for quickest motion, except when photographing rapidly moving objects. MADE ONLY IN SIZE 4x5. Price of Camera complete with one holder, . $1200 Extra holders, each, 1 00 Roll-holders loaded with 50 exposures, 12 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 75 THE 5x7 HENRY CLAY CAMERA. HDffllBB' The points of superiority in this camera are,, briefly, its compactness for the size plate it takes (5x7 inches), measuring when closed: only 8 inches high, 9^ inches long, 5^ inches wide ; its weight, about 5 pounds. 5x7 Henry Clay Camera, with plain Shutter, $50 co 5x7 Henry Clay Camera, with pneu- matic release Shutter, ... 55 00 Either of the above styles can be made to contain a 5 x 7 roll holder for 24 or 48 expo- sures of transparent films. This makes neces- sary a case about two inches wider and one- quarter inch higher. The additional cost,, including roll holder, is $15.00. HENRY CLAY STEREOSCOPIC CAMERA. Price with a pair of Rapid Rectilinear Stereo. Lenses and Prosch Stereoscopic Shutter with pneumatic release, $75.00. Price with a pair of Rapid Rectilinear Stereo Lenses and Prosch Stereoscopic Shutter with pneumatic release, and with ver- tical sliding and single swing front, $80.00. Either of the above styles can be made to contain a 5 x 7 roll holder for 24 or 48 exposures of transparent films; this makes necessary a case about two inches wider and one - quarter inch higher. The additional cost in- cluding roll holder is . . $15 00 76 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE "TOM THUMB" CAMERA. Price complete, Sensitive Plates, per doz., 30 cts. $10 00 Extra Plate Holders (double), 90 cts. each. BOOK CAMERA. The outfit consists of a camera and lens, with leaf shutter. One 4x5 double Film plate holder. One 4x5 single dry plate holder. . One canvas case with shoulder straps (the canvas case is only 10^x6 x 7, and will accommodate five extra plate holders). Price of Outfit, complete, $25.00. THE MASCOT CAMERA. WITH ROLL HOLDER AND DOUBLE PLATE HOLDER. Price for 4 x 5 size Mascot camera, complete, $25 00 I Without Roll holder, Leather covered, extra, 2 00 | Double Dry Plate Holders, extra, $15 00 1 CO THE HETHERINGTON "PRIZE" MAGAZINE CAMERA. There is no shutter to set, slide to draw, no door to be opened. There are no Hinges, Springs or obtrusive fixtures. Size is only eleven inches long, six inches wide, seven and one-half inches high. The action is directly mechanical, under positive control, absolutely exact. Twelve consecutive ex- W posures upon plates or films with but two movements. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia 77 THE HETHERINGTON CAMERA (Continued.) TURN DOWN THE PLATE — RELEASE THE SHUTTER. A Darlot No. I lens that is guaranteed. A focusing device that can be seen, felt and heard. A shutter that is ever set. Diaphragms that are operated from without. Light, small, simple and complete. A magazine in which the movement of the plate or film is directly and mechanically controlled at all times. A locked box that is opened without a key. Plates can be changed in complete darkness; no especial light necessary. No working part extended beyond the surface of the box. Size 4x5, Price, $45.00 Carries one dozen Plates or Cut Films. mm THE KAMARET. The Kamaret is the latest photographic wonder, being nearly one-third smaller than any other camera of equal capacity, viz. — 100 4x5 pictures without reloading. Size complete 5^ x6^ x8^ inches. Price List. Kamaret, fitted with double combination Rapid Recti- linear Lens and loaded with transparent film for 50 exposures, with, leather carrying case $40 00 Extra rolls of Transparent Film for 100 exposures . 6 00 a it it 50 " .3 OO Attachment for plates, with one Feather Weight Holder 5 00 THE HAWK-EYE. Price List. The Hawk-eye Camera, 4x5, hand finished, wood case . $15 oo- Covered with black grain leather 3 00 Improved Roll Holder with Automatic Tally (empty) . 7 00 Transparent Film for 50 ex- posures 3 00 Transparent Film for 100 ex- posures . 6 oo- Blair Rapid Detective lens 12 00 Taylor & Hobson English Lens with Iris Diaphragm 25 00 7 8 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. NEW MODEL STEREOSCOPIC CAMERA. Price for 5 x 8 complete, including pair of No. I R. O. Co. View Lenses, matched, Carlton Sliding Tripod and one Per- fection Holder $25 00 Complete, without Lenses 18 00 " " " or Tripod ... 15 00 THE IMPROVED WATERBURY DETECTIVE CAMERAS. TRICE LIST. Leather Covered. 4x5 Waterbury Detective Camera, with 2 Double Holders $25 00 5x7 Waterbury Detective Camera, with 2 Double Holders 40 00 4x5 Extra double Plate and Film Holders, each 1 25 5 x 7 Extra double Plnte and Film Holders, each I 30 THE TRIAD CAMERA. FOR GLASS PLATES, CUT FILMS AND ROLL-HOLDER- With Roll-Holder, 2 Double Dry Plate Holders or 2 Double Holders for Cut Films, and with ground glass focusing screen. Price complete $35 00 Price without Roll Holder 25 00 Extra 4x5 Light Weight Holders, each . 1 25 THE ROCHESTER HAND CAMERA. MADE ONLY IN SIZE 4x5. Prices including R. C. M. Co. Single Achro- matic Lens, with rotary stop and one double plate-holder. $18 00 Fitted with R. C. M. Co 's Rapid Symmet- rical Lens, .... 25 00 Fitted with Gundlach's Rapid Rectigraphic Lens, 34 00 Without lens, .... Extra holders, each, . Roll holder loaded with 50 exposures, . . . 16 00 1 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia 79 WONDER EQUIPMENTS. The No. 14x5 Wonder Camera, I Wonder Lens, I Folding Tripod, I Double Plate Holder, 1 Package Ferrous Oxalate Developer, 2 Japanned Iron Trays, 1 Package Hyposulphite Soda, I Kuby Lantern, •No. I 2 3 [ Equipment consists of: 1 Rubber Focus Cloth, I Package Carbult's 4x5 Dry Plates, I Package Sensitized Paper, 14x5 Flat Printing Frame, I Jar Paste, I Package Mounts, round corners, (Primrose), I Set Toning Solution, I Ounce Graduate, 1 Manual. Size of Picture, Price. ..4x5 $ 7 5o A l A x6^ , 10 00 . . 5x7. . . . . . . . . . > . . . . ... 12 00 FAVORITE APPARATUS OUTFITS. FAVORITE OUTFIT A, PRICE $10.00 Comprises A Favorite View Camera to produce 4x5 inch pictures, with vertical shifting front, single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding platform, with pate7it latch for making bed rigid instantaneously. 1 Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with patent Registering Slides. I Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. I No. A. " Waterburv " Achromatic Lens, with revolving diaphragm. 1 Carrying Case. 5x7 Favorite Outfit, Price, $12.00 FAVORITE OUTFIT B, PRICE $12.00. Comprises A Favorite View Camera to produce pictures 5x8 inches, with vertical shifting front, single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding platform, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously. 1 Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with patent Registering Slides, and with Kits. I Taylor improved Folding Tripod. 1 No. B. "Waterbury" Achromatic Lens with revolving diaphragms. I Carrying Case. So W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. FAVORITE OUTFIT C, PRICE $18.50. Comprises: A Favorite View Camera, to produce 5 x 8 inch pictures, with vertical shifting front, single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding platform, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously. & & This Camera is constructed so as to make either a Picture on the full size of the plate ( c x 8 in ) or by substituting the extra font (supplied with the outfit) and using the pair of lenses of shorter focus, it is admirably adapted for taking stereoscopic negatives. Included in this outfit are also I Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with patent Registering Slides, and with Kits. I B " Waterbury Achromatic Lens, with revolving diaphragms. I Pair " Waterbury " Achromatic Matched Stereoscopic Lenses. I Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. i Carrying Case. FAVORITE OUTFIT D, PRICE $15.00. Comprises : A Favorite View Camera, to produce pictures 6^x8^ inches, with vertical shifting front single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding platform, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously ; also I Scoyill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with patent Registering Slides, and with Kits. I Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. I No. BB " Waterbury " Achromatic Lens with Revolving Diaphragms. I Carrying Case. FAVORITE OUTFIT E, PRICE $25.00. Comprises : A Favorite View Camera to produce pictures 8 x 10 inches, with vertical shifting front single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding platform, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously; also I Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), wiih patent Registering Slides, and with Kits. I I aylor Improved Folding Tripod. I No. C " Waterbury" Achromatic Lens with Revolving Diaphragms. i Carrying Case WATERBURY OUTFITS. with double film holders, or with glass plate holders. 4x5 Waterbury Outfits, complete consisting of 1 Single Swing Camera, described above. I Light Weight Double Dry Holder, with Patent Registering Slides. I Wooden Carrying Case. 1 Improved Taylor Tripod. I No. A Waterbury Lens with Revolving Diaphragm. Latest "J \% x 5^ Waterbury Outfit, complete $13 00 sizes [4^x6^ " « « I4 00 introduced J 5 xj " " " GO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 81 WATERBURY OUTFIFT (Continued.) 5x8 Waterbury Outfits, complete $16 50 CONSISTING OF I Single Swing Camera, described above. 1 Light Weight Double Dry Holder, with Patent Registering Slides. I Wooden Carrying Case. I Improved Taylor Tripod. I No. B Waterbury Lens with Revolving Diaphragm. 5x8 Waterbury Outfit, with Instantaneous Shutter #17 50 6y£ x 8)4 Waterbury Outfits, complete 20 00 CONSISTING OF I Single Swing Camera, described above. 1 Light Weight Double Dry Holder, with Patent Registering Slides. I Wooden Carrying Case. I Improved Taylor Tripod. 1 No. BB Waterbury Lens with Revolving Diaphragm. NEW MODEL. Price includes R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Standard Folding Tripod, Carrying Case, and one perfection Plate Holder, (except 8 x 10, where neither lens nor tripod are included). Size of View. Without Swing. Single Swing. 3 1 / * 4 1 / $ 9 OO 4 x 5 9 00 4X x 6, A 10 11 00 11 00 5 x 7 5 x 8 6^ x %y 2 I3 8 x 10 *Not including lens or tripod. .... $10 00 .... 10 00 .... 11 00 .... 12 00 .... 12 00 .... 15 00 ^15 00 *i7 00 NEW MODEL IMPROVED. Price including R. O. Co.'s Single View Lens, Carlton Sliding Tripod, Carrying Case and one perfection Plate- holder (except 8 x 10, where neither lens nor tripod are included). Size of View. Single Swing Double Swing 3% 4 4X 5 5 6/ 2 x 8 x 10 4X 5 6^ 7 $13 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 *20 OO #15 OO 16 OO 18 00 20 00 20 00 24 00 *22 OO *Not including lens or tripod. 82 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. Equipment Number. Size of View. 0. N. A. EQUIPMENT. The Camera which forms a part of this Equipment is of highly polished mahogany, the metal-work having the draw-file finish like that on the finest mathematical instru- ments, and being lacquered to pre- vent tarnishing. It is provided with a bed which folds for conven- ience in packing, and has single swing and rising front. This Camera can be used either vertically or horizontally. The out- fit includes, besides the Camera, a fine single achromatic Lens, a patent jjBi zephyr double dry plate holder, Bfcl an improved triple-jointed climax [ tripod and carrying case, except in the case of the two sizes d]/ z x8^ and : io, which have patent tele- scopic folding tripod, as stated below. Extra Double Zephyr Plate Holders, each, . . $1 20 . i 25 i 25 i 35 I 6o . . i Price. Extra Double Eclipse Plate Holders, each 1 B 4 x 5 $12 oo .... i%K 4 X x 6^ 13 00 .... i^B 5 x 7 14 00 .... 2 ,B 5 x 8 15 00 .... 7 B 6]4 x S}4 20 00 .... 8 B 8 x 10 26 00 .... O. N. A. equipments numbers 7 B and 8 B are similar to those previously described, except that they are fitted with a patent telescopic folding tripod. 85 $2 20 2 20 2 20 3 30 4 3° THE N. P. A. CAMERA. This is a highly polished mahogany camera with patent swing-back, rising front, folding bed, patent clamp hooks (to make the bed rigid), extra front and stereoscopic partition. The metal work has. the draw-file finish, similar to that on the finest mathematical instruments. By means of a plate on the side, this camera can be reversed on the tripod and used to make a vertical picture. Prices, including camera as above, one patent double Zephyr dry plate holder and carrying case : 4x5 .... . ... $6 00 4X x 6}4 . . . . .■«.,. 7 00 5x7 .... . . . . 8 00 5x8 .... . . . . 9 00 6y 2 x s/ 2 . . . . . . . . 12 50 8 x 10 .... . . . . 16 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. *3 without being in the way of the operator vertically or horizontally, by means of a plate on the side. The price includes camera, one Eclipse double dry phte holder and canvas carrying case. Extra Double Extra Double Zephyr Holders. Eclijse Holders. THE VICTOR CAMERA. This camera is made of highly pol- ished mahogany, and the metal work has the draw-file finish, the same as that used on the finest mathematical instruments. It is provided with rising front and single swing, and is adapted to front focus, having the double rack and pinion movement. The ground glass is fitted with the patent spring-actuated movement, which keeps it always attached to the camera The cimera may be used for making pictures, either Size of View. Price. Each. Each. 4X5.. • #IO 50 . . $1 20 . 4X * ey z . . II OO . ■ I 25 . $2 20 5x7., 12 OO . • I 25 . 2 20 5x8.. • 13 5° • • 1 35 • 2 20 6j4x %y z . . 16 OO . 1 60 . 3 30 8 x 10 . . • 22 5° • • 1 85 . • 4 30 .Size of View. 4X5 4X X dyi ■5 x 7 Ext. Double Zephyr Plate Price. Holders, each $lO OO 12 OO 12 OO Si 20 1 25 1 25 Ext. Double Eclipse Plate Holders,each $2 20 2 20 CHAMPION EQUIP- MENT. The Camera included in this equipment is of mahog- any, with fine varnish finish, and is provided with folding bed (made rigid by the use of patent clamps), rising front and swing-back, and is adapted to either vertical or horizontal pictures. In addi- tion to the above camera, the equipment includes one patent Zephyr double dry plate holder, carrying case, fine single achromatic lens, and improved folding tripod. Size of View. Price. 6/ 2 x 8 x 10 %12 CO 14 OO 20 OO Ext. Double Zephyr Plate Holders, each U 35 1 60 1 8? Ext. Double Eclipse Plate Holders,each $2 20 3 30 4 3° 84 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. TjARK ROOM LANTERNS. carbutt's multum in parvo. Lantern arranged for developing, and after examining negatives by opal light. Price, boxed ready for shipment, ... $6 > fixing CLIMAX DARK ROOM LANTERN. PATENTED. This is truly the best lantern for its price in the market. It has three large illuminating surfaces and reflector. The glass is of the correct non-actinic hue. It will be found ex- ceedingly agreeable to the eye, while perfectly safe for ordi- nary dry plate development. The Price is, $2 00. OIL LAMP WITH RUBY CHIMNEY. The accompanying illustration represents the new oil lamp for use in developing gelatino-bromide plates. It is expressly made for the pur- pose, and is intended for use with kerosene oil. The chimney is of ruby colored glass of the proper and most desirable tint, and surmounted with a movable top to intercept the upward radiation of the light of the lamp. Price, $ l 5° Extra ruby chimneys, 90 cents each. POCKET RUBY LANTERN Used when putting dry plates into the holders, and also when develop- ing them. Price, each, .... 60 cents. PERFECT DRY PLATE LANTERN. Amateur photographers and, indeed, professionals have frequently expressed a desire for a compact, safe, and simply constructed lantern for dry plate work. Several have been placed in the market, but either their dimensions were too great, their cost too consider- able, or their adaptability too inadequate for the purpose desired. It will be observed that in the Perfect Lantern all the parts are separable, and all are easily and quickly adjusted. It has no hinges or arm-holes to break, and every part of it is instantly and always accessible. Therefore it can be instantly extinguished; it will never crack the chimney ; it requires little care to keep it clean ; it is impossible to misunderstand it. Price, I 1 5° Extra ruby chimneys, 60 cents each. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 85 THE W. I. A. PETITE DRY-PLATE LANTERN. Will be found quite superior to any lantern previously offered at a smaller price than the Scovill Peerless Lantern. It is much to be preferred above an oil consumer, on account of safety and cleanli- ness. The light emitted is abundant, and the ventilation is perfect. When not in use, the chimney of this petite lantern may be taken off and placed inside over the candle. Price S 1 2 5 No. i S. P. C. Wax Candle for the W. I. A. Petite Dry-Plate Lantern, each 10 No. 2 S. P. C. Wax Candle for the W. I. A. Petite Dry-Plate Lantern, per dozen, with Glass Cup • • • 75 PEERLESS DARK ROOM LANTERN. J " This is without question the best Lantern for the photographer's use yet introduced." Such is the re- port of experts who have had them in use for months. Why they were agreed in their conclusions : ' , Because the ventilation is perfect, and danger of pverheating overcome. Because it is constructed so that white light does not escape. Because it gives ample light for the dark room. ; Because the abundant light does not fog, but does show any spot or blemish in the plate. Because so much of the light may be thrown into 'the developing dish and be shaded from the eyes. Because it may be used either with coal-oil or candle. Because the flame may be so quickly controlled by unlatching the door or uncatching the bottom of the lantern. Price $ 2 5° HELIOS DARK ROOM LANTERN. This is a new lantern for the dark room for those who desire more light than can be had from the ruby lamp. This lantern or lamp will be found to be all that can be desired. The draught is as perfect as can be. It has a glass 6}£ x %X inches, with a burner capable of great volume of light when desired. It is intended to fill a want long expressed by many, for a good dark room lantern at a reasonable price. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. GAS BURNER WITH RUBY CHIMNEY. FOR ATTACHMENT TO ANY ORDINARY GAS BRACKET. By the annexed cut it will be seen that the patent argand burner has been SO' modified as to intercept the downward radiation of the light of the lamp; pro- tection above is provided in the same manner as with the oil lamp. The chimneys of both gas and oil lamps, it should be particularly remembered, are not made of the ordinary ruby glass, but what is known in the trade as copper-flashed. Price of the ruby gas burner and chimney, $2.50. Extra ruby chimneys, 30 cents each. These burners are also manufactured on metal stands with a connection for rubber hose, by which they may be used at any distance from the gas bracket. Price of stand extra, 50 cents. THE TISDELL CANDLE RUBY LIGHT. The accompanying cut represents the Tisdell Candle Ruby Light for develop- ing the most sensitive Gelatine Dry Plates. One-half of a common sperm candle is the fuel required, consequently there is no danger of an explosion; no breaking of ruby chimney from over- heating : no oil to spill while traveling. It is without exception the most perfect and petite construction in the shape of a ruby developing lamp ever introduced in the photographic market. Its outside measurement when packed for transpor- tation is only d% x 2^ inches, and its weight only 12 ounces. Price, complete, $1 00 Extra chimneys, 30 THE DUPLEX RUBY LIGHT. This lantern has many advantages, inasmuch as the globe is hinged at the body of the lantern, giving free access to all parts for cleaning. The lamp may be lifted out and in its place is a receptacle for a candle. It may be turned up or down from the outside without opening. Price, #2 00 Extra globe, 80 THE UNIVERSAL RUBY LANTERN. The ventilation is perfect, and the volume of light is ample for the purpose of the ordinary amateur. To light the Universal Lantern, the glass is raised in the slide. The light is controlled from the outside. