JRusntm of jftne arts A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE ' OF AN EXHIBITION of EARLY ENGRAVING IN AMERICA December 12, 1904— February 5, 1905 CAMBRIDGE )t sauttoecsitg tun 1904 iftuseunt of jftne &rts fasten A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION OF EARLY ENGRAVING AMERICA December 12, 1904 — February 5, 1905 CAMBRIDGE K\ )t 2EnU)ecstt2 Stress 1904 PREFACE HE exhibition of Early Engraving in America has been arranged to give a comprehensive sur- vey of this field, in response to the growing interest manifested by collectors and by the public. The material for the exhibition has not been selected in accordance with any critical standard, but with a view of showing — as broadly as limits of available space would permit — what was done by engravers here during early years of this country. No research worthy of the name has been possible during the year spent in gathering the material. Such work is left to the student and collector along their chosen special lines in this vast field. The present catalogue has been compiled to serve not only as a guide through the exhibition, but as a hand-book for collectors of early American prints. An alphabetical arrangement by engravers has been adopted as most serviceable. For convenience in find- ing certain subjects, an Index of Subjects has been added at the end of the volume. After the engraver’s name a few data concerning his period of activity, etc., are given. These are based largely on information obtained from Mr. D. McN. Stauffer, of New York. The title of each print is fol- lowed by a brief description. The inscriptions on the engravings have been printed in italics to differentiate m them from the descriptive matter. These inscriptions are given in full, except in a few cases, in which omissions of part of the lettering have been indicated by dots. Below the descriptive text, at the left, the measure- ments are given, and at the right side the shape of the engraving and the technical method employed. The dimensions of prints are given, measured to the ex- tremes of the engraved surface, exclusive of lettering. Sub-measurements refer to the essential representation, exclusive of accessories and frame. Measurements are given in inches and sixteenths of inches. For instance, H. 2.1 1. W. 0.15, means that the engraved surface in question measures two inches and eleven-sixteenths from top to bottom, and fifteen-sixteenths of an inch from side to side. The terms right and left, used in description, are meant to designate the right or left of the spectator, not of the print. This rule does not, however, apply to the description of portraits, where the movement or position of the right hand or left arm naturally refers to hand or arm of the person described. In Armorial book-plates, the shield, bearing the arms, is always in the centre ; the crest is always above it, the motto below the arms, unless otherwise specified. The brevity of description demanded some abbrevia- tions. Thus, in the case of portraits, bust , to left , will be understood to mean bust turned to the left (of the spectator) ; in a landscape, river to left foreground , stands for river flowing to the left side of the fore- ground, In the measurements H. stands for Height , IV W. for Width , S. h. for Sub-height , etc. ; Diam. means Diameter. On the opposite side, Rectangle, b.-l. or Oval, b.-l., indicate that there is a border-line (or border- lines) around the rectangle or oval. The letters B. H. or C., followed by numbers, found below the descriptive text of the print between the measurements and the manner of engraving, refer to the following three authorities : — B. = W. S. Baker. The engraved portraits of Wash- ington. Philadelphia: 1880. H. = Charles Henry Hart. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington. The Grolier Club. New York: 1904. C. = The Hampton L. Carson Collection of Engraved Portraits of Jefferson, Franklin, and Lafayette. Catalogue compiled ... by Stan. V. Henkels. Philadelphia: 1904. Under the description of Book-plates, the letter A., followed by a number refers to : Charles Dexter Allen. American Book-plates, A Guide to their Study with Examples. New York : 1894. Examples of Paper-money, Coins and Seals have been grouped together in an Appendix. These speci- mens have been added to the exhibition as helpful evidence concerning the state of engraving in other fields than the one under consideration. The list of Institutions and Collectors from whom loans have been received will be found at the end of this Preface, which cannot be closed without an ex- pression of sincere thanks to all those friends of the Museum who have furthered this difficult undertaking- o V by their generous loans. Special thanks for invaluable advice and helps most courteously tendered are here- with given to Mr. D. McN. Stauffer, Mr. Frederick L. Gay, Mr. Charles E. Goodspeed, Dr. Samuel A. Green, Dr. James B. Ayer, Mr. George R. Barrett, Dr. Charles E. Clark, Miss Alice F. Brooks, Mr. Frederick James Libbie, Mr. Z. T. Hollingsworth, Mr. Andrew McFar- land Davis, and to the officials of the Boston Public Library. EMIL H. RICHTER Curator pro tempore of the Print Department VI LIST OF LOANERS Anonymous, 230, 636. Heirs of William S. Appleton, Esq., Boston, 497. Dr. James B. Ayer, Boston, 74, 124, 134, 334, 606. George R. Barrett, Esq., Boston, 31, 37, 38, 38 a, 39, 39 a, 40- 42,44, 101, 106, 128, 130, 139, 1 55, 198, 202, 217, 238, 251, 368, 369, 374-376, 380, 381, 383, 385, 387, 389, 393, 396, 399) 401, 402, 440, 488, 506, 509, 510, 5 12-514, 516, 517, 539, 544, 546, 580, 583, 587. Brown University, Providence, 650, 651. Boston Public Library, 160, 160 a, 297, 633, 638. Bostonian Society, 58, 78, 269. Miss Alice F. Brooks, Salem, 69, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 89, 91, 95, 97, 98, 145, 2 52, 253, 278, 281, 283, 357, 429, 430, 616(1), 622, 624, 627-629, 635, 639. Dr. Charles E. Clark, Lynn, 8, 9, 24, 25, 27, 52, 72, 85, 93, 94, 99, 100, 1 13, 1 14, 116-120, 141, 142, 169, 178, 182-185, 231, 239, 271-273, 276, 277, 279, 282, 285, 286, 288, 292, 293, 298, 299, 310, 31 1, 336, 337, 339, 340, 362, 363, 480-484, 495, 499, 537, 55°, 557, 561, 603, 608, 641, 642, 645-647. The Misses Eliot, Boston, 34, 46-48, 108, 270, 461, 462, 475, 479- Essex Institute, Salem, 625. Mrs. Frances M. French, Boston, 478. Frederick L. Gay, Esq., Brookline, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37 a, 43, no, 152-154, 157, 158, 187, 188, 191, 199, 203, 205, 206, 234, 236, 294, 296, 392, 397, 4°4-4°7, 4i 1, 4i3, 4H, 416-419, 421, 421 a, 422, 423, 428, 490, 498, 507, 508, 579. Charles E. Goodspeed, Esq., Boston, 3-6, 11, 14-16, 26, 28, 29, 32, 45, 49, 50, 53-55, 61, 64, 75-77, 79, 82, 103, 104, 107, 121, 140, 150, 151, 161, 163, 173-176, 181, 186, 189, 192, 193, 195, 196, 200, 207, 209-215, 218, 220-229, 232, 233, 235, 237, vii 242, 244, 246-249, 254-258, 262-265, 301, 303, 307, 3°9> 3*2- 314, 318, 320, 321, 323-325, 327, 330, 332, 333, 335, 346, 348- 35°, 353-355, 365, 370-373, 377-379, 382, 388, 390, 403, 409, 410, 412, 420, 431, 433-435, 437-439, 441-448, 451-457, 460, 464-467, 471-473, 489, 49 1 , 493, 500-505, 518-521, 526, 527, 530-532, 534, 542, 545, 547, 549, 553, 558-560, 562-568, 574- 576, 578, 581, 5 82 , 588-590, 597, 599, 600, 604, 605, 609, 610, 613, 614, 623, 630, 631, 632, 634, 640, 643, 644, 648. Dr. Samuel A. Green, Boston, 171, 449, 626, 637. E. B. Holden, Esq., New-York, 59, 65, 66, 68, 125, 126, 133, 135-138, 164, 304, 436, 450, 463, 468-470. Z. T. Hollingsworth, Esq., Boston, 18, 63, 105, 129, 149, 166, 167, 190, 194, 216, 219, 241, 243, 250, 267, 308, 317, 326, 366, 384, 386, 391, 400, 459, 492, 51 1, 515, 522-525, 528, 548, 569, 585, 593, 595, 596* Francis H. Lee, Esq., Salem, 159, 586, 615, 616 (5), 617, 618 (2), 619(2), 620(3), 621 (2). Frederick James Libbie, Esq., Boston, 1, 87, 88, 90, 92, 109, hi, 146, 162, 1 77, 259-261, 280, 284, 289, 291, 338, 343, 344, 352, 358, 361, 485, 487, 494, 543, 573,602, 607. Richard C. Lichtenstein, Esq., Boston, 10, 147, 197, 204, 240, 364, 55 2 , 601 . Mrs. James L. Little, Brookline, 458. Mass. Historical Society, Boston, 170. N. E. Historical & Genealogical Society, Boston, 57, 245, 3i9, 533- Peck Library, Norwich, Conn., 131, 132. George B. Reed, Esq., Boston, 19. Henry S. Rowe, Esq., Boston, 23, 71, 96, 115, 143, 144, 165, 274, 2 75, 287, 290, 328, 329, 341, 342, 345, 351, 356, 359, 360, 496, 55i, 555, 556, 577, 598. D. R. Slade, Esq., Chestnut Hill, 426, 427, 477. D. McN. Stauffer, Esq., New York, 2, 12, 17, 51,62,67, 70, 102, 1 12, 123, 148, 168, 172, 201, 266, 300, 302, 305, 306, 315, 316, 33L 367, 394, 395, 398, 432, 529, 535, 538, 540, 541, 571, 572, 594, 61 1. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 658. Dr. J. Collins Warren, Boston, 122, 295, 474. viii The impressions of seals Nos. 649, 652-657, 659-665 are gifts to the Museum. There is a small collection of early American engravings in the Print Department of the Museum. Almost all the prints which compose it are due to the generosity of friends of the Museum. The following numbers have been taken from this collection for exhibition: Nos. 7, 13, 20-22, 56, 60, 73, 127, 156, 179, 180, 208, 268, 322, 347, 408, 415, 424, 425, 476, 486, 536, 554, 570, 584, 591, 592, 612. IX CATALOGUE ABERNETHIE. Worked in Charleston, S. C., 1785. BOOK-PLATE. 1. GIBBS. Arms, helmet with crest. Motto: Beware my edge. | Below : John Walters Gibbs. — | Charleston , So. Carolina. — | Abernethie Sculpt. | A. 305. Graver-work. AITKEN, Robert. Born, 1734. Died, 1802. Philadelphia. 2. PLAN OF BOSTON. Plan above. Map of Boston and surroundings below at right. In framed tablet at left : A New and Correct \ Plan of the Town | of | Boston , | and | Provin- cial Camp. | Below tablet : Aitken Sculp. | H. 10.12 (cut to 10.5). W. 7.8. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 3. PLAN OF GENERAL GAGE’S LINES. Plan. In tablet above : Exact Plan | of | General Gage's Lines \ 071 Boston Neck | in | America | Above : Engrav'd for the Pennsylva. Magazine . | Below : Aitken Sculp | H. 1 1. 10. W. 8.14. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 4. WAR-MAP; CANADA BORDER. Map. On left side, within a rectangle, a tablet, inscribed : A Map | of the | Pres- ent Seat of War | on the Borders | of | Canada | Trophy of arms above, Indian and Trapper at sides. Below this rect- angle : Aitken Sculp. | Above : for the Penna Magazine p- 463 1 H. 6.1. W. 15.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. I AKIN, James. Born, 1773. Died, 1846. Came from So. Carolina to Philadelphia. Worked in Salem, Newbury- port, and Philadelphia. 5. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Medallic bust, profile to right. Be- low : — J. Akin Sc. Philada. — | Benjamin Franklin. | Pub- lished by Wm. Duane Philadelphia , i8og- | H. 4.4. W. 3.8. C. 1670. Oval, b.-l. 5. h. 4.3. S. w. 3.7. Graver-work. 6. EVE AND THE SERPENT. Eve stands under the tree of knowledge, facing, lifting right arm to apple. A large serpent is coiled around trunk of tree. Below : Engraved by James Akin , Newburyport. \ see Vol. 1, page 302. | H. 3.8. W. 2.6. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. In: The poetical works of John Milton; . . . Charleston: 1805. 7. MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES. Momus with mask, Cy- bele, Pan, Saturn, Diana, Satyr. Rectangles in frames. All bear the engraver’s name either on foreground or frame. H. 4.2 to 4.4. W. 2.7. Graver-work on relief block. In: History of the Heathen Gods. Worcester: 1809. BOOK-PLATES. 8. BROWNE. Books lying on a table ; in middle, on cover of standing volume : Peter A. Browne. | On side- piece of table : Fiat Justitia | Below : Engrail d by James Akin. | A. 1 13. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. I. state : As described. II. state : An all-seeing eye added at top. Skull and cross-bones on legs of table. 9. COFFIN. Arms, crest, motto : Post tenebris speramus lumen de lumine | Below ribbon: — J Akin Sculp . — | Rib- bon and wreath style. Below : Hector Coffin. | A. 173 describes unsigned plate. Graver-work. 10. LEWIS. A pile of four books, inkstand with quills at right. On cover of topmost volume : Joseph S. Lewis | Below : — 'Grav'd by J Akin — - | No. A. 484 describes unsigned plate. 2 Vignette. Graver-work. AKIN, Mrs. (Wife of James Akin?) Worked in Newbury- port about 1800. n. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. Orphan Asy- lum, Newburyport. Head-piece. Woman seated under tree. Right arm around child standing at left ; three other children behind her. Girls in background near building over door of which the word : Asylum | Oval. Drapery above, crossed palms below. In certificate below: — Mrs Akin furnishes each member with a specimen \ of her abilities in the graphic arts . . . . H, 4.14. W. 6.15. Graver-work and etching. S. h. 3.7. S. w. 4.7. ALLARDICE, S. Pupil and partner of R. Scot, of Phila- delphia. Worked there, 1794 to 1803. 12. GEORGE I. Bust to left, profile. Armor, ermine cloak. Oval, framed, in shaded rectangle ; on base below : George 1st. | Below : S. Allardice fc. | R. Campbell 6° Cos. Edition of the History of England | H. 7. W. 4.3. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.15. S. w. 2.15. Graver-work. 13. JANE OF MONTFORT AT HENNEBONT. Figures in armor in right foreground. A lady and a soldier at right. Tower with flag in background. On tablet above : Anno j 1342 | Below : S. Allardice Sc. | fane , Countefs of Mon fort in complete Armour | encouraging the Garrifon of Henne- bonne — | Philada. Publifh'd by Jas. Stewart & Co. Mar. 16th. 1797 I H. 6.1 1. W. 4.8. ' Rectangle, arched top, framed. S. h. 6. S. w. 4.3. Etching and graver-work. ALLEN, John. Engraved in New-York, in 1 792. Worked for Boston and Philadelphia publishers. 14. NAPOLEON I. Bust, profile to right; uniform, black stock, long hair. Below : Drawn fro?n the life at Milan. 3 • Engraved by f. Allen. | Bonaparte | Commander in Chief of the Army in Italy | H. 6.7. W. 4.13. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 6.5. S. w. 4.1 1. Stipple and graver-work. 15. Rev. WILLIAM ROMAINE. Rust, to left, wig, bands, black gown. Below : J. Allen fc . | The Revd. Wm. Romaine A. M. | H. 3.1 1. W. 3. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.4. S. w. 2.9. Graver-work. ANDERSON, Alexander. Born, New-York, 1775. Died, Jersey-City, N. J., 1870. 16. THOMAS DILWORTH. Half-length, to right, seated, quill in hand. Inscription on base : Thos Dilworth \ School Master | Anderson F. | H. 5.4. W. 3.2. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 2.15. S. w. 2.6. Graver-work on relief block. 17. FRANCIS I. OF FRANCE. After Titian. Bust, facing, head to right, profile. Plumed hat, fur-trimmed cloak, chain. Oval, framed, within rectangle. On a curtain under portrait : Francis | / | King of France | In foreground, two figures in armor, the one at left attended by a page. Above : Frontis- piece to Vol. 3. | Below : Titian pinxt. A. Anderson Sc. N. Y. | Published by G. F. Hopkins , New-York , 1804. | H. 7.1. W. 4.8. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 2.15. Etching and graver-work. 18. BENJ. FRANKLIN. N ini type. Bust, to right, profile, fur cap, lightning at right. Below : Anderson S. | Benj. Franklin . \ H. 3.10. W. 2.13. C. 1393. Oval. Mixed manner. 19. FORTY-THREE ILLUSTRATIONS IN “ LOOKING- GLASS FOR THE MIND.” The illustrations for the edition of 1794, were engraved both on type-metal, and on wood, as 4 an experiment. The result proved so satisfactory, that wood was used exclusively in the edition of 1800. Graver-work on relief block. 20. HOLSTEIN CATTLE. A bull and a cow standing, to left, landscape background. H. 1. 13. W. 3.5. each. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. In: History of Quadrupeds. New-York: 1804. 21. TWO WOODED LANDSCAPES, WITH BROOK. Angler in one of them, hunter with dogs in the other. H. 3.12 to 3.13. W. 2.12 to 2.14. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. In: Pleasures of Hope. New-York: 1804. 22. FRONTISPIECE. Youth seated, flute in hand, on a rocky shore with surf at right. On foreground, in white : A | H. 3.4. W. 2.7. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. In: The Minstrel. New York: 1802. BOOK-PLATES. 23. ANDERSON. Arms, crest, motto : Vigila | Below, framed by scroll-work : Alexr. Anderson | Chippendale style. Below : A. Anderson Sculp | A. 18. Graver-work. Re-strike on old paper. 24. APPRENTICES’ LIBRARY. Landscape, mountain with temple in distance. In foreground an old man, exhorting two boys, and pointing to the temple. Rectangle. Above, a right arm with hammer ; above it : Apprentices' Library. | Below : A. Anderson Sc. | Presented by \ — | A. 610. Graver-work and etching. 25. BURRELL. Drapery, gathered at corners, supported by cupid, ends down sides. On foreground work below; in black letters : Anderson | In space enclosed : The property j of | Sidney Burrell. | No. — | Not in A. 5 Graver-work on relief block. 26. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Seal. Female figure ,on throne, before her three children, above a radiant triangle. Motto : In lumine tuo videbimus lumen. | Around this : Columbia College Library. New- York. | Below: Anderson Sculp. | Flowers above seal, base below it. A. 177. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. 27. TOWNSEND. Border formed of two trees, rising from strip of foreground-work, branches meeting in middle above. Within this border : The Property \ of \ Joseph Townsend. \ No. — } Baltimore. \ On foreground, in white letters : Warner 6° Hanna Pr. A. A I Not in A. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. ANDERSON, Hugh. Worked in Philadelphia, 1811 to 1819, 1822 to 1824. 28. JOHN BUN VAN. Bust, slightly to right, broad white collar. Below : II. Anderso?i fculp. | John Bunyan. | H. 4.6. W. 3.6. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.2. S. w. 3.2. Stipple. 29. JOHN WALKER. Full bust, to left, wig, white stock. Below: H Anderson Jc. \John Walker | H. 3.6. W. 2.10. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.3 S. w. 2.7. Stipple. ANONYMOUS. 30. SAMUEL ADAMS. Head, slightly to left, wig, white neckerchief. Below : S. Adams , Esq. \ Governor of Massa- chusetts. | 1795. | H. 4.4. W. 3.8. Oval b.-l. S. h. 3.15. S. w. 3.4. Mezzotint. 31. THE CAPTURE OF MAJOR ANDRE. Four figures, horse at left. Woods, camp in distance at right. Below : Ye foil'd Laws. (Six lines of verse, in two rows.) H. 6.6. W. 9.12. Rectangle. Mezzotint, colored by hand. 6 32. Rev. SAMUEL COOPER. Full bust, facing, head slightly to right. Wig, bands, black gown. Below : The Revd. Samuel Cooper , D. D.\ of Boston New England Et. 59. 1783 - 1 H. 1 1.9. W. 9. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 11.4. S. w. 8.11. Stipple and graver-work. There is a mezzotint engraving of the same portrait by Valentine Green. London, 1784. 33. Gen. CHARLES LEE. Three-quarter length, standing, to left, head to right, chapeau, uniform. Left arm extended. Behind him two cannon firing. On a striped flag the words : An | Appeal to | Heaven | Below : The Honble . Charles Lee Esqr. | H. 1 1. 15. W. 9.12. Rectangle. Mezzotint, colored by hand. 34. JAMES OTIS, Jun. Bust, slightly to right, wig, white stock. Oval, flanked by figures of Hercules and Minerva. Be- low : The Hon. James Otis, jun. Esq: | H. 4.12. W. 3.8. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 2.10. S. w. 2.2. Graver-work on relief block. In: Bickerstaff’s Boston Almanack. 1770. 35. Gen. ISRAEL PUTNAM. Three-quarter length, stand- ing, slightly to left, uniform, chapeau. Left hand on hip, right extended. File of soldiers in background. H. 8.13. (?) W. 6.14. (?) cut down. Rectangle. Mezzotint, colored by hand. 36. Dr. RUSH. Full bust, to right, profile, white stock. Below : Dr. Rush. | H. 1 1. 1 5. W. 9.14. Oval, framed, in framed rectangle. S. h. 7.15. S. w. 5.15. Mezzotint, printed in colors. 37. Gen. JOSEPH WARREN. Three quarter length, seated, facing. Right arm resting on table with documents, left hand on knee. Below : Major General Joseph Warren | Who gloriously Jell in the defence of American Liberty June ye. 17th. 1775. H. 11. 13. (?) W. 9. (?) Rectangle. Mezzotint, colored by hand. 37A. Gen. JOSEPH WARREN. Same as preceding. H. 11. 14. W. 9.11. (cut ?) Rectangle. 7 38. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to right, in oval resting on three books. Lion and eagle at sides. Laurel wreath with rays above. On same plate, at right : 38A. THOMAS JEFFERSON. After Stuart. Bust, to left, in oval resting on five books. Snake and crocodile at sides. Smoking candle in candlestick above. Below : Look on this Picture , and on this. | Below : New - York , June , 1807. | H. 9.6. W. 1 1.5. B. 360. H. 283. Rectangle. S. h. 4.14. S. w. 3.14. Etching. 39. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, slightly to left, uni- form. Oval in frame, lettered above : His Excellency General Washington | In framed rectangle ; base with blank tablet below. On same plate, at right : 39A. LADY WASHINGTON. Bust, facing, head slightly to left. Above : Lady Washington | same as preceding. H. 4.12. (?) W. 3.1. cut below. H. 47. Etching and graver-work, S. h. 2.10. S. w. 2.1. some hand coloring. 40. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length, in uniform, standing before his tent, facing. Roll of documents in left hand, table with papers at left, horse and negro servant in background. Below : General Washington. | H. 12.9. (?) W. 9.1 1. (?) cut close. Rectangle. Etching, colored by hand. 41. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DESIGN. Washington, standing, in uniform, pointing with left hand to broken fetters. Above, an all-seeing eye and a winged figure, crowning him with laurels. Figures of Peace and Plenty approach from left, soldiers, horses, and ships at right. In middle of foreground a memorial stone, cannon and flags at right. H. 8.9. W. 16.12. Rectangle. Aquatint. This print is thought to be engraved by Wm. Strickland. 42. WASHINGTON IN HIS LAST ILLNESS. Physician at bedside feeling his pulse. Two other figures at left behind table. Drapery above. Below: G. Washington in his last Lll- 8 nefs attended by Doers. Craik and Brown | Underneath are four lines of verse in two rows. H. 9.14. W. 9.8. Rectangle. Graver-work, colored by hand. 43. WASHINGTON WITH FIGURES OF WISDOM AND LIBERTY. Seated in arm-chair at left, allegorical figure, stand- ing at right, one step below. Another figure, behind both, with liberty cap on staff. Below : Wisdom fupported by Liberty , | Presenting Gent. Washington , a Code of Laws for Establishmg American Lndependence . [ Published. Nov. 5. 1801 by . . . (illegible) | H. 12.4. (?) W. 9.6. (?) Oval, framed, in rectangle. Mezzotint, colored by hand. 44. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DESIGN. Portrait in oval, above an urn. Behind, an obelisk. An allegorical figure on either side ; the figure at right pointing upward. Palm trees behind. Angel with trumpet above. On step below urn : Born Feby. nth. 1732 O. S. Died Decemr. 14th. iygg \ Under foreground: Lived refpected and Fear 1 d Died Lamented and rever'd | (Four lines of poetry in two rows.) Below : Philadelphia Publifhd by Pember 6° Luzarder 1800 | H. 10.7. W. 9.10. B. 408. H. 644. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 1.7. S. w. 1.2. Stipple and graver-work, colored by hand. 45. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. Washington, bust to left, in medallion held by winged figure with trumpet. Date in sky at right, under it the rising sun. In foreground at right, a man with open book, attended by female figure. Ruins at left. Above: Lancaster: Gedruckt bey Francis Bailey. \ H. 6.15. W. 6. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work on relief block. In the : Nord-Americanische Calender. Lancaster: 1779. 46. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. Female figure seated at left with shield of England and broken spear. Figure at right with olive branch in extended right, behind her an American flag. Sea with ships between. Angel with trumpets in sky. Above: A7nerica Triumphant and Britannia in Distress | Be- low : Explanation. | and twelve lines of text in two rows. H. 4.1 1. W. 6.14. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. In : Weatherwise Almanack, Boston : 1782. 9 47- ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. Female figure, seated, to left, releasing a bird held by a string. . Ribbon scrolls below. H. i. n. W. 2 . ii. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work on relief block. In: Entertainment for A Winter’s Evening. Boston: 1750. 48. HARVARD COLLEGE. Harvard Hall at left, Massa- chusetts at right, Stoughton in background. One tree on the lawn between them. Wall with one opening in foreground. Above : Columb. Mag. | Below : View of the ancient Build- ings belonging to Harvard-College , Cambridge, New England. H. 3.5. W. 5.13. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. 49. BUSINESS CARD. An eagle soaring, bearing a shield inscribed : A?idrew Brimmer \ Importer \ of India and Euro- pean Goods . . . Boston. | Below at left Boston Light and two sailing vessels. H. 3.14. W. 3.7. Vignette. Graver-work. BARKER, William. Worked in Philadelphia 1795-1803. Engraved maps chiefly. 50. VIEW OF THE DOGE’S PALACE. Line of buildings from right foreground to left distance. Water at left. Below : Barker fc. \ The Doge's Palace at Venice. | H. 2.4. W. 4.7. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. BARRALET, John James. Born in Ireland about 1747. Came to America 179s and worked in Philadelphia.. Died 1815. 51. ALEXANDER WILSON. Full bust, to right, profile. Gun and roll of paper in right hand. Below : Drawn dr* En- graved by y. y. Barralet. | Alexander Wilson , | Author of the American Ornithology. \ Native of Paisley Scotland died 1813 aged 4.5. | Entered according to Act of Congrefs the . . . Novr. 1814 by y y. Barralet of the State of Pe?infylvania. | H. 4.15. W. 3.14. Oval in shaded rectangle. S. h. 4.9. S. w. 3.8. Stipple. 10 BILLINGS, A. Worked in this country in the latter part of the 1 8th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 52. VARICK. Arms, crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chippendale style. Below, framed in scroll-work : Richard Varick Esq. | Seated female figure at left, cupid with book and pen at right. Below : A. Billings Sculpt. | A. 887. Graver-work. BIRCH, William. Came from England to Philadelphia in 1794. Died there, 1834. 53. MENDENHALL FERRY. River to right foreground, house at left, sheep in foreground. Below : Mendenhall Ferry , Schuylkill , Pennsylvania. | Opposite Laurel Hill. | Drawn Engraved and Published by W. Birch Spritigland near Bristol Pennsylva. | H. 4. W. 5.15. Rectangle. Mixed manner. 54. VIEW OF SEDGLEY. House at right, lawn with trees in foreground. Below : Sedgley the Seat of Mr. Wm. Cram- mond Pennsylva. | Drawn Engraved 6° Published by W. Birch Springland near Bristol Pennsylvania. | H. 3.15. W. 5.15. Printed in brownish ink. Rectangle. Mixed manner. 55. VIEW OF WOODLANDS. House at right, lawn in foreground, tree at right. Below : Woodlands the Seat of Mr. Wm. Hamilton Pennsylva. | Drawn , Engraved Published by W. Birch , Springland near Bristol , Pennsylvana. \ H. 3.15. W. 6. Printed in brownish ink. Rectangle. Mixed manner. 56. SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Street to dis- tance at right, houses on either side, steeple at left. Cart with figures and dog in left foreground. Below : Designed 6° Pub- lished by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800. \ Second Street North from Market St. wth. Christ Church. | Philadelphia. | H. 8.5. W. 10.15. Rectangle. Etching. In : The City of Philadelphia ... as it appeared in the year 1800, consisting of 28 Plates, drawn and engraved by W. Birch & Son. BLYTH, Benjamin. Born Salem, 1740. Married, 1769. Admitted to Essex Lodge, 1781. 57. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. After Cole. A globe, half seen, bearing a map of England. Out of the southern coast (at Portsmouth) grows a tree, supporting a heart- shaped escutcheon with thirteen stars. This is flanked by genii, standing on the globe ; one at left holding an inverted British flag, the other a ribbon inscribed : Western World \ Above the shield a rising sun and a striped flag. All on dark background, in pentagonal frame. Drapery at top and sides. Below : Cole del Blyth Fecit | — Sacred to Liberty . — | or an Emblem of ye Rising Glory of ye American | Stales \ H. 8.11. W. 7.12. Rectangle. Mezzotint. BOWEN, Abel. Born, 1790. Began work in Boston, 18 n. Died March 11, 1850. The example shown was engraved by him early in 1812. 58. BUSINESS CARD. In a circular frame : A Bowen , En- graver | on | Wood | This is surrounded by foliage. A horse- man in oriental costume at left ; in foreground a tiger worried by dogs. H. 3.7. W. 2.7. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. Impression from an electrotype made from the wood-block. BOWER, John. Worked in Philadelphia, 1810 to 1819. 