Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https ://arch ive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00unse_7 CATALOGUE OF THE Collection of Pointing OF THE LATE J. Lyversberg esq. AT COLOGN. T . X his collection lias, since many years, acquired great celebrity, we may say, all over Europe, the late J. Lyversberg Esq. having cottected with the care and fondness of a true and enlightened amateur, in his native town, in Germany, France and the Low-Countries, the rare and precious objects, which it contains. As he spared no expence in order to enrich his collection with an accession of excellent works, it has attracted the at- tention of the most distinguished connoisseurs, and an exact specification of its different paintings with the indication of the names of the painters lias been wished for, a long time. In presenting this catalogue to the con- noisseurs and amateurs, we feel particularly obliged to remark, that the paintings mentioned in this list are to be divided properly in two principal t classes, the first containing these of the middle ages, belonging to the Christian era of national art, the second those of the more recent Italian, Dutch, German and French schools. Amongst them, the ancient german paintings particularly claim the priority, as well with respect to their real value as to their rarity; for just after the storms of the French revolution, which, overturning the or- der of things established and maintained through centuries, dispersed the propriety of churches and cloisters, and brought the remains of ancient art to the possession of private individuals, it was only possible, during a short period, to gather such a complete stock of precious relicks, which, lieretoafter, considering the eminent distinction of the paintings, never can be got again, having been sold, and incorporated to other rich collections. n i: m v it k s The onra^itrt* is taken within the frame. In f. i> <• middle signifies the height of the paintings of a vaulted or ojivt form. !» i :» in sigul :'*••<» ike diameter of round paintings. * Pouting, on which the names of the painters are to be read. vsp: o. Subjects. Painters. Painted on Height. feet. inches Breadth feet. inches The Lord’* *upper . Wood. 0 11 0 1% 2 «>ur Lord taken prisoner, j 0 11 0 1% i Painter of 1163 77 0 11 2 1% thorns / s according to the 4 ! date on the pain- 0 11 0 i*4 fr „ y, ’* flagrllation / r. ting of Israel (bearing the cross), [ ~ von Mockenen 99 0 11 2 i V A / 4 6 „ 1 in the church of ?7 0 11 0 1% 1 \ \ Ling. cro««. » 0 11 0 1% 8 „ „ resurrection. 77 0 11 0 1% 9 The crucifivlon (the central painting of an altar). . . 99 4 6 7 ID I (left wing)* l pI.Ti** Some what more 4 6 3 7 1 ' 1 1 „ _ burial ( • recent. 99 / 2 (right wing), \ s«>*i« Cologn School. 99 4 C 3 1 2 Allegory representing the three rank * of civil life, and Christ hovering over them . . Rarthol. de Bruyn 99 4 it/ * /2 3 t 13 rThe crueiAtion (c« «» t j, h.x!iJ J tral painting). J * 99 4 3/ / 4 4 8 % 14 (The resurrection (left wing) 1 Cologn School. 