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 87 IDEAL LANTERN. There are three sides for light, each of which has a double glass, one sheet each, Orange and Ruby, which combination makes a perfectly safe light. The front side is provided with a shield to protect the eyes, and also to reflect the light down toward the the developing tray. It also has a silvered reflector, thus increasing the volume of light. If desired one side may be used for making trans- parencies or for printing with bromide paper, by using a sheet of ground glass in place of the Orange, and a tin slide or shield in place of the Ruby. Price, $3 00 ROCHESTER LAMP. It is made on the lately improved plan of central draft, giving a volume of light never before obtained in this style of lamp. It is regulated from the outside, allowing it to be turned up or down wi'hout openir.g the lantern. It is fitted with both orange and ruby glass, and also provided with a shield to protect the eyes. It Price, $2 00 ALADDIN Bracket Lamp. THE "ALADDIN" DARK-ROOM LAMP. For use with gas. Burning the patent Sodium Wick, which produces a non-actinic chemical flame. It gives a beautiful yellow light for dark-room use which is per- fectly safe, without smoke or odor; more brilliant than the ordinary ruby light, and both pleasant and restful to the eyes. The lamp is made in two styles; the Bracket Lamp, which may be slipped over any ordinary gas burner, and the Table Lamp, for which the gas connec- tion is made by rubber tubing. Price, including non-actinic amber chimney, extra brass tip, and box of chemical wicks, in wooden box, complete $3 5° Extra chemical wicks, sufficient for one thousand hours' lighting, per box 35 Extra non-actinic amber chimneys, each .... 30 In ordering please specify whether Bracket or Table Lamp is desired. ALADDIN Table La ran. 88 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EASTMAN'S ORANGE CANDLE LAMP. For Photographic dark rooms. No smell ! No Leakage ! 25 cents by mail prepaid. Patent applied for. THE CARLTON LANTERN. The Carlton is made on an entirely new principle. The body of the lantern is double, the air for ventilation is taken in near the top and passes down to the burner, thus avoiding the necessity of having holes at the bottom; hence no white light can escape. The ventilation is perfect. No smoke. No fume. Steady light and plenty of it. The front is provided with orange and ruby glass, insuring a safe light for the development of the most sensitive plates. Pric e> • . ; .... $2 OO BURNISHERS. No Scratches ! No Sweat •' No Smoke! No Soot! No Lubricating ! No Dirt ! No discomfort from Heat! Quick Heater ! Elegantly finished ! prices : 10-inch, $30 00 15 " 40 00 20 " 50 00 25 " 60 00 In ordering don't forget to specify whether Gas or Gaso- line attachment is wanted. Tfrz Glaze Enameler PAT? JUNE l.868cAUG.28.88. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. TheIsaprqmed Better than ever. — 1 hey are supplied with Gasoline Heaters ( in- stead of oil ) to parties who have no gas. These heaters are much cleaner, furnish stronger heat, and are in every way more satisfactory than the oil. Sweating avoided. — ■ The improved construc- tion practical] y does away with all condensation of moisture on the rolls. NO sweating whatever unless the rolls are very eold; even then not enough to cause any an- noyance. io-inch, .... $25 00 1 5 - in c h 35 00 In ordering state whether Gas or Gasoline heater is wanted. No more annoying sweat on rolls ! No more roasted operators. Prices, with Gas or Gasoline heaters. 10-inch, $22 50 15-inch, . . . . : 30 00 When ordering mention style of heater wanted. j\J** PAT'D THE MODEL BURNISHER. greatly improved. 8-inch size, with Oil or Gas Heater, each, $10 00 10-inch size, with Oil or Gas Heater, each, 1200 9° THE ULTIMUS BURNISHER. ii inch, Prices, including Oil or Gas Hcaier. $25 00 15 inch 11 inch $35 00 #3° °°' ENTREKIN'S IMPROVED EUREKA BURNISHER. Has the One wheel-end Adjustment, Turnback Roll and Movable Burnishing Tool. 8 inch Roll $10 00 15 inch Roll .'. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 9 r ENTREKIN'S EUREKA BURNISHER. This Burnisher can be heated with any kind of lamp — alcohol, coal oil, or gas. Sizes and Prices. 6-inch #12 oo io-inch $15 00 14 inch 22 50 20-inch #50 00 25-inch $60 00 9 2 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ENTREKIN'S ACCURATE ROTARY BURNISHER. The Latest — Patened January ii, i{ Prices include either the Oil Stove or Gas burner. 8-inch roll . . . . $15 00 10-inch roll 20-inch $40 00 . $25 00 15-inch roll .... $30 00 25-inch $50 00 Pat. Oct. 8, 1889. Oct. 21, 1890. Oct. 23, 1890. Patents for Europe and Canada and other patents pending. ELECTRIC ROTARY BURNISHER. This is the only Photograph Burnisher that ever has— or ever can be — heated by electricity, since the patents cover the ground very broadly. Prices. Ameteur, Sy£ . . $15 00 Professional, 11 in 30 00 " 15 in. . . v 40 00 " 21 in 50 00 " ■ 26 in 60 00 N. B.--In ordering state whether arc, incandes- cent or alternating current is to be used. STATIONARY BURNISHERS. on the same general principle as the Rotary machines. Every machine warranted as represented. Prices with Gas or Oil Heater : Amateur. &M Professional, 11 " 21 26 in ,$15 OO in. . 3J 00 in /o 00 in. ...... . 50 00 in 60 00 Pat. Oct. 8, 1889. Oct. 21, 1890. Oct. 23, 1890. Also pat- ents for Europe and Canada and others pending. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 93 ACME AMATEUR ROTARY BURNISHER. (Patent applied for) Will burnish an 8 x 10 and all sizes under. Price, Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater $i$ oa ACME ROTARY BURNISHERS. Prices. II inch — Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater, $25 00 15 inch — Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater, 35 co 21 inch — Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater, 55 00 26 inch — Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater, 65 00 THE LATEST.— THE ACME EIGHT- INCH. Alcohol, Gas or Oil Heater, |io 00 26 ACME STATIONARY BURNISHER. The Only Flue Heating Burnisher ever made. Price. . . $25 OO • • 35 00 • • 55 o° . . 65 00 11 inch — Oil, Gas or Alcohol Heater, 15 i; " " 94 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. LUBRICATORS. JAMES' AMERICAN GLACE POLISH. For photographs. To be applied to the photograph before burnishing. It is always ready for use — no mixing or prep- aration being necessary. Price, per box 35 cents. FRENCH LUBRICATOR. ^French (liquid), 4 oz. bottle, $ 25 French (liquid), 16 oz. bottle, $ 90 "8 " 50 « 32 " I 75 ENTREKIN'S MAGIC LUBRICATOR. For burnishing photographs. Price, per cake, 15 cents. ANTHONY'S ENAMELINE. For cleansing and enameling photographs. Price, per bottle, 62 cents. HOT BOX OIL FOR PHOTO BURNISHERS. This is a perfectly pure, high fire test Hydro-Carbon Oil, and is the very best article known for use on machinery journals which are artificially heated. The importance of using a Good Oil on Burnisher journals should not be overlooked. Many of the difficulties experienced in -working Burnishers satisfactorily are attributable to the fact that fish, animal, vegetable or thin "sewing machine" oils, are commonly used on the journals. All of these are entirely unsuitable; owing to the fact that the journals are artificially heated when in use, and therefore, differ from most other machines, in vaporizing or drying up the oil used and gumming up the boxes. Only pure mineral oils of good body should >be used. This we guarantee this article to be. Price, y 2 pint Bottles, . . l pint Bottles, . . ACME ODORLESS LAMP STOVE Lightest Oil Stove, Safest and Best Ever Invented. Price, . . Wicks, . . • #1.75 10 Cents. t W. P. Buchanan, PHiLApiiLpyt^. 95 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 97 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHAIRS. These are the most beautiful chairs ever introduced into Photographic Studios, light and strong. Can be used either in the reception room or under the skylight. CORNER CHAIRS. WINDOW CHAIR. — (Not Upholstered.) No. 9014. Rattan and Reed. E 8344. Rattan and Reed. Natural wood, $8 00 Stained, . . . $9 00 Natural wood, ......£900 White and gold, or bronzed, . . .$1050. White and gold, . £10 00 Bronzed,.' 11 00 9g W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ICO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE QUEEN POSER. (Patented.) This is the latest and will be found the most useful posing apparatus ever designed for the operating room, as it comprises in one piece of furniture the most desirable chair made for posing for bust pictures, together with an ornamental arm rest, or back, of a new and tasteful design, for figure posing of subjects of any size or age. The back rest can be moved instantly, up or (This cut represents the Queen Poser in Raw Silk, with adjustable Back Support in position.) down, forward or backward, or given any desired angle, at will. The seat revolves on an elevating screw, enabling the positionist to get any desired height of seat, as well as well as to turn his subjects at will, and thus does away with the necessity for asking them to " rise while he changes the position of the chair." The semi-circular arm is new and rich in design, adjustable, and unsur- passed in usefulness. Then comes the Baby Holder, the most useful article of the kind ever known. Place the baby in the Holder and adjust a part of its dress in the spring in the back, and it " can't get away." And the whole constitutes just what is essential in every well reg- ulated operating room. /ith Baby Holder With Back Support and Circular Arm. With Back Support, Circular Arm and Baby Holder with One Arm. (This cut represents the Complete Combination in position.) Back Support only Raw Silk Finish, $1000 $12 50 . . $1850 Drab Velveteen Finish, . . . II 50 14 5° 21 50 Mohair Plush Finish, . ... 13 00 1650 .2450 Unless otherwise ordered we always send with Back Support and Circular Arm. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ioi CENTENNIAL POSING CHAIR. This popular chair, is now made with strong wood frame in the back instead of the iron frame made by others, which is so easily bent out of shape, is stronger than any other make and retains its shape perfectly, and the upholstering and general finish we guarantee to be unsur- passed. Note the Prices. Imitation Raw Silk Cover, with Fringe and Tassels, $18 50 Drab Velveteen Cover with Fringe and Tassels . . 22 50 Embossed or Plain Plush, with Fringe and Tassels. 25 50 SLIDING ARM POSITION CHAIR. 6 inch, terry, #7 5° 6 inch, upholstered, 12 00 These chairs are substantially made, and give general satisfaction. They will be found to compare favorably with any, either as to price or quality. THE BABY CHAIR. An extra cushion is now made for the Child's Chair. This, placed in semicircle under the knees, insures the favorite pose of babyhood. 102 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SEAVEY'S ACCESSORY, No. 999. BICHLY CARVED ARM CHAIR. German Renaissance Style. This massive chair is, so far as we know, the first and only chair of this character ever offered to the profession specially constructed for posing. The pro- portions are exactly right for the various standing, leaning and sitting poses, these having been carefully determined by using models when the chair was designed. The chair is very richly ornamented with a new and durable composition. The frame is specially constructed by a chair frame maker, and it is, therefore, an accessory that will last a lifetime. The back being high, frames the head of the sitter, and gives a very beautiful result in the picture. It counterfits a carved chair that would cost from $150.00 to $200.00. It is meeting with a deservedly large sale in this country and Europe. Price, , $20 00 WHITE'S "NEW STYLE CHAIR. May be raised or lowered to suit tall or short sitters. Is provided with the cele- brated sectional ball and slide rod joint, and arms, head rest and back rest are capable of movement in a great variety of directions. Price. "With automatic floor adjustment, base supporting column, pedal screw footing, sectional ball slide rod, back adjustment, swivel back pad, and ball socket adjustable head rest, upholstered in corduroy, $27.00 THE LITTLE GEM LOUNGE. The desire often expressed by leading Photographers for some- thing new, yet inexpensive and practicable, in the way of a Lounge for children, has led to the produc- tion of this design, which it is be- lieved will meet all requirements. The seat is 19 inches above the floor, and 30 inches long. price. In imitation Raw Silk, with Plush Trimmings . . . . $8 50 If desired, they will be made to order in full plush cover- ings at 11 5a W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia, This holder is arranged with flat base — No Legs. A tilting arrangement under the seat, allows the adjustment of the seat to any angle desired. In the slot, in the back, is a spring clamp, into which the operator may force a portion of the child's dress or clothing, thereby holding the baby firmly in position without further assistance. A neat little head-rest is attached to back of seat, by an adjustable clamp, by which it can be placed in any position, or removed out of sight instantly. The head rest is upholstered, covered with cloth that will not be uncomfortable or objectionable to the most fastidious "Kid." Arms can be attached to either or both sides, by an adjustable clamp, which can be placed in any position, or removed at will. One great advantage of this holder is, that your baby pictures made with it will not all look Alike. The Holder is out of sight, being covered with child's clothing. _ Thus it can be placed in any chair, on a table or anywhere, to suit the operator, hereby utilizing a variety of accessories for baby pictures, which cannot be done with any baby chair heretofore offered to the fraternity. REDUCED PRICES. Without arm in imitation raw silk cover each $7 5° Without arm in drab Velveteen cover, nickel plated trimmings " 9 00 Without arm in plain or crushed mohair plush " 10 00 Arms, with attachments, either style " 1 00 104 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. WHITE'S POSING CHAIR. Each article named in connec- tion with this chair has a dis- tinctive use, and all are the result of careful study and invention by one having long training and experience in the production and handling of re- fined mechanism and instru- ments requiring precision of action, freedom of movement and delicate adjustment. Posing Chair, complete. If without Baby Holder If without head rest . If without head rest and arms If without head rest and arms and Baby Holder. Prices boxed. $42 OO 34 OO 34 00 26 00 18 00 WHITE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC CHAIR REST. This appliance is for attachment to any Studio Chair by means of the plate, into which the sup- porting rod slides, and as shown by cut, has the ear-clips and ball and socket adjustment, and as shown by dotted lines, may be applied in almost any direction or anele. It will be found to be a very valuable accessory. Price, . . . $8 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. WHITE'S BABY HOLDER. This has all needed adjustments for contraction and enlargement to accommodate infants, from the smallest to those about three years of age. It may be successfully employed in scenic effects, for nicely disposing infant among representations of nature. The Baby Holder is furnished with a telescopic standard support having an ornamental base : or, if pre- ferred, with an arm bracket to connect it to the arm of a chair or other support; or with low down base. Price. With telescoping standard support, as illustrated $12 oo WHITE'S POSING SUP- PORT No. I. This Posing Support has the ap- plied principle of the improved combination slide-rod, ball and socket joints. It is adapted to the smallest or tallest person, and for all adjustments or positions. The ear-clips of the support have swiveling adjustment as well as lateral or spread movement com- bined at one fastening, affording facility for either horizontal or vertical positions of the carrying rod, placing the parts to conform to the pose without regard to in- strument itself, or the liability of portions thereof appearing in view A detachable back rest is provided which has all desirable facilities of adjustment, easily and quickly handled. The adjustable joints are formed in the most perfect manner, especially adapted for giving accuracy and uniformity of movement, and the sliding rods are of steel of accurate gauge, and are plated with nickel. The stand is nicely japanned with blue and gold line ornamentation. Price complete, boxed $ 2 ° 00 io6 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. WHITE'S POSING SUPPORT No. 2. This cut shows another form of the Posing Support of somewhat lighter construction, and lacking the ball and socket joint at top of base, but which is instead provided with telescopic movement and handle for convenience in moving about the studio. See cut page 105. Price, boxed $14 o» CENTENNIAL HEAD REST. Plain and neat, with no chance for dust. Price. Large, J^2 50 Small, 2 25 SUCCESS HEAD REST. No. 61, extra finish. Price. Large, $3 25 Small, 3 00 With Back Support, 75 cents extra. THE "S. 6c A." HEAD RESTS. These are well made of first quality cast iron. The column is secured firmly by means of a strong wrought iron bolt passing through the base. All the thumbscrews are made of cast brass, which is stronger and more orna- mental for this purpose than iron. Price each. Tall, complete, $3 25 Short, " . . #3 1 5 Back Supports, extra, 75 Parts of Head Rest. p f i ce Base, $i 00 Pillars, tall, 1 50 " short, 125 Rods, tall, 70 Rods, short, . . 60 Ear Pieces, complete, 1 00 Cross Heads, 35 Comets for Ear pieces 20 Bolts for Head Rest, 15 Washers for Head Rest, 08 Thumb Screws to hold Rod of Pillar, 20 " " for Cross Heads 15 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE MAGIC HEAD SCREEN. The unprecedented sales of this article since its introduction demonstrates its. popularity and usefulness more effectively than any words of ours can do. No operating room can now be considered fully equipped without a Head Screen, which makes it possible to soften high lights or deepen shadows, subdue light on white draperies, etc. This screen can be adjusted instantly to any height or position. The rods are nickel plated, the joints have new, quick-acting cam locks, and the base is orna- mented, japan finish. It is the cheapest Head Screen in the market, yet equal to any in every essential feature. A trial will insure its perpetual use, Price, each, $4 7S WHITE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC HEAD SCREEN. STYLE NO. 3. This is a new Pattern, having ornamental foot base. The Standard is in one piece, I % inches diameter, 6 feet high, of hard wood, Ebonized or Cherry finish. It has the new Compound Clamp- ing and Swiveling Joint, which affords adjustment to all positions in a secure and practical manner, by one fastening. By slightly releasing the Clamping Joint, the Shade Rod is free to slide or be turned to place the Shade at any angle around the supporting Standard. A greater release of the Clamping Joint permits adjustment of the Screens up or down on the Standard. No. 3 Head Screen, as illustrated, with Oval Side Shade, #7 00 If with Square Side Shade, 7 50 No. 3 Head Screen, without Side Shade, 4 50 io8 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. WHITE'S PERFECTION HEAD SCREEN AND SIDE SHADE. STYLE NO No. I, Head Screen, as illustrated with square side shade and orna- mental base, .... $10 oo With Oval Side Shade, 9 50 Without Side Shade, . 7 00 WHITE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC HEAD SCREENS. STYLE NO. 2. No. 2 Head Screen, same as illustrated, including box, If with New Ornamental Base, extra, No. 2 THE GREAT PARISIAN BAROMETER. Come in out of the wet. Figures of little Girls and Ballad Dancers with Fancy Dresses, handsomely mounted on elegant cards. The atmosphere changes the color of the dress long before a •change in the weather. Blue dress means Fair weather. Violet » Changeable. Rose « Rain. An Ornament! A Novelty ! An Elegant Present ! One of the above sent post paid to any address in the United States or Canada upon receipt of 30 cents. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 109 STAFFORD'S POWDER SPRAY. Many Photographers carry the use of powder no farther than the production of fancy effects in lighting, while the thoroughly skilled operator finds it absolutely necessary to the attainment of natural results in photographing certain colors of hair. This little device speaks for itself. It con- sists of a rubber ball into which an atomizer is fixed. Powder is placed in the ball, and is applied to the hair in a spray by squeezing the ball. It is always ready for use— can be kept under the bellows of your box. Its work is certain and beautiful, the powder falling on the hair like frost. You can produce in a moment of time, without any fuss, the brightest and softest highlights, or render a dead shadow a place of clear detail, and so delicately withal, that it need not appear to have been produced with powder, but rather a case of fine lighting. In fact it will, in the hand of an artist, do for the hair what the retouching pencil does for the face. The painter with his pencil places the lights on his work to suit his fancy; so, also, may the wise operator by the aid* of the retouching pencil and the Pozvder Spray. Each Spray is supplied with a fine and delicately per- fumed powder, ready for use, nicely boxed, and accompanied with full directions for working. PRICE 75 CENTS EACH. Stafford's Silver Spray Powder, put up in packages— a sufficient quantity to refill the ball three times, 35 cents per package. DRAPERIES. We pay special attention to this department and can supply all styles, light and dark at very low prices. Front $3.75 to $12.00. THE AMERICAN SONGSTER. The best Baby Charmers ever offered to the rade. The songsters are made of metal, nickel- plated, painted in a variety, of bright colors in imitation of life. They sing as clear and liquid as song birds. Are substantially and handsomely made and finished, and not liable to get out of order. While the bird sings it moves its mouth (or bill) and tail in exact imitation of a living bird. In addition to its being a photographic novelty, it is highly useful in teaching birds to sing. It super- sedes the bird organ, and when used near a bird, it will induce it to start up its very best notes immediately. Each songster packed in a neat box, with direc- tions. I IO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. •LV -SEAVEY5 • STANDARD • NEVY°Rk- ACLS^RIES- ACCESSORIES AND BACK-GROUNDS. Nos. 1125, 1126 and 1127 are plastic relief backgreunds 4x4 specially designed for head and bust work. They are shaded from right to left, and can be used either side up, thus .affording great variety. Price, $5.00. No. 1079 is a new accessory extremely useful for sitting figures, adults or children. The jog piece at the end, as shown in engraving, is movable, and can be placed at either end or in front of the wall, as may be desired. The wall has top and ends which fold over for transportation or when not in use. Trice * no W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. hi FRENCH GARDEN SEAT. Has elaborately carved back and decorated mouldings, and is mounted on casters ; pleases the most refined taste. Price , • • • $19 5° r 6 ? '^wmw sua. CIRCULAR GARDEN SEAT. Has arm at one end, the back is an open scroll, with a f,*_„ dragon and shield introduced; a light and graceful accessory ^^^Sm^ 1 " for general purposes. Price $15 75 No. 300. SEAVEY STILE. 1 ia . i: N?3Q0. Stue. Including. Two small manilla mats dyed green ; three changes; 1st, wooden stile; 2d, by removing steps and adding diagonal brace, represents a gate; 3d, removing gate and reversing end pieces, forms a fence. Price $12.25. CIRCULAR BALUSTRADE. Very elaborate, is in the best taste, and suited to every variety of photographie use. Price $30.00. ^YjSM- tfO-ffr Circular Balustrade 112 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. CALDWELL ACCESSORY No. 63. CIRCULAR BALUSTRADE. This balustrade is not a new article; it is, however, extremely popular. It is made in three pieces and finished on all sides. The design is artistic and pleasing. The size is exactly right for the easy and graceful posing of the subject. The photographs show it so fully that ah extended description is unnecessary. Price, #1800 No. 982 SEAVEYS ACCESSORY, ROBERTS BALCONY. The Robert's Balcony is one of the most useful and beautiful accessories ever made. It is a combination article; by its use many other separate accessories can be entirely dispensed with. The Balcony consists of a base piece about eighteen inches high upon which is set an open balustrade composed of a post and two pieces, with turned and ornamented balusters. Upon the post is a very handsome column. In some photo- graphs the column used is the Mendelsohn No. 982 which may be substituted for the regular column belonging to the balcony, without extra charge, if the customer prefers it. The base piece of the combination can be used as a seat. The balus- trade portion can be used as an ordinary balustrade with or without the post. The three pieces forming the balcony may be set so as to form a corner: the post of the column may be used separately to join backgrounds, to support draperies, or used alone for either interiors or exteriors with perfect effect. The Balcony complete is intended to appear in the picture as if it were at some elevation from the ground, the base portion giving this appearance of height. It can thus be used as a balcony upon the front of a house, the effect depending entirely upon the style of background that is used behind it. It can also be used with an exterior scene. As an aid to artistic picture making it is one of the most successful articles we have to offer. It is, moreover, entirely new and is the only article of the kind ever made. The entire accessory is covered with new plastic material, which gives an appearance of great solidity, and, also, delicacy of detail to the surface. The price—130.00— considering the number of pieces, the great variety of changes and combinations, is low. It met with a very large sale and attracted much attention at the recent convention. Price, including 5 pieces, $30 cx> W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ^Iftto. \cra*N fW>OmWU No. 1 142 — Rococo Screen and Couch is a dainty" accessory finished in cream and gold and uphol- stered with French Sateen. It admits of many, changes as shown in engravings and is one of the most ornamental accessories yet presented to the public. It is particularly well suited for use with the now popular light painted backgrounds. Price, $25 00 No. 11 11 — Rococo Vase finished in imita- tion cream and blue china, height about one foot 4 inches $3 50 No. 111 2 — Japanese Vase finished in brown and gold 3 00 No. 1 1 13 — Moorish Pitcher finished in cream and gold 3 5° These articles are made of papier mache and are extremely durable. rl°!lU. No IU2. N* 1113 ■ — wit No. 984— Griffin Table W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. IMPROVED OIL THREAD GRASS MATS. Machine Made. Extra Full. The only clean mat sold. Reduced Prices. Size — 2 feet x 6 feet, $ .65 each. Size — 2 feet x 4 feet, $ .45 each « —2 feet x 5 feet, 55 " " — 2 feet x 3 feet, 35 « East India Grass Mats, each $ .85 COMBINATION SET PIECE. TNTo. 79 A. This is one of the finest combinations of set pieces cut out in profile ever offered to the profession. In designing, it was aimed to meet the practical requirements of the photographer. It occupies but little room when not in use. It is extremely light and easy to handle. A great variety of changes can be simply and quickly made. All the parts are interchangeable and can be used separately or together. It can pe used with any exterior background, either for groups or single subjects, and is capital for posing children. Price complete, boxed, $19 00. STONE WALL AND POST WITH VASE. No. 80 A. Set piece in profile, with adjustable top piece for wall. A new and handsome accessory. Price $13.00, boxed. "5 DAISY FRONT, 5 ft. wide. These fronts are a good investment. They work up very pretty with adults or children. If there is a strong compe- tition in your town you will find these Fronts to be a good advertisement. Get out some fine sample photos made with them, and you will find that it will draw trade. The ladies think them cute and want their children taken with them. Price, $6 50 No. 607 — Daisy Back- ground to match. 5x8, $3.00 ; 6 x 8, $4.00. BRYANT'S BALUSTRADES. 237. Balustrade, 32 in. high and 3^ ft. long. The pedestal is round on one side and square on the other. The style and ornamenting is entirely different on opposite sides, making two distinct Balustrades in one. Will work well with subjects of any size, but is especially adapted for photographing children. Without Vase, $S 00 With 12 in. Vase and Bouquet 10 00 6 in. Base separate, 2 00 Boxing, 50 322. Child Balustrade, 31 in. high at pedestal. The ornamentation on one side is entirely different from that on the other. Balustrade alone, 8 00 Vase and Artificial Plant, 2 50 Extra 6 in. Base, 2 00 Boxing, 50 353. Balustrade, 5 ft. long. Large pedestal 37 in. high; small pedestal 31 in. high. The pedestals are both square. The ornamenting is different on the two sides. Balustrade alone, Io 00 6 in. Base separate, 2 00 Large Vase, 1 5° Boxing, >je n6 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. BRYANT'S BALUSTRADES (Continued.) 381. Short Balustrade, 37 in. high, loose ornament 9 in. high to set on pedestal. The orna- menting on each side is different, rich and very effective. Is a part of 389 Combination, 9 00 Boxing, 5° 383. Circular Balustrade, composed of open work. The Pedestal is detached and can be used at either end of Balustrade or alone. Has a loose shell ornament on pedestal, . . 10 00 Boxing, 75 3S5. Round Post Balustrade, 4 ft. 7 in. long, 3 ft. 5 in. high at pedestal; has small loose ornament 9 in. high to set on pedestal. The ornamenting on each side is different, . . 10 00 6 in. base, 2 00 Boxing, 75 651. Balustrade, 4 ft. 6 in. long, pedestal 37 in. high. The shape and ornamentation on the two sides are entirely different, giving two Balustrades in one, 9 00 Separate Base, 6 in. high, 2 00 Crating, 75 652. Circular Balustrade, 4 ft. 6 in. long, pedestal 34 in. high, 13 00 Large Vase, 3 00 Extra 6 in. Base, 3 00 Crating, 75 BABY-CHAIR ROCK AND GROUP-ROCK FOR CHILDREN. Price, $10 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 117 BARGAIN SET OF TWELVE ROCKS. Range in size from Rock about twice the size of a bushel basket to size of a quart measure. The two largest Rocks are worth price of the whole kit. Price, $8.00. FIELD FRONTS. Something that Photographers have long wanted. These Fronts are made of imported natural dried grasses dyed in various colors, each Front inter, spersed with daisies, and having a narrow strip of improved oil thread grass mat attached to it, all attached firmly to a wooden backing. They are used to break up the lines where backgrounds meet the floor; to use in front of accessories; to conceal the head-rest or a person's feet; for use with children — in fine, a little accessory to increase the realistic aspect of your foreground arrangements. These Fronts are sold at 30 cents per running foot. $3.00 buys an assortment of ten running feet, in 5 ft., 3 ft. and 2 ft. sections. $1.50 buys 5 running feet, in 3 ft. and 2 ft. sections. Ten feet makes a good work- ing assortment, especially when working it with groups. Five feet will answer, however, and gives you two nice sections of the fronts. Put up safely in light and neat shipping packages. W. P. Buchanan. Philadelphia. ARMOR. In calling the attention of the Photographic fraternity to the following examples of Armor decoration, we wish to state that nothing conveys to the educated observer the idea of artistic taste and feeling so profoundly as a properly arranged exhibition of these beautiful reproductions. They include some of the finest specimens of the most ornate styles of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and not only improve the artistic effect of the studio, but to the photographer will serve a double purpose. No. I. No. 2. Complete, $10 oo. Nos. 4 and 5. Swords, each, ...... $2 50 No. 55. Roman Shield, 5 50 Complete, $14 00. Nos. 4 and 5. Swords, each, $2 50 No. 54. Breastplate, 6 50 No. 47. Helmet, 3 00 T20 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. f- : ^ -— — — — . ., ,,, *m $3 75 *i5 00. #3 75 In every studio in the country there is some spot — a dimly lighted corner, or a space between two strong windows where it is impossible to display pictures — which is a constant source of irritation to the artistic feeling, and in which a massive iron or antique silver "Armor Trophy" would be " a thing of beauty and a joy forever." "WASTES," GOLD AND SILVER. Photographers, save your gold and silver residues and send them to us for refining. Our charges are moderate, and our refiners experienced. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 121 STUMP ROCK. «V0 83 A 3 ri CWnge 83" <** h Change No. 83 A Price, $8 50 A practical accessory ; represents a double stump on one side, and a rock on the other— two .accessories in one. . , It is so constructed as to rest firmly on four different ends, each position showing the rock up effectively, and admitting of a good pose for standing or sitting subjects, either adults or children A fine, practical, all-round accessory, light in weight, strongly made, easy to handle, and takes up but little room; stands 36 to 38 inches high -just right for an easy arm rest for a standing subject. IMPROVED BIGELOW REVOLVING BACKGROUND. Bigelow Carriage, Perfectly Blended Fatted Oil Colors. I4 00 Background and Wheel, $10 OO 122 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. PLACE'S GARDEN WALL COMBINATION. This popular accessory is made with a substantial wood frame, covered with straw board, lined with cloth to increase its strength, and, after being painted, is cut out in profile, so that figures, back- grounds, etc., behind it show through the open work in the gates and other ornamental parts. It is both the hghest and most compact Accessory made, and is susceptible of an indefinite number of changes — in fact more effective changes can be made with it than with others costing two or three times as much. Arch is 82 inches high; low wall 29 inches: high wall, 48 inches : gate, 40 inches. Total weight, about thirty pounds. Cabinet photos, showing nine changes, 8c. These are also furnished free with each accessory sold. Order early, as the capacity of the manufacturer is not sufficient to enable him to supply demands promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price boxed complete, each, , $1"? 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 123 BALUSTRADE. JSalus ta'a ds. if* 81 A No. 81 A. A magnificent accessory, strong, well made of light woods, with Papier Mache ornaments. In- photographing children, the base board may be removed, thus reducing the height. Price, boxed • ' ^ 2 -* 00 CHINESE GOAT FUR RUGS. Size 30 x 64, in gray or white, . SO ELEGANT FELT RUGS. Size. 1^x2^ yards, 2'A x 3 Endless Variety. Price. Size. Price. .$3 5° 2 x 2 H y ar ds, $3 75 5 25 3 x 3 6 50 124 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ENGLISH IVY VINE. Highly variegated in rich colors. Price 5 yard pieces, $1.25. Plain Green, full leafed, $1.06. COOLIDGE'S PHOTO- CARICATURE FOREGROUNDS. We wish to call attention to Coolidge's Photo- Caricature Foregrounds. By investing a small amount in them you will be enabled to give your customers a vast amount of enjoyment and add materially to your cash account. In photographing caricatures, the card-board fore- grounds are simply held up under the sitter's chin. Price List. For Single Foreground, mailed secure on roller, $2 00 For Four " " " 6 00 For Ten " " " 10 00 From among one hundred and fifty designs we note the following, being some of the most popular ones for you to select from, although any practical design suggested by you will be furnished at regular price. No. 1 — A man riding a donkey, of course producing a very lively picture, entitled. # " I am coming." 3 — Man flying through the air on a goose, titled. " Out on a Fly." 6 — Man riding in donkey cart, evidently having an enjoyable time. " Have a ride ? " 7 — Person fishing from bank of stream. Hook about to be taken by a monster fish. 9 — Represents a gentleman with bag and cane about to depart, entitled " Good-bye, Sweetheart." 11 — A fat man. A good subject for a lean man to select. *3 — « ]\; 0 one t 0 love." Man with handkerchief in hand, weeping. 16 — Girl promenading. 17 — " When I joined the club." Fellow trying to ride a goat, good for all Order men. 18 — Holding the baby. Baby is crying and subject is walking the floor with it. Good for family men. 19— The bachelor. Man sewing on buttons. Good for a bachelor to send to a lady friend. 20 — Man drinking a glass of lager. Taking among the teutons. 21 — " Put me in my little bed." Person in night gown with candle in hand. 23 — A modern swell. Very captivating. 25 — The base-ball player. Taking among fellows fond of the sport. 27 — " Coney Island." Man bathing. 31 — " I paddle my own canoe." Man in canoe. 38 — "Only a chicken." Man or woman with chicken's body. 44 — Correct style. Man with high collar mostly collar. 51 — " I'm engaged ! " Lady with ring on finger. 54 — The Bicyclist. Very popular. 56—" I travel with the circus." Man riding on elephant. 63 — " Fresh from Cork." ( Irish. ) 67 — "Will you love me when I'm old?" By placing on the subject an old hat and eye-glasses, an exceedingly humorous caricature is obtained. 68 — My Dog Cart. Man drawn by diminutive dog. 69 — "Wait for me ! " Agent running with bags. 99 — Down in Florida. Man riding crocodile. 105 — A C hampion Pugilist. 116 — " Hot Day." Man with fan. 119 — The Serenader. Fellow singing and playing banjo. 120 — A Man Tobogganist. 121 — Young lady riding a donkey in fine style. Good companion for No. I. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EBONIZED SCREEN. . No. 162. Five feet square, with ornamented woodwork. Three panels to fold, with painting in each panel. An elegant piece of furniture for the reception or opera- ting room. Finely made and finished. Price, boxed, $14 00 PROFILE SET PIECE. No. 127 A. Both sides painted. With projecting shelf. One side represents fire place and panels, the other side a mirror and dado. Size, 4^ x 8 feet. Price, boxed, . $16 co READY MIXED PAINTS. For renovating and repairing backgrounds and accessories. Will keep fresh indefinitely. By following the directions the color of any portion of a background may be matched, and the defaced portion repaired with small brush. Also prepared paints for touching up backgrounds only. Price, per set, 75 cents. NEW SEAVEY BACKGROUND. No. 1089 is a popular new background painted in very light tints and specially suitable for use with the light foregrounds and accessories. Price per square foot 25 cents. GERMAN GRADUATED GROUNDS. Size 4 x 6 ft each, $ 7 50 " 6 x 8 ft " $10 00 " 8 x 8 ft. . " $12 50 Photos on Application. 126 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. FELT VIGNETTE GROUNDS. 3x3, gray or black, each $ 8d 3x6, gray or black, each |l 5° 4x6, " " 2 00 6x6, " " 3 00 6x8, " " 4 00 6x icf, " " 5 00 VICTORIA PLAIN OIL BACKGROUNDS. In two elegant colors. Special Importations. 8 x 12 . . . . $7 75 8 x 10 . . . . $6 50 8 x 8 . . . . $5 25 7x8. . . 44 60 6x8.... 400 5x8.... 320 4x8.... 280 Smaller sizes at the rate of 12 cents per square foot. BACKGROUNDS. Made to order on short notice. Celebrated artists, Seavey, Hetherington, Bryant, Osborne, Packard, Davis and others. Special design books will be sent on request. Consult us before purchasing. THE JENKINS' PATENT BACKGROUND CARRIER. FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC BACKGROUNDS, THEATRE CURTAINS AND DROP SCENES, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. DESCRIPTIVE. The roller consists of a horizontal tube seven inches in diameter, with grooves perfectly adjusted, having a carrying capacity of sixteen Backgrounds, fully independent, whether using one, six or sixteen. The Backgrounds are folded about an inch and a half at the top, over a small steel rod, which is placed into the opposite or groove end, and immediately pushed into position, giving the ground a true vertical evenness of each end ; every one is kept intact, and it is impossible to get wrinkled, or mar the effect of the Background. All of your old grounds may be taken from individual rollers or frames and placed in our patent Background Carrier, which is a veritable boon to photographers. '1 he Jenkins' Patent Background Carriers are now being made in the standard size of [S] feet, although special sizes as to length are manufactured to order. Price, $40 00 Boxing, J2 00 EUREKA BACKGROUND CARRIER. PRICE CF CARRIER WITHOUT FRAME. PRICE OF CARRIER WITH FRAME, Complete. For 8 foot grounds, . $12 50 I For 8 foot grounds, $18 00 " IO " " 14 50 I " 10 " " 20 00 Larger sizes to order and at corresponding prices. — Boxing, $1.00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 127 CASWELL BACKGROUND HOLDER. Full of Practical Economy. Price $25.00 including one roll. Extra rolls, $2.50 each 128 W. P. BUCHANAN,. PHILADELPHIA. ORIGINAL GERMAN ART BORDER NEGATIVES. Cabinet size 5x7 S 1 - 00 eact « W. P. BUCHANAN, Importer. Cabinet size on transparent films. A selection of eight of the most elegant Parisian designs for 1893, Easy to print, beautiful results. Price, #1.00 each. Post-paid to any address in the world. 13° W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SPURR'S BORDER NEGATIVES. New designs for fall and winter, 1892 and 1893. Boom your business. Fill up your show cases with fresh prints made with Border Negatives. Push right along, keep up with the times by introducing novelities. Your customers appreciate it and will reward you with liberal patronage. Trice, cabinet size, $ 75 " set of ( 7 ) negatives, 5 00 Cloud Negatives, cabinet size, 75 PHOTOGRAPHIC TRAYS. CELLULOID TRAYS. Size. Price each. 4^x 5>^for4 x 5 Tlates, Jo 50 i% x « 5 x 8 " 72 7 x 9 « 6% x S/ 2 " 85 8l4 x ioV z "8 x io " 115 ECONOMY RUBBER TRAYS. Size,. Price each. 4Y% x SH for I "4> 4-5> and 4% x 5/2 plates, $0 28 5'A x 8'/ 2 for 5 x 7 and 5 x 8 5 6 7 x 9 - for 6^ x 8^ " 72 8^ x io)/ 2 for 7 x 9 8 x 10 * W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. AMBER GLASS TRAYS. Amber, for 5 x 8 plates or under, . " 8 x 10 " " • #0 35 75 EASTMAN'S DEVELOPING TRAYS. These trays are made of wood and lined with rubber cloth without joint, cemented, and fastened on the outside with brass nails. 