O^AT^ALOG-TTE 0F LoCU A CHOICE COLLECTION OF OLD CHINESE ENAMELLED, WHOLE-COLOURED AND NANKIN BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN, Drroratibe (SDbjcrts & ifunuturr, Of the 17th and 18th Centuries, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; ALSO OBJECTS OF ART, DECORATIVE FURNITURE AND TAPESTRY, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES : WHICH Mill be ^olb bn gluction bn Messes. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. W. L UQ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. ^ I. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Pinchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VH. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATA L OGUE. On THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. WHOLE-COLOURED PORCELAIN. , * ' ° 7 , o 8 A pear-shaped celadon bottle, engraved with scroll design under the - . glaze—12 in, high /L A celadon bottle, with iris in slight relief— Sung —9^ in. high A pair of dark blue bottles, with elephant handles^pencilletUwith, dragons under the glaze—10J in. high A cylindrical powder blue vase, pencilled with a lake scene and characters in gold—17 in. high A fluted pear-shaped celadon bottle, with open lip, monster and ring handles—9^ in. high A splashed brown vase, with fluted centre, bosses on the neck and base—15^ in. high A white basin, dragon and dames under the glaze—8 in. diam. A Large Splashed Blue and Purple Vase, with persimmon fruit in relief—22 in. high '-/I. From Lord Thu flow's Collection B 2 OLD NANKIN PORCELAIN. zj?* . & 9 A plate, painted with dragons and waves—8| in. diam. ; and a plate, with raised primus ornament—8 in. diam. Xy ,Xy , 10 An oviform jar and cover, with fir trees and figures in a mountain pass—9 in. high—carved wood stand X* X ' /#, & 11 A bowl, painted with stags ; and one, with a dragon issuips from the waves /, /X 12 A dish, with dragon, waves and flames— Ming —8^ in. aiam. 4y ^^XX*+ t * X*f, a 13 Three plates, decorated with branches of hawthorn—8 in. diam.; a saucer, with figures on a terrace ; and a ditto, with shaped edge Xy , / * & 37 £./*&. ^ 3 8 a/, /£. ^ 39 *?» «A ° 40 ^ ^ 41 &T - «/ * ° 42 SJ./j, o 43 A Tea-Pot and Coveb, formed as a lotos pod, enamelled mth a cock, peonies and rocks in brilliant colours A tea-pot and cover, enamelled with a conventional ehrysanthermim design ; and a tea-pot, enamelled with dragons aiH sea monsters A Famille Rose Tea-Pot and Cover, enamelled with baskets of flowers and fruit, diaper-pattern borders _ A I luted Famille Verte Tea-Pot and Cover, enamelled in fluted ' panels with chrysanthemums, lotos, peonies and other flower An octagonal famille verte tea-pot and cover, enamelled with uteu and plants, tall handle in imitation of fluted cane A pair of tea-pots and covers, with flowers in relief on ceil-de-perdrix ground, and poultry and (lowers in medallions A set of four famille verte circular dishes, with birds, foliage and flowers in colours—7§ in. diam. //., A , 6 44 tJ'' O^-z 1 A Pair of Circular Dishes, each enamelled with birds and flowers in five medallions on powdered blue ground—11 diam. An Octagonal Dish, with a lady, two children, furniture and utensils in the centre, and pink border with flowers in r^edal- / 45 «/ '/> , 46 /P* thro lions ; and two, smaller, similar £ An Octagonal Famille Verte Tea-Pot and Cover, enamelled with plants in panels, panels of fish on the borders; and a globular tea-pot and cover, enamelled with Ho-Ho birds and scrolls A Cylindrical Iamille Verte Vase, enamelled with two figures^^. 