CHRONICLE OF THE YERKES FAMILY WITH NOTES ON THE LEECH AND RUTTER FAMILIES Two hundred and fifty copies printed on paper hand-made for this edition The decorations were especially drawn tor this volume by Edward Stratton HoUoway and Emlen McConnell OF THE 1 41 iM^ "ITT mthe Digitized by the Internet Archive TOSTAH GRA in 2014 LEACH, LL.B. >A HELaTIKC <0 the kNCESTRV AND FAMILY OF HONOII\BL£ LEVI P. ' AND "HISTORY OF THE PENBOSE FAMILY," THE REVBRBNO SILAS CONSTANT" CHRONICLE OF THE BY JOSIAH GRANVILLE LEACH, LL.B. AUTHOR OF " MEMORANDA RELATING TO THE ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF HONORABLE LEVI P. MORTON," "MEMORIALS OF THE READING, HOWELL, YERKES, WATTS, LATHAM, AND ELKINS FAMILIES," "GENEALOGY OF HARRY ALDEN RICHARDSON," "HISTORY OF THE BRINGHURST FAMILY, WITH NOTES ON THE CLARKSON, DE PEYSTER, AND BOUDE FAMILIES," "HISTORY OF THE CIRARD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA," AND "HISTORY OF THE PENROSE FAMILY," ALSO EDITOR OF "THE JOURNAL OP THE REVEREND SILAS CONSTANT" l^rfttten for irritate Cfwulation BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA MDCCCCIV Copyright, 1904 BY J. Granville Leach THE PUBLICATION OF THIS VOLUME IS DUE TO THE MAGNANIMITY OF CHARLES TYSON YERKES, Esq" OF NEW YORK AND TO HIM THE WORK IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR FOREWORD HIS CHRONICLE had its inception in 1848, when the late Mr. John Keith Yerkes, of Fox Chase, Philadelphia, conceived the idea of compiling a genealogy of the Yerkes family of Pennsylvania. From that time until his death he gave many of his leisure hours to collecting family records, which, after his death, passed into the possession of Judge Harman Yerkes, of Bucks County, who made material additions thereto. Early in 1903, Judge Yerkes placed the combined collections in the hands of the writer, who immediately entered upon the work of completing the family history, and bringing it into its present form. The reader of the Chronicle will find that the Yerkes family, as a whole, has been strongly attached to rural life. During the Eighteenth Century but two of the name abandoned the country for the city, and one of these eventually retired to his rural seat, and there passed his declining years. It is also worthy of note that the business activities of the family have been chiefly exerted in the line of agriculture, which has justly been placed at the head of the sciences, and which, as Washington wrote, " is the most health- ful, most useful, and most noble employment of man." For more than one hundred and twenty-five years, the men of the family, with few exceptions, engaged in farming, and each was the owner of the plantation he cultivated, which was usually one of large dimensions. The plantations of the early Yerkeses were located among the fertile hills of the Manor of Moreland and along that beautiful stream, the Penny- pack, and amidst these surroundings there was bred a race of sturdy yeo- vii FOREWORD men, who gave strength to the State and added substantially to its solid wealth. The Yerkes family, as the reader will discover, has been notedly a reli- gious one. The earlier generations were almost universally of the Baptist faith, which affiliation was clearly the outgrowth of the marriage of the emigrant ancestor, Anthony Yerkes, with the widow of the Reverend John Watts, Pastor of the Pennepek Baptist Church, and of that of his son, Herman Yerkes, with a daughter of this esteemed divine. In the later generations, while this faith has predominated, the family has embraced within its folds many repre- sentatives in the leading bodies of the Christian Church. J. G. L. Philadelphia, March, 1904. CONTENTS The Yerkes Family First Generation i Second Generation 9 Third Generation 13 Fourth Generation 27 Fifth Generation 51 Sixth Generation 97 Seventh Generation 169 Notes on the Leech Family 205 Notes on the Rutter Family 225 Index of Names 233 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Italian Garden of Charles Tyson Yerkes Frontispiece. Site of the home of Anthony Yerkes 4 Residence of Anthony Yerkes 10 The Pennypack Creek (View No. i) 14 Bridge over the Pennypack Creek 20 Gravestone of Elias Yerkes' 24 Southampton Baptist Church 28 Abington Presbyterian Church 34 Residence of Harman Yerkes* 40 Residence of Daniel Yerkes 42 Gravestone of Titus Yerkes 48 Abington (Friends) Meeting-House 54 Residence of Silas Yerkes' (son of Harmon) 58 Portrait of Silas Yerkes" (son of Silas) 60 Portrait of Mrs. Mary (Leech) Yerkes 60 Portrait of Reverend Stephen Yerkes 66 Silhouette of Reverend Thomas B. Montanye 70 Portrait of William Yerkes' (son of Joseph) 80 Residence of Titus Yerkes* 94 The Pennypack Creek (Vxew^ No. 2) 104 Portrait of John Keith Yerkes 114 Portrait of Charles Tyson Yerkes" 120 Certificate of Birth and Baptism of George Link 122 Portrait of Rear-Admiral McNair 126 Portrait of Honorable John Watson Yerkes 130 Portrait of Dr. Harman Yerkes 132 xi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Portrait of Honorable Harman Yerkes 134 Residence of Honorable Harman Yerkes 134 Portrait of Reverend David John Yerkes, D.D 136 Portrait of Honorable William Harman Yerkes 138 Portraits of Charles, George, Harrison, Silas Allen, Joseph Dennis, William Purdy, and Robert Yerkes 148 Residence of Robert Yerkes 150 Portrait of Colonel Krewson Yerkes 170 Portrait of Royden Keith Yerkes 186 Portrait of Charles Tyson Yerkes, of New York 190 Residence of Charles Tyson Yerkes 192 Entrance hall of residence of Charles Tyson Yerkes 194 View of portion of Art Gallery of Charles Tyson Yerkes 194 Parish Church at Cheltenham, England 204 Gravestone of Toby and Esther Leech 208 Residence of Toby Leech 212 Trinity Church, Oxford, Philadelphia 218 Sampler of Mary Leech, wife of Silas Yerkes 220 Marriage Certificate of Silas Yerkes and Mary Leech 222 Clock of Silas and Mary (Leech) Yerkes, with portions of their tea-service ... 224 Chart of the Ancestry of Charles Tyson Yerkes, of New York 232 CHRONICLE OF THE YERKES FAMILY NTHONY YERKES^ the founder of the Yerkes family in Pennsylvania, came to that Province about 1700, or possibly a few years prior to that date. The earliest record of him in the Province is under date of II September, 1702, on which day he served as a juryman in a cause heard before the Court of Record at Germantown, Philadelphia. Is it likely that he would have been selected for this service had he not been a resident there for at least a few years? The place of nativity of Anthony Yerkes remains a matter of conjecture. It has been assumed by others that he was a German, but the writer has found no evidence to establish such assumption. It is possible, however, that he came to Pennsylvania from Germany, and was a resident of the latter country at the time of his emigration. But, where- soever the place of his birth, there are some items of circum- stantial evidence which tend to indicate that he was of Hol- land descent. This evidence is found in the facts that he became a member of the Low Dutch Reformed Church organized in 1710 in Whitemarsh Township, Philadel- phia (now Montgomery) County; that most of his fellow CHRONICLE OF THE church-members * were of Dutch birth or of Dutch descent ; and that another of his surname, undoubtedly a Hollander, earlier emigrated to New York, and was a member of the Dutch Church in that city. Conjectural as may be the place of birth of Anthony Yerkes and the nationality of his immediate ancestors, the author is strongly of the opinion that the family is of Norman extraction, and that it acquired its surname from the town of Jurquez, in France, which town is mentioned in the Norman Rolls as early as a.d. 1417.! The varying orthography of the name affords an interesting etymological study. In Pennsylvania the variations have been : Gerkes, Gerckes, Jerghes, Jerghjes, Yercas, Yerkhas,Yerkas, Yerkiss, Yerkus, and Yerkes. The Yerkeses themselves, however, have almost universally written it Yerkes, the variance from this form being chiefly in old records and documents written by others than the family. In New York the spelling has been : Jurcx, Jurckes, Jurck- sen, Jurckzen, Yerks, Yercks, and Yerkes, the latter being the form of spelling now in general use there. In Holland the name would appear to have been Yerscke, and the family there located in the province of Zealand, where it bore for arms Party per fess in chief gu. a fess wavy arg. in base ermine. Upon coming to America, Anthony Yerkes settled at Germantown, the fair name of which place had no doubt come to his attention before he departed from his home in the old world to establish one in the new. On his arrival he probably found some old acquaintances, and possibly some kinsfolk. Among the early settlers of the town was one David Scherkes, the sheriff of the muni- cipality in 1692. It has been suggested that " Scherkes" was another of the variations in the spelling of the surname Yerkes, and that David Scherkes was a kinsman of Anthony. When Anthony Yerkes settled in Germantown, the inhabitants of that place were enjoying the privileges of a borough government, organized in 1691, under the title and name of " the Bailiffe, Burgesses, and Commonalty of Germantown," by virtue of the charter granted in 1689 by William Penn. This charter gave the corporation large powers, but only those named in it, together with those who were from time to time admitted into membership by the General Court, were entitled to participate in the affairs of government. The first General Court held was presided over by the eminent Francis Daniel Pastorius, the first Bailiff, and at its early sittings the incorporators enacted numerous laws and ordinances for the regulation of the civil affairs of the corporation, among which was the following : " Each and every one who shall hereafter wish to buy or rent land in • Our Ancestors, i. 41. t Rotuli Normanniae, i. 343. (London, 1835.) 2 YERKES FAMILY the township of Germantown, or settle within it, shall first procure from the General Court of his fellow-citizens the right or privilege of living there, and without such permission no one shall participate in our privileges." Anthony Yerkes was an applicant for such right and privileges, and his application met with favor at the hands of the court. In 1702 he was selected, as before mentioned, to serve as a juror in the Court of Record of the borough, and in January, 1702-03, he was chosen by the General Court one of the burgesses, in the place of one who was elected in the previous month but had been excused from serving. At the succeeding annual election, i Decem- ber, 1703, he was re-elected Burgess, and duly qualified for the office on the 28th of the same month, as appears from the following abstract of the minutes of the General Court under that date : " Arents Klinker, Bailiff, Hans Heinrich Meels, Peter Schumaker, Jr., and Anthony Gerkes, three eldest burgesses, Simon Andrews recorder and William De Wees constable, were all attested to serve in their respective places." * The bailiffs and burgesses were the chief public functionaries of the municipality, and selections to fill these offices were made from among the leading men in the corporation. These officials acted as justices of the peace, and they constituted the Court of Record provided for in the charter, and their presence was necessary to compose a legal meeting of the General Court of the borough, in which various capacities Mr. Yerkes rendered service during the two terms in which he held a burgess-ship. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and engaged in this pursuit upon his settle- ment at Germantown. The acreage of the town was so limited that it pre- cluded extensive land-holdings by a single individual, and Mr. Yerkes, after carrying on farming there for a few years, concluded to extend his agri- cultural operations by establishing himself on a larger plantation than could be had in that place, and to this end he purchased, in 1709, a tract of three hundred acres in the Manor of Moreland, to which he removed with his family. As this is the earliest recorded purchase of real estate by the founder of the Yerkes family, it is believed that the deed of conveyance for the same cannot fail to be of interest to his descendants, so a copy of the same is here inserted : " To ALL Christian people to whom these Presents Shall Come greeting know ye that I John Holme of Dublin Township, County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsyl- vania Yeoman for and in consideration of the Sum of Seventy five Pounds Current Silver * Klinker, the bailiif, is said to have come to Philadelphia with William Penn, and to have built the first two-story house in Germantown, Penn attending the "raising dinner." (Watson's Annals, ii. 20.) Schumaker and Meels, the associates of Yerkes in the burgess-ship, figured prominently in the early history of Germantown. The former, with Klinker, was appointed in 1701 on a committee to collect subscriptions for a school and arrange with a teacher. 3 CHRONICLE OF THE Money of the Province aforesaid to me in hand payed before the Ensealing hereof by Anthony Yercas of the Same place Yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and Myself therewith fully Satisfied and Contented and thereof and of every part thereof do Exonerate and discharge the Sd Anthony Yercas his heirs, Executors and Adminis- trators for ever by these presents Have given, granted. Bargained, Sold, Alienated, Con- veyed and Confirmed And by these presents do freely, fully and absolutely give, grant, Bargain, Sell, Alien, Convey and Confirm unto the Sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and assigns forever one certain Quantity of Land Situate Lying and being upon the Manor of More- land Beginning at a Black Oak Marked for a corner thence Northwest by Thomas Woods Land to a White Oak Saplin Marked for a corner one hundred and Thirty seven perches, thence Southwest three hundred fifty two perches and one half perch to a Hickory along by other Land of the Sd Manor, thence South East one hundred and Thirty seven perches to a post for another corner, thence North East three hundred fifty two perches and one half perch along by the Lands of the Sd Manor and Thomas Perrys Land to the place of Beginning. Containing three hundred acres of Land the sd Tract of Land and premises was located in Two Tracts and Seased upon for Certain Just debts due from Nicholas Moore deceased unto Benjamin Chambers President of the free Society of Pennsylvania by two Writs of Venditioni Exponas and by virtue of the High Sheriff his Office for the City and County of Philadelphia did seize the sd Tract of Land according to the Laws of this Province And the Sd High Sheriff, Benjamin Wright, did make sale of the sd Tract of Land unto the sd John Holme by Virtue of a Deed of Conveyance from the sd Benjamin Wright unto the sd John Holme bearing date the Twenty Sixth day of November in the fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Ann over England Anoq Dom one thousand Seven hundred and five and the same being acknowledged in Open Court held at Philadelphia the Sixth day of December ano One Thousand Seven hundred and five relation being thereunto had May More at Large appear To have and To hold the sd Granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances privileges and Com ... to the the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and assigns forever To the only proper use, benefit and behoof forever And I the sd John Holme for me my heirs, Executors, Administrators do Covenant, promise and grant To and with the sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the True and Sole and Lawful Owner of the above Bargained premises and am Lawfully Seized and possessed of the same in Mine own proper right as a good, perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance and have in Myself good right full power and Lawful Authority to grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm the Sd Bargained Premises in Manner as above said And that the sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at times forever hereafter by Virtue of these Presents Lawfully, peaceably & quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess and Enjoy the sd Demised and bargained Premises with all the appurtenances and privileges with the ways, Waters, Woods, Trees, Meadows and Marshes with all the Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Hawking, hunting, fishing, fowling, fully and clearly acquited Exonerated and discharged of and from all and Maner of former Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Intails, dowers, Judgements, Exe- cutions, Incumbrances and Troubles Whatsoever Save only the Quit Rents thereof accrueing to the Proprietary of the sd Province from the date of these Presents Exquivolent to the rest of the Sd Manor Land to be payed by the sd Anthony Yercas or his heirs. Executors, administrators or assigns but the sd John Holme or his heirs. Executors or administrators shall pay all the Quit Rents, Taxes, County or Provincial by gone to the date hereof for the above sd Tract and Premises. And I the sd John Holme do further Covenant and bind Myself My heirs. Executors and administrators firmly by these presents to Warrant and defend the sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceable possession of all and Singular the granted premises against any Just & Lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever but shall & will warrant and forever defend by these presents And 4 r THE and of upon the Manor of Moft- > o v s in Manner as a' YERKES FAMILY that the said John Holme his heirs and assigns shall and will at any time within the space of Seven Years next ensueing ye date hereof at the request, Costs and Charges of the sd Anthony Yercas his heirs and Assigns make do and Execute all such other Conveyances and assurances in the Law Needfull for the further assuring and Conveying of the Sd Three hundred acres of Land and premises as by him or them or by his or their Councell Learned in the Law Shall be required and So as the Persons thus requested be not Com- pelled to Travel from the place of their abode above an Ordinary days Journey for ye doing thereof and so as the Same Contain no other Covenant or Warranty than is above mentioned. " In witness whereof I the sd John Holme have hereunto set my hand and Seal the first day of November Anoq Dom One Thousand Seven hundred and Nine and in the Eighth year of the Reign of our dread Sovereign Lady Queen Ann over England, Scotland and France and Ireland defender of the faith. "John Holme [seal] " Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us "Alexander Arbuthnot "Joshua Lawrence" The Manor of Moreland, in which the plantation above conveyed v^as located, has been the birthplace of numerous descendants of Anthony Yerkes, and from the time he settled there, down to the present day, it has been the home of some of his progeny. The Manor was composed of a tract of ten thousand acres, and was created, in 1682, by a grant from William Penn to Dr. Nicholas More, who became the first president of the Free Society of Traders, the first speaker of the Provincial Assembly, and the first chief justice of the Province. The chief part of the Manor was in the county of Phila- delphia, but since the organization of Montgomery County it has formed Moreland Township in that county. In the early records it is variously de- scribed as the Manor of Moreland, Moreland Township, and Moreland, and when these names are given in this work they are to be taken as synonymous. Anthony Yerkes appears to have been so comfortable in his financial cir- cumstances that he was able to retire from active business a few years after he occupied his plantation in Moreland, and to hand over the plantation to his sons. He gave two hundred acres of the same to his eldest son, Herman, and one hundred acres to his youngest son, Adolphus, and he subsequently executed deeds of conveyance for their respective portions. In a deed dated II June, 1719,* he is styled "of Dublin Township," to which point he is believed to have removed upon his retirement from business. His second wife's relatives, the Wattses, resided in the latter township, and the motive prompting his removal there may have been a desire to gratify her wish to be near her family. The date of Mr. Yerkes's death has not been ascertained. He was living 20 August, 1723, when he executed a deed to his son Herman, but died prior * Philadelphia Deeds, F, i. 392. S CHRONICLE OF THE to I March, 1744, when Herman made a deed for a portion of the land conveyed to him by his father, in which the father is mentioned as being deceased. He married twice. His first wife, Margaret, emigrated with him to Pennsylvania, and died before 17 November, 1705, on which day, as is learned from the Register of Christ Church, Philadelphia, he married Sarah Watts, the widow of Reverend John Watts,* the eminent pastor of the Lower * Reverend John Watts, the first husband of Sarah Eaton, and the father of Elizabeth Watts, wife of Herman Verkes, the eldest son of Anthony Yerkes, was born at Leeds, co. Kent, England, 3 November, 1661, and died in Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 27 August, 1702. He was a son of Henry Watts by his wife EUinor Duck, and grandson of Gregory and Margaret Watts, of Leeds. John Watts came to Pennsylvania about the year 1686, and in the following year was baptized in the Baptist faith, and connected himself with the Lower Dublin Baptist Church,— popularly known as the Pennepek Baptist Church, — the first congregation of this denomination organized in Philadel- phia County. In 1688 Mr. Watts entered the ministry, and two years later became the pastor of this church, and held such charge until his death. The Pennepek Church was for many years the centre of Baptist influence in the Middle Colonies, and it occupies an historic position as the oldest organization in Pennsylvania of the second largest Protestant denomination in America. Mr. Watts's labors were not confined to his own parish. He visited the scattered companies of Baptists in New Jersey, to preach and baptize, and he was for some years virtually the minister of the small congregation at Philadelphia which later became the First Baptist Church in that city. Morgan Edwards, in his noted "History of the Baptists," pronounced Mr. Watts a "sound divine." That he was a man of scholarly attainments is evidenced in his writings. He was the author of a Baptist Catechism, printed in 1700, one of the earliest publications in the Province. He also wrote a work entitled "Davis Disabled," a reply to " Jesus the Crucified Man, the Eternal Son of God," written by William Davis. The main doctrine set forth in Davis's book was "that the divine nature and human were so blended in the person of Christ that he was not properly God nor properly man, but a compound of both." Davis had been a preacher among the Friends, but left this Society in the separation of 1690, with George Keith, and was one of the forty-eight who signed the reasons and causes of such separation. In 1697 he embraced the principles of the Baptists and joined the Pennepek Church, where he began to inculcate the above-named doctrine with great assiduity. Mr. Watts and his congregation deemed such teaching heresy, and on 17 February, 1698, expelled Mr. Davis from their church. Mr. Watts was buried in the graveyard of his church, where his tombstone bears the following acrostical inscription, now almost undecipherable : " I nterred here I be, O that you could now see H ow unto Jesus for to fiee, N ot in sin still to be. W arning in time pray take A nd peace by Jesus make. T hen at the last when you awake, S ure at his right hand you'll partake. Died August y« 27, 1702." Mr. Watts married, 23 February, 1687-88, Sarah Eaton, born in Wales, i April, 1655 ; died in the Manor of Moreland, Pennsylvania, 27 June, 1723 ; daughter of John Eaton. A fuller sketch than is here given of Mr. Watts, as well as an account of some of his descendants, will be found in the author's work, " Memorials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families," printed in 1898. YERKES FAMILY Dublin or " Pennepek" Baptist Church, and the sister of George and John Eaton, who were among the early Welsh colonists of Pennsylvania. She died 27 June, 1723, and was survived by her husband. Mr. Yerkes's children were by his first wife, Margaret, whose maiden name is not known. Children of Anthony^ and Margaret Yerkes : 2. Herman Yerkes', born circa 1689; died circa 1750-51; married Elizabeth Watts. 3. Adolphus Yerkes', living 5 October, 1744; married Ann . SECOND GENERATION 2. HERMAN YERKES2 (Anthony^) was born circa 1689. He emigrated to Pennsylvania with his parents, and no doubt resided with them, at Germantown, until 1709, when his father purchased a plantation of three hundred acres in the Manor of Moreland, to which estate the family doubtless removed about that time. Subsequently — probably at the time of the marriage of Herman Yerkes — the father set apart to his son two hundred acres of the above named plantation, and formally conveyed to him such portion by deed dated 20 August, 1723.* Herman Yerkes was a farmer and miller, and he con- ducted his business affairs with such energy, prudence, and success, that he came to possess considerable wealth, in the accumulation of which he was materially assisted by the strong hands of his eight sturdy sons. He added largely to his landed estate, acquiring in all about eight hundred acres of the best farm land in the Manor of Moreland. In 1744 he formed a co-partnership with Walter Moore in the milling business, and, as partners, they built a water grist- mill on the bank of the Pennypack Creek, upon a portion of * Philadelphia Deeds, H, viii. 415-417. 9 CHRONICLE OF THE the plantation of Mr. Yerkes, who set apart nineteen acres of the same for milling purposes. Mr. Yerkes devised his interest in the mill property to his four youngest sons, — Silas, Stephen, Elias, and Titus, — and the three last named released their interests to their brother Silas, who, 4 July, 1757, con- veyed all of his rights to Walter Moore, the former partner of his father. At a later period this property was acquired by one Shelmire, and was long known as " Shelmire's Mills." Mr. Yerkes died on his plantation in Moreland, between 2 May, 1750, the date of his will, and 4 March, the following year, the time it was proved at Philadelphia. The following is a copy of the principal provisions of the will : " In the name of God amen, the Second Day of May One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty I, Herman Yerkes of the Manor of Moreland County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylv* Yeoman being well in Health of Body and of perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be given unto God yet calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make and Ordain this my Last Will & Testament That is to say Principally and first I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it & my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian Buriel at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God and as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me with in this Life I give Demise & Dispose of the same in the following manner & form ffirst that all my Lawfull Debts be paid, if there be any. Imprimis. I give and Bequeath to Elizabeth my Dearly beloved wife the sum of Twelve Pounds Current and Lawfull money of Pennsylvania Yearly to be Leved out of my Estate as Long as She lives to her own proper use & Behoof. Together with her Bed & Bedding & what Cow she pleases with her own Mare and the Sorrel Colt to be kept on the place for her use and also which room she thinks most proper for her self in the House and Likewise Sarah Griffied to attend her till she becomes free. I also give and Bequeath to my four Eldest Sons Anthony, John, Josiah, & Herman Yerkes Together with what they have already had, the sum of One Pound each to them and their Heirs for ever it is also my Will that if Josiah my son thinks proper to keep the Thirty acres that is over and above the fifty acres that I gave him he may keep it he Paying my two Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth the Sum of Sixty Pounds (viz) Thirty Pounds each Current Money of Pennsylvania to them or their Husbands and to their Heirs for Ever at the Expiration of One Year after my Decease otherways it shall be joyned again to my own Plantation and the Sixty Pounds for my two Daughters as above shall be Leved out of my Estate and given to them or their Husbands and their Heirs for ever. I also give & Bequeath to my four Youngest Sons (viz) Silas, Stephen, Elias & Titus Yerkes all the Plantation whereon I now live with my Part of the mill and all Privileges Belonging or appertaining Thereto with all & Singular my Goods, Chattels, and Moveables thereto belonging Excepting what is above Expressed to be payd out of my Estate to them and their Heirs for Ever to be Equally divided amongst them at my Death (viz) to Silas Yerkes & Stephen Yerkes, Elias Yerkes & Titus Yerkes & to their Heirs for ever they paying their mother & Brethren & sisters as before mentioned if Josiah will not keep the Thirty acres as above and Likewise I allow all my Debts to be paid out of this my Estate. I Likewise Constitute and ordain Elizabeth my well beloved Wife and Silas Yerkes my Son Sole Executors of this my Last will & Testament." 10 + July, ! . , , :ier of his father. At . and was long laiown 3 will, and 4 ls< ia. The f a; < H C 2 3 (>• " ^ p 3 g g ? o ^ 5 s < ' x-ty '.V er ... > ^ -ly 1 as abo\ Jt Heirs Elias « to YERKES FAMILY Mr. Yerkes married,* 8 February, 171 1, Elizabeth Watts, born in Phila- delphia County, 15 April, 1689; died 11 October, 1756; daughter of the noted Baptist minister. Reverend John Watts, by his wife Sarah Eaton.f Children of Herman^ and Elizabeth (Watts) Yerkes; born in the Manor of Moreland, Philadelphia, (now Montgomery) County, Pennsyl- vania : 4. Anthony Yerkes", born 28 November, 1712; died 9 March, 1791 ; married Jane . 5. John Yerkes', born 21 February, 1714; died in 1790; married Alice McVaugh. 6. Sarah Yerkes', born 15 July, 1716; married Jacob Hufty. 7. JosiAH Yerkes', born 28 November, 1718; died in September, 1793; married Mary . 8. Harman Yerkes', born 18 January, 1720; died 29 November, 1804; married (i) Mary Stroud; (2) Mrs. Mary Clayton; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Tompkins. 9. Silas Yerkes', born 15 February, 1723; died 25 September, 1795; married Hannah Dungan. 10. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 29 January, 1725; died 11 March, 1793; married John Howell, Esqr. 11. Stephen Yerkes', born 3 August, 1727; died in December, 1811 ; married Rebecca Whiteside. 12. Elias Yerkes', born 7 February, 1729; died 16 January, 1799; married Rebecca Foster. 13. Titus Yerkes', born in 1731 ; died in 1762; married Margaret Paul. 3. ADOLPHUS YERKES^ (Anthony^) is supposed to have emigrated to America with his parents. The earliest record of his presence in Pennsyl- vania is under date of 10 June, 1719, when he joined his father in conveying to John Simcock one hundred acres of land, with the buildings thereon, located in the Manor of Moreland, being a portion of the plantation of three hundred acres which the father had bought from John Holme, 5 November, 1709, and which one hundred acres the father had previously given, but not conveyed, to the son. The consideration money expressed in the deed is £137 6s. 8d., and the son is styled therein as " of Moreland, yeoman." :j: At that date he was doubtless residing on the estate so sold. The day following such conveyance Adolphus Yerkes purchased from Simcock all his right, title, and interest of, in, and to the share which he, Simcock held in the stock of the Society of Free Traders, together with the rights to liberty lands and city lots in Philadelphia, which attached to the ownership of the stock, paying therefor the sum of £ioo.§ A few days later Adolphus Yerkes assigned unto his brother, Herman Yerkes, three fourth parts of the estate so acquired from Simcock. || * Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, t See note, page 6. t Philadelphia Deed Book F, No i, page 392. § Ibid., 388. || Ibid., 390. II THE YERKES FAMILY But little further is known of Adolphus Yerkes. He had a wife, Ann, and three children.* Ann Yerkes was a Baptist, and received a letter of dis- mission from the Pennepek Baptist Church, in 1724, to join the Montgomery Baptist Church, and in 1727 received a similar letter from the latter to the former church, from which it would appear that about this time the family removed to the locality of the Pennepek Church in Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia County. Both Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes were living 5 October, 1744, on which day they renounced their right to administer upon the estate of their deceased son, Anthony, but whether or not they were in Pennsylvania at that time is not known. There is a tradition in the family that one of the sons of Anthony Yerkes, the emigrant, removed to Virginia, but no record has been discovered to support such tradition. Children of Adolphus^ and Ann Yerkes : 14. Anthony Yerkes', died in 1744, probably unmarried and without issue. On 5 October of that year letters of administration on his estate were granted at Philadelphia unto two of his creditors, John Harrison and James Eaton. The inventory filed in his estate includes : " Bible, Young Man's Companion, Sermon Book & journal of Mr. Whitefield, 2 Hymn Books & a Psalm Book." 15. Hannah Yerkes', married.f 12 December, 1735, Richard Paine. 16. Samuel Yerkes', married,t 15 May, 1743, Elizabeth, daughter of James and Mary Rue, of Bensalem Township, Bucks County. The time and place of his death or that of his wife are unknown, but his wife was doubtless living 20 Septem- ber, 1768, as she is named in her mother's will of that date. * Since the text was written the writer has concluded that Adolphus Yerkes had four^children, and that the fourth child was the Sarah Yerkes who married, 6 March, 1747, Daniel Evans, t Records of First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, t Ibid. THIRD GENERATION 4. ANTHONY YERKES3 (Herman^, Anthony^), the eldest son of Herman Yerkes by his wife EHzabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 28 November, 1 712, and died there, 9 March, 1791. He was a farmer, and resided in said Manor, on a tract of land which he purchased from his father. This tract contained one hundred acres, and lay on the east side of the road leading from Philadelphia to Southampton, Bucks County, and near the " old mill." He also owned a tract of over eighty acres, which he pur- chased from his brother, Elias Yerkes, and which was located on the west side of this road, opposite the first-named tract. He was a member of the Southampton Baptist Church, Bucks County, and in 1772 was one of the committee for the build- ing of a new meeting-house. The Pennsylvania Gazette of 2 July, 1767, contains the following: "FIVE POUNDS REWARD. " Stolen, last night, out of the Pasture of the Subscriber, living in the Manor of Moreland, Philadelphia County, a black Horse, about 15 hands high, well set, a Star in his forehead, a thick curly mane, hanging on the right side, a white spot on one of his left feet, hath been used to Gears, Paces, Trots, and Gallops. Whoever takes up said Horse, and 13 CHRONICLE OF THE brings him to the Subscriber, or to William Whitehead's Tavern, in Second Street, Phila- delphia, and secures the Thief, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall have the above Reward, and for the Horse only Three pounds, with reasonable charges paid by "Anthony Yerkes. " N.B. — The Horse is about eight years old." No record of the marriage of Anthony Yerkes has been found. The Christian name of his wife was Jane, and she died 12 May, 1783, in the seventy-third year of her age. The names of their children, as given below, are from his will,* dated 22 February, 1790; proved 26 April, the following year. Children of Anthony^ and Jane Yerkes ; all born, no doubt, in Moreland : 17. Obadiah Yerkes*, who is believed to have died unmarried and without issue. 18. Jacob Yerkes*, born circa 1744; died 28 March, 1819; married (i) Elizabeth Gaunt; (2) Sarah Fleming. 19. Anthony Yerkes*, born circa 1745; died circa 1804; married Mary Harper. 20. Joseph Yerkes*, born circa 1746; died 24 December, 1807; married Hannah Ashton. 21. Elizabeth Yerkes*, married Fulton; is named in her father's will, at the making of which she was living in Virginia. She may have had issue. 22. David Yerkes', born 12 August, 1752; died 24 January, 1818; married Mrs. Eliza- beth Thomas, nee Wilmerton. 23. Sarah Yerkes*, married (license dated 11 January, 1775) Robert Grant, a farmer, of Moreland.f 5. JOHN YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), second son of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 21 February, 1 7 14, and died there in 1790. He was a farmer, and probably resided through- out his life in said Manor, where he owned a plantation of ninety-five acres, upon which he and his wife Alice executed a mortgage to Joseph Spangen- burg, 2 September, 1747.^ It is, however, possible that he may have resided for a few years upon a plantation of two hundred acres in Plymouth Township, same county, which he purchased on 24 May, 1873, § one hundred and thirty- seven and one-half acres of which he sold to his brother, Herman Yerkes, 18 May, 1747, the latter paying therefor £297. He married, circa 1741, Alice McVaugh, born 5 April, 1717; daughter of John McVaugh, of the said Manor, and granddaughter of Edmond * Montgomery County Wills, i. 248. t They are known to have had at least three children, who were baptized at the Abington Pres- byterian Church, as follows : Anthony Grant, 10 March, 1776 ; Jane Grant, 27 July, 1777 ; Robert Grant, 7 May, 1780. X Philadelphia Deeds, G, vii. 509. § Ibid., H, XX. 14 CHRONIC' ' THE to William Whitehead's Tavern, in Second i:la- > e the Above "Anthony ijt '^'cr}-'. ye.-ir-; o1^'." > i; oi Anthony Yerkes has been found. HHe s will,* bruary, ■< - s o*, married (1 t Grant, a farn«r,< .liujciund-t 3 ; out a said five acr^, !i Plymoutl \\p - county, which he j ,§ c>ne hundred I id one-b ' ..uM lo ins brother, Hern ^ 1747, . , .r £297. 1 married, circa 1741, Alice McVaugh, bom 5 April, '■ of Jolm McVaugh, of the said Manor, and g County Will», i 348. Deeds, G YERKES FAMILY McVaugh,* of Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia County, by his wife Alice Dickinson. Children of John^ and Alice (McVaugh) Yerkes; born in the Manor of More- land : 24. Rachel Yerkes*, born i February, 1742. 25. John Yerkes*, born 6 October, 1743; died in 1803 or 1806; married Ann Coffing. 26. Catharine Yerkes*, born 15 April, 1746. 27. Elizabeth Yerkes*, born i September, 1748. 28. Harman Yerkes*, born 22 November, 1750 ; died 16 June, 1821 ; married Margaret Scott. 29. Silas Yerkes*, born 20 December, 1752; died in 1779; married Hannah Craft. 30. Sarah Yerkes*, born 26 May, 1755 ; married John Watson. 31. Benjamin Yerkes*, born 28 April, 1758; died 11 August, 1841 ; married Margaret Jones. 32. Alice Yerkes*, born 18 January, 1763; married, 10 April, 1798, Demas Worrell, and is said to have had issue, but no record of her family has been obtained. 6. SARAH YERKES3 (Herman^, Anthony^ ), eldest daughter and third child of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 15 July, 1716, married f Jacob Hufty, of Abington. He died in the latter part of 1750, or in January, 1750-51, as on the 30th of that month letters of admin- istration on his estate were granted at Philadelphia unto his widow, Sarah Hufty, " during the minority of the minor children," her brother, Anthony Yerkes, being one of the sureties on the bond filed. She was living 30 April, * Edmond McVaugh (sometimes spelled McVeaugh or McVeagh), came to Pennsylvania in 1682, in the employ of Captain Thomas Holme, the first Surveyor- General of that Province, and a mem- ber of the Provincial Council. McVaugh settled in Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia County, where, in 1702, he possessed three hundred and one acres of land. On 19 October of that year he appeared before the Commissioners of Property,* and requested a re-survey of his land made up of three tracts adjoining each other. One tract consisted of two hundred and fifty acres, purchased of Peter Baynton, and two tracts contained together one hundred and one acres, purchased from Silas Crispin, son-in-law of Captain Holme ; all of which lands were within the large tract in Lower Dublin Township, which Captain Holme purchased from William Peqn, and through the centre of which Holme laid out a road called Susquehanna Road.t Edmond McVaugh died in 1739, his will being proved 3 November of that year. He is known to have had sons Edmond, Jeremiah, and John, and daughter Sarah, wife of Walter Moore, and, as his son Edmond is not named in his will, it is possible that he had other children than those named therein. He married Alice Dickinson, who came to Pennsylvania in 1682, with the family of James Har- rison. The latter was appointed Chief Justice of Pennsylvania in 1685, but declined the office. Mrs. McVaugh was living 29 March, 1727, when she joined her husband in a deed.f Among the descend- ants of Edmond McVaugh was Colonel Benjamin McVeaugh, who commanded a battalion of the Philadelphia County militia in the Revolution. fin compiling the "Memorials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families" (Philadelphia, 1898), I supposed that Sarah Yerkes above was the one of that name who married, 6 March, 1747, Daniel Evans, as stated in that work (page 192). Later information shows that I was then in error. * Pennsylvania Archives, 2d ser., xix. 330. t Ibid., 303. I Philadelphia Deeds, H, iv. 449. 15 CHRONICLE OF THE 1752, when she joined with some of her brothers and a sister in conveying to their brother, Josiah Yerkes, land of which their father had died possessed, and she is styled in the conveyance " of Moreland, widow." On the back of the administration bond the names of the children appear as follows : 33. Elizabeth Hufty'. 34. Mary Hufty*. 35. John Hufty*. 36. Jacob Hufty*. 7. JOSIAH YERKES3 (Herman^, Anthony^), fourth child and third son of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 28 November, 171 8; died there, in September, 1793. He was a farmer, and resided on a farm given to him by his father, in Moreland, on the Pennypack Creek, above the mills of his brother Silas. On 22 July, 1747, he mortgaged * his land, consisting of eighty-four acres, to Joseph Spangenburg. His wife Mary joined him in this mortgage; also in a mortgage f of the same land, given to George Sharswood, of Philadelphia, 16 April, 1765, to secure the payment of £200; and in a deed,:]: dated 11 February, 1755, by which he con- veyed certain lands to his brother, Stephen Yerkes. The date of his marriage or the maiden name of his wife is not certainly known, although it is probable that the name was Walton, as Nathaniel Walton, of Moreland, in his will, dated 6 February, 1777, names "my sister Mary Yerkes." § Mr. Yerkes no doubt survived his wife, as she is not named in his will.|| This instrument, dated 2 December, 1791, proved i October, 1793, describes him as "of the Manor of Moreland," and names son Joshua, son Josiah, daughter Rebecca Wood, granddaughter Sarah Boore, daughter Margary, daughter Mary, and son Nathaniel, the latter being named as executor, and the devisee of his plantation, which at that time consisted of one hundred acres. Children of Josiah^ and Mary Yerkes ; born in the Manor of Moreland : 37. Joshua Yerkes*. 38. Josiah Yerkes*, married Rachel Edwards, nee Brooks. 39. Rebecca Yerkes*, living at the date of her father's will ; married, 30 January, 1765, Thomas Wood. 40. Sarah Yerkes*, married, in May, 1774, Thomas Bower, of Moreland. The mar- riage was performed by the Reverend John Blackwell, as appears from the records of the Southampton Baptist Church. In the marriage license, dated 20 April, 1774, and printed in Pennsylvania Archives, second series, ii. 322, the name is spelled " Bower," while Josiah Yerkes, in his will, named his * Philadelphia Mortgages, G, xiii. 507. t Ibid., X, x. 86. } Montgomery County Deeds, xiii. 396. § Philadelphia Wills, S, 497. II Montgomery County Wills, i. 355. 16 YERKES FAMILY " granddaughter Sarah Boore," probably a misspelling of Bower. Such grand- daughter is thought to have been the only issue of Sarah Yerkes. 41. Margery Yerkes*, died circa 1835; married Peter Saurman. 42. Mary Yerkes*. 43. Nathaniel Yerkes*, born 9 August, 1763; died s June, 1831; married Sarah Johnson. 8. HARMAN YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and fifth child of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 18 January, 1720; died there, 29 November, 1804. He began his business career as a farmer and miller. From 1752 until 1755, he engaged in mercan- tile pursuits at Plymouth, but returned to farming the latter year, and con- tinued therein until 1788. He was a large land-owner. His first real estate purchase was made when he was but twenty-six years old, and consisted of a tract of one hundred and thirty-seven acres, located in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, which he bought, 18 May, 1747, from his brother John, paying him therefore two hundred and ninety-seven pounds. It is believed that he removed to the land so purchased at about the time he acquired the same, and that he continued there until about 1762, when he is supposed to have become a resident of Warminster, Bucks County, where, in 1765, he was an overseer of the poor, and where, in 1772, he purchased a plantation of one hundred and eighty-one acres from Joseph Noble. This tract was situated on the Street Road at what is now Johnsville Station on the Northeast Pennsyl- vania Railroad, and on this tract Harman Yerkes established the first home- stead of the Yerkeses in Bucks County, and there some of his descendants have ever since resided. He returned to the Manor of Moreland in 1788, which continued to be his place of residence the remainder of his life. Mr. Yerkes was an active supporter of the War of Independence, and in 1775 he and his son Edward, who was but eighteen years of age, enrolled themselves in the Warminster Company of Associators. On 31 July, 1777, he was recommended to the Executive Council by Judge Henry Wynkoop to look after billeting the poor. It is probable that his military service was with the militia only. On more than one occasion the British troopers from Phila- delphia were his unwelcome visitors, and his family was subjected to the actual terrors and trials of grim war. In this connection Judge Harman Yerkes, of Bucks County, has contributed the following item: "His wife, Mary Clayton, proved herself worthy of the duty of taking charge of a young family in such times, as is shown by the following incident, which the writer heard related from the lips of one (Stephen Beans, then a small boy) who was present. " The house then occupied by the family stood where the smaller end of the present homestead now stands. It contained a sitting-room and kitchen on the first floor, with an 3 17 CHRONICLE OF THE out attachment used as quarters for the slaves. The second floor was divided into convenient rooms by plain board partitions. " The battle of ' Crooked Billet,' fought in 1778, began less than two miles away, and the retreat, or rather rout, of the Americans drifted directly over the adjacent lands. Some of the most harrowing scenes of that dreadful butchery occurred within sight of the Yerkes homestead. " The narrator of the story lived at the next place north, on the Street Road, and, the men of the neighborhood being away at the scene of strife, or in concealing the horses and cattle, he [Beans] accompanied his mother to the Yerkes place at the first alarm. While the two women and children were in the sitting room, an American soldier hastily ran into the house, coming from the south side, and took refuge under a bed which stood in the northeast corner of the room. He stated that he was being pursued by the enemy, and in much alarm asked that his place of hiding be concealed. Mrs. Yerkes told him he would not be safe there, but that by going out of the back door he could put the house between him and his pursuers, and might reach the next place, where there was a large pile of buckwheat straw, in which he could hide himself. He obeyed her directions, and in a very short time four British soldiers came in the opposite door and inquired for him. The ladies protested that he was not there. The soldiers then looked under the bed, searched the up-stairs rooms, and, after maliciously sticking their bayonets through the bed-clothing, continued the pursuit. " The American afterwards returned and thanked the ladies for his deliverance, and stated that the British had trampled over the straw and thrust their bayonets far into it, but fortunately without touching him. They spoke of setting fire to it, but owing to some alarm, abandoned the idea and departed." The religious affiliations of Harman Yerkes are matters of some interest to his descendants. His earliest church connection was, probably, either with the Low Dutch Church, in which faith his father was no doubt born, or with the Baptists, the faith of his mother, but on the eve of his first marriage he identified himself with the Society of Friends, his first wife being of that per- suasion. After this, his speech and manners are said to have conformed to the custom of the Friends; nevertheless, his second and third marriages were performed by Baptist clergymen, and he seems to have become a member of the Southampton Baptist Church, Bucks County, as he was one of the com- mittee of that church, in 1772, for the building of a new meeting-house, and was buried in the graveyard of the same. These latter facts suggest the strong probability that shortly before his second marriage he attached himself to the faith of his mother, and of his distinguished grandfather, the Reverend John Watts. His death is thus recorded in the American Daily Advertiser, under date of 7 December, 1804: "Died, in Moreland Township, Montgomery County, on the 29th of November, Mr. Harman Yerkes, in the 85th year of his age, and on the 2d inst. his remains were interred in the Baptist burial-ground, at Southampton, followed by a numerous train of relatives and friends. In him was united the tender husband, the affectionate father, and the steady friend. 18 YERKES FAMILY " Yes, he must die ! the nearest friend must part ; The Victor Death, excepts not of a claim ; And though the stroke may crush a kindred heart He heeds it not, — to supplicate is vain ! "He has gone, his spirit has flown to regions of everlasting bliss; but long will he exist in the hearts of those whom he hath left behind, — yea, until time with them shall be no longer, until they like him shall be no more." He married (i), at Plymouth Meeting-House, 22 March, 1750-51, Mary, daughter of Edward Stroud, of Whitemarsh. She died circa 1771, and he married (2), 30 September, 1773, Mrs. Mary (Houghton) Clayton, widow of Richard Clayton. She died in 1785, and bequeathed a sum of money to the Southampton Baptist Church for building a wall around its graveyard, with which church she was actively identified, and by whose pastor. Reverend Jonathan Blackwood, she was married to Mr. Yerkes. He married (3), 28 March, 1788, Mrs. Elizabeth (Ball) Tompkins, widow of John Tompkins. She died in 1819. After this marriage Mr. Yerkes removed to his wife's home, on the Old York Road, in Moreland, where the " widow" Tompkins kept an inn and store, the management of which now fell to Mr. Yerkes. Children of Harman' and Mary (Stroud) Yerkes: 44. William Yerkes*, born 10 February, 1751-52; died in infancy. 45. Elizabeth Yerkes*, born 5 September, 1753; married, 14 April, 1770, John Hufty. 46. Catharine Yerkes*, born 19 June, 1755; died prior to 30 June, 1821; married Major Reading Howell. 47. Edward Yerkes*, born 19 April, 1757; was a soldier in the Revolution and later a sea-captain; died at sea. 48. Sarah Yerkes*, born in July, 1759; died in infancy. 49. Stephen Yerkes*, born 20 October, 1762; died in 1823; married Alice Watson, so. Mary Yerkes', born 5 January, 1765; died unmarried. 51. Harman Yerkes*, born 25 July, 1767; died 12 February, 1837; married Margaret Long. 52. William Yerkes*, born 23 June, 1769 ; died in 1823 ; married Letitia Esther Long. 9. SILAS YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), sixth child and fifth son of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, 15 February, 1723; died there, 25 September, 1795, and was buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church. He was a large land-owner and a prosperous miller and farmer. Under the will of his father, Silas Yerkes became entitled to a one-fourth interest in the property in Moreland that had been the home- stead of the father and grandfather, and by deed of 10 February, 1755, the remaining interests in the property, which consisted of two hundred acres, were conveyed to him by his mother and his brothers Stephen, Elias, and Titus. At this time Silas Yerkes was residing in Warwick Township, Bucks County, 19 CHRONICLE OF THE where he would seem to have been engaged in the milling business, as he is described as " miller" in the conveyance here mentioned, and he continued to reside there until after the birth of his daughter Elizabeth, when he removed to the homestead estate in Moreland, and there continued the milling business, as well as carried on farming. The mill property later came into possession of the Shelmire family, and was long known as " Shelmire's Mills." The mills were destroyed by fire some years ago. The spot where they stood is one of the most picturesque localities in Montgomery County. In 1780 the tax list of Moreland contained over four hundred names, the third highest assessment being that of Silas Yerkes. Mr. Yerkes was a man of much intelligence and a devout Christian. In 1755 united with others in founding the Union Library Company of Hatboro, one of the earliest library organizations in Pennsylvania, and he was an active member of the Baptist Church, the principles and doctrines of which he imbibed from his mother and inherited from his grandfather, the Reverend John Watts. A formal profession of religious faith was, however, not made until I June, 1742, when he was baptized in the Pennypack Creek, and became a member of the Southampton Baptist Church, Bucks County, retaining mem- bership until his death. Mr. Yerkes no doubt received his Christian name in honor of his uncle, Silas Watts. Silas Yerkes was married by the Reverend Joshua Potts, pastor of the Southampton Baptist Church, 14 June, 1750, to Hannah Dungan; born in Bucks County, 24 September, 1725; died at the seat of her husband, 22 August, 1792 ; daughter of Thomas and Esther Dungan, and granddaughter of the Reverend Thomas Dungan * by his wife Elizabeth Weaver. Silas Yerkes's will,f dated 21 March, 1795, was proved 22 October, same year, and names the * Reverend Thomas Dungan was a son of William Dungan, a merchant of London, England, by his wife Frances Latham, and was born in that city about 1632. His mother was a daughter of Lewis Latham, Sergeant-Falconer to Charles L Upon the death of William Dungan, his widow mar- ried Captain Jeremiah Clarke, with whom, accompanied by her children, she emigrated to New Eng- land, and settled at Newport, Rhode Island, where Captain Clarke rose to prominence. Captain Clarke dying, his widow married, for third husband. Reverend William Vaughan, a Baptist clergy- man, of Newport. Thomas Dungan imbibed the Baptist faith, and became a Baptist clergyman, having received his instruction in theology, it is thought, from his step-father, Reverend William Vaughan. He was one of the patentees of East Greenwich, Rhode Island ; was a representative of that town in the Assembly of that Colony in 1678 and 1681, and served as sergeant in the Newport militia. In 1682 he sold his estates at East Greenwich and Newport, and shortly afterwards removed to Pennsylvania, settling at Cold Spring, Bucks County, where he founded a Baptist Church, the first in that Province, and the first English congregation there outside of the Friends. Mr. Dungan became the pastor of the church, and continued his ministrations as such until his death in 1688. He married, at Newport, Elizabeth, daughter of Sergeant Clement Weaver by his wife Mary Freeborn. Sergeant Weaver was a member of the Rhode Island Assembly in 1678, and William Freeborn, his wife's father, was a member in 1657. (See " Memorials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families" for fuller mention of Reverend Thomas Dungan, and some account of his family connections.) t Montgomery County Wills, i. 471. 20 aiRONICLE OK THE 1 of his daughter Elizabeth, when he removed 1, and there continued ' the mill property later cai . j , ■ S • ; long known as " Shelmire's Mills." The destroyed by fire some years ago. The spot where they stood is on | in Montgomery Co " ^ ' hundred nam^ - | man of much ' ~ < fiiKiples an ~ z. < -. - > ■.md ser YERKES FAMILY children given below, with the exception of Thomas and John, both of whom are supposed to have died before the will was made. His five eldest children were born in Warwick Township, Bucks County, and the others at the home- stead in Moreland. Children of Silas^ and Hannah (Dungan) Yerkes: 53. Elias Yerkes*, born 7 December, 1751 ; died 15 January, 1828; married . 54. Deborah Yerkes*, born 3 September, 1753; died 11 February, 1826; married Samuel Ayres. 55. Esther Yerkes*, born 13 February, 1755 ; married Charles Ayres (a brother of William Ayres, who married her sister Deborah), and had one child: (56) Mary Ayres", who married Jonathan Yerkes (No. 265). 57. Thomas Yerkes*, born 24 September, 1756; died in 1781. 58. Elizabeth Yerkes*, born 26 March, 1758; died 2 September, 1826; married Daniel Howell. 59. John Yerkes*, born 26 September, 1760; probably died young. 60. Silas Yerkes*, born circa 1762; died 15 January, 1837, unmarried and without issue. His death is thus noted in the records of the Southampton Baptist Church : " Silas Yerkes, beloved disciple, fell asleep in Jesus, we think, on Sunday, about noon, the isth of January, 1837, and was buried at South- ampton." 61. Hannah Yerkes*, born circa 1764; married John Wright, by whom she had: (62) Esther Wright', who never married. 63. Daniel Yerkes*, born 23 July, 1767; died 30 September, 1824; married (i) Mar- tha Collom; (2) Esther Lykens. 64. Benjamin Yerkes*, born 22 February, 1768; died 25 June, 1847; married Rachel Buzart. 10. ELIZABETH YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and seventh child of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was bom in the Manor of Moreland, 29 January, 1725; died, probably at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 11 March, 1793; married John Howell, Esqr, born in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 8 August, 1721 ; died at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 27 July, 1808; son of Captain Daniel Howell,* of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, by his wife Elsie Reading, daughter of Colonel John Reading, of the same place, and sister of Honorable John Reading, the first native-born governor of New Jersey. Mr. Howell received under the will of his father one-half interest in a grist-mill and in a plantation of sixty acres, located in Hunterdon County, on the banks of the Delaware. How long he resided at Amwell is not known. His uncle, Benjamin Howell, resided in Philadelphia, at what is now Chestnut Hill. He was childless, and it is conjectured that upon the decease of his brother Daniel he became interested in the latter's son John, and induced him • Some account of his ancestry, and a record of his descendants will be found in " Memorials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families," published in 1898, by the author of the present work. 21 CHRONICLE OF THE to settle at Chestnut Hill. The uncle died in 1774, and evidenced his esteem for his nephew by naming him executor of his will and residuary legatee and devisee thereunder.