19 x 23 for 18 x 22 paper, $3 5° 21 x 25 " 20 x £4 " 4 00 23 X 28 " 22 X 27 " 4 SO 5x7 Flat, $0 So 7x9" I 00 8 x 10 " I 25 10 x 12 " 2 00 H x 14 " 3 00 14x17 « 5 00 26 x 32 for 25 x 30 paper, $5 00 32 x 42 " 30 x 40 " 7 50 32 x 62 " 30 x 60 " 10 00 AGATE WARE TRAYS. 5x7 Deep, 7x9 8 x 10 10 x 12 11 x 14 14 x 17 Discount 10 f 0 00 25 60 25 37 00 15 x 19 Waterbury Tray, 22 x 28 " " WATERBURY TRAYS. each, #3 50 6 50 19 x 24 Waterbury Tray, . 25 x 30 " " . each, 55 00 9 00 PORCELAIN TRAYS. 5 x 7, shallow, . . $0 44 deep, . . $0 62 II x 14, shallow, 7x9," . . 66 " . . 82 14x17, " 8 x 10, " . . 82 " . . i 00 15 x 19, " 10x12, " . . 1 32 " . . 1 66 19x24, " Discount 10 per cent. $2 16 deep, 5 10 " 6 28 « 12 88 " $2 64 6 60 8 00 16 00 3% x 4% each 4X x 5X " 7x9 ANTHONY' 25 35 55 70 x \o)l each . 10X x 12^ " . 12 x 143^ " . 14% x 18^ " • PAPIER MACHE TRAYS. A recent importation of superior quality, and at reduced prices. These goods are very durable, light in weight and deep. They are black in color, and in general appearance not unlike the hard rubber try. 16 x 20 each 19 x 24 " 23 x 27 " 26 x 30 " 28 x 34 « $1 00 1 5o 2 00 2 75 $3 25 5 50 6 50 7 50 8 50 HARD RUBBER TRAYS. 4X x 5X dee P> • 5X*7X " • 5^x8^ « . 7x9 « • ; 8)4 x 10^ deep, . IO^ x 12% " . 12 x 16 " 15 x 19 " . 1 15 1 75 2 40 4 25 18 x 22 deep, . 19 x 23 " . 21 X 26 " P5 00 5 75 7 50 132 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. COMMON SENSE TRAYS. For washing, silvering, etc. Made of kiln dried lumber, with canvas joints and acid proof lining. Price, 15 x 19, {% sheet), $3.50; 19 x 24, (full sheet), #5.00 HOLLOW GLASS TUBES FOR SILVERING PAPER. This cut shows the manner of adjusting it for use. 15 in. long, y 2 in. diam each, 25 cents. 19 in. long, ^ in. diam each, 40 cents. 23 in. long, ^ in. diam each, 50 cents. GLASS STIRRING RODS. 8 in., each, . . $0.10 12 in., each . . $0.15 15 in., each . . $0.20 18 in., each . . $0 25 SOLID GLASS BATHS. 5x7,.... each, $0 95 9x11,.... each, $2 00 12 x 15, ... . each, $5 25 7x9,.... " I 30 II x 14, ... . " 3 50 15 x 20, ... . " 12 00 8 x 10 Lewis's Patent Glass Pot Bath, without box, $2 50 8x10 " " " with box, 3 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia, 133 BOXES FOR THE PROTECTION OF SOLID GLASS BATHS. For 4 x r " 5 x Tight Top Box for Studio Box. Field Service. 5 Bath, 7 " 9 " 10 " 12 " 60 65 Tight Top Box for Studio Box. Field Service. $4 75 For 11 x 14 Bath, .... ^3 60 4 80 " 12 x 16 " .... 3 70 5 00 " 16 x 20 " .... 4 25 5 20 " 18 x 24 " .... 4 50 5 75 " 20x26 " .... 4 75 In ordering the above Boxes for Baths in use, the outside measurements are required, because Baths vary so much in pattern and thickness. 1 1 80 2 00 2 60 #6 75 7 00 7 75 8 50 10 00 HARD RUBBER FIXING BATHS. For 3X x A%> or lantern slide-plates, 4 x 5 plates, 4X x 6 K " 5 x7 5x8 ey 2 x s/ 2 « 8 x 10 " HARD RUBBER DIPPERS. No. 4 1-2 . $0 40 " 5 4-4 • 45 "6 8 x 10 50 No. 6)4 10 x 12 . $0 55 "7 11 x 14 . 60 "8 14 x 18 . 90 HYDROMETERS. Single degree, in wooden case. No. 9 17 x 20 . $1 10 " 10 19 x 24 . 1 60 Price 40c. each NEGATIVE WASHING BOXES. ( PATENTED.) Cm ■ IB 11 For 2% x A l A P^tes " 4 x 5 " and smaller sizes, " A% x S% " 4% * 6^ "5 x 7 "5 xS 60 75 90 00 10 15 For 6j£ x 8)4 Plates and smaller sizes, « g x 10 " " " 10 1 1 14 x 12 x 14 x 17 X IO Adjustable Washing Box, Adjustable for 6*4 x 8)4, 5 x 8, 5 x 7, 4 x 5, 3^ x 4^ Plates. All sizes to be washed at once. 134 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. KEYSTONE PROFESSIONAL NEGATIVE RACK. Will hold negatives of any size from 4 x 5 to 20 x 24 with a secure grip and without injury to the film. Owing to the depth and shape of the grooves there is no rocking and movement of the nega- tives. The ends are of blackened iron and form convenient handles for carrying, and also give strength and weight sufficient to counterbalance the weight of large negatives when in the rack. Price, with thirty-six grooves, ....$12$ Brackets for hanging rack on wall, 25 cents per pair- COE'S NEGATIVE WASHING RACK. A convenient and campact Washing Rack for negatives which, when not in use, may be folded together to occupy extremely small space. It is made of metal, and is kept open by a metal button locking into a slot. Price, each #1 00 FOLDING NEGATIVE RACK. Folding Negative Rack, for holding 24 plates while dry- ing; when not in use it can be folded and hung on a nail. Price, 40 cents each. Small size, similar to above, for twelve 2j4 x 2 }4 lantern slide, or 4 x 5 negatives, 50 cents. Same as larger one mentioned above, but with grooves formed of corrugated iron. Price, 50 cents each. NEGATIVE BOXES. Manufactured from white wood, with hinged cover. A very superior article. For holding 24 Plates. 1-9 each Regular Light Tight For holding 24 Regular Light Tight. with with Lock. with with Lock Hook and Key. Plates. Hook. and Key. $0 60 $1 60 $1 IO $2 IO 60 I 60 10 x 12 " I 50 2 50 62 I 62 For Holding 12 plates. 65 I 65 2 50 3 5o 70 I 70 13 x 16 " 2 75 3 75 75 1 75 14x17 " 3 00 4 00 75 1 75 16 x 20 " 3 5° 4 5° 75 1 75 4 5o 5 5o 85 1 85 18 X 22 " 5 00 6 00 90 1 90 5 50 6 50 1 00 2 00 1-0 3H x 4X 4 * 5 A% * sVz A l A x 6 ^ 4 x 7 4 x 8 5 x 7 5 x 8 (>Vz x8>£ Special sizes made to order to hold any number of plates required. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 135 No. I. to hold 25 slides, $0.65 LANTERN SLIDE BOXES. No. 2. to hold 50 slides, $1.30 No. 3. to hold 100 slides, £2 50 ADJUSTABLE NEGATIVE WASHING RACK. This Negative Rack is made entirely of metal, and is fastened at the joints with rivets, which allow it to be opened or closed, to take any sized negative desired ; the joints are held in place after being opened to the proper size by set screws at either end. Price, each, $1 .50 DRY PLATES. We carry a full line of the following standard brands : Carbutt's A, B 16 and Eclipse 27, Ortho- chromatic 27; Seed's 23 and 26 x; Stanley's 35; Harvard No. 2; Eagle 40 and Orthocromatic; Cramer "Banner" and " Crown. All other kinds furnished on short notice. Regular Brands, Price List. Carbutt's Seed's, Eagle. Carbutt's Stanley's Cramer's Carbutt's Ground-glass Carbutt's Cramer's Celluloid Carbutt's Carbutt's Trans- Ground Harvard. Isochromatic. Films. Stripping. Plain Opal. parency. Opal. Size. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. * 2>/ 2 X 2^ $ 30 * 2^ X 2^ 30 X 4 35 yA X A% 45 $ 55 $ '55 $ 55 $ 60 4 X 5 65 80 80 $ 90 80 $ 70 85 4X X S l A 75 90 90 I OO 1 00 95 4^ X ey 2 90 1 10 I IO I 20 1 20 1 15 1 45 * 4^ X 6^ 1 00 I 20 I 25 5 X 7 1 10 1 40 I 40 » 45 1 5o 1 40 1 80 * 5 X 7/2 1 25 I 50 1 65 5 X 8 1 25 1 5o 1 55 1 65 1 70 Per y 2 doz. 1 60 Per % doz. 2 25 Per y z doz. 6^ X sy 2 1 6 S 2 CO 2 10 2 20 I 20 I 15 1 45 8 X 10 2 40 2 70 3 00 3 20 1 75 1 6 5 2 15 10 X 12 3 So 4 5° 4 75 5 05 2 65 2 50 3 25 11 X 14 5 00 5 85 6 25 6 65 3 5o 3 20 4 20 H X 17 9 00 10 80 12 00 6 00 5 50 7 00 16 X 20 12 50 15 00 16 65 17 X 20 *3 5° 15 60 17 30 18 X 22 15 50 18 50 20 00 20 X 24 18 50 22 00 24 50 * Carbutt's only in stock. LANTERN SLIDE PLATES. Carbutt's or Eastman's. Size 3^ x 4 per doz, $3 55 Carbutt's Circular Plates for Concealed Camera. 5J^ inch diameter, per dozen, $1.10 6j4, inch diameter, per doz, $1 50 DISCOUNTS. Carbutt's and Seed's, .... in case lots, Less than case 10% Eagle, Stanley's and Harvard, " 3°% " 25% Cramer's "Banner" .... " 20 and 5% " 20^) " "Crown" Eagle Orthocromatic, 2^ inches square, 57* 15% COLOR SCREENS. For use with Orthocromatic Plates. . each $ I 00 2>% inches square, each $1 50 136 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 50 CO BLACK DIAMOND DRY FERRO PLATES. 3# x 4)4 per dozen $0 45 5 x 8 per dozen |i 25 4x5 « . . ' 60 6% x 8)4 " I 75 4 l A x $y 2 « 75 7 x 10 " 2 00 4X x 6% " 90 8 x 10 5 X 7 " 1 00 10 x 14 " Stock Solution, 6 oz. bottle $0.25 EASTMAN'S TRANSPARENT FILMS. 24 Expo- 36 Expo- 48 Expo- 24 Expo- 3', Expo- 48 Expo- se, sures. sures. sures. Size. sures. sures sures. 3X in -> 3X X 4^ Exp., $i co $150 $200 4# in., 4^ x 6^ Exp., ^2 25 $3 37 #450 4 "4x5 " I 50 2 25 3 00 5 "5x8 " 3 co 4 50 6 00 4X " 4% x 6^ " 2 00 3 00 4 00 6y 2 " 6% x 8)4 " 4 00 6 00 8 00 4>£ " 4/i *7}4 " 2 70 4 co 5 40 8 "8x10 " 6 co 9 co 12 00 For prices of Kodak Films see page 7 1 . LUXOTYPE. Opals. Transparency Plates. Size. Per Doz. Size. Per Doz. 2)4 x \Y% (carte de viste) $0 60 4 x 5 $0 65 4 x 5 90 5 x 7 1 10 4% x 6 A (cabinet) 1 45 5 x 8 1 25 5 x 7 I 80 6#x i 65 4. x 8)4 (panel) 1 80 8 x ro 2 40 5 x 8 2 45 Extra sizes to order. S% x 8 l A (boudoir) 2 65 6 l / z x 8)4 (4-4) 2 90 Lantern Slides. 6y& x 9% (imperial) 4 00 On imported Thin Crystal Glass. 8 x 10 4 30 3X x 4 $0 55 10 x 12 6 50 Luxotype Combined Baths, 16 ox. bottles, 75 11 x *4 8 40 Luxotype Colorless Varnish, 6 oz. bottles, 45 NEGATIVE PRESERVERS, BEST QUALITY. For 3% x 4% Plate, Fer M $2 25 For 6% x 8)4 Plate, Per M. . . . £4 20 4 x 5 " " 2 50 " 8 x 10 " " 5 00 4% x f> x A " " 275 " 10 x 12 Per Hundred 140 " 5 x 7 " " 3 00 " u x 14 " 1 60 " 5 x 8 " " 3 25 " 14 x 17 " 2 75 DRY PLATE SAFETY BOXES. R. O. C. These are made similar to the Negative Box, but with all joints thoroughly broken, and are lined with black velvet, which prevents reflection. They are useful in the dark room, as the box of plates may be put in the safety box, saving wrapping and unwrapping them when filling the holders when in a hurry. A lock and key can be furnished with each at 60 cents extra. 3X x 4%, ■ • $0 75 4% x ■ ■ $0 90 5 x 8 . . $1 00 8 x 10, . . $1 40 4 x 5 • • 75 5 x 7 . . 1 00 6)4 x 8)4, . . 1 20 10 x 12 . . 2 00 PRICES OF OPAL GLASS. selected and fine ground on one side, regular sizes. 3X x 4% P er doz en, #060 each, #005 5x8 per dozen, $1 44 each, $0 12 4 x 5 " 72 " 06 6)4 x 8)4 " 204 " 17 4}i x (>y 2 " 1 08 " 09 8 x 10 " 2 88 " 24 5 x 7 " 1 20 " 10 10 x 12 " 4 32 " 36 FERROTYPE PLATES. 10 x 14 inches. Per Box of 200. Per doz. Per Box of 200. Per doz. National Black, . . . $6 50 £0 50 Centennial Black or Chocolate, ... $9 50 $0 90 Peerless " ... 8 00 75 Union " " ... 14 00 1 20 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. i37 GOLD AND SILVER SAUCERS. Gold Saucers, small, each 10 cents. " medium, each • • . . 13 " large, each 20 " PRINTING FRAMES. Manufactured of Cherry with brass springs, Paneled Backs and Tally. Silver Saucers, medium, each 10 cents. Silver Ink (French's), for spotting out ferrotypes, per cake 35 " For Plates. X 4X 4 X 5 aVa X A% X ey 2 5 X 7 5 X 8 0% X 8 X 10 10 X 12 11 X 14 Flat Printing Frame. Flat. ) 36 . . 38. • 40 . . \Z . . 50 . . 52 • • 60 . . 75 • ■ [ 00 . . t 85 . Deep. to 75 75 75 85 85 00 25 50 75 5° Deep Printing Frame (open.) For Plates. Flat. Deep I3XI6 $2 CS $2 75 14 x 17 2 45 3 00 16 x 20 3 10 4 25 17 x 20 3 3° 4 60 18 x 22 4 20 5 20 20 x 24 5 10 5 50 24 x 30 9 00 35 x 45 - • . . 16 00 30 X 60* 22 OO Discount on dozen lots, 10% *Larger or special sizes made to order at short notice, according to specification. When made with Backs to open lengthways, ten per cent, is added to the foregoing respective sizes. prices for the ADT'S PATENT PRINTING FRAME. Prices. x 4X x 5 x 5/2 x 6^ x 7 x 8 x 8/ 2 x 10 X 12 x 14 X 16 x 17 $0 50 50 50 60 65 65 75 85 1 15 2 15 2 40 2 80 When made with back to open lengthways, an additional charge of IO per cent, will be added to the above prices. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. FELT PRINTING PADS. 0/4 x 4^ Per dozen, . . . . . $0 24 4 x 5 " • • • 33 A l A • • • 36 4X X 6>2 " . . • • • 38 5 x 7 • • • 54 5 x 8 • • • 57 6^ x 8/ 2 . . . 84 8 X IO " • • • 1 44 IO X 12 " . . . 2 16 1 1 x 14 " . . . 2 88 H x 17 " . . . 4 08 16 x 20 " • • • 5 04 17 x 20 " ■ • . 5 28 18 X 22 '• . . . 6 48 20 x 24 " . . . . . 8 40 RUBBER PRINTING PADS. •j 1 ^ of an inch in thickness. Size. Each. 3X x 4X to 03 4 x 5 04 4% x S J A 05 4% x 6^2 06 5 x 7 07 Per Doz. #0 33 46 60 72 Size. 5x8 6% x 8; 8 x 10 10 x 12 11 x 14 Each. #0 09 12 18 25 35 CALCINED FLOUR. For retouching negatives. — This is a preparation for grinding negatives for retouching is impossible to scratch a film, as there are no gritty particles in it. Put up in tin boxes with perforated tops, 25 cents. THE PHOTOSCRIPT. Is an ingenious apparatus by means of which the operator may title and number his negatives in plain type, with little or no trouble, directly on the film surface ; the letters and numbers so produced, are clean-cut and white, and may be put in any corner or margin desired. Per Doz. $1 OO 1 44 2 06 2 88 3 60 with it it Prk 75 COPELINS LIQUID OPAQUE. Opaque is an indispensable article in every Well Regulated studio, yet some are only just beginning to realize its usefulness, and few have learned the great advantages in convenience, economy in time, as well as in material of using a good article put up in Liquid Form. No one after having tried this article would ever again use the dry, or cake opaque. It saves time, money and annoyance, flows perfectly free And smooth, and will not rub off dry (as some others do.) Can be applied to either side of the negative, and can be washed off with water if necessary. Price per 2 oz. bottle, $0 40 OPAQUE. Gihon's, per cake 50 "Weber's Liquid, per bottle, 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 139 RETOUCHING PENCILS AND LEADS. Each ro cents; per dozen . . $1 00 Leads, ]/, dozen . . $0 60 Holders and one Lead . . $ 25 "Pearl" Metallic Retouching Leads, 15 cents each; $1 50 per dozen. INDIA INK. Lion's head, per stick, $ 15 Super-Super (Genuine), per cake, $ 5° WAGNER'S RETOUCHING CYLINDERS. There are three dark tints, viz. : No. I. brownish tint; No. 2, reddish tint; No. 3, blueish tint. These are generally used before burnishing instead of India ink. There are three tints to match up albumen tones, viz.: No. I, pure white; No. 2, light yellow white; No. 3, deep yellow white. These dry glossy,, and are very convenient in finishing ; will also bear burnishing. The six colors, $3 00 Per single cylinder $ 50 EXCELSIOR POWDER. This is a very useful article in the Studio, as it answers the dou- ble purpose of being excellent for producing the desired " tooth " on negs. where "retouching is to be done. Also for Polishing and keeping bright and clean Burnisher Rollers, or Tools, as well as Polishing all kinds of bright metal surfaces. Put up in 5 ounce boxes, with perforated tops. Price, per box $ 25 RETOUCHING FLUIDS. Rolfe's, small size, per bottle $ 25 " Large " " 40 Bordeaux, " ,: 50 * W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SPURR'S SPOTTING OUT AND RETOUCHING COLORS. Prepared especially for spotting out Aristo prints, being put in tubes in moist condition with albumen, applied with brush and water from a pallette, same as India Ink or Opaque. For spotting and building up weak negatives it has no equal. Put up in seven different colors from white to jet black. The operator can get any desired tint or color. Each set of seven colors in tubes and porcelain palette ineatly boxed. Price $3.00. in. RETOUCHING GLASSES. $ 65 2^ in $ go 75 27/ & « i 25 A X A " 3 00 3 J A in - 4 " Si 75 2 25 141 THE NOVEL RETOUCHING DESK. Suitable for any size negative under 25 x 30. It has afalse top which can be pulled down to darken the space in front of the ground glass cut-out. The bed on which the negative is laid can be set at any inclination to suit the convenience of the artist. By means of the slide rest, the negative may be moved up or down to any desired position. These desks are all made of hard wood, perfectly constructed, nicely engraved and well finished. They are an or- nament to any studio. Price, > $14 00 The Novel Retouching Desk, same as above, with out stand or drawer, $9 00 IMPROVED RETOUCHING FRAME. Improved Retouching Frame, for 8 x 10 and under, $3 °» Improved Retouching Frame, for 11 x 14 and under, . . . . ! 7 00 MOULTON'S IMPROVED RETOUCHING FRAMES. For 8 x 10 Negatives and under . . #3 00 " n x 14 " 4 °0 Larger sizes to order. A is the hood. B, inclination notches. (7, reflector. D, turn table. E, light panel. FF, springs. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SPURR'S DIFFUSING SCREEN PLATES. A great labor-saving and popular novelty, giving the photographs a beautiful soft steel engraving effect, which cannot be obtained in any other way, and reducing the retouching to a minimum. & These plates can be used by any one, simply by placing them in front of the unexposed dry plate in the plate holder and making the exposure through the screen. Try them ! you will like the work, your customers will demand it, your trade will increase and you will save more than one half of your retouching. Every plate guaranteed perfect. Two styles of plates, lines diagonal and square. Price, each, 5x7 $2 50 Larger sizes to order. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 143 RETOCADOR. Is an Electric Retouching Pencil, operated by a portable battery. It is ex- tremely simple and may be worked easily by anyone having the least know- ledge of ordinary retouching methods. The pencil itself, in which is the motor, is attached by a fine spiral spring to the frame of the retouching stand, thus relieving the hand of all weight, and is operated just as an ordinary pencil would be, except that the de- sired effect is produced by the pencil automatically, instead of by movement of the hand. The lead, which may be either a Pearl metal- lic point or an A. W. Faber 5 H retouching point, is sharp- ened to a long, fine point, as shown in the cut, and the motion given it by applying the power, is a rapid revolving and at the same time oscil- lating one. The rapidity with which the point is moved over the negative regulating the grain of the stipple effect produced. This pencil has been in prac- tical working operation for nearly a year and has demon- strated that it is perfectly practicable and a vast improvement over handwork, an ordinary operator being able to retouch FROM 14 to 20 cabinets per day. Price, complete, including battery, # 2 5 00 KEYSTONE VIGNETTE BLOCKS. 5 x 7 or 5 x 8 size, one kind or assorted, 6)4. x si ze i 8x 10 size, Light and Strong. Give beautiful vignettes. Three let- ters, A, B, C, are used to designate the kind of block with reference to its height ; and each of these letters comes in different numbers, according to the style of opening. A is a block twice as high as the top as at the bottom, and is used for medium-dark draperies. ^^J^^^^^^^^^j^ Us£d for white draper ie S and full illuminate. ^C^aver^'lowblock^lor very small heads of ladies and busts which you may wish to Vignette short. Three styles, 1, 2 and 3. The numbers mean : 1 2 Very Small Medium Medium Full 111. Full 111. # Large Bust or F.L. □□□□ Schenck's, per doz. VIGNETTE CLAMPS. For Fastening Vignetters to printing Frames. $ 5° 144 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. AIR BRUSHES. Air Brush, Plain, $40 co Jeweled, 45 00 Easel, Needles, per doz. . . Needle Guides, each, Spoons, " Wheels, Walking Bars, " rTIWT itrr foiAt* SPURR'S SILK PRINTING SOLUTIONS. These Chemicals have no equal for brilliancy. No humbug, but a practi- cal process for making pho- tographs on the most delicate silk fabrics or linen. They do not print in the cloth and make a flat picture. Any desired tone can be had from a rich brown to a blue-black ; easy to manipulate and never failing. Can be used in many ways for souvenirs, hat marks, banners, silk scarfs, handker- chiefs, etc. Prices. 16 oz. Salting Solution, $ I 50 \10 8 " Sensitising " I 5a MASKS AND DISCS. Professional. Per box of 50, Cabinet size, assorted shape openings, $0 50 CUT-OUTS OR MEDALLION MASKS. For C. de V. Oval, per dozen, ; $ i<£ For Victoria, Oval, per dozen, ■ ■.....................,[,.. 2 r> For Cabinet, Oval or Arch, per dozen, [ ' 2 C For 4-4 Ovals, Set of one dozen, .................... -10 One package, containing six of each of above seven sizes, ............... 75. Gihon's Cut-outs, 30 assorted sizes, 1 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. "PREMIER" WAXED VIGNETTERS. Print nearly as quickly as bare glass, and have a softening effect on the retouching. Produce the same softness and delicacy of effect in the strongest summer sunshine, or shade of a winter's day. Durable. Impossible to produce a semi- vignette to the same perfection by any other means. These vignetters will last for years, and we confidently reccommend them as the best make in the market. Cabinet size assorted openings at $1.75 per doz. Send 15 cents for sample. THE UNIVERSAL VIGNETTER. FOR VIGNETTING THE NEGATIVE DURING EXPOSURE. Produces white, black, gray, cloud and cameo vignettes, with any shade of color between, and makes possible the production of vignetted prints of uniform style, with no more trouble and expense than is required for plain prints. It is the best attachment yet made for this purpose. Price, $2 50. WEYMOUTH'S VIGNETTE PAPERS. Nineteen sizes are now made, suiting all dimensions of pictures from a small carte figure to Victorias, cabinets, whole size, etc. They are printed in black for ordinary negatives, yellow bronze for thin negatives and red bronze for still weaker ones. In envelopes, containing one each, Nos. I to 15- S 1 00 Nos. I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, for cartes, per dozen, ... 