47 A*.. o 4.8 seated in a mountain pass—10J in. high A Pear-Shaped Famille Verte Bottle, with bulbous neck, enamelled with seeding peonies, insects and rocks, floral scrolls A in white on a red ground on the neck—12 Am. high A pair of circular dishes, each enamelled with two ladies in a gardeip?^ —8 in. diam, O 49 ^2 ^53 ^ 54 . o 55 r** 56 v 57 58 59 ° 60 61 , C .£ 62 A A circular dish, with four figures in a garden on buff ground— lOf in. diam. A Vase, the handles formed as the sacred fungus and branches of the same, turquoise-blue and buff on a purple ground— Ming- 19 in. high A Celadon Crackle Pear Bottle—8 in. high A pear-shaped bottle, pencilled with a rocky river scene in sepia and colours—16 in. high Another, nearly similar, of similar decoration, bamboo on the neck, > __ flowers on a diaper-pattern ground —18 in. high A Jar, enamelled with the four-clawed dragon in coral colour, n characters on the neck on a diaper-pattern ground—Ilf in.hign A Double Gourd-Shaped Famille Verte Yase, enamelled with leaf-shaped ornament in the centre, with chrysanthemums am persimmon fruit, insects and sprays of flowers above—15 in. high A Famille-Verte Beaker Yase, enamelled with a lake rocky landscape and buildings—18 in. high A beaker vase, enamelled with figures on a terrace, with maple tr^ Ac. in colours—17^ in. high A Cylindrical Famille Yerte Jar, enamelled with the Three Ages of the Mandarin, and The God of Longevity, flowers on the neck on a diaper-pattern ground—18 in. high ' A Syu are-Shaped Famille Yerte Yase, with oblong and fan¬ shaped panels of prunus, kylins and flowers on a dotted green ground with butterflies and blossoms, mounted with metal-giltZ? , foot and pierced rim—23 in. high ' A Beaker, enamelled with large figures of ladies and children on a terrace—19f in. high A pair of square-shaped famille verte vases, finely enamelled with an equestrian encounter in a rocky landscape, Imperial figures, &c., the tops mounted with metal-gilt chased with foliage of Louis XVI. design—17f in. high Pair of Glazed Earthenware Figures of Kylins, in green, brown and yellow— Ming —mounted with chased or-molu stands s scene, • let™, y —" and nozzles—9 in. high ;iu pwuuo 8 ■2" • 63 A pair of bowls, engraved with boys playing, cloud borders, jxeen on a yellow ground—6 in. diam. 6 . o 64 A Set of Four Famille Yerte Dishes, enamelled with historical subjects in brilliant colours—11 in. diam. 65 A dish, enamelled with a dragon, sacred jewel and flame—14 in diam. /<>£* 66 A famille verte dish, enamelled with ladies on a terrace, with four panels of insects on a diaper-pattern ground on the border— 15 in. diam.; and a dish, enamelled with warriors—10£ in. diam. {s-, o 67 A dish, enamelled with famille verte panels of flowers and insects om a powder blue ground—lOf in. diam. / 68 A Pair of Plates, with mirror-shaped panels in the centres, with s:j-. o \ flowers and birds in famille verte on a powder blue ground-^. f 9 in. diam. ^ 69 A pair of powder blue plates, with small bulb-shaped panels of famille verte—8^ in. diam. ^0 £,70 A Water Bottle, of Powder Blue, formed as a piece of bamboo, pencilled with dragons, clouds and waves in gold— metal/fflmdr —17 in. high O * O , o 71 A cylindrical famille rose jar, enamelled with lotos and other aquatic plants— carved and pierced wood stand —18 in. high , o 72 A famille verte bowl, enamelled with petal-shaped panels of various flowers, diaper pattern and utensils on the border—12 irjfC diam. /y* r \. /if* tf, ^ 73 a Pair of Curious Early Vases, formed as figures of carp and boys on wave-pattern bases— mounted with metal-gilt — ltyin. / high b, // . ^ 74 A Pair of Powder Blue Bowls, with mirror-shaped panels of _ flowers, &c. in famille verte, slightly pencilled with gold—yT in. diam. J ^75 The figure of a sage, holding a vase, the robes enamelled with floral /y ornaments in colours—124 in. high " 9 76 A O Famille Verte Vase, enamelled with deities standing on flaming clouds, diaper pattern on the neck —pierced jmod stand — 11 £ in. high . 