59. TOMB OF JONATHAN. Elaborate edifice, with porch and many obelisks. Three figures in right foreground. Below, between border-lines : I. Bower , Set. | Below : Tomb of fona- than. I. Maccabees . ij Chap. 27. Ver. | H. 5.10. W. 8.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 5.6. S. w. 7.13. Graver-work. BOWES, Joseph. Worked in Philadelphia, in 1796. 60. LOUIS PRINCE OF CONDE. Full bust, to right, long hair, collar and scarf over armor. Below : Bowes sc. | 12 Louis de Bourbon Prmce de Conde. | Philadelphia Pubd. by fas Stewart 6° Co. May nth. 1797. | H. 4.12. W. 3.12. Oval, framed. S. h. 4.6. S. w. 3.6. Stipple. 61. LANDSCAPE. After Hoffman. River to left fore- ground, wooded banks. Above: For the American Universal Magazine. | Below : I. Hoffman delt. Bowes fct. | View on Mushanon River in Pennsylvania \ H. 3.5. W. 6.3. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. 62. CERTIFICATE. Knights Templars, Philadelphia. Seven steps lead to an arch inscribed : In hoc signo vinces . | A column with emblems on either side. Above, the ark, flanked by fantastic, winged figures, and surmounted by the all-seeing eye. Within the arch, a ceremony proceeding in the open air. Below : We the Chiefs of the Encampment No. 1. \ Philadelphia , of the . . . Order of Knights Templars , . . . (eighteen lines of text and signature-blanks). Below : J Bowes Sculpr. | H. 16.2. W. n. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. BOYD, John. Worked in Philadelphia, 18 n to 1827. 63. ELIAS BOUDINOT. After Sully. Full bust, to left, head slightly to right. Below : T. Sully del J. Boyd sc | Elias Boudinot LL.D. | H. 4.1. W. 3.6. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.13. S. w. 3.2. Stipple. 64. SHAKSPEARE. Bust, slightly to left. Below : f. Boyd sc. | William Shakspeare. \ H. 2.15. W. 2.7. Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 65. A PRIEST IN COSTUME. Bearded man, in cap and flowing garment with belt and bands, barefoot. Below : Boyd set. | Habit of a common Priest, from Calmet. | H. 8. W. 6. Rectangle, b.-l. Stipple. 66. NORWEGIAN KILLING A BEAR. The bear, upright, turned to left, has placed his forepaws on the man’s chest ; the 13 man, standing, thrusts knife into animal’s side. Below : f. Boyd fc. | A Norwegian killing a Bear. | H. 6.4. W. 4. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. 67. GAM BOY. After Crane. Head of dog, slightly to right, dark background. Below : R. Crane Pinxt. — J Boyd Sculp | Gamboy, I Engraved for the Port-Folio. | H. 4.15. W. 4.4. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 4.12. S. w. 4.1. Etching and graver-work. 68. PLATE OF ANIMALS. Buffalo above, Rhinoceros be- low, both to left. Vignettes. Below : Boyd sc. \ Unicorn, Reem, Rhinoceros. | H. 8.14. W. 6.12. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. BROOKS, — — . Worked toward end of 18th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 69. DOVE. Crest, above crossed branches of laurel. On ribbon above : Deus providebit. | Over it a garland. Below : Doctr. I. Dove \ Richmond Virga. | Below : Brooks Sculp. | A. 226. Rectangle. Graver-work. BROWN, Benjamin. Worked in New York, 1812. 70. Sir PHILIP FRANCIS. Full bust, facing, head slightly to right, star of an order on left side, on coat. Below : En- graved by B. Brown. N. Y. | H. 3.7. W. 2.13. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.4. S. w. 2.10. Stipple. BULL, Martin. Worked in Farmington, Conn., 1795. BOOK-PLATES. 71. BULL. Arms, helmet with mantling and crest. Motto: Virtus basis vitce | Below : Martin Bull | A. 1 18. Graver-work. Engraving attributed to M. Bull. 14 72. FARMINGTON LIBRARY. In a rectangle : This Book belongs | to the | Monthly Library | in Farmington | No | Shelf with books underneath, at left two terminal statues, at right a figure with winged cap, guiding a boy. Under the books: Laws: \ (seven lines of lettering). In a tablet below : The Youth . . . (four lines of verse). Below : M. Bull's 6° T. Lee's Sculp | A. 267. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. BURGIS, William. Engraved in Boston, 1726. 73. VIEW OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Harvard Hall at left, Stoughton in middle,. Massachusetts at right. An elm on lawn between these buildings. A wall with one opening separates grounds from street, on which are seen three horse- men in right foreground, and a carriage and four at left. Arms and crest in middle of foreground, dedication below, signed : W. Burgis. Below : A Frofpect of the Colledges in Cambridge in New Engla?id | Below this the names of the buildings. Dimensions of the original print: H. 18.10. W. 24.9. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. Photo-mechanical reproduction. I. state, as described. II. state explanatory text is added in upper left, on sky. A post on either side of the opening in the wall. Text below title. 74. VIEW OF BOSTON LIGHT-HOUSE. It stands on a rocky island at right. In middle of foreground a yacht, an- chored,' flying British colors. Below: W. Burgis del. fecit | To the Merchants of Bofton this View of the Light House | is mofl humbly pixsented By their Humble Servt. JVm. Burgis | H. 8.7. W. 1 1. 1 2. Rectangle. Photo-mechanical reproduction. CALLENDER, B. Worked in Boston, 1796. 75. MAP. Near upper left corner : A Correct Chart | of the East Coast of \ North America | Engraved for \ Malhani s Naval Gazetteer | Between border lines below : Publish'd Septr. I 7 q 6 by Spotswood and Nancrede Boston sculpt Boston | H.94. W.7.4. B Callender Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. CALLENDER, Joseph. Born, Boston, 1751. Died there, 1821. 76. HUNTING SCENE. Stag assailed by dogs, three mounted hunters at left, two at right. Above : Vol: I. Engraved for the Royal American Magazine. No: VIII. I Below :/=C 9 sp.\ H. 2.5. W. 4.4. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. Headpiece to: The Hill Tops, A New Hunting Song. 77. NIGHT SCENE. Street, garden wall at left, near it, in foreground, a woman on her knees before a man. At some distance, at right, a man on the ground. Above : Vol: I. No: IV. | Below : J: Callender Spt. | The Night Scene. | H. 5.1 1. W. 3.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Gra-ver-work. In the : Royal American Magazine. 78. BILL-HEAD. Cromwell’s Head Tavern. Bust of Crom- well, facing, head slightly to left, long hair, armor. Oval. Rib- bons above and below, inscribed : O. Cromwells Head Tavern — | kept by Joshua Brackett School Street Boston. | Under lower ribbon, at right : Callender Sep. | H. 2.15. W. 3.8. Graver-work. S. h. 2.7. S. w. 1. 14. 79. FRONTISPIECE. Heads of two New-Zealand Chiefs, tatooed. Above them : Engradd for BickerstaJJ s Abnanack. | Below the heads, a line of writing. Underneath, a large canoe, manned ; above it on a ribbon : A War Canoe , of New Zealand. | Below : Jos. Calle?ider Sculp. Boston. | Printed s struck ! | Below : Commodore Bain- bridge | Captur'd and destroyd the Java | Published by J Kneass 125 Market St Phila. \ H. 6.1. W. 5.1. Vignette. Graver-work. DEWING, Francis. Arrived in Boston 1716. Engraved in 1722. 124. MAP OF BOSTON. Above on left: A New Plan of ye Great Town of Boston in New England in America | With the ma?iy Additionall Buildings , 6 ° New Streets , to the Year 1743. | Boston the Metropolis of New England, , . . . (seventeen lines of text). | At left a shield- shaped frame, with figures, etc. Over it, arms, crest and motto. Eleven lines of dedication within frame : To His Ex- cellency Jonathan Belcher . . . William Price | Below (cov- ered by border-line) : Engraved and Printed by Fra: Dewing Bofton N E 1722. Sold by Capt John Bonner and Willm. Price againjl ye Tovon Houfe. . . . | H. 17.4. W. 23.11, 24 Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. DOOLITTLE, Amos. Born, Cheshire, Conn., 1754. Died in New-Haven, Conn., 1832. 125. NEW DISPLAY PRINT. John Adams. Full bust, to right, head facing. Wig, white stock, frill. Drapery above, garland below. On a base below : John Adams President of the U?iited States | Rectangle, framed by sixteen smaller rec- tangles, enclosing arms of the states. Eagle with olive branch and spear, above. On a ribbon : Millions for our defence not a cent for tri-bute | Below : A new display of the United States | . . . wholesale by Amos Doolittle. August 1. 1799 - I H. 19. W. 15.14. Rectangle. Sh. 8.9. S.w. 9.8. Graver-work. 126. Capt. JAMES COOK. Bust, to right, profile, uni- form. Above : Connecticut Magazine | Below : A. Doolittle Sculp. | Capt: fames Cook \ F. R. S. | H. 3.5. W. 2.12. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.4. S. w. 2.1 1. Stipple and graver-work. 127. JONATHAN EDWARDS. Bust, facing. Wig, bands, black coat. Oval, framed. Below, in a panel, on base : fon- athan Edwards \ Prefident. | All in shaded rectangle. Below : Engraved by Amos Doolittle N Haven | H. 6. W. 3.10. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 2.7. S. w. 1. 1 5. Graver-work and stipple. 128. EZRA STILES. After left, wig, bands, black gown. Doolittle Sc. dent of Yale College. H. 3.9. W. 3.1. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.14. Molthrop. Bust, slightly to Below : R. Molthrop Pinxt. Ezra Stiles S. T. D. Z. Z. D. | Presi- Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 129. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Wright. Bust to right, profile, uniform. Above him an eagle with laurel wreath. Below : A. Doolittle Sculp \ Gen. George Washington , Com- mander in chief of the | Armies of the United States Bom Feb. nth. 1732 O. S. [ Died December 14th. 1799. | H. 3.3. W. 1.9 (Eagle). B. 81. H. 145. Vignette. W. 1.5 (Portrait)* Graver-work and stipple. 25 130. DISPLAY PRINT. George Washington. Medallic bust, profile to left, uniform. On a ribbon below : Born 11th Feb 1732 | Circle. In border : George Washington Preside?it of the United States of Amei'ica. The Protector of his Country , and the Supporter of the rights of Mankind. ★ | This circle is surrounded by fourteen small circles enclosing the arms of the nation and of the thirteen states. Arms of Vermont on shield below on right. Blank shield in corresponding place at left. Above on left : The | United \ States | — were first declar’d — | Free a?id Independent \ July 4th . 1 7 7 6 | Inscriptions in other three corners. Below, under a double line : A Display of the United States of America \ To the Patrons of Arts and Sciences , in all parts of the World , this Plate | is most respectfully Dedi- cated , by their most obedient humble Servant | Amos Doolittle | New Haven Octr. 1 st. 1791. \ Printed <&■* Sold by A. Doolittle New Haven where Engraving 6° Roling Prefs Printing is performed | H. 20.8. W. 16.9. Diam. 6.14. H. 840. b. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 17.3. Graver-work and stipple. There are several states of this plate : I. Washington, bust to right, white stock, frill, black suit. II. Washington, profile to left, uniform. Minor changes. III. As described, shield of Vermont and blank shield are added. IV. Profile altered, date below changed to March 1, 1794. V. Profile again retouched, date changed to 1796. Tennessee added inside circle of North Carolina. (See Hart.) 131. VIEW OF CONCORD. After Earl. Concord in middle distance, with British forces. Grave-yard in fore- ground ; in it, at right, two British officers, one with telescope. Above : Plate II. A View of the Town of Cojicord | Below : A. Doolittle Sculpt. | Six lines of explanatory text, in two columns. H. 11. 15. W. 17.13. Rectangle. Graver-work, colored by hand. 132. VIEW OF LEXINGTON. After Earl. The Brit- ish in middle distance. Three buildings burning, provincials behind a wall in foreground, firing. Above : Plate IV. A View of the South Pa?'t of lexington | Below : A. Doolittle , Sculpt. | Six lines of explanatory text, in two columns. H. 1 1. 13. W. 17.12. Rectangle. Graver-work, colored by hand. Nos. 131 and 132 form part of a series of four prints of the Battles of Concord and Lexington. 26 133- DARTMOOR MASSACRE. Bird’s-eye view of the prison buildings and grounds, enclosed by circular wall. In foreground a gate, buildings on either side. Flag on building at left of gate. Explanatory key below, at sides. Below : A. Doolittle , Sc. | Plan and description of Dartmoor Prison Eng- land | with a representatio?i of the unfortunate transactions of the 6th of April 1813 | Inscription below this cut off, leaving only upper line. H. 13. W. 13.7. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. 134. BAPTISM OF CHRIST. Christ stands in the river, John on the bank at right, in the act of baptizing him. Dove in sky above. Two angels at left. Rectangle ; below, on frame: Luke 3. 22. | Emblems above, cherub below. Under frame : Doolittle Sc. N. Haven. | Christ baptized. | H. 10. W. 5.13. Rectangle. S. h. 6.8. S. w. 4. Graver-work and etching. In the Life of Christ, by Paul Wright. New York (no date). 135. CHRIST AND BARTIMEUS. The blind man is kneel- ing before Christ, several figures around them. At left four columns of a building. Rectangle, framed, with emblems and draperies. Ribbon and garland above. On curtain below : Christ restoring Bartimeus to sight | Mark X. 32. | On base below : And immediately he received his \ sight , and followed fefus in the way. | Below : Engraved by A . Doolittle N. H. | H. 10.9. W. 6.7. Rectangle, framed. S. h. 5.1 1. S. w. 4.1. Graver-work. 136. DEATH OF CAESAR. Caesar stands near a statue, surrounded by assailants with daggers. Another is stretched at his feet. Wall with columns and doorway behind. Above : Published by Isaiah Thomas Junr 1804 | Below : Engraved by A. Doolittle | H. 4.12. W. 2.15. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. In: Vol. IV., Plutarch’s Lives. Worcester: 1804. 137. MASONIC CERTIFICATE. Grand Lodge of Con- necticut. Columns with female figures on either side. Winged figure with trumpet above in middle. Below, at left, a woman 27 with three children, one of them at her breast. In middle the certificate in French and English. Below : Engraved by Brother Amos Doolittle Newhaven | Seal in middle of fore- ground. H. 1 1.6. W. 9.1. Graver- work and etching. 138. BOTANICAL PLATE. Three plants. Above, at right : PI. 1. | Below, at right : Doolittle Sculp. \ Engraved for the New c 5 n Compleat Encyclopedia. Published by I. Low , N. York | To plate-edge : H. 9.6. W. 6.7. Graver-work. 139. CARICATURE. The Russian Bear, the British Lion, and figures symbolizing other powers, hem in a horseman (Napoleon) on all sides. On a ribbon above : Bonaparte in Trouble. | Below : A. Doolittle del et Sc. | Three lines of explanatory text. H. 9.12. W. 14.6. Etching, colored by hand. 140. AMERICA. Allegorical composition. At left, a female figure, clad in fur, with headdress of feathers. She kneels near an obelisk bearing on a tablet the names of : Warren \ Mont- gomery | Wooster | Mercer | Beyond, scenes of fire and flood. Above in clouds a figure bearing a palm-branch. Five allegorical figures are seen approaching from the right, bearing attributes. Below at right, a shield inscribed : Appeal to Heaven | Below : Doolittle Sculp Newhaven. | — America . — | To Perpetuate to Posterity , the Memory of those Patriotic Heroes , who Fought , Bled 6° Died, hi Establishing Peace , Liberty 6° Tranquility , to their Country. | H. 17.7. W. 23.3. Printed in brown ink. Rectangle. Stipple. BOOK-PLATES. 141. BROTHERS IN UNITY. After Taylor. Two allegorical figures, between them, on a circular tablet : Omnes in uno conjuncti | In centre of tablet, a number of men under a radiant sun. Books below the tablet, motto and crossed branches underneath. Below : The Property | of the | Brothers in Unity | Yale College | — | four lines of verse. Rectangle. Below: Wm Taylor Delhi A. Doolittle Sculpt | A. 964. 28 Graver-work. 1 4 2. LINONIAN LIBRARY. Allegorical. Father Time at left, seated on globe. Minerva in middle, guiding a youth. Above her three genii in clouds, with paper inscribed : Linonia | Sept. 12th 1 7 S 3 | Quiescit in perfecto | Rectangle. Heart- shaped shield and motto above. Below: Doolittle sc 1802 | Linonian Library Yale College \ A. 968. Mixed manner. 143. MECHANIC LIBRARY. New-Haven. In a circle, two cupids at an anvil. Above them : Improve the moment. Above, on a shelf, a pile of nine books ; rays around them. Below in scroll-work frame : Mechanic Library | New-Haven | Below : Doolittle del. et Sculp. | Not in A. Graver-work, stipple, etching. 144. SOCIAL LIBRARY. New-Haven. Two cupids in mid-air, unrolling a sheet of paper with five lines of inscription. Above : Social Liby. Company | Globe, books, and papers in foreground, house among trees in distance, beyond a river. Below : A Doolittle, del et sculp | Four lines of verse. | No. — Weeks | Not in A. Mixed manner. 145. STEPNEY SOCIETY. Two piles and one row of books on shelf. Hourglass in midair above. Drapery above all. Motto under shelf: Waste not a moment. | Below, framed in scroll-work : Social Library | Stepney Society j Wethersfield | Below : Doolittle Sculpt. \ A. 923. Graver-work. I. As described. II. Instead of engraver’s name, a line at writing: Annual Meeting . . . returned. \ DOOLITTLE, Samuel. Son of Amos Doolittle. ? Worked in 1804. BOOK-PLATE. 146. GOODWIN. Arms, crest, Chippendale style. Motto : Viriute • et • labore | Below : Goodwin | S. D. Set. 1804. | Not in A. 2 9 Graver-work. R. E. An anonymous engraver. Worked probably in latter part of 1 8th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 147. Major HUMPHREYS. Bust, facing, head to right, uniform, chapeau, black stock. Oval, framed. Cornucopia with flowers on either side. Two birds on arrow above. Below : Majr. Reuben Humphreys | Arms and crest below, surrounded by arms and flags. Motto : Quo fata vocant | Below, at right : R E | Not in A. Restrike. Rectangle. Graver-work. ECKSTEIN, John. Worked in Philadelphia, 1 796 till 1816. 148. MARTIN LUTHER. After Holbein. Three-quarter length, seated near table, to right, in the act of writing. Left hand on large open volume. Books on shelves in wall-recess at his left. Below : Holbein pinxit John Eckstein sculpt . | D. Martinus Lutherus | Natus 1483 Obit 1346 yEt. 63 | H. 16.9. W. 13.5. Rectangle. Stipple. 149. MEMORIAL DESIGN. Head after Stuart. Wash- ington, full-length statue, facing. Left hand near sword- hilt, right extended. Inscription on pedestal : First in War | First in Peace | and | First in the Hearts of \ his Country j Scenes from the War in background. Below : Design'd En - grav'd 6° Publish'd by John Eckstein Philada. \ To the . . . Society of the Cincinnati: . . . the Artist. | Copy right secured according to Law. \ H. 23.4. W. 18.14. B. 401. H. 770. Rectangle. Stipple. 150. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT. Night scene. Two men- of-war side by side, at close quarters ; stern and right side visi- ble. The vessel at left is burning. Below : Ioh : Eckstein. \ four lines of poetry. | Jone's Victory page 32. | Philad. Pub. by Lydia R. Bailey | H. 4.6. W. 3.3. 30 Rectangle. Mixed manner. EDDY, Isaac. Worked in Weathersfield, Vt., in 1812. 151. ELIJAH AND THE WIDOW’S SON. The prophet is kneeling at the bedside. Drapery above the bed. Above : First Vermont Edition | Below : Isaac Eddy Sculpt. Weathers- field | Elijah raising the Widow’s Son 1. Kings , Ch . ij. \ Windsor Published by Merifield and Cochran 1812 | H. 7.6. W. 5.13. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. EDWIN, David. Born in Bath, England, December, 1776. Came to Philadelphia in 1797. Engraved until 1830, when his impaired sight compelled him to abandon this work. Died Feb. 22, 1841. Catalogue by Hildeburn. 152. WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE. After Stuart. Bust, facing, uniform. Below : Stuart. Edwin sc. j William Bainbridge Esq . | of the United States navy. | H. 4.2. W. 3.7. Hild. 15. hi. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.10. S. w. 2.15. Stipple. 153. JOHN BARRY. After Stuart. Bust, facing, head to right, uniform. Below : Stuart pinx. Edwin sc. \ Commodore John Barry \ H. 3.15. W. 3.4. Hild. 17. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 3.2. Stipple. 154. ISAAC CHAUNCEY. After Wood. Full bust, slightly to right, uniform. Below: J. Wood pinxt. D. Edwin sc. | Isaac Chauncey Esqr. \ of the United States Navy. | H. 3.12. W. 3.3. Hild. 30. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.9. S. w. 3. Stipple. 155. THE LANDING OF COLUMBUS. After Savage. Full length, slightly to left, plumed hat in left hand, cloak over left shoulder. Monk with cross and two other figures behind him. Sea with ships in distance at right. Below : Painted by E. Savage. Engraved by D. Edwin. \ The Landing of Christopher Columbus \ On the morning of October 12th. 14Q2 , Columbus . . . Florence. | Philada. Publish'd by E. Savage Jany. 1st. 18 00. — | H. 22.11. W. 14.13. Hild. 33. 3i Rectangle. Stipple. 156. THOMAS JEFFERSON. After Peale. Bust, to right, powdered hair, dark suit. Below : R. Peale Pi?ix D. Edwin sc \ Thomas Jefferson Esqr. | President of the United States. | Publifhed by J. Savage 1800. | H. 1 1.6. W. 9.2. Hild. 79. 11. Rectangle. Stipple. 157. ALEXANDER MURRAY. After Wood. Full bust, slightly to right, uniform. Below: Wood pi?ix — Edwin sc. | Alexander Murray Esq. | of the United States Navy \ Engraved for Port Folio. | H. 4.7. W. 3.10. Hild. 1 18. 1. Rectangle, b.l. S. h. 4.3. S. w. 3.7. Stipple. 158. OLIVER H. PERRY. After Waldo. Full bust, to right, uniform. Below : Waldo Pinxt. Edwin Sc. | O. H. Perry Esqr. | of the United States Navy. \ H. 3.12. W. 3.1. Hild. 129. 11. Oval, b.-l., in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.9. S. w. 2.14. Stipple. 159. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After R. Peale. Bust, to left. Below : R Peale Pinx D Edwin fc \ General George Washington , | Born Feb. 22 , 1732 in Westmoreland County Virginia , and Died Dec. 14., 1799 at Mount Vernon | Published by J. Savage 1800. | H. 1 1.5. W. 9.1. Hild. 174. Rectangle. B. 9. H. 701 a. Stipple. I. state before the address. II. state as described. III. border has been added, changes in lettering, address of H. S. Tanner, Philadelphia. EMMES, Thomas. Engraved in Boston in 1701. 160. INCREASE MATHER. After J. van der Spriett. Bust, slightly to right, clerical dress. Oval, framed, on base, inscribed: liter ease Mather | Tho: Emmes. sculp: Sold by Nicolas Boone, 1701. \ H c. (?) W. 3.2. Cut in binding. Oval in shaded rectangle. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 2.14. (?) Graver-work. I. state : Before additional work on the dress, and before shaded background in oval. i6o.a. II. state : With these additions. In : Ichabod, or, a discourse ... by Increase Mather. Boston, Printed by Timothy Green . . . 1702. 3 2 EXILIOUS, John, G. Worked in Philadelphia in 1810-14. 161. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Buildings and grounds surrounded by a wall. Within enclosure, on nearest side, five large trees. Street in foreground ; three men are seen carrying an injured man. Below: Drawn and Engraved by John G. Exilious , 1814. | South East View of the Pennsylvania Hospital . | Below the view, a vignette of the Good Samaritan. Below this : Take care of him and I will repay thee. | H. 11. 10. W. 18.4. Vign. : H. 1.12. W. 2.7. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 11.7. S. w. 18. 1. Graver-work and etching. F. W. A. Anonymous engraver working in 1794. BOOK-PLATE. 162. CUNNINGHAM. Arms and crest, Jacobean style. Be- low, at left : W A E (monogram) | Below, on ribbon : James Cunningham Junior’s \ A. 190 mentions no signature and differs slightly in lettering. Impression in blue ink. Graver-work. FAIRMAN, Gideon. Born Newtown, Conn., 1774. Com- menced business for himself at twenty-one. Settled in Philadelphia in 1810. Died, 1827. 163. J- J* ROUSSEAU. Half-length, to right, head almost facing. Oval, framed, in shaded rectangle, stone base below, with tablet inscribed : J. J. Roufseau. Above : Frojitispiece Vol. /. | Below : Eairman Sc. \ Barber 6° Southwick' s Edition \ H. 4.12. W. 2. 11. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.1. S. w. 2.5. Etching and graver-work. In : Dissertation of Political Economy . . . Jean Jacques Rousseau. Albany: 1797. 164. NEWSTEAD ABBEY. Buildings at left. Trees and distant houses at right. Meadow in left foreground. Below : G. Fair man. Sculpt. \ Newstead Abbey. | — Engd. for Lord Byrons Works — Pub: by M. Thomas , Philad: 1816 — | H. 1. 14. W. 3. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. 3 33 BOOK-PLATE. 165. LINONIAN LIBRARY. Small figure of Minerva stand- ing near three books in foreground. Behind her a seated female figure with mirror. Below, on curtain hung from rod : Pre- sented | to the Litionian Library by | Under curtain : G. Fairman | A. 969. Vignette. Graver-work. FIELD, Robert. Came to Unitea States in 1795. Went to Canada in 1807. 166. THOMAS JEFFERSON. After Stuart. Full bust, to left, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Column behind him, at left. Below : G. Stuart , Pinxit R. Fields Sculp sit. \ Thomas Jefferson. | Boston Published by Robert Field , March 14th , 1807. I H. 5.14. W. 5.1. C. 1124. Oval, b.-l., in shaded rectangle. S. h. 4.14. S. w. 4. Stipple. 167. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Affer Robertson. Half- length, slightly to right, uniform. One button of coat buttoned. Oval, framed, supported by American eagle. Flag and palm- branch on either side. Above, on the point of an upright sword, a liberty cap. In laurel wreath, behind : Libertas | Below : Jon. Jas. Barralet Invenit 1795. | Vignette in rectangle. Below : Painted by IV. Robertson . En- graved by R. Field. | George Washington , | President of the United States. | Publijhed by Walter Robertson , Philadelphia New York iff Augujl 1795. — | H. 1 1. 13. W. 9.4. B. 169. H. 249. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.14. S. w. 3.1. Stipple. FOLWELL, Samuel. Born, 1765. Died, 1813. Worked in Philadelphia. 168. HENRY HOLCOMBE. Bust, slightly to right, short hair, coat buttoned. Below : S: Folwell Set. | Henry Hol- combe, D. D. H. 3. 11. W. 3. 34 Oval. Stipple. BOOK-PLATE 169. LADD. Arms, surrounded by scroll-work. On ribbon below : Ladd. | Below : S. FolwelL Sculpt, j A. 470. Graver-work. FOSTER, John. Born, Dorchester, Mass., 1648. Printer in Boston. Died, Dorchester, Sept. 9, 1681. 170. RICHARD MATHER. Half-length, standing, slightly to right, open book in left hand, eye-glasses in right. Black skull-cap, linen collar over black gown. Below : Mr. Richard Mather. \ H. 6.1. W. 5.1. Knife-work on relief block. Impression from block in two pieces, lower part is too wide at joint and does not tally at collar. Part of upper piece, below beard, chipped off. A reproduction of another impression is shown. Here the two pieces tally ; the inscriptions : Richardus Mather | above the portrait, and Johannes Fojter fculppt | below, are in writing. From differences in the cutting it is inferred that a new lower block had to be made for the “ Mr. Richard Mather p and that for some reason a piece was afterwards cut off, along the upper edge. For information concerning portraits of the Mather family, see : Ten fac-simile reproductions relating to various subjects. By Dr. Samuel A. Green, Boston: 1903. 1 71. WINE HILLS MAP. In upper right: A Map of New England \ Being the first that ever was here cut , and done | by the best Pattern that could be had which being in some places defective , it made the other less | exact : yet doth it suffi- ciently shew the Scitua- | tion of the countrey , and conveniently well | the distance of Places. | The figures that are joyned with the Names of Places are to distinguish such as have been as - | saulted by the Indians from others. | A Scale of forty Miles. | On the map, below this : The : Wine Hills : | H. 1 1.9. W. 15.2. Rectangle, b.-l. Knife-work on relief block. Another block was cut for this map. It is similar and bears the same inscription. On the map, below, in type : The White Hills \ H. 1 1. 14. W. 15.10. Rectangle, b.-l. Knife-work on relief block. 35 FOX, Gilbert. Born, London, 1776. Worked in Phila- delphia and New-York in 1798-1804. 172. KOTZEBUE. Bust, slightly to right, head slightly to left, loose collar, coat buttoned. Below : Engraved by Gilbert Fox . | Augustus Von Kotzebue . | Publish'd for the German Theatre . by Wm. Dunlap. \ H. 2.14. W. 2.3. Oval. Stipple. 173. FISHING SCENE. After Kirk. Three men fishing with nets in foreground. Tower and pyramids at left, hills in distance. Above : Vol. o. Page 31. | Below : Drawn by Ki?'k Fngrarf d by Gilbert Fox \ Manner of Fishing on the Nile \ H. 2.1 1. W. 3.15. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. FRY, W. T. Worked in the United States about 1807. 174. RATS. Two blocks, each with a rat, sitting, to right. H. 0.11. W. 1.6. Vignettes. Graver-work on relief block. Newspaper clipping, March, 1807. FURNASS, John Mason. Nephew and pupil of Nath. Hurd. Worked in Boston about 1779-1785. 175. NOTE. State of Massachusetts Bay. The First Day of January, a. d. 1780. Rectangular border, signed in lower right corner : J. M. Furnafs S . . . (illegible) | Graver-work. 176. NOTE. As above, same date. Strips of border-work. In lower right corner : f. M. Furnafs. Sep. | Graver-work. BOOK-PLATES. 