5° " 6, 7, 1 1, 12 and 13, for large cartes and Vic- torias, per dozen, 75 " 8, 9, 10, 14, 15 and i$}4> f° r cabinets and 4-4 size, I 00 " 16, 17 and 18, for cabinet and half-size, per dozen, I 25 DOG VIGNETTING PAPER. Very Fine. Per doz, . . . Jo 20 Per quire . . . . $0 35 Per ream, YELLOW VIGNETTING PAPER. Per doz |o 10 Per ream, ALBUMENIZED PAPERS. Extra Brilliant and 2nd Choice. $3 75 N. P. A, ) Eagle, V Extra Brilliant, $ I 10 #1025 Three Crown. J 2nd Choice, 85 8 00 c . f Extra Brilliant, I 00 10 00 bteamer, 1 2nd Choice> 8o y so 2nd Choice, 80 LARGE ALBUMENIZED PAPER 35 x 45 Extra Brilliant Pensee, "B" brand, — Per doz Per ^4 ream. $20 50 15 5o 19 75 14 50 Per ream- #40 00 30 00 38 50 28 00 512 00 146 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. QUAKER CITY MATT-SURFACE PAPER. Specially prepared for us by John R. Clemons, Easy to handle. Gives finest results. Price per ream, $24 00 Price per dozen, CLEMON'S MATT- SURFACE PAPER. io)4 Kilo, 18 x 22 Per doz $ o 85 lo}4 " 18x22 Per ream 28 00 15 Kilo, 18 x 22 Per doz. . 15 " 18 x 22 Per ream. #0 75 $ 1 3° 35 00 GUM PAPER. Shipley's, in narrow strips, per roll Jo 60 Shipley's, in sheets, per doz Jo 20 BLOTTING PADS. 19 x 24, Extra Quality, Pure Fibre, per doz. $0 75 ; per ream, |i6 00 BUFFALO NEW ENAMEL AND PLAIN ARGENTIC PAPER. This paper is manufactured in three grades, viz : Enamel, Light and Heavy. E, ' H. Size: Per Doz. Size. Per Doz. Size. Per Doz. Size. Per Doz. 3X x 4^ • £0 25 5 x 7)4 . . $0 70 n x 14 . . #3 00 20 X 24 . . $ 9 00 4x5 . 40 5x8.. 75 12 x 15 . . 3 35 22 X 27 . . 11 25 5" 6)4 x 8)4 ■ ■ 1 10 14 x 17 . . 4 50 24 x 30 . 13 5o 4% x6/ 2 . ■ 55 8 x 10 . . 1 50 16 x 20 . . 6 00 25 x 30 . . 14 00 4% x 6% . 60 10 x 12 . . 2 25 17 x 20 . . 6 40 24 x 36 . 16 00 5 x 7 ■ 65 10 x 14 . . 2 65 18 x 22 . . 7 5o 30 x 40 . 22 50 Other sizes in proportion. 25 per cent. discount. In Rolls of not less than 10 yard S. Per Yard. Per Yard. Per Yard. Per Yard. 10 ins. wide . • $0 56 14 ins. wide . . $o 79 20 ins. wide . . $1 12 25 ins. wide . $1 40 11 " 62 16 " ... 90 22 " . I 24 30 " . i 68 12 « 68 18 " . . 1 00 24 " • 1 35 3 1 " • 1 75 25 per cent, discount. EUREKA BROMADE PAPER, No. 1, 2, 3. Made in three grades. T\ T o. 1, Thin Smooth. No. 2, Heavy Smooth. Other sizes in proportion. 15 per cent, discount Cut Sheets No. 3, Heavy Rough. Size. Per doz. Size. Per doz. Size. Per doz. Size. Per doz. 3X x 4X • • $0 15 5 x 8 . • #0 45 12x15. . $2 OO 24 x 30 . • $ 8 25 4x5 25 6 4 x zy 2 . 6 5 14 x 17 . 2 70 25 x 30 . • 8 50 4% x S% ■ • • 3° 8' X IO 90 16 x 20 . • 3 60 24 x 36 . 10 00 4% x 6% . 33 10 X 12 • 1 35 1 7 x 20 . • 3 85 30 x 40 . • !3 5o 4H x 6I A ■ 35 10 x 14 1 60 l8 X 22 . • 4 5o 40 x 60 . 27 00 5x7. 40 11 x 14 . 1 80 20 x 24 . • 5 5° 40 x 72 . • 32 40 5 x 7 l A ■ 42 22 X 27 . 7 00 If ordered in packages of less than one dozen, an extra charge of 25 cents will be made for packing. IN ROLLS OR ON PATENT SPOOLS FOR ENLARGING EASELS. Not less than ten yards on a spool. Per Yard. Per Yard. 14 inches wide. $0 47 20 inches wide,$o 67 16 " 54 22 " 74 18 " 60 24 " 81 Per Yard. 10 inches wide. $0 33 11 " 37 12 " 4° Per Yard. 25 inches wide, $0 84 30 " 1 00 31 » I 05 41 inches wide, $1 35 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 147 EASTMAN'S PERMANENT AND ANTHONY'S RELIABLE BROMADE PAPER. " A," " B " or " C." Standard or Extra Quick. Cut Sheets. Size. 3X x 4^ 4 x 5 4% x 5 V 2 4% x 6y 2 4 x 7 Per Doz. $0 25 40 50 55 65 Size. X 10 X 12 x 14 Per Doz. Size. Per Doz Size. Per Doz. • • $0 75 14 x 17 • • #4 50 22 X 27 . ■ $U 25 Vz . . 1 IO 16 x 20 6 00 24 x 30 . • 13 50 . . I 50 17 x 20 6 40 25 x 30 . . 14 CO . . 2 25 l8 X 22 • • 7 5o 24 x 36 . . 16 00 . . 3 00 20 x 24 9 00 30 x 40 . . 22 50 Other sizes in proportion. 1 one dozen, an extra charge of 25 cents will be made for packing. IN ROLLS OR ON PATENT SPOOLS FOR ENLARGING EASELS. Per Yard. 10 inches wide, $0 56 11 « 62 12 " 68 Per Yard. 14 inches wide, $0 79 16 " 90 18 " 1 00 Per Yard. 20 inches wide, $1 12 22 " 1 24 24 " I 35 Per Yard. 25 inches wide, $1 40 30 " 1 68 31 " * 75 Not less than ten yards on a spool. Discount Eastman's 25 per cent. Discount Anthony's 40 per cent. STEINBACH ROLL PAPERS. We are the largest importers of Steinbach Papers in the United States. A full stock always on hand of the three grades, viz. : — 80 gram., (light) ; 100 gram., (medium) ; 120 gram., (heavy). 80 gram. 100 gram. 120 gram. Price per yard, $0 30 $0 35 $0 40 " " in 50 rolls, 24 32 36 Original Roll, per lb., 75 75 75 PLATINOTYPE PAPER. (We are the only importers of Piatinotype Papers in the United States.) Solar paper in endless roll, 54 inches wide. These papers are especially made for the Piatinotype process. 80 gram. 120 gram. Price per yard, #0 30 Jo 40 " (i in 50 yard rolls, . 24 36 PLATINOTYPE 15 KILO PAPER. Smooth surface, sized. Size 1 8 x 22, per doz Jji 25 " " " ream 42 00 POSITIF 15 KILO PAPER. Smooth surface, unsized. Size 18 x 22, per doz $ 0 80 " " " ream 25 00 80 gram. 120 gram. Price per yard, in original case, $0 20 $0 30 PLATINOTYPE \0}4 KILO PAPER. Smooth surface, sized. Size 18 x 22, per doz $ 0 75 " " " ream 29 00 POSITIF 10)4 KILO PAPER. Smooth surface, unsized. Size 18 x 22, per doz $ o 50 " " " ream 15 00 READY SENSITIZED PLATINOTYPE PAPER. SIz Black or Sepia. Per doz. 5 x 7 #0 80 5 x8 95 6^x8^ 1 25 8 x 10 1 85 Size. II x 14 Size. Per doz. 3% x A% Io3o 4 x 5 60 4% x SV2 60 5X x6^ ..... . 7° Note. — Paper should be kept in a preserving tube or ice-box until used. Under proper care the paper will keep from one to three months in summer, and three to six months in winter. Per doz. . ... $3 75 14 x 17 6 00 l8 X 22 7 20 20 x 26 9 OO 148 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. LITMUS PAPER. Red or Blue. Per sheet $o 05 Per doz EXTRA GLOSSY READY SENSITIZED ALBUMEN PAPER. #0 50 oA 4x5 4X x 6l A 5 x 7 5x8 6)4 x 8/ 2 8 x 10 18 x 22 4^ inches, in light, tight boxes of 2 dozen, per box, $0 " " 2 " " " " 2 " " " " 2 " " " " 2 " " ..]......'.....[ " " 2 " " 1 " " 2 " " I per sheet, 25 cents; per dozen, To save loss, boxes are not broken. EASTMAN'S "SOLIO" PAPER. 25 40 50 70 75 00 5o 00 Size. 3 x8 (For 2 No. I Kodaks), ZH x 9 7 A (For 2 No. 2 Kodaks), 2}{ x 3X " A Kodak," . . . 3^ x 4 " B Kodak," . . . 3% x 4X 4 xS ' 4X^5 'A *3 7 /&*S% Cabinet, 3 7 A x S 7 A 4 x6 5 x 7 *Standard Cabinet Size.- special size is mentioned. Seconds.— A limited quantity of Standard Cabinet Seconds at $1 Doz. Gross. Size. 0 35 $.. ■ 5 x 8 5o . SA x 7 3 A 15 x 8/ 2 20 7 x 9 20 1 75 8 x 10 25 2 00 10 X 12 25 2 00 1 1 x 14 25 2 00 H x 17 25 2 00 18 X 22 25 2 00 20 x 24 40 3 5o )/ 2 doz., 2 OO y z doz., 2 25 Doz. $0 45 50 65 75 90 1 25 1 5° 2 25 4 00 4 00 Gross. J 4 OO 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 12 00 15 00 24 00 40 00 44 00 This size will be furnished on all orders for "Cabinets" when no 00 per hundred sheets. OMEGA PAPER. Size. Per Doz. Per Gross. Size. 3% x 4% . ■ • ■ • $0 15 . . ■ • • $1 50 5 x 7 4 x 5 . . . . . 20 • • • 1 75 5x8 3% x $y 2 • ■ . . . 20 • • • 1 75 6/ 2 x 8/ 2 4% x 5/ 2 ■ ■ • • • 1 75 8 x 10 4 x 6 • • - 25 . . . . 185 11 x 14 4^ x 6% . . . . . 30 . . ...3-00 20 x 24 3 7 /s x S'A ■ ■ • • • 1 75 20 x 24 C D. V., . . - • • 75 Carre, Per Doz. • $0 35 40 60 75 • • • • 30 ... . 00 ... . 40 per sheet Per Gross. • *3 5o . 4 00 . 6 00 ■ 7 5o FRENCH SATIN JUNIOR. Fresh, Brilliant and easy to handle. lYi x 5)4 Seconds, . . . . . BLUE PRINTING PAPER. Almost equal in richness to silver prints. 75 00 In packages of 25 sheets. Size. Perpkg. Size. Per pkg. Size. Per pkg. Size. 3X x 4% • ■ • #° 16 5 x 7 . . . #0 35 8 x 10 . . Jo 68 14 x 17 . 4 x 5 ... 20 5 x 8 ... 40 10 x 12 ... 1 00 18 x 22 . 4)4 x 6^ . . . 30 6^x8^. . , 56 11 x 14 ... 1 50 20 x 24 . STANDARD PRICE LIST OF ARISTOTYPE PAPER. Per pkg. . $2 OO • 3 00 • 3 5o Srze. Per doz. Perg ross. Size. Per doz. Per gross 3X x 4)i ■ . $0 20 $1 75 7X9. • $0 75 $7 00 4x5 . 25 2 00 8 x 10 . 90 8 00 3 7 A x s% ■ 25 2 00 IO X 12 . • 1 25 4 x 6 25 2 00 II x 14 . - 1 50 5x7. 40 3 5° 14 x 17 . • 2 25 5x8. 45 4 OO l8 X 22 . . 4 00 s l A x 7% • 50 5 00 20 x 24 . • 4 00 1 doz 2 25 6% x sv 2 . • 65 6 OO Seconds. — Cabinet Trimmed, per gross $1 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 149 NEW YORK ARISTOTYPE PAPER. Size. Cabinet Trimmed ( for Gallery use ) Cabinet Untrimmed " 3X x 4X Per Doz. $ 15 4x5 " 20 a% x ey 2 « 30 5x7" 33 Per Gross "i 70 I 80 1 50 2 OO 3 00 3 5o Size. Per Doz. 5 x 8 . ... $0 35 (>y 2 x 8j£ . . . . 60 8 x 10 .... 70 20 x 24 .... 4 00 Seconds (cabinet trimmed) Per Gross. . 4 OO . 6 00 . 8 00 . 48 OO . I OO AMERICAN "ARISTO" PAPER. Size. 3 l A x 4 x 5 1% x S l A (cabinets) . 4 x 6 5 x 7 5 x 8 5 T A x (Paris panel) 6^ x 8/ z Per Doz. Gross. Size. Per Doz. Gross. ■ $ 25 f, • $7 00 28 2 OO .... 95 9 OO 28 2 OO .... 1 25 28 2 OO .... 1 50 40 3 5° 14 x 17 . . . . • 45 4 00 50 5 00 • 65 6 00 $ 50 "ARISTO" PROOF PAPER. For proofing only. Per loo Cabinets, "ARISTO" SECONDS. For Proofiing and Second work. Per box ( 100 sheets, Cabinets ) . .$100 The Seconds are from same emulsions as Firsts, just as good for proofing and plain printing. "ARISTO" SOLUTIONS. "B" (Gold.) No. 1, $ 50 No. 2, $1 00 No. 3, $2 00 SPOTTING OUT COLOR, "ARISTO" COLLODION VARNISH. Package ( 3 shades) |o 50 Very Superior, per bottle $ 50 "ARISTO" TONING OUTFITS. Will tone 150 cabinets, . . . .$1.00 No. 3 Will tone 2000 cabinets, . . . .$3.85 No. I No. 2 2.00 HARD RUBBER PLATES For Squeegeeing Prints upon. Each. Size. IO 8 x IO jl 18 IO x 12 20 3° jL inch thick, ii << II x 14 " " ...... CIRCULAR PRINT WASHER. Each. $ 40 60 75 This is made of Zinc, with perforated bottom, cut funnel-shape to prevent any sediment of Hypo from rising in the trough. Under the bottom is a well, to which is fixed a siphon, to carry off the water. They are made in three sizes as follows : 14 Inches Diameter, Price each, $4 00 18 " " 6 00 24 " " 1 1 00 They are cheaper than Trays or Sinks for washing prints and much more effectual in removing every trace of Hypo. THE PERFECTION TRIMMING BOARD. This is made in three sizes as follows : No. i. For 4 sizes, from Petite to 4 x 5 inclusive, Price $1 00 "2. 'f 7 " " to 5 x 8 " " 1 20 "3. " 11 " " to 8x 10 « " 1 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. PERFECT PRESERVING TUBES. For keeping Sensitized Photographic papers. ( Patent applied for. ) Compact; Reliable; Air-tight. No. I Holds 4 x 5 to 4^ x 6^ .( Preservative extra.) jfo 90 "2 " 5 x 7 to 5 x 8 " " .... 1 10 "3 " 6^ x 8^ to 8 x 10 •' « 1 50 "4 " l8 X 22 " " 2 OO "5 " *8 x 22 Gallery use. '•' " 3 00 THE W. & C. PERFECT PAPER PRESERVATIVE. Will keep Sensitized Paper fresh and Bbilliant for months. Thirteen Years in constant use in Europe. Paper can be silvered on dull, cloudy days, and used whenever needed. Proof Paper always fresh and ready for use. Price of Perfect Preservative. Tin box, size for Nos. 1, 2, and 3 tubes, each, $ 20 4 and 5 " • » 35 VELVET RUBBER SQUEEGEES 6 inch $ 25 12 inch THE SUCCESS PRINT MOUNTER. The accompaning illustration describes it fully. 6 inch Ji 00 12 inch |i 50 PRINT ROLLER AN SQUEEGEE. No. 1.— 8 inch, $1 " 2. — 12 " 1 D co eaclfl 5o ' PHOTOGRAPHIC CARD PAPER, AND FRRROTYPE PLATE CUTTER. PRICE, ^IO.OO Photographers will find this a grand thing for cutting albumen paper, and it is also invaluable lor cutting ferro- type plates. The advantages of this cutter are: with 12 inch blades it will cut any size sheet. No other machine ever made will cut a sheet wider than the length cf the blades. All the parts are made to gauges, by which they are interchangeable, so that if any part is worn out, broken or lost, a duplicate can be ordered. All the parts are made of the best material and a cutter capable of a range of work never before attempted in a small machine is offered at less than one-half the price of any other cutter with same enoth of blades. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. HARTER'S PAPER TRIMMER. Trim your Paper before printing. Price, including metallic forms, nickel plated and polished, for Card, Cabinet, Panel, Boudoir and Imperial sizes $8 oo ACME PRINT TRIMMER A great need supplied. A quick, accurate and durable Trimmer. No more badly trimmed prints. The only trimmer that cuts a whole sheet of paper, all sides at once. Absolutely accurate. Never gets out of adjustment. Self sharpening. Simplest Trimmer ever made. Prints always the same size. Prices. No. I — x 5^ inches, 16 cabinets to shea, $12 OO No. 2 — 2j4 x 6 inches, 12 cabinets to sheet, 12 00 Panel Sizes, 16 00 "Sunbeam" and Card Sizes, ... 12 00 Any Special Size to Order, $1.00 extra. WHEEL PRINT TRIMMERS. Plan of holding the Straight Cut Trimmer Plan of holding the Revolving Trimmer when in use. Price, 20 cents. When in use. Price, 30 cents. This Photograph Trimmer is substituted for the knife for trimming photographs, and does the work much more expeditiously and elegantly. They save time, save prints, and save money. They do not cut but pinch off the waste paper, and leave the print with a neatly beveled edge, which facilitates adherance to the mount. Try one, and you will discard the knife and punch at once. For ovals and rounded corners they are worth their weight in gold. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. ROBINSON'S GUIDES. Made of sheet iron. We furnish guides at 10 cents per inch the longest way of the aperture. GLASS FORMS. ... ^ 30 4 x 5 size, each $ 30 ... 40 5x8 " 60 Any size or shape made to order. WOOD'S PAPER CUTTER. No forms or patterns necessary. No folding of paper. No ragged edges. Great saving of paper. No waste. Corners always square and edges true. Warranted to work perfectly, and to be simple and easy to work. Price, complete with knife, #10 00 LOCKWOOD'S CLIPS. 3 in. long, 5^ open, $0.65 per dozen. 2^ in. long, ^ open, $0.60 per dozen. Smith Clips, per dozen, $ 20 Card size, each . Cabinet size, each W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 153 U. S. PHOTO CLIP. THE LATEST AND CHEAPEST SERVICEABLE PHOTO CLIP IN THE MARKET. This clip is exceeeingly strong, being made of hard wood, with heavy wire springs, and is provided with a hook. The quality of stock employed in its construction is of the best, and the price lower than for any other article of its kind. Price, per gross, . . . . $2 50 Price, per doz 25 HIGGINS' PHOTO-MOUNTER. A New Adhesive, For mounting Photographs, &c. This is an entirely novel and superior Adhesive, specially prepared for mounting Photographs, Aristotypes, Blue Prints, Scrap Pictures, Engravings &c. It is not a Flour or Starch Paste, but is rather a Vegetable Glue — being a new patented dis- covery in the chemistry of adhesives. Prices, in Screw Capped Jars, 3-oz., 15c; 6-oz., 25c; 14-oz., 50c. DAISY" PERMANENT STARCH PASTE. There has been for a long time a demand for a Starch Paste, that would neither mould, sour or discolor, yet put up in a convenient form ready for use. We now in- troduce such an article, under the name of the "Daisy" Permanent Starch Paste. 2 quart bottles I gallon " $1 00 2 OO CREAM PASTE. FOR MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS. This paste is prepared especially for photo- graphic purposes, and contains nothing that will in any way injure the print. It will keep for a long time and will neither sour nor mould. ]/ z pint, . . . $0 20 I quart . . $0 45 I " . . • 25 Mitchell's " Anti-Cockllng " Mounting Solution. For mounting photographs without bending or warping the cards. It is specially valuable for mounting prints in albums and on thin mounts and papers. It will not stain or injure the print, or spoil or •sour withage. Put up in metal capped bottles. Smallsize, 30 cts. Large size,5octs. Pints, 75 cts. Quarts, $1.50 *54 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. MORA STANDS. Per Dozen. Straight Gold Edge, . . . Thinner Glass, 2nd quality, Serrated Edge, Heavy, Minette. £i 25 Petite. $1 5° Carre. #5 00 Card. $3 °o 2 00 4 CO Cabinet. $5 00 3 00 6 50 Boudoir. $ 9 OO Paris Panel. $18 OO 7% x 13. $22 50 10 75 20 00 25 OO THE JAMES REVOLVING SHOW CASE. It is a well known fact that nothing attracts the attention of passers by so quickly or secures their interest so effectually as objects in motion. Hence nothing equals a good re- volving Show Case for your outside display. This we are now prepared to supply at a lower price than they have ever been offered heretofore . The frame is oak, antique finish, covered with zinc top to make it water tight and fitted with double strength French glass, 20 x 34 inches in size. Each Case holds 55 Cabinet Photos. Price complete, boxed, $30 OO' NEW REVOLVING SHOW CASE That will be appreciated by all enterprising Photo- graphers, as it displays differ- ent size Photos, is easily opened for changing the display, and takes up but little room at the doorway. y\\, and extends out from the ilh Being only 10 inches wide, 48 inches hi building only 16 inches. It is handsomely made in Antique oak nickel corners, and finished with spar varnish which is not effected by the weather. The top is zinc covered, and the whole case water-proof. The revolving drum holds 30 cabinets and 5 small panels. The back space 14 x 42 inches, is covered with fine black cloth, and various size Photos can be displayed on it. The motor is wound from beneath and runs 12 to 15 hours. Photos in motion ahvays attract attention. We place the Photographer's name on each side of the base, and the No. of Street in front. We ship the case with the long bracket to fasten to building. $30.00 boxed. AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES FOR PRINTING. Including Electrotype, from $1.50 to $2.50. Estimates furnished. COLLIN'S CARD STOCK. Special complete price list will be sent on application. "Job lot" cards always on hand. Write for samples and discounts. Collin's Printing at Collins' Prices. PRICES FOR PRINTING. When our own designs are used. In Lots of Black or Colors. 500 $0 75 • • 1000 90 . . 2000 and upwards, . . @ 75 . . • ® Gilt. Si 25 1 5o 1 25 We do not solicit cheap Printing. i55 VISTA MOUNTS. Utilize your spoiled Negative Glass. An absolute necessity to every photographer who desires to frame his photographs in good style at trifling expense A Vista Mount consists of a piece of ornamental paper cut to the necessary size, and pierced with, an opening of suitable size, a piece of cardboard for a back, and a ring and tag for suspending the picture. The glass mu>t be supplied by the photographer himself, from his stock of spoiled negatives. Cabinet Box contains 12 paper covers, backs and rings, price, 50 cents. No. 430!. PATENT CELLULOID PHOTO FRAME. Made with silk tassel, transparent celluloid to go over the picture, which protects it the same as glass; the colors are turquoise, blue, ivory, cream, nile green, yellow, pink and lilac. Price per doz., $4.00 JAPANESE ART TISSUES, CABINET SIZE. Copper Plate Designs. Owing to the large demand for these tissues from Photographers all over the civilized world, we have decided not only to supply the regular designs but print your name and address free of charge on. every tissue. This will give a decidedly beautiful effect and give you free advertising as well. In lots of Per 1000. XO > 00 ° @ ^2 OO I gj Choco]ate or Bkck Ink . 1 5° J 25,000 Engraving name on plate charged extra, $1.00 No order received for less than 10,000 LETTER PRESS TISSUES CABINET SIZE. Regular designs with your name and address. In lots of. In lots of. In lots of. 5,000 10,000 20,000 Plain White Tissues, $ 8 00 #13 50 #20 00 Mikado Silk Tissues, 10 00 16 50 27 50 White Demy Tissues, 10 00 16 50 27 50 No charge for the design. No order received fr>r less than 5000. Special designs engraved at small expense. Sample sheets sent upon application. Time required to execute orders about ten weeks. JAPANESE ART TISSUES. The finest quality of Mikado Silk Paper for covering; fronts of photographs, and preserving the burnish or gloss. Eight charm- ing designs printed itt blue or chocolate ink. Price per 1,000 $2 00- Assorted designs. PLAIN WHITE JAPANESE TISSUES. Japa9?s?