pRflNKLiN Institute Libr/irt PHILdDELFt1l4 Class^ ~^ BookS..C;0.??..r? I Accession V ^ 3 S meeting; lo mis ciass snaii uc auuuu an uiiuuuiiu penuuitjais, aiiu suuii icai- books as ought necessarily to be found in a library of reference. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation among ths Members. Article G. The Actury shall have authority to loan to Members of the Institute any work belonging to the second class, subject to the following regulations :— Section 1. Every person, on borrowing a book, shall sign a conditional bond, or obligation, ior the sum of fifty dollars, as security for his due observance of the rules of the Library, and for the value of such books as may be injured or lost by him. Section 2. No individual shall be permitted to have more tlian two books out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two Mem. bers of the Library Committee, nor sliall a book be kept out more than two weeks; but if no one has applied for it, the former borrower may renew the loan : should any person have applied for it, the latter shall have the preference. Section 3. A fine often cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of every book beyond the limited time; and if a book be not returned within three months, ii shall bo deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to his fines, forfeit its value. Section 4. Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace tlie book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall pay the full value of the set or sets, and may take the remaining volumes. Article 7. Any person removing from the Hall, without permission from the proper authorities, any book, newspaper, or other property in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who may inflict any fine not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars. Article 8. No Member, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid, or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privi- leges of the Library or Reading Room. Article 9. If any member shall refuse or neglect to comply with the fore- going rules, it shall be the duty of the Actuary to report him to the Commit- tee on the Library. i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 » t THE PRACTICAL COTTON SPINNER, AND MANUFACTURER. THE PRACTICAL V- COTTON SPINNE AND MANUFACTURER: THE MANAGERS', OVERLOOKERS', AND MECHANICS' COMPANION. A COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF CALCULATIONS OF fflLL GEARING AND MACHINERY, FROM THE PEIMAEY MOVING POWEK, THROUGH THE DIFFERENT PROCESSES OF CARDING, DRAWING, SLUBBING, ROVING, SPINNING, AND WEAVING, With the recent improvements in Machinery. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Compendious Tables of Yarns and Heeds for Silk, Linen, Worsted, and Wool. BY R. SCOTT. Comctiti anJj jHnlarstU, toitlj ^3Iatcs of Hmcrtcait 88)2396.8(27.236 revols. a minute of geering- shaft, ) 176 shaft. 636 616 208 176 320 264 560 628 38 LAP MACHINE. If a wheel with 16 teeth be fixed on a shaft making 27.236 revolutions a minute, works into a wheel 88 teeth on the end of lap-roller; how many revolutions will the lap-roller make a minute ? 27.236 revolutions of shaft a minute. 16 teeth wheel on said shaft. 163416 27236 kprol^er^^^^^ \ ^^vols. of lap-roller a min. 837 792 457 440 176 176 iV. B. — There is a wheel of 30 teeth fixed on the first lap-roller^ which tvorJcs into a wheel 20 teeth on stud, which drives a wheel 30 teeth on the second lap-roller, consequently it will he the same speed as the first. If a wheel 22 teeth fixed on geering-shaft, make 27.236 revo- lutions a minute, works into a wheel 88 teeth on front iron-roller; what number of revolutions will the front iron-roller make a minute ? 27.236 revols. of geering-shaft a min. 22 teeth wheel on geering-shaft. 54472 54472 Teeth of wheel on ) 88)599.192(6.809 revolutions of front iron- iront iron-roller, \ Voo n • i. ' ozo roller a minute. 711 704 792 792 ii LAP MACHINE. 39 If a 'wheel of 20 teeth fixed on the front iron-roller, making 6.809 revolutions a minute, works into a wheel of 19 teeth on stud, which works into a wheel of 19 teeth on creeper-roller; what number of revolutions will the creeper-roller make a minute ? 6.809 revolutions of iron-rollers a min. 20 teeth wheel fixed on iron-rollers, Teethof wheel on | i9^i36.i80(7.167 revol. of creeper-roller a creeper-roller, / ^^33 31 19 128 114 140 183 If a wheel of 18 teeth fixed on the end of creeper-roller, making 7.167 revolutions a minute, works into a wheel with 64 teeth on stud, which works into a wheel of 96 teeth on wire cylinder end; what number of revolutions will the wire cylinder make a minute ? 7.167 revols. of creeper-roller a min. 18 teeth wheel fixed on creeper-roller. 57336 7167 Teeth of wheel on a^eemoiwneeion 96)129.006(1.3438 revols. of wire cyl. a min. Wire cylinder, ) qp 96 830 288 420 384 — - 780 366 768 288 40 LAP MACHINE. If a wheel with 36 teeth, fixed on the end of the creeper-roller, making 7.167 revolutions a minute, works into a wheel with 36 teeth on feed-roller shaft, and on the other end of feed-roller shaft is a wheel with 46 teeth, which works into a wheel with 30 teeth on feed-roller end ; what number of revolutions will the feed-rollers make a minute? 7.167 revols. of creeper-roller a min. 46 teeth on end of feed-roller shaft. 43002 28668 Teeth of wheel on feed-roller, 10.9894 nearly 11 revolutions of feed- rollers a minute. N'. B. — The two 36 teeth wheels are not noticed, the one being a driver, and the other driven. If a wheel with 12 teeth fixed on feed-rollers, making 10.9894 revolutions a minute, works into a stud-wheel of 26 teeth, work- ing into wheel of 26 teeth on feed-cloth-roller end; what number of revolutions will the feed-cloth-roller make a minute? 30)329.682 10.9894 revols. of feed-roller a min. 12 teeth wheel on feed-rollers. Teeth of wheel on 1 26)181.8728(5.072 revols. of feed-cloth- feed-cloth-roller, / ^^3^ roller a minute. 187 182 52 52 What number of inches will the feed-cloth traverse a minute, if the diameter of feed-cloth-roller be 3 inches, making 5.072 revolutions a minute ? LAP MACHINE. 41 N. B. — To find the circumference of wheels, drums, pulleys, roll- ers, ffc, multiply the diameters hy 3.1416, tuhich is equal to the circumference when the diameter is 1. 5.072 revols. of feed-cloth roller a min. 3 inches diameter of feed-cloth-rol. 15.216 3.1416 91296 15216 60864 15216 45648 47.8025856 being rather more than 47| in. feed-eloth traverses a minute. If the feed-rollers of lap machine be 1| inch diameter, making 10.9894 revolutions a minute; what number of inches will they traverse a minute? 10.9894 revolutions of feed-rollers a min. 1.5 inch diameter of feed-rollers. 549470 109894 16.48410 3.1416 cii'cumference when the diam. is 1. 989046 164841 659364 164841 494523 51.78644856 inches feed-rols. traverse a min. What is the draught between feed-cloth and feed-rollers, from the two preceding examples? 4 42 LAP MACHINE. Inches feed-cloth traverses. Inches feed- rollers traverse. 47.8025856)51.78644856(1.083 inch draught be- 478025856 tween feed-cloth and feed-roller. 3983862960 3824206848 1596561120 1434077568 162483552 If the creeper-roller at lap machine be 3| inches diameter, making 7.167 revolutions a minute; what number of inches will it traverse in a minute ? 7.167 revolutions of creeper-roller a minute. 3.5 inches diameter of creeper-roller. 35835 21501 25.0845 3.1416 equal to circumference when diam. is 1. 1505070 250845 1003380 250845 752535 78.80546520 inches creeper traverses a minute. Required the draught between the feed-rollers and the creeper ; the feed-rollers traversing 51.78644856 inches a minute, and the creeper the same as in the preceding example. LAP MACHINE. 43 Inches feed-rollers traverse. Inches the creeper traverses. 51.78644856)78.80546520(1.5217 draught between 5178644856 feed-roller and creeper-rollers. 27019016640 25893224280 11257923600 10357289712 9006338880 5178644856 38276940240 36250513992 2026426248 If the iron-roller in front of lap machine be 3 j | inches diame- ter, making 6.809 revolutions a minute; what number of inches will it traverse a minute? f4)15.00 decimal of}! = .9375 16^ ( 4)3.75 inches. 6.809 revols. of iron-rol. a min. .9375 therefore=3i| = 3. 9375 inches diam. on iron-rol. 34045 47663 20427 61281 20427 26.8104375 3.1416 circum. when diam. is 1. 1608626250 268104375 1072417500 268104375 804313125 84.22767045000 inches, or 84} inches nearly, iron-roller front of lap machine traverses a minute. 44 LAP MACHINE. Required the draught between creeper-roller and iron-roller, from the preceding examples. Inches. Inches. 78.8)84.22767(1.068 draught between creeper-roller 788 and iron-roller at lap machine. 5427 4728 6927 6996 6304 6304 623 B. — It is not practically necessary or requisite to carry any examples to more than 3 or 4 decimal figures, however they may occur in multiplying ; hut they may be used if thought proper in dividing. If the lap-roller be 6| inches diameter, making 4.952 revolu- tions a minute; how many inches will it traverse a minute? 4.952 revolutions of lap-roller a minute. 6.5 inches diameter of lap-roller. 24760 29712 32.1880 3.1416 193128 32188 128752 32188 96564 101.1218208 inches lap-roller traverses a minute. Required the draught between the iron-roller and the lap-roller, from the preceding examples. Inches. Inches lap-roller traverses a minute. 84,2276)101.1218208(1.2 draught between iron-roller and 842276 lap-roller. 1689422 1684552 4870 LAP MACHINE. The total draught at the lap machine may be ascertained by. multiplying the diflferent draughts into each other : OR, By multiplying all the driving-wheels together, beginning at the wheels driving the lap-roller, and taking them respectively (except the driving and driven-wheels, which, being of the same number of teeth, are omitted) to the feed-cloth-roller, the pro- duct of which must be multiplied by the diameter of the feed- cloth-roller, for a divisor, and all the driven-wheels multiplied in the same manner, the products of which must be multiplied by the diameter of the lap-roller for a dividend, and the quotient will be the draught, as in the following examples: — Draught between feed-cloth and feed-rollers 1.08. Draught between feed-roller and creeper-roller 1.52. Draught between creeper-roller and iron-roller 1.068. Draught between iron-roller and lap-roller 1.2. 1.08 draught between feed-cloth and feed-rollers. 1.52 draught between feed-roller and creeper-roller. 216 540 108 1.6416 1.0688 draught between creeper-roller and iron-roller. 131328 131328 98496 164160 1.75454208 1.2 draught between iron-roller and lap-roller. 350908416 175454208 2.105450496 total draught at lap machine. THE SAME EXAMPLE AS LAST — BY WHEELS. The first driven- wheel on lap-roller is 88 teeth, working into a •wbeel 16 teeth on the end of geering-shaft ; then on the other 46 LAP MACHINE. end of geering-shaft there is a wheel with 22 teeth, working into a wheel with 88 teeth on iron-roller; on the other end of iron- roller a wheel with 20 teeth works into a wheel with 20 teeth on the top-roller, which works into a wheel with 20 teeth on a stud, which works into a wheel with 19 teeth on the creeper-roller end; on the other end of creeper-roller there is a wheel with 36 teeth, working into a wheel with 36 teeth on the end of the feed-roller- shaft; on the other end of the feed-roller-shaft there is a wheel with 46 teeth working into a wheel with 30 teeth on the end of the feed-roller; on the other end of the feed-roller there is a wheel with 12 teeth working into a wheel with 26 teeth on a stud, which works into a wheel with 26 teeth on the end of the feed- cloth-roller ; the lap-roller is 6| inches diameter, and the feed- cloth-roller 3 inches diameter; what is the draught at lap machine ? DRIVING-WHEELS. 88 teeth wheel on lap-roller. 22 teeth wheel on geering-shaft. 176 176 1936 20 teeth wheel on iron-roller. 38720 46 teeth wheel on- feed-shaft. 232320 154880 1781120 12 teeth wheel on feed-roller. 21373440 3 inches diameter of feed-cloth-roller. 64120320 divisor. JV. B. — The carrying^ or connecting wheels, and driving and driven-wheels working together, where they contain the same number of teeth, are omitted, as will be found in the preceding and following examples: — LAP MACHINE. »RIVEN-WHEELS. 16 teeth wheel on geering-shaft. 88 teeth wheel on iron-roller. 128 128 1408 19 teeth wheel on ereeper-roller. 12672 1408 26752 30 teeth wheel on feed-roller. 802560 26 teeth wheel on feed-cloth-roller. 4815360 1605120 20866560 6.5 diameter of lap-roller. 104382800 125199360 135632640.0 dividend. Divisor. 64120320)135632640(2.115 draught at lap machine. 128240640 73920000 64120320 97996800 64120320 338764800 320601600 18163200 48 CARDING-ENGIISiE. iV. B. — The small difference hetiveen the last two examples is in the method of ivorldng, arising from the decimal parts ; how- ever, working draughts by wheels, as in the last example, is the surest ^vay where great accuracy {which is indispensable), is required. The following are the particulars of a lap machine, where there are no doublings : — Beater makes 1135.348 revolutions a minute. Feed-cloth-roller makes 5.072 revolutions a minute. Feed-rollers make 10.9894 revolutions a minute. Creeper-roller makes 7.167 revolutions a minute. Iron-rollers make 6.809 revolutions a minute. Lap-rollers make 4.952 revolutions a minute. Distance of grate-bars from each other | an inch. Distance of grate from beater 1 inch. Diameter of beater 18 inches. Diameter of feed-cloth-roller 3 inches. Diameter of feed-rollers 1| inch. Diameter of creeper-roller 3J inches. Diameter of iron-rollers 3J| inches. Diameter of lap-rollers 6|- inches. Feed-cloth-roller traverses 47.7025856 inches a minute. Feed-rollers traverse 51.78644856 inches a minute. Creeper-rollers traverse 78.8054652 inches a minute. Iron-rollers traverse 84.2276704 inches a minute. Lap-rollers traverse 101.12182808 inches a minute. Draught between feed-cloth and feed-rollers 1.108. Draught between feed-rollers and creeper 1.52. Draught between creeper and iron-rollers 1.0688. Draught between iron-rollers and lap-rollers 1.2. Total draught at lap machine 2.115. CARDING-ENGINE. Carding-engines are of various constructions, but the construc- tion of machinery will make no difference in the system of cal- culation, as all the various speeds, &c., are ascertained from that part which first receives motion, which is without exception the main cylinder. 4 CARDING-ENGINE. 49 The opinions of persons connected with cotton carding are dif- ferent; however, all nearly agree in the most essential points, that is, in having the cards true and sharpened to a diamond point, and whether worked with rollers, rollers and clearers, rollers clearers and part Jlats, or all flats, to have the wire set near as possible, so as not to touch each other, the first 3 or 4 flats set rather more on the heel, or back of card, for the purpose of detaining the heavy dirt. Some kinds of cotton require con- siderably more carding than others ; however, it may be observed, that the less cotton is carded the better, so that the dirt is taken out, and the fibres laid straight, after which, the cotton by being continued in the cards is only iveakened, consequently the yarns will be weakened in proportion, which must appear reasonable to any practical person. If a shaft make 95.3057 revolutions a minute, with a drum fixed on it 16 inches diameter; what number of revolutions a minute will the main cylinder of a carding-engine make, with a pulley fixed on it 14 inches diameter, and driven with a strap from the drum 16 inches diameter? 95.3057 revolutions of shaft a minute. 16 inches diameter of drum. If the main cylinder of a carding-engine makes 108.92 revo- lutions a minute, with a wheel on its axis of 22 teeth, working into a wheel of 140 teeth on stud — on same stud there is a wheel of 32 teeth, working into a wheel of 130 teeth on a stud, which drives a wheel of 130 teeth on end of dofi"er-cylinder — what num- ber of revolutions will the main cylinder make for the dofi'er- cylinder one, and what number of revolutions will the doffer- cylinder make a minute ? 5718342 953057 Inches diam. of pulley. 14)1524.8912(109 revols. of main cylinder a 14 minute. 124 126 — nearly. 50 CARDING-ENGINE. 140 teeth wheel on stud. 130 teeth wheel on doffer-cylinder end. 4200 140 18200 divisor. 108.92 revolutions of main cylinder a min. 22 teeth wheel on axis of cylinder. 21784 21784 2396.24 32 teeth wheel on stud. 479248 718872 18200)76679.68(4.213 revols. of doffer-cylinder a min. 72800 38796 36400 23968 18200 57680 54600 3080 The revolutions of the main cylinder for the doflFer- cylinder one, will be found by dividing the revolutions of the main cylin- der by the revolutions of the doffer-cylinder. CARDING-ENGINE. 51 Revols. of doffer-cyl. 4.213)108.92(25.85 revols. of main cyl. for 8426 doffer 1. 24660 21065 35950 33704 22460 21065 1395 The number of revolutions the main cylinder makes for the doffer-cylinder one, will be found by multiplying the driving- wheels together for a divisor, and the driven-wheels together for a dividend, as in the following example: — DRIVING-WHEELS. Wheel on cylinder end 22 teeth. Wheel on stud 32 teeth. 44 66 704 divisor. DRIVEN-WHEELS. Wheel on stud 140 teeth. Wheel on doffer-cylinder 130 teeth. 4200 140 18200 dividend. 704)18200(25.85 revols. main cylinder makes for 1408 doffer-cylinder 1. 4120 3520 3680 6000 3520 5632 52 CARDING-ENGINE. What will the main cylinder of a carding-engine traverse a min. if it makes 108.92 revolutions, and its diameter be 37 inches? 108.92 revols. of main cyl. a minute. 37 inches diam. of main cylinder. 76244 32676 4030.04 3.1416 circum. when the diam. is 1. 2418024 403004 1612016 403004 1209012 1 foot = 12 in.)12660.773664 1 yard = 3 feet)1055.064472 inches main cyl. trav. a minute, feet main cyl. trav. a minute. 351.688157333 yards main cyl. trav. a min. What surface will the doffer-cyl. of a carding-engine traverse a minute, if it makes 4.213 revolutions, and is 18 inches diameter? 4,213 revolutions of doffer-cyl. a minute. 18 inches diameter of doffer-cylinder. 33704 4213 75.834 3.1416 circumference when the diam. is 1. 455004 75834 303336 76834 227502 1 foot = 12 in.)238.2400944 inches doffer-cyl. trav. a minute. 1 yard = 3 feet )19.8533412 feet doffer-cyl. trav. a minute. 6.6177804 yards doffer-cyl. trav. a minute. 4 CARDING-ENGINE. 53 How many feet of fillet, 2 inches wide, will it require to cover a doffer-cylinder 18 inches diameter, and 36 inches wide ? 3.1416 circumference when the diam. is 1. 18 inches diameter of doffer-cylinder. 251328 31416 56.5488 36 inches width of doffer-cylinder. 3392928 1696464 orfiHet^^^*^ I 2)2035.7568 inches area of doffer-cylinder. 1 foot = 12 in.)1017.8784 inches of fillet required for cyl. 84.8232 or nearly 85 feet of fillet required for cylinder. N". B. — By taking the taper off one end of the fillet, and putting it to the other end, nearly b feet of fillet will be saved; conse- quently 80 feet of the above fillet will be sufficient to cover a cylinder of the above dimensions. Whatever the width of the fillet is, divide the number of inches in the area of the cylinder, by the width of the fillet, and the quotient will be the number of inches required to cover the cylin- der ; then deduct the inches in the circumference of the cylinder from the quotient, and the remainder will be the net length of fillet required. iV^. B. — The circumference of the cylinder must only be deducted when the taper end is cut off the beginning of the fillet, and is intended to be put on at the other end. How many feet of 1^ inch fillet will be required to cover a cylinder 18 inches diameter, and 36 inches wide? CAKDING-ENGINB. 3.1416 equal to circum. when diam. is 1. 18 inches diameter of cylinder. 251328 31416 56.5488 circumference of cylinder. 36 inches width of cylinder. 3392928 1696464 2035.7568 Deduct 56.5488 circumference of cylinder. 1.5)1979.2080(1319.472 inches of fillet required 29 1 ft. = 12 in.)1319.472 inches. 15 1 yd. = 3 feet)109.956ornearlyll0ft. 142 70 60 108 105 30 30 Required the speed of the feed-rollers of a carding-engine, from the following particulars: — Revolutions of doffer-cylinder a minute 4.213. Wheel on dofier-cylinder end, driving feed-roller-shaft 28 teeth. Wheel on feed-roller-shaft (doffer end) 28 teeth. W^heel on feed-roller-shaft, driving feed-rollers 13 teeth. Wheel on feed-roller end 128 teeth. to cover the cylinder. 47 45 Or, 135 36.652yds., nearly 36f yards. CARDING-ENGINE. 55 iV. B. — The wheels 28 teeth on the doffer-cylinder end, and feed- roller-shaft, may be omitted, the one bemg a driving and the other a driven-wheel. 4.213 revols. of doifer-cyl. a minute. 13 teeth ■wheel on feed-roller shaft. 12639 4213 Teeth of wheel on 1 i28)54.769(.4278 revols. of feed-rols. a min. leed-roller-shart, j ' g-j^2 356 256 1009 896 1130 1024 106 If the diameter of the fecd-rollcrs be 1^ inches, making .4278 revolutions a minute ; how many inches will the feed-rollers tra- verse? .4278 revolutions of feed-rollers a min. 1.5 inches diameter of feed-rollers. 21390 4278 .64170 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 385020 64170 256680 64170 192510 2.015964730 or 2g'g inches nearly feed-rollers traverse a minute. • 56 CARDING-ENGINE, What length of lap will be required to supply a carding-engine 1 day, allowing it to work 10 hours (2 hours being allowed for stripping, grinding, &c.), if the feed-rollers traverse 2. 01596472 inches a minute? 2.01596472 inches feed-rols. traverse a minute. 60 minutes = 1 hour. 120.95788320 10 hours = 1 day. 1209.57883200 inches, or nearly 100 feet 10 inches a day. Required the weight of cotton to supply a carding-engine 1 day, the feed-rollers of which traverse over a surface equal to 1209.578832 inches, there being 24 ounces fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at lap machine, and the draught at lap machine being 2.115. oz. cotton. Draught at lap machine, 2.115)24.000(11.347517 oz. weight of 30 2115 inches of lap. 2850 2115 7350 6345 10050 8460 15900 14805 10950 10575 3750 2115 16350 14805 1545 J CARDING-ENGINE. 5T Feed-cloth at lap mach. 30 in.)1209.578832 in. feed-rols. trav. 40.3192944 number of feeds. 11.347517 oz. weight of 30 in. of lap. 2822350608 403192944 2015964720 2822350608 1612771776 1209578832 403192944 403192944 4)457.5238786320048 nearly 457i oz., or 28/(jR)s. nearly. 4)114.3809696580012 28.59524241450031bs. Multiply the number of inches (say 30), on which 24 ounces weight of cotton is fed on the feed-cloth at lap machine, by the draught at lap machine, (draught 2.115,) and that sum by the number of ounces in 1ft). for a divisor, and the number of inches the feed-rollers traverse in one day, or 10 hours, by the number of ounces fed on 30 inches on feed-cloth at lap machine, for a dividend, and the quotient will be the pounds weight required to supply the engine. 2.115 draught at the lap machine. 30 inches length fed on feed-roller. 63.450 16 ounces make one pound. 380700 63450 5 1015.200 divisor. 58 CARDING-ENGINE. 1209.578832 inches of lap required a day. 24 oz. weight fed on 30 inches of feed- cloth at lap machine. 4838315328 2419157664 1015.2)29029.891968(28.5952 pounds a day. 20304 16 ounces= 1 pound. 87258 35712 81216 5952 60429 9.5232 oz. 50760 4 qrs. = l oz. 96691 2.0928 qrs. 91368 53239 50760 24796 20304 4492 • iV". B. — The iveight of cotton required to supply a preparation, must he according to the number of carding-engines. The weight consumed by one carding-engine, multiplied by the number of carding-engines in the preparation, will give the weight of cotton required. What number of revolutions will the doffer-cylinder of a card- ing-engine make, for the feed-rollers 1, if the wheels on the doffer-cylinder end and feed-roller-shaft be the same ; and on the other end of feed-roller-shaft, a wheel with 13 teeth, working into a wheel 128 teeth on feed-roller end ? Teeth of wheel on feed-shaft, 13)128(9.846 revols. of dolfer-cyl. for 117 feed-rollers 1. 110 104 80 78 CARDING-BNGINE. 59 The speed of the lap-rollers at carding-engine is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of feed-rollers a minute, .4278 ; wheel on feed- roller end 17 teeth, working into a wheel 84 teeth on stud, which works into a wheel 46 teeth on lap-roller. .4278 revolutions of feed-rollers. 17 teeth wheel on feed-rollers. 29946 4278 46)7.2726(.1581 revols. of lap-rollers a min, 46 267 230 Teeth of wheel on lap-roller, 372 368 46 46 • If the lap-roller makes .1581 revolutions a minute, and be 3f inches diameter ; what number of inches will it traverse ? .1581 x3.75=.592875x 3.1416=1.8625761, or rather more than l.hl inches, lap-roller traverses a minute. If the feed-rollers traverse 2.01596472 inches a minute, and the lap-rollers 1.862576 inches; what draught is there between the feed-rollers and lap-rollers ? 1.862576 in.)2.01596472(1.082 draught between lap-rollers, 1862576 and feed-rollers. 15838872 14900608 4382640 3725152 657488 60 CARDING-ENGINE. OR, xhe draught between the feed-rollers and lap-rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on end of feed-rollers 17 teeth, working into stud-wheel 84 teeth, which works into wheel 46 teeth on the end of lap- rollers ? Diameter of feed-rollers, IJ inches. Diameter of lap-rollers, 3| inches. 3.75 inches diameter of lap-rollers. 17 teeth in wheel on feed-rollers. 2625 375 63.75 divisor. 1.5 inches diameter of feed-rollers. 46 teeth wheel on lap-rollers. 90 60 63.75)69.00(1.0823 draught between lap-rollers and 63.75 feed-rollers. 52500 51000 15000 12750 22500 19125 3375 Required the draught between the feed-rollers and lap-follers, from the following particulars: — Revolution of feed-rollers a minute, .4278. Revolution of lap-rollers a minute, .1581, Diameter of feed-rollers, 1.5 inches. Diameter of lap-rollers, 3.75 inches. 1 CARDING-ENGINE. 61 .1581 revolution of lap-rollers a minute. 3.75 inches diameter of lap-rollers. 7905 11067 4743 5.92875 divisor. .4278 revolution of feed-rollers a minute. 1.5 inches diameter of feed-rollers. 21390 4278 5.92875)6.41700(1.082 draught between feed-rollers 592875 and lap-rollers. 4882500 4743000 1395000 1185750 209250 What weight of cotton will be required to supply a carding- engine 1 day, or 10 hours, according to the following particu- lars ? Weight fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at lap machine, 24 ounces. Draught at lap machine 2.115. Lap-roller traverses 1.862576 inches a minute. 60 minutes 1 hour. 111.754560 10 hours = 1 day. 1 foot = 12 in. )1117. 545600 inches a day, lap-rol. traverses. 93.1288 feet a day, lap-roller traverses. CAEDING-ENGINE. 93.1288 feet of lap required a day. 24 oz. weight fed on 2J feet, or 30 inches of feed-cloth at lap machine. 3725152 1862576 2235.0912 dividend. 2.115 draught at lap machine. 2.5 feet, or 30 in. feed-cloth at lap machine. 10575 4230 5.2875 16 ounces = 1 pound. 317250 52875 84.6000 divisor. 84.6)2235.0912(26 6i weight of cotton required, 1692 to supply a carding-engine 1 day, or 10 hours. 5430 5076 354 16 ounces 1 pound. 2124 354 84.6)5664(6 oz. 5076 588 4 84.6)2352(2 qrs. 1692 CARDING-ENGINB. 63 iV. B. — If there had been no draught between the feed-rollers and lap-rollers, the iveight of cotton required would have been 28 pounds 9| ounces. The speed of the calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, is re- quired from the following particulars : — Revolutions of doffer-cylinder a minute 4.213, Wheel on doffer-cylinder end 130 teeth, working carrying- wheels, which works into a wheel of 28 teeth on delivering-ball- shaft. 4,213 revolutions of doffer-cylinder a min. 130 teeth wheel on doffer-cylinder. 126390 4213 Teeth of wheel ^ on cal. ball- > 28)547.690(19.56 revolutions of delivering-halls shaft, j 28 a minute. 267 252 156 140 169 168 1 Required the speed of the calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, from the following particulars : — Revolutions of main cylinder a minute, 108.92. Wheel on axis of main cylinder, 22 teeth. Wheel on stud, 140 teeth. Wheel on stud, 32 teeth. Wheel on doffer-cylinder end, 130 teeth. — (Working carriers.) Wheel on delivering-ball-shaft, 28 teeth. 108.92 revolutions of main cylinder a minute. 22 teeth wheel on axis of main cylinder. 21784 21784 2396,24 * 64 CARDING-ENGINE. 2396.24 32 teeth wheel on stud. 479248 718872 76679.68 dividend. 140 teeth wheel on stud. 28 teeth wheel on delivering-ball-shaft. 1120 280 3920 divisor. Divisor. Dividend. 3920)76679.68(19.56 revols. of delivering-balls a 3920 minute. 37479 35280 21996 19600 23968 23520 448 If the calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, make 19.56 revo- lutions a minute, what number of inches, feet, and yards will it traverse, if their diameters be 3| inches? 3.1416 circumference when the diam. is 1. 3.875 diameter of delivering-balls. 157080 219912 251328 94248 12.1737000 CAKDING-BNGINE. ' 65. 12.1737000 _ vJ-";^ 19.56 revols. of delivering-balls a minute. 730422 608685 1095633 121737 1 ft. = 12 in. )238. 117572 inches, delivering-balls traverse a min. 1 yd. = 3 ft. )19. 843131 feet, delivering-balls traverse a min. 6.614377 yards, delivering-balls traverse a min. Or, 6 yds. 1 ft. 10^ in. nearly, the delivering-balls traverse a min. The speed of the licker-in is required from the following par- ticulars : — Revolutions of main cylinder a minute 108.92. Diameter of pulley on cylinder, 14 inches. Diameter of pulley on licker-in, 7 inches. 108.92 revols. of main cyl. a minute. 14 inches diameter of pulley. 43568 10892 Inches diam. of pul. on licker-in, 217.84 revolutions of licker-in a min. JV. 5. — The only utility of a licker-in is the preservation of the cards on the main cylinder, and whilst many approve of them, more disapprove of them. The speed of the crank is required from the following par- ticulars : — Revolutions of main cylinder a minute, 108.92. Diameter of pulley on cylinder for driving crank-shaft, 16 inches. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft, 7 inches. 7)1524.88 66 CAKDING-ENGINB. 108.92 revols. of main cyl. a minute. 16 inches diam. of pulley. 65352 10892 Inches- diam. of pul. ) 7)174972 on crank-shaft, 248.96 or nearly 249 revolutions of crank-shaft a minute. Required the draught of a carding-engine from the following particulars ; — Lap-rollers at carding-engine traverse 1.862576 inches a minute. Calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, traverse 238.117572 inches a minute. 1.862576)238.117572(127.843 draught of carding-engine. 1862576 5185997 3725152 14608452 13038032 15704200 14900608 8035920 7450304 5856160 5587728 268432 Required the draught of a carding-engine from the following particulars : — Wheel on calender or delivering-ball-shaft, 28 teeth. Wheel on doffer-cylinder end, 130 teeth. Wheel on feed-roller-shaft, 13 teeth. Wheel on feed-rollers, 128 teeth. Wheel on feed-roller end for driving lap-rollers, 17 teeth. Wheel on lap-roller end, 46 teeth. Diameter of calender or delivering-balls, 3.875 inches. Diameter of lap-rollers, 3.75 inches. CARDINQ-BNGINE. 67 JSf.B. — The carrying, or connecting wheels are omitted, as in former examples. 28 teeth wheel on delivering-ball-shaft. 13 teeth wheel on feed-roller-shaft. 84 28 364 17 teeth wheel on feed-roller end, driving lap- rollers. 2548 364 6188 3.75 inches diameter of lap-rollers. 30940 43316 18564 23205.00 divisor. 130 teeth wheel on doffer-cylinder. 128 teeth wheel on feed-rollers. 3840 128 16640 46 teeth wheel on end of lap-roller. 99840 66560 765440 3.875 diameter of delivering-balls. 3827200 5358080 6123520 2296320 2966080.000 dividend. 68 CARDING-ENGINB. 23205)2966080.000(127.8 draught of carding-engine. 23205 64558 46410 181480 162435 190450 185640 4810 If one preparation in the card-room requires 8 carding-engines, and each carding-engine delivers 238.117572 inches of carding a minute ; what length -will the whole preparation of carding-en- gines deliver in one day, allowing them to work 10 hours? 238.117572 in. of carding delivered a min. (1 engine). 60 minutes 1 hour. 14287.054320 inches delivered an hour. (1 engine.) 10 hours equal to 1 day. 142870.543200 inches delivered a day. (1 engine.) 8 carding-engines, one preparation. inches. 1 ft. = 12)1 142964.345600 inches of carding delivered a day from 1 preparation. 1 yd. =3 ft.)95247.0288 feet of carding a day from 1 preparation. 31749.0096 yds. of carding a day from 1 preparation. What length of lap will be required to supply 8 carding-en- gines 1 day, allowing them to produce 1142964.3456 inches of carding, and the draught at the carding-engine to be 128? CARDING-ENGINE. 69 Inches of carding. Draught at card. en. 128)1142964.3456(8929.4 inches of lap re- 1024 quired. 1189 1152 376 256 1204 1152 523 512 11 How many weighings of cotton must be fed on the lap machine, (each weighing fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth,) to produce 8929.4 inches of lap, allowing the draught at lap machine to be 2.115; and what weight of cotton will it require, allowing each weighing to be 24 ounces? 2.115 draught at lap machine. 30 inches length of feed. 63.450 in. of lap each weighing produces. 63.45)8929.4(140.731, nearly 140f weighings of cotton 6345 required a day. 25844 25380 46400 44415 19850 19035 8150 6345 1805 70 CARBING-ENGINE. 140.731 number of weighings of cotton required a 24 oz. weight of one weighing. [day. 562924 281462 . , . ) 4)3377.544 1 pound IS ( 16 oz. 844.386 211.0965 pounds, or 211 pounds 1^ oz. weight of 16 oz. 1 pound. [cotton required a day for 1 prepa- 5790 ration. 965 1.5440 4 qrs. 2.1760 The foregoing examples are considered sufficient, because what- ever principle may be considered best, the calculations must be made in the same way ; the consumption and production, whether single and double carding, or for coarse or fine spinning, may be ascertained Avith the least trouble and greatest accuracy by a strict adherence to the rules and examples illustrated. PARTICULARS OF A CARDING-ENGINE. Speed of main-cylinder a minute 108.92 revolutions. Speed of doffer-cylinder a minute 4.213 revolutions. Speed of lap-rollers a minute 0.1581 revolutions. Speed of feed-rollers a minute 0.4278 revolutions. Speed of licker-in a minute 217.84 revolutions. Speed of delivering-balls a minute 19.56 revolutions. Speed of crank a minute 248,96 revolutions. Diameter of main-cylinder 37 inches, traversing 12657.77 inches a minute. Diameter of doffer-cylinder 18 inches, traversing 288.24 inches a minute. Diameter of licker-in 9 inches, traversing 6159.29 inches a minute. DRAWING-FRAME. 71 Diameter of lap-rollers 3|- inches, traversing 1.862576 inches a minute. Diameter of feed-rollers IJ inches, traversing 2.016 inches a minute. Diameter of delivering-balls 3| inches, traversing 238.117572 inches a minute. Diameter of pulley on main-cylinder 14 inches. Diameter of pulley on main-cylinder for crank 16 inches. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft 7 inches. Diameter of pulley for driving licker-in 14 inches. Diameter of pulley on licker-in 7 inches. Crank half radius 1| inches, or 3f inches sweep. Draught between lap-rollers and feed-rollers 1.08. Total draught at carding-engine 128 nearly. Weight of lap required to supply a carding-engine 1 day, or 10 hours 26 pounds 6| ounces. Length of carding delivered per engine a day 142870| inches. Length of lap consumed by 1 carding-engine a day 1117-i inches. DRAWING-FRAME. FIRST HEAD. The shaft under the drawing-frame for driving drawing-boxes, makes 163.38 revolutions a minute. — Drums on shaft are 12 inches diameter. — Pulleys on the front rollers are 7 inches di- ameter ; the speed of the front roller is required. 163.38 revols. of shaft a minute. 12 inches diam. of drums on shaft. Inches diam of pul.)g 9gQ_5Q on front roller, ^ ' 326.76 revolutions of front roller a min. If the front roller of a drawing-frame makes 326.76 revolutions a minute, and its diameter be 1| inches; what will it traverse? 326.76 revolutions of front roller a minute. 1.125 inches diameter of front roller. 163380 65352 32676 32676 367.60500 72 DRAWING-FRAME. 367.60500 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 2205630 367605 1470420 367605 1102815 1154.8678680 nearly 1155 inches, front roller tra- verses a minute. The speed of shaft under rollers, for driving middle and back rollers, is required from the following particulars : — Front roller makes 326,76 revolutions a minute. Wheel on front roller for driving wheel on shaft 15 teeth. Wheel on shaft under-rollers for driving middle and back rollers, 104 teeth. 326.76 revolutions of front roller a minute. 15 teeth wheel on front roller. 163380 32676 Teeth of wheen on shaft under > 104)4901.40(47.128 revols. of shaft under rols. rollers, ) 416 741 728 184 104 300 208 920 832 88 ■■I DRAWING-FRAME. 73 The speed of the middle roller is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of shaft under rollers 47.128 a minute. Wheel on shaft for driving middle roller 90 teeth. Wheel on middle roller 33 teeth. 47.128 revolutions of shaft under rollers. 90 teeth wheel on do. [a min. Teethofwheelon) 33 4241.520(128.53 revolutions of middle mid. rol., V ''oo ^ n • ^ ' 66 roller a minute. 94 66 281 264 175 165 102 99 3 If the middle roller makes 128.53 revolutions a minute, and its diameter be 1^ inches; what will it traverse? 128.53 revolutions of middle roller a minute. 1.125 inches diameter of roller. 64265 25706 12853 12853 144.59625 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 86757750 14459625 67838500 14459625 43378875 454.263579000 inches, middle roller — traverses a minute. 74 DRAWING-FRAME. The draught between the middle and front roller is required, from the following particulars: — Front roller traverses 1154.867868 inches a minute. Middle roller traverses 454.26358 inches a minute. 454.26358)1154.867868(2.542 draught between middle and 90852716 front roller. 246340708 227131790 192089180 181705432 103887480 90852716- 12984764 The speed of the back roller is required, from the following particulars: — Revolutions of shaft under rollers, 47.128 a minute. Wheel on shaft for delivering back roller, 68 teeth. Wheel on back roller, 56 teeth. 47.128 revols. of shaft under rols. a min. 68 teeth wheel on shaft. 377024 282768 Teeth of wheel ) 56)3204.704(57.22685 revolutions of back roL on DacJc roller, ) ^80 a minute. 384 404 336 392 • 480 127 448 112 320 150 280 112 DRAWINa-FRAME. 75 If the back roller makes 57.22585 revolutions a minute, and its diameter be inches; what will it traverse? 57.22685 revols. of back roller a minute. 1.125 inches diam. of back roller. 28613425 11445370 5722685 5722685 64.38020625 3.1416 circumference when the diam. is 1. 38628123750 6438020625 25752082500 6438020625 19314061875 202.256855955000, or 202J inches, back roller tra- verses a minute. The draught between the back and middle roller is required, from the following particulars : — Middle roller traverses 454.26358 inches a minute. Back roller traverses 202.25685 inches a minute. 202.25685)454.26358(2.24597 draught between back and 40451370 middle roller. 49749880 40451370 92985100 80902740 120823600 101128425 196951750 182031165 149205850 141579795 7620055 76 DRAWING-FRAME. JSf. B. — The total draught of any machine, zvhere fJiere are inter- mediate draughts, may be found hy multiplying the draughts respectively into each other, the sum of which will be the total draught. The draught may also be found by the wheels, as will appear hereafter. The speed of the calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, is re- quired from the following particulars: — Front roller makes 326.76 revolutions a minute. Wheel on front roller 38 teeth, working into carr-ying-wheels. Wheel on calender, or delivering-ball-shaft, 100 teeth. 326.76 revols. of front roller a min. 38 teeth wheel on front roller. 261408 98028 24.1688 revolutions of calender, or delivering-balls a minute. The draught between the front roller and calender-rollers, or delivering-balls, is required from the following particulars: — Front roller traverses 1155 inches a minute. Calender, or delivering-balls trav. 1170.266 inches a minute. 1155)1170.266(1.013 draught between front roller 1155 and delivering-balls. 1526 1155 3716 3465 251 DRAWING-FRAME. 77 If the calender, or delivering-balls make 24.1688 revolutions a minute, and their diameters be 3 inches ; what will they tra- verse ? 124.1688 revols. of delivering-balls a minute. 3 inches diameter of delivering-balls. 372.5064 3.1416 circumference when the diam, is 1. 22350384 3725064 14900256 3725064 11175192 1170.26610624 inches, calender-rollers, or deliver- ing-balls traverse a minute. The draught at the first head of a drawing-frame is required, from the following particulars: — Back roller makes 57.22685 revolutions a minute. Calender, or delivering-balls, make 124.1688 revols. a min. Diameter of back roller IJ inch, or 1.125 inch. Delivering-balls 3 inches in diameter. 57.22685 revolutions of back roller a minute. 1.125 diameter of back roller. 28613425 11445370 5722685 5722685 64.38020625 divisor. 124.1688 revolutions of delivering-balls. 3 inches diam. of delivering-balls. 372.5064 dividend. 78 DRAWING-FRAME. 64.38)372.5064(5.786 draught at first head of drawing- 32190 frame. 50606 45066 55404 51504 39000 38628 372 The draught at the first head of a drawing-frame is required from the following particulars : — Calender, or delivering-ball, traverses 1170.2661 inches a minute. Back roller traverses 202.2568 inches a minute. 202.2568)1170.2661(5.786 draught at first head of drawing. 10112840 15898210 14157976 17402340 16180544 12217960 12135408 82552 The draught at the first head of drawing is required from the following particulars : — / Wheel on front roller 15 teeth, working into wheel 104 teeth on shaft under rollers. Wheel on the other end of shaft under rollers 68 teeth, working into wheel on back roller 56 teeth. Wheel on calender, or delivering-ball-shaft, 100 teeth, driven by carrier-wheels from wheel on front roller, 38 teeth. Diameter of back rollers 1^ inch, or 1.125 inch. Diameter of calender, or delivering-balls 3 inches. DRAWING-FRAME. 79 100 teeth wheel on delivering-ball-shaft. 15 teeth wheel on front roller. 1500 68 teeth wheel on end of shaft on the rols. 12000 9000 102000 1.125 inch diameter of back rollers. 510000 204000 1122000 114750.000 divisor. 38 teeth wheel on front roller, driving deliv.-ball-shaft. 104 teeth wheel on shaft under roller. 152 380 3952 56 teeth wheel on "back roller. 23712 19760 221312 3 inches, diameter of delivering-balls. 14750)663936(5.786 nearly, draught at first head of drawing- 573750 frame. 901860 803250 986100 918000 681000 688500— nearly- 80 DRAWING-FRAME. What length of carding •will it require to supply the first head of a drawing-frame, having 2 pair of calender, or delivering- balls in front, and 6 ends of carding put up at back to each pair of calender, or delivering-balls, the back roller traversing 202.256856 inches a minute? 202.256856 or rather more than 202J inches. 12 ends of carding to 2 pair of balls. 2427.082272 60 minutes 1 hour. 145624.936320 inches an hour required. If there be 8 carding-engines to a preparation, producing 1142964 inches a day, how long will it require the first head of a drawing-frame to work, to consume what the carding-engines produce, allowing the first head of drawing-frame to consume 145625 inches an hour? 145625)1142964(7.8486 hours. 1019375 60 minutes 1 hour. 1235890 50.9160, or 7 hours 51 min. nearly. 1165000 708900 582500 1264000 1165000 990000 873750 116250 iV. B. — It will require the first head of a drawing-frame to work 7 hours 51 minutes successively, to consume the production of 8 carding-engines, according to the ttvo foregoing examples. The consumption and production of any piece of machinery will be ascertained in the same way ; therefore it will not be re- peated. DRAWINQ-FBAME. 81 What weight of cotton will it require to be fed on the lap ma- chine to produce 1142964 inches of carding a day (which is required to supply the first head of drawings), allowing 24 ounces of cotton to be fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at the lap machine, and the draught at the carding-engine to be 127.8, and the draught at lap machine 2.115 ? Multiply the draughts together, and that product by the num- ber of inches of feed-cloth that your weight of cotton is fed on at lap machine, for a divisor, and the number of inches of carding required to supply your drawing-frame, by the weight fed on the given number of inches of feed-cloth at lap machine, for a divi- dend, and the quotient will be the weight in ounces required. 127.8 draught at carding-engine. 2.115 draught at lap machine. 6390 1278 1278 2556 270.2970 30 inches length of feed-cloth at lap ■ machine. 8108.9100 divisor. 142964 inches of carding required. 24 ounces, weight fed on feed-cloth at lap machine. 4571856 2285928 8108.91)27431136(3382.8 ounces, or rather more than 211 2432673 pounds 8|- oz. weight of cotton re- quired to be fed on the lap machine. 3104406 2432673 6717330 6487128 6802380 2302020 6487128 1621782 315252 82 DRAWING-FRAME. DRAWING-FRAME. SECOND HEAD, The front rollers of the diiferent heads of a drawing-frame are generally of the same speed, and the only difference is the draught between the rollers. If the front roller makes 326.76 revolutions a minute, the revolution of the middle roller is required, from the following particulars : — Wheel on end of front roller, for driving-shaft under rollers, 14 teeth. Wheel on end of shaft under rollers, 104 teeth. Wheel on end of shaft under rollers, driving middle roller, 90 teeth. Wheel on middle roller, 33 teeth. 104 teeth wheel on shaft under rollers. 33 teeth wheel on middle roller. 312 312 3432 divisor. 326.76 revolutions of front roller a minute. 14 teeth wheel on front roller. 130704 32676 4574.64 90 teeth wheel on shaft under rollers. 3432)411717.60(119.9643, or nearly 120 revolutions. 3432 which middle roller makes a min. 6851 22080 3432 20592 34197 14880 30888 13728 33096 11520 30888 10296 22080 1224 4 DRAWINa-FRAME. 83 If the middle roller at second head of drawing makes 119.9643 revolutions a minute, what will it traverse, if the di- ameter be 1^ inch ? 119.9643 revolutions of middle roller a min. 1.125= It inch diameter of roller. 5998215 2399286 13196073 134.9598375 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 8097590250 1349598375 5398393500 1349598375 4048795125 423.98982549000, or nearly 424 inches, the middle roller traverses a minute. If the front roller of the second head of drawing traverses 1154.867868 inches, and the middle roller traverses 423.989825 inches per minute, what draught is there between the middle and front rollers ? 423.989825)1154.867868(2.72 draught between middle and front 847979650 rols. 3068882180 2967928775 1009534050 847979650 161554400 Required the draught between the middle and front rollers of the second head of drawing, from the following particulars : — Front roller makes 326.76 revolutions a minute. Middle roller makes 119.96 revolutions a minute. 84 DRAWING-FRAME. 119.96)326.76(2.72 draught between the middle and front 23992 rollers, second head of drawing. 86840 83972 28680 23992 4688 The speed of back roller at second head of drawing is required, from the following particulars : — Speed of front roller, 326.76 revolutions a minute. Wheel on end of front roller for driving-shaft under rollers, 14 teeth. "Wheel on end of shaft under rollers, 104 teeth. Wheel on end of shaft under rollers, driving back roller, 68 teeth. Wheel on end of back roller, 56 teeth. 104 teeth wheel of shaft under roller. 56 teeth wheel of back roller. 624 520 5824 divisor. 326.76 revolutions of front roller a minute. 14 teeth wheel on end of front roller. 130704 32676 4574.64 68 teeth wheel on shaft under rollers. 3659712 2744784 311075.52 dividend. DRAWING-FRAME. 85 5824)311075,52(53.412 revolutions of back roller a min. 29120 19875 17472 24035 23296 7392 5824 15680 11648 4032 If the back roller at the second head of drawing makes 53.412 revolutions a minute, and its diameter be IJ inch, what will it traverse ? 63.412 revolutions of back roller a minute. 1.125 = IJ inch diameter of do. 267060 106824 687532 60.088500 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1, 3605310 600885 2403540 600885 1802655 188.77403160 inches, the back roller traverses a min. The draught between the back and middle rollers, at the second head of drawing, is required from the following particulars;— Middle roller traverses 424 inches a minute. Back roller traverses 188.774 inches a minute. 86 DRAWING-FRAME. 188.774)424.000(2.246 draught between middle 377548 and back rols. 2d head of drawing. 464520 377548 869720 755096 1146240 1132644 13596 The draught between the back and front roller is required, from the following particulars : — Front roller traverses 1154.867868 inches a minute. Back roller traverses 188.774 inches a minute. 188.774)1154.867868(6.117 draught between the 1132644 back and front rols., 2d head of drawing. 222238 188774 334646 188774 1458728 1321418 137310 The total draught at the second head of drawing is required, from the following particulars: — Wheel on calender or delivering-balls'-shaft, 100 teeth. AVheel on front roller, 38 teeth. Wheel on front roller, working shaft under front rollers, 14 teeth. Wheel on shaft under rollers, 104 teeth. Wheel on shaft under rollers, 68 teeth, working into a wheel on back rollers, 56 teeth. Diameter of calender or delivering-balls, 3 inches. Diameter of back roller, IJ inch, or 1.125 inch. DRAWING-FRAME. 87 Multiply the number of teeth in the driving-wheels together, respectively, and that product by the diameter of the back roller, for a divisor, and the number of teeth in the driven-wheels to- gether, and that product by the diameter of the calender, or delivering-balls, for a dividend, and the quotient will be the real or total draught, as in the following example: — 100 teeth wheel on delivering-ball-shaft. 