THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBIUXRY ■s in this volume are hound in chronologically : Dec, 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, I8OT, Mar. 21, I806, which is the fourth from end and June 12, I806, which is at the end. L t ^ (?- -^>- r-ffc /t-^^ :i^Z^ J I o/q. e J ^ ^ , — / /r> / ^ ^//t'r^2'^ / ^i/■ ^{T^'' , _ _ K. yf’' i /'/ y^- 2 -.Zi'e.^ ^a / £ -Z z-^y^Z-^-^ , ^XzX^ Z Z cz Zi zy /I - /' I ^ '' • ^ // £ zrz/z'/^Z-c .^z. C'-Zz i^LZ'jzz X^*-' ^z!^z-M '/ P PXt c-^ Xc c^y *- 'P ^v" Xz/ ■ XX22 — 7^. - XX -, X2 ^9 XX pc y 9 zi yAz'f, - / aP XI/7. Z Z- y Xz -C^ L ■'' z^ / A t’A y ^ ■ XZ ZzZ _ Py zXP t e^Xl z ' .7 \_zP/y^ \~^zryz^Xizp <^X'z; ^zz yz z e-z '> - Z

lZ iZ P^-C Zz Z-ztJ .zP/zizzPz 22. XXxX X C- ^ s^yp'^ t'-'2>z2 e/-Z^zzi. Z P/X pfz^t.z^ _ P-y zP9zXz Z XZ-jf c'> ^zpA-jy X, XX2 ^-J •— —- yP^ C'^^.z-c Pzi zzz*-zz.y z^i-P XPt z >.'X ~ ^Z’/fzjr - 20 ^-yZf2^Z.^.v' 2^r /Zrzeyy tyZt,>r^ /j2^. /^^? -- 24^ I A OF The very capital and Distinguished Collection of PICTURE THE PROPERTY OF * * _ - i Robert Thistlewaite, Esq. Dec. Brought from his Seat, Norman Court, in the COUNTY OF HANTS; Including, the Two diftinguiihed PICTURES byj Canaletti, prefumed to be his Chef d’CEuvres; A CAPITAL PICTURE BY Leo, da Finci ; and several others by the most distinguished Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch Masters, WHjicI) Will be Sold by Auction, By Mr, Christie At his Great Room, Pail Mall, On FRIDAY, MAY the 20th, 1803, 'AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be vievred Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had at the Rainbow, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall. L- J-/ L*3rhT CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. ^T^HE higheft Bidder to be the Boyer; and if any Dlfpute arife between two or JL more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. I II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo on in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots ' fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. i * ! I V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofitedin Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, (hall be re-fold, by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. y “9 CATALOGUE, iBc, &c» &c. FRIDAY, M A Y the 20th, 1803. A PICTURES. ^ g/ 2 •' /J^ - Molinaer — — I - ^ Vandevelde ’ — 2 Decker — — 3 r, ii^’l'enicrs — >- 4 Z ,, ^2. i^^redael — — 5 Z --Edema — — 6 Z .. 6 •. Vitelli — — 7 ^ Elmer — 8 - Mi fs Wright — 9 y --Italian — _ 10 y .//.. Weft — 1 1 ^ ' F. Mille — 12 /■■ ^ Waterloo — 13 2 ^ Pelegrini Tibaldi — H 2 . /Z - Bout and Bodwyns — 15 / ' /a _ Tempefta — 16 i2 ■ ^ Rubens — — 17 Battle A Storm, and a Landfcape, Vandiejl A Cottage and Figures ^/cr^^ J A pairof Converfations, after • FJorfes and .Figures, and Companion An upright Landfcape with a Waterfall A pair of Landfcapes, Buildings and Figures r Mackarel and Lobfter with a Cat A pair of fea pieces A Pair of fmall Battles ’•^C^^TZXer^ cy‘ Tobit curing his Father’s Blindnefs A L andfcape and F igures ^ ^ A Ditto ^^ — A fmall emblematical Pi£lure of the Trinity A Village in Flanders with many Figures ^ A Landfcape with a Caftle and Figures 0 / ■*^>7 f €> The Meeting of Jacob and Elau /i r "7 % fk Z . — Z . , ij'irambert . — — s 3 . ^De la Hire — / . . Salviofi and Jean Miel / //.. jValentini — 2 ..■ Z — Z .. ^ ~ Paul Veronefe - / /ir _ Rembrandt • Z/ . <2 - Old GrefKer — 7^../T-~ _ Ditto — —■ ■ c. 7 * — Cimarolli /2> /O , Italian ^ /y .. y y /S . 2 .. // ,. /z /Z, /Z. A^. A . /z. - Geminianl <^Raphael Mortimer Van Goyen - Dietrich /La Croi . Bonario - Old Weenix y - Vandemeer — /i' /(? ^ Vandyck — Canaletti and Zuccarelli /Guercino — — Murillo — — _ G. Pouffin — • /pibaldi — — ' Cuyp — — ZA, Occhiale — Van Goyen •— [ 4 ] 18 A Landfcape and Figures ^ j 19 A Ditto with Figures by Hogarth ^ 20 A Holy Family ^ /2 ^ e xz t^-z 7 ~iy 21 Architefture and Figures v A 2 2 An Egyptian forcerefs ^ */' 23 Phe Engagement between the Foudroyant and the 7^^^ t xa. Monmouth in the Year ^758 24 A Female Head ^ /Z/' o-e-,. iZ 25 A Woman’s Head' y A 26 Ruins of a Caflle with Figures, 27 Fruit and Dead Game with Herbage and Figures,, as pair »_ Ay y' /Arr/Af 28 A pair of Ditto N. B. The twjopreceding Lots were copied by the Ariijl for a- Man of Fajbion from the veiy celebrated Originals of Rubens and Snyders at Houghton, by permijfion of the Earl of Oford. 