177. FORBES. Arms and crest, motto: Omni — for- tunee paratus. | Chippendale style. Below : Eli Forbes . (flourish) | J. M. Furnafs , Sc | A. 279. 36 Graver-work. 178. FOSTER. Arms and crest, motto: To rock the cradle of reposing, age | Chippendale style. Below : Foster. \ J. M. Furnafs. Sep. | A. 281. merely mentions this plate. Rectangle. Impression in blue ink. Graver-work. GALLAND, John. Engraved in Philadelphia, 1796 till 1817. 179. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Half- length, seated, to right, in arm-chair. Uniform, order on left lapel of coat. Sword in right arm, left resting on a plan. Drapery behind ; camp in distance at right. Below : F: Bartoli Pinx: J: Galland Sculp: | His Excellency George Washington Lieut. Genl. | of the Armies of the United States | of America. | Dedicated to Commodore John Barry and the Officers of the | Navy and Army of North, America. — | by Ferrai Dupin \ Baltmore | In middle, the American eagle, on clouds. Vignette. H. 11. 5. W. 8.14. B. 228. H. 789. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 1 1.2. S. w. 8.1 1. Stipple. I. state. With address of John McElvee. II. state. As described ; address of Ferrai & Dupin, Baltimore. III. state. This address erased. 180. BATTLE SCENE. Soldiers fighting, one in foreground carries off a woman. Above, on tablet: Anno \ 4.37 | Below: Galland St. | The Romans carrying off the Bride of a Noble- man , at Lens. | Philadelphia Publish'd by fas. Stewart 6° Co Jany. yth. 1797. | H. 6.9. W. 4.5. Rectangle, arched top, framed. S. h. 5 14. S. w. 3.15. Stipple. GALLAUDET, Elisha. Worked in New-York, 1759 till 1 774 - 181. Rev. GEORGE WHITEFIELD. After Hone. Three-quarter length, standing, slightly to right, arms raised. Before him a book on a cushion. Church interior. Oval, 37 framed ; on the base below, a tablet inscribed : George White- field , M. A . | Elisha Gallaudet sculpt. N York, iff 4. \ H. 5.1. W. 3,5. All in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.3. S. w. 2.10. Graver-work. In: Memoirs of . . . Rev. George Whitefield . . . New York: 1774. BOOK-PLATES. 182. CHAMBERS. Arms, helmet with crest, motto : Vincit veritas | Chippendale style. Below : John Chambers Esqr. | E. Gallaudet sculp. | A. 146. Graver-work. 183. NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. Emblematic arms. Crest : out of clouds Apollo with lyre, behind him the radiant sun. The shield supported by Mercury and Minerva. A city at the latter’s feet. On ribbon below : New- York Society Library | Under it : E. Gallaudet. Sc’ | A. 613. Rectangle. Graver-work. 184. SMITH. Arms, helmet with mantling and crest. Open book on fish-scale background, below shield. Motto : Optimus ■ est aliena frui —insania | Jacobean style. Below: William Smith Esqr . | Elisha Gallaudet Sc | Not in A. Graver-work. GARDEN, F. (also Gardner, and Gardin). English en- graver, worked about 1720 to 1750. He is said to have worked in the United States. 185. ANONYMOUS. Arms, helmet with crest, mantling down sides of shield. The design is within circle of shaded back- ground. Below : (name erased) | F. Garden Scu . | Not in A. Graver-work. GILMAN, W. and J. Publishers. Engraved book-illustra- tions about 1810. 186. FRONTISPIECE. Christ and the Children. In foreground, at left : Gilman Sc. | Oval, above it a garland of 38 flowers. Crossed palm-branches below. On a ribbon the words : Of such is the Kingdom of God. \ H. 2.3. W. 3.12. Graver-work on relief block. S. h. 1. 13. S. w. 3.8. In : Dr. Watts’ Divine Songs, for the use of Children. Newburyport : W. & J. Gilman (no date). Another (later) impression of this engraving, enclosed in a typographic border, is found in : The Loving Invitation of Christ . . . Newbury- port: 1811. [H. 2.13. W. 4.7.] GIMBREDE, Thomas. Born in France, 1781. Came to America in 1802. Died in 1832. 187. JAMES BIDDLE. After Wood. Half length, to right, head almost facing, uniform. Below : J. Wood pinx. Gimbrede sc. \ James Biddle Esq : | of the United States Navy. | Engraved for Port Folio Pub. by T. Desilvar. | H. 3.14. W. 3.4. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.1 1. S. w. 3.1. Stipple. 188. COMMODORE DECATUR. After Stuart. Full bust, to right, uniform, black stock. Below : Stuart pt . | Gim- brede sc. | Com. Stephen Decatur. | H. 3.10. W. 3. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 2.12. Stipple. 189. THOMAS JEFFERSON. After Stuart. Bust, to right, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : Gimbrede Del &* Sculp N. Y. \ Thos. Jefferson. | H. 3. n. W. 3. C. 1128. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.8. S. w. 2.12. Stipple. 190. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, profile to right, in clouds. Minerva behind and above him. Winged figure with trumpet below. The whole in shaded oval. Below, be- tween border-lines : Desd. <5^ Engd. by T. Gimbrede N Y. | On ribbon below : Thos. Jefferson the Pride of America \ Re- tired March 4 : 180Q j H. 7.10. W. 5.9. C. 1225. S. h. 6.7. S. W. 5.2. 39 Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 1 9 1 * COMMODORE PERRY. Full bust, to left, uniform. Below : Gimbrede sc. \ Com. O. H. Perry | H. 3.12. W. 3.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.8. S. w. 2.14. Stipple. 192. BISHOP SEABURY. After Duche. Three-quarter length, standing, in clerical dress, right arm on book lying on rock. Below : T. S. Duche. pt. Printed by E. Valen- tine New York. T. Gimbrede , sc. | Rev. Samuel Sea- bury. D. D. | Bishop of Connecticut and Rhode Island. | Published by W. E. Norman. Hudson. | H. 5.2. W. 4.7. Rectangle. Stipple. GOBRECHT, Christian. Born in Hanover, Pa., in 1785. Worked in Baltimore and Philadelphia. Died, July 23, 1844. 193. ABRAHAM REES. After Opie. Three-quarter length, seated, to right, right arm resting on table, hand holding docu- ment. Writing implements at left. Below: Painted by Opie R. A. Engraved by C. Gobrecht. | Abraham Rees, D. D. F. R. S. | H. 8.5. W. 6.6. Rectangle. Stipple. 194. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Bust, to left, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : Gobrecht , sculp. | George Washington, Esqr. | The Friend of Man. | H. 3.15. W. 3.3. H. 384. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.13. S. w. 3.1. Stipple. GODWIN, Abraham. Born, 1763. Began engraving when quite young. Died after 1834. 195. BIBLE ILLUSTRATION. Adam standing near a tree, animals around him. Rays of light out of clouds at left. Rec- tangle, framed, emblems, draperies, garland and birds above. On a curtain below : Adam | Giving Names | Genefis Chap. II. 4 ° Ver. 20 | Base below ; on panel (three lines of text) : And Adam gave names . . . | On small panel below : A. Godwin sculpt 1796 | H. 10.9. W. 7.2. Etching and graver-work. S. h. 5.1. S. w. 3.4. 196. FIREMAN’S CERTIFICATE. Four lines of text surrounded by frame. Conflagration scene above, framed in scroll-work, with figures. A fire-engine below, within a circle. Below : Godwm Sculpt. | (Dated Aug. 14th, 1797.) H. 8. 2. W. 9. 5. Rectangle, projecting corners. Graver-work. BOOK-PLATE. 197. LABOYTEAUX. Young man seated near table, globe on stand at left. Two windows. Oval, framed. On ribbons above and below : John Lahoyteaux \ New York. | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : A. Godwin Sculp | (Name torn out.) Not in A. Graver-work. GRAHAM, George. Worked in Philadelphia, 1797, in New York, 1804, and in Boston, 1812. 198. JOHN ADAMS. Full length, standing, slightly to right, on a roll in his right hand : Federal Constitution. | Allegorical landscape seen through window at right. Below : Publish'd by Dr. John Berkheanhead Engrav'd by Geo. Graham | John Adams, \ President of the United States of America. j Hail! . . . the Laws. | H. 17.5. W. 13. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 199. SAMUEL ADAMS. After Johnston. Three-quarter length, seated, to right, almost facing. Right arm on table, on a document, left hand on hip. Books behind him at left. Through window at right Faneuil Hall is seen, such as it ap- peared before the enlargement. Below : Paind. by Johnston Engrad. by Graham | His Excellency Samuel Adams , Esqr. L. L. D. 6° A. A. S. | Governor and Co?nmander in 4 1 Chief in and over the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Publish'd May i, 1797. | H. 12.11. W. 10.10. Rectangle. Mezzotint. The impression shown is cut to engraved surface. The dimensions and lettering have been taken from a worn impression (not exhibited) loaned by Mr. Barrett. 200. JOHN CLARKE. Bust, slightly to right, in clerical dress. Below : IV. Lovett, penxt. G. Graham , Engrar. \John Clarke , D. D. A. A. S. | H. 6.2. W. 4.15. Oval in frame, rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 5.4. S. w. 4. Stipple. 201. JOHN M. MASON. After Robertson. Bust, facing, head to left. Powdered hair, dark suit. Below : Paintd . by Archibald Pobertson : Engd. by G. Graham. | Joh?i M. Mason , D. D. S. T.P. | New York. Publd. by I. Dixey. 4th Augt. 1804. I H. 8.9. W. 7.8. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 202. DEBORAH SAMPSON. Full bust, to right, head almost facing. Long hair, necklace, dress with ruffle. Oval, framed ; trophy of arms and flags above, crossed branches, eagle with shield below. At sides : Beaf . . . (illegible) Graham Eng. | Below : Deborah Sampson. | Published by H. Mann , 1797 - 1 H. 4.9. W. 2.15. Oval, framed. S. h. 2.4. S. w. 1.9. Aquatint and roulette. 203. JOHN WESLEY. In loose white garment and bands. Resting on clouds, supported by an angel pointing upward. Above them another angel holding a crown of light. Church and gate partly seen below on right. Below : Geoe. Graham Sculp. | John Wesley, \ That Excellent Minister of the Gospel carried by Angels into Abraham's Bosom | Well done good and faithful Servant Enter thou into the foy of thy Lord. St. Matthew Ch. 25. | Publifh'd by Wm. Phoebus No. jo fohn Street New- York. | H. 12.9. W. 9.14. 42 Rectangle. Mezzotint. GREENOUGH, William. Worked probably about the beginning of the 19th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 204. GREENOUGH. Typographic border, with motto, en- closing the words : The property of | David Stoddard Green - ough. | Below : William G reenough, fecit. ] Festoons and flowering twigs enclose the whole. A. 332. Graver-work on relief block. GREENWOOD, John. Born in Boston, Dec. 7, 1727, went to Surinam, Holland, and London (1763), where he died in 1 792. 205. SIMON FOKKE. After Buys. Three-quarter length, seated, slightly to left, holding a print in right hand, left arm on table. Below : J. Buys pinxit J. Greenwood fecit. H. 13.4. W. 1 1.4. Rectangle. Engraved in Holland. Mezzotint. 206. Rev. GEORGE WHITEFIELD. After Hone. Three-quarter length, standing, facing, arms raised. Clerical dress ; before him, on a cushion, an open book. Church inte- rior. Below : N. Hone pinxt. \ Carington Bo7vles excudit. f. Greenwood fecit | The Reverend Mr. George White- field , A. M. — | Chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon. | * London. Publijh'd as the Act directs , July 1st. 1769. Prmted for Carington Bowles , No. 6g St. Pauls Church Yard . I H. 12.14. W. 9.13. Rectangle. Mezzotint. GRIDLEY, Enoch G. Worked in New-York in 1803- 1805. He engraved as late as 1818. 207. TH. JEFFERSON. After Peale. Bust, slightly to left. White stock, dark suit. Oval, framed. On tablet below : T Jefferson. | Below : Gridley Sc. ] Published by H. Sprague. \ H. 3.2. W. 2.5. - Oval in rectangle. S. h. 1.9. S. w. 1.4. Stipple, 43 HAINES, William. Came to Philadelphia in 1802. Re- turned to England in 1809. 208. BENJ. FRANKLIN. After Chamberlin. Half length, seated in an arm-chair, to right, head to left, quill in hand. Below : Cha?nberlin Pinxt. W. Haines Set. \ B. Franklin of Philadelphia L. L. D. F. R. S. \ Philadelphia, Publish'd by W. Haines No. 270 Arch Street , Octr ijth. 1804. H. 8. (?) W. 6.6. (?) Cut close. Rectangle. Stipple. 209. Sir tVILLIAM JONES. After Devis. Sketch. Bust, facing, head slightly to right. Below : A. W. Devis Pmxt. W. Hames scut. | Sr. William Jones Knt. \ HLtatis 47 • I H. 5.7. W. 4.6. Vignette. Roulette. In : Memoirs of Sir William Jones. Philadelphia : 1805. 210. THOMAS MOORE. Bust, to left, white stock, frill and vest, dark coat. Below : Painted Engraved by W Hames. | Thomas Moore Esqr. | Published by J. Carpenter, Feby. 1811. j H. 3.2. W. 2.10. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.8. Stipple. HAMLIN, William. Born, 1782. Died, 1869. Provi- dence, R. I. 21 1. RACHEL BAKER. Half length, to left, hair parted at left. Light dress, ruffle, shawl. Below : Hamlin Sc. | Mifs Rachel Baker. | H. 3.6. W. 2.14. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.12. Mixed manner. 212. GENERAL EATON. Bust, profile to right. Light waistcoat, dark coat. Below (on border line) : Ha?nlin Sc. | Genl. Wm. Eato?i. \ Diam. 2.4. Circle, b.-l. Mixed manner. 213. Rev. ENOS HITCHCOCK. Bust, to left, white collar and bands, black gown. Below : Wm. Hamlin Set. | Revd. Enos Hitchcock. D. D. j H. 4.3. W. 3.10. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.8. Mezzotint. (Impression from corroded plate.) 44 2i4* The Same. Bust, to left, white hair, collar, bands, black gown. Below, Hamlin Sc. \ Revd. Enos Hitchcock. D. D. | Engrav'd for the R. I. L. Repository. | H. 3.13. W. 2.15. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.1 1. S. w. 2.14. Stipple. 215. Rev. JAMES MANNING. Half length, to right, open book in left, turning a leaf with right hand. Wig, bands, black suit. Below : Hamlin Sc. | Revd. James Manning, D. D. I H. 4. W. 3.7. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.15. S. w. 3.6. Stipple. 216. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Savage. Bust, to right, uniform. Oval, medallion with loop and ribbon. Above : Farnsworth' s Edition. | Below : E. Savage. Pinxt. — - Wm Hamlin Set. Provid. \ Genl. George Washington. | H. 4.2. W. 3.4. B. 126. H. 223. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 3.2. Mixed manner. 217. The Same. After Savage. Three-quarter length, seated to right, legs crossed. Near him, on a table, his hat and a large map on which he rests his left arm, holding the edge of it with right hand. In background at right, an urn on a pedestal, with inscriptions. Below : E. Savage Pinxt. Wm. Hamlin Sculpt. \ Genl. George Washington. | Puhlifhed July 1800 , by Wm. Hamlin , Providence R. I. | H. 17.12. W. 13.15. B. 123. H. 230. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 218. The Same. After Savage. Three-quarter length, seated to left, legs crossed. Near him, on a table, his hat and a large map on which he rests his right arm, holding the edge of it with left hand. Drapery and column behind, sky at left. Below : E Savage pinxet Wm. Hamlin. Sculp. Provi- dence. | George Washington Esqr. I Obt. Decbr, 14th. 1799. PE 68 | H. 7.4. W. 5.10. B. 124. H. 231. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 219. The Same. After Savage. Same as preceding, in uniform. At left of column, in background, an urn surmounted by a small figure of Fame, and three cherubs. Below : E 45 Savage pinxet . Wm Hamlin. Sculp . Providence . | Genl. George Washington. | Obt. Decbr , I’jgg. Hi 68 | H. 7.5. W. 5.9. B. 125. H. 232. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 220. ISAAC WATTS. Full bust, to right, wig, bands, black gown. Oval medallion, loop and ribbon above. Below : Wm Hamlin Sculpt Provd. | On ribbon below : Isaac Watts. P>. D . | I11 an oval below, a king in regalia, seated near an organ. All within shaded rectangle. H. 3.1 1. W. 2.1. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S.h. 2.1. S.w. 1. 10. Mixed manner. 221. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT. American and British man- of-war at close quarters, both are heading toward right fore- ground. Below : Hamlin Aqt . | H. 3.8. W. 5.13. Rectangle. Aquatint. 222. THE BURNING OF THE FRIGATE PHILADEL- PHIA; in Tripoli Harbor, Feb., 1804. The burning ship is in the centre, near the town. A bark and two rowboats at left. Soldiers line the shore in foreground, and a cannon is being fired from the fort at the extreme right. No lettering. H. 2.5. W. 3.12. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 223. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, PROVI- DENCE. View of front and left side ; two steeples. Below : Hamlin Sc. | A IV W View of the first Congregational Church Providence. R I. | Erected. ifgS- Destroy'd by Fire. June 14th. 1814. | H. 6. 13. W. 5.8. Rectangle. Mixed manner. 224. REVERSIBLE PICTURE. Circle. Two smiling faces. Below, on a ribbon : Courtship | At right : Hamlin Sc. | The picture, turned upside down, shows two faces expressing discon- tent. Below, on a ribbon : Matrimony \ Diam. 3.2. Circle with zigzag border; b.-l. S. d. 3.1. Worn mezzotint, retouched with ruling machine. 225. BLANK CARD. Oval tablet, standing on turf, supported at left by a cupid. Trees at left and behind tablet; church and 46 hills at right, in distance. Unsigned, but undoubtedly the work of Hamlin. H. 3.3. W. 2.9. Graver-work. 226. BUSINESS CARD. Female figure, standing, left arm on anchor at her side. Ribbon above her, crescent at right, telescope on stand at left. Above : R E. Hamlin y s \ Reflect- ing Telescope. | Below : W Hamlin Sc. | Along right side : No. — | Dimensions with lettering : H. 1.15. W. 2.4. Vignette. Mixed manner. 227. BUSINESS CARD. Female figure seated on shell float- ing to left, drawn by a triton. Above her, on a tablet : Wm. Hamlm. | Below : Wm. Hamlin Sc. | Repairs &* Rectifies Compasses , Quadrants . . . | H. 3.6. W. 4.3. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 2.1 1. Mixed manner. 228. BUSINESS CARD. House at right, team in foreground, shipping in distance. Above : Wm. Hamlin. \ Providence R. T. | jji S. Water St. | Below : Hamlin Sc. | Manufactures &> Repairs ... 6° Nautical | An instrument on either side of lettering. H. 1. 14. W. 2.14. Rectangle. Graver-work. 229. ADMISSION TICKET. The words : Musical Sodal- ity | Concert | Small trophy of musical instruments on either side of “Concert.” Below: at — | Admit the Bearer. — | Wm. Hamlin. Set. | H. i.ii. W. 2.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 230. PROMISSORY NOTE, FARMER’S EXCHANGE BANK, GLOCESTER, R. 1 . $3. — . In middle of note a vignette, showing a span of oxen, to left, plough at right in dis- tance. Below it : Wm Hamlin | Below, to right, another vignette : a man working with a hoe. The note is dated (in ink) 16 March 1806. BOOK-PLATE. 231. HUNTINGTON. A young girl on a bank of grass, near a tree. Book in left hand, left arm resting on a ledge. Water 47 on both sides, ship in distance. Above : No. | Below : Hamlm Sc. | D Huntington. | H. 1. 1. W. 2. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. HARRIS, Samuel. Born, 1783. Died, 1810. Boston. 232. Rev. MATHER BYLES. Bust, to left. Wig, bands, black gown. Below: S. Harris fc. | Rev. Mather By les. | PI. 3.1. W. 2.8. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.13. S. w. 2.5. Stipple. 233. G. R. MINOT. Bust, to right, head slightly to left. Powdered hair, white stock and frill, black suit. Below : S . Harris fc. \ G. R. Minot \ Esqr. | H. 3.1. W. 2.9. Oval, b.-l. S. 2.14. S. w. 2.6. Stipple. 234. Com. PREBLE. Full bust, to right, uniform, plan in left hand. Below : S. Harris fculp. | Commodore Preble . | PI. 3.5. W. 2.10. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.2. S. w. 2.7. Stipple. 235. B. WATERPIOUSE. Bust, to right, head almost facing. Long hair, white stock, frill, loose dark cloak. Below : S. Harris, fc. | B. Waterhouse. M.D. | Profefsor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. | H. 3.2. W. 2.9. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.15. S. w. 2.6 Stipple. 236. Gen. WAYNE. Bust, to left, uniform and chapeau. Below : S. Harris fc. | Gen. Wayne. | H. 3.3. W. 2.9. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.7. Stipple. 237. JOHN WINTHROP. Bust, slightly to right. Dark hair, beard, lace-trimmed ruff, dark costume. Below: S. Harris fc. | John Winthrop. | H. 3.2. W. 2.9. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.15. S. w. 2.6. Stipple. 238. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. Female figure seated on sphere, striped flag in left hand, olive branch in right. At her side a shield, bearing the arms of the United- 48 States ; trophy in foreground. Framed by a chain of seven- teen links, with a star in each link. Within this chain, below : S. Harris fculp.8\ All in rectangle with shaded corners. Below : Emblem of the United States of America. \ Peace with all Nations: Partiality to none. \ Published according to act of Congrefs , by John Coles , sen. Boston , Sept. 7. 1807 | H. 11. 13. W. 8.15. Rectangle. Graver-work. BOOK-PLATES. 239. ANDREWS. Minerva with helmet, shield, and lance. At her right a pedestal with an owl. On the shield : Henry Andrews | Below foreground work : S. Harris: fc. | A. 24. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. 240. [WILLIAMS.] Against a stump with gnarled branches are arranged musical instruments, and a shield with armorial bearings. Weapons are partly seen at right ; beyond, sea and rising sun. Below: Harris. fc. | A. 942. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. HARRISON, Jr., William. Worked in Philadelphia, 1797 till 1819. 24 t. J. Q. ADAMS. Half-length, to right. White necker- chief, buttoned coat. At left : Engd. by W. Harrison Washn. City. | Below, on border : John Quincy Adams. | Diam. 3.1. S. d. 2.7. Circle b.-l. Etching and graver-work. 242. THOMAS JEFFERSON. After R. Peale. Bust, slightly to left, white stock, dark suit. Below : Engradd by Harrison Jimr. | Thomas Jefferson | H. 4.9. W. 3.13. C. 1088. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.6. S. w. 3.10. Stipple. 243. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Savage. Bust, to left, uniform, Order of Cincinnati on right lapel. Below : W. Harrison Junr. fculpt. — | Genl. Geoe. Washington — | H. 4.6. W. 3.4. B. 128. H. 222. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. 3.1 1. S. 2.10. Stipple. 4 49 HILL, James. Worked in Charlestown, Mass., in 1803. 244. BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATION. Cain and Abel before their altars. Cain standing, Abel — in foreground — on right knee, in prayer. Below : Engd. by James Hill. \ Cain and Abel. | And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering ; | and Cain was very wroth. | Gen. Chap. IV, verfe 4, 5. | — | Charlestown : {Massachusetts) Published by S. Etheridge. | H. 6.10. W. 5.6. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. 245. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DESIGN. At left two altars with numerous inscriptions. Above them the American eagle holding in beak a ribbon inscribed : From Washington ca?ne my chief glory. | Three flying figures, all carrying inscriptions. At right a memorial design, with an urn, trophy of flags and arms, and inscriptions. Above it : Ye | true | Americans!]. . . All in rectangle. Below : Levi Siutson Del. J . Hill Sc. | Dedicated to the Glorious memory | of George Washington, and his virtues. | H. 10.11. W. 13. 1 1. Rectangle. Graver-work. HILL, John. Born, 1770. Died, 1850. Aquatint work. 246. RICHMOND. After Fraser. Town in distance, on hillside. Water with islands and rocks in foreground. Below : Drawn by C. Frafer Aqua tin ted by Hill. | View of Richmond , Virginia. | H. 3.3. W. 4.12. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.1. S. w. 4.10. Aquatint. 247. SARATOGA. CONGRESS SPRING. After Le- sueur. Buildings in middle distance. Nearer the fore- ground, at right, within an enclosure, the spring. Felled trees at left, in foreground. Below : Drawn by C. A. Lesueur Engraved by J. Hill | A View of the Congress Spring in the Village of Saratoga. | H. 4. W. 7.1. 5 ° Rectangle. Aquatint. HILL, Samuel. Worked in Boston, 1789, in New-York, 1803. 248. Rev. JOHN CLARKE. Bust, to right, bands, black gown. Below : Drawn O 0 Engraved by S. Hill , Bosto7i. | Reverend John Clarke , D. D. \ Died April 2d , 1798, aged 4.3, | Publijhed by Hall 6° Hiller in Comhill , Boston. | H. 3.5. W. 2.8. Oval, b.-l., in shaded rectangle. S. h. 3.2. S. w. 2.6. Stipple. 249. EZRA STILES. Full bust, to left. Wig, bands, black gown. Below : Drawn, 6° Engraved by S. Hill , Boston. \ Ezra Stiles S. T. D. L. L. D. \ President of Yale College. | H. 3.3. W. 2.10. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.7. Stipple. P'rom : The Life of Ezra' Stiles . . . Boston : 1798. 250. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Savage. Bust, to right, uniform, order on left lapel. Below : Engraved by S. Hill. | George Washmgton, | President of the United States of\ America. | H. 4.1. W. 3.1. * B. 129. H. 216. Oval, framed, on shaded S. 3.4. S. 2.9. rectangle, b.-l. Stipple. 251. NOTIFICATION BLANK. BOSTON DRAGOONS. On lower part of plate, a landscape, cavalry lined up in middle distance. At right, in foreground, a bugler blowing a trumpet. Near him a shattered tree, from which a ribbon blows along top of plate to left, inscribed : National Ho?ior or Death | Eight lines of lettering below. In lower right corner : S. Hill | H. 3.13. W. 5.14. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. Colored by hand. 252. MASONIC CERTIFICATE. ESSEX LODGE, SALEM, MASS. Three steps lead to a platform with em- blems. On first step, at left, an Indian and a Negro, at right, two men in antique costume. Two columns ; drapery above, below it the word : Omnibus | and the certificate. H. 10.6. W. 1 5.1 . Graver-work. 253. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP, SALEM MA- RINE SOCIETY. After Northey, Jr. Harbor view at 5 1 the top. Land at right, wharves at left, with shipping. In distance the open sea with ships and islands. Rectangle, b.-l. (H. 4.9. YV. 10.15.) Below this view, which extends over the whole width of the plate, are four small rectangular views, illus- trating work connected with ships. Two on either side of a frame enclosing the certificate. Below the frame : A. Northey Junr . Del . S. Hill sculpt. Boston. | H. 8.9. W. 10.15. Etching and graver-work. 254. VIEW OF BETHLEHEM, Penna. The town is seen from a hill in the foreground. At left a man, seated, painting. Above: Massa. Mag. 1793. | Below: En grav'd by S. Hill , Boston. | A View of Bethlehem , in Pennsylvania. \ H. 6. 13. W. 9.7. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 6.11. S. w. 9.5. Etching and graver-work. 255. VIEW OF CASTLE WILLIAM. The fortified island is seen from end to end. Buildings are partly visible above the earth works. Flag flying on building in middle ; at right of it a bare flagstaff. Above : No. V.~] Engraved for the Massats. Magazine, May, 1789. [ Vol. I. | Below: A North View of Castle William in the Harbour of Boston. | H. 3.15. W. 6.12. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. 256. FANEUIL HALL, BOSTON. After Pierpont. The building stands in an open square, crossed by fences at right. Figures in foreground. Above : No. ///] En- graved for Mafsachusetts Mag. March 1789. [ Vol. I. | Below : W Pierpont Del. S. Hill Sculp. \ View of Eaneuil-Hall , in Boston, Mafsachusetts. | H. 3.13. W. 6.6. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. This view shows Faneuil Hall before it was enlarged. The present building is one story higher and has a front of seven windows, instead of three. 257. STATE HOUSE, BOSTON. The Washington Street front and southern side are shown. A coach and pair before the entrance. Above : No. VIII. Maffa. Mag. Vol. III. | Below : Del. Engrav'd by S. Hill. | S. W. View of the St cite- House, in Boston. \ H. 5.14. W. 4. 5 2 Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. 258. COURT-HOUSE, SALEM. It occupies the middle of the plate, a row of houses on either side. Above : No. I/I.] Massachusetts Magazine . — [ Vol. II. | Below : W. Gray , del. En grav’d by S. Hill. | View of the Court House , in Salem , Mafsachufetts. | H. 4. W. 5.12. Rectangle, border. S. h. 3.14. S. w. 5.10. Graver-work and etching. BOOK-PLATES. 259. EMERSON. Shield with arms, hung from garlands at sides. Crest, motto : Fide?n servabo. | Under ribbon : Hill Sculp. | Below : William Emerson . | A. 256 describes unsigned plate. Graver-work. 260. PIERPONT. Arms, crest, motto : Manet ami- citia , florebit que semper | Ribbon and wreath style. Under ribbon : S. Hill. \ Below : Charles Pierpont. | A. 681. Graver-work. 261. WINTHROP. Arms, crest, crossed palm-branches be- low, ending in flowering twigs. Under them : S. Hill | Motto : Spes — vincit terrorem \ Below : William Win- throp. | A. 949. Graver-work. HINGSTON, . Worked at beginning of 19th Century. 262. BILL-HEAD. National eagle amidst rays. On ribbon above : The City Hotel | Below : Alexandria | Columbia | All within beaded, oval border. Below : Hingston. St G. Town. | H. 2.2. W. 3.7. Oval. Graver-work. HOOKER, William. Worked in Philadelphia, 1805; in New-York, 1817. 263. JOHN JAY. After Fairman. Bust, to right, profile. Wig, white stock, dark coat. Oval in frame, below on tablet : 53 John Jay. | The whole within shaded rectangle. Below, within border-line : G. Fairman delt. W. Hooker Sc. | H. 4.12. W. 3.10. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 2.5. S. w. 1. 11. Stipple. 264. COUNT RUMFORD. Full bust, to left, head in pro- file, uniform, order and ribbon. Below : W. Hooker Sculpt. | Count Rumford. | H. 3.13. W. 3.3. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.11. S. w. 3.1. Stipple. 265. ILLUSTRATION. Crusader, clad in mail, visited by an angel. He listens devoutly to the message. Camp with sleeping soldiers in background. Above : Vol. 1. Page 23. | Below : W. Hooker Sc. | Published by E. Little &> Co. 1810 | H. 5.5. W. 3.10. Graver-work and etching. HOUSTON, H. Worked in Philadelphia, 1805 ; his stay in the United States very brief. 266. JOHN ADAMS. Three-quarter length, seated in arm- chair, to left. Hands crossed over book held upright on thigh. Pillars and drapery behind. Below : Drawn Engratfd by H. Houston. | His Excellency John Adams President — | of the United States of America. \ Respectfully Dedicated to the Lovers of their Country \ and Firm Supporters of its Constitution | Published by D. Ken- nedy , 228 Market St. Philada. | (American eagle in middle of lower margin.) H. 1 1.9. W. 9.1. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 1 1.4. S. w. 8.1 1. Stipple. 267. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Ramage or Sav- age. Bust to right, uniform, order on left lapel, white stock and frill. Below: Houston Sc | George Washington Esqr. | Philada. Published for Thos. Condie Bookseller. | H. 5.3. W. 4.7 B. 130. H. 210. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.15. S. w. 4.3. Stipple. Baker calls this a copy after Savage, Hart believes it to be after Ramage. 54 268. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Ramage or Robertson. Bust, facing, head slightly to right, uniform, black stock, frill, coat buttoned. Below : J. J. Barralet del. H. Houston sculpt. \ General Washington, \ President of the United Stataes of | Ame rica. | In mid- dle, below, a vignette of Columbia with eagle, emblems, and arms of Washington. H. io.i. W. 8.2. Oval in shaded rectangle. S. h. 9.15. S. w. 7.12. B. 171. H. 212. Stipple. Photo-mechanical reproduction from the unique impression in the Phillips Collection. Baker believes this engraving to have been made after Robertson. Mr. Hart thinks it resembles the Ramage miniature more closely. HURD, Nathaniel. Born in Boston, Feb. 13, 1730. Died there Dec. 17, 1777. 269. MASONIC NOTIFICATION BLANK. Seven steps lead up to an arch surmounted by three busts. Three columns with statues on either side. On the arch, the inscription : I11- coctum generoso pectus honesto | Within the arch are fourteen lines of lettering. In foreground, and overlapping the steps, is a coat of arms with crest and supporters. Motto : Follow Reason | Below steps at left : Brother W. Hurd Boflon fecit: — | H. 10.5. W. 7.6. Graver- work. 270. PILLORY PRINT. At left Dr. Hudson in the pillory, a small devil hovering over him. In middle, within a circle, the portrait of Dr. Hudson, bust, profile to left. Wig, sword carried under arm, inscribed on blade : Dutch Tuck j Around the portrait : The true profile of the notorious Doctor. Seth Hudson. 1762 | Whipping-post at right, near it Howe, stripping, and a man with a whip. Spectators in space below. Conversation in- dicated by strips of writing issuing from lips of chief characters. H. 3.4. W. 8.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Diam. 1.13. Graver-work. Below : H-df-ii* s Speech from the Pillory. | (Four verses in two rows.) | Sold by N. Hurd , near the Exchange , and at the Hart 6* Crown in Cornhill, Bofton. In 1762 Doctor Hudson, an adventurer, and one Howe were tried for counterfeiting and ordered to the Pillory and Whipping-post, then in State Street. 55 BOOK-PLATES. 271. ATKINSON. Arms and crest, Chippendale style. Below : Theodore Atkinfon — | N. Hurd Sep. | All within rectangle. A. 38. Graver-work. 272. CAMPBELL. Quartered arms, crest, Chippendale style. Trophy of weapons and flags behind arms ; Gorgon shield be- low. In foreground two nude captives, one standing, one seated on cannon. Motto : Arma parata fero | Below : John Camp- bell Esgr. | (flourish) | N. Hurd sculp Bojlon — | Not in A. Graver-work. 273. CHANDLER. Arms and crest, Chippendale style. Be- low : Rufus Chandler — | N. Hurd fculp — | A. 149 describes an unsigned plate. Graver-work. 274. CHILD. Arms, crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chippen- dale style. Below : Thomas Child | N Hurd fcp. | A. 160 describes an unsigned plate. Rectangle. Graver-work. 275. DANA. Arms and crest, motto : Cavendo tutus. | Chip- pendale style. Below : Francis Dana — | N. H Sep. | A. 201. Graver-work. In a later state the first name is erased, leaving only Dana , at right. 276. DAN FORTH. Arms, three books above. Above, on left, a radiant sun. Motto : Ubi plura nitent non ego paucis offendar maculis | Chippendale style. Below : Danforth — | N. H. Sep. \ A. 203. Graver-work. 277. DERING. Arms and crest, Chippendale style. Below: Thomas Dering | N. Hurd Sculp 1 749 — I A. 219. Rectangle. Graver-work. This is considered by Mr. Allen the earliest book-plate, both signed and dated, by an American engraver. 278. FOSTER. Arms and crest, motto: Mille mail species ; mille sal iitis habeo | Jacobean style. A bird on either side. Below, framed in scrolls : Isaac Foster | Below, at right : N. Hurd Sep. | A. 282. 56 Graver-work. 279 - GREENE. Arms, helmet with crest, blank motto-ribbon. Jacobean style. Below: Benjamin Greene — | N. Hfcp. \ A. 326. Rectangle. Graver-work. 280. GREENLEAF. Arms and crest, Chippendale style. Below : William Greenleaf. \ N. Hurd Sep. — A. 331. Rectangle. Graver-work. 281. HALE. Arms and crest. Chippendale style. Below: Robert Hale Esqr | of Beverly | N. Hurd Sep | A. 339. All within rectangular border. Graver-work. 282. HARVARD SEAL. Arms m centre, surrounded by two inscriptions. The seal almost encircled by branches crossed below. Above, on ribbon : Detvr digniori | Below : N Hurd fculp—- | A. 351. The earliest of the Harvard plates. (Allen.) Graver-work. 283. HARVARD LIBRARY. Seal of Harvard College in ornamented border. Above it three books and a radiant sun. On a curtain below : Hancock. | Behind the curtain, a shield- shaped tablet, edges ornamented with scroll-work supporting a globe on either side. Below : N. Hurd Sc. Boston. \ A. 352. Graver-work. 284. JACKSON. Arms, crest, motto : Bona quee honesta. | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : Jona- than Jackson. | N. Hurd fcp. \ A. 419. Graver-work. 285. LIVINGSTON. Arms, helmet supporting, as crest, a ship on the sea. Motto: Prostat — -opes — sapiantia \ Jaco- bean style. Below : Peter R. Livingston | N. Hurd fcp. \ A. 497. All within rectangular frame. Graver-work. 286. LOWELL. Arms, surmounted by an urn, motto : Occa- sionem cognosce. | Chippendale style. Below: John Lowell — | N. . Hurd, Sep. | A. 520. Graver-work. 57 287. MARSTON. Arms, crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chip- pendale style. Below : Iohti Marfton — | N Hurd Sculp | A. 556. Graver-work. 288. MILLER. Arms, crest, motto : Semper par atus | Chip- pendale style. Below : Joseph Miller (flourish) | N. Hurd Boston . | Not in A. Graver-work. 289. PALMER. Quartered arms, crest, Jacobean style. Be- low : N. Hurd Sculp . | Motto below : Vix ea nostra voco — | Below : Thomas Falmer. | Not in A. Rectangle, border. Graver-work. 290. SPOONER. Arms and crest, motto : Follow reason j Jacobean style. Below, at right : Spooner . (flourish) | N Hu rd fcp. | A. 813. Graver-work. II. state, probably. The surname “ Joshua” mentioned by Mr. Allen has evidently been erased. 29 r. TRACEY. Arms, cap with crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chippendale style. Below : Nathaniel Tracey — | N. H scp. j A. 863. Name spelled Tracy. Graver-work. 292. VASSALL. Arms; crest: a ship. Chippendale style. Below : Henry Vafsall — | N: Hurd fcp: | A. 888 describes an unsigned plate. All within rectangle. Graver-work. 293. WILLIAMS. Arms and crest, Ribbon and wreath style. Motto: Cognosce occasionem. | Below: John C Wil- liams — - | N. H Scp. | A. 941. Graver-work. HUTTON, Isaac and George. Firm of engravers, prob- ably in Albany, N. Y. They engraved the seal of Union University, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1796. See Seals, in Appendix. JENCKES, Joseph. Born, 1602. Died, 1683. Said to have cut die for Pine-tree shilling of 1652, at Lynn, Mass. See Coins, in Appendix 58 JENNYS, Jr., Richard. Worked in Boston in 1774. Said to have gone to England at outbreak of Revolution. 294. REV. JONATHAN MAYHEW. Half length, to right, in clerical dress. Below : Richd. Jennys Junr. pinxt. 6° fecit | The Revd, '. Jonathan May hew D. D. | Pastor of the West Church in Boflon. \ Printed 6° Sold by Nat . Hurd Engrar. on ye. Exchange. \ H. ? W. ? Cut. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1. 10. S. w. 9.5. Mezzotint. JOHNSTON, Thomas. Born in Boston, 1708. Died there, 1767. 295. BURGISS MAP OF BOSTON. Below on left, on a base, an oval tablet with the words : To | His Excellency | William Burnet Esqr. \ This Plan of — | Boflon in New England \ is humbly Dedicated \ by His Excellency s | — most obedient and — | humble Servant \ Will Burgifs | Above the tablet, arms, crest and motto. On the sides are three allegorical figures, the one at left holding a caduceus. On the base : Bofton N. Engd. Planted A. D. MDCXXX | Explanatory- text below. In lower right corner: Engraven By Thos. Iohnson Boflon. | N. E. | H. 10.14. W. 14.10. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. The Burgiss Map of Boston is believed to have been engraved in 1728, by Thomas Johnston. (Mass. Hist. Society, Proceedings, IV. 37.) 296. VIEW OF QUEBEC. Ships, men-of-war and small craft on the St. Lawrence River, which flows between the town and foreground. Hills in distance, houses and trees on the near bank. On a hillock in the left foreground a tree and a stump. Below, within border-line : Quebec , The Capital of New- France, a Bifhoprick , and \ Seat of the Soverain Court. | Key to the view, twenty numbers in four rows. Below : En- graved 6° Printed By Thos Johnflon for Step. Whiting. \ H. 6.15. W. 9. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 5.8. S., w. 8.13. Graver-work. Colored by hand. 297. BLODGET PLAN. Battle of Lake George. Map above, under it two bird’s-eye views of the battle. The narrow view at the left is enclosed in a rectangle ; under it : S. Blodget , 59 del , Thos. Johnflon Sculpt. | Below, within a frame : To His | Excellency William Shirley Efqr. . . . This Plan of ye Battle | fought near Lake George is with all humility dedi- cated by your Excelle?icys moft- | devoted Humble. Servt. Samll. Blodget | The wider bird’s-eye view at right runs into the map above, without division line. Below : A Profpective Plan of the Battle fought near Lake George on the 8 th of September , n 55, • • • • I H. 13.9. W. 17.13. Mutilated impression. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. BOOK-PLATE. 298. SMITH. Arms, helmet with crest, motto : Deus nobis hcec otia fecit | Above ribbon : Thomas Johti- flon Sculp: | Below : William P. Smith A M. | A. 808. Rectangle. Graver-work. JONES,— — . The work either of Benjamin, or of William R. Jones. BOOK-PLATE. 299. BANCKER. Shield with the number 4 , helmet with mantling and crest. Motto: Dieu defend le droit. | Under it, framed in scroll-work : Charles N. Bancker | Chippendale style. Two children with attributes on either side. Below: Jones Sc. \ A. 52. (Similar to Bancker plate by H. Dawkins.) Graver-work. JONES, Benjamin. Worked in Philadelphia, 1798 till 1815. 300. PLATE OF QUADRUPEDS. After Edwards. Four vignettes, showing six animals in landscapes, numbered 1 to 6. Above : Qiiadrupeds. | Linn Syst. \ Class Mammalia , . . . Hyrax. Below: S. Edwards del B. Jones, fc. | Names of the animals, two lines. H. 8.10. W. 7.4. Vignettes. Etching, graver-work. 301. WAR MAP. RHODE-ISLAND. 1778. After Lewis. In upper right corner : A Map of part of Rhode Lsland ] Shew 60 ing the Positions of the American and British Annies at \ the Siege of Newport , and the subsequent Action on the \ 2gth of August 1778. | Above: Plate VII. Engraved for Wash- ington's Life. | Below : Drawn by S. Lewis Engrav'd by Benjn . Jones Philada. \ Philada. Published by C. P. Wayne. \ H. 16.12. W. 10. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. JONES, William R. Worked in Philadelphia, 1810 till 1824. 302. JAMES MADISON. After Stuart. Half-length, seated, slightly to right. White neckerchief, dark suit, right arm on arm of chair. Curtain and book-shelves in background. Below : Painted by Stuart Engraved by W. E. Jones | Published by Joseph Delaplaine S. W. Corner of Chestnut Seventh Sts. Philada. 1814. | Janies Madison Esqr. \ H. 5.4. W. 4.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Stipple. 303. JAMES MONTGOMERY. After Chantry. Bust, to right, short hair, white neckerchief, dark suit. Below, within border-line : F. Chantry Pinxt. W. P. Jones f fc. | Below : James Montgomery. | H. 3.8. W. 2.12. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.10. Stipple. In: “The Wanderer” . . . Philadelphia, 1811. 304. ISAIAH THOMAS. After Doyle. Bust slightly to left. Dark suit, white stock, frill. Below : Doyle Pinxt. W. P. Jones Sc. | M. W. Isaiah Thomas Esqr. | P. G. Master of Massachusetts ; and Author | of the History of Printing. \ H. 3.8. W. 2.12. Oval, border. S. 3.2. S. 2.5. Stipple. JUSTICE, Joseph. Worked in New-York, 1804, in Phila- delphia, 1810 till 1833. 305. ST. JOHN IN PATMOS. He is kneeling on one knee, left arm raised, right hand on breast, large rock and spring behind him. Below : J. J. Set. \ St. John in the Isle of Patmos. | H. 9.15. W. 6.7. 61 Rectangle. Stipple and etching. KEARNY, Francis. Born, Perth-Amboy, 1780. Died after 1833. Worked in New York, 1798 till 1801, in Phila- delphia until 1833. 306. CHIEF JUSTICE MARSHALL. After Wood. Half- length, to right, head facing, white stock, black gown. He is about to write. Below : J. Wood Pinxt F. Kearny Sculp. | Chief Justice Marshall. | Engraved for the Analectic Magazine , Pub lid. by M. Thomas. \ Entered According to Act of Congress. | H. 4.6. W. 3.7. Rectangle, b.-l. S. 4 - 3 - s - 3 - 5 - Stipple. KENNEDY, James. Worked in New-York, 1797 till 1812, then in Philadelphia. 307. Gen. Z. M. PIKE. Full bust, facing, head to right. Uniform, left lapel of coat turned down, sash around waist. Below : J. Kennedy s. \ The brave Brigadier General | Zebulon M. Pike , | Who gloriously fell in his Countrys | cause April 27th 18 jj. | H. 4.9. W. 3.14. Oval, framed, in shaded rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.9. S. w. 2.14. Stipple. 308. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to left, white stock and frill, dark suit. Below: Genl. George Washington. \ This print is respectfully Dedicated to the Citizens of the United States by | T. W. Freeman. \ En- graved from the Original Picture Painted by Gilbert Stewart Esqr., | Now in the Pofsefsmi of Paul Beck Esqr . | Freeman Excudit. J . Kennedy set. | Printed 6° Piiblished by T. W. Freeman. Philadelphia 1st Septr. 1813. J H. 16.7. W. 13.13. B. 269. H. 406 a. Rectangle. Mezzotint. Printed in colors. 309. ENCYCLOPEDIA PLATE. Nine illustrations. Above: Barometers. Plate XXX VI. | Below : Engraved for the New Encyclopaedia Published by I. Low N. York. | J. Ken- nedy Set ) Measurements to plate-edge : H. 8.11. W. 6.3. Etching and graver-work. 62 BOOK-PLATE. 310. PIERCE. Arms, crest, motto : In futura spector ( Ribbon and wreath style. Below : William L. Pierce. | J. Ken- ?iedy sc. N. Y | A. 680. is engraved by Maverick. Graver-work. KENSETT, Thomas. Worked in Connecticut in 1812. BOOK-PLATE. 31 1. CANNON. Allusive arms. Cannon just firing, soldier at left. Balls in foreground, above at right a radiant sun. Crest: A mortar just fired, ball seen in flight. Jacobean style. Below on ribbon : Philip. A Cannon \ Kensett. | Not in A. Printed in blue ink. Graver-work. KIDDER, J . Worked in Boston in early 19th Century. 312. BRICK MEETING HOUSE, BOSTON. After I. R. Smith. It occupies the middle of the plate. Houses at either side, street with vehicles and people in foreground. Below : Drawn by I. R. S?nith Engraved by J . Kidder | View of the Old Brick Meeting House in Boston 1808. | H. 4.3. W. 6.3. Rectangle. Aquatint. 313. BOSTON COMMON. Large Elm-tree in midst of meadowland. Houses at right in distance. Cow in left fore- ground. Below : A View on Boston Common. | H. 4.3. W. 7.8. Rectangle. Aquatint. 314. COURT HOUSE, BOSTON. Seen at the end of a short street, house at left, board fence at right. Below : Drawn and Eng. by J. Kidder. \ View of the Court House in Boston . Erected in 1811 and 1812. | H. 4.2. W. 7.6. Rectangle. Aquatint. KNEASS, William. Born, 1782. Died, 1840. Worked in Philadelphia, 1805 till 1840. 63 3i5- Dr. BLACK. Half-length, seated, to left, head almost facing. Wig, white neckerchief, two buttons of coat buttoned, Below, within border-line : Grav'd by W. Kneafs | Below : Dr. Joseph Black | H. 4.8. W. 3.9. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.3 S. w. 3.4. Stipple. LAWSON, Alexander. Born Lanark, Scotland, 1773. Arrived in Baltimore, 1794. Died, 1846. 316. WILLIAM PENN. Bust, to right, wig, white necktie, cloak slipping from shoulders. Oval, framed. Books and charter of Pennsylvania on shelf below portrait. On tablet below : William Penn | All on background of stone-work. Below: J. J. Barralet Direxit. Lawsonfculp. | Arms, crest and emblems below the tablet. Motto : Mercy Justice | Underneath : Drawn from the Original Bust in the Loganian Library Philadelphia 1 Novr. 1797 | H. 7.10. W. 4.7. Oval on stone tablet. S. h. 3.15. S. w. 3. Stipple. 317. WASHINGTON. After C. W. Peale. (?) Standing on steps of an altar, female figure at left holding in her hand a paper. Temple behind her. Landscape at right, national eagle and cornucopia in foreground. Below : Barralet Lnvt Di- rexit Lawson fculp. | General Washington’s | Desig- nation. | H. 6.1. W. 3.12. H. 776a. Rectangle. Graver-work. LEE, — . Worked in Charleston, S. C., about 1800. 318. INSTRUMENT OF PROTEST. Charleston, So. Caro- lina. Head-piece. Two shields with arms and mottoes. Winged figure with trumpet above. Supporters ; at left, a female figure with laurel wreath and liberty cap on staff; at right, a Con- tinental soldier. On foreground, in white letters : Lee | H. 2.8. W. 3.3. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. LEE, T . Engraved about the beginning of the 19th Century. See: M. Bull. No. 72. 64 LEMET, L follower of St. Memin. Engraved in Philadelphia, in 1804. A 319. BENJAMIN RUSH. Bust, profile to right. Queue, white stock, coat with dark collar. Below : Drawn and en- grd. by L Le Met Philada. | (fac-simile autograph) Benjamin Rush. | Diam. 2.4. Circle. Mixed manner. 320. JOHN . . . WILLIAMS. Bust, to right, profile. Short hair, white stock and frill, dark suit. Below : Drawn 6° engrd. by L. Lemet Albany . | (fac-simile autograph) John . . . Williams | Diam. 2.4. Circle. Mixed manner. LENEY, William S. Born in London, 1769. Died near Montreal, Canada, 1831. till 1820. Worked in New York, 1805 321. TIMOTHY DWIGHT. After Trumbull. Full bust, to right, head slightly to right. Short hair, white stock, dark suit. Below : Trumbull Pinxt. Leney Sc. | Timothy Dwight S. T. D. L. Z. D. | President of Yale College. | H. 3.13. W. 3.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.10. S. w. 2.15. Stipple. 322. ROBERT FULTON. After West. Three-quarter length, seated, to left, hands clasped on thigh, drapery behind him. • At left, in distance, an explosion at sea. Below : Painted by B. West P. R. A. E?igraved by W. S. Leney. A. C. S. A. i Robert Fulton Esqr. | H. 5.2. W. 4.2. S. h. 5. S. w. 3.15. Rectangle, b.-l. Stipple.. 323. JAMES MADISON. After Stuart. Halflength, seated, slightly to right. Right arm resting on chair, curtain and book-shelves behind. Below : Stuart pinxt. Printed by A. G. Reynolds Lejiey set. | James Madison \ H. 4.1. W. 3.3. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.13. S. w. 3. Stipple. 5 65 324- The Same. Same as preceding, reversed. Below : Leney fct. | James Madison. \ H. 3.12. W. 3.1. S. h. 3.8. S. w. 2.14. 325. PHILIP SCHUYLER, left. Wavy hair, white stock set. | Philip Schuyler Esqr. | Service | H. 3.7. W. 2. 11. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.9. 326. GEORGE WASHINGTON Rectangle, b.-l. Stipple. Bust, facing, head slightly to frill, dark suit. Below : Leney Majr. Genl. in the American Oval, b.-l. Stipple. After Stuart. Bust, to left, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : Leney Set, JV. Y. | Geo. Washington. \ H. 4.2. W. 3.7. B. 274. H. 410. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 4. S. w. 3.5. Stipple. 327. The Same. After Stuart. As above. Below: Stuart pinxt. Leney fct. | Washington. | H. 3. 11. W. 3.1. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.8. S. w. 2.14, Stipple. Similar to B. 275. H. 413, but without address of publisher and date. LEWIS, J . Engraved in latter part of 18th Century. BOOK-PLATES. 328. KEMBLE. Arms, crest, motto-ribbon blank. Chippen- dale style. Below : Peter Kemble Esqr. | J Lewis fc | A. 450. Early impression. Graver-work. 329. MIDDLETON. Arms, helmet with mantling and crest. Motto : Fortis Fidus | Underneath, in frame of scroll- work : Peter Middleton. M. D. | Below : J. Lewis sc. | A. 575. Graver-work. LOVE, G . Worked in Philadelphia, 1807. 330. FRONTISPIECE. Clergyman in pulpit, boy and girl kneeling in foreground. Above : Frontispiece. | H. 3.5. W. 2.5. Rectangle. Graver-work. In : Watts Divine Songs for the use of Children. Philadelphia : 1807. On titlepage ar three cherubs, very crudely engraved. Above them : G. Love,fc . | 66 LOWNES, Caleb. Engraved in Philadelphia, 1775. 331. PLAN OF BOSTON HARBOR. Rectangle. In upper right corner on an ornamented tablet : A New Plan \ of | Boston Harbour \ from an Actual | Survey . | Above : Engrad d for the Pennsylva. Magazine | Below : C Lownes Sculp | H. 10.6. W. 7.6. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. MALCOM, James Peller. Born, Philadelphia, Aug., 1767. Died April 5, 1815. Engraved in Philadelphia in 1786, but worked mainly in England. 332. VIEW OF BUSH HILL. Large house on left, lesser buildings toward right. Lawn in foreground. Below : fames P. Malcom Delt. et S . | Bush Hill. | The Seat of Wm. Hamilton Esqr. near Philadelphia. | H. 3.1. W. 4.12. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. 333. THE JAIL, PHILADELPHIA. A large building at left of plate. Wall and high gate at right, street with trees to distance at right. Below : Malcom delt . et fc | The Jail. Philada. | H. 3. W. 5.8. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. MARSHALL, -. Worked in Philadelphia, 1807. 334. .WAR MAP. Near lower right corner in a tablet: A Plan of the Country | from Frogs Point to Croton River | shewing the Positions of the American | and Britijb Armies from the 12th. of \ October 1776 untill the Engageme?it | on the White Plains on the 28th. | Rectangle. Above : Plate III. Engraved for Washington' s Life. | Below : Drawn by S. Lewis from the Original Surveys made by order of Gen Wajhington Marjhall Set. | Publijbed by C. P. Wayne | H. 16.7. W. 8.14. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. In: The life of George Washington. Philadelphia: 1807. 67 MASON, William. Born in Connecticut, apprenticed to Abner Reed in Hartford. Established himself in Phila- delphia, 1810. 335. ADAM CLARKE. Bust, to left, chapeau, long hair, stock, dark coat. Below : Mason sc, | Adam Clarke , L.L.D . [ H. 3.7. W. 2. 11. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 2.10. Graver-work on relief block. In : A short History of the ancient Israelites. Burlington : 1813. MAVERICK, . The Book-plates, signed without initials, which cannot therefore be attributed with certainty to Peter Rushton Maverick or to Peter Maverick, have been placed under this general heading. 336. BRASHER. Arms, crest, motto : Beala domus , custo- dita sic cnja Deo , Domino est. | Ribbon and wreath style. Underneath a landscape : land in foreground, houses and church at left, water with ship at right. Below : Maverick Set | Henry Brasher. \ A. 102 is somewhat different. Graver-work. 337. ERASMUS HALL LIBRARY. Minerva guides a youth to the temples of Virtue and Fame, seen on a rocky eminence at left. Below: Fortiter : Ascende | (flourish) | All within a double circular line. Under this line : Maverick Sculpt. New York \ Within a laurel wreath below : Erasmus Hall | Library No. | A. 257. Graver-work. 338. GILES. Arms and crest, trophy of arms and flags be- hind. Motto : Libertas — et patria mea. | Under ribbon: Maverick — Sculp. | Below: James Giles . — | A. 308. Graver-work. 339. LIVINGSTON. Quartered arms, crest: a ship in dis- tress. Motto above : Spero meliora. | Shield is hung on branch of shattered tree at water’s edge. Hound in fore- ground, squirrel on branch at left. Below : Maverick Sculpt. | Edward Livingston. \ A. 493. Graver-work and etching. Printed in brown and black ink. 68 340* LIVINGSTON. Arms and motto as above. Ribbon and wreath style. Below wreath : Maverick Sculpt. | Below : Maturin Livingston. | A. 495. Graver-work. 341. McLEAN. Arms, helmet with crest, motto above : Altera merces | Motto below : Virtus durissima terit | Twigs of oak behind shield. Below : Maverick Set. \ Hugh McLean. | A. 541. Graver-work. 342. NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. Minerva, at right, gives a book to a kneeling Indian who surrenders his tomahawk. Clouds behind them. In background, at left, a book-case with gable-top, bearing, on a ribbon, the words : Emollit mores. | Below : New York Society | Library. | 1789 | Oval ; festoons above, oak branches below. Under all : Maverick Set., Crown Street | A. 615. Graver-work and roulette. 343. PIERCE. Arms and crest, motto : In futura spector. | Ribbon and wreath style. Under ribbon : Maverick Sculpt. | Below: William L Pierce | A. 680. Graver-work. 344. PINTARD. Arms in medallion, crest, crossed branches below. Motto : Pais, bien crams, rien. | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : Maverick Set. \ John Pintard. | A. 686. Printed in brown ink. Graver-work. 345. PROVOOST. Arms, surmounted by mitre, motto: Pro libertate . | Ribbon and wreath style. Under motto- ribbon : Maverick Sculpt. | Below : Sami. Provoost. | A. 709. Graver-work. MAVERICK, Peter. Son of Peter R. Maverick. Born in New York, 1780. Died there in 1831. 346. THOMAS CLARKSON. Full bust, slightly to right. White stock, frill, dark coat, buttoned. Below : Pngd. by P. Maverick , 84. Na/sau Strt. N. York. On a shaded tablet below, in open letters : Thomas Clarkson , A. M. | H. 4.8. W. 3.9. S. h. 4.6. S. w. 3.6. 69 Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 347 * Hon. OLIVER ELSWORTH. After Trumbull. Bust, slightly to right, white stock with large bow, high coat- collar. Below : Painted by Ino. Trumbull Engraved by P. Maverick. [ The Hon. Oliver Elsworth Esqr . — | late Chief Justice of the United States. | H. 3.15. W. 3.3. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 3. Graver-work. 348. EARL OF OXFORD. Bust, slightly to right. Wig, stock with lace ends, mantle, collar and star of the Garter. Below : P. Maverick sc. — Newark N. J. | Earl of Oxford Published by W. Dui'ell 6° Co. 181J. | H. 3.3. W. 2.9. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.1. S. w. 2.7. Stipple. 349. NIAGARA FALLS. Wooded bank in foreground, rain- bow and spray above falls. Below : P. Maverick sc. Newark N. J. | General View of the Falls of Niagara. | H. 4.4. W. 7.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 4.1. S. w. 6.15. Etching and graver-work. 350. SCENE IN LAPLAND. Tent of skins in middle. In foreground a man in a sleigh, drawn by a reindeer. Mountains in distance. Below, within border-line : Engraved by Peter Maverick , Newark , 1810. | Below : Scene in Lapland. | H. 5.9. W. 7.1 1. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 5.6. S. w. 7.8. Graver-work and etching. BOOK-PLATES. 351. LAIGHT. Eortiter. Arms, crest, motto : Suaviter at Below : Henry Laight. [ P. Maverick sc. Newark: N. J. | Not in A. Graver-work. 352. MOORE. Arms and crest, ribbon and wreath style. Below : Nathl. F. Moore. \ P. Maverick sc. | A. 586. Graver-work. See also Maverick, above. MAVERICK, Peter Rushton. Born 1755. Died about 1811. (Baker calls him an American by birth, while 7 ° Allen speaks of him as an Englishman, who came over about 1774. 353. BENJ. FRANKLIN. After Cochin. Medallic bust, to left, fur-cap, spectacles. Oval, ribbon and flowers above. Below : Engrav'd by P. R. Maverick , 65 Liberty Street. \ Dr. Benjamin Franklin. | H. 3.14. W. 2.15. C. 1317. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 2.7. Stipple and etching. In: The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin . . . New York (no date). There is a later state in which the worn plate has been retouched. The background appears much darker than the figure. 