Gift of the Society for loicnutuoDii] V.’ioiisniaiics ~/'^l^ '\^0rv[A!^ iXt^K- /pd r ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS A CATALOG OF THE COLLECTION OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE COINAGE OF THE EAST PRESENTED TO THE ESSEX INSTITUTE SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS BY JOHN ROBINSON COMPILED BY THE DONOR SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED FOR THE COMPILER I9'3 Three Hundred Copies Printed i • I U. .' Newcomi & Gauss, Printers Salem, Mass. #. / LUCY PICKERING (STONE) ROBINSON DEDICATION IN MEMORY OF MY FATHER John Robinson 1796-1846 WHO SPENT MANY YEARS OF HIS LIFE IN THE FAR EAST AND WHO BROUGHT HOME THE OBJECTS WHICH STIMULATED THE COLLECTOR’S INTEREST IN THOSE DISTANT COUNTRIES. AND OF MY MOTHER Lucy Pickering (Stone) Robinson 1815-1893 WHO EVER FOSTERED THE COLLECTOR’S SPIRIT IN THE BOY AND WHO GAVE HIM HIS FIRST BOOKS ON COINS. THE COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS IN- CLUDED IN THIS CATALOG AND THE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL COINS ILLUSTRATING THEM HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO THE ESSEX INSTITUTE OF SALEM. MASSACHUSETTS. THE COMPILER. i I CONTENTS. The Collection of Coins, . . . 7 The Collection of Books, ... 13 The Bibliography: — General Works on Oriental Numismatics, 15 The Far East: China, Japan, Korea and Annam treated collectively, . . 18 China, . . • . . .20 Paper money, .... 34 Publications in Chinese, . . .35 Japan, including Loo Choo, ... 37 Publications in Japanese, . . .41 Korea, ..... 43 Tibet, . . . . .44 Annam, including Tonkin, Cochin China, and Cambodia, . . . . 45 Siam, and its dependencies, . . .46 Burma, Pegu, etc. . . .48 East Indian Archipelago, including the Straits Settlements, Borneo, the Philippines, etc., . . . . .49 Ancient and Medieval India and Western Asia, .... 52 India: Modern; since Baber, 1525 A. D., Parts, States, Tribes, etc., . . .62 Indo-European ; including the English and Dutch East India Companies, etc., 68 India : Ceylon. . . . . .71 Mohammedan : Western Asia, Mediterranean Countries, etc. (India excluded), . 73 Coins of the Jews, . . . .81 Priced Catalogs of Auction Sales, and of dealers in coins, ... 82 Additions, . . . .85 Index, ...... 87 "-♦£ CA3 N£T O- Oft Eft^AL COINS '“^C* r«^ M« *•« '•S <-«- THE COLLECTION OF COINS. The collection of coins was begun in 1857 — a boy’s fancy — and became in later years a recreation from other pursuits. It has so continued, being taken up and dropped again many times ; all save the oriental coins having been disposed of long ago. The foundation of the present collection was a number of coins found in a desk belonging to the collector’s father, who brought them home from Batavia and Canton — not very many in all, but bringing with them the sentimental interest which all old-time-connected Salemites have for the Far East. The collection as it has taken form is intended to fully repre- sent China and, fairly so, the countries immediately sur- rounding it ; to illustrate the coinage of all countries where oriental inscriptions are found upon the coins, and, incidentally, the places and isles of the sea where Salem ships touched on their eastern voyages and which were familiar names in the counting rooms of the Salem mer- chants and in so many Salem homes. Within this scope it is hoped to improve and enlarge the collection as opportunity offers. Just at present important additions are being made to the ancient coins of China. Many parts of the collection are thought already to be sufficiently full for the purpose intended and these groups will not be enlarged, only those of the Far East being much increased. The cabinet containing the collection is so planned that any drawer from among the one hundred and fifty which the base contains may be placed in the C) 8 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. upright and sloping, glazed, top sections and changed from time to time at pleasure, without disturbing the coins themselves, and thus vary the portion of the collection publicly exhibited as desired. A number of oriental coins in the Essex Institute collection, including those re- ceived from the Salem East India Marine Society, have been incorporated in this collection. The arrangement of the coins in this list necessarily differs somewhat from the catalog of the books, being much more subdivided. The collection of coins may be summarized as follows : — CHINA— B. C. 700 to A. D. 600 Metallic cowries 2 Primitive barter 10 Lotus heart 3 Bells 3 Rings 2 Bridge 11 Spade 5 Early form pu and weight 10 Knife, four forms 32 Ku pu coins 23 Wang Mang, knife and pu 11 Early round coins 63 — 175 A. D. 600 to 1910 Tang, Sung, Yuan dynasties, etc. 368 Ming dynasty and rebels 124 Ch’ing dynasty 310 802 A. D. 1820 to 1910 Private and sycee silver 24 European issues 32 — 56 Strings of cash (1000 each) 2 Smaller strings 2 4 THE COLLECTION OF COINS. 9 CHINA {continued) ; — Sword charms Trees (coins in the casting) Instructive copies ^Miscellaneous objects Temple medals, amulets, charms, Paper money Bamboo money 1031 2 2 17 24 120 19 19 TIBET 8 ANNAM Copper 125 Silver 18 French Indo-China 7 SIAM Bullet money, gold* 4 Bullet money, silver 21 Round coins 29 Cambodia 10 Kelantan 3 Trengganu 9 Sengora 2 Laos or Shan States 4 Pahang 10 Chinese porcelain gambling tokens 179 JAPAN Gold, old 18 Silver, old 32 Copper 108 Copper, provincial 21 Odd shaped provincial 12 *Tbe gold and seven silver coins were given to the Esse: F. Hunt in 1870. 203 150 — 54 38 179 191 1240 8 150 271 1669 10 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 191 9 13 9 19 75 179 304 KOREA Copper, old 112 White metal, porcelain centers 4 Modern silver and copper 19 Medals and charms 25 String of cash 1 161 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, ETC. Philippines 13 New Guinea 7 Java, native 14 Java, Dutch and British 59 Bantam 2 Borneo 9 Palembang 20 Korintchi 3 Atjeh 9 Taruman 3 Siak 2 Selangor 1 Jambi 2 Celebes 3 Straits Settlements 9 Malacca 6 Sarawak 9 Sultana (Labuan) 3 Pulo Penang, British 10 JAPAN {continued ) : — Tempo pieces Miscellaneous Loo Choo Modern silver and copper Medals, “ E ” sen, etc. Paper money 1669 495 161 184 2325 THE COLLECTION OF COINS. 11 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO {continued) 184 2325 Sumatra, British 22 Sumatra, etc., Dutch Indies 116 Sumatra, plantation tokens 20 Deli 1 Cheribon* 7 — 165 349 INDIA Burma 8 Nepal 7 Native States, etc. 210 Dutch 5 Portuguese 12 French 10 Danish 1 British 130 Cevlon 89 Maidive Islands 8 480 WESTERN ASIA Afghanistan 12 Persia 38 Crimea 1 Georgia 3 Arabia, etc. 40 Trebizond 1 — 95 MEDITERRANEAN Turkey 55 Egypt 18 Glass coins or weights 13 Algiers 2 Tunis 7 Morocco 17 Venice ducat 1 Malta 4 Ionian Islands 3 120 3249 •With others, the gift of Howland Wood. 12 oriental xcmismatics. MEDITERRANEAN {continued) : — 120 Levant thaler 1 Gibraltar 4 — 0 AFRICA — Zanzibar 3 Muscat 2 Sudan o Erethrea 3 Abyssinia 2 Mozambique 1 Sierra Leone 4 Congo 6 Portuguese Africa 4 ISLANDS:— Azores 6 St. Thomas and Prince 3 Comoro 1 Mauritius 2 Reunion 2 3249 125 30 9 5 Total number of coins in the collection, 3418 THE COLLECTION OF BOOKS. This collection of books and papers has been gathered gradually during the past thirty years, a few have been owned longer, but the larger portion has been obtained within fifteen years. While the chief desire has been to make the series relating to the Far East the most com- plete, as many books and papers as possible dealing with oriental numismatics in a wider sense have been secured, omitting those relating to the Greek Asiatic rulers. It may appear to some that the Mohammedan countries are imduly represented in this collection, but this has been done purposely to supplement the collection of coins which only includes a comparatively small number from the countries represented by the books in this group. Besides the books and papers of this collection, there have been added to the catalog the titles of articles on the subject in the books of the China library of the Essex Institute. This special library, now including some three thousand titles, was begun by the gift of a collection of eight hundred volumes on China by the late Thomas Franklin Hunt, and has been greatly augmented from the income of a fund bequeathed in memory of General Frederick Townsend Ward by his sister. This library contains sets of the Journal and Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society and its China and North China Branches, the China Review and the Chinese Repository, besides many other serial publications printed in or treating of the Far East. It will be noted that from this collection many titles have been obtained. ( 13 ) 14 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. This catalog is not a bibliography of oriental numis- matics. It enumerates only such books and papers as are actually available in the Ward Memorial Room of the Essex Institute, where the cabinet of oriental coins is also kept. The collection of books now seems sufficiently large to make it desirable to print a catalog so that those who are interested in the subject may avail themselves of such assistance as it may supply and which the Essex Institute will gladly extend. Acknowledgments are due to George Francis Dow, the secretary of the Essex Institute, for his valuable sugges- tions in regard to the form in which this catalog should be prepared and his constant aid in its preparation ; to Miss Alice G. Waters, the librarian of the Institute, and her assistants, for their many helpful courtesies to an inexperienced catalog-maker ; to Henry A. Ramsden, Esq., of Yokohama, for his advice and great help in se- curing the important numismatic works in the Chinese and Japanese languages and for his valuable letters on the ancient coins of China ; and to Mr. Howland W ood, sec- retary of the American Numismatic Society, the compiler is greatly indebted for his advice in classifying the books and his assistance in preparing the notes, especially in the Mohammedan series, and for his constant interest. J. R. Salem, Massachusetts, April 30, 1913. GENERAL WORKS. 1. Adernson, E. Die Regenwurmer auf den Feldern der orientaliscben Numismatik. Leipzig, 1836, 31 pp. 8°. 2. Atkins, James. The coins and tokens of the possessions and colonies of the British empire. London, 1889, vi, 402 pp. illus. 8°. Includes descriptions of the coins of the British government and of the East India Company in India, Sumatra, etc. A work of ac- knowledged authority. 3. Carter, Thomas. War medals of the British army and how they were won. Revised, enlarged and continued to the present time by W. H. Long. London, 1893, XV, 656 pp. illus. 8°. Includes the medals won in the wars of the Far East, India, Africa, etc. The accepted authority on this subject. 4. Coins made in Birmingham, England, for various countries. Numismatist, vol. XVII (1904), p. 310, para- graph. Includes countries of the Far East. For China, the dies, presses, etc., made at Birmingham are sent out and the coins minted in China. 5. Coins of all nations. Forty postal cards of the coins of different countries embossed in gold, silver, etc. Excellent reproductions of the coins. Sixteen cards are of Orien- tal countries. 6. Eckfeldt, Jacob Resse, and Du Bois, William Ewing. Manual of gold and silver coins of all nations, struck within the past century. Phila., 1842, 242 pp., 17 pis., 4°. Contains accounts and two plates of coins of eastern countries. ( 15 ) 16 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 7. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins and medals : their place in history and art. 2d ed. London, 1892, x, 286 pp. illus. 8°. Refers to many oriental coins. 8. Lane-Poole, Stanley, and Poole, Reginald Stuart. British Museum catalogue of Oriental coins. London, 1875-1890, 10 vols. pis. 8°. The complete set of ten volumes, including tbe additions and the additional volumes, — Persia, India, etc. They will be found under the appropriate sections of this list. 9. Marsden, William. Numismata orientalia illus- trata. London, 1823-1825, 2 vols. 4°. A classic among the works on oriental coins. It deals chiefly with the Mohammedan and Indian coins. This copy belonged to E. T. Rogers, and the first volume contains a number of annotations by him. 10. Martin, Leopold Charles, and Trubner, Charles. The current gold and silver coins of all countries, etc. London, 1863, 137 pis., 8°. Fifteen plates of coins of oriental countries, including one of the native Chinese privately issued silver dollars. All of the plates are embossed in gold and silver, exactly reproducing the coins. 11. Neumann, Josef. Beschreibung der bekanntes- ten Kupfermiinzen. Prague, 1858-1872, 6 vols. in 5, pis. 8 <». A valuable work of reference. There are 47 plates of oriental coins, — Turkey, India, China, etc., mostly in vols. Ill and IV. 12. Robinson, John. Manuscript catalog of the col- lection of oriental coins given by him to the Essex Insti- tute in Salem. 1905-1912, 125 pp. 4®. Practically all of the coins are attributed and referred to some work of authority. There are over 3400 entries. Each coin in the collection is marked, with the catalog number, as well as the indi- vidual tray in which the coin is kept. 13. Ruding, Rogers. Annals of the coinage of Britain and its dependencies. 2d ed. London, 1819. 5 vols. text, 8 °. 1 vol. pis. 4°. GENERAL WORKS. 17 Includes issues for India. See index under Bombay, East India Company, etc. The work is, of course, chiefly of use to the student of British coins. 14. Skelton, Henry P. New illustrated manual of the current gold and silver coins of all civilized nations of the globe, with systems of money, weights and measures of the different countries. London, n. d., 2 pts. in 1 vol. illus. 8°. There are seven plates of oriental money, — Turkey, India, Japan, Annam. 15. Smith, Andrew Masen. Illustrated encyclo- paedia of gold and silver coins of the world from A. D. 1885 to B. C. 700. Phila., 1886, 511 pp. illus. 4°. Contains 29 plates illustrating coins of oriental countries. The descriptions are very brief. 16. Stephanie, Johan Wilhelmus. Catalogus van der muntverzameling bevattende tevens een overzicht van het muntwezen aller tijden en landen. Amsterdam, 1897. xxvii, 478 pp. 2 pL, 4°. Pages 312-478 are devoted to oriental coins. 17. Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, Baron d’Aubonne. Les six voyages en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. Paris, 1678, vol. II. pis. 24°. The last section of the work is “ Figures des pieces d’or, d’argent et de cuivre et des coquilles et amandes qui passent pour monnoyes dans toute I’Asie et premierement, de celles de I’Arabie.” pp. 625-663. 14 pis. of coins. Most quaint and interesting as the earliest work of any importance on oriental coins. It refers to and figures the “larin” of the Per- sian gulf and coins of India, Siam, China and Japan. 18. Wood, Howland. Letters covering a period of eight years on various matters connected with oriental numismatics, — coins and books, discussions of rarity of pieces, where obtainable, etc. 1 vol. 4°. THE FAR EAST. 19. Chaudoir, Stanislaw% le baron de. Recueil de mon- naies de la Chine, du Japon, de la Cor6e, d’Annam, et de Java, precede d’une introduction historique sur ces mon- naies. St. P^tersbourg, 1842, 80 pp. text, 74 pp. catalog, 61 pis. F. A sumptuous work of value to the student; especially full in il- lustrations of temple money. Manuscript translations of the por- tion (pp. 69-74) relating to the coins of Japan and that relating to the temple money, 14 pp. typewritten. 20. Collecting (coins) in the Far East. Numismatic Philistine, New York, vol. I (1909), no. 2, pp. 1-5, illus. Describes collecting by native numismatists and gives a picture of the establishment of the Jun Kobayagawa Co. in Yokahama. 21. Endlicheu, Stephan. Verzeichniss der chinesis- chen und japanischen Miinzen des K. K. Miinz. — und Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien : nebst einer Ubersicbt der chinesischen und japanischen Biicber der K. K. Hofbiblio- thek. Wien, 1837, 6, 140 pp., illus., 4“. Two pages devoted to Japan and Korea, the remainder to China. The text gives inscriptions of coins in native characters, with trans- lations into German. 22. Gat Koku Ko-Sen Gep-po (Foreign country old coin magazine), Yokohama, 1909, 6 pts. 8°. Photographic plates of coins of Java, Pahang, Siamese and Bor- neo tokens, etc. The only publication printed in the Japanese language and characters dealing with foreign coins. 23. Kirkwood, James. Collection of Chinese, Jap- anese and Korean coins in the West End Park Museum, Glasgow, Scotland. Numismatist, vol. XII (1899), p. 73, also portrait as frontispiece. Short notice. (18) ] THE FAR EAST. 19 24. Lockhart, James Haldane Stewart. The currency of the Farther East from the earliest times up to the present day. Hongkong, 1895-1898, 3 vols. Vol. 1, 8°, description of the coins figured in vol. II, which is oblong, 1942 figures of coins and amulets, and 5 bank notes; vol. Ill, 4°, is a guide or index to all inscriptions with reference to authorities. This work is based on the collection of the late George B. Glover, now in the National Museum, Washington, the gift of Mrs. Glover. The Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Annamese coins figured and de- scribed include all given in available works on the subject. For the collector of modern Chinese coins (since 600 A. D.), this work is a necessity. The index in vol. Ill is an important feature. 