The issue is strictly LIMITED TO ONE HUNDRED A VD FIFTY COPIES, OF WH ICH, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY A HE FOR SALE, THIS IS:.. No.2£. / " Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 THE QVEEN OF THE FISHES. AN ADAPTATION IN ENGLISH OF A FAIRY TALE OF VALOIS. •' ^ V NED ON THE WOOD CVT AND : : • ■ ip- .. a; SOLD BY JOHN LANE.ATTHE SIGN OF THE BODLEY HEAD • : ' THE FISHES- 0 Q* Long agoan the days when the Fairies were wont to prove the truth of dreams to others besides the drea/ mers,Altttk woodcutter lay sleeping on the hank of A river .The sun moved roun d from East toWest playing with the shapes of the tree shadows on the grass, driving them round, from We st toEast&from short to londbttr the boyj slept on. And he knew his dream for it was always the same . £$ He thought he tree with J&The Queen of the Fishes. branches pa in/ rmgitp^old/ tipped ? to th<2 S K_y &. out to the blue circle where the world ends. And looking down as he stood- At the wntex^s edffo, he saw in the depthsall the fishes of the nvei*theratch minnows^ fierce old pike & All the sreAtdc little eels swiminiug $z wri^glvng Along in gtvmd procession following a be«m/ tiiul fish , her sides gleaming with sea ✓ Iss of red red gold. As was his hah it in the dreamhe cried ?Ah, the QUEEN of the r ISHES ! >J And he awoke.4^ He sat up rubbing his ejy es , dc. saw that it was evening ccthat the fairies had already hung ovit beautiful tanners jy§Tli6 of clouds as < Tkoodnifht >> to the sun. Queen The fairies do not need to dream, they of the know it all when they are awake so they Fishes, are always busy : . . .but the boy's bundle Maggots was; small dz. as he. hurried homeward, he thought more of the hea/ ting he wu$t expect from his cruel tin/ de. than of his dream. . The next day ,as was his wont m sat on the trank of the ru vet talking to hts onlufriena a little fisher/ firl . Every day her par/ entssent her ©ttt to wade in the stream fk, catch the mm ■vi * ! /> V SiP&4.*'V' *.v t ■->V. V , .. . « little ftsH &the crayfish in the pools l ock c?evic€S.^P>S'bg did nor mtnd cat-' her b Arc toes, imt when she heard the other poor little fish singing so sadly in her basket her heart was touched at she pt%t them hick in the river.Then when she went home with almost Fishes J&TU ouccn of the Fishes . which see * meet t q them now only dre/ ams-Hvu hidhgATcf them ohm before^ at he never tired of neys ujv der the clear w> answered the boy** I could not breach. off the 8 Evtnf tmmdhes : it hint tKtm&tHey cried out tome } ? His unde was duly the more angry . *Iknow were you learn this nonsense 1 1 fmowtjeit^&t he turned with menacing gestuTesto the^irl^yoir are thcjPUEEM oftWFISHES rfh&nexi time you. are changed I will s at a mtikcatd%ijou>k^ A few d§yg after Ms rtnek. had used this cruel threat the little wood /cut ter missed tng,under the water,the amen of the ftskts • ’ ' 1 ic ' ' " - - ' - ' i ' ' 1 ' ■ . ’ ■ - ' Cleaving Ms work wandered down the bank ©7 was as he had feared Alter walking a l©nj way vainly peering i nto the water lie came t© a net set like an evil t sap to catch the pUEEH# As fit -saw it, lie saw her yleamittg scales chased, m merty sport Inja tmmoeiw He had 710 time to save herein she swHis rage knew no bounds. Alibis veitgaancewas turned, against her deliverer & seixitvg him he beat him more mercilessly than ever.The bqy was passively et the oldman could not turn him here Ir there as he' wished for his feet seemed fixed to theg’round. At last when his unde paused for breath the bqy spoke . He stood r tgid , save that he threw back his head with anew challenge in his eyes . 44 1 know now,thatj^ou are not imu uncle Aon will no longer have power to ilhtreat me. The 'vixen or the Fishes. 4^Tbe aucm of the Fishes . IwAsaUttk, woodc uutte r,Utt notviam tks 1C IMG of the FORESTS And as be finished Speakvnfjbsfbrstbe man’s bexmlAereAgeac ,tbe bq%f charged into pstnd oak tree > with branches shoo* ling upjfof d tipped to the suai& stret/ ciiingwide 1 at ms to the boTtxon.^ For awhile the dd ‘man stood awestruck* but a dead leaf fluttering cbwntou/ ched bis face