' .,'i . ' ti . ■■'■f'i.rV'-'*"- : " fi'j'-'--.-' Vt"-j: '■;-'-■■ '-li'.-,' ■ ..,«. •-/^K'f-j .,u...^.i.'vii.,.. ,.< ,.,t.'m>"-.I.-j,<.,-"«.i.y.^,- ■. . A,tJ^r'r*i%-A- ,:>fl-i /ri>'»Vy....l;A'',>i-v*jl-i»». l;''f4.»^v■.-.■; BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA SALE CATALOGUE OP THE TRULY IMPORTANT AND VERY EXTENSIVE LIBRARY OF PRINTED BOOKS KNOWN AS THE SUNDERLAND OR BLENHEIM LIBRARY COMPRTSING A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF THE GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSIC WRITERS IN FIRST EARLY AND RARE EDITIONS. A LARGE SERIES OP IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES. 31 f(jbj ixmi\ni nxxil imprtant P^^. Eaee editions of the Geeat Italian Weitees notably Dante, Boccaccio, Peteaech, and Aeiosto. Impoetant Books and Tkacts eelating to Ameeica. Eably and Bare Chronicles in Spanish, Poetuguese, English and Feench. Important English County Histoeies. A very extensive collection of tracts relating to tlie Political and Beligious events in England and France in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Many very uncommon Poetical Tracts in French, Italian and Spanish. Collections of Councils, Lives of Saints, Books on Canon and Civil Law. First editions of the Weitings of the chief Feench, Italian and Spanish Poets of the 16th and 17th Centuries. ETC. ETC. THE FIRST PORTION-TEN DAYS' SALE Thursday . . December I. JSS Wednesday . December VII Friday . December II. Thursday , December VIII Saturday . December III. Friday . December IX Monday . December V. Saturday . December X Tuesday . December VI. Monday . December XII C0 h Sob hv %\xdion, hxj MESSRS. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, AT THEIR GALLERY, No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W.C, AT TEN MINUTES PAST ONE o'CLOCK PRECISELY. MDCCCLXXXI. May be viewed one week befox^e the sale. COXDITIONS OF SALE. I. The liigliest Bidder to be tlie Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. Ko person to advance less than Is ; above Five Pounds, 2* 6J ; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in tlieir Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down lOs in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and resold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyers' Expense and Eisk within one week from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but. they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating within one week of the Sale they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume. Supple- ment, Appendix, or Plates. The sale of any Lot of Prints or Drawings, or Illustrated Books, or otherwise, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration. Vil. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; and all Lots left uncleai'ed in conformity with these Conditions may be resold by public or private Sale without further notice; and the Deficiency (if any) arisjjg from such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaidters at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the con- tract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think tit. *i^* IS'o Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their ohedient servant, WILLIAM SIMPSON. Auction Booms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and Works of Art, 47, Leicester Sqcaee, London, W.C. Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate and Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. Small consignments of Books, Music, etc., received and inserted in occasional Sales, with property of a kindred description, thus giving the same advantages to the owner of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. [Established in Piccadilly 1794] JricGLilYCENTFR PREFACE. The importauce and extent of the grand Library, the first portion of whicli is contained in the present Catalogue, seems to demand some sort of a preface in which its chief riches should be pointed out and some slight explanation given of the principles by which we have been guided in the compilation of this Catalogue. The SuNDERLAND_, Or Blenheim Library, was formed by Charles Spencer, Third Earl of Sunderland, in the I'eigQS of George I and II, His bibliographical ardour enabled him to form, in the short space of a dozen years, the Library which has become famous throughout Europe. CLASSIC AUTHORS.— The most important feature in the col- lection is undoubtedly the wonderful collection of editions of the Greek and RjMAN Classic Writers. These include EDITIONES PRIN- CIPES of the following Authors: — Actuarius, .^ginetds, ^lian, -^scHYLUS, Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Anacreon, Anthologia,Gr^ca, Apicius, Apollonius Rhodius, Appianus, Apuleius, Arist^netus, Aristides, ARisroPHANEs, Aristoteles, Athen^us, Ausonids, Balbus de Janua, Boethius, C^sar, Callimachus, Celsus, Censorinus, Chalcondylas, Cicero, Claudian, Demosthenes, Diodorus, Discorides, Epictetus, Euclides, Euripides, Eutropius, Galenus, Gellius, Heliodorus, Herodotus, Homer, Horatius, Isocratbs, Justinian, LucANus, LuciANus, Macrobius, Manilius, Marcellinus, Martial, Nepos, Nonius Marcellus, Orpheus, Ovid, Phalaris, Pindar, Plato, Plautus, Pliny, Pomponius Mela, Quintilian, Scriptores Rei Rustics, Seneca, Simplicius, Sophocles, Suetonius, Suidas, Tacitus, Terentius, Theocritus, Thucydides, Valerius, Yarro, and Xenophon. Besides these first editions, which are valuable chiefly as the first productions of the presses of the early printers, there are numero-us early editions, of great literary value as the first editions of authentic texts, and for the various readings, scholia, and commentaries by which they are accompanied. BIBLES and TESTAMENTS.— Next to the Classic Writers in value and importance comes the large Sjeries of Bibles and IV PREFACE. Testaments, of which there are editions in Polyglott, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, Welsh, French, Italian, Spanish, Grisou, and Slavonic, of which we may specify the Polyglotts of Ximenes, Plantin, Brian Walton, and Le Jay ; the Hebrew Bibles from the presses of the Stephans, Plantin, Froben, and others ; in Greek, those of Aldus, Hervagius, Zanetti, and others; and the large number of Latin editions, including those of Fust and Schoiffer on vellum 1462 ; editions from the presses of B. Richel, J. P. de Ferratis, M. Moranus, Ant. Cobekger, Th. de Eeynsburcr, Nic. Jenson, J. Heebokt de Selgenstadt, Fr. PiEnner de Hailbrun, G. DE Rivabenis, Nic. Keslee, Jac. Malieti, Sim. Bevilaqua and others ; all printed in the XV. century. Then come numerous rare and important editions from the presses of the XYI. century printers — J. Saccon, T. Kerver, R. and H. Stephan, Jo. Feoben, S. Colin, P. Regnault, C. Fkoschovee, S. Geyphius, the Junti, Plantin, and others. Also the first editions of the texts of Popes Sistus V. and Clement VIII. In English, we have the editions of Whitchurch 1541 and 1549, the Gospels by J. Daye 1571, the Genevan Version of 1595 (Queen Elizabeth's Copy), the Royal Version (King James the first's Copy on large paper), the Vinegar Bible printed on vellum, Macklin's Illustrated Edition, etc., the French Translations of 1520, 1531, 1535, 1544, 1555, 1558, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568; and many later editions. In Italian, those of 1481, 1502, 1545, 1567, etc. The Spanish of Ferrara 1553, 1569, etc. Slavonic 1663 and Grison of 1719. ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS.— There are a few ancient MSS. notably a palimpsest codex of the Gospels in Greek of the VIII. century ; a Latin Bible of the XIV. century ; two codexes of the Gospels in Geeek, sascs. XII. and XIII. ; the Works of Ephraem Syeus of the XIII. cent. ; Cheysostom of the XII. cent. ; the Orations of Gregory of the XIII. cent. ; Menaion on the Greek Church, cent XIII. A Beautiful Illuminated MS. of the Romance of King Arthur ; and a few other less important MSS. The GREAT ITALIAN WRITERS.— The next principal feature in the Library is the numerous and rare editions of the Great Italian Authors, from Dante to Alfieri, chief among which are Dante, Boccaccio, Peteaech and Ariosto. Of Dante, the most important items are ; a probably contemporary MS. of the Inferno written upon vellum ; the rare printed editions of Foligno 1472, A^ajo/es 1475, Venice, by Vind. de Spira 1477, Milan 1478, Florence 1481, Venice, 0. Scot 1484, and Bern, de Parma 1491, PREFACE. and Brixia 1487; the Aldine and many other rare editions from the Italian and French presses of the XVI. century. Of Boccaccio there are first editions of nearly all his w^tings^ by far the most important being the first edition of the Decameron with a date, printed by C. Valdarfek in Venice 1471, and renowned throughout the literaiy world by reason of the enormous sum given for the Duke of Roxburghe's copy. Then there is the edition of Adam de Michaelibus 1472 ; and upwards of a hundred editions of the XVI. century from the presses of Aldi and other printers. Chief among translations are the French version of the Fall of Princes by Colard Mansion, Bruges 1476 and the ''Livre de Louange des Nobles Dames'' printed by Verard in 1493. Of Petrarch's Poems, we have the first edition of the Sonetti printed by Vind. de Spira at Venice in 1470, and 10 other excessively rare XV. century editions; while from the Venetian presses of the XVI. century we have about a hundred rare editions by the Aldi and other printers. The editions of Ariosto extend from that of Ferrara in 1516 to 1567. Of the minor Italian writers the editions are both numerous and valuable, and include many which it is now diificult to procure even in Italy. BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM.— The number of Books printed on vellum contained in the Library is very remarkable, being, we believe, the largest number of any private library in Europe, and containing several hitherto unnoticed by bibliographers. We refer for the particulars of these to the following heads, viz. : — Albertinis, Anacreon, Apollonius Rhodius, Aquinas, Augustinus de Civitate Dei ; (editions of V. de Spira and Jenson 1470 and 1475), Biblia Latina, Fust and Schoiffer 1462, Bible in English (Vinegar), BoNiFACius VII, Bossus (2 copies), Bouchard, Bouchet, Bruni, Bur- gundiorum Leges, Celsus, Cicero (Rhetoric, Jenson 1470; Rhetoric and Oratory, Venet. 1554 ; Orations, Aldus 1519 ; Tusculan Ques- tions, /e?isow 1472; On Offices, Fust and Schoiffer 1465; and another edition 1466; Ditto, Paris 1522; Familiar Letters n. d.), Clementi Constitutiones, Fust and Schoiffer 1460, 2 cojpies {illuminated), and another edition by the same printers ; Cleomedes, Durandus Ra- tionale, Fust and Schoiffer 1459, Ferrerius, Folengus, Gellius (AuLus), Harlay, Homer, Horatius, Josephcs, Justintanus, Fust and Schoiffer 1468, Juvenal, Lactantius, Livius, Logus, Lucian, Maximus, Persius, Petrarch, Picus Mirandula, Opera 1496 ; et de Morte Christi 1497; Pontanus, Prudkntius, Quintilian, Sabellicus, SallustiuSj Sannazarus, Savonarola, Tacitus, Thuanus, Trissino and Virgilius. It will thus be seen that the Library contains the VI PREFACE. extremely large number of 58 books printed upon vellum, of wbich 9 ai'e from the press of Fust and Schoiffer. AMERICA. — The works reLitiug to America are most valuable. They comprise the Voyages of De Bry, Hakluyt, Purchas, Capt. Johx Smith, Champlain, The Jesuit's Relations, Vespuccius, Columbus, Dkakb, Grynaeus, also the pieces of Las Casas, Bodies of Laws, Ordinances, and many rare tracts in English, Italian, French and Spanish. CHRONICLES. — Of these there are very many most rare and interesting in Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, including the Nuremberg Chronicle, Caxton's Chronicle by Mach- linia, Higden^s Polychronicon, Hollinshed's Chronicles, Chroniques de S. Denys, Chronique de Normandie, Chronica del Rey D. Rodrigo 1499. Also early editions of Monstrelet, Froissart ; and other old Anglo-French Chi-onicles. FATHERS. — The works of the Fathers and Schoolmen from S. Barnabas to Bernard and Occam are chiefly worthy of notice as being nearly all Benedictine editions and on large paper, though there are a few valuable first editions. COUNCILS.— Of Councils there is the large Royal Collection in 37 vols, bound in old red morocco, also the Collections of Har- DuiN, Wilkin s and others, principally on large paper. ENGLISH COUNTY HISTORIES, Etc— These include a set of the original editions of Dugdale on large paper, and the works of Atkyns, Harris, Thoresby, Wood, Skelton, Somner, Thoroton, Plot, Leigh, Ware, Grose, Hutchinson, King, Prince, etc. We must not forget to mention an illustrated copy of Claren- don's History, which comprises several hundred fine and rare ENGRAVED PORTRAITS and MANY CLEVER DRAWINGS in SEPIA. EARLY ENGLISH POETS.— These are not very numerously repi'esented, but there are several important and valuable editions, as BocHAs' Fall of Princes by Lydgate 1554, Chaucer's Works, editions of 1561, 1602, 1687, etc.; Oower De Confessio Amantis 1513, 1532, 1554; Lydgate's Siege of Troy, Pi/nsoii 1513, Spenser's Faerie Queen, first edition, 1590-6, Milton's English and Latin Poems, first edition 1645, James the first's Poetical Exercises 1591 j etc. EARLY ENGLISH TRACTS AND PAMPHLETS.— These form an exti'aordinary collection extending from the reign of Elizabeth to that of Queen Anne, and comprise many of great rarity. PREFACE. vn FRENCH CONTROVERSIAL AND HISTORICAL TRACTS OF THE XVI. AND XYII. CENTURIES.— These probably form an unique collection, and are of great importance, giving as they do contemporary accounts of questions affecting Church and State in that most critical period of European History. There are also many first and rare editions of French classical authors. CANON AND CIVIL LAW.- A large number of Books on this subject will be found in the Librar}' including many editions of the Institutes of Justinian, etc. We have thus, we believe, pointed out the chief classes of Literature contained in this grand Library ; but it will be readily perceived that only a careful perusal of every article in the Catalogue can give any accurate idea of the treasures which it contains. A few words in explanation of the arrangement and details of the compilation of the Catalogue may be allowed us, in order to prevent misconception. (I) The alphabetical order has been adopted in preference to that of classification because, as will be seen, by far the greater part of the Library is strictly classical ; in fact, using the word as it has lately been used, in its largest sense, as including the standard writers of all nations, it may be called entirely so. (II) We have taken the trouble to collate all the most im- portant books which occur in the Catalogue. This must give it a value for future reference, which it would not otherwise possess, as the collations given are those of the actual copies in the Library. Where any differences are recorded by bibliographers they are noted. In the collations the blank leaves where they occur are noted; for in many early printed books, the first and last leaves of a signature were either blank, or merely contained a word or two of title, a register, leaf of errata, or printer's device ; and the middle signature often finished with a blank leaf. (III) We specially desire to call attention to the large number of volumes containing several pieces bound together, which it was impossible to separate, but which often contain tracts of great importance, rarity and interest. (IV) The sale will probably be extended to four portions, forming one continuous alphabet, with a consecutive numeration ; so that the whole, when completed, can be bound together and made to form a single volume. It remains only to mention the general condition of the books. This is, on the whole, excellent, many being well bound in Vlll PREFACE. morocco, tlie larger number being in contemporary bindings ; as to the state of tlie leaves it is generally remarkable for cleanliness and for extent of margin, and the measurements given of each work may be depended on for correctness. A large number of the books are on large paper, and many of them have the Arms of former eminent possessors on the bindings. We repeat then finally, that only on a careful inspection of the Catalogue itself will an adequate idea of the richness and interest of this great Library be obtained, and we flatter ourselves that nothing need hinder collectors at a distance from placing implicit rehance on the descriptions given in the Catalogue. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON 47 Leicester Square London W.C. September 1, 1881. P.S. — It may be as well to state that there will be issued a limited number of copies of each portion of the Catalogue on large and fine paper, with printed prices and purchasers' names, price 10s Qd each portion ; applications for which must be made at once to the Auctioneers. The Second Portion will probably be sold on April 1, 1882 and following days. BIBLIOTHEOA SUNDERLANDIANA. SALE CATALOGUE OF THE FIRST PORTION OF THE SUNDERLAND LIBRARY (BEHOVED FROM BLENHEIM). FIRST DAY'S SALE. MTXT^D RTZKS. Abelardus (P.) et Heloisae conjugis ipsius Opera, nunc prima edita ex MSS. Codd. F. Amboesii cum ejusdem prefatione ; etc. old calf 4to. Paris N. Buon 1616 Abelardus. Epistolae, a prioris editionis erroribus purgatge cura R. Rawlinson calf 8vo. Lond. 1718 The best edition of Abelard's Letters. 3 Abarca (Pedro) Los Reyes de Akagon en anales historicos, 612 hasta 1285, 2 vols, vellum fol. Madrid 1682 ; y Salamanca 1684 These valuable Annals serve as a continuation of Zurita. Abbeville. L'Histoire Ecclesiastique de la Ville d' Abbeville, et de I'Arcliidiacone de Pontieu au Diocese d'Amiens, par le R. P. Ignace-I Joseph de Jesus Maria, Religieux Carme descbausse, old calf, with the Sicnderland Arms on sides 4to. Paris cliez F. Pelican 1646 Abbeville. L'Histoire Genealogique des Comtes de Pontieu et Maieurs d' Abbeville depuis 1043 jusques au 1657, plan and numerous woodcuts of Arms, old calf fol. Paris F. Glouzier 1657 6 Abduensis (Ferdinandus) Oratio qua manifesto declarat Leges pluri- mum medicinse philosopbiteque artibus anteferendas esse ; ejusdem Epigrammata nonnulla, Aldine edition ivitli the anchor on title and on separate leaf at end, old red vioracco 12mo. Venet. ap. Aldi Filios 1546 Abela (F.) Descrittione di Malta, Isola nel Mare fSiciliano con le sue Antichite ed altre Notitie, 128 curious old copperplate plans, views, plates of Antiquities, etc. (engraved title mounted) old calf fol. in Malta per P. Bonacota 1647 Probably the first Book printed in Malta — see Cotton Typ. Gaz. B Ablancourt (N. Fremont d') Ses Memoires, contei ant I'Histoire de Portugal depuis 1659 jusqu'a 1668, old calf 12ino. Paris 1701 Aboab (Rabbi Imanuel) Hispamis. Nomologia o Disciirsos Legales, vellum 4to. ^^ Estampados a costa y despeza de sus herederos, en el afio de la Creadon 5389 " (1629 ; sin nomhre del impresor) A scarce Book, evidently privately printed. After the title the text commences with sheet B on p. 9. u 10 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. - d' — 10 / /o / d' — 3 — 3 / s- L /8- 10 Abu Jaafar ebn Topliail. Philosoplius Aut^o didactus, sive Epistola Abi Jaafar de Hai Ebn Yokdhan, ex Arabica in linguam Latinam versa ab E. Pocockio, ed. sec. calf 4to. Oxonii 1700 11 Abul-Pharagius (Greg.) Historia Dynastiarum (Orientalium) Arabice edita et Latine versa ab E. Pocockio vellum 4to. Oxonii 1663 12 AcciAiuoLus (DoNATUs) Florentiuus. Expositio super libros x. Ethicorum Aristotelis sec. novam traductionem Jo. Argyropuli Byzantii old yellow morocco gilt, yellow edges fol. impressum Florent. ap. Sayictian Jac. de Ripoli 1478 A FINE and rare edition with large margins; slightly wormed, and a few margins discoloured. 13 Acclaiuolus. Aliud Exemplar old calf, with Arms, yellow edges folio A taller and sounder copy than the preceding. 14 Acciaiuolus. In Aristotelis Politica Commentarii nunc primnm in lucem editi, calf 12nio. Venet. ap. Vincentium Valgrisium 1566 15 Accolti (Pietro) Lo Inganno de Occbi, Prospettiva Pratica, numerous pilates and Diagrams, old calf fol. Firenze 1625 16 Accoltus, sen de Accoltis (Bened.) De Bello a Christianis contra Barbaros gesto pro Christi Sepulcbro et Judea Recuperandis lib. iv. ornamental woodcut initials, vellum 4to. Veyiei. per B. de Vitalihus 1532 Original edition of the Latin text. 17 Accoltus. De Bello Christianas. Thos. Dempstems Scotus cum aliis scriptoribus collates et mendis expurgavit, et notis non vulgaribus, illusti-avit, old calf 4to. Florent. 1623 18 Accoltus. Dialogus de Praestantia Yirorum sui ^vi ex Bib. D. Ant. Mao-liabequii vellum 12mo. Parmae 1692 19 Accnrsius (Mariangelus) Diatribse et Testudo (in Ausoniam, in C. Jul. Solini Polyhistoriam, et in Ovidii Metamorphoses ; in fine Testudo, Fabula),^/7«e engraved title, Romce in cedibus Marcelli, Argent. 1524 — • Cardakus (Hieron.) De Arithmetica lib. x. First Edition, diagrams, and %v:oodcut portrait on title, Norimb. per J. Petreiam excusum 1545; in 1 vol. old Italian binding, ^vith centre and corner gilt ornaments and fleur-de-lis on back folio 20 Acharisio (Alberto) Vocabolario et Grammatica con TOrthographia della lingua volgare, con I'espositione di molti luoghi di Dante, del Petrarca et del Boccaccio, old calf gilt sm. 4to. Li Venetia da Vicenzo Valgrisio 1550 Printed throughout in Italic Type. The original edition with a new title. -21 Acidalius (Yalens) Epigrammata 4to. Helmst. 1589 22 Acosta (Christoval) Tractado de las Drogas y Medicinas de las Ixdias Orientales, con suo Plantas dehuxadas al bivo, en el qual se verifica mucho de lo que escrivio el Dr. Garcia de Orta, woodcut portrait of the Aullwr, fgures of plants and initial letters, old olive morocco sm. 4to. en Burgos per Martin de Victoria 1578 A rare and curious Book, having the Autograph of C. Spencek (Third Earl of Sunderland) on title. 23 Acosta (Joseph) De Natura Novi Orbis et de Promulgations Evangelii apud Barbaros ; sive de Procdraxda Ixdorcm salute First Edition, old calf gilt sm. 8vo. Salmanticce ap. C. Foquel 1589 (Colophon dated 1588) 24 Acosta. Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, en que se tratan las cosas notables de cielo, y elementos, metales, plantes etc. y Guerras de los Indios, First Edition in Spanish, vellum with tyers, large and clean copy sm. 4to. en Serilla en casa de Jxan de Leon 1590 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 25 Acrimatus (Prospero) Carmen in Catonis Praecepta de Moribus (8 leaves) impressum in Civitate CasteUi (Tifermwi) per Ant. MazocJdum Cremonnnsem 1539 — Elegia Encomiastici in clarissimam Belgarum Urbem. Handoverpiam Georgii SchrcBgelii Boii, Greece (16 leaves) Antiv. ex off. G. Plantlni 1565 — Danielis Rogerii Albimontani de Laudibiis Antwerpife, Oda Sapphica (10 leaves') Ant. G. Plantin 1565 ; Three Rare Tracts all fine copies and ruled tvith red lines in 1 vol. oM calf sm. 4to. 20 Acta Eruditorum pubb'cata Lipsiaa ab anno 1682 ad ann. 1716, cum supplementis et indicibus Tomi i-v, 43 vols, old calf sm. 4to. 27 Actius (Thomas) Forosemproniensis. De Lndo Scacchorum in Legali Methodo Tractatus, nunc primum in lucem editus, ruled 2vith red lines, woodcut portrait and initials, old calf, gilt bach sm. 4to. Fisauri ap. H. Concordiam 1583 A scarce and curious book, in which the game of Chess is made to symbolise Law. 28 Actuarius (Joannes) Opera. De Actionibus et Spiritus Animalis affectibus ; eiusque Nutritione ; de Urinis ; IMetbodi Medendi : rerum ac verborum memorabilium index, vellum, fine clean copy sm. 8vo. Faris 1556 29 Actuarius. De Urinis lib. vii. de Graeco in sermone Latinum conversi, first EDiTioifi in Latin Farisiis S. Colin. 1522 — Philelphi Epistolae octaginta, recognitie per Johannem Finetium lit. gotfj. title in red and black with printer's device, Farisiis per Dionysiiim Rocium 1511 ; in 1 vol. old Italian calf sm. 4to. 30 AcuNA (Christoyal de) Nuevo Descubrimiento del Gran Rio de las Amazonas, vellum, sound and perfect copy sm. 4to. en Madrid, Imprenta del Beijno 1641 Excessively Rare having been suppressed by the Spanish Government. Gallardo supposes that there are probably not forty perfect copies in existence. Sir W. Tite's fetched £19. 5s. 31 Adagia, sive Proverbia Graecorum, partim edita nunc primum, partim Latine reddita, scholiisque parallelis illustrata ab. A. Scbotto, calf 4to. Antw. Flantin 1612 Autograph of C. Spencer (third Earl of Sdnderland) on title. 32 Adam (Billaut) Menuisier de Nevers. Les Chevilles, portrait of the Author, Faris chez Toussainct Quinet 1644 — Scudery (George de) Poesies Diverses, edition originale, Faris chez A. Gourbe 1649 ; both fine copies, in 1 vol. vellum 4to. 33 Adam (Rob.) Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia, brilliant proof impressions of the 61 plates old calf, fine clean copy imp. fol. 1763 34 Adams (John) Index Villaris : an Alphabetical Table of all the Cities, Market-Towns, Parishes, Private Seats etc. in England and Wales, FIRST edition, large paper, with the large map coloured, old crhnson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy roy. fol. 1630 35 Adamsonus (Patricius) Episc. St. And. Poemata Sacra cum aliis Opusculis, studio ac industria Tho. Voluseni (dedicated to James I. whose Arms are on verso of title) calf 4to. Land. J. Bill 1618-19 36 Adamus (Fran.) Givis et Ganon Firmanus. De Rebus in civitate Firmana gestis Fragmentorum libri duo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, ivith the Arms and Monogram of A. G. DE Thou on sides, fine COPY, Autograph of S. Baluzius on title sm. 8vo. Bomce ap. A. et H. Donangelos 1591 1 * BIBLIOTHECA SUXDEELANDIANA. 3 /3 ; 3 // 8^ U 7 7 37 Adame et Arriaga (D, Jos.) Imperialis Mexicana Universitas Illustrata, ipsius per constitutionum scholia, Academico general! commentario etc. vellum, with tyers, fine clean copy folio, Hispali per Hairedes de T. Lopez de Haro 1698 The Author was a native of Mexico, and held several high ecclesiastical offices. He was elected Archbishop of Manila, but died before his consecration in 1698. 38 Adamus (Melchior) Yitas Tlieologorum, Juri-Consultornm et Poli- ticorura, Medicorum atqne Philosophorum, cum Germanorum turn exterorum 4 vols. 8vo. Heidel. 1615-53 39 Adamns (Misenus) Canon Bremensis. Historia Ecclesiastica. Item B. HavmoBis Historia Ecclesiastica. Item Chronicon Theod. Engelhusii. Item Clironici Ditm.ari Episcopi Marspurgensis. Item Gervasii Tilburiensis de Imperio Romano ; ex mss. Codd. nunc primum editi cui-a J. J. Maderi. The 4 works in 1 vol. vellum 4to. Belmstadt. 1667-73 40 Adanson (Michel) Histoire Naturelle du Senegal (Coquillages) map and 19 plates containing numerous figures of Shells, calf gilt 4to. Paris 1757 41 Addison (Joseph) Works, first collected edition, large paper, poHrait and pilates 4 vols, calf gilt Tonson 1721 42 Addison. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy in 1701, 1702 and 1703, first edition, large paper, old calf roj. 8vo. 1705 43 Addnensis (Ferandus) Explicationum Libri duo, quorum primus est in Pandectas ; secundus in alias Juris civilis partes, old calf 12mo. Lugd. ap. Hcered. Seh. Grgphii 1561 44 Adimari (Alessandro) La Tersicore, o vero Scherzi e Paradossi Poetici sopra la Belta delle Donne curions copperplate title, in Fiorenza 1637 • — La Clio, over cinquanta Sonetti sopra piu persone della Famiglia o casata degli Adimari fine engraved emblematic title, ib. 1639 ; the two rare pieces in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 45 Adimari. La Tersicore 4to. Milano 1637 [v. Andreini (Isabella)] 46 Adimari. La Calliope overo xxxxx Sonetti Morali con altrettanti docu nienti f ondati sopra sentenze della Scrittura Sacra, engraved title, old ccdf, rare 4to. Firenze 1641 47 Adimari (Raflaele) Sito Riminese, dove si tratta della citta e sue parti et come si potesse ampliare etc. bcth parts, large ivoodcut map and other koodcuts, old calf, with Arms and Monogram of President Seguier on sides 4to. in Brescia 1616 48 Adlzreiter (Joannes) Annalinm BoicjB Gentis partes iii. ; accessere And. Brunneri Annalium Boicorum partes iii. cum pref. G. G Leibnitii, calf fol. Francof. 1710 49 Ado (Viennensis Archiep.) Breviarium Chronicorum ab origine mundi ad sua usque tempora, vellum 12mo. Parisiis ap. G. Morelium 1561 60 Adriani (Giov. Batt.) Istoria de' suoi Tempi dall' anno 1536 all' anno 1574, lib. xxii. ivoodcut portrait on verso of title (ivith the redupli- cated pages 180-1 a7id the separate leaf of errata at end) old English calf gilt fol. in Firenze da Giunta 1583 51 Adricomius (Christianis) Theatris Terrae Sanctse et Biblicarum His- toriarum, engraved title and numerous folding copperplate maps, old English calf, ivith the Arms of Sir Christopher Hattox on sides rov. fol. Col. Agr. 1693 52 JEdo J Gallart (Diego de), Viaje del Infante Card. Dou Fernando de Austria desde 12 de Abril 1632 hasta 4 de Noviembre de 1634, que entvo en la de Bruselas, engraved title (jivants portrait) old calf gilt gilt edges sm. 4to. en Amberes J. Cnobbart 1635 Mdio. Otro edicion 4to. Mad. 1637 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 54 ^do. ToPOGRAPHiA, e HisTORiA General de Argel repartida en cinco tradados, do se verancasos estraiios, muertes espantosas, y tormentos exquisites que conviene se entiendan en la Christiandad ; eon mucha doctrina j elegancia curiosa, por Maestro Fray Diego de Haedo Abad de Fromesta, old calf folio Valladolid per D. F. de Cordova y Oviedo 1612 A rare and curious book ; one of the earliest relating to Algiers, and contain- ing interesting notices of Cervantes. 55 -^GEDM Mare. Bartholomeo da li Sonnetti (Zamberto) Isolario. Descriptio Insularum Maris ^gei sive Archipelagi, poema SERMONE Italico, cum Insularum Chartis Geographicis, vellum 4to. absque nota This very curious work is printed in a small Italian Gothic letter, without numerals, catchwords or signatures. It commences with the three following lines : " Al bivo cinquecento cinque e diece Tre cinque a do mil nulla tre e do un cento Nulla, questa opra dar piu cha altri lecce." It contains descriptions in verse, and maps of 47 Islands in the ^gean Sea. The maps are chiefly spherical, printed from wood-blocks and coloured, the text printed on the verso of each, 'i'he colouring has decomposed and blackened the text ; and there is a wormhole running through 9 11. -A most curious and EXCESSIVELY RARE BooK. Dibdin supposes it to have been printed at Venice in 1477. There is a later edition in fol. 1532. 66 -(Eginetus (Paulus) Medicinfe Libri vii. Gra3ce, editio prima, rare, old Italian calf fol. Venet. in cedibus Aldi et And. Asulani 1528 57 -^ginetus, Opera Medica Grasce, cum prefatione Hier. Gemussei Basil. 1538 — ^tii Amideni Libri Medicinre Greece, Aldine edition with the Anchor on a separate leaf at end, rare. Venet. in cedibus hceredmn Aldi Mayiutii 1534 — Aretsei Cappadocis -^tiologica, Simeo- tica, et Therapeutica Morborum acutorum et diuturnoruni, Gr. et Lat. cum comment. G. Heinscbii, Aug. Vind. 1603 ; in 1 vol. old calf, folio 58 iEginetus. Opus de Re Medica, nunc primum integrum Latinitate donatum per Jo. Guinterium, vellum fol. Faris. ap. S. Colinceum 1532 69 -ZElfric (Abbas) A Saxon Treatise concerning the Old and New Testament now first published in print with the English of our times by W. L'Isle ; with a Second Edition of a Testimonie of Anti- quitie etc. (and a metrical Preface to Prince Charles) calf sm. 4to. Lond. J. Haviland 1623 Contains besides L'Isle's learned preface reprints of 3 tracts originally pub- lished by John Day. 60 ^lianus (Claudius) ; [et Tacticus] Opera omnia Gr. et Lat. ex versione P. Gillii, Conradi Gesneri et aliorum, plates, old calf fol. Tiguri ap. Gesneros (1556) 61 _^lianus (C.) Varije Historife libri xiiii. ex Heraclide de rebus publicis commeiitarium ; Polemonis et Adamantii Physionomia etc. Graece, editio prima, old calf gilt, red edges 4to. Bomce 1545 62 ^lianus. Large paper, tery rare {some II. slightlij tvormed) bright old calf gil^, with the Marlborough Arms on sides 4to. Fomoe 1545 63 ^lianus. Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. Tanaquillus Faber emendavit, old calf (cover broken) 12mo. Salmurii 1668 64 ^lianus. Gr. et Lat. cum versione Justi Vulteii 2 vols. cf. 8vo. Lngd. Bat. 1701 65 -iElianus. Nunc primum ex Latinitate donati et in lucem editi, Justo Vulteio interprete, vellum, Autograph of Steph. Baluzius on title 12mo. Lugd. Jo Torncesium 1553 66 -^lianus. De Militaribus Ordinibus instituendis more Greecorum, a F. Robertello nunc primum Grsece editus. First edition of the separate text (Greek Text only) plates, vellum 4to. Venet. ap. Spinellos 1552 Autograph, of M. Mbibomids on title. BIBLIOTHECA SUXDERLANDIANA. 7 7 r ; 4 67 -^lianus et Leo Imp. Tactica, Gr. et Lat. cum notis J. ^Meursii et Sixti Arcerii, old calf 4to. Lugd. Bat. L. Elzevir 1613 68 ^lianus. La Milice des Grecs et Romains, traduite en Francois du Grec par Louts de Macliault fine engraved title surmounted hij an equestrian portrait of Louis xiii., and i}lates., vellum gilt, fixe copy folio, Paris H. Brouart 1616 First edition of the French translation. Brunet gives the size as small octavo. 69 .^mylius (Paulus) Veronetisis. De Rebus Gestis Francorum liber quartus, quo bellum sacrum advei-sus Sai'acenos gestum amio m.d.xcvi. (sic for 1096) Philippo I rege describitur, old calf sm. 4to. Baris ex off. M. Vascosaiii 15-44 Brunet makes no mention of this separate edition of Book 4. The X of the date has been nearly erased, causing it to read M.D.L.IIII. 70 ^mylius. De Rebus Gestis Francorum. Lib. x. ; A. Ferroni de Rebus item gestis Gallorum^/ie woodcut initials, 2 vols, in 1, calf fol. Lilt. Par. ex off. Vascosa)ii 1566 Ferrone's continuation has its own title, on which it is described as '* tertia editio nunc recens aucta," and is dated 1554. 71 u3Emylius. De Rebus, lib. x. ornamental initials, vellum, fine clean COPY fol. Lut. Par. F. Morellum mdiic. This Latin edition of Morel's appears to have been quite unknown to Brunet. 72 -iEmylius. Les Cinq Premiers Livres, traduit en Fean^ois par Jan Regnart, Angevin, Premiere Edition, vellum, fine large and clean copy fol. a Paris de Mich. Fezandat 1556 73 ^nigmata et Griplii Veterum ac recentium ; cum notis Jos. Casta- lionis, in Symposium adh^c PythagoriK Symbola, calf, very rare 12mo. Buaci 1604 The initial woodcut is a very curious figure of a Satyr as " Time." 74 -i^rodius, seu Ayrault (Peter) Decrctorum Rerumve apud diversos Popnlos ab omni antiquitate judicatarum pandectae, vellum 12mo. Paris ap. M. Juvenem 1567 75 ^rodius. Decretorum lib. vi. itemque liber singularis de origins et auctoritate Remm Judicatarum vellum sm. 8vo. Paris 1573 76 -^rodius. Rerum ab omni antiquitate judicatarum pandectse recog- nitae, old calf. fol. Paris 21. Somiium 1615 77 uEscbines. ^scliinis et Demostbenis Orationes Grsece 4to. Hagan. 1522 78 ^sclnnes. In Ctesipbontem, et de Corona, Gr. et Lat. edid. P. Foulkes et J. Friend, best edition, large paper, with busts of .^schines, Cicero and BemostJienes bij M.Burg, old calf gilt, marb. edges roy.Svo. Oxon. 1695 79 ^scbines (Socraticus) Dialogi tres Gr. et Lat. notis illustravit Jo. Clericus {first edition of the separate text) bright old red morocco tvith gilt tooled ornamental borders and gilt edges 8vo. Amst. op. P. de Coup 1711 80 -^scbines. Dialogi tres de novo recensuit, etc. P. Horrens calf 8vo. Leov. 1718 81 -^scHTLrs. ^scHTLi Tragcedij: sex, GRiECE, First Edition, Very Rare, vellum,, clean copy sm. 8vo. Venet. in cedihus Aldi et Andrem Soceri 1518 82 ^scbylus. Grfece ex recognit. A. Turnebi, Paris ex off. A. Turnebi 1552 — Scholia in -^scbyli Tragoedite ex vet. mss. collecta a F. Robortello Venet. ex off. E. V. Valgrisii 1552 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 8vo. ^/83 iEschylus. Ex recog. A. Turnebi, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 8vo. Paris A. Turnebi 1552 A very much taller copy than the preceding, perhaps Large Paper ; ruled with red lines and verv clean. BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 84 -/Eschylus. TRAQ(EDia; Septem a Fran. Robortelli nunc primum ex mss. libris ab infinitis erratis expurgatae, ac suis metris restituta?, old crimson morocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8yo. Venet. ap. Griialt. Scottum 1552 For a long and interesting note concerning this edition, see Bninet. 85 -^schylns. Tragoediae Septem qnte cum omnes m.ulto quam antea eastigatiores eduntur, turn vero una, quae mutila et decurtata prius erat, Integra nunc profertur ; scholia in easdem, P. Victorii cura et diligentia rough calf 4to. (Lut.) ex off. H. Stephani 1557 This according to Brunet is the First Complete Edition. 86 j^schylus. Tragoedise vii. Grrece, opera Gr. Canteri Antw. ex off. C. Plantini 1580 — Sophoclis TragoediiB vii. opera Gr. Canteri ib. 1579 ; in 1 vol. old calf 12mo. 87 ^scbylus. Tragoediae vii. Gr. et Lat. cum scboliis, versione et commentario T. Stanleii vellum gilt, tvith Arms of an Amsterdam College on sides, fine clean copy fol. Lond. typis J. Flesher 1663 The Fonthill copy of this edition sold for Jtll. 88 -iEsclijlus. Gr. et Lat. cum comment. T. Stanleii et notis Robortelli et aliorom, curante J. C. de Pauw 2 vols, calf 4to. Hag.-Com. 1745 89 JEsopus. Vita et Fabulj; Gr^c^, Venet. Bartholovicei Pelusii Jiistinopolitani, Gahr. Bracii Brasicliellensis, Joannis Bissoli, et Benedicti Magnii Carpiens^imn sumptihus impressa — Phalaridis et aliorum Epistol^ Grssce, first edition, Venet. ex cedibus (td supra) MUD (1498) XIIII. Cal. Julius ; in 1 vol. old crimson morocco tvith gilt tooled bach and borders sm. 4to. Both these works are of great rarity and are described by Dibdin in his Bib. Spenc. the Esop contains 48 leaves ; and the Phalaris 58. Both books are clean anil perfect. In this vol. the Esop is bound first and the Phalaris follows, and the double siiznaiures in the latter would seem to indicate this as the true order. In the Spencer copy the positions are reversed, 90 -^sopus. YiTA et Fabell^, cum interpretatione Latina et fabulis aliis, Gr. et Lat. ab Aldo Manutio, bright old Italian calf gilt sm. fol. Venet. ap. Aldum 1505 A FINE CLEAN COPT of this RARE and beautiful edition. There are 2 slight wormholes running through several leaves. 91 -^sopus. Vita et Fabellse cum Latina interpretatione. Gabriea Fabellro ; excerpta de Fabula ex Apbthonio, etc. engraved title sm. 4to. Basil, Froben. (1518) This volume contains the first part only. 92 ^sopus. Vita et Fabellaa cum aliis opusculis Gr. et Lat. old calf 8vo. Basil. Froben. 1530 93 ^sopus. Vita et Fabula, plures et emendatiores ex vetuss. codice Bib. Regise old calf, clean copy 4to. Lut. ex off. It. Stephani 154G 94 -iEsopus. Vita et Fabulse cum aliis opusculis, Gr. et Lat. vellum 12mo. Basil, ap. Nicol. Bryling 1547 95 ^sopus. Alia editio, ruled with red lines, calf, large copy sm. 8vo. ib. 1550 96 .^sopus. Fabulae Gr. et Lat. cf. 12mo. Antio. G. Plantin 1574 — Idem, Gr. et Lat. calf 12mo. Lond. B. Daniel 1657 — Fabulaa -cEsopi selectiores, in usum studiosoe juventutis, vellum, scarce edition 12mo. Cadomi Ad. Cavelier 1632 97 ^sopus. Fabulge Elegantissimis cum aliis opusculis Gr. et Lat. numerous small and spirited woodcuts, contemporary calf binding, ivith Arms in centre 12mo. Lugd. ap. J. Torncesium 1570 8 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. ( f o 2 3 98 -iSi^sopiis. Mjthologica -lEsopica, sive -^sopi, Aphthonii, Gabrise etc. Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. opera et studio J. K. Neveleti numerous fine tvoodcuts hy Virgil Solis, vellum sm. 8vo. Fravcof. 1610 99 ^sopus. Editio posterior, numerous ivoodcuts by Virgil Solis, velluTn sm. 8vo. ib. 1660 100 -(Esopus. Fabulse ^sopicarum delectus Gr. et Lat. : item Fabulse Heb. et Arab, selectee, ex recensione A. Alsop, large px^itin, fine front. by M. Burg, fine clean copy, calf roy. 8vo. Oxon. 1698 101 ^sopus. Esopus CUM CoMMEXTO Optimo et MoRALi. (Colophon) ^^ Finit Esopus fabidator preclarissimus ciiin suis moralisationibtis ad nostram instructionem piulclierrime appositis. Impressus Londonie per me Rich.\rdum Pyxsox, Anno dni Millesimo CCCGCII. prima die Decembris," lit. gOti[}. — Liber Theodoli cum comento incipit feliciter lit. 20tlj. Lond. B. Fynson s. a. — Alanus Metricus in Parabolis cum optima expositione lit. gotl). Impressum Colonie in Off. H. Qdentell 1502 in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Three very rare books ; the Esop of Pynson especially which does not appear in Dibdin's Spencer Catalogue nor do either Lowndes or Brunet mention it. It consists of 30 leaves (A-E in sixes) the title-page having a ■woodcut of a prelate reading ; and the last leaf consisting of the Colophon with Pynson's Device on the reverse. It is a large, almost uncut copy, but it, as well as the other works are a little water- stained. Bound in the vol. are two leaves of a contemporary English MS. Treatise on Theology. 102 -i^sopus. Vita et Fabulae, Lat. cum aliis ejusd. generis old calf sm. 8vo. Lut. B. Stephani 154.5 — Fabulae Latine contemporary calf binding sm. 8vo. Lugd. S. Gryphium 1548 103 -i^sopus. Fabulae Latine engraved title, vellum, fine clean copy sm. 8vo. Anhv. ex off. Christ. Flantini 1560 — Fabulje Latine studio J. Camerarii (wormed) calf sm. 8vo. Editio Woegeliniana 1600 104 -<3^]sopus. Esopo con la Vita sua historiale tulgare e Latino (Accil ZucCHi) lit. gOtt- inimerous beautiful woodcuts, Mcdiol. Ul. Scinzenzeler 1497 — Le Fabule de Esopo Vdlgare e Latine Histoeiade lit. tjoti^. numerous curious tvoodcuts, Impress7im Medial. per Fetrum Martire de Mantegatus ad instantia Gotardi de Fonts 1504, in 1 vol. 4to. The first of these rare editions contains 40 leaves (A to E in eights) including title which is a representation within an elegant border of Esop delivering his Fables ; it contains also 23 beautiful outline woodcuts exhibiting in a striking manner the Italian Costume of the Period. The second work also has a fine woodcut title representing the same subject as above though differing in detail, and 65 spirited but clumsily executed woodcuts chiefiy of animals. It consists of 58 leaves (A to G in eights G having 10 leaves) the last two of which contain the Table and are slightly wormed. 105 jJEsopus. Fabulae Latine et Russice ; Batracbomyomacbia Russice, 40 very curious copper-plate engravings to the Esop by a Bussian Artist, very scarce, calf 12mo. Amsterdam 1700 106 Esopus. Les Fables d'Esope traduites fidelement du Grec, par P. Millot ensemble la Vie d'-^sope composee par Bachet de Meziriac, numerous coarsely executed iooodcuts,old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, scarce 12mo. a Bourg en Bresse 1646 107 -Esopus. Fables ti'anslated with Reflections by Sir R. L'Estrange, both parts in 1 vol.^or^s. of V Estrange and Esop, calf fol. Lond. 1699-1704 108 ^tliicus, Cosmograpbia ; Ant. Augusti Itinerarium Provinciarum cum scholiis J. Simleri calf 12mo. Basil. 1575 — Agathemerus Compendiariae Gcographiae expositionum cura S. Tenullii calf sm. 8vo. Amst. 1671 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. d - I ^^ 109 ^tius (Amidenus) Librorum Medicinalium tomtis primns ; primi scilicet Libri Octo nnnc primum in Iticem editi, Grsece (a feio leaves sUyhtly ivormed) calf, rare fol. Venet. in oidibus Aldi et And. Asulani 1534 110 Agapetus (Diaconus Constant.) ad Justinianum ; et Basilii ad Leonem. Philos. Adhortationes Gr. et Lat. recens. B. Damke, vellum 12nio. Basil. 1633 — Einsdem Scbeda Regia Praeceptorum de Officio Boni Principis cum notis Brunonis, calf 12mo. Lips. 1669 111 Agathias (Scholasticus) De Belle Gothornm, et aliis peregrinis historiis, per Christ. Personam e Grjeco in Latinum traductns {title in red gothic letters) calf 4to. impress. Romce ap. Jac. Mazochium 1529 112 Agathias. De Imperio et Rebus Gestis Justiniani Imperatoris, Gr. et Lat. ex interpretatione, et cum notis Bonav. Vulcanii, calf 4to. Lugd. Sat. ex off. Plantin. 1594 113 Agnelli ( D. Vicenzo ) Vera Origine e Discendenza della nobil Famiglia de' Signori Mastini di Mantova; con Stemma Mastinaa Gentis, 2 books in 1 vol. vellum 4to. Venet. 1626 114 Agnellus (Andreas) Liber Pontificalis, sive Yit^e Pontificum Raven- natum, plates, large copy, calf 4to. Mntince 1708 6 Agnellus (Scipio) Disceptationes de Ideis in tres libros distributee 4to. Venet. 1615 116 Agostini (Leonardo) La Gemme Antiche figurate, First edition hoth parts, brilliant early impressions of the 267 plates, with engraved title and port, calf 4to. Roma 1657-1669 117 Agostini. Le Gemme Antiche, seconda impressione (per P.Bellori) 266 plates, 2 vols, in 1 old russia gilt 4to. in Roma 1686 118 Agostini. Le Gemme Antiche. In Latinum versa Jac. Gronovio, cum Prefatione, 265 fine plates, 2 parts in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4to. Amst. 1685 119 Agostino (Monsignor Francesco) Corona Reale di Savoia, o sia Relatione delle Provincie e Titoli ad essa appartenenti, 2 vols, vellum 4to. in Cuneo app. B. StraheJla 1655-57 120 Agostino della Lengueglia (G.) Guerre de Geuovesi contro Alfonso Re di Aragona engraved title, vellum- 4to. in Genova 1643 121 Agricola (Georgius) Libri quinque de Mensuris et Ponderibus ; in quibus plferaque a Buda?o et Portio parum animadversa, diligenter excutiuntur, nunc primum in lucem editge, old calf 8vo. Paris C. WecJielus 1533 122 Agricola. De Mensuris et Ponderibus Grsecorum et Romanorum etc. Basil. Frohen. 1550 — Lucge Pseti de Mensuris et Ponderibus Romanis et Grgecis, 6 full-page ivoodcuts and initial letters, Venet. Aldus 1573 ; in 1 vol. vellum folio 123 Agricola. De Re Metallica lib. xii. ; eiusdem de Animantibus sub- terraneis liber, numerous fine large woodcuts, Basil. Frohen. 1556 — Eiusdem, De Ortu et Causis Subterraneorum ; de veteribus et novis Metallis ; etc. ih. 1558 ; in 1 vol. vellum folio Agricola v. Martyr (Peter). 124 Agricola (Rudolphus) De Inventione Dialectica lib. iii. cum scholiis J. M. Phrissemii,yir5i; edition, woodcut figure of Time on title, and contem- porary MS. notes in margins, old stamped calf 4to. Paris 8. Colin. 1534 The author was the inventor of the method of teaching the dumb to speak by signs. 125 Agrippa (Henricus Corn.) Caroli qninti cum Hispaniarum turn duplicis Germanise et Romanorum Archiregis, utriusque Coronationis Historia title within an elegant woodcut border with the initials of the Printer beneath sm. 8vo. Fxcudebat Martinus Ccesar 1530 A scarce tract of 20 pages, printed in Italic type, and dedicated to Marguerite of Austria, the author's patroness. Not in Brunei. 10 BIBLIOTttECA STJNDEBLANDUNA. 126 Agrippa. De Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum ; et de Nobi- litate et Preecellentia Fceminei Sexus, etc. editio ultima, calf 12mo. Hag. -Com. 1662 Agrippa (Livio) v. suh Baccius (And.) 127 Aguilar (Jo. B. de) Ad Sixtum Y. Pont. Max. in Dedicationem Obelisci Vaticani Epigrammata (4 leaves) vellum 4to. Bomce ex off. B. Grassii 1586 128 Aguilonius (Fr.) Optieorum, Libri sex, brilliant engraved title and mimerous diagrams, calf . fol. Antiv. Flantin 1613 129 Aguiree (Jos. Saexz de) Collectio Maxima Conciliorum omnium HlSPANliE et Novi Orbis, cum notis et dissertationibus fine engraved fronts. 4 vols, calf, sound and clean copy folio Bomce 1693 130 Agylaens (Henr.) Imp. Leonis Constitutiones Novell te ant correctoriaB legum repurgationes Latinse factae, calf 8vo. (Lut.) H. Stephantis 1560 — Eiusdem, JS^ovellarum Justinian! Constitutionnni Supple- mentum ^inbound 12mo. Col. A. Birchmann 15oO 131 Aicher (Otto) Benedictimis. Brevis Institutio de Comitis vetemm Romanorum, calf 12mo. Salisbnrgi 1678 132 Aimoinns. ]\Ionaclncs Floriacensis. Annonii Monacbi Benedictini, de Regnm procerumque Francorum ovigine gestisque, First edition title ivitliin curioxis woodcut border tcith Petifs device in the centre, calf folio (Paris) Venund. in cedibus J. Parvi et Ascensianis 1514 133 Aimoinus. De Gestis Francorum ; ejnsdem de inventione et trans- latione corporis S. Yincentii Levitte et Martyris etc. omnia studio et opera, fratris Jac. du Breul Butch vellum, fine clean copy fol. Paris E. Brouart 1603 134 Aitsingerus (i\Iich.) Austriacus. Pentaplus Regnori Mundi, curiotis plates and 7 folding genealogical tables, calf, rare, (jwt in Brunet) sm. 4to. Antw. C. Plantin 1579 135 Aitzema (Leo) Historia Pacis a Fcederatis Belgis ab an. 1621 ad hoc usque tempus, Tractatae, calf 4to. Bugd. Bat. ex off. J. et B. Elsevier 1654 136 Aitzema. Saken van Staet en Oorlogb, in ende omtrent de Yeree- NIGDE Nederlanden, beginneude met Let Jaer 1621, ende eyndigende met bet Jaer 1669 po?-^. of the Author, large paper, 7 vols. Butch vellum gilt roy. fol. in 'sGravenhage 1669-71 137 Aitzema. Notable Revolutions ; being a tnie Relation of what happened in the United Provinces of the Xethei-lands in 1650 and 1651, according to the Dutch copy, calf, scarce ; not in Lowxdes fol. Bond, printed by Wm. Bugard by the appiointment of the Council of State 1653 138 Ala (D. Jo. Pet.) Tractatus vere Aureus de Advocate et Causidico Christiano in duas partes di^-isas, 2 vols, in 1 old calf, u-ith the name " Edward G^^TNN " on the side 4to. Cremonce 1610 139 Alaba y Yiamont (Don Diego de) El Perfeto Capitan, instruido en la disciplina Militar, y nueva ciencia de la Artilleria, Arms of Spain on title and mimerous woodcuts, vellum fol. en Madrid por P. Madrigal 1590 At page 170, the measurements of "Kegla de Pelotas " which were mounted on a blank space have been torn away. 140 Alamanni (Lnigi) Opere Toscane, Edizioxe Prima, vellum sm. 8vo. s. I. (device of the Giunti on title) 1532 141 AJamanni. Opere Toscane 2 vols, in 1 calf, a tall and very clean copy sm. 8vo. in Vinezia per Pietro Sceffer Germano Moguntino ad instantia delli heredi di Bucantonio Giunta, (with the printer's large device on last leaf) 1542 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 11 142 Alamanni. La Coltivatione calf sm. 4to. Parigi da B. Stefano 1546 A fine clean and large copy with the Epistle " a Madama la Dalphina" and the Privilege of Francis I. 143 Alamanni. La Coltivatione calf sm. 8vo. i?i Fiorenza app. B. Giunti 1549 A very clean copy, and a good specimen of early Venetian binding with the initials " VV. B." in a centre ornament. 144 Alamanni. La Coltivazioui ; e le Api di Giov. Ruscellai, colle annotazioni di R. Tiii, fine port, calf 4to. Fadova 1718 Cette edition la meilleure de ces deux poemes est devenue rare. — Brdnet. 145 Alamanni. La Avarcliide, copperplate portrait and fine woodcut initials, calf 4to. Firenze nella stamp, di F. Giunti 1570 146 Albanus (Ignatius) Meratensis. Epigrammatum Libri quinque {each hooJc has a title) Mediol. ap. H. Bordonum 1602-3 — Einsdem, Lacrymae in Obitum Caroli Vicecomitis Pat. (8 II.) Mediol. ex off. J. M. Medce s. a. — Jo. Baptistas Scarsabursge Forojnliensis, de Eelicissima adversus Turcis Navali Yictoria ad Echinadas (in verse) A RARE TRACT, ivoodcut on title and initial letters, Venet. ap. Jo. Bap. Somaschiim 1573 — Bern. Baldini, Lusus (in verse) ad M. Ant. Baldinum fratris filinm, tvoodcut on title, rare, Mediol. ex Typ. Pacifici Pontii 1586 — Fratris Bonvicini de Ripa Mediolanensis, de DisciPULORUM Preceptorumque Moribus (Poema) lit. tjotf). 18 leaves (printed without title ; slightly wormed) very rare, impressum Mediolani per Uldericum Scinzenzeler 1490 — Poemata queedam Joannis Sambuci Tirnaviensis ( 34 leaves ) Patavii, Gratiosiis Perchacinus excudebat 1555 ; in 1 vol. calf 4to. 147 Albans (St.) " The Constitutions of the Borough of St. Albans copied." ]\1an[JSCript 07i paper neatly written on (j'6 pages, and 9 pp. of Index, old blue morocco with gilt tooled borders and centre ornaments gilt edges 8vo. 1677 This is a copy of the Constitutions of the Borough granted and confirmed by King Charles U. through the Jiarl of Clarendon and Lord Chief Justices Keeling and Orlando Bridgiuan. 148 Albergati ( Fabio ) Delia Republica Regia lib. ix. engraved title and portrait ; in Bologna per V. Benacci 1627 — Le Morali di Albergati engr. title and port. ib. 1627 ; the two works in 1 vol. vellum folio 149 Alberti (Filippo) Rime, in Venetia G. B. Ciotti 1603— Rime del S. Tomaso Stigliani Venet. ib. 1601 — Rime di Cesare Orsino engraved title ; Venet. 1605 ; in 1 vol. old calf 12mo. 150 Albertinis (Pranciscus de) Opcsculum de Mirabilibus kov^ et VETERis urbis Rom^ (no plates) old calf sm. 4to. liomm per Jac. Mazochium 1510 Printed upon Vellum ; only 2 or 3 copies known. It contains 104 leares with title (A — X and &, 1 and R in fours, the last leaf blank.) Then follows a new title printed within a fine woodcut architectural design " Septem Mirabilia Orbis et Ukbis Kom^ et Florentine civjtatis cum Epytaph ;" 8 leaves including title, the last leaf blank, and containing the following superscription in a contemporary handwriting : — " Superscriptio S. R. M. Portugalli^ et Argarbiorum cum et ultra mare in Africa, Domino Guiuese et Couquiste Navigatoria ac Comitii Ethiopias, Arabia, Persiie atque IndiiB." 151 Albertinus. Opusculum de Mirabilibus nove et veteris Urbis Romse woodcut title (small hole in 1 leaf) vellum, with Anns in gold of " Petrus Villars Archiepiscopus Viennensis" sm. 4to. liommper Jac. Mazoch. 1515 12 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. d^ // 1 9 / s 7 3 152 Albertus Magnus (B.) De Secretis Mulienira et Virorum lit. gatl^. (a-f in eights f having ofily 4 II. : slightly wormed) absque nota — Arnolclus de Villanova Regimen Saxitatis lit. golfj. (a-m in eights; wants aj) absque nota : in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4to. The " Regimen Sanitatis " is in capital condition and is perhaps one of the ["oldest editions ot this Poem. 153 Albertus (F. Leandro) Descrittione di tutta Italia, first edition, old calf with the Bear and Bugged Staff and initials of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester {the right-hand cover damaged) folio in Bologna 1550 154 Albertus. Descrittione di tutta d'ltalia, calf 4to. Vinegia 1551 155 Albertus. La medesima ; aggiuntavi novamente la Descrittione de tutte risole pertinenti ad essa Italia, vellum 4to. in Venetia 1561 156 Albertus (Leo Baptista) De re u^dificatoria, lib. x. cum Angeli Politani Epistola dedicatoria ad L. Mediceum, old red morocco with gilt tooling on sides ayid bad:, yellow edges sm. fol. Florentiae imp-essum opera M. Nic. Laurentii Alamanni 1485 Editio Prima, tery rare. (203 fols. wants the Register, I leaf at end.) A large and fine copy with wide margins which are covered with numerous sianu- SCRIPT NOTES and EMENDATIONS, and many clever and accurate drawings of Architectural and Mechanical Details one of which, on fol. 196 bears the date of 1497. The Epistle of Politian is mounted and the lower plain margin of Aj is mended. 157 Albertus. De re ^dificatoria, edita Godofredus Torinensis, woodcut title ivith Bemboldfs device, and Hornl-en's device on last leaf, calf sm. 4to. Faris. ojiera B. Beniboldt et L. Hornken 1512 158 Albertus. L'Arcliittetura tradotta in lingua Fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli, fine engraved title with portrait of Alberti on its verso, and mimerous plates, including the unnumbered ones occurring between r)}}- 283-86, a very clean copy in old calf folio in Firenze app. L. Torrentino 1550 159 Albertus. L'Arcliitecture, et Art de bien Bastir traduicts de Latin en Franfois par Jan Martin, woodcut title with portrait of the Author on its verso and numerous woodcuts, calf (broken) folio Paris a J. Kerver 1553 160 Albertus. Arcliiteeture, translated into English by J. Leoni, with the Italian Version of C. Bartoli, numerous fine p)lates by Picart early impressions, 3 vols, calf, tvith the Marlboroiigh Arms on sides roy. fol. Bond. 1726 161 Albertus. Momus, editio prima, (A-Z and a-c in fours ; c blank) calf sm. 4to. Bomcs J. Mazochi^ts 1520 162 Albertus. Opuscoli Morali, tradotti et parte corretti da Cosimo Bartoli, looodcut title with port, on verso and mimerous woodcuts, calf scarce 4to. Venet. F. Franceschi 1568 163 Albertus (Yalentinus) Eros Lipsicus quo Eris Scandica, Sam. Pufendorfi cum convitiis et erroribus suis mascule modeste tamen repellitur, calf 4to. Bijjs. 1687 164 Albi (P. Henry) de la Gomp. de Jesus. Eloges Historiques des Cardinaux Illustres, Francois et Estrangeres mis en parallele, avec leurs Portraits an naturel, 40 fine copperplate portraits, old French crimson morocco gilt, with arms and initials of President Seguier on sides, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. Paris chez A. de Cay 1644 Probably Large Paper, ruled with red lines, the lower margin of the title cut off. Not in Brunet. 165 Albin (Eleazar) A Natural History of Insects, 100 plates exactly coloured by the Author, calf 4to. Loiid. 1720 166 Albinus (Joannes) De Gestis Regum Neap, ab Aragonia qui extant Libri quatuor, calf 4to. Neap, ap Jos. Cachium 1589 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 13 167 Albornotius (Card, -i^gidius) Historia de bello Administrato in Italia per annos xv. et confecto a Card, ^gidio Albornotio Sacra et insignia Hispanoruin Collegii quod Bonou. est fundatore, cum Testamento Card, et Collegii Statutis, ab J. Genesio Sepulveda scripta, vellum with the Cardinal's Arms, and Autoyraph of S. Baluzius on title sm. fol. Bonon. 1559 168 Albucius (Aurelius) Christianarum Institutionum lib. iii. (in Latin verse) fine engraved title (47 leaves; margins cropped and slightly wormed) calf sm. 4to. Medial, ap. Gott. Pontium 1540 169 Albucius. Aliud exemplar, much larger than the preceding, calf sm. 4to. ib. 1540 170 Albucius. Heroidum Epistol. lib. quat. Christianis Dogmat. refer- tissime. Moralium Christian, lib. unus (title loithin ivoodcut border) sm. 4to. Mediol. 1542 171 Alciatus (Andreas) Opera, numerous ivoodcut initials, prima editio collectiva, 4 vols, in 3 old calf gilt, fine clean copy fol. Lugd. 1560 172 Alciatus. Emblemata cum explicatione per Claud. Minoem, 211 spirited looudcuts, contemporary calf 12mo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Plantin. 1598 173 Alciatus. Emblemata cum CI. Minois commentariis ad postremani Auctoris editionem auctis et recognitis, brilliant impres.sions of the '2A\ plates, velhim, fine clean copjy ,sm. 8vo. ex officina Plantin. Rap>helengii 1608 174 Alciatus. Emblemata cum comment. C. Minois, F. Sanctii Bro- censis et notis Laur. Pignorii etc. 211 /zwe looodcut illustrations, roiigh leather {broken) sm. 4to. Petavii ap. P. P. Tozzium 1621 175 Alciatus. Livret des Emblemes de Maistre Andre Alciat mis en RIME francotse, a present a men seigneur I'Admiral de France lit. g0t|^. spirited woodcuts, old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 8vo. Paris en la maison de Chrestien Wechel 1536 A VERY TALL COPT the margins having never been cut. Exceedingly RARE in this condition. The woodcuts, of which there are only 112, are printed with the Latin text and the French translation in juxtaposition. Sign. A — Q, iu eights, Q having 4 11. only the last of which contains Wechel's Device. 176 Alciatus. Rerum Patriae (Historia Mediolanensis) engraved title containing portrait, by G. P. Bianco, calf sm. 8vo. Mediol. 1625 177 Alciatus. De Ponderibus et Mensuris. Item, Philippi Melanctlionis de iisdem ad Germanorum usum, Sententia etc. curious grotesque woodcut title, calf, scarce 12mo. Venet. per M. Sessavi 1532 178 Alciatus. De Ponderibus et Mensuris, etc. (iit supra) 2 folding plates at end. Raganoce in offlc. Joh. Secerii {with his device) 1530-31 — Hotoraani Disjjutatio de Aureo Justinianico Basil. 1584 — Bodin (Joan) Discours sur le Rehaussement et Diminution des Monnoyes tant d'Or que d 'Argent et le moyen d'y remedier ; et Responce aux Paradoxes de Monsieur de Malestroict, a Paris chez Jacques du Puys 1578 — Les -Paradoxes du Seigneur de Malestroict sur le faict des Monnoyes, avec la resj)once de Jean Bodin ih. 1578 — Garrault (Fr.) Recueil des Prineipaux advis . . . presentez a sa Majeste estant en la Ville de Poictiers portans I'establissement du compte par escuz, et suppression de celay par solz et livres (20 II.) ib. 1578 — Paradoxe sur le Faict des Monnoyes par Francois Garrault (16 II.) ib. 1578 ; 6 scarce pieces in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 179 Alciatus. In Digestorum sive Pandectarum Librum xii. qui de Rebus creditis Primus est ; commentarius, calf fol. s. loco aut nomine impressoris 1537 180 Alciatus. Opera Varia. Paradoxorum ad Pratum Lib. sex. Dispunc- tionum lib. iv. etc. Lugd. ap. S. Gryphium 1543 — Eiusdem ad Rescripta Principum commentarii ib. 1547 : in 1 vol. blade vellum folio BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. I / / 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 i 191 '^92 /^i93 >^194. |l95 196 197 198 199 200 Alciatus. Lectura sup. sec. Partem ff. Novi in titn. de Verbomm oblierationibaa, veil. sm. 8vo. Lugd. ap. J. Giuntam 1546 — Viti Amer- pacliii ad And. Alciatum Epistola, de Furto per lancem et licium concepto, calf sm. 8vo. Basil. 1549 Alciatus. Tractatus de Praesumptionibus vellum 8vo. Inigd. 1551 — Eiusdem in secundam infortiati partem de legatis comment, calf fol. in Academia Veneta 1559 — Alciphronis Epistolae Gr. et Lat. cum notis S. Bergler calf 8vo. Lips, ad TJiomam Fritsch 1715 Alcyonius (Petrus) Venetus. Medices leo^atus. De Exsilio, old calf, gilt edges, fine clean copy roy. 8vo. Venet. in cedib^ts Aldi et And. Asidani 1522 Brunet calls this a small 4to. The signatures are a — i in eights (i having 6 11.) ; the side and lower margins are nearly 2 in. wide. AlDIMARI (BiAGIO) HlSTOKIA GeNEALOGICA BELLA FaMIGLIA CaEAFA numerous fine proof portraits, plates of medals, large folding genealo- gical tree. Arms etc. 3 vols, paneled calf gt. folio in Napoli 1691 Aldimari. Memorie Historiche di Diverse Famiglie I^Tobili cosi Napoletane, come Forastiere, etc. portraits and p>lates of Arms, old calf gilt fol. in Naj)oli 1691 Aldobrandinus. Templo all' illust. efc Reverend. Signor Cinthio Aldobrandini Nipote de Clemente ottavo, da G. Segni (ivants leaf of ded.) engraved title and portrait, calf 4to. Bologna 1600 Aldrete (Dr. Bern.) Del Origen j Principio de la Lengua Castellana o Rcimace que oi se usa en Espana, first .edition, engraved title, fine clean copy 4to. Bomce C. Vulliet 1606 Aldrete. Lo mismo. Segunda edicion, vellum, fine clean copy fol. Mad. M. Sanchez 1674 Aldrete. Varias Antignedades de Espana, Africa y Otras Pro- vincias, engraved title, velhim, fine clean copy 4to. en Amberes 1614 Aldrete (Bern. Jos.) Pbainomena sive corascantia Lumina Trium- pbalisque crucis signa Sanctorum Martyrum Albensium, Urgavonen- sium, Bonosi et Maximiliani et alioruni sanguine pnrpui'ata, fine engraved title, vellum fol. 1630 Aleander (Hieron. Junior) i.e. Sirmondus. Antiqnse Tabulae Marmoreae solis effigie, symbolisque exculptee accurata explicatio curious plates, calf, scarce 4to. Ind. Par. 8. Gramoysi 1617 Aleander. Explicatio Tabulce Heliacae etc. 4to. Pa ?-i5 1617 ? Aleander. Alia editio 4to. Bomce 1651 Aleander. Refutatio conjecturae anonymi Scriptoris de suburbi- cariis regionibus et dioecesi episcopi Romani 4to. Lut. 1619 Aleander. Navis Ecclesiam Referentis Symbolum in Veteri Gemma annulari insculptum vellum 8vo. Bomce 1626 Aleman (Mateo) Vida del Picaro Guzman de Alfaracbe — Segunda Parte de la Vida de Guzman de Alfaracbe comjiuesto por Mateo Luxan de Sayavedra ; 2 vols, vellum 12mo. en ^aragoga por A. Tauane 1603 Aleman. Primera y Segunda Parte de Guzman de Alfaracbe vellum 4to. en Madrid por P. de Val 1661 Aleman. Vida y Hecbos de Guzman de Alfaracbe, both parts, fine impressions of the copperplates by Bouttats etc. 2 vols, in 1 calf 8vo. en Amberes por G. Verdussen 1681 Alemannus (Nicolaus) De Lateranensibus Parietinis a Card. Barberino restitutis dissertatio historica, fitie plates, calf 4to. Bomce 1625 Alemanus (Jacobus) Palaestra Consul tationiim Juris Illustrium prima ; inserto tractatu de Jure, etc. vellum tbick sm. 8vo. typis Bezelianis 1613 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 35 201 Alexander VI. Constitutiones Alexandrinaa Fratram Minornm, locupletissimo indice adauctfe et denuo impress^, autograph of Stephen Baluzius on title, vellum 4to. Bonon. 1587 202 Alexander VII. (Papa) Musae Juveniles (sub nomine PhilomatLi) : cum acclamationibus Alexandri Pollini etc. engraved title, calf, fine clean copy fol. Paris. S. Gramoisy 1656 202*Alexander VII. Varia turn Latine turn Italice vellum 4to. Venet. 1659 — Eiusdem, II Sindicato di Alesandro VII. con il sao viaggio neir altro Monde cf. 12mo. 1667 203 Alexander ab Alexandre, Genialium Dierum lib. vi. Editio Prima, (title neatly nioimtcd, some II. ivormed) old calf gilt fol. Romoi in mdibus Jac. Mazochii 1522 204 Alexander. Dies Geniales, accuratius et maiore fide quam antehac usquam impressi, cum duplici indice {title mended) calf folio Parisiis apud Joannem Moigny 1550 205 Alexander. Dies Geniales varia ac recondita eruditione referti, fine engraved title representing the 12 lahuurs of Hercules in architectural compartments, old calf, gilt edges fol. Colon, excud. Jasp. Gennepaeus 1551 206 Alexander. Dies Geniales (ex recens. Jo. Ferrerii) old French calf 8vo. Paris ap. H. de Marnef 1561 207 Alexander. Dies Geniales cum comment. Tiraquelli, D. Goiho- fredi et aliorum 2 vols, vellum 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Haclciana 1673 — Idem, editio ultima a multis mendis expurgata, vellum 8vo. Lugd. P. Frcllon 1616 208 Alexander (Aphrodisiensis) In priora Analytica Aristotelis com- mentaria Gra^ce, editio prima Aldina, 142 leaves ivith anchor on title and on separate leaf at end, s.a.et.l. {Venet ap. Aldum et Asidanum, 1520) — Eiusdem in Topica Aristotelis commentarii Grsece WDiTio Aldina prima, with anchor on a separate leaf at end, Venet. in csdihus Aldi 1513 — Eiusdem in Sophisticos Aristotelis Elencbos commentaria Grsece, editio prima Aldina, Venet. in cedihus Aldi 1520 : in 1 vol. old red morocco gilt Three very rare editions of this famous old Schoolman's works, all in capital condition. 209 Alexander Apli. In Priora Resolutoria Aristotelis Explanatio, J. B. Feliciano interprete Venet. ap. H. Scotum 1542; In octos Libros Topicorum Arist. explicatio port, of Alexander on title, Venet. H. Scotum 1563 ; In tertium lib. Topicorum Arist. P. Gherardio Burgensi interprete Florent. ap. filios L. Torrentini 1569 ; Excerpta in Aristotelis Librum Elenchorum, cura G. Marcelli, Venet. ap. H. Scotiim 1559 ; in 1 vol. old red morocco gilt folio 210 Alexander. Joannes Gi^ammaHcus in Libros de Generatione et Interitu. Alexander ApHROD.in Meteorologica. Eiusdem de Mixtion e, Grtece, editio Aldina ivith anchor on title and on separate leaf at end, old red morocco gilt, clean copy folio Venet. in cedihus Aldi 1527 211 Alexander. Questiones Naturales et Morales de Anima, etc. Grsece Victore Trincarello editi, ivoodcut figure on title, old red morocco gilt FINE COPT OF A RARE EDITION fol. s. I. et nomine imp. 1536 212 Alexander. Questiones Naturales et Morales, et de Fato, Latine, Hier. Bagolino interprete ; De Anima etc. old red, onorocco fol. Venet. Joan. Gryphius excud. 1555 213 Alexander. Commentaria in duodecim Aristotelis Libros de Prima Philosopbia, interprete J. Genesio Sepulveda, woodcut portrait of Aristotle 071 title, old red morocco gilt fol. Venet. ap. Hieron. Scoftvm 1561 16 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIANA. 5- v/ / b 7 /3 /o 10 214 Alexander. Aristotelis de Sensibus atque de his quae cadunt in sensuni commentium, non antea e Grfeco in Latinum conversum Luc. Philalthfeus vertebat etc. Venet. aj). H. Scoftum (Prinier's device on separate leaf at end) 1549— Scholia Michaelis Epbesii in Aristot. Opnscula in Latinum conversa Venet. II. Scottum 1552 — Commen- taria Simplicii in tres libros de Anima Aristotelis, de Grteca lingua in Latinum nuperrime translata, E. Lungo Asulano interprete, head of Aristotle on title, Venet. aj). H. Scottum 1564; in 1 vol. old red morocco gilt fol. 215 Alexander de Trallibus. Medicinte lib. xii Greece ; Rhazse de Pes- tilentia, J. Goupyli in eosdem castigationes, calf, fol. Lut. B. Ste-phani 1548 — Alexander Rhetor, de Figuris Sensus etc. calf 12mo. TJpsalcB 1690— Alexander (Aph.) De Fato etc. 12mo. Loud. 1658 216 Alexander Gallus (Vulgo dictus de Villa Dei) Doctrinale seu Gkammatica Latina, Metric^, calf 4to. absque xdla nota (circa 1470 m Italia) An Excessively Rare editiox. It consists of 45 leaves, printed in Roman letters without numerals, catchwords or signatures having 30 lines to a page (and not 28 as Brdnet saj's). The work commences abruptly without title with the words " Scribere clericulLs paro doctrinale novellis." The Colophon reads as follows "Alexandri de villa del Doctrinale (Deo laudes) feliciter explicit. Imoressum sat incomode. cum aliqnse rerum que ad banc artem pertinet ; impressori copia fieri non potuerit in huins artis inicio ; peste Genue Ast alibique militante ; Emedavit auteni hoc ipsum opus Vextdrinls prior grammaticus eximius ita diligeter ; ut cum antea Doctrinale panim emendatum in plerisque locis librariorum vitio esse videretur ; niic illius cura et diligetia adhibita in manus hominum q emendatissimum veniat. Imprimentur autera post hac libri alterius generis litteris; et eleo'anter arbitror " etc. Meerman has described this edition from a copy in his possession (see Orig- Typ. vol. 1 p. 95 note) and the sale of his copy is the only one recorded by Brunet. The initial letters of the present copy are painted in with fioreate desijzns (chiefly fleur-de-lis) and it is remarkably clean and large nieasurin"' lOj in. X Tj in. Inserted are two letters relating to the book, one by H. O. Coxe the Bodleian Librarian, the other by R. Curzon, Esq. of Parham, Sussex. 217 Allard (Guv) Nobilaire de Dauphine : ou Discours Historique des Families loobies qui sont en cette Province, avec le Blason de leurs Armoiries, calf 12mo. a Grenoble chez E. PMlippes 1671 A scarce little book much sought for in France where it has been sold for 71 frs. 218 Allatius (Leo) Apes Urbanse, sive de viris illustribus qui ab anno 16o0 per totum 1632 RomEe adfuerunt (title mended, leaf of dedication defective) calf 8vo. Eomce 1633 — Eiusdem de Erroribus Magnorum virorum in dicendo, Dissertatio Rhetorica vellum 8vo. Eomce 1635 219 Allatius. De Utriusque Ecclesite Occidentalis atque Orientalis perpetua in dogmate de Purgatorio consensione, calf 8vo. Eomm 1655 220 Alleo-re (Ant.) Decade contenant les vies des Empereurs extraicts de plusieurs autheurs Grecs, Latins et Espagnols, et mis en Francois Premiere edition, fine looodcut initial letters, old red morocco gilt, loith a French coronet and Fleur-de-lis on back, gilt edges sm. 4to. Paris chez M. de Vascosan 1556 221 Allegre. Les Vies des Empereurs (Seconde edition) with elegant tvoodcut initials and vignettes, ruled with red lines and bound in old crimson morocco gilt loith centre ornaments of rich gold tooling and gilt edges, a fine copy sm. 8vo. Paris par Vascosan imprivieur au Eoy 1567 This edition has 12 pages of Index, which the first edition has not. 222 Allix (Peter) Reflexions sur les cinq livres de Moyse pour etablir la verity de la Religion Chretienne first edition tvith inscription on fy-leaf " Pon de Vanteur Jan. 25, 168f ," calf 8vo. Lond. 1687 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 17 ^ 223 Alma (Eilerdus) Phrysius. Bellnm Giganteum (Poema) ad. illust. et generos. Comites ac Dominos Phrysiae Orientalis, velhcm 4to. Lugd. aj)- Renatum Postelerium 1588 224 Almandinus (Maturini) Aquitainuf. Genetliliacon, carmen de Natalicio Redemptoris die ; eiiisdem Epistola ad Jac. Fabrum Stapu- lensem ; Hjmni tres de rebus divinis ; Historiarum enarratio in Paradoxa Ciceronis, title within fine vsoodcut harder; ivoodcut initials (last leaf defective') old stamped calf binding sm. 4to. Tholosce in domo Joa. Fahri Chalcotypi s. a. (1519) 225 Almeloveen (Theod. Jansonins ab) Opuscula, sive antiquitatum e sacris profanarum specimen, conjecianea etc. plates, calf sm. 8vo. Amst. 1686 — Eiusdem, Fastorum Romanorum Consnlarinm lib. duo calf sm. 8vo. ib. 1705 226 Almetda (P. Maxoel d') Historia Geral de Ethiopia a alta, ou Preste Joam e do que nella obraram os Padres da Compbania de Jesus composta- na niesma Etbiopia, abreviada cum nova relejcam e methodo, pelo Padre Balthazar Tellez, Spanish calf folio em Goimbra na off. de Manoel Bias 1660 This copy has a fine proof impression of the large folding map, and the small map of the source of the Nile, but like most copies it wants the engraved frontispiece. It is a large, clean and sound copy. Its rarity is very great and it has been sold in England for 30 guineas. 