25. Pfizmaier, Dr. August, Bericht liber einige von Herm Dr. Karl Ritter von Scherzer eingesandte, chinisische und japanische Mlinzen. Wien, 1861, 13 pp. 1 colored pi. 8“. From Sitzungsberichte K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. vol. XXXVII. 26. ScHEPENS, A. F. Summary of the catalog of the collection of Chinese, Annamese, Japanese and Corean coins and charms, containing specimens of each historical period from before Christ 2255 to the present, belonging to A. F. Schepens of the Chinese Imperial Customs Ser- vice. 12 pp., 1 pi., 16®. A condensed list of the coins exhibited in the Chinese section of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis in 1903. 27. Stuart, H. N. Catalogue der munten en amu- letten van China, Japan, Corea en Annam behoorende tot de numismatische verzameling van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia, 1901, vol. XXIV, 227 pp. illus. 4°. 28. Yokohama Ko Sen Kai [Numismatic monthly magazine]. Issues since its beginning in 1910 to the present time. 30 nos. 8® In Japanese. Each number is illustrated with rubbings, made by the Japanese method, of the rarer Chinese and Japanese coins from large private collections, and by occasional colotype plates. CHINA. 29. Axcient Coins. A treasury decision on the im- portation of copies of, from China. Numismatist, vol. XVII (1904), pp. 242-243. 30. Akcient coins of China, The. Coins of the Cheu Lieh Kwoh period, B. C. 720-220. China Review, vol. XXII, no. 4, pp. 626-650, many figures of pu coins. A continued article signed “ Numisma.” 31. Bamboo Money. Issued as an expedient in Kwang Su province. T’oung Pao, vol. VII (1896), pp. 169-170. 32. Bamboo Money. Yokohama Numismatic Month- ly, no. 9 (1911), 1. 15, with a rubbing. Text in Japanese. (See also under, — Cnlin, Stewart). 33. Bedloe, Edwakd. Consular report of the U. S. State department, 1894, Numismatics in China. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXVIII (1894), p. 86. 34. Brass cash and the age of bronze. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXIV (1890), pp. 56-57. Refers to the origin of the cash with a square hole in the center. 35. Brudin, John Andrew. Coinage of China, Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), p. 76, to vol. XI (1898), p. 195. In all 11 parts, 18 pis. illus. map. 36. Brudin, John Andrew, Medals of China. Nu- mismatist, vol. XII (1899), pp. 179-184; 195-199; 264- 266. 6 pis. ( 20 ) CHINA. 21 37. Brudin, John Andrew. Coins of the Chinese abroad. Numismatist, vol. XIV (1901), p. 194, illus. Cbinese coins for Turkestan. 38. Brudin, John Andrew. Rebellion coinage in China. Numismatist, vol. VII (1894), pp. 132-136, 1 pi. 39. Brudin John Andrew. Tsien, tchen, chien, or cash. Numismatist, vol. VII (1894), pp. 183-187 ; 222- 225. 1 pi., illus. *40. Brudin, John Andrew, Notice of death of. Nu- mismatist, vol. XIV (1901), pp. 135 and 166. Mr. Brudin’s articles are convenient compilations from standard works. 41. Bushell, Stephen Wootton. Chinese authors on numismatics. Chinese Recorder, vol. IV (1871), pp. 62-64. 42. Bushell Stephen Wootton. Coins of the pres- ent dynasty (Ta Ts’ing) of China. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XV, N. s. (1880), pp. 195-308, illus. Also as a deprint. 259 illustrations of coins and 2 colored plates of bank notes are given. 43. Bushell, Stephen Wootton. Additional coins of the present dynasty (Ta Ts’ing). Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXXIII, N. s. (1899-1900), pp. 3045, illus. Gives 30 figures of coins, mostly of Turkestan, one Tibet. The coins referred to and figured in both papers are additional to those given by Wylie in bis “Coins of tbe Ta Ts’ing dynasty.” Also as a deprint. 44. Bushell, Stephen Wootton. The Hsi Hsia dynasty of Tangut, their money and peculiar inscriptions. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXX, N. s. (1895-1896), pp. 142-160. illus. Independent State, A. D. 1032-1227, northwest of China. 22 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 45. Bushell, Stephen Wootton. Roman and Chi- nese coinage. China Review, vol. I (1872-1873), pp. 117- 118. ill us. Gives illustrations of moulds for casting Roman coins and those for casting Chinese. 46. Bushell Stephen Wootton. Unknown cash. China Review, vol. I (1872-1873), pp. 397-398. Attribution of a cash referred to as unknown in same publica- tion, p. 273. 47. Chavannes, Edouard. Le cycle turc des douze animaux. In T’oung Pao, ser. II, vol. VII (1906), pp. 51-122. 21 pis. Describes some temple medals and gives explanations of the ani- mal signs found on many Chinese medals and charm coins. 48. Coin, A strange Chinese. China Review, vol. XXIII, no. 1, p. 47, illus. A very large pu coin of doubtful genuineness. 49. Coinage, China’s new silver. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XIV (May, 1906), columns 9093-9098. Opinions of the press on the subject. 50. Coinage, The new silver of China. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XLI, pp. 18-19. 51. Coinage and money of China. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. I (1866), pp. 25-26, illus. ; vol. VII (1872), p. 17; vol. VIII (1873), p. 59; vol. XV (1881), p. 61 ; vol. XXII (1888), p. 99. 52. Coinage of silver in China. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXV (1891), pp. 70-71. 53. Coins, A collection of Chinese, in Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. American Journal Nu- mismatics, vol. XXV (1890), p. 27. Pai-agraph. CHINA. 25 In 1890, 1750 coins were given by Rev. Marcus L. Taft, professor in Peking University, and later others added to the collection, which does not appear to be arranged for exhibition. See letter of W. B, James, Secretary of Wesleyan University. 54. Coins from the treasure hidden at the siege of Siang-yang, A. D. 1268-1273. Cordier’s Yule’s Marco Polo. N. Y., 1903, vol. II, p. 169. One coin figured. See also in index under coins for other refer- ences to coins of eastern countries. 55. Coins, Collection of Chinese, at Hartford, Conn. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XII (1877), pp. 73- 74. Paragraph. Appears to be the usual collection sold to foreigners in China. 56. Colin, Stewart. Chess and playing cards. An- nual report U. S. National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1896. Wash., 1898. Reference to bamboo money of China on p. 885, illus., pi. 35. Other plates show objects of similar appearance. 57. Colin, Stewart. Notes upon the collection of Chinese coins belonging to the Pennsylvania Museum. In handbook of Pennsylvania Museum and School of In- dustrial Art, Philadelphia. 1885, pp. 34-40, 8°. A concise general account of the subject, with many references. 58. CoRRENCY and measures in China. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXIV, n. s. (1889-1890), pp. 50-135. Reports to the society. 59. Currency reform in China. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XVIII (Aug. 1910), columns 12229-12231. 60. Davis, John Francis. Description of the coins of the Ta-Tsing or reigning dynasty of China. Trans. Royal Asiatic Society, vol. I (1827), pp. 257-258, 1 pi. Translated from the Peking Gazette. 24 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 61. Del Mar, Alexander. History of money in China. American Journal Numismatics, vols. XIX and XX, in 3 parts. Ulus. Also in pamphlet form, San Francisco, 1881, 34 pp., 8°. with 2 pis. of ancient Chinese coins. 62. Dickinson, W. B. On Chinese knife money. London, 1862, 8 pp., pi. 8°. Communicated to the Numismatic Society of London. 63. Du Halde, Jean Baptiste. The general history of China from the French of P. du Halde. London, 1736. 4 vols., 8°. Vol. II, pp. 286-295, contains a description of Chinese coins with 2 plates of coins (including 3 coins of Tibet) and 1 plate of paper money, under the heading of the money that at different times has been current in China. 64. Dunn, Dwight F. Coins given to the Worcester Art Museum. Manuscript account, 3 pp. and 3 photo- graphs of the cabinet of coins. 66. Eaton, William Colgate, Brooklyn, N. Y. Two letters to Howland Wood, 1907, giving personal experiences in collecting coins in China and about coun- terfeit coins. 5 pp. type-written copy. 66. Edkins, Joseph, D. D, Chinese currency. Lon- don, 1890, 29 pp. 8°. A treatise on currency, not numismatics. 67. Faviek, Alphonse. Peking ; histoire et descrip tion, Peking, 1897. F. Les banques. pp. 412-413. illus. Gives an illustration of a bank note and of the “ grande et petite sapfeques de Peking ”. 68. Finger-nail marks on coins. Numismatist, vol. VII (1894), p. 276. A paragraph referring to the semicircular mark often found on the reverse of Chinese and other “ cash ”. CHINA. 25 69. Gardner, Christopher Thomas. The coins of China. Journal Manchester Geographical Society, vol. V (1889), pp. 233-254. illus. 8“. Issued March, 1890. 70. Glover collection of coins of the Far East. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXIl (1897), pp. 11 - 12 . A paragraph regarding the coins given the Smithsonian Institu- tion and which is the basis of Lockhart’s, — “The Currency of the Farther East”. 71. Hackman, Heinrich Frederick. Chinese coins. East of Asia, vol. I (1902), pp. 144-154. illus. 72. Hadai Indian coins. Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), p. 90. illus. Their resemblance to the pu coins of China suggested. 73. Hager, Joseph. Description des medailles chi- noises du Cabinet Imperial de France, preced^e d’un essai de numismatique chinoise. Paris, 1805, vol. XIV, 188 pp. illus. map. F. Also a review of the above by S. de Sacy from the Magazin Eucy- clopedique, 1709, pp. 271-324, 8°. 74. Harles, C. de. Trois monnaies a caracteres in- connus. T’oung Pao, vol. X (1899), pp. 68-72. 1 pi. Bi-lingual inscriptions, Sanscrit-Mongolian. 75. Heath, George Francis, Dr. The last Ming dynasty of China. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), pp. 165-168. illus. 76. Heath, George Francis, Dr. The Sung dy- nasty. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), pp. 304-309. illus. Compilations from standard works on the coins of these dynasties. 26 ORIENTAL NUmSMATICS. 77. Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst von. Schantung und Deutsch-China, Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Refers to the coins on pp. 270-272. Plate of ancient Chinese coins (one Japanese in the center), mostly inverted. Good photographic illustration of a bank note and of sycee silver. 78. Higgins, Frank C. The Chinese numismatic riddle. New York, 1910, 34 pp. illus. 8®. An address before the American Numismatic Association, Sept. 8, 1910, in which the author presents his “ discovery of the identity of the astronomical aud religions symbols of the temple money of the Far East with those of Chaldaea and Babylonia, ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome aud the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru 79. Hoernle, Augustus Frederic Rudolf. Report on the British collection of antiquities from Central Asia. Calcutta, 1899-1902, text 8°, plates in envelope, pp. 1-44 coins and seals. Three plates of coins including many Chinese. 80. Hopkins, Lionel Charles. On the origin and earlier history of the Chinese coinage. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXVII, N. s. (1895), pp. 317-378. A scholarly essay on the subject, with critical notes on the works of Visering and Lacouperie. 81. Huttman, William. On the copper and paper money of China. From a periodical, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 409-417. 8®. 82. Iron dollars in Manchuria. Numismatist, vol. XVII (1904), page 113. Weight seven pounds, value two shillings. 83. James, Henry Evan Murchison. The long white mountain. London, 1888, 8®. Money exchanges in Manchuria, pp. 16-20; some account of sycee silver, pp. 220-221. 84. Kainz, Carl. Die altesten chinesischen Staats- CHINA. 27 muDzen. Ein Beitrag zur IMunzkunde des chinesischen Alterthums. Berlin, 1894, 36 pp. illus. 8". Gives figures of the ancient knife and pu coins and the Wang Mang coins. 85. Kainz, Carl. Die sogenannten chinesischen Tempelmiinzen. Ein Beitrag zur chinesischen medaillen- kunde. Berlin, 1895, 72 pp. illus. 8®. Gives 101 excellent figures of temple medals and charm coins. 86. Kingman, Henry. A brief bibliography of Chi- nese coins. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 161- 163. Practically all of the works referred to are in this collection. 87. Kingman, Henry. Sacred cash of the emperor Kang Hsi, 1662-1723. Numismatist, vol. VII (1894), p. 13. illus. See also notes, vol. VII (1894), p. 16, and vol. XVI (1903), p. 10. / 88. Lacouperie, Terrien de. Catalog of Chinese coins from the VII century B. C. to A. D. 621, including the series in the British Museum. London, 1892, Ixxi, 443 pp. illus. 4®. This is the standard work for the student of ancient Chinese coins. The introduction is an elaborate essay on the subject. Hop- kins on the origin and early history of the Chinese coinage and Ramsden’s letters should be read in connection with Lacouperie, who was a sinalogue rather than a numismatist. 89. Lacouperie, Terrien de. The metalic cowries of ancient China (600 B. C.). Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XX, N. s. (1888), pp. 428-439. illus. Also as a deprint. 90. Lacouperie, Terrien DE. Une monnaie Bactro- Chinoise bilingue du premier si^cle avaiit notre 6re. Ex- trait des Comptes rendues des seances de I’Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris, 1890, 14 pp. 8® 28 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 91. Lacouperie, Terri en de. Notice of his death. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXVII (1895), N. 8. pp. 214-216. 92. Lauture, Escayrac, Comte de. M6moires sur la Chine. Monnaies anciennes. pp. 101-107, 14 illus. 4°. No date, but since 1863. 93. Lister, Alfred. The Schroff’s mystery. China Review, vol. Ill (1874), pp. 1-13. illus. Refers to the hollowing out of silver dollars by the Chinese with- out injuring the surface, and other deceptive practices. 94. Lubbock, John, Sir. The history of money. Excerpt from the Nineteenth Century, Nov., 1879, pp. 789-808. illus. Refers to Chinese and other coins. 95. Mock money to offer to the dead in cheating the gods. Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), p. 124; vol. XV (1902), p. 211. Short paragraphs. 96. Money weights of the Chinese and weights and measures. Chinese Repository, vol. II (1834), pp. 444-446. 97. Montigny, C. de. Monnaies, poids et mesures Chinois. Revue de I’Orient, 1846, pp. 324-335. 8*. 98. Morrison, John Robert. Chinese commercial guide. Canton, 1834, xii, 116 pp. 8®. Contains references on pp. 62-69 to the silver money current at the time in Canton, There are also many useful tables. 99. Morrison, John Robert. Some account of charms and felicitous appendages worn about the person or hung up in houses. Chinese Repository, vol. XIV (1845), pp. 229-234. Extract from Trans. Royal Asiatic Society, vol. III. Refers to the sword charms made of coins, etc. CHINA. 29 100. Morse, Hosea Ballou. Currency in China. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXXVIII (1897), pp. 1-60, 4 pis. coins, 2 col’d pis. bank notes, 1 col’d pi. silver ingots. 101. Morse, Hosea Ballou. The same reprinted in Morse, H. B. The trade and administration of the Chinese empire. Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1908. 8 “. 102. Ramsden, Henry A. A Chinese historical amulet coin. Numismatist, vol. XXII (1909), pp. 227- 228. illus. 103. Ramsden, Henry A. Notes and observations regarding a representative collection of ancient Chinese coins. A series of letters and notes relating to ancient Chinese coins, following the arrangement of Lacouperie’s work, critically considering them, their genuineness, rarity and values, illustrated by pen sketches, tracings and rubbings of coins after the Japanese method. 110 pages of manuscript bound in 2 vols. 4°, indexed. These letters form a most valuable guide to the collector aud stu- dent, as they contain much material not found in any printed work, embodying as they do the results of the experience of one of the foremost living experts on the subject. Written from Yokohama, 1910-1912. Also abridged in typewritten copy, 1 vol. 4®. 104. Ramsden, Henry A. Foreign money in China. Numismatist, vol. XXIII (1910), pp. 33-34. illus. Refers to coins introduced in very early times. 105. Ra>isden, Henry A. Early Chinese metalic currency: carapace money. American Journal Numis- matics, vol. XLV (1911), pp. 70-72. 1 pi. 106. Ramsden, Henry A. Modern Chinese copper coins. Numismatist, vol. XXHI (1910), p. 141, to vol. XXIV (1911), eight numbers, numerous illus. 30 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. Also, reprinted, Numismatist Press, Worcester, Mass., 1911, 27 pp. illus. 8». The article refers to the recent issues struck by the European method and without the central square hole. 107. Ramsden, Henry A. Knife coins of China. American Journal Numismatics, Oct., 1910. Illustrations, direct rubbings of these coins from Mr. Ramsden’s private collection will be found in the Y'okohama Ko Sen Kai. 108. Ramsden, Henry A. Chinese openwork amu- let coins. Yokohama, 1911, 60 pp. illus. figures in the text and 4 pis. 8°. The only work on this peculiar and interesting class. 109. Ramsden, Henry A. Chinese early barter and uninscribed money. Yokohama, 1912, 34 pp. illus. in the text and 3 pis. 8°. Manuals of Far Eastern Numismatics, No. 2. Deals with the arrow-head, bell, lily-root, bridge money, etc. 110. Ramsden, Henry A. Pictorial characters on ancient Chinese coins. Numismatist, vol. XXIV (1911), pp. 203-4. illus. 