THE ART FIGURE DRAWING CONTAINING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR A COURSE OF STUDY IN THIS BRANCH OF ART. CHAELES H. WEIGALL, OF THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, LONDON, AND MEMBER OF THE NEW SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS. 2&attfj Seventeen Illustrations, DRAWN ON WOOD BY THE AUTHOR, AND ENGRAVED BY WALTER G. MASON. FOURTH EDITION. &rs profaat arttficem. LONDON: WINSOR AND NEWTON, 38, RATHBONE PLACE. 1852. PRICK ONE Mill >M\4. V V I I I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 THE ART or FIGURE DRAWING: CONTAINING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR A COURSE OF STUDY IN THIS BRANCH OF ART. BY CHARLES H. WEIGALL, OF THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, LONDON, AND MEMBER OF THE NEW SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS. 21Httfj Seventeen Illustrations, DRAWN ON WOOD BY THE AUTHOR, AND ENGRAVED BY WALTER G. MASON. FOURTH EDITION. %xs probat artiftcenu LONDON: WINSOR AND NEWTON, 38, RATHBONE PLACE, Artists* Colour fHakers, fcg Special Appointment, to f£cr f&ajestg, ano to tynncz mbzxt 1852. LONDON : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street. PREFACE. There have been many works published on Landscape Painting containing the results of the experience of the best masters in this delightful branch of Art, and many also on Figure Drawing, but the latter for the most part on too extensive a scale, and in too expensive a form, to be generally available. A requirement, which has long been felt, is now being supplied; and there is already published, at a moderate price, a series of valuable Elementary Works on Landscape Painting and Perspective, by Mr. Penley and the Messrs. Rowbotham, which may be perused with great advantage by the Artist as well as the Amateur. The Author indulges the hope, that the following brief work on Figure Drawing may be equally useful ; and that, although it is not to be expected that all which may be required to make a figure draughtsman will be found in its pages, sufficient information may be given to facilitate PREFACE. self-instruction ; and that, at least, there is nothing that will place any impediment in the way of the pupil who may have the benefit of a master's attention. In the Rules and Illustrations, all minuteness and complexity have been as much as possible avoided; as the Author has always found, in his experience, the most valuable information was that contained in the simplest form. 13, MICHAEL'S PLACE, BROMPTO]\ T , MARCH, 1852. THE ART or FIGURE DRAWING. LINES. The power of making a line is of paramount importance. In all pencil or chalk drawing, the shading and finishing are but a repetition of lines, and if one line cannot be made with an equal pressure of the pencil throughout, the evenness of tint necessary to produce the appearance of shadow cannot be arrived at : one line in a mass of shading, uneven in its form or colour, interrupts the continuity necessary to produce the proper effect; and although we find that a certain amount of mechanical dexterity in handling the pencil is not difficult to be attained, its necessity is not sufficiently insisted upon in the first instance. Neither must it be forgotten, that when we leave the pencil for the use of the brush, we 8 LINES. only change one instrument for another; the power acquired in the first instance will be our aid throughout our future practice. The first step in drawing should therefore be to make a line. Let us then proceed to consider the best method of its production. A line is either straight or curved. The mode of drawing curved lines will be explained here- after. In the case of a straight line, its place and length being determined, the student should make a mark, the point from whence it is to proceed, and another where it is to terminate, and, placing the hand so that it can com- mand the line from point to point, he should pass the pencil a few times between them, until he feels that he can make the line with certainty and precision. When such a line can be made, with facility, something has been attained ; a certain amount of connexion between the mind and the hand has been established, and the latter is prepared to become the instrument of the former. In drawing the figure, a firmer and more careful line is required than in drawing landscape; it requires also more careful observation and comparison ; and, should the taste of the pupil hereafter incline to Landscape Drawing, the command of hand acquired in this previous practice will be found of great assistance. PROPORTION. 9 PROPORTION. When we consider the variation to which the human form is subject in different parts of the globe, it seems difficult, at first, to find the standard in which beauty consists. The consent of ages has been given to that established by the Greeks, and found in those works of that great people which remain to us. In them we find all that can realize the idea of beauty to our minds, the symmetry of the whole, and the fitness and the adaptation of the parts being that from which nothing can be taken away, and to which nothing can be added ; this standard seems indeed to be a test of truth in all matters of Art relating to the beau-ideal of human form. We have, however, not always to represent the perfection of form ; and it is quite evident that no rule can be given that will answer to the countless varieties, national or individual, that come before our daily experi- ence ; but as all these are departures from the acknowledged standard, a knowledge of that first obtained would enable us the more readily to detect them, and see wherein the difference lies. The short and squat figure of the Lap- lander, or the tall and muscular figure of the Caffre or Patagonian, could, by a reference to rule, be satisfac- torily given on paper, by the number of heads or spaces the figure was divided into, according to the scale to be found in this work. 10 PROPORTION. The physiognomical distinctions between nations is also easily observable, so that we could tell at a glance the Arab from the Chinese, or the Negro from the European, and refer these differences to the given standard. The small eyes obliquely set in the head, the raised eyebrows, and the broad flat nose, would enable us to mark the Chinese ; and the retiring forehead, the skull rising behind, the projecting jaws, flat nose, large nostrils, and the ears placed high up on the head, would point out the Negro : and our appreciation of the peculiarities of each, or of any other, would be obtained by the reference we insensibly make to the standard upon which our taste has been formed. It requires, however, a nicer shade of discernment to ascertain wherein the difference lies in the physi- ognomy of individuals of the same nation, or of those with whom we mix in our daily intercourse ; but to the Artist accustomed to observe and to note any deviation from the principle of proportion, the angle formed with the eyes and mouth, a little more acute or obtuse, the chin advancing or retiring, the high or low forehead, give at once an idea of individuality by these variations, or departures from the standard of proportion. From the analysis and measurement of the finest Greek statues, it is to be gathered that if the grand or heroic was intended to be represented, the figure exceeded 8 heads ; and if the graceful and youthful were the sub- ject, the proportion was less than 8 heads and more than PROPORTION. 