/*rt Tissues. $2.00 PER 1000. JAPAN. ENGLAND. PHILADELPHIA. No designs, Cabinet Size, . " Paris Panel Size, 5 50- 1 7S W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. CABINET PHOTO ENCLOSURES. Are invaluable for high class work, as each photograph may thus be enclosed separately and perfect protection of the print be insured. They are made in two grades, Rice Bond White, per iooo $i Rose, per iooo j|2 03 SOMETHING NEW. Lavette's Patent Envelope for Mailing Photographs. There is not one person in a hundred who has not mailed from one to a dozen photo- graphs, AND NOT ONE KNOWS HOW TO DO IT properly. This envelope is the only proper, handy and secure way to mail Photographs. It is made of fine manilla paper, with a board on each side. Write your letter place photograph on top of it (as shown in cut) fold over back marked B, seal with gum flaps AAA. Then it goes as 1st class mail matter, among letters only, protected on both sides against stencil marks, breakage, etc. Postage 4c. the same as if sent separately. Patented 1891. Price, per hundred, $1.00. ENVELOPES FOR MAILING. •Card Size No. 140 Manilla, Cabinet " " 136 " » " " 140 " « » " 150 " « « U jgo « Per iooo. Cabinet Size No. 360 Assorted High finish, . . $2 50 Panel " " 140 Manilla, 2 00 Boudoir 140 150 2 25 2 50 Per iooo. $1 OO I 60 1 75 2 00 3 00 Printing Envelopes in Black, in lots of 1000 — $1.00; 2000 — $1.50; 5000 — $3.50. MAILING BOXES. For Card Size P 00 per M. Cabinet Size, for one dozen, . . $12 00 per M. Cabinet Size, for half dozens, . 10 00 •" " " •< two " ' 14 00 " Made from heavy and highly finished Manilla Board. Above prices include printing of pur- chaser's card and address lines for mailing. Special sizes made to order. FERROTYPE ENVELOPES. Bon-ton size, Pink flap, Buff or Pearl Cards, Oval or Arch Top Opening P |V°5o No. 15, Cabinet Size, Pink Flap, Buff or Pearl Cards, Red Borders, Oval or Arch Top Opening, 3x4^.... 4 QO 11, Pink Flap, Maroon Cards, Gilt Borders, Oval or Arch Top Opening, 2 x 3^ .... 2 50 " 11, Pink Flap, Buff or Pearl Cards, Red Borders, Oval or Arch Top Opening, 2 x y/ % . 2 00 " 11, Black Cards, Gilt Borders, Oval or Arch Top Opening, 2 x y/% 4 5° Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, Pink Flap, White, Cards, Gilt Borders, 2 50 " 3.4, 4%, 5. 6 > 9, *°> p ink Flap, White, Buff or Pearl Cards, Red Borders. .' .' .' \ '. '. 200 FITZGIBBON'S ADHESIVE FERROTYPE MOUNTS. No. 2, Oval Opening, Pearl or Pink Cards — Red Borders, $ 1 65 No. 2, " Red Cards — Gilt Borders, ! 65 CATERSON'S FERRO HOLDERS. Per iooo Nos. 3, 4, 4}4 5, 6, Oval Opening, 9 and 10 Arch Opening, $4 00 Gilt Borders. Rose or Pearl — Red Borders. No. 30, Arch or Oval, 4 25 Black, Rose or Gray — Gilt Borders. No. 30, Oval or Arch Top Opening, 4 25 Buff, Rose or Pearl— Red Borders. No. 30, Oval Opening 4 00 Black — Gilt Borders. "No. 31, Oval ( pering, 3^x5 ,g GO W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 157 WING'S FERROTYPE ENVELOPES. Maroon Cards, Gilt Borders, Scarlet Flap. NO. I B. for 5 x 7 Pictures, Oval or Square, " 2 B. " Cabinet '• " " Per 1000 $20 OO IO OO ALBUMS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS. Mum of $tyotoi]>vapi^ :..t:!w£ . . . 8x10. . .11x14 Plain, $1.25 $1.50 #2.25 $2.50 With Gilt Lines, 1.25 ... ... • . . 35.00 THE CLIMAX REMOVABLE LEAF ALBUM. Handsomely bound in full plain cloth, with linen laces, containing 25 Collins' cards, each- Size of Cards. 6x7 #1 25 7 x 10 1 50 IO X 12 , , 2 25 Bound in cloth, with leather back and corners, with gold rules and gold side stamp and with silk laces, containing 25 Collins' cards, each — Size of Cards. IIXI4 $2 5<> 14 x 17 5 35 16 x 20 6 75 Size of Cards. 5x6 ^1 35 6x8 1 45 7 X IO 2 OO 10x12. , 2 75 Size of Cards. 1 1 x 14 $3 00 14 x 17 5 75 16 x 20 7 25 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EXTRA LEAVES FOR CLIMAX REMOVABLE LEAF ALBUM. Size. Size. 5x6, per package of one dozen, . . $0 38 10 x 12, per package of one dozen, 6x7, " " " . . 40 11 x 14, " " " 7 x IO, " " " . . 50 14 x 17. " " " 16 x 20, per package of one dozen, ...... $2 40 #0 75 90 2 00 Studio Register. RESIOCNCI WHEN STYLE. PROMISE? SENT. AMOUNT PAID. nzMA.-;y 2 , 41^ and 5 have round corners ; Nos; 4^ and 5 are extra gold finish. Full Leather Bound. These books are full leather bound, seal grain, padded covers, and round corners. They are expressly made for the finest class of trade. Price list as follows : No. 21 . . "22 22 > 23 6x7 #3 00 7 x IO ..... 3 50 10 x *]y 2 upright, . 4 50 10 x 12 5 50 No. 23^ " 24 " 24^ •' 25 12 x IO upright, . $6 00 11 x 14 6 00 14 x 11^ upright, . 8 00 14 x 17 9 00 No. 1 « 2 " 2 " 3 ■a) Price list of extra leaves. White and Gray. Best Quality. 1 dozen in a box. 6x7 |o 50 No. 3j£ 10 x 12 $0 80 7 x 10 65 " A A y 2 I . . . . 11 x 14 . . . . 1 10 10 x 12 85 "5 14 x 17 1 75 Per doz. Cloth Binding, will hold 48 pictures, . . $2 00 GEM ALBUMS. Leather Binding, will hold 96 pictures, doz. * 2 5 i6o W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. THE "MOREHOUSE ALBUM. Is the only Album that will allow you to bind your mounted photographs. It is the only Album with lan adjustable extension, thus allowing you to put in from twenty to forty mounts. pF"" It opens perfectly flat and at the same time it is per- fectly rigid in the back. It is so constructed that you can take out or put in one or more leaves easily and quickly without disturbing the balance. FOR MOUNTED PHOTOGRAPHS. These books are furnished , with 25 patent gummed stubs to which you can attach your already mounted and finished photographs. Size of Card. 6 x 7 . 7 x 10 . 10 x 12 . 11 x 14 . 14 x 17 . STYLE A. STYLE B. Bound in Half Leather, and Half Cloth. M 25 I 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 STYLE C. £1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 #1 25 1 35 1 75 2 00 2 50 FOR UNMOUNTED PHOTOGRAPHS. Each book is furnished with 25 No. 1 Mounts with perforated stubs attached, so it is only necessary to mount and finish your photograph before putting it into your book. STYLE D. STYLE E. STYLE F. Size of Mount. 6 x 7 . 7 x 10 . 10 x 12 . 11 x 14 . 14 x 17 . Si 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 5o $1 50 1 75 2 50 3 00 4 00 $2 00 2 25 3 25 4 00 5 00 Extra Perforated Stubs, Attached, Per Doz. $0 3° 35 55 75 1 25 HANDSOME CASES FOR HOLDING PHOTOGRAPHS. THREE SIZES, CABINETS, CARTES DE VISITE, PETITES. If you wish to increase business, fit out your canvassers with these cases. More modern and desirable than photograph albums. Tourists and students use these to preserve photographs during absence from home. Photographers can display their finest specimens in these neat and attractive holders. 1 2 3 -4 5 6 8 IO 12 Pict. Picts. Picts. Picts. Picts. Picts. Picts. Picts. Picts. CABINET SIZE. Russet Imitation Alligator, . . . each, $0 40 #0 45 $0 65 #0 80 $1 OO $1 25 $1 60 $2 OO $2 25 << 70 70 I OO 1 35 1 75 2 OO it I OO I 50 2 00 2 25 2 75 u I 25 I 25 2 OO 2 50 3 o° 3 75 FOR CARTES DE VISITE. Russet Imitation Alligator, . . . it 30 5° 60 75 1 00 FOR PETITES. Russet Imitation Alligator, . . tt 3° 45 55 85 I IO RUBBER BANDS. Eighteen gross, 1% inch bands in a % lb. box. Put up nicely in ]^ lb. boxes. Use them instead of twine. 2,592 bands in a ^ lb. box. Per X lb. box, $1 00 Per I oz. box, $0 30 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 161 THE "ALPHA" CABINET. TURE RUBBER ELASTIC BANDS. Choice assortment for Amateur Photographers, of Pure Rubber Bands — over 500, in eleven sizes, from one to three inches long, and from one-sixteenth to one-half inch in width. It also contains an " Ink Shield" for the pen, which not only saves your fingers, but your desk, books and paper. Price complete, each, $1.25, BUCHANAN'S DEVELOPING OUTFITS FOR MAKING NEGATIVES. These outfits contain everything necessary for developing one dozen negatives, including trays, graduates, funnels, etc., that will last for years, and sufficient chemicals, for making several dozen additional negatives. Comprises: 1 Tisdell ruby lamp; I doz. dry plates; I glossy rubber tray; I japanned tray; 1 pkg. developer ; I lb. hypo. ; I oz. bromide potass. ; I lb. powd. alum ; I drachm glass graduate ; I 4 oz. glass graduate ; I focusing cloth ; I thimble plate lifter. 4x5 Developing Outfit, complete, . . . $3 85 I 6^ x 8)4 Developing Outfits, complete, . . $5 45 5 x 7 or 5 x 8 " " " ... 4 75 I 8 x 10 " " " . . 6 60 BUCHANAN'S PRINTING OUTFITS. These outfits include everything necessary for making and mounting two dozen prints from the negatives, and chemicals sufficient for several dozen more. Comprises : 2 doz. ready sensitized albumen paper ; I printing frame ; I bottle pure chloride of gold; I pkg. Hale's toning powders; 1 glass tray; 1 hard rubber tray; I 2 oz. glass graduate; I jar of paste; 1 I ^ -inch paste brush; 24 white card boards, No. I. 4x5 Printing Outfit, complete, . . . . $3 10 I 6% x % x / 2 Printing Outfit, complete, . . . $4 80 5 x 7 or 5 x 8 " " " .... 3 80 I 8 x 10 " « " ... 5 80 ACID SULPHITE OF SODA. For use in the fixing bath. Two ounces of this solution added to one quart of the ordinary hypo bath (1 to 4) reduces the time of fixing very considerably, and gives exceptionally clear and stainless negatives. This material can also be used as a preservative of pyro, hydroquinone or eikonogen in developers, but not in those developers where all the ingredients are in one bottle. In other words it entirely replaces the use of ordinary sulphite of soda in the two solution developer. Pint bottle, $0 40 DRY-PLATE DEVELOPERS, READY FOR USE. Buchanan's Pyro and Potash (2 bottles, 8 ounces each,) $0 50 Carbutt's Pyro, Potash and Soda, " " 60 " Eiko Cum Hydro. " " 60 Anthony's Economical ( 8 oz. bottle. ) 40 " Hydrochinone, " 30 " " (16 oz. bottle,) 55 " Eikonogen, f 8 " ) 30 Cooper's Concentrated, (8 " ) 50 Seed's Hydrochinone, (8 " ) 30 (16 " ) 60 (32 " ) I IO DROPPING TUBES. For accurately measuring drops, each, $ 10 162 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. AMIDOL. I oz. bottle, . . $o 75 4 oz. can, . . $2 75 8 oz. can, 25 16 oz. can, EASTMAN'S DEVELOPER POWDERS. Are especially recommended for developing transparent films. They are put up like sedlitz powders and require only the addition of the requisite quantity of water. Thus the advantages of a freshly mixed developer can always be secured. Each powder sufficient for 4 ounces of developer. Price per package of one dozen, $0 50. RODINAL. ^ Litre, which contains 3 T % ounces, . 8': $0 60 I IO }4 Litre, which contains 17 ounces, $2 OO PURE PARA- AMI DOPHENOL HYDROCHLORATE. Price, in ^ ounce bottles, $0 75 Price in S}4 ounce bottles, $11 00 H. T. A. DEVELOPER FOR FERROTYPES. Per ]/ z gallon package, ....*.... $0 Per I gallon package, 15 PELETONE (Pyro Tablets.) Per bottle of 100 2 — grain Tablets, HALL'S INTENSIFIER. For strengthening weak negatives, per bottle, ' " RUSSEL NEGATIVE CLASPS. By using the Russell Negative Clasp and Drying Support, there is no need of wetting or staining the fingers in the developer, or of touching a plate until after it has been developed, varnished and dried. Adaptable for all sizes, from T)% x 4-X to 8 x 10 inclusive. Price, $0 15. EFFICIENT PLATE HOLDER. This Plate Lifter is nearly like an ordinary open end Thimble with a Pointed piece of Metal soldered securely to it as shown in the illus- tration. . Where a number of plates are developed in one dish, this 1 late Lifter is not only a convenience, but quite a necessity. Price #0 15. ADJUSTABLE DEVELOPING FORK. As seen by the cut, this is for holding the Dry Plate during developing and washing. It entirely prevents soiling of hands, and by its aid the plate is easily examined and returned to solu- tion, saving necessity of ridges and elevations on bottom of tray to prevent capillary attraction. They are made in two sizes, nickel plated. No. 1 for plates z l A x 4# to 5 x 8 ^° 6 ° No. 2 " 4 x 5 to 8 x 10 9° Can be sent by mail. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 163 THE SKELETON NON-ADJUSTABLE DEVELOPING FORK. These resemble the adjustable forks in shape, but are rigid. They are made of nickel wire. For 4 x 5 or 4 x 8 plates, |o 30 ARTIST'S CUFFS. (For photographers' use), to prevent soiling the sleeves and cuffs while developing negatives. Price, per pair $0 60 "ALPHA" FINGER-TIES. These goods are made of pure gum rubber, and being very thin and pli-ble do not draw the fingers, while they protect them entirely from the stains of various photographic solutions. This very useful article comes in a nest of three finger-tips of assorted sizes, put up in a neat paper box, $0 15. HALE'S TONING POWDERS. The contents of one pack- age, dissolved in 15 to 20 oz. of water, mixed with 1 to 2 grains of chloride of gold, makes the best toning bath known. Price ^ lb. box, containirg 12 powders . . . $0 30 )4 lb. box, containing 24 powders ... 50 1 lb. box, containing 48 powders . . 75 ALBUTONE. FOR TONING AND FIXING IN ONE BATH PRINTS ON ALBUMEN PAPER. This solution is prepared for immediate use, and works equally well with freshly silvered or ready sensitized paper, producing rich, warm tones. The prints require only to be washed after toning and the solution may be used repeatedly. Price per half pint bottle $0 40 FRENCH AZOTATE. For toning Albumen Prints. Price per bottle $02$ OMEGA TONING SOLUTION. FOR TONING OMEGA, ARISTO AND ALBUMEN PAPER. GIVES ANY TONE AND CLEAR PRINTS. Price, 10 oz. bottle $0 30 Price, r6 oz. bottle Jo 50 SOLIO TONING AND FIXING SOLUTION. Concentrated toning and fixing solution sufficient for toning 120 cabinets giving any tone and clear whites. Price per bottle . «o $0 50 DERMALINE. A most elegant and pleasant preparation for softening the skin and protecting it from the effects of the weather, the action of chemicals, etc. For coryza, if rubbed into the nostrils, it will at once allay the inflamation and stop the discharge. For burns, chapped hands, bites of insects, old sores and scabs. No greasiness accompanies its use, nor will the hands, after being thoroughly rubbed with it and dried, soil the clothing. The white powder is easily removed by a brush. Very useful as an emollient after shaving. To photographers it is invaluable, as it protects the hands from the chemicals To be applied with considerable friction after washing, or at any time when the skin is clean and thoroughly dry. Price per bottle $0 25 164 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. TONIFIXIR PATRONE. Cartridges containing the materials for a combined toning and fixing solution in dry form. For use, they require only to be dissolved in water. They are put up in boxes ot 10 cartridges, or may be had singly and in either of two sizes, as follows : No. 1 car- tridge makes 3^ ounces in solution ; No. 2 cartridge makes 8 ounces. Each No. I. Per box of 10 . . . . $1 So . . . . $0 25 "2. " " .... 4 00 ... . 50 PATENT TRANSPARENCY FRAMES. These are made with one side removable, enabling the trans- parency to slide inio the frame easily and without danger of breaking. They are also made to hang either vertically or horizontally. 4 xs, 5 x 7, 5 x8, 6^x8^, each . ?o 28 34 8 x 10, each 10 x 12, " 11 x 14, " $0 48 75 90 ETCHED GLASS MATTS FOR TRANS- PARENCY FRAMES. 6)4 x 8)4, per doz. . . $3 00 8 x 10, per doz. . . $4 80 11 x 14, per doz. . . $7 50 GROUND GLASS. Very fine. For transparencies, focusing screens, retouching frames, etc x 5, per light $0 08 4 5x7, 5x8, 6^x sy 2 , 8 x 10, 10 x 12, 10 15 20 25 30 11 x 14, per light $0 40 12 x 16, " 50 1+ x 17, " 70 l8 X 22, " I OO 20 x 24, " 1 25 COVER GLASS FOR LANTERN SLIDES. x 4, Finest quality French, per doz. . #0 30 3*/ x 4, Finest quality French, per gross . #3 OO 31^ x 4, Finest quality French, per 1 000 . $18 00 MATS FOR LANTERN SLIDES. REGULAR SIZE. Black, with gilt lines, per 100 . . .|i 00 Black, with gilt lines, per 1000 . . . $7 50 GUMMED BINDERS FOR LANTERN SLIDES. Per 100 j!o 20 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 165 DIAMONDS. Elony Key, m Special Selected. . . .$3 75 Cocoa Key, Every Diamond "Warranted. $5 00 Engraving Diamond, . . . . $3 75 STEEL REVOLVING GLASS CUTTER. No. 7 Extra Large, selected, each $0 25 No. 14 Extra Heavy. For Glaziers' use. Nickel Plated, each $0 25 RUBY AND ORANGE FABRIC. A very desirable article for lighting dark rooms. Price, per square yard, either shade, RUBY, GREEN AND ORANGE GLASS. For Dark Rooms. Special Selected Colors, $0 60 d]/ z x S}4 size, per light, |o 20 8 x 10 " " 30 9 x 12 " " 40 10 x 12 " " 45 11 x 14 " " 50 12 x 16 size, per light ^5o 55 13 x 16 12 x 20 18 x 19 13 x 32 70 90 1 25 * 50 CARBUTT'S RUBY PAPER. Per sheet 19 x 24 $0 25 Per dozen #3 , BRUSHES. Red Sable Pencil Brushes. Flat Camel's-Hair Dusters. Nos. I, 2 and 3, each " 4 and 5, each . " 6 each ... " 7 and 8, each " g « IO; « " 11 " 12, " Rubber Bound Dusters. 1 inch . 2 « . $0 IO 12 15 20 25 3° $0 95 1 35 1 3 Flat Paste Brushes. inch . W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. I inch Rubber Bound Paste Brushes. So 20 25 2 inch 2*A " £0 35 45 3 inch #0 50 THE DOUBLE LEVEL. The Double Level will be appreciated by landscape and tourist photo- graphers. It is quite compact and may be attached to the body of hand cameras, but if a Tripod camera is used it should be attached to the swing- back, and may be used with cameras of all sizes. Price, $0 40 PHOTOMETER FOR TIMING EXPOSURE. This instrument consists of a black, cloth-covered tube, in one end of which is an aperture, into which slides a graduated scale, through which the light is allowed to pass via the tube, which is placed on the ground glass in the same way that a focusing glass would be used. Corresponding to each graduation in the scale is marked a number, which gives the relati e time of exposure required for pictures of differing in- tensity of lighting. It will prove of great value to those who are constansly overtiming or under- timing their plates. Price $1 OO THE WATKINS EXPOSURE METER. -• PRICE. With one exposure ribbon and book of tables . . . $7 50 Extra exposure ribbons, each 25 Copy of exposure notes 50 This instrument works splendidly for very difficult sudjects. and all daylight camera exposures, and is a thorough, practical success. A special instrument, with an extra calculating ring F, is now supplied. This instrument is. invaluable for copying and enlarging, as it takes into consideration the focus, whilst at the same time it can be u«ed for any ordinary purpose without reference to this addition. Price, complete, #8.50. By far the cheapest and only reliable meter ever invented. The Ballard Actinometer, Decouden's Photometer, #4 00. $3 oa FOCUSING GLASSES. Anthony's Compound, $2 50 Scovill $0 75 Franco, Extra fine, 3 00 Combination, 75 Darlot, each 2 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 167 Rubber, each FOCUSING CLOTHS. . . $0 50 Rubber, Double ?o 75 MAGIC FINDERS. Unequaled for Landscape Photography. No. I for 4 x 5 Camera, $1 50 5 5x8 6y 2 x s/ 2 8 x 10 Waterbury Finders, each Anthony " " 1 75 2 00 2 50 S3 00 Peerless View Finders, each $15° 1 50 Franco " " " 1 5° COMBINED FUNNEL AND FILTER. In this combination of funnel and filter, the bulb retains the filtering cotton in such a manner as to obviate the difficulty experiened in the ordinary funnel from the cotton being com- pressed too tightly. A glance at the cut will readily explain its advantages. The sizes and prices are as follows : Pints, each . Quarts, each $0 34 40 y 2 gallon, each . #0 85 THE PATENT FLUTED FUNNEL AND FILTER „ This is the latest and best glass funnel ever made. They are very strong ; are made in molds ; have solid glass ribs on the inside, running vertically as shown in cut, thus forming passages through which the solution descends freely after passing through the paper, and accomplishing the filtration in a fraction of the time heretofore required. Another advantage of this funnel is, the outside of the neck is fluted, and the lower end beveled, so as to prevent choking up in the neck of the bottle, and overflowing. I pint, each $0 I quart 2 each $0 3° 45 i68 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. GLASS FUNNELS. y z pint $o 12 2 quarts $o 25 1 " 15 1 gallon 50 I quart 20 2 gallons 80 HARD RUBBER FUNNELS. No. o. % pint #0 40 No. 2. 1 pint $0 55 " 1. V z " • • 50 " 3. I quart 60 FILTERING PAPERS. French Round, in packs of ico sheets, No. 19, $0 30 " " " "25, 40 "33 65 « " " "4 < 6 << 11 16 " • • • 55 $0 35 55 85 Nests, containing 9 different smaller sizes, $2 79 Discount 10 per cent. AGATE EVAPORATING DISHES. Pint, each .... 50 I gallon, each .... Jl 65 4 gallons, each . . . Quart, " . . . . 75 2 " " .... 3 00 5 " "... \ gallon, " . . . . 1 00 3 " " .... 4 00 Discount 10 per cent. £5 75 8 50 ACID DISHES. 1 Yz gallon for d]/ 2 x 8^ plates, each . . $1 75 7 gallons for 14x17 plates, each . . 2^ " 8 x 10 " . . 2 75 Either flat or upright. Any size made to order at $ 1 00 per gallon. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. VARNISH. Buchanan's Special, 6 oz. bottle, 35 cents; pint, 75 cents; quart, $1 50; gallon, $4 50. 6 oz. Pint. Quart. 6 oz. Pint. Quart^ Anthony's Crystal, . . £0 30 $0 65 . . Mountfort's, $ 40 |i 00 75" " Flint, ... 40 1 00 $1 75 Keystone, 50 " Diamond, . 