/ MAGNIFICENT EFFECT S AT FONTHILL ABBEY, WILTS. CWilliam BccKfordJ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, ON THE PREMISES, 1 03^2^} ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1822, AND NINB FOLLOWING DAYS," (SUNDAY excepted) BEGINNING EACH DAY PUNCTUALLY AT TWELVE o'CLOCK. The Abbey and Grounds may be Viewed after the 1st of July, by Cards, wliich, {Cw- I with Catalogues, may be had (at One Guinea each) of Mr. Clark, Hookseller, Bond Street, London : as also at the Beckford Arms, Fonthill: Lamb Inn, v CVtL Hindon : of Messrs. Browdie and Dowding, Salisbury: at the Lord's Arms, Wo v.V> r Warminster: Deptford Inn, Wiley : York House, Bath : Bush Tavern, Bristol : New London Inn, Exeter: Crown, Blandford : Mr. Ruttee, Bookseller, Shafts- bury. Catalogues also may be had of Mr. Hitchcock, on the Single, <:t Amsterdam: at Mr. Nienwenhuys's, Brussells: at Mr. Galignam's Office, Paris: and of Mr. Christie, Pall Mall, London. (Resclocdulaci -for Oct. 0 CONDITIONS OF SALE. [. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so n dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is.— Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proper- tion. ffl. "^fKr^^^vi^iii Wesknd Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the *itl JfirfJ ^t^ound, in par^^tR^a|ia^6f the Purchase Money, if required, in deJ»i«M)f nldu^ 9ri>which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put upag^n|§(^5^g(jld. Sdoidjs3 'Ji'i OJ JbdijimbB ijOB b9vi989iq gaol 8BW daldw JoniV VI. irpon Failar%i8Fil^rrifR4ft'^ v^fe^tliE atfot^eJ6«rifiitiiM«®e5ft|Drj:e^Sfpj)ffte^^ of ' ' payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots undeare^ wltMn the,^;g|9i^fforesai4 .sh?U be re-sold by public or private Sale; ^ind the .de|if4en^y^^j|nyj^^|tte|ldi^j such -■'X.i AdAd TO ewyiTiavioo The following Catalogue, it is hoped, may satisfy the first enquiries of the Virtuosi, whose curiosity will have been excited by the notice given, that the Abbey of Fonthil! is about to be thrown open for the inspection of the Public, previous to the intended Sale of a considerable part of its Rarities and very precious Effects. But, as the quantity of these will be found too considerable, and the articles too various, for their several features to be distinguished on a first inspection of these pages ; it is here, therefore, briefly premised, that The Collection of Pictures comprises the Laughing Boy by L. da Vinci, which was long preserved and admired in the Cabinet of the famous Earl of Arundel ; the Sibylla Lybica by Lod. Carracci, formerly in the Lans- down Collection ; (Job and his Friends, the famous Santa Croce Master- piece of Sal. Rosa ;) the Poulterer's Shop by G. Dow, and several precious Gems by Berghem, Mieris, V. Huysum and other Masters, from the Chojseuil and Praslin Cabinets, besides chef d'ceuvres from various distinguished Collections. ( iv ) The Assemblage of Porcelain will surprise by the quantity as well as beauty of the Specimens, which are of the finest Oriental, and of the old Seve, and other European Manufactures : that of the old Japan Lacquer upon Wood is without rival in this or any other Country. It will exhibit unexpected examples of the Ingenuity and Taste of the Japanese in this very delicate and admirable branch of Manufacture 3 especially a Coffer of Japan, incrusted with animals of solid Gold and Silver, formerly the property of Cardinal Mazarin, and a casket of extreme beauty, which formed a principal ornament of the collection of Madame de Pompadour. The Sculptured Vessels of Topaz, Sardonyx, Agate, and Crystal, are numerous. One of them, in particular, is presumed to be fcojcrj the tool of some Asiatic Greek Artist of the times of Classic Antiquity— others are Sculptured by Benvenuto Cellini, or mounted with his exquisite Jewellery and Chasings. Among the Ivory Carvings will be found undoubted Specimens by Flamingo, Magnus Berg, Strous, and other great Artists in that line. The Armoires contain a sumptuous display of ancient Silver-Gilt Vessels, such as Sideboard Dishes, Ewers and Salvers, one of which belonged to K. Charles I. ; others are of Moorish and Persian Chasing, a great number of rich and massive Silver-Gilt Candlesticks were designed by Moette, and executed by Auguste. ( V ) The Furniture comprises Cabinets of Buhl, and Ebony with the finest Florentine Mosaic, of Japan, and other costly Materials, including one very beautiful, designed by Bernini, and another by Holbein from the Palace at Whitehall; as also, a Set of Ebony Chairs, from Esher, which belonged to Cardinal Wolsey; and above all, a Magnificent Table of Florentine Mosaic, of extraordinary dimensions, inlaid with Marbles, of the Time of the Medici, formerly preserved in the Borghese Palace : the finest in Europe for Size and the disposition of its valuable materials An Inspection only of this vast Assemblage of Articles of Taste and Magnificence can convey a true Notion of their Splendour and Beauty. They derive interest, many of them, from historical Anecdote, and all, from the enchanting Effect of the Building in which they are contained. Every article will be found worthy of the fine Taste which projected and reared the very beautiful ABBEY OF FONTHILL. A CATALOGUE OP THE MAGNIFICENT EFFECTS AT FONTHILL. M^^i B^Uf TUESDAY, OCTOBER the 1st, 1S22, , Bcginniag precisely at TWELVE o'clock. CHINA. 1 Six Japan heron-pattern embossed dishes 2 Twelve burnt-in dishes in compartments, flowered 3 Twelve ditto ditto 4 Sixteen ditto^ enamelled with insects and birds 8 FIRST day's sale. 5 Seven embossed soup plates with plants and rich borders 6 Eighteen dishes, various, small 7 A tea and coffee set (French), g tea cups and saucers, 5 coffee ditto, bason and sugar bason 8 Two Japan bottles, burnt-in foliage and blue flowers 9 Nine chocolate cups and saucers of egg-shell China, blue lotus pattern 10 Two butter pots on feet, and a bason, cover and stand, of Japan — rare and fine 11 An OVAL CUP of ORIENTAL SARDONYX with Crystallizations, mounted on 4 stems of double goat's feet and foliage, on a solid pedestal of or-moulu 12 An oval cup of brown Agate, as a font : mounted in silver gilt, with mask handles chased and engraved, and set with l6 oriental garnets 13 Six japan cups and saucers, red and gold, with landscapes 14 Four basons various 15 Two ditto and covers, and 2 cups and saucers 16 A tea pot and stand, 7 figured egg shell cups and saucers, 5 of one pattern, 2 of a different 17 Two basons and covers, sea-green mandarin 18 Two extremely rare BLACK and GOLD JAPAN SALVERS with the Fung- Hoang and foliage. — N.B. These ^ne pieces came from the collection of the Due de Bouillon 19 A very rare specimen of the basket-work Japan, ornamented with flowers in relief, of the finest kind, the inside gilt, from the Duchess of Portland's Museum 20 Two Raphael ware plates with historical paintings 21 Two fine enamelled dishes scalloped 22 Two octagonal burnt-in dishes, blue and gold, with flowers FIRST day's sale. *22 A metal gilt basso relievo, (the Annunciation,) of fine Italian design, in a carved and gilt frame - . 23 One large Japan bowl,. cover and dish .,(:, 24 Eight egg-shell cups and saucers, and basoti 25 A pair of superb Japan dishes, with shaped edges 26 An inlaid ebony teak-wood and ivory large chest,, with or-nioulu ornaments 27 Six melange coffee cans and stands r^^* s "^^^ ^S" Tw^'blue bottles and 2 red and gold cupa— extra; fiae 29 Nine enamelldd plates 30 Fifteen burntiirt plates, viz. 6 and 9 ' 3 1 Two cylindrical China bottles, red enamelled, withjigures 32 A pier glass with frame of Marqueterie, the plate 24 by ^0 Inches 33 An ebony Pembroke table on castors, with solid twisted legs, the top brass bound 34 Five basons various 35 A very curious egg-shell lanthern, damaged 36 Three fine Japan jars and covers, flowers and birds, with rich border, viz. 2 and 37 Three pairs of Japan plates, of finest quality 38 Four dishes variops^.^ _ , _ ^..^ ^ 3g A rare blue and gold bowl and stand with enamelled Ijor^^r^ . 40 Two finely enamelled flat bowls, oval, richly enamelled 41 An olive-ground bottle, 7«oM«^(?c? w'M or-waw/i* 42 Two Japan basons with medallions on engraved and gilt stands 43 Ten burnt-in China plates, very rich in colour 44 Two of the scarce and gold Dresden tworhandled chocolate cups and saucers, painted with medallions, landscapes and gold bordeis B 10 FIRST day's sale. 45 Two very rare Japan cups mounted as milk and sugar buckets with silver rims, gilt and chased *45 A mythological subject, in coloured enamel, upon copper, framed 46 Two matchless Japan dishes (12 inches) richly enamelled and painted with birds, flowers and figures 47 A Pei'sian ware tazza and 2 plates 48 Twelve burnt-in plates 49 Nine enamelled plates, green, with flowers 50 Two very fine Japan flasks, 8 inches high 51 A gold Japan tray with fans, and mosaic ground 52 A very singular ditto, the ground of a curious wood artlflc'iaUy waved, with storks in various attitudes on the shore, mosaic border and avanturine back, from the museum of the Duchess of Portland 53 A small cabinet of black and gold Japan, with treiliis door, and a drawer 54 A ditto, the companion 5 A RICH and HIGHLY ORNAMENTED CASKET of the very rare gold JAPAN, completely covered with figures, flowers and landscapes, mounted with hinges and locks in solid gold delicately chased, and with a tray of avanturine. From the collection of the Prince Charles of Lorraine 56 Hayter. ... A small landscape in oils, with a figure, sun set 57 Bauer ....A sea port with a multitude of figures-a high-finished drawing in water colours, framed and glazed 58 An OVAL CUP of red and yellow JASPAR, scalloped in 8 divisions engraved, the mounting silver gilt, incrusted with l6 turquoises and 4 vermilions 59 An EXTRAORDINARY large specimen of ORIENTAL SCULPTURED JAD, scalloped in 8 divisions, with raised lotus leaves, and handles, and a foot formed of an eight-leaved rose FIRST day's sale. 11 60 A BEAUTIFUL CUP of yellow AGATE inclining to jaspar, very delicately sculptured ; mounted in gold, enanaelled, white and green 61 Two extremely rare bottles with chimaeras and plants, mounted in silver *61 A square horizontal-ribb'd work-box and cover, of black and gold Japan, orna- mented with a fan and 3 leaves encircled alternate, with 4 legs attached to the sides of the box, strongly mounted with or-moulu chased 62 Two sea-green bottles with handles, and black borders 63 Four fine EGG-SHELL PLATES, red underneath tcith flowers and hutterfiies 64 Four two-handled cups and saucers, shaped, pencilled with gold and flowers 65 Two very delicate sea-green shaped bottles, mounted with or-moulu, 1 1 inches high 66 Two very precious bottles, blue and gold, with birds and flowers, enamelled, iu compartments, mounted with silver 67 Two Japan China basons, of a very rare kind, mounted on or-moulu stands 68 A CUP in the shape of a SHELL, of ROCK CRYSTAL, delicately ornamented with intaglio arabesque foliage, with handles, massively mounted in enamelled gold. From the Garde Meuble of the King of France 69 An ORIENTAL SCULPTURED TAZZA of LAPIS LAZULI, mounted in silver gilt, and set with lapis lazuli intaglios (see the inside). From the Garde Meuble of the late King of France 70 A ditto ditto 71 A PLATEAU of ROCK CRYSTAL, with border of gold, enamelled on a silver frame with 8 scroll ornamental legs 72 A PERSIAN JAD VASE and COVER, inlaid with flowers and ornaments, com- posed of oriental rubies, and emeralds on stems of fine gold 73 Two fine illumined missal drawings in one black and gold frame 12 FIRST day's sale. 74 Two Japan octagonal dishes, enamelled in compartments 75 Two figured egg-shell jars 76 Three pairs of (buff ground) enamelled cups and saucers 77 Three noble Japan basons 78 Twelve burut-in China plates 79 Six plates of red Japan lacquer, on wood, with landscapes on the borders 80 Twenty-four fine OLD SEVE desert plates 81 A high-finished miniature drawing of a Holy Family, and a portrait : one of those with which the Patents of the Venetian nobility were usually embellished 82 A small landscape by Breughel 83 A small miniature painting after Titian, by Stella 84 A curious painting by PETER PETERSZ BREUGHEL, the conflagration of Troy — a choice specimen of this scarce master 85 A picture by FRANKS, representing the Temptation of St. Anthony 86 A picture by OLD BREUGHEL, representing a fSte-a singular specimen of his first manner 87 An extremely curious enamel on copper, in three divisions, the centre representing the Descent from the Cross, and Daniel and St. Paul in the side compart- ments, in an ebony frame 88 A desert service of Japan pattern , viz. 20 plates and 8 comportiers 89 A tea set of Japan pattern, viz. 10 cups and saucers, bason, sugar pot and 4 plates 90 Four egg-shell basons and covers, finely pencilled m figures and landscapes 91 Six choice Japan cups and saucers, 3 pairs 92 Five French cabinet cups and saucers, small FIRST day's sale. 13 93 A wash-hand bason and bottle, enamelled with figures 94 Two incrusted ware bottles, 2 turquoise-coloured figures, and 1 cliocolate cup and cover, with gold flowers, embossed 95 A curious tea pot and I ditto of crackled enamelled China pG A ditto ditto mounted in silver, and 1 ditto, blue and gold 97 A large Japan jar and cover (repaired) 98 Two rare and fine rose-coloured enamelled jars, 99 Sixteen plates of EGG-SHELL CHINA, delicately pencilled in landscapes 100 Six very old, green and red enamelled plates 101 A SINGULARLY CURIOUS and very ANCIENT ENAMEL ON COPPER, in three divisions, representing- the Descent from the Cross, the Entombment, and Christ in the Garden ; in a frame of solid ebony, expensively carved and gilt. — This very interesting article is of the time of Louis XI [. End of the First Day's Sale. 15 mm^ ^aUf WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER the 2d, 1822. To begin punctually at TWELVE o'Clock. CHINA. 