Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_27 O-A-T^ZLOOTTIE OF A COLLECTION OF Chinese anir |fapnese Bronzes, China, &c. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, Collected in the East; also JAPANESE OBJECTS OF ART, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY; ALSO A SMALL COLLECTION OF Old Nankin and Chinese Enamelled Porcelain: r/i'fric ^ iNNON; StH isOn-UAm A WHTCH Mill bf ^rrlb bn Ruction bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James s Square, S.W. r < H 5 CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to bo the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to paydown 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall bo made good by the defaxilter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ,. JAPANESE PORCELAIN AND FAIENCE. 1 A Kutani vase, with palm trees—13 in. high ; and a taller ditto, with four oblong panels with landscapes and flowers—15 in. high 2 A Kutani dish, with a mountainous landscape—10 in. diam. ; and a gourd-shaped dish, with dragons and eagles 2 3 A cylindrical vase and cover, enamelled with a procession of royal ladies—12 in. high ; and a pale gr( hermit—14 in. high 4 A pair of vases, with open lips, the handles formed as fruit, decorated with figures at the No dance—13f in. high ; and a vase, shaped as a bamboo shoot, with a sage playing an instrument—11 in. high "8 A pair of square-shaped splashed green, purple and brown vases— 4 £ 7 8 9 '/A rfo /S & , * 12 An oviform jar, of grey, brown and purple splash—15 in. high—on carved wood stand A small white bowl; a buff crackle ditto; a sage-green bowl; and a white crackle bottle A double gourd-shaped Kaga ware vase, with figures of sages— 14 in. high ; and one ditto, smaller & 2 A pair of blue and white quatrefoil sweetmeat-trays, with figures of ladies ; and a kord and cover, with circular crests in blue 3 ^ A bowl and cover, with a mountainous landscape in blue, gold and red, the cover pierced with circular ornaments—11 in. high — ■* A pair of vases, with stencil plate ornament in blue enamel—10J in. high; and a leaf-shaped tray, with peonies and waves in blue, red and green 3 An Imari bowl, with figures of Samuri in the interior; and a smaller bowl, with mirror-shaped panels on a red diaper-pattern ground 2 A Kutani dish, with storks and bamboo—14 in. diam.; and one, nearly similar 2 A large Ninsei porcelain dish, enamelled with dragons, waves and clouds- -20^ in. diam. A set of six oval Imari bowls, with peonies, chrysanthemums and other flowers in blue, red and gold ^ A set of twenty fluted oval-shaped sweetmeat-trays, with various diaper-pattern borders and kylins in the centre ^7- A pair of bowls, with dragons, sacred jewel and flames in coral colour —on pierced open wood stands A set of four Ninsei oval fluted trays; and ten spirallv flutecUaucprs, * with alternate diaper patterns on the borders A pair of faceted Imari bowls, with alternate panels of figures and landscapes in brilliant colours and gold—12 in. diam. A bowl, entirely covered with storks and clouds—13 \ in. diam. ; a deeper bowl, similar ; and two smaller bowls 5 /, 0 21 A set of three shaped Imari dishes, with spiral ornaments on the borders, conventional ornament in the centres with band of diaper- pattern— 18i in. diam. S ! A Bizen tea-pot and cover : A brown Bizen figure of an eagle, seated on a rock—18 in. high 24 A coloured Bizen figure of an eagle—20 in. high SATSUMA WARE. 25 A pair of cylindrical vases, with magicians in a landscape, diaper pattern on the neck— 1 1\ in. high ; and a vase, with brocade panels below, jewel ornaments on the neck, ringhandles—10£ in. high 3 26 A bowl and cover, entirely covered with portraits of sages ; and an oviform koro and cover, tripod feet and knotted handles, gilt 2 27 A koro and cover, on three monster feet, surmounted by a kylimand * decorated with mythical subjects—15^ in. high 28 A vase, with ring handles, with a landscape^ith the wind Jind thunder gods above—23 in. high C---> 29 A pair of vases, with figures of Buddha, and bairas of ornaments round the necks—22^ in. high—on black lacquer stands with crests in gold CHINESE PORCELAIN. 