O^T^ZLOOTJIE OF THE COLLECTION OF I J/m ■ I LoCb\ Modern Pictures AND DRAWINGS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, Sold in consequence of his giving up his Residence; ALSO A FEW PICTURES THE PROPERTY OF R. J. GORDON, R.B.A. Deceased; S ID FROM OTHER SOURCES: • WHICH OTtU be *olti lip auction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT R©@M§» 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1897, May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. TV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during .the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pub! ic or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. Sold in consequence of his giving up his Residence. ENGRAVINGS. 1 The Proposal ; ancl the Companion, after J. R. Smith —coloured 2 2 Sheba’s Visit to Solomon, after Sir E. J. Poynter, P.E.A., by L. Girardet— artist’s proof, signed by the painter and engraver 3 The Garden op the Hesperides, after Lord Leighton, P.K.A.— photogravure DRAWINGS. 4 A Symphony in Grey H. BRIGHT, 1868. 5 Egret of Athens B 2 LE CAPELAIN. / o . (, 6 A Lake Scene - /-?. [7 A Coast Scene 8 Sea Pieces —a pair LE CAPELAIN. LE CAPELAIN. D. COX. /0- (r, 9 A CoTTAGE- -sepia P. DE WINT. jf - - 10 A Landscape —sepia COOPER HENDERSON. 4. - — 11 The Gloucester Mail & xxajA- rrrijd A - —- — COOPER HENDERSON. 12 The Exeter Mail (Z /<&-. - H. HOFMANN. 13 The Agony in the Garden A. MAILE. /- /. _ 14 Warwick Castle R. MAINELLA. 15 Life on the Lagunes —a pair /A- /. c R. MAINELLA. // — (o 16 A Pair of Ditto R. MAINELLA. #■ /$. C 17 A View of Venice J. SERRES. / O - C 18 View of a Castle E. RICHARDSON. /• /O ~ “ 19 Dbaohenfels W. TURNER. / O . (, 20 A River Scene W. TURNER. <3- — • — 21 A Combat in a Wood W. TURNER. o - /()• (> 22 Arundel Park su> W. TURNER. /f " /* t ~- ( 23 A View on the Coast of Antrim E. E. WEST. **■ ' f o - — 24 Crossing the Moor : Windy Weather C. BORTIGNONI. V. /+_ . C 25 The Game of Cards /S x 'V C$0- J-- /ss r. - %f(& . /j. * - S /J~ ( <2- S: _ /- /Jr. 2 .- J2L • /<£- 26 The Lecture C. BORTIGNONI. PROF. C. CHERICI. 27 A Frightful State of Affairs Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1881 T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1872. 28 A Coast Scene, with sheep o 29 Hounds 41 Expectation DRAWINGS. J. C. REED. Sbxvo N. POCOCK. /X < 45 ' PICTURES. R. J. GORDON. R. J. GORDON. R. J. GORDON. 42 An Ancient Melody R. J. GORDON. ib d@e#sicc 43 Here He Comes 8 E. J. GORDON a-- 44 The Toast ^ ■^S'A^eM — R. J. GORDON. 45 The Screen Scene from ‘ The School for Scandal.’ £ 6 x.jf.6- ?5 « 1 R. J. GORDON. 46 Study for the preceding Picture ^ji^cL R. J. GORDON. 47 A Fair Florist £ - tf. . _ DE NEUVILLE. 48 At Sedan, 1870 '(LvaJ&snsi., A. 07^r '/ J2/- - • - H. JUTSUM. 49 Snowdon, from Port Maddock ^<>£aJL DAUBIGNY. 50 A River Scene ns /O X/&. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 51 The Valley of the Stour, Mistley jzax^x, /Ax/ 6 r.y T. M. RICHARDSON. 