1 XwO fine dishes of RAPHAEL'S ware 2 Four embossed sea-green fruit plates, with waved edges 3 Three Japan dishes, finely enamelled within and without 4 Ten gold china cups and saucers, with wreaths of roses 5 Two very fine OLD CHELSEA cups, gold ground, with pheasants on boughs, with fruit a;nd flowers, on Brocatella plinths, mounted with or-moulu 6 Two old Seve butt«r-tubs and plates 7 A Seve cabinet cup and saucer, 2 ditto and turquoise tray, with birds 8 Two shaped trays very curious, 5 enamelled cups and saucers 9 Six plates, imitatio»n of Dresden 10 Two boxes and 3 pEeces of modelled red ware, and 2 stone sculptured bottles 11 A small PORTRAIT by HOLBEIN, on a green ground, of LE COMTE D'HERTFORD, afterwards the Protector, Duke of Somerset 16 SECOND day's sale *1 1 A fine bason of old Japan, on or-moulu rim, with feet of foliage of the same 12 A view in the interior of a church, by Steenwyck 13 A portrait, by HOLBEIN, of Francois Dauphin de Viennois, afterwards Francis the Ild. Companion to Lot 1 1 1 4 An old and curious sea-green bottle and an inkstand 15 Two curious blue and white bottles, and 2 black, and 1 two-handled buff cups 16 Two large dragon bowls, enamelled, of old Japan china 17 Five desert dishes of fine old enamel 1 8 Six enamelled plates, with landscapes and flowered borders 19 Eight extremely rare embossed Japan dishes, with scalloped borders 20 Ten enamelled plates, viz. 6 octagonal and 4 round ditto, crimson and gold. Cock pattern 21 A LARGE OVAL ENGRAVED ROCK CRYSTAL CUP, with the figure of a Syren, carved from the solid block, and embracing a part of the vessel with her wings, so as to form a handle ; from the ROYAL COLLECTION of FRANCE 22 An OVAL CUP and COVER of ORIENTAL MAMMILLATED AGATE, richly marked in arborescent mocoa, elaborately chased and engraved in a very superior manner ; an unique article 23 A two-handled broth bason, cover, and stand, painted with insects 24 Two red and pencilled gold egg-shell jars, with figures 25 One white and gold ditto ditto ditto 26 Two mazarine blue and gold dishes 27 Twelve burnt-in plates with rich borders 2S A large box and cover of gold japan, ornamented with flowers, the inside of avanturine SECOND day's sale. 29 A portrait of an Ambassador from the Emperor of Morocco to his Britannic Majesty in 1 682. A highly-finished miniature in water-colours. See the description in the upper comer of the painting 30 A pair bf saiall CANTEENS of JAPAN, in imitation of the grain of wood, witk trays, compartments, and cassolettes ; from the Collection of the Due de Bouillon 31 A pair of hexagonal ditto, with four compartments and trays, with birds and plants upon a dead gold ground, and a cassolette on the top of the cover ; from the same Collection as the No. 30 32 A gold Japan box, covered with birds, and waved ground, the inside avauturine : iisiq ball- a very fine specimen 33 Fourteen burnt-in plates with rich borders 34 Two lapis lazuli-blue cylindrical jars, pannelled with flowers and birds 35 A fine enamelled bason and bottle, mounted in or-moulu, engraved 36 Six most delicate and FINE EGG-SHELL PLATES, /lowered, and tvith rich borders 37 Three ditto DITTO (lady and children) red underneath 38 Two precious enamelled bowl dishes, with silver handles 39 Eight waved enamelled cups and saucers -10 Two cabinet coffee cups and saucers, gold, curiously pencilled by Manteaux of Paris 41 A crucifixion, painted upon a gold ground, by Andrea Orcagna, a rare and early specimen of Italian art. From the Campo Santo di Pisa 42 A lady's portrait by Cosway 43 Netscher— a Lady seated, playing on the harpsichord 44 An elegant PERSIAN CABINET and STAND of ebony and ivory, richly mounted with or-moulu C 45 A PERSIAN SOLID EBONY TABLE, with legs carved in s^oft m«?ments. with CRIMSON SILK VELVET top, and drawer 46 Two gold-ground cabinet coffee cups and saucers, 1 painted in rose^^^ljipith tulips, by Van Spandonck ; . . :3 1o ^^xnHahq mst*pli':Un banlaiulU Buoiwo sc*id'i' *46 An oval concave enamel on copper, re^e6enting jg^|5|^,|,fe,^^^^ of Goltzius, framed 'J09fdif8 IfiOigofoifiY™' .sisvlfia 91BW !3BdqB5I loiiVq A **46 A pair of battles, in chiaro scuro enamels on.c^^er^^ with iijitjials H. P., in black frames, mounted with or-moulu 47 Two trays, 2 small cups anH saucers, and tea-pot, of royal Dresden, in landscapes 48 Twelve burnt-in china plates llsip.B ^mdaib Btthi'd tusqal jsiiomv aniVl 49 Fifteen ditto ditto 8i9woft bns c - ? ,3iavoD fcnjB aiB^w^qfi^* 50 Twelve ditto ditto 51 Three old buff crackled bottles ,f tbmsna n99i§ bio lo Haib A 52 A SUPERB EBONY COI-FER, with or-moulu mouldings, the jpppp|l^^^ with the finest FLORENTINE MOSAICS, representing flowers and arabesques *3 A curiously-inlaid cabinet of ORIENTAL WOOD, having 9 drawers of ebony and ivory, on a table to correspond, solid ebony legs, and carved mouldings chased, the mountings very richly gilt 54 An inlaid Persian jewel and writing chest, of teak-wood, lilSd with ebony and ivory ; aqBOibad iiw B5ihib bnuo-jg-Wog bufi snld o wT 55 Two French desert baskets loh-iod 56 Seven burnt-in China dishes, 2, 2, and 3 ^' ^""^ ^ "'"^"'"^ '"''^^ ' 57 Five Japan dishes, 2, 2, and 1 '"^'^ 58 A Japan sugar pot and stand, and an enamelled bowl with butterflies 59 Ten most beautiful and rich small Japan plates, handsomely shaped SECOND DAYS 60 A pair of noble Japan dfisnes * 61 BAUER. A fine and elaborate small drawing of figures disembarked, and archi- ... . fens 8qo3 89lfto3*pnkto bntfoig-Wo;. i3flobfiBq8 nfiV 62 Three curious illumined miniature paintings of Saints of the Greek Church, in a ui 1 J Tj ii. • b X 4. evBoaoD kvo flA black and gold Irarae, m 3 compartments I>t»msil tBoisiioO 63 A pair of Raphael ware salvers, mythological subjects 64 Three fine Japan cabinet tea-pots, small :A:y.yy"-'~'-y S':'':'rsfom ,.83fliBT} jlofild 65 Five burnt-in and enamelled desert plates, 4 scalloped, 1 plain 66 Two large and scarce buff enamelled basons rr-idq BBido fli-imud ovh^i i' 67 Nine various Japan China dishes, small oJJib oJJlfa flS&Jli'? ' ■ 68 Two Japan jars and covers, with figures and flowers o3ilh ojiib mlwT 69 Fifteen Japan China soup plates " ' i WossiiJ'. 70 A dish of old green enamel, with a matchless enamelled Japan bowl 71 A MINIATURE PORTRAIT, in water-colours, of LOUIS XII. at his Devo- tions, with St, Louis, St. Michael, Charlemagne, and St. Denys 72 Six coffee cans and saucers, various 73 The Adoration of the Shepherds ; a fine drawing after Tj||^g^.W'ith plate glass 74 Four Japan desert pla^es^ ,^^^^^^ w bn« bwai 75 Two blue and gold-ground dishes with landscape and figures, and animals on the border 76 Six burnt-in dishes, 4 and 2 77 Five ditto Japan soup plates , ^ 78 Eleven plates and dishes and a large bowl, enamelled ^0 SECOND day's sale. 79 An IVORY JEWEL CABINET, elaborately carved in foliage, with folding doors and inside drawers, mounted with rich chasings, silver hinges, and lock-plate gilt 80 A carved and gilt toilette-table with leather cover 81 Eleven plates, enamelled very curious and fine, the border exhibiting the 8 lesser Divinities of China 82 Eight Japan cups and saucers of very fine quality 83 Two octagonal Japan basons, with pomegranates and lotus plants 84 TWO SCARCE PINK JARS, enamelled in compartments 85 Two uncommonly fine dishes, enamelled, and with gold flowers 86 Four Japan fruit-baskets 87 Five ver^ rare enamelled plates with horses and figures 88 A VERY CURIOUS JEWEL CASKET, in the shape of a Japanese musical instrument, ornamented with parasols in different colours. It former It/ belonged «o ^^e DUCHESS 0/ KINGSTON 89 A very beautiful small gold Japan cabinet with 3 drawers, mounted with or-moulu hinges and handle. From the Collection of the Due de Bouillon 90 A very extraordinary oblong box, in two divisions, with fans of the finest raised Japan upon black ground. From the Collection of the Due de Bouillon 91 Three small caskets, one with a tray, of the flat black and gold japan, with cocks on the tops 92 PHIL. DE CHAMPAGNE. A fine Miniature Painting, in water-colours, repre- senting the Coronation of Henri IV, with numerous Portraits of distinguished contemporary Characters 93 A fine miniature drawing of Saint Charles Borromeo, in a very richly carved and gilt frame SECOND day's sale. 2^ 94 A FLOWER PIECE of the fine and rare FLORENTINE MOSAIC, in a black frame inlaid with silver 95 N. POUSSIN. A fine architectural drawing, with figures : a design for an altar- piece, in an oak frame 96 A pair of Gothic brackets of oak, finely carved, supported by Monkish Masks, and the edges of the foliage relieved in gold 97 A Marqueterie commode cabinet 98 A yellow jaspCT cup, mounted on six feet, chased and engraved in or-moulu 99 A CASSOLETTE of SARDONYX, mounted in foliage, of tripod shape, with cover of or-moulu 100 A VARIEGATED and UNDULATED AGATE CUP, mounted with scrolls, gryphon's heads and claws, upon a SARDONYX PLINTH, ornamented with or-moulu End of the Second Day's Sale, 23 W%iv^ ^M$^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER the 3d, 1822, To begin punctually at TWELVE ©'Clock. CHINA. 1 Six unique stork-pattern and sea-green shaped dishes 2 Six scalloped enamelled fruit dishes 3 Four burnt-in ditto 4 Ten enamelled carp-pattern, scarce 5 Two Raphael ware plates, with historical paintings 6 Two very fine fluted Japan basons with partridges and flowers in gold, oh black ground 7 Twenty-four OLD SEVE DESERT PLATES, with shaped edges 8 Two brown and gold French cabinet cups and saucers 9 Two veri/yine French plates, painted in flowers 10 Two Japan jars, blue and gold, with rich borders i I Thirteen burnt-in and enamelled plates 12 Ten burnt-in fruit plates, 6 and 4 13 Three EGG-SHELL BASONS and covers, with butterflies and flowers 14 Ttvo grey Japan jarSy 9 inches high, embossed with water plants and birds, mas- ' sively mounted in bir-moulu 15 Two ditto ditto mounted as ewers, in or-oiOulu »15 A pair of oriental grey Jars of compressed shape, with the Sacr^^ fetch ^^i^^ relief 3 the necks superbly iftottnted, and the feet also of or-moulu^*'^'^ 1 6 A veff-ctiribus Alartim Clock, the iriovements trawsparently mounted in br-boufti, and glass shade 1 7 An ebony and or-moulu shade, ornamented with twisted columns of rock crystal^ with or-moulu caps and bases 18 Two uncommon Japan bowls, white and gold P^^JJewr Dresden handled cups and saucers, gilt insides, painted with landscapes and figures, and arabesque borders 20 Fourteen burnt-in plates 2 1 Four pairs of Japan plates 22 Two extra fine lemon-ground Mandarin bottles, with almond blossoms in colours 23 One blue and gold tea pot, 2 coffee ditto, and 2 basons 24 Two Japan bowls with flowers and borders 2S#»Four red cups and 2 covers — ^highly curious 26 A round Ctiriind COWl^ of ORIENTAL MAMMILLATED CALCEDONY undulated, mounted in silver gilt, delicately engraved in the Persian style, the stem enriched with oriental rubies, set in gold, most singularly beautifuL %,i|!$,,p^rti-qoloured STRIATED AGATE CUP and cover, richly raoi^^ in silver gilt, engraved ■v-^'r'^ - -^r- -Jl 28 A cup, cover and foot of oriental WHttE AGATE sculptured, and mouiued with silver gilt, set with 12 turquoises THIRD day's sale. 25 29 Two French cabinet cups and saucers, gold ground, antique borders, painted with flowers by Van Spandonck in a style of peculiar excellence 30 Two large Japan dishes 3 1 Five of the FINEST EGG-SHELL PLATES, variously figured, pink underneath 32 SIX DITTO, representing Chinese fishermen, with flowers on the outside 33 Six Japan cups of Imperial manufacture 34 Four burnt-in blue dragon border fruit dishes 35 Four Mandarin basons and covers, with plants and figures inside and out FURNITURE. 36 TWO BLACK ANTIQUE-SHAPED ELBOW CHAIRS, with gilt ornaments, the backs and seats covered with cj imson moreen, with silk fringe *36 TWO DITTO 37 TWO DITTO , *37 TWO DITTO 38 SIX SMALL ditto with twisted kgs, en suite 39 SIX DITTO 40 A pair of superb EBONY and BUHL CANDELABRA, massively mounted with or-moulu, finely chased and gilt, surmounted with green marble slabs 41 A solid EBONY TABLE with carved rails and twisted legs 42 Ditto 43 A FINE BUHL COMMODE with richly chased and gilt or-moulu mouldings, surmounted by a green marble slab D 26 THIRD day's sale. 44 DITTO 45 A PAIR of ELEGANT GIRANDOLES, vase shaped, of the root of amethyst, with female terminal figures beneath the handles, and 3 spiral or-moultt branches above for lights. Designed to stand on Lot 40. 46 A SUPERB and MATCHLESS BUHL and TORTOISESHELL COMMODE, ,'.>l'VOS?- i of exquisite workmanship, and with or-moulu mouldings ; beautifully^^hased and gilt ; surmounted by a green marble slab 47 An EBONY and TORTOISESHELL BUHL CABINET, mounteriWih Ot^ moulu, richly chased and gilt, and with plate glass doors 48 Two shaped Mazarine blue and gold Bottles, with birds and flowers in compart- ments 49 A Diptych, in two parts, separately framed in ebony, and glazed, being a pair of IVORY carvings, representing the Nativity and Adoration of the Kings small Pier Table with twisted legs and mosaic top, bearing an oriental Ala- baster slab, beautifully inlaid in Jiowers and insects, of the fine and rare Florentine work 51 A ditto of lapis lazuli, with shells and pearls A SPLENDID BUHL ARMOIRE with figures and ornaments, exquisitely chased and gilt. From the collection of the Due d'Aumont. This costly arid pperb piece of furniture was designed by the celebrated Le Brun. 10 feet high by 5 feet wioe „ 53 Ditto i - i , , < 1? «' < m ', . 