DYESTUFFS FOR UNION DYEING. CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY 182 and 184 Front Street, NEW YORK. Boston: 39 Oliver Street. Philadelphia: 126 and 128 South Front Street. Providence: 64 Exchange Place. Atlanta: 47 North Pryor Street. Montreal* Canada* 59, William Street. 2971 mmmmHan Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA ss G..J. Book C.Tr.y.A.. ^°n i A ccession.JpA.yjQ. REFERENCE GIVEN BY CJo 'yyvji. A/yy^. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/dyestuffsforunioOOcass MANUFACTURE LYONNAISE DE MATIERES COLORANTES. Aniline Colour Works: “La Mouche” near Lyons. RUSSISCHE ANILINFARBEN-FABRIK LEOPOLD CASSELLA & Co. AT RIGA. Branch in Russia. Aniline Colour Works at Riga. LEOPOLD CASSELLA & C°, G. m. b. H., FRANKFORT o. M. Aniline Colour Works at Mainkur near Frankfort o. M. DYESTUFFS FOR UNION DYEING Cassella Color Company > -i -) ) -s )?->•) ) ) ) } 3 3 > 3 33 > 3 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 " ^ ~ ^ - 3 3 * ' ~ ^ ^ 3 3 182 AND 184 FRONT STREET BOSTON : 39, OLIVER STREET PHILADELPHIA: 126 AND 128 SOUTH FRONT STREET PROVIDENCE : 64 EXCHANGE PLACE ATLANTA: 47 NORTH PRYOR STREET MONTREAL, CANADA, 59 WILLIAM STREET. TRADE MARK. No 2971. 0 , On account of the liability of Nttrazol C, pat., to spontaneous combustion, we do not carry this article in stock. Wherever the use of same is mentioned in this hand-book, we recommend, in- stead, the use of diazotized ParanitranilJne, for the coupling of our colors. The final result is exactly the same. CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY. 10-09-2000 Dyestuffs for Union Dyeing, Two methods principally are employed for the dyeing of unions, viz, A. The One-Bath Method, and B. the Two-Bath Method (with two or more baths). A. One-Bath Method. I. Diamine Colours. According to their behaviour towards wool and cotton the Diamine Colours are classified as follows: 1. Diamine Colours which dye the wool and the cotton a uniform or practically a uniform shade. 2. Diamine Colours which dye the cotton a deeper shade than the wool. 3. Diamine Colours which dye the wool a deeper shade than the cotton. Another group is represented by: 4. Wool Colours which dye the wool in a neutral bath and are used for shading the wool. The shades of the dyestuffs suitable for union dyeing and their behaviour towards wool and cotton are demonstrated in the accompanying pattern sheets. Unions are generally dyed in a boiling hot bath charged with 2 — 4 lbs Glauber’s salt crystals per 10 gallons liquor; full instructions for dyeing unions with Diamine Colours in a single bath will be found in our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. II, page 152 et seq. 1 1. Diamine Colours which dye wool and cotton a uniform or practically a uniform shade. Thioflavine S Oxy Diamine Yellow GG, TZ Diamine Fast Yellow FF, B, M, 3G Diamine Orange B, F Oxy Diamine Orange G, R, RN Diamine Rose GD, BG, BD, FFB Oxy Diamine Red S Diamine Red 4B, 5B, 6B, 10B, D, DN, 101 J Cotton Red A Diamine Purpurine B, 3B, 6B, V Diamine Brilliant Scarlet S Diamine Fast Red F Diamine Brilliant Bordeaux R Diamine Bordeaux VRO Diamine Brown 3G, 5G, M, MR, R, S, B, BWA, GWA, 30a, 33, 37, 40, 42a, 43 Diamine Violet 2204 J, 2205 J Oxy Diamine Brown G, 3GN Diamineral Brown G Diamine Catechine G, 3G Union Brown TD, 1926 J, 2089 J Union Dark Brown A Diamine Blue RW Diamine Azo Blue 6B Diamine Steel Blue L, 2206 J Light Blue 5380 Union Blue BJ, RJ, BB, OHDF, 761J, 2168J, 806J, 2472 J, 2570 J Union Navy Blue 780 J Diaminogene B Direct Grey 2207 J Diamine Green G, B, CL, BO Diamine Green 2209 J, 2210 J Diamine Dark Green N Diamine Black HW, DB Oxy Diamine Black JE, JEI, JB, JW, JWF, FF C, SOOO Union Black S, P, BG, BB, 3B, OJGJ, 01362J, 1993J, AB Union Jet Black B, GB Union Fast Black J Diamine Fast Black XN extra cone. 2 2. Diamine Colours which dye the cotton a deeper shade than the wool. ■f* Diamine Fast Yellow A, AGG, AR •f* Diamine Orange G, D f Diamine Fast Orange EG, ER f Direct Rose T f Diamine Fast Scarlet GG, GS, 4 BN, 6BS, 6BGN, 8 BN, 8BF, 10 B F •f Oxy Diamine Red S Diamine Bordeaux B Oxy Diamine Violet B, G, R, BF f Diamine Heliotrope B, G, 0 Diamine Violet N, BB, RB •f* Diamine Nitrazol Brown G •f Diamine Brown ATC, 142 J, 1050 J •f Diamine Catechine B •f Diamine Fast Brown G, R, GB •f*Oxy Diamine Brown RN f Diamine Sky Blue, FF, FFS f Diamine Pure Blue A •f* Diamine Fast Blue FFB, FFG, G, BN Oxy Diamine Blue G, 8 G, 5 G, B, R Diamine Blue BB, 3B, BG, BX, NC, 3R, 51, 53, 54, 56 Diamine Bengal Blue R, G Diamine New Blue R, G Diamine Brilliant Blue G f Diamineral Blue *R, *CV, *CVB, B, 3B, 3RC If * Diamine Deep Blue B, R f Diamine Dark Blue B f Diamine Black BH, BHN, B HR, RMW Diamine Fast Black F, X t* Union Blue Black KN •f*Oxy Diamine Black KW Oxy Diamine Black A, D, SA, US, Ul, BM, NF f Para Diamine Black B, BB, FFB, FF extra cone, f* Diamine Jet Black Cr, RB, SS Black for Garments KP Diamine Milling Black B cone., FG extra, FFB extra cone. The dyestuffs marked with an asterisk (*) stain the wool very little indeed even on prolonged boiling. The dyestuffs marked with a cross (f) are especially well suited for shading the cotton at a moderate temperature (50—60° C. or 120—140 deg. F.). 3 3. Diamine Colours which dye the wool a deeper shade than the cotton. Diamine Gold Diamine Bordeaux S Diamine Yellow CP Diaminogene extra Diamine Violet Red Diamine Jet Black 0 0 Diamine Scarlet B, 3B, RG Diamine Fast Grey BN, RN Cotton Brown N, A. 4. Wool Colours (Acid Colours) which dye from a neutral Glauber’s salt bath and are used for shading the wool. Naphtaline Yellow crystals Indian Yellow G, R, FF Tropaeoline G, 0 0 Orange II, extra, ENZ, R Rosazeine B, 13 Irisamine G Azo Red A Crocei'ne A Z Roccelline Milling Red G Wool Red B, BG Alkaline Blue 6B 3R Formyl Blue B Brilliant Milling Blue B Brilliant Wool Blue RB Formyl Violet 10 B, 8B, 6B, S4B, S5B, HW Alkaline Violet CA, C Lanacyl Violet B Lanacyl Blue BB, R Lanacyl Navy Blue B, BB Naphtol Blue G, R Alphanol Blue BR extra, GN, 5RN Alphanol Brown B Thiocarmine R Brilliant Milling Green B Naphtol Dark Green G Naphtol Blue Black Naphtylamine Black 6B, 4B, 4 BN, X2B, X3B, D, BB, BBN, BBV, 3BV, R, RNB, NBB Naphtyl Blue Black N, FB, FBB Neutral Wool Black G, B, 4B Alphanol Black BG, R, 3B. NOTE Naphtylamine black is the scien- tific NAME OF THE COLOR KNOWN COMMERCIALLY AS ALIZARINE BLACK. THE LANACYL COLORS ARE KNOWN COMMERCIALLY AS ALIZARINE LANACYL Colors. 