354. RUTH AND BOAZ. Ruth at left, gleaning, Boaz and a servant at right. Mountain in distance. Rectangle, framed, emblems and draperies. On a curtain below : Ruth | Chap. II. Ver. 5 | In panel on a base below : Then said Boaz unto his servant , | — Whose damsel is this l — | Below : Maverick Sculpt. | Garland above all ; trophies at sides. H. 10.6. W. 7.2. Rectangle, framed. S. h. 5.1 1. S. w. 3.1 1. Mixed manner. 355. ENCYCLOPAEDIA PLATE. Ten figures of dogs. Vignettes. Above : Canis. Plate LII | Below : En- graved for the New Encyclopaedia Published by J. Low N. York. | P. R. M. Set. | Dimensions to plate-edge : H. 8.10. W. 6.5. (?) Etching and graver-work. BOOK-PLATES. 356. BROWN. Young man seated on sofa, back to window, reading in book on table near him. Book-shelves with curtain at left. Oval, framed, on ribbon above : The property of facob Brown | Below, on frame : No. | Below : Engd. by P. R. Maverick 65 Liberty Street. | (four lines of poetry) | A. no. Stipple. 357. CLINTON. Arms, crest, motto: Patria . car a • carior • libertas • | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : P. R. Maverick Sculpt. | De Witt Clinton. | A. 171. 7i Graver-work. 35 S. CUTTING. Arms, crest, crossed palm-branches below. Motto : Carpe diem. postero ne crede. | Below : William Cutting. — | P. R. Maverick Set. | A. 198. Graver-work. 359. HUNTER. Arms, crest, motto : Sola bona quee honesta. | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : William J. Hunter. | Engrd. by P R Maverick 65 Liberty St. N. Y. | A. 400. Graver-work. 360. DE PEYSTER. Arms and crest supported by two eagles with spread wings, seated on two crossed palm-branches. Below : Frederick De Peyster. | P. R. Maverick Set. | A. 216. Graver-work. See also Maverick, above. McINTIRE, S . BOOK-PLATE. 361. LEE. Tablet framed in scroll-work, with cornucopias. In small oval above : No. | On tablet : Cpt John Lee | Below, at right : S Me intire | A. 478. Graver-work. MEYERS, Henry. BOOK-PLATE. 362. MEYERS. Winged figure seated at table, quill in hand. Books and graver on table. Globe and palette at left. Below : H. Meyers \ With various Studies , thy mind improve | Henry Meyers | No. | Private Library | Cost Not in A. Printed in blue ink. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. MONTGOMERY, R . Worked in United States in latter part of 18th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 363. GILES. Arms, crest, motto : Libertas et patria mea | Below, framed in scroll-work : James Giles | 72 Chippendale style. Striped flag and cannon at left. Below : P Montgomery Sculp. | Not in A. Graver- work. MORSE, H- . BOOK-PLATE. 364. CARY. After Cary. Arms and crest, surrounded by an oval of tongue-shaped flashes of light. Underneath the shield : A. Cary del. - H. Morse Sc. | Below : Alpheus Cary Jr. \ A. 140. Graver-work. MORSE, Nathaniel. Worked in 1731. Died in Boston, 1748. 365. MATTHEW HENRY. Full bust, facing. Wig, bands, black gown. Oval in frame resting on sill, bearing at right the signature : N Mors Sculp | Arms in ornamented frame, under portrait. Below : Matthceus Henry V. D. M. | Obt: June 22. 1714 sEt: 52. | II. 5.3. W. 3.8. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.10. S. w. 2.14. Graver-work. In : The Communicant’s Companion : ... By Matthew Henry. Boston : 1731. MURRAY, George. Born in Scotland. Came to Phila- delphia in 1800, and died there in 1822. 366. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Wright. Bust, profile to right, uniform, coat buttoned. Above : Pocket Maga- zine. | Below : From an origl. Drawg. George Murray , sculpt. | Genei'al Washington. | Published by Harrison 6° Co Octr. 1, iygs- \ H. 2.1. W. 1.8. B. 91. H. 168. Oval. Graver-work and etching. 367. LIONS. After Edwards. Lion standing on high ground, below him a lioness with two cubs, another lion in 73 distance. Above : Quadrupeds . | Linn Syft. Genus Eel is, Lions. Tygers &>c. Plate L. | Below : S. Edwards del. G. Murray fct \ Eelis Leo — Lion. Lioness Young. | Printed by C. P.' Harrison | H. 8.13. W. 7. Rectangle, upper part vignetted. Etching and graver-work. NORMAN, John. Born, 1748. Worked in Philadelphia, 1775, in Boston, 1783-1789, in New-York, 1792. Died, Boston, June 8, 1817. 368. JOHN ADAMS. Bust, slightly to right, head facing. Wig, dark coat. Below : J. Norman Sc. | His Excy. John Adams Efqr. | H. 4.15. W. 3.13. Circle, framed, in shaded rectangle. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 3.1. Mixed manner. 369. SAMUEL ADAMS. Bust, to right, head slightly to left, coat with wide lapels. Oval, framed. On base a tablet with two emblematic figures. All in shaded rectangle. Below : The Honble. Samuel Adams , Efqr. \ First Delegate to Con- grefs for Maffachusetts | jf. Norman Sc. \ H. 5.12. W. 3.9. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.4. Graver-work and stipple. 370. Rev. SAMUEL COOPER. Bust, to right, head slightly to left. Wig, bands, black gown. Below : J Nor??ian Sc. | Revd. Samuel Cooper D. D. | Diameter, 3.3. Circle. Stipple and graver-work. 371. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Medallic bust, profile to left, dark background. Below: B. Franklin , L.L.D. F.R.S. j Ambaffador from the Congrefs of America | to the Court of France. | J. Norman Sc. \ H. 4.4. W. 3.8. C. 1693. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.1. S. w. 2.5. Graver-work. 372. Gen. GATES. Bust, to right, uniform, wig, open coat. Below : The Honle. Horatio Gates , Efqr. | Major General in the American Army | J. Norma?i Sc. | II.44. W.3.7. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 2.8. 74 Oval, framed. Stipple and graver-work. 373 - Gen. GREEN. Bust, facing, head to right, short hair, right hand slipped in breast of uniform. Oval, framed, fes- toon above. Below, within a framed rectangle, a female figure with children, soldiers in distance, at right. Below : His Excy. Nathaniel Green Efgr. — | Major General of the Ameri- can Army | J. Norman Sc. | H. 5. 13. W. 3.11. Oval in shaded rectangle. S. h. 3. S. w. 2.4. Stipple and graver-work. 374. JOHN HANCOCK. Full length, seated in corner of a room, facing, right arm on table, on which are several docu- ments. Below : His Excy. John Ha?icock , Efq ; — | Late President of the American Congress. | J. Norman. Sculp. | H. 6. W. 4. Rectangle. Graver-work. 375. Gen. KNOX. Bust, to right, uniform. Wig, white stock, open coat : Below : The Honle. Henry Knox, Efqr. | Major General of the Artillery in the American | Army, j J. Norman Sc. | H. 4.5. W. 3.6. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 2.8. Graver-work and stipple 376. Gen. LA FAYETTE. Bust, slightly to left, in uniform. White stock, frill, open coat. Below : The Honble. Marquis La Eayette , | Major General of the American Army. \ H. 4.7. W. 3.10. Oval, framed, ribbon and garland above. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.7. Graver-work and stipple. 377. Gen. LINCOLN. Bust, slightly to left. Uniform, white stock. Below: The Honle. B. Lincoln , Esqr | Major General in the American Army. \ J. Norman Sc | H. 4.3. W. 3.5. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.9. Stipple and graver-work. 378. Gen. MONTGOMERY. Full length, facing, chapeau and uniform, left hand at his side holding a truncheon, right hand on breast. Below : Major Genl. Richd. Montgomery | Slain i?i Storming Quebec Decbr. jist. 1775 \ J Norman Sc j H. 5.12. W. 3.10. Rectangle. Graver-work. 379. ELIZABETH ROWE. Bust, facing. Low dress, curl over left shoulder. Oval in frame, inscribed above : Mrs, 75 Elizh. Rowe | Around it emblematic decorations. Below : J. Norman Sc | H. 5.9. W. 3.2. Oval in rectangle. S.h. 3.8. S.w. 2.12. Mixed manner. In : Friendship in Death ... By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, Boston : 1782. 380. CALEB STRONG. Bust, slightly to right. White stock and frill, dark suit. Below : J. Norman Sc. | His Excy. Caleb Strong , Esqr. L.L. D. | Governor and Com- mander in Chief, of the State of Massachusetts. | H. 11. 1. W. 9. Rectangle. Stipple. 381. Gen. WARREN. Bust, facing, wig, dark coat without collar. Below : J. Norma7i Sc | Major General Warren | Diam. 3.2. Circle. Graver-work and stipple. 382. Gen. WARREN. Full length, facing, in uniform, trun- cheon in right hand extended in front, left hand on sword-hilt at side. Battle in distance. Below : Major Genl. Joseph Warren \ slam at the Battle of Bunker 1 s Hill June ijth. 1775 | J Norman Sc. \ H. 5.14. W. 3.1 1. Rectangle., Graver-work. 383. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After C. W. Peale. Bust, facing, uniform. Oval, framed, on base below : Temper- ance , | Prudence, | Fortitude , | Justice. | Arms and flags at sides. All within shaded rectangle. Below : B. Blyth del. J. Norman Sculp. | — His Excellcy. George Wash- ington , Efqr . | General and Co7nmander in Chief of the Allied Armies, | Supporting the Independe7ice of America. | Taken f 7 ' 07 n an Original Picture in pofsefsion of his Excy. Govr. Ha7i- cock | Publifhed by Joh7i Coles, Boston , March 26th. 1782 | H. 1 1.9. W. 9.5. B. 26. H. 43. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S.h. 7.6. S.w. 6.1. Graver-work and etching. 384. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After C. W. Peale. Bust, to left, head slightly to right, thirteen stars above. Circle, over it a ribbon, held by a winged figure seated on clouds 7 6 above. At left a nude figure with lyre. Below at right Justice with sword and scales, Fame at left. Below : J. Norman Sc. | II. 5.1 1. W. 3.7. H. 57. Rectangle. Diam. 0.15. Graver-work, etching, and stipple. 385. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Full length, standing near table, sword in left Hand at side, right arm extended. Arm-chair behind him, curtain and columns in background. Below : Engraved by f Normaji \ George Washington \ President of the United States | H. 19.4. W. 13. 1. H. 288. Rectangle. Graver-work. 386. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, slightly to left, in uniform and chapeau, right arm extended, truncheon in right hand, left resting on cannon. Tents in background. Below : His Excy. George Washington Esqr. | Captain General of all the American Forces | J. Norman Sc. | H. 6. W. 3.13. B. 419. H. 761. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. 387. Mrs. WASHINGTON. After C. W. Peale. Bust, slightly to right. Oval, framed, resting on a base, within orna- mented rectangle. Below : B. Blyth del. J. Norma?i Sculp. | Mrs. Washington | Published by John Coles , Boston , March 26th. 1780 | H. 1 1.3. W. 9.1. Oval, framed, in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 7.4. S. w. 5.15. Graver-work, etching, stipple. Companion piece to No. 383. 388. Gen. WAYNE. Bust, slightly to left, uniform, white stock, dark hair. Below : The Honle. Anthony Wayne, Efqr. | Major General in the American Army | J Nor sc. | H. 4.6. W. 3.8. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.8. Graver-work and etching. 389. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. After Trumbull. American forces at left, British advancing from right. Harbor in distance at right. In foreground General Warren, sup- ported by kneeling soldier, threatened by an English bayonet. Below : Painted by John Trumbull Efqr. Engraved by 77 J. Nori?ian | The Battle at Bunker's Hill, or the Death of General Warren | H. 19.9. W. 29.1. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. 390. PLAN OF BOSTON. Along left side, outside rec- tangle : Plan of the Town of Boston, with the \ Attack on Bunkers-Hill, in the Peninfula of Charlestown, | the 17th . of th. June , 1775 | Within the rectangle, in lower right corner : y. Norman Sc. | H. 1 1.6. W. 5.5. Rectangle. Graver-work. OKEY, Samuel. Worked in London 1765-67. Worked in Newport, R. I., in 1773 to 1775. 391. SAMUEL ADAMS. After J. Mitchell. Three- quarter length, to left, standing behind a table, head to right, in right hand a roll marked : Instructions \ from ye Town | of Boston. | Columns in background. Below : J: Mitchell pinxt. — — Sami. Okey Fecit. \ Mr. Samuel Adams. | Eight lines of verse in two rows | Prmted by and for Chas. Reak 6° Sami. Okey, Newport Rhode Ifland. April , 1775. | H. 12.5 (?) W. 9. 6 (?) cut close. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 392. Rev. THOMAS HISCOX. After Feke. Full bust, slightly to left, hair to shoulders, bands, black coat. Below : S. Okey Fecit — | The Revd. Mr. Thos. Hifcox \ late Pastor of the Baptist Church in Westerly, taken from an Origmal | Picture Painted by Mr. Feke. — | Published by Reak Sr Okey Printsellers Sr* Stationers on the Parade Newport Rhode Isla?id. | October 25th. 1773 • - — | H. 6.13. W. 5.13. Rectangle, oval frame partly seen below. Mezzotint. 393. Rev. JAMES HONYMAN. After Gains. Three- quarter length, seated, slightly to right, wig, bands, black gown. Right hand on book standing on a table, near two other volumes. Below : Gains , pinxt. Y = Okey , fecit. — | The Reverend James Honyman, A. M. | late Rector of Trinity 78 Church , Newport. | Printed by Peak 6° Okey, Newport Rhode Island \ Novr. 2 1774. | H. 12.4. W. 9.14. Rectangle. Mezzotint. OSBORN, M. - — — . Worked in Baltimore in 1812. (There is a Milo Osborne who worked in 1836.) 394. Com. DECATUR. After White. Full bust, profile to left, uniform, black stock. Below: L. White M. Osborn | On shaded tablet below : Comodore Decatur. | All within shaded rectangle. H. 5.8. W. 4.1. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 4.10. S. w. 3.12. Stipple. OTIS, Bass. Born, 1784. Died, 1861. Portrait painter, engraver, lithographer ; New York, Philadelphia. 395. PLAYING AT DRAUGHTS. After Burnet. Two men seated at a table, playing. One at right, about to move, laughs ; while his opponent looks discomfited. Between them, in background, a woman with child on arm, standing in door of a house near the players. Dog in right foreground. Below : I. Burnet Pinxt. B. Otis Aquat. | On shaded tablet below : Playing at Draughts | H. 12.2. W. 9.13. Rectangle. Aquatint. PAPER-MONEY. See Appendix. PEALE, Charles Willson. Born at Chestertown, Md. April 16, 1741. Painter. Acquired the art of mezzotint engraving in London. Died in Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1827. 396. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust, to right, with spec- tacles. Below on inner border : C. W. Peale pinxt. et. Fecit. 1787. Around inner border : His Excellency B. Franklin L. L. D. F. R. S. President of Penns ylva?iia, Late Minister of the United States of America at the Court of France. \ S. h. 5.1. S. w. 4. C. 1241. Oval, borders. Mezzotint, 79 397 * Gen. LA FAYETTE. Bust, slightly to left, uni- form, black stock, dark belt across breast. Below, on inner border : C. W. Peale Pinxt. et Fecit. | Around inner border : The Marquis de la Fayette Major General in the Armies of the United States of America. ★ | S. h. 5.3. S. w. 4.1. C. 1807. Oval, borders. Mezzotint. 398. Rev. JOSEPH PILMORE. Bust, facing, right hand on breast. Bands, black gown. Below on inner border : painted 6° Engraved by C. W. Peale 1787. | Between borders : The Reverend Joseph Pilmore, Rector of the United Churches of Trinity, St. Thomas and All-Saints. | S. h. 6.1. S. w. 5. Oval, borders. Mezzotint. The impression shown has been printed with a paper ring laid over the border. 399. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, slightly to right, uniform, white stock, open coat. Below on inner border : Painted Engrav’d by C. IV. Peale 1787. | Between borders : 11 is Excell: G: Washingto7i Esq: Late Commander in Chief of the Annies of the United- States of America ★ | S. h. 5.1. S. w. 4.1. B. 1. H. 3. Oval, borders. Mezzotint. 400. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, fac- ing, slightly to right, uniform, left hand with chapeau on hip, right hand resting on cannon. Behind him at left, a soldier holding a horse. Above, a flag with circle of thirteen stars. Below : Chas. Willfon Peale Pmxt. et fecit 1780. — | His Excellency George Wafhington Esquire , Commander in | Chief of the Eoederal Army — | This Plate is humbly Inscribed to the Honorable the Co?igrefs of the United States of A?nerica. | By their Obedient Servant, | Chas. Willfon Peale | H. n. 14. W. 9.13. H. 2a. Rectangle. Mezzotint. There are impressions of this plate, without the date after the word “fecit/’ (Hart.) 401. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, standing, facing, slightly to left, in uniform. Cane in right hand, left hand thrust into waistcoat. Drum hanging from 80 branch of tree at left. Below: His Excellency | George Washington Esqr. | H. ii. 12. W. 9.8. H. 1. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 402. LADY WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, stand- ing, facing. Head supported on right arm which rests on window-sill ; left hand holding drapery. Landscape seen through window. Below: — Lady Washington . — | H. 11. 12. W. 9.9. Rectangle. Mezzotint. Companion piece to preceding print. PEASLEY, A. M. . Worked in Newburyport, Mass., 1804. 403. SAURIN. Bust, to left, head facing. Curled wig, cleri- cal dress. Oval, in wide shaded frame, inscribed in upper part : Saurin | Below : Peasley sculp. | H. 4.9. W. 3.9. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 2.13. Roulette and graver-work. PELHAM, Peter. Born in England about 1684. Came to Boston in 1726. Died there, December, 1751. The numbers given refer to : J. C. Smith : British Mezzotint Portraits. London : 1884. 404. Rev. CHARLES BROCKWELL. Half-length, to right, dark wig, bands, black gown. Below: The Reverend Charles Brockwell. A: M. | Late of Catharine Hall in Cam- bridge , h'is Majesties Chaplain in Boston N: E. | P. Pelham pinx: et fecit 1750 Sold by P: Pelham in Boston — . | H. 11. 12. W. 9.13. Closely trimmed. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1.7. S. w. 9.6. Smith 2. Mezzotint. 405. Rev. MATHER BYLES. Full bust, facing, wig, bands, black gown. Below : Mather Byles A. M. et V: D. M. | Ecclefice apud Bostonum Nov-Anglorum Paftor. | P. Pelham ad vivum pinx. fecit. | H. 5.7. W. 4.7. Oval in frame partly visible within rectangle. S. h. 5.3. S. w. 4.4. Smith 3. Mezzotint. 6 81 40 6 . Rev. HENRY CANER. After Smibert. Half- length, slightly to right, wig, bands, black gown. Below : The Revere?ui Henry Caner . A: M. | — Minister of Kings Chapel Boston. — | J: Smibert pinx: P: Pelham fecit, 1730 Sold by P: Pelham in Boston. | H. ii. 12. W.9.13. Closely trimmed. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1.7. S. w. 9.6. Smith 4. Mezzotint. 407. Mrs. CENTLIVRE. After Fermin. Half-length, facing, head turned to left. Low dress, curl over right shoulder. Below : Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre \ D. Fermin Pinx. P. Pelham fecit 1720. Printed 6° Sold by John Bowles over against Stocks Market at Mercers Hall Cheapside | H. 11. 14. W. 9.1 1. Sm. 6. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 1 1. 12. S. w. 9.9. Mezzotint. 408. Rev. BENJ. COLMAN. After Smibert. Half- length, to left, wig, bands, black coat, cloak draped over left shoulder. Below : The Reverend Benja?nin Colman D. D. | /. Smibert Pinx. P. Pelham Fecit. \ 1735. | H. 8.9. W. 7.6. Sm. 7. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. 8.7. S. 7.3. Mezzotint. 409. EDWARD COOPER. After Van der Vaart. Half- length, slightly to right, head slightly to left. Curled wig, coat without collar. In right hand a print partly rolled. Below : Fdwardus Cooper. ■ — j I. Vander Vaart pinx : P. Pelham fee: 1724.. | H. 12.2. W. 10. Sm. 9. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 410. Mrs. PRISCILLA COOPER. After Dahl. Full half-length facing, head slightly to left. Small hat with flowers. Low, close-fitting dress, drapery thrown over shoul- ders and held with left hand. Below : Mrs. Prifcilla Cooper. J M. Dahll pinx. P. Pelham fecit | H. 12. W. 9.13. Sm. 10. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 41 1. Rev. WILLIAM COOPER. After Smibert. Half- length, slightly to left, wig, bands, black coat, cloak over right shoulder. Below : I. Smibert Pinx. P. Pelha?n fecit | The Revd. Mr. William Cooper \ of Boston in New England 82 Ait 30. 1743 • | Printed for 6 ° fold by Stepn. Whiting at ye Rofe 6 ° Crown in Union Street B of ton | H. 12. W. 9.13. Sm. 11. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 11. 12. S.w. 9.9. Mezzotint. 412. WILLIAM CROUCH. After Tucker. Half-length, slightly to right, long hair, neckcloth, great-coat. Below : six lines of poetry. | N. Tucker pinx. 1723. P. Pelham fecit. | H. 10.10. W. 8.6. Sm. 14. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 413. Rev. TIMOTHY CUTLER. Half-length, slightly to right, wig, bands, black gown. Below : The Reverend Timothy Cutler. D. D. | — of Christ Church Boston N-E. \ F: Pelham pinx: et fecit. 1730. Sold by P: Pelham in Boston — | H. 1 1. 12. W. 9.13. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 11. 8. S. w. 9.9. Cut close. Not in Smith. Mezzotint. 414. JAMES, EARL OF DERBY. After Winstanley. Half-length, slightly to right, head facing. Long wig, ermine cloak. Below : The Right Honble. James Earl of Derby \ Lord Stanley Src And one of his Majties | most Honourable Privy Council. \ H. Winstanley Pinx. Ab Original i P. Pelham Fecit \ Arms in middle of lower margin. H. 12.4. W. 9.13. Cut. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. Sm. 15. ' Mezzotint. 415. DESAGULIERS. After Hysing. Half-length to right, head slightly to left, wig, bands, black gown. Right elbow on table, magnifying glass in right hand, prism on table at right. Below : /. T. Desaguliers Legwn Doctor , Regies Societatis Londinensis \ Socius , Honoratifsimo Duci de Chandos a Sacris. Philosophies Naturalis \ Experimentorum ope llluftrator. | H. Hysing pinx. P Pelham fee ; 1723 Sold by Iohn Bowles in Mercers Hall Cheapfde. | H. 12.4. W. 9.14. Sm. 16. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 416. DUBOURDIEU. After Fermin. Half-length, slightly to left, wig, bands, black gown. Below : Jean Armand Du- bourdieu, Ministre de La Savoy e, &>ca. | D. Fermin pinx: 83 sold by S. Gautier in the Piazza Covent Garden. P. Pelham fecit , 1723 | H. 12.4. W. 9.14. Sm. 1 7. Oval in a rectangle. S. h. 12.2. Mezzotint. 417. GEORGE I. After Kneller. Bust, facing, head slightly to right, in robes of state and crown. Below : Georgius D. G. Mag: Brit: Fran: et Hib: Rex F D. \ Brim: et Lunen: Dux S. R. I. Arch: Thefau: et Princeps Elector &>c. Inauguratus 20 die Octobris 1314 | G. Kneller Baronet pinx 1J1Q. P. Pelham fecit 1320. cum privilegio Regis | Sold by F. Cooper at the 3 pigeons in Bedford Street. | H. 12.2. W. 10. Sm. 19. Oval in rectangle. Mezzotint. 418. THOMAS HOLLIS. After Highmore. Three-quar- ter length, to right, seated in an arm-chair, wig, flowered gown, right hand on arm of chair, left hand, with document, on table. Below : Thomas Hollis late of London Mercht. a most generous Benefactor | to Harvard College , in N. F. having founded two Profefsor ships and ten | Scholarships in the said College , given a fine Apparatus for Experimental | Philosophy 6 ° increased the Library with a large Number of valuable Books &*c. | fos. Highmore pinx. 1322. — — Ob: 1731 . AEt. 71. — — P: Pelham ab origin : fecit et excudt. 1731. | H. 11. 15. W. 9.12. Sm. 23. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 419. Rev. WILLIAM HOOPER. Half-length, to right, head slightly to left, wig, bands, black gown. Below : Die Rever- end William LLooper A = M | — Minister of Trinity Church B of ton N — E — | P — Pelham pinx. et. fecit 1730 Sold by P — Pelham in Boston — | H. 11. 12. W. 9.13. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1. 8. S. w. 9.9. NotinSmith. Mezzotint. 420. JAMES DAILLON, Count du Lude. After Fry. Half-length, slightly to right, long hair, black cap, bands, black gown. Below, at either -side of arms : The Right Honble. fames Daillon Count du Lude | A Confefsor who was try' a for high Trea son for Preaching an Orthodox Sermon in ye | City of London on ye 36th. Verse of the 1 8th. Chap, of St. Lohns Goj'pel on ye 20th day 84 go. 1724. | y Fry of August . 1693. | AEtat: Suez Pinx: P. Pelham fecit | H. 12. W. 9.13. Sm. 25. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1. 10. S. w. 9.7. Mezzotint. 421. Rev. COTTON MATHER. Half-length, facing, curled wig, bands, black gown over coat. Below : Cottonus Matherus | S. Theologice Doctor Regice Societatis Londinenfis Socius, | et Ecclefice apud Bostonum Nov — Anglorum nuper Pi'cepofetus . | AEtatis Suez LXV f MDCCXXVII. | P. Pelham ad vivum pinxit ah Origin Fecit et excud. \ H. 1 1. 15. W. 9.12. Sm. 26. Oval in rectangle. Mezzotint. 42 1 a. The Same. Another (later) impression. Same measurements. This plate is probably the first engraved in mezzotint in this country. The prints shown are impressions from the original engraving. The plate was retouched later on, and impressions from this second state are not unfrequently met with. 422. Rev. JOHN MOORHEAD. Half-length, slightly to right, wig, bands, open coat. Below : The Reverend John Moorhead Minifler of a Church of | Prefbyterian Strangers at Bojlon in New- England. — Tranfit hora , Sine — - | mora, | Sic tranfit Gloria Mundi. — Prceter Deum , Optabile Nihil Eft. — | P = Pelham pinx: et fecit 1331 . Sold by J. Buck at ye Spectacles. H. 1 1.5. W. 9.8. Sm. 28. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1.3. S. w. 9.5. Mezzotint. 423. Sir WM. PEPPERELL. After Smibert. Three- quarter leftgth, facing, slightly to right, truncheon in right hand, hat under left arm, left hand pointing to a battery, firing, in right middle distance. Lighthouse in distance. Below : Sir William Pepperrell Bart. Colonel of one of his Majesty’s Regiments — | of Foot , who was Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the American — | Forces Employ'd in the Expedition againjl the Island of Cape Breton 7 vJiich was \ happily Reduced to the Obedience of his Britanick Majesty June the 13, 1343 — - | J: Smibert Pinx: \ ... \ P: Pelham fecit et ex: 1343 . j H. 11. 13. W. 9.13. NotinSmith. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 85 424. Rev. THOMAS PRINCE. After Greenwood. Half- length, slightly to right, wig, bands, cloak over left shoulder. Below : Jno: Greenwood Pinx . P. Pelham fecit. | Thomas Prince A. M. | Quintus Ecclefice Auflralis Boflonii Novanglorum Pastor , e Collegii Harvardini | Cantabrigice Curatoribus, Samuelis Armigeri Pilius et Thomce AM. denati Pater | Printed for &* Sold by J. Buck at ye Spectacles in Queen-flreet Bojlon. 1750 | H. 12.2. W. 9.13. Closely trimmed. Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 1 1. 13. S. w. 9.9. Sm. 32. Mezzotint. 425. RUBENS. Full bust, to left, broad-brimmed hat, lace collar, cloak. Below : Peterus Paulus Rubens &*c. | Printed for John Bowles Sr Son at the Black Horse in Cornhill P. Pelham fee: et Excud: 1724. | H. 11. 15. (?) W. 9.11. (?) Cut close. Sm. 33. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 426. Rev. JOSEPH SEWALL. After Smibert. Half- length, slightly to left, long, dark hair, bands, coat, and black gown. Below : The Reverend Jofeph Sew all D. D. | I. Smi- bert, Pihx. P. Pelham Fc. | H. 8.9. (?) W. 7.7. (?) Oval in rectangle, panelled corners. S. h. 8.7. S. w. 7.3. Sm. 34. Mezzotint. 427. GOVERNOR SHIRLEY. (After J. Smibert.) Three- quarter length to right, head almost facing. Curled wig, white stock, long coat and vest, hat under left arm. Pointing to right with extended right arm, left hand on sword-hilt. Behind him, a table with charts ; in distance at right, Boston harbor, with many ships. Below : His Excellency William Shirley Esqr. Captain General Governour in Chief &>c, of the Prov- ince of the | Mafsachusetts Bay in New England , . . . (Six lines of lettering) . . . P Pelham 1747 • I H. 11. 13. W. 9.13. Sm. 35. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 428. JOH. FRIEDR. STRAUSS. Full bust, to right, curled wig, bands, black gown. Below: Joh: Fried: Straufs , P. T. Londin: Eccl: Luth: Paft: El: Archidiac: | Daheb , et Societ: Angl: de progag: cognit: xft: membrum , | Nat: Scharn- 86 beck prope Luneb: 1686 d 27. Aug : ordin: Londini Feft: Epiph: 1716. | Heins pinx: 1722. P. Pelham fee: 1724 | H. 12.3. W. 9.13. Sin. 36. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 12. 1. S. w. 9.1 1. Mezzotint. PERKINS, Jacob. Born at Newburyport, Mass. Jan. 9, 1776. Inventor of the Stereotype Steel Plates, in use since 1803. The first to make use of steel for engraving purposes. See : The Permanent Stereotype Steel Plate, with observations on its importance and an explanation of its construction and uses. [By Jacob Perkins.] 1806. 429. PROMISSORY NOTE of the Hillsborough Bank, Amherst, N. H., for Five Dollars. (Patent Stereotype Steel Plate.) Dated Nov. 18, 1806. 430. PROMISSORY NOTE of the Essex Bank, Salem, Mass., for Three Dollars. Dated July 1, 1809. 431. SPECIMEN SHEET. Bank-Note Work. Fifteen examples on the sheet. Dimensions of sheet : 8.6+5. POUPARD, James. Worked in Philadelphia, 1775 till 1807, in New York till 1814. 432. Dr. GOLDSMITH. Medallic bust, profile to right, dark, short hair. Above : Engraved for the Pennsylvania Magazine. To Face Page 42. | Below : Doctor Gold- smith. | Js. Poupard fculpt. | Diameter 3. Circle. . Mixed manner. 