V/> Uy>{>73> - ' / A'fj- " PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Cowell'S Anastatic Press. ipSwicm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/picturesquearchiOOyoun Picturesque Architectural Studies AND PRACTICAL DESIGNS GATE LODGES, COTTAGES, COTTAGE HOSPITALS, VILLAS, VICARAGES, COUNTRY RESIDENCES, SCHOOLS, VILLAGE CHURCHES, Etc., Etc. BY W. YOUNG, of Exeter Hall, London, Architect. AUTHOR OF ‘PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURE,’ &C. LONDON : E. & F. N. SPON, 48, CHARING CROSS. NEW YORK: 446, BROOME STREET. 1872. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. PREFACE. An erroneous idea has been promulgated that a picturesque building is irreconcilable with a good plan, and our modern improvements in construction ; that to obtain picturesqueness, in a house for instance, it is necessary to sacrifice convenience and comfortableness in the internal arrangements, to the esthetic character of the exterior, and, that the maximum of comfort and convenience must be enclosed with the maximum of ugliness in the form of stuccoed walls. One of the objects of this work is to show that the antithesis of this is the true statement, that the picturesque is of a pliant nature which is readily adapted to the ever-varying forms of plans designed for convenience and comfort, and that a building may possess the beauty of our old national architectural works, combined with our modern arrangements and appliances of plan and construction. It has been endeavoured to realize picturesque design combined with good practical planning and construction, and to accomplish this object more by careful study of proportion and distribution of parts, than by undue elaboration of detail ; in fact, to get the most picturesque effect in design in the simplest, most common sense, and least expensive manner — for it is not expense, and elaborate detail, but design , which produces beauty. Indeed the same materials and labour which are bestowed upon the erection of an ugly building will, if guided by good design, produce a beautiful building. It has not been my aim to give fine engravings, being of opinion that fac-similes of an architect’s own sketches, such as he submits to a client, would better express the ideas meant to be conveyed, and be more useful and accurate, even although rougher, than the same sketches after passing through the hands of an engraver. But I must confess that sometimes these reproductions (especially after the first four or five hundred) are rather disheartening to an author. The work aims more at being of a suggestive nature ; but I am inclined to hope that the sketches in some instances are drawn in such a manner and to a scale that VI PREFA CE. will render them something more than suggestive. In practice I have several times found the proof sheets of these sketches useful in assisting clients in determining and explaining the character of the building they proposed to erect, and in some instances they have saved the labour of preparing special sketches. I hope that others may find them useful in the same way. Although it has not always been stated on the Plates where and for whom the buildings have been erected, yet let it be understood that the majority of the designs have been executed. Exeter Hall, Strand, London, W.C. August, 1872. i INDEX TO THE PLATES Frontispiece. PLATE I. — Design for a Gate Lodge II. — Ditto Ditto III. — Ditto Ditto IV. — Ditto Ditto V. — Ditto Ditto VI. — Ditto Ditto VII. — Plans of Cottages at Bushey Heath, and Plans of Gate Lodges VIII.— -Cottages erected at Bushey Heath IX. — Gate Lodge erected at Epsom Cemetery X. — Entrance Gates erected at Epsom Cemetery XI. — Plan of Gate Lodge, Epsom Cemetery ; and Plan of Vicarage House XII. — Vicarage House XIII. — Pair of Villas erected at Peterborough XIV. — Cottage Hospital (an alteration) XV.— Plans of Ditto XVI. — Design for a Cottage Hospital XVII. — Plan of Ditto ; and Plan of a Gentleman’s Cottage Residence . . XVIII. — Cottage Residence : Entrance Front XIX.— Cottage Residence: Garden Front XX. — First Floor, Attic, and Basement Plans of Ditto XXI. — Country House : Garden Front XXII. — Country House: Entrance Front XXIII. — Plans of Suburban Residences at Norwood XXIV.— Front View of Ditto XXV.— Plans of Villas erected at Teddington XXVI. — Stable Building XXVII. — Elevation of Schools, No. i XXVIII. — Plans of Ditto XXIX. — Elevation of Schools, No. 2 XXX. — Plans of Ditto XXXI. — Plans of School Buildings on the American System XXXII. — Plans of Cottages for the Earl of Wemyss and March XXXIII. — Labourers’ Cottages for the Earl of Wemyss and March XXXIV. — Ditto Ditto Ditto XXXV. — Ditto Ditto Ditto XXXVI. — Ditto Ditto Ditto PAGE 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 10 14 14 15 15 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 26 26 26 26 27 3i 3i INDEX TO THE PL A TES. viii PLATE PAGE XXXVII.— Design for a Pair of Labourers’ Cottages 33 XXXVIII. — Design for an Entrance Gateway to a Castle 34 XXXIX. — Chapel erected at Epsom Cemetery 34 XL. — Ditto Ditto 34 XLI. — Design for a Market Cross 34 XLII. — Design for a Gentleman’s Mansion 35 XLIII. — Design for a Gentleman’s Mansion, Alternative 35 XLIV. — Plan of Ditto Ditto ; and Plan of Mansion given in Plate L. 36 XLV. — Entrance Front of Holmewood House, Hunts, executed for W. Wells, Esq., M.P 36 XLVI. — Garden Front of Ditto 36 XLVII. — Plan of Ditto 37 XLVIII. — Design for a Clock Tower and Fountain 37 XLIX. — Cottage erected at Henley-on-Thames 37 L. — Design for a Gentleman’s Country Mansion 37 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Plan of Gate Lodge . , 4 Plans of Ditto . . . . 5 Carved Panels 7 Dry Area ' 9 Plans of Villas erected at Peterborough . . . . . . 10 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTU RA L STUDIES. GATE LODGES. In designing a Gate Lodge, the first thing to be considered is the style and size of the house to which it is to form an appendage, with a view to determining the style and size of the lodge, for the principle of unity seems to require that the style of the lodge and gateway should correspond with that of the house to which they belong, and if they are rightly conceived, they should form, as it were, a prelude to the house. If the lodge and entrance is large and important, one expects to see a mansion accordingly large and imposing ; and if the lodge is a small unassuming little cottage, one would expect to see a house of a similar character, for I think it is just as absurd to see a large pretentious lodge, especially if it is high, at the gateway leading to a quaint old-fashioned farm-looking house, as it is to see a little insignificant cottage as the Gate Lodge to a nobleman’s castle or manorial hall. I consider that to determine rightly the general character and size of a Gate Lodge, requires the exercise of great tact and judgment on the part of the architect, as an error in this is irremediable ; as a rule, however, it is safer to err on the side of keeping the lodge too low rather than too high. A Gate Lodge may either form one architectural feature along with the gateway, as in the mediaeval gate house, or the lodge may form a separate feature, being placed at some little distance from the gate. The modern practice seems to be in favour of the latter plan, and indeed the former could not well be adopted except at the entrance to a mansion of considerable importance. Within these bounds I know of no class of buildings better suited for picturesque treatment than a Gate Lodge, which I look upon as a cottage in livery, not to be more important in size than an ordinary cottage, but only to be more important in appearance, simply because it is a part of the mansion — the outer porch. Elaborate carving or enrichment is, I consider, inappropriate in a building of this description ; the effect should be got by light and shade and good proportions, rather than by enriched details, which, if the architect avoids, I think there is no occasion in which he can give such loose reins .to his imagination as in the designing of a Gate Lodge. The smallness of the subject both allows and necessitates a liberty of pettiness and prettiness in design which in a mansion would be finicing and ridiculous, and fatal to all repose. In the designs which follow, I have taken advantage of this liberty, but only in the Gate Lodges, for I consider that it is both right and proper to be pretty and petit B 2 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. in a design for a lodge. But these designs are only suitable for the scale in which they are designed, and would be unappropriate if enlarged to the size of a house. As a rule the plans of the following designs are executed, and in some cases the elevations are carried out, as here shown ; although I have generally endeavoured to make them more suggestive than the executed ones. — “=4*j==“ PLATE I. Design for a small Gate Lodge. This is intended to look like a one-story building, although there is an attic, utilizing the high roof. The principal feature is the porch, which is of half-timber construction, and carried up to form a window to the bed-room in the attic, and also for the sake of picturesque effect. The plan is one of the simplest, being merely a “butt and a ben.” The living-room is 12 ft. x 1 1 ft., and the scullery 1 1 ft. x 8 ft., each entered from a small lobby. There is also a small larder and store-closet, with a fuel-store and dry-earth closet in an outbuilding at the back. On the chamber floor there is one bed-room 12 ft. x n ft., and two bed-closets. The external walls are of 12-in. hollow brickwork, all of one colour, no party-coloured brick being used. The only ornamentation is a string course — consisting of two over-sailing courses, with a dog-tooth course between same ; — -over the window heads, a similar string at the sill-level, and a chamfered plinth course. The open porch is formed of turned wood posts on brick dwarf walls, and the gable over same is constructed of half-timber work filled in with cement : the latter may be stamped with a pattern in places, without adding to the cost. The ground-floor windows are projected on brackets, with mullions, &c., all of fir, and the dormer windows in the roof are also of fir. The roof is covered with plain tiles, finished with a crested ridge tile. The living-room floor would be boarded, and the porch and scullery are paved with red, or red and black tiles, which are warmer-looking and nicer than stone paving, d he living-room fire-place should have a “ Cottage Kitchener,” with oven, boiler, &c., and the other fire-places should have cottage fire-lamp stoves. The pump would be over the sink in the scullery. For buildings of this description I consider there is nothing better than a dry-earth closet placed outside ; after many trials I have found them give more satisfaction than water-closets, and the saving of first cost is consider- able, avoiding the necessity of water supply, cistern, and drains, and being a simple contrivance, they are easier and cheaper to keep in repair than water-closets. This design can be carried out for ^200. A ground plan of this lodge is given in Plate XI. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 3 PLATE II, This design is for a Gate Lodge considerably larger and more important than the last, and would be suitable for a farm bailiffs or gardener’s house, answering the purpose of a gate house. It contains, on the ground floor, living-room, 12 ft. 6 in. x 11 ft. 6 in. ; kitchen, 11 ft. x 10 ft. ; scullery, 10 ft. x 7 ft.; and pantry, with fuel-store and dry- earth closet in outbuildings. The circular turret forms the entrance lobby, and contains the stair to the first floor, which has three bed-rooms, all with open fire-places. The external walls are of 12-in. hollow brickwork, with stone dressings to the windows and doors. The porch and upper part of turret and bay window are of timber, with turned supports. The dado and corbell portion of bay window to bed-room is formed of quartering cemented on the outside, with an ornament stamped in the cement work. The roofs are covered with tiles, and the ridge with a crested ridge tile. This plan, with a little difference in the elevations, has been carried out for the sum of ,£320. The plans of this lodge will be found in Plate VII. PLATE III. This design has been executed with ragstone walls and Bath-stone dressings ; but here it is treated for brick walls and stone dressing, with projecting windows of timber construction. The porch in this design is managed in quite the opposite manner to the one in the first design, the roof being continued down over the porch as a lean-to, giving a good broad shadow in this part as a contrast to the gables on either side. It contains on the ground floor a living-room, 13 ft. x 12 ft. ; kitchen, 1 1 ft. 6 in. x 1 1 ft. 6 in. ; larder, lobby, and porch, with fuel-store, and a dry-earth closet in the yard, and three bed-rooms, each with an open fire-place, on the first floor. The external walls are of 12-in. hollow brickwork, with stone mullions, sills, and lintels, to the ground-floor windows, the stone lintel being carried round as a string, with a course of black bricks above and below it. The lean-to porch is of fir, with brick dwarf walls. The dormer and gable windows have fir posts, mullions, heads, sills, and brackets ; the tympanum and sides being weather-tiled. The gables have barge boards, and the roofs are covered with tiles in bands, finished at ridge with a crested ridge tile. This design can be carried out for ^285. In this, as in the other lodges, all the floors would be boarded except the kitchen and porch, which would have tile paving, and the outbuildings, which would have brick paving. 4 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. PLATE IY. Design for a Gate Lodge to a castle, in the Scotch baronial style. By increasing the size of the rooms, which could easily be done in this case, this design might be adapted as a bachelor’s shooting-box. The design is treated for a bold and rugged site, and for the large material, which Scotland possesses in abundance. To build a design like this in brick would be a great mistake, and would probably be found a failure. As it is here given, the lodge contains, on the ground floor, living- room, 12 ft. 6 in. x ii ft- 6 in. ; scullery or kitchen, ii ft. x i o ft. ; larder and fuel-store, with dry-earth closet, &c., in the yard. In the turret is the stair to the first floor, which contains three bed-rooms. An outer porch forms a bridge across the “ burne.” All the ex- ternal walls are of stone, and the roofs are covered with tiles or green slate. This lodge can be built for ^500. PLATE Y, Is a Gate Lodge containing on the ground floor, living-room 12 ft. 6 in. x n ft. 6 in. ; kitchen, 11 ft. x 10 ft. ; scullery, 10 ft. x 8 ft. ; pantry and a lobby, from which both living-room and kitchen are entered ; with fuel-store and dry closet in the yard. The chamber floor, which is reached by a stair from the lobby, contains three bed- rooms, all with open fire-places. The external walls are of 12-in. hollow brickwork. The peculiarity of the design is, that all the bands and strings are formed with the ordinary square bricks, no moulded or party-coloured bricks being introduced. The mullions and window heads are of stone, and the porch of oak, on brick dwarf walls. The roofs are covered with plain tiles. This plan, with other elevations, has been built for £ 250 . The plans of this design are in Plate VII. They are also very like the plans of the pair of cottages erected at Bushey Heath, given in Plate VIII. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 5 PLATE VI. This design is less rustic in its style than any of the previous ones, and is intended for a good even-coloured stone, hammer-dressed, and in square courses. It is one story high, with an attic in the high roof over, the walls being carried up about 4 ft. above the joists of the attic floor, so that the attic rooms are almost as good as if the building was two stories high. It is an object in this case to have only one chimney shaft. This lodge is a small one, containing altogether only four rooms, viz. on the ground floor, living-room, 12 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. ; scullery, 10 ft. x 8 ft. ; and in the attic are two bed-rooms. There is a small larder under the stair, which partly occupies the angle turret, and there are fuel-store and dry-earth closet in outbuildings in the yard. The external walls are faced with square coursed rubble stonework, and all the dressings are of rubbed stone. The roof, which is a high pitched one, is intended to be covered with sea-green slates. The estimated cost of this design is ^ 350 . PLATE VII. Contains : First, plans of cottages erected at Bushey Heath, Herts, of which a view is given in Plate VIII. ; second, plans of gate lodge given in Plate III. ; third, plans of gate lodge given in Plate V. In each case, the description is given with the Plate showing the view. c 6 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. PLATE VIII. A pair of cottages erected at Bushey Heath, Herts, on the estate of W. T. Eley, Esq. The plans are given on the preceding Plate. Each cottage contains on the ground floor, parlour, kitchen, scullery, and pantry ; and on the first floor, three bed-rooms and linen closet. The outbuildings contain washhouses, fuel-stores, and dry-earth closets. One of the cottages, the bailiff’s, is also provided with a beer cellar. Each cottage has a separate well, with a pump in the scullery, and the rain water is collected in an underground tank, and is pumped up into the washhouses for washing. The walls are built with local stock bricks, the strings and arches being of Berkhampstead red and moulded bricks. The projecting windows in the front gables are of fir, and the gables over same are covered with ornamental weather tiles. The roofs are covered with tiles brought to the colour of old tiles by being dipped in a solution. All the external woodwork, except the porches, which are stained and varnished, is painted a dark rich brown colour, and all the internal joiners’ work, except in the sculleries, is stained and varnished. PLATE IX. Gate Lodge erected at the New Cemetery, Epsom, by the Local Burial Board. A plan will be found on Plate XI. This lodge is a one-story building, containing two bed-rooms, one io ft. x to ft., and one 14 ft. x 10 ft. ; parlour, 15 ft. x 1 1 ft. ; kitchen, 11 x ft. 10 ft. ; scullery, 11 ft. x 6 ft., and larder, with fuel-store, water-closet, &c., in the outbuildings, which also contains a lavatory for visitors. The walls are built with brick, the external walls being faced with Kentish ragstone, pointed with black mortar. The dressings to the doors, windows, &c., are of box-ground Bath-stone, except the upper part of the turret, which is constructed with timber, stained dark and varnished. The roofs are covered with Whitland .Abbey slates, finished with a red crested tile ridge. All the joiners’ work, except in scullery and outbuildings, is stained and varnished, and the rooms are plastered and papered. The cost was nearly £ 500 . PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 7 PLATE X. Entrance gates erected at the above cemetery. The sketch shows one pair of gates at the carriage gateway. In designing these gates my intention was to show the construction and framing, making these the groundwork of the design, so that the ornamental work or filling in, which is principally scrollwork, is made to emphasize the constructional lines. The gates are executed entirely in wrought iron, all the leaves being worked by hand. The cost, including the ironwork built in the piers, was £\o for each pair of gates. The piers are of Kentish rag and Bath stone combined, so as to give them a unity with the other masonry. The bed mouldings of the caps are carved, each one of a different design, and on each face of the caps is a small trefoil panel, carved with foliage, birds, &c., each panel being of a different design. PLATE XI. Contains plan of the gate lodge at the New Cemetery, Epsom, of which a view is given in Plate IX., and a sketch of the gates in the preceding Plate; plan of the gate lodge given in Plate I. ; and a ground plan of the vicarage house given in Plate XII. Explanatory notes on these plans will be found with the description of the views in Plates IX., I., and XII. respectively. c 2 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES. In the vicinity of large cities where land is valuable, and not easily to be obtained, it is a great economy in the quantity of ground required for a house, to arrange the whole of the kitchen department in a basement under the principal floor. Indeed, in most places around large cities, this arrangement is a matter of necessity ; and where houses are built closely together, so that there is no view to be got at the sides of the house, but only at the front and back, it is a considerable advantage in the arrangement of the plan to have the kitchen offices in the basement, so that the front and garden view may be free, and the latter not made unpleasant by kitchen offices in outbuildings at the back, in order that the principal rooms may have the advantage of overlooking the garden at the back as well as the road to the front. In respect of the cost, there is also an advantage in this arrangement economically. As the same roof which covers a building two or three stories high will not be altered in any way or increased in cost if the building is made four or five stories high, so it will be seen that by this plan of arranging the kitchen department in a basement under the principal floor, instead of spreading the building by having them on a level with the principal floor, that there is a saving effect of the cost of the whole of roofing required to cover the kitchen offices, and there is also a considerable saving in the foundations for the same reason, not to mention the reduction in the number of chimney shafts, and many other matters. So that this arrangement of plan is really an economical one. The only objection to it is, that basements are generally damp, and no doubt many will suppose that they cannot be otherwise, which is a great mistake, for there is no reason why the basement of a house should not be perfectly dry, if it is