54 An Ivory and Sandal Wood ChesSi and Backgammon Board, with ches§ men, dice boxes, &c, 65 An OAK CABINET BOOKCASE, of architectural design, with plate glass door, aad treiUis work of or-moulu, and drawers at the bottom, 6 ft. 6 high THIRD day's sale. 27 56 Ditto 57 A fine EBONY BUHL and TORTOISESHELL CABINET with plate glass folding doorSj richly mounted with or-moulu, lined with crimson silk tabaret, surmounted by a slab of black marble 58 DITTO 59 An EBONY TABLE with carved and twisted legs^ having ornaments of or-moulu, and marble slab of verde antique 60 DITTO RICH ORIENTAL CHINA. 61 Two very rich Japan bowls, fluted 62 Three dozens of plates, Japan pattern, viz. 2 dozens table plates and I dozen of soup plates 63 Three ditto 64 Three ditto 65 Three ditto 66 Four small Japan pots and covers 67 Six Japan red, white and gold cups and saucers, scarce 68 Two fine Japan dishes 69 Two Raphael ware plates, painted with historical subjects 70 Eight fine Japan enamelled cups and saucers 71 A pair of large SEA-GREEN BOTTLES, superbly enamelled in flowers and insects 28 72 Twelve very uncoinj][^9J^.,l^||i§^^pd 53^,^|)^|^^t-ia plates— finf,,fB a-sEj d«iti ' 73 DlttP^?> ^jfj^ kobbnif^a j te aifW siqel 74 Ditto aJnsmJifiqaioo 75 Four Japan enamelled dishes A80M rii^ :M0D YVI0a3 3T^n A m 76 Three pairs of extra fine Japan dishe^ti w bftingcaBmo y^^'i ,8gnlw bas 77 Nineteen blue and red burnt-in plates with flowers and rich bordet*' iMimx 78 Six Dresden cups and saucers with gold border — Me'M ni-imud oah yia^^T 79 TwD decagonal Japaa dishes-^raire isa biix; equa svlawT 8ft 80 Fifteen enamelled and burnt-in soup plates hns suld flBqel ov/T QM 81 A serre-papier of Ted marble, with lion and other ornamefltS^^iH^i^tiSftlfl^^s^ ^ 82 A ditto of green porphyry, surmounted by a sphinx HATSWAHT / 83 A very curious pounce-box, in the shape of a frog, and a cupiitfi^n^a dolphin, curious cinque cento bronzes ■>. .. i-n ill ' 1 84 A pair of very fine silver-gilt bassi relievi scriptural subjects, in ebony frames, and or-moulu ornaments 85 A pair of battles carved in ivory, framed and glazed 86 Two duodecagonal Japan bowls, of the very finest quality 87 Two round ditto ditto ditto 88 Three Dresden cups and saucers and bowl, painted with figures ^^^^[^ ^^jg 89 Two gold cabinet cups and saucers, French, ex-quisitely pencilled 90 Twelve large Japan plates, very richly coloured 91 Thirteen rare enamelled plates 92 Two very fine Japan jars and cofelsf witli'lSgiires o^bVt^ 93 Two narrow jars, blue and gold-ground with labels of figures, flowers, and borders 94 Two pink jars and covers, richly eb^efiga /'M^e'^fiff^^^^^^ V^"^ a^i^wT S'J 95 Two lapis, blue and gold-ground cylindrical jars, with birds and flo*^lwl iil^'' compartments c>.t*i(I l^v 96 A FINE EBONY COMMODE, with MOSAIC PANNELS, architectural«ateiB^ and wings, richly ornamented with or-moulu, 5-feet-3 long, with blacl^t marble slab^od din hnc sit^woR A)'m zoMq ai-iaiad bsi bas sold aesioaiVL \\ 97 Twenty fine burnt-in plates ? blog rfliw aisoirsa has aqiro nsbaaiQ xi8 8t 93 Twelve cups and saucers, 6 plates, bason, and sugar ditto> of Japan pattentT 99 Two Japan blue and gold basons ; qisoa ni-iawd bm haJIaOTBrw 03»ill'? 0<^ 100 Seveu^gg^s}ieU cups and saucers, richly and beautifully enamelled in flowers 'iS 101 A TRANSPARENT CASKET, the frame of ebony, delicately painted in gold to , ipitate Japan lacquer : — the general design architectural, with pannels ofgg the most brilliant and pure rock crystal, separated by gi'oups of twisted columns of crystal, and gems of crystal, rose-cut, interspersed 102 A DITTO. These very curious reliquaries belonged to Pope Paul V, of the Borghese family, and are designed in the style of Camillo Maderno, ^ 103 A pair of large and tall bottles, with domestic figures burnt-in, in pale red, on lib owT 9B white ground 104 An extra large bowl of old Japan China, with Xeranthemum, and other flowers and plants ^''"^"B^ baJaijsq Jwod bas z-jboisbb ban zquo noba^iU 9 » fc^\VnK%<\ '^\^Vsy4;jyanm ziMiad owT e€ 1 9 Three blue and gold Mandarin jars and coTer^>9*KJHiii xtsif ana 20j :i;|Qne Japan beaker with raised flowers in gold-— fine! hm &w a very curious pi^ce of mechanistn, with a med^afoPl^s^Ivf*' c.i.vm steel, on the scutcheon ma^msrt^'^^ Jbio owT 23 Two gold ground French cups and saucers, exquisitely painted itf roses and hefirts-^* eases, by Van Spandonck IslMo owT i^^ 24 Two ditto, wild poppies and anemonies 25 i Four coffee cans and saucers, of old Seve ^ mtt^hm ^ m^i 26,j^^a delicately-pencilled French coffee cans and saucer^^isaa^;? I as «5p» mM 27 A pair of small silvevgilt candlesticks, pillar shapedi and richly dhased 28 A pair of ditto uii ^ v ; - uiii. oO'^^^iG 29 Two blue and gold ground bottles, witi" ffo#ers in compartmeft^; Wl^ flS-^kte^ bottle with blue flowers t.a£ qyo s^oei ^ 30 Fifteen burnt-in plates, very rich in colour and pattern - . . ^ 31 A very rare and curidna salver- of old raised Gold Japan, ornamented ^ith*^ figures, dragons and flowers. From the Cabinet of the Due de Bouillon ^'^ 32 Ten burnt-in plates, ei»i9i$lMj oflW}M(¥if /p6ftet^ FOURTH DAY*S SALE. 33 Eighteen ditto - ditto richly Golourer'*'^''^' ''^^^^'^ ^ 34 Twelve ditto i>flK teqeagaaniiiD boo* tisq A tl 35 Twelve dit^y^ ^g^^ 2 ^i^qA * l 36 A pair of small silver gilt candlesticks, pillar shaped and richly chased 37 A pair of ditto 38 Two beautiful blue and gold bottles^ in compartmeiits^ jricWy ewbellWied with silver, engraved and gut 39 Two barrels surmounted by bantam fowls of Jaii^ahj in which the veihS' olf ^*ooS are very curiously imitated aiB^ niiebueM biog Jjoa Mild 9sridT ^1 40 Two curious brown and gold bottles, embellished with birds and plants, white mounted with silver gilt '/^^S^PISISIS^"^*^'''^^'^^^- with females in various employments 42 Two old sea-green jars embellished with blue, red and white plants and birds 43 ii^Afl oval cup of ribband agate, mounted with silver gilt .ml ii-^aOTitMi^^WK 1 44 Two old Japan flat bowls of the finest enamel, a&d bnrnt-m 45 A square oriental Mocoa cassolette, mounted in chased silver '"-^ ^ " ' 46 Three large and scarce buff enamelled basons '^'"^ ' 47 Eleven cups and saucers, 2 basons and covers, 6 coffee cans, plate and stigar ' caxnsiet qf the jimst^losaicand flowered enamel, with green borders, afid a""t> tea-pot and stand, and milk ewer, mounted in silver gilt to correspond ^ 48 P^n case of old Japan, carved wjtk pinks and butterflies i ^ „ 49 A large cup and saucer of the finest Mocoa 50 Fifteen burnt-in plates with Mosaic borders 51 A pair of pillar candlesticks of silver gilt, and richly chasjg^ - A f. 52 A pair of ditto k 53 An ebony Cabinet mounted with or-moulu, richly gilt, with plate-glass foldinig<-£ doors, lined with rose-coloured watered silk E '^^^^jr'gMJny table with carved and twisted legs, oraamentedj Mit^^n^^jpoulu, sur- lifi adi " mottuted by a slab of porphyry With black bordqcji sdi lo Qfiui QdS SUPEHB commode of EBONY with carved dM^ %^f^m^(^n each side by ebony columns with OR-MOULU caps, bases andF'^iSWflfflagsi, and with black and gold MARBLE SLAB - ^Y^^^ S oals mfrO, the companion ^'"^ "^''^ "'^'^ ^^^S ^ 57 A pair of scarce pink jars, beautifully enamelled xod asqsl QiaapB A Of fiftS r^A.jpair of befHil#i4rsUy^^ candlesticks, executed h^^Y^^l^\^^^l^i^^^^ original design ly Holbein aiasmtt^qraos 5% A round cup of blood stone, with scdpltiife^»4)qf^r»j||psjftjg^y^ and rims ■f>03r!X9 1o elwod oBqel Q-giel 07?T tt 60 An hexagonal box of lacquered Japan, and aadtlierbox** «arite«l n^iiefyowT ^\ 61 Two curious rose border Japan dishes oinmi^omoq U tsi aaO ' uj S tziij dJiw gsxod flfiqeLlo lifiq A 'd\ 62 Six Japan fruit plates ■ '- '/r n''M B aoqa aaqisoB 63 Two extremely rare and early specimens of porp^J^^^^^||;]^^ra^Ie^ground^ ri^Uly embossed with white and blue flowers .oi"! bnooi^ Mo§ aoqrr 64 A two-handled cup of calcedony — very fine ^.mB .saosud mldO nsqel xi8 HX. o5 Apairbf black and gold Japan stools, ornamented with landscapes >>I A 6^ 66 A square box of gold Japan, in compartments, covered with flowers and other ornaments of gold upon avanturine grounii^^^'"^^ sio^ot dihtf 67 Two French plates, one painted with birds, the other with lanScM«Sm^ cs^e, ^ ^ - 1 TwaDiimokM A m J mV De M.arn£ 68 Eight fine Dresden cups^^^i^s^il^^^^^^^hj^nlip^s^ of ^^^^^^ sations,,^oi.oi aiwrnelaoio*! \o niiomi eafma baB baar^ ^^^dT *68 A most curio^l tod^r^MlMcaKfefeai^df ffeti the €i!)iliBQtioQ pf the Due de Bouillon, consisting of a portable frame, within whi<;h are; — a Mandarin se%^ed with a taper in his hand, the flame of which is silver : — the, jf, Ippg 5 :F@teri#m#-fl#kfif the tube of the taper, i8ind;*l5fc* .^m ^(tlj^^fifMejMigg^Hqsfeial^i^or the air .Ma rfoBS fl^^^ffe,^»«g0$vteW^i'*^ boxes, alternately also 3 trays above. It has a glass shade^^g^^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ 69 A gold Japan tray with musical -^truments re^esen^ed ^ avanturine ground 70 A square Japan box ^'^1 """iai^ifeM^PnX blMMF#^-s6*^^^^ compartments ^"^^^^"^ ^^^^'^^ a^ni5^g^gp^^Agj^|^q§ftiei^(^i^ Ifa^ ffe^ ^chi^ 73 Two large Japan bowls of exceedingly fine quality (I damaged|mh bm 74 Two ^to fed1ibcfl<^er Ml^lx ^^^^'g^^qsli bsisnpaBf lo xod lBflo§6X9d nA Ot) 75 One jar of pomegranate shape, red and^gated^^ dr^ I a 76 A pair of Japan boxes with trays in the shape of a fruit, ornamented with land- scapes upon a black ground, the mside avanturine * , ■^^7 A very rare and beautiful Gold Japan Bo^c-%tll'^«W«fe«9li^*'«^F'reKdvo upon gold ground. From the collection of the Dtfc«&i^'!JlWBe*«® 78 Six Japan China basons, small, very fine lobsDkD lo qt« bsIbaird-owJ A t-d 79 A mBlMim^' MmMFlCENT CISTERN, |4t»ij|§teijfo^Hji^^J^li| ii#es ..dJobn. efel^^^"-blue and gold ground with red^ mQ|ai^^rde5^ermm<^, with flowers in compar|ments, and with plants and fish msule^^^ SO A DITTO q ^ 81 A MAGNIFICENT PAIR of JARS of EXTRAORDINAfv' SrZ^:, em- bellished with landscapes, buildings, and figures, descriptive bt the various '^^^"^"^^^"^Pc^seW^^^'^fenfcture of porcelain, of the most exquisite enamel. These grand and unique pieces of Porcelain were formerly tbe property ot a b9^3 fHtfll|&MjfcTp8J%^«fcft|i^^Wftite^^ .aoninoS % dittcP<^*~' i9vVi^ Bi doidw lo amaft 3dl ,bn&d aiif ai idqsi b di'vn 36 FOURTH day's sale. 84 Four carp-pattern Japan dishes, _ ^'^ ^^^y ^"^^ shaped gold Japan box, enriched with purses-^^^thes^dewces in gold relief. From the Collection of the Due de Bouillon 86 An oriental sardonyx round cup, finely mounted with silver, engraved and gilt 8/ Six pairs of red and gold Japan cups and saucers 88 Sixteen delicately pencilled plates, with flowers, shells, apd insects 89 Eleven burnt-in plates, 5 and 6 90 Aei extremely ^cnrious specimen of the old gold Japan, with th6 five-elaw dragon in gold relief, with 4 boxes inside, the center one bearing the Imperial mark, and the others have mythological figures represented by diflerent animals, in gold relief. This specimen, of the greatest rarity, belonged to the Due de Bouillon 91 Nine ditto red carp pattern blue plates, with enamelled borders 92 Thirteen ditto square, with painted borders 93 Two elegantly-formed old red jars, mounted with or-moulu, richly gilt 94 Twelve blue and red burnt-in plates, with borders JJ^ 95 A red agate cup and cover, mounted with silver gilt, with a smftll vase at the top 96 A PAIR of BEAUTIFUL SILVER GILT CANDLE^CtS of GOTHIC PATTERN, by AUGUSTE, expensively chased aii^'^^-^«^"<^ ^^'^^'^ ^ 97 A PAIR of DITTO mBodm^ dim ,oiiib yAS P 98 Six extra fine EGG-SHELL PLATES, pink undernealb^^willi idQuble Mosaic and flowered border, with IW^^^Q^f^^tj^gll^^u^^^^^i^^^pin superior manner. 99 Five ditto ditto ditto ditto, 3 and 2 handles gilt ^ End of ths Pourfh Day's Sale. \, holliooa ^BsdBxb nBqsl msJJsq-qio hjo'H. ^8 nofliuoa sb oud qA) 1o aoiiasiKoD ai* moil ioiim hl*.3lci ip-#in»d b9i bxiB 9iiid svlswT K INETEEN burnt-in blue and red plates ^ , '|Gi arfJ i*; - jom «19V0D bas qoD sis^ D91 A 5Q Omfe' ^""^^ ^ landscape enameUed ditto irj'iiTUAaa lo HIAI k BP 3 Twelve burnt-in ditto iTaUOUA vd ^MHaiTTA*! 4 Six ditto, with embossed borders, and 4 enamelled ditl0TTICl lo HIA^ A ofeaoTWo Japan basons ^^sq ,dai Adl Jd!IH8-00a anAs^iJzs xlg ^ ^6 "'TWi^'¥ofe-ground beakers, ricbly i^^ tigbiod b9i9Woft bns SbflBS^oJJib oiiib o3)ib o^Jib svil m UNIQUE SPEClMft^'»lSmA»0t/oOD: 7 A square Japan box and tray of Gold Japan upon red basket work, ornamented with the bamboo plant and flowers. From the collection of the Due de Bouillon 8 A leaf of the Taliput tree incrusted with Gold Japan, and embellished with various insects, finished with the utmost delicacy 9 A shaped Gold Japan box, repriy^l(§)the deux of diamonds and the king of hearts, from the Spanish playing cards, in relief upon gold ground : within, b3jrt« avanturine fldgfid qofe .sisoobb boR equo flsbaaiG Ifi^oH laol 10 A pair of black Jap^ffi^^e boxfl*sifi^9*8fiW5^tSMftte^afl|^ <^i%?f8ented with birds, chimaeras and plants in rel^VoTO^BSSMlMroMg^Bl wo"! 81 lb . ,A GOLP JAS>4.;^rf:^m3^%i(J^i??^te ornamented with st^s ^ trees ,and the arms of the Japanese emeire. This very curious article was presented ly the STATES of HOLLAND to the LORD CHAJ^- CELLOR CLARENDON - ^ ' ^ ^ 12 A singularly beautiful Japan Cabinet, the ground avanturme, spnnHed with bits of gold, and ornamented thi^oughout with flowers an! ^W^^ ?