The Science of Animal Locomotion (Zoopraxography) An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements By Eadweard Muybridge Executed and Published under the Auspices of the University of Pennsylvania Description of the Apparatus Results of the Investigation Diagrams Prospectus List of Subscribers Eadweard Muybridge University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia or Henrietta Street Covent Garden London THE SCIENCE OF ANIMAL LOCOMOTION AN ELECTRO-PHOTOGRA.PHIC INVESTIGATION OF CONSECUTIVE PHASES OF ANIMAL MOVEMENTS EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE EXECUTED AND PUBLISHED UNDEE THE AUSPICES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA DESCRIPTION OF THE APPARATUS RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION DIAGRAMS PROSPECTUS LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS EADWEAED MUYBRIDGE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA (ZOOPRAXOGRAPHY) BY OR 10 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN londo:n^ ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. (ZOOPRAXOGKAPHY.) INTRODUCTORY. In 1872, the author of the present work in Sacramento, California, commenced an investigation with the object of illustrating by photography some phases of animal move- ments. In that year his experiments were made with a famous horse — Occident, owned by Senator Stanford — and photographs were made, which illustrated several phases of action while the horse was trotting at full speed, laterally, in front of the camera. The experiments were desultorily continued ; but it was not until 1877 that the results of any of them were pub- lished. In the meanwhile he devised an automatic electro- photographic apparatus, for the purpose of making con- secutive photographic exposures at regulated intervals of time or of distance. Some of the results of his experi- ments with this apparatus, which illustrated successive phases of the action of horses while walking, trotting, galloping, &c., were published in 1878, with the title of ''The Horse in Motion." Copies of these photographs were deposited the same year in the Library of Congress at Washington, and some of them found their way to Berlin, London, Paris, Vienna, &c., where they were commented upon by the journals of the day. 4 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, In 1882, during a lecture on "The Science of Animal Locomotion in its relation to Design in Art," given at the Koyal Institution (see Proceedings of the Eoyal Institu- tion of Great Britain, March 13, 1882), he exhibited the results of some of his experiments made during a few antecedent years at Palo Alto, California ; when he, with the zoopraxiscope and an oxy-hydrogen lantern, projected on the wall a synthesis of many of the actions he had analysed. It may not be considered irrelevant if he repeats what lie on that occasion said in his analysis of the quadrupedal walk : — " So far as the camera has revealed, these successive foot fallings are invariable, and are probably common to all quadrupeds It is also highly probable that these photographic in- vestigations — which were executed with wet collodion plates, with exposures not exceeding in some instances the one five-thousandth part of a second — will dispel many popular illusions as to the gait of a horse, and that future and more exhaustive experiments, with the advantages of recent chemical discoveries, will completely unveil to the artist all the visible muscular action of men and animals during their most rapid movements The employment of automatic apparatus for the pur- pose of obtaining a regulated succession of photogi'aphic exposures is too recent for its value to be properly under- stood, or to be generally used for scientific experiment. At some future time the explorer for hidden truths will find it indispensable for his investigations." In 1883, the University of Pennsylvania, with an en- lightened exercise of its functions as a contributor to human knowledge, instructed the author to make, under its auspices, a comprehensive investigation of ''Animal Locomotion " in the broadest significance of the words. INTRODUCTORY. 