4 Methods of Aftertreatment resorted to for enhancing* Union dyeings produced by the single bath method possess generally sufficiently good fastness to washing, milling, water, light and acids for normal requirements. If some special class of goods, such as for instance half-wool in the form of hanks or in the loose state, is required to satisfy higher demands for fastness, the following methods of aftertreatment may be employed: For this purpose, bichrome, chrome alum, chromium fluoride, copper sulphate and aluminium salts are preferably used. The treatment with chrome salts serves especially for enhancing the fastness to milling and washing, whereas the aftertreatment with sulphate of copper particularly improves the fastness to light of the dyeings ; a mixture of both ingredients will thus enhance the fastness to light, washing and milling. Aluminium salts are used for improving the resistance to water and steaming. The following products are suited for an aftertreatment with chrome or copper salts : Diamine Jet Black SS, 0 0, Cr, the Fastness of the Dyeing’s, 1. Aftertreatment with Metallic Salts. RB to be aftertreated with 3°/o bichrome. Oxy Diamine Black BM, NF Union Black S Diamine Green G Diamine Fast Red F Diamine Bronze G Diamine Sky Blue FF Diamine Brilliant Blue G Diamine New Blue R Diamine Blue RW, BG Oxy Diamine Blue G, 3 G, 5G, R Diamine Fast Yellow A, B, FF, 3G Diamine Orange B, D, G Diamine Brown 3G, M, B Diamineral Brown G Oxy Diamine Brown G, RN Diamine Catechine B, G, 3 G Diamineral Blue R, CV, CVB, B, 3 B to be aftertreated with U/2 % sulphate of copper and lVa ®/o bichrome or 3 0/0 bichrome (without copper). to be aftertreated with 3 °/o sulphate of copper. Diamine Dark Blue B Diamine Deep Blue B, R. 5 In the following some wool colours are enumerated which resist an aftertreatment with metallic salts, being by such treatment fixed still better, and which are particularly well suited for the production of dyeings fast to milling: Formyl Violet, all brands Alkaline Violet C, CA Brilliant Milling Blue B Formyl Blue B Brilliant Milling Green B Anthracene Yellow C Alphanol Black BG, R, 3B Anthracite Black R, B Milling Red G Wool Red B, BG. The aftertreatment is carried out generally in a bath heated to 70—80° C. (160—175 deg. F.) with the addition of 3—5 % acetic acid. Of alumina salts, especially alum, neutralised alum and acetate of alumina are used which possess the property of enhancing the fastness to water of any dyeings produced with Diamine Colours, and of rendering them more resistant to the wet steaming process. The dyed goods are treated in a lukewarm bath containing 5 — 8 oz alum or neutralised alum, or 3—4 pints aluminium acetate of 4 deg. Tw. per 10 gallons liquor. The dyeings treated with aluminium salts are dried without rinsing, whereas dyeings treated with bichrome, copper sulphate, or chrome and copper together are rinsed well and then dried. 2. Aftertreatment with Formaldehyde. The aftertreatment with formaldehyde, or more correctly speaking with formaldehyde and bichrome, is resorted to in order to enhance the fastness to washing and milling, and is carried out, after dyeing, in a fresh bath heated to 70 — 80° C. (160 175 deg. F.) with the addition of 3 % formaldehyde, 1 ° o bichrome and 2 — 3 o/ 0 acetic acid ; it is sometimes done also in the exhausted dyebath. The following products are particularly suited for this kind of aftertreatment: Diamine Brown ATC, MR, S Diamine Fast Brown G, R Oxy Diamine Black JE, JEI, JB, JW, JWF Oxy Diamine Black SA, A, D, US, UI, FFC Para Diamine Black B, BB, FFB, FF extra cone. Diamine Fast Black X, XN extra cone. 6 3. Coupling with Nitrazol. This treatment enhances the fastness to milling and acids, and is applied in connection with the following products: Diamine Nitrazol Brown G, RD, BD, T Diamine Nitrazol Green GF, BB Diamine Nitrazol Black B Oxy Diamine Black JW, JWF, JW extra cone., JWF extra cone. After dyeing, piece-goods are rinsed thoroughly and then treated for 20 to 30 minutes, to best advantage in a jigger, in a cold bath, as short as possible, charged with 3 —5 o/ 0 Nitrazol C 0,75 — 1,25 o/ 0 soda ash 0,2 —0,3 o/o acetate of soda, and then rinsed again. Nitrazol C is dissolved by stirring up with cold water, crushing any lumps that may have formed, then pouring over it a sufficient quantity of cold water, and filtering; the solution is added to the bath and the soda and acetate of soda being added subsequently. In the case of loose material, the coupling may be carried out straightaway in the rinsing machine, by shutting off the inflow of water after the rinsing, adding Nitrazol, soda and acetate of soda, working for 15 minutes, and then rinsing again. 4. Diazotising and Developing. This process is applied for producing dyeings fast to perspiration, washing and acids, preferably in connection with the following dyestuffs: For Black: Diamine Black BH, BHN, BHR Diamine Azo Black B I diazotised and developed with Phenylene Diamine, or with Phenylene Dia- mine and Beta Naphtol. For Blue and Nav y Blue: Diamine Black BH, BHN, BHRi Diaminogene Blue NB, NA, 3 R N I diazotised an d developed Diamine Azo Blue R, RR ’ with Beta Naphtol. Diamineral Blue CVB. 7 For Claret and Red: Primuline Diamine Azo Scarlet A, B, 4B, 8B Diamine Azo Bordeaux B saddened with Diamine Azo Blue RR Oxy Diamine Violet BF Diaminogene Blue 3RN, 6RN. diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. Rinse the previously dyed goods, and treat them, to best advantage in a jigger, for 10 to 15 minutes in a cold bath charged with 2— 3o/ 0 nitrite of soda and 6 — 9 o/ 0 hydrochloric acid or 4— 6o/ 0 sulphuric acid. Then rinse at once in cold water, and develop in a fresh, cold bath, Black with 0,7 o/ 0 Phenylene Diamine dissolved with half its weight of soda ash, and Dark Blue, Red and Claret with 1 o / 0 Beta Naphtol, dissolved with double its weight of caustic soda lye of 75 deg. Tw. When developing black with Phenylene Diamine, it should be observed that sufficient quantities of soda are always added to the developing bath, and that the developing is carried out as rapidly as possible, because the wool is apt to become stained through a prolonged immersion in the Phenylene Diamine bath. It has proved to best advantage to use for the developing a jigger or a padding machine in which the goods may be got ready in 3 to 5 minutes; they are then allowed to lie for another 10 minutes impregnated with the developing liquor, and thereupon rinsed thoroughly. 8 II. Duatol Colours, patented. This line of colours is chiefly used for the dyeing of goods the woollen portion of which is required to retain its lustre, thus particularly for mohair and sealskin plushes, garment dyeing, etc. The following brands are Duatol Black 3B, BT, KS, 2902 J. Duatol Blue B, BD Duatol Brilliant Blue R Duatol Bordeaux B Duatol Scarlet G, 2882 J, K10B Duatol Red 2778 J in general use: Duatol Orange 2777 J, 2780 J Duatol Yellow 2776J, 2816J, 2881 J Duatol Brown R, B, 2817 J Duatol Blue Green 2818 J Duatol Green 2779 J Duatol Grey 2819 J. The Duatol Colours are dyed exactly like the Diamine Colours in a short bath charged with the requisite quantity of dyestuff and 2 — 3 lbs Glauber’s salt crystals per 10 gallons liquor. Boil up the liquor, shut off steam, enter the goods, work for x / 2 to 3 /4 hour without further heating, and then at the boil for V 2 to 1 hour, according to requirements. Or, enter the goods into the bath at 60—70° C. (140 — 160 deg. F.), raise gradually to the boil, and boil until the wool has assumed the desired shade, then leaving the goods for another ! / 2 hour in the cooling bath. Finally rinse thoroughly, and sour off lightly with acetic acid. In case the cotton or the wool require to be brought to shade, practically any of the Diamine Colours or any neutral- dyeing Wool Colour may be used for this purpose. The following Diamine Colours are in the first place suitable : Diamine Fast Yellow A, AR, AGG, FF, B Diamine Orange G, D Diamine Fast Orange EG, ER Diamine Fast Brown G, R, GB Diamine Nitrazol Brown G Diamine Scarlet B, 3B Diamine Fast Scarlet G G, 4B N, 6B S, 6B GN, 8B F, 10B F Diamine Brilliant Bordeaux R Diamine Sky Blue, all brands Diamine Pure Blue A Diamine Brilliant Blue G Diamine Blue BB, 3B Oxydiaminblau 5G, 3G, G Diamine Bengal Blue G, R Diamineral Blue R, B, 3B, CV, CVB Diamine Fast Blue F F B, F F G, G, BN Diamine Heliotrope B, O, G Diamine Black BH, RMW Oxy Diaminogene OB. — 9 ^ The following brands: Duatol Scarlet G, 2882 J, Duatol Bordeaux B K10B Duatol Brown B, R Duatol Red 2778 J Duatol Brilliant Blue R Duatol Blue Green 2818 J Duatol Black 3B, BT Duatol Blue B, BD likewise cover silk well and for this reason are well suited for the dyeing of union (half-wool) goods containing silk effect threads. B. Two-Bath Method. This method is applied both for producing solid shades and for two-coloured effects. In the production of solid shades the method is used chiefly for dyeing goods which cannot be dyed evenly enough or to the desired brightness of shade by the one- bath method. Special requirements too for fastness sometimes render it necessary to employ the two-bath method. According to the conditions prevailing in each indivi- dual case, either the wool is dyed first and then the cotton, or vice versa. I. Dyeing the Wool first, and the Cotton subsequently with Diamine Colours. Dyeing the wool first: According to the demands for fastness, the wool is dyed in an acid bath either with easily levelling colours, or with Acid Colours fast to milling, or with Chrome Colours, according to the particulars in the tables on pages 68 to 79 of our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. II. Subsequent dyeing of the cotton: The Diamine Colours most suitable for dyeing the cotton subsequently, to the shade of the acid dyed wool, are the following: Diamine Fast Yellow A, AR Diamine Brown S AGG, B, FF Oxy Diamine Violet BF, Oxy Diamine Yellow TZ, GG B, G, R Diamine Orange G, D Diamine Heliotrope G,B,0 Diamine Rose GD, BD, FFB Oxy Diamine Red S Cotton Red A Diamine Red 10 B Diamine Purpurine 6B Diamine Violet Red Diamine Nitrazol Brown G Diamine Sky Blue FF,FFS Diamine Pure Blue A Diamine Blue BB, 3B Diamine Fast Blue FFB Diamine Green G Diamine Black BH, BHN, BHR, HW, RMW. Rinse the goods well after dyeing in the acid bath, and dye the cotton in a fresh, cold to lukewarm liquor charged with the requisite amount of dyestuff and in addition with V 2 — 2 lbs Glauber’s salt crystals and 3 /8- 3 /4 oz soda ash or ammonia per 10 gallons liquor according to the depth of shade required. The dyeing is done in as short a bath as possible, either in the washing machine, the jigger, or the ordinary dye-vessel. 11 II. Dyeing* the Cotton first with Diamine Colours and the Wool subsequently with Acid Colours. a) Dyeing the cotton first with direct dyeing colours in the milling machine. The following Blacks come especially into consideration for this purpose, being excellently adapted for bottoming deep shades, such as black, navy blue, dark blue, dark green and dark brown : Para Diamine Black B extra cone., BB extra cone., FFB extra cone., Oxy Diamine Black SA extra cone., UI extra cone., US extra cone., Diamine Milling Black B cone., FG extra, FFB extra cone. Dissolve the requisite quantity of dyestuff thoroughly, adding this solution to the soap solution to be used for mil- ling. Then mill the goods in this solution of dyestuff and soap, rinse thoroughly, and dye the wool in an acid bath. When cross-dyeing, which is preferably done in a strongly sulphuric acid bath, care has to be taken that the whole quantity of acid necessary for exhausting the bath is added to the bath right at the beginning of the dyeing ope- ration. Enter the goods into the moderately hot dyebath, raise gradually to the boil, and boil gently until the bath is completely exhausted. It must be borne in mind that, when working in a liquor insufficiently acid, the dyestuff is very apt to come off the cotton in boiling, thus making the latter appear too light and thin in shade. b) Dyeing the cotton first with direct dyeing colours in the vessel or in the jigger. The following dyestuffs withstand acid cross-dyeing without the shade changing to any material extent and are for this reason especially well suited for the purpose: Diamine Fast Yellow A,AGG Diamine Orange G, D Diamine Fast Scarlet GG, 4BN, 8BF, 10 B F Oxy Diamine Brown 3GN,RN Diamine Catechine B, G Diamineral Blue R Diamine Bengal Blue G Diamine Fast Blue FFB, FFG Diamine Blue C4 B Diamine Sky Blue FF Diamine Grey G Para Diamine Black BB extra cone., FFB extra cone. Oxy Diamine Black UI extra cone., U S extra cone., SA extra cone. 12 Dye in the vessel or in the jigger for 3 /4 to 1 hour in a bath as short as possible, heated to 50 — 70° C. (120—160 deg. F.) and charged with 3—4 o/ 0 dyestuff 20 % Glauber’s salt crystals and 3 /4— l ] /2 oz soda or ammonia per 10 gallons liquor. Then rinse, and dye with Acid Colours, according to requirement. When cross -dyeing with Acid Colours, for which purpose easily levelling products of this group are in the first place suited, it is advisable to avoid the use of mineral acids, either acetic or formic acid with the addition of some alum or sulphate of alumina being employed to best advan- tage ; for instance : 10 % acetic acid or 2—3 % formic acid together with 4-5(>o alum or 3 4% sulphate of alumina, entering the goods lukewarm, raising to the boil, and boiling gently until the bath is exhausted. The brightness of the cotton dyeings may be enhanced by a slight addition of Basic Colours to the bath used for cross-dyeing ; this addition likewise has a favourable effect in so far as it improves the fastness to acids of the cotton colour. All that has to be done is to add the requisite Basic Colour to the bath heated to 30 — 40° C (85—105 deg. F.) and charged with acetic acid or formic acid, entering the goods, and, after the Basic Colour has gone on to the fibre, adding the Acid Colour along with sulphate of alumina or alum, and working as above stated. Slight quantities only of the Basic Colours must be used. c) Dyeing the cotton first with coupling colours. All the coupling colours enumerated on page 7 are adapted for dyeing in the vessel or in the jigger. Dye in a bath, heated to 50-70° C. (120-160 deg. F.), as described above sub (b), couple in the cold bath as per instructions on page 7, and dye the wool in an acid bath. d) Dyeing the cotton first with diazotising colours. The diazotising colours mentioned on page 8 are well adapted for this purpose ; they are dyed as described sub (b) and developed