11 7 \ : the average seems therefore to be between these measures. Leaving out all the more minute fractional divisions into which the human figure has been resolved, I shall commence by dividing it into 8 heads, as the most simple rule, and one that seems to comprise the essentials of all others that have been given. This will divide the figure thus : PliATE I. Heads. From the crown of the head to the bottom of the chin • . ...... 1 From the bottom of the chin to the top of the sternum, or breast bone ....... \ From the top of the sternum to the bottom . . \ From the bottom of the sternum to just above the navel ........ From just above the navel to the commencement of the lower limbs . . . . - . From the commencement of the lower limbs to the middle of the thigh ...... From the middle of the thigh to the bottom of the knee ... ..... From the bottom of the knee to the small of the ankle ........ From the small of the ankle to the sole of the foot . \ Heads . . . . .8 12 PROPORTION. LENGTH OF THE ARM. Heads. From the top of the shoulder to opposite the arm- pits ........ ^ From thence to the elbow joint . . . .1 From the elbow joint to the wrist . . . . 1 J From the wrist to the end of the longest finger . | The arms hanging down by the side, and having the fingers extended, would reach to the middle of the thigh. If the arms were extended at right angles with the body, the width across, from the tip of the longest finger of the one hand, to the tip of the longest finger of the other, would be equal to the length of the figure, or 8 heads. The width of the neck across is half a head. The width to the setting on of the shoulders, is one head and a half. The width across the shoulders is two heads ; this will also form an equilateral triangle with the navel. Under the arm-pits it is one head and a half. Across the waist one head and a quarter. The width of the top of the thigh is three-quarters of a head ; And that of the top of the knee is half a head. That of the bottom of the knee is also half a head. PROPORTION. 14 PROPORTION. Across the calf is two noses and a half, or § of a head. Across the small of the ankle is one nose, or £ of a head. The hand is | of a head in length, and the length of the middle finger is equal to half the hand. The Ancients allow one-sixth of the whole length of the figure for the length of the foot, rather less than more. This scale of proportion would answer for a fine model six feet in height; therefore all more than 8 heads would increase the appearance of tallness, and all below that proportion would tend to give the appearance of shortness. PROPORTION. 15 PLATES II. and III. BACK VIEW OF THE FIGURE— WIDTH. Heads. Across the widest part of the head above the ears 4 Across the neck ...... Across the setting on of the shoulders li Across the shoulders ..... 2 Across the waist . . li Across the hips ...... li Across the middle of the thigh . . 1 Across the top of the knee .... 1 Across the bottom of the knee .... h Across the small of the ankle one nose, or 1 4 BACK VIEW OF THE FIGURE. SIDE VIEW. PLATE III. 18 THE FEMALE FIGURE. PliATE IV. THE FEMALE FIGURE. The height of the female figure may be reduced into the same number of divisions as those of the male figure. The widths of the different parts will be found to vary considerably. The head measures f of a head in the widest part. The width of the neck is half a head. The width across the shoulders is one head and a half. The width of the waist one head and ^th. The width across the hips is two heads. The width across the middle of the thigh is three- quarters of a head. The width across the top of the knee is two noses and a quarter. The width of the bottom of the knee is half a face. The width across the calf is two noses and a quarter. The width across the small part of the ankle is one nose. The thickness of the foot, measured across the instep, is one-third of its length. THE FEMALE FIGURE. PliATK IV. 20 THE FOOT. PliATE V. THE FOOT. The length from the heel to the ball of the great toe, is two-thirds of the length of the foot. The length of the great toe, not including the ball, is one-fifth of the length of the foot. The width of the foot, at its widest part, is equal to two- fifths of its length. THE FOOT. PLiATE V. 22 THE HAND. PLATES VI. and VII. THE HAND. The length from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger is | of a head. From the wrist to the division of the fingers is one half of the hand. The thumb is one quarter of the head, or equal to 1 nose in length. It will be well to observe, for the direction of the pupil, that the natural position of the upper arm, is at an angle outwards, and that of the lower arm inwards ; so that, in a figure at perfect ease, the hands would approach each other in front. The same observation applies to the lower limbs, which incline inwards from their junction with the body. The fingers also have an inclination inwards towards the middle of the hand : the second finger is straight. In closing the hand, the thumb, the first, third, and fourth fingers converge towards the second finger. The muscular action of the foot is so much destroyed by the habit of wearing shoes, that it has lost its natural action ; but in nations accustomed to leave the foot as free as the hand, it has the power of grasping an object with firmness. It has the same construction as the THE BACK OF THE HAND. PIRATE VII. DIFFERENCE OF PROPORTIONS IN THE SEXES. 25 hand, and the same inclination of the to'es, and the same natural inclination inwards, when raised from the ground, either before or behind, as in the action of dancing. These natural inclinations inwards are owing to the setting on or peculiar articulations of their several joints, which the pupil will find explained for him in the course of his anatomical study. Women in general are shorter than men, and the pro- portional widths of each also differ. The neck of the woman is said to be a trifle longer, and set farther back, or more upright than in man. The shoulders are much narrower, across ; and, the hips being much wider, the lower limbs have, in consequence, a greater inclination inwards. The lower limbs are larger, and the hands and feet smaller. The muscles are less visible, consequently the lines, which form the contour of the body, flow much more gently and smoothly into each other than in man, giving the appear- ance of grace, beauty and softness. In infancy the brain is large in proportion to that of the « adult. The upper part of the head corresponds to this in- crease, the frontal bones particularly being much larger at this period of life ; the jaws are not yet fully developed, but the exuberance of the adipose membrane or fatty covering on the cheeks and all over the body and limbs, the fine- ness of the skin, and the clearness and transparency of its colour, give to this age a beauty peculiar to itself. In old age the muscles are wasted, and the skin losing 26 PROPORTIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. its contractile power hangs in folds and wrinkles. The body becomes attenuated, and the lines of the figure are angular and rigid ; and there is no longer the spring and elasticity that distinguish the movement of youth. But every age has its beauty ; Nature is perfect in all her works, and each period of life, when it comes under the pencil of the Artist, is equally a subject of interest to him, and comes in for its full share of admiration. It has been held that the forms of women and children are much more beautiful than those of men ; but is not this notion derived rather from association than reality ? To the infant belong the ideas of innocence, gentleness and hope ; and to woman, these and many other associations mental and physical ; and to both, their dependence on man for protection and support. It appears to me, therefore, that their real beauty will