5 A Diagram of the Studio and the arrangement of the apparatus used for this purpose is here given. CO 2 I- I i / 6 ANIAfAL LOCOMOTION. T T represents the track along which the model M was caused to move. B B are backgrounds, divided into spaces of 5 centimetres square for the measurement of trajectories and synchronal oscillations. L, a horizontal battery of electro-photographic cameras^ parallel to the line of motion (at a distance of 15 metres or about 48 feet therefrom), for a series of 12 lateral exposures. R, a vertical battery of electro-photographic cameras, at right angles to the lateral battery, for a series of 12 rear foreshortenings. F, a horizontal battery of electro-photographic cameras, at any suitable angle to the lateral battery for a series of front foreshortenings. 0, the position of the electric batteries, a chronograph and other apparatus used in the investigation. A clock-work apparatus, set in motion at the will of the operator, distributed a series of electric currents, and synchronously effected consecutive exposures in each of the three batteries of cameras. The intervals of exposures were recorded by the chrono- graph, and divided into thousandths of a second. These intervals could be varied at will from seventeen one- thousandth parts of a second to several seconds. The task of making the original negatives was com- pleted in 1885 ; the remaining years have been devoted to the preparation of the work for publication. g bo O ^ be ^ o g . ^ c3 I— t o « OQ CO H (L) « Cu ^ ^ S fl o ^ =2 .9 •2 I 8 ^'^^ ^ O ^ f;^ 02 ^ ~ (L* O ^ CO ?2 >• cd 2: a; ^ . - ^ ^ c2 ^ o o cd cd a o 0^ CO c o s «2 2 ^ a; -^j ^ r o ^ ^ i/2 'r-l ^ C3 ^ 03 CD O P CO WD CO CO 10 ^ CD g g P ie rG ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ (D 00 o o H .S .2 1— t CO iO CO cTi cr. o ^ 1-H th cr. be o a; c o S <15 o O fl o3 OJ O ^3 O o 8 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. The results of this investigation are Seven Hundred and Eighty-one Sheets of Illustrations, containing more than 20,000 figures of men, women, and children, animals and birds, actively engaged in walking, galloping, flying, working, jumping, fighting, dancing, playing at base-ball, cricket, and other athletic games, or other actions incidental to every-day life, which illustrate motion or the play of muscles. These sheets of illustrations are conventionally called " plates." Each plate illustrates the successive phases of a single action, photographed with automatic electro- photographic apparatus at regulated and accurately recorded intervals of time, consecittively from one point of view ; or, consem- tively AND synchronously from tivo, or from three points of view. Each Plate is complete in itself without reference to any other Plate. When the complete series of twelve consecutive ex- posures, from each of the three points of view, are included in One Plate, the arrangement is usually thus : — Laterals. 1 2 3 4 5 (3 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rear Foreshortenings from points of view on the same vertical line, at an angle of 90° from the Laterals. i 1 2 o 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Front Foreshortenings from points of view on the same horizontal plane, at suit- able angles from the Late- rals. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES, 9 The plates are not photographs in the common accepta- tion of the word, but are printed in Permanent Ink, from gelatinised copper-plates, by the New York Photo-Gravure Company, on thick linen plate-paper. The size of the paper is 45 x 60 centimetres — 19 x 24 inches, and the printed surface varies from 15 x 45 to 20 X 30 centimetres— 6 x 18 to 9 x 12 inches. The number of figures on each plate varies from 12 to 36. To publish so great a number of plates as one undivided work was considered unnecessary, for each subject tells its own story ; and inexpedient, for it would defeat the object which the University had in view, and limit its acquisition to wealthy individuals, large Libraries, or Institutions where it would be beyond the reach of many who might desire to study it. It has, therefore, been decided to issue a series of One Hundred Plates, which number, for the purposes of publi- cation, will be considered as a " copy " of the work. These one hundred plates will probably meet the requirements of the greater number of the subscribers. In accordance with this view is issued the following PROSPECTUS 10 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, AN ELECTRO-PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF CONSECUTIVE PHASES OF ANIMAL MOVEMENTS, BY EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE. 1872-1885. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. ' Exclusively hy Subscription. CONSISTING OF A SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED PLATES, AT A SUBSCRIPTION PRFCE OF One Hundred Dollars For the United States, or Twenty Guineas For Great Britain ; Or the equivalent of Twenty Guineas in the gold currency of other countries in Europe. This will be for Austria, Two Hundred and Ten Florins ; Belgium, France, Italy, and Switzerland, Five Hundred and Twenty-five Francs ; Germany, Four Hundred and Twenty Marks ; Holland, Two Hundred and Fifty G uilders. PROSPECTUS, 11 The Plates are enclosed in a strong, canvas-lined, full American-Eussia Leather Portfolio. For the purpose of placing all of the subscribers upon an equal footing in regard to cost, a copy of the work will be sent in the portfolio, and packed between boards, to any- well-established Institution, or to any subscriber, properly endorsed, to any city in Central or Western Europe, or in the United States. Freight Charges Paid, if so requested, to the railway station, with the under- standing that the subscription price is remitted within one week of the day of the arrival of the work at the station. Custom duties, or any other expenses, if any, at the cost of the subscriber. Additional Plates in any required number will be sup- plied to the subscriber at the same proportionate rate ; these, however, must be ordered at the same time as the subscription Plates. The Plates will be supplied Exclusively to Subscribers. It was considered inadvisable to make an arbitrary selec- tion of the one hundred Plates offered to subscribers, and with the object of meeting, as far as possible, their diverse requirements, they are invited to make their own selection, either from the subjoined list of subjects, or from a detailed catalogue, which will be forwarded free of expense to every subscriber. 12 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, The following are the numbers of Plates published of each class of subjects, from which the subscriber's selection can be made : — Class. Plates Published. 1. Men, draped 6 2. „ pelvis cloth 72 3. nude . .133 4. Women, draped 60 5. ,, transparent drapery and semi-nude . . 63 6. „ nude 180 7. Children, draped I 8. ,, nude ....... 15 9. Movements of a man's hand ..... 5 10. Abnormal movements, men and v^omen, nude and semi- nude 27 11. Horses walking, trotting, galloping, jumping, &c. . 