built in a proper manner, which undoubtedly is seldom done, and, in fact, little known how it should be done, for it is astonishing how very little so-called practical men know of the real science of building, or rather of building scientifically, so as to meet and overcome natural impediments ; but we will treat of this in another part under a general head. The basement story need not necessarily be under the natural surface of the ground, but may be entirely above it. Suppose the basement floor to be level with the natural surface of the soil, or even a few inches above it, and taking the height of the basement at 9 ft., that would make the height from the ground level to the principal floor about 10 ft. Now if an embankment of dry earth is raised round the house to a height of 5 ft. at the entrance, it may be less at other parts ; the PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 9 tk remaining height of 5 ft. would not be too much for a flight of steps at the entrance door. The embankment should, of course, have a gentle slope downwards from the house to the natural ground level. But supposing the building is sunk in the ground 3 or 4 ft., then by form- ing a dry area all round the house, as shown in the accompanying sketch, and by building the external walls with a cavity in the centre (called a hollow wall), bonding with proper bricks for the purpose, and taking the further precaution to put a drain all round the house at the bottom of the dry area, and under the level of the basement floor, and also putting a damp course of tar asphalte three-quarters of an inch thick all through the thickness of the walls and partitions, at a level of 4 or 5 inches above the ground line. If these precau- tions are used, the basement will be perfectly dry. BASEMENT MAD EAR" DAMP COURSEf PLATE XII. This house, with slight modifications, has been erected at Teddington, Middlesex, and is now being carried out at Norwood, as a suburban residence. Here it is adapted as a vicarage, but would be equally suitable, under ordinary circumstances, as a gentleman’s house. The ground or principal floor is raised about 6 ft. above the level of the ground, and contains dining-room, drawing-room, study, hall, staircase with a glass screen dividing same from the conservatory adjoining, so as to let the conservatory show as a vista from the hall. At the top of stair leading down, under the principal stair, to the kitchen offices in the basement, is the butler’s pantry, conveniently situated with reference to the dining and other principal rooms ; and entering from the hall is a hat and cloak closet, with a water-closet beyond. A covered corridor of timber construction, leads from the entrance to the public road, the end next the road forming a porch. The basement floor contains the usual kitchen offices, which are both convenient and commodious, the whole of the basement being devoted to this purpose, and there is a separate, i. e. a kitchen entrance to the basement. The first floor contains five bed-rooms, two dressing-rooms, bath-room, &c., and in the attic are four more bed-rooms. The walls are of brick, with stone dressings IO PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. to the windows. The dormer window and the balcony over the drawing-room window are constructed with timber ; the corbels by the side of the last-named window are cemented on the face and stamped with a pattern. All the other strings, cornices, &c., are of moulded brick. The roofs are covered with plain tiles. The upper part of the windows are filled with lead lights in geometrical forms ; the lower parts, to a height of 7 ft. above the floor, would be filled in with plate glass in one sheet. The houses which I have erected on this plan, with rather simpler elevations, and the dining and drawing rooms about 2 ft. less each way, and with internal finishing in a style corresponding with the exterior, cost, including everything ready for occupation, ^1300, exclusive of the conservatory and covered way. The house, as shown in this sketch, can be built complete for ^2000. PLATE XIII, A pair of semi-detached houses, designed for the Rev. E. Davys, Peterborough. This design is of a slightly ecclesiastical character, and is only two stories high. In HALF FIRST FLOOR PLAN HALF GROUND PLAN this plan the windows of all the principal rooms look to the road, between which and the house there is a flower garden, the houses being set well back from the road. So PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 1 1 that there is no back view required, and the kitchen offices occupy the back of the house. Although without a basement this plan is well adapted for small suburban houses, and can be built on a plot of ground having a frontage of from 90 to 100 ft. for the pair. The ground floor of each house contains, dining-room, drawing-room, breakfast-room, kitchen, and a good-sized entrance lobby, which is well lit with an end window. The scullery, larder, &c., are in a one-story building at the back. The first floor contains four bed-rooms, one dressing-room, water-closet, &c. The walls are entirely of brick, with arches and strings in moulded brick ; no stone being used in the elevations. The mullions of the windows are of fir stained dark, and the spandrils in the arches are filled in with moulded weather tiles. The columns to the ground-floor windows would be in five pieces moulded out of the same clay as the bricks. The roofs, which are covered with plain tiles, have projecting eaves, finished with a moulded cast-iron gutter. The barge boards to the gables and the porches, with lean-to roofs, are constructed with timber, stained dark and varnished. With simple internal finishings, these houses, under favourable circumstances, can be built for ^1150 the pair. 12 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. COTTAGE HOSPITALS. PLATES XIV, XV, XVI, AND XVII. The founding of Cottage or Village Hospitals in England has been attended with decided success. Little more than ten years ago they were almost unknown, but during these years they have increased in number considerably, and there is no doubt that their number will increase still more as their usefulness becomes better known. In the great Metropolis there are numerous hospitals in which nearly every malady to which the human frame is liable is specially treated, and every city and county town has its hospital or dispensary for ministering to the accidents and diseases of the suffering poor ; but in the large tracts of country between these centres of civilization, there is no refuge to which poor creatures suffering from the terrible accidents consequent upon the introduction of steam machinery and the railway can be taken (except in districts where a village hospital has been established) but the Union workhouse ; and there the honest and respectable peasantry decidedly object to go. The consequence is that when from accident or disease it becomes necessary to remove a patient from his cottage home — which is generally so ill provided for the proper treatment of any malady — to the nearest hospital, perhaps some ten or fifteen miles distant, such a journey cannot fail to aggravate the disease, and must in many cases be attended with much danger to the patient’s life ; and then, when he finds himself, perhaps for the first time, in the long and crowded ward of a large hospital, the strangeness and unhomeliness of his new situation, and the knowledge that he is far away from his friends, cannot but produce in a country labourer, accustomed all his life to a cottage, an uncomfortable feeling which certainly will not facilitate his recovery. Now a cottage hospital is designed to meet the wants of such a case. If there is such an institution in the village, the danger of the long journey is avoided, and the patient finds himself in a room with all the homeliness of his own cottage ; he is not surrounded with strange faces, he has the advantages of a tutored nurse, not unknown to him either ; within and without all is familiar ; he is near his friends, and they have the great comfort of knowing they are near him ; in short, he has the advantages of the hospital, accompanied with all the homeliness of his own home. And he certainly loses the idea so painfully thrust upon him in the regular hospital, that he has ceased to be regarded as “John Hodge,” a man, and is simply PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 13 looked upon as a case of “ compound fracture,” or such like. Such advantages, not to speak of his breathing fresh country air, will do much towards making him convalescent. If anyone, on charitable thoughts intent, would like to know the expense of working one of these admirable institutions, perhaps the following balance-sheet of the working expenses of the village hospital at Crawley, in Surrey, one of the first, if not the first of its class which was founded in England, will give a useful hint in that direction. During the period beginning in 1859 and ending in 1863, one hundred patients were treated in this little hospital, their stay varying from a few days to nearly an entire year, — many of the surgical cases being of a very serious nature, and no doubt the recovery generally was more rapid, owing to the pure air and immediate treatment, than could be expected in a metropolitan hospital possessing the pick of surgical skill. Receipts and Expenditure during Four Years for One Hundred Patients. £ s - d - 542 5 5 131 4 6 ••• ^673 9 n £ s. d. 4ii 5 5 34 i7 5 73 11 4 9211 4 ^612 12 6 Of course the last two items of expenditure cannot be looked upon as part of the annual charge, as it only relates to the beginning and setting up of the institution, so that the annual expenses of the hospital are just about £ 1 1 1 a year, towards which there is the very encouraging item of ^131 4 s. 6 d. contributed by the patients themselves in the four years. In another village hospital the daily cost of each patient, every expense included, was ijt. Such facts ought to be a sufficient argument in favour of establishing cottage hospitals in every village that is situated at a distance of many miles from any regular hospital. Since we provide churches and schools in our villages for the moral Receipts. Donations and subscriptions Contributed by patients Total Expenditure. For patients, salaries, wine, beer, &c. Insurance, printing, &c. Repairs and improvements... Furniture Total o H PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. and intellectual care and benefit of the people, why should we not also provide small hospitals for their physical care and benefit, and why should not the three go together to perfect the good work, the Church, the School, and the Cottage Hospital ? — a goodly trio, one would think. The principle on which these designs are based, is that the building should have all the simplicity in appearance, both externally and internally, of a good substantial cottage, combined with all the advantages of the most approved methods of ventilation, drainage, &c., and all the appliances for facilitating the recovery of the patients which are to be found in the best hospitals. Plates XIV. and XV. give plans and