433. Rev. JOHN WESLEY. Half-length, standing, to left, profile. Wig to shoulders, clerical dress. Left hand on pulpit, right hand raised in gesture. Below : James Poupard fculpt. j Rererend John Wesley M. A , | Late Fellow of Lincoln College Oxford. | Alt at is 87. \ H. 5.5. W. 4.10. Oval, in shaded rectangle. S. h. 4. S. w. 3.7. Graver-work. 434. FOLDING PICTURE. (1) Eve and the Tree of Knowledge ; (2) Eve and the Serpent ; (3) Mermaid. Below, 87 on border-line, in white letters : J. Ponpard. | The outer pic- ture folds up and down from middle, disclosing the inner picture. Poetry on inside of flaps. H. 4.10. W. 3.3. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work on relief block. On back : Metamorphosis ; or a Transformation of Pictures, . . . Philadelphia: . . . 1814. (A later edition of same : New York: 1819.) 435. FOLDING PICTURE. (1) The rich man; (2) the sick-bed with Death at bedside and coffin. Below, on border- line, in white letters : J. Poupard , ft. | Folding as above. Poetry on inside of flaps and on back. H. 4.9. W. 3.2. Rectangle, b.-l. Two impressions of each folding picture are shown, one folded, one open. PURSELL, Henry. Worked in New-York in 1775. 436. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. Elevation of facade. Above : Washington College in the State of Maryland | Below : Purfell fculpt. | H. 7.2. W. 11. 12. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. RADCLIFFE, C. . Worked in Philadelphia in 1805. 437. VAN-TA-GIN. Full bust, facing. Eastern costume, long string of beads around the neck, loose-fitting flowered dress. On breast a light-colored square with figure of a leopard. Below : C. Radcliffe. Sc | Van-ta-gin. | H. 4.14. W. 3. 11. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.10. S. w. 3.8. Stipple. RALPH, W. — . Worked in Philadelphia, 1794 till 1808. 438. LABORATORY SCENE. In middle of foreground a man holding by a string a balloon, which has risen to upper l°ft corner of print. Above : Frontispiece | Below : W Ralph, fc. | A Professor explaining the Polite Arts to his Pupils. \ H. 3.14. W. 2.7. Rectangle. Graver-work. 88 439 - VIEW OF AN OBSERVATORY. The building stands on a hill. Trees and brook in foreground. Moon and stars in sky. Below : W. R fc. | Observatory. | H. 4.8. W. 2.10. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 4.6. S. w. 2.7. Graver-work. In: The Newtonian System of Philosophy . . . Philadelphia: . . . 1808. RAWDON, Ralph. Worked in Albany, and in Connecticut in 1813. 440. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to right, in uniform. Below : Published 6° Sold by Shelton Kensett Cheshire Con. Jan. 1 6th. 1814. | Gen. George Washington. | H. 1 1.3. W. 8.15. B. 307. H. 795a. Rectangle. Stipple. 441. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. In an oval, above, a landscape. Woman and child in middle of foreground, figure at right, with spinning-wheel, in an arbor. On the sides of the oval are designs relating to agriculture and commerce. Above, amidst rays : Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures | Below : Published and sold by Ralph Rawdon Engraver , Albany , Price $10 — pr. 100 — on paper | Certificate below. H. 4.3. W. 10.6. Oval in vignette. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 4.12. Etching and graver-work. REED, Abner. Worked in Hartford, Conn., in 1810. 442. Rev. SAMUEL BUELL. Full bust, slightly to left, wig, bands, black gown. Below : Drawn 6° Engraved by A. Reed , from an Original Portrait . — | Rev. Samuell Buell , D. D. | H. 3. 11. W. 2.15. Oval, border. S. h. 3.3. S. w. 2.7. Roulette and stipple. 443. Rev. PHILIP DODDRIDGE. Bust slightly to left, curled wig, bands, coat and black gown. Above : Engraved for Lincoln Gleason's Edition of the Family Expositor. J Below : A Reed sculpt. | Philip Doddridge , D. D. | born June 26. 1702. | H. 4.7. W. 3.10. S. h. 4.4. S. w. 3.7. 89 Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 444* Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS. After Molthrop. Bust, slightly to right, dark hair to shoulders, clerical dress. Four large buttons seen on open coat. Below, between border- lines : Drawn & Engraved by A. Reed, from an Original Por- trait, by Moultrop. | Below : Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D . D. | President of Union College . | H. 3.13. W. 3.2. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.7. S. w. 2.12. Aquatint and stipple. 445 . Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS. Full bust, facing, curled wig, bands, black coat, cloak slipping from left shoulder. Below : Drawti and Engraved by Abner Reed, from an origi- nal Portrait, in the possession of J. IV. Edwards. Esq. Hartf. | Rev. Jonathan Edwards , | President of Nassau- Hall College. | New Jersey. | H. 4.7. W. 3.8. Oval, b.-l. S. 4.3. S. 3.5. Stipple. 446. Rev. JOHN FLAVEL. Full bust, slightly to right. Cap, long hair, clerical costume. Below : Drawn 6° En- graved by A. Reed. | Rev. John Flavel. | H. 3.6. W. 2.10. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.4. S. w. 2.8. Stipple. 447. Rev. GARDNER THURSTON. After King. Half- length, to right, nearly facing, wig, book in right hand, half open. Below : Drawn 6° Engraved by Abner Reed, 1808 — from an Original Portrait, by Mr. King. | Rev. Gardner Thurston. \ Died Aug. 2j, 1802 . . . Aged 81 Yrs. | H. 4.6. W. 3. 8. Oval. S. h. 4.3. S. w. 3.5. Stipple, b.-l. 448. COINS. In middle, the two faces of an American coin of 1 795. On ribbon above: American Eagle. | Around it five other coins — recto and verso of each. In lower right corner : Engd. by A. Reed. | H. 3.5. W. 6. Rectangle, b.-l. Stipple and graver-work. 449. VIEW IN STAFFORD, Conn. Houses and barns on the slope of a hill, trees, a meadow with one tree in foreground. Above, at right : j | Below : Cotitinuation of Plate 4. j H. 5.4. W. 7.8. Rectangle. Aquatint. In a series of : Six Views , in Aqnatinta taken from nature, by A. Reed. | Published by A. Reed, Engraver, Hartford. (Con.) June 18/0. 90 REVERE, Paul. Born, Boston, 1735. Died there in 1818. 450. BAPTISM OF CHRIST. Christ standing in a river inscribed at left : Jorda?i | John the Baptist at his side. The holy Dove above them. On the right bank a crowd of figures, and in distance at left, a settlement. Angels in sky, above them a radiant orb with inscription. On a beam of light at right, the words: This is my beloved Son, | — hear ye him . | Below : P Revere Sculp | Buried with him by Baptism. \ H. 6.4. W. 4.4. Rectangle, upper part rounded, b.-l. S. h. 6.2. S. w. 4.2. Graver-work. 451. SAMUEL ADAMS. Bust, slightly to left, head slightly to right. Oval, framed in scroll-work ; allegorical figures. Above : No. VII E7igravd. for Royal American Magazine Vol. 1 1 Below : B Revere Sep. | Mr. Samuel Adams. \ H. 4.4. W. 3.1 1. Oval, framed. S. h. 2.6. S. w. 1. 12. Graver-work. 452. Col. B. CHURCH. Full bust, facing, head to right, open coat with wide collar, powder-horn slung over left shoulder. Below : P. Revere fc \ Col. Benjamin Church. \ H. 3.14. W. 3. Oval, framed. S. h. 3.3. S. w. 2.10. Graver-work. 453. Mr. C. CHURCHILL. An English engraving, is evidently a reversed copy, with slight alterations. This 454. JOHN HANCOCK. Bust, to left, wig, open coat. Oval, framed, surrounded by allegorical figures. Above : No. V. Engraved for Royl. Atnerican Magazine Vol. I. | Below : P Revere fc | The Honble. Jolm Hancock. Efqr. | H. 4.3. W. 3. 1 1. Oval, framed. S. h. 2.7. S. w. 1. 1 2 Graver-work. 455. KING PHILIP. Full length, standing, left hand holding rifle, right on hip. Tomahawk between his feet ; landscape behind him. At left Indians around a council fire. Below : P Revere fc | Philip. King of Mount Hope. | H. 6.1. W. 3.14. Rectangle. Graver-work. 456. Sir WILBRAHAM WENTWORTH. Full-length, seated on settee in garden, legs crossed, right hand on knee. 9 1 Dog asleep at right. Above : Vol. I No. Ill ] Below : P Revere fculp | Sir Wilbrahcim Wentworth. | H. 6 7. W. 4.8. Rectangle, b.-l.» Graver-work. In : Royal American Magazine. 457. CONFERENCE BETWEEN INDIAN CHIEFS AND Col. BOUQUET. Council fire in middle ; at left five officers, at right Indian chiefs, one of them standing and speaking. Above : Engd. for Royl. Amern. Mag. | Vol. I. No. XIX | Below : P. Revere Sc | A Co?iference held between some Indian Chiefs \ and Colonel Bouquet , in the year 1764. | H. 6.1. W. 3.8. Rectangle, framed. S. h. 4.12. S. w. 2.13. Graver-work. 458. ALLEGORY ON THE YEAR 1765. A number of figures, representing the Colonies, advance from the left, Minerva above them. They are battling with fantastic flying creatures, one of them a dragon, bearing the Magna Charta. At right a tree with a placard : Liberty \ Tree | Augt 14 | i?6y | under it two men with inscribed scrolls from their mouths. From a branch hangs a corpse. Two prostrate figures in foreground at right. In lower left : U. United Provinces | Above : A View of the Year 1765. | Rectangle. Underneath, twenty-four lines of text, in three columns. All within rectangle. Below : Stamp Act Engrad d Printed 6° Sold by P. Revere. Boston | H. 5.14. W. 7.10. Rectangle. S. h. 4.4. Graver-work. 459. THE BOSTON MASSACRE. British soldiers in line at right, firing. Citizens at left, some lying on the ground, dead or wounded. Houses on either side, State house in distance. Below, in foreground, a dog, and a tablet inscribed : Eng rav'd Printed 6° Sold by Paul Revere Bos tori | Above : The bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street Boston on March yth 1770 , by a party of the 29th. Regt. | Below are eighteen lines of verse, in three columns. Underneath, two lines of text : The U7ihappy . . . Mortally — | H. 8. W. 8.12. 92 Rectangle. Graver-work. 460. The Same. Reduced copy, with some alterations. Dog and inscription tablet in foreground have been left out. Above : The Boston Massacre, perpetrated on | March the yth, 1770. | Below: Eight lines of poetry. H. 4.12. W. 3.14. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work on relief block. In: The Massachusetts Calendar. Boston: 1772. 461. THE OBELISK. Four sides of an obelisk shown side by side. On each, four portraits, an inscription of ten lines and an allegoric group. Above the obelisks : A View of the Obelisk erected under Liberty- Tree in Boston on the Rejoicings for the Repeal of the — Stamp- Act 1766. | Below : Paul Revere Sculp \ To every Lover of Liberty, this Plate is humbly dedicated, by her true born Sons, in Boston New Eng- land | 1st. America in difirefs apprehending the total lofs of Liberty 2d. She implores the aid of her Patrons jd. She en- dures the Conflict for a fhort Seafon 4th. And has her Liberty reflod d by the Royal hand of George the Third | H. 9.6. W. 13.6. Rectangle. Obelisks H. 8.5 to 8.7. W. 3.2. Graver-work. 462. THE RESCINDERS. Caricature. A number of men advancing to right. At left a devil armed with a pitchfork, out of his mouth the words : Now L've got you, a fine hawl by Jove. | Another devil above, saying : push on Tim | The jaws of Hell at right, above them the cupola of the Province House. Above : A warm place — Hell | Below : On brave Rescinders ! . . . (six lines of poetry). Underneath : Pubd. Accord' g to Act by M Darly | H. 3.6. W. 4.15. Rectangle. Graver-work. 463. THE ABLE DOCTOR. Caricature. Female figure held to the ground by three men, one of them pouring into her mouth the contents of a kettle labelled : Tea | Four stand- ing figures surround the group. In distance, ships, houses, and towers. In sky : Boston canno7iaded | Above : No. X Engraved for Royal American Magazine. VoL L Below : P Revere Sculp | The able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught. | H. 3.10. W. 5.14. 93 Rectangle. Graver-work. 464. THE MITRED MINUET. Caricature. Four bishops in robes and mitres dancing around the “ Quebec bill ” lying on the floor. In background, seated clergymen ; at right a bagpipe player and two men in courtly dress, above them a flying demon. Inscription above cut off. Below : P Revere fc | The Mitred Minuet | H. 3.1 1. W. 6.6. Rectangle. Graver-work. In : Royal American Magazine. 465. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITION. Crowned female figure enthroned at right, with lance, liberty cap and shield, bearing the two crosses of Great-Britain. Issuing from the mouth, the word : Collidimur | At left another figure, seated, looking to right, out of her mouth the word : Frangimur | In distance, at left, a ship in distress. Above, two angels, the one at left pointing up to an inscription amidst rays. On step to throne, at right : P Revere Sculp | H. 5.2. W. 3.5. Rectangle. Graver-work. In: Edes & Gill’s North-American Almanack. Boston: 1769. 466. Mademoiselle CLAIRON. Female figure kneeling by a rustic altar with books, on which she rests her left arm. At right a standing female figure holding laurel wreath in extended right. In distance, at left, a temple on a hill ; near it Pegasus. Above : Eng’d for Roy l. AmerV Mag ’ | Vol. I No. X VII | Below : P Revere Sc. | Made?noiselle Clair on. | H. 6.5. W. 3.8. Rectangle in ornamented frame. S. h. 4.14. S. w. 2.13. Graver-work. 467. THE THUNDER STORM. Woods at left in fore- ground, outlook on fields and houses in distance. Flashes of lightning out of dark clouds. In foreground a young girl attempting to protect a sleeping youth from the lightning storm. Above : Vol. I. No. II. j Below : P. Revere Sculp | The Thunder Storm. - | H. 5.13. W. 3.9. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. In : Royal American Magazine. 94 468. FRONTISPIECE. Seven men seated at a round table, four open psalm-books before them, which they consult together. Two closed books on the table. Behind are seen three sides of a room, with four windows. Below : P Revere Sculp | Music and words of a canon form an oval frame around the picture. H. 2.9. W. 4.1. Rectangle. Graver-work. In: The New-England Psalm-Singer . . . Boston: [1770] Printed by Edes & Gill. 469. DANCING SCENE. Two women and a man dancing. A number of men at left, musicians at right, roof above, supported by three rows of posts. Above : to front the title of Cooks Voyage Vol 1st. Below : P Revere fcp. | Dramatic Interlude & Dance given by the Indians of Ulietea perfonned by two | Women 6° Six Men with three Drums | H. 4.7. W. 6 11. Rectangle. Graver-work. In: A New Voyage Round the World. New-York: 1774. Vol. I. 470. NATIVE WARRIORS. At left of a palm-tree, a war- rior in robe of skins, with battle-axe ; at right two nude men, armed. Above : To front the title of Cooks Voyage. Vol 2d | Below, at left : A New Zealand Warriour | in his proper Drefs and | compleatly Armed. | At right : Two Natives of New | Holland Advancing | to Combat. — | H. 6.1. W. 7.6. Rectangle. Graver-work. In : A New Voyage Round the World. New-York : 1774. Vol. II. 471. The Same. Reduced copy, reversed. H. 3.9. W. 5.15. Vignette. Graver-work on relief block. In: BickerstafPs Boston Almanack: 1775. 472. SPANISH TREATMENT AT CARTHAGENA. For- tifications at right and in foreground, sea with ships at left. In foreground five men in chains, two of them threatened by men with scourges. Above : No. XII. Engrav'd for Royal American Magazine. Vol. 1 1 Below: P Revere fc. I Spanish treatment at Carthagena . I H. 3.15. W. 6.6. 95 Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 473- THE JERBOA. The little animal is standing on his hind-legs, to left. In the middle distance two more are seen, one jumping, one feeding. Above: Vol. I. Engr ad d for Royal American Mage. No. XVI | Below: P Revere Sc \ The Gerbua or Yerboa — | H. 5.14. W. 3.1 1. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 474. VIEW OF BOSTON. Long wharf at left, British sol- diers disembarking. Ships, boats and eight (numbered) men- of-war. Sea sweeping around to right distance. In sky on ribbon : A view of part of the town of Boston in New- England and B?'ittish ships of war, landing their troops ! 1768 | At lower right a dedication to the Earl of Hillsborough framed by scroll-work and by a palm-tree, with an Indian seated under it, his foot on a British soldier. Explanatory key and four lines of text underneath. Below : Engraved \ Printed \ 6° Sold by Paul Revere , Boston. | Height with lettering : 9.14. W. 15.10. Rectangle. S. h. 9. Graver-work. 475. VIEW OF BOSTON. Ships in foreground, numbered 1 to 8. On border-line below : P. Revere | Lettering (type) around the four sides. At left : A Profpective View of the Tow?i of Boston , the | At top : Capital of New-E?igland, and of the Landing of Troops in the year 1768 , in confe- quence of Letters from | At right : Gov. Bernard, the Com- mijfioners , c W. to the Briti/h Minifhy. | Below are the names of the ships. H. 3.1. W. 5.12. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work on relief block. Another View of Boston, which appeared in the Royal American Magazine, will be found in the Boston Public Library. 476. CERTIFICATE OF AN ENLISTED -MONTROSS (gunner’s aid). View of part of Boston, with church, at left. Fort in foreground built into the water. Harbor at right, hills in distance beyond it. Below : P Revere Sculp | (Five lines of lettering.) H. 5.15. W. 7.1 1. Restrike. Rectangle. S.h. 3.10. Graver-work. 477. VIEW OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Wide street in foreground, with people on foot, on horseback and in carriage. College grounds separated from street by a low fence with three entrances. Five buildings are seen, lettered from left to right : EDA B C \ Below, under a dividing line : Josh. Chadwick , del — B Revere fculp | A Wejlerly View of The Colledges in Cambridge New England | A Har- vard Hall B Stoughton C Massachuseti D Hollis E Holden Chapel | H. 8.5. W. 15.6. Rectangle. Graver-work. 478. BUSINESS CARD. Within a rectangle : Jfaac Green- wood Ivory Turner \ Next door to Doctr. John Clark's , at the North End | Bofton , Turns all Sorts of Work in, Ivory , Silver , Brass , | . . . with Fidelity 6° Dispatch at \ a very reasonable Rate Makes Umber = | =illoes | (in all eighteen lines of lettering.) Below at right : P Revere fculp | H. 5.13. W. 4.10. * Rectangle. Graver-work. 479. BILL-HEAD. Cromwell’s Head Tavern. Crom- well, bust, to left, profile, long hair, armor. Oval, framed. On ribbons : Joshua Brackett | O. Cromwell' s Head. School-Street | Below : Boston. | P Revere fc | H. 2.1 1. W. 3.6. Graver-work. PAPER MONEY. Massachusetts. Boston 1778. Bill of Eight pence. Boston: 1779. Bills of 1 sh. 6. and 4 sh. All un- signed. See: Paper-money, in Appendix. SEALS of Massachusetts and of Phillips Academy engraved by Revere. See: Seals, in Appendix. BOOK-PLATES. 480. CHANDLER. Arms, crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chip- pendale style. Below : Gardmer Cha?idler | P Revere fculp \ A. 147. Graver-work. 481. GREENE. Arms, crest, motto: nec timeo nec spe?mo | Chippendale style. Below : David Greene j Revere ftp - 1 A. 329. 7 97 Graver-w'ork. 482. REVERE. Arms, crest, motto : Pugna pro Patria | All on oval tablet supported by lion sitting on his haunches. Below : Paid Revere | A. p. 148. Graver-work. 483. SARGENT. Arms, crest, blank motto-ribbon. Chip- pendale style. Below : Epes Sargent | (flourish) | P Revere Sculp | A. 760. Graver-work. 484. WETMORE. Arms, crest, motto : Tentando via est | Ribbon and wreath style. Below : William Wetmore I Revere /c- | A. 926. Printed in blue ink. Graver-work. RICHARDSON, S. Worked toward the end of the 18th Century. BOOK-PLATE. 485. [SWALE.] Allegorical figure, her left hand on anchor. Ships in distance at right. Blank tablet with base, at left, sur- mounted by an urn. On the tablet, in ink : I. H. Swale | 1795- I Below : S. Richardson Sculpsit | Not in A. Printed in blue ink. Graver-work. ROBERTS, John. Born in Scotland, 1768. Worked in New-York, 1793. Died in 1803. 486. THE SEASONS. Spring. Young man lying in meadow, book and trees behind him. Rising moon at left. Below : Roberts sc. N. York | Spring. L. 1027. Summer. Young woman in woods, seated, writing on trunk of a tree. Below : Roberts sc. N. York. \ Summer. L. 1362. | Autumn. Man climbing steep bank, flood behind him, tree above. Below : Autumn. L. 344. | Winter. Old woman spinning. Boy near open fire at left. Below : Roberts sc. New - York | Whiter. L. 134. | H. 4.1. W. 2.10 Ovals in rectangles. S. h. 3.3. S. w. 2.8 to 9. Etching and graver-work. In: Thompson’s Seasons. New-York : 1802. 98 BOOK-PLATE. 487. HAYNES. Arms, helmet with mantling, crest: heron with wings spread. Below : Joseph Haynes \ Roberts fc. | Not in A. Graver-work ROLLINSON, William. Born in England, about 1760. Died in 1848. Engraved in New-York, in 1792, still working in 1834. Invented a ruling machine for bank- note work, in 1812. 488. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. After Robertson. Full half-length, to left, standing. Left hand on hip, right arm extended over table at left. Above it a recess with books, etc., and a pillar half hidden by a curtain. Below : Painted by Archd. Robertson 79 Liberty St. Engraved by Wm. Rollinson 27 Pine St. \ Alexander Hamilton , | Major General of the Armies of the United States of America. Secretary of the Treasury &*c. c W. | H. 17.10. W. 13. 1 1. Rectangle. Stipple. 489. Gen. HAMILTON. Bust, facing, head to left. Uni- form, black stock, one button 6f coat buttoned. Oval, framed ; arms, flags and branches of oak behind. On a ribbon : Genl. Ha milto?i | All on a dark rectangle, framed. Below : Rollinfon fculpt. | H. 5.12. W. 4.8. Rectangle. S. h. 3.2. S. w. 2.9. Stipple. 490. JAMES LAWRENCE. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to left, uniform, black stock. Below : Stuart pinxt. Rollinson set. | James Lawrence Esqr. \ Late of the United States Navy | H. 3.12. W. 3. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.10. S. w. 2.14. Stipple. 491. WILLIAM MASON. Bust, facing, head slightly to right. Powdered wig, puffed at sides, white stock, dark suit. Below : Rollinfon fculpt. | William Mason Esqr. | H. 3.9. W. 2.13. S. h. 3.5. S. w. 2.9. 99 Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 492. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Savage. Bust, to left, in uniform. Order on right lapel of coat. Below : Sav- age Pinxt. - Rollinfon fct. | George Washington | Presi- dent of the United States. | H. 5.1. W. 4. B. 132. H. 217. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.14. S. w. 3.13. Stipple and aquatint. 493. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Robertson. Full bust, slightly to right. In uniform, black stock, white frill. Below, within border-line : Rollinfon fculpt. | Below : G. Wash- ington | President of the United States \ Publiflid by I. Reid New York 1796. | H. 4. W. 3.1. B. 172. H. 251. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.13. S. w. 2.15. Stipple. BOOK-PLATES. 494. HARISON. Crest, out of a crown. Looped drapery above. Motto: Nec te qucesiveris — extra | Under ribbon : Rollinfon fculpt. | Below : Richd. Harison Esqr. | A. 349. Printed in blue ink. Graver-work. 495. STANFORD. Arms, crest, crossed palm-branches. Motto : Verutn dicit | Below : Rollinfon. | Thos. N. Stan- ford. | A. 818. Graver-work. 496. WILLIAMS. Arms, cap with crest, crossed palm- branches, motto: Amicitia cu?n libertate. | Be- low : Azarias Williams | Below : Rollijison Sculpt. | A. 935. Graver-work. ROMANS, Bernard. Bornini72o. Died in 1784. Worked in Philadelphia, 1775. 497. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. The American lines, with cannon, on a hill at left. British forces advancing from right ; behind them Charlestown in flames. Water at right, to foreground, with two British men-of-war, firing. Boston in distance at right. American soldiers in left foreground with two guns, near a large tree partly seen. Above : References. (four columns of explanatory text). Below: B: Romans in 100 AEre incidit | An Exact View of The Late Battle At Charles- town June 17th. 1775. | In which an advanced party of about 700 Provincials stood an Attack made by 11 Regiments &* a Tram of Artillery 6° after an E?igageme?it of two hours Re- treated to their Main body at Cambridge \ Leaving Eleven Hundred of the enemy Killed and Wounded upon the field \ H. 1 1. 1. W. 164. Rectangle. Graver-work. Colored by hand. 498. WAR MAP. (Part of eastern New England.) At right, in a rectangle, a map of Boston, with tablet inscribed : Plan of | Boston | and its | e?ivirons | 1775 . | H. 3.8. W. 2.13. Below border-line, at left : To the Hone. Ino. Hancock Esqre. Presi- dent of the Continental Congrefs , | This Map of the Seat of Civil War in America , is Respectfully inscribed | By his Most Obedient Humble Servant | B: Romans. | At right of this inscription, a view of Boston. H. 0.14. W. 7.7. Under it : A View of the Li?ies thrown up , on Boston Neck : by the Min- ifierial Army | H. 14.8. W. 17.6. Rectangle, b.-l. RUGGLES, E , Jun. BOOK-PLATE. 499. LYON. The name : Walter Lyon | Above it two palm- branches, curving up to an urn in the middle. Festoons down sides. Under the name, two feathers, held in middle by a rosette. Below : E Ruggles jimr. Sculpt. | Not in A. Graver-work. DE ST. MEMIN, Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret. Painter and engraver. Born Dijon, France, 1770. Came to America in 1793, returned to France, 1814. Died in 1852. (The numbers refer to: The St. Memin Collection of Portraits ... by Elias Dexter. New- York: 1862.) 500. Gen. JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD. (1798.) Bust, to 101 right, profile. Uniform, black stock. Below : St. Memin No. 2 J Pi?ie St. N. York | Diam. 2.4. D. 186. Circle. Mixed manner. 501. Mrs. BLOOMFIELD. (1800.) Bust, to left, profile. Cap with bow, fichu. Below : Drawn engrd. by St Memin BurlingtoJi | Diam. 2.4. D. 751. Circle. Mixed manner. 502. CHRISTOPHER G. CHAMPLIN. (1800.) Bust to right, profile. Wig, stock, frill, dark coat. Below: Drawn 6° engrd. by St. Memm Philada. | Diam. 2.4. D. 464. Circle. Mixed manner. 503. Gen. H. DEARBORN. (1805.) Bust, to left, profile. Queue, dark coat, white stock. Below : H. Dearborn | (fac- simile autograph). Diam. 2.4. D. 401. Circle. Mixed manner. 504. TIMOTHY PICKERING. (1806.) Bust, to right, profile. Dark coat- white stock. Diam. 2.3. D. 434. Circle. Mixed manner. 505. BUSINESS CARD. Stone bridge, with tree at left ; a willow at right, water and reeds in foreground. On a tablet resting on the bridge : Peter Mourgeon | Copperplate printer j from Paris | No. 11 Fair Street | New York | Below : St. Memin inv. et fe. | H. 3.1. W. 3.14. Vignette. Etching and graver-work. SAVAGE, Edward. Born in Princeton, Mass., 1761. Died there, 1817. Painter, engraver, and publisher. Engraved in Philadelphia and London. 506. JOHN ADAMS. Bust, slightly to right, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : John Adams , | Preside?it of the United 102 States of America. | Fhilad. Published by E. Savage Oc. 10, 1800. | H. 1 1.6. W. 9.3. I. state. Rectangle. Stipple. 507. The Same. The plate is retouched; below: Painted by E. Savage in 1800. | John Adams , | Second | President of the United States of America \ H. 1 1.3. W. 9.3. II. state. Rectangle. Stipple. 508. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, to right, white stock and frill, coat buttoned. Below : E. Savage Pinx fc Philada. Published June 1, 1800 | Thomas Jefferson . | H. 9.7. W. 7.15. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 509. Gen. KNOX. Full bust, to left, uniform, white stock, open coat. Below : E. Savage pinxt. 6° fculpt. | Genl. Knox , L. L. D. \ Secretary at War , to the United States of America. \ London Pub. Deer. 7. 1791 by E. Savage No. 29 Charles Street , Middx. Hospital | H. 5.3. W. 4.3. Oval, framed- S. h. 4.15. S. w. 4. Stipple. 510. BENJAMIN RUSH. Bust, slightly to right, white stock, dark coat, curtain behind. Below : Painted 6° Engraved by E Savage | Benjami?i Rush , | Profefsor of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania | Philada. Published by E . Savage Feb: 6. 1800. | H. 13.7. W. 1 1.6. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 511. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to right, in uniform, order on left lapel of coat. Below : Painted Engraved by E Savage \ George Washington , Esqr. \ President of the United States of America. \ From the Origmal Picture Painted in 1790 for the \ Philofophical Chamber , at the University of Cambridge , | in Massachusetts. \ Pub lift'd Eeby. 7. 1792 by E. Savage. No. 29 Charles Street , Middx. Hospital. | H. 5.7. W. 4.7. Oval in shaded rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 5.1. S. w. 3.15. B. 116. H. 214. Stipple. 512. The Same. Three-quarter length, seated, to right, legs crossed, left arm on table, across a large plan of which he I0 3 holds the edge with right hand. Curtain and column behind. Below : George Washington | President of the United States of America. | From the Original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Mafsa- chusetts. | H. 18 2. W. 13.13. B. 1 18. H. 228. Rectangle. Mezzotint. I. state : before letters. II. state : as described, open letters. This state is shown. III. state : as described, shaded letters. (Hart). 