CUAR CARTOONS. i>icturp:s about the war for sympathizers WITH oer:\lany and AUSTRTA-HUNOARY. — BY — Jolnn K. Horina* LOUISVILLE, KY. Olaiiben^^hote Pnblisliiii«- Co. 34 5 East Market Street. Price 25 Cents, 1 <•; ! if I I j r — 1 — How the War Started ! 3Sic bcr tticg Ucpmi. — 2 — O o The Russian Cossack, PSCHAKREFF!] WE FlGtHT IN THE NAME OF ^ CIVILIZATION 1 S)cr gutc grcmiii ^nglniib’^! — 4 Even the Jap has to help. (©elbft ber ^o^janer ju fjclfcn.) MIT GOTTl SI EK ’EM* JAP, SEEK ’EM ! ^cid)! gcinig mit ben fd)l'Dnr3nt Icn, ben ^!urfo§, bie Sronfretd-) non 5ffrifo beriiberfiradite, nidit gcung mit ben inbt'fdjen Jirndden, ncin. and) bic „,Sad§", bie inerad]tlid)c gelbe dtoHc roirb non (Jnglanb mtif bie 2)cnt= idicn gef)efet. 5fber bie 3fbred)nnng mirb folgen! — 5 — Calling for Some More Help. So^ii ®iill riift uieitcre #ilfc oii. ^oi5n 'Suit, ber ©itgTan'ber, m6c()te, roenn mogltd], fogar ben oatan gegen ^Deutfd)Ianb 'l^eben, ben ©atan, Vo^U d]enx er burd] [einen niebertrddjtigeu DpiuinOanber j’d]on fo Diete Opfer 511= gefiifirt ^at. — 6 — ^eutfftilanb’^ loertbboUftc triepauMftung. (Germany’s most valuable Armament.) bem 91iifc „@ott mit uu?!" ojct @ott" itiirscn fidi ^ic bcut= idicn ^^Tuplirn in ben iTambf. .$cfbcn=^ ae’iinge nnb ^'trcf)cnliebcr brinaen, aub tnufenben 0cm SDJannerfrfilcti' ,^nm .s>innnel embor. ©ottocrtrancji, imcr)d)ittterlicbc§ ©ottocrtrani’n be- I'cclt 'bac' bcuti'dic nnb bitc’rrcid)i'icbc .sbeer nnb [eine broken Jviibrer nnb fiibrt fic ;,imn Sic’be! Ser Bcftc @tf)H)crtiTtreitf) im trkgt. (The Best Sword-stroke in the War.) 2)te llmtrielBe ber ©o'^ialtften unb gretmaurcr ber'idEjtDanhen hei 2tu§= bru(^ 'be§ ^riege§ tote mit etnem 1 Sdjiogc. 2Bie eht 9 Kann fteif)t mm ba§ beutfdie 3 SoTf ba, um ficfi aE ber I goMreicfien geinbe 311 ertoefircn. — 8 — It’s Only Printers Ink! (G§ fft ja nur 'STittferfdjlDar^e.) .* 5 - 4 b* ^ $Vj I ^ ^ > /F M ' y /Vo^. / )/r o' '■'^vS o'® ^ yy y - -• IT c-^ W ^ ^ , V? «< O i > o'- •• ’' ' .c=- v' , -o'"’ - „<'- C . .. .c^"> '■'• Bv tl>« ~~7^tn M«'''''h3''<''*' m ;.'* ,,orVes°t '/l\ V. teU hottiSy''S ( ees, ' ' i Vie Gerrna"* _ — — - i.„o«o«' A--*"*:”, »• '“■''1 a dl-o'”' , „t U«""‘' I'"'''”*"' v.m. ^h. 3 . ^ c'^V, ^ O e' " e=> J -'■ -' <^ <>''' o' 0 •'// 4v ° r? ■V. ''V^ &■ >*«? „ ''V/, ^ '■•>, «y«- J)tr Siigcinirtffc in’^ Stninnifiud)! fWE. WANT ®cr nniic, nitc Diifd 0om ftnt niirf) fciiicit grickii! 10 — Sckn loir in „ticfem griekn''?? 