elevations for converting an old nine- roomed cottage into a cottage hospital. The building is two stories high, and designed to accommodate nine patients under ordinary circumstances, viz. two in each room on the first floor, and one in the accident room on the ground floor. I n an emergency, this number might be increased to fifteen patients, although this latter exceeds the number which is considered practicable with one nurse. The most approved size is from six to ten patients. The ground floor contains convalescent rooms for male and female patients, an accident room, dispensary, with a small waiting-room for out-door patients adjoining, and kitchen and offices in a one-story building at the back, which leaves the main part of the house for the patients. On the first floor are the male and female wards, two rooms in each. The sexes are thoroughly separated, with the matron’s room between them, and having immediate access to both. The ceilings of these rooms are carried into the roof, the height from floor to ceiling being 13 ft., which is nearly double the height of the ceiling in an ordinary cottage, and will in itself give great salubrity to the room without resorting to artificial means of ventilation. The stair is so constructed that, after ascending the first half from the ground floor, there are two separate flights for the second half, the males turning to the right and the females to the left. A small bath-room is provided at the half-landing off the stairs. The water-closets are placed in projections from the main building with a lobby between them and the patients’ rooms, which gives a thorough ventilation between the water-closet and rooms. Thus on the male side each room has a door opening into this lobby, and a similar arrangement is carried out on the female side ; so that although the water-closets are thoroughly separated from the rooms, the patients have easy and direct access thereto. In each closet there is also a housemaid’s sink, which will tend greatly to lessen the labour in that line. Ventilation, &c. — Inlets for fresh air are formed in the external walls, with a pipe communicating therefrom between the joists, to gratings in the floor, made to open and shut. The sashes are contrived so that the bottom part can be opened PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES, i5 two or three inches to admit fresh air at the meeting bar without having a draught at the bottom. An extracting flue from each room is carried up by the side of the smoke flue with a regulator-grating communicating with the room at the ceiling level. The heating is by means of open fire-places, with a warm-air chamber behind the grate, having a fresh-air inlet into the same from the outside, and regulator-gratings in the room' for the purpose of admitting the fresh air warmed, when required. These contrivances are all extremely simple and inexpensive. To give cheerfulness to the rooms, the windows in these designs are much larger than cottage windows are ordinarily made, and the cills are kept low, so that a patient lying in bed may have the advantage of looking out into the open air ; a man may enjoy and be refreshed even by the sight of it alone if he cannot be refreshed by the thing itself. On this point Miss Florence Nightingale, in her notes on hospitals, says : — “ Second only to fresh air, however, I should be inclined to rank light in importance for the sick. Direct sunlight, not only daylight, is necessary for speedy recovery ; except perhaps in certain ophthalmic and a small number of other cases. Instances could be given, almost endless, where dark wards, or in wards with borrowed light, even when thoroughly ventilated, the sick could not by any means be made speedily to recover.” Again (p. 19), “Among kindred effects of light, I may mention, from experience, as quite perceptible in promoting recovery, the being able to see out of a window, instead of looking against a dead wall ; the bright colour of flowers ; the being able to read in bed by the light of a window close to the bed-head.” A good supply of pure and wholesome water, thorough and efficient drainage and ventilation of the drains, prevention of damp and of smoky chimneys, are all important matters in a village hospital ; but these matters will be treated of generally in another part, being almost equally important in every class of building. And lastly, a cottage hospital should be made as pleasing-looking as possible ; beauty, not ornateness, has a soothing influence, and ugliness gives pain as well as bruises, although it is not generally known, at least, not believed. This design might be carried out new for about ^900. Plates XVI. and XVII.— Plans and view of a cottage hospital to accommodate six patients. In this case the building is one story high, the ceiling of rooms being at the collars of roof ; the height from floor to wall plate is 10 ft., and to the ceiling 13 ft. The trunk of the roof over the collars forms an extracting shaft for vitiated air. The plan is like a double double cottage communicating. In the centre is the administration department, with the rooms for the male patients entirely on the one side, and those for the female patients on the other side ; thus they are separate, and have separate entrances, both from the one porch ; so that the matron’s room and d 2 i6 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. kitchen department occupying a central position have a direct access to each side, and the matron is thus near to and between her two classes of patients, and has every facility given her for a proper superintendence of the whole house. Both sexes have the same accommodation, viz. a convalescent room, one two-bedded room, and one bedded room for accidents, a lobby, and water-closet. There is a separate entrance to the kitchen communicating through the scullery. The outbuildings to the back contain washhouse, coal-store, servants’ water-closet, &c. And there is one room in the attic for a servant. No bath-room has been provided in this plan, as in a small hospital like this it is scarcely necessary, and where economy is the important consideration, as in most buildings of this description it must necessarily be, the cost of bath-room and fittings would be an important item, and therefore their omission effects a considerable saving. A portable bath fitted on wheels will answer all the purposes required, more especially as the patients’ rooms are all on the ground floor, so that the bath can be taken to the kitchen and filled from the boiler in the grate, and wheeled to the patient’s bed-side, which is an advantage. The front entrance is so arranged that both the male and female sides of the house enter from one porch, so that anyone at the entrance can be taken into either the male or female side direct. Thus a visitor calling on a male patient would be entirely away from the part of the hospital occupied by the other sex, and vice versa. The heating and ventilation is similar to that described for the cottage hospital in Plates XIV. and XV. The walls are 14-in. hollow brickwork. The porch and dormer over same are constructed with timber, the latter weather-tiled. The projecting windows to the front are of fir, stained dark, and the gables over same are weather- tiled, and finished with barge boards. The roofs, which have all projecting eaves, are covered with plain tiles. Internally, the finishing would be of the simplest description, no walls being papered, but plastered with Scott’s cement, slightly coloured, which gives a washable and non-absorbent surface. This building can be erected for ^850. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 1 7 GENTLEMEN’S COUNTRY HOUSES. The following plans of gentlemen’s country residences are not presumed to be models that may be copied literally by anyone, for however complete in its arrangements, and well suited for one family a plan may be, it will be just as unsuitable for the different requirements of another household, and the plan that would be reckoned without a fault by one family, would be condemned as full of faults by another family who led a different mode of life. So that if the plan of a house is to be perfect, it must be arranged to suit the particular requirements of the family for whom it is intended. Notwithstanding, I consider the following plans will be found to suit the ordinary requirements of houses of their relative particular sizes, and they are plans that have been adopted in several instances, with more or less modifications. Without going here into the details of construction, sanitary arrangements, &c., which will be treated of in another place, I will say that although utility is undoubtedly the first and chief thing to be considered in designing a house, it will come far short of what is required of it, especially in the case of a gentleman’s country house, if the elevations are not studied with enough of esthetic skill to make them somewhat picturesque. An ugly building in a landscape is as offensive to the eye of the educated and refined, as a disagreeable odour from the drain is to the nose, while the latter can be much more easily remedied than the former. In asking and expecting picturesqueness in the elevations, as undoubtedly the growing taste of the people do and will expect, and with justice, it is not asking for a more expensive building, for the picturesque is not produced by expenditure, but by skilful thought in the design, and a picturesque house may not cost one penny more than the ugliest one it is possible to erect. PLATE XVIII. Gives a view of a country residence which, with modified elevations, has been built in Kent, Surrey, and Hampshire. In this design I have endeavoured to give the building a quiet, homely, and yet picturesque character, avoiding pretentiousness. This plan, of which the principal floor is given in Plate XVII., contains on the ground floor an entrance porch, shown in the centre of the view, leading to a hall, 26 ft. by 18 ft., which contains the principal staircase. Leading out of this hall are PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. dining-room, 26 ft. by 18 ft., exclusive of bay; drawing-room, 27 ft. by 18 ft., exclusive of bay; morning room, 18 ft. by 16 ft., exclusive of bay; and garden entrance, from which enters a lavatory and water-closet. The butler’s pantry and kitchen are conveniently near the dining-room, with a separate entrance thereto, and at the same time these and all the kitchen offices are quite distinct and separate from the other part of the house. There is also provided a servants’ room, stores, scullery, larder, coal cellar, servants’ water-closet, &c. Under the servants’ stair is a stair to the wine and beer cellars, and cold meat larder in cellar. On the first floor are six bed-rooms, two dressing-rooms, water-closet, a separate stair for servants, and a housemaid’s and linen closet, &c. In the attic over the kitchen wing there is bed-room accommodation for four servants, and a box room. The cost of a house of this description depends very much upon the style of the inside finishing ; the houses that have been built from this plan have cost on an average ^2500. The house as I have given it in this sketch could also be built for this sum. The ground plan of this house is given in Plate XVII., and the garden front and first-floor plan in Plates XIX. and XX. PLATE XIX, Gives an elevation of the garden front, which is exceedingly simple, having no ornament for its own sake, and no feature but what arises naturally out of the plan. The principal effect is due to the disposition of the windows, the irregularity of which is caused by their being put in the proper place for them in the respective rooms. Thus the dead wall at bottom of the gable on the right-hand side is caused by the window of the servants’ room, which occupies this corner of the house, being put on the side overlooking the kitchen yard. It would have been objectionable to put the window in the front overlooking the garden. The mass of dead wall thus produced gives a good opportunity of bringing down the corbel of the projecting window to the bed-room over. The doorway at the side of this gable is the garden entrance porch, and the little corbelled window over same is to a small dressing-room which would probably be used by the lady of the house as a kind of boudoir, and hence the necessity of having a nice window, with a view all round, to sit in. The square bay of the dining-room in the centre of the front is broached at the angles, so as to give canted side-lights to the bed-room window over dining- room, which is rather more suitable for a bed-room than the square bay. The French casement in the left-hand gable is to the drawing-room, the oriel window to same being on the side of the room. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 19 PLATE XX. Contains the first floor, attic, and basement plans of the same house, drawn to a scale of 16 ft. to an inch. PLATE XXL This is an alternative design for the garden front of the country house given in the preceding Plates. There is no alteration in the plan, except that in place of the bay window to the drawing-room, shown in the original design, there are three two- light windows, the room being made one foot wider. The general features of the design are the same as shown in the preceding Plates ; and here the aim has also been to get a picturesque elevation without being elaborate or ornate. The great difference between this design and the previous one is caused by the different nature of the materials here adopted ; this, of course, necessitates different treatment. The ground-floor walls are of brick, with stone dressings ; the first floor is weather-tiled, and the projecting windows are of timber construction. The eaves ol the roof overhang, and the roof projects over the gables, being finished with moulded barge boards, or carried up with dormers in a corresponding style. On the right- hand side is a little summer-house constructed entirely of wood. In respect of cost this design would be rather less than the preceding one. PLATE XXII. An alternative design for the entrance front of the house above referred to, in a style corresponding with the preceding design for the garden front. Here also the general features of the design and the plan are the same as in the original sketch ; the only alternation being in the bay window to the morning room, which is moved to the corner, and made square instead of round, and the fire-place is moved to the corner opposite the bay window. This arrangement is more snug and picturesque internally, but it is much more difficult to treat satisfactorily externally. Here, also, the aim has been to combine picturesqueness with simplicity. The materials adopted are the same as described for the garden front, viz. brick walls witli stone dressings 20 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. for the ground floor, and weather tile above. The porch and corbel windows are of half-timber construction. The large window on the right-hand side of the porch, which lights the hall and staircase, is carried up in brick and stone the whole way. It may be as well to mention here, en passant , that in exposed situations where the drifting rain drives through the walls of a house, in spite of all coatings of oil, alum, and soap, or the more usual coat of stucco, a most unsatisfactory coat indeed, weather-tiling in the following manner will be found a much surer remedy, with this difference from stucco, that the tiling may and will, if properly treated, make the house rather more picturesque, as may be seen any day in Sussex, instead of making it more repulsive and ugly, as stuccoed houses usually are, although the fault is not in the stucco, but in the ignorance of the workman or designer, who do not know how to apply it. To prevent damp from driving through a wall, fix on the face of the wall oak or fir battens, 2 in. x 2 in., rough board, and nail the weather tiles to the same. This will leave a hollow of 2 in. between the external weather tile and the wall, and if the tiles are good, there can be no damp get into the wall from the outside. PLATE XXIII, Plans of the basement, ground, first, and second floors of suburban houses erected near Norwood. The ground or principal floor is about 5 ft. above the level of the ground, and contains the dining, drawing, and morning rooms, and a good square hall, with a front and garden entrance thereto. The basement contains the kitchen and offices ; and has a separate entrance on the opposite side of the house from the principal entrance. The bed-rooms, bath-room, &c., are on the first and second floors. The object of the plan is compactness of arrangement. This house was erected at a cost of about ^1300. PLATE XXIV, Front view of the above house. The walls are built of bricks faced with malms (a yellowish-coloured brick), picked out with red bricks, not in the usual stripy manner, with a course of red bricks at every sill and window head. The red brick- work consists of a double brick plinth, a broad diaper band, about 3 ft. deep between the ground-floor windows, and a band of two over-sailing courses, and a dog-tooth PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES . 21 course about 2 ft. 6 in. below the heads of the first-floor windows. The arches are of moulded red bricks in half-brick rims, and the sills are also of moulded and enriched red bricks. The front porch is constructed with timber, the posts being turned. The bay window is also of timber above the plinth, and all the frames and mullions are of wood, and the dormer is of half-timber construction. The roofs are covered with plain tiles, the eaves project over the walls, and the gables have moulded barge boards. The windows above the transoms are filled in with ornamental lead lights, the lower part being plate glass. PLATE XXV, Plans of suburban houses erected on the Upper Teddington estate, near Bushey Park. The ground floor, which is about 5 ft. above the ground level, contains dining-room, 20 ft. x 16 ft. ; drawing-room, 20 ft. x 16 ft., exclusive of bay; morning- room, 17 ft. x 14 ft.; and hall, 17 ft. x 14 ft. The principal entrance is at the side of the house, and there is a garden entrance at the back. The basement contains the kitchen offices, and has a separate entrance on the opposite side of the house from the principal entrance. The first and attic floors are appropriated to bed-rooms, dressing-rooms, bath-room, &c. These houses have been erected at a cost of about X1150 each, the material employed being stock bricks faced with malms for the walls, and the roofs are covered with slates. V t PLATE XXVI. Front view and plan of stable buildings erected near Mitcham. The ground floor contains coach-house, stable of three stalls, and loose box, washing stall, gig- house, harness-room and entrance porchway ; and the first floor contains hay-loft and coachman’s house. The walls on the ground floor are built of brick, with projecting and dog-tooth bands in red brick. The windows have solid square wood mullions, frames, and transoms, and are filled in with glass in small squares, some of them bull’s-eyes or the centres of sheets of crown glass. Above the ground floor the walls are of half-timber construction filled in with brickwork, and cemented between the timbers. The roofs are covered with plain tiles and crested ridge tiles. The cost, including stable fittings of the best description, was about X85°- E PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES . SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS’ HOUSES. PLATES XXVII., XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, &c. The following plans for Schools and Teachers’ Residences are designed in accordance with the regulations of the Committee of Council on Education, of which the following is the substance : — RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PLANNING OF SCHOOLS. “ Before a school-room is planned, the number of children who are likely to occupy it ; the number of classes into which they ought to be grouped ; whether the school should be ‘ mixed,’ or the boys and girls taught in different rooms ; are points that require to be carefully considered and determined, in order that the arrangements of the schools may be designed accordingly. “ Every class, when in operation, requires a separate teacher, be it only a monitor acting for the hour. Without some such provision it is impossible to keep all the children in a school actively employed at the same time. “ The apprenticeship of pupil-teachers, therefore, is merely an improved method of meeting what is, under any circumstances, a necessity of the case ; and, where such assistants are maintained at the public expense, it becomes of increased importance to furnish them with all the mechanical appliances that have been found by experience to be the best calculated to give effect to their services. “ The main end to be attained is the concentration of the attention of the teacher upon his own separate class, and of the class upon its teacher, to the exclusion of distracting sounds and objects, and without obstruction to the head master’s power of superintending the whole of the classes and their teachers. “This concentration would be effected most completely if each teacher held his class in a separate room ; but such an arrangement would be inconsistent with a proper superintendence, and would be open to other objections. The common schooL- room should therefore be planned and fitted to realize, as nearly as may be, the combined advantages of isolation and of superintendence, without destroying its use for such purposes as may require a large apartment. The best shape is an oblong. Groups of benches and desks should be arranged along one of the walls. Each group should be divided from the adjacent group or groups by an alley, in which a PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 23 light curtain can be drawn forward or back. Each class, when seated in a group of desks, can thus be isolated on its sides from the rest of the school, its teacher standing in front of it, where the vacant floor allows him to place his easel for the suspension of diagrams and the use of the black board, or to draw out the children occasionally from their desks, and to instruct them standing, for the sake of relief by a