513. Same as above, Later State. The worn plate has been extensively retouched by an inferior engraver ; face is changed, modelling of hands lost. Inscription below : E. Savage pinx. et fculp. | — George Washington Esqr. — | President of the United States of America. \ Erom the Original Portrait Faulted at the request of the Corporation of the Uni- versity of Cambridge in Mafsach u setts. | H. 18. W. 13.14. B. 1 19. H. 229. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 514. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. (Lans- downe type.) Full length, standing near table with writing implements ; arm-chair behind him. His right arm extended forward, left hand holding sword at side. Columns and drapery in background. H. 26.7. W. 20.7. B. 358. (?) H. 293a. Mezzotint. I. state : before letters. This is shown. II. state : before engraver’s name. Open letter title. III. state: Inscription: E. Savage Executed, 1801 | George Wash- ington, | (Hart.) 515. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. At left George Washington, seated to right, left hand on map spread upon table, right arm on shoulder of G. W. P. Custis, ‘who stands at his side, near a column, his hand on large globe. At right Mrs. Washington, seated to left, pointing to the map with her fan ; at her right Eleanor P. Custis, standing, engaged in keep- ing the map unrolled. Behind both, a negro servant. Below : Painted Engrav'd by E: Savage. — | The Washington Family. \ George Washington his Lady , and her two Grand- childi'en by the name of Custis. | Same title- in French at 104 right) | Philadelphia. Publish'd March 1798 , by E: Savage Robt. Wilkinson No. j8 Cornhill Lo?idon. — | H. 18.6. W. 24.4. B. 120. H. 235. Rectangle. Stipple. 516. THE SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A large gathering in a hall. In middle a group of five men, one of them seated, another depositing a sheet of paper on a table. A group of seated figures at left, in foreground, the nearest resting his arm on a table with writing implements. A figure, standing, with hat and cane, at extreme right. H. 18.9. W. 25.11. Stipple and graver-work. Unfinished engraver’s proof. 517. ERUPTION OF MOUNT ETNA. The mountain is seen from the sea. A column of steam and fire rises above it and lights up the landscape. Lava streams down the moun- tain side. Boats at left, a ledge in left foreground. Below : The Eruption of Mount Etna in 1787. | Philada. Decemr. 9th . 1799 Publish'd by E. Savage. \ H. 25.6. W. 19.3. Rectangle. Mezzotint, printed in colors, rubbed in. 518. PASS FOR THE SHIP OPHELIA. In upper part of document two engravings, one above the other. The upper one represents a sailing vessel, going to right under full sail. H. W. 6.3. Rectangle, upper part cut off in wavy line, border. S. 5.12. Graver-work and etching. Directly below the above, a view of a light-house on a ledge, shipping around it. Town with six steeples in left distance, wall and guns along its water front. Below : E. Savage Fe. H. 2..11. W. 6.13. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work, etching. The document, below, is signed by Th. Jefferson and James Madison and bears the United States seal. SCGLES, John. Worked in New-York, 1793 till 1844. 519. COWLEY. Bust slightly to -left, hair to shoulders, white collar, cloak. Below : Scoles sculp | Cowley. | Published by W Dur ell. | H. 3.2. W. 2.8. S. h. 2.4. S. w. 1. 10. io 5 Oval in wide, shaded border. Stipple. 520. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Nini Type. Bust, profile to ' left, fur-trimmed cap. Lightning at left. Below : Scoles sc. | Benjn. Franklin. | H. 3.15. W. 3.2. C. 1400. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.1 1. S. w. 2.13. Etching and graver-work. 521. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Bust, slightly to right, wig, white stock, coat buttoned. Oval. On shaded tablet below : T. Jefferson. | All in shaded rectangle. Below : Scoles. sc. \ H. 5.6. W. 3.6. C. 1226. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.2. S. w. 2.9. Stipple. 522. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to left, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : Scoles sculp \ George Washington. | H. 2.14. W. 2.6. B. 329. H. 446. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.12. S. w. 2.4. Stipple. 523. The Same. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to right. Powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Oval, framed. Below, on a tablet : Genl. \ George Washington | departed this Life Deer. 14 1799 | Below : Scoles, sc. | Aged 68. | Publish'd by I. Low N York. | H. 4.C. W. 2.14. B. 327. H. 322. All in shaded rectangle. S. h. 2.8. S. w. 2. Stipple. 524. The Same. After J. Wright. Full bust, to right, profile. White stock, frill, uniform ; coat open. Below: Scoles sc. | General Washington. | Publish'd by Smith, New York. | H. 2.15. W. 2.5. Oval, framed, in shaded rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 2.1 1. S. w. 2. B. 95. H. 163. Stipple. 525. The Same. After Savage, Three-quarter length, seated to right, left arm across map spread on table at right, edge of map held in right hand. Below : L.. Scoles, del et sculp. | George Washington, | President of the United States of America. | Publish'd by Smith , Reed , and Wayland. | H. 5. W. 3.15. B. 134., H. 233. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 4.13. S. w. 3.12. Graver-work. 526. THE CHURCH IN DISTRESS. . Allegorical female figure, seated, turned to left, head raised. Arms resting on block of stone ; ruins behind her. A large building at right, in xo6 background. Below : Scoles sc. | The Church in Distrefs A Simile. | c i . v I. | H. 9.14. W. 6.6. Rectangle. Stipple and etching. 527. RHODES. After Preaux. View of a fortified town from the water. Tower with turrets in middle. Mountains in distance. Below : Preaux. del. Etchd. by I. Scoles. | Rhodes. \ with the Entrance to the new , and to the old Har- bour. | Publish'd April 1st. 1814 , by T. C. Fay , N York. \ H. 3.7. W. 6.3. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.6. S. w. 6. Etching and graver-work. SCOT, Robert. Came to Philadelphia, 1783. Was ap- pointed engraver to the United States Mint in 1793. 528. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Peale. Three- quarter length, standing, slightly to left, in uniform and chapeau, right hand thrust into breast of waistcoat, left behind back, with gun. Below : R. Scot Del. Sc. | His Excellency Genl. Washington &>c. &*c. &*c. | Done from an Original Pic- ture of His Excellency at Mount- Vernon , | Painted by Mr. Peale IP70 \ H. 10.14. W.7.11. H. 9. Rectangle. Graver-work. 529. CERTIFICATE. St. Andrew’s Society of Pennsyl- vania. In middle, below, the arms of Scotland, supported by two children. Near them a woman, seated, child at breast. Sea and mountains in distance. At left Indian corn, at right a thistle, growing. In middle, above, an oval medallion with St. Andrew supporting his cross. Motto around it : Relieve the Distressed | Thistles and drapery above, supported at corners by two angels. Certificate within the space enclosed. Below : R. Scot Sculp. | H. 7.8. W. 8.9. Graver-work, 530. ENCYCLOPAEDIA PLATE. Seven figures of dogs. Above : Canis Plate CX VII | Below : R. Scot Sculp. Philada. | Dimensions to plate-edge : H. 8.10. W. 7.10. 107 Graver-work. SCOT & ALLARDICE. Firm in Philadelphia, about 1 795. Scot was the teacher of Allardice. 531. DEATH OF CAPTAIN COOK. Savages on the shore at left, some are dragging a captive up the beach. Boat at right, ship in right distance. Below : Scot &> Allardice | The Death of Captain Cook | H. 2.10. W. 5.2. Rectangle. Etching, graver-work. SEALS. See Appendix. SEYMOUR, Joseph H. Worked in Boston, about 1790. He was living in 1822. 532. MARY MAGDALEN. Seated in a grotto, hands clasped over book ; skull on a ledge in front of her. Halo around her head. Rectangle, framed, emblems above, cherub below. Above : No. XXX VIII | Below : Smith pinxt. J. H. Seymour fc. | Mary Magdalene. \ H. 10. W. 5.14. Rectangle, framed. S. h. 6. 10. S. w. 4. Etching and graver-work. 533. JOHN HANCOCK. Full bust, to left. Wig, white stock, embroidery on coat and vest. Oval, above it a festoon of foliage and drapery. Below : Seymour , delin , fculp. | Arms and crest in middle below, between branches of roses. At sides : His Excellency fohfi Hancock Efqr . | late Governor, and — Comma?ider in Chief | of the | Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts. | H. 9.14. W. 8.7. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 6.3. S. w. 5.7. Graver-work. 534. CAPTAIN ROGERS ATTACKED BY A SEAL. He is at left, with lance, the seal at right. Rocks behind them. Below : f. Seymour Sc. \ Captn. Rogers attacked by a Seal . — | H. 4.7. W. 2.13. Rectangle. Graver-work, etching. 535. ANATOMICAL PLATE. The body of a man in two positions, skin removed to show muscles. Above : Anatomy. Plate XVI. | Fig. 2 . Fig. 1. | Below : J. H. Seymour sc. \ H. 8. W. 9.12. 108 Graver-work. 536. SIX ILLUSTRATIONS for Hayley's: Triumphs of Temper. Number of plate above. Below : Seymour, sculp. | S. h. 3.4 to 3.5. S. w. 2.9 to 2.10. Ovals in shaded rectangles. Graver-work. On titlepage : Newburyport: Printed . . . for Joseph H. Seymour, Engraver, in Boston. BOOK-PLATE. 537. McILVAINE. Winged figure, seated on clouds, writing on a tablet resting in her lap. Below : J. J. Barralet invt. — J. H. Seymour sc. | Bloomfield Mcllvaine. | A. 537. Graver-work. SEYMOUR, Samuel. Worked in Philadelphia, 1797 till 1822. 538. SMOLLET. Bust, to left, wig, white neckerchief, dark vest and open coat. Oval in rectangle, drapery from top of portrait, down left side to an ornamented tablet, inscribed : Smollet | Below : Seymour sc. | B. Campbell 6° Cos. Edition of the History of England \ H. 6.10. W. 4.1. Oval in rectangle. Graver-work. 539. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DESIGN. Savage type. Busts of George and Martha Washington, facing, on an urn with pedestal, near a willow tree. Two ladies and a gentle- man are approaching from the left. House in distance, trees. At right three deer. Below : S. Seymour Eecit. | In Memory of Genl. George Washington a?id his Lady | Fhilada. Jan. 1. 1804. Published by J. Savage according to Law. | II. 1 1. 8. W. 1 6.1 1. B. 405. H. 246. Rectangle. Stipple and etching. SHALLUS, Francis. Worked in Philadelphia 1797 till 1825. 540. Capt. JAMES COOK. Three-quarter length, in uni- form, seated near table, to left, head slightly to right. He holds, with left hand, the edge of a map spread on the table, while 109 pointing out a place on it with right hand. Book and hat on table at left. Above : Plate I. | Below : Shallus sc. | Capt: James Cook , T. R. S. | H. 5.1. W. 3.13. Rectangle. Graver-work and stipple. 541. LANDSCAPE. Rocks at left, sheet of water with two sail boats in middle distance ; mountains on further shore. Be- low, at left : F. Shallus aquatint | H. 4.4. W. 6.9. Oval. Aquatint. 542. TOWER OF HORNS, ISPAHAN. A square court enclosed by a wall with arcades. In middle of court a hexagonal building, out of which rises the tower. Below : Engrav'd by F. Shallus. | The Tower of Horns at Ispahan. \ H. 4. W. 2.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Etching and graver-work. BOOK-PLATES. 543. SHALLUS CIRCULATING LIBRARY. In a land- scape, a female figure with cornucopia, supporting with left an oval tablet, inscribed : Ann P. Shallus'" s \ Circulating \ Library | No. 23 (rays) | North Third Street | Philadelphia | For sale | Caps , Turbans , | Fans , | Hats , Bonnets , and a Variety of Fancy Articles. — | Below foreground : Francis Shallus Engraver No. 23 North Third St. Philada. | H. 3.8. W. 2.6. Not in A. Rectangle. Graver-work and etching. SMITH, John Rubens. Born about 1770. Died 1849. Worked in Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia. 544. Governor GERRY. Half length, seated, to left, looking to front. Short white hair, white neck-wear, arms across chest. Below : His Excellency Elbridge Gerry L.L.D. | Governor of Massachusetts. | Under this an octagonal panel, with trophy of flags, fasces, cannon, documents. Medallion in middle. Below this : Bosto?i Engraved by J . R. Smith , 6° Pub- lished , July 4th 18 11. | H. 13.13. W. 9. 12. (?) Cut close. S. h. 9.7. S. w. 7.7. 1 10 Rectangle, framed. Mezzotint. 545 * Capt. ISAAC HULL. After Williams. Full bust, to left, in uniform, white stock. Below, within border-line : H '. Williams Pinxt. * — Isaac Hull. I H. 4.2. W. 3.6. S. h. 3.15. S. w. 3.2. — I. R. Smith , Sculp. | Below : Capt. Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 546. Gen. LINCOLN. Three-quarter length, standing, slightly to left, head slightly to right. In uniform, open coat, sash. His right hand, with a letter, resting on cannon, left hand on hip, holding chapeau. Battle in distance at left. Below : Engraved by J. R. Smith | Major General Benjamin Lincoln , j Of the Revolutionary Army of the United States, President of the Cincinnati of the State of Mafsachusetts, 6r>c &>c | From an original Picture painted by Coll. H. Sargent , in the pofsefsion of the Mafsatts. Hisl. Sociy. to whom the plate is respectfully dedi- cated by their , | Obliged humble Ser.’vt j I. R. Smith | Boston , Published According to Act of Congrefs Jany. 2jd. 1811. \ H. 17.10. W. 13.13. Rectangle. Mezzotint. 547. Rev. E. PARISH. After Williams. Full bust, slightly to left, looking toward front. Bands, black gown. Within border-line : Henry Williams pinx. f. R. Smith set. | Below : Rev. E. Parish , D. D. | H. 3.12. W. 3.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.10. S. w. 2.15. Stipple. 548. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, slightly to left, dark suit, white neckwear. Below : Genl. George Washington | H. 2.14. W. 2.7. B. 331. H. 449a. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.12. S. w. 2.5. Stipple. 549. PAWTUCKET BRIDGE AND FALLS. Rocky banks, large building on right, wooden bridge, buildings at left. Below : Drawn Engraved by J. R. Smith Boston \ Pawtucket Bridge Falls. I H. 3.14. W. 7.3. Rectangle. Aquatint. SMITH, W- Worked in latter part of 18th Century. 55 °- vide LUDLOW. Arms, crest, motto : Fide sed cui Below, in scroll-work frame : Cary Ludlow A. M. | hi Chippendale style. At left a man, playing flute, and a boy with sheet of paper. Below : W. Smith sculp, j A. 525, difference in name. Graver-work, 551. PRICE. Arms, crest, on motto-ribbon: Mansfield Price. L.L.D. | Chippendale style. Below : W.S -'. — j Not in A. Graver-work. 552. SPRY. Arms and crest, Chippendale style. At left two children, at right a woman, seated, and a winged child with book. Below, in scroll-work frame : William Spry | Below : W. Smith S. ... | A. 817. Graver-work and stipple. SMITHER, James. Born in England ; worked in Phila- delphia. Name appears in 1768. Probably died about 1800. 553. JOHN ADAMS. After Copley. Full bust, to left, head slightly to left. Hair tied with broad ribbon. Below: Painted by Copley. Engravd by I Smither. | John Adams , | President of the United States of America. | Philadel- phia , Publish'd Peby. 15. 17 q 7* by William Cobbett. | H. 4.1. W. 3.6. Oval. Graver-work. 554. THE DEATH OF HENRY IV OF FRANCE (Henry III of Navarre). The king is stabbed by a monk, two courtiers in background at right. Blank tablet above. Below : Smither Sculp \ The Death of Henry the Third. \ Published by James Stewart 6° Co June 20th. 1797 . | H. 7.1. W. 4.10. Rectangle, arched top, framed. S. h. 6.2. S. w. 4.4. Graver-work and etching. BOOK-PLATES. 555. GRAHAM. Arms, helmet with mantling and crest, motto : Nec habeo nec careo nec euro | Un- derneath, in scroll-work frame : Hemy Hale Graham [ Chip- pendale style. Below, at right: I Smither Scult. \ Not in A. I 12 Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. 556. MAGILL. Arms, crest, motto: Perit ut vivat \ Chip- pendale style. Below in scroll-work frame : John Magill (name torn out) | Below, at right : J. Smither Sc. | A. 547. Graver- work. 557. MONTGOMERY. Quartered arms, with inescutcheon, crest, motto below: Honneur sans repos. | Below, in scroll-work frame : Thomas Montgomery | Chippen- dale style. Below at left : I. S Sculp | Not in A. Graver-work. SNYDER, H. W. Worked in New-York, 1797 till 1805. In Boston in 1807. 558. Gen. EATON. After Doyle. Full bust, to left, head almost facing. White hair, white neckerchief, dark coat. Below : Doyle pinxt . Snyder. Sc. \ General Eato?i. | H. 3.7. W. 2.14. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.4. S. w. 2.12. Stipple. 559. FENNELL. After Doyle. Bust, to right, head almost facing. Short, dark hair, white stock and frill, coat buttoned. Below : Doyle pinxt. Snyder. Sc. | Mr. Fe?inell | H. 3.5. W. 2.13. Oval, b.-l. S. li. 3.2. S. w. 2.10. Stipple. SPARROW, Thomas. Worked in Annapolis, Md., about 1765 till about 1778. 560. ADVERTISING DESIGN. A Monument among reeds. On it : John Ashton. | Importer . . . Boston (twelve lines of lettering). Bust above. The upper part of plate shows a dealer offering sheet-music to the gods in Olympus. Below : Dighton del. Sparrow fculp | H. 1 1.5. W. 7.15. Rectangle. Graver- work. BILL OF SIX DOLLARS. Maryland, 1774. See : Paper- money, in Appendix. BOOK-PLATE. 561. DUVALL. Border of scroll-work and flowers. Above, in middle, thirteen white stars on dark ground. Lettering : 8 113 E | Bibliotheca | Gabrielis Duvall. | A.D. ify 8 . | In middle of border, below : T | A. 243. Graver-work on relief block. STRICKLAND, William. Born in 1787. Died in 1854. Engraved in aquatint in Philadelphia, 1809. 562. SACKETT’S HARBOR. After Birch. Shore line from left foreground to distance at right, houses, shipping near shore. A ledge with buildings at right Below : T. Birch del. W. Strickland sc. | South-east view of Sacketf s har- bour. | Two lines of explanatory text on either side of title. H. 3.15. W. 7.10. Rectangle, b -1. Aquatint. 563. NAVAL ACTION AT NIGHT. Two British vessels in right and left foreground, Constitution toward right, in middle distance. Moon and clouds. • Below: Levant Consti- tution Cyane | View of the action betwee?i the U. S Frigate Constitution the British Jhips Levant Cyane. | Aquatinted by Strickland for the Analectic Magazine and Naval Chrojiicle — Published by M. Thomas Philadel- phia A | H. 3.15. W. 7.7. Rectangle. Aquatint. 564. STILTS. Front and side view showing carving and mode of fastening brackets to pole. Within border-line, above : Stilts | Below, in middle : W. Strickland sc. \ H. 7.9. W. 4.10. Rectangle, b.-l. Aquatint. See also , Anonymous, No. 41. TANNER, Benjamin. Born in 1775. Lied in i 8 4 8 * Worked in New York 1792 till 1805, then in Philadelphia. 565. JOHN ADAMS. Full bust, slightly to left. Wig, white stock, frill. Coat without lapels. Below, within border-line : B. Tanner. Sc. | Below : yohn Adams Esqr . | H. 5.15. W. 4.13. S. h. 5.10. S. w. 4.8. 114 Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 566. DODD. Full bust, to left. Wig, bands, black gown. Below : Tanner sc. | Dodd \ H. 3.1. W. 2.8. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 2.14. S. w. 2.5. Stipple. 567. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Medallic bust, profile to right. Below on a tablet : Dr. Benj. Franklin. | All in shaded rec- tangle. Below : Tanner , sc. | Philadelphia , Published by W. IV. Woodward \ 1801. | H. 3.1 1. W. 2.14. C. 1700. Oval in rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 1. 1 2. S. w. 1.7. Stipple. 568. ALEX. HAMILTON. Bust, facing, head to right. Uniform, black stock. Below, within border-line : Ta?i?ier Sc. | Below : Alexr. Hamilton. | H. 4. W. 3.1. S. h. 3.1 1. S. w. 2.13. Oval, b.-l. Stipple. 569. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Bust, slightly to right. White stock, frill, dark coat. Below, within border-line : B. Tanner, Sc. | Below : G. Washington. | H. 4.13. W. 4.1. B. 340. H. 523. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.8. S. w. 3.12. Stipple. 570. The Same. After Savage. Bust, to left, uniform, white stock. Below : Savage , pinx. Tanner , sc. | G. Washington. | H. 5.2. W. 4. B. 135. H. 2! 8b. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 4.13. S. w. 3.12. Stipple. TANNER, Henry S. Engraved in Philadelphia in 1811. Born in 1786. Died in 1858. 571. NATURAL HISTORY PLATE. A rock with Tubu- laria, water below. Above : Vermes. Li?in Syst. Order Zoophytes Plate 1 1 Genus Tubularia | Below : H. S . Magnijica. | ( Magnificent Tubularial) \ 111 retracted. \ Tanner Sc. \ T. The a?iimal . . . H. 8.13. W. 7.8. Impression on India paper. Vignette. Graver-work. THACKARA, James. Born Worked in Philadelphia. TI 5 in 1767. Died in 1848. 572. CERTIFICATE. Carpenters Company. Philadel- phia. In upper part of plate, a landscape with river to left. Bridge, pyramid and temple in middle distance. In middle of foreground, a statue of Columbia on a pedestal. Columns of temple at right. Below : J. Thackara fecit | Certificate below. H. 5.6. W. 8.1. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. BOOK-PLATE. 573. LENTHALL. Arms, crest, conventionalized palm- branches. Below, on a ribbon : John Lenthall | Underneath : Thackara | A. 481. Graver-work. THACKARA & VALLANCE. Firm of engravers in Philadelphia in 1 794. 574. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Medallic bust, to right, profile. Below : Engraved by Thackara <5^ Valla?ice Philada. 1794- | Benj. Franklin , LL.D. | H. 4.3. W. 3.7. C. 1699. Oval. Graver-work. 575. JOHN HOWARD. Bust, profile to right. Wig, coat without lapel. Below : Engrav'd by Thackara 6° Valla?ice Philada. 1794 . | John Howard, , L. L. D. F. R. S. | Published by J. Ormrod dVo. 41 Chesnut Street , Philada. | H. 3.15. W. 3.2. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.12. S. w. 2.15. Graver-work. THOMAS, Isaiah. Printer, publisher, and writer. Born in Boston, 1749. Died in Worcester, 1831. He probably en- graved the crude illustrations in the booklet shown, several of which are signed : I T. 576. SAILING VESSEL AT SEA, high poop and bow. H. 1.8. W. 2. Rectangle, b.-l Graver-work on relief block. In: The History of the Holy Jesus . . . Boston: (no date) by I. Thomas. 1 16 Printed BOOK-PLATE. 577. NEWELL. Tablet with shaded border, surrounded by martial implements and festoons. On the tablet (in type) : Timothy Newell. | Below at right (in type) : I. Thomas , print . | A. 607. Graver-work on relief block. Probably engraved by Thomas. THORNHILL, . Worked in Charleston, S. C. Prob- ably about the beginning of the 19th Century. 578. TITLE VIGNETTE FOR A SONG. Light-house rising out of sea, ship at right. Below : Thornhill Sc. | H. 1. 12. W. 2.2. Vignette. Graver-work. TIEBOUT, Cornelius. Born in New York, about 1777, worked there as early as 1789. Died about 1830. 579. JOHN ADAMS. Half length, to right, head almost facing. White stock, frill, light suit. Below : C. Tiebout Set. | John Adams. \ H. 9. W. 7. Oval, b.-I. S. h. 8.12. S. w. 6.12. Stipple. 580. Gen. GATES. After Stuart. Full bust, to left, uniform, white stock, coat buttoned, medal. Below : Painted by G. Stuart Engraved by C. Tiebout. | General Gates | From the Original Picture in the pofsefsion of Ebenr. Stevens Esqr. \ H. 9.2. W. 7.3. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 8.14. S. w. 6.15. Stipple. 581. THOMAS JEFFERSON, After R. Peale. Full bust, facing, powdered hair, white stock, dark suit. Below : R. Peale Pinxt. C. Tiebout Sculpt. \ Thomas Jefferson. | H. 9.3. W. 7.3. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 8.15. S. w. 6.15. Stipple. 117 582. THOMAS JEFFERSON. The same, smaller. Below : liebout sc. \ Thomas Jefferso7i , | . . . (remainder of lettering cut off). H. 5.14. W. 4.1 1. Oval, b.l. S. h. 5.12. S. w. 4.8. Stipple. 583. Gen. PINKNEY. After Paul. Full bust, to right, head almost facing. White stock, frill, dark coat with light facings. Below : J. Paul. Pinx. C. Tiebout Sc. | General Charles C. Pinkney. | Published by J. Savage. | H. 1 1.9. W. 9.2. Rectangle. Stipple. 584. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Stuart. Full bust, to left, powdered hair, white stock, frill, dark suit. Below : Painted by G. Stewart Engraved by C. Tiebout | George Washington. | Published by C. Tiebout No. 28 Gold Street New York January 8th. 1800 | H. 9.1. W. 7.1. B. 343. H. 454. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 8.13. S. w. 6.13. Stipple. 585. The Same. After Stuart. Full length, standing, facing, head slightly to left, sword in left hand at side, right arm extended over a table at left, with writing implements, books and drapery. Behind him an arm-chair. Columns and drap- eries in background. Below : Painted by G. Stuart Engraved by C. Tiebout \ G. Washington. | [. Published by Wm. Smith 702 S. 3rd. St. Phil ad.'] (Address erased on impression shown.) H. 20.3. W. 13.4. B. 377 (?) - H. 29 7. c. Rectangle. Stipple. 586. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DESIGN. After Buxton. Washington, full-length, on pedestal, standing, scroll in right hand ; left hand on thigh, holding sword. Before him an urn on a base, bearing the inscription : Sacred \ to \ Patriotism I On either side, an obelisk. Behind the figure, an arch with columns at sides ; below the arched moulding, in clouds, the national eagle, and a ribbon with the names of sixteen states. Bowling-Green is seen in distance behind the statue. Below on foreground : Designed 6° Drawn bv Charles Buxton M.D. — C Tiebout sc. | Below : This Plate is with due Respect Inscribed to the 118 Congress of the United States by | Chas: Smith. — | New York Published by C. Smith 1798. \ H. 25.5. W. 21.13. B. 407. H. 676. Rectangle. S. h. 24.6. Graver-work. 587. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. After Tisdale. Americans in foreground, British retreating to right. Plough in foreground at right, wounded soldier at left. • Below : E. Tisdale delt. C. Tiebout sculpt. | Battle of Lexington. | New York : Published by C. 6° A. Tiebout No. 29. Gold Street. — | Jany. 1st. 1798. | H. 13.10. W. 18. 1. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. TISDALE, Elkanah. Worked in New York, 1 794 till 1798, then in New England. 588. R. T. PAINE, Jr. After Stuart. Head, to right, white stock, coat indicated. Below : Painted by G Stewart E. Tisdale Sculpt. \ R. T. Paine , fun. Esq. | Boston Pub. by Joshua Belcher. 1812. | H. 2.13. W. 1. 15. Vignette. Stipple. 589. WILLIAM PENN. Full bust, slightly to left. Wide- brimmed hat, white neckerchief. Below : Tifdale fct. | Willm. Penn. | H. 3. 15. W. 3.1. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.9. S. w. 2.12. Graver-work. 590. JOHN TRUMBULL. Half-length, seated, to left, right hand on book, left on arm of chair. Below : Tisdale del. et Set. | John Trumbull Esq. — | H. 4.6. W. 3.5. Rectangle. Graver-work. 591. FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS for Trumbull’s “ M’fingal,” New-York: 1795. Titles, below: Town Meet- ing. The Yanky Chace . British Heroism. The Tory's Bay of Judgment. H. 5. 11 to 5.14. W. 3.7. to 3.8. 119 Rectangles. Etching and graver-w'ork, 592. THE NEW THEATRE, New York. Facade and left side of building seen. Houses and sheds at right. Below : Tifdale delin. et fc. \ A view of the New Theatre in New York. | H. 4.12. W. 6.15. Rectangle. Etching. TODD, A. . A New England engraver. Worked in 1812. 593. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After Wright. Medal-' lie bust, to left, profile. Above : His path be ours. | Below : A. Todd s. Sculpt. A Todd | Washington. \ H. 2.5. W. 1. 14. H. 160. Oval. Graver-work and roulette. TRENCHARD, Edward C. Son of James Trenchard. Born, Philadelphia, in 1784. Died in 1824. Engraved in i79 8 - 594. COUNT RUMFORD. Bust, to right, profile. Uni- form, long hair, ribbon and order on breast. Below: Drawn &> Engraved by E. C. Trenchard | Benjamin Count of Rum- ford. | Published by D. West Boston. H. 3.7. W. 2. 11. Oval, b.-l. S. h. 3.3. S. w. 2.7. Stipple. TRENCHARD, James. Born in New Jersey, 1746. Worked in Philadelphia 1785 till 1793. 595. GEORGE WASHINGTON. After C. W. Peale. Bust, slightly to right, uniform, white stock and frill. Oval frame, laurel-wreath above, on a base below: His Excel: G : Washington Esq. | H. 6.7. W. 4. B. 38. H. 4. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 4.9. S. w. 3.10. Graver-work and stipple. In : An American Selection of Lessons in Reading ... by Noah Webster, jun. Philad. 1 787. 596. The Same. The plate very much worn, on the general putlines of the bust a portrait of the Stuart type, in stipple, has 1 20 been executed by an inferior engraver. Same lettering still apparent. H. 6.6. W. 3.14. H. 4. a. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 4.9. S. w. 3.9. 597. The Same. Full bust, slightly to right, uniform, white stock, ribbon. Oval in frame, laurel-wreath above. Below, on a tablet : General Washington . | In middle of tablet the arms of Washington, crown above, motto : Exitns acta prohat | All in shaded rectangle. Above : Columb. Mag. | Below : J Trenchard fcpt. \ H. 6.2. W. 3.1 1. B. 37. H. 839. Oval in rectangle. S. h. 3.1 1. S. w. 2.9. Graver-work. BOOK-PLATE. 598. BLOOMFIELD. Arms, crest, motto : Pro • arts et focis | Chippendale style. Below, in scroll-work frame : Bloomfield | Books on either side of name. Below : I Trenchard Sculp | A. 87. Graver-work. TULLY, Christopher. Worked in Philadelphia, 1775. 