be found in their adaptation to the purposes for which they were created. In an infant, the centre of the figure is found to be at the navel. The proportions of a child, two or three years old, will be found to average five heads, of which three will be allowed for the upper part of the figure, and two for the lower : for a child of about six years, 6 heads ; and about this period of life the limbs become thinner. At the age of sixteen, about 7 heads ; at which period the figure begins to take its proper proportion of half for the body, and half for the lower limbs ; it then increases in its regular proportion to its full development. THE FRONT FACE. 27 PIRATE VIII. FOR THE FRONT FACE. In reading the following pages, it must be carefully remembered, that by an oval is meant, not an ellipse, but the outline of a well-shaped egg. In the figure of Plate VIII., the greater diameter bisects the oval, and the small diameter would be the straight line drawn at right angles to the larger one, through a point distant about ^ of its length from the extremity towards the broad part or end, and equal to j of the larger diameter. First then draw an oval, and make its greater diameter; this is called the facial line ; divide this line into 4 equal parts, these parts will represent the divisions of the front face, as follows : From the crown of the head to the commence- ment of the forehead, or from where the hair commences . . . . . .1st. From thence to the root of the nose . . 2nd. From thence to the bottom of the nose . . 3rd. From thence to the bottom of the chin . . 4th. This last part divided into 2 equal parts, will deter- mine the bottom of the under lip. THE FRONT FACE. THE FRONT FACE. 29 Divide the upper portion into 3 parts, and this will give the opening of the mouth . . 1st. The depth of the upper lip . . . . 2nd. The space between the upper lip and the nose 3rd. The width of a lip from the point of the under lip will give the commencement of the chin. The ear is equal to the length of the nose, and parallel to it. Just above the ear is the widest part of the head, equal to 1 face, or | of a head. The eye is about -^-th of this measure. The space between the eyes is equal to the width of an eye ; therefore, by dividing the line into 5 parts, we shall determine the size and situation of the eyes, and the space between them. If lines parallel to the larger diameter were drawn from the corner of the eye on each side of the nose, they would give the width of the nostrils ; so that the nostrils are the width of an eye. The mouth is a trifle wider than an eye. 30 THE EYE AND THE EAR. PliATE IX. The full eye is divided into 3 equal parts, and the middle one is occupied by the pupil ; of the profile eye the pupil occupies one third part in breadth, as seen in the given example. The ear. Its situation has been described in the plates of the face. It is half its own length, in the widest part ; if it be divided into 3 equal parts, the middle division will be the size of its orifice. THE EYE AND THE EAR. 31 PliATE IX. 32 THE NOSE AND THE MOUTH. PliATE X. The division of the front nose into 3 equal parts, gives the width of the middle nose, and that of each wing. The front month, divided into 4 equal parts, shows the centre of the lips, and the points of the greatest fulness both of the upper and under lip. PliATE X. THE PROFILE HEAD. 33 PliATE XI. FOR THE PROFILE HEAD. First draw a vertical line, equal in length to the height of the intended head ; and then draw two straight lines at right angles to it, at its extremities ; these two hori- zontal lines will touch the top of the head and the lowest point of the chin respectively. Divide the vertical line into 4 equal portions : The first of these parts marks the vertical distance between the top of the head, and the front roots of the hair ; The second, that from the hair to root of the nose, (between the eyes) ; The third, the length from thence to the bottom of the nose ; The fourth, that from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin. Bisect this fourth portion; and the point of bisection deteraiines the lower point of the under lip. Again ; divide this last part (i.e. from the nose to the front of the under lip), into 3 portions ; The lowest portion determines the thickness of the under lip. The next above determines the thickness of the upper hp. D 34 THE PROFILE HEAD. The uppermost, which is rather longer than the middle one, determines the distance between the nose and the upper lip. These points being determined on the vertical line, next draw between the horizontal lines, but touching only the lower one, an oval, the larger diameter of which, being vertical, is to be equal to the length of the vertical line from its top to the point marking the opening of the mouth or the top of the upper lip ; and its lesser diameter equal to § of the larger ; and let it be placed, so that the extremity of its lesser diameter may touch the vertical line a little above the point marked for the roots of the nose. If this oval be carefully drawn, it will, in its course, pass somewhat behind the front opening of the mouth and the middle of the upper lip, and through the commencement of the chin under the lip ; it will determine the angle of the under jaw (not its course) ; and it will pass through the centre of the ear. Again : from the point on the vertical opposite the upper lip, draw a straight line perpendicular to the vertical) and meeting the oval; the bisection of this straight line will give the commencement of the upper iip. Again : the projection of the nose before the vertical is nearly equal to the distance from the bottom of the nose (where it intersects the vertical), to the opening of the mouth. THE PROFILE HEAD. 35 36 THE PROFILE HEAD. Again : the vertical dividing the nose equally, the width of the wing of the nose is equal to its projection in front of the nostril. Again : if a straight line, parallel to the vertical, be drawn, somewhat behind the wing of the nose, and inter- secting the oval below the under lip, the point of inter- section is the commencement of the chin. Again : the length of the mouth is equal and parallel to the projection of the nose before the face. Again : the length of the ear is equal to that of the nose, and its place is found by its centre being in the oval (distant at the length of 2 noses from the facial line), and by its being parallel with the nose, and at the same distance from the top of the head as the nose is. Again : the highest part of the head lies immediately over the top of the ear. Again : a line drawn from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the chin will give the inclination of the eye, the position of which is further determined by the top of the eyelid being opposite the root of the nose. Again: if upon the straight line, drawn from the middle of the back of the ear to the middle of the fore- head, an equilateral triangle be drawn, its vertex deter- mines the point of the chin. EXPRESSION. 