\ /f' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/perspectiveserieOOcone PERSPECTIVE A Series of Elementary Lectures BY ADA CONE, Late Instructor in Massachusetts State Art Schools ; Super¬ visor OF Drawing in Concord, N. H., Public Schools, AND Lecturer on Industrial Art to Teachers’ Institutes ; Pupil Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NEW YORK : WILLIAM T. COMSTOCK, 23 Warren Street. 1889 COPYRIGHT, A. L. CONE, 1889. PREFACE. rriHOUSA^^DS of people are giving attention to art nowadays, who would be glad of some knowledge of perspective if they could have it pre¬ sented with sufficient clearness and simplicity to make it come within easy comprehension, and the work of numberless artisans suffers for lack of a concise and simple manual on this subject. These lessons are ad¬ dressed especially to these and other adults who have either no time or no inclination to go into the details of the science or to follow it to a far analysis. I have developed with a care which I have not seen heretofore in any elementary work those points which experience tells me are the greatest stumbling block to beginners, and some of the illustrations are novel. THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. Perspective lias been considered one of the most difficult subjects which come within the special range of the art student. The more books have accumu¬ lated purporting to explain its elements the more com¬ plicated it has become, until the luckless pupil is involved in a labyrinth of lines whose directions he does not understand and whose endings are goals at which his mind never arrives. “ What awful perspec¬ tive!” exclaimed Wordsworth as he looked down the aisles of King’s College Chapel, and ‘‘What awful perspective ! ” echoes the teacher by methods in vogue as he walks down the school-room aisles on a perspec¬ tive recitation day and observes retreating lines pro¬ duced impartially to M. Ps, S. Ps, and other Ps not laid down on the ordinary diagram, a drawing here and there recalling the line of a late newspaper poet: “And see where lines diverging meet.” The best treatises on the subject are too abstruse for elementary pupils, and those which have attempted simplification are, for the most part, too vague. Ele¬ mentary works have consisted of sets of drawings with explanatory text rather than of analyses of principles with diagrams by way of illustration, and have had for this reason little educational value, the mind instead of being concentrated upon important truths being distracted by particular problems without general appli- 8 PEE8PECTIVE. cation. As a result many persons whose work calls for practical application of this science remain ignorant of its primary principles. Perspective refers to the appearance of objects as influenced by position and distance from the eye. Facts which are local and ascertained by actual meas¬ urement, make when delineated what are called geo¬ metric or working drawings. Such are used by the artisan for patterns. Perspective drawings give the appearance from one point of view, as is necessary in pictures. If we see three sides of a cube and draw the geometric facts of what we see, the drawing will look like Fig. 1, but it does not appear thus; it appears. Fig. 1 instead, like Fig. 2. By this we know that there is a science of appearances; and the fact that every object which occupies space, be it a house or a flower, an avenue of trees, or a row of preserves on a shelf, in¬ volves the aid of this science to represent makes knowl¬ edge of it imperative to the draughtsman. PERSPECTIVE. 9 The following lessons state simply the important truths and make several practical applications, going very little into the mathematical part of the subject, but giving information in such a form as to be of easy application to the artisan and the amateur. CHAPTEE I. Pkin. 1 .—Pamllel retreating lines converge. For proof of this stand in the street and observe the rows of buildings on either side; as they retreat they tend toward each other: or stand on a railroad track and observe the same phenomenon; the rails as they retreat converge. Place yourself under an elevated railroad and observe the lines above and the lines of the surface track below, the lines on cither side of pillars and spandrels, all converging towards a common point in the distance. An open door is a convenient illustration; the top and bot¬ tom do not appear parallel, as they really are, but conver¬ gent. Parallel lines which do not retreat do not appear to con¬ verge but to remain parallel. Take for example the nearest side of the cube. Fig. 2. It is a square and has parallel lines—two vertical and two horizontal—but these lines do not retreat and therefore re- Fis .3 main parallel in appearance. As soon, however, as they PERSPECTIVE. 11 were placed in a retreating position, they would appear to converge. This convergence causes the farther side of an object to appear smaller than the nearer side. For if the retreating lines of an object, as the top and bottom of a door, being parallel, appear to converge, then the farther upright line, being of the same length as the nearer one, must appear shorter, in order to meet the ends of the apparently converging lines. If an object, as a stick, is moved into the distance its ends will describe two parallel retreating lines. which lines, according to the law of perspective, appear to converge. In other words the stick grows smaller constantly as the distance increases. (See Fig. 4.) Of a row of houses equal in size, the house nearest the spectator will appear largest, and they will decrease in size as the distance increases (Fig. 5). The statement of the principle may be varied thus : The apparent size of objects is according to the square of the distance. There is a common point where parallel retreating lines meet if produced. Continue for illustration the 12 PEESPECTIVE. retreating lines in any one of the drawings given and it will be seen that they have a common centre ; note that the rails on the track come together in the dis¬ tance ; observe also that the lines seem to rise as they retreat; that the lines of the elevated track above seem to tend downwards; that the left side of the street tends towards the right, the right towards the left, and all towards a point directly opposite the eye. Ketreating lines whether above or below the eye, tend towards the level of the eye. Parallel retreating lines meet at the level of the eye. The point where parallel retreating lines meet is called the Yanishing Point. PEESPECTIVE. 