3 77 A 9 78 A circular famille verte plaque, enamelled with an Imperial audience 79 A o 80 A —9 in. diam. Set op Three Enamelled Figures of Boys, holding vases— 11 in. high—Ming ,/ Larger Ditto, lotos-pattern stands — 13 in. high — — pair of oblong plaques, of famille verte, with birds and landscapes on a flowered ground, in wood frames carved as bamboo ; and a pair, rather larger 4 ' pair of famille verte upright plaques, with landscapes— in wood frames ^ ^ : "' c? cylindrical vase, enamelled gladiola in colours on a red scale- pattern ground—14 in. high famille verte bowl, enamelled with ladies in a car; and an egg-shell bowl, enamelled in colours and gold with court scenes * on a flowered ground 2 84 A 7 85 A 9 86 A set of four small plates, enamelled with branches of prunus on a /' 'v pale buff ground—5^ in. diam. p 87 A *88 A ° 89 A Curious Early Yase, formed as a character, enamelled with ,fi> r ^ vines and squirrels—8f in. high Cylindrical Powder Blue Vase, with shaped panels of famille ^ S ✓ verte decoration, with or-molu mounts of Louis XV. design— -r 1/ 10 in. high small cylindrical famille verte vase, enamelled with ladies, rocks/^V/-/ and palms— 10 | in. high pear-shaped bottle, with open lip, Persian ornament in famille verte —8 in. high pair of pear-shaped famille verte vases, with flowers and foliage in 90 A a compartments and bands of arabesques—10A in. high Double Gourd-Shaped Bottle, powdered bluo ground, enamelled with flowers in colours in four medallions, metal-gil^ - top—9^ in. high 10 /S'. /S'. O l/ * l/ / // 0^, a (LJ / ’*'‘ <1 //» 0~rz> : /f * *> J2s7* /> , o / C*-;' • & , o z/ 91 A pair of powdered blue bowls, richly enamelled with birds jmd flowers in medallions and pencilled with gold—7^ in. diam/h^i 92 Another, with landscape, flowers and utensils in four medallions. and plants and flowers on white ground inside— in. diamaJsfr 93 A Sweetmeat-Tray, in nine pieces, the whole shaped as a lotos flower, enamelled with chrysanthemums, iris, peonies, prumis and lotos in colours on a pale buff ground—24 in. wide 94 A Large Famille Yerte Vase, enamelled with a rocky river scene with boats, figures and buildings, band of diaper op the neck with panels of utensils—30 in. high 95 Ajar, enamelled with branches of flowering prunus in colours on a black ground—12 J in. high—carved and pierced wood stans^/^^ Square-Shaped Bulb Stand, with shaped panels of raised figures enamelled in colours on a gold scroll ground, gilt bandies —8^ in. high Cylindrical Famille Verte Vase, enamelled with large figures of ladies seated at a table playing musical instruments-^ 18 in. high ' Lantern-Shaped Famille Bose Jar, finely enamelled with an apparition of a dragon in a mountain pass—16 \ in. hiqh— mounted with chased or-molu 99 A Pair of Hexagonal-Shaped Bottles, of famille verte, enamelled with ladies, utensils, &c. in alternate panels, bands of/ diaper ornament—11 in. high 100 A hexagonal jar, enamelled with figures in colours on purple peaa- d’orange ground—11 in. high ye^cs. 101 A cylindrical vase, enamelled with sages and rocks in colours oj^ a 97 A 98 A crackle celadon ground—18 in. high 102 A Pair of Pear-Shaped Bottles, of sang-de-bceuf, enamelled with circular jewel and crest ornaments, mounted with chased 4 or-molu—10 \ in. high 103 A Cylindrical Imperial Yellow Vase, enamelled in colours with peonies and butterflies, with chased or-molu foot and lin/ of Louis XV. design—191 in. high 11 . 