37 EXPRESSION. Before we quit this part of our subject, it may be well to introduce some few remarks on the changes to which the human countenance is subject, when under the in- fluence of the passions or emotions which belong to our nature. I do not mean to limit expression to its phy- siognomical characteristic. Passion affects every member of the body, and each part of it requires the closest observation of the artist in its successful representation. How much does the clenched hand and the muscular rigidity of the whole figure assist the expression of the face, in giving the character of deadly revenge or of power- fully-suppressed emotion ! How do the softly-flowing lines and easy pose of the figure aid the gentle smile and placid look, in the expression of benevolence or sympathy ! But we are now to treat of the face only; and as we are accustomed to regard that as the index of the mind, and as it is that part of the figure less constrained by habit and education, and, moreover, as it is there the organs are placed which are in immediate communication with the senses that feed the mind whence these passions have birth, it seems natural that we should find in the modifi- tions of its outward form traces of the workings taking place within. In persons who are denied the gift of speech, and in 38 EXPRESSION. savage people whose language is barren, or, lower still in the scale of creation, in brute animals, which have no lan- guage beyond the modification of a sound, the expression of passion is observable in every part of their frame ; but in civilized nations, having a copious language through which they are taught to express their wants and wishes, words supply the place of action, and gesticulation is controlled and kept dormant, until, on a sudden impulse being given, the restraint of habit and education is thrown aside, and Nature proclaims herself. Sorrow. All the muscles of the face are relaxed, the head inclines forward, the eyebrows raised towards the middle of the forehead, the eyelids droop, the pupil of the eye is raised, the corners of the mouth are lowered, and, from the laxity of the muscles, the proportion of the face between the eye and mouth is lengthened. The same characteristics may be observed in pity, dejection, and melancholy. Joy, This passion or emotion is principally expressed by the vivid eye, the mouth slightly open and its corners elevated. Its modifications may be considered as content, cheerfulness. Pain. The eyebrows are contracted, the forehead wrinkled, the mouth slightly opened, and its corners depressed. These characteristics belong also to anguish and despair. EXPRESSION. 39 Anger. The head is raised, the eye glares, the eye- brows are contracted, the lips compressed, the veins of the head swollen, and the muscles of the face rigid. Revenge, hatred, rage, and fury, may be classed with this passion. Fear. The eyes are opened widely, and directed towards the object that excites the emotion ; the white being visible above the iris. The eyebrows are raised, the forehead wrinkled, the mouth open, and the hair stands on end. Astonishment, horror, and terror, have also this ex- pression. Contempt. The head is raised, and slightly turned from the exciting cause. The eye is half-closed, the pupil lowered, and directed towards the object, the lips raised at the corners, more particularly on one side, and the nose wrinkled. Its relatives are derision, scorn. Laughter. The corners of the mouth are extended and raised, the upper portion of the cheeks raised, so as almost to close the eyes, which become sparkling, the corners of the eyelids being turned up and wrinkled ; the nose also is wrinkled. All the features aid in expression, but some more than others. If the rest of the face were covered, the eye with its brow would go far in expressing all the softer emotions of our nature ; it speaks to us in intelligible language the 40 METHOD OF OUTLINE. sentiments of love, sympathy, pity or joy; while, in the more fierce and stormy passions by which we are agitated, the mouth and nose are called into action, and contribute their full share in giving to these passions expression. METHOD OF OUTLINE. It being supposed that the pupil has now made himself acquainted with the proportions which the different parts of the figure bear to each other, and that he is about to commence a drawing from a copy, he must first consider the quantity of the surface or paper he intends it to occupy, and making a mark for the top, and another for the bottom of the work, he must endeavour to obtain the general character of the subject, and without paying too much attention to details ; sketching as much as possible in straight lines and angles, and leaving out some small parts rather than putting too many in, or making them too prominent. In Plate XII., Fig. 1, these principles of the first sketch are shown. The curved lines are produced upon straight ones, the points and degree of curvature being thus more easily determined. The eye is very likely to be deceived by the roundness or fulness of the muscles, and the outline frequently drawn as if it were swollen, as in Plate XIII., Fig. 2. In making the curve, observe METHOD OF OUTLINE. 41 at what part there is the greatest deviation from the straight line ; make a dot at such place, and draw your curve through it thus (Plate XII., Figs. 1 and 2) : PliATE XII. FIG. 1. In other cases it will be best to draw them first in rectilineal angles, as in Fig. 3, and to make the curves by- taking off the points ; by the adoption of these methods, a certainty of hand is acquired, and freedom and vigour given to the drawing. The student should not neglect to pay attention to anatomy ; it is the foundation of knowledge in this branch of art ; it assists to explain, and enables us to judge of proportion and disproportion : for METHOD OF OUTLINE. 43 this purpose he should procure a plaster anatomical figure, which can be had at a reasonable rate from any of the plaster-figure moulders. From this figure the names and situation of the muscles, with their uses, origin and insertion, may be learnt, with the aid of any work of reference on the subject.* We have spoken, in the preceding pages, of the im- portance of acquiring a facility in making a straight line between two given points ; and we will now suppose the pupil to be acquainted with the proportion which the different parts of the figure bear to each other, and that he has had some practice in copying. He should now proceed to draw " from the round," as it is termed, that is to say, from plaster casts. The drawing should be made in all cases conveniently large, and charcoal may be used instead of the pencil for sketching the work in, as in making large lines it obeys the hand more readily than the pencil does. The marking should be as lightly made as possible, as it may then be easily removed or dusted off with the handkerchief. The work should then be corrected with the chalk ; and the shadows should be put in, with a repetition of lines crossing and recrossing each other, until these lines are lost in an even tone of gradation from the dark to the lights of the figure. * The pupil is referred to a most useful little work by Mr. Warren, 44 DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. The next step will be the copying, in colour, from pictures of established reputation, and care must be taken that, in so doing, time be not lost in making a servile copy of every part of the picture, the attention being given to the arrangement of colour, to the quantities of dark and light, and to the principles upon which the picture is composed — in fact, to the making a careful analysis, to the best of the pupiFs ability, of the work before him. PliATE XIV. DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. In drawing from nature, the model being first placed in the position in which it is intended to be represented, proceed according to the principles above described : first, mark on your paper the proportion and place it is to occupy thereon; having found the centre, or principal division, make a small mark, and then make other divisions to give the situation and proportion of the different parts. Hold the pencil at arm's length before the eye, and observe what parts of the figure fall upon the line perpendicularly, horizontally, or obliquely. A little nervousness will, no doubt, at first be experienced, but this will soon wear off. The greatest difficulty will be found in the drapery, as this is constantly changing, even with the breathing of the figure ; first, then, sketch those lines of it which explain or give the action ; then take any DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. 