13 Lines which run directly back from the spectator, as do all the retreating lines in the drawings to this lecture, retreat at an angle of 90°. When an object is so placed that its retreating lines are at this angle the object is said to be in parallel perspective. Lines which retreat at an angle of 90° find their Vanishing Point directly opposite the eye. To make a perspective diagram, draw first a hori¬ zontal line of indefinite length. This is called the Horizontal Line and represents the level of the eye. Objects which are above or below the level of the eye are drawn in a corresponding position with regard to this line. Make a dot at, or near, the centre of the line. This represents the point directly opposite the eye, and is called the Centre of Vision (C. Y.), or, sometimes, Point of Sight (P. S.) It is the Vanishing Point for all lines which retreat at an angle of 90° and should therefore be marked, also, Y. P. Draw a line from this point at right angles to the Horizontal Line, indefinite in length. This represents the prin¬ cipal visual ray, called also the Line of Direction. The end of this line is the position of the eye of the spectator, and is called the Station Point (S. P.) Obtain two other points in the following manner: Measure the distance from the Y. P. to the S. P. and mark points the same distance from the Y. P. each side on the Horizontal Line. These are called Meas¬ uring Points (M. Ps). They may be most easily located by means of compasses, as seen at Fig. 12, thus: Take the Y. P. as a centre, and the distance to the S. P. as a radius, and draw an arc to cut the Hor¬ izontal Line on each side; the intersections will be the M. Ps. 14 PERSPECTIVE. Having the diagram made proceed to draw the ob¬ ject. Begin always by drawing its nearest side, or edge, the part which is unchanged by perspective and which requires only to be placed on the diagram in its requisite geometric relation to the lines of the diagram. Draw next the retreating sides towards their Y. P. Fig. 6 shows the nearest side of a cube. The cube in this position is below the level of the eye because it is below the Horizontal Line which represents the level S.P. of the eye on the diagram. It is also to left of the spectator because it is to left of the Principal Yisual Bay. Being in this position we are able to see the top and one upright retreating side. These retreat at an angle of 90°, their direction is, therefore, towards the C. V., which is their Vanishing Point. How that the retreating lines are drawn, w^e come to Prin. 2, for the question arises,—where shall we place the farther vertical and horizontal lines to com¬ plete the object ? For we have seen by Figs. 1 and 2 PERSPECTIVE. 15 that it will not do to draw these lines as far off as they really are. Hold a sheet of paper directly facing you and it looks as wide as it is, turn it a little from you and it appears narrower, and if ‘it is turned as far round as is possible it is narrowed to a straight line. From this we get Prin. 2.— Objects seen obliquely are foreshortened. The degree to which the retreating sides are fore¬ shortened depends upon the position of the object. The nearer the object approaches the Principal Visual M.P.l V.P. C.Y. H.L. M.P.2 G.S. Fig. T S.P. Pay the narrower the vertical retreating side becomes, until on this line it is a single line and top and hot. tom retreating lines are one. The same phenomenon occurs as the horizontal retreating side approaches the level of the horizontal line. Perspective measures the foreshortening in this way ; Produce, as in Fig. 7, the ground line A from the nearest ground angle B indefinitely. Measure from 16 PEKSPECTIVE. the angle B out on the produced ground line a dis¬ tance equal to the actual width of the adjacent side, whose perspective width it is desired to find. This measurement is called a Geometric Scale (G. S.) From the end of this scale, C, draw a line to the M. P.,which is on the same side of the diagram as the cube. The place where this line crosses the retreating ground line, D, is the farther ground angle, E. This deter- v.p. G.S. Fig. 8 SP. mines the perspective width of the side in the posi¬ tion in which it is placed. Baise the vertical line to meet the upper retreating line. This intersection, H, gives one of the farther angles for the top. From H draw a horizontal line and complete the cube. The extremes of foreshortening are shown in Fig. 8. Copy Figs. 7 and 8, and draw the cube in other positions on the diagrams. CHAPTER IL In a perspective diagram there are two lines which invariably bear to each other the same geometric rela¬ tion. They are always present and the other lines and the points are dependent upon them. These are the Horizontal Line and the Principal Yisnal Ray. The first indicates the level of the eye; the second is the axis of tlie cone of visual rays, and extends from the eye of the spectator to the Horizontal Line, at right angles to that line. (A further explanation of the cone of visual rays is not necessary to the present pur¬ pose. It may be found under Vision in any cyclo¬ pedia.) The length of these lines is arbitrary, dej^end- ing upon convenience or special necessity. Wlien the length of the P. Y. R. is determined upon, however, it decides the limits of the drawing, for all the points on the diagram are determined by the position of the Station Point, which is at the outer end of this line. Of points the Station Point, which represents the position of the eye in the diagram, is fixed, and the Centre of Yision, representing the point opposite the eye in the horizon, is always at the juncture of the P. Y. R. with the Horizontal Line. The Yanishing Point is any point in the diagram where two or more lines meet which are really par¬ allel, but which on account of retreating appear to converge. The position of this point is variable, 18 rEEa’ECTI v^E. depending on the direction of the retreating lines of the object to he drawn. All horizontal retreating lines have their Vanishing Points in the Horizontal Line. The Principal Yisnal Eaj, although drawn verti¬ cally in order to represent it on the diagram, represents a horizontal line retreating from the eye at an angle of 90°. Its Vanishing Point is in the Centre of Vision. As all parallel retreating lines converge to a common point, it follows that all lines parallel to the Principal Visual Kay: i. e., which retreat at an angle of 90°, find their common point of convergence in the Centre of Vision, and hence the Centre of Vision-is the Vanishing Point for all such lines. As the apparent size of objects varies according to distance it is necessary when proportions are to be measured that they all be found in some one plane, at a chosen distance from the eye. PerspecLve assumes a plane, an imaginary, vertical plane, in which to measure them. It is called the Plane of Measuies. A PEKSPECTIVE. 