30 An oviform celadon jar, with floral ornament in slight relief—14 in. high—on open dark wood stand 0 * O 31 A bottle, entirely enamelled with dragons, waves and clouds in colours , —17 in. high / 32 An oviform Nankin jar, with figures of boys holding lotos flowers— 10 in. high—on dark ivood stand / 33 A pear-shaped jar, with a goddess standing on a lotos leaf in pale blue and buff, dragon handles—11 in. high l 6 ,34 A vase, with open lip, with dragons, clouds and flames—16 in. high 35 A flattened oviform jar, of coarse crackle, with dragons in blue— 9 in. high 36 A pair of bowls, enamelled with kylins on a yellow ground ; a quatre- foil-shaped bowl, enamelled with flowers —Kien Lung ; four enamelled cups; and a small tea-pot 2*4 37 A Japanese black lacquer cabinet and stand, with six drawers and ' & folding door, with pheasants and wisteria in gold, with corners, hinges and key escutcheons in chased silver, and inlaid with plaques of ivory with quails and chrysanthemums^ in^gold, la<^ and mother-o’-pearl 38 A pair of blue soapstone cylindrical spill vases, with utensils and, clouds in slight relief—5f in. high 39 A pair of Japanese stirrups, of russet iron, inlaid with a Kiri crest in silver 40 A sword guard, damascened with pages of characters in gold ; and one, pierced with kylins and waves —signed / 0.0 CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES. / /y y il A koro, formed as the turtle of longevity —signed 42 A beaker, with open lip, on three kylin feet, emblematical and key- pattern ornament in low relief, three ring handles—11£ in. high 43 A hexagonal bronze bottle and cover, with loose handle, conventional, monster heads in relief—10 in. high 44 A tripod koro, with roped handles—6^ in. high; and a koro, formed^ as a mythical stag 45 A vase, with pear-shaped body, monster handles, band of key- / pattern ornament in low relief—9j in. high ; 'and a plain bronze sprinkler 7 , & 49 / * <7 50 L 51 55 56 57 58 A koro and cover, with three monster feet, with emblematical orna¬ ments in low relief—7f in. high — on pierced wood stand A vase, shaped as a hag—12^ in. high ; a long pear-shaped bottle ; and one, of nearly similar form 3 A vase, with open lip and monster head handles, band of oraament in low relief—12 in. high A koro, formed as a stork ; and two others, as quails A quatrefoil-shaped vase, with spreading base and dragon handles— . 16f in. high—on carved and pierced wood stand A bottle, with small cylindrical handles, turtles and key pattern in relief—7£ in. high; a narrow pear-shaped bottle^—9^ in. high ; and a vase, shaped as a lotos leaf—4f in. high/ A vase, of turned design, ribbed foot and ring handles—15£ in. high —on wood stand A square-shaped vase, with cloud ornament on the neck and base— 14 in. high—on carved wood stand A koro, formed as a cock; another, shaped as a horse ;^ar kylin with ball A small tea-pot, formed as a gourd with fruit; two boxes and covers, formed as shells; and a brush rest, formed as a sacred fungus A pair of hexagonal vases, with monsters in slight relief— 5^ in. high ; and a tripod koro, with cloud handles and three- clawed dragon in low relief—8 in. high 3 A tripod koro and cover, surmounted by a kylin—6^ in. high; a beaker, with bamboo and kylin in the centre—7^ in. high ; and a vase, with swelling lip and monster handles, wave-pattern base —94 in. high 3 A vase, with leaf pattern on the neck, monster handles and emblematical design below—10 in. high ; and a beaker vase, with fluted centre, cloud-form panels above—9 in. high A figure of an Indian deity—15 in. high A Large Figure of a Kylin, with ball — 13 in. high—on carved and pierced wood stand 8 /'/£ • 4 X 0 *?61 ^ Seated Figure of a Mythical Stag —19 in. high—on carved and 'pierced wood stand 0 62 A figure of a kylin, with ball, opening and forming a korfr—9 \ in^ Idyll—on carved and pierced wood stand J2,s A figure of a magician riding an ox—10 in. high; and a figure of y a sage, seated on a rock and holding a toad —12 in. high 2/0^d. 64 An early iron figure of a seated deer —on wood stand ; a small cloisonne enamel bottle— 6 in. high ; an oblong koro, surmounted by A