104 A * . O Pair of Famille Verte Jars, finely enamelled with palace scenes and an Imperial audience, utensils in panels on the neck on a diaper-pattern ground—14 in. high — carved and pierced? wood covers 105 A Set of Three Pear-Shaped Bottles, with swelling necks, decorated with spiral stripes of salmon colour, chased or-mol feet and rims of Louis XYI. design—13 in. high 100 A dish, impressed and engraved with branches of persimmop fruit in copper lustre— Ming —20 in. diam. 107 A sweetmeat-dish, with figures of boys and flowers— Ming ; and a jar, with flowers in dark blue under the glaze, mounted with metal-gilt—8 in. high FURNITURE, PORCELAIN AND DECORATIVE OBJECTS. / 108 An oval faience plaque, with a nymph sacrificing in high relief in buff on a terra-cotta ground K)9 A circular bronze plaque, after Clodion, of a female Satyr—11 in. > , diam.—in octagonal red tortoiseshell and ebony frame ( From the Seymour Collection o 110 A Persian copper and steel brazier, with arabesques and inscriptions^ in low relief, partly damascened in gold 0 111 A Wedgwood Granite Ware Vase, snake handles and bands of laurel ornament- From the Cornelius Cox Collection 112 A Gres-de-Flandres altar figure of the Madonna and Child—11 in. high 113 A Cylindrical Persian Ware Mug, pencilled with animals . / birds and flowers in gold on a light turquoise-blue ground— 04 in. high iE, with richly gilt turned^ . rnament—15£ in. high / 6c^/%sCaS~' 12 > 0^-0 /* /6s O 6*- -~t> £./*r. o 139 AN ANCIENT DAMASCUS OVIFORM POTTERY JAR/ P~~t 9 entirely covered with a trellis design composed of carnations, tulips and conventional flowers in brilliant blue, metal rim, and with Chinese porcelain cover—20J in. high Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. Tltr-^CmW^OF THEJ1AIIBLR1NI-- VASE74»yM^siahA¥ud^wood, 4a ik blll ' ti giuiimU tho figuroo in - *4¥igimdrftfhj~- f n Vj "on c er tho poft n \ V'hfl, ^lauaJl-Uh the father of the yr memJL ni/inev DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. >141 ( 142 ° 143 144 o 145 Demosthenes and Hipparchus: a pair of small old Italian bronze, busts—5 in. high —on circular pedestal of inlaid marbles An old Italian bronze mortar, with open scroll handles, chased with" grotesque marine figures and bands of ornament in relief —-/ ' 4 \ in. high /F A Louis XIV. Boulle Bracket Clock, by G. Martinot, in scroll-shaped case mounted with chased or-moluand surmounted^^^^^^ by a figure of Diana; and bracket, en suite A Pair of Campana-Shaped Bronze Vases, in the style of the First Empire, decorated with female dancing figures, handles and y-- rj other ornaments of or-molu, on square pedestal of verde antique,' mounted en suite—26 in. high A Clock, with horizontal revolving dial, in oviform vase-shaped case of Chinese crackle porcelain, mounted with rim and foot of chased or-molu, the handles formed as terminal figures of infant Tritons, in the Louis XVI. style—21 in. high A Statuette of Louis XIV., when young, in statuary marble, wearing a toga and cloak, holding a baton—3 ft. 6 in. high — - A small oblong table, of red Boulle, mounted with masks, borders and scroll ornaments of or-molu Another, larger A larger table, of red Boulle, with borders and corner ornaments of chased or-molu A Sofa and Six Chairs, gilt and boldly carved with masks and scrolls, and covered with crimson satin damask is A Louis XV. Upright Marqueterie Cabinet, with glazed door above enclosing shelves, and cupboard beneath, inlaid with J flowers, foliage and drapery, mounted with masks, scrolls, Ac. ^ of or-molu 1G /#> . * 151a An Italian Cabinet, of ebony, inlaid with tortoiseshell and ivory, the centre of architectural design, with looking-glass bade, numerous drawers at the