95 12. Mules, oxen, dogs, cats, goats, and other domestic animals 40 13. Lions, elephants, buffaloes, camels, deer, and other wild animals 57 14. Pigeons, vultures, ostriches, eagles, cranes, and other birds 27 Total number of Plates . . . .781 Containing more than 20,000 Figures. Should the selection be made from the Catalogue, it will be advisable to give the Author permission to change any one of the selected Plates for any other illustrating the same action, if, in his judgment, the substituted Plate illustrates that action with a better model, or in a more perfect manner than the one selected. With regard to the selection of Plates, however, it has been found by experience that unless any special subject or plate is required it will be more satisfactory to the subscriber if he gives the Author GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS as to the CLASS of subjects desired and to leave the SPECIFIC selection to him. Many of the large Libraries and Art or Science Institu- tions in America and in Europe have subscribed for, and VALEDICTORY. have now in their possession, a complete series of the seven hundred and eighty-one Plates, the subscription price for which is Five Hundred Dollars in the United States, One Hundred Guineas in Great Britain for the complete series, in eight full American-Eussia leather portfolios, or if bound in eleven volumes, each plate hinged^ full American-Eussia leather, Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars in the United States, One Hundred and Ten Guineas in Great Britain ; or its equivalent for anv city in Central or Western Europe. Subscribers who wish to make use of these Plates for the promotion or diffusion of knowledge, or for artistic or scientific purposes, will be afforded facilities for acquiring working copies by special arrangement with the Author. YALEDICTOEY. * This is not exactly the place nor the time for the Author to express his obligations and thanks to those gentlemen who have assisted him in his labours, but it affords a perhaps not inappropriate opportunity for him to pay a tribute of gratitude to his recently deceased friend M. Meissonier, without whose enthusiastic encouragement it is probable the present work would never have been undertaken. In 1882 he invited his friends to attend an illustrated Lecture given in his studio by the Author, and then referring to a full knowledge of a subject being necessary for it to be truthfully or satisfactorily translated by the artist, declared how much his own impression of a horse's 14 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, motion had been changed after having carefully studied its consecutive phases. Attention need not be directed to the modifications in the expression of animal movements now progressing in the works of the Painter and the Sculptor. The investigations of the Author are so well known, and so generally recognised as affording the only basis of truth- ful interpretation or accurate criticism of Animal Move- ment, that it is unnecessary to quote from the many elaborate reviews of Animal Locomotion," which have been published in the American, English, French, and German Scientific, Artistic, and other Journals. For the value of the present work to the general student of Nature and the lover of Art, no less than to the Artist and the Archagologist, the Physiologist and the Anatomist, it is with much pride and gratitude that he refers to the annexed list of some of his European sub- scribers. E. M. 10 Henrietta Street, CovENT Garden, London, Auijust 1891. SUBSCRIBERS. The general or departmental Libraries of the following UNIVERSITIES. Amsterdam Glasgow Napoli Andrews, St. Gottingen Oxford Basel Griefswald Padova Berlin Halle Pisa Bern Heidelberg Prag Bologna Innsbruck Roma Bonn Jena Rostock Breslau Kiel Strassburg Bruxelles Konigsberg Torino Edinburgh Leiden Tubingen Erlangen Leipzig Utrecht Freiburg Liege Wien Geneve Louvain Wiirzburg Genova Miinchen Zurich IMPERIAL, NATIONAL, OR ROYAL ACADEMIES OF FINE ARTS. Amsterdam Breslau Frankfurt Antwerpen Bruxelles Genova Berlin Budapest Gent Bern Dresden Leipzig Birmingham Diisseldorf Liege BologDPi Firenzi London 16 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, Manchester Paris Torino Milano Praha Venezia Miinchen Eoma {dc France) Wien Napoli Sheffield Zurich Architectural Institute, Miinchen Herkomer School of Art, Bushey