227 Alois (R. P. Petrus) Sac. Jes. Centuriae Epigrammatnm large copy QUITE UXCUT, fine engraved title (1 leaf slightly defective) Lugd. sump- tibus Claudii du Four 1635 — Emanuelis Thesauri Soc. Jes. Coesares et eiusdem varia carmina, fine uncut copy ib. 1635 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12mo. 228 Aloysius (Jo.) et Atinihalis Marescottoriim Fratrum Artis Rhetoricas eommentarius calf 4to. Bononice ap. J. Rossium 1570 — Alpbarabius vetustiss. Aristotelis interpretis, Opera Omnia Latine, studio G. Camerarii calf 8vo. Paris ap. D. Moreau 1638 229 Alphanus (Bern.) Collectanea Juris Civilis, stamped pigshin binding sm. 8vo. Venet. ap. J. Zilettum 1570 A curious specimen of contemporary binding with designs on the sides repre- senting the anointing of Saul by Samuel, and the Deity appearing to David. 230 Alpinus (Marcus) Progymnasmata Aug. Vind. 1533 — Valerii Flacci Argonauticon a Ph. Engentino emendati, engraved title, Argent, excud. Jo. Knoblochus 1525 ; in 1 vol curious contemporary stamped leather binding sm. 8vo. 231 Alpinus (Prosper) De Plantis ^gypti liber cum observationibus et notis J. Veslingii, accessit Alpini de Balsamo liber numerous %ooodc%tt figures of plants, vellum Petavii 1640 232 Alsatia. La Veritable Origine des tres-illustres Maisons d' Alsace, de Lorraine, d'Austriche, de Bade et de quantite d'autres, avec les Tables Genealogiques, le tout verifie par titres, chartres, monu- ments ; etc. vellum, large an J clean copy folio Paris chez Gasp. Meturas 1649 233 Alstorfius (Joannes) Dissertatio Pliilosopbica de Lectis subjicitur; ejusdem de Lecticis veterum diatribe, numerous plates, calf 12mo. Amst. J. Wolters 1704 234 Alteserra (Ant. Dadinus) De Ducibus et Comifcibas Provincialibus Gallire; accessit de Origine et Statu Feudorum vellum 4to. Tolosm 1643 — Eiusdem, ISTotae et Observationes in x. Libros HistoriEe Francoram Greg. Turonensis vellum 4to. ib. 1679 — Eiusdem de Fictionibus Juris, 2 parts in 1 vol. cf. 4to. Paris 1659 235 Alteserra. Rerum Aquitanicarum libb. x. 2 vols, calf {not uniform) 4to. Tolosfe 1648-57 2 18 IIIBLIOTHECA SCNDERLANDIANA. 71? 6 1 d'^ 'A s 10 I. J' 236 Alteserra. Recitationes Quotidianfe in Claudii Trypiioiiii libros xxi. Disputationuin et varias partes Digestorum et ^Codicis, 2 vols. old calf yilt 4to. Tolosce 1679-84 237 Altliamerus (And.) Scholia in Taciturn de situ, moribus, populisque Germanias title vnthin Jlne woodcut border, vellum sm. 4to. NorimhergcB per F. Pcypus 1529 238 Alting (Menson) Descriptio secundum antiques Agri Batavi et Frisii ; sive Notitia Germaniae Inferioris cis et ultra Rlienum, Large Paper, hrilliant jiroof impressions of the mapts and vigneltes 2 a'oIs. white vellum gilt, with coronet in the corners vert fixe copy roy. fol. Amstel. ap. H. Wetstenium 1697-1701 239 Alva. Histoire de Ferdinand-Alvarez de Tolede, premier du nom, Due d'Albe port. 2 vols, calf 8vo. Paris 1699 240 Alva. Ferdinandi Toletaui Albae Ducis Vita et res gestas, authore P. Ant. Osscio Astorgiensi, Sec. Jes. 2 vols, vellum sm. 8vo. Salmanticce Melch. Estevez 1669 241 Alvarez (Frakcisco) Ho Preste Joam das Indias. Verdadera informa^am das terras do Preste Joam, segunda vio y escreveo ho Padre F. Alvai'ez, lit. ffOtf). laj-ge woodcut {partly coloured) on title, vellum ivith laps and tyers. Agora novameute impressa (Lisboa) em casa de Luis Bodriguez. (Al fin) Acahose no anno encarna^am de nosso silor Jesu Christi a hos vinte dous dias de Oidiihi-o de mil y qtiin- hentos y quarenta aiios sm. fol. 1540 A LARGE AND KEMARKAKLT CLEAN COPT OF THIS RARE BoOK. The Col- lati.iu is ; title ; " Pmlogo a el Eey" 1 leaf {marked A n) ; the Signatures are then B-R in eights {^the leaves numh. 1-1.361. Then follow 5 leaves of Table and a separate leaf containing the printer's device. 242 Alvaro (Em.) Soc. Jes. De Tnstitutione Grammatica lib. iii. vellum 4to. Elorae 1608 243 Alvarottus (Jac.) Lecturis de Feudis, co//, 7cith the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. Francof. 1587 244 Alveri (Gaspar) Roma in Ogni Stato, 2 vols, velhim fol. Soma 1664 245 Alunno (Francesco) Le Ricchezze della Lingua Volgare, Editio prima Aldina, old calf gilt, fine copy fol. in Vinegia in casa di Figliuoli d'Aldo 1543 246 Alunno. Le Ricchezze della Lingua Volgare nuovamente ristampate in Tineg. app. G. M. Bonelli 1555 — II medesimo, Della Fabrica del Mondo nella quale si contengono le voci di Dakte, del Petrarca, del Boccaccio et d'altri buoni autori, impressione quarta, rare, in Vcnetia app. F. Bampazetto 1562 ; in 1 vol. old calf, gilt bach fol. Bound within the covers are two leaves of a curious ancient Latin MS. 247 Alunno. Le Ricchezze della Lingua Volgare sopra il Boccaccio, di nuovo ristampate, ricorrette et ampliate woodcut port, on title, vellum 4to. in Vinegia per P. Gherardo 1557 248 Aluredus (Beverlacensis) Annales, sive Historia de Gestis Regum BritannijB e codice pervetusto in Bib. T. Rawlinsoni, descripsit ediditque T. Hearnius, large paper, only 48 copies printed, calf roy. 8vo. Oxon. 1716 249 Amadis de Gaule. Les Livres i a xii d'Amadis de Gaule, trad. d'Espagnol en Francois, numerous curious woodcuts 12 vols, in 6, calf exceedingly rare fol. Paris 1). Janot, V. Sertenas, J. Longis, J. Ilarnef, Esticnne Groulleau 1540-1556 The first edition of the first twelve books of Amadis in French. Books i-viii were tranf^lated by Nicolas de Hprberay Seigrcur des Esyars : Book IX by Gdles Bnileau reviewed by Claude Colet : Books X and XI by Jacques GtihdiTy; and Book XII by Aubert de Poitiers. The following is a collation of the j)resent cofiy. Book I, imprimi^ a Paris far D. Janot 1540. Sign.s. a and A-BB in sixes (wants title and dedication; i.e. a i and ii, margin of Bj mended: BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEBLANDIANA. 1^ (Autograph of Anne de la Forest on last leaf). Book II. Paris, D. Janot, 1541 ; title and 3 prel. 11. (a in four) then A-Q in sixes. Book III. en les vend. . . . enla houticque de Vincent Sertenas 1542 ; title and 2 prel. 11. Signs. A-Q in sixes the last having only 4 11. Book IV. a Paris par Estienne Groulleau 1555 ; title and 5 prel. 11. Signs. A-V in sixes except IS and T, which have 4 II. each and V, which has 3 11. only. Book V. de Vimprimerie de D. Janot 544 {for 1544) ; title and 5 prel. 11. Signs. A-V in sixes, V having 3 11. only. Book VI. Paris par Jean Longis 1557 ; title and 4 prel. 11. then follows on a separate leaf a fine woodcut of a ship manned by Monkeys. Sifins. A-X in sixes Y and X having 4 11. each. Book VII. Paris I'imprim. de Jeanne Marnef 1546 ; title (defective and mounted) and 3 prel. 11. Signs. A-X in sixes X having only 3 11. (wants Eiandv; L 3 and 4 ; N 6 ; Pi and ii ; T v and vi ; X i ; several II. mended). B jok VIII. Paris par Estienne Groulleau 1548; title and 'J prel. 11. {margins mended) Signs. A-GG, the last having only 3 11. {some margins cut down and mended). Book IX. par Est. Groulleau 1553 ; title and 7 prel. 11. Signs. A-Ii in sixes. Book X. Paris Jean Longis 1555 ; title and 7 prel. leaves. Signs. A-Y in sixes (X having 4 and Y 3 11. only). Book XI. Paris Jean Longis 1559 ; title and 7 prel. 11. ; Signs. A-Cc in sixes (Cc has only 5 11.). Book XII. Paris pour Longis 1556 ; title, 7 prel. 11. Signs. A-Rr in sixes, Bb being supplied in MS. with drawings of the woodcuts which occur in that sheet. Sold xot scbject to return. 250 Am.4dis de Gaule. Les Litres 1-21 mis en rran9ois par le Seig- neur des Essars etc. reveu outre les preceuentes impressions et corrige en nne infinite de passages qui estoyent corrumpuz, the 21 hooJcs bound in 29 vols, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges 12mo. Lyon par F. Didier, B. Rigaud et Loij.s Cloquemin 1677-1681 A VERT RARE EDITION not often found complete. Books IX, X, XII, XV f, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XXI are divided and each bound into 2 vols. Book XIIL has a leaf supplied in MS. and the title of Book XX is defective. 251 Amadis de Gaule. Tresor de tous les livres d'Amadis de Gaule contenant les Harangues, Ei^itres, Concions, et autres choses le plus excellentes pour instruire la Jeune Noblesse Fran9oise a I'eloquence, grace, vertu et generosite, vellum thick 12mo. a Lyon pour Jean Huguetan 1582 A clean and perfect copy of this rare text-book of Chivalrj'. 252 Amasaeus (Romulus) Orationum Yolumen; accessit Oratio in Funere Pauli III. Pont. Max. vsllum, gilt and gaufred edges 4to. imp. Lonon. J. Uubrius 1564 253 Amaya (Franciscus de) Opera Juridica, old calf tvith the Arms of the Duke of Queensburt on sides fol. Lugd. 1667 254 Ambosius (J. Marius) De Rebus Creatis et earum Creatore calf 4to. Lut. F. Morell. 1586 255 Ambrosius (Sanctus) Opera, studio ac labore Monachorum Ord. S. Benedicti, best edition, largest paper, fine front. 2 vols, m 4, calf gilt, ivith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comte de Brionde on sides, a very fine copy sup. imp. fol. Paris Goignard 1686-90 256 Ambrosius. Libri iii. de Officiis lit. gOt][}. 115 leaves withotit numerals, catchioords or signatures, absque nota (attributed by Panzer to Gunther Zainer) — Hieronymi, Ordo sive Regula Vivendi ad Eustochium, lit. goti^. 30 leaves without numerals, catchioords or signatures, printed with the same types as the De Officiis, absque nota — Isidori Speculum de Summo Bono lit. tjotf). 121 leaves without numerals catchwords or signatures — Incipit liber S. Cipriani de duodecim abusiva sunt seculi lit. gotf}. 12 leaves, without maris of any hind, in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. Four rare Pieces evidently the productions of one press ; 1 or 2 leaves slightly defective, but they are fine copies with uncut edges. 257 Ambrosius. De Officiis, old blue morocco with gilt tooled borders 2* 20 BIBLIOTHECA SITN'DERLANDIAXA. 7 II I lb 10 ^ 7 and gilt edges, large and sound copy, hut wants, according to Bninet's collation, 2 II. at end, 1 containivg tlie imprint sra. 4to. Mediolan. C. Valdarfer 1474 This is the first edition with a date and the first hook printed by Valdarfer i at Milan. ^ 258 Ambrosins. Officiornm lib. iii. ad vet. exempl. tidem recogniti et emendati, calf, gilt edges 12mo. Paris ap. S. Nivellium 1.583 . 259 Ambrosins. Epistol^ et Varia Opuscula, old calf gt. " sm. fol. opera impressa Mediolani per Ant. Zarotam 1491 , A BARE EDITION ; large and clean copy with uncut edges. It commences ■with a "Tabula Epistolarum" 1 leaf; then follows an Epistle of Stephanus Dulcinius to Lud. Sforza. The signatures of the work arc A-Z in eights (r having only 4 11. ; t, 6 11. ; y, 6 11. and z, 4 11. ; then follows & (8 11.), ? (6 11.), &, R (4 ll.J, making altogether 192 leaves. 260 Ambrosias. La Vie de S. Ambroise par M. Godefroy Hermant fine portrait, calf 4to. Paris A. Bezallier 1679 261 Ambrosins Camaldulensis. Hodoeporicon a Xic. Bartholini editum (a curious and rare relation of a voyage made in Italy 1431-34) Florent. s. a. — N'arra (J. P.) De Varia Lectione Adagii Florent. 1708 — Pioniid (.Tac.) Nummorum. Veterum inter se Comparatio i?ff. Pa?-. 1696 — Nnmismatnra Antiquornm Sylloge^7a/e.«, Loud. ap. D. Mortier in Via de Strand 1708 — Specimen Lectionum Antiqnarnm Francicarum cnra D. von Stade, Stadce 1708; in 1 vol. calf 4to. 262 Amelot de la Houssaje (Abr. Xic. Sienr d') Histoire dn Gonvernement de Venise, demiere edition, Paris F. Leonard 1685 — Examen de la Liberte Originaire de Venise traduit de I'ltalien, avec une Harangue de Louis Helian trad, du Latin et des notes, Ratisbonne chez. J. Aubri 1684 ; in 1 vol. cf. 8vo. 263 America. Notus Orbis Regionnm ac Insulamm veteribus incognitaram una cum tabula cosmograpliica et aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libelli (collegit J. Huttich, edidit Stmon Gryx^cs) old calf gilt, a fine large copy, xcith an excellent impression of the map folio Paris Joan Paruo (with device on title) 1532 264 America. Xovns Orbis, id est, Navigatioxes Primj: in Americam ; quibus adjunximus Gasp. Varrerii Discursnra super Orphtra Kegione (cnra et cum prefatione Baltli. Lydii) vellum, a tall and clean copy sm. 8vo. Poterod. 1615 265 America. Libro Ultimo de le Indie Occidentale intitulato N"ova Castiglia ; e del conquisto del Peru e provintia del Cusco, conquistata novamete dal valoroso cavagliero Francesco Pizarro de la citta de Trugillo de Spagna, Capitano Generale . . . . e come a ritrovato gradissima quantita di oro e argento che sono en quelle parte ... el qual oro et argento sie arivato in Spagna a di nove de Genaro nell anno 1534, 24 leaves, (al fino) Stampato in Poina nel mese di Magio 1535 — Novi Avisi di Piu LocHi de I'India et massime de Brasil, ricevuti quest' anno del 1553 dove cbiaramente si puo intendere la conversione di molte persone etiam molto prineipali nelle terre gia scoperte e no minor s'aspetta nell' altre che si ban de scoprir etc. (24 leaves, the last 2 blatilc) in Boma per Ant. Blado 1553 ad instavfia de Messer Battista Gejiovese de Rossi — Avisi Particolari delle Indie di Portugallo ricevuti in questi doi anni del 1551 e 1552 da li Rev, Padri de la Compagnia de Jesu, dove fra molti cosi mirabili, si vede delli Paesi, delle genti, e costumi loro etc. (pp. 268 and 2 blanh leaves at end) Roma per Val. Borico et Luigi Fratelli Bressani 1552 — Coplv de alcune L^ttere del Padre Maestro Francesco Xavier et altri Padri della Compagnia de Jesu del Japon novamente scopcrto et de !Malcco tradotte in Italia no ricevute I'anno 1552, title and 20 11. the last hlanl: (pages BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDUNA. 21 numb. 280 to 316 apparently to follow the above Aviso) ib. 1552 — Nuovi Avisi delle ludie di Portugallo ricevuti questo anno del 1553, dove si tratta della cSversione di niolte persone principal!, e tra li altri d'nn Re' Signore de 11000 Isole, con una descrittione delli costnmi de i Giapoxesi nostra antipodi (23 leaves), in Roma per Val. Dorico e Luigi Fratelli (1553) — II Perpetuale delle Feste mobile e Lunario composta per Seraphino de Campora del Regno de Napoli, Maestro d'Abaco habitante in Messina, woodcuts (64 leaves) in lioma per Ant. Blado 1553 ; the 6 tracts in 1 vol. vellum, fine copies sni. 8vo, These Pieces are all of great rarity, especially the first ailicle which gives a contemporary accouut of Pizarro's Conquest of Peru. 266 America. Ordknanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias nnevamente Recopiladas, j por el Rey Don Felipe quarto para su Go^-ierno Establecidas ano de 1636 vellum, fine clean copy fol. 2Iad. Vi'uda de J. Goncalez 1636 First edition of this volume, so important for the administrative history of the Council of the Indies. It contains 112 pages, including title ; index 10 leaves. Then follows a new title " Ordenauzas de la Junta de Guerra de Indias" (7 %>ages with title) imprint as above. 267 America. Recopilacion de Leyes de los Retnos de las Indias mandadas imprimir y publicar por la Magestad Catolica del Rey Don Carlos II. 4 vols, vellum folio Madrid per Juan de Paredes 1681 First edition of this important collection. A fine large and clean copy. 268 America. Estat present de I'Eglise et de la Colonie Francaise dans la Nouvelle France par Jean, Eveque de Quebec, calf, scarce 8vo. a Paris chez Bob. Pepie 1688 269 America. Virginia. A True Declaration of the Estate of the ^ 'j~p/ Colonie of Virginia, with a confutation of such scandalous reports '^^^*-*^*^-^'^^ as have tended to the disgrace of so worthy an enterprise. Pub- lished by advice and direction of the Councbll of Virginia ; A-I in fours Ai blank and F duplicated for (68 pp.) small hole in plain margiii of title, and a little stained, Lond. for W. Barrett 1610 — Virginia's God be thanked, or a Sermon of thanksgiving for the happie successe of the Affayres in Virginia this last year, preached by Patrick Copland before the Honorable Virginia Company on Thursday A^^ril 18, 1622 ; hereunto are adjoined some Epistles written in the East Indies by Peter Pope an Indian youth, who was first taught and converted by the said P. C. ; 36 pages including title, and 3 unnumbered leaves ivith the Epistles of Peter Pope, clean copy Lond. for W. Shejf'ard and John Bellamie 1622 — Bullock (Wm.) Virginia impartl^llt examined and left to publick view to be con- sidered by all judicious and honest men ; (title ; 5 jJreZ. U. and pp. 66 ; title discoloured) Lond. by John Hammond 1649; in one vol. old calf sm. 4to. Three exceedingly rare and valuable tracts. Bullock's Tract sold a short time since for £15. 5s. 270 America. Higgeson (Mr.) N'ew-England's Plantation or a short 'y? T^ and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that ' country ; whereunto is added a letter sent by Mr. Graves an enginere out of New England ; the second edition enlarged, (title (slightly defective) ; to the reader 1 leaf ; %oorh 12 leaves) ; very rare, Lond. by T. and B. Cotes 1630 — An Abstract of the Lawes of New England as they are now established, 10 leaves inchiding title, UNCUT, VERY RARE, Lond. for F. Goules and W. Ley 1641 — Smith (Capt. John) Governour of Virginia. Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or any where. Or, the 22 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 7 7 // 8 lU I k Pathway to experieBce to erect a Plantation, with the yearly pro- ceedings of this country in Fishing and Planting since the yeare 1614, ^{^itli a BRILLIANT IMPRESSION of the RARE MAP having the portrait of Smith in the corner, by Simon Pass, (title; S prel. II. and pp. 1-40) — Alexander (Sir Wm.) ytrs^ Earl of Sterling. The Mappe and Description of New-England ; together with a Discourse of Plantation and Collonies, also a Relation of the Nature of the Climate and how it agrees with our own country England etc. with a fine and perfect copy of the excessively rare map of New England, (title and 2T- ^7; the right-hand margin of the title is cut into) London N. Bidter 1630, the 4 tracts in 1 vol. old calf 4to. The last is an extremely rare tract originally published in 1624 under the title of " An Encouragement to Culonies." This reis.sue is the rarest of the two editions, a copy having been sold by auction in 1856 for £15. 15s. It has been privately reprinted for the Ballantyne Club. 271 Amescua (Bait. Gom. de) Tractatus de Potestate in scipsum nunc denuo in lucem editus vellum 4to. Mediol. H. Bordonum 1609 272 Amira (Geo. Mich.) Grammatica Syriaca sive Chaldaica vellum 4to. RomcB ap. J. Lunam 1596 273 Amirault (Moyse) La Vie de rran9ois Seigneur de la Noue, dit Bras-de-Fer old calf sm. 4to. a Leyde chez Jean Elsevier 1661 274 Ammirato (Scipione) Yescovi di Fiesole, di Volterra e d'Arezzo engraved title, calf gilt, with Sunderland arms on sides sm. 4to. in Firenze Amad. Massi 1637 275 Ammirato. Dell' Istorie FiorentinsB, libri venti, dal principio della citta infinjQO all' anno 1434, first edition, old calf folio in Firenze nella stamp, di F. Giunti 1600 276 Ammirato. Istorie Fiorentinge, con I'aggiunte di Scipione Ammirato il Giovane (Cristoforo Bianchi) first complete edition 3 vols, calf fol. in Firenze per Am. Massi 1647-41 277 Ammirato. Delle Famiglie Nobili Napoletane, jDrima parte, ejig'raued title and numerous genealogical trees some containing pjortraits and arms, old calf, fine copy, roy. fol. in Fiorenza app. G. Marescotti 1580 — II medesimo, PARTE seconda, ^or^. (mounted) and genealogical tables calf fol. in Firenze Amad. Massi 1651 278 Ammirato. Della Famiglia de Paladini di Lecce, genealogical tree blach vellum sm. 4to. Firenze G. Marescotti 1595 279 Ammirato. Albero e Istoria della Famiglia de' Conte Guidi, con I'aggiunte di Scip. Ammirato il G. Guidi, arms on title and large genealogical tree with vignette, old calf gilt, large and clean copy rpy^ fol. in Firenze Am . Massi 1640 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDBRLAN DIANA, 23 SECOND DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 280 Ammirato. Opuscoli, engraved titles 2 vols, vellum (with a scarce booJc- plate in each vol.) sm. 4to. Fiorenza A. Massi 1G40 281 Ammonius (Hermse Filius) CommeDtaria in librum peri hermenias. Margentini Arcliiep. Mitylen. in eundem enarratio Graece ; Item Pselli Paraplirasis in librum peri hermeneias ; et Ammonius Hermeus in decem Categorias, Editio Aldina (146 leaves) old red viorocco gilt, rare sm. fol. Venet. apud Aldum 1503 282 Ammonius. In quinque voces Porphyrii Commentarius Venet. ap. Album 1546 — eiusdem in Praedicamenta Aristotelis Commentarius, Arist. Vita ib. 1546 — eiusdem in Aristotelis de Interpretatione Libram Commentarius ib. 1546 ; FINE COPIES in 1 vol. calf sm. 8vo. 283 Amstblodamum. Praeclpuarum Effigierum ac Ornamentorum amplissimge CuRi^ Amstelrodamensis, maiori ex parte, in candido marmore effectoram per Artum Quellinium, eiusdem civitatis Statuarium, 2 Y>^vts, portrait of QuelUnus, engraved titles and 107 fine engravings of Statues, Friezes, Frescoes, Trophies, etc. brilliant PROOF IMPRESSIONS Amst. F. de Witt 1665 — Afbeeldlng van 't Stadt- Huys van Amsterdam door Jacob van CAMPEN,^/te portrait of Van Campen, engraved title and 31 plates of views and details, Amst. n. d. ; in 1 vol. calf roj. folio 284 Anacreon (Teius) Od.e, Grjic^, ab Henr. Stephano luce et Latinitate donatse, Editio princeps, old crimson onorocco gilt, fine COPY sm. 4to. Lut. Par. H. Stephani 1554 Eare. It contains title, 3 prel. 11. ; and pp. 1-110. 285 Anacreon. Odse ab H. Stephano ex latine donatse, old. crimson morocco Lut. 1554 Epitio Princeps. Printed on Vellum, perhaps the only copy known, as it is the only one which Brunet records, and which he supposes was Grolier's, though the book itself bears no indication of its being so. The binding is covered with dota formed ti'iangularly, having a Cardinal's hat and tassels stamped in gold on the sides. AVithin the tassels on each side, in shape of a shield, is a figure of an " eagle argent " much faded. A MS. note on the fly-leaf says that the arms are those of Chastillon de Colignt. 286 Anacreontis et aliorum Lyricorum aliquot Poetarum Odse, in easdem H. Stephani Observationes. Eeedem Latine, old calf, clean copy, ruled with red lines sm. 8vo. Paris {H. Steph.) 1556 — Anacreontis et Sappbonis carmina calf sm. 8vo. Neaj). 1700 287 Anacreon, etc. cum Observationibus H. Stephani. Another copy VERT LARGE Paris 1556 — Les Odes d'Anacreon traduites de Grec en Francois par Remi Belleau de ITogent au Perche ensemble quelqaes petites hymnes de son invention, the first French translation of Anacreon, a remarkably clean and large copy, hardly cut, Paris ches Andre Wechel 1556 ; in 1 vol. old yellow morocco sm. 8vo. 288 Anacreontis et Sapphonis Carmina Salmicrii 1680 — Lefevre, Methodo pour commencer les Humanites Grecques et Latines a Sawnur ches Bene Pean 1672 ; in 1 vol. demned and executed on account of the Plot ; to which are annexed certain Lessons, Psalms and Prayers {title, 1 prel. leaf and pp. 157) 12mo. Lond. 1682 Charles Ilnd.'s copy bound in red morocco, richly gilt tooled, and having on the sides the initials C. R. surmounted by a crown. 346 Anglia. Rerdm Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterdm cura Th. Gale et. J. Fell, 3 vols, calf sm. fol. Oxon. 1684-90 347 Anglia. England's Present Interest considered with honour to the Prince and Safety to the People cf. 12mo. Lond. 1698 — Synodus Anglicana ; The Constitution and Proceedings of an English Convocation shown from the Acts and Registers thereof to be agreeable to the Principles of an Episcopal Church, calf 8vo. Lond. 1702 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 29 348 Anglia. The Management of the War in a letter to a Tory- Member and other Tracts by the same writer, in 1 vol. cf. 8vo. 1711 — The Barrier-Treaty Vindicated, calf 8vo. Lond.for A. Baldwin 1712 34)9 Anglia.. Les Interests de I'Angleterre mal-entendns dans la Gnerre presente, traduitsdu Livre Anglois, calf Amst. chez G. GaUet 1703 — ■ Les Soupirs de I'Europe a la veiie dn Projet de Paix, contenu dans la harangue de la Reiae de la Grande Bretagne (Privately jyi'inted) no flace 1712 350 Anglia. View of the Danger and Folly of being Public-Spirited and sincerely loving one's country in the deplorable case of the Londonderry and Innishkilling Regiments ... to which is added the particular case of Wm. Humill Gent, their Agent, old red morocco gilt, FINE UNCUT COPT, sm. 4to. London printed for the Author 1721 351 Angouleme. La vie de tres-illustre et verteux Prince Jean, Conte d'Angoulesme, aieul du Roy Francois, par Jean du Port, folding genealogical table, vellum sm. 4to. a Angoulesme par Olivier de Menieres 1589 352 Anguillara (Giov. Andr. del) Edippo ; Tragedia, old russia gilt 4to. Padova j^er L. Pasquatto 1565 353 Angullo (And.) Commentaria ad Leges Regias Meliorationum 4to. Madriti ap. Viduam, Alf. Gomezii 1585 354 Anna (Jo. Vincent, de) Jiirisconsidtus. Opera Omnia, 2 vols, in 1 vellum fol. Neap. 1603 355 Annilon (Orosius) De Bello Dano-Anglico vellum {hole in title) 4to. ahsque nota 356 Annius (Joan) Viterhiensis. Commentaria super opera diversor. de auctt. de Antiquitatibus loquentium ; ejusdem chronographia Etrusca et Italica, First Edition, the text in large gothic letters and the com- mentary in Roman, 2 vols, in 1 old calf gilt, RARE fol. PomcB impress, per Eucharium Silher 1498 356* Annius. Antiqnitatum Variarum, volumina xvii. fol. Paris 1515 357 Annotationes. N"oni Marcelli de Verborum ; Sexti Festi Fragmenta per ordinem Alphabeti ; Festus Pompeius Varronis de Lingua Latina, Paris, device of Gillesde Gourmont on title 1511 — Petri Criniti De Honesta disciplina etc. Paris, tvith device of J. Petit on title 1508 — Budgei Annotationes in Pandectarum libros (Paris) ex off. Ascen- siana 1508 ; in 1 vol. old oahen binding covered with leather fol Bound as fly-leaves are 4 pp. of the Romance of Syr Eglamoure of Avtoys in black letter, either from Coi^land's or Walley's edition in 4to. 358 Anselmus (S. Archiep. Cant.) Opera nee non Eadmerl Historia Novorum et alia Opuscula, labore ac studio D. G. Gerberon, large PAPER, old French calf gilt, ivith the Arms of Lecleec de Lessville on sides roy. foJ. Lut. Par. 1675 359 Anselm. Opera, studio Gerberon. Secunda editio, correcta et aucta cf. fol. Lut. Par. 1721 360 Antelmius (Josephus) De Initiis Ecclesise Forojuliensis dissertatis, Historica, Chronologica, Critica, Profano-Sacra, plate, calf 4to. Aquis-Sextiis (Aix) 1680 361 Anthologia Epigeammatum Grj:corum (Planudis rhet.) Gr., cura Jo. Lascaris, Editio Princeps, printed throughout in capital letters old crimson morocco gilt, fine copy with rough edges 4to. impressum Florent. per L. Franc, de Alopa 1494 This copy contains the original Epistle of Lascaris in Latin (7 11.) Vert Rare, Askew's copy sold for £15. 15s. Signatures A. K. K. in eights : and the Epistle with a blank leaf forms another sheet without signature. 362 Anthologia. Florilegium Diversorum Epigrammatum in Septem Lib-'os Greece, First Aldinb Edition, rare, calf sm. 8vo. Ve7iet. in cedihus Aldi 1503 / JV 4 30 BIBLIOTUECA SUNDERLANDIANA. ;373 363 Antliologia. Epigrammahim Grtece, veteram elegantissima, cum versione Latina per Jo. Soterum collecta, calf 12mo. Colon. 1528 364 Anthologia. Florilegium Diversoruin Epigrammatnin in Septem libros. Solerti nuper repurgatum cura, nunc exit castigatua etc. cf. 12mo. Vennndatur Bailio 1531 365 Anthologia. Epigramniatuni GrcTCorum. lib. vii. annotationibns Joannis Brodfel illnstrati, Gr. efc Lat. calf fol. Basil. Froh. 1549 366 Anthologia. FLORiLEGinM Diveksorum Epigrammatum in Septem libros distinctum, diligenti castigatione emendatum old calf sra. 8vo. Venet. ap. Aldi filios 1550 Very Eare. Laing's copy sold last year for £3. 17s 6d. 367 Anthologia. Florilegium Diversorum Epigrammatum Veterum, in Septem libros divisum old calf sm. fol. (Paris) H. Stephani 1566 368 Anthologia. Epigrammatum Graecorum annotat. Jo. Brodaei illns- trati, calf fol. Francof 1600 369 Anthologia. Florilegium Omnium Yeterum Grtecorum Poet, cum Latina interpretatione Eilhordi Lubini calf 4to. in Bihliopolo Com- mdiniano 1604 — Alia editio vellum {no title) n. d 370 Anthologia. Florilegii Magni sen Polyantheas Floribus !N^ovissimig sparsfe lib. xx. calf unth Arms (cover broken) folio Lugduni 1620 371 Anthologiciim Gneco-Latinum per Mich. Neandrem Soranienserc old calf sm. 8vo. Basil, ex of. Joan. Oporini 1556 — Lucii Antistii De Jure Ecclesiasticorum cf. gilt edges 12mo. Aletlwpoli 1665 372 Antolinez de Piedrabuena. Universidad de Amor y Escuelas de' interes ; verdades sonadas o sueno verdadero al Pedir de las javLgevea, primera y segiuida partes, vellum, rare 12mo. Pedro Lanaja imp. del JReyno de Aragon 1645 Antonino (Filippo) Delle Antichita di Sarsina e de Costumi Romani discorso etc. 4to. Sarsvia 1606-/ 374 Antoninus (Archiep. Florentinus) Summula confessionis 127 II u-ithmt numerals or signattires, Uoman letter, large and clean copy hut slightly loormed, old calf, with the Sunderland Arms on sides sm. fol. Venet. Barth. de Cremona 1473 375 Antoninus. Confessionale volgare intitulato Specchio di Conscientia calf, a rare edition (signs, a-r in eights) 4to. impresso per Mano di don Ipiolato da Firenze 1479 376 Antoninus. Chronicorum Opus, op. et stud. P. Maturi S. J. 3 vols cf. fol. Lugd. ex of. Juntarum 1586 377 Antoninus (Liberalis) Transforrtiationum Congeries. Phlegontis Tralliani de Mirabilibus et longtevis libellis etc. G. Xylandro inter- pi'ete old calf sm.. 8vo. Basil. 1568 — Alia editio, Ab. Berkelius emend. old calf 12mo. Lngd. Bat. 1674 378 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius Verus) de Seipso et ad Seipsum Gr. et Lat. cum notis M. Casauboni calf 12mo. Lond. 1643 — Alia editio, studio operaque T. Gatakeri ^)ori. ccdf 4to. Cant. 1652 379 Antoninus. De Rebus suis Gr. et Lat. studio operaque T. Gatakeri fine port, old calf gilt 4to. Land. 1697 380 Antoninus. His Meditations concerning himself translated by Meric Casaubon calf sm 4to. London 1634 381 Antoninus. Pensees ^Morales, de soy et a soy-mesme traduits du Grec calf 12mo. a Paris 1651 — Le meme. Reflexions Morales avec des Remarques j9ori. 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris 1691 382 Antoninus (Pius Augustus) Itinera rium Provinciarum omnium cum fragmenta eiusdem (edente God. Torino ex MSS. Christ. Longolii) printed in red and black, old red morocco, tvith the Sunderland Arms on sides 16mo. Parisiis H. Stephani (1512) First Edition, Kake. Contains 7 pvel. 11. 92 leaves of text and (0 11. of index etc- J 5 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 31 383 Antoninus. Itinerarium Hier. Suritae commentario explicatum vellum sm. 8vo. Col. Agr. in off. Birchnannica 1600 384 Antoninus. Iter Britanniarum comment, illustratione J. Gale map and jjlates, calf sm. 4to. Lond. 1709 385 Antoninus. Iter Britanniai'um cum Roberti Talboti annotationes, Manuscript neatly ivrltten containing Qiviii and 64 J5p. calf sm. 4to. Gent. XVII 386 Antonius (S.) Eremita. Vita a D. Athanasio Grfece Scripta cum D. Hoesclielii notis, Aug. Vind. 1611 — Vitfe SS. Wilhelmi Abbatis et Wilhelmi Gellonensis, auctore F. Carolo Stengelioii. 1611 ; in 1 vol vellum sm. 4to. 387 Antonio (Nicolaus) De Esilio, sive de Exilii Poena antiqua et nova old russia fol. Antw. ap. Jacob Meursium 1659 Neither Salva nor Brunei notices this work of Antonio. 388 Antonio. Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus, sive Hispanorum, qui usquam unquamve scri^^to aliquid consignaverunt, notitia, 2 vols, in 1 calf fol. Romce 1696 389 Antonio. Bibliotbeca Hispana, sive Seriptorum HispaniiB gentis qui ab anno md. usque ad prtesens tempus monumenta doctriuEe sute literis tradiderunt 2 vols, calf fol. Eomce 1672 390 Apellus (Joan.) Tyrocinia. Juris Distinctionibus repetita per Jo. E, SchefFerum Basil. 1580 — Juris Civilis Fontes et Rivi (Paris H. Stepliani) 1580; in 1 vol. old calf sm. 8vo. — Aphtbonii Progymnas- mata Gr. cum Vers. Lat. etc. Burcli. Harbarti Stetini 1656— Micrelii Progymnasmata Aphthoniana in Usum Scholarum Stetini 1656 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 8vo, 391 Apbthonius (Sopbista) Progymnasmata, R. Agricola Pbrisio inter- prete, Paris G. Wechel 1549 — Orus Apollo, De Sacris apud ^gyptios notis ac ctelaturis, Latinitate per Jo. Mercerum Pari5, Wechel 1548 — Fenestellaj de Magistratibus Sacerdotiisque Romanorum lib. ii. Lut. ap. Vascosanum 1550 — Pomponii Lseti de Romanis Magistratibus Sacerdotiis, etc. cum annot. R. Gorriei Paris ap. Joan, de Poigny 1552 — Lucius Flori de Gestis Romanorum lib. iiii. etc. Paris ap, Vascosanum 1550 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to 392 Aphtbonius. Libellus Progymnasmatum Lat. conversus et exemplis additis a Jo. Camerario old calf 12mo. Lips. 1567— Aphtbonius Her mogenes et Dionysius Longinus, opera F. Porti calf 12mo. {Genevan) J. Grispini 1570 —Aphtbonii Prasludia J. M. Catanseo interprete calf 4to. Paris 1558 393 Apianus (Petrus) Inscriptiones Sacrosanctge Vetustatis non illee quidem Romante sed totius fere orbis summo studio ac maximis impensis Terra Marique conquistse feliciter incipiunt, cimous woodcut on title, woodciot borders and figures, calf fol. Ingoldst. in wdibus P. Apiani 1534 394 Apicius (Coelius). Apicius in Re Quoqinaria, Roman letter, old calf sm. 4to. impress. Mediol. p)er Qiiill. Signerre 1498 Firs r Edition with a date. Title, as above, beneath which is the woodcut device of the Printer. Then follows the Epistle of the Editor Ant. Motta, etc. 3 pp. The work contains signs. A-E in eights. At the end is a single leaf (not belonging to the work) with heading in gothic letters " A Malafranczos morbo Gallorum preser- vatis ac cura a Bartholomeo Steber Viennensi artium et medicine doctore nuper edita" below which is a curious woodcut representing the method of cure. 395 Apicius. De Re Coquinaria lib. X (tvormed) signs, a-h in fours sm. 4to. Venet. per Bernard. Venetum s. a. Erunet says this edition may be more ancient than the above. Although the title mentions two treatises of Suetonius, they do not appear to have been published with this edition. 396 Apicius. De Re Culinaria. B. Platin?e De Tuenda Va^etudine. Z. 7 z, 7 6 // /3 /a /y U ^ / 32 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. Pauli ^ginetoe de Facultatibus alimentorum Tractatus, Albanc' Torino interprete calf 8vo. Lucjcl. ap. Seb. Gryphiiim 1541 397 Apicius. De Opsoniis et Condinientis sive Arte Coqinaria, itenij Gab. Humelbergii in Apicium annotationes old russia 8vo. Tigari in off. Froschoviana 1542 398 Apicius. De Opsoniis et Condimentis sive Arte Coqninaria enm annot. Martini Lister calf 8vo. Lond. typis G. Boivyer 1705 Only 120 copies of this edition printed at the expense of the Archbishop oi Canterbury, Charles Earl of iSuuderland, Sir I. Newton and a few others. Hibbert's copy brought £\. 17s. 399 Apicius. Cum annot. M. Lister, editio secdnda auctior, large paper, front, calf 8vo. Amst. 1709 400 Apollinarius (Episc. Laodicensis) Interpretatio Psalmorura, versibus Heroicis Greece old calf 12mo. Paris ap. A. Ticrnebum 1552 401 Apollinarius. Interpretatio Psalniorum versibus heroicis, Gr. et Lat. ex editione Benenati old calf sm. 8vo. Paris 1580 402 Apollodorus (Atbeniensis) Bibliotbecis sive de Deorum origine, tam Grpece, quam Latino, ac doctis annott. illustrati. B. JEgic Spoletino interprete, vellum sm. 8vo. Ronioi in cedihus Ant. Bladi 1555 — Idem, Tanaquillus Faber recensuit et notulas addidit calf sm. 8vo. Salmurii 1661 403 Apollonius (Alexandrinus) De Constructione ace. Magnus Basiliua de Gramtiiatica exercitatione Greece, scarce, Florent. in cedihus Fhl Juntce 1515 — Tbemistii Orationes Gr. {title def.) (Paris) H. Steplian\ 1562 — Aristotelis De Poetica a P. Victorio correcti Florent. ap Juntas 1564 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12mo. — Apollonii De Syntaxi Greece calf 12mo. ap. B. Gormontium 153 404 Apollonius. De Syntaxi sen Consti'uctione Orationis lib. iiii Pr. Porto correcti et a Pr. Sylburgio notationibus auct. Gr. et Lat old calf 4to. Francof. ap. A. Wecliel 159" 405 Apollonius (Pergasus) Conicorum lib. 4. cum Pappi Alexandrin: Lemmatibus et commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitfe ; ace. Sereni Antin sensis Libri duo, Bononice ex off'. Ale.v. Benatii 1566 — Guidi Ubald e Marcliionibus Montis Mechanicorum Liber (margins of title and 3 II. mended) Pisanri ap. Hier. Concordiam 1577 ; in 1 vol. calf folio 406 Apollonius. Conicorum lib. octo, et Sereni de Sectioue Cylindri et Coni lib. duo. curavit Ed. Halley, large fav^eh, fine front, and nume- rous diagrams, calf roy. fol. Oxon. e Teatro t^heldoniano 1710 407 Apollonius (Pet.) Liber Majorum Fastorum seu Carmina Sacra in Proecip. anni Festivitates (commences without title on a i ; Signs, a-t an in eights, last leaf blanlc) old mor. sm. 4to. impressus Mediol. per Filippum de Mantegatiis 1472 408 Apollonius (Rhodius) Aegonautica lib. iv. Greece cum scholiis veterum vellum sm. 4to. Florentice (Laur. Francis, de Alojya) 1496 Editio frisceps. PRINTED UPON VELLUM a beautiful copy with wide margins (9 J in. + 7|) 1 margin cut down. Signs. A-X iii. in eights: several of the leaves have a small single worm-hole running through them ; and the last seven I leaves have two or three. Hibbert's copy on paper fetched £9, 9s and Macarthy'a vellum copy 1755 francs. 409 Apollonius (Rhodius) Argonautica Greece, Editio princeps, on paper, large and clean copy vnth autograj^h of C. Spencer (Earl of Sunder- land) on first page, Florent. L. F. Ahqm 1496— ORPHEI ARGO- NAUTICA et Htmni. Prodi Lycii Philos. Hymni Greece, Editio princeps, large and, clean copy, with autograph of C. Spencer, impressa Florent. impensa PhiUppi Juntm MCCCCC ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. Both these editiones principes are very rare, the Orpheus most so. Copies have sold as follows : Sykcs £12. 5s, Hibbert £14, Libri £12. 12s, Heber £13. The Signs, are A-N in eights H having 4 II. the last blank. Eor a full descriptiou of this Edition see Bib. Spenc. I, 188. I BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 33 410 Apollonms. Argonantica, antiquis una et optimis cum comment. Greece, Editio Aldina, rare, old calf sm. 8vo. Venet. in cecUhjis AJcli 1521 411 Apollonius. Interpretatio antiqua ac perutilis in Apollonii Rhodii Argonantica, Grsece calf 16mo. Paris. 1541 412 Apollonius. Argonautica antiquis una et optimis cum comment. contemporary Butch stamped vellum, binding, having 7 female figures representing 7 Sciences, the initials G. T. and the date 1570 stamped on the sides 8vo. Francof. ex off. P. Bruhacchii 1546 413 Apollonius. Argonautica lib. iiii. cum annot. H. Stephani (Paris.) 1574 — Dionysii Alexandrini de Situ Orbis libellus Eustathii Thes- salon. Arcliiep. comment, illus. Lid. cm off'. Stephani 1547 ; in 1 vol calf ^ ' 4 to 414 Apollonius. Argonautica, a J. Hoelzlino in Latinum conversi comment, et notis illust. etc. calf sm, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzeviriana 1641 415 Aponte (Pedro Geronimo) Sumario de Algunas casas de Espana de Linages antiques dedon de proceden muclios Seiiores Duques, Condes J Marqueses etc. Unpublished Spanish MS. of the 17th Century consisting of title, SVSpp. and 4! pages of index in a legible hand, 16^ — LiBRO de Armeria, intitulado Rosal de Nobleza por Antonio de Barahona, el qual blasona j krufa de linages illustres y nobles de Espana, Unpublished Spanish MS. of 163 pages, legibly written Cent. XVII. ; in 1 vol. vellum folio 416 Apostolius (Mich.) Centurire xxi. Proverbiorum ex optimis auctor: bus Grfecis collectge. Item Pat. Gregorii Cyprii Proverbia, autograph o/ Charles Spencer (Earl of Sunderland) on title, vellum 4to. Lugd. Bat. ap. J. et B. Elzevier 1653 417 Appianus (Alexandrinus) Romanarum Historiarum Celtica, Libyca, Syriaca, etc. Greece, Editio Princeps, Rare, Liit. cura C. Stephani 1551 — Justini Martyris Opera Greece ex Bib. Regia But. ex off. li Stephani 1551 ; in 1 vol. calf fol 418 Appianus. Editio princeps ; Lxt,t. C. Stephani 1551 — Eiusdem de Civilibus Romanorum Bellis ; access. Velleius Paterculus, engraved title Paris, ex off. Vascosani 1538 419 Appianus. Gr. et. Lat. cum annotationibus H. Stephani calf fol. (Paris.) H. Stephani 1592 420 Appianus. Gr. et Lat. Alex. Tollius textus emendavit, correxit etc 2 vols, calf 8vo. Amst. 1670 421 Appianus. De Bellis Civilibus Romanis. Liber Illyricus et Libtr Celticus. Lat. a P. Candido, calf fol. (Venet.) Vindelinus de Spira 1472 Editio Princeps. Very Rare. A fine large copy, generally sound but a few 11. are very slightly wormed. Printed in Roman letters. 146 leaves without numerals, catchwords or signatures. 422 Appianus. De Bellis Civilibus. Lat. a P. Candido, impress. Venet. per Christ, de Pensis 1500 — Polybii Historiarum lib. v. N. Perottus e Graeco traduxit, Bernardinus Venetus 1498 Venet ii impressit ; in 1 vol. calf fol. 423 Appianus. De Civilibus Romanorum Bellis ace. P. Yellei Paterculi Historise Romante duo volumina, engraved title, 2 vols, in 1, old sheep- shin binding fol. Parisiis ex off. Mich. Vascosani 1538 ^24 Appianus. Delle Guerre Civili dei Romani, trad, da Aless. Braccio, old Venetian morocco sm. fol. Stampato in Boma per Euch. Silber 1502 First edition ■ of this Italian translation. It commences with a Latin title ; then follows an epistle of Braccio to Paolo Ursino 1 leaf, then the text con- Eisting of wgns. A-Q in eights, P having C 1). and Q 7 11. only. o ^ /o J 9 7 7 6 (I 6 34 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 425 Applantis. Des GueiTes Romaines Livres xi. plus le Livre sixiesme desdictes Guerres Civiles extraict de Plutarque, le tout traduict en Francoys par feu Claude de SEYSSEL,^He engraved title old calf, fine clean copy fol. a Injon pour Ant. Constantine 1544 The first French translation of Appian. 426 Appiaims. Le meme traduction, plus y sont adjonstez denx Livres, traduicts de Grec par le Seigneur de Avenelles old calf, with centre gilt ornaments fol. Paris par Pierre de Pre 1569 427 Appianus. Des Guerres des Romains traduites par Odet Philippe, Sieur des Mares, large paper old calf gilt, ivith Arms of Le Clerc db Lessville on sides roy. fol. Paris chez A. Sommaville 1660 428 Apuleius. (Lucius) Madanrensis. Opera, old crimson morocco gilt with broad giltfloreate herders fol. impressa in Vicentia per Hen. de Sancto TJrso 1488 A VERT LAEGE COPY, WITH UNCTTT EDGES, measuring 12| in. in length Commences on A 2, but it has 176 leaves which is correct according to Brunet's collation, Aj being a blank leaf (sowie leaves a little wormed). 429 Apuleins. Aliud Exemplar, loitli coy\temporary MS. votes in the mar- gins, old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. fol. Vicent. H. de Sancto TJrso 1488 430 Apuleius. Opera (margins wormed and mended) calf sm. fol. Venet. per P. Pinzium 1493 431 Apuleius. Opera,' necnon Isagogicus liber Platonicae Philosophiae per Alcinoum, Graece, a Fr. Asulano edita, Aldine Edition, fine copy Tided with red lines, old calf gilt ivitJi the sign of the Golden Fleece or^ sides, gilt and marbled edges (pp. 264 inchiding title, and 28 Ih for Alcinous, and the Anchor) sm. 8vo. Venet. in cedibus Aldi 1521| 432 Apuleius. Opera Omnia, emendata et aucta cura P. Colvii cum! ejusdem notis calf sm. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1688 — Idem, post P. Colvii editionem per Bon. Vulcanium Brugensem, old calf gilt 12mo. Lut. Par. ex off. C. BeTjs 1601 433 Apuleius. Opera Omnia, cum comment. Phil. Beroaldi et notis variorum 3 vols, vellum 8vo. Basil, per S. Henricpetri 1597 434 Apiileius. Opera Omnia, cum notis varior. ex. edit. J. Casauboni 2 vols, vellum 8vo. Lugd. ap. Viduam A. de Harsy 1614 435 Apuleius. Opera Omnia, ex recens. et cura emendat. G. Elmen- horstii, vellum 8vo. Francof. in off. Wecheliana 1621 — Eiusdem ; Opera ab innumeris mendis quibus bactenus scatebant jam serio emendata vellum 16mo. Lugd. Bat. J. Maire 1623 436 Apuleius. Opera Omnia, cum interpretatione et notis Jul. Floridi, in nsum DelTphini front. 2 vols, old calf gilt 4to. Paris, ap. Fred. Leonard 1688 437 Apuleius. Asinus Aureus, sive Metamorpboseon cum commentariis Philippi Beroaldi, rubricated capitals, old calf fol. impressus Bononice per B. Hectorem 1500 First edition of Beroaldcs' commentary on Apdleids. This is a most DESIRABLE COPY, being quite perfect and as clean as though but just printed. The first 6 11. of the '• Tabula " are quite uncut ; the margins of the remaining leaves have been cut, but the whole of the text is large and fine. 438 Apuleius. Beroaldi Commentarii in Asinum Aureum old calf gilt clean copy folio impressum Venet. per Sim. Papiensem 1501 439 Apuleius. Cum Comment. Beroaldi, old oahen binding covered with leather fol. Venet. per B. de Zanis 1504 3 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 35 440 Apuleius. Cum Comento Beroaldi et figuris noviter additis nume' rous curious and fine woodcuts (slightly wormed) calf fol. Vetiet. per P. Pincium 1510 This would appear to be the first edition in which woodcuts appear. It commences on Aj without title and extends to P in sizes. At the beginning is an MS. Index in English written on 2 11. in a 16th century band. 441 Apuleius. Accipe candidissime lector Philippi Beroaldi ... in Asinum Aureum, title in red and black, old paneled calf gilt folio Imfressum Lutecie charactere adinodmn venusto, expensis L, Hernken et Gott. Hittorpiiindustriacum primis Iwnesti viri mag . Joanis Philippi 1512 Title ; 3 prel. 11. ; text 206 numb. 11. ; and 22 II. for Table, printer's device etc. fine clean copy. 442 Apuleius. Metamorplioseos sive de Asiuo Aureo libri xmdecim cum argumentis P. Beroaldi et authoris vita, ruled with red lines, calf 12mo. Paris ex off. Sim. Colincei 1536 443 Apuleius. Metamorphoseos Lib. xi, ac nonnulla alia Opuscula EJUSDEM etc. old blue morocco gilt fol. RoMj; per Swetnheym et Pannartz 1469 Editio princeps. Excessively rare. A remarkably l.arge and fine copy with ROUGH EDGES. The outside margins measure 2| and the lower ones 3f in. The height of the middle page is 13| in. Collation ; 1 blank leaf; Epistle of the Bishop of Aleria 5 11. ; Table 1 loaf; another blank leaf; Apuleius 154 11. ; then another blank leaf; followed by Alcinous which occupies 17 11. wiih colophon on recto of the last; and finally another blank leaf, making together 181 leaves. Brunei gives only 177, but he probably did not count the blank ones. Printed in Roman letters without numerals, catchwords or signatures. The capitals painted in by hand. It is said only 275 copies of this work were printed. '1<44 Apuleius. Metamorphoseos lib. xi. et alia opnscula, cura Mariani Tucci, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy sm. 8vo. impressum Florent. opera P. de Giunfa 1512 One of the first books, according to Brunet, in which Giunta's mark of the fleur-de-lis appears. 445 Apuleius. Metamorphoseos, cum notis et indice Joannis Pricse, engraved title, ruled with red lines, calf 8vo. Typis G. Vander Hoeve 16-jO 446 Apuleius. Dell' Asino d'Oro tradotto per M. Angelo Fiorentino, nuovamente da molti errori di voci Toscane, corretto, numerous curious woodcuts, calf, scarce edition 12mo. ifi Venet. per Francisco de Leno s. a. (1550) 447 Apuleius. Les Metamorphoses ou I'Asne d'Or (en Frangais avec un commentaire par J. de Montlyard) fine copperplate engravings (corner of a leaf of dedication defective) old calf (cover broken) 8vo. Paris 1631 ^48 Apuleius. Floridorum lib. iv. cum scholiis Jo. Pyrrhi Englebermei (Paris) e Chalcographia Jo. Badii, with his device on title 1518 — Anto. Mancinelli Spica, voluminum iiii, versilogus (a-f^ in eights) impress. Venet. a.d. 1498 — P. Cursii Ecloga ; que Erasmus inscr"- bitur (8 II.) title within border, s. a. et I. (Bomo} 1513) — Progne Tra:5oedia nunc primum edita (6 prel. II. and pp. 27) in Academia Ventta, 1558 — Sph^ra Georgii Buchanani Scoti in quinque libros distributa (26 II. lower inargins toormed) not in Lowndes or Brnnet Lut. aji. F. Morellum 1585 — Exemplar Triumphi SapientiiB heroicis carminibus descripti, ad adraodum R. P. Joanne Philippo Riccio (12 II. slightly wormed) Senis ap. L. Bonettum 1595 — De Laudibus Vitee Rusticse ode Horatii Epodon secunda, ab Aide Manuccio explicata (4 prel. II. and pip. 1-48) Bononice 1586 — Nicolai Barptolomaei Lochiensis Epithalamium Francisci Valesii et Mariae Angiorum Regis Filie. Eiusdem Ennea. Eiusdem pjpigrammata (44 //.) devii'c nf RegnauU 3* ^ fl. 1^ ^U u 7 f ^ Q 3G BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIANA. Chavdiere on title, Paris (s. a.) — Johannis Locenii Epio-rammata (15 II.) TJpsalicp, 1627 — Siapremi Honores Heroinse CliristiaiiEe Anna^ Jolian. Sigism. March. Brandenb. Viduse a M. Christ. Eilardo (4 II.) Eegiomonti Borussonim typis L. Segehadii s. a. — Sadoleti dno turn gravissimo turn lepidissima poemata heroica (5 prel. 11. and 24 numb. II.) marginal annott. in red inl-, in 'Academia Vmet-a 1550 ; in 1 vol. vellum sin. 4to. A scarce collection of early printed tracts. 449 Apuleius. Apologia ex recens. et cum notis J. Casauboni ex typ. Hieron. Comelini 1594 — Horapollinis Hieroglyphica a Davide Hoes- clielio cori'ecta 1595 ; in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4 to. 450 Apuleius. Apologia recog. et nonullis notis ac observationibns illust. a Jo. Vricseo, j^lates, vellum 4to. Paris oj). S. Fevrier 1635 — Scipionis Gentilis in L. Apulei Apologiam commentarius, vellum sm. 8vo. Hanov. 1607 451 Aquavivus (Belisarius) De Venatione et de Ancupio ; de re militari et singulari certamine folio Neap. 1519 452 Aquilano (Serapbino) Opere (Poesie) nuovamente ricorrette et con diligentia impresse old calf gilt 12mo. stamp, in Vinegia per Nic. de Bascarini 1548 453 Aquillanus (Scipio) De Placitis Philosopborum qui ante Aristotelis tempora floruerunt, studio et opera Geor. Moralis velhim 4to. Yenet. 1621 i54 Aquixas (D. Thomas). Divi Thome Aquinatis continuum in libr. Eyaxgelii SEcrxDUM Mattheum ; super Eyaxgelio Saxcti Luce COXTixuuM Sancti Thome ; Beati Aquinatis continuum in Eyatjgelium Saxcti Johaxnis (Jo. Andreas, Episc. Aleriensis recognovit) 3 vols, in 2 old calf roy. fol. Bom oi pier C. Swetxheym et A. Paxxartz 1470 First edition' of this famods Commextart. Fine, large, and generally sound copy, but 2 leaves at end of vol. 1 are defective and some are wormed. The first page in each vol. is richly painted and illuminated, and there are several illu- minated initial letters. 455 Aquinas. Secuxda Secund^e Summj: TnEOLOGiCiE lit. got]^. printed in doultle columns, with numerous richly ilhiminated and painted capitals, old calf, u-ith tJie Marlhoroiigh Arms on sides fol. Mogunt. industrie est consiimmatuon per Petrum Schoiffher de Gerxsheim 1467 Printed on vellum and excessively rare ; contains 250 leaves. Accord- ing to Brunet there should be 258 leaves including 6 leaves of Table at end. The lower plain margins of the last 2 11. have been cut off close fo the text, and the last leaf containing the Colophon is half cut away, but the Colophon is left in full. 456 Aquinas. Summa SacrjB Theologiae 4 vols, old calf fol. Lugd. ap. hceredes Jac. Juntae 1562 457 Aquinas. Summa totius Theologiae cum Indicibus 4 vols, in 9 calf 12mo. Col. Agr. 1639 458 Aquinas. Opuscalum de anima et ejus potentiis (22 II.) calf 8vo. Paris ap. H. Gormont. 1541 — Eiusdem, Vita da Paolo Frigerio 4to. Boma 1668 459 Aquinas. Vita D, Thomse Aquinatis Othonis Vseni ingenio et manu. delineata ^0 fine copperplate engravings {wants portrait of Vcsnius and plates 17 and 18) velhim sm. 4to. Antio. sumpt. 0. Vceni 1610 460 Aquino (Carolus de) Soc. Jes. Orationes, 2 vols, in 1 vellum sm. 8vo. Bomce 1704 461 Aratus Solensis, Phaenomena, Greece calf 8yo. Bostochii excxid. Jac. Lucius, anno 1579 — Eiusdem Phsenomena, Grgece et Latine ; et 1/ioiiYsii Oi'bis descriptio ccdf 8vo. ex off. Joan Lcei, anno 1554 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. 37 462 Aratas. Rufi Festi Avieni Opera ; et Fragmentum Arati Phaenomenon per Germanicum Caesarem in Latinum conversi, cum comento nuper in Sicilia repertum numerous curious ^ooodcuts commences on Aij (J. i being blank) calf, rare sm. 4to. imiyressum Venet. Ayit. de Strata Cremonensis 1488 463 Aratus. Phasnomena Gr. cum Ciceronis interpretatione ; ace. Vergilii, Germanlci Ci^saris et Rufi Avieni Carmina etc. ed. Joacli. Perionis Gr. et Lat. calf sm. 4to. Paris, excud. J. L. Tiletanus 1540 464 Aratus Phsenomena et Prognostica Gr. et Lat. cum Grgecis Theonis Scholiis etc. Lut. ap. G. Mordlum 1559— Empedoclis Spliaera edita Jo. a S. Andrea, 2 astrological maps. Lid. 1587 — Grotii Syntagma Arateorum ex off. Plantin. 1600 — Aratea Phaenomena Germanico Cesare Interprete 4<4i fine plates of Zodiacal signs (ivants title) in 1 vol. 4to. 465 Aratus Phsenomena et ProgTiostica, Gr. et Lat. cum Groecis Theonis Scholiis etc. ace. J. Hygini Astronomicou vellum 4to. Paris. G. Morellum 1559 466 Arbuthnot (Dr. John) An Essay concerning the nature of Aliments and the choice of them according to the different constitutions of Human Bodies calf gilt, clean copy 8vo. Loud. J. Tonson 1731 467 Arcerius (Sam.) Catalogus instructissimee Bibliothecse qute est in Suprema Frisiorum Curia, vellum, clean copy fol. Leovard. 1668 468 Archimbaud (I'Abbe) Nouveau Recueil de Pieces fugitives d'His- toire, de Litterature etc. 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris J. B. Lamesle 1717 469 Archimedes. Opera qute quidein extant omnia Gr. et Lat. ; ace. Entocii Ascalonit^e in eosdem Arehimedis libros comment. Gr. et Lat. ex recens. Ph. Gechaulf Venatorii, first edition, rare, numerous diagrams, vellum, gilt edges, clean copy sm. fol. Basil. Joannes Hervagius 1544 470 Ai'chimedes. Aliud Exemplar old calf fol. Basil. J. Hervagius 1544 471 Archimides. Opera, novis demonstrationibus commentariisque illus- trata per Dav. Rivaltum, large paper, r^ded with red lines, numerous diagrams, old red morocco, witli French Poyal Arms, and Monogram in the corners and on the bade, gilt edges, fine copy, very rare fol. Paris is ap. Claud Morellum 1615 472 Archimides. Monumenta Omnia Mathematica quae extant ex tradi- tione D. F. Maurolici calf fol. Panormi 1685 473 Archimides. Guidi Ubaldi e Marchionibus Montis in duos Arehi- medis -i3l]queponderantium libros Paraphrasis, scholiis illustrata diagrams, calf fol. Pisauri Hieron. Concord. 1588 474 Architecture. Parallele de I'Architecture Antique et de la Moderne fine plates, uncut roy. fol. Paris 1702 475 Arcos (Fray Francisco de) La Sabia de Coria. Vida de la Ven. Maria de Jesus, Natural de el Guijo de el Duque de Alva en el Obispado de Coria portrait, calf, ivith tlte Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 4to. en Madrid p or F. Ni&to 1671 476 Ardoino (Pietro) Sonetti con la versione in verso Latino di Carlo Vitali vellum, clean copy sm. 4to. in Messina B. G. Maffei 1716 On the fly-leaf of this copy is the following inscription " G. Berkeley (the Irish Philosopher ?) given by me Don Tietro Guerrera at Messini." The Autograph of Guerrera is on the title. 477 Aretaeus (Cappadox) De Acutorum etc. Graece calf sm. 8vo. Paris ap. Adr. Turnebum 1554 — ^tius ContractEe ex veteribus Medicina3 tetrabiblos Lat. interprete Jan. Cornario cum aliorum vett. Medi- corum Tractatibus Lat. old calf fol. (Francof. 1541) 478 Aretino (Pietro) I Quattro Libri de la HumAxMta di Christo, novamente stampati, head, of Aretino on title, old Venetian calf sm. 8vo. in Venetia 1639 lo 7 z 7 z ^ /. 636 Aristoteles, La Rlietoriqne (Liv. iii.) en Francois, traduction nonvelle par F. Cassandi'e (small vieio of Paris on title) vellum, clean copy 12mo. Paris cliez D. TJiieny 1675 637 Aristoteles. Sententiae Selectissimje Lat. Lugd. ap. Gul. RovilliwDi 1554 — Nomologia, qua Eloquendi ac disserendi Ratio ad usum ' Forensem etc. Jac. Omphalio Authore Paris ap. Gul. Juliavum 1579 — Sententife Veterum Poetarum Georgio Maiore collectore etc. ajy- J. Tornaesium 1551 ; in 1 vol. vellum 24nio. 638 Aristoteles. Vitse comparatge Aristotelis ac Demostlienis ab And. - Schotto, 2 ports, on verso of title, vellum, sm. 4to. Ang. Vind. 1603 — Vita Aristotelis per Ammonium sen Philoponum, cum scholiis P. F. Nunnesi, vellum 12mo. Lugd. Pat. 1621 639 Aristoxenus. Ificliomaclius, Aljpius, Anctores Musices antiquissi hactenus non editi Joan. Meursius notas addidit Gr. Lugd. Bat. L: / Elzevir 1616 — Ploilostrati Epistolte qusedam, editae J. Meursius ih. — • Ptolemaei Evergette Monumentum Adulitanum Leo Allatio ( pp. 8) Pomce 1631 — Theodori Metocbitfe Historite Romante lib. sing. Gr. et Lat. edidit Joan. Meursius, Lugd. Bat. 1618 ; in 1 vol. hinding hroken sm. 4to, 640 Ariz (P. Fray Luys) Historia de las Grandezas de la Ciudad de / Avila, en quatro partes, engraved title, vellum fol. en Alcala de Henares por L. Martinez 1607 Pt. 1, 60 11. including title ; pt. 2, 56 11. ; pt. 3, 4-2 11. ; pt. 4, 71 11. : some leaves in pt. 4 stained. This copy has the engraved front, nearly always wanting, but iti is inserted between pp. 7-8. ; 641 ArlanibfEus (Philippus) Arma Suecia ; hoc est Descriptio Belli Gustavi Adolphi cum Ferdinando III. Imp. ab anno 1630 ad 1632, engraved title and 7 portraits, calf sm. 4to. (Francof) 1631 642 Armanni (Vine.) Della Nobile, e antica Famiglia de' Capizuccbi, Baroni Romani, large coat of arms, port, of Author and 8 portraits, genealogical tree and shields of the Gapizucchi Family, calf gilt 4to. Roma per N. A. Tinassi 1668 643 Armenini (Gio. Batt.) De' Veri Precetti nella Pittura libri tre, calf ^ tvith rough edges sm. 4to. in Pavenna ap. Franc. Tehaldini 1587 644 Arms. Armorial Universel contenant les Annes des Principales // Maisons, Estatz et Dignitez des plus considerable Royaumes de; I'Europe corrige et mis en ordre par C. Segoing, engraved throughoiib on 194 leaves, containing many hundred coats of Arms, vellum < sm. fol. Paris cliez N. Berey 1654 645 Army. Standing Rules for the Army by a Lieut. -General plan, cf Svo. Bond. 1744 646 Arnobius. Disputationum ad versus gentes lib. viii. nunc primum in lucem editi ex editione Fausti Sabaei (lib. 8 revera est Minucii Felic. Oct.) old calf fol. Pomoi ap. Fr. Priscian. Florent. 1542 One hundred and two numbered 11. and 1 leaf for imprint. A verj^ large copy with rough edges. 647 Arnobius. Disputationes adv. gentes Geb. Elmenhorstius recens. et ^ observationes illust. engraved title, calf fol. Hamh. 1610 648 Arnobius. Adversus gentes cum recens. viri celeberrimi et integris ^ notis Canteri et variorum, vellum, clean copy sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1651 649 Abnolde (Richard) Chronicle. In this booke is conteyned the / , names of ye baylifs, custos, mairs and sherefs of the Cite of Londo ^^ BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 51 from the tyme of King Richard the furst: also the articles of the chartur and liburties of the same Cyte. black letter, old oahen hoards covered with stamped leather (broken) sm. fol. IV ithout place, date or name of printer Eleven prel. leaves (wants A i first signature : a blank leaf). Then the folios are numbered below I-CXVIII (fol. CXV wanting) some 11. wormed, but in capital condition generally. Vert Rare. 650 Arriaga (R. P. Roderici de) De Oi'atore lib. iv. old calf 8vo. Gol. Agr. 1G37 651 Arrianus. Arriani et Hannonis Periplus. Plutarchus de Fluminibua et montibus. Strabonis epitome Grsece ex edit. Sig. Gelenii, calf 4to. Basil. Frohen. 1533 652 Arrianus. Ponti Euxini et Maris Erythroei periplus, e Graeco sermone in Latinum versus, J. G. Stuckio authore, calf fol. Genevce ap. Eust. Vignon 1577 653 Arrianus. De Expeditione Alexandri Mag. lib. vii. Gr. et Lat. ex Bonav. Vulcanii interpr. old calf gilt, lo\. (Genevce) H. Stephani 1575 654 Arrianus. Opera ; Expeditio Alexandi'i, Historia Indica, ars Tactica etc. Nic. Blancardus recens. 2 vols, calf 8vo. Amst. 1668-83 655 Arrianus. De Expeditione Alexand. Mag. lib. vii. et Historia Indica Gr. et Lat. opera Jac. Gronovii, large paper, fine port, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy fol. Lugd. Bat. P. Vander Aa 1704 656 Arrianus. De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Regis quern Latinitate donavit Bartholomeus Facius, calf gilt sm. fol. impressus est Pisauri ap. Hieron. de Soncino 1508 A very clean copy of this scarce edition. Signs. A-R in sixes O having only 4 11. and the last leaf of R being blank. 657 Arrianus. De Rebus gestis Alex. Magni B. Facio interp. vellum 16mo. Lugd. ap. S. Grijphium 1552 658 Arrianus. Les Faicts et Conquestes d' Alexandre le Grand traduicts nouvellement de Grec en Fran9oys par CI. Witart, title within wood- cut border, old calf, clean copy 4to. Paris F. Morel. 1581 The first edition of this translation mentioned by Brunet is by the same printer 1599. 669 Arrianus. Guerres d'Alexandre de la Traduction de Nicolas Perrot, seconde edition, calf 8vo. Paris P. le Petit 1652 660 Arrianus. Arriani Tactica et Mauricii Artis Militari Gr. et Lat, notis J. SchefPeri, vellum 12mo. Upsalice 1664 — Eiusdem De Vena- tione Gr. et Lat. Luc. Holstenio interprete 4to. Paris S. Cramoisy 1644 661 Art de Precher a un Abbe (L') par le Sieur D * * * (en quatrieme chants) (pp. 39) calf 12mo. Amst. chez H. Desbordes 1683 662 Arteaga (Don Felix de) Obras Posthumas, Divinas e Humanas, First Edition (8 prel. II. and 192 numb. II.) old calf 12mo. en Madrid j^or Carlo Sanchez 1641 663 Artemidorus. De Somniorum interpretatioue lib. v. De Insomuis quod Synesii cujusdam nomine circumfertur Greece, First Edition RARE, Venet. Aldus 1518 — Oppiani de Piscibus libri v. ; eiusdem de Venatione lib. iiii. ; Oppiani de piscibus Laurent. Lippio interprete lib. V. Graece, Venet. Aldus 1517 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 1 664 Artemidorus. Aliud exemplar, First Edition, calf 12mo. Venet. Aldus 1518 665 Artemidorus et Achmetus. Oneirocritica, Gr. et Lat. Nich. Rigaltii • ad Artemidorum notse calf sm. 4to. Init. ex, off. CI. Morelli 1603 666 Artois. Discours abrege de I'Artois, niembre ancien de la courone I de France, et de ses possesseurs depuis le commencement de la ' 4* 7 X BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIANA. Monarchie avec, des Preuves, ar^ns on title, calf, with Sunderland Arms oti sides, scarce 4to. no place or printer's name (perhaps privately printedy 1640' 667 Artois. Le meme edition, avec les Preuves 1640 — Traite du Ban a et Arriere-Ban (77 II. tvithout title) sans notes ; in 1 toL 4to. 668 Artopsens (Joan.) De Emditionis Arbore (18 II). Paris F. Morelum 1560 — De Literatorum et eoinim qui magistratibus conservanda valetudine G- Gratarolo Bergomate Medico Autore ih. 1562 — Pestis Descriptio authore G. Gratarolo ib. 1561 ; in 1 vol. calf 24nio., 669 Artopteus (Jo.) De Eruditionis Arbore Oratio 16nio. Paris 1560 670 ARTHUR (Kixg) LE ROMAIN' du ROI ARTUS, et des _,-^ COMPAGIs^ONS de la TABLE RONDE : MANUSCRIPT O^ JOJ VELLUM, 257 leaves, yvira illuminated miniatures and initials,! hound in 2 vols old crimson morocco circa cent. XIV.\ This beantiful Manuscript is written in hold Gothic characters in donble columns, having 44 lines to a full page ; the titles of the chapters being written in red. The first leaf begins as follows : — " Chi Comenche li Livres des Mors Artus ; Gawain et tons les autres compaignons de la tanle {sic) reonde et toute la fins." This leaf has a fine illuminated initial (A) (representing the Author .presenting his book to the King) the decorations of which surround the page, and consist of curious figures of Birds, Beasts and Flowers, including representations of a Nun suckling Monkey, two lovers kissing, etc. This volume comprises 127 leaves, and contains 38 BEAUTIFUL MINIATURES PAIXTED IN COLOURS AND ILLUMINATED IN GOLD ; and 25 finely illuminated initial letters. The second volume commences with " li contes que quant la damoisie le sefu partie de Camalod que le cevaucha toute tor a tomee et lendemain aussi." This page is decorated in the same semi-grotesque manner as the first page in the preceding volume, and includes a full-length figure of St. Cecilia with an organ of the pei'iod. This volume contains 130 leaves and has 37 illuminated Miniatures, and 25 illuminated initial letters. The MS. finishes as follows : — " Che comenche li liures du Saint Graal," from which it would seem that it is unfinished. The miniatures are chiefly interesting as authentic drawings of the Costume of the Period comprising figures of crowned Sovereigns, Knights in Armour with their Escutcheons, Squires, Pages, Noble Ladies, Monks and Nuns, etc. The capitals and margins are ornamented throughout. A few of the miniatures are partly defaced and some leaves have been cut and mended ; but the MS. as a whole is in good condition. It measorea 15|in. X llj in. 671 Asaa (Jac.) De Primogenitura Tractatus super difficili et satis tractata qusestione per antiquos et neotericos doctores, aut filius secundogenitus prgeferendus sit nepoti ex primogenito mortuo, vivente avo, fine woodcut title and initials, old calf, clean copy, scarce 12mo. Paris, ap. Mart. Juvenem 1551 672 Ascbam (Roger) Epistolarum Lib. iv. ace. J. Sturmii alio- rumque ad Ascbamum Epistolte (cura G. Elstob), best edition, large paper, with 2 proof impressions of the front, containing portraits, bound in 2 vols, calf, fine copt roy. 8vo. Oxon. Typis Lichfieldianis 1703 673 AsHMOLE (Elias) Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of tbe most i ^ Noble Order of the Garter, portrait of Charles II. by Shenvin, and , / ^ 48 engravings of vieivs of Wiiidsor Castle, Coats of Amis, Habits of Orders, Seals, etc. chiefly by W. Hollar, old calf, fine clean copy (p. 207 torn) fol. Lond. 1672 674 Asiae Nova Descriptio, in qua pr^eter provinciarum situs et populonim mores, mira deteguntur, et hactenus inedita, opus recens. exit in lucem cura L. M. S. vellum fol. Lut. Par. ap. S. Cramoisy 1656 Title ; 5 prel. 11. ; and pp. 350. Fine clean copy. 675 Assemanus ( Jos. Sim. ) Bibliotbeca Orientalis Clementino- Vaticana, torn. 1. (De Scriptoribus Syris Orthodoxis) old calf fol. PomcB 1719 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 53 676 Asserius. Asser. Epis. Meneven. ^lfredi Regis, Res gest^ Lat. et Anglo- Sax. ed. Matth. Parker Arch. Cant, (ivoodcut title and 28 II.) ; HisTORiA Brevis Thomj; Walsingham ab Edwardo primo ad Henricum. quintum, woodcut title, with portraits of the 6 kings on verso (4 prel. II. ; pp. 1-458; ifidex 4 II.) Lond. Excusum H. Bynneman 1574 ; Ypodigma Neustri^ vel NormanniEe ; per Th. de Walsingham ab irruptione Normannorum usque ad annum. 6. regni Henrici V. woodcut title with 7 portraits on verso (1 prel. leaf ; pp. 1-199 ; index 5 pp.) Lond. in cedibus Johannis Daii 1574, clean^ copies ; in 1 vol. fol. 677 Asterius ( Justus ) Examen Comitiorum Ratisbonensium, sive Disquisitio Politica de nupera electione novissimi Regis Romanorum, vellum, clean copy fol. Hanovim ap. E. Meinhardum 1637 678 Astronomia. Astronomici Veteres, pai*tim Graeci partim Latini, in unum redacti corpus, et simul editi, the rare Aldia'e edition woodcut diagrams and figures of the Signs of the Zodiac ; calf, sound and clean copy sm. fol. Venet. cttra et diligentia Aldi. Rom. 1499 Collation: sheet* 611.; a-h in tens, h having 12 11. Then aa-kk in tens, (except ii and kk which have 8 11. each). Then A-T in tens except E which has 12, F 6 11., K 10 blank, S 6 11. and T 8 11., the last of which contains the imprint. 679 Astronomia. Astronomica Veterum Scripta Isagogica Grgeca et Latina, calf sm. 8vo. (Heidel.) ex off. Sanctandreana 1589 j 680 Athanasius (S.) Opera Omnia (cum Yita etc.) Gr. et Lafc, portrait, : and vignette on titles, 2 -vols, old calf, large and clean copy fol. Paris. M. Sonnini, 1627 681 Atbanasius. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. opera et studio (Jac. Lopin et B. de Montfaucon) Monachorum Ord. S. Benedicti, large paper fine front. 3 vols, old calf gilt roy. fol. Parisiis sumpt. Jo. Anisson 1698 — CoLLECTio Nova Patrum et Scriptorum Grgecorum Gr. et Lat, (Eusebius, Athanasius et Cosma Egjptus) edente a B. de Montfaucon LARGE paper, 2 vols. old calf gilt roy. fol. Paris. G. Bigaud 1706 Sets of these five volumes on large paper are of very rave occurrence. 682 Athanasius. Liber primus contra Hcereticos, et liber secundus contra Gentiles, interp. Omnibono Leoniceno cum eius prefatione ad Paulum Papam II. Prcemittuntur Epistolas Bruti Episcopi Catharensis ad Barnabum Celsanum (editorem), et Barnabse ad Brutum sub anno 1481, old calf sm. fol. impressum Vicentice a Leonardo Basilensi 1482 Emtio pkinceps. Signs, a-m in eights, a having 2 11. and m 6 II. only. 683 Athanasius. Diall. v. de Sancta Trinitate. Basilii adv. impium Eunomium lib. iiii. Anastasii et Cyrilli compendiaria Orthodoxae Fidei explicatio, ex interp. Theod. Bezse Gr. et Lat. (autographs of " Gutot" and Stephanus Baluzius on title) old calf 8vo. Paris, excud. H. Stephanus 1570 684 Athanasius. La Vie de St. Athanase Patriarche d'Alexandrie par Godefroy Hermant, port, 2 vols, old calf 4to. Paris chez Ant. Dezallier 1679 685 Athanasius (Petrus) Rhetor Byzantinus. Tractatus iii. De Animse immortalitatu, Philosophia Moralia et Principia Philosophica Gr. et Lat. secunda editio, vellum 4to. Paris P. Lamy 1643 686 Athen^us. Deipnosophistarum lib. xv. Greece ; cum prefatione Aldi, accui'ate recensiti et collati per Marcum Musurum, old binding tall and clean copy sm. fol. Venet. ap. Aldum et Andream Socerum 1514 Editio Princeps. Vert rare. It contains 33 nnmb. pp. including title, followed by a blank leaf ; then fresh pagination 1-293 ; and then the anchor on a separate leaf. Sir M. M. Sykes' copy biough £11. / 7^ " I I IC - I ! 10 ' - i I /3: - 54 BIBLIOTHECA SONDE RLANDIANA. 686*Atlieii8etis. Deipnosophistarum, Gr. annott. ac indicibus illnstrati a Jac. Bedroto, old morocco hinding covered with fleur-de-lis, gilt edges ! ^ sm. fol. Basil, ap. Joan. Valderum 1535 687 AtheiiEeus. Deipnosophistarum, Gr. cum Latina versione per Jac. Dalechampium, juxta I. Casauboni recensionem cum annott. etc. 2 vols, in 1, calf fol. Lugd. 1657-64 688 Atbeneeus. Deipnosopbistarum, sive coense sapientinm lib. xvh Natale de Comitibus nunc primum e GrjBca in Latinam lingnam vertate, velhim 8vo. Lugd. ap. S. B. Honorati 15561 689 Atbenpens. Deipnosophistarnm, in Latinnm sermonem vervsi a Jac* ^ Dalecliampio {Autograph of " C. Killigrew " on first page) old viorocco covered ^vith fieur-de-lis and the Motto and Anns of the *' Collegium Grassik^um" on the sides, gilt edges sm. fol. Lugd. ap. Ant. de Harsy 1583 690 Atbenaeus. Les Quinze Livres des Deipnosophistes d'Atbenee, ^ traduit pour la premiere fois en Francois par M. de Marolles por- trait, old French calf gilt (a limited number printed) 4to. Paris chez Jac. Langlois 1680 691 Atbenagoras (S.) Opera Gr. et Lat. (cura Fell) calf 16mo. Oxon. 1682 692 Atbenagoras. Deux Opuscules qui est tout ce qui se trouve dAtbenagore contenant une Apologie pour les Cbrestiens, et un traits de la Resurrection des Morts ; I'un et I'autre mis nouvelle- ment de Grec en Fran9ois avec quelques observations par Arnaud DU Ferrier, calf sm. 4to. a Bourdeaux par S- Millanges 1577 This rare translation of Atbenagoras contains title ; 3 prel. 11. (containing Sonnets by Du Bartas etc.) and 59 numb. 11. The title bears the printer's device representing the deity surrounded by Angels being a symbolical representation of the Printer's Name " Mil Anges," a facsimile of which is given in Brunet. 693 Atktns (Sir Robert) Tbe Aj,-cieisT and Present State of Gloster- shire, original and best edition, port, map, 8 plates containing nume- rous Coats of Arms, and 64 Views of Seats by J. Kip, brilliant PROOF impressions, old calf gilt, a large, clean and perfect copy (measures 15|- x lOf) Lond. W. Boivyer 1712 694 Atlas. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Htdrogra- fy PHiCA Tabula, auctore Jud. Hondio (comprising France, Spain and tbe East and tbe Sea Coasts), 221 large coloured maps with the Arms of Cities etc. bound in 3 vols, old red morocco gilt with Cardinal JMchelieu's (?) Arms and Monogram ivith motto " His fulta manelmnt " surmounted by a Croivn on sides, gilt edges, fine copy atlas fol. Amst. (1627) 695 Atlas. Geographije Blavian^, many hundred fine coloured views and maps 11 vols. Dutch vellum gilt, large and fine copy impl. fol. Amst. J. Blaeu 1662 ' 696 Atlas. Tbe Zea- Atlas ; or tbe Waterworld sbowing all tbe sea- ; coats (sic) of y known parts of j Eartb 24 engraved charts, descrip- | tions in Butch and English fol. Amst. by Casparus Loots-Man 1688 j 697 Atlas. Atlas Antiquus sacer, Ecclesiasticus et Profanus, collectus [ ex tabulis Nic. Sansonis a Joan. Clerico, large coloured maps, calf > imp. ioi. Amst. ap. P. Mortier (1705) { 698 Atlas de la N^avigation et du Commerce, qui se fait dans toutes les i Parties du Monde, Boyal Arms of England {illuminated) on title ; fine i portrait of George I {to whom the work is dedicated) by Picart, and j numerous coloured maps and charts, old red morocco gilt, u-ith figure of Atlas carrying the Globe, stamped in gold on the sides, gilt edges, fine COPY imp. fol. Amst. chez Louis Eenard 1715 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. hi 699 Atlas. A 'New General Atlas, containing a Geographical and Histo- rical Account of the World, plates of Arms containing 728 coats, and numerous coloured maps, old calf imp. fol. Land, for B. Browne etc. 1721 700 AttHa. La Guen-a d'Atila Flagello di Dio, tratto dallo Archivo de I Prencipi d'Esti vellum 4to. in Ferrara per Franc, de' Bossi 1568 Contains 127 numb. 11.; Tavola 2 II. ; imprint 1 leaf. This work differs from the Attila of Arimenesi and from the Libro dell' Attila published in Venice 1482. The preface states it to have been written in Latin by Tomaso d'Aquileia, then translated into Proven5al by Nicolo da Casola, and thence into Italian. 701 Avanzi (Gio. Maria) LaLacciola Poema, engraved title, vellum, 12mo. m Fadova per G. B. Martini 1627 — Auberius (J. H.) Theogonia seu de Diis gentium 16mo. Tolosce ap. Am. Colomerium 1637 702 Aubert (G.) de Foictiers. L'Histoire des Guerres faictes par le3 Chrestiens contre les Turcs, sous la conduicte de Godefroy de Buillon Due de Lorraine, por le recouvrement de la Terre Saincte, large wood- cut initials, old calf, with the Sunderland Arms on sides, scarce sm. 4to. Faris pour Vine. Sertenas 1559 Contains 4 prel. 11. including title, and 74 numb. 11. It comprises only the first book, no more having been published. 703 Aubery (Ant.) Histoire Gene rale des Cardinaux 5 vols, old French calf 4to. Faris chez Jean Jost 1642-49 704 Aubery. Histoire du .Card. Due de Joyeuse, a la fin de laquelle sont plusieurs Memoires, Lettres, Relations, etc. vellum 4to. Faris chez Bob. Denain 1654 705 Aubery. Memoires pour I'Histoire du Cardinal Due de Richelieu fine port, hy Bousselet 3 vols, old calf gilt, gilt edges, large and clean copy fol. Faris chez Ant. Bertier 1660 706 Aubery (Jacques). Histoire de TExecution de Cabrieres et de Merindol, et d'autres lieux de Provence particulierement deduite dans le Plaidoye qu'en fit Fan 1551 . . . Jac. Aubery (16 prel. II. including title ; pp 230 and leaf for privilege) scarce, vellum sm. 4to. Faris Seb. Cramoisy 1645 707 Aubery. De la Preeminence de nos Roys, et de leur Pi-eseance sur I'Empereur et le Roi d'Espagne vellum sm. 4to. Faris chez M. Soly 1650 708 Aubery (Louis) Memoires pour servir a I'Histoii-e d'Hollande et des autres Provinces Unies calf with the Arms o/Le Clerc de Lessvillb on sides sm 8vo. Faris J. Villette 1680 709 Aubigne (Theod. Agrip. d') Histoire Universelle (de I'an 1550 jusqu'a la fin du 16e siecle) 3 vols, in 1 calf, clean copy fol. a Maille par Jean Moussart 1616 This edition was printed at the expense of the Author ; it was condemned to the flames in 1620, and only a few copies were preserved. See Brunei. 710 Aubusson (Pierre d') Grand-Maistre de Bhodes. Son Histoire, port. . and vignettes, calf 4to. Faris S. Cramoisy 1676 711 Auctores. Auctores Pinium regundorum ; Nic Rigaltii observa- tiones et notae; item Glosste Agrimensorise, ivoodcnts, vellum sm. 4to. But. ap. J. Bibertum 1614 7ll*Auctores. De Agrorum Conditionibus, et constitutionibus limitum Auctores varii, numerous woodcuts, vellum sm. 4to. Farisiis ap. A. Turnebum 1554 712 Auctores. Auctores LatinsB Linguae in unum redacti, old morocco, the sides covered with Jieur-de-lis and having the Arms and Monogram of a Cardinal on sides, gilt edges 4to. 8. Gervasii ap. Jacob Clouet 1602 ^ k / ^ 3 S6 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. ~71^ AuctoresTJatmje Lingute in unum redact! corpus notte D. Gotlio- iredi etc. vellum 4to. (Genevae) 1595 — Grammatici Latiiife Auctores Antiqui opera H. Putschii, calf {cover hroJcen) 4to. Han. 1605 714 Auctores. Auteurs deguisez sous des Noms Etrangers ; empruntez, supposez, feintz a plaisir, ou changez d'ane Langue en une autre, calf loith Arms o/ Le Clerc de Lessville on sides 8vo. Paris A. Dezallier 1690 715 Auctores. Degli Autori del Ben Parlare per Secolari e Religiosi opere diverse. Intorno (1) Alia Favella Nobile d' Italia (2) Al Barbarismo, e solecismo, tropi, figure et altre virtii e vitij del pai-lare (3) Agli Stili e Eloquenza (4) Alia Retorica (5) All' Elo- quenza Ecclesiastica, the 5 parts in 10 vols. sm. 4to. in Venetia 1643 716 Auctores. Table Universelle des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques disposez par ordre ckronologique et de leurs ouvrages veritables ou supposez 4 vols, calf 8vo. Paris cJiez And. Pralard 1704 717 Audebertus (Aurelius) Germanus. Venetije (Poema) vellum Venet. ap. Aldum 1583 718 Audibertus (Camillus Maria) Soc. Jes. Regiae VillaB Agri Taurinensis Poetice descriptfe_/i?(e /ro/i-^. and views of huildings, old calf gilt, with a Cardinal's Arms on sides sm. 4to, August. Taurin. ex typ. P. M. Dutti 1711 719 Avenzoar (Abbumeron) Liber Theicrisi Dahalmontana babaltadabir, cujus est interpretatio rectificatio medicationis et regiminis ; trans- latus de Hebraico in Latinum a Magistro Paravicio, lit. gotfj. printed in double columns, with rubricated capitals (4 prel. U. and 40 numb, fols.) [_Venet. 1490] — Nicolai Leoniceni Vicentini Opuscula (Medica) per A. Leennium annott. illustrata Basil, ap. Atul. Cratandruni 1532 — Celsi de Re Medica libb. viii. ace. Scribonii Largii de Com- positionibus Medicamentorura a J. Ruellio ; Galeni de Plenitudine ; Apuleius Platonicus de Herbarium Virtutis, etc. engraved title with figure of Cleopatra beloio, Paris ap. Chr. Wechel 1529 ; in 1 vol. ol calf sm. fol. Averanius (Bened.) Opera Latina tom. iii (tom. i et ii Disser- tationes habitue in Pisana Academia ; tom. iii Orationes, Epistolaa familiares, Carmina etc.) portrait 3 vols, calf folio Florent. 1717-27 Averanius. Orationes Habitae Pisis vellum 4to. Florent. 1688 Averanius. Dieci Lezioni composte sopra il quarto Sonetto del Prima parte del Canzoniere del Petrarca calf 4to. in Eavenna da A. M. Landi 1707 723 Avesbury (Robertus do) Historia de Mirabilibus gestis Edwardi iii; accedunt Joannis Josceliui Libri Saxonici etc. e codd. MSS. de- scripsit ediditque Tho. Heaexius qui et appendicem subnexuit, LARGE paper, original calf binding, fine clean copy, scarce in this state roj. 8vo. Oxon. 1720 724 Augurellus (Joan. Aurelius) ChrysopoeisQ Libri iii. et Geronticon lib. i (a-o^ in fours) calf sm. 4to. Venet. Simon I/uerensis 1515 726 AuGusTiNUS (S. Aurelius) Episc. Hippo. Opera Omnia, post Lova- niensium Theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo cum vita Augnstini etc. opera et studio Monachorum Ord. S. Benedicti laroe paper fine port, by Audran, 11 vols, in 8, old calf icith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comte de Brionde on sides imp. fob Paris excud. F. Muguet 1679-1700 Lavgc paper copies of this the best edition ai'e exceedingly rare. This copy contains in Vol. X Arnaulds Analysis of the Book on Corruption and Grace which was suppressed by Archbishop de Hailay. 720 721 722 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIAKA. 57 726 Augustinus. Opera varia, edente Severino Calcho Boman letter (2 or 3 II. wormed) calf sm. fol. imjpressum Farmce per Angel. TJgoletum 1491 5^27 Augustinus. De Cititate Dei, libri xxii. lit. got}), printed in double columns without title, numerals, catchwords or signatures, old red morocco (cracked). Ad Jin. Sub anno a nativitate domini m.cccc.lxvii^ Pontijicat. Paulii Papae Secundi anno eius tertio. Tertio regnante Romanorum Imperatore Frederico indictione X.V. die vero duodecima mensis Junii fol. Editio Princeps ; excessively rare. It begins with the index which occupies 12 11. ; then follows the work on 257 leaves, ending on the recto of the last with the words •' Deo Gracias God Al." Some copies are without the last two words. The first page is painted in Flower Scrolls and illuminated, and the large initials at the beginning of each book (22) are finely painted and illuminated. The present is a large copy with rough edges and generally clean and sound, but the last 2 leaves have been mended. Size 14J x 11 in. No Printer's name or place is given in the volume, but it is confidently ascribed by most bibliographers to Sweynheym and Pannartz in the Monastery of Soubiaco. Meerman " saw this volume in the library of the Earl of Sunderland in 1759,'' and agrees in assigning it to the Sublacensian Press. For a full account of this precious edition, see Dibdin Bib. Spenc. I, 167. 728 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei lib. xxii. printed in Poman letters in long lines, yellow morocco gilt large fol. RoM^, Sweynheym et Pannartz 1468 This second edition is nearly as rare as the first and is one of the earliest books printed at Home. It commences with the index which occupies 14 leaves, followed by a blank leaf. The text occupies 256 leaves and on the reverse of the last is the imprint " Hoc Conradus opus Sweynheym ordine miro Arnoldasque simul Pannarts una ede colendi gente theotonica ; Home expediere sodales. la domo Petri de Maximo m.cccc.lxviii." The first page of the text is beautifully illuminated as are also the 22 LARGE INITIALS at the head of the books. This is a very large (16 x lOfin.) and BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN COPY but 1 Or 2 Icavcs are slightly wormed. 729 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei lib. xxii. Boman letters, long lines, with the first page and capitals painted and illuminated, old leather] binding fol. Rom^ _per C. Sweynheym et Arn. Pannarts 1470 C!oIlation : Index 14 11. ; 1 blank leaf; text 276 11. A fine large copy ruled with red lines (15^ X 10§ in.) the first page is mended and part of its text supplied in MS. At the end is painted a clever device of a Tree with an illuminated Y round its trunk. 730 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei lib. xxii. Roman letters, long lines, with the FIRST page jinely illuminated and the large initials painted, old red morocco gilt fol. Venet. per Joannem et Vindelinum de Spira 1470 A SPLENDID COPY of this FINE BOOK, large and quite clean with rough edges, measuring 15f x lOf in. Collation : index 14 11.; text 257 U. 731 Augustinus. Aliud exemplar, old leather binding folio Venet. per Joa. et Vind. de Spira 1470 Printed on Vellum and excessively rare. The collation is the same as ! in the paper copies. The first page is beautifully painted in white scroll-work picked out with green, red and gold on a dark blue spotted ground, and richly illuminated with gold, as are also with the same design the 22 large initial letters which occur at the head of the books. The headings of the books and sections are written in with red ink, and the earlier leaves have MS. notes in their margins. The two last leaves are a little wormed but the text is not injured Size 14| X 10 in. 732 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei, lib. xxii. Roman letters, long lines, without marks of any kind, the FIRST PAGE illuminated and the Capitals painted, old yelloio morocco gilt fol. RoM^ PER Udalricum Gallum et Symonem Nicolaum de Luca 1474 Collation. Index 13 11. ; 1 blank leaf; text 248 leaves. A large and clean copy of a rare edition, 2 or 3 leaves of the index slightly scorched. Size 15^ X 10^ in. ly p /T/ 7 L(L iSro Z / 58 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDUNA. 733 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei lib. xxii. lit. QOt^j. in double cohimns, tvithout viarJis, old calf sm. fol. Opiis covfectns Venetiis ah egregio et diligenti Mag. Nicolai Jen son 1475 Collation. Index 14 11.; text 286 leaves. Large and generally .sound copy; but the first few leaves are slightly wormed. 734 Augustinus. Allud exemplar, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt and ganffred edges sm. fol. Venet. NiC. Jenson 1475 Printed upon vellum ; excessively bare, and a beautiful copy. The collation is the same as the paper copy, but there are three blank vellum leaves. The first page is elaborately painted, representing Jewels in elegant ornamental settings, and containing 4 miniatures (1) Angels at the Gate of Paradise (2) A Hart wounded by two Cupids (3) Two Harts at rest in a green I meadow (4) St. Augustin in his study with the golden gates of Paradise in the distance. The large initials are illuminated in clever designs, and the small capitals are ornamented. io lOVL- h 735 Augustinus. columns Index 14 11. A-D 9 in tens. De Civitate Dei lib. xxii. lit. gotfj. printed in double sm. fol. Venet. Gabr. Petri de Tarvisio 1475 1 blank leaf ; signs. A-Z (S repeated, X having 8 11. only) ; and 7 7 /f 736 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei cum commentt. The Valois et Nic. Trivetti ^?ie?7/ printed in bold gothic characters in long lines, impressum in alma Universitate Lovaniensis ingenio ac industria Joanis (PadeU born), Westfalensis 1488 — Eiusdem, Libros de Trinitate, large gothic letters, impressum Lovanii per me Joannem Padelboern de Westfalia 1495 ; the two works in one vol. old calf gilt, fine copies fol. The Civitate Dei consists of 300 leaves ; and the Books on the Trinity contain signs. A-M 5 in eights. Preceding the latter are 3 blank leaves, and 13 leaves of a MS. index in a contemporary hand. 737 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei, edid. Erasmi Rot. title and Dedication (to Henry VIII) within fine woodcut border, numerous tvoodcut initials and printer's device within a border on last leaf, all designed by Hans Holbein, Butch vellum, fiiie clean copy fol. Basil. Jo. Froben. 1522 738 Augustinus. De Civitate Dei, (forming vol. 5 of the complete works) calf fol. Ant. C. Plantin. 1576 739 Augustinus. La Cite de Dieu traduite en rEAN(;'Ois par Raoul de Praesles (vol. 1) lit. got!), printed in do^ible columns, large and fine woodcuts, vellum fol. imprime en la ville d' Abbeville par Jehan du Pre et Pierce Gerard, acheve le xxiiii Novembre 1486 Very rare. The first French version of this work and probably the first book printed in Abbeville. The first vol. contains only the first ten books. Some 11. a little wormed. 740 Augustinus. La Cite de Dieu, illustree de commentaires de Jean /^ Loys Vives, le tout faict Francois par Gentian Hervet d'Orleans ' Chanoine de Rheims et enrichez de plusieurs annotations par F. de Belleforest vellum fol. Paris chez Mich. Sonnius 1585 Contains title ; 34 prel. 11. and pp. 798. This translation is not mentioned by Brunet. 741 Augustinus. La Cite de Dieu traduitte en Francois et reveue sur plusieurs anciens MSS. avec des remarques et des notes (par P. Lombert) 2 vols, calf 8vo. Paris chez A. Pralard 1675 742 Augustinus.' Sermones de Informatione regularis Yitag ; ejusdera Sermones Ixi. ad Eremitas ; item Liber de Spiritu et Littera lit. gotfj. old calf sm. 4to. Impressum Mutine p. me Baldassareiyi de Strticiis impressorem Mutine anno 1477 Signatures a-t 6 in eights a having 9 11. 1 wormhole through a dozen 11. scarce. BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA, 59 74:3 Augustinus. De Singulaeitate clericorum lit. gatl). 33 11. ^v^tho^^t numerals, catchwords or signatures, per one Olricum Zel de hanau Gle- ricum Biocesum Mogunt. 1467 — Eiusdem, De Vita Christiana, lit. g0tfj. 19 II. without marks, printed with the same type as the above hook {inargins zvoi'med) s. a. et I. (sed ut supra) — Eiusdem, super Orationem Dominicum lit. got]^. 9 leaves, printed with the same type as the above s. a. et I. (sed ut supra) — Incipit tractatus notabilis de passionibus Animae, Venerabilis Magistri Job. Gerson lit. tjotf). 26 II. s. a. et I. {sed ^it siipra) — Tractatulus de modo vivendi lit. gotf). 4 II. (ut supra) — "Marci Tulii Ciceronis Paradoxa Incipit" lit. Qat\}. IS II. : then follows a blank leaf — Ciceronis de Amicicia 27 II. : then " Versus xii Sapientie " 3 II. s. a. et I. (sed ut sujjra) ; 9 Tracts all bound in 1 vol. old yellow morocco sm. 4to. These rare tracts are evidently all from one press and that the press of Ulric Zel at Cologne. Until the discovery of the Opuscula of Chrysostom, the tirst tract in the volume was thought to be Zel's first dated book. This copy is described by Meerman in his Origines Typ. (vol. 1, 58 note i) to whom it was shown in 1759, and who also gives a facsimile of the type. These tracts exhibit probably some of the earliest efforts of Ulric Zel in Cologne. Most of them are described in Dibdin's Bib. Spenc. 744 Augustinus. De Vita Christiana Liber lit. gotfj. calf, a yert rare EDITION sm. 4to. s. a. et I. This edition answers in some particulars to that described by Dibdin B. Spenc. I. 184 and attributed to Fust and Schoeffer, but it is different in others. It con- tains 1 7 leaves having 28 lines to a full page. The title is specified at the bottom of the reverse of the first page, and the type is small gothic printed on a yellowish paper — agreeing in all these details with Dibdin. But there is no heading to the prologue (which begins abruptly " ego primum Peccorum " etc.) nor are the shields of Fust and Schoeffer to be found on the last leaf. Then the two lines at the bottom of the 17th and last leaf are reversed, reading in this copy as follows " Hec faciendo quisqz. vitam obtinebit eternam Explicit liber beati Augustina de Vita Xpiana." 745 Augustinus. Conf essionum Lib. xiii. finely pri7ited in Roman letter 164 II. withoiit marks (2 or 3 II. a little ivormed) calf sm. 4to. impressum Mediol. ap. Johannem Bonum 1475 746 Augustinus (Antonius) Archiep. Tarraconensis. Emendationum et opinionum Lib. iv. ad modestinum, sive de excusationibus liber sin- gularis velhim 4to. Venet. ap. Juntas 1543 747 Augustinus. Emendationum etc. lib. iv. Lugd. ap. Seb. Gryphium 1544 — Laelii Taurelli ad Galium et legum velleam Catonem et Paulum Enarrationes ib. 1545 ; in 1 vol. contemporary calf binding sm. 8vo. lib. iv. Item Laelii Taurelli ad sm. 8vo. Lugd. ap. A. de Harsy 1591 Graecarum Codicis Justiniani Imp. collectio et interpretatio Juliani Antecessoris Novellarum eiusd. Imp. epitome cum scholiis 2 vols, in 1 calf sm. 8vo. Ilerdce (Lerida) P. Boburius 1567 Augustinus. Canones Pcenitentiales cum quibusdam notis, vellum sm. 4to. Tarracone ap. P. Mey 1582 The only specimen known of Tarragonean printing before P. Mey is the " Mis- sale Tarraconensis " by John Kosenbach 1499 cited by Mendez. Augustinus. De Legibus et Senatus consultis Liber, adjunctis Legum antiquarum fragmentis cum notis Fulvii Ursini velhom sm. 4to. RomcB D. Basce 1583 Augustinus. De Legibus et Senatus consultis Liber, cum notis Fulvii Ursini Paris, ap. ^g. Beysitim 1684 — Petri Fabri comment, ad Tit. de diversis Regulis Juris Antiqui Pam. ib. 1585 ; the 2 works in 1 vol. old calf folio 748 Augustinus. Emendationum Galium etc. calf 749 Augustinus. Constitutionum 750 751 752 1 /o n~ 10 7 If 60 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 753 Augustlmis. De Emendatione Gratiani, dialogomm lib. ii. old calf sm. 4to. Tarracone ap. Phil. Mey 1587 Scarce, being one of the few books printed at Tarragona in the 16th cent. 754 Augustinus. De Emendatione Gratiani (title defective) old calf, with the Marlborotigh Arms on sides sm. 4to. Paris. P. Chevalier 1607 755 Augustinus. Juris Pontifici Veteris Epitome 2 vols, (engraved title to vol. 1) calf, with the Marlborough Anns on sides fol. Romce 1614-11 756 Augustinus. Juris Pontifici pars prima, calf, with the Marlborough Arms on title sm. fol. Tarracone ap. Phil. Mey 1587 757 Augustinus. DiALOGOs de Medallas Ixscriciones y otras antigue- DADAS, ex Bib. Ant. Augustini Archiep. Tarraconensis, with the Arms of on sides, old olive morocco gilt, gilt edges FINE COPY sm. 4to. en Tarragona por Felipe Mey 1587 Okiginal Edition exceedingly rare. This copy belonged to the celebrated scholar Hadrian Beverland and has his Autograph " Hadriani Beverlandi Oxonise 1691 " on title ; and two impressions of his book-plate. On the fly-leaf is the fol- lowing note also in Beverland's hand " Hie Liber est omnium rarissimus numismatse feruntur Roma; esse sculpta per Marc. Antonium qui Raphaelis picturas incidit." Collation. Title ; 1 prel. leaf ; text pp. 1-470 signs, a-ii 3 in eights (b having 6 11. (the last blank); f 8 blank ; h, 10 11. (the last blank) ; 1, 4 11. (the last blank) ; p, 6 11. (the last blank) ; s, 6 11. ; x, 6 11. Then follow the 26 plates of medals and 1 plate of the measurements. This copy has also 3 impressions of an early book-plate of Jani Joberti Advocate of Paris. 758 Antoninus. Discorsi sopra le Medaglie et altre Anticaglie tradotti dalla lingua Spagnuola nell' Italiana, engraved title and 36 plates including portrait, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges sm. 4to. Romce Presso Ascanio et Gfirol. Donangeli 1592 On the title is the autograph of C. Spencer (third Earl of Sunderland) and on the reverse of title is pasted the book-plate of " Jani Joberti advocatii Parisi- ensis " being a figure of the Head of Janus. There are also two impressions of Jobert Armorial Book-plate at the end of the vol. 759 Augustinus. Dialogi sopra le Medaglie (tradotti in Italiana da D. 0. Sada) ntimerous woodcut figures, calf fol. Boma app. Gugl. Faciotto 1600 760 Augustinus. De Romanorum Gentibus et Familiis cum comment. Fulvii Ursini vellum 4to. Lugd. F. Fabr^wi 1592 761 Augustinus. Fragmeuta Historicorum coUecta ; emendata a Fulvio Ursino velhim 8vo. Ant. Plantin 1595 762 Augustinus. Antiquitatum Romanarum Hispanarumque in Nummis Veterum Dialogi xi. Latine redditi ab And. Schotto, 68 plates of medals (page of errata torn) old calf gilt fol. Antwerpice ap. H. .^rtsium 1617 763 AugTistinus. Selecti Nummi duo Antoniniani quorum primus Anni Novi Auspicia alter commodum et annium verum Csesares exhibet velhim 8vo. Bomce typ. J. Dragondelli 1676 764 Augustinus. Antiquae Decretalium Collectiones commentariis et emendationibus illustrat^e ; ace notse Jac. Cuiacii old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. Paris. S. Cramoisy 1621 765 Avicenna. Opera varia pbilosopbica, Lat. reddita et exposita ab And. Alpago Bellnnensi, calf sm. 4to. Venetiis ap. Juntas 1546 766 Avicenna. De -^gritudinibus nervorum, ad fid. Cod. Heb. Latinua factus interp. Jo. Quinguarboreo Paris. M. Juvene)n 1570 — Eiusdem de -^gritudinibus Capitis ih. 1572 — Caelii Aureliani Siccensis, de Acutis Morbis lib. iii. et de Diuturnis lib. v. cum annott. Lugd. ap. G. JRovilliiim 1562 ; in 1 vol. old leather binding sm. 8vo. 767 Avienus (Ruffus Festus) Opera, quae extant Don Petrus Melian collegit engraved title and coed of arms, vellum, clean copy 4to. Madrid, J. Martin 1634 768 Avila (Gil Gonzalez de) Biacono en la S. Iglesia de Salamanca. Historia de las Autignedades de la ciudad de Salamanca ; vidas de BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. €1 sus obispos y cosas de sucedidas en su tiempo, old calf, with the Arms of the Bishop of 07i sides sm. 4to. en Salamanca pm- Artus Taberniel 1606 Four pre]. II. including title ; text pp. 1-554 ; Errata 1 leaf ; Table 6 11. ; Device of Printer on title. 769 Avila J Zuniga (Luys de) Brieve Commentario nella guerra della Germania fatta da Carlo V. d'Austria 1546 j 1547 tradotto di Spagnuolo (103 mimh. II. including title) Venet. 1548 — Faleti (Girol.) Prima Parte delle guerre de Alamagna (pp. 1-389 including title; Tavola e Eegistro 12 11. ; 1 blank leaf; " Descrittione del Sito etc. della Alamagna " y errori 4 unnumb. 11.) Venet. app. G. Gioliio 1552 — La Intrata del Re christianissimo Henrico II. nella citta di Rens at la sua incoronatione (15 numb. 11. including tille) A very scarce TRACT, in Vinegia per Paolo Gherardo 1547 — La Pompa Funebre et le Essequie del gia Re Christianissimo di Francia, Francesco prime diquesto nome (9 numb. 11. includ. title) scarce Vineg.per P. Gherardo 1547 — Servilio (Giov.) La Congiuratione de Gheldresi contra la citta d'Anversa, volgarizzata per F. Strozzi, con le guerre fatti ne la Fiandra nel' anno 1542 (A-E in eights inchid. title) in Vinegia per Giov. Britto 1543 ; the 5 pieces in 1 vol. velluyn sm. Svo. 770 Avila y Zuniga. Comentario de la guerra de Alemana beclia de Carlo V. Rey de Espana en 1546 y 1547 (woodcut views of cities (1 torn) and Arms of Spain on reverse of last leaf, old calf sm. Svo. en Anvers, J. Steclsio 1550 116 11. including title ; a scarce edition. 771 Aviler (A. C. d') Cours d'Arcbitecture qui comprend les Ordres de Vignole avec des Commentaires etc. numerous fine plates 2 vols, calf 4to. Paris N. Langlois 1691 772 Avitus (Alcinus) Archiep. Viennensis. Opera, edita nunc primum, vel instaurata, cura et studio Jac. Sirmondi old calf, ivith the Arms of on sides Svo. Paris. S. Cramoisy 1643 773 Avitus. Poematum Lib. sex. de Origine Mundi. De Originali Peccato. De Sententia Dei. De Diluvio Mundi. De Transitu maris rubri. De Yirginitate (Venet.) ex cedibus Ascensianis 1510 — Baptistae Fiaeree Mantuani Coena Saluberrima ex. ced. Ascens. 1508 — Joannis Regis Parthenandria Prima de Vita Job. Baptistse (Poema) m aid. Ascens. 1510 ; tbe tbree Works in 1 vol. old calf FINE COPIES sm. Svo. 774 Avitus. Christiana et docta divi Alchimi Aviti Vien. Arch, et Claudii Marii Victoris, Oratoris Massiliensis, Poemata, aliaque non poenitenda per Jo. Gaigneium in lucem asserta old calf sm. 4to. Vceneunt Lugduni a Vincentio Portonario 1536 775 Aulisius (Dominicus) Opuscula, de Gymnassi Constructione Mau- solei Architectura, Harmonia Timaica et Numeris Medicis : his accessit Epistola de Colo Mayerano ; 2 plates, ca// 4to. Neapoli 1694 776 Aurelianus (Caelius) Liber celerum vel Acutarum Passionum, qua licuit diligentia recognitus atquae nunc primum in lucem Esditus (First Edition) Paris, ap. S. Colinceum 1533 — Disceptatiuncula Medica Andrese Turini adversus opinionem Matth. Curtii de Prandii et conae ratione (12 II.) Paris. G. Wechel s. a. — Oribasii Medici commentaria in Aphorismos Hippocratis Jo. Guinterii industria nunc primum sedita Paris. S- Colin. 1533 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt, fink COPIES sm. Svo, 777 Aurelianus. De Acutis Morbis lib. iii. De Diuturnis lib. v. cum annott. Lugd. ap. G. Bovillium 1567 — Caroli Delorme, Laurea Apollinaris, sive Questiones Medicfe (partes duo) fiiie engraved title^ Paris, ap. Ad. Beys 160S ; in 1 vol. velluDt sm. Svo. z 7 /a /3 3 3 J 62 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 778 Aurelianus. De Morbus Acutis et Clu'onicis, J. C. Amman recens. cum notis etc. front, calf sm. 4to. Amst. Wetstenius 1709 779 Aurelius (Com.) Batavia, sive de antiquo veraque eius insulge quam. Rhenus in Hollandia facit situ, descriptione et laudibus ; adversus Ger. Noviomagum, Bon. Vulcanii opera nunc primum in lucem edita, vellum sm. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex of. Plantin. 1586 780 Aurelius (Osius) i.e. F. Ory. Dispunctor ad Merillium seu de variantibus cinacii interpretationibus in Libris Digestorum dis- punctiones liii. calf sm. 8vo. Aiirel. ap. viduam j^g. Hotot 1642 781 Aurelius. Aliud exemplar, vellum ib. 1642 782 AusoNius (Decius Magnus) Opera (Thad. Ugoleto diligentia recog- nita) old blue morocco gilt (^a-nh in eights : toanting aj) sm. 4to. Venet. (ex ced. Ascens.^ 1501 783 Ausonius. Opei'a cura Hieron. Avantii ; ace. emendationes Ti-agoe- diarum Senecae per eundem sm. 4to. imp. Venet. per Joan. Tacuinum 1507 784 Ausonius. Opera diligenter castigata et in pulcherrimura ordinem e pristina confusione restituta ; old calf gilt, tvith the Sunderland Arms on sides sm. 4to. Lnt. Par. in of. Ascensiani 1511 6 prel. 11. ; 116 numb. 11. ; and 2 unnunib. 11. at end. A large and clean copy of a fine and scarce edition. 785 Ausonius. Opera (cum lucubrationibus et insertitias longe emendatns ac prius impressas), old calf sm. 4to. in Chalcographia Ascensiana 1513 786 Ausonius. Opera omnia, nuper maxima diligentia recognita atque excusa (103 numh. II. and \ for colophon'), vellum, a scarce edition 12mo. Florentice P. Jtmta 1517 787 Ausonius. Opera cura Hier. Avancii, Editio Aldina (107 numb. II and a separate leaf for the anchor ; 2 or 3 II. a little wormed), tall copy of a scarce edition, old oahen binding covered loith leather sm. 8vo. Venet. in cedibus Aldi 1517 788 Ausonius. Gripbi Ansoniani Enodatio per Franc. Sylvium perque eundem nuper recognita etaucta (Vetiet.) in cedibus Asce7isianis 1522 — Archithrenius summa diligentia recognitus ; (ad fin.) Finis Archithrenii Ficto ab efectti vocahulo, Joannis nomine et Neustrii seu Normanni Natione ; summa diligentia ab Ascensio recogniti, in cedibus eiusdem 1517 (scarce) — Calvidii Leti Callipedia, seu de pulchrse prolis haben dae ratione (56 pp.) Lugd. Bat. 1655 — Tobias Baumgarteri a J. C. Baubino congratulatio (4 II.) Basil. Typ. G. DecJceri s. a. — Moschi, Bionis, Theocriti Idyllia ab H. Stepbano Latina facta (xoormed) Lut B. Step)lianus 1556 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. From the library of B. H. de Fourct, with his book-plate inside the cover. 789 Ausonius. Opuscula varia (cum vita) old leather binding sm. 8vo. Lugd. ap. Seb. Gryphium 1537 790 Ausonius. Alia editio, Inigd. ap. 8. Gryphium 1549 — Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum naturae ib. 1558 ; in 1 vol. old leather binding 16mo 791 Ausonius. Opera, tertiae fere partis complemento auctiora et diligen- tiore quam bactenus, censura recognita, old leather binding sm. 8vo. Lugd. ap. Jo. Tornaesium 1558 792 Ausonius. Aliud exemplar, velhim sm. 8vo. ib. 1558 On the fly-leaves are some MS. lines in Greek, and the following inscription " Ex done Andomarii Vabrii Secretarii Regii." Some MS. notes in the margins, 793 Ausonius. Opera a Tbeod. Pulmanno Scboliis illustrata, old calj 16mo. Anttv. G. Plantin 1568 — Idem cum comment, illust. per Vine- turn et Scaligerum old calf 16mo. Lugd. A. Gryphixim 1575 794 Ausonius. Opera ; ace. Symmacbi et Pontii Paulini littei-ae ad Ausonium scriptae ; tum Ciceronis, Sulpiciae, aliorumquse quorundam Veterum Carmina nonuUa. Cuncta emendata et commentt. illustrata per E. Vinetumo?i"? leather binding 4to. Burdigahe, S. Mill any iusl^>SO BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 63 795 Ausonlus. Opera I'ecognita denuo Scaligero et E. Vineto calf 12rao. (JSeidelb.) in off. Sanctandreana 1688 — Idem, ex recog. J. Scaligeri calf 16nio. ex off. Plantin. 1612 796 Ausonius. Opbi'a (^sic) commentt. illust. per Vinetum et Scaligerum vellum, sm. 4to. Burdigalce S. Millangius 1604 — Idem, Jac. Tollius recens, cum notis, vellum 8vo. Avist. Jo. Blaeu 1671 797 Ausonius. Epigrammatum liber ; et alia opuscula ; Probee Falconiaa Vatis de Fidei nostrse Mysteriis ; ex Virgilio Centones ; Titi Cal- PHURNll EcLOG^ (printed in Roman letters without marks of any hind), old crimson morocco gilt, with gilt tooled centre ornaments sm. fol. (Venet.) anno incarn. dom. 1472 Editio Princeps and according to Dibdin (Bib. Spenc. i. 272) one of the very scarcest of first editions. Collation : 6 prel. 11. the work beginning on the reverse of the first leaf and ending ; — " Finit tabula eorum qui in hoc volumine conti- nentur ;'' the Ausonius begins, and occupies 46 11. ; a blank leaf follows ; and then "Publii Ovidii Consolatio ad Liviam," this occupies 7 11.; then follow 2 blank leaves ; after which comes " Probse Centonse " 1 1 leaves. " Titi Calphurnii " succeeds and has 1 6 11. the recto of the last containing the date " anno incar. Dominice 3IccccLxxii." finally comes " Pub. Greg. Tifemi Hynnus (sic) in Trini- tatum " occupying the remaining 16 11. It will thus be seen that 105 11. (including blank ones) are necessary to make the book complete and not 102 as Brunet says. The present is a very fine large copy though a few 11. are a little wormed. 798 Ausonius, Fragmenta, quae invida cuncta corrodens vetustas ad manus nostras venire permisit, ex recens. Julii -^milii Ferrarii, old crimson morocco gilt, large and fine copy sm. fol. impress. Mediol. per Ulderic. Scinzenzeler 1490 Very rare. Contains A6 (A i being blank) ; and a-h in sixes. The earliest impression of Ausonius separately published. The 6 leaves (one blank) which in this copy are placed before the work itself, would seem to have followed in the copy Dibdin describes in Bib. Spenc. i. 274. 799 Ausonius. Epigrammata ex recens. Julii ./Emilii Ferrarii (42 ZZ.) Venet. impressa per Joan, de Gereto alias Tactvinum 1494 — Catullus una cum commentainis eruditi viri Palladii Fusci Patavini (35 II.) per eundem impressorem 1496 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt sm. fol. 800 Ausonius. Mosella cum commentario Marq. Freberi vellum, fine copy fol. (Heidel.) Typis Gotthardi Voegelini 1619 801 Australe. L'Histoire des Sevarambes : peuples qui habitent una partie du troisieme Continent, communement appelle la Terre Australe, tradnit de I'Anglois 5 vols, calf 12mo. Paris chez C. Barhin 1677 802 Autolycus. De Spbera, quae movetur liber, et Theodosii Tripolitse de Habitationibus, nunc primum in lucem edita Jos. Auria, diagrams calf 4to. Bomoi ap. haeredes Ant. Bladii 1587 803 Autumnus (Bern.) Censura Gallica in Jus civile Romanorum, velhim 8vo. Paris B. Foiiet 1615 804 Auteuil. Blancbe Infante de Castille Mere de St. Louis, Regne et Kegente de France, Autograph of " P. Carrieee 1665 " on title, vellmn 4to. Paris A. de Sommaville 1644 805 Atala (Pedro Lopez de) Coronica de Sereniss. Key Don Pedro hijo del Rey don Alonso : D. Enrique II. ; y D. Juan I. (1350-1390) nuevamente corregida y emendada. Equestrian figures of the Icings and woodcid initials, vellum fol. en Pamplona por Pedro Porralio 1591 Rake. Title : leaf for privilege ; 222 numb. 11. ; and Table 12 11. 806 Ayerve de Ayora (Ant.) De Partionibus ; et D. Ant. Fernand. de Otero de Pascuis et Jure Pascendi old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. Liigd. J. A. Huguetan 1677 807 Aylmer ( Jobn) Bp. of Bond. temp. Q. Eliz. Historical Collections of his Life and Acts by John Strype, port, ly B. White, calf, red edges 8vo. Bond. 1701 ^^ 5 s IG i I i ^ / ( 64 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 808 Aylmer. An Harborowe for Faithful and Trewe Subiectes agaiast the late blowne Blaste concerninge the Govenunent of Women (pencil marks in margins) old black calf sm. 4to. At Strashorowe 26th of April 1559 A-R in fours (the last leaf blank) eaee ; Laing's copy sold for £4. 17s. 809 Aymon (Jean) Monumens Authentiques de la Religion des Grecs et de la Fanssete de plusieurs confessions de Foi des Chretiens Orien tanx, calf 4to. La Haye cliez C. I)elo 1708 810 AjTnon. Actes Ecclesiastiques et Civils de tons les Synodes Nationaux des Eglises Reformees de France auxquels on a joint des Mandemens Roiaux et plusieurs Lettres Politiques sur ces Matieres Synodales por^. and front. 2 vols, calf 4to. La Haye 0. Delo 1710 811 AjTisa y de Yriarte (Franc. Diego de) Fundacion, Excelencias, Gran- dezas, y cosas memorables de la antiquissima ciudad de HuESCA assi en lo temporal como en lo espiritual, velhcm folio €71 HuESCA _por Pedro Cabarte 1619 Very rare ; Contains title ; 9 prel. 11. ; text pp. 660 ; Table, etc. 8 pp. 812 Ayrault (P.) Ldeutenant Criminel aio Siege Presidial d'Angers. L'Ordre, Formalite, et Instruction Judiciaire, dont les anciens Grecs et Romains ont use es accusations publiques, confere au stil et usage de nostre France, edition seconde, reveue, corrigee et augmentee, vellum (2 last leaves defective) 4to. Paris cJiez M. Sonnius 1598 813 Ayrault. L'Ordre, Formalite, et Instruction Judiciaire des Grecs et des Romains, edition derniere, vellum 4to. Lyon cliez Jean Caffin 1642 814 Ayrault. Opuscules et divers Traictez (4 prel. II. including title; and pp. 391) Paris pour Jeremie Perier 1598 — Examen du DiscouRS publie contre la Maison Royallb de France, et particulierement contre la Branche de Bourbon, seule reste d'icelle sur la Loy Salique, et succession du Royaume, par un Catholique (16 II. including title paged 1-16; and p)p. 17-355) a scarce work (Paris) imprime nouvelle- ment 1581 ; in 1 vol. old calf sm. 8vo. 815 Ayres (Philip) Emblems of Love in four languages dedicated to the Ladys, 46 fine emblematic plates including engraved title, crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 12mo. Lond. P. Bentley 1683 816 Ayscu (Edw.) A Historie containing the Warres, Treaties, Marriages and other occurrents between England and Scotland from the Con- queror to the Union 4to. Lond. 1607 817 Aytona (Marques de) Discurso Militar Proponense algunos incon- venientes de la Milicia destos tiempos y su reparo, vellum sm. 4to. en Valencia por B. Nogues 1653 818 Azevedo (Dr. Alphonso de) Commentariorum Juris Civilis in His- panije Regias Constitutiones, tomi sex, editio novissima, 6 vols, in 2, calf fol. Duaci excud. B. Bellcrus 1612 819 Azevedo. Primeira Parte da Funda^ao, Antiguidades e Grandezas da mui insigne cidade de Lisboa, velhcm fol. en Lisboa na off. Craesbeckiana 1652 820 Azo a Ramenghis (J. C.) Summa Azonis super Codicem et Institu- tiones lit. goti). i"*^ dotible columns, tcithout numerals, catchwords, or signatures, rubricated capitals, large copy, stained fol. s. a. et I. (Sjnrae P. Bracli) 1482 Collation : Tabula 14 11. ; 1 blank 1. ; text 293 11. 821 Azo. Summa Azonis sive locuples juris civilis Thesaurus, castigata et illustrata ab Hen. Dresio, vellum fol. Venet. ap. Soc. Minimam 1610 822 Azo. Ad Singulas Leges xii. libb. codicis Justiniani commentarius j etc. ex Bib. Ant. Contii calf fol, Paris. S. Nivellius 1577 i823 B. (Monsieur) de VAcademie Francoise. Les CEuvres posthumes de I defunt Mons. B. controleur de 1' Argenterie du Roy, calf ' 12mo. Paris C. Barbin 1670 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. Go 824 Baaz (Joliannes) Invert tarium Ecclesiae Sueo-Gotliorura continens integram Historiam Eccles. Sueciie vellum thick 4to. Idncopioe excucl. G. Gilntherus 1642 Giinther was the first printer in this town of Linkoping in Sweden. 825 Baccliini (D. Benedicti) De Sistris, eorumque figuris, ac differentia dissertatio, folding plate, calf, with the Sunderland Arms on sides sm. 4to. Traj. ad. Rhenum 1696 826 Baccliini. De Ecclesiasticae Hierarcliise Originibus Dissertatio, calf 4to. Mutince typ. Ant. Capponi 1703 827 Bacci (P. Pietro Giacomo) Vita di S. Filippo Neri, Fondatore della congregatione dell' Oratorio, port, fine clean cop^j, calf 4to. in Brescia eredi di G. M. Rizzardi 1706 828 Bacci. Breve Notizia d'alcuni Compagni di S. Filippo IS'eri per F. G. Ricci calf 4to. Brescia 1706 829 Baccius (And.) De Yenemis, et Antidotis, Bo7n. ap. V. Accoltum 1586 — Jac. Ferrarius Idea Theriacffi et Mitliridatii Venet. ap. Jo. Ant. 1601 — Nic. Massae, De Morbo Gallico Venet. lord. Zileti 1563 — Eiusdem Epistolse Medicinales Venet. 1550 ; in 1 vol. old calf, sm. 4to. 830 Baccius. Discorso dell' Alicorno, Fiorenza ap. G. Marescotti 1582 — Crivellati (C.) Trattato dell' uso et modo di dare il vino nelle malattie acute Boma 1600 — Schola Salernitana tradotta in terza rima con la vita sobi-ia da L. Cornaro, m Venet. C. Brogiollo 1630 — ■ Agrippae Discorso sopra la Natura, Venet. app. G. Valentini 1621 in 1 vol. velhi7n 12nio 831 Baccius. De Thermis libri septem fol. Venet. 1588 832 Baccius. De Thermis, libb. vii. calf fol. Bomce J. Mascardus 1622 833 Baccius. De Thermis libb. vii. ace. nunc liber octavus, calf fol. Fatavii 1711 834 Baccius. De Naturali Yinorum Historia, de Yinis Italise, et de Conviviis Antiquorum libb. vii. engraved title, calf fol. Bomoi ex off. N. Mutii 1596 835 Bachovius (Reinh.) Notae et animadversiones ad disputationes Hieron. Treutleri, 3 vols, vellum sm. 4to. Col. Agr. 1654 836 Bachovius. Medulla Bachoviana, opera et studio P. R. Schefferi, calf sm. 8vo. Hanov. 1658 837 Bacon (Lord) Works, with Life of the Author by Mr. Mallet port, and fronts, hy Hollar and Vertue, 4 vols, calf fol. Lond. 1740 6' 9 3 3 3 (> ^ /2. CO BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. FOURTH DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 838 Bacon. Elements of the Common Lawes of England ; with the Use of the Common Law for the Preservation of our Persons etc. old calf sm. 4to. Land. 1636 839 Bacon. Sylva Sylvarnm ; or a Naturall History ; with the History of Life and Death (and The New Atlantis), published by W. Rawley fine port, and front, by CeciU, calf sm. fol. Land. 1658 840 Bacon. Operum Moralium et Civilinm tomns, adjecta snnt in calce operis lib. duo Instanrationis Magn83, cura et fide G. Rawley, port (by S. Pass) old calf thick fol. Lond. typis E. Grifjini 1638 841 Bacon. Essayes or Counsels civill and morall, with a Table of the Colours of Good and Evil, newly enlarged, old calf sm. 4to. Lond. J. Beale 1639 S42 Bacon. Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh, fine portrait by Marshall, and engraved title ivith Arms, old calf, clean copy sm. fol. Lond. 1641 843 Bacon. Resuscitatio ; or bringing into public light several of Lord Bacon's Pieces hitherto sleeping, by W. Rawley, port, old calf fol. Lond. 1671 844 Bacon (Nathaniel) An Historical Discourse of the Uniformity of the Government of England, both parts in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4to. Lond. 1647-51 845 Bagdedinus (Machometus) De Superficierum Divisionibns liber nunc primum Joannis Dee Londin. et F. Commandini opera in lucem t'ditus, old calf sm. 4to. Pisauri ap. H. Coiicordiam 1570 846 Baglione (Gio.) Le Yite de' Pittori, Scultori et Architetti, port, old morocco, gilt edges sm. 4to. Roma And. Fei 1642 847 Baiardo da Parma (Andrea) Libro d'Arme e d'Amore nomato Philogine nel quale se tratta de Hadriano e di Narcisa; delle giostre e guerre fatte per lui ; e de molte altre cose amorose e degne, nova I mente stampato, both parts (some leaves in pt. 2 ^rormed) ; in Vivegia nelle case de Gullelmo da Fontaneto 1530 — Epistola di Messer Pelegro ^ de Grimaldi Robio, sci'itta a Messer Hermano de Nobili nella quale cgli risponde a pieno agli argomenti di quegli heretici, i quali no vogliono che si habbia ricorso alle intercessioni de Santi. A scarce TRACT in fine condition quite uncut (20 II.) : stampata nella Genoa per Ant. Bellono 1540 — Opera Nuova piacevole, e da ridere di nno Villano lavoratore nomato Grille, el qual volse divetar medico, i rima historiata c6 piu Statue novamente agionte (24 11.) a rare facetious tract icitli curious ivoodcuts, in Vinegia per Al. Torti 1535 ; in 1 vol vellum ] 2mo 848 Baif (Jan Antoine de) Les Jeux (contenant xix. Eclogues. Tragedie Antigone ; Comedie le Brave ; Comedie I'Eunuque ; Neuf devis des Ditux pris de Lucian) (4 jyrel. 11. including title; and 230 numb. 11.) Paris par L. Breger 1572 — Les Passe Tems de J. A. de Baif (cinq livres) ib. 1573; in 1 yo\. fine clean copies, vellum 8vo. 849 Baif. Carminum Jani Antonii Baifii liber i. (32 11. includ. title) Lut. ap. Mamcrt. Patissoniam, in off. li. Stepliani 1577 — M. Antonii Mureti, Hvninorum Sacronim Liber, eiusdcm alia qna?dam Pocmatia, Lut. BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 67 (ut supra) 157G— BuCHANANi (G.) Scoti. Elegiarum lib. i; Sylvaruiri lib. i ; Endecasyllabon lib. i ; eiusdem Baptistes Tragoedia, Lut. (ui supra) 1579; eiusdem Psalmorum Davidis Paraplirasis Poetica; ace Jephthes, tragoedia, Lut. ex off. B. Sttphani 1580 ; in 1 vol. vellum gilt, with Floreate scrolls on hack, and Arms on sides, gilt edges IGmo 850 Bailey (N.) Universal Etymological English Dictionary, large paper hound in 2 vols, calf roy. 8vo. Land. 1721 851 Baillet (Adrien) Histoire de Demelez da Pape Boniface VIII. avec Philippe, second edition, calf sm. 8vo. Paris chez F. Barois 1718 852 Baillet. Des Enfans devenus celebres par leurs etudes ou par leurs ecrits. Traite Historique, old calf, loitli the Arms of Le Clerc de Less- ville on sides, sm. 8vo. Paris chez Ant. DezaUier 1688 — Suite de Juge mens des Savans de M. Baillet par M. Gibert, vol. 1 calf sm. 8vo. Paris 1713 853 Baillet. Anti-Baillet, ou Critique du Livre de Mr. Baillet, intitule jugemens des Savans, par Mr. Menage, 2 vols, calf, ivith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville on sides 12mo. La Haj/e 1688 854 Bailly (Jean Sjdvain) Histoire de I'Astronomie Ancienne et Moderne plates 4 vols, old calf gilt, yelloiv edges 4to. Paris 1781-1779 855 Baiole (R. P. Jean) de la Comp. deJesu. Histoire Sacree d'Aquitaine, contenant I'Estat du Christianisme depuis la Publication de I'Evaugile jusques a nous, vellum, large and clean copy sm. 4to. a Caors Jean d^Alvy 1644 856 Baiole. Another copy (^stained and ivormed) vellum 4to. ih. 1644 857 Baker (Sir R.) Chronicle of the Kings of England, fine portrait of Charles II. hy Sherioin and front, calf fol. Lond. 1684 858 Balbinus (Bohuslaus) Soc. Jes. Epitome Historica rerum Bohemi carum, Libris vii. comprehensa, ab anno 910 ad 1G56, 2 vols, in 1 calf fol. Pragm typis Univers. 1677-73 859 Balbinus. Miscellanea Historica Regni Bohemia;, several small portraits of Bohemian Icings, and coats of Arms 9 vols, calf fol. Prance 1679-88 860 Balbus (Hieronymus). Epigramaton opus feliciter incipit, lit. (JOt]^. (29 II.; Sig7is. A 8, B 8, C 6) ruled tvith red lines ; ahsqice nota (circa 1490) — Fernandus (Carolus) Britgensis Musici Begii. Epistolas Familiares ad Robertum Gaguinum, Boman letters, ruled ivith red lines {A-D iiii in eights) ahsque nota ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. Two Hake Tracts. Brunet describes this edition of Balbi's Latin Epigrams from a copy which wanted the last leaf ; and that noted by Panzer also appears to have wanted it. 861 Balbus. De Rebus Ttircicis Liber, title ivithin elegant engraved harder (A-K in fours, K having 6 II.) calf , fine clean copy sm. 4to. Bomce ap. F. Minitium Calvum 1^6 862 Balbus. De Civili et Bellica Fortitndine Liber, ex Mysteriis Poet^ Yergilii nunc primum depromptns ; cni additus est alter continens Turcarum Originem etc. ; De Rebus Tiircicis liber ; De Confedera- tione nuper inita paceque universal], atque expeditione adversus Turcas suscipienda ; De futuris Caroli August! successibiis Vatici- nium (Poema) : Ad Caroli V. Imp. De Coronatione ; 5 Tracts, each with separate engraved title in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. Bo7ionice imp. J. B. Blicellus 1530 863 BALBUS (JOHANNES) DE JANUA. Incipit summa que vocat Catholico. edita a fratre Johanne de Janua. Ordinis fratrum Prasdi- catorum, Ift. gotl). ivith painted capitals and initials, (colophon) " Ilic liber egregius. Catholicon dnice incarnacionis annis mcccclx. Alma in TJrhe Maguntina nacionis inclyte germanice" (attributed to John Gutenberg) large folio EDITIO PRINCEPS, printed in small gothic characters in double columns, // s- 7 / I 10 Ip 1 ISS 68 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. without marks of any kind. It contains 373 leaves, -which numher is correct at'cording to Panzer, Hain, and Bruiiet, but Dibdin makes the copy he describes in Bib. Spenc. to contain 375 11. evidently trusting to the pencil numbers to •nhich he refers. This is regarded as the fourth book printed with a date ; and its great rarity and value have been mentioned by most Bibliographers. The present copy is a very fine one ; the leaves measure 16 X 11 5 in. It is sound and perfect in every leaf, and nearly as clean as if it had but just been issued from the press. It is bound in old crimson morocco but the binding is cracked. On the top margin of the first page is the following inscription " Iste liher 'pertinet ad fratres Carthusienses in doyno Rutisana S. Sixti unanimiter commorantes." 864 Balbns. Catholicon. editio altera vetustissima, absque uUa nota. An Exceedingly Rare and Magnificent Edition attributed to the press of Mentelin. It contains 393 11. printed in a semi-gothic character in double columns, having 65 lines to a full page. (Colophon) .... " Que "nostrum Catholicon ex multis et diversis doctorum texturis elahoratum " Ubi regnat examussim Bominus noster Hiesus Christus Dei fili\is henedictus, in amis nomine fiectit omne genu celestium, terrestrium, et infernorum, cui e honor e gloriaet magnitudo et magnijicentia, virtus etpostestas, regnum et imferium in secula sicuJontm,Amen." It is a fine tall copy measuring 18^ X 122in. and the leaves are genenJiy in beautiful condition, but one is decomposed and two are waterstained. All capitals are painted in red. It Ls bound in stout blue morocco, with broad gilt tooled borders and gilt edges. This edition is described by Brunet iii. 502 (who however gives it 398 11. the 8 being probably a misprint for 3) who refers to the description of it by the Comte de Bourtourlin. 865 Balbus. Catholicon, seu Universale Vocabularium ac summa gramniatices F. Johannis Genuensis lit. gotf). title in red and Made ivith Petifs device, old calf fol. Paris, in a'dibns Ascensianis 1506 806 Bulck (Ev.) Electorum Jui'is Civilis lib. duo ; ace. Oratio de com- niodiore perdiscendi Juris ratione, calf 12rao. Hardervii 1627 et 1528 (for 1628) 367 Baldus (Bernard.) da JJrblno. Versi e Prose, calf clean copy sm. 4to. in Venet. ap. Francesco de' Francesclii 1590 368 Baldi. Scamilli impares Yitruviani nova ratione explicati ace. vita Vitruvii, woodcuts, vellum sm. 4to. Aug. Vind. 1612 B69 Baldini (Baccio) Vita di Cosinio Medici, primo gran Duca di Toscana (margin of title mended) in Firenze, nella B. Sermartelli 1578 — Dis- corso deir Essenza del Fato ib. 1578 ; in 1 vol. calf fol. 870 Baldinucci (Filippo) Xotizie de' Professori del Disegno da Cimabue in qua (dal 1260 fino al 1670) 3 vols, vellum 4to. Firenze, Franchi 1681-1702 This copy is not complete. The following are its contents : — Secolo i. 1260 a ISOOjrinted 1681. Secolo ii. 1300-14U0, 1686. Secolo iv. pte. seconda 1550-1580, 1688. Tre Decennali 1580-1610, 1702. Cominciamento e Progreso dell' Arte dell' Imajiliare in Kanie, colle vite di molti de' pin eccellenti Maestri della stessa Priiti Sfione. 1686. 871 Baldinucci. Vocabolario Toscano dell' Arte del Disegno, Firenze 1G81 — Lettera di Filippo Baldinucci Roma 1687— Lezione di Filippo Baldinucci nell' Accademia della Criisca illustrat-o Firenze 1692 ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to. ^72 Baldinucci. Vita del Cavaliere Gio. Lorenzo Bernino, scultore, arcLitetto e pittore, port, and pilates, velhim 4to. Firenze nella V. Vangelisti 1682 873 Baldinucci. Another copy. Large Paper, proof potirait and plates, old calf gilt 4to. ib. 1682 ^74 Balducci (Francesco) Rime (Amorose, Eroiche, Morali, Lugubri, Sucre) del Sign. Balducci, nuova editio, poii. and engraved titles 2 vols, vellum 12mo. in Fo7na per F. Moneta 1646-47 875 Balduinus (Benedictus) Calceus Antiquus et Mysticus, calf sm. 8vo. Paris excud. V. Langlceus 1615 876 Balduinus de CalcKO et Nigronius de Caliga veterum CI. Salmasi et Alb. Rubeni argumenti etc. plates, vellum 16mo. Amst. A. Frisius 1667 t 77 Balduinus de Calcseo et N igrouius de Caliga veterum, plates, calf 12mo. Lugd. Bat. ap. Theod. Haah 1711 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 69 878 Balduinus (Franciscus) in suas Annotationes in libros quatuor institutionum Justin, prolegomena sive prefata de Jure Civili, calf sm. 4to. Paris, ap. Joan. L. Tiletanum 15i5 879 Balduinus. Breves Commentarii in Prfecipuas Justiniani Imp. Novellas, sive Authentlcas Constitutiones. Idem ad yEdilitium Edic- tum, calf, large and clean copy sm. 4to. Lugd. ap. S. Gryphium 1548 880 Balduinus. Commentarii in libros quatuor Institutionum Juris Civilis, calf fol. Paris, ap. J. Dupuys 1554 881 Balduinus. Ad Leges de Famosis Libellis et de Calumuiatoribus commentarius (^Q7 pp.) ruled with red lines, calf sm. 4to. Paris. And. Wechel 1562 882 Balduinus. Relatio ad Henricum Andium Ducem Magnum et alia qusedam ejusdem, old calf gilt, with the Sunderland Arms on sides sm. 4to. Paris, ap. M. Sonnium 1570 883 Baldus (Camillus) In Physiognomica Ai'istotelis Commentarii engraved title, calf fol. Bononice ap. S. Bunomiuni 1621 884 Baldus de Ubaldis de Perusio. De Yi Turbitativa, nuncupata dispu- tatio, accurante Jo. Drezelero autograph of Steph. Baluzius on title, rough leather binding sm. 4to. Aug. Vind. Anno 1595 885 Bale (John) Bp. of Ossory. The first two Partes of tbe Actes or Unchast Examples of the English Votaryes, gathered out of ther owne legenades and chronycles and dedicated to our most redoubted sovereign Kynge Edward the Syxte, black letter, 2 parts in 1 vol. old calf binding ■ 12mo. Part 1 contains * in fours, and A-N 4 in eights (small hole in title) (Colophon) imprinted at London hy John Tysdale in Knyght Rydestrete 1560. Part 2 contains A-P in eights. The imprint is on title, " imprynted at London for Johan Bale an. MD et LI (1551) and are to be sold within Paules Chayne at the sign of S. John Baptist." ( )n the fly-leaf is the following inscription : — " E Libris Philippi Atres an. dom. 1660." 886 Bale. Scriptorum Illastrium Maioris Brytanniae Catalogus, bothl farts, portrait on back of title, and printe/s device on leaf at end, calf fol. Basil, per Jo. Oporinum 1557-59 887 Balensus (Hieron. Elenas) Diatribarum sen Esercitationum ad jus civile lib. iii. fi.ne clean copy, paper covers sm. 8vo. Antw. ex off. C. Plant. 1576 888 Balfour (Jac. et And.). Memoria Balfouriana, sive Historia Rerum pro litteris promovendis gestarum a fratribus Balfouriis authore R. S. (Rob. Sibbald) calf 12mo. Edinb. typ. A^id. Anderson 1699 889 Ballarini (Fi'ancesco) Compendio delle croniche della cita di CoMO, raccolto da diversi Autori, diviso in tre Parti, nuovamenti composto e date in luce, paper covers sm. 4to. in Como ap 0. A. Turato 1619 890 Balsamon (Theod.) Canones SS. Apostolorum Conciliorum genera- lium et provincialium, et omnia commentariis amplissimis Gr. et Lat. old calf , fine clean copy {^Autograph of Steph. Baluzius on title) fol. But. Par. typis Regis 1620 891 Balthasar (Joan. J.) Practicse Resolutiones Juris Civilis et Bavarici, I 4 parts in 2 vols, vellum sm. 4to. Aitg. Vind. 1660-1663 i 892 Baluzius (Stephanus) Reginonis Abbatis Prumiensis lib. duo de Ecclesiasticis Disciplinis et religione Christiana cum notis, vellum 8vo. 2}a^ J- Mugiiet 1671 893 Baluzius. Capitularia Regum Francorum. Additge sunt Marculfi monachi, et aliorum f oi-multe veteres, etnotee doctissimorum virorum, S. Baluzius edidit ac notis illustravit, large paper, front. 2 vols, stout old French crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy impl. fol. Paris excud. J. Muguet 1677 894 Baluzius. ' Miscellanea ; sen collectio Veterum Monumentorum quae hactenus latuerant in variis Codicibus et Bibliothecis 7 vols, calf 8vo. Paris 1678-1715. Z 70 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERI.Mv'DIANA. 895 Baluzius. Vitaa Papartun Avenionensium, hoc est Historia Ponti- ficum Romanorum qu£e in Gallia sederunt, 2 vols, calf 4to. Paris. F. Mnguet 1693 896 Baluzius. Histoire Gexealogique de la Maison d'Acveegne, justi- fiee par chartres, titres, liistoires anciennes, et autres preuyes autlien- tiques, large paper, ^?2e plates of Monnments, Coats of Arms, etc. 2 vols, calf roj. fol. Paris A. Bezallier 1708 897 Baluzius. Historic Tutelensis libri tres, ^Zaies, calf 4to. Paris, ex typog. Begia 1717 898 Balzac (Jean Louis Guez de) Ses CEuvres, divisees en deux tomes, jjort. 2 vols, old calf, clean copy {the only complete edition of Balzac's u-07-Jvs) fol. Paris cliez T. Jolly 1665 899 Balzac. Carminum, libri tres, eiusdem Epistolje Selectee, editore -^gidio Menao;\o, front, vellum 4to. Paris. A. Coiirhe 1650 900 Balzaranus (D. Joan. Paulus) Interpretationes Luculentissimse, ad libros Feudorum : nunc primum summa cum diligentia in lucem editae, old leather binding fol. Venet. ap. Juntas 1596 901 Balzaranus. Commentaina ad Constitutiones utriusque Sicilise, nunc primum in lucem edita, vellum, clean copy fol. Neapoli Const. Vitalis 1620 902 Banco (Lorenzo di) Bizzarrie Politiche, over Raccolta delle piu notabili prattiche di Stato, nella christianita, vellum 16mo. Alia Franechera ap. G. d'Arcerio 1658 903 Bandello (!^Li^TTEo) La prima, la seconda, et la terza Parte de le N^OVELLE 3 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, sm. 4to. in Lucca per II Busdrago 1554 — La Quaeta Parte de le Novelle del Bandello nuovamente composte, old calf , fine clean copy sm. 8vo. in Lione app. Aless. Marsilii 1573 Origixal Editions of all the'Parts, vert rare. Collation ; Parte la. 368 numb. 11. including title ; printer's device on separate leaf at end. Parte 2a. 390 11. (in- cluding engraved title) and leaf for Eegister (the dedication leaf mended). Parte 3a. 231 11. (including engraved title) and leaf with Device (fols. 5 and 7 mended). Parte 4a. title ; 7 prel. 11. (1 blank) ; 171 11. and 1. of imprint ; Stampata in Lione jper Pietro Roussiiio 1573. 904 Bandurus (Anselm) Kumismata Imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologus Augustos ace. Bibliotheca Nummaria, large PAPER (?) numerous plates of medals, 2 vols, calf fol. I/iit. Par. sumpt. Montalaiit 1718 905 Banier (Abbe Ant.) La Mytliologie et les Fables expliquees par I'Histoire, 5 vols, calf 12mo. Paris, Briassoyi 1738 906 Baraterius (Barth.) De Feudis, liber singularis nunc primum editus, calf icith the Marlborough Ainns on sides 4to. Lut. Par. Ad. Beys 1612 907 Baraterius. Libellus de Feudorum Refomiatus plate. Argent. 1728 — Alteserra (Ant. Dad.) De Origine et statu Feudorum pro Moribus Galliae Argent. 1690 — Dominicy (Ant.) De Prferogativa Allodiorum in Provinciis Argent. 1697 — Ant. Mincuccii de Feudis libb. vi. Argent 1695 ; in 1 vol. old calf, u-ith the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 4to. 908 Barbadillo (Alonso Geronymo de Salas) El Cortesano Descortes (comedia en prosa) (12 prel. 11.; and 143 numb. 11.) vellum, scarce 16mo. en Madrid por la Viuda de Cosme Belgado 1621 909 Barbadillo (Salas) Don Diego de N'ocbe (8 prel. 11.; and 202 numb. II.) vellum 12m.o. Barcelona por Estevan Liberos 1624 910 Barbaranus (Julius) Officinoe Tomi tres : Promptuarium Rerum Electarum in re praesertim Romana 3 vols, in 1 calf sm. 4to. Venet. ap. J. And. Valvassorem 1569 911 Barbaro (Daniel) Patriarca d'Aquileia. Delia Eloquenza, Dialogo, nuovamente mandato in luce da Girolamo Ruscelli ruled with red lines, calf sm. 4to. Venet. ap. V. Valgrisio 1557 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIANA. 71 912 Barbaro. La Pratica della Perspettiva ; Opera molto utile a Pittori, a Scultori, et ad Architetti, numerous woodcut diagrams and other figures, old calf gilt 4to. in Venet. app. C. ed B. Borgominieri 1569 913 Barbarano de Mironi (Francesco) Historia Ecclesiastica deUa citta, territorio, e diocese di Vicenza engraved titles and folding plate 3 vols, {with Armorial Book-plate of Alex. Petavius in each vol.) calf sm. 4to. Vicenza per C. Bosio 1649-52 914 Barbaras (Hermolaus) Castigationes Plinian^ ; emendatio in Melam Poniponiuni etc. Boman letters, clean copy ivith wide margins, ruled with red lines (some II. ivormed), old calf gilt, ivith the Marlborough Arms on sides, fol. impressit formis Eucharius Argenteus (Silber) 1493 915 Barbarus. Corollarii libri quinque (in Dioscoridem), non ante impressi (106 numb. II. including title) old stamped leather binding, with large armorial hoolc-plate of "Ant. de Lemare D. de Ghenevarin" fol. absque ulla nota 916 Barbault (Jean) Les plus beaux Edifices de Rome Moderne 44 fine large pilates and several vignettes, PROOF impressions, calf atlas fol. a Borne 1763 917 Barberinus (Card. Mapbaeus) Urban VIII. Pont. Max. Poemata, fine engraved title and portrait by CoRX. Galle {8 prel. II.; text pp. 290; the Pope's Arms and Printer's Pevice on 2 separate leaves) vellum FIXE COPY 4to. Antw. ex off. Plantin. 1634 918 Barberinus. Poemata, ruled loith red lines, Bomce ex typ. Bev. Camerce Apost. 1637 — Poesie Toscane del Card. Barberino, rided with red lines Boma 1637 ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to 919 Barberinus. Poesie Toscane vellum 4to. Boma 1638 — Poemata (tam Latina quam Italice) calf 12mo. Bomce 1640 920 Barberinus. Poemata, Ilenr. Dormalius explicabat, ruled ivifh red lines, calf 4to. ex typ. L. Grignani Bomce 1643 921 Barberinus. Baccinata overo Battarella per le Api Barberine. In occasione della mossa delle armi di N. S. Papa Urbano Ottavoj contra Parma (81 pp.) ; Dialogo ti'a due Soldati sopra la Guerra (47 pp.) ; La Disgratia del Conte d'Olivarez (117 pp.) calf, scarce 16mo. Nella stamparia di Pasquino a Spese di Marforio 1644 922 Barberinus. ^des Barberinae ad Quirinalem a Comite Hieronymo Tetio descriptge, numerous plates of portraits, antique statues, elegant emblematic vignettes, inscriptions, etc. vellum fol. Bomce sumpt. Philippi de Bubeis 1647 923 [Barbin (C.)] Guerre Comique (" des Grenoiiilles et leurs Maris, centre les Rats et les Souris"). Dediee a Madame de Lyonne {title; dedication; and pp. 139) calf 12mo. Paris chez Claude Barbin 1668 924 Barbosa (Emman.) Remissiones Doctorum de Officiis publicis Juris- dictione et Ordine Judiciario etc. in libb. v. Ordinationum Regiarum Lusitanorum etc. 2 vols, in 1, old calf gilt 4to. JJlyssipone typis P. Craesheech 1618-20 925 Barbosa (Petrus) Tractatus Posthumi ; videlicet de Legatis ; de Substitutionibus ; de Probatione per Juramentum, vellum folio Litgd. J. A. Muguetan 1662 926 [Barbosa (Simon)] Axiomata et Loca Communia utriusque juris aucta multis annotatis a D. Ant. de Duenas vellum 4to. en Madrid por B. Garcia y Morras 1649 927 Barbuda (Luys Coello de) Empresas Militares de Lusitanos, vellum sm. 4to. Lisb. por P. Craesbeeclc 1624 928 Barclaius (Gul.) Pucis Lotharingice Cons. De Regno et Regali Potes- tate adversus Buchananum, Brutum, Boucherium et reliquos Monarcbomacbos old calf 4to. Paris G. Chaiidiere 1600 This book was placed on the Eoman Index Prohibitoram as was also Card. Bellarmine's answer to it. A I <1 7 7 IS- I L I I 5' // 72 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 929 Barclaius. In Titulos Pandectarum de Rebus Creditis et de Jure Jurando Commentarii vellum sm. 8vo. Paris. F. Huhy 1605 930 Barclaius (Joannes) Poematum Libri duo, first edition (not in • Lowndes) dedicated to Prince Charles (afterivards Charles II) title ; and pp. 109, vellum sm. 4to. Lond. Ed. Griffin 1615 931 Barclaius. ArGENIS ; Editio prima; {title; 8 frel. II.; and pp. 1208) - calf 8vo. Paris, ap. N. Buon 1621 ^ Brunet gives the date of the first edition as 1622, but at the end of the Privilege we read " Acheve d'imprimer %>our le premiere fois le 31 jour d'Aoust mil six cens vingt et un." 932 Barclaius. Argenis ; a Tlieandro Bugnotio auctoris vita et notis. illustrata et aucta (cum secunda et tertia partes) 2 vols, engravea titles, vellum 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Hachiana 1664-69 933 Barclaius. Euphormionis Lusinini, sive Jo. Barclaii Satyricoii accessit Conspiratio Anglicana, front, vellum \ 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Hachiana 1674 934 Barclaius. Polonia Defensa contra Joan. Barclaium ubi, occasione / ista, de Regno Genteque Polonia multa narrantur hactenus litteri^ non tradita, vellum, Autograph of Stephauus BaluziuS on title 4to. Bantisci 1648 935 Barde (Jean de la) Marquis de Marolles. Historiarum de Rebus / Gallicis libri x. calf 4to. Paris. Bion. Thierry 1671 936 Bardelebius (Ernest. Cbrist.) Diatribe Majana Exoterica de Pane-1 gyricis Majumis, Malcampis et Roncaliis Majalibusque aliis etcJ curious plate, calf sm. 4to. Lips. Literis Bauerianis 1651 937 Bardi"(Girolamo) Yittoria Navale ottenuta dalla Republica Vene- tiana contra Otbone Figliuolo di Federico prinio per la restitution^ / di Alessandro Terzo Pontefici Massimo, venuto a Venetia {hole hi last leaf of dedication) calf, luith Sunderland Arjns on sides ■ 4to. in Venet. app. F. Ziletti 1589 938 Bardi. Yittorio Navale, altro esemplare. Venet. 1584 — Leoni (G. B.)' - Considerationi sopra I'Historia d'ltalia di F. Guicciardini Veriet.] app). I. Gioliti 1583 — Botero (G.) Delia Ragione di Stato, libri dieciJ Venet. I. Gioliti 1589 ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to.l 939 Bardi. Delle cose Notabili della citta di Yenetia ; di nuovo aggiun- tavi la Dicliiaratione di tutte I'Historie, in Vinegia 1606 — Contarini (G.) Delia Republica et Magistrati di Yenetia, m Venet. 1630; in 1 vol. calf 12ino. 940 Bardin (P.) Le Grand Cliambellan de France, Livi-e ou il est ample- ment traicte des honneurs, droicts et pouvoirs, de cet office, et ou * sont deduites plusieurs remarquables antiquitcs de la maison et couronne de France (4 prel. II. ; fp. 58 and leaf of errata) large] copy, vellum fol. Paris J. Bu Val 16231 941 Barellas (P. Fray Estevan) Centurla o Historia de los Famosas. bechos del Gran Conde de Barcelona, Don Bernardo Barcino, y de ' Don Zinofre su higo, y otros Cavalleros de la Provincia de Catha- luiia {title {mended) ; 21 frel. II. ; 213 numh. II.; and 6 II. for Table) vellum fol. Barcelona en casa Sebast. de Cormcllas 1600 942 Bargaeus (Pet. Angelus) Epithalamium in nuptias Francisci Medicisi et Joannse Austriaca) (10 II.) Florent. ap. Juntas 1566 — Petri Yictorii ! <■ Liber de laudibus Joanna? Austriacae natae reginae Ungariae et Boei iae (14 II.) Florent. ap. Juntas 1566 — Discorso sopra la Mas-: cberata della Genealogia degl' Iddei de' Gentili {&& II. ; and devicel of the Giunti on separate leaf) 1566 — Delle Attioni et Sentenze del S. i Alessandro de' Medici ragionamento d'Aless. Ceccberegli (59 II.) in V«neg. app. G. Giolito 1564; in 1 vol. vellum 4to.j fS ^ I! 5 s U BIBLIOTHECA STJNDERLANDIANA. 73 943 Bargaeus. Poemata Omnia, ab ipso Auctore diligenter recognita ; accedunt Syriados libri sex priores, calf 4to. Eiomce ex typ. F. Zannetti 1585 944 Bargaeus. Commentarius de Obelisco Yaticano ; accesserunt aliquot Poetarum carmina. [Item Epistola3 qujedam. e Roma in Hispaniam missa de eadem] plates, 6 tracts in 1 vol. vellum, roith rare old Armorial Booh-plate in cover sm. 4to. Romce ex off. B. Grassii 1586 945 Bargaeu.s. Sjrias ; hoc est expeditio ilia celebemma Cbristianorum Principum ductu GrofFredi Bulionis, cum sclioliis Rob. Titi, calf 4to. Florent. ap. P. Junctam 1591 946 Barbam (H.) Essay upon the Silk- Worm old calf, clean copy 12mo. Lond. J. Bettenham 1719 947 Barleeus (Caspar) Rerum per octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum,_/z*«e ^or^raiY and 66 plates and maps, vellum hindiyig, covered with leather roy. fol. Amst. J. Blaeu 1647 948 Barlseus. Rerum in Brasilia ; ace. G. Pisoni Tractatus, port, maps and plates, calf sm. 8vo. Glivis ex off. Tohice Silberling 1660 949 Barlandus (Hadi'ianus) Hollandiae Comitium Historia et Icones ; eiusdem Caroli Burgundiae Ducis Vita. Item Ultrajectensium Epis- coporum Catalogus et Res Gestae etc. 34 fine full-length portraits vellum fol. Lugd. Bat. ex off'. Plant. 1584 The last portrait is numbered 35 but this arises from the 28th being numbered 29 in error. 34 is the right number according to the text. 950 Barlandus. Libelli tres de Principibus Hollandiae, de Episcopis Traject. etc. H. Cordati in operis comendationem {title within woodcut border) (30 II. ; some corners defective) Lovanii s. a. — Encomium Matrimonii per Erasmum Rot. : Encomium Artis Medi- cine per eundem, first edition, title ivithin woodcut border designed by Hans Holbein with his initials H. H., Basil. Froben 1518 — Michaelis Ritii Neap. De Regibus Francorum, Hispan. Hieros. Neapolis et Siciliae ac UngarisB, title within woodcut border, Basil, ap. Jo. Frob. 1517 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 951 Barletius (Marinus) Historia de Vita et Gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarum Principis, title w ithin fine tooodcut border, and large wood- cut portrait, old calf gilt, fine clean copy fol. impressum Borne, per B(ernard.) V(italibus) (s. a.) First Edition ; Rare. Contains 4 prel. 11. and 159 numb. 11. 952 Barletius. De Vita, Moribus ac Rebus Praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis Georgii Castrioti qui Scanderbegus cognominatus fuit, nunc primum in germania castigatissiuii eediti vellum fol. Argent, ap. Gratonem Mylitim 1537 953 Barlot. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire tirez du cabinet de Leon du Chastelier-Barlot depuis I'an 1596 jusques en 1636 (11 prel. II. including title; and pp. 113) old calf sm. 4to. a Font enay par P. Petit-Jan 1643 An early Fontenay book, specimens of which are scarce. 954 Barnabas (S.) Epistola Catholica Gr. et Lat. notis Hugo Menardi vellum 4to. Paris. 1645 955 Barnes (Joshua) History of that most victorious Monarch Edward III. ; together with that of Edward the Black Prince, 4< fine portraits, old blue morocco with panelings of elaborate gold tooling and gilt edges, fine copy fol. Cambridge by John Hayes 1688 A copy in morocco sold in these rooms a few years ago for £9. 10s. 956 Baroccius (Alf.) Brevissimse in Aristotelis libros Methodi de Inter- pretatione, Venet. ex off\ Bom. Guerri 1569 — Joannis Philoponi Breves Expositibnes in Aristotelis Metaphisicos, Ferrar. 1583 — Niphi in 3 S I /(> / s - 1 10 '? i O \l 7\ H BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDUNA. Arist. Llbros peri Hermenias 2 icoodcut portraits, Venet. apH. S^cotmn 1559 — Joannis Philip. Grammatici in Arist. lib. tres de Ajiima Lugd. ap. hceredes Jac. Junfae 1558 ; in 1 vol. vellum folio 957 Barocius (Franciscus) Heronis Mechanici, Liber de Machinis Bellicis, sclioliis illustrata, Venet. ap. F. Franciscum Senensem 1572 — Godescalci StewecM comraentarius ad Flavi Vegeti Renati Libros De Re Militari, cum Textu, numerous woodcuts, Antw. ap. C. Plan- tinum 1585 ; in 1 toI. old calf sm. 4to. 958 Baeoxics (C-ESAe) Axnales Ecclesiastici a Christo nato ad annum 1198, 12 vols, calf, Romce, 1588-93 — Axnales Ecclesiastici ab anno 1198 ubi Card. Baronius desinit, auctore Odoeico Ratxaldo ad an. 1565, 10 vols, calf, Uomce 1646-77 ; together 22 vols, calf (lettered consecutively ; vol. 13 larger than the others) fol 959 Baronius. Critica Historico-Clu'onologica in Universos Annales Ecclesiasticos Card. Baronii, auctore AxT. Pagi 4 vols, calf fol. Coll. Allob. 1705 960 Baronius. Spondani Annales Saeri a Mundi creatione ad ejusdem Reparationem, large papee ? fine engraved title, old calf gilt, tmth the Anns o/Le Clerc de Lessville on sides roy. fol. Lut. Par. sumpt. D. de la Noiie 1639 961 Baronius. Spondani Annales Ecclesiastici ex xii. tomis Card. Baronii in Epitomen redacti, editio -postreraa, fine engraved title, laege paper ? hound in 2 vols, old calf gilt ivith Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville on sides roy. fol. Lut. Par. D. de la Nolle 1639 962 Baronius. Spondani continuatio Annalium Baronii ab 1197 ad 1640 LARGE PAPER ? fine engraved title and poHrait 3 vols, old calf gilt, with Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville 07i sides roy. fol. Paris, de la Noiie 1641 The two preceding lots are nniform in size and binding. 963 Baronius. Tractatus de Monarchia Sicilise ; cum eiusdem Respon^ sione Apologetica adversus Card. Columnam nunc primnm editum, vellum 8vo. Paris, ap. H. Beys 1609 964 Baronius. Vita Ccesaris Baronii, auctore Hieron. Bamabeo Pemsino! port, vellum 4to. Bomae ap. Vitalem 2fascardum 1651, 965 Baronius (Eguin.) J7(risc07is. Clariss. Opei'a omnia in tres tomos divisa, quorum pars maxima nunc primum editur ; altera, auctior et emendatior, 3 vols, in 2 old oaken hoards, covered with stamped leather fol. Lut. Par. ap. M. Vascosanum 1562 966 Baronius. Pandectarum Juris civilis CEconomia calf (3 prel. II. and 41 pp.) sm. 4to. Pictavii 1547 967 Baronius. Digestomm seu Pandectarum ah Justiniano editarum perpetui commentarii calf fol. Paris ap. Jac. Gazellum 1548 968 Baronius ac Manfredus (D. Pr.) De Maiestate Panormitana libri iv. copperplates of Armorial hearings, old calf, with Arms on sides 4to. Panormi ap. A. de Isola 1630 969 Baronius (Roh.) Metaphysica Generalis ; accedunt nunc primum qua? supererunt ex Parte Speciali, omnium ad usum Theologiae accomodata, vellum 12mo. Lugd. Bat. J. Moyardi 1657 970 Barre (Sieur Febure de la) Description de la Fraxce Equixoctiale, cy-devant appellee Gutanxe, et par les Espagnols El Dorado ; avec un discours tres-utile et necessaire pour ceux qui voudront etablir des Colonies en ces contrees (52 pjJ- including title), large map vellum, scarce 4to. Paris, Jean Bibou 1666 971 Barrios (Don Miguel) Las Poesias Famosas, y Comedias ; segunda impression, enriquescida con lindissimas Estampas, 13 fine copperplate vignettes, vellum, fine clean copy. 4to. en Amheres G. Verdussen 1674 The edition of Brussels, B. Vivien 1665, with a new title. 