^ef,^%f solid gold, silver, BB^ther of pearl, and coral, moonfeiyb feai|kdffiiit8r, ttd having 6 drawers inside. From the Collection of the Due d^.,ppi^^^ ..l3?iviSAYlfir»y fine and brilliant specimen, a square box with cover and tray of the fii^t gold Japan, covered with fans upon a ground of avanturine 14 A VERY FINE CASKET OF GOLD JAPAN, with stands in two compa^t- of MAZARIN 3^3g 15 DITTO, the comparjon ^^m^s orf* 1o eiaiJ-ioqaioD oniTI GS 16 A nest of five small boxes of Gold Japan, of very superior 9"«'^^Jif ifj^^l^^ oc^ cover, ornamented with landscapes oWiJb owi-Y^fl9wT SE i-^TObiod eiMofoo aifile lo eariaib flsqfil baqfida xi8 €6 ^FTH DAY*S SALE. 39 «i/ohfi'/ dim bsrigiHsdrnt. ; € bkO'dihr bai&moai ssb toqileT adi io W f -{oaaifeb jaomia orfs dim hoddnh ^snszai io gnH sdi has sbaomsib lo xxrs^ snfCHINAqa-r »xod flsqel JbfoO b'aqsii; l Hidiiw : bnuoig bIo§ aoqo 'iaihi m- ^sbiao ^nhfelq rfainjsqa adi moil .aJijssrf 17 Four Royal Dresden cups and saucers, slop bason and creM §#lB^/toounted in fijm bajflygjiygj. gii^: painted in a master^ manner; vi&^th,ndsc&ipes:0td^Ai&\^W 01 18 Four Japan chocolate cups and covers ^^"^iq ba^ SB'is&mido ^ebiid 19 Three old white and gold Japan basoni'i^eStf ^v^Wlft^S^rfW^^ edges 20 Four shaped richly enamelled Japan dishes * 21 Two Raphael ware plates, painted with historic subjects 2% .TwQ Ditto salvers , ditto t^Sbi^Wl^ fee sea-green desert disUg^^^ batociBmo bn^ .bios it)f4 tSUsshdlieNl <&ldl Japan fruit dishes of blue piony pattern 25 ''IP^^ii^' very 'extraordinary Japan dishes, of matchless quality pair of massive or- mOulu candlesticks, supported by chimeras; richly Chasfed, and' gilt ^ ^ »«A pair of dltt6^8 rfiiw t 2^ Vwo old Derby^miori^ephs, blue and gold, with borders of flowers, equal to old Seve 29 Nine comportiers of the same ffoafiq ^ ^8 ^^g^^litlo'^"^-^' ^^^^ 31 Twenty -four plates 32 Twenty-two ditto 33 Six shaped Japan dishes of slate colour, bordered and with flowers in the centre 34 egg-shell landscape plates-— very fine 4lfc^* fifth" DAt'^' ■sa£3-;'^ 35 Six very curious pattern enamelled plates, with shells, &c. 36 A pair of silver candlesticks in Chinese taste 37 A PAIR OF VERY RICH AND CURIOUS SILVER-GILT SCONCES, with Royal devices. Formerly belonged to King PFilliam and Queen Mary 38 A PAIR OF DITTO . ^ j*- t 39 A silver-gilt ewer and cover of elegant form, finely engraved with masks, scrolls &c. in the Tuscan style, with ebony handles AQ, AN IVORY TANKARD AND COVER, with fine carving representing the Battle of the Centaurs, Satyrs, &c. in old silver chased and gilt mounting 41 A Circular Deep SALVER of LIMOSIN ENAMEL, on copper, embellished with a Procession of Diana and Nymphs returning from the Chace ; the border of Rafifaellesque device, the bowl of the salver also externaly decora- ted with masks and ornaments. bs-tJOfj , The date is inscribed in enamel, 1563, P. R. It was made for Henry II. of France, and was presented by him to Diane de Polctiers. It is mounted with a central boss bearing her cypher, a triple crescent, and inscription j and the border also enriched with monograms 42 A BOTTLE OF PALE SEA GREEN ORIENTAL CHINA, of great antiquity, incrusted with flowers in relief, in compartments, with silver gilt spout and handle in the Gothic taste. The cover is embellished with paint- ings in enamel and the arms of Joan of Arragon, Queen of Naples, the friend of Petrarch. The handle, rina and foot bear the legend of the House of Anjou in Gothic characters upon blue enamel. N.B. This Vase, lesides the value it derives from the historic circum- stances connected toith it, is further curious being the earliest known specimen of Porcelain introduced from China into Europe, as it refers to a period earlier than the circumnavigation of the Cape of Good Hope, by the Por- tuguese. FI ^TH . D^^'$ ^ Alipj 43 A CABINET of the GREATEST CURIOSITY, composed of Pear-tree and other woods, from the PALACE at WHITEHALL, a^id executed from designs of HOLBEIN for KING HENRY the Vlllth. The four fronts present each an Architectural Fa^ade^, with two folding- doors, on the pannels of which is Sculptured a Battle with Figures in high Relief, and marked with the greatest spirit •ik>TO8 «.^*^ ^5'5^f within are inlaid with deigns in^Me^^lfe^of that time. The drawers are separated by beautifully carved 'ferimiiai fronts arfj |t!i4f J^he dra weirs 'with Historical Subjects/ in" l&as-relilf/ v^ith m^sfl in^^^^ 8nf:|B>Latin verse.--'^^-^-^' ; ■■■•h^x,-.>j &wi8' The whole is o» it Sculptured^ Afc^^^ in;laid; wj!tJi .Heraldic ^ffj Devices ' - v-;;-. -Sj^n-y^: h..: ... ' ... 44 PAIR of CANDELABRA of SILVER CHASED and GILT, sup- ported on feet shaped as Lizards >a«Man© fe(«8 skm Y^s^^'|<^'gg-'^^pgj.|j pjgggg ^£ pjj^j.g truly in classical taste, being executed oih* tK^ design of a Candelabrum fdund at HERCULANEUM ' 45 A PAIR of DITTO 46 A VESSEL^ of compressed oval shape, formed of a LARGE BLOCK of SARDONYX hollowed out, and the surface incrusted with vine leaves of ^ good design and sharpest execution. A pair of Satyr's Heads are sculptured ' as Handles to the Vase j the bottom is externally carved with foliage, and afltords reason for believing, that this rare and very curious article must have been executed by a^ RE ElK ARTIST in ASIA MINOR. It is pro- tected at the top by a rim of fine gold ■ -p 42 FIFTH day's sale. 47 A MAGNIFICENT CUP, COVER, and STEM of Ivory, sculptured by the celebrated Artist MAGNUS BERG, Medallist to the EMPEROR of GER- MANY. The bowl is finely carved with a forest scene, and figures hunting wild animals. On the lid are Diana and her Nymphs asleep amidst animals after the fatigues of the chase, and a figure of Diana surmounts the lid. A finely embellished and sculptured figure of Hercules forms the stem. The cup is lined with silver gilt, and the socle is formed of silver gilt and richly chased -48 A SILVER GILT CUP and COVER, a most elaborate and masterly speci- men of chasing. The upper part of the Vase, which meets the lid, is enlarged by 6 spherical embossed chasings, each ornamented with mythological groups ; r^iao-* r the slender tvaist of the vessel is embellished with emblematical figures and devices in exquisite Cinque cento taste, while othe^; |)p.minent chasings complete the bowl of the vase : the stem and foot di^play,^ rivaj workman- ship to that of Cellini, On the cover, which is correspondently , shaped, are birds in high relief, surrounding a pedestal whicfe,§iy)porJ^; a.^j^a^^ Jupiter, with his eagle and fuhnen of pure gold . ^ ^ ; ? .^j , . .i This incomparable work of art is the chef d'ceuvre of ROEMER, who has added his Portrait in a medal under the foot, with the date 1580 49 A CUP of SILVER GILT by the SAME GREAT ARTIST, and executed with equal spirit and delicate workmanship. It is surmounted by a small statue of a warrior .ah^fu £!Oiaaioj/ia bus ^ijaoo si) A VASE, perfectly unique, formed of the LAltiSEST^HW^^W'^'BLOCK of RlJTSiG A Rl AN TOVAZ, hollowed out with vast Woiir,^^^ tured, mounted with a Dragon Handle of gold enamelled set with Diamonds, H X sh^jjd supported on a Tripod Stand, formed of Three small Dragons of green and blue Enamel: the feet connected by festoons «nd scroll-work of rich 43 '»HS[0 V) designs, set with Diajnonds and a variety of precious Stones SniJnori Mi«>'«^i<^ UNDOUBTED EXECUTION of BENVENUTO ■affiminB i?^?&WNI, and made by him for a Marriage Present to CATHARINE J,., CORNARO, whose PORTRAIT is in this COLLECTION 51 A MAGNIFICENT VASE OF CARVED IVORY, with a frieze of infants mi£. liig 'iacarved by; the celebrated Flamingo, and superbly mounted with silver gilt. It formerly belonged to the famous Earl of Arundel, and wan left by Lady 'ioaqa G^^*"<^^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^ Margrav'me (^^js^ac^i,^at^ bo^mL; purchased. ^qii 9rfT jprnn^iy i 52 DITTO, THE COMPANION hg^p^^^^ f^^H^j, 53 A Singularly Beautiful and Costly ARMOIRE^ composed of Ebony, the center supported by two fluted columns, with capitals of or-moulu, between which is .iiiOJiiSuw g^pgj.|j pannel of Florentine mosaic,* a vase of flowers, composed of the ' ' "' Wrest gems, and a tablet of the same above ; 4 small drawers with birds on each side : above, is a low glazed repository and a small door at each end, fronted with Florentine gems, the mouldings are of chased or-moulu, in rich and handsome taste 54 A MAGNIFICENT TABLE of PIETRE COMMESSE, the center being an oval bsJHDS ' specimen of mammillated oriental onyx, surrounded by parterres of rare and beautiful jaspars and breccia, with broad border of bold arabesque, of various costly and uncommon marbles, and edged with variegated marble* It is "Lt }i3t >JIP<*""*®^ ^ superbly carved frame of oak, about 9 feet long, and 4 ft. 6 -c^MCs* \ji\or?'^^*^®* This superb piece of furniture was formerly in the Borgkese Palace o5 Aff Italian steel coffer mounted in or-moulu, with curious lock with six bolts, and key, chased in scriptural subjects of fine work, of the time of Louis XII. — a very interesting specimen of that period 56 An ivory cup and cover, finely carved in relief, with subjects from the Cingalese mythology 44 FIFTH day's sale 57 A silver cup externally engraved with Noah's sacrifice, by A. Wigbels, a (jerraaa artist, whose name is engraved upon it ; it also bears, the engraved name of the original proprietor, with the date 1624. It is lined with silver gilt, and ^jnouiited upon a chased socle of the same. It belonged to the Margravine of Anspach 58 A Magnificent Large Oval CASSOLETTE, of Hungarian Agate, massively mounted in silver, engraved, chased and gilt, ornamented with masks of satyrs admirably modelled, and of the first workmanship 59 An Oriental CUP and COVER, of Agate, mounted on a pedestal, with vase of silver chased and gilt, ornamented with three chimeras, the whole surmounted with a ribband onyx, in the shape of a mitre GO A circular cup of Egyptian pebble, with pillar and foot, tastefully mounted in silver, chased and gilt {,^^.^^3 j^j^ 61 A pair of massive or-mOulu candelabra, finely chased after the Antique, and sup- porting 4 lights each SdOOl,' 62 A pair of ditto 63 A beautiful ebony and tortoiseshell cabinet with stand, the drawers inclosed by folding doors, with figures and ornaments finely executed in silver 64 A Superb Italian MOSAIC TABLE, composed of various specimens of marble, supported on 4 solid fluted ebony columns standing on a plinth of solid Sienna 65 A pair of massive or-moulu candlesticks supported by chimeras, richly chased and gilt 66 A pair of ditto 67 A Capital Six-Leaf Black aod Gold JAPAN SI^REEN, nearly 8 : 3 high 68 A DITTO 69 A Very Beautiful EBONY TABLE supported upon twisted legs, with finely chased and gilt mouldings of or-raoulu, surmounted by a fine slab of Verde Antique FIFTH day's sale. 45 70 A pier glass in a frame of Marqueterie ^ 71 An ancient dressing table with a drawer, on turned legs of walnut tree, the top elaborately inlaid with flowers in various softer woods 72 A modern ditto, of beautiful and solid Kings-wood, correspondently inlaid 73 An elegant Buhl coflfer, with drawer, and massive or-moulu ornaments 74 An engraved ivory coffer, mounted in or-moulu, and lined with purple velvet 75 Avery curious inkstand of metal, gilt and polishedM^ ,.fr,bK ^ , , 76 Four fruit dishes, finely enamelled red, with bats on the bordgjj l^jnahO n / «^ 77 Two Mazarine blue and gold Japan dishes, flowered 'tb boBRih ^s'^i - 78 An ebony Pembroke table, with drawer, on castors, with solid twisted legs, n. the top brass bound y ftBiJqrsS ^o goa inlooil.o A OO 79 SIX carved and gilt CHAIRS, covered with CRIMSON SILK DAMASK, and with silk fringe, stuffed backs and seats, with loose crimson cloth covers 80 SIX gilt STOOLS, covered with CRIMSON SILK DAMASK, with silk fringe, and crimson cloth covers SI A CRIMSON SILK QUILT, lined with purple silk /s 82 A superb carved and gilt table with ORIENTAL ALABASTER slab 83 ,A " ■ ~ 84 J 83 ,A .ditto * ditto 84 TWO CARVED and GILT ELBOW CHAIRS covered with CRIMSON SILK DAMASK, and loose crimson cloth covers ef^-d S^ 8 xh&^E^^P^ the Fifth Bmfs ^^a^d l«9J-xi8 kJiqeO oma A ad jijuil diiw ^agal bsisiwi noqci baJioqqoa SdSAT YVIOHa loliiaBa?! im''^ k Pj) ibt :>'/ 'io dels snA s bsJaooffliwa ^aluom-io 1o JiHg bas bagsrio SkupiJinA 4lB^ &'(tBei tft:ci^ J' 3di lo sbsm xod Iftuna sidoob 'ft bs-? b«r> add Hiw easjjsfq ni-jntod Y^nav .'.lat .as^filq bsflsmisaa bas nl-jniifd s^r ufyo 01-10 ni bsjnuora ^oJIarfoBmtfJ lo yof? 47 ^ivtfi mn^'^ &nlt, MONDAY, OCTOBER the 7th, 1822, To begin punctHally at TWELVE o'Clock. CHINA. 1 Two blue and gold China cruetSj beaiitifuUy shaped^ and with oosti/ silver-gilt mountings 2 Twelve burnt-in plates, viz, 5, 4 and 3 3 Two very large Japan dishes floveered 4 A double snuff box made of the root of amethyst, mounted in silver gilt 5 Twenty burnt-in plates, with blue and red flowers and red borders 6 Nine burnt-in and enamelled plates, fine 7 A wafer box of Lumachello, mounted in or-moulu 8 Eight Mandarin desert plates, of various colours and patterns 9 A Japan China cream ewer, mounted in chased silver, and gilt 10 One Japan basoa and cover, mounted in silver, gilt 48 SIXTH day's sale. l*.r>,4^^r^>.sT^!l^>b mounted ifl siiv»r, gik ; ia^jid - ■ ' ^ k'i I t - * SA.ti*Sttld Seve cv^, tmer and stand; gold gtomd, painted S":-^» ail* FINE SPECIMENS OF RARE OLD JAPAN. 13 A pair of black and gold Japan, shaped, boxes, with cottages and mosaick orna- ments upon the ground, avanturine inside, and trays l^^^^A round-shaped box of old black Japan, decorated wi^h landscapes and goldorna-r ments, with tray inside J 5 A very curious Box of Gold Japan. From the collection of th(^. J)jichess of Portland. The outside enriched with gold flowprs and hexagon5,|n with 4 fan-shaped boxes inside. It was one of the most precious speci- mens of Japan in that celebrated collection 1 6 A very curious Box, in the shape of a fowl, of gold Japan, the inside avanturine 17 An oval black and gold raised Japan toilette-box, with tray, the inside avanturine 18 A shaped Gold Japan box, in 2 compartments, ornamented with gold flowing upon avanturine, the inside avanturine 19 ^ A Magnificent Gold Japan Basoi^ and Coyer,, spotted j mtb solid gold with landscapes and waved surface, the inside is ornamented with water plants upon avanturine. This beautiful article, of the greatest rarity, was . . , - -i ire, It?