ART MUSEUMS. Amsterdam Berlin Budapest ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTES AND MUSEUMS. Dresden Leipzig Wien Griefswald Prag Wiirzburg Heidelberg Eostock Ziirich Konigsberg Strassburg INDUSTRIAL ART AND SCIENCE MUSEUMS. Berlin Edinburgh Paris Dublin Kensington Wien INDUSTRIAL ART SCHOOLS. Amsterdam Budapest Niirnberg Breslau Frankfurt Zurich LIBRARIES. The Royal Library, Windsor Castle Birmingham, Free Public London, British Museum Edinburgh, Advocates' Manchester, Free Public Glasgow, Mitchell Free Nottingham, Free Public Liverpool, Free Public Paris, National Library LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, 17 ANATOMICAL INSTITUTES. -Del 11 -L rag Breslau Konigsberg Eostock Freiburg Leipzig Tubingen Halle Mlinchen Wlirzburg Innsbruck Pisa Zurich ROYAL COLLEGES OF SURGEONS. Edinburgh London PHYSIOLOGICAL INSTITUTES. Basel Gottingen Mlinchen Berlin Griefswald Napoli Bern Halle Prag Bologna Heidelberg Eostock Bonn Innsbriick Strassburg Breslau Jena Torino Bruxelles Kiel Tubingen Erlangen Konigsberg Wien Freiburg Leipzig Wlirzburg Geneva Louvain Zlirich Alfort Bern VETERINARY INSTITUTES. Berlin Dresden Dresden ANTHROPOLOGICAL MUSEUMS. Firenze ETHNOLOGICAL, NATURAL HISTORY, AND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTES AND MUSEUMS. Amsterdam Bruxelles Freiburg Kiel Leiden Liege Napoli Paris Eostock 18 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, PHYSICAL INSTITUTES. Basel Bologna Bruxelles Geneve Berlin Firenze Cliarterliouse Clifton Dublin (Trinity) Heidelberg Padova Prag COLLEGES. Eton Owens liossall Koma Eostock Utrecht Wellington POLYTECHNIC HIGH SCHOOLS. Wien Ziirich ROYAL PORCELAIN MANUFACTORIES. Berlin Dresden ARTISTIC, LITERARY OR SCIENTIFIC CLUBS. Dlisseldorf, Malkesten London, Athenmtm Glasgow, Western Eome, Internazionale Agricultural High School of Berlin Faculty of Medicine of Paris Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Psychological Institute of Leipzig Eoyal College of Physiciaiis, Edinburgh Eoyal Institution, Edinburgh Eoyal Dublin Society Eoyal Society of London The names and works of the following subscribers are so well known that the Academical, University, and other honourable distinctions appertaining to them are omitted, they being entirely unnecessary : — LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 19 ARTISTS, Architects^ Painters, or /Sculj^tors, Albano, Salvatore Dalou, Jules rAUemand, Sigmund Dannat, W. T. Alma-Tadema, L. Davinet, E. Armitage, E. Davis, H. W. B. Barabino, Nicolo Defregger, Franz von Becker, Carl Detaille, Edouard Beckmann Lndwig Dicksee, Frank Begas, Reinhold Diez, Rob. Benczur, Gyula Diez, Wm. Berger, Julius Drion, Prosper Bebrens, Peter Dubois, Paul Birch, Chas. B. Ebner, L. Boehm, Sir J. Edgar Eisenmenger, August Bonnat, Leon Ende, Herm Bougliton, Geo. H. Ewald, Ernst Bouguereau, W. A. Faed, Thomas Braith, Anton Falguiere Brandt, Josef von Fildes, Luke Brausewetter, Otto. Ford, E. Onslow Bridgman, F. A. Fremiet, M. Brock, Tbos. Frith, W. P. Canneel Gallegos, Jose Garland, Onorato Garnier, Charles Carolus-Durand Gehrts, Joh. Cavallucci, 0. Jacopo Gelli, Edouardo Cavelier, P. J. Gerome, Jean Leon Charlton, John Gilbert, Alfred Clay, Sir Arthur Gilbert, Sir John Coleman, Chas. Caryl Goodall, Fredk. Coleman, Enrico Gordigiani, Michele Colin, Paul Gow, Andrew C. . Conti, Tito Grosse, Th. Costa, Giovanni Griitzner, Eduard Crowe, Eyre Guignard, Gaston 20 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, Gysis, N. Hammer, Carl Haliser, 0. Hebert, Ernesto Herkomer, Hubert Hess, Anton Higgins, A. Hlibner, Eduard Hmit, Holman Janssen, Pet. Kampf, Arthur Kaulbach, F. A. von Kips, A. Kirclibacli, Fr. Klein- Chevalier Knaus, Ludwig Knight, Ridgway Knille, Otto Koehler, Robert Kopf, Joseph Kowalski, A. von Kroner, Ch. Kruse, Max Kuehl, G. Klihn, H. Leighton, Sir Frederick Lenbach, Franz R. von Linton, Sir James D. Lofftz, Ludwig R. von