19 line indicating the lower edge of tins plane is usually drawn through the lower line or angle of the nearest object. This line is called the Ground Line and is used for horizontal measures. All proportions and all distances, however remote, can be measured in this plane. The measurements are called Geometric Scales, because they give the actual proportions of the parts to each other. The only indication of this plane to be seen in the diagram is the position of the scales. There is still another imaginary plane, called the Picture Plane. It represents the surface on which the drawing is supposed to be made, and its position marks the foreground limits of the picture. The Pict¬ ure Plane and Plane of Measures are parallel and may coincide or not. In the diagrams here given they are regarded, for simplicity, as one and the same, so that 20 PERSPECTIVE. Plane of Measures ” and “ Foreground ’’ are synon- omous terms. The Picture Plane is indicated at Fig. 10, where the objects rest on the ground with their nearest sides against it. When objects touch this plane they are in the extreme foregrounds This shows the Picture Plane and Plane of Measures as coincident, the lower line of the Picture Plane being used as the ground Line or horizontal scale of measures. The Plane of Measures may be assumed at any distance beyond the Picture Plane, as it is only necessary that wherever it is all the scales be made in it, in order to be propor¬ tional ; it is simpler, however, to have it in front of the objects, and, as before stated, the nearest object is usually assumed to touch it. When objects do not touch the Plane of Measures their scales are still drawn in it and transferred to the distance, as will be shown in the next lecture. Lines parallel to the Picture Plane, whatever their direction—whether vertical, horizontal or oblique—re¬ main parallel to it when put into perspective, but the length of such lines decreases as the distance increases. This may be seen by practical observation and by re¬ ference to the drawings here given. Lines not parallel to the Picture Plane do not re¬ main parallel to themselves, but appear, instead, to converge. When an object is so placed that all its retreating lines are parallel to the Principal Yisual Ray the ob¬ ject is said to be in Parallel Perspective. The Vanishing Point for all retreating lines in Par¬ allel Perspective is the Centre of Vision. PEKSPECTIVE. 21 Lines which are parallel to the Picture Plane remain parallel in aj)pearance, but grow shorter as they retire into the distance. It is easy to find the perspective of such lines ; as, for example, take the nearest line of the square at A, Fig. 11. If lines are drawn par¬ allel to it at any distance back between the retreating lines its perspective length at those distances will be accurately represented, though what the distances are is not determined, except in case of the farther line of the square, which is definitely placed. The common method for finding perspective dis¬ tances was described in the last lecture; following is an explanation which, if thoroughly understood, will make clear the whole ground of elementary perspec¬ tive. If, as we have seen, a line drawn from the Station Point at 90°, as the P. Y. R., in Fig. 9 :—finds at its junction with the Horizontal Line a Vanishing Point for itself and all lines parallel to it, so a line drawn from the S. P. at any angle, as say 45°, will, in cut¬ ting the Horizontal Line, determine a Vanishing Point for all lines running in that direction. fSTow it will be found that horizontal lines directed from the Station Point at an angle of 45° will strike the Measuring Points. These, therefore, are the Vanishing Points for all horizontal lines which retreat at an angle of 45°. If the sides of a square retreat at an angle of 90°, the diagonals of the square will retreat at an angle of 45°, therefore the Measuring Points are the Vanish¬ ing Points for the diagonals of the square. This may be tested by drawing the diagonals of the horizontal 22 PERSPECTIVE. retreating squares which have been obtained by the scale as described in the last lecture, if correctly drawn their diagonals will run tov^ards the M. P’s. In Fig. 10 (A) the nearest side of an oblong block being drawn, parallel with the Picture Plane and touching it, draw next the retreating lines to the Y. P. It is now necessary to find the perspective wddth of the retreating side. Measure out from the nearest ground angle a distance equal to the actual width of the foreshortened side. This measurement is the Geo¬ metric Scale. From the end of this scale draw a line towards the M. P., to cross the adjacent retreating line of the object. The intersection will be one of the farther angles. This determines the distance back from the Picture Plane of the two remaining lines of the object. As these lines do not retreat draw them parallel to the corresponding lines in the foreground, between the retreating lines which mark their lengths at this distance. The proportions of the object are dif¬ ferent but there is no difference in procedure between the drawing of these and the cubes at Figs. T and 8. Suppose the point, C, to remain stationary and the block to be turned on that point round to the right, till the retreating line, D, is coincident with the scale. It will be readily seen that the angle E will coincide with the end of the scale, G. This may be easily de¬ monstrated by experiment. This process of finding perspective distances is based on a simple geometric problem. If we have one side of an isosceles triangle given, and wish to determine the other side on an indefinite line we may do so by drawing the base to cut the indefinite line ; the inter- PERSPECTIVE. 23 section will determine the length of the side on the indefinite line. The Geometric Scale is one side of an isosceles triangle, the retreating line from C to the Vanishing Point is another side whose length is not determined, the line from the end of the scale towards the Measuring Point is the base of the triangle, whose direction was found by geometric measurement at the Station Point. The lines from the Vanishing Point to the Station Point and from the Vanishing Point to the Measur¬ ing Point are two legs of an insosceles triangle, of which a line from the Station Point to the Measuring Point (shown at Fig. 10) is the base, and are parallel, respectively, to the retreating line of the object, the Geometric Scale, and the line from the Geometric Scale to the Measuring Point. For the geometric re¬ lation of the last named lines see (C) Fig. 10. The lines from the S. P. to the M. P’s must be regarded as being in the same horizontal plane as the P. V. K., and as having the M. P. for its V. P. In parallel perspective the base of the triangle is at an angle of 45° with its legs. In consequence the diagonals of horizontal squares tend towards the Measuring Points, and in many instances it is more convenient to dispense with the scale and find the perspective of such squares by drawing their diag¬ onals, as is done in the figures which follow. Fig. 11 (A) is a square plane in a horizontal position. The farther angles are determined by drawing the diagonals. In this case the diagonal is the base, and the adjacent sides are the legs, of the triangle. Fig. 11 (B) is a cube whose perspective has been determined 24 PEESPEOTIYE. by drawing all its retreating lines—tliougli in an opaque object but three would be seen—and the diagonals of the base. The diagonals of the upper side would have obtained the same result and obviated the necessity of making a transparent figure, but the ground surface was used because it afforded a larger angle, being farther from the TI. L., and the intersections could be more easily seen. S.P. It should be explained that in making scales the nearest ground corner is used only because it gives the largest angle and thereby secures the greatest accuracy. If the object is above the Horizontal Line the nearest U23per corner is the best jDlace for the scale, and if the ground line of the object rests on the Horizontal Line a scale at the top is necessary. Either of the other corners might be used, with the other Measuring Point, but they give a slighter angle and so offer more difficulty in determining the point of intersection, and PERSPECTIVE. 