111. Ramsden, Henry A. Some rare and unpub- lished Chinese coins. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Cir- cular, vol. XIX (Oct. 1911), columns 13103-13106. illus. Refers to forms of the “two-legged spade money” in Lacou- perie, p. 17. 112. Ramsden, Henry A. “ Une pi^ce inedite ”. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XVII (March, 1909), column 11272. illus. Refers to an oblong coin which appears to be a Chinese imitation of the design of a “Spanish dollar” and to a note by “ E. Z.” in the issue of April, 1909, col. 10540. 113. Rocher, Emile. La province chinoise du Yiin- nan. Paris, 1877-1880, 2 vols. 4°. Account of smelting silver and making ingots on p. 224. illus. CHINA. 31 115. Roman coins found in Shansi, China. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XX (1886), pp. 60-62. 114. Ross, John. The Manchus, London, 1891. 8®. The history of the currency of China in the present dynasty, pp. 684-695, 1 pi., also illus. bank note on p. 694. 116. ScHEPENS, H. F. Coins of the Ta Ching dynas- ty, supplement to notes sent in Sept., 1895, China Re- view, Notes and Queries, vol. XXII, no. 2, pp. 556-557, 11 figures of coins ; no. 3, pp. 598-605, 55 figures of coins. 117. ScHROFFiNG dollars in China. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. X (1876), pp. 53-54. Paragraph. 118. Stein, Mark Aurel. Ancient Khotan : Archae- ological explorations in Chinese Turkestan. Oxford, 1907. F. See index, under “coins” and “ Chinese coins ” and pis. 49,88, and 89; also in appendix the “ inventory of coins found or pur- chased ”. 119. Tea used as money. American Journal Numis- matics, vol. XLI (1907), p. 79. Paragraph, In China, Mongolia, etc. 120. Tillot, Marcel, and Fischer, Emil S. Notes sur la monnaie et les metaux precieux en Chine. Shang- hai, 1898, 40 pp. illus. 8®. 121. Torrance, Thomas. Burial customs in Sz-chuan. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XLI (1910), pp. 57-75. illus. 1 pi. of old coins and references to coins found. 122. Trade dollar in China. American Journal Nu- mismatics, vol. VIII (1874), p. 92; vol. IX (1875), pp. 62-63 ; vol. XI (1877), p. 89. Paragraphs. 32 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 123. Trade dollar. A new dollar for the English colonies in the east. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXX (1895), p. 37. 124. Trade dollar. French in Tonkin. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XX (1886), p. 87. Paragraph. 125. Trade dollar, The end of the. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. XXVI (1891), p. 17. 126. VissERiNG, Willem. On Chinese currency ; coin and paper money. Leiden, 1877, XV, 32, 228 pp. illus. 3°. An important contribution to the history of money in China. 127. Weyl, Adolph. 3 sprachige chinesische Miin- zen welche in und fiir Ost-Turkestan geschlagen sind. Berlin, 1882, 10 pp. illus. 4°. Reprinted from Berliner Munzblatter, No. 20-22, 1882. 128. Williams, John. Notice of three Chinese sil- ver medals. Communicated to the Numismatic Society of London, 1861. 7 pp. 8°. The medals are the so-called Formosa dollar and two privately issued dollars of the period, 1821-1851. All three will be found in the Essex Institute collection of oriental coins. 129. Williams, Samuel Wells. The middle king- dom, rev. ed.. New York, 1883. 2 vols. 8°. The monetary system, mints, etc., referred to in vol. II, pp. 83-86. 130. Williams, Samuel Wells. Use of a certain Chinese numismatic work in fixing the chronology of China. Excerpt from a magazine, pp. 57-62. 131. Williams, Talcott. Silver in China and its relation to Chinese copper coinage. Publications Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Science, 1897, No. 199, pp. 43-46. CHINA. 33 132. Wood, Howland. Some remarks on a series of coins issued in China, based on the British-Indian rupee. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XLI (1906), pp. 29-31. 1 pi. 133. Wylie, Alexander. Coins of the Ta-Ts’ingor present dynasty. Journal Shanghai Literary and Scien- tific Society (later. North China Branch Royal Asiatic So- ciety), No. 1, June, 1858, pp. 44-102. illus. Gives 232 figures of coins and one colored plate of a bank note and text regarding it. Also as a deprint. 134. Wylie, Alexander. Notes on Chinese litera- ture. New ed. Shanghai, 1902. 8°. Books on Chinese numismatics referred to on pp. 146-148. 135. Wylie, Alexander. Notice of his death. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXI, N. s. (1886), pp. 305-308 ; also Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XIX, n. s. (1887), pp. 351-368. PAPER MONEY OF CHINA. 136. Bask notes, Oldest American Journal, Nu- mismatics, vol. XX (1885), page 46. Paragraph. 137. Blake, George Herbert. An ancient Chinese bank note. Numismatist, vol. XXV (1912), pp. 163-164, illus. A note of T’ai Tsu, 1368-1399. 138. Bushell, Stephen Wootton, Dr. Specimens of ancient Chinese paper money. Peking, 1889, 9 pp. illus. 8°. Extract Journal Peking Oriental Society. 139. Paper money, Chinese, in the thirteenth centu- ry. Numismatist, vol. XXIV (1911), p. 269. Extracted from Col. Yule’s Marco Polo. See Cordier’s Col. Yule’s Marco Polo. New York, Scribner’s, 1903, vol. 1, pp. 423-430; vol. 1 1, pp. 590-592. 140. Par KES, Harry, Sir. An account of the paper money and banking system of Fuhchowfoo. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XIII (1852), pp. 179-189. 141. Ramsden, Henry A. Chinese paper money. Yokohama, 1911, 37 pp. illus. 8°. Manuals of Far Eastern Numismatics, No. 1. Several of the bills referred to in this paper will be found in the Essex Institute collection, including one of the Ming dynasty. (34) PUBLICATIONS IN CHINESE. 142. Ch’ien Pu Tung Cuih. 32 volumes or books in three cases, tall 8”, illus. coins and paper money. “ This contains the best historical information of any Chinese [numismatic] work. It is the rarest and most difficult to obtain of any of the works. This copy is from the library of the late F. A. de Villard of the Chinese Customs Service at Shanghai, a most thor- ough Chinese scholar. His library was one of the best, and it was he who designed the Chinese postage stamps.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. 143. Cn’iEN Sheh Tu. Ten parts bound in one vol. said to have been issued in 1842. illus. 8°. “This is not only a rare work, but also a good one.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. “ This treatise by Saay K’wiVn gives representations of several coins to the close of the Ming, with a variety of medals not found in other works.” — Alexander Wylie. 144. Ch’in Ting Ch’ien Lu. (Compendium of nu- mismatics). 16 chapters in 4 parts, illus. 4°. There are a few annotations in German. A reprint, said to have been issued in 1787, of an illustrated description of Chinese coins published in 17.50. 145. Ch’in Ting Ch’ten Lu. Another, Ningpo edi- tion, issued in 1880. “ The original of this work is a large and expensive treatise or catalog of the Kien Lung museum, worth, perhaps, about $250. The volumes are very large, about 18 by 24 inches, and the full sized work as a whole is worth something, but the numismatical section has been often reproduced in smaller size. These copies are usual- ly bound in boards. The illustrations are very poor, the originals of most of them never having existed in a genuine condition, and the other data is purely fantastical.” Letter from H. A. Ramsden. (35 36 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 146. Ku Ch’uan IIwui (16 volumes). Su Ch’uan Hwui (4 volumes). Tall 8°. Collectively, the twenty volumes are “ the standard work on Chi- nese numismatics in the Chinese language and contain the most reliable information and the most correct illustrations. There are several editions, this copy being one of the later.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. Referring to this and to the Ch’ien Pu Tung Chih, Mr. Ramsden writes: “A library on Chinese numismatics would be incomplete without these works. There are many other large and important works, but these are the most desirable and trustworthy. The student who could appreciate the subject, applying to use your library, containing as it does the most important works of reference in European languages on eastern numismatics, would be greatly disappointed to find the above lacking.” JAPAN. Including Loo Choo. 147. Bramsen, William. Coins of Japan. Pt. 1. Copper, lead and iron coins issued by the Central govern- ment. Yokohama, 1880. 7 pis. 4°. Reprinted from Mittheilungen der Deutchen Gesellschaft, etc. 1880. a note from B. Quaritch says that “ Hsu chuan Hui is the same as Bramsen’s coins of Japan.” This appears to be all that was is- sued of this work. 148. Brudin, John Andrew. The twelve ancient coins of Japan. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 270- 273. 1 pi. 149. Bu, Itchi. The correct way of writing, etc. Numismatist, vol. XII (1899), p. 230. Paragraph. 150. Coinage. New Japanese. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXII (1898), pp. <9-81. 151. Coins, Collection of Japanese, in England. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XVII (1882), p. 6. Paragraph. 152. Coins, Gold, in the Grant collection at V ashing- ton. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXV (1891), p. 83. Paragraph. The statement that it is the only complete collection outside that in the Japanese treasury, is, of course, misleading. 153. Fcku-Yen. Des anciennes monnaies d’or au Japon traduit du japonais par Fr. Sarazin. Memoires du ( 37 ) 38 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS, Congres internat. des Orientalistes li Paris en 1873. pp. 88-97. 30 pis. Deprint. 154. Fundo, The Japanese Numismatist, vol. XXV (1912), p. 63. illus. A weight with concaved sides similar in outline to some old, pri- vately issued coins. 155. IIeinsberger, Ph. Japanese money matters. Numismatist, vol. XIII (1900), pp, 157-159. illus. 156. Kussaka, Johannes Tsiosiro, Dr. Das japau- ische Geldvvesen geschichtlich und kritisch dargestellt. Berlin, 1890, vii, 100 pp. 8°. 157. Langen Flachen und Korpen.mass, Gewicht und Miinzfuss des Reiches Japan. 8 pp. 2 pis. (double) F. Plates mostly illustrating weights, including the fundo, scales and a few coins. 158. Millett, J. B. Japan. Boston, 1899. Manuscript extract from p. 303, chap. 13, sec. 12, regarding the time of introduction of coins to Japan. 159. Mint, The Japanese, at Osaka. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. IX (1874), p. 36. Paragraph. 160. Mint, The silver, of Japan. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XIII (1879), pp. 90-91, 161. Money, Japanese, coims, etc. American Journal Numismatics, vol. VII (1872), p. 32 ; vol. IX (1874), pp. 9-10 ; vol. X (1875-1876), p. 33 and p. 78. 162. Munro, Neil Gordon. Coins of Japan. Yoko hama, 1904, xx, 281 pp, illus. pis. 12®. The most useful, complete and convenient book on the subject. 163. Obang, Mr. Vreeland’s. The Elder Monthly vol. I, p. 22, 1 pi. Paragraph. Also note on tlie largest Japanese gold coin. JAPAN. 39 164. Paper raone_y, Japanese. Numismatist, vol. XXIV (1911), pp. 54-55. illus. 165. Paper money. A collection of 119 different “hansatsu” or Japanese money cards, cataloged by the Jun Kobayagawa Co. of Yokohama. Also, 28 postal cards with photographic reproductions of paper money. 166. Polder, Leon van de. Abridged history of the copper coins of Japan. Transactions Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. XIX (1891), pt. 2, pp. 419-500. pis. 8°, with note on the Eiraku-sen by J. H. Wigmore, pp. 501- 504. Deprint. A concise and valuable contribution on the subject. 167. Ramsden, Henry A. Coins of the Meiji or present period in Japan. Numismatist, vol. XXIV (1911), pp. 265-268. 1 pi. 168. Ramsden, Henry A. “ Kwan-ei-tsu-ho” coins. Barcelona, 1906, 13 pp. illus. 8°. Twenty-five copies privately printed on heavy paper, of which this is no. 13. Autograph. Gift of the author. 169. Rein, Johannes Justus. Industries of Japan. New York, 1889. Manuscript extract from p. 503, relating to coins. 4 pp. type- written. 170. Sakai, W. C. Numismatic treasures in Japan. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 16-17. Abstract of a paper. 171. Siebold’s coins at Jena. American Journal Numismatics, v'ol. IX (1874), p. 45. A paragraph referring especially to the Japanese coins, 172. Thunberg, Karl Peter. Voyages au Japon, etc. Paris, an. IV (1796). 4 vol. 8°. Money of Ceylon. 40 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. Vol. IV, pp. 227-230. Des monnaies, poids et mesures du Japon, vol. IV, pp. 359-386, 6 pis. The earliest article in a foreign language devoted exclusively to Japanese coins. 173. ViLLARET, E. DE. Numlsmatique japonaise. Paris, 1892. 92 pp. 33 pis. 8®. Extrait de la Revue numismatique, vol. X, 3 ser. (1892). 174. Weyl, Adolph. Gold-und Silber-Miinzen Jap- an’s bis auf die Neuzeit. Berlin, 1888, 30 pp., 8 pis. 4®. 175. Wigmore, J. H. Noteon the Eiraku sen. Trans. Asiastic Society of Japan, vol. XIX (1891), pt. 2, pp. 501-504. Quoted in full in Munro’s Coins of Japan; also in Polder’s abridged history of the copper coins of Japan. 176. Williams, Samuel Wells. Journal of a mis- sion to Lewchew in 1801. Journal North China Branch. •Royal Asiatic Society, vol. VI, N. s. (1869-1870), p. 167. Refers to the coins of Loo Choo. Also copy in manuscript. 177. Wood, Howland. Coins of Loo Choo islands. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), pp. 43-44. illus. PUBLICATIONS IN JAPANESE. 178. Dai Nipon Kwahei Seidzu, meiji 11 (1879). An oblong volume with 54 plates of the gold, silver and copper coins of Japan beautifully reproduced iu gilt and silver and bronze. 179. Hoki Bunrui Tai Sen. 3 vol. 4®, 2 on coinage, 1 on paper money, 1891, 689 pp. A portion of an official publication of the Japanese government. “ This voluminous work was published in Meiji, 24th year, by the government. It includes a great many other volumes, dealing with laws, enactments, etc., by the Japanese government, on coins, stamps, prisons, foreign relations, official regulations, etc., in all about 92 volumes. This work is very little known and is not re- ferred to by Munro in his book on the coins of Japan, although he mentions most of the works on Japanese numismatics. The coin- age section deals only with the Meiji period, but also has reference to the older coinage. The paper money section deals with all issues of the hansatsu.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. 180. Kin Gin Zu Roku. Gold and silver coins of Japan. In volumes, 8®. “ This copy is one of the earliest, if not actually the first which was published in 1810. This treatise is the most reliable as well as the most extensive published in this country (Japan) on the coin- age. It even includes trial and other pieces which were never in- tended for circulation.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. 181. Meiji Shin Sen Sempu. 3 vols. on the coins of Japan in Japanese. ” A good work dealing with Japanese coins before the Meiji pe- riod. Most of the other native works [other than those elsewhere referred to by Mr. Ramsden] printed in Japanese are small and useless.” Letter of H. A. Ramsden. (41) 42 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 182. Numismatics. Six thin illustrated volumes on Japanese, Chinese and European coins. Of little value to the collector, but interesting as representing the numerous similar issues on the subjects printed in Japan and China, chiefly in the former country. 183. Sano. Hansatsu. 78 pp. 4 pis. 8°. Treats of the private issues of Japanese paper money. KOREA. 184. Brudin, John Andrew. Coins of Korea. Numismatist, vol. XIII (1900). pp. 171-173. illus. 185. CouRANT, Maurice. Note historique sur les diverses esp6ces de monnaie qui out ^te usitees en Coree. From a periodical, Sept.-Oct., 1893, pp. 270-289. illus. 8°. 186. Dunn, Rorert L. “ A cash transaction Col- lier’s Weekly, June 4, 1904, p. 8. illus. Picture of a great pile of Korean cash in the street. 187. Gardner, Christopher Thomas. Coinage of Corea. Journal China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol. XXVIII (1895), pp. 71-130. illus. 4°. Gives 384 figures of coins. Also as a deprint. The most useful work available on the subject. 188. Mint, A Korean. Korean review, vol. V (1905), No. 3, pp. 87-97. illus. Shows the process of casting and finishing the coins. 189. Ramsden, Henry A. New coin issue for Co- rea. Numismatist, vol. XXII (1909), p. 339. 190. Ramsden, Henry A. Corean coin charms and amulets. Yokohama, 1910. 40 pp. illus. 3 pis. 8°. Gives many illustrations of charms and is the only practical work on the subject for the use of the collector. 191. Ramsden, Henry A. Corean modern copper coins. Numismatist, vol. XXII (1809), pp. 101-103, 136. illus. Also as a deprint. 192. Sakai, W. C. Ancient coins obtainable in Korea and Manchuria. Numismatist, vol. X (1897y, pp. 39-40. illus. Refers to such coins as were brought to Japan after the war with China. (43) TIBET. 193. Lacouperie, Terrien de. Silver coinage of Tibet, From Numismatic Chronicle, 3d ser. vol. 1 (1881), pp. 340-353, 1 pi. 8°. Deprint. 194. Markham, Clements Robert. Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. London, 1876. clxi, 354 pp. illus. 8°. Some notes under currency on pp. cxviii, 128-129, regarding the coins. 195. Rockhill, William Woodville. Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891-2. Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, 1894, xx, 413 pp. illus. 