as described on page 8, the wool being then dyed in an acid bath. e) Dyeing the wool subsequently. According to the demands for fastness, the dyestuffs enumerated on pages 4 to 14 of our “Manual of Dyeing“, 13 Vol. II, may be used for dyeing the wool, following any of the methods mentioned on these pages. III. Dyeing the Cotton first with Immedial Colours and the Wool subsequently with Wool Colours. This method is specially to be recommended for piece- goods required to possess particularly good fastness to light, milling, perspiration and acids ; it is chiefly applied for pro- ducing staple shades of black, brown or blue, and dyeings so produced are distinguished by their eminent fastness, pos- sessing at the same time a very good, firm handle. The dyeing is done in the jigger provided with squeez- ing rollers, or in the continuous machine in adequately stronger baths. Immedial Colours suitable for this purpose, and dyeing the wool very little, are the following : Immedial Yellow D Immedial Orange C Immedial Cutch 0, R, G, BG, BGG Immedial Yellow Brown EN Immedial Olive B, GG, 3G Immedial Brown B, G, RR, W cone., BR Immedial Dark Brown A Immedial Dark Brown D cone. Immedial Maroon B cone. Immedial Bordeaux G cone., GF cone. Immedial Prune S Immedial Indogene B cone. Immedial New Blue G cone. Immedial Dark Green B Immedial Deep Green G Immedial Direct Blue B, R, OD Immedial Black I Immedial Carbon j a11 brands- For preparing the dyebaths, dissolve the Immedial Colours in water with their own weight of sodium sulphide and double their weight of glucose, and boil for about 10 to 15 minutes. Add this solution to the cold bath, then add further 172 oz soda, 172 oz Turkey-red oil and - according to the depth of shade - 72—3 lbs Glauber’s salt crystals per 10 gallons liquor, and dye the previously well wetted goods for 1 hour at 30-35° C. (85 — 95 deg. F.). Finally squeeze off well, and wash thoroughly. 14 In the place of glucose, the same weight of borax or Immedial Intensifier C may be used. The Immedial Colour in such case is dissolved together with the sodium sulphide, adding this solution to the dyebath, and subsequently the borax or Immedial Intensifier along with soda and Glauber’s salt, and dyeing as described above for working with glucose. When dyeing in the standing bath, '/a to V 3 only of the quantities of borax or glucose required for the first bath should be used along with the reduced quantities of dyestuff and sodium sulphide. For cross-dyeing the wool, Acid or Chrome Colours are used, which are applied according to the instructions on pages 68 to 79 of our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. II. When employing Immedial Black or Immedial Carbon for dyeing the cotton, the goods, after acid cross- dyeing, must be treated in the last rinsing bath with 5—8 oz acetate or formate of soda per 10 gallons liquor, being then dried without any further rinsing. IV. Dyeing the Wool first, and the Cotton subsequently with Immedial Colours (for Loose Material and Yarns). The method described in section III may also be re- versed, i. e. the wool may be dyed first and the cotton sub- sequently, which is resorted to especially for producing deep shades fast to milling on yarn and shoddy. In such case the wool is dyed by one of the methods customary for dyeing loose wool (see “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. II, pages 20 to 31) with Chrome or Acid Colours fast to milling, and after thorough rinsing, the cotton is then dyed with Immedial Colours, as described in section III, p. 14. Enter the material into the bath heated to 30—35° C. (85 — 95 deg. F.), work thoroughly, and allow to feed for 1 to 2 hours without heating any further. Material which is difficult to dye through is kept immersed in the bath overnight; yarns are to advantage treated for 1 to 2 hours, being re- peatedly turned during this time. After dyeing, yarn is wrung off well, shoddy being thrown out so as to allow the adhering liquor to flow back into the bath, or the goods are hydroextracted, rinsed thorough- ly, and soured off with acetic acid. Goods dyed with Im- medial Black should be treated with acetate of soda, as stated above. 15 The Application of Acetate or Formate of Soda for Union Fabrics. Notwithstanding the thorough rinsing, union goods dyed in an acid bath are apt to retain part of the acid, which is liable to have a detrimental effect on the cotton during storing. In order to counteract this effect of the acid on the cotton, it is a great advantage to take the goods, after rinsing, through a cold bath charged per 10 gallons with 5-8 oz acetate of soda or formate of soda, and to dry without rinsing again. This treatment is likewise applied with very good results for union goods which have been bleached by means of sulphurous acid or in the stoving chamber, and should be employed, especially for union goods the cotton part of which has been dyed with a Sulphide Black. The impregnating with acetate or formate of soda may be carried out in the washing machine, or by padding in the padding machine. In the latter case the trough is charged with 8 oz per 10 gallons water of one of the salts mentioned, a further 2o/ 0 of the latter, calculated on the weight of the goods, being added gradually for replenishing the bath. The goods treated in this manner are then dried without being rinsed again. 16 For farther details regarding the dyeing of unions, for instance, the Production of so-called “ Sulphurised Colours ”, Stripping with Hyraldite, Bleaching of Unions, Methods of Dyeing applied for the most important Union Materials, Dyeing of Unions with Silk Effects, see our “Manual of Dyeing ”, Vol. II, pages 163 to 213. We wish particularly to draw attention to the tables on pages 194 to 205, giving instructions for dyeing Union materials, yarns and shoddy to practically any shade by the greatest variety of methods, with due regard to the demands for fastness. Without guarantee. 17 Gruppe I: Diammfarben. welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 1 Oxydiamingelb TZ Jaune Oxydiamine TZ Oxy Diamine Yellow TZ. o Thioflavin S Thioflavine S Thioflavine S. 3 Diaminechtgelb 3 G Jaune solide Diamine 3G Diamine Fast Yellow 3G. 4 Diaminechtgelb M pat. Jaune solide Diamine M brev. Diamine Fast Y r ellow M pat. :> Diaminechtgelb FF pat. Jaune solide Diamine FF brev. Diamine Fast Yellow FF pat. G Diaminechtgelb B Jaune solide Diamine B Diamine Fast Yellow B pat. 7 Oxydiaminorange G Orange Oxydiamine G Oxy Diamine Orange G. 8 Oxydiaminorange R Orange Oxydiamine R Oxy Diamine Orange R. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. i Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 9 Diaminorange F Orange Diamine F Diamine Orange F. 10 Diaminorange B Orange Diamine B Diamine Orange B. 11 Diaminbraun 3G Brun Diamine 3G Diamine Brown 3 G. 12 Diaminbraun R Brun Diamine R Diamine Brown R. 13 Diaminbraun M Brun Diamine M Diamine Brown M. 14 Diaminbraun MR Brun Diamine MR Diamine Brown MR. 15 Diaminbraun B pat. Brun Diamine B brev. Diamine Brown B pat. 16 Diaminbraun S Brun Diamine S Diamine Brown S. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. II Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. IT Diamincatechin 3G Catechine Diamine 3 G Diamine Catechine 3G. 18 Diamincatechin G pat. Catechine Diamine G brev. Diamine Catechine G pat. It) Diaminbraun BWA Brun Diamine BWA Diamine Brown BWA. 20 Diaminbraun GWA Brun Diamine GWA Diamine Brown GWA. 21 Diaminbraun No. 33 Brun Diamine No. 33 Diamine Brown No 33. 22 Diaminbraun No. 37 Brun Diamine No. 37 Diamine Brown No 37. 23 Diaminbraun No. 40 Brun Diamine No. 40 Diamine Brown No 40. 24 Diaminbraun No. 42 Brun Diamine No. 42 Diamine Brown No 42. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. in Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. Diaminrosa GD pat. Rose Diamine GD brev. Diamine Rose GD pat. 34 Diaminrosa BD pat. Rose Diamine BD brev. Diamine Rose BD pat. 35 Diaminrot 101 J Rouge Diamine 101 J Diamine Red 101 J. 30 Diaminrot 4B Rouge Diamine 4B Diamine Red 4B. 37 Diaminrot 5B Rouge Diamine 5B Diamine Red 5B. 38 Diaminrot 6B pat. Rouge Diamine 6B brev. Diamine Red 6B pat. 39 Diaminrot 10 B pat. Rouge Diamine 10 B brev. Diamine Red 10 B pat. 40 Diaminpurpurin B Purpurine Diamine B Diamine Purpurine B. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. v Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. Diaminpurpurin 3B Purpurine Diamine 3B Diamine Purpurine 3B. 4> 43 44 45 4<; 47 48 Diaminpurpurin 6B Purpurine Diamine 6B Diamine Purpurine 6B. Diaminbrillantscharlach S Ecarlate brillante Diamine S Diamine Brilliant Scarlet S. Diaminechtrot F Rouge solide Diamine F Diamine Fast Red F. Diaminbordeaux VRO pat. Bordeaux Diamine VRO brev. Diamine Bordeaux VRO pat. Diaminbrillantbordeaux R Bordeaux brillant Diamine R Diamine Brilliant Bordeaux R. Diaminviolett 2204 J Violet Diamine 2204 J Diamine Violet 2204 J. Diaminviolett 2205 J Violet Diamine 2205 J Diamine Violet 2205 J. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. VI Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 49 Diamingriin 2209 J Vert Diamine 2209J Diamine Green 2209 J. 50 Diamingriin 2210 J Vert Diamine 2210J Diamine Green 2210J. 51 Diamingriin G Vert Diamine G Diamine Green G. 52 Diamingriin B Vert Diamine B Diamine Green B. 53 Diamingriin CL pat. Vert Diamine CL brev. Diamine Green CL pat. 54 Diaminschwarzgriin N Vert noir Diamine N Diamine Dark Green N. 55 Lichtblau 5380 (nach dem Spiilen abgesauert) Bleu lumiere 5380 (acidule apres le ringage) Light Blue 5380 (developed with acid after rinsing). 56 Diaminblau RW Bleu Diamine RW Diamine Blue RW. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. VII Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. j)7 58 50 Halbwollblau 2168 J Bleu mi-laine 2168 J Union Blue 2168J. Halbwollblau BJ pat. Bleu mi-laine BJ brev. Union Blue BJ pat. Halbwollblau RJ pat. Bleu mi-laine RJ brev. Union Blue RJ pat. 60 Halbwollblau BB pat. Bleu mi-laine BB brev. Union Blue BB pat. 61 Halbwollblau 2472 J Bleu mi-laine 2472 J Union Blue 2472 J. 62 Halbwollblau 761 J Bleu mi-laine 761 J Union Blue 761 J. 63 Halbwollblau 2570 J pat. Bleu mi-laine 2570J brev. Union Blue 2570J pat. 64 Halbwollmarineblau 780J pat. Bleu marine mi-laine 780 J brev. Union Navy Blue 780J pat. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. VIII Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 65 Diaminstahlblau L Bleu acier Diamine L Diamine Steel Blue L. 66 Diaminstahlblau 2206 J Bleu acier Diamine 2206 J Diamine Steel Blue 2206 J. 67 Direktgrau 2207 J pat. Gris direct 2207 J brev. Direct Grey 2207 J pat. 68 Diaminogen B Diaminogene B Diaminogene B. 69 Diaminschwarz HW Noir Diamine HW Diamine Black HW. 70 Diaminschwarz DB pat. Noir Diamine DB brev. Diamine Black DB pat. 71 Halbwollschwarz S pat. Noir mi-laine S brev. Union Black S pat. 72 Halbwollschwarz B G pat. Noir mi-laine B G brev. Union Black B G pat. Gpoupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. IX Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 73 Halbwollschwarz P pat. Noir mi-laine P brev. Union Black P pat. 74 Halbwollschwarz BB pat. Noir mi-laine BB brev. Union Black BB pat. 75 Halbwollschwarz 3B pat. Noir mi-laine 3B brev. Union Black 3B pat. 7(J Halbwollschwarz OJGJ pat. Noir mi-laine OJGJ brev. Union Black OJGJ pat. 77 Halbwollschwarz 1993J pat. Noir mi-laine 1993 J brev. Union Black 1993 J pat. 78 Halbwollschwarz 001362 pat. Noir mi-laine 001362 pat. Union Black 001362 pat. 79 Halbwolltiefschwarz B pat. Noir jais mi-laine B brev. Union Jet Black B pat. 80 Halbwolltiefschwarz GB pat. Noir jais mi-laine GB brev. Union Jet Black GB pat. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group I: Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. 5,50/0 70/0 x Gruppe I: Diaminfarben, welche Wolle und Baumwolle nahezu gleichmassig anfarben. 81 82 83 Halbwollechtschwarz J pat. Noir solide mi-laine J brev. Union Fast Black J pat. Diaminechtschwarz XN extra cone. pat. Noir solide Diamine XN extra cone. brev. Diamine Fast Black XN extra cone. pat. Oxydiaminschwarz JEI pat. Noir Oxydiamine JEI brev. Oxy Diamine Black JEI pat. 84 Oxydiaminschwarz JB pat. Noir Oxydiamine JB brev. Oxy Diamine Black JB pat. 85 Oxydiaminschwarz JW pat. Noir Oxydiamine JW brev. Oxy Diamine Black JW pat. 86 87 88 Oxydiaminschwarz JWF pat. Noir Oxydiamine JWF brev. Oxy Diamine Black JWF pat. Oxydiaminschwarz FFC pat. Noir Oxydiamine FFC brev. Oxy Diamine Black FFC pat. Oxydiaminschwarz S000 pat. Noir Oxydiamine S000 brev. Oxy Diamine Black S000 pat. Groupe I: Couleurs Diamine teignant presque uniformement la laine et le coton. Group Is Diamine Colours dyeing wool and cotton almost the same shade. 5 , 5 <>/o 70/0 XI Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 89 Diaminechtgelb AGG Jaune solide Diamine AGG Diamine Fast Yellow AGG. 90 Diaminechtgelb A pat. Jaune solide Diamine A brev. Diamine Fast Yellow A. 91 Diaminechtgelb AR pat. Jaune solide Diamine AR brev. Diamine Fast Yellow AR. 92 Diaminorange G pat. Orange Diamine G brev. Diamine Orange G. Diaminorange D pat. Orange Diamine D brev. Diamine Orange D. 94 Diaminechtorange EG pat. Orange solide Diamine EG brev. Diamine Fast Orange E G pat. 95 Diaminechtorange ER pat. Orange solide Diamine ER brev. Diamine Fast Orange ER pat. 9(» Diaminbraun ATC Brun Diamine ATC Diamine Brown ATC. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. 2 , 50 % XII Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 97 98 99 100 101 102 Diaminbraun 142 J Brun Diamine 142J Diamine Brown 142 J. Diaminbraun 1050 J pat. Brun Diamine 1050 J brev. Diamine Brown 1050 J pat. Oxydiaminbraun RN Brun Oxydiamine RN Oxy Diamine Brown RN. Diaminnitrazolbraun G pat. Brun Nitrazol Diamine G brev. Diamine Nitrazol Brown G pat. Diamincatechin B pat. Catechine Diamine B brev. Diamine Catechine B pat. Diaminechtbraun G pat. Brun solide Diamine G brev. Diamine Fast Brown G pat. Diaminechtbraun R pat. Brun solide Diamine R brev. Diamine Fast Brown R pat. Diaminechtbraun GB pat. Brun solide Diamine GB brev. Diamine Fast Brown GB pat. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II : Diamine Colours which dye cotton more than the wool. 1,5 °/o 3»/o fWMjl 97 3 0/o mm 98 Will 0,75 % 20/0 ISSI8I 99 0,75 °/o 2«/0 Mill 100 §gggg§ 0,75 °/o 2»/o mM 101 w 0,75 °/o 20/0 102 M— 0,75 % 20/0 WW 103 | ww 0,75 % 20/0 HB881 ; 104 ■ XIII Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 105 Diaminechtscharlach GG pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine GG brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet GG pat. 106 Diaminechtscharlach GS pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine GS brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet GS pat. 107 Diaminechtscharlach 4BN pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine 4BN brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet 4BN pat. 108 Diaminechtscharlach 6BGN pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine 6BGN brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet 6BGN pat. 100 Diaminechtscharlach 6BS pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine 6BS brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet 6BS pat. 110 Diaminechtscharlach 8BF pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine 8BF brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet 8BF pat. 111 Diaminechtscharlach 10 BF pat. Ecarlate solide Diamine 10 BF brev. Diamine Fast Scarlet 10 BF pat. 112 Diaminbordeaux B Bordeaux Diamine B Diamine Bordeaux B. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. XIV Gruppe II : Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 113 Diaminreinblau FF Bleu pur Diamine F F Diamine Sky Blue FF. 114 Diaminreinblau Bleu pur Diamine Diamine Sky Blue, 115 11C 117 Diaminblau 3B Bleu Diamine 3B Diamine Blue 3B. Diaminblau 2B Bleu Diamine 2B Diamine Blue 2B. Diaminblau BX Bleu Diamine BX Diamine Blue BX. 118 119 120 Diaminblau 3R Bleu Diamine 3 R Diamine Blue 3R. Diaminblau NC Bleu Diamine N C Diamine Blue N C. Diaminblau B G Bleu Diamine B G Diamine Blue B G. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. 0,75 % 2 °/o 113 0,75 o/o 2% MM 114 bb 0,75 o/o 20/0 |B 115 bb 0,75 o/o 20/0 mi 116 bb 0,75% 20/0 117 [ bb 0,75 % 20/0 |B 1 118 J 0,75 % 2% . _ v . ' ; j 1 119 | 0,750/0 20/0 " 1 120 XV Gruppe II : Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 121 Diaminbrillantblau G pat. Bleu brillant Diamine G brev. Diamine Brilliant Blue G pat. 122 Diaminneublau R pat. Bleu nouveau Diamine R brev. Diamine New Blue R pat. 123 Diaminechtblau G pat. Bleu solide Diamine G brev. Diamine Fast Blue G pat. 124 Diaminechtblau FFB pat. Bleu solide Diamine FFB brev. Diamine Fast Blue FFB pat. 125 Diaminechtblau FFG pat. Bleu solide Diamine FFG brev. Diamine Fast Blue FFG pat. 126 Oxydiaminblau 5G Bleu Oxydiamine 5G Oxy Diamine Blue 5G. 127 Oxydiaminblau 3G Bleu Oxydiamine 3G Oxy Diamine Blue 3G. 128 Oxydiaminblau G Bleu Oxydiamine G Oxy Diamine Blue G. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. XVI Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 129 Diaminbengalblau G Bleu Bengale Diamine G Diamine Bengal Blue G. 130 Diaminbengalblau R Bleu Bengale Diamine R Diamine Bengal Blue R. 131 Diamineralblau 3B pat. Bleu Diamineral 3B brev. Diamineral Blue 3B pat. 132 Diamineralblau B pat. Bleu Diamineral B brev. Diamineral Blue B pat. 133 Diamineralblau R pat. Bleu Diamineral R brev. Diamineral Blue R pat. 134 Diamineralblau CVB Bleu Diamineral CVB Diamineral Blue CVB. 135 Diamineralblau 3RC Bleu Diamineral 3RC Diamineral Blue 3RC. 136 Diaminschwarzblau B pat. Bleu noir Diamine B brev. Diamine Dark Blue B pat. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. XVII Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 137 Diamindunkelblau B pat. Bleu fonce Diamine B brev. Diamine Deep Blue B pat. 138 Diaminschwarz BH Noir Diamine BH Diamine Black BH. 139 Diaminschwarz BHR Noir Diamine BHR Diamine Black BHR. 140 Diaminviolett N Violet Diamine N Diamine Violet N. 141 Diaminviolett BB Violet Diamine BB Diamine Violet BB. 142 Oxydiaminviolett B pat. Violet Oxydiamine B brev. Oxy Diamine Violet B pat. 143 Oxydiaminviolett G pat. Violet Oxydiamine G brev. Oxy Diamine Violet G pat. 144 Oxydiaminviolett R pat. Violet Oxydiamine R brev. Oxy Diamine Violet R pat. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. XVIII Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 145 Oxydiaminviolett BF Violet Oxydiamine BF Oxy Diamine Violet B F. 146 Diaminheliotrop G pat. Heliotrope Diamine G brev. Diamine Heliotrope G pat. 147 Diaminheliotrop 0 pat. Heliotrope Diamine 0 brev. Diamine Heliotrope 0 pat. 148 Diaminheliotrop B Heliotrope Diamine B Diamine Heliotrope B. 149 Halbwollblauschwarz KN pat. Bleu noir mi-laine KN brev. Union Blue Black KN pat. 150 Oxydiaminschwarz A pat. Noir Oxydiamine A brev. Oxy Diamine Black A pat. 151 Oxydiaminschwarz D pat. Noir Oxydiamine D brev. Oxy Diamine Black D pat. 152 Oxydiaminschwarz SA pat. Noir Oxydiamine SA brev. Oxy Diamine Black SA pat. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. XIX Gruppe II: Diaminfarben, welche Baumwolle starker als Wolle anfarben. 153 Oxydiaminschwarz UI pat. Noir Oxydiamine UI brev. Oxy Diamine Black UI pat. Oxydiaminschwarz US pat. Noir Oxydiamine US brev. Oxy Diamine Black US pat, Oxydiaminschwarz KW pat. Noir Oxydiamine KW brev. Oxy Diamine Black KW pat. Paradiaminschwarz BB pat. Noir Paradiamine BB brev. Para Diamine Black BB pat. Paradiaminschwarz B pat. Noir Paradiamine B brev. Para Diamine Black B pat. Paradiaminschwarz FFB pat. Noir Paradiamine FFB brev. Para Diamine Black FFB pat. Diaminechtschwarz F pat. Noir solide Diamine F brev. Diamine Fast Black F pat. Kleiderschwarz KP pat. Noir pour vetements KP brev. Garment Black KP pat. Groupe II: Couleurs Diamine teignant le coton plus fortement que la laine. Group II: Diamine Colours which dye the cotton more than the wool. Diaminfarben, Gruppe III: welche Wolle starker als Baumwolle anfarben. 161 Diamingoldgelb Jaune d’or Diamine Diamine Gold. 162 Diamingelb CP Jaune Diamine CP Diamine Yellow CP. 163 Diaminscharlach B Ecarlate Diamine B Diamine Scarlet B. 164 Diaminscharlach 3B Ecarlate Diamine 3B Diamine Scarlet 3B. 165 Diaminviolettrot pat. Rouge Violet Diamine brev. Diamine Violet Red pat. 166 Diaminbordeaux S Bordeaux Diamine S Diamine Bordeaux S. 167 Diaminogen extra Diaminogene extra Diaminogene extra. 168 Diaminechtgrau BN Gris solide Diamine BN Diamine Fast Grey B N. Groupe III: Couleurs Diamine teignant la laine plus fortement que le coton. Group III: Diamine Colours which dye the wool more than the cotton. 0,75 o/o 2 0 o ‘ XXI Gruppe IV: Neutral ziehende Wollfarbstoffe. 169 177 Naphtalingelb krist. Rhodamin 13 Jaune Naphtaline en crist. Rhodamine 13 Naphtaline Yellow crystals. Rosazeine 13. 170 178 Indischgelb G Irisamin G Jaune indien G Irisamine G Indian Yellow G. Irisamine G. 171 179 Indischgelb FF Azorot A Jaune indien FF Azo-rouge A Indian Yellow FF. Azo Red A. 172 180 Indischgelb R Crocei'n AZ Jaune indien R Croceine AZ Indian Yellow R. Crocei'ne AZ. 173 181 Tropaeolin 0 0 Roccellin Tropeoline 0 0 Roccelline Tropaeoline 0 0. Roccelline. 