sides, above and below—29 in. high, 45 in. wide —on ebony stand with scroll le°js, carved with foliage Formerly the property of a Duke of Newcastle ' & UV /j5 152 An Old French Marqueterie Commode, with shaped front and ends and two drawers, inlaid with a basket and groups of bowers in scroll borders in coloured woods, and mounted witli scroll decoration, corner ornaments and handles of chased or-molu, surmounted by a Breccia marble slab—54 in. wide 153 A Louis XYI. Console Table, of inlaid woods, with three drawers, on eight fluted column legs, with shelves beneath, mounted with chasings, escutcheons and borders of or-molu, and surmounted by a dove-coloured marble slab with pierced and chased or-molu gallery—48 in. wide ced/ A 154 An Old French Marqueterie Bonheur-du-Jour Table, with folding top, forming writing slide, drawer beneath, and small cupboards above, inlaid with utensils and vases of flowers in coloured woods, and mounted with or-molu, brass^fjlery— 26 in. wide /. 155 A small oblong marqueterie table, with drawer, inlaid with a musical trophy, wreath amd borders of foliage and key-pattern orna¬ ment—18 in. wide t/> /o . O 156 An oval parqueterie table, with writing slide, drawer and shelf beneath, inlaid with trellis ornament—17 in wide dls —— 1 /. o (j 157 Four Upright Panels, of ancient Moorish tiles, painted with arabesque foliage and flowers in blue under arches, and with inscriptions in black above—4 ft. 7 in. bw 1 ft. 5 in. — i ebonised frames m 17 158 An Old French Large Dais Cover, of royal blue velvet, richly 7, embroidered in gold thread with shields surmounted by the royal crown, and other devices, arabesque foliage and ornament —18/*. by 13 ft. S’. 0 159 A Persian Rug, white centre semee with small black ornaments, and coloured border—7 ft. by 3 ft. 5 in. 160 A Louis XVI. Sofa and Four Low Chairs, the backs and seats stuffed, and covered with cream-coloured silk brocaded with ribbons and flowers, and with silk fringe r o lbl A Louis XVI. Easy Chair, covered with striped and flowered silk brocade ; and a low chair, covered en suite ^ & * / „ 162 A Louis XVI. Chair, with high back and seat, stuffed, and 0,0 ° covered with figured crimson, white and green satin brocade 163 A Couch, stuffed, and covered with flowered amber silk danqask - /° . * TAPESTRY. A 64 An Oblong Panel of Old Brussels Tapestry, with figures of children dancing to a piper in front of a chateau in a wooded landscape, with border of flowers, fruit and birds—9 ft. 3 in. by 14 ft. 6 in. ^^ 7 ?/ l 65 The Companion Panel, with children at play in a wooded land¬ scape, view of a chateau in the background —9 ft. 2 m. by 13 ft. 166 A Small Upright Panel, en suite, with a child with a tambourine and dancing dog in a landscape—7 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 7 in. 18 The three following Lots are said to have been given by Louis Philippe to the Duke of Devonshire. /A * 6pz> /A 168 - tf Pair of Upright Panels of French Tapestry, the centres ornamented with hollyhocks, exotic birds and festoons of flowers, interlaced branches on the borders in brilliant colours and gold —K) ft. by 6 ft. Pair of Panels, of similar manufacture, with three vases of flowers in the centres, fluted column at the sides, with draped curtains and festoons of flowers, arabesques on a blue ground at the base—9 ft. 10 in. by 6 ft. /Z. 169 A Pair of Upright Panels of French Tapestry, with hanging baskets of flowers in the centres on a buff ground, scrolls and jewelled ornaments on the borders in colours and gold— 9 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. A FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited,Stamford Street and Charing Cross.