35 1 00 17^ Ground Glass Substitute, 50 Ro.xyline Enamel, 4 oz. bottle, 40 cents, 8 oz. bottle, 75 cents. PERFECT VARNISH CAN AND FILTER. The funnel which acts as a filter, running nearly to the bottom of the can, is constantly in the varnish, and does not get dry. The funnel and filter screw into the can. Price, each $0 50 PEERLESS VARNISH POT AND FILTER. A tin pot as shown in the cut below, with a Filter and Funnel in top , rubber stopper in spout. This pot has been greatly im- proved ; the whole top is slightly sunk, which makes the funnel com- plete. r l he spout is now cut level, allowing the whole (spout and top) to be covered with a single piece of glass instead of the rubber stopper. Put your varnish in clean, flow your plates, and drain surplus var- nish back through the funnel in the top, and you will never be troubled with specks or dirt in it. Pot holds- 16 ounces. Price, each, $0 50 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 171 FLASH LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY. Magnesium Powder, XX PURE. ^ Ter ounce, . . . . Jo 50 " pound, .... 5 00 Try this brand and you ^ Price List of the Scovill Magnesium Cartridges : In silver paper wrappers. 25 2^4 Large, in packages of six, . 1. Small size, in packages of six, 2. Medium, " 40 3 Extra Large, These cartridges cannot be sent by mail. $0 60 7Sl THE STANDARD FLASH LAMP. This lamp gives a continuous or intermitting flash, and having an. Argand flame box insures the com- plete consumption of powder with minimum smoke. It is for amateur or professional use. Two or more of these lamps can be flashed instantaneously from different points. Price #4 5°- W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. PINE'S MAGNESIUM FLASH LAMP. Price of lamp as per cut, complete, with one dozen capsules packed in pasteboard box, with -directions, $2 00 Extra loaded capsules per dozen, 40 THE STANDARD TRIPLE FLASH LAMP. This lamp gives a con- tinuous or intermitting light of intense power and brilli- ancy, and is for lighting theatres or large halls. BRIDGE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC FLASH-LIGHT DIFFUSER With all professional and amateur photo - .rgraphers has been : How to produce — by flash-light — a picture embodying all the character and merit of a day picture, with- out the glaring lights and deep shadows produced by the use of every flash-light jet employed. That problem finds its answer fully in Bridges' Patent Flash- light Diffuser, which gives effects equalling those by daylight and brings out pictures which, for outline, effect and •general character, are unsurpassed by day- Jight action and influence. Price $3 50. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. J 73 CYRUS PROSCH'S STORAGE FLASH LAMP. This magnesium flash lamp differs from all others in that it produces a broad vertical sheet illuminant flame, in size about 6x6 inches. The powder being projected upward into the com- bustion flame, in a thin, broad sheet, it is most thoroughly consumed, thereby producing an intense light, and also greatly lessening the smoke nuisance; and besides the sheet flame is a much more effective illuminant than is produced by any other flash lamp, with the same quality of pure magnesium. The powder is stored (see cut) in the cylindrical chamber which is filled from top by removing cap, and by means of an air blast from the lungs, air bulb, or other source — several lamps may be connected with a reservoir of compressed air — the column of powder is undermined and driven through the fan shaped projector into the — wood, or pure alcohol — ■ combustion flame. Repeated short flashes or a continuous one (until storage chamber is emptied, may be made, the force and duration air blast regulating the flash. The powder feeds entirely automatically, and if finely powdered and dry, will never fail to feed properly. A sheet tin, cardboard, or other suitable reflector, is attachable to base of lamp, by clamping nut on tube nozzle. Dotted line on cut show were provision is made for sliding lamp on a one-quarter inch stand-rod and securing it in place by binding screw. An extinguishing cap is provided, also five feet of three-sixteenth rubber tube. The lamp is thoroughly well made of brass and is nickel plated. Price, $5 00. Extra Magazine, 25, HEMPERLEY'S MAGAZINE FLASH LAMP. Self loading, for use with pure magnesium powder only. Price complete, BLITZ PULVER. A self exploding flash powder, put up in boxes of one charge each. Price per box, $0 60. N. B. Never load a magazine flash lamp with Blitz Pulver, light with taper only. 174 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. EUROPEAN ART COLORS. I ANYONb CAN LtAKN to PAINT Pirr IZl f Alter reading pHuted m.trucMon a ! D P t irI URES f .,, T , he " 8 *"»»>Parent liquid colors are ^ .S, 1 * 1 ' ,r, P'? •trength, adapted expresshr tnr r , ^' e * n " of / White and opaque co!or«. Each hntiL t. . , ^". h Cn, neae. In* how to mtx\nd blend tut coloi" K ' bow - ' «he bottle when nol uelne K»a7? r ,1 p ' h * cork 'o , « on .heet and the labe g on the ?K>?,ul U L' y ,he «n«truc- *// 'uenproduceas lendld eff^ "« '""lea, tne colore will J// "entlrtlst. to be the be.f water r oT n ™ meDded by em »' 4 Warranted raat co.ors%nd ^1,0,^ m * a * r <"**">«. EURO PEAN ART COLORS. — ' r The above is a fac-simile of a white wood box, handsomely finished, cut O. G. shape, size 6x4 inches, containing twelve 1 ounce bottles of assorted colors, with instruction sheet (and brush), giving directions for use, and so simple that almost any one can color Photographs, Engravings, etc., thereby producing a most life-like and splendid effect. Price, $1 50 per box. EGYPTIAN CHEMICAL COLORS. Triple strength. Manufactured expressly for painting photographs, views, etc. ; also used in connection with the Egyptian Transparent Compound for producing the Egyptian Crystal Photograph, :said to be the most life-like picture in the world. No. 1. No. 3. PRICE LIST OF COLORS. Box No. I contains 13 one ounce ( white glass ) bottles of colors and one six ounce bottle compound for mounting photographs on flat or convex glass after they are colored. This is a box with nickel-plated lock and hinges, highly polished, and will cover five thousand imperial size photographs. Price, $6. 00 Box No. 2 contains 9 half-ounce bottles of colors. Polished wood box ^2 50 Box No. 3 contains 9 quarter-ounce bottles of colors. Polished wood box, 1 50 •Single bottles, 30 cents each. Egyptian Transparency Compound, per bottle. ... 75 i75 LIQUID WAT El COLORS, ETC. "Chinese, per box of 12 , *i 20 Anderson's (dry), fitted, per box of 14 1 75 Moist, fitted in tin, " " 12 . 60 ■Cake Water Colors, per cake or box, to order, 20c. to 9 00 THE NEW ACME WATER COLORS. Large box, 18 colors, (including palette), $2 50 Small box, 6 colors, ( amateur box ), . I 00 New Acme Medium, 35 Tinting Colors, 20 shades, separately, each, . . , . . 25 (liiiiiiiilM GRAPHOSCOPES AND STEROESCOPES COMBINED. French. Just the thing you should have on the centre-table to amuse your customers Olive wood, 4^ in. lens, . . . . . . $ 6 00 Rosewood, 6*4 m - lens, Rosewood, 5^ 5/2 9 50 5 2 5 8 25 Ebonized, Black Tm. Carved. 4/2 5/2 6% S/2 512 OO 5 50 8 75 12 50 10 00 THE POCKET STEREOSCOPE. The above Stereoscope is made of solid metal, hand- somely nickel silvered and finished, has a very fine groii"d crystal lens. The photographs arc originally taken from nature, and can be adjusted to suit the eye by sliding back or forth as the occa- sion may require, until the proper focus is obtained ; when every detail of the buildings or scenes will be wonderfully enlarged and fully brought to view. Views of Niagara, Yosemite Valley in California, Utah, Michigan, Colorado, White Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Mauch Chunk, Catskills, &c, the principal views of all cities of America. Switzerland with its mountains and Alpine inhabitants, Italy's excavation of Pompeii, Germany's Rhine and its beautiful surroundings. The original and charming views of Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Constantinople, Rome, Venice, Spain and hundred of others. The various views of the Chicago Exhibition buildings appear through the Stereoscope most beautifully and realistic ; even the miniature details are brought out wonderfully large, and yet the entire Stereoscope and views can easily be carried in the vest pocket. The "Stereoscope" with 12 choice assorted views, enclosed in a strong and handsome box, 4 inches long, 1% inch width and % inch high, all for the small sum of 50 cents per dozen. The " Photographs" are 1)4 inch square, sharp and clearly defined and as stated taken from the originals. Extra Photos are put up in 1 1^ inch square boxes of one dozen assorted photos in box, price, 25 cents per box— 5 boxes ( 60 photos ) $1 OD— 12 boxes ( 144 photos ). $2 CO. 176 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. STEREOSCOPES. No. 1. Walnut, per doz ^2 75 No. 30. Rosewood Sliding, per doz. . . #24 00 No. 3. " " 7 20 No. 35. Olive " " . . 24 00 No. 4. " " 9 60 For parlor or small hall exhibitions, chemical and optical experiments, etc., the Paris Lantern affords, at a moderate price, the greatest number of advantages, and from its simplicity and non-liability to get out of order, gives, even in inexperienced hands, results superior to all others. The No. 1 Paris Sciopticon when packed for carrying, in its own Russia iron case, measures 15 x 10 x 6 inches, and weighs 12 pounds; the case serving as a convenient stand when the lantern is in use. The Case and Body of the Lantern are of Russia iron, and neat and compact in form. That part of the body which surrounds the lamp is double, the outer cover being ornamentally perforated so as to allow a constant current of air to circulate and keep down the temperature. The lamp is of the triple-wick variety, and so constructed that the three flames combine and by the draught of a ten-inch chimney give a brilliant flame. The Condenser is four inches in diameter, neatly mounted in brass, thoroughly ventilated, and arranged with screw flange so that the lenses may be separated and cleaned when required. The Cone, which carries the objectives, and the mount of that lens are nickel-plated. The objective is a double achromotic lens of one and a half inch clear aperture and five-inch focus, so that at a distance of twelve feet from the screen it gives a brilliant picture on disc six feet in diameter. The focus is roughly obtained by sliding the front, carrying both cone and lens ; and fine adjustment by a rack and pinion on the objective. The No. 2 Paris Sciopticon measures, when packed in case for carrying, lS}4 x 12 x and weighs 19 pounds. The objective is a double achromatic lens of 1^ inches clear aperture and inches focus, so that at a distance of about 12 feet from the screen it shows a brilliant picture on disc eight feet in diameter. The lamp has five wicks and is correspondingly more powerful than the lamp •with the No. I Sciopticon. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 177 PHOTOGRAPHIC GELATINE. The various brands of Gelatine mentioned below we can supply at the following prices : Cox's, per dozen, $3 00 Coignet, gold brand, per lb., I 10 Magdebourg, per package, I 00 Nelson's No. I Photo Gelatine, shred, in ^ lb. parcels, per lb., 1 38 " " 2 " " in % lb. " li 1 00 " " 3 " " sheets, in 1 lb. " " 65 " X Amber " " loose, incases, 112 lbs. 1 20 " Special X Patent Opaque, loose, per lb., 2 50 Heinrich's Celebrated Gelatine, per lb , 1 25 Drescher's, per lb., .... I 25 Swiss, per lb. package, 1 25 ARMY PRESCRIPTION SCALE. GEM SCALE. On polished walnut box; scale can be taken apart and packed away in drawer of box ; a well- finished and reliable scale, made in a mechanical way; well adapted for physicians' offices; a full set of weights are included. No. Beam. 0, 8 inch. 1, 7 2, SU " Weights. 2 drachms to j£ grain. Price. $6 00 5 00 3 5o Length of Base, 10 in. Size of Scoop, 7 x in. This scale is adapted for weighing any kind of chemicals is small, light and ornamental. Brass Scoop and Weight Plate. Provided with a set of Solid Brass Weights, 4 oz. and down, which are neatly fitted separately in a platform attached to the base of scale. No. 5, Size of Scoop. 7 x 314 in. Capacity. 8 oz. Price. $6 00 DISPENSING SCALE. (NEW.) LABORATORY SCALE. (NEW.) Handsomely finished scale for rough prescrip- tion work ; has 3^ inch nickel-plated movable pans; a side-beam in front of scale with a sliding weight; this beam is divided into 120 divisions, each division representing one grain; an extra row of metric divisions is placed on bottom edge of beam, each representing one decigram. Plat- form or shelf is attached to base of scale, in which are fitted a set of solid brass Troy weights, 2 oz. and down. Scale sensible to y z a grain. No. 6. Diam. of Pans. 3# in - Capacity. 4 OZ. Price. $8 00 Scale specially suitable for Laboratoty and Pharmaceutical work ; has six-inch nickel pans, which are movable. Scale will carry one pound in each pan ; is sensible to a y 2 grain; has a full set of weights, running from 8 oz. Troy and down to 1 grain; these are neatly fitted in a projecting shelf attached to the base of scale. Metric weights furnished in place of Troy when so desired. No. 7, Diam. of Pans. 6 in. Capacity. I lb. Price. $9 OO i 7 8 TROY BLOCK WEIGHTS. 5 oz. to y 2 grain, io " " 20 U 50 4 00 7 CO 9 00 50 oz. to y 2 grain, IOO " " 200 " " 500 %\2 50 l8 OO 27 OO Si oo TROY CUP WEIGHTS. FIG. 138. 64 ounce to ounce, 32 " " 16 " " S « $9 00 5 5o 4 OO ■z OO 4 ounce to % ounce, $1 50 10 pennyweights to y 2 gr., . . . . 50 V% " " .... 25 HAND SCALES AND WEIGHTS. 8-inch beam for grains, scruples, drams and ounces, . 6 5 for drams and grains, $1 50 75 60 NEW PATENT DISPENSING SCALES. No Weights — Quickly Adjusted. It has a 9-inch nickel-plated beam, neatly mounted on a japanned iron standard. The front end of the beam weighs from I to 30 grains, the other end weighing from one- half to eight drams, or one ounce, and is very accurate. The pan is movable and has no side bar to interfere. We guarantee them in every respect. Price, $5 00. THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S TENT. Person's ordering tents C. O. D. will please send one-half the money in advance. Made of any size to order, and furnished in a few days. Roof made of 8-ounce U. S. A. Standard duck, and ends and side walls of 8-ounce twill. Priced ready for shipment. Wall. Height. Size. Regular. Mildew-proof. 5 feet, 10 feet 12 x 21 $45 00 $5° 00 5 «< 12 " 16 x 21 50 00 60 00 Nine-ounce brown duck dark room, $15 00 extra. W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 179 CHEMICALS. Full weight guaranteed. Acid, Acetic No. 8, . . . . Per lb. #0 18 . " 2 •' 30 " " " • " 5 " 65 " " Glacial, . . . . " 1 « 5° « tt it ■ " Yz " 3° tt tt tt ■ " I oz. 15 *' Citric, . " I " 15 t \a 40 «< a « . a 6 a 1 35 " " Commercial, . . " 1 " 25 :c tt u . " 6 " 7? / j " Nitric C. P 20 • " % " 30 " " " . " I « 40 « it tt . " 7 " 1 75 " " Commercial, . . " I " 30 1 215 " Oxalic, . " 1 » 25 ft tt t£ I oz. 1 0 " Pyrogallic, Schering's, it J tt J j <( 11 << I I ^ ft a it 72 2 2 ^ ft tc ft « J (1 4 0 ft tt ft . " e " 20 00 ft « (< • " IO " 38 00 " Sulphuric CP. . . " I OZ. 15 ft ft ft • " !/ lb 20 ft tt it • " %. " 3° (1 If (( it j It 40 Alcohol, Photo. gS% • • u T crnl 2 80 ft it (( • « y, " 1 t;o ft tc ft /t 80 it tt tt 78 " Wood, for burning, tt j it T 7 C ft Si tt . " l£ " Alum, powdered bulk, . . . " I lb. 15 " Chrome . . . " 1 " 20 Ammonia Sulpho-cyanide, . tt j " Cone. Liquid, . . • " T^lb.' 25 tt tt . « 1 " 35 a tt f /2 00 " Nitrate, fused, . y 2 5 X 7 5 X .8 6^ X 8 X IO IO X 12 ii X 14 14 X 17 18 X 22 CONTACT PRINTS. Black or Sepia. Per doz. Each. Each. from i Neg. Per doz. Size. Unmounted. Mounted. Unmounted. Mounted. $o 08 Jo io $ o 8o $ i 05 IO 12 I OO I 25 10 14 I OO . . . , . . 1 40 12 17 I 20 I 60 15 20 I 40 I 90 20 25 I 90 2 JO 3° 40 3 00 3 75 45 60 4 5° 5 5o 60 80 5 75 7 25 90 1 15 9 OO II OO 1 25 1 55 12 75 16 75 These prices are for plain prints. Vignettes will be 25 per cent, higher than above rates. Pack negatives carefully and send by express. Film negatives may be sent by mail. Note. — Sepia prints are better adapted to landscapes than portraits. COLD BATH SOLAR AND ELECTRIC LIGHT PLATINOTYPES. Size. 8 x 10 10 X 12 1 11 x 14 14 X 17 16 x 20 l8 X 22 20 x 24 22 X 27 Do not send negatives for enlargement. We prefer to make our own. Please give particulars to the following : Vig. or plain ; dark, light or medium print ; water colors, ink or crayon ; and, when possible, the size of face or head. Usually the size of print indicates the size of face, but we cannot be responsible for mistakes when left to our judgment. CONTACT PLATINOTYPES. In Black or Sepia Tones. On heavy cards having an India Tint and Concave Center. These prints are very artistic, almost equaling the effect of a Fine Engraving. We do not make cheap Enlarg Price. Mounted. Size. >o 80 $1 OO 25 x 30 I OO I 25 26 x 32 I OO I 25 30 x 40 I IO 1 35 40 x 50 I 25 1 5o 50 x 70 I 25 1 50 52 x 80 I 40 1 70 52 X IOO 1 75 2 25 Price. Mounted. > 2 OO $ 2 50 2 25 3 00 4 5° 5 5o 7 00 8 50 1 1 OO 13 5o 14 OO 18 00 20 OO 25 00 Size of Size of Each, Per doz. Size of Size of Each, Per doz. Print. Card. Mounted. Mounted. Print. Card. Mounted. Mounted. 4 x 5 8 x 10 $0 20 $2 OO *8 X IO 12^ X 15 #0 50 $ 5 00 *4X x 6/ 2 10 x 12 25 2 50 7/z x 13 14 X 20 75 8 75 *5 x 7 11 x 14 3° 3 00 10 x 12 16 X 20 90 9 25 *5 x 8 II x 14 35 3 5o II x 14 18 X 22 1 25 12 75 *ey 2 x sy 2 12 x 14 40 4 OO 14 x 17 22 X 26 1 5o 15 00 * Can be mounted on Plate Paper mounts if preferred, at the same price, with exception of the 8 x 10 size ; this size will be 60 cts. each, $6 00 per dozen. It is advised that the prints be plain and not vignetted and the negative be fairly strong. Fancy backgrounds can be introduced to advantage, when making the negatives. TWELVE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES. Second Edition, A collection of Photogravures from Representative Negatives by leading photographic artists in this country and abroad. The collection includes : From the From the Negative by Negative by ' No Barrier" F. A. Jackson. El Capitan" W. H." Jackson. Still Waters " . . . . J. J. Montgomery. Surf" James F. Cowee. A Horse Race" . . George Baker. Hi! Mister, may we have some Apples? . . . George B. Wood. Printed on Japanese paper, mounted on boards. Size, ii x 14, tied with silk cord in a specially designed cover, and put up in neat paper box. Price, post paid, $3 00. "Dawn and Sunset" H. P. Robinson "Childhood" H. McMichael. "As Age Steals On" .... J. F. Ryder. " A Portrait Study " B. J. Falk. " Solid Comfort" John E. Dumont. " Ophelia" 11. P. Robinson. 182 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. SCOVILL'S PHOTO PUBLICATIONS. Paper. Cloth. No. I. The Photographic Amateur, #o 50 $1 00 " 4. How to make pictures, [ c 0 7 c " 5. Photography with Emulsions, !*.*.".". 75 1 00 " 7. The modern practice of retouching, c 0 " 8. Spanish Edition of No. 4, " ^ Q L 2 " 9. Twelve Elementary lessons in Photographic Chemistry, c 0 75 " 12. Hardwich's Photographic Chemistry, (Leatherette,) . . 2 00 " 13. 12 Elementary lessons on Printing, ijo " 14. About Photography and Photographers, c Q "ye " 15. The chemical effect of the Spectrum, 25 50 " 16. Picture making by Photography, 7 ij j OQ " 20. Dry-plate making for amateurs, (Leatherette,) c 0 " 22. Photographic printing methods, I 00 " 23. A history of Photography, . . 1 00 " 25. The Photographic Negative, * x QO " 26. The Photographic Instiuctor, I 00 1 So " 27. Letters on Landscape Photography I 50 " 29. The processes of Pure Photography, . 2 00 2 ;o " 30. Pictorial effect in Photography, _ 1 $0 " 31. A dictionary of Photography, 1 So " 32. Practical Photo-micrography, ] 2 50 " 34. The Optical Lantern, . . . 1 00 1 " 35. Lantern Slides by Photographic methods 75 x " 37. Photographic Optics, 100 1 " 38. Photographic reproduction processes, I 00 1 50 " 39. El Instructor Fotografico, i I 00 I 50 " 43. Times Annual and Almanac 1893 ] go 1 00 1 5o 2 5 1 5o ANTHONY'S SERIES OF PHOTO PUBLICATIONS. Paper. Cloth No. I, Lea's Manual of Photography, $3 7S " 2. The Silver Sunbeam, 3 00 " 3. El Rayo Solar (Spanish,) • [ 6 00 " 5. The Ferrotype and how to make it, 1 00 " 6. The Art of Retouching, r 00 " 7. Modern Dry Plates, or Emulsion Photography #30 1 00 " 8. The Art and Practice of Silver Printing, . 30 75 " 9. Burton's Modern Photography, 35 " 10. The ( Photographic ) Studios of Europe, 50 1 00 " 11. Elementary Treatise of Photographic Chemistry, 25 " 12. How to make Photographs, 50 ^ " 13. La Fotografia Hecha Facil, I 00 " 14. Wie Photographische Eilder Gemacht Werden, 1 DO " 15. Comment on Fait Les Photographies, x oo " 17. Como Fazer Photographias, ! OQ " 18. How to Photograph Microscopic Objects, 75 " 19. The Magic Lantern and its Applications 75 " 20. Photography in the Studio and in the Field, ! qo " 21. On the Choice and Use of Photographic Lenses, 50 " 22. Photography for All, 1 00 " 24. Pictures in Black and White ; or, Photographers Photographed, 50 " 26. The Chemistry of Photography, 2 00 " 35. Studies from leading Photographers 5 00 " 36. Photography applied to the Microscope, I 00 " 37- The Optics of Photography and Photographic Lenses, I 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. 