^*" one of the most esteemed in the collection of the Due de Bouillon SIXTH day's sale. 49 20 A very small black and gold Japan Cabinet with folding doors, ornaroented with or-moulu, containing 4 drawers, a tray, and a cassolette with a small tray^ the inside of the drawers is avanturine 21 A cup and cover of the raised carved Japan, with a jad ornament upon the top of the cover 22 A very Rich and Brilliant Square Box of Black Japan, with raised flowers and rocks upon a ground sprinkled with gold, the inside enriched with a gold landscape upon avanturine i^is ■ i ' 'CHINA,. &C. . umi abai-d k* imi A ' 23 Five enamelled large coflFee cups and saucers, and 5 blue and goH tea ditto, figured 24 Nine gold-ground French cups and saucers, and a bason painted with wreaths of roses 2^^ ' Seventeen burnt-in plates, red and blue 26 Twelve ditto 27 Thirteen enamelled ditto, with figures ■ ■ minMS ^ 28 Two jelly pots and covers of Dihl's china, white and gold, blue^border and gold arabesque Sfl Four caps and saucers, tea pot, and cream pot, corresponding with the preceding ;;,(. ;.,.* m>«tsm lot 30 A rare spedmen of Japan China, mounted as an ewer in silver, enamelled and *30 A globular jar with open neck, covered with cherry-tree, and blossoms in white, raised on a specHed tea-green ground G 50 SIXTH day's sale. 31 Two embossed egg-shell jars r j « < t t 32 A smallJapan jar and cover » . r j r. . 33 Two old cylindrical jars with red ground^ rich]^^^nameUe^^^re<^'^Mid^ 34 Two very fine old Japan basons ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ 35 Two delicate sea-green jars with white e^bp|sed ^fl^ow|r|j^ tgst^^^^^^^^^ 36 A raammillated Oriental Calcedony with silver gilt and engr^ii^j^o^nti^, enriched with a circle of 16 rubies ^^j&lq ai-iaiud svIawT i^c 37 A small salver of blood stone, mounted with silver gilt chasing oWiQ fifi 38 A shaped plateau of white agate, tinged with brown ^^^^^ *^3'3^ 39 A SILVER-GILT TEA URN, STAND AND LAMP ^ =5 \^ 40 A small Litany, or collection of Saints, exquisitely painted in miniature byTxiUlio Clovio— framed in ebony of Florentine work, inlaid with jaspefi^^ ^ 9786* nfiig'is*! ni 41 Two rose-coloured jars and covers — fine 42. Fourteen blue and red Japan, plates j .n , ooj^m mm Jomrnif msoaud Dadatuauaia tbavBngn^ bnc 43 Eleven ditto >-r,f,du8 lBaf§o{ 44 Five scalloped dishes for fruit— of the most rare quality, lu-imod nsaiiuol id 45 Eleven burnt-in plates, blue and red oJJib bsllomfias oJJib nsT 23 46 A SUPERB JEWEL CABINET OF EBONY & ote^^eRfS^'BYlSfATPEil^l^ in imitation of an architectural facade : the niches, fiPS^^clto, 4^ fifi^d with small groups by Bouchard'^^'S, belhg thex>Wgllfi^ilS{4^1dJ%3fc :.imq» bfliibythat distinguislicd French sculptor, for the emb^llishme^^r^ j a^ Pu)^^c \^ ;>klvi Fountain, constructed by him in Paris. They are placed within columns of Rosso Antico ; the pannels of the drawers are of lapis lazuli and blood stone, set with 40 rubies and emeralds j the orqauieiits are richly chased and gilt, and the stand is in Correspondent taste jj.^ ^^^^^j ^^^^^^^ SIXTH day's sale. 47 One grand Japan jar and cover, and 2 beakers oa , ^. . J 1. 1 ^ ,1,1 . 19703 bHB IB raflqel {{£iaa A SS 48. Five jars and beakers, octagon— a ?Ma/c«/m s« ^ 50 A very finely coloured and marked onyx cup ^"^^^^ ^•'^^^ f l^'ttTulii^^'^l? 41le^tSp^a1^^^ ^^^^'^ ^^^^ ''^'^ nsDiS-fisa DJ^oilsb owT £f, 52 A SILVER GILT GOTHIC SALVER RIC^Y^^^ifAf Aito'ili^RAVEP, 54 Twelve burnt-in plates ?oidui 51 1o afoiio b iliiw badohfls 55 Ditto giiia^do Sirg uviia dJtw bajnuora tanoia boold lo isvlBa flema - A '^f, 56 Fight ditto 1 V, ; n 9^^^^ g^y^ DBsiuIq baqsde A 8& 57 Eielit very rich enamels^ Chinese domestic scenery ' ^ ' ^^nu AaT TJio-flavji8 A gs 58-- JFive enamelled plates with horses 59 A VERY MASSIVE SILVER GILT JEWEL CASRET on 10 cornelian feet^ in Persian taste 60 A RARE AND CURIOUS CINQUE CENTO COFFER in or-moulu, chased and engraved, embellished with 12 pannels of Limosin enamel, with mytho- logical subjects . 61 Fourteen burnt-in blue and red plates ViToIIfiaa svi"? ^i^ 62 Tep ditto enamelled ditto , . nsvolH . v t f Stn-/4sp?ipr basons, small, 2 and^^jjg 10T3MiaA0 Ja7/a?;aiiaqU8 A , r 64 Six small basons ^^^^^-^ , ohsoBl ImuioQiid^yiB an lo. aohnfunl at .!fi&JBiAi!Japan jelly pot, chased, silver gUloHAHOtJoa id egiroig Hcma dJiw ■'^^"^A^' CRYSTAL FLOWER VASE, of antique form, with handles and spouts io eaoiuio engraved, mounted in gold and set with rubies : from the Garde Meuble of MOJ? b(.- jhe King of France ' An 'ov^ Sicilian jaspelf-'cy^,' with stem ati'd fxibt mounted in chased silver, and watered leaves gilt -^^BUnoh. 52 day's sale. 68 A pair of moresque metal-gilt Gothic candlesticks, most elaboratety^chased 69 A Pair of Ditto , v a • 70 A Japan ewer, momted in silver, engraved and gUt ^3^,03 g^^^jg ^ 71 Four cnrason-grouud Dresden coffee cups and a speckled bo|t^tl|^ a-noaA 72 A Japan jelly pot, mounted in silver gilt , , 73 A ditto cream bucket, mounted with silver, chased and gilt egg-shell jars and cftversy gold ground, with landscape and figures 75 A choice specimen of Persian sculpture, in pale jad, formed as a lotus, with bas- A. > \(> i^ief of flowers on the outside''''^'"'^'^ ^ ;a^mu:>mv^ 76 A shallow two-handled cup of jasper agate, shaped 77 A curious antique shaped ewer of or-moulu, njade^ ^r^p^^ ,pj^<:^rately en- graved in the Moorish style )di \o bijorf 78 An ancient and very curious metal dish of the same workmanship to Muon A 9< SO An EXTREMELY CURIOUS CHINESE SCEPTRe! for^d ofThinese wood worked in a kind of rock-work, in an upper recess of which is their superior Deity Tonfongsok, and the Eight Tchin, with their symbols on different stages below 81 Ten enamelled plates, with very interesting orders of the Eight Deities 82 Fourteen burnt-in plates 83 Four octagon Japan dishes .0 ^wo\ iVs^ bsto b^y^a:> 84 Four very fine French plates with flowers of Dihl'J'Wki^utaiil^^B-^^^ ^^'^ ^'^ *84 AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND BEAUTlFVLJ&±'^m^3mr>kMAm^Ei'^ of raised Japan, the model of a pavilion of Italian architecturgJHfith a dou- ble roof, each constructed with hinges to open ; at the corners of the building are columns supporting a cornicej in the front a centraLniche concealing « drawer,anda drawer on each side of it. The Japan js richly incrusted, also studded with silver, and in many parts bordered YJ^iJh.-Bi^ther-of-pearl SIXTH day's SfiyiiBi 85 A Worcester tea and coifee s«fr;'^sbo> ni§-IcJ9fli oirjpaaioai lo lieq A 89 86 Four pair of Japan dishes, small 87 A SUPERB COFFER of RAmmmM^ it^TS^f^est spedmem known of this superior quality, the lid without and within, as also the front and sides, are covered with representations of buildings and landscapes of the finest raised and spangled Japan^ and with animals of solid gold and silver : ^ This unique specimen of Japanese art tvas/^^r^ f^ ptjopert^ of CAR- DINAL MAZARIN, and belonged subsequently to the DUC de BOUILLON 88 A NOBLE GROUP of NESSUS and DEJANIRA, in BRONZE, executed by -na BOLOGNA, whose name is inscribed on the fillet upon the head of the Centaur 89 A FIGUR^'^oflie' JAPANESE IDOL AMIDA 'standing on the water, and supported on a base of rock-work with marine plants and reptiles. This figure is of the most exquisite Japan lacquer, on wood , of an loliye colour, the lomqxir. '^j.gpgpy arabesques, very freely j^nd delicately pencilled in The fgure is no less remarkable for its extreme lightness r than for the heauty of the lacquer and the varnish ; it is about 28 inches h§gh : also a carved and gilt low octagonal stand for ditto . jgjj, jjgq^X, no^^fiiao uro 90 Two sea-gre.^n.^8||d.4 ,b^ aaisFq donsi'I snjft ^i9V mo': 92 TwttiditltsriuJoaiiifoic nBilsJl 1o aoilivfiq k ggnibiiD LARG© WMikT GOFF^Jfl, ^^i^^i tean^ ti^;' • tfe VE^^ JAPAN, representitojl'i^ii !^e top, t1fie arrival of ambassadors at a palace, and various landscape's dft thi sides.' • On tlie tray is a neatly pencilled landscape, within a scalloped gilt and enriched border. This rare specimen was made 54 SIXTH day's sale. for MARIA VAN DIEMEN, the daughter of the celebrated GOVERNOR of BATAVIA, Her name is in capitals of gold within the lid. Madame de Pompadour became the possessor of it, and at her death it was purchased by the Due de Bouillon 94 An oak cabinet, the top supported by carved and twisted columns on correspondent feetj the center enclosed by folding-doors, two drawers beneath 95 A ditto table, on carved and twisted legs 96 A pair of large silver pillar candlesticks, of very handsome pattern' 97 A pair of ditto 93 A FINE BUHL and TORTOISESHELL CABINET, inclosed by Plate Glass folding-doors, richly mounted in Or-moulu, lined with Crimson Silk Tabaret, surmounted by a black Marble Slab 99 A Ditto *99 An ebony table, with verde antique top, and twisted legs **99 A Ditto 100 An oak cabinet, the top supported by carved and twisted columns, on feet, the center inclosed by folding- doors, two drawers beneath 101 A ditto table, on carved and twisted legs 102 A pair of small and elegant candlesticks of silver gilt, of Parisian manufacture 103 A fine ebony coffer, the pannels beautifully enamelled in flowers of French China with rich or-moulu, chased and gilt 104 A ditto 105 A SMALL PERSIAN CABINET of SOLID EBONY, elaborately carved, the center inclosed by folding-doors, the hinges and lock-plates finely engraved and gilt 106 A LARGE GOTHIC OAK WARDROBE, elaborately carved. End of the Sixth Day's Sale. oMJAB 8'YAa HTXI8 9b smfibfiM .bil 9dJ nirfJiw blog io alfiiiqBD ni ai soijBn isH „AIVATA3 lo nolliaofl ab dbQ sdJ mabfloqganoD ao snpiyloD baiBiwi bnebsviBO ^d baiioqqua qoJ adJ ^JanidBD :!ij80 nA djfiansd aiawBib owJ ^gioob-sniblol Yd faaaolona lainao ad) ^Issl: egal baJgiwJ bns bavifio no ^aldsl oiiib A IQ maiisq araoabafid insY tajfai^gaibnfio islliq lavlia ag-wi io iLsq A 86 oJJib lo tl&q A ^6 a}«iq J>98obni .THWiaA^ JJaH8aaiOTHOT bna JHUa Smi. A 8G >lli8 noaoihD di'm banii ,uluoai-i0 ni baim/om -^Idoh taioob-^aibM aefifO rffilS gJdiBM ^ob16 h bainiforaioa ^JaiadfiT oJliCI A Jjsj - vpiiOB abiav dJiw ^afd** y^^^ „J93l flo ^anrauIoD faateh/J bns bay ">qqffa qo* adJ tJsnidfis ^bo ak OOf dteaaad aiawBib galbloli bdzohai taJaao adJ ' boB bavTBO 00 ^sMb* o«ib A lOi aiuJDBluaBm flfiiaM ^Jllg laviia togsls bos Haiaa lo lieq A SOf BflidD daaail lo siawoft ai ballaraana YiMl'JoBad gisaosq adi tiaBoD Y^focfs 9«A A EOil Slig boB baaada ^ulwoin-io dan dixw o«ib A i^Qi xiaJBTodBia ,Y/ioaa aiJ08 lo TaKiaAD wAieaaq jjams a m 2aJBfq-JaoI bnB aagaid adJ taioob-gaibfdl baaolani latoaa adi ,b9nBa boB bavBigoa ^looiBf M^n&:i XleiR'iodBlo .aSOHaflAW JSAO DIHTOO aOHAJ A din ^A^"^ bs\3L COLLECTION OF PICTURES. TUESDAY, OCTOBER the 8th, 1822, To begin punctually at TWELVE o'CIock. Cuyp 1 A SMALL Portrait of a Youth [ I ^ Taunay 2 A small oval Landscape^ painted with transparent effect ("S) Callot 3 Infernal Spirits : on black marble C ) Breughel 4 A small upright Landscape, with Wood and Water (5^ Flemish ............ 5 A small Portrait of a Lady, with the date 1662 ^ itlM (ij.'i S.*jU ^ Van Kessel. . . ., 6 A small Landscape with numerous Birds — highly finished Quintin Matsys, 7 A Study of two Heads ; one of them of an Old Man in Prayer, the other with a Rosary Aberli. ........ 8 View of a Swiss Cottage, with Water, Pasture Grounds and Figures— neatly finished ^ Stothard .......... 9 Tom o'Shanter : from Burns's Poems Otto Marseus, 1654 *9 A pair, small, of fruit and fish — beautifully finished 60 SEVENTH DAY*S SAEE. Steenwyck, -JO Interior of a Cathedral, with figures ?2sW Parmegiano 11 A Study of a Child's Head Jeo Mignon 12 A small Flower Piece with a Lizard and Shells f^-it4^^ '^lisii dim baJiiiBq— laJfiV/ bm Ditto by Baptiest \) ,5io3 aG ■ ' P«tel ►*l^9%38"lA Pair of Landscapes with Architecture and Figures iVtjV L\ iiJ^ Stothard. .iWBi^W.^J ^^^4 the Flower and the Leaf, from Chaucer » ^ ^ - .msn^ Holbeinl\««.i8efil".Q,-^ IS^viA; small Portrait of a Man with the Hands joined in ■ \»7.1, cM*iiut ild-^d Y^OT™f^yer— very beautifully finished WmUi^V.^^^V^M^ ^Ke^Building of the Tower of Babel, with a Mitltitua6# J-'' : Y ' ^^I^mal lorf . ; gmaU Figures. See the Catalogue of King Charles's (w^J^^^'^i-fc^B -gamieBdo t: Collection tauttfriini bsrfghift ffscxf ,L r , . ^, . Van Delen .« 17 Interior of a Church, with Figures— delicately finished ' Guercino 1 8 Head of an Angel, a Study for a Part of the Annunciation, Corregio 19 Heads of a Virgin and Child—elegant'Copy' I u) ' West , . . 20 A small Landscape with Figures, Stag Hunt h-^) ^Vest . 31 The \'irgin and Dead Christ > y ^ West... 22 The Companion, St. Anthony of Padua 1 ) Van Opstael . , 23 The Interior of a grand Saloon of Pictures, with charac- .liJ ai aaBD orfJ ^IL. a . , ^ , te'^is^'^k Specimens of the Works of several distin- h.ff«3o,oW*8BW odw Painters-finely coloured ^4 0 De Vries^^^^^.g^j^.^^g^, The Interior of a Palace in which is introduced a View of tjUO^':! m ,901113 V Jb ,9gftja<^^^^brated Cabinet belonging to the Emperor of j8H0'oV lb oion Breughel. 25 A Landscape with numerous Figures, and Christ bearing !V/l' 9wU Cross, with distant View of Jerusalem and Mount Calvary SEVENTH DAY*S SALE. West , 26 A Subject from the Revelations— very grand and spirited I Cxi) West 27 ADitto, theeompanion A(li|^J, _ usigsffl^" ^^^1 "^^"^ '^v^ Dobson 28 Portrait of King Charles's Dwarf . ; De Cort 29 A Landscape with Ruins and Water— painted with trans- ivurgil- bflfi aiiiJo&JidoiA id; parent and very pleasing effect \'^), ia3«4 Franks .ieo««IO^ The Adoration of the Magi^ with many figijiriBS^ kk^oi^ l^o^io^..,^^.»i^,dmi aBovtraitof theDxikQ of Alva in a Cuirass, ^(|,Bitl^^a bmizm^ yliuuiM^^^^^^'^ Baton— very highly finished < - ^) |Frag0ttard^.a4l#Wf .iod^lo^I^a^^ i^^ Corset and ^tin Dress, in th^, Interior, M.