45 portion that comes well, and do as much as your time will allow. The principal folds can always be so nearly ar- ranged, that, after the first sketch is obtained, they may be carried on with confidence. It is the accidental forms that are so valuable to be adopted as they arise. In Plate XIV. is shown the method of obtaining the first sketch from nature. In this it will be seen that the general character is obtained without reference to the detail. The angularity of the lines also is marked, with their different bearings, perpendicularly, horizontally, and obliquely; and which are always well to be left in until you have established the accuracy of your drawing. In the next plate is shown the outline finished, and a reference to the two will prove how easily the detail is engrafted upon a sketch made with due attention to first principles. PliATE XV. In the Frontispiece and Plates XV. and XVI., the proportions of the figure observable at the different periods of life will be found. It has been before men- tioned that in childhood the head is larger, as compared with that of the adult, and the different members of the body are shorter and thicker, as compared in their length, than is found to be the case in the matured figure. DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. PLATE XIV. DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. 47 PLATE XV. 48 DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. PliATE XVI. Plate XVI. would give the proportion of a child about twelve years of age, which at this period would average about six and a half heads in height. Plate XV. represents a girl about sixteen years of age. This period approaches maturity. The form begins to be decided, and the proportion would be about seven heads. The Frontispiece represents the full-grown female figure. The form is now fully developed, and it has reached its full height and proportion of seven and a half heads. As these figures have all been drawn from life for this work, it will be a useful lesson to place a model in the same attitude, and use the instructions already given in application to the drawing to be made. Drapery and objects of still life are also most useful, as they form, by their character, light and shade, and colour, collateral aids as objects of study, to be brought into the picture, and to give interest, carrying out the idea by their appropriate introduction. They also lead the pupil, by easy degrees, to a knowledge of perspective. Perspec- tive is now — thanks to our landscape painters — divested of the mystery and complication that have hitherto formed, in many cases, great hindrances to its acquirement ; and although at first in itself it is a dry study, a knowledge of its principles is essentially necessary, and it becomes DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. PLATE XVI. 49 50 DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. interesting when applied in practice to the subject in hand by the truthfulness of its laws. It seems strange that landscape painters should neglect so much the drawing of figures and of animals, as in most cases they use them merely when they require spots of colour. It is allowed that they give great interest to a landscape painting, but they are often not sufficiently well drawn to enable the observer when the attention is directed to them to make out what they are meant for. It surely cannot take away from the proper effect of a landscape to have animal life portrayed with something like a resemblance to the objects intended to be repre- sented, although no doubt, if too minutely finished, they may become so prominent as to take too large a share in the interest of the picture, and so destroy its effect as a land- scape. To observe the proper medium should be the aim of the student, and it may not be out of place to offer a few observations on this subject. Figures, then, for the landscape painter, should be drawn with attention to all their leading points of character, preserving breadth by the omission of all small parts and without coming so forward as to interfere with the general effect, which they are employed only to assist. There can be no injury to the general effect by correct drawing being given to them. In the pictures of the old masters we find animals and figures beautifully drawn and painted, and no injury sustained by the picture ; on the contrary, increased interest DRAWING FROM THE LIVING FIGURE. 51 is given : and indeed, in many instances we find the land- scape and figure painters combining their talents in the same work with the most successful result. The pupil, who commences with landscape drawing, may, if care be not taken in the commencement, acquire a looseness of hand that will be prejudicial to him in figure drawing. The suddenly terminated and accented line which the landscape draughtsman is in the habit of using, though commonly resorted to by the figure draughtsman in sketching his first ideas of general form in groups, and even in single figures, must be adopted with the utmost circumspection by the student; and it must be borne in mind that the peculiar charm in such lines results from the perfect mastery exhibited in their group- ings and proportions. This mastery is brought about by long practice ; and even these peculiar appearances of facility are so many proofs that the master hand, which accomplished them, had been early tutored in the more severe, but at the same time simpler, manner of line. The master, in using the pencil in this manner, may be said to paint with it. The best line for the pupil to adopt, is the pure simple line of equal pressure through- out ; such we find in the beautiful outlines of Flaxman, such we find in the still more beautiful delineations on the antique vases, those models upon which he formed his taste. In the character of finished outline subjects, such as we 52 CONCLUSION. now find in many published works, there is a departure from the method adopted by the Greeks ; the difference between them is that the modern school use a line of twofold quality where a thicker and a thinner portion are intended to represent the shaded and lighted side of the object ; and this may stand as its apology. CONCLUSION. Having now gone through the proportions of the figure, and directed the student's attention to the method considered advisable to be pursued in the continuation of this study, little remains to be added. The theory of drawing is comprised in a very small compass. To make the accomplished draughtsman, practice and experience are required; all the teacher can do is, to direct the practice ; and the best result is obtained when the pupil is taught to think for himself, and form by experience his own conclusions. Drawing, like writing, is an imitative art ; letters are first formed, then combined into words, and those words form the means of explaining our requirements and communicating our ideas. In drawing, we produce the resemblance of objects ; the combination of these objects represents circumstances, CONCLUSION. 