174 182 Orange extra Wollrot B Orange extra Rouge pour laine B Orange extra. Wool Red B. 175 183 Orange ENZ Wollrot B G Orange ENZ Rouge pour laine BG Orange ENZ. Wool Red B G. 176 184 Orange R Walkrot G Orange R Rouge foulon G Orange R. Milling Red G. Groupe IV: Colorants pour laine, tirant en bains neutres. Group IV: Neutral dyeing Wool Colours. Gruppe IV: Neutral ziehende Wollfarbstoffe. 185 Alkaliblau 5B Bleu alcalin 5B Alkaline Blue 5B. 193 Brillant-Walkblau B Bleu foulon brillant B Brilliant Milling Blue B. 186 Alkaliblau 3R Bleu alcalin 3R Alkaline Blue 3R. 194 Lanacylblau BB pat. Bleu Lanacyl BB brev. Lanacyl Blue BB pat. 187 Alkaliviolett CA Violet alcalin CA Alkaline Violet CA. 195 Lanacylblau R pat. Bleu Lanacyl R brev. Lanacyl Blue R pat. 188 Formylviolett HW Violet Formyl HW Formyl Violet HW. 196 Lanacylviolett B pat. Violet Lanacyl B brev. Lanacyl Violet B pat. 189 Formylviolett S4B Violet Formyl S4B Formyl Violet S4B. 197 Lanacylmarineblau B pat. Bleu marine Lanacyl B brev. Lanacyl Navy Blue B pat. 190 Formylviolett 6B Violet Formyl 6B Formyl Violet 6B. 198 Brillant -Walkgriin B Vert foulon brillant B Brilliant Milling Green B. 191 Formylviolett 10 B Violet Formyl 10 B Formyl Violet 10 B. 199 Thiocarmin R Pulver Thiocarmin R poudre Thiocarmine R powder. 192 Formylblau B Bleu Formyl B Formyl Blue B. 200 Naphtolschwarzgriin G Vert noir Naphtol G Naphtol Dark Green G. Groupe IV: Colorants pour laine, tirant en bains neutres. Group IV: Neutral dyeing Wool Colours. xxiii Gruppe IV: Neutral ziehende Wollfarbstoffe. 201 Naphtolblau G Bleu Naphtol G Naphtol Blue G. 209 Naphtylaminschwarz 4B Noir Naphtylamine 4B Naphtylamine Black 4B. 202 Naphtolblau R Bleu Naphtol R Naphtol Blue R. 210 Naphtylaminschwarz D Noir Naphtylamine D Naphtylamine Black D. 203 Alphanolblau GN Bleu Alphanol GN Alphanol Blue GN. 211 Neutralwollschwarz 4B pat. Noir neutre pour laine 4B brev. Neutral Wool Black 4B pat. 204 Alphanolblau BR extra Bleu Alphanol BR extra Alphanol Blue BR extra. 212 Neutralwollschwarz G pat. Noir neutre pour laine G brev. Neutral Wool Black G pat. 205 Alphanolblau 5RN Bleu Alphanol 5RN Alphanol Blue 5RN. 213 Neutralwollschwarz B pat. Noir neutre pour laine B brev. Neutral Wool Black B pat. 206 Alphanolbraun B Brun Alphanol B Alphanol Brown B. 214 Alphanolschwarz 3B Noir Alphanol 3B Alphanol Black 3B. 207 Naphtolblauschwarz Noir bleu Naphtol Naphtol Blue Black. 215 Alphanolschwarz BG Noir Alphanol BG Alphanol Black BG. 208 Naphtylaminschwarz 6B Noir Naphtylamine 6B Naphtylamine Black 6B. 216 Alphanolschwarz R Noir Alphanol R Alphanol Black R. Groupe IV: Colorants pour laine, tirant en bains neutres. Group IV: Neutral dyeing Wool Colours. 213 214 215 216 203 2 % XXIV Diaminfarben, die sich zum Farben in kaltem Bade eignen. 217 2 gr Oxydiamingelb T Z 2 gr Jaime Oxydiamine TZ 3 oz Oxy Diamine Yellow T Z. 225 2 gr Diaminnitrazolbraun G 2 gr Brun Nitrazol Diamine G 3 oz Diamine Nitrazol Brown G. 218 2 gr Diaminechtgelb AGG 2 gr Jaune solide Diamine AGG 3 oz Diamine Fast Yellow AGG. 226 2 gr Diaminechtbraun GB 2 gr Brun solide Diamine GB 3 oz Diamine Fast Brown GB. 219 2 gr Diaminechtgelb A 2 gr Jaune solide Diamine A 3 oz Diamine Fast Yellow A. 227 2 gr Diaminbraun S 2 gr Brun Diamine S 3 oz Diamine Brown S. 220 2 gr Diaminechtgelb AR 2 gr Jaune solide Diamine AR 3 oz Diamine Fast Yellow AR. 228 2 gr Oxydiaminviolett B 2 gr Violet Oxydiamine B 3 oz Oxy Diamine Violet B. 221 2 gr Diaminorange G 2 gr Orange Diamine G 3 oz Diamine Orange G. 229 2 gr Diaminheliotrop B 2 gr Heliotrope Diamine B 3 oz Diamine Heliotrope B. 222 2 gr Diaminorange D 2 gr Orange Diamine D 3 oz Diamine Orange D. 230 2 gr Diaminheliotrop 0 2 gr Heliotrope Diamine 0 3 oz Diamine Heliotrope 0. 223 2 gr Diaminechtorange EG 2 gr Orange solide Diamine EG 3 oz Diamine Fast Orange EG. 231 2 gr Diaminheliotrop G 2 gr Heliotrope Diamine G 3 oz Diamine Heliotrope G. 224 2 gr Diaminechtorange ER 2 gr Orange solide Diamine ER | 3 oz Diamine Fast Orange ER. 232 2 gr Diamingriin G 2 gr Vert Diamine G 3 oz Diamine Green G. Die in Gramm (gr) angegebenen Farbstoffmengen gelten pro 1 Liter Flotte. Couleurs Diamine propres a la teinture a froid. Diamine Colours suitable for dyeing in a cold bath. Les Quantites indiquees en grammes (gr) se rapportent a 1 litre de bain. I he quantities indicated in ounces (oz) are to be understood per 10 gallons liquor. XXV 217 218 219 220 222 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Diaminfarben, die sich zum Farben in kaltem Bade eignen. 233 ] /2 gr Diaminrosa GD pat. 1 /2 gr Rose Diamine GD brev. 3 /4 oz Diamine Rose GD pat. 241 2 gr Diaminreinblau FF 2 gr Bleu pur Diamine FF 3 oz Diamine Sky Blue FF. 234 2 gr Diaminrosa BD pat. 2 gr Rose Diamine BD brev. 3 oz Diamine Rose BD pat. 242 2 gr Diaminechtblau FFB pat. 2 gr Bleu solide Diamine FFB brev. 3 oz Diamine Fast Blue FFB pat. 235 72 gr Diaminrosa FFB 72 gr Rose Diamine FFB 3 /4 oz Diamine Rose FFB. 243 2 gr Diaminbrillantblau G pat. 2 gr Bleu brillant Diamine Gbrev. 3 oz Diamine Brilliant Blue G pat. 236 2 gr Baumwollrot A 2 gr Rouge pour coton A 3 oz Cotton Red A. 244 2 gr Diaminblau 3B 2 gr Bleu Diamine 3B 3 oz Diamine Blue 3B. 237 2 gr Diaminpurpurin 6B 2 gr Purpurine Diamine 6B 3 oz Diamine Purpurine 6B. 245 2 gr Diaminschwarz HW 2 gr Noir Diamine HW 3 oz Diamine Black HW. 238 2 gr Oxydiaminrot S 2 gr Rouge Oxydiamine S 3 oz Oxy Diamine Red S. 246 2 gr Diaminschwarz BH 2 gr Noir Diamine BH 3 oz Diamine Black BH. 239 2 gr Diaminviolettrot 2 gr Rouge violet Diamine 3 oz Diamine Violet Red. 247 4 gr Diaminschwarz RMW 4 gr Noir Diamine RMW 6 oz Diamine Black RMW. 240 2 gr Diaminrot 10 B 2 gr Rouge Diamine 10 B 3 oz Diamine Red 10 B. 248 3 gr Paradiaminschwarz 2606 Jpat. 3 gr Noir Paradiamine 2606 J brev. 472 oz Para Diamine Black 2606 J pat. Die in Gramm (gr) angegebenen Farbstoffmengen gelten pro 1 Liter Flotte. Couleurs Diamine propres a la teinture a froid. Diamine Colours suitable for dyeing in a cold bath. Les quantites indiquees en grammes (gr) se rapportent a 1 litre de bain. The quantities indicated in ounces (oz) are to be understood per 10 gallons liquor. 234 241 242 244 245 246 247 248 239 XXVI Diazotierte und gekuppelte Farbungen (fiir einbadiges Farben und zum Vordecken der Baumwolle). 249 Diaminazoscharlach A diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Azo Ecarlate Diamine A diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Azo Scarlet A diazotised and developed with BetaNaphtol. 