^^^ ^^t :^ o( an Apartment, standing by her Female Attendant ^ TViA' Wv \ kV^S Stella 33 Adoration of the Magi, on lapis lazuli. From the col- ° lection of Dr. Chauncey ^ ' ^ / "'fijH 'wj^'^Ip ?>"i"!fr"'' ■ ■ . - - J Siqueira ...... , 34 The Reposo in Egypt, with Infant Angels— a very pleasing ej^. \ N'^l^-^ ^^2.-^ i^sJu . ; specimen of a distinguished Portuguese Artist Henri diBlois calM^lg^ A rocky Landscape with St. Jerome kneeling in Prayer, CiyetU,^. ^, - -:a.^,.i.v . before a Crucifix. The Civetta, or small Italian Owl, ^ r ^ is introduced, as was generally the case in the [ (iUj^y imnoloD ^bfifl--^^^ ^^.^ rare Master, who was therefore called o WV' tf'bwnboiim erdotdw Q^gtta. This beautiful specimen was obtained by !0T0iS»q3r5 gaignolsd \ate Mr. Strange, at Venice, in 1770, from the collection of the Nuncio di Verona Bhreughel and Roten- ■) 36 Nymphs and Infants in a rich Landscape fiDing the Horn h4 hreughel and Roten- ") 3b Mymptis and intants in a nc haemer . ; ..jofe Abundance U-S"^ 62 SEVENTH day's SALE. Sir Antony More .... 37 A beautiM original Portrait of Dona Juana de ^H^pi^'^ md£ait lia^i the costume interesting anji, highly finished -,.-^5^ , U. . Ditto 38;> >>eanne d'Archel, of the House of Egmoiit J\b3j^ Steenwyck . ..... ..vOiJa^oaTte Court Yard of a Palace,,^ith Figures representing iA'^miU^t, vu- .mmebooM b I'^t^'^^iew between Dido and ^neas 5 the latte| n painted by Pourbns. This specimen is from the iUBSiu * •' 1 Li^vojJiQ Collection of the Prince of Hesse Cassel { Wr MMM ^^^TTJEtttj^W ^ A small Landscape— very highly finished T2^1 CimadiCon«gajaai|aJ3ritJ . The Virgin, in richly coloured Drapery, holding the W^^^hdO moil .Bar y^"^^ ^P" ^ Landscape f^ll ^'^^ ^'^"^ P^'* buildings 6! a forfifii^^^^fif, r V nit ^^"^vL with a clear and brilliant sky. This beautiful speci- men of one of the scarcest Masters -of the iearly vene- hnf^'i^ [kZZ S^M. Iwcvw IfM^ /^^^^"tian School, formerly belonged to Mr. Strange, and .^i03a ^ ro no(*raoq«m a 1 00^^^ ^^.^.^^^^^ the collectidiii 9£3tl»e.m» di ddi \o tt6lS3sdo'} SiU moil ,air(i-i "erona A, Cano.^ 42 Portrait of Don Estevan de Vargas {^l) kysk^ H*vi< (l^;?/^iron?sl'' i^jrffl'i finely coloured Portrait of Catharine Cornaro , jO^ 3) Bassano ,44 Noah going out of the Ark (44j Ditto , , , » - . , 43 The Israelites gathering Mannr ^ « « « ^ - • • • niadloH B {aoi}c|noa0x xvb , ^ . ,,^> . ^,^^,j^^bkTprtrait of Pope Gregory XIIL in a Chair ( \^S') Vernet 47 A Storm on a Coast, with Figures ; painted in his fine ^mmbm b5MnAMdmdTi0 7kqB ^^^^^^ ^'""^ ^''''^ ( Ditto •« M .«V4 ». 48 A Galm, the porapanion. From the same collection CstUot. ^...♦►vf ii9 Christ mocked— very richly coloured ^ ":j X ) , . 63 Breughel. . . . Vl^/'A .^i>^d A small upright Landseape • ..j^ ^^^^ Florentine School llie Annunciation— very highly finished ( ^S) Holbein ^ A small Portrait of the Duke of Savoy, ovaj. Breughel . ^''^S'^^^'small River Scene with Boats and Figures Steenwsck ir.T.^. /.T 54'^Conversation of Christ and Nicodemns, by candlelight ((2.^ Ditto 55 The companion,— Priam s Dream /VS riA^ .I si-iSr^) Francesco Cagliari.. ,. 56 Christ, and the Woman touching the Hem of his Gar- ' ^^^^^ ^liS,^iai.a a Group of many Figures ; tery spirited, r<'^"l^jl|?,ai^tf?qBta b9wolm atid finely coloured-a cabinet specimen Bnenffhel, 57 A small upright Landscape. From the Choiseuil Col- lection . D. J.F.Frattdte% IfiOljom P)e Triumph of Neptune j a composition of mar y figures, very elegantly drawn. From the cohsttion of the ' ^ • ,■ , • Elector of Hesse Cassel Van Kessel CO A pair, small, of Fish, Fruit and Flowers ; very minutely hr^t \kx>> s*jU. . . and highly finished Holbein 61 A Portrait of a Man in black Drapery, with a medal at his girdle, bearing an inscription; a chateau and H^v^ lA1^^/"^^^**S"'^^"^^^ardensc^^^ in the distance; from the Lansdown Breughel 62 Two of the Elements ; a pair of highly-hnisiied and most perfect Pictures from the Escurial : in an ebony " Wame, with mouldings of or-moulu [il^ Phil. Wouvermans./ ^^62 A l^^y'^^ffi^ Waggon, with an Escort of Cavalry, crossing a Brook ; Beggars in the rout ground, and Children tumbling t '^''J 64 SEVENTH day's SALE. ^ 63 The Maniage of St. Catharine j an admirable specimen of this Master ; the subject treated with great taste, and veiy finely coloured. It was formerly in the Oratory of the Doge Loredano (c/-]) Polidoro da Caravaggio 64 The Adoration of the Shepherds, with a Choir of Angels, with circular top 5;} G. Bellini 65 Portrait of the Doge Loredano. The tnith with which HA tM, tfeL1> S>Aii. . distinguished personage is represented, the ^ ^ warmth of tone, and the agreeable eflfect of chiaro scuro, rank this Portrait among the finest of the master. It was purchased by Lord Cawdor, from the Grimani Palace Francesco Bassano . . 66 Abraham giving Tythes to Melchizedeck j small upright : lYd ih-^c-^-^- , lyv OM, a clear and finely-coloured specimen. The name of V ' [ S ^1 the painter is inscribed upon the picture 'l^ 9KU Giacomo Bassano .... 67 The Children of Israel gathering Manna j the companion Lucas Van Leyden. ... 68 A Lady reading a Missal in the Interior of an Apartment, HA' 1 m r , e, ^ ^ "^^^^^ ^^^^^^ her— a charming and vei^ pure specimen of this great but early Master 69 A beantiful small Landscape with a Windmill. From the Choiseuil collection ijiy) ^' 70 The Holy Family and St. Francis j very sweetly painted : in an ebony and gold frame ("^ o) MazzolinodiFerrara.. 71 The Woman taken in Adultery j a nmnerous Group of . , p Figures, the countenances of the whole of which are ^ V marked with strong expression— another group is ^....-..rr.-:---^^^^^^^ ' 65 oaoifosqa oMBiitabB as isahmfuO lo s^fimfiM sdT Zd » 'nHbH 0 finely disposed in a gallery above : the . Architecf4r6 ' * is richly ornamented ( \lk) ' ^- ''•'^ \ '^'^ ^ Patel , jjjjg^^Q 'j^sW^^ Landscape with Architecture and Figures, repre- •hi.3o'a.,t^ ^^'-f^. specimen ^ ^jjj^ Zucchero 73 A snjall Portrait of tiie Djg^ d'Alengon j very delicately finished. It was formerly in the Collection ot fY{^"^* [^^^^^^' ^ Charles I. whose initials are upon the back of the oi8i£b 10 30^9 ^ picture ' ^"^^ tivw. i u4 "Z,! ju^ IrU M"lal?o'*^?fVl ?°ff^^4 Ecce Homo. The character of the Saviour is contrasted * by that of two others, one front face, the other in profile ; the drapery of the former, open in front^ I JdgiiquilBxnB j iaabasidalaM oi ^^^^^^4ni^4 of Stripes ^f)^%if^oay— io arasff sdT .norabsqa bs-jf o; ^gj.y ^•^^'^^^ f^^^ coloured ; and worthy of Leo- sioJoiq 9jii noq« L j^^^^j^ ymcU to whom it has been ofton attributed iO££tsqmoo 9dJ J eanaM ^nhai; by Connoisseurs of Eminence i > p) ynteS^A'MlV'Kmaifll^iiJ^iPortrait of a Young Man in a Hat and Feather-^Veiy ^""^ masterly. From the Collection of the T^mM ^h63 iod imJ^ mM^mm «>f Lansdowne Wilson 76 A small Landscape, View on the>Tiber, with a Figure on;i sdl moil JlirabciW n rfJr ■ ' - a Timber Raft, and a Female reposing on the Front Ground. From Mr. Knight's Collection, undoubtedly, bsiahq xH99W8 Y^9T i ^hmil .iB^ ^j. ^j^^ most beautiM productions of the Master AMantegna. 7^^^^^^'^ in the Garden ; his Disciples sleeping in the Io q0O.^O BVOTama & j pailabApVont Ground: in the hailf distance, in a sultry T * /hhi4^*^i) afplw lo aaoisfia^ftdscape^ armed Figures and Captives, with ae q&'Oi| s^dloSa^aoiaaaiqxa Isflliisiori to the Persecution of the early Christian I ^£iltv/\ I Converts : in the Sky, is an Angel with a Cup — a very surprising and valuable early specimen 66 SEVENTH day's SALE. P. Perugino 78 Breughel andVan Balen 79 Van Eyck 80 Peters 81 Breughel and Roten- ") haemer / M*vA. G Bellini 83 Murillo 84 Bronzino 85 Bassano 86 Ditto 87 L. Cranach *87 The Virgin^ Infant Child^ and St. John ; in the Back Ground is a correct View of the Lake of Perugia — very pure and fine ' • } A Landscape ; a Garden Scene, with the Virgin, Child and Infants presenting Flowers — an elaborate and beautiful picture ( 7^3 The Entombment of a Cardinal, with many Portraits j an elaborate and very curious Specimen. From the Collection of the late Earl of Besborough, at Roehampton (^Tsj A View of Ostend, and the Mouth of the Harbour, with Boats putting out — very fine and spirited (^1 bij A Landscape, with the Judgment of Paris — very elegant C7^- A fine Portrait of Andrea Vendramini, Doge of Venice 1476 ^U.U'tHf The Infant Christ as the Good Shepherd sleeping, Angels in the back ground guarding his flock ; painted with richness of colour and very beautiful effect Portrait of the young St. Louis Gonzaga, as a standard- bearer in armour, with fragments of antique sculpture on a table behind ; painted in grand and fine taste. From the collection of the Marquess of Lansdowne ( ' ^ The Element Water, illustrated by a Fish Market, with figures in the front ground ; clear and well coloured {{^ The Element Fire ; the companion picture ; with figures of Venus and Cupid at the Forge of Vulcan, and other incidental subjects (t'^l) The Virgin and Child, interior, with a romantic distant landscape. Blasonry is introduced at each corner SEVENTH day's SALE. ^ A >i I fci, / bottom — probably the arms of the noble for whom the picture was painted Jamieson 88 A whole length Portrait of the Regent Murray, in High- ^cJIa N P ^ ^^^^ Costume j a well-finished and highly interesting A. m , f44'"^ historical portrait C^^J West 89 St. Michael and the Falling Angels : a grand design Ditto 90 St. Thomas a Becket j the Companion Picture {"2.$^^ ^ Bonifacio Bembi 91 The Virgin and Child, with St. Catharine, St. John, WtindX^Y^ CtJt (j^) St. Jerome, and St. Mary Magdalen, with romantic back -ground j the figures designed in fine taste and TJ^f-J l<^^^(ji^<»*\ *^3'' ' richly coloured ; of Gallery size 3 capital (2.34^ Xt\ West 92 Abraham and Isaac proceeding to the Place of Sacrifice on Mount Moriahj the Attendants in the back- ground : one of the well-composed and finely- coloured performances of the late President of the Royal Academy C'^^ ^'^haem^r^"^ Roten- 1^ ,pj^^ Elements, allegorically described by different elegant figures in a luxuriant landscape, embellished with a multitude of flowers, shells, and other natural ob- jects {\^) Marcello Venusti .... 94 The Adoration of the Magi ; a finely-coloured and very * iM \ feri"i» VvU. precious specimen, from the Aldobrandini Palace ; with arched top Bonifacio Bembi. . .... 95 The Adoration of the Magi, in a romantic Landscape: an elegant and finely-coloured specimen of the Master ll^-jj ''/-Ct'%9^,^~~^-^^\^*^f^^'(}^ P. Neefs and Gonzales 96 Interior of a Church, with many figures, very highly finished. From the late Mr. Hope's Collection (iSSj West 97 A Grand Mass in the Interior of St. George's Chapel at 68 SEVENTH day's SALE. |V'«1- «M,J^2-S » ^^ifVV Windsor, in which are introduced the Kings of France and Scotland, when Prisoners at Windsor : cabinet size Poelemborg 98 A Landscape, with Two elegant draped Female Figures ; lYi^f ivv 1 6^B> ^*M^ ' beyond which are others in a Pool of Water, half- concealed by the rising front-ground ; rocky Masses and Ruins, with Wood, crown a Bank in the distance ■Oitto 99 A Ditto with Ruins, and Pastoral Figures, and an elegant Kcit* \^ll> , Group of half-draped Females in the front-ground j finished with great delicacy A. Durer 100 The Virgin supporting the Infant on a Table covered with oil-cloth. The child is attempting to run, and the word " Feni" is inscribed in letters of gold before his extended hand ; a beautiful miniature Landscape back-ground. This rare and very curious picture was presented by Philip V. to a convent of nuns at Sarago9a [Xlh) Teniers 101 The Skittle Players, in the Court- yard of a Farm-house ; a woody back-ground,very freely pencilled ; a spirited cabinet specimen. From the Praslin cabinet (>^|2>} 102 The Companion : Exterior of a Public House, and a Party regaling in the open Air ; a Rainbow appears above the Thatch of the Building. From the same cabinet (2<5|4j L. da Vinci 103 The Infant Saviour seated before a rocky back-ground, between the Trees of Life and Knowledge ; the Ser- Ck« Hit pent> slain, is thrown over a branch of one of them 'i* under the Foot of the Infant is the Apple : it is exquisitely finished SEVENTH day's SALE. 69 Poelemborg 104 Fr. Mieris, the elder . . 105 Berghem 106 If L. da Vinci 107 Garofalo 108 Rembrandt 109 A Landscape with Ruins, and a Reposo of a Holy Family, and other figures. From the Choiseuil Cabinet ^^^} A Lady in a Satin and Fur Cloak, and v/ith Satin Drapery, seated in an Apartment, and feeding a Parrot. This very rare and precious gem is from the Cabinet de Praslin, No. 68 ("l^o) A small Landscape with Cattle feeding and reposing on a (Y^J-^ rising Pasture Ground ; a Shepherd and Shepherdess Soult. piping on the left ; with a hilly distance, and a very brilliant sky This pure and exquisite bijou was formerly in the Cabinet de Praslin. Wliere it ranked high, as the Diamant de Berghem The Laughing Boy, with a toy in his hand : half-figure : a beautiful bit of Nature, exhibiting, with happiest effect, the truth and sweetness which distinguish the works of this great Master It was bequeathed to the late Sir William Hamil- ton, by Lady Elizabeth Germaine ; and formerly adorned the so justly celebrated Arundel Collection ( 2-31) BergUem 113 The very celebrated Sea Port of the PRASLIN CABINET, termed the Embarquement des Ftvres ; and noticed in the Catalogue as one of the three principal orna- SEVENTH day's SALE. 71 ments of that Collection. It represents a group of Figures and Cattle on the Shore of the Gulf of Genoa, which is enlivened with Buildings and Ship- ping, painted in the finest style of the Master (l S.Rosa 114 The Interview between Job and his Friends, one of whom, habited as a Philosopher, is reasoning vt'ith him, while a Soldier, clad in Armour, with uplifted arms, and bitter expression of grief upon his lip, is com- miserating the Patriarch. The Tempter appears above. The pathos of the story is greatly enhanced by the solemnity of the colouring It was formerly in the Santa Croce Collection, and has always been considered to be of the finest of S. Rosa's productions ( 1 8 Led. Carracci 115 Sibylla Lybica. The Sibyl is seated before a Tablet, and surrounded by a Group of Boys, who are busily employed in collecting and recording her predictions. The figure of the Female is in broad and simple style ; those of the Boys, who are in action, display the finest anatomical design. This Picture was formerly of high celebrity at Ferrara, and was subsequently in the Lansdowne Collection (l4(|) End of the Seventh Day's Sale 73 ^mU^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER the 9th, 1822. To begin punctually at TWELVE o'clock. CHINA. 