53 and realises to the mind the pictures formed thereon by the poet or historian. All rules are formed from practice ; and while some are content to bound their knowledge by received rules, others, with more praiseworthy courage, think for them- selves, and form theories upon their own practice, or that of others. A pupil should never rest satisfied with copying from the works of others, however beautiful they may be, any more than a person, who has been taught to read or write should be content in always using the words or sentences that have formed the examples on which he has been instructed. It is to be supposed that the best models in both cases have been placed before him, in order to the formation of his taste ; and, as in language we can only use words that are to be found in its Dictionary, so in drawing we can only copy some object that has had a previous existence ; it is the arranging, comparing and combining, in both cases, upon which we found our claims to originality, and by which we form our estimate of past ages, and by which too we ourselves shall be judged in ages to come. END. LONDON : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street, o o EH o P=H O PH O Eh o o EH P Pi CO p O iH* O o GQ H CO i— i <3 O o Eh CO M o o I— I EH O CO o O I— I o p PS O H EH P-< o W n oTie JPla.ce, JLfO MJ> OJV. VJkJV. J3MOW2V. Extract from Mr. Harding's Work, " The Principles and Practice of Art." " The Art of Painting in Water-Colours has been greatly assisted by improvements in the preparations of the pigments; the greatest ad- vantage, however, has been the introduction of Moist Colours, which, I believe, are a French invention, but greatly improved by Messrs. Winsor and Newton." .GIST OF CO£OTr£,8 AID gRXCBS. Price Is. each. Antwerp Blue Bistre Burnt Sienna Burnt Roman Ochre Brown Pink Blue Black Burnt Umber Brown Ochre Chrome Yellow, 1, 2, and 3 Cologne Earth Dragon's Blood Emerald Green Gamboge Hooker's Green, No. 1 Hooker's Green, No. 2 Indigo Indian Red Italian Pink Ivory Black Lamp Black Light Red Neutral Tint Naples Yellow Olive Green Prussian Blue Prussian Green Payne's Grey Raw Sienna Raw Umber Red Lead Roman Ochre Sap Green Terre Verte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermillion Yellow Ochre Yellow Lake [Continued. RATHBONE PLACE. MOIST WATER COLOURS, continued. Is. fid. each. Sepia Warm Sepia Roman Sepia Brown Madder Constant White Chinese White Indian Yellow Mars Brown Mars Yellow Crimson Lake Scarlet Lake Purple Lake Scarlet Vermillion. 2s. Cobalt Blue. 3s. each. Green Oxide of Chromium Lemon Yellow French Blue Pink Madder Rose Madder Intense Blue Mars Orange Pure Scarlet Burnt Carmine Smalt Purple Madder 5*. each. Ultramarine Ash Carmine Gallstone Cadmium Yellow Orange Vermillion 21s. Genuine Ultramarine. MOIST WATER COLOURS IX PATE XT COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. A new preparation of Moist Water Colours, particularly adapted for large works, as any quantity of colour can be immediately obtained, thus affording additional facilities for rapidity and increased power; these colours present a range of pigments, which, in brilliancy and similarity of manipulation, much resemble Oil Colours. The Prices are the same as the Moist Colours in Pans. WINSOR AND NEWTON, ^ AJ? Til §KETCH3OT©> BOXES. Filled with Moist Colours. (The following arrangements of colours are selected from those most in use by the first Water Colour Artists.) 3 Cake BOX, "No. 1. — (Light and Shade Drawings on Tinted Paper.) containing Sepia, French Blue, and Chinese "White, Price 9s. 6 Cake Box, ~No. 1. — (Assorted for Landscape.) containing Gamboge, Raw Sienna, Venetian Red, Crimson Lake, Prussian Blue, and Vandyke Brown. Price 10s. Ditto, No. 2. — (Landscape and Figures.) containing Vandyke Brown, Indigo, Cobalt, Crimson Lake, Light Red, and Indian Yellow. Price lis. M. 8 Cake BOX, 3^0. 1.— (Landscape.) containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Crimson Lake, Cobalt, Indigo, and Vandyke Brown. Price 13s. 6d. RATHBONE PLACE. 7 8 Cake BOX, No. 2. — (Landscape and Figures.) containing % Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Scarlet Vermillion, Rose Madder, Cobalt Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, and Prussian Blue. Price 16s. 10 Cake BOX, No. 1.— (Landscape.) containing Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Venetian Red, Crimson Lake, Vandyke Brown, Olive Green, Neutral Tint, Cobalt, and Indigo. Price 16s. Ditto, No. 2. — (Landscape and Figures.) containing Yellow Ochre, Indian Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermillion, Rose Madder, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown, and Olive Green. Price 18s. 12 Cake Box, No, 1.— (Landscape.) containing Brown Pink, Vandyke Brown, Indigo, Neutral Tint, Cobalt, Crimson Lake, Indian Red, Vermillion, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Yellow Ochre, and Gamboge. Price 18s. 6d. Ditto, No. 2. — (Landscape, Figures, &c.) containing Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Scarlet Vermillion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Indigo, and French Blue. Price £1. 2s. 6d. 8 WINSOR AND NEWTON, 14 Cake BOX, No. 1.— (Landscape.) containing Cobalt, Indigo, Neutral Tint, Emerald Green, Brown Pink, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Crimson Lake, Indian Red, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, and Gamboge. Price £1. 2s, Ditto, No. 2. — (Landscape, Figures, &c.) containing Indigo, French Blue, Neutral Tint, Emerald Green, Olive Green, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Purple Lake, Rose Madder, Scarlet Vermillion, Light Red, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, and Gamboge. Price £1. 5s. 6rf. 16 Cake Box, No. 1. — (Landscape, Figures, &c.) containing Lemon Yellow, Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermillion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Payne's Grey, Indigo, and Cobalt. Price £1. 8s. 6d. Ditto, No. 2. — (Flowers, Landscape, &c.) containing Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Gallstone, Chrome No. 1, Vermillion, Indian Red, Pure Scarlet, Rose Madder, Carmine, Burnt Carmine, Vandyke Brown, Ivory Black, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, and French Blue. Price £2. 2s. 6d. RATHBONE PLACE. 9 18 Cake Box. — (Landscape, Figures, Flowers, &c.) containing Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermillion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Brown Madder, Olive Green, Vandyke Brown, Emerald Green, Payne's Grey, Indigo, Cobalt, Raw Sienna, and French Blue. Price £1. 13s. 6d. 20 Cake BOX. — (Complete for Landscape, Flowers, Figures, &c.) containing Lemon Yellow, Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Chrome No. 3, Vermillion, Light Red, Indian Red, Rose Madder, Carmine, Purple Madder, Vandyke Brown, Sepia, Brown Pink, Sap Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, French Blue, Smalt, and Cobalt. Price £2. 7s. 6d. N.B. For any colour in the foregoing lists another may be substituted, and if the colour selected is higher or lower in price, the difference added or deducted. lirillEI) MOIST CO&OTTB. BOXES. (with palette flaps.) To contain 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24 cakes. Boxes for Moist Colours made to order, to hold any number oi cakes, and on any plan, to suit the artist's convenience. Japanned Water Bottles, with double cups, for holding water in Sketching from Nature, the cups being attached to the Moist Colour Boxes. Japanned Copper Water Bottles, with plated insides. Large size ditto ditto Extra large size ditto ditto Water Cups, or Dippers, japanned, various. 