kylin, with ornament in low relief; and a hanging vase, formed as a lotos leaf 4 65 A flower vase, with large open lip, elephant-head handles and diaper- pattern ornament in low relief— 11 ^ in. high ; and a bowl, decorated with characters —10 in. diam. 2 t36 A kettle and cover, on three Oni feet, monster handle and spout, and bands of conventional ornament— 10 ^ in. high ; and a pear- shaped bottle, with swelling neck and monster handles—9 in. high 2 67 A tripod koro, with roped handles— 6 f in. high—on carved and pierced wood stand ; and a vase, with open lip and fir cone handles— 10 f in. high 2 d 8 A tripod koro and cover, on monster feet, dragon handles, the cover pierced with dragons and clouds—16 in. high ; and a globular koro and cover, on maple-leaf feet, the handles formed as peonies, surmounted by a kylin— 11 in. high 2 69 A Large Beaker Yase, with open lip and monster handles, leaf¬ shaped panels with chrysanthemum and peony ornament, with inscription in relief, gilt —28 in. high — on carved and pierced, wood stand 70 A bowl, on three monster feet, double handles, engraved with A'/Y ' & characters and prunus blossom—14 in. diam.—carved wood sjidnd y 7 9 ANOTHER PROPERTY. JAPANESE BRONZES. ? >0 72 9,0 1 ?) 0.0 74 ' 75 76 77 . 78 Y 79 80 A pair of square-shaped vases, with dragons, clouds and flames on a^ diaper-pattern ground—13 in. high—in the style of Seimin A ewer, with oviform body, square-shaped neck and dragon handle, decorated with a kylin and Ho-Ho birds in two oval panels on a diaper-pattern ground— signed Seimin —20 in. high A small oval bowl, with aquatic plants and diving birds in relief, aiw {/ a bottle, with a coiled lizard in high relief—12 in. high 2- A basket-pattern vase and cover, on three cloud feet, with figures in^ relief on a diaper ground, the cover surmounted by an Oni—17 in. high An oviform jar and cover, of similar workmanship—17 in. high A bag-shaped jar, with band of conventional water ornament and a m procession of tortoises—16|- in. high A figure of a carp ; and a figure of a crane—11 in. high An oval plaque, of russet iron, with a’figure of a deity in low^felief —a _ in a frame carved with cloud design A koro and cover, formed as a pigeon on wheels, partly enamelled A pair of peacocks, of similar workmanship JfL. * JAPANESE LACQUER.. 81 A black lacquer saddle, with dragons and clouds in gold PjCa^/iL , O 82 A pic-nic box, in four divisions, shaped as a stork, in various gold £ naskiji and other lacs ' & 83 An octagonal writing box, of black lac, with a coiled dragon ii raised gold, nashiji lac interior, with bamboo and tiger \r. ^81 A writing box, of black lac, with bamboo cock and chickens in flat gold, clouded nashiji interior with prunus and rocks in relief^^^^V*, /O §5 A square-shaped box and tray, of gold lacquer, entirely covered with open fans, containing a small tray with persimmon fruity the ✓ interior formed of coarse nashiji r ^ ' z 5 " -' 10 METAL WORK. s /, AT> J / (T-ro <7/S~.o 9-7 /a, . 93 An oviform Nankin jar and cover, with landscapes in four circular n medallions on a groundwork of flowering peonies—24 in. high 94 A cylindrical vase, enamelled with ladies and children in brihfamfe - colours, utensils on the neck—16^ in. high , 0 95 A Pair of Cylindrical Famille Yerte Vases, enamelled with an Imperial audience, shaped panels of flowers on the necks on a ^2 r/ diaper-pattern ground—18 in. high Ja*f. £>96 A Famille Yerte Jar and Cover, enamelled in shaped panels /A / with landscapes, mythical beasts and flowers—23^ in. high 11 07 An Old' Imari Beaker, enamelled in brilliant colours with Mjjsume ' ^ on the terrace of a house — 24 in. high ^ f 98 An Imari Dish, with basket of peonies in the centrgf quatrefoil- /*, o shaped panels on the border, witlPfigures of ladies dressing in, black, gold, red and blue —211 in. diam. AyV - JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. y, £ 99 A group of a hawk and two tree frogs—on, natural wood stand ^ XlOO A group of a tea swish, with tea blossom, mushrooi^ and ' —signed Yv^y^ 4 . IQ1 A large group of the goddess Benton, standing on the three-clawed P.4 dragon— signed —12 in. high—on carved wood stand 102 An ivory tusk, carved in high relief with the legend of Urdsnima ^ and the Jewels of the Sea—16 in. high — on lacquered dark wood fa, open stand THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. JAPANESE CARVINGS IN IVORY. 