1 Seven enamelled plates 2 Eight ditto 3 A Japan cream ewer and stands mounted with silver, engraved and gilt 4 Two Mazarine blue basons, with rims, handles, and stands, of or-moulu 5 One blue, with enamelled plants and birds, and one red streaked bottle 6 Two escalloped Japan basons, mounted on engraved or-moulu stands 7 Twelve blue and gold Nankin desert dishes 8 Twelve burnt-in red and blue ditto, vertf rich 9 Three fine old Mandarin dragon basons, enamelled 10 Two most precious and scarce Japan bowls 1 1 Six old Japan tea cups and saucers K 74 EIGHTH DA;Y's SALE. 12 Avei^'fine Jap^^s^^-bowl ,^mb^c 13 Five shaped Japan fruit plates, with blue border and plants^ and brown edge 14' Four Japan tea cups saucerSj^ sugar and slop basons auoiosiq A ■15 Four ditto basons/2 with 'dWers and 2 odd ditt^ j Yi^^^odsfo 16 Four figured egg-shell cups with covers and stani^s^ baiogA has ^slbmd 17 Two egg-shell basonS, wilSi dragons . and pl^ts '^^ .qx/a rrnobiB^ kJnoho nk 1 8 Three pairs of cups a^id saucyf^^^n^tili U^""""^ ^^'""^ 19 Three ^apari flat bowls, very rich^ enamelifeaLJ^'sSHl^^"^'^ '^""^'1 ^'^^^ ^ y};^'' > sdi bmsor bdamiaa Ug) sdi 20 Fpur Mandarin basons and 2 covers, dragons and insects 21 Tea-pot, jelly-pot and cover, and 2 cups ^^J^'^^i^^fj'^^^^gj^Y 22 Six extremely delicate small striped cups and li^^^^g^Jj^gj^g^H^i^]^'^ ^ Japan comportjp ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ 23 One pair of large Japan dishes, heptagonal and very curious „ 24 An, old Dresden butter-tub and plate, with landscapes. ' - » , • mi'Uin^j' 1. ^ ^ DBfi qifd x^no bntrtqfnDr ;25 v,si^i r 36 An oriental sardonyx cup, mounted as a basket^ with onyx and j^P^!:^^^'|^'p ( 37 An oriental moss agate, mounted in silver, engraved and gilt ,;fgq ga^jjf sj 38 A rare piece of sculpture in r;<)ck-crystal— a lamp formed as a winged ^ago^^ the tail entwined round the stem, mounted in fine gold enamelled, the body engraved in intaglio, with a marine subject, the foot of rich design, by VALERtO DI VICENZA ^ ,i&/05 Das Joq-^^ibu^^q-^^l ■ l.^ A i. • 1. J • \i * '-^^ baqhia Ifama sieoilab vlamaiixa xi8 S£ 39 A striated oriental agate cup ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ 40 Avery large agatrized jasper tazza, sculptured in eiglitg^ttfroo^iSj mounted in silver gilt, aiid engraved ' - 41 A sculptured onyx cup anii cover on a vase, and foot of the same, mounted in fine open-work and enamelled gold, much enriched with ruby and diamonds, on three tortoise feet formed by large pearls, surmounted by a gold engraved figurje ;Of. Mipierva, with a ruby shield of the finest cinque cento workmanship 42 A globular cup of the most beautiful oriental sardonyx mammillated, ^f^j^^jy r^|e 43 A small and choice oval cup, cover, stand, and foot, of Mocoa agate, elegantly mounted, elaborately engraved, and surmounted by a Bacchante, all of silver gilt 44 AN IMPERfAL Chinese sceptre, formed oF'^a(iV^a''Fe8eht from KIEN LONG to GEORGE the THIRD ; brought over by Lord Macartney j sculptured into symbolic representations of the elements 5 of extreme beauty and rarity 76 "^EIGHTir D AY*S 8AI.E . 45 A rock-crystal bason, mounted on silver gilt vase and footf^tchased in flowers, slq-ajq rfliw twa^s^&fefl&oiooi ^Uvg IsJaoi Aim biiiauom i^sloo ^ovi bavsigna iiA «e 46 A remarkably large blood-stone . cup, mounted in gold and chased and engraved, enai6elled, and decorated with rubies iat;d XYOofoiBS A (ifi ^0 ^fmiA large two-handled cup of rock-crystal, on a foot mounted in fine gold enameled, and engraved in intaglio, arabesque ornaments, of the finest Italian work- to ^feria4ftc^tique shaped vase of rock crystal, mounted iunfioaqgeldHtomiAelled, of workmanship equal to the preceding woW fanBrftrrss 49 An engraved rock-crystal flower va^e, ilja^dl§$i ^ssAixl^n^oim , enamelled gold, of curious shape r, r ' » t ^-M hi^^^ '"^^^ bason mounted in chased sUver gUf^^^^^^jT^^^Qj^ ^^j^, ^ .51 A pair of polished nautilus shells mounted in chased silver gilliAo \sm 52 A VERY EXTRAORDINARY LARGE NAUTILUS mELL./tnei^ mgraved in tie first style by HILLIKEN : the subject the Triumph of Neptune and . Amphitrite, mounted in the most elegant manner in silver gilt embossed, and minutely engraved shells decorated by. finely -mounted and chased ornaments, of masks, cupids, and figures, and shell handle ; the arms and helmet iloi3a il.r beautifully pierced and engraved in gold ; one of the most noble and picturesque objects of this valuable Collection 63 A nautilus shell in old German mounting, silver gilt, chased and engraved/^wjth Neptune on a dolphin on the top '^'3 ^^^^^^ hQA&Ai-iiAoh A i \ 54 A ditto ditto iiit* fibflB ,noid«ii3aiq B ^d baioirorawa ,oJ.1ib oJ^ib A ST 55 A ditto large, very richly mounte'd'iiii ^IVer-^pj). MMS^m^U^'M engraved, surmounted by Neptune, on .a dolpbiii/. enriche(*"byf^gafnetS, vermilions, emeralds, amethysts,«and a sapphire 56 A pair of small pillar candlesticks of chased silver gilt EIGHTH D AY^W S ALE . '-77 58 An engraved ivory coflfer, mounted with metal gilt, locfc and key, lined with purple bns basBdti J^fil biiB Wo§ oi balnuom ^qws snola-boold sg-isl ^IdBiisma-!! A 59 A sardonyx bust of Socrates, ;niouB|fi|ig!Jfe§ Si!i^,^fijAI^I>tU¥>d^ipl^ l^j^gP An ebony coffer, with mouldings of or-moulu, lined with ivory, thei panneis of .-A-iiy^ am&il'^'^y^^''^' """"Sra^^d h^^^^^ DI VICENZA 61 A square rosewood carved tray, one round ditto, and one long dittoJ"^ Jo 02)liaAi.ecuyidus:8pecimen of perforated Arabian work in metal gilt, and 7 small shells of canth arid colour fd fiSriaallvery^cxitiouS' Chinese woodpecker, formed of the root of a 64 Various plinths of porphyry and other marbles, of different sizes and shapes 65 The MOUNTINGS of the KING of CANDY'S SWORD, very beautifully carved and chased m massive silver ifsria airhiuBii • 66 A massive silver gilt waiter on four feet, rS^Mf W^i^e^-^TZ3. ^^^3 67 dqranriT 9fi /iklJIH \£S ^\^% S%t\ ^^'^%8 An ancieiA^emfes^e^^sifver gilt ewer and dish, chased in festoons of flowers, very 69 A very spiritedly- chased silver vase and cover, elegantly ornamented with scroll and leaf borders, after the antique . ^^^.^ ^-^j^ ^3,,^^^ dibR JiSsi^aa baa baffiS? ,ili^ lavlia .^aitflwom asmisO |)io ni thih mlliuBa A ^ < 7 1 A richly-chased silver gilt casket nldqlob & no sniiJqo^T 72 A dijtto ditto, surmounted by a pincushion, and a ditto l^ftt^ 74 Two si^y§?i^ilt^gni^iiioWy engrai^^ci5)S£etti^»C0vers, with onyx knobs 9iitiqqB8 B hn- EIGHTH DAY S SALti . 75 Two ditto tazzas ^"^ .^•o.^.m.cJ m b.«s^ ^isod .la^t^ig-aoiqe aiion.. 76 An ancient vase, silver gilt and engraved, of German work . 77 A Persian vase and stand, silver gilt, of the finest perforated Shiraz workmanship 78 A MOST NOBLE and ELEGANT EWER, silver gilt, in the manner of the antique, by Moiette and Auguste ; executed with a trutYi and reeling unex- ampled f¥ ^&?tolTTO ■ DITTO !'Mh gaibUyt diif' uin^^h iuiiu, 80 i^-MAGNIFICEI^T HANDLED' -rA-ZM^ 111^3(^^8 ^#ffei^)^t%fe '%MJque, by the celebrated French Sculptor Moiette, and executed by H. Auguste (Paris, 1802), in a style of superior excellence 5 the borders and miasks most exquisitely chased, and worthy the best period of Grecian art. Ui^ma j'- f > 81 A DITTO ^PlTTaMnii v.^u. lo mq A ' vC^ ^ Four very fine small bisons and covers aia&tq riiiw 83 Two chocolate cups and saucers, 2 tea-cups and saucers/^'iSSfl^^^feil^ason and stand J! B ai aqoogalai ft 00! 84 Twelve burnt-ia and enamelled plates ^^aosdo Biomno A ' m 85 Four very fine flat Japan dishes, 2 and 2 ^^k^ has. *IUD XYTTOGHA^ A SO f 1^. Fiseegg-sheU bread and butter plates UA3TAjq XYKOCUJAg a' 80f 87 Thirteen enamelled plates, 3, 4, and 6 alnora-io 88 Two Japan shaped dishes of the finest \sm^^* JATM3IH0 Ho "TOO 9§ibI A " i'O I 89 A basso-relievop f^^esentiiag a battle, by L©iBrwn, » to Ajr-inKtala^aanii^ Bacchanalian bronze basso-relievo oodmfid ax b97i£3 sios^ 90 A very fiue gi-i^f^ffi'l^^i^J^f ^fi&f^ doubted specimen of this celebtated Master's tal«fi«oM ItofaBoo saft A tOs ligid ii 4fl99iia bonoBqBt, IjeJiqeo A 801 EIGHTH day's sale. 79 91 A very curious spice-grater, finely carved in box-wood, and masks 92 A curious bronze crab 93 A sma«U .obelisk in porphyry, ornamented with or-moulu^ '16 -oflflBfc ni ^.iljg .raviie 4^t.£[YfH T/iAOaJS^ but KJf!-.*- ''^J^ih ti 94 Two fiffures of Yenm, and Jupiter, in bronze gilt, qn a pedestal mounted with er-moulu ; • v 95 A small Japan cabinet, with folding doors and drawprs^ curiously mottled, and ;,t.i ornamented with flowers, with or-mouhi mountings* hinges, and handles a^'Ss*? A pair of carved and twisted black Japan tripods, with gilt omamentsi W Apair of4itt'^- - j'-^ - --C ' J'^i^^^ 98 A small P^t$siatt;; Buhl clock - v diiA^j? fenc ,umilD 99 A pair of ebony glazed frames, each containing threefr^iH pannels of ivory, with plants and flowers most delicately carved out of JJi^ % ,ebony and or-moolu 108 A capital japanned skreen, 11 feet high 80 EIGHTH day's sale. 109 A Bilk Persian carpet, 8-feet-4 by 6-feet r-r 110 A ditto, 7-feet-6 by 5-feet-6 111 DANIELL. A VIEW in INDIA ; a hi«Hy-fi„i,hed, a„d delicately tinted drawing in ivater^lonrs, framed and glazed, and a Companion View in India, by Ditto 112 TURNER. A VIEW of FONTHILL from a stone quarry,, grand drawing in water-colours, framed and glazed End of the Eighth Day*s Sale, ^iJiiis 0, ! Bm ,2quD boIbuBii-ovqri cjwT S 'nm ^aqoj ^ii m efstiurpc i ejo*I ttftilausad pay owT ^ 89ifii*I bdUaotsas aavsg c xi b&7j83«r liirw ^oMib mQrg bio iiK>'i d eadaiCI ofiqjst gWon owT t BsdaiQ jioi"?; ii6(|bL and xi8 8 MlBtBMm itraToD !ai8 aisL baiflofoa-saoi owT 6 wleH ten Jbns m-icaa6 amtmol: m aS;ftt!$f^ lai% '^ 1822. To begin piinctiially at TWELVE o'Clock. CURIOUS ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. I A NOBLE Japan Bowl, mounted on massive silver-stand, with chimera legs and snakes entwined in has relief , 2 Ditto 3 Two two-handled Cups, one Dish and Cover, Japan china 4 Two very beautiful Pots Pourri and Covers, with squirrels on the tops, rare 5 Seven enamelled Plates 6 Four old green ditto, with waved borders, scarce 7 Two noble Japan Dishes 8 Six fine Japan Fruit Dishes 9 Two rose-coloured Jars and Covers, enamelled 10 Fourteen bumt-in blue and red Plates 11 A pair of magnificent sea-green Bottles and Tops, covered with embossed white flowers ^ 82 NINTH day's sale. 1 2 Twelve Royal Dresden Tea-cups and Saucers, Sugar and Slop-basons pale-green ground, rich gold borders and T^fefe&p^^', inside and out, of a very superior quality, a- Greanai-ewer to correspond, massively mounted, and richly covered in silver gilt, in a gilt glass dish,, g^erfg ^rfj „i ^g^xod tiBqeL llsal^ &7R I€ ilriK^m;!''"'^^"' ''"'^ Saucers, Sugar.^n^-§l^^Y#^^g^^|}, po,y>rflaS,^ salmon-coloured ground, pencilled in goi(l,,\ffif^^^^^( Ah^ most ela- -Ibrraq.. '""^ delicate design, all different, ^^eoat^^v^^j^^os^^jy^ P^i^ perhaps not to be equalled, a chef-d'oeuvre of its kind , r t i blo§ no D91 14 Two rose-coloured Jars, ienamelled dviJBJrrai Aiift .answ-bsi saoafiqei lo aoii&fml xii ,98fiv aBqsl gironira A t^g lo m^^oukfiliWRofMlU^'W^^ boow 16 Six Wedgewood Cups and Saucers, and two cut-glass Ewers boBfJio*! 17 Two Japan Beakers cjjih i/nib pflfiqBi bai lo sbiaut edi ^szaamh^qmoo aaiiii ai ,i9llBm8 ,oJJxb A 18 Two large Japan Jars, blue and gold ground , -IB bnais-Uoioa b bag leJaamJiBqmoo ovj'f • tcqBL bnaoig aJBloaodo A 19 A very curiou^^i|g^jjf sfeP^s-^^^^ the form Sefto^ .Ifcwirfalg ajar on J , ^'^^^^ ^'i'^ ^ Siphon, with a Frog seated ou a waJtet-JUy mthm r ! i a -c 20 A fine wide-mouth Jar of Japan China ^^^j^gq, ,„ohaD b 21 A Ditto, blue ground, and white pannels, figures and f^gJiaia^^^m lo oWib A «S 1b Vof f^c*'*'^ ^''^ S^^^ ground .^^ ^^^^ ^j^j^^ ^, ^.^ 23 4>flfW>af9!J^P^ |j^rs aud covers, large flower pattern, iWitkrieii'l^cJ^gq 24cfEW9!fe*Sff •l9t^fbjfl«9'ftOii covers r : ieed b ^ailnsasiqsi ,xod rfino^BXSxf oA Ol' 25 Six Japan coflfee cups and saucers, and six tea diftOTtef^k^i^'cffeWpots 26K&i5cditto breakfafet«^tw>#w#^s^ Idfcj^am pots biTxrcig Snpjq ftoqn ^bUqi ai 8i37/oEl dJhr 27 Six very scarce enkwMlfed bu^F tiipIkdt'l^ '^od naqsL lBOO§ex9d nA 28 A pair of striall silVe^ giltf and bh^ed'pl^^^^ . ?fli^-:pair aiuv^»Ja>(f/>.' ■ ■ ^ _ / sited at St. Denys, whence it was taken during the French Revolution; it is mounted on two steps of black marble . bios fii*'^ bslrfo bb^^A m .-^ml b huaest'^od % 59 A Seve cup and saucer, exquisitely painted liO A HANDLED TAZZA and liner of gold, on plinth, supported by four winged chinaeras, designed by Moiette, and executed by Auguste, 1793, at Paris, ornamented by a border of arabesque figures and Cupids, with mask and ii'q amke handles ; the whole finished with unrivalled excellence . 