* John Howell engaged in the business of a saddler and harness-maker. He came to be highly regarded by his fellow-citizens, as is abundantly shown in his election as justice of the peace, to which he was duly commissioned, 7 June, 1780, by the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsyl- vania. He maintained the dignities and performed the duties of a " country squire" until 11 January, 1785, when he tendered his resignation to the Council, as shown by his letter published in the records of that body. Both Mr. Howell and his wife were members of the First Baptist Church, Phila- delphia, and, later, of the Ridge Avenue Baptist Church at Roxborough, Philadelphia, in the burying-ground of which they were doubtless buried. Children of John and Elizabeth^ (Yerkes) Howell; all born probably at or near Chestnut Hill : 65. Mary Howell*, married Thomas Norton. 66. Hannah Howell*, born 30 December, 1752; died 28 October, 1820; married, 8 January, 1778, Major John Levering, an officer in the Revolutionary service. 67. Daniel Howell*, born about 1753; died in February, 1830; married Elizabeth Yerkes (No. 58). 68. Sarah Howell', born circa 1761 ; married, about 1784, Anthony Levering. 69. Elizabeth Howell*, married Schuler. 70. Reading Howell*, married, 3 June, 1792, Mary Busby. II. STEPHEN YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and eighth child of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, 3 August, 1727, and died there, probably shortly before 23 December, 1811, the date of the probate of his will. He was a farmer and land-owner, and resided in More- land throughout his life. His father devised to him a one-fourth share in the two hundred acre plantation which he, the father, had received from his father, Anthony Yerkes, which share Stephen Yerkes sold to his brother Silas. Stephen Yerkes married Rebecca Whiteside, who was living 28 July, 1811, and is named in her husband's will of that date. The others named therein are: sons Samuel and Joseph, daughters Rebecca and Rachel, and grandchildren Mary, Emma, and Thomas, the children of his deceased daugh- ter Elizabeth, " late the wife of Eli Morgan." His son Samuel Yerkes and George Shelmire were appointed executors. Mr. Yerkes was a member of the Union Library Company of Hatboro, and he and his wife were members of the Southampton Baptist Church. • Philadelphia Wills, ii. 44. 22 YERKES FAMILY Children of Stephen^ and Rebecca (Whiteside) Yerkes; born in the Manor of Moreland : 71. James Yerkes*, born 24 December, 1756; died in infancy. 72. Stephen Yerkes*, born 4 June, 1759; died at about fifty years of age, unmarried. 73. James Yerkes*, born 2 October, 1761 ; died at Ovid, New York, in June, 1804; married, 23 December, 1783, Rachel Shaw. He removed with his family to Ovid, New York, after 22 September, 1800, on which day he conveyed land in Moreland, which his father had conveyed to him 6 May, 1797, and the son is described in the former conveyance as " of Moreland." He is said to have had ten children, "all of whom died young." His will,* dated Ovid, 11 June, 1804, proved 28th of same month, names wife Rachel, and mentions " sons" and " daughters," but only one child by name, — Stephen. He directs that his estate should be sold, debts paid, and that his family should remove to Penn- sylvania, " among my relations, and there remain until my youngest child be twenty-one years of age." As none of the family are mentioned in his father's will, it is believed that all had died before the date thereof. 74. Elizabeth Yerkes*, born 18 February, 1764; died before 28 July, 181 1; married, by the Reverend William Van Horne, Pastor of the Southampton Baptist Church, 17 February, 1782, to Eli Morgan, by whom she had, according to the will of her father: (75) Mary Morgan'. (76) Emma Morgan*. (77) Thomas Morgan*. 78. Rebecca Yerkes*, born 2 October, 1766; married Levi Watson, son of Joseph Watson t by his wife Rachel Croasdale, and had issue. Mr. and Mrs. Wat- son removed to Wayne County, New York, but the writer has failed to obtain their family record. It is said that Mr. and Mrs. Watson had two sons and one daughter, and it is known that their daughter, Sarah Watson, married, in 1817, Samuel Smith, a prominent school-teacher, of whom see " Scharf's History of Delaware," 742. 79. Joseph Yerkes*, born 5 July, 1769; died 10 January, 1850; married Mary Purdy. 80. Rachel Yerkes*, born 4 November, 1772; married James Rogers. 81. Samuel Yerkes*, born 24 September, 1775; died 19 March, 1861 ; married Eliza- beth Rutherton. 12. ELIAS YERKES' (Herman^, Anthony^), ninth child and seventh son of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 7 February, 1729; died there, 16 January, 1799. He was a farmer, and resided throughout his life in the Manor of Moreland. The Pennsylvania Gazette of 23 August, 1770, contained this advertisement: " Supposed to be Stolen, on Tuesday night, the 14th of this instant August, from the plantation of Elias Yerkes, living in the Manor of Moreland, Philadelphia County, a dark bay mare, 9 years old between 14 & 15 hands high, a large star on her forehead, behind feet white, shod before, she can pace and trot, but is more inclined to pace. Whoever takes her up and secures said Mare, so as the owner may have her again shall have Ten shillings, and * Seneca County, New York, Wills, A, 7. t Joseph Watson was a son of Mark Watson, Esq', of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who was, for many years, a member of the Provincial Assembly, and one of the justices of the courts of Bucks County. 23 CHRONICLE OF THE if stolen Twenty shillings, for the Mare, and three pounds for the mare and thief, and reasonable charges paid by me. "Elias Yerkes." Mr. Yerkes married, i8 March, 1756, Rebecca Foster, who died 30 November, 1820, in the eighty-fifth year of her age. Her will, dated 16 February, 1807, was proved in Montgomery County, 23 November, 1821, and names sons Isaac, David, Elias, and Arthur, and daughters Mary, Rebecca, Sarah, and Susanna. Both Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes were baptized according to the Baptist faith, 10 October, 1773, and were received into membership in the Southampton Baptist Church, the religious home of many of the Yerkes family. They were buried in the graveyard of that church, where a stone marks their grave, as is shown in the accompanying illustration. Children of Elias^ and Rebecca (Foster) Yerkes; born in the Manor of More- land : 82. Elias Yerkes*, born 16 January, 1757; died 21 June, 1844; married . 83. George Yerkes*, born 18 September, 1758; died 25 December, 1839; married Rebecca . 84. Euzabeth Yerkes*, born 3 October, 1760; married, by the Reverend David Jones, pastor of the Southampton Baptist Church, 9 April, 1789, to Nathan Marple. It would appear from the will of her sister Mary that she had by this marriage a daughter: (85) Elizabeth Marple°. 86. Susanna Yerkes*, born 27 September, 1762. 87. Isaac Yerkes*, born 17 March, 1765; died unmarried and without issue. His will, dated 7 September, 1823, proved in Montgomery County, 26 May, 1827, names brother David, and Elias, " son of my brother Arthur," and gives the remainder of his estate to Horatio Gates Yerkes, another son of his brother Arthur. 88. Mary Yerkes*, born 15 November, 1766; died, unmarried, circa 1852. Her will, dated 12 April, 1848, proved 14 September, 1852, names sisters Sarah Michener and Rebecca Yerkes, nephew Horatio Gates Yerkes, and Lydia Lukens, " daugh- ter of my brother Elias," and Elizabeth Edwards, " daughter of my deceased sister" Elizabeth Marple. 89. Rebecca Yerkes*, born 15 November, 1766; died 18 August, 1850. 90. Arthur Yerkes*, born 11 February, 1769; died 23 October, 1840; married Eliza- beth Hart. 91. Sarah Yerkes*, born 11 June, 1772; died 17 May, 1856; married Thomas Mich- ener, Jr. 92. David S. Yerkes*, died unmarried; will, proved 21 May, 1849, names David S. Y. Lukens, " son of my niece Lydia." 13. TITUS YERKES^ (Herman^, Anthony^), eighth son and tenth and youngest child of Herman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Watts, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, circa 1731; died there in 1762, and letters of administration on his estate were granted, 13 October of that year, unto his widow, Margaret Yerkes. He was a farmer and miller, and owned a farm of seventy acres, 24 GRAVESTONE OF ELIAS YERKES (NO. 12) AND HIS WIFE REBECCA FOSTER YERKES FAMILY since known as the " Factory Farm," located in what is now Terwood, in Moreland Township. Two streams met upon the farm, the united water- power of which was utiHzed by Titus Yerkes to turn his saw-mill. He married, about 1757, Margaret Paul, who was no doubt a descendant of Joseph Paul, the founder of the well-known Paul family of Philadelphia. After the death of Mr. Yerkes she married, as second husband (license issued 4 January, 1764), John Nesmith, a miller of Moreland, and she died 16 January, 1823, in the eighty-eighth year of her age. On 17 September, 1764, a few months after her second marriage, as the administratrix of Mr. Yerkes's estate, she presented a petition to the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County for leave to sell the plantation and saw-mill of her late husband. Mr. Yerkes was a member of the Union Library Company of Hatboro. Children of Titus' and Margaret (Paul) Yerkes; born in Moreland: 93. Jonathan Yerkes', born 8 December, 1759; died 27 March, 1835; married Eliza- beth Jarrett. 94. Titus Yerkes*, born 15 November, 1762; died 15 June, 1846; married Mary Streper. FOURTH GENERATION 1 8. JACOB YERKES* (Anthony^, Herman^, An- thony^ ) , son of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Jane, was born in the Manor of Moreland, about 1744, and died there, 28 March, 18 19, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He was a farmer, and received under his father's will two large plan- tations in the Manor of Moreland, one of which consisted of one hundred acres, located on the east side of the public road leading from Philadelphia to Southampton, and the other of over eighty-three acres, on the west side of that road, and opposite the first-named tract. He was earnestly loyal to the cause of American Independence, and during the Revolution was first lieutenant of the Second Company, First Battalion, Philadelphia County militia, Lieutenant-Colonel George Smith commanding. He was a prominent member of the Southampton Baptist Church, and at one time one of the trustees of that organization, and is buried in its grave- yard. He married ( i ) Elizabeth Gaunt, daughter of Thomas Gaunt by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Gardiner, Senr, of Philadelphia, and sister of John Gardiner, a merchant of that city. She died before May, 1795, at which time he married (2) Sarah Fleming, the marriage ceremony being 27 CHRONICLE OF THE performed by the Reverend Thomas Memminger, pastor of the Southampton Baptist Church. She died before 17 November, 1840, on which day letters of administration upon her estate were granted by the Register of Wills of Montgomery County. Child by first wife, Elizabeth Gaunt : 95. William G. Yerkes', married, and is said to have had two daughters, one of whom married John Stockdale, and the other Jacob Stockdale. Children by second wife, Sarah Fleming: 96. Cassandra T. Yerkes", died in 1871 ; married her cousin, Joseph Yerkes (No. loi). 97. Jane Yerkes', born 6 January, 1798; died 11 November, 1867; married (i) John Wynkoop Hogeland; (2) John Martindale. 19. ANTHONY YERKES* (Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^, son of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Jane, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, circa 1745; died there, circa October, 1804, letters of administration on his estate being granted on the 19th of that month. He loved the soil, as had his ancestors, and spent his uneventful life engaged in farming in the locality in which he was born. He served in the Pennsylvania militia in the Revolution. He married (license issued 7 March, 1772) Mary, daughter of Robert and Sarah Harper. Children of Anthony* and Mary (Harper) Yerkes: 98. Jane or Jean Yerkes", born 16 February, 1773. 99. Robert Yerkes', born 15 October, 1774; died 19 April, 1849; married Mary Wright. 100. Jacob Yerkes', born 19 January, 1776; died 28 February, 1846; married Mary Beans. 101. Joseph Yerkes', born 11 October, 1777; married his cousin, Cassandra T. Yerkes (No. 96). 102. Jonathan Yerkes', born 3 September, 1782; died 23 September, 1846; married Maria Watkins. 103. Sarah Yerkes'. 104. Mary Harper Yerkes', married Giles McDowell. 20. JOSEPH YERKES* (Anthony', Herman^, Anthony^), son of An- thony Yerkes by his wife Jane, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Mont- gomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, circa 1746, and died there, 24 December, 1807. He removed to Philadelphia prior to 1768, where he established a private school, which he conducted until 1800, when he retired to his estate in Moreland. The columns of the Pennsylvania Gazette of 22 September, 1 768, contain the following : 28 on which by the Register < ynkO(- roi. josi 20 •n b3ve had two daughters, one of whom s married sandra T. ¥er^es 108 ,rn 3 September, 1788; died 23 September, 1846; marr* to, unmarried a|.' o d 26 September, 1887; married Ajjn 1854; rr •har^e 142 •» f • TT) of unknown ) and Mo the son : Yerkes: married Joshua Hogeland. es 326-328, giv lemian*, A died in 1835. in hi= •< iter ■rry u. man. " P 1 ■ g the U YERKES FAMILY and Indian War, and served therein about one year. He then returned to Philadelphia, where he followed his occupation until the Revolutionary War, when he entered the army under Washington. He remained with it until it was disbanded in 1783, and although he was in all the battles fought by it, yet he was never wounded or taken prisoner, and never sick during the whole time. On the evening preceding the battle of the Billet he obtained leave of absence to visit the young lady afterwards his wife, who was then residing at Thomas Wood's house, near Hatboro. He remained here all night, and early the following morning he saw an English soldier, armed with a musket, coming up the lane. He immedi- ately secreted himself behind a large cherry-tree, and waited until the soldier walked past, when he stepped out and ordered him to surrender, at the same time presenting a pistol. The summons was obeyed, and the English soldier became a prisoner. Upon examining the captive's gun, it was found to be filled with mud and water. Upon the principle that ' to the victors belong the spoils,' Peter cleaned the gun and loaded it with three buckshot and a bullet, after which he started towards Hart's (William Hallowell's) Mill, where he saw five English soldiers along the roadside dividing their booty. He attempted to shoot them, but the gun missed fire, and he was forced to run for his life. As he leaped over a fence the British fired at him, one ball passing through his coat pocket and two others striking the fence near him, but he escaped unhurt. After serving his country faithfully during the war, he returned to his trade, and located on the Pennypack, near what is now John Shelmire's Mill, in Moreland, Montgomery County. In 1788 he moved to Hatboro, and in 1795 to Bucks County, where he commenced farming. In 1804 he purchased a farm of ninety-four acres, near the Sorrel Horse, for $46.52 per acre, where he remained until 1812, when he sold out and went to the West. He died there in 1830, aged about ninety years. He married Mar- gery, daughter of Josiah Yerkes, of Moreland. She died in 1835." Children of Peter and Margery* (Yerkes) Saurman:* 143. Ann Saurman', died in 1845 ; married James Vansant, of Somerton, Philadel- phia, and had issue. 144. JosiAH Saurman", married and had issue. He removed to West Virginia and later to Sandusky County, Ohio. 145. Mary Saurman', died unmarried. 146. Rebecca Saurman", died unmarried in 1859, aged seventy-five years. 147. Jacob Saurman", born 14 April, 1789; died at Philadelphia, 27 July, 1865; mar- ried, 12 September, 1819, Sarah M., daughter of Daniel Hallowell, and had issue. 148. Yerkes Saurman", born 20 January, 1791 ; was a copper-plate printer in Phila- delphia; married Mrs. Martha Brown, and had issue. 149. Jonathan Saurman", died at Philadelphia in 1850; married Sarah McShane, and had issue. 43. NATHANIEL YERKES* (Josiah^, Herman^, Anthony^), son of Josiah and Mary Yerkes, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 9 August, 1763; died at Romulus, New York, 5 June, 1831. He received under the will of his father an estate of one hundred acres in Moreland, and was made executor of the will. By deed f of 19 August, 1799, he and his wife Sarah conveyed to George Shelmire certain water rights on the Pennypack Creek, attached to the * For a further account of this family, see " History of Byberry and Moreland," 328-330. t Montgomery County Deeds, viii. 187. 35 CHRONICLE OF THE above tract, and, on i April, 1818, they conveyed unto Joel K. Mann the said tract, then described as consisting of one hundred and five acres. Mr. Yerkes is styled in this conveyance as " of Moreland," and it is believed that at about the time of the conveyance he removed with his family to Seneca County, New York, and settled there, in the town of Romulus. He married, in Penn- sylvania, Sarah Johnson, born 20 September, 1765; died at Romulus, New York, 20 April, 1835; daughter of Philip* and Sarah Johnson. Of the children of Nathaniel Yerkes, the only one the writer has been able to trace is his son Josiah. One of the latter's descendants writes that other members of the family " removed West." Children of Nathaniel* and Sarah (Johnson) Yerkes; all probably born in Moreland : 150. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 30 August, 1787. 151. Philip Yerkes", born 20 November, 1789. He was in service in the Pennsylvania militia in the war of 1812. 152. Nancy Yerkes', born 13 March, 1793. 153. Mary Yerkes', born 27 July, 1796. 154. William Yerkes', born 24 January, 1798; died in 1859. 155- Josiah Yerkes', born 3 August, 1800; died 7 October, 1866; married (i) Mrs. Margaret Blain, nee Knight; (2) Rodah Barnum Church. 156. Sarah Yerkes', born 5 October, 1802; died at Minneapolis, Minnesota, 13 April, 1887; married, at Romulus, John C. Frost, and had issue, but the writer has not been able to find any of such issue. The family removed West, and are supposed to have resided at Minneapolis, Minnesota. 45. ELIZABETH YERKES* (Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest daughter and second child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Mary Stroud, was born (probably in the Manor of Moreland) 5 September, 1753; married, 14 April, 1770, John Hufty, who is thought to have been her cousin, and son of Jacob Hufty by his wife Sarah Yerkes. (See No. 35.) The marriage is recorded on the books of the First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, and on the printed list of marriages of that church the name is erroneously given as " Huffdale." John Hufty lived upon lands of his wife's father, and afterwards occupied and farmed the plantation of her brother-in-law. Major Reading Howell, on the Street Road in Warminster Township, Bucks County, later removing with his family to Greene County, Pennsylvania, where he is said to have died. They are said to have had two daughters, — Phebe, given below, and one whose Christian name is unknown. * Philip Johnson was a farmer of Bensalem Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and a descendant of an ancient family of that county. His will, dated 7 January, 1796, and proved 8 Feb- ruary, 1797, names wife Sarah, children Richard, Sarah, George, William, Henry, Mary Severns, Sarah Yerkes, and Elizabeth Hill, and grandchildren Elizabeth and Jesse Johnson. 36 YERKES FAMILY Children of John and Elizabeth* (Yerkes) Hufty: 157. Phebe Hufty', married Daniel Dance, and had issue. The family are said to have removed to the West. Their son, Jacob Dance', married Harriet Love, and had daughter, Ann', who married Rezin Beall Johnson, and had son, Hubert Rex Johnson', who was of Narberth, Pennsylvania, in 1898. 158. Hufty', married Webster. 46. CATHARINE YERKES* (Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), daughter of Harman Yerkes by his wife Mary Stroud, was born (probably in the Manor of Moreland) 19 June, 1755; died prior to 30 June, 1821 ; married, 28 March, 1782, Major Reading Howell, born in Am well Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, in 1743; died in Warminster, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 26 November, 1827; son of Daniel Howell by his wife Julianna Holcombe.* Major Howell was an eminent civil engineer, the profession of civil engineering having been the occupation of his grand-uncle, Governor John Reading. In the early part of the Revolution he served as quarter- master of the Second Regiment, Hunterdon County militia.f During the war he removed to Pennsylvania, and, 5 April, 1780, was commissioned deputy quartermaster-general of the Continental army, and stationed for duty in Chester County, Pennsylvania.:!: In 1789, the Assembly of that State adopted measures for improving the navigation of rivers and for the construction and improvement of public roads, and the Supreme Executive Council appointed commissioners to carry out these objects. On 2 October, 1789, Major Howell was appointed a commissioner to explore, survey, and make necessary drafts of the rivers Delaware and Lehigh, his co-commissioners being Colonel Tim- othy Matlack and Colonel William Dean.§ The work was immediately begun and promptly executed, as shown by a message sent by Governor Mifflin to the Assembly, 9 February, 1790, reporting that "the commissioners to view the river Delaware have completed the task assigned to them."|| The brief time in which the work was accomplished was no doubt largely due to the knowledge Major Howell possessed of the subject-matter of the investigation from having been engaged in making extensive surveys in the State and in pre- paring a map of the same. In the following year Major Howell received a similar appointment, when, under a resolution of the Assembly of 31 March, 1790, he, with Colonel Frederick Antes and Colonel William Dean, were named by the Council as commissioners to explore the country near the head- waters of the Delaware River and east branch of the Susquehanna, and of * For a fuller account of Major Howell's ancestry, as well as of his descendants, see " Memo- rials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families" (Philadelphia, 1898). t Jerseymen in the Revolutionary War, 342. t Pennsylvania Colonial Records, xii. 306. Ibid., xvi. 178, 278. II Ibid., 274. 37 CHRONICLE OF THE the Lehigh and Schuylkill Rivers.* This was begun 23 May, and finished 31 August, same year. Major Howell's most important achievement, and that for which he is best known, is his Map of Pennsylvania. The earliest knowledge of the preparation of this map is gained from the message of the President and Supreme Executive Council to the General Assembly, under date of 9 February, 1790. The Assembly received the project with favor, and subsequently appro- priated three hundred pounds to enable Major Howell to proceed with his undertaking. The map was completed, and published in 1792. Major Howell was appointed Surveyor of Philadelphia in 1804, and held the office until his decease, when he was succeeded by Enoch Lewis, Esqf. He was the engineer of Thomas Leiper in the construction of a railway in Delaware County to connect Leiper's quarries with the waters of Ridley Creek. The railway was built in 1809, the second, if not the first, in the United States, f Children of Major Reading and Catharine* (Yerkes) Howell: 159. Clarissa Juliana Howell", died at Philadelphia, 1874, unmarried. 160. Harriet Ann Howell^ born at Philadelphia, 8 February, 1842 ; married, 28 May, 181 1, Joseph Montgomery. 161. Henrietta Maria Howell", died at Philadelphia, 26 May, 1858; married, 27 August, 1807, John James Wheeler. 162. CouRTLAND Daniel Howell", married, 27 July, 1815, Eliza McEuen. 163. John Fisher Howell", died, unmarried, 11 September, 1821. He was a ser- geant in Captain Condy Raguet's company in the war of 1812, and was in the United States navy at the time of his death, and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard, at Norfolk, Virginia. 164. Edward Yerkes Howell", died at Philadelphia, 13 March, 1850, unmarried. He was graduated at Princeton in 1813, studied medicine, and in 1822 was gradu- ated M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. 165. Rebecca Howell", died at Philadelphia, September, 1881, unmarried. 166. Catharine Augusta Howell", born in 1800; died at Philadelphia, 21 November, 1900, in the one hundred and first year of her age. She married General Thomas Flourney, of Augusta, Georgia. 49. STEPHEN YERKES* (Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and sixth child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Mary Stroud, was born (prob- ably in Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania) 20 October, 1762; died there in 1823, his will being proved on 4 July of that year. He was a farmer, and, on 27 May, 1793, he purchased from his father a farm of over seventy acres, and on 9 May, 1800, he purchased of the heirs of Joseph Hough a farm of over one hundred and sixteen acres. The mansion house * Pennsylvania Colonial Records, 319. t Martin's History of Chester, 242. 38 YERKES FAMILY which he erected on one of these tracts stood for nearly one hundred years, when it was torn down, its site being within a few yards of the Northeast Pennsylvania Railroad. It is said to have been the first smooth-dressed stone house in the county, and was built of large square blocks of sandstone, closely fitted together. He parted with some of his landed possessions during his lifetime, but at his death he owned the plantation mentioned in his will, which was on the west side of the York Road, and extended down to the county line. He was a member of the military organization of the State, and as early as 1803 became major of one of the Bucks County regiments of militia. He was also a subscriber to the Democratic Press, and among his papers is the following receipt: Office of the Democratic Press, '/^^ ^yf^ ^,^Zi^. To John Binns, Dr. To Subscription fw the Weekly Democratic Press" from the -^^^/^^tW >^M,^ to the t27^''^!^ — j8£^ Received payment ^^^Z^ 18^^^ — . For John- Binns, ^ OcUy Press S dallsrs per onr.tcn half yearty 'in advancs Comtry Press S So. do. do. So, l^eekfy Presi 2 ds. Co, io. io. He married his cousin, Alice Watson, born 17 November, 1787; died on her seventy-second birthday, 17 November, 1859; daughter of John Watson by his wife Sarah, daughter of John Yerkes. (See No. 130.) This was prob- ably his second marriage, as Alice Watson was not the mother of his eldest son, Edward. Child of Stephen Yerkes*, mother unknown: 167. Edward Yerkes", who died without issue in 1825. When the Centre Regiment of Bucks County Volunteers was organized during the war of 1812, William 39 CHRONICLE OF THE Long was made colonel, and Samuel D. Ingham (who afterwards became Secretary of the Treasury under President Jackson) and Edward Yerkes were chosen majors. He married Maria Shelmire, who, after the death of Major Yerkes, married Moore Stephens. Children of Stephen* and AHce (Watson) Yerkes: i68. John Watson Yerkes", born 22 December, 1811; died 24 January, 1884; married his cousin, Caroline Yerkes. * 169. Mary YERKES^ born 27 September, 1813 ; died 13 July, 1896 ; married Honorable John McNair. 170. Stephen Yerkes", born 27 June, 1817; died 28 March, 1896; married (i) Mrs. Amanda L. Tyson; (2) Mrs. Amelia R. Anderson. 51. HARM AN YERKES* (Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and eighth child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Mary Stroud, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, 25 July, 1767; died there, 12 February, 1837. He was a farmer, as had been his father, grandfather, and great- grandfather, and as were all of his brothers, and, like all these, he was also a land-owner. On 24 May, 1793, he purchased from his father the homestead tract of one hundred acres and ninety perches, lying partly on the Street Road, although the principal portion lay back of the tract of his brother, Stephen Yerkes, and was heavily wooded. In 1799 he built upon this tract the large stone barn still standing, and in 181 2 he erected the large stone mansion house, which still stands as perfect as the day it was built. In 1800 he purchased from his brother Stephen the balance of the one hundred and eighty-one acres that had belonged to the father. He later bought the " Job Noble tract," lying upon both sides of the York Road and along the County Line Road, and called the " Moland property," and also the farm lately owned by his grandson, Harman Yerkes Montanye. Mr. Yerkes was successful in the development of his real estate, and so prospered in all his worldly afifairs that he came to be rated as a man of considerable wealth. He is said to have been the first farmer in his neighborhood to sell hay in the Philadelphia market. He died a large landed proprietor, and left to each of his children (except Edwin, who received the store at Centreville) a farm or its equivalent. He married, in 1790, Margaret Long, born 8 January, 1771 ; died 4 March, 1849; daughter of Captain Andrew Long* by his wife Mary Carr. * Captain Long was a son of Andrew and Mary Long, and was born about 1730, and died in Warrington Township, Bucks County, 4 November, 1812. On 6 April, 1776 he was commissioned a captain of a company in the Pennsylvania Rifle regiment, commanded by Colonel Samuel Miles, which position he resigned on account of ill health, 14 October, same year. In 1779 he was appointed a jus- tice of the peace and of the Courts of Common Pleas of Bucks, which office he held many years. 40 < p M CA M ^ '^^nCLE OF THT Children o; 168. Jo. 169- M 170, Si' an' W Stephens 1* and Alice (Watson) irn 27 September, rn 27 June, 1 - Yerkes. ar X o s died 24 January, 1884; m^ried [** X 'y. 1896; married Honqjab!? h, 1896; married (i)^fis. > w " 5 " 5 M S o. 5 5 5 ^- £ S s £ s < 5 s H . F hundred and wa He Philadelphia market. He his children (except Edwin, wao received or its equivalent. He married, in 1790, Margaret Lone March, 1849; daughter of Captain Andr- the balance of the^'fSie the !• ' 1- laie. - i Sie uanye. Mr. Yerges red in a| ^' ' ,1 , . to ^ t to eaOi of n rtville) a ^ IP •ftrn 8 January, 1771; died 4 larj' Carr. • C-Ai'TAIN 1 ^; 'li Oi .1 Warrington Town ^ County, captain of a compau;, , position he resigned on tic« of the peace ami of I' c w x a , » . 40 YERKES FAMILY Children of Harman* and Margaret (Long) Yerkes; born in Warminster Township, Bucks County : 171. Mary Yerkes', born in 1791 ; died, unmarried, 9 January, 1816. 172. William Yerkes", born 8 July, 1792; died 28 July, 1826; married Penelope McDowell. 173. Andrew Long Yerkes', born 25 August, 1794; died 14 July, 1862. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married Eliza Everhart. 174. Edward Yerkes', born 11 February, 1797; died 5 September, 1799. 175. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 26 May, 1800; died 24 May, 1875; married John C. Beans. 176. Clarissa Yerkes', born 12 October, 1802; died 12 December, 1873; married Samuel E. Montanye. 177. Edwin H. Yerkes', born 28 November, 1804; died 22 June, 1864; married Cath- arine R. Williamson. 178. Harman Yerkes', born 9 March, 1807; died in 1889; married Rebecca Valentine. 179. Stephen Yerkes', born 19 May, 1809; died 25 July, 1865; married Amy Hart Montanye. 180. Margaret Yerkes', born 8 October, 1815; died 29 December, 1815. 52. WILLIAM YERKES" (Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), youngest son and child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Mary Stroud, was born in War- minster Township, Bucks County, 23 June, 1769; died in 1823; married, 22 January, 1795, Letitia Esther Long, a sister of Margaret, the wife of his brother Harman, and daughter of Captain Andrew Long. Children of William* and Letitia Esther (Long) Yerkes: 181. Harman Yerkes', born circa 1795; died in i860. 182. Joseph Ball Yerkes', born 29 April, 1797; died 11 July, 1876; married (i) Maria Rapp ; (2) Hannah John. 183. Mary Yerkes', born in 1802; died 22 May, 1882; married Theodore Thornton. 184. Andrew Long Yerkes', born 2 September, 1804; died 11 February, 1889; mar- ried Susan Austin Jarrett. 185. Elizabeth Yerkes', died young. 53. ELIAS YERKES* (Silas', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 7 December, 1 75 1 ; died in Moreland Town- ship, Montgomery County, 15 January, 1828. He was a farmer, and resided in Moreland. The name of his wife has not been ascertained. She is not named in her husband's will, and doubtless died before the making thereof. Children of Elias* Yerkes : 186. Hannah Yerkes', died 12 February, 1844; married John Morrison. 187. Deborah Yerkes', married Jacob Van Buskirk. Issue: (188) Elias Van Bus- kirk, who married and had issue. (189) Joseph Van Buskirk. (190) Silas Yerkes Van Buskirk. (191) Margaret Van Buskirk. (192) Jesse Van Buskirk, who had issue. 193. Ann Yerkes', married Philip Lauer, and died without issue. CHRONICLE OF THE 54. DEBORAH YERKES* (Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^ ), second child and eldest daughter of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 3 September, 1753; died II February, 1826; married, 12 December, 1772, Samuel Ay res, born 28 March, 1749; died 26 October, 1804; son of William Ayres by his wife Mary Kean. They resided at what is now Bethayres, Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania, and both were members of Abington Presbyterian Church, in the graveyard of which they were buried. Children of Samuel and Deborah* (Yerkes) Ayres: 194. Silas Ayres', born 15 June, 1774; died 13 November, 1795. 195. William AYRES^ born 13 December, 1776; died 14 December, 1854; married, 22 January, 1801, Mary Shelmire, born 24 February, 1776; died 30 August, 1846; daughter of George Shelmire. Issue: (196) Charles Ayres', born 24 December, 1801 ; died in 1887. (197) Deborah Ayres", born 21 March, 1803; died 10 July, 1854; married David Shepp. (198) Samuel Ayres', born 20 September, 1805; died 24 June, 1866; married, 15 June, 1829, Emily W. Sheets. (199) Rachel Ayres', born 8 November, 1816; married William H. Hart. 200. Esther Ayres', born 15 September, 1781 ; died 15 March, 1855; married John Carr, born 31 August, 1775; died 15 March, 1845. Issue: (201) William Carr', born 10 August, 1801 ; died 17 January, 1859. (202) Courtland Carr', born 25 November, 1802 ; died 10 August, 1806. (203) Samuel Carr', born 26 August, 1804; died 20 August, 1806. (204) Eliza Carr', born 4 September, 1806; died 21 May, 1877; married John Shelmire, born 21 September, 1806; died 25 December, 1846. (205) Courtlandt Carr', born 14 February, 1808; died 24 October, 1876; married Anna Elizabeth Long. (206) Samuel A. Carr', born 8 July, 1809; died 14 April, 1868; married Frances Bowen. (207) Mary A. Carr', born 17 March, 1812; died 29 April, 1888; married Garrett Wynkoop. (208) Hiram A. Carr', born 8 January, 1814; died i February, 1888; married Rebecca Sager. (209) Jane Murdock Carr', born 12 January, 1819; died 12 March, 1893; married Isaac Mann Yerkes (No. 395). (210) John Carr', born 15 September, 1820; died 13 November, 1865; married Susan Featherman. (211) Joseph Carr*, born 5 September, 1820; died 11 October, 1822. (212) Charles Carr', born 9 September, 1822; died 7 April, 1877; married Caroline W. Blake. 213. Elizabeth Ayres', born 25 February, 1791 ; died at Beaver Farm, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 25 August, 1863 ; married James Comly, Esq'. 214. Hiram Ayres', born 13 August, 1795; died 17 October, 1870; married (i) Mary Ralston; (2) Elizabeth Neville. 58. ELIZABETH YERKES* (Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), daughter of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in Warwick Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 26 March, 1758; died in Moreland Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 2 September, 1826; married, circa 1773, her cousin, Daniel Howell (No. 67), born at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, circa 1753 ; died in Moreland Township, February, 1830; son of John Howell, Esqr, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Herman Yerkes. 42 O se 2 m 2 O . M EC o 2 man', Antu^ Hannah Dungan, was 1804; son of \' i; Mai|r sided at what is now Bethayre gomer) , Peni§^ \bingtoi. i icityterian L. uich, in ti^ O 05 - ,-»; c ^ M D 5 2; s S > u « ^ s " 2 S o C - ~ m < Z < I a s £ "3» o <: s i. ™ 5 I - s; dieii 12 g . Carr', boi . ;5 I Featherman. (- >3 s .'c. <,jcr, 1822. (212) CiJ >i 1877; married Caroline \ ^ ; died 17 October, 1870; mai.uU (l) Mary 58. ELIZABETH YERKES* (Silas', Herman', Anth. aughter of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in Warwick Township, • died in ^" YERKES FAMILY Children of Daniel and Elizabeth* (Yerkes) Howell; born in Moreland Town- ship : 215. Hannah Howell", born 30 July, 1774. 216. Sarah Howell', born 15 July, 1776. 217. Elizabeth Howell", born 19 February, 1779. 218. Esther Howell', born 15 December, 1780; died 2 July, i860; married Jacob Gordon. 219. John Howell", born 15 November, 1782; died 15 August, 1849; married Mary Peart. 220. Deborah Howell', born 2 November, 1784; died in 1848; married Uriah Wilson. 221. Mary Howell', born 16 August, 1787; died 20 August, 1871 ; married Aaron Hise. 222. Rebecca Howell', born 22 March, 1790; died 16 December, 1859; married William Lukens. 223. Martha Howell', born 26 August, 1792. 224. Susanna Howell', born 5 December, 1794; died 12 August, 1867; married George Elkins. They were the parents of the late Colonel William L. Elkins, the noted capitalist of Philadelphia. 225. Silas Howell', born 20 March, 1797; died 2 August, 1880; married Mary J. Henderson. 63. DANIEL YERKES* (Silas^, Herman*, Anthony^), fifth son and ninth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 23 July, 1767; died there, 30 September, 1824; married (i), 13 December, 1787, Martha Collom, who died 3 February, 1789, aged twenty-three years and three months; daugh- ter of John Collom. He married (2), 5 October, 1792, Esther Lykens, bom 12 April, 1772; died i October, 1869; daughter of Jonathan Lykens. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and resided at Yerkesville, now Terwood, in Moreland, where his children were born. Children of Daniel* and Esther (Lykens) Yerkes: 226. Silas Yerkes', born 20 September, 1793; died 20 April, 1876; married Margaret Fetter. 227. Jonathan Yerkes', born 3 February, 1795; died 17 May, 1866; married Juliana Colladay. 228. Charles Yerkes', born s January, 1797; married Rachel Jones. 229. Martha Yerkes', born 4 May, 1800; married Amos Knowles. 230. Jane Yerkes', born in 1802 or 1803 ; died 9 December, 1884 ; married Simeon Fenton. 231. Sarah Yerkes', born in 1805; married John Wynkoop. 232. Hiram Yerkes', born 11 February, 1810; died 19 November, 1893; married Anna Lewis. 233. Harrison Yerkes', born 13 October, 1813; died 7 April, 1890; married Mary Elizabeth Lesher. 64. BENJAMIN YERKES* (Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and tenth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Dungan, was born in the 43 CHRONICLE OF THE Manor of Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 22 February, 1768; died at Rochester, New York, 25 June, 1847, and is buried there in the " Old Rapids Cemetery." He was a cooper. In 1820 he removed, with his wife and some of his youngest children, to Rochester, and was one of the pioneers in establishing a cooperage business in that city, in the conduct of which he was most successful. He married, at New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsyl- vania, 10 May, 1791, Rachel Buzart (or Bozart), of Kingwood, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, born 10 May, 1772; died at Rochester, 20 June, 1853. Children of Benjamin* and Rachel (Buzart) Yerkes: 234. Samuel Yerkes". 235. William YERKES^ 236. Benjamin Franklin YERKES^ 237. Jacob Buzart Yerkes', born 10 March, 1798; died 18 November, 1864; married Maria Tyson. 238. Silas Ayres Yerkes', born i November, 1799; died i August, 1878; married Susannah Sarah Hill. 239. Almira Yerkes', born in 1801 ; died in January, 1863 ; married Peter Spring- sted. 240. Hannah Yerkes', married Eben Hoopes. 241. Mary Jane Yerkes'. 242. Thomas Yerkes'. 243. Elizabeth Yerkes', married Israel Reynolds, of Rochester, New York. No issue. 79. JOSEPH YERKES* (Stephen^ Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and sixth child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Whiteside, was bom in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery (formerly Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania, 5 July, 1769; died at Plymouth, Michigan, 10 January, 1850. He was bred a farmer, and followed such occupation throughout his life. About 1797 he removed with his family to Romulus, Seneca County, New York, and there continued until 1826, when he removed to Plymouth town- ship, Wayne County, Michigan, where he settled upon section two of township one south, range eight east, taking up the land from the government. " With axe and firebrand he soon made a clearing in the wilderness of forest, and planted his family hearthstone within the four* walls of a settler's cabin. Though well advanced in years, and the father of a numerous family, he wrought with a strong arm, which soon transformed a dense forest into a beautiful and productive farm. . . . His life history, which possessed nothing that could be called thrilling or miraculous, has, nevertheless, an interest to all admirers of Michigan's pioneers, as well as those contemporary with his life and labors." * * Extract from a paper by Elias S. Woodman, Esq., published in the Collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, xiii. 383-388. 44 YERKES FAMILY He married,* in Pennsylvania, 21 November, 1793, Mary Purdy, who died at Ovid, New York, in June, 1821. She was a daughter of Robert Purdy, Esqr, by his wife Mary Roney. Children of Joseph^ and Mary (Purdy) Yerkes; the eldest born in Moreland, Pennsylvania, and the others, at Romulus, New York : 244. William Yerkes^ born 11 September, 1794; died 5 January, 1884; married Hes- ter Dennis. 245. John Yerkes', born 29 August, 1799; died 14 February, 1877; married Sarah Thornton. 246. Mary Yerkes", born 30 March, 1802; died, unmarried, 20 September, 1879. 247. Sarah Yerkes", born 26 July, 1805; died in December, 1878; married Ephraim H. Utley. 248. Elizabeth Yerkes", born 20 July, 1809; married James Wilkinson.f 249. Hannah Yerkes", born 15 December, 1812; died 2 April, 1839; married Clark Augustus Griswold. 250. Joseph Yerkes", born 3 June, 1815; died 6 September, 1890; married (i) Almira Whitaker; (2) Miriam Morehouse. 80. RACHEL YERKES* (Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), seventh child and third and youngest daughter of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Whiteside, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 4 November, 1772; died at Romulus, New York, date unknown. She married James Rogers, born (pos- sibly in Ireland) in 1769; died at Novi, Michigan, 2 August, 1833. He was a farmer, and removed from Pennsylvania to the State of New York, and later to Michigan. Children of James and Rachel* (Yerkes) Rogers : 251. Samuel Rogers", died at the age of six months. 252. Stephen Yerkes Rogers", born 15 June, 1798; died at Farmington, Michigan, 15 August, 18 — ; married Nancy Madden. 253. John Rogers", died at the age of twenty-one years. 254. George Rogers", born 22 September, 1800; died at Novi, 19 January, 1874; mar- ried Jane Swartout, born 4 May, 1810; died at Novi, 18 March, 1875. 255. Samuel Rogers", born in 1806; died at Novi, 17 April, 1875; married Jane Sayre, born 13 September, 1813 ; died at Novi, 21 May, 1858. 256. William Rogers", married Mary Odell. 257. Levi Watson Rogers", born 22 March, 1810; died at Novi, 29 October, 1879; married Elizabeth Sayre; born 24 August, 1817. * Records of Presbyterian Church at Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. t Since the text was in type the following record of the family of Elizabeth Yerkes has been received. Her husband, James Wilkinson, was born at Mayfield, New York, 24 February, 1800, and died at Novi, Michigan, 3 February, 1872. Their children were: Harman Wilkinson^, born 24 Feb- ruary, 1830 ; died 20 February, 1849. Albert Hamilton Wilkinson^, born 19 November, 1834 ; mar- ried, 4 July, 1859, Elvira Maria Allen, born 28 February, 1834 ; daughter of Henry Allen by his wife Catharine Bassett. Mary Jane Wilkinson^. James Milton Wilkinson^, born 9 November, 1838; died 24 January, 1898. Melissa Wilkinson*, born 18 October, 1841 ; died 11 May, 1896. William Lewis Wilkinson*, born in 1845; died 18 September, 1873. Charles Melvin Wilkinson*, born 23 September, 1848. 45 CHRONICLE OF THE 258. Elizabeth P. Rogers', born in 1813; died at Plymouth, Michigan, 6 March, 1889. 259. Rebecca Rogers', born in 1815; died at Novi, i October, 1876; married Perley C. Shaw; born 12 April, 1817; died at Novi, 8 May, 1895. 81. SAMUEL YERKES* (Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and youngest child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Whiteside, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 24 September, 1775; died at Farmington, Ontario County, New York, 19 March, 1861. He was bred a farmer on his father's estate in Moreland. He was one of the executors of his father's will, and resided on the homestead farm in Moreland until 1825, when he sold the same to Isaac Roberts, and removed to what was then known as the " Genesee Country," in New York, and settled in the town of Farmington, where he engaged in farming until his death. He married Elizabeth Rutherton, born 14 February, 1783; died at Farm- ington, 2 October, 1852; daughter of John Rutherton. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes , were Baptists. Children of Samuel* and Elizabeth (Rutherton) Yerkes; born in Pennsyl- vania : 260. Mary Yerkes', born 28 November, 1803 ; died 28 October, 1841 ; married Alex- ander Grant. 261. Joseph Yerkes', born 21 June, 1805; died 23 August, 1884; married Rosalinda Brown. 262. Rebecca Watson Yerkes', born 16 July, 1816; died at County Line, Otsego County, New York, 9 January, 1894; married Silas Gage, who died 8 Febru- ary, 1864, aged forty-nine years and three months. No issue. 82. ELIAS YERKES'' (Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and child of Elias Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Foster, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 16 January, 1757; died there, 21 June, 1844. Administration on his estate was granted in Montgomery County, 20 August, the same year. On 24 May, 1799, his brother and sister conveyed unto him all their right, title, and interest in the homestead farm in Moreland, and here Mr. Yerkes carried on farming, the occupation of his ancestors for some generations. He served as a private in the Pennsylvania militia during the Revolution.* He was baptized in the Baptist faith, 10 August, 1783, when he united with the Southampton Baptist Church, of which he became a prominent member. He is buried in the graveyard of that church, and his tombstone bears the following inscription : " In Memory of | Elias Yerkes | who was a worthy member | of the Baptist church of I Southampton, Bucks County, Pa | almost 61 years: | was Baptized August loth 1783 [ * Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, xiii. 248. 46 YERKES FAMILY appointed Deacon of said church | December iith 1794 | and was Senior Deacon near 50 years | He departed this life June 21st | 1844 I Aged 87 years 5 months & 5 days." | " Remember friends as you pass by " That all mankind are born to die, " Then let your cares on Christ be cast " That you may dwell with him at last." He was a farmer, and married, but the name of his wife is unknown. Children of Elias* Yerkes : 263. Lydia Yerkes', born 14 October, 1816; married Samuel Lukens. 264. Elizabeth Yerkes*, died without issue; married Baker Lukens. 83. GEORGE YERKES* (Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Elias Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Foster, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 18 September, 1758; died there, 25 December, 1839. His will, dated 2 July, 1835, with codicil dated 5 July, 1837, was proved 9 January, 1840,* and named sons Jonathan and David, daughter Susanna Edwards, and granddaughter Susannah Walton, late Edwards. The date of his marriage, or the maiden name of his wife Rebecca, has not been secured. She joined him in a deed, 24 May, 1799; and died 13 May, 1835. Both are buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church. Children of George* Yerkes, presumably by wife Rebecca : 265. Jonathan Yerkes', born 2 May, 1784; died 28 June, 1854; married Mary Ayres. 266. David Yerkes', married Charity Bennett. 267. George Yerkes', died unmarried and without issue. 268. Susanna Yerkes', married Jesse Edwards. 90. ARTHUR YERKES* (Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and eighth child of Elias Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Foster, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 11 February, 1769; died there, 23 October, 1840. He, too, was a farmer. He married, 30 March, 1797, Elizabeth Hart, born 13 December, 1779; died 23 October, 1834; daughter of Colonel Josiah Hart by his wife Ann Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are buried in the ground of the Southampton Baptist Church. Mrs. Yerkes's father. Colonel Hart, was a son of Colonel Joseph Hart, a prominent officer in the Revolution. Her mother was a great-granddaughter of the Reverend John Watts, Pastor of the Pennepek Baptist Church, and her sister. Amy Hart, became the wife of Major-General John Davis, of Bucks County, and the mother of General William Watts Hart Davis, a veteran of the Mexican and Civil Wars, and the publisher and editor of the Doylestown Democrat since 1858.! * Montgomery County Will Book, xiii. 58. t History of the Hart Family, published by General W. W. H. Davis, in 1867. 47 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Arthur* and Elizabeth (Hart) Yerkes: 269. Ann Yerkes", born 27 July, 1798; married, 26 December, 1820, William Michener. 270. Elias Yerkes', born 20 June, 1800; died 2 July, 1875; married Harriet Krewson. 271. Horatio Gates Yerkes*, born 22 June, 1802 ; died 4 February, 1861 ; married Eliza Ann Addis. 272. Rebecca YERKES^ born 14 March, 1805; died 12 April, 1846; married Chris- topher Krewson; born 16 January, 1799; died 3 February, 1864. Issue: (273) Elizabeth Jane Krewson", born i February, and died 18 August, 1824. (274) Rebecca Krewson", born 12 April, 1846. 275. William Ferkes', born 23 September, 1807; died 9 February, 1888; married his cousin, Eliza B. Yerkes. 276. Isaac Yerkes", born 9 September, 1809; died 25 April, 1878; married, 12 January, 1847, Ellen M., daughter of Thomas McKinstry. She died in April, 1887. No issue. 277. Arthur Watts Yerkes", born 3 October, 1813; died 11 November, 1856; married Charlotte Knight. 278. Elizabeth Yerkes", born 14 March, 1816; married Isaac Clarkson Addis. 93. JONATHAN YERKES* (Titus^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and child of Titus Yerkes by his wife Margaret Paul, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 5 December, 1759; died at Damascus, Wayne County, Penn- sylvania, 27 March, 1835. was a farmer and miller, and acquired his early knowledge of these occupations on the farm and in the mill of his step- father, John Nesmith, formerly the property of his father, who died when the son Jonathan was but three years of age. In 1789 Jonathan and his only brother Titus determined to form a copartnership and enter upon the milling business on their own account, and on 18 June, of that year, they purchased two tracts of land in Germantown Township, one consisting of forty-seven acres, and the other, an adjoining tract, of twenty-two and one-quarter acres,* to which estate they removed, and there engaged in the milling business, pursuing the same until about 5 May, 1802,* on which date Jonathan Yerkes released and conveyed his half-interest in the land so purchased, and the mills on the same, unto his brother Titus. At the time of this conveyance Jonathan Yerkes had, it is assumed, con- cluded to remove his family to and settle in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, as such removal was effected late the same year, or early in 1803. He pur- chased four hundred acres of land in Damascus Township, in the latter county, of Thomas Shields. The land was located on Calkins Creek, not far distant from the Delaware River, into which the creek emptied. Here he constructed a saw-mill, and later a grist-mill, and continued farming and milling until his death. Mr. Yerkes and his wife were Baptists, and, before moving to Wayne * Philadelphia Deeds, E, F, viii. 581. 48 GRAVESTONE OF TITUS YERKES (No. 94) YERKES FAMILY County, were members of the Montgomery or Hilltown Baptist Church in Montgomery County, and they were among the organizers of the Baptist church at Damascus, of which Mr. Yerkes was for a time the clerk. He married, circa 1789, Ehzabeth Jarrett, who was born (probably in Moreland) 16 August, 1770; died at Damascus, 3 March, 1833. His six eldest children are believed to have been born at Germantown, and the others were bom at Damascus. Children of Jonathan* and Elizabeth (Jarrett) Yerkes : 279. Joseph Waln Yerkes°, born 11 September, 1790; died 20 January, 1854; married Elizabeth Burcher. 280. Titus Yerkes', born 25 December, 1791 ; died 10 August, 1869; married Helen Burcher. 281. Jacob Paul Yerkes', born 9 February, 1794; died 15 December, 1836; married Huldah Lord Skinner. 282. Jonathan Yerkes', born 15 June, 1796; died 6 March, 1797. 283. Mary Ann Yerkes", born 24 January, 1798 ; died 3 January, 1864 ; married Elijah Bailey Clark. 284. Nathan Livingstone Yerkes", born 16 July, 1800; died 13 March, 1883; mar- ried (i) Margaret Stoutenburgh ; (2) Margaret Young. 285. Margaret Yerkes", born 28 December, 1802 ; died 4 August, 1857. 286. Sebastian Jarrett Yerkes", born 11 June, 1805; died 9 September, 1889; mar- ried Mary Burr Sherwood. 287. David Shields Yerkes", born 23 April, 1807; died i January, 1894; married Caro- line Calkins. 288. Hannah S. Yerkes", born 30 April, 1810; married Ira Sherwood. 94. TITUS YERKES* (Titus', Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Titus Yerkes by his wife Margaret Paul, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 15 November, 1762, a few weeks after the death of his father; died there, 15 June, 1846, and was buried in the graveyard of the Abington Presbyterian Church. He was bred a farmer and miller under the tutelage of his step- father, John Nesmith. In 1789 he formed a copartnership with his brother Jonathan, and joined with him in the purchase of an estate in Germantown, where they engaged in the milling business. In 1802 he pur- chased his brother's interest in this property, at which time, as it appears from the deed conveying such interest, he was residing in Lower Merion town- ship, Montgomery County. Some years later he erected a mill for the manu- facture of cotton yarns on land that had belonged to his father, at what was Yerkesville, and is now Terwood, in Moreland, and there pursued such manu- facture to the end of his life. He was for several years the proprietor of the Red Lion Inn, afterwards the States Union Hotel, Market Street, Phila- delphia. He married, 18 June, 1801, Mary Streper, born 28 October, 1770; died 7 49 THE YERKES FAMILY at Philadelphia, 14 April, 1855; daughter of Abraham Streper * by his wife Hannah Roberts, f Children of Titus* and Mary (Streper) Yerkes: 289. Robert Anslev Yerkes', born 20 August, 1804; died 21 May, 1859; married Regina Husband. 290. Richard Eckroyd Yerkes", born 17 March, 1809; died 23 March, 1877; married Mrs. Lydia Walton, nee Husband. 291. Mary Paul Yerkes', born 12 June, 1814; died 4 December, 1890; married Joel Cook, Esq'. * Abraham Streper was bom 4 November, 1747, and was a son of William Streper, of German town, grandson of Leonard Streper, great-grandson of Leonard Streper, the elder, who was a son of William Streper, one of the founders of Germantown, and a large land-owner there. t Hannah Roberts was a daughter of Phineas Roberts by his wife Anne Wynne, grand- daughter of Thomas Wynne, Jun'', by his wife Mary Warner, and great-granddaughter of Jonathan Wynne, the son of Dr. Thomas Wynne, who was an intimate friend of William Penn and one of the most prominent of the early settlers in Pennsylvania.* * An account of Dr. Thomas Wynne, by Colonel Thomas Allen Glenn, will be found in " Merion in the Welsh Tract." FIFTH GENERATION m 97. JANE YERKES'5 (JacobS Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), daughter of Jacob Yerkes by his second wife Sarah Fleming, was born in Montgomery County, Pennsyl- vania, 6 January, 1798; died 11 November, 1867; married (i) John Wynkoop Hogeland,* born 6 October, 1791; died 7 October, 1824. She married (2), as second wife, John Martindale,f son of Jonathan Martindale by his wife Rachel Morgan. Child by first husband : 292. Henry Hogeland', married and had issue. Children by second husband : 293. Mary Ann Martindale". 294. Jonathan Martindale'. 295. Rachel Martindale'. 296. Jacob Martindale'. 297. John Martindale'. 99. ROBERT YERKES' (Anthony*, Anthony^, Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Mary Harper, was born in the Manor of * See " Hoagland Family in America," 47. t See " History of Byberry and Moreland," 325. 51 CHRONICLE OF THE Moreland, 15 October, 1774; died at same place, 19 April, 1849; married Mary, daughter of Joseph Wright. She died 2 March, 1847. He was a farmer and miller, and resided on the Welsh Road in Moreland, and both he and his wife were members of the Lower Dublin Baptist Church, in the graveyard of which they are buried. Children of Robert"^ and Mary (Wright) Yerkes: 298. John Yerkes', born 7 July, 1799; died 27 January, 1886; married Diana Krewson. 299. Mary Ann Yerkes', born 12 November, 1803; married Benjamin Margerum. 300. Hannah Yerkes', born 6 June, 1806; died, unmarried, 30 January, 1878. 301. Sarah Yerkes', born i February, 1809; died 13 January, 1836; married John Ashton. They had issue : (301*) Mary Elizabeth Ashton', who married, and had a number of children. 302. Joseph Yerkes', born 17 October, 181 1; died 28 January, 1896; married Mary Ann Neff. 303. Rebecca Yerkes', born 2 September, 1815; married Alfred Robinson. 304. Catharine Ann Yerkes', born 25 November, 1819; died 27 January, 1888; mar- ried Charles W. Rich. 100. JACOB YERKES^ (AnthonyS Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Mary Harper, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 19 January, 1776; died at Bustleton, Phila- delphia, 28 February, 1846; married Mary Beans, born 4 March, 1774; died 13 November, 1848. Mr, Yerkes was a millwright. Children of Jacob^ and Mary (Beans) Yerkes: 305. Nathan Harper Yerkes', born in 1798; died, unmarried, in August, 1878. 306. Jane Yerkes', born 13 December, 1800; married Daniel Starkey. 307. Elizabeth Yerkes', married George Danenhower. 308. Adolphus Yerkes', born 19 October, 1808; died 7 April, 1895; married Harriet Remsen. 309. Mary Yerkes', born circa 1812; died in July, 1844; married Edward Johnson, who is deceased, and by whom she had issue: (310) Sarah C. Johnson', born 12 September, 1835 ; since deceased. 101. JOSEPH YERKES^ (Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Mary Harper, was born II October, 1777; married his cousin, Cassandra T. Yerkes (No. 96), born 20 January, 1800; daughter of Jacob Yerkes by his wife Sarah Fleming. Children of Joseph^ and Cassandra T.' (Yerkes) Yerkes: 311. Jacob Yerkes', died unmarried. 312. Ephraim Yerkes', married Mary Jolly, and died without issue. 313. Jane Yerkes', married Charles Wilson, of Dover, Delaware, and had two daugh- ters, one of whom was Rachel Wilson; born 15 July, 1845; married, at Phila- delphia, 9 September, 1868, Thomas S. Home, as is learned from the " Geneal- ogy of the Smedley Family," 332. 314. Sarah Yerkes'. 52 YERKES FAMILY 102. JONATHAN YERKES^ (Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, An- thony^), fourth son and fifth child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Mary Harper, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 3 September, 1782; died at Vernon, Michigan, 23 September, 1846. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and resided in Pennsylvania until about 1823, when he removed with his family to Romulus, Seneca County, New York, where he continued farming for some years, later removing to Vernon Township, Shiawassee County, Michi- gan, where he died. He was a Baptist, as were, also, his family. He mar- ried, in Pennsylvania, Maria Watkins, who died at Romulus, New York, in 1838. Children of Jonathan^ and Maria (Watkins) Yerkes ; all born in Pennsylvania, except the two youngest, who were born in New York: 315. Anthony Yerkes', born 17 December, 1808; died 19 March, 1886; married Esther Allen. 