99 4 5; 0 ./ / O 16 The transfiguration on mount) J- von Meckenen, t 2 Tabor (right wiog) J see Nr. 1—8. )7 4 % 0 f/ 16 The archangel Michael . . . H. van Eyck. 77 4 7% 2 1 f i: A female image, roar- / 4 \2 Lucas Cranach. 99 2 8 1 8, A is The virgin Mary among a group of maidens (central j painting) ( 99 3 G 5 3 19 A master of the teutonic or- V Cologn Master. dor. behind him Helen and f Charles the Great (left wing)l 99 3 6 2, 4*/ 20, St Peter and St. Margaret l Va 1 (right wing) J 1 97 3 6 2 f 4*/ 4 / 2 () Subjects. Painters. Painted Height Breadth No. on feet inches feet. inches 21 The crucifixion Ca little house- altar with wings ending on high in ogive) in the middle. Unknown. Wood. 1 o — A 00 The derision of our Lord, Pretended to be M of A. Diirer. V — 7 — 4% 23 The image of Christ, in profile, 10% 7% with inscriptions .... Mantegna. ?) — — 24 Our Lord’s burial .... Schoreel. j? 1 . 8 % 0 — 25 The holy family . . . . . Pretended to be V 1 6 1 3/ / 4 of v. Blefs. 7*/ / * 26 Our Lord taken from the cross >. ?? - uy 2 — 27 n n ’ s burial, ( Pretended to be V — — 7 ‘A 28 „ „ dead on the lap oft of Owater. Mary under the cross, ; 5? — n% — 7 ‘A 29 The virgin \ v Mary and St. i j Barth olo- mew, mar- /.* f 30 ked l | \ These 4 The archangel Ga- j c ) heiong^to Cologn School. 4 4 o 11% briel and St. Peter one altar V 4 4 0 11 % 31 The adoration of the \ three wise men j jj 4 4 2 11 % 32 The resurrection. / J? 4 4 0 11 % 33 Apocalyptic representations , the coronation of Mary. The same. J? 3 4 4 8 34 Virgin Mary’s offering in the temple — the three wise men. Mary — near Christ. The same. *? 4 5 9 35 St. Thomas puts his fingers into our Lord’s side (central painting) Lucas v. Leyden. n 4 7 3 4% 36 Mary and St. John ] the Evangelist Cleft f with her 7 The same. 1 r 3 . _ 1 sons, St Fe- Willg) / licitas with V 4 7 ■0 / 4 37 St. Hypolit and St.l her 7 sons, Ipamtect gray Atra (right wing) \ in gray, » 4 7 1 '0% J mi '}! Si til'd « 1. 38 Adam and Eva, mar- AS ked ^ATlffe Lucas Cranach. V l 7 1 1 i s 39 The virgin Mary between St. ■\ • ; :V?03) Ursula and St. Catharine round, above. . . . . . School of Dinant. 1 9.18 1 i% 40 The crucifixion (central pain- •hts d {i5t ting) flat vault et, above. . Lucas v. Leyden. V -3' ■1 5 o 6% i ! . \u. Subject*. painter*. o» Height |fc«t taebea Breadth > feet, inches J 41 , *»f. John I.S»* H *;> i i ‘ / I 1 r*f- I 1 WiQ^) V ,n 4 M Wood. > 5 1 ! 1 4.’ ' { \ *lBO 1 5 1 t 4-» Ut. MagdaJea »i*H Ur balm- but i Qaladi ; *1 9 41 Tho li$M to fcffjpto. . . . Patenter. 2 a 1 »54 4 The portrait of 4c C1apl«, 4‘ologn school of round, I'tam. . , . . . Holbein. I— 4 — 4 46 ! mm >fl old Lady 1 ) | tj i ht« School. n — n\ — 8/s 47 rho virgin M irT %% »th thr - child with a donator and a Saint (Ik** two wings con- Middle aces. Bee led lo|rikrr) . . . . Dutch School. 1 1 y. — 10 4* 1st, Bruit) rrrrUM from the pope the foundation-bull of kit ecclesiastical order . . C'ologn School. , Linnen. ! 4 »y. 8 11 49 |The derision of Christ , , , V .. , ” i 0 , - 9 3 6 50 (The mother of H’litbrAilU. **rh. of Itrmbr. ! 2 2*/,: 1 7 5 1 The portrait of an elderly man j George Gcldorf.l Wood. j 1 9%. 1 2/4 ^ * The same. 1 i 3 ’ /j 1 10 Ifijf u l »n !‘ « on the 1 of I* |fj . . . . j- fi. deUireMe. Linnen. 