14 tth. wheel on front roL, driving-shaft under rollers. 1400 68 teeth wheel on shaft under rollers. 11200 8400 95200 9 or li inch diameter of back roller. 856800 divisor. 38 teeth wheel on front roller. 104 teeth wheel on shaft under rollers. 152 380 3952 56 teeth wheel on back roller. 23712 19760 221312 24 or y = 3 inches, diam. of deliv.-balls. 885248 442624 5311488 88 DRAWING-FKAME. 856800)5311488(6.199, or 6.2 nearly, draught between 5140800 back roller and delivering-balls. 1706880 856800 8500800 7711200 7896000 7711200 184800 If the third, or last head of drawing be same as the second head, what will the total draught at the three heads of drawing be, and what doubling will there be, allowing 6 ends to be put up against each pair of calender, or delivering-balls, at each head of drawing? 5.786 draught at first head of drawing. 6.199 draught at second head of drawing. 52074 62074 5786 34716 35.867414 6.199 draught at third head of drawing. 322806726 322806726 35867414 215204484 222.342099386 rather more than 222/^, total draught at the three heads of drawing. -J DRAWING-FRAME. 89 DOUBLING. 6 ends of carding, first head of drawing-frame. 6 ends of drawing, second head of drawing-frame. 36 6 ends of drawing, third head of drawing-frame. 216 total doubling at drawing-frame. B. — The above doubling is small, considering the quantity of doubling at many places ; however, that may be arranged ac- cording to the opinion of managers, cjx. If two pairs of calender, or delivering-balls, at the first head of drawing, traverse 1120.266 inches each pair a minute; what length of drawing will they produce in 7.8476 hours, or 7 hours 51 minutes? 1120.266 in., delivering-balls traverse a min. 2 pairs at each head of drawing. 2240..532 7.8476 hours. 13443192 15683724 8962128 17924256 15683724 17582.7989232 60 minutes 1 hour. 1 ft. = 12 in.)1054967.9353920 inches produced in 7.8476 hours. 1 yard=3 ft.)87913. 994616 feet produced in 7.8476 hours. 29304.664872 yards produced in 7.8476 hours. If the back roller at the second head of drawing traverses 188.774 inches a minute, and 12 ends be put up; i. e., 6 ends to each pair of delivering-balls; what time must it work to consume 1054968 inches, which the first head of drawing produces ? 90 DRAWING-FRAME. 188.774 inches, back roller traverses a minute. 12 ends, i. e., 6 to each pair of deliv.-balls. 2265,288 inches consumed a minute. 2265.288)1054908.0(465.71 minutes, or 7 hours 45 minutes 9061152 42| seconds, the second head must work, to consume what 14885280 the first head produces. 13591728 12935520 11326440 10090800 15857016 2337840 2265288 72552 If 2 pairs of delivering-balls in front of the first head of draw- ing, traverse 1170.266 inches each a minute; what length will they produce if they work successively 7 hours 51 minutes, or 7.8476 hours? 1170.266 inches, delivering-balls traverse a min. 2 pairs of deliv.-balls traverse in first head. 2340.532 60 minutes 1 hour. 140431.920 7.8476 hours. 84259152 98302344 56172768 112345536 98302344 1102053.535392 inches, 2 pairs of delivering-balls at first head of drawing produces in 7.8476 hours, or 7 hours 51 min. DRAWING-FRAME. 91 If 12 ends be put up n,t the second head of drawing, that is, 6 ends to each pair of delivering-balls, and the back roller tra- verses 188.774 inches a minute; what time must the second head of drawing work, to consume what the first head produces, say 1102053.5 inches? 188.774 inches back roller traverses a minute. 12 ends. 2265.288 divisor. 2265.288)1102053.5(486.5 minutes nearly, or 8 hours 9061152 61 minutes. 19593830 18122304 14715260 13591728 11235320 11326440— nearly. It requires 8 hours 6J minutes for the second head of drawing to work, to consume what the first head produces. iV. B. — The consumption and production of the third head of drawing will he the same as the second head. PARTICULARS OF A DRAWING-FRAME. First head, front roller, 326.76 revolutions a minute. Middle roller, 128.53 revolutions a minute. Back roller, 57.226 revolutions a minute. Delivering-balls, 124.168 revolutions a minute. Diameter of rollers, 1|^ inch. Diameter of delivering-balls, 3 inches. Draught between back and middle rollers, 2.246. Draught betvy-een middle and front rollers, 2.542. Draught between front roller and delivering-balls, 1.013. Total draught at the first head of drawing, 5.786. 92 TUBE-FRAME. Second head, front roller, 326.76 revolutions a minute. Middle roller, 120 revolutions a minute. Back roller, 53.412 revolutions a minute. Delivering-balls, 124.168 revolutions a minute. Diameter of rollers, 1^ inch. Diameter of delivering-balls, 3 inches. Draught between back and middle roller, 2.246. Draught between middle and front roller, 2721. Total draught at the second head of drawing, 6.123- i\r. B. — The third head of drawing is the same as the second head. First head, back roller traverses 202.256 inches a minute. Delivering-balls traverse 1170.266 inches a minute. Back roller consumes 1142964 inches, or 211R)S. 8| oz. in 7 hours 51 minutes. Delivering-balls produce 1102053 inches, or 211ibs. 8f oz. in 7 hours 51 minutes. Second and third head back rollers traverse 188.774 inches a minute. Delivering-balls traverse 1170.266 inches a minute. Back rollers consume 1102053 inches, or 211ibs. 8| oz. in 8 hours 6J minutes. Delivering-balls produce 1102603 inches, or 211ibs. 8| oz. in 8 hours 6J minutes. iV. B. — The above weights of draiving are the gross weight of cotton; the net weight will be according to its proportionate size, or girt, in any operation, as will be shown hereafter. TUBE-FRAME. The tube-frame is well calculated for coarse and medium yarns. SPEEDS, DRAUGHTS, ETC., OF THE TUBE-FRAME. Speed of shaft for driving-frame, 143 revolutions a minute. Diameter of drum on said shaft, 30 inches. Diameter of pulley on frame, 9f, or 9.75 inches. d TUBE-FRAME. 93 143 revolutions of shaft a minute. 30 inches, diameter of drum on shaft. Diam. of pulley 9.75 in. )4290.00(440 revolutions a minute of 3900 front rollers, second head. 3900 3900 N.B. — There are 2 sets or tiers of rollers to some of these frames; the hack or receiving-rollers are called the first head^ and the front or delivering-rollers the second head. The speed of the middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 400. Wheel on front rollers 21 teeth, working into stud-wheel 42 teeth. Wheel on same stud 30 teeth, working into wheel 32 teeth on the end of middle rollers. 440 revolutions of front roller a minute. 21 teeth wheel on front roller. 440 880 9240 30 teeth wheel on stud. 277200 dividend. 42 teeth wheel on stud. 32 teeth wheel on middle roller. 84 126 1344 divisor. 94 TUBE-FRAME. 1344)277200(206.25, or 206^ revols. of mid. rols, a min. 2688 8400 8064 3360 2688 6720 6720 The speed of the back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 440. Wheel on front rollers 23 teeth, working into wheel 44 teeth on stud; on same stud there is a wheel 20 teeth, working into wheel 41 teeth on back rollers. 44 teeth wheel on stud. 41 teeth wheel on back roller. 44 176 1804 divisor. 440 revolutions of front roller a minute. 23 teeth wheel on front roller. 1320 880 / 10120 20 teeth wheel on stud- 202400 dividend. I TUBE-FRAME. 95 1804)202400(112.195 revolutions of back roller a minute. 1804 2200 1804 3960 3608 3520 1804 17160 16236 9240 9020 220 The speed of the front rollers at the first head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of back roller, second head, a minute, 112.195. Wheel on back roller, second head 41 teeth, working into car- rying-wheel 41 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 46 teeth on front roller, first head. 112.195 revols. of back roL, 2d head, a min. 41 teeth wheel on back rol., 2d head. 112195 448780 Teeth of wheel ) on front rols. [ 46)4599.995(99.9, or 100 revols. nearly, front first head, ) 414 rols. first head, a min. 459 414 459 414 45 96 TUBE-FRAME. The speed of the middle rollers at the first head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 100. Wheel on front rollers 21 teeth, working into a wheel on stud 42 teeth ; wheel 30 teeth on same stud, works into wheel 32 teeth on middle roller. 42 teeth wheel on stud. 32 teeth wheel on middle roller. 84 126 1344 divisor. 100 revolutions of front roller a minute. 21 teeth wheel on it. 2100 30 teeth wheel on stud. 1344)63000(46.875 revols. of mid. rol. a minute. 5376 9240 8064 11760 10752 10080 9408 6720 6720 The speed of the back roller at the first head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 100. Wheel on front rollers 27 teeth, working into stud wheel 58 teeth ; on same stud there is a wheel 17 teeth, working into wheel 58 teeth on back rollers. TUBE-FRAME. 97 58 teeth wheel on stud. 58 teeth wheel on back rollers. 464 290 3364 divisor. 100 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 27 teeth wheel on front rollers. 2700 17 teeth in wheel on stud. 18900 2700 3364)45900(13.644 revolutions of back roller a minute. 3364 12260 10092 21680 20184 14960 13456 15040 13456 1584 iV. B. — When toorldng the speeds of rollers, the driven-ioheels onultiplied into each other will be the divisor. The speed of the friction rollers is required from the following particulars: — Eevolutions of front rollers, second head, a minute, 440. Wheel on front rollers 28 teeth, working into wheel 59 teeth on bevil-shaft ; on the other end of bevil-shaft there is a wheel 32 teeth, working into wheel 50 teeth on friction-roller-shaft. 98 TUBE-FRAME. 59 teeth wheel on bevil-shaft. 50 teeth wheel on friction-roller-shaft. 2950 divisor. 440 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 28 teeth wheel on front rollers. 3520 880 12320 32 teeth wheel on bevil-shaft. 24640 36960 2950)394240(133.64 revolutions of friction-rols. a minute. 2950 9924 8850 10740 8850 18900 17700 12000 11800 200 The speed of the tubes is required from the following par- ticulars : — Revolutions of pulley-shaft a minute, 440. Diameter of pulley on said shaft, 18 inches. Diameter of tubes, | inch, or .875 inch. 440 revolutions of pulley-shaft a min. 18 inches, diam. of pul. on said shaft. 3520 440 7920 TUBE-FRAME. 99 Inches diam. of tubes. 875)7920(9051.428 revols. of tubes a min. 7875 4500 4375 1250 875 3750 3500 2500 1750 7500 7000 500 The draught between the back and middle rollers at the first head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of back rollers a minute, 13.644. Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 46.875. Diameters of back and middle rollers, 1 inch. 13.644)46.875(3.435 draught between back and 40932 middle rollers. 59430 64576 48540 40932 76080 68220 7860 The draught between the middle and front rollers is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 46.875. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 100. 100 TUBE-FRAME. Diameter of middle rollers, 1 inch. Diameter of front rollers, 1|- inch, or 1.125 inch. 100 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 1.125 inch diameter of do. 46.875)112.500(2.4 draught between middle and front rols. 93750 187500 187500 The total draught at the first head is required from the fol- lowing particulars : — Draught between back and middle rollers, 3.435. Draught between middle and front rollers, 2.4. 3.435 2.4 13740 6870 8.2440 nearly 8J total draught, first head. The draught between the front roller first head, and the back roller second head, is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of front rollers first head a minute, 100. Revolutions of back rollers second head a minute, 112.195. Diameter of front rollers first head, 1| inch, or 1.125 inch. Diameter of back rollers second head, 1 inch. 100 revols. of front roller a min. first head. 1.125 inches diameter of front roller. 112.500 divisor. 112.5)112.195(0.997 diminution of draught between 10125 the two heads of rollers. 10945 10125 8200 7875 325 TUBE-FRAME. 101 N. B.—On account of the distance between the first and second head of rollers, a draught would he injurious. The draught between the back and middle rollers at the second head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of back rollers a minute, 112.195. Ilevolutions of middle rollers a minute, 206.25. Diameters of middle and back rollers, 1 inch. 112.195)206.250(1.8383 draught between back and 112195 middle rollers second head. 910550 897560 429900 336585 933150 897560 355900 336585 19815 The draught between the middle and front rollers at the secondl head is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 206.25. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 440. Diameter of middle roller, 1 inch. Diameter of front roller, 1\ inch, or 1.125 inch. 1.125 inch, diameter of front rollers. 440 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 45000 4500 206.25)495000(2.4 draught between mid. and front rols. 41250 82500 82500 102 TUBE-FRAME. The draught between the front rollers and friction-rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 440. Revolutions of friction-rollers a minute, 133.64. Diameter of friction-rollers, 4 inches. Diameter of front rollers, 1^ inch, or 1.125 inch. 440 revolutions of front rollers. 1.125 inches diameter of front rollers. 45000 4500 495.000 divisor. 133.64 revolutions of friction-rollers. 4 inches diameter of friction-rollers. 495)534.56(1.08 nearly, draught between front 495 rollers and friction-rollers. 3956 3960— nearly. The total draught at the second head is required from the foUov/ing particulars : (including draught between front rollers and friction-rollers.) Draught between back and middle rollers, 1.8383. Draught between middle and front rollers, 2.4. Draught between front and friction-rollers, 1.08. 1.8383 draught between back and middle rollers. 2.4 draught between middle and front rols. 73532 36766 4.41192 draught between back and front rollers. 1.08 di'aught between front and friction-rols. 8529536 4411920 4.7648736 total draught between back rollers second head, and friction-rollers. TUBE-FRAME. 103 The total draught at a tube-frame is required from the fol- lowing particulars : — Draught at first head, 8.244 Draught at second head, and friction-rollers, 4,764 32976 49464 67708 32976 39.274416 total draught. The total draught at a tube-frame is required from the fol- lowing particulars : — Wheel on friction-roller-shaft 50 teeth, working into Wheel on bevil-shaft 32 teeth. Wheel on top of shaft 59 teeth, working into Wheel on front roller second head 28 teeth. Wheel on front roller second head 23 teeth, working into Wheel on stud 44 teeth. Wheel on same stud 20 teeth, working into Wheel on back roller second head 41 teeth, working into a Wheel on stud 41 teeth, which works into Wheel on front roller first head 46 teeth. Wheel on front roller 27 teeth, working into Wheel on stud 58 teeth. Wheel on same stud 17 teeth, working into Wheel on back roller first head 58 teeth. Diameter of friction-pulley, 4 inches. Diameter of back roller fii'st head, 1 inch. 50 teeth wheel on friction-roller-shaft. 59 teeth wheel on top of bevil-shaft. 2950 23 teeth wheel on front roller second head. 8850 ~ 5900 67850 20 teeth wheel on second head. 1357000 TUBE-FRAME. 1357000 41 teeth wheel on stud between the heads. 1357000 5428000 55637000 27 teeth wheel on front roller first head. 389459000 111274000 1502199000 17 teeth wheel on stud first head. 10515393000 1502199000 25537383000 divisor. 32 teeth wheel on bevil-shaft. 28 teeth wheel on front roller second head. 256 64 896 44 teeth wheel on stud second head. 8584 3584 39424 41 teeth wheel on back roller. 39424 157696 1616384 46 teeth wheel on front roller. 9698304 6465536 74353664 TUBE-FRAME, 105 74353664 58 teeth wheel on stud. 594829312 371768320 4312512512 58 34500100096 21562562560 250125725696 4 inches diameter of friction-pulley. 25537383.000)1000502902.784(39.178 total draught between 76612149 back rols. first head and friction-rols. 234381412 229836447 45449657 25537383 199122748 178761681 203610674 204299064— nearly. B. — The small difference between this and the other method arises from the decimal farts; however, the last method. is the most accurate. If the back rollers at the first head make 13.644 revolutions a minute, and their diameter be 1 inch ; what will they traverse ? teeth wheel on back roller first head. 8 lOG TUBE-FRAME. 13.644 3.1416 circumference when the diam. is 1. 81864 13644 54576 13644 40932 42.8639904 nearly 43 inches, back rollers tra- verse at first head a minute. If 22 drawings be put up at the back of the tube-frame, what length will it consume a minute, if the back rollers traverse 42.864 inches a minute? 42.864 inches back rollers traverse a minute. 22 drawings put up at the back of the frame. 85728 85728 943.008 inches of drawing consumed a minute. What time must a tube-frame work to consume 551027 inches of drawing, if it consumes 943 inches a minute.'' 943)551027(584 minutes, or 9 hours, 44 minutes 4715 tube-frame must work successive- ly, to consume what the last head 7952 of drawing produces. 7544 4087 3772 315 N.B. — There are 1102054 me/tes of drawing produced at the last head of draivings; but on account of the drawing being put up double at the back of the frame, only one-half the length is reckoned for consumption, i. e. 551027 inches. t TUBE-FRAME. 107 If the front roller of a tube-frame makes 440 revolutions a minute, and the diameter of the rollers be IJ inch; what length of roving will the frame produce, if it contains 22 tubes, and works 9 hours, 44 minutes successively in 1 day? 1.125 diameter of front rollers = IJ inch. 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 6750 1125 4500 1125 3375 85.343000 440 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 1413720 141372 1555.0920 inches, each tube receives a minute. 22 drawings put up at back of the frame. 3110184 3110184 34212.024 inches, or 950 yards, 12 inches, or 1 hank 110 yards, 12 inches, tube-frame produces a minute, i. e., if there be no draught betwixt the front rollers and the friction-rollers. 34212 inches of roving produced a minute. 584 minutes = 9 hours, 44 minutes. 136848 273696 171060 C 6)19979808 inches of roving produced. lyd. = 36in.^ t 6)3329968 554994.66 108 TUBE-FRAME. Yards in a hank, 840)554994.66(660.7 hanks, or 660 hanks, 4 5040 leas, 114 yards. 5099 5040 5946 6880 66 If 660 hanks of roving weighs 211JK)S. what hank roving will it be? 211.5)660.7(3.124, or 3| hank roving nearly. 6345 2620 2115 5050 4230 8200 8460— nearly. iV. B. — If the 211J?5s. of cotton had been carried through all the different processes of carding, drawing, and roving, without any loss, it would have produced a roving equal to 3.124 hanks to the pound, but as loss is sustained in the different processes, that loss can only be accurately ascertained by working the zveight of cotton consumed regularly through all the processes, and ascertaining the net weight of roving which will be accord- ing to the following example. If the roving be 3.75 hanks to the pound; what will be the net weight of 660.7 hanks, and what weight will be lost at the different processes, allowing 211Jl]bs. to have been consumed at the carding-engines ? TUBE-FRAME. ,109 Hank roving, 3.75)660.7(176.186ibs. weight of roving producM-^-- 375 from 211^ibs. of cotton. 2857 2625 2320 2250 700 375 3250 3000 2500 2250 250 211.5ibg. of cotton consumed at 1 prep, a day. 176,1 BGlbs. of roving produced at 1 prep, a day. 35.314ibs. loss sustained in working through the different processes, which is nearly 2|- ounces to the pound. If a tube-frame produces 176.18Gibs. of roving a day; what weight of roving will it produce in 6 days? 176.186K)S. of roving produced a day. 6 days 1057.116ibs., or 1057R)S. If oz. a week. 16 oz. = ISb. 696 116 1.856 oz. 4 qrs. = 1 oz. 3.424 qrs. 110 TUBE-FRAME. PARTICULARS OF A TUBE-FRAME. Revolutions of friction-rollers a minute, 133.64. Revolutions of front rollers second head a minute, 440. Revolutions of middle rollers second head a minute, 206.25. Revolutions of back rollers second head a minute, 112.195. Revolutions of front rollers first head a minute, 100. Revolutions of middle rollers first head a minute, 46.875. Revolutions of back rollers first head a minute, 18.644. Revolutions of tubes a minute, 9051.428. Diameter of friction-rollers, 4 inches. Diameter of tubes, | inch. Diameter of front rollers first and second head, Ij inch. Diameter of middle and back rollers first and second head, 1 inch. Tube traverses a minute, 24881 inches. Friction-rollers traverse a minute, 1679 inches. Front rollers second head traverse a minute, 1555 inches. Middle rollers second head traverse a minute, 648 inches. Back rollers second head traverse a minute, 352.5 inches. Front rollers first head traverse a minute, 353.4 inches. Middle rollers first head traverse a minute, 147.24 inches. Back rollers first head traverse a minute, 42.85 inches. DRAUGHTS. Draught between back and middle rollers first head, 3.435. Draught between middle and front rollers first head, 2.4. Draught between front rollers first head and back rollers second head, 0.997. Draught between back and middle rollers second head, 1.8383. Draught between middle and front rollers second head, 2.4. Draught between front rollers and friction-rollers, 1.08. Total draught at the first head, 8.244. Total draught at the second head, 4.4119. Total draught at tube-frame, 39.178. N. B. — The consumption and production is according to the traversing of the rollers, ivhich in all cases will be found hy multiplying the number of revolutions of the rollers by their circumferences. The distance of the rollers from each other must be regulated according to the staple and quality of cotton. SLABBING-FRAME. Ill SLABBING-FRAME. The speed of the principal, or main-shaft at slabbing-frame, is required from the following particulars ? Revolutions of shaft a minute driving slabbing-frame, 114. Diameter of drum on said shaft, 16 inches. Diameter of pulley on frame-shaft, 15 inches. 114 revels, of driving-shaft a minute. 16 diameter of drum on driving-shaft. 684 114 Diam. of pulley, 15 in.)1824(121.6 revols. of frame-shaft a min. 15 32 30 24 15 90 90 The speed of the front rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of frame-shaft a minute, 121.6. Wheel on said shaft 64 teeth, working into carrying-wheel 138 teeth on stud, which works into a wheel 60 teeth on front rollers. 121.6 revols. of frame-shaft a min. 64 teeth wheel on said shaft. 4864 7296 Wheel on front roller, 60 tth.)7782.4 129.706 revols. of front rols. a min. The speed of the middle rollers is required from the following particulars: — 112 SLABBINQ-FRAME. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 129.7. Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud ; on the same stud a wheel 25 teeth works into wheel 56 teeth on back rollers ; wheel on the other end of back rollers 30 teeth, working into wheel 64 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 27 teeth on middle rollers. 129.7 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 24 teeth wheel on front rollers. 5188 2594 3112.8 25 teeth wheel on stud. (Change pinion.) 155Q40 62256 77820.0 30 teeth wheel on back roller. 2334600 dividend. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 56 teeth wheel on back rollers. 3920 27 teeth wheel on middle roller. 27440 7840 105840 divisor. 105840)2334600(22.0578 211680 217800 211680 612000 529200 revols. of middle rols. a min. 828000 740880 871200 846720 24480 SLABBING-FRAME. 113 The speed of the back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 129.7. Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud; wheel 25 teeth on same stud, works into wheel 56 teeth on back rollers. 129.7 revolutions of front rollers a min. 24 teeth wheel on front rollers. 5188 2594 3112.8 25 teeth wheel on stud. 155640 62256 77820.0 dividend. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 56 teeth wheel on back rollers. 3920 divisor. 3920)77820(19.852 revolutions of back rols. a minute. 3920 38620 35280 33400 31360 20400 19600 8000 7840 160 114 SLABBING-PRAME. The traversing of the front, middle, and back rollers, are re- quired from the three foregoing examples, allowing the front rollers to be Ij inch, and the middle and back rollers 1 inch diameter. 129.7 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 1.125 inches, diameter of front rollers. 6485 2594 1297 1297 145.9125 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 8754750 1459125 6836500 1459125 4377375 458.39871000 inches, front roller traverses a min. 22.0578 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 1323468 220578 882312 220578 661734 69.29678448 inches, middle rollers traverse a min. 19.852 revolutions of back rollers a min. 3.1416 circum. when the diameter is 1. 119112 19852 79408 19852 59556 62.3670432 inches, back rollers traverse a min. i SLABBING-FRAME. 115 The draught between the back and middle rollers, the draught between the middle and front rollers, and the total draught is required from the three foregoing examples? 62.367)69.29678(1.111, or rather more than li draught 62367 between back and middle rollers. 69297 62367 69308 62367 69410 62367 7043 69.2967)458.39870(6.615 draught between middle and front 4157802 rollers. 4261850 4157802 1040480 692967 3475130 3464835 10295 62.367)458.3987(7.35 draught between back and front rols., 436569 or total draught at slabbing-frame. 218297 187101 311960 311835 125 116 SLABBING-FRAME. The draught between the back and middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on back rollers 30 teeth, working into wheel 64 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 27 teeth on middle roller. Diameter of back and middle rollers, each 1 inch. rr, J. V 1 ( 3)30 teeth wheel on back rollers. Teeth oi wheel on ) middle roller, 27 9)10 1^ draught between back and middle rollers. The draught between the middle and front rollers is required from the following particulars: — Wheel on front roller 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud ; wheel 25 teeth on same stud, working into wheel 56 teeth on back rollers ; on the other end of back rollers, wheel 30 teeth working into wheel 64 teeth on stud; same stud wheel working wheel 27 teeth on middle rollers. Diameter of front rollers, 1|, or 1.125 inch. Diameter of back rollers, 1 inch. DRIVma-WHEELS. 24 teeth wheel on front rollers. 25 teeth wheel on stud working back rols. 120 48 600 30 teeth wheel on back rollers. 18000 8, or 1 inch diameter of middle rollers. 44000 divisor. DRIVBN-WHEELS. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 56 teeth wheel on back rollers. 3920 SLABBING-FRAME. 117 3920 27 teeth wheel on middle rollers- 27440 7840 105840 9, or I inch diameter of middle rollers. 144000)952560(6.615 draught between middle and front 864000 rollers. 885600 864000 216000 144000 720000 720000 The total draught is required from the following particulars: — Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud ; wheel on same stud 25 teeth, working into wheel 56 teeth on back rollers. Diameter of back rollers, 1 inch. Diameter of front rollers, 1^, or 1.125 inch. DRIVING-WHEELS. 24 teeth wheel on front rollers. 25 teeth wheel on stud. (Change pinion.) 120 48 600 8, or 1 inch diameter of back rollers. 4800 divisor. 118 SLABBING-FRAME. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 56 teeth wheel on back rollers. 3920 9, or 1^ inch diameter of front rollers. 48.00 12)352.80 4) 29.4 7.35 total draught at slabbing-frame. What length of drawing will be required to supply a slabbing- frame 1 day (allowing it to work at the rate of 9 hours suc- cessively), having 40 spindles, and the back rollers traversing 62.367 inches a minute ? 62.367 inches, back rollers traverse a min. 40 spindles in frame. 2494.680 9 hours = 1 day. 22452.120 60 minutes = 1 hour. 36 in., 1 yard, < ( 6)1347127.200 inches of drawing required a day. ( 6)224521.2 37420.2 yards of drawing, or 44 hanks, 3 leas, 110^ yards, required to supply a slabbing-frame 9 hours, or 1 day. What time must a slabbing-frame with 40 spindles work a day, to consume 1102054 inches of drawing, if it consumes 2494.68 inches a minute? SLABBING-PRAME. 119 2494.68)1102054(441.76 minutes or 7 hours, 21 minutes, 997872 45 seconds, the slabbing-frame must work to consume what the 1041820 last head of drawings produces. 997872 439480 249468 1900120 174.6276 1538440 1496808 41632 If the front rollers of a slabbing-frame traverse 458.4 inches a minute, and the diameter of the rollers be 1^ inch, the number of spindles 40 ; what length of slabbing will it produce in 7 hours, 21 minutes, and 45 seconds, or 441.76 minutes? 458.4 inches, rollers traverse a minute. 40 spindles in frame. 18336.0 slabbing-frame produces a minute. 441.76 minutes, or 7 hours, 21|- minutes. 110016 128352 18336 73344 73344 r 6)8100111.36 inches of slabbing produced in 7 lyd.=36in. < hours 21|- minutes. (6)1350018.56 1 lea = 120 yds.)225003.0933 yards of slabbing produced in 7 hours, 21f minutes. 1 hank = 7 leas)1875. 02577 leas of slabbing produced in 7 hours, 21| minutes. 267.860822 120 SLABBING-FRAME. 267.860822 hanks of slabbing produced in 7 7 leas, 1 hank, [hours, 21f minutes. 6.025755 leas. 120 yards, 1 lea. 3.090666 yds. or 267 hanks, 6 leas, 3 yds. If 267 hanks, 6 leas, and 3 yards, or 267.8608 hanks of slab- bing weighs 211Jl]bs.; what hank will it be? RULE — Divide the number of hanks by the weight, and the quotient will be the hanks in one pound. Sbs. Hanks. 211.5)267.8608(1.266 hanks of slabbing in one pound. 2115 5636 4230 14060 12690 13708 12690 1018 If the 211|- ibs. of cotton had been carried through the dif- ferent operations without waste, according to the foregoing dou- blings and draughts, it would have produced a slabbing equal to 1.266, or rather more than IJ hanks to the pound, but on trying the slabbing I find it to be equal to 1.5 hanks to the pound : what loss is sustained in working ? RULE — Divide the number of hanks produced by the hank- slabbing, which, subtracted from the gross weight of cotton, say 211JS)S., will show the loss sustained in working. SLABBING-FRAME. 121 Hanks Ilank-slabbing, 1.5)267.8608(178.574, or 178ibs. 9 oz. of slab- 15 bing produced from 211Jibs. of cotton. 117 105 128 120 86 75 110 105 58 60 — nearly. ft)s. oz. 211 . . 8 gross weight of cotton fed on lap machine. 178 . . 9 net weight of slabbing produced. 32.. 15 loss sustained in working. (Flies, strips, &c.) TURNS AN INCH ON SLABBING. The turns an inch on the slabbing, are required from the fol- lowing particulars: — Revolutions of frame-shaft a minute, 121.6. Wheel on said shaft 90 teeth, working into wheel 138 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 46 teeth on shaft for driving spindles. Wheel on shaft driving spindles, 50 teeth. Wheel on spindles, 25 teeth. Front rollers traverse 458.3987, or nearly 458.4 inches a minute. iV". B. — The wheel 138 teeth is a carrying-wheel ; there is another ivheel 138 teeth ivhieh is omitted, it being a carrier also. 9 SLABBING-FRAMB. 121.6 revolutions of frame-shaft a minute. 90 teeth in wheel on said shaft. 10944.0 50 teeth wheel on spindle-shaft. 547200 dividend. . 46 teeth wheel (driven) on spindle-shaft. 25 teeth wheel on spindles. 230 92 1150 divisor. 1150)547200(475.8 revolutions of spindles a minute. 4600 8720 8050 6700 6750 9500 9200 300 Inches. Revolutions of spindles. 458.3987)475.8260(1.038 turns an inch on slabbing. 4583987 17427300 13751961 S6753390 36671896 81494 ROVING-FRAME. 123 ROVING-FRAME. The speed of the first propelled-shaft of the roving-frame is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of shaft driving roving-frame a minute, 143. Diameter of drum on said shaft, 16 inches. Diameter of pulley on frame-shaft, 15 inches. 143 revolutions of shaft a minute. 16 inches diameter of drum on shaft. 858 148 Inches diam. of J^^""^^ pulley, 15, , 3)457.6 152.533 revolutions of first propelled-shaft at roving-frame a minute. The speed of the front rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of frame-shaft a minute, 152.533. Wheel on same shaft 54 teeth, working into carrying-wheel 138 teeth, which works into wheel 70 teeth on front rollers. 152.533 revols. of shaft a minute. 54 teeth wheel on said shaft. 610133 762666 frontM ^^'^^ } 70)8236.800 117.66857 revols. of front rollers a miu. If the front rollers of a roving-frame make 117.66857 revolu- tions a minute, and their diameter be 1^, or 1.125 inch; what will they traverse a minute ? 117.6685 revols. of front rollers a minute, 1.125, or IJ inch diameter of front rol. 5883425 2353370 1176685 1176685 132.3770625 124 ROVING-FRAME. 132.3770625 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 7942623750 1323770625 5295082500 1323770625 3971311875 415.87577955000 inches, front rol. traverses a min. The speed of the middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 117.6685. Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud ; on same stud wheel 24 teeth, works into wheel 60 teeth on back rollers ; wheel 30 teeth on the other end of back rollers, works into wheel 64 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 24 teeth on middle rollers. 117.6685 revols. of front rols. a min. 24 teeth wheel on do. 4706740 2353370 2824.0440 24 teeth wheel on stud. 11296176 5648088 67777.056 30 teeth wheel on back rollers. 2033311.680 dividend. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 60 teeth wheel on back rollers. 4200 24 teeth wheel on middle rollers. 16800 8400 100800 divisor. ROVING-FRAME. 125 1008.00)20333.11.68(20.1717 revols. of mid. rols. a minute. 2016 1731 1008 7231 7056 1756 1008 7488 7056 432 If the middle rollers be 1 inch diameter, making 20.1717 re- volutions a minute ; what will they traverse ? 20.1717 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 1210302 201717 806868 201717 605151 63.37141272 inches, middle rollers trav. a minute. The speed of the back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 117.6685. Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 70 teeth on stud; on same stud wheel 24 teeth, works into wheel 60 teeth on back rollers. 117.6685 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 24 teeth wheel on do. 4706740 2353370 2824.0440 126 ROVING-FRAME. 2824.0440 24 teeth wheel on stud. 11296176 5648088 67777.056 dividend. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 60 teeth wheel on back rollers. 4200 divisor. 42.00)677.77.056(16.137 revolutions of back rollers 42 a minute. 257 252 57 42 157 126 310 294 16 If the back rollers be 1 inch diameter, making 16.137 revolu- tions a minute ; what will they traverse ? 16.137 revolutions of back rollers a minute. 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 96822 16137 64548 16137 48411 50.6959992, or 50/^ inches nearly, back rollers traverse a minute. ROVING-FRAME. 127 The draught of roving-frame is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on front rollers, 24 teeth (driving). Wheel on stud, 70 teeth (driven). Wheel on same stud, 24 teeth (driving). Wheel on back rollers, 60 teeth (driven). Diameter of back rollers, 1 inch (driving). Diameter of front rollers, 1^ inch (driven). DRIVING-WHEELS. 24 teeth wheel on front rollers. 24 teeth wheel on stud. (Change pinion.) 96 48 576 8=1 inch, diameter of back rollers. 4608 divisor. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 70 teeth wheel on stud. 60 teeth wheel on back rollers. 4200 9, or 1 J inch, diameter of back rollers. 37800 dividend. 4608)37800(8.203 36864 9360 9216 14400 13824 576 If the back rollers of a roving-frame traverse 50.696 inches a minute, with 72 spindles ; what length of slabbing will it con- 128 ROVING-FRAME. sume, allowing the slabbing to be doubled, or 2 ends to each spindle ? 50.696 inches, back rollers traverse a minute. 72 spindles in frame. 101392 354872 3650.112 2 slabbings to each spindle. 7300.224 inches, of slabbing consumed at roving- frame a minute. If 1 roving-frame consumes 7300.224 inches of slabbing a minute ; "what time must 2 roving-frames work, to consume 8100111.36 inches? 7300.224 inches, consumed a min. by 1 frame. 2 frames. Divisor, 14600.448 inches, 2 frames consume a minute. 14600.448)8100111.36(554.78 minutes, or 9 hours, 14f minutes, 73002240 2 roving-frames must work suc- cessively, to consume what the 79988736 slabbing-frame produces. 73002240 69864960 58401792 114631680 102203136 124285440 116803584 7481856 What length of roving will 2 frames, of 72 spindles each, pro- duce in 9 hours, 14|- minutes, or 554.78 minutes, if the front rollers traverse 415.87 inches a minute? I ROVING-FRAME. 129 415.87 inches front rollers traverse a minute. 72 spindles in 1 frame. 83174 291109 29942.64 inches of roving one frame produced a 2 frames. [minute. 59885.28 inches of roving 2 frames prod, a min. 554.78 minutes, or 9 hours, 14| minutes. 47908224 41919696 23954112 29942640 29942640 33223155.6384 inches of roving the 2 frames produce in 554.78 minutes, or 9 hours 14f min. How many hanks of roving are there in 33223155.6384 inches? (0)33223155.6384 inches of roving. 1 yard is 36 in. 6)5537192.6064 1 hank is 840 yards,)922865.4344(1098.6493 hanks of roving. 840 7 leas 1 hank. 8286 4.5451 leas. 7560 120 yards 1 lea. 7265 65.4120 yards. 6720 7834 5454 7560 5040 2744 4143 2520 3360 224 3^223155.6384 inches of roving will be 1098.6493 hanks, or 1098 hanks, 4 leas, and 65 yards. 130 ROVING-FRAME. If 1098 hanks, 4 leas, and 65 yards, or 1098.6493 hanks of roving weigh 211^ pounds; what hank will it be? Pounds. Hanks. 211.5)1098.6493(5.194 hanks roving. 10575 4114 2115 19999 19035 9643 8460 1183 N. B. — If the 211|Z5s. of cotton could be carried through all the different operations in the card room to the roving without ivaste, it zvould produce a roving equal to 5.194 hanks in the pound [allowing the doublings and draughts to be the same, as shown informer examples). If, on trying the roving, its weight is equal to 6.15 hanks in the pound, what weight of roving will there be in 1098.649 hanks ? Hanks. Hanks yarn. 6.15)1098.649(178.64 pounds of roving. 615 16 oz. 1 pound. 4836 384 4305 64 5314 10.24 oz. 4920 3949 3690 2590 2460 130 ROVING-FRAME. 131 Weight of cotton fed on lap machine, 211S)S. 8 oz. Weight of roving produced, - - - 178Sbs. 10} oz. Loss sustained in working, - - . 32ft>s. 13| oz. The speed of the spindles of roving-frame is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of frame-shaft a minute, 152.533. Wheel on frame-shaft 68 teeth, working into carrying-wheel 138 teeth, which works into a wheel 52 teeth on spindle-shaft ; wheel 72 teeth on spindle-shaft, works into wheel 18 teeth on spindle. 152.533 revolutions of frame-shaft a minute. 68 teeth wheel on frame-shaft. 1220266 915200 10372.266 72 teeth wheel on spindle-shaft for driv- ing spindles. 20744533 72605866 746803.200 dividend. 52 teeth wheel on spindle-shaft. 18 teeth wheel on spindle. 416 52 936 divisor. 936)746803.2(797.86 6552 9160 8424 7363 6552 revolutions of roving-frame spindles a minute. 8112 7488 6240 5616 I 132 THROSTLE-FRAME. The turns an inch of roving are required, from the following particulars: — Revolutions of spindles a minute, 797.86. Front rollers traverse a minute, 316 inches. 316)797.86(2.525 turns an inch of roving. 632 1658 1580 786 632 1540 1580 — nearly. The speeds of any moving power belonging to machinery may be found in the same manner as illustrated in the foregoing ex- amples. The construction of the slabbing and roving-frames differs materially; every machine-maker having a method of his own, whereby to work the different moving powers, belonging to, and connected with, the slabbing and roving-frames; while every master, manager, and overlooker generally gives a preference to some particular machine-maker. Improvements in all kinds of machinery are continually pro- gressing, but the system of calculations remains the same; there- fore the system being well grounded, and on sure data, the improvements possible to be made will be the more easily arrived at, and while theory and practice are combined together, it will give both pleasure and satisfaction to the mind. THROSTLE-FRAME. Throstles, like all other machinery, vary in construction either in one part or another, and while some persons prefer the patent throstles, of which there are several, others give the pre- ference to the common throstle; but whatever the construction of the machine may be, any person having a thorough knowledge of calculations in addition to practice, will be enabled to form a proper estimate of machinery according to improvements and alterations made. THROSTLE-FRAME, 133 To produce regular yarns, it is very essential to have good Avashers; in place of round pieces of cloth, many prefer a strip of stout washer cloth, of a proper width, and length of the throstle, with holes, according to the number and distance of spindles. The washers, being stationary, have more power on the bobbins ; consequently, the yarns receive the twist more regularly. The speed of the tin drum, or cylinder for driving spindles, is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of shaft for driving throstles a minute, 153. Diameter of drum on said shaft, 24 inches. Diameter of pulley on tin drum, or cylinder-shaft for driving spindles, 10 inches. 153 revolutions of shaft a minute. 24 inches, diam. of drum on shaft. 612 306 Diam. of pulley, 10 in. )3672 367.2, or 3671- revolutions of tin drum, or cylinder for driving spindles, a minute. If the tin drum, or cylinder for driving spindles, makes 367.2 revolutions a minute ; what number of revolutions will the spin- dles make, if the tin drum, or cylinder, be 12 inches diameter, and the wharves 1 inch. 367.2 revols. of tin drum, or cylinder, a min. 12 inches, diameter of tin drum. 4406.4 revolutions of spindles a minute. The revolutions a minute of the front rollers are required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of pulley-shaft a minute, 367.2. Wheel on same shaft 32 teeth, working into large stud wheel 122 teeth ; on same stud a wheel 40 teeth, works into carrying- wheel 122 teeth, which works into wheel 54 teeth on front rollers. 134 THROSTLE-FRAME. 367.2 revolutions of pulley-shaft a minute. 32 teeth wheel on shaft. 7344 11016 11750.4 40 teeth wheel on stud. 470016.0 dividend. 122 teeth wheel on stud. 54 teeth wheel on end of front rollers. 488 610 6588 divisor. 6588)470016(71.344 revols. of front rols. a min. 46116 8856 6588 22680 19764 29160 26352 28080 26352 1728 If the front rollers of a throstle make 71.344 revolutions a minute; what will they traverse if they be 1 inch diameter? THROSTLE-FKAMB. 135 71.344 revolutions of front rollers a min. 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 428064 71344 285376 71344 214032 224.1343104 rather more than 224|- inches, front rollers traverse a minute. If the front rollers of a throstle traverse, or deliver 224.134 inches a minute ; how many hanks a spindle will be produced in 1 week, if the throstle works successively 60 hours, thus allow- ing 9 hours for doffing and other stoppages ? 224.134 inches, front rollers deliver a min. 60 minutes, 1 hour. 13448.040 60 hours, 1 week. C 6)806882.400 inches produced a spindle a week, 36 inches, 1 yd. (6)134480.4 1 lea is 12.0 yds. )2241.3.4 yards produced a week. 1 hank is 7 leas, )186. 77833 leas produced a week. 26.682619 hanks produced a week. 7 leas 1 hank. 4.778333 leas. 120 yards 1 lea. 93.340000 yards. The length produced a spindle in 60 hours, or 1 week, will be 26 hanks, 4 leas, and 93/g yards. The speed of the middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — 13l3 THROSTLE-FRAME. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 71.344. Wheel on front rollers 20 teeth, working into stud wheel 90 teeth ; on the same stud change wheel 23 teeth, works into wheel 46 teeth on back rollers; on the other end of back rollers there is a wheel 25 teeth, working into carrying-wheel 36 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 19 teeth on middle rollers. 71.344 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 20 teeth wheel on front roller. 1426.880 23 teeth wheel. (Change pinion.) 4280640 2853760 32818.240 25 teeth wheel on back rollers. 16409120 G563648 820456.00 dividend. 90 teeth wheel on stud. 46 teeth wheel on back rollers. 4140 19 teeth wheel on middle rollers. 37260 4140 78660 divisor. 78660)820456(10.43 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. 78660 338560 314640 239200 235980 3220 TimOSTLE-FRAME. 137 If the middle rollers of a throstle be | inch diameter, making 10.43 revolutions a minute ; what will they traverse ? 10.43 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. .75, or J inch diameter of middle rollers. 5215 7301 7.8225 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 469350 78225 312900 78225 234675 24.57516600 or rather more than 24J inches, middle rollers traverse a minute. The speed of the back rollers of a throstle is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 71.844. Wheel on front rollers 20 teeth, working into large stud wheel 90 teeth ; small stud wheel, or change pinion 23 teeth, work- ing into wheel 46 teeth on back rollers. 71.344 revolutions of front rollers a min. 20 teeth wheel on front rollers. 1426.880 23 teeth wheel change pinion. 428064 285376 32818.24 dividend. 90 teeth wheel on stud. 46 teeth wheel on back rollers. 4140 divisor. 10 138 THROSTLE-FKAME. 4140)32818.24(7.927 revolutions of back rollers a 28980 minute. 88382 37260 11224 8280 29440 28980 460 If the back rollers of a throstle be | inch diameter, making 7.927 revolutions a minute; what will they traverse? 7.927 revols. of back rollers a minute. 875 or ^ inch diam. of back roller. 39635 55489 63416 6.936125 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1- 41616750 6936125 27744500 6926125 20808375 21.7905303000, or rather more than 21f inches, back rollers traverse a minute. If the back rollers of a throstle traverse 21.79 inches a minute, and the middle rollers 24.575 inches ; what draught will there be ? 21.79)24.575166(1.128 draught between back and 2179 middle rollers. 2785 2179 6061 17036 4358 17432-^nearly. THROSTLE-FRAME. 139 If the middle rollers of a throstle traverse 24.575166 inches a minute, and the front rollers 224.13431; what draught will there be between the middle and front rollers? 24.575)224.13431(9.12 draught between middle 221175 and front rollers. 29593 24575 50181 49150 1031 If the back rollers of a throstle traverse 21.79 inches a minute, and the front rollers 224.1343; what draught will there be be- tween the front and back rollers? 21.79)224.1343(10.286 draught between the back 2179 and front rollers. 6234 4358 18763 17432 13310 13074 236 If the driving-wheels be 20 and 23, and the driven-wheels 90 and 46, the diameter of the front rollers 1 inch, and the back rollers | inch ; what draught Avill there be ? DRIVING-WHEELS. 20 23 460 Back roller | inch, or 7 3220 divisor. uo THKOSTLE-FRAME. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 90 46 4140 8 = 1 inch front rollers. 3220)33120(10.286 nearly, draught in rols. 3220 9200 6440 27600 25760 18400 . 19320— nearly. If one spindle produces 26 hanks, 4 leas, and 93 yards, or 26.682G22 hanks of twist a week; what length and weight of No, 30's twist will 6876 spindles produce? 26.682622 hanks a spindle a week. 6876 spindles. 160095733 186778355 213460977 160095733 No. of twist, 3.0's)18346.9.709988 hanks of twist a week. " 6115.6569996ft)s. of twist a week. 16 ounces 1 ib. 39419976 6569996 10.5119936 ounces. 4 qrs. 1 oz. 2.0479744 Length of twist produced, 18346.97, nearly 18347 hanks. Weight of twist produced, 6115it)s. 10^ oz. of No. 30's twist. I] THROSTLE-FRAME. 141 The speed of the mangle- wheel is required, from the following particulars: — Revolutions of pulley-shaft a minute, 367.2. Wheel on said shaft 32 teeth, Avorking into stud-wheel 122 teeth; wheel on same stud G teeth, working into wheel 110 teeth on mangle-wheel-shaft ; wheel 8 teeth on mangle-wheel-shaft, working into mangle-wheel 82 teeth. 122 teeth wheel on stud. 110 teeth wheel on mancle-wheel-shaft. 13420 82 teeth mangle-wheel. 26840 107360 1100440 divisor. 367.2 revolutions of pulley-shaft a minute. 82 teeth wheel on pulley-shaft. 7344 11016 11750.4 6 teeth wheel on stud. 70502.4 8 teeth wheel on mangle-wheel-shaft. 1100440)564019.2(.512539, or rather more than half a 5502200 revolution of mangle-wheel 1379920 1100440 2794800 2200880 5939200 5502200 a minute- 10686800 4370000 9903960 3301320 782840 142 THROSTLE-FRAME. The speed of the traverse-shaft is required, from the following particulars: — Revolution of mangle- wheel a minute, .512539. Wheel on mangle-wheel 21 teeth working racks, which works into wheel 43 teeth on traverse-shaft. .51254 revolution of mangle-wheel a minute. 21 teeth on mangle-wheel, working racks. 51254 102508 Teeth of wl. ^ on traverse- V 43)10. 76384(.25, or rather more than |- of a revo- shaft, J 86 lution of traverse-shaft a min. 216 215 1 * What will the traverse move a minute, according to the follow- ing particulars: — Revolution of traverse-shaft a minute, .25, or J. .Diameter of pulleys on traverse-shaft, 1^^ inch. 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 1.5, or IJ inch diameter of pulleys on traverse-shaft. 157080 31416 4.71240 .25 or J revolution of traverse-shaft. 235620 94248 1.178100, or rather more than IJ inch, tra- verse moves a minute. If the front rollers of a throstle traverse, or deliver 224.135 inches a minute, and the spindles make 4406.4 revolutions a minute, how many turns will there be in 1 inch of twist ? I THROSTLE-FRAME. 143 Deliv. a min., 224.135 in.)4406.400(19.65958 turns an inch for 224135 No. 30's twist. 2165050 2017215 1478350 1344810 1335400 1120675 2147250 2017215 1300350 1120675 1796750 1793080 3670 PARTICULARS OF A THROSTLE-FRAME. Revolutions of a tin-drum, or cylinder for driving spindles a minute, 367.2. Revolutions of spindles a minute, 4406.4. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 71.34426. Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 10.4304. Revolutions of back rollers a minute, 7.927. Revolution of mangle-wheel a minute, 0.51254. Revolution of traverse-shaft a minute, 0.25. Diameter of pulleys on drum, or cylinder-shaft, 10 inches. Diameter of drum, or cylinder driving spindles, 12 inches. Diameter of wharves, 1 inch. Diameter of front rollers, 1 inch. Diameter of middle rollers, f inch. Diameter of pulleys on traverse-shaft, IJ inch. Front rollers traverse or deliver a minute, 224.134 inches. Middle rollers traverse a minute, 24.57 inches. Back rollers traverse or consume a minute, 21.79 inches. Traverse or bobbin rail moves a minute, 1.17956 inches. Draught between back and middle rollers, 1.2878 nearly. 144 MULES. Draught between middle and front rollers, 9,12. Total draught in rollers, 10.286. Turns per inch for 30's twist, 19.659, or 19f nearly. Hanks per spindle produced, 26 hanks, 4 leas, and yards a week of sixty hours. MULES. The speed of the rim-shaft is required from the following par- ticulars : — Revolutions of shaft for driving upright-shaft in wheel-house, 86. Dili meter of drum on said shaft, 25 inches. Diameter of pulley on upright-shaft in wheel-house, 12 inches. Wheel on foot of upright-shaft in wheel-house 68 teeth, working into wheel 45 teeth on rim-shaft. 86 revolutions of shaft a minute. 25 inches diameter of drum on shaft. 430 172 2150 68 teeth wheel on foot of upright-shaft in wheel-house. 17200 12900 146200 dividend. 12 inches diameter of pulley on upright-shaft in 45 teeth wheel on rim-shaft. [wheel-house. 540 divisor. 54.0)14620.0(270.74 revolutions of rim-shaft a 108 minute. 382 378 220 400 216 378 MULES. 145 Or thus, which is preferable ^Yhen it can be divided by com- ponent parts: — 9)2436.66 270.'} 4 revolutions of rim-shaft a minute. The speed of the front rollers is required, from the following particulars : — Revolutions of rim-shaft a minute, 270.74. Wheel on rim-shaft 50 teeth, working into wheel 64 teeth on top of long driver-shaft; wheel on bottom of long driver-shaft 40 teeth, working into wheel 80 teeth on front rollers. 270.74 revolutions of shaft a minute. 50 teeth wheel on shaft. 13537.00 40 teeth wheel on bottom of long driver. 541480 dividend. 64 teeth wheel on top of long driver. 80 teeth wheel on front rollers. 5120 divisor. 512.0)54148.0(105.75 revolutions of front rollers 512 a minute. 2948 2560 3880 3584 2960 2560 54.0 400 146 MULES. If the front rollers be 1 incli diameter, making 105.75 revolu- tions a minute, what will they traverse ? 105.75 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 63450 10575 42300 10575 31725 332.224200, or 332ii inches, front rollers tra- verse a minute. The speed of the middle rollers is required, from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 105.75. Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 100 teeth on shaft for driving back rollers ; wheel on shaft for driving back rollers 25 teeth, working into wheel 50 teeth on back rollers ; wheel on back rollers 24 teeth, working into carrying- wheel 40 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 21 teeth on middle rollers. 105.75 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 24 teeth wheel on front roller. 42300 21150 2538.00 25 teeth wheel (change pinion) on shaft driving back rollers. 12690 5076 63450 24 teeth wheel on back rollers. 253800 126900 1522800 dividend. I MULES. 147 100 teeth wheel on shaft driving back rollers. 50 teeth wheel on back rollers. 5000 21 teeth wheel on middle rollers. 105000 divisor. 105.000)1522.800(14.5 revolutions of middle rollers a 105 minute. 472 420 528 525 3 If the middle rollers be |^ inch diameter, making 14J revolu- tions a minute; what will they traverse? 14.5 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. .875, or I inch diameter of rollers. 725 1015 1160 12.6875 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 761250 126875 507500 126875 380625 39.85905000 inches, middle rollers traverse a min. The speed of the back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 14.5 inches. Wheel on middle roller 21 teeth, working into carrying-wheel 40 teeth on stud, which works into wheel 24 teeth on back rollers. 148 MULES. 14.5 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. 21 teeth wheel on middle roller. 145 290 Teethofwheel > 24)304.5(12.6875 revolutions of back rollers a on mid. rols. S oa ■ ^ ' 5:4 mmute. 64 48 165 144 210 192 180 168 120 120 If the back rollers be | inch diameter, making 12.6875 revo- lutions a minute; what will they traverse? 12.6875 revolutions of back rollers a minute. .875, or \ inch diameter of rollers. 634375 888125 1015000 11.1015625 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 666093750 111015625 444062500 111015625 333046875 34.87666875000, or 34| inches, back rollers traverse a minute. MULES. 149 The draught between the back and middle rollers is required from the following particulars: — Middle rollers traverse a minute, 39.859. Back rollers traverse a minute, 34.876. 34.876)39.859(1.14288 draught between back and 34876 middle rollers. 49830 34876 149540 139504 100360 69752 306080 279008 270720 279008— nearly. The draught between the front and middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Front rollers traverse a minute, 332.2242 inches. Middle rollers traverse a minute, 39.859 inches. 39.859)332.2242(8.3349 draught between front and mid. rols. 318872 133522 119577 139450 119577 198730 159436 392940 358731 34209 150 MULES. The draught between the front and back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Front rollers traverse a minute, 332.2242 inches. Back rollers traverse a minute, 34.8766 inches. 34.8766)332.2242(9.525 draught between back and 3138894 front rollers. 1833480 1743830 896500 697532 1989680 1743830 245850 • The draught in rollers at mules is required from the following particulars: — Wheel on front rollers 24 teeth, working into wheel 100 teeth on shaft for driving back rollers ; change wheel 25 teeth on same shaft, works into wheel 50 teeth on back rollers. Diameter of back rollers, | inch. Diameter of front rollers, 1 inch. DRIVING-WHEELS. 24 teeth wheel on front roller. 25 teeth wheel, or change pinion. 120 48 600 .875, or I inch diameter of back rollers. 525.000 divisor. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 100 teeth wheel on shaft for driving back rollers. 50 teeth wheel on do. 5000 1 inch diameter of front rollers. 6000 dividend. 1 MULES. 151 525)5000(9.521 draught between back and front 4725 rollers. 2750 2625 1250 1050 2000 2100— nearly. iV, B. — The small difference between this and the last example, arises from the decimal fractions, ivhich occur in the other sys- tem of ivorlcing. If the front rollers deliver 55 inches each stretch, which puts up 60 inches; the gain or draught in the carriage will be 5 inches, which is equal to lyS draught; the draught in the rollers is 9.524 ; what will the total draught be ? 9.524 draught in rollers. 60 inches length of stretch. r 5)571.440 Delivd. from rols. 55 in. < (11)114.288 ^ 10.3899, or 10/a (nearly), total draught at mules. If the total draught at mules be 10.39, and the numbers to be spun 40's ; the length required to be spun 20 hanks a spindle a week, the number of spindles in the mules 1000; what hank roving will be required, what number of hanks, and what weight? RULE. Multiply the number of spindles in the mules, by the number of hanks required a spindle, and the product will be the total number of hanks of yarn produced a week ; which, divided by the draught, will give the number of hanks of roving required. Then divide the numbers of yarn by the draught in the mules, and the quotient will be the hank roving. Then divide the 152 MULES. number of hanks of roving required to produce the given length of yarn, by the hank roving, and the quotient will be the weight of roving required. EXAMPLE. 1000 number of spindles in mules. 20 hanks, length required a spindle. 20000 total number of hanks. Hanks. Draught 10.39)20000(1925 nearly, hanks of roving required. 1039 9610 9351 2590 2078 5120 6195 — nearly. Nos. of yarn. Draught 10.39)40.00(3.85 hank roving required. 3117 8830 8312 5180 5195 — nearly. Hanks. Hank roving, 3.85)1 925(500ibs. net weight of roving required. 1925 The speed of the scroll is required from the following par- ticulars: — Revolutions of rim-shaft a minute, 270.74. Wheel on rim-shaft 20 teeth, working into wheel 60 teeth on short driving-shaft. Wheel on bottom end of short driving-shaft, 32 teeth, working into wheel 100 teeth on scroll-shaft. MULES. 153 270.74 revolutions of rlm-shaft a min. 20 teeth wheel on rim-shaft. 5414.80 32 teeth wheel on bottom end of short driver. 108296 162444 173273.6 dividend. 60 teeth wheel on top of short driver. 100 teeth wheel on scroll-shaft. 6000 divisor. 6.000)173.273.6 28.879 nearly, revols. of scroll-shaft a min. If the scroll makes 28.879 revolutions a minute, and be 4 inches diameter ; what will it traverse ? 28.879 revolutions of scroll a minute. 4 inches, diameter of scroll. 115.516 3.1416 circumference when diameter is 1. 693096 115516 462064 115516 346548 362.9050656 nearly 363 inches, scroll trav. a min. The gain, or draught in carriage is required from the follow- ing particulars : — Scroll traverses a minute, 362.9050656 inches. Front rollers traverse a minute, 332.2242 inches. 11 154 MULES. 332.2242)362.9050656(1.09235 gain, or draught in 3322242 carriage. 30680865 29900178 7806876 6644484 11623920 9966726 16571940 16611210— nearly. By multiplying the draught in rollers, by the draught, or gain in carriage, it will give the total draught at mules. If the length of the stretch be 61 inches, and the gain or draught in carriage be 1.09235, what length will the rollers deliver, and how many inches will the carriage gain a stretch? Inches stretch. Draught at carriage, 1.09235)61.00000(55.8429 inches, delivered 546175 at rollers a minute. 638250 546175 920750 873880 468700 436940 317600 218470 991300 983115 8185 MULES, 155 61.0000 inches, length of stretch. 55.8429 inches, delivered at rollers. 5.1571 inches, carriage gains. The speed of the spindles at mules is required from the fol' lowing particulars : — Revolutions of rim-shaft a minute, 270.74. Diameter of rim, 23j inches. Diameter of rim-band-pulley, 18J inches. Diameter of twist-pulley, 14J inches. Diameter of drums in carriage, 10 inches. Diameter of wharves, J inch. 270.74 revolutions of rim a minute. 23.25 inches, diameter of rim. 135370 54148 81222 54148 6294.7050 14.25 inches, diameter of twist-pulley. 31473525 12589410 25178820 6294705 89699.54625 dividend. 18.25 inches, diameter of rim-band-pulley. .75, or f inch, diameter of wharves. 9125 12775 13.6875 divisor. 156 MULES. 13.687)89699.54625(65.536 revolutions of spindles 82122 at mules a minute. 75775 68435 73404 68435 49696 41061 86352 82122 4230 If the scroll at a pair of mules traverse at the rate of 363 inches a minute, and the spindles make 6553 revolutions ; how many turns an inch will there be in the yarn ? 363)6553(18.05 turns an inch in yarn, while carriage is 363 coming out. 2923 2904 1900 1815 85 How many turns will the rim make a stretch, if the front rollers deliver 57 inches, allowing the rim to make 271 revolu- tions, while the front rollers deliver 332.224 inches? RULE. — Multiply the revolutions of the rim by the length of the stretch, and divide by the number of inches delivered at the front rollers, and the quotient will be the revolutions, or turns of rim a stretch. MULES. 157 271 revolutions of rim. 57 inches length of stretch. 1897 1355 Inches delivered, 332.224)15447.000(46.4957 revolutions, or 1328896 turns of rim a stretch. 2158040 1993344 1646960 1328896 3180640 2990016 1906240 1661120 2451200 2325568 125632 To find the number of turns required for twist, or weft an inch. \ RULE. — For twist, multiply the square root of the numbers, or counts of yarn by 3.75, or 3f, and for weft, multiply the square root of the numbers, or counts of yarn by 3.25, or 3J, and the products will be the turns an inch required. What number of turns an inch will 44's twist require, accord- ing to the foregoing rule ? COUNTS. 44(6.633 square root of 44. 36 126)800 756 1323)4400 3969 39789 13263)43100 3311 158 MULES. 6.633 square root of 44. 3.75, or 3|. 33165 46431 19899 24.87375, or nearly 25 turns an inch, required for No. 44's twist. What number of turns an inch will 36's weft require? 6 is the square root of 36. 3.25 19.50, or 19J turns an inch required for 36's weft. What number of turns an inch will lOO's twist require? 10 is the square root of 100. 3.75 37.50, or 37f turns an inch required for No. lOO's twist. The preceding rules for ascertaining the turns an inch required for twist and weft, have been generally adopted ; however, where a good, or even a fair quality of cotton is used, the following rule will be found to answer, particularly for some qualities of yarns. RULE. — Multiply the numbers, or counts of yam by 12, the square root of which gives the turns an inch required for twist. Weft will require 3J, or 4 turns an inch less than twist. N. B. — Some cotton requires more twist than others, according to its quality. What number of turns an inch will be required for No. 50's twist, or weft, according to the above rule? 50's numbers, or counts of yarn. 12 600(25 turns nearly, required for 50's twist, less 4 3J turns for weft. 45)200 225 — nearly. MULES. \<- 7^59 What number of turns an incli ■will be required for lOO's twist'," or weft? lOO's numbers, or counts of yarn. 12 1200(34.64 turns an inch required for No. lOO's 9 twist, less 3J turns, which will be equal to 31.14 turns an inch for lOO's weft. 64)300 256 686)4400 4116 6924)28400 27696 704 RULE for ascertaining the revolutions of spindles, for the rim 1. — Multiply the diameters of the driving-pulleys together for a dividend, and the driven-pulleys accordingly for a divisor, and the quotient will be the revolutions of the spindles for the rim 1. If the rim and rim-band-pulleys be each 22 inches diameter, the twist pulley 13J inches, and the wharves | inch ; what revo- lutions or turns will the spindles make for the rim 1? N. B. — The rim and rim-band-pulley being of the same diameters are omitted in the working. Diameter of wharves, .875)13.500(15.428 revolutions of spindles 875 for rim 1. 4750 4375 3750 3500 2500 1750 7500 7000 500 160 MULES. If the rim be 33 inches diameter, the rim-band-pulley 26 inches, the twist-pulley 14J inches, and the wharves f of an inch ; what number of revolutions, or turns will the spindles make for the rim 1? DRIVERS. Twist-pulley, 14.25 inches. Rim, 33 inches. 4275 4275 470.25 dividend. DRIVEN. 26 inches drum-band-pulley. .75, or I inch wharves. 130 182 19.50 divisor. 195.)470.25(24.115 revols. of spindles for rim 1. 390 802 780 225 195 300 195 1050 975 75 BELL-WHEEL, OR REVOLUTIONS OP RIM A STRETCH. EXILE. — Multiply the turns required an inch, by the number of inches in the length of the stretch, for a dividend, and divide 1 MULES. 161 by the revolutions, or turns the spindles make for the rim 1, and the quotient will be the number of teeth for the bell-wheel, or revolutions of rim a stretch. If 18.62 turns an inch be required, and the length of the stretch be 58 inches, the revolutions or turns of spindles 15.428 for the rim 1 ; what number of teeth must there be in the bell- wheel, or what revolutions must the rim make a stretch? 18.62 turns required ah inch. 58 inches, length of stretch. 14896 9310 15.428)1079.96(70 teeth required for bell-wheel, or re- 107996 volutions of rim a stretch. The turns an inch are required from the following particulars : — Bell- wheel, 70 teeth; rim, 22 inches diameter; rim-band-pulley, 22 inches diameter; twist-pulley, 13J inches diameter; drums in carriage, 10 inches diameter; wharves, ^, or .875 inch diameter, and length of stretch, 58 inches. N.B. — The rim, rim-hand, pulley, and drum in carriage are omitted, on account of being drivers and driven of the same dimensions. Multiply the number of teeth in the bell-wheel, by the diame- ters of the driving-pulleys respectively for a dividend; then multiply the number of inches in the length of a stretch, by the diameters of the driven-pulleys accordingly for a divisor, and the quotient will be the revolutions or turns an inch. 58 inches, length of stretch. .875, or I inch, diameter of wharves. 7000 4375 50.750 divisor. 13.5 or 13J inches, diameter of twist-pulley. 70 teeth bell-wheel, or re vols, of rim a stretch. 94.5000 162 MULES. 50.75)94.5000(18.62 turns an inch. 5075 43750 40600 31500 30450 10500 10150 350 If 26 turns an inch be required, and the length of the stretch be 61 inches; the revolutions, or turns of the spindles 24.115 for the rim 1 ; what number of teeth must there be in the bell-wheel, or what revolutions must the rim make a stretch ? 26 turns an inch. 61 inches, length of stretch. 26 156 24.115)1586.000(65.768, or nearly 66 teeth required 144690 for bell-wheel, or revolu- tions of rim a stretch. 139100 120575 185250 168805 164450 144690 197600 192920 4680 The turns an inch are required from the following particulars : — Bell-wheel, 66 teeth; length of stretch, 60 inches; diameter of rim, 33 inches; diameter of rim-band-pulley, 26 inches; diame- ter of twist-pulley, 14 J inches; diameter of drums in carriage, 10 inches, and diameter of wharves, | inch. MULES. 163 66 teeth bell-wheel. 33 inches, diameter of rim. 198 198 2178 14.25, or 14J inches, diameter of twist-pulley. 10890 4356 8712 2178 31036.50 dividend. 26 inches, diameter of twist-pulley. 60 inches, length of stretch. 1560 .75, or f inch, diameter of wharves. 7800 10920 1170.00 divisor. 1170.)31036.5(26.52 turns an inch required. 2340 7636 7020 6165 5850 3150 2340 810 Whatever the principle of the mules is, any particular may be found by attending to the rules and examples illustrated. iV! B. — The general rules are exemplified tvith the different tables, and will appear in their regular course. 164 TABLES. TABLES, Showing the size, hank, and j^roportion of hank in every ope- ration, from the lap machine through all the various processes of carding, drawing, slabbing, roving and spinning, with practical rules and examples. EXPLANATION OF THE CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLES. The first line in the carding and drawing-table is the decimal of the hank according to its length and weight, which will be found in the following manner: Multiply all the draughts to- gether as far as regards the operation you intend trying, whether it be slabbing, drawing, or carding, for a dividend, and all the doubling accordingly for a divisor, the quotient will be the draught ; then divide the numbers you are spinning, or the num- bers you wish to spin, by the net draught, and the quotient will be the decimal of the hank ; opposite to which in the table, you will have the weight according to the length weighed. Suppose the total draught to be 181440, the doubling 1728, and the numbers to be spun 40's ; what weight will 2 yards of carding, or doubling be ? 1728)181440(105 draught more than doubling. 1728 EXAMPLE. 8640 8640 Draught more than doubling. Counts. 105)40.0(0.38 315 decimal of a hank. Opposite to which in the table under 2 yards will be found, 1 dwt. 19.8 grains, the weight re- quired. 850 840 10 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. 165 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .05 to .089 decimal of hank for 2, 4, and 6 yards. Dec. of 2 yards. Dec. of hank. 4 yards. Dec. of 6 yards. hank. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. nank. oz. dwts. grains. n^i .uo 1 Q 91 QQ Of; Q y 1 Q 1 R 0*1 9 0 e 0. 1 o 1 /< 7Q O^i 1 Q y O OR O^i 1 9 4 4 y.oo 1 Q 1 o o.0 1 0fi9 Q 1 1 fi9 01^9 . v04 9 4 o o 14. Oo 9 4R 0^1 'I 7 7 9Q 4Q .uoo /it 4 on QO 4U.oy 1 9 9n A^i 7 1 1 7S .U04 9 4 o no 4.y4 1 9 1 ^ HQ i O.Uo O'l'S .U 7 7 0 (iR U.OO 0*1 .UOO 9 1 1 1 C\ f\C\ 1 1 9 Q R 1 y.D 1 OPiR O 1 Q 7Q lo. I o .uoo 9 n U 1 7.O0 .Vt) / 1 9 zl QO i.oy nfi7 .uo / ft D Q 9Q 0^17 .U.J / 9 A U O 1 Q 1 4. lo 1 1 1 1 5 17 91 .uoo 1 1 1 7 1 / lo.oo 1 1 i i 1 o.'lo O^iQ 5 7 47 .uoo 1 1 17 17 1 .yo OR 1 1 1 X 1 Q 77 OR 4 99 Ofi .44.U0 OR 1 1 0 1 1 .oo .UOl 1 1 1 1 Q 99 0R1 4 1 9 Q4 ORI .U U 1 1 1 1 0 oo 1 ^ 44.17 1 1 1 1 A fH •l.O 1 0fi9 4 4 1 Q 4.10 0R9 .UU4 1 1 1 0 o.yo 1 1 J. 1 0 u.oo OR^ 3 1 Q R ly.D ORQ .uuo 1 1 1 A 1 4 OA 1 ^ 4U. 10 1 1 90 A 1 0R4. 3 1 1 1 1 .00 0R4 1 1 A 1 4 7 .ii 1 0 1 U 1 R /I 1 ORIS 3 Q Q9 o.o^ OR'i .uuo 1 1 1 o iy.7o .UuD 1 0 1 9 1^9 ORR 2 1 Q ^ ly.oo ORR .uuo 1 1 1 Q 1 o O.U7 nfi7 1 u ft 7 0R7 2 19 01 14. Ul 0fi7 1 1 1 9 1 4 40. 7o 1 0 1 u OQ ORR 2 4 RQ ORR 1 1 1 9 14 Q "^Q y.7y nfiQ .uuy 1 .'10 ORQ 1 91 41 ORQ .uuy 1 1 1 1 O.) Q>'Y 44. o7 .U i Q 99 OQ 07 I 1 4 RQ 1 4. oy 07 .u / 1 1 1 1 O 1 4.0 .U / 1 Q y 1 Q 7/1 lo. /'I 07 1 1 7 Oft 071 .U / 1 1 1 1 1 O I'^'O 4.74 079 Q y 1 o.oy 079 V 1 9 9Q 079 .U < 4" 1 1 lU 1 Q 1 Q lo.iy f»7^ .U / o Q y 1 9 Q 1 07^ 0 1 Q 1 9 iy.i4 07 Q .U / o 1 1 074 0 1 9 Qf^ 14. yo 074 1 1 Q y oo 1 ^ 44.17 07^ 9 6.22 07f^ 0 6.94 07^1 .u / o 1 1 9 13.21 9 3.29 07 R 0 l.l 07R .u / o 1 1 9 4.39 .077 9 0.45 .077 18 0.9 .077 1 8 19.85 .078 8 21.67 .078 17 19.35 .078 1 8 11.52 .079 8 18.97 .079 17 13.94 .079 1 8 3.41 .08 8 16.33 .08 17 8.66 .08 1 7 19.5 .081 8 13.76 .081 17 3.52 .081 1 7 11.78 .082 8 11.25 .083 16 22.5 .082 1 7 4.25 .083 8 8.8 .083 16 17.6 .083 1 6 20.9 .084 8 6.41 .084 16 12.82 .084 1 6 13.37 .085 8 4.07 .085 16 8.15 .085 1 6 6.73 .086 8 1.79 .086 16 3.59 .086 1 5 23.89 .087 7 23.57 .087 15 23.14 .087 1 5 17.21 .088 7 21.39 .088 15 18.78 .088 1 5 10.68 .089 7 19.26 .089 15 14.53 .089 1 5 4.29 166 EXAMPLES. What will 8 yards of .08, or ^ hank weigh ? Proportion of hank, .08)66.66 No. of grains in 1 oz., 437.5)833.33 grains,(l oz. 437.5 1 (Iwt. is 24 grains,)395.83(16 dwts. 24 155 144 11.83 grains. Weight of 8 yards of .08 decimal of hank drawing, will be 1 oz., 16 dwts., 11.83 grains. If 8 yards of drawing weigh 1 oz., 16 dwts., 11.83 grains, what size or proportion of hank will it be ? 1 ounce 437.5 grains. 16 dwts. X 24 grains 384. grains. 11.833 grains. 1 oz., 16 dwts., 11.83 grains, 833.333 The dividend for 8 yards is Q6.66d. 833. 33)66. 6666(.08 decimal of a hank, or size of 666066 drawing. What will 6 yards of .1, or Jq hank drawing weigh ? Dividend for 6 yards is 50. (See Table of Dividends.) 0.1 j50. 500 grains weight. 1 ounce,437.5 grains, )500. 0(1 oz. 437.5 1 dwt. is 24 grains,)62.5(2 dwts. 48 14.5 grains. Weight of 6 yards of 0.1, or j'g hank drawing, will weigh 1 oz., 2 dwts., 14:1 grains. CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. "■r5-/^7 " ''^'7\j CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .09 to .129 decimal of hank for 2, 4, and 6 yards. Dec. of 2 yards. Dec. of 4 yards. Dec. of 6 yards. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. .09 7 17 18 .09 Il\J tO 4 .09 1 1 A + 99 (\^ .091 7 15.15 .091 15 6 ^ .091 1 X A. 1 0,\30 .092 7 13.15 .092 15 2.3 1 .092 \ A .093 7 1 1.21 .093 14 22.42 .093 I 4 .094 7 4 9.3 .094 14 18.6 .094 I Q o 99 41 .095 7 7 43 .095 14 14.87 .095 I o 1 n 1 .096 7 5.61 .096 14 1 1 .22 .096 I o 1 1 .oo .097 7 3.82 .097 14 7 64 .097 I Q t> .098 7 2.06 .098 14 d 1 "i .098 I Q o 0 7 .099 7 0.35 .099 14 0 7 .099 J 9 .1 Q 22.66 1 13 21 .1 9 .101 5 21.01 .101 13 1 H 0^ X O . V/ . J .101 1 9 Q 0^ .102 g 19.39 .102 13 ] 4,79 .102 I 9 .103 g 17.81 .103 13 1 1 .62 .103 I 9^ .104 6 16.25 .104 13 O . 1 .104 I 1 Q 9fi .105 g 14.72 .105 13 5.46 .105 I 1 ^. uo .106 g 13.13 .106 13 2.27 .106 I £7 . i/ 1 .107 g 1 1.76 .107 12 .107 1 X ^ 7ft .108 g 10.32 .108 12 20.64 .108 J 1 .tu .109 g 8.9 .109 12 17 81 .109 1 X 0 u 91 9 1 .11 g 7.51 .11 12 1 f)^ 1. o^yjo .11 1 X 0 u 1 7 04 .111 g 6.15 .111 12 19^ .111 1 0 .112 g 4.98 .112 12 Q 97 .112 1 X n .113 g 3.49 .113 12 6.98 .113 1 X 0 4 Q7 .114 g 2.19 .114 12 .114 1 X 0 1 HQ .115 6 0.92 .115 12 1.85 .115 18 2.78 .116 5 23.67 .116 11 23.35 .116 17 23.03 .117 5 22.45 .117 11 20.9 .117 17 19.35 .118 5 21.24 .118 11 18.48 .118 17 15.72 .119 5 20.05 .119 11 16.11 .119 17 12.16 .12 5 18.88 .12 11 13.77 .12 17 8.66 .121 5 17.74 .121 11 11.48 .121 17 5.22 .122 5 16.61 .122 11 9.22 .122 17 1.83 .123 5 15.5 .123 11 7. .123 16 22.5 .124 5 14.4 .124 11 4.81 .124 16 19.22 .125 5 13.33 .125 11 2.66 .125 16 16. .126 5 12.27 .126 11 0.5 .126 16 12.82 .127 5 11.23 .127 10 22.46 .127 16 9.7 .128 5 10.2 .128 10 20.41 .128 16 6.62 .129 5 9.19 .129 10 18.39 129 16 3.59 168 EXAMPLES. The follo'win"; will be the dividends, according to the number of yards for ascertaining the weight of any decimal part of a hank. Yards T)i viflpnf^c! 1 8.333 2 16.6Q6 3 25. 4 33 333 5 41.666 6 60. 7 58!333 8 66.666 9 ■ 75. 10 83.333 15 125. 20 166. 30 250. 40 333.333 60 500. 80 666.666 120 1000. RULE. — Divide the dividend by the hank, or decimal part of a hank, according to the number of yards weighed, and the quo- tient will be the weight in grains. What will 2 yards of 0.13 of a hank weigh? Dividend for 2 yards. 13)16.666(128.2 grains, or 5 dwts., 8.2 grains, 13 weight of 2 yards. 36 26 106 104 26 26 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. 169 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .13 to .187 decimal of hank for 2, 4, and 6 yards. 1 1 Dec. of 1 hank. 2 yards. Dec. of hank. 4 yards. Dec. of hank. 6 yards. dvvts. grains. oz. dvvts. grains. oz. — dvvts. grains. 1 j .13 5 8.2 .13 10 16.4 .13 16 0.6 .131 5 7.22 .131 10 14.45 .131 15 21.67 .132 5 6.26 .132 10 12.5 .132 15 18.78 .133 5 5.31 .133 10 10.62 .133 15 15.93 .134 5 4.37 .134 10 8.75 .134 15 13.13 .135 5 3.45 .135 10 6.91 .135 15 10.37 .136 5 2.55 .136 10 5.2 .136 15 7.74 .137 5 1.65 .137 10 3.3 .137 15 4.96 .138 5 0.77 .138 10 1.54 .138 15 2.31 .139 4 23.9 .139 9 23.8 .139 14 23.7 .14 4 23. .14 9 22. .14 14 21. .141 4 22.2 .141 9 20.4 .141 14 18.6 .142 4 21.37 .142 9 18.74 .142 14 16.1 1 .143 4 20.55 .143 9 17.1 .143 14 13.65 .144 4 19.74 .144 9 15.48 .144 14 1 1 .22 .145 4 12.94 .145 9 13.88 .145 14 8.82 .146 4 18.15 .146 9 12.31 .146 14 6.46 .147 4 17.37 .147 9 10.75 .147 14 4.13 .148 4 16.61 .148 9 9.22 .148 14 1.83 .149 4 15.85 .149 9 7.71 .149 13 23.57 .15 4 15. 11 .15 9 6.22 .15 13 21.33 .151 4 14.37 .151 9 4.75 .151 13 19.12 .1525 4 13.29 .1525 9 2.57 .1525 13 15.86 .153 4 12.93 .153 9 1.86 .153 13 14.79 .155 4 11.52 .155 8 23.05 .155 13 10.58 .157 4 10.15 .157 8 20.31 .157 13 6.47 .1575 4 9.82 .1575 a o 1 9.6 .1575 13 5.46 .159 4 8.82 .159 8 17.64 .159 13 2.46 .16 4 , 8.16 .16 8 16.33 .16 13 0.5 .163 4 6.24 .163 8 12.49 .163 12 18.74 .165 4 5.1 .165 8 10.2 .165 12 15.3 .167 4 3.8 .167 8 7.6 .167 12 11.4 .17 4 2. .17 8 4. .17 12 6. .173 4 0.33 .173 8 0.67 .173 12 1.01 .175 3 23.32 .175 7 22.65 .175 11 21.98 .179 3 21.1 .179 7 18.21 .179 I 1 1 15.3-2 .18 3 20.59 .18 7 17.18 .18 1 1 13.77 .183 3 19.07 .183 7 14.14 .183 11 9.22 .185 3 18.1 .185 7 12.18 .185 1 1 6.27 .187 3 "■'1 .187 7 10.25 .187 I 11 3.37 12 170 EXAMPLES. What will 4 yards of 0.26 of a hank weigh? 0.26)33.333(128.2 grains, or 5 dwts., 8.2 grains. 26 73 52 213 208 53 52 1 What will 6 yards of 0.335 of a hank weigh? 0.335)50.000(149.25 grains, or 6 dwts. 5i grains. 335 1650 1340 3100 3015 850 670 1800 1675 125 If 6 yards of carding, or drawing weigh 6 dwts., 5j grains, what will the decimal of the hank be? 6 dwts. 51 grs. = 149.25 grs.)50.0000(0.335 decimal of a hank, 44775 and opposite which in ■ the table under 6 yards 52250 will be found 6 dwts. 44775 51 grains. 74750 74625 125 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. 171 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .19 to .31 decimal of hank for 2, 4, and 6 yards. Dec. of 2 yards. Dec. of hank. 4 yards. Dfic. of hank. 6 yards. dwts. grains. oz dwts. grams. oz dwts. grams. .19 Q 15.71 .19 7 4 7.43 .19 10 23.15 .193 3 14.35 .193 7 4.71 .193 10 19.06 ,195 Q o 13.47 .195 7 * 2.94 .195 10 16.41 .197 3 12,6 .197 7 1.2 .197 10 13.8 .2 3 1 1.33 .2 6 22.66 .2 10 10. .203 3 10.09 .203 Q 20.2 .203 10 6.3 .205 3 9.3 .205 Q 18.6 .205 10 3.9 .207 3 8.51 .207 Q 17.03 .207 10 1.54 .21 3 7.36 .21 g 14.73 .21 9 22.1 .213 3 6.24 .213 Q 12.49 .213 9 ] 8.74 .215 3 5.51 .215 Q 1 1.03 .215 9 16.55 .217 3 4.8 .217 6 9.6 .217 9 14.4 1 .22 3 3.75 .22 6 7.51 .22 9 1 1.27 .223 3 2.73 .223 6 5.46 .223 9 8.21 .225 3 2.07 .225 5 4.14 .225 9 6.22 .227 3 1.42 .227 6 2.84 .227 9 4.26 .23 3 0.46 .23 6 0.92 .23 9 1.38 .233 2 23.53 .233 5 23.06 .233 g 22.59 .235 2 22.92 .235 5 21.84 .235 g 20.76 .237 2 22.32 .237 5 20.64 .237 Q 18.97 .24 2 21.44 .24 5 18.88 .24 Q 16.33 .243 2 20.58 .243 5 17.17 .243 g 1 3.76 .245 2 20.02 .245 5 16.04 .245 Q 12.06 .247 2 19.47 .247 5 14.95 .247 g 10.42 .25 2 18.66 .25 5 13.33 .25 g 8. .253 2 17.87 .253 5 11.75 .253 8 5.62 .255 2 17.36 .255 5 10.71 .255 8 4.07 .257 2 16.85 .257 5 9.7 .257 8 2.55 .26 2 16.1 .26 5 8.2 .26 8 0.3 .263 2 15.37 .263 5 6.74 .263 7 22.11 .265 2 14.89 .265 5 5.78 .265 7 20.67 .27 2 13.72 .27 5 3.45 .27 7 17.18 .275 2 12.6 .275 5 1.21 .275 7 13.81 .28 2 11.52 .28 4 23.04 .28 7 10.56 .285 2 10.47 .285 4 20.95 .285 7 7.43 .29 2 9.47 .29 4 18.94 .29 7 4.41 .295 2 8.49 .295 4 16.99 .295 7 1.49 2 7.55 .3 4 15.11 .3 6 22.66 .305 2 6.64 .305 4 13.28 .305 6 19.93 .31 2 5.76 .31 4 11.52 .31 6 17.28 172 EXAMPLES. Suppose 2 yards of carding, or drawing weigh 2 dwts., 20 grains, or 68 grains; what proportion of a hank will it be ? Thus 2 yards is of a lea, which is equal to 16.666 grains, which must be divided by the weight 2 yards, which is 68 grains. 2 dwts., 20 grains, = 68 grns.)16.666(.245 decimal, or proportion 136 of a hank. 306 272 346 840 6 What will 6 yards of 0.4 hank drawing weigh ? 0.4)50.00 125 grains, or 5 dwts., 5 grains. If 6 yards of carding, or drawing weigh 5 dwts., 5 grains ; what proportion of a hank will it be ? 5 dwts., 5 grains, = 125 grains,)50. 000(0.4 proportion of hank. 500 What will 3 yards of 0.7 hank carding, or drawing weigh? Decimal of a hank, 0.7)25.00 1 dwt., is 24 grns.)35.71(l dwt., 11.7 grains weight. 24 11.71 What will 4 yards of 0.7 hank carding, or drawing weigh ? Decimal of hank 0.7)33.333 24)47.619(1 dwt., 23.6 grains weight. 24 23.6 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. 173 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .315 to .95 decimal of hank for 2, 4, and 6 yards. Dec. of hank. 2 yards. Dec. of hank. 4 yards. Dec. of hank. 6 yards. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. O 1 .o 1 0 2 4.91 OIK .dlo 4 9.82 O "1 c .315 6 14.73 2 4.08 oo .32 4 8.16 .32 6 12.24 2 3.28 oo K 4 6.56 .325 6 9.84 .do 2 2.5 o o .dd 4 5.01 .33 6 7.51 Q Q f; .000 2 1.75 O O .ddO 4 3.5 .335 6 5.25 O A 2 1. O A .34 4 2. .34 6 3. .o40 2 0.3 O 'I K .345 4 0.61 .345 6 0.92 .do 23.61 O K .do 3 23.23 .35 5 22.85 o 22.94 O K K .dOO 3 21.89 .355 5 20.94 .do 22.29 o a .do 3 20.59 .36 5 18.88 O .dbo 21.66 .365 3 19.22 .365 5 16.98 On' .OI 21.04 .37 3 18.09 .37 5 15.13 .o70 20.44 .375 3 16.88 .375 5 13.32 .do 19.86 o o .38 3 15.71 .38 5 11.58 .dOD 19.29 .385 3 14.58 .385 5 9.87 oo .dy 18.73 on 3 13.47 .39 5 8.2 OQ^ 18.19 OOK .dyo 3 12.38 .390 5 6.58 A .4 17.66 A .4 3 11.33 .4 5 5. .41 16.65 A 1 .41 3 9.3 A 1 .41 5 1.95 A O 15.68 A O .44 3 7.36 A O 4 23.05 /I O .4d 14.75 A O .4d 3 5.51 A O .43 4 20.28 A A .44 13.87 A A .44 3 3.75 A A .44 4 17.63 A Fi .40 13.03 A .40 3 2.07 A .40 4 15.11 .4D 12.23 A £* .4b 3 0.46 A a .4b 4 12.69 A .4 / 11.46 A ^ .47 2 22.92 .47 4 10.38 .4o 1 10.72 .48 2 21.44 A O .48 4 8.16 .4y 10.01 .49 2 20.02 .49 1 .5 9.33 .5 2 18.66 .5 4 4. .52 8.05 .52 2 16.1 .52 4 0.15 .54 6.86 .54 2 13.72 .54 3 20.59 .56 5.76 .56 2 11.52 .56 3 17.28 .58 4.73 .58 2 9.47 .58 3 14.2 .6 3.77 .6 2 7.55 .6 3 11.33 .65 1.64 .65 2 3.28 .65 3 4.92 .7 23.8 .7 23.6 .7 2 23.42 .75 22.22 .75 20.44 .75 2 18.66 .8 20.83 .8 17.66 .8 2 14.5 .85 19.6 .85 15.21 .85 2 10.82 .9 18.51 .9 13.04 •9 2 7.55 .95 17.54 .95 11.08 .95 2 4.62 174 EXAMPLES. If 8 yards of drawing weigh 1 oz., 7 dwts., 0.5 grains; what decimal part of a hank will it be? Then 18 dwts. 5J grains troy is equal to 1 oz. avoirdupois; therefore 1 oz., 7 dwts., 0.5 grains will be equal to 25 dwts., 6 grains troy, or 606 grains, which will be the divisor, and 8 yards which is of a lea, or 66.666 grains, will be the dividend. 606 grains,)66. 666(0, 11 decimal tof a hank. 606 606 606 If 10 yards of carding, or drawing weigh 1 oz., 12 dwts., 18.5 grains ; what decimal of a hank will it be ? Grains. 1 ounce = 437.5 12 dwts. = 288 18.5 744 grains, in 1 oz., 12 dwts., 18J grains. 744 grains,)83.333(0.112 decimal of a hank. 744 893 744 1493 1488 EXAMPLES. 175 What -will 8 yards of 0.112 of a hank drawing weigh ? Dividend. 0.112)66.666(595.2 grains. 560 1066 1008 586 560 266 224 42 1 oz. is 437.5 grs.)595.2(l oz. 437.5 1 dwt. is 24 grs.)157.7(6 dwts. 144 13.7 grains. OR, 1 oz« 6 dwts., 13.7 grains. 176 CARDINa AND DRAWING-TABLE. CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .066 to .11 decimal of hank for 8 and 10 yards. Dec. of 8 yards. Dec. of 10 yards. oz. (Iwts. grains. oz. dvvts. grains. 1 '^'^^ ■i 0 lo.l .066 2 16 3.6 1 .067 z ■ 0 0. .067 2 15 8.7 1 -^^^ z 4 y.4 .068 2 14 14.4 .069 i 6 19.1 .069 2 13 20.7 .07 6 O.d .07 2 13 3.3 .071 z o -4 15.9 .071 2 12 10.7 .072 z o Z 2.9 .072 2 1 1 18.4 .073 z 1 1 14.!<5 .073 2 1 1 2.5 .074 o z 1 Z. 074 2 10 11.1 .075 z U TOO .075 2 9 20.1 .076 o z 0 z.z .076 2 9 5.4 .077 17 077 2 8 15.2 .078 \ 17 n o 9.2 .078 2 8 1.3 .079 1 D 22. d .079 2 7 11.8 .08 lb 1 1 o 11.8 .08 2 6 22.6 .081 1 D 1.5 .081 2 6 9.8 .082 1 f) IRK 10.5 .082 2 5 21.2 .083 1 0 5.7 .083 2 5 9, .084 j 1 4 2U. 1 .084 2 4 21. .085 14 10.8 .085 2 4 9.3 .086 14 l.b .086 2 3 21.8 .087 : Id lb. 7 .087 2 3 10.9 .088 : lo o o. .088 2 2 23.3 .089 : 1 o 1 4 .089 2 2 13.2 .09 1^ 15.2 .09 2 2 2.7 .091 } 12 7.1 .091 2 1 16.7 .092 11 23.1 .092 2 1 6.3 .093 11 15.3 .093 2 0 21. .094 11 7.7 .094 2 0 11.5 .095 11 0.2 .095 2 0 2.1 .096 10 16.9 .096 17 22.5 .097 10 9.7 .097 17 13.6 .098 10 2.7 .098 17 4.8 .099 9 19.9 .099 16 20.2 .1 9 13.1 .1 16 11.8 .102 9 0. .102 15 19.4 .104 8 11.5 .104 15 3.7 .106 7 23.4 .106 14 12.6 .108 7 11.7 .108 13 22.1 .11 7 0.5 .11 13 8. EXAMPLES. 5^ 177 When the proportion or decimal of the hank is founcl,''-the''ft)l^ lowing table will show the dividend for any number of inches in length, from 1 to 36 inches, when the quotient will be the weight in grains: — Inches. Dividends. Inches. Dividends. 1 .23148 19 4.39812 2 .46296 20 4.6296 3 .69444 21 4.86108 4 .92592 22 5.09256 5 1.15740 23 5.32404 6 1.38888 24 5.55555 7 1.62036 25 5.787 8 1.85184 26 6.01848 9 2.08332 27 6.24996 10 2.3148 28 6.48144 11 2.54628 29 6.71292 12 2.77777 30 6.9444 13 3.00924 31 7.17588 14 3.24072 32 7.40736 15 3.4722 33 7.63884 IG 3.70368 34 7.87032 17 3.93516 35 8.1018 18 4.16666 36 8.3333 N. B. — The above tables will shotv the dividends for any number of inches of lap, or cotton fed on feed-cloth at laj) machine ; tlie quotient of which will be the weight in grains ; the divisor must be invariably the decimal, or proportion of the hank. If the decimal, or proportion of the hank at the lap machine, according to the draught and doubling, be 0.0005; what weight of cotton must be fed on 12 inches of feed-cloth at lap machine? Thus— Dec. of hank, 0.0005)2.7777 dividend for 12 inches. 5555.5 grains, or 12 oz., 12 dwts., 17^ grains, the weight of cotton required. N". B. — The loss sustained in working must be added to the net weiglit according to the number of hanks produced. 178 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. CARDINa AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .112 to .24 decimal of hank for 8 jmd 10 yards. Dec. of S yards. Bee. of 10 yards. oz. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. .112 1 X ft 1,^ 7 .112 1 X X 18 5 XO . .114 1 6 3.2 .114 1 12 5.4 .116 1 ij 17 9 X t .116 1 11 16.8 .118 1 *J 7 4 .118 1 11 4 7 12 1 A .12 1 10 X \J 16.6 .122 1 A rt 12 9 .122 1 1 0 X \J 5.5 .124 1 4 4.2 .124 1 9 18.5 .126 1 19 6 .126 1 q 7 8 .128 1 3 11.3 .128 1 g 21.5 .13 1 3 3.3 .13 1 11.5 .132 1 2 19.5 .132 1 8 1.8 .134 1 2 12. .134 1 7 15.6 .136 1 2 4 6 .136 1 7 * 7.2 .138 1 21.5 .138 1 6 22.3 .14 1 14.6 .14 1 6 13.7 .142 1 7 9 1 • «-' .142 1 6 5.3 .144 1 1 0.7 .144 1 5 21.2 .146 1 0 19. 1 .146 1 5 12.6 .148 1 0 12.9 .148 1 5 6. .15 1 0 6.9 .15 1 4 22. .1525 18 5.1 .1525 1 4 12.9 155 17 22.1 .155 1 4 4.1 .1575 1 7 15.2 .1575 1 3 19.6 .16 1 7 8.6 .16 1 3 11.3 .165 16 X\J 20 .165 1 2 19.5 .17 16 8.1 .17 1 2 4.5 .175 15 20.9 .175 1 1 14.6 .18 15 10. .18 1 1 1.4 .185 15 0.3 .185 1 0 12.9 .19 14 14.8 .19 1 0 1.1 .195 14 5.8 .195 17 19.3 .2 13 21.3 .2 17 8.6 .205 13 13.2 .205 16 22.5 .21 13 5.4 .21 16 12.8 .215 12 22. .215 16 3.5 .22 12 15. .22 15 18.7 .225 12 8.2 .225 15 10.3 .23 12 1.8 .23 15 2.3 .235 11 19.6 .235 14 18.6 .24 11 13.7 .24 14 11.2 EXAMPLES. 179 If 8 yards of carding, or drawing weigh 16 dwts., 20 grains; what proportion, or size of hank will it be? Then 16 dwts., 20 grains are equal to 404 grains, which will be the divisor; and 8 yards are of a lea, or 66.666 grains, which will be the dividend. 404)66.666(0.165 decimal, or proportion of hank, 404 opposite to which in the table under 8 yards, is 16 dwts., 20 2626 grains, the weight. 2026 2020 6 If 8 yards of carding or drawing weigh 4 dwts., 5 grains; what proportion, or size of hank will it be? 4 dwts., 5 grs, are equal to 101 grs.)66. 666(0. 66 proportion, or 606 size of hank. 606 606 What will 8 yards of 0.165 of a hank of carding, or drawing weigh ? Then 8 yards are of a lea, Avhich is equal to 66.666 grains, which will be the dividend, and the decimal of the hank 0.165 the divisor. 0.165)66.666(404 grains, or 16 dwts., 20 grains, which 660 will be found in the column under 8 yards; to the left hand of which will 666 be found 0.165, which is the decimal, 660 or size of a hank for 8 yards of card- ing or drawing that "weighs 16 dwts. 6 20 grains. 180 CARDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. CAEDING AND DRAWING-TABLE. From .245 to .48 decimal of hank for 8 and 10 yards. Dec. of 8 yards. Dec. of 10 yards. hank. grains. hank. grains. .245 11 8.1 .245 14 4. .25 11 2.6 .25 13 21.3 .255 10 21.4 .255 13 14.7 .26 10 16.4 .26 13 8.5 .265 10 11.5 .265 13 2.4 .27 10 6.9 .27 12 20.6 .275 10 2.4 .275 12 15. .28 9 22. .28 12 9.6 .285 9 17.9 .285 12 4.3 .29 9 13.8 .29 11 23.3 .295 9 9.9 .295 11 18.4 .3 9 6.2 .3 11 13.7 .305 9 2.5 .305 11 9.2 .31 8 23. .31 11 4.8 .315 8 19.6 .315 11 0.5 .32 8 16.3 .32 10 20.4 .325 8 13.1 .325 10 16.4 .33 8 10. .33 10 12.5 .335 8 7. .335 10 8.7 .34 8 4. .34 10 5. .345 8 1.2 .345 10 1.5 .35 7 22.4 .35 9 22. .355 . 7 19.7 .355 9 18.7 .36 7 17.1 .36 9 15.4 .365 7 14.6 .365 9 12.3 .37 7 12.1 .37 9 9.2 .375 7 9.7 .375 9 6.2 .38 7 7.4 .38 9 3.3 .385 7 5.1 .385 9 0.4 .39 7 2.9 .39 8 21.6 .395 1 0.7 .395 8 18.9 .4 6 22.6 .4 8 16.3 .41 6 18.6 .41 8 11.2 .42 6 14.7 .42 8 6.4 .43 6 11. .43 8 1.8 .44 6 7.5 .44 7 21.3 .45 6 4.1 .45 7 17.1 .46 6 0.9 .46 7 13.1 .47 5 21.8 .47 7 9.3 .48 5 18.8 .48 7 5.6 EXAMPLES. 181 What will 18 yards of IJ hank slabbing weigh? Then 18 yards is ^^j, of a lea, or 120 yards, which is equal to 150 grains of a 1 hank, which, divided by 1^, or 1.25, will give the weight in grains that 18 yards should weigh. Grains. Hank slabbing 1,25)150.0(120 grains, or 5 dwts., weight 125 required. 250 250 If 18 yards of slabbing weigh 5 dwts., or 120 grains ; what hank will it be? 120)150.00(1.25 hank slabbing. 120 300 240 600 600 What will 37 yards of If hank slabbing weigh? Then 37 yards is of a lea, or 120 yards, which is equal to 308.333 grains of a 1 hank, which, divided by If, or 1.75, will give the weight in grains that 37 yards should weigh. 1.75)308.3333(176.19 grains, or 7 dwts., 8.19 175 grs., weight required. 1333 1225 1083 1050 333 175 1583 1575 182 GARBING, DRAWING, AND SLABBING-TABLE. CARDINa, DRAWING, AND SLABBING-TABLE. From .5 to .99 decimal of hank for 8, 10, and 20 yards. Dec. of hank. 8 yards. Dec. of hank. 10 yards. Dec. of hank. 20 yards. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. .5 5 13.3 .5 6 22.6 .5 13 21.2 .51 5 10.7 .51 6 19.4 .51 13 14.8 .52 5 8.2 .52 6 16.2 .52 13 8.4 c o .00 5 5.7 .53 6 13.2 .53 13 2.4 .54 5 3.4 .54 6 10.3 .54 12 20.6 .55 5 1.2 .55 6 7.5 .55 12 15. .5b 4 23. .56 6 4.8 .56 12 9.6 .57 4 20.9 .57 6 2.2 .57 12 4.4 .00 4 18.9 .58 5 23.6 .58 11 23.2 .59 4 17. .59 5 21.2 .59 11 18.4 .0 4 15.1 .6 5 18.8 .6 11 13.6 .02 4 11.5 .02 5 14.4 n o .62 11 4.8 .04 4 8.1 .b4 5 10.2 .64 10 20.4 p f* .OD 4 5. .00 5 6. .66 10 12. f*o .ob 4 2. .bo 5 2.5 .68 10 5. .7 3 23.2 .7 4 23. .7 9 22. . /2 3 20.6 .72 4 19.6 .72 9 15.2 3 18. . <4 4 16.6 .74 9 9.2 .7o 3 15.7 Ti^ .75 4 13.6 T C* . /D 9 3.2 *-' O .10 3 13.4 . /8 4 10.8 . / 8 8 21.6 o .0 3 11.3 D .0 4 8.1 o .8 8 16.2 3 10.3 o 1 .oi 4 6.8 O 1 .81 8 13.7 3 9.3 O.I .o2 4 5.6 .oz 8 11.2 o o .oo 3 8.2 .83 4 4.3 .83 8 8.8 o ,i .o4 3 7.3 O ( .o4 4 3.2 .84 8 6.4 .00 3 6.4 o ^ .00 4 2. .85 8 4. or* .00 3 5.5 .bo 4 0.9 .86 8 1.8 .87 3 4.6 .87 3 23.7 .87 7 23^5 .88 3 3.7 .88 3 22.7 .88 7 21.4 .89 3 2.9 .89 3 21.6 .89 7 19.2 .9 3 2. .9 3 20.6 .9 7 17.2 .91 3 1.2 .91 3 19.5 .91 7 15.1 .92 3 0.4 .92 3 18.6 .92 7 13.2 .93 3 23.6 .93 3 17.5 .93 7 11.2 .94 2 23. .94 3 16.6 .94 7 9.2 .95 2 22.1 .95 3 15.6 .95 7 7.3 .96 2 21.4 .96 3 14.8 .96 7 5.6 .97 2 20.7 .97 3 13.9 .97 7 3.8 .98 2 20. .98 3 13. .98 7 2. .99 2 19.3 .99 3 12.1 .99 7 o's EXAMPLES. 183 The slabbing and roving tables rise progressively in 20th parts of a hank, as will be seen in the following tables. Thus 1, 1.05, or Ij'o and so on to 2 and 3 hank, &c. What will 20 yards of IJ, or 1.25 hank slabbing weigh? Then 20_yards is i of a lea, or 120 yards, which is equal to 166.66 grains of a 1 hank, as shown in a preceding table; which, divided by IJ, or 1.25, will give the weight in grains that 20 yards should weigh. Grains. Hank slabbing, 1.25)166.66(133 125 416 375 416 375 416 375 416 375 41 If 20 yards of slabbing weigh 5 dwts., 13.3 grains; what hank will it be ? 5 dwts., 13.3 grains = 133.33)166.66(1.25, or 1+ hank slabbing. 13333 33336 26666 66706 66666 .33, or 5 dwts. 13/o grs. weight, which will be found in the table opposite 1.25, and under 20 yards. 40 184 SLABBING AND ROVING-TABLE, SLABBING AND ROVING-TABLE. From 1 hauk to 2.95 hanks for 20, 30, 40, and 60 yards. ! Hank 20 yards. 30 yards. 40 yards. 60 yards. j roving. [ dvvts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grams. 1 1. 6 22.6 10 10. 13 21.3 1 2 14.5 I i.UO 6 14.7 9 22. 13 5.4 1 1 14.7 l.i 0 7.5 9 11.2 !o 15. 1 0 17. 6 0.9 9 1.3 12 1.8 18 2.7 1 O L.Z 5 18.8 8 16.3 11 13.7 17 8.6 i.zo 5 13.3 8 8. 11 2.6 16 16. i.o 5 8.2 8 0.3 10 16.4 16 0.6 i.rfo 5 3.4 7 17.1 10 6.9 15 10.3 1.4 4 23. 7 10.5 9 22. 14 21.1 1.45 4 18.9 7 4.4 9 13.8 14 8.8 i.o 4 15.1 6 22.6 9 6.2 13 21.3 1.00 4 11.5 6 17.2 8 23. 13 10.5 I.o 4 8.1 o 12.2 8 16.3 13 0.5 l.DO 4 5.1 0 7.6 8 10.2 12 15. 1.7 4 2 b 3. 8 4. 12 6.1 1.7o 3 23.9 5 22.8 7 22.4 11 21.7 1.0 3 20.6 5 18.8 7 17.1 11 13.7 l.OO 3 18. r 0 15.1 7 12.1 11 6.2 1.9 3 15.7 r 0 11.5 7 7.4 10 23.1 1.90 3 13.4 5 8.2 7 2.9 10 16.4 3 11.3 5 5. 6 22.6 10 10. 2.UD 3 9.3 5 1.9 6 18.6 10 3.8 2.1 3 7.3 4 23. 6 14.7 9 22. 2.15 3 5.5 4 20.2 6 11. 9 16.4 2.2 3 3.7 4 17.6 6 7.5 9 11.3 2.25 3 2_ 4 15.1 6 4.1 9 6.2 2.3 3 0'4 4 12.6 6 0.9 9 1.3 2.35 2 22.9 4 10.3 5 21.8 8 10'6 2.4 2 21.4 4 8.1 5 18.8 8 16.2 2.45 2 20. 4 G. 5 16. 8 12. 2.5 2 18.6 4 4. 5 13.3 8 8. 2.55 2 17.3 4 2. 5 10.7 8 4. 2.6 2 16.1 4 0.1 5 8.2 8 0.3 2.G5 2 14.9 3 22.3 5 5.7 7 20.6 2.7 2 13.7 3 20.6 5 3.4 7 17.2 2.75 2 12.6 3 18.9 5 1.2 7 13.8 2.8 2 11.5 3 17.2 4 23. 7 10.5 2.85 2 10.4 3 15.7 4 20.9 7 7.4 2.9 2 9.4 3 14.2 4 18.9 7 4.4 2.95 2 8.5 3 12.7 4 17. 7 1.5 EXAMPLES. 185 What will 30 yards of 2/^ hank roving weigh? 250 is the dividend for 30 yards, which must be divided by the hank roving, and the quotient will be the weight in grains. Hank roving, 2.9)250(86.2 grains, or 3 dwts., 14.2 grs., which 232 will be found in the table under 30 - — r-T- yards, and opposite 2.9 in the co- 180 lumn of the hank roving. 174 60 58 2 If 40 yards weigh 4 dwts., 5 grains; what hank-roving will it be? 4 dwts., 5 grains, = 101 grs.)333.33(3.3, or Sj% hank-roving. , 303 303 303 What will 60 yards of 3f, or 3.75 hank-roving weigh? 500 is the dividend for 60 yards. Hank-roving 3f, or 3.75)500.00(133.3, or 5 dwis., 13.3 grs.^ 375 weight of 60 yards of a 3| hknk-roving. 1250 1125 1250 1125 1250 1125 125 13 186 ROVING-TABLE. ROVING-TABLE. From 3 hank, to 7.25 hanks, for 20, 30, 40, and 60 yards. 1 j Hank 20 yards. 30 yards. 1 40 yards. 1 60 yards. 1 roving. dwts. grains. dwts 1 grains. j dwts. grains. dwts. 1 grains. 3. 2 7.5 3 11.3 4 15.1 6 22.6 3.05 2 6.6 3 9.9 4 13.2 6 19.9 3.1 2 5.7 3 8.6 4 11.5 6 16.3 3.15 2 4.9 3 7.3 4 9.8 6 14.7 3.2 2 4. 3 6.1 4 8.1 6 12.2 3.25 2 3.2 3 4.9 4 6.5 6 9.8 3.3 2 2.5 3 3.7 4 5. 6 7.5 3.35 2 1.7 3 2.6 4 3.5 6 5.2 3.4 2 1. 3 1.5 4 2. 6 3. 3.45 2 0.3 3 0.4 4 0.6 6 0.9 3.5 1 23.6 2 23.4 3 22.2 5 22.8 3.55 1 22.9 2 22.4 3 21.9 5 20.8 3.6 1 22.3 2 21.4 3 20.6 5 18.8 3.65 1 21.6 2 20.5 8 19.3 5 16.9 3.7 1 21. 2 19.5 3 18.1 5 15.1 3.75 1 20.4 2 18.6 3 16.8 5 13.3 3.8 1 19.8 2 17.7 3 15.7 5 11.5 3.85 1 19.2 2 16.9 3 14.5 5 9.9 3.9 1 18.7 2 16.1 3 13.4 5 8.2 3.95 1 18.1 2 15.3 3 12.4 5 6.6 4. 1 17.6 2 14.5 3 1].3 5 5. 4.1 1 16.6 2 12.9 3 9.3 5 1.9 4.2 1 15.7 2 11.5 3 7.3 4 23. 4.3 1 14.7 2 10.1 3 5.5 4 20.2 4.4 1 13.8 2 8.8 3 3.7 4 17.6 4.5 13. 2 7.5 3 2. 4 15.1 4.6 } 12.2 2 6.3 3 0.4 4 12.7 4.7 111 1 1 .-± 2 9 99 Q Tt 4.8 10.7 2 4.1 2 21.4 4 8.1 4.9 10. 2 3. 2 20. 4 6. b. 9.3 2 2. 2 18.6 4 4. 5.25 7.6 23.6 2 15.2 o O 23.2 5.5 6.3 21.4 2 12.6 3 18.9 5.75 4.9 19.5 2 9.9 3 15. 6. 3.7 17.6 2 7.5 3 11.3 6.25 2.6 16. 2 5.3 3 8. 6.5 1.6 14.4 2 3.2 3 4.9 6.75 O.G 13. 2 1.3 o O 2. 7. 23.8 11.7 1 23.6 2 23.4 7.25 22.9 10.4 1 21.9 2 20.9 ROVING-FRAME. 18T CHANGE-PINIONS AT ROVING-FRAME. By changing the driving-wheels, less pinions produce finer roving, by increasing the draught in rollers : driven-wheels de- crease the hank-roving by reducing the draught in the rollers. RULE. — Multiply the hank-roving by the number of teeth in the change-wheel, or pinion, and divide by the hank-roving you want, and the quotient will be the change-wheel, or pinion re- quired. If a 4 hank-roving requires a 24 teeth change-wheel, or pinion ; what will a 4| hank require? 4 hank-roving. 24 teeth, change-wheel, or pinion. Hank-rov. required, 4.75)96.00(20.21, or 20 teeth, change-pinion, 9500 being a driving-wheel. 1000 950 500 475 25 If a 4 hank-roving requires a 48 teeth (driven) change-wheel, or pinion ; what will a 4^ hank require ? 4 hank-roving. 48 teeth, change-wheel. Hank-rov. required, 4.25)192.00(45.17, or 45 teeth, change-whl. 1700 or pinion required, being ■ a driven-wheel. 2200 2125 750 425 3250 2975 275 B.—It seldom occurs that a change-wheel can he had to pro- duce exactly what is wanted. 188 ROVING-TABLE. ROVING-TABLE. From 7.5 to 18.5 hanks for 30, 40, 60, and 120 yards. Dec. of hank. 30 yards. 40 yards. 60 yards. 120 yards or 1 lea. dwts. grains. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. 7.5 1 9.3 1 20.4 2 18.6 5 13.3 7.75 1 8.2 1 19. 2 16.5 5 9. 8. 1 7.2 1 17.6 2 14.5 5 5. 8.25 1 6.3 1 16.4 2 12.6 5 1.2 8.5 1 5.4 1 15.2 2 10.8 4 21.6 8.75 1 4.5 1 14.1 2 9.1 4 18.2 9. 1 3.7 1 13. 2 7.5 4 15.1 9.25 1 3. 1 12. 2 6. 4 12. 9.5 1 2.3 1 11.1 2 4.6 4 9.2 9.75 1 1.6 1 10.1 2 3.2 4 6.4 10. 1 1. 1 9.33 2 2. 4 4. 10.25 1 0.39 1 8.52 2 0.78 4 1.56 10.5 23.81 1 7.73 1 23.62 3 23.23 10.75 23.26 1 7. 1 22.52 3 21.04 11. 22.72 1 6.3 1 22.15 3 18.9 11.25 22.22 1 5,62 1 20.44 3 16.88 11.5 21.73 1 4.98 1 19.47 3 14.95 11.75 21.27 1 4.33 1 18.55 3 13.1 12. 20.83 1 3.77 1 17.66 3 11.33 12.25 20.4 1 3.2 1 16.81 3 9.6 12.5 20. 1 2.66 1 16. 3 8. 12.75 19.6 1 2.14 1 15.21 3 6.43 13. 19.23 1 1.64 1 14.46 3 4.92 13.25 18.86 1 1.16 1 13.73 3 3.47 13.5 18.51 1 0.69 1 13.03 3 2.07 13.75 18.18 1 0.24 1 12.36 3 0.72 14. 17.85 23.8 1 11.71 2 23.42 14.25 i / .04: T X 0 14.5 17.24 22.98 1 10.48 2 20.96 14.75 16.94 22.89 1 9.89 2 19.79 15. 16.66 22.22 1 9.33 2 18.66 15.25 16.39 21.85 1 8.78 2 17.57 15.5 16.12 21.52 1 8.25 2 16.57 15.75 15.87 21.16 1 7.74 2 15.49 16. 15.62 20.83 1 7.25 2 14.5 16.5 15.15 20.2 1 6.3 2 12.6 17. 14.7 19.6 1 5.41 2 10.82 17.5 14.28 19.05 1 4.57 2 9.14 18. 13.88 18.51 1 3.77 2 7.55 18.5 13.51 18.01 1 3.02 2 6.05 EXAMPLES. 189 If 30 yards of roving, with a 24 teeth change-wheel, weigh 2 dwts., 14| grains; what number of grains will the same length weigh with a 22 teeth change-wheel (driving) ? 2 dwts., 141 grs., = 62.5 grs., weight of 30 yds. with 24 tth. whl. 22 teeth change-wheel. 1250 1250 Chn. whl. 24 tth.)1375.0(57.29, or 2 dwts., 9|- grains. 120 175 168 70 48 220 216 4 If 62^ grains of roving require a 24 teeth change-wheel, or pinion; what change-wheel, or pinion will there be required to produce a hank-roving the same length which will weigh 57 J grains? 57.25 grains, weight required. 24 teeth, change-pinion, or wheel. 22900 11450 Given weight, 62.5 grs.) 1374.00(22 teeth, nearly, change-wheel, 1250 or pinion required. 1240 1250 — nearly. B. — Whe7t the number of grains which any given length weighs, is taken instead of the hank, multiply the grains by the cha7ige-wheel, or pinion you intend putting on, and divide by the change-ivheel you have working, and the quotient will be the weight in grains required. 190 EXAMPLES. The following -will be the dividends for any number of leas, from 1 to 7 leas, or 1 hank : — iV. B. — For as many leas that you weigTi, take as many thousands for your dividend, as shown in the annexed table of dividends. Leas. Dividends. 1 1000 2 2000 3 3000 4 4000 5 5000 6 6000 7 7000 What will 2 leas of 22J hank-roving, or yarn weigh ? Hank-roving, or yarn, 22.5)2000.0(88.888 grs, or 3 dwts. 16.88 1800 grains. 2000 1800 2000 1800 2000 1800 2000 1800 200 If 2 leas weigh 8 dwts., 17 grains ; what hank will it be ? 3 dwts., 17 grains = 89 grs.)2000(22.5, or 22* hanks, nearly. 178 220 178 420 445 — nearly. ROVING AND YARN-TABLE. 191 ROVINa AND YARN-TABLE. From 19 to 33.5 hanks for 1, 2, 3, and 4 leas. Hank roving. 1 lea. 2 leas. 3 leas. 4 leas. dwts. grains. oz. 1 dwts. 1 1 grains. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. 19. 2 4.63 4 9.26 6 13.89 8 18.52 19.5 2 2.28 4 6.56 6 9.84 8 13.12 20. 2 2. 4 4. 6 6. 8 8. 20.5 2 0.'78 4 1.56 6 2.34 8 3.12 21. 1 23.61 3 23.23 5 22.85 7 22.47 21.5 1 22.51 3 21.02 5 19.53 7 18.40 22. 1 21.45 3 18.9 5 16.36 7 13.81 22.5 1 20.44 3 16.88 5 13.33 7 9.77 23. 