316. Sarah Ann Yerkes", died in 1844; married Daniel Gould. 317. Jacob Yerkes', born 2 October, 1812; died 28 July, 1885; married Sarah Olivia Roberts. 318. Mary Yerkes', born i March, 1815; died 30 November, 1894; married Hughes Supplee. 319. Charles Reeves Yerkes', born 22 February, 1819; died 28 April, 1901; married Margaret Young. 320. Jonathan Watkins Yerkes', born 5 May, 1824; died 20 May, 1848. 321. Joseph Watkins Yerkes', twin of Jonathan, born 5 May, 1824; died 30 November, 1899; married Sarah Emeline Sawtelle. 322. Margaret Yerkes', died in January, 1871 ; married Banister Winget. 104. MARY HARPER YERKES^ (AnthonyS Anthony^ Herman', Anthony^ ) , seventh and youngest child and third daughter of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Mary Harper ; married Giles McDowell. Child of Giles and Mary Harper^ (Yerkes) McDowell: 323. William L. McDowell'. 108. ANTHONY YERKES' (Joseph*, Anthony^, Herman^, An- thony^), only son of Joseph Yerkes by his wife Hannah Ashton, was born in Philadelphia, in 1776; died in Moreland, Montgomery County, 28 Febru- ary, 1836. He was noted for his excellence in penmanship, and is known in the family as Anthony Yerkes, " the Penman." He acquired land in More- land, under the will of his father. He was a Quaker, as had been his father, and a member of Abington Meeting, where, on 19 March, 1807, he married Susanna Canby, daughter of Benjamin and Susanna Canby, of Wilmington, Delaware. S3 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Anthony^ and Susanna (Canby) Yerkes: 324. Hannah Littler Yerkes", born 13 June, 1808; died 10 July, 1884; married Jacob E. Clayton. 325. Joseph Yerkes", born i April, 181 1; died 25 August, 1844. 326. Catharine Yerkes', born 10 April, 1815; died in 1891 ; married Ezra Croasdale Knight. 327. Ashton Yerkes*, born 5 April, 1818; died 12 August, 1840. 328. Charles Canby Yerkes', born 2 April, 1820; died 30 March, 1837. 111. ANTHONY YERKES'^ (David*, Anthony^, Herman^, An- thony^), only son and third child of David Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Wil- merton, was born at Baltimore, Maryland, 6 November, 1793; died there, 2 August, 1821 ; married, 29 March, 1816, Sarah Richards. Children of Anthony"* and Sarah (Richards) Yerkes; all born at Baltimore: 329. David Anthony Yerkes", born 25 August, 1817; died 5 September, 1888; mar- ried (i) Elizabeth Hobbs; (2) EHzabeth Young. 330. George Stiles Yerkes", born 9 November, 1819; married Susan Cuyler. 331. Elizabeth Yerkes", born 8 July, 1821 ; married Irenius D. P. Forman, by whom she had issue. 112. ABRAHAM YERKES« (John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Cofifing, was born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 29 May, 1770; died 23 or 28 October, 1827, and was buried in the grounds of Plymouth Meeting. He was a farmer, and resided in Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County. He was a member of the Society of Friends. He married, about 1793, Mary Jones, born 3 September, 1774; died 5 November, 1863; daughter of Jonathan and Susanna Jones. Children of Abraham^ and Mary (Jones) Yerkes: 332. Ann Yerkes', born 26 October, 1794 ; died 23 May, 1820. 333. Hannah Yerkes", born 12 September, 1796; died 2 April, 1886; married Silas Shoemaker. 334. Harm an Yerkes', born 20 August, 1798; died 17 January, 1862; married Rebecca Jeans. 335. Isaac Yerkes', born 18 November, 1800 ; died 26 December, 1888 ; married Isabella Fries. 336. John Yerkes", born 12 October, 1802; died 11 February, 1886; married Jane Fowler. 337- Jones Yerkes", born 28 November, 1804; died 25 August, 1830; married Jane Comfort. 338. Aaron Yerkes", born 3 December, 1807; died 19 April, 1882; married Mary Ann Glenn. 339. Mary Yerkes', born 15 March, 1810; died 14 February, 1892; married, 28 Sep- tember, 1837, Levi P. Coats, born in Upper Merion, Montgomery County, li June, 1808 ; died at Frankford, Philadelphia, 9 October, 1874 ; son of Matthias and Sophia Coats. Issue: (340) Aaron Yerkes Coats', born 18 December, 1838; married, 28 September, 1864, Margaret, daughter of John Sheard, born 54 iKONlCLH v^ii. : I Yerkes: , 1808; died 10 July, 1884; married Jacoi orn I April, 181 1 ; died 25 August, 1844. NE Yerkes*, bom 10 April, 1815 ; died in 1891 ; married Ezra CroaMiale 'ght. - Yerkes*, born s April, 1818; died 12 August, i84t 3^.> .,AALis. Canby Yerkes*, bom 2 April, 1820; died 30 March, ittj7. NfTHONY YERKE Anthony*, T -.An- ther ' 'hirdchiU^ . ^ . - . men altimorc 2 Aup'jst, 1821 td, 29 Marc < of Anthony* a ^ (John*, John', Coffinp , , 1820. 3ij Hannah Y> jer, 1796; died 2 April, 1886; married Silas 334. H/, born 20 August, 1798; died 17 January, 1862; married ReVi- 335. liA born 18 November, 1800; died 26 December, 1888; marries: t . ICS. 336. JOP'^ y-^sKTiS*, bora 12 October, 1802; died II February, 1886; married 337. Jo; i*, born 28 November, 1804; died 25 August, 1830; ma" 338. Aa s*, bora 3 December, 1807; died 19 April, 1882; ms 339- Mi^ ' -- , - 1838; married, 2J- YERKES FAMILY 2 May, 1838. (341) Matthias Coats', born 4 July, 1840; married, 19 March, 1866, Mary, daughter of John McMullin, born 4 October, 1838. (342) Susan Yerkes Coats', born 4 June, 1844; married, 21 September, 1865, Charles Castor, of Frankford, born 8 September, 1840. 343. Susan Yerkes', born 4 September, 1814 ; died 3 September, 1899. 344. Abraham Yerkes', born 21 June, 1819 ; died, without issue, 18 May, 1901 ; married, 25 November, 1847, Julia Walton, born 17 September, 1829; daughter of Daniel Walton. 113. ELIZABETH YERKES^ (John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest daughter and second child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Coffing, was born 9 February, 1772; married Isaac Jones, born 30 May, 1772; died 12 June, 1868; son of Jonathan and Susanna Jones. Isaac Jones resided in Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County, and his family were members of the Society of Friends, and attended Plymouth Meeting. Children of Isaac and Elizabeth^ (Yerkes) Jones: 345. John Jones', born 18 December, 1795 ; married Martha , and had issue.* 346. William Jones', born 17 August, 1798; died 5 October, 1857. 347. Jonathan Jones', born 24 March, 1800. 348. Isaac Jones', born 6 May, 1802 ; married, 3 November, 1826, Ann, daughter of Ezra and Margaret Comfort, and had issue.f 349. Ann Jones', born 18 June, 1804 ; died, unmarried, 3 July, 1885. 350. Susan Jones', born 10 January, 1806; died 2 August, 1890; married Thomas Hopkins, of Norristown, Montgomery County, born 10 February, 1809; died 21 July, 1871. They had issue.t 351. Elizabeth Jones', born 15 April, 1809; died 8 March, 1891; married Charles Sheppard, born 4 November, 1810; died 8 October, 1873. They had issue. 352. Charles Jones', born 2 February, 1813. 114. HARMAN YERKES'' (JohnS John^ Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Coffing, was born in the Manor of Moreland, 21 May, 1774; died at " Yerkes Corner," White- marsh Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 15 March, 1845. He was a merchant and farmer. Auge, in his " History of Montgomery County," page 63, gives the following account of Mr. Yerkes's life : " His father, John Yerkes, was a farmer, who, finding his son, Harman, a delicate boy, hardly strong enough for his own calling, placed him at an early age with Samuel Livezey, of Plymouth, as a store help, where he remained a number of years. Having saved of his earnings fifty pounds, he concluded, under the advice of his patron friend Livezey, to start a store for himself at Spring Mill. The manner of his going into business is given in his own words, as related to the writer many years ago : ' Samuel said I served him faithfully, and he would assist me. He went with me to town and introduced me to the merchants, and said to them, " Harman is poor, but he is honest. If he wants a little credit, trust him ; but don't trust him too much, for much trust ain't good for a young man." ' He soon, • See " Plymouth Meeting," by Elwood Roberts, 138. t Ibid., 171. t Ibid., 149, 150. 55 CHRONICLE OF THE however, had little need of trust from anybody, for till his death he was known in Phila- delphia as the ' money-down' buyer. After continuing several years at Spring Mill, he removed to the store and farm so long known by the name of ' Yerkes Corner,' now Harman- ville, at the intersection of the Ridge turnpike road and the Spring Mill road, where he died, universally respected, on March 15, 1845, at the ripe old age of seventy-one years. " Harman Yerkes was eminently a merchant of the olden time, disposing of everything at exact and uniform prices, and at very small advances. He would as soon have thought of selling with a short yardstick or false bushel as to retail goods on the modern sensational style, — one article at less than cost, and another, not so well known to the buyer, at three- fold profits. If goods would not bring their price, they remained on the shelves as mementos or as caution not to buy more. This, perhaps, was not best, but it was his way. Conse- quently, when his stock was finally closed out, very many things, well kept, were sold to buyers as curiosities of a former age. He was scrupulously honest to the half-penny. If a half-cent was due a customer on an account, or in change, he would, if no half-cent were at hand, give a half row of pins, or the like, to make precise settlement. With equal exactitude and conscientiousness he expected it if due him. In his later years he became wealthy, and loaned considerable money on bonds and mortgages, and, as may be supposed, knew or cared nothing for ' bonuses' in placing loans. Though living with Friends nearly all his life, and attending their meetings with tolerable regularity, he was never a member of the Society." Harman Yerkes married, about 1803, Elizabeth Weaver, born 29 Sep- tember, 1 781; died 28 April, 1877; daughter of John Weaver, of German- town, by his wife Susanna Keyser, a daughter of John Keyser.* Children of Harman"^ and Elizabeth (Weaver) Yerkes; born in Whitemarsh Township : 353. Miriam Yerkes*, born 31 July, 1804; died, unmarried, 29 December, 1852. 354. Joseph Weaver Yerkes', born 15 February, 1806; died 11 February, 1847; married (i) Hannah Davis; (2) Mary F. Harry; (3) Elizabeth Marple. 355. Susan Weaver Yerkes", born 14 January, 1808 ; died, unmarried, 28 April, 1892. 356. Reuben Yerkes', born 26 November, 1899; died, without issue, 29 January, 1871 ; married (i) Mary Shoemaker; (2), 15 November, 1856, Hannah Shoemaker, sister of his first wife. 357. Mary Weaver Yerkes', born 9 December, 181 1; died i February, 1895; married Daniel H. Dager. 358. Martha Yerkes', born i October, 1813. 359. Hiram Yerkes', born 13 December, 1815; died 26 July, 1836. 360. Nathaniel Weaver Yerkes', born 13 April, 1818; died 6 August, 1869; married Sarah Jones Leedom. 361. Anna Yerkes*, born 16 December, 1823. 115. WILLIAM YERKES^ (John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Coffing, was born 16 July, 1776. The date of his death has not been ascertained. In a deed dated 5 March, 181 2, he is styled of Germantown Township, Philadelphia County, * A descendant of Dirck Keyser, one of the early settlers of Germantown. (See " The Keyser Family," 123.) 56 YERKES FAMILY and by the same he conveyed six acres of land to John Kitler. He married Deborah Streper, born 30 December, 1779; died in New Garden Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 24 August, 1844; daughter of Leonard and Margaret Streper, and a descendant of William Streper, one of the founders of Germantown. Children of William^ and Deborah (Streper) Yerkes: 362. John Yerkes", born 5 March, 1802; died 17 July, 1880; married (i) Catharine Dull ; (2) Elizabeth Lloyd. 363. George Yerkes", born 24 September, 1804. 364. William Yerkes", born 10 March, 1806; died 21 March, 1870; married Sarah Shannon. 365. Jacob Streper Yerkes', born 18 May, 1809 ; died 18 November, 1866 ; married Ann S. Shoemaker. 366. Jonathan Yerkes", born 15 December, 1811 ; died 12 January, 1896; married Elizabeth Mitchener. 367. Leonard Yerkes", born 16 August, 1814 ; died young. 368. Margaret Yerkes", born 16 August, 1814; died young. 369. Samuel Streper Yerkes", born 2 August, 1816; died April, 1886; married Anne Maria Bodine. 370. Isaac Jones Yerkes", born 26 July, 1819. 116. JOHN YERKES^ (JohnS John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and fifth child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Coffing, was born in Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania, 20 October, 1778; died at Easttown, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 16 May, 1848. He was a tanner, and resided at East- town, where he conducted a prosperous tannery. He married (i), 31 March, 1803, Ann Spies,* who probably died without issue; (2) Elizabeth Stump, who died at Easttown, 6 June, 1864. She was, it would appear, the mother of the following children, as she refers to them as such in her will, by which she bequeathed a large personal estate to her family. Children of John^ and Elizabeth (Stump) Yerkes: 371. Mary Yerkes", died 11 December, 1883, in her sixty-ninth year. 372. Job Roberts Yerkes", born 30 September, 1817; died 7 July, 1888; married Eliza- beth Pierce. 373. Morris or Maurice Yerkes", born in April, 1821 ; died 11 April, 1857; married Hannah Mendenhall Pierce. 374. John Yerkes', died, unmarried, 21 August, 1890. 375. Elizabeth Yerkes", died at Kennett Square, Chester County, 22 September, 1892; married, i8 November, 1869, Peter Supplee. 376. Hannah Yerkes", born in 1828 ; died 8 August, 1893 ; married James P. Calvert. 377. Jonathan Philips Yerkes", born 16 January, 1833; died 15 February, 1900; mar- ried Margaret Matilda Barr. 378. Martha Emily Yerkes", unmarried. 8 * Records of German Reformed Church of Germantown. 57 CHRONICLE OF THE 117. JONATHAN YERKES^ (John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and sixth child of John Yerkes by his wife Ann Coffing, was born 30 August, 1780; married Elizabeth Stump. It has been difficult to obtain any account of this family. Children of Jonathan^ and Elizabeth (Stump) Yerkes: 379. Ann Yerkes'. 380. Margaret Yerkes', married Justus P. Jones. 381. Elizabeth Yerkes", died 11 January, 1892. 382. Lewis Yerkes', born 25 January, 1808; married Esther Fielding Jones. 383. Charles Yerkes', died in Philadelphia, 17 September, 1878; married Hannah Coulter, who died 21 December, 1898, and had issue: (384) Robert H. Yerkes^ (385) Seymour Yerkes'. (386) Matilda Yerkes'. 387. Alloway Yerkes', married, and had issue. 388. Humphrey Yerkes', born 20 October, 1814; died 30 September, 1896; married, 19 December, 1843, Ann Elizabeth McCormick. Their daughter, (388a) Carrie E. Yerkes', born 14 October, 1852, married, 3 October, 1880, John W. Dunlap, of Hulmeville, Pennsylvania, and by him had issue. 121. SILAS YERKES^ (Harman*, John^ Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Margaret Scott, was born 7 August, 1784; died in Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 30 January, 1863, and was buried in the graveyard of the Abington Presbyterian Church. He was a farmer, and resided on his estate in Abington, consisting of over one hundred acres of land, sixty acres of which was a portion of his father's homestead. The farm is said to have been in the continuous occu- pation of the Yerkes family for over one hundred and twenty-five years. Silas Yerkes was a man of more than usual local prominence, and remained in active business life until 1859, when " he retired with a competence." He was prompt and precisely honest in business, and, because of his irreproachable character, held several positions of trust and confidence. He was Ruling Elder of the Abington Presbyterian Church for many years. He was a commissioner of Montgomery County for three years, and held other public positions. He married, 10 January, 181 1, Elizabeth Mann; born 15 February, 1788; died II April, 1849; daughter of Samuel Mann, Esq^. Children of Silas" and Elizabeth (Mann) Yerkes: 389. Harman Yerkes', born 6 March, 1812 ; died in childhood. 390. Samuel Mann Yerkes', born 2 June, 1813; died 6 May, 1892; married (i) Chris- tiana McNair; (2) Mrs. Emeline (Mather) Rumsey. 391. Margaret Yerkes', born 30 September, 1814; died 22 March, 1897; married Bryce Allen. Issue: (392) Margaret Anna Allen', died 22 May, 1847, aged three months. 393. Susanna Scott Yerkes', born 5 December, 1815 ; died 27 July, 1892. 394. John Keith Yerkes', born 10 October, 1817; died 19 January, 1894; married Henrietta Lesher. S8 .rlRONICLE OF i', Herman*. Anthony'), his wife Ann rn lup. It has been wiix.>_.u. >.i.. - y^iin "li?;aheth CStnmp) Yerkes: n X Ficluing Jones. ~ ^ iPyJ*; married Hai^^ ' 384) ROBiST^ I^. cptember. Their ■ s o o « I •a S 01 1116 ii'iciJioachCb^ V He was Rulii'^- "^flt^ He was a cc ^uf for three years 1 other pubHc posit; tin. > vr\r\', tRtt -^.f-..,.- - 1. 1- It ■ ■ hruSry, ' and Elizabeth (Mann) Yerkes: Vejjkes', bom 6 March, 1812; died ia childhood. ~ - born 2 ■ C I r ,, 1892; married (ij Mrs- Ei ^- YERKES FAMILY 395. Isaac Mann Yerkes', born 13 January, 1819; died 22 March, 1899; married Jane Murdock Carr. 396. Rosanna Keith Yerkes', born 3 May, 1820; died 30 December, 1896; married Isaac Newburn Leech. 397. Silas Darrah Yerkes', born 10 May, 1822; died i May, 1876; married Rachel Shelmire. 398. William Tennant Yerkes', born 21 October, 1824; died 25 April, 1890; married Maria Blaker. 399. George Scott Yerkes', born 18 September, 1826; died 20 May, 1898; married Jane Moore. 400. Charles Huxham Yerkes", born 15 July, 1829; died 7 March, 1872; married Rebecca Holme. 401. Joseph Sanford Yerkes', born 13 January, 1832; died in infancy. 122. SUSANNA YERKES^ (Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and third child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Margaret Scott, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 19 October, 1786; died at Philadelphia, 23 April, 1874; married, 10 December, 181 1, Josiah Stockton Mann, born in Horsham Township, same county, 2 September, 1789; died in Moreland, 18 February, 1863. Mr. Mann was a brother of Elizabeth, wife of Silas Yerkes. Children of Josiah Stockton and Susanna^ (Yerkes) Mann: 402. Samuel Keith Mann', born 9 June, 1813; died 29 April, 1894; married, 24 Sep- tember, 1861, Julia Roberts, born 17 July, 1828. Issue: (402^) Margaret Mann', born 20 April, 1864. (402^) Mary Y. Mann', born 8 January, 1869. 403. George Yerkes Mann', born 26 July, 1815; died in 1901 ; married, 23 April, 1844, Isabella Shoemaker. 404. Charles Stockton Mann', born 6 September, 1817; died 15 September, 1870; married (i), 3 March, 1842, Eliza Brady; (2), 10 February, 1848, Lucy Boucher, died 30 January, 1896. Issue: (404a) Mary Matilda Mann', born 4 September, 1849. (404I') Susanna Mann', born 3 June, 1858. (404c) Emma B. Mann', born 16 June, 1861. 405. Margaret Matilda Mann', born 13 July, 1820. 406. William S. Mann', born 28 September, 1823; died 5 January, 1898; married, 5 March, 1850, Rachel Clausen. Issue: (406^) Howard Mann', born 31 July, 1856; married Amanda Neeman, and had issue. 407. Aaron Mann', born 3 March, 1830; died 16 May, 1879. 127. JOHN YERKES' (Harman*, John', Herman^, Anthony^), third son and eighth and youngest child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Margaret Scott, was born in Abington Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 16 April, 1802; died 20 April, 1870. He married Margaret Benner, born 14 December, 1800; died 9 February, 1859; daughter of Jacob Benner. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are buried in the graveyard of the Abington Presbyterian Church. 59 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of John** and Margaret (Benner) Yerkes: 408. Harman Yerkes", born 17 August, 1827; married Sarah Cauffman, who died at Fargo, Dakota, 24 November, 1893, without issue. Mr. Yerkes resides at Bordentown, New Jersey. He is possessed of considerable wealth, and is a large land-owner. 409. Catharine Yerkes", born 5 February, 1829; died unmarried. 410. Mary Yerkes", born 17 January, 1831 ; married John Anderson. 411. Andrew Jackson Yerkes", born 30 September, 1834; married Susan P. Kelsey. 412. Samuel Mann Yerkes', born 11 November, 1836. 413. Jacob Benner Yerkes", born 25 April, 1839; died in childhood. 414. Rachel Yerkes", born 25 August, 1842; died in childhood. 128. SILAS YERKES^ (Silas*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), only child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Hannah Craft, was born at what is now Ogontz, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1 1 December, 1 779, a few weeks after his father's death, and died at Philadelphia, 31 January, 1868. His widowed mother married, as second husband, Levi Tyson, of the well-known Tyson family of Philadelphia and vicinity. Silas grew up in the Quaker faith, his mother and step-father being members, in excellent standing, of Abingdon Meeting. He was car'^fully educated and prepared for a mercantile life, and finally determined to enlarge his sphere of activity by abandoning the country and establishing himself in business in Philadelphia, whence he removed about 1808, and where he engaged as a flour and feed merchant, in which he prospered. After acquiring a handsome fortune he retired from business. At the time of his removal to Philadelphia he was a member of the Abing- ton Monthly Meeting of Friends, and upon his removal he attached himself to the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Northern District. He was a man of positive views, and was firm in maintaining them. As to his character in these respects, we obtain a shade of light in the following extract from the minutes of the Meeting last mentioned: " Silas Yerkes, who had a right of membership with us, the religious Society of Friends, has transgressed our Discipline by persisting with others in holding a Meeting Styled the Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Green Street, Philadelphia, after that Meeting had been dissolved by the Quarterly Meeting and the members thereof attached to the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Northern District : Also by attend- ing other Meetings held in violation of our established Order. — On these accounts it became our concern to treat with him in order to convince him of his errors, but he denied the authority of the Monthly Meeting, and refused to see the committee appointed to confer with him. Having thus separated himself from the religious Society of Friends, we testify we no longer consider him a member among us — nevertheless desire that through the renewed visitations of Divine Grace he may be favoured to see and condemn his errors and prepared to unite with us in christian fellowship." He married, 13 March, 1806, Mary Leech; born in Cheltenham town- ship, Montgomery County, 26 June, 1786; died at Philadelphia, 25 July, 1858; 60 SILAS YEKKES (No. 128) Krom a portrait in pussession of his grandson Charles Tyson Yerkes, Esq' CHRONia.E OF .ncr. " born 5 February, 1829 7 January, 183 1 ; i ■ah CaufFman, who died at iber, 17 ■ rew up n the following extract id at ' f Friends of Philadelphia f of our e ■-der to MARY (LEECH) YERKEb, WIFE UK SILAS YERKES (no. 128) From a portrait in possession of her grandson Charles Tyson Yerkes, Esq' J YERKES FAMILY daughter of Isaac Leech by his wife Sarah Holcombe. (See Notes on the Leech Family.) Their two eldest children were born in Cheltenham Town- ship and the others were born at Philadelphia. Children of Silas^ and Mary (Leech) Yerkes: 415. Sarah Leech Yerkes', born 22 May, 1807; died 29 April, 1835; married Samuel Parry Shoemaker. 416. Charles Tyson Yerkes', born 28 August, 1808; died 14 March, 1883; married (i) Elizabeth Link Broom; (2) Margaret Patterson. 417. George Yerkes', born 28 March, 1810; died at Philadelphia, 8 March, 1895; mar- ried Margaret Austin, by whom he had a daughter, who died in infancy. Mr. Yerkes was a successful brush manufacturer, and amassed considerable wealth. 418. Hannah Tyson Yerkes', born 22 September, 181 1; died 3 February, 1888. 419. Elizabeth Yerkes*, born 14 December, 1814; died 26 April, 1898. 420. Mary Leech Yerkes', born i October, 1816; died 16 April, 1821. 421. Isaac Leech Yerkes', born 14 February, 1819; died 2 September, 1837. 422. Mary Leech Yerkes', born 28 February, 1822; died 29 January, 1824. 423. Silas Yerkes, Jr.', born i October, 1824 ; died 27 October, 1891 ; married Susan B. Morris, daughter of Morris Morris. He was a wealthy iron merchant, and left an estate of $300,000. 424. Richard Yerkes', born 13 October, 1826; died 25 June, 1828. 132. THOMAS YERKES^ (Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Benjamin Yerkes by his wife Margaret Jones, was born in Moreland Township, 18 October, 1790; died at Fox Chase, Phila- delphia, 19 January, 1856. He was a blacksmith, and carried on a smithery at the latter place until failing health compelled him to retire from active busi- ness. He sold his estate there, to James C. Davis. He married Martha Wright, daughter of Joseph Wright. Child of Thomas^ and Martha (Wright) Yerkes: 425. Phebe Yerkes', married, in November, 1834, Anthony Livezey, Jr., son of Anthony Livezey by his wife Esther Bailey. Issue: (426) Jane Livezey', married Samuel Livezey. (427) Ann B. Livezey', married (i) Robert Blake; (2) William LaRue. (428) Thomas B. Livezey', married Lavinia Blake. (429) Martha Livezey', married, 4 October, 1866, Morris Wood. (430) Esther Livezey', married, 29 December, 1874, Alonzo Dallas Eisenhower. (431) Sarah Livezey', died young. (432) Anthony Livezey', died young. (433) Samuel Livezey', married Margaret Kulp. 133. BENJAMIN YERKES" (Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, An- thony^), second son and third child of Benjamin Yerkes by his wife Margaret Jones, was born in Moreland Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 17 February, 1792; died there, 24 May, 1851; married Sarah Addis, bom 15 April, 1790; died 9 December, 1864; daughter of Isaac and Jane Addis. Mr. Yerkes was a wheelwright, and resided on his estate on the Pennypack Creek, about one mile north of Bethayres, in Moreland. He and his wife and 61 CHRONICLE OF THE several of their children are buried in the graveyard of the Lower Dublin Bap- tist Church. Children of Benjamin'' and Sarah (Addis) Yerkes: 434. Huston Yerkes', born 9 April, 1816; married Catharine Ann Lesher. 435. Ann Yerkes', born and died 2 September, 1817. 436. Mary Jane Yerkes', born 3 November, 1819; died 26 November, 1901 ; married Charles Boucher. 437. Samuel Jones Yerkes', born 2 November, 1821 ; died 28 December, 1841. 438. Margaret Yerkes', born 8 November, 1823 ; died 24 January, 1842. 439. Moses Yerkes', born 26 January, 1826; died 8 November, 1878; married Eleanor Morrison Yerkes. 440. Isaac Addis Yerkes', born 6 April, 1828; died 7 December, 1841. 441. Benjamin Yerkes', born 6 April, 1828; married Adela H. Roe. 442. Hannah Addis Yerkes', born 11 July, 1830; married Christian Snyder. 443. Thomas Jones Yerkes', born 15 June, 1834; married Rachel Scott. 138. AMOS YERKES'5 (Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthonyi), fifth son and eighth child of Benjamin Yerkes by his w^ife Margaret Jones, ■W2LS born at Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 6 August, 1804; died there, 26 September, 1887; married Ann Wynkoop, born 31 July, 1807; died 20 September, 1892; daughter of Philip Wynkoop by his v^ife Catharine Vanhorn. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and he and his wife were Baptists. Children of Amos^ and Ann (Wynkoop) Yerkes ; born at Huntingdon Valley : 444. Albert J. Yerkes', born 11 December, 1836. 445. Catharine Yerkes', born 17 May, 1839; married, 24 November, i860, James Bell Lesher, born 17 February, 1836; son of Benjamin Lesher by his wife Mary Maag. Mr. Lesher is a farmer, and resides at Huntingdon Valley. Issue: (446) Ella A. Lesher', born i October, 1863; married, 24 Novem- ber, 1885, George Heaton. (446a) Amos Yerkes Lesher', born 19 June, 1877; married, 9 April, 1902, Flora Quail. 447. Eliza Jane Yerkes', born 5 June, 1845; died i February, 1850. 139. ISAAC YERKES'* (Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and ninth child of Benjamin Yerkes by his wife Margaret Jones, was born at Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery County, 17 September, 1806; died there, 2 April, 1854; married, 18 January, 1838, Catharine Wynkoop, born near Huntingdon Valley, 25 July, 181 1 ; died 10 December, 1883 ; daugh- ter of Philip Wynkoop by his wife Catharine Vanhorn. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, •and resided at Huntingdon Valley. He and his wife were Baptists. Children of Isaac^ and Catharine (Wynkoop) Yerkes; born at Huntingdon Valley : 448. Emma Francena Yerkes', born 22 October, 1838; married Charles W. Heaton. 449. Caroline Yerkes', born 24 July, 1840; died 22 September, 1859. 62 YERKES FAMILY 450. Samuel Jones Yerkes', born 9 August, 1842; married, 9 February, 1876, Ellen Jane Snyder (No. 1198). He is a farmer, and resides at Huntingdon Valley. Issue: (450a) Horace B. Yerkes', born 29 July, 1877; died 25 February, 1884. (45o'>) Walter Christian Yerkes', born 13 September, 1879; died 27 November, 1901. 451. Mary Eliza Yerkes', born 21 November, 1844; died 13 April, 1845. 452. Margaret Wynkoop Yerkes', born 7 July, 1846. 453. Sarah Ann Yerkes', born 26 November, 1848. 140. JONES YERKES" (Benjamin*, John', Herman^, Anthony^), seventh son and tenth child of Benjamin Yerkes by his wife Margaret Jones, was born at Huntingdon Valley, 3 March, 181 o; died 29 May, 1887; married Sarah Morrison (No. 605), born 30 May, 1818; died 11 October, 1884; daughter of John Morrison by his wife Hannah Yerkes. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer. Children of Jones^ and Sarah (Morrison) Yerkes; born in Moreland: 454. Joseph Jones Yerkes', born 15 August, 1842; married Alice Louisa Cornell. 455. Benjamin Franklin Yerkes', born 9 August, 1845 ; married Jane E. V. Blaker. 456. Joshua Taylor Yerkes*, born 22 March, 1847; married Rebecca Ann Hare. 141. SARAH YERKES'^ (Benjamin*, John^ Herman^, Anthony^), youngest daughter and eleventh child of Benjamin Yerkes by his wife Mar- garet Jones, was born 3 October, 1813 ; died 28 July, 1853 ; married Samuel P. Robinson, who died 5 November, 1863, in the fifty-third year of his age. They had a number of children, but those given below are all that are known to the writer. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are buried in the graveyard of the Lower Dublin Baptist Church. Children of Samuel P. and Sarah^ (Yerkes) Robinson: 457. Joseph Robinson'. 458. Samuel Robinson'. 459. Frank Robinson'. 460. Margaret Robinson', died 10 September, 1854, in the sixteenth year of her age. 461. Benjamin Robinson', died 19 August, 1853, in the eleventh year of his age. 142. ELIZABETH YERKES' (Josiah*, Josiah^, Herman^, Anthony^), the only known child of Josiah Yerkes by his wife Rachel Brooks, was born in 1784; married, in 1800, Joshua Hogeland, born at Kingwood, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 24 November, 1781; died in the State of New York, 3 September, 1828; son of John Hogeland by his wife Francina Opdyke. The record of their children as given below is from the " Hoagland Family in America," page 226, in which work the ancestry of Joshua Hogeland is recorded. 63 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Joshua and Elizabeth^ (Yerkes) Hogeland: 462. Fanny Hogeland", born 4 July, 1801 ; married William Warwick, of New Jersey. 463. Sarah Hogeland", born 19 December, 1802, married Barzillai Bailey, of New Jersey. 464. Charles Edwards Hogeland', born 24 October, 1805; married Jane Hilliker, of Union Springs, New York. 465. Agnes Hogeland", born 2 November, 1807; married Samuel Tripp, of Union Springs, New York. 466. Susan Hogeland", born 6 March, 1809; married Coryden Phelps, of Union Springs, New York. 467. Mary Ann Hogeland", born 29 February, 1812; married Philip Yawger, of Union Springs, New York. 468. Eliza Hogeland", born 18 March, 1813 ; married Nelson Peabody, of Ohio. 469. John R. Hogeland", born 24 October, 1815 ; married Adelia M. Sleght, of Union Springs, New York. 470. Catharine Hogeland", born 3 April, 1817; married Porter B. Bristol, of Union Springs, New York. 471. Jonathan B. Hogeland", born 25 September, 1820; married Mary Ann Dean, of Covert, New York. 472. Henrietta Hogeland", born 5 June, 1823; married (i) Charles U. Haviland, of Union Springs ; (2) Porter B. Bristol. 473- Josiah Yerkes Hogeland", born 13 August, 1825; married Anna B. Greenfield. 155. JOSIAH YERKES^ (Nathaniel*, Josiah^, Herman^, Anthony^, third son and sixth child of Nathaniel Yerkes by his wife Sarah Johnson, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 3 August, 1800; died at Romulus, New York, 7 October, 1866. He removed with his father to Romulus about 1818. His boyhood life was spent on his father's farm, and some time after his marriage he engaged in farming on his own account, con- tinuing in this occupation until his death. He took a deep interest in the public affairs of Romulus, and held a commission for eight years as Justice of the Peace, and served two years as Supervisor. He was a Presbyterian. He married (i), 26 December, 1826, Mrs. Margaret Blain, widow of Thomas Blain and daughter of James McKnight; born 10 May, 1792; died at Romulus, 25 June, i860. He married (2), 5 March, 1862, Rodah Barnum Church, born at New Fairfield, Connecticut, 19 February, 1822; died at Romulus in April, 1887; daughter of Abijah B. Church by his wife Lucena J. Lacy. Children of Josiah Yerkes^ by his first wife ; born at Romulus : 474. John McKnight Yerkes", born 6 December, 1827; died 29 April, 1901 ; married Lucy Church. 475. Eliza Ann Yerkes", born 12 March, 1829; married Thomas Mann. 476. Jesse Yerkes", born 8 January, 1831 ; married, i October, 1856, Elizabeth Monroe, born 17 November, 1828; died 15 November, 1901 ; daughter of 64 YERKES FAMILY Stephen Monroe by his wife Mary Depue. He is a farmer and an Epis- copalian, and resides at Romulus. No issue. 477. Margaret Yerkes', born 7 January, 1837; died 28 April, 1841. Child by second wife : 478. Schuyler Barclay Yerkes', born 7 February, 1864; married Hattie Pearl Kuney. 168. JOHN WATSON YERKES^ (Stephen*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Alice Watson, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 22 December, 181 1; died at Hat- boro, Montgomery County, 24 January, 1884. The occupation of his early business life was that of miller, which he followed at Hatboro for many years. In 187- he was elected Prothonotary of Montgomery County, and held that office three years, during which time he resided at Norristown. Returning to Hatboro, he engaged in business there as a retail merchant. He married, 20 February, 1838, his cousin, Caroline Yerkes (No. 552), born 19 October, 1821 ; died 31 August, 1862; daughter of Joseph Ball Yerkes by his wife Maria Rapp. Children of John Watson^ and Caroline® (Yerkes) Yerkes; born at Hatboro: 479. Joseph Ball Yerkes', born 6 July, 1839; married Rebecca Valentine Yerkes. 480. Alice Watson Yerkes', born 22 May, 1841 ; died 13 January, 1876. 481. Stephen Yerkes', born 10 March, 1843 ; died 13 August, 1848, his death being caused by accidentally falling from a tree. 482. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 17 March, 1845 ; died at St. Louis, Missouri, 12 April 1895, without issue; married, 28 January, 1875, John F. Jester. 483. Mary Yerkes', born 15 November, 1846; married Edward McVaugh. They removed West, and she is said to have died, leaving three children. 484. Stephen Decatur Yerkes', born 25 December, 1849; married Anna Mary Rad- cliffe. 485. Anna Watson Yerkes', born 18 May, 1852; died 7 December, 1853. 486. John Watson Yerkes', born 29 October, 1855 ; married Mary Flora Griffith. 169. MARY YERKES^ (Stephens HarmanS Herman^, Anthony^), eldest daughter and third child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Alice Watson, was born at Hatboro, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 27 September, 181^; died at Brooklyn, New York, 13 July, 1896; married, i October, 1832, Hon- orable John McNair, born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 8 June, 1800; died near Acquia Creek, Virginia, 12 August, 1861 ; son of John McNair, Esqi"; grandson of Samuel McNair, Esqr, by his wife Mary Mann, and great-grand- son of Samuel McNair by his wife Ann Murdock. Mr. McNair received an academical education, and in early life engaged in teaching. In 1825 he became principal of Loller Academy, at Hatboro, and later established a boarding and day-school for boys in Abington Village. 9 65 CHRONICLE OF THE He took a deep interest in public affairs, and was active in the Democratic party. In 1845 was elected Clerk of the Courts of Montgomery County, and held that office until 1848, and three years later he was chosen a member of the Thirty-second Congress, from the district composed of Montgomery and Delaware Counties, receiving 5925 votes against 5199 votes cast for the Whig candidate. Two years later he was elected by a vote of 7108, his Whig opponent receiving 6336 votes. On this occasion his district was composed of Montgomery County and a part of Philadelphia County. His service in Congress was from i December, 1851, until 3 March, 1855. Shortly after retiring from that body he removed to Virginia, and settled on a plantation in the vicinity of the Bull Run battle-ground. Children of Honorable John and Mary' (Yerkes) McNair: 487. Clara McNair*, born 13 October, 1833; married, 6 May, 1852, Alexander T. Levine, by whom she had issue. 488. Stephen Yerkes McNair', born 16 June, 1836; died at Cleveland, Ohio, 20 March, 1898; married, 8 April, 1854, Mattie Eleanor Knowles, by whom she had issue. 489. Frederick Vallette McNair', born 13 January, 1839; died 28 November, 1900; married Clara Warren. 490. Henry McNair', born 11 September, 1841 ; died at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1884; married Rebecca Herbert, of Norfolk, Virginia, by whom he had issue. 491. Alice E. McNair', born 9 September, 1844; died in October, 1846. 492. Robert Steele McNair*, born 27 August, 1847; married, 22 April, 1874, Birdie Windham. 493. John Watson McNair*, born 8 January, 1851 ; died in December, 1854. 494. Anthony Adolphus McNair', born 3 June, 1854; married, 19 April, 1881, Ella Houston. 170. REVEREND STEPHEN YERKES, D.D.'* (Stephens Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), youngest son and fourth child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Alice Watson, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 27 June, 181 7; died at Danville, Kentucky, 28 March, 1896. His father dying during his childhood, he was placed under the guardianship of his uncle, Harman Yerkes, by whom he was carefully educated. Having received all that could be obtained in the way of education at home and at the country schools, he was sent to a classical academy near Philadelphia. There he remained for three years; and in 1833, at the age of sixteen, entered the freshman class at Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1837. Among his classmates were Chief Justice Waite, Honorable William M. Evarts, Professor Edward Silliman, and Honorable Edwards Pierpont. A few months after graduation Mr. Yerkes went to Baltimore, Maryland, where he engaged in teaching, a work which, along varied lines and steadily ascending planes, he was so faith- fully to prosecute for nearly sixty years. He connected himself with the church 66 REVEREND STEPHEN YERKES, D.I). (No. 170) CHRONICLE OF THE He 1 ' ' .ffairs, and was ti" '? weave Ikc/s^^Mmi-^V^^cnding lay. (ns ovi) " When once they f They waged with ;. ! labor as their lot, they could but deem ; Wii ch way they looked, there came no answering gleam That bade them on life's ocean idly drift, To wait for fortune without work or thrift. :'s tide. YERKES FAMILY On this, although enough for present wants they gain. They ne'er could hope a rising family to maintain ; Their little children from their native hearth must roam. Or they must seek in Western wilds a more productive home. " Not then as now ; the curtain of the wilderness was down, And all the West lay deeply shaded in its frown; None ventured there, save hunter free and wild. Or yeoman strong with hope of future home beguiled; But stern necessity in nature knows no law. And often serves on those who grieve a happier fate to draw. " To build a woodland home the husband goes before. And soon the wife comes after with her children four; Upon Lake Erie's wave ten days her strength was tried, Her sickened children tossed from side to side. With ceaseless cry, naught but a mother's love could bide. " And when they landed on that strange wild shore. Although their friends were there, their trials were not o'er; The rutted road, unlike the smooth-laid rail. The woodland road, soon ending in an Indian trail. Was the highway through which their future home they found, Where densest forests stretched and lowered around. " And now against the mighty woodland foe. Whose close-drawn lines, outstretching row on row, Held the broad acres with his ruthless ban. The tug of stern, relentless war began. A hopeless war it seemed, and hard to brook For those who on that stately forest look. " Just where we meet beneath this sheltering roof High up the oak-trees threw their web and woof ; Where yonder golden-fruited orchard stands The wildwood held in thickly plaited bands ; Out on yon fields, now of their verdure bare. The gray wolf made his ambuscade and lair. " But lo ! the woodman's axe, with steady peal. Makes the dense ranks in wild confusion reel ; The cumbrous trunks are thrown in many angled aisles, The brush is tossed in huge fantastic piles; The blazing fire, like sea of molten brass, Next turns to ashes the rough chaotic mass ; While round the stumpy field the zigzag fences rise. And springing grain quick greets the farmer's eyes. " Thus year by year, when for the furrow space they lack, With skilful hands they push the forest back, Until the fraction left is saved for future use, When to the silvan war they bid a lasting truce. 8i CHRONICLE OF THE " Think not this drudgery fast binds the pioneer, For country pastimes oft served his lot to cheer; The bee lined straight from where his robber instinct led, That larger thieves might share his winter's bread. " The hunter's stealthy step along the bushy swale. The noiseless deer, back gazing on his trail ; The fevered thrill, defying doctors' laws ; The rifle's crack, the instant breathless pause, The disappointed scowl if he bounds unhurt away. Or exultant cry if staggering marks the bullet's prey. " The sturdy neighbors gathered far and near. The log house raising and the housewife's cheer, The husking-bee drawn late into the night. The hearty laugh, the healthy, happy faces bright. " These and kindred pastimes, mingled with their toil. Kept guard against despondency's recoil ; In some or most of these they had their share. Whose guests to-day we freely welcome are; Perhaps they had their share of sorrow too, Although to right their hearts were leal and true. For up the long course through which their lives have spun Full many a day of anxious care has run. And deep affliction drove its furrow through. Hiding three children from their earthly view. " But thanks to Him we give whose Spirit's power Upheld them in the pain of trial's gloomy hour; Thankful stern poverty led not their feet astray. Or affluence lured them in the worldling's gilded way; Thankful not o'er much sorrow turned them to despair, Or joy made them oblivious of others' need and care. And thankful to Him who year by year has held disease at bay, Till now we greet them on their Golden Wedding Day. IN MEMORIAM. September 29, 1794. Father. 1884—5 January. March 21, 1799. Mother. 1881— 11 September. " In him were brain and brawn in high degree ; In her were mother love and matchless industry." Children of William^ and Hester (Dennis) Yerkes: 654. Joseph Dennis Yerkes", born 8 October, 1818; died 29 May, 1899; married Mary Dunlap. 655. William Purdy Yerkes", born 23 October, 1820; died at Northville, Michigan, 21 November, 1902. His early education was obtained in the " log" school- house of his neighborhood, supplemented later by several terms in a select school in Northville. In 1843 he entered the law-offices of George and Moses Wisner, at Pontiac, Michigan; was admitted to the bar in 1846, and engaged 82 YERKES FAMILY in the practice of the law at Northville. Four years later he retnoved to Detroit, and continued in practice there, attaining advanced rank in his profession. In i860 he was elected Probate Judge of Wayne County, and served in that office with ability for a term of four years. In 1865 he returned to Northville, where he spent the remainder of his life in easy retirement, giving his attention mostly to his farm and village properties. He married, 16 December, 1851, Sarah Cady, born 13 May, 1833; died 22 December, 1896; daughter of Daniel L. Cady, Esqi", of Northville, by his wife Eliza Ellsworth. 656. George Yerkes", born 13 July, 1822; died 18 July, 1829. 657. Mary Yerkes", born 26 July, 1823 ; died 6 March, 1851 ; married John C. Emery. 658. John Yerkes", born 12 September, 1825; died 28 July, 1851, without issue; married Elizabeth Wing. 659. Silas Allen Yerkes°, born 8 November, 1827; married Eleanor Andrews McCarty. 660. Robert YERKES^ born 26 September, 1829; married Sarah Holmes. 661. Theodore Yerkes°, born 5 and died 18 September, 1831. 662. Charles Yerkes", born 19 April, 1833 ; married Evelina Wells. 663. Stephen Yerkes', born 20 May, 1835 ; died at Novi, Michigan, 9 January, 1881, without issue; married Nellie Dunham. 664. George Yerkes", born 19 April, 1838; married, 28 November, 1866, Jane Entrican, born 4 January, 1845 ; died 30 November, 1891 ; daughter of David Entrican by his wife Celia Law. Issue: (665) Jessie May Yerkes', born 11 July, and died 22 October, 1872. 666. Harrison Yerkes', born 4 April, 1841 ; died, without issue, 31 July, 1899, at Northville; married, 19 July, 1865, Katherine Palmer; born 12 September, 1841 ; daughter of James B. Palmer by his wife, Rebecca Ann Clark. 245. JOHN YERKES^ (Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Joseph Yerkes by his wife Mary Purdy, was born at Romulus, New York, 29 August, 1799; died at Northville, Michigan, 14 February, 1877. He was a farmer, and removed from New York and set- tled at Northville, about 1826. He married, 21 August, 1828, Sarah Thorn- ton, born at Meredith, Delaware County, New York, 24 July, 1809; died at Northville, 15 March, 1896; daughter of Ira Thornton by his wife Sarah Whitlock. Children of John^ and Sarah (Thornton) Yerkes, all born at Northville: 667. Julia Ann Yerkes', born 20 January, 1832 ; died 3 April, 1901 ; married Sebring Voorhees. 668. Fannie M. Yerkes', born 25 September, 1833; married, 14 September, 1876, Dexter White, who died at Northville, 30 January, 1903. 669. William Yerkes', born 20 December, 1835; resides at Northville; married (i), 26 August, 1869, Rebecca, daughter of Stephen Rogers. She died 3 August, 1877, and he married (2), 5 February, 1879, Alice, daughter of William Dunlap by his wife Sarah Nevins. No issue by either marriage. 670. Lyman A. Yerkes', born 9 December, 1838; married Maria Antoinette Gardner. 671. Elizabeth Yerkes", born 14 February, 1840; married Isaac Newton Blackwood. 672. John Harmon Yerkes', born 29 August, 1842; died 25 November, 1856. 83 CHRONICLE OF THE 247. SARAH YERKES^ (Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth child and second daughter of Joseph Yerkes by his wife Mary Purdy, was born at Romulus, New York, 26 July, 1805; died at Cassanova, Michi- gan, in 1878; married, in 1829, Ephraim H. Utley, born in Vermont, 20 June, 1801 ; died at Big Prairie, Michigan, 11 June, 1859. Children of Ephraim H. and Sarah^ (Yerkes) Utley: 673. George Utley", born in 1830; died in December, 1888. 674. Janet Utley", born 1832 ; died in 1894. 675. Charles P. Utley", born in 1837. 676. Ephraim Utley", born in 1844. 677. Sarah Utley", born in 1846; died in 1864. 249. HANNAH YERKES^ (Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth child and fourth daughter of Joseph Yerkes by his wife Mary Purdy, was born at Romulus, New York, 15 December, 1812; died at Plymouth, Michigan, 2 April, 1839; married, 22 September, 1829, Clark Augustus Gris- wold, born at Wilmington, Vermont, 6 November, 1806; died at Northville, Michigan, 6 October, 1890; son of Jared Griswold. Children of Clark Augustus and Hannah^ (Yerkes) Griswold, born at North- ville : 678. Sarah Elizabeth Griswold", born 8 July, 1832; died 9 October, 1892; married, 4 June, 1856, John C. McFarlin, born at Washington Hollow, New York, 24 November, 1827; died at Northville, Michigan, 19 June, 1885; son of Levi McFarlin by his wife Betsy Cornwell. Issue: (678a) Mary Yerkes McFarlin', born 20 May, 1857; married, i February, 1887, James B. Hoar. (679) Elizabeth McFarlin', born 20 January, i860; died 2 February, 1891. (680) Harmon Clark McFarlin', born 22 September, 1861 ; died 26 March, 1890. (681) John Pliny McFarlin', born 6 December, 1865; mar- ried, 9 July, 1890, Minnie De Bree. (682) James B. McFarlin', born 11 May, 1868; married, 6 September, 1896, Jennie Smith. (683) Madison McFarlin', born 21 February, 1872. 684. Pliny O. Griswold", born 8 July, 1835 ; died 13 January, 1836. 685. Marie Antoinette Griswold", born 18 July, 1837 ; died 13 October, 1839. 250. JOSEPH YERKES, JunR^ (Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, An- thony^), third son and seventh and youngest child of Joseph Yerkes by his wife Mary Purdy, was born at Romulus, New York, 3 June, 1815; died at South Lyon, Michigan, 6 September, 1890. He accompanied his father at the time the latter removed to Michigan, and he there became a farmer. He resided at Northville for many years, but at his death was a resident of South Lyon. He was a Presbyterian. He married (i), 3 January, 1837, Almira Whitaker, born 3 December, 1815; died 16 April, 1856; daughter of Henry Whitaker. He married (2), 8 October, 1856, Miriam Morehouse, born at 84 YERKES FAMILY Barry, Orleans County, New York; daughter of Lyman Morehouse by his wife Eunice Sawyer. His children were born at Northville. Children of Joseph Yerkes, Junf^, by his first wife : 686. Helen J. YERKES^ born 26 October, 1837; died 25 April, 1865; married, i Janu- ary, 1867, W. Copland. 687. Mary L. Yerkes", born 20 July, 1841 ; died 6 March, 1851. 688. Leander W. Yerkes^ born 15 January, 1844; died 6 February, 1863, at Bowling Green, Kentucky. 689. Alice E. Yerkes°, died 26 August, 1848. Child of Joseph Yerkes, Jun""^, by his second wife : 690. Harman Morehouse Yerkes", born 22 August, i860; married Lottie Dove. 260. MARY YERKES^ (SamuelS Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Samuel Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Rutherton, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 28 November, 1803; died at Farmington, New York, 28 October, 1841; married, 2 June, 1824, Alex- ander Grant, born at Ovid, New York, 22 October, 1801 ; died at Manchester, New York, 22 August, 1863; son of Abram Grant. Mr. Grant was a farmer, and both he and his wife were Baptists. His two eldest children were born at Romulus, the next at Canandaigua, and the others at Farmington, New York. Children of Alexander and Mary^ (Yerkes) Grant: 691. Abram Grant", born 27 August, 1826; died 8 February, 1845. 692. Joseph Watson Grant", born 11 February, 1832; married, 7 September, 1851, Mary Porter, and resides at Millers, Orleans County, New York. 693. Elizabeth Grant", born 11 February, 1832; died 31 December, 1861. 694. Caroline H. Grant", born 26 July, 1835 ; married, 22 February, 1866, as second wife, Norman H. Baker, who had previously married her sister Mary. 695. Yerkes Grant", born 24 June, 1837; died in August, 1840. 696. Mary Grant", born 29 July, 184 1 ; died 18 August, 1863; married, 5 December, 1861, Norman H. Baker. 261. JOSEPH YERKES^ (Samuel*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), second child and only son of Samuel Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Rutherton, M^as born in Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 21 June, 1805; died at Gaines, Michigan, 23 August, 1884. He was a farmer, and engaged in that occupation at Farmington, New York, until 1864, when he removed to Gaines, Michigan, where he purchased a farm of one hundred and seventy acres, upon which he settled and made his home until his death. He married Rosalinda, daughter of Hiram Brown. She died 13 June, 1863, aged fifty- six years, seven months, and thirteen days, as is learned from her tombstone in the cemetery at Manchester, New York. 8s CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Joseph^ and Rosalinda (Brown) Yerkes: 697. Mary Yerkes", died 28 March, 1855, aged twenty-four years and six months. 698. Sarah L. Yerkes", married (i) ; (2) Israel White. 699. Samuel Yerkes', died at Gaines, Michigan, 21 August, 1870. 700. Charles H. Yerkes", born i May, 1838; died at Gaines, 6 September, 1896; married, 15 April, 1874, Addie S. Brown, born 24 October, 1847; daughter of William H. Brown by his wife Hannah White. He removed with his father to Michigan, and there engaged in farming. No issue. 701. Elizabeth Yerkes", married Charles E. Ryno. 263. LYDIA YERKES^ (EliasS Elias', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Elias Yerkes, Junr, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 14 October, 181 6; married, 14 December, 1831, Samuel Lukens. Both are deceased. Children of Samuel and Lydia' (Yerkes) Lukens: 702. William Alexander Lukens", born 15 September, 1832. 703. Samuel Lukens", born 3 October, 1834. 704. David S. Y. Lukens", born 3 September, 1836. 705. Sarah M. Lukens", born 8 February, 1840. 265. JONATHAN YERKES^ (GeorgeS Elias', Herman^, Anthony^), probably the eldest child of George and Rebecca Yerkes, was born in More- land, Montgomery County, 2 May, 1784; died there, 28 June, 1854, and was buried in the Independent Baptist graveyard at Southampton, Bucks County. He married, circa 1804, his cousin, Mary Ayres (No. 56), only child of Charles Ayres by his wife Esther Yerkes. She survived her hus- band, and, declining administration on his estate, the same was granted, 22 July, 1854, unto his eldest son, Edward Yerkes. His personal estate was appraised at fourteen thousand dollars. He was a farmer, and resided on a large farm on the Byberry and Hatboro Road, west of the " Sorrel Horse Inn." Mr. Yerkes was a man of large physical proportions, weighing three hundred pounds. Children of Jonathan^ and Mary (Ayres) Yerkes: 706. Eliza Bowen Yerkes", born 3 August, 1805 ; died 25 December, 1864 ; married her cousin, William Yerkes (No. 275). 707. Edward Yerkes", married Sarah Ann Dungan. 708. Israel Hallowell Yerkes", born in 1813; died in October, 1885; married Mar- garet Clayton. 709. George L. Yerkes", married Susan Barnes. 268. SUSANNA YERKES** (GeorgeS Elias', Herman^, Anthony^), probably the youngest daughter of George and Rebecca Yerkes, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, circa 1791 ; died 13 August, 1877; mar- 86 YERKES FAMILY ried Jesse Edwards, who died 26 July, 1838, in the forty-ninth year of his age. Both are buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church. Besides the children named below, they are said to have had two sons, Alfred and George. Children of Jesse and Susanna"^ (Yerkes) Edwards: 710. Susanna Edwards", married Charles Walton. They were the parents of F. Theo- dore Walton, Esqf, who was for some years Recorder of Deeds of the County of Philadelphia, and a prominent hotel proprietor. 711. Harriet Edwards', died 2 September, 1867, aged fifty-four years, eight months, and six days; married Charles Hall. 712. Eliza B. Edwards', died 25 September, 1835, aged nine years and one month. 269. ANN YERKES^ (Arthur*, Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 27 July, 1798; married, 26 December, 1820, William Michener, born 30 August, 1800; son of Thomas and Ann Michener. They resided near Morgan's Mills, in Moreland. Children of William and Ann^ (Yerkes) Michener: 713. Charles Michener', born 17 November, 1821; died circa 1890; married, 3 De- cember, 1846, Catharine Spotts. No issue. 714. Elizabeth Yerkes Michener', born 22 March, 1823 ; married, in September, 1848, John Murray, born 28 December, 1819. They had issue. 715. Arthur Watts Michener', born 23 September, 1832. 270. ELI AS YERKES^ (ArthurS Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 20 June, 1800; died at Southampton, Bucks County, 2 July, 1875. He was a farmer, and a member of the South- ampton Baptist Church, in the graveyard of which both he and his wife are buried. He married, 30 December, 1824, Harriet Krewson, born 25 Sep- tember, 1806; died 28 November, 1880. Children of Elias^ and Harriet (Krewson) Yerkes; born at Davisville, Bucks County : 716. Eliza Ann Yerkes', born 6 December, 1825 ; died 30 March, 1902 ; married Henry Hagerman. 717. Hannah Shay Yerkes', born 3 January, 1828; married Stephen De Coursey. 718. Amanda Wilhelmina Yerkes', born 5 August, 1830; died 14 August, 1844. 719. William Watts Davis Yerkes', born i November, 1832; married Mary Ann Lugar. 720. Rebecca Jane Yerkes', born 5 September, 1835. 721. Amy Hart Yerkes', born 14 November, 1837; married Isaac Clarkson Addis. 722. Harriet Ellen Yerkes', born 16 June, 1840 ; died 26 January, 1873 ; married, 12 March, 1872, George Propert, a ship-builder, of Camden, New Jersey; born at 87 CHRONICLE OF THE Philadelphia, 6 February, 1840; son of Jacob Propert by his wife Sarah E. Crosscup. Issue: (723) Josiah Kerper Propert', born 11 January, 1873. 724. Sarah Emma Yerkes", born 13 June, 1843; died 12 April, 1891, without issue; married, 13 January, 1886, Joseph P. Deal. 725. Laura Augusta Yerkes", born 3 June, 1848. 271. HORATIO GATES YERKES= (Arthur*, Elias^ Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife EHzabeth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 22 June, 1802; died at Davisville, Bucks County, 4 February, 1861; married, 8 November, 1827, Ehza Ann Addis, born 18 September, 1805; died 14 August, 1902; daughter of Colonel Amos Addis by his wife Ruth Green. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes, and also their parents, are buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer and a prominent citizen, and resided on his farm in Bucks County, on the road leading from the Southampton Baptist Church to Davisville. Children of Horatio Gates^ and Eliza Ann (Addis) Yerkes; born at Davis- ville : 726. Julia Ann Yerkes', born 25 August, 1828; died 28 October, 1844. 727. Elizabeth Jane Yerkes", born 20 December, 1829 ; married, 8 June, 1853, Bezaliel Croasdale, born 29 March, 1829; son of Ezra and Elizabeth Croasdale. Issue: (728) James Madison Croasdale', born 26 February, 1854. (729) Flora Croasdale', born 25 May, 1857. (730) Charles W. Croasdalz', born 20 Janu- ary, 1864. 731. Eleanor Morrison Yerkes", born 27 October, 1831 ; died 12 May, 1875; married Moses Yerkes (No. 439). 732. Sarah Michener Yerkes", born 5 May, 1833 ; married, 4 March, 1858, David Cherry, born 25 November, 1825 ; son of George and Esther Cherry. Issue : (733) Mary Ann Cherry', born 7 December, 1859; died i January, 1862. (734) William Cherry', born 10 August, i860. (735) Ella Cherry', twin of William. (736) George Cherry', born 28 February, 1864. 737. Amos Addis Yerkes", born 2 January, 1836; married Rebecca Slack. 738. Ruth Addis Yerkes", born 6 June, 1837; married, 24 December, 1863, Charles Addis. No issue. 739. Amy Rebecca Yerkes", born 26 April, 1839 ; married Charles Wynkoop ; born 19 October, 1839; son of Garret and Mary Wynkoop. Issue: (740) Rebecca Wynkoop'. 741. Mary Louisa Yerkes", born 4 May, 1841 ; married, 11 February, 1866, James Thompson, born at Northampton, 30 November, 1838; son of Hugh Thomp- son by his wife Ellen Johnson. Mr. Thompson is a farmer, and resides at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Issue: (742) Harvey D. Thompson', born 20 Janu- ary, 1867; married, 17 November, 1897, Anna J. Stackhouse. (743) James Byron Thompson', born 27 August, 1869. (744) Anna E. Thompson', born 18 January, 1871. (745) Eleanor Mary Thompson', born 5 June, 1875. 746. Arthur Watts Yerkes", born 26 March, 1843 ; married Margaret H. Hallowell. 747. Joseph Morrison Yerkes", born 30 December, 1845 ; married Hannah Ann Walker. 748. Emma Luetta Yerkes", born 8 April, 1849; died 29 December, 1891 ; married, 5 January, 1881, Lloyd Walker, born at Horsham, Montgomery County, 25 88 YERKES FAMILY February, 1845; son of Samuel Walker by his wife Louisa Rebecca Wells. Mr. Walker is a farmer, and resides at Johnsville, Bucks County. Issue: (749) Samuel Charles Walker, Junk'. (750) Ada Quint Walker^ (751) Her- BEKT Walker'. 