CORPORATION or LONDON -v ART G/ILL6RY. of t«6 LOAN COLLECTION OF PICTURES PRICE SI CORPORATION OF LONDON (xido%M of Boan Coihitxon of {pkiuxt*. PREPARED BY A. G. TEMPLE, F.S.A., Director of the see No, 113.) D GALLERY III. LANDSCAPE, FIGURES AND CATTLE. Painted by adam pynaker. Canvas 27 x 23 inches. Lent by sir henry st. john mildmay, bart. HE landscape is composed of clusters of trees on 1 a hilly ground, and objects peculiar to this master, such as the stump of a beech, docks and other weeds. Two peasants are introduced, with a dog, a goat and several cows ; one of the latter is caught by the leg in a bramble bush. " The delightful influence of a fine summer evening is diffused throughout the scene/ 7 Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, No. 26. Adam Pynakrr or Pynacker was born at Pynacker, near Delft, in 1 62 1. Nothing is known of his family name, or the name of his master. At an early age he visited Italy, and for three years studied in Rome the works of the great landscape painters. On his return to Holland he soon became known and was much sought after and admired ; he found employment in ornamenting the apartments of large buildings (the practice being at that time to decorate the walls of important structures with landscapes executed by distinguished artists). Most of his pictures contain trees and animals, but he also painted sea-pieces. He died in 1673. GALLERY III. 99 137 A HAWKING PARTY. Painted by jan wynants. Canvas 31 x 40 inches. Lent by sir henry st. john mildmay, bart. ON the right is a winding road on which are several gentlemen and a lady on horseback with atten- dants and dogs, enjoying the recreation of hawking. The foreground is painted in the artist's most engaging manner, and is broken and diversified by two old oak trunks, one of which is thrown down amongst docks, thistles and other herbage. The figures, horses and dogs are by the hand of philips wouwerman, by whom the more brilliant and highly finished works of Wynants were enriched. Collection of M. le Brun until 1791. Collection of Mr. Crawford, until 1801. Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, No. 44. Jan Wynants was born about 1600, and resided at Haarlem until 1660. Of the many great landscape painters who distinguished the School of Haarlem, none showed more originality than Jan Wynants. He showed a preference for open scenery, where, "under a sky of summer blue, the undulating soil reveals its origin through beaten tracks and rugged roads, with their shelving sides of gold-coloured sand." Figures in his pictures were generally inserted by Adrian van de Velde or Lingelbach, and occasionally by Wouwerman. During the last years of his life he resided in Amsterdam, where he died, 1679. D 2 100 GALLERY III. 138 DUTCH VILLAGE, CANAL, MOONLIGHT. A DUTCH Village on a canal surrounded with trees on a bright moonlight night. In the foreground are two hewers of wood at their occupation, and in the middle distance are some fishermen. " The effect of moonlight is here rendered with admirable skill in every portion. The treatment is highly solid and free, proving that the picture belongs to his later time." Waagen. Collection of Lord Overstone. Aert Van DER Neer was born at Amsterdam in 1603. Very little is known of his life. lie excelled in moonlight views, towns and groups of cottages. lie frequently painted winter pieces with figures on the ice, in which he is scarcely surpassed. He died, very poor, at his native town in 1677. Painted by aert van der neer. Canvas 26^ x 31^ inches. Lent by lord wantage, k.c.b., v.c. Coffecfton of WorUe mamfg Jfffuefrafing f$e &tt of tfle ^cu^fot^ofcemtf^ anb er 45btftOtt- Not more than One hundred and fifty copies will be printed on best Hand-made Paper, and the impressions of the Plates will be carefully selected. The volume will be Imperial 4to., i5}4 x 13 in., handsomely bound in cloth, and the cover will be specially designed. The design for the cover of last years volume has been accepted by the Royal Academy, and is hung on the line at the present Exhibition. Price £2 2,s. nett. Copies of the above editions will be supplied to Subscribers only, so that no copies will be obtainable after the List closes.