1 0 1% 54 The temptation of ‘•t Anton*. Pet. Breughel L j.l Wood. — 10% — 7 5*> Political conversation ... Patamedes. | — 1 * 3 / 6 /4 50 The holy family . . . . . 1 f». Gcldorf. .. 4 / 2 3 11 671 The knljr family, painted gray 1 in gray. Sketch?* . . . . J - P. P. Rubens. — 10 7% j Jah el a n i *» ; 1 r . n ' ! £ - . 1 » In gray ....... ■ Ler. def^airesne. Linnen. 1 3*/ 4 10 50 ! linear expelled. . . . . . * v. d. Kckhout. 1 8% 0 1/4 60 A Shepherd's irfy 1 .... A. v. d. AVerft Wood. — 11 % — 8% 0 ! An allegory, paint -1 Cray in 1 gray ” — H/ 2 ■ 9 % 62 The portrait of Mona Li-*a. i wife of Francis del Giocnndo. , Leon, da Vinci. ] Unnen. 0 6 1 8 6.} „ „ ». the abbess ( ' Cert, llond- j 1 de la Rochefoneanlt . . . burst 16SS. Wood. 2 7 /s 1 9 64 Si, Hierona n» _ 11 2 / 8 / 5 t / 0 «/ noletto. // / s / 4 65 Our Lord on the cross. . . Govaert Fiinnt 2 4 1 11 1649. 60 The virgin Mary with the child. 1 Car- ( ‘opper. 1 % 9 racci. j , 5 No. Painters. P ainted Height Breadth Subjects. no feet, inches i feet, inche 67 St. Antony surrounded by an- ■7% gels C. Maratti. Wood. 1 1 2*/ 68 Christ on the mount of Olives, oval. . Linnen. 1 4 1 % 69 „ on the lap of the virgin racci. Mary, taken from the cross, round above, in the middle. v. Dyck. 6 3 ■ 7 70 A conversation of knights * G. van Liinink. Wood. li 7 /. 1 3’/ 71 A peasant D. Teniers. ?? • 8% — 67 72 A conversation of peasants, Cside-piece to No. 70) . . * G. van Liinink. ' U% 1 4 73 A monk saying his prayers . Barbieri Guer- Linnen. 0 1 1 7 cino. 74 St. Francis in ecstacy . . . Ifal. v. Dyck. ?? 0 3% 1 »7I 75 A woman with a turkey-cock. M. A. d. Carra- ?? 2 6 */, 2 i V : 76 vaggio. io*4 The virgin Mary with the child. Barth. Scidone. ?? 2 4 1 77 A triumphal procession of 4% Neptune * Francis Frank. Wood. 1 0 y* 78 Wandering Philosophers . . Salvator Rosa. Linnen. 1 3% 1 % 79 The fratricide, Cain and Abel. Carlo Loth. 4 8 % 3 n 80 A battle of cavalry .... Palamedes. Wood. 1 % 1 81 A skirmish of cavalrj^ . . . * R. Janfs. ?? — 11 1 9% 82 A skirmish of cavalry . . s * The sanies — 11 1 9% 83 The face of the virgin Mary 8% with one hand to be seen . Geldorf. v * 1 1 84 „ „ „ an old woman . Denner, 2. Man. Linnen. 1 3% 1 85 The virgin Mary with the child. Procaccini. ?? 3 6 % 3 — 86 Four faces of Moors, Studies. A. v. Dyck. V 1 7 0 1 87 Portrait of a man in a night- 3% gown * G. Schalken. Wood. 1 1 % 88 The flagellation of Christ . . Hier. Franck. j? — ioy. 1 2 89 A child with fruits and two monkeies J. Jordaens. Linnen. 3 8% 1 7 90 The adoration of the shepherds. Manner of Rem- ?? - 0 7 2 1% brandt. 6 % 91 The four Evangelists . . . J. Buecklaer. Wood. 3 1«*A o 92 Moses smithing the rock brings 7% 93 forth water De Wette. 1 10% n f)Q 2 The cross with the virgin Mary * Bracklinburg l‘% 94 and St. John 1697. Linnen. 1 2 — The abstinently of Scipio * . H. Franck. Wood. 2 3 5 l 95 A Faun with a jug .... Carlo Loth. Linnen. 3 & o 7 96 ' The holy family Th. v. Thulden. j? 0 2 1 4 97 A parcimonious old woman with a joung man . . . Egbert Lyssens. Wood. 1 6 1 3 98 An Alchymist ...... Th. Wyck. j? 1 1 / ■ / 4 L0 99 Venus and Amor Ferd. Boll. ?? 