275. WILLIAM YERKES'^ (Arthur*, Elias', Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fifth child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife EHzabeth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 23 September, 1807; died at Frank- ford, Philadelphia, 9 February, 1888. In some of the family records he is called William Hart Yerkes, but on his tombstone no middle name is given. He married, 10 August, 1829, his cousin, Eliza Bowen Yerkes (No. 706), born in Moreland, 3 August, 1805; died 25 December, 18^4; daughter of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Mary Ayres. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church, where the tombstone of Mrs. Yerkes bears this inscription : " Eliza B. Yerkes, wife of William Yerkes, who died in the triumph of the faith of God's Elect, December 25, 1864, aged 59 years 4 months and 22 days." Children of William^ and Eliza Bowen® (Yerkes) Yerkes; all born in More- land, excepting the three youngest, who were born in Kent County, Delaware : 752. Jonathan Yerkes', born 2 April, 1830; died 24 May, 1897; married Miranda Watson. 753. Elizabeth Yerkes', born i May, 1831 ; married, 24 November, 1853, Harrison B. Puff, son of Jacob and Ann Pufi'. He died 8 March, 1854, without issue. 754. Arthur Yerkes', born 28 August, 1832; died 15 August, 1833. 755. Mary Yerkes', born 17 January, 1835. 756. Harriet Yerkes', born 5 May, 1836; died 11 May, 1858; married, 12 March, 1857, William Keas. Issue: (757) Benton Hart Keas', born 21 April and died 17 August, 1858. 758. Christopher K. Yerkes', born 17 April, 1838; married Maria Yerkes. 759. Alice V. Yerkes', born 24 November, 1839; married her cousin, Frank Yerkes (No. 1466). 760. Jane S. Yerkes', twin of Alice, born 24 November, 1839; married Josiah G. Albertson. 761. Rebecca K. Yerkes', born 10 October, 1841. 762. Edward A. Yerkes', born 14 March, 1843; died 21 July, 1900; married Anne Davis. 763. Margaret A. Yerkes', born 28 October, 1846 ; married William J. Kenderdine. 277. ARTHUR WATTS YERKES^ (Arthur*, Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and seventh child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife Eliza- beth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 3 October, 181 3; died at Davisville, Bucks County, 11 November, 1856; married, 9 February, 1843, Charlotte Knight, born, according to family records, 12 March, 1819; or, according to age given on her tombstone, 12 November, 1819; died 6 " 89 CHRONICLE OF THE April, 1868. She was a daughter of Deacon Jonathan and EHzabeth Knight. Mr. Yerkes was a carpenter and builder. He was a Baptist, and both himself and his wife were buried in the graveyard of the Southampton Baptist Church, Children of Arthur Watts'* and Charlotte (Knight) Yerkes: 764. William Hart Yerkes", born 30 October, 1843 ; married Hannah Ann Matthews. 765. Amy Davis Yerkes", born 19 June, 1845 ; died 23 April, 1862. 766. John Knight Yerkes', born 30 June, 1848. He is cashier of the American Ice Company, at Washington, D. C, and married there, 15 May, 1877, Mary L. Frankland. 767. Isaac Yerkes', born 30 December, 1850; died 8 October, 1851. 278. ELIZABETH YERKES"* (Arthur*, Elias^, Herman^, Anthony^), the eighth and youngest child of Arthur Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Hart, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 14 March, 18 16, and is deceased. She married, 29 January, 1846, Isaac Clarkson Addis, born 30 September, 1819; died in November, 1898; son of Amos and Amy Addis. Mr. Clarkson was a farmer, and resided for some years in Warminster, Bucks County, but removed to Southampton, same county, where he resided at his death. Children of Isaac Clarkson and Elizabeth"* (Yerkes) Addis : 768. Christopher Krewson Addis', born 2 December, 1846; died 4 August, 1847. 769. Amy Addis', born 25 May, 1849, and is deceased. 770. Anna Addis', born 21 April, 1852, and is deceased. 771. Howard Addis', born 10 April, 1856. 279. JOSEPH WALN YERKES' (Jonathan*, Titus^, Herman^, An- thony^), eldest child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Jarrett, was born at or near Germantown, Philadelphia, 11 September, 1790; died at Damascus, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 20 January, 1854. He accom- panied his parents upon their removal from Germantown to Damascus, and continued at the latter place until the end of his life. He was a farmer and lumberman, and a member of the Baptist Church at Damascus. He married, 4 January, 1816, Elizabeth Burcher, born at Westminster, England, 13 Sep- tember, 1792; died at Damascus, 4 May, 1874; daughter of William Burcher by his wife Elizabeth Passmore. Children of Joseph Wain"* and Elizabeth (Burcher) Yerkes; all born at Damascus : 772. Caroline Elizabeth Yerkes', born 25 January, 1817; died at Honesdale, Penn- sylvania, 28 September, 1848; married, in 1837, Oren Bentley, born in Orange County, New York, 15 August, 1815; died at Gainesville, Georgia, in 1890. Issue: (773) Julia V. Bentley', born 3 March, 1838; married Volney Skin- ner, born 7 July, 1831, and by him had issue. (774) William Clark Bentley', born 3 May, 1841 ; died in June, 1863. (775) Katharine Elizabeth Bentley', 90 YERKES FAMILY born 7 August, 1844; died 3 May, 1894; married, in October, 1874, Thomas Gleason. 776. William Bukcher Yerkes', born i April, 1820; died 24 June, 1866, unmarried. 777. Jonathan Yerkes*, born 14 October, 1822 ; died 13 January, 1894 ; married Phebe T. Burcher. 778. Jarsett Passmore Yerkes', born 3 July, 1826; died 24 November, 1879; mar- ried Katharine Tennant. 779. Warren Dim mock Yerkes', born 28 February, 1829; married Margaret Hannah Mitchell. 780. RoxANNA Yerkes', born 22 December, 1831 ; died 26 July, 1844. 280. TITUS YERKES' (Jonathans TitusS HermanS Anthony^), second son and second child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife EHzabeth Jarrett, was born at or near Germantown, Philadelphia, 25 December, 1791 ; died at Corunna, Michigan, 10 August, 1869; married, in 181 7, Helen Burcher, born near London, England, 17 January, 1800; daughter of William Burcher by his wife Elizabeth Passmore. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and sold his farm in Damascus about 1832 and removed to Corunna, Oakland County, Michigan, where he purchased an estate, and continued farming until his death. His four eldest children were born at Damascus, and the others at Corunna. He was a Baptist. Children of Titus'^ and Helen (Burcher) Yerkes: 781. Arianna Yerkes", born 6 June, 1818; died at Vernon, Michigan, 13 November, 1885; married, 11 November, 1841, Henry Ward, born 8 October, 1814; died 30 December, 1884. Issue: (781*) Lucien Ward', born 25 February, 1847; died 21 February, 1850. (781b) Julia M. Ward', born 16 April, 1852; married Dr. W. H. Barr. 782. Constantine Yerkes', born 28 September, 1821 ; died at Vernon, Michigan, 2 February, 1875; married Eliza Martin. 783. Elizabeth Yerkes", born 20 August, 1824; married Silas Dunlap. 784. Adelaide Yerkes', born 22 January, 1831 ; married Jerome Sprague. 785. Margaret Yerkes', born 16 June, 1834; married (i) Almond Gilbert; (2) John Harrison. 786. Sarah Yerkes', born 5 March, 1838; married Eli Martin. 787. Harriet Yerkes', born 14 April, 1845 ; married, 18 June, 1874, Richard Hanna, born in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, 21 January, 1847; son of Isaac Drake Hanna by his wife Cynthia M. Kingsley. Mr. Hanna is a farmer, and resides at Corunna, Michigan. Issue: (788) Henry Hanna', born 12 September, 1876. 281. JACOB PAUL YERKES' (Jonathans TitusS HermanS An- thony^), third son and third child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Jarrett, was born at or near Germantown, Philadelphia, 9 February, 1794; died at Evansville, Indiana, 15 December, 1836; married, at Damascus, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 27 November, 181 5, Huldah Lord Skinner, born 30 September, 1798; died in Scott Township, Vanderburg County, Indiana, 11 March, 1869. From the time of the removal of his parents to Damascus until 91 CHRONICLE OF THE 1836 Mr. Yerkes resided at the latter place, and there engaged in farming. In that year he removed, with his family, to Indiana, and settled at Evans- ville. Soon after his arrival there he "wzs stricken with the fever then so prevalent in that section, and remained an invalid until his death, the next year. To Mrs. Yerkes fell the responsibility and task of rearing and main- taining their ten minor children. She was a woman of remarkable energy and intelligence, and met the responsibility thus cast upon her with the courage of a Spartan mother. One correspondent, in writing of her in this connection, says, " Mrs. Yerkes reared her family in such a way that, in whatever community they have cast their lot, they have left a mark for up- rightness, temperance, and morality. Some of them have reached positions of prominence above their fellow-men. . . . She was far-seeing and wise above her generation. She was the good angel in the community wherever she lived. Men of letters, physicians, and ministers sought her advice and counsel." Children of Jacob PauF and Huldah Lord (Skinner) Yerkes; all, except the youngest, born at Damascus : 789. Amelia Lydia Yerkes', born 10 October, 1816 ; died 13 December, 1893 ; married George B. McCutchan. 790. Jonathan Paul Yerkes", born 19 April, 1818; died 2 January, 1876; married Eliza Ellen Hunter. 791. Reuben Skinner Yerkes*, born 28 January, 1820; died 9 June, 1890; married Harriet Agnes Martin. 792. Harriet Clarissa Yerkes', born 21 September, 1821 ; married John W. Graham, and by him had issue. 793. Margaret Ann Yerkes', born i May, 1823; died 4 February, 1888; married, 25 October, 1846, Joseph F. Sharpe. No issue. 794. David Oliver Yerkes', born 23 April, 1825 ; died 22 June, 1825. 795. Charlotte Nancy Yerkes', born 29 July, 1826; died at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, 7 July, 1851 ; married, 13 December, 1848, Jay Wilson. No issue. 796. Annie Mollie Yerkes', born 12 September, 1828; died 19 May, 1878; married (i) William C. Hensley; (2) Samuel K. Casey. Issue by both marriages, but names of same not obtained. 797. Julia Culpurnia Yerkes', born 17 January, 1831 ; married David Rollin Malone. 798. Elizabeth Jarrett Yerkes', born 8 April, 1833 ; married Calvin R. Howe. 799. Honora Hannah Yerkes', born 20 August, 1835 ; married Linfred H. Hauss. 283. MARY ANN YERKES'^ (Jonathan*, Titus^ Herman^, An- thony^ ) , eldest daughter and fifth child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Eliza- beth Jarrett, was born at or near Germantown, Philadelphia, 24 January, 1 798 ; died at Orion, Michigan, 3 January, 1864; married, 6 March, 1816, Elijah Bailey Clark, born at East Lyme, Connecticut, 23 November, 1792; died at Orion, 10 July, 1884; son of Josiah Clark by his wife Elizabeth Bailey. He was a farmer and miller, and followed such occupations at Damascus, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, for some years prior to 1834, when he removed with 92 YERKES FAMILY his family to Oakland County, Michigan, and made a settlement upon a farm in the town of Orion, where he maintained his home until his death. His six eldest children were born at Damascus, and the others at Orion. Children of Elijah Bailey and Mary Ann^ (Yerkes) Clark: 800. Elizabeth Dorinda Clark', born 17 August, 1817; married, in 1835, Charles C. Owen. 801. Loretta Margaret Clark', born 27 December, 1819; died at Orion, 23 April, 1863; married John Howarth. 802. Catharine Clark", born 5 March, 1822; died i October, 1896; married Washing- ton Bowlby. 803. Tacy Ann Clark', born 20 September, 1824; married Charles Bowlby, and resides at Pontiac, Michigan. 804. RoMAiNE Clark', born 20 August, 1826; married Emily Youdan, by whom he has issue. He resides at Orion. 805. Leonidas Clark', born 2 March, 1829; died i May, 1830. 806. JosiAH Clark', born 22 June, 1833; died 6 January, 1902; married Jane E, Youdan. 807. Adoniram Judson Clark', born 29 December, 1835 ; married Ellen Green. 8q8. William Chauncey Clark', born 22 May, 1838; married Helen Robertson. 809. Sylvanus Smith Clark', born 15 May, 1840; married Almeda Buckbee, and resides at Fenton, Michigan. 286. SEBASTIAN JARRETT YERKES^ (Jonathan*, Titus^, Her- man^, Anthony^), sixth son and eighth child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Jarrett, was born at Damascus, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 11 June, 1805; died there, 9 September, 1889; married, 18 July, 1841, Mary Burr Sherwood, born in Connecticut, 18 May, 1823; died 28 February, 1900; daughter of Albert S. and Polly B. Sherwood. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and resided at Damascus. He and his wife were Baptists. Children of Sebastian Jarrett^ and Mary Burr (Sherwood) Yerkes; born at Damascus : 810. Mary Elizabeth Yerkes', born 21 February, 1843 ; married Hiram Goodman Major. 811. Helen Burr Yerkes', born 4 March, 1849; died 30 October, 1885; married Henry D. Wilsey. 287. DAVID SHIELDS YERKES« (Jonathan*, Titus^, Herman^, Anthony^), seventh son and ninth child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Eliza- beth Jarrett, was born at Damascus, Pennsylvania, 23 April, 1807; died in Washington County, Wisconsin, i January, 1894; married, at Damascus, circa 1826, Caroline Calkins, born 30 March, 1810; died 9 June, 1870. Mr. Yerkes was a lumberman and miller. After carrying on business for some years at Damascus, he removed to Wisconsin, where at various points he con- ducted lumber-mills. 93 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of David Shields" and CaroHne (Calkins) Yerkes: 812. Marion Yerkes", born 21 December, 1827 ; died in 1900 ; married Franklin Philips. 813. Oliver Yerkes', born 24 May, 1830; married, 28 July, 1857, Catharine Wicker; born 26 September, 1838; daughter of James Dyer Wicker. He is a farmer, and resides at Colby, Wisconsin. 814. Hannah E. Yerkes*, born 22 December, 1835 ; died 3 August, 1845. 815. Marilla a. Yerkes*, born 22 December, 1835; died 14 May, 1899; married Jerome Nelson. 816. Lydia Lucillia Yerkes', born 8 December, 1838; married (i) Daniel Getchell; (2) F. O. Thorp, Esqr, a lawyer, who died in Washington; (3) Olin Baker. By her first marriage she had: (817) Alice Getchell', married Teed. (818) Walter Getchell'. 819. George Washington Yerkes', born in Michigan, 8 November, 1840; married, I December, 1867, Martha Baker, born in England, 8 July, 1843; daughter of Joseph Baker by his wife Martha Bodington. He learned the milling trade, and for twenty-three years followed that business in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan. For some years he owned a farm near Atkinson, Iowa, and devoted himself to agriculture. In 1884 he came to Eagle, Wisconsin, and in partnership with H. E. Salsich, purchased the lumber-yard of demons & Hall, the new firm becoming George W. Yerkes & Co. He is now engaged at Milton Junction, Wisconsin, as a lumber, furniture, and coal dealer. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and has been Treasurer, Junior Warden, and Senior Warden of his lodge. 820. Sarah E. Yerkes*, born at La Salle, Michigan, 29 April, 1843 ; married, 25 De- cember, 1870, Eli Hanks, born 16 August, 1835 ; son of Amos Hanks, Jun^, of Granville, New York, by his wife, Abbie Elvira Brown. Issue: (821) Almah Elizabeth Hanks', born 25 October, 1874. 289. ROBERT ANSLEY YERKES^ (Titus*, Titus^, Herman^, An- thony^), eldest child of Titus Yerkes by his wife Mary Streper, was born in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 20 August, 1804; died in Illinois, 21 May, 1859; married Regina Husband. Children of Robert Ansley^ and Regina (Husband) Yerkes: 822. Titus Yerkes', became a physician, and settled in the practice of medicine in Illinois. 823. Robert Ansley Yerkes', became a baptist clergyman, and settled in the West. 290. RICHARD ECKROYD YERKES"^ (Titus*, Titus', Herman^, Anthony^), second son and second child of Titus Yerkes by his wife Mary Streper, was born in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, 17 March, 1809; died at Georgetown, Colorado, 23 March, 1877; married, in 1833, Mrs. Lydia Walton, nee Husband, a sister of the wife of his brother Robert Ansley Yerkes. He succeeded his father in the manufacture of cotton yarns, at Yerkesville (now Terwood), Montgomery County, but discontinued the same upon the destruction of his factory by fire. He was a Presbyterian, and is buried in the graveyard of the Abington Presbyterian Church. 94 Es', born b . in 1900 ; married Franklin ^ . 1857, Catharine \ Wicker. He is u •er, 1835 ; died 3 August, 1845, 5 mber, 1835; died 14 May, 1S99; marneS o SI 838; married (i) Daniel Getchc'lg * ' Washington; (3) Olin Bakefj hell', married Tee<6 ^ November, 1840: marrieeS ■ Ms', Hern^v - . . eper, v, ty, Pennsylvania, 20 August^, d Regina Husband. j £.Y Yerb^es*, became a baptist clerc medicine i^ D ECKROYD YERT -ond chi' ' - , ion Towi ' n. Colorado. 23 M; , in 1833, Mrs. Robert • but dis vas a Prest YERKES FAMILY Children of Richard Eckroyd*^ and Lydia (Husband) Yerkes : 824. Robert Ansley Yerkes*, died 17 October, 1838, aged three years and three months. 825. Richard Yerkes", born 21 August, 1837; married (i) Ella Cartwright; (2) Margaret Powers. 826. Joseph Paul Yerkes', born 26 July, 1839 ; died 25 June, 1903 ; married Elizabeth Oldfield. 827. Mary Yerkes', married William Tyson. Issue: (827a) Frank Tyson'. (827b) Joseph Tyson'. (827c) Richard Tyson'. (827^) Mary V. Tyson'. (8276) William H. Tyson'. (827^) Howard Tyson'. 828. Josephine Yerkes*. 829. Caroline Yerkes', married (i) Winder Knight; (2) William Conn, and had issue by both husbands. 830. Angelina Yerkes*. 291. MARY PAUL YERKES» (Titus*, Titus^, Herman^, Anthony^), only daughter and third child of Titus Yerkes by his wife Mary Streper, was born 12 June, 18 14; died at Philadelphia, 4 December, 1890; married, 22 July, 1834, Joel Cook, Esqr, born in Burlington County, New Jersey, circa 1796; died at Philadelphia, 9 October, 1873; son of Joel Cook, Sen^, by his wife Keturah Miers, and a descendant of Captain Thomas Cook, who came to America in 1635, landing at Boston, and subsequently settled at Ports- mouth, Rhode Island, where he died in June, 1677. Joel Cook, the younger, settled in Philadelphia about 1808, and some years later purchased premises No. 189 (old number) Chestnut Street, almost directly opposite the entrance to Independence Hall. He was frequently elected Alderman of Chestnut Ward, of the old city of Philadelphia, and served in this capacity many years, and frequently, in the absence of the mayor, he acted in the latter capacity. He was present during the Native American riots, and actively participated in the work of directing the police force in enforcing order at the time St. Augus- tine's Church was burned, on which occasion he was wounded in the thigh by a spent bullet from the pistol of one of the mob. Upon the consolidation of Philadelphia Mr. Cook declined further re-elec- tion to the aldermanship, and retired to private life. He was always prominent in Whig politics, and was the associate of Morton McMichael, William B. Reed, George W. South, Thaddeus Stevens, and other leaders of that party in Pennsylvania. Children of Joel and Mary PauP (Yerkes) Cook; born at Philadelphia: 831. GusTAVUS Benson Cook', born 19 July, 1838; died 6 January, 1867. 832. Joel Cook', born 20 March, 1842; married Mary Jane Edmunds. 833. Richard Yerkes Cook', born 25 February, 1845 ; married Lavinia Borden. 834. William Cook', born 18 July, 1848 ; died 16 May, 1893 ; married, 24 March, 1873. Mary Earle. Issue: (835) George Earle Cook'. 95 SIXTH GENERATION 298. JOHN YERKES« (Robert^ Anthony*, An- thony^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Mary Wright, was born 7 July, 1799; died 27 January, 1886; married, about 1823, Diana Krewson, born 17 January, 1805; died 27 January, 1884; daughter of Isaac Krewson by his wife Lydia Egbert. Mr. Yerkes resided during the greater portion of his life in the neighborhood of Davisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and successfully carried on carpentering, and was, for many years, an under- taker. His wife, through her kindly attentions to the sick, was much esteemed and beloved in the community in which she lived. Children of John^ and Diana (Krewson) Yerkes: 836. Ann S. Yerkes', born 12 September, 1824; died 21 January, 1896; married, 21 March, 1850, Charles B. Ridge, born 20 November, 1829; died 16 October, 1890. Issue: (837) Sylvester Ridge', born 31 January, and died 30 July, 1852. (838) Krewson Yerkes Ridge', born 24 November, 1862; married, 11 August, 1886, Anna A. Clark, by whom he has a daughter : (839) Miriam', born 28 August, 1893. 840. Louisa Krewson Yerkes', born i September, 1827; married Christian W. Shuman. 97 CHRONICLE OF THE 841. Thomas Yerkes^ born 11 September, 1829; died 18 July, 1861; married Tacy A. Duffield. 842. Lydia Ann Yerkes', born 13 March, 1833; married Morris Headley. 843. Robert Yerkes', born 8 February, 1835 ; died 4 March, 1836. 844. Krewson Yerkes^ born 19 July, 1837 ; married Lydia S. Leighton. 845. Mary Jane Yerkes', born 20 August, 1839; married, 4 October, 1866, John Arnold, born 29 September, 1837; died at Johnsville, Bucks County, 12 April, 1887; son of Thomas and Hannah Arnold. Issue: (846) Charles Ridge Arnold', born 20 May, 1867. (847) Isabella Conard', born 27 February, and di'-d 28 August, 1871. (848) Newton Evans Arnold', born 14 September, 1873. 849. Sarah Ellen Yerkes', born 15 May, 1842; married Hubert Hammond. Issue: (850) Henry Hammond'. (851) William Hammond'. 852. Emily D. Yerkes', born 3 October, 1846; died 28 May, 1852. 299. MARY ANN YERKES« (Robert^, Anthony*, Anthony^, Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest daughter and second child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Mary Wright, was born near Holmesburg, Philadelphia, 12 November. 1803; married Benjamin Margerum. Both are deceased. Children of Benjamin and Mary Ann® (Yerkes) Margerum: 853. George Margerum'. 854. John Margerum', married Ann Ransom. 855. Bernard Margerum'. 856. Richard Margerum'. 857. Amanda Margerum', married William Potts. 858. Martha Jane Margerum', married Edmund or Edward Burke. 859. Hannah Margerum', married Jacob Johnson. 302. JOSEPH YERKES® (Robert^, Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fifth child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Mary Wright, was born near Holmesburg, Philadelphia, 17 October, 181 1; died at Camden, New Jersey, 28 January, 1896; married, 17 March, 1836, Mary Ann Neff, born at Philadelphia, 10 March, 1814; died at Delanco, New Jersey, 11 June, 1875; daughter of Jacob Neff by his wife Mary Jones. Children of Joseph® and Mary Ann (Neff) Yerkes: 860. George Swope Yerkes', born 20 February, 1839; married Rachel Ann Wilmerton. 861. Ann Cornelia Yerkes', born 12 October, 1840; died 14 December, 1842. 862. Hannah Stokes Yerkes', born 22 November, 1842; married, 19 October, 1865, Israel Putnam Heisler Wilmerton, of Philadelphia, born at Beverly, New Jersey, 16 August, 1839; son of Richard Fennimore Wilmerton by his wife Elizabeth Heisler. Issue: (863) William Nyce Wilmerton', born 13 January, 1869; married, 26 July, 1898, Frances McClellan. (864) Grace Hannah Wilmerton', born 13 January, 1873. (864a) Mary Viola Wilmerton', born 3 January, 1875. 865. Sarah Ashton Yerkes', born 11 March, 1844; died in January, 1896; married Wesley Dobbins. 866. Mary Rachel Elizabeth Ann Yerkes', born 24 June, 1848; died in early child- hood. 98 YERKES FAMILY 303. REBECCA YERKES^ (Robert^ AnthonyS Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth daughter and sixth child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Mary Wright, was born at Holmesburg, Philadelphia, 2 September, 181 5; died there, 2 November, 1901 ; married, 21 November, 1839, Alfred Robinson, born at Holmesburg, in August, 1812; died there, 19 July, 1875; son of John Robinson by his wife Elizabeth Maybery. Children of Alfred and Rebecca® (Yerkes) Robinson; all born in Holmesburg: 867. John Robinson', born 11 September, 1840; died 6 July, 1856, being accidentally drowned in the Pennypack Creek. 868. Robert Robinson', born 28 October, 1842; died 6 July, 1856, being accidentally drowned in the Pennypack Creek. 869. Hetty Robinson', born 25 May, 1846. 870. Oliver Brownell Robinson', born 11 December, 1847; married, 23 November, 1876, Sophia Jacoby. 871. Kate Cecilia Robinson', born 10 June, 1852. 872. Emma Evans Robinson', born 29 October, 1854. 873. Irene Robinson', born 5 December, 1859; died 23 October, 1875. 304. CATHARINE ANN YERKES" (Robert^ Anthony*, Anthony^ Herman^, Anthony^ ) , seventh and youngest child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Mary Wright, was born 25 November, 1819; died in Montgomery County, Maryland, 27 January, 1888; married, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16 March, 1843, Charles W. Rich, born in Bucks County, that State, 22 Decem- ber, 1 8 19; died near Laurel, Maryland, 15 November, 1896; son of John D. Rich by his wife Catharine Woodington. He was a farmer, and the religious connections of his family were with the Society of Friends. Children of Charles W. and Catharine Ann® (Yerkes) Rich: 874. William Rich', born 22 December, 1844 ; married, 24 December, 1870, Belinda A. Croasdale, and resides at Burtonsville, Maryland. 875. Ann R. Rich', born 22 May, 1846; married, 31 January, 1867, Barton S. Roby, who died 27 January, 1903. Mrs. Roby resides at Laurel, Maryland. 876. Sarah E. Rich', born 22 May, 1856; married, in December, 1877, William S. Duvall, and resides at Fairland, Maryland. 306. JANE YERKES® (Jacob^ Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, An- thony^), eldest daughter and second child of Jacob Yerkes by his wife Mary Beans, was born in Montgomery County, 13 December, 1800; married Daniel Starkey, who died in June, 1891. The record of this family, as here given, was furnished, in 1891, to Judge Harman Yerkes, of Bucks County, by Adolphus Yerkes (No. 308). Children of Daniel and Jane® (Yerkes) Starkey: 877. Elizabeth Starkey', married Charles Wright. 878. William H. Starkey', married Ellen Comly. 99 CHRONICLE OF THE 879. Thomas Starkey', died young. 880. Caroline Starkey', married William Bowen, and was deceased in 1891. 881. John F. Starkey', married (i) Margaret Ellis; (2) Sarah Stackhouse. 882. Samuel C. Starkey', married Emma J. Dungan. 883. AcHSAH Starkey', married Jesse Rennard. 884. Mary Starkey', died young. 885. Mary J. Starkey', married Peter Otto. 886. Daniel Starkey', married Louisa Headley. 887. Ann J. Starkey', married Joseph Rennard. 307. ELIZABETH YERKES« (Jacob^ AnthonyS Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and third child of Jacob Yerkes by his wife Mary Beans, married George Danenhower, The record of this family, as here given, was also furnished by Adolphus Yerkes, to Judge Yerkes, in 1891. and was " made up from memory," as he wrote to Judge Yerkes. Children of George and Elizabeth^ (Yerkes) Danenhower: 888. John Danenhower', married (i) Susana Kirk; (2) Martha Campbell. 889. Jacob Danenhower', married (i) Mary Gifford; (2) Louisa Campbell. 890. Catharine Danenhower', died young. 891. George Danenhower', married Malinda Willetts. 892. Rachel Danenhower', married James Woodward. 893. Charles Danenhower', married (i) Mary Campbell; (2) Mrs. Simpson. 894. Isaac Danenhower', died during the Civil War. 308. ADOLPHUS YERKES« (Jacob^ Anthony*, Anthony^ Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of Jacob Yerkes by his wife Mary Beans, was born 19 October, 1808; died at Langhorne, Bucks County, Penn- sylvania, 7 April, 1895; married, in March, 1832, Harriet Remsen, who died 24 October, 1894, in the ninety-first year of her age. Mr. Yerkes was a merchant, and resided for a number of years at Bustleton, Philadelphia, and later removed to Andalusia, Bucks County, where he was postmaster. He was highly esteemed by those who knew him. He is buried in the grounds of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Bristol, Pennsylvania. Children of Adolphus^ and Harriet (Remsen) Yerkes: 895. Mary Elizabeth Yerkes', born 2 June, 1833 ; died 27 July, 1834. 896. Edward Eyre Yerkes', born 11 November, 1834; married Louisa Gill. 897. Alfred Yerkes', born 11 September, 1836; died 29 August, 1903; married Mary A. North. 898. Harriet A. Yerkes', born 28 September, 1838. 899. Catharine Yerkes', born 7 May, 1841 ; married William H. Remsen. 900. S. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 26 August, 1843 ; married Elwood Wildman, who has since deceased. No issue. 901. Caroline Yerkes', born 2 November, 1845; married Charles Wildman. No issue. 902. Augustus Adolphus Yerkes', born 2 April, 1849; married (i) Elizabeth S. Saunders; (2) Ella Ehret. 100 YERKES FAMILY 315. ANTHONY YERKES^ (Jonathan^, Anthony*, Anthony^, Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 17 December, 1808; died at Vergennes, Kent County, Michigan, 19 March, 1886; married, 2 December, 1833, Esther Allen, born at Romulus, New York, 3 May, 181 1; died at Vergennes, Michigan, 25 February, 1897; daughter of Deacon Silas Allen* by his wife Esther Gardner. Mr. Yerkes removed from New York to Michi- gan about the time of his marriage, and settled at Lowell, in the latter State, where he engaged in farming. He was a member and a lay preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children of Anthony® and Esther (Allen) Yerkes; all born in Michigan: 903. Silas Allen Yerkes', born 14 October, 1834; died 26 October, 1865. 904. Maria Yerkes', born 23 May, 1836. 905. Caroline Yerkes', born 5 May, 1838; died 9 April, 1845. 906. Mary Elizabeth Yerkes', born 28 March, 1842; married, 27 October, 1869, Edward L. Bennett, born at Marcellus, New York, 12 March, 1840; son of Clark L. Bennett by his wife Rebecca Woodbury, a descendant of the ancient Woodbury family of Essex County, Massachusetts. Issue: (907) Allen S. BENNErf, born 31 August, 1878; married, 11 June, 1902, Jessie M. Wright, and resides at Lowell, Michigan. 316. SARAH ANN YERKES« (Jonathan^, Anthony*, Anthony^, Her- man'^, Anthony^), second daughter and child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, died in Oakland County, Michigan, circa 1844; married Daniel Gould, who was a farmer in that county. Children of Daniel and Sarah Ann® (Yerkes) Gould: 908. Ann Maria Gould', married Joseph Bowers, and resides at Fowlerville, Michigan. 909. Mary Eliza Gould', born 12 March, 1833; married (i) Warren Currier Rubert; (2) James Gilmore Baily, and resides at Ridgway, Michigan. 910. Betsey Louisa Gould', twin of her sister, Mary Eliza; married Wallace Adams, and resides in Lenawee County, Michigan. 911. Charles Henry Gould', married Laura Ann Lewis, and resides at Fowlerville, Michigan. 912. Cyrus Gould'. 317. JACOB YERKES® (Jonathan^ Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 2 Octo- ber, 1812; died at Canandaigua, New York, 28 July, 1885; married, at Pittsford, New York, about November, 1853, Sarah Olivia Roberts, born at Canandaigua, 8 September, 1830; died there, 26 June, 1896; daughter of * Silas Allen was a deacon of the Presbyterian Church at Morristown, New Jersey. For men- tion of himself and family, see " An Account of Gilbert Allen, of Morristown, New Jersey, and Some of his Descendants," published in 1883. loi CHRONICLE OF THE Oliver Roberts by his wife Susan Post. Oliver Roberts is said to have been born in Ireland, 27 May, 1796. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and both himself and his wife were highly esteemed in the community in which they lived. Children of Jacob** and Sarah Olivia (Roberts) Yerkes; all born at Canan- daigua : 913. Lyman Francis Yerkes', born 26 February, 1855 ; resides at Canandaigua ; is a farmer and carpenter, and something of an inventor. 914. Ellen Melvina Yerkes', born 4 September, 1856; married, 26 January, 1888, William Henry Palmer, born at Reed's Corners, New York, 4 February, 1857; son of Edwin Palmer by his wife Maria Snyder. He is a carpenter, and resides at Buffalo, New York. Issue: (915) Charles Henry Palmer', born 17 September, 1890. (916) Edwin Roy Palmer^ born 11 July, 1893. (917) Maud Alice Palmer', born 15 July, 1896. 918. Charles Marion Yerkes', born 15 July, 1859; married Olive Elizabeth Powell. 919. William Anthony Yerkes', born 28 February, 1862; married Loie Lovicia Lincoln. 920. George Abner Yerkes', born 13 May, 1864; married Minnie Griffin. 921. Frederick Albert Yerkes', born 22 March, 1866; married Ida Madora Stiggins. 922. Edward Milton Yerkes', born 11 December, 1868; married Rose Lillie McGuire. 923. Benjamin Jacob Yerkes', born 15 April, 1871 ; married, 24 February, 1898, Clara Bell Pritchard, born at Farmington, New York, 21 September, i860 ; daughter of James Pritchard by his wife Ann Eliza Gardner. 318. MARY YERKES« (Jonathan^ Anthony*, Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and fourth child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, was born in Pennsylvania, i March, 181 5; died at Canan- daigua, New York, 30 November, 1894; married, at Canandaigua, 27 May, 1838, Hughes Supplee,* born in Pennsylvania, 8 September, 1810; died at Canandaigua, 26 April, 1873. He was a wagon-maker, and he and his wife were Baptists, Mr. Supplee being for some years a deacon of the First Baptist Church of Canandaigua. Their children, Elizabeth and Abner, were born in Pennsylvania, and the others at Canandaigua. Children of Hughes and Mary^ (Yerkes) Supplee: 924. Charles Yerkes Supplee', born 21 July, 1839; married, 25 December, 1866, Catharine Rahrer, by whom he has issue. He enlisted in the army in 1861, and served throughout the Civil War. In 1868 he established himself in the hat and furnishing goods business at Canandaigua, and continued in the same for twenty years. He is now residing at Chicago, Illinois. 925. Elizabeth Supplee', born 4 May, 1841 ; died 26 June, 1843. 926. Abner Supplee', born 29 December, 1843; died 15 February, 1864. In 1862 he enlisted as a musician in Company G, Eighteenth Regiment, New York Volun- teers, and served nineteen months. * Hughes Supplee was a descendant of Andries Souplis (Supplee), a French Huguenot, who first came to New York, and later became one of the founders of Germantown, Philadelphia, and in 1691 the first sheriff of that municipality. 102 YERKES FAMILY 927. George Mltrray Supplee', born 2 February, 1846; died i March, 1864. He enlisted in 1863, in the Fiftieth Regiment, New York Volunteers. 928. Leonard Fletcher Supplee', born i August, 1849; married, 16 May, 1876, Eliza Rahrer, and resides at Canandaigua. They have issue. 929. Hannah Maria Supplee', born 4 August, 1853 ; died 23 January, 1864. 319. CHARLES REEVES YERKES« (Jonathan^ Anthony*, An- thony^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fifth child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, was born in Pennsylvania, 22 February, 18 19; died at Vernon, Sherman County, Michigan, 28 April, 1901 ; married, 2 November, 1845, Margaret Young, born at Cambria, Niagara County, New York, 27 July, 1827; daughter of Uri Young by his wife Phebe Gregory. Mr. Yerkes removed to Michigan with his father. He was a farmer, and resided for some years in Gaines Township, Genesee County, Michigan, later removing to Vernon, where he spent the latter part of his life in farming. He was a Baptist. Children of Charles Reeves® and Margaret (Young) Yerkes: 930. Phebe Emeline Yerkes', born 11 May, 1847. 931. Cyrus David Yerkes', born 21 September, 1849; rnarried, 25 December, 1873, Frances May Angel, and resides at Estey, Michigan. 932. Alice Maria Yerkes', born 22 July, 1851; died 21 December, 1898; married, 4 March, 1872, Henry A. Sayer. 933. Mary Eliza Yerkes', born 13 February, 1854 ; married Miles Emory Wilkinson. 934. Laura Jane Yerkes', born 25 April, 1856 ; married Jerome Bert Perry. 935. Charles Edw^in Yerkes', born 31 May, i860; married Minnie Laura Hill. 936. William J. Yerkes', born 7 December, 1862; married (i) Emma J. Perry; (2) Sarah Wiggins. 937. Ella May Yerkes', born i December, 1866; died 27 May, 1886; married, 29 December, 1885, Martin L. Matthews. 938. Esther Caroline Yerkes', born i September, 1870; died 4 February, 1894; mar- ried, I June, 1892, Charles H. Clark, born 24 January, 1871, who resides at Vernon. 321. JOSEPH WATKINS YERKES® (Jonathan^, Anthony*, An- thony^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and seventh child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Maria Watkins, was born at Romulus, New York, 5 May, 1824; died at Vernon, Michigan, 30 November, 1899; married, 14 March, 1848, Sarah Emeline Sawtelle, born at Chenango, Broome County, New York, 22 October, 1826; daughter of Neely Sawtelle by his wife Abigail Allison. Mr. Yerkes removed to Michigan, in 1838, with his father, and resided at Gaines until 1864, when he removed to Vernon. Children of Joseph Watkins® and Sarah Emeline (Sawtelle) Yerkes: 939. Emily Agnes Yerkes', born at Gaines, 4 May, 1851; married, 4 March, 1868, Leonard J. Clark, born at Newburg, Michigan, 17 July, 1846; son of Ninon Clark by his wife Nancy Williams. Issue : (940) William Henry Clark', 103 CHRONICLE OF THE born 19 January, 1869. (941) Wylie Rae Clark', born 21 July, 1871. (942) Emma Maud Clark', born 24 March, 1873. (943) Blanche Lulu Clark', born 20 July, 1888. (944) Leonard J. Clark, Jun^', born 22 September, 1891. The family reside at Chicago, Illinois. 945. Jonathan Albert Yerkes', born 5 April, 1853 ; married. 946. Joseph Alfred Yerkes^, born i August, 1867; resides at Lorain, Ohio; married, 25 March, 1888, Fanny Lilly Boswell, born in Canada, 15 June, 1869; daughter of Nathaniel Boswell by his wife Mary Ann Green. They had a child, born and died 4 May, 1889. 324. HANNAH LITTLER YERKES« (Anthony^ Joseph*, Anthony^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Susanna Canby, was born at Philadelphia, 13 June, 1808; died 10 July, 1884; n^'ir- ried Jacob E. Clayton. Children of Jacob E. and Hannah Littler^ (Yerkes) Clayton: 947. Susanna Clayton', married Joseph Askew, and had issue. 948. Elizabeth Clayton', died young. 949. Mary B. Clayton', married Samuel Conard, who became a member of the well- known firm of Cooper & Conard, who carried on an extensive dry-goods busi- ness at Ninth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, for many years. 950. Katharine Clayton'. 951. Sallie Clayton', died young. 952. Maria L. Clayton', married Robert K. Phillips, and had issue. 953. Hannah Clayton'. 326. CATHARINE YERKES^ (Anthony^, Joseph*, Anthony^, Her- man^, Anthony^ ) , second daughter and third child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Susanna Canby, was born 10 April, 1815; died in 1891 ; married Ezra Croasdale Knight, born 5 June, 181 7; son of Abraham Knight, of Moreland, by his wife Sarah Winder, and a descendant of Giles Knight, who came to Pennsylvania, in the " Welcome" with William Penn.* Children of Ezra Croasdale and Catharine^ (Yerkes) Knight: 954. Sarah Knight', born 7 July, 1840 ; died 22 April, 1869 ; married George Stout. 955. Chancellor Knight', born in 1844; died in 1851. 956. Susan Knight', born i December, 1847; married, 22 September, 1870, H. M. Steif, and had issue. 957. George C. Knight', born 2 May, 1850; died in 1852. 958. Abraham Knight'. 959. Laura Knight', born 17 February, 1858; married, 12 March, 1878, Anthony W. Twining, and had issue. 329. DAVID ANTHONY YERKES^ (Anthony^ David*, Anthony', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Sarah Richards, was bom at Baltimore, Maryland, 25 August, 1817; died there, * Martindale's History of Byberry and Moreland, 313. 104 ijorn 2J Septeirii il, i8S3; i„i>' Ann 'J . i. ;)C> Ut ■ V > T-T S50; died ia 185- 959. L u*'/, 1858; married, 3 K 5 Q ft YERKES FAMILY 5 September, 1888; married (i), 12 May, 1842, Elizabeth Hobbs, born 13 September, 1819; died 11 March, 1854; (2) EHzabeth Young. Children of David Anthony^ and Elizabeth (Hobbs) Yerkes; bom at Balti- more : 960. William Henry Yerkes', born 20 February, 1843 ; died 9 December, 1883 ; married Eliza Booth. 961. Sarah Leonora Yerkes\ born 28 June, 1844; married, 31 March, 1862, Samuel R. Glenn. Issue: (962) Sarah Frances Glenn*, married Frederick Freedy. (963) Joseph W. Glenn', married Anne Wasman. (964) Samuel Harrison Glenn', married Mary Kimeline. 965. Eliza Virginia Yerkes', born 3 April, 1846; married Alfred Ross. Issue: (966) William H. Ross', married Amanda Stevens. (967) Emma Blanch Ross', married Frederick Kisner. 968. Charles Anthony Yerkes', born 12 July, 1848 ; died 7 October, 1850. 969. David Wilmerton Yerkes', born 23 January, 1850 ; married, 3 March, 1872, Mary A. Williams. 970. Charles R. Yerkes', born 13 December, 185 1. 971. Mary Frances Yerkes', born 9 May, 1853. 330. GEORGE STILES YERKES^ (Anthony^ David*, Anthony^ Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Anthony Yerkes by his wife Sarah Richards, was born at Baltimore, Maryland, 9 November, 18 19; died there; married, 17 March, 1842, Susan Cuyler. Children of George Stiles^ and Susan (Cuyler) Yerkes; born at Baltimore: 972. George Yerkes', born 7 February, 1843. He enlisted in a Maryland regiment in 1861, and served in the Union army until the close of the war. He was wounded in battle at Chancellorsville, and lost a leg at Pine Grove, on the last march to Petersburg, Virginia. He has always resided at Bal- timore. Of his nine children, all died young but Frank L., who is now a student. Mr. Yerkes married, in December, 1874, Emma E. Steele. Issue : (972a) Emma Yerkes'. (972*>) George Yerkes'. (972c) William Yerkes'. (972<1) Eva Yerkes'. (972^) Charles Yerkes'. {972^) Elizabeth Yerkes'. (9728) Daniel Yerkes'. (972I1) James Yerkes'. (972I) Frank L. Yerkes', born 30 September, 1886. 973. William Yerkes'. 974. Elizabeth Yerkes', married Richard Martin. 333. HANNAH YERKES^ (Abraham^ JohnS John^, Herman^, An- thony^), second daughter and child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born at Spring Mill, Montgomery County, 12 September, 1796; died at Norristown, same county, 2 April, 1886; married, at Plymouth Meeting, 24 May, 1824, Silas Shoemaker, born in Upper Dublin Township, same county, 27 August, 1795; died at his home, Spring Valley, in same township, II July, 1871 ; son of Daniel Shoemaker by his wife Phebe Walton. Mr. Shoemaker was a farmer, and he and his family were members of the Society of Friends. '4 103 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Silas and Hannah^ (Yerkes) Shoemaker; all born at the family seat in Upper Dublin Township : 975. Daniel Shoemaker', born 30 June, 1825; died 22 February, 1900; married, in December, 1866, Elizabeth Saybold. Issue : (976) Silas Shoemaker', born 13 December, 1867; married, 12 January, 1899, Anna Currie, born 23 December, 1868, by whom he has one child. (977) John Shoemaker', born i July, 1869; married Emma Yothers, and has two children. (978) Mary Shoemaker^ born 9 August, 1871 ; died 22 July, 1872. (979) Thomas Shoemaker', born i January, 1873 ; married Hannah Matilda Davis, and has no issue. 980. Mary Yerkes Shoemaker', born 2 June, 1828; died 5 November, 1896; married Henry Jones. 981. Phebe W. Shoemaker', born 8 August, 1834; married, 22 May, 1855, Thomas S. Foulke. She resides at Redlands, California. 982. Susan Yerkes Shoemaker', born 21 December, 1835; married (i), 22 May, 1856, Lea Michener, who was killed on the railroad, 2 June, i860; (2), 18 July, 1867, David Foulke, who died 17 November, 1896. His widow resides at Norristown. 334. HARMAN YERKES^ (Abraham^ JohnS John^, Herman^, An- thony^), eldest son and third child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born at Spring Mill, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 20 August, 1798; died at Philadelphia, 17 January, 1862; married, at Plymouth Meeting, 17 May, 1 82 1, Rebecca Jeans, who died 17 August, 1870, and was a daughter of Joseph and Mary Jeans. Mr. Yerkes made his home in Philadelphia for many years, where he was active in public life. From 1838 until 1842 he was the agent, at Phila- delphia, of the Washington Packet Line, forwarders of merchandise to Pitts- burg and the West. In 1843 he was High Constable of Philadelphia; was at one time sergeant-at-arms of the State Senate, and in 1850, 1851, and 1852 he was Master Warden of the Port of Philadelphia. Children of Harman® and Rebecca (Jeans) Yerkes: 983. Ellwood Yerkes', died young. 984. Isaac Yerkes', removed to the West, and doubtless died there. 985. Joseph Yerkes'. 335. ISAAC YERKES^ (Abraham^ John*, John^, Herman^, An- thony^), second son and fourth child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born in Montgomery County, 18 November, 1800; died at Perkio- menville, same county, 26 December, 1888; married, at Philadelphia, 29 December, 1838, Isabella Fries, who died 20 January, 1884, and was a daugh- ter of Daniel Fries by his wife Christiana Gilbert. Mr. Yerkes was a Friend, and his wife a Lutheran. Their two eldest children were born at Spring Mill, the four next at Plymouth, and the remaining three at Yerkes, Mont- gomery County. 106 YERKES FAMILY Children of Isaac^ and Isabella (Fries) Yerkes: 986. Mary Ann Yerkes', born 30 September, 1839; married, 3 May, 1864, Emanuel Buckwalter. They reside at Yerkes, in the Yerkes homestead. Issue: (987) Ella Buckwalter^ born 23 January, 1869; married, 18 October, 1890, Jesse L. Cassel, who died 2 October, 1902. 988. Daniel Fries Yerkes', born 3 September, 1841. 989. Ellen Fries Yerkes', born 13 January, 1844; died 3 August, 1846. 990. Silas Shoemaker Yerkes', born 6 December, 1846; married, 30 April, 1872, Josephine Miller, born at Elwood, Camden County, New Jersey, 20 December, 1851; daughter of Daniel G. Miller by his wife Mary Van Kirk. Issue: (990a) Anna Bell Yerkes", born 31 December, 1876; married, 26 June, 1901, Alexander M. Gillespie. 991. Amanda France Yerkes', born 3 July, 1849; died 4 September, 1873. 992. Penrose Wanner Yerkes', born 8 February, 1852; died 23 August, 1869. 993. Matilda Baker Yerkes', born 18 July, 1854. 994. Hannah Shoemaker Yerkes', born 18 February, 1857 ; died 5 November, 1861. 995. Levi Coats Yerkes', born 27 October, 1859; died i July, 1887; married, 11 February, 1885, Emeline Hendricks Reiner, born at Norriton, Montgomery County, 10 November, i860; daughter of David Reiner by his wife Elizabeth Hendricks. Issue: (996) Lizzie Reiner Yerkes', born 13 February, 1886. 336. JOHN YERKES« (Abraham', John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fifth child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born at Spring Mill, Montgomery County, 12 October, 1802; died there, 11 February, 1886; married Jane Fowler, born at Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1801 ; died at Spring Mill, 21 January, 1862. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer. Children of John® and Jane (Fowler) Yerkes: 997. Elizabeth Fowler Yerkes', born 2 January, 1827; died 15 May, 1887; married (i) Benjamin Wood; (2) William Shallcross. 998. Abraham Yerkes', born 9 April, 1829; died 24 September, 1900. 999. Amelia Jacobs Yerkes', born 27 January, 1831 ; died 5 June, 1836. 1000. William Fowler Yerkes', born 14 December, 1833 ; died 14 June, 1836. 1001. Mary Jane Yerkes', born i October, 1837; died 6 September, 1900; married Michael Harkness Gallagher. 337. JONES YERKES« (Abraham^, John*, John^, Herman^, An- thony^), fourth son and sixth child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born 28 November, 1804; died in Whitemarsh Township, Mont- gomery County, 25 August, 1830; married, at Plymouth Meeting, 9 March, 1826, Jane Comfort, born 29 August, 1805 ; died at Moorestown, New Jersey, 17 March, 1873; daughter of Ezra Comfort by his wife Margaret, daughter of David Shoemaker.* Ezra Comfort was an eminent minister of the Society of Friends. Mrs. Yerkes married, for second husband, Charles Lippincott. * The Shoemaker Family of Cheltenham, 84. 107 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Jones^ and Jane (Comfort) Yerkes: 1002. Alice Yerkes', born 14 April, 1827 ; died 27 October, 1828. 1003. Jones Yerkes', born 28 August, 1830; married Letitia Thomas Jarrett. 338. AARON YERKES*' (Abraham^ John*, John^, Herman^, An- thony^), fifth son and seventh child of Abraham Yerkes by his wife Mary Jones, was born in Spring Mill, Montgomery County, 3 December, 1807; died at Frankford, Philadelphia, 19 April, 1882; married, 24 September, 1836, Mary Ann Glenn, born at Frankford, 5 April, 181 2; died 24 February, 1896; daughter of David and Sarah Glenn. Children of Aaron^ and Mary Ann (Glenn) Yerkes; bom at Frankford: 1004. Sarah Glenn Yerkes', born 15 July, 1837; died 21 October, 1854. 1005. Levi C. Yerkes', born 12 August, 1839; died 23 March, 1841. 1006. Elwood Glenn Yerkes', born 15 October, 1844; died 18 July, 1886; married, 10 June, 1873 ; Elizabeth Guckes, born at Philadelphia, 10 June, 1850. Issue, born at Frankford: (1007) Elizabeth Yerkes", born 2 November, 1875; died 21 February, 1876. (1008) Grace Morris YERKES^ born 29 April, 1885. 1009. David Abraham Yerkes', born 15 July, 1846. 354. JOSEPH WEAVER YERKES*' (Harman^ John^ John^, Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Weaver, was born in Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County, 15 February, 1806; died in Plymouth Township, same county, 11 February, 1847. He married three times, and had issue by each marriage, all of whom were born at his home in Plymouth Township. He married ( i ) , 4 December, 1828, Hannah Davis, born in Plymouth Township, 10 April, 1808; died there, 19 February, 1835; daughter of John Davis by his wife Ann CoUey Peter- man; (2), circa 1837, Mary F. Harry, born at Conshohocken, same county, 22 March, 181 5; died 19 January, 1842; daughter of David Harry by his wife Ann Davis; (3), circa 1843, Elizabeth Marple, of Philadelphia, born 4 December, 1816; died 20 March, 1891 ; daughter of Joseph Marple by his wife Phebe Lukens. Children by first marriage : 1010. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 20 October, 1831 ; married John Haldeman Cooper. 1011. Hettie Yerkes', born 3 December, 1833; married Caleb R. Hallowell. Children by second marriage : 1012. Anna Harry Yerkes', born 17 May, 1839; married William Wilson. 1013. Mary Harry Yerkes', born 10 October, 1841 ; married, 24 October, 1861, Honor- able Alan Wood, Junr, born 6 July, 1834; died 31 October, 1902. Mr. Wood was a wealthy and eminent iron and steel manufacturer, and resided at Con- shohocken. From 6 December, 1875, until 3 March, 1877, he was a member of Congress from the Seventh District of Pennsylvania, composed of the 108 YERKES FAMILY counties of Montgomery and Bucks. He declined a re-election. He was president of the First National Bank of Conshohocken, and a member of the Union League of Philadelphia and of other organizations. 1014. David Harry Yerkes', born 21 April, 1837; was a soldier in the Union Army, and met his death in the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia, 6 May, 1864. Children by third marriage : 1015. Evan Marple Yerkes', born 10 September, 1844; married (i) Lizzie Carlin Von Neida; (2) Mary Laubach. 1016. Hiram Yerkes', born s September, 1846; married Kate Miles Rodgers. 357. MARY WEAVER YERKES^ (Harman^ John^ John^ Her- man^, Anthony^), third daughter and fifth child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Weaver, was born in Whitemarsh, Montgomery County, 9 December, 181 1; died at Norristown, same county, i February, 1895; mar- ried, 21 March, 1836, Daniel Hitner Dager, born 19 November, 181 1; died I October, 1848; son of Peter Dager by his wife Mary Hitner. Mr. Dager owned and operated extensive marble quarries near Norristown, and was for some years a justice of the peace for Whitemarsh. Children of Daniel Hitner and Mary Weaver^ (Yerkes) Dager: 1017. Mary Hitner Dager', born 20 November, 1837 ; died at Norristown, 7 June, 1895; married, 6 September, i860, Morgan R. Wills, born 21 October, 1831; son of Andrew Wills by his wife Elizabeth Keyser Wood. Mr. Wills is the editor of the Norristown Herald, and the president of the corporation which publishes that Journal. Issue: (1017a) Mary Dager Wills', born 8 January, 1864 ; married Harrington Fitzgerald, publisher of the Philadelphia City Item. (1017b) Helen Dager Wills', born 24 July, 1867; married J. Leedom Jones. 1018. Robert Potts Dager', born 21 March, 1840; married, 2 June, 1870, Mary D., daughter of Henry S. Hitner. 1019. Elizabeth Yerkes Dager', born 21 August, 1843 ; married Dr. George Hutchinson P. Yerkes (No. 513). 360. NATHANIEL WEAVER YERKES" (Harman^ John*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and eighth child of Harman Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Weaver, was born in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, 13 April, 181 8; died there, 6 August, 1869; married, 10 January, 1853, Sarah Jones Leedom, born at Philadelphia, 14 August, 1830; daughter of Erwin J. Leedom by his wife Mary Ann Harley. Children of Nathaniel Weaver® and Sarah Jones (Leedom) Yerkes: 1020. James Cresson Yerkes', born 18 January, 1854; married Hannah Hallowell. 1021. Susan Weaver Yerkes', born 26 November, 1861 ; married, 3 March, 1883, Henry Lawrence Nelms, born at Camden, New Jersey, 13 November, 1847; son of Henry Lawrence Nelms by his wife Emma Louisa Chadwick, both of whom were born in England. Issue: (1022) Emma Chadwick Nelms', born 14 August, 1885. Mr. Nelms resides at Norristown, Pennsylvania. 109 CHRONICLE OF THE 1023. William Sharpless Yerkes', born 26 September, 1865; married, 8 March, 1894, Mary Dangler, born at Philadelphia, i December, 1872 ; daughter of Charles S. Dengler by his wife Emma Chaine. He is the Secretary of the Bill- Posting and Sign Company of Philadelphia. Issue: (1024) Charles Wil- liam Yerkes', born 20 March, 1899. 362. JOHN YERKES^ (William^ John^ John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of William Yerkes by his wife Deborah Streper, was born in Montgomery County, 5 March, 1802; died in New Garden Township, Chester County, 17 July, 1880; married (i), in 1827, Catharine Dull, born in Mont- gomery County, 27 April, 1802; died in New Garden Township, 5 August, 1838; daughter of Frederick Dull by his wife Sarah Scheetz; (2) Elizabeth Lloyd, born in Chester County, 23 July, 1823; daughter of Charles Lloyd by his wife Ann Harvey. Mr. Yerkes was a prosperous farmer, and resided for many years in Chester County, where all of his children were born. Children by first marriage : 1025. Deborah Ann Yerkes^ born 25 April, 1831 ; married Samuel Pennock. 1026. John Dull Yerkes', born 28 October, 1833 ; died 16 March, 1895 ; married Eliza- beth Walter. 1027. Sarah Catharine Yerkes', born 9 May, 1837; died 16 August, 1898. Children by second marriage: 1028. Charles L. Yerkes', born 24 December, 1845. 1029. Annie Yerkes', born 9 May, 1847. 1030. M. Ellen Yerkes', born 5 September, 1848. 1031. Lydia J. Yerkes', born 5 October, 1850. 1032. William J. Yerkes', born 7 April, 1852 ; died 23 September, 1897. 1033. Hettie Yerkes', born 27 October, i860. 364. WILLIAM YERKES« (William', ]ohn\ John^, Herman^, An- thony^), third son and third child of William Yerkes by his wife Deborah Streper, was born in Montgomery County, 10 March, 1806; died at Norriton, same county, 21 March, 1870; married, 8 June, 1832, Sarah Shannon, born at Norriton, 30 December, 1807; died at Norristown, 7 February, 1897; daughter of Samuel Shannon by his wife Ann Conrad. He was a farmer, and resided at Norriton. Children of William*' and Sarah (Shannon) Yerkes: 1034. Deborah Yerkes', born 5 November, 1835 ; married, 3 August, 1865, Charles Pastorius Reiff ; born 24 April, 1825 ; died 3 December, 1881 ; son of John Reiff by his wife Mary Pastorius. Mr. Reiff was a farmer, and resided in Whitemarsh Township. Issue: (1035) Sarah Yerkes Reiff', born 9 Novem- ber, 1866; married George Learer, and resides at Los Angeles, California. (1036) Mary Reiff', born 7 March, 1868. (1037) John Pastorius Reiff', born 27 June, 1872 ; married May Rosalie Schmauss. no YERKES FAMILY 1038. Annie C. Yerkes', born 27 May, 1838; died at Norristown, 4 February, 1902; married, 14 February, 1867, Edwin Conrad, born in Whitpain Township, 5 May, 1840; son of Nathan Conrad by his wife Martha L. Meredith. They reside at Norristown. Issue: (1039) Martha Conrad^ born 29 September, 1868; married, 9 October, 1900, Eldridge McFarland, of Norristown. (1040) William Y. Conrad', born 4 June, 1871 ; married, 16 October, 1900, and resides at Norristown. (1041) Hugh F. Conrad^ born 19 November, 1873; died 21 August, 1874. 1042. Elizabeth S. Yerkes', born 12 April, 1840; married, 5 October, 1875, John C. Scheetz, born at Philadelphia, 23 January, 1813 ; died at Penn Yan, New York, 18 June, 1896. 1043. Harry C. Yerkes', born 3 February, 1843 ; married, 22 January, 1874, Ella Shaffer. 1044. Samuel Shannon Yerkes', born 4 February, 1845 ; married, 7 January, 1873, Amelia J. Hopkins, born 16 June, 1842 ; daughter of Thomas Hopkins by his wife Susan Jones. Mr. Yerkes resides in Philadelphia, and is a produce dealer. Issue: (1045) Martha Yerkes', born 28 August, 1876. (1045a) Elizabeth H. Yerkes', born 19 November, 1878. 1046. Martha Yerkes', born 18 September, 1848. 365. JACOB STREPER YERKES« (William^, John*, John^, Her- man^, Anthony^), fourth son and fourth child of Wilham Yerkes by his wife Deborah Streper, was born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 18 May, 1809; died at Covington, Indiana, 18 November, 1866; married Ann S. Shoe- maker, a native of Norristown, Montgomery County, and who died in March, 1883, at Covington. He was a wheelwright and farmer, and removed from Pennsylvania to Franklin, Warren County, Ohio, and later, to Covington, Kentucky. His eldest child was born at Norristown, the two next at Franklin, and the remainder at Covington. Children of Jacob Streper^ and Ann S. (Shoemaker) Yerkes: 1047. Cynthia Yerkes', born in 1833; died at Covington, in 1845. 1048. Franklin Yerkes', born 19 December, 1835 ; married Mary Francenia Cochran. 1049. Hiram Yerkes', born 7 May, 1839; married (i) Hester Emeline Prevo; (2) Mary Olive Noble. 1050. Barclay Yerkes', born 10 April, 1841 ; married Martha Marlatt. 1051. Allen Yerkes', born 23 February, 1844; married Serena M. Alexander. 1052. Jacob Yerkes', born in 1845 ; died in 1861. 1053. Samuel S. Yerkes', died at Covington. 1054. John Yerkes', died at Covington. 1055. Elias Yerkes', died at Covington. 366. JONATHAN YERKES^ (William', John^ John^, Herman^, An- thony^), fifth son and child of William Yerkes by his wife Deborah Streper, was born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 15 December, 181 1 ; died at Fairhill, Cecil County, Maryland, 12 January, 1896; married, in February, 1845, Elizabeth Mitchener, born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 18 Decem- III CHRONICLE OF THE ber, 1818; died at Fairhill, 8 February, 1897; daughter of Benjamin Mitch- ener by his wife Ann Brown. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and resided at Fairhill. Children of Jonathan*' and Elizabeth (Mitchener) Yerkes: 1056. Deborah Ann Yerkes', born i January, 1846; married, 3 May, 1872, James A. Mackey, born in Cecil County, 5 March, 1838; died there, 11 November, 1900; son of William Mackey by his wife Rachel Sherer. Issue: (1056^) Samuel Streper Mackey', born 27 July, 1874; married, 8 April, 1903, Martha Wat- son. (1056b) John Yerkes Mackey^ born 4 January, 1877. (1056c) Rachel Elizabeth Mackey", born 9 March, 1879. (i056 Avn ; locr :u Stuvp^'"-' =' 1- " iCK ES Ruse I0< 1097. bii.sATUA. Lmilv iutKis, Dom 28 September, loci^. 382. LEWIS YERKES« (JonathMf^^^W^^jahn', Herman', An- thonyi), son of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Stump, was born 25 January, 1808; died at Philadelphia, and was buried in Friends' Ground at Lev " ^ ' - ied Esther Fielding Jones, bom ii April, 1810; died in Lo^ :1, 1843- Children of Lewis" and Esther Fielding (Jones) Yerkes: 1098. FRANt bom 14 November, 1834; married, 18 I Mj. . ■ J- P--- - t8'?: Ii'-<1 "f V -v V--- 1875- born ; (iioo) born 20 July, i YERKES FAMILY 1 102. George S. Yerkes', died in December, 1868; married Elizabeth Denny. 1 103. Theodore Yerkes', born 30 April, 1840; married Mary G. Ketcham. 1 104. Albert Jones Yerkes', born in September, 1841 ; died 22 October, 1899; married Sarah Thomas. Issue: ( 1 105) Anna Thomas Yerkes". 390. SAMUEL MANN YERKES^ (Silas^ Harman*, John^ Herman^, Anthony^ ) , second son and second child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born in Abington Township, Montgomery County, 2 June, 1813; died at Howell, Michigan, 6 May, 1892; married (i), 26 November, 1840, Christiana McNair, born 8 January, 1816; died at Howell, 19 August, 1862; daughter of James Horner McNair by his wife Mary Mulhollen; (2) Mrs. Emeline (Mather) Rumsey, born in New York, 14 July, 1823 ; died 28 March, 1894 ; widow of Dr. Rumsey, and daughter of John Mather by his wife Belinda Tinker. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and removed from Abington, Pennsylvania, to Howell, Michigan, where he held the office of Justice of the Peace, and where his children were born. He was a Presbyterian. Child by first marriage : 1 106. Mary Elizabeth Yerkes', born 2 September, 1849; married B. M. Dusenbury. Children by second marriage: 1 107. Ella Amelia Yerkes', born 11 September, 1864; married Frank Raymond Crandal. 1 108. Samuel Mather Yerkes', born 4 December, 1869; married Rosa A. P. Sowle. 394. JOHN KEITH YERKES^ (Silas^ Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fifth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born in Abington Township, Montgomery County, 10 October, 1817; died at Fox Chase, Philadelphia, 19 January, 1894; married, 16 March, 1843, Henrietta Lesher, born at Philadelphia, 24 August, 1823; died at Fox Chase, 28 September, 1900; daughter of Benjamin Lesher by his wife Mary Maag. John Keith Yerkes was the first to conceive the idea of collecting and publishing a history of the Yerkes family, and for more than forty-five years prior to his death he assiduously devoted the greater part of his leisure hours in the gathering of materials for such a work. It was the favorite scheme of his life, and but for his hearty devotion to the name Yerkes, and his timely energy, many of the names and facts which find a place in this publication would now be unobtainable. The work he accomplished is so highly valued by the present writer that he finds great pleasure in noting that the memory of Mr. Yerkes deserves a kindly place in the hearts of all of his kinsmen. Mr. Yerkes resided at Fox Chase, where he was engaged in the manu- iiS CHRONICLE OF THE facture of root-hame and brush-block. He was actively identified with the First Presbyterian Church of Frankford, and was one of its elders at the time of his death. Children of John Keith'' and Henrietta (Lesher) Yerkes: 1 109. Elizabeth Mann Yerkes', born 5 June, 1844; died in July, 1847. 1 1 10. Benjamin Lesher Yerkes', born 16 July, 1846; died in June, 1853. 1111. Mariemma Yerkes', born 27 December, 1848; married, 27 March, 1872, William Rodgers, born at Bustleton, Philadelphia, 4 October, 1848; died at Philadel- phia, 24 December, 1873 ; son of Matthew Rodgers by his wife Isabella Shaffer. He was a carpenter and builder. Issue: (1112) Lillian M. Rodgers', born 27 December, 1872; died 24 February, 1881. 1113. Silas Sanford Yerkes', born 23 June, 1851; died in June, 1853. 1114. Samuel Linford Yerkes', born 13 February, 1854; married Mary Anna Walton. 1115. William Austin Yerkes', born 16 August, 1856; married Emily Tacy Lippin- cott, born at Philadelphia, 22 August, 1853 ; daughter of George Middifield Lippincott by his wife Mary A. Bell. Mr. Yerkes resides at Fox Chase. He is a partner of his brother Samuel Linford Yerkes, in the milling business. 1 1 16. Esmond Harper Yerkes', born 5 June, 1857. 1 1 17. Annabella Yerkes', born 19 December, 1858. 11 18. Norman Keith Yerkes', born 23 May, 1864; died in March, 1865. 1 1 19. Helen Keith Yerkes', born 4 December, 1867. She is a teacher in the public schools of Philadelphia. 395. ISAAC MANN YERKES« tSilas^ Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and sixth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born in Abington Township, Montgomery County, 13 January, 1819; died at Ivyland, Bucks County, 22 March, 1899; married, 23 November, 1842, Jane Murdock Carr, born 12 January, 1819; died 12 March, 1893; daughter of John Carr by his wife Esther Ayers. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, and owned a farm near Hartsville, Warwick Township, Bucks County. A few years before his death he retired from active business, and made his resi- dence at Ivyland. He was a prominent member of the Hartsville Presbyterian Church, and one of its elders. His four eldest children were born in Abington, the fifth in Horsham, and the remaining three near Hartsville. Children of Isaac Mann^ and Jane Murdock (Carr) Yerkes: 1120. Esther Carr Yerkes', born 3 September, 1844; married, 19 May, 1869, Robert Mearns, born at Hartsville, Bucks County, 16 March, 1846; died there, 20 June, 1874; son of Hugh Mearns by his wife Ann Craven. Issue: (1121) Hugh Bogart Mearns*, born 24 September, 1872; married, 22 February, 1893, Anna Thompson Long. 1 122. Silas Marshall Yerkes', born 28 August, 1846; married Sue Addis Carrell. 1 123. Elizabeth Anna Yerkes', born 15 December, 1847; died in 1857. 1 124. Courtland Carr Yerkes', born 16 March, 1850; married Mary Matilda Atkinson. 1125. William Augustus Yerkes', born 5 September, 1853; married, 3 February, 1874, Mary E. Addis, born 8 August, 1852; daughter of John Addis by his wife Mary Ann Gill. 116 YERKES FAMILY 1126. Charles Shoemaker Yerkes^ born 15 July, 1857; married Sarah E. Kniblor. 1127. Jennie Yerkes', born 17 September, 1859; married Ashbel Welch Watson. 1128. Anna Mearns Yerkes', born 11 September, 1862; married, 15 August, 1888, John Beatty, born at Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 30 January, 1863 ; son of Reading Beatty by his wife Harriet Ann Moorhead. They reside at Chicago, Illinois. Issue: (1129) John Reading Beatty^ born at Chicago, 2 October, 1893. 396. ROSANNA KEITH YERKES^ (Silas«, HarmanS John^, Her- man^, Anthony^), third daughter and seventh child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 3 May, 1820; died at Lambertville, New Jersey, 30 December, 1896; married, 28 January, 1846, Isaac Newburn Leech, born at Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, 31 October, 181 8; died at Lambertville, 12 December, 1899; son of Isaac Leech by his wife Susanna Newburn. Mr. Leech was a farmer, and a descendant of Toby Leech, of Cheltenham. Children of Isaac Newburn and Rosanna Keith® (Yerkes) Leech; born at Cheltenham : 1 130. Susanna Newburn Leech', born 18 November, 1846; died at Lambertville, 23 January, 1866. 1 131. Mary Yerkes Leech', born 13 October, 1849; married, 19 March, 1883, Philip Gulick, born in Hunterdon„County, New Jersey, 12 April, 1823 ; died there, 2 October, 1901 ; son of Peter Gulick by his wife Elizabeth Sutton. Issue : (1132) Charles Leech Gulick", born 17 April, 1884. (1133) Annie Keith Gulick", born 19 June, 1887 ; died 28 February, 1893. 1 134. Anna Margaret Leech', born 10 November, 1855; married, 5 May, 1891, Levi Brown, and resides at Lambertville, New Jersey. 397. SILAS DARRAH YERKES® (Silas^, HarmanS John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and eighth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 10 May, 1822; died at Philadelphia, i May, 1876; married, 10 March, 1852, Rachel Shelmire, born in Montgomery County, 20 May, 1823; died at Downingtown, Pennsylvania, 14 May, 1868, a few days after the birth of her youngest child. She was a daughter of Jacob Shelmire by his wife Sarah Horner. Mr. Yerkes was a coal and lumber merchant, and a member of the Presbyterian Church, and for some years an elder of the Presbyterian Church at Downingtown. Children of Silas Darrah® and Rachel (Shelmire) Yerkes: 1 135. Sarah Shelmire Yerkes', born 23 December, 1852. 1 136. Eugene Yerkes', born 27 June, 1854; married, 16 October, 1876, Theresa May Oechsle. 1 137. Elizabeth Mann Yerkes', born 10 January, 1857; died 12 March, 1868. 1138. Silas Horner Yerkes', born 12 April, 1858; married Maude Wright. 1 139. Jacob Shelmire Yerkes', born 19 April, 1861 ; died 16 March, 1868. 1140. Mary Kirk Yerkes', born 2 May, and died 14 August, 1868. "7 CHRONICLE OF THE 398. WILLIAM TENNANT YERKES« (Silas^, HarmanS John^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and ninth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 21 October, 1824; died at Ambler, same county, 25 April, 1890; married, 27 November, 1857, his kinswoman, Maria Blaker (No. 595), bom 15 January, 1838; died 30 January, 1901 ; daughter of Charles Blaker by his wife Eliza Morrison. He was a farmer, and was for some years an elder of the Abington Presby- terian Church, as had been his father. Children of William Tennant® and Maria (Blaker) Yerkes: 1141. Charles Blaker Yerkes^ born 13 August, 1859; married Beatrice Irene Wil- liams. He resides at Bozeman, Montana. 1 142. Albert Rowland Yerkes', born 9 June, 1861 ; married Ada Berry Buckman. 1143. Elizabeth Mann Yerkes', born 17 October, 1867. 1 144. Miriam Bell Yerkes', born 17 January, 1872; married, 26 June, 1901, Dr. Samuel Williams Clover, of Philadelphia, who graduated, 12 May, 1898, at the Hahnemann Medical College ; son of Richard D. Clover by his wife Julia K. Williams. Issue: (1x45) Richard Samuel Clover', born 9 May, 1903. 1146. Horace Bellows Yerkes', born 8 October, 1874. 1 147. Elmira Wemmer Yerkes', born 17 December, 1877. 1148. William Mortimer Yerkes', born 12 May, 1879. 399. GEORGE SCOTT YERKES^ (Silas^, Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^ ) , seventh son and tenth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 18 September, 1826; died at Philadelphia, 20 May, 1898; married, 26 November, 1856, Jane Moore, born at Willow Grove, Montgomery County, 25 February, 1833; daughter of James Jordan Moore by his wife Mary Sentman. Mr. Yerkes removed from Abington to Philadelphia in 1881. Children of George Scott^ and Jane (Moore) Yerkes; born at Abington: 1 149. Mary Moore Yerkes', born 18 September, 1857. 1150. Howard Scott Yerkes', born 31 August, 1861 ; married, 7 May, 1889, Katharine Worman Heany, born in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, 7 April, 1865 ; daughter of Abram Worman Heany by his wife Mima Dyer Johnson. 1151. Walter Withrow Yerkes', born 27 August, 1866; married, at Baltimore, Mary- land, 20 March, 1901, Anna Mae Fifer, born at Baltimore, 25 January, 1873 ; daughter of George Frederick Fifer by his wife Mary Edmona Burnett. Issue, born at Baltimore: (1152) Ruby Withrow Yerkes', born 4 March, 1902. 1153. William Lehman Yerkes', born 20 October, 1867. He is a member of the firm of Mariner & Yerkes, tea and coffee merchants, at Philadelphia. 400. CHARLES HUXHAM YERKES^ (Silas^ Harman*, John', Herman^, Anthony^), eighth son and eleventh child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Mann, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 118 YERKES FAMILY 15 July, 1829; died in Jersey County, Illinois, 7 March, 1872; married at Eureka, Illinois, 29 November, 1859, Rebecca Holme, born at Bustleton, Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, i December, 1829; daughter of Morgan Holme by his wife Hannah Jones. He taught school in early life, and subsequently engaged in the coopering business at Grafton, Illinois, vi^here he remained until about 1866, when he exchanged his property in Grafton for a farm about five miles from that town, to which he removed, and there prosecuted farming until the end of his life. He was a Presbyterian, and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. Children of Charles Huxham^ and Rebecca (Holme) Yerkes: 1 154. Edwin Holme Yerkes', born 5 October, i860; married Emma Legate. 1155. Lillian Christian Yerkes', born 24 January, 1863; married Oliver Jennings. 1156. Charles Wrenn Yerkes', born 19 February, 1865; married Mary Van Tine. 1157. Albert Everest Yerkes', born 14 January, 1868; married Julia Van Tine. 411. ANDREW JACKSON YERKES« (John^ Harman*, John^, Her- man^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of John Yerkes by his wife Margaret Benner, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 30 September, 1834; died at Bordentown, New Jersey, 12 January, 1864; married Susan P. Kelsey, born at Fallsington, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 10 September, 1830; died at Red Lodge, Montana, 25 August, 1898; daughter of William Kelsey by his wife Ann Wright. Mr. Yerkes resided for some years at Bordentown, New Jersey. Children of Andrew Jackson® and Susan (Kelsey) Yerkes: 1158. Abel Kelsey Yerkes', born 15 September, 1858; married Mary Dilworth. 1159. Mary Emma Yerkes', died 17 March, 1861, aged seven months. 1160. B. Frank Yerkes', born 19 May, 1862. Resides at Red Lodge, Montana, where he publishes and edits the Carbon County Chronicle. 1161. Lilian Yerkes', born at Hatboro, Pennsylvania, in 1864. She is unmarried, and is a stenographer and type-writer. In 1888 she served as a clerk in the Dakota Legislature, and in 1889 she occupied a similar position in the Montana Legis- lature. 415. SARAH LEECH YERKES« (Silas^ Silas*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^ ) , eldest child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Mary Leech, was born at Cheltenham, Montgomery County, 22 May, 1807; died at Philadelphia, 29 April, 1835; married, 17 August, 1826, Samuel Parry Shoemaker, born at Philadelphia, 6 October, 1802; died there, 5 March, 1858; son of Thomas and Ann Shoemaker. Children of Samuel Parry and Sarah Leech® (Yerkes) Shoemaker: 1162. Charles M. Shoemaker', born 16 June, 1827; married, 15 September, 1852; Susan Paul, daughter of Isaac Thomas by his wife Tacy Lukens. They reside at Ambler, Pennsylvania, and have issue. 119 CHRONICLE OF THE 1 163. Mary Shoemaker', born 5 May, 1830; died 30 March, 1832. 1164. Hannah Ann Shoemaker^ born 20 July, 1832; died 27 February, 1833. 1165. George Y. SHOEMAKER^ born 31 December, 1834; died 12 June, 1889; married Harriet Van Zant, and had (1165a) C. Harry SH0EMAKER^ and (1165I') Bessie Shoemaker', wife of W. Orrison Underwood, of Boston, Massa- chusetts. 416. CHARLES TYSON YERKES« (Silas^, S\\zs\ Jo\m\ Herman^, Anthony^ ) , eldest son and second child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Mary Leech, was born in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, 28 August, 1808; died at Philadelphia, 14 March, 1883; married (i) Elizabeth Link Broom, born at Philadelphia, 12 May, 1810; died at her residence, in Cherry Street, Philadelphia, 8 December, 1842, aged thirty- three years. She was a daughter of Christopher Broom, a merchant of Philadelphia, by his wife Elizabeth Link.* He married (2) Margaret Patterson, born 16 October, 1816; died 28 May, 1882; daughter of Joseph Patterson. Mr. Yerkes was reared in the Society of Friends and carefully educated in its schools. Finishing his educa- tion, he received a business training in the store of his father, after which he became receiving teller of the Kensington Bank, afterwards the Kensington National Bank, in which position he served several years, when he was chosen cashier of the bank, and later, its president. He was also for some time the treasurer of the Continental Passenger Railway Company of Philadelphia, and was one of the early members of the Union League of that City. Mr. Yerkes was a man of gentle manners, possessed a kindly and amiable disposi- tion, and may be said to have been of the type of the " gentleman of the old school." He was widely known, and highly respected by all his acquaintances. Children of Charles Tyson^ and Elizabeth Link (Broom) Yerkes: 1 166. Samuel Broom Yerkes', born 27 November, 1834; died 25 March, 1895. He was the superintendent of the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Street Passenger Rail- way Company for some years, but retired to a farm in Bucks County. He married Catharine Abbott, born i July, 1833; daughter of William Strong Abbott by his wife Susan Bird. They had issue, four sons and one daughter. 1167. Charles Tyson Yerkes', born 25 June, 1837; married (i) Susanna Guttridge Gamble; (2) Mary Adelaide Moore. Children of Charles Tyson® and Margaret (Patterson) Yerkes: 1 168. Joseph Patterson Yerkes', born 27 February, 1846; died 31 October, 1899; mar- ried Elizabeth Kilgore, daughter of John Kilgore. Mr. Yerkes was at one time the senior member of the stock-brokerage firm of J. P. & H. E. Yerkes, * Elizabeth Link was a daughter of George Link, who was a Revolutionary soldier, and re- sided in the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia. He was a native of Germany, and, as shown by the certificate {/ac-simile herewith inserted) issued 18 March, 1796, by Phillip Gerlach, pastor of the church at Grassenbinbau, Germany, he was born at the great hereditary estate Hollenbach, in Gras- senbinbau, 16 May, 1753, and was a son of Johann Conrad Link by his wife Catharina Elizabetha Stirr. He was baptized Johann George, and his sponsors were Johann George Beilstein, court officer and citizen of Leutzelbach, and Johann Jost Beilstein, citizen and mill proprietor of Billings. 120 I. CHARLES TYSON YliKKES, ESQR (No. 416) ; mar- . at one -ur>>kerage hrm oi j. i". tAy Yerkes*, bo. 122 . Yerkes', born 20 Decent' 1241 ion Yerkes', bom 16 Jar T-) -Trr'lQ^ son of James Eng X241. C-* its of his to'A'n Law r anU Indus'c .:.i; -ijjier to the Coil.h; YERKES FAMILY in chancery from 1888 until 1902, and in 1897 was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the Eighth District of Kentucky, by President McKinley, who, in December, 1900, appointed him Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington, D. C, which position he now holds under President Roosevelt. Mr. Yerkes is a Republican both by inheritance and choice. He was chairman of the Republican State Committee of Kentucky from 1891 until 1896, and occupied that position when the State elected its first Republican governor, secured control of the Legislature, and increased its representation in Congress and on the State Court of Appeals bench. Since 1896 he has been a member of the Republican National Committee from Kentucky. In 1900 Mr. Yerkes was unanimously nominated for governor by the largest State convention ever held by his party in Kentucky, and although it was a Presi- dential year, and therefore brought out the entire Democratic vote, he was defeated by only three thousand five hundred votes, leading the Republican electoral ticket by three thousand, and receiving nearly forty thousand more votes than any Republican nominee for governor of Kentucky ever received. Central University, the largest and oldest college of Kentucky, has con- ferred upon Mr. Yerkes the degree of LL.D., and in June, 1903, he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of that institution. He is a director of the Farmers' National Bank of Danville, the Danville Gaslight Company, and the Wholesale Grocery Company, and while practising law he was attorney for the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railroad Company, and other corporations. Since 1900 he has resided at Washington. He married at Danville, 10 October, 1879, Elizabeth Owsley Anderson, born at Danville, 4 March, 1854; daughter of Honorable William C. Ander- son by his wife Amelia Owsley Rodes. Children of Honorable John Watson^ and Elizabeth Owsley (Anderson) Yerkes ; born at Danville : 1276. Stephen Lovell Yerkes', born 10 October, 1880. 1277. Amelia Roues Yerkes', born 10 October, 1880. 507. HARM AN YERKES, M.D.« (Andrew Long^, Harman*, Har- man^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Eliza Everhart, was born at Warminster, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 4 Sep- tember, 1820; died at Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, 10 December, 1888; mar- ried, I April, 1849, Eliza Ann Ivester, born at Phoenixville, same State, 14 October, 1829; died at Phoenixville, 10 March, 1890; daughter of William Ivester by his wife Anna Maria Renshaw. The following notice of Dr. Yerkes appeared in the Phoenixville Mes- senger, the day after his death : 131 CHRONICLE OF THE " This community was very much startled, indeed, to learn, on Tuesday morning, of the sudden death of Doctor Harman Yerkes, one of the old residents of the town, and known to everybody. At first the story was, he was found dead in bed that morning, but that was not true, as his death took place Monday night shortly after the mid-hour, and in the presence of his family. That day he had been attending to his patients as usual, and went to bed complaining of excessive pains in the breast. This was caused by heart failure, and in an hour or so he had joined the silent multitude. " Dr. Yerkes was born on the 4th of September, 1820, near Hatboro, and when at the proper age went to the Hatboro Academy. When eighteen years old he went to Philadelphia, and engaged with W. P. Anspach & Son, dry-goods merchants, on North Third Street. Tiring of that business, he returned to Hatboro, studied medicine with Dr. Hill, attended lectures at the Jefiferson Medical College, graduated in March, 1847, and moved to Phoenix- ville, July of the same year, and here he has been in continuous practice ever since. Of the personality of the deceased and of his character as a citizen, we are not called to speak, as the one and the other are so well known as to render anything additional seem unneces- sary. If he had an enemy, we never heard of it, and that he was a good, kind man to those whose circumstances were limited is a well-known unwritten page of the history of this town. His memory will be cherished as a gentleman and a Christian. Dr. Yerkes stood well with his fellow-citizens, as may be realized from the fact that he served three terms in the school board, of which he was secretary many years, and one term as Burgess. He was a candidate for this position as a Republican in 1863, against Levi Oberholtzer, Democrat, when the contest, for special reasons well known, was very bitter. The town was Demo- cratic, and the vote stood two hundred and fifteen for Oberholtzer and two hundred and one for Yerkes. Physically the deceased was a fine specimen of manhood until within the past ten years, when evidences of decadence were marked." The year in which Dr. Yerkes was elected Burgess was the year after he had been defeated by Dr. Oberholtzer, and his victory when elected was an overwhelming one. Child of Dr. Harman® and Eliza Ann (Ivester) Yerkes; born at Phoenixville : 1278. Anna Maria Yerkes', born 19 January, 1850; married Andrew Robeno Whitaker. 510. DR. EL WOOD YERKES'' (Andrew Long^ Harman^ Harman^ Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Eliza Everhart, was born at Warminster, Bucks County, 27 July, 1825 ; married, 28 July, 1853, Amanda Bonsall Owen, born at Upper Darby, Dela- ware County, 18 February, 1828; daughter of Abraham Owen by his wife Margaret Shearer. Mr. Yerkes became a dentist in 1854, and removed to Phoenixville, where he practised his profession, and also carried on farming. At a later date he removed to Philadelphia, where he continued practice in dentistry. Children of Dr. Elwood^ and Amanda Bonsall (Owen) Yerkes; all born at Phoenixville : 1279. Eliza Mary Yerkes', born 12 June, 1855. 1280. Eliza Yerkes', born 30 April, 1857; was graduated from the Philadelphia Dental College in 1889. 132 IIAR.MAN YEKKEb, M.D (No. 507) THE y morning, 'S of the town, and ' 'hat morning, but mid-hour, and in nd e, '"(T at the ia, d he ,k, i-s- was elected Burgess aid his victory was the year after he when elected v litaker. ed to 1 on farming, .uiuinued practice in en> Yerkes; • al YERKES FAMILY 1281. Laura Cora Yerkes', born 22 February, 1859; married, 24 September, 1895, Ran- son Rush Lewis, born at Frederick, Maryland, 15 July, 1864; son of Jacob Lewis by his wife Elizabeth Winger. Issue: (1282) Ranson Rush Lewis, JunR', born 22 July, 1896. (1283) Laura Elizabeth Lewis^ born 31 July, 1897. 1284. Harman Yerkes', born 20 September, 1862. He was graduated from the Phila- delphia Dental College, and is engaged in the practice of his profession at Philadelphia. Dr. Yerkes married, 12 March, 1891, Mary F. Dotterer, born at Philadelphia, 17 May, 1872; daughter of Amos Dotterer by his wife Mary McAvoy. Issue: (1285) Marion Dotterer Yerkes', born 4 January, 1892. (1286) Harman Yerkes, Junk', born 8 June, 1893. 511. DR. ANDREW J. YERKES^ (Andrew Long^, Harman*, Har- man^, Herman^, Anthony^ ) , fourth son and fifth child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife EHza Everhart, was born in Warminster, Bucks County, 9 October, 1828; died at Doylestown, 2 September, 1868; married, 28 May, 1856, Margaret Meredith, born in Buckingham Township, 4 October, 1832; died at Doylestown, 30 October, 1883; daughter of Simon Meredith by his wife Sarah Worthington. Dr. Yerkes studied dentistry, and settled at Doylestown, where he became successful in the practice of his profession. Children of Andrew J.^ and Margaret (Meredith) Yerkes, born at Doyles- town : 1287. Sallie V. Yerkes', born 31 March, 1857; died 16 May, 1859. 1288. Edwin Meredith Yerkes', born 2 November, i860. He is deputy sheriff of Bucks County. 1289. Carrie Meredith Yerkes', born 16 December, 1863 ; died 4 March, 1900 ; mar- ried Martin Voorhees. Issue: (1290) Edwin Meredith Voorhees', born 5 July, 1889. (1291) Margaret Alden Voorhees', born 30 May, 1894. 512. MARGARET LONG YERKES^ (Andrew Long^, Harman*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and sixth child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Eliza Everhart, was born in Warminster, Bucks County, 7 December, 1832; married, 8 June, 1852, Dr. Isaac Zook Coffman, born near Paoli, Chester County, i January, 1805; died at Phoenixville, 24 May, 1 89 1. Dr. Coffman was graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and practised his profession at Phoenixville. His widow resides at Philadelphia. Children of Dr. Isaac Zook and Margaret Long^ (Yerkes) Coffman: 1292. Edward Livingston Coffman', born 15 November, 1854; married, 6 June, 1888, Laura A. Banks, died in December, 1891. 1293. Ada Augusta Coffman', born 23 November, 1856. 1294. Andrew Yerkes Coffman', born 14 July, 1858; married Annie E. Lacey. They reside at Phoenixville. Issue: (1295) Helen Margaret Coffman'. (1296) Andrew Lacey Coffman'. 1297. Eliza Yerkes Coffman', born in June, i860. 133 CHRONICLE OF THE 1298. William Everhart Coffman', born 15 July, 1862; died in May, 1864. 1299. Annie Yerkes Coffman', born 13 October, 1864; married Charles Shimer Reed, of Easton, Pennsylvania. They reside at Newark, New Jersey. 542. THOMAS MONTANYE YERKES^ (Stephen^ Harman*, Har- man^, Herman^, Anthony^), the eldest child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Amy Hart Montanye, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, 14 November, 1831. At the age of nineteen years he emigrated to California, working his way there, and enduring many hardships. He drove a team across the plains for the famous Kit Carson, and worked a number of years for the Mormons at Salt Lake City. In 1856, being then in California, he accompanied a party, under the leadership of Colonel Charles W. Stone, upon a secret mis- sion from the United States to Mexico. He resided for some time in Mexico, and from thence he went to Arizona, where, during the Civil War, he was Government Superintendent to the Mowry Silver-Mines. After the war he became extensively engaged in mining and milling ventures in Arizona and Mexico. He has had several narrow escapes in Indian fights, and altogether has led an adventurous life. He is unmarried. 544. STEPHEN YERKES« (Stephen^, Harman*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Amy Hart Montanye, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, 11 April, 1835. He is a farmer and resides on the old homestead farm in that township. He married Elizabeth Jamison, born in Warwick Township, same county, 25 December, 1839; daughter of George Jamison by his wife Louisa Stuckert. Children of Stephen^ and Elizabeth (Jamison) Yerkes; born at the home- stead : 1300. Louisa Amy Yerkes^ 1301. Elizabeth Jamison YERKES^ 547. HONORABLE HARM AN YERKES^ (Stephen^ Harman*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), fifth son and sixth child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Amy Hart Montanye, was born in Warminster Township, Bucks County, 8 October, 1843. Yerkes enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education, and after graduating at a school at East Hampton, Massachusetts, in 1862, he taught school for a short time, and then entered upon the study of law in the office of Judge Ross at Doylestown. He was admitted to the bar in Bucks County, 3 November, 1865, and at once began a successful pro- fessional career. In 1868 he was elected District Attorney, and served in that office with marked ability. In 1873 he was nominated for the State Senate by the Democrats of the Bucks-Northampton District, and was elected by an over- 134 HUNOKAlil.t HAKMAN YKKKliS (No. 547) 1 sey. 'Tian*, Har- jy his wife hip, Bucks County, 14 er of years for the ied art •y his wife Louisa h son) Yerke3; bom at the home- Amy Yi- UiUJISfilV^ MAMMAH H.UIAHOKOH eclu< iiusetts, bar in I fessional tut' YERKES FAMILY whelming majority, and was re-elected from Bucks County in 1876, run- ning far ahead of his ticket in each instance. He soon became prominent among the distinguished Democratic leaders who made the Senate of that period a notable one. He served upon the Judiciary, Federal Relations, Finance, and Centennial Affairs committees, and was chosen by his col- leagues a member of the State Board of Managers of the Centennial Ex- position, in the advancement of which he took an active and prominent part. In 1877 he presided over the Democratic legislative caucus to nominate a candidate for United States Senator, which nominaton was proffered him, but declined in favor of his friend. Honorable Andrew H. Dill. He was also unanimously selected by his party colleagues for Presi- dent of the Senate. He was the draughtsman of the laws regulating the separate Orphans' Courts, the Civil and Criminal Courts of the State and of the city of Philadelphia, in compliance with the Constitution of 1874, and which, after a trial of twenty-eight years, remain substantially as they were first enacted. Probably the most notable and important service rendered by Judge Yerkes during his term in the State Senate was the introduction and persistent advocacy of the law creating the Hospital for the Insane at Nor- ristown, the largest charitable institution in the State, if not in the country, and which owes much of its success to the efforts of Judge Yerkes. He was one of the first trustees selected for its government, and, being a member of the Committee on By-Laws, contributed greatly to bringing about the organi- zation which, for the first time in this country, completely separated the male and female departments, an experiment which has proved eminently successful. Judge Yerkes frequently represented his county in Democratic State Conven- tions, and for several years was a member of the Democratic State Committee. In 1872 he was one of the youngest delegates upon the floor of the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore, and was among the twenty-one delegates who persistently voted against the nomination of Horace Greeley, and in favor of that great apostle of Democratic principles. Judge Jeremiah S. Black, for President. In 1880 he was again a delegate to the National Convention at Cincinnati, where, although a warm friend of Samuel J. Tilden, he was a conspicuous supporter of General Winfield Scott Hancock for President, to whom he felt he owed allegiance, because of the general's birth and residence in the same Congressional District, in Montgomery County. He presided over the judiciary committees, organizing the Democratic Judicial Conventions for the counties of Bucks and Montgomery, comprising the Seventh District, in the years of 1869, 1871, and 1873, and was a delegate in each. In 1883, having declined a re-election to the Senate, Judge Yerkes was elected President Judge of the Courts of the Seventh Judicial District, leading his ticket nearly a 13s CHRONICLE OF THE thousand votes. In 1893 he was re-elected by an equally flattering vote, having received the unanimous endorsement of the Bucks County bar, and the declaration of the regular Republican Judicial Convention, that it was inexpedient to nominate a candidate against him. In 1895 he was one of the six Democratic nominees for the judges of the Superior Court, leading all his competitors in the convention at Williamsport, and upon the first ballot re- ceiving the votes of three hundred and forty-nine delegates out of a total of four hundred and fifty-four. At the election Judge Yerkes polled the second highest vote among the Democratic candidates, and ran ahead in the majority of the counties of the State, without any prejudice to his colleagues. Judge Yerkes's name was prominently mentioned in connection with the Democratic nomination for governor in 1882, and again in 1898, but he declined to become a candidate before the conventions. In 1901 he was unanimously nominated for Judge of the Supreme Court by the Democratic State Convention, and also received a unanimous nomination from the State Committee of the Union Republican Party, an independent Republican organization. Judge Yerkes came within forty thousand votes of an election. The previous year the Democratic ticket was defeated by a majority of 288,000. In Philadel- phia alone Judge Yerkes received 103,000 votes, 10,000 in excess of any previous vote of his party, and nearly 50,000 above the vote of his party ticket in the previous election for President. In 1903 he received from his party the unanimous nomination for a third term in the judgeship of Bucks County. By this time the county had become overwhelmingly Republican, and Judge Yerkes failed of re-election, although he ran several hundred votes ahead of his ticket, as he had done in all former instances in which he had been a candi- date for office. As a lawyer. Judge Yerkes held prominent rank at the bar, and as a judge, he enjoyed a deservedly high reputation throughout the State. On several occasions the bar of his county, by unanimous action, bore testimony to his ability, impartiality, integrity, and independent judicial character, and his reputation as an exemplary judge became so widespread that he was frequently called upon to assist in trials in the courts of the State outside of his own district. On one of these occasions he assisted in disposing of accumulated business in the Philadelphia courts, and at the close of such service he was highly commended for his work by the newspapers of that city. The Press, the leading Republican journal, said of him, " Judge Harman Yerkes, of Bucks County, has left a most admirable impression with all who have had any relations with the court. With high character and pronounced ability, he enjoys a quick perception, which enables him to measure promptly the im- portance of every question presented to him, and to facilitate business without 136 EVtRKNU DAVID JOHN (No. 553) ly an equally flatterin.. ement of the Bucks County bar, i n, that it w ; > . was one of the tic nominees for the judges of the Sup art, leading all his in the convention at Williamsport, and upon the first ballot re- - ' . ..,-1,-,-.,-' •> r .-^ . 1 1- 1 , . : I- I - r 'he Democratic candidates, and ran aliead in the majonts an Party, an forty n several hunc . jiiiidi j.isiances in which h As a la wye minent rank at the bar, and as a judge, he State. On . . C ^ bore testimony iity, integrity, r^nd irMependent judicial character, ; n as an exemplary ; came so widespread that he was frequently in the Philadelphia courts, and at the close of such service he was for his work by the newspapers of that city. The Press, ■ ' ' " Judge HarmanYf' • ^. ' : - sion with all who With high character and pronoun 5 YERKES FAMILY the least sacrifice of the dignity of the proceedings, so common in haste." Judge Yerkes, after twenty years service on the bench, returned to the practice of the law in January last, and will doubtless soon again occupy a prominent position at the bar of his native State. He is possessed of strong physique and a vigorous constitution, and continues in perfect health. He is a member of the State Bar Association, the Historical and Colonial societies of Pennsyl- vania, the Bucks County Historical Society, the Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish and German societies, the Art Club of Philadelphia, and the Acorn Club of Doylestown, and is Rector's Warden of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Doyles- town. Judge Yerkes married, 24 June, 1869, Emma Buckman, born at Castle Valley, near Doylestown, 31 August, 1842; daughter of Monroe Buckman by his wife Mary Shaw Jamison, and granddaughter of Thomas Buckman, of Newtown, Bucks County. 548. ALFRED EARLE YERKES^ (Stephen^ Harman*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and seventh child of Stephen Yerkes by his wife Amy Hart Montanye, was born in Warminster, Bucks County, 7 June, 1846, and still resides there. He married, 27 December, 1865, Mary Ann Haslett, born in Hatboro, Montgomery County, 28 February, 1847; daughter of Samuel Murray Haslett by his wife Cornelia Van Arsdalen. He is a farmer, his farm composing a part of the " Noble Tract," and being one of those his father owned at the time of his death. He and his wife are Baptists. Children of Alfred Earle® and Mary Ann (Haslett) Yerkes; all bom in War- minster : 1302. George Haslett Yerkes', born 6 October, 1866; married Sarah Sperry. 1303. Frank Edgar Yerkes', born 9 January, 1870 ; married Sue May Carpenter. 1304. Thomas Alfred Yerkes', born 24 June, 1871 ; died 15 January, 1875. 1305. Cora May Yerkes', born i February, 1874 ; died 3 May, 1889. 1306. Florence Marguerite Yerkes', born 4 July, 1876; married, 7 June, 1898, Leigh- ton Banks Seiner. 1307. Adeleine B. Yerkes', born 26 October, 1877. 1308. Amy B. Yerkes', born 29 March, 1883. 553. REVEREND DAVID JOHN YERKES, D.D.« (Joseph Ball', William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Joseph Ball Yerkes by his second wife, Hannah John, was born at Hatboro, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 27 January, 1825. He was prepared for college, and entered Columbian University, Washington, D. C, from which he was graduated in 1848, and from which he later received the degree of D.D. After graduating he studied theology in Philadelphia, and entered the ministry of the Baptist CHRONICLE OF THE Church. He has served as pastor of the Baptist Church of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, the First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, the First Bap- tist Church of Brooklyn, 'New York, and the First Baptist Church of Plain- field, New Jersey, of which latter church he has been pastor since 1863. During his pastorate at Plainfield, the membership of his church has grown from two hundred and fifty to eight hundred and eighty-three, and the church is now recognized as one of the strongest in the denomination. In 1874 Dr. Yerkes made a tour of Palestine and Europe, being absent eight months, and such was the kindness of his congregation that they not only paid all the expenses of the trip, but continued his salary and supplied the pulpit during his absence. In June, 1902, after nearly forty years of service with the church, he was made Pastor Emeritus. Dr. Yerkes has ever exerted a wide influence for good, and he is still in vigorous mental activity. He is the oldest pastor in Plainfield, and is recog- nized in his denomination throughout the country as an able theologian. He married, 14 March, 1850, Sarah E. Taylor, born at Charlton, Saratoga County, New York, 30 November, 1826; daughter of Edward Taylor (who was born at Charlton, 27 February, 1781) by his wife Eunice Curtis (who was born at Danbury, Connecticut, 20 December, 1885). Their four eldest children were born at Hollidaysburg, the next two at Pittsburg, the seventh at Brooklyn, and the remaining four at Plainfield. Children of Reverend David John^ and Sarah E. (Taylor) Yerkes: 1309. Clara Taylor Yerkes', born 12 August, 185 1 ; married Charles Hagar Smith. 1310. Ida Catharine Yerkes', born 22 August, 1853. 1311. Sarah Elizabeth Yerkes', born 16 December, 1854; died 17 March, 1855. 1312. Joseph Ball Yerkes', born 14 December, 1855 ; married Anna Scott Burgess. 13 13. Mary Hannah Yerkes', born 8 October, 1857; died 6 December, i860. 1314. Susan Eunice Yerkes', born 11 October, 1859; died 16 March, i860. 1315. Mary Alice Yerkes', born 13 May, 1861 ; married Walter Miller McGee. 1316. Hannah John Yerkes', born 28 October, 1863 ; married William Newell Flanders. 1317. Grace Stelle Yerkes', born 10 March, 1865. 1318. Sarah Thompson Yerkes', born 21 July, 1866; died 25 October, 1866. 1319. David Vaughan Yerkes', born 25 December, 1869; died 26 July, 1870. 558. HONORABLE WILLIAM HARMAN YERKES« (Joseph Ball', William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and sixth child of Joseph Ball Yerkes by his wife Hannah John, was born at Hatboro, Penn- sylvania, 27 July, 1835; died at his country seat, at that place, 10 October, 1885. He was graduated at Lewisburg College (now Bucknell University), and after graduation studied law, and in 1859 was admitted to the bar of Montgomery County. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War he responded to 138 HONORABLE WILLIAM HARMAN YERKES (No. ss8) Pern the 1 irst Bap- Plain- '863. t eight y paid in ifgess. ,'.H MAUJIV/ HJHAAr,/' f!l ,eil place, YERKES FAMILY the first call " to arms," was commissioned Quartermaster of the Fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Colonel John F. Hartranft, and served with his regiment until its term of enlistment (three months) expired. He again entered the service, and this time as major of the One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, to which position he was commissioned 30 December, 1862, serving as such until 27 July, 1863, when his regiment was mustered out. Shortly afterwards he was appointed Provost Marshal of Montgomery County. At the close of the war he became a resident of Phila- delphia, and was admitted to the bar in that city. He subsequently became Assistant City Solicitor, and Solicitor to the Fairmount Park Commission, in which latter capacity he was serving when, on i July, 1876, by the appoint- ment of Governor Hartranft, his old military commander, he took his seat as Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas No. 3, of Philadelphia County, to fill the vacancy in that court caused by the death of Judge Lynd, and a few weeks later he was made the nominee of the Republican party for the same position. This nomination was ratified at the polls at the following November election, and in January, 1877, Judge Yerkes entered upon the new term of ofiice to which he had been elected, and continued his judicial career until his death. " He was a patient, learned, and laborious judge. The conten- tions of the court-room and the pains of impaired health never ruffied the serenity of his manner, and in his demise the community lost an able magistrate, and the bar an ever affable and sympathetic friend." * He was a member of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States and the Union League of Philadelphia. Judge Yerkes married, 24 November, 1868, Wilhelmine Elizabeth Hurst, born at Philadelphia, 13 August, 1842; daughter of Alfred Hurst by his wife Wilhelmine Elizabeth Smith. Mrs. Yerkes is a descendant of Francis Rawle, Esqr, the founder of the Rawle Family of Philadelphia, and is also a descendant of Robert Turner, Esqr, who was one of the most eminent of the leading men of Philadelphia during its early history. Children of Honorable William Harman^ and Wilhelmine Elizabeth (Hurst) Yerkes ; all born at Philadelphia : 1320. William Harman Yerkes', born 5 January, 1870. 1321. John Vaughan Yerkes^ born 20 March, 1872. 1322. Nina Reed Yerkes', born 15 January, 1875; married Jerry Yellet Rust, and resides at San Angelo, Texas. 570. MARY JARRETT YERKES^ (Andrew Long^, William*, Har- man^, Herman^, Anthony^ ), eldest daughter and second child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Susan Austin Jarrett, was born at Jarrettown, Montgomery * Legal Intelligencer, i6 October, 1885. 139 CHRONICLE OF THE County, 13 January, 1833; married, 14 August, 1855, John A. Blackburn, born at Glenroy, Chester County, 8 January, 1832; son of Ephraim Blackburn by his wife Barbara House. Mr. Blackburn resides at Pottsboro, Texas. A few years after his marriage he removed from Chester County, Pennsylvania, to Ohio, and later, to Texas. Children of John A. and Mary Jarrett^ (Yerkes) Blackburn: 1323. Stephen Blackburn', born 20 May, 1856; married, 2 lanuary, 1899, Mary Ellis; resides at Davis, Indian Territory. 1324. Walter D. Blackburn', born 26 January, 1858. 1325. Morris H. Blackburn', born 7 April, 1861 ; married Eva Grissom ; resides at Silo, Indian Territory. 1326. Laura E. Blackburn', born 18 March, 1866; married, in 1881, Albert Grissom; resides at Woodville, Indian Territory. 1327. E. Brinton Blackburn', married in February, 1890, Mary Miller, and resides at Pottsboro, Texas. 1328. Harris A. Blackburn', married Sallie Angel. 1329. Emmett Yerkes Blackburn', born 26 August, 1875 ; married Letitia White. 571. EDWARD YERKES« (Andrew Long^ William*, Harman^, Her- man*, Anthony^), second son and third child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Susan Austin Jarrett, was born at Jarrettown, Montgomery County, 17 August, 1834; died at Lombard, Maryland, 22 April, 1885; married, 6 March, 1856, Lucy Algard, born 10 September, 1832; daughter of John Algard by his wife Elizabeth Hagar, both of whom were born in Bucks County. Mr. Yerkes removed with his parents from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, to Lombard, Cecil County, Maryland, where he engaged in business as farmer and blacksmith. Children of Edward^ and Lucy (Algard) Yerkes; born at Lombard: 1330. Mary Elizabeth Yerkes', born 29 October, 1856; died 5 August, 1858. 1331. Clinton Jarrett Yerkes', born 5 August, 1858; married Virginia Taylor. 1332. Annie Laura Yerkes', born 18 December, i860. 1333- James Willett Yerkes', born i January, 1862; married Margaret Cameron. 1334. Susan Hagar Yerkes', born 22 February, 1864; married Charles B. Wilson. 572. LETITIA ESTHER YERKES« (Andrew Long^, William^ Har- man^, Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and fourth child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Susan Austin Jarrett, was born in Jarrettown, Mont- gomery County, 16 November, 1837; died at Lombard, Maryland, 16 April, 1885; married, i February, 1855, William Sidwell, born in Chester County, 21 May, 1831; son of Richard Sidwell by his wife Mary Grififith, both of Chester County. William Sidwell is a farmer, and now resides at Lombard, having previously resided in Chester County, where most of his children were born. 140 YERKES FAMILY Children of William and Letitia Esther^ ( Yerkes) Sidwell : 1335- Joseph Richard Sidwell', born 5 December, 1855; died 11 March, 1861. 1336. Charles Whiteman Sidwell', born 11 February, 1858; married Sadie Flahart, and resides at Delta, York County, Pennsylvania. 1337- Son', unnamed, born and died 27 June, i86o. 1338. Ella Dora Sidwell', born 8 June, 1861 ; died i July, 1903 ; married Pyle, who resides at Macton, Harford County, Maryland. 1339. Mary Eva Sidwell', born 21 January, 1864; married, 11 January, 1891, Gran- ville Hoopes, and resides at Wilmington, Delaware. 1340. Anna Ruth Sidwell', born 27 May, 1866; married, 10 May, 1888, Samuel John Reed, and resides at Wilmington, Delaware. 1341. Andrew Franklin Sidwell', born 21 October, 1869. 1342. Arthur Austin Sidwell', born 9 February, 1872; married, 24 February, 1897, Bella Whann, and resides at Wilmington, Delaware. 1343. Bertha Sidwell', born 27 March, 1876 ; died in 1879. 1344. Clara Letitia Sidwell', born 27 November, 1879 ; died 25 July, 1902. 1345- Owen G. Sidwell', born 27 January, 1882. 573. LYDIA W. YERKES^ (Andrew Long^, William*, Harman^, Her- man^, Anthony^), third daughter and fifth child of Andrew Long Yerkes by his wife Susan Austin Jarrett, was born at Jarrettown, Montgomery County, 2 November, 1839; married, 29 December, 1859, Robert Mackey, born at Pleasant Hill, Delaware, 15 March, 1837; son of David Mackey by his wife Catharine Holland. Mr. Mackey is a wagon manufacturer, and resides at Fairhill, Cecil County, Maryland. He has filled the office of High Sheriff of Cecil County. Children of Robert and Lydia W.^ (Yerkes) Mackey: 1346. Andrew Jarrett Mackey', born 6 October, i860; married, 18 December, 1885, Lottie Perry, and resides at Blake, Cecil County. 1347. Susan J. Mackey', born 7 January, 1865. 1348. Harvey H. Mackey', born 11 September, 1868; married, 12 November, 1896, Margaret Biles, and resides at Elkton, Maryland. 1349. David C. Mackey', born 27 December, 1878. 610. HARRISON YERKES« (Silas^ Daniel*, Silas^ Herman^, An- thony^), second son and third child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Margaret Fetter, was born in Northampton Township, Bucks County, i June, 1835; died at Doylestown, 26 May, 1902; married, 5 January, i860, Mary Alice Van Arsdalen, born 9 December, 1832; daughter of John and Anna Eliza Van Arsdalen. Children of Harrison® and Mary Alice (Van Arsdalen) Yerkes: 1350. Linford Yerkes', born 12 September, i860; died in i860. 1351. Almeda B. Yerkes', born 14 April, 1863 ; married, 4 February, 1886, George M. Lewis, son of Elijah Lewis, of Doylestown. Issue: (1352) Frank Cleve- land Lewis', born 23 February, 1887. (1353) Harry Newton Lewis', born 141 CHRONICLE OF THE I January, 1889; died 10 July, 1889. (1354) Mabel Lewis', born 5 Sep- tember, 1892; died 2 August, 1893. (1355) Elmer Raymond Lewis', born 29 August, 1894; died 9 March, 1898. (1356) Edna May Lewis', born 29 October, 1896; died 16 August, 1897. 1357- George R. Yerkes', born 13 May, 1869; died aged one year, two months, and nine days. 612. SILAS YERKES« (Silas', Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fifth child of Silas Yerkes by his wife Margaret Fetter, was born near Richboro, Bucks County, 22 August, 1843; married (i), 26 Feb- ruary, 1868, Elizabeth McNair Rubinkam, born at Philadelphia, 21 July, 1847; di^d at Plainfield, New Jersey, 10 September, 1897; daughter of Na- thaniel Irwin Rubinkam by his wife Anna Maria Wynkoop, both of Bucks County; (2), 18 October, 1899, Mrs. Rebecca Johnson Meredith, widow of Howard M. Meredith; born at Philadelphia, 24 February, 1848. He is a dry- goods commission merchant in New York, and resides in that city. His eldest child was born at Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and the others at Phila- delphia. Children of Silas® and Elizabeth McNair (Rubinkam) Yerkes: 1358. Anna Rubinkam Yerkes', born 27 April, 1870; married, 2 June, 1892, Gilbert Theobald Rhoads, born at Reading, Pennsylvania ; son of Samuel Gilbert Rhoads by his wife Mary Ann Lehr. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads are Episco- palians, and they reside at Plainfield, New Jersey. Issue: (1359) Gilbert Norman Rhoads', born at Plainfield, 23 April, 1894. 1360. Margaret Fetter Yerkes', born 20 June, 1873. 1361. Nathaniel Irwin Yerkes', born 29 January, 1884. 613. WILLIAM COLLADAY YERKES« (Jonathan^, Daniel*, Silas', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Juliana Colladay, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 6 October, 1823; mar- ried, II March, 1847, Hannah Maag Lesher, born at Philadelphia, 16 Decem- ber, 1825; died at Nottingham, Chester County, 2 September, 1896; daughter of Benjamin Lesher by his wife Mary Maag. Mr. Yerkes was a farmer, but retired from business some years ago. He is a Presbyterian, and resides at Nottingham. Children of William Colladay^ and Hannah Maag (Lesher) Yerkes; born in Moreland : 1362. Jonathan Howard Yerkes', born 15 April, 1849; married Anna E. Cornell. 1363. Benjamin Yerkes', born 15 October, 1851; married Janette R. Fetter, and resides at Buck, Lancaster County. 614. DANIEL YERKES® (Jonathan*, Daniel*, Silas^ Herman^, An- thony^), second son and second child of Jonathan Yerkes by his wife Juliana 142 YERKES FAMILY Colladay, was born at Northampton, Bucks County, 13 December, 1828; married, at Philadelphia, 3 January, 1856, Emily Heaton, born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 3 November, 1831 ; died at Southampton, Bucks County, 29 December, 1899; daughter of WilHam Heaton by his wife Elizabeth Stock- dale. Mr. Yerkes resides on his farm at Southampton, where he has for many years successfully engaged in farming. He is a Baptist. Children of DanieP and Emily (Heaton) Yerkes: 1364. Albert Yerkes', born 6 April, and died 25 August, 1857. 1365. William Heaton Yerkes', born 17 May, 1859; married Caroline Hogeland. 1366. Julia Yerkes', born 14 February, 1861. 1367. Walter Creswell Yerkes', born i November, 1864; married Emily Hoben- sack. 1368. Ella R. Yerkes', born 14 November, 1867; died 7 March, 1883. 628. ROBERT LEWIS YERKES^ (Hiram^, Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born 12 September, 1836; died at Cheltenham, Montgomery County, 25 August, 1891 ; married, circa 1868, Mary Hudnet, born in Bucks County, 23 June, 1835; daughter of Charles Hudnet by his wife Elizabeth Johnson. Mrs. Yerkes resides at Philadelphia. Children of Robert Lewis'' and Mary (Hudnet) Yerkes: 1369. Ada H. Yerkes', born 12 July, i860. 1370. Stanley Lewis Yerkes', born 28 November, 1874; married, in March, 1898, Catharine Costello, born at Cortlandt, New York, 19 May, 1877; daughter of Thomas Costello by his wife Alice Gleason. 629. SARAH ESTHER YERKES^ (Hiram', Daniel*, Silas^, Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest daughter and second child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born in Southampton Township, Bucks County, 29 September, 1838; married, 9 April, 1862, George W. Moore, born in More- land, Montgomery County, 13 January, 1838; son of James Jordan Moore by his wife Mary Sentman, or Sandman. Mr. Moore is a carriage-builder, and resides in Hatboro. He and his wife are Methodists. Children of George W. and Sarah Esther^ (Yerkes) Moore: 1371. Ella Moore', born 25 July, 1864. 1372. Annie Lewis Moore', born 10 September, 1865. 1373- James Newton Moore', born 28 June, 1876 ; died 30 March, 1886. 630. MARTIN VAN BUREN YERKES« (Hiram^ Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born at Jamison's Corners, Bucks County, 11 September, 1840; married, 31 January, 1872, Mary Jane Du Bree, born at Abington, 143 CHRONICLE OF THE Montgomery County, 9 February, 1840; died at Berwyn, Pennsylvania, 28 February, 1897; daughter of Charles Du Bree by his wife Mary Kerr. Mr. Yerkes is a harness-maker, and in religious faith a Presbyterian. He resides at Berwyn. Children of Martin Van Buren^ and Mary Jane (Du Bree) Yerkes: 1374. Charles Hiram Yerkes', born 7 February, 1873; died 24 April, 1875. 1375. William Tompkins Yerkes', born 18 January, 1875. 1376. Carroll Harvey Yerkes', born 18 August, 1876. 1377. Archibald Murphy Yerkes', born 22 April, 1878; died 28 August, 1900. 1378. Dawson Martin Yerkes', born 9 January, 1882. 631. DAVID LEWIS YERKES« (Hiram^, Daniel*, Silas^ Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 21 February, 1842; married, in December, 1870, Maria Raab, born at Columbus, Burlington County, New Jersey, in October, 1846; daughter of Morris P. Raab by his wife Sarah R. Picker. Mr. Yerkes resides at Bryn Mawr, where he engaged in farming until 1892, since which time he has been in business as a merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are Baptists. Children of David Lewis® and Maria (Raab) Yerkes: 1379. Milton Raab Yerkes', born 3 September, 1871 ; married, i December, 1897, Maude Snyder, born 19 January, 1876; daughter of Eugene Snyder by his wife Mary Schultz. Mr. Yerkes resides at Bryn Mawr, where he is engaged in business as a civil engineer. Issue: (1380) Ruth Yerkes^ born 19 February, 1899. (1381) Marian Yerkes', born 6 September, 1901. 1382. Harry Vasey Yerkes', born 6 March, 1873; married, 10 September, 1902, Mabel Rohrman. Mr. Yerkes resides at Bryn Mawr. 633. DANIEL HIRAM YERKES« (Hiram^, Daniel^ Silas', Her- man^, Anthony^), fifth son and sixth child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born at Richboro, Bucks County, 21 July, 1846; married, 24 February, 1881, Emma Jane Townsend, born in Lancaster County, 26 February, i860; daughter of John Townsend by his wife Eliza J. Lowers, both of whom were born in Chester County. Mr. Yerkes is a carriage and wagon-builder. His three eldest children were born at Ashbourne, and the others at Philadelphia, where he has resided since 1885. He is a Presbyterian. Children of Daniel Hiram® and Emma Jane (Townsend) Yerkes: 1383. Ella Townsend Yerkes', born i December, 1881. 1384. Newton Townsend Yerkes', born 15 March, 1884. 1385. Edith Lowers Yerkes', born 20 August, 1886. 1386. Simeon Malcolm Yerkes', born 6 November, 1889. 1387. George Moore Yerkes', born 21 August, 1894. 1388. Sarah Esther Yerkes', born 20 May, 1898. 144 YERKES FAMILY 635. REVEREND EL WOOD CRAVEN YERKES« (Hiram^ Dan- iel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth son and eighth and youngest child of Hiram Yerkes by his wife Anna Lewis, was born at Yerkesville (now Ter- wood), Montgomery County, 4 June, 1852; died at Philadelphia, 14 June, 1899; married, 19 November, 1873, Abigail Lippincott Hepburn, born at Penn Valley, Bucks County, 12 May, 1852; daughter of Stacy Tantom Hep- burn by his wife Sarah Ann Vansant. Mr. Yerkes was educated in the public schools of his native county and the State Normal School at Millersville. In the sixteenth year of his age he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Hatboro. A few years later, after having taught one year in a public school, and preaching one year under Presiding Elder William Cooper, on Attleboro Circuit, Bucks County, he entered the Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal Conference, and was a faithful and beloved pastor of the following churches : Evansburg, Kennett Square, Upland, Jenkintown and Jarrettown, Georgetown and Gap, Millersburg, Belmont, in West Philadelphia, Coates- ville, Pen Argyl, St. Paul's, in Lancaster, and Catasauqua, and the last three months of his life at Messiah, Philadelphia, Children of Reverend Elwood Craven^ and Abigail Lippincott (Hepburn) Yerkes : 1389. Carrie Hepburn Yerkes', born 5 May, 1875. 1390. Anna Mary Yerkes', born 9 October, 1877. 636. MARY ETTA LESHER YERKES^ (Harrison^, DanielS Silas^ Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Harrison Yerkes by his wife Mary Elizabeth Lesher, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 25 December, 1840; married, 15 August, 1865, Charles C. McNair, born at Churchville, Bucks County, 2 January, 1836; son of Samuel McNair by his wife Ann Long. Mr. McNair is a merchant, and resides at Hatboro, and he and his wife are Baptists. Children of Charles C. and Mary Etta Lesher^ (Yerkes) McNair; born at Hatboro : 1391. Charles J. McNair', born 9 February, 1869. 1392. Mary L. McNair', born 28 April, 1870. 1393- Charles Edwin McNair', born 25 June, 1873. 638. SAMUEL J. CRESWELL YERKES^ (Harrison^ Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and third child of Harrison Yerkes by his wife Mary Elizabeth Lesher, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 3 November, 1853; died at New York City, 25 September, 1898; married, 2 September, 1874, Elizabeth Beckwell Trimmer, born in War- 's 14s CHRONICLE OF THE minster, Bucks County, 15 January, 1854; daughter of Charles Trimmer by his wife Jane P. Phair. Mrs. Yerkes married, as second husband, Chaney, and resides at Cloverly, Maryland. Children of Samuel J. CreswelP and Elizabeth Beckwell (Trimmer) Yerkes: 1394. Pauline Yerkes', born at Hatboro, Pennsylvania, 16 June, 1875; married, 15 June, 1899, Charles Truman Wilber, born at Washington, D. C, i February, 1872; son of Emery A. Wilber by his wife Oceana A. Walker. Mr. Wilber is the agent of the New York Life Insurance Company at Washington. Issue: (1395) IvA Mae Wilber', born 13 August, 1902. 1396. HuRLBERT Agnew Yerkes', born 27 April, 1878. 1397. Jere Trimmer Yerkes', born 27 March, 1880. 639. WILLIAM HARRISON YERKES« (Harrison^ Daniel*, Silas^ Herman^, Anthony^ ) , second son and fourth child of Harrison Yerkes by his wife Mary Elizabeth Lesher, was born at Hatboro, Montgomery County, 3 December, 1857; married, 26 September, 1884, Emily Irene Hughes, born at Bridgeport; daughter of Nathan Rambo Hughes by his wife Amanda E. Stacker. Mr. Yerkes resides at Norristown, where his children were born. Mrs. Yerkes is a great-granddaughter of Colonel Isaac Hughes, of Penn- sylvania, who was an officer in the Revolution and a son of John Hughes, Esq"", of Philadelphia, the noted " Stamp-Master." Children of William Harrison^ and Emily Irene (Hughes) Yerkes: 1398. Beatrice Hughes Yerkes', born 10 November, 1891 ; died 27 August, 1892. 1399. Frances Mildred Yerkes', born 6 September, 1893. 641. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN YERKES« (Jacob Buzart', Ben- jamin*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Jacob Buzart Yerkes by his wife Maria Tyson, was born at Adamstown, Lancaster County, 8 Decem- ber, 1829; married, at Philadelphia, 12 June, 1859, Elizabeth Smith, born at Philadelphia, 6 February, 1826; died there, 18 May, 1875; daughter of Charles Smith by his wife Katharine Zollers. Children of Benjamin Franklin^ and Elizabeth (Smith) Yerkes; all born at Philadelphia : 1400. Kate Smith Yerkes', born 19 January, and died 16 July, 1861. 1401. Fannie Yerkes', born 21 July, 1862 ; died 4 August, 1864. 1402. Henry Clay Yerkes', born 13 June, 1865 ; died 24 August, 1866. 1403. Walter Lincoln Yerkes', born 5 November, 1867; married, 22 October, 1890, Cora Linn Tod, born at Philadelphia, 14 September, 1864; daughter of William Tod by his wife Rachel Jane Forman. Mr. Yerkes resides at Philadelphia. He is a prominent member of the Masonic Fraternity, and is the Eminent Commander of Kensington Commandery, No. 54. 1404. Benjamin Franklin Yerkes', born 9 November, 1871 ; died 8 August, 1872. 1405. Burton Yerkes', born 16 February, and died 18 May, 1875. 146 YERKES FAMILY 642. ISAAC BRENIZEN YERKES^ (Jacob Buzart^, Benjamin*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Jacob Buzart Yerkes by his wife Maria Tyson, was born at Sinking Spring, Berks County, 19 February, 1832; died at Bainbridge, Lancaster County, 24 January, 1892; married, 26 March, 1861, Catharine Dunbar, born at Columbia, same county, 13 November, 1835; died at Bainbridge, 18 August, 1892; daughter of Thomas Dunbar by his wife Mary Henege. Mr. Yerkes was a blacksmith. Children of Isaac Brenizen^ and Catharine (Dunbar) Yerkes; all born at Mt. Joy, Lancaster County: 1406. Maria Elizabeth Yerkes', born 12 February, 1862; married, 15 October, 1890, John W. Arnold, born in Chanceford Township, York County, 10 August, 1864; son of George Arnold by his wife Catharine Snyder. Issue: (1407) Catharine Arnold', born at Cambridge, 28 May, 1892. They reside at Oberlin, Pennsylvania. 1408. Emma Yerkes', born 22 August, 1863; married, 24 December, 1884, Harry R. Hoover, of Bainbridge. 1409. Lottie Yerkes', born 7 November, 1865 ; married, 6 March, 1891, D. B. Kauff- man, of Bainbridge. 1410. Silas Grant- Yerkes', born 25 May, 1867; married, 31 December, 1891, Elizabeth Shaeffer, born 20 June, 1870; daughter of William ShaefTer by his wife Mary Shearer. They had a child, (1411) unnamed, born 15, and died 25 April, 1898. He is a farmer, and resides at Bainbridge. 645. CHARLOTTE YERKES^ (Jacob Buzart», BenjaminS Silas', Herman^, Anthony^), second daughter and fourth child of Jacob Buzart Yerkes by his wife Maria Tyson, was born at Plough Village, Pennsylvania, 27 November, 1835; died at Columbia, 6 July, 1879; married, at Harrisburg, 18 May, 1854, Cornelius Shell, Esqr, born at Harrisburg, 29 November, 1825; died there, 16 February, 1864; son of John Jacob Shell, of that city. Mr. Shell was a member of the Lancaster County bar, and practised law at Harrisburg, where all of his children were born. Children of Cornelius and Charlotte^ (Yerkes) Shell : 1412. Catharine Maria Shell', born 20 March, 1855; died 18 March, 1888; mar- ried, 12 October, 1873, David Welsh. 1413. Mary Elizabeth Shell', born 24 July, and died 15 August, 1856. 1414. Alice Cecelia Shell', born 30 October, 1857; married, 12 September, 1876, Samuel Welsh, and resides at Philadelphia. 1415. Sarah Pauline Shell', born 9 November, 1859; died 28 August, 1861. 1416. Fannie Kinzer Shell', born 15 March, 1862; married, 7 July, 1880, Harry Stephens, and resides at Philadelphia. 648. JAMES HILL YERKES« (Silas Ayres», Benjamin*, Silas', Her- man^, Anthony^), eldest son and third child of Silas Ayres Yerkes by his 147 CHRONICLE OF THE wife Susannah Sarah Hill, was born at Rochester, New York, i April, 1836; married, 31 August, 1858, Mary Bristol. Children of James HilP and Mary (Bristol) Yerkes: 1417. William Yerkes', died young. 1418. Mary Helen Yerkes'. 1419. Susan Hill Yerkes'. 649. JANE ELIZABETH YERKES^ (Silas Ayres^ Benjamin*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), third daughter and fourth child of Silas Ayres Yerkes by his wife Susannah Sarah Hill, was born at Rochester, New York, 21 October, 1840, and was educated at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. She married, at Lima, New York, 22 June, 1861, Honorable Charles Simeon Baker, born at Churchville, New York, 18 February, 1839; died at Wash- ington, D. C, 21 April, 1902; son of James Baker (born in Suffolk County, England, 23 March, 1802) by his wife Catharine Gaul. Charles Simeon Baker studied law, and was admitted to the bar in i860. He volunteered at the first call for troops in 1861, and was commissioned first lieutenant in Company E, Twenty-Seventh New York Volunteer Infantry. Disabled at the first battle of Bull Run, he was discharged from the service on account of disabilities in 1862, and, returning to Rochester, he resumed the practice of law. He served three terms as a member of the Monroe County Board of Supervisors, and two years on the Board of Education. In 1878 he was elected a member of the Legislature of New York, and served three years in the Assembly and two in the Senate. From 1885 until 1891 he represented his district in the National Congress. He was a member of the Committee on Territories, and, with the late Samuel S. Cox, had charge of the legislation which resulted in the admission into the Union of the States of North and South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. In the Fifty- first Congress, as chairman of the Committee on Commerce, he was author of a bill creating the Interstate Commerce Commission, and strongly advocated the recently formed Department of Commerce. Mr. Baker was a 32° Mason, and he and his wife were Presbyterians. Children of Honorable Charles Simeon and Jane Elizabeth® (Yerkes) Baker; all born at Rochester: 1420. Charles Ayres Baker', born 6 March, 1863; married, 24 December, 1885, Emma Brooks Knapp, born i6 March, 1866; daughter of Royal Charles Knapp by his wife Orinda Ellen De Cue. He is a stock-broker and banker at Washington, D. C. Issue: (1421) Jeanette Eleanor Baker', born 5 November, 1886. (1422) Charles Silas Baker', born 12 April, 1888. (1423) Royal Knapp Baker', born 25 May, 1890. (1424) Warren Lowe Baker', born 9 May, 1892. 148 O 2 vo «; ft O tr M K> E ON 2 •2" ■< C\ so ? H 5 > W « SB ^ 1/3 C C 2 S On ■< On ■< O M > < S 0 s: q Mr. Baker was were Presbyterians. I - v --^. Children of Samuel Linford'^ and Mary Anna (Walton) Yerkes: 1828. RoYDEN Keith Yerkes', born 22 June, 1881. He graduated, in 1899, at the Phila- delphia High School, with honors, and in the same year he entered the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1903. He is now studying for the ministry at the '^■■■■■■■■•■■■piP. p/)/ |a ^jjj^ ^ pK i' S 1829. Mabel J a NViER Yerkes*, born 22 May, 1886. rSc*li£>cs> 1 186 y ROYUEN KEITH YERKES (No. 1828) Cy-^ ^ - E OF THE nil", Silas", Harman*. L - mn Yerkes by his iher) Rumsey, was bon .veil, Michigan, - N >. :^ 1890, F ' ■ ■ V 1 , -• ; son c . . Mr. Crandal resides a; , Michigan, erkes) L-randal : ^owle) Yerlces: vES' (John Keith far- , third son anr' ' or, was born at i ^ ly, 13 February, • he aadaktSHbiajthierv'fWill; i; daughter of Salem Walton by his w te y Anna (Walton) Yer YERKES FAMILY 1 122. SILAS MARSHALL YERKES^ (Isaac Mann«, Silas^, Har- / man^, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Isaac Mann Yerkes by his wife Jane Murdock Carr, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 28 August, 1846; married, 21 October, 1874, Sue Addis Carrell, born near Hartsville, 24 April, 1854; daughter of Hugh Jamison Carrell by his wife Abigail Dubois Addis. He resides at Doylestown. Children of Silas Marshall and Sue Addis (Carrell) Yerkes; all born near Hartsville : 1830. Robert Mearns Yerkes', born 26 May, 1876. He is a student at Harvard Uni- versity. 1831. Mabel Yerkes', born 9 November, 1880; died 26 March, 1883. 1832. Miles Carrell Yerkes", born 27 November, 1884. 1833. William Augustus Yerkes', born 24 March, 1886. 1834. Carrie McCluskey Yerkes", born 26 October, 1887 ; died 22 March, 1894. 1 1 24. COURTLAND CARR YERKES^ (Isaac Mann«, Silas^ Har- man*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of Isaac Mann Yerkes by his wife Jane Murdock Carr, was born at Abington, Mont- gomery County, 16 March, 1850; married, 15 January, 1878, Mary Matilda Atkinson, born at Davisville, Bucks County, 11 December, 1857; daughter of Mahlon R. Atkinson by his wife Mary A. Wood. He resides at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Children of Courtland Carr'^ and Mary Matilda (Atkinson) Yerkes: 1835. Charles M. Yerkes", born 25 March, 1879; died 31 January, 1880. 1836. Jane Carr Yerkes", born 3 September, 1881 ; married John Wallace Hoff, and resides at Trenton, New Jersey. 1837. Mary Atkinson Yerkes", born 2 April, 1894. 1 126. CHARLES SHOEMAKER YERKES^ (Isaac Mann«, Silas', Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and sixth child of Isaac Mann Yerkes by his wife Jane Murdock Carr, was born at Hartsville, Penn- sylvania, 15 July, 1857; married, 10 September, 1886, Sarah Elizabeth Kniblor, born at Portage, New York, 28 September, i860; daughter of Wells Ebenezer Kniblor by his wife Hila Weller Hill. Mr. Yerkes resides at Sala- manca, New York, where he is engaged in business as an express messenger for the Wells Fargo Express Company. Child of Charles Shoemaker'^ and Sarah Elizabeth (Kniblor) Yerkes: 1838. Mabel Kniblor Yerkes', born 16 September, 1889. 1 1 27. JENNIE YERKES^ (Isaac Mann«, Silas^ Harman*, John^ Herman^, Anthony^), third daughter and seventh child of Isaac Mann Yerkes by his wife Jane Murdock Carr, was born at Hartsville, Pennsylvania, 17 187 CHRONICLE OF THE September, 1859; married, 3 March, 1880, Ashbel Welch Watson, born near Newtown, 13 April, 1848; son of David Lee Watson by his wife Martha Thompson. Mr. Watson resides at Newtown, Bucks County, where he is engaged in the lumber business, being the senior member of the firm of A. W. & W. M. Watson. Children of Ashbel Welch and Jennie'^ (Yerkes) Watson; all born at New- town : 1839. Samuel Buckman Watson', born 28 April, 1881 ; died 22 June, 1882. 1840. Esther Mearns Watson', born 3 September, 1883. 1841. Harold Lee Watson', born 22 June, 1886. 1842. Carl Buckman Watson', born 26 September, 1890. 1 136. EUGENE YERKES^ (Silas Darrah«, Silas^ Harman*, John^ Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Silas Darrah Yerkes by his wife Rachel Shelmire, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 27 June, 1854; married, 16 October, 1876, Theresa May Oechsle, born at Philadelphia, 12 January, 1857; daughter of Joseph Oechsle by his wife Francisca Metzinger. Mr. Yerkes is in the employ of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company as car despatcher. Children of Eugene'^ and Theresa May (Oechsle) Yerkes: 1843. Eugene John Yerkes', born 21 February, 1878; died 9 April, 1886. 1844. Mary Francisca Yerkes', born 6 September, 1881 ; died 22 May, 1882. 1845. Rachel May Yerkes', born 13 July, 1886. 1846. Joseph Hawker Yerkes', born 12 February, 1890. 1 138. SILAS HORNER YERKES^ (Silas Darrah^, Silas^, Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of Silas Darrah Yerkes by his wife Rachel Shelmire, was born at Downingtown, Pennsyl- vania, 12 April, 1858; married, 9 March, 1887, Maude Wright, born at Lock Haven, Clinton County, 17 December, 1863; daughter of James Wright by his wife Margaret Heinlein. Mr. Yerkes is engaged in business as a coal dealer, and resides at Wissahickon, Philadelphia. Children of Silas Horner'^ and Maude (Wright) Yerkes: 1847. Silas James Yerkes', born 27 August, 1889. 1848. Nancy Yerkes', born 14 June, 1895. 1 142. ALBERT ROWLAND YERKES^ (William Tennant«, Silas«, Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second child and son of William Tennant Yerkes by his wife Maria Blaker, was born at Abington, Montgomery County, 9 June, 1861 ; married, 18 February, 1885, Ada Berry Buckman, 188 YERKES FAMILY born at Richboro, Bucks County, 20 October, 1861; daughter of Amos J. and Catharine D. Buckman. Mr. Yerkes resides at Logan, Philadelphia. Children of Albert Rowland^ and Ada Berry (Buckman) Yerkes; all born at Logan: 1849. Albert Rowland Yerkes', born 19 July, 1886. 1850. Amos Russell Yerkes' (twin of Albert Rowland), born 19 July, 1886. 1851. William Tennant Yerkes', born 3 January, 1890; died 30 November, 1892. 1852. Clifford Yerkes', born 5 June, 1893 ; died 8 January, 1896. 1853. Horace B. Yerkes', born 21 July, 1896. 1 154. EDWIN HOLME YERKES^ (Charles Huxham«, Silas«, Har- man*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Charles Huxham Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Holme, was born at Grafton, Illinois, 5 October, i860; married, 3 September, 1885, Emma Legate, born at Alamode, Missouri, 31 October, 1862; daughter of Henry Leander Legate by his wife Mary A. Skidmore. He was educated in the public schools, and at Eureka College, Illinois. From 1883 until 1890 he engaged in teaching, and in the latter year he took up the calling of telegraphy. He is now the agent and telegraph operator of the Burlington and Missouri Railroad at Phillips, Nebraska. Children of Edwin Holme'^ and Emma (Legate) Yerkes; born in Illinois: 1854. Howard Leland Yerkes', born 21 July, 1886. 1855. Anna Mildred Yerkes", born 25 May, 1888. 1856. Charles Mason Yerkes', born i January, 1898. 1 1 56. CHARLES WRENN YERKES^ (Charles Huxham^, Silas^ Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and third child of Charles Huxham Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Holme, was born in Grafton, Jersey County, Illinois, 19 February, 1865; married, 10 September, 1889, Mary Van Tine, born at Sandusky, Ohio, 7 November, 1867; daughter of Alfred C. Van Tine by his wife Emma Almira Durkee. Mr. Yerkes is a school- teacher, and resides at Bunkerhill, Macoupin County, Illinois. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children of Charles Wrenn'^ and Mary (Van Tine) Yerkes: 1857. LuciLE Yerkes', born 8 September, 1890. 1858. Robert Dale Yerkes', born 17 August, 1892. 1859. Neena Yerkes', born 18 June, 1894. 1860. Alta Yerkes', born 18 March, 1896. 1861. Lola Yerkes', born 24 April, 1898. 1862. Warren Albro Yerkes', born 4 December, 1899. 1863. Byron Foster Yerkes', born 9 July, 1901. 1 157. ALBERT EVEREST YERKES^ (Charles Huxham«, Silas^. Harman*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of Charles 189 CHRONICLE OF THE Huxham Yerkes by his wife Rebecca Holme, was born in Grafton, Jersey County, Illinois, 14 January, 1868; married, 30 August, 1894, Julia Van Tine, born at Sandusky, Ohio, 6 May, 1869; daughter of Alfred C. Van Tine by his wife Almira Mary Wheeler. In early life Mr. Yerkes was a school-teacher, but later he became extensively engaged in the restaurant business in Chicago, Illinois, and is now a member of the firm of Faddis & Yerkes. Children of Albert Everest'^ and Julia (Van Tine) Yerkes: 1864. Raymond Alfred Yerkes', born 28 September, 1895. 1865. Walter Holme Yerkes^ born 25 October, 1896. 1866. Ralph Vincent Yerkes*, born 2 February, 1898. 1867. Helen Yerkes', born 28 June, 1899. 1 158. ABEL KELSEY YERKES' (Andrew Jackson^, John^, Har- man*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Andrew Jackson Yerkes by his wife Susan Kelsey, was born at Bordentown, New Jersey, 15 September, 1858; married, 18 September, 1883, Mary Dilworth, born at Leavenworth, Kansas, 8 January, 1863; daughter of James Ronaldson Dilworth by his wife Alice Elizabeth Macauley, Mr. Yerkes, upon the death of his father, was apprenticed to a farmer in Warminster, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1868. Like all " bound boys" at that time, he received only such an education as three months at a country school afforded. When fourteen years of age he ran away from the farm, and after a varied and fruitful experience of several weeks as a newsboy, pro- cured a position in a large cotton-mill. The panic of 1873 compelled him to leave that work and seek other employment, which he found in the Public Spirit office at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. In the spring of 1876, with just enough money to purchase a ticket to Glencoe, Minnesota, he landed at that place, almost penniless and without a friend, and failing to find employment in the printing-office there, he went to work on a farm, but finally obtained a situation at type-setting. In September he was offered a similar situation at Alexandria, Minnesota, to which place he went in a stage-coach, on money borrowed from the publisher he worked for. This man had money to lend him, at a good rate of interest, but utterly refused to pay the wages that were due. In 1878, soon after the Custer Massacre, young Yerkes went to Fort Standing Rock, Dakota, with a herd of cattle for the Sioux Indians. The trip was a hazardous one of two months, during which an attack from In- dians was daily expected. It was made without loss of life, and created a desire on the part of the subject of this sketch to see Western life on the frontier. So, in 1879, he went to Miles City, then the outpost of civilization. This town 190 CHARLES TYSON YERKES, ESIJ'< (No. 1 167) \TTrT OTT THE rne, was born in Grafton, Jersey iirried, 30 August, 1894, Julia Van ' ■ d C. Van kes was a extensively ei in the restaurant now a member ot 1 of Fa. Yerkcs: - 1895. ' im lie li just refused to pay the hat were due. It to Fort YERKES FAMILY existed upon the earnings of buffalo-hunters, who were then killing buffalo by the thousands for their hides alone, and it was probably at that time the " roughest" town in the United States. In 1882 he established the Post, a small weekly paper at Coulson (now Billings), Montana, and conducted the same for six months, when he sold it and removed to Bozeman, where he aided in starting the Bozeman Weekly Chronicle. In 1884 he purchased this paper, and edited and conducted it several years, " in the interest of himself and the Democratic party." He now resides at Seattle, Washington, where he is engaged in the printing and publishing business, under the name of Yerkes Printing Company. Children of Abel Kelsey'^ and Mary (Dilworth) Yerkes; born at Bozeman, Montana : 1868. James Dilworth Yerkes', born 10 July, 1884 ; died 20 January, 1890. 1869. Beulah Yerkes', born 10 August, 1885. 1870. Paul Kj:lsey Yerkes', born 7 June, 1887. 1871. William Dilworth Yerkes', born 26 January, 1897. 1872. Margaret Yerkes', born i January, 1898. 1 167. CHARLES TYSON YERKES^ (Charles Tyson^, Silas^, Silas*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and second child of Charles Tyson Yerkes by his wife Elizabeth Link Broom, was born at Philadelphia, 25 June, 1837. He was educated at the Friends' School and the Central High School of his native city, and began his business life as a clerk in the flour and grain commission and forwarding house of James P. Perot & Brother. He worked at first without salary, as in those days it was esteemed a great privilege to enter a first-class house, but on account of close attention to business, he was presented by his employers with fifty dollars at the end of the first year. In 1.859 he gave up the clerkship, and made his first independent business venture, opening a stock-broker's office. Three years later he purchased a banking house at No. 20 South Third Street, making as a specialty the negotiation of first-class bonds. During the Civil War he dealt heavily in government, State, and city bonds. In the latter part of this period the city of Philadelphia found itself in stress for moneys to meet obligations growing out of its large requirements to raise and equip its troops for the war, and to pay for its extensive land purchases in connection with the enlargement of its park. To meet this emergency, the city found it necessary to issue a large amount of bonds, but when issued, it was discovered that they could not be sold at their par value. The law did not allow of sales at less than par, so the raising of money by this means was brought to a stand-still. At this critical juncture Mr. Yerkes conceived a plan to raise the price of the bonds 191 CHRONICLE OF THE from eighty-five per cent, (the amount then bid for the same) to par, which plan was accepted by the City Treasurer, and proved successful, to the great relief of the city's financial straits. The close alliance then formed with the city proved, however, ultimately disastrous to Mr. Yerkes. The financial panic of 1871, caused by the Chicago fire, caught him carrying a large quan- tity of securities, and heavily in debt to the city for bonds sold on its account. It had been the custom to make settlement with the city at the end of each month, but the authorities, in their fright over the possible effects of the panic, demanded from Mr. Yerkes immediate settlement. He firmly refused to comply with this demand, as by so doing he would give the city preference over his other creditors, and this he was unwilling to do. The city still in- sisting on immediate payment, he made an assignment for the benefit of all of his creditors, and thus was lost the accumulation of years. Some months later, however, encouraged by prominent bankers and other financial men (who continued their faith in his honor and integrity as a business man), Mr. Yerkes resumed the banking business, and from the start began to recuperate his losses, but particularly so in 1873, at the time of the Jay Cooke failure. Appreciating at once that this failure meant a serious decline in all securities, Mr. Yerkes sold stocks heavily, and later bought them back at much lower prices than those for which he had sold them. This en- abled him to realize immense profits. After Mr. Yerkes resumed business. City Councils, recognizing the great service that he had rendered the municipality financially, in the past, and the injury done him when the authorities forced him into insolvency, passed an ordinance absolving him from all indebtedness to the city. So soon as Mr, Yerkes had retrieved his fortune sufficiently to justify the step, he called his old creditors together and paid them in full. Very early in his business career he identified himself with street passen- ger railways. When he was only twenty-two years old, he, with others, bought a controlling interest in the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Streets Pas- senger Railway Company, of Philadelphia. He took a deep interest in the management of the road, and contributed largely to its success as a carrier of passengers, as well as to its permanent prosperity. From time to time he increased his holdings of the capital stock, and at about the time of his failure he was the largest individual stockholder in the company, which in- terest was sacrificed through his suspension. In 1875 he acquired a large interest in the Continental Passenger Railway Company, of the same city, with the result that the stock afterwards rose from fifteen to over one hun- dred dollars per share. Such connections were but the initial steps which led him later to engage himself with similar interests, so extensively and 192 from plan same) to par, whic!; fi proved successful, to the great ^ with the iai lii- to the city for with tl .'.•'(>r -f (id, as n its account. d of eac|j > > r,f till J n he would give the city preference ^ill ir| X 7 en the ; I I: O he failure Ii terest w dollars per sh;; m later to en ss career he identified was • rest in , . . i . , , of P ilia. F . and contributed ■ to its per' tbe caj^j- . idual stocki. in cy, passed ai So aoon as Mi^ called hil >• o ?! 1- > 'as- est in the I ay, which in- acquired a large of the ■ > to ove YERKES FAMILY successfully as to gain for him great prominence in the financial world, and almost world-wide fame. In 1880 Mr. Yerkes made a tour through the Northwest, during which he made his first visit to Chicago. At that time, although gold was coming from Europe by almost every steamer to New York, money was not plentiful in the metropolis, and inquiry proved that it was going West, principally to Chicago. On his tour he stopped at Fargo, North Dakota, and, becoming in- terested in the rapid growth of that country, he joined an improvement syndi- cate there, of which he later became sole owner. He bought heavily of land and built business blocks, and was successful in organizing the first fair held in North Dakota. He subsequently sold most of his Dakota interests. In the Autumn of 1881 he went to Chicago, and established a banking house at the corner of La Salle and Madison Streets. In 1886 he opened negotiations for the control of the Chicago street railways, and, in associa- tion with some Chicago capitalists and a few of his old friends in the East, soon obtained control of the North Chicago City Railway Company. The company was completely reorganized, with Mr. Yerkes as president, and cables were adopted as motive power. He also succeeded in using the old La Salle Street tunnel, which at that time had been unused for many years, thereby overcoming the disadvantage of the swing bridges so long an in- convenience to the people of the north side. Two years later he closed nego- tiations for a controlling interest in the Chicago West Division Railway Company, which was reorganized and improved, Mr. Yerkes becoming presi- dent. In both undertakings the confidence of his associates was such that they left him to act entirely as his judgment should dictate. Mr. Yerkes became a factor in the Chicago elevated railroad systems, as leader in the reorganiza- tion of the Lake Street Company, whose managers had appealed to him for assistance in their financial straits. Later he undertook to build an elevated railroad on the north side of the city, and in 1897 formed the Union Loop Company, to provide terminal facilities for all the roads in the heart of the city. This project was carried to a successful issue after a long and stubborn contention with the property owners. One result of extending the various lines outside the city limits was an increased demand for land in the suburban districts, and, in order to facilitate the growth of the enterprise, Mr. Yerkes conceived a plan of a system of suburban roads, connected with the main surface lines and extending to the heart of the city. Accordingly eight dif- ferent companies were chartered, and about two hundred -and fifty miles of track laid. All these corporations were finally united into the Chicago Con- solidated Traction Company, whose lines literally gridiron the western and northwestern parts of the city. 25 193 CHRONICLE OF THE In 1899 he parted with his interests in the North Chicago and West Chicago Street Railway companies to a syndicate formed of a number of capitaHsts, and in 1900 he sold the balance of his Chicago railroad holdings to another syndicate. He then made London his basis of operation, with the intention of giving to London railroad facilities of a modern character, and completely revolutionizing the then prevailing methods. It is expected that during the present year (1904) some of his railroads will be in operation. It is a strange fact that prior to Mr. Yerkes taking an interest in London, that great city, the largest in the world, was the least provided with intramural transportation of any large city. Mr. Yerkes was among the first to become interested in the Columbian Exposition, was foremost in the struggle for its location in Chicago, and from the start was generous in contributing to its support. He was made a mem- ber of the board of directors, which position he held throughout the entire fair period. In this responsible capacity, his force of character and wisdom of counsel made themselves most evident. During a trip to Europe he ac- complished much in the way of attracting the attention of the would-be exhibitors, and in inspiring confidence among foreign nations. As a member of the committee on fine arts, his labors were particularly effective, and to his influence was largely due the elaborateness and great success of the exhibit in that department. He inaugurated a thorough search in the art centres of the world for their best and rarest examples, while from his own private gallery, one of the finest in the United States, the loan was both valuable and extensive. In 1897 he presented to the University of Chicago the largest telescope in the most perfectly equipped observatory in the world. In 1893 he pur- chased a lot on Fifth Avenue, at the corner of Sixty-eighth Street, New York, and built for himself a house, which he occupied in January, 1896, and in which he still resides. Mr. Yerkes is a keen observer and a quick thinker, and his large business achievements themselves evidence his untiring energy and indomitable will, as well as his clear foresight and sagacity. In the social world he is most genial, cordial, and gracious. He is a devoted lover of the beautiful, and in his pictures, of which he possesses a large and rich collection, and in his con- servatory, which is one of the most unique in America, he finds his especial delight. He married (i), 22 December, 1859, Susanna Guttridge Gamble, daugh- ter of George Newton Gamble, a native of Leicestershire, England, by his wife Susanna Guttridge. He married (2), 23 September, 1881, Mary Adelaide Moore, daughter of Thomas Moore, Esq., of Philadelphia. 194 RANCH HALL UK RtSlUENCE OF CHARLES TYSON VKRKES AT No. 864 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CHRONICLE OF THE orth Chicago and Chicai ae formed of a number ui cn ■ t iiis Chicago railroad holdings * a his basis of operation, with the >ndon railroad facilities of a modern character, and c prevailing methods. It is expected that ' 1 c of his railroads will be in operation. It Yerkes taking an interest in London, that fi was the least provided with intramural i.f .n.Tif» intprp^tprl in fhc Columbian eo, and from . . .-^ .1 ... jer fective, and to his •ss and great succ< it 1 the finest in the LTnited ? c loan extensive. In if of Chicago the largest telescope in the mc , in the world. In 1893 he pur- chased a lot on F at the corner of Sixt>-eighth Street, New York, and 1 lOuse, which he occupied in January, 1896, and in whicli Keen observer and a quick thinker, and his large business achievements themselves evidence his untiring energy and indomitable will, as w< and sagacity. In the social world he is most ge- ' u^vHejiam' 4e\wtediik3i\'e >vdeujuc ...<',.ie, daughter of Thou I. > w ; icjpiiia. YERKES FAMILY Children of Charles Tyson Yerkes'^ by his first marriage : 1873. Josephine Yerkes^ born and died 29 January, 1861. 1874. George Gamble Yerkes', born 29 May, and died 13 August, 1862. 1875. Charles Edward Yerkes*, born 25 August, 1863 ; married, 26 April, 1898, Mabel Theresa Guerin ; daughter of Byram Chedister Guerin by his wife Leonora Dixon. Mr. Yerkes resides at Chicago, and is engaged there in the banking business, being a member of the firm of Dewar & Yerkes. He is a director of the Pennsylvania Iron- Works Company, and the North Shore Street Rail- way, also a member of the Racquet and Tennis Club of New York, the Ger- mantown Cricket and Racquet Clubs, of Philadelphia, the Glen View Club, the Evanston Coimtry Club, and the Edgewater Golf Club, of Chicago. 1876. Elizabeth Laura Yerkes^ born 3 November, 1866; married, 18 June, 1895, Lino Francesco Rondinella ; son of Pasqualle Rondinella by his wife Eliza- beth Esler. Mr. Rondinella is a mechanical engineer, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1885. Issue: (1877) Edith Rondinella", born 28 March, 1896. 1878. Robert Kenderdine Yerkes*, born 14 February, and died 18 April, 1868. 1879. Emma Yerkes* (twin of Robert Kenderdine), born 14 February, and died 15 February, 1868. 1 1 70. SARAH LOVENIA YERKES^ (Huston^ Benjamin^ Ben- jamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Huston Yerkes by his wife Catharine Ann Lesher, was born in Moreland, Pennsylvania, 17 Decem- ber, 1846; married, 19 August, 1872, Dr. Frederick W. Welch, a dental sur- geon; born at Gouverneur, New York, 29 April, 1849; died at Trenton, New Jersey, 20 July, 1898; son of Thomas Bromwell Welch by his wife Lucy Maria Hult. Children of Frederick W. and Sarah Lovenia^ (Yerkes) Welch; all born at Scranton, Pennsylvania : 1880. Edna May Welch', born 3 July, 1873 5 died 6 September, 1892. 1881. Ray Walter Welch', born 2 July, 1875. 1882. Fred Louise Welch', born 11 November, 1877; died 4 March, 1879. 1883. Freda Lovenia Welch', born 20 April, 1880; married, 6 September, 1899, Joseph Bennett Kronenberg. 1 173. WILMER HARRISON YERKES^ (Huston«, Benjamin^ Ben- jamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of Huston Yerkes by his wife Catharine Ann Lesher, was born in Bucks County, Penn- sylvania, 16 October, 1853; married, i August, 1880, Florence N. Smart, born at Pittsburg, 7 February, 1858. Mr. Yerkes resides at Allegheny City. Children of Wilmer Harrison'^ and Florence N. (Smart) Yerkes: 1884. Clara Maud Yerkes', born 18 May, 1882 ; died in 1893. 1885. Rachel E. Yerkes', born 17 February, 1884. 1886. Florence L. Yerkes', born 24 May, 1889. I9S CHRONICLE OF THE 1 1 76. WILLIAM FRANKLIN YERKES^ (Huston«, Benjamin^ Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), fourth son and sixth child of Hus- ton Yerkes by his wife Catharine Ann Lesher, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 10 June, 1861 ; married, 26 November, 1884, Flora Maria Ivins, born in Kirtland, Ohio, 25 October, 1859; daughter of Garret Conover Ivins by his wife Mary Jane Holmes. Mr. Yerkes is in the lumber business, and resides at Olympia, Washington. Children of William Franklin'^ and Flora Maria (Ivins) Yerkes: 1887. Horace Leon Yerkes', born 9 September, 1885. 1888. Evelyn Alice Yerkes', born 4 September, 1890. 1889. WiLLARD Everett Yerkes', born 15 March, 1898. 1890. Leland Yerkes', born 4 August, 1899. 1 185. AMOS ADDIS YERKES^ (Moses^, Benjamin^, Benjamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Moses Yerkes by his wife Eleanor Morrison Yerkes, was born in Huntingdon V alley, Montgomery County, 5 December, 1854; married, 2 October, 1877, Anna Riley, born in Philadelphia, 9 November, 1855; daughter of William Riley by his wife Mary Jane Gray. Mr. Yerkes has been connected with the dry-goods house of Folwell Brothers & Co., of Philadelphia, since 1872; first as book-keeper and cashier, and since 1900, when the firm was incorporated, as assistant secretary and treasurer. Children of Amos Addis'^ and Anna (Riley) Yerkes: 1891. William Folwell Yerkes', born 9 September, 1879. 1892. Samuel Jackson Yerkes', born 15 July, 1890. 1 186. AUGUSTUS GATES YERKES^ (Moses«, Benjamin^, Ben- jamin*, John^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and child of Moses Yerkes by his wife Eleanor Morrison Yerkes, was born at Edge Hill, Montgomery County, 3 August, 1857; married, 25 January, 1876, Clara Nippes, born at Philadelphia, 27 July, i860; daughter of Samuel and Lucretia Nippes. Mr. Yerkes is book-keeper for the firm of Charles J. Webb & Co., of Philadel- phia, wool merchants. Children of Augustus Gates'' and Clara (Nippes) Yerkes: 1893. Samuel Augustus Yerkes', born 24 May, 1877. 1894. David Martin Yerkes', born 19 October, 1885 ; died in May, 1886. 1895. LuLA Yerkes', born 22 June, 1887. 1896. Helen Yerkes', born 19 November, 1888. 1897. Augustus Gates Yerkes, JunR', born 7 June, 1896. 121 7. JOSIAH YERKES' (John McKnight«, Josiah^, Nathaniel*, Josiah^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of John McKnight Yerkes by his 196 YERKES FAMILY wife Lucy Church, was born at Romulus, New York, i8 April, 1853; mar- ried, 12 March, 1878, Alice Kuney, born at Varick, New York, 12 Decem- ber, 1856; daughter of Daniel Kuney by his wife Deborah Tunison. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer and a prominent citizen of Romulus. On i January, 1877, he was commissioned a justice of the peace, and served in this capacity until I January, 1893. From 1892 until 1898 he held the office of Justice of Sessions for Seneca County. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors of Seneca County for five years, and since 10 November, 1902, has been the clerk of that Board. Children of Josiah^ and Alice (Kuney) Yerkes; all born at Romulus: 1898. Claribel Yerkes', born 12 July, 1879. 1899. Florence Yerkes*, born 25 July, 1883. 1900. Hattie Pearl Yerkes', born 22 June, 1886. 1901. Leona Yerkes', born 9 April, 1890. 1902. Charles Tyson Yerkes', born i January, 1898. 1218. BARNUM YERKES^ (John McKnight°, Josiah«, Nathaniel*, Josiah^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of John McKnight Yerkes by his wife Lucy Church, was born at Romulus, New York, 27 June, 1854; married, 11 December, 1877, Caroline Elizabeth Hoffman, born at Fayette, New York, 20 June, 1858; died at Romulus, 6 June, 1890; daughter of Charles Hoffman by his wife Catharine Frantz. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Romulus. Children of Barnum'^ and Caroline Elizabeth (Hoffman) Yerkes; all born at Romulus : 1903. Inez Lucy Yerkes', born 11 August, 1879; married, 9 October, 1902, Delazon Conley. 1904. Blanch Catharine Yerkes', born 16 January, 1885. 1278. ANNA MARIA YERKES^ (Dr. Harman«, Andrew Long^, Harman*, Harman', Herman^, Anthony^), only child of Dr. Harman Yerkes by his wife Eliza Ann Ivester, was born at Phcenixville, Pennsylvania, 19 January, 1850; married, 18 September, 1872, Andrew Robeno Whitaker, born 5 August, 1845; son of Samuel Adams Whitaker by his wife Sarah Ann Robeno. Mr. Whitaker was for some years a civil engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and a stock-broker at Phila- delphia. He was at one time secretary of the Saucon Iron Company, and a member of the Borough Council of Phcenixville, and is now a member of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission. He retired from business some years ago, and resides at Phcenixville. He is a first cousin of Governor Pennypacker. 197 CHRONICLE OF THE Children of Andrew Robeno and Anna Maria'' (Yerkes) Whitaker; born at Phcenixville : 1905. Elida Robeno Whitaker', born 6 July, 1873. 1906. Samuel Adams Whitaker', born 15 February, 1876. He was graduated from the collegiate department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1896, and from the law department in 1899, in which year he entered upon practice in the law at Philadelphia. He is a member of the school board of Phcenixville, having entered the same just fifty years after his grandfather Yerkes retired from the board. In August, 1899, he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Sixth Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, and 14 March, 1902, was promoted captain. 1303. FRANK EDGAR YERKES, M.D.'^ (Alfred Earle«, Stephen^ Harman*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Alfred Earle Yerkes by his wife Mary Ann Haslett, was born in Warminster, Bucks County, 9 January, 1870; married, 4 September, 1901, Sue May Carpenter, born at Mauch Chunk, 9 January, 1880; daughter of Samuel Carpenter by his wife Alice Cordelia Wilhelm. Dr. Yerkes graduated at the Hatboro High School in 1887, and at the State Normal School, at West Chester, in 1890, after which he taught school for one year, and then matriculated at the Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. Upon his graduation at the latter institution, in May, 1894, he settled at Ambler, Pennsylvania, in the practice of his profession. Child of Dr. Frank Edgar''' and Sue May (Carpenter) Yerkes; born at Ambler : 1907. Harman Alfred Yerkes", born 20 October, 1902. 1309. CLARA TAYLOR YERKES^ (Reverend David John«, Joseph Ball', William*, Harman', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Reverend David John Yerkes by his wife Sarah E. Taylor, was born at Hollidays- burg, Pennsylvania, 12 August, 1851; married, 7 October, 1879, Charles Hagar Smith, born at Brooklyn, New York, i August, 1855; son of Henry Smith by his wife Mary Ann Hagar. Mr. Smith resides at Plainfield, New Jersey. He is an architect, and he and his wife are Baptists. Children of Charles Hagar and Clara Taylor'^ (Yerkes) Smith; all born at Plainfield : 1908. Edna Vaughan Smith', born and died 22 February, 1881. 1909. Edna Meserole Smith', born 30 May, 1882; died 8 May, 1890. 1910. DoRRANCE Yerkes Smith', born 26 September, 1891. 1911. Carleton Lefferts Smith', born 17 February, 1893. 1 3 12. JOSEPH BALL YERKES' (Reverend David John^, Joseph Ball^, William*, Harman', Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and fourth child 198 YERKES FAMILY of Reverend David John Yerkes by his wife Sarah E. Taylor, was born at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, 14 December, 1855; married, 19 October, 1886, Anna Scott Burgess, born at Jersey City, New Jersey, 21 June, 1858; daughter of George Hewson Burgess by his wife Anna Scott. He is a Baptist, and a clerk in the employ of the Standard Oil Company, and re- sides at Plainfield, New Jersey. Children of Joseph BalF and Anna Scott (Burgess) Yerkes; born at Plain- field: 1912. George Burgess Yerkes', born 23 February, 1888. 1913. Anna Scott Yerkes^ born 29 January, 1894. 13 1 5. MARY ALICE YERKES^ (Reverend David John«, Joseph BalP, William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), sixth daughter and seventh child of Reverend David John Yerkes by his wife Sarah E. Taylor, was born at Brooklyn, New York, 13 May, 1861 ; married, 11 October, 1883, Walter Miller McGee, born at Brooklyn, 27 January, i860; son of James McGee by his wife Elizabeth Ann Merklee. Mr. McGee is in the employ of the Standard Oil Company, and resides at Plainfield, New Jersey. Children of Walter Miller and Mary Alice''' (Yerkes) McGee; born at Plain- field: 1914. Walter Vaughan McGee', born 23 July, 1884. 1915. Alice Elizabeth McGee'', born 14 February, 1891. 1 3 16. HANNAH JOHN YERKES^ (Reverend David John«, Joseph Ball^, William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), seventh daughter and eighth child of Reverend David John Yerkes by his wife Sarah E. Taylor, was born at Plainfield, New Jersey, 28 October, 1863; married, 13 November, 1884, William Newell Flanders, born at Brooklyn, New York, 6 June, 1863; son of William Flanders by his wife Nancy Hubbard Biglow. Mr. and Mrs. Flanders reside at Plainfield, New Jersey. They are Baptists. Children of William Newell and Hannah John'^ (Yerkes) Flanders: 1916. Elizabeth Yerkes Flanders', born 21 May, 1886. 1917. William David Flanders', born 21 September, 1888. 1918. Charles Biglow Flanders', born 4 November, 1892; died 11 March, 1898. 133 1. CLINTON JARRETT YERKES^ (Edward^, Andrew Long^, William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest son and second child of Edward Yerkes by his wife Lucy Algard, was born at Lombard, Maryland, 5 August, 1858; married, 23 February, 1887, Virginia Taylor, born at Hickory Hill, Pennsylvania, 25 February, 1864; daughter of Eaton Taylor 199 CHRONICLE OF THE by his wife Rachel A. Crowl. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Blue Ball, Cecil County, Maryland. Children of Clinton Jarrett'^ and Virginia (Taylor) Yerkes, born at Blue Ball: 1919. Edward Eaton Yerkes', born 16 July, 1888. 1920. Horace Taylor Yerkes^ born 23 September, 1893. 1921. Jordan Harman Yerkes', born 5 October, 1901. 1333. JAMES WILLETT YERKES^ (Edward«, Andrew Long^ William*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and fourth child of Edward Yerkes by his wife Lucy Algard, was born at Lombard, Maryland, I January, 1862; married, 28 December, 1887, Margaret Cameron, born at Nottingham, Chester County, Pennsylvania, i July, 1862; daughter of Robert J. Cameron by his wife Margaretta Hilaman. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Calvert, Cecil County, Maryland. Children of James Willett'^ and Margaret (Cameron) Yerkes: 1922. WiLLETT Cameron Yerkes', born 4 November, 1888. 1923. Lucy Margaretta Yerkes', born 7 February, 1891. 1924. James Alfred Yerkes', born 4 May, 1894. 1925. Robert Norville Yerkes', born 22 November, 1896. 1334. SUSAN HAGAR YERKES^ (Edward^ Andrew Long«, Wil- liam*, Harman^, Herman^, Anthony^), third daughter and fifth child of Edward Yerkes by his wife Lucy Algard, was born at Lombard, Maryland, 22 February, 1864; married, 17 November, 1886, Charles B. Wilson, born at Blue Ball, Cecil County, Maryland, i May, 1865; son of John P. and Louisa B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson reside at Washington, D. C. Children of Charles B. and Susan Hagar'^ (Yerkes) Wilson: 1926. Yerkes Wilson", born 10 November, 1887. 1927. John P. Wilson', born 23 December, 1889. , 1928. loLA E. Wilson', born 14 November, 1891. 1929. H. Vernon Wilson', born 12 February, 1895. 1930. Anna Louisa Wilson', born 17 February, 1897. 1931. Lionel F. Wilson', born 7 November, 1899. 1362. JONATHAN HOWARD YERKES^ (William Colladay«, Jonathan'^, Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of William Colladay Yerkes by his wife Hannah Maag Lesher, was born in Moreland, Montgomery County, 15 April, 1849; married, 2 January, 1873, Anna Elizabeth Cornell, born at Feasterville, Bucks County, 18 September, 1850; died at Churchville, same county, 21 July, 1895; daughter of Jesse Cornell 200 YERKES FAMILY by his wife Esther Yerkes Fenton. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Nottingham, Chester County. Children of Jonathan Howard'^ and Anna Elizabeth (Cornell) Yerkes; born at Churchville: 1932. William Cornell Yerkes*, born 18 April, 1878; died 9 January, 1882. 1933. Lillian May Yerkes', born 14 May, 1882. 1365. WILLIAM HEATON YERKES^ (Daniel«, Jonathan', Daniel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), second son and child of Daniel Yerkes by his wife Emily Heaton, was born in Grenoble, Bucks County, 17 May, 1859; married, 25 October, 1882, Caroline Hogeland, born in Southampton, same county, 29 January, 1861 ; daughter of Elias Hogeland * by his wife Eliza- beth Van Artsdalen. Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Southampton. Children of William Heaton'^ and Caroline (Hogeland) Yerkes: 1934. Ella R. Yerkes', born 20 July, 1883. 1935- Gertrude Yerkes', born i November, 1885. 1936. Helen T. Yerkes', born 2 October, 1887. 1937- Clifford Yerkes', born 12 October, 1889. 1938. Ethel Yerkes', born 4 March, 1891. 1939. Hilda Yerkes', born 12 May, 1893. 1940. Morris Yerkes', born 16 October, 1895. 1941. Elizabeth Yerkes', born 16 April, 1898. 1942. Thelma Yerkes', born 27 April, 1900. 1367. WALTER CRESWELL YERKES^ (Daniel«, Jonathan', Dan- iel*, Silas^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child of Daniel Yerkes by his wife Emily Heaton, was born in Warwick, Bucks County, i November, 1864; married, 4 January, 1893, Emily Hobensack, born at Davisville, same county, 18 July, 1869; daughter of Isaac Cornell Hobensack by his wife Joanna Hogeland.f Mr. Yerkes is a farmer, and resides at Southampton, Bucks County. He and his wife are Baptists. Children of Walter CreswelF and Emily (Hobensack) Yerkes: 1943. Harold C. Yerkes', born 17 December, 1893. 1944. Agnes M. Yerkes', born 25 May, 1895. 1945. Walter Leroy Yerkes', born 17 September, 1899. 1946. Albert Hobensack Yerkes', born 14 January, 1903. 1430. MARIA YERKES^ (Joseph Dennis^, William', Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), eldest child of Joseph Dennis Yerkes by his wife Mary Dunlap, was born at Novi, Michigan, 17 November, 1842; died at Detroit, Michigan, 16 December, 1890; married, 17 November, 1868, Wil- * See Hogeland Genealogy, t Ibid. ^ ' 201 CHRONICLE OF THE liam Oscar Lee, born at Arbela, Tuscola County, Michigan, 17 November, 1844; son of Silas S. Lee by his wife Sarah McLean. Mr. Lee is a manu- facturer of brass steam specialties, and is the president of the Lee Injector Manufacturing Company, of South Park, Port Huron, Michigan, where he resides. Children of William Oscar and Maria^ (Yerkes) Lee: 1947. Nora A. Lee', born 10 September, 1869; died 19 August, 1870. 1948. Birdie D. Lee', born 23 December, 1873 ; married, 15 March, 1894, Charles H. Woodgrift. 1949. Elmer E. Lee', born 30 January, 1877 ; died 28 April, 1893. 1432. GERTRUDE YERKES^ (Joseph Dennis«, William^, Josephs Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), third daughter and child of Joseph Dennis Yerkes by his wife Mary Dunlap, was born at Plymouth, Michigan, 17 April, 1846; died at St. John's, same State, 28 June, 1899; married, 7 October, 1868, John Wilford Fitzgerald, born at Coburg, Ontario, 16 March, 1845; son of Michael Fitzgerald by his wife Margaret McMahan. Mr. Fitzgerald is a banker, and resides at St. Johns. Children of John Wilford and Gertrude^ (Yerkes) Fitzgerald; all born at Ovid : 1950. Maude Irene Fitzgerald', born 6 August, 1869 ; married, i June, 1897, Charles P. Baker. 1951. Howard Harold Fitzgerald', born 16 August, 1871 ; married, 26 June, 1895, Rulpha Shaver. 1952. Harry Yerkes Fitzgerald', born i May, 1884. 1953- Roy Campbell Fitzgerald', born 16 March, 1886. 1446. GEORGE BASSETT YERKES^ (Robert«, WilliamS Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and child of Robert Yerkes by his wife Sarah Holmes, was born at Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, 16 November, 1864; married, 16 June, 1891, Jennie G. Butterfield, born at Goshen, Indiana, 24 July, 1863; daughter of Charles F. Butterfield by his wife Rebecca J. Godfrey. Mr. Yerkes is a lawyer, and is practising his profession at Detroit, Michigan, being a member of the law firm of Haug & Yerkes. Children of George Bassett^ and Jennie G. (Butterfield) Yerkes; all born at Detroit : 1954. Fanny Butterfield Yerkes', born 28 March, 1892; died 20 January, 1899. 1955- Robert George Yerkes', born 16 July, 1897. 1447. DONALD PURDY YERKES^ (Robert«, WilliamS Joseph*, Stephen^, Herman*, Anthony^), fourth son and child of Robert Yerkes by 202 YERKES FAMILY his wife Sarah Holmes, was born at Novi, Oakland County, Michigan, 22 October, 1866; married, 28 May, 1890, Nellie McRobert, born at Plymouth, Michigan, 24 January, 1868; daughter of Lyman Edwin McRobert by his wife Laura Purdy. Mr. Yerkes was educated at the Michigan Agricultural College, and was prominent in the athletic sports of that institution, being champion in several events. On leaving college, he engaged in the milling business, and is the owner of flour-mills at Northville, and is also the partner of his brother Robert in flour-mills at Milford and a grain elevator at Wixom. He resides at Milford; has held the office of councilman, and is a member of the school board. He is a Presbyterian, and a trustee and elder of the church of which he is a member. Children of Donald Purdy'' and Nellie (McRobert) Yerkes: 1956. Donna Lucile Yerkes', born 13 March, 1893 ; died 20 December, 1897. 1957. Margaret Allida YERKES^ born 29 September, 1894. 1958. Donald Purdy Yerkes, Junb', born 26 September, 1897. 1959. Nellie Aletha Yerkes', born 15 December, 1899. 1589. CHARLES SHERMAN YERKES^ (Reuben Skinner«, Jacob Paul'^, Jonathan*, Titus^, Herman^, Anthony*), eldest child of Reuben Skinner Yerkes by his wife Harriet Agnes Martin, was born at Covington, Kentucky, 13 July, 1850; married, 7 February, 1878, Mary Greenlees, born at Cincinnati, Ohio, 14 February, 1852; daughter of Archibald Greenlees by his wife Margaret McGechin. Mr. Yerkes resides at Oak Park, Illinois. Children of Charles Sherman^ and Mary (Greenlees) Yerkes: 1960. Reuben Archibald Yerkes", born 11 January, 1880. 1961. Alice Agnew Yerkes', born 28 November, 1883 ; died 5 May, 1886. 1962. Mary Agnes Yerkes', born 9 August, 1886. 1963. Charles Greenlees Yerkes', born 6 December, 1888. 1 59 1. ELIAS CONWAY YERKES' (Reuben Skinner«, Jacob Paul', Jonathan*, Titus^, Herman'^, Anthony*), second son and third child of Reuben Skinner Yerkes by his wife Harriet Agnes Martin, was born at Little Rock, Arkansas, 20 October, 1856; married, 22 March, 1878, Cora Justine Porter, born in Johnson County, Arkansas, 22 March, 1855; daughter of William Porter by his wife Nancy Elizabeth Utley. Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are Pres- byterians, and reside at St. Louis, Missouri. Children of Elias Conway'' and Cora Justine (Porter) Yerkes: 1964. Harry Clifford Yerkes', born 11 February, and died 26 August, 1879. 1965. Beulah William Yerkes', born 3 March, 1881. 1966. Walter Elias Yerkes', born 20 June, 1882. 1967. Horace Reuben Yerkes', born 8 October, 1884. 1968. George Yerkes', born 16 November, and died 21 November, 1886. 203 THE YERKES FAMILY / 1592. HARRY CLIFFORD YERKES^ (Reuben Skinner^, Jacob PauF, Jonathan*, Titus^, Herman^, Anthony^), third son and fourth child 7^ of Reuben Skinner Yerkes by his wife Harriet Agnes Martin, was born at Little Rock, Arkansas, 23 October, 1859; married, 2 June, 1891, Lulu Adams, born in Johnson County, Arkansas, 30 October, 1867; daughter of William Henry Adams by his wife Ann Elizabeth Porter. Both Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes are Presbyterians, and reside at Memphis, Tennessee, where Mr. Yerkes is engaged in business as a boot and shoe merchant. Children of Harry Clifford^ and Lulu (Adams) Yerkes: . v ^ /> ill 1969. Lawrence Adams Yerkes , born 27 June, 1894. I i ' " ' A _ -~. 1970. Clark Yerkes', born 28 September, 1897. W.-e^-^ * V- PARISH CHURCH AT CHELTENHAM, ENGLAND xERKES FAi\. I Reuben Skinner*, Jacob 1; ! 1 son and fourth child \' •^r+■•■ \ [x)m at - - - Adams, tober, 1867; daughter of William iinAJOwa .MAHMauaHo ia hj>iuhj h- Son, His r E:-: Item I give house wherein 1 now jr less, beginning at a t Stone thence South East o!,, I . i, 'I Lands to a Corner stor ! Eighty 1 •, ndred & cc, tliciict La»i IX perches to a LiiusiJii lice, LEECH FAMILY North Sixty Eight Degrees, East 17 perches to a red Oak, thence down the Severall Corses of ye Race to the Place of beginning Eighty four perches, to have & to hold the Same vv-ib all its Appurtenances to him the s j, died at PhiladelphSa, . or January, led in that city, and \fes For many was the V ' ter of the ci^y, r".ii '''r salt\-. one of ■ ' f-" .i - K ;?r of < 'hrist Chun in the ; d of w ' ad < md Mar one ers of ' iam Shij-^ ^ ■ d the busin her husband had ^2 June, 175 7 June, 1784, she LEECH FAMILY Children of John^ and Mary (Harrison) Leech: i. John Leech', died in 1760, probably unmarried. ii. Hester Leech°, born 2 September, 1720; married (Trinity Church, Oxford) Bryan Wilkinson,* and had issue. iii. Mary Leech', baptized 27 February, 1722-23; married, 9 August, 1740, Jacob KoUock, Junr, son of Colonel Jacob Kollock, an eminent citizen of Sussex County, Delaware. The son, also, was prominent in that county, and served there as lieutenant in the militia, high sheriff, clerk of the courts, justice of the peace and of the courts, and collector of the port of Lewes. His daughter, Mary Kollock, married John Swift, Esqr, who was for many years collector of the port of Philadelphia. iv. Sarah Leech'. V. Rebecca Leech', born in 1726; died 14 December, 1803; married, 25 March, 1749, Captain Henry Ash, who died at Philadelphia, and was buried in the grave- yard of Christ Church, 22 January, 1761. He was native of Ireland, and became a sea-captain, and settled in Philadelphia before his marriage. He was a contributor to the Pennsylvania Hospital. His eldest child by Rebecca Leech was Colonel James Ash.f vi. Joseph Leech', baptized 27 June, 1729, " seven weeks and five days old." In 1756 he served as lieutenant in the Philadelphia Regiment of Associators. vii. Thomas Leech', named in his father's will. viii. Benjamin Leech', baptized 9 May, 1736; died young. ix. Benjamin Leech', baptized 2 August, 1737; is named in his father's will. HONORABLE THOMAS LEECH^, third son of Toby LeechS by his wife Esther Ashmead, was born in Cheltenham Township, circa 1685, and died at Philadelphia, 31 March, 1762. In his early manhood he removed to the latter city, establishing himself there as a merchant, and attaining prominence in the public life of both the city and Province. From 1723 until 1727 he was clerk to the Provincial Assembly. In 1730 he was elected a member of that body, and was annually re-elected until 1749. In 1756 he was again chosen a member, and annually re-elected until his death, serving, in all, twenty-six years. He was twice chosen Speaker of the Assembly, — in 1758 and 1759. When first chosen, 2 January, 1758, the Assembly waited * Mr. Wilkinson was a son of Anthony Wilkinson, and grandson of Samuel Wilkinson, and resided in Oxford Township. His will, dated 8 September, 1791, proved 15 October, 1794, names daughter Rebecca Holme ; daughter Hester Wilkinson ; son John Wilkinson ; grandchildren Esther and Margaret, the children of his deceased daughter Elizabeth Craig; grandchildren Elizabeth, Bryan, and Mary, the children of his deceased son Anthony Wilkinson, and son-in-law James Craig. The latter was a master mariner, who married (i) Elizabeth Wilkinson, and (2) her cousin, Mary Ash. Captain Craig died 29 September, 1800, aged sixty-nine years, and was buried in Christ Church grounds. t Colonel James Ash was born at Philadelphia, 9 December, 1749; died there, 29 January, 1830. He was a member of the Provincial Convention and the Committee of Correspondence in 1775, and in 1776 he was one of those chosen by Congress to sign the $4,000,000 issue of bills of credit ordered at that time. In 1777 he served as lieutenant in General John Cadwalader's brigade of militia. After the Revolution he became colonel in the militia. From 1788 until 1791 he was high sheriff of Philadelphia, and from 1796 until 1799 an alderman of the city. He married three times, and left issue. 213 NOTES ON THE upon the governor, as was its usual custom on such occasions, and presented the newly elected Speaker. The governor announced that he " very much approved the action of the House." In 1749 Mr. Leech became a member of the first Board of Trustees of the College of Philadelphia, now the University of Pennsylvania, remaining a member until his death. In 1751 he was appointed by the Assembly one of the commissioners to examine the Schuylkill River, ascertain a place for bridging it, and estimate the cost of such project, and in 1757, 1758, and 1759 he was Treasurer of the County of Philadelphia. He was a mem- ber of the committee which procured the now famous " Independence Bell," and was one of the trustees in whom the title to the State-House and other public buildings was vested by Act of Assembly passed 17 February, 1762, within six weeks of his death. Mr. Leech was a devout Episcopalian, and a prominent member of Christ Church, serving as a Vestryman thirty-two years, and Church Warden five years. In 1727 he was a member of the committee to supervise the building of the church edifice, and in 1751 he was appointed to a similar capacity in supervising the work of constructing the steeple. Shortly before his death he took an active part in founding St. Paul's Church, under the aisle of which he was buried. His death is thus noted in the Pennsylvania Gazette of 8 April, 1762: " On the 31st ult., in the evening, departed this Life Thomas Leech, Esq., in the 77th year of his Age, and in the afternoon of the Sunday following was interred in St. Paul's Church, in this City, where a sermon, suitable to the occasion, was preached by the Reverend Mr. William McClenachan, A.M., and Minister of that Church, to a crowded and weeping congregation. He was a citizen, not more distinguished for the Honour conferred on him, in several offices of public trust (which he discharged for a long series of years, with the approbation of his country), than for his amiable and familiar virtues in the mild majesty of private life, where he shone as a practical Philosopher, and a sincere christian, abounding with unaffected goodness and exemplary piety, and a most rare pattern of that ancient simplicity which so beautifully characterized the first Fathers of our Metropolis, so that the words of the Poet may with the greatest propriety, be applied to him: " ' Born to no Pride, inheriting no strife, But led by virtue thro' the Paths of life; Stranger to Discord and to Civil Rage, The good man walk'd innoxious thro' his Age. No Courts he saw, no suits would ever try, Nor dar'd an Oath, nor hazarded a Lye. Well tho' he knew the schoolman's subtle art, Yet more he loved the language of the heart. By nature honest, by experience wise. Healthy by temp'rance, and by exercise. His life tho' long, to sickness past unknown, His death was patient, and without a groan.' " 214 LEECH FAMILY He married ( i ) , 31 July, 1 722, Mrs. Ann Moore, widow of Moore, and daughter of John Stacy.