972 Barrius (Gabriel) De Antiquitate et situ Calahriae lib. quinque BIBLIOTHECA SD^DERLANDIANA. 75 Momae ap. Joseph de Angelis (with device on title and at end) 1571 — De Peregi'inatione et Agro ]S"eapolitano lib ii., script! ab Hieron Turlero {fine dean copy) Argent, per Bern. Johinum 1574 — Belli Ditlimarsici ab inclyto Dauiae rege Friderico II., Jolianne et Adolpho Fratribus gesti Anno 1559 vera descriptio, Argent, per B. Johinum 1574; in 1 vol. vellicm toith autograph of Stephanus Baluzius sm. 8vo. 973 Barronins (R. P. Bonav.) Panegyrici Sacro-Propbani necnon eontro- versiffi et strategemata cf. 8vo. Liigd. 1656 974 Barros (Joao) a Primera Parte da Croxica do Emperador Clari- MDNDO, donde os Reys de Portugal descendem (3rd edition) woodcut on title, calf, scarce fol. em Lisboa por Ant. Alvarez 1601 Title : 6 prel. 11. ; 211 numb. 11. ; and leaf for imprint. 975 Barros (Joao) Decadas (i-viii) da Asia, dosFeitos qne os Portugueses fezerao, descobrimento et conquista dos mares et terras do Oriente, de Joam de Barros y Diego de Couto 9 vols, vellum fol. Lisboa 1628-1615 ; 1 602-1673 Collation : Dec. i. title ; 6 prel. 11. ; 208 numb. 11. Lisb. 1628. Dec. ii. title; 5 prel. 11. (1 blank); 231 numb. 11. ib. 1628. Dec. iii. title ; 9 prel. 11. ; 262 numb. 11 ib. 1628. Dec. iv. engraved title ; 10 prel. 11. ; pp. 1-711 ; Index 6 11. 3Iad. 1615, Dec. Quarta por Diogo do Couto ; title; 11 prel. 11.; 207 numb. 11. Lisb. 1602 Dec. V. title with port, on verso ; 11 prel. 11. (1 blank) ; 230 numb. 11. Lisb. 1612. Dec. vi. wants all prel. 11. ; Fols. 1-236 (Mad. 1614). Dec. vii. title with port, on verso ; 9 prel. 11. ; 247 numb. 11. Lisb. 1616. Dec. viii. title ; 3 prel. 11.; and pp. 1-247. Wants pts. 9-12 to complete. Exceedingly difficult 'to find complete. The sixth decade is very rare, the impres sion having nearly all been destroyed by fire. It is hardly ever found perfect. 976 Barros. L'Asia, de' fatti de' Portogbesi nello scoprimento et conquista de' Mari et Teri'e di Oriente, tradotta da Alfonso Ulloa (Decade prima e seconda ; all pub.) 2 parts in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. Venet. apjJ. V. Valgrisio 1562 977 Barrow (Dr. Isaac) Works (with Life) published by Archbp. Tillot- son, LARGE PAPER, port. 3 vols in 2, calf roy. fol. Lond. 1716 978 Bartbelemy des Martyrs. Archevesque de Brague en Portugal. Sa vie, tiree de son Histoire ecrite en Espanol, avec son esprit et ses senti mens pris de ses propres ecrites, fine port, large copy, calf, tvith the Arms o/Le Clerc de Lesville on sides 4to. Paris P. le Petit 1663 979 Bartensteinius (J. C.) De Bello imp. Car. v. a Maur. Saxon, elect illato, turtusque inde in imperio exortis, calf 4to. Argent. J. B. Bulssecheri 1710 980 Barthelemi de Gramond (Gabr.) Historia Prostratas a Ludovico xiii Sectariorum in Gallia Rebellionis engraved title (torn), vellum 4to. Tolosoi ap. P. Bosc 1623 981 Bartbelenii de Gramond. Historiarum Gallise ab excessu Henrici iv, lib. xviii. old calf fol. Tolosce ap. A. Colomerium 1643 982 Barthelemi de Gramond. Hist. Galliae lib. xviii. vellum 8vo. Amst. ap. Lud. Elzevirium 1653 983 Barthius (Casp.) Adversariorum Commentariorum libri ix. Antiquita- tis tarn Gentilis quam Christianas illustratae, engraved title and por- trait, old calf thick fol. Francof. 1648 984 Bartholinus (Caspar) Opuscula quatuor singularia, calf 12mo. Hafnice 1628 — Eiusdem de Tibiis Vetemni ivZai'e^, Amst. H. Wetstenii 1679 — Eiusdem de TJnicornu, ib. 1678 — Eiusdem de Ovariis MuKerum ih. 1678; in 1 vol. vellum. 12mo. 985 Bartholinus. De Tibiis veterum et earum antiquo usu lib. iii., ejus expositio veteris in puerperio ritus, ex area sepulchrali antiqua desumti ; et Th. Bartholini Patris de Puerperio veterum Epistola, pilates ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. Bomce excud. Mascardus 1677 986 Bartjiolinus (Thorn. Gasp. Filius) De Unicornu observationes novae. Ace. de Aureo Cornu C. V. Olai Wormii erudit. judicia vellum 12mo. Patavii 1645 7 3/ 76 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 987 Bartholinas. De Cruce Cliristi, hjpomnemata iv. cum Bart. Niliusii de eadem Epistola et Nic. Fontaui rcsponsio, 6 copperplaie engravings, calf 16nio. Amst. A. Frisii 1670 — Justi Lipsi de Cruce libri tres, 11113. cum notis, \9 fine copperplate engravings, calf 16mo. Amst. ih. 1670 988 Bartliolinus. Questiones Xuptiales Hafnice 1670 — Olai BorricMi Parnassus in Luce (title at end) Hafn. s. a. — Wormii (Olaii) Runica seu Danica Literatura antiquissima vulgo Gothica dicta luci reddita (small holes in title) presextatiok copy ^^ viro nobilissimo Dno. Isaaco Peirerio amico suo d.d. Auctor," Hafnice M. Martzan 1636 ; in 1 vol. old calf, with Armorial Boole-plate of B. H. de Fourcij sm. 4to. 989 Bartholinus. Anatomia, ex omnium veterum recentiorumque obser- vationibus, 2>/afes, calf 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Hachiana 1673 990 Bartholinus. De Armillis veterum Schedion ; Antiquitates veteris puerperii ; de Inauribus veterum Syntagma etc. plates, in 1 vol. vellum 12mo. Amst. sumpt. H. Wetstenii 1676 991 Bartholinus (Thomas, Thomie Filii) Antiquitatum Danicarum de causis contemptce a Danis adhuc gentilibus raortis, libri tres ex vet. codd. etc. hactenus ineditis congesti, vellum, sm. 4to. Hafnice 1689 992 Bartoli (Cosimo) Ragionamenti Accademici sopra alcuni luoghi difiBcili di Dante, con alcuni inventioni etc. woodciit port, on reverse of title, in Venet. app.Fr. de Franceschi (icitli device) 1567 — Ragiona- mento havuto in Lione da Claudio de Herbere, et da Aless. de Gliu- berti, sopra la dichiaratione d'alcuni luoghi di Dante, del Petraeca, e del Boccaccio, in Lione app. G. Rovillio 1560 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 993 Bartoli. Ragionamenti ; altro esemplare, icoodcut port. Venet. 1567 ' — Prachetta (Gir.) la Spositione sopra la canzone da Guido Cavalcanti i in Venet. app. I. Gioliti 1585 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. ' 994 Bartoli (P. Daniel) Del Ghiaccio e della Coagulatione trattati, vellum j sm. 4to. in Roma per il Vai-ese 1681 995 Bartoli (Pietro Santi) Gli Antichi Sepolcri, overo Mausolei Romani et Etruschi, trovati in Roma ed in altri luoghi celebri; 126 fine plates PROOF IMPRESSIONS, old calf gilt folio Roma Ant. de Rossi 1697 996 Barioloccil'S (Julius) Bibliotheca Magna Rabbixica de Scriptoribus et Scripturis Hebraicis, ordine Alphabetico, Hebi^aice, et Latino digestis, port. 4 vols, calf fol. Romce ex typ. S. Congregat. 1675-93 997 Bartoloccius. Bibliotheca Latino- Hebraica sive de Scriptoribus Latinis qui ex diversis nationibus contra Jufedos ; vel de re Hebraica utcumque scripsere etc. auctore C. J. Imbonato jjorf. (torn) calf fol. Romce 1694 Forming a supplemental vol. to Bartoloccius. 998 Bartolommei, gia' Smeducci (Girolamo) Tragedie, ricorrette, ed accresiute. Impressione seconda, portrait (mounted) and plates, 2 vols. old calf gilt sm. 4to. Firenze P. Nesti 1655 999 Bartholus de Saxo-Ferrato, contrarietatcs juris civilis Romanorum et juris Longobardorum cum additionibus Julii Fen'etti etc. lit. rjotfj. woodcut title and initials, ruhricated (62 II. including title) contemporary Venetian binding, stamped with Fleur-de-lis, a Crown, and Bees sm. 4to. Venet. ap. Aurelium Pincium 1541 LOGO BarufFaldus (Hieron.) Dissertatio de Poetis Ferrari ensibus (64< pp.) 4to. Ferrarice typis B. Pomatelli 1698 — Eiusdem, Dissert, de Prseticis ad illustrationem urnse sepulcralis etc. plates, calf 8vo. ib. 1713 JOOl Barwick (Peter) Vita Joannis Barwick, s.t.p. ; adjicitur appendix epistolarum Caroli II. 2 portraits, large paper, old calf gilt, fine clean copy roy. 8vo. Lond. typ. G. Boicyer 1721 1002 Barzius (Caesar) Decisiones Almae Rotae Bononiensis, Dutch vellum • fol. Veiiet. 1610 d BrBLlOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. "il 1003 Basile (Gio. Battista) Le Muse Napoletane Egroche (in lingua Napolitana), di Gian Alesio Abbatutis (anagram for Gio. Batista Basile) ^coodcuts, calf, scarce 12mo. in NapoU (1678) lOO-i Basilica ; id est Imperialium Constitutionum in Ix. libros redactum, Gent. Herviano interprete Lut. Par. Arnulpli. VAngelier 1557 — Imp. Justiniani NovellfB Constitntiones interpret. Juliano Patricio Lugd. ap. Joan. Torncesium 1561 ; in 1 vol. vellum fol. 1005 Basilica, lib. Is. Jacobo Cuiacio interprete, okVcalf gilt fol. Lugd. ap Claud. Sennetotnum 1566 1006 Basilica, lib. Ix. Jac. Cujacio interp. vellum fol. Hanov. 1606 1007 Basilica, lib. Ix. Carolus Axnibal Fabrotcs Latine vertit et Graece edidit ex Bib. Regis, large paper, 7 vols, calf roj. fol. Paris. Cramoisy 1647 1008 Basilius Magnus (S.) Opera Omnia quae reperiri potuerant Gr. et Lat. ; accessit Appendix a Sjmeone Magistro port. 3 vols, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy (the Appendix large paper ?) fol. Paris ap. M. Sonnium 1618 1009 Basilius. Opera quaedam Beati Basilii Caesar. Epis. : Tractatus Ethicorum, Regula, de Virginitate, contra Eunomium; item Sermones! et Epistolae, nonuUa insertse in regula ; qute omnia diligenter recog- nita NUNC PRiMUM IMPRESSA sunt, GraBce (6 pj-el. II. ; 192 immh. II.; and 1 hlanlc leaf ; margins of 3 II. icormed) Venet. per Stephanum de Sabio 1535 — Theodoreti, Cyrensis Episc. Ecclesiastica Historia, Greece (63 II. including imprint) Basil, in off. Froheniana 1535 ; in 1 vol. old calf, loitli Marlhorough Arms on sides fol. 1010 Basilius. Opera queedam. Grsece. A fine, large, and clean copy, old stamped calf fol. Venet. per Steph. de Sabio 1535 1011 Basilius. Orationes II. de Jejunio, Grsece (38 jjp. including title, and leaf with imprint) Paris, ap. J. L. Tiletanumlb-iO — Poemata Pjtbagorse et Phoclydis Graeca cum duplici interpretatione Viti Amerbachii (jyp. 176 and 2 II. of errata) Argent, ap. Crat. Mylium 1539 — Gilberti Duclierii Epigrammaton lib. duo {pp. 167) Lugd. ap. Seb. Grijphitim 1538 ; in 1 vol. 12mo 1012 Basilius. De vero atque incon-upta Virginitate liber Ant. Arcim- boldio interprete, o/d calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 4to. Mediol. excud. P. Goth. Ponthius 1573 1013 Basilius (S. Seleuciae Isauriae Episc.) Opera qu£e exstaut Greece nunc primum eruta et in lucem edita, calf 8vo. {Paris.) in Bibliopolio H. Gommelini 1596 1014 Basilius (Imp. Constantinop.) Exhortationum Capita Ixvi.ad Leonem filium Gr. et Lat. ; ad calcem adjecta sunt pro felici inauo-uratioue Henrici iii. Regis cliristianiss. etc. calf 4to. Lut ap. J. Morellum 1584 1015 Basilius. Aliud exemplar, Lut. ap. J. Morellum 1584 — Pisidae opus sex Dierum, seu Mundi opificium Gr. et Lat. Lut. F. Morellum 1585; in 1 vol. calf _ _ sm. 4to! 1016 Basnage (Henri) Seigneur de Beauval. Histoire des ouvrao-es des S9avans depuis Sept. 1687 jusqu'a Dec. 1708 (except 1707 ivhich icas never printed) 23 vols, calf 12mo. Eofterd. 1687-1708 1017 Basnage (Hen.) Sieur du Franguesney. La Coutume Reformee du Pais et Duche de Norman die, seconde et nouvelle edition, revue corrigee et augmentee par I'auteur 2 vols, old calf fol. Bouen, A. Maury 1694 1018 Basnage (Jacques) Annales des Provinces-Unies depuis les nego- ciations pour la pais de Munster, avec la description de leur Gouverne- ment, large paper, calf roy. fol. La Raye chez Charles le Vier 1719 1019 Basnage (Sam.) Annales Politico-Ecclesiastici annorum Dcxlv. a Caesare Augusto ad Phocam usque, 3 vols, old calf gilt fol. Boteroi. E. Leers 1706 7 BIBLIOTHECA SCXDERLANDIANA. 1020 Bassano (Luigi) da Zara. I costunii et I modi particolari de la vita de Turchi (4 prel. II. ; 62 numb. U. ; and leaf zoith imprint] in Roma, per Ant. Blado Asolano 1545 — Delle cose de Turclii libri tre ; delli quali si descrive il viaggio da Yenetia a Constantinopoli con gli nonii de luoglii anticlii et moderni etc. (37 U. and one ivitli imprint) in Vinegia in casa di Maestro Bernardin Milanese 1541 — De Afflic- tione, tarn captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viventiutc cliristianorura . . . additis nonnullis lectu dignis linguarum Sclavonica et Turcicae, cum interpretatione Latina libellus, autore BarthoL Gyurgievito peregrino Hierosoljmitano, 7 woodcuts and woodcut ai end (A-E4! in eights) in Veteri Vangionum Vormatia excud. Greg. Co^niander, anno 1545 : three scarce ivories on the Turlcs in the \Qth century; in 1 vol. old leather binding 12iao. 1021 Bassi (Mai'tino) In ]\Iateria d'Arcliitettura et Perspettiva con Pareri di Eccelleuti et Famosi Architetti cbe li risolvono (53 pp.) woodcut initials and Anchor on title and last leaf, vellum, curious and scarce 4to. in Bressa per F. e P. M. Marchetti 1572 1022 Bassompierre (Marescbal) Memoires contenant I'Histoire de sa vie et de ce qui s'est fait de plus remarqnable a la Cour de France pendant quelques annees 3 vols, calf 12m.o. jouxte la coppie imprimee a Cologne chez P. du Marteau 1665 1023 Bateman (James) ORCHIDACE^ of MEXICO and GUATEMALAN y 40 -fine coloured plates, and manerous tcoodcut vignettes by Geo. J I CruikshanJc etc. hf. bd. green morocco gilt, gilt edges elephant fol. Bond. 1843 Of this magnificent work only 126 copies were printed for subscribers and it now seldom occurs for sale. 1024 Batesius (Gul.) Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum qui doctrina, digni- tate, aut pietate inclaruere, calf 4to. Bond. 1681 1025 Bateus (Georgius) Elenchi Motuum. Nuperorum in Anglia; simul ac Juris Regii et Parliamentarii bre^-is enarratio, partes i et ii. ports, of ' Charles I. and II. ; Autograph o/ " Phil. Wakwick " on title, calf 8vo. Bond. 1661 — -Elenclii Motuum Nuperonim in Anglia, pars iii. a T. Skinner calf. Bond. 1676 — Pharmacopoeia Bateana by Salmon calf 8vo. 1713 1026 Batellus (Jo. Christ.) De Sarcophago Marmoreo probi Anicii et probfe Faltonite in templo Yaticano dissertatio, 3 plates, vellum, 8vo. Bonia; typis CaJ. de Zenobiis 1705 — Eiusdem, Expositio Aurei Numis- matis Heracliani, vellum 8vo. Bomce 1702 1027 Battely (James) Antiquitates Rutupinae (Richborough) opus pos- thnmum, large paper, \ plates, old paneled calf gilt roy. 8vo. 0.von. e Theat. Sheld. 1711 1028 Battista (Giuseppe) Epicedi Eroici Poesie front, vellum 12mo. Venet. presso Comhi 1667 1029 Baudelot de Dairval (M.) De 1' Utilite de Yoyages et de 1' Avan- tao-e que la Recherche des Antiquitez procure aux Scavans, plates 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris chez P. Auboiiin 1686 1030 Baudelot. Histoire de Ptolemee Auletes Dissertation sur une Pierre gravee Antique du Cabinet de Madame plates, old calf gilt 8vo. Paris chez P. Auboiiin 1698 1031 Baudier (Michel) Histou'e de 1' Administration du Card. Amboise, Grand Ministre d'Estat en France oil se lisent les effects de la Prudence et de la Sagesse Politique, port, vellum 4to. Paris chez P. Bocolet 1634 1032 Baudier. Histoire de 1' Administration du Card. Ximenes, Grand Ministre d'estat en Espagne, ou se voyen les effects d'une prudente et courageuse conduite avec une excellent probite, fine portrait, LARGE UNCUT COPT 4to. Paris chez S. Cramoisy 1635 s s- I 1 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 79 1033 Baudier. Histoire du Mareclial de Toiras, oil se voyent les effets de la Valeur et de la Fidelite, loort. iilates of Arms etc. calf fol. Paris S. Cramoisy 1644 1034 Baudius (Domenicus) Libri Tres de Inducis Belli Belgici vellum 4to. Lugd. Bat. ap. L. Elzevirium 1613 — Baudii Amores edente P. Scriverio vellum 12ino. Lugd. Bat. Hacl-.ius 1638 1035 Baudoin (Jeau) Mtthologie, ou Explication des Fables. Ouvrage cy-devant traduitte (dn Latin) de Natalis de Comitibns par J. de Montlyard ; avec un Traite des Muses etc. large paper, fine copper- plate engravings, old calf gilt, fine clean cop>y roy. fol. Paris cliez F. Chevalier 1627 1036 Bandoin. Les Aphorismes du Droit tractant des Lois en general, du devoir du Juge, etc. ffiuvi'es curieuses utile et necessaire a tons Presidents etc. vellum 12mo. Paris Jean B. Loyson 1649 1037 Baudrand (M. Ant.) Geograpbia ordine litterarum diposita, large PAPER 2 vols, calf roy. fol. Paris ap. St. Miclialet 1682 1038 Baugier (Edme.) Memoires Historiques de la Province de Cham- pagne port, map and plates 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris And. Gailleau 1 721 1039 Baubinus (Joannes) Historia novi et admirabilis Fontis Balneique Bollensis in Ducatu \Yirtenibei'gico ad acidulas Goepingenses, nume- rous ivoodcuts 2 vols, in 1 calf sm. 4to. Montishelgardi ap. Jac. FoiUetum 1588 One of the first books printed in this town. 1040 Baumgarten (Martinus a) Perigrinatis in ^gyptum, Arabiam, Palsestinam et Syriam, studio et opera Ch. Donaveri, Noriherg. ex off. Gerlacliiana 1594 — Memorite nunquam satis Laudatge Christiani Saxoni^ Ducis et Jobannis Casimiri Com. Pal. anno Christi 1592 ; in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 1041 Baville. (Intendant de Languedoc depuis treize ans). Memoire sur la Province de Languedoc, Original Unpublished Manuscript 310^^. and 8 II. of Table loritten in a neat hand, old calf fol. 1698 A note, probably in the Earl of Sunderland's handwriting, which accompanies the volume, says " These Memoires of Languedoc were wrote by Mr. Baville,". . . etc. 1042 Baxter (And.) Matbo ; or tbe Cosmotbeoria Puerilis 2 vols, calf 8vo. Bond. A. Millin 1745 1043 Baxter (Willielmus) Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum ; sive Syllabus Etj-mologicus antiquitatum veteris Britannije atque Ibernse temporibus Romanorum port. Large Paper, calf roy. 8vo. Bond. W. Bowyer 1719 1044 Bayard (Chev. Pierre du Terrail). Histoire du Chevalier Bayard, Lieutenant General pour le Roy au Govvernement de Daulphine et de plusieurs choses memorables advenues en France etc. du Reyne des Roys Charles VIIL etc. depuis Fan 1489 a 1524 (par le Loyal Serviteur) port, old calf, ivith Arms on side^, fine clean copy 4to. Paris chez Ah. Pacard 1616 1045 Bayerus (Joannes) Urano-Metria omnium Asterismoi'um continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, eiigraved title and 51 plates, vellum, with dated Armorial Booh-plate of Charles, Earl of Halifax 1702 on reverse of title fol. Atig. Vind. C. Magnus 1603 1046 Bayfius (Lazarus) Annotationes in Leges 11. de Captivis et post- liminio reversis in quibus tractatur de re Navali ; ace. de re Vestiaria, woodcuts, contemporary French binding in calf, the sides covered loith elaborate ornamental gold tooling, gilt and gauffred edges, clean copy 4to. Paris, ex off. M. Stephani 1636 1047 Bayfius. Aliud exemplar, woodcuts, Paris 1536 — Erasmi Morise Encomium cum not. Listrii ; Senecae Ludus de Morte ; CI. Synesius de laude Calvitii ; Erasmi Epistola ad Dorpium {MS. notes in mar- gins) Bit. Par. ex off. Ascensianis 1524 — Hci'mogenis de Invcntione — c> . c ^ 13 ' f J 80 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 1048 Bayfius. plates {sm. calf 1049 Bajfius. tomi quatuor, Greece (46 U.) Paris. C. Wecliel 1530 — Dares Frigius, De bello Troiano (title in red goth. let. tvithin icoodcut horders) 12 11. absque ulla nota (but haviyig the fleur-de-lis of the Giunti on title) very rare edition, UNCUT ; in 1 vol contemporary calf sm. 4to. With armorial book-plate of B. H. de Fodrct. De re navali, vascularia et vestiaria, cum annotationibas, hole in title) ; Tvith autograph of Hadrian "Beverlandi" sm. 4to. Lut. B. Steph. 1549 De re vestiaria, vascularia et navali ex Bayfii, woodcuts Lut. C. Steph. 1552 — Veterum jure, eonsultum ad versus Laur. Vallce reprehensiones defensio, Paris, ap. Jo. Houze 1583— Morestelli (Petri) PompaFeralis sive justa funebria Pan's. 1621 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12m.o. 1050 Batle (Pierre) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee par I'auteur, best edition, large PAPER ( ivith the Epistle to the Due d' Orleans and both lives of David) stout old russia gilt, yelloiv edges, fine copy roy. fol. Botterod. cliez M. Bohm 1720 1051 Beatiano (Agostino) Le Rime Volgari et Latine {A-N in eights, except G ivhich has 4 11. only) calf 12mo. in Venetia app. G. Giolito 1551 1052 Beatson (Rob.) Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland 2 vols, calf 8vo. Bond. 1788 1053 Beaugu^ (Jan de) l'Histoire de la Guerre d'Escosse, traitant comme le Royaume fut assailly et en grande partie occupe par les Anglois, et depuis rendu paisible a sa Reyne et reduit en son ancien estat et dignite ornamental woodcut capitals, old calf sm. 8vo. a Baris par Vincent Sertenas 1556 Vert rare. A-P in eights, P8 blank. D. Laing's copy sold last year for £5. 2s 6d. 1054 Beaujeu (Cliev. de) Memoires contenant ses divers Voyages, tant eu Polonie, en Allemagne, qu'en Hongrie, avec des Relations Particulieres des Affaires de ces Pays-la depuis I'annee 1679, calf 12mo. Amst. Heritiers d'Ant. Schelte 1700 1055 Beaujoteulx (Baltasar de) Valet du Chambre au Boy. Balet CoMiQUE DE LA RoTNE faict aux nopces de M. le Due de Joyeuse et Mile. deVaudemont sa Soeur, old calf gilt, with the Sunderland Arms on sides, red. edges 4to. a Baris par Adrian le Boy, B. Ballard et M. Battison 1582 A curious and uncommon book. It contains 8 prel 11. consisting of title, dedication to Henri III. sonnets to the Author, etc. ; and signs. A-T in fours. There are 27 curious copperplate engravings designed by Jacques Patin, the King's painter. The music is the composition of the JSieur dn Beaulien, Salomon, etc. The present copy is clean and perfect, with wide margins. Didot's copy produced 655 francs. 1056 Beaumont (John) and Fletcher (John) Fifty Comedies and Ti'agedies, published by the Authors original copies, fine portrait of Fletcher by Marshall, calf binding {broTcen) fol. Bond. 1679 1057 Beaumont and Fletcher's Comedies and Tragedies, large paper, 2 portraits and h2, plates, fine proof impressions {the plate to the " Woman Hater " in vol. 7 is defectively tahen) 7 vols, calf large 8vo. Bond. J. Tonson 1711 1058 Beaune (Renauld de) Brimat d'Aguitaine. Sermon Funebre prononce aux obseques de feu Reverendiss. et illuss. Rene, Card, de Birague, Chancellier de France, le 6 Decern. 1583 (20 11.) Baris, chez Gilles Beys 1583 — Epistola ad Stanislaum Osium Card, una cum actis Legislationis de regno ad Henricum Poloniae Regem P. Namossio auctore (16 //.) Baris. e Typ. Dion a Brato 1574 — Ad Expositionem 3 10 1 Id s 1 to IZS to 7 I II BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 81 Disp-atationis de Methodo, contra Thesallum Ossatnm, Acad. Par. Methodicum, Responsio Jac. Carpentarii (4 pre/. II. and 30 numb. II.) Paris, ex, off, G. Biwnii 1564 ; three scarce tracts, all fine LARGE COPIES ; in 1 vol. caJf 4to. 1059 Beauplan (Sieur de) Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusienrs Provinces dn Rojanme de Pologne. Contenues depuis les confins de la Moscovie, jusques au limites de la Transylvanie. Ensemble leiirs moeurs, fa^ons des vivres, et de faire la guerre {4> prel. U. pp. 1-112) large map and 4> plates, vellum, an interesting and scarce work sm. 4to. a Roiien, S. le Soiird 1661 1060 Bebelius (Baltasar) Antiqnitates GermaniiB primae et in hac Argentoratensis Ecclesiee EvangelicEe, e variis impressis et manu exaratis monnmentis congestce et explicatas, 1 plate, calf sm. 4to. Argeoit. J. F. Spoor 1669 1061 Bebelius. Antiquitates. Aliud exemplar, calf ib. 1669 1062 Bebelius (Henricus) Opascula Nova et Adolescentiae labores (Libri Facetiarum ; Laus Musics, etc.) Argent. 1512 — Opera Bebeliana Sequentia, Fhorcce in cedibus Anshelmi Badensis 1509 — Liber Theodoli cum comento noviter impressus. (This title above a woodcut of a master teaching in school, and below " vemindater LoNDlNl apud hihliopolas in cimiterio Sancti Pauli,") lit. goti). (A-H in sixes, H having 8 II.) : ad fin. ; Sanctissima explanatio Theodoli finit feliciter. Impensis " Judoci Pelgrim et Henrici Jacobi. In hoc opere sociorum anno mcccccviii " (a scarce edition) — Virgilio Centones : sive proba3 Valerias ingeniosissimse atque doctissima3 feminte Centonum H. H. Stemeciani comment, illustratum, Brunswici impressum ap. divuin Martinum 1516 (a» early BrunsivicJc book) ; in 1 vol. old stamped oaken binding sm. 4to. 1063 Bee (Jean du) Histoire du Gi"and Tamerlanes, ou sont descrites les rencontres, escarmouches, batailles, sieges, assauts, escallades, etc. durante son regne de quarante ou cinquante ans ; etc. tiree dea Monumens Antiques des Arabes, nouvellement revue et corrigee, portrait (3 p7-el. II. and pp. 504) old calf 12mo. a Lyon ches Leon Fiscelle 1602 1064 Beccatellus (Ant. Bonon.) Cognomento Panhormifa. Epistolarum lib. V. ; Eiusdem Orationes ii. carmina prasterea quaedam quae ex multis ab eo Scriptis adhuc colligi potuere, old calf fine copy of a scarce edition sm. 4to. Venet. 1553 1065 Bechet (A.) Clianoine de VEglise d'Usez. Histoire du Ministere du Cardinal Martinusius, Archeveque de Strigonie, ou I'on voit I'origine des Guerres de ce Eoyaume et de celles de Transilvanie, calf 12mo. Paris J. G. Nyon 1715 1066 Becichemus (Marinus) in C. Plinium Praelectio, Item collectanea in eundem. Ejusdem Opera Varia, in 1 vol. vellum (broken) fol. FerraricB 1503-4-6 1067 Becichemus. In C Plinium Prtelectio, ejusdem collectanea in primum Plinii, etc. fine woodcut title, clean copy, Lut. Par. in off, Petri Vidoue 1519 — Zeigleri (Jac.) in C. Plinii de Naturali Historia, lib. ii. commentarius, etc. woodcuts, fine clean copiy {autograph of Stephanus Baluzius 071 title) Basil, excud. H. Petrus 1531; in 1 vol. vellum, 1068 Becket. The Life or the Ecclesiasticall Historic of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury (by A. B.) fine front, (title; 3 prel. II. (1 blank) ; text pp. 396) calf, scarce 8vo. (or very sm. 4:to.) CoUonire 1639 6 f 2. / /6 It 1 5 7. k 82 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 1069 Bectins ( Matt. Frid. ) Martyrologiuin Ecclesias GermanicfB pervetustnm quod per septingentos annos delituit in publicxun nunc prodit, calf, with Sunderland Arms on sides 4to. Atig. Viyid. ap. Tlieoph. Goeh. Vidnam 1687 1070 Becmanus (Christ.) Manuductio ad Latinum Linguam, necnon de originibus Latinse Linguge, old calf tliick 8vo. Hanov. 1629 1071 Becmannus (Joan. Christ.) Historia Orbis Terrarum Geographica et Civilis, front, vellum 4to. Lips. 1685 1072 Beda (Venerabilis) Opera Omnia, /7?ie engraved title, 8 vols, in 5, old calf, with arms and monogram of Paul Petau on sides fol. Basil, per Joan. Hervagium 1563 1073 Beda. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, lit. gotf). with painted initials, old calf gilt, with the Sunderland Arms on sides, red edges sm. fol. s. a. et I. (sed Argent. Eggestein circa 1473) Editio prixceps, vert rare. Heber's copy produced £45. It contains 97 11. in double columns, 40 lines to a page, without marks of any kind ; the capitals painted in red. The present copy is in excellent condition. 1074 Beda. Hist. Eccles. Gent. Anglorum. Diligenti studio a mendis, quibus hactenus scatebant, vindicati, ruled unth red lines, con- ttmporary calf binding fol. Antw. Jo. Gravius 1550 1075 Beda. Aliud Exemplar, Antw. Jo. Gravius 1550 — Cochlgei (Joan.) Historife Hussitarum libb. xii. ace. De septera Sacramentis et de Cffiremoniis Ecclesiae, Mogunt. ex off. Fr. Behem 1549 ; in 1 vol. old stamped calf fol. 1076 Beda. Ecclesiasticae historias Gentis Anglorum lib. v. vellum 16mo. Lovanii ap. H. WellcBum 1566 1077 Beda. Historife Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum, una cum reliquis ejus Operibus Historicis in unum volumen collectis, cura et studio Johaxnis Smith, best edition, large paper, map and 2 plates, calf gilt roy. fol. Cant, typis Academicis 1722 1078 Bede (Jean) Angevin. Le Droit des Roys contre le Cardinal Bellarmin et autres Jesuites, dedie et presente au Roy (^title ; 3 prel. II. ; pip. 130 ; and leaf of " Fautes svrvenues") vellum 8vo. a Franckenthal par Roland Pape 1611 "Very scarce. This is the only book printed in this German town mentioned by Cotton in his Typ. Gaz. and he doubts the genuineness of the imprint. 1079 Beeck (Petrus a) Aquis-Granum, sive historica narratio de Civitatis Aquis-Granensis, origine, progressu de Rebus Caroli M. etc. 2iort. of Charlemagne (torn), old calf u'ith the arms of Jac. Theod. de Bryas, Bishop of Cambrat on sides sra. 4to. Aq7iis-Grani ap. H. Hulting 1620 The earliest book printed at Aix-la-Chapelle mentioned by Cotton is dated 1634. 1080 Beeckman (Daniel) Voyage to and from the Island of Borneo in the East Indies with a description of the said Island, 5 pilates and maps, calf 8vo. Land. 1718 1081 Begerus (Laurentius) Thesaurus ex Thesauro Palatini selectus, sive Gemmarum et Numismatum quae in electorali Cimeliarchio continentur, Elegantiorum aere expressa et convenienti commentario illustrata dispositio, numerous fine plates of Antique Statues, Gems, etc. calf fol. Heidel. P. Belborn 1685 1082 Begerus. Observationes et Conjecturae in Numismata quaedam Antiqua, /7/ie vignettes and plates of medals, vellum, fine copy 4to. Col. Brandenh. typ. U. Liehperti 1691 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. 831 1083 Begerus. Spicilegium Antiquitatis sive varium ex Antiquitate Elegantiarum etc. numerous plates, Col. Brand. 1692 — Kaph. I'abretti de Columna Traiani Syntagma et Em. Lacus Fucini Descriptio, plates, Eomce, 1683 ; in 1 vol. calf fol. 1084 Begerus. Thesaurus Brandenburgicus Selectus ; sive Gemmarum et Numismatum Graecorum in Cimeliarchio Electorali Branden- burgico elegantiorum series commentario illustrata), many hundred, engravings of Antique Cameos and other Gems, Medals, Statues, etc. aiid numerous fine vignettes^ 3 vols, calf gilt fol. Col. Marchicce 1696-1701 1085 Begerus. Bellum et excidium Trojanum ex Antiquitatum reliquis, etc. numerous plates, vellum 4to. 1699 1086 Begerus. De Nummis Cretensium Serpentiferis, Disquisitio Antiquaria, plates and vignettes, calf fol. Col. Marchicce IT. Liehperti 1702 1087 Begerus. Aliud exemplar, Col. Mar. 1702 — Examen dubiorum quorundam plates, Berol. 1704 — Ulysses Sirenes prsetervectus, ex delin. Pighiana, plates, Col. Brand. 1703 — Alcestis pro Marito Moriens et Vitas ab Hercule Restituta, plates, Col. Brand. 1703 ; and 2 other tracts by Begerus ; in 1 vol. calf, tvith the Sunderland Arms on sides fol. 1088 Behamb (J. F.) Notitia Hungarise Antiquo-Modernae Berveggeriana, vellum. 8vo. Argent. 1676 1089 Beiard (J.) Recueil des Tiltres, Qualites, Blazons et Amies des Seigneurs Barons et des Prelats des Estats Generaux de la Province de Languedoc, h7 plates of Arms, old calf gilt, with the Marlborough Arms on title fol. (MontpelUer 1654) 1090 Beier (Ad.) Hariiionia Struvio-Schnobeliana, calf, 12mo, Heidelh. 1670 — Eiusd. de varii generis Instrumentis cum raaxime opificum, calf 4to. Jeum 1691 1091 Bekker (Balth.) Le Monde Encbante, ou examen des comniuns sentimens touchant les Esprits, leur nature, leur pouvoir, leur administration et leurs operations etc. traduit du Hollandais, 4 vols. caJf 12mo. Amst. chez P. Rotterdam 1694 1092 Belcarius (Franciscus) Rerum Gallicarum Commentai'ii ab anno 1461 ad 1580 (1567) opus posthumum, vellum fol. Lugd. sumpt. Claudii Landry 1625 1093 Belgium. Rerum Belgicarum Annales Chronici et Historici de Bellis, Urbibus situ, et moribus geutis antiqui recentioresque Scriptores, opera ac studio Fr. Sweertii (Jiole in title), vellum fol. Francof 1620 1094 Belgium. Acta Pacificationis qas3 coram Sac. Ceesarae JNIaiest. Commissariis inter seren. Regis Hispaniarum et Principis Matthia3 Archiducis Austriae Ordinumque Belgii legatos, Colonise habita sunt, vellum, fine clean copy 4to. Lugd. ap. And. Schutenum 1680 1095 Belgium. Belgiae Pacificatorum vei'a delineatio. Ponrtraictures vraye des Paciticateurs des Pays-bas, engraved title and 33 fine portraits by H. Hondius, vellum sm. 4to. Hagce Com. 1608 Among the portraits are those of 3 Englishmen, viz. : James I., Sir Richard Spencer, and Sir Ralph Winwood. 1096 Belgium. Bellum Belgicum ; sive Belgicanim rerum, e com- mentariis Pompei Justiniani, edente Jos. Gamurino Col. Agr. 1640 — Collenutii (Pandulphi) Historiae Neapolitangei (tvants title) — Pallas RhcBtica Armata et Togata, authore Fortunato Sprechero a Berneck, Basil. (I J. J. Genathio 1617; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 6 * 3^ 7 (3 It 1 g4 BIBLIOTBECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1097 Belgium. Collectio Moniimentorum rerumque Maxime Insignum Belgii Foederati per Phileleutlierum TimareteB, vellum 8vo. Amst. vidua Jos. Brounmcj 1684 1098 Belgium. Defensio Belgarum, contra Evocationes et Peregrina Judicia, editio secunda, vellum, 4to. alisque uUa not a — Histoire des Comtes des Flandre jusques a Paix de Ryswick en 1697, front, calf 12mo. La Haye 1698 1099 Belgium. Historia Episcopatum Foederati Belgii; utpote Metropolitani Ultrajectini, necnon Suffraganeorum Harlemensis, Daventriensis, Leovardiensis, Groningensis et Middelburgensis per I H. F. V. H. 24 Jine jiortraits hy A. Bloemart a7id others, 10 onaps and views of cities, and 19 views of churches, 2 vols, calf fol. Lugd. Bat. G. Vermey 1719 1100 Belgium. Histoire des Troubles et Guerres Civiles du Pajs-Bas autrement diet la Flandre, contenant Torigine et progres d'icelle, les stratagemes de guerres, aussi la barbare tyrannic et cruaute de I'Espaignol, et des Espaignolisez. Ensemble I'estat et faict de la Eeligion, especialement depuis I'an 1559 a 1581 ( j^p. 531 and 7 11. for Tahle), vellum, scarce 8to. {s.l.) Van 1582 1101 Belgium. Itinerarium per nonnullas Galliae Belgicas Partes Ab. Ortelii et Joan. Viviani plates (pj)- 1-76 and 2 11. for index) Antio. C. Flantin 1584 — Petri Divfpi Lovaniensis de Gallite Belgicae Antiquitatibus lib. i; ace H. Nuenari de Gallia Belgica, Antic. C Plantin 1584 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12mo. 1102 Belgium. Jurisprudentia Heroica sive de Jure Belgarum circa Nobilitatem et insignia demonstrate in commentario ad Edictum serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellce emulgatum 14 Dec. 1616, numerous fine portraits and plates of arms, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf fol. Brux. sii^mpt. B. Vivien 1668 1103 Belgium. Libellus Supplex ImperatoriaB Sacree Maiestati cjeterisque sacri imperii electoribus, principibus atque ordinibus nomine Belgarum ex inferiori Germania, Evangelicae Religionis causa per Albani Ducis tyrannidem eiectorum, in comitiis Spirensis Exbibitus (56 II.) calf, rare 12mo. s. 1. (SpircB) 1570 1104 Belgium. Vera et Simplex Narratio eorum quse ab adventu D. Joannis Austriaci supremi in Belgio pro Catholica Maiestate Gubernatoris etc. gesta sunt (contra Status Generales scripta) title and 195 pp. and leaf of errata sm. 4to. Luxemhurgi ap. Martin. Marchant 1578 Probably the earliest book printed in Luxembourg. 1105 Belgium. Proelium Woeringanum, Joannis I. Lotb. Brab. Ducis, quo Memorabili parta Victoria a.d. 1288, ducatus Limburgi ad Brabantiam. accessio -Sternum Mausit Obfermata, engraved title, uncut fol. Brnx. ap. G. Schcevartium 1692 1106 Belgium. Historia Belgica, hoc est rerum Memorabilium, quae in Belgico jam inde a pace ilia cameracensi inter Carolum V. et Fran- ciscum I. evenerint brevis descriptio ; ace. Epitome Regum Fran- comm, vellum, fine clean copy sm.8vo. Francof. S. Feyerabendium 1583 1107 Belgium. Risposta al Trattato delle Ragioni della Regina Cristia- nissima sopra il Ducato del Brabante et altri stati della Fiandra, calf 4to. in Napoli 1667 e 1676 1108 Belidor (Bern.) La Science des Ingenieurs dans la conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d' Architecture civile, numerous plates, calf 4to. Paris 1729 1109 Belidor. Architecture Hydraulique, ou I'Art de conduire, d'elever, et de menager les Eaux pour le differens besoins de la Vie, numerous plates, 2 vols, calf 4to. Paris 1737 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 85 1110 Belius (Matthias) Exercitatio de vetere Litteratnra Hunno-ScytTiica plates, calf sm. 4to. Lips. ap. P. G. Monattam 1718 1111 Bellafiniis (Franciscus) De Origine et Temporibus Urbis Bergomi; Agri et Urbis Bergomatis Descriptio M. Ant. Michgelis (42 II. and 1 for imprint) calf 4to. Venet.per Jo. Antonium et fratres de Sabio 1532 1112 Bellarminus (Card.) De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, editio iiltiina,, calf, 8vo. Lugd. 1675 — Vita di Rob. Card. Bellarmino composta dalj P. Giacomo YxAi^ixiti, port, and engraved title, vellum 4to. Rom CB per L. Grignani 1644 1 1113 Bellay (Guill. du) Seigneur de Langey. Epitome de I'Antiquite desi Gaules et de France; plus sont adjoustees nne oraison et deux Epistres faites en Latin et traduites en Fran^oys, clean copy, veJlum i sm. 4to. Paris pour V. Sertenas 1556 1114 Bellay (Joachim du) Angevin. ffiovRES Poetiques ; c'est-a-dire ; Le Premier Livre des Antiquitez de Borne (o7ily the first book pub- lished) (14 II.) Paris de Vimp.de Federic Morel 1558; Les Regrets et, autres CEuvres Poetiques {bO II.) ib. 1558; Divers Jeux Rustiques 1 etc. (76 II.) ib. 1558; Discours au Roy sur la Trefue de Fan 1555 1 (6 II.) ib. 1558 ; Hymne au Roy sur le prinse de Calais etc. (6 II.) 1 ib. 1559 ; Epithalame sur le Mariage du Due de Savoye et Mar- 1 guerite soeur du Roy (13 II.) ib. 1559 ; Entreprise du Roy-Daulphin ^ pour le Tournoy, soubz le nom des Chevaliers Advantereux (14 II.) ib. 1559 ; Tumulus Henrici Secundi Gallorum Regis etc. (14 II.) ib. 1559; in 1 vol. vellum. sm. 4to A VERT RARE COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL EDITIONS of the Separate picces of this author ; large and clean copies. 1115 Bellay. Epithalame sur le Mariage du Due de Savoye et la Prin- cesse Marguerite, original edition (14 II.) Paris F. Morel. 1559 — ■ Discours au Roy sur la Trefue de I'an 1555, original edition (6 ll.)\ ib. 1558 — Enterprise du Roy-Daulphin pour le Tournoy, soubz le. nom des Chevaliers Advantereux, original edition (14 II.) (niargins\ of title m.ended) ib. 1559 — Louauge de la France et du Roy tres- chrestien Henry II., ensemble un Discours sur la Poesie, original ! EDITION (8 //.) a Paris, V. Sertenas 1560 — Belleau (R.) Chant' Pastoral de la Paix, original edition (10 //.) Paris, imp. d'A. Wechel 1559 — Desautelz (G.) Remonstrance au Peuple Fran<;oys de son devoir en ce tamps envers la Maieste du Roy : a laquelle sont adjoustez troys Eloges de la Paix (par Ronsard) ; de la Trefue (par Dubellay) ; et de la Guerre, original edition (12 II. ; 1 blank) (not • in Brunei or the suppl. of Deschamps) Paris, 0. Wechel 1559 — Du Mayne (G.) I'Heureux Partaige des Excellens dons de la Deesse Pallas, original edition (12 //.; 1 blank) Paris, M. de Vascosan 1556 — Le meme, le Laurier dedie a Madame, Soeur unique du Roy Duchesse de Berry, original edition, (18 II.) ib. 1556 — Le meme Epistre en vers Fran(;ois envoyee de Rome sur la venue de M. le Mareschal de Brissac (16 II.) Paris, imp. de M. Vascosan 1556; in 1 vol. mor. gilt edges sm. 4to. A VERT SCARCE COLLECTION OF NINE ORIGINAL PIECES, mUch SOUght for in Prance. Four of the pieces have on tlie title the autograph of '• Fkantois Kasse DES Neux chirurgien d Pcvris 1558-9." 1116 Bellay. Les CEavres Francjoises, reveues et de nouveau augmentees de plusieurs Poesies non encores auparavant imprimees, calf, very scarce sm. 8vo. Paris, de Vimp. de F. Morel 1569 This volume contains the following pieces : — La Defense et Illustration de la Langue Fran9oise (40 It.) ; L'Olive et autres CEuvres Poetiques (80 II.) ; Recueil de Poesie presente a la Princesse Marguerite (96 II.) ; Deux Livrcs de I'Eneide de Virgil avec autres traductions (88 II.) ; all with separate titles {to ivliich is added a general title and 1 1 prel. II. of table etc.) ; fine clean copies ruled with red lines. / 1 3 II /A ^1 86 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDBRLANDIANA. 1117 Bellay. Les (Eavres Francoises, reveries et de nouvean auginentees de plusieurs Poesies non encores anparavant imprimees, old calf gilt thick sin. 8vo. Paris, de Vimp. de Fed. Morel 1573 Collation : title (mounted) ; 11 prell. 11. of Ded. and Table ; Text 559 numb. 11. ; and 1 leaf for privilege. A rare edition. 1118 Bellay. Les ffinvi'es Francoises, vellum gilt, gilt edges 12mo. ci Rouen par G. d^Oijselet 1592 Title ; 9 prel. 11. ; Text 583 nnmb. 11. ; and Printer's device on separate leaf at end. A beautifll copy of this scarce edition. 1119 Bellay. Les CBavres Francoises, ruled toith red lijies, old red. onorocco gilt, gilt edges, with a monogram of a donhle M on sides, and Armorial bookplate of B. H. de Fourcy 12mo. Rouen cliez Thomas Mallard 1597 Title ; 11 prel. 11. ; text 528 numb. 11. According to the Abbe St. Leger this edition is more complete than the preceding. 1120 Bellay. Joacliimi Bellaii Andini, Poematum libri qnatnor (62 oiumb. II.) Paris, ap. Fed. Morellam 1558 — -Eiixsdem Xenia ; seu Illustrium quorundam Noniinum AUnsiones (21 //.) ib. 1560 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 1121 Bellay. Poematum Libri quatuor (62 11.) calf sm. 4to. ib. 1558 1122 Bellay. Poematum lib iv. (62 U.) ib. 1558— Carmen de Pace authore Helia Andrea Burdigalen. (10 II. the last blank) Paris ap. Morellum 1559 — De Caleti et Guinae Expugnatione, Carmen longe doctiss. (6 //.) ib. 1558 — De Theavilla Capta Mich. HosrixALii Carmen (4 //.) ib. — In Francisci Francise Delpbini et Marine sereniss. Scotordm Regin^ Nuptias, Carmen (4 //.) (a very rare Tract relating to Mary, Queen of Scots) ib. — Ad Carol. Card. Lotarenum Mich. Hospit. de Pace Carmen (3 II.) ib. — Ad ^[argaritam Regis Sororem Mich. Hospitalii Epistola (6 II. the last blank) ib. — C. Val. CatuUi Epigrammata quaedam in usum pudicae juventutis selecta (14 //.) ib. — De Caleto Recepta et Rebus a Franc. Lotharingo ducis Gnisio auspiciis Hen. II. gestis. Carmen elegiacam (4 //.) ib. — Epitalamio di M. Gabriel Symeoni Fior. sopra I'utile della Pace, et la celebratione della Nozze del Re Catolico (6 II.) Parigi stampato da And. Wechello 1559 — De Conficiendo Epigrammate fine engraved title (4< prel. II. 1 blank} and pp. 1-112) Punon. 1632 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. A scarce collection of little^known poetical Tracts. 1123 Bellay. Divers Jeux Rustiques, et autres CEuvres Poetiques (ruled with red lines) {A-T. in fours) Paris Vimp. de Fed. Morel 1560 — Lovange de la France et du Roy tres-chrestien Henry II. ensemble un discours sar la Poesie, original edition (8 //.) Paris F. Morel 1560 j in 1 vol. caZ/ sm. 4to. / I 1 IS BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 87 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 1124 Bellay. Hymne an Roy sur la prinse de Calais, Paris F. Morel 1559 — Epithalame sur le Mariage du Due de Savoye et la Princesse Marguerite (14 II.) i6.— Discours au Roy sur la Trefue de I'an 1555 (6 U.) ib. — Enterprise du Roy Daulphin pour la Tonrnoy, soubz le nom des Chevaliers advantereux (14 II.') ib. ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. All original editions except the first, and fine copies, ruled with red lines. 1125 Bellay. Divers Jeux Rustiques, et autres oenvi*es poetiques, (^A-T. in fours) clean copy, vellum sm. 4to. Paris F. Morel 1560 1126 Bellay. Deux Livres de I'Eneide de Virgile, a scavoir le 4e. et 6e. traduicts en vers Francois ; avec la complainte de Didon a Enee, prise d'Ovide, la Mort de Palinure du cinquieme de I'Eneide, et I'Adieu aux Muses, pris du Latin de Buccanan (74 U.) fine clean, copy ruled ivith red lines, calf sm. 4to. Paris F. Morel 1560 Original edition of the two books. The fourth book was first published in 1552 in 8vo. 1127 Bellay. Deux livres de Virgile etc. autre edition (64 II.) vellum sm. 4to. Paris Morel 1561 1128 Bellay. Epitlialame sur le Mariage du Due de Savoye et la Princesse Marguerite (24 II.) vellum sm. 4to. Paris F. Morel 1561 1129 Bellay. Discours au Roy sur la Trefue de I'an 1555. Hymne aui Roy sur la prinse de Calais. Les Furies contre les Infracteurs de foy (16 II.) vellum sm. 4to. Paris F. Morel 1561 1130 Bellay. La Defense et Illustration de la Langue Fran^oise, avec r Olive, de nouveau augmentee. La Musagnseomacliie. L'Antero- tique de la Vieille et de la jeune Amie. Vers Lyriques etc. {signs. \ A-K ; and a-t iyi fours t4< blank) vellum sm. 4to. Paris F. Morel 1561 i 1131 Bellay (Martin et Guill. du) Sieurs de Langey. Les Memoires \ contenans le discours de plusieurs choses adveniies au Royaume de i France depuis I'an 1513, jusques au trespas du Roy Francois premier, ausquels I'autlieur a insere trois livres, et quelque Fragmens des l Oydoades de Mess. Guillaume du Bellay son Frere, Printer s device i on title, zvoodcut initials and vignettes, large paper ruled with red lines, old calf gilt, fine copy, fol. Paris a V Olivier de P. VILuillier 1569 1132 Belleforest (Fr. de) I'Histoire des ITeuf Roys Charles de France ; contenant la Fortune, Vertu et Heur Fatal des Roys qui sous ce nom de Charles ont mis a fin des choses merveilleuses (3 II. of Index defective) calf fol. Paris'VHmllier 1568 1133 Belleforest. Les grandes Annales et Histoire generale de France, des la venue des Francs en Gaule, jusques au Regno du Roy tres- chrestien Henry III. ivoodcut portraits (1369 leaves of text ; and 91 II. of index ; some II. in vol. 1 wormed and stained) 2 vols, {binding hrohen) fol. Paris clicz G. Buon 1579 In each of the vols, is inserted the armorial book-plate of Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, dated 1 702. 3 MS 1. lo I II ly 10 Id /o BIBLIOTH£CA SUNDERLANDIANi:. 1134 Belletti (Jo. Mar.) Disqnisitio Clericalis in duas partes distincta, old calf, with the Marlhorough Anns on sides fol. Eonue L. Grignanius 1635 1135 Belli (Jo. Bapt.) Diatribae Diiae. Prima de partiijns Templi Auguralis. Altera de Mense et die Victorias Pharsalicse, vellum 8vo. ToloscB Am. Colomerium 1637 1136 Belli (Petrini) De Re Militari et Bello tractatns, divisus in partes xi. icoodcut initials, autograph of " Tho. Eden" on title, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. Fr. de Portonariis 1563 1137 Belli (Valerio) Nohile Vicentino. Madrigali, engraved title (47 II.) scarce, Venet. presso G. B. Ciotti 1599 — Rime del Sig. Battista Guarini, di nuovo in qnesta quinta impressione ricorrette, engraved title (77 II.) ih. 1599 ; in 1 vol. vellum 24mo 1138 Bellonns (Jo.) Communes Jurium Sententite calf 8vo. Lugd. ap Beringos 1553 — Alia editio, Annte Buyssonii Cadomei opera et studio, calf 12mo. Cadomi (Caeti) ap. A. Cavelier 1607 1139 Bellonns (Joan. Ant.) Tractatus de Mandata Jui'isdictione, old calf fol. Barmre 1625 1140 Bellonns (Paulus) De Potestate eorum, qnge Incontinenti fiunt, vel ex intervallo, vellum fol. Ticini And. Vianus 1618 1141 Bellorius (Jo. Petrus) Yeteres Arcus Augnstomm Triumphis Insignes ex reliquiis quae Romas adhue supersunt, notis illnstrati, 52 Jine plates, brilliant original proof impressions, old calf gilt imp. fol. Bomfe 1690 1142 Bellorius. Columna Antoniniana a Pet. Sante Bartolo delin. et incisa cum notis, 77 fine proof plates, calf, with armorial hooh-plate of H. Beverland oblong fol. Bomce s. a 1143 Bellorius. Le Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de Nasoni nella via Flaminia, disegnate da Bartoli, "Sh fine proof plates, calf fol. lioma G. B. Bussotti 1680 1144 Bellorius. Admiranda Romanarnm Antiquitatum ac Veteris Seulpturfe Vestigia a P. S. Bartolo del. 81 fine plates, brilliant proof impressions {title and. first leaf mended) old calf (with armorial hoolc'idate of H. Beverland) oblong fol. Romce (s. a.) 1145 Bellorius. Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali Pigurate, raccolte dalle Cave Sotterrane e grotte di Roma diseg. P. S. Bartoli, 116 plates, FINE proof impressions, calf fol. in Eoma 1691 ^^,A^4:6 Bellorius. Fragmenta Vestigii Veteris Rom« ex lapidibus Farne- sianis, jdates fol. in Roma 1673 1147 Bellorius. Veterum lUustrium Philosopborum, Poetarum, Rhetomm et Oratorum Imagines, ex Vetustis Monumentis desumpt^e, 92 plates, fine J) roof impressions, vellum fol. Bomce 1685 1148 Bellorius. Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori et Arcliitetti Moderni, portraits and vignettes (autograph o/ Hadrian "Beverlandi" on title) calf 4to. in Boma 1672 1149 Belloste (Aug.) Tbe Hospital- Surgeon ; a new, gentle and easy way to cure speedily all sorts of wounds and other diseases belonging to Surgery, //o/if. 2 vols, calf 12mo. Bond. 1732-3 1150 Bellottus (Ant.) Ritus Ecclesice Laudunensis Redivivi calf thick folio Paris, ap. Gar. Saureux 1662 1151 Beloius (P.) Variorum Juris Civilis libri iv. et aliquot disputa- tiones, calf sm. 8vo. Paris. G. Mallot 1583 1152 Belon (Pierre) THistoire Xaturelle des Estranges Poissons Marins, avec la vraie peincture et description du Daulphin et de plusieurs aiitres de son espece, woodcuts, autograph of Steph. Baluzius on title fiw, largpf and clean copy, in the original vellum wrappier 4to. Paris de Vimpr. dc Beg. Chaudicre 1551 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 89 1153 Belon. De Admirabill Operum Antiquoram et reruin Snspicien- darum prfestantia, old calf gilt sm. -ito. Paris, ap. B. Prevost 1553 1154 Belon. De Arboribus Coniferis, Resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum eorundem iconibus ad vivum espressa : item de admirabili operum antiquorum et rerum suspi- ciendarum. prgestautia, ivoodcuts, contemporary calf gilt, ivith arms monogram and motto of "I. Beinon, Sr. de Villaines, Conseil du Roy," stamped in gold on the sides, gilt edges sm. 4to. Paris, ap. B. Prevost 1553 The binder has transposed some 11. in this copy, but the volume is perfect. 1155 Belon. La Nature et Diversite des Poissons, avec leui's Pourtraicts representez au plus pres du Naturel, first edition, vert rare, numerous ivoodciCts, old calf oblong 8vo. Paris cTiez G. Estienne 1555 1156 Belon. Les observations de plusieurs singiilaritez et cboses memo- rabies trouvees en Grece, Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arable et autres pays estranges, reveuez et augmentez d'mie Table, woodcuts, old calf sm. 8vo. en Anvers chez Jean Steelsius 1555 According to Brunei, this edition is the rarest ; but the device (of J. Steela) given on the title of this copy is quite different to the facsimile in the Manual. 1157 Belon. Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et cboses memo- rabies, reveuez de nouveau, ivoodcuts, and a map and ivoodcut portrait (jiot in other editions) vellum 4to. a Paris chez Hierosme de Marnef 1588 1158 Belon. Plurimarum singularum et memorabilium i*erum in Grascia, Asia, aliisq. exteris Provinciis, observationes C. Clusius, e Gallicis Latinas faciebat, ivoodcuts, calf sm. 8vo. Antiv. C. Plantin 1589 1159 Belvaletus (Dom. F. Mondono). Catecbismus Ordinis Equitum perisceldis Anglicanae ; seu Speculum Anglorum {scarce ; not in Loivndes) 84pj.7.; Gol. Agr. 1631 — Smitb (Sir T.) De Republica et Administratioue Anglorum, nunc primum Jo. Buddeni de Sermone Anglicano in Latinum conversi ( 16G pp. ) uncut pro Officina Nortoniana, Londini s. a. — Joannis Twini Angli, De Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis atque Anglicis, commentt. lib. duo, fine copy with rough fore-edges. Bond. B. Ballifantus 1590 — Taylor (John) Water-Poet. A Memorial of all tbe English Monarghs being in number 150 from Brute to King James, in heroyical verse, woodcut heads, vert HAUV^, printed at Bondon 1622 — Thornes (Edward) of Melvery Gent. Encomium Salopi^ ; or tbe Description of tbe pleasant situation, commendable governement and rarieties of tbe ancient and FAMOUS TowNE of Shrowesbury (in verse) Bondon printed for Richard Meighen 1615 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 8vo. The edition of Taylor's Memorial contains 40 leaves unpaged. The title is within a vroodcut border containing 14 heads ; and the book contains 151 heads of monarchs. Its signs are A-F 6 in eights (A having 2 11. only), tlie head-lines slightly cut into. The topographical piece of Thornes is not to be found in Lowndes. It consists of the title ; dedication to " John Gardner and Thomas Fawkener Baylives of the Towne of Shrewsbury" which occupies 2 11. Then follow 4 11. containing eulogies in verse on the author by his friends. The poem occupies 7 11. and is written in ten-syllable rhymed lines. 1160 Bem.bus (Petrus Card.) Opera, in unum corpus redacta, et nunc demum ab C. Aug. Curione collata et castigata, bound in 3 vols, old calf gilt, gilt edges sm. 8vo. Basil, per T. Guarinum 1567 1161 Bembus. Benacus ; et Aug. Beatiani Verona (12 II., 1 hlanTc) Bounce ex ced. F. M. Galvi 1524 — Hadriani Card, ad Ascanium Venatio (10 II., 1 hlanJc) absque nota — Jo. Mar. Catan^i Genua, title within architectural hordcr ( 12 //., 1 blank) Boiace ap. Jac. Mazochium 7 1 (o Zo 12. 10 m /^ 90 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. (1514) — Ant. Thylesii Araneola (a ii and Hi only) Venet. B. Vitalis 1528 — Suburbanum Augustini Chisii per Blosium Palladium (14 //. 1 hlanh) Eomce Jac. Mazochium 1512 — Eplstola Nova Mag. And. Fulvii Sabini (6 U.) absque nota — ISTovA Epistola Polyphemi ad Galatheum per Peteum ]Marttrem Martyrellum Roccliigenam (title within tvoodcut horder) (8 //.) absque nota (very rare) — Itinerarium Divi Leonis X. Pont. Max. (8 U.) Eomoi imp. per Steph. GuiUeretum 1516 — L. Parmenins de Gestis Julii II. Pont. Max. (6 //.) absque nota — ^gloga de Calvis (the verses composed tvith words beginning with a C only) (4 //.) absque nota — Imperiie Pangegyricus per Joannem F. Vitalem Panormitanum (6 U.) absque nota — Panegyi-is R. D. Mathei Epis. per J. F. Vitalem (611.) absque nota; a scarce collection of Roman tracts in 1 vol. caff sm. 4to 1162 Bembus. De ^tna ; De Guido Ubaldo Feretrio, deqne Elisabetha Gonzaga Urbini Ducibns ; alter de Virgilii Calice et Terentii Fabulis. Jo. Fr. Pici ad Pet. Bembnm de Imitatione Libellus cum Bembi responsione (no title) fine large copy 4to. Venet. per f rat res Sahios 1530 1163 Benibus. Historise Venetee lib. xii. first edition, (4 prel. II. ; 203 numb. II. and leaf for errata and imprint) Venet. ap. Aldi Filios 1551 — Liber Vita et Rebus Gestis Alfonsi Alestini Ferrarias Principis, a Paulo Jovio conscriptus, Florent. ap.L. Torrentinum s. a (1550) ; in 1 vol. old calf fol. 1164 Bembus. Historia Venetae, vellum, gilt edges, fine clean copy 4to. Tiut. ex off. M. Vascosajii 1551 1165 Bembus. Rime e Prose (gli Asolani, etc.) edizione terza, calf 12mo. no printer's name or place 1540 Collation " Gli Asolani ;" signs. A-N in eights ; 2 blank U. ; " Stanze," etc. commencing on a fresh signature (A ii) — G in eights, S having 9 11. and 3 blank. 1166 Bembus. Delle Rime, terza impressione, old crimson morocco gilt, LARGE COPY 4to. in Roma per Valerio Dorico et Lnigi fratelli 1548 This edition was published under the care of Annibal Care. Contains 4 prel. 11. and pp. 1-180. 1167 Bembus. Delle Rime, terza et ultima impressa, tratta dall' esemplare corretto di sua mano, Vineg. ap. G. Giolito 1548 — Rime di M. Girolamo Parabosco, ib. 1547 ; in 1 vol. calf 16mo. 1168 Bembus. Rime, tratte dal proprio original di lui, alle quali s'e aggiunta una tavola di tutte le desinenze, calf 16mo. in Vineg. G. Giolito 1569 1169 Bembus. Prose, nelle quali si ragiona della Volgar Lingua, calf sm. fol. in Vineg ia per G. Tacuino 1525 1170 Bembus. Prose ; altro esemplare Vineg. 1525 — Epistolae Leonis X. Pont. Max. impressuni Venet. s. a. (1535) ; in 1 vol. fol. 1171 Bembus. Prose, m Vinegia 1546 -Gli Asolani, in Vinegia per Bartholomeo dette V Imperadore 1546 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 1172 Bembus. Le Prose rivedute dal Varcbi, old calf, clean copy sm. 4to. in Fiorenza app. L. Torrentino 1548 1173 Bembus. Le Prose, ca7/16mo. in Vineg. G. Giolito 1561 — Le Prose per L. Castelvetro 2 vols, in 1, Napoli 1714 — Gli Asolani, cf. 16mo. Vinegia (date cut off') 1174 Bembus. Gli Asolani, first edition, itJiY/t the dedication to Lucrezia Borgia, RARE, contemporary Venetian morocco (slightly soiled) 8vo. Venet. nelle case d'Aldo Romano 1505 Contains a-nz in eights (n3 blank). 1175 Bembus. Gli Asolani, oahen boards, covered with leather, clean copy sm. 8vo. in Vvuegia nelle case d' Aldo Romano 1515 ) 3 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 91 1176 Bembus, Gli Asolani, edizione seconda, calf sm. 4to. stamimto in Vinegia per Giovantonio et i Fratelli da Sabhio 153a 1177 Bembus. EpistoloB (omnes), calf sm. 8vo. Basil. Frob. 1547 1178 Bembus. Delle Lettere, vols. 1-2 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 8vo. in Vinegia per gli figliuoli di Aldo 1552-1 1179 Bembus. Delle Lettere, di nuovo riveduto et corretto da Francesco Sansovino con la Vita, 4 vols, in 2, old calf gilt 12 mo. Venet. per Comin da Trino 1564 1180 Bembus. Lettere a S. Pontefici, Cardinale, etc. vellum sm. 4to. Roma per Val. Dorico 1548 1181 Bembus. Lettere Giovenili, calf, 12mo. Milano 1558 — Griunta fatta al Ragionamento degli Articoli et Verbi, calf 4to. in Modona, Heredi di Corn. Gadaldino 1563 1182 Benamati (Gr. B.) Istoria della Citta di Guastalla, vellum sm. 4to. Parma 1674 1183 Benavente e Benavides (Don Clirist. de) Advertencias para Reges, Principes j Embaxadores, engraved title and portrait, vellum thick 4to. 3Iad. F. Martinez 1643 1184 Bencius (Franciscus) Soc. Jes. Oratio et Elegia in Funere Alex. Farnesii (26 U.) liomce ap. A. Zannettum 1594 — Joel Propheta Simonis Simonidas (22 IL, 1 blank) Gracovice 1593 — Espositio Tlirenorum Hieremie, necnon et novem lectionum pro defunctis ex Nicolao de Lyra per Pet. Nunez, lit. gotf). (16 II.) woodcut of the Crucifixion on title, absque nota, bare — Ciappi (M. A.) Regola da Pre- servarsi in Sanita in tempi de suspetto di Peste (12 II. , 1 blank) in Perugia 1577 — Discorso dell' Nic. Galli sopra I'lnondatione del Teuere nella Roma (8 II.) — Theocritum Idyllium, primnm anno- tationibus Frederici Jamotii illustratum, 32 II. {including 1 toith printer s device) Paris, ap. M. Juvenem 1552 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1185 Benedellns (D. Baldassar) Tractatus Juris Prothomesios, sive congrui Francqf. 1600 — Beni (Jac.) De Privilegiis Juris Consnltorum, Seidell). 1611 — Santernae (P.) Tractatus de Assecurationibus, et Sponsionibus Mercatorum, Col. Agr. 1599 — Gul. Foruerii Selectionum lib. ii. Han. 1597 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 8vo. 1186 Benedictus (Alexander) Diaria de Bello Caroling (sive de Bello per Carolum VIII. contra Venetos gesto anno 1495) old calf sm. 4to. (Venet. 1496; ap. Aldutn) A rare work ; which is generally attributed to the press of Aldus. Hibbert's copy produced £5. 5s. Contains a-j4 in eights ; ai mended. 1187 Benedictus. Ditto a larger copy, but wants i4 ; and aj is torn, vellum sm. 4to. (ib. 1496) 1188 Benedictus (Jo.) Geneantbropeia, sive de Hominis Generatione decatencbon, calf fol. Bomce F. Caballus 1642 1189 Benincasius (Corn.) Ad tit. de Constitutionibus Tractatus, PerusicBy And. Brixianus 1592 — Vulpelli de Libertate Ecclesiastica Libellua {margins wormed) 1585 — Eiusdem, De Prsepositionum, Adverbiorum et Conjunctionum Significatione ib. 1585 ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to. 1190 Benito de Peiialosa y Mondragon. Libro de las Cinco Excelencias de Espanol, que despueblan a Espana para su mayor potencia y dilatacion, Pamplona C. de Labayen 1629 — Moreno de Vargas, Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana ; Mad. en casa de M. de QuiHonez in 1 vol. vellum 1636 4to. 1191 Benius (Paukis) Opera Varia, 4 vols, calf fol. Venet. 1622 1192 Benius. Risposta alle considerationi dubbi del Malacreta sopra il Pastor Fido, in Padova 1600 — Discorso di Domenico Scevolini sopra rAsiROLOGiA Venet. 1565 — Croce (Raim.) Discorso della Venata del 92 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEBLANDIANA. Messia, in Venet. 1622 — Domeniclii (C.) Ortografia delle Letters Dominate JVIainscoli Anticlie Romane, in Roma ap. S. Paolitii 1603 — Chiabrera Poenietti, lu Fiorenza lbQ8; in 1 \o\. vellum, v:itli fine Armorial hooh-plate inserted sm. 4to. 1193 Benius. Risposta alle considerationi etc. Paclova 1600 — Due Discorsi di Faustino Summo Padovano contra il Pastor Fido, etc. Vicenza 1601 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1194 Benins. Comparatione di Torquato Tasso eon Homero e Virgilio, vellum 4to. in Paclova 1612 — L'Anticrusca, overo II Paragone dell' Italiana Lingua, vellum ib. 1612 1195 Benivieni (Hieron.) Commento sopra a piu sue canzone e sonetti dello Amore e della Belleza divina a Giovan. Francesco Pico, Signore della Mirandola, calf 4to. Impresso in Firenze per S. Anf. Talini 1500 Original edition, rabe. Contains 150 numb. 11. and 4 prel. 11.; large copy. 1196 Benoit (Elias) Histoire de I'Edit de K'antes, contenant les choses les plus remarquables en France jusques a I'edit de Revocation, 5 vols, old calf gilt 4to. o Delft 1693-95 1197 Benoit. Histoire Ecclesiastique et Politique de la Villa et du diocese de Toul, Autograph of Stephaxus Baluzius on title, calf 4to. a Toul 1707 1198 Benson (Thomas) Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum Lexico G. Somneri magna parte auctius, interleaved throughout, calf roj. 8to. Oxon. 1701 1199 Bensserade (Isaac de) Les CEuvres (par P. Tallemant) fronts. 2 vols, calf, with Arms o/ Le Clerc de Lessville on sides 12mo. Paris C. de Sercij 1697 1200 Bentiiam (Jas.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, with appendix, /?ne copper-plates, calf 4to. Camh. 1771 i201 Bentivoglio (Card.) Opere, nuovamente raccolte insieme, calf, with the Arms and moiiogram of Paul Petau on covers roy. fol. in Parigi app. Nicol. Bedelichvysen 1645 1202 Bentivoglio. Relatione fatte in tempo delle sue Nuntiature di Fiandra e di Francia, date in luce da Erycio Puteano, 2 vols, in 1, vellum sm. fol. in Colon, da N. Pantino 1629 1203 Bentivoglio. Relationi, puhlicate da Erycio Puteano, vellum 4to. Ristamjmte in Golonia 1630 1204 Bentivoglio. Relationi (in French and Italian) ruled with red lines, FINE LARGE COPT, old Calf gilt, With Arins on sides 4to. Parigi app. Sciappellain 1631 1205 Bentivoglio. Relationi, woodcut head on title, vellum 12mo. in Brusselles ap. G. de Meerheecq 1632 1206 Bentivoglio. Relationi, vellum 4to. Venet. 1633 1207 Bentivoglio. Della Guerra di Fiandra con I'aggiunta del nono e decimo libro, 3 vols, vellum 4to. Colonia 1633-39 1208 Bentivoglio. La Stessa. Parte prima, ruled with red lines, old calf gilt, with Arms on sides, and gilt edges 4to. Colonia 1633 1209 Bentivoglio. Della Guerra di Fiandra, con le aggiunte fatteni dair Autore, 3 vols, vellum 12mo. in Colonia 1635-40 1210 Bentivoglio. Della Guerra di Fiandra, parti prima e terza, 2 vols. old calf gilt sm. 4to. Venet. 1637-40 1211 Bentivoglio. Raccolta di Lettere, vellum, 4to. Colonia 1631 — altra edizione, vellum ]2mo. in Colonia 1646 — Memoirie overo Diario, vellum 12mo. Amst. 1648 1212 Bentzius (Jo.) Thesaurus pure Loquendi et Scribendi Graecolatinus novus, old calf fol. Argent. 1594 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 93 1213 Benzoni (Girolamo) la Historia del Mondo Nuoto, la qual tratta delle Isole, et Mari nuovamente ritrouvati, et della nuove citta da lui proprio vedate, nuovamente ristampata, numerous woodcuts, vellum gilt, with Arms and name of Jxc August. Thuanus impressed in gold on the sides, fine COPY of a rare edition 12nio. in Venet. P. and F. Tini 1572 1214 Benzoni. Historiae Indise Occidentalis, Latine reddita ab Urbano Calvetone old calf 12mo. (Genevce) excud. Eust. Vignon 1586 1215 Benzoni. N'ovse N'ovi Orbis Historiae lib. iii. TJrb. Calvetonis opera indnstriaqne {Genev(e) 1600 — Lerii (Jo.) Historia Naviga- TiONis in Brasilidm quae et America dicitur, nunc primum Latinitate donata, tvoodcuts, rare (Sir W. Tite's copy brought £4.) {Genevce) 1586 ; in 1 vol. old calf 8vo. 1216 Benzoni. Novse Novi Orbi Historije ab Urb. Calvetonis, ohl calf 12mo. Genevm ap Mreredes Eust. Vignon 1600 1217 Berain (Jean) Les Moeurs et Coutumes des Anciens Peuples, calf 24mo. Paris chez Bene Guignard 1668 1218 Beraldus (Nic.) Dictionarium Grtecum (Gi'aeco-Latinum) innumeris locis auctum ac locupletatum, title within a very curious looodcut border, old calf fol. Lut. 1521 1219 Beraldus. Aliud exemplar, with the curious woodcut title, rough leather binding fol. Lut. 1521 1220 Berart (G.) Speculum Visitationis secularis omnium Magistratum etc. vellum ■ fol. BarcinonicB 1627 1221 Beraudiere (Marc de la) Seigneur cle Mauvoisin. Le Combat de seul a seul en Camp Clos, avec plusieurs questions propres a ce sujet, ensemble le moyen au gentil-homme d'eviter les querelles et d'en sortir avec son lioneur (contains Q prel. II. and 271 pj:)-) vellum, fine clean copy, RARE sm. 4to. Paris chez Abel I Angelier 1608 1222 Berberius (Jo.) Aureum Viatorium utriusque Juris, vellum 8vo. Genevce ap. Jac. Chouet 1595 1223 Berdini (Vicenzo) Historia dell' Antica e Moderna Palestina, de- scritta in tre parti, old calf gilt, with the Sunderland Arms on sides, fine clean copy sm. 4to. Venet. app. G. B. Surian 1642 1224 Bergeron (Pierre) Relation des Voyages en Tartarie de Pr. Guill. de Eiubriquis, Fr. J. du Plan Carpin, Fr. Ascelin et autres Religieux ; plus un Traicte des Tartares ; avec un abrege de I'Histoire des Sarasins et Mahometans, 2 vols, in 1, old calf 8vo. Paris chez M. Soly 1634 1225 Bergerus (Joan. Guil.) De Natural! Pulchritudine Orationis ad excelsam Longini Disciplinam etc. old calf 4to. Lipsim 1719 1226 Bergier (Nicolas) Histoire des Grands Chemins de I'Empire Remain, contenant I'origine, progres, estendue quasi incroyable des Chemins Militaires, paaez depuis la Ville de Rome jusques aux extremitez de son Empire, fine front, old paneled calf gilt, large and clean copy, loith rough edges 4to. Paris chez G. Morel 1622 1227 Bergier. Le Dessein de I'Histoire de Reims. Avec diveres curieuses Remarques touchant I'Establissement des Peoples, et la fondation des Villes de France, fi^ie engraved view of the city and 4 plates, vellum, large and clean copy sm. 4to. a Reims chez F. Bernard 1635 On the fly-leaf occurs the autograph of " Mezerat." 1228 Bergomo (Jac. Phil. (Forestus) de) Novissime historiarum omnium repercussiones ; noviter edite ; que Supplementum supplement! cro- nicarum nuncupantur ; usque ad annum 1506, 5 spirited full-page tvoodcuts (^representing the Creation, the fall, expulsion from Paradise^ murder of Abel, and the building of Babel) and numerous curious \u/ \ 10 1 — — /2- ^ 7 ^ 3 z /5 lo / to u - ^ 1 7 J d' 1 - 94 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. woodcut views of Cities, old English calf, with the Arms of Sir Chris- topher Hatton on the sides {a feiv II. at end a little wormed) fol. Venet. impresum G. de Rusconihus 1506 Under date 1492 begins a chapter "De qiiattuor Maximis insulis in India EXTRA ORBEM NUPER INVENTIS." 1229 Berigardus (Claudius) Circulus Pisanus. De Yeteri et Peripa- tetica Philosopliia. In Aristotelis libros octo Pliysicorum etc. por- trait mounted on verso of title, calf 4to. Fatavii 1661 1230 Beringius (Vitus) Floriis Danicus, sive Danicarum rerum a Pri- mordio Regni ad Tempora usque Christiani I. Oldenburgici brevia- rium, Jz/ie copper-plate initial letters, calf fol. HaunicB ap. H. C. Paulum 1709 1231 [Berkenhout (John)] Clavis Auglica Linguao Botanicae ; a Botanical Lexicon, calf 12mo. Loncl. 1764 1232 Berlinghieri (Fraxcesco) Geographia, in Terza Rima, e Lingua TosCANA DiSTixcTA, con LE SUE TAVOLE in Tarii siti et provincie secondo la geographia et distinctione dele tavole di Ptolomeo, cctlf, itii- tials illuminated and painted fol. absque ulla nota ; (sed Firenze per Nicolo Todescho circa 1480) First edition, and excessively rare. A comparison of the collations given of this book by different bibliographers is so confusing that we prefer giving an accurate description of this particular copy; and so selling it not subject to return. It commences on the verso of the first leaf, with the words " In questo volume si contengono septem giornata della geographia" etc. Then follows a leaf having on recto a general table and on verso the dedication. Lib. i. follows and contains 12 11. Lib. ii. commences on the verso of the 12th leaf of lib. i. and has 20 11.: then comes a blank leaf; Lib. iii. has31 leaves, and a blank leaf. Lib.iv.has 15 11. ; Lib. v. 21 11. ; Lib. vi. 11 II. and 1 blank. Lib. vii has 9 11. The total number of 11. (including blank ones) is 124. Then follow the maps. The World 1. Europe (8) marked i-viii and the following maps not numb. Hispania, Gallia et Italia. (The first half of Tab. ii. and viii. are missing.) " Libya, a quale et Aphrica " (4) numb, i-iv (Tab. ii. wanting). Asia (12) numb, i-xii, and " Palestina Moderna" not marked (wanting Tab. ii) ; making the total number of maps in this copy 28 (2 of which are imperfect). The first 18 11. are stained and some of the maps are mended, but the body of the work is in good condition. 1233 Bermuda. Acts of Assembly made and enacted in the Bermuda or Summer Islands from 1690 to 1713-14, paweZefZ calf gilt ■fol. Lond. 1718-19 1234 Bermudez de Pedra^a (Francisco) Arte Legal para estudiar la Juris- prudencia, con la Paratilla, y exposicion a los titulos de los quattro libros de las Instituciones de Justiniano, calf sm. 4to. en Salamanca Anta. Ramirez 1612 1235 Bermudez de Pedra^a. Antiguedad y Excelencias de Granada (so?w-e lines defaced with ink erasions), vellum sm. 4to. en Mad. por L. Sanchez 1608 1236 Bermudez de Pedra^a. Historia Ecclesiastica, Principios y Pro- gresses de ciudad y religion catolica de Granada, fine engraved title, vellum, clean copy fol. Granada j^or A. de Santiago 1638 1237 Bernard (Charles) Histoire du Roy Louis XIII. (avec la Vie d'Auteur) fine ptortrait of the King bij Daret and of the Author by Masne, old calf gilt, tvith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville on sides, large copy, if not large paper? thick fol. Paris chez N. de Sercy 1646 1238 Bernardinus (R. P. F.) Trattato delle Piante et Immagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa, disegnate in Jerusalemme secondo le regole della prospettiva e vera misura della lor grandezza, 47 copper-plate engravings, calf 4to. in Firenza app. P. Cecconcelli 1620 1239 Bernardus (Sanctus) Opera Omnia, large paper 5 vols, in 6, old red morocco gilt, v:ith the Royal Arms of France (Louis XIV.) BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 95 Twnted ffj a crown stamped in gold on the sides', and the dm on backs, gilt and marl), edges, fine copy roy. fol. Paris e tyjy. Megia 1642 1240 Bemardus. Sermones beati Bernardi abbatis clarevallis incipiunfc felicitei', lit. gotf). printed in double columns, ivitJiout marlcs of any jO hind, old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. Moguntiae per Petrum Schoyffer de Gernsheym {\vith his device, 2 shields) 1475 Editio peinceps : contains 234 leaves. Some slightly wormed ; but otherwise a good copy. 1241 Bernardus (Ant.) Casertce Episcop. In tertium Librnm Rhet. Arist. Explicatio, old calf fol. Bonon. ap. V. Benatium 1595 1242 Bernardus (Georgins) Divisiones in quatnor libros Inst. Just. Helmst. 1587 — Cuiacii Novellarum Const. Justin, expositio, Col. Agr. s. a. ; in 1 vol. curious contemporary stamped pigslcin binding 8vo. 1243 Bernartius (Johannes) De Utilitate Legendfe Historiee libri duo : Antiv. ex off. Plantin. 1593 — Eixisdem ad Stati Papini Silvarum libros commentarius ib. 1599 ; in 1 vol. old calf 8vo. 1244 Berni (Francesco) Tntte le Opere del Bernia, della Casa, del Bino, del Mauro e d'altri Autori, 3 parts in 1 vol. calf 12mo. Venezia per Curtio Navo et Fratelli 1538 Collation : Opere del Beniia 54 11. includ. title ; 1 blank 1. ; Rime della Casa, Bino e d'altri 36 11. includ. title ; Rime del Mauro, 66 11. includ. title ; Tavola 1 leaf. 1245 Berni. Rime del Bernia etc. (uf supra) 3 parts (the Bernia wants the last leaf, and " Bime del Mauro " wants title) Venez. Navo et fratelli 1538 — Capitololi del Signor P. Aretino, di L. Dolce, M. Sansovino et di altri (s. I. et n.) 1540 ; in 1 vol. calf with Armorial booh-plate of N. J. Foucault 12mo. 1246 Berni. 