1 o V L 10% 100]' The cathedral of Antwerp. . : * Peter v. Os. ?? 0 3*/.l 3 3% si Painted Height | Breadth V w I Ft object*. on 1 Vt» r t« A-fc 'Munaacrf. Liunen. 2 A * i J 5 Utildl*** nt >?*»;». .... •il* 1 d 1 8 0 V group of (iUila . . . . ; « van def Beat. n 2 ■3 Vi 3 v group of tue t r»uf cjuIc i • * Mich. Carre. .. * ■6V» 3 4 $W a •> 1 ~ 2 3 4 % Ot> Ponitrjr w tth a pcacuck . , • M Mondekotcr G “* 5 4 / 4 l wide hursc la the water . ( fiknow a. Wood. — 10 1 % \ pleasure gar 1« a w»rh acastC. van Helen. ” io */• 0 \\ adtng cattle * v. d. Velde 1 - 7 — 9 to A hilly ahore J. Peter*. r> 1 s • 1 o V "t 9 .11 \:rr- p ‘ • cw C v. Ma I Icrtleg , J 9*/ 1 > 2 0 V 1 ! J Jl t: h scene in & •i'i*parl . • • Liogelbacb. t.<*nrn 1 4’/. \ landing nrar n tow n • • sat. Riiyadatl. wood IV o 1 : 2’/, 1 3 10 1 1 \ rural couatry . • • . • 11 A. A i-rboom. j M 0 * ! ' V /4 1 1 1 ;* lid \n inlet of the act . . . . 1 Hoi'll with W4»rt breaking * J. A < r act 1 7 It) Lumen. 1 o : 1 . 4 3 iy 8 against them . . . . . Master of Vernel. 0 0 1 / ~ ,8 3 »/ A . 117 Piissa di Hf. Mar*' o at c* r* •' •- Canale, 1 5% /■ 5% It'' (‘anal grande . . • . » . The same. 1 5‘/ 0 ,?% i u Calllt . • • • . • . . . M. Hobbema. AVood. 1 5 o % 1 JO HepmrtX* inanimate hing* i 10% 1 with poultry. ..... * J. v. K easel. [Copper. — 10% — lit V flower pot (round) f>iam. . Kchalken. j AVood. 1 3 1 3 I ! V horse-pood , mar- ■ : p!i. AVoiivi rmann. 1 1 l 3 /4 1 2 ' V house In the water . . . 1 ' M. Hobbema. jj — ii 1 3% S -M \p n * *1 i n »' r j — 5% — 10% 125 „ .. > D. Teniers. V » — 5% — 10% *26 — 7% — 10 *27 \ woman with graying cattle. Barth. Breenberg. — 7% — 9% *28 Bathing shepherdesses . The same. j? — 7 3 / 4 — 9% 129 The portrait of a young man. F. Porbus. Copper. — 6/4 — 5% *30 Cattle * v. Klomp. AVood. 1 4 % 1 5% 131 The portrait of the \ ( Burgermeister von / faw> , T Lyskirchen. »; •- • Oeldorf the elder. ?? 3 4 o 2% (132 The portrait of his V ‘ * s " Lady, The same. V 3 4 2 2% <133 ' Orpheus among the beasts. . Manner of R. Liunen. o 1 3 4 Saverj*. (134 The portrait of a child in the i dress of a capuchin-monk . Unknown. AVood. 1 6 1 2 No. Subjects. Painters. Painted on Height feet, inches Breadth feet, inches 135 A fortress of a mountain with galleys to be seen . . . Bonav. Peters. Wood. 1 10% 2 7% 136 A sea-piece with savages. . The same. j? 1 10% 2 7% 137 A land-scape Breughel de Ve- 1 8 0 8 % lours. 138 St. Francis in prayers . . . Barbieri Guer- Linnen. 2 4 % 1 10% cino. 139 Cattle with a milking Cow B. I. H Man. of Potter. Wood. 1 10 0 5% 140 A fishing peasant * Alb. Cuyp. ?? 1 8% 1 4 % 141 Our Lord with the cross (round) without frame. Diani. . . Poltgiesser. Linnen. 5 — 5 — 142 A village feast * Breughel 1629. ?? 3 6 5 3 143 The separation of the Apostles. J. Hiilzmann. ?? 3 7 4 10% 144 Miracles of St. Antony. . . Unknown. ?? 0 6 3 6% 145 St. Hieronymus and St. Antony (without frames) .... Ribera Spagnol. >? 8 5 % 6 146 The edification of the temple of Salomo N. Hiilzmann. 5 4 ‘A 7 2% 147 The adoration of the three School of van wise men ' Aacken. 6 6 4 n% 148 The adoration of the Shepherds Manner of Car- (without frame) .... ravaggio. 6 7 8 4 N SAJol