8“. A few notes on the coins under “ currency ” at p. 259, etc. 196. Walsh, E. H, C. The coinage of Tibet. Me- moirs Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, vol. II (1907), pp. 11-23, 2 pis. (double). 4°. Deprint. 197. Wood, Howland. The coinage of Tibet. The Numismatist, vol. XXVI (May, 1913), pp, 233-238, illus. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics, October, 1912. 44 ) ANNAM. Including Tonkin, Cochin China, Cambodia. 198. Cambodia, Coins of, new issue. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), p. 251. illus. 199. Cash, An unknown. China review, vol. XXIII, no. 1, p. 48, illus. Probably an Annamese coin. 20u. Gold coins. Largest Annamese. Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), pp. 171-172. Refers also to Japanese and other coins. 201. Lacroix, Desire. Numismatic Annamite. Saignon, 1900. 2 vols. 40 pis. 4°. Publications de 1’ ^cole Fran§ais d’ extreme-orient. Vol. I, text. Vol. II, plates, oblong. Interleaved with manuscript translation in English of the text and descriptions of the plates. 202. SCHROEDER, ALBERT. Annam, Etudes numis- matique. Paris, 1905, 2 vols. 4°. (Vol. I, text ; vol. II, plates). The most elaborate of the excellent publications on Annamese coins. Numerous illustrations of the large oblong silver pieces and a most interesting series of illustrations of the process of casting the coins which will apply to other far eastern countries. 203. Toda, Edward. Annam and its minor curren- cy. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society N. s., vol. XVII (1882), pt. 1, pp. 41-220. illus. 8°. Gives figures of 290 coins. Also, as a deprint. 204. Wood, Howland. The use of silver in the kingdom of Annam. The Elder Monthly, vol. I, no. 6, pp. 8-11. (45) SIAM AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. 205. Bangkok centenary medal. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XVII (1882), p. 43. This medal will be found in the Essex Institute collection of oriental coins. 206. Brichaut, a. Numismatique Siamoise. Brus sels, 1875-1878. 8®. Extrait de la Revue Beige de Nu- mismatique, part I, 1875, 6 pp. 2 pis. ; part II, 1878, 4 pp. illus. 207. Brudin, John Andrew. Porcelain coins of Siam. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 87-88. An abstract of a paper on the subject. 208. Ferris, George Titus. Shells as money. Numismatist, vol. XVII (1904), pp. 346-347. Refers to their use in British India, Siam, and other parts of the world. See also, — Cowries and their uses, in American Journal Numismatics, vol. XL (Jan., 1906). p. 64, a short article signed “R.” referring to their use in various places. 209. Haas, Joseph. Siamese coinage. Journal North China Branch Royal Asiatic Society. N. s. vol. XIV (1879), pp. 35-64. illus. Also as a reprint. Shanghai, 1880. The most useful paper for attributing Siamese coins, both the bullet money and the recent issues. 210. Haas, Joseph. Ueber siamesische Miinzen. Shanghai, 1880, 23 pp., 8®. Reprinted from Numismatischen Zeitschrift, 1880, vol. 12. 211. New bronze currency made for Siam in Ham- (46) SIAM AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. 47 burg. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXII (1888), pp. 66-67. 212. Pahang hat money. The Numismatic Monthly, Yokohama, No. 2, 1909. 1 pi. Text in Japanese. 213. Paper currency in Siam. Numismatist, vol. XIV (1901), pp. 313-314. 214. Porcelain money, Siamese. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XX (1886), p. 62. 215. Porcelain tokens. The Numismatic Monthly, Yokohama, No. 1, 1909, 1 colored pi. Text in Japanese. 216. Ramsden, Henry A. Siamese porcelain and other tokens. Yokohama, 1911, 37 pp., 20 colored pis. 8®. The most complete publication on the subject. 217. Schlegel, Gustave. Siamesische Miinzen. From Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographie,vol. 2,1889, 14 pp. 1 colored pi. 4°. The plate illustrates the porcelain tokens. 218. Silvestre, Jules. Siamese money. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXVII (1902), pp. 55-60. illus. Translation of an article by J. Silvestre in annual report of the French mint. 219. SoMMERviLLE, Maxwell. Siam. On the Meinan from the Gulf to Ayuthia. With three romances illustrative of Siamese life and customs. Phila., 1897. 237 pp. illus. 8°. An account of “ ticals ” and where made, pp. 57-59. 220. Weyl, Adolf. Beschriebung von chinesischen Zinniinzen aus Siam, etc. Berliner Miinzblatter, July, 1887, No. 83. Manuscript copy, 6 pp. typewritten, with 12 sheets of tracings of the illustrations of porcelain tokens and some coins. 48 oriental numismatics. 221. WiNCKEL, C. P. K. Over Siamesche toestanden. Samarang, 1880, p. 1-11. 1 pi. 4°. From Ten Brink, A. J., Tijdechrift van het Indisch Aardrijks Kundig genoots chap. 222. Wood, Howland. The coinage of Siam and its dependencies. American Joumal Numismatics, vol. XXXVIII (Jan. 1904), pp. 71-77, 1 pi. ; (April, 1904), pp. 93-98, 3 pis. ; vol. XXXIX (July, 1904), pp. 8-12, 2 pi. The most concise and comprehensive account of Siamese money available. 223. Wood, Howland. The so-called “ hat money ” of Pahang. Numismatist, vol. XVII (1904), pp. 142- 144. illus. 'll Also as a deprint. 224. Wood, Howland. Two additional coins of Pahang. Numismatist, Vol. XVIIl (1905), pp. 15-16. illus. 225. Wood, Howland. Coins of Singora. Numis- matist, vol. XV (1902), pp. 338-339. illus. See also. — Numismatic Monthly, Yokohama, 1909, No. 5, illus. Text in Japanese. BURMA, PEGU, ETC. 226. Phayre, Arthur Purves, Sir. Coins of Afakan, of Pegu, and of Burmah. London, 1882, vi, 47 pp. 5 pis. F. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. Ill, pt. 1. EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. Including the Straits Settlements, Borneo, Philippines, etc. 227. Brudin, John Andrew. Coins of the Chinese abroad. Numismatist, vol. XIV (1901), pp. 153-155, 2 pis. Refers to the coins made by the Chinese in Banka. 228. Brudin, John Andrew. Coins of the Chinese abroad. Numismatist, vol. XIV (1901), p. 193, 1 pi. Refers to coins made by the Chinese in Borneo. Mr. Brudin’s articles are very convenient and helpful compilations from standard ■works. 229. Chijs, Jacobus Anne van der. Catalogus der numismatische verzameling van het Bataviaasch Ge- nootshap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia, 1886, VI, 229 pp. 8°. The same. Batavia, 1890, xxi, 375 pp. 4°. 230. CoEVORDEN, J. S. VAN. Beschrijving van Neder- landsch-Indische munten. Soerabaja, 1856, pp. 105-129 ; 332-341. 8». 231. Gerini, G. E., Lieut.-Col. A Malayan coin. Excerpt from a periodical, 1903, pp. 339-343. illus. 8°. A coin of Achin resembling some of the gold coins of southern India. 232. Millies, IIenricus Christian. Kecherches sur les monnaies des Indigenes de 1’ Archipel indien et de ( 49 ) 50 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. la P4ninsule malaie. The Hague, 1871, viii, 179 pp., 26 pis. 4°. A most valuable work, fortunately in French, but there is no description of the plates, and therefore it is difficult to co-ordinate them with the text. 233. Millies, Henricus Christian. De raunten der Engelschen voor den Oost-Indischen Archipel. Am- sterdam, 1852. 118 pp. 3 pis. 8°. 234. Netscher, E., and Chijs, Jacobus Anne van DER. De munten van Nederlansch Indie. Batavia, 1863, XII, 230 pp., 33 pis. 4®. A valuable work, especially as it is practically the only one on the subject fully illustrated. 235. Philippines. Manila victory medal. May 1, 1898. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXIII (1899), p. 129. 236. Philippines. United States coinage for the. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXVII (April, 1903), p. 118, paragraph. 237. Philippines, United States coinage for the. Numismatist, vol. XV (1902), pp. 212-213 ; vol. XVI (1903), p. 55 and p. 219. 238. Plantation tokens. Gai Koku Ko-Sen Gep- po. Yokohama, 1909, no. 4, 1 pi. In Japanese: illustrates the tokens of the tobacco and other com- panies in Borneo, etc. 239. Raffles, Thomas Stamford, Sir. History of Java, London, 1830. 2 vols. 8°. Extract in manuscript from vol. II, p. 64, on some ancient coins of Java. 240. Sarawak, Copper coinage of. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. XX (1886), p. 92. EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. 61 241. Stephanie, Johan Wilhelmus. Catalogus van der muntverzanieling bevattende tevens een over- zicht van het muntwezen aller tijden en landen. Amster- dam, 1897, xxvii, 478 pp. 2 pis. 4°. Pages 312-478 are devoted to oriental coins with 1 pi. 242. Sultana, Coin of. American Journal Numis- matics, vol. VII (1873), p. 85. A trade coin of the island of Labuan, formerly called Sultana. 243. Vbrhandeling der munten, maten en gewigten van Nederlandsch Indie. Art. IV, pp. 282-359. 8®. No date or imprint; old, but after 1781. 244. Wood, Howland. Malayan trade tokens. Nu- mismatist, vol. XV (1902), pp. 142-149. illus. A very useful paper in arranging the little “ kepengs ” of the region, including the game cock series dating from 1783 to 1840. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 245. Afganistan, Ancient coins of. American Jour- nal Numismatics, vol. XXVIII (1893), p. 26, paragraph. 246. Arneth, Joseph. Ueber die Sammlung baktris- cher Miinzen im K. K. Munzund Antiken-Kabinete. n. p. 1839, pp. 319-348. illus. 8°. 247. Burnes, Alexander, Lieut. On the Topes and Grecian remains in the Punjab. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. II (June, 1833), Art. IV, pp. 308-310. In the “ topes ” or tombs, coins were found. 248. Court, A. Further information on the topes of M^nikyMa. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. Ill (Nov., 1834). Art. Ill, pp. 556-562. 249. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Second notice of some new Bactrian coins. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. XI (No. 122, 1842), pp. 130-137, 1 pi. un- numbered. Also note on the gem and coins figured as Nos. 7 and 8 in the pre- ceding plate, by the editor (James Prinsep), pp. 137-145, illus. in margin. 250. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. An attempt to explain some of the monograms found upon the Gre- cian coins of Ariana and India. From the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. VIII (1845?), pp. 175-197. 251. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Coins of Alexander’s successors in the East. 23 pis. 8° without title or text. (52) ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 53 252. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Coins of an cient India from the earliest times down to the seventh century A. D. London, 1891, ix, 118 pp. 13 pis. map. 8°. 253. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Coins of the Indo-Scythian King Miaiis or Ileravis. London, 1888, 12 pp. 13 pis. 8°. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. VIII, 3d ser., pp. 47-58. 254. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Later Indo- Scythians, 3 pts., London, 1895, 130 pp. 12 pis. 8®. Pt. 1. Later Kushans. Reprinted from Numismatic Chronicle, vol. XIII, 3d ser. pp. 93-128. Pt. II. Scytho-Sassanians and little Kushans. Reprinted from Numismatic Chronicle, vol. XIII, 3d ser., pp. 166-202. Pt. III. Ephthalites, or White Huns. Reprinted from Numis- matic Chronicle, vol. XIV, 3d ser., pp. 243-293. 255. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Coins of Mediaeval India from the seventh century down to the Muhammadan conquests. London, 1894, vi, 108 pp. map. 11 pis. 8®. 256. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. The ancient coinage of Kashmir, with chronological and historical notes, from the commencement of the Christian era to the conquest of the country by the Moguls, n. p. 1843, 38 pp., illus. 8®. 257. Cunningham, Alexander, Sir. Book of Indian eras, with tables for calculating Indian dates. Calcutta, 1883, XIV, 227 pp. 4®. 258. Gardner, Percy. The Parthian coinage. Lon- don, 1877, 68 pp. 8 pis. 4®. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. I, pt. 5. 259. Gardner, Percy. Gold coinage of Asia before Alexander the Great. London, 1908, 32 pp. 2 pis. 8®. From Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. III. 54 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 260. Gardner, Percy. Coins of the Greek and Scythic kings of Bactria and India in the British muse- um. London, 1886, Lxx\^, 193 pp. pis. 8“. British Museam catalog of Indian coins, vol. III. 261. Gardner, Percy. New coins from Bactria. London, 1879, 12 pp. 1 pi. 8®. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, London, vol. XIX, N. s., pp. 1-12, 1 pi. 262. Gerard, .Tames Gilbert. Memoirs on the topes and antiquities of Afghanistan. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. Ill (July, 1834), pp. 321-329. A letter on the same subject from G. Masson is appended on pp. 329-332. Refers to the coins found in the “ topes ” or tombs. 263. Head, Barclay Vincent. Coinage of Lydia and Persia from the earliest times to the fall of the dy- nasty of the Archaemenidae. London, 1877, viii, 55 pp. illus. 4®. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. I, pt. 3. 264. Indraji, Bhagvanlal, Pandit. The western Kshatrapas. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol. XXII (1890), pp. 639-662, 1 pi. of coins, 1 pi. of in- scriptions. 265. Indraji, Bhagvanlal, Pandit. The northern Kshatrapas. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol XXVI (1894), pp. 541-554, 1 pi. 266. Langlois, Victor. Essai de classification des suites monetaires de la Georgie depuis 1’ antiquite jusqu’ a nos jours. Paris, 1860, vui, 139 pp. 10 pis. chart. 4®. 267. Langlois, Victor. Numismatique des Arabes avant ITslamisme. Paris, 1859, xii, 158 pp. 4 pis. chart. 4®. 268. Lassen, Christian. Points in the history of the Greek and Sythian kings in Bactria, Cabul, and India, ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 55 as illustrated by decyphering the ancient legends on their coins : translated from the German by T, H. Edw. Roeer, translation edited by Henry Torrens, secretary of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. From the Journal of the Asiatic Society, 1840. Calcutta, 1840, 185 pp. 8°. 269. Le Strange, Guy. Notes on some inedited Persian coins. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. XII (1880), pp. 542-547. 270. Macdonald, George. Catalog of the Greek coins in the Hunterian collection at the University of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1905, vol. Ill, 799 pp. pis. 53- 102. 4°. This volume includes the coins of Farther Asia, Northern Africa and Western Europe. 271. Masson, Charles. Second memoir on the an- cient coins found at Behgram in the Kohistan of Kabul. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. V (Jan., 1836), pp. 1-28. 3 pis. (ii-iv.) 272. Memoir on the ancient coins found at Beghram, in the Kohistan of Kabul. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. HI (April, 1834), pp. 153-175. 6 pis. (vin- xiii.) 273. Prinsep, Henry Thoby. Note on the histori- cal results deducible from recent discoveries in Afganis- tan. London, 1844. 124 pp. 15 pis. of coins and 2 (unnumbered) of inscriptions. 8°. The running title is “ Historical results from Bactrian coins, etc.” The article is in completion of the work of the author’s deceased brother, James Prinsep. 274. Prinsep, James. 'New varieties of the Mithraic or Indo-Scythic series of coins and their imitations. Jour- nal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. V (Oct., 1836), Art. IV, pp. 639-643. Followed by Hindu coins imitated 56 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. from the Avdokro type, pp. 643-657. 3 pis. (xxxvi, XXXVUI, XXXIX.) This and the following papers by Janies Prinsep were obtained in London, collected in one bound volume. 275. Prinsep, James. On the connection of various ancient Hindu coins with the Grecian or Indo-Scythic series. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. IV (Nov., 1835), Art. Ill, pp. 621-643. Continuation (Dec., 1835), pp. 668-690. 9 pis. (xxxiv-xxxix ; xlix-li.) 276. Prinsep, James. Note on the 'coins discovered by M. Court in the topes of Milnikyala. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. Ill (Nov., 1834), Art. IV, pp. 562-576. 2 pis. (xxxiii, xxxiv.) Includes an article on a “brown liquid ” found in the cylinders containing the coins. 277. Prinsep, James. On the coins and relics dis- covered by M. le Chevalier Ventura, Geneml in the ser- vice of Maha Rajil Runjeet Singh, in the tope of i\Ianiky- ala. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. Ill (July, 1834), pp. 313-320. 2 pis. (xxi, xxii.) 278. Prinsep, James. Continuation of observations on the coins and relics discovered by General Ventura in the tope of Manikyala. Journal Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, vol. Ill (Sept, 1834), Art. Ill, pp. 436-455. 2 pis. (XXV, XXVI.) 279. Prinsep, James. Note on the coins found by Captain Cautley, at Behat. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. Ill (May, 1834), Art V, pp. 227-231. 1 pi. (xvui) Also in the same article, notes on Hindu coins from the ruins of Kanouj. 280. Prinsep, James. Note on Lieut. Burnes’ collec- tion of ancient coins. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. II (June, 1833), Art. V, pp. 310-318. 1 pi. (xi) ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 57 281. PuiNSEP, James. Bactrian and Indo-Scythic coins, continued. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. II (Aug., 1833), pp. 405-416. 2 pis. (xiv) 282. Prinsep, James, editor. Coins and relics from Bactria. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. VII (Dec., 1838), Art. V, pp. 1047-1052. 