257 Diamineralblau 3RC diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Diamineral 3RC diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamineral Blue 3RC diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 250 Diaminazoscharlach B diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Azo Ecarlate Diamine B diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Azo Scarlet B diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 258 Diaminazoblau RR pat. diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Azo-Diamine RR brev. diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Azo Blue RR pat. diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 251 Diaminazoscharlach 8B pat. diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Azo Ecarlate Diamine 8B brev. diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Azo Scarlet 8B pat. diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 259 Diaminschwarz B H diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Noir Diamine BH diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Black BH diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 252 Diaminazobordeaux B diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Azo Bordeaux Diamine B diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamine Azo Bordeaux B diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 260 Diaminnitrazolbraun G pat. mit Nitrazol C pat. gekuppelt Brun Nitrazol-Diamine G brev. copule avec Nitrazol C brev. Diamine Nitrazol Brown G pat. coupled with Nitrazol C pat. 253 Diaminogenblau NB pat. diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Diaminogene NB brev. diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diaminogene Blue NB pat. diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 261 Diaminnitrazolbraun RD mit Nitrazol C pat. gekuppelt Brun Nitrazol-Diamine RD copule avec Nitrazol C brev. Diamine Nitrazol Brown RD coupled with Nitrazol C pat. 254 Diaminogenblau 3RN pat. diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Diaminogene 3RN brev. diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diaminogene Blue 3RN pat. diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 262 Diaminnitrazolbraun BD mit Nitrazol C pat. gekuppelt Brun Nitrazol-Diamine BD copule avec Nitrazol C brev. Diamine Nitrazol Brown BD coupled with Nitrazol C pat. 255 Diaminogenblau 6RN diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Diaminogene 6RN diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diaminogene Blue 6RN diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 263 Diaminnitrazolgriin GF pat. mit Nitrazol C pat. gekuppelt Vert Nitrazol-Diamine GF brev. copule avec Nitrazol C brev. Diamine Nitrazol Green GF pat. coupled with Nitrazol C pat. 256 Diamineralblau CVB diazotiert und mit Beta-Naphtol entwickelt Bleu Diamineral CVB diazote et developpe au Beta-Naphtol Diamineral Blue CVB diazotised and developed with Beta Naphtol. 264 Diaminnitrazolgriin BB pat. mit Nitrazol C pat. gekuppelt Vert Nitrazol-Diamine BB brev. copule avec Nitrazol C brev. Diamine Nitrazol Green BB pat. coupled with Nitrazol C pat. Die Muster 249 und 250 sind bei 70-80° C., die ubrigen bei 50-600 C. gefarbt. Vorschrift zum Entwickeln und Kuppeln siehe Seite 7. Teintes diazotees et developpees (pour teinture en un bain et teinture prealable du coton). Diazotised and coupled dyeings (for dyeing by the one-bath method and for dyeing the cotton previously). 5 °/o 249 5 °/o 250 5% 251 255 256 3 °/o 3 0/o 261 262 263 264 1'es echantillons 249 et 250 sont teint a 70— 800 C., les autres a 40— 50® C. Le procede de developpement et de copulation est indique page 7. Batterns Nos 249 and 250 have been dyed at 70—800 c. (160—175 deg. F.), the others at 50—600 c. (120—140 deg. F.) For instructions for developing and coupling see page 7. XXVII Immedialfarben. 265 5 gr Immedialgelb D pat. 5 gr Jaune Immedial D brev. 8 oz Immedial Yellow D pat. 273 8 gr Immedialolive 3G 8 gr Olive Immedial 3G 12 oz Immedial Olive 3G 266 5 gr Immedialorange C pat. 5 gr Orange Immedial C brev. 8 oz Immedial Orange C pat. 274 8 gr Immedialolive B pat. 8 gr Olive Immedial B brev. 12 oz Immedial Olive B pat. 267 5 gr Immedialcatechu G pat. 5 gr Cachou Immedial G brev. 8 oz Immedial Cutch G pat. 275 10 gr Immedialdunkelgriin B 10 gr Vert fonce Immedial B 1 lb Immedial Dark Green B 268 5 gr Immedialcatechu 0 pat. 5 gr Cachou Immedial 0 brev. 8 oz Immedial Cutch 0 pat. 276 10 gr Immedialtiefgriin G pat. 10 gr Vert fonce Immedial Gbrev. 1 lb Immedial Deep Green G pat. 269 8 gr Immedialschwarzbraun D cone. pat. 8 gr Brun noir Immedial D cone. 12 oz Immedial Dark Brown [brev. D cone. pat. 277 8 gr ImmedialindogenBconc.pat. 8 gr Indogene Immedial B cone. 12 oz Immedial Indogene [^ rev - B cone. pat. 270 8 gr Immedialmarron B cone. pat. 8 gr Marron Immedial B cone. brev. 12 oz Immedial Maroon B cone. pat. 278 10 gr Immedialdirektblau B pat. 10 gr Bleu Immedial direct B brev. 1 lb Immedial Direct Blue B pat. 271 8 gr Immedialbordeaux GFconc. 8 gr BordeauxImmedialGF [pat. cone. brev. 12 oz Immedial Bordeaux GFconc. pat. 279 10 gr Immedialdirektblau OD pat. 10 gr Bleu Immedial direct OD 1 lb Immedial Direct Blue ^ rev * OD pat. 272 8 gr Immedialbraun W cone. pat. 8 gr Brun Immedial W cone. brev. 12 oz Immedial Brown W cone. pat. 280 15 gr Immedialschwarz NNG cone. 15 gr Noir Immedial NNG cone. D/^lb ImmedialBlack NNGconc. Die in Gramm (gr) angegebenen Farbstoffmengen sind im Liter Flotte gebraucht (siehe Seite 14). Couleurs Immddial. Immedial Colours. Les quantites indiquees en grammes (gr) sont celles consommees par litre de bain (voir page 14). The quantities of dyestuff stated in ounces (oz) are required per 10 gallons liquor (see page 14). XXVIII Duatolfarben. 281 286 Duatolgelb 2881 J z. Pat. angem. Jaime Duatol 2881 J brev. Duatolscharlach G z. Pat. angem. Ecarlate Duatol G brev. Duatol Yellow 2881 J pat. Duatol Scarlet G pat. 282 287 Duatolgelb 2776 J z. Pat. angem. Jaune Duatol 2776 J brev. Duatolscharlach 2882 J z. Pat. angem. Ecarlate Duatol 2882 J brev. Duatol Yellow 2776 J pat. Duatol Scarlet 2882 J pat. 283 288 Duatolgelb 2816 J z. Pat. angem. Jaune Duatol 2816 J brev. Duatolscharlach K10B z. Pat. angem. Ecarlate Duatol K10B brev. Duatol Yellow 2816J pat. Duatol Scarlet K10B pat. 284 289 Duatolorange 2777 J z. Pat. angem. Orange Duatol 2777 J brev. Duatolbordeaux B z. Pat. angem. Bordeaux Duatol B brev. Duatol Orange 2777 J pat. Duatol Bordeaux B pat. 285 290 Duatolbraun 2817 J z. Pat. angem. Brun Duatol 2817 J brev. Duatol Brown 2817 J pat. Duatolrot 2778 J z. Pat. angem. Rouge Duatol 2778 J brev. Duatol Red 2778 J pat. Couleurs Duatol. Duatol Colours. XXIX Duatolfarben. 291 29G Duatolbraun R z. Pat. angem. Duatolblau B z. Pat. angem. Brun Duatol R brev. Bleu Duatol B brev. Duatol Brown R pat. Duatol Blue B pat. 292 297 Duatolbraun B z. Pat. angem. Duatolblau BD z. Pat. angem. Brun Duatol B brev. Bleu Duatol BD brev. Duatol Brown B pat. Duatol Blue BD pat. 293 298 Duatolgrau 2819 J z. Pat. angem. Duatolschwarz 3B z. Pat. angem. Gris Duatol 2819 J brev. Noir Duatol 3B brev. Duatol Grey 2819 J pat. Duatol Black 3B pat. 294 299 Duatolgriin 2779J z. Pat. angem. Duatolschwarz B T z. Pat. angem. Vert Duatol 2779J brev. Noir Duatol BT brev. Duatol Green 2779J pat. Duatol Black BT pat. 295 300 Duatolbrillantblau R z. Pat. angem. Bleu brillant Duatol R brev. Duatolschwarz 2902 J z. Pat. angem. Noir Duatol 2902 J brev. Duatol Brilliant Blue R pat. Duatol Black 2902 J pat. Couleurs Duatol. Duatol Colours. xxx