11 Primo libro del I'Opere Burleschb di J. Berni, di G. della Casa, del Varchi, del Mauro, del Bino, del Molza, del Dolce e del Pirenzuola, ammendato, e ricorretto, Firenze appresso I Giunti 1552 — II Secondo Libro dell' Opere Burlesche di M. Francesco Berni, del Molza, di M. Bino, di Martelli, dell' Aretino et di diversi Autori, nuovamente posto in Luce, in Fiorenza Heredi di B. Giunti 1555 ; 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, clean copies, RARE 12ino. 1247 Berni. Stanze Amorose sopra gli Horti delle donne et in lode della Menta. La Caccia d'Amore del Bernia ; quarantadui stanze in materia d'amore nuovamente ritrovate, 4 ivoodcuts (each repeated 3, 4, 5 and 6 times) (45 //.) vellum 12mo. m Venet. (s. n.) 1574 1248 Bemier (Jean) Histoire de Blois contenant les Antiquitez et Singularitez du Comte de Blois, avec les noms et les armoires des Families Nobles du meme Pais, map, calf MjO. Paris, F. Muguet 1682 1249 Bernier. Doutes sur quelques-uns des principaux Chapitres de son abrege de la Philosophic de Gassendie, calf 12mo. Paris, F. Michallet 1682 1250 Bemiera (J. Angelo) Compendium Historiee Reformationis a Zuinglii et Lutheri temporibus ad nostra usque tempora deductse, calf 12mo. Lo7ul. 1707 1251 Beroalde de Verville (P. de) Le Cabinet de Minerve auquel sont plusieurs Singularitez, Figures, Tableaux, Antiques, Observations ^ ^ Amourenses, Rencontres Joyeuses, etc. vellum, fine clean copy, ivith rough edges, SCARCE edition. Armorial book-plate of W. J. Foucault inserted 12mo. a Bouen p)ar Guill. Vidal 1597 ] 252 Beroaldus (Philippus) Carmen lugubre de Dominice passionis die (13 II.) imp. Parhiss. ap. Ascensianuon 1503 ; De Felicitate Opusculum etc. (30 //.) tiJ'jT. Paris, per F. Kerver (Petit's device on title) 1500 — 10 9 /o 7 1 / 3 //? 96 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. Declamatio Philosophi et de excellentia disceptantium (8 77.) ParisJl fer T. Kerver (ivitli Kervcr's device on last leaf and PetiVs on title)\ 1500 ; Declamatio de tribus Fratribns, Ebrioso, Scortatore et Lusore ;i Germania Jac. Wimpffelingii (44 //.) 2 woodcuts, impressa per indust. Johannem Prus 1501 — Orationes multifariae, cum appendicula versTium (yQ 11.) Paris, pro Dlonys. Poce {with his device on title) 1499 ; all fi7ie copies ; in 1 vol. vellum- sm. 4to.! 1253 Beroaldus. De Felicitate Opnscuhim (28 77.) impress. Bononiae\ 1499 — Barth. Fontii Orationes Sex ; Vita Pauli Ghiacetti ; Donatus sive de Poenitentia (6 77.) absque nota ; in 1 vol. o7c7 calf 4to. 1254 Beroaldus. Orationes Praelectiones ; Item. Varia eiusdem Beroaldi opuscula nunc demnm coimpressa, 9 pieces, loith the devices of Petit and Kerver 1505 etc. — Libellus de vita et moribus Philosophorum (no title) s.a. et I. — Comment, in Primordiale Evangelium Joannis. Vita Remundi eremitae etc. Paris, in ced. Ascetisianis 1574 3 in 1 vol. calf sm. 4toJ 1255 Berosus (Chaldceus) De Antiqiiitatibus ; seu Defloratio, Roman letter,\ the genealogical tables in gatfjic letter (32 77.) a large cojnj of a RAREJ EDITION, not tnentioned by Unmet, impressutn Parisiis ap. Johannem dEi GouEMONT (with his device on title and last leaf) 1509 — Chappusii NicOLAi de Mente et Memoria libellus ntilissimns ad C. Guillardum Con. Reg. printed in curious upright italic letters (18 77.) LARGE COPT of a VERY RARE TRACT ; 7iot in Brunet. Venundantur Parisiis in Vico S. Jacobi siob inter signio divi Marthii s.a. (device of Denis Pace on title) — Vita Omnium Philosophorum et Poetarum cum anctoritatibus et sententiis aureis eorundeni annexis, woodcut on title (60 77.) Venales habentiir in inonte divi Hylarii, ap. S. Glaudium in edibus Padulphi Laliseau (s. a. et I.) ; in 1 vol. o7c7 caJf gilt, with the Sunderland Arms on sides sm. 4to. 1256 Berosus. Antiquitatum lib. v. cum commentt. Jo. Annii Viter- bensis ; etc. ruled with red liiies, old calf sm. 8vo. Antiv. in cedibtos Joan. Steelsii 1545 1257 Bertelius (D. Joannes) Historia Luxemburgensis, seu Commentariis quo ducum Luxemburgensium Ortus, Progressus ac res gesta ab ipso primaris initiatore, calf sm. 4to. Colon. C. Butgenium 1605 1258 Bertius (Petrus) De Eloquentise vi atque amplitudine Oratio, vellum sm. 8vo. Paris, ap. M. Henault 162 1 i 1259 Bertius. Commentariorum Germanicarum libri tres, cum Iconibus | et Descriptionibus, engraved title, and numerous maps and views, ' vellum, clean cnpjy obi. 4to. Amst. J. Janson 1632 1260 Bertondelli (G.) Historia della citta di Feltre, 2 plates of arms, calf sm. 4to. Venet. per il Vitali 1673 1261 Bertramus (B. C.) Com.paratio Linguoe Hebraic^ et Aramicoe (ivants title) calf, ioith Marlborotigh Arms, 4to. (1574) — Bertrandi (Joan.) De Jurisperitis lib. ii. vellum 12mo. Bugd. Bat. 1675 1262 Berulle. La Vie du Card, de Berulle, instituteur et premier superieur General de la Congregation de I'Oratoire de Jesus- Christ par Germain Hubert, large paper, front, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. Paris chez J. Camusat 1646 1263 Beslerus (M. Rup.) Gazophylacium Rerum Naturalium e Reg^o Vegetabili, Animali et Minerali, depromptarum, 35 plates, all except two printed on blue paper, calf fol. 1642 1264 Besley (Jean) Histoire des Comtes de Poictou, et dues de Guyenne ; I contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable en France depuisj I'an 811 jusques au Roy Louis le jeune ; ensemble divers Traictezi Historiques, large paper, o7(7 calf gilt, fine copy roy. fol. Paris cliez E. Bertault 16471 7 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 97 1265 Besly. Evesqnes de Poictiers avec les Preuves, vellum, large and clean copy 4to. Paris R. Bertault ih. 1647 1266 Besly. Evesques de Poictiers, calf 4to. ih. 1647 1267 Besnier (Pierre) de la Comp. de Jesus. La Reunioii des Langues, ou I'art de les apprendre toutes par ime seule, calf sm. 4to. Paris 8. Mahre-Cramoisy 1674 , -1268 Besoldus (Christ.) De Arte Jureque Belli, vellum ' — j sm. 4to. Argent. 1624 1269 Besarion (Johannes Card.) Adversus Calumniatorem Platonis lib. V. ; et liber de natura et arte contra Geor. Trapezuntium (a few leaves slightly wormed), old crimson morocco gilt fol. RomcB impressum, per Siveynheym et Pannarts (1469) Editio pkinceps. 217 11. without marks. According to Brunet there should be 14 11. at the beginning containing a table of chapters, which are not found in this copy. 1270 Bessarion. In Calumniatorem Platonis lib. iv. ; euisdem correctio Librorum Platonis de Legibus, Geor. Trapezuntio ; Metaphysicorum Aristotelis xiii. librorum tralatio ; etc. old stamped Venetian calf binding fol. Venet. ap. Aldos 1516 8 prel. 11.; 83 and 55 numb. 11. ; and separate leaf with anchor. 1271 Besse (Guil.) Histoire des Antiquites et des Comtes de Carcassone, engraved title, vellum sm. 4to. a Beziers A. Estradier 1645 1272 Besse. Histoire des ■ Dues, Marquis et Comtes de Narbonne, autrement appellez Princes des Gotbs, Dues de Septimanie, et Mar- quis de Gotbie, vellum sm. 4to. Paris, A. de Sommaville 1660 1273 Besse. Eecueil de diverses Pieces servant a I'Histoire du Roy Charles VI. vellum sm. 4to. Paris, A. de Sommaville 1660 1274 Besson (Jacques) Bauphinois, Mathematicien. L'Art et Science de trouver les Eaux et Fontaines cacbees soubs terre, autrement que par les moyens vulgaires des Agriculteurs et Arcbitectes (6 prel. II. and pp. 84) vellum, scarce [ sm. 4to. Orleans (imp. de E. Gihier) pour Pierre Trepperel 1569 1275 Best (Guil.) Ratio Emendandi Leges, calf 12mo. Ulfraj. 1707 - 1276 Betbune (Maximilian de) Due de Sully. Memoires des Sages et Royales Economies d'Estat, Domestiques, Politiques, et Militaires de Henry le Grand (1570-lGlO) 2 vols. — La Suite des Memoires ^ // 1610-1628 (publiee par Le Laboureur) ; togetber 3 vols, old calf, j with arms on sides Amst. et Paris 1638-1662 i The FiKST EDITION of thesc Memoirs. The first two vols, were printed in the Chateau de Sully in 1638, and have on each title the mark of the House of Sully (3 Vs) painted in green, with the following imprint : '■ a Amstelredam chez Alethi- nosgraphe de Clearetimelee et Graphexechon de Pistariste a Venseigne des trois vertus couronnees d'Amaranthe" s.a. The continuation {lettered on titles vols. J and 4) (in 1 vol.) was published "a I'aris chez Aug, Courbe 1662." 1277 Betbune, Due de Sully. Memoires d'Henry le Grand, 4 vols, in 3, / old calf fol. _ Paris L. Billaine 1664 (vol. 4 has the imprint of A. Courbe 1662) 1278 Betbune (Henry de) Ambassade Extraordinaire de Messieurs les Due d'Angoulesme, Comte de Betbune, et de Preaux Chasteau-neuf envoyez vers I'Empereur Ferdinand 11. 1620, avec les observations politiques, old calf fol. a Paris chez Thos. July 1667 1279 Betbune. Negotiation commencee au niois de Mars de I'annee 1619 avec la Reyne Marie de Medicis, et continuee conjoin' em 3nt avec le Card, de la Rocbefoucault, old vellum binding, covered ivith leather fol. Paris chez Ant. Vitre s. a. 7 16 Z d' iT - U f o fS 98 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1280 Bettinus (Marius) Rubenus ; liilarotragedia satyropastoralis, cum notis; ace. D. Ronsferti notoe in Rubeno, 2 vols, in 1, calf sm. 4to. Pannce A. Viottum 1614 1281 Betussi (Giuseppe) Ragionamento sopra il Cathaio, luogo dello illust. S. Pio Eneo degii Obizzi, vellum, large and dean coinj 4to. in Padova per L. Pasquati 1573 This ii5 a description of a magnificent villa formerly belonging to the Princes d'Este. 1282 Beveregius (Guillelmus) Synodikon, sive Pandectse Canonura SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum ab Ecclesia Greeca receptorum etc. 2 vols. Dutch vellum, fine clean copy fol. Oxonii 1672 1283 Beveregius. Institutionum Cbronologicarum lib. ii. calf sm. 4to. Lond. 1705 1284 Beverlandus (Hadrianus) De Fornicatione cavenda admonitio ; sive adhortatio ad pudicitiam et castitatem, calf 12mo. Lond. 1697 Presentation copy from the author ; " Illustrissimo Carolo Spencero L. M. Q. Scriptor." 1285 Beverocius (Job.) Epistolica Quaestio de Vitte Termino etc. cum Doctorum Responsis (3 parts) Lugd. Bat. 1636-39 ; (with inscription on title "IsAACus Gruteeus ex dono Joa. Beverovicii") — Meursii Theseus ; et excerpta ex Jac. Sponii, JJltraj. 1684 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1286 Beugbem (Corn, a) Incunabula TypograpbitP, sive Catalogus Librorum Scriptorumque proximis ab inventione typographiae annis usque ad annum 1500 inclusive ; cum notis, calf 16mo. Amst. Jo. Walters 1688 1287 Beusselius (Jo.) Botemhurgensis. De incendio candidissimi prsetorii inclyti oppidi Rotemburgii cuique vallem Tubarus mundat Elegidion, lit. got!}. (6 II.) a VERY RARE poetical tract relating to the turning of B'Oterihurg on the Tauber in Bavaria; not in Panzer, Brttnet, Hain etc. {absque nota) — Eobani Hessi Francobergii de amantium infoeli- citate et versu et soluta oratione opusculum (18 //.) Brphordice in (vdib. Joan. Knap 1508 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 1288 Beuter (Pero Anton.) Primera Parte de la Coronica General de todo Espaiia, y especialmente de Regno de Valencia, ivoodcut title and arms etc. (8 prel. II. and pp. 1-205) ; en Valencia en casa de P. P. Mey 1604 — Segunda parte de la coronica general de Espana y especialmente de Aragon, Cathalnua y Valencia xvoodcid title, and arms in margins, ib. ; in 1 vol. vellum, clean cojnj fol. 1289 Beutberus (Mich.) Fastorum Antiquitates Romante opus absolutum Spirce B. Albinus 1600 — Dialogus Antiquarius vel Lexiphanes Latinus, Heidelb. 1597 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 1290 Beza (Theodoras) Responsio ad defensiones et reprehensiones Seb. Castfc'llionis, quibus suam Novi Testamenti interpretationem defen- dere adversus Bezam, calf 12mo. (Genevce) excud. H. Stephanus 1563 1291 Beza. Poemata Varia (cum Abrahamii sacrificans et appendice ad Poemata) omnia ab ipso auctore in unam corpus collecta et recognita {2>12 pp. and 8 prel. II.) M p)lates of emblems, old calf gilt sm. 4to. (Genevce) per H. Stephanum 1597 This edition is regarded as the most complete of the author's poems. 1292 Beza. Poemata Juvenilia (62 II. includi?ig title) rtded loith red lines old brown morocco, a scarce edition 24mo. (absque nota ; ad insigne capitis mortui) On the title of this copy occurs the following inscription "H. Beveklandi ex dino V. C. I«AACi Vossii ;" and at tl e end are two pp. of remarks on the book in Latin MS. heided "Franc. Baldimms Calvini olim Amanuensis." / I / } /A tl I —, s 5 1$ 3 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 99 1293 Beza. Poemata Juvenilia. Aliud exemplar {title mended) old calf 24mo. ih. 1294 [Beza]. Le Reveille-Matin des Francois et de leurs voisins, compose par Eusebe Philadelphe Cosmopolite en forme de Dialogues 2 parts in 1 vol. velhiin, fine, clean, and large copy sm. 8vo. a Edimhourg (Getieve) de Vimp. de Jagiies James 1574 Very eaee. Brunei remarks that several Bibliographers attribute this work to Nic. Bernard. Laing's copy (inferior to this) sold last year for £2. 19s. Dialogue 1 has 20 prel. II. (1 blank), and pp. 159. Dialogue 2, 192 pp. including title. 1295 Beza. Icones, id est VsRiE Imagines Virorum Doctrina simul et Pietate illustriuni ; qnibus adjcctse sunt nounullse picturae quas Emblemata vocant, 37 portraits, and 44 plates of emblems, vellum, clean copy 4to. Genevce ap. Jo. Laonium 1580 Several leaves of an ancient Latin MS. form the fly-leaves. 1296 Beza. De Vita et Obitu D. Tlieod. Bez^, cum Epicediis, autore Ant. Fayo, vellum 4to. Genevce ap. J. Chouet 1606 1297 Biagio Terzi di Lauria (Abbate) Siria Sacra, Descrittione Istorico- Geografica Clironologico-Topografica delle due Chiese Patriarcali Antiochia e Gerusalemme 4 maps, old calf gilt f ol. in Roma 1695 1298 Biancbini (Giuseppe) Tre Lezioni Accademiclie (sopra Dante, Petrarcba et Varchi) calf 4to. Firenze 1710 1299 BIBLIA. Biblia Sacra Poltglotta. Heb. Cbal. Gr. et Lat. ; studio, opera et impensis Card. Fr. Ximenes de Cisneros, 6 vols. in 4, old calf fol. Compluti, Am. Gul. de Brocario 1514-17 A PEUFECT COPT of this the first Poltglot Bible and very rare ; some 11. in the New Testament and the vocabularies are wormed. 1300 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, cura et studio B. A. Montani, large paper, ruled with red lines, 8 vols. (vol. 1 and the vol. containing the Apparatus damaged by damp) old crimson morocco gilt (wants vols. 7 and 8 .'') fol. Antw. Plantinus 1569-73 The Plantin, Royal, or Antwerp Polyglot. 1301 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta ; complectentia textus originales He- braicos, cum Pentat. Samarit. Clialdaicos, GrfBcos, Versionumq. Antiquarum Samarit. Chald.^thiop. etc. quicquid compararipotuerat ex MSS. antiquis collatis edidit Brian Waltonus, royal copy, porf. by Lombart, engraved title and 6 maps and plates by W. Hollar, 6 vol.='. — Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton j^or^. 2 vols. ; together 8 vols, calf (corners craclied) roj. fol. Londini T. Roycroft 1657-69 1302 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Sacrorum Bibliorum quadrilinguium, tomus secundus, trilinguis librorum Veteris et I^ovi Testamenti versionera ; continens Graecum Septuagintfe, Latinam duplicem, Sermonicrm M. Lutberi (opera Dav. Wolderi) numerous woodcut illustrations 2 vols, in 6, vellum, with Arms and motto of " Wilhelm von Heb - burgk" impressed in black on the sides fol. Hamb. Jac. Lucius 15i 6 1303 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Hebraice, Grgece et Latine (Old Testa- ment only) Latina interpretatio duplex est, altera vetus, altera nova, cum annotationibus Francisci Vatabli, omnia cum editione Complu- tensi diligenter collata, 1 vol. in 2, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy (Heidelb.) ex oflcina Sanctandreana 1586 1304 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Hebraica, Samaritana, Chaldaic?, Grseca, Syriaca, Latina, Arabica : quibus textus originales totius Soripturae Sacrae, quorum pars in editione Complutensi deinde in Antwerpiensi extat, nunc integri exhibentur (edidit G. M. le Jay) 9 vols, in 10, calf impl. fol. Paris, typis Ant. Vitray 1628-45 7 * ^ /3 ^ /^ ^ / I Id 13 -z. 3 /O lO 100 BIBLIOTHECA SrNDERLAXDIAKA. 1305 Biblia Polyglotta. Discours Historique sur les Principales Editions des Bibles Polvglottes, par I'Auteur de la Bibliotheque Sacree, calf 12mo. Paris cliez And. Pralard 1713 1306 Biblia Polvglotta. Precationes aliquot celebriores e Sacris Bibliis desumpta3, ac in studiosorum gratiam lingute Hebraica, Gr?eca, et Latina in encbiridii formulum redactae (cum Calendario) 70 II. inchidiiKj title, calf 24mo. Paris, ap. Jac. Gazellum 1544 1307 Biblia Polvglotta. Hebrsea, Chaldaea, Graeca et Latina nominnm virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum etc. cnm Latina iuterpretatione etc. (A-07 in eights) calf 24nio. A7itw. C. Plantin 1565 1308 Biblia Hebraica, cnm pnnctis (et comraentariis in duod. Propbetae Rabbi D. Kimcbi a F. Vatabli emendatis) in 2 vols, finely pritited in large ti/pe {appears to 2cant general title to the 12 minor prophets) large copy, calf 4to. Lnt. Par. ex off. Poh. Stephani 1539-44 Rob. Stephan's first edition of the Hebrew Bible. 1309 Biblia Hebraica ; Latina planeq : nova Seb. Mnnsteri tralatione cum Rabinorum commentariis, 2 vols, calf fol. Basil, ex off. M. Isingrinii 1546 The second edition of Munster's Hebrew and Latin Bible. On the title are the Autographs of L. CAPPiiL, Eqidics Spifame E'pis. 2\ivernensis, and Jo. de Vllcob. 1310 Biblia Hebraica, cnm punctis, 17 vols, old calf gilt, gilt edges, fixe COPY 24mo. Paris, ex off'. E. Ste^jhani 1544-46 The second edition of Rob. Stephan's Hebrew Bible, rarely found complete and in good condition. 1311 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, ruled ivith red lines, old calf, clean copy sm. 4to. Antio. C. Plantin 1566 1312 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis 4 vols, old calf gilt, fine copy sm. 8vo. Ant. G. Plantin 1566 1313 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, ruled u-ith red lines 4 vols, old calf gilt, clean copy tbick 16mo. Antxv. C. Plantin 1566 1314 Biblia Hebraica, ab Huttero. Item cubus Alpbabeticas Linguae Ebrjete, old oalcen hinding covered with russia leather thick folio Haml. 1596-1588 1315 Biblia Hebraica et Chaldaica cum Masora magna et parva et commentt. Rabinoram, studio et labore Jo. Buxtorfi, 2 vols, old stamped pigskin hinding fol. Basil, typis L. Konig 1620 Presentation copy to " D. Ldd. Cappello Theol. Prof, in Salmuriensis Aca- demia, Joh. Kdd. Stuckids " with lung inscription on fly-leaf. 1316 Biblia Hebrrea, correcta et collata cum antiquiss. et accuratiss. exemplaribus MSS. et bactenus impressis, fronts, calf, richly gilt tooled, gilt edges tbick 8vo. Amst. typis Jos. Athias 1661 1317 Biblia Hebraica, notis Hebraicis et Latinis a Job. Leusden, old calf gilt thick 8vo. Amst. Jos. Athias 1667 1318 Biblia Hebraica, sine punctis, ad Leusdenianam editionem ador- nata, old calf gilt 12mo. Aynst. 1701 1319 Biblia Hebraica a Jo. Leusden denuo recognitam recens. Everard Van der Hooght, /?-o?if*\ old calf gilt thick roj. 8vo. Ariist. 1705 1320 Biblia Hebraea cum triplici Targum in Pentateuchum, Onkeli, Jonathan et Jerosolymitano ; et comment. R. Salomo Jarchi in omnes Scripturae libros, vellum, Autograph of L. Capellus on title sm. 4to. ciim licentia Superioruni s. a. 1321 Biblia. Psalmi; Proverbia Salomonis. Ecclesiastes. Canticum Can- ticorum, cum brevibus ex Hebr^o annotationibus, old calf, large COPT, ruled with red lines, gilt and gauffred edges sm. 4to. Paris, ex off. B. Stephani 1528 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. lOL 1322 Biblia Chaldaea ; Interpretatio Proverbiorum Salomonis, punctis accurate notata, et a multis mendis repurgata, opera Jo. Mercerii (22 U.) MS. notes in margins, calf sm. 4to. Paris, op. G. Morel. 1561 1323 Biblia Arabica, sacrfe congregationis De Propaganda Fide jussa edita, ad iisum Ecclesiarum Orientalium ; additis e regione Bibliis Latinis Vulgatis, 3 vols, vellum folio Bomce typis Sacr. Gongreg. 1671 1324 Biblia Arabica. Pentateuchiis Mosis Arabice (ed. T. Erpenius) Autograph of L. Cappel on title, vellum sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat. ap. Jo. Maire 1622 1325 Biblia Grj:ca. Sacr^ Scripture; veteris novaque omnia (Grgece juxta Septuaginta excusa, cura Andrew Asulani) hound in 2 vols. old calf, gilt and marh. edges fol. Venet. in ced. Aldi et Andrece Soceri 1518 The FIRST COMPLETE EDITION OP THE BiBLE IN GrEEK. VeRT RARE. Contains title ; 3 prel. 11. and signs, a-z, &, aa-zz, &&, aaa-hhh, In eights {aa having 4 II. {aa 4 blank), dd 9 II., and ee 10 U) ; on the recto of hhh 8 the errata and imprint. Heber's copy produced £11. lis. 1326 Biblia Graeca. Divinas Scripturse, veteris ac novi Testamenti (Gr^c^), omnia innumeris locis nunc demum et optimorum librorum collatione et doctoruni virorum opera, multo quam unquam antea emendatiora, in lucem edita, vellum fol. Basil, per Jo. Hervagium 1545 1327 Biblia Graeca. Aliud Exemplar : cum Prefatione P. Melancthoni {title mounted) old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges fol. ih. 1545 The Latin preface of Melancthon occupying two leaves is wanting in the preceding copy. 1328 Biblia Grasca. Vetus Testamentum juxta Septuaginta ex aucto- ritate Sixti Y. Pont. Max. editum. (Studio Ant. Carafe j; Card, cum prefatione P. Morini) old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, FINE COPT fol. Romoi ex typ. F. Zannetti 1587 This is one of the copies in which the figure i has been added to the date (mdlxxxvi) with a pen. There are some MS. various readings in Greek in the margin, and a MS. paper on the fly-leaf, giving their sources. On the title occurs the AcTOGRAPH of " C. Spencer" third Earl of Sunderland. 1329 Biblia Grseca. Yetus Testamentum secundum LXX. Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Romanae Editionis ; accessit If ovum Testamentum (studio et labore Jan. Morini) large paper, 3 vols, old calf roy. fol. But. Par. ap. S. Piget 1641 According to Brunei, this is the edition of Seb. Chappelet, Paris 1628, with new titles only. 1330 Biblia Greeca. Yetus Testamentum Gr^cum ex versione septua- ginta interpretum, juxta exemplar Yaticanum Romte editum, accura- tissime et ad amussim recusum (cum scholiis et lectiones variantes) 2 vols, in 1 — Novi Testamenti libri omnes, editio nova accurata (Greece) ; together 3 vols, in 2, calf sm. 4to. Lond. ex off. Bog. Danielis 1653 1331 Biblia Grasca. Yetus Testamentum Graecum, ex vei'sione septua- ginta interpretum : juxta exemplar Yaticanum Romje editum (Jo. Leusden) old calf gilt, gilt edges sm. 8vo. Amst. Vidua Joanni a Someren 1683 1332 Biblia Graeca. Septuaginta Interpretum ; ex antiquissimo MS. Codice Alexandrino accurate descriptum, summa cura edidit J. E. Grabe, front, and vignettes, large paper, 4 vols, in 2, calf roy. fol. Oxon. e Theatro Sheldon. 1707-20 1333 Biblia Gr^ca. Yetus Testamentum Griece, cura J. E. Grabe, jjlates, 4 vols, in 8, calf 8vo. Oxonii 1707-9 // 3 /3 (fit /4 s 7 10 fo 6 102 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLA.NDIANA. 1334 Biblia Graeca. Vetus Testaraentnm ex versione Septuaginta inter- pretum una cum scholiis, variis lectionibus etc. sumraa cui-a edidit L. Bos, 2 vols, in 1, old calf gilt 4to. Fra^ieq. F. Hahna 1709 1335 Biblia Graeca. Biblia Parva Graeca, in quibus dicta insigniora omnia ex versione LXX. sec. ordinem libb. Biblicorum observatum ' in Bibliis Parvis Opitanis, cum cura exbibentur studio Dan. Hasen- mulleri, vellum IGmo. Kiloni impens. J. S. Bichelli 1686 1336 BIBLIA LATIXA. Biblia Sacra Latina Vulgate Editionis. An ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM on 458 leaves, written in a small but very distinct gothic letter in double columns, 6i lines to a full jjage, bound in calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides 4to. circa Cent. XIV. In this valuable MS. the Bible proper iucluding the Prologne of S. Jerome occupies 340 leaves. Three leaves at the beginning of the vol. contain the Pro- logues of ]S'icholas de Lyra written in aditl'erenthand. At the end of the Apocalypse are 26 11. of a Table of Proper Names in the same handwriting as that of the text. Then follow 15 11. containing scriptural genealogies, genealogies of the virtues, etc. The MS. ends with 4 11. the first headed " De Usuris," which apparently have no connection with the other portion of the vol. The capitals are ornamented and painted in blue and red, and the first page of the Bible has an illuminated border. The margins of the first 8 leaves are completely covered with MS. annotations in a minute hand different from that of the text, and some of the other margins also have MS. notes on them. The condition of the MS. is generally good, but 2 or 3 leaves at the beginning are wormed. 1337 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. lit. flDtf). pointed in double columns having 48 lines to a full page, 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt (Colo- phon in red) Piis hoc opusciilum fi^iitU ac copletu, et ad eusebias dei jth industrie in civitate MaguntU per Johanne fust cive. et Petru Schoiffher '^ de Gernsheym clericH distesz einsdem est consiimatu. Anno Incar- nacois diiice mcccclxii in vigilia assumpcois gV ose Virginis Marie :^' beneath which also in red is the device of the double shield fol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM and excessively rare. This is the first Bible printed with a date, and its magnificence and importance in connection with the typographic art has justly been extolled by bibliographers. Vol. 1 contains 246 leaves ; and Vol. 2, 239 leaves. The present copy is in every respect a most desirable one, being large, sound and j>erfect in every particular (size 16| x I'l in.) The numbers of the chapters, the headings of the books, and the small capitals are painted in blue and red, and the large initials are ornamented and painted in red white and blue. H, Perkins' copy, which this more than equals in condition sold in 1870 for £780. 1338 Biblia Sacra Latixa, lit. sot!}, printed in double columns, 48 lines to a page, the initials and capitals painted in various colours, 2 vols. old crimson morocco gilt, fine copy fol. sine loco aut Typog. (Basil. B. Michel.') 1475 A rare edition, attributed to Richel's Press by Pettigrew (Bib. Suss.) The first vol. has 232 11. The second vol. has 228 ; this second vol. according to Pettigrew's collation wanting the repetition of Mesnard's Epistles and the Table of Canons. The woodcut initials have been painted in various colours. Pettigrew shows that they are the same as those used in the edition of 1470-1 attributed to Rolt and Richel. On the fly-leaf is pasted the following MS. inscription in a contemporary hand " Compatus est liber iste suh expensis eximii vin dni. doctoris Williehni Sewers sacre theologie Prof, in alma L'niversit. Basiliensis aniw 1476 ;" one or two leaves are wormed and torn ; and it will be sold not subject to return. Perkins' copy fetched £11. 1339 Biblia Sacra Latina, lit. gotf). printed in double columns, without marks of any hind, 60 lines to a page, with painted and illuminated initials, vellum gilt, very clean copy. {Colophon at end of 0. T.) " Vet. testamentu a religiosis viris ac prudentissimis correctum atqz. p me JoHANE Petrus Ferratis cremonensis Placextie impssum A7mo dni mcccclxx quinto (1475) f elicit explicit" sm. 4to. Collation. The work commences as follows on recto of first leaf: "Frater ^ 3 5^ \l>(f^ II BIBLIOTHKCA SUNDERLANDIANA. 103 Ambrosius tua mihi " etc. being the Epistle and Prologue of S. Jerome, occupying' two leaves. Genesis commences at the bottom of the recto of the following leaf and occupies 283 11. Then follow 2 blank 11. The Epistle of S. Jerome com- mences on recto of the following 1. followed by the Gospel of S. Matthew. The order of the Books of the N. T. after the Gospels is different to the ordinary order. Thus after the Gospel of S. John comes the prologue of S. Jerome to S. Paul's Epistles followed by the Epistle to the Romans. The Epistles to the Corinthians succeed followed by those to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Thessaloniansj Timothy, Titus, and Hebrews. Then comes the Apocalypse, followed by the Seveu' Canoniial Epistles (James, Pet. i. ii., John i. ii. and iii., and Jude) concluding with the Acts of the Apostles. The whole of the New Testament (including the prologues) occupies 73 11. At the end of the last leaf is the following colophon ; " ex2}licit liber actuum apostolorum cum reliquis novi libris testamenti. Placentie suma cum diligentia impressics finis." Then comes a blank leaf, followed by the interpretations of Hebrew words (33 II. not 38 as Dihdin says Bih. Spenc.) finishing with the words " Biblie vocabulorum interpretationes expliciunt." This is generally regarded as the first book printed at Piacentia, a fortified town o£ the North of Itai}', and complete copies are vert rare. That described by Dibdia in his Bib. Spenc. wanted the New Testament. The present copy is a large and very clean one but the first 4 11. are slightly wormed. 1340 Biblia Sacra Latina, Yulgatae editionis, lit. rjotfj. printed in douhU /^^ columus, 52 lines to a i?age, ivith rubricated capitals, bound in 2 vols^ hright old calf gilt fol. Impressit Mathias MoKAYua vir singulari arte ingenioquein Urhe Neapoli a7mo 1476 A VERT RARE EDITION, fully described by Dibdin in Bib. Spenc. The signa-t tures are a-z, &, aa-zz 8 in tens, (m being repeated, f. s. t. x. &. gg. ii. kk. 11. Im. rr. 8S. tt. yy and z (zz) having 8 11. only). 1341 Biblia Sacra Latina. printed in hold gothic letters; in double ^^ columns, ivithout marhs of any hind, 51 lines to a full page, 2 vols. old calf gilt, with the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. NorimhergcB impresstcm Ant. Coburger 1477 Contains in vol. 1. 233, and in vol. 2, 234 11. This is the second of the nume- rous editions of the Bible issued from the Press of Ant. Coburger, and is a large, sound and clean copy with rough edges. A copy in Laing's Catalogue pt. 1 sold for £84. All the Initials are finely painted in blue and red, and several are cleverly designed and di'awn in ink. The running titles are also painted in red. 1342 Biblia Sacra Latina. Aliud exemplar, 467 leaves, 2 vols, in 1, old russia gilt, sound and clean copy (with ornamental initials of a different design to those in the preceding copy) fol. Norimb. Ant. Coburger 1477 1343 Biblia Sacra Latina. Yulgatae editionis, lit. (jotf). printed in double columns, without numerals, catchwords, or signatures, capitals rubricated,\ old oaken binding, covered loith leather fol. Venet. Theod. de Reynsburch et Reynaldi de Novimagio 1478 1344 Biblia Sacra Latina. Vulgata editio, lit. got]^. printed in double columns, old calf, ivith Arms on sides fol. '^ Biblia impressa"~Venetiis opera atque impesal NicoLAi Jenson Gallici 14791 This edition should have 451 11. but the present copy wants ai and c4. The initials are painted, and the fii'st is illuminated in gold also, and there is a minia- ture of the Creator at the beginning of Genesis. I 1345 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio vulgata, lit. gotlj. printed in double columns, 398 leaves, loith signatures and running titles, but neither catchwords nor numerals, 2 vols, in 1, bright old calf gilt fol. Venet. JoH. Herbort de Silgenstat 1483 There is only one large painted initial in this copy, and the small initials are only painted in the Psalms. A wormhole runs right through the book. 3t /y 104 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. ? 1346 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio vulgata, lit. got]^. printed in double columns, having 50 lines to a full page ; contains 474 leaves, with rubricated capitals, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine COPY sm. 4to. impressa Venetiis per Franciscum Renxer de Hailbrun 1483 1347 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio vulgata, lit. got!), printed in dotible columns tvith capitals in blue and red, 465 11. %vith running titles and signatures, 52 lines to a page {commences on a ii.) old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy sm. 4to. Venetiis impressa per Georgium de Rivabexis 1487 1348 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, lit. got]^. printed in double columns, with running titles, numbers of the chapters and signatures, 66 liyies to a full page, 438 leaves, the capitals painted in blue and red, old crimson morocco gilt, sound and perfect copy fol. Basil, impress. Nicolai Keslers 1487 This edition commences with a leaf having the single word " Biblie." Then follows " Prefatio in presens Opus," 2 11. Then the prologue and text. At the' end of the Apocalypse; " Transiatores Biblie" 1 leaf; " Epistole et Evangelia per; anni circulum " 6 11. " Interpretationes Norn. Heb." 22 11. 1349 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, lit. gotfj. printed in double columns toith running titles, numbers to the chapters and signatures, rubricated capitals, 48 liyies to a page, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges sm. fol. (Lugd.) impressa per Jacobum Malieti 14901 This copy commences with the " Tabula " which apparently wants 3 11. Then the prologue commences on a ii, (a i being a blank leaf wanting in this copy.) Sig- natiires a-z ; & ; Q; R; A-Z ; Aa-Kk; 1; z; z; ^ ; and S, in eights, except B, 6 11. ; k, 10 11. ; 1, 6 11. ; Ii 6 11. ; 6 11. ; S 9 11. ; (b 1 and 4, and S 9 imperfect.) 1350 Biblia Sacra Latina. Vulgata Editio. Biblia cum tabula nnper /. impressa et cum summariis editis lit. QOt^. printed in double columns^ with running titles and signatures, 51 lines to a full page, mimerous elegant %voodcut illustrations said to be by Bellini and Bonconsiglio, and initial letters, old calf r sm. 4to. impressum Venetiis per Symoxem Dictus Betii.aqua 1498 . Collation ; title ; "Tabula super Bibliam " 8 11. {the 2 first wanting) ; Prologus 10 11.; Text 462 11.; "Tabula Alphabetica " 8 11.; Interpretationes Heb. Nom. 36 11. ; on the verso of last leaf the printer's device. /o 1351 Biblia cum Snmmariorum apparatu pleno quadruplicique repertorio insignita an ultra castigationem diligentissima ; addite sunt mar- ginales additiones, etc. lit. gotl). ivoodcuts, old oal-en binding, covered with pigskin, stamped ivith fleur-de-lis, figures of sai7its etc. 8vo. impressum Lugd. in off. Jacobi Saccon 1522 Collation. 28 prel. 11. including title on which is the Fleur-de-lis of the Giunti, then a single leaf with 6 woodcuts of the Creation. Text fols. 500 ; "Interpretationes Nominum Heb." 38 11.; Tota biblia compendioss. per rithmos descripta per Franciscum Gotthi 15 11.; and a single leaf with woodcnt of S. Jerome on verso. A portrait of "Wolfgang dei Munere Archiep. Mogunt." and an emblematic book-plate of " J. Firtrefflicher Dr." are inserted. 1352 Biblia Sacra ; integru utriusque testamenti corpus coplectes ; diligenter recognita et emedata, cu concordantiis ac summariis simul et argumetis ad toti intelligentia biblie no paru coducetibus etc. lit. gotl). printed in double columns, 2 large ivoodcuts, old calf Svo. Paris ex edibus viduce spectabilis viri Thiehn. Kerver 1526 12 prel. 11. including title ; Text 520 11. " Interp. Nom. Heb." 42 II. Printer's device on title and last leaf (first 2 11. slightly wormed). t /O 1 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 105 1353 Biblia Sacra Latina (cum concordantiis, emendata, studio efc opera Rob. Stephani) ruled loith red lines, tvoodcut initials, calf gilt^/ IS' gauffred edges, LARGE AND clean copy fol. Paris, ex of. B. Stephani 1528 Collation. The title consists of the single word Biblia with the tree beneath. Prel. 11. 9 ; Text 394 11. (the last numb, erroneously 390). The Colophon on this leaf is dated 1527. Then with a new title, Heb. Nom. interp. 42 11.; "Index Rerum " 48 1!. with the privilige of Francis 1st. on verso of the last. This is the FIRST EDITION of the Vulgatc issued by Robert Stephan. Though the binding is damaged, it is a fixe copy. 1354 Biblia utriusque Testamenti juxta vulgatam translationem et earn ^ . C. Guillard 1552 Collation, 8 prel. 11. includ. title. Nom. etc. 104 11. O. T. pp. 964 ; K. T. pp. 260 ; Interp. Heb. 1368 Biblia Sacra ad optima quseque veteris ut vocant tralationis exem- plaria, summa diligentia parique fide castigata, cum indice, nutnerous BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 10? woodctd illustrations by Petit Bernard and an extra set of 70 woodcuts inserted, vellum, gilt edges, fine clean copy 8vo. Lugd. apud Joan. Torncesixini 1554 This is the first Bible issued by this printer and the first in which appeared the clever woodcuts by Petit Bernard. Contains 8 prel. 11.; pp. 1152 ; Index etc. 37 11. 1369 Biblia. R. Stephanus Lectori. En tibi Bibliornm Vulgata editio, in qua juxta Hebraicorum versuum ratiouem singula capita versibus distincta sunt etc. {title mended) old calf 8vo. Genevce Oliva Bob. Stephani 1555 1370 Biblia Sacra juxta yulgatam editionem ad vetustissima exemplaria castigata, rided tcith red lines, 5 vols, old calf gilt, ivitli centre orna- ments of gilt tooling, and inlaid with red and blue morocco, gilt and gauffred ornamental edges 16mp. Lugd. ajJ. S. Gryphium 1556 This is a specimen of the rich ornamental Lyonnese binding of the period, but it is not in very excellent preservation. 1371 Biblia. Utriusque Testamenti, de quorum nova interpretations et copiosissimis in eum annotationibus lege quam in liraine operis babes epistola (cum notis Vatabli) bound in 2 vols, calf folio (Genevce) Oliva Bob. Stepliani 1557 ! This edition contains 2 versions — the Vulgate and that of Sanctus Pagninus arranged side by side. 1372 Biblia Sacrosancta Yeteris ac Novi Testamenti juxta vulgatam editionem, cum scboliis etc. auctore Isid. Clario Brixiano ; ex secunda eius recognitione, calf ' fol. Venet. in off. hceredum L. Ant. Juntoi 1557 i An uncommon edition. Contains 4 prel. 11. including title. Text 514 numb. ' 11. ; Index Kerum, etc. 15 11. ; Printer's device 1 leaf. 1373 Biblia Sacra, juxta vulgatae editionem Joan. Benedicti recognita et emendata, old oaken boards, covered in stamped leather fol. Paris, hceredes Car. Guillard 1558 The fourth Benedictine edition, and inserted in the Ind.Prob. ; contains 8 prel. ; 11. inckid. tiile. Text, O. T. pp. 888; N. T. pp. 235 ; Interp, Norn. Heb. etc. 5611. i (some leaves in the N. T. wormed). ! 1374 Biblia Sacra juxta vulgatae editionem Jo. Benedicti recognita et emendata, large and small ivoodcut initials, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, a fine copt fol. Parisiis ap. G. Merlin 1563 Contains 8 prel. 11. including title : Gen. — Job pp. 508 ; Psalms — Mac. ii. 392 pp. ; N. T. 235 pp. ; Interp. Nom. Heb. 54 11. 1375 Biblia Sacra (ut supra) ; in hac autem editione omnium ultima et accuratissima ; cum commentt. autliore Renato Benedicto, Andegavo, large and small woodcut initials, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, FINE COPT fol. Lutet. ap. Joa. Macceum 1554 Collation : 8 prel. 11. including title ; Old Test. 904 pp. ; N. T. 235 pp. Then " Stromata in Universum Organum Biblicum quadrnplici turn materia turn libro distincta" authore Renato Benedicto 25 11. ; Intei'p. Nom. Heb. etc. 96 11. 1376 Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria castigata. Quid in horuna Bibliornm castigatione prsestitum sit, subsequens prefatio latins indicabit, ruled ivith red lines, 5 vols, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges 16mo. Ant'W. C. Plantin 1564-5 1377 Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, _/i?ie%'oofZc«^ illustrations by Yirgil Solis, etc. old oaTcen binding, covered with stampejd leather fol. Antw. in ced. hceredum Am. Birckmanni 1570 ^ 6' 108 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDEULANDIAJfA. 1378 Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, Romseque revisa. De Licentia Snperiovnm, ivoodcut initials, old calf gilt, fine clean copy fol. Venet. apud Juntas \b72 Title ; preface of Hentenius, etc. 8 11. ; Text 300 numb. 11. ; Index Epistolarum, etc. 25 11. 1379 Biblia Sacra, ex Seb. Castalionis postrema recognitione, cum annotationibus eiusdem, et historiaB supplemento ab Esdra ad Macbabeos ex Josepbo, fine engraved title, and icoodcuts of the Tabernacle, etc. vellum, clean copy fol. Basil, per P. Pernum 1573 1380 Biblia Sacra, Yeteris et Novi Testament! juxta vulgatam editionem, cum quibusdam annotationibus Joannis Benedict! Parisiensis, numerous ivoodcut illustrations, 2 vols, calf 8vo. Parisiis ap. J. Kerver 1573 On the Title of the New Test, is the autograph of " Ph. Atkes." X SIXTH DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 1381 Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, in quibus pra^terea qua3 subsequens prefatio indicat, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt. Cum Licentia Superiorum, numerous woodcut illustrations, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. ap. Hceredes Nic. Bevilaquce 1574 1382 Biblia; (ut siipra) ; numerous looodcut illustrations, hound in 2 \o\s. calf 8vo. Lugd. ap. Guil. Eovilium 1581 1383 Biblia. Testament! Yeteris Biblia Sacra ; et Jesu Christ! Novum Testamentum, Latin! recens ex Hebraeo brevibusque scboliis illustrata ab I. Tremellio et F. Jun!o, bound in 2 vols, calf sm. 4to. Lond. excud. H. Middletonus impensis W. N. 1579-1580 The first London edition of this Translation. Collation : Title, Preface, Epistle to the Reader, etc. 7 11.; text, Gen.— Deut. 219 pp.; " Bibliorum pars Secunda," title, ded. to Frederick Count Palatine, and text, Josh.— Esther, pp. 299 {dated T. Midd. 1579). " Bibliorum pars tertia," tit, ded. to John Casimir Count Palatine, and text, Job— Sols. Song, pp. 251 (dated T. Midd. 1579). " Bibliorum pars Quarta " title, ded. to William, Landgrave of Hesse, and text, Isaiah — Mai. 390 pp. (dated T. M. 1579); Libri Apoc. ded. to William, Count of Nassau and text, 192 pY> (dated T. M. 1579). Nov. Test, title; typog. lectori; text 191pp. Lond. T. Vautrolleriiis, 1580. Both Lowndes and Pettigrew describe this edition as octavo. 1384 Biblia Sacra. AHud Exemplar, in 1 vol. old English calf 4to. Lond. H. Middleton and T. Vautrollerius 1579-80 1385 Biblia Sacra {ut supra) cum Testamento Novo Th. Bezse, engraved title ; Tided with red lines, old English calf sm. fol. Lond. impensis Quliel. N. 1593 (N. T. Lond. excud. ' Rpg. Typog. 1592) 3 / s BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 109 1386 Biblia Sacra cum duplici translatione et scholiis F. Vatabli, nunc denuo a plurimus erroribus repurgatis doctiss. Theologorum Universitatis Salmanticensis, 2 vols, calf sm. folio, Salmanticre ap. G. Rovillium 1584 A rare and esteemed edition. — Pettigrew. Though the title bears the date of 1584, it was not really published before 1586, as the date at the end of the " Tassa" shows. Vol. I contains 14 prel. 11. including title; text 366 nnmb. 11. ; errata 1 page. Vol. 2 title and Psalms 72 11.; Proverbs — Malachi 214 11.; Apociypha 30 11. ; N. T. with Interp. Nom. Heb. etc. (at the end of which is the autograph signature of Fray Roman de Vallezillo, Commissario de la Inquisicion) ; errata 1 leaf ; Index Biblicus a Joanne Harlemio 42 pp. Sahnant. 1585. 1387 Biblia. Ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, cum Licentia Superiorum, numerous tvoodmd illustrations, old calf (12 pi-el. II. includ. title, and 1126 pp.) sm. 4to. Venet. H. Polus excud. 1587 1388 Biblia. Yetus Testamentum Secundum Isx. Latine redditum et ex auctoritate Sixtus V. Pont. Max. editum, veJlum, a fine clean copy fol. BomcB in cedibus Populi Romani ap. G. Ferrarmm 1588 A rare and esteemed edition. — Pettigrew. It contains 6 prel. 11. including title; text pp. 1-1411 ; Index Dictionum 8 11. ; Errata 2 pp. and Registrum (with device) 1 leaf. 1389 Biblia Sacra, Yulgat^e Editioxis, tribus tomis distincta. Ad Con- cilii Tridentini Praescriptum emendata et a Sixti Y. P. M. reeognita etapprobata, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges folio Bomce ex typog. Apostol. Vat. 1590 The EDITION well known as the Sixtine Bible, and exceedingly rare, HAVING BEEN SUPPRESSED by this Popc's succcssor Gregory XIV. The collation is : — Engraved title ; printed do. ; Preface of Sixtus V. 4 11. ; " De Canonicis Scrip- turis Decretum," lleaf; Index librorum 1 leaf ; Series Librorum 1 leaf; Text pp. 1-1 141, divided into 3 parts. On the title is the autograph of Charles Spencer third Earl of Sunderland ; and the following inscription " Liber hie emptus ex auctiore Bibliothecae D. Worsly 32 Lib. sterlinis Londinii 13 Maij 1678." 1390 Biblia Sacra, Yulgatj: Editionis, Sixti qninti Pont. Max. jussu reeognita atque edita. Clementis YIII. auctoritate recusa, old crim son morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy fol. BomcB {ap. Aldum) ex typog. Apostol. Vaticance 1592 The second and revised edition of the Sixtine Bible, and the standard text of the Vulgate. Collation ; printed title, engraved title, preface etc. 6 11. ; text 1131 pp. " Oratio Manassas " etc. 23 pp. Hibbert's copy produced £26. 5s. 1391 Biblia Sacra, quae praeter antiquae Latinae versionis necessariam emendationem, et difficiliorum locorum succintam explicationem D. D. Lucae Osiandri, engraved title and portrait, vellum fol. Francof. ex off. M. Becheri 1611 1392 Biblia. Joannis Mariana e Soc. Jes. Scholia in Yetus et Novum Testamentum calf fol. Paris. 1620 1393 Biblia Sacra, Yulgatae Editionis, Sixti Y. jussu reeognita atque edita, 8 vols, rough leather binding, clean copy 16mo. Bomce sumpt. A. Brugiotti 1624 1394 Biblia Sacra, Yulgatae ed. Sixti Y. recog. et edita ; cum scholiis, -plurimam auctis et emendatis Job. Marianne, et notationibus Emm. Sa,fine engravei titles, 2 vols, calf fol. Aniio. ex off. Plant iiiiana 1624 1395 Biblia Sacra, Yulgatae Editionis, Sixti Y. Pont. Max. jussu reeog- nita, engraved title and mimerous woodcuts, old red morocco 8vo. Venet. ap. Juntas 1627 1396 Biblia Sacra. Yetus Testamentum secundum Ixx. et ex autoritate Sixti Y. Pont. Max. editum, cum scholiis Romanae Editionis, Gr. et Lat. 3 vols, vellum fol. Lut. Par. C. Sonnium 1628 10 1^ / 15' z_ 110 BIBLIOTHBCA SDNDERLANDIANA. fl' 0-rz) 1397 BiBLiA Sacea Latina, printed in large type, xoitli engraved title and mimerous vignettes, 8 vols, old olive morocco, ivith broad gilt borders and the RoTAL Arms of Denmark on sides, and fieur-de-lis surmounted by a crown in the corners, gilt edges, fine copy fol. Parisiis e typographia Eegia 1642 1398 Biblia Sacra, VulgatjB editionis, Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recog- nita ; et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita, ruled with red lines, front, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy sm. 4to. Paris, e typographia Begia 1653 1399 Biblia Sacra Latina, Vnlgatte editionis, Sixt. V. jussu recognita e Clementis YIII. auctoritate edita; Item De Imitatione Christi, 3 vols, in 1, calf 12mo. Parisiis ap. Seb. Martin 1656-7 A pretty edition, printed in a minute but clear type. 1400 Biblia Maxima Versionum. Ex Linguis Orientalibus ; pluribus Sacris MS. Codicibus etc. collectarum cum annotatiouibus NicOL. de Lyra et aliorum, autbore R. P. Joanne de la Haye, front. 18 vols. old calf gilt fol. Lut. Par. Bechet etc. 1660 1401 Biblia Sacra, Vulgatae Editionis, Sixti Y. et Clementis VIII. autoritate recognita, editio nova, notis chronologicis et historicia illustrata, una cum sacra chronologia atque geographia, ruled with red lines, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, with the Arms of Le Clekc de Lessville, Comte de Beionde on sides, gilt edges, fine copy fol. Parisiis e.ccud. Ant. Vitre 1662 1402 Biblia Sacra, Vulgatte Editionis, Sixti quinti Pont. Max. autoritate | recognita 8 vols, vellum, red edges, clean copy | 12mo. Col. Agr. ap. B. ah Egmondt 1666 1403 Biblia Sacra, ab I. Tremellio et F. Junio ; et Novum Testamentum a Theod. Beza, calf thick I2mo. Lond. P. Norton 1680 1404 Biblia Saci-a, sive Testamentum Vetus et Novum ex linguis ori- ginalibus in linguam Latinam translatum a Seb. Scbmidt, port, calf 4to. Argent. J. F. Spoor 1696 1405 Biblia Sacra, Vulgatfe editionis, una cum selectis annotationibus ex optimis quibusque interpretibus excerptis, auctore J. B. Duhamel, 2 vols, in 1 (first title mounted) old calf gilt fol. Paris. J. B. Delespine 1705 1406 Biblia. Libri Moysi quinque ; cum annotationibus et observa- tionibus Hebraicis, baud quaquam pcenitendis, qute prolixi commen- tarii vice esse possuut, calf, clean coj^y 4to. Parisiis P. Stephani 1541 1407 BibKa. Mosis Libri v. et Libri Historici, ex translatione Jo. Cle- rici cum ejusdem commentario philologico, 3 vols, calf fol. Amst. H.'Schelte 1710-08 1408 Biblia. Psalterium Davidis carmine redditum per Eobanum Hessum cnm annott. ; cui accessit Ecclesiastes Solomonis ; codem' genere carminis redditus Basil, in of. E. Winter 1538 — Monomacbia Davidis et Goliee et Allegorica eiusdem expositio ; R. Gualtbero Tigurino antore. Tig iiri ap. C. Froschover n. d. ; in 1vol. stamped pig six in binding 8vo, 1409 Biblia. In Librum Jobi Paraphrasis Poetica, ace. de Reparations Hujnana etc. per Jo. Mellium de Sousa, old calf 12mo. Lugd. sumpt. H. Cardon 1615 1410 Biblia. Icones BiBLica; Veteris et Novi Testamenti, proprio sere aeri incisse, et venales expositre a Melchiore Kysel (Lat. et Teut.) 243 ^»e copperplate engravings, brilliant impressions, old calf sm. 4to. Nilrnberg 1679 1411 Biblia. Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti ; ad vivura expressae, extremaque diligentia emendatiores factae, Gallicis in expositione homoeotelentis etc. (La tine et Gallice) 94 woodcut illus- Ul - d' d' 1 10 (o - O lb I / / /b' - 7 ' 16^ ~ t / d^ r b' i' y lb (6 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANUIANA. Ill 4»n trations, and figures of the four evangelists on last leaf, hy Hans Holbein, old Mue morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy sm. 4to. Lngd. ap. Joannem Frelloniiim 1547 An early and rare edition of these celebrated Bible cuts. Contains A-M in fours, the last leaf bearing the imprint. This copy belonged to the famous scholar Hadrian Beverland, and has his armorial bookplate, and autograph on title " HadriajiI Beverlandi et Amicorum/' 1412 Biblia. Heptateuchns, Liber Jobi, et Evangelium Nicodemi ; Anglo- Saxonice. Historiae Jnditli Fraginentum Dano-Saxonice ; edidit nunc primum ex MSS. Codicibus Edw. Thwaites, /?»e front, and portrait of H. Junius by Burghers, old crimson morocco, gilt edges, FINE COPT roy. 8vo. Oxoiiice typis Jxmianis 1698 1413 BIBLIA ANGLICA. The Bible in Exgltshe of the largest and GREATEST VOLUME, auctorj'sed and apoynted by the commaundement of oure moost redonbted prince Kynge Henry the VIII. Oversene and PERUSED by the ryghte reverende Fathers in God, Cuthbert (Tunstall) Byshop of Duresme, and Nicolas (Heath) Byshop of Rochester, black letter, woodcuts, calf large io\. printed hy Edwarde WhitcJiurche, curii privilegio ad imprimendum solum 1541 Archp. Cranmer's or " The Great " Bible '• Fjnyshed in Novemher Anno m ccccc xli." The collation of this copy is as follows : engraved title with the text in red and black, the Arms of Thos. Cromwell effaced. On verso of title " The names of all the bokes" : Kalendar, in red and black, 2 11. ; Cranmer's Prologue 3 11. ; text, Pt. 1. Gen. — Deut. fols. i-lxxii (no fol. xxx but xxxi repeated ; fol. xlix numb, lix, no fol. liv but Iv repeated). Pt. 2 ; Joshua— Job. Woodcut title in 16 compartments with the names of the books in the centre in red and black. Text including title fols. i-cviii (fol. Ixi numb, xli, and fol. xcix torn). Pt. 3 Psalms— Malachi fols. i-cxvi, including woodcut title in 16 compart- ments. The following errors in pagination occur fol. xxviii rep. for xxix, xlvii numb, for 1 : Ixviii for Iviii ; Ixvi for Ixiv, and Ixvii for Ixx ; plain corners of 2 fols. mended. Pt. 4. Apocrypha. Fols. i-lxxii, including woodcut title in 16 compart- ments. Fol. vi numb, iii ; xlvi repeated ; xlvii numb, for xlviii, Ixviii repeated, Ixx and Ixxi missed. New Testament, including " Table to fjnde the Epistles and Gospels" fols. xciii including woodcut title. Fols. xxvii numb, for xxvi : Ixxx for Ixix, Ixxxii for Ixxxiii, Ixxxvi for Ixxxv, Ixxxix and xcii repeated. A pekfect AND GENERALLY SOUND AND CLEAN COPY of this RARE EUITION ; the first title and 2 or 3 11. very slightly wormed. 1414 Biblia Anglica. The Btble in Englishe, that is the Olde and New Testament after the translacion appointed to be read in the Churches, black letter, tvoodcuts, old calf sm. fol. Imprynted at London in Flete St. at the signe of the Sunne over against the Conduyte hy Edwarde Whitchurche the xxix day of Decemher 1549 A reprint of Cranmer's edition of 1541. Collation. Engraved title (cut close and mounted) ; Cranmer's Prologue, summe and content of the Scripture etc. 5 11. ; text, Pt. I Gen. — Deut. fols. i-xcviii, fol. Ixxxvii rep. for Ixxxviii. Pt. 2 Joshua — Job, fols. cxlii including woodcut title, fol. liv numb xliv, Ixxvii repeated for Ixxviii, xciv numb. xcvi. Pt. 3. Psalms — Malachi fols. cxlviii, including woodcut title {the latter a little torn ; comer of fol. vi defective). Fol. xli numb. Ixi ; xlviii numb. Ixviii ; xcviii numb, cxviii. Pt. 4. Apocrypha fols. xcvi including title ; title slightly defective ; fols. xxii and xxv very defective and corner of fol. xxxiv torn off. Fol. Ivi numb. xlvi. The New Testament : title and table 2 11. ; text, fols. i-cxvi. Fol. Ivi torn ; corner of fol. cxvi defective. Several 11. throughout the vol. are water-stained. Dunn Gardner's copy of this rare edition sold for £44. 1415 Biblia Anglica. The Holt Bible, conteyning the Olde Testa- ment and the Newe, authorised and appoynted to be read in Churches, contemporary English calf hindivg, with gilt corner orna- ments and the ARMS and INITIALS (E. R.) of QUEEN ELIZA- BETH impressed in gold on the sides, gilt edges fol. Lond. Deputies of G. Barker 1595 A large and extraordinarily clean COPY of this edition of the Bishops' Bible (with the Psalms according to Cranmer's Bible). Probably the Presentation copy from the Printers to the Queen. It contains 12 prel. 1 //6^ 2 6- fo ^3 112 PIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. 11. including engraved title, Cranmcr's Prologue, Kalendar etc. ; and 562 numbered leaves. It measures 16| X 10^ in. On the first leaf of the Prologue occurs the Autograph of C. Killigrew. 1416 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible conteyning tlie Old Testament and the New (with the Apocrypha) newlie translated out of the Original Tongues, Authorised Version, 'printed on large and THICK PAPER, ruled ivith red lines, old hlue morocco, the sides and hack covered ivith Ornaments of Eoses, Lilies and Thistles, and the ARMS of KING JAMES THE FIRST impressed in gold on the sides : A BEAUTIFUL COPY 4to. Lond. liy Bonliam Norton and John Bill 1619 This edition is not mentioned in Cotton or Lowndes. It is probably the Presentation copy from the Piinters to the King. 1417 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New (v.ith the Apocrypha) ; with the Book of Common Prayer ; and the Whole Book of Psalms by Sternhold and Hopkins with apt notes to sing them withal, large and vert clean copy, large paper ? (size 16f X 11 in.) engraved title to Old Testament by Marshall, in 1 vol. old calf, gilt edges roy. fol. Cambridge, Buck and Daniel 1638 In Acts vi. 3, the reading is "ye" for " we may appoint over this business." 1418 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible. King James' or Authorised Version, large copy, ruled with red lines, and illustrated with a fine set of 122 ENGRAVINGS chiefly after Rubens hy Visscher, in- cluding the Theatrum Passionis, bound in 3 vols, old crimson morocco extra, with broad borders and centre ornaments of elaborate gilt tooling, and gilt edges, very fine copy, ivith inscription on fly-leaf by C. Spencer impl. fol. Oxford, printed at the Theater by Parker and Guy 1685 1419 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible ; Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha (with Index, Marginal Refs. etc.) aidhorized version, ruled ivith red lines, engraved title, 2 vols, old crimson morocco, with elaborate gilt tooled borders and centre ornaments, gilt edges, FINE copy imp, fol. Lond. by Charles Bill etc. 1701 A fine edition, published under the superintendence of Archbishop Tennison, commonly called Bp. Lloyd's Bible. 1420 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, engraved title, (348 II.) old crimson morocco, the sides covered with elaborate gold tooling, gilt edges, fine COPY of a coveted edition 8vo. Edinb. printed by James Watson 1715 1421 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible, with Apocrypha old blue morocco 8vo. Lond. for John Baskett 1715 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, printed in small type, bound in 2 vols, old crimson morocco, with elaborate ornamentation in gold on the sides, and gilt edges, fine copy 16mo. Edinburgh by James Watson 1716 1423 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible, old crimson morocco, the sides covered with elaborate gilt tooling, gilt edges fine copy 12mo. Edinb. J. Watson 1717 1424 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible ; with the Apocrypha, numerous fine fronts, vignettes, and initial letters by Vander Gucht, PROOF impressions 2 vols, old crimson morocco, the borders inlaid tvith blue and the sides tooled in ornamental panelings, the Marlborough crest engraved on thick SILVER plates aiid mounted on both sides of each volume, and having also 4 massive silver clasps {binding rubbed in several places) super-impl. fol. Oxford by John Baskett 1717 PRINTED ENTIRELY on VELLUM, 646 leaves and 4 llank II. ruled with red lines. Lowndes only mentions two other vellum copies, one being in the Royal and the other in the Bodleian Library. This is the magnificent Bible known gilt, gilt edges 1422 Biblia Anglica. BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 113 as the Vinegar Bible from the reading of the running title at Luke xx. where we have " The Parable of the Vinegar" instead of " Vineyard." It is probably the only copy on vellum likely to occur for sale. 1425 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible with, the Apocrypha, Basker- ville's finely printed edition, large paper, illustrated with 290 FINE original ENGRAVINGS hy PiCART, HOUBRAKEN, LuYKENS, and others, viany fine proof impressions, 2 vols, crimson morocco extra, the hacks inlaid with blue and green, the sides ornamented with broad gilt borders of tooling, with silk inside linings and gilt edges, bound by Staggemeier and Welcher, with their ticket (a piece of the morocco torn off vol. 2) imp. foi. Camb. J. Baskerville, 1763 A magnificent copy of this fine edition. It was the legacy of Jacob Bryant to George, Duke of Marlborough. 1426 Biblia Anglica. The Holt Bible, with engravings from Pictures and designs by the most eminent English Artists, Macklin's splendid edition, containing many fine large plates, 7 vols. bright crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy (the Apocrypha in boards uncut) square fol. Land. Bensley 1800-16! 1427 Biblia Anglica. Macklin's Edition. A portion of the ITew Testament containing Title, list of Subscribers, references to designs ; and Epistles of Philemon, 2 Peter, John, Jude and Revelation, with vignettes, hf. bd. fol. Bensley 1800 1428 Biblia Anglica. The Holy Bible. " The Queen's Bible," illustrated with fine photographs by Frith, 2 vols, stoutly bound in crimson morocco gilt, with broad gilt inside borders, brass rims and clasps roy. fol. W. Mackenzie, Glasgow 1862 Only 170 copies of this fine Bible were printed. The present copy cost £50. 1429 Biblia Wallica. The Holy Bible in Welsh, with the Anglican Liturgy and Psalms in Meeter, 2 majos, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 8vo. Loyid. J. Baskett 1718 1430 BIBLIA GALLICA. Le Premier (et le Second) Volume db LA Bible en FRANgoiS, lit. Qat\}. with numerous curious woodcuts, 2 vols, in 1, old oaken binding covered with stamped leather fol. Paris, acheve d'impriinere le xxiiiie. jour d'Octobre Van 1520 pour Jehan Petit An EARLY and rare edttion of this Translation from the Latin of P. Comestor by Guy des Moulins, reviewed by Jean de Rely. The collation is as follows : Vol. 1 ; title " Le Premier Volume de la Bible en Franyois " (with Petit's device beneath) ; and on verso the Prologue 1 leaf (mended). " Table du Premier Volume " 8 11. ; 1 blank leaf ; Text, Gen. — Ruth fols. i-cxiiii, fol. xci erroneously paged cii. Kings — Psalms fols. i-clxv. Fol. i marked erroneously cxiii. Fol. ii marked fol. i, xxxviii marked xlii ; xl marked xxxii, cvi repeated ; cxi skipped; cxiii repeated ; 1 blank leaf. Vol. 2 " Le Second Volume de la Bible en Francois " title, with Petit's device beneath : " Table du Second Volume " 8 11. Prologue commencing on verso of next leaf. Text, Proverbs to 2 Machab. fols. i-cxliv. Fol. XXV erroneously numb, xx., cix. numb, cxix., ex. numb, cxiiii, cxxi numb. cxix. New Test, cxiii. fols.; xxxv numb, xxxiv, xliii. numb, xlv., Iv. numb. xlv. A leaf or two slightly wormed, otherwise in fair condition. 1431 Biblia Gallica. Le Premier (et le Second) Volume de la Bible en FRANgOYS, lit. gotf). woodcut titles and illustrations, 2 vols, in 1, vellum fol. a este imprimee ceste Bible en fracoishystoriee pour Pierre Bailly Marchant libraire demourant a Lyon Van de Grace Mille cccccxxxi (1531) A scarce edition. Vol. 1 contains title and Table 811., and fols. i-cxcv. (Fols. clxiii-clxv defective). Vol. 2, title and Table 8 11. and fols. i-clxxiii. 1432 Biblia Gallica. La Bible, qui est toute la saincte escripture, en laquelle sont contenus le Vieil Testament et le Nouveau, translatez 8 77 // /o I 31 7 /o lo 6 /d 6(o 114 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1 en Fran^oys. Le Vieil de I'Ebrieu et le Nouveau du Grec, lit. gotl^ old calf fol. acheve d'imprimer en la ville et Conte de Neufcliastel par P. de Wingle diet Pirot Picard Van 1535 The first French Bible ptblisiied by the Protestants. It was the •work of V. Kobert Olivetan, who had the valuable assistance of John Calviu. Copies in good condition are exceedingly rare. The present is a fairly good copy. The work comniences with the title, on the verso of which is a Latin Epistle of, Calvin. Then follows the Epistle of Olivetan (2 pp.) and the Apologie of thej same (311.) Then comes another Epistle (2 11.); and the names of all the booksj (1 leaf). The text is divided thus : Gen. to Sols. Song, Fols. clxxxvi. Thej Prophets, fols. clxvi. Apocrypha, fols. Ix. New Test, with interpretation of| Hebrew names, etc. fols. cv. Register 1 leaf. 1433 Biblia Gallica (td supra), lit. Q(ii\). calf fol. Neufcliastel P. de Wingle 1535 The title in this copy is defective and mounted ; in consequence, the Latin Epistle of Calvin is wanting. In other respects it is a capital copy. 1434 Biblia Gallica. Le Premier (et le Second) Volume de la Bible en Francais nouvellement corrigee, numerous spirited woodcuts, 2 vols, in 1, fol. old calf acheve d'imp. on vend a Paris en la Hue Sainct Jacques, a Venseigne des trois couronnes de Colongne 1544-46 A scarce edition of the Translation from the Latin of Comestor. Vol. 1 contains title, table, etc. 10 11. and fols. i-cclvii ; vol. 2 title, table, etc. 10 11. and fols. ccxxxvii. 1435 Biblia Gallica. La Bible Nouvellement translatee ; avec la suite! de I'histoire depuis le terns d'Esdras jusqu'a Christ. Item ; avec des •^/ annotacions sur les passages difficiles par Sebastian Chateillon, rolled ivith red lines, ivith woodcuts in the annotations, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy fol. a Bale pour Jehan Hervage 1555 A very rare edition, destroyed equally by Protestants and Catholics. Henry j Stephan reproached the translator for the vulgarity of his language. 1436 Biblia Gallica. La Bible, qui est toute la Saincte Escriture' / contenant le Vieil et Nouveau Testament ou Alliance {title mounted), old calf fol. (Paris) par Matthieu de la Boche 1558 Title, preface, table, etc. 1811. Text, Old Test. 39211. ; N.T. 10211. including title. 1437 Biblia Gallica. La Bible, qui est toute la Saincte Escriture contenant le Vieil et le Nouveau Testament. Ou a nouvellement adjouste en ceste edition entre autres cboses, de figures esquelles sont cottez les passages correspondans des quatre derniers livi'es de Moyse, ruled throughout ivith red lines (title neatly mounted^ old cal gilt, gilt edges, fine clean copy fol. (GenevcB) V Olivier de Henri Estienne 1565 Collation : Title : Jean Calvin au Lecteur, Traicte sur Jesus Christ, Table of Corresponding Passages in the Pentateuch, La Somme de tout I'Ecriture, L'Ordre des Livres, etc. 1411. Text, Old Test. fols. 1-386, including 2 11. of preface. Apocrypha 86 11. On the verso of fol. 86 commences "Table des Temoignages," 5 pp. New Testament fols. 1-114. " Recueil daucuns Mots," etc. 1411. 1438 Biblia Gallica. La Sainte Bible, contenant le Vieil et Nouveau Testament, traduitte en Francois selon la version commune, avec annotations necessaires pour I'intelligence des lieux les plus difficiles; et expositions cotenantes briefves et familieres resolutions des lieux qui ont este depraves et corrumpu par les heretiques de nostre temps, par M. Ren£ B^noist, Dr. en la faculte de Theologie a Paris, woodcuts, old olive morocco, inlaid with red and hroivn, the centre and corner ornaments tooled in the Grolier manner, gilt and ganffred edges thick roy. fol. Paris, chez Seh. Nyvelle 1566 A very large and remarkably clean copy, ruled throughout in red ID k IZ, 5(i' O BIBLIOTHBCA SUNDERLANDIANA. 115 lines. It is a rare edition in consequence of its incurring the censure of the Paris faculty of Theology, and the prohibition of its sale. It contains 10 prel. II. including title, dedication to Charles IX, etc. The text of the O. T. Gen.— Job 647 pp. ; a blank leaf follows, and then new title. " Le Second Tome," Psalms to end of Macabees 509 pp.; then another blank 1. : Le Nonveau Test. 8 prel. II. including title ; text 296 pp. " Exposition de certain passages," 26 numb. U. " La Table des Evangiles," etc. 10 11. 1439 Biblia Grallica. La Bible qui est toute la Saincte Escriture ; contenant le Vieil et le Nouveaoi Testament, avec argumens sur chacun livre, maps, etc. ruled with red lines, old crimson morocco gilt, with the name Jo. Ja. Veillart impressed in gold on the sides, gilt atid gauffred ornamental edges 8vo. (Geneve) de Vimprim. de Franqois Estienne 1567 At the end is a Calendar (7 II.) printed in i-ed and black Roman letter, with woodcuts. 1440 Biblia Gallica. Biblia Latinogallica. La Bible Fran^oiselatine, qui est toute la Saincte Escriture, contenant le Vieil et Nouveau Testament, ou Alliance, contemporary calf hinding with centre and corner gilt ornaments fol. {Geneve') de Vimp. de Jac. Bourgeois pour Estienne anastase 1568 1441 Biblia Gallica. La Saincte Bible Fean90ISe, selon la Vulgaire Latine reveue par le commandemeut du Pape Sixtus V. avec som- maires sur cbaque livres, et explication des passages selon les Saints Peres etc. par Pierre Frizon, fine engraved title, numerous brilliant copperplate engravings by L. Gaultier, etc. fine, large and clean COPT, old crimson morocco gilt, with the arms of Mathieu Mol^, Seigneur de Champlatrecx on sides, and monogram on the bach thick roj. fol. Paris par J. BicJier et P. Chevallier 1621 Prel. 11. 6 including printed and engraved title, ded. to Louis XIII. etc. Text Gen. — Job 583 pp. Psalms to Apocalypse including the Apocrypha, the Prayer of Manasses, and iii. and iv. Esdras, the latter following the Apocalypse, pp. 1-863. Map and explanation 2 11. " Moyens pour discerner les Bibles Frangoise Catholiques d'avec les Huguenotes" 89 pp. including title. " Tables des Principaux points controversez " 26 11. Imprint 1 leaf. 1442 Biblia Gallica. La Sainte Bible (avec rApocrypbe) interprete par Jean Diodati, large paper, engraved title, old calf, loith arms of Gaspard F. de Naulac on sides roj. fol. Geneve 1644 Two titles. Table 1 leaf. Text ; Gen.— Prov. pp. 754: 1 blank leaf. Isa.— Mai. pp. 302 ; 1 blank I. N. T. pp. 401. 1 blank 1. Apocrypha pp. 176. 1443 Biblia Gallica. La Sainte Bible, edition nouvelle, faite sur la version de Geneve, reveue et corrigee, enricbie des notes par Samuel et Henry Des Marets, maps, large paper, ruled throughout ivith red lines, 2 vols, old French calf gilt, tvith the arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comte de Brionde on sides, gilt edges, fine copy impl. fol. Amst. chez L. et D. Elsevier 1679 1444 Biblia Gallica. La Saint Bible, reveu et confere sur les Textes Hebreux et Grecs par les Pasteurs et Professeurs de I'Eglise de Geneve (avec I'Apocryphe ; les Pscaumes mis en vers, et les airs notes etc.) calf thick 4to. Amst. imp. de Blaeu 1687 1445 Biblia Gallica. La Sainte Bible, traduite sur la vulgate avec des notes tirees des SS. Peres etc. (par L. Is. Le Maistre de Sacy) nume)-ous fine vignettes by Karrewyn 3 vols, calf 4to. a Liege chez J. F. Bronckart 1700 1446 Biblia Gallica. La Saint Bible avec I'Apocryphe, expliquez par des notes de Theologie et de Critique sur la version ordinaire des Eglises Reformees, reviie sur les originaux avec des Prefaces etc. par David Martin, maps, 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy roy. fol. Amst. chez H. Deshurdes etc. 1707 ^ //o /^ /O ^ iS^ 2 lit) BIBLIOTHECA SUNBERLANDIANA. La Sainte Bible, nouvelle edition, 2 vols. (vol. 1 12mo. Amst. Wetstein 1710 1447 Biblia Gallica wormed) calf 1448 Biblia Gallica. La Saixte Bible, en Latin et Francois, on Com- MENTAiRE LiTTERAL sur tous les Livres de I'Ancien et du Nonv Testament, par Aug. Calmet, avec les Dissertations, r>iaps etc. 27 vols calf 4to. a Paris P. Emery 1715-20 1449 Biblia Italica. La Bibbia Sacra Vnlgarizata per Nic. de Malermi, lit. got}), u-ithout numerals or catclnvords, sligldhj worraed, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges sm. fol. impressa in Venetia per Oct. Scotto 1481 A RABE EDITION. Contains 427 11. (aj being wanting). The first page of Genesis is beactifcllt painted and illuminated. 1450 Biblia Italica. La Biblia Vulgare hystoriada per Nic. de ^Malermi ; nel fine e la Legenda di Sancto Joseph, numerous fine woodcuts, said to he after designs of Bellini and Bonconsiglio, old stamped Venetian olive morocco gilt, and gauffred edges fol. Stampata in Venetia per Bart, de Zanni 1502 The title consL'sts of the single line " Biblia Vulgare historiada," monnted on a blank leaf. The work contains signs a-z ; &; !3; li ; A-O ; AA-LL 7, in eights, A having ten leaves. A rake edition and in a fine state of preservation. 1451 Biblia Italica. La Bibia tradotta in Lingua Toscana, di nnovo riveduta, corretta et emendata da molti errori etc. per M. Santi Marmochixo, title in woodcut compartments, old calf gilt, clean copy fol. in Vinegia app. Juntas 1545 A RARE EDITION. Ten prcl. 11. including title; Text 437 numb. 11. Register with device 1 leaf, the last few leaves a little wormed. In this edition the Book of Job and the Psalms are rendered into verse. There is a figure of David playing on a violin at the beginning of the Psalms. 1452 Biblia Italica. Bibbia Yolgare, nuovamente riscontrata con la Latina autentica, con licentia della S. Inquisitione ristampata, e da molti errori con ogni diligentia corretta (title mended, some U. stained) old yelloio morocco gilt, gilt edges fol. in Vinegio appresso Girol. Scotto 1567 Four prel. 11. including title ; text 712 pp. " Tavola" 4 11. 1453 Biblia Italica. La Sacra Bibbia, con I Salmi in Rime, tradotta in lingua Italiana e commentata da Gio. Diodati, seconda edizione, ruled tvith red lines, engraved title, old blue morocco gilt, ivitJi the Marl- horough crest on sides, gilt edges fol. Geneve per P. Chouet 1641 (engr. tit. dat. 1640) 1454 Biblia Italica. Bibbia da Diodati, a much larger copy tlian the preceding, very clean, but some plain margins slightly wor7ned ; old calf fol. P. Chouet 1641 1455 Biblia Hispanica. Biblia en Lengua Espanola, traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados, vista e examinada por el officio de la Inquisicion lit. gotl). double columns, old calf fol. estampada en Ferrara a costa y depesa de Jeronimo de Vargas Espanol en prirtiero de Marco de 1553 Excessively rare. The second of the editions of the Bible in Spanish com- monly known as the " Jews' Bible" or the " Ferrara Bible." It commences with the title, which is within a curious woodcut border, and on its reverse the dedica- tion epistle of Jer. de Vargas and Duarte Pinel to the Duke of Ferrara ; then "al lector" 2 pp. Table 6 11.; text 400 numb. 11. Then follows " Tabla de las HaPHTAROTH de TODO el ANO," 211. (WANTING IN NEARLY ALL COPIES.) The VOl. concludes with the register and imprint 1 leaf. The title and some half-dozeu leaves are wormed ; but the body of the book is in excellent condition. / S5' 1 II IC: . _ z ^ // 37 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 117 1456 Biblfa Hispanica (ut supra) old olive morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy fol. " a loor y gloria del Dio fue reformado A. 15 de Sebath 5390" (1630) (s. a. n.) Eight prel. 11. including title ; text 293 leaves. 