1 19.47 3 14.95 5 10.43 7 5.61 23.5 1 18.55 3 13.1 5 7.65 7 2.2 24. 1 17.66 3 11.33 5 5. 6 22.6 24.5 1 16.81 3 9.63 5 2.44 6 19.26 25. 1 16. 3 8. 5 0. 6 16. 25.5 1 15.21 3 6.43 4 21.64 6 12.86 26. 1 14.46 3 4.92 4 19.38 6 9.84 26.5 1 13.73 3 3.47 4 17.2 6 6.94 27. 1 13.03 s 2.07 4 lo.ll r* o 4.14 27.5 1 12.36 3 0.72 4 13.09 6 1.44 zo. 11 71 1 1. / 1 2 23.42 4 11.14 5 22.85 28.5 1 11.08 2 22.17 4 9.26 5 20.34 29. 1 10.48 2 20.96 4 7.44 5 17.93 29.5 1 9.89 2 19.79 4 5.09 5 15.58 30. 1 9.33 o 18.66 4 4. 5 13.33 30.5 1 8.78 2 17.57 4 2.36 5 11.14 31. 1 8.25 o ^ 16.51 4 0.76 5 9.03 31.5 1 7.74 2 15.39 3 23.23 5 6.78 32. 1 7.22 2 14.5 3 21.75 5 5. 32.5 1 676 2 13.53 3 20.3 5 3.16 33. 1 6.3 2 12.6 3 18.9 5 1.21 33.5 1 5.85 2 11.7 8 17.55 4 23.4 For Yarn-Tables from IVo. 1 to 300, and from 1 to 7 leas, and 10 hanks in length, see Tables published by Robert Scott. 192 SELF-ACTING MULES. SELF-ACTING MULES. The speed of the twist-shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of lying-shaft a minute, 136. Diameter of drum on shaft, 21 inches. Diameter of pulley on counter-shaft, 14 inches. Diameter of drum on counter-shaft, 16 inches. Diameter of pulleys on twist-shaft, 12 inches. 136 revolutions of lying-shaft a minute. 21 inches, diameter of drum on lying-shaft. 136 272 2856 16 inches, diam. of drum on counter-shaft. 17136 2856 45696 dividend. 14 inches, diam. of pulley on counter-shaft- 12 inches, diam. of pulleys on twist-shaft. 168 divisor. 168)45696(272 revolutions of twist-shaft a min. 336 1209 1176 336 336 iV. B. — The self-acting mules from widch these calculations are made, are spinning numbers 36's pin cops for power loom weaving. The speed of the spindles is required from the following par- ticulars : — SELF-ACTING MULES. 193 Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Diameter of grooved pulley on tAvist-shaft, 17§ inches. Diameter of grooved twist-pulley for driving vertical shaft, 10|- inches. Diameter of grooved pulley on vertical shaft, 10 J inches. Diameter of grooved pulley on tin drums, 10 inches. Diameter of tin drums, driving spindles, 10 inches. Diameter of spindle-wharves, ^ inch. JV. jB. — ITiere are generally 3 grooves in the hand-pulley on the twist-shaft, the diameters of which are 17 f, 18, and 18f inches. When the driving and driven-pulleys, or drums, are alternately of the same dimensions as in the above question, they are omitted in the work. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 17.375, or 17f inches, diameter of groove in 1360 1904 816 1904 272 4726.000 dividend. The divisor will be .875, which is equal to 7-8ths of an inch, the diameter of the spindle-wharves. .875)4726.000(5401.1428 revolutions of spindles pulley on twist-shaft. 4375 a minute. 3510 3500 1000 875 1250 875 2500 1750 3750 3500 7500 7000 194 SELF-ACTING MULES. The speed of the vertical shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Diameter of groove in pulley on twist-shaft, 17f inches. Diameter of grooved twist-pulley for driving vertical-shaft, lOj inches. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 17.375, or 17f inches, diameter of groove in pulley on twist-shaft. 1360 1904 816 1904 272 4726.000 dividend. The divisor will be 10.25, or lOJ inches, the diameter of the grooved twist-pulley for driving vertical shaft. 10.25)4726.00(461.07317 revolutions of vertical shaft 4100 a minute. 6260 6150 1100 1025 7500 7175 3250 3075 1750 1025 7250 7175 75 SELF-ACTING MULES. 195 W. B. — There is a 40 teeth-ioheel on the grooved twist-pulley- shaft, which works into a 40 teeth-wheel on the foot of the ver- tical-shaft; but one being a driving and the other a driven- wheel, and each containing the same number of teeth, they are omitted in the above question and example. The speed of the front rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Back pinion on twist-shaft, 18 teeth. Back intermediate wheel, 42 teeth. Back adjustable intermediate wheel, 70 teeth. Back change-wheel on back-shaft, 50 teeth. Wheel on back-shaft driving front rollers, 40 teeth. Wheel on front rollers, connected with catch-box, 40 tth. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 18 teeth, back pinion on twist-shaft. 2176 272 4896 dividend. The divisor will be 50, being the number of teeth in the change- wheel on the back-shaft. All the other wheels, with the exception of the back pinion on the twist-shaft, are omitted, on account of being connecting, or driving and driven-wheels containing the same number of teeth. 5.0)489.6 97.92 revols. of front rollers a minute. If the front rollers at the mules be 1 inch diameter, making 97.92 revolutions a minute; how many inches will they traverse ? 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 97.92 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 62832 282744 219912 282744 307.625472 inches, front rollers traverse a minute. JC 196 SELF-ACTING MULES. The speed of the middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 97.92, Wheel on the front rollers, 20 teeth. Crown-wheel, 108 teeth. Change-pinion, 24 teeth. Wheel on the back rollers, 50 teeth. Wheel on the end of back rollers, working into stud-wheel which drives middle rollers, 32 teeth. Wheel on the middle rollers, 25 teeth. 97.92 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 20 teeth, wheel front rollers. 1958.40 24 teeth, change-pinion. 78336 39168 47001.6 32 teeth, wheel on the end of back rollers. 940032 1410048 1504051.2 dividend. 108 teeth, crown-wheel. 50 teeth, wheel on the back rollers. 5400 25 teeth, wheel on the middle rollers. 27000 10800 135000 divisor. f5)1504.051.2 5 xfx 3=^35 i 1^ 3)33.42336 11.14112 revolutions of middle rollers a minute. i SELF-ACTING MULES. 197- If the middle rollers be f of an inch diameter, making 11.14112 revolutions a minute; how many inches will they traverse ? 11.14112 revolutions of middle rollers a min. .75 or f inch diameter of middle rollers. 5570560 7798784 8.3558400 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 5013504 835584 3342336 835584 2506752 26.250706944, or rather more than 26| inches, mid- dle rollers traverse a minute. The speed of the back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of the front rollers a minute, 97.92. Wheel on the front rollers, 20 teeth. Crown-wheel, 108 teeth. Change-pinion, 24 teeth. Wheel on the back rollers, 50 teeth. 97.92 revolutions of front rollers a minute. 20 teeth, wheel on front rollers. 1958.40 24 teeth, change-pinion. 78336 39168 47001.6 dividend. 108 teeth, crown wheel. 50 teeth, -wheel on the back rollers. ^77^ A- ■ (9)470.01.6 54.00 divisor, or J J_ 9 X 6 = 54 I 6)52.224 8.704 revolutions of back rol- lers a minute. 198 SELF-ACTING MULES. If the back rollers be |ths of an inch diameter, making 8.704 revolutions a minute ; how many inches will they traverse ? 8.704 revolutions of back rollers a minute. .875, or '^ths of an inch, diam. of rollers. 43520 60928 69632 7.616000 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 45696 7616 80464 7616 22848 23.9264256, or nearly 24 inches, back rollers traverse a minute. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Middle rollers traverse 26.250706944 inches a minute. Back rollers traverse 23.9264256 inches a minute. 23.9264256)26.250706944(1.0971428, or nearly l^'g draught 239264256 between the mid. and back rols. 2324281344 2153378304 1709030400 1674849792 341806080 239264256 1025418240 957057024 683612160 478528512 2050836480 1914114048 136722432 SELF-ACTING MULES. 199 The draught between the front and middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — ■ Front rollers traverse 307.625472 inches a minute. Middle rollers traverse 26.250706944 inches a minute, 26.250706944)307.62547200(11.71875 draught between the 26250706944 front and mid.rollers. 45118402560 26250706944 188676956160 183754948608 49220075520 26250706944 229693685760 210005655552 196880302080 183754948608 131253534720 131253534720 The draught between the front and back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Front rollers traverse 307.625472 inches a minute. Back rollers traverse 23.9264256 inches a minute. 23.9264256)307.625472(12.857 draught between the front 239264256 and back rollers. 683612160 478528512 2050836480 1914114048 1367224320 1196321280 1709030400 1674849792 34180608 200 SELF-ACTING MULES. The draught between the front and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Draught between the front and middle rollers, 11.71875. Draught between the middle and back rollers, 1.09714. 11.71875 draught between front and mid. rols. 1.09714 draught between middle and back rols. 4687500 1171875 8203125 10546875 11718750 12.8571093750 draught between the front and back rollers. The draught between the front and middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on front rollers, 20 teeth. Crown-wheel, 108 teeth. Change-pinion, 24 teeth. Wheel on back rollers, 50 teeth. Wheel on the end of back rollers, working a stud-wheel which drives the middle rollers, 32 teeth. Wheel on middle rollers, 25 teeth. Diameter of front rollers, 1 inch or fths. Diameter of middle rollers, | inch, or gths. DRIVING-WHEELS. 20 teeth, wheel on front rollers. 24 teeth, change-pinion. 480 32 teeth, wheel on the end of back rollers. 960 1440 15360 fths, or I inch diameter of middle rollers. 92160 divisor. :4 SELF-ACTING MULES. 201 DRIVEN-WHEELS. 108 teeth, crown wheel. 50 teeth, wheel on back rollers. 5400 25 teeth, wheel on middle rollers. 27000 10800 135000 |ths, or 1 inch, diameter of front rols. 1080000 dividend. 92160)1080000(11.71875 draught between the front and 02160 middle rollers. 158400 92160 662400 645120 172800 92160 806400 737280 691200 645120 460800 460800 The draught between the front and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on front rollers, 20 teeth. Crown-wheel, 108 teeth. Change-pinion, 24 teeth. Wheel on back rollers, 50 teeth, 14 202 SELF-ACTING MULES. Diameter of front rollers, 1 inch, or §ths. Diameter of back rollers, | inch, or {rths. DRIVING-WHEELS, 20 teeth, wheel on front rollers. 24 teeth, change-pinion. 480 |ths, or I inch, diam. of back rollers. 3360 divisor. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 108 teeth, crown-wheel. 50 teeth, wheel on back rollers. 5400 f ths, or 1 inch, diameter of front rollers. 43200 dividend. 3360)43200(12.8571 draught between the front and 3360 back rollers. 9600 6720 28800 26880 19200 16800 24000 23520 4800 3360 1440 Xi. B. — By examining the different systems of working draughts as shown in the last examples, it will he found that they all agree with each other ; therefore, any of the systems may he adopted. SELF-ACTING MULES. 203 The speed of the long drawing-out shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Back pinion on twist-shaft, 18 teeth. ^ f Back intermediate wheel, 42 teeth. \ Back adjustable intermediate wheel, 70 teeth. Back change-wheel on back shaft driving front rols. 50 teeth. Wheel on back shaft, 19 teeth. Back change-wheel on long drawing-out shaft, 61 teeth. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 18 teeth, back pinion on twist-shaft. 2176 272 4896 19 teeth, wheel on back shaft. 44064 4896 93024 dividend. 50 teeth, change-wheel on back shaft, for driving front rols. 61 teeth, back change-wheel on long drawing-out shaft. 3050 divisor. 3050)93024(30.499, or nearly SOJ revolutions of long 9150 drawing-out shaft a min. 15240 12200 30400 27450 29500 27450 2050 * These are only carrying or connecting-wheels; consequently, they are oiTiitted in the ■wrork. 204 SELF-ACTING MULES. The speed of the drawing-out scroll-shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of long drawing-out shaft a minute, 30.5. Bevil-wheel on long drawing-out shaft, 24 teeth. Bevil-wheel on scroll-shaft, 48 teeth. 30.5 revols. of long drawing-out shaft a min. 24 teeth, bevil-wheel on drawing-out shaft. 1220 610 Teeth of bev.] wl, on scroll- > 48)732.0(15.25 revolutions of drawing-out scroll- shaft, J 48 shaft a minute. 252 240 120 96 240 240 The speed of the dravfing-ont scroll-shaft is required from the following particulars: — llevolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Back pinion on twist-shaft, 18 teeth. Back change-wheel on back shaft, for driving front rollers, 50 teeth. Wheel on back shaft, 19 teeth. Back change-wheel on long drawing-out shaft, 61 teeth, Bevil-wheel on long drawing-out shaft, 24 teeth. Wheel on drawing-out scroll-shaft, 48 teeth. SELF-ACTING MULES. 205 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 18 teeth, back pinion on twist-shaft. 21V6 272 4896 19 teeth, wheel on back shaft. 44064 4896 93024 24 teeth, bevil- wheel on long drawing-out shaft. 372096 186048 2232576 dividend. 50 teeth, back change-whl. on back shaft, for driv. front rols. 61 teeth, back change-wheel on long drawing-out shaft. 3050 48 teeth, bevil-wheel on drawing-out scroll-shaft. 24400 12200 146400 divisor. 146400)2232576(15.25, or 15|- revolutions nearly, 146400 drawing-out scroll a min. 7685'i6 732000 365760 292800 729600 732000— nearly. 206 SELF-ACTING MULES. If the drawing-out scroll be 6| inches diameter, making 15|- revolutions a minute ; how many inches will the scroll, or carriage traverse ? 15.25, or 15J revolutions of scroll a minute. 6.75, or 6| inches, diameter of scroll. 7625 10675 9150 102.9375 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 6176250 1029375 4117500 1029375 3088125 323.38845000, or nearly 323/^ inches, drawing-out scroll traverses a minute. The length delivered by the front rollers a stretch is required from the following particulars : — Carriage, or drawing-out scroll traverses 323.38845 inches a minute. Front rollers traverse 307.625472 inches a minute. Length of stretch put up, 60.5, or 60| inches. 307.625472 inches front rollers traverse a min. 60.5, or 60J inches length of stretch. 1538127360 18457528320 18611.3410560 dividend. SELF-ACTING MULES. 207 Car. travs. a min. 323.38845 in.)18611.3410560(57.551 in., front 161694225 rollers deliver a stretch. 244191855 226371915 178199406 161694225 165051810 161694225 33575850 32338845 1237005 If the length delivered at the front rollers a stretch, be 57.551 inches, and the length of the stretch put up, be 60.5, or 60|^ inches; how many inches a stretch does the carriage gain? 60.500, or 60|- inches, length of stretch put up. 57.551 inches, length deliv. at front rols. a stretch. 2.949, or nearly 3 inches gain of carriage. The draught between the carriage and front rollers is required from the following particulars: — Carriage traverses 323.38845 inches a minute. Front rollers traverse 307.625472 inches a minute. 307.625472)323.388450(1.05124 draught between carriage 307625472 and front rollers. 1576297800 1538127360 381704400 307625472 740789280 615250944 1255383360 1230501888 24881472 208 SELF-ACTING MULES. The length of the stretch is required from the following par- ticulars : — Front rollers deliver 57.551 inches a minute. Draught between carriage and front rollers, 1.05124. 57.551 inches, front rollers deliver a minute. 1.05124 draught between carriage and front rollers. 230204 115102 57551 287755 576510 60.49991324, or 60i inches, length of stretch. The total draught at mules is required from the following particulars : — Draught between front and back rollers, 12.857109375. Draught between carriage and front rollers, 1.05124. 12.857109375 draught between front and back rols. 1.05124 draught between car. and front rols. 51428437500 25714218750 12857109375 64285546875 128571093750 13.51590765937500, or rather more than 13| total draught at mules. The total draught at mules is required from the following par- ticulars : — » Revolutions of drawing-out scroll a minute, 15.25, Revolutions of back rollers a minute, 8.704. Diameter of scroll, 6f inches, or 54-8ths. Diameter of back rollers, | inches, or 7-8ths. 15.25 revolutions of drawing-out scroll a min. 54-8ths, or 6| inches, diameter of drawing- out scroll. 6100 7625 823.50 dividend. SELF-ACTING MULES. 209 8.704 revolutions of back rollers a minute. 7-8ths, or I inch, diameter of back rollers. 60.928 divisor. Divisor. Dividend. 60.228)823.500(13.515 total draught at mules. 60928 214220 182784 314360 304640 97200 60928 362720 304640 58080 The total draught at mules is required from the following par- ticulars : — Bevil-wheel on drawing-out scroll-shaft, 48 teeth. *Bevil-wheel on long drawing-out shaft, 24 teeth. Back change- wheel on drawing-out shaft, 61 teeth. Wheel on back shaft, 19 teeth. Wheel on front rollers, 20 teeth. Crown-wheel, 108 teeth. *Change-pinion, 24 teeth. Wheel on back rollers, 50 teeth. Diameter of drawing-out scroll, 6f inches, or 54-8ths. Diameter of back rollers, | inch, or 7-8ths. * These wheels are omitted in working, one beint; a driving and the other a driveii-wheel, each containing the same number of teeth. ■ SELF-ACTING MULES. DRIVING-WHEELS. 48 teeth, bevil-wheel on drawing-out scroll-shaft. 61 teeth back change-wheel on drawing-out shaft. 48 288 2928 20 teeth, wheel on front rollers. 58560 7-8ths inch, diameter of back rollers. 409920 divisor. DRIVEN-WHEELS. 19 teeth, wheel on back shaft. 108 teeth, crown-wheel. 152 190 2052 50 teeth, wheel on back rollers. 102600 54-8ths, or 6|- in. diam.of drawing-out scroll. 410400 513000 5540400 dividend. 409920)5540400(13.5158 total draught at mules. 409920 1441200 1229760 2380800 2114400 2049600 2049600 3312000 648000 3279360 409920 32640 SELF-ACTING MULES, 211 iV, B. — By changing the 50 teeth wheel on the hack shaft, it loill affect the front rollers and drawing-out scroll in the same 2yroportion ; consequently, the gain, or draught at carriage, will remain the same. The gain, or draught at carriage, may be altered by changing the 61 teeth wheel on the long drawing- out shaft; both being driven-ioheels from the first moving power, a less number of teeth will increase the speed, whereas, had they been driving-wheels, it loould have required a greater number of teeth to have produced an increase of speed, and the reverse for a decrease in speed. The speed of the quadrant-shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of drawing-out scroll a minute, 15.25. Diameter of scroll, 6.75 inches. Diameter of drum on quadrant-shaft, 6.125. 15.25 revols. of drawing-out scroll a minute. » 6.75, or 6| inches, diameter of scroll. 7625 10675 9150 102.9375 Diam. of drum on quad. -shaft, 6.125 in. )i02. 9375(16. 806 revols. 6125 of quad. -shaft a rnin. 41687 36750 49375 49000 37500 36750 750 JSf. B. — The quadrant-shaft is driven by the draiving-out scroll band while the carriage is drawing out, and the chain on the winding-on drum is counterbalanced by a lueight at the eiid of a band working on pulleys and connected with the winding-on 212 SELF-ACTING MULES. drum, tvhich is out of geer while drawing out, and is put into geer hy a spring connected with the long lever and vertical shaft when the carriage is going in; during which time, the speed of the winding-on drum is governed by a strap working the governor-wheels connected with the worm, when the slide to which the winding-on chain is affixed rises in the recess of the quadrant hy means of the worm, and decreases the length of the chain from the drum, regulating the winding on accord- ing to the increasing thickness of the cop. When the cop has attained the intended tltickiiess, then the governor-wheels cease to tvork, and the length of the chain going on the winding-on drum remains the same till the cop is completed. The number of teeth the quadrant moves a stretch is required from the following particulars : — Carriage traverses 323.38845 inches a minute.- Revolutions of quadrant-shaft a minute, 16.806. Wheel on quadrant-shaft, 22 teeth. Length of stretch, 60J inches. 16.806 revols. of quad. -shaft a min. 22 teeth, wheel on quad. -shaft. 33612 33612 369.732 60.5, or 60| in., length of stretch. 1848660 22183920 Car. travs., 323.38845 in.)22368.7860(69.17 num. of teeth quad. 194033070 moves a stretch of Q^h inches. 296547900 291049605 54982950 32338845 226441050 226371915 69135 SELF-ACTING MULES. \'^/^213'' - The turns an inch of yarn are required from the following: particulars : — Bell-wheel worked by a worm on the twist-shaft, 56 teeth. Diameter of the grooved pulley on the twist-shaft, 17f inches. /Diameter of grooved twist-pulley, driving vertical shaft, lOJ V inches. * (Diameter of grooved pulley on the vertical shaft, lOJ inches. /Diameter of grooved pulley on tin drums, 10 inches. \Diameter of tin drums, driving the spindles, 10 inches. Diameter of wharves on the spindles, | inch. Length of stretch put up, 60^ inches. 17.375, or 17f inches, diam. of grooved pul. on 66 teeth, bell-wheel. [the twist-shaft. 104250 86875 973.000 dividend. .875, or |ths of an inch, diam. of wharves. 60.5, or 60J inches, length of stretch. 4375 62500 52.9375 divisor. 52.9375)973.0000(18.38 turns an inch of yarn 529375 required. 4436250 4235000 2012500 1588125 4243750 4235000 8750 ^ * These are all omitted in the work, being driving and driven, of the snme dimensions. 214 SELF-ACTING MULES. The number of teeth in the bell-wheel is required from the following particulars : — Number of turns an inch of yarn required, 18.38. Length of stretch put up, 60.5 inches. Diameter of wharves on the spindles, | inch, f Diameter of drum driving wharves, 10 inches. ^ J Diameter of pulley on drum driving wharves, 10 inches, j Diameter of pulley on vertical shaft, 10^ inches. (^Diameter of pulley driving vertical shaft, 10^ inches. Diameter of pulley on twist-shaft, 17f inches. 18.38 turns an inch, 60.5 inches, length of stretch. 9190 110280 1111.990, or 1112 turns in a st'ch of 601 in. .875, or I inch, diam. of spindle wharves. 555995 778393 889592 In. diam.^ of pul. on y 17.375)972.99125(56 nearly, number of teeth re- tAvist-s'ft, j 86875 quired in the bell-wheel. 104241 104260— nearly. iV. B. — All the rules are fully laid doivn in a former fart of this u'ork. (See Hand Mules.) The speed of the short going-in shaft is required from the fol- lowing particulars : — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Wheel on loose pulley, 36 teeth. Wheel on short going-in shaft, 54 teeth. • These are omitted in the work on account of being driving and driven of the same dimensions; bnt if tlie diameters had been of different dimensions, they must have been made use of as in former examples. SELF-ACTING MULES. 215 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 36 teeth, wheel on loose pulley. 1632 816 Teeth of wheel ^ on short going-in V 54)9792(181.33, or ISIJ revolutions of short shaft, j 54 going-in shaft a minute. 439 432 72 54 180 162 180 162 18 The speed of the long going-in shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Wheel on loose pulley, 36 teeth. Wheel on short going-in shaft, 54 teeth. Wheel on short going-in shaft, 17 teeth. Wheel on long going-in shaft, 20 teeth. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 36 teeth, wheel on loose pulley. 1632 816 9792 17 teeth, wheel on short going-in shaft. 68544 9792 166464 dividend. 216 SELF-ACTING MULES. 54 teeth, wheel on short going-in shaft. 20 teeth, wheel on long going-in shaft. 1080 divisor. 1080)166464(154.133 revolutions of long going-in 1080 shaft a minute. 6846 5400 4464 4320 1440 1080 3600 3240 3600 3240 360 The speed of the going-in scroll-shaft is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Wheel on loose pulley, 36 teeth. Wheel on short going-in shaft, 54 teeth. Wheel on short going-in shaft, 17 teeth. Wheel on long going-in shaft, 20 teeth. Bevil-wheel on long going-in shaft, 16 teeth. Bevil-wheel on scroll-shaft, 45 teeth. 272 revolutions of twist-shaft a minute. 36 teeth, wheel on loose pulley. 1632 816 9792 SELF-ACTING MULES. 217 9792 17 teeth, wlieel on short going-in shaft. 68544 9792 166464 16 teeth, bevil-wheel on long going-in shaft. 998784 166464 2663424 dividend. 54 teeth, wheel on short going-in shaft. 20 teeth, wheel on long going-in shaft. 1080 45 teeth, bevil-wheel on scroll-shaft. 5400 4320 48600 divisor. 48600)2663424(54.80296 revolutions of going-in 243000 scroll a minute. 230424 194400 390240 388800 144000 97200 468000 437400 306000 291600 14400 218 SELF-ACTING MULES. The revolutions of the going-in scroll a stretch, are required from the following particulars: — Circumference, or chase of scroll a stretch, 22 inches. Length of stretch put up, 60J inches. 22)60.5(2.75, or 2f revolutions of going-in 44 scroll a stretch. 165 154 110 110 The speed of the backing-off wheel is required from the fol- lowing particulars: — Revolutions of long going-in shaft a minute, 154.133. Wheel on long going-in shaft, 12 teeth. Backing-off wheel, 77 teeth. 154.133 revols. of long going-in shaft a min. 12 teeth, wheel on long going-in shaft. Teethofback-K^.jg^g gQQ,24.02 revols. of backing-off wheel mg-off wheel, ; a minute. 809 308 160 154 6 iV. B. — The haeJcmg-off loheel can he regulated by the leather fric- tion pulley , which works into the hacJcing-off wheel, and may he made slacker, or tighter, by means of a bolt and nut con- nected with the friction pulley. The proper friction on the hacking-off tvheel is very essential, which will soon he ascer- tained by any practical person. Required, from the following particulars, the length of time a stretch the carriage occupies while going in. SELF-ACTING MULES. 219 Eevolutions of going-in scroll a minute, 54.80296. Revolutions of going-in scroll a stretch, 2.75. 2.75 revols. of going-in scroll a 60 seconds, 1 min. [stretch. Revols. of going-inK^ gQ29exig5_QQQQQ,3 010-^86, or rather scroll a minute, J K-i inooo ^v, ' ^ 16440888 more than 3 seconds 5911200 a stretch. 5480296 43090400 38362072 47283280 43842368 34409120 32881776 1527344. If it requires 56 turns or revolutions of the twist-shaft to draw out one stretch, what time will it require, if the twist-shaft makes 272 turns or revolutions a minute ? 272)56.0(.20588 minute a stretch. 544 1600 1360 2400 2176 2240 2176 64 .20588 minute a stretch. 60 seconds, 1 minute. 12.35280 seconds required to draw out 1 stretch. 220 SELF-ACTING MULES. The number of stretches a mule a minute is required from the following particulars, allowing 2J seconds a stretch for backing olF. Drawing out a stretch, 12.3528 seconds. Backing off a stretch, 2.5 seconds. Going in a stretch, 3.0107 seconds. 17.8635 seconds a stretch. 17.8635)60.0000(3.3588, or rather more than stretches 535905 a minute, each mule. 640950 535905 1050450 893175 1572750 1429080 1436700 1429080 7620 If a mule produce 3.3588 stretches a minute, and each stretch be 60 inches, how many hanks a spindle will be produced in one week, allowing them to work successively for 65 hours ? 3.3588 stretches a minute. 60 minutes, 1 hour. 201.5280 stretches an hour. 65 hours in 1 week. 1007640 1209168 13099.320 stretches in 1 week. 60 inches each stretch. 785959.200 inches of yarn a spindle a week. A SELF-ACTING MULES. 221 1 yard jg) inches of yarn a spindle a week. 36mclies,jg^-^gQC)g3 2 21832.2 yards a spindle a week. 1 hank is 840 yds.)21832.2(25.99 nearly 26 hanks a spindle a, 1680 week.. 5032 4200 8322 7560 7620 7560 60 The speed of the leather-contact pulley is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Wheel on loose pulley, 36 teeth. Wheel on leather-contact pulley shaft, 33 teeth. 272 revolutions of twist-pulley a min. 36 teeth, wheel on loose pulley. 1632 816 Teeth-wheel on 'J • leather-contact 133)9792(296.727 revols. of leather-contact pulley, j 66 pulley a minute. 319 297 222 90 198 66 240 240 231 231 90 9 222 SELF-ACTING MULES. If the leather-contact pulley be 3J inches diameter, making 296.727 revolutions a minute, what will it traverse ? 296.727 revols. of leather-contact pulley a min. 3.75, or 3| inches, diameter of do. 1483635 2077089 890181 1112.72625 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. 667635750 111272625 445090500 111272625 333817875 3495.740787000 inches leather-contact pulley traverses a minute. The revolutions of the spindles for the twist-shaft once are re- ijuired from the following particulars : — Revolutions of spindles a stretch, 1112. Revolutions of twist-shaft a stretch, 56, Revols. of twist-shaft^ 8)1112 revols. of spindles a stretch. a stretch is 56, then > 8 X 7=56, J 7)139 19.857 revols. of the spindles for the twist-shaft once. Required, from the following particulars, the revolutions a stretch of the spindles for winding on yarn at the beginning of the set — i. e., when the spindles are bare : — Diameter of winding-on drum, 4|- or 4.125 inches. Length of chain thrown off drum, 60J or 60.5 inches. Wheel on the winding-on drum, 41 teeth. Pinion on winding-on drum-shaft, 25 teeth. SELF-ACTING MULES. 223 f Bevil-wheel on winding-on drum-shaft, 40 teeth. \ Bevil-wheel on foot of vertical shaft, 40 teeth. Diameter of pulley on vertical shaft, 10^ or 10.25 inches. Diameter of spindle-wharves, ^ or .875 inch. 4.125 inches, diameter of winding-on drum, 3.1416 inches, circum. when the diam. is 1. 24750 4125 16500 4125 12375 12.9591000 25 teeth, pinion on winding-on drum-shaft. 647955 259182 323.9775 .875 inches, diameter of wharves. 16198875 22678425 25918200 283.4803125 divisor. 60.5 in., length of chn. thrown off wind. -on drum. 41 teeth, wheel on winding-on drum. 605 2420 2480.5 10.25 inches diam. of pulley on vertical shaft. 124025 49610 248050 25425.1250000 * These are omitted in the work, being driving and driven; and the tin drums for driving spindles are omitted, being intermediate. \ 224 SELF-ACTING MULES. 283.4803125)25425.1250000(89.689 22678425000 27467000000 25513228125 19537718750 17008818750 25289000000 22678425000 26105750000 25513228125 592521875 If it requires the bare or empty spindles to make 89.689 re- volutions to wind on a stretch 60 J inches long; what will the circumference and diameter of the spindles be ? 89.689)60.5000(.67455 inch, circumference of spindles. 538134 668660 627823 408370 358756 496140 448445 476950 448445 revols. of spindle a stretch, winding yarn on bare spin- dles. 28505 62832 46280 31416 148140 125664 224760 219912 4848 The speed of the spindles for winding on the yarn will be in accordance with their diameter, from which may be ascertained the size of the winding-on drum, or pinion on the winding-on drum-shaft. If the diameter of the spindles be ^ inch; how many revolu- tions must they make to wind on 605- inches of yarn? 3.1416 circumference when the diameter is 1. .25, or ^ inch, diameter of spindles. 157080 62832 .785400 circumference of spindle. .7854)60.5000(77 revolutions required for spin- 54978 die, to wind on 60J inches of Required, the revolutions of the winding-on drum, for the spindles to make 77 revolutions, or turns a stretch, according to the following particulars : — Diameter of spindle wharves, |, or .875 inch. Diameter of pulley on vertical shaft, lOj inches. yarn. 55220 54978 242 226 SELF-ACTING MULES. Pinion on winding-on drum-shaft, 25 teeth. Wheel on winding-on drum, 41 teeth. .875 diameter of spindle-wharves. 77 revols., or turns of spindles a stretch. 6125 6125 67.375 25 teeth, pinion on winding-on drum-shaft. 336875 134750 1684.375 dividend. 10.25 inches, diameter of pulley on vertical shaft. 41 teeth, wheel on winding-on drum. 1025 4100 420.25 divisor. 420.25)1684.375(4 revolutions of winding-on drum 168100 a stretch required. 337 If the winding-on drum be required to make 4 revolutions a stretch; what must the circumference be to wind on 60 J inches of chain ? 4)60.5 15.125, or 15J inches, circumference of drum. If the winding-on drum be 15.125, or 15J inches circumfer- ence; what will the diameter be? SELF-ACTINa MULES. 227 3.1416)15.1250(4.8144 inches, diameter of winding- 125664 on drum. 255860 251328 45320 31416 139040 125664 133760 125664 8096 The iron-contact pulley on the cam-shaft is SjJ inches diame- ter, and has 4 recesses, or spaces in it at an equal distance, which relieve it from the leather-contact pulley, and is also assisted by 4 pins in the front of the escape-plate, each of which works against a spring, when the spring at the back of the escape-plate moves from one bolster to another when acted upon by the lever connected, and which gives power, by the assistance of the leather- contact pulley, to the different motions on the cam-shaft, which is as follows : — Motions from the escape-plate. First — Back and front cams for the strap-lever. Second — Backing-off cam connected with the friction-pulley, working into backing-off wheel-pulley. Third — Front roller eccentric. Fourth — Stop-finger connected with the bell-wheel-shaft. Fifth — Going-in eccentric. Sixth — Drawing-out eccentric. The following are the alternate movements on the cam-shaft each stretch : — First — Roller geer and drawing-out motions. Second — Twist motion. Third — Backing-off motion. Fourth — Going-in motion. 228 SELF-ACTINa MULES. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE PARTICULARS OF THE SELF-ACTING MULES: — Revolutions of twist-shaft a minute, 272. Revolutions of spindles a minute, 5401.1428. Revolutions of vertical shaft a minute, 461.07317. Revolutions of front rollers a minute, 97.92. Revolutions of middle rollers a minute, 11.14112. Revolutions of back rollers a minute, 8.704. Revolutions of long drawing-out shaft a minute, 30.499 or 30J. Revolutions of drawing-out scroll a minute, 15.249 or 15J. Revolutions of quadrant-shaft a minute, 16.806. Revolutions of short going-in shaft a minute, 181.333. Revolutions of long going-in shaft a minute, 154.1333. Revolutions of going-in scroll a minute, 54.80296. Revolutions of going-in scroll a stretch, 2.75 or 2f . Revolutions of backing-off wheel a minute, 24.02. Revolutions of leather-contact pulley a minute, 296.727. Revolutions of spindles per twist-shaft once, 19.857. Revolutions of bare or empty spindles for winding on yarn a stretch, at the beginning of set, 89.689. Diameter of pulleys on twist- shaft, 12 inches. Diameter of grooved band-pulley on twist-shaft, 17f, 8, and 18| inches. Diameter of grooved twist-pulley for driving vertical shaft, lOJ inches. Diameter of grooved pulley on vertical shaft, lOj inches. Diameter of grooved pulley on tin drums, 10 inches. Diameter of tin drums for driving spindles, 10 inches. Diameter of spindle-wharves, | inch. Diameter of front rollers, 1 inch. Diameter of middle rollers, f inch. Diameter of back rollers, | inch. Diameter of drawing-out scroll, 6f inches. Diameter of quadrant-shaft drum, 6^ inches. Diameter of leather-contact pulley, 3f inches. Diameter of iron-contact pulley, 5}^ inches. Diameter of winding-on drum, 4^ inches. Diameter of spindles, .2147 inch. Front rollers traverse a minute, 307.625472 inches. Middle rollers traverse a minute, 26.250707 inches. Back rollers traverse a minute, 23.926425 inches. Drawing-out scroll traverses a minute, 323.38845 inches. SELF-ACTING MULES. 229 Front rollers traverse a stretch, 57.551 inches. Carriage traverses a stretch, 60.5 inches. Going-in scroll traverses a revolution, 22 inches. Leather-contact pulley traverses a minute, 3495.749787 inches. Draught between the middle and back rollers, 1.0971428, nearly Draught between the front and middle rollers, 11.71875. Draught between the front and back rollers, 12.8571. Draught between the front rollers and carriage, 1.05124. Total draught at the mules, 13.5158. Gain at carriage each stretch, 2.949, nearly 3 inches. Turns each inch in yarn, 18.38. Turns each stretch of 60J inches, 1112. Bell-wheel, 56 teeth. Number of teeth the quadrant moves each stretch of 60J inches, 69.17. Time each stretch drawing carriage out, 12.3528 seconds. Time each stretch allowed for backing off, 2.5 seconds. Time each stretch carriage going in, 3.0107 seconds. Time required to complete each stretch, 17.8635 seconds. Number of stretches a minute, each mule, 3.3588. Number of stretches an hour, each mule, 201.528. Number of stretches a week, each mule, 13099.32. Number of hanks a spindle a week, 25.99, or 26 hanks nearly. The faller rises by the lowering of the coping-rail, by means of a lever connected with the faller-sector working upon it. The faller-sector at the same time works into a 22 teeth-wheel on the faller-shaft. The backing-off eccentric is loose on the vertical shaft; and the chain attached to the eccentric and connected with the faller- sector is governed by a catch fixed to the plate of the eccentric, working against the ratchet-wheel while backing oif. N. B. — Tlie number of teeth in the ratchet-ivheel is 88. At the commencement of a set, when the spindles are bare or empty, great care must be taken to set the coping-rail and wind- ing-on chain to their proper places, by means of the worm or screw connected ; for, if right, then they will regulate them- selves afterwards. Whatever bevil the coping-rail may have will be the length of the chase given to the faller, which may be increased or de- creased by giving more bevil to the coping-rail, and by changing the wheel on the worm-shaft connected with the shaper or coping- is 230 HANK, OR PROPORTION OF HANK, ETC. plate. The cop may be made larger or smaller. A larger wheel ■will make a larger cop, on account of the worm-shaft connected with the shaper or coping-plate moving slower ; and a smaller wheel will make a smaller cop by the worm-shaft connected with the shaper or coping-plate moving quicker, there being a finger attached to the carriage which works the catch on the wheel of the worm-shaft, and causes the wheel to move one tooth each stretch, which gives the bevil to the coping-rail. It is of the utmost importance that every attention be given to machinery by having every part of the machine properly ad- justed, and set square with the scrolls and other bands of a pro- per tightness; and that regular cleaning and oiling be particu- larly attended to, which is indispensable in all machinery — the neglect of which causes machinery to work ill, and destroys it much sooner than it otherwise would have been had proper care been taken. Neglect always brings the best machinery into disrepute, con- sequently is injurious to the best machinists, and trade generally suffers materially. I ^Within these last few years, there have been a number of patents obtained by different machinists for improvements in machinery, used in all the different operations of carding, draw- ing, slabbing, roving, spinning, and weaving. HANK, OR PROPORTION OF HANK, ETC. IN EACH OPERATION. The following examples will show the hank and the decimal, or proportion of hank, in each and every operation, from the spinning to the lap machine. Suppose the numbers or counts of yarn be 40's, with a draught of 9.6, or 9 /q, what hank roving will be required ? Draught, 9.6)40.0(4.1666, or 4| hank roving required. 384 160 96 640 576 640 576 640 676 640 64 HANK, OR PROPORTION OP HANK, ETC. 231 If the draught at roving-frame he 7.5, or 7^, producing a 4^ hank roving, what hank -vvill the slabbing be, allowing 2 slabbings to each roving ? iV. B. — Where there is doubling, multiply the hanh, or propor- tion of hanh, hy the number of ends doubled, and divide by the draught. Hank roving, 4J, or 4.1666 2, number of ends doubled. Draught 7J, or 7.5)8.3333(1.1111, or 1^ hank slabbing. 75 83 75 83 75 83 75 83 75 8 If the draught at the slabbing-frame be 6.875, and the slab- bing be 1.1111, or 1^ hank, what decimal or proportion of hank will the drawing be, put up at the back of slabbing-frame, there being no doubling ? Draught, 6.875)1.1111(0.1616 decimal, or proportion of hank, 6875 last head of drawing. 42361 41250 11111 6875 42361 41250 1111 232 HANK, OR PROPORTION OF HANK, ETC. If 8 ends be put up at the last head of drawings, and the draught be 6.125, and the decimal of the hank 0.1616; what decimal, or proportion of hank will the drawings be that are put up ? 0.1616 decimal, or proportion of hank at 8 ends doubling. [last head. Draught, 6i, or 6.125)1.2929(0.211 decimal, or proportion of 12250 hank at middle, or second head of drawings. 6792 6125 6679 6125 554 If the hank drawing at second head be 0.211; what will the decimal, or proportion of hank be at the first head, if the draught be 6.25, and the doubling 8? 0.211 decimal, or proportion of hank at 8 ends doubling. [middle head. Draught, 6|-, or 6.25)1.688(0.27 decimal, or proportion of 1250 hank at first head of draw- ings. 4880 4875 5 If the decimal, or proportion of hank at the first head of draw- ings be 0.27, the draught 6.25, and the doubling 8; what decimal, or proportion of hank, will the carding be ? HANK, OR PROPORTION OF HANK, ETC. 233 0.27 decimal of hank at first head of 8 ends doubling. [drawings. Draught, 6J, or 6.25)2.1600(0.3456 decimal of hank card- 1875 ing. 2850 2500 3500 3125 3750 3750 If the decimal of the hank-carding be 0.3456, and the draught at the carding-engine be 130; what will the decimal of the hank lap be? Dr't at carding-engine, 130)0.3456(.00265846 decimal, or pro- 260 portion of hank lap. 856 760 650 1100 1040 600 520 800 780 20 iV". B. — The weight of any number of yards of carding or draw- ing may he found in the tables, according to the decimal, or proportion of hank. 16 234 HANK, OR PROPORTION OF HANK, ETC. If the decimal, or proportion of the hank lap be 0.00265846, and the draught at the lap machine be 2.75, or 2| ; what -will the decimal, or proportion of the hank of cotton fed on feed-cloth at the lap machine be ? Draught at lap machine, 2.75)0.00265846(0.0009667 decimal of 2475 hank fed on feed- cloth at lap ma- 1834 chine. 1650 1846 1650 1960 1925 35 If the decimal, or proportion of hank at the lap machine be 0.0009667; what will the net weight of cotton fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at the lap machine be? Look in the table of dividends for inches, and opposite 30 will be found 6.9444 the dividend; which, divided by 0.0009667 the decimal, or proportion of hank at the lap machine, will give the net weight of cotton in grains. Decimal of hank, 0.0009667)6.9444(7183 grs., or 1 lb., 0 oz., 7 67669 dwts., 15 grains. 17754 9667 80874 77336 35384 29001 6383 B. — The above weight being subtracted from the gross weight of cotton fed on feed-cloth at lap machine, will give the weight of loss sustained in working. LOSS IN WORKING. 235 LOSS IN WORKING. Suppose there be 18-^- ounces of cotton fed on the feed-cloth at the lap machine, and the weight of yarn produced (as appears from the preceding example) be 1 ft., 0 oz., 7 dwts., and 15 grains; what will the loss sustained in working be? oz. dwts. grs. 18J ounces, = 18 . . 9 . . 2J weight of cotton at lap machine. 16 . . 7 . . 15 weight of yarn produced. 2 . . 1 . . llf weight lost in working. Or, The loss sustained in working any kind of cotton maybe found in the following manner: — Multiply all the draughts together successively for a divisor, and all the doublings together accordingly, and that product by the numbers of yarn produced for a dividend, and the quotient will be the decimal, or proportion of the hank. Then look for the dividend in the table opposite the number of inches any given weight of cotton is fed on the feed-cloth at the lap machine, and divide by the decimal, or proportion of the hank, and the quotient will be the net weight in grains; which, subtracted from the weight of cotton fed on the feed-cloth at the lap machine, will show the loss sustained in working. The loss sustained in each operation may be ascertained in the same manner. Suppose the draughts and doubling are as follows : the num- bers to be spun 40's, and the weight of cotton fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at the lap machine be 18 J ounces; what will be the loss in working ? Draught at lap machine, 2.75. Draught at carding-engine, 180. Draught at 1st head-drawing, 6.25. Draught at 2d head-drawing, 6.25. Draught at 3d head-drawing, 6.125. Draught at slabbing-frame, 6.875. Draught at roving-frame, 7.5. Draught at mules, 9.6. LOSS IN WORKING. Doubling 1st head-drawing, 8. Doubling 2d bead-drawing, 8. Doubling 3d head-drawing, 8, Doubling roving-frame, 2. DRAUGHTS. 2.75 lap machine. 130 carding-engine. 8250 275 357.60 6J draught at 1st head-drawing. 2145.0 89375 2234.375 6J draught at 2d head-drawing. 13406.250 55859375 13964.84375 6| draught at 3d head-drawing. 83789.06250 174560546875 [to the last head of drawing! 85534.66796875 total draught from lap machic 6.875 draught at slabbing-frame. 42767333984375 59874267578125 68427734375000 51320800781250 588050.84228515625 LOSS IN WORKING. 237 Draughts ) 588050.84228515625 continued, / 7.5 draught at roving-frame. 294025421142578125 411635589599609375 4410381.317138671875 9.6 draught at mules. 26462287902832031250 39693431854248046875 Divisor 42339660.6445312500000 total draughts. 8 doubling 1st head-drawing. 8 doubling 2d head-drawing. 64 8 doubling 3d head-drawing. 512 2 doubling roving-frame. 1024 total doublings. 40's number spun^ Dividend 40960 42339660.64453125)40960.000000000000(0.0009674 decimal, 38105694580078125 or proportion of hank at lap 28543054199218750 ' machine. 25403796386718750 31392578125000000 29637762451171875 17548156738281250 16935864257812500 612292480468750 238 LOSS IN WORKING. The dividend for 30 inches is 6.9444, which, divided by 0.0009674, the decimal or proportion of the hank at the lap machine, will give the weight of yarn in grains produced, which, subtracted from the 18f ounces of cotton fed on the feed-cloth at the lap machine, will show the loss sustained in working. Dec. or prop, of hank, 0.0009674)6.9444(7178 grains or 16 oz., 67718 7 dwts., 10 grs. of yarn produced 17264 from 18i oz. of 9674 cotton. 75904 67718 81864 77392 4472 oz. dwts. grains. Cotton consumed at lap machine, 18 . . 9 . . 2| Yarns produced, 16 . . 7 . . 10 Loss sustained in working, 2 . . 1 . . 16f The weight of cotton fed on any given length of feed-cloth at the lap machine, reduced to grains, may be divided by the draughts, and multiplied by the doublings successively, through each operation, which will show the gross weight in grains for the same length, as the given length of feed-cloth at the lap machine, which may be extended to any length, the weight being in proportion. The net weight of the same length, according to the hank or proportion of hank in the same operation, being subtracted from the gross weight, will show the loss sustained at each operation, or the whole loss throughout the different processes of working. I^. B. — Proceed with the same particulars as in the last ex- amples. If there be 18|- ounces of cotton fed on 30 inches of feed- cloth at the lap machine, what weight should the same length LOSS IN WORKING. 239 weigh at the different processes (allowing no loss), if the draughts and doubling be as follows ? DRAUGHTS. Lap machine, 2.75, or 2f. Carding-engine, 130. 1st head of drawings, 6.25, or 6J. 2d head of drawings, 6.25, or 6J. 3d head of drawings, 6.125, or 6J. Slabbing-frame, 6.875, or 6|. Roving-frame, 7.5, or 7|. Mules, 9.6, or 9^%. DOUBLING. 1st head of drawings, 8. 2d head of drawings, 8. 3d head of drawings, 8. Roving-frame, 2. Reduce 18J ounces to grains for the dividend. 437.5 grains=l oz. 18.5, or 18J ounces of cotton fed on feed-cloth. 21875 35000 4375 Draught at lap ma. 2.75)8093.75(2943.2 grs., or 6 oz., 13 dwts. 550 6-^ grs., weight of 30 in. of lap, 2593 2475 1187 1100 875 825 500 550 — nearly. 240 LOSS IN WORKING. 2943.2 grains, weight of 30 inches of lap ; draught at the card- ing-engine 130. 130)2943.2(22.64 grains, weight of 30 inches 260 of carding. 343 260 832 780 520 . 520 22.64 grains, weight of 30 inches of carding ; draught at the 1st head of drawings 6.25, and doubling 8. 22.64 grains, weight of carding. 8 ends, doubling at 1st head of draw- ings. Draught, 6.25)181.12(28.9792 grains, or 1 dwt., 4.9792 1250 grs., weight of 30 inches of drawing at the 1st 5612 head. 5000 6120 5625 4950 4375 5750 5625 1250 1250 LOSS IN WORKING. 241 28.9792 grs., weight of drawing 1st head. 8 ends doubling. Draught at 2d~| head of draw- V 6.25)231.8336(37.093 grains, or 1 dwt., 13.093 ings, j 1875 grs., weight of 30 inches of drawing 2d head. 4433 4375 5836 5625 2110 1875 235 37.093 grains, weight of 30 inches of drawing at 2d head ; draught at 3d head of drawings 6.125, and doubling 8. 37.093 grs., weight of 30 inches of drawing. 8 ends doubling. Draught at ") 3d head of V 6.125)296.746(48.448 grs., or 2 dwts., 0.448 grs., drawing, j 24500 weight of 30 inches of draw- ing at the third head. 51746 49000 27460 24500 29600 24500 51000 49000 2000 48.448 grains, weight of 30 inches of drawing at 3d or last head; draught at slabbing-frame 6.875 (no doubling). 242 LOSS IN WORKING, Draught at slabbing-frame, 6.875)48.448(7.04698 grains, weight of slabbing. 82300 27500 48000 41250 67500 61875 56250 55000 1250 7.04698 grs., weight of 30 in. of slabbing. 2 ends doubling at roving-frame. 7.5)14.09396(1.88 grains, weight of 30 inches 659 600 593 600 — nearly. 1.88 grains, weight of 30 inches of roving ; draught at mules 9.6 (no doubling). Draught at mules, 9.6)1.88(0.195833 decimal of a grain, weight 48125 of 30 inches of roving. 96 of 30 inches of yarn. 920 864 560 480 320 288 800 768 320 288 320 32 144, the number of 30'iriche's in l'' lea, or 120 yards. 783333 783333 195833 28.200000 grains, weight of 1 lea. 25 grains, weight of 1 lea of 40's yarn. 3.2, or 3^ grains, loss in working 1 lea. 7 leas, 1 hank. 22.4 grains, loss in working 1 hank. 40 hanks, ISb. grains. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5)896.0(2 oz., 0 dwts., 21 grains, loss sus- When 30 inches of feed-cloth is the length, any given weight of cotton is fed on at the lap machine. The table on the next page will show the multipliers for any number of yards weighed at any operation. The number of grains in any operation, multiplied by the figures opposite the number of yards weighed, will give the gross weight, from which subtract the net weight. The difference will be the loss sustained in working the length weighed. 8750 tained in working lib. 21.0 244 LOSS IN WORKING. TABLE OF MULTIPLIERS. For ascertaining the loss sustained in working any given length or weight of cotton yarn, as 1 lea, 1 hank, or IK)., as shown in a preceding example. Length weighed. Multipliers. Yards. 