CATALOG U E O F T H E COLLECTION O F V Italian^ Flemijh^ and other PICT Of the Right Honourable The Earl of E G Lately Deceas’d. 0 N r, CARRACCI, POUSSIN, CARLO MARRATTI, SEE. BOURDON, Confining of the Works of the following Mafters, viz. MICHAEL ANGELO DE BATTAGLIA, FRANCESCHINI, VANGOEN, VANDEVELDE, TENIERS, &c. Which (by Order of the Trustees) Will be fold by a!d C T I O N, By Mr. LANGFORD and Son, At his Lordship’s late Dwelling Houfe mTall Mall^ On Tldurfday the 2d Day of May 1771. The fame may be vi^ed on T^uefday the 30th of this Inflant Aprily and till the Time of Sale, which will begin punctually at Twelve o’Clock. Catalogues of which maybe had on the Days of Viewing, at Mefirs. Langford’? aforefaid. CONDITIONS of SALE as ufuah ( 2 ) ‘Ihurfday^ May 2 , 1771 ^ PICTURES. Kneller Sartorius Italian Cooper Bellucci Ditto Italian Rosa of Tivoli Ditto Rembrandt Calf Casteels Monaldo Griffier Ditto Lairesse Hemskirk G'« CrllARI , J. Stein JoNKER Paterrs Casacci Boll Wootton Bartolomeo M. Ang. Battaglia Hobim A Zuccaro C. Marratti Lot" 1 '“r^WO pieces of architecSfure, a long view, and an hiftorf 2 i George I. an whole length, after 3 Two in crayons, Venus and Cupid^ and a drawing framed and glased 4. Three heads, George I. &c. and an hiftory 5 A piece of flowers- 6 St. Sebajiian y A fruit piece 8 Twoflcetches g Two ditto 10 David and Abigal 11 A landfcape and cattle 12 Ditto, its companion ‘13 Two heads, in oval 14 A piece of ftill life 75 Fowls 16 A landfcape and figures 3 7 Dogs with dead game 18 Its companion 19 A woman ' ' 20 Boors fmoaking 2 3 An, holy family with angels 22 Men fmoaking * 23 Chrijl reproving St. Thomas for his incredulity- 24 A converfation, with a figure dancing 25 fupiter OinA Semele, zhct Julio Romam 26 A faint at prayers 27 A moon light 28 A landfcape 2g A general giving his orders 30 A landfcape and figures ^ 31 The marriage of the virgin - 32 The virgin and child ; 33 A ( 3 ) F.GrimaldiBolognese 33 A landfcape with the angel and Balaam Tillemans 34 A battle piece PoELENBURG 35 A landfcape and figures D. Teniers 36 Boors fmoaking, and its companion Ditto 37 The four feafons Trevisan I 38 A magdalen Titian 39 The golden fliower Ricci 40 Our Saviour at the feaft of Simon the Pharifee SCALKEN 41 A woman working by candlelight Vandermeulen 4t A view in France Ditto 43 Ditto, its companion G. Chiari 44 An holy family Vandevelde 45 A ftorm Rosa ^ Tivoli 46 A landfcape with cattle Ditto 47 Ditto, its companion G. Chiari 48 The falutation Le Sueur 49 ‘^ylng, attended by our Saviour and the Virgin V. Brueghel 50 A landfcape and figures Ditto 51 Its companion Poussin 52 A landfcape and figures Bourdon 53 A facrifice Vangoen 54 A fea view Lairesse 55 An hiftory Ditto 56 Its companion Mompert 57 A landfcape and figures ' Italian 58 Two boys heads 59 A man’s head 60 An head of St. Francis Hennyman 61 Soldiers gaming Franceschint 62 ^ofeph and Potipharh wife, after Carlo Cignani Ditto 63 Liberty and modefty, after Guido WOOTTON 64 An hunting piece 65 A landfcape Carracci 66 An hiftory, after * Sebastian Conca 67 Our Saviour and the Centurion Ditto Brueghell, Van- n 68 Its companion, our Saviour and the children" BALEN, and Van- > KEESEL 3 69 The feaft of the heathen gods F I N I Si. i* -H'y, C Or,: v j; *w; ■ << t ■: ' A » ; n t ? ■'• C r f:' '•■•■'. 1 t V;:.‘ . > A ' 'o f v-^ .-' ' ' 5:' W & ml £lfi tS'D i’Hf JA, the GtTTi' C£W£R library -3-- ,>?; ' , 4 ^