1457 Biblia Hispanica (ut supra) engraved title by G. Milller, old oaken Mnding covered in staviped. leather fol. en Amsterdain Impress, de Gillis Juost 5606 (sz'c) Nine prel. 11. including title ; text 605 pp. The date on titlepage (1846) is evidently a typographical error. The colophon at the end reads exactly as in the preceding edition with the date 5390. To judge from tlie paper and type it was probably printed about 1720 or '30. Brunei appears to confuse these two editions. 1458 Biblia Hispanica. La Biblia, que es, los Sacros Libros del Vieio y Nuevo Testamento, trasladado en Espaiiol (por Cassiodoro Retna) rilled ivith red lines, old calf, clean copy (some II. slightly tcormed) 4to. (sm lugar) (Basle) 1559 The FIRST EDITION of the "Bear" Bible so called from the device entitle. Very rare. It contains 15 prel. 11.; text Gen. — Ecclesiasticus pp. 1438; the Prophets and Apocrypha pp. 543 ; N, T. 508 pp. ; errata etc. 4 11. 1459 Biblia Hispanica. La Biblia ; que es los Sacros Libros del vieio y nuevo Testamento (por Cassiod. Reyna) segunda edicion, revista per Cypriano de Valera, old calf fol. Amst. en casa de L. Jacohi 1602 1460 Biblia Hispanica. Proverbios de Salomd, interpretados en metro Espaiiol, y glosados por Fray Francisco del Castello de Cartagena, vellum 12nio. impresso en Guenca (Gonclia) por Jnan de Canova 1558 A scarce work not to be found in Salva. It is perhaps one of the earliest books printed in Concha. The first one known to Cotton was dated 1589. It contains 6 prel. 11., 260 numb. 11. and 2 11. for colophon and errata. 1461 Biblia Hispanica. Los Cinco Libros de la sacra ley interpretados en Lengua Espanola jjor Yosseph Franco Serrano, old calf 4to. en Amst. casa de Mosseh dias 5455 (1695) 1462 Biblia Hispanica. Parafrasis Conaentado sobre el Pentateuclio por el illust. Senr. Osbac. Aboab, engraved title, old oaken hoards covered in stamped leather fol. Amst. en caza de Jacob de Gordova 5441 (1681) 1463 Biblia Slavonica. Biblia, hoc est libri Veteris et Novi Testamenti, secundum linguam Slavonicam ex Ebreeo in Graecum sermonem Septuaginta etc. old oaken binding covered ivith stamped leather, with clasps fol. 1663 Contains 540 11. Inserted is a MS. account of the volume and a letter to the Duke of Marlborough concerning it signed J. Oxford (Bp. John BctLER) 1786. 1464 Biblia Grischa. La S. Bibla, quel ei ; tut la Soincha Scartira, eut ilg Languaig Rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa, old calf fol. en Goira tras And. Pfeffer 1719 Ten prel. 11. including French dedication to George I, King of England. Text Gen. — Sols. Song pp. 534. The Prophets and Apocrypha 364 pp. with new title dated en Cuera 1717 ; New Test. 230 pp. with title dated 1717 ; errata 1 p. Rare. Heber's copy sold for £3. 5s. 1465 Biblia Griscba, Opuscula aliquot sancta, in Lingua Grison. Ilg ver Sulaz da pievel giuvan, tras Steffan Gabriel, etc. calf 16mo. a Basel. J. J. Genath 1611 Scarce. Contains 12 prel. 11. including title ; 257 pp. ; and 3 pp. of Register, etc. 1466 BIBLIOTHECA. Catalogus Bibliotbecse Alphabeticus. The original Catalogue of the Sunderland Library dated August 22, 1728 by Robert Fourth Earl of Sunderland, Manuscript of 1872 pages bound in 3 vols, old russia, ivith the Sunderland Arms on the sides fol. 3 — If 16' (o lO n 7 /i" (, 118 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1467 Bibliotlieca. Catalogue of the Ancient Editions in the Stinderlan3 Library drawn up by Dr. Nicolas Clagett, Bishop of St. Davids, ^Manuscript, 157 II. calf 4to. 1468 Bibliotheca. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptoruni Angliae et Hi- bemiae (in Bib. Bodl. etc.) in unum collecti, cum indice alphabetico, Jine front, containing imrtraits of Bodleij, Earl of PenibroJce, Arch. Laud, Kenelni Dighy and J. Selden, and vignette view of the Bodleian hij Burghers fol. Oxon. 1697 1469 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Impressoram Librorum Bibliothecse Bod- leianae in Academia Oxoniensi, cura et opera Thomse Hyde, large AND FINE PAPER, old llue morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy roy. fol. Oxonii e Tlieatro Sheldoniano 1674 1470 Bibliotheca. Catalogus impressorum Librorum Bibliothecae Bod- leianfE in Academia Oxoniensi, /Vo»f. containing portraits of Bodley, Selden, Bighij, Laud, and the Earl of Pembroke, large paper, 2 vols. old calf, ivith the Marlborough Arms on s^ides Toy. fol. Oxon. e Theat. Sheld. 1738 1471 Bibliotheca. Bibliothecae Americanse Primordia : an Attempt towards laying the foundation of an American Library (by Bp. White Kexxett), scarce, cf. 4to. Land. J. Churchill 1713 1472 Bibliotheca Baluziana : seu Catalogus Librorum Bib. D. Steph. Baluzii Tutelensis, 3 vols, calf 12mo. Paris. 1719 1473 Bibliotheca. Catalogue des Livres de Feu Mr. Briot (86 II.) calf sm. 4to. Paris (not published) 1679 1474 Bibliotheca. Index Bibliotheca qua Franciscus Barberinns Card, ad Quirinalem -^des magnificentiores reddidit, 2 vols, old calf fol. Pom(e typis Barberini 1681 1475 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum duum virorum, John Westrenii et H. Beyeelandi, cum Hadr. Beverlaxdi Librorum (Rarioram) Supellex, 141 II. MS. and printed, the writing in the Autograph of Beverland with his Armorial Book-plate, calf 12mo. 1692 1476 Bibliotheca Bigotiana; seu Catalogus Librorum L. E. Bigotii, horum fiet auctio Julii 1, 1706, calf 12mo. Paris. Baudot 1706 1477 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiensi Reperiuntur (White Knights) rnssia, with Sunderland Arms 4to. privately printed 1812 1478 Bibliotheca. Aliud exemplar, russia 4to. 1812 1479 Bibliotheca Carpzoviana, sive Catalogus, Librorum F. Ben. Carpzovii, 2 vols, calf 12mo. Lips. 1700 1480 Bibliotheca. Bibliotheque Choisie de M. Colomies, Autograph of C. Killigrew on title (title and 208 II.) calf 12mo. a la Bochelle 1682 1481 Bibliothecae Coi'desianae Catalogus, cum indice titulorum, portrait by Buret, large copt, calf 8vo. Paris, excud. Ant. Vitray 1643 1482 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliothecae Coll. Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia ; quos legavit Matt. Parkerus Arch. Cant. (64 II.) calf fol. Lond. 1722 1483 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptoruni Bibliotheca Cottoniante, cum Cottoni vita etc., scriptore T. Smitho, portrait of Cotton, calf fol. Oxon. 1696 1484 Bibliotheca. Catalogue of the Library collected by !Miss Richardson Currer at Eshton Hall, Craven, Yorkshire by C. J. Stewart, 4 fine india proof views, hf. bd. crimson morocco, top edge gilt roy. 8vo. privately printed 1833 1485 Bibliotheca Exotica; sive Catalogus Oificinalis Librorum peregrinis Unguis usualibus scriptorum, videlicet Gallica, Italica, Hispanica etc. (edidit Draudus) old calf, with Arms impressed on the sides sm. 4to. Franlf. B. Ostern. 1625 d BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 119 1486 Bibllotheca. Catalogus Libroruin Bibllothecaa Domini Joachimi Faultrier, digestus a Prospero M&rohsbnd, port, calf 8vo. Paris. 1709 1487 Bibliotheca. Bibliotlieque des Autheurs qui ont escript I'Sistoire et Topogi*aphie de la France, divisee en deux Parties, selon I'ordre des temps et des matieres, vellum, scarce 12mo. Paris cliez Seh. Cramoisy 1618 1488 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Bibliotbecae J. G. Graevii, calf 12 mo. Traj. s. a. 1489 Bibliotheca Gudiana; Libri in Tlieologia, Historia etc. calf 4to. Kiloni 1706 1490 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Graecorum Arabicoi-um, Latinorum etc. quos colligere Domino Marquardo Gndio, calf gilt, toith Sunderland Arms on sides 12mo. Kiloni 1709 1491 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse Publicse, quae est in Illustrium Frisise Ordinum Academia Franekerana, vellmn, fine copy sm. fol. FraneJcerce 1656 1492 Bibliotheca Heinsiana, sive Catalogus Librorum quos collegit vir illus. Nic. Heinsius, p>ort. calf 12mo. Lugd. Bat. s. a. 1493 Bibliotheca. Catalogi Librorum Dan. Heinsii, G. J. Vossii, Pet. Scriverii, J. Vander Linden, P. Hackii et C. Schrevelii (6 catalogues) in 1 vol. vellum 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1655 1494 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Danielis Hiensii quorum auctio habebitur in sedibus P. Leffen, %vitli prices in MS., vellum 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1655 1495 Bibliotheca. Index Librorum Prohibitorum ; cum regulis conf ectis per Patres e Tridentina Synodo delectos ; comprobatus cum Appen- dice in Belgio ; Item Philippi II. Edictum de Lib. Prohib. catalogo observando ; vellum (ivith MS. Latin notes inside the covers) 8yo. Antw. G. Plantin 1570 1496 Bibliotheca. Novus Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expur- gatorum editis D. A. Zapata Card. (991 pp.) vellum fol. Hispali ex typ. F. de Lyra 1632 1497 Bibliotheca Yetus et Nova, in qua Hebr^orum, Chaldseorum, etc. Patria, -^tas, Libri, etc. summa ex quotidiana autorum Lectione de prompta a Mundi Origine usque ad annum 1678, ordine Alpha- betico digesta a G. M. Konigio, calf sm. fol. Altdorf. 1678 1498 Bibliotheca (Selecta) ex Compendio Juris Lauterbachiano collecta, editio nova, calf 12mo. Tub. 1700 1499 Bibliotheca. Leon Pinelo (Ant.) Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental i Occidental, Nautica i Geografica, primera edicion, very RARE, vellum gilt, fine clean copy sm. 4to. en Mad. por J. Gonzalez 1629 Title and Introdnctory Matter, comprising Prologues, Discourses, "Catalogo de los Autores; " Tabla de las Lenguas etc. 44 11. ; Text pp. 186; Appendix pp. i-xii ; Imprint 1 leaf. 1500 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum tam impressorum quam Manu- scriptoCTim Bibliotheca Publicaj Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae, fine front, calf fol. Lugd. P. Vander Aa 1716 1501 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Refertissimse Bibliothecae Medice^, quae asservatur Florenti^ in Ccenobio D. Laurentii, editu3 ab H. Ernstio, calf, ivitli Sunderland Arms on title 12mo. Amst. Jo. Jansson 1641 1502 Bibliotheca Norfolciana ; sive Catalogus libb. MSS. et impress, quos Henricus Dux Norfolciae Regiae Societati donavit, calf sni. 4to. Lond. 1681 1503 Bibliotheca Oizeliana ; sive Catalogus Elegantium Librorum quos magno labore collegit Jac. Oiselius, rnssia 12mo. Ludg. Bat. 1687 J- 120 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1504 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Libronim et MSS. BibHotheoa9 Adrian! Pauw {wants pp. 265-72), vellum 4to. Hag. Com. 1654 1505 Bibliotlieca. Catalogue de la Bibliotheqne dn Chateau de Rambouillet, appartenant a son altesse Monsigr. Le Comte de Toulouse (avec le Supplement) ; calf 8vo. {Paris) not published 1708-16 1506 Bibliotbeca. Repertorium Bibliograpbicum ; or some account of the most celebrated Britisli Libraries (by W. Clarke) front, and portraits, If. russia roy. Bvo. Lond. 1819 1507 Bibliotheca Grteca et Latina, quas usui meo paravi Periergus Deltophilus (Catalogus Bibliotheca3 Comitis Reviczkt) 2 atUograph notes of the Count inserted, blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, FINE COPY Bvo. Berolini J. F. linger 1784 1508 Bibliotheca ex Prtecipuis tantum quibusdam, et gravioribus quidem Theologis, quos scripturales vocant ab Angelo Rocchensi compilata. Additis prsetorse conciliis, autograph of "Stephanus Baluziqs " on title, calf sm. 4to. Romce ex typ. V. Accolti 1583 1509 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Lugduni, " Parisiis, Italiae, Germanise, et Flandriaa excussorum qui reperiuntur Lugduni in {edibus hseredum Gul. Rovilii, Lugd. 1604 — Catalogus Librorum qui in Junctarum Bibliotheca Philippi heeredum Florentise prostant, Florent. 1604; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 1510 Bibliotheca. Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de defunt Mr. le Chancelier Seguier, autograph of "Stephaxus Baluzius," calf 12mo. Paris 1686 1511 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Universalis Librorum Omnium in Bibliotheca Collegii Sionii apud Londinenses, calf 4to. Lond. 1650 1512 Bibliotheca Slusiana, sive Librorum Catalogus quos Jo. Gual terns Card. Slusius sibi Romre congesserat, labore ac studio F. Deseine, port, calf 4to. Bomce 1690 1513 Bibliotheca Telleriana, sive Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae D. D. Car. Mauritii le Tellier Ai'chiep. Remensis, large paper ? fine portrait, old calf, with the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comtb DE Brionde on sides fol. Paris, e typ. Begia 1693 1514 Bibliotheca Thevenotiana, sive Catalogus impress, et MSS. Librorum Bibliothecee D. Melchis. Thevenot, calf 12mo. Lut. Par. 1694 1515 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Bibliotheca Thuan^ a P. et Jac. Puteanis Ord. Alphab. distributus, tum ab Ism. Bullialdo secundum scientias et artes digestus, denique editus a Jos. Quesnell, printed on large paper, and interleaved in blank folio piaper {the Index Titidorum on smaller paper and mouyited) and hound in 8 vols, calf fol. Eamb. C. A. Pfeiffer 1704 1516 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecaa Raphselis Tricheti Dufresne, portrait, calf sm. 4to. Paris 1662 1517 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Bibliothecse Ultrajectinje, old calf gilt fol. Traj. Bat. 1670 1518 Bibliotheca. Catalogus Bibliothecaa Traj ectino-Bata viae, calf fol. Traj. ad Bhen. 1718 1519 Bibliotheca. Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens contenant leurs vies, le denombrement des differentes Editions de leurs CEuvres, gIg. front. 2 vols, calf 8vo. Paris P. Giffart 1707 1520 Bibliotheca. Delia Libraria Vaticana Ragionamenti di Mutio Pansa, divisi in quattro parti, calf sm. 4to. Roma 1590 1521 Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Veteris, ex antiquis Codd. MSS. Bibliothecae Christ. Justelli, opera ac studio G. Voelli, 2 vols, calf fol. Lid. pur L. BiUai)ig 1661 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 121 1522 Bibllotheca. !N"otiTelles de la Republique des Lettres (depnis Mara 1684 a Avril 1689 ; et Janvier 1699 a Decemb. 1710) par Bayle, La Roque, etc. 35 vols, calf 16mo. Amst. 1684-1710 1523 Bibliotheca. Bibliotheque Universelle et Historique de I'Annee 1686 jusqu'a 1693 (par Le Clerc, de la Croze, et Jac. Bernard) 25 vols, in 22, vellum 16mo. Amst. 1687-93 1524 Bibliotheca. Bibliotheque Choisie pour servir de suite a la Bibliotheque Universelle par Jean le Clerc, 26 vols, calf, 16mo. Amst. 1703-13 — Bibliotheque Ancienne et Moderne, par J. Le Clerc, 7 vols, calf 16mo. Amst. 1714-17 1525 Bie (Jacques de) La France Metallique ; conteuant les Actions celebres taut publiques que privees des Rois et Reynes, remarquees en leurs Medailles d'Or, Argent, et Bronze, tirez des plus curieux cabinets avec I'explication, 131 plates, containincj nearly 800 medals, etc. Paris, Gamusat 1636 — Les Families de France illustrees par les Medailles, numerous figures, ih. ; in 1 vol. vellum fol. 1526 Biel (Gab.) De Monetarum Potestate simul et utilitate libellus aureus, etc. (30 II.) calf 4to. Norimb. ap. Jo. Petreium 1542 15^7 Biesius (Nicolaus) Ganclavensis. De Universitate libri tres, quibus /^ Universa de Natura Philosophia continetur, ruled with red lines, old calf sm. 4to. Antw. Mart. Nutium 1556 1628 Biet (Antoine) Superieur des Prestres en Cayenne. Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en I'lsle de Cayenne entrepris par les Francois en I'annee 1652, old calf sm. 4to. Paris chez F. Clouzier 1664 This scarce work contains an account of the establishment and deyelopnient of the colony, details of the manners and customs of the natives, and a vocabulary of their language. It contains 12 prel. 11. including title, and 432 pp. 1529 BilS (G. Ambrogio) La Risorgente Roma (Poema) {pp. 334 including title) in Milano per 0. P. Mug. Gerli 1610— Le Poesie di Girolamo Preti, in quest' ultima impressione corrette ed ampliate {pp. 192 ; corner of a leaf defective) Venet. per B. Milocco 1680 ; in 1 vol. vellum 16mo. 1530 Bignonus ( Hieronymus ) Elogium sen breviarium Vitae H. Bignonii (et Varia in eundem Elogia) ruled with red lines, old calf sm. 4to. Paris, in off. Cramoisiana 1657 1531 Bigus (Pictorius Lodovicus) Ferrariensis Poeta. Tumultuariorum carminum libri vii. printed in Roman letters without title, numerals or catchwords {signs, a-n in eights, o4j53; and 2 prel. II.) calf sm. 4to. impressum Mutinoe per D. Bocociolwrn 1492 1532 Bigus. Opusculorum Christianorum libri iii. Roman letters {signs. A ii-Kij in eights, and leaf of errata) calf sm. 4to. impressum MutincB per D. Rocociolum 1496 1533 Bigus. In Christi Vitam Epigrammaton libellus, Roman letters {A-F4< in eights) calf sm. 4to. impressum Mediol. per J. A. Scinzenzeler 1513 1534 Bigus. In Coelestes Proceres Hymnorum Epitaphiorumque Liber. Eiusdem Epigrammaton Libelli duo. Roman letters without numerals {signs A-L in eights, E and L having 10 II. each, and H 6 II.) calf sm. 4to. Ferrarice Joa. Maciochus {ivith his device on title) 1514 1535 Bigus. Aliud Exemplar. Ferrar. J. Maciochus 1514 — Amb. Novidii Fracci Sacrorum Fastorum libri xii. Romanis consuetudinibus per totum anni. Adhibitis xii. mensibus xii. Apost. rebus gestis, etc. woodcuts and portrait (16 prel. II. including title ; 161 numb. II. and imprint with device on verso) Romce ap. Ant. Bladum Asulanum 1548 ; in 1 vol. velluiu sm. 4to. 7 s- 10 ^ 4 (O /3 122 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEBLANDIANA. 1536 Billius (D. Jac.) Locntiontim GraBcarnm in Commtines Locos per Alphabet! Ordinem digestarum volumen, calf 12mo. Paris, ap. Joan. BencTuitnm 1578 1537 Binet (Estienne) Abrege des Vies des Principaux Fondateui's des Religions de I'Eglise, representez dans le Choeur de I'Abbaie de S.Lambert de Liessies en Haynant, avec lesMaximes Spirituelles de chaque Fondateur, AQ fine copperplate portraits and plates hy C. and Th. Galle, calf sm. 4to Anvers, chez M. Nutius 1634 1538 Biondi (Gio. Franc.) I'lstoria delle Guerre Civili d'Ingbilterra tra le due case di Lancastro e Jorc, 3 vols, vellicm sm. 4to. Venet. G. P. Pinelli 1637-41-44 1539 Birago (Francesco) Dicliiarationi et Avertimenti Poetici, Istorici, Politici, Cavellerescbi et Morali nella Gerusalemme conquistata del Tasso, vellum sm. 4to. Milano B. Somasco 1616 1540 Birago Avogadro (Gio. Bat.) Historia delle Rivoluzioni del Regno di Portogallo per lequali la corona e stata trasferita da 1' Re di Castiglia al Duca di Braganza Giovanni IV. calf 12mo. Geneva S. Gamoneto 1646 1541 Birago. Historia Africana della Divisione dell' Imperio degli Arabi, e deir origine, e dei progress! della Monarcbia de' Mahometani distesa per I'Airica per le Spagne, /ro/ii. calf sm. 4to. ap. G. B. C ester 1650 1542 Birago. Delle Historic Memorabili clie contiene le Sollevationi di stato de nostri tiempi ; a cui si e aggionti li Rumori Moderni di Francia da A. Zillioli, calf 4to. Venet. presso II. Turrini 16531 1543 Birago. Turbolenze di Europa dall' anno 1640 fino al 1650, vellum 12mo. Venet. 1654' 1544 Bircherodius (Janus) Breviarium Equestre, sen de Equestri Ordine Elephantine, ejusque origine progressu ac splendiore hodiernnsl tractatus, collectis ex antiquis diplomatibus etc. 24 plates of Arm,s}. Insignia, Portraits etc. calf fol. Haunice typ. Reg. 17041 1545 Bisagno (Dom. Fr.) Trattato della Pittura, fondato nell' autorita di molti eccellenti in questa Professione, calf 12mo. Venet. per li Giunti 1642 1546 Bisciola (Laelius) Horarum Subsecivarum tomi duo, libros xxxvii. continentes, 2 vols, calf, tvith Armorial Booh-plate of Had. Bever- LAND on bach of title fol. Ingoldst. A. Sartorius 1611 1547 Bisselius (Joa.) Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historise Peri- culoruiQ Petri de Victoria ac Sociorum ejus, map and front, vellum 16mo. Gedani j3^g. Jansson. 1698 1548 Bitschius (Caspar) Commentarius in consuetudines Feudorum, front, vellum sm. 4to. Argent. G. A. Dolhopfiii 1673 1549 Bizardiere (M. de la) Histoire de la Scission arrivee en Pologne le 27 Juin 1697 au sujet de I'Election d'un Roy, calf 16mo. Paris Jombert 1700 L550 Bizarus (Petms) Varia Opuscula. (De Optimo Principe, De Bello et Pace, Poemata Varia etc.) calf 12mo. Venet. Aldus 1565 The pieces in this rare vol. are dedicated to Queen Elizaheth and Mary Queen of Scots, also to the Duke of Bedford, Cecil Lord Burgbley and other Englishmen. The Poems include sonnets to Elizabeth, James VI. Earl of Northampton, Francis Russell, Robert Dudley, Nic. Bacon and other eminent Englishmen of Elizabeth's reign. Sykes' copy produced £4. 10s. Contains 156 numb. II. including title. L551 Bizarus. Historia della Guen'a fatta in Ungheria dall' Imperatore de Christian! contra quelle de Turchi (1564-1568) i7i LTjone app. G. Bovillio 1568 — Libri Tre delle cose de Turchi ; nel prime si descrive il viaggio da Venetia a Constantinopoli ; nel seconda la Porta, cioe la corte de Soltan Soleymano ; nel terza il mode del reggere il state et imperio suo (37 II. and imprint with anchor) in Vineg. in casa di BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 123 Figluwli di Aldo 1539 — Commentarii delle cose de Tnrclii, di Paulo Giovio, et Andrea Gambini con gli patti, et la vita di Scanderbeg (36, 7& and 52 numb. II.) ih. Aldo 1541 ; in 1 vol. old calf 12mo. 1552 Bizarus. Senatns Populiqne Genuensis rerum doini forisque gestartmi Historige atqiase armales (Arms of Genoa on verso of title) calj fol. Antiv. ex off. G. Plantini 1579 1553 Bizarus. Persicaram remm historia in xii. libros descripta, totius gentius initia, mores, institnta, et re rum domi forisque gestarum veruni atque dilucidam enarrationeni continens, vellum fol. Antw. ex off. Flantin. 1583 1554 Bizot (Pierre) Histoire Metallique de la Republique d'Hollande, numerous plates of Medals, etc. calf fol. Paris D. Horthemels 1687 1555 Blackmore (Rich.) King Arthur, an Heroick Poem in 12 books, calf fol. Lond. 1697 1556 Blacvodeeus (Adamus) Senatorem ap. Pictavos in Curia Prcesidali Pictorum, Opera Omnia, fine and scarce portrait by Jean Picart, calf sm. 4to. Paris. Gramoisy 1644 This volume contains : — Adversus G. Buchanani Dialogum De Jure Regni ap, Scotos ; De Vinculo Religionis et Imperii ; In Tsalmum Davidis ; Sanctorum Precationum Procemia ; Varii Generis Poematia ; et Martyre de Marie Stuart Reyne d'Escosse. Contains title ; 19 prel. 11.; pp. 735 and Index 23 pp. 1557 Blacvodseus. Adversus Georgii Buchanani Dialogum de Jure Regni apud Scotos pro regibus Apologia, vellum sm. 4to. Pictavis ap. F. Pagceum 1581 Original edition and vert rare. Contains title, dedication (to Mart Queen of Scots) etc. 5 leaves ; text pp. 341 ; Errata 2 pp. Laing's copy, edition of Paris 1588, sold lor £4. 15s. On the title is the Autograph of " Choiswyn de Chastelheraud." 1558 Blaeu (Jean) Tbeatrum Civitatum nee non admirandorum Neapolis et Siciliae Regnorum, fiice views and maps, vellum gilt imp. fol. Amst. 1704 1559 Blair (Rev. John) Chronology and History of the World from the Creation to 1768, calf roy. fol. Lond. 1768 1560 Blanc (Sr. Thomas) Abbrege de I'Histoire de la Royalle Maison de Savoye, portraits, 3 vols, calf 12mo. Lyon 1668 1561 Blancas (Hieron.) Ad Regum Aragonum veterumque Comitum depictas effigies, in Regia Caesar Augustanensi deputationes aula positas, inscriptiones, woodcuts of Arms (4 pirel. and 40 n%(,mb. II.) Autograph of Andres Francisco de Seran on title, vellum 4to. Ccesaraugustce Saragossa, ex off'. Simonis a Portonariis 1587 1562 Blancas. Aragonensium Rerum Commentarii (ab anno 714 ad 1588) woodcuts of Arms, vellum fol. Ccesar Augusts L. liobles 1588 1563 Blancas. Coronaciones de los Serenissimos Reyes de Aragon, con dos Tratados del Modo de tener Cortes, autographs of G. and J. Blwes on title, calf sm. 4to. en Saragoqa par D. Dormer 1641 1564 Blan chard (Fr.) Les Eloges de tons les Premiers Presidens du Parlement de Paris, depuis qu'il a este rendu sedentaire, jusques a present, numerous plates of Arms, old calf, tvith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessvillb, Comte de Brionde on sides fol. Paris C. Besongne 1645 1565 Blanchard. Les Presidens au Mortier du Parlement de Paris ; leurs emplois, charges, qualitez, arms, blasons et genealogies ; depuis I'an 1331 jusques a present, mmierous plates of Arms, rough calf (1 cover broken) fol. Paris, G. Besongne 1647 1566 Blanchinus. La Istoria Universale provata con Monument!, e figurata con simboli degli antichi, numerous figitres, calf 4to. Boma A. de Bossi 1697 /3 10 Z- (o - m — I (o ( 1 4 124 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. d' 1567 BlancTimus. De Kalendario et Cyclo Ceesarls, ac de Pascliali Canone S. Hippoljti Martyris, dissertationes doave, plates, old calj gilt fol. Eom(e 1703 1568 Blanchon (Joachim) Les Premieres CEdvres Poetiques, an treschrestien Henry III. Roy de France et de Pologne, vellum, fine ^i CLEAN COPT 12mo. Paris piour Thos. Perier Bue S. Jacques IbSS A VERT RARE WORK printed in small italic letters. It contains title ; ded. to Henry III. of France, on back of which is a rare copper-plate portrait of the King ; then various sonnets to the author 5 11. ; Text 335 pp. ; Table etc. 12 pp. 1669 Blancicampus (Frid. Nausea) Inclytce EcclesitB Moguntinae divin verbi concionatoris, ad ecclesiasticam niiper in eadem ecclesia synodum Oratio (16 II. the last blank) Mogunt. P. Schoefer 1526— Purgatorium. Libellus Fratris Bartholomaei de Usingen Augustiniani de Inquisitione Purgatorii contra Lutheranos, etc. (44 II.) woodcui title, impressum Bambergce per Geo. Erlinger 1527 — Dietenberge]' (D. J.) Grundt und Ursacb. auss den Heyligen SchrifFt wi(i unbillich und unredlicb das beylig lobsangk Marie salve Regina, lit. golf), tvoodcut title and fine figure of the Virgin at the end {s. I.) 1526 — EiN NtJTZLiCH Rechenbuchlin der Zyffer, daraus ein jedet durcb sein aygen fleyss mit kleyner hilff lernen mag anfeng klicn recbenen, yetzo zum dritten mal corrigiert durcb Johann BoscheNt steyn, Itt. gotl). woodcut title (40 II.) (an early and scarce Ger^nat, arithmetical school hook) s. I. 1536 ; in 1 vol. ccilf 12mo. 1570 Blancus (Guliel.) Epigrammata in Obeliscum Vaticannm ; ace aliquot Anagrammata etc. (53 _^9p. and imprint) vellum sm. 4to. Bomee ex off. B. Grassiis 1580 1571 Blancus. Poemata, autograph of R. Thouvin on title, Lut. 1589 — [ Eiusdem, Hyacintbus Lut. 1594 — Aurea Cbristianorum Disticborunl et Parabol. Salomonis synopsis, e floridis Hier. Seguier etc. 23 ppl Lut. F. Morellum 1604 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12mo| 1572 Blancus. Virgo (Poema) plate, rioled with red lines (34 pp. and 3j prel. II.) calf sm. 4to. Bomee B. Basa 1595 1573 Blancus (Mar. Ant.) Tractatus de Indiciis Homicidii ex proposito commissi ; et de aliis indiciis bomicidii et furti, calf 12mo. Lugd. ap. Beringos 154€ 1574 Bland (H.) Treatise of Military Discipline, plates, calf 8vo. Bond. 1740 1575 Blarrorivo (Petrus de) i.e. Pierre de Blarru. Nanceidos ; Opus de Bello Nanciano. Hac primum exaratura elimatissime nuperrime in lucem emissum, Boman letter, the privilege of Anthony Buke oj Calabria, the marginal notes, and the leaf of errata in gatl)ic Utter, 35 large and spirited woodcuts, old calf gilt, a LARGE and FINE COPY, ruled with red lines 4to. Lnpressum in Celebri Botharingie pago divi Nicolai de Portu per Petrum Jacobi pbrm loci pganum (with device) 1518 Vert rare, and particularly so in this fine and perfect state. It has no numerals ; but the signatures are a-x in sixes a and x having 8 11. each. On verso of the last leaf occur the words " Liber Nanceidos " the initial " L " being a curious grotesque woodcut. The size is 11 ^ X 7| in. 1576 Blasco de Lanuza (Dr. Vincencio) Historias Ecclesiasticas y Seculares de Aragon, en que se continuan los Annales de (^urita y tiempos de Carlos V. ; con Historias Ecclesiasticas antiguas y modernas, que hasta aora no ban vista luz ni estampa, 2 vols, in 1, vellum fol. en (^aragoga por Juan de Lanaia 1622 1577 Bleyda (Fray Jayme) Coronica de los Moros de Espana dividida en ocho libros, old calf fol, en Valencia imp. de Felipe Mey 1618 Preliminary leaves including title ; and " Lista o Cathalogo de los valerosos Caballeros y Capitanos . . . que pelearon contra los Moros " (often wanting) 20 11. ; Text pp. 1072 ; Index 12 11. /$ 1 it 20 10 b' It BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEKLANDIANA. 125^ 1578 Blefkenius Ditlimarus Islandia sive Populorum et Mirabilium quaB in ea Insula reperiuntiir, accuratior descriptio ; cui de Gronlandia sub finem queedam. adjecta (pp. 71) vellmn 12mo. Lugd. Bat. H. ah Haestens 1607 1579 Blenheim Palace. A series of 16 views draxon and lithographed by G. W. Badcliffe, hf. mor. imp. fol. 1842 1580 Blome (Richard) A Description of the Island of Jamaica ; with the other Isles and Territories in America to which the English are related ; together with the present state of Algiers, portrait of Admiral de Buyter by Vaughan, and maps of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Carolina, and Virginia, calf 8vo. Lond. 1676 1581 Blondel (Francois) Histoire du Calendrier Romain, qui contient son origine et les divei's changements qui luy sont arrivez, calf, 4to. Faris 1682 — Comparaison de Pindare et d'Horace par Blondel, calf Paris, C. Barbin 1673 1582 Blondel. Cours d' Architecture enseigne dans I'Academie Royals d'Architecture, numeroiis plates, 2 vols, (vol. 2 water-stained, front, and title damaged) calf fol. Paris, 1698 1583 Blondel (David) Des Sibylles celebres tant par I'antiquite payenne que par les Saincts Peres, old calf (cover broken) 4to. Gharenton L. Perier 1649 1584 Blondel. Genealogite Francic89 plenior assertio (adversus Jo. Jac. Chiffletium) portrait by Nanteill, 2 vols. Amst. 1654 j eiusdem, Barrum Campano-Francicum (adversus Chiffletium) ib. 1652; the 3 vols, in 2, vellum fol. 1585 Blondus (Flavius) De Roma Teiumphante libri x., Pio II. Pont. Max. dicati, 180 leaves, printed in Roman letters without numeralsy catchwords or signatures, old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on, sides fol. absque ulla 7iota A RARE EDITION ; printed with types similar to the Mantova Dante of 1 472 and the Brescia Virgil of 1473. The initial letters to each book are richl}' painted and illuminated in gold, and on the first page is painted a black eagle crowned. The last four leaves are slightly wormed, 1586 Blondus. DeRomatriumphante, libri decern, diligentissime castigati ; et ita suo nitori restituti; ut in iis plus quam duo mille errores corriguntur, old calf gilt fol. impressum Brixice per Angelum Britanicum 1503 Six prel. 11. including title, and 180 numb. 11. 1587 Blondus. De Roma Triumphante lib. x. ; omnia magis quam ante castigata, 2 vols, in 1, old calf 8vo. Paris, ap. S. GolincBum 1533 On the title is the name " Will. Walker," with an anagram " Will and Walke aright." 1588 Blondus. Italic; Illustrate lib. viii. ; sive descriptio xiv. regionum Italiae edente Gasp. Blondo, filio, 172 leaves, Roman letters, without marks of any kind, vellum fol. impressum RomcB in domo Philippi de Lignaminb 1474 Editio PRINCEP8, VERT RARE. (Several 11. stained and 4 mended.) The White Knights' copy sold for £5. 1589 Blondus. De Roma Instaurata ; de Italia illustrata ; de Gestia Venetorum (137 II.) old calf gilt fol. impressum Venet. B. de Vital ibus 1503 1590 Blondus. De Roma Instaurata. De Italia illustrata ; ace. R. Yolaterrani comentariorum urbanorum lib. iii, etc. old calf gilt sm. 4to, In Taurinum imp. Bern. Sylva 1527 1591 Blondus, Opera ; scilicet ; De Roma Triumphante ; Roma In- staurata ; De Gestis Venetorum ; Italia Illustrata ; Historiamm decades iii. old leather binding fol, Basil. Froben. 1559 / / I 3 /3 1 10 k 6 13 126 filBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. ^ 1592 Bloudus. (Micli. Ang.) Ad Christianissimum Regem Gallia?. De Caxibus et Venatione libellus, vellum 4to. Bomce, ap. Ant. Bladum Asulanum 1544 A scarce and curious Treatise on Dogs and their use in hunting. Contains 37 numb. 11. including title ; and index 3 II. 1593 Blount (Sir Tlios.) Censiira celebrioram Authornm ; sive tractatus iu qno varia viroram doctorum de clarissimis cujusque seculi scriptoribus judicia traduntur, calf fol. Lond. R. Chiswell 1690 1594 Bluteau ( Padre D. Rapb. ) Voeabulario Portaguez e Latino, autorizado com exemplos dos melbores escritores Portngnezes e Latinos, vols. 1-4 (A-Izo) calf sm. fol. Coimhra Collegio de la Comp. Jes. 1712-13 1595 BOCCACCIUS (J0HA:N'NES) Genealogia deorum Gextilium, Venet. impressum ( VixDELiN pe Spira ) 1472 — Eiusdem De MoNTlBUS ; Stlyis ; fontibus ; lacubns; fluminibus ; stagnis ; sen paludibus : de nominibus maris, Venet. (Vind. de Spira) 1473 ; in 1 vol. calf fol. Editiones principes. Rare. Both works 6nely printed in Roman letters, without numerals, catchwords or signatures. The " (Jenealogia " contains 294 U. and 2 blank 11. The last 2 11 of the index have been bound by mistake between the Treatises de Fluminibus and de Stagnis. The '• De montibus," etc. consists of 75 11. Both are fine, large and clean copies. 1596 Boccaccius. Genealogie cum deraonstrationibus in formis arbomm designatis; eiusdem de Montibus et Sylvis etc. genealogical trees (162 II.) calf fol. Imp. Venetiis per me Manfreduni de Strevo de Monteferrato 1497 1597 Boccaccius. De' Monti ; Selve ; Boschi ; Fonti etc., per Nicole Liburnio novamente trallatata (2prel.ll. and 70 mimb. II.) old binding sm. 4to. 5. a. e I. (Vineg. 1526) 1598 Boccaccius. De Monti per Nic. Liburnio (2 prel. II. and 70 numb. II.) s. a. e I. {Vineg. 1526) — Le Tre Fontane di Nicolo Liburnio, sopra la Grammatica et Eloquenza di Dante, Petrarcba et Boccaccio (title and 73 numb. II.) in Vinegia per Gregorio de Gregorii 1526; in 1vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1599 Boccaccius. Opera De' Monti etc. tradotta di Lat. iu Yolgare da Nicolo Liburnio ; aggiuntovi la Favola dell' TJrbano del medesimo Boccaccio, vellum, clean copy sm. 8vo. in Fiorenza per F. Giunti 1598 600 Boccaccius. Delle Donne Illustri : tradotto di Latino in Volgare per M. Giuseppe Betussi, con una giunta fatta del medesimo, d'altrej famose Donne, e un altra nuova giunta fatta per F. Serdonati, d'altre Donne illustri, anticbe e moderne, vellum sm. 8vo. i)i Fiorenza per F. Giunti 1596 16 prel. 11. ; pp. 676 ; leaf with woodcut head of Virgin ; Tavola 25 11. ; Register 1 leaf. 1601 Boccaccius. A Treatise excellent and compediods, shewing and declaring, in maner of Tragedye, the ealles of soxdrt most kotablb Princes and Princesses with other nobles, through ye mutabilitie' and change of unstedfast fortune etc. first compiled in Latin by Bocatics, translated into our English tong by Dan John Lydgate, and nowe newly imprynted, corrected, and augmented out of diverse and sundry olde written copies in parchment, bladt Utter, numerous curious xcoodcuts, old calf, tvitli arms on sides rare sm. fol. • " Imprinted at London in Flete St. hi/ liich. Tottel Sept. 10, 1554 Title within a woodcut border with the arms of Henry VIII. at top and E. W. (for Edward "Whitchurch) at bottom. This border is used for Whitechurch's Bible /*■ 1 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 022. u text, namb. fols. ccxxiv. The lower plain margins 2) of 1549. The table 5 11. ; Lydgate's prologue 3 11. " The Daunce of Machabree " commences on fol. 220 of some 11. frajed. 1602 Boccaccius. Ct Commence Jehan Bocace de Certald son litre INTITULE DE LA RUINE DES NOBLES HOMMES et FEMMES. Lequel contient ensemble ix. livres particuliers comrae il apperra ou proces de ce present volume ; (a la fin) " a la gloire et loenge de dieit et a linstrtiction de fous a este cesUii euvre de bocace du dechiet des nobles hommes et femmes, impeime a Bruges par Colaed Mansion, Anno vi.cccclxxvi " foL Printed in bold gothic type in double columns, .33 lines to a full page. Collation : The work commences (as above) on the lower half of the recto of the first page with the proheme, which runs on to middle of the recto of the third leaf. On the Terso of the 3rd leaf begins " Les Tables des Eubrices dun chacun livre et de un chacun Chapitre" which ends on verso of leaf 6. Then follows a blank leaf, and the " Petit Prologue " commences on the recto of the next with "Exquireati michi quid ex labore studiorum meorum etc." This occupies 1 leaf and 2 lines of the first column of the next. The work then begins. The first book occupies 34 11. and ends on the middle of the recto of the 34th : the verso is blank. The second book begins in the middle of the recto of the next leaf, and occupies 31 11. ending on the middle of the verso. The 3rd book occupies 30 11. ; the 4th book occupies 31 11. the verso of the last being blank. The 5th book occupies 27 11. the verso of the last blank. Book 6th occupies 33 11. the verso of the last blank. Bk. 7, 27 11. Bk. 8, 31 11. verso of last blank. Bk. 9 occupies 37 11. The whole book thus contains 288 11. and 2 blank 11. The condition of this copy is most excellent, the leaves being as sound and clean as when first printed. The only defects are that the lower corner of a leaf in Bk. 9 is mended making 3 words defective, and the plain margin of the last leaf is mended, and there are two small holes in the text. It measures 14 J X9|> and is strongly bound in vellum. Apart from its extreme bibliographical rarity as the first book with a date printed at Bruges, it possesses an interest of its own in connection with early English typo- graphy, in consequence of the close relation existing between William Caxton and Colard Mansion, as well show n by Mr. Blades. The large initials are painted in blue and red, and the Latin sentences are underlined in red. 1603 Boccaccius. Le Livre de Jehan Bocasse DE LA LOUENGE et VERTU des NOBLES et CLERES DAMES, traslate et iprime nouvellemet a Paris, lit. QOii). with woodcuts {some repeated several tiines) " imprime a Paris ce xxviii jour d'avril mil q^iatre cens quatre vingtz et treize (1493) par Anthoine Verard"— LE ROMMANT DE LA ROSE (par Guill. de Lorris et Jean de Meung) imprime a Paris; (a lafin^ "cestfindic rommant de la Rose, du lart damours est toute enclose " lit. (jot^. loith numerous spirited woodcuts, Jehan du Pre sans date; (vers 1493) the two worJcs in 1 vol. vellum sm. foL Two EXCEEDINGLY RARE BOOKS. The BoccAccio Contains at in eights except 0, p, s and t which have 6 11. each, t6 being the device of Ant. Verard the printer; making together 144 11. The Roman de la Rose contains a-t6 in eights. On the title is the device of the printer Jean du Pre. Both are exceed- ingly FINE copies, being perfect, clean and sound throughout. L604 Boccaccius. IL DECAMERONE, hf. russia fol. (Ve7iet.) Christofal Valdarfer 1471 The first edition of the Decameron with a date, and of extraordinary RARITY. This edition has become historically and bibliogi-aphically interesting by reason of the great sum of money given for the Roxburghe copy, viz. £2260. The work is printed in Roman letters, long lines, without numerals, catchwords or signatures, having 40 lines to a full page. The present copy wants 5 11., viz. 1 leaf of the table o£ contents (the last), 1 leaf of the proemio (the first), and 3 leaves in the text, viz. 101, 102, and 233. The 3 missing leaves in the text occur, the first two in the Giornata quarta representing a loss of about 1 6 lines at the end of Novella i, Tancredi ; and about 144 lines of the beginning of Novella ii, Frate Alberto ; and the other in the CHomata decima, representing a loss of about 22 lines at the end of Novella iii, Mitri- lanes ; and about 58 lines at the beginning of Novella iv, Messer Gentile de Cari- sendi. The plain margins of fols. 212, 242, 259 and 260 mended ; corners of 6 lower lines on recto and of 3 on verso of fol. 225 defective, as also are those of 7 lines on verso of fol. 226, both of which 11, are mended. The present copy measures ^10 Uo b^!> BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIANA. 12| X BJ being neariy an inch taller and half an inch wider than the Roxbnrghe copvj which is the only perfect copy known. It has been paged by the Earl of SunderlandJ corrected by the Rev. Vaughan Thomas the late Duke of Marlborough's librarian, who has noted full particulars of its defects in pencil on the fly-leaves. The details given above are after the pagination of Mr. Thomas. A detailed account of this vol. will be found in Clarke's Repert. Bib. 1605 Boccaccius. IL DECAMERONE. (al fin.) ; " Jo. Bocacii poetm lepidiss.decameron; opus facetum ; Mantucelpress'U ; cum eius jloretiss. urhis principtu foeliciss. ageret divus Lodovicus Gonzaga Secundus. Aymo ab origins Christiana m.cccclxxii. Petrus adam de MicJiaelibus eiusdem urhis civis imprimedi auctor" old crimson morocco gilt, yellow edges fol. The second edition of the Decameroxe with a date, and of extraor- dinary RARITY ; perhaps the only copy existing in this country. It is probably the first book issued from the press of Mantua. It is finely printed in a neat Roman letter, without numerals, catchwords or signatures, and has 41 lines to a full page. It contains 261 11. and 3 blank 11. Panzer, Hain, Brnnet and others give 263 11. as the correct number, probably reckoning 2 blank 11. as this copy appears to be quite perfect. It is on the whole in capital condition, but the first two 11. have a hole in the plain margin ; several 11. are slightly soiled in the lower corners ; in the giornata terza, novella xxvii., Theobaldo Turhato the lower margin has a hole in it and 6 words are rendered defective thereby; three plain margins in gwrnata quinta, novella, xlvii. Theodora Inamorato, mended ; the last 14 11. slightly wormed and lower plain margins of 5 11. mended. 1606 Boccaccius. Il Decamerone, nnovamente stampato con tre novelle acfiunte, printed in italic letters, with numerous fine woodcuts, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fixe copy sm. 4to. or thick 8vo. in Firenze per Ph. di Qiunta 1516 A RARE edition, the first which contains the three additional novels wrongly attributed to Boccaccio. It contains 8 prel. 11. including title ; 329 numb. 11. and a separate leaf with Ginnta's device. 1607 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, novamente stampato con tre novelle ao-criunte, numerous ivoodcuts rudely executed, limp vellum fol. imp. in Venetia per Augustino de Zani da Portese 1518 A RARE edition, a copy of which sold in Hibbert's collection for £10. 10s. It contains title in large gothic letters ; Tab. and Life of Boccaccio 3 11. ; text in semi- gothic type, double colamns, 121 numb. 11. {the latter II. stained). ; L608 Boccaccius. Il Decamerone, novamente corretto con tre novelle aggiunte i sm. 4to. (or roy. 8vo.) in Vinegia nell case cZ' Aldo Romaxo 1522 The rare Aldine edition. A very fine and tall copy with extra wide lateral and lower margins ; ruled with red lines, with the anchors and initial letters illuminated in gold ; and bound in old crimson morocco inlaid with black, covered with elaborate ornamental gilt tooling, gilt edges. It contains 317 numb. II. including title ; 1 blank leaf ; tavola 7 11. ; and imprint 1 leaf. It measures 8|x5Jin. So fine a copy very rarely occurs for sale. Copies have produced as much as £13. 13s. On the title is the autogr.vph of Charles Spencer, Earl of Sunderland. J609 Boccaccius. II Decamerone novamente stampato con tre novelle agiunte, numerous looodcuts, vellum fol. in Venet. per Bernardino de Viano 1525 A rare edition. Title in gothic letter within a woodcut border ; table 3 11. (comers frayed) ; text in double colunms, Roman letter, 128 numb. 11. (last 211. defective). L610 Boccaccius. Il Decamerone, nnovamente corretto et con diligentia stampato vellum, gilt edges sm. 4to. in Firenze heredi di Phil, di Giunta adi xiiij del mese d' aprile 1527 The GENurNB Giunta edition, vert rare. Collation : Title ; tavola 6 II. ; 1 blank leaf ; text 284 numb. 11. with Ginnta's device on title and reverse of last leaf. Fols. 35, 36,37 and 38 inlaid. In this edition fol. 102 occurs 4 times for 101, 102, 103 and 104. This is a remarkably clean and fine copy. Dunn Gardner's copy sold for £54, and Charlemont's for £57. U^ BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. J^ 1611 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, nuovamente corretto, bistoriato et con diligenza stampato, looodcut title and figures, green vellum 12mo. in Vineg. per Nicolo d' Aristotile detto Zopinno 1531 Title and text 439 numb. 11. ; table 9 11. Some 11. stained. 1612 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, novamente corretto, historiato e con diligenza stampato (439 numh. II. ; Tavola 9 II.) ivoodcut title and figures, calf, with rough edges 12mo. in Vincgia Piet. de Nicolini da Salio 1537 1613 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, novamente stampato, e ricorretto per Antonio Bruccioli, old oaken binding, covered with leather sm. 4to. Ve7iet. per Earth. Zanetti 1538 A large copy, with rough edges. To be perfect it should have 10 prel. 11. and 274 11. This copy wants title and last leaf. 1614 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, 453 II. {title and 2 II. wanting) calf 12mo. {senza nota) 1615 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, nuovamente stampato, et ricorretto per Messer Antoxio Bruccioli con nuova dichiaratione etc. woodcut title, figures and initials, calf sm. 4to. in Venet. per Gab. G-iolito di Ferrari 1542 Twelve prel. 11. including title ; Text 260 numb. 11. A rare edition. The White Knights' copy produced £6. 1616 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, nuovamente corretto per Ant. Bruc- cioli, looodcut initials, portrait of Boccaccio on title, old inor. gilt edges 24mo. Venet. Gab. Giolito 1542 A pretty edition in small Roman letters. 8 prel. 11.; 379 numb. 11.; and 1 leaf for register. 1617 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, di nuovo emendato secondo gli anticbi essemplari etc. (par L. Dolce) fine ivoodcuts and woodcut initials, old calf, gilt and gauffred edges 4to. in Vineg. app. G. Giolito de Ferrari 1546 Dedicated to Catherine de' Medicis. Contains 6 prel. 11. including title ; Text pp. 501 ; 1 blank leaf ; Tavola etc. 34 11. Fine clean copt. 1618 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, nuovamente alia sua vera Lettione ridotto da M. Lod. Dolce, woodcuts, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy 12mo. Vinegia app. G. Giolito 1552 Twelve prel. 11. including title; Text 849 pp. " Dichiaratione di F. Sansovino " 32 U. including title. 1619 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, nuovamente alia sua vera Lettione ridotto etc. da L. Dolce, portrait, and numerous ivoodcuts and woodcut initials, calf 4to. iii Vinegia ajyp. G. Giolito 1552 Four prel. 11. including title; Text 502 pp.; 1 blank leaf ; " Dichiaratione " etc, 31 11. ; Register 1 leaf. 1620 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, alia sua intera perfettione ridotto, et con dichiarazioni et avvertimenti illustrate, per Gii'olamo Ruscelli, ivoodcuts, old calf sm. 4to. Venet. app. V. Valgrisi 1554 1621 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, con un raccoglimento di tutte le Sentenze in questa sua opera da lui usate ; aggiunteci le annotation! di tutti quei luoghi da Monsig. Bembo, woodcuts, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 16mo. iji Lione app. Guliel. Rovillio 1555 Fine copy of a pretty edition, not often found in good state. It contains 932 pp. including title ; and 13 11. of Tavola. Heber's copy sold for £3. 2s. 1622 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, corretto gia dall' Academia Fiorentina, CO i numeri correspondenti alle richezze delJa Lingua Volgare di Fr. Alunno, vellum 4to. Vinegia j^er Paolo Gherardo (1657) This copy wants the second vol. containing the " Kichezze " of Alunno. 9 / / / z_ t 3 ^^ G 1 1/ z - / 6 5 7 ^ 6 / It 4' to / lo 1£0 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1623 Boccaccins. II Decamerone; x'icorretto in Roma et emenclato secondo I'ordine del sacro concilio di Trento, old limp olive morocco, clean copy {a few plain margins wormed) sm. 4to. in Fiorenza stamp, de I Giunti 1573 16 prel. 11. including title ; text pp. 580 ; Register 1 leaf. 1624 Boccaccius. II Decamerone. La medesima edizione, con le anno- tationi, old calf sm. 4to. ib. Giunti 1573-74 Collation as above ; followed by " Annotationi " 20 prel. 11. including title ; text 142 pp. ; Tavola etc. 8 11. 1625 Boccaccins. ' II Decamerone, con alia sua vera lezione ridotto dal Cav. Lionardo Salviati, seconda edizione, woodcut initials, old calf sm. 4to. in Fiorenze stamp. I Giunti 1582 1626 Boccaccins. II Decamerone, di nnovo Riformato da Lnigi Groto cieco d'Adria; e con le Dicliiarationi etc. de Gir. Ruscelli, woodcuts, calf sm. 4to. in Venet. app. Zoppini Fratelli 1590 1627 Boccaccins. II Decamerone, riscontrato en Firenze con testi antichi, et alia sua vera lettione ridotto dal Cav. Lionardo Salviati, numerous icoodcuts, vellum sm. 4to. in Venet. app. A. Vecchi 1597 1628 Boccaccius. II Decamerone, si come lo diedero alio stampe gli ss Giunti I'anno 1527, ruled tvith red lines, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges 12mo. Amst. {ivith sphere on title) 166^ A FINE COPY OF THIS SCARCE EDITION, Dot oftcH found in good State. II measures 5f in. in height. The prctace to the reader in this copy begins : "gli amatori della Lingua Toscana." It contains 12 prel. 11. and 744 pp. of text. 1629 Bocaccius. II Decamerone, 2 vols, calf sm. 8vo. Amsterd. (Napoli) 171^ This is the original edition which has been reprinted in the same form and undei the same date. 1630 Boccaccius. Le Cento N'ovelle ridotti in ottava rima da M Vincenzo Brugiantino, numerous woodcuts {title and leaf of dedication defective^ vellum sm. 4to. in Vi^ieg. per F. Marolini 1554 1631 Boccaccius. Annotationi et Discorsi sopra alcuni luoglii del Decamerone, vellum, clean copij sm. 4p. 319) calf 12nao. Paris, in off. P. Stephani 1532 1717 Boethius. De Differentiis Topicis libri quatuor (100 pp. and leaf for imprint) Paris. 1534 — Aphthonii Declamatoris Prseexercitamenta J. M. Catanceo interprete (46j/jj.) Paris. C. Wecheli 1535 ; in 1 vol. 12mo. 1718 Boethius. Dialectica Aristotelis, ex recens. Mart. Rot^, vellum fol. Venet. ex off\ Valgrisiana 1559 1719 Boethius (Hector) Scotorum Historic a prima gentis origins lib. xix. Accessit continuatio per Joan. Ferrerium ad annum 1483, old leather binding fol. Paris, {excud. Lausannce) J. Die Pmjs 1575 Best edition. Rare. Contains 28 prel. 11. includ. title ; text 402 numb. II. ; index 1811. Laing's copy of the first edition, formerly belonging to King James I, sold for £77 last year. 1720 Bohemia. Rerum Bohemicarum Antiqui Scriptores aliquot insignes, partim hactenus incogniti, etc. ex Bib. C. V. Marquardi Freheri ; ace. Joh. Dubranii Historite Bohemicae commentarii, vellum fol. Hanov. typis. Wechelianis 1602 1721 Bohemia. Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquot Bohemorum Hilarii Litomiricens, lit. gotl). commences on aij and runs on to o in eights {apparently loants aS) calf VERT rare sm. 4to. impiressum Argentine {sine nomine typographi) anno 1485 1722 Bohemia. De Causa Boemica. Paulus Constantius, vulgo refragari quosdam celeberrimi Constantieusis Concilii senteutiae qua Hussite damnati sunt constat, {title loithin tvoodciit border) old calf sm. 4to. (s. a. et I.) Vert rare. Contains 4 prel. 11. includ. title ; then on aaj commences the work under the following title : — " Johannis Hussite de Ecclesia," running on to zz5 in fours. The colophon on verso of zzo reads : " Explicit tractatus M. Johannis Eus, quern collegit A.D. 1413 et est pronu7iciat%is puhlice in Civitate Pragensi." 1723 Bohemia. Apologie ou Declaration des Raisons pour lesquelles les trois estats du Royaume de Boheme, sub utraque, ont este contraints de prendre les armes pour leur defence et conservation, etc. le tout traduit en Francois par S. W. velhvm 4to. {s. p.) 1619 ■ ^ d- ^ 3 15^ — // ■ 5 3 10 10 ~ 1 1 /3 '1 1 10 138 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. H 1724 Bohemia. De Statu Bohemico Perturbato, hoc est de Belli Bohemo Germanici initio, causa et progressu, inter gloriosissiiQun: Imperatorem Ferdin. II., et Fred. III. Tractatio publiea, cui'ant( M. G. Lundorpio, calf sm. 4to. Fravcof. 1621 1725 Bohemia. Evidentia Causae Bohemicse qua Ferdin. II. abdicatio e . Fred. Palat. electio breviter demonstrata (76 pjj.) Anno 1626— Catholicon et Notorium Imp. Ferd. II. et Frid. V. utrusque regiii Bohemias electi pro Jure S. Imperii (222 pj^-) A.>ino 1625 — Responsic' Apologetica ad Fabii Hercyniani alias Jac. Kelleri Aiacem, auctort Nic. Harstenio (pp- 160) Anno 1626 — Brevis Informatio et Re spousio Solida, de causis nuper Motae Bohemice (84 j^P-i u-ormed Anno 1624 — Thomsonii De causis nuper mota) Bohemige (30 pp.] 1624 — Briefve Information des affaires du Palatinat (37 pj'-) ^''^^' 1624 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to 1726 Bohemia. Boemorum Ducum, Regum et Interregum Effigies e1 Elogia, a Julio Solimano edita, h^ fine copperplate heads, calf sm. 4to. Fragile typis P. Sessii 162i 1727 Bohemia. Historia Persecutionum Ecclesiae Bohemicoe 894-1632 vellum 24mo. A.D. 164^ 1728 BoiARDO (Mat. Mae.) Orlando Innamoeato ; nuovamente compostc da M. Francesco Berni, Fiorentino, old yellow morocco, gilt edges sm. 4to. in Vinegia per gli Tieredi di Giunta 1541 Fixe copy of this rare edition, the first of those reviewed by Bemi Contains 2 prel. 11. and 262 numb. 11. 1729 Boiardo. Orlando innamorata da Berni (238 numh. II.; icantt title) in Venetia per li lieredi di L. A. G-iunta 1545 — Orlando Inna- morato composto per N. Agostini, looodcids (fols. 238-458 only) Venet. app. Zopjnni fratelli 1684 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to 1730 Boiardo. Orlando Innamorato, insieme co i tre libri di Nic. degli Agostini, nuovamente riformato per Lodovico Domenichi, con gli Argomenti etc. numerous woodcuts (208 numh. II. includ. title) vellum sm. 4to. in Vinegia app. G. Scotto 1548 1731 Boiardo. Lo Stesso, n-oodcuts (244 II.) Venetia per C. da Trine 1565 — II Quarto Libro d'Orlando, woodcuts (176 II. and Tavola 8 pp.) ib. 1565 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt 4to. 1732 Boiardo. Lo Stesso Orlando (con il quarto libro) ?fooc7ctt^s (438 II.) vellum 4to. in Venetia, Zoppini fratelU 1584 1733 Boiardo. Histoire de Roland I'Amoureux, avec ses faits d'armes et ses ceuvres mis en Francois de Tltalien, par M. Jacques Vincent, derniere edition, revue et corrigee (12 prel. II. including title ; and 327 nunil). II.) vellum, clean copy 8vo. Lyons chez Claude Morillon 1614 1734 Boiardo. Roland I'Amoureux traduit de nouveau par F. de Rosset, copperplate title and plates, vellum, clean copy (6 prel. II. includ. title; pp. 996 and Table 18 II.) 8vo. Paris chez B. Foilet 1619 1735 Boileau-Despreaux (Nicolas) CEuvres Diverses du Sieur D * * *, avec le Traite du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le discoujs, nouvelle edition reveue et augmentee, pZo/es, 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris D.' Thierry 1694 1736 Boileau. Q^uvres de Nicolas Boileau Despreaux, nouvelle edition, reveue et augmentee (par les soins de Valincourt et Renaudot) fine portrait by Brevet and plates by Gillot, LARGE AND CLEAN COPY, bound in 2 vols, paneled calf gilt, red edges 4to. Paris chez Esprit Billiot 1713 1737 Boileau. CEuvres, avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques donnez par lui-nieme, nouvelle edition, reveue, corrigee, et augmentee, jpor^. and fronts. 4 vols, in 2, calf 12n3o. Amst. D. Morfier 1717 3 Ic 1 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIAXA. 139 1738 Boileau. QiIuvres, avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques donnez . par lui-meme, edition nouvelle, augmentee de divers Remarques (par // Cl. Brossette et Du Monteil) mimerous fine proof vignettes BY PiCART, 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges roy. fol. Amst. D. Mortier 1717 , Large paper, of which Brunet knew only 4 copies. A fine copy of this Edition de Luxe, having the Engraving of Kneller's Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales, to whom the edition is dedicated. 1739 Boileau. Satire centre les Femmes, avec I'Apologie des Femmes par M. Perrault (46 jjp. including title) calf 12mo. Swivant le copie de Paris ; Amst. cliez A. Braahman 1694 1740 Boileau. CEuvres Diverses, avec le traite dii sublime on du merveilleux, /Vo?ii. and plates, calf 4to. Paris D. Thierry 1701 A scarce edition being the last given by the Author. It contains 13 prel. 11. including title ; text 446 pp. ; " Traite du Sublime " etc. pp. 200. 1741 Boileau (I'Abbe) Pensees Clioisies, sur differens sujets de Morale, calf {wants leaf of preface) 12mo. Paris 1707 1742 Boillot ( Joseph) Modelles Artifices de Feu et divers instrumens de Guerre, avec les Moyens de s'en prevaloir, pour assieger, battre, surprendre, et deffendre toutes places, vellum, scarce sm. 4to. a Chaumont-en-Bassigny, Quent. Maresclial 1598 Contains 203 pages comprising 100 plates. Some blank spaces left for the plates. 1743 Boisrobert (Fr. le Metel de) Le Pamasse Royale, on les Immortelles Actions du tres-Chretien et tres-victorieux Monarque Louis XIII. ; et Palm^ Regie Lud. XIII. a prsecipuis nostri sevi Poetis in troph^um erectiE ; loitli, 2 impressions of tJie scarce equestrian portrait of the King by Picart, large and clean copies ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. Paris, Cramoisy 1635-1634 1744 Boisrobert. Theatre ; c'est-a-dire ; Les Apparences Trompeuses, Comedie (4 prel. II. and 110 pp.) Paris, chez Guill. de Luyne 1656 ; L'Inconnue, comedie (4 ^reZ. II. and 88 pp.) ih. 1655 ; La Belle Plaideuse, comedie (3 frel. II. and 112 pp.) ib. 1655; La Belle invisible, oa la Constance esprouvee (3 prel. II. and 90 pp.) ih. 1656 ; Les Genereux Ennemis (3 prel. II. and 92 pp.) ih. 1655 ; all ORIGINAL EDITIONS, very scarce ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo." 1745 Boissardus (Janus Jac.) Vitae et Icones Sultanorum Turcicorum, Principum Persarum, aliorumque illustrium Heroum Heroinarumque, ab Osmane usque ad Mahometem II. ad vivum ex antiquis metallis eifictae, engraved title, with port, of Boissard on verso, and 48 portraits, ' fine original impressions, engraved by Theod. de Brt, calf gilt, gilt edges sm. 4to. Francof. 1596 1746 Boissardus. Theatrum Vitse Hiimanse a J.J. Boissardo conscriptum et a Theodoro Brtio artificiosissimis historiis illustratum, portrait of Boissard and 60 fine copperplate engravings by Th. de Brt, good impressions, vellum (p. 191 defective) armorial hook-plate of Card. P. DE NiELis inserted sm. 4to. Francof. typ. Ahr. Fahri 1596 1747 Boissardus. RoMANJ; Urbis Topographle et antiquitatum, qua ^ succinte et breviter describuntur omnia quas turn publice quam privatim videntur animadversione digna, numeroios fine plates by Theod. de Bry, 6 parts in 3 vols, calf fol. Francof. imp. Theod. de Bry 1597-1602 Original edition. Pt. 1 contains 8 piel. 11. (including engraved title and ports, of De Bry and Boissard); pp. 163, and map of Italy ; Pt. 2, engraved title, ports, of Boissard and De Bry; text pp. 1-18, 55-211 ; index pp. 11; imprint 1 leaf; 36 plates and 3 11. of letterpress description. Pt. 3, 9 prel. 11. (according to Brunet there should be 11) ; 42 pp. of text ; plates, numbered 43 to 150 ; 3 plates unnum- bered ; Pt. 4, engraved title ; ports, of Boissardcs and Debry and 6 leaves of introductory matter ; text paged 16 to 52 ; plates numbered 52 to 149 (no plate for /a U s- 7 7 1 /y ( 140 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 125). Pt. 5 engraved title-, ded. 3 11. (should be, accovding to Brunei, 10 prel. 11.) ; 1 plate not numbered ; 129 plates numb, and 2 plates of dogs at the end. Pt. 6, title and 3 prel. 11. ; text pp. 47 ; and 146 numb, plates. 1748 Boissardus. Bibliotheca, sive Thesaurus Virtutus et Gloriee, in quo continentur illustrium eruditione et doctrina Vikorum Effigies et YiTM, summa diligentia accurate descriptaj per J. J. Boissardum artificicsissimce in ^s incisa a Joan. Theod. de Bry, fine impressions of the portraits, Spurts in 2 vols, old calf Francof. 1(328-30, 1598-99 Pt. 1, pp. 299 including engraved title ; index 2 11. only ; {containing the names of the first 28 ports.): contains 56 portraits, including that of Boissardus, Francof. O.Fitzerus 1628 ; Pt. 2, engraved title ; 2 prel. 11. ; text pp. 206 ; contains 61 por- traits, ib. 1630; Pt. 3 (ORIGINAL EDITION), engr. title; text pp. 327; index 8 pp.; contains 50 portraits, fine impressions, Pranco/. 1598. Pt. 4, original edition; engr. title : 3 prel. 11.; text pp. 335; index 8 pp. and 50 fine portraits, Franhof. 1599. 1749 Boissardus. Tractatus Postliumous de Divinatione et Magicis Prasstigiis, 'S3 fine emhlematic plates by Theod. de Bry, calf fol. Oppenlieimii typis H. Galleri s. a. Rare. Contains prel. 11. 13, including engraved title and dedication with arms, portraits of Boissard and De Bry, etc. Text pp. 358 ; index 6 11. 1750 Boissart (Pierre de) Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de I'Hospital de S. Jean de Jerusalem contenant leur admirable Institution et Police etc. rtiled with red li7ies, engraved title, 2 vols, in 1, old red morocco, gilt edges 4to. Lyon chez les Heritiers G. Rouille 1612 The engraved title is removed from vol. 1 and pasted over the slip title of vol. 2. 1751 Boldonius (Octavius) Theatrum Temporaneum .^ternitati Caesaris Montii S. R. E. Card, et Archiep. Mediol. Sacrum, 82 fine plates^ comprisirtg portraits and emhlems hy J. P. Bianci, vellum fol. Mediolani 1636 1752 Boldonius. Epigrapliica, sive Elogia Inscriptionesque quodus genus pangendi ratio ; ubi de inscribendis tabulis, symbolis, clypeis, tropbreis, donariis, obeliscis, aris, tumulis etc. dissertatur, subjectis exemplis, antiquis ac recentibus, calf fol. August. Perusice 1660 A curious and uncommon book. Contains printed and engraved title ; 5 prel. 11. ; and 810 pp. 1753 Bombinus (Paulus) Breviarii Rerum Hispanicarum ab Hispania reviviscente Enneas Prima, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. 1634 1754 Bona (Card. Joannes) De Discretione Spirituum, liber unus. LARGE PAPER, autograpli of Stephanus Baluzius on title, vellum 4to. Bomce N. A. Tinassii 1672 1755 Bona (Fra Scip. Bella) Raguagli dalla citta d'Avellino, vellum sm. 4to In Trani 1656 1766 Bonadus (Franciscus) Santonensits. Ad Christ. Galliarnm Regem Franciscum primum Monodi^, illustrium aliquot personarum veteris atque novi testamenti (100 numb. II. inchiding title) vellum, SCARCE 24mo. Parisiis ap. Sim. Colinceum 1538 1757 Bonanni (Giacomo) Dell' Antica Siracusa Illusti'ata (edizione prima), old calf sm. 4to. In Messina app. P. Brea 1624 1758 Bonanni. Altra edizione, da D. Vincenzo Mirabella, port, of Bonanni, 2 maps, and 17 plates of views, medals etc. 2 vols, vellum 4to. Palermo 1717 1759 Bonanni (Filippo) Numismata Pontificum Romanorum quae a Martini V. usque ad annum 1G99, nel authoritate publica, nel private genio in lucem prodiere, large paper, 7iumerous plates of medals, 2 vols, calf fol. Bomce D. Ant. Herculis 1699 /1 760 Bonanni. Numismata Summorum Pontificum Templi Vatican! Fabricam Indicantia, S% plates, calf fol. Bomce D. A. Herctdis 1696 6 B115L10THECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 141 1767 BonarelH. 1768 Bonavitus (Marcus) Problematura lib. iii. 1761 Bouani. Catalogo degli Ordini Religiosi della cliiesa Militante express! con iraagini, 3 vols. — Catalogo degli Ordini Equestri e MiLiTARi (1 vol.) (Lat. et Ital.) 4:84> figures, brilliant proof impres- sions, 4 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy sm. 4to. In Boma G. Placho 1712-1707-1710-1711 Pt. 3 appears to want the index, and the plates skip from 68-72. 1762 BonarelH (Conte Guidubaldo de') .Filli di Scire, Favola Pastorale, engraved title and jylaies by F. Vallegrio, calf sm. 4to. {Ferrarice, Baldini) 1607 First edition of this Pastoral. It contains 4 prel. 11. (I mended) pp. 179, and 4 plates. 1763 BonarelH. Altro esemplare {slightly stained) vellum sm. 4to. ib. 1764 BonarelH. Altra edizione, calf, 16nio. in Venet. 1625 — Altra edizione, vellum 24mo. Boma 1760 1765 BonarelH. Fillis de Scire, Comedie Pastorale, tiree de Italien, woodcut on title, calf 8vo. a Tolose par B. Colomies 1624 The first French translation of this Pastoral. It contains 8 prel. 11. inclading title ; and pp. 249. The margins of pp. 228-31 cut close to the text. 1766 BonarelH. Discorsi in difesa del doppio Aniore della sua Celia, engraved title, first edition, calf sm. 4to. Ancona app. Marc. Salvloni 1612 Discorsi ; altra edizione, vellum 12mo. Milano heredi di P. If. Locarni 1613 Mantiice. Diversa Opera Juridica ; viz. : ; Praxis Judiciare Centuria, de Solvendis Argumentis, Apopthegmata etc. 3 vols, in 1, vellum 12mo. Venet. ap. G. Giolitum 1544-45 4769 Bonefidius (Enimundus) Juris Orientalis lib. iii. Gra3ce cum Latina interpretatione, ac notis illustrati, vellum sm. 8vo. (Paris.) H. StepJianus 1573 1770 Bonefonius (Joannes) Pancbaris (68 jip. and leaf for errata and iifYiprint) Lut. A. I'Angelier 1587 — Imitations du Latin de J. Bonnefons ; avec autres gayetez amoureuses de I'invention de I'Auteur (par Durant) (148 p>p. and 2 II. not paged) Paris A. VAngelier 1601 — Guliel. Dupeyratii Lugd. Spicilegia Poetica et Amorum libri iii. (5 prel. II.; 61 numb. II. ; and leaf of errata) Paris. ap. Jer. Pericr 1601 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 1771 Bonefonius. Imitations tirees du Latin ; avec autres Amours et Melanges Poetiques de I'invention de I'Autbeur (144 numb. II. including title) a Tours, cJiez Georg. Prohet 1593 — Pancharis Jo. Bonefonii Arverni (36 numb. II.) Ccesarod. Turonum 1592 ; in 1 vol. old calf 16mo. 1772 Bonefonius. Imitations du Latin de Jean Bonnefons avec autres gayetez amoureuses de I'invention de I'autheur, derniere edition, revue et corrigee ; et Paucliaris (Latine), old calf, xoitli the Arms of Card, de Seguier on the sides 12mo. a Paris Ant. du Brueil 1610 Contains 219 pp. ; at the end is a MS. sonnet in Latin " ad Cl. Binetum." 1773 Bonefonius. Basia, tam Latino quam Gallico idiomate edita, editio ultima, prioribus auctior longe atque emendatior, front, calf 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1659 1774 Bonetius (Pbilib.) De Probationibus et eius glossse, Lugd. ap. Scipionem de Gahiano 1536 — Stepliani de Phedericis, de Interpreta- tione Juris Commentt. iv. Lugd. ap. Jo. Frellaeun 1536 ; in 1 vol. vellum 12mo. 1775 Bonfadio (Jacopo) Annalium Genuensium ab anno 1528 recupertge Libertas usque ad annum 1550, lib. v. vellum sm. 4to. PapticB ap. H. Bartolum 1586 // 3 3 f h II v 142 BIBLIOTHECA SL'XDERLAXDIAXA. 177*3 Bonfaclio. Gli Annali di Geneva, divisi in einquc libri, nuovamente tradotti in Lingua Italiana da Bart. Paschetti, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges sm. fol. in Genova heredi di Gir. Bartoli 1597 1777 Bonfinius (Ant.) Reram Hunsfaricarum Decades ir. et diniidia. His accessere J. Sarabnci appendices ; una cum Priscorum Regum TJngariae Decretis etc. aucta et recognita Jo. Sambncum, vellum fol. Franco/, ap. A^id. Wechel. 1581 1778 Bonfons (Pierre) Les Pastes, Antiquitez et choses plus remarqua- bles de Paris. Labeur de curieuse et dibgente reclierche divise en trois livres, tvoodcuts of moyniments, etc. calf sm. 8vo. Paris N. Bonfons 1607 One of the latest editions of the rare work of Gilles Corrozet, enlarged by Bonfons. It contains 16 prel. II. (including title) and 336 numb. 11. 1779 Bonfons. Les Antiquitez et choses plus remarquables de Paris ; augmentees par Jacques du Breul, woodcuts of efigies, etc. (12 prel. U. and 4-48 II.) old calf , ' ' 12mo. Paris 1608 1780 Bonfrerius. Onomasticon\ Urbium et Locorum Sacr^e Scripturae ; seu liber de locis Hebraicis, Var^e/oWi?i^ map), calf fol. Amst. 1707 1781 Bongarsius (Jac.) Gesta ^^ei per Francos, sive Orientalium Expeditionem et Regni Francorum Hierosolymitange Historia, a variis Scriptoribus, fixe paper ? 2 vols, in 1, rellum thick fol. Hanovice typis Wechel. 1611 1782 Bonhomius (Jo. Fr.) Borromeis et Eucharistia ob Yictoriam ad Echinadas, cum vita Auctoris a L. Burgio (3 p)rel. II. and 122 pp.) calf sm. 4to. Medial. 1589 1782*Boniere5 (Don Carlos) Arte Militar, deducida de sus principios fundamentales, engraved title, vellum sm. 4to. Qarago<;a 1644 ^/1783 Bonifaccio (Giov.) Historia Trivigiana, divisa in dodici libri, nella quale si tratta insieme de' maggiori successi de Italia, map, old calf, with the Arms of tJie Presidext de Seguier on sides sm. 4to. in Trivigi app. D. Amid 1591 1784 BoxiFACirs YIII. Poxt. Max. Liber Sextus Decretalium, old blue morocco extra Toy. fol. Alma in Urhe Maguxtixa ; industrie est consummatitm per Johaxxem Fust et Petrum Schoiffer de Gernsheim 1465 die 17 men sis decemb. Editio princeps. printed ON VELLUM in gothic letter, double colnmns, with the commentary suirounding the text. It contains 141 leaves. The initial at the beginning of the text is a miniature of Boniface, painted and illuminated in gold ; and all the capitals are painted in blue and red. Some 11. are slightly stained and shrivelled. 1785 Bonifacias. Liber Sextus Decretalium, cum glossis Jo. Andreae, lit. gotl). the text printed in large type, surrounded by the gloss in a smaller letter, tvithouf numerals, catcJiivords or signatures, the initials painted in blue and red, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine LARGE COPT fol. Alma in Urbe Roma, industrie est consummatum per Udalricum Gallum et Simoxe de Luca 1472 A rare and finely printed edition, containing 229 11. This copy contains only 3 11. of index ; the fourth (probably blank ?) appears to have been torn out. 1786 Bonifacins (Bait.) Historia Ludicra opus ex omni disciplinarum genere, selecta et jucunda eruditione refertum, editio nova, engraved title, vellum, 4to. Brux. 1656 — Eiusdem de Archivis (46 pp.) vellum sm. 4to. Venet. 1632 1787 Bonifacins (Joannes) Liber de Furtis in duodecim partes distinctus, r.nlt sm. 4to. Vinrenfirp 1500 I ^ BIBLIOTHECA SUNDER LANDIANA. 143 1788 Bonjour (Jac.) Axiomata lib. i. Pandectarum et leguui aliquot ^nigmata, ruled ivith red lines, calf sm. 4to. Lugd. ap. Theo. Paganum 1550 1789 Bonnevnl (Count). Complete History of the Wars in Italy, translated from the French, by J. Sparrow, majj, old crimson morocco 8vo. Lo7icl. 1734 1790 Bononia (Bologna). Statuta Civilia Civitatis Bononige, multis glosais, variis Provisionibus ac amplissimo indice novissime formata, engraved title, vellum fol. Bononice J. B. Phcellus 1532 Collation a-q8 in sixes ; 211 numb. 11. and leaf for imprint. 1791 Bononia. Constitutiones Synodales Bononienses : acces. Breve Ricordo di quello lianno da fare 1 Clerici etc. title within engraved border, calf 12mo. BononicB per V. Bonardum. 1535 1792 Bononia. Prose de' Signori Accademici Gelati di Bologna, distinte ne' deciquinque trattata, e mhle mat ic plates, vellum sm. 4to. in Bologna per li Manolessi 1671 1793 Bonsi (Lelio) Cinque Lezzioni lette da lui publicamente nella Accademia Fiorentina ; aggiuntovi un breve trattato della Cometa etc. calf 12mo. in Fiorenza app. I Giunti 1560 1794 Bootius (Arnoldus) Animadversiones Sacrae ad textum Hebraicum Veteris Testamenti, vellum sm. 4to. Bond. 1644 1795 BoR (Peter) Oorspeongk, Begin, en Vervolgh der Nederlandsche OoRLOGEN ; beroerten, en Borgerlyke Oneenigheden ; large paper, numerous fine PROOF places a)id portraits, 4 vols, old Butch calf gilt fol. Amsterd. 1679-84 1796 Borbonius (Carolns) Commentarius Captse Urbis (Historia Romae expugnatai). Item de Origine Turcarum Jo. B. Egnatii (32 itp.) calf 12mo. Paris. B. Stephani 1539 1797 Borbonius. Aliud exemplar (32 pp.) Paris. 