1 1.2 2 2.4 3 3.6 4 4.8 5 6 6 7.2 7 8.4 8 9.6 9 10.8 10 12 20 24 30 36 40 48 50 60 60 72 70 84 80 96 90 108 100 120 110 132 or 120 144 Leas 2 288 3 432 4 576 5 720 6 864 ik, or 7 1008 N. B. — Where 30 inches is the length any given weight of cotton is fed on the feed-cloth at lap machine {ivhich is nearly gene- ral), the above multipliers answer without exception. The proportion of the hank, and the weight of any given length, will be sufficiently explained in the foregoing rules, ex- amples, and illustrations. However, it will not be out of place LOSS IN WORKING. 245 to give one or two more, as nothing in calculations is more essen- tial to masters or managers. According to a former example, 30 inches of roving weighs 1.88 grains (but no person can weigh to so great a nicety). I wish to know what 30 yards of the same roving will weigh, and what hank it is. 1.88 grains, weight of 30 inches of roving. 36 multiplier for 30 yards (see Table). 1128 664 67.68 grains, or 2 dwts., 19.68 grs., weight of 30 yards of roving. 250 is the dividend for 30 yards, which, divided by the number of grains it weighs, will give the hank roving. grains. Dividend. Weight of 30yards, 67.68)250.00(3.693, or 3/g hank rov. nearly. 20304 46960 40608 63520 60912 26080 20304 5776 If the hank roving when weighed be 4| or 4.166 hanks, what will be the loss sustained in working 30 yards ? 250 is the dividend for 30 yards, which, divided by 4.166, the hank roving, will give the number of grains net weight. Hank roving, = 4. 166)250. 000(60 grains, net weight of 30 yards, 25000 of 41 hank roving. N. B. — For loss sustained in working, see next example. 246 LOSS IN WORKING. If the weight of cotton required for 30 yards of roving be 67.68 grains, and the weight of the same length of roving be 60 grains, which is equal to 4.166 or 4| hanks, what will the loss sustained in working be for 1 lea, 1 hank, and 1ft). ? 67.68 grs., weight of cot. req'd for 30 yds. of rov. 60 grains, weight of 30 yards of roving. 7.68 grains, loss at 30 yards. 4 times 30 is equal to 120 yards, or 1 lea. 30.72 grains, loss at 1 lea. 7 leas, 1 hank. 215.04 grains, loss at 1 hank. 4.166 hank roving produced. 129026 129026 21504 86016 895.85686 grains, loss sustained in working 1ft). of cotton. Or, 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grs.)895.85686(2.0477 ounces. 8750 437| grains are 1 oz. 20856 3339 17500 1431 1908 33568 238 30625 20.8687 grains, or 2 oz. 29436 0 dwts., 21 grs. 30625 — nearly. nearly. AVERAGE COP, ETC. 247 AVERAGE COP AND WEIGHT OF SETS. To find the numbers of yarn and the number of hanks in one set of cops (from an average cop), the weight of the set being given. RULE. — Multiply the length on one cop by the number of spin- dles in the wheels for the number of hanks in the set ; then divide by the weight of the set, and the quotient will be the numbers of yarn. If a set of cops from a pair of wheels containing 808 spindles weighs 30 lbs., and the length on one cop be 1 hank, 6 leas, and 70 threads, what number of hanks will there be in the set, and what number of yarn will it be Hank. Leas. Threads. One cop contains 1 . . 6 . . 70 10 X 10 X 8 add 8=808 spdls. 19 . . 5 . . 60 10 198 . . 1 . . 40 8 1585 . . 5 . . 0 15 . . 6 . . 0=8 ^Sht-°^sets I . . 4 . . 0 No. of hanks on 1 set. 53.4 nearly, hanks fineness of Nos. of yarn. Or, Reduce the length on one cop to threads, and multiply by the number of spindles in the wheels ; then divide by the number of threads in one lea, the quotient of which must be divided by the number of leas in one hank, and that quotient will be the number of hanks contained in the set; then the number of hanks con- tained in the set must be divided by the weight of set, and the quotient will be the number of hanks in lib. 248 AVERAGE COP, ETC. Hank. Leas. Threads. One cop contains 1 . . 6 . . 70 7 leas, 1 hank. 13 80 threads, 1 lea. 1110 threads on one cop. 808 spindles in the pairs of wheels. 8880 88800 1 lea, 8.0 thrds.)89688.0 threads on 1 pair of sets. 1 hank, 7 leas,)11211 leas on one pair of sets. 1601.5714 hanks on 1 pair of sets. 7 leas, 1 hank. 3.9998 leas. 80 threads, 1 lea. 79.9840 threads. The length of yarn on one pair of sets will be 1601 hanks, 4 leas. Weight of set, 3.0 ibs.)160. 1.5714 hanks on one pair of sets. 53.3857, or rather more than 53^ Nos. of yarn. What will one set of cops weigh, if the wheels contain 808 spindles, the numbers of yarn 53 hanks to the pound, the num- ber of stretches 1000, and the length of the stretch put up 60 inches? Multiply the number of stretches, the length of stretch, and the number of spindles in the wheels together respectively for a dividend ; then multiply the numbers of yarn by 840 and 36 respectively for a divisor, and the quotient will be the weight of the set. AVERAGE COP, ETC. 1000, Rumber of stretches on one cop. 60 inches, length of stretch. 60000 808 number of spindles in wheels. 48480000 dividend. 840 yards, 1 hank. 36 inches, 1 yard. 5040 2520 30240 inches in 1 hank. 63, numbers of yarn. 00720 151200 1602720 divisor. 1602720)48480000(30ibs., oz., weight of set. 4808160 398400 16 ounces, lit). 2390400 398400 1602720)6374400(3 ounces. 4808160 1566240 4 qrs., 1 ounce. 1602720)6264960(3 qrs. 4808160 1456800 250 AVERAGE COP, ETC. What -will the "weight of one pin or shuttle-cop of 86's weft be, containing 450 stretches,]each stretch 57 inches net (allowed for breakage). 450, number of stretches on cop. 57 inches, length of stretch. 3150 2250 1 yard is 36 inches,)25650(712.5 yards. 252 45 36 90 72 180 180 1 lea is 120 yards,)71 2.5(5.9375 leas on 1 cop. 600 1125 1080 450 360 900 840 600 600 AVERAGE COP, ETC. 251 Leas. Nos. of weft, 36's)5.937. 5(164.93 grains, or 6 dwts., 20.93 grs., 36 weight on 1 cop. 233 216 177 144 335 324 110 108 2 How raany leas and threads are there in one cop, containing 7121 yards ? 1 lea is 120 yards, )712. 5(5 leas, 75 threads, on 1 cop. 600 IJ yards is 1 thread, 1.5)112.5(75 threads. 105 75 75 B. — In ascertaining the weight of one cop, recJcon your divi- dend as many thousands as you have leas; and ivhere the deci- mal of a lea occurs, ^vhich is generally the case, put the point in, reserving the tliousands, which, divided by the numbers of yarn, will give the weight of the cop in grains. What will one cop of 36's twist weigh, containing 900 stretches, each stretch 61 J inches, exclusive of breakage? 252 AVERAGE COP, ETC. 900, number of stretches. 61.5 or GIJ inches, length of stretch. r 6)55350.0 1 yard is 36 inches, < t 6)9225 1 lea is 12,0 yards,)153.7.5 yards on 1 cop. 12.8125 leas on 1 cop. Nos. of yarn, 36)12812.5(355.9 grains, or 14 dwts., 19.9 grains, 108 weight of 1 cop. 201 180 212 180 325 324 What ■will one cop of 48's twist weigh; if it contains 1200 stretches, each stretch to put up 61 inches, exclusive of breakage? 1200, number of stretches. 61 inches, length of stretch. 1200 7200 1 yard is 86 inches, j 6)73200 inches on 1 cop. 1^6)12200 1 lea is 12.0 yards,)203.3.3 yards on 1 cop. 16-944 leas, or 2 hanks, 2.944 leaa — on 1 cop. WEIGHT OF SETS. 253 Leas, r 4)16.944 Nos. of yarn, i8< [12)4236 353, grains, or 14 dwts., 17 grains, weight of 1 cop. WEIGHT OF SETS. The number of hanks, and weight of a pair of sets of cops, are required from the following particulars: — Number of spindles, 1008. Number of stretches, 900. Length of stretches, 61|- inches. Numbers of yarn, 36 hanks to 1 lb. 1008 number of spindles in mules. 900, number of stretches. 907200 61.5, or 61| inches, length of stretch. 4536000 907200 5443200 55792800.0 inches of yarn on 1 pair of sets. 1 yard is 36 inches,)55792800(1549800 yards on 1 set of cops. 36 197 180 179 144 352 324 288 288 254 WEIGHT OP SETS. 1 lea is 12.0 ycls.)154980.0 yards on 1 set of cops. 1 hank is 7 leas,)12915 leas on 1 set of cops. Nos. of yarn, 36, ■ r 6)1845 hanks on 1 set of cops. 6)307.5 51.25 lbs., or 51 lbs., 4 oz., weight of set. 16 ounces 1 lb. 150 25 4.00 ounces. The number of hanks in a pair of sets of cops is required from the following particulars: — Number of spindles in mules, 1340. Number of stretches, 1200. Length of stretches, 59.5 inches. 1840 spindles in mules. 1200 stretches. 1608000 59.5, or 59-J inches, length of stretch. 8040 14472 8040 1 yd. is 36 in. ( 6)95676000.0 yards of yarn on 1 set of cops. \ 6)15946000 1 lea is 12.0 yds,)265766.6.6 yards of yarn on 1 set of cops. 1 hank is 7 leas,)22147.222 leas of yarn on 1 set of cops. 3163.888 hanks of yarn on 1 set of cops. spinner's book, etc. 255 -3163.888 hanks of yarn on 1 set of cops. 7 leas, 1 hank. 6.222 leas. 120 yards, 1 lea. 26.666 yards. SPINNER'S BOOK, &c. Where it is customary to pay the spinners at the rate of so much per thousand hanks, the length of the average cop from each set may be put down for the week; then add them together and multiply by the number of spindles in the mules, as follows: Number of spindles in mules. Weight of sets. Average cop. lbs. oz. hanks. leas. threads. 1008 51 8 5 65 50 4 4 72 52 6 6 36 51 12 5 60 51 10 5 14 52 8 6 10 52 4 5 32 51 12 5 64 52 4 6 38 52 8 6 14 51 0 5 0 50 4 4 18 Total for 1 week. 620 4 23 Hanks. Leas. Threads. 21 .. 4 .. 23 7 leas, 1 hank. 151 80 threads, 1 lea. 12108 1008 spindles in mules. ^6824 256 spinner's book, etc. 96824 1210300 Threads in 1 lea, 8.0)1219982.4 threads. 1 hank is 7 leas,)152497..64, or 152497 leas, 64 threads. 21785 . . 2 . . 64, or 21785 hanks, 2 leas, 64 threads, number of hanks on 1 pair of sets of cops. Total weight, 620 lbs. )21785(35 J hanks, average number of yarns. 1860 3185 3100 85 The number of hanks per spindle will be ascertained by di- viding the number of hanks spun, by the number of spindles in the mules, or throstles. If the total number of hanks spun in a week be 21745, and the number of spindles in the mules be 1008; what number of hanks per spindle will be produced? 1008)21745(21.5724, or 21 hanks, 4 leas per spindle. 2016 7 leas, 1 hank. 1585 4.0068 leas. 1008 120 yards, 1 lea. 5770 .8160 6040 7300 7056 2440 2016 4240 4032 208 DRESSING MACHINE. 257 The spinner's book should be made up so that the weight, num- bers of yarn, the total number of hanks, and the number of hanks per spindle per week, would appear at one view, for the satisfac- tion of the employers, and the government of the managers. THE FOLLOWING FORM MIGHT BE ADOPTED. Date. 1S39. April 17 Name. Weight. lbs. Number. Total number of hanks No. of hanks per spindle. Rale. £ s. d. John Pollard. 620 35i 21745 21.3724 2 8 U iV. B. — The form of the book may he altered according to the sys- tem of spinning and paging, but the above particulars should always appear. DRESSING MACHINE. Dressing machines are of various constructions, and, like most other machines, have been greatly improved ; however, the neces- sary calculations will be easily ascertained from the following examples. The speed of the crank-shaft, on which is fixed the top, or large cone drum, is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of driving-shaft a minute, 66. Diameter of drum on shaft, 18 inches. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft, 17J inches. 66 revolutions of driving-shaft a min. 18, diameter of drum on driving-shaft. 528 66 1188 258 DRESSING MACHINE. In. diam. of pul. \ i7.5)ii88(67.885714 revolutions of crank on crank-snait, j -inrA ^ ■ ^ i ■ i ■ c i ' ■' lUoO shait a minute, on which IS nxed. the top, or large cone drum. 1380 1225 1550 1400 1500 1400 1000 8T5 1250 1225 250 175 750 700 50 The speed of the fan at dressing machine is required from the following particulars: — Revolutions of crank-shaft a minute, 67.885714. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft for driving fan, 25 inches. Diameter of pulley on the end of fan, 2 inches. 67.885714 revols. of crank-shaft per min, 25 in., diam. of pul. on crank-shaft. 339428570 135771428 In diam of pul. 12)1697.142850 on the end oi tan, j ^ 848.571425 revolutions of fan a minute. The speed of the fan at dressing machine is required from the following particulars : — DRESSING MACHINE. 259 Revolutions of driving-shaft a minute, 66. Diameter of drum on shaft, 18 inches. Diameter of drum on crank-shaft, ITJ inches. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft for driving fan, 25 inches. Diameter of pulley on end of fan, 2 inches. 66 revolutions of driving-shaft a min. 18 inches, diam. of drum on driving-shaft. 528 66 1188 25 inches, diam. of pulley on crank-shaft 5940 2376 for driving fan. 29700 dividend. 17.5 inches, diameter of pulley on crank-shaft. 2 inches, diameter of pulley on end of fan. 35.0 divisor. 35 < r 5)29700 ( 7)5940 848.571428 revolutions of fan per minute. If the fan of a dressing machine makes 848.571428 revolu- tions a minute, and its diameter is 18 inches; how many yards "will it traverse a minute ? 848.571428 revolutions of fan a minute. 1.5 foot, = 18 in. diam. of fan. 4242857140 848571428 1272,8571420 260 DRESSING MACHINE. 1272.8571420 3.1416 circum. when the diam is 1. 7637142852 1272857142 5091428568 1272857142 3818571426 1 yard = 3 feet)3998.8079973072 feet, fan traverses a minute. 1332.93566576906 yards, fan traverses a min. The fan of a dressing machine (as in the above example) will traverse a space equal to 1333 yards nearly. The speed of the under cone drum is required from the follow- ing particulars : — Revolutions of crank, or top cone drum-shaft, 67.885714 a min. Diameter of top cone drum, llf inches. Diameter of bottom cone drum, 4f inches. 67.885714 revols. of top cone drum-shaft a min. 11.75, or llf inches, diam. of top cone drum. 339428570 475199998 746742854 797.65713950 dividend. Diam. of under cone drum, 4.75in.)797.6571395(167.9278 revols. 475 of under cone drum a min. 3226 2850 3765 3325 4407 4275 1321 950 3713 3325 3889 3800 DRESSING MACHINE. \ . " 261 iV. B. — The preceding example shows the greatest speed! that, the under cone drum can work ; the largest diameter of the top coney and the smallest diameter of the under cone being given, i. e., the greatest speed that can be given to the motions connected with the top beam on which the dress yarn is. The speed of the top beam can be regulated by a worm, or screw-shaft, which works the strap on the drums, and must be done according to the heat, or drying, and fineness of yarns. The speed of the top, or dressed yarn beam, is required from the following particulars. Revolutions of under cone-shaft a minute, 167.9278. Wheel on the end of cone-sliaft, 74 teeth. Wheel on foot of upright-shaft, 44 teeth. Single worm on top of upright-shaft. Wheel on shaft for working top beam, 68 teeth. 167.9278 revols. of under cone drum a min. 74 teeth wheel on the end of do. 6717112 11754946 12426.6572 dividend. 44 teeth, wheel on foot of upright-shaft. 68 teeth, wheel on shaft for working top beam. 352 264 2992 divisor. 2922)12426.6572(4.1533 revols. a min. of top, 11968 or dressed yarn beam, at the bottom or beginning. 4586 2992 15945 14960 9857 8976 8812 8976— nearly. 262 DRESSING MACHINE. JW B. — The top, or dressed yarn beam, decreases in speed as it Jills, continuing to traverse over the same surface as at the com- me7icement, so that the yarn is dried regularly. If the heat, or drying increases, or decreases, which is some- times the case, then the top, or dressed yard beam, must be regu- lated in speed accordingly, which will be done by moving the strap on the cone drums by the worm, or screw attached for that purpose. PARTICULARS OF DRESSING FRAME. Revolutions a min. of crank, or top cone drum-shaft, 67.885714. Revolutions of fan a minute, 848.571425. Revolutions of under cone a minute, at the bottom of beam, 167.9287. Revolutions of top, or dressed yarn beam a minute, at the bottom of beam, 4.1533. Diameter of pulley on crank, or top cone drum-shaft, 17J inches. Diameter of pulley on crank, or top cone drum-shaft for driving fan, 25 inches. Diameter of pulley on end of fan, 2 inches. Diameter of fan, 18 inches. Diameters of top cone drum, 11} and 6 inches. Diameters of under cone drum, 10^ and 4f inches. Radius of crank for brushes, 3 inches. Radius of crank for leverage. If inch. Traversing of fan a minute, 1333 yards, nearly. iV". B. — The dimensions of the cone drums are the tivo extremes. What number of ends must there be on each twist beam, allow- ing 8 beams to a machine, i. e. 4 beams to each side, to produce a piece of cloth 29i inches wide, in a 72 reed, Manchester and Stockport count ? 29.5, width of warp at the end. 72 reed, Manchester & Stockport count. 690 2065 Number of beams, 8)2124.0 total number of ends in the warp. 265.5 number of ends on each beam. POWER-LOOM. 263 N.B. — The numher of ends required for each beam is 265.5, which may he made into 266, and make two twisters, or double ends at the selvage, at each side of the machine. What number of ends will it require to produce a top, or dressed yarn beam, to fill b\\ inches in an 84 reed, Manchester and Stock- port count ; and what number of ends must there be on each twist beam, allowing 8 twist beams to a machine ? 51.5 in., width of top, or dres'd yarn bm. at reed. 84 reed, Manchester and Stockport count. 2060 4120 Num. of bms. 8)4326.0 number of ends in dressed yarn beam. 540.75 number of ends required on each twist bm. N. JB. — Add as many ends as are required, according to the number of double ends loanted at the selvages. If there be 542 ends on a twist beam, and 8 beams to a ma- chine; how many ends will there be in the dressed yarn or top beam ? 542 ends on each twist beam. 8 beams to a machine. 4386 ends on dressed yarn, or top beam. N. B. — The bell wheel at the dressing machine must be regulated according to the size of your under roller, and length of inece required. POWER-LOOM. The number of picks a minute is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of driving-shaft a minute, 102. Diameter of drum on driving-shaft, 14 inches. Diameter of pulley on loom, 11 inches. 264 POWER-LOOM. 102 revols. of driving-shaft a min. 14 in. diam. of drum on same shaft. 408 102 In. diam. of pul. on loom, 11)1428 129.818 number of picks a mln. If the crank-shaft of a loom makes 129.818 revolutions a minute, with a wheel 50 teeth fixed on the end, working into a wheel with 100 teeth on the end of the tappet-shaft; what num- ber of revolutions will the tappet-shaft make a minute ? 129.818 revolutions of crank-shaft a min. 50 teeth on end of crank-shaft. Teeth on end of 1 ioO)6490.900 tappet-shait, J ' 64.909 revolutions a min. of tapt. -shaft. N.B. — Tlie above examples only refer to plain cloths, but the calculations of ttvills, fustians, and all other fancy goods, are regulated by the number or different constructions of the tappets tvorJcing upon the treadles, or levers, connected with the healds, whereby nearly any pattern may be constructed and manufac- tured as by hand-weaving. The number of picks a minute is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of driving-shaft a minute, 98.25 Diameter of drum on driving-shaft, 15.5 inches. Diameter of pulley on crank-shaft, 12.75 inches. 98.25 revolutions of driving-shaft a minute. 15.5, or 15J in. diam. of drum on driving-shaft. 49125 49125 9825 1522.875 dividend. POWER-LOOM. 265 12.75)1522.875(119.441 revolutions of 1275 crank- shaft • ■ a minute. 2478 1275 12037 11475 5625 5100 5250 5100 1500 1275 225 The speed of the tappet-shaft is required from the following particulars : — Revolutions of crank-shaft a minute, 119.441. Wheel on end of crank-shaft, 50 teeth. Wheel on end of tappet-shaft, 100 teeth. 119.441 revols. of crank-shaft a min. 50 teeth, •wheel on crank-shaft. Whl. on tapt.-shft. 100 tth.)5972.050 69.7205 revolutions of tappet-shaft a minute. If the crank-shaft of a power-loom makes 129.818 revolutions, i. e. picks, a minute; what time will he required to work suc- cessively, to produce a piece of cloth 29 yards long, with 88 picks, or threads in 1 inch? 18 Inches diam. of pulley ) on crank-shaft, 12|, ) \ 266 POWER-LOOM. 29 yards, length of piece. 37 inches, length hooked for 1 yard. 203 87 1073 number of inches in 1 pick. 88 number of picks in 1 inch. 8584 8584 Dividend 94424 total number of picks in 1 piece, 29 yards long. Num. of picks a min., 129,818)94424.00(727.3567 mins. required 908726 to work successively, to produce 1 piece of 355140 cloth, 29 yards long, 259636 or 12 hours, 7 mins., 21.402 seconds. 955040 908726 463140 389454 736860 649090 877700 778908 987920 908726 79194 The length of time required for the loom to work successively, to produce 1 piece of cloth 29 yards long with 88 picks, or threads in 1 inch, will be 12 hours, 7 minutes, and 21 seconds. J N. B.—The distance of the hooks on all frames for hooking pieces is 37 inches. POWER-LOOM. 26T If the crank-shaft of a power-loom makes 119.441 revolutions a minute, i. e. so many picks or threads; what length of time must it work successively, to produce a piece of cloth 29 yards •long with 84 picks, or threads in 1 inch? 29 yards, length of piece. 37 inches, length hooked for 1 yard. 203 87 1073 number of inches in 1 piece of cloth. 84 number of picks or threads in 1 inch. 4292 8584 Dividend 90132 number of picks in 1 piece of cloth 29 yards long. Num. of picks a min., 119.441)90132.0(754.615 minutes, or 836087 60)754.615 652330 12.. 34.. 615 597205 eOs.lm. 551250 36.900 477764 734860 716646 182140 119441 626990 597205 29785 The length of time required for the loom to work successively, to produce a piece of cloth of the foregoing description, will be 12 hours, 34 minutes, 37 seconds, nearly. The weight of yarn is required, to make one piece of cloth, of the following description :— 268 POWER-LOOM. Length of piece, 29 yards. Count of reed, 72. (Manchester and Stockport count.) Numbers of twist, 36's. Width of warp at the reed, 29J inches. Number of picks in 1 inch, 88. Number of weft, 36's. 29 yards, length of piece. 72, Manchester and Stockport count of reed. 58 203 2088 29J inches, width of warp at the reed. 18792 4176 1044 1 hank is 840 yards,)61596(73.328 hanks of twist required for 5880 the piece. 2796 2520 2760 2520 7200 2400 6720 1680 480 29 yards, length of piece. 88 picks or threads in 1 inch. 232 232 2552 29,5, or 29|- inches, width at the reed. 12760 n POWEE-LOOM. 26© 12760 22968 5104 75284.0 1 hank is 840 yards,)75284.0(89.624 hanks of weft required 6720 for the piece. 8084 7560 5240 5040 2000 1680 3200 3360— nearly. 73.328 hanks of twist. 89.624 hanks of weft. {6)162.952 hanks of yarn required for 1 piece. 6)27.158 4.526 ft)S. of yarn. 16 oz., 1 ft). 3156 526 8.416 ounces. 4 qrs. 1 ounce. 1.664 qrs. The weight of yarn required for the piece is 4 fts. oz., nearly. Or, When the numbers of twist and weft are the same, the question may be worked in one operation, by adding the Manchester or 270 POWER-LOOM. Stockport count of reed, and the number of picks, or threads re- quired in the inch together, and then proceed as in either of the last examples. Tims, 72, Manchester or Stockport count of reed. 88 picks, or threads in 1 inch. 160 29 yards, length of piece. 1440 320 4640 29.5 inches width at the reed. 23200 41760 9280 136880.0 dividend. Yards in 1 hank, 840 Numbers of yarn, 36 5040 2520 Yards in 1 ft., 30240)136880.0(4.526 lbs. of yarn. 120960 159200 151200 80000 60480 195200 181440 13760 The weight of yarn required for the piece is 4 lbs., 8| oz., nearly as in the last example. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANT GIVEN DRAUGHT. 271 THE DRIVING AND DRIVEN WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT BETWEEN THE MIDDLE AND BACK ROLLERS, AND BETWEEN THE BACK AND FRONT ROLLERS, THE DIAMETER OF THE ROLLERS BEING GIVEN. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANT GIVEN DRAUGHT FOR BACK AND MIDDLE ROLLERS. RULE. — Multiply the length you intend drawing, by the di- ameter of the middle roller, for the driving-wheel ; and the length you wish that drawn into, by the diameter of the back roller, for the driven-wheel. If a greater or less number of teeth be required in the wheel, divide the driver and driven-wheels by any number that will di- vide both without a remainder ; then multiply the quotients by any number, according to the number of teeth wanted in the wheels. iV. B. — The diameter of the ivheels to ill he according to the pitch of the teeth. What number of teeth must there be in the wheel required, for the back and middle rollers to produce a draught of 1 into 2, allowing the back roller to be | inch, and middle roller 1 inch in diameter ? 1 into 2 draught Middle roller 1 inch, or 8 7, or | inch back roller. Divided by 2)8 14 Quotients 4 and 7 Multipliers 5 5 Mid. rol., driving-wheel 20tth. 35 teeth, driven-wheel. Required the draught between the middle and back rollers, from the following particulars : — Wheel on middle roller, (driving-wheel,) 20 teeth. Wheel on back roller, (driven-wheel,) 35 teeth. Diameter of middle roller, 1 inch. Diameter of back roller, ^ inch. 272 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. In diam of 1 teeth. 35 teeth, backroller'., U J_ ^ ^^i^^- «f '^'^'^^^ ^<^^- 140 140)280(2, or 1 into 2 draught, 280 between middle and back rollers. What number of teeth must there be in the wheels on the back and middle rollers, to produce a draught equal to 2 into 3, if the back roller be | inch, and the middle roller 1 inch in diameter? 2 into 3 draught, Middle roller, 1 inch, or 8 7, or | inch back roller. Middle roller wheel, 16 21 wheel on back roller. 2 2 Middle roller wheel, 32 tth. 42 teeth, wheel on back roller. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 16 teeth. 21 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 7 8, or 1 inch diam. of mid. rol. 112 )168(1.5, or 2 into 3 draught. 112 560 560 Or, Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 32 teeth. 42 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 7 8, or 1 in. diam. of mid. rol. 224 )336(1.5, or 2 into 3 draught. 224 1120 1120 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGIJT. 273 '■/■■_ What number of teeth roust there be in the wheels on the back and middle rollers, to produce a draught equal to 3 into 4, if the back and middle rollers be the same diameters ? 3 into 4 draught. Middle roller wheel, 21tth.28 teeth, back roller wheel. The draught between the middle and back roller is required from the following particulars, the diameters of the rollers being the same: — Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 21 21)28(11 or 3 into 4 draught. 21 7 21 The wheels for the back and middle rollers are required to pro- duce a draught of 3 into 4, the diameter of the back roller being 1 inch, and the middle roller 1|- or | inch diameter : — 3 into 4 draught. Middle roller, | inch 9 8, or 1 inch back roller. , 27 tth. 32 teeth, wheel for back roller. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on middle roller, 27 teeth. Diam. of middle roller, 1 J inch. Wheel on back roller, 32 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 1 inch. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 27 teeth. 32 teeth. Back roller 1 inch, or 8 9, or 1\ inch, middle roller. 216 )288(li or 3 into 4 draught. 216 72 216 « 274 ■WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. What wheels will be required to produce a draught of 4 into 5, between the middle and back rollers, if the back roller be f inch, and the middle roller 1 inch diameter ? 4 into 5 draught. Middle roller, 1 inch, or 8 7, or J inch back roller. Middle roller wheel, 32 tth. 35 teeth, wheel back roller. The draught between the back and middle rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on middle roller, 32 teeth. Diam. of middle roller, 1 inch. Wheel on back roller, 35 teeth. Diameter of back roller, § inch. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 32 teeth. 35 teeth. Back roller, | inch or 7 8, or 1 inch, middle roller. 224 )280(1.25, or 4 into 5 draught. 224 560 448 1120 1120 What wheels will be required to produce a draught of 5 into 6, between the middle and back rollers, if the back roller be | inch and the middle roller 1 inch diameter ? 5 into 6 draught. Middle rollers, 1 inch or 8 7, or | inch, back roller. Divide by 2)40 tth. 42 teeth, wheel back roller. — or — Middle roller wheel, 20 tth. 21 teeth, wheel back roller. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 275 Driving-wheel. Driven-wlieel. 40 teeth. 42 teeth. Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, middle roller. 280 )336(1.2 or 5 into 6 draught. 280 560 560 iV. B. — The wheels may he reduced to 20 and 21, and the draught will he the same. What wheels will be required to produce a draught of 6 into 7, between the middle and back rollers, if the back roller be f inch and the middle roller 1 inch diameter ? 6 into 7 draught. Middle roller 1 inch or 8 T, or | inch back roller. Middle roller wheel, 48 tth. 49 teeth, wheel on back roller. If there be a wheel 48 teeth on the middle roller, working into a wheel 49 teeth on the back roller, and the back roller be | inch, and the middle roller 1 inch diameter ; what will the draught be ? Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 48 teeth. 49 teeth. Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch middle roller. 336 )392(li, or 6 into 7 draught. 336 56 1 — e 336 What wheels will it require to produce a draught between the middle and back rollers of 7 into 8, if the back roller be ^ inch, and the middle roller 1 inch diameter? 276 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 7 into 8 draught. Middle roller, 1 inch, or 8 7, or | inch back roller. Divided by 8)56 56 Lowest number 7 7 lowest number. 3 3 Middle roller wheel 21 tth. 21 teeth, wheel back roller. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars : — Wheel on the middle roller 21 teeth, working into wheel on stud 40 teeth, which works wheel 21 teeth on back roller. Diameter of the middle roller 1 inch, and diameter of the back roller ^ inch. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 21 teeth. 21 teeth. Back roller, | inch 7 8, or 1 inch, middle roller. 147 )168(14, or 7 into 8 draught. 147 21 147 What wheels will be required for the middle and back rollers, to produce a draught of 7 into 8 ; allowing the back and middle rollers to be the same diameters ? 7 into 8 draught. 2 2 Middle roller wheel, 14 tth. 16 teeth, wheel back roller. Or, 7 into 8 3 3 Middle roller wheel, 21 tth. 24 teeth, wheel back roller. Or, 7 into 8 4 4 Middle roller wheel, 28 tth. 32 teeth, wheel back roller. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 277 The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the particulars in the last example : — Driving- -wheel. Driven-wheel. teeth. 14 teeth,)16(14, or 7 into 8 draught. 14 2 — or 4. 14 21 teeth,)24(li, or 7 into 8 draught. 21 3 — or 4. 21 28 teeth,)32(li, or 7 into 8 draught. 28 4 — or ^. 28 What wheels must there be on the middle and back rollers, to produce a draught of 8 into 9, if the back roller be ^ inch, and the middle roller |- inch diameter? 8 into 9 draught. Middle roller, f inch, or 6 7, ov I inch, back roller. Middle roller wheel, 3)48 tth. 63 teeth, back roller wheel. Middle roller wheel, 16 tth. 21 teeth, back roller wheel. 2 2 Middle roller wheel, 32 tth, 42 teeth, back roller wheel. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars;— 278 WHEELS REQUIKED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGnT. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. Wheel on middle roller, 32 teeth. 42 teeth, wheel on back roller. 7 6 224 )252(li or 8 into 9 draught. 224 28 or 224 What wheels will be required to produce a draught of 9 into 10, between the middle and back rollers, allowing the back and middle rollers to be the same diameter ? 9 into 10 draught. 2 2 Wheel on middle roller, 18 tth. 20 teeth, wheel on back roller. Or, 9 into 10 8 3 Wheel on middle roller, 27 tth. 30 teeth, wheel on back roller. Or, 9 into 10 4 4 Wheel on middle roller, 36 tth. 40 teeth, wheel on back roller. If there be a wheel 40 teeth on back roller, and a wheel 36 teeth on middle roller ; what draught will there be if the middle and back rollers are the same diameter? teeth. Wheel on middle roller, 86 teeth. )40(1^, or 9 into 10 draught. 36 4 — or J. 36 "WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 279 If the back roller be 1 inch, and the middle roller § inch di- ameter ; what -wheels will be required to produce a draught of 9 into 10, between the middle and back rollers? 9 into 10 Middle roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, back roller. Middle roller wheel, 63 tth. 80 teeth, wheel back roller. The draught between the middle and back rollers is required from the following particulars: — Wheel on middle roller, 63 teeth. Wheel on back roller, 80 tth. Diameter of middle roller, | inch. Diameter of back roller, 1 in. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 68 teeth. 80 teeth. Back roller, 1 inch, or 8 7, or | inch middle roller. 504 )560(1^, or 9 into ten draught. 604 56 604 If the back roller be | inch, and the middle roller | inch di- ameter ; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 10 into 11, between the middle and back rollers? 10 into 11 Middle roller, | inch, or 6 7, or | inch, back roller. Middle roller wheel, 60 tth. 77 teeth, wheel on back roller. Or, If the back and middle rollers were the same diameter. 10 inch 11 2 2 Middle roller wheel, 20 tth. 22 teeth, wheel on back roller. 280 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. Or, 10 into 11 3 3 Middle roller wheel, 30 tth. 33 teeth, wheel on back roller. If the wheel on the back roller be 77, and the wheel on the middle roller 60, and the back roller | inch, and the middle roller | inch diameter, required the draught? Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 60 teeth. 77 teeth. Back roller, | inch, 7 6, or f inch, middle roller. 420 )462(1.1, or 10 into 11 draught. 420 420 420 TOTAL DRAUGHT IN ROLLERS. KULE. — Multiply the diameter of the front roller by any num- ber that will produce a wheel of a sufficient diameter for the first driving; then multiply the diameter of the back roller by twice the number the front roller is multiplied by for the first driven wheel, which will produce a draught equal to 2. If a draught of 3 be required, multiply the diameter of the back roller by 3 times the number by which the front roller is multiplied; if any intermediate draught between the whole numbers be required, as 2|, 2^, or 2 J, add to the product in proportion; and if above 3 of a draught be required, proceed accordingly. The first driving and driven-wheels being ascertained, divide the total draught required by the draught produced ; the quotient of which, multij)lied by the second driving wheel, will give the second driven-wheel ; if more wheels are required, they will be found in the same way. iV. 5. — The second driving, or change-wheel may contain any number of teeth, according to the diameter required. If larger or smaller wheels be required, they may be increased, or decreased, in proportion to each other, i. e., the driving and driveu'wheels must be multiplied, or divided by the same number. WHEELS KEQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 281 If the back roller be 1 inch, and the front roller 1| inch diameter ; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 6 ? Diameter of front roller, 9, or IJ inches. First-driving wheel, 27 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 8, or 1 inch. 3 X 2=6 First-driven wheel, 48 teeth. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 27 teeth. 48 teeth. Back roller, 1 inch, or 8 9, or 1^ inch, front roller. 216 )432(2 draught. 2)6 total draught. 3 2d dving. or change-whl., 24 teeth. 2d driven-wheel, 72 teeth. The draught is required from the following particulars: — Driving-wheels, 27, and 24. Driven-wheels, 48, and 72. Diameter of back roller, 1 inch, and front roller, 1^, or § inch. Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 27 teeth. 48 teeth. 24 teeth. 72 teeth. 108 96 54 386 648 3456 Diam. back rol., 1 in., or 8 9, or 1 J inch, diam. front rol. 5184 )31104(6 draught required. 31104 19 282 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. Wote. — Speeds, drauglits, ^c, may be wrought with fewer figures by the follotving method of cancelling, viz., place all the driven- wheels and the diameter of the front rollers as numerators, and all the driving-wheels and the diameter of the back rollers as denominators ; then proceed by dividing with any number that will divide both numerator and denominator without any re- mainder, and the results of the numerators multiplied together for a dividend, and the results of the denominators for a divi- sor, and the quotient will be the answer required. If the driving-wheels are 27, and 24, and the diameter of the back roller 1 inch, and the driven-wheels are 48, and 72, and the diameter of the front roller 1^ inch; what will the draught be ? 6 3 48 X 72 X 9 6 or 6 draught. 27 24 8 1 9 If the back roller be | inch, and the front roller 1 inch diame- ter; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 5J? Diameter of front roller, 8, or 1 inch. 3 First driving-wheel 24 teeth. Diameter of the back roller 7, or | inch. 3 X 2=6 First driven-wheel, 42 teeth. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 24 teeth. 42 teeth. Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 168 )336(2 draught. 336 1 \ WHEELS EEQUIKBD TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 283 2)5.5 total draught. . 2.75 2d driving, or change-wheel, 28 teeth. 2200 550 2d driven-wheel 77.00 teeth. If the driving-wheels be 24, and 28, the diameter of the back roller | inch, and the driven-wheels 42, and 77, and the diame- ter of the front roller 1 inch, what will the draught be ? Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 24 teeth. ' 42 teeth. 28 teeth. 77 teeth. 192 294 48 294 672 3234 Back roller, I inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 4704 )2o872(5.5, or 5i draught. ■ 23520 23520 23520 If the back roller be | inch, and the front roller 1 inch diame- ter; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 2 J in the first driving and driven-wheels, and a total draught of 7? Diameter of front roller, 8, or 1 inch. 3 First driving-wheel, 24 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 7, or | inch, 3 X 2 = 6 42 Add 21 divided by 3 = 7 First driven-wheel, 49 teeth 284 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT, Driving-'wheel. Driven-wheel. 24 teeth. 49 teeth. Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 168 )392(2i draught. 336 168 2^ draught. 7, total draught. 3 3 7 7)21 3 ■ 21 second driving or change-wheel. 63 second driven-wheel. If the driving-wheels be 24, and 21, and the driven-wheels 49, and 63, the back roller | inch, and the front roller 1 inch diame- ter ; what will the draught be ? Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 24 teeth. 49 teeth. 21 teeth. 63 teeth. 24 147 48 294 504 3087 Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 3528 )24696(7 draught. 24696 If the diameter of the front roller be IJ inch, and the back roller 1 inch ; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 41? Diameter of the front roller, 9, or IJ inch. 2 First driving-wheel 18 teeth. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 285 Diameter of back roller, 8, or 1 incli. 2 X 2=4 First driven-wheel, 32 teeth. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 18 teeth. 32 teeth. Back roller, 1 inch, or 8 9, or IJ inch, front roller. 144 )288(2 draught. 288 2)4.5 total draught. 2.25 2d driving-wheel, 28 teeth. 2d driven- wheel, 63 teeth. The draught in rollers is required, when the driving-wheels are 18, and 28, and the driven wheels 32, and 63, and the diameter of the back roller 1 inch, and front roller inch. 1800 450 Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 18 teeth. 32 teeth. 28 63 144 36 96 192 504 2016 Back roller, 1 inch, or 8 9, or IJ inch front roller. 4032 )18144(4.5, or 4i draught. 16128 20160 20160 286 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. What wheels will be required to produce 7J draught, if the back roller be 1 inch diameter, and the front roller 1| inch? Diameter of front roller, inch, = 9 First driving-wheel, 27 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 1 inch, or 8 3 X 2=6 48 Add 24 divided by 2 for one-half =12 First driven-wheel, 60 teeth. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 27 teeth. 60 teeth. Diam. of back rol. 1 in., or 8 9, or 1| in. diam. of front rol. 216 )540(2.5, or 2i draught. 432 1080 1080 7J is the total draught required, which must be divided by 2J the first draught ; the quotient of which multiplied by the second driving or change-wheel, will give the second driven-wheel. Thus, 2.5)7.5(3 multiplied by wheel 26 teeth, will 75 be equal to 78 teeth, wheel 2d — driven. The draught in rollers, is required from the following particu- lars: — Driving-wheels, 27, and 26 teeth. Driven-wheels, 60, and 78 tth. Back roller, 1 inch diameter; and front roller, 1| inch. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 287 Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 27 teeth. 60 teeth. 26 teeth. 78 teeth. 162 4680 54 9, or inch, front rol. 702 42120 dividend. Bk. rol. 1 in., or 8 5616 divisor. 5616)42120(7.5, or 7i draught 39312 28080 28080 Or, BY CANCELLING- 15 3 m 78 9 15 — — — = — = 7| draught- 27 26 8 2 9 If the diameter of the front roller be 1 inch, and the back roller | inch ; what wheels will be req^uired to produce a draught of 8 ? Diameter of front roller, 1 inch, or 8 3 First driving-wheel, 24 teeth. Diameter of back roller, | inch, or 7 3 X 2 = 6 First driven-wheel, 42 teeth. 288 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. Driving-wheel. Driven-wlieel. 24 teeth. 42 teeth. Back roller, ^ inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 168 )336(2d draught. 336 2)8 total draught. 4 2d driving-Trheel, 20 teeth. 2d driven-wheel, 80 teeth. If the driving-wheels be 24, and 30, and the driven-wheels 42, and 80, the back roller | inch diameter, and the front roller 1 inch J what will the draught be? Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 24 teeth. 42 teeth. 20 teeth. 80 teeth. 480 3360 Diam. of bk. rol., | in.,or 7 8, or 1 in. diam. of front rol. 3360 )26880(8 draught at rollers. 26880 If the diameter of the back roller be | inch, and the front roller 1 inch ; what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 9, i. e., 1 into 9? Diameter of front roller, 8, or 1 inch. 3 1st driving-wheel, 24 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 7, or | inch. 3 X 2 = 6 42 Add 21 divided by 3=7 1st driven-wheel, 49 teeth. WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 289 Driving-wheel. Driven-wlieel. 24 teeth. 49 teeth. Back rollers, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch front roller. 168 )392(2i draught. 336 56 1 — 3" 168 2J draught 9 total draught. 3 8 7 7)27 2d driving-wheel, 21 teeth. 2d driven-wheel, 81 teeth. The draught in rollers, is required from the following par- ticulars : — Driving-wheels, 24, and 21 teeth. Diameter of back roller, | inch. Driven-wheels, 49, and 81 teeth. Diameter of front roller, 1 inch. Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 24 teeth. 49 teeth. 21 teeth. 81 teeth. 24 49 48 392 504 3969 Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 3528 )31752(9 draught. 31752 290 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. If the diameter of the back roller be 1 inch, and the front roller 1| inch, what wheels will be required to produce a draught of 2J, between the first driving and driven-wheels, and a total draught of 8.4375? Diameter of front roller, 9, or 1| inch. 3 1st driving-wheel, 27 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 8, or 1 inch. 3 X 2 = 6 48 Add 24 divided by 4 = 6 1st driven-wheel, 54 teeth. Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 27 teeth. 54 teeth. Diam. back rol., 1 in., = 8 9, or IJ inch, front roller. Divisor 216 486 dividend. 216)486(2.25, or 2i draught, between the first 432 driving and driven-wheels. 540 432 1080 1080 Draught required. 1st draught, 2.25)8.4375(3.75 = 2d draught. 675 1687 1575 1125 1125 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 291 3.75, 2d draught. 2d driving, or change-wheel, 24 teeth. 1500 750 90.00 2d driven wheel, 90 teeth. The draught in rollers is required from the following particu- lars: — Driving-wheels, 27, and 24 teeth. Diameter of back roller, 1 inch. Driven-wheels 54, and 90 teeth. Diameter of front roller 1 J inch. Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 27 teeth. 54 teeth. 24 teeth. 90 teeth. 108 4860 54 9, or IJ inch, front roller. 648 43740 dividend. Back rollers, 1 inch, or 8 5184 divisor. 5184)43740(8.4375 draught required. 41472 22680 20736 19440 15552 38880 36288 25920 25920 If 5J hank roving produces No. 45's twist, what will the total draught at the mules be ? 292 WHEELS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. Hank roving, 45's No. of twist. 3 3 16 )135(8.4375 draught required at the 128 mules. 70 64 120 112 60 48 80 80 N. B. — When there are any fractional parts in the divisor, or dividend, reduce them to the same name as in the last example. •If the diameter of the back roller be | inch, and the front roller 1 inch, what wheels will be required to produce a draught of lOf, or 10,666; the draught between the first driving and driven-wheels to be 2f , or 2.666. Diam. of front rol., 1 inch, or 8. Diam. of bk. rol. | inch, or 7 3 3x2=6 1st driving-wheel, 24 teeth. 42 Add f of 21 = 14 1st driven-wheel, 56 tth. Driving-wheel. Driven-wheel. 24 teeth. 56 teeth. Back roller | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch front roller. 168 )448(2.66, first draught. 336 1120 1008 1120 1008 112 WHEELS EEQUIKED TO PRODUCE ANY GIVEN DRAUGHT. 293 Draught required. 1st draught, 2.66)10.66(4, 2d draught. 1066 2d driving, or change-wheel, 22 teeth. 4, 2d draught. 2d driven-wheel, 88 teeth. The draught between the back and front rollers of a throstle, is required from the following particulars : — Driving-wheels, 24, and 22 teeth. Driven-wheels, 56, and 88 teeth. Diameter of back roller, | inch. Diameter of front roller, 1 inch. Driving-wheels. Driven-wheels. 24 teeth. 56 teeth. 22 teeth. 88 teeth. 48 448 48 448 528 4928 Back roller, | inch, or 7 8, or 1 inch, front roller. 3696 ^ )39424(10.66, or lOf, draught be- * 3696 tween back and froni ■ rollers of the throstle, 24640 22176 24640 22176 2464 EXPLANATION TO THE REED TABLE. 1. Manchester and Stockport count by the number of ends in 1 inch. 2. Bolton counts by the number of beers on 24^ inches, 20 dents to a beer. 3. Blackburn counts by the number of beers on 45 inches, 20 dents to a beer. 294 EXPLANATION TO THE KEED TABLE. 4. 6-4ths Preston counts by the number of beers on 58 inches? 20 dents to a beer. 5. 9-8ths Preston counts by the number of beers on 44 inches, 20 dents to a beer. 6. 4-4ths Preston counts by the number of beers on 39 inches, 20 dents to a beer. 7. 7-8ths Preston counts by the number of beers on 34 inches, 20 dents to a beer. 8. Nankeen counts by the number of beers on 20 inches, 19 dents to a beer. 9. Scotch and Carlisle count by the number of dents on 37 inches. 10. Silk counts by the number of ends on 36 inches. 11. Number of dents in 1 yard. 12. The United States of America, the number of splits or dents in a reed 36 inches wide, indicates the count of cloth in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, and throughout nearly all the States for all twilled goods, but plain goods are counted by the number of threads on an inch, each split or dent containing 2 threads. For instance, If we wish to determine the count of any particular plain goods, we count the number of threads on an inch, and that number multiplied by 36, and divided by 2, gives you the reed on which the goods were woven. In setting print cloths, the number of threads on an inch are taken as the count, via. If you have cloth woven in a 1200 reed, you multiply the count of the reed by 2, which will make 2400, and that divided by 36 will be 66, which will designate the count of that particular kind of goods. Throughout New England generally, the above count is used for all plain goods, and the number of dents in a reed for twilled. The first line in each division is the number of dents in 1 inch ; opposite to which is the count of the reed, according to the sys- tem of counting. iV. B. — A dent is generally called a split in Scotland ; a beer is generally called a porter in Scotland. Bleached or finished goods generally decrease in width about 10 per cent. REED TABLE. 295 REED TABLE, 2 3 4 5 United States. Bolton. Blackburn. 6-4ths. Preston. 9-8tlis. Preston. N. of count N. of count N. of count N. of count N. of count dts. in of dts. in of dts. in of dts. in of dts. in of 1 in. reed. 1 i n 1 in. reed . 1 in. reed. 1 > n I in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 "S ou 1 '\ k o 1 S 1 87 1 o 7'S 1 43.5 15 O.J. 1 B 1 6 19.4 1 fi O V/. 1 6 46 4 1 fi Ti 9 1 7 ^4 1 7 20.612 1 7 38.25 1 7 49.3 1 7 ^7 4 1 H ^fi 1 8 21.825 1 H 40 lO 18 52.2 1 R O.7. U 19 oo 19 23.037 19 42 75 19 55.1 1 Q 1 i7 41 ft ^u 24 9'^ 90 4 90 '58 90 44 21 4.2 21 25.462 21 47 9 2 1 60.9 91 4fi 9 22 44 22 26.675 22 49.5 22 63.8 99 4ft 4 1 4fi ^ yj 23 27 RS7 4 .00/ 9^ 1 7'i 2*1 66.7 9^ 1^0 fi I 24 24 29.1 24 54. 24 69.6 94 ft 1 25 50 25 30.31 25 56.25 25 72.5 9^ o o . 2fi 31.52 2fi 58.5 26 75.4 9fi ^17 9 27 54 27 32.73 27 60.75 27 78.3 27 59.4 28 56 28 33.95 28 63. 28 81.2 28 61.6 29 58 29 35.16 29 65.25 29 84.1 29 63.8 30 60 30 36.87 30 67.5 30 87. 30 66. ^1 62 31 37.58 31 69.75 31 89.9 31 68.2 32 64 32 38.8 32 72. 32 92.8 32 70.4 33 66 33 40.1 33 74.25 33 95.7 33 72 6 34 68 34 41.22 34 76.5 34 98.6 34 74.8 35 70 35 42.43 35 78.75 35 101.5 35 77. 36 72 36 43.65 36 81. 36 104.4 36 79.2 37 74 37 44.86 37 83.25 37 107.3 37 81.4 38 76 38 46.07 38 85.5 38 110.2 38 83.6 39 78 39 47.28 39 87.75 39 J13.1 39 85.8 40 80 40 48.5 40 90. 40 116. 40 88, 41 82 41 49.71 41 92.25 41 118.9 41 90.2 ! 84 42 50.9 42 94.5 42 121.8 42 92.4 43 86 43 52.13 43 96.75 43 124.7 43 94.6 44 88 44 53.35 44 99. 