25 ill case of one of tliem it would be necessary to make a transparent drawing, as that at (B) Fig. 11. If a scale for the side C, of this figure, were to be drawn out to the right from the angle D, and a line drawn from it to M. P. 1, it would pass through the angle E, already obtained in another way; this proves both processes. Fig. 12 is a square floor with square tiles whose edges are parallel to the edges of the floor. Having S.P, drawn a ground line set ofi upon it the nearest edge of the floor, which is one-half on each side of the P. Y. P. From each end of the measured edge draw retreating lines to the Y. P. Draw diagonals and complete the square. Divide the nearest edge into four equal parts and draw lines from the points so found to the Y. P. Thus we have the retreating edges for all the tiles. The diagonals of the large square are diagonals also of the small squares they cross. 26 PEKSPECTIVE. Draw horizontal lines at the intersections and com¬ plete. Fig. 13 is a rectangular pyramid. Draw the square base as in Fig. 12. To draw the inclined sides it is necessary first to find their upper terminus, the apex of the pyramid. The apex is at the upper end of the axis. The position of the axis is already determined by the intersection of the diagonals, which occurs at the perspective centre of the base, but its length is still to be found because, being removed from the foreground half the width of the base, it appears shorter than it really is. According to the rule laid down, its actual height must be measured in. the Plane of Measures, in which the nearest edge of the base is drawn. If the axis should be moved to the fore¬ ground, keeping it parallel to the retreating edges of the base, it would touch the nearest edge, A. E., at C. In this position it would show its true height and pro¬ portion to the base. Draw therefore a line at C the PEESPECTIVE. 2T actual height it is desired to make the axis. From its upper end draw a line to the Y. P., because the axis, which is now in the foreground, retreats at an angle of 90°, and stops at the centre of the base. Raise a line from the centre of the base to meet the retreating line. Finish by drawing the inclined lines from the base angles to the apex. It is obvious that the per¬ spective height of the axis could have been found as well by erecting the scale at either foreground angle of the base, and drawing the retreating line to an M. P. In this case the axis would have been moved to its position along a plane at an angle of 45°, which is the plane of the diagonal. The student is recommended to draw the diagrams, placing the objects in different positions from those given, until he is sure that he understands the princi¬ ples involved. Drawings should be made larger than the plates here given ; not less than five inches for the length of the P. Y. R. He is urged also to prove the statements made herein by actual observation. A great German savant has said that Nothing which comes through the eyes into the head ever goes out,” and this is true at least to the extent that things are better remembered when seen than when merely heard of. It is comparatively easy to comprehend a subject in the abstract, but abstract knowledge of Perspective is not enough for the artist. He must, in homely metaphor, eat, drink and sleep with it; it must inform his pencil as magic informed the sword of Orlando, for he can never make a pictorial line in which it is not involved. CHAPTEE III. It lias been shown that the appearance of objects in any position and at any distance can be accurately measured and drawn, and a simj)le method has been explained for accomplishing this result. What we have learned may be summed up as follows. The direction of retreating lines in Perspective is found by determining their real or geometric direc¬ tion at the Station Point, as see Figs. 9 and 10, and in case of horizontal retreating lines, which only w^e have discussed, producing these lines from the Station Point to cut the Horizontal Line, the intersections deter¬ mining the direction of all lines in the object which are parallel to these lines. The foreshortening of retreating lines is deter¬ mined by drawing their real length in the Plane of Measures in the position they would occupy if pro¬ jected forwai’d to that plane. These lines are called Geometric Scales. It \vas shown also that the perspective direction of the diagonals of horizontal squares in Parallel Per¬ spective is towards the Measuring Points, and that, in consequence, the diagonals may be used to determine the farther angles, instead of dravdng a scale. It may be remarked, thougli obvious, that the Yan- ishing Points have reference only to the direction of lines and planes, and not to their position. Objects V.P. WP.1_c.v,__ m.p .2 PEESPECTIVE. 31 however placed have the same Yaiiishing points when their lines and planes are parallel. It has seemed more logicahto explain at the outset tlie means by which the Yanishing Point of any line may be found though in fact it is not necessary in Parallel Perspective to measure the angles of the re- treating lines at the Station Point, because their Yan¬ ishing Point is known beforehand, and the order of drawing the lines of the diagram is, practically, as was described and illustrated in Chapter I. It remains now to make a little further application of what has been learned of parallel perspective and to speak of some alternative means of obtaining the same results. Fig. 14 shows objects adjacent to the plane of Measures, and others removed from it, and is intended to illustrate the fact that all objects in the picture must be measured in the same plane in order to be imoportional. A and B are the same size as C and D but, being distant, appear smaller. To draw A draw first the real length of its vertical edge in the plane of Meas¬ ures, G H. This line is a vertical scale. As the ob¬ ject is parallel to the P. Y. B., draw the lines from the scale to the C. Y. which is their Y. P. Mark off on the Ground Line a scale equal to the distance of the first upright of the object from the foreground, G K. Draw a line from the end of the horizontal scale, K, to the M. P. and the intersection with the retreating ground line at M will be the perspective distance of the nearest edge of the object, which is an upright line, M M, between the two vanishing lines. Deter- 32 PERSPECTIVE. mine upon the width of the object and add a corre¬ sponding width, K O, to the horizontal scale. Obtain the farther angle in the same manner as the first one. Draw the vertical edges between the retreating lines and complete the object. Proceed in same way for the horizontal plane, B. If it is desired to draw planes still more distant, add on to the horizontal scale the required distance, always measuring from the point in the plane of Measures which would coincide with the point sought if the point were projected forward. There is another method of finding perspective dis¬ tances used sometimes in place of the one we have described. It is called the method of Diagonals and is based on the following propositions: 1. A line drawn through the intersection of the diagonals of a parallelogram bisects the parallelogram. This is the common way of dividing a perspective sur¬ face into halves, and in Fig. 16 (A) determines the centre line of the gables. 