1539 — Turcicaram Rerum Commentarius Pauli Jovii ex Italico Latinus factus, F. Nigro interprete, (j'p. 87) ih. 1539 — De Saracenis et Turcis clironicon Wolfgangi Drechsleri ; item de Origine, Progressu et Fine Mabometi etc. Argent, in ced. Jac. Juciindi 1550 ; in 1 vol. calf l2mo. 1798 Borbonius ( Nicolaus ) Vandoperanus. Opusculum Puerile ad Pueros de Moribus (24 II.) Bugd. ap. Seb. Gryphium 1536 — Claudii Rosseletti Epigrammata (126 2>P- and leaf for device) ib. 1537 — w^milii Perroti ad Galli Formulum et ei annexam scaevole inter- pretationem glossae (A-I in fours) ib. 1533 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 1799 Borchardus (sen Brocard) (Frater) Descriptio Terree Sanctce, et Regionum Finitimarum ; item Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum B. de Saligniaco etc. vellum sm. 4to. Magdelmrgi P. Bonatus 1587 1800 Borcbolten (Joannes) De Gradibns Tractatus ; de Matrimonio et Successionibus ab intestato agitur, calf 12mo. Helmstadii 1598 1801 Bordinus (Jo. Fr.) De Rebus Prgeclare Gestis a Sisto V. Pont. Max. engraved title and 15 fine cop>perplate engravings (39 II.) vellum, with Armorial Boolplate o/ N. J. FoucAULT, scarce sm. 4to. Bomai ex of. J. Tornerii 1588 1802 Bordone (Benedetto) Isolario, nel qual si ragiona di tutte I'lsole del mondo . . . con la agionta del Monte del Oro novamente ritrovato, woodcut maps and views, including a view of Mexico as it appeared before its destruction by Cortes (tvants the 3 folding maps at the com- mencement) in Vinegia per Nicolo d'Aristotile detfe Zoppino 1534— Insulaeum Orbis aliquot insularum, Tabulis -5i]neis delineationem continens, in quo describuntur multae per oceanum sparsEe insulse operi geographico, quo Europa, Asia, Africa et America describuntur hand insertag . . . Joannes Matalius Metellus Sequanus, opus hoc geographicum inchoarat, constitueratque omnes quotquot erant in" // / / 3 7 3 7 144 BIBLIOTHECA STINDERLANDIANA. lucem seditse ad rem geographicam spectantes Tabnlse etc. 60 copper- plate maps (37 II. not vumbered) rare, Colon. Acjripp. excud. Joan. Ghristophori 1601 ; in 1 vol. old calf, luith Armorial Bool-plate of N. F. FOUCAULT sm. fol, 1803 Bordone. Isolario, altra edizione, a large and clean copy, loitli the ^folding "iuaps, calf sm. fol. in Vineg. spese di M. Federico Toresano 1547 1804 Borel (P.) Les Antiquitez, Raretez, Plantes, Mineraux et autres/^ choses considerables de la Ville et Comte de Castres d'Albigeois, et des lieux qui sent a ses Environs, avec I'Histoire de ses Comtes, Evesques, etc. calf 12mo. a Castres per A. Colomiez 1649 A scarce and interesting work. It contains 8 prel. 11. including title ; and pp. 160, On the title is the Autograph of " Delafontaine." 1805 Boi'el (P.) Tresor de Recherclies et Antiqnitez Gaaloises et Fran- coises, enricliie de beancoup d'origines, epitaplies et autres choses rares et cnrienses, comnie aussi de beancoup de mots de la Langue Thtoise ou Theuthfranque, old calf sm. 4to. Paris, A. Courbe 1655 Original edition; reprinted in Menage, Diet. Etym. Paris 1750. Contains 52 prel. 11. including title ; pp. 614 ; Table etc. 10 11. (last leaf of dedic. defective). 1806 Borgesius (Goedhardi) Enodatio Juris Naturae, calf 12mo. L7igd. Bat. 1697 1807 Borgbesi (Diomede) La Primo (e seconda) parte delle Lettere Discorsive, original edition, 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum., Padova e Venetia 1584 — La terza Parte delle Lettere, original edition, calf sm. 4to. in Siena L. Bonetti 1603 1808 Borgbini (D. Vincenzio) Discorsi (del' Origine di Fiorenza, di Fiesole, della Toscana etc.) con il trattato della Cbiesa e Vescovi Fiorentini, woodcut portrait and other cuts, 2 vols, calf sm. 4to. Fiorenza nella stamp, de I Giunti 1584-5 1809 Boi'gbini (RafFaelo) II Riposo, in cui della Pittura, e della Scultura si favella, de' pin illustri Pittori e Scultori e delle piu famose opere loro si fa mentione ; e le cose principali appartenenti a dette arti s' insegnano, calf 12mo. in Fiorenz. app. G. Marescotti 1584 Original edition of a work much esteemed in Italy. It contains 24 prel. 11. and pp. 648. 1810 Borgia (P. Francesco) Vita del P. F. Borgia Due di Gandia, terzo generale della Compagnia di Giesn, scritta da P. Ribadaneira, trad, della Lingua Spagnuola, da F. Giulio Zancbini, calf sm. 4to. Firenze ap>p>. Mich. Sermartelli 1600 1811 Borja (Don Francisco de) Las Obras en verso, segunda edicion revista y muy anadida, engraved title, vellum, fine clean copy 4to. ew Aniheres por B. Moreto 1654 1812 Borja. Napoles Recuperada par el Rey Don Alonso, Poema Heroico, vellum, FINE CLEAN COPY sm. 4to. en Amheres p)or B. Moreto 1658 1813 Borgia (Hieron.) Investigationum Juris Civilis libb. xx. in quibus Antonii Fabri conjecturse investiguntur, et refelluntur, 2 vols, in 1 (vol. 2 wa7its end of Index) calf fol. Neap. off. Bulifoniana 1678 1814 Borkowski (R. D, Albertus) Tractatus de Ecclesia et missione Ministrornm brevis refutatio, scripta ab eodem Tbeopbilo Nicolaide (signs. 0-P in fours) Racoviji; ty2ns Sternacianis (1614) — Refutatio Thesium Alberti Graweri, Authore Valent. Smalcio Gothano (15 U.) Bacovice typis Sternacianis 1615 — Eiusdem, (Smalcius) Refutatio Disputationis de Persona Cbristi (12 II.) ih. 1615 — Stoienski (Jo.) De Jesu Cbristi Divinitate Disputationes (3 prel. II. and pp. 136) ib. 1618; all fine clean cojnes, in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. All these early Racovian Tracts on Socinianism are from the nature of their contents, and the dispersion of the sect, of a high degree of rarity. BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. 145 1815 Borlase (Dr. Edmund) History of the Execrable Irish Rebellion, traced from many preceding Acts to the grand eruption of October 1641, with Appendix, calf fol. London 1680 1816 Bornitus (Jacobus) Emblemata ethico politica, ingenua atque erudita interpretatione nunc primum illustrata per Nic. Meerfeldt, 100 fine cojiper-j^late engravings, zvith descriptions in Latin and Ger- man, calf sm. 4to. Mogunt. sumjjt. L. Bourgeat 1669 1817 Borra (Luigi) Parmiggiano. L'Amorose, Rime, printed in a sin- gular upright italic type; woodcut portrait on title (^contains the dedi- cation to ; Hercules iVEste Lule of Ferrara) 3 II. ; text A-H6 in eights), in Milano in casa di Anton, de Castiglioni ad instantia di Messer Andrea Galvi 1542 — Rime del Trissino, printed in italic type with the " " and " e " mostly in the Greeh character ; {signs, aa-nn in fours, with the printer'' s device on verso of last leaf), stamp, iji Vicensa per Tolomeo Janiculo 1529 — Tasso (Bernardo) Libro Primo degli Amori, first edition ; printed on blue paper {contains 60 7ium.b. II. A-H in eights {A having 4 II. only, A4< blank), in Vinegia per Giov. Antonio et Fratelli de Sahio 1531 ; three scarce tracts, ail fine copies ; in 1 vol. old calf, gilt edges sm. 4to. 1818 Borrellus (Carolus) Vindex Neapolitanee Nobilitatis animad. in F. ^lii Marchesii Librum de Neapolitanis Familiis, woodcuts of Arms, Neapoli ap. ^g. Longuni 1653 — Reineri Reineccii Stein- hemii commentatio de Saxonum originibus (12 II.) Hanov. 1612 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 181'J Borrichius (Olaus) I)a7iaus. Cogitationes de variis Lingufe eeta- tibus etc. vellum, sm. 4to. Hafnice 1678 — Eiusdem, De Antiqua urbis Roma facie dissertatio compendaria, calf sm. 4to. Hafnice, 1687 1820 Borromaeus (Carolus) Card. Archiep. Mediol. Acta Ecclesi^ Mediolanensis, editio optima, rtded with red lines, 2 vols, old crimson viorocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copt folio Mediol. ex off. Pac. Pontii 1599 1821 Borromseus. Nonnulla prseclara gesta per R. P. Cesarem Boninum a diversis auctoribus selecta, engraved throughout on 64 II. by A. Ponchus, representing miracles of healing performed by the Cardinal, calf Mediol. 1610 1822 Bos (Lambert) Exercitationes PhilologicjB ; et animadversiones ad scriptores quosdam Greecos, 2 vols, calf 8vo. Franequerce 1713-15 1823 Boscan (Juan de) Las Obras ; y algunas de Garcilaso de la Yega repartidas in quatro libros. De nuevo enmendadas y en mejor orden de lo que hasta agora han sido impresas, calf 16mo. e7i Anvers en casa de Martin Ntccio (s. a.) Contains 6 prel. 11. and 282 numb. II. In this edition (the sixth) is contained the " Mar de Amor," " la Conversion " and other pieces not in previous editions. 1824 Bosch (Dr. And.) Summari Index o Epitome dels admirables y nobilissims Titols de Honor de Cathalunya, Rossello y Cerdanya, vellum fol. ew la Vila de Perpinya per P. Lacavalleria 1628 Four prel. 11. ; text 586 pp. ; table 7 11. A rare and important book for the Catalan dialect. 1825 Boschini (Marco) II Regno tutto di Candia delineata a parte, a parte et Intagliato, 61 maps, proof impressions, calf fol. Venet. 1651 1826 Boschini. La Carto del Navegar Pitoresco, dialogo tra un senator Venetian deletante, e un professor de pitura, comparti in oto venti, front, portrait and 25 plates by the author sm. 4to. Venet. per li Baha 1660 Vert rare. Contains 12 prel. 11. ; 680 pp. and " Fittori Nominadi" 5 11. A poem in the Venetian dialect, giving a description of the paintings existing at Venice in the 17th century. Lake Trice's copy brought £17. 5s. 10 z /o - / 13 - / U z 3. ^ - n 6 i ^ I 146 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 1827 Boschini. Descrizione di tutte le pnbbliclie Pitture della cittji di Venezia e Isole circoiaviciui,//-o«f. vellum 12iiio. m Venesia 1733 1828 Bosio (Antonio) RoMA Sotteraxea, compita, disposta et accresciuta da G. Severani da S. Severino, tmmerotcs plates, vellum, fixe clean COPY inipl. fol. m Eoma app. G. Facciotti 1632 1829 Bosio (Jacomo) Li Privilegii della sacra Religione di S. Gio. Giero- solimitano, old calf, tvith the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 4to. in Boma app. O. Tornieri 1589 1830 Bosio. Dell' Historia della sacra Religione e Militia di S. Gio. Gierosolimitano, ivoodcut initial letters and vignettes, 3 vols, old calf, with Arms of Gabriel de Roquette, Aechbp. of Autux on sides, and armorial hoolc-p>late of A. Petavius inserted fol. Eomoi 1602-29 .11831 Bosio. Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hieru- SAJ^em, par I. Baudoin et F. A. de Naberat, numerous fine views and rtiaj)s^ armorial hooJc-plate printed on fly-leaf, large copy, old calf with the Arms of Leclerc de Lessville on sides thick roy. fol. Paris 21. Sohj etc. 1629 3.832 Bosnaan (Guill.) Voyage de Guinee contenant nne description nou- velle at tres-exacte de cette cote ou Ton trouve et ou Ton trafique I'or, les dents d'elephant et les esclaves, j^rt. arid plates, calf 12mo. Lond. chez Mortier 1705 1833 Bosqnetns (G.) Hngoneoriim Haereticornm Tolosas conjnratorum profligatio, vellum sm. 4to. Tolosce ex off. Jac. Colomerii 1563 Contains 74 11. ; top margin of title cut off. On the title is the foUowiDg " Prohibitus est hie Kber Supremo Parisiensium edicto anno 1563. Stefhanus Balcze Tdteleksis." 1834 Bosee (Abrabam) La Maniere Universelle de M. Desargties Lyonnois pour poser I'Essieu et placer les heures et autres cboses aux cadrans au Soleil, large paper, 28 proof plates, calf sm. 4to. Paris P. Bes-Hayes 1643 1835 Bosse. Traicte des Manieres de Graver en Taille-douce sur I'airain ; par le moyen des Eaux Fortes et des vernix durs et mols etc. large paper, 16 proof plates, old calf sm. 4to. Paris chez ledit Posse 1645 1836 Bosse. Maniere Universelle de Mr. Desargues pour pratiquer la Perspective par petit-pied comme le geometral, large paper, 156 fine proof plates, old calf sm. 4to. Paris P. Pes-Hayes 1648 1837 Bosse. Sentimens sur la Distinction des Diverses Manieres de Peinture, Dessein et Graveure, et des originaux d'avec leurs copies, p>lates, calf 12mo. Paris 1649 1838 Bosse. Moyen Universel de pratiquer la Perspective sur les Tableaux, ou surfaces irregulieres, pZa^es (wants printed title) calf sm. 8\o. Paris 1653 1839 Bosse. Traite des Manieres de Dessiner les Ordres de I'Architecture Antique en toutes leurs parties, numerotis fine plates, calf fol. a Paris 1688 1840 Bossius (Donatus) Cbronica Bossiana, sive gestorum dictorumque meniorabilium et temporum ac conditionum et mutationum humanarum ab orbis initio usque ad eius tempera (ann. 1492) etc. old calf fol. impressum Mediol. Ant. Zarotum anno 1492 Printed in Eoman letters without numerals. Contains a-y 4 in eights (s having 10, t, 6, and x, 4 11.) ; aj contains a Genealogical Table (in red) of the Visconti family. 1841 Bossuet (Jac. Ben.) Eveque de Meanx. Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle, pour expliquer la suite de la Religion et les cbangemes des Empires, edition originale, large paper, old crimson morocco gilt, with Arms of Fe. de Harlat-Chamvallon, Archbp. of Paris on sides, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. Paris Cramoisy 1681 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 147 1842 Bossiis (Matth.) Opera Varia, a Jul. Ambrosino coUecta, recognita et exposita, calf, with arms (damaged) fol. Bonon. ap. V. Benatium 1627 1843 Bossus. Rectipei'ationiim Fesulanarum ea pars quae complectitur Epistolas num. 132, calf, with the 7iame " Edward Gwynn " on the side 4to. impressus Bononice per Platonem de Benedictis 1493 Editio PRiNCEPS. Contains + 6 and a-i 4 in eights (h having 6 11. only) ; and A-0 in eights (2 11. mended). Autograph of Stephen Baluzius on title. 1844 Bossus. Aliud Exemplar, contemporary MS. notes in ^margins (^collation as above) Bonon. Plato de Bened. 1493 — Familiares et Secundae Epistolse (num. 232, et quatiTor Epistolge Varise) MS. notes in margins (contains a-z7 in sixes, a having 10 II. and b, 6 II., hole in z6 and zl) ; impressuin MantiocR per V. Bertochum 1498 ; in 1 vol. old calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides 4to. 1845 Bossus. Familiares et Secundse Epistolae (collation as in the preceding copy) calf 4to. Manttice per V. Bertochum 1498 1846 Bossus. De Instituendo Sapientia Animo, Disputationes per Dies viii. i]npressum (Bononice) a Platone de Benedictis, anno 1495 oct. idiis Nov. — Eiusdem in Jesu Christi Passione Sermo, impressus (ttt supra) tertio idus Nov. 1495 ; iu 1 vol. contemporary Italian binding in oahen hoards, covered with leather sm. 4to. Both works feinted on vellum in Roman letter. Very rare. The first work commences with the title, followed by Bosso's Epistle to Sev. Calchus, occupying in all 4 11. The text of " De lustituendo'' begins on sig. Aj and runs on to Q 4 in eights; Q3 being occupied on recto with an epigram by Ant. Aldegatti, and on verso with the Register and printer's device ; and Q 4 with the colophon. Then follows " Sermo Passionis," occupying a-b in sixes, b6 bearing the colophon and printer's device. There are besides 4 blank 11. of vellum bound within the covers (making in all 144 11.) The margin of the first page of " De Instituendo " is painted in colours and heightened in gold, and there are 9 illuminated initials. The 11. measure 8f X 6. 1847 Bossus. De Instituendo ; et Sermo Passionis. (Aliud exemplar) old calf sm. 4to. impressum (ut supra) a Platone de Benedictis This duplicate copy of the preceding is also printed upon vellum. The collation is the same, but this has no blank leaves. It is a little larger than the above, measuring rather more than 8| X 6f . The title on verso of leaf 4 is surrounded by a painted and illuminated border of very clever design, and there are 10 illuminated initials. 1848 Botereius (Rodolphus) De Rebus in Gallia, etpene toto orbe gestis commentariorum lib. xviii. in tres tomos tributi, in 2 vols, vellum 8vo. Paris. P. Chevalerii 1610 The title of vol. I mentions 18 books ; that of vol. 2, 16 only ; but there are really 1 7 books (as mentioned in the "Privilege") followed by " Lib. 1, torn iii." with a new title, which contains 19 11. only, 1849 Botereius. Historiopolitograpliia ; sive opus historico politicum duorum ; necnon Petri Mathsei Historian, 2 vols, vellum 4to. Francof 1610 1850 Botereius. Aurelia (seu veterum recentiumque Scriptorum de Augusta Aurelia et Ligeri, et traetu suburbano et vicino elogia) in prose and verse (4< prel. U. (1 blanh) and pp. ? 148 BIBLIOTHECA SUXDERLANDIANA. 1853 Bottonns. AnimaTversioni Apologeticlie, ove con principj Filoso- fici, e Medici si discovre, clie il sangue non sa anima, e che I'uso del Salasso sia necessario alia salute de' corpi umani (5 II. u'ormed) sm. 4to. in Messina 1717 1854 Bouchard (Alain) Les GRADES CRONIQUES de BRE- TAIGNE nouvellement imprimees a Paris ; tant de la Grande Bretaigne depuis le Roy Brutus qui la conquist et la appella Bre- taigne, jusques au temps de Cadualadrus derniere roy Breton dicelle grande Bretaigne, ensemble tons les aultres bretons y estans lors furent contrains de habandonner le pays pour les pestileces de maladie qui y sourvindrent que lors les Angloys de Saxonie y viudrent liabiter et la noramerent Angleterre, etc. (Colopbon) " Impritnees a Paris par Jehan de la Roche imprimeur demourdt en la rue Sainct Jacques pour Galliot du Pre marchant lihraire demourdt a Paris . . * Faict et paracJieve dimprimer le xxv de Noveiribre mil cinq cens et xiiii" (1514) old calf sm. fol. The MOST ANCIENT EDITION KNOWN of this CHRONICLE and EXCESSIVELY KAKE. It is printed in gothic letter in long lines (not in double columns as Brunct says ; it is only the table which is so printed) ; and contains numerous woodcuts. Collation : — title ; with the privilege of Louis XII. on verso, and " tabula " 16 11. Signs. Aa-Cc4 in sixes. The text has signs, a-z, Q (7 11.), ? A-V, and aa-hh8, all in sixes (except a which has 8 11.). The text is numb, from Feuillet iii. to ccc 1. Feuill. i and ii not numb, and there are two unnumb. 11. at the end. F. x is numb, twice, F. xiii is skipped, F. xxi is numb, xxxi, F. xxxv is numb, xxvii, F. cxxix numb, twice, F. cxxx skipped, F. between cxlvi and cxlvii containing a figure of S. Ives not numb., cxcv numb, twice, cc skipped, F. ccxviii numb, ccxiii, ccxxxix numb, ccxxix. Fols. ccxlix to cclxxviii skipped, F. cclxxxii numb, cclxxii. F. cclxxxvii skipped, cexci numb. ccxc. F. ccxcii numb, twice, F. cccxxiv numb, cccxxvi, F. cccxxxv numb, twice. The present is a sound and perfect copy, ita only defect being a small hole in F. cclxxxvi. There are a few pen and ink notes in some of the margins. 1855 Boucliard. Les Croniques Axxalles des pats daxgleterre et Bretaigxe, contenant les faictz et gestes des roys et princes qui ont regno oudit pays . . . faictes par Alain Bouchard, et depuis augmentees et continueos jusques en I'an mil cinq cens xxxi, lit. (JOtfj. title in red and black ivithin a icoodcut border ; tcoodcuts, ''^Imprimees a Paris par Anthoine Cousteau imprimeur, le unziesme jour de Septcmhre mil cinq cens xxxi (1531) potir Jehan Petit et Galliot du Pre." old calf fol. A VEBY RARE EDITION. Contains 10 prel. 11., and Feuillets i-ccxxxiii ; signs, a 6, b4, a-x. and AA-SS 3 in sixes, QQ having 8 11. (ej is marked in mistake fj). A sound and perfect copy ; plain margin of 1 leaf torn. This copy has the device of Petit on reverse of last leaf ; some copies have that of Galliot du Pre. Willett'a copy fetched £21. 1856 Bouchard ( Almaricus ) Fceminei Sexus Apologia adversus Andream Tiraquellum, old calf sm. 4to. m Chalcographia Jo. Badii Ascensii ad xiiii Calend. Feb. anno 1522, cavitque Senatus Parlamenteus imprimat Printed tpon vellum in Koman letters. Kare. Contains 73 numb. 11. and 3 blank 11. with the Ascensian device on title. 1857 Bouche (Honor) Vindiciae Fidei et Pietatis ProvinciaB pro Coeliti- bus illius tutelaribus restituendis, vellum, Autograph of S. Baluzius on title 12m.o. Aquis-Sextiis J. Poize 1644 An early and scarce specimen of Aix typography. 1858 Boucbe. La Cliorograpbie on Description de Provence et IHistoire Cbronologique du mesme Pays, front. 2 maps, portraits etc. 2 vols, calf fol. a Aix par C David 1664 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 149 1859 Botichel (Laurent) La Bibliotlieque ou Thresor da Droict Francois, sommairement extraites des plus celebres Jurisconsultes etc. 3 vols. old calf fol. Paris N. Bmn 1629 1860 Boucher (Jean) Sermons de la simulee conversion et nullite de la pretendue absolution de Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Beam a S. Denys en France, le Dimanche 25 Juillet 1503 etc. prononcez en I'Eglise S. Merry a Paris (6 prel. II. ; pp. 625; table etc. 10 II.) vellum sm. 8yo. jo uxte la copie impriviee a Paris chez G. CJiaudiere etc. 1593 1861 [Boucher (Pierre)] Histoire Veritable et Naturelle des Moeiirs et Productions du Pays de la Nouvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada (12 prel. II. and pp. 168) calf 12mo. Paris chez F. Lambert 1664 1862 Boucbet (Guill.) Juge et Consul des Marchands, Poictiers. Les Serees (ou sent contenues diverses matieres fort recreatives et serieuses etc.) the three books in 1 vol. vellum 8vo. Pouen chez L. et D. Loudet 1635 This book is referred to by Sterae in his Tristram Shandy — see Ferriar's Illustrations. 1863 BoucHET (Jehan) L'Amoureus transt sans espoir. (Colophon) '^ Icy finissent les fait z de Vamoureux transy ( facteur de ce present livre) Maistre Jehan Bouchet pcureur a Poictiers., imprimees a Paris par honnorable homme Anthoine Verard marchant libraire demorant a Paris devant la grant ^glise nostre Dame" (s. a. vers 1503) sm. 4to. Printed upon vellum in bold gothic characters, and illustrated with 20 beau- tiful Miniatures cleverly drawn, painted in colours and heightened in GOLD ; the verso of title having a border of elaborate floreate ornament in gold and colours. It contains a-p in sixes p6 being blank (90 11.). The copy which Brunet saw had only 4 11. to sheet a (being imperfect), but this has the correct number (see the supplement to the "Manual" by Deschamps and Brunet). Copies on vellum are exceedingly rare. The present is a very fine one and is bound in old red morocco with broad gilt tooled borders. Heber's copy on paper produced £9. 9s. 1864 Bouchet. Le Panegyric du Chevallier sans reproche (Louis de LA Trimouille) [Colophon : on verso of F. cxciiii] " Gy finist le Chevalier sans reproche copose p maistre Jehan Bouchet procureur es cours royales de Poictiers, iviprime p Jacques Bouchet demourant aud Poictiers a la celle, et se vedet en la Boutique du dit Bouchet, et au Pellican pres le Palais, et fut acheve le xxviii jour de mars mil cinq cens xxvii" (1527) old calf, with Marlborough Arms on sides sm. 4to. Vert rare. Written in prose and verse and printed in Gothic letter, except the Latin verses, which are in a small semi-gothic type. The collation is — Title, having the device of de Marnef, and on verso a woodcut equestrian figure and Arms of L. de la Trimouille ; " Epistre de Bouchet aux Trinepotes " 2 11. with a Latin epigram of Nic. Paruus on verso of second leaf ; a blank leaf follows ; then "Epistre contenant lintencion de lacteur " and " Table des Chapitres " etc. 8 11. ; then " Epistre de I'acteur a J. Dauthon " with Dauthon's Response 6 11. ; the text then commences on Feuillet I., and runs on to cxcvi. A portion of F. cxciv and all Fs. cxcv and cxcvi are occupied with Latin epigrams by Nic. Paruus. Some 11. are a little stained. 1865 Bouchet. Forme et Ordre de Plaidoirie en toutes les cours Royalles et subalterns de le Royaulme, regies par coustumes, styles et ordon- nances Royaulx (124 11.) Paris Ch. VAngelier 1544— Epithome de plusieurs edicts, ordonnances, niandemens et commissions de Roy etc. extraict par Maistre Germain de la Magdalene {title and 5 II. ivormed) Paris ib. 1557 — Instruction et Formulaire des Advocats, mis en lumiere par F. de Saleron (147 11.) Paris ib. 1559 ; in 2 vols. caJf 12mo. 1866 Bouchet. Les Genealogies, Effigies et Epitaphes des Rots de France, recentement reveues et corrigees, par I'Autheur mesmes; avee q' plusieurs aultres opuscules, le tout mis de nouveau en lumiere /5' /y /o/zo' - II 6 to 150 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. par ledict Autheur, 67 tvoodcut portraits, old calf, with gilt centre and corner ornaments, vert clean copy fol. iviprime a Poictiers par J. Bouchet 1545 The most complete of all the early editions. It contains 6 prel. 11. including title; 163 numb. 11.; and printer's device on separate leaf at end. Heber's copy sold for X4. 14s. 1867 BoTicliet. Les Annalles Dacquitaine faitz et gestes en sommaire DES Rots de France et Dangleterre et des pays de Naples et de Milan ; nouvellement corrigees avec ancunes additions de la duche de Bourgongne et cote de Flandres, lit. got!) : (a la fin) ; " Cy finissent les annalles Dacquitaine .... recueilUes des anciennes et approvees liistoires et de plusieurs pancartes par Maistre Jelian Bouchet procureur dudit Poictiers" (s. a. et I.) old calf gilt sm. fol. A RARE EDITION. Contains 12 prel. 11. including title ; and numb. 11. i-lxxii and i-lxxix. 1868 Bouchet. Annalles d'Aquitaine ; qnartement reveues et corrigees par rautlieiir mesnies ; jusque en I'an mil cinq cents quarante cinq, old leather binding, gilt and gauffred edges fol. on les vend a Poictiers par jeh. et Enguil. de Marnef 1545 1869 Bouchet. Les Annales d'Aquitaine ; augmentees de plusieurs pieces rares et liistoriques extraictes des Bibliotheques et recueillies par A. Mounin, edition derniere et nouvelle, /?-o?ti^. old calf fol. a Poictiers par A. Mounin 1644 1870 Bouchet (Jean, Sieur du) La Veritable Origine de la seconde et troisiesme lignee de la Maison Roy ale de France, justifiees par plusieurs Chroniques et Histoires anciennes, d'auteui's contemporains etc. avec des Preuves, front, and vignettes, vellum, fine clean copy fol. Paris chez Mat. du Puis 1646 1871 Bouchet. Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Rotale de CoTJRTENAT, justifie par plusieurs chartes de diverses Eglises, Arrests du Parlement etc. large paper, fine proof plates of Arms etc. old crimson morocco, tlie sides and hack covered with fieur-de-lis, gilt edges, fine COPT fol. Paris chez F. Preveray 1661 1872 Bouchet. Preuves de I'Histoire de I'lllustre Maison de Coligny, tirees des Ctartres de diverses Eglises etc. (1228 pp.) vellum fol. Paris J. Bupuis 1662 1873 Bouchin (Estienne) Plaidoyez et conclusions prises pendant I'exercise de sa charge de conseiller et procureur du Roy aux cours Royalles u Bcaune, seconde edition, veUum sm. 8vo. Paris Claude Morel 1620 1874 Boucicaut (Jean de) Mareschal de France. Histoire de ses memor- ables Faicts en France, Italie etc. jusques en Fan 1408, nouvellement raise en lumiere par Theod. Godefroy, calf 4to. Paris chez Ah. Pacard 1620 1875 Bouclier d'Estat et de Justice, centre le dessein manifestement decouvert de la Monarchic Universelle, sous le vain pretexte des Pretentions de la Reyne de France (par le Baron de I'lsola) (6 p7-el. II. and pp. 223) vellum sm. 4to. s. I. (Brux.) 1667 1876 Boucq (Pierre le) Histoire de la Terre et Vicomte de Sebourcq, jadis possedee par les Comtes de Flandre et de Hainiiault, ensemble de lours faicts hero'iques et memorables etc. plate of Arms and genealogical table, vellum sm. 4to. Brux. chez J. Mommart 1645 1877 Bougainville (Louis de) Voyage round the World, translated from the French by J. R. Forster, maps, calf 4to. Lond. 1772 1878 Bouhours (Dominique) Les Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene, front. {slightly defective) and vignettes, calf 4to. Paris Seb, Cramoisy 1671 /3 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 151 1879 Boliours. Les Entretiens, nouvelle edition, ou les mots des Devises sont expliquez, front, calf 12mo. Faris 1691 1880 Boliours. Sentimens de Cleante sur les Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene, edition originale, 2 vols, tvith Autographs of '* P. Bonxet " and "Baebier d'aucodr adcocat,'" old calf, with Armorial Book-plate of H. B. DE FouRCY 12mo. Paris P. le Monnier 1671-2 1881 Boulioiirs. Remarques Nonvelles sur la Langue Fran^oise, calf 4to. Paris Cranwisy 1675 1882 Bouhours. Histoire de P. d'Aubusson Grand-Maitre de Rhodes, seconde edition, calf 12nio. Paris 8. Gramoisy 1677 1883 Bouhours. La Vie de S. Francois Xavier de la Compagnie de Jesus, Apostre des Indes et du Japon, map {so'me II. stained) calf 4to. Paris Gramoisy 1682 1884 Bohours. La Maniere de bien pen.ser dans les ouvrages d'esprit. Dialogues, |5re«iiere edition, calf , ■with arms of JjE Clerc de Less- viLLE 071 sides 4to. Paris Gramoisy 1687 1885 Bohours. La Maniere de bien penser, seconde edition, calf l2mo. Paris Gramoisy 1688 1886 Bohours. Recueil de Vers Choisis, calf 12mo. Paris 1693 1887 Bohours. Pensees Ingenieuses des Anciens et des Modernes, calf 12mo. Paris 1707 1888 Bouillon. Discours des droicts et pretentions de M. Frederic^ Mauince de la Tour, Due de Bullion, Prince Soverain de Sedan, centre I'Evesque et chapitre de I'Eglise de Liege et les estats et comraunautez du dit pays (38 pji.) calf sm. 4to. s. I. {apparently privately printed) 1636 1889 Bouillon. Les Memoiies de Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, soverain due de Bouillon, calf 12mo. Paris chez Gidgnard 1666 1890 BouLAESE (Jehan) Le Tliresor et entiere histoire de la triomphante victoire du coi'ps de Dieu sur I'espint maling Beelzebub, obtenue a Laon I'an mil cinq cens soixante six ;. recueillie des actes publics . . . et publiqueraent averee par le veiie I'oye, et le toucher de plus de cent cinquante mil personnes; etc. folding plate, calf 4to. Paris chez Nicolas Ghesneau 1578 A scarce and curious work. Contains 40 numbered 11. including title, and pp. 787. At the end of the vol. is bound a scarce tract of 17 11. entitled "Histoire Veritable de la Guerison admirable d'une Femme nomme Nicole Obry de long temps privee de I'usage de la veue, en I'Eglise d'Amiens May 1577, avec deux odes de S. Jean Baptiste, Paris, N. Chesneau 1578." 1891 Boulainvilliers (Henri, Comte de) Etat de la France ; extrait des memoires dressez par les Intendans du Royaume par ordre du Roy, map)^ 3 vols, calf fol. Lond. Wood and Palmer 1727 1892 Boullat (Edmond du) Les Dialogues des Trots Estaiz de Lor- raine, sur la nativite de Prince Charles de Lorraine, avec la Genealogie de tous les Roys depuis Adam, ensemble une cbant royal, troys cantiques, et une peroration etc. title within woodcut border, with arms on verso, large woodcut ayid woodcut initials (30 II,) a very rare and curious hooh, calf sm. fol. Strasbourg j^ar Georges Messerschmidt 1543 1893 Boullay. Les Genealogies des tres-illustres et tres puissans Princes les Ducz de Lorraine Mai'chis, avec le discours des alliances et traictez de mariages en icelle maison de Lorraine jusques au Due Francoys dernier decede (72 II.) woodcuts of arms, vellum sm. 8vo. Paris chez Gilles Gorrozet 1549 1894 Boullaye-le-Gouz (Sieur de la) Angevin. Les Voyages et obser- vations, oil sont decrites les religions, gouvernemens, et situations des estats et royaumes d'ltalie, Grece, Indes Orientales des Portugais, Grande Bretagne, Irlande, etc. numerous curious icoodeuts, calf, fine clean copy 4to. Paris F. Glousier 1657 r t. 9 / /f / / 1- i 10 \ 1 uS- - - 7 7 - 152 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEKLANDUNA. 1895 Bourdeaux. Breve discours sur rAntiquite de Boiirdeaux (28 ??♦) ' a Puitiers Enguil. de Marnef 1565 — Recherche de TAntiquite d'Engoulesme (16 ZZ.) a Poitiers, ih. 1567 ; in vol. vellum sm. 4fto. 1896 Bordeaux. Chronique Bourdeloise, corrigee et augmentee depnis rannee 1620 jusques a present, 4 i:>lates, 47 II. (1 defective), a Bour- deaux par J. Miilanges 1672 — Supplement des Clironiques de Bour- deaux par Jean Darnal (198 jpp.) 1666 — Privileges des Bourgeois (32 II.) Bourdeaux 1677 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 1897 BouRDiGXE (Jehan de) Hystoire Agregative des Annalles et CROXiCQUES DAXJOU, contenant le commencement et origine danjou . . . et plusieurs faictz dignes de memoire advenuz tant en France, Italic, Espagne, AngleteiTC, Hierusalem, et autres royaulmes tant Chretiens que Sarrazins depuis le temps du deluge jusques a present . . . reveues et additionnees par le Viateur, lit. gotlj. woodcut title, initial letters and other woodcuts, old calf, ivith the Marlborough, arms on sides. Oti les vend a Anglers . . . nouvellement imprimecs a Paris par Anthoyne Couteau . . . achevees dimprimer au moys de Janvier 1529 fol. The FIRST EDiTiox of this VEET RABE CHROxiCLE, reprinted by Couteau in 1533 ; and later in 1842. It contains 4 prel. 11. and Feuillets i-ccvii, followed by a separate leaf containing the device of Galliot du Pre. The leaves of this copy are water-stained ; but the text is quite whole and perfect. 1898 Bourg ( Anne du ) La Yraye Histoire, contenant I'inique jugement et fausse procedure fait centre le fidele serviteur de Dieu Anne du Bourg; avec sa confession de Foy, etc. (116 jpp. including title) a Lyon pour Jean Marceau 1562 — Examen de la Doctrixe SoRBOXiQUE, touchant le sacrement et sacrifice de I'Eucharistie, recueilli des ecrits de Pierre Lombard, mis en Francois sur le Latin, dernierement imprime {pp. 62) (s. Z. et noni. d'imp.) 1566 — Les Exemples N'otables des Jugemens de Dieu, en la mort espou- vantable, et desespoir de plusieurs, pour avoir abandonne la verite de rEvangile (chiefly relating to Fraxcis Spira) (56 pj).) suivant la copie imp. a Lyon par Jean Saugrain 1565 — Raison pourquoy les Peres et Meres de I'Eglise Reformee ne doivent permettre que leurs enfans soyent baptizez en I'eglise Romaine et Papale {24: pp.). (a la flu) Ecrit au Plessis Bertrand, ce premier jour de Juin 1566 — D'un Seul Moyenneur, Advocat et Intercesseur entre Dieu et les hommes, nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. On est aussi demonstre comment la Vierge Marie doit estre honoree (27 II.) (s. I. et nom. d'imp.) 1564 — Sommaire des Raisons que rendent ceux qui ne veulent participer a la Messe (32 jjpi.) (s. I. et nom. d'imp.) 1566 — Briefe Resolution du doute que plusieurs font aujourd'huy, assavoir quelle Religion est la plus ancienne (67 pp.) ih. 1566 — La Vie et Doctrine de David George, Holandois, et chef des Heretiques ; escrites par le Recteur et Universite de Basle du manderaent des Magistrats et Senat de la dicte ville (63 pip.) (Paris) chez Ahel Glemence 1566— Traitte de la Peste, auquel est monstre qu'elle est envoyee de Dieu pour punir les pechez des hommes, quel remede il y faut cercher, et quelle consolation reste quand par icelle ou seroit retire de ce monde, avec une priere pour les Malades ; par M. de la Fate : plus un Sermon de S. Cyprien touchant la Mortalite (109 pp. and leaf of errata) a Saint Loj)«r Thos. Bouchard 1564 — Traite de S. C. Cyprian, du mal qu'apporte rEn\'ie et Jalousie du bien d'autrui, avec une Traite touchant la discipline et les habits des filles ; traduit en Francois par L. Daxeau, Ministi'e a Gtax (80 pp).) printer's device on last leaf ; a Orleans Eloys Gihier, imprimetir de la dicte Ville 1566. A COLLECTIOX of (10) rare CONTEMPORARY TrACTS on the RE- FORMED Religion, mostly privately printed, cdl clean and perfect copies; in 1 vol. calf 12mo, 2h 16 le" BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIAHA. 153 1899 Bourgeois du Chastenet (H.) Nouvelle Histoire dn Concile de Constance, avec des Preuves, calf 4to. Pans 1718 1900 Bourges (Jac. de) Relation du Voyage de Monseigneur I'Eveque de Beryte, Vicare Apostolique du Rojaume de la Cochincliine, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, etc. jusqu'aa Royaume de Siam, at autres lieux, seconde edition, calf Svo. Paris chez P. BecJiet 1668 1901 Bourgogne. Institutes au Droit Coutumier du Duche de Bourgogne ; avec le texte de la Coutume, les Cayers, etc. calf 12mo. a Pijon par J. Bessayre 1697 1902 [Bourgoing (Jacques)] De Origine, usu et ratione vulgarium vocum LiugujB Gallicre, Italicaj et Hispaniae, libri primi sive A., centuria una, auctore J. B. Parisiensi (10 prel. II. and 91 numh. II.) old calf sni. 4to. Paris. S. Prcevostea^t 1583 1903 Bouricius (Jac.) Liber Singularis ad Pandectas, vellum sni. 4to. Leovardice 1613 1904 Bouricius. Advocatus ; et Captivus, sive Enchiridion defensionum, Harlingce Frisiorum 1665-66 — Tractatus de Officio Judicis autliore Joan. Bouricio, ib. 1668 ; in 1 vol. velltun sm. 4to. 1905 Bouricius. The three treatises as above, in 1 vol. calf, sm. 4to. — Exemplum Actionis ex stipulatu fide jussoriae, vellum 12mo. Spirce Nemetum 1597 1906 Boursault (Edme) Les Nicandi-es ou les Menteurs qui ne mentent point, Comedie (11 prel. II. and 60 pp.) Paris chez N. Pepingue 1665 — La Metamorphoses des Yeux de Philis, changez en Astres, Pastoralle representee par la Troupe Royale (10 prel. II. and 4iQ pp.) ib. 1665 — Le Medecin Volant, Comedie (5 prel. II. and 4:6 pp.) ib. 1665; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. All rare original editions. The Author was the antagonist, afterwards the friend, of Moliere and Boilean. 1907 Bouteroue (Claude) Recherches curieuses des Monnoyes de France depuis le commencement de la Monarchic, large paper, numerous plates of coins, calf roy. fol. Paris, JEdme Martin 1666 1908 Boverio (Zaccaria) Annali dell' Ordine de Frati Minori Cappucini tradotti nell' Italiano da F. Bened. Sanbenedetti, front. 4< vols, old calf with the Arms of President Seguier on sides, and axdograph of Steph. Baluzius on title 4to. in Venet. app. I G-itonti 1643-5 1909 Boxhornius (Marcus Zuer.) Theatrum, sive Hollandias comitatus et urbium nova descriptio, numerous old views, etc. (spotted) calf oblong 4to. Amst. sumpt. H. Hondius 1632 1910 Boxhornius. Poet« Satyrici minores de corrupto Reipublicae Statu, 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1633 — Eiusdem Questiones Romanse ; ace. Plutarchii Quest. Rom. Gr. et Lat. cum comment, vellum sm. 4to. ib. 1637 1911 Boxhornius. Monumenta Illustrium Virorum et Elogia, engraved title and 125 fine proof plates, old calf gilt fol. Amst. ap. Joan. Jansson 1638 1912 Boxhornius. Historia Universalis, sacra et profana, a Christo nata usque ad annum 1650, vellum thick sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat. P. Leffen 1652 § 1 II /3 li 154 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. EIGHTH DAY^S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 1913 Boxliornins. Originum Gallicarnra Liber : cui accedit Antique LiNGO^ Britannicj: Lexicon Britannico-Latiuum etc. old calf, tvith the Sunderland Anns on sides sm. 4to. Amst. ap. Joa. Jayisson. 1654 1914 Boyer (A.) The History of the Reign of Queen Anne ; with an ajjpendix of Remarkable Papers etc. plates of Medals etc. calf fol. Lond. 1722 1915 Boyle (Hon. Robert) Works, with Life of the Author (and preface by Thos. Birch), large paper, jpor^. and plates, 5 vols, old calf gilt fol. Lond. A. Millar 1744 1916 Boyle. Considerations on the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosophy, calf 4to. Oxford, H. Hall 1664 — Medicina Hydrostatica, front, calf 12mo. Lond. 1690 1917 Boyle Lecture. Sennons preaclied at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Rob. Boyle, from 1691 to 1732, 3 vols, calf fol. Land. 1739 1918 Boyssat (P.) Recherches sur les Duels, dediees a haut et puissant Seigneur, Messire Charles, Sire de Crequi, Prince de Poys etc. (3 prel. II. and 68 pp.) SCARCE, vellnm sm. 4to. Lyon par Irenes Barlet 1610 1919 Boyvin (Francois) Baron du Villars. Memoires sur les Guerres desmeslees tant en Piedmont qu'au Montfen-at et Duche de Milan par feu Messire Charles de Cosse pour le Roy Henry Second, com- men^ans en I'annee 1560, et finissans en 1559, le tout divise en dix Livi'es, old calf gilt, laith the Sunderland Arms on sides, rough edges 4to. a Paris chez Jean Houze, 1607 Original Edition. Contains 4 prel. 11. ; 683 pp. ; Table 41 pp. (corner of last leaf defective). 1920 Boyvin (Jean) Le Siege de la Ville de Dolle, capitale de la Franche- Comte et son heureuse deliverance, engraved title and 2 plans, a Anvers par B. Moret 1638 — Relation du Siege de Breme le 27 Mars 1638 (21 pp.) ib. 1638— Besse (Guil.) Histoire des Comtes de Carcassonne, engraved title, a Beziers 1645 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1921 Bozius (Tho.) De Antiquo et Novo Italise Statu, libri quatuor. Adversus MaccLiavellum, vellum sm. 4to. Bomce ap. G. Facciottum 1596 ll922 Bracellius (Jacobus) DeBello Hispano (sen adversus Alphonsum V. Hispaniaj Regem a Genuensibus feliciter gesto, anno 1420) libri v. edente Masello Venia Beneventano, oUl calf sm. 4to. {ahsque nota) Editio Princeps, rare. 86 11. printed in semi-gothic type without numerals, catchwords or signatures. It is supposed by Panzer and others to have been printed at Milan about 1477. 3-923 Bracellius. De bello hispano. Aliud exemplar ; with much larger margins, but slightly ivormed, old calf sm. 4to. X924 Bracellius. De bello hispano : Item, Jo. Joviani Pontani de BeUo Neapolitano libb. sex. una cum Hist. Encom. And. Alciato authore, i old stamped calf sm. 4to. Haganoce per Jo. Secerium 1530 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 155 1925 Bracellius. De bello hispaniensi ; eiusdem de claris Gemiensibus libellus, orce Ligusticae descriptio, vellum sm. 4to. Bomce ap. Haerecl. Ant. Bladii 1573 1926 Bracli (Pierre de) Les Poemes de Pierre de Bracli Bourdelois, divises en trois livi-es, Edition Seconds, vellum, ivitli hooh-plate of N. J. FoDCAULT sm. 4to. a Bourcleaux per S. Millanges 1682 This second edition is not mentioned in Brunei ; or in the supplement of Deschamps. Jt contains 8 prel. 11. and 220 numb. 11. The corners of the last 7 11. are mended. 1927 Braclielius (Adolplms) Historia nostri tempornra rerum. bello et pace per Enropam atque iu Germania maxime gestarum ab anno 1618 ad 1654, numerous portraits, 2 vols, calf 16mo. Amst. J. Van Meurs 1659 1928 Bracton (H. de) De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, libri quinqiie, old calf fol. Loud. ap. HicJi. Totelluni 1569 1929 Braddon (Laurence) A Proposal for relieving, reforming and employing all the poor of Great Britain, (in English and French) calf 8vo. (privately printed) Lond. 1721 1930 Braddon. Particular Answers to the most material objections made to the proposal for relieving all the poor of Gt. Britain, large PAPER, calf roy. 8vo. printed in the year 1722 1931 Bradley (Rich.) The Gentleman and Gardener's Kalendar, plates, 3 pts. in 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 8vo. Lond. 1718 1932 Brady (Robert) A Complete History of England, with the con- tinuation and introduction, port, of James II. etc. 3 vols, calf fol. Lond. 1684-1700 1933 Brahe (Tycho) Vita, Auct. Pet. Gassendo ; ace. Nic Copernici, Geo. Pearbachii et Jo. Regiomontani Vitte, portraits of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe, calf, large copy 4to. Paris, ap. viduam M. Dupuis 1654 1934 Brahei et alioruni vitte. Editio Secunda, 2 portraits, old calf sm. 4to. Hag. -Com. 1655 On the fly-leaves are written the astrological uativities of the four famous astronomers. 1935 Bramhall (John) Archhp. of Armagh. Works, collected into one volume, with life, old calf fol. Dah. B. Toolce 1677 1936 Branchi (Girolamo) Dell' Historia Austriaca, 2 vols, calf sm. 4to. Vienna ap. G. Van Ghelen 1688-91 1937 Brandao (Dr. Fr. Francisco) Discurso Gratulatorio sobre o Dio da Felice Restitucaio et acclamacao de Rey D. Joam lY. (4 prel. II. and 179 p>p.) Lishoa 1642 — El Principe Encubierto, Manifestado en quatro discursos politicos exclamados al rey Don Phelippe IIII. Jlscrivelos Lucindo Lusitano (57 II.) Lisb. 1642 — Panegyrico Apolo- getico por la desagraviada Lusitania (24 II.) Barcellona par Jorge Bodrigues 1641 — Marte Portugues. Contra Emulaciones Castel- lanas ; os Justificationes de las Armas del Rey de Portugal contra Castilla (6 prel. II. and pp. 252), en la imprenta de Lourenqo de Amberes 1642— Carta que a un sSor de la corte de Inglaterra escrivio el Dr. Ant. de Sousa de Macedo, sobre el manifesto que publico el D. Jos. Pellizer (16 II.) em Lisb. 1641 — Juan Caramuel Convencido por Ant. de Sousa (title and 140 pp.) en Lond. 1642 ; 6 rare tracts in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 1938 Brandt (Gerard) La Vie de Michel de Ruiter, Amiral de Hollande, ou es comprise 1' Histoire Maritime des Provinces Unies, depuis I'an 1652 jusques a 1676, traduite du Hollandois, plates, calf fol. P. et J. Biaen 1698 b 11 lo m t lb" (o 156 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDRRLANDIANA. 1939 Brandt. History of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions of the Low Countrii£S from the eighth century to the Synod of Dortjji'ne portraits, 4 vols. hf. calf, antique style, carmine edges, clean copy fol. Lond. 1720-23 1940 Brandt. History of the Reformation, labge paper, fine proof portraits, toIs. 1 and 2, calf impl. io\. Lond. 1720 1941 Brantius (Sebastiakus) Stultifera Navis. Narragonice perfec- tionis nnnquam satis laudata navis, vernacnlo yulgarisqne Latino sermone et rhythmo etc. per Jac. Locher, numerous curious and spirited ivoodcuts, vellum sm. in laudatiss. Germanioi TJrhe Basiliensi opd JoHANNiS Bergmax de Olpe, Atcgusti 1497 This is supposed by Dibdin to be the second edition in Latin (the former having been issued in March in the same yearl, not often found in good state. It contains 159 11. according to the paging, but there are really 163 11. Signs, a-8 in eights, r 4, t 2, V 6, X 4 and y 3. The pagination is coiTect as regards the number of 11. up to fol. 144, after -wliich comes sign. C, 4 11. not numb. Then in the order mentioned fol. 145, 140,149-152, 147-148, 153-159. Fol. x is numb, xii ; xvi is numb, xiiii ; xxxvi numb, xxxiiii ; xxxviii numb, xl ; xlv numb, xiv ; xlvii numb. Ixvii. The present copy is very clean, and the impressions of the woodcuts very good. Lake Price's copy sold last year for £12. 5s. 1942 Brantins. Navis Stultifera Collectanea. A Jodoco Badio As- censio vario carminiigenere non sine eorundem familiari explanatione conflata, lit goti). numerous curious and spirited woodcuts, ruled with red lines, old calf sm. 4to. Venund. Farisiis in aidihus Ascensianis 1507 A RARE EDITION ; contaius cvii numb. fols. and 1 unnumb. The title bears the device of De Marnef. 1943 Brantius. Varia Cannina, ruled with red lines, woodcuts, old calf sm. 4to. Basilice opera et impensis Joh. Bergmann de Olpe (with device) 1498 Eare ; contains a-k in eights (except e, g. i, k, which have 4 11. each) and a-n in eights [except be (no sign, c) i, and m, which have 4 11. each.] 1944 Brantome (Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de) Memoires, con- tenant les Vies des Hommes illustres Fran9ois et Etrangeres, et Vies de Dames Galantes de son temps, 8 vols. oZcZ calf 16mo. a Leyde cliez Jean Sambix 1665-1666 Laing's copy of this edition sold for £6. 5s. 1945 Brasseur (Phil.) Origines omnium Hannoniae Coenobiorum octo libris breviter digestje, calf 12mo. Montihus Ph. Waudrcei 1650 1946 Braudlacht (Geo.) Pacificationum Austro - Hispano - Gallicorum Historia Aug. Vind. 1644 — Rolbagii pro Generosa Nobilitate in Imperio Germano-Romano tuenda et stabilienda, SpircB 1602 ; in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4to. 1947 Braunius (Jo.) Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebraeorum, sive comment, in Exodi cap. xxviii etc. plates, old calf sm. 4to. Amst. Wolters 1701 1947*Braunius. Jurisprudentia Problematica, calf 8vo. Francof. 1675 1948 Bray (Dr. Thos.) Papal Usurpation and Persecution as it has been exercised in ancient and modern times, oZ'i calf, with the Marlborough Arms on sides fol. Lond. 1712 1949 Brebeuf (Guill. Sieur de) Eloges Poetiques, Edition originals (6 prel. II. and pp. 162) calf 12mo. Paris A. de Sommaville 1661 1950 Brechaei (Joannes) ad Titnlnm Pandectarum de verborum et rerum significatione commentarii, ivoodcut portrait on title, calf fol. Lngd. ap. Joan. Temporalem 1556 ^1951 Bredenbachius (Tilmannus) Historia Belli Livonici, quod Magnus Moscovitaruin dux, contra Livones gessit, 55 numb. II. and leaf with printers device {one of the earliest books printed at Douay). BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 167 Buaci ap. Jon. Silvium 1564 — Commentarii Hieronymi Comitis Alexandrini de aceirimo, ac omnium difficillimo Turcarum bello, in Insulam Melitam gesto, anno mdlxv. (16 pirel. II. (3 blarih) and 63 numb. II.) Ve7iet. ex off. Sfellce Jord. Ziletti 1566 — Belli Dithmarisci ab inclyto Danise Rege Friderico II. gesti, anno 1559 (pji?. 323) Basil, per Sam- Begium 1570 — Leonliardi Gorecii, Descriptio Belli Juoniae, voiusdse Valadicas quod anno 1574 cum Seljmo II. Turcarum imp. gessit (157 pp.) Francof. ap. A. Wechel. 1578 — Clades Dantisca- norum a. d. 1577 a Joanne Lasicio Polono descripta etc. (48 JW-) 1578 ; all fine copies of scarce tracts ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 8vo. 1952 Brag (Jo.) Disputatio de Jurisdictione Proposita, vellum 4to. Frib. Brisg. 1619 1963 Bremond (Gabrielle) Viaggi fattinell' Egitto superiore et inferiore etc. fatta da Francese en Italiano da G. Corvo, calf 4to. Roma 1679 1954 Brenner (Elias) Thesaurus Nummorum Sueo-Gotbicorum Vetustus, numerous plates of coins and medals, calf sm. 4to. StocJcholmicB 1691 1955 Brescia. Cronicbetta breve e diletevolle ne la quale se narra il principio di questa citta de Brescia per B. V. Cittadino Bresciano (36 II.) stained, calf 12mo. Stampato inBressa per Lud. da Sabio 1559 1956 Bret (Car. le) De la Souverainete du Eoy (stained) calf, 4to. Paris Touss. du Bray 1632 — Car. Breti Ordo Perantiquus Judiciorum Civilium, vellum 4to. Paris. 1604 1957 Bret (Henry le) Histoire de la Ville de Montauban, calf sm. 4to. a Montauban per 8. Biibois 1668 1958 Bretagne. Coustumes generales du Pays et Duche de Bretao-ne, en I'an 1580 reformees et redigees en escrit par les Commissaires du Roy (Q prel. II. and 476 pp.) vellum 16mo. Nantes par P. Doriou 1650 1969 Bretonneau (Guy) Histoire Genealogique de la Maison dea Bri9onnets ; contenant la vie et actions plus memorables de plusieurs illustres personnages sortis de cet estoc ; et Oratio Joach. Perionii de Laudibus Dion. Briconneti Epis. Macloviensis, etc. fine front, by Picart containing 6 portraits, vellum 4to. Paris chez Jean Daumalle 1620 1960 Breval (Jo. Durant de) Remarks on several parts of Europe, relating cbiefly to History, Antiquities and Geography, mimerous maps, plans and plates, proof impressions, old yelloio morocco gilt, gilt edges fol. Bond. B. Bintott 1726 1961 Breventano (Stefano) Cittadino Pavese. Istoria della Antichita Nobilta, et delle cose notabili della citta di Pavia, vellum sm, 4to. Pavia app. H. Bartholi 1570 1962 Breves (Franc. Savari de) Relation des Voj^ages tant en Grece, Terre Saincte, et Egypte, qu'aux Royaumes de Tunis et Arger ; ensemble un traicte faict I'an 1604 entre le Roy Henri le Grand et I'Empereur des Turcs, le tout recueilli par S. D. C. (Jacques du Castel) vellum 4to. Paris chez Nic. Gasse 1628 1963 Breviarium Romanum, ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum Pii V. Pont. Max jussu editum, printed in Roman letter in red and blade, with woodcuts, vellum, gilt edges, a scarce edition 16mo. Parisiis ap. Jacobum Kerver 1579 1964 Breviarium Romanum, editio novissima et acctiratissima, calf sm. 8vo. Bugd. P. Choillimin 1694 1965 Breviarium. Portiforium ; seu Breviarium ad insignis Saris- BURiENSis EcCLESi^E usum ; accuratissime castigatus cum multis annotaciunculis ac litteris alphabeticis Evangeliorum et Epistolarum capitulorumque originem indicantibus etc. pars estiyalis, lit. gotfj. / 131 158 BIBLIOTHECA SUSDBBLANDIANA. in red and llacli, in double columns, with large and small woodcuts ] and tvoodcut initials, old oaJien hoards, covered in stamped leather 4to. Antwerpie impressa per Cheistophoeum Exdoviexsem. Impensis vero et sumptihus lionesti viri Feancisci Betckmann civis coloniensis (with his device) 1525 A RAKE EDITION. Contains title ; Calendar 6 11. (Jan. and Feb. [1 leaf] missing); "Tab. Fcst." etc. 3 11.; Text Fols. i-lii ; "Psalterium" etc. Folg. i-cxx ; "Proprium Sanctoriun " 111 unnumb. 11. (Signs aa-oo in eights; cc, wanting) ; some lines in ccj and 6 defaced with ink. Within the upper cover of this Tolume is pasted a copy of a Plenary Indulgence TO English Catholics beginning " Frater Wilhelmus . . . prior provinciales Ordinis fratrum Eremitarum scti. Augustini in Anglia . . . omnibus . . . fidehbus . . . penitentibus ... in Anglia, Ibernia, Calisia et aliis locis Kegi Anglie Subjectis. . . . Datum in couventu uostro Londini, anno 1526, die vero mensis." The address occupies 33 lines, and the next line begins " Forma absolutionis a pena et culpa " and occupies the remaining 4 lines ending with the words "F. W. Wedtr^ provincialis ut supra." It is printed in (JBotblC IfttCC on a single sheet in oblong form, 7 in. high and 10 in. in breadth. A woodcut of the tiara and keys occupies the top left-hand corner. This is probably an dniqce broadside, and most likely printed by the private press of the Monastery. In the undercover is an Autograph letter in English addressed "to the right worshypfull and goode blaster T . . . asse {the first letters are cut off) Secretai-y to (the) (Iv)ynges Grace," and signed '' Yor. true bedm^ Jo Corobiy (?) Chapter of the Hospitall." The letter is evidently written fi-om Kome ; and requests interest with " my Lorde Cardinallis Grace " (probably Cardinal Wolsey) for an appointment to the Mastership of the Hospital. The larger portion is pasted to the boards but might with a little care be removed whole, and it would perhaps be found to be of great interest. 1966 Beetdenbach (Beexaedus de) Saxctaeum Peeegeixatioxem iu MoNTEM Ston, ad venerandum Cliristi sepulchrum in Jerusalem opusculum, lit. QOiij- in long lines, withotct numerals, catchwords or signatures, rubricated capntals, old calf fol. in Civitate Mogunt. per Eehardum Reuwich 1486 First Latin edition of this curious work. It contains 147 leaves counting each folding plate as 2 11. The curious and old views and other woodcuts have been painted and rumpled but the text of the work is in capital condition, having wide margins. 1967 Breydenbach. Alia editio, lit. got!), in long lines, without numerals, curious old vieios and other woodcuts, old leather binding fol. ^e?- Peteum Dbach civem Spirensem impressum 1490 Second edition ; rare. Contains 106 11. counting folding plates as 2 11. ; 3 of the plates are apparently defective. The text has wide mai'gins, and is generally in good state ; and has a few MS. notes. 1968 Breynius (Jacobus) Prodromus Pasciculi Rariorum Plantarum, plates, 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum, fine clean copy 4to. Gcdani sumptihus atictoris imp)r. D. F. Flietius 1680 1969 Breynius. Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum Plantarum (cum Appendice) 101 plates, vellum, fixe copy, icith AuTOGEAPH Signature of the Author on title fol. Gedani sumptihus autoris, imp. D. F. lieichs 1678 1970 Briccio (Giovanni) II Pantaleone Impertonao, comedia nuova (87 PP-) title soiled, in Venet. per P. P. Tozzi 1622 — Marino (Cav.) La Murtoleide Eischiate ; con la Marineide risate del Murtola, Francof. app. Giov. Beyer 1626 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 1971 Brietius (Philippus) Parallela Geograpbise veteris et novas, nume- rous maps, 3 vols, old calf sra. 4to. Paris. Cramoisy 1648-49 1972 Brietius. Acute dicta omnium veterum Poetarum Latinorum, calf 12mo. Paris. 1664 1973 Brigentius ( Andreas ) Villa Burgbesia, vulgo Pinciana Poetice descripta,^'ne^Za^e5 of antique statues etc. calf 8vo. Bomce F. Gonzagam 1716 ZD 16- n 5 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 159 1979 Brissonius. il980 Brissonius. 1981 Brissonius, 12mo. Paris. 1974 Brilla (Vincent) Nomothecium Partlienopo3um ; sive Juris ITeapoli- tani Promptuarium, calf fol. Neapoli F. Molli 1679 1975 Brillon (Pierre Jacques) Dictionnaire des Arrests, ou Jurisprudence Universelle des Parlemens de France et autres Tribunaux, 3 vols. paneled calf fol. Paris cliez C. Osmont 1711 1976 Brionceus (Martinus) Totius terrje Sanctae urbiumque et quicquid in eis memoria dignum actum gestumve fait ; secundum Bibliacos Hbros ac divum Hyeronimum (58 II.) Autograph signature of "Dauignon " on title, rough leather binding sm. 4ito. Parisiis per G. Bossozel 1540 1977 Brissonius (Barn.) De Yerborum quse ad jus pertinent sifrdfica- tione libb. xix. calf fol. Lzigd. J. Torncesius 1559 |1978 Brissonius. Alia editio, old calf fol. Franco/. 1578 Alia editio, calf fol. Paris. 8. JSfivetli 1596 Alia editio, Jo. Otto. Taboris editi, calfiol. Francof. 1683 Selectarum ex Jure civili Antiquitatum lib. duo, calf M. Fezandat 1556 — Idem, editio quinta, calf 12mo. Heidel. 1664 — Eiusdem, De Veteri Ritu Nuptiarum et Jure Connu- biorum, vellum 16mo. Amst. 1662 L982 Brissonius. Selectarum ex Jure civili Antiquitatum lib. iiii. • eiusdem ad legem Juliani de Adulteriis etc. vellum 4to. Liigd. ap. Joan Tornerplate portraits, views of Castles, plates of Seals, Momnnents, and many Coats of Arms Emblazoned, old calf fol. en Anvers chez Jeb. Cnohhart 1626 A RARE VOLUME. Coutaius 16prel.ll. including engi-aved title; text of the first 14 books paged 1-380, including titles to each book ; then comes a large genealogical table ; then " Livre dernier contenant les verifications," pp. 1-143, including title ; finishing with a leaf of Errata. 2163 Buxtorfius (Joan) Lexicon Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum, nunc primum in lucem editum, port, and front, calf ioh Basil. 1639 2164 Buyssonius (Claudius) Partitones ; quibus Juris Civilis brevis idea exprimitur ; item, Definitiones Juris utriusque, 2 vols, in 1, calf 12mo. Cadomi ajT. P. Candelarium 1586 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 175 2165 Buzelinus (Joannes) Gallo-Flandria sacra et profana ; in qua Urbes, Oppida, Regiunculfe, Municipia et Pagi preecipui Gallo- riandrici tractus describuntur, 2 vols, in 1, old leather bindinq fol. Duaci, M. Wyon 1624-25 2166 Bjnffius (Anton.) De Calcus Hebrseornm ; ace. ejusd. somninm, tertio recusum, plates, calf, sm. 4to. Bordmci, T. Goris, 1695 — Idem, alia editio, j:ilates, calf 16nio. ih. 1682 2167 Byng (Admiral Sir George) Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicilj in 1718-1720, calf 8vo. Lond. 1739 2168 Bjnkershoek (Corn. Van) De Lege Rhodia, de Jactu, et de Domino Maris dissertatio, calf, 12mo. IIa(j. Bat. 1703 — Eiusdem, ad legem xl. de Rebus Creditis, et Dissertatio de Pactis Juris, etc. vellum 12mo. Lucjd. Bat. 1699 2169 Bynkershoek. Observationum Juris Romani, lib. quat. calf sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1710 2170 Bynkershoek. Opuscula Varia Argumenti, calf 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1719 2171 Byzantinj; Sceiptores Historic Varii ; scilicet: — Agathias, Anastasius, Anna Comnena, Banduri (Imp. Orientale) 2 vols. ; Chronicon Paschale, Const. Mannassis, Cinnamus, Cantacuzenus, 3 vols., Codinus, Dufresne, Georgius Pachymeris, 2 vols., Georgius Syncelli, Georgius Acropolitse, Georgius Cedreni, 2 vols., Glycasus, Labbe, Laonicus Chalcod., Nicephorus, 2 vols., Nicetas, Procopius, 2 vols., Scriptores post Theophanem, Theophylact, Theophanes, et Zonara, 2 vols. ; — together 32 vols, calf fol. Paris. 1645-1711 2172 Byzantina. Historia Rerum in Oriente gestarnm ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad nostra tempora (Zonarte, Nicetae, Nicephori, Laonigi Chalco. etc.) old leather hinding fol. Francof. 1587 2173 Cabala, sive Scrinia Sacra; Mysteries of State and Government in Letters of Illustrious Persons, 3rd edition, 2 parts in 1 yol. front, by Faithorue, old calf (cover broken,) fol. Lond. 1691 2174 Cabilliavus (Balduinus) Magdalena, copperjjlate vigmtte on title, prize copy presented to "Walter de Hutten " by the Jesuits'' School at Antwerp), calf, with the arms of the college on sides 12mo. Antw. ex off. Plantin. 1625 2175 Cabotius (Vine.) Variarum Jiiris disputationum, libb. ii. calf 8vo. Paris. 1598 2176 Cabrera de Cordoba (Luis) Felipe Segundo Rey de Espaiia ; al sereniss. principe su nieto Don Felipe de Austria, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges fol. en Madrid por Luis Sanchez 1619 Contains engraved title by Ferret (mounted) often wanting ; 3 prel. 11. ; pp, 1-1176 ; table, etc. 3011. 2177 Cacheranus (Octavlan) Dccisiones Sacri Senatus Pedemontani, vellum fol. Vejiet. ap. A. Pinellum 1610 21178 Caen. Les Origines de la Ville de Caen. Revues, corrigees et augmentees (par P. D. Huet) 2nde. ed. calf 8vo. Eouen chez Maurry 1706 2179 Cfepolla (Bart.) Tractatus de Servitutibus, calf 4to. Antic. 1682 2180 Cseremoniale Ambrosianum, jussu Card. Borromeei, nuper editum {title ; ^ prel. II.; pp. 286 ; index 1 leaf) old calf sm. 4to. Mediol. ap. Jac. Comiim 1619 2181 Cseremoniale Episcopornm, jussu dementis VIII. Pont. Max. Reformatum, iine efigraved title, plates, and initial letters, old calf gilt fol. Parisiis 1633 2182 Caesalpinus (Andr.) Quaestionum Peripateticarum, lib. v. Demonum investigatio peripatetica, etc. calf (cover brohen) 4to. Venet. ap. Juntas 1593 .y L 176 BIBLIO'JHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 2183 C^SARIS (CAIUS JULIUS) Opera. M.'Ro^e in dome Petri de 3Iaxi)nis (per Arx. Paxxartz et CONR. Swetnheym) 146i' Editio prixceps, of EXTREME RARITY. It Contains in all 166 11. and no;'/'' 164 as Uibdin says (Bib. Spenc); in Roman letter, without numerals, catchwords, or signatures, having 38 lines to a page. j The present is a large and clean copy, measuring 13| X 9 in. the edges being rough, two little wormholes in the first 12 11. The Epistle of the Bishop of Aleria is placed at the end in this copy. Bound up with the vol. are 7 11. of an ancient Latin MS. treatise on Law, etc. It is bound in old red morocco. NINTH DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 2184 Csesar. " Caii Julii C^saris Commentariorum liber primus de Bello Gallico ap ipso confecto " fol. NiCOLAUS Jexsox GaUicus Venetiis feliciter impressit 1471 The Second Editiox of C^sar and a beautifol specimen of earlt Ttpographt. It is printed in Roman letter on 146 11. without numerals, catch words, or signatures. At the end are 22 11. containing the Index of Raymund Marlian probably taken from Ant. Zarothus' edition of 1477, in which it first appeared. The present is a large and remarkably clean copy, the first page bcin"- exquisitely painted and illuminated with designs of Flowers, Birds, Fruit, Fi<^ure of a Female Centaur, etc. and a portrait of Caesar in the initial space ; and theie arc 14 beautifully painted and illuminated initials in the text. The vol. is bound in old crimson morocco, with compartments of gilt tooling. Hibbert's copy produced £14. 5s. 2185 Ccesar. C Julii C^saris belli gallici. commextarius primus io\. Anno Christ i 1472 RoMiE m domo Petri de Maximis {per C. SwETNHETM et Arx. Paxnartz) The second issue of Cfcsar by these printers. It is as rai'e as the first edition, and the copies in England certainly do not exceed a dozen. Dibdin only knew of three, in which were not reckoned this present copy. It contains 166 11. finely printed in Roman letter without numerals, catchwords, or signatures. The first initial is illuminated and the rest painted. It is bound in old crimson morocco, with gilt tooled ornaments in compaitments and gilt edges, and is a fine copy. 2186 Caesar. Commentarii de Bello Gallico ; ace. Julii Celsi de Yita ET Rebus Julii Cssaris fol. {s. I. : Eggesteyn aut Fyner) 1473 A VERY RARE EDITION, printed in small gothic letters, without marks of any kind. It bears no name of printer, nor place of impression, and is attributed to Ego'esteyn by Panzer and to Fyncr by Dibdin. It contains in all 153 11., 82 11. for the" life and 71 for the commentaries. The present is a fine large and clean copy, with rough edges. It is bound in old crimson morocco gilt. ' ^187 Caesar. Commentarii cura Hirtii Supplementa ex recens. Pet. Just. Philelpti, c-ain in dice rerum Raym. Marliani fol. Anno Christi 1477 Antoxius Zarothus impressit A rare edition and the first in which the Index of Raym. Marlian appears. It contains 168 11. (not 167 as Brunet says). The signatures are a-s in eights, h having 10 11. and s8 being blank ; and a-e 6 for the Index. Some 11. wormed ; but it is a large and generally sound copy. {^ BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 177 2188 Cassar. Commentarii cum indice rerum Raym. Marliani fol. Anno Ghristi 1478 Philippus Lavagnia Com. Cces. im])rhni fecit Mediolani Contains 152 11. signs. a-r6 in eights (q having 6 leaves only); index, a-cl in eights, bound in old crimson morocco gilt, rare. A large and good copy. 2189 Caesar. Commentarii ; cum indice rerum Raym. Marliani fol. Michael Manzolixus Parmensis suniphi fieri curavit Tarvisii 1480 A rare edition printed in semi-gothic type. Contains signs, a-x in alternate eights and sixes (aj blank) ; index A-C6 in eights. Bound in old yellow morocco, red edges. 2190 Caesar. Commentariorumde BelloGallicolibri. Cum indice Marliani (147 II.; wants aj) calf sm. fol. Venet. ap. Oct. Scotum 1482 2191 Caesar. Commentarii, cum additionibus Hirtii {contains 134 II. a-r6 in eights), old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine COPT, a few MS. notes in margins, raee fol. Venet. per Phil, de Pinciis Mantuanum 1494 2192 Cffisar. Commentarii recogniti per Phil. Beroaldum {title toryi) calf impressus BononicB per B. Hectorem 1504 2193 Caesar. Commentaria nunc primum a viro docto expolita, etc. niunerous spirited woodcuts, old paneled calf gilt, fine copy ivith rough edges fol. impress. Venet. per Aug. de Zannis de Portesio 1511 2194 Csesar. Commentaria, prius a Jucundo impression! data, posterius a nobis diligentissime revisa, et cum exempl. eiusdem collata, etc. plates, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, ruled toith red lines, the initials beautifully painted and illuminated, fine copy 8vo. Florent. Phil. Junta 1514 2195 Caesar. Commentarii ex recens. Jo. Jucundi, editio aldina, plates (top of title mended) contains 16 p)7-el. II. and 296 numh. II. {fol. 263 hlanh; 264 has the imprint with date 1518) old calf 8vo. Venet. in cedihus Aldi 1519 2196 Caesar. Commentaria nuperrime impressa ; ab omnibus erratis accurate castigata; etc. old oahen binding, covered loith leather 8vo. Lugduni ex off. Guil. Hnyon 1519 Renouard considered this edition as the rirst from Huvon's Press. His copy sold for £3. 10s. 2197 Caesar. Commentarii, plates, calf sm. 8vo. Lugd. ap. Seh. Gryphium 15.36 2198 Caesar. Commentarii, alia editio, plates, calf sm. 8vo. ih. 1538 2199 Ceesar. Commentarii, vellum sm. 8vo. Lugd. St. Doletum 1543 2200 Caesar. Commentarii ; omnia collatis vetustis exemplaribus tarn scriptis quam impressis accurate eTaendata, fine woodcut figures and initials, ruled with red lines, Paris, ex off. M. Vascosani 1543 — Vegetii Renati, de re Militari libri quatuor ; Sexti Julii Frontini de Strate- gematis ; etc. numerous fine tvoodcuts, ruled with red lines, Paris, ap. Christ. Wechelum 1553 ; both fine copies in 1 vol. old olive morocco with broad gilt borders, and centre ornaments of floreate tooling, gilt edges folio 2201 Caesar. Rerum ab se gestarum Commentarii, ruled tvith red lines, Lut. ex off. B. Stephani 1544 — Eutropii Epitome Belli Gallicarum ex Suetonii ; etc. H. Glareani annotationes, Lut. B. Steph. 1544, ruled with red lines, fine copies, in 1 vol. old calf gilt sm. 8vo. 2202 Ceesar. Commentarii (ex recens. Jo. Jucundi) map and plates, old calf 16mo. Lugd. ap. Seb. Gryphium 1546 2203 Caesar. Commentarii, woodcuts, old calf gilt sm. 8vo. Lugd. S. Gryphium 1551 2204 Caesar. Commentariorum de Bello Gallico libri viii. old calf 4to. Lut. ap. Vascosanum 1550 12 fO f 3 7 1^ to fo /,j lb 7 178 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 2205 Cresar. Commontarii, etc. adjectns est var. lect. ex vet. cod. MSS A. Marinum, old calf gilt sm. 8vo. Lugd. Iicered. Seh. Gryj^h. 1560 2206 Csesar. Commentarii, viap and plates {some II. stained), old calf, sm. 8vo. Antw. 1570 — Idem, calf 16mo. Lugd. aj^. B. Vincentinm 1572 2207 Caesar. Commentarii, novis em.endatioiiibiis illustri, ex Bib. Fulvi Ursini, map and plates, vellum 8vo. Antw. C. Plantin. 1574 2208 Caesar. Com.mentarii vii. A. Hircii de eodem lib. octavus, cum scholiis Hotom^ani, Ursini et Manutii, vellum fol. Lugd. B. Vmcentium 1574 2209 Caesar. Comment, alia editio, calf sm. 8vo. ih. 1574 2210 Caesar. Rerum Gestariim Commentai'ii xiv. cum Eutropii Epitome, annotationibus ex Musa3o J. Stradae, Glareani etc. ^Za^es, old calf gilt, gilt edges, tvith Arms on sides, fine copy fol. Francof. ad Moenum 1575 2211 Caesar. Commentarii, ab Aldo Manutio emendati et scboliis illus- trati, maps and woodcuts, clean copy, bound in 2 vols, calf, gilt edges sm. 8vo. Venet. ap. Aldtmi 1575 2212 Caesar. Commentarii novis emendationibus etc. old calf, 16mo. Ant. G. Plantin 1578 — Idem, nunc viri docti emendati et edita, calf, sm. 8vo. A7itiv. ih. 1586 — Idem, velhnn 8ro. Lugd. Ant. Gryphium 1586 2213 Caesar. Qure exstant ex nuperi viri docti accuratissime recogni- tione, opera et studio G. Jungermani, vellum- 4to. Francof. 1606 2214 Csesar. Quae exstant ex nova et accuratissima viri docti recogni- tione, vellum 8vo. ex off. Eaphelengii 1606 On the title is the following inscription: ' Petri Scriverii, ex done Francisci EArUELENGII." 2215 Csesar. Opera ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri, old olive morocco, gilt edges 24mo. Amst. ap. G. Janssonum 1621 2216 Caesar : a Scaligero, alia editio, maps, old red morocco, gilt edges 16mo. Ltigd. Bat. ex off. Elzeviriana 1635 2217 Caesar: a Scaligero, alia editio, vellimi, clean copy 16mo. Amst. ex off. Flzeviriana 1661 2218 Caesar. Opera et studio Arnoldi Montani, map, calf 8vo. Amst. ex off'. Elzeviriana 1670 2219 Caesar. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Joan. Godinus in Usum Delphini, map, calf 4to. Lut. Par. 1678 2220 Caesar ; et vita ejus Julii Celsi, cum notis D. Vossii etc. maps and plates, calf, Amst. P. and J. Blaeu 1697 — Idem, C. Cellarius recensuit, calf sm. 8vo. Lips. 1705 2221 Caesar. Ex recensione Joan. Davisii ; cum ejusdem animadversioni- bus ac notis variorum, calf 4to. Gant. typ. Owe7n 1706 2222 Ccesar. Accuratissime cum libris editis et MSS. optimis collataj recognita et correcta, accesserunt annotationes Samuelis Clarke S.T.P. 2 vols, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges impl. fol. Lond. J. Tonson 1712 Large paper. Only 25 copies printed. A splendid copy of this 18th century Edition de Luxd of C^sar, ruled throughout with red lines, and containing BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the 87 fine plates and maps (including the plate of the Bull), a large portrait of John, First Duke of Marlborough (to whom the work is dedicated) by Vertue, and a head of Caesar. The Duke of Grafton's copy produced £64. 2223 Caesar. Cum notis variorum, et animadversionibus D. Vossii, J. Davisii et aliorum, 2 vols, calf, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1713 — Idem, cum annotationes Sam. Clarke, calf 8vo. Lond. 1720 2224 Cfesar. Observations upon Caesar's Commentaries, by Clement Edmundes, p/r/f(^. Vascosanuvi 1559 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to. 2392 Carlonius (Gabriel) Engolismenses Episcopi (de I'annee 260 jusque'au 1567) vellum, large and clean cop>y JEngolismce (Angoulesme) ap. Olivarium Minierium 1697 Contains 4 prel. 11. ; pp. 52 ; and 4 unpaged leaves at end. 2393 Carneiro (Antonio de Maris) Regimento de Pilotos e Roteiro ' das Navegacoens da India Oriental, azora novamente emendado y acresentado co o roteiro da costa de Sofala ate Moba9a y com os ; / 3 portos, y barras do Cabo de Finisterra ate o estreito de Gibaltar (sic) com. sua derrotas sondas y demonstra9oens, vellimi sm. 4to. em Lisboa na off. Lorenqo de Anve7's 1642 A very rare edition of this curious book. It contains 4 prel. 11. including title ; then " Da Arte Navegacam," signs. A2, B4, C-E in eights, and Te ; then follows " Roteiro da India," A-02 in fours ; " Estampas, etc. da Costa de Espanha," etc. title and 11 folding maps, with letterpress on the backs ; " Roteiro do Brasil," etc. a-o9 in eights. Lower margins of 4 11. cut and 2 last II. defective. 2394 Carnero (Antonio) Historia de las Guerras civiles que ha avido en los estados de Flandes, desde I'ano 1559 hasta el de 1609, y las causas de la Rebellion de dichos estados, fi7ie engraved title, vellum fol. 671 Brusselas de Jvan de Meei'beque 1625 2395 Caro (Annibal) Apologia degli Academici di Banchi di Roma contra Lod. Castelvetro da Modena. In forma d'uno Spaccio di Maestro Pasquino ; con alcune operette, del Predella, del Buratto, di ser Fedocco, etc. (pp- 268, including title; Tavola with printer's 192 BIBLIOTHECA SUXDERLANDIANA. device 8 U.) old crimson morocco gilt, loith centre gilt tooled ornaments, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. in Parma in casa di Seth V lotto 1558 2396 Caro. Ragione d'alcune cose segnate nella canzone d'Annibal Caro, venite al' ombra de gran gigli d'oro (4 prel. II. 1 hlanh ; and 116 numb. II.) looodcut of owl on title, vellum sm. 4to. (s. a. et I.) 2397 Caro. Rime ; con le due Orationi di Gregorio Nazanzeno, et il primo Sermone di S. Cipriano, fatte in lingua Toscana da A. Caro ; in 1 vol. old calf 4to. in Venetia app. Aldo Manutio 1569 First edition. The " Rime" contains 4 prel. II.; pp. 103; and Tavola 4 11. The '• Due Orationi " has 4 prel. 11. ; and pp. 146. Both works want the leaves of Errata. 