3 pis. (xxxii, ■coins ; xxxii, figures ; unnumbered plate of patera). 283. Prinsep, James. New types of Bactrian and Indo-Scytbic coins engraved as plate XLix. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. V (Nov., 1836), pp. 720- 724. 1 pi. (xLvi) 284. Prinsep, James. Additions to Bactrian numis- matics and discovery of the Bactrian alphabet. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. VII (July, 1838), pp. 636-655. 2 pis. (xxvii, xxviii). Also a note on pp. 655-658 of Bates’ medal ruling machine by which plates of coins are made. 1 pi. (xxix) 285. Rapson, Edward James. Catalog of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the western Ksatrapas, the Traik- utaka dynasty, and the “ Bodhi ” dynasty, in the British Museum. London, 1908, ccviii, 268 pp., 21 pis. map. 8". 286. Rapson, Edward James. Notes on Indian coins and seals. Journal Royal Asiatic Society ; pt. I, N. s. vol. XXXII (1900), pp. 97-126, 1 pi. ; pt. II, pp. 423- 429; pt. Ill, pp. 529-543 ; pt. IV, n. s., vol. XXXIII (1901), pp. 97-108, 1 pi. ; pt. V, N. s. vol. XXXV (1903), pp. 285-312, 1 pi. ; pt. VI, vol. XXXVII (1905), pp. 783- 814, 1 pi. The last, a deprint with autograph of author. 287. Rapson, Edward James. Two notes on In- dian numismatics. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol. XXIX (1897), pp. 319-324. Treats of Graeco-Indian coins. 58 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 288. Rapson, Edward James. Ancient silver coins from Baluchistan. From Numismatic Chronicle, vol. IV, ser. 4, pp. 311-325, 1 pi. 8°. 289. Rapson, Edward James. Indian coins. Strass- burg, 1897. 41 pp. 5 pis. 4®. From Encyclopedia of Indo- Aryan Research. 290. Rapson, Edward James. The coinage of the western Ksatrapas. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol. XXXI (1899), pp. 357-407, 1 pi. 291. Rodgers, Charles James. Catalogue of the coins collected by C. J. Rodgers and purchased by the government of the Punjab. Calcutta, 1895. 8°. Pt. 3, Graeco-Bactrian and other ancient coins. Five parts were issued in all. 292. Rodgers, Charles James. Catalogue of the coins of the Indian Museum. Calcutta, 1893-1896. 4 pts. 8®. Part III, Ancient and mediaeval coins of India, etc. 1895. 152 pp. 4 pis. Part IV, Graeco-Bactrian, Mo- hammedan, etc. 1896. 288 pp. 6 pis. Part I, Sultans of Delhi, and Part II, Mogul Emperors, E. I. Co., etc., are cataloged under, — India, Parts, States, etc., in the next section. 293. Rodgers, Charles James. Catalogue of the coins in the government museum, Lahore. Calcutta, 1891. XIX, 149, 29 pp. 4®. Mostly the ancient and Mohammedan coins of India. 294. Rodgers, Charles James. Report of the Pun- jab circle of the archaeological survey for 1888-89, with list of coins gathered on their tour. Calcutta, 1891, XLV, 37 pp. 4°. 295. Rodgers, Charles James. List of forty-two papers on coins by him. Numismatist, vol. XII (1899), pp. 12-15 ; Notice of his death, pp. 102-103. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 59 296. Saulcy, Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart de. Memoire sur les monnaies dat^es des Seleucides. Paris, 1871, 89 pp. 4°. Publication de la Socidtd Fran<;aise de Numismatique et d’Archco- logie. 297. Silvestre de Sacy, Antoine Isaac. M4raoires sur diverses antiquites de la Perse, et sur les medailles des rois de la dynastie des Sassauides. Paris, 1793, xvi 432, 17 pp. 7 pis. 4«. 298. Smith, Vincent Arthur. Catalog of the coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Oxford, 1906. 8°. vol. I, Ancient and medieval coins, 346 pp. 31 pis. Vol. II. The Mohammedan series, and vol. Ill, the Mughal em- perors of India, belonging to this set, are by H. Nelson Wright, and will be found entered under, — India, Parts, States, etc. 299. SiHTH, Vincent Arthur. A classified and de- tailed catalogue of the gold coins of the imperial Gupta dynasty of northern India, with an introductory essay. From the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. LIII, pt. I, 1884, pp. 119-206, 4 pis. 8°. 300. SmTH, Vincent Arthur. The early or impe- rial Gupta dynasty of northern India. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, n. s. vol. XXI (1889), pp. 1-158. 5 pis. 8°. 301. Smith, Vincent Arthur. Observations on the Gupta coinage. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s. vol. XXV (1893), pp. 77-148, 3 pis. (1 of coins). 302. Steuart, John Robert. Two plates of coins (Cutch princes, the early part of our era). Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. IV (1837), pp. 273-279. 2 pis. 8°. A note on the above will be found on pp. 397-398 of the same vol- ume. 60 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 303. Theobald, William. Revision of the symbols on the Karshapana coinage described in vol. LIX, Jour- nal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1890, pt. I, no. 3, and de- scriptions of many additional symbols and devices met with on copper coins of ancient India. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. LXX (1901), pp. 38-88, 8°. 304. Thomas, Edward. On the coins of the dynas- ty of the Hindu kings of Kabul. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. IX (1848), pp. 177-198, 1 pi. 8°. The same as a deprint. 305. Thomas, Ewdard. On the dynasty of the Sail kings of Surashtra. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XII (1850), pp. 1-77, 6 pis. of coins and 1 of in- scriptions. 8“. The same, as a deprint, London, 1848. 306. Thomas, Edward. Bactrian coins and Indian dates. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. IX (1877), pp. 1-21. illus. 307. Thomas, Edward. Bilingual coins of Bukhara. London, 1881, 13 pp. 1 pi. 8°. From the Numismatic Chronicle, London, vol. I, ser. Ill, pp. 116- 128. 308. Thomas, Edward. Notes introductory to Sas- sanian mint monograms, with a supplementary notice of the Aribico-Pehlvi series of Persian coins. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XIII (1852), pp. 373-428. 3 pis. 309. Thomas, Edward. Early Sassanian inscrip- tions, seals and coins. London, 1868, viii, 137 pp. illus, 8®. 310. Thomas, Edward. Bactrian coins. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XX (1863), pp. 99-133, 1 pi. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL INDIA AND WESTERN ASIA. 61 311. Thomas, Edward. Parthian and Indo-Sassanian coins. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, n. s., vol. XV (1883), pp. 73-99, 1 pi. 312. Thomas, Edward. Ancient Indian weights. International Numismata Orientalia, London, vol. I, pt. I, 1874, vm, 74 pp. 1 pi. map. F. 313. Tod, James, Major. An account of Greek, Par- thian and Hindu medals found in India. Transactions Royal Asiatic Society, vol. I (1827), pp. 313-342. 314. Wilson [John?], Professor. Observations on some ancient Indian coins in the society’s cabinet. Jour- nal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. Ill (1836), pp. 381-386, 1 pi. 315. Wroth, Warwick. Catalog of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards, and of the em- pires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British Museum. London, 1911, xciv, 344 pp., 42 pis. 4“. INDIA. Parts, States, Tribes, etc. 316. Brown, C. J. The coins of the kings of Awadh. Numismatic Supplement, Journal Asiatic Society of Ben gal, vol. VIII, N. s. (1912), pp. 249-274, pis. xxi, xxiir. 317. CoDRiNGTON, OLIVER, M. D. Coins of the Bah- mani dynasty. London. 1898, 15 pp. 2 pis. 8°. From the Numismatic Chronicle, 3d ser., vol. XVIII, pp. 259-273. 318. CoDRiNGTON, OLIVER, M. Z>. On coins of Kutch and Kathiawar. From a periodical, pp. 49-56. illus. 8®. 319. Copper coins of India shipped to New York. Numismatist, vol. XII (1899), p. 192. Paragraph. 320. Dames, Mansel Longworth. Some coins of the Mughal emperors. London, 1902, 35 pp. 2 pis., map. 8®. From the Numismatic Chronicle, London, 4th ser., vol. II, pp. 275-309, pis. XIII-XIV. 321. Elliot, Walter, Sir. Coins of Southern India. London, 1886, xi, 159 pp., 4 pis., map. F. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. Ill, pt. 2. 322. Gibbs, James. Gold and silver coins of the Bahmani dynasty. London, 1881, 25 pp., 1 pi. 8®. From the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. I, 3d ser., pp. 91-115. Contains list of Mohammedan rulers of the Deccan from 748-932 A. H. (1347-1525 A. D.) ( 62 ) INDIA. 63 323. Indore, New issues of coins for. Numismatist vol. XVI (1903), p. 251. illus. 324. Irvine, William. Mint rules in 1126 A. H. (1714-15 A. D.). Proceedings Asiatic Society of Bengal, May, 1898, 4 pp. 8°. 325. Jackson, ll. PiLKiNGTON, ATayor. Some copper coins of the Carnatic and coins of Balapur. London, 1910, 17 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, London, 4th ser., vol. X, pi. V. 326. Jackson, K. Pilkington, Major. Coin collect- ing in Mysore. London, 1909, 54 pp., 3 pis. 8®. Reprinted from British Numismatic Journal, vol. V (1909). 327. Jackson, R. Pilkington, Major. Coin collect- ing in the Deccan. London, 1909, 23 pp., 3 pis. 8®. Reprinted from British Numismatic Journal, vol. V (1909). 328. Kashmere rupee inscribed “ I. H. S.” Ameri- can Journal Numismatics, vol. XXVIII (1893), p. 45. 329. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Moham- madan states of India in the British Museum. London, 1885, Lxxix, 239 pp., 12 pis., map. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Indian coins, vol. II. 330. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the sultans of Dehli in th^ British Museum. London, 1884, xliv, 199 pp., 9 pis., map. 8®. British Museum Catalog of Indian Coins, vol. I. 331. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Moghul emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum. London, 1892, CLii, 401 pp., 33 pis., map. 8®. British Museum Catalog of Indian coins, vol. IV . 64 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 332. Loewenthal, Eduard. The coins of Tinne- velly. Madras, 1888, 23 pp. 4 pis. 8°. 333. Maunder, Edward Walter. Zodiacal rupees of Jahangir. Numismatist, vol. XIII (1900), pp. 1-7,. Ipl. 334. Muhammadan coinage before Babar, twelfth century. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 251-254 ; 274-278 ; 289-292. 335. Nepaul, Half rupee of. Numismatist, vol. XV (1902), p. 179. A question and answer. 336. Nevill, Hugh. A billon coin of Ghiyasu-d-Din Bahadur of Bengal. Numismatic Supplement, Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. VHI, n. s. (1912), pp. 228- 229. 337. Nevill, Hugh. The Suri mint of Shahgarh. Numismatic Supplement, Journal Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, vol. VHI, N. s. (1912), p. 228. 338. Patiala mint. Rude method of making coins at. Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), p. 123. 339. Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint. Explication de cinq medailles des anciens rois musulmans du Bengale,. accompagnee de quelques observations generales sur les monnaies musulmanes. Paris, 1823, 56 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Extrait du Journal Asiatique, vol. III. 340. Rodgers, Charles James. Coin collecting in northern India. Allahabad, 1894. 135 pp. 6 pis. 4°. 341. Rogers, Charles James. On a coin of Shams ud Dunya, etc. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XIV N. s. (1882), pp. 24-27. illus. INDIA. 65 342. Rodgers, Charles James. Catalog of the coins of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1893-1896, 4 pts. 8°. Pt. I, Sultans of Dehli. 1893, 172 pp. 3 pis. Pt. II, Mogul emperors of India, East India Company, Indian empire. iNIedals and tokens, 1894, 255 pp. 8 pis. Pt. Ill, Ancient coins of India, and Pt. IV, Graeco-Bactrian, etc., are catalogued under Ancient and medieval India and western Asia in the previous section. 343. Rodgers, Charles James. Mogul copper coins. From the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, voL LXIV pt. I, no. 2, 1895, 25 pp. (171-193), 12 plates (xii-xxiii), 8°. 344. Rupee, Depreciation in the. A statement pre- pared on behalf of the civil and military service in India. London, 1893, 32 pp. 8°. Shows in eilect a reduction of all salaries based on the rupee. 345. Schiefner, Anton. Ueber die nepalischen, assamischen und ceylonischen Miinzen des Asiatischen. Museums Bull, hist-phil. vol. XI (1854), no. 10, pp. 430-436. 346. Smith, Adam, 3Iajor. Cutch coinage. Numis- matist, vol. VII (1894), pp. 272-273. 347. Smith, Adam, 31ajor. Notes on the coins of India. Numismatist, vol. VII (1894), pp. 143-145; pp. 166-167 ; p. 257. illus. 348. SoNNERAT, Pierre. Voyage aux Indies Orient- ales et la Chine, etc., 1774-1781. Paris, 1782. Gives an account of the coins of India on pp. 144-148, with two plates. 349. Stewart, Jaimes Denham, Sir. The principles of money applied to the present state of the coin of*Ben- gal, etc., composed for the East India Co., 1772, 91 pp. 8®. Interleaved copy, inscribed “ To Charles Raymond, Esq.,^ from the East India Co.” 66 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 350. Taylor, George P. On the Bai’oda coins of the last six Gaikwars. Numismatic Supplement, Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. VIII, N. s. (1912), pp. 229- 248, pis. xii-xiii. 351. Taylor, George P. On three gold coins of the Adil Shahi dynasty of Bijapur. Numismatic Supplement, Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. VIII, n. s. (1912), p. 227. 352. Thomas, Edward. Chronicles of the Pathau kings of Dehli. London, 1871, xxiv, 467 pp. 8°. There are six plates of coins and a map, together with illustra- tions in the text. 353. Thomas, Edward. The resources of the Mughal empire of India, — a supplement to the above. London, 1871, 54 pp. 8^ 354. Thomas, Edward. Initial coinage of Bengal introduced by the Mohammadans on their conquest of the country. A. H. 600 to 800 (A. D. 1203-1397). Pt. I, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. II, N. s. (1866), pp. 145-224. 2 pis.; pt. II, vol. VI, n. s. (1873), pp. 339-376, 1 pi. illus. Also as a deprint. 355. Thomas, Edward. On the coins of the Patan sultans of Hindustan. London, 1847, v'lii, 102 pp, 7 pis. 8°. 356. Thomas, Edward. Supplementary contributions to the series of coins of the Patan sultans, Delhi, 1851, 53 pp. illus. 8°. 357. Tracy, J. E. Coins of India as witnesses to her history. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXV (1891), pp. 57-63 ; 85-89. 358. Tufnell, Robert Hutchinson Campbell. Hints for coin collectors ; coins of Southern India. New York, 1890, 52 pp. illus. 8°. INDIA. 67 359. Walsh, E. H. The coinage of Nepal. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XL (July, 1908), art. xvii. pp. 669-759, 7 pi. 360. Webb, William Wilfrid. The currencies of the Hindu States of Rajputaua. Westminster, 1893, xxi, 135 pp. 12 pis. map. 4°. 361. Wood, Howland. Notes on the zodiacal coins of India. Numismatist, vol. XXII (1909), illus. The appropriate coin for each month treated throughout the year. 362. Wright, H. Nelson. Catalog of the coins in the Indian museum, Calcutta. Oxford, 1906-1908. 3 vols. 8“. Vol. II. The Muhammadan series, 280 pp. 11 pis. map. Vol. HI. Mughal emperors of India. 360 pp. 22 pis. map. Vol. I. Ancient and medieval coins, by Vincent Arthur Smith, will be found under Anciknt and Medievai. India and Western Asia in the previous section of this catalog. 363. Wright, H. Nelson. Index to rare Mughal coins noticed in the Numismatic Supplements, I-XV, of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Allahabad, 1912, XII pp. 8°. The “ Supplements ” are issued separately to subscribers who are members of the Numismatic Society of India. The later issues will be found in the numismatic library of the Essex Institute. 364. Wright, H. Nelson. Addenda to the series of coins of the Pathan sultans of Dehli. 2 pts. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XXXII, N. s. (1900), pp. 481- 499, 2 pis. pp. 769-790, 3 pis. This is an addenda to the papers of Edward Thomas on the same subject. * 365. Zodiacal rupees. American Journal Numisma- tics, vol.X (1876), pp. 83-84. Also photographs showing obverse and reverse of a set of zodiacal rupees sold by Low in New York in 1910. Contributed by Howland Wood. INDIA. (Indo-European, including the English and Dutch East India Companies.) 366. Bergsoe, Vilhelm. Trankebar monter (1644- 1845 j samt monter og medailler. Kjobenhavn, 1895, viii, 68 pp. illus. 4°. Describes the Danish coinage in India. 367. Campos, Mangel Joaquim de. Numismatica Indo-Portugnesa. Boletim Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, 18 series (April-July, 1900), pp. 131-386, 8®. 368. Chalmers, Robert. A history of currency in the British colonies. London, 1893. viii, 496 pp. 4®. Refers to Hong Kong, India, Straits Settlements, etc. 369. COEVORDEN, J. S. van. Beschrijving van Ned- erlandsch-Indische munten. n. t. p., pp. 105-129 and 332- 341, dated from Soerabaja, 20 November, 1856. 8®. 370. Dutch medals relating to the Indies. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXII (1898), p. 78. 371. Grogan, Henry T. Indo-Portuguese coins : the gold issues of Goa. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Cii'cular, vol. XX (May, 1912), columns 13,583 - 13,586. illus. In the Spink and Son’s Circnlar the columns are numbered instead of the pages. 372. Grogan, Henry T. Indo-Portuguese coins : the issues of the Diu mint. Spink and Son’s Numismatic (68) INDIA — INDO-EUKOPEAN. 69 Circular, vol. XX (Jan., 1912), columns 13,309 - 13,316, illus. Also, correction, Feb., 1912, columns 13,390- 13,391. 373. Grogan, Henry T. The Indo-European pago- das. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XVI (July, 1908), columns 10,728- 10,731. illus. 