10 WINSOR AND NEWTON, © ® l ® y ^ . in Cakes and Half Cakes. WHOLD CAKES. Is. Each. HALF CAKES, 6d. Each. WHOLE CAKE. HALE CAKE. Antwerp Blue Bistre Burnt Sienna Brown Pink Blue Black Burnt Umber British Ink Brown Ochre Burnt Roman Ochre Chrome Yellows, 1, 2, and 3 Cologne Earth Dragon's Blood Emerald Green French Green Gamboge Green Bice Hooker's Green, No. 1 Hooker's Green, No. 2 Indigo Indian Red Italian Pink Ivory Black King's Yellow Lamp Black Light Red Neutral Tint Naples Yellow New Blue Olive Green Orpiment Prussian Blue Prussian Green Payne's Grey Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Red Lead Red Ochre Red Chalk Sap Green Terre Verte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermillion Verdigris Yellow Ochre Yellow Lake RATHBONE PLACE. 11 WATER COLOURS, continued. WHOLE CAKES, Is. 6d. Sepia Warm Sepia Roman Sepia Brown Madder Constant White Chinese White Indian Yellow Mars Brown HALE CAKES, 9d, Mars Yellow Crimson Lake Scarlet Lake Purple Lake Chalon's Brown Black Lead Scarlet Vermillion WHOLE CAKES, 2s. Cobalt Blue. HALE CAKES, Is. WHOLE CAKES, 3s. Green Oxide of Chromium Lemon Yellow French Blue WHOLE CAKES, 5s. Mars Orange Pure Scarlet Burnt Carmine Smalt Purple Madder HALE CAKES, Is. 6d. Pink Madder Rose Madder Intense Blue HALE CAKES, 2s. 6d. Ultramarine Ash Carmine Gallstone Cadmium Yellow Orange Vermillion WHOLE CAKES, 21s. HALE CAKES, lOs. 6d. Genuine Ultramarine. Winsor and Newton beg to invite attention to their Stock of Mahogany and Rosewood Water-Colour Boxes, elegantly fitted, embracing every variety, from 4s. to £10. 12 WINSOR AND NEWTON, PERMANENT CHINESE WHITE, THE MOST ELIGIBLE WHITE PIGMENT FOR WATER COLOUR PAINTERS. In Bottles or Tubes, Price Is. 6d. each. The White Oxide of Zinc is pronounced by the highest chemical authorities to be one of the most unchangeable substances in nature. Neither impure air, nor the most powerful re-agents, affect its whiteness. It is not injured by, nor does it injure, any known pigments. It has long been pointed out by chemists as a most desirable substance for the Artists' use, provided sufficient body could be imparted to it ; but until lately the want of this necessary quality rendered it unavailable. In Winsor and Newton's preparation, termed Chinese White, this desideratum has been attained. The Chinese White, by combining body and permanency, is rendered far superior to those whites known as " Constant" or as " Permanent" Whites; and not having their clogging or pasty qualities, it works and washes with freedom. The great body it possesses gives it the property of drying on paper of the same tone as it appears when first laid on, and thus, when used, either alone or in compound tints, it does not deceive the Artist like other whites, by drying up three or four tones higher than when wet. The Chinese White is peculiarly available in mixing with any of the Water Colours in use, and particularly with the Moist Colours, thereby forming at pleasure an extensive range of body colours of a very superior kind. The following Paragraphs are extracted from Mr. Harding's " Principles and Practice of Art." " When the Oxide of Zinc, which is prepared by Winsor and Newton under the name of 'Chinese White,' was first put into my hands, some years ago, I applied to one of my friends, whose name as a chemist and philosopher is amongst the most distinguished in our country, to analyze it for me, and to tell me if I might rely on its durability ; the reply was, that if it would in all other respects answer the purposes I required of it, I had nothing to fear on account of its durability." "This is an invaluable pigment." "It is hardly possible to overrate the value of 'Opaque While' in Water Colours when judiciously used." RATHBONE PLACE. 13 LIQUID COLOURS AND MEDIUMS, (Sulphate of Barytes.) This is an extremely white pigment, but does not possess the body of Chinese White ; it is generally used for high lights, &c., in Landscape and Miniature Painting. Price Is. 6d. the Bottle. Prepared for the use of Water Colour Painters. Messrs. Winsor and Newton are the only Manufacturers who have succeeded in bringing this rich pigment to a state fit for the Water Colour Painter's use. Price Is. 6d. the Bottle. PROIT'S LIQUID BROWAT. A BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT BROWN FOR WATER COLOURS. Price Is. 6d. the Bottle. H H ID) IS E. H IB IL II IB IE © W SJ H H IK. For Outlines or for Sketching. This rich and permanent Ink is found to be of great service to the Architectural Artist, as the outline, or ornamental design, drawn with it (even if the Ink be diluted with water to the palest tint), is not, when dry, effaced by continual washings. Price Is. 6d. the Bottle. WATER COLOUR MEGILP. Invented and Prepared by Winsor and Newton, for the use of Water Colour Painters. A most desirable medium, imparting additional depth, brilliancy, and transparency in Water Colour Painting, improving the working of the colours, and preventing them running one into another. Price 2s. the Bottle. G O £ t? 3R, £ K S S £ I Q tT 3l D OX &A£L This limpid Extract possesses all the strength and properties of the Gall as it is usually sold in the paste state, but is deprived of its unpleasant qualities. Price Is. the Bottle. Price : small size, 6d. ; middle ditto, 1,9. ; large ditto, Is. 6d. the Bottle. 14 WINSOR AND NEWTON, CUMBERLAND LEAD DRAWING PENCILS, MANUFACTURED BY WINSOR AND NEWTON, AT "THE NORTH LONDON COLOUR WORKS," KENTISH TOWN. WINSOR and NEWTON beg respectfully to call the especial attention of Amateurs, Artists, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, &c, to their Drawing Pencils, which are manufactured of the purest Cumberland Lead, warranted to be perfectly free from grit. These Pencils are unrivalled for depth, uniformity, richness of colour, firmness, and delicacy of tint ; they are remarkable for the varieties of hardness and evenness of texture, their ready and complete erasure, and the truth and certainty to which they are made to answer to the degree or letter they represent, from the HHHH. Pencil for Architect or Wood Engraver's outline, to the BBBB. for the broadest and deepest tones required in Pencil-Drawing. H. Moderately hard (used for light Sketching) . HH. A degree harder (for Outlines and fine Drawing) HHH. Very hard (for Architectural Drawing) HHHH. Extremely hard (for Engineering, or Drawing on Wood) FF. Used for Light Shading F. Fine Drawing (firm) /CO HB. Hard and Black (deeper shade than F.) EHB. Same as HB., with thicker lead B. Black (for Shading, or for free Sketching) BB. Softer ditto (for deep Shading) BBB. Intensely Black (for extra deep Shading), broad lead, Is. each. BBBB. Same as BBB., with very broad lead, Is. 6d. each. RATH BONE PLACE. 15 PATENT LEAD DRAWING PENCILS, (SECOND QUALITY DRAWING PENCILS.) MANUFACTURED OF COMPRESSED PREPARED PLUMBAGO. HHH. Very hard \ HH. Hard H. Rather hard ....... F. Free working > ( Each. HB. Hard and Black B. Black for Shading BB. Soft and Black BBB. Very Black (jd. ea. BBBB. Very Broad Lead and Black . . . . 9d. „ BBBBBB. Very Thick Lead and Black Is. „ These Pencils possess nearly all the best qualities of the old genuine Cumberland Lead. They are well adapted for Drawing Masters, Schools, and Students. Mil. Jr. d. ha&dx^&'s beawii®. EBaxr giols. Manufactured by WINSOR and NEWTON, with BRQCKEDON'S PATENT PURE CUMBERLAND LEAD. Winsor and Newton beg respectfully to call the attention of Artists, Amateurs, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, &c, to the Drawing Pencils which they manufacture of Brockedon's Patent Pure Cumberland Lead, particular sorts of which have been selected by Mr. Harding, and with which they are supplied, by that gentleman's permission : to the Pencils thus manufactured, Winsor and Newton have authority to attach Mr. Harding's name. Sold in Cases, containing a Set of Six Pencils, of various thickness of Lead. Price 3s. the Set. 16 WINSOR AND NEWTON, WHATMAN'S DRAWING PAPERS. (of the BEST QUALITY.) Size. Demy . 