183 Published by PERCY LUND &. CO., Bradford, Eng. PHOTOGRAPHY AS A BUSINESS. By II. P. Robinson. To the novice commencing business this practical manual is indispensible. It should also be in the hands of all who desire to improve their business and mature their resources. Twelve chapters. With Frontispiece, Paper Boards, 86 pages. By mail, post-paid, 50 cents. THE PRACTICAL FERROTYPER. by II. Snowden Ward. A complete Instruction Book of the Process. By mail, post-paid, 40 cents. BROMIDE PAPER. Instructions for Contact Printing and Enlarging By Dr. E. A. Just. Translated by Walter E. Woodbury and H. Snowden Ward. Second Edition. Chapters on Preservation of the paper — Cutting and Handling— Exposing — Diffused Daylight — Artificial Lights — Printing Arrangements— Correct Regulations of the Exposure — Development — Developers — Processes after Development — Toning— Calculation of the Exposure— Enlarging Apparatus, etc , etc. With bromide paper frontispiece and upwards of 30 illustrations in the text. Price, post-paid, 50 cents. PHOTOGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS. Price per Copy. Lantern Slides and how to make them, $° 2 5 Flash Lights, and how to make them. Illustrated, 5° Bromide Paper, and how to use it, 2 5 The Knack. Written expressly to help the beginner in perplexity, 25 The Lighting in Photographic Studios, 75 The Photographic Image. Paper Covers, #1 50. Cloth bound, . 2 00 The Ferrotyper's Guide, 75 Art of making Portraits in Crayon on Solar Enlargements, 5° Photography Applied to Surveying. Illustrated. Cloth bound, 2 50 History and Hand Book of Photography. Cloth bound 75 Crayon Portraiture, by J. A. Barhydt. Paper covers, 50 cents, Cloth bound, 1 00 Art Recreations, 2 00 American Carbon Manual. Cloth bound, 5° Manual de Fotogratia, I 00 Secrets of the Dark Chamber, 5° The Photographer's Book of Practical Formulae. Paper covers 75 cents, Cloth bound, .... 1 50 American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype, 2 5 WILSON'S PHOTOGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS. Wilson's Photographic Magazine. Issued first and third Saturdays of each month. Price, $5 00 per year; $2 50 per half year. Subscriptions may begin any time. Cloih. Wilson's Quarter Century in Photography. 528 pages, profusely illustrated, with notes and index, $4 u > Wilson's Photographies. " Chautauqua Edition," with appendix. " Quarter Century." Fully Illustrated with notes and index, 4 co Photo Engraving, Photo Etching and Photo Lithography, 3 00 Essays on Art. Composition, Light and Shade, and the education of the eye, 4 00 The Book of the Lantern. Bound in Cloth, 2 00 Photographic Mosaics. An annual record of Photographic progress. Paper cover, 50 cents, 1 00 PHOTOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES. Subscriptions received for all the leading Photographic Magazines published in the world. Per Annum. "The Practical Photographer" published in London, Eng., contains more useful and original writings than any other photographic journal. Monthly $ 5° " The Photographic Times," published in New York. Weekly 5 00 " Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, " published in New York. Semi-monthly ....... 300 "Wilson's Photographic Magazine" " " " " 5 00 "The St. Louis Photographer" published in St. Louis. Monthly 3 00 « The Eye " published in Chicago. Weekly 2 5° " The American Journal of Photography " published in Philadelphia. Monthly 2 00 W. P. Buchanan, Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. BEST GRADE, WITH PURE GOLD LEAF EDGES. MEDIUM QUARTO ALBUM. NO. 583. Size, 9x11 inches. Fine Nickel Extension Clasp. Bound in finest Moire Antique Silk Plush. Colors: Red, Bronze, Old Gold or Peacock Blue. Interior Imitation Walnut, Decorated Leaves. Openings for 26 Cabinet, 2 Panel, and 16 Card Portraits. Gold Edges. Ivory Ornament on side. Price, $2 25 OBLONG ALBUM No. 426 Size, 9^ x 12^ inches. Fine Nickel E Philadelphia. Jas. F. Magee & Co,, J The Scovill & Adams Co., ") G. Gennert, V New York City. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., j The Eastman Kodak Co., I r> i m ,r - r n ^ U > Rochester, N. Y. Ihe Rochester Optical Co , j The M. A. Seed Dry Plate Co., St. Louis, Mo. Steinbacii & Co., Malmecly, Germany. Percy Lund & Co., Bradford, England. W. P. Buchanan, PHILADELPHIA. Percy Lund & Co. Bradford and London - - - ENGLAND MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALTIES Publishers of "THE PRACTICflli PHOTOGRAPHER" A n Illustrated Monthly Devoted to the Advancement of Photographic Science. SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPY. AMERICAN AGENT W. P. Buchanan PHILADELP HIA Malmedy, Rheinpreussen. f\ U/ord to /Artists We manufacture the finest grade of Photo- graphic Papers made in the world. Our Endless Roll Crayon and Platinotype Papers are used in every civilized country on the globe. Papers for Albumenizing and Aristotype, of our fabrication are unexcelled. The genuine Steinbach Paper can always be had, wholesale or retail, of our agent in Phila- delphia, (JU. P. Buchanan, 1226 Arch Street. Beware of imitations. Yours very truly, Steinbach & Co., PAPER MAKERS. GERMANY. 187 ONE DOLLAR* 5 Sent to the Publishers by a £ new subscriber will obtain "The Photographic Times " for Three Months. The regu- lar subscription price is Five Dollars per annum ; single copy, fifteen cents. " The Photographic Times" Pub- lishing Association, 423 Broome Street, New York. $ ^Jvwelue photographic gtudies SECOND EDITION. A COLLECTION of PHOTOGRAVURES from the BEST REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVES by LEADING PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Tin Collection includes : " Dawn and Sunset" H. P. Robinson. " Childhood " H. McMichael. " As Age Steals On" . : j y Ryder. " A Portrait Study " B. J. Falk. " Solid Comfort " j onn e. Dumont. "Ophelia," H. P. Robinson. " No Barrier " F. A. Jackson. " El Capitan " W. H. Jackson. " Still Waters " j. j. Montgomery. " Surf" James F. Cowee. « A Horse Race " George Barker. " Hi, Mister, may we have some Apples ? " Geo. B. Wood. Printed on Japan Paper, mounted on boards. Size, n x 14, in ornamental portfolio ■envelope. Price, $3.00. Sent post-paid on receipt of Price. A copy of "HOW TO MAKE PHOTOGRAPHS," and a catalogue of Photographic Publications sent post-free to any address, on application. THE SCOVILL & ADAMS COMPANY, Publishers, 423 Broome Street, NEW YORK CITY. 1 88 ,0 IDEAL Brand ' TRADEMARK " i DEAL >EX. BRILL. i of foctra Brilliant /Ubu/nen paper No pinholes, no bad edges, no waste. Every sheet is double albumenized and warranted perfect from edge to edge. It excels all others in bril- liancy, uniformity, fine printing and toning qualities. For Safe by W. P. BUCHANAN, PHILADELPHIA. And Photographic Stock Dealers in General WUESTNER'S New Orthochroxnatic Plates Are the First in Rank and proclaimed by the highest authority and our best amateurs as a plate The Equal of which has as yet NOT been before our Profession. WUESTNER'S Regulars are Unsurpassed. Our New ( x t? x ) Triple X is in speed as quick as any plate made and has the same quality and brilliancy as our Regulars. If you want the best buy WUESTNER'S LANTERN SLIDE PLATES Tlie jPirst Prizes at our latest conventions — Boston, Washington and Buffalo — were carried off by Photographers using our Plate. Ever since the Plates were placed upon the Market they have held their reputation as the Leaders. JUST OUT Wuestner's " Imperial" Non-Halation Plates Can't be beat for Interior Photography. No more Halation. Try Them. Wuestner's Jw Eagle Dry Plate WorRs 22, 24 and 26 JACKSON PLACE, JERSEY CITY, N. J. 190 m ^ftftOVV BRA* 40 Seed Sky Plate Co s SPECIALTIES. UNIFORM AND RELIABLE. ST. LOUIS OFFICE : 2005 Lucas Place. NEW YORK OFFICE . 57 East Ninth St." SEED DRY PLATES. Size. Price per doz. No. of Dozen in Case. #0.45 36 4 x 5 •65 3° •75 26 4# x .90 30 4^ x 6^ 1. 00 25 5 * 7 1. 10 25 5 x 8 1-25 24 6% x 8^ 1.65 15 7 x io 2.10 12 8 x io 2.40 1 2 IO X 12 380 3 &J4 x 14 4 5° 3 II x 14 5.00 3 14 x 17 9.00 2 16 x 20 12.50 17 x 20 13.00 l8 X 22 15 5° 20 x 24 18.50 I 5}i Circle. 1.20 25 6^ Circle. 1.60 15 Seed Negative ^ Positive Celluloid Films. TREATED IN EVERY RESPECT LIKE SEED PLATES Coated with Nos. 23 and 26 Sensto Emulsion Size, 2,% x 4X P rice P er doz -> $°-55 " 4 x 5. . : " . , " .80 " 4- 1 / x $y 2 " " 1.00 " 4*/ x 6yi ..... . " " 1. 10 " 4^ x 6% " " 1.20 " 5 ' x 7 " , " Mo "5x8 " " 1-55 • si 6y % sy " " 2.10 "8 x 10 :1 " 3 00 • "10 xi2 " " 4-75 "11 x .14 " " 6.25 All larger sizes made io order only at 25 per cent, additional to price of plates. SEED'S DEVELOPERS. "READY FOR USE." EIKONOGEN AND HYDROQUINONE. CONTENTS OF CASES 8 ounce Bottle 3° cts. each - 24 Bottles. 16 « 60 " 12 " 22 « 1. 10 - 12 : " • SEED'S PATENT TRANSPARENT VIGNETTERS. SEVEN DIFFERENT SHAPES FOR CARD, CABINET AND BOUDOIR NEGATIVES. 5x7 per dozen, #3.50 5x8 per dozen, $4.00 SEED'S VARNISH. for positives; for use cold. 6 ounce Bottle . each, $0 40 Pint Bottle each, $1 00 SEED'S CELLULOID EMBOSSED ART PANELS. 6% x 8. Seven different patterns, for Card and Cabinet Pictures per dozen, $4 50 FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. 191 It is now a well recognized Fact that Orthocromatic Photography has come to stay, and the other important fact is daily becoming more widely known that Cat*butt's Orthoehromatie Plates Celluloid J^ilms Being the first in the American Market, have a Time Tried and Tested Value possessed by no others. Without a peer IN PORTRAITURE IN LANDSCAPE FOR COPYING OIL PAINTINGS IN MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY They are fast displacing the Plain Bromide Plate with advanced Professional Photographers For all purposes of General Photography. PRICES SAME AS ORDINARY PLATES. Carbutt's Dry Plates and Flexible Films are to be obtained from all Dealers in Photo. Materials. Send to Factory for reduced Price List and list of Brands. For Sale by W. P. BUCHANAN, and Dealers generally. MANUFACTURED BY JOHN CARBUTT (Pioneer Manufacturer of Gelatino-Bromide and Orthoehromatio Plates in America.) KEYSTONE WAYNE JUNCTION, DRY PLATE AND FILM ™ -1 J 1 1 • works Philadelphia. 193 the "Popular" Brand • • TH6 • • EAGLE B L B U HI E H PAPER Still Keeps its Place as Leader IT IS SUPPLIEDHLDEHSE, PINK, NEW ROSE, DARK PINK, WHITE, PEARL BY ALL DEALERS IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN DEVELOPERS AMIDOL, The Latest and Most Energetic De- veloping: Agent, Saving one third the Time of Exposure and -working without the Addition of a Carbonate. Danger from hogging Plates almost Entirely Removed. SEND FOR FORMUL/E TO C. CENNERT, sole agent 54 EAST 10th STREET, NEW YORK FOR S-A-XjE B^Z" . . . W. P. BUCHANAN, PHILADELPHIA. 194 Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1892 TO OUR FRIENDS AND \io. 1324 i* HA FOR INFORMATION : M/DITt II X \WE SHALL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU W R II L U O WHAT WE CAN DO. THE SPRAGUE & HATHAWAY CO., West Somerville, Mass. ESTABLISHED 1874 INCORPORATED 1890 197 The Premier Camera. a mA^VEii op simPwciTY. WITH IT YOU CAN USE GLASS PLATES, CUT OR ROLL FILMS PRICE, ONLY $18.00 AI.SO MADE WITH SWING BACK AND RISING FRONT, PRICE, $20.00. THE UNIVERSAL cellence not found in any other instrument. It is very light and compact, yet has extra long bellows. The workmanship is of the highest grade, and no pains are spared to make every point as near Perfection as possible. SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE. I^oghestbi^ Optical (Company, ROCHESTER, N» Y, *9§ James p. ]V[agee &Co. JSlo. 622 f*RCE STREET PHlllADEIlPHIfl For over THIRTY YEARS, manufacturers of PURS NTTRATE STIVER -^-CHUORTDE GOUD and other Photographic preparations OVH filT^ATE SILkVEH IS R STRfUDR^t) flt^TICLlE It has been tested by Chemical Experts, who have pronounced it Strictly Pure. Refiners and Smelters of Photographic Silver and Gold Wastes and the Residues of SIIiVE^ RfUD GOIiD PliRTE^S, JEWEIiEf^S, BOO^nMflDE^S, 8te. N. B. — Our suggestions about saving waste have given general satisfaction. A circular forwarded upon application. 199 Legation of the United States, Caracas, Feb. 17th, 1892. Harvard Dry Plate Co. Cambridge, Mass. Dear Sir:--It gives me great pleasure to recommend, (unsolicited) the "Harvard Dry Plate "for tropical use. It is the only plate I have yet found that does not strip and frill in warm lati- tudes. It is clean, clear and rapid, and I most cheerfully recommend it to Amateurs or others who are contemplating a voyage in the tropics. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, RICHARD M. BARTLEMAN, Secretary of Legation of the U. S. Newport, R. I., July 14, 1892 The Harvard Dry Plate Co., 25 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. Gentlemen: --The dozen 10 x 12 Harvard plates sent me some time ago for trial turned out to be the best plates I have used so far this year; much better than any of the other six (6) makes that I have tried. Yours truly, FRANK H. CHILD, Official Photographer to U. S. Navy Department. 200 LAFAYETTE W. SEAVEY'S Backgrounds jg! Accessories. * ». IS t i ' <3> * 1 x r i it I S* «. s & & ! ! & $ * a a «" k.' • 5 S i A new building, erected May, 1889, gives perfect facilities, and all photographers visiting New York are cordially invited to call and inspect the premises. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. Our list of Designs now numbers nearly 1,200 different styles. This list is constantly being en- larged, as new styles and designs are produced almost every week. Every Aid to Artistic Photography in Backgrounds and Accessories can be obtained at our Studio, and, considering the Time, Care, Thought and Skill bestowed upon their production, are offered at very Reasonable Prices. We have many Novelties in Screens, Carved Chairs, Plastic Effects, licturesque Exterior Accessories, Rembrandt Clouded Interior Group and Continuous Backgrounds. We send a Large Line of Samples, accompanied by Cabinet Photographs, showing the goods used in combination and illustrating artistic poses, to any Photographer who sends us his business card or a cabinet photograph. These Samples are sent prepaid by Express, with the understanding that they are not to be used for copying, and on the condition that they are to be promptly returned by Express, prepaid. — »"*>-4r CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. >-"V — Write and say what you want. If we haven't it, we can make it for you. Order through your Stock House or write direct. Cafay^tte Wf. Seau^y, Cor. Walton Ave. and Cheever Place, NKW YORK, XJ. S. A. E,#H, T, Anthonys Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICALS # SUPPLIES required by professional or Amateur Photographer. Detective or Hand Cameras of the newest and best styles. New cameras in great variety. Outfits and Equipments to Suit all Tastes sole agents for DALLMEYER'S CELEBRATED LENSES N. P. A. Albumen Paper,— the extremely popular AMERICAN "ARISTO" PAPER The best makes of tripods, shutters, dark room lamps, flash lamps, &c, &c. Free use of dark room on main floor of store. 591 BROADWAY NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Carry a full and varied assortment of ALL GOODS ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 50 YEARS SEND FOR CATALOGUE ■ ROCHESTER CAMERAS the LATEST and BEST Examine TIHIIEIM: "STOTXZR DEiLLEES ROCHESTER CRIIIERfl R1FG. CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. 203 - BAMBOO FURNITURE - - This is a new and Beautiful Line of goods in Unique Designs selected especially for Photo. Studios. They are strong and well made, and will command admiration wherever shown. Prices are Extremely Low as indicated below. EACH. No. 359 Easy Chair, $6 oo " 316 Moorish Chair, 10 00 " 317 Norman Chair, 6 50 EACH. No. 468 Venetian Stool, $6 00 " 33 8 Japanese Cor. Chair, . . . 7 00 " 441 Venetian Stool, 5 00 JAS. H. SMITH & CO., Chicago. EACH. No. 439 Bamboo Pedestal, . . . . $5 00 " 280 Ningpoo Fan Chair, ... 4 75 " 15 Corner Chair, 5 S° " 74 Reception Chair^ .... 4 50 For Sale by all Dealers. No. 5. — A Neat Design for Printing on feacks of Cabinet Cards. (For Printing Prices see Page 154 ) 205 The Platinotype (Patented.) Simpler than ever ! The developer is now - used COLD instead of HOT. If Photographers wish to make a display for the World s Fair, THAT WILL BE NOTICED, print only in Plat- inotype. Platinotypes have no gloss, and are the only Prints suitable for Ex- hibition Purposes. Address for Particulars Willis & Clements, 39 South Tenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. HEAVY PLATINOTYPE CARDS lasrxDi^. tint ^.nsriD coi>to-a-"ve ce^tee. These cards are in two shades, Cream White and Chamois, and are without beveled edges. They add greatly to the effectiveness of both Portraits and Landscapes, in Platinotype. ■■ In ordering, the letter and shade of Card need only be mentioned Size of Prints. Size of Tint. Size of Card. Price per D A 4^5 AH x 5X 8 x IO $0 60 B Cabinet A)i * 6^ 10 X 12 75 C 5 x 7 5i 7 «* 7 % 11 x 14 85 D 5x8 S/2 * Sl4 - 11 x 14 85 E 6/ 2 x 8/ 2 7*9. 12 x 14 1 00 F 8 x 10 X 15 1 20 G 7'A x 13 8 xi 3 ^ 14 x 20 2 50 H 10 X 12 IOX X I2 ' 4 16 x 20 3 00 I II x 14 ll# x 14^ 18 X 22 3 5o Price per 100. $4 OO 5 00 5 5o 5 5° 7 00 8 25 18 00 20 60 26 00 100 or less 52.25 embossing ijvipgnsrr ON PLATINOTYPE CARDS Cards 10 x 12— I2^x 15. In lots of 600 700 800 300 i-75 1.50 400 500 900 1-25 1. 10 1. 00 .90 •75 .70 In lots of 100 or less Cards 14 x 20—18 x 22. 200 300 y?4-75 3.00 2.50 400 500 2.00 1.70 In the first order there will be a charge of $6.00 net for engraving die, from which electrotypes cannot be furnished- All dies to remain the property of the manufacturers. We strongly advise the use of a steel stamp for marking the name on the cards. One Stamp .will answer for all the different size cards. The cost of a steel stamp will be 75 cents per letter. W. P. BUCHANAN PHILADELPHIA. SEED'S NON-HALATION PLATES. 3X 4 A% A l A aYa 5 SIZES. x A% * 5 x SVz x 6^ x 6^ x 7 Price Price Price Per Doz. SI? ES. Per Doz. s JZES. Per Doz. . . . $0 55 5 x 8 . • • $1 55 1 1 j E 14 • • $ 6 25 . . . 80 x sy 2 . . . 2 10 14 3 I 17 . . . 11 25 . . • 9° 7 X 10 . . 2 70 16 5 c 20 . • • 15 75 . . . 1 10 8 X IO . . 3 00 17 2 C 20 . • 16 25 ... 1 20 10 X 12 • • 4 75 18 3 C 22 . . . 19 50 . . . 14° 8^ x 14 . • • 5 75 20 2 c 24 . • • 23 50 Made only by the ZML A. SEED JDTZIZr PLATE COMPANT. 207 Convenient Condensed Price-List of - - - COLLINS' POPULAR CABINET CARDS PRICE PER IOOO. Square Round Corners. Corners. No 9 Maroon -Gray 9 Dark Colors 18 26 Light 'l ints . 26 Dark Colors 36 42 45 Black-Gray . 45 Maroon-Gray 46 5o • 53 Prepared . . 54 Prepared . . 55 Prepared . . 56 58 58 Maroon-dray 59 60 65 66 66 Maroon . . 67 Maroon-Grav 67 68 70 Prepared . . 7' 73 Dark " ... 73 Maroon both sides 78 Maroon-Gray . . 78 78^ ...... . . 87 91 Light 1 ints 91 Dark 'l ints 92 93 99 105 106 in ...... M3 •" 115 116 ..... 123 123 1 24 127 Light Tints Dark Tints ib 5° 1 1 00 i> 5° 10 00 8 00 8 5° 1 2 5° 14 5° 8 00 8 5° 1 1 00 11 50 ( S 50 9 00 7 00 7 50 7 5° 8 75 14 50 4 50 5 00 12 75 L5 25 12 00 1 1 50 9 50 10 00 7 2 5 7 75 7 75 8 25 7 00 7 50 3 50 4 00 10 5° 1 1 00 1 1 5° 1 2 50 15 00 14 50 00 iS 50 10 00 18 7 5o 5° 20 00 23 00 14 50 14 5° 17 00 8 5° 9 00 L5 5o 3 2 50 36 3° 10 00 10 5° 8 5° 9 00 13 5° 7 00 10 75 10 75 7 50 8 00 5 75 6 25 12 00 20 00 2 3 80 11 00 1 2 00 PRICE PER IOOO. No. Square Corner*. 128 . : IX 129 ....... . 130 131 157 160 . . . .v. >:>>'•■ 167 . . 168 . 169 170 171 10 25 172 11 50 173 • .^'.■v~~.;, : $ggfc| 174 175 176 180 184 187 189 198 ■ ..... 205 13 00 210 i'.vvi 212 900 217 13 00 221 . ,;; ' , 222 II OO 225 . ■•ijf.-y 'X^"v? : if*^.; :'; 227 II 00 231 ... ^, . X'v < io 50 " 50 1 1 50 5 75 8 50 233 251 252 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 310 34i 34i 1 644 647 653 9 Li Round Corners. 9 5o 3 75 4 25 5 00 5 5o 3 75 4 25 18 80 6 50 7 00 4 25 4 75 5 75 6 25 8 00 9 5o 9 5o 10 50 13 50 6 25 9 00 12 50 14 00 22 50 7 00 12 00 12 00 9 5° 8 50 10 00 5 50 4 25 7 5o 9 25 4 25 7 50 9 25 4 25 7 5° 9 00 8 50 9 00 6 5<> 7 00 9 00 9 5o 4 00 6 25 5 00 25 3 75 5o 8 00 SUPPLIED BY W. P. BUCHANAN 1226 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA Send for our Descriptive CARD STOCK Catalogue. 208 Users of Photograph ^J^HE surface of a card, which is all you see, tells nothing as to its composition ; yet, what lies under the surface, beyond your ken, may be of such a character as to impair the value of the picture mounted upon it. Hence the wisdom in purchasing all your CARD MOUNTS of Manufacturers who, through long years of experience, have established a reputa- tion for skill, ability and integrity. The oldest house in the Photographic Card business is A. M. Collins Manufg Co. PHILADELPHIA tnd all cards, the product of this ll>\o ma y De relied upon as being ; just as represented, having behind ;he guarantee of a reputation which growth of nearly one half a Century. 205 I J