374. Howarth, Daniel Fowler. Copper coinage of the Calcutta mint for other Provinces. Numismatist, vol. IX (1896), pp. 133-135. Refers to recent times. 375. Humphries, Henry Noel. Anglo-Indian coins, pp. 146-147, pi. xxni, figs. 11-21. In Coinage of the British empire. London, 1854. 376. Jackson, R. Pilkington, Major. Some copper coins issued by the English East India Company and other European powers in Southern India. London, 1909. 6 pp. 1 pi. 80 . Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal, vol. V (1909). 377. Rea, Alexander. Indo-Dutch coinage. Arch- aeological Survey of India, New Imp. series, vol. XXV (1897), pp. 65-72, 1 pi. F. 378. Smith, Adam, Major. Medals of the Honorable East India Company. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), p. 89. 379. Smith, Adam, Major. Silver coinage of the East India Company. Numismatist, vol. VIII (1895), pp. 39-40. 380. Shelling, Thomas. On the coins of Great 70 OKIENTAL NUMISMATICS. Britain, France and Ireland. London, 1823. 6 pts., 36, 55, 46, 20, 54, 16 pp., 70 pis. 4°. “ A view of the coins struck by the East India Company,” pp. 32- 33, pi. 4, upper portion. The issues under Elizabeth and the Bom- bay issues of 1718 are figured. 381. Thomas, Edward. Coins of the East India Company in Bombay, under the charters of Charles II. London, 1883, 15 pp., illus., 8°. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. Ill, 3d ser., pp. 40-54. 382. Thurston, Edgar. History of the coinage of the territories of the East India Company in the Indian peninsula and catalog of the coins in the Madras museum. Madras, 1890, 123 pp., 20 pis, 8®. 383. Thurston, Edgar. Note on the history of the coinage of the East India Company from 1753 to 1835. Calcutta, 1893, 33 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. LXII, pt. 1, No. 1, 1893. 384. WisELius, Jacob Adolf Bruno. Het Portu- geesch koloniaal beheer in Azie. Samarang, 1880, pp. 12-29. 4“. From Ten Brink, A. J. Tijdschrift van het Indisch Aardrijk- skundig Genootschap. 385. Wood, Howland. Coin with bale mark of the East India Company. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), p. 49. Paragraph. 386. Zay, Ernest Elias. Histoire monetaire des colonies frangaises d’apres les documents officiels. Paris, 1892, 380 pp., 278 figures, tall 8°. The coins f French India, pp. 269-359. INDIA:— CEYLON. 387. Black, George F. The Copper massas of Ceylou. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXXVII (Oct, 1902), pp. 41-42. The Ceylon copper coins of the 12th century. 388. Churchill, Randolph Henry Spencer. Cop- per coins of the Ceylon Rajas. Spink’s Numismatic Cir- cular, vol. XV (May, 1907), columns 9,829 - 9,831. illus. 389. Churchill, Randolph Henry Spencer. Cey- lon-Dutch currency. Spink and Son’s Numismatic Circu- lar, vol. XV .(Aug., 1907), columns 10,022 - 10,023. 390. Davids, Thomas William Rhys. On the an- cient coins and measures of Ceylon, with a discussion of the Ceylon date of Buddha’s death. London, 1877, 62 pp., Ipl. F. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. 1, pt. 6. 391. Grogan, Henry T. Ceylon Dutch currency. Spink’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XVII (March, 1909), columns 11,269 - 11,271. illus. Also vol. XVI (Feb., 1908), columns 10,382- 10,387. illus. 392. Grogan, Henry T. Portuguese Ceylon coins. Spink’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XIX (July, 1911), col- umns 12,891 - 12,895. illus. 393. Henderson, J. R. Ceylon Dutch Currency. Spink’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XVII (July, 1909), columns 11,522-11,523. Paragraph. ( 71 ) 72 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 394. Hook money of Ceylon. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XIX (1885), p. 78. Paragraph. 395. Still, John. Forgeries of old Sinhalese coins. Spink’s Numismatic Circular, vol. XIV (June, 1906), col- umns 9,159 - 9,160. Paragraph. 396. Vaux, William Sandys Wright. On coins of Ceylon ; with some remarks on the so-called ring and fish-hook money attributed to that island. Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 16 (1853), pp. 121-131, 1 pi. 8°. Deprint. MOHAMMEDAN. See also under India for other works on Mohammedan Coins. 397. AngloArabic token, abolition of the slave trade, 1807. American Journal Numismatics, Vol. XVII (1883), p. 90. Paragraph. 398. Bahrjen Islaxds, Persian gulf, Coins of. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XXV (1890) p. 18. Paragraph. Short bars of copper inscribed. 399. Berlin Konigliche Museen. Katalog der orientalischen Munzen. Berlin, 1898-1902, 2 vols. 13 pis. F. vol. 2. Die Munzen der muslimischen dynas- tieen Spaniens. 400. Blau, Otto. Die orientalischen Munzen des Museums der Kaiserlichen Historisch-Archaologischen Gesellschaft zu Odessa. Odessa, 1876, 94 pp. 1 pi. 4®. Mohammedan coins of regions of western Asia. 401. Casanova, Paul. Nuinismatique des Danich- mendites. Paris, 1896, 90 pp. 11 pis. 8°. Revue Numismatique annees, 1894-1896. Reprinted from Mohammedan coins. 402. Cattaneo, Gaetano. Director of the museum, ed. Monete Cufiche dell’ I. K. Museo di Milano. Milan, 1819, xcii, 388 pp. 18 pis. F. (73) 74 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 403. CoDEEA Y Zaidin, Francisco. Tratado de nu- mismatica arabigo-espaiiola. Madrid, 1879, xxrv, 319 pp. 24 pis. 8°. 404. CODRINGTON, OLIVER, M. D. A manual of Musalman numismatics. London, 1904. 239 pp. 8 a Royal Asiatic Society Monographs, vol. 7. A valuable work. Indispensable to the collector of Mohammedan coins. 405. Drouin, Edouard. Observations sur les mon- naies a legendes en Pehlvi et Pehlvi-Arabe. Paris, 1886, 98 pp. 3 pis. 4°. Revue arch^ologique, publiee, sous la direction de M.M. Alex. Bertrand et G. Perrot. 406. Drouin, Edouard. Notice sur les monnaies iMongoles, faisant partie du Recueil des documents de Pepoque Mongole. Paris, 1896, 63 pp. 8®. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. 407. Fraehn, Christianus Martinus. Recensio numorum Muhammedanorum Acad. Imper. Scient. Pe- tropolitanae. Petropoli, 1826, xxxviii, 743 pp. 4®. 408. Fraehn, Christianus Martinus. Die Miinzen der Chane vom ulus Dschutschi’s oder von der Goldenen Horde. St. Petersburg, 1832, xx, 78 pp. 17 pis. 4°. 409. Fraehn, Christianus Martinus. Opusculo- rum postumorum edidit Bernh. Dorn. Petropoli, 1855- 1877, 2 vols. 8°. Vol. 1. Nova supplementa ad recensionem numorum muhamme- danorum. Vol. 2. Adnotationes in varia opera numismatics continens. (73) MOHAMMEDAN. 75 410. Ghalib Edhem, Ismael. Miisa hunaayftn Mis- kflkat islamiye kismindin. Kustantiniye. Mihran, 1311- 1321 [1894-1904], 4 vols. 24 pis. 8°. Imperial Ottoman Museum. Section of Mohammedan coins. Preface by Osman Hamdi Bey, Director of the Imperial Ottoman Museum at Constantinople. 411. Hallenberg, Jonas. Collectio nummorum Cuficorum quos aere expresses, addita eorum interpreta- tione, subiunctoque alphabeto cufico. Stockholm, 1800, 72 pp. 8 pis. 16°. 412. Markov, Aleksiei Konstantinovich. Sobranie vostochnykh monet Imperatorskago Ermitazha. Katalog dzhelairidskikh monet. S. Peterburg, 1897, Lxxxii, 64 pp. 9 pis. F. Collection of oriental coins in the Imperial Hermitage. Catalog of Jelairid coins. 413. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the eastern Khaleefehs in the British Museum. London, 1875, xx, 263 pp. 8 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. I, additions, vol. IX, pp. 1-103, 5 pis. 414. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) in the British Museum from the time of Timur to the present day. Classes XXII and XXIII. London, 1882, xlviii, 131 pp. 5 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. VII, additions, vol. X, pp. 139-181, 3 pis. 415. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Moham- madan dynasties in the British Museum. Classes III-X. London, 1876, xii, 279 pp. 8 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. II, additions, vol. IX, pp. 105-264; 371-385, 9 pis. 76 OEIENTAL NUMISMATICS, 416. Lane-Poole, Stanley. On the coins of the Urtukis, with catalog of those in the British Museum, and published coins not in the Museum. From the Numismatic Chronicle, N. S., vol. XIII, pp. 1-95, 2 pis, 417. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Mongols in the British Museum. Classes XVIIf-XXII. London, 1881, Lxxv, 300 pp. 9 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. VI, additions, vol. X, pp. 81-138, 3 pis. 418. Lane-Poole, Stanley. The Mohammadan Dy- nasties, chronological and genealogical tables, with histor- ical introductions. London, 1894, xxviii, 362 pp. 12°. 419. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Inedited Arabic coins. 3 pts. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. VII (1875), pp. 243-261, 1 pi. ; vol. Vllf (1876), pp. 291- 296 ; vol. IX (1877), pp. 135-143. 420. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain ; and the kings and Imams of the Yemen in the British Museum. Classes XIVB-XXVII. London, 1880, lii, 175 pp. 7 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. V, additions, vol. X, pp. 1-80. 6 pis. 421. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Turks in the British Museum. Class XXVI. Loudon, 1883, Li, 431 pp. 12 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Goins, vol. VIII, additions, vol. X, pp. 183-206, 1 pi. 422. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coinage of Egypt (A. H. 358-922) under the Fatimee Khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees and the Memlook sultans. Classes XIVA-XVI. Lon- don, 1879, XXX, 279 pp. 8 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. IV, additions, vol. IX, pp, 315-370, 2 pis. MOHAMMEDAN. 77 423. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalog of the collec- tion of Oriental coins belonging to Col. C. Seton Guthrie. Fasc. 1. Coins of the Amawi Khalifehs. Hertford, 1874, VIII, 38 pp. 5 pis. 8°. 424. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalog of Arabic glass weights in the British Museum. London, 1891, xxxv, 127 pp. 9 pis. S°. 425. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalog of the collec- ton of Arabic coins preserved in the Khedivial Library at Cairo. London, 1897, xv, 384 pp. 8°. 426. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Turkumaii houses of Seljook, Urtuk,. Zengee, etc., in the British Museum, classes X-XIV. London, 1877, xxvii, 305 pp. 12 pis. 8°. British Museum Catalog of Oriental Coins, vol. Ill, additions, vol. IX, pp. 365-313, 4 pis. 427. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Urtuki Turkumans. London, 1875, x, 44 pp. 6 pis. F. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. I, pt. 2. 428. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Mohammedan coins. American Journal Numismatics, vol. XX (1886), pp. 49- 56. 1 pi. 429. Langlois, Victor. Numismatiquede la Georgie au Moyen age. n. p. w. d., 3 pts., 5 plain, 7 black and gilt pis., 8°. From the Revue arch^ologique, vol. VIII. 430. Nutzel, H., Dr. Der Mahdi Aufstand im Sudan und die daraus hervorgegangenen Munzen. Berlin, 1894, 18 pp. 2 pis. 8 illus. 8°. 431. PiETRASZEWiSKi, IGNATIUS. Numi Mohamuie- dani, fasc. 1. Berolini, 1843, xrv, 139 pp. 15 pis. 4®. 78 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. 432. Poole, Reginald Stuart. Coins of the Shahs of Persia, Safavis, Afghans, Efsharis, Zands and Kajars. London, 1887, xcv, 336 pp. 24 pis. 8°. 433. Retovski.t, Otton Ferdinandovich. Geuuezsko- tatarski’ia raonety goroda Kaffy. Simferopol, 1898-1901, parts II and III, 52, 17 pp. 3 pis. 8°. Certain Tatar coins of the city of Kafla. 434. Retovskij, Otton Ferdinandovich. Die Miin- zen der Gire’i. Moskan, 1901-1905, 3 pts. 305 pp. 30 pis. 4°. Separatdruck aus dem II-III Band der Arbeiten der Moskauer Numisniatischen Gesellschaft. Coins of the Khans of Krim. 435. Rogers, Edward Thomas. Catalog of a col- lection of Mohammadan coins. Loudon, 1883, 59 pp. illus. 8°. Reprint from Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 3, 3d ser. 436. Rogers, Edward Thomas. Coins of the Tu- luni dynasty. London, 1877, 21 pp. 1 pi. F. International Numismata Orientalia, vol. I, pt. 4. 437. Rogers, Edward Thomas. Unpublished glass weights and measures. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. X (1878), pp. 98-112, 2 pis. Note of the same, N. s. vol. XII (1880), pp. 110-116. 438. Sauvaire, Henry. Sur quelques monnaies orientales rare ou in^dites de la collection de M. Ch. de I’Ecluse. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, n. s., vol. XIII (1881), pp. 380-398. 439. Sauvaire, Henry. Lettre a M. Stanley Lane- Poole, sur quelques monnaies musulmanes. Numismatic Chronicle, 1882, pt. 4, pp. 327-333. 440. Sauvaire, Henry, and Lane-Poole, Stanley. MOHAMMEDAN. 79 Name of the twelfth Iinilra on the coinage of Egypt. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. VII (1875), pp. 140-151. 441. SoRET, Friedrich Jakob. Lettres ii M. Fran- cois Duval sur quelques raonnaies orientales inedites trouvees a Bokhara. Gen6ve, 1843, 30 pp. 1 pi. 8°. 442. Stone, Frederick. A few coins from Mardin, Turkey in Asia. Numismatist, vol. XIII (1900), pp. 181- 182. illus. 443. Thomas, Edward. Notice on the dinars of the Abbasside dynasty. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, N. s., vol. VII (1875), pp. 262-304. 4 pis. map. 444. Thomas, Edward. The Bilingual coins of Bukhara. London, 1881, 13 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. I, 3d ser., pp. 116-128. Mohammedan coins with designs copied from ancient coins with Kufic and Pehlvi inscriptions. 445. Thomas, Edward. Armenian coins. Commu- nicated to the Numismatic Society, London, 1868, pp. 57- 77. illus. 8°. 446. Thomas, Edward. On the Pehlvf coins of the early Mohammedan Arabs. Journal Royal Asiatic So- ciety, vol. XII (1850), pp. 253-347, 4 pi. of inscriptions. 447. Thomas, Edward. On the coins of the kings of Ghazni. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. IX (1848), pp. 267-386. 3 pis. Supplementary contribution to the series of coins of the kings of Ghazni. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XVII (1860), pp. 138-208. 1 pi. The first article also as a deprint. 448. Tychsen, Thomas Christian. Introductio in 80 ORIENTAL NUMISMATICS. rem numariam Muhammedanorum. Rostock, 1794, x,. 246 pp. illus. 16°. 449. Tychsen, Thomas Christian. Introductionis iu rem numariam Muhammedanorum. Additamentum, I. Rostock, 1796, vin, 112 pp. illus. 12°. 450. Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Mohammadan States. London, 1911. 203 pp., 72 pis. (including 3 of Chinese Turkestan). 6 maps. 8°. An invaluable work for the collector of this class of coins. See note on this work by H. A. Ramsden in Spink and Son’s Numis- matic Circular, vol. XIX (July, 1911), columns 12,905 - 12,906. 451. Vaux, William S ANDYS Wright. Coins struck by the Atabeks of Irak. n. t. p. pp. xv-xxxv, 7 pis. 4°. 452. Wood, Howland. Some notes on the coins of Morocco. Numismatist, vol. XXII (1909), pp. 97-98. illus. 453. Wood, Howland. The coins of Tripoli. Nu- mismatist, vol. XXIV (1911), pp. 389-392. illus. 454. Wood, Howland. The toughra as found upon coins. Reprinted from the Numismatist, vol. XVIII (1905), 13 pp. illus. 8°. The “toughra” is the complicated monogram found on most modern Turkish and many other Mohammedan coins. A very inter- esting and instructive paper. 455. Zambaur, Edouard, von. Contributions a la numismatique orientale, monnaies inedites ou rares des dynasties Musulmanes de la collection de I’auteur. Zeits- schrift Nuinismatische Gesellschaft. Wien, vol. XXXVI (1904), pp. 43-122, 1 pi. 8°. 456. Zanzibar, New coins of. Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), p. 250. illus. Paragraph. COINS OF THE JEWS. 457. iVlADDEN, Frederic William. Coins of the Jews. London, 1903, xi, 329 pp., “with 279 wood cuts and a plate of alphabets.” F. 458. Saulcy, Louis Feliciex Joseph Caignart de. Numismatique de la terre sainte la Palestine et de I’Arabie Petrie. Paris, 1874, xvi, 406 pp. 25 pis. 4®. 459. Saulcy, Louis Feliciex Joseph Caignart de. Recherches sur la numismatique judaique. Paris, 1854, 192 pp. 20 pis. 4°. Autograph letter of the author and an autograph of C. Rollin. ( 81 ) SALE CATALOGS. Priced Catalogs of Auction Sales and of Dealers in Coins. 460. Bergsoe, Vilhelm, of Copenhagen. Priced catalog of his collection sold at Amsterdam, 1903. 17 pis. Pt. I, Oriental, 8 pis. 8°. 461. Fonrobert Collection. Die Jules Fonrobert ’sche Samnilung iiberseeischer Muuzen und Medaillen, ein Beitrag zur Miinzgeschichte aussereuropaischer Lander. Bearbeitet von Adolph IVeyl. Berlin, 1878. 4 v. illus. 8°. V. 1. Nord-Amerika, pp. 1-558; v. 2, Central-Amerika, Mexiko, pp. 559-838; v.3, Siid-Amerika, pp. 839-1164; v. 4, Australien, Asien, Afrika und verschiedener mohammedanischer Dynastien, 400 pp. 45 pis. mostly oriental. This important catalog is frequently quoted in reference to oriental coins. The first three volumes have printed price lists. The fourth contains the usually missing price list in manuscript. 462. JcN Kobiagawa Co., Yokohama. Priced lists, coin circulars and leaflets. Illus. These lists of coins, ancient treasure, paper money, etc., of China and Japan are profusely illustrated and give an excellent idea of the nature and value of these interesting objects from the Far East. 463. King, Lucas White, Dr. Priced catalog of a collection of all classes of Oriental coins, Scythia, Bac- tria, India, etc., sold at Amsterdam, 1904-1905. 25 pis. 8°. 464. Kingman, Henry. Priced catalog of sale of his collection, including a large series of Chinese coins. Sold by Lyman H. Low, New York, 1899. 8°. 3 pis. of Chinese coins. A number of the coins from this collection are in the Essex Insti- tute cabinet. (82) SALE CATALOGS. 83 465. Legras Collection. Part III of this collec- tion, including a large number of Mohammadan, Indian and Chinese coins, sold at Paris in 1882. 2 pis., including among others a few British Indian coins. 8°. 466. Murdoch, John G. Catalog of sale by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge in London, 1903. 10 pis., including 2 of British-Indian coins of which there was a large series. 467. Oliver, E. E. ; Prof, von Karabaczek; J. A. Bourdillon. Catalog of collection of Oriental coins sold by Schulman, Amsterdam, 1907. 4 pis. 468. Ramos, Alvaro de Araujo. Catalog of col- lection of coins sold by J. Schulman, Amsterdam, 1909. 128 pp. 8 pis. 4°. Includes many coins of Portugese India, etc. 469. Scott’s standard catalog, copper and nickel coins, 17th edition, 1893; Scott’s silver and gold coins, 27th edition, 1893. The Scott Coin and Stamp Company, New York. These catalogs include numerous illustrations, brief descriptions and values of modern oriental coins. Additions to the oriental coins in the Scott catalogs are given in the Numismatist, vol. XVI (1903), pp. 76-81. 470. Spink and Son’s Monthly Numismatic Circular London, vol. XV (1906), to the present time. This is a monthly issue of 36 pages, 4°, finely printed and beauti- fully illustrated, and is sent to numismatists at a trifling charge for postage. While primarily the advertising organ of the firm, each number contains valuable and copiously illustrated articles on medals and coins. Priced lists of coins will be found: — Arabia, Burmah, China, Japan, etc.. May, 1906; Cufic dinars, Feb., 1907; Bactria and India, Nov., 1907; Annam, Sept., 1908; Far East, Oct., 1908; Amawee and Abasi Ebalifs, Jan., 1910; Turkish, Sept., 1910; complete index, December, 1912. 84 SUPPLEMENTAL. 471. Stephanie, Johan Wilhelmus. Priced cata- log of the sale of his collection, including a ver}’’ large series of the coins of the Netherlands and Netherland- Indies. Sold in Amsterdam, 1904. 17 pis. 4®. 472. Tregaskis, James. Priced catalog of a collec- tion of Chinese coins for sale in London, 1902, 8 pp. SUPPLEMENTAL. 473. Bayley, E. Clive, Sir. Remarks on certain dates occurring on the coins of the Hindu kings of Kabul, expressed in the Gupta era and in Arabic (or quasi- Arabic) numerals. London, 1882, 38 pp. 2 pis. 8°. Bound in the same cover is a paper “On the genealogy of modern numerals ” by the same author, 114 pp, 2 tables. Several letters from the author are attached. 474. Chalmers, Robert. A history of currency in the British colonies. London, 1893, 496 pp., 4°. Pages 336-388 refer to “The East” and include India, Ceylon, Mauritius, Hong Kong and the Straits Settlements. 475. Chardin, Pacifique. Mommies orient. Chi- noises, Coreennes, Japonaises et Annamites. Notice ex- plicative de la collection r6unie par lui durant son sejour dans la province de Chantoung (1890-1900) et apparte- nent actuellement a M. Jules Scrive-Loyer. Lille, 1912, 7, 77 pp. illus. 8®. 476. Chavannes, Edouard. Les inscriptions des Ts’in. From Journal Asiatique, Paris, 9th ser., v. I (1893), pp. 473-521. Refers to the Chinese cash from about A. D. 209 to the latter part of the nineteenth century. SUPPLEMENTAL. 85 477. Ellis, H. Leslie. British copper tokens of the Straits Settlements and Malayan Archipelago, From Numismatic Chronicle, London, 3d ser. (1895), pt. 2, pp. 135-153, 1 pi. 478. Fuku-yen (Fr. Sarazin, translator). Des an- ciennes monnaies d’or au Japon. From Memoires du Congr^s international des orientalistes. Paris, 1873, pp. 88-97, 20 pis. 479. Gibbs, James. On some rare and unpublished coins of the Pathan and Mogul dynasties of Dehli. Lon- don, 1885, 16 pp., 2 pis., 8°. Reprinted from Numismatic Chronicle, vol. V, 3d ser. (1885), pp. 213-228, 2 pis. 480. Hoer^le, Augustus F. Rudolf. Report on the British collection of antiquities from Central Asia. E.xtra numbers of Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1899, 1902. Gives some account of the coins found and 3 plates of coins. 481. King, Lucas White. History and coinage of Malwa. From Numismatic Chronicle, London, 4th ser., no. 13 (1904), pt. 1, pp. 62-100, 2 pis. 482. Lindberg, Jacob Carl, Surquelques medailles cufique dans le cabinet du roi de Danemarck r^cemment trouvees dans I’lle de Falster. Copenhague, 1830, 66 pp. 12 pis. 4®. 483. Numismatic and Philatelic Journal of Japan, Henry A. Ramsden, editor, vol. I, January, 1913. This takes the place of the Yokohama Ko Sen Kai (Nu- mismatic Monthly Magazine, No. 28 of this catalog), which is discontinued. It is printed partly in Japanese and partly in English. 86 SUPPLEMENTAL. 484. Paris. Biblioth^ue royale, imperiale, Rationale. Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes par H. M. F. Lavoix. Paris, 1887-1896, 3 vols., 4°. Khalifes orientaux, 547 pp., 10 pis., 1887 ; Espagne et Afrique, 571 pp., 14 pis., 1891 ; Egypte et Syrie, par Paul Casanova, 562 pp. 10 pis., 1896. 485. SiLVESTKE, Jules. Notes pour servir a la re- cherche et au classement des monnaies et medailles de I’Annam et de la Cochinchine francaise. Saigon, 1883, pp. 305-344 ; 393-475, illus. 8°. From '• Excursions et Reconnaissances,” 1882. 486. Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. The figures of the pieces of gold, silver and copper, and of the sorts of shells and almonds that pass for money all over Asia. 28 pp. 8 pis. Facsimile of pages from translation of Tavernier’s Travels in India. (See No. 17 of this catalog.) 487. White, James. The iron money of the Japan- ese. From Numismatic Chronicle, London, new ser. vol. XX (1880), pt. 2, pp. 174-176. 488. Nuivusmatic Chronicle : Journal of the Numis- matic Society. First series, twenty volumes ; second series, twenty volumes; London, 1829-1880. Illustrated with numerous plates, cuts in the text, charts and tables. 8°. This important publication contains much matter relating to oriental coinage, both of the ancient Greek and of the native rulers and extending to the Far East. Reference to all articles on these subjects will be found in the index of this catalog under authors and subjects. The volume and page citations following the number (488) will lead directly to the article; the figure 2 preceding the volume reference indicates the second series. 489. Ichihara, M. Coinage of Old Korea. Trans- actions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol IV, pt. II (1913), pp. 45-74, ill., 8°. 490. Tokyo Kosen Kwai. Report: Japanese and Chinese numismatics, parts 1-28, bound in three vols., illus. 8°. In Japanese. SUPPLEMENTAL. 86il The following books and naagazines in Japanese were received too late to be added to the catalog in their proper places or included in the index. They are, however, of suflBcient interest and importance to insert a list of them with notes in this catalog, now in the hands of the binder. These books, with others already cataloged, serve as an indication of the extent to which numismatics are studied and coins collected in Japan. The “ rubbings ”, frequent- ly referred to and so beautifully reproducing the coins,* are made by the Japanese method from specimens owned by different collectors, and sufficient numbers of the mao-- ^ ^ O azines are issued to distribute among the members of the society or club, each member furnishing enough rubbings of the coin he wishes included for the edition printed, the ownership of the coin being indicated by stamping the little private seal of the owner in red ink beside the ruli- bing. In this way, and by the exchange of rubbings among collectors privately, each collector obtains accurate repre- sentations of the rare coins in the collections of all the members of the clubs to which he belongs ; an example well worthy of imitation among European and American collectors. 491. Kokon Senkwa Kan, by Kuchiki Masatsuna. Originally issued in the Kwansei period, 10th year (1798). 8°. 20 books or pamphleHike volumes, of which nos. 1-14 and 18-20 are here included. A rare publication, out of print and only obtainable by picking up odd vol- umes one at a time. It deals chiefly with Chinese coins and includes a volume on casting coins. •For an account of the method of making the rubbings, see Munro; Coins of Japan (No. 162 of this catalog,) p. xvii; for account of numismatic works by Japanese authors, see p. xviii; for lists of books and magazines, see appendix C, p. 265. 8Gb SUPPLEMENTAL. 492. Fugo Shenshi, by Ipposha Kosho. Originally issued in the Buukwa period (1804-1816), Later edi- tion, 3 vols. 8°. Illustrated with wood cuts. 498. Kwanei Senshi, by Enomoto Bunshiro in the Meiji period, 34th year (1901). 8°. Treats of the Jap- anese Kwan Ei Tsu Ho coins and is extra illustrated with coin rubbings. 494. Sempei Koi, by Hisano Kok-kwan. Originally issued in the Bunkwa period, 4th year (1807). 1 vol. 8°. Treats of early Chinese coins. 495. Koho Dzukan, by Nakatani Kozan. Originally issued in the Kyoho period (1716-1735), 1 vol. 8°. A manuscript copy most beautifully executed, the drawings of the coins in India ink being wonderfully accurate re- productions of the originals. 496. Chin Sen Kihin Dzuroku, by Omura Maritomi. Originally issued in the Bunkwa period, 14th year (1817), this being a later edition. 1 vol. 8®. It treats mostly of Chinese coins and medals. 497. Shin Se.n Zeni Kagami, by S. Fujii. Issued in the Tempo period, 13th year (1842). 1 vol. 8®. Treats of Chinese and Japanese coins, “E” sen, etc. It is rather coarsely printed, but illustrates upwards of 400 coins. 498. Shin Sen Tsu Kwa Riak-ku, by S. Wasbida. Issued in the ^leiji period, 42d year (1899), 1 vol. 8®. Treats of miscellaneous Chinese and Japanese coins. 499. Kosen Atedzuke, by K. Idzumiya. Issued in the Bunsei period, 10th year (1827). A small oblong volume treating of Chinese coins and medals. SUPPLEMENTAL. 86c 500. Yokohama Numismatic Society. Eleven num- bei-s issued during the 29-42d years of the Meiji period (1896-1909). 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of coins from all parts of the world belonging to members of the society, but chiefly Japanese and Chinese. See No. 28 of this catalog. 501. Yokohama Numismatic Society. A special commemorative number issued in the Meiji period, 34th year (1901). 1 vol. 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of coins belonging to members of the society. 502. Yokohama Numismatic Society. Special com- memorative number issued on the first anniversary of the death of E. Batavs (Dutch member) in the Meiji period, 34th year (1901). 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of coins and a hand drawn portrait. 503. Hosen Tsui Jo. A special commemorative number issued on the seventh anniversary of the death of S. Washida, a collector of coins and writer on numis- r matics (see No. 498 of this catalog), Meiji period, 40th year (1907). 1 vol. 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of Chinese and Japanese coins. 504. Hai An Kacho Kai (Hai An Numismatic So- ciety), Kyoto. Publications issued in the Meiji period, 30th year (1897). 2 vols. 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of coins, chiefly Chinese and Japanese, belonging to members of the society. 505. Onan Numismatic Society, Hachinoye City, Mutsu Province. Publications issued in the Meiji period 31-35th years (1898-1902). 8°. Three books of rub- bings of coins, Chinese, Japanese, European and Ameri- can, belonging to members of the society. 86d SUPPLEMENTAL. 606. Bishu Senkwai (Bingo Numismatic Society), Bitchu Province. Publications issued in the Meiji period, 29-41st years (1896-1908), 34 numbers, 8°. Illustrated with rubbings of scarce Japanese and Chinese coins be- longing to members of the society and numerous por- traits. i INDEX. The figures refer to the numbers of the books and papers in the catalog, and not to the pages. In this way direct access may be had to the article sought. The author references are intended to be complete ; the other refer- ences are not to the titles of the books, but are intended to cover, so far as possible, the subjects treated. The index will, therefore, assist the reader to reach the works and portions of works and papers treating of the partic- ular object of his search. The volume and page citations following the number (488, i. e. Numismatic Chronicle) will lead directly to the article ; the figure 2 preceding the volume indicates the second series. Abyssinia, 450, 488 (VIII, 121) . Adernson, E., 1 Afghanistan, . . . 245, 262, 268, 271, 273, 450, 488 {XIII, 7) Africa, northern, Greek coins of, 270 Alexander, gold coins before, in Asia, 259 Alexander’s successors in the East, coins of, 251, 488 (2, I, 137; 2, VIII, 93 to 2, XIII, 187) Algiers, 11, 15, 421, 450 Amulets, see China, Japan and Korea, under temple medals, amu- lets, charms. Anglo-Arabic token, 397 Annam, 10, 14, 198-204, 485; see also General Works, Far East and Supplemental. Annam, casting coins in, 202 Annam, largest gold coins of, 200 Annam, use of silver in, 204 Arabic coins, 419, 425, 488 (2, XI, 256, 258; 2, XII, 199; 2, XIII, 54, 147, 335; 2, XIV, 349; 2, XV, 216, 231; 2, XVI, 45, 81, 177, 267; 2, XVIII, 273) (87) 88 INDEX Arabic glass weights, see Weights. Arabico-Spanish coins, 403 Arabs, coins of, before Islamism, 267 Ariana, Grecian coins of, 250 Armenian coins, . . . 445, 488 (2, VI, 241; 2, VII, 141, 216) Arneth, Joseph, 246 Asia, central, collections of coins from, 480 Asia, farther, Greek coins of, 270 Assam, coins of, 345 Atabeks of Irak, coins of the, 451 Athens, Arabic imitations of coins of, . 488 (2, XVIII, 273) Atjeh, 232, 234 Atkins, James 2 Awadh, coins of the kings of, . 316 Bactrian alphabet, discovery of, 284 Bactrian coins, 246, 249, 260, 261, 268, 281-284, 291, 292-306, 310, 488 (XIX, 13, 49 ; 2, I. 72; 2, IV, 193; 2, XIX, 1; 2, XX, 181) Bactro-Chinese coin, 90 Bahami dynasty, coins of the, 317, 322 Bahren Islands, coins of the, 398 Balapur, coins of, 325 Baluchistan, ancient silver coins from, 288 Bamboo money, , 31, 32, 56 Bangkok centenary medal, 205 Bank notes of China, see China, paper money. Banka, coins of the Chinese in, 227, 232, 234 Bantam, 234 Baroda, coins of, 350 Bayley, E. Clive, Sir, 473, 488 (2, I, 72) Bedloe, Edward, 33 Behat, coins found at, 279 Bengal, coins of, . . . 336, 339, 354, 488 (2, V, 217) Bengal, state of coin in, 1772, ....... 349 Bergsoe, Vilhelm, 366, 460 Berlin Konigliche Museen, catalog, 399 Bijapur, coins of, 351 Birch, S., 488 (XII, 169) Birmingham, coins made for the Far East, etc., ... 4 Black, George F., 387 Blake, George Herbert, 137 Blau, Otto, 400 Bodbi dynasty, 285 Bombay, 13. 380, 381 Borneo, coins of the Chinese in, 228, 232 INDEX. 89 238 467 147 206 316 35-40, 148, 184, 207, 227, 228 . 149 488 (2, III, 34 307, 441, 444 . 414, 441 Borneo, plantation tokens, , Bourdillon, J. A., collection of coins of, Bourbon, Isle de, see Mauritius. Bramsen, William, .... Brichaut, A., British Museum catalogs of oriental coins, 8, 88, 413-417, 420-442, 424, 426 Brown, C. J., .... Brudin, John Andrew, Bu, Itchi, correct way of writing, Buddha, coins found in a statue of, Bukhara, bilingual coins of, Bukhiira, coins of, ... Bullet money, see Siam. Burma, Burma, Pegu, etc., .... Burma, tin money of the trading posts Burnes, Alexander, Lieut., . Bushell, Stephen W., Cabul, see Kabul. Cairo, catalog of coins in the Khedivial library, Calcutta, catalog of India museum of, Calcutta mint, issues for other places, Cambodia, 386; see also Annam. Cambodia, new issues of coins of, Campos, Manoel Joaquim de, Carapace money, Chinese, Carnatic, coins of the. Carter, Thomas, Casanova, Paul, Casting “cash,” Cattaneo, Gaetano, Cautley, Capt., coins found by, Celebes, Ceylon, coins of 2, Ceylon, Dutch coins of, Ceylon, hook money, 394, 396, 488 (XIII, 61; X Chambers, Robert, Chardin, Pacifique, Chaudoir, le baron Stanislaw Chavannes, Edouard, Cheribon, Ch’ien Pu Tung Chih, Ch’ien Sheh Tu, . 15, 226 . 226 488 (VII, 27, 29, 33) . 257, 279 41-46, 138 . 425 292, 298 . 374 . 198 . 367 . 105 . 325 . 3 . 401 45, 202 . 402 . 279 232, 234 45, 387, 396, 488 (XVIII, 83) 389, 391, 393 VI, 121; XVI, 179) 368, 474 . 475 . 19 47, 476 . 234 . 142 143, 488 (XIII, 143) 90 INDEX. Chijs, J. A. van der, 229, 234 Ch’in Ting Ch’ien Lu 144, 145, 488 (XIV, 155) China, 11, 12, 19, 21, 24-146, 462, 464, 475, 483, 486, 488 (XVI, 44; 2, III, 34; 2, IV, 34, 255; 2, VI, 66, 68); see also under General Works, Far East, and Supplemental. China, ancient coins of, 30, 62, 77, 80, 84, 88, 89, 90, 92, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 115, 118, 142-146 China, books in Chinese, 103, 142-146; see also 488 (XIII, 143; XIV, 155) China, chronology fixed by numismatic study 130 China, coins at Wesleyan University, 53 China, coins at Worcester Art Museum 64 China, coins issued based on the rupee, 132 China, counterfeiting, etc., 93, 117 China, currency measures, etc., 58, 59, 100, 101, 114, 120, 126, 129, 131, 140. China, early barter and uninscribed money of, ... 109 China, foreign money in 104 China, importation of ancient coins of, 29 China, coins for Kashgar, ... 24, 43, 488 (2, XIX, 274) China, knife coins of, 107, 488 (2, II, 213) China, list of books on numismatics of, ... . 86, 134 China, metalic cowries, 89 China, mock money for the dead, 95 China, modern copper coins of, 106 China, money weights, etc., 96, 07 China, openwork amulets, 108 China, paper money, 19, 24, 67, 81, 100, 101, 126, 136-141, 488 (XII, 169) China, private silver coins, . . 10, 24, 128, 488 (2, I, 241) China, recent coinage, 49, 50, 52 China, sacred cash, 87 China, Tai Ping or peace dynasty, 1348 to 1624, coins of, 488 (2, VI, 66) China, Ta Ts’ing or Ch’ing dynasty, 11, 12, 19, 24, 42, 43, 60, 116, 133 China, tea used as money in, 119 China, temple medals and charms, 12, 19, 24, 27, 28, 36, 47, 85, 99, 108, 142-146 China, tin medal from Cha Poo, 488 (VII, 43) China, trade dollar in 122-125 China, translations by John Williams of Chinese works on coins, 488 (XIII, 143; XIV, 155) . 41, 103 . 462, 464, 465, 472 Chinese authors on numismatics, Chinese coins, sales of, INDEX. 91 Chinese numismatics, epitome of, ... 488 (XVI, 44) Chinese porcelain gambling tokens, see under Siam. Christmas, Henry, 488 (VII, 33) Churchill, Randolph H. F., 388, 389 Cochin China, see Annam, Codera y Zaidin, Francisco, 403 Codrington, Oliver, M. D., 317, 318, 404 Coevorden, J. S. van, 230, 369 Collecting coins in the Far East and India, 20, 65, 79, 326, 327, 340 Comoro Islands, . 386, 450 Constantinople museum, catalog of Mahommedan coins in the, 410 Copenhagen, cabinet of coins, .... 488 (2, XVI, 267) Courant, Maurice, 185 Court, A., 248 Cowries, metalic, of ancient China, 89 Cowries used as money, 208 Crimea, see Krim. Cufic coins, 402, 411, 482, 488 (II, 69 ) Culin, Stewart, .56, 57 Cunningham, Alexander, Sir, 249-256, 488 (2, VIII, 93 to 2, XIII, 187) Cutch, see Kutch, Dai Nipon Kwahei Seidzu, 178 Dames, Mansel L., . 320 Danichmeudites, numismatique des, 401 Danish-India coins, 366 Davids, Thomas W. R., . . . , . . . .39 0 Davis, John Francis 60 Deccan, coin collecting in the, 327 Deccan, Mohammedan rulers of the 321 Dehli, coins of the sultans of, 330, 342, 364 Del Mar, Alexander, ’ 61 Dickinson, W. B., 62, 488 (VII, 29; XI, 40; XII, 82; XIII, 61; XVI, 150; 2, II, 213) Diu, Portuguese coins of, 372 Dorn, Bernh, 409 Drouin, Edouard, 405, 406 Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, 63 Dunn, Dwight F., 64 Dunn, Robert L., 186 Dutcb-India, see Netherland-India. Duval, Francois, 441 East India Company, British, bale mark of the, . . . 385 East India Company, British, coins of the, 2, 13, 342, 376, 378, 383, 385 92 INDEX. East Indian Archipelago, 227-244; see also General Works and Far East. Eaton, William C., 65 Eckfeldt, J. R., and Da Bois, W. E., 6 Edkins, Joseph, D. D,, 66 Egypt, coins of, under the Khaleefehs, etc., 422, 440, 488 (XVII, 116) Egypti deities represented on the coins of the Nomes of, 488 (II, 69) Elliot, Walter, Sir, 321 Ellis, H. Leslie, 477 Endlicher, Stephan, 21 Ephthalites, 254 Eraku sen, 175 Falster, isle of, coins found in the, 482 Far East, 19-28; see also General Works and Supplemental. Favier, Alphonse, 67 Ferris, George T., 208 Finger nail marks on coins of the Far East, . . . .68 Fish hook money, see Ceylon, hook money. Fonrobert, Jules, collection, 461 Formosa dollar, 10, 24, 128, 488 (2, I, 241) Fraehn, Christianus M., 407-409 French India, coins of, 388 Fuku-Yen, 153, 478 Fundo, Japanese weight, 154, 157 Gai Koku Ko-sen Gep-po (magazine), 22 Gambling tokens, porcelain, in Siam, see under Siam. Gardner, Christopher Thomas, 69, 187 Gardner, Percy, . . 258-261, 488 (2, XIX, 1, 274; 2, XX, 81) General Works, 1-18; see also Supplemental. Georgia, coins of, 266, 429 Gerard, James Gilbert, 262 Gerini, G. E., Lieut.-Col., . . . . * . . . . 231 Gbalib, Edhem, Ismael, 410 Ghazni, coins of the kings of, 447 Gibbs, James, 322, 477 Gibraltar, 2 Girei, coins of the, 434 Glass weights, see Weights. Glover collection of Chinese coins, 24, 70 Goa, Portuguese coins of, 371 Golden Horde, coins of the, 408 Greek coins in Hunterian collection at Glasgow, . . . 270 Grogan, Henry T,, 371-373, 391, 392 Gupta coins 299-301, 473 INDEX. 93 . 423 209, 210 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 411 . 74 2, XVIII, 273) 75, 76 . 155 . 393 . 412 . 77 . 78 360, 473 79, 480 . 179 488 (2, VI, 68) 2 in the, Guthrie, A. Seton, CoL, collection of coins of, Haas, Joseph, Hackman, Heinrich F., Hadai Indian coins, Hager, Joseph, Hallenberg, Jonas, Earles, C. de, Head, Barklay Vincent, . . , 263, 488 Heath, George F., Heinsberget; Ph., Henderson, J. R., Hermitage, Imperial, collection of Jelairid coin Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest von, Higgins, Frank C., Hindu coins, 275, 280, 304, 313 Hoernle, Augustus F. R., Hoki Bunfii Tai Sen, . Holt, H. F. W., Hong Kong, . Hook money, see under Ceylon Hopkins, Lionel Charles, Howarth, Daniel Fowler, Howorth, H. H., . Humphries, Henry Noel, Huns, white, Hunterian collection of coins at Glasg Hnttman, William, Ichihara, M., Ph. D., India, ancient and medieval, and western Asia, India, British, coins of, India, British, sales of coins of, India, coins of Mohammedan states, India, copper coins of, shipped to New York, India, Dutch, see Netherland-India. India, earliest coinage, India, Grecian coins of, ... India, mint rules in 1714, India Museum, Calcutta, catalog of the, India, northern, coin collecting in, . India, parts, states, tribes, 816-365; see also General W’orks and Supplemental. India, southern, coins of, 321, 3.58 India, zodiacal coins of, 361, 365 Indian empire, coins of the, 488(2, 80 374 XIX, 274) . 375 . 254 . 270 . 81 . 489 245-315 2, 15, 233, 368, 375, 474 . 461, 465, 466, 470 334 321 488 (2, IV, 263) . 250 . 324 . 342, 345, 362 340 94 INDEX. Indian eras and dates, 25T Indian seals, 286 Indian weights, see Weights. Indo-British, see India, British. Indo-Dutch coins, see Netherland India. Indo-European coins, 366-886 Indo-French, see French India. Indo-Portuguese, see Portuguese India. Indo-Scythian coins, .... 2.53, 254, 274, 275, 281, 283 Indore, new issues of coins for, 323 Indraji, Bhagvanlal, 264, 26.5 Ionian Islands, 2, 10 Irvine, William, .324 Isle of France, see Mauritius. Jackson, R. P., Major, 325-327, 376 Jambi, 232, 234 James, Henry E. M., 83 Jamieson, R. Alexander, 488 (2, VI, 66) Japan, 19, 24, 147-177; see also General Works, Far East, and Sup- plemental. Japan, amulets, charms, “ E ” sen, 162 Japan, ancient gold coins of, ....... 478 Japan, comparative value of publications in Japanese, . 179-182 Japan, Eiraku sen, 162, 166, 175 Japan, fundo, a weight, 154, 157 Japan, gold coins in Grant collection, 152 Japan, iron money of 487, 488 (2, XX, 174) Japan, Kwan Ei Tsu Ho coins 162, 166, 168 Japan, magazines in Japanese on coins 22, 28 Japan, mint at Osaka, 1.59 Japan, new coinage, 150, 162, 167 Japan, Numismatic and Philatelic Journal, .... 483 Japan, paper money, 164, 165, 179, 183 Japan, publications in Japanese, . . . 22, 28, 178-183, 490 Japan, Siebold’s coins at Jena, 171 Japan, silver mint, 160 Japan, the Nen-go [epochs], . . 488 (2, VI, 311; 2, VI, 313) Java, 2, 232-234, 239 Jelairid coins, 412 Jews, coins of the, 457-459, 488 (XVI, 89; XIX, 237; 2, II, 268; 2, IV, 17; 2, V, 342; 2, XII, 1; 2, XIV, 281; 2, XVI, 315; 2, XIX, 13) Jun Kobayagawa Co., 20, 462 Kabul coinage, . . . 268, 271, 304, 450, 473, 488 (XV, 22) INDEX. 95 Kaffa, Tartar coins of, 433 Kainz, Carl 84, 85 Karabaczek, Prof, von, collection of coins of, ... . 467 Earshapana coinage, .303 Kashgar, see under China. Kashraere, rupee inscribed I. H. S., 328 Kashmir, ancient coins of, 256 Kathiawar, coins of, .318 Kay, H. C 488 (2, XV, 216) Kepengs, 244; see also under East Indian Archipelago. Khaleefehs, eastern, coins of the, 413 Khotan, coins found in, 118 King, Lucas White, 463, 481 Kin Gin Zu Roku, ISO Kingman, Henry 86, 87, 464 Kirkwood, James, 23 Korea, 24, 184-192, 489; see also General Works and Far East. Korea, a Korean mint, 188 Korea, charms and amulets, 190 Korea, modern copper coins, 189, 191 Korintchi 232 Kosen Kwai, report of Tokyo, 490 Krim, coins of the Khans of, 434 Kshatrapas, the northern, 265 Kshatrapas, the western, 264, 285, 290 Ku Ch’uan Hwui 146 Kushans, later 254 Kussaka, J. T., Dr., 1.56 Kutch coinage, 302, 318, 346 Kwan Ei Tsu Ho coins, see Japan. Labuan, see Sultana. Lacouperie, Terrien de, 88-91, 193 Lacroix, Desire, 201 Lahore, catalog of the government museum of, ... 293 Lane-Poole, Stanley, 7, 8, 329-331, 413-428, 439, 440, 488 (2, XII, 199; 2, XIII, 54, 147, 254; 2, XV, 231; 2, XVI, 267; 2, XX, 262) Lane-Poole, Stanley, and Poole, R. S., 8 Langen Flachen und Korpenmass, 157 Langlois, Victor 267, 429 Larin of the Persian gulf, 17; see also Ceylon, hook money. Lassen, Christian, 268 Lauture, Escayrac, Comte de 92 Lavoix, H. M. F., 484 Legras collection, 464 96 INDEX. Le Strange, Guy 26& Lindberg, Jacob Carl, 482 Lister, Alfred, 93 Lockhart, J. H. S., 24 Loewe, L., Dr 488 (XIX, 71, 237) Loewenthal, Eduard, .332 Lombards, coins of the, 315 Loo Choo islands, 162, 177 Lubbock, John, Sir, 94 Lydia and Persia, earliest coins of, 263 Macdonald, George 270 Madden, Frederic William, 457, 488 (2, IV, 17; 2, V, 342; 2, XII, 1; 2, XIV, 281 to 2, XV, 298; 2, XIX, 13) Madras museum, catalog of the coins in the, .... 382 Malacca, 2 Malay, see East Indian Archipelago. Malta 2, 15 Malwa, coinage of, 481 Manchuria, iron dollars in, 82 Manchuria, money exchanges in, 83 Manikyala, topes of, 276-278 Markham, Clements R., 194 Markov, Aleksiei K., 412 Marsden, William, 9 Martin, L. C., and Trubner, Charles 10 Masson, Charles, 271 Maunder, Edward W., 333 Mauritius, 2, 386 Medal ruling machine, Bates’, 284 Medals of British army in the Far East, etc 3 Meiji Shin Sen Sempu, 181 Milan museum, Cudc coins in the, 402 Millett, J. B., 158 Millies, Henricus C., 232, 233 Mint, casting coins in Annam, 202 Mint, Japanese, 159, 160 Mint, rude methods at Patiala, 338 Mint rules in India in 1714, 324 Mint, Suri of Shahgarh, 337 Mogul coins, . . . 320, 331, 342, 343, 352, 353, 362, 363, 479 Mogul empire, resources of, 853 Mohammedan coins, 334, 362, 397-456; see also under India, Sale Catalogs and Supplementary. Mohammedan coins, modern copper, 450 INDEX. 97 Mohammedan coins, sales of, 401, 465 Mohammedan dynasties, chronological tables, etc., . . . 418 Mohammedan dynasties, scheme for, during the Khalifate, 488 (2, XX, 262) Mongol coins, 406, 417 Montigny, C. de, 97 Moors, coins of the 420 Morocco, coins of, 10, 11, 15, 450, 452 Morrison, John Robert, 98, 99 Morse, Hosea Ballou 100, 101 Munro, Neil Gordon 162 Murdock, John G., collection of coins of, .... 466 Muscat 450 Mysore, coin collecting in, 326 Nen-go [epochs], the Japanese, see under Japan. Nepal, coins of, 335,345,359 Netherland India, coins of, 234, 369, 370, 377, 389, .391, 393, 471; see also East Indian Archipelago. Netscher, E. and Chijs, J. A. van der, 234 Neumann, Josef, 11 Nevill, Hugh, 330, 337 Nicaea, coins of, 315 Nightingale, B., 488 (VII, 27) Numerals, genealogy of modern, 473 Nutzel, H., Dr., 430 Odessa museum, Mohammedan coins in the, .... 400 Offa, remarkable gold coin of, 488 (II, 232) Oliver, E. E., Prof., collection of coins of, .... 467 Olshausen, Julius, Dr., 488 (XI, 121) Oriental coins, manuscript catalog of Robinson collection of, at Essex Institute, 12 Oriental coins, manuscript letters of Howland Wood on, . 18 Oriental coins, postal cards of 5 Ostrogoths, coins of the, 315 Oude, medal of the king of, 488 (V, 129) Pagodas, Indo-European, 373 Pahang hat money, 2, 212, 223, 224 Palembang, 232, 234 Paper money; see under China, Japan, Siam. Paris, Bibliotbbque royal, etc., catalog of Mohammedan coins, 484 Parkes, Harry, Sir, 140 Parthian coins, . 258, 311, 313, 488 (XVII, 131; 2, X, 139) Pathan kings of Dehli, coins of the, . 352, 353, 355, 356, 364, 479 Patiala, rude methods at mint of, 338 98 INDEX. Pehlvi alphabets, ... 488 (2, VIII, 214, 284; 2, IX, 202) Pehlvi aud Arabico- Pehlvi coins, .... 308, 405, 446 Pehlvi legends on coins, 405, 488 (XI, 60) Persia, coins of, 10, 269, 432, 450, 488 (XVII, 33); see also General Works. Persia, earliest coins of, 263 PfizQiaier, Dr. August, 25 Phayre, Arthur Purves, Sir, 226 Philippines 235-237 Pietraszewiski, Ignatius, 431 Plantation tokens, Borneo, etc 238 Polder, Leon van de, 166 Poole, Reginald Stuart, 432, 488 (XVII, 33; XVI, 116; 2, I, 137) Poole, Stanley Lane, see Lane-Poole. Portugese-India coins, . . . 367, 371, 372, 384, 392, 393 Prince of Wales Island, see Pulo Penang Princep, Henry Thoby, 273 Princep, James, 274-284 Pulo Penang, 2, 233 Punjab, 291, 294 Raihes, Thomas Stamford, Sir, 239 Rajputana,. coins of 360 Ramos, A. de Araujo, collection of coins of, ... . 468 Ramsden, Henry A., . . 102-112, 167, 168, 189-191, 216, 483 Rapson, Edward James, 285-290 Rea, Alexander, 377 Reichardt, U. C., Rev., ... 488 (2, II, 268; 2, XVI, 315) Rein, J. J., 169 Reinaud, Joseph T., 339 Retovskij, Otton F 433 Reunion, island, see Mauritius. Rice, J . Henry, Rev 488 (XVI, 108) Ring money, 15, 488 (XVI, 150) Robinson, John, manuscript catalog of oriental coins at Essex In- stitute, 12 Rocher, Emile 113 Rockhill, William W., 195 Rodgers, Charles James, 291-295, 340-343 Roeer, T. H. Edw., 268 Rogers, Edward Thomas, 9, 435-437, 488 (2, XI, 256, 258; 2, XIII, 60; 2, XIV, 349 ; 2, XVI, 45, 81, 177) Roman coins found in China, 115 Ross, John, 114 Ruding, Rogers 13 INDEX. 99 • Rupee, depreciation of, 344 Saay K’wan, I43 Sainthill, Richard 488 (XVIII, 75) Sakai, W. C 170, 192 Sale catalogs, priced, 460-472 Sano 183 Sarawak, 2, 240 Sarazin, Fr., 153, 478 Sassanian coins, 297, 308, 309,311, 488 (XV, 180; 2, VI, 241; 2, XII, 33, 105, 271; 2, XIII, 187) Satow, Ernest, 488 (2, VI, 311) Saulcy, Louis F. J. C. de, . . . 296, 458, 459, 488 (X, 184 ) Sauvaire, Ilenry, 438, 439, 488 (2, XIII, 335) Sauvaire, Henry, and Lane-Poole, Stanley, .... 440 Schepens, A. F., 26, 116 Schieffner, Anton, 345 Schlegal, Gustave, 217 Schroeder, Albert, 202 SchroflSng dollars in China, 93, 117 Scott Coin and Stamp Co., illustrated catalog 469 Scott, William H,, ... 488 (XVII, 431 ; XVIII, 83) Scythian coins, see Indo-Scythian. Seals, Indian, 286 Selucides, coins of the, 296 Sengora. 232 Shekels, Jewish, .... 488 (XVI, 89); see also 457-459 Shells used as money, 206 Siak, 232, 233 Siam, . . 10, 205-225 ; see also General Works and Far East. Siam, bullet money, 209, 210, 219, 222, 488 (XI, 40; XIII, 82) Siam, porcelain gambling tokens Siam, dependencies of, Siam, paper money, Siebold’s coins at Jena, Sierra Leone, Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., Silvestre, Jules, Sinhalese coins, forgeries of, Skelton, Henry P., Smith, Adam, Major, Smith, Andrew M., Smith, Vincent Arthur, Snelling, Thomas, Sommerville, Maxwell, . n, 207, 209, 216, 214-217, 220 209, 210, 212, 220, 222-225 . 213 . 171 2, 10, .15 . 297 218, 485 . 395 . 14 346, 347, 378, 379 . 15 298-301 . 380 . 219 100 INDEX. Sonnerat, Pierre, 348 Soret, Freidrich J., 441 Spanish dollar, 10, 98 Spink and Son’s Monthly Numismatic Circular, . . . 470 Sprewitz, Dr. de, collection of coins of, . . . 488 (I, 202) Stein, Mark Aurel, 118 Stephanik, .John W., 16, 241, 471 Steuart, John Robert, 302 Stewart, James Denham, Sir, 349 Still, John, .395 Stone, Frederick, 442 Straits Settlements, 2, 368, 474, 477; see also India (Indo-European, etc.) and East Indian Archipelago. Stuart, II. N., 27 Su Ch’nan Hwui, 146 Sudan, coins of the Mahdi, 430 Sultana, 2, 242 Sumatra, 2, 232-234 Supplemental, 473-490 Surashtra, coins of, 305 Sword charms, Chinese, 99 Tangut money and inscriptions, 44 Taruman, 233 Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, 17, 486 Taylor, George P., 350, 351 Tea used as money in China, 119 Temple medals, see China. Theobald, William, 303 Thesalonica, coins of 315 Thomas, Edward, 304-312, 352-356, 443-447, 488 (XV, 121, 147; XIX, 13, 49; 2, IV, 40, 114, 193, 263 ; 2. V, 217; 2, VI, 241 ; 2, VII, 141, 216; 2, VIII, 214; 2, XI, 202; 2, X, 139; 2, XII, 33, 105, 271; 2, XIII, 187) Thunberg, Karl Peter, 172 Thurston, Edgar, 382, 383 Tibet, 1.32, 193-197 Tillot, M., and Fischer, E. S., 120 Tinnevelly, coins of, 332 Tod, James, Major 313 Toda, Edward, 203 Tonkin, see Annam. Topes [tombs], coins found in, 247, 248, 262 Torrens, Henry, 268, 488 (XV, 22) Toughra, the, on Mohammedan coins, 464 ^ INDEX. 101 Tracy, J. E., .S57 Trade dollar, French in Tonkin, 124 Trade dollar in China, 122-125 Traikutaka dynasty 285 Trankebar, coins of, 36G Trebizond, coins of 315 Tregaskis, Janies, catalog of coins, 472 Trengganu, 232 Tripoli, coins of, 11, 450, 453 Tnfnell, Robert H. C., 3.58 Tuluni dynasty, coins of the, 436 Tunis, 11, 15, 421, 450 Turkestan, Chinese coins for, ... 37, 43, 127, 137, 450 Turks, coins of the, 10, 15, 421, 450 Turkuman coins, 426, 427 Tychsen, Thomas C., 448, 449 Urtukis, coins of the, . . . 416, 427, 488 (2, XIII, 254, 342) Valentine, W. H., 450 Vandals, coins of the, 315 Vaux, Williams. W., 396, 451, 488 (XIII, 7; XIII, 14; XVI, 108; XVI, 121; XX, 25, 32, 49, 84) Venice, sequin, 10, 15, 368 Ventura, le Chevalier, Gen., . ‘ 277, 278 Villaret, E. de, 173 Vissering, Willem, 126 Walsh, E. H., 196, 859 Webb, William Wilfrid, 360 Weights, ancient Indian, . . . 312, 488 (2, IV, 40, 114) Weights, Arabic glass, 424, 437, 488 (2, XII, 199; 2, XIII, 60) Weights, Chinese, 97, 98 Weights, Japanese, 154, 157 (fundo), 172 West End Park Museum, Glasgow, oriental coins in, . . 23 Weyl, Adolph, 127, 174, 220 White, James, 488 (2, XX, 174) Wigmore, J. H., 175 Williams, John, 128, 488 (XIII, 143 ; XIV, 156 ; XVI, 44 ; 2, I, 241 ; 2, III, 34; 2, IV, 34; 2, VI, 313) Williams, S. Wells, 129, 130, 176 Williams, Talcott, 131 Wilson, H. H., Prof., .... 314, 488 (XVI, 179) Winckel, C. P. K., 221 Wiselius, Jacob Adolf Bruno 384 Wood, Howland, . . 18, 132, 204, 222-225, 244, 361, 385, 452-454 Wright, H. Nelson 362-364 102 INDEX. Wroth, Warwick, 315 Wylie, Alexander, . 134, 135 Yemen, coins of the kings and Imams of the, • • • 420 Yokohama Ko Sen Kai (magazine in Japanese), . 28, 483 Zambaur, Edouard von, • t • 455 Zanzibar, new coins of, . 456, 458 Zay, Ernest Elias, 386 Zodiacal coins of India, . 332, 361, 365 mm I I N0V2 51J13 r GETTY CENTER LIBRARY iiiMi I mill II III II iiiiiii 3 3125 00745 1202 i’ * r