* She was buried 26 February, 1726-27, and he married (2), 2 September, 1728, Mary Rivers. Both marriages are recorded in the register of Christ Church, and all of his children were bap- tized there, 6 January, 1736-37. Children by first wife : i. Hester Leech', born 28 April, 1723; married (i), 23 January, 1746, Philips Kol- lock, who died before 17 November, 1762, when she married (2) Robert San- derson, who died in 1770. ii. John Leech', born 3 June, 1725, and probably died before his father, as he is not named in the will of the latter. iii. Thomas Leech', born 18 February, 1726-27; died i August, 1778; married (i) Mary Coatam ; (2) Margaret Coatam. Child by second wife : iv. William Leech', born 24 June, 1729; died in 1764; married, 4 September, 1751, Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Moore, and had issue : Walter Moore Leech' and Sarah Leech*. ISAAC LEECH, EsqR^, fourth son of Toby Leech^ by his wife Esther Ashmead, was born at Cheltenham Township, in 1692; died there, 10 December, 1744, and was buried in the grounds of Trinity Church, Oxford, where the stone marking his grave is still standing, and with which church his family was identified. He was a wealthy farmer and tanner, and pos- sessed a large landed estate. Under the will of his father he received the mansion house of the latter, together with three hundred and sixty-six acres of the home plantation, and a one-fourth interest in all of the other planta- tions which the father owned at his death. His father also bequeathed unto him two of his slaves, Cuggo and Cate. He also acquired by pvirchase other large and valuable landed interests. As early as 1727 he had attained to such standing among his fellow-citizens that in that year he was one of the two chosen High Sheriff of Philadelphia County. It was the custom during the colonial period to choose at the annual election two persons as sheriff, and to return the names of both to the governor, who selected and commissioned one of them. On the occasion named, the governor's choice fell to Owen Owen, Esqf, the other name returned. Owen had held the office the previous year. At his death Mr. Leech was serving as one of the justices of the peace and of the courts of Philadelphia County, having been commissioned to that position, 10 April, 1741, by Governor Thomas. Upon the filling of the inventory of his personal estate, the same was appraised at £1505 i8.y. 4d., and the items contained in that document indi- * John Stacy was the only son of Robert Stacy, who was prominent in the settlement of West New Jersey, and served in the Assembly and Council of that Province. 215 NOTES ON THE cate a commodious, well-appointed, and well-furnished mansion. One of the rooms is described as the " Blue Room," and another as the " White Room," and among the furnishings of the parlor a " corner cupboard with China and Delph Ware" are mentioned. Another item named is a " silver tankard," which, if preserved, will probably be found to have engraved upon it the armorial bearings of the family. Mr. Leech married Rebecca Hall, daughter of Joseph Hall by his wife Rebecca Rutter, and granddaughter of Jacob Hall, Esq"".* Her sister, Susanna Hall, married John Rush, and became the mother of the eminent Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; and another sister, Sarah Hall, was the wife of Reverend Samuel Finley, President of Princeton College, 1761-1766, and the great-grandmother of Dr. Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the inventor of the electro-magnetic telegraph. Upon the death of Mr. Leech, his widow married, as second wife, Reverend Richard Treat, D.D., Minister of the Abington Presbyterian Church. She died at the seat of her son-in-law, Samuel Erwin, Esq>", i July, 1785, in her seventy-sixth year. The Pennsylvania Gazette of 20 July, that year, thus notes her death : " On the first instant, died, at the house of Mr. Samuel Erwin, in the Manor of More- land, Mrs. Rebecca Treat, widow of Rev. Dr. Treat, late of Abington. She was a woman of strong and decisive mind, and remarkable for a quick and penetrating discernment. She was engaged in the early part of her life in active and busy scenes, and was distinguished for the firmness and prudence of her conduct. But this is her lowest praise. She was a good woman and pious christian, exemplary in the discharge of all the private and relative duties, beloved by her friends, and respected by all who knew her. She bore her last illness with christian resignation, and when exhausting nature after a few struggles gave up the contest, she calmly sank away and expired in the 76*11 year of her age. She was interred in the grave where the venerable remains of her former husband were deposited, and a funeral sermon well adapted to the occasion was preached by the Rev. Mr. Tenant, i Cor. 15-54." Mr. Treat was graduated at Yale College in 1725, and in 1731 was ordained pastor of the Abington Presbyterian Church, and remained such until his death, in 1777. His will refers to his wife Rebecca, as "widow of Isaac Leech." The latter's will, dated 14 October, 1744; proved 7 February, 1745; names the children given below : Children of Isaac^ and Rebecca ( Hall ) Leech : i. Isaac Leech', died 20 February, 1763 ; married Martha Thomas. ii. Thomas Leech', died in 1804, without issue. He married, 31 March, 1774, Mrs. Hannah Tyson, " widow." iii. Samuel LEECH^ born 6 January, 1736; died 27 May, 1822; married Anne Stewart. iv. Rebecca Leech', married Samuel Erwin, Esqr, who died at Philadelphia, 26 July, 1798, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. His widow was living in 1804. * See mention of Jacob Wall, Esq'', on page 230. 216 LEECH FAMILY V. Joseph Leech', died in Lower Dublin Township, 23 March, 1805, without issue; married, 11 June, 1755, Ann Thomas, sister of his brother Isaac's wife. She died 5 July, 1812. vi. Jesse Leech', born 4 April, 1741. vii. Mary Leech', born 4 May, 1743; married, as second wife, 11 March, 1777, Archi- bald McLean, Esqr, by whom she had a daughter, Esther McLean. Mr. McLean was for many years one of the leading men in York County, Pennsyl- vania. He was a noted surveyor, and assisted in the survey of " Mason and Dixon's Line." He was a member of the York County Committee of Observa- tion in 1774, and the prothonotary of the county and clerk of the courts from 1777 until his death in 1786. CAPTAIN JACOB LEECH^, youngest son of Toby Leech^ by his wife Esther Ashmead, was born in Cheltenham Township, in 1693, and died there, 28 January, 1750. He was a farmer and miller, and resided on a por- tion of the homestead plantation. This portion, consisting of two hundred and thirty-four acres, he received under the will of his father. The father also devised to him three fourth parts of the corn and fulling mill, and a one- fourth interest in all of his other plantations. In 1727 Jacob Leech was one of the two elected by the people, coroner of the county of Philadelphia, but Governor Gordon gave the commission for the position to Joshua Fincher, the other candidate voted for. In 1747 several regiments were organized in the Province for service in what is known as the French and Indian War, and Mr. Leech was commissioned Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Yorke's com- pany in the Philadelphia County Regiment commanded by Colonel Edward Jones. The following year Captain Yorke retired from service, and was succeeded in the captaincy by Mr. Leech. Captain Leech was an Episcopalian, and a vestryman of Trinity Church, Oxford, in the grounds of which he was buried. He married (i), 25 July, 1728, Isabella Fisher, daughter of Joseph Fisher, Esq^, who died in Dublin Township, Philadelphia County, in 171 7, possessed of three thousand acres of land in that county. Mr. Fisher was commissioned a justice of the peace for Philadelphia County, in 171 5, and his father, Joseph Fisher, Esqr, was a member of the Assembly in 1689. Captain Leech married (2), 4 April, 1733, Eleanor Robeson, daughter of Andrew Robeson,* Esqr, of Roxborough, Philadelphia. Children of Captain Jacob^ and Eleanor (Robeson) Leech: i. Mary Leech', born 25 February, 1733-34; died young. ii. Jacob Leech', born 18 August, 1735; married, in March, 1766, Elizabeth Swift. * Andrew Robeson removed from Gloucester County, New Jersey, in 1702, and settled near Roxborough, on a large plantation which he purchased about that time. Prior to his removal he had served for some years as one of the judges of the courts of Gloucester County, and had been a mem- ber of the West New Jersey Assembly, and of the Governor's Council in that Province. He died at his seat near Roxborough, in February, 1720, leaving a large estate and a number of children. NOTES ON THE iii. Margaret Leech', born g November, 1737 ; married, 28 August, 1759, Richard Thomas. iv. Esther Leech', born 11 October, 1741 ; died young. V. Eleanor Leech', born 28 October, 1744; married (license dated 17 April, 1769) Abraham Pastorius, a descendant of the noted Francis Daniel Pastorius, of Germantown. TOBY LEECH, 3d^, the eldest son of Toby Leech, Junf^, was born in Cheltenham Township, date of birth not known, and died there in 1751. Letters of administration on his estate were granted to his widow Hannah Leech, 16 April, 1751, the latter afterwards marrying Thomas Kenton, of Philadelphia County. Mr. Leech resided in Oxford Township, and married ( 1 ) Mary Keen, daughter of John Keen * by his wife Susannah Steelman ; (2) Hannah . Children of Toby Leech, 3d^, by his wife Mary Keen : i. Susannah Leech*, born in 1738; died 6 July, 1814; married, 29 December, 1762, Benjamin Cottman, who was for forty-seven years alternately a vestryman and warden of Trinity Church, Oxford. They had issue. ii. Tobias Leech*, born in 1741 ; described, in 1766, " of Oxford Township, cooper." iii. Benjamin Leech*, born in 1743 ; described, in 1766, " of Germantown, tanner." iv. Hannah Leech*, born in 1744; married Thomas Wagstaff, of Philadelphia. ABRAHAM LEECH^, second son of Toby Leech, Jun^^^ was born in Cheltenham Township, in 171 5, and died near Frankford, Philadelphia, in 1787. He married Margaret, daughter of Henry Paul f by his wife Ann Gillingham. Children of Abraham^ and Margaret (Paul) Leech: i. Sarah Leech*, married Yost Yonker, by whom she had thirteen children. ii. Henry Leech*. iii. Abraham Leech*. iv. Margaret Leech*, married Richard Whitehead, Esq"", and died without issue. V. Obadiah Leech', married Sarah Probasco, and had issue. vi. Amos Leech*, died unmarried. vii. Joseph Leech*, died unmarried. viii. Mary Leech*. ix. Rebecca Leech*, married Thomas McDowell, and had issue. CAPTAIN THOMAS LEECH^ second son of Honorable Thomas Leech^ by his wife Ann Stacy, was born at Philadelphia, 18 February, 1726-27; died there, i August, 1778. He was a master mariner, and resided * See " Descendants of Joran Kyn," Pennsylvania Magazine of History, ix. 244. t Henry Paul was a son of Joseph Paul, an early Pennsylvania colonist, who came from Ilmin- ster, Somersetshire, England, and was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1687, a large land- owner, and the founder of the prominent family of his surname in Philadelphia. The son was born in Oxford Township, 23 June, 1686 ; died in 1775 ; married, 26 March, 1716, Ann, daughter of Yeamans Gillingham. 218 i i-Lj^ 28 August, 1759, Richard T741 (license dated 17 April, 1769) ' F'Tirci'; Dnrifl P,' -'iriiis, of t Toby Leech, Jun*"*, was born in wn, and died there in 1751. •Ued to his widov nah . il ' ying Thomas of Mr. d Township, and marrie<| ughter Susannah Steelman| b •5 hv Leech, Jun^*, v\ garet (Paul) Leech: ? Yost Yonker, by whom she had thirteen children. < ca without issue. Married Thomas McL'uwtii, ai. •if forari EECH», St Thomas V, was boj 0 February, 1 "78. He ler, and resided •^svlvann Mspwzine of Hi«1''»tv, it. S44. me from Ilinin- 7, a large land- LEECH FAMILY at Philadelphia. As early as 1753 he was in command of vessels sailing from Philadelphia. During the following year, while on a passage from the Island of Jamaica, his ship was captured by a French man-of-war, and he was car- ried to Port au Prince and imprisoned there. On 8 June, 1757, he was commissioned second-lieutenant of the Province man-of-war " Pennsylvania," commanded by Captain John Sibbald. This ship was employed in the service of the Province for the defence and protection of the trade and navigation thereof. Captain Sibbald resigned his commission two years later, when he was succeeded by Captain Leech, who was recommended for the position, to the Governor and Council, by Captain Sibbald, in the following certificate : " I, John Sibbald, do hereby certify that Thomas Leech, Jun., was my Second Lieu- tenant on board the Pennsylvania Frigate, during her cruizes. That he behaved himself in that Station with great care and assiduity, and performed every part of his duty to my satisfaction, and I am of the opinion that he is capable, and of sufficient Skill, Courage and Capacity to command and take charge of the present Ship of War designed for the Protec- tion of the Trade of this Province. " Given under my hand this Twenty-eighth day of May, 1759. "Jno. Sibbald." About the time the War of Independence was begun, Captain Leech retired from active service at sea. In 1776 he was one of those chosen by Congress to sign the issue of four millions in bills of credit, then ordered by that body, and in December of that year he was appointed by the Council of Safety " to take charge of the sick soldiers in and near the City." Cap- tain Leech was an Episcopalian, and was one of the founders of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, of which he was a vestryman. He married ( i ) Mary, daughter of Thomas Coatam by his wife Mary Preston. She died circa 1759, and he married (2) Margaret Coatam, sister of his first wife. She died 16 December, 1822, aged eighty years, and was buried in St. Paul's Church-yard. Child by first marriage: i. Mary Leech*, born 2 September, 1758; died 17 July, 1837; married John Jenkins, and had issue. Children by second marriage: ii. Ann Leech*, born 5 October, 1761 ; died 25 March, 1834; married, as second wife. Honorable Nathaniel B. Boileau,* whose former wife was her sister. * Honorable Nathaniel B. Boileau was of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and died there, i6 March, 1850, aged eighty-eight years. He was graduated at Princeton College in 1789, and became prominent in public life. Auge, in "Lives of Eminent Dead of Montgomery County," says that Mr. Boileau "was in many respects the greatest man Montgomery County ever produced." He was many years a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, and Speaker of that body, and was Secre- tary of the Commonwealth throughout the war of 1812. His son, Thomas Leech Boileau, became a member of the Philadelphia bar. 219 NOTES ON THE iii. Hester Leech*, born 19 August, 1762; died 1 August, 1763. iv. Hester Leech*, born 2 November, 1764; died 12 September, 1797; married, as first wife, 3 June, 1795, Honorable Nathaniel B. Boileau. V. Thomas Leech*, born 31 October, 1767; died 2 September, 1769. vi. Charlotte Leech*, born 15 March, 1770; died 3 May, 1792. vii. Thomas Leech*, born 2 April, 1772. viii. John Leech*, born 11 December, 1773; died 19 December, 1799. ix. Harriet Leech*, born 2 October, 1775 ; died 17 May, 1847. X. Margaret Leech*, born October, 1777; died 29 August, 1778. ISAAC LEECH, JunR^, son of Isaac Leech, Esqr^, by his wife Rebecca Hall, was born in Cheltenham Township, probably prior to 1730, and died at the family seat there, 20 February, 1763. The father desired the son to become a tanner, and to this end he devised him the homestead place, together with the plantation, gardens, tan-yard, barns, stables, etc., appurtenant thereto, and directed that he should assist his mother in carrying on the tanning business until he attained his majority, at which time he was to take the business, and the mother was then to supply him with one hundred pounds in money to assist him in his tanning operations. The father also gave him his one-third interest in the " Frankford Mills." The son complied with the father's wishes, and became a successful and prosperous tanner, and died possessed of a valuable estate. He married,* 25 January, 1753, Martha Thomas, daughter of Evan and Rachel Thomas.f of Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia County. She married, for second husband, Richard Martin, son of Richard Martin, Esqr. On 31 October, 1765, William Ashbridge and John Vandevering were ap- pointed guardians of Isaac, Rachel, Rebecca, and Martha Leech, " children of Isaac Leech, of Cheltenham, tanner, deceased." ^ Children of Isaac^ and Martha (Thomas) Leech: i. Isaac Leech*, born 12 March, 1754; died 26 June, 1834; married Sarah Holcombe. ii. Rachel Leech*, married, at Abington Meeting, i July, 1779, Thomas Mather, son of Bartholomew Mather, and had issue. iii. Rebecca Leech*, married Benjamin Austin. iv. Martha Leech*, born 8 October, 1760; died 23 December, 1849; married, in 1781, Robert Shoemaker, born in Cheltenham, 29 December, 1754; died at Philadel- phia, 8 October, 1796; son of Benjamin and Mary (Comly) Shoemaker. They had issue.§ * Records of Trinity Church, Oxford. t Evan Thomas resided in Lower Dublin Township, and was a Quaker. He married, at Abington Meeting, 30 December, 1717, Rachel, daughter of Jonathan and Rachel Livezey. He was possessed of a goodly estate, and died in 1746, and names in his will, dated 18 July, same year, chil- dren Martha, Ann, Mary, Jonathan, Evan, David, and Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas Townsend), and brother Robert. His widow, Rachel, married, as second husband, James Arbuckle, of Philadel- phia. t Orphans' Court Records, Philadelphia. § See " The Shoemaker Family of Cheltenham," 70, 71. 220 •Hi FAC-SIMILE OF SAMPLER OF MARY LEECH, WIFE OF SILAS YERKES, EMBROIDERED BY HER WHEN NINE YEARS OLD NOTES ON THE 'I I August, 1763. ; died 12 September, 1797; married, as ithaniel B. Boileau. died 2 September, 1760 died 3 May, 1792. 9 December, 1791; 17 May, 1847. !ied 29 August, 1778. I..eech, Esqr2, by hi prior to 1730, ' Ted Uie sou lo IS. The father also gave him 'j5, William Ashbr; ihn Vandevering were ap- ''. Isaac ' d Martha Leech, " children of Itenham a.-c i. If. .as) Leech: . 4; died 26 June, 1834; married Sarah Holcombe. n Meeting, i July, 177ft Thomas Mather, son '1 issue, in Austin. r, 1760; died 2; ber, 1849; married, in 1781, in Cheltenham, 2. t, 1754; died at Philadel- , son of Benjamin and ..i^.. tComly) Shoemaker. They ' ■ r. He married, at Livezey. He was of Thomas T' ;s Arbuckle < ' LEECH FAMILY CAPTAIN SAMUEL LEECH^, third son of Isaac Leech^ by his wife Rebecca Hall, was born in Cheltenham Township, 6 January, 1736; died there, 27 May, 1822. He married, 18 February, 1768, Anne Stewart, who is named in her husband's will, dated 12 June, 181 7. He was a farmer, and a prominent citizen of Cheltenham Township, where he resided on an estate which was devised to him by his father. He was a member of the Committee of Correspondence for Philadelphia County in 1775, and was in service in the Revolution as captain of a company in the Third Regiment, Philadelphia County Militia, commanded by Colonel Benjamin McVaugh. His death is thus mentioned in the Advertiser of 29 May, 1822 : " Departed this life, on the morning of the 27th inst, Mr. Samuel Leech, of Chelten- ham, Township, Montgomery County, in the 87th year of his age. The deceased was a man much esteemed by all who knew him, and his remains were followed to the grave by a numerous and respectable concourse of his fellow citizens." Captain Leech was the first of his family in Pennsylvania to depart from the faith of the Episcopal Church. He became a member of the Abington Presbyterian Church, where his children were baptized, and in the graveyard of which he and his wife are buried. His change of religious faith was probably due to his step-father, Reverend Richard Treat. Children of Captain Samuel^ and Anne (Stewart) Leech: i. Rebecca Leech*, baptized 11 June, 1769; became the second wife of Reverend Joseph Patterson,* a Presbyterian clergyman. ii. Margaret Leech*, baptized 13 June, 1771 ; died in 1798. iii. James Leech*, baptized 25 July, 1773 ; died in 1794. iv. Richard Treat Leech*, born 3 October, 1775; died at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 26 August, 1856; married Miss Steinman. v. Samuel Erwin Leech*, born 21 June, 1781 ; died 23 April, 1849. He was a promi- nent man in Montgomery County; was County Commissioner in 1833; mem- ber of the Assembly in 1836-1838; a justice of the peace in 1838, and treasurer of the county in 1839. He married, and had issue. ISAAC LEECH, 3D*, only son of Isaac Leech, Jun""^, by his wife Martha Thomas, was born at the family seat in Cheltenham Township, 12 March, 1754; died there, 26 June, 1834. After his father's death he was sent to school at Germantown, and the account filed in the settlement of the father's estate, in 1768, names payments made on account of the son's "keeping, clothing, and schooling when boarded at Germantown." He learned the tanning busi- ness, and engaged in the same, as had his paternal ancestors for three genera- tions, and like them, he became a land-owner. In 1777 he was enrolled in the militia, as a member of the company commanded by his cousin, Captain * See sketch of Reverend Joseph Patterson in ' ' Old Redstone ; or. Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism," 386-411 ; also in Sprague's Annals. 221 NOTES ON THE Jacob Leech, and later, by his cousin Captain Samuel Leech, but he does not appear to have gone into active service in the Revolution. On 20 October, 1779, he took the oath of allegiance, and was then styled " of Cheltenham, tanner." * He married, in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 8 February, 1781, Sarah Holcombe, who died 23 November, 1825. She was a daughter of Richard Holcombe by his wife Mary Harvey, and granddaughter of John Holcombe. f Issue of Isaac* and Sarah (Holcombe) Leech: i. Isaac Leech', born 18 March, 1782. ii. Richard H. Leech'*, born 25 March, 1784; married and removed with his family to Kentucky. In a letter to his sister, Mary Yerkes, dated at New Philadel- phia, Harden County, Kentucky, 22 May, 1820, he stated that his home was " Doe Run," and that he had three sons and three daughters. iii. Mary Leech", born 26 June, 1786; died 25 July, 1858; married Silas Yerkes. (See their family record on pages 60 and 61.) iv. Martha Leech^ born 8 August, 1789; married Aquilla Newburn. V. Joseph Leech', born 26 November, 1792. Richard H., in a letter to his sister, Mary Yerkes, in 1819, states that his brother Joseph had gone to New Orleans. He was living at his father's death, and had issue. vi. Rachel Leech', born 20 October, 1795 ; married Henry Rorer, and had issue. vii. Robert Leech', born 14 July, 1802; died 27 May, same year. viii. Sarah Leech', born 26 February, 1804; married Joseph McCarter. HONORABLE RICHARD TREAT LEECH*, son of Captain Samuel Leech^ by his wife Anne Stewart, was born in Cheltenham Township, 3 * His will, dated 10 July, 1833, names son Isaac ; daughter Mary, wife of Silas Yerkes ; daughter Martha Newburn; daughter Rachel Rorer; daughter Sarah McCarter ; son Joseph, and son Richard's " children." t John Holcombe, a land-owner in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, as early as 1707, became, in 1714, one of the first justices of the courts of that county. He was active in town- ship affairs, and held the offices of chosen freeholder, tax collector, overseer of the poor, and surveyor of highways. He married, at Abington Meeting, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 28 April, 1707, Elizabeth Woolwich. His will, dated 11 sixth month (July), 1743, and proved 31 August, same year, names wife Elizabeth; daughters Margaret and Julianna; son Richard; grandsons John and Jacob (sons of son Samuel) ; granddaughter Elizabeth Colvin, and brother Jacob Holcombe. It is believed that John Holcombe was a son of Richard Holcombe by his wife Sarah, daughter of Captain Thomas Holme, the first Surveyor-General of Pennsylvania. Captain Holme, in his will, gives a legacy to the "children" of his daughter Sarah, "wife of Richard Holcombe." Jacob Holcombe, the brother of John, was for many years a Minister in the Society of Friends. He resided in Bucks County, Penn- sylvania, where he died 30 August, 1748. His eldest son, Thomas, was probably named after his grandfather. Captain Holme, while his eldest daughter, Sarah, was probably named after his (Jacob's) mother. Jacob Holcombe mentions in his will spoons marked " R. H.," which initials, it is thought, were those of his father. It will also be observed that John Holcombe named one of his sons Richard. Richard Holcombe, of the text, resided in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where he was a large land-owner. He married (i) Mary, daughter of Thomas Harvey, Sen^, of Makefield Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; (2) Hannah [Ann] Emley, of Hunterdon County. His will, dated 26 December, 1783, and proved 13 January, 1784, names wife Ann ; only son John ; sister Mary, wife of Samuel Furman ; daughter Sarah, wife of Isaac Leech ; and daughter Mary, wife of Thomas Holcombe (a son of his brother Samuel). His son-in-law, Isaac Leech, was one of the executors of the will. 222 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE OE SlLAS YEKKEb AND MARV LEECH (See page 60) NOTES Ui^ . Samuel Leech, but he docs : tlie Revolution. On 20 Octob* 1" ' Cheltenham , ,';\\ jer.>e_^> , 6 i (jljruarv, V, 1825. She was a daug rvey, and granddaughter of J>. t-d and removed v. Yerkes, dated at . i 22 May, i8ao, he stated that his home was 1792. his bro , th, and ' ' and had it 1. ■ i i ownshi; ^wpship Hunterdon County, New Jersey as earlv 'e Ann : only (^.i*^ y^^^ y/C.,- /z,^'^—^/ .■^•^^•'^ LEECH FAMILY October, 1775; died at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 26 August, 1856. He was a commissioner of Montgomery County in 1802; a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1809 and 1810; and from 7 December, 1813, until 13 February, 1818, he held the office of Surveyor-General of Pennsylvania. During the war of 181 2 Mr. Leech, with every clerk in the Surveyor-General's ofifice, except one, joined the army. The regiment to which they were attached remained at York for some weeks, and although his company marched to Baltimore, it was never called into action. At the expiration of his service as Surveyor-General, he removed to Pittsburg, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits, but returned to the State capital in 182 1. In 1825 he was chosen an elder in the First Presbyterian Church at Harrisburg, and continued such until 1837, when he again removed to Pittsburg. He was a man of fine abili- ties, of very firm, decided character. In political connections he was identified with what was then known as the Federal party, and gave it strong support. In his official relations he was greatly esteemed. " The course of public events was ever watched by him with deep and zealous interest; and every violation of true principle in the conduct of national events caused him pain as if an injury had been done to a dear friend. He was a thorough Christian patriot." * He married Miss Steinman, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. * Egle's Notes and Queries (fourth series), i. 413. CLOCK OF SILAS AND MARY (LEECH) YERKES, WITH PORTIONS OF THEIR TEA-SERVICE HO zMoixaos HTiw ,2a3iaaY (Hoaaj) yham qua zkiiz to xdojd aOIVHHa-AST XMHT NOTES ON THE RUTTER FAMILY HOMAS RUTTER, EsQR^ a native of England, where the name Rutter had been an honorable one for many genera- tions, was one of the early Pennsylvania colonists. He was a man of marked in- telligence and energy; was prominent among the enterprising and public spirited men of his time, and rendered valuable service in the upbuild- ing of the material interests of Pennsylvania. He had ac- quired in his native country the useful art of blacksmithing, and it is possible that he came to Pennsylvania in the employ of William Penn, to engage for him as a worker in iron, the suggestion of which possibility is found in the facts that he was married at Penn's Manor House, and received from Penn a grant of two hundred acres of land as compensation for "smith's service." William Penn had great faith in the mineral wealth of his Province, and early entertained the hope that he would gain large advantages therefrom, and from the outstart he sought to stimulate the colonists to develop this wealth. Thomas Rutter was one of the first to respond to such stimulation, and he made his interest in the subject mani- 225 NOTES ON THE fest, as was natural in view of his technical knowledge of iron, in the direction of mining for iron ore. He began prospecting for ore, and, at the same time, enlisted others to join with him in such enterprise. Under date of January, 1702, the land records of the Commissioners of Property make mention of seven hundred and sixty-two acres of land as then in the possession of " Thomas Rutter's and Company," and James Logan, Penn's secretary, in a letter to Penn in the same year, writes : " I have spoken to the chief of those concerned in the iron mines, but they seem care- less, never had a meeting since thy departure. Their answer is that they have not yet found any considerable vein." " Those concerned" were, no doubt, the members of the company styled " Thomas Rutter's and Company" by the Commissioners of Property. Rutter was not discouraged by his early unsuccessful mining efforts, but continued prospecting until he found ore in paying quantities. This point reached, he built a smelting-furnace, and began the manufacture of iron, thus securing for himself the high honor of being the first in Pennsylvania to manufacture iron from ore. His achievement is thus mentioned in a letter written in 171 7 by Jonathan Dickinson: "The last summer, one Thomas Rutter, a smith, who lived not far from Germantown, hath removed farther up the country, and of his own strength has set up making iron. Such it proves to be, as it is highly esteemed by all the smith's here, who say that the best Sweed's iron doth not exceed it." The section of territory to which Rutter removed was known as the " Manatawny," deriving its name from the Manatawny Creek, which flowed through that part of the country. It then formed a part of Philadelphia County, but fell in Berks when that county was organized. The reason which prompted the removal was no doubt a desire on his part to be in close touch with his iron operations, which were located near by the Iron Stone Creek, an important branch of the Manatawny. His furnace was on the former stream. A few years after he erected the furnace he leased the same to a company of capitalists, who operated it many years, under the name of the Colebrookdale Furnace. He also built a forge, known as Pool Forge, and organized a company to conduct it, Rutter himself owning interests in the company. In the will of his son John the forge is called " Rutter's Forge." Mr. Rutter's iron enterprises were recognized by the public authorities as a valuable factor in conserving the material welfare of the Province, which recognition was clearly manifested in 1723, when a public road was opened, leading from his mines to the " great road" which led from that region to Philadelphia.* * Montgomery's History of Bucks County, 964. 226 RUTTER FAMILY In the tax-list of Philadelphia County, in 1693, Mr. Rutter is assessed in both Bristol and Germantown townships. At this time he was probably residing on his plantation in Bristol Township, but later removed to within the corporate limits of the borough of Germantown, where, in 1706, he was chosen bailiff, — the chief executive officer of the borough, — in which capacity he presided, 1 1 January, 1 707, at the last sitting of the Court of Record held under the borough charter.* In 1 71 3, 1 714, 1727, and 1728 Mr. Rutter was chosen a member of the Provincial Assembly, and during the latter year he participated in a noted Conference, held in the " Great Meeting House" at Philadelphia by a number of Indian chiefs with the governor of the Province and his Council. Rutter was well known to and highly esteemed by the Indians, and when the famous Delaware chief, Sassoman, came to make his address, he recog- nized the presence of Rutter, and asked the latter to take a seat beside him.f Thomas Putter's early religious affiliations were with the Society of Friends. He was a member of the Philadelphia Meeting at the time of his marriage, but soon after attached himself to Abington Meeting, on the records of which the births of his three eldest children are entered. He later became a Baptist, his change of faith occurring during the schism which arose, in 1 69 1, among the Friends. He took a prominent part in that movement as one of the followers of the noted George Keith, and was baptized after the order of the Baptists. He had been a Minister among the Friends, but now became one among the Baptists, and for a time he was the Pastor of the small congregation of that sect in Philadelphia. He baptized a number of persons who, later, were prominent in the Baptist denomination. Among such was the Reverend Evan Morgan, the third pastor of the Pennepek Baptist Church. One of the incidents of the movement to which allusion has been made was the writing of a pamphlet by Francis Daniel Pastorius, published in 1697, and entitled " Henry Bernard Koster, William Davis, Thomas Rutter, and Thomas Bowyer, four Boasting disputers of this World, Rebuked and answered according to their Folly, which they themselves have manifested in a late pamphlet, entitled Advice for all Professors and Writers." Thomas Rutter died at Philadelphia, in March, 1730, and his death is thus mentioned in the Pennsylvania Gazette of that month : " March 13 — On Sunday night last died here, Thomas Rutter, S"", after a short illness. He was the first that erected an Iron Work in Pennsylvania." * Watson's Annals, ii. 301. t Pennsylvania Colonial Records, iii. 318, 319. 227 NOTES ON THE He married (Friends' ceremony), lo January, 1685, Rebecca Staples.* She was living at the date of her husband's will, and probably survived him. The principal provisions of his will, dated 27 November, 1728-29, and proved at Philadelphia, here follow : " I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anna Nutt ye Sume of five pounds Currant mony of Pensilvania, And to her Sons Thomas Savage and Samuell Savage, all my right, title and Interest in and to ye rocks and Quarries of Stone, in ye German Township, in the Land whereon Daniel Howels mill standeth or appertaineth to, To hold to them their Heirs and Assigns forever to be equally divided between them. Item : I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Rebecca Hall, Sixty pounds Currant mony of Pennsylvania : Item : I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Rutter one third part of ye one hundred acres of Land Leased to ye Furnace Company with ye one third part of ye said furnace. Iron ore, or other appurtenances to ye s"! one hundred acres of Land. Item : I give unto my Daughter Mary Rice, five Shillings. Item : I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha Doughty, ye Sume of Forty pounds Currant mony of Pennsilvania. Item : I give and bequeath unto my Son John Rutter, ye Sume of five Shillings. Item : I give unto my Daughter Hester Hawkley, ye Sume of Sixty pounds Currant mony of Pennsylvania. Item : I give and bequeath unto my Son Joseph Rutter, the one third part of the furnace. Iron oare, and other its appurtenances with the one third part of ye one hundred acres of Land leased to ye furnace Company, And allso Two third of my other land adjoining to ye furnace land. To him his heirs and assigns forever, allso Two third parts of ye forge and of ye hundred acres of land whereon ye forge Standeth and of ye Utensils and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Item : I give unto my Son Tho^ Rutter, over and above what is above Mentioned, all that my plantation and tract of Land in Bristol Township, with ye appurtenances, To him his heirs and assigns forever, provided that he pay all my Legasies herein mentioned, being one hundred and Seventy-five pounds & Ten shillings. Item : I give unto Samuel Nutt, ye Sume of Ten pounds Currant mony of Pennsylvania. Item : I give unto Joseph Hall, Senr, ye Sume of Ten pounds Currant mony of Pennsylvania. Item : I give my burying yard in the Bristall Township To all my Children & Grand Children and their posterity for ye use of a burying ground forever. The quantity to be one half acre in a Square. All which ye above Legasies Shall be paid unto them to whome the Same is bequeathed, or to their Heirs or Assigns after ye Decease of my Executrix, and not before, by my Son Thomas Rutter as is before mentioned. Item : I give my Executrix full power and authority To all or any part of my Lands, Scituate at Mahanatony, not herein before bequeathed, To sell toward paying my Just debts by and with ye Consent and advice of my two Sons in Law Samuel Nutt and Joseph Hall. Item : I give and bequeath all ye residue of my Estate, Goods, Chattels, rents, Leases, and all other my Estate, which is hereinbefore bequeathed, unto my beloved wife Rebecca for and during her Natural Life, Provided She remaine a widdow, but in case She Marry, She shall have her Dowry as ye Law Directs, and I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Rebecca whole and Sole Executrix of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby appoint my two Sons in Law Samuel Nutt and Joseph Hall, Trustees, to see this my Testament performed, and to assist my Executrix." Children of Thomas^ and Rebecca (Staples) Rutter: i. Anne Rutter', born 25 October, 1686; died in August, 1760; married (i) Samuel Savage ; (2) Samuel Nutt. ii. Rebecca Rutter', born 9 November, 1688; married Joseph Hall. * It is possible that the name was Stapler, not Staples. 228 RUTTER FAMILY iii. Thomas Rutter', born 26 October, 1690; buried 3 July, 1734; married (i) Sarah (2) Mary Catharine Gheslin. iv. John Rutter', born in 1693 ; died 17 November, 1735 ; married Mary . V. Mary Rutter', married Edward Rees. vi. Martha Rutter', married Doughty. vii. Hester Rutter', married Henry Hockley. viii. Joseph Rutter', died in 1732. His will, dated 14 February, 1731-32, styles him of Amity Township, and names wife Mary and son Thomas. ANNE RUTTER2, eldest child of Thomas Rutter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, was born in Philadelphia County, 25 October, 1686; died in August, 1 760, possessed of large wealth. She married ( i ) Samuel Savage, who died in 1720; (2) Samuel Nutt, who died in 1737. Both husbands were iron- masters. Savage was admitted a freeman of Philadelphia, in 1708, and became actively identified with Thomas Rutter in the iron business. Nutt came to Pennsylvania, in 1714, from Coventry, Warwickshire, England; purchased a large tract of land in Chester County, and engaged extensively in the manufacture of iron. He founded the Coventry Iron- Works, the first iron-works set up in Chester County, and gave to the plant its name, in honor of the place of his nativity. He also established the Warwick Furnace, naming it after the county in which he was born. Children of Anne Rutter^ by her first marriage : i. Thomas Savage', died unmarried in 1739. ii. Samuel Savage', died in 1742; married, in 1731, Ann, daughter of Isaac and Martha Taylor. Issue: Samuel Savage*, who died without issue; Anna Savage*, who married Walker; Martha Savage*, who married Thomas Hockley; Ruth Savage*, v/ho married James Hockley; and Mary Savage*, who married William Crooks. iii. Joseph Savage'. iv. John Savage', died young. V. Ruth Savage', died 7 January, 1786; married, 11 April, 1734, John Potts, who became a prominent iron-master, and the founder of Pottstown, Pennsyl- vania.* vi. Rebecca Savage', died in 1800; married (i), 17 May, 1733, Samuel Nutt, Junf; (2) Robert Grace. The latter marriage is thus mentioned in the Pennsylvania Gasette of 29 May, 1740: "We hear from French Creek, Chester County, that on Monday last Mr. Robert Grace, of this city, was married to Mrs. Rebecca Nutt, an agreeable young Lady, with a fortune of Ten thousand Pounds." REBECCA RUTTER2, second daughter of Thomas Rutter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, was born in Philadelphia County, 9 November, 1688, and probably died before her husband, as she is not named in his will, dated 8 * For an account of his ancestry and descendants, see Potts Memorial, published in 1874. 229 NOTES ON THE February, 1727-28. She married Joseph Hall, son of Jacob Hall, Esqr.* Joseph Hall resided on his plantation in Oxford Township, Philadelphia County. He was a brewer and a large land-owner, and a vestryman of Trinity Church, Oxford. He died in 1731. Children of Joseph and Rebecca^ (Rutter) Hall: i. Thomas Hall'. ii. John Hall', who resided in Byberry, and was a captain in the Provincial service. iii. Joseph Hall', who was a tanner, and married, 18 January, 1733, Mary, daughter of Joseph Fisher, Esq"". iv. Theodorus Hall', who married, 29 April, 1729, Gertrude Goodwin, and removed to Kingwood, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where he died circa 1759, leaving issue. V. Jacob Hall', who was a captain in the Provincial service in 1748, and was several times commissioned a justice of the peace and of the courts of Philadelphia County. vi. Rebecca Hall', born in 1709; died i July, 1785; married (i) Isaac Leech, Esq"* (see page 215) ; (2) Reverend Richard Treat. * Jacob Hall, Esq"", emigrated to Pennsylvania, from Macclesfield, Chester County, England, in 1684, having, about the time of his emigration, purchased of William Penn a tract of five hundred acres in his Province. He was, no doubt, a passenger on the ship " Friendship." John Worthington, who sailed in the same ship, died on the voyage, 17 January, 1684, having, on the previous day, made his will, naming Jacob Hall one of the executors.* Hall administered, and is styled in the probate record, "of Bucks County," where he is assumed to have settled immediately after his arrival. In a deed of 6 January, 1691-92,! he is styled "of Bucks County, but formerly of Macclesfield, co. Chester, Old England," and he doubtless removed about that time to Philadelphia County, as in a power of attorney made two months later,! he is styled of that county. He established his residence at Tacony, in the latter county, and continued there until his death in 1700. On 6 May, 1693, he was commissioned by Governor Fletcher a justice of the peace and of the courts of Philadelphia County. Among the others commissioned at the same time were Anthony Morris and Francis Rawle, founders of the well-known Philadelphia families bearing their respective surnames. His will, dated 29 Sep- tember, 1699, proved at Philadelphia, 28 September, 1700, styles him, "of Taconi, Gent.," and names sons Jacob, Joseph, and Solomon; daughter Sarah Taylor, and Sarah Charlesworth, " aunt of my children." It is believed that the maiden name of his wife was Charlesworth, and that she was a sister of Sarah Charlesworth. The latter married Henry Mallows, of Oxford Township, and, as his widow, died there in 1723, disposing by will of almost her entire estate to either the children or grandchildren of Jacob Hall, naming them individually as " cousins." She also bequeathed a sum of money for the purchase " of a settlement for a minister of Oxford Church." Jacob Hall, the eldest son of Jacob Hall, Esq', was born 8 February, 1679. He died in Oxford Township, in 1712, leaving, to survive him, a widow, Ellen, and children Jacob, Mary, and Elizabeth. On 20 December, 1707, he sold three tracts of land in Philadelphia County to Edward Shippen, and shortly before that date he purchased a tract in Oxford Township. Joseph Hall, second son of Jacob Hall, Esq'', resided in Oxford Township, where he died in 1731. He married Rebecca Rutter, as stated in the text. Solomon Hall, the third son named in the will of Jacob Hall, Esq'', was a freeholder, and a member of Trinity Church, Oxford. He died in September, 1731, leaving a wife Elizabeth, (who married, as second husband, 4 January, 1733, William West), and children John, Solomon, Sarah (who married David Davis), and Mary, all of whom were living 30 August, 1750.? Sarah Hall, apparently the only daughter of Jacob Hall, Esq'', married Peter Taylor, and surviving him, died in 1741, leaving a will in which she names a number of children. || * Publications of Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, i. 208. f Bucks County Deeds, i. 357. X Ibid., 359. § Philadelphia Deeds, H, i. 221. 1 Philadelphia Wills, F, 291. 230 RUTTER FAMILY vii. Susanna Hall', who married (i) Joseph Harvey; (2) John Rush, of Byberry, by whom she became the mother of the eminent Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; and also the mother of Honorable Jacob Rush, a justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and many years President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. viii. Sarah Hall', who married, 26 September, 1744, Reverend Samuel Finley, D.D., president of Princeton College, ix. Hannah Hall'. X. Ruth Hall', who married Elisha Hall, Esqr, of Cecil County, Maryland. xi. Mary Hall'. xii. Charlesworth Hall.' THOMAS RUTTER, JunR^, eldest son of Thomas Rutter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, was born in Philadelphia County, 26 October, 1690, and was buried in the graveyard of Christ Church, at Philadelphia, 3 July, 1734. He was an iron-master, and was associated with his father in the iron business. He received, under his father's will, a plantation in Bristol Town- ship; also one-third interest in the iron furnace, together with certain iron- ore interests, and other property. In 1729 he was elected a member of the Provincial Assembly. He married ( i ) Sarah . She joined her husband in a deed, 14 August, 1724, but died before 10 August, 1728, on which day he married (2) Mary Catharine Gheslin, daughter of Csesar Gheslin.* She married for second husband, 24 July, 1735, William Pyewell, and had issue by both marriages. Children of Thomas Rutter, Jun^^, by first marriage : i. Rebecca Rutter', born in 1721 ; baptized at Christ Church, 17 November, 1734. ii. Sarah Rutter', born in 1724; baptized at Christ Church, 17 November, 1734. Children by second marriage : iii. Catharine Rutter', baptized 4 January, 1729-30, aged three weeks; buried 16 March, same year. iv. Thomas Rutter', baptized 30 January, 1732, aged two weeks ; became a prominent iron-master, and was for many years one of the justices of the peace and of the courts of Berks County. v. Mary Rutter', baptized 2 December, 1733, aged two weeks; buried 5 February, 1733-34- JOHN RUTTER^, second son of Thomas Rutter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, was born in Philadelphia County, in 1693; died there, 17 November, 1735, and was buried in the graveyard of Christ Church, Philadelphia, in which city he resided. He was baptized by the Rector of that church a few days before his death. He had a wife Mary, who joined with her son, Thomas, 17 September, 1748, in conveying property. * CjESAR Gheslin was a Huguenot, and removed from France to London, England, before 9 September, 1698, on which day he was naturalized in that city. Emigrating to Philadelphia, he established himself there as a silversmith. He was buried in Christ Church, 13 February, 1733-34. 231 THE RUTTER FAMILY Children of John^ and Mary Rutter : i. Thomas Rutter', who became a merchant at Philadelphia. ii. Rebecca Rutter'. MARY RUTTER2, third daughter of Thomas Rutter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, married Edward Rees, whose will, dated at Amity Town- ship,* Philadelphia County, 28 January, 1738-39, and proved 13 April, 1739, names wife Mary and the children named below. Children of Edward and Mary^ (Rutter) Rees: i. Thomas Rees'. ii. Joseph Rees'. iii. Peter Rees'. iv. Edward Rees'. V. Rebecca Rees'. vi. Ruth Rees'. vii. Mary Rees'. HESTER RUTTER^, probably the youngest daughter of Thomas Rut- ter^ by his wife Rebecca Staples, was living in Chester County, Pennsylvania, as late as 2 January, 1762. She married Henry Hockley, of that county, who received a patent for two hundred acres of land there, 17 December, 1735, and one for one hundred and twenty acres, 28 October, 1748. In 1749, 1750, and 1 75 1 he was a representative of that county in the Provincial Assembly. His will, dated 2 January, and proved 12 February, 1762, names wife Hester, and children James, Thomas, Abigail (wife of John Patrick), and Ruth, and grandchildren Ruth, Henry, and Nancy Teaf. Children of Henry and Hester^ (Rutter) Hockley: i. Thomas Hockley', died in Chester County in 1780; was an iron-master; was com- missioned a justice of the peace for Chester County, 23 May, 1770, and was active in the struggle for Independence, serving as colonel of one of the militia regiments of his county, and as a member of the Committee of Observation. He married his cousin, Martha Savage (see page 229). ii. James Hockley', a miller, who, in 1772, was elected a member of the Assembly, and in 1784 was appointed one of the Commissioners for making the Schuylkill River navigable and preserving the fish there. He married his cousin, Ruth Savage (see page 229). iii. Abigail Hockley', married 15 October, 1755, John Patrick, an iron-master. iv. Ruth Hockley', probably married Teaf. * Now in Berks County. 1 INDEX OF NAMES Abbott, William Strong, 120. Anderson, Amelia Owsley Ayres, Rachel, 42. Adams, Edward T., 161. Mrs.), 68. Samuel, 21, 42. Lulu, 163, 204. Amelia R. (Mrs.), 40. Samuel, JunJ", 42. Wallace, loi. Elizabeth Owsley, 68, 131. Silas, 42. William Henry, 204. John, 60. William, 21, 42. Zadie Ann, 161. William C. (Honorable), Addis, Abigail Dubois, 187. 68, 131. Bachman, Elizabeth Ann, 125. Amos, 90. Andrews, Eliza, 150. Bagley, John, 171. Amos (Colonel), 74, 88. Simon, 3. Sue, 171. Amy, 90. Angel, Frances May, 103. Bailey, Barzillai, 64. Amy (Mrs.), 90. Sallie, 140. Elizabeth, 92. Anna, 90. Antes, Frederick (Colonel), Esther, 61. Charles, 88. 37. Baily, James Gilmore, loi. Christopher Krewson, 90. Arbuckle, James, 220. Bainbridge, Helen, 152. Eleanor, 74. Arbuthnot, Alexander, 5. Baird, Jane Hart, 69. Eliza Ann, 48, 88, 122. Arnold, Catharine, 147. Baker, Charles Ayres, 148. Howard, 90. Charles Ridge, 98. Charles P., 202. Isaac, 61. George, 147. Charles Silas, 148. Isaac Clarkson, 48, 87, 90. Isabella, 98. Charles Simeon (Honor- Jane (Mrs.), 61. John, 98. able), 78, 148. John, 116. John W., 147. Cornelius Bruff, 149. Mary E., 116. Newton Evans, 98. Harold Hill, 149. Sarah, 34, 61. Thomas, 98. James, 148. Albertson, Eliza, 157. Ash, Henry (Captain), 213. Jeannette Eleanor, 148. Josiah G., 89, 157. James (Colonel), 213. Joseph, 94. Thomas, 157. Mary, 213. Leigh Yerkes (Dr.), 149. William Yerkes, 157. Ashbridge, William, 220. Martha, 94. Aldridge, Emily, 70. Ashmead, Esther, 210. Mary Louise, 149. Alexander, James, 182. John, 206, 207, 208, 210. Norman H., 85. Serena M., iii, 182. Mary (Mrs.), 206, 210. Olin, 94. Algard, John, 140. Ashton, Hannah, 14, 30. Royal Knapp, 148. Lucy, 74, 140. John, 52. Warren Lowe, 148. Allen, Bryce, 58. Mary Elizabeth, 52. William James, 149, Edwin T., 153. Askew, Joseph, 104. Ball, Elizabeth, 19. Elsa, 153. Atkinson, Mahlon R., 187. Jonathan C, 113. Elvira Maria, 45. Mary Matilda, 116, 187. Banks, Laura A., 133. Esther, 53, loi. Austin, Benjamin, 220. Barnes, Jacob, 154. Gilbert, loi. Margaret, 61. Julia Ann, 162. Helena, 121. Ayres, Charles, 21, 42, 86. Susan, 86, 154. Henry, 45. Deborah, 21, 42. Tacie A., 170. Margaret Anna, 58. Elizabeth, 42. Barnsley, William H., 154. Silas, loi. Esther, 42, 115. Barr, Charles, 114, 183. William Gale, 121. Hiram, 42. Margaret Matilda, 57, Allison, Abigail, 103. Mary, 21, 47, 86, 89. 114. 30 233 INDEX OF NAMES Barr, Mary Kate, 113, 183. Blackburn, Laura E., 140. Boucher, John Wynkoop, 122. W. H. (Dr.), 91. Morris H., 140. Lucy, 59. Barrett, William Zelotes, 70. Stephen, 140. Mary, 71. Bartley, Irene, 112. Walter D., 140. William, 75. Bassett, Catharine, 45. nil 11T1 /T~> j\ Blackwell, John (Reverend), Bourk, Edward, 210. Baudouine, Ann Adelaide, 73. 10. Bowen, Frances, 42. Baynton, Peter, 15. Blackwood, urace Elvira, 153. William, 100. Beans, Albert Wilson, 70. Helen Antoinette, 151, Bowes, Thomas, 16. Anna C, 69. 153- Bowlby, Charles, 93. Benjamin Franklin, 70. Isaac Newton, 83, 151, Washington, 93. Catharine Jane, 69. 153- Bowyer, Thomas, 227. Harman Yerkes, 69. John Yerkes, 153. Brackett, Emma Orcutt, 149. John Craven, 41, 69. Joseph, 153. Bradford, Julia, 163. John Johnson, 69. Blain, Margaret (Mrs.), 04. Bradley, Charles Schenck, Margaret Long, 69. Thomas, 64. 149. Mary, 28, 52. 1 1 1 * TIT Blake, Caroline W., 42. Marian Olive, 149. Mary (Mrs.), 70. Lavinia, 61. Brady, Eliza, 59. Stacy Brown, 70. Robert, 61. John, 71. Stephen, 17. Blaker, Charles, 75, 118, 124. Breckenridge, Robert J. (Rev- Thomas, 69. Edward, 75. erend), 67. Thomas J., 69. Hannah, 75. Brewster, Phebe Adeline, 121. Beardsley, Sophia Jeannette, Harry, 75. Bright, Nancy Munford, 167. 149- Jane E. V., 63, 75, 124. Bristol, Mary, 78, 148. Beatty, John, 117. Maria, 59, 75, 118. Porter B., 64. John Reading, 117. Martha, 75. Brooke, Eliza M., 114. Mary, 160. Mary, 75. Brooks, Rachel, 34. Reading, 117. Matilda, 75. Broom, Christopher, 120. Beers, Sarah, 182. Bloomneld, Mary, 109. Elizabeth Link, 61, 120. Bell, Mary E., 73. Bodine, Anne Maria, 57, II2. Brown, Abbie Elvira, 94. Mary A., 116. William, 112. Addie S., 86. Benezet, Anthony, 29. Bodington, Martha, 94. Ann, 112. Benner, Jacob, 59. Bogan, Joseph L., 164. Ellery, 164. Margaret, 32, 59. Bogardus, George, 125. Hiram, 85. Bennett, Allen S., loi. Bogart, Arta Myrtie, 112. Keturah, 164. Charity, 47. Nelson, 112. Levi, 117. Clark L., loi. Boileau, Nathaniel B. (Hon- Martha (Mrs.), 35. Edward L., loi. orable), 219. Rosalinda, 40, 85. Bentley, Julia V., 90. Thomas Leech, 219. William H., 80. Katharine Elizabeth, 90. Bolich, Charles I., 73. Bruir, Catharine le Tellier, Oren, 90. Bolton, Everard, 206. 78. William Clark, 90. Bond, Mary, 161. Bryant, Rebecca, 72. Benz, Caroline, 179. Booth, Eliza, 105, 176. Buckbee, Almeda, 93. Charles, 179. n TT J * 1 —O Booyer, Harry Frederick, 158. T^ 1 A J n _ — n Buckman, Ada Berry, 118, Biglow, Nancy Hubbard, 199. Borden, Lavinia, 95, 166. 189. "Rl IVT^ rofp Tf^\ T /I T J.\.1L. lid i U, Amn<; T tSo Bird, Susan, 120. Boswell, Fanny Lilly, 104. Emma, 72, 137. Blackburn, E. Brinton, 140. Nathaniel, 104. Esther Ann, 123. Emmett Yerkes, 140. Bottume, M. C, 176. Monroe, 137. Ephraim, 140. Boucher, Anna Mary, 122. Thomas, 137. Harris A., 140. Benjamin Franklin, 122. Buckner, Elizabeth Hawes, John, 74. Charles, 62, 122. 130. John A., 140. Elisha, 122. 234 Buckwalter, Ella, 107. INDEX OF NAMES iir*l.r^n7p Itf^i* T^'mamiAi Tn*7 VV al LCI J i_jlilall UCl J lU/* C^rr Tnlin A'? T t6 r^larW Tprpmiah f(^antai*n) 20 \..>1C11 J V.1IIICIII y \_/ CI Lr L dl 1 1 / , Tnhn Tiitir a2 Josiah, 92, 193. TnQpnIi /I'p Leonard J/, 103. RiiTit V C^\\ a rlpQ T ofx -U till I , V^liCli ICOj \,^\J, TVTarv Leonard J.^ 104. A/Tarv A A'p T p^ni^la<^ ni ^Qmiipl A AO OdillLlCi -t^'i T orpffii IVTarcarpt m J ■■<'.-/ 1 C L Ld 1.VX dl ^d 1 V L, yo* \A/^illi'am A'? VV iliXdlll, x\iiiwii, X *-'0 * Tnfin T cn f^arrpll Rpnnett 7n Rphprra Ann X iicuc X ,^ y-Xj -^-^y* xii^i d X .J uy. T?omainp O"? XV<^ 1 lid 1 11 V, J7O ' VV lllidlllj y*-'} y-^* xxu^ii jdiiiioUiij 10/. Svlvamic Smtth n'3 tJj'lVdllUlo kJilllLIl, yo ' A/T^rcr^rpt' "Tn IVJ-dl gdl Clj T'apv Ann Ct'i X dv-j" xYiiii, yo* 199. ^11P Arlrlic ttA tS*7 OUc /AUUlo, 1 lU, 10/. AA/ 1 1 1 1 Q m 1 ri Qim^^p'^r O'^ VV iiiidiii v^iid uin_cj' , yo- i --ui ivc, iLuiiiuiic;, yo. rf \xr ri orVl f Tn'tla TmC V_dl LWilgllL, XZ.ild, y5» ■'■'^J" AA/a^I IP T?QP jr\A VVj'llC XVdC, lU^* xjuiiiCLi, J.vxdij' \-j\x\.\.wji.\ci^ 110. (^a rwVi 1 1 p SptpI r1 p V^di WiIIlC, OCl ClLldj 10^« r**! a 11 Qpn T? phpl cn C^cx CP RlinHa T f\r\ r""! a T/f r^n T^" 1 i 7a Kpf h Jf\A XJUllUWOj IVXdlj' J ailCj 10^. 1 acpv ^dTTinpl c\o v^doCj/j odiiiuci XV. J y^. rTannnh ir\A XXdilildll, 1 \-fl^. T^ii qHv Trn A/Til tnn tR-? 1 Qcc irPnprial *70 ^dooj vjCiici di, /y- TapoK T** CA IHA Id ccpII Tpccp T \_/dojCll, J CooC X^i.j lU/. Tc D frlQfmp TOyI XVdLIldl lllC, XU4> "RiiqItI*''!*' '7T 13 cf"0 T" In Q r 1 PC C C V^-doLUlj ^lldi ICo, IVf a rcra rpf T C/l XJULLClilClLl, V^lldl 1C3 X tj ^U^. T PuriC 0 T X-iCvVl3 ■L-'.) 1^0. IVTariQ T T/*i/i IVldl id x^>, iv^4* TpTinip (t tct oc\o C DiiTrman Saran F\r\ \_/d Clllllldllj Odldllj L/v/a TVTarv TA/Trc ^ TT T7 in i-vxdi y y i-vxi j. j y x.j.j *■ / 1 -^y* "Rii7art T^nrVifl 0'\ aa XJLl^di l.vdV.ll\,ij I liaHwipl^' l^mma T niii^a V^l 1 W 1 V, X-rflllllld X-rft-JUlOcl IVTarv R TO'l 109 T?ifharrl TO xviviidi u, -xy- C^Vx iinp T^'mm a Tin Sallip TO'l kJdlllC, 1. Lf4* "J r^lia rnhprc R pn i a mi n A lull 1 1 v,i 1 J d ill 111} iXt NiiQanna icxA C*ot^\r T^a n tpl T R-^ V^dLlJ/) X^dlllCi Ayfa t*i Q T "rn ividi Id, A /y. 1 1 (^11 "V iV^ Q t*i p '7'5 ^IUUa, IVldl IC, / Sarah R"? r^hanfllpr TTannali IVTarv t7,i \^llCllivJ.lV^l J J. X dlllld 11 XVXctl y , k f tym r^Iovpr irhard F) t t8 1 W V V 1 , XV 1 V 1 1 d 1 U 1-f • , X X (J • ^ditviiioj v^diwiiiiCj ^y^ yo* TJipriarn ^Dmiipl T tX x\.ik.xidi (x odxxxticx, 110. 1 QMfprf TTnmr Anram iiA V^dlVCllj XXdliy ZLUldlllj 11^. 1 ri D r 1 pcurrirt n ^arprl "^on V^ildl ICSWiJl 111, OdldlJj ^^VJ. ^Dmiipl AA/illiQmc ( \ \t 1 Odxxxticx VV xxxxdxxib y^jLyi./f JdlilCa xyULL, 5/ , 114. 118. John Ycrkcs, 114. Ella, 88. r^oatam TVTarp'arpt 2TC 2T0 V^Wdldill, XVXd 1 V L, X ^ , ^ X W> T vHia T J A X^y \JLlcLj 114* Esther CMrs ") 88 IVTarv "PTC '?Tn (TaffPft t 1 A XvCC^-C VJdl 1 CLlj J. 14* i^pnfCTP 5sX Vjcui 00. T^rinmQc OTO X xxuxxxdo, ^xy. I^Q til p ri~»n IvT QfOTQfpf" T/fO "^n^^ ^dlilCJOll^ IVXdl gdX Cly 14*-'j ^uu. ATarv Ann l^f^D tPC A/To ftTQ t*Pt T T "3 V^UdlCo, iVXdX gdi CL, 1 X J. William 88 VV iiiidiii, 00. ( na f c A a rnn VprWpc v^^JdLo, ix.dl Ull X vX X\,vOf f^atnrtVipll ToVin r^lipvnpv TnQpnVi P T T pvi CA T oiii^a TOO r^liild<; rrporiyp AAA T^iC Matthia*;'* C/i XTXd L Lii ido , r)4* IVldl lildj lUU. f~'lir^Qfp T^Qniic TOT Af n f tin io c'^ C C IVl dLllIldbj 00* Mary, 100. T^mma AIiVp T2T Sarah '?'\'? k^dl dll, ^x^* 1 a Tihv pn 1 a m in C "3 ^di 1 f xj ci ij diiiiiif 00' r^Vnirrli AHiiali W ftA K^ll L4I VI 1, i\.uij all XJ > f *-'4} '^O ' Son n 1^1 C/l OtJL/iXXd, SiiQanna C i T nrv ftA T?A Siicnn A'pflrPG OLX^dXX X vl XVCo, 00* Cannon, James, 29. Rodah Barnum, 64. Coburn, Elizabeth Naomi, Carnahan, Elmina, 155. Stella, 161. 121. Carpenter, Samuel, 198. Clark, Adoniram Judson, 93. Cochran, Mary Francenia, Sue May, 137, 198. Anna A., 97. III, 181. Carr, Charles, 42. Blanche Lulu, 104. William Logan Douglass, Courtland, 42. Catharine, 93. 181. Eliza, 42. Charles H., 103. Cofifing, Abraham, 31. Hiram A., 42. Elijah Baily, 49, 92. Ann, IS, 31. Jane Murdock, 42, 59, Elizabeth Dormida, 93. Grace, 31. 116. Emma Maud, 104. Jacob, 31. 235 INDEX OF NAMES Coffing, Margaret, 31. Coon, Joanna W., 122. Crum, George W., 163. Margaret (Mrs.), 31. Cooper, Alan Wood, 178. Cunningham, Rebecca, 129. Martha, 31. Cornelia, 72. Currie, Anna, 106. William, 31. Hetty Yerkes, 178. Curtis, Eunice, 138. Coffman, Ada Augusta, 133. John, 178. Justina, 186. Andrew Lacy, 133. John Haldeman, 108, 178. Cuyler, Susan, 105. Andrew Yerkes, 133. Cope, Gilbert, 189. Annie Yerkes, 134. Copland, W., 85. Dager, Daniel H., 56. Edward Livingston, 133. Cornell, Alice Louisa, 63, 124. Daniel Hitner, 69, 109. Eliza Yerkes, 133. Anna Elizabeth, 142, 200. Elizabeth Yerkes, 69, Helen Margaret, 133. Harry J., 114. 109. Isaac Zook (Dr.), 133. Jacob Krewson, 74, 124. Mary Hitner, 109. William Everhart, 134. Jesse, 76, 200. Peter, 109. Coggswell, William A., 79. Marion J., 114. Robert Potts, 109. Coleman, Maria, 112. Mark J., 114. Dance, Ann, 37. Colladay, Juliana, 43, 76. William J., 114. Daniel, 37. William, 76. Corson, Martha Ellen, 75. Jacob, 37. Collom, John, 43. Costello, Catharine, 143. Danenhower, Catharine, 100. Martha, 21, 43. Thomas, 143. Charles, 100. Colton, John, 162. Cottman, Benjamin, 218. George, 52. Colville, Georgia, 150. Coulter, Hannah, 58. George', 100. Colvin, Elizabeth, 222. Covert Hamlin T., 125. Isaac, 100. Comfort, Ann, 55. Coxhead, Mary, 74. Jacob, 100. Ezra, 55, 107. Craft, Barnet, 33. John, 100. Jane, 54, 107. Hannah, 15, 32. Rachel, 100. Margaret (Mrs.), 55. John, 33. Darlington, Alfred, 113. Comly, Ellen, 99. Craig, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 213. Alfred Yerkes, 113. James, 42. Esther, 213. C. Norman, 113. Mary, 220. James (Captain), 213. Ellsworth, 113. Commons, William K., 112. Margaret, 213. Darragh, Esther, 32. Conard, Samuel, 104. Crandal, Carrie L., 186. Thomas, 32. Conger, Ellison, 157. David Freeeman, 186. Davis, Ann, 108. Conley, Delazon, 197. Flora A., 186. Anne, 89, 157. Conn, William, 95. Frank M., 186. David, 230. Conrad, Ann, no. Frank R., 115, 186. Hannah, 56, 108. Edwin, III. L. Harold, 186. Hannah Matilda, 106. Hugh F., III. Merle S., 186. James C, 61. Martha, in. Rial Y, 186. John, 108. Nathan, in. Craven, Ann, 116. John (General), 47. William Y., III. Christiana, 69. William, 6, 227. Cook, Anne Edmunds, 166. Crispin, Silas, 15. William Watts Hart, George Earle, 95. Croasdale, Belinda A., 99. (General), 47. George W., 166. Bezaliel, 88. Deal, Joseph P., 88. Gustavus Benson, 95. Charles W., 88. Dean, Jane, 154. Gustavus Wynne, 167. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 88. Mary Ann, 64. JoeP, 50, 95. Ezra, 88. William (Colonel), 37. Joer, 95, 165. Flora, 88. De Bree, Minnie, 84. Mary Paul, 166. James Madison, 88. De Coursey, Emily, 155. Richard Yerkes, 95, 165, Rachel, 23. Etta Long, 155. 166. Crooks, William, 229. Forrest Chick, 155. Thomas (Captain), 95. Crosscup, Sarah E., 88. Frank Eugene, 155. William, 95. Crowl, Rachel A., 200. Holmes Sells, 155. 236 INDEX OF NAMES De Coursey, Joseph Barnsley, Dull, Catharine, 57, no, 180. Ellis, George Myron, 121. 155- Frederick, no. Margaret, 100. Margaret, 155. Dunbar, Catharine, 78, 147. Mary, 140. Morris Hogeland, 155. Thomas, 147. Ray Elwyn, 121. Roy, 155- Dungan, Emma J., 100. Stephen Thomas, 121. Stephen, 87, 155. Esther (Mrs.), 20. Ellison, David, 29. Stephen Philip, 155. Hannah, n, 20. Ellsworth, Eliza, 83. William, 155. Sarah Ann, 86, 153. Emery, Ellen Yerkes, 150. Walter Colton, 155. Thomas (Reverend), 20. John C, 83, 149. De Cue, Orinda Ellen, 148. Thomas, 20. Josiah, 149, 150. de Forrest, Isaac, 72. William, 20. Zachary Taylor, 150. Rachel, 72. Dunham, Nellie, 83. Emley, Hannah or Ann, 222, de la Montagne. (See Mon- Dunlap, Alice, 83. Engle, Herbert D., 126. tanye.) Ida L., 160. James, 126. Dengler, Charles S., no. John W., 58. Entrican, David, 83. Mary, no. Mary, 82, 149. Jane, 83. Dennis Hester, 45, 79. Mary H., 160. Erwin, Samuel, 216. Joseph, 80. Rose, 160. Esler, Elizabeth, 195. Denny, Elizabeth, 115, 185. Silas, 91, 160. Evans, Daniel, 12. William, 185. Sarah E., 160. Lydia, 171. Depue, Mary, 65. William, 83, 149. Evarts, William M. (Honor- DeWees, William, 3. Dusenbury, B. M., 115. able), 66. Dickinson, Alice, 15. Everhart, Eliza, 41, 68. Dilworth, James Ronaldson, Earle, George H., Jun^ 167. John, 68. 190. Mary, 95. Ewing, Elisha R., 183. Mary, iig, 190. Easton, Martha A., 112. Eva, 112, 183. Dirling, Isaac, 33. Eaton, George, 7. Mary Louisa, 112, 183. Dixon Leonora, 195. James, 12. Dobbins, Wesley, 98. John, 6, 7. Faub, Ariantje, 72. Dodson, John, 210. Sarah, 6. Feaster, Mary, 74. Donahue, Bridget, 175. Eckert, Georgiana, 172. Featherman, Susan, 42. Dotterer, Amos, 133. Edmunds, Ann, 70, 71. Felker, Henry, 160. Mary F., 133. Franklin Davenport, 165. Fell, Sarah, 158. Doughty, Martha (Mrs.), John W. ( Honorable, Feltberger, Susanna, 181. 228. 71- Fenton, Elizabeth L., 76. Dove, Henry 0., 153. Mary Jane, 95, 165. Esther Y., 76. Lottie, 85, 153. Samuel, 71. John T., 76. Drum, Mary E., 162. Edwards, Alfred, 87. Lynford, 77. Du Bree, Charles, 144. Eliza B., 87. Mary Ann, 77. Mary Jane, 77, 143. George, 87. Rachel C, 77. Duck, Ellinor, 6. Harriet, 87. Regina, 77. Elizabeth, 6. Jesse, 47, 87. Sarah Y., 77. Duffield, Abraham, 211. Morgan (Reverend), 6. Simeon, 43, 76. Edward, 21 1. Rachel (Mrs.), 34. Thomas, 76. Esther, 211. Susanna, 47, 87. Ferguson, George, 160. Hannah, 211. Egbert, Lydia, 97. Ferring, Kate, 163. Jacob, 211. Ehret, Ella, 100, 173. Ferris, Hannah T., 173. Jesse, 170. Eisenhower, Alonzo Dallas, Fetter, Casper, 45. Joseph, 211. 61. Janette R., 142. Richard, 211. Elkins, George, 43. Margaret, 43, 73. Tacy A., 98, 170. William L., 43. Richard R., 77. Thomas, 211. Ellis, Arden Myron, 121. Sue, 171. 237 INDEX OF NAMES Fifer, Anna Mae, ii8. George Frederick, Ii8. Fincher, Joshua, 217. Finley, Samuel (Reverend), 216. Finney, Elizabeth, 124. Sarah, 78. Fish, Lavina, 160. Sarah, 77. Fisher, Isabella, 211, 217. Joseph, 217, 230. Mary, 230. Fitler, Barbara, 165. Fitzgerald, Harrington, 109. Harry Yerkes, 202. Howard Harold, 202. John Wilford, 149, 202. Maude Irene, 202. Michael, 202. Roy Campbell, 202. Flack, Mary, 155. Flahart, Sadie, 141. Flanders, Charles Biglow, 199- Elizabeth Yerkes, 199. William, 199. William David, 199. William Newell, 138, 199- Fleming, Sarah, 14, 27. Flourney, Thomas (General), 38. Force, Harman Yerkes, 68. Isaiah, 68. Stephen Yerkes, 68. William H., 68. Ford, Louisa, 183. Forman, Rachel Jane, 146. Foster, Anna Neill, 185. Isaac M., 185. Rebecca, 11, 24. Forsyth, , 75. Forsythe, Edward, 178. F. Hamilton Garland, 178. Grace Letitia, 178. John, 178. Foulke, David, 106. Thomas S., 106. Fowler, Jane, 54, 107. Frankland, Mary L., 90. Frantz, Catharine, 197. Freeborn, Mary, 20. Freedy, Frederick, 105. Fries, Daniel, 106. Isabella, 54, 106. Frost, John C, 36. Fulmer, Caroline, 154. El wood, 170. Fulton, , 14. Mary Ann, 114, 183. Furman, Mary (Mrs.), 222. Samuel, 222. Gage, Silas, 46. Gallagher, Michael Harkness, 107. Galley, Annie, 155. Gamble, George Newton, 194. Susanna Guttridge, 120, 194. Gardiner, Elizabeth, 27. John, 27. Peter, Sent", 27. Gardner, Ann Eliza, 102. Esther, loi. Maria Antoinette, 83. Solomon (Captain), 152. Gaskill, Abraham, 172. Albert Guy, 172. Bryant Earling, 172. Elmer Yerkes, 172. Guy Bryant, 172. Gaul, Catharine, 148. Gaunt, Elizabeth, 14, 27. Thomas, 27. Geib, Harry B., 173. Gerner, Vera, 125. Getchell, Alice, 94. Daniel, 94. Walter, 94. Gheslin, Caesar, 231. Mary Catharine, 229, 231. Gifford, Mary, 100. Gilbert, Almond, 91, 161. Frank, 183. Gilkinson, John, 75. Gill, Louisa, 100, 173. Mary Ann, 116. Gillespie, Alexander M., 107. Gillingham, Ann, 218. Yeamans, 218. Gleason, Alice, 143. Thomas, 91. Glenn, David, 108. 238 Glenn, Joseph W., 105. Mary Ann, 54, 108. Samuel Harison, 105. Samuel R., 105. Sarah Frances, 105. Thomas Allen (Colonel), 50. Godfrey, Rebecca J., 202. Goodfellow, James, 165. Goodfleck, Laura, 169. Goodman, Oscar A., 164. Goodwin, Gertrude, 230. Gordon, Jacob, 43. Patrick (Governor), 217. Gorman, Anna Ester, 181. James, 181. Gould, Ann Maria, loi. Betsey Louisa, loi. Charles Henry, loi. Cyrus, loi. Daniel, loi. Mary Eliza, loi. Grace, Robert, 229. Graham, Albert W., 182, 183. John W., 92. Mabel Dell, 182. Grant, Abram', 85. Abram', 85. Addie M., 121. Alexander, 46, 85. Anthony, 14. Caroline H., 85. Elizabeth, 85. Jane, 14. Joseph Watson, 85. Mary, 85. Robert, 14. Yerkes, 85. Graves, Thomas, 208. Gray, Mary Jane, 196. Green, Ellen, 93. Mary Ann, 104. Ruth, 88. Greenfield, Anna B., 64. Greenlees, Archibald, 203. Mary, 162, 203. Gregory, Phebe, 103. Gries, Daisy A., 159. Frank, 159. Frank J., 159. John, 159. Lillie, 159. INDEX OF NAMES Gries, P., 159. Hall, Ruth, 231. Hart, Emma, 157. Griffin, John, 174. Sarah (d. Jacob), 230. George, 157. Minnie, 102, 174. Sarah (d. Joseph), 216, Joseph (Colonel), 47. Griffith, Mary, 140. 231. Josiah (Captain), 30. Mary Flora, 65, 127. Solomon, 230. Josiah (Colonel), 47. Rush, 127. Susanna, 216, 231. William H., 42. Grissom, Albert, 140. Theodorus, 230. Hartley, Martha, 157. Eva, 140. Thomas, 230. Hartranft, John F. (Gen- Griswold, Clark Augustus, Hallowell, Anna Yerkes, 178. eral), 139. 45. 84. Caleb R., 108, 178. Hartwell, Minnie A., 164. Jared, 84. Daniel, 35. Harvey, Ann, no. Marie Antoinette, 84. Eunice Yerkes, 178. Joseph, 231. Pliny 0., 84. Garrett S., 156. Mary, 222. Sarah Elizabeth, 84. Hannah, 109, 179. Thomas, 222. Groom, Thomas, 211. Jane (Mrs.), 178. Honora Hanna, 164. Gruber, Helen M., 185. Laura, 178. Haslett, Mary Ann, 72, 137. Henry, 185. Lizzie Cooper, 178. Samuel Murray, 137. Henry T., 185. Margaret H., 88, 156. Hauss, Benjamin Weaver, Henry W., 185. Rebecca, 127. 163. Guckes, Elizabeth, 108. Sarah M., 35. Benjamin Yerkes, 164. Guerin, Byram Chedister, 195. William, 35, 178, 180. Bertha, 163. Isabelle Theresa, 195. William (Dr.), 75. Blanche, 164. Gulick, Anna Keith, 117. Ham, Elizabeth, 162. Elizabeth Huldah, 164. Charles Leech, 117. Hammond, Henry, 98. Honora Hanna, 164. Peter, 117. Hubert, 98. Linfred H., 92, 163, 164. Philip, 117. William, 98. Lucy, 164. Guttridge, Susanna, 194. Hanks, Almah Elizabeth, 94. Luther A., 163. Amos, Junr, 94. Margaret A., 163. Hagar, Elizabeth, 140. Eli, 94. Marshall W., 163. Mary Ann, 198. Hanna, Henry, 91. Haviland, Charles W., 64. Hagerman, Amy Rebecca, Isaac Drake, 91. Hay, Andrew Jackson (Rev- 154- Richard, 91. erend), 69. Elias Yerkes, 154. Hare, George W., 124. Annie Levering, 69. Harriet Jane, 154. Rebecca Ann, 63, 124. Hayes, Edwin L., 163. Henry, 87, 154. Harper, Mary, 14, 28. Hazzard, Samuel, 29. Henry George, 154. Robert, 28. Headley, Anna Rebecca, 170. Oliver Hart, 154. Sarah (Mrs.), 28. Emma H., 170. William Edmund, 154. Thomas, 70. Frank, 170. Hall, Charles, 87. Harrison, Anna May, 161. John Yerkes, 170. Charlesworth, 231. Frank Yerkes, 161. Joshua, 170. Eleanor, 211. Fred Almond, 161. Lizzie E., 170. Elisha, 231. Grace, 161. Louisa, 100. Esther, 211. James, 15. Louisa S., 170. Hannah, 231. John, 12, 91, 161, 212. Mary J., 170. Jacob, 211. Martha, 162. Morris, 98, 170. Jacob (Esqr), 216, 230. Mary (Mrs.), 212. Sadie, 170. Jacob, Junr, 230. Mary, 211, 212. William, 170. John, 230. Thomas, 161. Heany, Abram Worman, 118. Joseph, 216, 228, 230. Harry, David, 108. Katherine Worman, 118. Julia, 125. Mary F., 56, 108. Heaton, Carrie F., 123. Mary, 230, 231. Hart, Amy, 47. Charles W., 62, 123. Rebecca, 211, 216, 230. Elizabeth, 47, 124. Emily, 76, 143. -239 INDEX OF NAMES l-Tnhhs FliVaheth TOC Xi.\JUUOy J_jI Lf V- 111, ^■^J' T-Tnlmf Thomas rCantflin 1 XJ.W1111\>, ^llWlildO ^ \_/U L/ i,C«iill J y T4r»npn cii f*lir Hmilv T Ai or\J T C ^"7^ NorniEn L., I23. J.oddv V^Ui llCll, ^\JX* TTi^lmpc Iviprv Tatip TOn xxuiiiicd, xvxdi y J diic, xyu> TVTn V 7/1 x\x cxy J / 4* riQpl^ran q t CO x\.(Jovrki diiOj xoL*. TTnrl^'lev AVitP"pil Sarah R"? T CO 123. X x\,ni y J ^^^f Sarah T Od"? VV alLCi -l-^^j A'^O* James, 229, 232. Honeybrook, Samuel, 209. VV lllldlll, XVULll, "FTooriPs Fhf*n aa T-T/ai n 1 ^ni ti IVTa rocQ rAf" T?sR XlClliiCllX) IVldl ^cii Ctj 100. 'Tfinmas /T^nlnnfM 220 X ll<^IllClO ^ dUCLll, Thomas ttt T-Totn H AT"cr\n T^llpin TotlP^" T'?C T07 Horne, Thomas S., 52. JUIIII, ^lU. CfiarlpQ TO*? V^l idl ICo, X\J ^ , TTorner Sarah tt7 J-XWl llVl , t^dl dll, X X. J * iviary j., 43. T rtiiisa T77 ■I— Lii odt /* Hoiic^h Tosenh "iR XicnoncKS, x^iizduciiij iu/. rTncTPiQtlH AfTtlPC n/l xxu^cidiiu, xL^ixco, U4* TTrMicrhtnn A/Ta rv to xxi_'i4^iit*-'ii, ivxdi y , xy* "IVTar'\7' *7T Carnlinf lAi ^OT V^di Uliiiv., X 40 J 1 • House, Barbara, 140. XX AM t*i v A t* r^o ti lie VJ^TI Xicncirix, /\ruanub iNiJtun, V-'dLlldl lllC, U4' "PToii Qtnn Fl 1 a f\f\ XX<^UoL'>^ll, X-Jlid, \J\J • ICL 1 1^0 J-^VA VV dl Uii7, Howarth, John, 93, X^lldO, V.f^< Howe, Calvin R., 92, xj-cncgc, ividiy, ■'-4/* J-Lill^d, L'4> TTowpll Bemamin 01 XJ.\^VV^ll, V.11 J cllll 111, ^ 1. • piciibicy, VV midiii v^.j y^. Flla Tc;c; l-.lld, loo- Ca tha rine Aiic^u sta ^8 Xxcpuurn, /\uigdii j_ 145- rTpTI T*l pf f^l n/1 XXCllllClLd, VJ4* Coiirtland T^aniel "^R \_'\-'Ul LldllU J^dlll\-1, 0 oidcy 1 dinoin, i40' rTptlfTT' CT X XClil J* , 0 1- • T~)aniel c^^R Herbert, RcbeccE, 66. J Udlllld, ^Ul. l~)anipl ( Cantain 1 0'\ X^dXllCl V, V^d ^Ldlliy, £iXt xieybfidrn, vjidccj aio* TOaniel ( s Cantain l~)an- X^dlllVl \ \-'dL/Ldlll J_>raiiA xiigiiicy, ocuigc VV • \i-jL.jy Tnlin T? ^S/i iel^ "Vi jciiii w y iLi\.\j\j^jj 0 l~)anipl ( s Tohn^ 22 42 X^dlllVl ^ 0> ^ <^1111 y , "H^ilom/^n IVTo ffTQ t***tf onn XxlldlliUIl, lVJ.d.1 ^dl CLLd, ^UU. Ton n tVi 11 n rtA J l^lIdLlidll XJ KJi^t Fdward Verkes "^R 72 Hill Charles F 177 Tosbiia "^J. fii Elizabeth, 22, 43. KliVahptli ('Mrs "Jfi Fsther at. TTaI pn T71 1 ToKf^f ll T T "3 TVTjirv Ann ft/t xvxdi y iii,iiii, TTannah 22 ai XXdlllldll, ^£iy Hila Weller t87 Morris T^^ xyxxji 1 IS, xjo. Harriet Ann, 38. T Q Tn A c 'tX J dlllCo, / O. ^nrpTi f\A odi dii, U4* Henrietta Maria lR XX\-111 IVLLd XVXdl Id, Ci^' J Dim, 1 04* ^IICQTI f^A ouodii, ^4* John TT 2T 22 /I2 A/TinniA T ^111*0 Jdf T*7n XVJ. 11111 IC i-*a, Ul diy ^^oi ■I/'-'' T-Tnlr'nmK T-Tpnrv T CA X XtJlL-UlllU, XXClllj' vV.j XO'-'' Tohn ( s T)aniel^ A'X J Cllll 3t X^dillVl / , TVTiripm Fliy^thptli i9Ka J.VJ.II Ictlll J-'llZd UC Lllj XO4* T-Trtlr'nmhp Tiirrih 000 XXLfl^WlllUC, J dVU Lf, Tohn Fisher iR J\_'llll X lOllV^l, 0 jxuydi, 1/u. J LJllIl, ATartha A-7 xvuy x^iixuciij -L -i-o* J Lllldlllld, o/f ^^^> A/Tarv 22 Ai xvxcti y , 4o* OctlllUCl 1>ICWI111} i.KDc^. ATa rcra rpf 000 i*J dl ^di CL, Reading, 22. ^IICQtltlQ Safari AA 'tR OUoalllld Oal all, 44' /^* IVTarv -^-^O XVXdl J' , Readino" ( Ma ior^ 10 -ifi AA7illipm "\A7^ TimF tt^ VV lllld.111 VV J nil*-, 1 1^. Ll, 0/1 o". William W., Senr 113. Sarah, 6i, 220, 222. Rebecca, 38, 43. Hilliker, Jane, 64. Thomas, 222. Sarah, 22, 43. Hillyard, Jane P., 162. Holland, Catharine, 141. Silas, 43. William, 162. Holley, Lillian M., 161. Susanna, 43. Hise, Aaron, 43. Holme, John, 3, 4, 5, 1 1. Hudnet, Charles, 143. Hitner, Henry S., 109. Morgan, 119. Mary, 77, 143. Mary, 109. Rebecca, 59, 119. Hudson, Isabelle, 184. Mary D., 109. Rebecca (Mrs.), 213. Hufty, David, 211. Hoar, James B., 84. Sarah, 222. Jacob, II, 15, 36. 240 INDEX OF NAMES Hufty, John, 19, 36. Johnson, Hubert Rex, 37. Kelsey, Susan, 60, 119. Phebe, 37. Jacob, 98. William, 119. Hughes, Emily Irene, 77, 146. Jesse, 36. Kenderdine, Anna, 158. Isaac (Colonel), 146. Joseph L., 164. Edna, 158. John, 146. Maria Johnson, 153. Fayette, 158. Nathan Rambo, 146. Mary, 36. George, 158. Hult, Lucy Maria, 195. Mima Dyer, 118. Leigh, 158. Hunt, Benjamin Brown, 125. Philip, 36. Rebecca Yerkes, 158. Julia Martha, 125. Rezin Beall, 37. William Benton, 158. Hunter, Amanda, 184. Richard, 36. William J., 89, 158. Elizabeth, 163. Sarah (Mrs.), 36. Kenton, Thomas, 218. Eliza Ellen, 92. Sarah, 17, 36. Kerr, Mary, 144. Hurst, Alfred, 139. Sarah C, 52. Ketcham, John, 185. Wilhelmine Elizabeth, 73, William, 36. Mary G., 115, 185. 139- Johnston, J. H., 160. Keyser, Dirck, 56. Hurstman, Amanda, 127. Jones, Ann, 55. John, 56. Husband, Lydia, 50, 94. Charles, 55. Susanna, 56. Regina, 50, 94. David, 76. Kiernan, Susan, 170. Edgar A., 175. Kilgore, Elizabeth, 120. Ingham, Samuel D. (Honor- Edward (Colonel), 217. John, 120. able), 40. Elizabeth, 55. Kimeline, Mary, 105. Irwin, Joseph, 75. Esther Fielding, 114. Kingsley, Cynthia M., 91. Ivester, Eliza Ann, 69, 131. Hannah, 119. Kinsey, Philena, 181. William, 131. Henry, 106. Kirk, J. Rush, 70. Ivins, Flora Maria, 121, 196. Isaac, 55. Susanna, 100. Garret Conover, 196. J. Leedom, 109. Kirkpatrick, Samuel H., 157. John, 55. Kirll, Mary, 212. Jackson, Thomas F., 164. Jonathan, 54. Kisner, Frederick, 105. Jacoby, Sophia, 99. Jonathan*, 55. Klinker, Arents, 3. Jamison, Elizabeth, 72, 134. Jonathan', 55. Knap, Emma Brooks, 148. George, 134. Joshua, 33. Royal Charles, 148. Mary Shaw, 137. Margaret, 15, 33. Kniblor, Sarah E., 117, 187. Virginia R., 123. Martha (Mrs.), 55. Wells Ebenezer, 187. Jarrett, Charles, 177. Mary (Mrs.), 71. Knight, Abraham, 104. Elizabeth, 25, 49. Mary, 54, 98. Chancellor, 104. Letitia Thomas, 177. Rachel, 43, 76. Charlotte, 48, 89. Levi, 74. Susan, 55, III. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 190. Susan Austin, 41, 74. Susanna, 54, 55. Ezra Croasdale, 54, 104. Jeans, Joseph, 106. William, 55. George C, 104. Rebecca, 54, 106. Giles, 104. Jenkins, John, 219. Kane, Thomas Leiper (Gen- Jonathan, 90. Jennings, Oliver, 119. eral), 180. Laura, 104. Jester, John F., 65. Kase, Edmund Harris (Dr.), Sarah, 104. John, David, 72. 166. Susan, 104. Hannah, 41, 72. Kauffman, D. B., 147. Winder, 95. Johnson, Amanda C, 162. Kean, Mary, 42. Knowles, Amos, 43. Edward, 52. Keas, Benton Hart, 89. Mattie Eleanor, 66. Elizabeth, 36. William, 89. Kollock, Jacob (Colonel), Ellen, 88. Keen or Kyn, John, 218. 213- Frederick, 170. Joran, 218. Jacob, Junr, 213. George, 36. Mary, 211, 218. Mary, 213. Henry, 36. Keifer, Susanna, 179. Philips, 215. 31 241 INDEX OF NAMES Koster, Henry Bernard, 227. Leech, Hannah*, 211. Leech, Rebecca' (d. Isaac), Krewson, Christopher, 48. Hannah*, 218. 216. Diana, 52, 97. Harriet, 220. Rebecca' (d. John), 213. Elizabeth Jane, 48. Henry, 218. Rebecca' (d. Toby, Junr), Harriet, 48, 87. Hester' (d. John), 213. 211. Isaac, 97. Hester,' (d. Toby, Junr), Rebecca* (d. Abraham), Rebecca, 48. 211. 218. Krier, Amanda, 155. Hester' (d. Thomas), Rebecca* (d. Isaac), 220. David S., 170. 215- Richard H., 222. Kronenberg, Joseph Bennett, Hester*, 220. Richard Treat (Honora- 195- Isaac, 117. able), 221, 222. Kulp, Margaret, 61. Isaac", 208, 209, 211, 215, Robert, 222. Kuney, Alice, 125, 197. 216, 230. Samuel (Captain), 216, Daniel, 126, 197. Isaac' (s. Isaac), 216, 221. Hattie Pearl, 65, 126. 220. Samuel Erwin, 221. Isaac' (s. Toby, Junr), Sarah' (d. Toby, Junr), Lacy, Annie E., 133. 211. 211. Emma J., 125. Isaac*, 61, 220, 221. Sarah' (d. John), 211, John 0., 163. Isaac^ 222. 213. Lucena J., 64. Isaac Newburn, 59, 117. Sarah* (d. Abraham), 218. Lamborn, Mary, 180. Jacob^ 209, 211, 217. Sarah* (d. William), 215. Lanagan, Patrick, 29. Jacob' (s. Jacob), 217. Sarah", 222. Land, Maximilla, 159. Jacob' (s. Toby, Jun^), Susannah, 218. La Rue, William, 61. 211. Susanna Newburn, 117. Latham, Frances, 20. James, 221. Thomas' (Captain), 215, Lewis, 20. Jesse, 217. 218, 219. Laubach, Isaac, 179. John^ 208, 209, 211, 212. Thomas' (Honorable), Mary, 109, 179. John' (s. John), 213. 208, 209, 211, 213, 214. Lauer, Christiana, 32. John' (s. Thomas), 215. Thomas' (s. Isaac), 216. Philip, 32, 41. John*, 220. Thomas' (s. John), 213. Law, Celia, 83. Joseph', 213, 217. Thomas*, 220. Lawrence, Joshua, 5. Joseph*, 218. Tobias*, 218. Learer, George, 110. Joseph', 222. Toby or Tobias, 117, 205, Lee, Birdie D., 202. Margaret', 218. 206, 207, 208. Elmer E., 202. Margaret* (d. Abraham), Toby, Junr, 208, 211. Nora A., 202. 218. Toby, 3d, 211, 218. Silas S., 202. Margaret* (d. Samuel), Walter Moore, 215. William Oscar, 149, 202. 221. William, 215. Leech, Abraham', 211, 218. Margaret* (d. Captain Leedom, Elizabeth, 76. Abraham*, 218. Thomas), 220. Erwin J., 109. Amos, 218. Martha*, 220. Richard, 76. Ann, 219. Martha^ 222. Sarah Jones, 56, 109. Anna Margaret, 117. Mary' (d. Isaac), 60, 217. Legate, Emma, 119, 189. Benjamin (s. John), 213. Mary' (d. Jacob), 217. Henry Leander, 189. Benjamin (s. Toby), 218. Mary' (d. John), 213. Lehr, Mary Ann, 142. Charlotte, 220. Mary' (d. Toby, Junr), Leighton, David, 171. Dorothy, 21 1. 211. Lydia S., 98, 170. Eleanor, 218. Mary*, 218. Leiper, Thomas, 38. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 211. Mary", 33, 117, 222. Leister, Elizabeth, 163. Esther^ 211, 212. Obadiah, 218. Leon, Delia, 162. Esther', 218. Rachel*, 220. Leonard, Mary, 78. Hannah (Mrs.), 211, 218. Rachel", 222. Lesher, Amos Yerkes, 62. 242 INDEX OF NAMES Lesher, Benjamin, 62, 77, Long, Andrew, Sen^, 40. McCutchan, George B., 92, IIS, 121, 142. Ann, 145. 161. Catharine Ann, 62, 121. Anna Elizabeth, 42. Jonathan A., 162. Ella A., 62. Anna Thompson, 116. Joseph W., 162. Hannah Maag, 76, 142. Letitia Esther, 19, 41. Lydia A., 162. Henrietta, 58, 115. Margaret, 19, 40. Margaret A., 162. James Bell, 62. Mary (Mrs.), 40. Mary H., 162. Mary Elizabeth, 43, 77. William (Colonel), 39, Reuben P., 162. Levering, Anthony, 22. 40. Sarah E., 162. John (Major), 22. Longstreth, Benjamin, 75. William, 161. Levine, Alexander T., 66. Lott, Anna Margaret, 122. McDowell, Giles, 28, 53, Lewis, Anna, 43, 77. Jamison, Junr, 122. 68. Edna May, 142. Love, Harriet, 37. Penelope, 41, 68. Elijah, 141. Lovell, Amanda, 67. Thomas, 218. Elmer Raymond, 142. Henrietta (Mrs.), 67. William L., 53. Enoch, 38. William, 67. McEuen, Eliza, 38. Frank Cleveland, 141. Lowden, David Francis, 172. McFarland, Elbridge, iii. George M., 141. Hannah Roberts, 172. McFarlin, Elizabeth, 84. Harry Newton, 141. Lowers, Eliza J., 144. Harman Clark, 84. Jacob, 133. Lugar, Jacob, 155. James B., 84. Laura Ann, loi. Mary Ann, 87, 155. John C, 84. Laura Elizabeth, 133. Lukens, Baker, 47. John Pliny, 84. Mabel, 142. David S. Y., 24, 86. Levi, 84. Ransom Rush, 133. Phebe, 108. Madison, 84. Ranson Rush, Jun"", 133. Samuel, 47, 86. Mary Yerkes, 84. Robert, 77. Sarah M., 86. McGecl\in, Margaret, 203. Lillybeck, Benjamin F., 164. Tacy, 119. McGee, Alice Elizabeth, 199. Lincoln, Ira Wood, 174. William, 43. Walter Miller, 138, 199. Loie Lovicia, 102, 174. William Alexander, 86. Walter Vaughan, 199. Link, Elizabeth, 120. Lukin, Margaret Nessmith, McGuire, Rose Lillie, 102, George, 120. 159- 175- Johann Conrad, 120. Lykens, Esther, 21, 43. Thomas, 175. Lippincott, Charles, 107. Jonathan, 43. McKinney, Maria, 158. Emily Tacy, 116. Lytle, Maria, 161. McKinstry, Charles H., 75. George Middlefield, 116. Ellen M., 48. Little, Susannah, 149. McAvoy, Mary, 133. Thomas, 48. Livezey, Ann B., 61. McCarter, Joseph, 222. McKnight, James, 64. Anthony, Junr, 61. McCarthy, Rosetta, 165. Margaret, 64. Anthony, Senr, 61. McCarty, Eleanor Andrews, McLean, Archibald, 217. Esther, 61. 83. Esther, 217. Jane, 61. McClellan, Frances, 98. Sarah, 202. Jonathan, 220. McClenachan, William (Rev- McMahan, Margaret, 202. Martha, 61. erend), 214. McMichael, Morton, 95. Rachel, 220. McCormick, Ann Elizabeth, McMullin, John, 55. Rachel (Mrs.)i 220. 58. Mary, 55. Samuel, 55, 61. McCurdy, Robert Hugh, 163. McNair, Alice E., 66. Sarah, 61. McCutchan, Andrew J., 162. Anthony Adolphus, 66. Thomas B., 61. Arad, 162. Charles C„ 77, 145. Lloyd, Charles, 110. Arphaxan, 162. Charles Edwin, 145. Elizabeth, 57, 110. Charlotte D., 162. Charles J., 145. Long, Andrew (Captain), 40, Franklin P., 162. Christiana, 58, 115. 41- George A., 162. Clara, 66. 243 INDEX OF NAMES McNair, Frederick Valletta Major, Louisa Vaughan, 164. Margerum, Benjamin, 52, 98. (Rear-Admiral), 66, Nicholas Overfield, 164. Bernard, 98. 127, 128, 129. Sarah Keturah, 164. George 98. Frederick Vallette, Junr, William Sebastian, 164. Hannah, 98. 129. William Sherlock, 164. John, 98. Henry, 66. Mallory, Augustus, 185. Joseph, 77. James Horner, 115. Augustus Maurice, 185. Martha Jane, 98. John (Honorable), 40, Cassius Chester, 185. Richard, 98. 65. Edna Frances, 185. Markley, Josiah, 71. John Watson, 66. Harry Yerkes, 185. Julia, 71. Mary L., 145. Margaret, 185. Marlatt, Jacob, 182. Robert Steele, 66. William Lester, 185. Martha, iii, 182. Samuel, 65, 145. William Luther, 113, 185. Marlin, Josephine E., 178. Stephen Yerkes, 66. Mallows, Henry, 230. Lizzie, 70. Warren Leinau, 129. Malone, Alice Gertrude, 163. Marple, Elizabeth, 24, 56, 108. McRobert, Lyman Edwin, Clara Rosette, 163. Joseph, 108. 203. David Rollin, 92, 163. Nathan, 24. Nellie, 151, 203. Emma Dora, 163. Marpoe, Mary Elizabeth, 76. McShane, Sarah, 35. John, 163. Marsh, Esther P., 151. McVaugh or McVeaugh, Louis Agassiz, 163. Levi, 112. Alice, II, 14. Mary Elizabeth, 163. Mary, 112. Benjamin (Colonel), 15, Philip Melancthon, 163. Marshall, Harman Yerkes, 221. Mann, Aaron, 59. 32. Edmond, 14, 15. Anna Rebecca, 77. Matthew, 32. Edward, 65. Charles Stockton, 59. Martin, Charlotte Osborne, Jeremiah, 15. Eliza Ann, 125. 163. John, 14, 15. Elizabeth, 32, 58, 59. Eli, 91, 161. Sarah, 15. Ellen, 125. Eliza, 91. Maag, Mary, 62, 77, 115, 121, Emma B., 59. F. Augusta, 161. 142. Fletcher, 125. Harriet Agnes, 92, 162. Macauley, Alice Elizabeth, George, 125. James R., 162. 191. George Yerkes, 59. John C, 178. Mackenzie, John (Dr.), 152. Howard, 59. John Yerkes, 161. Marian, 152. Isaac, 77. Oliver W., 162. Mackey, Albert Constable, Joel K., 36. Richard, 105, 220. 112. Josiah Stockton, 32, 59. Samuel S., 161. Andrew Jarrett, 141. Lydia Louisa, 125. Titus S., 161. David, 141. Margaret, 59. Martindale, Jacob, 51. David C, 141. Margaret Ann, 125. John, 51. Harvey H., 141. Margaret Matilda, 59. Jonathan, 51. Henry Howard, 112. Mary, 65. Joseph C. (Dr.), 34. James A., 112. Mary Matilda, 59. Mary Ann, 51. John Yerkes, 112. Mary Y., 59. Rachel, 51. Rachel Elizabeth, 112. Matthias T., 125. Mather, Bartholomew, 220. Robert, 74, 141. Minnie Jane, 125. Emeline, 58, 115. Samuel Streper, 112. Samuel, 58. John, 115. Susan J., 141. Samuel Keith, 59. Richard, 212. Madden, Nancy, 45. Sidney, 125. Thomas, 220. Major, George Hiram, 164. Thomas", 64, 125. Matlack, Timothy (Colonel), Gertrude Helen, 164. Thomas', 125. 37- Hiram Goodman, 164. William S., 59. Matthews, Hannah Ann, 90, Ina Viola, 164. Margerum, Amanda, 98. 158. 244 INDEX OF NAMES Matthews, Hettie, 70. Montagne or Montanye, Ben- Morrison, Hannah, 75. Isaac, 158. jamin, 72. Hannah Rebecca, 74. Martin L., 103. Edward Yerkes, 70. John, 41, 63, 74, 75- Maulsby, Hannah, 177. Harman Yerkes, 40, 70. Johnson, 74. Mayberry, Elizabeth, 99. Jan or Jean, de la (Hon- Jonathan J., 75. Mearns, Hugh, 116. orable), 71. Joseph, 74. Hugh Bogart, 116. Jan or Jean de la, Juni", Martha, 75. Robert, 116. 72. Mary, 75. Meels, Hans Heinrich, 3. Margaret L., 70. Mary Ellen, 74. Mein, Anna, 185. Mary Yerkes, 70. Matilda, 75. Mellon, Volley Emeline, 163. Samuel E., 41, 70. Rebecca Ann, 75. Memminger, Thomas (Rev- Thomas, 72. Ruth Ann, 74. erend), 28. Thomas B. (Reverend), Sarah, 34, 63, 75, 124. Mendenhall, Margaret, 113. 70, 71, 72. William H., 163. Meredith, Howard M., 142. Vincent, 72. Morse, Margaret, 164. Margaret, 69, 133. Montgomery, Joseph, 38. Samuel Finley Breese Martha L., in. Moore, Ann (Mrs.), 211, 215. (Dr.), 216. Rebecca Johnson (Mrs.), Annie Lewis, 143. Mossman, William A., 162. 142. Catharine, 177. Mulhollen, Mary, 115, Simon, 133. Elizabeth, 215. Murdock, Ann, 65. Merkle, Elizabeth Ann, 199. Ella, 143. Murray, John, 87. Merrill, Susan Barnett, 149. George W., 77, I43- Myres, Adaline, 113, 184. Metzinger, Francisca, 188. Harry, 155. James, 184. Michener, Ann (Mrs.), 87. James Jordan, 118, 143. Arthur Watts, 87. James Newton, 143. Neeman, Amanda, 59. Charles, 87. Jane, 59, 118. Neff, Jacob, 98. Elizabeth Yerkes, 87. John Higdon, 163. Mary Ann, 52, 98. Lea, 106. J. Omar (Dr.), 163. Neill, Margaret, 185. Thomas, 87. Mary Adelaide, 120. Nelms, Emma Chadwick, 109. Thomas, Junr, 24. Nicholas, 4, 5. Henry Lawrence, 109. William, 48, 87. Robert Frank, 163. Nelson, Jerome, 94. Miers, Keturah, 95. Walter, 9, 10, 15, 215. Nesmith, John, 48, 49. Mifflin, Thomas (Governor), Moorhead, Harriet Ann, 117. Neville, Elizabeth, 42. 37- Morehouse, Lyman, 85. Nevins, Sarah, 83, 149. Miles, Samuel (Colonel), 40. Miriam, 45, 84. Newburn, Aquilla, 222. Samuel, 211. Morgan, Eli, 22, 23. Nippes, Clara, 122, 196. Miller, Daniel G., 107. Emma, 23. Samuel, 196. Emma R., 122. Evan (Reverend), 227. Noble, Fannie A., 159. Josephine, 107. Mary, 23. Irene, 160. Mary, 140. Rachel, 51. James Henry, 182. Sarah, 80. Thomas, 23. Joseph, 17. Mitchell, Margaret Hannah, Morris, Anthony, 230. Mary Olive, in, 182. 91, 159- Morris, 61. Sexton, 160. Sarah, 182. Susan B., 61. North, Mary A., 100, 173. Stephen, 159. Morrison, Amos Addis, 74. Norton, Thomas, 22. Mitchener, Benjamin, 112. Andrew Jackson, 75. Nutt, Samuel, Senr 228, 229. Elizabeth, 57, in. Benjamin, 75. Samuel, Jun"", 229. Monroe, Elizabeth, 64. Charles B., 74. Stephen, 65. David, 75. Oberholtzer, Levi, 132. Montagne or Montanye, Amy Eliza, 75, 118, 124. Odell, Mary, 45. Hart, 41, 71. Eliza Ann, 74. Oechsle, Joseph, 188. Amy Yerkes, 70. Esther, 75. Theresa May, 117, 188. 24s INDEX OF NAMES Oldfield, Elizabeth, 95, 165. Peter, 165. Oliphant, William, 29. Opdyke, Mabel, 161. Otto, Peter, 100. Owen, Abraham, 132. Amanda Bonsall, 69, 132. Charles C, 93. Owen, 215. Paine, Richard, 12. Palmer, Charles Henry, 102. Edwin, 102. Edwin Roy, 102. Hannah, 68. James B., 83. Katherine, 83. Maud Alice, 102. William Henry, 102. Passmore, Elizabeth, 90, 91. Pastorius, Abraham, 218. Francis Daniel, 2, 76, 218, 227. Hannah, 76. Mary, no. Patrick, John, 232. Patterson, Joseph, 120, 221. Margaret, 61, 120. Moles, 29. Paul, Henry, 218. Jacob, 33. John, 33. Joseph, 25, 211, 218. Margaret, 11, 25, 211, 218. Peabody, Nelson, 64. Pead, Charles, 176. Peart, Mary, 43. Mary Ann, 178. Penn, William, 2, 206, 230. Pennock, Charles John, 180. Christopher, 180. Frederick Moses, 180. Samuel, no, 180. Theodore, 180. Penrose, Bartholomew (Cap- tain), 210, 211, 212. Bartholomew, Jun^, 212. Boies (Honorable), 212. Dorothy, 210, 212. Kate, 169. Mary, 212. Sarah, 210, 212. Penrose, Thomas, 210, 212. Perkins, Thomas Jay, 150. Perot, James P., 191. Perry, Blanch Vera, 175. Clarence Ray, 175. Edith Lyle, 175. Ella Bessie, 175. Emma J., 103, 176. Fred Oscar, 175. Jerome Bert, 103, 175. Leo Irwin, 175. Lottie, 141. Oscar F., 175. Seth B., 176. Thomas, 4. Peterman, Ann Colley, 108. Phair, Jane P., 146. Phelps, Coryden, 64. Philips, Franklin, 94. Phillips, Eleanor M., 180. Robert K., 104. Picker, Sarah R., 144. Pidgon, Joseph, 208. Pierce, Elizabeth, 57, 113. Hannah Mendenhall, 57, 113- Worrell, 113. Pierpont, Edwards (Honor- able), 66. Pikes, Jan, 72. Peternella, 72. Pinkerton, Thomas, 79. Pitt, Mary Louise, 159. Plumb, Fayette R., 156. Poole, Nathaniel, 211, 212. Pope, Mary, 169. Porter, Andrew (General), 29. Ann Elizabeth, 204. Cora Justin, 163. David Rittenhouse (Gov- ernor), 29. George Bryan (Gov- ernor), 29. Horace (General), 29. James Madison (Honor- able), 29. John Biddle (Colonel), 29. Mary, 85. William A. (Honorable), 29. 246 Post, Susan, 102. Potts, John, 229. Joshua (Reverend), 20. William, 98. Powell, Augustus Norton, 173- Olive Elizabeth, 102, 173. Power, Alexander, 29. Powers, Margaret, 95, 165. Pownall, Rebecca Kitchen, 170. Preston, Mary, 219. Matilda, 180. Prevo, Hester Emeline, in, 181. Marius, 181. Price, Charles Milton, 182. David, 210. Mary Ella, 154. Pritchard, Clara Bell, 102. James, 102. Probasco, Sarah, 218. Propert, Benjamin, 77. George, 87. Jacob, 88. Josiah Kerper, 88. Pruden, Sarah, 125. Puff, Ann (Mrs.), 89. Harrison B., 89. Jacob, 89. Purdy, Laura, 203. Mary, 23, 45. Robert, 45. William (Captain), 68. Pyewell, William, 231. Pyott, Deborah, 114. Pyle, , 141. Quail, Flora, 62. Quay, Etta M., 114. Quigley, Iva P., 158. Raab, Maria, 77, 144. Mary, 124. Morris P., 144. Rabb, Hannah, 77. Radcliffe, Anna Mary, 65, 127. John Randolph, 127. Raguet, Condy, 38. Rahrer, Eliza, 103. Ralston, Mary, 42. INDEX OF NAMES Randall, Sarah, 123. Rankin, Ann Elizabeth, 181. Ransom, Ann, 98. Rapp, Jacob, 72. Jane, 75. Maria, 41, 65, 72. Rawle, Francis, 230. William Brooke (Colo- nel), 29. Reading, Elsie, 21. John (Colonel), 21. John (Honorable), 21. Reed, Charles Shimer, 134. Samuel John, 141. William B., 95. Rees, Edward, 229, 232. Edward, Jr., 232. Joseph, 232. Mary, 232. Peter, 232. Rebecca, 232. Ruth, 232. Thomas, 232. Reiff, Charles Pastorius, no. John, no. John Pastorius, no. Mary, no. Sarah Yerkes, no. Reiner, David, 107. Emeline Hendricks, 107. Remsen, Harriet, 52, 100. William H., 100. Rennard, Jesse, 100. Joseph, 100. Renshaw, Anna Maria, 131. Reynolds, Israel, 44. Rheinhart, Anna, 164. Rhoads, Gilbert Norman, 142. Gilbert Theobald, 142. Samuel Gilbert, 142. Rice, Frances A., 151. Rich, Ann R., 99. Charles W., 52, 99. John D., 99. Sarah E., 99. William, 99. Richards, Sarah, 31, 54. Richardson, Mary, 211. Miranda, 175. Ridge, Charles B., 97. Krewson Yerkes, 97. Miriam, 97. Ridge, Sallie E., 154. Sylvester, 97. Riley, Anna, 122, 196. William, 196. Ritchie, John W., 170. Rivers, Mary, 211, 215. Roads, Amanda, 76. Robeno, Sarah Ann, 197. Roberts, Ellen, 113. Hannah, 50. Isaac, 46. Julia, 59- Oliver, 102. Phineas, 50. Sarah Olivia, 53, lOl. Robertson, Helen, 93. Robeson, Andrew, 217. Eleanor, 211, 217. Robinson, Alfred, 52, 99. Benjamin, 63. Emma Evans, 99. Frank, 63. Hetty, 99. Irene, 99. John, 99. Joseph, 63. Kate Cecelia, 99. Margaret, 63. Mary, 166. Oliver Brownell, 99. Robert, 99. Samuel, 63, 208. Samuel P., 34, 63. Roby, Barton S., 99. Rockwell, Charles L., 161. James M., 161. Julia May, 161. Rodes, Amelia Owsley, 68, 131. Rodgers, Kate Miles, 109, 179- Lilian M., 116. Matthew, 116. Robert, 179. William, 116. Roe, Adelia H., 62, 122. Alexander L., 122. Rogers, Elizabeth P., 46. George, 45. James, 23, 45. John, 45. Levi Watson, 45. 247 Rogers, Rebecca, 46, 83. Stephen, 83. Stephen Yerkes, 45. Samuel, 45. William, 45. Rohrman, Mabel, 144. Rolanson, Samuel, 176. Rondinella, Edith, 195. Lino Francesco, 195. Pasqualle, 195. Roney, Mary, 45. Rorer, Henry, 222. Rosfow, Marie, 174. Ross, yEneas (Reverend), 211. Alfred, 105. Emma Blanch, 105. George (Reverend), 211. George (Honorable), 211. William H., 105. Rubert, Warren Currier, loi. Rubinkam, Elizabeth McNair, 75. 142. Nathaniel Irwin, 142. Rue, Elizabeth, 12. James, 12. Mary (Mrs.), 12. Rumsey, Dr., 115. Mrs. Emeline Mather, 58, lis- Runnels, Edith, 159. Rush, Benjamin (Dr.), 216, 231. Jacob (Judge), 231. John, 216, 231. Rust, Jerry Ellet, 139. Rutherton, Elizabeth, 23, 46. John, 46. Rutter, Anne, 228, 229. Catharine, 231. Hester, 229, 232. John, 229, 231. Joseph, 228, 229. Martha, 229. Mary (Mrs.), 229, 231. Mary (d. Thomas'), 228, 229, 232. Mary (d. Thomas"), 231. Rebecca, 216, 228, 229. Rebecca (d. Thomas'), 231. Sarah (Mrs.), 229, 231. INDEX OF NAMES Rutter, Sarah, 231. Thomas\ 225, 226, 227, 229. Thomas^ 228, 231. Thomas^ (s. John), 231, 232. Thomas' (s. Thomas), 231. Thomas* (s. Joseph, 229. Ryno, Charles E., 86. Sackett, Jacob, 71. Sarah, 71. Sager, Rebecca, 42. Salsich, H. E., 94. Salter, Heliacal A., 181. Philena M., 181. Sanderson, Robert, 215. Saunders, Elizabeth S., 100, 173- Saurman, Ann, 35. Jacob, 35. Jonathan, 35. Josiah, 35. Mary, 35. Peter, 17, 34, 35. Rebecca, 35. Yerkes, 35. Savage, Anna, 229. John, 229. Joseph, 229. Martha, 229. Mary, 229. Ruth, 229, 232. Samuel, 228, 229. Thomas, 228, 229. Sawtelle, Neely, 103. Sarah Emeline, 53, 103. Sawyer, Eunice, 85. Saybold, Elizabeth, 106. Sayre, Elizabeth, 45. Henry A., 103. Jane, 45. Scarlett, Mary M., 180. Schagel, Mary Ann, 176. Scheetz, John C, iii. Sarah, 110. Schenck, Jennie Elizabeth, 125. Peter, 125. Schmauss, Mary Rosalie, no. Schnorf, Cynthia, 182. Schuler, , 22. Schultz, Mary, 144. Schumaker, Peter, Junf, 3. Scott, Anna, 199. George, 32. Hazel, 123. Margaret, 15, 32. Rachel, 62, 123. Sebring, Catharine, 151. Seiner, Leighton Banks, 137. Sentman, Mary, 118. Serrill, Sarah B., 114. Severns, Mary (Mrs.), 36. Shaeffer, Elizabeth, 147. William, 147. Shaffer, Ella, in. Isabella, 116. Shallcross, Harry Quicksall, 177- William, 107, 177. Shannon, Samuel, no. Sarah, 57, no. Sharman, Susanna, 161. Sharp, M. Louise, 180. Sharpe, Joseph F., 92. Sharswood, George, 16. Shaver, Rulpha, 202. Shaw, Perley C, 46. Rachel, 23. Sheard, John, 54. Margaret, 54. Shearer, Margaret, 132. Mary, 147. Sheets, Emily W., 42. Shell, Alice Cecelia, 147. Catharine Maria, 147. Cornelius, 78, 147. Fannie K., 147. John Jacob, 147. Mary Elizabeth, 147. Sarah Pauline, 147. Shelmire, George, 22, 35, 42. Jacob, 117. Maria, 40. Mary, 42. Rachel, 59, 117. Shepp, David, 42. Sheppard, Charles, 55. Sherer, Rachel, 112. Sherwood, Albert S., 93. Ira, 49. Mary Burr, 49, 93. 248 Sherwood, Polly B. (Mrs.), 93- Shields, Thomas, 48. Shippen, William (Dr.), 212. Shoemaker, Abraham, 208. Ann (Mrs.), 119. Ann S., 57, III. Benjamin, 220. Bessie, 120. C. Harry, 120. Charles M., 119. Daniel, 105, 106. David, 107. Elisha, 69. George Y., 120. Hannah, 56. Hannah Ann, 120. Isaac, 212. Margaret, 107. Mary, 56, 106, 120. Mary E., 69. Mary Yerkes, 106. Phebe W., 106. Robert, 220. Silas, 54, 105, 106. Susan Yerkes, 106. Thomas, 106, 119. Samuel Parry, 61, 119. Shubert, Sarah, 68. Shuman, Anna Yerkes, 169. Charles Frederick, 169. Christian W., 97. Eugene S., 169. George McDowell, 169. Jacob, 169. John Yerkes, 169. Margaret (Mrs.), 169. Sibbald, John, 219. Sidwell, Andrew Franklin, 141. Anna Ruth, 141. Arthur Austin, 141. Bertha, 141. Charles Whiteman, 141. Clara Letitia, 141. Ella Dora, 141. Joseph Richard, 141. Mary Eva, 141. Owen G., 141. Richard, 140. William, 74, 140. Silliman, Edward, 66. INDEX OF NAMES Simcock, John, ii. Spies, Ann, 31, 57. Stockdale, Jacob, 28. Simmons, Caroline M., i86. Spohn, Margaret P., 158. John, 28. Georgia B., 151. Spotts, Catharine, 87. Stone, Mary, 78. Lawrence W., 151. Sprague, Eliphalet, 160. Newal A., 78. Margaret, 113. Helen, 160. Stonestreet, Elizabeth Mason, Mary, 151. Homer, 160. 68. Simons, Richard, 33. Jerome, 91, 160. Storer, Lizzie M., 156. Sisom, Thomas, 208. Josephine, 160. Stout, George, 104. Skeen, Benjamin, 78. Marshall, 160. Stoutenburg, Margaret, 49. Finney, 78. Mary A., 160. Street, Daniel, 208. Jacob Buzart, 78. Springsted, Mary Jane, 79. Streper, Abraham, 50. Skidmore, Mary A., 189. Peter, 44, 79. Deborah, 31, 57. Skinner, Huldah Lord, 49, 91. Theodore, 79. Leonard, SO, 57. Volney, 90. Stacker, Amanda E., 146. Margaret, S7- Slack, John, 155. Stackhouse, Ann J., 88. Mary, 25, 49. Mary (Mrs.), 155- Sarah, 100. William, 50, 57. Rebecca, 88, 155. Stacy, Ann, 215. Stroud, Edward, 19. Sleght, Adelia M., 64. John, 211, 215. Mary, 11, 19. Smart, Florence N., 121, 195. Robert, 215. Stroup, Ann Eliza, 186. Smedley, Ella Henry, 113. Stallings, Oscar, 182. Stucker, Susanna, 78. Smith, Carleton Lefferts, 198. Stanger, Ann Marshall, 165. Stuckert, Louisa, 134. Cervantez, 177. Staples or Stapler, Rebecca, Sarah C, 123. Charles, 146. 228. Stump, Elizabeth, 31, 57, 58. Charles Hagar, 138, 198. Starkey, Achsah, 100. Stuyvesant, Peter (Gover- Dorrance Yerkes, 198. Ann J., 100. nor), 71, 72. Edna Meserole, 198. Caroline, 100. Supplee, Abner, 102. Edna Vaughan, 198. Daniel, 52, 99. Andreas, 102. Elizabeth, 78, 146. Daniel, Juni", 100. Charles Yerkes, 102. Henry, 198. Elizabeth, 99. Elizabeth, 102. Jane, 68, 130. John F., 100. George Murray, 103. Mahala, 175. Mary, 100. Hannah Maria, 103. Mary P., 178. Mary, J., ico Hughes, 53, 102. Samuel (General), 71. Thomas, 100. Leonard Fletcher, 103. Samuel, 23. Samuel C, 100. Peter, s?- Wilhelmine Elizabeth, William H., 99. Sutton, Elizabeth, 117. 139- Stearns, Clement Horatio, Swartout, Jane, 45. Snyder, Catharine, 147. 182. Swift, Elizabeth, 217. Christian, 62, 123. Steele, Emma E., 105 John, 213. Ellen Jane, 63, 123. Steelman, Susanna, 218. Eugene, 144. Steif, H. M., 104. Taggert, Joseph, 178. Maria, 102. Steinman, Miss, 221, 223. Taylor, Ann, 229. Mary C, 123. Stephens, Harry, 147. Eaton, 199. Maude, 144. Moore, 40. Edward, 138. Sarah C, 123. Stevens, Amanda, 105. Isaac, 229. Simon, 123. Stewart, Anne, 216, 221. Peter, 230. Somers, Julia Marie, 125. Henry M., 71. Rebecca, 181. Ralph, 125. Stiggins, Ida Madora, 102, Sarah E., 73, 138. South, George W., 95, 167. 174- Virginia, 140, 199. Sowle, Enos, 186. John Henry, 174. Teaf, , 232. Rosa A. P, IIS, 186. Stirr, Catharina Elizabetha, Teed, , 94. Spangenburg, Joseph, 14, 16. 120. Teeples, Millie A., 152. Sperry, Sarah, 137. Stockdale, Elizabeth, 143. Tegeler, Christopher T., 159. 32 249 INDEX OF NAMES Tegeler, Hattie E., 159. Townsend, Emma Jane, 77, Van Buskirk, Elias, 41. Tennant, Joseph, 159. 144. Jacob, 41. Katharine, 91, 159. John, 144. Jesse, 41. William (Reverend), 32, Thomas, 220. Joseph, 41. 216. Toy, Sarah, 170. Margaret, 41. Terry, Rachel, 70. Treat, Rebecca (Mrs.), 216. Silas Yerkes, 41. Thomas, Ann, 217, 220. Richard (Reverend), 216, Vandevering, John, 220. David, 220. 221, 230. Vanhorn, Catharine, 62. Elizabeth, 220. Trimmer, Charles, 146. Van Horne, William, (Rev- Elizabeth (Mrs.), 14, 30. Elizabeth Beckwell, 77, erend), 23. Evan, 220. 145- Van Kirk, Mary, 107. George (Governor), 215. Tripp, Samuel, 64. Van Meter, Adaline Lovell, Isaac, 119. Tunison, Deborah, 126, 197. 129. Jonathan, 220. Turner, Robert, 139. Alice Yerkes, 129. Martha, 216, 220. Twining, Anthony W., 104. Amanda Yerkes, 129. Mary, 123, 220. Tyson, Amanda (Mrs.), 67. Elizabeth Stonestreet, Rachel (Mrs.), 220. Amanda L. (Mrs.), 40. 129. Richard, 218. Ann, 33. Isaac, 129. Robert, 220. Barnet, 33. John Milton, Jun»", 68, Sarah, 115. Charles, 33. 129. Susan Paul, 119. Cornelius, 78. John Milton, Sen', 129. Thompson, Anna E., 88. Daniel, 33. John S., 68. Eleanor Mary, 88. Frank, 95. Solomon, 68. Harvey D., 88. George, 33. Stephen Yerkes, 68. Hugh, 88. Hannah, 33. Susan Allan, 129. James, 88. Hannah (Mrs.), 216. Vansant, Charles, 126. James Byron, 88. Howard, 95. Emeline, 126. Martha, 188. Joseph, 95. Jacob Willard, 123. Thornton, Caroline, 73. Levi, 33, 60. James, 35. Ella Irene, 73. Lydia, 33. Leonard C, 123. Ira, 83. Maria, 44, 78. Sarah Ann, 145. Louisa, E., 73. Mary V., 95. William Bradfield, 123. Mary Louisa, 73. Richard, 95. Van Tine, Alfred C, 189, 190. Robert, 73. Robinson, 33. Julia, 119, 190. Sarah, 45, 83. William, 95. Mary, 119, 189. • Stephen Yerkes, 73. William H., 95. Van Zant, Harriet, 120. Theodore, 41, 73. Vaughan, William (Rever- Theodore Robert, 73. Underwood, W. Orrison, 120. end), 20. Theodore W., 73. Utley, Charles P., 84. Vogt, Christian, 165. William E. T., 73. Ephraim, 84. Sophia Louisa, 165. Thorp, F. 0., 94. Ephraim H., 45, 84. Von Neida, George, 179. Thurber, H. K., 177. George, 84. Lizzie Carlin, 109, 179. Tinker, Belinda, 115. Janet, 84. Voorhees, Carl Sebring, 152. Tod, Cora Linn, 146. Sarah, 84. Edwin Meredith, 133. William, 146. Margaret Alden, 133. Todd, , 29. Valentine, Rebecca, 41, 70. Martin, 133. Tomlinson, Ann Eliza, 77. Van Arsdalen, Anna Eliza Peter, 151. Tompkins, Elizabeth, 30. (Mrs.), 141. Sebring, 83, 151. Elizabeth (Mrs.), 11, 19. Cornelia, 137. John, 19. Elizabeth, 76, 201. Wagstaff, Thomas, 218. Joseph Yerkes, 30. Mary Alice, 75, 141. Wakefield, Hester, 126. Mary, 74. John, 141. Wakeman, Salome, 150. 250 INDEX OF NAMES Walker, Albert Tobias, 158. Hannah Ann, 88, 156. Herbert, 89. Lloyd, 88. Oceana A., 146 Quint, 89. Samuel, 89. Samuel Carey, 156. Samuel Charles, Junf, 89. Sarah Jane, 181. Wall, Richard, 206. Walter, Elizabeth, no, 181. James, 181. Walters, Jacob, 164. Walton, Charles, 87. Edward B., 154. F. Theodore, 87. Hannah B., 154. Lydia (Mrs.), 94. Mary Anna, 116, 186. Nathaniel, 16. Phebe, 105. Salem, 186. Susanna (Mrs.), 47. Ward, Henry, 91. Julia M., 91. Lucien, 91. Warfield, Clementine, 174. Warren, Clara, 66, 129. James William, 129. Warwick, William, 64. Wasman, Anne, 105. Watkins, Maria, 53. Watson, Alice, 19, 33, 39. Ashbel Welch, 117, 188. Benjamin, 33. Carl Buckman, 188. David Lee, 188. Esther Mearns, 188. Harold Lee, 188. James, 156. John, 15, 33, 39. Joseph, 23. Levi, 23. Mark, 23. Martha, 112. Miranda, 89, 156. Samuel Buckman, 188. Sarah, 23. Watts, Ann, 47. Elizabeth, 7, 11. Gregory, 6. Watts, Henry, 6. John (Reverend), 6, il, 20, 47. Sarah, 6. Wayne, Anthony (Major- General), 212. Weaver, Clement, 20. Elizabeth, 20, 31, 56. John, 56. Webb, Louie, 121. Webster, , 37. Cora, 180. Welch, Edna May, 195. Fred Louise, 195. Freda Lovenia, 195. Frederick W. (Dr.), 121, I9S- Ray Walter, 195. Thomas Bromwell, 195. Wells, Evelina, 83, 151. Louise Rebecca, 89, 156. William J., 151. Welsh, David, 147. Samuel, 141. West, William, 230. Whann, Bella, 141. Wheeler, Almira Mary, 190. John James, 38. Whitaker, Almira, 45, 84. Andrew Robeno, 132, 197. Elida Robeno, 198. Henry, 84. Samuel Adams, Jun"", 198. Samuel Adams, Sen^, 197- Whital, Joseph F., 74. White, Blanch, 158. Dexter, 83. Eleanor, 121. Farewell, 157. George T., 170. Hannah, 86. Israel, 86. Letitia, 140. Sarah Ann, 125. Whitehead, Richard, 218. William, 14. Whitesell, Hattie, 161. Whiteside, Rebecca, 11, 22. Whiting, Charles, 73. Whitlock, Sarah, 83. 251 Whitney, F. L, 152. Wicker, Catharine, 94. James Dyer, 94. Wiggins, John, 176. Minnie May, 175. Sarah, 103, 176. Wilber, Charles Truman, 146. Emery A., 146. Iva Mae, 146. Wildman, Charles, 100. Elwood, 100. Wilhelm, Alice Cordelia, 198. Wilkie, Charles Melville, 149. Lucie May, 149. Wilkinson, Albert Hamilton, 45- Anthony, 213. Bryan, 213. Charles Melvin, 45. Elizabeth, 213. Flora May, 175. George W., 175. Guy S., 175. Harman, 45. Hester, 213. James, 45. James Milton, 45. Jennie May, 175. John, 213. Mary, 213. Mary Jane, 45. Maud Rose, 175. Melissa, 45. Miles Emory, 103, 175. Rebecca, 213. Russell Burt, 175. Samuel, 213. William Lewis, 45. Willard, Dorothy, 21 1. Jane, 32. Mary Jane, 155. Willetts, Malinda, 100. Williams, Beatrice Irene, 118. Frank, 125. George, 179. Julia K., 118. Mary A., 105. Nancy, 103. Williamson, Catharine R., 41, 70. Wills, Andrew, 109. Helen Dager, 109. INDEX OF NAMES Wills, Mary Dager, 109. Wood, Morris, 61. Yerkes, Albert', 172. Morgan R., 109. Richard Matlack, 177. Albert Everest, 119, 189. Willson, John, 29. Thomas, 16, 35, 177. Albert Henry, 174. Wilmerton, Elizabeth, 14, 30. Woodbury, Rebecca, loi. Albert Hobensack, 201. Grace Hannah, 98. Woodford, John, 129. Albert J., 62. Israel Putnam Heisler, John Thornton, 130. Albert Jones', 115. 98. Maria Archer, 68, 130. Albert Jones', 185. John, 30, 211. Woodington, Catharine, 99. Albert Rowland', 118, Mary (Mrs.), 30. William C, 170. 188. Mary Viola, 98. Woodman, Elias S., 79. Albert Rowland', 189. Rachel Ann, 98, 171. Woods, Thomas, 4. Alfred, 100, 173. Richard Fennimore, 98, Woodward, James, 100. Alfred Earle, 72, 137. 171. Woolwich, Elizabeth, 222. Alfred R., 173. William Nyce, 98. Worrell, Demas, 15. Alice*, 15. Wilsey, Henry D., 93, 164. Worthington, Benjamin, 123. Alice", 68. Mary A, 164 John, 230. Alice', 108. Orlo D., 164. Sarah, 133. Alice Agnew, 203. Selena L., 164. Wright, Ann, 119. Alice E., 85. Wilson, Anna Louisa, 200. Benjamin, 4. Alice Maria, 103. Carrie L., 179. Charles, 99. Alice Maud, 182. Charles, 52. Esther, 21. Alice Miriam, 153. Charles B., 140, 200. James, 188. Alice v., 89, 153. Henry H., 73. Jessie M., loi. Alice Van Meter, 130. H. Vernon, 200. John, 21. Alice Watson, 65, 126. lola E., 200. John Webster, 32. Allen, III, 182. Jay, 92. Joseph, 52, 61. Alloway, 58. John P., Junr, 200. Martha, 34, 61. Almeda B., 141. John P., Senr, 200. Mary, 28, 52. Almira, 44, 79. Laura H., 179. Maude, 117, 188. Alta, 189. Lionel F., 200. Amanda France, 107. Mary W., 179. Yawger, Philip, 64. Amanda Lovell, 130. Rachel, 52. Yearsley, Elizabeth Rankin, Amanda Wilhelmina, 87. Uriah, 43. 181. Amelia Jacobs, 107. William, 108, 178. Howard Rankin, 181. Amelia Lydia, 92, 161. Yerkes, 200. Isaac, 181. Amelia Rodes, 131. Winder, Sarah, 104. James Walter, 181. Amos, 34, 62. Windham, Birdie, 66. Yerkes, Aaron, 54, 108. Amos Addis', 88, 155. Wing, Elizabeth, 83. Abraham', 31, 54. Amos Addis', 122, 196. Emma Rumsey, 68, 130. Abraham', 107. Amos Russell, 189. Winger, Elizabeth, 133. Abel Kelsey, 119, 190. Amy B., 137. Winner, Sarah, 155. Ada Bell, 122. Amy Davis', 90. Wisner, George, 83. Ada C, 127. Amy Davis', 158. Moses, 83. Ada H., 143. Amy Hart, 87. Wolcott, T. H., 160. Adelaide, gi, 160. Amy Rebecca, 88. Wood, Alan, Junr, 108. Adeleine B., 137. Andrew Dunlap, 149. Amelia Jacobs, 177. Adolph Andrews, 185. Andrew J. (Dr.), 69, Benjamin, 107, 177. Adolphus^ 5, 7, II, 12. 133- Elizabeth Keyser, 109. Adolphus' (s. Jacob), 52. Andrew Jackson, 60, 119. George Washington, 179. Adolphus' (s. Stephen), Andrew Long° (s. Har- John Yerkes, 177. 72. man), 41, 68. Lottie v., 170. Agnes M., 201. Andrew Long' (s. Wil- Mary A., 187. Albert', 143. 252 liam), 41, 73- INDEX OF NAMES Yerkes, Angelina, 95. Ann (d. Elias), 41. Ann^ 48, 87. Ann' (d. Abraham), 54. Ann' (d. Benjamin), 62. Ann' (d. Jonathan), 58. Ann Cornelia, 98. Ann G., 154. Ann S., 97. Anna', 56. Anna', 149. Anna Bell, 107. Anna Colladay, 76. Anna Harry, 108, 178. Anna Laura, 163. Anna Leah, 182. Anna Leedom, 180. Anna Margaret, 72. Anna Maria', 132, 197. Anna Maria^ 112. Anna Mary (d. Amos Addis), 155. Anna Mary (d. Elwood Craven), 145. Anna May', 127. Anna May (d. George Swope), 172. Anna May (d. Jonathan M.), 183. Anna Mildred, 189. Anna Rubinkam, 142. Anna Scott, 199. Anna Thomas, 115. Anna Watson, 65. Annabelle, 116. Annetta Louise, 158. Annie', 71. Annie', iio. Annie C, iii. Annie Laura, 140. Annie Mollie, 92. Ansley, 165. Anthony^ 1-7. Anthony* (s. Adolphus), 12. Anthony' (s. Herman), 10, II, 13, 14. Anthony*, 14, 28. Anthony^ (s. Davis, 31, 54- Anthony' (s. Joseph), 30, 53- Yerkes, Anthony' (s. Jona- than), 53, lOI. Archibald Murphy, 144. Arianna, 91. Arnold Phipps, 156. Arthur*, 24, 47. Arthur', 89. Arthur Frederick, 175. Arthur Marion, 174. Arthur Watts', 48, 89. Arthur Watts', 88, 156. Arthur Watts', 158. Ashton, 54. Augustus, 70. Augustus Adolphus, 100, 173- Augustus Gates', 122, 196. Augustus Gates', 196. Austin Norval, 183. Barclay, 11 1, 182. Barnum, 125, 197. Bayard, 157. Bayard Roy, 183. Beatrice Hughes, 146. Benjamin* (s. John), 15, 33- Benjamin' (s. Silas), 21, 43- Benjamin', 34, 61. Benjamin', 62, 122. Benjamin' (s. Jonathan), 112. Benjamin' (s. William Colladay), 142. B. Frank, 119. Benjamin Franklin' (s. Jacob Buzart), 78, 146. Benjamin Franklin" (s. Jones), 63, 75, 124. Benjamin Franklin' (s. Benjamin Franklin), 146. Benjamin Franklin' (s. Job Roberts), 113. Benjamin Franklin' (s. Morris), 113. Benjamin Howard, 121. Benjamin Jacob, 102. Benjamin Lesher, 116. Benjamin Ross, 123. Bennie Forrest, 183. 253 Yerkes, Bessie Shibe, 76. Beulah, 191. Beulah William, 203. Blanch, 157. Blanch Catharine, 197. Blanch W., 126. Burton, 146. Byron Foster, 189. Carl A., 151. Carl J., 159. Caroline' (d. Isaac), 62. Carohne' (d. Joseph Ball), 65, 73- Caroline' (d. Richard Eckroyd), 95. Caroline' (d. Adolphus), 100. Caroline' (d. Anthony), loi. Caroline Dodge, 126. Caroline E., 159. Caroline Elizabeth, 90. Carrie E., 58. Carrie Hepburn, 145. Carrie McCluskey, 187. Carrie Meredith, 133. Carroll Harvey, 144. Cassandra T., 28, 52. Caswell, 130. Catharine* (d. Harman), 19, 37- Catharine* (d. John), 15, 60. Catharine' (d. Amos), 62. Catharine' (d. Anthony), 54, 104- Catharine', 100. Catharine Ann, 52, 99. Catharine Ida, 112. Catharine R., 181. Catharine Rachel, 78. Charles' (s. Daniel), 43, 76. Charles' (s. Harman), 71. Charles' (s. Jonathan), 58. Charles' (s. William), 83, 151. Charles', 105. Charles Anthony, 105. INDEX OF NAMES Yerkes, Charles Ayres , 78. Yerkes, Claude Lafayette, Yerkes, Edna, 114. Charles Ayres', 154. 121. Edward*, 19. Charles B., 122. Claudius bhade, 120. Edward (Major), 39. Charles Blaker, no. Clement Charles, 149. Edward , 41. Charles Boucher, 122. Clermont, 125. Edward" (s. Andrew Charles Canby, 54. Cliriord, 201. Long), 74, 140. Charles Carroll, 126. Clifford Hallowell, 180. Edward' (s. Harman), Charles E., 153. Clinton Jarrett, 140, 199. 71- Charles Edward, 195. Constantine, 91. Edward" (s. Jonathan), Charles Edwin, 103, 176. Cora Emma, 174. 86, 153, 157- Charles Greenlees, 203. Cora May, 137. Edward', 157. i^l 1 TT 0^ Charles H., 00. Courtland Carr, 116, 187. Edward A., 89, 156, 157. Charles Hiram, 144. Cynthia, ni. Edward Davis, 170. Charles Huxham, 59i 118. Cyrus David, 103. Edward Eaton, 200. Charles Jarrett, 177- Daniel, 21, 43. Edward Eyre, 100, 172. Charles L., no. Uaniei (s. Charles), ^o. Edward Franklin, 173. Cnarles ivi., 107. jJaniel (s. Jonathan), Edward Milton, 102, I75- Charles Marion, 102, 173. 76, 142. Edward Payson, 149. Charles Mason, 189. Daniel**, 105. Edward Roy, 174- Cnarles K. (s. Uavid Daniel Fries, 107. Edward Z., 127. Anthony), 105. Daniel Hiram, 77, 144. Edwin Augustus, 72. Charles K. (s. John David', 14, 30. Edwin H., 41, 70. Watson), 127. David^ 47. Edwin Holme, 119, 189. Charles Reeves, 53, 103. David Abraham, 108. Edwin Leslie, 112. Charles Rush, 114. David Anthony, 54, 104. Edwin Meredith, I33- Cnarles bherman, 102, David Harry, 109. Eleanor Andrews, 150. 203. David John (Reverend), Eleanor Lippincott, 185- Charles Shoemaker, 117, 73, 137- Eleanor Morrison, 62, 88, 187. David Jones, 70. 122. Charles 1 ., 102. David Lewis, 77, 144. Elias* (s. Herman), 10, Charles Tyson", 61, 120. David Martin, 196. n, 23, 24. Charles Tyson', 120, 191. David Oliver, 92. Elias* (s. Elias), 24, 46- Charles Tyson', 197. Uavid 3., 24. Elias* (s. Silas), 21, 41- Charles Weaver, 180. David Shields, 49, 93- Jiiias , 4o> o7- Charles William, no. David Vaughan, 138. Elias', in. Charles Wren, 119, 189. David Wilmerton, 105. Elias Conway, 163, 203. Charlotte, 78, 147- Dawson Martin, 144. Eliza", 73- Charlotte Nancy, 92. Deborah , 21, 42. iiliza (.Q. JJr. xLlwooaJ, Christopher K., 89, 153, JJeboran , 41. 132. 157- Deborah', no. iiiiza \Q. nciwaru^, i53* Clara , 71. Deborah Ann (d. John), Hiiza Ann (a. josiatij, Clara (d. Thomas), 170. no, 180. 64. Clara (d. William Watts Deborah Ann (d. Jona- H-iiza Ann (a. r!.iias;,o7, Davis^ i^K than), 112. 154. Clara Jane, 121. Dillwyn Claude, 123. Eliza Bowen, 48, 86, 89. Clara Maud, 195. Docia Marie, 112. Eliza Jane, 62. Clara Taylor, 138, 198. Donald Purdy', 151, 202. Eliza Mary, 132. Clarence, 180. Donald Purdy', 203. Eliza Virginia, 105. Claribel, 197. Donna Lucile, 203. Eliza Wilmerton, 31, 176. Clarissa" (d. Harman), Earl Pierce, 184. Elizabeth', 11, 21, 22. 41, 70. Edith Lowers, 144. Elizabeth* (d. Anthony), Clark, 204. Edmund Lukin, 160. 14. 254 INDEX OF NAMES Yerkes, Elizabeth* (d. Elias), Yerkes, Elizabeth' (d. Jar- Yerkes, Elwood Glenn, 108. 24. rett Passmore), 159. Emily, 170. Elizabeth* (d. Harman), Elizabeth' (d. Joseph Emily Agnes, 103. 19, 36. Weaver), 108, 178. Emily D., 98. Elizabeth* (d. John), 15. Elizabeth' (d. El wood Emily Roberts, 185. Elizabeth* (d. Silas), 42. Glenn), 108. Emma' (d. Edward), 153. Elizabeth', 32. Elizabeth' (d. George), Emma' (d. Isaac Breni- Elizabeth' (d. Arthur), 105. zen), 147. 48, 90. Elizabeth" (d. Jonathan Emma' (d. Theodore), Elizabeth" (d. Benja- M.), 183. 75- min), 44. Elizab:th' (d. William Emma" (d. Barclay), 182. Elizabeth' (d. Elias), 47. Heaton), 201. Emma" (d. Charles Ty- Elizabeth' (d. Harman), Elizabeth Ann, 64, 125. son), 195. 41, 69. Elizabeth Anna, 116. Emma" (d. George), 105. Elizabeth' (d. John), 31, Elizabeth Conrad, 158. Emma Deal, 159. 55- Elizabeth Fielding, 185. Emma Francena, 62, 123. Elizabeth' (d. Joseph), Elizabeth Fowler, 107, Emma J., 162. 45- 177- Emma Luetta, 88, 156. Elizabeth' (d. Josiah), Elizabeth H., iii. Enoch Marple, 179. 34, 63. Elizabeth Helen, 160. Ephraim, 52. Elizabeth' (d. Nathaniel), Elizabeth Jamison, 134. Esmond Harper, 116. 36. Elizabeth Jane, 88. Esther*, 21, 86. Elizabeth' (d. William), Elizabeth Jarrett, 92. Esther', 32. 41. Elizabeth Laura, 195. Esther", 176. Elizabeth" (d. Anthony), Elizabeth Mann (d. John Esther Caroline, 103. 54- Keith), 116. Esther Carr, 116. Elizabeth" (d. Jacob), 52, Elizabeth Mann (d. Silas Esther Lykens, 77. 100. Darrah), 117. Esther Sowle, 186. Elizabeth' (d. Jacob), Elizabeth Mann (d. Wil- Ethel" (d. Edward Mil- 100. liam Tennant), 118. ton), 175. Elizabeth' (d. Jacob Bu- Elizabeth McKnight, 130. Ethel" (d. William Hea- zart), 78. Elizabeth S.', iii. ton), 201. Elizabeth" (d. John), 83, Elizabeth S.", 154. Ethel M., 154. 152. Elizabeth Stump, 114. Etta Viola, 123. Elizabeth" (d. John), 57. Ella', 149. Eugene, 117, 188. Elizabeth" (d. John Wat- Ella", 176. Eugene John, 188. son), 65. Ella Amelia, 115, 186. Eva, 105. Elizabeth" (d. Jonathan), Ella Jane, 170. Eva Grace, 175. 58. Ella M., 173, 181. Eva Margaret, 160. Elizabeth" (d. Joseph), Ella May', 103. Evan Marple, 109, 179. 86. Ella May", 182. Evelyn Alice, 196. Elizabeth" (d. Joseph Ella R.', 143. Fannie', 146. Ball), 73- Ella R.", 201. Fannie", 176. Elizabeth" (d. Silas), 61. Ella Townsend, 144. Fannie Elizabeth, 184. Elizabeth" (d. Reverend Ellen Elizabeth, 125. Fannie M., 83. Stephen), 68. Ellen Fries, 107. Fanny Butterfield, 202. Elizabeth" (d. Titus), 91, Ellen Melvina, 102. Florence, 197. 160. Elmira Wemmer, 118. Florence Eleanor, 124. Elizabeth" (d. William), Elwood (Dr.), 69, 132. Florence L., 195. 89. Elwood', 106, 155. Florence May, 179. Elizabeth' (d. George Elwood Craven (Rever- Flossie M., 183. Stiles), 105. end), 77, 145. Frances, 130. 255 INDEX OF NAMES Yerkes, Frances E., 151. Yerkes, Gv/enn, 76. Yerkes, Harman Anderson, Frances Jones, 114. Hallie Gulmare, 163. 155- Frances Mildred, 146. Hannah', 12. Harman Morehouse, 85, Francis Lee, 174. Hannah', 21. 153- Frank', 89, 153. Hannah'' (d. Benjamin), Harold C., 201. Frank^ 176. 44- Harold Carlos, 160. Frank Edgar (Dr.), 137, Hannah'' (d. Elias), 41, Harold Leigh, 157. 198. 74- Harriet" (d. Joseph Ball), Frank L., 105. Hannah^ (d. Joseph), 30, 73- Franklin, ill, 181. 45. 84. Harriet" (d. Titus), 91. Frederick Albert, 102, Hannah' (d. Abraham), Harriet" (d. William), 174. 54, 105- 89. Frederick Gerker, 157. Hannah" (d. John), 57, Harriet', 154. Freida Eva, 183. 113- Harriet A., 100. George^ 24, 47. Hannah" (d. Robert), 52. Harriet Ann, 155. George^ 47. Hannah Addis, 62, 123. Harriet Clarissa, 92. George" (s. Silas), 61. Hannah E., 94. Harriet Ellen, 87. George" (s. William), 57, Hannah Jarrett, 178. Harriet Loreno, 152. 83- Hannah John, 138, 199. Harrison", 43, 77. George', 105. Hannah Littler, 54, 104. Harrison' (s. Silas), 75, George', 105, 203. Hannah S., 49. 141. George Abner, 102, 174. Hannah Shay, 87, 155. Harrison' (s. William), George Bassett, 151, 202. Hannah Shoemaker, 107. 83. George Burgess, 199. Hannah Stokes, 98. Harry C, iii. George C., 77. Hannah Tyson, 61. Harry Clifford', 163, 204. George Francis, 172. Harman', 10, 11, 17, 18, Harry Clifford', 203. George Gamble, 195. 19- Harry Mendenhall, 113, George Hallowell, 156. Harman* (s. Harman), 19. 184. George Haslett, 137. Harman' (s. John), 15, Harry Vasey, 144. George Henry, 174. 31, 32. Harry Wardle, 183. George Hogeland, 124. Harman" (s. Harman), Harvey, 165. George Hutchinson P. 40, 41, 70. Hattie, 182. (Dr.), 69, 109. Harman" (s. John), 31, Hattie Pearl, 197. George L., 86, 154. 55- Helen' (d. Albert Ever- George Moore, 144. Harman" (s. William), est), 190. George R., 142. 41. Helen' (d. Augustus George S., 115, 185. Harman" (s. Abraham), Gates), 196. George Scott, 32, 59, 118. 54, 106. Helen Burr, 93, 164. George Stiles, 54, 105, Harman" (Dr.) (s. An- Helen Hay, 180. 172. drew Long), 69, 131. Helen J., 85. George Swope, 98, 171. Harman' (s. Harman), Helen K., 127. George Von Neida, 179. 71- Helen Keith, 116. George Washington, 94, Harman' (s. John), 60. Helen Morrison, 124. 122. Harman" (s. Silas), 58. Helen T., 201. Gertrude', 149, 202. Harman" (Honorable), Henry Adolphus, 173. Gertrude', 201. 72, 134- Henry C, 1 12, 183. Gifford M., 183. Harman' (s. Dr. El- Henry Clay' (s. Benja- Gladys Ellen, 173. wood), 133. min Franklin), 146. Grace, 176. Harm,an' (s. Joseph Henry Clay' (s. Joseph Grace Evelyn, 151. Ball), 126. Dennis, 149. Grace Morris, 108. Harman', 133. Henry Estell, 121. Grace Stelle, 138. Harman Alfred, 198. Henry McElderly, 68, 129. 256 INDEX OF NAMES Yerkes, Herman, Senr, 5, 6, 7, g, 10, II. Hettie' (d. John), no. Hettie' (d. Joseph Wea- ver), 108, 178. Hettie EHza, 150. Hilda, 201. Hiram", 43, 77. Hiram°, 56. Hiram' (s. Jacob Stre- per). III, 181. Hiram' (s. Joseph Wea- ver), 109, 179. Hiram Noble, 182. Hobart, 183. Honora Hannah, 92, 163. Horace B., 63, 189. Horace Bellows, 118. Horace Bertram, 123. Horace Leon, 196. Horace Maxwell, 184. Horace Reuben, 203. Horace Taylor, 200. Horatio Gates', 48, 88. Horatio Gates' (s. Amos Addis), 155. Horatio Gates' (s. Joseph Morrison), 156. Howard K., 154. Howard Leland, 189. Howard Scott, 118. Hulbert Agnew, 146. Humphrey, 58. Huston, 62, 121. Ida Catharine, 138. I. Newton Evans, 75. Inez Lucy, 197. Irene C, 159. Irma H., 157. Isaac*, 24. Isaac" (s. Arthur), 48. Isaac' (s. Benjamin), 34, 62. Isaac" (s. Abraham), 54, 106. Isaac" (Arthur Watts), 90. Isaac', 106. Isaac Addis, 62. Isaac Brenizen, 78, 147. Isaac Jones, 57. Isaac Leech, 61. 33 Yerkes, Isaac Mann, 59, 116. Israel Hallowell, 86, 154. Jackson Harold, 124. Jacob*, 14, 27, 28. Jacob", 28, 52. Jacob" (s. Joseph), 52. Jacob" (s. Jonathan), 53, lOI. Jacob", 182. Jacob Benner, 60. Jacob Buzart, 44, 78. Jacob Edwin, 112. Jacob Krewson, 124. Jacob Paul, 49, 91. Jacob Shelmire, 117. Jacob Streper, 57, ill. Jacob T., 74. James*, 23. James", 105. James Alfred, 200. James Cresson, 109, 179. James Dilworth, 191. James Hill, 78, 147. James Huston, 121. James Lovell, 182. James Walter, 181. James Willett, 140, 200. Jane (Mrs.), 14. Jane' (d. Anthony), 28. Jane' (d. Daniel), 43, 76. Jane" (d. David), 31. Jane" (d. Jacob), 28, 51. Jane" (d. Jacob), 52, 99. Jane" (d. Joseph), 52. Jane Carr, 187. Jane Elizabeth, 78, 148. Jane Lippincott, 178. Jane S., 89, 157. Jarrett, 159. Jarrett Passmore, 91, 159. Jennie, 117, 187. Jennie', 153. Jennie Haines, 185. Jere Trimmer, 146. Jesse, 64. Jesse, Junr, 125. Jessie May, 83. Job Roberts, 57, 112. John, 83. John^ II, 14, 15. John* (s. John), 15, 31, 55- 257 Yerkes, John* (s. Silas), 21. John' (s. John), 31, 57. John" (s. Harman), 32, 59- John" (s. Joseph), 45, 83. John" (s. Abraham), 54, 107. John" (s. Andrew Long), 69. John" (s. John), 57. John" (s. Robert), 52, 97- John" (s. William), 57, no. John' (s. Jacob Streper), III. John' (s. Jonathan Phil- ips), 114. John Arthur, 158. John B., 159. John D., 71. John Dull (Major), no, 180. John Gaylord, 151. John Graham, 179. John Harmon, 83. John Keith, 58, 115. John Knight, 90. John M., 112. John McKnight, 64, 124. John McKnight, Jun"*, 125. John Seymour, 174, John Taylor, 163. John Vaughan, 139. John W., 127. John Watson", 40, 65. John Watson" (s. John Watson), 65, 127. John Watson" (s. Rever- end Stephen), 68, 130. John Watson', 126. John Woodford, 130. John Worrell, 113, 183. Jonathan* (s. Anthony), 28, S3- Jonathan* (s. Titus), 25, 48. Jonathan" (s. Daniel), 43, 76. Jonathan" (s. George), 21, 47, 86, 89. INDEX OF NAMES Ycrkcs, JonatliEn'' ( s. John) , Yerkes, Joseph Earl, 124, Yerkf s T^pwi t i a Joseph Ha r man, 126. T pwi<; Albfrt tRc X- WIS 1, \.IU\^1 K,f X JonEtIia,n^ ( s. Jonatlian) , Joseph Hawker, 188. T^f*wi 9 A/Tor ri<; t t 1 iRa zlQ Joseph Jones, 63, 124. T^pwi*? Pattprsnn tSc J— 'W- vv 10 X d L LV'l 01^1 1, XU^* Jonathan^ ( s. Joseph Joseph Lloyd, 156. Lilian tto x-'iiiciii, xxy. Wain) 01 1^0 V V 0,111 / , yj., j-oy. Joseph Morrison, 88, 156. Lillian Christian tto X—