61 A DITTO DITTO 62 AN IVORY VASE, mounted by Rundell and Bridge, in chasedSilver gilt. It j;,, is in alto-relievo, sculptured by Strous. The subject, a marine Venus, attended by Tritons and Sirens 03 A SINGULARLY BEAUTIFUL CABINET of ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, by the CELEBRATED SCULPTOR BERNINI, composed of ebony, inlaid with various precious materials, in the very finest taste, and noieq-f ^^f exquisite workmanship iViiaA:> 64 An ebony cabinet, mounted with dr-mbuTu i'ictily g^ with plate-glass folding- doors, and lined with rose-coloured watered silk 65 A ditt 1^ K^m §1^"% Mmr^ ornamented of red porphyry with black border aafhnBri 67 A ditto 'aibsi bflB 898£y ioaa'sa boAi iisgoa aasig loo dJiw ,oJjib joJiib A 18 68 A lady's snmll enamelled jewel ^», Wkrm^^fife^]^M^^^^^ 69 A pair of Gothic carvings in Ivory, representing *?ilie ferf^^'an(f *I^alsion"o(^our Saviour, in ebony frames glazed •-'i^ '^-'' rf**" thnsJa oiaom laiJ ^ A ^^8 70 A sculptured IVORY VASE, mount^ 4i? Vf^9^ PUM W six elegant feuiales, and a youth and imkM %AU' ^i'^ree, and Cupid gathering a bough above 71 A 0ITTO> with maripe deities --no-n diiw .sldcJ xj1o3 '^noda nA d8 72 A fine aaiber cabinet, with rich carved devices, aii^f'^llrafel^^ s iaweib oJlib A ^8 «U9i fi ,2gnibiiiom al«om-io bsanrb ■ \i-^p^ rfsaisl hfog bnB jlauld A 88 38Bncf fiiiw ^aiifitsioae b ^ajf juoil nwob SUPERB SILVER GILT PLATE ! ^'^^ 73 A SILVER-GILT EWER, on tripod goats legs, winged snake, and ebony handles, made by Green and Ward, from a design of Boilieu jVHaAD urn JHUa Yl/^Oaa nA j(P /t A DITTO, DITTO . !«Oiji yal'J" .sfooh-'gniblo'i ggalg 75 A MAGNIFICENT ^mMl^Jm^SkSmiiL^^b^^^Sm^ -'or^ manship jluroai-to rfJiw ,8gs( baJaiwi bflB baviBO ao sfdflT ^noda flA*I(? 76 A DITTO, DITTO GfiiaaopilnB 77 Two statuary marble plinths, mounted in or-ppjj^^, ^^,.^.g TaTTiaAO A 78 A silver gilt filagree casket on.||^i|lj^^ag^^^ „^ .Hja AT Y 5^033 . 79 An Arabian metal engraved and gilt essence vase ^^««« sop fine sbiav boe ^mm fAMbi ^ih^l''m^'^Aif^^9^i^mn%^%^Vi4iimi^ai BSMir«»^««^jn|ft90ted with handles and covers nhiod ^osld diiw tn*k''»»«i ^^"^ "^^ 81 A ditto, ditto, with cut glass sugar and cream vases and ladles oJiib A \b 84 A 4 tier music stand, with black turned balustres, j-^"^ ^uodaal tioo!?B3 A M4G]>yf4^J§.p ypSl^q^RPET, of eU^t^^,mis9tgfb^9i^x(^ bm .^ai^'^^Mte ^Jti^l'^.C""?^' scrolls, and flowerj3?|^^i9HS|s«!i)!Hf, 9 yards by 4 d B gnhsrflBg biquD 86 An ebony sofa table, with ivory ornaments, solid el30B]^ie|^(Mli^llTyI^dAt^ drawers QIiB^5f|^^•^|^H£^^..: . .t. ..^.ua .sj...: .iaoidao isdisus 909 A Sf^ 87 A ditto 88 A black and gold Japan cabinet, with finely chased or-moulu mouldings, a fall- down front, covered with green leather, forming a secretaire, with brass gal- lery and brH|a^l|^lal| }imJI^ QRmm 89 A ditto 90 An ebony coffer, with raised Florentine mosaic pannels, and or-moulu mouldings 91 An EBON Y BUHL and TORTOISESHELL CABINET, enclosed by plate glass folding-doors, richly mounted in or-moulu, lined with crimson silk -rflow Jsi^ftaf^^ ^g(j5^i^j^ounied by a black inarble slab - 9l*An ebony Table on carved and twisted legs, with or-moulu ornaments and verde antique slab 92 A CABINET. Similar to ^' "^"^^^^ 93 An EBONY TABLE, on c^fv^^l 'Iriif'IWtsTe^^^ ornaments and verde antique slab ; , 88 NINTH day's sale. 94 A NOBLE and MAGNIFICENT EBONY CABINET, enclosed by folding doors of exquisite workmanship, representing two well-known Roman histo- rical subjects, with three solid ebony columns, most elaborately carved, and supported by 6 vases, vrith riiassive mouldings, caps and bases finely chased 95 A MAGNIFICENT EBONY COFFER, the pannels of beautiful Florentine mosaic, on the corners are bunches of fruit of raised mosaic, with or-moulu feet and ornaments, exquisitely chased and gilt, fitted up with internal tray, lined with crimson velvet, with chased handles, locks, and hinges silver gilt, y^om the Pitti palace 96 A SUPERB CABINET of GOLD JAPAN, and VARIOUS FOREIGN WOODS, on a stand ornamented with or-moulu, the frieze most exquisitely chased and gilt, surmounted by an Egyptian granite slab, made, by ^^'AUGUSTE ■ - ^^.^^^ n i 97 A large and fine Vase of Swedish porphyry. ' ^ * •^^at^teBil^gs^ A> 5 , flaw ^uMt ^ih o-wT ' ■ §«w irmq soq aaqsRl End of the Ninth Day, >rld )m{d . m ^Imm^ km am^. ^mbi^ $>^im» %»im&am 89 Centft isag'^ ^ale* FRIDAy, OCTOBER the 11th, 1822. To begin precisely at TWELVE o'Clock. y^mupmrnm-mmA-^i s-«iooa>vjGHINA*safe9-iM»,i%itifej'-^ 1 Five white Lotus cups, mounted as milk-pails, aod two octagon Japan trays 2 A cylindric Jar, old green and red enamel ,, 3 Two ditto flasks, very fine, with raised flowers 4 A matchless Japan bowl and dish 5 A Japan pot pourri and cover 6 Two lapis blue and gold ground cylindrical jars, enamelled with birds and flowers 7 Two octagon Japan basons, mounted on or-moulu stands 8 Two extra fine Japan jars and covers, blue and gold ground, with labels and flowers 9 Two dove-coloured vases, mounted in or-moulu ^ 10 Two very ancient buff crackle flasks, green and blue enamel, on or-moulu stands with feet M 90 TENTH day's SALE. ]1 Two ditto . ■lyiifc'i!?!' . h^nlZl^'i^^'^ finest yellow cracky e J ar^^^wKh^^^^^^^ head handles, tastefulj^^ mounted in silver gilt 13 Two blue and gold enamelled chocolate pots and covers 14 A pair of tooled and embossed old sea-green jars, magnificently mounted by Germain, with boys and festoons of flowers, scroll mouths and stands, chased and gilt-^me of Louis Xp}' -^>i^>i 15 Two Japan red ground and enamelled basons, on or-Q^Mogt^taidflii with goat^' M ii^tio. legs, foliage, and busts i 'to lean b bne ^iasminsq 16 't'wo black Japan and pearl bottles, with landscapes a^if^^i^s^/ rii'dst expen- sively and elegantly mounted, chased, and engraved, with apple tops - • 17 A many-sided Japan bowl, a rare specimen, on massive or-moulu pedestal, after the antique, by Moiette and Auguste, formed of winged chimeras^ and rim, on ebony plinth ^^.^^^j^ ^^^^^^^ ^ . 18 An old blacK and enamelled Japan pot pourri and cofver, with k^^^jpf j tjip 19 Two olive-ground Tartarian blue and red enamelled coffee pots, rare aftd curious 20 Two lapis blue ground beakers, beautifully enamelled in compartments, and mounted in chased and engraved or-moulu 21 An elegant long-necked black bottle, delicately pencilled in gold, expensively mounted in or-moulu, chased and engraved, surmounted by a Mango 22 Two blue mandarii^ J'f l^f ? ^?^?^f "^^f -^^^'S^Jfivf JJO 23 A choice specimen of sea-green china, beautifully tooled in scrolls and flowers, with mosaic characters round the collar .ai ^taaidtso Tjaods i 24 Two red and gold ground jars, exquisitely enamelled in compartments, with figures and butterflies bavisj TENTH t)AY'^' SAjLe. 91 25 Two Japan basons, of tortoiseshell pattern 2(5 Two matchless flasks ancl stoppers, red, blue, and gold borders, and flowered pannels yd bsJaoora ^UnaoftingBiB ,mBi oaan^-Bsa Mg beeaodcas hiw bafoot 1o %m A H Q/i^nii^aktiteen of gold Japan, consisting of a bottle, a tray, and, a -box with a com- partment, and a nest of boxes pencilled in Indian ink, a silver handle on -aaqxa Jatfefi S^^^* """^ ^'^J'' collection of the Due de Bouillon 28 A s<5i|a*&b»3^vof .g©ld Japan, with a drawer, ornamented with plants, &c. 3§t>A Japan cabinet, covered with matted work, embroidered with silk flowers, fold- ran bufc ifli^oors and drawers inside, mounted with or-moulu > ;* 30 A canteen of Chinese basket work, with boxes of the sanie design 31 JA*^kli Japan black and gold cabinet, ornamented with pheasants, trees, and .0aniir; flowers ^ ..cT biiocijj 32' A pair of marble trays, with rose-wood mountings ^ , ^ah^ ^'qn!. ' ■ 33 A black and gold Japan canteen^ ornamented with or-moulu ognfiM F. vd batnuoffifue .bavaigno bnn bssurliv ^tdnoflj-TO ni ba' ,819'woft bn& alfoioa ni bafoo* f(lluiiiuti-3'.i ^i^-sa^^ 34 An ebony cabinet, mounted with .rifihVy- gilt, with plate-glass folding- doors, lined ^"tm^iSBh^m^iMt^^ ^^^^ 35 An ebony table, with carved and twisted legs, ornamented with or-moulu, and slab of red porphyry, with black border 92 TENTH day's SALE. 36 A 2.tier ebony music stand, with or-moulu and gilt mouldings, with green velvet top . , . . , ^? h[j.bd Jf(;§-isvlf8 A - r 41 A fine ebony buhl and tortoise-shell cabinet, inclosed by folding plat|l*Jfasi doors, richly mounted with or-moulu, lined with crimson silk tabaret, and sur- mounted by a black marble slab 42 A ditto ^^^ -^ 43 An ebony table, with carved and twisted legs, ornamented Witl/dr^riidulu, and with slab of verde antique u?odJoui .bist bfc:3(; 44 A ditto sgniil Mk - 1«THU*I HOi - SUPERB SILVER-GILT PLATE!^§"°''*'^ 45 A MAGNIFICENT EMBOSSED DISH, with border of military trophies andmasks; within are six compartments, with the labours of Hercules finely chased round the rose and crown, which form the centre of the dish. This formerly belonged to KING CHARLES L ^-f n 46 A 13-inch silver-gilt salver, with chased border4e^r^^^a4l«rf»i ia the centre, and initials of WILLIAM and MARY *46 A ditto TENTH DAY*S SALE. 93 wtl^flaspfeit of silver candlesticks, richly chased and gilt 48 A sideboard dish of old silver embossed and gilt, T^ith.^^^j^^ flow, disposed in ba«8n«noioo^rt,rutshed flutes ^^'^ "^^'"^ ...aot,. i)9ti|g05^ijt|j^eioob-«nji>io) ^saobns 2i9Wfiib ■^nfigodsra ,89nif *fig mmv dhm sdrfoni U iool i bar v ^ "^rf^nrf ? ts^ ^ .osE^nB-olfBlg^o dafa ^ 50 A pair of silver candlesticks, richlv chased . « jr > .d, fasLsqcr^oo 93,rii ^^^^'^ X"''^^ ^'^"^ ' i^iri 19^ J'Sd^ii^ HJm iiuq -qntf .^it ™b.§iiiblo:t .jd fasaoloos 6iJ0Dt> 53 A siiver-gilt casket, with bas reliefs, richly chasedi,Bffi*!£'ffHjrdft S^cJ^iray eti^M^^SiBlq §nibI(Aidb9- ;Drf8.98ionolbaBirfodtaod9sna A iua buB ,*3i6diJJ Jfli? ao. -il2i»-io riliw baiauom cm iofild ■ ' : LANCASTER STATE BED-CHAMBER. bd|5,i^f>^^AG^'I^'^CENT STATE BEDSTEAD, with solid ebony pillars, carved head and footboards, with rich crimson silk damask hangings, trimmed with silk fringe 56 A RICH PURPLE SILK QUILT, beautifully worked in gold. It formerly belonged to HENRY VIL ^^^(^q^jC9|if|y embroidered while satin qa\hO:\P.^C^^MR 'I «3ft8^T^I>alpof^8ii*»^..giltsconce9i fortnerly the property'^of KING WILLIAM and Mb 3(\i QUEEN MAl8V<3iflw ♦"''o*'^ ^^"'^ ^'^^ ^""'''^ 59 I wo chairs ot solid ebony, carved, on castors. These were originally the property 9v of CARDINAL WOLSfeV^ ^rifee'^fcg^^t'tmmbis PALACE at Esher 60 TWO DITTO .HAMb..t.AUJlW 61 TWO DITTO 94 62 A pair of massive Gothic silver sconces, finely cKased and gilt ^Jsas 8"o»" 63 Two large chairs of solid ebony, carved, of different patterns; on pifeSP castors 64 Two ditto, the entire surface of each richly carved, &c. , , , ,1 abnmllooJJib A— oJlia 88 65 Ditto, plain, with ivory knobs, on ditto castors ^ . , , „ vxow bsviBD 1o Jsaidfio A ^ 66 Two low ditto on ditto, the entire surface richly carved 67 One ditto of ebony, carved, and one of stained wood made to Correspond ■ ■ . - ■ u = ! w Kioqu aJaai ,9*jnhot> 68 One ditto with elbows, with morocco stuffed.^V.,,*,,^ jy^r fcnJ^hb yisv \o 69 A LARGE and MAGNIFICENT ROBE CHEST, formed of highl^|^e|^t^. wood, externally carved with the rose and thistle, doubl^ilt,^^d^co^^ in imitation of gems, with massive-wrought handles, hinges, and key, water- gilt, of the times of JAMES I. 71 An oak cabinet, the top supported by carved and twisted columns on feet ; the ' . J9n idBO Jbo 0 A 08 centre inclosed by folding doors, and two doors underneiath 72 A ditto table on carved and twisted legs , , . , I &ns D9V1B0 ao alast ueo oA Og 73 A crimson and gold table cover, 6 feet 6, by 7 feet . , „ / . r . 74 A red Malabar chintz bed-furnitur^^ ^^^^rfjoig .T ^d *74 Two single curtains 9j|he|ay^e^^j^ b»imq>^ b ^mdo'M .ia^MOiUmBU 75 A rich palampore ^bJIb m abiasd fsnneq bsrfoiis 76 A ditto, and a roll of chintz border ,aoi0aqaioo drii ^bfidD bas aigiiV sdT £(> 77 A painted satin quilt 78 Apierglas&in oak frame, with richly carved Gothic top, relieved in gold 79 A ditto 80 A pair of richly carved Gothic brackets of oak, relieved with gold TENTH DAY*S SALE. 95 81 A cuiious enamel of Queen Mary, wife of Philip, with the red and white roses 'itQUB-y^^^ inscription engraved recording their joint titles 82 Hayter— A portrait of Edward VI. , , . , „ - , , ^ 83 Ditto—A ditto of Francis I. ^ , ^ , ,. . , , aiotaao onib no ^edoni yiovi riiiw nitja ,oltsG 84 A cabinet of carved work, the design much in the ancient taste of the reign of Elizabeth, with folding-doors ; an upper shelf with richly carved frieze and cornice, rests upon oval carved supports, and the cabinet stands on columns of very original but handsome design ' ^W^X¥^^^''^ ^^'^o'* .T8aj^ a TWdOnmOAM Bob 30HA J A o« A ^ -a .-'ii^UiiiJi't'^ . "^' "^'^ sfi^iiiiw b9vte;> vifums}?:^ .boot" , 80 A magnihcent Persia carpet of elegant pattern, on cnmson groundf, with green border and silk fringe, flowered in various colours, g yards by 4 . . adojij mii io ,jug 87 A pier glass in massive ebony and tortoise-shell frame , ^. OTTM 88 A ditto 89 An oak cabinet, the top supported by carved and twisted columns, on feet, the centre enclosed by folding-doors go An oak table on carved and twisted legs 91 A richly-carved Gothic altar, designed by VVyatt, with four beautiful paintings by T. Stothard, R.A. illustrative of the history of Tobit 92 Hamilton. — St. Michael, a spirited and elegant upright Picture, suited for an arched pannel beside an altar 93 The Virgin and Child, the companion. Jt»biod ^jcuv <;^!a^ - CEOROE SIDNEY Piinteri KortiuimberUnd.Street, Strand. SPATIAL Oct- 1 loQhf c » IHE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY