OBJECT CHIEFLY OF THE 16th CENTURY. OF THi; LAJ.'!': T. M, WHITEHEAD, ESQ. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1898. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, PRICE MALF-A-GUI?^SA. O-A.TA.ILiOGi-'CrB OF THE CHOICE COLLECTION OF OBJECTS OF ART, CHIEFLY OF THE 16th CENTURY; ^Hb^r, l^nralain attib ©^t0rattfai^ fnxnitnxt^ OF THE LATE i.o^"'\\^< T^M: WHITEHEAD, ESQ.: ic^ WHICH (hi/ Unh'T nf flic Executory) ,^ nr^ ^ Messrs. CHRLSTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR aEEA.'P EOOMg, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1898, AT ONE o'fLOCK rRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messr.s. Chkistie, ^^fANSoN and Woods' Ottlce.s, 8 Khif/ Stnrt, St. Jaine-^'^ S'juarr, S. JV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III, In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s, in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs- Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty -whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1898, AT ONE o'clock PKECISELY. SILVER— -4^ per Oz. 1 Six tea-spoons, with feathered- edge handles ; and a pair of pierced and chased sugar-bows . 2 Twelve dessert-forks and twelve dessert-spoons, with feathered-edge handles — 1775 .... 3 Twelve ditto table-spoons— 1770-72-74 . 4 Twelve plain three-pronged table-forks — bi/Paul Crespin, 1727 5 A pair of plain sauce-ladles, with shell bowls 6 A pierced fish-trowel— 1770; and a marrow-spoon 7 A plain soup-ladle, with pear-shaped bowl and scroll- top handle— 1748 7 18 8 A pair of silver-gilt serving-spoons, the bowl embossed with fruit — in case . . . . . .34 9 A set of six small circular salt-cellars, chased with flowers, on three feet ; and six beaded salt-spoons — in case . . . • • . • . 8 16 10 A pair of chamber candlesticks, with beaded borders and extinguishers — 1777 . . . . . . 16 4 B 2 oz. ( dwt. 4 2 24 8 25 11 27 3 6 oz. dtot. 11 A globular tea-pot, with band of ornament in fiat chasing . . . . . . . . 22 10 12 A shaped coffee-jug, repousse witb spiral fluting, gadroon border and foot— 1769 16 13 A pmall pierced sugar-basket, repousse with laurel festoons and chased handles — blue glass liner . 2 2 14 A PiiE OF Partlt Fluted Queen Anne Sugae- Castees — 1703 — with chasings of flowers and scrolls 11 4 15 A large plain sauce-pan, with spout — 1724 . . . 16 8 16 An oval mazarin— 1774 28 12 17 A CiBCULAK Salvee, with escalloped border, chased Avith scroll foliage, and band of shell and scale ornament in flat chasing — 14 in. diam. — probably by Thos. TearIe—l7S9 49 18 A shaped and spirally fluted tankard, with dome cover, scroll handle and open billet — 1765 . . . 30 8 19 A pair of plain beakers, on moulded bases — 1727 . 14 13 Engraved with a sMeld-of-anns and double cypher 20 A Paie of William and Maby Cieculab Flat- Shaped Salt-Cellaes, the borders deeply fluted, and on round gadrooned feet — by Peeter Harache, 1688 . 8 From the Collection of the late Charles North, Esq. 21 A Paie of Ditto, similar design — by Anthony Nelme, 1697 9 9 From the Same Collectiun 22 A Set of Foub Ditto, of similar design, but without feet— % Wm. Luhin, 1701 16 23 A set of six larger salt-cellars, nearly similar — temp George IV. . . . . . . 45 15 24 An Oval Open Tbellis Beead-Basket, with corded borders and handles, the centre finely engraved with a shield-of-arms in border of trellis pattern, shell and scroll ornament— % Pom/ Xrtjnene, 1730 . . 44 12 25 A TWO-HANDLED CUP AND COVEE, with reeded band round the centre, the lower part of cup and the cover richly chased with strapwork in relief, with shell and foliage ornament, on chased round foot, and engraved with shields-of-arms — 12 in. high — 1730 — maker's mark, P.P. with fleur-de-lis above in shaped shield ........ oz. dwt. ^7J 74 17 SILVER— .4// at. 26 Twelve old English dessert-knives, with plain round handles ; and twelve three-pronged dessert-farks (seven hearing hall mark of 1711) — weight of forks 14 oz., gross iceight of knives 25 oz. 8 diet. 27 A carving-knife and fork, with silver handles — Edinburgh hall mark ; a round of beef carver and fork, with green ivory handles ; and an engraved silver fish-knife and fork — in case 28 An engraved glass claret-jug, mouuted with silver neck-band, cover and foot 29 An old English green shagreen case, silver mouuted, containing six razors, honestone, strop, glass bottle, and other silver- mounted implements— ciVca 1780 30 A silver Pantheon pass, No. 45, date 1772 ; and a silver racing medal, with the match between Hambletonian and Diamond, and Sancho on the reverse 2 31 A pocket corkscrew, silver-mounted — old Dublin hall mark, circa 1760 32 A set of six pairs of silvered steel cock-fighting spurs, or gaffles, in shark-skin case — initialled H.I., 1755, on some of the leathers 33 A set of six pairs of steel ditto — circa 1750 — made by W. Cutler Petworth, Sussex, for Lord Egremont, and exhibited at the Sotith Kensington Museum, 1862, by the Bev. James Beck, who after- wards presented them to 31r. Whitehead PLATED. 34 An old Sheffield plated coffee-pot, partly flafed ; a large vase- shaped sugar-caster ; and a fluted sauce-boat 35 A pair of old Sheffield table candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and round feet, chased vsith flowers and si^irally fluted 36 A pair of fluted column candlesticks, with cljased capitals, on square pedestals with rams' heads and laurel festoons FOREIGN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT. oz. dwt. 37 Two Russian beakers, chased with foliage, scrolls and other ornament — St. Petersburg, 1750-58 . .53 38 Two ditto, with shields and flowers . . . . 4 11 39 Two ditto, with shields, animals and foliage — one St. Petersburg, 1745 5 18 40 Two ditto, with birds, scrolls, &c. — St. Petersburg, 1766-74 5 10 41 A pair of small Russian fluted liqueur-cups . .39 42 A Plain Parckl-Gilt Hanap and Cover, surmounted by fir-cone ornament, on gadrooned foot, and engraved with a shield-of-arms and crest — Eiga, by Jacob Stabenau, Meister in 1712 14 10 43 An Eakly Silver-Gilt Cover for a Chalice, of dome form, encircled midway by a band of chased open Gothic foliage, chased rim, and with four applique open trefoil ornaments on the top, sur- mounted by a group of the Virgin, in royal robes and crown, bearing the infant Saviour with orb — 7 in. high, 6^ in. diam — probably Spanish, 16th century . . . . . . . . 13 12 44 A Silver-Gilt Two-PronptED Fork, on the top a seated / winged figure (a female griffin). The body of the stem is ' -^ t> < ■ square, the front ornamented with scrolls, drum and helmet in niello, the back with festoons of flowers and vases, in the same. . c y The sides are elaborately interlaced with delicate work in silver-gilt beneath a four-sided pedestal largest at the top, with an ornamentation on each side in relief. The square base has a shield-of-arms and cherub's head set in scrolls in high relief, from which proceed the two prongs which fit into a bowl forming a spoon. At the back of this bowl is a three-quarter length niide figure in full relief, which ter- minates in a scroll ornamentation, under whose arms the prongs of the fork pass, connecting the two ; a scroll proceeds from the hands of the figure, with a Satyr's mask in profile. On each side festoons of flowers in high relief. The bowl is slightly engraved in the centre with trophies, scroll orna- ment at the sides — Italian, circa 1490 — length with spoon, 7^ inches Said to have come from a chateau in France Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 45 A Tankard, in form of a Lantern, silver parcel-gilt hammered and engraved. The cover of the lantern forms a lid, and the -Jr /% <,- body a drinking cup ; the horn window in front is fastened '^ over an engraved representation of two men in the costume of '^ ' j-^ court fools of the 16th century, one of whom is staggering home inebriated, being lighted on his road by the other; above this is engraved a date 1582, and the inscription in German translated into English runs thus — " This lantern when good men carouse " " Will light them out of the drinking house." Londeshorough Collection, Plate 12, No. 2, in Illustrated Catalogue hy Frederick W. FairhoU Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1897-98 BIJOUTERIE AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. 46 An Emerald and Diamond Necklet, with heart aud pendant / V^ ^ . . . . <; J i,^. cross set a jour — -fine English worhmanship^ middle of the ISth century — in morocco case 47 A small old English ruby aud diamond pendant cross 48 A ring, with a specimen yellow brilliant in border of small diamonds ^- 49 An Old English Brilliant Maltese Cross Pendant, of open design 50 A collet necklace, of old paste diamonds, set a' jour ; a pair of earrings and a brooch, en sviiie— red morocco case 51 A set of old French paste diamond ornaments, mounted with gold, consisting of a collet necklace, a pair of earrings, a pair of loops, four rings, and pendant cross — in red morocco case Q 52 A small gold group of Hercules and Lychas — 1| in. high — on 7 a fluted green jasper pedestal with laurel leaves in gold 53 A small red coral group, of Cupid aud an eagle — French work, Louis XVI. period 54 An oval gold miniature frame, the toj) surmounted by a basket of flowers executed in paste diamonds and rubies, with pearl drop and festoons of small pearls — 18th century 55 A Gold Enamelled Reliquaire, formed as a cross, open arched ends, with decoration in white and black enamel — Spanish, early 17th century 56 A quatrefoil silver-gilt plaquette of The Crucifixion ; an oblong ditto of a Eoman battle subject ; aud an upright panel, with the figure of a boy — stamped i'clio 3 57 A Small Oval Mktal-Gilt Eeliquaiee, containing two verre eglomise plaques, enamelled on one side with iSt. Sebastian, with the inscription sebstiane • : • ora • : • pen, and on the other St. Catherine, and inscription sancnta • : • oactbrina • : • ORA • : • p — Italian, 15th century psyu'j w»% '»" '-''"' No. 62. 68 A Lome XVI. Shuttle- Shaped Gold Patoh-Box, an oval panel in the centre, painted with Cupid and a panther in grisaille on a crimson translucent enamel ground, with jewelled and laurel border — in green shagreen case 69 An Oblong Tortoiseshell Bird Box, gold mounted, with musical movement and enamelled lid, painted with a group of flowers on pale blue ground 60 AN OVAL DRESDEN PORCELAIN BOX, of the highest quality, painted in five slightly raised panels with allegorical subjects, yellow and mauve scroll borders on a groundwork of sprays of flowers ; four small oblong panels on the edge of the lid, with amorini, &c. ; fine Louis XV. gold cage mounts chased with flowers and scrolls ; the interior of the lid painted with a harbour scene and classical figures — in old leather case From the Collection of Cointe de la Beraudiere 61 A Jasper Shell-Shaped Tazza, on fluted pilaster stem and octagonal-shaped base, mounted with roped and moulded silver-gilt — 4^ in. high — 18 descends ; this is enclosed in a small diapered border ; beneath, in letters of gold, Inol Itus ; in the bottom and left-hand border are twelve medallions, one at the bottom with Virgin and Child, nine with bishops and martyrs, and two with angels, on solid gold grounds — 19 in. by 12J in. From the Ottley Collection / / 12 CARVINGS IN IVORY. 78 An ivory carving, representing in an arched canopy a seated figure of St. Peter with a cock at his side ; a standing praying figure on his left ; on his right-hand side a monk holding a crucifix ; a shepherd and sheep above — Portuguese, early 16th century — 7 in. high 79 An ivory chessman, of very early idate — probably llth or 12th century 80 An ivory wing of a triptych, carved in high relief with The Crucifixion under a Gothic canopy — 14ith century 81 A CAEVED lYORY TANKAED, the drum richly covered with the story of Hylas when dead, taken beneath the waters by nymphs : a composition of figures. On the cover are four /i;_yc^ Cupids on sea monsters, surmounted by an ivory figure of Cupid on a dolphin, mounted with chased silver-gilt — Flemish, 17th century — 10^ in. high — stamjped original red leather case From Sir Henry Edwards' Collection Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration 82 AN IVOET TANKAED AND COVEE, finely carved in high relief, by Fiamingo, with The Triumph of Silenus : a subject r— of numerous figures, after the picture by Jordaens, lined and ^^"^ mounted, with rim, foot, and terminal female figure handle of chased silver-gilt, and with silver applique ornaments, the cover surmounted by the infant Bacchus and group of marine deities, carved in ivory — 12 in. high Vide Illustration CfS'O [I' ace paye t^ikmi.,,^kmUmmUlAilmmtmmhmti^^ Xo. 81. l^Faee page ll No. 82. CO 6 13 LIMOGES ENAMELS. 83 A LIMOGES ENAMEL TAZZA AND COVER, by Pbnicaud 11. (Penioaud Junb.), of elegant form, on a foot. Within -r^ /(^oo the bowl the subject of Samson and Delilah finely painted ; on the cover are other scenes from the life of Samson — /^ ri/^ Slaying the Lion, Carrying away the Gates of Gaza, and Setting Eire to the Foxes' Tails— all in grisaille on a brilliant black ground ; under the bowl are wreaths and emblems of the Passion ; on the foot are wreaths and trophies ; within the cover are scenes also from the life of Samson (in gold camaieu) ; beneath the foot is the following inscription — Johannes Pknioatjdi, Jvnioe, 1539—8 in. high, 7^ in. diam.' From Strawberry Hill and the Hamilton Palace Collections ^'00 Exhibited at the Loan Exhibition, South Kensington Museum, 1862 Exhibited at Burlington Fine Arts Club {Enamel Exhibit Hon), 1897 Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration 14 84 A LIMOGES ENAMEL CASKET, with oblong four-sided body in metal-gilt engraved mounts, and slanting four-sided cover with metal-gilt top with handle, by one of the Penioaud Family, who stamp their enamels with the / initial L, crowned. It contains twelve plaques in brilliant translucent colours, representing : (1) Abraham about to Sacrifice Isaac ; (2) The Eesurrection ; (8) Christ Washing his Disciples' Feet ; (4) Samuel before Eli ; (5) The Ascen- sion ; (6) Two kneeling Cupids Supporting an Escutcheon ; (7) The Good Samaritan; (8) Samson with the Gates of Gaza; (9) David with the Head of Goliath; (10); Gather- ing Manna ; (11) Abraham and the three Angels ; (12) Two standing Cupids supporting an Escutcheon, on which is a coat-of-arms and eagle. The metal-gilt top and mounts are engraved with Lansquenet soldiers, trophies, masks, chimera, musical instruments and arabesques, key-holes front and back, covered with a movable metal-gilt draped female bust — 6^ in. long, 4| in. high — date circa 1530 — with original hey and linings Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration i 85 A LIMOGES ENAMEL EWEK, painted in grisaille and flesh tints with naked male figures on horseback, fighting, round f c^O the neck, surrounded by three medallions of two male and _ one female heads, helmeted, in profile, by Jean Courtois — C . <^- initialled I. G.[on one of the medallions — height to top of handle Hi in. Vide Illustration L f-"a- 00 d , m* I 1 1 1 1 1111 11 1 1 f ill Ill W| i ■■* »" ■ ^ » J l' J| W |j^ 'l wp p JW^p i lljM » t*i' ^ ^ ^ No. 85. Xo. 86. 15 MAJOLICA AND FAIENCE. 86 A PAIE OF UEBINO WAEE EWEES, on the one a classical f /-V ^ composition, warriors on horseback, and on the other Apollo j^^^_^_^__^^ and Marsyas, in brilliant colours, with landscape background —by " Orazzio Fontana," circa 1540—12 in. high From the Collections of Alexander Barker, Esq., and George Field, Esq. Exhibited at South Kensingtm Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration 87 AN UEBINO EWEE, with monster mouth and Satyr's leg f "^ ^ handle, painted with a subject of seven figures in a woody J^ landscape, with mountains in the background, and the Yirgin and Child appearing in clouds above— 12 in. high- ly Fra Zanto, or Nicolo da Drhino, circa 1530 Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1862 88 A small circular majolica plaque, painted with St. Anne with ^ book and palm— 3^ in. diam.— framed 89 A pair of white Savona ware busts of children, with curling hair — 6 J in. high 90 A Paie of Tebra-Cotta Seated Figures of Moses and Jeremiah, after Michael Angelo— 20 in. high From the Medici Tomb ^2r OLD ITALIAN AND FEENCH BRONZES. 91 A Pair of Draped Busts of Children- 7 in. high— on ^ t> S circular pedestals of veined grey marble, with brass caps and ^j^^-^Zi;;;,^-^ plinths , 92 A bronze group, formed as a Triton upholding a conch shell, ^5"^^^^^^ seated on a tortoise— French, ISth century— 7 in. high 16 93 A Paib op Venetian Bronze Altab Candlesticks, on large round bases with grotesque masks, acanthus and arabesque foliage, and shields- of-arms in relief, on three cherub feet — 9 in. high 94 A bronze medallion, by Pisani, of Nioolavs Pioinino, obverse bust, reverse two children suckled by a winged griffin — 3^ in. diam. 95 A circular plaquette, with The Procession of Silenus — 5 in. diam. 96 A circular plaquette, of The Judgment of Solomon, surmounted by a crown — 5^ in. diam. — Italian, 16th century 98 A EHINOCEEOS : an Italian cinque cento bronze — 4J in. high, J- 3^c 6 in. long — on ehonised pedestal /^^V Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration 99 A Bull's Head, the base decorated with acanthus leaves at /.,-j' bottom, and perpendicular back — Italian, school of A. Man- ,'3/, r-„^ tegna — circa 1480 Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 100 A Small Circular Double Saucer-Shaped Bronze Vase, on tripod of rams' heads, legs and feet, forming an ink-stand, the ^ c^ upper part ornamented with Cupids, fauns and reclining figures in low relief ; beneath in three compartments contests of marine deities, after A. Mantegna, in low relief — Italian, 15th century — 4 in. diam., 3^ in. high Exhibited at South Kensington, 1896-98 ^ C, i /r^ 101 A Small Bronze Group op Cupid Standing on a Dolphin, his eyes bandaged, and holding a bow — Italian, early IQth century ^^ From the Junze Collection, Paris, 1891 Exhibited at South Kansington Museum, 1896—98 Vide Illustration CO o [Face page 16 (ii o o -* o o 17 102 A Small Group of Cupid Eiding a Dolphin, whose tail t Si' supports a shell forming an ink-stand or salt — 4^ in. long, 2f in. high— Italian, early 16th century — on ebonised C^ • pedestal Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 Vide Illustration j^/i-i- 103 A Figure of a Seated Youth, arms and lower half of the legs wanting — 7 in. high — on wood pedestal — Italian, early 16th century ^-, From the Collection of Senor Bicardi, of Florence, and /■ J '^^-^^-^^'^J Herr G. Von Math's Collection It has recently been coj^ied in the Museum of Industrial Arts at Vienna Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1896-98 104 THE CONVEESION OF THE EMPEEOE CONSTAN- / . . TINE : an equestrian statue in bronze, by Bernini. The /<- ^ attitude of the Emperor is expressive of astonishment and ^ ,, • awe at the sign of the Cross in the heavens. A reduction ' '^'^'^^'^^ of the well-known Vatican marble — 36 in. high by 36 in. long — on ebonised pedestal See Tab. 83 of " Bonani's ' Templum Valacanum^ Bomse, 1700 Brought from Borne in 1855 by T. W. Faulkner, Esq., of Lime Bank, Cheetham Hill, near Manchester Vide Illustration 105 A MORION, with high comb, of gilt brass, embossed and / o xi chased in relief with battle scene with infantry and cavalry L skirmishes, figures tilting on the comb, above the rims a row of eighteen male masks, strapwork hetween— probably German, circa 1600 From the Meyrich Collection Illustrated in Skelton, vol. 1, plate 73 Vide Illustration ^<=l^v^-^ 18 OKIENTAL PORCELAIN, Etc. 106 A Chinese porcelain bowl, enamelled with sprays of peonies — 15^ in. diam. 107 Eighteen Chinese porcelain hot-water plates, enamelled in colours with peonies and pheasants — 12^ in. diam. 108 A pair of Chinese porcelain boxes, the covers formed as ducks, enamelled in colours ; and one stand 109 A pair of white glazed figures of crowing cocks, on rock plinths splashed with colour — 9^ in. high 110 A pair of Imari figures of dogs wearing collars and bells — 15^ in. high 111 An octagonal-shaped casket and cover, of Canton enamel, painte 1 with branches of flowers, fruits and birds, on white ground in red chequer borders — 8^ in. long, 5 in. high 112 An oblong ink-stand, of the same, with square-shaped ink-pot, pounce-box and taper-stick, with flowers on white and blue scroll ground — 9 in. long ; a pair of dwarf candlesticks ; and a pair of snuff'ers and tray, with nearly similar decoration 113 Two Japanese helmets — 18/^ century 113a a black and gold Japan lac figure of a carp, forming a box — 28 in. long 113b Two pairs of large carved and pierced wood stands, partly gilt, of Oriental design, for vases ENGLISH PORCELAIN AND WARE. 114 A Laege Two-Handled Wokcester Cup, Cover and Stand, pain':'?d with 1 unting and conrsing Fuhjects in panels, after Barranger, on blue and gold ground, the seated figure of a fox on the cover — 13 in. high 115 A Worcester Bowl, painted with four sporting subjects, after Cruikshank, gilt scroll ground — li| in. diam. 19 116 A WoRCKSTER Dessert Service, painted in the centio witii sporting subjects, after Barranger, Aiken and others, buff borders, with arabesque foliage in gold, consisting of oval centre-dish on foot, two shell-shaped dishes and twelve plates —hy Flight, Barr and Barr, 1817 117 A two-handled cup and cover, of Coalbrookdale porcelain, painted in a shaped panel with a racing subject, pink ground with vines, corn and hoj^s in gold, and inscription "St. George's" Races, Septr. SOfh. 1861—11 in. high 118 A pair of campana-shaped Pinxton ware vases, painted with sporting subjects, with handles, scrolls and torches, gilt on a white ground — 9 j in. high 119 A dish, an oblong plaque, and a small upright plaque, each printed with the prize fight between Spring and Langan 3 120 A circular Derby plaque, painted with a spurred cock ; and a plaque of three game cocks, after H. Aiken 121 A Longton pottery two-handled mug, painted with poultry, on the reverse tlie inscription in gold, " Presented to Thomas Sturgeon, Manor Hovse, Grays, Essex, by Mr. William Green, Longton Potteries" — o in. high 122 A ?underland ware jug, decorated in iridescent mauve, and printed with a prize fight and view of the bridge 123 Three printed and coloi;red mugs, with a steeplechase, mariner's compass, and view of the bridge over the "Wear, Sunderland 124 A model of a cradle, of glazed yellow earthenware, with subjects of nymphs, Cupids, &c. in relief 125 A Lambeth ware bust of Ben Cauut, champion of England — 14 in. high i 126 THE BARBERINI VASE: one of the first copies by Josiah ^ -'^ ^ Wedgwood, with the figures in white upon black ground — on bronze stand with looking-glass panel r^'^-^/i'^ From the Collection of Robert A. Cosier, Esq., 1887 127 An oblong Wedgwood plaque, with Bacchanalian frieze, white on a pale blue ground — 6 in. high by 23 in. long 20 128 A Wedgwood dessert service, the borders painted with foliage and gilt, consisting of shell-shaped centre-dish, pair of ditto tureens, covers and ladles, seven other shell-shaped dishes, and twelve plates 129 A printed Liverpool blue and white octagonal bowl, with river scenes and anglers ; tliree ditto plates with pierced borders ; and eighteen small Nankin plates with river scenes 130 A figure of a lion, with its foot on a ball of glazed Staffordshire ware — 9 in. high 131 A Paib of Maecolini Dresden Column Candlesticks, white and. gold, the capitals with draped female masks in relief and. gilt scrolls — 8£ in. high 132 A Hochst box and cover, formed, as a partridge sitting on its nest 183 A Herend porcelain vase, painted with Cupids and flowers on maroon, white and gold ground, and with elephant's-head handles, supporting nozzles for four candles — 15 in. high 134 A pair of small Sevres crocus vases, painted with birds and foliage on turquoise and gold ground 135 A pair of evantail jardinieres and stands, pink and blue ground, painted with bouquets of flowers 13G A Sevres-pattern ccuelle, cover and stand, painted with Cupids, emblems and clouds in green and gold, ribbon borders and festoons of flowers on white ground DECORATIVE OBJECTS AND FURNITURE. 137 A pair of candlesticks, of bronze and or-molu, with figures of Cupids bearing spiral branches with nozzles — on circular white marble pedestals — 11^ in. high 138 A pair of candlesticks, of brass, with large flat-shaped bases — 14 in. high 139 An old English Amboyna wood desk, oval medallion in the centre, satin and stained wood beading — 12 in. by 13 in. 21 1 40 An Old English Cabinet, of hare and satin woods, with folding J // doors enclosing five drawers and shelves, drawer below and /J writing slab, inlaid with annular ornament on the border, vU-^^^^a^ on four legs with X-shaped stretcher 141 A Dutch M^rqueterie Commode, with two drawers, shaped front and carved legs, terminating in ball and claw feet, the /. J ^ front and top inlaid with monsters, vases of flowers and scroll ornaments, mounted with handles and key escutcheons h^^.^X^^rry