change of position. “ The seats at the desks and the vacant floor in front of each group are both needed , and should therefore be allowed for in calculating the space requisite for each class. “ The Committee of Council do not recommend that the benches and desks should be immovably fixed to the floor in any schools. They ought to be so constructed as to admit of being readily removed when necessary, but not so as to be easily pushed out of place by accident, or to be shaken by the movements of the children when seated at them. “ By drawing back the curtain between two groups of desks, the principal teacher can combine two classes into one for the purpose of a gallery lesson ; or a gallery (doubling the depth of benches, and omitting desks) may be substituted for one of the groups. For simultaneous instruction, such a gallery is better than the com- bination of two groups by the withdrawal of the intermediate curtain ; because the combined length of the two groups (if more than 15 ft.) is greater than will allow the teacher to command at a glance all the children sitting in the same line. It is advisable, therefore, always to provide a gallery ; but this is best placed in a class- room. “ The master of a school should never be allowed to organize it so as to provide for carrying out the entire business of instruction without his own direct intervention in giving the lessons. He ought, as a rule, to have one or more of the classes (to be varied from time to time) in a group or in the gallery, under his own immediate charge. He must, indeed, at times leave himself at liberty to observe the manner in which his assistants or apprentices teach, and to watch the collective working of his schools. But his duties will be very ill performed if (what is called) general superin- tendence forms the sum, or principal part, of them. “ The reasons of the following rules will be readily inferred from these preliminary explanations : — “ 1. In planning a school-room, it must be borne in mind that the capacity of the room, and the number of children it can accommodate, depends not merely on its area, but on its area, its shape, and the positions of the doors and fire-places. “ 2. The best width for a school-room intended to accommodate any number of children between 48 and 144, is from 16 to 20 ft. This gives sufficient space for each group of benches and desks to be ranged three rows deep along one wall, for E 2 24 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. the teachers to stand at a proper distance from their classes, and for the classes to be drawn out, when necessary, in front of the desks around the master or pupil- teachers. (IV o additional accommodation being gained by greater width in the room , the cost of such an increase in the dimensions is thrown away.) “ 3. A school not receiving infants should generally be divided into at least four classes. ( The varying capacities of children between seven and thirteen years old will be found to require at least thus much subdivision .) “ 4. Benches and desks, graduated according to the ages of the children, should be provided for all the scholars in actual attendance, and therefore a school-room should contain at least four groups. “5. An allowance of 18 in. on each desk and bench will suffice for the junior classes, but not less than 22 in. for the senior classes ; otherwise, they may be cramped in writing. “ The length therefore of each group should be some multiple of 18 or 22 in. respectively. “ 6. The desks should be either flat or very slightly inclined. The objections to the inclined desk are, that pencils, pens, &c., are constantly slipping from it, and that it cannot be conveniently used as a table. The objection to the flat desk is, that it has a tendency to make the children stoop. A raised ledge in front of a desk interferes with the arm in writing. “ 7. As a general rule, no benches and desks should be more than 1 2 ft. long ; and no group should contain more than three rows of benches and desks (because in proportion as the depth is increased , the teacher must raise his voice to a higher pitch ; and this becomes exhausting to himself, while at the same time it adds inconveniently to the general noise). “ 8. Each group of desks must be separated from the contiguous group, either by an alley 18 in. wide for the passage of the children, or by a space of 3 in. sufficient for drawing and withdrawing the curtains. “ 9. The curtains when drawn should not project more than 4 in. in front of the foremost desk. An alley should never be placed in the centre of a group or gallery, and the groups should never be broken by the intervention of doors and fire-places. “ 10. When the number of children to be accommodated is too great for them to be arranged in five, or at most six, groups, an additional school-room should be built, and placed under the charge of an additional teacher, who may, however, be subor- dinate to the head master. “11. Infants should never be taught in the same room with older children, as the noise and the training of the infants disturb and injuriously affect the discipline and instruction of the older children. “ 12. An infant school of not less than 80 children should have two galleries of PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 25 unequal size, and a small group of benches and desks for the occasional use of the elder infants. “ 13. No infants’ gallery should hold more than 80 or 90 infants. “ 14. The class-rooms should never be passage-rooms from one part of the building to another, nor from the school-rooms to the playground or yard. They should be on the same level as the school-room, and should be fitted up with a gallery placed at right angles with the windows. “ 15. The windows should be so placed that a full light should fall upon the faces both of the teachers and of the children. “ 16. The sills of the windows should be placed as high as possible above the floor, and a large portion of each window should be made to open. “ 1 7. Main Buildings. — The walls of every school-room and class-room, if ceiled at the level of the wall-plate , must be at least 12 ft. high from the level of the floor to the ceiling; and, if the area contain more than 360 superficial feet, 13 ft. ; and if more than 600, then 14 ft. “ 18. The walls of every school-room and class-room, if ceiled to the rafters and collar beam , must be at least 1 1 ft. high from the floor to the wall-plate, and at least 14 ft. to the ceiling across the collar beam. “ 19. When a residence for the master or mistress is included in the plan, their Lordships will not make any grant on account of it unless it contain, at least , a parlour, a kitchen, a scullery, and three bed-rooms ; and the smallest dimensions which their Lordships can approve are — “ 20. For the parlour 12 ft. by 12 ft. „ the kitchen 12 ,, 10 „ ,, one of the bed-rooms 12 „ 10 „ ,, two other bed-rooms 9 ,, 8 ,* of superficial area ; ' 8 ft. ) in height to wall- 8 „ J plate. < 8 „ if ceiled at wall-plate ; or 7 ft. to wall-plate, and 9 ft. to ceiling. “ 21. The residence must be planned so that the staircase should be immediately accessible from an entrance lobby, and from the parlour, kitchen, and each bed-room, without making a passage of any room. Each bed-room must be on the upper story, and must have a separate fire-place. The parlour must not open directly into the kitchen or scullery ; and no part of the residence must open into the school-room or class-room. There must be a separate and distinct yard, with offices for the residence. “ 22. The whole of the external walls of the school and residence, if of brick , must be at least one brick and a half in thickness ; and if of stone , at least 20 in. in thickness.” 26 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. PLATES XXVII. AND XXVIII. Design for boys’ and girls’ schools and master’s house. The residence, containing parlour, kitchen, and scullery on the ground floor, and three bed-rooms on the first floor, is placed in the centre of the block of buildings, and separates the boys’ school from the girls’. Each department is designed to accommodate ninety-six children, viz. seventy-two in the school-room and twenty- four in the class-room ; but by increasing the length of the school-rooms and proportionately increasing the length of each group of benches and desks the number may be increased to 132 for each department. Both schools have a porch with a lavatory and cap place entering therefrom. In addition to the master’s house a mistress’s house can be added by simply doubling the centre part of the block (the plan being just the reverse of the master’s house) without altering the general arrangement. The materials for which the elevation is designed are grey brick for the general walling, with red brick for the arches and strings, and stone dressings to some of the doors and windows. The cost, including outbuildings, boundary walls, and drains, would be about ^"iioo. A similar building with two residences in the centre as proposed above has been carried out for a little more than that amount. d & PLATES XXIX. AND XXX. Give plan and view of boys’, girls’, and infants’ schools arranged in one group of buildings. This design, as well as the former one, it need scarcely be explained, is intended for a country district, and not for the heart of any large town where ground is scarce and expensive. The plan comprises school-room and class-rooms for 150 boys, school-room and class- rooms for a similar number of girls, and school-rooms for 200 infants. The last-named schools are proposed to be divided by a movable partition into two school-rooms, so that the whole of the infants’ department may at times, when required, be thrown into one larre room. o This plan is arranged for each department being under the superintendence of one head teacher, i. e. one for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the infants ; and the size of each department is stretched about as far as is practicable for being under the charge of one head teacher. If any of the departments were divided into two separate schools it would involve two head teachers for each, and this would be necessary if the number of scholars in any of the departments were increased. The boys’ and girls’ school-rooms should be divided into at least two sections by PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 27 double revolving partitions with a curtain on each side of same. This would be perhaps best placed so as to shut off the two groups of benches and desks at the end of the school-room, making the part shut off into a separate class-room, thus giving a separate room to each of the three grades. At times when it was required to assemble the whole of the department in the general school-room this partition would be moved up, and the whole thrown into one room. At one end of the building, and adjoining the boys’ school, is a master’s house, and on the opposite side, adjoining the girls’ school, is a mistress’s house, each having parlour, kitchen, and scullery on the ground floor, and three bed-rooms on the first floor, with a yard, fuel-store, water-closet, &c., at the back. A spare room is provided between the boys’ and infants’ schools for a board room. PLATE XXXI. SCHOOL PLANS ON THE AMERICAN PRINCIPLE. This Plate contains four plans of school buildings arranged on the American principle. No. 1 is a one-story building for a mixed school in two divisions, with separate entrances for boys and girls, a is the primary school for seventy children, and b is the secondary school for sixty-four children, c is the girls’ entrance, with a place for bonnets, d , the boys’ entrance, with cap place, e is lavatory basins, f denotes the hot-air flues, h shows the position of hot presses for keeping the dinners of children who come from a distance to the school. No. 2 is a boys’ and girls’ school containing in each department a large school- room and four class-rooms, entering from the general school-room and also from the lobbies. On one side of each entrance is a cap and bonnet room, with lavatory basins, and on the opposite side is a teacher’s room. No. 3 is a school building two stories high, containing an infants’ and a mixed school on the ground floor, and a senior boys’ and girls’ school on the first floor ; being, in fact, a three-graded school. There are separate entrances for each department, with cap and bonnet rooms and lavatories attached thereto. The following reference will explain the arrangement of the plans : — 1 st Grade — a. Infants’ School. b. „ class-room. c. ,, entrance. d. „ bonnet-room and lavatory. 28 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 2nd Grade— e. Mixed School. f yy class-room. g >> entrance. h. yy cap and bonnet room and lavatory. i — i. Senior Boys’ School. k. M class-room. 1 . ) ) entrance. m. y y cap-room and lavatory. n. Senior Girls’ School. 0 . ) y class-room. P- yy entrance. r. ? y bonnet-room and lavatory. The whole of these plans are based on existing school buildings in America. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 29 LABOURERS’ COTTAGES. The “ Labourers’ Cottage” is now nearly an exhausted theme. The latest model plan is little more than what musicians would call a variation of the old tune, — in short, the well-known old plans slightly different in detail. But of all published plans of labourers’ cottages, very few are adapted for a country like Scotland. I have therefore been induced to give a few examples of cottages specially designed for the Scotch farm labourer, and to add one or two examples to the existing plans of cottages for the English labourer. With regard to the former, it may be as well to notice the fact, that the peasantry of Scotland have a partiality for a one-story cottage, so much so, that where two-story cottages have been built, the first floor has been known to be used as a lumber loft, the family living entirely on the ground floor. However, this is a prejudice which time will overcome ; but in many bleak districts, where the wind “ blaws loud wi’ angry sough,” it may still be the better plan to build one-story cottages, for they can be easier sheltered from the “ cauld blast ” than a two-story one, and the rooms will lie more snugly together, sheltering one another, and be altogether more comfortable. The Scotch labourer has a great liking to a concealed or box-bed in the living- room, on account of it being the most comfortable sleeping place in the house, which it undoubtedly is, especially in winter. By adopting this plan it becomes possible to build a one-story cottage having separate sleeping-rooms for boys, girls, and parents, at a fair average cost for a cottage. But although a cottage planned on this principle, i. e. with one box-bed in the living-room or kitchen, and two other small bed-rooms, may be a satisfactory enough arrangement, the principle in Scotland is carried so far that it degenerates into an evil, when there is more than one box-bed in the living-room ; and some of the old cottages — where with perhaps two concealed beds in the living-room and one small bed-room, parents, sons, and daughters have to put up as best they can — cannot be too strongly condemned. In any case where one of these concealed beds is formed care should be taken to provide proper means of ventilation at the ceiling. In districts where cold and piercing winds are prevalent, particular care must be taken in arranging the position of the external doors. As a general rule the external doors should be protected by having a porch, and the internal and external doors p 30 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. arranged so as to prevent the wind from blowing “ ben to the chimla lug.” If a cottage was built in some of the exposed districts, indeed anywhere, in Scotland on a plan not at all uncommon in England, with either the front or back door opening directly into the rooms, it would be almost, if not altogether, uninhabitable. In the plan given in Plate XXXII., the positions of the external door and the internal door to the living-room is a good arrangement for preventing a draught into the room. For the purpose of avoiding a draught it is common in Scotch labourers’ cottages to have only one external door, to the front ; and no back door. If a cottage is to be convenient as well as comfortable, there should be, as well as a front door, a means of communication by a door at the back, from the scullery to the yard. How is it possible to have a cottage kept tidy without this ? In providing better cottage accommodation for the labouring classes many difficulties will have to be encountered, more especially if the improved cottages are something quite different in arrangement to what the peasantry in that particular district have been accustomed. This should be considered in planning a cottage, so that as far as is consistent with a healthy and comfortable dwelling, the arrangement of the place may be adapted to the habits or manner of living of the people who are to inhabit them. But having provided a comfortable, convenient, and healthy cottage, there is yet one thing wanted, and not an unimportant thing either, viz. to make the labourer’s home the least bit pretty or pleasing in appearance. Landlords, you may probably do your labourer more permanent good in this way than by adding a shilling a week to his wages. Give him a home of which he can be proud, and in which he will take an interest and keep it tidy and nice, and you will have done a great deal for him and his family as well, and not a bad thing for yourself. In money, this will cost little if anything more than the ugliest thing that can be built ; it will only require a little more thought and skill in the design. Hitherto cottages have been left to be designed by anyone. It has not been thought worth while to get a plan prepared by a proper architect, perhaps thought to be a useless expense to do so. As cottage building is a thing that is continually going on more or less, I will here throw out the suggestion to all owners of large estates, to get two or three working plans prepared by a good architect for cottages of various sizes — single, in pairs, and in groups of three or more — and adapted to the materials of the locality ; and let them be kept as the stock plans of the estate, to be used when required, without being under the necessity of calling in an architect every time a cottage is to be built. Plates XXXII. to XXXVI., both inclusive, give plans and views of some of the cottages recently designed for the Earl of Wemyss and March, to be erected on his Lordship’s estates in Scotland. These plans, while designed with a view to give PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 3 1 improved homes to the Scotch labourers, are also arranged so as to meet the customs and mode of living to which they have been accustomed, as well as the exigencies of a Scotch climate, and in construction the cottages are of a more substantial character than the generality of modern ones. The designs are adapted for a combination of brick and stone, or for two local stones. The average estimated cost is about ^130 per cottage. For a less sum than this it is scarcely possible in the present day to build a substantial cottage. Indeed, it is a question for how long a time it may be possible to build any kind of cottage at this rate, seeing that the price of labour and material is so rapidly rising. It may be possible to build, in a trumpery way, a pair of cottages for little over £ 200 a pair, yet after a few years it will undoubtedly be found that a substantially- built cottage, even if it cost £30 more than the other at the first, is the cheapest and best in every way in the long run. PLATE XXXII, Contains (1) plans of a pair of one-story cottages, of which the elevation is given in the following Plate ; (2) also a block plan, showing the grouping of three pairs of these cottages ; and (3) ground and first-floor plans of a block of three cottages, of which the elevation is given in Plate XXXVI. PLATE XXXIII, Gives the front elevation of a pair of one-story cottages, of which the plan will be found on the preceding Plate. Each cottage contains a living-room with a box-bed in it, a scullery or back kitchen, and two bed-rooms ; also a pantry, and a small lobby at both the front and back doors. The external doors are arranged so as to prevent any draught from the doors to the rooms, and the fire-place in the living-room is contrived with a hot-air chamber behind the kitchener, to which a pipe laid under the floor conveys the fresh air from the outside, which becomes heated in this chamber and passes, through pipes built into the partition, to the two bed-rooms. At the ends of these pipes are sliding gratings for admitting or excluding the heated air as required. f 2 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. In this plan the bed-rooms are both entered from the living-room, and the doors being near the fire-place in the living-rooms, by merely opening these doors the bed- rooms would be kept dry and comfortably heated without the aid of any other con- trivances. PLATE XXXI Y. Plan and front elevation of a pair of one-story cottages planned by Lord Elcho. In this design the two bed-rooms and the living-room are each entered from a central lobby, on the principle of what in Scotland is termed a “ butt and a ben.” One of the rooms being 15 ft. by 10 ft. may be used as a parlour, having a concealed bed fitted up at the side of the room opposite the window, an arrangement which is much liked by the “well-to-do” labouring classes in Scotland. This plan has all the advantages of having three separate sleeping-rooms, and a living-room and parlour besides. PLATE XXXV. Gives a view and plans of a pair of two-story cottages, each containing a living- room, scullery, pantry, and entrance-lobby on the ground floor, and three bed-rooms on the first floor. The living-room, as in the preceding designs, has a box-bed, and the bed-rooms can be heated from the living-room fire-place, as described in Plate XXXIII. Cottages similar to these, but without the box-bed in the living-room, and adapted to brick entirely for the walls, have also been built on the estates of W. Wells, Esq., M.P., at Holme, Hunts. PLATE XXX7I. Front elevation of a block of three cottages, of which the plans are given in Plate XXXII. Each cottage contains living-room with a box-bed in it, scullery, pantry, and lobby on the ground floor, and three bed-rooms on the first floor ; except the centre one, which has only two bed-rooms. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES, 33 PLATE XXXVII, A design for a pair of small cottages, set forth by plans of the ground and first floors, and a perspective view. Each cottage contains living-room, scullery, and pantry on the ground floor, and two bed-rooms on the first floor. The roof is flat, pitched, and is designed so as to give the greatest possible amount of roof space for the bed- rooms, and by extending over both cottages in one span, all cutting, valleys, hips, or gutters are avoided. The walls to the height of the first-floor joists are of brick, and above this they are of half-timber construction. There is an open timber porch to each cottage. Under favourable circumstances these cottages should be built for little over £200 a pair. 34 PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. ENTRANCE GATEWAY. PLATE XXXVIII. Gives an elevation of a Norman entrance gateway, with gatekeeper’s house, designed for a castle. It is also suitable for the entrance to a public park or a large mansion. It is intended to be entirely of stone, except the gates, which would be of wrought iron. PLATES XXXIX. AND XL. Sketches of the Episcopal and Dissenters’ chapels erected at the New Cemetery, Epsom. The former consists of nave and chancel, with a round tower on the south side and an open timber porch on the north side. The latter is simply a nave with an octagonal east end and a square tower at the south-west corner, the lower part of which forms a porch. The upper part of this tower is constructed with massive timbers, in which, as also in the porch to the Episcopal chapel, turning is largely introduced. The walls are built of Kentish ragstone in square random-coursed work, with dressings to the doors, windows, &c., of Bath stone. The roofs are of open timber construction, covered with grey-green slates. The work throughout is of the most substantial kind, and the cost was £750 for the Episcopal chapel and £700 for the Dissenters’ chapel. PLATE XLI. Design for a market cross for a small town. In many of the towns and villages in England, clock towers have been erected in the squares about the centre of the town, known as the market-place, and although these structures generally are ornamental in themselves, yet as a rule they are too ornate, and are far from harmonizing with the simple and picturesque buildings which surround them, and seem better adapted for the more stately squares of a city. As PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 35 this class of clock tower is generally an enclosed structure, it has no utility beyond the clock. The object of the design given in Plate XLI. has been to produce a work of a similar description, which would be more in harmony with the simplicity and picturesqueness of our English towns and villages, and, at the same time, to make it a structure capable of being adapted to useful purposes, as well as being an ornamental feature. In this design, which is intended for a memorial, the lower part of the structure is left open, and is intended as a public place of shelter during inclement weather. The first story is a room designed for a public news-room, and is reached by a spiral stair in the centre. The upper part contains the clock and bell turret. The lower part of the work is constructed entirely of stone. The tympanums of the arches are left solid for sculpture in bas relief. The upper part is of timber construction, and the roofs are covered with tiles. PLATE XLII. Is a sketch of the garden front of a mansion proposed to be erected at Kensington, on a site of about an acre of land. The design is an adaptation of a quaint old English style of architecture, of which there are some good examples in the locality. The walls are intended to be of red brick, and all the dressings of red terra cotta, no stone whatever being used in the work. The roofs are proposed to be covered with slates of a greenish colour. a c PLATE XLIII. Is an alternative design for the same front. The same arrangement of doors and windows as in the preceding design is adhered to, but a different style is adopted so as to show more fully what entirely different elevations may be worked out from the same plan. The first design is what would be termed a square house, and the two sides exactly correspond. In this design a considerable amount of irregularity and even picturesqueness is produced by carrying one side of the building a story higher than the other. The walls in this design are intended to be entirely of stone, in ashlar work, with slate roofs as in the preceding one. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. 6 PLATE XLIV, Gives the ground plan of the two designs given in Plates XLII. and XLIII. It contains on the north side a large hall entered through a porch or small outer hall, staircase, cloak-room, water-closet, and morning room, the latter with an east window, and on the south side drawing-room, library, and dining-room, “ en suite." The kitchen offices are in a separate wing on the east side, and a serving-room connected therewith is equally convenient for the dining and morning rooms. The drawing and dining rooms have each French casement windows opening on to a loggia. On the same Plate is a plan of a gentleman’s country mansion, of which the elevation is given in Plate L. PLATES XLV, AND XL VI. Two of the principal elevations of Holmewood House, Hunts, the seat of W. Wells, Esq., M.P. Plate XLV. is the entrance front, which has a north-west aspect. The gateway on the east side leads to the stable-yard and kitchen entrance. Plate XLVI. is one of the garden fronts. The two dormer windows in centre, and the roof and chimneys over same, are part of the old buildings which are left. The whole of the three principal fronts are new, except this portion, which has been refaced and altered to correspond with the other work. The large chimney in the centre is by virtue of necessity a “ tour de force!' It is the flue from the new gallery or drawing-room, connecting the north-west and south- east blocks, and it is built on the face of the old wall. Treated in an unobtrusive or timid manner, this chimney would be a great eyesore ; but treated with boldness, and made rather important, as has been done (constructively it is not required more than 2 ft. 6 in. wide, and it has been made nearly double that width), it is not at all an offensive feature, but rather the reverse. The walls are built of red bricks, with dressings of terra cotta of a similar colour, the object being to get a mellow and uniform tone of colour, and to avoid that hardness and spottiness of colour which stone and red brick together generally produce when new, and for a considerable number of years after. PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES, 37 PLATE XL VII. Gives the ground plan of Holmewood House, of which the two preceding Plates give two of the principal elevations. A portion of the old house is left, and forms part of the servants’ offices for the new house. The new additions surround the old part on three sides, viz. the north-west or entrance front, which contains boudoir, hall, entrance, housekeeper’s room, kitchen, &c. ; the south-west front, which contains boudoir, Mr. Wells’ room, gallery (or drawing-room), garden entrance, and library ; and the south-east front, which contains library, dining-room, and billiard-room. The first floor and attic are entirely appropriated to bed-room accommodation. PLATE XL VIII. Design for a memorial tower, combining clock, belfry, and fountain. It is designed to be entirely of stone, and is neither ornate nor expensive in detail. "?=“• PLATE XLIX. Gives plans and perspective sketch of a laundress’s cottage belonging to a gentleman’s house, erected at Henley-on-Thames for Captain Grenville Wells. It contains on the ground floor living-room, scullery, washhouse, and ironing-room, with a drying-room between the last two rooms, and in the attic two bed-rooms. The walls for one story high are built of bricks, and the upper part is of half-timber construction. PLATE L. Design for the entrance front of a gentleman’s country mansion. The ground plan is given in Plate XLIV. The main building contains drawing-room, 40 ft. x 20 ft. ; dining-room, 40 ft. x 20 ft. ; library, 26 ft. x 18 ft., and a hall extending through the building, having windows in both the entrance and garden fronts, and with the principal staircase in one end, also outer hall, business-room, cloak-room, private stair, &c., &c. The kitchen offices occupy the wing on the north-east side. The elevations are designed to be of stone and half-timber construction combined. G V f’LATE •jrO. LATE OUNG, /tf^CHITECT, ^XETEP y j^ALL, LONDON fijflje ■ 5 - h 1 1 1 3; : jfen • i. un pim~» Plate Young, Architect, Exeter Hall, London LATE 1! U/vclr- . .^uM ■ j? (JW^UW/^ 'VV LAIK Plate in > > < tL. g z > O w P- _) u < I H *P o/ w 0 H U til X Q UP W Z H 0 0 — < w c n t- u — Q X in S' UJ < \ 0 < H H 0 DUNG, U • O £=5 < Plate -J < X w 0 3 ^, OJ 0 z < 0 h Q H 0 z Ck, 0 -u < 0 J J H < Z 3k, Q X 01 111 t-> H x (i) U) X > 4P z 0 H 0 0 111 tal 0 H < h h 0 X 0 X < q o 0 z £ W 1 M X o h U) X Wk o z D o ✓ — ' -/tt-Jpluii M \^. %'^UWA^- (Vu^A- LATE 1— z z 0 0 Q a Z fcp-. 0 z J w J S' < 2k c x u h W X 4k tii 0 h z 0 u Q UJ h X w 0 W K Ok < U d 0 z < D H H 0 0 <^k j 3 LATE 20, CeVVwV.u^w.^fMWfl H 'It- ^ ‘j.wujMw . ^yuitu i i" ^ *■ ^ fjn^r — p l oo ^ ^ \ cr\A.v^ , Oo-xcXsl-. iVoiJLS. . J-i ta^j Plan of Cottage Residence. LATE 21. £K z o £ 1 } Q W Z D 0 0 - L - ^ J ^ < £ 51 i— 2 oi p Id 0 h CL. “ 4C (l O h 0 o id H ^ a ^ $ < u Q ff! C Cl. j> — - u z o Q w z D o 0 .K-U 3^ J >* < 2k C. z sJ p w 0 h Ck td X O H U 0 n “ S' 5 4 -. $ < z Id Q 0 £ z Z = < o CL. ^ LATE 23. H < J" CO < Id a z b; Id Id C H Id CO X id 4-k f-T Z 0 !d < H CQ (5 E 0 D QJ ffl — -> Z < LATE U) LI O z w Q w 1:3 Z < CQ D o £ W H Z 0 a 4 -, z o a z o _4 J ►j < 34 Qj U) H W X 44 f- o w H X 0 a: W “ O (X. z to-. o o Bed Room. I Bed Room. Plate 20. 5 Plate 31. .M\ >.1 W. Young, Architect, Exeter Hall, London X o K < Q Z w W o < H H O CL. O S' Id Oi D O m c S' c 4C £d X h X o u. Q w z o w id <=k LATE 34. 6 5 5 X U X < - S Ui x O Lj' Cl D O CQ < _j < 4 k u X H X o x a Ixl z o w 111 CL. ■■PI LATE 35, LATE 36. j^LATE 37. W. Young, Architect, Exeter Hall, Strand, W.C. ESIGN FOR A PAIR OF LABOURERS pOTTAGES. LATE 38. LATE 39. LATE 40. Pesign for a /Market Cross. LATE 42. » . j 3 LATE 44. \$(- < bcWoJw. / 4tii. &)». kb HA. flAK-flf- A- ^E^fLEIilANS.JVl^ltSio/. i ^Jv\WaW 'fWv , ^ -os. ■ \V.^«uamI^ (ViiVK-r j^LATE 45. ) 1 ^ ‘ft y LAN OF y OLME W OO D j'i'OUSE, j'fuNTS. J HE jS E AT OF Jf. yy ELLS, ^S(^, JA. J 3 . Plate 48 JJesign FOR A PlOCIC y OWER. j 3 LATE 49 r.KoUNj) Plan. A me PLAN W Yount.. Architect, 19, Exeter Hall, Strand, W.C. J ' 1 A RT OF A JjENTLEMAN S Jf. youNG, Architect, ^xeter JA ANSION. ji ALL, J-ONDON. ^XETER * ’ GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01058 8651 i&szmm. .... ," V ';v, ? $?r # ■■■■ '4$id$! ::> ' -* : i-'* -2*- :'t *• *- r *" v I r‘- - '