Long, Edwin Lotz, Carl Lucas, Seymour Luthmer, F. MacWhirter, John Marks, H. Stacy Marshall, W. Calder Mauri er, George du Max, Gabriel Meeks, Eugene Meissonier Menzel Meyerheim, Paul Millais, Sir John E. Miller, Ferdinand R. von Molkenbaer, H. B. G. Moore, Henry Morelli, D. Morot, Aime Muller, Carl Munkacsy, Mich, de Murgatroyd, J. Miitzel, G. Nieper, Ludw. Orchardson, W. Q. Otto, Heinrich Ouless, W. W. Papperitz, Georg Parsons, Alfred Passini, Ludwig Piglhein, Bruno Portaels Powers, Longworth Poynter, E. J. Prell, H. Preyer, Ernest Puvis, de Chavennes Richmond, W. B. Rivalta, Augusto Riviere, Briton Robert-Fleury, Tony LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 21 Eodin, A. Teschendorf, E. EoU Thiersch, Fredk. Both, Ch. Thoma, Hans Elimann, Willi. Thornycroft, Hamo Sant, James TJhde, F. von Sarti, Diego Vibert, J. G. Scliaper, F. Vinea, Francesco Schill, Adolf Vriendt, de Jules Schilling, Joliannes Vuillefroy, F. de Severn, Arthur Wagner, Alex. Siemering, R Watts, George F. Six, J. Weeks, E. L. Sommer Weishaupt, Victor Stieler, Eugen von Wells, Hy. T. Story, W. W. Werner, A. von Sturgess, John Whistler, J. McNeil Siis, Wilh. Woolner, Thos. Swan, John M. Zimmermann, Ernst Taylor, Edw. E. Zligel, H. ARCH^OLOGISTS, MEN OF LETTERS, AUTHORS OF ART WORKS, ETC. Graf, T. T. Hirschfeld, Gustav Holmes, Eichard E. Kekule, Prof. Klein, Wilhelm Korte, G. Michaelis, Ad. Muntz, Eugene Obreen, Fr. D. 0. Overbeck, Johannes Pietsch, Ludwig Preuner, A. Ball, Valentine Berndorf, Otto Berlepsch, H. E. von Bullen, George Coleman, Alexander Dickson, Wm. P. Donnelly, Genl. Duhn, F. von Duplessis, Georges Eaton, Fredk. A. Evans, John Falke, J. 22 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. Pulszky, Karoli Ruskin, Jolin Sambuy, Conte Ernesto di Sclirieber, Th. Sittl, K. Smith, Genl. Sir R. M. Sutton, Chas. W. Tedder, Hy. R. Thode, H. Treu, Georg Webster, H. A. Wolff, Albert PHYSIOLOGISTS. Albertoni, Pietro Albini Aubert, H. Bernstein, J. Biedermann, W. du Bois-Reymond Brown-Sequard Ewald, R. Exner, Sigmund Fano, Giulio Pick, A. Gaule, J. Goltz, P. Griitzner, P. Heidenliain, R. Hensen, V. Hering, Ewald Hermann, L. Kries, J. von Kronecker, H. Kuhne, W. Landois, L. Luciani, Luigi Ludwig, C. Marey, E. J. Masoin, E. Meissner, G. Miescher, P. Moleschott, Senator J. Mosso, A. Munk, Hermann Pettigrew, J. Bell Pfluger, E. Rosenthal, I. Schiff, M. Slosse, A. Vintschgau, M. von Voit, 0. von Braune, Wilh. Br mm, A. von Cleland, John Eisler, P. ANATOMISTS. Flemming, W. Hasse, 0. Henke, W. J. Humphry, G. M. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Kolliker A. von Marshall, John Eabl Komiti Eoux, W. Eiickert, J. Schwalbe, G. Stieda, L. Stohr, Ph. Strasser, H. Thanhoffer, L. von Van Beneden, Edouard Virchow, Hans Wiedersheim ANTHROPOLOGISTS, BIOLOGISTS, PALEONTOLOGISTS. ZOOLOGISTS, ETC. Acland, Sir H. W. Barrier, Gustave Blochmann, F. Bowman, Sir Wm. Brandt, K. E. Carpenter, P. Herbert Darwin, Francis Flower, W. H. Galton, Francis Glinther, Albert Hartog, Marcus Haughton, Saml. Hollis, W. A. Huxley, T. H. Jensink, F. A. Kerbert, 0. Lankester, E. Eay Lubbock, Sir John Mantegazza, Senator Meyer, A. B. Milne-Edwards Mivart, St. George Miillenhoff Miiller, Max Newton, Alfred Owen, Sir Eichard Pasteur, L. Eomanes, Geo. J. Schmidt, Emil Schiitz Sorby, H. C. Swinhoe, Chas. Van Wulverhorst Virchow, Rudolf Weismann, August Wundt, W. Yseux Zittell, C. A. von 24 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. PHYSICISTS, ETC. - Abney, Capt. W. de W. Bellati Blazerna, Pietro Bramwell, Sir Fredk. Bunsen, E. Ditscheiner, L. Glaisher, James Hagenbacli-Bischoff Helmtioltz, H. von Huggins, Wm, Julius, V. A. Macli, E. Matthiessen, L. Moss, Eich. J. Quincke, Georg Eiglii, Aagusto Eoiti, Antonio Eousseau, E. Soret, 0. Tissandier, Gaston Thomson, Sir Wm. Vogel, H. W. Weber, H. F. Moltke, Field Marshal Count von Portland, The Duke of Wharncliffe, The Earl of York, The Archbishop of