9' , ]’ " The Bay of Naples, foreground by J. J. Richardson, R.I. P. DE WINT. r ' /S’- (o 57 A Corn Field near a Village, with figures /o x /*>- J. V. GIBSON. /• G 58 Making Rush Caps /6y y J. J. JENKINS. • /?- Z-59 The Gossip over the Wedding Dress, Brittany Exhibited at York, 1880 /-— 66 Road in Tokio J. VARLEY. E. G. WARREN. 7' 7'- 67 A September Morning /6^ S- 6*. - MARY MOSER. 68 A Flower Piece Signed and, dated Exhibited at the first Royal Academy Exhibition, 1769 No. 74 in the Catalogue SL& /'/ - PICTURES. MARY SOMERVILLE. ^ • — 69 A View of Jedburgh Abbey Jj^'/iasurys. Mentioned in her Life as her only picture in oil 11 • /£- £ 70 Summer E. G. WARREN. ■ //- _ C. HAIGH WOOD. 71 Preparing for Conquest L. MALEHPR& 'f- y.~ 72 Leisure Hours (). — 73 Reflection G. E. HICKS. &&-y(. ■if-O A. DE BREANSKI. ’ — 74 Snowdon, from Bryntyreh, N. Wales sl o* f~y J. R. WEGUELIN, 1887. 75 The Little Musician (o 76 An Interesting Story J. ZUBER. J. WAGREZ. /jr. - 77 A Reading from 4 Boccaccio ’ J. PESKE. : if-- C 78 The Little Pilferer /A.— 79 Accompanied L. C. HENLEY. -^/baAjih- - /tf- - — //• //- - /Jr- /£r - /&.- / c /+- ■ If- — /3 - -A~ (o y-'?-G /& - /&■ — 12 D. BATES. 80 Glen Malin, Dunbartonshire A. DE BREANSKI. 81 In the Valley, Burnham Beeches a •/y&f, W. LUKER. 82 On the Banks of the Nile, Upper Egypt /6kx//l W. LUKER. 88 Bedouins Crossing the Desert rl/U/JiQAscC J. HAYNES WILLIAMS 84 A Spanish Matador /g-jcj 85 Feeding Chickens, after Wheatley; and the Companion —coloured engraving T. B. HARDY. 86 Boulogne Pier— drawing /O ?-<&£> J. M. TENKATE. M'XtK 87 Haymaking JAMES WEBB. 88 A River Scene, with boats ?*/*- * - 2 > . - 13 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. DRAWINGS. DAYIDSON. o /o.- 89 a Coen Field in Wales F. SMALLFIELD. ■ /o. - 90 Head of a Wareiob, in armour 7 X 7 T. J. WATSON, 1880. '■ //-— 91 The Miller’s Home Jt V x.*? J. HOLLAND. 92 A Street in Genoa, with figures / /. - 95 A Cavalier /£>*. G £/ 3 . 4A - ?■ 14 C. SELL. 96 Prussian Soldiers in the Snow E. BEAVIS. 97 A Street Scene, Normandy A7J2- /o- - /. - . /&. — / / 'o - — ~2A — - - H. TENKATE. 98 Heading the Paper /£~Xf& G. WELLS. 99 A Welsh Eiver Scene /S-XH- 100 Ophelia G. BERTEAND, 1872 CALTHORPE. 101 A Stone Fountain, with pigeons GABRIEL. 102 Fishing /OKfS~ 15 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAR . DRAWING. CAMPOTOSTO. '■/!■(? 103 A Mother and Child '-^(>o(AXeNN PICTURES. BLAKE. 104 Flowers 9*7 BUCHANAN. • /S'. — 105 A Mountainous Landscape BREUGHEL and ROTTENHAMMER. ^106 Feast of the Gods A*x B. BARKER. • — * — 107 A Landscape —unframed T. BARKER. • V-— 108 A Procession towards a Convent CHA1NEAUX. 'A _ iQg A. Landscape CAROLUS. V- 110 Showing the Miniature Yr&eA f 'e^rx^. /S'- U - / /. - A- y. 6 J- /-- /• /o - - 16 E. DE LA CROIX. Ill Sheiks and Arabs 112 Arabs 113 A Jockey /* X/M+. E. DE LA CROIX. EARLY ENGLISH. 3GK/$- W. ETTY, R.A. 114 A Reclining Figure 5U