2. If a line drawn from the corner of a parallelo¬ gram to the middle of one of the opposite sides, as in (A), Fig. 15, and continued to meet the other side produced, the intersection with the last line will be a farther angle for another equal and similar parallelo¬ gram adjacent to the first. Suppose an object, as the nearest block in the row in Fig. 15, A, to be drawn by means of the scale, and it is desired to draw another, or a row of similar blocks, adjacent. Divide the nearest upright line of the object in the middle, B, and draw a line from the point thus made to the Y. P. This line w/ 1 bisect the side of the M'.P.I _ C.V. H.L. M.p.2 PERSPECTIVE. 35 block, and of every block which may be drawn beyond. Draw a line from one of the nearest angles, C, of the block to cut the middle of the opposite side, D, and produce to cut the lower retreating line, which will give E. E will be the farther ground angle of the next block. This is a shorter method than drawing a continuous number of horizontal scales. But if the objects are not adjacent it is most convenient to use the scales. The square planes on the right are obtained by drawing their diagonals to the M. P., but they could as well have been made by drawing a dividing line to the Y. P., and proceeding as for the blocks at (A). If, instead of squares, it were desired to draw oblong planes, either this last method or the use of the scale would be necessary, unless a Y. P. were found for the diagonals, which would be unnecessary labor. In Fig. 16 we have two rows of gable-roofed houses, showing different methods of obtaining the same result. For (A) draw first the nearest side of the nearest house, A B C D. Draw lines from A and B to the Y. P. Draw a scale, B, O, for the width of the house through the nearest ground corner. By means of a line from the scale to the M. P. locate the farther ground-angle of the front, S. Draw the farther up¬ right, S. T. Draw the diagonals of the front, and from their intersection raise a vertical line indefinite in length. The apex of the gable will be found in this line but its height must be measured by a verti¬ cal scale in the plane of measures, as in case of the axis of the pyramid in the last chapter. A. E. is such a scale. A line from E to the Y. P. will give, at its in¬ tersection with the line bisecting the gable, the height 36 PEKSPECTIVE. of the apex. This line, from the vertical scale to the y. P., will give also the height of the other gables beyond. Draw the inclined lines, and complete the front of the house. The upper line of the roof, or ridge-pole, is parallel to the plane of measures, but as it is distant from it half the width of the house it appears shorter, and its perspective length at this dis¬ tance must be measured. Erect a scale, G, from the corner, D, and draw a line from it to the Y. P. Draw the ridge-pole to cut this line and the intersection will determine its perspective length. From the point of intersection, H, draw the inclined line to D. Measure off horizontal scales on the ground line for the widths of the remaining houses, and proceed as for the first. For (B), draw the nearest side of the first house, A B C D. Draw lines from A and B to the Y. P. Place the further upright line of the front N. P. by means of a scale, B E. Draw diagonals of the front, and at their intersection draw a vertical line upwards, indefinite in length. Make a vertical scale for the height of the roof, AG. A line from this scale to the Y. P. gives, at its intersection with the line from the diagonals, the height of the apex. Complete the front end of the roof. All this is the same as was done at (A). The slope of the other roof lines is ob¬ tained in a different manner. If a sheet of paper is held in the position of the slope of the roof, A D K L, it will be seen that it is not parallel to the picture plane but inclines upwards from it, and that as the upper line is farther away than the lower one it appears shorter and the retreating .GR.L, i PERSPECTIVE. 39 ends converge. These converging ends, A K and D L, must have a Y. P., and if it is found we will have only to draw the slopes towards it to give their appar¬ ent inclinations. It will be observed that these lines lie in the same plane as the back and front of the house, which retreats at an angle of 90°, and, therefore, if they were horizontal lines, like H, their Y. P. would be in the C. Y., but they are not horizontal but incline upwards, instead, and so their Y. P. must be found by looking directly ahead and raising the eyes above the C. Y. If a line is drawn upwards from the C. Y., the Y. P. for the inclined lines will be found somewhere in it. Where depends on the de¬ gree of inclination of the roof, which must be deter¬ mined beforehand. In this case the inclination of the line, A K, was found by means of the vertical scale A G, and the diagonals of the front. If this line, A K, is produced to cut the vertical line from the C. Y. the intersection will be the Y. P. sought, and all lines parallel to A K must be drawn towards this Point. Having located this Y. P. draw the inclined line from D and finish the first house. The width of the farther houses is found in the same way as that of the blocks in Fig. 15. The line from the vertical scale, at G, to the Y. P. gives the height of each roof, and its intersection with the inclined line from the nearest corner of each house to its Y. P. determines the height of the roof and position of the apex. Finish by draw¬ ing the farther slopes of the roofs, which incline equally in the opposite direction. A Y. P. for these last slopes would be found below the level of the eye in the P. Y. P., but its use was not here necessary. 40 PEESPECTIVE. Fig. 17 is an application of what we have already learned to some details of a honse. In (A) the position of the windows is found by fixing their position on the scale for that side of the house and transferring the points to the retreating ground line ; their height was marked on the near end of the house, O, and a line from thence to the Y. P. crossed by vertical lines from the points on the ground line. The door of the house (B) was found in the same way. To draw the chimney on house (A), mark its width, height and position, ABC, on the end of the near¬ est gable, which is in the Plane of Measures. Draw lines from these points to the Y. P. Mark its dis¬ tance from the Plane of Measures and the width of its retreating side on the Geometrical Scale for the retreating side of the house at E F. Transfer these PERSPECTIVE. 41 points, by lines to tlie M. P., to the retreating ground line. Carry lines thence to the roof and across it, keeping them parallel to the Plane of Measures. Where these lines cut the line from B to the Y. P. we have the position of two lower angles of the chimney. Erect two vertical lines to meet the retreat¬ ing line from C. This completes one side of the chimney. Draw a horizontal line from G to cut a re¬ treating line from A at H. This gives the width of the front, H G. From H draw a vertical line to meet a horizontal line from K. The oblique line, G N, showing the insertion of the chimney into the roof is parallel to the other oblique lines of the roof. Several alternative ways will suggest themselves for drawing the chimney on house (B). As the process shown involves only what has been already explained, a description is unnecessary. When mechanical accuracy is required perspective work is reduced from actual measurements to a defi¬ nite scale of inches or fractions of an inch. These are set off in the Plane of Measures, and thus the smallest details are drawn in true proportion. Perspective problems usually state the scale of reduction. Work¬ ing to a scale is not introduced here because it would cumber the student while being no help towards a knowledge of principles. CHAPTEE lY. To draw any curve in perspective enclose it in a rec¬ tangle ; draw tlie perspective of the rectangle; find the points of contact of the curve with the rectangle; draw the curve through these points, and its true per¬ spective will be found. If the curve is a circle the rectangle will be a square, as A B C D, Fig. 18, and the points of contact will be the ends of the diameters, E F Gr H. If it is desired to find other points through which to draw the perspective curve not in the rectangle, find these points first in the geometric circle, and transfer them to the perspective circle by the rule already given for placing a point in any given perspective position. PERSPECTIVE. 4a viz : Fix its position in the plane of measures, as A., Fig. 19, and draw a line thence towards its Y. P. Cross this line by a line towards the M. P., from a scale which represents the actual distance of the point from the foreground or plane of measures, and the intersection B will be the perspective position of the point. Fig. 20 shows the circle in perspective. A descrip¬ tion of the process is as follows: Having drawn the H. L., P. Y. B. and G. L., fix the point where the circle is to come in contact with the Plane of Measures, as at A. Mark off on the G. L. the width of the diameter of the circle, B C, one-half on each side of A, and draw lines from thence to the Y. P. Draw the diagonals and complete a perspective square. Draw the diameters. The ends of the diame¬ ters, A F G H, are the four points of contact of the circle with the square. It is desirable for greater accuracy to find points where the curve crosses the diagonals. These are PEKSPECTIYE. U found by constructing the square, or half of it, in the plane of measures, and having found the points in this, transferring them to their corresponding places in the perspective plan. Construct half the square with B C as one side. Draw the semi-diameters and semi-diagonal. Find the points on the diagonals through which the circle passes by measuring out on them, from the centre, the length of the semi-diame¬ ters or by inscribing the half circle. This gives points Fiy;. so D and E. Transfer these to the ground line at I and K by vertical lines. From I and K draw lines to the Y. P., and where these cross the diagonals of the per¬ spective square will be the points corresponding to D and E. Draw the curve freehand through the points obtained. If it is desired to draw on the diagram a circle removed from the foreground, construct a square at the desired distance and proceed as for the first. PEKSPECTIVE. 45 A circle appears as such only when the eye is oppo¬ site its centre. When the side only is seen it is a straight line. In all other positions it is an ellipse. As these other positions are practically unlimited, it oftenest appears as an ellipse. Fig. 21 shows circles in an upright position parallel to the plane of measures. In this position they may be drawn without the aid of the enclosing rectangle, in the following manner. v.p. Draw the nearest circle in the plane of measures, touching the G. L. Draw line A B from the cen¬ tre to the point of contact with the ground. This is the radius of the circle. Draw lines from A and B to the Y. P. A will pass through the centre of all circles which may be drawn beyond and B will pass through their point of contact with the ground. Make a scale from B the actual distance of the farther circle from its position in the foreground. A line from the end of this scale to the M. P. will, where it crosses 46 PEESPECTIVE. the retreating line from B, at O, give the position for the farther circle. Draw a vertical line from O to D. With D as a centre and the distance to O as a radius draw the circle. Circles in any other position than parallel to the picture Plane must be enclosed in squares. Draw the square in any position required for the circle and then proceed as described for Fig. 20. Any number of points may be found on the per¬ spective circle by first placing them on the geometric circle in the plane of measures, and transferring them, as was done with points D and E. The profile lines of circular solids, as cylinders, must be drawn tangent to the circles, as are the lines E and H in Fig. 21. The forms of all bodies are continuous deviations from geometric forms which compose their bases, and which, when imagined round them, can be called their general outline. To determine this general outline is the first process in making a correct drawing. It is found by circumscribing the object as closely as pos¬ sible with straight lines or geometric curves, in such a way that we complete some of its parts, and perhaps cut off some of its ^protuberances.” Such an outline will represent the essential form and character of the object. After the geometric form of the general outline is decided upon, it must be drawn in the perspective position in which the object is to be represented, and afterwards modified into the object. Only by this means, by reference to the intentional structure, can disordered forms be represented truly ; PEESPECTIVE. 47 for if the normal structure is recognized the departure from it will seem an accidental deviation, but if the irregularities are drawn without this guide the result will have neither strength nor character. The one process will show the operation of mind while the other will be chaos. The perspective of flowers which are based on the circle will serve to illustrate this point. The choice suggests itself from the fact that flowers, while being popular objects of imitation are commonly repre¬ sented as though they neither occupied solid space nor possessed essential form. It would seem, moreover, from the ordinary portrayal, that they were exempt from the visual laws which govern the appearance of other objects, and if their scientiflc classiflcation were to be determined from these efflgies, the most expert botanist might well be perplexed. But not¬ withstanding that ignorance is satisfied by variety without order the flower has a perfect plan, and no one can hope to draw it correctly by scoring down irregularities as essential beauties, without reference to the law which is behind. I hold this rose in my hand. I perceive above tlie straggling leaves, like a halo, its structural plan, the circle. In the winged life of each petal there is a his¬ tory. I note how the rain beat on this one and tlie sun came out and confirmed its downward growth ; I see the trail of the worm on that, and how the heat has withered, the next, and the countless graceful vol¬ untary movements of the parts among themselves. Scarcely one is in its normal place, yet it is by refer¬ ence to the normal that the deviations are interesting. 