44 127.6 44 96.8 296 REED TABLE. REED TABLE. 6 7 8 9 10 It 4*4ths i:^r6ston . 7-8ths. Preston. Nankeen. Scotch. Silk. N. of count N . of count IN . 01 COU lit N. oi count N. of COUHt N. of dta. in OI dts. in of dts. in of dts. in of d ts. in of dts. in 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 yard. 15 29.25 ;5 25.5 15 15.79 15 555 15 1080 540 16 31.2 16 27.2 16 16.842 16 592 16 1152 576 17 33.15 17 28.9 17 17.894 17 629 17 1224 612 18 35.1 18 30.6 18 18.947 18 666 18 1296 648 19 37.05 19 32.3 19 20. 19 703 19 1368 684 20 39. 20 34. 20 21.052 20 740 20 1440 720 21 40.95 21 35.7 21 22.105 21 777 21 1512 756 22 42.9 22 37.4 22 23.157 22 814 22 1584 792 23 44.85 23 39.1 23 24.21 23 851 23 1656 828 24 46.8 24 40.8 24 25.26 24 888 24 1728 864 25 48.75 25 42.5 25 26.31 25 925 25 1800 900 26 50.7 26 44.2 26 27.36 26 962 26 1872 936 27 52.65 27 45.9 27 28.42 27 299 27 1944 972 28 54.6 28 47.6 28 29.47 28 1036 28 2016 1008 29 56.55 9Q 1044 30 58.5 30 51. 30 31.57 30 1110 30 2160 1080 31 00.45 31 52.7 31 32.63 31 1147 31 2232 1116 32 62.4 32 54.4 32 83.68 32 1184 32 2304 1152 33 64.35 33 56.1 33 34.73 33 1221 33 2376 1188 34 66.3 34 57.8 34 35.79 34 1258 34 2448 1224 35 68.25 35 59.5 35 36.84 35 1295 35 2520 1260 36 70.2 36 61.2 36 37.89 36 1332 36 2592 1296 37 72.15 37 62.9 37 38.94 37 1369 37 2064 1332 38 74.1 38 64.6 38 40. 38 1406 38 2736 1368 39 76.05 39 66.3 39 41.05 39 1443 39 2808 1404 40 78. 40 68. 40 42.1 40 1480 40 2880 1440 41 79.95 41 69.7 41 43.15 41 1517 41 2952 1476 42 81.9 42 71.4 42 4421 42 1554 42 3024 1512 43 83.85 43 73.1 43 45.26 43 1591 43 3096 1548 44 85.8 44 74.8 44 46.31 44 1628 44 3168 1584 COUNTING REEDS. 297 THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF COUNTING REEDS. If there be 2X dents in an inch ; what count of reed will it be in Manchester or Stockport? 21 dents in an inch. 2 ends in a dent. 42 count of reed. If there be 26 dents in an inch, what count of reed will it be in Bolton, allowing 20 dents to a beer. 24.25 inches. 26 dents in an inch. 14550 4850 Dents in a beer, 2.0)63.0.50 31.525 count of reed. If there be 26 dents in an inch, what count of reed will it be in Bolton, allowing 19 dents to a beer ? 24.25 inches. 26 dents in an inch. 14550 4850 Dents in a beer, 19)630.50(33.1842 count of reed. 5T 60 57 80 35 76 19 40 160 38 152 — 20 298 COUNTING REEDS. Suppose a reed contains 33 dents in 1 inch, what count will it be according to the different systems of counting? UNITED STATES, MANCHESTER, AND STOCKPORT. Multiply the number of dents in 1 inch by 2, and the product will be the count of the reed. 33 number of dents in 1 inch. 2 ends in a dent. 66 count "of reed. BOLTON COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 24J by the number of dents in 1 inch, and divide by 20, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 24.25 inches. 33 number of dents in 1 inch. 7275 7275 Number of dents in a beer, 2.0)80.0.25 40.0125 count of reed. BOLTON COUNT, 19 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 24J by the number of dents in 1 inch, and divide by 19, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 24.25 inches. 33 dents in 1 inch. 7275 7275 Dents in a beer, 19)800.25(42.12 count of reed. 76 40 38 22 19 35 38 — nearly. N.B. — Some hinds of goods manufactured in Bolton, reckon 19 dents to a beer. REED TABLE. 299 REED TABLE. 1 2 3 4 United States. Bolton. Blackburn. 6-4th3 Preston. 6-4ths Preston. N. of count N. of coutit N. of count N. of count N. of count dts. in of dts. in of dts. in of dts. in 01 dts. in of 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 1 in. reed. 45 90 45 54.56 45 101.25 45 130.5 45 99. 46 92 46 55.71 46 103.5 46 133.4 46 101.2 47 94 47 56.98 47 105.75 47 136.3 47 103.4 48 96 48 58.2 48 108. 48 139.2 48 105.6 49 98 49 59.41 49 110.25 49 142.1 49 107.8 50 100 50 60.62 50 112.5 50 145, 50 110. 51 102 51 61.83 51 114.75 51 148.9 51 112.2 52 104 52 63.04 52 117. 52 151.8 52 114.4 53 106 53 64.25 53 119.25 53 154.7 53 116.6 54 108 54 65.46 54 121.5 54 157.6 54 118.8 55 no 55 66.687 55 123.75 55 159.5 55 121. 56 112 56 67.9 56 126. 56 162.4 56 123.2 57 114 57 69.112 57 128.25 57 165.3 57 125.4 58 116 58 70.325 58 130.5 58 168.2 58 127.6 59 118 59 71.537 59 132.75 59 171.1 59 129.8 60 120 60 72.75 60 135. 60 174. 60 132. 61 122 61 73 962 61 137.25 61 176.9 61 134.2 62 124 62 75.175 62 139.5 62 179.8 62 136.4 63 126 63 76.387 63 141.75 63 182.7 63 138.6 64 128 64 77.6 64 144. 64 185.6 64 140.8 65 130 65 78.812 65 140.25 65 188.5 65 143. 66 132 66 80.025 66 148.5 66 191.4 66 145.2 67 134 67 81.237 67 150.75 67 194.3 67 147.4 68 136 68 82.45 68 153. 68 197.2 68 149.6 69 138 69 83.662 69 155.25 69 200 1 69 151.8 70 140 70 84.875 70 157.5 70 203. 70 154. 71 142 71 86.087 71 159.75 71 205.9 71 156.2 72 144 72 87.3 72 1'62. 72 208.8 72 158.4 73 146 73 88.512 73 164.25 73 211.7 73 160.6 74 148 74 89.725 74 166.5 74 214.6 74 162.8 300 KEED TABLE. REED TABLE. 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 4-4th3 Preston. 7-Sths Preston. Nan] 47 7Q Q 47 4Q 47 47 1 71Q 47 1 / 1184 1692 4R 4S O 1 . u 48 f»n fi9 A 8 1 77R 48 14'iR O40D 1728 49 4Q oo.o 4Q 'i 1 Ii7 4Q 1811 I o 1 o 4Q ^y •JKOQ 0040 1764 ou Q7 81^ fin ^19 fil Ou 1 oOU fin ou iRnn 1800 .J X QQ 4^ 8fi 7 fS'^ fi7 Fa I 1 887 loo/ ^ 1 1R79 oO/ ^ 1836 O it 1 n 1 4 88 4 "19 f^i. 79 0^ 1 Q94 'i9 1744 1872 1 ill 'S'l 78 t>0. / o fSQ Oo 1 QR 1 1 y o 1 oo 18 1 R 1908 1 O^i 9 J V . o 54 Q1 8 'S4 fifi 84 P>4 1 QQ8 fi4 1888 1944 55 107.25 55 Q1 fi7 8Q4 oo »jy ou 1980 56 109.2 56 el's 9 ii8 Q47 OO 9079 OD 4ni9 2016 57 111.15 57 96.9 57 fin ^17 9 1 no 1^7 o / 4 1 04 2052 58 113.1 58 98.6 58 61.052 58 2146 58 4176 2088 59 115.05 59 100.3 59 62.105 59 2183 59 4248 2124 60 117. 60 102. 60 63.158 60 2220 60 4320 2160 61 118.95 61 103.7 61 64.21 61 2257 61 4392 2196 62 120.9 62 105.4 62 65.263 62 2294 62 4464 2232 63 122.85 63 107.1 63 66.316 63 2331 63 4536 2268 64 124.8 64 108.8 64 67.368 64 2368 64 4608 2304 65 126.75 65 110.5 65 68.421 65 2405 65 4680 2340 66 128.7 66 112.2 66 69.473 66 2442 66 4752 2376 67 130.65 67 113.9 67 70.526 67 2479 67 4824 2412 68 132.6 68 115.6 68 71. .579 68 2516 68 4896 2448 69 134.55 69 117.3 69 72.631 69 2553 69 4968 2484 70 136.5 70 119. 70 73.684 70 2590 70 5040 2520 71 138.45 71 120.7 71 74.737 71 2627 71 5112 2556 72 140.4 72 122.4 72 75.789 72 2664 72 5184 2592 73 142.35 73 124.1 73 76.842 73 2701 73 5256 2628 74 144.3 74 125.8 74 77.894 74 2738 74 5328 2664 COUNTING REEDS. 301 BLACKBURN COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 45 by the number of dents in an inch, and divide by the number of dents in a beer, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 45 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 135 135 Dents in a beer, 2.0)148.5 74.25 count of reed. PRESTON 6-4ths COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 58 by the number of dents in an inch, and divide by 20, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 58 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 174 174 Dents in a beer, 2.0)191.4 95.7 count of reed. PRESTON 9-8ths COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. 44 inches. 38 dents in an inch. 132 132 Dents in a beer, 20)1452(72.6 140 52 40 120 120 302 COUNTING REEDS. N.B. — Some manufacturers in Oldham count same as Black- burn for fustians and velvets ; printing cloths are same as Manchester. PRESTON 4-4ths, OR YARD WIDE COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 39 by the number of dents in an inch, and divide by the number of dents in a beer, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 39 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 117 117 Dents in a beer, 2.0)128.7 64.35 count of reed. PRESTON 7-8ths COUNT, 20 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 34 by the number of dents in an inch, and divide by the number of dents in a beer, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 34 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 102 102 Dents in a beer, 2.0)112.2 56.1 count of reed. NANKEEN COUNT, 19 DENTS TO A BEER. Multiply 20 by the number of dents in an inch, and divide by the number of dents in a beer, and the quotient will be the count of the reed. 20 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 660 COUNTING REEDS. 303 Dents in a beer, 19)660(84.73, or nearly 34|-, count of reed. 57 90 76 140 133 70 57 13 SCOTCH AND CARLISLE COUNT. Multiply 37 by the number of dents in an inch, and the pro- duct will be the count of the reed. 37 inches. 33 dents in an inch. Ill 111 1221 count of reed. SILK COUNT. Multiply 36 by the number of dents in an inch, and that pro- duct by 2, -which will be the count of the reed. 36 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 108 108 1188 2 ends in a dent. 2376 count of reed. > NUMBER OF DENTS IN A YARD. Multiply the number of dents in an inch by the number of inches in a yard, and the product will be the number of dents in a yard. 304 COUNTING REEDS. 33 dents in an inch. 36 inches in a yard. 198 99 1188 dents in a yard. Some manufacturers count calicoes, checks, and handkerchiefs, by the number of beers in a yard, some 19, and some 20 dents to a beer. By"20 dents to a beer. 36 inches 1 yard. 33 dents in an inch. 108 108 Dents in a beer, 2.0)118.8 59.4 count of reed. By 19 dents to a beer. 36 inches 1 yard. 33 dents in an inch. 108 108 Dents in a beer, 19)1188(62.526 count of reed. 114 48 38 100 95 120 50 114 38 6 COUNTING REEDS. 305 Some manufacturers of fustians, velvets, velveteens, velveretts, satteens, &c., count by the number of beers set on 24 inches at the reed, some 20, and some 19 dents to a beer. 24 inches. 33 dents in an inch. 72 72 Dents in a beer, 2.0)79.2 39. G count of reed. ' If there be 33 dents in an inch, how many beers, 19 dents to a beer, will there be in 24 inches? 33 dents in an inch. 24 inches. 132 66 Dents in a beer, 19)792(41.684 count of reed. 76 32 19 130 114 160 152 80 76 4 How many dents will there be in an inch, in a 6-4ths 145 Preston reed? Multiply the count of the reed by the number of dents in a 306 MANUPACTURING. beer, and divide by the number of inches any given number of beers is set on, and the quotient will be the number of dents in an inch. 145 count of reed. 20 dents to a beer. Inches set on, 58)2900(50, number of dents in an inch. 290 0 Whatever the count of the reed, or system of counting may be, by referring to the table, you will find the number of dents in an inch. The number of dents in an inch multiplied by 2, and that product multiplied by the number of inches intended to be filled at the reed, will give the number of ends required in the warp, for any kind of plain goods. MANUFACTURING. Rules and examples for ascertaining the weight of warp and weft, required for the manufacture of any description of cotton goods, according to the length and width of the piece, and the fineness of yarns. On account of some kind of goods requiring to be laid a greater length on the warping mill than others, it will be found the most accurate to ascertain the length and weight of twist required for the warp, and divide by the number of cuts or pieces in the warp, which will give the length and weight of twist (ac- cording to its fineness) required for one cut, or piece of cloth. N.B. — The general allowance for waste, is about l-50iA of the weight of weft required to weave the piece. TO ASCERTAIN THE WEIGHT OF A WARP. RULE. — Multiply the length of the warp by the width in inches required at the reed, and that product by the number of ends in MANUFACTURING. 307 an inch, for a dividend. Then multiply the number of yards in one hank by the number of hanks in the pound of twist for a divisor, and the quotient will be the weight of the warp. N. B. — By referring to the reed table, the number of ends in an inch of any reed may be found, according to the system of counting. Required, the weight of number 36's twist, for a warp 146 yards long, 29 inches wide at the reed, and 72 ends in an inch? 146 yards, length of warp. 29 inches, width at reed. 1314 292 4234 72 ends in an inch. 8468 29638 Dividend, 304848 yards of twist in the warp. 840 yards, 1 hank. 36 hanks in 1 lb. 5040 2520 Divisor, 30240 yards in 1 lb. of 36's twist. 30240)304848(10 lbs., IJ oz. weight of warp. 30240 2448 16 oz.=l lb. 14688 2448 39168 308 MANUFACTURING. 30240)39168(1 ounce. 30240 8928 4 qrs., 1 oz. 30240)35712(1 qr. 30240 5472 The -weight of warp or weft may be found in a much easier way, by dividing the number of yards of twist, or weft required, by the number of yards in 1 ounce, which will be found in the yarn table according to the fineness of the yarns, as in the follow- ing example: — Required, the weight of 36's twist, for a warp 146 yards long, 29 inches wide at the reed, and 72 ends in an inch ? 146 yards, length of warp. 29 inches, width of warp at reed. 1314 292 4234 72 ends in an inch. 8468 29638 Dividend, 304848 yards in warp. Yards in 1 oz. of 36's twist, 1890)304848(1611 oz., or 10 lbs., 1890 1 J oz., wt. of warp. 11584 11340 2448 1890 558 4 qrs., 1 oz. MANUFACTURING. ( 309 '"^ 1890)2232(1 qr. ■ , 1890 ■■^^A'R' 342 If there be 304848 yards of 36's twist, in a warp containing 5 cuts or pieces; what weight of twist will there be in 1 piece? Cuts, or pieces in warp, 5)304848 yards of twist in warp. Yds. in 1 oz. of 36's twist, 1890)60969.6(321 oz., or 2 lbs., Oi oz., 6670 wt. of twist required for 1 piece of cloth. 4269 3780 489.6 4 qrs., 1 oz. 1890)1958.4(1 qr. 1890 68.4 Required, the weight of number 36's weft, to weave a piece of cloth 30 yards long, 29 inches wide, and 84 threads, or picks in an inch, allowing l-40th for waste? 30 yards, length of piece. 29 inches, Avidth of piece. 870 84 threads or picks in an inch. 3480 6960 73080 Allowance for waste, 1-40 1827 Dividend, 74907 yards required to weave a piece. 1 310 MANUFACTURING. Yards in 1 ounce, 1890)74907(391 oz., or 2 lbs., 7J oz., weight of of cloth. 18207 17010 1197 4 qrs., 1 oz. 1890)4788(2 qrs. 3780 1008 Or Tims, 1 lea is 12.0 yds.)7490.7 yards of weft required to weave a piece. 1 hank, 7 leas)624.225 6)89.175 hanks, or 2 lbs., 7^ oz., weight of 6)14.8625 2.477083 lbs. 16 oz., 1 lb. 2862500 477083 7.633333 oz. 2.533333 qrs. Or Thus, 840 yards, 1 hank. 86 hanks, 1 lb. 5040 2520 Divisor, 30240 yards in 1 lb. of 36 's weft. 5670 weft required to weave a piece weft required. 4 MANUFACTURING. 311 30240)74907(2 lbs. TJ oz., weight of weft required. 60480 14427 16 86562 14427 30240)230832(71 211680 19152 Required, the weight of number 60's twist, for a warp 146 yards long, 39 inches wide, and 106 ends to an inch ? 146 yards, length of warp. 39 inches, width at the reed. 1314 438 6694 I 106 ends in an inch. 34164 56940 1 lea, 12.0 yards)60356.4 yards of twist in warp. 1 hank is 7 leas)5029.7 leas of twist in warp. Numbers of twist 6.0)71.8.52857 hanks of twist in warp. 11.9754761 lbs. of twist in warp. 16 ounces, 1 lb. 58528566 9754761 15.6076176 ounces. 4 qrs., 1 oz. 2.4304704 qrs. 312 MANUFACTURING. The weight of twist required for the warp, is 11 lbs., 15J oz. If there be 603564 yards of number 60's twist in a warp; what will it weigh ? Yards in 1 ounce of 60's twist, 3150)603564(191J ounces, or 11 3150 pounds, 15J oz., weight of warp. 28856 28350 5064 3150 1914 4 qrs., 1 oz. 3150)7656(2 qrs. 6300 1356 If a warp, 146 yards long, 39 inches wide, and 106 ends in an inch, weigh 12 lbs., what numbers of twist will it be ? 146 yards, length of warp. 89 inches, width of warp at reed. 1314 438 5694 106 ends in an inch. 34164 56940 Wt. of warp 12 lbs.)603564 number of yards in a warp. 50297 MANUFACTDRmG. 313 1 hank is 840 yards)50297(59.87 nearly, number OO's twist. 4200 8297 7560 7370 6720 6500 5880 620 What length and weight of number SO's weft, will it require to weave a warp 146 yards long, 39 inches wide at the reed, and 120 threads, or picks in an inch, allowing l-50th for waste ? 146 yards, length of warp. 120 threads, or picks in an inch. 17520 39 inches, width at reed. 157680 52560 683280 Add l-50th for waste 13665.6 696945.6 yards required to weave the warp. 1 lea is 12.0 yds.)69694.5.6 yds. of weft required to weave a piece. 1 hank is 7 leas.)5807.88 leas of do. 829.69714 hanks. 7 leas, 1 hank. 4.87998 leas. 120 yards, 1 lea. 105.59760 yards. 21 314 MANUFACTURING. The length of weft required to weave the warp will be 829 hanks, 4 leas, and 105| yards. Numbers of weft, 8.0)82.9.69714 hanks of BO's weft. 10.371214 lbs. 16 ounces, 1 lb. 2227284 371214 5.939424 oz. 4 qrs., 1 oz. 3.757696 qrs. 10 lbs. 5f oz., nearly 10 lbs., 6 oz. weight of SO's weft, required to weave the warp. What length and weight of number 60's twist, will it require for a piece of cloth 29i yards long, 39 inches wide, and 106 ends in an inch ? 29.2 yards, length of piece. 39 inches, width at reed. 2628 876 1138.8 106 ends to an inch. 68328 113880 Dividend, 120712.8 yards of twist required for a piece. 840 yards, 1 hank. 60's twist. Divisor, 50400 yards in 1 lb. of number 60's twist. MANUFACTURING. 315 50400)120712.8(2 lbs., 6} oz., weight of twist re- 100800 quired for 1 piece of cloth. 19912.8 16 ounces, 1 lb. 1194768 199128 50400)318604.8(6 ounces. 302400 16204.8 4 qrs., 1 oz. 50400)64819.2(1 qr. 50400 14419 The weight of number 60's twist required for 1 piece of cloth, is 2 lbs., 6|- oz., or 11 lbs., 15J ounces, for 1 warp containing 5 pieces. What weight of number 80's weft, will it require to weave 1 piece of cloth 29i yards long, 120 picks, or threads in an inch, and 39 inches wide, allowing l-50th for waste ? 840 yards 1 hank. 80's weft. 67200 divisor. 29.2 yards, length of piece. 120 picks, or threads in an inch. 3504.0 39 inches, width at reed. 315360 105120 136656.0 Add l-50th for waste 273312 316 MANUFACTURING. Yds. in 1 lb., 67200)139389,12(2 lbs., l-5th oz,, weight of weft 134400 required to weave a piece of cloth. 4989.12 16 2993472 498912 67200)79825.92(1 ounce. 67200 12625 = l-5th. What number of ends will it require in a warp, to fill 50 inches in a 96 reed, Manchester count? 96, count of reed. 50 inches, width at reed. 4800, number of ends required in warp. What number of ends will it require in a warp, to fill 40J inches in a 118 Manchester count? 118, count of Manchester reed. 40.5 inches, width at reed. 590 4720 4779.0 number of ends in warp. What number of ends will it require to fill 50 inches in a 60 reed, Bolton count, 20 dents, or 40 ends to the beer ? 60 reed, Bolton count. 40 ends, or 20 dents in 1 beer. 2400 50 inches, width at reed. 120000 MANUFACTURING. 31T 24J inches, or 24.25)120000.00(4948 ends required in the warp. 9700 23000 21825 11750 9700 20500 19400 1100 N. B. — It is not requisite to carry out the decimal fractions of an end. For the different systems of counting reeds, see the reed table, with rules and examples. What number of ends will be required in a warp, to fill 51 inches, in a 66 reed, Bolton count ? 66 count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 2640 51 inches, width at reed. 2640 13200 134640 dividend. 24J, or 24.25 inches. )134640(5552 ends required for warp. 12125 13390 12125 12650 12125 5250 . 4850 400 318 MANUrACTURING. What number of ends -will it require in a warp, to fill 30| inches in a 7-1 reed, Blackburn count? 74 count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 2960 30.5 inches, width of warp at the reed. 14800 88800 Beers set on 45 inches. )90280. 0(2006 ends required for warp. 90 280 270 10 What width will 2006 ends fill, in a 74 reed, Blackburn count ? 74, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 2960 divisor. Number of ends in warp, 2006 45 inches, number of beers set on. 10030 8024 90270 dividend. 90270 dividend by 2960=30.5, or 30i in. nearly, width of warp at reed. What number of ends will it require in a warp, to fill 49^ inches, in a 135 reed, Blackburn count? MANUFACTURING. 319 135, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 49.5 inches, width of warp at the reed. 5940 ends required in the warp. What number of inches will 5940 ends fill, in a 185 reed, Blackburn count ? 185, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 5400 divisor. 5940 ends in the warp. 45 inches, number of beers set on reed. 29700 23760 5400)267300(49.5, or 49J inches, width of warp at 6400 27000 48600 21600 45 inches, or 21600 the reed. 51300 48600 27000 27000 What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 48 inches in a Bolton 54 reed ; allowing onlj 19 dents, or 38 ends to a beer? 320 MANUFACTURING. 54, count of reed. 38 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 432 162 2052 48 inches, "width of warp at the reed. 24.25)98496.00(4062 ends required in the warp. What number of inches will 4062 ends fill in a Bolton 54 reed ; allowing 19 dents, or 38 ends to a beer ? 64, count of reed. 38 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 432 162 2052 divisor. 4062 ends in the warp. 24.25 inches, numbers of beer set on. 20310 8124 16248 8124 2052)98503.50(48 inches, width filled at the reed. 8208 16416 8208 9700 14960 14550 4100 4850- •nearly. 16423 16416 MANUFACTURING. 321 What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 39^ inches in a Bolton 44 reed ; if there be 19 dents, or 38 ends to a beer ? 44, count of reed. 38 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 352 132 1672 39.5, or 39J inches, width of warp at the reed. 8360 15048 5016 No. of beers set on 24.25 in.)66044.00(2723 ends required for 4850 the warp. 17544 16975 5690 4850 8400 7275 125 What number of inches will 2724 ends fill in a 44 reed, Bolton count ; allowing 19 dents, or 38 ends to a beer? 44, count of reed. 38 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 352 132 1672 divisor. 322 MANUFACTURING. 2724 number of ends in the warp. 24.25, or 24| inches, number of beers set on. 13620 5448 10896 5448 1672)66057.00(39.5, or 39i inches, width filled at 5016 the reed. 15897 15048 8490 8360 130 What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 51J inches, in a 6-4ths 110 reed, Preston count ? 110, count of reed, 6-4ths Preston. 40 ends, or 20 dents in a beer. 4400 51.5, or 51| inches, width of warp at the reed. 22000 4400 22000 No. of beers set on58in.)226600.0(3907. No. of ends required 174 for the warp. 526 522 400 406 — nearly. What number of inches will 3907 ends fill, in a 6-4ths 110 reed, Preston count ? MANUFACTUKING. 323 110 count of reed, 6-4ths Preston. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 4400 divisor. 3907, number of ends in the warp. Number of beers set on 58 inches. 81256 19535 4400)226606(51.5, or 51i inches, width filled 22000 at the reed. 6606 4400 22060 22000 60 iV. B. — The GAths Preston count of reeds, is the number of heers set on 58 inches, 20 dents, or 40 etids to a beer. The small difference which appears in the last two examples arises from the decimal of an end. What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 51J inches, in a 6-4ths 144 reed, Preston count ? 144, number of beers set on 58 inches at the reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 5760 51.5, or 51J inches, width of warp at the reed. 28800 5760 28800 296640.0 324 MANUFACTURING. 58 inclies.)296640. 0(5114, number of ends required for the warp. 290 66 58 84 58 260 232 28 What number of inches will 5114 ends fill, in a 6-4ths 144 reed, Preston count? 144, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 5760 divisor. 5114, number of ends in the warp. Number of beers set on 58 inches. 40912 25570 5760)296612(51.5, or 51i inches, filled at the 28800 reed. 8612 5760 28520 28800— nearly. N. B. — The divisor is ascertained hy multiplying the number of beers set on any given number of inches {according to the adopted rule), by the number of ends in a beer at the reed; and the dividend by multiplying the number of ends in the warp, by the number of inches any given number of beers is set on at the reed. MANUFACTURING. 325 What number of ends must there be in a warp to fill 40J inches, in a 9-8ths 125 reed, Preston count? 125, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 5000 40.5, or 40|^ inches, width of warp at the reed. 25000 200000 No. of beers set 1 44)202500.0(4602, number of ends required on mcnes. l n ,t ' •' 7o lor the warp. 265 264 100 12 What number of inches will a warp containing 4602 ends fill, in a 9-8ths 125 reed, Preston count? 125 count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents in a beer. 5000 divisor. 4602 number of ends in the warp. Number of beers set on 44 inches. 18408 18408 5.000)202.488 40.4976, or nearly 40J inches, width the warp fills at reed. iV. B. — The 9-8ths Preston count of reeds is calculated according to the number of beers set on 44 inches, 20 dents to a beer. 326 MANUFACTURING. When calculating the width at the reed any -warp will fill ac- cording to the number of ends, the count of the reed must be multiplied by the number of ends filling 1 beer at the reed, for a divisor, whether 2, 3, 4, or more ends be in a dent, which will be according to the kind of goods made. What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 39| inches, in a 9-8ths 105 reed, Preston count? 105, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 4200 39.5, or 39J inches, width of warp at the reed. 21000 37800 12600 No. of beers set on 44 in. )165900. 0(3770 number of ends required 132 for the warp. 339 308 310 308 20 What number of inches will a warp containing 3770 ends fill, in a 9-8ths 105 reed, Preston count? 105, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 4200 divisor. 3770 number of ends in the warp. No. of beers set on 44 inches. 15080 15080 165880 MANUFACTURING. 327 4200)165880(89.49, or 39J inches, width filled at 39880 37800 20800 16800 40000 37800 2200 iV. B. — Some manufacturers in Preston count their 9-8t7is, AAths, and T-Sths reeds, in the same proportioyi to a 6-4i7iS, set on 58 inches. What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 37 inches in a 4-4th, or yard wide 115 reed, Preston count? 115, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 4600 37 inches, width of warp at the reed. 32200 13800 170200 No. of beers set on 39 in.)170200(4364 number of ends required 250 234 160 156 4 12600 the reed. 156 for the warp. 142 117 How many inches will a warp containing 4364 ends fill, in a 4-4ths, or yard wide 115 reed, Preston count? 328 MANUFACTURING. 115, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 4600 divisor. 4364 number of ends in the warp. Number of beers set on 39 inches. 39276 13092 4600)170196(36.999, or 87 inches, width the warp 13800 fills at reed. 32196 27600 45960 41400 45600 41400 42000 41400 600 N". B. — The AAths, or yard tvide Preston count of reed, is calcu- lated according to the number of beers set on 39 inches, 20 dents to a beer. What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 34J inches, in a 4-4ths, or yard wide reed, Preston count ? 96, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 3840 34.5, or 34J inches width of warp at ■ the reed. 19200 15360 11520 132480.0 MANUFACTURING. 329 No. of beers set on 39 in.)132480. 0(3397, number of ends required 117 for the warp. 154 117 378 351 270 273 — nearly. How many inches will a warp containing 3397 ends fill, in a 4-4ths or yard wide 96 reed, Preston count ? 96, count of the reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 3840 divisor. 3397 number of ends in the warp. No. of beers set on 39 inches. 30573 10191 3840)132483(34.5, or 34i inches, warp fills 11520 at the reed. 17283 15360 19230 19200 30 N.B. — The 9-8^As set on 43 J inches; the 4-4i7«s, or yard wide, set on 38f inches, and the 7-8ths set on 33 1 inches, will be in proportion to the 6Aths reed being set on 58 inches. 22 330 MANUFACTURING, What number of ends must there be in a warp, to fill 32| inches, in a T-Sths 66 reed, Preston count? 66, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 2640 32.5, or 32| inches, width of warp at the reed. 13200 6280 7920 No. of brs. seton 34 in. )85800. 0(2523 number of ends required for 68 the warp. 178 170 80 68 120 102 18 How many inches will a warp containing 2523 ends fill, in a 7-8ths 66 reed, Preston count ? 66, count of reed. 40 ends, or 20 dents to a beer. 2640 divisor. 2523 number of ends in the warp. Number of beers set on 34 inches. 10092 7569 85782 I MANUFACTURING. 331 2640)85782(32.49, or 32i inches, warp fills at the 7920 reed. 6582 5280 13020 10560 24600 23760 840 y.B. — 77ie 7-8tJis Preston count of reeds is calculated hy the number of beers set on 34 inches, 20 dents to a beer. What number of ends must there be in a nankeen warp, to fill 31J inches, in a 60 reed ? 60, count of reed. 38 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 480 180 2280 31.5, or 31A^ inches, width of warp ■ at the reed. 11400 2280 6840 No. of brs. set on, 2.0in.)7182.0.0 3591 No. of ends required for the warp. What number of ends must there be in a nankeen warp, to fill 21 inches, in a 48 reed ? 332 MANUFACTURING. 48, count of reed. 88 ends, or 19 dents to a beer. 384 144 1824 21 inches, width of warp at the reed 1824 3648 No. of beers set on 2.0 in.)3830.4 1915 No. of ends required for the warp. What number of inches will a nankeen warp containing 1915 ends fill, in a 48 reed? 48, count of reed. 38 ends in a beer. 384 144 1824 divisor. 1915, number of ends in the warp. 20 inches, number of beers set on. 1824)38300(21 inches, width warp fills at the reed, 3648 1820 1824— nearly. ^. — The nanJceen count of reeds is calculated hy the number of leers set on 20 inches, 19 dents to a beer. How many ends must there be in a warp, to fill 51| inches, in a 1850 reed, Scotch count? t MANUFACTURING. 333 1850, count of reed. 51.5, or 51J inches, width of warp at the reed. 9250 1850 9250 95275.0 2 ends in a dent, or split. No of dents set on 37 in.)190550(5150 number of ends required 185 for the warp. 55 37 185 185 0 Now many inches will a warp containing 5150 ends fill, in a 1850 reed, Scotch count ? 1850, count of reed. 2, number of ends in a dent, or split. 3700 divisor. 5150, number of ends in the warp. Number of dents set on 37 inches. 36050 15450 3700)190550(51.5, or 51J inches, warp fills at 18500 the reed. 5550 3700 18500 18500 334 MANUFACTURING. iV. B. — In Carlisle, Scotland, Ireland, and the United States of America, they calculate their reeds hy the number of dents set on 37 inches. In Carlisle and Scotland a dent is generally termed a split. How many ends must there be in a warp, to fill 49 J inches, in a 2150 reed, Scotch count ? 2150, count of reed. 2, number of ends in a dent, or split. 4300 49.5, or 49J inches, width of warp at the reed. 21500 38700 17200 No. of dents set on 37 in.)212850.0(5752, number of ends re- 185 quired for the warp. 278 259 195 185 100 74 26 How many inches will a warp containing 5752 ends fill, in a 2150 reed, Scotch count? 2150, count of reed. 2, number of ends in a dent, or split. 4300 divisor. 5752, number of ends in the warp. Number of dents set on 37 inches. 40264 17256 212824 MANUFACTURING. 335 4300)212824(49.49, or 49|- inches, nearly, 17200 warp fiUa at the reed. 40824 38T00 21240 17200 40400 38700 1700 must there be in a silk warp, to fill 19 3700, count of reed. 19 inches, width of warp required at the reed. 33300 3700 No. of ends in 36 in.)70300(1952 number of ends required 36 for the warp. 343 324 190 180 100 72 28 How many inches will a silk warp containing 1952 ends fill, in a 3700 reed ? 1952 number of ends in the warp. Number of ends in 36 inches. 11712 6856 What number of ends inches, in a 3700 reed ? 70272 336 LINEN YARNS. Count of reed 3700)70272(18.99, or 19 inches, nearly, width 3700 the warp fills at the reed. 33272 29600 36720 33300 34200 33300 900 iV. B. — The silk manufacturers generally calculate their reeds hy twice the 7iumher of dents, or the number of ends in 36 inches at the reed. LINEN YARN TABLES. Showing the weight of 1 lea, or cut, English hank and bundle, Irish and Scotch hank, spangle, or spindle, and bundle, from 1 to 300 leas or cuts in the pound progressively. The following are the different sizes of reels in use, with the different systems of making up yarns. YORKSHIRE REEL. 3 yards, or 108 inches in circumference. 100 threads, 1 lea, 300 yards. 10 leas, 1 hank, 3.000 yards. 20 hanks, 1 bundle, 60.000 yards. Sells per bundle. DORSET REEL. 2\ yards, or 81 inches in circumference. 40 threads, 1 knot, 90 yards. 20 knots, 1 ran, 1.800 yards. 12 rans, 1 dozen, 21.600 yards. Sells per dozen. N. B. — This reel is not much in use, the Irish reel being gene- rally adopted. LINEN YARNS. [ / 387 X IRISH AND SCOTCH REELS. > <. . ' i/-;-^. \ yards, or 90 inches in circumference. V,> ^ ^ - / 120 threads, 1 cut, 300 yards. -^-5 j-,.-'^"' 12 cuts, 1 hank, 3.600 yards. 4 hanks, 1 spangle, 14.400 yards. 12J spangles, or 60 hanks, 1 bundle, 180.000 yds. Sells per spangle in bundles. POINTS IN WHICH THE THREE REELS AGREE. . 40 knots, or 2 rans, make 1 hank Irish and Scotch, 3.600 yards. 8 hanks Dorset, or 4 hanks Irish and Scotch, make 1 spangle or spindle, 14.400 yards. 1^ spangles or spindles, make 1 dozen Dorset, 21.600 yards. 12J spangles or spindles, or 50 hanks Irish and Scotch, or 8 English bundles of 60.000 yards each, make 1 Irish bundle, 180.000 yards. EXPLANATION TO THE LINEN YARN TABLES. The first column is the numbers of yarn, opposite to which is the weight according to the length weighed. JV. B. — The pounds and ounces are avoirdupois weight, and the pennyweights and grains are troy loeight. oz. dwts. grains, grains. 14 11 16 or 7000 troy are equal to 1 lb. avoirdupois. 18 5J or 437J troy are equal to 1 oz. avoirdupois. The following are the dividends according to the length weighed. Yards. Dividends. 1 lea, or cut 300 7.000 1 English hank 3.000 70.000 1 Irish and Scotch hank 3.600 84.000 1 spangle or spindle 14.400 336.000 1 English bundle 60.000 1.400.000 1 Irish bundle 180.000 4.200.000 1 knot, Dorset 90 2.100 1 ran, do. 1.800 42.000 1 dozen, do. 21.600 504.000 JV. B. — By dividing any of the above dividends, according to the length weighed, by the number of grains in the weight, it will give the numbers of yarns ; or divide by the numbers of yarns, and it ivill give the number of grains weight, according to the length weighed. 338 LINEN YARNS. LINEN YARN TABLE. From Number 1 to 110 leas or cuts in the pound. Weight per lea or cut of Weight per English hank Weight p Br English bun- 300 yards. of 3000 yards. die of 60,000 yards. Nos. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. 1 16 0 0. 10 0 0 0. 200 0 0 0. 2 8 0 0. 5 0 0 0. 100 0 0 0. 3 5 6 1.83 3 5 6 1.83 66 10 12 3.66 4 4 0 0. 2 8 0 0. 50 0 0 0. 5 3 3 15.5 2 0 0 0. 40 0 0 0. 6 2 12 3.66 1 10 12 3.66 33 5 6 1.83 7 2 5 5. 1 6 15 15. 28 9 2 14.5 8 2 0 0. 1 4 0 0. 25 0 0 0. 9 1 14 4.27 1 1 14 4.27 22 3 10 3.05 10 1 10 22.5 1 0 0 0. 20 0 0 0. 11 1 8 6.83 14 9 22.63 18 2 16 13.72 12 1 6 1.83 13 6 1.83 16 10 12 3.66 13 1 4 4.96 12 5 14.61 15 6 2 19.3 14 1 2 14.5 11 7 19.5 14 4 10 10. 15 1 1 5,16 10 12 3.6 13 5 6 1.83 16 1 0 0. 10 0 0. 12 8 0 0. 17 17 3.76 9 7 12.14 11 12 4 6.94 18 16 4.88 8 16 4.88 11 1 14 4.27 19 15 8.41 8 7 16.21 10 8 7 16.21 20 14 14. 8 0 0. 10 0 0 0. 25 11 16. 6 7 7. 8 0 0 0. 30 9 17.33 5 6 1.83 6 10 12 3.66 35 8 8. 4 10 10. 5 11 7 19.5 40 7 7. 4 0 0. 5 0 0 0. 45 6 11.55 3 10 3.05 4 7 2 0.61 50 5 20. 3 3 15.5 4 0 0 0. 55 5 7.25 2 16 13.72 3 10 3 7.54 60 4 20.66 2 12 3.66 3 5 6 1.83 65 4 11.69 2 8 9.92 3 1 4 4.96 70 4 4. 2 5 5. 2 13 13 0.5 75 3 21.33 2 2 10.33 2 10 12 3.66 80 3 15.5 2 0 0. 2 8 0 0. 85 3 10.35 1 16 2.02 2 5 11 19.08 90 3 5.77 1 14 4.27 2 3 10 3.05 95 3 1.68 1 12 11.3 2 1 12 11.34 100 2 22. 1 10 22.5 2 0 0 0. 105 2 18.66 1 9 13.1 1 14 8 6.33 110 2 15.63 1 8 6.8 1 13 1 15.77 LINEN YARNS, 339 Required, the weight of 1 lea of number IS's yarn? Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 18)7000(388.8 grains, or 16 dwts., 4| grains, 54 weight required. 160 144 160 160 144 144 16 Required, the weight of 1 English hank of number 18's yarn ? Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 18)70000(3888.88 grains, or 8 oz., 16 dwts., 54 4| grains, weight required. 160 144 160 160 144 144 160 160 144 144 16 How many ounces, pennyweights, and grains, are there in 3888.88 grains ? Grains. Grains. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5)3888.88(8 ounces. 35000 1 pennyweight is 24 grs.)388. 88(16 dwts. 24 148 144 grains. 8 oz., 16 dwts., 4.88 grains, weight required. 340 LINEN YARNS. LINEN YARN TABLE* From Number 1 to 110 leas or cuts in 1 pound. Weight per Irish and Scotch hank of 3600 yards. Weight per spangle or spindle of 14,400 yards. Weight per Irish bundle of lbO,000 yards. Nos. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. 1 12 0 0 0. 48 0 0 0. 600 0 0 0. 2 6 0 0 0. 24 0 0 0. 300 0 0 0. 3 4 0 0 0. 16 0 0 0. 200 0 0 0. 4 3 0 0 0. 12 0 0 0. 150 0 0 0. 5 2 6 7 7. 9 9 10 22.5 120 0 0 0. 6 2 0 0 0. 8 8 0 0. 100 0 0 0. 7 1 11 7 19.5 6 13 13 0.5 85 11 7 19.5 8 1 8 0 0. 6 0 0 0. 75 0 0 0. 9 1 5 6 1.83 5 5 6 1.83 66 10 12 3.6 10 1 3 3 15.5 4 12 14 14. 60 0 0 0. 11 1 1 8 6.86 4 5 14 21.95 54 8 13 6.1 12 1 0 0 0. 4 0 0 0. 50 0 0 0. 13 14 14 0.53 3 11 1 9.65 46 2 8 9.9 14 13 13 0. 5 3 6 15 15. 42 13 13 0.5 15 12 14 14. 3 3 3 15.5 40 0 0 0. 16 12 0 0. 3 0 0 0. 37 8 0 0. 17 11 5 8.67 2 13 3 5.2 35 4 12 20.8 18 10 12 3.66 2 10 12 3.66 33 5 6 1.8 19 10 1 22.05 2 8 7 16.21 31 9 4 19.1 20 9 10 22.5 2 6 7 7. 30 0 0 0. 25 7 12 9.5 1 14 13 3. 24 0 0 0- 30 6 7 7. ; 9 10 22.5 20 0 0 0. 35 5 8 20.5 5 17 4.5 17 2 5 5. 40 4 14 14. 3 3 15.5 15 0 0 0. 45 4 4 20.66 1 1 5.16 13 5 6 1.8 50 15 7.5 15 6 13.5 12 0 0 0. 55 3 8 22.77 13 17 13.59 10 14 9 22.6 60 3 3 15.5 12 14 14. 10 0 0 0. 65 2 17 9.3 11 14 20.73 9 3 12 14.8 70 2 13 13. 10 17 17. 8 9 2 14.5 75 2 10 5. 10 4 9. 8 0 0 0. 80 2 7 7. 9 10 22.5 7 8 0 0. 85 2 4 17.23 9 0 15.44 7 0 17 3.7 90 2 2 10.33 8 9 17.33 6 10 12 3.6 95 2 0 9.21 8 1 12.84 6 5 0 23.0 100 1 16 18.5 7 12 9.5 6 0 0 0. 105 1 15 2.5 7 5 17.5 5 11 7 19.5 110 1 13 14.13 6 17 21.54 7 4 23.3 LINEN YABNS. 341 Required, the weight of 1 spangle of number 19's yarn ? Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 19)83600(17684.2 grains, weight required. 19 146 133 130 114 160 152 40 80 38 76 2 How many pounds, ounces, and pennyweights are there in 17684.2 grains ? Grains. Grains. 1 lb. is equal to 7000)17684.2(2 lbs., 8 oz., 7 dwts.,16| grains. 14000 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grs.)3684.2(8 oz. 35000 . 1 dwt. is equal to 24 grs.)184.2(7 dwts. 16^ grains. Required, the weight of 1 English bundle of number 34's yarn? Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 34)1400000(41176 grains, or 5 lbs., 14 oz., 2 136 dwts., 3 J- grains. 260 40 238 34 220 60 204 34 16 342 LINEN YARNS. LINEN YARN TABLE. From Number 115 to 800 leas in 1 pound. Weight per lea, or cut of 300 yards. 1 Weight per English Weight per English bundle hank of 3000 yards. of 60,000 yards. Nos. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. 115 2 12.86 1 7 3.1 1 11 15 1.41 120 2 10.33 1 6 1.8 1 10 12 3.66 125 2 8. 1 5 2.5 1 9 10 22.5 130 2 5.84 1 4 4.96 1 8 11 5.23 135 2 3.85 1 3 9.03 1 7 12 19.87 140 2 2. 1 2 14.5 1 6 15 14. 145 2 0.27 1 1 21.25 1 6 1 6.17 150 1 22.66 1 1 5.18 1 5 6 1.83 155 1 21.16 1 0 14.11 1 4 11 18.25 160 1 19.75 1 0 0. 1 4 0 0. 165 1 18.42 17 16.24 1 3 7 4.34 170 1 17.17 17 3.74 1 2 15 0.29 175 1 16. 16 16. 1 2 5 5. 180 1 14.88 16 4.88 1 1 14 4.27 185 1 13.83 15 18.37 1 1 5 10.06 190 1 12.84 15 8.42 1 0 15 8.42 195 1 11.89 14 22.97 1 0 7 11.48 200 1 11. 14 14. 1 0 0 0. 205 1 10.14 14 5.46 15 11 2.76 210 1 9.33 13 21.33 15 4 8.16 215 1 8.55 13 .13.58 14 16 2.62 220 1 7.81 13 6.18 14 9 22.63 225 1 7.11 12 23.11 14 4 1.22 230 1 6.43 12 16.34 13 16 15.45 zoo i 0. / 0 li O.VO 240 1 5.16 12 3.66 13 6 1.83 245 1 4.571 11 21.71 13 1 2.785 250 1 4. 11 16. 12 14 14. 255 1 3.45 11 10.5 12 10 0.196 260 1 2.923 11 5.23 12 5 14.615 265 1 2.414 11 0.14 12 9.018 270 1 1.925 10 19.25 11 il 12.685 275 1 1.454 10 14.54 11 11 14. 280 1 1. 10 10. 11 7 19. 285 1 0.561 10 5.67 11 4 3. 290 1 0.137 10 1.37 11 • 0 15. 295 23.728 9 21.28 10 15 10. 800 23.333 9 17.33 10 12 8. I LINEN YARNS. 343 Required, the weight of 1 Irish bundle of 66's yarn. Numbers of yarn, 66)4200000(63636.36 grains. 396 240 198 420 396 240 198 420 396 240 198 420 396 ■ 24 Grains. Grains. 1 lb. is equal to 7000)63686.36(9 lbs., 1 oz., 8 dwts., 6.86 grs. 63000 weight required. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grs.)636.36(l oz. 4375 8 dwt. is equal to 24 grns.)198.86(8 dwts. 192 6.86 grains. 344 LINEN YARNS. Or, lbs. Numbers of yarn, 66)600(9 lbs., 1 oz., 8 dwts., 6.86 grains, 594 weight required. 6 16 oz., 1 lb. Numbers of yarn, 66)96(1 oz. 66 30 487.5 grains, 1 oz. Nos. of yarn, 66)13125.0(198.86 grains or 8 dwts., 6.86 gra. 66 652 594 585 528 570 528 42 t LINEN TARNS. 345 LINEN YARN TABLE. From Number 115 to 300 leas, or cuts in 1 pound. Weight per Irish and Weight per spangle or Weight per Irish bundle of Scotch hank of 3600 yards. spindle of H,400 yds 180,000 yards. Nos. oz. d w ts . grains. uz. gfiiinSi lbs. OZ. d wts grains. 115 12 4.93 6 12 8.74 o 3 8 17.23 120 10 22.5 G 7 7. F, 0 0 0. 125 9 18.5 6 2 15. A 4: 12 14 14. 130 8 16.65 5 16 13.11 A 'i 9 15 10.19 135 7 16.72 5 12 13.38 4. 7 2 0.61 140 6 18.5 5 8 20.5 A rt 4 10 10. 146 5 21.81 5 5 9.74 A 2 3 18.51 150 5 2.5 5 2 4.5 A 0 0 0. 155 4 8.43 4 17 9.74 Q O 13 17 1.37 160 3 15.5 4 14 14. O 12 0 0. 165 2 23.59 4 11 22.36 Q O 10 3 7.54 170 2 8.61 4 9 10.47 Q O 8 8 13.87 175 1 18.5 4 7 2. 6 15 15. 180 1 5.16 4 4 20. ()6 Q O 5 6 1.83 185 0 16.55 4 2 18.21 9 o 3 16 6.2 190 0 4.6 4 0 18.42 Q o 2 9 14.26 195 17 22.76 3 17 2.57 o 1 4 4.96 200 17 12. 3 15 7 5 q 0 0 0. 205 17 1.756 3 13 14.52 2 14 15 2.8 210 16 16. 3 11 23.5 0 13 13 0.5 215 16 6.69 o ij 10 10.29 9 12 11 20.88 220 15 21.81 3 8 2"> 77 o z 11 11 14.41 225 15 13.33 3 7 12.84 10 12 3.66 230 15 5.21 3 6 4^37 2 9 13 1L36 235 14 21.44 3 4 21.28 2 8 15 12.34 240 14 14. 3 3 15.5 2 8 0 0. 245 14 6.857 3 2 10.928 2 7 3 8.357 250 14 0. 3 1 7.5 2 6 7 7. 255 13 17.411 3 0 5.147 2 5 11 19.088 260 13 11 076 2 17 9.307 2 4 16 19.846 265 13 4.981 2 16 8.924 2 4 4 3.054 270 12 23.111 2 15 9.444 2 3 10 3.055 275 12 17.45 2 14 10.81 2 16 17.72 280 12 12. 2 13 13. I 2 5 5. 285 12 6.73 0 12 15.94 1 12 11.34 290 12 1.65 2 11 19.62 2 1 1 21.25 295 11 20.74 2 10 23.98 2 0 9 21.28 300 11 16. 2 10 5. 2 0 0 " 1 23 346 LINEN YARNS. Required, the weight of an Irish or Scotch hank of number 68's yarn :■ — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 68)84000(1235.29 grains. 68 160 136 240 204 360 340 200 136 640 612 28 Grains. Grains. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5)1235.29(2 oz., 15 dwts., 0.29 grains, wt. 8750 required. Idwt. isequalto24grns.)360.29(15 dwts. 24 120 120 0.29 grain. How many yards are there in 1 lb. and in 1 oz. of number 68*3 yarn ? 300 yards is 1 lea, or cut. Numbers of yarn, 68 20400 number of yards in 1 lb. LINEN TARNS. 347 1 lb. is equal to 16 oz.)20400(1275 yards in 1 oz. 16 44 32 120 112 80 80 Required, the weight of 1 spangle of number 85's yarn: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 85)336000(3952.94 grains. 255 810 765 450 425 250 170 800 765 355 340 15 Grains. Grains. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5)3952.94(9 oz., 0 dwts., 15.44 grs., weight 39375 required. 15.44 If 1 spangle of linen yarn weighs 9 oz., 15 J grains; what nuEQbers will it be ? 348 LINEN YARNS. 9 OZ,, 15.5 grains. 437.5 grains are equal to 1 oz. 3953.0 grains. Grains. Dividend. 9 oz., 15J grns. are equal to 3953)336000(85 leas, or cuts in 1 lb. 31624 -which is the nos. of yarn. 19760 19765 — nearly. How many yards of number 85's yarn are there in 1 lb. and in 1 oz. ? 300 yards, 1 lea, or cut. 85, numbers of yarn. 16 oz., 1 lb. 4)25500 yards in 1 lb. 4)6375 1593.75, or 1593f yards in 1 oz. Required, the ■weight of an Irish, or Scotch hank of number 95's yarn: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 95)84000(884.21 grains, weight required. 760 800 760 400 380 200 190 100 95 5 1 LINEN YARNS. 349 Grains. Grains. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5)884.21(2 oz., 0 dwts., 9.91 grains, weight 8750 required. 9.21 grains. If 1 Irish or Scotch hank of linen yarn weighs 2 oz., 0 dwts., 9 J grains, what numbers will it be? 437.5 grains are equal to 1 oz. 2 875.0 grains are equal to 2 oz. Add 9.25 grains. 884.25 grs. is equal to 2 oz., 0 dwts., 9J grs. Grains. Dividend. 884.25)84000.00(9499, or nearly 95 numbers of yarn. 795825 441750 353700 880500 795825 846750 795825 50925 350 LINEN YARNS. Required, the weight of 1 Irish hundle of number 107 's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 107)4200000(39252.83 grains, weight required. 321 990 963 270 214 660 635 250 214 360 321 390 321 69 Grains. Grains. 1 lb. is equal to 7000)39252.33(5 lbs., 9 oz., 13 dwts., 283 35000 grains, weight required. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grns.)4252.33(9 oz. 39375 1 dwt. is equal to 24 grains)314.83(13 dwts. 24 74 72 2.83 grains. If 1 Irish bundle of linen yarn weighs 5 lbs., 9 oz., 13 dwts., 2.83 grains, or 39252.33 grains, what number will it be? 39252.33)4200000.00(107, numbers of yarn. 3926233 Grains. LINEN YARNS. 27476700 27476631 69 Required, the weight of 1 English bundle of number 138's yarn: — Numbers of yarn, 138)1400000(10144.927 grs., weight required. 138 200 138 620 552 680 552 1280 1242 380 276 1040 966 ■74 1 lb. is equal to 7000)10144.927(1 lb., 7_oz., 3 dwts., 10.427 7000 grains, weight required. 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grs.)3144.927(7 oz. 30625 1 dwt. is equal to 24 grains)82.427(3 dwts. 72 Dividend. Grains. Grains. 10.427 grains. 352 LINEN TARNS. If 1 English bundle of linen yarn weighs 1 lb., 7 oz., 3 dwts., 10^ grains, what numbers will it be ? Grains. Dividend. 1 lb., 7 oz., 8 dwts., lOi grs., =10145)1400000(138, numbers of 10145 yarn nearly. 38550 30485 81150 81160— nearly. Kequired, the weight of 1 English hank of number 138's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 138)70000(507.246 grains, weight required. 690 1000 966 340 276 640 552 880 828 52 Grains. Grains. 1 oz, is equal to 437.5)507.246(1 oz., 2 dwts., 21f grns. nearly, 4375 weight required. 1 dwt. is equal to 24 gr3.)69.746(2 dwts. 48 21.746 grains. LINEN YARNS. 353 Required, the weight of 1 English bundle of number 12S's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 128)1400000(10937.5 grains, weight required. 128 1200 1152 480 384 9C0 826 640 640 Grains. Grains. 1 lb. is equal to 7000)10937.5(1 lb., 9 oz., weight required. 7000 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grs.)3937.5(9 oz. 39375 Required, the weight of 1 lea, or cut of 154's yarn: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 154)7000(45.45 grains, or nearly 1 dwt., 21i 616 grains, weight required. 840 770 700 616 840 770 70 354 LINEN YARNS. Required, the weight of 1 English hank of number 154's yarn: — Numbers of yarn, 154)700000(454.54 grains, "weight required. 616 840 770 700 616 840 770 700 616 84 How many ounces, pennyweights, and grains, are there in 454.54 grains? 1 oz. is equal to 437.5 grns.)454. 545454(1. 03896 ounces. 4375 437.5 grains =1 oz. 17045 19480 13125 27272 11688 39204 15584 35000 17.045000 grs., or 1 oz. 42045 0 dwts., 17 grns., 39375 weight required. 26704 20250 454 LINEN YARNS. 355 Required, the weight of 1 English bundle of number 165's yarn : — ■ Dividend. ' Numbers of yarn, 165)1400000(8484.848 grains, weight required. 1320 800 660 1400 1320 800 660 1400 1320 800 660 1400 1320 80 How many pounds, ounces, pennyweights, and grains are there in 8484.848 grains ? Grains. Grains. 1 lb. =7000)8484.848(1 lb., 3 oz., 7 dwts., 4.348 grains. 7000 1 oz. =437.5 grns.)1484.848(3 oz. 13125 1 dwt.=24 grains,)172.348(7 dwts. 168 4.348 grains. If 1 English bundle of yarn weighs 1 lb., 3 oz., 7 dwts., 4.348 grains, or 1484.848 grains, what numbers will it be? 356 LINEN YARNS. Dividend. 1 bundle weighs 8484.848 grns.)1400000.000(165's nos. of yarn. 8484848 65151520 50909088 42424320 42424240 How many yards are there in 1 pound of 184's yarn ? 184, numbers of yarn. 300 yards are 1 lea of number 1. 55200, number of yards in 1 lb. Required, the weight of 1 Irish or Scotch hank of number 184's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 184)84000(456.52 grains, weight required. 736 1040 920 1200 1104 960 920 400 368 Grains. Grains. 1 oz. =437.5)456.52(1 oz., 0 dwts., 19.02 grains, weight re- 437.5 quired. 19.02 grains. LINEN TARNS. 857 Required, the weight of 1 English hank of number 180'a yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 180)70000(388| grains, weight required. 540 1600 1440 1600 1440 160 1 dwt. is equal to 24 grns.)388|(16 dwts., 4| grains, weight re- -4 quired. 148 144 4 8-9ths. Required, the weight of 1 Irish spangle, or Scotch spindle of number 196's : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 196)336000(1714.285 grains, weight required. 196 1400 1372 280 196 840 784 660 892 - — 1120 1680 980 1568 358 LINEN YARNS. Grains. Grains. 1 oz.=437.5)1714.285(3 oz., 16 dwts., 17.785 grains, 13125 weight required. 1 dwt.=24 grains,)401.785(16 dwts. 24 161 144 17.785 grains.* How many yards are there' in 1 oz. of number 196's ? 196, numbers, or counts of yarn. 300 yards are 1 lea of number I's. 1 lb. = 16 oz.)58800(3675 yards of nos. 196's in 1 oz. 48 108 96 120 112 80 80 Required, the weight of 1 lea, or cut of number 2l5's weft: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 215)7000(32.558 grains, or 1 dwt., 8| grains, 645 weight required. 550 430 1200 1075 1250 1075 1750 1720 30 LINEN YARNS. 359 Required, the ■weight of 1 Irish or Scotch hank of number 235's yarn: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 235)84000(357.446 grains, vreight required. 705 1 dwt. = 24 grains, or 1350 1175 1750 1645 1050 940 1100 940 1600 1410 190 ■ 4)357.446 grains. 6)89.3615 14.89358, or 14 dwts., 211 gts,, nearly. How many yards are there in 1 pound of number 235's yarn ? 235, numbers of yarn. 300 yards 1 lea, or cut of number I's, 70500 number of yards required. 860 LINEN YARNS. Required, the weight of 1 Irish bundle of number 130's yarn: — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 130)4200000(32307.692 grs. weight required. 