2398 Caro. Rime (con altri Sonetti di Diversi) old calf {contains 4 prel. II.; pp. 103; and Tavola 4: pp.) sm. 4to. Venetia app. Aldo Manutio 1572 2399 Caro. De le Lettere Familiari, 2 vols, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. app. B. Giunti 1591-2 2400 Caro (Rodrlgo) Antiguedades j Principado de la Illustrissima ciudad de Sevilla ; y chorographia de su convento juridico, o antigua chancilleria, vellum fol. eyi Sevilla por And. Grande 1634 2401 Carolus Magnus. Opus inlustrissimi et excellentissimi sea spectabilis viri Caroli Magni, nutii Dei, regius Francorum, etc. contra Synodum, qu£e in partibus Grseciae, pro adorandis imaginibus stolide sive arroganter gesta est. Item, Paulinia Quileiensis Episcopi adversus felicem IJrgelitanum, etc. vellum 16nio. (s. I.) anno salutis 1549 2402 Carolus II, imp. et rex. Francorum. Karoli Caloi et successorum aliquot Franciae regum capitula in diversis sjnodis ac placitis generalibus edita, Jac. Sirmondus notis illustravit, old calf, with the Arms of A. G. de Thou on sides Bvo. Parisiis Seb. Cramoisy 1623 2403 Carolus V. Invictissimi Romanorum Imp. Caroli bnius nominis quinti, ad duo dementis VII. Pont. Max. brevia responsio, in qua ab ipso pontifice appellat . . . cum nonnullis aliis literis, atque actis publicis ; etc. {sigs. A-L in fours) vellum sm. 4to. Basil, ap. A. Cratandrum (s. a.) 2404 Carolus V. Pro Divo Carolo, eius nominis quinto ... in satisfactione quidem sine talione eorum qufe in ilium scripta, ac pleraque etiam in vulgum edita fuere, apologetici libri duo nuper ex Hispaniis allati cum aliis nonnullis, title ivitlmi fine uvodcut border, and looodcut initials {contains title a)id pp. 219) vellum sm. 4to. Mogimt. in ced. J. Schoeffer 1527 2405 Carolus V, Assertio Juris Imp. Caroli huius nominis quinti, in Geldriae ducatu, et Zutphaniae comitatu, edita in comitiis Ratis- bonensibus, anno 1541, et confutatio oppugnationum Gul. ClivisB Ducis FranckfordiaB exbibitarum, anno 1539 (61 numb. II. including title) Antio. excud. MaHimis Meranus anno 1541 — Leges Riboariorum, Baioarionimque, quas vocant, a Theodorico Rege Francorum latae. Item, Alemannorum Leges, a Lothario rege latce nunc primum vetustatis erigo excusse (4 prel. II. ; and 51 numb. II.) Basil, anno 1530 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 2406 Carolus V. Rerum in Africa bello gestarum commentarii {contains 8 prel. II. ; 183 numb. II. ; index, etc. 18 pp. and 3 plans of Africa, Tunis and Algiers) vellum, SCARCE sm. 4to. Anttv. Jo Bellerus 1554 2407 Carolus V. Vita da Carlo quinto descritta da Alfonso Ulloa, et da lui medesimo in questa seconda editione revista, corretta ed illustrata, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. app. V. Valgrisi 1562 2408 Carolus V. Vita di Carolo Quinto imp. descritta da Ludor. Dolce, engraved title, old calf 4to. in Vineg. app. G.Giolito 1567 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 193 2409 Carolus V. Hieron. Seripandi Archiep. Salernit. Oratio in Funere Caroli V. Habita Neapoli vi. Kal. Martii 1559 (26 U.) Neap. M. Cancer 1559 — Jo. Pauli Flavii Albetani Oratio in Funere Caroli V. Romge Habita iv non. Martii 1559 (23 II.) Eomce ex of. Salviani 1559 — Jo. P. Flavii Oratio Habita Pauli IV. jussu, de pacis inter summos Christianos Reges gratulatione (8 11.) Bomce ap. Ant. Bladium (s. a.) ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to, 2410 Carolus VI. (Rex Galliarum). Histoire de Charles VI. Roy de France, depuis 1380 jusques a 1422, par J. Juvenal des Ursins, augmentee en cet seconds edition de plusieurs Memoires etc. par Denys Godefroy, old calf gilt, with I. H. S. stamped in gold on the sides, gilt edges fol. Paris de Vimprim-. Boyale 1653 2411 Carolus VI. Histoire de Cbarles VI. Roy de France, escrite par les ordres et sur les memoires et les avis de Guy de Monceaax et de Philippe de Villette, par un Autheur contemporain de leur Abbaye ; traduite sur le MS. Latin par J. Le Laboureur, 2 vols, old calf, tvith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comte de Brionde, on sides fol. a Paris chez Louis Billaine 1663 2412 Carolus VII. Histoire de Charles VII. Roy de France, par Jean Chartier, Jacques Berry, Matth. de Coucy et autres autheurs ; qui contient les choses les plus memorables advenues depuis I'an L422 jusques en 1461, mis en lumiere par Denys Godefroy, old calf gilt fol. Paris de rimprim. Boijale 1661 2413 Carolus VIII. Histoire de Charles VIII. Roy de France, par Guill. de Jaligny, Andre de la Vigne et autres Historiens de ce temps-la, depuis 1483 jusques en 1498, recueilli par D. Godefroy, calf fol. Paris imp. Boy. 1684 2414 Caron (Louis le, dit Gharonda) Verisimilium lib. iii. ; ad tit. de verborum obligat. etc. 2 vols. Paris, ap. J. Foucherium 1554 — ■ Hotomani Questionum Ilkistrium liber, ap. (jhtill. Lcemarium 1591 ; in 1 vol. old calf 8vo. 2415 Caron. Veteres Romanorum Leges, cum eiusdem commentt. Paris. B. Stephani 1567 — Ludov. Cati Benevola et Familiaris ad Andr. Alciatum (34 11.), Ferrarice per F. Bubeum 1533 — Pici MiranduljB de Veris Calamitatura causis nostrorum tempovum (34 11.) {Bomoi) Jac. Mazochium 1519 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 2416 Caron. Memorables, ou Observations du Droict Fran9ois rapporte au Remain Civil et Canonic, seconde edition reveue at augmentee, vellum 8vo. Paris C. Morel. 1604 2417 Caron. Responses et Decisions du Droict Francois confirmees par Arrests des cours Souveraines de ce Royaume et autres, etc. Dutch vellum fol. Paris C. Mettayer 1602 2418 Caron. Q^avres. Quatres livres des Pandectes, commentaires sur la costume de Paris etc. 2 vols, old calf, u-ith the Arms of Le Clerc de Lessville o?z. sides fol. Paris 1637 2419 Carpenterius (Ireneeus) Schediasmata Varia de Eruditis CoDlibibus cum scriptis variorum, calf 8vo. Wittemb. 1717 2420 Carpenterius (Petrus), Pium et Christianum de Armis Consilium ad Dom. Lomanium Terridse et Sereniaci Baronem, calf 8vo. (L^igd.) s. I. et n. 1575 2421 Carpentier (Jean le) Histoire Genealogique des Pais-Bas ou Histoire de Cambray, et du Cambresis, ma^J and folding plates, 4 pts. in 2 vols, vellum 4to. Leide chez Vauteur 1664 2422 Carpzovius (Bened.) Commentai'ius in Legem Regiam Germanorum, sive capitulationem imperatorem, juridico-historico-politicus, Butrh vellum fol. Francof. 1677 13 194 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 2423 Carrafa (Placido) Sicanije; nee nonMotucee descriptio et delineatio, old calf sm. 4to. Panormi N. Bua. 1653 2424 Carranza (Alonso) El AjustamieDto i Proporcion de las monedas de Oro, Plata i Cobre, i la reduccion destos metales a su debida estimacion, son regalia singular del Eei de Espana, i de las Indias, que lo es del oro i plata del orbe, vellum fol. Madrid por F. Martinez 1629 A scarce work. Contains title ; 9 prel. 11. unpaged ; text pp. 5-387 ; table etc. 10 11. 2425 Carrari (Vieenz.) Historia de' Eossi Parmigiani, old red morocco gilt,^ gilt edges sm. 4to. in Ixavenna app. F. Tebaldini 1583| I 2426 Carre (Louis) Voyage des Indes Orientales, mele de plusieurs Histoires curieuses, 2 vols, calf 12mo. Paris C. Barbin 1699 , 2427 Carrega (Joan. Nic. Saulus) Epistolarum lib. tres posteriores, old calf sm. 4to. Geniice in ced. J. Pavonis 1619 2428 Carrera (D. Pietro) Delle Memorie Historicbe della citta di I Catania, pAatcs of medals, etc. 2 vols, vellum I sm. fol. in Catania per G. Possi 1639-41 Though announced as in three volumes on the title, the work is complete in 2 vols. Carrera's writings were the first printed in Catania in Sicily. 2429 Carrera. Catanense Decachordum, sive novissima sacrte Catani^I EcclesiEe notitia, tum ecclesiasticEe turn secularis, Jo. Bapt. de| Grossis auctore, 2 vols, in 1, vellum iol. Catanice per G. Eossi 1642-471 2430 Carrillo (Alonso) Origen de la Dignidad de Grande de Castilla, Madrid Imi)renta Peal 1657 — Salazar de ]\Iendoza, Origen de lasi Dignidades seglart s de Castilla y Leon, ib. 1657 ; in 1 vol. vellum fol.j 2431 Carinllo (Dr. Martin) Relacion al Rey Don Philipe nuestro Senorl del nonibre, sitio, planta, conquistas, cbristiandad, fertilidad, ciudades, lugares, y govierno del Reyno de Sardena ipp- 88, incltiding title), vellum gilt sm. 4to. in Barcelona, casa de 8. Mothenad 1612 2432 Carrillo. Annales y Memorias Clironologicas, contienen las cosas mas notables assi ecclesiasticas como seculares, succedidas en el mudo senaladamente en Espana, desde su principio y poblacion hasta el ano 1630, segunda impression, vellum fol. en Zaragoqa en el Hospital Peal 1634 Prel. leaves 11 including engraved and printed titles. Text 526 numb. 11. The work contains numerous particulars relating to America. 2433 Carrillo y Sotomayor (Don Luis) Obras (segunda edicion), engraved title; 242451 Casa (Giovanni della) Opere ; con una copiosa giunta di scritture j non pill stampate (con Orazione per la lega contro 1' imp. Carlo V.), I port. 3 vols, in 2, calf sm. 4to. Firenze app. G. Mama 1707 i 2452 Casa. Rime et Prose ; con le concessioni et privilegij di tutti i ' Prencipj, old calf, large copy, ruled rvith red lines I 4to. in Vinegia per Nic. Bevilacqna 1558 ' Editio prima. Hare. Contains 6 prel. 11. ; pp. 170 ; and imprint, 1 leaf. 2453 Casa. Rime e Prose, riscontrate con li migliori originali et ricor- rette con grandissima diligentia, in Fiorenza app. I Giunti 1572 — II ! Galaleo di della Casa (con I'Oratione a Carlo Quinto ; e degli ufici comuni), ih. 1561 {colophon dated 1571), in 1 vol. vellum 12mo, ' 13* 10 196 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIAXA. TENTH DAY'S SALE. MIXED SIZES. 2454 Casa. Rime, sposte per Arirelio Severino et Gregorio Caloprese, 4i portraits, old calf 4to. Napoli Ant. Bidifon 1694 2455 Casa. Joannis Casas Latina MonumeTita, quorum partim Tersibus, partim. soluta oi'atioue scripta sunt, old calf gilt, gilt edges, clean copy sm.. 4to. Florent. in. off. Juntarum 1564 2456 Casalius (Jo. Bap.) De Profanis et Sacris veteribus ritibus, opus tripartitum, plates, vellum 4io. Bomce ex typ. And. Phcei 1644 2457 Casalius. De Veteribus sacris Cbristianorum Ritibus, sive apud Occidentales, sive Orientales Catholica in Ecclesia probatis, mimerous iplates, and zvOodcuts in the text, calf fol. Bomce ap. Bernard Tanum 1647 2458 Casalius. De Urbis ac Romani olim imperii splendore, opus erudi- tionibus, liistoriis, ac animadversionibus, tarn sacris quam profanis illustratum, plates, and tvoodcuts in the text, vellum fol. Boma; F. A. Tani 1650 2459 Casas (Fray Bartolome de las) Obras sobre las Ikdias, ori GIXAL EDITIONS, lit. QOt^. THE 9 PIECES COMPLETE in 1 Tol. Calf sm. 4to. en Sevilla par Seb. TrugiUo 1552-3 Contents : (i) Brevissima Relacion de la destrnycion de las Indias (a-f 10 in eights) 1552 — lii) Lo que sigue es un peda90 de una carta ; etc. (sign, g in 8) — (iii) Tra- TADO CoMPROBATORio del impciio soberano y principado que los Eeyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias (vert rare, nearly always wanting) (80 11. ; a-k in eights) 1553 — (iv) Principia quedam ex quibus procendendum est in disputations ad manifestandam et defendendam justiciam y Indorum (sign, a; 10 11. without title) Hispali in ed. Seh. Trugilli — (v) Aqui se contiene una dii^puta o controversia entre B. delas Casas y Gines de Sepulveda. etc. (a-h6 in eights; h6 blank) 1552 — (vi) Aqui se contiene treynta proposiciones muy juiidicas, etc. (sign, a ; 10 11.) 1552 — (vii) P^ste es un tratado . . . sobre la materia de los Yndios ; etc. (signs. a-dl2 ; 36 11.) 1552 — (viii) Entre los Eemedios . . . para Reformacion de las Indias ; etc. (a-g6 in eights; g6 blank) 1552 — (ixj Aqui se conteine unos aviso y reglas para los confessores; etc. (16 11.) 1552. Comi)lete Collections of the original pieces of the Good Bishop of Chiapas are of great rarity. The present copy is in most excellent condition, but one or two of the lower lines are cropped. 2460 Casas (Christoval de las) Vocabulario de las Lenguas Toscana j Castellana, en que se contiene la declaracion de Toscano en Castellana y de Castellana en Toscana, en dos partes, vellum sm. 4to. 671 Sevilla por And. Bescioni 1583 First edition, scarce ; contains signs. a4, a-z, and Aa-Ee4 in eights. 2461 Casas. Vocabulario, accresciuto da Camillo Camilli {some II. wormed) vellum 8vo. Venet. G. A. Bertano 1587 2462 Casaubonus (Tsaacus) De Satyrica Gr^corum Poesi et Romanorum Satira, libri duo, calf 8vo. Paris. A. et H. Drouart 1605 2463 Casaubonus. Ad Frontonem Ducfeum Epistola ; ejusd. ad Epis- tolam Card. Perronii re-sponsio. Bond. J. Norton 1611-12 — Monita Politica ad Sacri Romani Imperii Principes, de immensa curiee Romanae potentia moderanda, Latine, Italice et Gallice edita, Francof. 1609 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. 4to, 1 b' U k 7 >)'t 2. /Z i BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 197 2464 Casanbonus. De Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis Exercitationes xvi. ad Card. Baronii annales prolegomena, old calf fol. Loncl. Norton et Bill 1614 2465 Casaubonns. Epistolse, insertis ad eosdem Responsionibus ; item, Merici Casaiiboni Epistol^, curante Theod. Janson. ab Almeloveen, LARGE PAPER, fortrait, calf roy. fol. Rotterodami 1709 2466 Cascales (Francisco) Al biien genio encomienda sus discursoa historicos de la mui noble i mni leal ciudad de Murcia, vellum fol. en Murcia por Loys Beros 1621 Contains engrared title ; 8 prel. 11. ; 458 numb. 11. ; Table 6 11. 2467 Cascini (Giordani) della comp. dl Jesu. Di S. Rosalia Vergine Palermitana, libri tre, nelli quali si spiegano Tinventione delle sacre reliquie, la vita solitaria, e gli lionori di lei, 20 fi^ie copperplate engravings, calf fol. Palermo, appresso I Cirilli 1651 2468 Caselius (Joannes) Phalereus, sive de Elocntione liber, vellum, 4to. Bastochii S. Myliandri 1585 — Eiusdem Epistolee ad Principes, old calf 12mo. Francof 1687 2469 Casella (Petr. Leo) De Primls Italiee colonis. De Tuscorum origine et Republica Florentina. Elogia illustrium artificum. Epigrammata et inscriptiones, calf 12mo. Lugd. sumpt. H. Gardon 1606 2470 [Casenenve (Pierre de)] La Catalogue Fran^oise, ou il es traite des j Droits que le Roy a sur les Comtez de Barcelonne, et de Roussillon ; et sur les autres Terres de la principaute de Catalogne, vellum ! {Q prel. II. and 202 numh. II.) sm. 4to. a Tolose par P. Bosc 1644 ^471 Casinus (Mons). Chronica Saeri Monasterii Casinensis, auctore I Leone Card. Epis. Ostiensi, continuatore Petri diacono eiusdem I Coenobii Monachis, notis illustrata D. Aug. de ITuce, calf j fol. Lut. Par. L. Billaine 1668 2472 Casoni (Guido) Ode, in questa quarta impressione nuovamente I ricorrette (4> prel. II. and pp. 145) vellum ' 12mo. Venet. presso G. B. Ciotti 1605 2473 Cassan (Jacques) Panegyrique, ou Discours sur I'antiquite et excellence de Languedoc, old calf, clean copy \ 8vo. a Beziers par Jean Pech 1617 t A scarce book. The first 9 11. including title are numb. 1-9, after which the numbers run on in pages 9-229. Cotton gives the date of 1626 as that of the i introduction of printing into this French town. £474 Cassan (Jacques) Les Dynasties, ou traicte des anciens Rois des I Gaulois et des Francois, depuis le deluge successivement jusques aa 1 Roy Merovee (engraved title (margins cut close); 8 prel. II.; 409 1 numh. II.; and leaf of errata), old calf I 8vo. Paris, chez Gervais Alliot (s. a.) ^475 Cassander (Georgius) Opera quee reperiri potuerunt omnia, Epistolffi 1 cxvii. et Colloquia ii. cum Anabaptistis, nunc primum edita, vellum thick fol. Paris, ap. H. Brouart 1616 2476 Cassander. Tabulte PrjBceptionum Dialecticarum, quse quam bre^assime et planissime artis methodum complectutur ; in puerorum. et rudium gratium (pp. 61), Lut. E. Stepkanus 1549 — Methodua conscribendi Epistolas, per Christoph. Hugendorphinum (pp. 44 and leaf for imprint) ib. 1555 — Fenestellae de Magistratibus, Sacerdotiis que Romanorum; etc. (112 pjJ. and index 3 II.) Lut. 1549; in 1 vol. old calf 12mo, 2477 Cassander. Tabulae breves et expeditae in Pr^ceptiones Rhetoricse (20 II.) Parisiis Thorn. Blcliardi 1564 — Compendium in Universam iOialecticam ex Rivio aliisque recentioribus collectum (10 II. nume- rous MS. notes in margins) Paris. G. Buon 1560 — Contextus Universse gramatices Despatiterianse (pp. 52) ruled with red lines, / 9 /^ 1 — / 3 1 9 II IIJO 'I III i / 6 3 13 198 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. Paris. M. David 1648 — Sexti Rufi de Hist. Romanorum Epitome (10 II.) Paris. Vascosani 1543 — Ciceronis Academicarum Questionura lib. primi initium (11 II.) Paris. Vascosani 1542 — Ciceronis deLegibus in eosdem comment. A. Tnrnebo auctore {^vants end), Paris. O. Morel. 1557 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt sm. 4to. 2478 Cassander. De Officio Pii ac publicse tranqnillitatis vere amantis viri in hoc religionis dissidio (2 prel. II. and pp. 79), old calf, ivith Simderland Arms on sides 12mo. Lugd. L. Zetneri 1687 2479 Cassanins (Joan.) De Gigantibns, eorumque reliquiis, atqne iis, quae ante annos aliquot nostra aetate in Gallia repeiti sunt, calf 12mo. Basilece 1580 Contains 6 prel. 11. and pp. 75. One of the prel. 11. is occupied by a sonnet in French by "Le jeune P. Joly Messin." 2480 Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius) Variarum lib. sii. Item de Anima lib. unus ; recens inventi et in lucem dati a Mariangelo Accursio, old calf fol. Aug. Vind. ex ced. H. Siliccet 1533 2481 Cassiodorus. Opera; Jordani Episc. Ravenn. de origine acti- busque gestarum lib. i. notis G. Fornerii etc. old morocco, the sides covered with flear-de-lis, and having the initials P. B. in the centre, gilt edges fol. Paris, ap. Seb. Nivellium 1579 2482 Cassiodorus. Opera ; quorum nonnulla nunc primum reliqua emendatiora eduntur, cum notis et indicibus, calf 4to. Paris, ap. M. Orrij 1588 2483 Cassiodorus. Opera omnia, notis et observationibus illustrata, opera et studio J. Garetii, 2 vols, in 1, Dutch vellum fol. Eotomagi L. Billaine 1679 2484 Cassiodorus. Complexiones in Epistolas et Acta Apostolorum et Apocalypsin, calf 12mo. Florent. 1721 2485 Castagna (Jo.) Tractatus de Beneficio deducto ne egeat. Accedit Gasp. Boetii Tractatus de inope debitore, etc. vellum fol. Pomce 1659 2486 Castalio (Joseph) Poemata aliquot ; et variae lectiones et opuscula ; 2 vols, vellum 4to. Bomce 1590-94 The vol. of Poemata contains 8 pieces, one of which, an Ode to Card. Ascanium Columnam, is in MS. The other vol. contains " De antiquis Puerorum Prsenominibus comment." and 3 other pieces. 2487 Castalio. Varise Lectiones et Opuscula, Bounce 1594 — Eiusdem Observationum in criticos decas prima, Bomce 1605 ; and other tracts by the same writer, 18 pieces, in 1 vol. vellum. sm. 4to. v. y. 2488 Castalio (Sebastian) Jonas Propheta, Heroico Carmine, Latino descriptus (Gr. et Lat.) (84 ijp. and leaf for imprint) sm. 4to. Basil. Oporinus 1545 — Eiusdem, Defensio suarum translationum Bibliorum et maxime novi foederis, 12mo. ih. 1562 —Eiusdem, Opuscula quaedam Theologica, calf 16mo. Aresdorfii 1578 J489 CastanaBus (Hen, Lud.) Nomenclator Sanctae Romance Ecclesiae Cardinalium : etc. ace. ad calcem Pontificum et Cardinalium Epita- phia supra ducenta, etc. vellum 4to. Aug. Pict. et vemmd. Lat. Par. ap. I. Mesnier 1616 Contains 8 prel. 11. ; pp. 192 : Epitaphia pp. Iv. ; " Cardinalium Nomina" 4 11. Autograph of Stephen Baluzius on title. 2490 Castaneda (Fernando Lopez de) Historia do Descobrimento t CoNQuisTA DA India pelos PORTUGUESES. The 8 books in 3 vols. old calf gilt, with the Marlborough Arms on sides sm. fol. em Coimbra Joa. de Barreyra 1552-61 Collation ; Liv. i. title below woodcut of the Arms of Portugal, with privilege on verso ; prologo 1 leaf ; text, in gotihic letter py>. ccii. dated 1554 : then a blank BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 199 leaf on which is the Autograph of the Author, " Fernao Lopez db Castanueda." Liv. ii. title within woodcut border, with privilege on verso ; prologo 1 leaf ; t-ivoada 2 11. ; text, in Roman letter, pp. 239, with printer's device on verso of last leaf, dated 1552. Liv. iii. title within border as above; prologo 1 leaf; text, in Roman letter pp. 303 ; tav. 5 pp. ; dated 1552. Liv. iv. e v. title within woodcut border ; tavoda 3 pp. commencing on verso of title ; "Prologo no quarto e quinto libros" 2 pp. " Ad invictiss. Lusitania" 3 Latin poems on 2 pp., text in Gothic letter, pp .ccx. ; leaf of privilege ; dated 1553 ; on the reverse of the last leaf occurs again the signature " JTernao Lopez DE Castanheua." Liv. vi. title, as above ; privilege, with Arms of Portugal on reverse, 1 leaf ; text in Gothic letter, pp. cxcviii. da'ed 1554, followed by a blank leaf. Liv. vii. title, as above, with privilege on veiso ; prol. 1 leaf ; text, in Gothic letter, pp. clxvi, dated 1554. Liv. viii. title within a woodcut border different to the rcit ; prol. 1 page ; text, in Roman letter, pp. 283, dated 1561. A remarkably clean and periect copy of this very rare work, rendered more interesting as it has evidently passed through its Author's hands. 2491 Castaueda. Le Premiere Livre de rHistoire de I'lnde, contenant comment I'lnde a este decouverte par le com.mandement du Roy Emmanuel etc. traduit de Portugnes en Francois par Nicolas de Grouchy, vellum sm. 4!to. Paris de Michel de Vascosan 1553 Contains 1 73 numb. 11. including title ; a clean and large copy ; and very rare. {2492 Caste jon j Fonseca (D. Diego de) Primacia de la Santa Iglesia de Toledo, su origem su niedras, sus progresos, en la contiuua serie de prelados que la governaron, etc. vellum fol. en Madrid jjor D. D. de la Garrera 1645 Contains 6 prel. 11. ; 39 numb. 11. ; index etc. 23 11. ; and pp. 1409. 2493 Castell (William) Minister of tlie Gospell at Courtenhall in North- amj)to7ishire. A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America; from the Equinoctiall Northward, and of the adjacent Isles. Whereunto is prefixed the Author's petition to this present Parliament for the propagation of the Gospel in America . . . and a late Ordinance of Parliament for the better government of the English Plantations there ; together with Sir Benj. Rudyer's Speech concerning America, old calf sm. 4to. Lond. printed in tlieyear 1644 A VERY rare American tract. It contains title ; ded. to Oliver St. John ; Petition to Parliament 8 pp. ; Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, and Rudyer's Speech 8 pp. ; Introduction pp. 9-48 ; " The Second Booke " pp. 54. At the end of his book the Author promises " Another booke with the southern description of America," which never appeared. ^494 Castellanus (Petrus) Vita, auctore P. Gallandio ; Steph. Baluzius notis illustravit ; acced. P. Castellani Orationes duse funere Francisci primi Regis (Gallice), old calf (jilt 12mo. Paris. F.Muguet 1674 2495 Castellanus (Vincent.) De Bello Melitensi Historia (40 II.) velhtm 12mo. Pisauri, H. Concordiam 1566 2496 Castellensis (Hadrianus Card.) Venatio ad Card. Ascanium (9 II.) absque nota — Maturantii Perusini de Componendis Carminibus Opus- culum ; Perotti de Generibus Metrorum : et aliorum opuscula (a-e in eights) impressum Venetiis 1512 ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 2497 Castellensis (Had. Card.) De Sermone Latino et Modis Latine Loquendi, vellum, large copy {contains 6 prel. II. and A-B'd in sixes) fol. imp. Bomce Marc. Silber 1515 2498 Castellensis. De Sermone Latino, et modis Latine Loquendi- Eiusdem Venatio ad Ascanium Card. (8 prel. II. including looodcut title; p)p. 422; and leaf of imprint), old calf gilt sm. 4to. Basil, ap. Joan. Frohenium 1518 / 10 6 z. (I n 200 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 2499 Castelli (Benedetto) Delia Misura dell' Acque correnti, front, calf sm. 4to. Bolofjua 1660 2500 Castellus (Bart.) Lexicon Medicum, GriEco-Latinuin, paneled calf gilt 4to. Lips. 1713 2501 Castellus (Petrus) De Abusu circa Dierum Criticoriim euumera- tiomim, calf 12mo. Messance 1642 2502 Castellionseus (Jo. Ant.) Mediolanenscs Antiquitates, ex Urbis paroeciis collectse, iconographicis ipsarum tabulis recentibus rerum memoriis, variis ecclesiasticis ritibus anctse et illustrat^e, plan and plates, old calf 4to. Mediol. J. B. Bidell 1625 2503 Castelnau. Les Memoires de Micliel de Castelnau, Seigneur de Manvissiere, illustrez et augnientez de plusieiirs commentaires et MSS., et I'Histoire Genealogiqne de Maison de Castelneau, par J. le Laboureur, large paper, portraits and looodcuts of Arms, 2 vols, old calf fol. Paris, L. Laniy 1660 2504 Castelvetro (Lodovico) Ragioni d'alcune cose segnate nella Canzoni di Annibal Caro id> pirel. II. 1 hlanJc ; and 176 numb. II.) vellum 12mo. (s. a. e I.) 1560 2505 Castiglione (Conte Baldesar) 1l Libro del Cortegiano, old Venetian morocco, loith Grolier tooling, gilt edges, tall copt fol. in Venetia nelle case d'Aldo Romano 1528 Edizione Prima. Grolier's copy, with his name " Jo. Geolieri et Amicorum " on the binding, with his motto " portio mea domine sit in terra viventiam," and the title of the book impressed in gold on the sides. The anchor on title and the large initials are illuminated. Contains 4*, and a-p6 in eights (p6, containing the anchor wanting). Some 11. are water-stained, and the binding is a little rubbed. On the title is the autograph of S. Ballesdens. 2506 Castiglione. 11 Cortegiana, edizione prima Venet. Aldus 1528 This copy has the leaf with anchor at end, but it is much scribbled on, and it wants leaf 4*. The title has the autograph of " Tallemant des Reaux." 2507 Castiglione. II Cortegiano, vellum 12m.o. Firenze per B. Gittntil5S7 Contains 129 numbered 11. with Junta's device on separate leaf at end. 2508 Castiglione. II Cortegiano, novamente stampata et con somma diligenza revisto, calf, clean coptj 12mo. in Vineg. casa de' fgli^ioli di Aldo 1541 Contains 5 prel. 11. and 195 numb. 11. 2509 Castiglione. II Cortegiano, niiovamente con somma diligenza corretto, et reyisto per il Dolce, secondo I'essemplare dol proprio antore, calf 12mo. in Vinegia app. G. Gtolito 1552 2510 Castiglione. II Cortegiano. Revisto per L. Dolce sopiti I'esemplare del proprio auttore, e nel margine annotate (^pp. 494 and Tavola 14 ZZ.) old calf, gilt edges 12nio. in Lione app. G. Rovillio 1562 2511 Castiglione. Stanze Pastorali, et del Signor Cesare Gonzaga, con le Rime di Ant. Giacomo Corso, old crinnson morocco gilt, with gilt and gauffred edges, tall copy sm. 8vo. in Vinegia app. ALmfilii 1553 Rare. It is really a second edition of the Rime of Corso, with the stanzas of Castiglione and Gonzaga added. Contains 112 numbered 11. and Tavola etc. 6 11. 2512 Castillionjens (Buonav.) Gallorum Insubrum Antiques sedes, vellum (fop of title torn off) sm. 4to. Ilediol. typis Jo. Ant. CastilloJieus 1541 Printed in peculiar upright italic letters ; containing pp. 132 and 4 pp. of index. This copy has on the title the signature " Guhelmus Cecilius 1542 " which is probably the autograph of the great Lord Burghley. 2513 Castillionfcns. Another copy, vellum sm. 4to. Mediol. 1541 2514 Castillioneus (Matth.) De Origine, rebus gestis, ac privilegiis gentis Castilioneae (2 p>rel. II. ; ami pp. 136), vellum sm. 4to. Venet. J. B. Hngolinum 1596 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 201 2515 Castilla. Convocacion de las Cortes de Castilla, y juramento del principe niiestro Senor D. Baltasar Carlos, primero deste nombre alio de 1632 ; escriviola por orden de D. Ant. Hurtado de Mendo9a (2 prel. II.; and 44 numb. II.), old calf sm. 4to. Madrid imprenta del Beyno 1632 2516 Castillo (R. P. Antonio de) El Devoto Pelegrino viage de Tierra Santa, vellum, covered ivith leather 4to. Mad. en la imprenta Beal 1656 A large and veiy clean copy, with fine impressions of the maps and plates. It contains 12 prel. 11. including engraved title ; pp. 1-511 ; and table 8 11. 2517 Castillo de Bovadilla (Licenciado) Politica para Corregidores, y Senores de Vassallos, en tiempo de paz y de gnerra ; y para jnezes ecclesiasticos, etc. en esta ultima impression diligentemente corregida, 2 vols, vellum thick fol. Mad. en la imprenta Ileal 1649 Vol. 1 contains 4 prel. 11. including half title and proper title ; text pp. 962 ; index 43 11.; vol. 2, 4 prel. 11. ; text pp. 830; index 33 11. 2518 Castillo (D. Diego del) Defensa de la Yenida, y predicacion evangelica, de Santiago eu Espana (12 prel. II. and 125 numh. II.), vellum sm. 4to. en (^aragoqa por L. de Bobles 1608 2519 Castillo (Julian del) Historia de los Reyes Godos que vinieron de la Scitia de Europa, contra el Imperio Romano, y a Espana ; y la succession dellos hasta Philippe ii. calf fol. en Burgos por Ph. de Junta 1582 First edition ; vert rare. Prel. 11. 10 (title wanting, 1 leaf mended); text 158 numb. II.; table 9 11. (stained). 2520 Castillo. Historia de los Reyes Godos . . . con adiciones copiosas ha.sta Felipe iv. por el hijo del Autor Fray Geron. de Castro y Castillo fol. Mad. por L. Sanchez 1624 Contains 13 prel. 11. ; text pp. 461 ; table 18 11. Coat of Arms of Fonseca, Genealogical Tree of the House of Olivares, and portrait of the author. The additions occupy pp. 375-461. 2521 Castillo (Leonardo del) Viage del Rey Felipe quarto el Grande, a la frontier de Francia. Funciones Reales, del desposorio, y entregas de la sereniss. Seiiora Infante de Espana ; etc. en relacion Diaria, vellum sm. 4to. Madrid, imprenta Beal 1667 2522 Castrensis (Paulus) Opera Yaria Juridica, cum multis D. P. Curtii et aliorum adnotationibus illustrata, 3 vols, calf fol. Veyietiis 1593-4 2523 Castrensis (Stephanus Rod.) Lusitani. Philomelia; libellus, quern suus autor ethices studiosis. non injucundum fore sperat, vellum 8vo. Florent. ap. P. Cecconcellmm 1628 2524 Castrioto (Jorge) Coronica del Esfor9ado Principe y Capitan Jorge Castrioto, Rey de Epiro o Albania, traduzida de lengua Portuguesa en Castellano por Juan Ochoa de Lasalde, vellum fol. en Madrid por Luis Sanchez 1597 Contains title ; licence ; 207 numb. 11. ; table 3 II. A clean and perfect copy ; not often found in this condition. 2525 Castro (Don Alonso Nunez de) Historia Ecclesiastica y seglar de la muy noble y muy leal ciudad de Guadalaxa.ra, vellum fol. en Madrid por P. de Val 1053 Written according to Salva by the Jesuit P. Hernando Pecha, and appropriated by Nuiiez de Castro. It is a veiy clean copy, and contains 4 prel. 11. ; pp. 406 ; and 5 11. of Index. 2526 Castro (Nuiiez de) Coronica de los Senores Reyes de Castilla, Don Sancho el deseado, Don Alonso el octavo y Don Enrique el primero, en que se refiere todo lo sucedido en Espana desde 1136 hasta 1217 fol. en Madrid por Pablo de Val 1665 Contains 16 prel. 11. and pp. 372 ; several II. at end damaged by a nail. 9- 9 It ? '1 X 6 7 z_ 202 BIBLIOTHECA SUXDERLAXDIAXA. 2527 Castro (Nunez de) Libro Historico Politico, solo Madrid es Cbrte, J el Cortisano en Madrid, segunda impression, vellum 4to. en Mad. D. G. Morras 1669 2528 Castro (Nunez de) Libro Historico Politico, quarta impression, vellum, clean copy sra 4to. Barcelona V. Suria 1698 2529 Castro (Emanuel Mendez de) De Annonis Civilibus lib. xi. Madriti P. Madrigal 1592 — Eiusdem, ad Just. Const, in Lege de bonis quae liberis commentt. ib. 1591 ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to. 2530 Castro (Fernand. Alvia de) Memorial j Discurso Politica por la muy noble, j muy leal ciudad de Lagrono, en prueba, y calification de su justicia, para que tenga effecto la raerced que el Rey Don Joan el Segundo le hizo alio de 1444 de vote en cortes en las de Castilla, vellum, clean cojJij 4to. Lishoa L. CrcesbeecJc 1633 Contains 8 prel. 11, 5 of which are occupied by sonnets addressed to the Author by Lopez de Zarate and others ; text pp. 140. 2531 Castro (D. Gabriele Pereira de) Decisiones Supremi Senatus Portugallia? ex gravissimorum patrum responsis collectte, vellum fol. JJlissipone P. Crcesheech 1621 2532 Castro (Guillem de) Comedias, a saber El Perfeto Cavallero, El Conde Alarcos, La Humildad Sobervia, Don Quixote de la ]\Ianclia, Los Mocedades del Cid (2), El Desengaiio dichoso, El Conde de Irlos, Los mal casados de Valencia, El Nacimiento de Montesinos, y El Curioso Impertinente (11 comedies, with woodczits ; some imperfect; sold ivith all faults) ; in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to. 2533 Castro (Dom Joaojt Elogio do muy valeroso e de raras Virtudes EoM JoAO DE Castro illust. Governador et Visoreet da India (per Joao Pinto Ribeyro) first edition, 109 pp. (including icoodctit title and leaf of " Escritos do Autor ") Lishoa, off. de Dom Lopes Rosa 1642 — Injustas sucessoens dos Reys de Leao e de Castella ; e izen9ao de Portugal, mostraas Joao Pinto Ribeyro (icoodcut title ; leaf of licences ; and 7b numh. II. the last erroneously numbered 39), Lisb. CrcesbeecJi 1642 — Primores Politicos e Regalias do nosso Rey Dom Joam iv. de marauilhoza memoria, composto pelo Doutor Antonio de Freites, Africano (4 prel. II. and 4:4: numb. II.) s. I. por Manoel de Sylva anno 1641 ; in 1 vol. vellum sm. fol. 2534 Castro (Jos. de). Emporio de el Orbe, Cadiz Illustrado, Inves- tigacion de sus antiguas grandezas, discaiTida en concurso de el general imperio de Espana, por el R. P. F. Geronimo de la Con- cepcion, map, calf fol. en Amsterdam 1690 2535 Castro (Don Nicolas Fernandez de) Natural de Burgos. Purtugal Convencida con la Razon para ser Yenzida, Equestrian figure of the Marquis de Carrenza (contains 21 prel. II. and pp. 1095), vellum, clean copy thick 4to. Milan 1648 2536 Catalogus Academiarum totius orbis Christiani (12 II.) Witeh. hceredes P. Seitzii 1554— Oratio in qua refutatur Calumnia Osiandri Doct. Tilemanno Heshusio (16 II.) ib. ex off. Craton. 1553 — Oratio de Johanne Regiomontano in renunciatiune gradiis magist. Philo- sopbice (24 U.) ib. V. Creutzer 1549 — Oratio Seb. Theod. Winshemii (48 II.) ib. 1553 — Oratio continens Hist. H. Leonis Ducis Sax. a D. Chytraeo (13 U.) ib. Craton. 1555 — Oratio de Salinis Saxonicis recitata C. G. Hallensi (24 II.) ib. P. Seitzius 1555 — Propositiones de Origine et causis succini Prnssiaci Caspar Peucerus (12 II.) ib. Grato. 1555 — Oratio de illust. Principe Friderico Landgravio Turingige a Casp. Peucero (20 U.) ib. Crate. 1554 — Collatio Actionum Forensium Atticarum et Romanarum prsecipuarum, autore Phil. Melanthone (24 II.) ib. 1554 — Fabularum Ovidii interpretatio BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 203 tradita in Academia Regiomonta a Georgio Sabino (152 II.) ib. \ hcered. Georg. Bhav. 1555; 10 scarce tracts; all slightly tvonned ; in i 1 vol. old stamped pigshin hinding sm. 8vo. 2537 Catan^us (Jo. Maria) Genua (Carmen) (12 II. the last blank) impressum Eomce ap Jac. Mazochium, s. a. — Claudius Rectilius Poeta Priscus de Laudibus urbis Etrurise et Italise (20 II.) BononicB in ^ Oidibus de Benedidis Bonon. 1520 ; in 1 vol. old calf 4to. 2538 Cataneo (Pietro) I Quattro primi libri di Architettura, mtmeroics fine woodcuts, old calf io\. in Vinegia in casa de^ figlitioli di Aldo lb54! The FIRST KDiTioN of the FOUR FIRST BOOKS, and a fine specimen of the Aldine press. Contains title; dedication; 54 numb. 11.; and Tavola 2 11. 2539 CatanaeuB (Hieron.) De Arte Bellica ; sive de designandis ac con- struendis arcibus et propugnaculis etc. woodcuts, velhim sm. 4to. Lugd. ex typ. Jo. Torncesii 1600 ' 2540 Catecliismus ex decreto Concilii Tridentini ad Parochos, Pii Quinti j Pont. Max. jussu editus, ruled with red lines, old calf fol. in cedibus Populi Bomani ap. P. Mamctium 1566 Contains title ; Privileges of Pope Pius V. ; text pp. 359 ; Index 6 11. Rare. 2541 Catel (Guillaume) Histoire des Comtes de Tolose, avec quelques traites et clironiques anciennes, concernans la mesme Histoire, 10 curious copperplate' engravings containing portraits, calf fol. a Tolose par B. Bosc 1623 i 2542 Catel. Memoires de I'Histoire du Languedoc {much wormed), old ■ leather binding fol. Tolose 1633 2543 Catena (Girolamo) Yita del gloriosissimo Papa Pic Quinto, calf sm. 4to. Mantova per F. Ossana 1587 2544 Catesby (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands (in English and French) original edition, vol. 1 only, containing 100 finely coloured plates {no map) boards, uncut impl. fol Land. 1731 2545 Catherine de Medicis. Discours Merveilleux de la vie, actions et deportemens de Catherine de Medicis Roine Mere. Declarant les moyens qu'elle a tenus pour usurper le gouvernement du Royaume de France et miner I'estat d'iceluy. Seconde edition, plus correcte, mieux disposee que la premiere, et augmentee de quelques parti- cularitez {sans place et nombre d^imprimeur 1576 A rare tract against the French Queen, containing cxxiii. pp. {to'p of title mended,). 2546 Cato (DiONTSics). Distichia Moralia (20 pp.), Paris, ex off. Rob. Stephani 1536— Modus Examinand^ constructionis in oratione, Johane Pelusone Condriensi authore {pp. 31) ib. 1535: — Bellum Grammaticale [ab And. Guarna] {pp. 37) ib. 1536 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 2547 Cato. Disticha sive carmen de moribus, D, Laberii, P. Syri et aliorum veterum sententiae etc. Ltd. B. Steph. 1577 — Jos. Scaligeri opuscula diversa Grteca et Latina, Paris. H. Beys 1605 ; in 1 vol. vellum 2548 Cato. Disticha moralia nomine Catonis inscripta ; cum Gallica interpretatione, et ubi opus fuit declaratione Latina, Max. Planudse interpret. Gr. ace. septem sapientem dicta, calf sm. 8vo. Lut. B. Steph. 1585 2549 Cato. Carmina, una cum exactissimis commentariis R. P. Joan. M. Verrati, calf 12mo, Florent. 1604 / 204 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELANDIANA. 2550 Cato. Disticlia cum notis Psedagogi Bremensis, vellum, 12ino. Bremce 1626 — Idem, cum Erasm.i brevi expositione, vellum 8vo. Liujd. Bat. 1626 2551 Cato. Auctores, octo libros subscriptos continentes, videlicet Catliouis, Faceti, Tbeodoli, De Contemptu Mundi, Floreti, Alani de Parabolis, Fabularum Esopi, Thobiadis, lit. goti^. with ruhricated capitals, ruled with red lines, old calf sm. 4to. absque ulla nota A rare edition ; containing 112 11. ; signs, a-o in eights. A large copy. 2552 Cato (Marcus Porcus) Opera, quae exstant, ab Aus. Popmae col- lecta, vellum, 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1590 — Idem, post A. Popmae, opera Joan. Meursi 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1598 — Opuscula quaedam De Re Rustica a Joacb. Camerario, Norimb. 1596 ; in 1 vol. calf, 12mo. — Yal. Catonis Dirae a C. Arnoldus editte, old calf 12mo. Lttgd. Bat. 1652 2553 Catrou (Pere Francois) Histoire Generale de I'Empire du Mogol depuis sa Fondation ; sur les Memoires Portugais de M. Manoucbi Venitien, wr/j?, calf 4to. Paris J. de Nully 1705 2554 Catrou. Histoire des Anabaptistes, engraved title, calf Paris, Claude Cellier 1706 2555 Cats (Jacob) Spiegel van den ouden ende niewen Tydt, numerous fine copperplate engravings of Emblems, calf 12mo. in den Briel, M. Feermano 1652 2556 Cattierus (Pliilippus) Exercitationes Quatuor ; desumptae expluribus aliis quas dixit si^ectante nobili coetu ab anno 1641 ad 1644 (4 prel. II. and pp. 75), old crimson morocco gilt, with the Arms of Peesident Seguier on sides, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. Paris, ap. Ant. Steph. 1647 2557 Cattierus. Gazophylacium Graecorum {4* prel. II. aiid 4A! pp.) first edition, velhim 4to. Paris. " Exemj^laria distrihuentur apud Authorem " 1651 2558 Catullns (And.) Tornacum, civitas Metropolis et Catbedra Episco- palis Ncrviorum, calf 4to. Brux. Jo. Mommarti 1652 2559 Catullus (Caius Valerius) Opera cum Tibullo et Propertio, junctim edita. Opera; et Sylv^ Statu; ex recens. Guarini, old yelloio morocco gilt, fine copy sm. f ol. impressi Venetiis opere et impensa JoHANXis de CoLOXiA et Jo. Manthex de Ghersem 1475 The SECOND EDITION of the COLLECTED TvoRKS of thesc FOUR PoETS and of GREAT RARITY. Thc volume is printed in a neat Roman letter on 18G leaves without marks of any kind. It commences on the verso of leaf 1 with the life of Tibullus, followed by his poems which occupy 30 11. terminating on the verso of the last. A leaf follows containing on its verso a brief summary of the life of Catullus occupying 1 1 lines only. The poems of Catullus then be^'in on the recto of the next leaf and occupy 34 11. ; next comes a blank leaf ; and the verso of the next has the life of Propertius, followed on the recto of the succeeding leaf by his poems, which occupy 59 11. ; at the end of Propertius occurs the imprint. Statins follows, and occupies the remaining 59 II. The total number of 11. is therefore 186 and not 176 as Dibdin says Bib. Spence i. 299, nor 182 as Brnnet says. There are some remains of signatures in the Propertius in this copy but none in the other books. 2560 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius et Statius. Cum praemissa Epistola Joan. Calpburnii ad Hermolaum Barbarum, old morocco (binding craclced) sm. fol. Actium YiCE'Siis: per Magist. Jovaxxnem (sic) REUEXSEM ET DioxYsimi Bertochum 1481 A RARE EDITION, finely printed in Roman letter, the first page illuminated, and capitals painted in blue. It contains 145 11. only (a-x in eights and sixes), com- mencing with thc Epistle of Calphurnius on recto of ai and ending with the imprint on verso of Y? ; followed by a blank leaf. This copy therefore wants the " Carmen Calphurnii " 3 11. described by Brunet. It is a remarkably clean copy. 2561 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, old crim^son morocco, gilt edges sm. fol. Regii Lepidi acctcrat. imp. auctoribus Peospero Odoardo et Albeeto Mazali Begiensibus 1481 A rare edition printed in Roman letters, without numerals or catchwords, the ^ & 16 /3 16 t 5 1 12. Hi BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 205 initials painted. The vol. commences with " Vita Tibulli" on the verso of aj. The poems of Tibullus follow and finish on the verso of djj. Catullus succeeds, and ends on verso of h7. The recto of the following leaf is blank, its verso being occupied by " Vita Propertii " followed by his poems, which finish on verso of p .5, which page contains the imprint also. The book contains 106 II. Signs, a-p in eights, except d which has 2 11. only ; and f, k, o, and p, which have 6 11. p. 6 being blank. 2562 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, cum commentariis Ant. Parthenii Lacisii in CatuUum, Bernard! Veronensis in TibuUum, et Antonii Volscii in Propertium, calf (172 II. ; ivants aj) fol. imi^ressum Venetum per. And. cle PaUhascicliis 1487 2563 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, Editio Aldina, old calf, clean cojoy 12mo. Venet. in cedibus Aldi 1502 A rare edition, being the first of the works of these poets from the Aldine Press. It contains, Catullus sign. A-Fiiij in eights; Tibullus lA-Eiiij in eights; and Propertius a-i in eights ; i 7 and 8 being occupied by the imprint and a new title. 2564 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius ; quibus sunt accesserunt AusoNius ET LuCANUS, in 1 vol. contemporary Venetian morocco (damaged) sm. 8vo. Venet. IK ^dibus Aldi 1515-17 The Catdllus etc. contains 148 numb. 11. (including title) ; and 2 11. at end containing the imprint and Anchor. The Auso^■Ius contains 107 numb. 11. (including title) : and leaf with Anchor ; date 1517. The Lucanos has 137 numb. 11. (including title), and 3 leaves not numb, on the last of which is the imprint. Tall and clean copies. 2565 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, cum Corn. Galli Fragmentis (title in red ivitliin a woodcut harder) old French calf gilt, gilt edges, fine COPY 12mo. imp. Lugduni sumptu Barthol. Trot 1518 2566 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, cum expositionibus Alex. Guarini, vellum sm. 4to. Venet. G. Buscori. 1521 2567 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius. Multis in locis restituti (cum vitis Poet. P. Crinitio) old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy 12mo. Paris, ap. 8. Golinceum 1534 2568 Catullus etc. His accessemnt Corn. Galli Fragmenta, vellum 12mo. Lngd. ap. S. Gryphium 1534 [2569 Catullus etc. (ut supra) calf 12mo. ib. 1537 2570 Catullus etc. title tvithin icoodcut border, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, good copy 24mo. Paris, ap. S. Golinceum 1543 On the title is the following signature " Le Coq, Sr. de Montadlt." 2571 Catullus etc. cum Corn. Galli Fragmentis, calf, 16mo. Lugd. \ S. Gryphium 1548 — Idem, cum commentt. Ant. Mureti, calf j sm. 8vo. Lugd. G. Povillium 1559 2572 Catullus etc. Fragmenta Corn. Galli, additis annotationibus, old ! calf 16mo. A^it. ex off. Plantlni 1560 2573 Catullus etc. in eosdem commentarii, cum scholiis illustrata, ; I M. Ant. Mureti, 3 vols, in 1, calf 8vo. Venet. in cedibus Aldi 1558 - 2573*Catullus etc. cum commentt. Mureti, alia editio, 3 vols, in 1, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy Svo.Fewe^. in ^dibits Aldi 1562 [2574 Catullus etc. cum Galli Fragmentis, calf, 16mo. Ant. ex off. G. Plan- \ tint 1569 — Idem, alia editio, calf 16mo. Lugd. Ant. Gryphium 1573 1 2575 Catullus etc. ex recens. Jos. Scaligeri, ace. ejusdem castigationum I liber, calf 8vo. Lut. Par. Mam. Pattissonum 1577 2576 Catullus etc. ex recens. et cum castigationibus Scaligeri, ruled ivith I red lines, vellum 8vo. Antw. ap. ^. Badoeum 1582 2577 Catullus etc. Horatii Tuscanellse opera, calf, 8\^o. Basil. 1592 — Idem, cum notis a Jano Dousa filio ; ace. Pervigilium Veneris 16mo. Lugd. Pat. Plantin. 1592 — Idem (et cum Martialis et Claudiani Opera), velhim 16mo, ex off'. Plantini 1603 l_ 6 /o 10 7 (0 — 3 / 7 a- II Ji>\ - ly 1 i/A /4 206 BIBLIOTHECA SDNDERLANDIANA. 2578 Catullus etc. cum variorum doctorum commentariis, notis et obser- vationibus in unum conjestis, large and clean copy, old calf ivith the arms of FlEUBET de Naulac, on sides fol. Lid. G. Morelli 1604 2579 Catullus etc. cum commentariis Joannis Passerati, copperplate view of Paris on title, old calf fol. Parisiis 1608 2580 Catullus etc. ab Horatio Tuscanella edita, vellum, 8vo. Hanov. 1608 — Idem, cum C Galli Fragmentis (2 copies), vellum 16mo. Amst. L. Elzevir. 1651 2581 Catullus etc. ex recensione J. G. GrceVii, cum notis variorum, bound in 2 vols, calf 8vo. Traj. ad Ehen. 1680 2582 Catullus etc. interpretatione et notis illustravit Ph. Silvius in usum Delpbini, 2 vols, hright old calf gilt 4to. Paris, ex typ. Regis 1685 83 Catullus etc. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita; ace. varise lectiones, rtiled ivitli red lines, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy 4to. Cant, impensis J. Tonson 1702 2584 Catullus etc. (ace. qusedam eorundem Poetarum carmina), Grsece versa, etc. cura Mich. Maittaire, large paper, front, calf 8vo. Lond. Tonson et Watts 1715 2585 Catullus etc. cura Maittaire, large paper, old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges, FINE COPT ih. 1715 This edition is dedicated to Charles Spencer, Earl of Sdndkeland. 2586 Catullus. Ex Tibullo et Propertio Elegise; ex Catullo aliisque scriptoribus Epigrammata selecta, calf 12mo. Mussiponti M. Ber- nardum 1615 — Jani Dousae Prtecidanea pro Catullo et Tibullo, vellum 16mo. Ant. C. Plantin. 1582 2587 Catullus. Catullus et in eum commentariis M. Ant. Mureti, vellum 12mo. Venet. ap. P. Manutium (Aldus) 1554 2588 Catullus cum commentario Achillis Statii, Venet. in cedibus Man- tuanis (Aldi) 1566 — Tibullus, cum comment. A. Statii ib. 1567; in 1 vol. vellum 8vo. 2589 Catullus et in eum Isaaci Yossii observationes, calf 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1684 An interesting copy being a present from the learned editor to Hadrian Bevlrland (or Barland) the celebrated scholar. He has written on the title "ex dono auctoris Hadr. Beverland." The volume seems to have been sent to J. G. Gr^vius bj' Beverland, who has written on the flv-leaf and verso of title a long letter concerning the edition. The two fly-leaves at the end are occupied by two letters of Grsevius, one to Beverland, and the other to Vos, the editor, occupying 4 pages. 2590 Catullus etc. ex recensione J. Ant. Vulpii, calf sm. 4to. Patavii Jos. Corona 1710 2591 Catullus. Epigrammata quasdam in usum pudicse juventutis selecta, velhim, large uncut copy, sm. 4to. Paris. F. Morellum 1558 — Phaselus CatuUi et ad earn quotquot exstaut Parodiae, old calf 12mo. Lrigd. 1593 2592 Cavalerius (Jo. Baptista de) Antiquarum Statuarum Urbis Romas primus et secundus liber, engraved title and 100 fiyie plates of Statues (plates 85 and 86 defective), Romce (s. a. 1585) — Eiusdem Urbis Romre -^dificorum illustriumque supersunt reliquiae a J. A. Dosio descriptte, engraved title and bO plates, the last defective, Romce 1569 ; in 1 vol. old leather binding 4to. 2593 Cavalerius. Urbis Romse ^dificorum reliquse, engraved title and hO fine plates, old calf 4to. Romce 1569 2594 Cavalerius. Antiquarum Statuarum Urbis Romae, liber primus, 52 plates, old leather binding 4to. Romce 1585 2595 Cavalerius. Antiquarum Statuarum Urbis Romae, primus et secundus liber, 106 fine plates, old leather binding 4to. Romce 1585 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 207 2596 Cavalerius. Antiquae Urbls Romse cum Regionibus simulacrum, \9 folding iilates, calf 4to. Eomce 1592 2597 Cavalerius. Pontificum Romanorum Effigies, 231 fine copper-plate portraits, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges (title mounted) sm. 8vo. (Eomce) ex typ. B. Basce 1585 2598 Cave (Dr. William) Lives of the Apostles and Primitive Fathers, numerous fine plates, 3 vols, calf fol. Bond. 1677-83 2599 Cave. Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria a Christo nata usque ad sseculum xiv. facili methodo digesta, large paper, 2 vols, calf fol. Bond, impensis B. Ghiswell 1688-98 2600 Cavitellius (Ludov.) Annales (Cremonensis) ad annum 1583 ab origine sua3, vellum sm. 4to. Cremonai ap. 0. Braconiiim 1588 2601 Causeus de la Chasse (Mich. Ang.) Romanorum Museum sive The- saurus eruditge Antiquitatis, 160 j^lates of antique vases, gems, lamps, etc. (including 6 plates of Briapi), calf fol. Eomce 1690 2602 Causeus de la Chasse. Le Gemme Antiche Figurate, 200 plates, calf 4to. Eomoi 1700 2603 Causeus de la Chasse. Aureus Constantini Augusti Nummus, Eomce 1703 — Delia Patria de' Ennio, Eoma 1701 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt 8vo. 2604 Caussinus (Nicolaus) De Symbolica Egyptiorum sapientia, fine front, by GauUier, autograph o/ " Chifflbt " on title, vellum thick 4to. Paris, sumpt. Eomani de Beauvais 1618 2605 Caussinus. Symbolica Egyptiorum sapientia nunc post varias editiones denuo edita, calf 4to. Paris. 8. Piget 1647 2606 CAXTON (WILLIAM) CRONYCLE of ENGLANDE, lit. gotfi. old calf {without name of pirinter, place or date ; hut printed with the types of W. DE Machlinia) A PERFECT COPY o£ this extraordinarily rare book, and on the whole in excel- lent condition. The collation is correctly given in Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spen- ceriana. It contains 238 11. and the signatures are alO 11. for table; text a-z, ^, and aa-ee4 all in eights. A few leaves are soiled but not badly so ; the inner plain margins of a few leaves have been mounted ; and the lower plain margin of dd7 has been mended, and two letters in the last leaf have been damaged by a worm. So i-are are perfect copies of this book that Dibdin supposed the Spencer copy to be the only one known. Sir W. Tite's copy (imperfect) bold for £90. 2607 Ceba (Ansaldo) II Gonzaga overo del Poema Heroico dialogo, vellum 4to. in Genova app. G. Pavoni 1621 2608 Cebes (Thebanus) Tabula cum versione et notis Jo. Casselii Bugd. Bat. 1618 — Titi (Rob.) in Caesaris comment, prselectiones Bonon. 1598 — Lycophronis Obscura Poema Gra^ce (27 II.) Paris, ap. Jac. Bogardum 1647 — Homeri Ranarum et Murium Pugna Greece Philip. Melanth. Wittehergre 1556 — Pugna Ranarum ac Murium Homeri Latino Carmine reddita et amplificata autore Hieron. Osio Witteb. 1556 ; in 1 vol. old calf sm. 4to. 2609 Cebes (Thebanus) Tabula Gra3ce et Latins, multis in locis restituta a Jac. Gronovio, vellum 12mo. Amst. 1689 2610 Ceccarelli (Alfonso) Dell' Historia di Casa Monaldesca libri quinque, in Ascoli app. Giosseppe de gV Angeli 1580 — Comentari Historici di Monaldo Monaldeschi Venet. app. F. Ziletti 1584 ; in 1 vol. velhini sm. 4to. 2611 Ceccherelli (Alessand.) Delle Actione et Sentenze del Signor Ales- sandro de' Medici primo duca de Firenze, calf 12mo. Firenze 1580 At the end of this vol. is bound an imperfect copy of a book in English written against the intended marriage of Queen Elizabeth with the Duke of Anjou. 2612 Celestina. Tragicomedia. De Calysto y Melibea, autograph of " Jdan Glanville" on title and mcmerous MS. notes in margins, vellum en la off. Plantiniana 1599 / 10 U til' IS- 208 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEKLANDIAX.V, 2614 Cellarms (Andreas) Regni Poloniee Magnique Ducatus Lituanise, novissima descriptio, I'lates, calf 12mo. Amst. ^g. Janssonium 1659 2615 Cellarius (Christopli.) Horje Samaritanfe J^ra»ro/. 1705 — Eiusdem, Collectanea Historife Samaritance, Chcs 1688 — Euisdem, Sciagraphia Philologite Sacrje, Jence 1678 ; et eiusdem alia Opuscula Critica, etc. 7 pieces in 1 toI. old calf sm. 4to. 2616 Cellarius. Notitia Orbis Antiqui, sive Geograpliia plenior, portrait and maps, 2 vols, calf 4to. Cant. 1703 2617 Cellarius. Dissertationes Academicae varii argumenti in summara redactas cura J. G. Walchii, vellum 4to. Lips. 1712 2618 Cellarius (C. J.) De Principum. Domaniis Liber, calf 8vo. Francof 1586 2619 Cellini (Benrenuto) Due Trattati, uno intorno alle otto principali Arti deir Oreficeria ; I'alti'o in materia dell' Arte della Scultura, EDizioxE PRIMA, icoodcut initials, vellum sm. 4to. Fiorenza V. Panizzi 1568 2620 Cellius (ErLardus) Eques Auratus Anglo-Wirtemburgicus, woodcut portrait on verso of title : some II. tvormed, vellurii sm. 4to. Tubingce 1605 This is an account of the investiture of Frederic Duke of Wurtemberg. with the Order of the Garter by J.imes I. through Lord Spencer and Wm. Dethick, Garter King at Arms, Nov. 6, 1603. 2621 Celsus (Magnus) Computus Ecclesiasticus, calf 8vo. Upsalice 1673 2622 Celsus (Aur. Cornelius) Corn. Celsi de Medicixa liber incipit (libb. viii. ex recog. B. Fontii et Saxetti), old crimson morocco, with hroad borders of gilt tooling fol. Florent. a Xicolao iMPRESSUS anno 1478 Editio prtxceps ; vert k.\be. Printed in Roman letter, on 196 11. Signs a-z (a having 4 11. only). & and aa-hh4, all in sixes. In this copy the 8 11. of table I (sign. A, the last blank) ai'e placed at the end. 12623 Celsus. De Medicina lib. viii. calf fol. impressum Mediol. per L. Pachel et Uldericum Scinzenzeler 1481 A rare edition. Contains 153 II. printed in Roman letter. ■2624 Celsus. De Medicina lib. viii. calf 62 II. {aj ivanting) fol. Yenet. Joannis Ituheus Vercellensis 1493 2625 Celsus. De Medicina lib. viii. old calf gilt (94 II. ivitli device of the Printer on the last) fol. Venet. per Philippum Pinzi 1497 2626 Celsus. De Re Medica lib. viii. ; et Quinti Sereni liber de Medi- cina ex emendatione Joan. B. Egnatii, old calf gilt narrow sm. 4to. Venet. in ^dibus Aldi 1528 j PRINTED UPON VELLUM, only 2 or 3 copies known. It contains 1 8 prel. 11. including title, and 164 numb. 11. besides 2 blank 11. The title has the t autograph of '" Caroli Bernardi Archichir. Reg." '2627 Celsus. Lib. viii. et Q. Sereni Precepta Medica etc. vellum I 8vo. Ilagajioce pel- Jo. Secerum 1628 i2628 Celsus. Alia editio, vellum 8vo. Salingia;i Jo. Soter. 1538 One of the earliest books printed in this German town. 12629 Celsus. Lib. viii. Item Q. Sereni liber de Medicina ; Q. Rhemnii De Ponderibus etc. calf 16mo. Lugd. Jo. Tpmcesium 1549 j2630 Celsus. Gulielmi Pantini annotationibus, Basil. Jo. Oporinum I 1552 — De Cbirurgia Scriptores optimi quique veteres et recentiores, [ woodcuts, Tiguri 1555 ; in 1 vol. calf fol. 2631 Celsus. Ace. in primum librum H. Tbriveri Brachelii comment. , etc. vellum sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1592 12632 Celsus. Annotationes in Celsum auctore Hieron. Rubeo, vellum I 4to. Venet. 1616 ^ 3 // 3 Z /^' u /s 6' n /33 3 7 /6 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 209 J2633 Celsus. Ex recognitione Joh, Ant. Vander Linden, froyit. vellum, \ clean copy 16mo. Liujd. Bat. ap. J. Elzevirem 1657 2634 Celsus. De Re Medica : cum integris notis Jos. Scaligeri et Isa, Casauboni, Mercurialis et Beverlandi, collectore et editore Amelo- Ivenio 1695, calf 4to. This copy is prepared for the press as a new edition and contains many MS. emendations, epistles to Vos and Lister and other MS. matter, chiefly in the auto- graph of Hadrian Beverland. 2635 Celsus, cura et studio Th. J. ab Almeloveen, calf, 12mo. Amst. J. Wolfers 1687 — Alia editio, port, calf 8vo. ib. 1713 2636 Celsus (Minus) In Haereticis Coercendis quatenus progredi lieeat, calf 8vo. Christlinrjce 1577 A rare book. Written by Lelius Socinus ; (see Barbier) ; and probably the earliest book printed in this Prussian town. 2637 Celtis (Cokradus) Libri iv. Amorum, secundum quatuor latera Germanise, old red morocco rjilt, gilt edges NorimhergcB (sine nomine impressoris) 1502 A F]NE COPY OF A WORK MUCH SOUGHT FOR BUT RARELY FOUND COMPLETE. The title is an elaborate woodcut and there are eight other spirited full-page wood- cuts in the book one of which (at least) is by Albert Durer as it has his usual mark. The collation is a-r in eights, including title which has a figure of a king enthroned on its verso, c, d, g, h, k, n and r having 6 11. only. It contains Amorum lib. iv. ; Germania Generalis ; Norimberga ; Hymnis Saphieus ; Ludus Dyanae ; et Panegyricus ad Maxi. Regna. 2638 Cenalus (R.) De Vera Mensuarum Ponderumque ratione, calf 8vo. Pa7-is. J. Boigny 1547 2639 Censorinus. De Die Natali ; ace. Cebetis Tabula ; Dialogus Luciani ; Enchiridion Epicteti : Basilius ; Plutarcbus de Invidia et Odio, vellum, large and clean copy fol. impressum Bonon. per Benedictum Hectoris Bononiensis 1497 Editio princeps. 38 11. in Roman letter. 2640 Censorinus. De Die Natali et alia opuscula; ace. Pomponius Lsetus, calf sm. 4to. Venet. per B. de Vitalihus 1500 2641 Censorinus. De Die ISTatali, etc. 10 II. (no title) Paris, ap. Badiun)^ 1524 — In Carum Lucretium commentarii a Jo. Bapt. Pio editi, etc. woodcut title (lOpreZ. II.; 184 numh. II. and 6 II. at end) ih. ap. Bad. Ascensianis 1514 — Calderini commentt. in Satyras Juvenalis (61 II.) Vent, per Bart, de Zanis de Portesio 1487 ; in 1 vol. old calf gilt fol. 2642 Censorinus. De Die Natali, per E. Vinetura emendatus, vellum sm. 4to. Pictavis E. Marnefii 1567 2643 Censorinus. De Die Natali ab Aldo Manuccio, etc. notis illustratus, , Venet. ap. Album 1581 — Lilii Gregorii Gyraldi suarum quarundam annotationum Dialogismi xxx. Venet. ap. S. Scottum 1552 ; in 1 vol. 12mo. 2644 Censorinus. De Die Natali, H. Lindenbrogius recens. et notis illustravit, vellum, sm. 4to. Hamb. 1614 — Censoriuus, nova editio, calf ^ 12mo. But. 1583 2645 Censorinus. De Die Natali, H. Lindenbrogius recensuit et notis, vellum 12mo. Lugd. Bat. J. Maire 1642 2646 Cepeda (Lie. Francisco) Resumpta Historial de Espana, desde el diluvio hasta el ario de 1642, vellum sm. 4to. con Bicencia in Mad. 1654 2647 [Ceredi (Giuseppe)] Tre Discorsi sopra il modo d'azar acque da' Luoghi Bassi, woodcut diagrams, scarce, calf sm. 4to. in Parma app. Seth Viotti 1567 14 // / / ff 3 T 3 U 2, Z 210 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 2648 Ceriziers (Siegneur de) Le Tacite rran9ois, avec des Reflexions Chrestiennes et Politiques sur la vie des Rois de France, copperplate title and heads, vellum 4to. Paris Gamusat 1648 2649 Cerrio (Giulio) Risposta per la Verita, all' trattato delle usnrpationi, de' Re di Spagna sopra la Corona di Francia doppo il Regno di Carlo VIIJ. calf 4to. alia Mirandola 1626 2650 Cerutus (Federicus) Dialogi duo de Comoedia, etc. Veronce 1593 — Franc. Sanctii de Autoribus Interpretandis, sive de Exercitatione, Antiv. Plantin. 1582 — Car. Sigonii de Dialogi Liber (s. I.) impensis Henr. OsthausU 1596 — Jac. Pontani Poeticarum Institution una libri iii. (attto^ra^// o/ " Desportes " on title) Ingoldst. Adam. Sartorius 1597 ; in 1 vol. vellum 8vo 2651 Cervantes (Miguel de) Novelas Exemplares, old calf, good copi/ 12mo. eu Sevilla por Francisco de Lyra 1641 A VERT RAKE EDITION, Dot known to Salva or Brunet. It contains title ; Tahla y Licencia, 1 leaf; text 332 numb.]].; and imprint 1 leaf. The license states that this edition conforms to the original. 2652 Cervantes. Novelas Exemplares, vellum, clean copy (4 prel. Ih' and pf. 403) sni. 4to. en Madrid por Julian de Paredes 1664 2653 Cervantes. Ocho Combdias, y ocho Estremeses Nuevos, nunca representados, vellum, clean copy sm. 4to. en Madrid por Viuda de Alonso Martin 1615 First edition, very rare. Contains 4 prel. 11. and 257 numb. 11. and leaf for imprint. Heber's copy sold for £5. 1 5s. 2654 Cervantes. Los Trabaios de Persilbs t Sigismuxda, Historia Setentrional, vellum 8vo. Conforme a lo translado impresso en Madrid por Juan de la Cuesta, EN Paris a costa de Estevan Richer 1617 This edition is, as the title intimates, a reprint of the first. It contains 4 prel. 11. and 524 pp. Its rarity, Salva asserts, is at least as great as the original. 2655 Cervantes. Persiles y Sigismunda, calf sm. 8vo. en Brucelas por Suberto Antonio 1618 A scarce edition. Contains 4 prel. 11. and pp. 604. 2656 Cervantes. Los Seys Libros de la Galatea, calf 12rao. en Barcelona por Sebastian de Corm-ellas 161S Prel. 11. 6 (title mounted) ; text 272 numbered 11. and leaf at end with a ■woodcut, which appears not to have any connection with the book though usually found with it. A scarce EDirioN. 2657 Cervantes. Primera j Segunda Parte del incensioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, vellum, clean copy sm. 4to. en Madrid, imprenta Real 1647 A rare EDITION. Contains 6 prel 11. and 481 numb. 11. 2658 Cervantes. Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha, nueva edicion, corregida y ilustrada con 32 differentes estampas, 2 vols, calf 8vo. en Amberes por G. y J. Verdussen 1672-1673 2659 Cervantes. Don Quixote, nueva edicion, corregida y illustrata con treinta y cinco laminas, 35 curious copperplate engravings, 2 vols. sm. 4to. Madrid F. Laso 1714 2660 Cervantes. Don Quixote, /iwe^Za^es, 4 vols, old calf gilt, loith the Marlborough Arms on sides, red edges 4to. Land. J. Tonson 1738 Lord Carteret's splendid edition, with beautiful impressions of the plates, and very clean. 2661 Cervantes. Don Quixote, translated by Charles Jarvis, numerous fine copperplate engravings, 2 vols, calf 4to. Loud. Tonson 1742 10 1 Id iq il 2. Il IS- t^ BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLANDIANA. 211 |2662 Cervantes. Les IsTouvelles, traduites en Francois par F. De Rosset et le Sr. d'Audiguier, avec I'Histoire de Ruy Dias, 2 vols, in 1, vellum 12mo. Paris chez F. Mauger 1670 (dates cut off) 2663 Cervarius (Ludov.) De Turcai-um Origine, moribns, et rebus gestis commentarius, vellum sni. 4to. Florent. ap. Ant. Patavinum, 2664 Cespedes. Compendio de las mas Seualadas Hazanas que obro el Capitan Alonso de Cespedes ; sn Ascendencia, y Descendencia, con varies Ramos Genealogicos que desta casa han salido, publicata R. Mendez Sylva,, portrait {title slightly defective), vellum 12mo. Madrid 1647 2665 Cespedes j Meneses (Don Goncalo de) Poema Tragico del Espanol Gerardo, y desengano del amor lascivo, nuevamente corregido, y emendado en esta segunda impression {corner of title mended and 1 leaf defective) calf sm. 4to. ejt Cuenca par Sabo de Viader 1621 2666 Cespedes y Meneses. Primera (y solo) Parte de la Historia de D. Felippe el IIII. Rey de las Espanas, old calf gilt, luith the Marl- borough Arms on sides, red edges fol. Lishoapor P. Crcesheech 1631 First edition. Contains 4 prel. II. and pp. 607 (small hole in last leaf of table). 2667 Cestius (P. B.) Orbis Terrarum Synoptica epitome, una cum Geo- grapliica poetica, calf 8vo. JExcud. J. Stoer 1588 2668 Ceva (Thomas) Soc. Jesu. Jesus Puer, Poema ; Josepho prime Romanorum Regi sacrum, calf sm. 4to. Mediolani, G. A. Malatest(B 1690 2669 Chabassius (Amandus) Institutionum DialecticaB liber, Paris. M. Davidis 1549 — Compendium Jo. Despauterii de Syllabarum Quanti- tate, Lut. 8. Calvarin. 1553 — Em. Chrysoloras Bysantini Grsecase Grammaticee Institutiones, Paris. And. Wechel. 1559 ; all large and clean copies, in 1 vol. calf 4to. 2670 Chaggio (Paolo) Ragionamenti Politici, woodcut on title and last leaf, in Venetia, al segno del Pozzo 1551 — II Gentilbuomo del Fausto da Longiaio ; e de lo istituire un figlio d'un Principe, woodciU on title, in Vinegia {senza nomhre d' hnpressori) 1542 — Le Lettere di M. Pietro Lauro Modonese, in Venet. 1553 ; in 1 vol. calf 12mo. 2671 Chalcondylas (Demetrius) Erotemata Synoptica octo partinm orationis ; Manuel Moscophulus de Prosodia : Gregorius Coein- THUS de Dialectis, GRiEcf;, old calf, with Marlborough Arms on sides fol. absque nota : {sed Medial, circa 1493) Editio Princeps ; and of great rarity. This copy contains for Chalcon- dylas signs, (in Greek letters) a-61 in eights : Q having only 4 11. the last of which is blank; aj warning. Moscophulus a-t in eights Q and i having only 6 11. each. Corinthus signs, a, b in 6, and t in 8. Many MS. notes in the margins of the last treatise. Tinelli's copy, now in the library of Earl Spencer, produced nearly £20. :J672 Cbalcondylas (Nicolaus) L'Histoire de la decadence de I'Empire Grec et establissement de celuy des Turcs ; compinse en dix livres de la traduction de Blaise de Vigenere, vellum, clean copy 4to. Paris N. Chesneaic 1577 '2673 Clialcondylas. L'Histoire Generale des Turcs traduction de B. de Vigenere, avec la continuation par T. Artus, etc. vieio of Constan- tinople and 89 plates, 2 vols. {vol. 1 wormed) calf fol. Paris, A. Courbe 1662 674 Challine (Paul) Metbode Generale pour I'lntelligence des Coustumes de France, calf 12mo. Gand 1690 2675 Chaloner (Sir Thomas) De Republica Anglorum instauranda libri decern ; hue ace. in Laudem Henrici Octavi Regis quondam Anglise carmen panegyricum ; Item de Illustrium quorundam encomiis mis- cellanea etc. (12^reZ. II. and pp. 379; a portion of plain margin of I lo 7 3 3 1 7 4 ? 7 212 BIBLIOTHECA SUNDERLAXDIAXA. IS 7 m d' 7 u ')3 ' I ti- ll p. 1 cut out), Lo7id. T. Vaidrollerms 1597 — Thomse Drantii Angli Praesnl. einsdem Sylva (ded. to Archhp. Grindal, 4 II.; title ; errata 1 leaf; text Q7 p>p-) s. a.; in 1 vol. vellum sni. 4to. 2676 Chamberlayne (E. aud J.) Angliae Notitia ; or the present state of England, 2-2iidediiio'B, portrait, calf 8vo. Lond. 1707 2677 Chamberlayne (Jo.) Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium lingnas versa ; una cum dissertationibus nonnullis de linguarum origine, large paper (only a fcio copies printed), vellum, clean copy ■ 4to. Amst. G. and D. Goerei 1715 2678 Chambers (Wm.) Treatise on Civil Architecture, second edition, numerous fine plates, old calf imp. fol. 1768 2679 Chambers. Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 2 vignettes Ity Bartolozzi after Cipriani, calf gilt, clean copy 4to. Lond. 1772 2680 Chambray (Roland Freart de) Idee de la Perfection de la Peinture, calf sm. 4to. au Mans 1662 2681 Chambray (Freart de) Parallel of the ancient Architecture -with the modern ; translated by John Evelyn, plates, calf fol. Lond. 1733 2682 Chambrun (M. de) Relation du Retablissement de la Principaute d'Orange, calf sm. 4to. Orange per E. Rahan 1666 2683 Champerius, sen Campegius (Simphorianus) Liber de quadruplici vita Theologia Asclepii, Hermetis Trismegisti discipuli, cum com- mentariis ; ace. Tropheum Gallorum quadruplicez eorundem coni- plectens historiam in quatuor libros partiales, lit. Qoii). ivith fine ivoodcuts, vellum 4to. impressiis Lugduni, per S. Gueynard et J. Suguetani 1501 Very rare. The signatures are a-1 in eights, a and 1 having 6 11. each. " Tropheum Gallorum " A-Gij in eights. ii684 Champerius. Le Recueil ou Croniques des Htstoires des RoYAUMES d'Austrasie OU FRANCE Orientale, dit a present Lorrayne, De Hierusalem, de Cicile, et le Duche de Bar. Ensembles des sainctz Contes et evesques de Toulx, contenant sept livres tant en Latin que en Francoys, lit. (jot^- i^'ith numerous fine woodcuts, old calf sm. fol. Compose a Nancy en. Lorrayne et fitly Ian de Grace 1510 lelOede Mars This exteemelt rare "work contains signatures a-s7 in eights, 109 11. Copies have lately sold in Paris for large sums. ii685 Champier. Les Geaxs Croxiques des Gestes et Verteux faicts des tres-excellexs . . . Dues et Princes des Pays de Savoye et Piemoxt. Et tant en la saincte terre de Jerusalem, come es lieux de Sirie, Turquie, Egipte, etc. ensemble les genealogies et antiquitez de Gaulle et des Roys de France . . . nouvellement imprimees a Paris pour Jehan de la Garde, lit. gotfj. numerous spirited woodcuts, vellum sm. fol. imp. a Paris pour Jehan de la Garde 1516 ExTKEMELT RAKE. It contains title ; table 5 11. ; after which the 11. are numb, i-cxxxi ; and at the end a leaf containing colophon and printer's device. The Yemeniz copy realized 600 francs. The present copy is sound and perfect ; but the headlines are cut close. i686 Champerius. Opera Varia Latina, lit. gatfj. u-oodcuts, old stamped binding 8vo. Lugd. per Joh. Warion 1516 ^687 Champlain (Samuel de) Les Voyages de la Nouvelle France Occidentale, dicte Canada, vellum, fine impression of the large map, and plates 4to. Paris chez C. Collet 1632 A Fi>"E COPY of this the most complete of Champlain's works on America; and VERT RARE. It is divided into 2 parts, the first having 308 pp. including title ; and the second 310 pp. ; then comes a blank leaf; followed by Index of places on the map, 411. At the end is " Traitte de la Marine et du Devoir d'un BIBLIOTHECA SUNDEELAKDIANA. 213 bon Mariner," 54 pp, " Doctrine Chrestienne du P. Ledesme trad, en Canadois par le P. Breboeuf," and "I'Oraison Dominicale," 20 pp. A copy of this work with a facsimile of the map is priced 750 fr. in the Maisonneuve catalogue. 2688 Champlain. Les Voyages du Sr. de Champlain en la Nouvelle France es annees 1615 et 1618, frontisp. and h plates (8 prel. II. and 158 mcmh. II.) ORIGINAL EDITION, VERY RARE, Vellum, FINE COPY, Paris, chez Claude Collet 1619 — Le Voyage de France dresse pour rintroduction des Estrangers, Paris, 0. de Varennes 1643 ; in 1 vol. vellum 8vo. 2689 Chanet (Sienr) de I'lnstinct et la Connoissance des Animaux, vellum 8vo. La BocheUe, T. de Gouy 1646 2690 Chantereau le Febure (Louis) Discours Historique concernant le Mariage d'Ansbert et le Blithilde pretendue Fille du Roy Clothaire I. ou II. calf 4to. Paris, A. Vitre 1647 2691 Cbantereau le Febure. Question Historique si les provinces de I'ancien Royaume de Lorraine doivent estre appellees terres de TEmpire, vellum 8vo. Paris, B. Bertault 1644 2692 Cbantereau. Traite des Fiefs et de leur Origine, vellum fol. Paris, L. Billaine 1662 2693 Chapeaville (Jo.) Historia Sacra, prophana, nee non politica, tribus tomis comprehensa {port, and title of vol. 1 mounted) 3 vols, calf, with the Sunderland Arms on sides 4to. Aiig. Eharonum 1618 2694 Chappe d'Auteroche (Jean, Abbe) Voyage en Siberie fait en 1761, numerous fine plates, 3 vols, old French calf gilt, fine copy {no atlas) roy. 4to. Paris, Debure 1768 2695 Cbappasius (Nicolaus) De Mente et Memoria libellus, printed in italics) (18 II.) Paris. D. Boce s. a. (autograph of " Rothier, Advocat," on title) — Ars Memorativa Guliel. Leporei, looodcuts (32 II.) Paris. J. Bad. Ascens. s. a. ; in 1 vol. vellum 4to, 2696 Chappuys (Gabriel) Histoire de nostre temps ; avec Histoire des Guerres entre les deux Maisons de France et Espagne, old calf 8vo. Paris, L. Sonnius 1606 2697 Chappuys. Histoire Generale de la Guerre de Flandre, edition nouvelle, plates, old calf fol. Paris, B. Fouet 1633 2698 Cbappuzeau (Charles) Le Devoir General de I'Homme en toutes conditions, Paris 1617 — Le Meme, Traite des Diverses Jurisdictions de France, ib. 1618; clean copies; in 1 vol. vellum 8vo. 2699 Chappuzeau. L'Europe vivante, ou relation nouvelle historique et politique de tous ses estats, old morocco, gilt edges 4to. a Geneve 1667 2700 Chardin (Chev. Jean.) Journal du Voyage en Perse et aux Indes Orientales, port, map and plates, calf io\. Lond. 1686 f/ 6 (0 II li /)' / 7 // 7 END OF THE FIRST PORTION. G. NORMAN AND SON, PRINTEB8, 29, MAIDEN LANE, COVENT GARDEN. QHY6 33. 669 // z^oaA, _ n ad cii GETTY CENTER LIBRARY ' 3 3125 00944 7174 ,,«>"' -vex;,- ;;.^ !!?a.',-?j^' w':r,'* '