48 PERSPECTIVE. The irregularities are special truths and mark the in¬ dividuality of each leaf, but art is concerned with types more than with special truths, and the artist who rightly depicts a flower must indicate its essential form, and must show that the variations are not mere chance without organic connection, but that they are temporary escapings from a law to which, while re¬ taining their individuality, they yet submit.” Flowers have either bi-lateral symmetry, like the pansy, or the stellar symmetry of the daisy. The plan or general outline of the latter class is the circle. The petals radiate from the centre and are balanced and equal. Fig. 22 A gives the construction as seen from above or below, the radiating lines being balancing lines for the petals. The number of radiating lines PEESPECTIVE. 49 differs according to the number of petals, but the plan is the same for all radiating flowers. When viewed from the side the flower is balanced on a straight line, as shown at B, tho line at the top, G. H., being always at right angles to the balanc¬ ing line, E C. These two positions, A and B, require but two posi¬ tions for the eye with relation to the circle, but be¬ tween these two there are an inflnite number of appearances, and all are ellipses of varying widths, for 50 PERSPECTIVE. an ellipse may be any width between a straight line and a circle, these two being the perspective poles of the curve. JTig. S4: There needs yet a little further construction, for ij is necessary to fix not only the outside limit for the petals, but also the point from which they start, E. When the outline appears a circle this point is, of course, the center of the circle, as shown at Fig. 22, and when the view is a side one, as B, Fig. 22, the point is found on the balancing line at its actual dis¬ tance from the outside limit, but in all elliptical views the perspective position of this point must be especi¬ ally determined. It will approach the centre of the PEKSPECTIVE. 51 curve or retire from it according as the ellipse grows wider or narrower, as may be seen at Fig. 23. The construction is shown by a cone at Fig. 24. Let the base of the cone be the outline of the flower and its centre will be found in the axis; not necessarily at the apex but if not there a cross section must be drawn at the desired distance along the axis. This cross sec¬ tion will be another ellipse as C D, and will enclose the centre or heart of the flower. To draw parallel ellipses, freehand, draw their diameters parallel. If the centre of one ellipse is op¬ posite the centre of the other, as occurs in the flower, their short diameters will coincide. Two lines con¬ necting these curves, as A B, B C at Fig. 25, will be the sides or proflles of the flower. If these sides are 52 PERSPECTIVE. produced to meet, it will be seen that the point of meeting is opposite the centre of the circles, and will fall in the line of the short diameters produced. In the flower this intersection occurs in the stem, which is always a prolongation of the short diameters. If it is desired to draw ellipses a deflnite distance apart, it may be done freehand by enclosing them in squares, as seen at Fig. 27, the distance between them being measured by the distance between the nearest edges of the squares, as from A to B. If one ellipse is smaller, its size and position are set off in the nearest edge of the square in whose plane it is to be drawn, as C. D. Vanishing lines from the points thus made, crossing the diagonals of the square will give its per¬ spective position and size. Construction lines show the fundamental form of the flower or other object which they circumscribe, and its perspective position. If the draughtsman is expert they need not be drawn but they must be kept always in mind. With this precaution the common mistakes in form may be avoided. CHAPTEE Y. We have thus far considered objects so placed that the retreating lines are at an angle of 90°, and which being thus parallel to the P. Y. K. find their Y. P. in the C. Y. But when the object is turned to left or right so that its retreating lines are no longer parallel to the P. Y. E., then the C. Y. is no longer their Y. P. Under this change the object is said to be in angular per¬ spective. As the retreating lines remain horizontal under this change, the Y. Ps remain in the Horizontal Line, but are removed to a distance from the C. Y. depending upon how much the object is turned from the plane of the picture. To fix the Y. P. in a definite place it is necessary to know the angle at which the lines of the object are turned from the P. P. Distances of this kind are measured by degrees of a circle. For example: in a quarter circle there are 90°. If one side of a square is parallel with the line C D (A), Fig. 28, then the retreating side is at an angle of 90° with C D. This is the relative position of the object to the picture plane in Parallel Perspective. But if it is turned fur¬ ther round as in B, the angle is smaller than 90°; and this is the position of the object to the picture plane in angular perspective. How much smaller it 64: PERSPECTIVE. is may be ascertained by measuring the number of degrees between F and E. If it is desired to measure the angle at which the object is to retreat it must be done at the Station Pointj as explained in Chapter II. The rule is as fol¬ lows : Draw a line from the 8. P. at any angle and produce to cut the II. Z., and the intersection will he the Y. P. for all lines running, in that direction. Therefore, if the angle at which the lines of the object retire is known the Y. P. may be fixed as follows. Suppose the angle to be Y5°, as in Fig. 29. Having drawn the H. L. and P. Y. H., draw a horizontal line through the S, P. Draw a half circle on this last line with the S. P. as a centre. Measure ofi on the curve 75°. Draw a line from the S. P. through the point thus obtained, C, and produce to cut the H. L., and the intersection with the H. L. will be tlie Y. P. PERSPECTIVE. 