390 300 260 400 390 1000 910 900 780 1200 1170 300 260 40 Grains. Grains. 1 lb. -7000)32807.692(4 lbs., 9 oz., 15 dwts., 10^ grains 28000 nearly, weight required. 1 oz.=*437.5 grns.)4307.692f9 oz. 3937.5 1 dwt. =24 grains,)370.192(15 dwts. 24 130 120 10.192 grains. If 1 Irish bundle of yarn weighs 4 lbs., 9 oz., 15 dwts., 10.192 grains, or 32307.692 grains, what numbers will it be ? LINEN YARNS. 361 Dividend. Weight, 32307.692)4200000.00(130, numbers of yarn. 32307692 96923080 96923076 40 Required, the weight of 1 English hank of number 245's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 245)70000(285.714 grains, -weight required. 490 2100 1960 1400 1225 1750 1715 350 245 1050 980 70 Grains. Grains. 1 dwt. =24)285.714(11 dwts., 21f grains nearly, weight re- 24 quired. 45 24 21.714 Required, the weight of 1 Irish or Scotch hank of number 240's yarn : — 362 LIXEX YARNS. Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 240)84! '00(350 grains, Treiglit required. 720 1200 1200 1 dwt. =24 grns. 2)350 grains. 12)175 14 dwts., 14 grs., "weight required. How many yards are there in 1 Irish or Scotch hank of yarn ? 300 yards, 1 lea, or cut. 12 leas, or cuts, are 1 Irish or Scotch hank. 3600 yards in 1 Irish or Scotch hank. Required, the weight of 1 Irish spangle or Scotch spindle of number 2G5's yarn : — Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 265)38000(1267.92 grains, weight required. 265 710 530 1800 1590 2100 1855 2450 2885 650 530 120 LINEN YARNS. 363 Grains. Grains. 1 oz. =437.5)1267.92(2 oz., 16 dwts., 9 grains nearly, weight 875.0 required. 1 dwt. =24 grs.)392.92(16 dwts. 24 152 144 8.92 grains. How many yards are there in 1 oz. of number 265's yarn? 265 numbers of yarn. 300 yards, 1 lea or cut. (4)79500 1 lb. =16 oz.-l (4)19875 4968.75, or 4968f yards in 1 oz. Required, the weight of 1 lea, or cut of number 298's yarn? Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 298)7000(23.49, or 23i grains nearly, weight 596 required. 1040 894 1460 1192 2680 2682— nearly. Required, the weight of 1 English bundle of number 295's yarn : — 364 LINEN YARNS. Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 295)70000(237.288 grains, weight required. 590 1100 885 2150 2065 850 690 2600 2360 2400 2360 40 1 dwt. = 24 grains)2B7. 288(9 dwts.,21i grains, weight required. 216 21.288 grains. How many yards are there in 1 lb. of number 295's yarn? 295, numbers of yarn. 300 yards in 1 lea or cut. 88500 yards in 1 lb. of number 295's yarn. In calculating the weight of linen yarns required to produce any fabric of cloth, the rules are the same as those in cotton, with this exception only : 300 yards constitute the lea, or cut in linen, which counts in the numbers of yarn the same as 840 yards in cotton. What will the weight of a linen warp be, 124 yards long, con- taining 2160 ends made from 80's yarn? LINEN YARNS. 365 2160, ends in the warp. 124 8640 4320 2160 1 lea =3.00 yards)2678.40 Numbers of yarn, 8.0)89.2.8 11.16 lbs. 16 oz. are 1 lb. 96 16 2.56 oz. 4 qrs., 1 oz. 2.24 quarters. The weight of the warp will be 11 lbs., 2 oz., 2.24 qrs. If a warp be 84 inches wide at the reed, containing 2160 ends, how many ends will there be in the inch ? 34)2160(63.53, or 63J ends in an inch at 204 the reed. 120 102 180 170 100 102 — nearly. What weight of number 95's linen yarn will it require to weave a warp 124 yards long, 34 inches wide, and 76 picks, or threads in an inch? 366 LIXEN TARNS. 124 yards, length of warp. 34 inches, width of warp at the reed. 496 372 4216 76 picks, or threads in an inch. 25296 29512 1 lea is equal to 3.00 yds.)8204.16 Numhers of yarn, 95)1068.0533(11.2426 lbs. 95 16 oz. are 1 lb. 118 14556 95 2426 230 3.8816 190 4 qrs. are 1 oz. 405 3.5264, or 11 lbs., 3 oz., 380 3J qrs. neat weight required to weave 253 the above. 190 633 570 63 JV. B. — Allowance must he made for waste. The length and weight of linen yarns required for manu- facturing any fabric of linen cloth, may be ascertained in the same manner as illustrated in the two preceding examples. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. 367 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. All worsted and woollen yarns being sold by the gross, it is necessary that the manufacturer of worsted and woollen pieces be well acquainted with the weight per gross according to the fineness of the yarns, in order to insure the proper weight of the piece he is making. The yarn being too heavy, even if made from wool of a proper quality, gives an inferior appearance. It is particularly necessary for the spinner to keep a strict check upon the working of his machinery; wool being much sooner affected by the atmosphere than cotton. The usual plan of trying the fineness of worsted, or woollen yarns is, to weigh 1 hank, and if the result be doubtful, to take a quarter of a gross from each frame, or collectively, as circum- stances may require. The following tables will show the weight of 1 hank, 1 dozen, and 1 gross of worsted, or woollen yarns, from number 1 to 270 hanks in the pound. If the weight of a less quantity than 1 hank should be re- quired, rules and examples will be found after the next table. EXPLANATION TO THE FOLLOWING TABLES. The first and last columns contain the numbers or counts of yarn ; opposite to which in the table is the weight according to the lencrth weighed. 660 yards make 1 hank, 12 hanks make 1 dozen. 12 dozens, or 144 hanks make 1 gross. N.B. — The pounds and ounces are avoirdupois weight; the ■pennyweights and grains are troy weight. 24 grains are equal to 1 pennyweight. 18 pennyweights, 5|- grains troy are equal to 1 ounce avoirdupois. 16 ounces are equal to 1 lb. Or, 24 grains make 1 pennyweight. 437i^ grains make 1 ounce avoirdupois. 7000 grains make 1 pound avoirdupois. 368 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN TARNS. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARN TABLE. From Number 1 to 40 hanks in the pound. Weight of 1 hanlf. Weight of 1 dozen. 1 Weight of 1 gross. Nos. oz. dwts. 1 grains. lbs. oz. dwts. 1 grains. I lbs. oz. dwts. grains. Nos. 1 16 0 0. 12 0 0 0. 44 0 0 0. 1 2 8 0 0. 6 0 0 0. 72 0 c 0, 2 3 5 6 1.8 4 0 0 0. 48 0 0 0. 3 4 4 0 0. 3 0 0 0. 36 0 0 0. 4 5 3 3 15.5 2 6 7 7. 28 12 14 14. 5 6 2 12 3.6 2 0 0 0. 24 0 0 0. 6 7 2 5 5. 1 11 7 19.5 20 9 2 14.5 7 8 2 0 0. 1 8 0 0. 18 0 0 0. 8 9 1 14 4.2 1 5 6 1.8 16 0 0 0. 9 10 1 10 22.5 1 3 3 15.5 14 6 7 7. 10 11 1 8 6.8 1 1 8 6.8 13 1 8 6. 11 12 1 6 1.8 1 0 0 0. 12 0 0 0. 12 13 1 4 4.9 14 14 0.5 11 1 4 4.9 13 14 1 2 14.5 13 13 0.5 10 4 10 10. 14 15 1 1 5.1 12 14 14. 9 9 10 22.5 15 16 1 0 0. 12 0 0. 9 0 0 0. 16 17 17 3.7 11 5 8.6 8 7 9 15.6 17 18 16 4.8 10 12 3.6 8 0 0 0. 18 19 15 8.4 10 1 22. 7 9 4 19.1 19 20 14 14. 9 10 22.5 7 3 3 15.5 20 21 13 21.3 9 2 14.5 6 13 13 0.5 21 22 13 6.1 8 13 6.1 6 8 13 5.75 22 23 12 16.3 8 6 8.1 6 4 3 4. 23 24 12 3.6 8 0 0. 6 0 0 0. 24 25 11 16. 7 12 9.5 5 12 2 22. 25 26 11 5.2 7 7 0.2 5 8 11 5.2 26 27 10 19.2 7 2 0.6 5 5 6 1.8 27 28 10 10, 6 15 15. 5 2 5 5. 28 29 10 1.3 6 1 1 7.5 4 ID o O 4. 1 29 30 9 17.3 6 7 7. 4 12 14 14. 30 Q 1 O 1 9 9.8 6 3 12.6 4 10 5 21.1 32 9 2.7 6 0 0. 4 8 0 0. 32 33 8 20.1 5 14 21.9 4 5 14 21.6 33 34 8 13.8 5 11 19. 4 3 13 22.5 34 35 8 7.9 8 20.5 4 1 15 2.5 35 36 8 2.4 I 6 1.8 4 0 0 0. 38 37 7 21.1 5 3 10.7 3 14 4 22.2 37 38 7 16.2 5 0 23. 3 12 11 12.3 38 39 7 11.4 4 16 19.8 3 ] 1 1 14.45 39 40 7 7. 4 14 14. 3 9 10 22.5 40 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. 369 If the weight of any shorter length than stated in the pre- ceding table should be required, it may be ascertained by taking the number opposite the length weighed as shown below for a dividend, and the numbers, or counts of yarn for a divisor, and the quotient will be the weight in grains; or, take the number of grains any given length weighs for a divisor, and the number opposite that given length for a dividend, and the quotient will be the numbers, or counts of yarn roving, &c. Given lengths. Yards. Dividends. 1 gross, or 80640 10U8000 1 dozen, or 6720 84000 1 hank, or 560 7000 6 leas, or 480 6000 5 leas, or 400 5000 4 leas, or 820 4000 3 leas, or 240 8000 2 leas, or 160 2000 1 lea, or 80 1000 I lea, or 60 750 I lea, or 40 500 i lea, or 20 250 1 lea, or 10 125 y'g lea, or 5 62.5 4'o lea, or 2 25 g'o lea, or 1 12.5 H.B. — The ivorsfcd reel is 2 yards in circumference, and 40 threads round the reel make 1 lea, and 7 leas make 1 hank. Required the weight of 40 yards of a hank roving : — Look opposite 40 yards in the above table, and you will find 500, which is the dividend, and divide by 4, the numbers, or counts of roving, and the quotient will be the weight in grains. Numbers, or counts of roving, 4 hanks)500 dividend. 125 grains, or 5 penny- weights, 5 grains, weight required. 70 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARN TABLE. From Number 41 to 80 hanks in the pound. Wght. of 1 hnk. Weight of 1 dozen. 1 Weight of 1 gross. Nos. Midi llOa oz. grsiDs. lbs. OZ. d w ts. grain!.. Nos. 41 7 2.7 4 12 10.7 3 8 3 13.3 41 42 6 22.6 4 10 10. 3 6 15 15. 42 43 6 18.7 4 8 11.4 3 5 10 14.3 43 44 6 15. 4 6 15.1 3 4 6 14.8 44 45 6 11.5 4 4 20.6 3 3 3 15.5 45 46 6 8.1 4 3 4. 3 2 1 14. 46 47 6 4.9 4 1 13.2 3 1 0 9.3 47 48 6 1.8 4 0 0. 3 0 0 0. 48 49 5 22.8 3 16 17.7 2 15 0 8.9 49 50 5 20. 3 15 7.5 2 14 1 11. 50 51 5 17.2 3 13 22.5 2 13 3 5.2 51 52 5 14.6 3 12 14.8 2 12 5 14.6 52 53 5 12. 3 11 8.4 2 11 8 14.3 53 54 5 9.6 3 10 3. 2 10 12 15.6 54 55 5 7.2 3 8 22.7 2 9 16 5.7 55 56 5 5. 3 7 19.5 2 9 2 14.5 56 57 5 2.8 3 6 17.1 2 8 7 16.2 57 58 5 0.6 3 5 15.7 2 7 13 4.8 58 59 4 22.6 3 4 15.2 2 7 0 22.2 59 60 4 20.6 3 3 15.5 2 6 7 7. 60 61 4 18.7 3 2 16.5 2 5 14 0.1 61 62 4 16.9 3 1 18.3 2 5 2 22.5 62 63 4 15.1 3 0 20.8 2 4 10 lo. 63 64 4 13.3 3 0 0. 2 4 0 0. 64 65 4 11.6 2 17 9.3 2 3 8 3.2 65 66 4 10. 2 16 13.7 2 2 16 13.7 66 67 4 8.4 2 15 18.7 2 2 17 1.7 67 68 4 6.9 2 15 0.3 2 1 16 2. 66 69 4 5.4 2 14 6.4 2 1 7 3.2 69 70 4 4. 2 13 13. 2 0 16 16. 70 71 4 2.6 2 12 20.1 2 0 8 5.1 71 72 4 1.2 2 12 3.6 2 0 0 0. 72 73 3 23.9 2 11 11.6 15 10 5.7 73 74 3 22.6 2 10 20.1 15 2 11.1 74 75 3 21.3 2 10 5. 14 13 3. 75 76 3 20.1 2 9 14.2 14 5 18.1 76 77 3 18.9 2 8 23.9 13 16 19.4 77 78 3 17.7 2 8 9.9 13 9 19.5 78 79 3 16.6 2 7 20.3 13 3 0. 79 80 3 15.5 2 7 7. 12 14 14. 80 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. 371 Required, the weight of 1 lea of number 36's yarn: — Look opposite 1 lea, or 80 yards, and you will find 1000 which is the dividend, the numbers of yarn,2. e., 36's will be the divisor, and the quotient will be the weight in grains. Dividend. Numbers of yarn, 36's)1000(27.77 grains, or 1 dwt., 3f grains, 72 weiglat required. 280 252 280 252 280 252 28 If 1 lea, or 80 yards of yarn weigh 27.77 grains; what num- bers, or counts will it be? 1000 is the dividend for 1 lea, or 80 yards. Weight of 1 lea, 27.77 grs.)1000.00(36, numbers, or counts of 8333 yarn. 16666 16666 Required, the weight of 1 hank of number 80's yarn: — 7000 is the dividend for 1 hank, or 560 yards. Numbers of yarn, 8.0)700.0 87.5 grains, or 3 dwts., 15^ grains weight required. If 1 hank, or 560 yards, weigh 3 dwts., 15J grains, or 87.5 grains; what numbers Avill it be? 7000 is the dividend for 1 hank, or 560 yards. Weight of 1 hk. 87.5 grs.)7 000.0(80, number of counts of yarn. 7000 0 I^. B. — 77ie above examples luill he sufficient to illustrate the tables; but if more should be required, see cotton^ the only difference being the length constituting the hank. 372 WORSTED AXD WOOLLEN TARNS. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. From Number 80 to 120 hanks in the pound. Wo-t \ \ I nf 1 hk. 1 1 Weight of 1 dozen. Weight of 1 gross. | ^ r 90 00 84 3 11.3 2 5 5. 1 1 1 X 7 90 ^ At\JtO ft J. 85 3 10.3 2 4 1 7 2 1 1 X X 1 X 99 ft ^ 86 3 9.4 9 4 7 1 0 X \J X ^ Q Q Rfi 00 87 3 8.4 9 Q 1 8 'S 1 0 X \J Q O 1 Q 9 ft7 88 3 7.5 2 Q 7 5 1 1 0 X \J q o 7 ftft 89 3 6.6 9 9 Q 4 Q ftq 90 3 5.7 9 9 1 fl X w . o q 1 0 X \J 99 qq 91 3 4.9 9 9 0 q 1 Q 4 q 1 92 3 4. 9 1 1 i. X T- . q u 1 Q X «7. Q9 93 3 3.2 9 1 Q O 1 J. 9 7 qQ yo 94 3 2.4 9 u X o . u Q o q 7 4 q/t 95 3 1.6 9 0 Q '2 Q O /I 1 4 X 4:. t> qf^ y t) 96 3 0.9 9 u 0 \J . Q O n U n U. qfi y 0 97 3 0.1 1 1 90 4 / X t> 1 7 9 q7 y / 98 2 23.4 1 7 X i 1 1 R X X . LI -. / q 7 9 qft y 0 99 2 22.7 1 7 X / 9 Q 7 J. 9^ ^ qq y y 100 2 22. 1 R X u 18.5 - 7 0 10. 1 no 101 2 21.3 1 6 X u 10. 1 fl u 14 X ^ 14 1 102 2 20.6 X \J 9 A \j X f 17^ X / .0 1 09 103 2 19.9 X X o . fl u fl t) 17 4 X /.4r 1 HQ 104 2 19.3 X u 10.2 fl u 9 X €7. 0 1 qj. 105 2 18.6 1 X u 9 o 1 7 4 fi 1 n ^ 1 u«> 106 2 18. 1 4 X ^ 1 ^ 1 »5 Q Q 1 OA 107 2 17.4 14 11.5 5 9 17. 107 108 2 16.8 ; 14 4.2 5 6 1.8 108 109 2 16.2 13 21.1 5 2 12.2 109 110 2 15.6 13 14.1 4 17 5.6 110 111 2 15. 13 7.2 4 13 19. 111 112 2 14.5 13 0.5 4 10 10. 112 113 2 13.9 12 17.8 4 7 2.3 113 114 2 13.4 12 11.3 4 3 20.1 114 115 2 12.8 12 4.9 4 0 15.2 115 116 2 12.3 11 22.0 3 15 17.1 116 117 2 11.8 11 16.4 3 12 14.8 117 118 2 11.3 11 10.3 3 9 13.8 118 119 2 10.8 11 4.3 3 6 14. 119 120 2 10.3 10 22.5 3 3 15.5 120 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. 373 Required, the length and weight of number 56's yarn, for a warp 128 yards long, 3G inches wide at the reed, and to have 84 threads in an inch: — , 128 yards, length of warp, 36 inches, width of warp at the reed. 768 384 4608 84, threads in an inch. 18432 36864 387072, total No. of yds. of yarn in the warp. Yards. 1 gross contains 80640 yd3.)387072(4 gross. 322560 1 dozen contains 6720 yds.)64512(9 dozen. 60480 1 hank contains 560 yd8.)4032(7 hanks. 3920 1 lea contains 80 yds.)112(l lea. 80 1 thread contains 2 yds.)32 '16 threads. The length of yarn required for the above warp will be 4 gross, 9 dozen, 7 hanks, 1 lea, and 16 threads. 560 yards, 1 hank. 66, numbers of yarn. 3360 2800 31360 number of yards in 1 lb., of 56's yarn. 374 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARN TABLE. From Number 121 to 160 hanks in tlie pound. Wght. of] hnk. Wei ght of 1 dozen. Weight of 1 gross. Nos. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. Nos. 121 2 9.8 1 10 16.7 1 8 0 18. 121 122 2 9.3 1 10 11. 1 2 16 8.8 122 123 2 8.9 1 10 5.4 1 2 18 8.1 123 124 2 8.4 1 9 23.9 1 2 10 5.9 124 125 2 8. i 9 18.5 1 2 7 21. 125 12(3 2 7.5 i 9 13.1 1 2 5 5. 126 127 2 7.1 i 9 7.9 1 2 2 14. 127 128 2 6.6 1 9 2.7 1 2 0 0. 128 129 2 6.2 1 8 21.6 1 1 15 16.4 129 130 2 5.8 i 8 16.6 1 1 18 4.3 130 131 • 2 5.4 -t 1 8 11.7 1 1 10 17.1 131 132 2 5. -t i 8 6.8 1 1 8 6.8 132 133 2 4.6 -t 1 8 0 1 1 5 20.7 133 134 2 4.2 -1 1 7 21.8 1 1 3 12.8 134 loo 2 3.8 i 7 16.7 1 1 1 5.1 135 16b 2 3.4 1 7 12.1 1 0 17 8.7 136 13/ 2 3.1 -t 1 7 7.6 1 0 14 21.6 187 138 2 2.7 1 7 8.2 1 0 12 16.3 138 loy f) 2.3 1 6 22.8 1 0 10 11.8 139 140 2 o i 6 18.5 1 0 8 8. 140 141 2 1.6 1 1 6 14.2 1 0 6 4.9 141 142 1.3 1 6 10. 1 0 4 2.5 142 14o o 1. 1 6 5.9 1 0 2 0.9 143 144 2 0.6 1 6 1.8 1 0 0 0. 144 14o - 0.2 1 5 21.8 15 16 5.2 145 l4b 1 23.9 1 5 17.8 15 14 5.6 146 147 1 23.6 1 5 18.9 15 12 6.6 147 148 1 23.3 1 5 10. 15 10 8.3 148 149 1 23. 1 5 6.2 15 8 10.6 149 150 1 22.6 1 5 2.5 15 6 18.5 150 151 1 22.3 1 4 22.8 15 4 16.9 151 152 1 22. 1 4 19.1 15 2 21. 152 153 1 21.7 1 4 15.5 15 1 1.7 153 154 1 21.4 1 4 11.9 14 17 12.4 154 155 1 21.1 1 4 8.4 14 15 18.8 155 156 1 20.8 1 4 4.9 14 14 0.5 156 157 1 20.5 1 4 1.5 14 12 7.8 157 158 1 20.3 1 3 22.1 14 10 14.7 158 159 1 20. 1 3 18.8 14 8 22.6 159 160 1 19.7 1 3 15.5 14 7 7. 160 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN TARNS. 375 Yards. Yards in the warp. 1 lb. of No. 56's =31360)387072(12.34 lbs., or 12 lbs., 5h oz. 31360 16 oz., 1 lb. 73472 204 62720 34 107520 5.44 94080 4 1344001.76 qrs. 125440-8960, remainder. The weight of yarn required for the above warp will be 12 lbs., 5J oz. nearly. Required, the weight of number 66's yarn, to weave a warp 128 yards long, 36 inches Avide at the reed, and to have 88 picks, or threads in an inch : — 128 yards, length of warp. 36 inches, width of warp at the reed. 768 384 4608 88, number of picks, or threads in an inch. 36864 36864 405504 No. of yds. of yarn required to weave the warp. Yards. Yards. 1 gross contains 80640)405504(5 gross, 4 hanks, and 32 threads, 403200 length of yarn required to Aveave the warp. 1 hank contains 560 yds.)2304(4 hanks. 2240 1 thread contains 2 yards,)64 32 threads. 376 WORSTED AXD WOOLLEN YARNS. 560 yards, 1 hank. 66, numbers of yarn. 8360 3360 36960, number of yards in 1 lb. of 66's yarn. 4 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. 377 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARN TABLE. From Number 161 to 200 hanks in the pound. Weight of 1 hank. Weight of 1 dozen. Weight of 1 gross. Nos. d wt. lbs. d vv ts . grains. lbs. grams. 161 1 19.4 1 3 12.2 14 5 15.8 161 162 1 19.2 1 3 9. 14 4 1.2 162 163 1 18.9 1 8 5.8 14 2 11. 168 164 1 18.6 1 3 2.7 14 0 21.3 164 165 1 18.4 1 2 23.6 13 17 13.6 165 166 1 18.1 1 2 20.5 13' 16 0.7 166 167 1 17.9 1 2 17.5 13 14 12.4 167 168 1 17.6 1 2 14.5 13 13 0.5 168 169 1 17.4 1 2 11.5 13 11 18. 169 170 1 17.1 1 2 8.6 13 10 1.9 170 171 1 16.9 1 2 5.7 13 8 15.2 171 172 1 16.7 1 2 2.8 13 7 4.9 172 173 1 16.4 1 2 0. 13 5 19. 178 174 1 16.2 1 1 21.2 13 4 9.6 174 175 1 16. 1 1 18.5 13 3 0.5 175 176 1 15.7 1 1 15.7 13 1 15.7 176 177 1 15.5 1 1 13. 13 0 7.4 177 178 1 15.3 1 1 10.4 12 17 4.9 178 179 1 15.1 1 1 7.7 12 15 21.2 179 180 1 14.8 1 1 5.1 12 14 14. 180 181 1 14.6 1 1 2.5 12 18 7. 181 182 1 14.5 1 1 0. 12 12 0.4 182 188 1 14.2 1 0 21.5 12 10 18.1 183 184 1 14. 1 0 19. 12 9 12.2 184 185 1 13.8 1 0 16.5 12 8 6.6 185 186 1 13.6 1 0 14.1 12 7 1.3 186 187 1 13.4 1 0 11.7 12 5 20.3 187 188 1 13.2 1 0 9.3 12 4 15.7 188 189 1 13. 1 0 6.9 12 8 11.3 189 190 1 12.8 1 0 4.6 12 2 7.2 190 191 1 12.6 1 0 2.3 12 1 3.4 191 192 1 12.4 1 0 0. 12 0 0. 192 193 1 12.2 18 8.2 11 17 2.3 193 194 1 12. 18 0.9 11 15 23.3 194 195 1 11.8 17 22.7 11 14 20.7 195 196 1 11.7 17 2o!5 11 18 18.3 196 197 1 11.5 17 18.4 11 12 16.2 197 198 1 11.3 17 16.2 11 11 14.4 198 199 1 11.1 17 14.1 11 10 12.8 199 200 1 11. 17 12. 11 9 11.5 200 25 378 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN TARNS. Yards. Yards in the warp. 1 lb. of No. 66's = 36960)405504(10 lbs., 15i oz., wt. of weft re- 36960 quired to weave the warp. 35904 16 oz. 1 lb. 215424 35904 36960)574464(15 oz. 36960 204864 184800 20064 4 qrs,, 1 oz. 36960)80256(2 qrs. 73920 6336 If it requires 12 lbs., 5J oz. of yarn for a warp, and 10 lbs., 15|- 0^. of yarn to weave the -v^rp ; what weight will it require for 1 piece, if there be 4 pieces in the warp? lbs. oz. 12 . . 5f, weight of the warp. 10 . . 15J, weight to Aveave the warp. No. of pieces in warp, 4)23 . . 5 5 . . 13J, weight of 1 piece. jy. B. — The rules, examples, and illustrations laid doivn for the manufacture of cotton goods, may he applied to the manufac- ture of any other fabric of cloth, such as linen, worsted, ivoollen, or silk ; the system of calculation being the same, with the ex- ception of the length constituting the lea and hank, all particu- lars of which will be found in their proper places in this book. WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARNS. , -. -3^9 WORSTED AND WOOLLEN YARN TABLE. ' -'X/^, p From Number 201 to 270 hanks in the pound. Wgt. of 1 hank. Weight of 1 dozen. Weight of 1 gross. Nos. dwts. grains. oz. dwts. grains. lbs. oz. dwts. grains. Noe. 201 1 10.8 17 9.9 11 8 10.4 201 202 1 10.6 17 7.8 11 7 9.6 202 203 1 10.4 17 5.8 11 6 9. 203 204 1 10.3 17 3.7 11 5 8.6 204 205 1 10.1 17 1.7 11 4 8.5 205 206 1 9.9 16 23.7 11 3 8.7 206 207 1 9.8 16 21.8 11 2 9. 207 208 1 9.6 16 19.8 11 1 9.6 208 209 1 9.4 16 17.9 11 0 10.4 209 210 1 9.3 16 16. 10 17 17. 210 211 1 9.1 16 14.1 10 16 18.2 211 212 1 9. 16 12.2 10 15 19.7 213 1 8.8 16 10.3 10 14 21.3 213 214 1 8.7 16 8.5 10 13 23.2 214 215 1 8.5 16 6.7 10 13 1.3 215 216 1 8.4 16 4.8 10 12 3.6 216 217 1 8.2 16 3.1 10 11 6.1 217 218 1 8.1 16 1.3 10 10 8.8 218 219 1 7.9 15 23.5 10 9 11.7 219 220 1 7.8 15 21.8 10 8 14.8 220 221 1 1 7.6 15 20.1 10 7 18. 221 222 1 7.5 15 18.3 10 6 21.5 222 223 1 7.3 15 16.6 10 6 1.1 223 2.1\ 1 7.2 15 15. 10 5 5. 224 225 1 7.1 15 13.3 10 4 9. 225 226 1 6.9 15 11.6 10 3 13.1 226 /~j O T 227 1 6.8 15 10. 10 2 17.5 227 228 1 6.7 15 8.4 10 1 22. 228 229 1 6.5 15 6.8 10 1 2.7 229 230 1 6.4 15 5.2 10 0 7.6 230 231 1 6.3 15 3.6 9 17 18.1 231 232 1 6.1 15 2. 9 16 23.3 232 235 1 5.7 14 21.4 9 14 15.8 235 240 1 5.1 14 14. 9 10 22.5 240 245 1 4.5 14 6.8 9 7 8.7 245 250 1 4. 14 0. 9 3 22.5 250 255 1 3.4 13 17.4 9 0 15.4 255 260 1 2.9 13 11. 8 15 16.9 260 265 1 2.4 13 5. 8 12 15.7 265 270 1 1.9 12 23.1 8 9 17.3 270 380 WORSTED REEDS. WORSTED COUNT OF REEDS. The following are the general acknowledged methods of counting and expressing reeds in the manufacturing of all worsted goods. 1st. The plain back, or three ends in a dent, the counts, or fineness of the set, which is expressed by the number of scores, or beers, 20 dents to a beer set on 6-4ths, or 54 inches at the reed. Thus, a 42 contains 42 scores, or 42 beers, 20 dents to a beer, or 840 dents on 54 inches at the reed. iV. B. — This reed is the viost common one in use at the present time. 2d. The wildbore, or 4 ends in a dent, the count, or fineness of the set, which is expressed by the number of scores, or beers, 20 dents to a beer, set on 8-4ths, or 72 inches at the reed. Thus, a 50 wildbore slaie, or reed, contains 50 scores, or 60 beers, 20 dents to a beer, or 1000 dents on 72 inches at the reed. B. — This method is very little in use now. 3d. The 2 ends in a dent is coming more into use, the fineness of the set, which is expressed by the number of scores, or beers, 20 dents to a beer set on 4-4ths or 36 inches at the reed. 4th. Lastings. The count, or fineness of the set, which is ex- pressed by the number of dents set on 30 inches at the reed. Thus a 4 contains 400 dents, a 4 J contains 450 dents, &c. &c. The following tables will show the count, or fineness of worsted reeds, according to the number of dents in an inch, and the difi'erent systems of counting. EXPLANATION TO THE REED TABLES. The first line in each division contains the number of dents in an inch ; opposite to which in the table is the count of the reed, according to the different systems of counting. N. B. — The decimal in the line expressing the number of dents in an inch, is the decimal of a dent. Thus, 20.5 is equal to 20J dents, and the decimal in the lines expressing the counts of the reeds, is the decimal of a score, or beer containing 20 dents. Thus, 40.5 is equal to 40J scores, or beers. WORSTED REEDS. 381 WORSTED REED TABLE. c . o c " ^ o ^ .= ^ °-5 J ° §1 1 = 1 OD O g „ — o " -2 S £ tj o 2 H ir ^ 2 o c .5 S £ w t. QJ C S ? o 2. c3 o £ k. C o 4, p c W lO to (U crj ^ — Q Z '^ Z ^ ^ o ^ o CO c 2 CO 8. 21.6 28.8 14.4 240 25.5 68.85 91.8 45.9 765 8.5 22.95 30.6 15.3 255 26. 70.2 93.6 46.8 780 9. 24.3 32.4 16.2 270 26.5 71.55 95.4 47.7 795 9.5 25.65 34.2 17.1 285 27. 72.9 97.2 48.6 810 10. 27.. 36. 18. 800 27.5 74.25 99. 49.5 825 10.5 28.35 37.8 18.9 315 28. 75.6 100.8 50.4 840 11. 29.7 39.6 19.8 330 28.5 76.95 102.6 51.3 855 11.5 31.05 41.4 20.7 345 29. 78.3 104.4 52.2 870 12. 32.4 43.2 21.6 360 29.5 79.65 106.2 53.1 885 12.5 33.75 45. 22.5 375 30. 81. 108. 54. 900 13. 35.1 46.8 23.4 390 30.5 82.35 109.8 54.9 915 13.5 36.45 48.6 24.3 405 31. 83.7 111.6 55.8 930 14. 37.8 50.4 25.2 420 31.5 85.05 113.4 56.7 945 14.5 39.15 52.2 26.1 435 32. 86.4 115.2 57.6 960 15. 40.5 54. 27. 450 32.5 87.75 117. 58.5 975 15.5 41.85 55.8 27.9 465 33. 89.1 118.8 59.4 990 16. 43.2 57.6 28.8 480 33.5 90.45 120.6 60.3 1005 16.5 44.55 59.4 29.7 495 34. 91.8 122.4 61.2 1020 17. 45.9 61.2 30.6 510 34.5 93.15 124.2 62.1 1035 17.5 47.25 63. 31.5 525 35. 94.5 126. 63. 1050 18. 48.6 64.8 32.4 540 35.5 95.85 127.8 63.9 1065 18.5 49.95 6G.6 33.3 555 36. 97.2 129.6 64.8 1080 19. 51.3 68.4 34.2 570 36.5 98.55 131.4 65.7 1095 19.5 52.65 70.2 35.1 585 37. 99.9 133.2 66.6 1110 20. 54. 72. 36. 600 37.5 101.25 135. 67.5 1125 20.5 55.35 73.8 36.9 615 38. 102.6 136.8 68.4 1140 21. 56.7 75.6 37.8 630 38.5 103.95 138.6 69.3 1155 21.5 58.05 77.4 38.7 645 39. 105.3 140.4 70.2 1170 22. 59.4 79.2 39.6 660 39.5 106.65 142.2 71.1 1185 22.5 60.75 81. 40.5 675 40. 108. 144. 72. 1200 23. 62.1 82.8 41.4 690 40.5 109.35 145.8 72.9 1215 23.5 63.45 84.6 42.3 705 41. 110.7 147.6 73.8 1230 24. 64.8 86.4 43.2 720 41.5 112.05 149.4 74.7 1245 24.5 66.15 88.2 44.1 735 42. 113.4 151.2 75.6 1260 25. 67.5 90. 45. 750 42.5 114.75 153. 76.5 1275 382 TVORSTED REEDS. To ascertain the count, or fineness of worsted reeds. RULE. — Multiply tlie number of dents in an incli by the given number of inches any reed is set on, according to the sys- tem of counting, and divide by 20, •which is the number of dents in a score, or beer, and the quotient will be the count, or fine- ness of the reed, and if the number of dents in an inch at the reed be required, multiply the count of the reed by 20, and divide by the given number of inches the reed is set on, and the quotient will be the number of dents in an inch, according to the fineness of the reed, and the system of counting. The system of ascertaining the count, or fineness of reeds for lastings, difi"ers from the others, but will be found by multiplying the number of dents in an inch by 30, the product of which will be the count, or fineness of the reed, and if the number of dents in an inch be required, divide the count, or fineness of the reed by 30, and the quotient will be the number of dents in an inch, according to the fineness of the reed. EXAMPLES. The count, or fineness of the plain back reed containing 19 dents in an inch is required: — 19, dents in an inch. 54, number of inches the reed is set on. 76 95 Score, or beer, 2.0 dents,)102.6 51.3, or 51 scores, or beers, and 6 dents set on 54 inches at the reed, or nearly 51J count, or fine- ness of the reed. What number of dents will there be in an inch of a 51.3 plain back reed ? 51.3, count of reed. 20 dents, 1 score, or beer. No. of inches reed set on, 54)1026.0(19, number of dents in an 54 inch at the reed. 486 486 WORSTED REEDS. 383 WORSTED EEED TABLE. 43. 43.5 44. 44.5 45. 45.5 46. 46.5125.55 47. 47.5128.25 48. 48.5 49. 49.5 50. 50.5 51. 51 52 52 53 53 54. 57 57.0 58. 58 59. 59. 60 o ° ?, Q « O 03 in 116.1 117.45 118.8 120.15 121.5 122.85 124.2 126.9 51 129.6 130.95 132.3 133.65 135. 136.35 137.7 9.05 140.4 .75 143.1 5 144.45 146.8 54.5147.15 55. 148.5 55.5 149.85 56. 151.2 56.5 152.55 153.9 155.25 156.6 7.95 159.3 65 162. 515< 5160. 154.8 156.6 158.4 160.2 162. 163.8 165.6 167.4 169.2 171. 172.8 174.6 176.4 178.2 180. 181.8 183.6 185.4 187.2 189. 190.8 192.6 194.4 196.2 198. 199.8 201.6 203.4 205.2 207. 208.8 210.6 212.4 214.2 216. 77.4 78.3 79.2 80.1 81. 81.9 82.8 83.7 84.6 85.5 86.4 87.3 88.2 89.1 90. 90.9 91.8 92.7 93.6 94.5 95.4 96.3 97.2 98.1 99. 99.9 100.8 101.7 102.6 103.5 104.4 105.3 106.2 107.1 108. 1290 1305 1320 1335 1350 1365 1380 1395 1410 1425 1440 1455 1470 1485 1500 1515 1530 1545 1560 1575 1590 1605 1620 1635 1650 1665 1680 1695 1710 1725 1740 1755 1770 1785 1800 60.5163 61. 61. 62. 62. 63. 63.5 04. 64 65. 65.5 66. 66 67. 67.5 68. 68.5 69. 69 70. 5166. 5168. 51 71. 71 72. 72.5 73. 73.5 74. 74.5 75. 75.5 76. 76. 1 1 . 77.5 1^ .35 164.7 05 167.4 .75 170.1 171.45 172.8 74.15 175.5 176.85 178.2 5179.55 180.9 182.25 183.6 184.95 186.3 .65 189. 5187. 70.5 190.35 5193. 191.7 .05 194.4 195.75 197.1 198.45 199.8 201.15 202.5 203.85 205.2 5 206.55 207.9 209.25 a 5 217.8 219.6 221.4 223.2 225! 226.8 228.6 230.4 232.2 234. 235.8 237.6 239.4 241.2 243. 244.8 246.6 248.4 250.2 252. 253.8 255.6 257.4 259.2 261. 262.8 264.6 266.4 268.2 270. 271.8 273.6 275.4 277.2 279. 108.9 109.8 110.7 111.6 112.5 113.4 114.3 115.2 116.1 117. 117.9 118.8 119.7 120.6 121.5 122.4 123.3 124.2 125.1 126. 126.9 127.8 128.7 129.6 130.5 131.4 132.3 133.2 134.1 135. 135.9 136.8 137.7 138.6 139.5 384 WORSTED REEDS. The count, or fineness of a wildbore reed containing 19 dents in an inch, is required : — 19 dents in an inch. 72, number of inches the reed is set on. 38 133 Score, or beer, 2.0 dnts.)136.8 68.4 count, or fineness of the reed, i. e., 68 scores, or beers, and 8 dents, or 1868 dents set on 72 inches at the reed. What number of dents will there be in an inch of 68.4 wild- bore reed ? 68.4, count of reed. 20 dents, 1 score, or beer. No. of inches reed set on, 72)1868.0(19, number of dents in an 72 inch at the reed. 648 648 The count, or fineness of a reed, is required from the follow- ing particulars : — Number of inches the reed is set on, 36. Number of dents in an inch, 19. Number of dents in a score, or beer, 20. 19 dents in an inch. 36, number of inches the reed is set on. 114 67 Score, or beer, 2.0 dnts.)68.4 84.2, count, or fineness of the reed, i. e., 34 scores, or beers, and 4 dents, set on 36 inches at the reed. If 34 scores, or beers, and 4 dents be set on 36 inches at the reed, how many dents will there be in an inch ? WORSTED REEDS. 385 Beers. Dents. 34 . . 4 20, number of dents in a beer. No. of inches reed set on, 36)684(19, number of dents in an inch 36 at the reed. 324 324 The count, or fineness of lasting reed containing 19 dents in an inch, is required : — 19 dents in an inch. 30, number of inches the reed is set on. 570, or nearly 5f count, or fineness of the reed. reed contains 570 dents, ich? No. of inches reed set on, 3.0)57.0 dents. If a lasting reed contains 570 dents, how many dents will there be in an inch? 19, number of dents in an inch at the reed. How many dents will there be in an inch of a 50 plain back reed ? 50, count of reed. 20 dents, 1 score, or beer. No. of inches reed set on, 54)1000(18.518, or rather more than 54 18|- dents in an inch at the reed. 460 432 280 270 100 54 460 432 28 386 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. N. B. — Warps are warped quite indepmdent of the set for which they may he used. The common tvay of warping is hy portits, portives, porters, or heers, tvhichever they may he called. Some xoarp hy 48 ends, and lasting warps are generally warped by 48. Of course it does not matter in ivhat numbers they are tvarped, if the warp only contains the number of ends required, according to the ividth and fineness of the reed. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. The revolutions a minute of a shaft are required from the fol- lowing particulars : — Double strokes of steam engine, 19J per minute. Wheel on crank, or fly-shaft, 64 teeth, working into a wheel 49 teeth on the first line of shafts. Wheel 63 teeth on the first line of shafts, works into a wheel 36 teeth on foot of an upright shaft. Then, wheel 70 teeth on the top of the upright shaft, works into a wheel 39 teeth on lying shaft ; the speed of which is required. Driving-wheels, &c. 19.5 double strokes, engine makes a minute. 64 teeth, wheel on fly, or crank shaft. 780 1170 1248.0 63 teeth, wheel on first lying shaft. 3744 7488 78624 70 teeth, wheel on top of upright shaft. 5503680 dividend. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 387 Driven-wheels. 49 teeth, -wheel on first lying shaft. 36 teeth, wheel on foot of upright shaft. 294 147 1764 39 teeth, wheel on lying shaft, the speed of which is required. 15876 5292 68796 divisor. 68796)5508680(80 revolutions per minute, speed 550368 of shaft required. 0 Suppose a shaft be making 80 revolutions a minute, with the following driving and driven-wheels on the intermediate shafts ; what number of double strokes per minute should the engine make? Driving-wheels, &c. 80, revolutions of given shaft per minute. 39 teeth, wheel on do. 720 240 3120 36 teeth, wheel on foot of upright shaft. 18720 9360 112320 49 teeth, wheel on the first lying shaft. 1010880 449280 5503680 dividend. 388 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. Drivenw-heels. 70 teeth, wheel on top of upright shaft. 63 teeth, wheel on first lying shaft. 210 420 4410 64 teeth, wheel on crank, or fly shaft. 17640 26460 282240 divisor. 282240)5503680(19.5, double strokes of steam- 282240 engine a minute. 2681280 2540160 1411200 1411200 If a drum 42J inches diameter, drives the beaters of a blow- ing-machine 1344 revolutions per minute, what must the diameter of a drum be, for the beaters to make 1560 revolutions ; and if the present drum is to be lagged, what thickness must the lags be ? Revols. Inches. Ilevols. If 1344 .• 42.25 1560 1560 253500 21125 4225 1344)65910.00(49 5376 12150 12096 .04 inches, diameter of drum required. 5400 6376 24 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 389 49.04 inches, diameter of drum required. 42.25 inches, diameter of given drum. 2)6.79 inches, difference of diameters of drums. 3.395, or nearly 3.4 inches, thickness of lags required. If a drum 42J inches diameter drives the beater of a blowing- machine 1844 revolutions per minute; what number of revolutions will the beater make if driven from a drum 4:9^^^ inches diameter? Inches. Revols. Inches. If 421 or 42.25 . • 1344 . • . • 49.04, or 492^ 49.04 5376 120960 5376 42.25)65909.76(1560, revolutions of beater a 4225 minute, nearly. 23659 21125 25347 25350— nearly. If a pulley 13 inches diameter drives the main cylinder of a , carding-engine, at the rate of 126 revolutions a minute ; what diameter must the pulley be, to reduce the speed of the cylinder to 112 revolutions? 126, revolutions given. 13 inches, diameter of given pulley. 378 126 1638 390 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. Revolutions req'd, 112)1638(14.625, or 14| inches, diameter of 112 pulley required. 518 448 700 672 280 224 560 560 How many grains will 30 yards of 3J hank roving weigh ? Hank roving, 3.25)250.00(76.92 grains, or 3 dwts., 5 grains, 2275 nearly. 2250 1950 3000 2925 750 650 100 If 30 yards, or | of a lea weigh 76.92 grains, what hank roving will it be ? 30 yards of roving weigh 76.92)250.00(3.25, or 3i hank roving 23076 19240 15384 38560 38460 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 391 The weight of 1 pair of sets of cops is required from the following particulars: — Numher of spindles in pair of wheels, 1016. Length of stretch put up (breakage allowed), 61J inches. Number of stretches, 900. Number of yarn 36's. 1016 X 900 X 61.5 = 56235600.0 dividend. 840 X 36 X 36 =1088640, divisor. 56235600 divided by 1088640=51 lbs., lOJ oz., weight of pair of sets. How many hanks, leas, and yards, will there be in a pair of sets of cops, of which the following are the particulars ? Number of spindles in wheels, 808. Number of stretches on set, 450. Net length of stretch put up, 57^- inches. 808, number of spindles in wheels. 450, stretches on set. 40400 3232 363600 67.5, or 57| inches, length of stretch put up. 1818000 2545200 1818000 {6)20907000.0 number of inches on pair of sets. 6)3484500 1 lea is 12.0 yards,)58075.0 yards. 1 hank is 7 leas,)4839 leas, and 70 yards. 691 hanks, 2 leas, and 70 yards, length on pair of sets. 392 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. If there be 691 hanks, 2 leas, and 70 yards on 1 pair of sets of number 36's pincop weft; what weight will they be? 1 lea is 12.0 yards, )70.0 yards. 1 hank is 7 leas,)2.5888 leas. 691.36904 hanks, divided by 86=19 lbs., 3J oz., weight of 691 hanks, 2 leas, and 70 yards of 36's weft. If 20 ounces of cotton were fed on 30 inches of feed-cloth at lap-machine, and to pass through all the operations of working without loss; what numbers of yarn would it produce, allowing the following draughts and doublings? 487.5 grains, 1 oz. 20 ounces, weight of cotton fed on feed-cloth. Draught at lap-machine, 2)8750.0 grains, do. Dght. at card, engine, 12.0)437.5 grains, weight of 80 inches of lap. 86.458333 grains, weight of 30 in. No. of ends put up at 1st drawing, 6 of carding. Dght. 1st hd. of drng., 6.22)218.750000(35 grains weight of 80 1875 inches, at the 1st head of drawings. 3125 3125 35 grs., wgt. of 80 in. of drng. 1st head. 6, No. of ends put up at 2d hd. of drngs. 210 189 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 393 33.33 grs. wgt. of 30 in. drag. 2d hd. 8, number of ends put up at 3d head of drawings. Dght. at 3d hd. drngs., 6.4)266.66(41.666 grs., weight of 30 inches 256 of drawing at 3d head. 106 64 426 384 426 384 426 384 42 Dght. at slabbing frame, 5)41.66 grains, weight of 30 inches of drawing, 3d head. 8.33 grs., wgt. of 30 in. of slabbing. 2, no. of ends put up at rov. frame. Draught at roving frame, 7)16.66 2.38095 grains, weight of 30 inches of roving. Grains. Draught at spinning, 11.5)2. 38095(.20704, decimal of a grain 230 weight, of 30 inches of yarns. 809 .805 26 450 460 — nearly. 394 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. .20704 grain, weight of 30 inches of yarn. 36, a multiplier for 30 yards. 124224 62112 7.45344 grains, weight of 30 yards of yarn. 4 — 4 times 30 yards = 1 lea. 29.81376 grains, weight of 1 lea of yarn. The weight of cotton, according to the foregoing draughts and doublings, required to produce 1 lea of yarn is 29.81376 grains, or 1 dwt., 5.81376 grains. Weight of 1 lea, 29.81376 grns.)1000. 00000(33.54 hanks in 1 lb. 8944128 10558720 8944128 16145920 14906880 33.54 hanks = 1 lb. 8.385 hanks = 4 ounces. 41.925 hanks = 20 ounces. 7 leas = 1 hank. 293.475 29.8137 grains =1 lea. 2054325 880425 293475 2347800 2641275 586950 8749.5756075 grains weight, or 20 ounces fed on 80 inches of feed cloth at lap machine. 12390400 11^25504 464896 I ■ MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 395 If 20 ounces of cotton fed on 80 inches of feed cloth at lap machine produces number 36's twist, or weft, according to the following draughts and doublings ; what will the loss sustained in working be? Draught at the lap machine, 2. Draught at the carding engine, 120. Draught at the 1st head of drawings, 6.25. Draught at the 2d head of drawings, 6.3.- Draught at the 3d head of drawings, 6.4. Draught at the slabbing frame, 5. Draught at the roving frame, 7. Draught at the spinning, 11.5. Multiplier for 30 inches, 6.944. Doublings at the 1st head of drawings, 6. Doublings at the 2d head of drawings, 6. Doublings at the 3d head of drawings, 8. Doublings at the roving frame, 2. Numbers of yarn produced, 36's. Draughts. 2, lap machine. 120, carding engine. 240 6.25, first head of drawings. 1200 480 1440 1500.00 6.3, second head of drawings. 4500 9000 9450.0 6.4, third head of drawings. 37800 56700 396 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 60480.0 5, slabbing frame. 302400 7, roving frame. 2116800 11.5 mules. 10584000 23284800 24343200.0 Mult.forSOin., asper table,6.944 97372800 97372800 219088800 146059200 169039180.800 dividend. Doublings. 6x6x8x2x36 = 20736 divisor. 169039180.8 divided by 20736 =8152 grains, or 18 oz., 11 dwt., 13 grains, weight of yarn produced from 20 oz. of cotton. oz. dwts. grs. Weight of cotton fed on feed cloth at lap machine, 20 . . 0 . . 0 Weight of yarn produced, . . . . 18 . . 11 . . 13 Loss sustained in working, . . . . 1 . . 6 . . 16.5 Suppose there be a 48 teeth wheel working into a 36 teeth wheel, and finding them of a finer pitch than they should be ; what wheels will work in the same place to pi'oduce the same speed with the same diameters of wheels? RULE. — Reduce the wheels to their lowest terms, by dividing them by any number that will divide the number of teeth in the wheels without a remainder ; then multiply the lowest terms of the wheels by any one number that will produce the number of teeth required. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. Tims, 397 12)48 Lowest term, 4 Lowest term, 4 2 12)86 3 lowest term. 3 lowest number. 2 Wheel, 8 teeth, and wheel 6 teeth. Lowest term, 4 3 3 lowest term. 3 Wheel, 12 teeth, and wheel 9 teeth. Lowest term, 4 4 3 lowest term. 4 Wheel, 16 teeth, and wheel, 12 teeth. Lowest term, 4 3 lowest term. 5 Wheel, 20 teeth, and wheel, 15 teeth. Lowest term, 4 6 3 lowest term. 6 Wheel, 24 teeth, and wheel, 18 teeth. Lowest term, 4 9 3 lowest term. 9 Wheel, 36 teeth, and wheel, 27 teeth. N.B. — The same system will answer, either for increasing or decreasing the number of teeth in tvheels. Any of the above wheels working together will produce the same speed. 398 JUDKINS' AMERICAN HEALDS. JUDKINS' AMERICAN HEALDS, OR PATENT HEDDLES. PLATE I. The machine shown in the drawing is so constructed as to double and twist the yarn from single of itself, and at the same time, at certain points, is converted into a braiding or platting machine, by which the eye or loop of the heddle is formed, with- out knots of any description. The advantages of this machine are many. A set of healds is produced by it at a much less cost than by any other method, and without a single knot at any point, the whole being one continu- ous twine or cord. By the drawing is also shown a set of healds made by this machine, with the eye or loop as described, which is coated, lined, or covered with a metallic substance, suitable for the purpose. One set of patent healds will last fifteen of any other kind, and a greater number of yards of cloth, heavier and more perfect, can be produced through it, in a given time, in consequence of less friction upon the warp. mason's self-acting mule. 399 MASON'S SELF-ACTING MULE. PLATES II. III. IV. V. Of this machine we give the inventor's specification complete : The schedule referred to in the letters patent and making part of the same. To all to whom these jyresents shall come — Be it known, that I, William Mason, of Taunton, in the County of Bristol and State of Massachusetts, have invented a new and useful self-acting mule for spinning cotton and other fibrous substances, and that the following is a full, clear and exact description of the principle or character which distinguishes it from all other things before known, and of the manner of making, constructing and using the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, making part of this specification, in which Fig. 1 is an elevation of the head of the mule next the carriage — Fig. 2 an elevation of the opposite side — Fig. 3 a plan — Fig. 4 a back elevation — Fig. 5 a longitudinal vertical section taken at the line (XX) of Fig. 3, looking in the direction of the arrow — Fig. 6 a front eleva- tion — Fig. 7 a section of, and through the friction clutch — Fig. 8 separate view of the scroll or volute cam — and Fig. 9 a ver- tical cross section of the head taken just in front of the shipper lever. The same letters indicate like parts in all the figures. The motions of the mule may be divided into three series, which are subdivided in the action of the apparatus. The first series consists of the drawing out of the carriage, the revolving of the draw-rollers and the whirling of the spindles, by means of which series of motions the rovings are drawn out and the threads spun and twirled. The second series consists of backing ofi", as it is termed, that is, turning the spindles the reverse direction, to un- coil the threads from the points of the spindles to the cops and turning down or depressing the front filler, at the same time to place all the parts in a proper con-dition for the third series of motions, Avhich consists of putting or running in the carriage, winding on the yarn or threads by giving a vai-ying motion to the spindles corresponding to the form and size of the cops, and ope- rating the faller to give the proper shape to the cops. 400 mason's self-acting mule. The first series of motions is regular. The carriage is drawn out by a regular motion, effected by a train of wheels from the driving pulley to a line shaft, which carries endless chains con- nected with the carriage at different parts of its length to insure steadiness of motion. During this the draw-rollers are rotated, to give out the staple as it is spun by another train of wheels deriving motion from the same source as the preceding, and in a manner substantially similar to other mules. And at the same time the spindles are whirled or rotated by a band receiving mo- tion from a pulley on the shaft of the driving pulley as in other mules. This completes the first series of motions, in which I claim nothing new. At the end of the first series of motions, the threads that have been spun are coiled on the spindles from the cops to their points — it is therefore necessary to uncoil them (called "backing off") preparatory to winding on, and at the same time to depress the front faller to place it in a proper position for winding on. The second series of motions en'ects these purposes, and the various parts of the mechanism are put in a proper condition to effect this by the momentum of the moving parts at the end of the fix'st series of motions. This constitutes the first part of my invention. As the carriage approaches the end of the out motion, the driving belt is shifted from the first driving pulley to a loose pulley by the side of it, to permit the momentum of the moving parts to complete the movements, and so soon as these are accomplished a balance weight is carried beyond the vertical line and falls over, which shifts the belt from the loose pulley to a second fast pulley on the same shaft with the others, at the same time the trains of wheels that operate the carriage and the draw-rollers are liberated by the shifting of a clutch, and at the same time a friction clutch is brought into action, thereby connecting the band that drives the spindles with a sliding rack (called the "top-sliding rack") which, in consequence of this connection, is carried by the mo- mentum of the spindles sufficiently far in one direction to give by its return the required motion to the spindles in the reverse direction to uncoil the threads from the upper parts of the spindles. Whilst the rack is thus moved, the second fast pulley sets in motion, by a train of wheels, a crank pin that works in a slot in a connecting rod, and this crank pin when set in motion is a little below a line passing through the connecting rod and the axis of motion, so that the crank pin moves a short distance before it begins to move the connecting rod — this period of time is suffi- cient to permit the momentum of the spindles (as above stated) mason's self-acting mule. 401 to draw the sliding rack to the distance required to be in a con- dition, by its return movement, to give the "backing-off" m-otioii? to the spindles. The ci'ank pin then in making a semi-revolution carries the connecting rod with it, and this being in connection with the lever of a rock shaft, provided with a toothed pulley, around which passes a chain attached to the end of the sliding rack, draws it (the rack) for a short distance in a reverse direction, and thus causes it to give the backing-ofF motion to the spindles, to uncoil the threads, at the same time depressing the front faller to bring the threads in a proper position for winding on, this latter being effected by having one end of the shaper or coping rail jointed to a lever on the rock shaft above-mentioned. The chain attached to the rack and which communicates motion to it, is kept tight by being passed over a pulley and having a weight suspended to it. When the top-sliding rack is carried forward by the momentum of the spindles at the end of the first series of motions, it is gra- dually arrested, and with it the spindles, by means of a spring brake of a peculiar construction, viz. : — On the rock shaft there is a bent lever, to one end of which is connected a helical spring also attached to an arm jointed to the other end of the bent lever : and by the side of and attached to, the toothed wheel, around which passes the chain on the end of the sliding rack, and which turns freely on the rock shaft, there is a ratchet wheel and by the side of it a cam plate provided with a hand or catch, by means of which the ratchet and toothed wheels are carried ai'ound, when the cam plate is carried around by the action of the spring brake on the cam form of its periphery. And when this has been carried far enough arOund, the catch is liberated to permit the return of the parts by means of an arm or lever jointed to one end of the bent lever which is made to lift the catch from the teeth of the ratchet wheel. As the cops increase in diame- ter, it is evident that the backing-off motion must be diminished, and this is effected by making the connecting rod above-mentioned in two parts, the first connected by one end (as above stated) with the crank pin which actuates it and which works in a slot to give motion to the rod in one direction only (the crank being then at liberty to turn without imparting any motion longitudinally to the rod), the other end being jointed to a curved arm that vibrates on a stud pin, and the other part of the connecting rod is jointed to the arm of the rock shaft and to a slide that works in a curved groove ia the vibrating arm, so that as this slide is moved from or towards the axis of motion of the arm, the rock shaft will be 402 mason's self-acting mule. vibrated more or less and this slide is moved in or out by being in connection with the mechanism that operates the motions of the coping rail, and which will therefore be described under the third series. At the end of the backing-off motion, the vibrating arm of the connecting rod is hooked and held by a catch until the carriage is run up, and then liberated to permit the parts to resume their appropriate positions preparatory to a repetition of the operation. At the end of the second series of motions the third series of motions commences, and these constitute the second part of my invention. The carriage is run in by a crank motion, which has the effect to gradually start it from a state of rest, and accele- rate its motion to the middle of its course, and then gradually diminish its motion until it is brought to a state of rest — thus avoiding all tendency to break the threads consequent upon all sudden motions. This is effected in the following manner, viz. : When tlie shipping lever is operated at the end of the first series of motion, a clutch on a shaft carried by the second fast pulley is shifted, and on this clutch has but one tooth, the shaft is there- by permitted to make part of a revolution, during which the second series of operations takes place before it (the clutch) be- gins to act, and then it communicates motion to a large cog- wheel