20 in. by 15 Medium . 22 , , 17 Royal . 24 , , 19 Super Royal . 27 , , 19 Imperial . 30 , , 21 Columbier 34 , , 23 Atlas . 33 , 26 Double Elephant 40 , 26 Antiquarian . 52 , 31 These Papers are also kept Hotpressed for Pencil Drawing. EOT WMISIE (Q®M)TO§o Whatman's Drawing Paper, Imperial size (30 in. by 21), thick I weighing 901bs. to the ream. \ Ditto, extra thick „ llOlbs. „ Ditto, very thick „ 1401bs. „ Ditto, ditto, and rough „ 1401bs. „ Ditto, Double Elephant, thick Ditto, Double Elephant, extra thick Harding's Pure Drawing Paper, stamped " J. D. H.' r Ditto ditto extra thick ditto Imperial Drawing Cartridge Ditto Engineer's thick Cartridge Ditto ditto thin ditto Log Cartridge. GO&OtmEB AWB CEATOl JPAEEO&S. Imperial Crayon Papers, extra stout, including a great variety of Tints, adapted for Pencil, Chalk, and Crayon Drawing, as well as Tinting and Sketching in Water Colours. MACHINE MADE CRAYON PAPERS. Imperial, Size 30 in. by 21. Ditto ditto, hand made, adapted for Academy Drawing and Water Colours. Pattern Books, containing samples of all the Tints in Stock, upwards of 40 in number, and to which numbers are affixed for the purpose of ordering, may be had on application. RATHBONE PLACE. 17 FINEST FRENCH SABLE BRUSHES. Mate 0obuc JPafwtftig* BROWY SABLE HAIR. Domed Points. THE BRUSHES DESCRIBED ARE ALL THE SAME SIZES AS THE ENGRAVINGS. Messrs. Winsor and IVewton solicit especial attention to their Stock of Water Colour Sable Brushes, which will he found most Complete, and of the Best Quality. They are selected with great care from the stocks of the best makers in Paris. 18 W1NS0R AND NEWTON, WATER COLOUR BRUSHES. Red or Brown Sable Hair. IN GERMAN SILVER FERRULES, WITH POLISHED EBONY HANDLES. FLAT OR BOUND. The Engravings show various sizes of the Brushes, to which numbers are attached, the remaining sizes can be readily determined from them, No. 6 being the largest, and No. 1 the smallest, either in flat or round. RATHBONE PLACE. 19 WATER COLOUR BRUSHES. FINEST BEOWM SABLES. LARGE SIZES. In German Stiver Ferrules, with long Polished Ehony Handles. Round. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Engravings represent a No. 4 Round and a No. 3 Flat Brush. The other sizes being in proportion, larger or smaller. In Tin Ferrules, Black Polished Handles. Flat or Round. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. 6. 7. These Brushes are the same in size and form as the Sables in German Silver Ferrules. See previous page. N?4 N?3 20 WINSOR AND NEWTON, laT^ @®L®tym FOR SKIES, WASHES, AND LARGE WORKS. A— Large Bound Wire- bound Brush, made of Siberian Hair, a most use- ful Brush where large washes of colour are re- quired. B. —Large Flat Brush in Tin, made of Dyed Sable Hair, suitable for skies, foregrounds, and large works. RED SABLE BRUSHES. IN aUILL. Large Swan Quill Middle ditto Small ditto Extra Small ditto Goose Quill Duck ditto Crow ditto Pigeon ditto, for Lithography These Brushes correspond in size and form with the Brown Sables, as represented on page 17. RATHBONE PLACE. 21 Goose Quill. Crow Quill. Superfine Camel Hair Pencils, assorted Ditto, ditto, Goose, Duck, or Crow Ditto, ditto, small Swan Quill Ditto, ditto, large Swan Quill jrmiBisrGia sniBismiiAEr HtAnm ib m tu s mt is s, TIED WITH SILVER WIRE. Large Swan Quill Goose Quill Middle „ Duck „ Small „ Crow „ These Brushes correspond in Size and Form with the Sables in Quill. See page 17. 22 WINSOR AND NEWTON, SOLID SKETCH BOOKS. These Books consist of a number of sheets of paper, compressed so as to form an apparent solid substance ; each sheet can, however, be immediately separated, by passing a knife round the edges of the uppermost surface. Winsor and Newton's Solid Sketch Books are all made of stout and extra thick Drawing Papers, as being better adapted for Water Colour Painting than the ordinary papers generally used. A large stock and great variety are constantly kept, containing the papers used by the most eminent artists, including Mr. Harding, Mr. Dewint, Mr. Copley Fielding, &c. &c. Solid Sketch Books made of any paper, and to any required size, on the Shortest Notice. SOX, XI) 8EETGH BOOKS, Half-bound, with leather backs, pocket for the sketches when removed from the block, and a place for pencil. WHITE PAPER. 16mo. Imperial 7 inches by 5 8vo. 4to. ditto ditto ditto 8vo. Royal 4to. ditto 10 14 20 9 m 7 10 14 H 9 TINTED PAPER. 16mo. Imperial 7 inches by 5 8vo. ditto 10 „ 7 4to. ditto 14 „ 10 I ditto 20 „ 14 RATHBONE PLACE. 23 SOLID SKETCH BOOKS, continued. BLOCKS WITHOUT BINDING. WHITE PAPER BLOCKS. 16mo. Imperial 7 inches by 5 8vo. ditto 10 „ 7 . 14 „ 10 20 „ 14 . 9 5£ . Hi „ 9 . 4to. ditto £ ditto 8vo. Royal 4to. ditto TINTED PAPER BLOCKS. 16mo. Imperial 7 inches by 5 8vo. ditto 10 7 . 4to. ditto 14 „ 10 i ditto 20 „ 14 . SKETCHING FOLIOS. WITH JAPANNED TIN FRAMES, FOR HOLDING DOWN THE DRAWING PAPER SECURELY, HALF-BOUND, LEATHER TUCK, AND POCKET FOR CONTAINING THE LOOSE SKETCHES AND RESERVE OF PAPER. 8vo. Imperial 11 inches by 7£ 4to. Royal 12 „ 9J 4to. Imperial 15 „ 11 £ ditto 22 „ 15 24 WINSOR AND NEWTON, RATHBONE PLACE. Portfolios Sketch Books of all sizes, white or tinted Bright's Landscape Crayons Chalks of every description Crayons ditto Creta Levis Pencils Mahogany Drawing Boards Deal ditto T Squares Mathematical and Drawing In- struments of all kinds China and Earthenware for Ar- tists Sketching Stools Sketching and Studio Easels Sketching Seats Prepared Ivories for Miniatures Pencil, Brush Cases, and Pouches India Rubber Gold and Silver Shells Harding's Lesson Desks MISCELLANEOUS. Liquid Carmine Burnishers, various shapes Scrapers Erasers Reed Pens Ox Gall, in Pots Pearl Cement Sponge Ivory Palette Knives Ivory Pencil Rests Crow Pens Indian Glue Br ockedon's Carbon Crayon Porte Carbons for ditto Mordan's Leads for ever-pointed Pencil Cases, marked H. M. and S. Gold, Silver, and Copper Bronzes Indian Ink, various Liquid Indian Ink Stumps, Leather, Paper, and Cork, in great variety AND EVERY REQUISITE FOR DRAWING AND PAINTING. WINSOR AND NEWTON MANUFACTURE ALL THE M1TBE11X.8 B.E QtJlD^ED I'M 01% %A1WW1N®>, OF WHICH A DISTINCT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IS PUBLISHED, AND MAY BE HAD, ON APPLICATION, AT 38, RATHBONE PLACE, OXFORD STREET. London : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street. / WORKS PUBLISHED BY WIN SOU A1VD XFWTO\. Eighth Edition, Price \s. THE ART OF LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN WATER-COLOURS. BY THOMAS ItOWBOTHAM, AND THOMAS L. ROWBOTHAM, JUN. Eighth Edition, Price Is. A SYSTEM OP WATER-COLOUR PAINTING. BY AARON PENLEY, BEING A SEQUEL TO MR. ROWBOTHAM's BOOK AS ABOV^E. Eleventh Edition, Price Is. THE ART OP SKETCHING PROM NATURE. BY THOMAS ROWBOTHAM. Smitf) Efomt^&tx Illustrations, BY THOMAS L. ROWBOTHAM, JUN., Engraved on Wood by Dalziel. Third Edition, Price Is. THE ART g PORTRAIT PAINTING IN WATER-COLOURS. BY MRS. MERRIFIELD. Seventh Edition, Price Is. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ART OF LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN OIL-COLOURS. Fourth Edition, Price Is. THE ART OF PORTRAIT PAINTING IN OIL-COLOURS. BY HENRY MURRAY. Third Edition, Price Is. x THE ELEMENTS OP PERSPECTIVE ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS EXAMPLES AND DIAGRAMS BY AARON PENLEY. Third Edition, Price \s. ARTISTIC ANATOMY OP THE HUMAN FIGURE BY HENRY WARREN. OBitf) EfoentflsGfrree Illustrations, Drawn on Wood by the Author, and Engraved by Walter G. Mason. Just Ready, Price Is., with Illustrations. THE ART OP MINIATURE PAINTING BY CHARLES W. DAY. WI ^ S A R .^? D WKWTOW, 38, RATHBOIVE PLAC* And sold fry all Booksellers and Artists' Colourmen