7, C 103 A figure of a bird-catcher— signed O 104 A seated figure of a man making a bow; and one —signed K ' ° 105 A figure of an old man with toads and frogs —6 in. high O * 106 A priest; and an old man dancing with a toad 12 LACQUER. 4,* 107 An inro, shaped as a gourd, of gold lacquer, with a pic-nic of r^its, silver filigree ojime and ivory netsuke— in case 4'/#' o 108 An inro, similar, with a running stream, carp, wisteria and prunus, „ the oiime and netsuke formed as shells— in case 3T/0' & x 109 A quatrefoil-shaped inro, of gold lacquer, with lilies, prunus, peonies and birds in mother-o’-pearl, stained ivory and tortoiseshell, with netsuke and ojime 10 A quatrefoil-shaped stand, of black lacquer, with sages writing in a landscape in colours—23 in. high ANOTHER PROPERTY OLD NANKIN. ' P , O 111 A set of four hexagonal vases, and one beaker, entirely covered with flowering asters and lotos petal ornament—10 in. highJfg^^^Pfc Sr 0 , & 112 A pair of vases and covers, and a beaker, nearly similar—12 in. * high 'L, ° 113 A pair of octagonal vases and covers, with landscapes and flowers —9|- in. high’, and a small vase and cover, with a lady on a balcony—7k in. high a 114 A tall beaker, with rocks and Ho-Ho birds—11 in. high ; and a cylindrical bottle, with a mandarin and boys op a terrace— 81 in. high s?L'*P ^ ^ 115 A jar, with four panels of peonies and rocks above, slightly raised petal-shaped panels below with peonies—9 in. high; and a jar, of similar form, with vases of peonies, &c.—9k in. high c 13 * *116 f , a 117 7 ^ 118 f -Zrx^> >0 119 . 0 120 A Pear-Shaped Bottle, with tropical plants and warriors on the body, sprays of leaf ornament on the neck—14 in. high A Bottle, with long neck bulbous at the base, vandyked opamenfe^ and utensils— 11 ^ in. high *c) A pair of small vases and covers, with slightly raised alternate panels of ladies and flowers—4 in. high ; a larger vase and cover, similar ; and a small vase, with a hawking party ,^4 A small bowl and cover, entirely covered with interlaced foliage An oviform jar and cover, with emblematical ornaments, cloud design / on the neck— 9 ^ in. high ; and a jar, with sprays of peonies and aquatic plants— 'pierced wood cover —8 in. high An oviform jar, with two shaped panels of utensils— pierced wood cover —7 in. high ; and a small plum-pattern jar A bowl, with raised petal ornaments and the twelve goddesses; and a plate, with the dragon issuing from the waves— 8 | in. diam. A deep dish, with flowers on the border, and European coat-of-arms in the centre—16 in. diam. A Pair of Cylindrical Vases, with open lip, withjsprays of flowers in eight shaped medallions—9^ in. high A Set of Three Vases and Covers, and Two Beakers, with rocks, pheasants, peonies and other flowers—9f in. high \ * 127 128 , 153 A set of two square-shaped vases and covers, and a pair of beakers, with famille rose decoration, with ladies and other figuresmn a • *y % o balcony—10^ in. high 16 ' 155 Another Set, nearly similar, enamelled with peonies and chrysan¬ themums—10f in. high J, J / & 156 A pair of beakers and two vases and covers, enamelled with rocks, peonies and other flowers in brilliant colours—Ilf in. high <^7V — / ^ 157 A set of four plates, brilliantly enamelled with rocks, pecmies anc pheasants in the centres—9^ in. diam. 158 A pair of famille rose plates, with a cock and peonies in the centres, marbled pink borders—9^ in. diam .; and a plate, with circular panel in the centre enamelled with a cock, pink diaper-patterr^^—— border—9 in. diam. 4, S'. O 159 A splashed crimson, buff and brown bottle—16^ in. high —mqijnted with chased or-molu of Louis XV. design /"/ THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 160 A Japanese Black and Bed Lacquer Model op a Temple, /' / ' 0 small carved panels in the doors, of peonies and lions—35 in. high, 46 in. long FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.