provided with a crank pin, that actuates a connecting rod jointed to a rack (below the top-sliding rack above described), the teeth of which take into the teeth of a pinion on the shaft of one of the train of wheels that communicate motion to the carriage, thereby imparting the desired movement. The wind- ing on of the yarn during the running in of the carriage is ef- fected by the top sliding rack, which for the purpose is carried by the rack just described, by means of such connections as ad- mit of modifying the motions of the top-sliding rack which drives the spindles in winding on. Motion is communicated from the bottom to the top rack in the following manner : — On the end of the lower rack and by the side of it, there is a stud pin on which turns a scroll cam, and to that part of its periphery which is nearest the axis is attached one end of a chain, which passes from thence around a roller that turns on a stud pin at the side of the lower rack, and is then carried back and attached by a short arm to the top-sliding rack, so that when the lower rack slides the top rack will move with it, provided the scroll can remain immovable on its axis, but as the motion of the top rack during each operation must have a motion accelera,tcd rela- tively to that of the lower rack, to increase the rotation of the a mason's self-acting mule. 403 spindles, as the threads are wound on a gradually diminishing diameter of the conical form of the cops — this is eifected by causing the scroll cam to turn on its axis during the motion of the rack, by having a wheel attached to and turning with it, to the periphery of which is attached one end of a chain, that passes around it, and is attached by the other end to another part of the machine, so that if this part of the attachment re- mains fixed, a regular accelerated motion will be given to the top rack, relatively to the motion of the lower rack, and neces- sarily the spindles will have their rotation accelerated relatively to the motion of the carriage. These relative motions of the two racks, as described, are such as are required after the base of the cops has been formed, for then the threads are wound regularly on a cone : but in forming the base of the cops the first winding is on the naked spindles, at which time the motion of the spindles should correspond with that of the carriage, and from the commencement until the base is formed, the accelerated motion should be gradually brought into play, to give the conical form to the cops. This is effected by having the chain that winds on the wheel that turns with the scroll cam, attached to a slide that works on a screw in a vibrating arm, the outer end of which is jointed to another arm of equal length, that turns on the end of the stud, on Avhich the scroll cam and wheel turn, so that when the slide is at the lower end of the arm, the two arms being of equal length, the motion of the wheel with the rack will not cause it to wind up the chain, but, as the slide is drawn up towards the axis of vibration of the arm, one end of the chain Avill necessarily move through a less space than the other, and thus cause the wheel, with the scroll cam attached thereto, to turn on its axis, and thus to vai-y the motion of the top rack, and thereby adapt the motion of the spindles to the varying diameter of the base of the cops. The screw in the vibrating arm that carries the slide, is in connection by means of appro- priate cog-wheels with a horizontal ratchet wheel, which is free to move when the arm vibrates in one direction, but held by the hand or catch when the arm vibrates in the reverse direction, for the purpose of turning the screw to move the slide : and this hand or catch is governed by an apparatus called a butterfly, which is acted on by an arm from the counter-faller, when the tension of the thread is too great, and thus throws the hand into the teeth of the wheel, that the vibration of the arm shall ope- rate the slide — the hand or catch being disengaged at each run- ning out of the carriage. The last of the third series of mo- 404 mason's self-acting mule. tions is the operation of the coping rail for operating the faller, which being essentially similar to others, needs no special notice here. At the end of the running in motion of the carriage, a pin on an arm projecting from the shaft of the crank that operates, the under rack liberates the catch that holds the connecting-rod, by which the backing- off motion is effected, and so soon as it is liberated, the weight of the machinery attached draws it back — and to prevent any sudden jar by this operation, the crank pin which operates the connecting rod in one direction, is so governed in its revolutions as to be neaidy a semi-revolution from its point of departure, at the commencement of the backing-off operation, so that the force required for carrying it back to this position is sufficient to ease off the motion of the returning parts. This crank pin is held in the position just indicated by a brake within the second fast pulley, and this brake is connected by a joint link and lever with the arm of the connecting-rod of the backing off apparatus, which, when drawn back, forces the brake in contact' with the pulley, and arrests the train of wheels and this crank pin in their appropriate place. When finishing the caps it is important to wind the threads on tight at the point, particularly as the upper ends of the spindles are tapering. This is effected by forming the connection between the chain and the end of the top sliding rack by means of a vibrat- ing frame, from Avhich projects another arm that has a chain jointed to it, extending to and winding on an arbor, which arbor has a ratchet-wheel on it, which is carried a part of a revolution at each operation of the mule by a hand on the arm of the con- necting rod of the backing-off motion ; and this auxiliary chain is of such length that it continues to be wound upon the arbor with- out affecting the operations of any part of the machinery until the caps are nearly completed, and then it becomes so short as to be brought in contact with a permanent arm towards the end of the winding-on operation, and when thus brought in contact with this arm it suddenly shortens the chain that forms the connection between the two racks, and necessarily increases the rotation of the spindles, which, as a necessary consequence, draws the threads tighter on the spindles. In the accompanying drawings (A^) represents a frame pro- perly adapted to the operative parts of Avhat constitutes the head of the mule, the carriage not being represented, as it is in every particular similar to other mules. (A A' A") are three pulleys of equal diameter and placed side by side on the main shaft (B). mason's SELF-ACima MULE. 405 The one (A) is the first fast pulley attached to, and turning with the shaft (B). (A^) is the second fast pulley, carrying a pinion (D), and turning freely on the shaft (B), and (A") is a loose pulley placed between the other two and turning freely on the shaft. A driving belt from some first mover passes over these pulleys and is guided to either of them by a shipper lever (C) that vibrates on a steel pin (W), and connected with a weighted balance lever (C^), by which it is operated when the belt is to be shipped from one to another of these pulleys. [At the commencement of the first series of operations, the belt runs on the first fast pulley (A'), to give the first series of motions. The pinion (J) on the shaft (B) communicates a positive and regular motion to the shaft (G), (which is in connection with the draw rollers in the usual manner), by means of the first train of wheels (K, L, J), and from the shaft (G) by the second train of wheels (N, 0, P, R, S, X), to the line shaft (Y) that drives the carriage by means of endless chains (Z) connected with the carriage by one of the links (Z^). There is but one of these chains represented in the drawings, and the shaft is shown as broken off", as the connections with the carriage present nothing new, and therefore need not be repre- sented. And at the same time the spindles are rotated or whirled by the usual band (T'), diiven by the pulley (0'), on the same pulley shaft (B). This completes the first series of motions, viz : drawing out the carriage, rotating the draw rollers, and whirling the spindles, to draw out, spin and twist the threads. Towards the end of the running out motion of the carriage, the belt is shipped from the first fast pulley (A) to the loose pulley (A") which removes the driving power from these motions. This shifting of the belt is effected in the following manner, viz : the weighted balance lever (C^) is jointed to the shipper lever at (2), and above the stud pin (3), on which it vibrates, its upper end being weighted to enable it to fall over by gravity, after the weight has been carried a little beyond the vertical line. The lower end of this balance lever is T formed, and one of its short arms is jointed by a link (4), with a short lever (5) that turns on a stud pin (6), and this lever is also connected by a link [d) with another lever (A) that turns on a stud pin (c), and this last lever is depressed when the belt is to be slipped by means of a pin [a) in a vibrating arm (L') on the shaft (K^) of the wheel that carries the connecting rod by which the carriage is run in. The balance lever is by this means carried a little beyond the vertical line, and then carried entirely over by the weight of the lever (C^). On this same shaft (K'), and on the opposite side of the frame 406 mason's self-acting mule. there is another arm (M') provided with a pin {g\ which at the same time depresses another lever (N^), converted by means of a jointed rod (/<) with an elbow lever (7) that operates a clutch (M) on the shaft (G) by means of which the cog-wheel (I) is clutched to its shaft, or unclutched, so that when the driving belt is re- moved from the fast pulley (A) to disconnect the parts that give the first series of motions to the wheel (I) is unclutched, which libe- rates the draw rollers, and the second train of wheels that com- municate motion to the carriage from the parts that drive the spindles, so that they (the spindles) are free to continue to move by their momentum independent of the draw rollers and carriage. The clutch (M) is held open until the belt is again carried to the first fast pulley at the end of the third series of motions by a pin (y) in one arm of the balance lever (C^) which bears against one side of the arm of the clutch lever (7), for the lever (N') that operates the clutch lever is provided with a helical spring [i) attached to it and the frame, for the purpose of forcing the clutch in the moment that the pin ( /) of the balance lever (C^) liberates the clutch lever (7). The parts being thus situated, and the driving belt in the loose pulley, the momentum of the spindles will cause them to continue to turn for some time, and thus com- mences the second sex'ies of motions. The band (T') that carries the spindles, and which, as stated above, passes around and is carried by the pulley (0') on the main shaft (B), passes around a guide pulley (R') at one end of the frame, and another (S') at the other end, and also around another pulley (P^) that runs freely on a shaft (Q'), except when clutched to it, which is done at the time the driving belt is slipped from the first fast pulley (A). This pulley (P'), called the "friction clutch pulley," is a hollow cone lined with leather, into which is received a conical friction clutch (P") attached to the end of the shaft (Q'), which slides endwise in its bearings, and in the friction pulley, which is prevented from sliding endwise with the shaft by a collar (8); so that, when this shaft (Q') is moved in one direc- tion, the pulley (P') is clutched to it by the friction of the conical surfaces, and when moved in the reverse direction, it is unclutched, and turns freely on the shaft. This clutching and unclutching is effected by an arm (Z^Fig. 5), on the spindle (XT') of the shipper lever (C), which embraces a collar on the shaft (Q'), so that when the shipper (C) shifts the belt from the first fast pulley (A), it at the same time gives the requisite movement to clutch the friction clutch that connects the spindles with the shaft (Q'), which will be carried by their momentum, and as this shaft is connected by mason's self-acting mule. 407 the train of wheels (X', Y\ 7} and C"), with a horizontally sliding rack (W'), it (the rack) will be carried for a short distance in the direction of the arrow thereon. See Fig. 5. When the shipper transfers the belt from the first fast to the loose pulley, a clutch (D^) Fig. 9, on the shaft (Di) is shifted by the forked lever (/), which turns on the stud pin (10), and is operated by a spur (11) on the balance lever (C^), which bears on the end of a volute spring (12) attached to the lever (/), the tension of which forces the sliding part of the clutch against the permanent part, which, having but one cog, causes it to clutch, when by the rotation of the shaft the parts coincide. The sliding part of the clutch is feathered to the shaft (D'), which is carried by a train of wheels (C^ B^), and pinion (D), on the second fast pulley (A'), driven by the driving belt, when it is shifted by the shipper, which carries it from the first fast pulley (A) to the loose pulley (A''), and then to this, the time required for this transfer of the belt by the mo- tion of the shipper being sufficient for the preparatory movements. So far, it has been shown, that the second fast pulley carries the shaft (D') of the clutch (D^) a part of a revolution, before clutching the pinion (E^) which gears into the wheel (F^) that runs the carriage in (as will be hereinafter described), this period of time being required to enable the momentum of the spindles to run back the rack (W*) preparatory to the backing-o£F motion. As the rack (W') is carried by the momentum of the spindles in the direction of the arrow, preparatory to the backing- off mo- tion, it is necessary gradually to arrest this motion, which is effected by a friction-spring brake, constructed and connected with the rack in the following manner. To the end of the rack is attached a chain (w), which passes over a pulley (o), and then around a spur-wheel (p), attached to a ratchet-wheel (ff), and with it turning freely on a rock-shaft («), and then it passes over another loose pulley (D^), and to the end of it is suspended a ten- sion weight (E^), which takes up the slack of the chain. On the said rock-shaft (*i), and by the side of the ratchet-wheel, there is a cam plate (^), that also turns freely on the shaft, and which is carried in one direction by the ratchet-wheel, when the catch or hand (w), which is jointed to the cam-plate, takes into the teeth of the ratchet, the two turning independently of each other in the reverse direction, or in the same direction, when the catch or hand is lifted out of the teeth. When the rack is drawn by the momentum of the spindles in the direction of the arrow, the chain {m) attached thereto turns the spurs and ratchet-wheel in the direction of the arrow, and the cam-plate is also turned in 408 mason's self-acting mule. the same direction, by the catch or hand (v); this motion is gra- dually arrested by the enlarged or scroll-form of the cam-plate, which forces out a friction arm (6'), one end of which is jointed at (a'), to one arm of a lever (F^) attached to the rock-shaft (w), the other arm of this lever being connected with the friction arm (Z') by a helical spring (S), it will therefore be perceived, that as the friction- arm is forced out by the cam-plate, the tension of the spring increases the friction of the brake on the periphery of the cam-plate, which gradually arrests the motion of all the parts in connection with the rack (W'), and of necessity the spindles. When these parts are arrested, the rock-shaft (n) is turned in the opposite direction, and carries with it the cam-plate, ratchet- wheel, and spur-wheel by the pressure of the brake, and of ne- cessity reverses the motion of the rack and spindles to uncoil the threads from the spindles. At the end of this motion, the catch (u) of the cam-plate is liberated from the ratchet-wheel (H^) by a spur (x) of a lever (?/) jointed at (14), to the arm (F^) of the rock-shaft (n), the spur being forced on to the back end of the catch by the rotation of the rock-shaft, the lever (?/) hav- ing a slot in it which turns and slides upon a permanent rod {z). This reversed motion of the rock-shaft (n) is effected by a crank motion in the following manner, viz. : The pinion (D) on the second fast pulley (A') communicates motion by the train of Avhcels (B^ and R^) to the wheel (Q^) in the direction of the arrow, and this wheel carries a crank pin (7i'), that works in a slot (/t^) of a connecting rod (0^), jointed to a curved arm (K^) that vibrates on a fixed stud-pin (15), and this arm has a slot in it which works a slide (e'), for the purpose of graduating the backing off motion, and to this slide is jointed another connecting rod (J^), the other end of which is jointed to the arm (I^) of the rock-shaft (/;). At the time that the driving belt is shifted to the second fast pulley (A^), which takes place while the momentum of the spindles pre- pares the parts for the backing-off motion, the crank pin (h^) is at (7i^), a little above a line passing from the centre of the wheel to the junction of the connecting rod (0^) and the arm (K^), so that the crank pin on this wheel can move around to the position represented in Fig. 2, before it begins to draw the connecting rod, to give time for completing the preparation of the parts for back- ing off. In rotating from (A') to {h*), the crank pin carries the connecting rod the required distance to give the required backing- off motion to the spindles to uncoil the threads, and at the same time depresses the faller to guide the threads to the cops, prepa- ratory to winding on by means of the coping rail or former (G^), ■ mason's self-acting mule. 409 one end of which is connected by a slot with a wrist (q) on an arm (F^) of the rock-shaft (n), the elevation of which by the back- ing-olF motion of the rock-shaft (n) depresses the faller. So soon as the connecting rod (o^) has been carried to the point (h*) by the crank pin, which is the extent of the backing-olF motion, the catch lever (U^) takes hold of the pin (13) on the arm (K^), and there holds all the parts of the backing-ofF operation until re- leased towards the end of the running- in motion of the carriage, the liberation of the parts being then effected by means of a pin (P) on the arm (L^) on the shaft (K') of the wheel (F'), which runs in the carriage. So long as the backing-ofF apparatus is held by the catch lever (U^), the crank pin (A^) can revolve freely, the slot in the connecting rod (0^) admitting of this. When the backing-oif apparatus is liberated, it falls back to the position indicated in the drawings by the weight of the coping rail and the other parts attached to the rock-shaft ; and to prevent jar, this return motion of the parts is eased off by the connecting rod (0^), coming against the crank pin (h^) at the point (h^), the power required to turn this train of wheels in the reverse direction being sufficient to ease off and gradually arrest the moving parts without jar. This return motion of the backing-off apparatus at the same time arrests the second fast pulley (A^) and the train of wheels in connection with it, by means of a brake {j'-) connected by the arm (T^), and link (S^) with the arm (K^) of the backing-off ap- paratus, and the train of wheels and the connection of the brake are so regulated as to stop the crank pin (7i^) at the point (h^), where it is required to be when the second series of motions is commenced. The link (S^), and the connecting rod (J^), are pro- vided with adjusting screws for the proper adjustment of all these parts. As the backing-off motion must be gradually decreased ^s the cop is formed and increased in length, the vibrating motion of the rock-shaft is gradually shortened by means of the slide (e^) in the arm (K^) to which the connecting rod (J^) is jointed. For this purpose, the slide is attached to a chain (c?'), which passes over the upper end of the arm, and is gradually wound upon the arbor (e^'j of a cog-wheel (L^) that gears into a pinion (/') of a ratchet-wheel (N^), which receives motion from the vibration of the arm (K^) of the backing-off apparatus, by a hand or catch (M^) jointed thereto at (g^). It will be evident that, as the slide is drawn up by the chain towards the axis of motion of the arm (K^), the motion of the connecting-rod (P) will be di- minished, and with it the motion of the backing-off apparatus. 27 410 mason's self-acting mule. This completes the second series of motions, and the mule is then in a condition to commence the third serifs. When the clutch (D^) at the end of the backing-off motion clutches the pinion (E'), it begins to turn, -which communicates motion to the cog-wheel (F') on the shaft (K') ; and to the periphery of this wheel at (G'), is jointed a connecting-rod (H'), the other end of which, at (I'), is jointed to a horizontal sliding- rack (V) that runs on ways (W), that carries, by means of the pinion (U), the train of wheels that communicate motion to the carriage. The wheel (F") is carried but part of a revolution (nearly one-half) in one direction by its connection with the second driving-pulley (A'), when the clutch (D^) is closed, which gives, by the crank-motion in consequence of the connection above pointed out, the peculiar running-in motion to the carriage, as pointed out in the description of the general characteristics of this invention; and, as the carriage approaches the end of its running-in motion, the jiinion (E') is unclutched by the reversed action of the shipper-lever (C''), this reversed motion of the ship- per and its appendages being effected by the pin (e) on the arm (L^J of the shaft (K') of the wheel (F'), this pin (e) being on the side of the shaft (KM opposite to the pin (a) which first ships it. The unclutching of the pinion (E') leaves the wheel (F') free to be turned back by the reversed motion of the rack (V) by the train of wheels which run out the carriage in the first series of motions. As the carriage is run in by the means just described, the spindles must be turned to wind up the threads which have been spun during the first series of motions, and this is effected by means of the top sliding-rack (W'), by which the backing-off motion is given, and which is placed on top of the main rack (V). The oonnection of this rack (W) with the spindles, by means of the friction-clutch, having been described, it is only necessary to describe the manner in which the winding-on motion is com- municated to it by the main rack (V), and the manner in which this motion is varied and regulated to correspond with the vary- ing size of the cops as they are formed. To the upper rack (W'), and near one end of it, is jointed a lever (ra'), to the short arm of which is attached a chain (/'), which thence passes around a pulley [k^) that turns on a stud-pin projecting from the side of the main rack (V), the other end of the said chain being attached to the smallest diameter of a scroll-cam (n') connected with the end of the main rack (V). From this arrangement it will be obvious that if the cam (n) be prevented from turning on its mason's self-acting mule. 411 axis, the motion of the main rack (V) will carry the top rack in the same direction and Avith the same varying velocity, which would give to the spindle a winding-on motion corresponding with the running-in motion of the carriage, such as would be requii'ed if the cops were to be formed cylindrical and did not vary in diameter ; but such is not the case, as clearly pointed out in the general description. To give the varying motion required and fully pointed out above, the scroll-cam (n^) is attached to and turns with a wheel {v) on the stud-pin (P) on the main rack (V), and to this wheel, at (w), is attached a chain (x^), which, after passing around a portion of the circumference thereof, is attached by a link (?/') to a slide (2") that travels on a screw (a") that turns in the arm (V^) of a rack-frame (V^), the lower end of the said arm being jointed to another arm of equal length (W^) that vibrates on the stud-pin (I') on which turn the wheel [v^) and the cam f?i'), so that when the slide (2'^) is at the lower end of the arm (V^), that end of the chain (x^) which is attached to the slide, during the movements of the main rack, will not communicate motion to the wheel (w") and cam (n^) ; hence the motions of the two racks (V) and (W), will correspond and give to the spindles the motion required for winding the threads on the naked spindles, and, as the base of the cops is increased in diameter, the slede (2'') is drawn up towards the axis of motion of the arm (V^) to decrease the motion of that end of the chain (x^) attached to it, which will cause the wheel and cam to turn on their axis, and thus give out the chain (Z'), thereby giving to the top rack (W), and, consequently, to the spindles, a gradually reduced motion relatively to the main rack to correspond with the increased diameter of the base of the cops. The motion required is given to the slide (z^^) by the vibrations of the rock-frame (V^j, the screw (a") that operates the slide being connected by a train of cog-wheels e", 7i", j^^), with a horizontal ratchet-wheel which turns freely by the rucking motion of the frame (V^) in one direction, and which, therefore, does not turn the screw but which is pre- vented from turning in the opposite direction (during the running- in motion of the carriage) by a catch or pawl (r") to turn the said screw. Whenever the tension of the threads in winding on is too great, it bears down the counter-faller (not represented in the drawings), the arm of which in the running-in motion of the carriage sti'ikes an arm (S") of what is termed a butterfly, that turns on a stud pin (^''j, on which the catch or hand (r'^) 1 412 mason's self-acting mule. of the ratchet (P) also turns, and with which it is connected by a spring (see Fig. 1), and throws it into the teeth of the ratchet-wheel — the wheel being thus held, the farther vibration of the rock-frame turns the screw, and carries up the slide to re- duce the motion of the spindle, and on the return motion of the carriage, the hand or catch (r") is thrown out of the teeth of the ratchet-wheel by the arm of the counter-faller, which then comes in contact with another arm (f^) of the butterfly, the end of which extends lower down than the arm (S^), and low enough to be struck by the arm of the counter-faller, when it is not under the action of the tension of the threads. The catch or hand then remains out, until the tension of the threads again requires the motion of the spindle to be reduced. The butterfly is connected with a hand-catch lever (m^) that turns on a stud-pin (m^), by which the attendant can throw the butterfly in and out of play. So soon as the base of the cop has been formed, the scroll form of the cam (m^) gives the regular varying motions to the spin- dles to wind the cone of the cops, as fully pointed out in the general description. It has been stated that in finishing the cops, the threads are wound on harder at the point of the cops — this is effected in the following manner. On the shaft (e") which regulates the back- ing-off motion as described above, there is a hub (^^) from which projects a crank arm (^'), to the pin (S') of which is jointed by a link (r^), a chain (|j>'), the other end of which is jointed by a link (0^) to the long arm of the lever (w'), which forms the con- nection between the top rack (W) and the chain (Z'), which forms the connection between the top and main racks. This shaft, as heretofore described, is connected Avith the ratchet-wheel (N^) which is operated by the catch or hand (M^) of the lever (K^) of the backing-off" apparatus, and the chain {p'^) is of such length that it is wound up by the rotation of the shaft, until towards the completion of the cops, at which time it is drawn sulRciently tight to strike against a permanent arm (m') towards the end of the winding-in motion, which causes the lever (m^) to turn on its axis, and by its connection to draw up the chain (Z'), and hence to increase the velocity of the rack (W"), and, therefore, the ro- tation of the spindles which winds the threads on tighter — this operation gradually increases to the completion of the cops. On this same shaft (e'^) is placed the coping arm (?/^), the periphery of which acts on the lever (x^), to which the coping rail or former (G^) is jointed at (r) in manner Avell known to those acquainted with the construction of self-acting mules, and which, therefore, V mason's self-acting mule. 413 needs not to be described. This completes the whole series of motions, but it will be obvious that when one set of cops has been completed, the parts employed in giving the progressive move- ments, such as the shaft (e") that rotates the coping or forming cam (Y^) winds the chain which carries the slide (e^) of the back- ing-olf apparatus, and the crank arm (i') that winds the chain (p') to increase the tension of the threads in finishing the points of the cop, and also the ratchet-wheels (V) which governs the mo- tions of the slide (2'') on the arm (V^), by which the winding-on motion of the spindles is regulated to form the base of the cops, are to be turned back by hand to their original positions by the attendant preparatory to commencing a new set of cbps. I have thus described the general character of the invention, and the manner of constructing and using the same, but before pointing out what I claim as my invention, I wish it to be dis- tinctly understood that I do not limit myself to the precise form and construction of the various parts employed, or to the pre- cise arrangement described, as I consider all mechanical equiva- lents as within the limits of my invention. What I claim, therefore, as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent is — First, the disconnecting of the mechanism employed in running out the carriage and turning the draw roll- ers, from the mechanism which gives the whirling or spinning motion to the spindles, when the driving power is shifted from these the first series of motions, to enable the spindles to con- tinue their motion by inertia, independent of the other motions, by means of the clutch box (or its equivalent) which forms the connection between the three movements constituting the first series of motions, whereby the momentum of the spindles can be employed for preparing the parts for the backing-off motion, substantially as described. Second. The method of preparing the parts for the backing-off motion by means of the momentum of the spindles, by connecting them with the backing-olf appa- ratus by means of the friction clutch, or any equivalent there- for, substantially as described. Third. The backing-off appa- ratus consisting of the combination of the top-sliding rack, which communicates motion to the spindles, the rocking shaft with its cam and spring brake and other appendages, and the connecting rod operated by the crank, all substantially as described. Fourth. The method of decreasing the backing-off motion to correspond Avith the increased length of the cops, by means of the slide in the intermediate arm of the connecting rod (between the two sections of the connecting rod), by means of which the rocking 414 mason's self-acting mule. motion of the rock-shaft is gradually decreased, substantially as described. Fifth. Combining the train of wheels which actuates the backing-off motion of the carriage, by means of a clutch substantially as herein described, which admits of the necessary backing-ofl' motion before the tooth of the clutch starts the car- riage, whether this be effected by a clutch or by any other means substantially the same. Sixth. Running in the carriage by means of a crank motion which actuates a sliding rack that com- municates the desired motion to the carriage, so as to start and arrest it gradually, substantially as described, to avoid any sud- den strain or jar upon the threads. Seventh. The method of communicating the winding-on motion to the spindles from the main rack, which runs in the carriage by combining the said main rack with the top-sliding rack by means of a chain and scroll cam, or their equivalents, by means of which combination in connection with the form of the cam, the motions of the spin- dles so correspond with that of the carriage, as to wind the threads on the conical form of the cops as described. Eighth. The method of varying the winding-on motion of the spindles to form the base of the cops, by means of the slide and chain which vary the motions of the wheel that is attached to, and which rotates the scroll cam substantially as described, whether the slide be opei-ated by the vibration of the arm on which it slides, or by any other means substantially as herein described. Ninth. The method of regulating the motion of the slide that varies the motions of the scroll cam of the winding-on motion, by means of what is termed the butterfly and its appendages, when this is acted upon by the counter-faller, operated by the tension of the threads, substantially as described. And, Tenth. The method of winding on the threads tighter at the points of the cops, when finishing them by means of the apparatus, which gives to the top-sliding rack, an increased motion towards the end of the operation, the said apparatus consisting of a chain which is con- nected with the chain that forms the connection between the main and top racks, and which is gradually wound up, and strikes against an arm towards the end of the operations of the mule, to shorten the connection between the two racks, and thus in- crease the winding-on motion of spindles as described. NIAGARA THROSTLE, OR McCULLEY'S SPINNING FRAME. PLATES VII. VIII. This machine possesses the following advantages over all other kinds of Thi'ostle or common Ring Spinning Frames : — 1. A saving of one-half THE POWER consumed by the Spin- ning Frames now in general use. 2. It occupies one-fifth less space. 3. It is operated with one-third less LABOR compared with its product. 4. It requires but one-half the Oil of other Spinning. 5. All Banding is entirely dispensed with. 6. The Repairs are not one-half that of frames running with bands. 7. It is not affected by change of weather; therefore it uses a uniform amount of power. 8. It can be operated at much greater speed and without a corresponding increase of power and wear and tear. 9. It gives a stronger and more uniform motion to the spindle and a more even twist to the thread. 10. It combines superior advantages for Spinning fine Worsted, with great speed and perfection. 11. It is particularly well adapted for doublers and twisters for thread, and many are now in operation. There are many minor advantages with this, over all other spinning now in use. It does not throw olf the oil — it is a much more durable machine, and gets rid of bands with all their ex- pense, annoyances, imperfections and uncertainties. It does not require that attention and skill in the overseer to regulate it, after it is adjusted to give the twist intended ; and when once adjusted, so it will remain and continue to operate. If required, the Spindles may be driven 10,000 revolutions per minute. Nearly two-thirds the power of a Cotton Mill is wanted to drive the spinning, and the great saving in power by this frame reduces the weight and expense of main gearing, shafting, pulleys, and 416 NIAGARA THROSTLE. belts correspondingly. It can be readily changed from coarse to fine yarn. Either side of this frame may be operated indepen- dently of the other, and stopped at pleasure, without affecting the operation of the other side. These are believed to be fair statements of facts, which the operation of this machine with more than two years practical test fully confirms. These Spinning frames may be seen in operation, in many sections of the country. The novelty consists in the mode of driving the Spindles, Flyers, and Bobbins by friction pulleys instead of bands (the old way), as invented and patented by Francis McCulley, Jr. The lithograph represents a Ring Spinning Frame, in which the usual cylinders and bands are dispensed with, and the friction pulleys are introduced. The invention is as applicable to driving flyers, and also for Douhlers and Twisters, and Worsted Frames. It may be applied to all kinds of throstle spinning, with similar advantages. It is very largely in operation, and with the univer- sal testimony of those using them, that the motion to the spindle is stronger, more regular and uniform driven by friction pulleys, than when driven by bands. There is a whirl made fast to the spindle, the underside of which is covered with leather, and rests upon the periphery of the pulley. These leathers will last for many years, and the spindles and beai-ings wear but very little, having no bands pulling them. Fig. 4, Plate VIII. is an end elevation, showing the arrange- ment for the gears and belts for driving the rolls and lifting motion for the rails. Fig. 1, Plate VII. is a front elevation, showing the rolls, spindles, and an edge view of the friction-disks for driving the spindles. These disks and the whirls running upon them consti- tute the parts patented by McCulley. Fig. 3, Plate VIII. is a vertical section of the machine through the centre of one section, showing the roller-stands ; the manner of weighing top-rolls by the weights ; the bearings for the side- shafts, stands for the spindles, guide-rod for raising top or ring rail. Fig. 2, Plate VIII. is an end elevation. Further information may be obtained of the Agents, Miner & Pitman, 171 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., or of Arthur M. East- man, of Boston, the proprietor of the patent, and who has been chiefly instrumental in bringing this admirable machine to its present state of perfection. Pl.itc III FOLDOUT BLANK e®TT®!M SlPDKIfSIEIS. INDEX TO THE PRACTICAL MODE CALCULATOR. BT OLIVEE BYRNE, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY HENRY CAREY BAIRD, (SUCCESSOR TO E. L. CAREY,) SOUTH-EAST CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS. 1851. INDEX. Abbreviation of the reduction of decimals, 1 7. Abrasion, limits of, 301. Absolute resistances, 2S8. Absolute strength of cylindrical columns, 274. Accelerated motion, 386. Accelerated motion of wheel and axle, 419. Acceleration, 415. Acceleration and mass, 422. Actual and nominal horse power, 240. Addition of decimals, 22. Addition of fractions, 20. Adhesion, 297. Air, expansion of, by heat, 173. Air that passes through the fire for each horse power of the engine, 210. Air, water, and mercury, 355. Air-pump, 254. Air-pump, diameter of, eye of air-pump cross head, 145. Air-pump machinery, dimensions of several parts of, 144. Air-pump strap at and below cutter, 147. Air-pump studs, 144. Ale and beer measure, 8. Algebra and arithmetic, characters used in, 12. Algebraic quantities, 134. Alloys, strength of, 287. Ambiguous cases in spherical trigonometry, 381. Amount of efifective power produced by steam, 266. Anchor rings, 90. Angle iron, 91, 408, 409, 410. Angles of windmill sails, 445. Angles, measurement of, by compasses only, 382. Angular magnitudes, 359. Angular magnitudes, how measured, 373. Angular velocity, 412. Apothecaries' weight, 6. Apparent motion of the stars, 353. Application of logarithms, 334. Approximating rule to find the area of a seg- ment of a circle, 67. Approximations for facilitating calculations, 55. Arc of a circle, to find, 49. Arc of one minute, to find the length of, 361. Arc, the length of which is equal to the ra- dius, 357. Architecture, naval, 453. Arcs, circular, to find the lengths of, 68. Area of segment and sector of a circle, 51. Area of steam passages, 220. Areas of circles, 57. Areas of segments and zones of circles, 64, 05, 66, 67. Arithmetic, 10. Arithmetical progression, to find the square root of numbers in, 126. Arithmetical solution of plane triangles, 366. 2x2 Arithmetical proportion and progression, 35 to 38. Ascent of smoke and heated air in chimneys, 208. Atmospheres, elastic force of steam in, 195, 196. Atmospheric air, weight of, 356. Average specific gravity of timber, 396. Avoirdupois weight, 6. Axle and wheel, 417. Axle of locomotive engine, 168, 169. Axle-ends or gudgeons, 301. Axles, friction of, 298, 300. Balls of cast iron, 407. Bands, ropes, &c., 267. Bar iron, 400. Beam, 151. Beam, the strongest, 276. Bearings of water wheels, 285. Bearings or journals for shafts of various diameters, 287. Beaters of threshing machine, 445. Before and behind the piston, 232. Blast pipe, 171. Blistered steel, 281. Blocks, cords, ropes, shelves, 428. Bodies, cohesive power of, 175. Bodies moving in fluids, 324. Boiler, 171. Boiler plate, experiments on, at high tempe- ratures, 220. Boiler plates, 403. Boilers, 256 and 257. Boilers of copper and ii-on, diminution of the strength of, 219. Boilers, properties of, 215. Boilers, strength of, 218. Bolts and nuts, 406. Bolts, screw and rivet, 220. Boring iron, 445. Bossut and Michelloti, exiieriments on the discharge of water, 319. Boyle of Cork, 200. Bramah's press, 427. Branch steam-pipe, 148. Brass, copper, iron, properties of, 280. Brass, round and square, 408. Breast wheels, 328. Breast and overshot wheels, maximum ve- locity of, 443. Buckets and shrouding of water wheels, 446. Building, to support with cast iron columns, 293. Bushel, 5. Butt for air-pump, 146. Butt, thickness and breadth of, 143. Butt, to find the breadth of, 141. Byrne's logarithmic discovery, 340. Byrne's theory of the strength of materials, 272. 5G9 570 INDEX, Calculation in the art of ship-building, 453 to 500. Canvas of vessels, 488, 500. Carriages, motion of, on inclined planes, 429. Carriages travelling on ordinary roads, 307. Carrier or intermediate wheels, 434. Carts on ordinary roads, 311. Cases in plane trigonometry, 363. Cast iron, 174. Cast iron pipes, 404. Centre of effort of sails, 483, 490. Centre of gravity, 175. Centre of gravity of displacement of a ship, 456, 457, 458. Centre of gyration, 180. Centre of oscillation, 187. Centres of bodies, 386. Centres of gravity, gyration, percussion os- cillation, 391. Centripetal and centrifugal forces, 178, 450. Chain bridge, 412. Chimney, 171, 208, 257. Chimney, size of, 212. Chimney, to what height it may be carried with safety, 212. Circle, calculations respecting, 48, 49, 50, 53. Circle of gyration in water wheels, 444. Circles, 57 to 61. Circles, areas of, 57 to 63. Circular arcs, 68. Circular motion, 422. Circular parts of spherical triangles, 375. Circumference of a circle to radius 1, 361. Circumferences of circles, 57. Cloth measure, 7. CoefBeieut of efflux, 314. Coefficients of friction, 299. Cohesive strength of bodies, how to find, 281. Collision of railway trains, 452. Columns, comparative strength of, 294. Combinations of algebraic quantities, 134. Common fractions, 15. Common materials, 2S0- Complementary and supplementary arcs, 374. Compound proportion, 14. Condenser, 226. Condensing water, 223. Conduit pipes, discharge by, 322. Cone, 82. Conical pendulum, 185 to 187. Connecting rod, 140, 141, 253. Continuous circular motion, 432. Contraction by efflux, 316. Contraction of the fluid vein, 313. Contractions in the calculation of loga- rithms, 348. Copper boilers, 219. Copper, iron, and load, 405. Cosine, to find, 361. Cosines, contangents, &c., for every degree and minute in the quadrant, 540 to 576. Cosines, natural, 411. Cover on the exhausting side of the valve, in parts of the length of stroke, 231. Cover on the steam side, 226. Crane, 427. Crane, sustaining weight of, 285. Crank at paddle centre, 135. Crank axle, diameter of the outside bearings of, 168. Crank axle of locomotive, 169. Crank pin, 170, 252. Crank pin journal, 252. Crank pin journal, to find the diameter of, 139. Crank pin journal, to find the length of, 139. Cross head, 252. Cross head, to find the breadth of eye of, 139. Cross head, to find the depth of eye of, 139. Cross multiplication, 27. Cross tail, 253. Cube, 79. Cube and cube roots of numbers, 100 to 116. Cube root of numbers containing decimals, 128. Cube root, to extract, 32. Cubes, 397 to 400. Cubes, to extend the table of, 128. Curve, to find the length of, by construction, 72. Curves, to find the areas of, 453. Cuttings and embankments, 97. Cylinder side rods at ends, to find the diame- ter of, 143. Cylinders, 80, 397 to 400. Cylinders of east iron, 404. Dams inclined to the horizon, 316. Decimal approximations for facilitating cal- culations, 55. Decimal equivalents, 56. Decimal fractions, 22. Decimal fractions, table of, 73. Decimals, addition of, 22. Decimals, division of, 24. Decimals, multiplication of, 23. Decimals, reduction of, 25, 26. Decimals, rule of three in, 27. Decimals, subtraction of, 23. Deflection of beams, 295. Deflection of rectangular beams, 294. Depth of web at the centre of main beam, 150. Destructive effects produced by carriages on roads, 311. Devlin's oil, 297. Diagram of a curve of sectional areas, 460. Diagram of indicator, 265. Diameter of cylinder, 251. Diameter of main centre journal, 143. Diameter of plain part of crank axle, 169. Diameter of the outside bearings of the crank axle, 168. Diameters of wheels at their pitch circle to contain a required number of teeth, 436. Dimensions of the several paa-ts of furnaces and boilers, 254. Direct method to calculate the logarithm of any number, 346. Direct strain, 278. Discharge by compound tubes, 321. Discharge by different apertures from differ- ent heads of water, 318. Discharge of water, 446. Discharges from orifices, 426. Displacement of a ship when treated as a floating body, 455. Displacement of ships, by vertical and hori- zontal sections, 460, 500. Distance of the piston from the end of its stroke, when the exhausting port is shut and when it is open, 231. Distances, how to measure, 369. INDEX. 571 Division by logarithms, 336. Dodecaedron, 89. Double acting engines, rods of, 250. Double position, 44. Double table of ordinates, 457. Drainage of water through pipes, 325. Dr. Dalton, and his countryman, Dr. Young, of Dublin, Drums, 422. Drums in continuous circular motion, 432. Dry or corn measure, 8. Duodecimals, 27. Dutch sails of windmills, 333. D. valves, 233. Dynamometer, used to measure force, 269. Eduction ports, 171. Effective discharge of water, 314. Effective heating surface of flue boilers, 256. Effects of carriages on ordinary roads, 311. Elastic force of steam, 188. Elastic fluids, 205. Elliptic arcs, 69, 70, 71, 72. Embankments and cuttings, 97. Endless screw, 431. Engineering and mechanical materials, 386. Engine, motion of steam in, 206. Engine tender tank, 92. Enlargements of pipes, interruption of dis- charge by, 321. Evolution, 29. Evolution by logarithms, 339. Eye, diameter of, 251. Eye of crank, 136. Byo of crank, to find the length and breadth of large and small, 142. Eye of round end of studs of lever, 143. Examples on the velocity of wheels, drums, and pulleys, 438. Exhaust port, 230. Expanded steam, 236. Expansion, 237. Expansion, economical effect of, 216. Experiments on the strength and other pro- perties of cast iron, 174. Explanation of characters, 12. Extended theory of angular magnitude, 374. Exterior diameter of large eye, 252. Extraction of roots by logarithms, 339. Fall of water, 444. Feed pipe, 150. Feed water, 222. Felloes of wheels, 309. Fellowship, or partnership, 41. Fire-grate, 171, 214. Fitzgerald, 264, 269. Flange, 91. Flat bar iron, 407. Flat iron, 400. Flexure by vertical pressure, 292. Flexure of revolving shafts, pillars, &c., 296. Flues, 256. Flues, fires, and boilers, 217. Fluids, the motion of elastic, 205. Fluids, to find the specific gravity of, 392. Fluids, the pressure of, 448. Fluid vein, contraction of, 313. Foot-valve passage, 149. Force, 267. Force, loss of, in steam pipes, 221. Force of steam, 188. Forces, centrifugal and centripetal, 178, 450. Fore and after bodies of immersion, 456, 460. Form, the strongest, 275. Formulas for the strength of various parts of marine engines, 251. Formulas to find the three angles of a sphe- rical triangle when the three sides are given, 385. Formula, very useful, 271. Fourth and fifth power of numbers, 129. Fractions, common, 15. Fractions, reduction of, 16, 17, 18, 19. Fractions, addition of, 20. Fractions, subtraction of, 21. Fractions, multiplication of, 21. Fractions, division of, 21. Fractions, the rule of three in, 21. Fractions, decimal, 22. Fractions, table of, 73. Fractions, addition contracted, 78. Fracture, 292. Franklin Institute, 172, 219. French litre, 355. French measures, 5, 6. French metre, 347. Friction, 238. Friction, coefficents of, 300. Friction of fluids, 325. Friction of rest and of motion, 267. Friction of steam engines of difl'erent modi- fications, 302. Friction of water against the sides of pipes,321. Friction of water-wheels, windmills, 'publican. The whole business of makinc; flour is most thoroughly treated by him. — BuUHin. A very comprehensive view of the Millwright's business. — Southern Literary JJcssen(/er. THE TURNER'S COMPANION : Containing Instructions in Concentric, Elliptic, and Eccentric Turning. Also, various Plates of Chucks, Tools, and Instruments, and Directions for using the Eccentric Cutter, Drill, Vertical Cutter, and Circular Rest ; with Patterns and Instructions for working them. Illustrated by numerous Engrav- ings. In One Volume, 12mo 75 cts. The object of the Turner's Companion is to explain in a clear, concise, and intelligible manner, the rudi- ments of this beautiful art. — &ivannah Repuhlican. 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