5ht£i) in ben 2Ser. Stnnten llnrulje; Uiof)f fcinc Sl'riefjsnnnilje, nbcr bod) gcnng, nnt bn§ Scbcn nnbcfjngfid) jn inndjen. '3)tc ,,9?offen" unb bic „^rotfcncn'' iicgen fid) bnd)ftobI‘id) in ben ren; bie (Snffmgctfcn Inolfen bic i^onSfrnu Don ber Si'mbcrftnbc lucg in§ bolilif^ic Offtriebc jcrren; gc= luiffc Si'nDilnISintcreffen bDingen nuf cine 6inmifd)= ung in bic inncrcn 3lffnircn SWcjifo^g, D)ol)renb Dcr= niinftig bcnfenbc Sente f)cftig bagegen t>roteftircn ; 3lrbcit§Iofc, nnb biirnnter nucb Diele 3lrbcit:§)^cne, Derlongcn, bn^ fie nuf ©tnntgfoftcn gefuttert Joer= ben nnb jn ntfebem erbebt nun nnib bie rcligibfe ^ntofernns tl)r .t>nubt nnb befnmbft beii ^DHtifcben SBnblen ben ©egner ntit bent ^intoeife, bn^ er bie= fer ober fener 9feKgion nngeI)ore, Streif = nnrul)en int grb^ten fDJn^ftabc ftnb nn ber Tngcsorbnung nnb fiinnen oft nur mit bc= tunffnetev ijnnb nicbcrgcboltcn tuerben — tonbrlid), uiir bitrfen nid)t nttjn ftolj bnrnjtf fein, bn^ tnir ;,im tiefen fyrieben" Icbcn! Uncle Sam nl§ {^riebeii^cngel — 11 Little Johnny’s Dream. Oleine unb gro^e §anfe ('^olinnieS) fteHen fid) einen ^rteg init iD^ejtfo imgefiauer einfad) bor. S)ie tt)enig= ften Seute ^a&en ja etrte 21f)nung babort, loaS e§ beifet/ eib fiarib mit ^rteg ju ubergtefien, in tneldiem unge= fieuere tDdfferlofe 'BUppexi, untoegfame @^Birge unb ein tropi'fd^e§ ^lima allein fd)'on genug ^inberniffe 6ie=- ten; gans aBgefei^en bon ber UeBertninbung einer iB^bo'Iferung, beren ^nnbmerf feit ^al^tdiunberten ber ^rieg mar unb ift. 12 9feucg ou^ SMtflfo. No News in Mexico ! Tie Sitnation in 3[>iei-ifo, inie fie roar unb i|t imb roa[}rfdE)cinIid] mid) roei= terbin blciben roirb: (5^ roirb roeitor jcrauft ! — 13 — General Sherman says: “War is Hell” — But What is This?! •— 14 Uncle Sam is Feeding the War. (Dnfel ©am unteritii^t bcti Slrteg-) (Jr lafet ben- S'tebellen imbefiimmert SBaffen uitb 9Jfunition sufommen, aber : Uncle Sam wants to have Peace in Mexico. (Dnfct ©nm j?riebc in SRcjifo.) — 15 Finally the Veil is Lifted! (JiiMifl) ift iicr St()Icicr gdilftcl! — 16 — The German “Militarism.” (How the English picture it.) (®Jic fic bic cnnH)d)c ‘I'rcffc fid) ausinnlt.) 17 — Which is worse — German Militar= ism or English Feminism? ift Ulol)! frfilimmcr— Scutfdjc 9JJtIitiirf)err= ftliaft obcr Siiglifftic 3Bcilietliiirtl)ft()nft? 18 There’s no Place like Home! ullfcrcm Sanbe berrfdit, @ott'(o(6, J>ricbc\ iinb mar fiir nde ait^’ bem friai]§b'urd]to£iten Guropa bcimfefirenbcit ?fmc'rifancr gcinij3 fetne ffeiuc Amibc, ibmi Siiis roiobcr au[ bic )id;cri' .s^eimalbcrbe frl^cu 311 fbnncn- — 19 — — 20 — Lies Have Short Legs. Siiflcit ftnlien fiir^c ®tiiic. There’s no Help — They Can’t Kill Him ! lilft fic fiimicu il)u iiidit iimSrinflcu ! — 22 — Uncle Sam’s Watchful Waitingf. ilMc laiuic iiodi mirb e§ bauern, bid'i'd „anfiiu'rffnnu’ ;]muart€u" llnc= Ic Sam’i:''? ^sc'bcn Jfugenblirf fonii bic rqiMii'.itfifti' miifippoii tinb — b'.T SU'icii niit dlJcrifii i)"t bo! A Warpicture from Europe? a. Oh no! It’s “only” from the Mines in Colorado! ^vin Slrieg5'6il:b au^ @itropa, foubcrn ,;Ho§" au§ bem ©ruibeiiar better = Streif in (iolombo! 24 The Main Thing for the Yankee is the Profit. Sic fiir kn pjanfcc ift kx ^profit 5 'beale SfiiictiQaum'acu iuo;f)iieu irictjt in fciner 23ntft unit) ben libbeii .sperrgott iiTmibt er mrt bem am 4. Oftober 1914 nbgbbalteneu oflgemei^ nen ,;3rieben§=43'et=i31'ag'' betd)'nminelt 3 'n Ijaben. ~ 26 The Heavier Burden. 2>ic ftftuicrcrc 35iirbc. 9i'dt bic Doiii 11. S. WoiH'riiiiu'iit lu'idiloiii’iu’ ionbcrii .si'uuniu'r iiiii' Soriic iim bas Sdiirffal bcr alti’n .s^i'imntb ift bic iduK'ri’rc "i-'iirbc, UH'ld]i' luir T't’utfdid''fiiK'rifoiu'r ieljt )ii trai]i’ii fiadu’ii. The Reverse of the Medal (Ste ^cf)rfcWc bcr 'iUJchniflc.) — 28 — That Brave, Old Hen Won’t Give Way! 3)ic tnvfcrc iiltc |»cmic ttcifftt iiid)t jiiriitf! The “Mistress of the Sea” Die „$errid]crin bcr 'DZcerc", rocIdTC “the -waves ruled” tjat fdion ctni= flc lihdier tit if)rer liritiilcit'bcit ®d]Icppc nitfstt-roeiieit. Dcitt[d)er Seent(trtti§= Silngentittfi hai fie (nitctitiicrtfj'cit tnib crft hie le'ljrcu, o6 (Sitglattb mtdt ferttedf)iit bag 91ed]t hat, jid) [tolg ben Ditel “Mistress of the Sea” heijulegcit. Sitt'ftRieilett ficpt’g bamit roinbig genaig attg! — 30 — The German Storm is Coming ! 2'n^ bciitf(l)c 3'miiicrU)cttcr frnnmt! iDcit I'dilottcrirbcn .UniL’n lln^ niit in oic .sSoicii ni'UiUt’i'cin .s>cr,^cn ikOit ^0(111 'Oi'll bail ?fii’ 0 urm bcr TcntiLtc’ii „.v'or'.'c’i!" L’liti-jciini. i.iroiV' ^)^c'ac^^d!irm mirb ibni iic'^fn bie .Oi'iUH'lin , ''Ooinlin'ii luo'lil iiid’t nk’l unfet’n. — 31 — The Zeppelin’s are Coming! S>ic fmiintcii! Titt'S ift fcin ©cbanfc fict inib bet 'Jfarijt; Gr jjiticrt, !ucnn''=i irgcitbluo irgenbma! frndjt, Gr flndjt unb cr — jn, cr betct fogtir ^cr armc, 3^of|n 33uH, bcnamfctc 'Ifnn*. A New Dance. (How the Russian Bear learnt to dance.) 2Sic bcr ruffiftfic JSiir bn§ S^nn^cn Ictiitf. /Vcl'^mariclTnll non .spinbcnlvurii, bcr Jaiioiiicijlcr, liat’? bcm uiii;iclL'iifcii beigelbwcl}!, ]o iclir bieicr tid) and) bnacjcii jfriiiditc iiub crflbrtc, cr lliailu' C'? cilio nnd) 'ilcrlin ;’.!i fomnu’ii. He ’ll Get Enougfh By and By! 2)cr ttiirb mirf) mii) iintl) gciiitfl liclBimitcit! 34 A Nice, Appropriate Border — Is’n it!? G4iic iicttc, u)oI)!aii!icmc|‘)‘eiic Binlciftc — iWiritt mnlir ! ? — 35 The Blindness of Certain Editors and the Cause of it! Siic ®lini)[)eit ocuiiffcr 9Jekftciirt mil) iicr ©rmtli ktfdlieu. — 36 Neutrality?? ^G^ET ME SOME MORE COAL. I WANT TO CHASE lAFTERTHE DUTCH U M AYE. AYE J SIR, WE’RE '^COMINC^! ^ticutrulitiit •? ? John Bull’s Thanksgfivings=Turkey. S'ttiilfngimB^tng = S^riitl)nl)ii. C'icrrtbe nm „2:R7aufC'igiDiiu]" 'Iicnun L'rfldrtcn die Xitrfcu deii ;)fii'f= ’ fra, (inglnnberii nifb ^a'an^ofi’n' bcii. ^rieg — cin netter :2:fTanfggiDing= ,-,XurfL’i)" fiir ^of)it ber ben 3^iirfen tinnier fo gem tobtfagen tu elite! The Qerman=Americans don’t forget Their Kinsfolk! Staimne^deiioffeu ! „Sei gegriiBt, bat §clbcnraiege, Sonb ber DJJilbc, S^aub ber ^'raft! $tet§ erringc neiie Siege So im grie’ben, fo im ^riege 'I)urd) ben @eift, ber in bir icbiifft. iRu'bin bebeef'e beine .sjeere, Seiner SDbarfen trub’gcn 2 BqII, N^ort bc§ 5rie!ben§» .^ort ber @f)re, Sitrcfi bic Ciinber, biircf) bie 'S'leerc C'6e()e beineg 3baineng Scbnll." (2iinrtin @rcif.) rtn - Poor Mother Europe! t'diliiiiittcn l!IU iDiir fir (fiirtim ini)l|l iiii trnriuftr felt Iriifdiciidriiciifcii! 40 — “Curfew Shall Not Ring To=night!” S)ic ^ricbciig = (:«li)ttc imrf iiidtt crfiftancii! ('O'luifnn'b lu’rcinliartc' 'bcfniinfrirfi mU 40ij3laitb itnb ?i- rant retd), oa)) feme bi'i: bret dJuiditc einen ociiarotfriebcu abidilicBeu bfirfe- Oh, That Innocent Angel Child! Cl|, bicfc^ mif(l)iilMfic (f iificWicii ! - \2 — John Bull’s Pity for Italy. 3d()1i 33iitr^ ({fiifilniiii’^) SDJitlcib fiir 3tnlicii. The Beast we’re Helping to Feed ! 2iic sScftic, U)dtl)c uiir jii fiittcrn lidfcii! Xrol3 allcr '^U'ctcftc non fcitc bcr Touticl)* aniib ^vriidi = iTuK'rtfaner faun fid] bic iltcgicnnu] bcr !ik'r. otnatni n.'id]t ba^ii a'lifraffcit, ciit 2 ? 3 affcuau§fii{)r = i^crbot 311 crlaffcu. Dcr Jnllor ift cbeit k’tibi'r midditigcr oI§ bcr d]rifUtd]c Sinn! 44 Why Not Feed Our Own Poor First? Uncle Sam Gets Some Enlightenment. S>cm Dnfd Som gel)! ciii Seiffnfieber mif. -- 46 — The Sooth ing= Plaster for Poor John Bull. $rt)mcr5cii§tiflo|Ttcr fiir bcii nniicu ^iiH A Russian “Victory” in Reality ^ TURKS X. AND - ^pI ^ threw ourselves upon --Tf^^THEM WITH GcREAT FORCE.. AFTER STRAl&HTENlNCc ! OUT OUR LINE THERE / FOLLOWED L life A CRUSHING; / V-- SSic tin tii|fiff()cr Sici] in 3Bitlli(f)fcit nu§fic()t. Oiunucr unc’|^er mcfkt bic nigl'ifd)c o’ber ntffirfd]C '^h-cil'c toon ,„grot3Cu" Sicgi'n ii'ber bic Xiirfcu itiilb btidcrbcr [toUt fid) febr oft ba^ (^ciiciitf)ciir bormte — : Die ;)hijien imitobeu gol'djiagen un'b uidjt bic xiirfcn! John Bull Gets a Dose of His Own Medicine Sie 3^11 iiiir, fn iri) 3^ir! ((^itfilinib Uiilf I'cittfcfifanb nu‘5i|Uiti^:nt.) S)cr „to^)fctc" 3nl)n 35iin -- 50 The last Resort of the Angel of Peace. (If it only does’nt freeze to death.) 2'cr lc(?tc ^iiflii(()t5ort bc^ J^ricbeiigciiflcrl^, niir iiirfjt (^nr qnjr, crfricrt!) i- *v