29 A pair of Italian Views with Buildings and Figures e /Z 30 The Woman of Samaria, and Chrift appearing to Marjj^ Magdalen in the Charadler of a Gardener «. c A 31 The Vintage Feaft with many Figures . /T'^ 32 Madona, and Infant Chrift y/itr 9 /^^ 33 An Original Portrait of Henderson the Comedian. 7 34 A fmall Landfcape, View in Holland cy A 35 A fmall Landfcape and Figures ^ 36 An Italian Sea Port, a fmall high fmifhed Piaure 37 A pair of Italian Scenes *37 A Sea Port with Figures to. 7 ^. 9 38 A Moonlight > i- 39 The laft Supper, a Sketch 40 A pair of View's in Venice ^ ^ ly' 41 Dead Chrift with Angels 7 / 7^77 42 Piping Shepherd Boy l, 43 A Grand Landfcape and Figures 44 The Judgement of Midas 7 ^ —’ ■ /Z/ 45 A Group of Cows, a warm plcafing Scene s e:yA Borgognone — — 52 2 2 ^ ^ Seb. Ricci 53 2 /Ai _ Mieris — — 54 -^VanderNeer ■ 2 - t^Paul Veronese __ 55 _ 56 y Van Dyck - — 57 Aj ^ ^ Italian — — 58 y.- Barrett — — 59 y'^'- ^aul Veronese 60 rC-Ditto — a. 61 2 d.. y - Pietro Genoefe 62 ,t> .. y) • Guercino — 63 Gainfborough — 64 2 a>,.^. ^>Paul Panini 65. 2 .. cf* — Van Vitelli -a 66 2 ■■ -vCziXo Cignani — 67 U^ G. PoifUfn — 68 2 yy^ Boraccio _ 69 /'^ Albano — ,, / 6 ^^ vD. Teniers Z ^-Backhuyfen At ^ D. Teniers . /-. Z\\ . Swaneveldt Cuyp , /O Pietro da Cortona . - Marco Ricci . o Ricciardelli / y z. y Wilfon — Murillo — ^.7 (G- Pouffin y C 'f /.> ' 7 ' |DlttO — cZ>A?. 6Y ompeio Battoni ■ 2 / /y~ Sal. Rofa — V ' -Z^/J Lanfranco AZ'.. A .. 6 q ennari — A^.. /A ^ Both — Z /y, Bergc r at Rome ^ZZ, ZLud. Carracci .. AA ~ Leo. da Vinci / .. *j . ■ Both •— 73 79 80 8r 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9 t 92 93 94 95 96 t 6 ] /y ' --N •# i' A Landfeape with Horfes and Figures A View in Holland ^A'^AZio ^ A^Yi Hunting the Wild Bear, Capital AAa^' Its companion A Alountainous Landfeape with a View of a River, Figures and a glowing warm tranfparent Pi6]^ure Peafants Smoaking, highly finilhed ^ A(-^'Ai^ t/'/Z- Cattle and Figures ' St. John Baptizing our Saviour ^yp^^^ZZZ' 97 *97 98. 99 100 for 102 103 104 105 106 Boors Smoaking, a cabinet Pi£ture highly ^m^td ^AZZ A Sea Piece, a frefh gale, a truly capital Picture Cattle and Figures, a capital Pidlure .Ac-^'> ^ A capital rich, warm Landfeape and Figures k,/ y Figures and Cattle, a pleafing Pidlure v A(^^ t^^Ae A fubjc^l from Talfo’s Jerufalem ^ Z^'*^ A capital Painting in Water Colors, with plate glafs A View of the Bay of Naples, a very extenfive plea- fing Scene ^ A View of the Campagna, a very capital Piflure , The AITumption.of the Virgin, a very elegant gracd^ Iketch for an Altar piece ^AZ'^ A very capital Landfeape and Figures f -A'Z'~ Its Companion A Grecian Story, a capital and high finilhed Pidure Landfeape with Hermits, a Grand Llafiical Scene in the Fined Stile of ^ /y?^ ^ - The Flight into Egypt, Capital *yAA^ Sophonifba yAcr—-7 A View in the Environs of Tivoli t. A Jacob Viewing Jofeph’s Bloody Garment, a very — Exprelfive and Giand Compoled Pidfure The Madona and Child, called the^^yptian, a fine Copy after Corregio Infant Chrift with St. John, a Capital highly finiHi- ed and well preferved Pidlure, for which this Mafter fo eminently diftinguilhe.l himfelf ^ An upright Landfeape with a Waterfall, a warm glowing Italian Scene, painted with great Spirit, ^ the Figures exquifitely touched by Berghem .. [ 7 ]■ .. Canaletti Ditto 107 A Land View of St. Mark’s Place at Venice, a grand noble Scene, One of the fineft Pidlures ever painted by the efteemed Mafter 108 A View on the Grand Lake at Venice witKot. Gre¬ gory’s Church, Companion to the preceding Lot, and equally fine - - \ FINIS. \ I J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. | S^S^flK Jy ff f9^> CKTJp^U