55 sought. Draw the nearest upright line of the object, A B, resting on the ground line. From each end draw lines to the Y. P. and they will be at an angle of 75° with the Gr. L. or Picture Plane. When the angle is not known, the direction of the retreating line may be determined by judgment of the eye, thus: Draw the nearest upright line of the object, resting on the Gr. L., as A. B. in Fig. 30. Draw a retreating line from A to meet the H. L., H.L. C.V. \l.?. judging its direction by the eye. This gives the Y. P. for this line and all others parallel to it. Draw a line from B to the same Y. P. But now, in com¬ pleting the cube, it will be seen that whereas in parallel perspective all the retreating lines converged to one point, here they do not; for the lines which formerly were parallel to the Picture Plane now re¬ treat, and in a different direction from the first set. As they retreat they must converge, whereas formerly they did not; as they converge they have a Y. P., and 56 PEESPECTIVE. as they are horizontal their Y. P. will be in the H. L. The Y. P. for this second set of lines is as far from the first Y. P. as the actual difierence in direction of the two sets of lines, the angle to be measured at the S. P. To find the second Y. P. draw a line from the first Y. P. to the S. P., and make with it there an angle equal to the difierence in direction of the two sets of lines. In case of the cube, the lines are at right angles, therefore make a right angle at the S. P., and produce the line to cut the H. L., and the inter¬ section will be the Y. P. for all horizontal lines at right angles to those running towards the first Y. P. Draw retreating lines from A and B to the second Y. P. It is necessary now to find the M. Ps., in order to measure the foreshortening of the sides. The rule for finding the M. Ps., given in Chapter I, is: Measure the distance from the Y, P. to the S. P.^ and marh a jpoint the same distance from the P. P. on the II.L.; the point thus found is the M. P. PERSPECTIVE. 5r A Y. P. needs but one M. P. In Parallel Per¬ spective, however, the Y. P. occupies the centre of the diagram, and it is convenient to have the M. P. sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other, depending on the position of the object, whether to right or left of the P. Y. K. It occupies on either side the same relative position, being used to right or left as convenience dictates. Where there is more S.P. than one Y. P. each one has its own M. P., used ex¬ clusively to measure the foreshortening of the lines which vanish towards it. The M. P. for any Y. P. is found when an isosceles triangle is formed with the Y. P. as the apex, the line to the S. P. as one -side, and an equal side laid oil on the H. L. To find the M. Ps. in angular perspective take each Y. P. as a centre and the distance to the S. P. as 58 PEESPECTIYE. a radius, and strike an arc to cut the H. L.; the inter¬ sections will be the respective M. Ps. To continue the drawing of Fig. 30, measure off on the Gr. L. a scale for each side of the cube. Draw a line from each to the M. P. for that set of lines which it is to measure. At the intersections with the lower retreating lines of the object raise vertical lines to meet the upper retreating lines. This completes the vertical sides. It now remains to complete the top S.P. which is done by drawing lines from the upper angles just found, one to each Y. P., the intersection of these two lines being the farther angle of the top. It will be seen that there is nothing here different in procedure from parallel perspective. Another Y. P. is added because the Tines which formerly were drawn parallel now converge, but the Y. Ps. are used in pre¬ cisely the same way, and the M. P. for each is found PERSPECTIVE. 61 by precisely the same rule as in Parallel Perspective. It may be observed that in Par. Per. the isosceles tri¬ angle is a right triangle, because the Y. P., which is always the apex, is in the C. Y., making the P. Y. P. one of its sides, but when the Y. P. is removed from the C. Y. the P. Y. P. is no longer one of its sides, and the angle is therefore smaller. Fig. 31 shows planes in angular perspective. But one Y. P. is needed. The first three are measured by scales, and the others by the method of Diagonals explained in Chapter III. Fig. 32 shows an object whose sides are not at right angles to each other, and, in consequence, whose Y. Ps. are not 90° apart. Draw the nearest upright line, A B. Draw one of the lower retreating lines from A to the H. L., deter¬ mining its direction by the eye. Draw a line from the Y. P. so obtained to the S. P. Make an angle with this line equal to the difference in direction of the sides C and D of the object. In this case the sides are 60° apart. Produce the line so obtained to meet the H. L. This gives the Y. P. for the side D. Draw the remaining lines from A. B. to the Y. P’s. Find the M. P. for each Y. P. Draw the scale for each side, making them equal, as the object is a triangular prism. By lines from the scales to the respective M. P’s. find the foreshortening of each side. Paise the vertical lines and complete the sides. As there are but three sides to the object finish by drawing a line connecting the upper side angles. The method of finding the Y. P. for inclined lines was explained in Chapter III, the illustration being the 62 PEESPECTIVE. lines of a roof. The Y. P. for such lines is found in a vertical line running from the Y. P. of the plane or side in which the lines lie. In Pig. 16 they were in a plane which had its Y. P. in the C. Y., and therefore their Y. P. was in a line drawn vertically from the C. Y. In Fig. 33 the inclined lines are in the plane which tends towards Y. P. 1. The inclination of the first line, A, may be assumed or it may be measured accu- jately by drawing a scale for the height of the roof, B, and drawing a line thence to Y. P. 1; drawing the diagonals of the front and erecting a vertical line from their centre to meet the line from the scale to Y. P. 1. Prolong the line A to meet the vertical line from Y. P. 1, and the third Y. P. will be found. When an object is so placed that its retreating lines incline up or down from the horizontal, as does the roof of Fig. 33, the object is said to be in oblique perspective. The process of measuring angles as at the S. Ps. in Figs. 29 and 32 is geometrical and for its explanation the student is referred to the simple problems of plane geometry. A Practical Book on PerspectiYO. Arclitectural PersiifictiYe for Bepners. -- F. A. WRIGHT, Architect. -- Containing’ 11 large Plates and full descriptive letter-press. One large quarto handsomely bound in cloth. Price, $3,00, frtJ&V FrTB3LiXS3EZ3£SX3 KIKXM E»IXIO?« Of I^^z-gLOtioetl Xjossozxs Ino. ArcMtoctural Drawing OR How to Make tke Workiig Drawiags for BnlMings. 44 pages descriptive letter press, illustrated by %% full-page plates {one in colors'), and 33 woodcuts, showing methods of construction and representation. The work embraces Scale Drawings of Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of Frame, Brick and Stone Buildings, with full descrip¬ tions and a form opSpecifications adapted to the same. Suited to the wants of Architectural Students, Carpenters, Builders, and all desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Architectural Drawing and Construction. COIVTONTS. Chap. I—Introduction. Chap. II.—A Small Frame House. Chap. III. A Frame Building. Chap. IV.—A Brick Building. Chap. V.— A Stone Building. Chap. 'Sfl.— The Specifcations. Chap. VII.— Color. By WILLIAM B. TUTHILL, A. M., ArcMtect. One large 8vo volume, oblong. Cloth. Price, post-paid, $2.50. WM. T. COMSTOCK. Publisher, 23 WARREN ST., NEW YORK. I C^2?\Y