599. SPINNING MACHINE. Above within border-line: Engraved for the P e?insylvania Magazine. — | By Christopher Tully , who first Made and Ifitroduced this | Maschine into this Country. — | Along left side : — A New invented Maschine , for Spmning of Wool or Cotton. — | H. 8.2. W. 9. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work. TURNER, James. Worked in Boston, 1743; in Philadel- phia, 1759 till 1767. 600. ISAAC WATTS. Half length, standing, to right, head facing, open book in right hand. Wig, bands, black gown. On a sill : fas. Turner Bofio?i Sculp | Below the sill, on a tablet : Isaac Watts D. D. | Mufas colinus feveriores. | The whole en- closed in a rectangular frame. Below : Boston Pi'inted for Rogers Fowle in Queen Street , and Jofhua | Blanchard at the Bible and Crown on Dock Square MDCCXL VI \ H. 5.14. W. 3.8. Rectangle. S. h. 4.2. S w. 3.2. Graver-work. I 21 BOOK-PLATES. 601. FRANKLIN. Arms and crest, Jacobean style, flanked by terminal statues of Diana and Adonis. On a bracket below, a panel with a hunting scene. Underneath at sides : y Turner Sculp | Motto : Exemplum adest ipse homo | Under it: John Franklin | Bojlon New England | A. 287. Graver-work. 602. LEDDEL. Arms, helmet with mantling and crest. Motto : Labor omnia vincit \ Jacobean style. Below: y. Leddel No. | y. Turner fc | Not in A. Graver-work. 603. NORRIS. Arms. Below within scroll-work frame: Ifaac Norris | (flourish) | Chippendale style. Below : fas. Turnery sc. A. 618. Graver-work. VALLANCE, John. Worked in Philadelphia. Partner in the firm of Thackara & Vallance (about 1794). Died in 1823. 604. HUGH BLAIR. Full bust, to left. Wig, bands, black gown. Below : J. Vallance Sc. | Hugh Blair. D. D. | Pub- lished by Hickman Hazzard | H. 3.1 1. W. 3.2. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 3.9. S. w. 2.15. Stipple. 605. HOLLIS ST. CHURCH, BOSTON. Facade and right side of the building are shown. A line of posts along the side, to foreground. Ruined building at right. In lower left corner : C: Bulfinch delin. | In right corner : Vallance Sc. | Above : Colmb Mag. | Below : An East View' of the Meet- ing House in Hollis Street , Boston ; | now erecting on the rums of one lately destroyed by fire. | H. 5.2. W. 6.1 1. Rectangle. Graver-work. 606. MAP OF BOSTON HARBOR. On a tablet in upper right : Boston \ with its Environs | Under the tablet : Engd. by 7 - Vallance. \ Above ; Engraved for Washington' s Life, 122 Plate i . | Below : Philada. Published by C. P. Wayne 1806. | H. 8.15. W. 13.5. Rectangle, b.-l. Graver-work and etching. BOOK-PLATE. 607. WISEMAN. Arms and crest, palm-branches and blank ribbon below. Ribbon and wreath style. Under the ribbon : Vallance sc \ Below : Joseph Wifeman. \ A. 951. Graver-work. WARNER, George D. Worked in New York, in 1791. BOOK-PLATE. 608. WARNER. Arms, crest: a burning heart. Above shield a small Latin cross and a crown. Motto : Crux Christi gloria christiani \ Spray of flowers at sides of shield. Below ribbon : Warner Sculpt | George Wamier \ Not in A. Graver-work. WARNICKE, John G. Worked in Philadelphia, 1811 till 1819. 609. B. FRANKLIN. Medallic bust, profile to left. Four buttons showing on coat. Below : Warnicke Sc. j Benjamm Fra?iklin \ Born Jany. 17th. 1706. Died April 17th. 1790. | IT. 2.12. W. 1. 10. Vignette. Stipple. WESTON, Henry W. Engraved in Philadelphia, 1803- 1806. 610. MARCH OF AN ARMY. Bird’s-eye view of a moun- tainous region with indications of a military movement. Above : Plate DXV. \ War. The March of an Army through a Mountainous Country. | Below : H. W. Wejion Jc. \ H. 7.7. W. 6.6. Rectangle. Etching and graver-work. 61 1. THE BUILDING OF THE ARK. The Ark in prog- ress of construction, at right. Four figures in front of an open 123 tent, at left, under palm-trees. Above : Plate 2 Page 5. | Below : Henry W. Wejlon fc. \ Make thee an Ark . . . thirty cubits. Ge?iesis Chap. VI. Ver. 14, 15. \ H. 5.6. W. 7.12. Rectangle, b.-l Etching and graver-work A later impression shows the worn plate coarsely reworked with the graver. The number “ 12 ” has been added at left, below border-line. WIGHTMAN, Thomas. Worked in Boston, 1806-1820. 612. MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES. Mars in bis chariot. Hercules. ^Esculapius, Venus with cupids and graces. All signed in border : Wightman sc. | Dimensions : 4.2. to 4.3. X 2.8. Rectangles, framed. Graver-work on relief-blocks. In : History of the Heathen Gods. Worcester : 1809. WILSON, James. Worked in Bradford, Vt., about 1813. 613. ANCESTRAL TREE OF SHEM, HAM & JAPHET. At right Adam, giving names to the animals. Below, under a dividing line, at left : Published by Isaac Eddy , Weathersfteld Vermont 18 ij. | With the Privilege of Copyright. | At right: Engraved by James Wilson , Bradford \ and by Isaac Eddy , Weathersfteld { Vermont | Below : Explanation | (eight lines of text) . H. 16.14. W. 20.12. Rectangle, b.-l. S. h. 13. 1 1. Graver-work and stipple. 614. ALPACA. Two alpacas in foreground, the one at left lying down, two are seen in distance at left. Mountain in back- ground. Below : J. Wilson. Sc | Alpaca. \ (four lines of de- scriptive text) The Alpaca Llama ... of Peru. | H. 6.3. W. 7.6. Vignette. Graver-work. 124 APPENDIX APPENDIX COINS 615. “N E” SHILLING. Silver. Irregular edge. Ob- verse, above : N E \ reverse, above : XII \ Diam. 1.1. to 1.2. 616. PINE-TREE SHILLING. Obverse: Pine-tree in middle, within beaded circle. Inscription : Masathusets * in * I Reverse, inscription around middle : New England. An. Do. | In middle, within beaded circle : 1652 | XII | Irregular edge. Six examples are shown. Diam. 0.14. to 1. 617. PINE-TREE SIXPENCE. Silver. Same as above. Reverse, in middle : 1652 | VI \ Diam. about 0.12. 6 r8. PINE-TREE THREEPENCE. Silver. Same as above. Reverse, in middle : 1652 \ III | Two examples are shown. Diam. about 0.10. 619. PINE-TREE TWOPENCE. Silver. Same as above. Reverse in middle : 1652 | II | Two examples are shown. Diam. 0.9 to 0.10. It will be noticed that the cutting of the pine-tree varies very widely in the different coins shown. 620. MASSACHUSETTS INDIAN CENT. Copper. Ob- verse : Indian, standing, to left, bow in right hand, arrow in left. Near his head, at left, a star. Inscription : Common wealth | Reverse : National eagle, on the shield the word : Cent | Inscription : Massachusetts 1787 \ Three examples are shown, the one described is dated 1787; two bear the date : 1788 \ Diam. 1.2. 127 621. MASSACHUSETTS INDIAN HALF-CENT. Copper. Same as above. Inscription on shield : Half | cent | Two examples are shown both of 1787. Diam. 0.15. PAPER MONEY 622. DELAWARE. Six Shillings. Counties of Newcastle , Kent a?id Suffex , up on Delaware . . . Jan. 1, 1776. Verso: In middle, in rectangular frame, a sheaf of corn, standing. In foreground, in black letters : Callender | Graver-work on relief-block. 623. MARYLAND. Six Dollars. Annapolis, April 10, 1774. Engraved by Thomas Sparrow. 624. The Same. Eight Dollars. Same date. Engraved by Thomas Sparrow. Graver-work on relief block. 625. MASSACHUSETTS COLONY. Five Shillings, 1690. No. ( ) 5 f | This Indented hill of Five Shillings | due from the Maffachufets Colony to | the Poffefsor fhall he in value equal to \ money 6° fhall he accordingly accepted | hy the Treafurer receivers fuhordinate \ to him in all puhlick pay- ments and for \ any stock at any time in the Treafury | Boflon in New- England December | the 10th. 16 go , By Order of ye General | Court | Engraved seal below at left. Three signa- tures } Comitee , | Verso blank. Graver-work. This is the earliest Paper-money issued in this Country. 626. PROVINCE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Ten Shillings. 1713. No An Angel ( ) | In oval frame: This indented Ten \ Shilling Bill Due from ye Province | of the Mafsachusets Bay . . . Boston October the fourteenth 1713 . . . Seal and signatures below oval. Verso blank. Graver-work. 627. COLONY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Forty Shillings. Aug. 18, 1775. Verso, same as 628. 628. STATE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Forty- eight Shillings. Nov. 17, 1776. Verso : arms of the Colony: 128 Continental soldier, sabre in right hand, roll of paper in left, inscribed: Indepen | dance | Above: Forty eight — Shillings . | Lffued in defence of American Liberty | Below : Enfe petit placidam fub Liberate • Quitem. | Date below. Graver-work. 629. MASSACHUSETTS STATE. Six Pence. Boston, Oct. 18, 1776. Cod-fish in oval at top. Pine-tree on verso. Graver-work. 630. The Same. Eightpence. Boston, Oct. 16, 1778. Cod-fish in oval at top. Pine-tree on verso. Engraved by Paul Revere. Graver-work. 631. The Same. One Shilling and Sixpence. 1779. Rising sun at left. Pine-tree on verso. Engraved by Paul Revere. Graver-work. 632. The Same. Four Shillings. 1779. Rising sun at right. Pine-tree on verso. Engraved by Paul Revere. Graver-work. 633. BOSTON NEW ENGLAND. Two Shillings and Six- pence. Aug. 1, 1740. Verso blank. Graver-work. 634. PROVINCE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. One Shil- ling. Portsmouth, April 3, 1742. Verso blank. Graver-work. 635. PENNSYLVANIA. Fifty Shillings. October 1, 1773. On verso, in rectangle, a landscape : Farm, woods in distance, rainbow at left, sun at right. Graver-work on relief block. 636. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Six Shillings. New- port, 1786. Graver-work on relief block. 637. VIRGINIA. Eight Spanish Milled Dollars. Oct. 7,1776. Verso blank. Graver-work. 638. THE UNITED COLONIES. Sheet of paper-money, uncut. Philadelphia, Feb. 17, 1776. $1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part of sheet, at left, cut off. Twelve bills on the sheet. Graver-work on relief block. 9 129 6 3 9- THE UNITED STATES. Sixty Dollars. Phila- delphia, Sept. 26, 1778. SEALS UNITED STATES. The American eagle, with arms and attributes, motto-ribbon in beak. Thirteen stars above, sur- rounded by rays and framed in clouds. Circle. The pass on which this seal appears is dated 1805. See E. Savage, No. 518. 640. TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES. A shield with chevron, above it scales, below, a key. Garlands at sides. Legend : Thesaur. # Atner. # Septent. # Sigil. — . — | The paper to which the seal is affixed is dated 1786. Circle. 641. STAMPED PAPER. Maryland. Eagle with shield. Above : Twenty-five cents | Below : Maryland | Date of contract, 1800. Circle. 642. STAMPED PAPER. Massachusetts. Within circle, a cod-fish in the water. Below the fish : II T, ence | Around circle : Staple • of • the • Massachusetts • | Date of paper, 1755. Circle. 643. COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Continental soldier, sabre in right hand, roll of paper in left. Motto around circle : Ense petit pi acid am, sub Libertate Qiiietem. Legend : Sigillum Colonice Massachusettensis 1775 | Engraved by Paul Revere. Circle. 644. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. On a shield, an Indian, standing, bow in right hand, arrow in left. Star of five points over his right shoulder. Motto below: Ense petit . . . , as above. Legend : Sigillum Reipublica Massachusettensis J Engraved by Paul Revere ; used after 1 780. The paper is signed by John Hancock. Circle. 645. STAMPED PAPER. Massachusetts. Eagle with shield. Above : Twenty-five cents. Below : Massachusetts | Certificate dated 1800. Seal of Essex Bank on same sheet. Circle. 130 646. COLONY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Bundle of ar- rows in middle, fish at left, tree ( ?) at right. Legend : Colony of New Hampshire. Visunita . . rtior. | Date of Commission, 1775. Circle. 647. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Arrows, etc., as above. Legend: Sigill: Reipab : Neo Hantoni: -f Visunita . . rtior + | Date of Commission, 1780. Circle. 648. SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. A ship on stocks at left, at right a radiant sun rising from the sea, in foreground a felled tree. Legend : Sigillum Reipublicce Neo Hantonensis 1J84. * \ Circle. SEALS OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES 649. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Brunswick, Me. A radiant sun, with human face. Legend : Bowdoin Collegii Sigillum 1794 ★ 1 Seal cut May 18, 1797. Circle. 650. BROWN UNIVERSITY. Providence, R. I. Seal of 1765. Busts of King and Queen in profile, face to face. Underneath : George III . Charlotte. | Legend : The Seal of the College in the Colony of Rhode Isla?id and Prozndence Plantations in America. Circle. This description is taken from the Corporation Records of Sept. 1765. The seal shown is well enough preserved to show the portraits, but the Latin motto and legend are partly illegible. The seal is believed to have been cut in Philadelphia. 651. BROWN UNIVERSITY, Second Seal, 1782. A dome resting on seven columns. On ribbon above : Virtus magis colenda \ Below : Patet omnibus | Legend : Sigillum Collegii in Republica Ins Rhod 6- Provid Plant . | This seal is believed to have been cut in Boston. Circle. 652. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New York. Within inner circle a female figure enthroned, open book in right hand, child at her side at right, two children at left, rising sun in distance 131 at left. Motto above : In Lumine Tuo - — Videbimus Lume?i | Above the figure to outer circle a radiant triangle with Hebrew inscription. Legend : Sigillum • Collegii • Co- lumbia • Novi • Eboraci | Circle. 653. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. Hanover, N. H. On a shield a large building at left, tree behind it, flowers in fore- ground : on a beam of light at right : Vox clamantis in deserto | Above shield a radiant triangle with Hebrew inscription. Sup- porters : a man in long garment on either side, the one at left holding a cross. Legend .* Sigill : Col : Dartmouth : Nov : Hant: in America. 1770 | Oval. 654. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athens, Ga. Within circle, an arch, inscribed : Constitution | resting on three pillars with caryatids. A continental soldier in foreground. Motto around: Et . docere • et • rerum • exquirere • causas | Legend : Universitas Georgiae . 1785. \ Circle. Seal designed and cut in metal by Mr. Peyton Cary, a graduate of 1810. Seal was destroyed during the Civil war. The present seal is a true copy of the original. 655. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Cambridge, Mass. On a shield three open books, inscribed : Ve ri tas | Motto around shield : Christo et — Ecclesiae | Legend : Sigillvm Academiae Harvardianae in Nov. Ang. | Circle. 656. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Middlebury, Vt. Open book. Motto around it : Scientia et virtus | Legend : Coll. Med. Virid. Mon. ★ | Seal similar to that used since 1800. * Circle. 657. MOUNT ST. MARY’S COLLEGE. Emmitsburg, Md. Virgin standing on globe. On ribbon : Spes nostra | Legend : Sig. Coll S. Maria ad ★ Montes in Marylandia • 1808. \ Oval, pointed above and below. 658. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadel- phia, Pa. Seven books on a table. Motto above : Sine 132 Moribus Vance. | Below : MDC . . . | Legend : Sigillum Academics Philadel. in Pensilvania. | Circle. An impression in wax taken from the earliest seal of the University. 659. PHILLIPS ACADEMY. Andover, Mass. Beehive on altar at right, bees flying toward flowers at left. Above, on a radiant sun : Non sibi | Below, on ribbon : Finis origme pendet. | Legend : Sigil • Phillip • Acad • | Circle. 660. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Princeton, N. J. Open book inscribed : Vet Nov \ Tes tam \ en turn \ Above it, on ribbon : Vitam mortuis reddo | Below, at left, a roll of paper with a seal. On a ribbon above it : Premium [ Merit | At right a table (?) with several books. Legend: Sigillum Collegii Neo — Ccesariensis in America | Circle. 66 1. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Columbia, S. C. Columbia, at left, greets Minerva standing at right. Eagle above. Motto around the group : Emollit mores nec sinit esse feros. | 'Below : Collegii Carolin | Merid. \ 1801 . | Oval. 662. UNION UNIVERSITY. Schenectady, N. Y. Head of Minerva, with helmet. Motto around it : Sous les lois de Minerve nous deveno?is tous freres ★ | Above, on ribbon : St: of N: York | Below, on ribbon : Union College 1795 | Rays around all. Oval. Seal engraved in 1796 by Isaac and George Hutton, probably of Albany, N. Y. 663. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. Chestertown, Md. Seal with arms of Washington suspended from a column. Looped garland of flowers above and at sides. Legend : Sigil. brev. Colleg. Washington, in Repub. Maryl. \ Circle. This seal probably dates back to the very early days of the college. No large seal is known ever to have existed. 664. COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY. Williams- burg, Va. The arms were given the College by the College 1 33 of Heralds in 1694. They are : Vert, a college or edifice ar. masoned ppr., in chief the rising sun or, the hemisphere of the third. (Burke. General Armory.) The oldest impression seen dates from 1790. The present seal is probably not anterior to 1830, but the design has always been the same. Legend : Sig. Collegii Gulielmi et Maria in Virginia. | Circle. 665. YALE UNIVERSITY. New-Haven, Conn. On a shield, an open book with Hebrew inscription, perhaps to be translated: “The law and the testimony.” Motto around shield : Lux et Veritas | Legend : Sigill : Col : Yalem : Nov : Port : Nov : Angl : 1748 : | Circle. 134 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asterisks Indicate Book-plates NUMBERS Adam giving names 195 Adams, John 125, 198, 266, 368, 506, 507, 553, 565, 579 John Quincy 241 Samuel 30, 199, 369, 391, 451 Advertising design 560 Allegorical compositions . . . 46, 47, 57, 140, 238, 458, 465, 526 Alpaca 614 America 140 triumphant 46 Anatomical plate . ‘ 535 *Anderson 23 Andre, Major, The capture of 31 ^Andrews, Benj. 84 * Andrews, Henry 239 * Anonymous 1 85 * Apprentices’ Library 24 Ark, The building of the 61 1 Army, March of an 610 ^Atkinson, T 271 *Atkinson, William King 85 Bainbridge, Commodore 123, 152 Baker, Rachel 21 1 *Bancker, Charles N 299 I 35 NUMBERS *Bancker, Evert J 113 Bank-note work, specimen sheet 431 Barry, John 153 Battle of Lake George, Plan of, Blodget .... 297 Battle scene 180 *Bay, John W hi Bethlehem, Pa., View of 254 Biddle, James 187 Bill-head . 112,262 Bill-head. Cromwell’s Head Tavern . . .78, 479 Bill of six shillings. Callender 622 Black, Dr. Joseph 315 Blair, Hugh 604 Blodget Plan, Battle of Lake George 297 ^Bloomfield 598 Bloomfield, Gen. Joseph 500 Mrs 501 Bonaparte in trouble. Caricature 139 Boston, Map of 2, 122, 124, 295, 390 View of part of the town of 474 A prospective view of the town of ... 475 Boston Common, View of 313 Boston Harbor, Map of 331, 606 Boston Light-house, View of 74 Boston Massacre, The 459 Botanical plate 138 Boudinot, Elias 63 Bouquet, Col., Conference between Indian Chiefs and 457 *Boylston Medical Library 86 ^Brasher, Henry 336 Brick Meeting-house, Boston 312 1 36 NUMBERS *Brigham, Elijah 109 Brockwell, Rev. Charles 404 •Brothers in Unity 141 •Brown, Jacob 356 •Browne 8 Buell, Rev. Samuel 442 Buffalo 68 Building of the Ark, The 61 1 •Bull 71 Bull and cow 20 Bunker Hill, Battle of 389, 497 Bunyan, John 28 *Burrell, Sidney 25 Business card . . 49, 58, 80, 81, 225-228, 478, 505 Bush Hill, View of 332 Byles, Rev. Mather 232, 405 Caesar, Death of 136 Cain and Abel 244 •Callender, John 87 •Campbell, John 272 Canada Border. War-map 4 Caner, Rev. Henry 406 •Cannon, Philip A 31 1 Caricatures 101, 102, 139, 462-464 Carthagena, Spanish treatment at 472 •Cary, Alpheus 364 •Cary, Samuel 88 •Cary, Thomas 89 Castle William, View of 255 Centlivre, Mrs 407 Certificates . . 11, 62, 196, 252, 253, 441, 476, 572 i37 NUMBERS ^Chambers, John 182 Champlin, Christopher G 502 *Chandler, Gardiner 480 ^Chandler, Rufus 273 Chauncy, Isaac 154 *Child, Th 274 Christ, Baptism of 134, 450 Christ and the children 186 Christ and Bartimeus 135 Church, Col. B 452 Church in distress, The 526 Churchill, C 453 Clairon, Mademoiselle 466 Clark, Rev. John 248 Clarke, Adam 335 John 200 Clarkson, Thomas 346 *Clinton, DeWitt 357 *Coffin 9 Coins. See Appendix. Coins, Plate of 448 Colman, Rev. Benj 408 ^Columbia College . 26 Columbus, The landing of 155 Concord, View of 13 1 Conde, Louis Prince of ‘ . 60 Conference between Indian Chiefs and Col. Bou- quet 457 Cook, Capt. James 126, 540 Cook, Death of Captain . • 531 Cooper, Edward ........... 409 Mrs. Priscilla 410 138 NUMBERS Cooper, Rev. Samuel 32, 370 Rev. William 411 Costume of a priest 65 Court House, Boston 314 Salem ..258 Cowley 5 r 9 Cromwell’s Head Tavern. Bill-head .... 78, 479 Crouch, William 412 Crusader visited by an angel 265 ^Cunningham, James 162 Cutler, Rev. Timothy 413 ^Cutting, William 358 Daillon, James, Count du Lude 420 *Dana, Francis 275 Dancing Scene. Cook’s Voyage ...... 469 *Danforth 276 Danvers & Beverly Iron Works. Card .... 81 Dartmoor massacre 133 Dearborn, General H 503 Decatur, Commodore 188, 394 Declaration of Independence, The signing of the . 516 *De Peyster, Frederick 360 Derby, James, Earl of 414 *Dering, Thomas 277 Desaguliers, J. T 415 Dilworth, Thomas 16 Doctor, The able. Caricature 463 Dodd 566 Doddridge, Rev. Philip 443 Doge’s Palace, Venice 50 Dogs 67, 530 i39 NUMBERS *Dove, Dr. I. . 69 Dubourdieu, Jean Armand 416 *Duvall, Gabriel 561 Dwight, Timothy 321 Eaton, General 212, 558 Edwards, Rev. Jonathan 127, 444, 445 Elijah and the widow’s son 15 1 Elsworth, Hon. Oliver 347 ^Emerson, William 259 Encyclopaedia Plates 309, 355, 530 ^Erasmus Hall Library 337 Essex Bank, Salem, Mass. Promissory note . .. 430 Etna, Eruption of Mt 517 Eve and the Serpent 6 Faneuil Hall, Boston 256 Farmers Exchange Bank. Promissory note . . 230 ^Farmington Library 72 Fennell 559 Fireman’s certificate 196 First Congregational Church, Providence . . . 223 Fishing scene 173 Flavel, Rev. John 446 Fokke, Simon 205 Folding Pictures 434, 435 *Forbes, Eli 177 ^Foster 178 ^Foster, Isaac 278 Francis I. of France .......... 17 ^Francis, John ............ 90 140 NUMBERS Francis, Sir Philip 70 Franklin, Benjamin . 5, 18, 208, 353, 371, 396, 520, 567, 574, 609 *Franklin, John 601 Frontispieces 22, 79, 330 Frontispiece. New England Psalm-Singer . . . 468 Fulton, Robert 322 Gage’s Lines, Plan of General 3 Gamboy. Head of a dog 67 Gates, General 372, 580 Gerbua, The 473 Gerry, Gov. Elbridge 544 *Gibbs, John Walters I *Giles, James 338, 363 George 1 12, 417 Goldsmith, Dr. 432 *Goodwin, Franck 146 *Graham, Henry Hale 555 Green, General 373 *Greene, Benj 279 *Greene, David 481 *Greenleaf, William 280 *Greenough, David S 204 Greenwood, Isaac. Business card ...... 478 *Hale, Robert 281 Hamilton, Alexander 488, 489, 568 Hamlin, R. E. Business card 226 William Business card 227, 228 Hancock, John . 374, 454, 533 *Harison, Richard 494 Harvard College, Views of ... . 48, 73, 82, 477 141 NUMBERS ^Harvard Library 283 ^Harvard Seal . 282 *Hasty Pudding Library 91 *Haynes, Joseph 487 Head-piece; InstrumentofProtest, Charleston, S.C. 318 Henry, Matthew 365 Henry IV. of France, Death of 554 Hillsborough Bank, Amherst, N. H. Promissory note 429 Hiscox, Rev. Thomas 392 Hitchcock, Rev. Enos 213, 214 Holcombe, Henry 168 Hollis, Thomas 418 Hollis Street Church 605 Honyman* Rev. James 393 Hooper, Rev. William 419 *Hopkinson, Francis 114 Howard, John 575 Hull, Capt. Isaac 545 ^Humphreys, Major 147 *Hunter, Wm. J 359 Hunting scene 76 ^Huntington 231 *Jackson, Jonathan . 284 Jail, The, Philadelphia 333 Jane of Montfort at Hennebont 13 Jay, John 263 Jefferson, Thomas . . 38a, 156, 166, 189, 190, 207, 242, 508, 521, 581, 582 Jerboa, The 473 Jonathan, Tomb of 59 142 NUMBER^ *Jones, Samuel . . . . 115 Jones, Sir William 209 *Kemble, Peter 328 *Kissam, Benj 1 16 Knights Templars. Philadelphia certificate . . 62 Knox, General . . 375, 509 Kotzebue, Augustus von 172 Laboratory scene 438 *Laboyteaux, John 197 *Ladd I69 Lafayette, General 104, 376, 397 *Laight, Henry 351 Lake George, Plan of the Battle of 297 Landscapes 21, 61, 103, 541 Lapland, Scene in 350 Lawrence, James . 490 *Leach, John 92 *Leddel, J 602 Lee, Gen. Charles 33 *Lee, Capt. John 361 *Lenthall, John 573 *Lewis, Joseph S 10 Lexington, View of 132 Battle of 5g7 Lincoln, General . 377, 546 *Linonian Library 142, 165 Lions 367 ^Livingston, Edward , 339 ^Livingston, Maturin 340 ^Livingston, Peter R 285 43 NUMBERS Looking-glass for the mind 19 Louis, Prince of Conde 60 *Lowell, John 286 Lude, James Daillon, Count du 420 *Ludlow, Cary . . 550 Luther, Martin 148 *Lyon, Walter . . . . • 499 Madison, James 302, 323, 324 *Magill, John 556 Manning, Rev. James 215 March of an army 610 Map: East coast of No. America 75 Marshall, Chief Justice 306 *Marston, John 287 Mary Magdalen 532 Mason, John M 201 William 491 Masonic Notification blank 269 Masonic Certificate, Essex Lodge, Salem . . . 252 Grand Lodge, Connecticut 137 ^Massachusetts Medical Society 93 Massachusetts Notes 175, 176 Massacre, The Boston 459 Reduced copy 460 Mather, Rev. Cotton 421, 421a Increase 160, 160a Richard 170 Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan 294 *McIlvaine, Bloomfield 537 *McLean, Hugh 341 ^Mechanic Library, New Haven ...... 143 144 NUMBERS Memorial design (Lawrence) 108 Memorial designs, Washington. See Washington. Mendenhall Ferry, View of 53 *Meyers, Henry 362 ^Middleton, Peter 329 ^Miller, Joseph 288 Minot, G. R 233 Minuet, The mitred. Caricature 464 Money, Paper. See Appendix. Montfort, Jane of, at Hennebont 13 Montgomery, James 303 ^Montgomery, Thomas 557 Montgomery, General 378 Moore, Thomas 210 *Moore, Nath. F 352 Moorehead, Rev. John 422 Mourgeon, Peter. Business card 505 Murray, Alexander 157 Mythological figures 7, 612 Napoleon I. ............ . 14 Naval engagement 221 Naval engagement. Night scene .... 150,563 *Newell, Timothy . 577 Newstead Abbey 164 New Theatre, The, New-York 59 2 *New-York Society Library 183, 342 Niagara Falls 349 Night scene . . . 77 *Norris, Isaac 603 Norwegian killing a bear 66 Notification blank. Boston Dragoons . . . . 251 10 145 NUMBERS Obelisk, The 46 j Observatory, View of an 439 Ophelia, Pass for the ship 318 Orphan Asylum. Certificate of membership . . 11 Otis, James, Jun 34 Oxford, Earl of 348 Pahaqualing, View of 107 Paine, R. T 588 *Palmer, Thomas 289 Paper money. See Appendix. Parish, Rev. E 547 Pawtucket Bridge and Falls 549 Penn, William 316, 589 Pennsylvania Hospital, View of ...... 161 Pepperell, Sir William 423 Perry, Commodore 158, 191 *De Peyster, Frederick 360 Philadelphia, Burning of the ship 22 2 Philip, King 455 Pickering, Timothy 504 *Pierce, William L 310, 343 *Pierpont, Charles 260 Pike, Gen. Z. M 307 Pillory print . 270 Pilmore, Rev. Joseph 398 Pinkney, General 583 *Pintard, John 344 Plan of Gen. Gage’s lines 3 Plan, Battle of Lake George 297 Playing at draughts 395 Preble, Commodore 234 146 NUMBERS *Price, Mansfield 551 Prince, Rev. Thomas 424 Promissory Note, Essex Bank, Salem, Mass. . . 430 Hillsborough Bank, Amherst, N. H. . . . 429 *Provoost, Samuel 345 Psalm-singer, New England. Frontispiece . . 468 Putnam, Gen. Israel 35 Quebec, View of . . 296 Rats 174 Rees, Abraham 193 Rescinders, The. Caricature 462 ^Revere 482 Reversible picture 224 Rhinoceros 68 Rhode Island War Map 301 Rhodes 527 Richmond, Va 246 Rogers, Captain, attacked by a seal 534 Romaine, Rev. William . 15 Rousseau, J. J . 163 Rowe, Elizabeth 379 Rubens 425 Rumford, Count 264, 594 Rush, Benj 319, 510 Dr 36 ^Russell 94 Ruth and Boaz 354 Sackett’s Harbor 362 Sailing vessel at sea 576 M7 NUMBERS St. Andrew’s Society of Pennsylvania. Certificate 529 St. John in Patmos 305 Salem Marine Society. Certificate of membership 253 Samaritan, Good 161 Sampson, Deborah 202 Saratoga, N. Y 247 *Sargent, Epes 483 *Sargent, Ignatius 95 *Sargent, Winthrop 96 Saurin 403 Schuyler, Philip 325 Seabury, Rev 192 Seals. See Appendix. Seasons, The (series of four prints) 486 Second Street, Philadelphia 56 Sedgley, View of 54 Sewall, Rev. Joseph 426 *Shallus Circulating Library 543 Shakspeare 64 Shem, Ham and Japhet, Ancestral tree of . . . 613 Shirley, Governor 427 Signing of the Declaration of Independence, The 516 *Smith, William 184 *Smith, William P 298 Smollet '-538 ^Social Library 144 Spanish treatment at Carthagena 472 Spinning machine 599 *Spooner 290 *Spry, William 55 2 Stafford, Conn., View in 449 ^Stanford, Thomas N 495 148 NUMBERS State House, Boston 257 ♦Stepney Society. Wethersfield 145 Stiles, Ezra 128, 249 Stilts 564 Strauss, Job. Friedr 428 ♦Stringer, Samuel 11 7 Strong, Caleb 380 ♦Sullivan, James 97 ♦(Swale, J. H.) 485 ♦Swan, James 98 ♦Sword, William 118 Thomas, Isaiah 304 Thunder storm, The . 467 Thurston, Rev. Gardner 447 Ticket 229 Title vignette for a song 578 Tower of Horns, Ispahan 542 ♦Townsend, Joseph 27 ♦Tracey, Nath’l 291 “Triumphs of Temper,” Six illustrations for . . 536 Trumbull, John 590 Trumbull’s M’Fingal, Illustrations for 591 Tubularia, Plate of 571 ♦Tyng, Dudley Atkins 99 Van-ta-gin 437 ♦Varick 52 ♦Vassall, Henry 292 Walker, John 29 War maps 3, 4, 297, 301, 334, 498, 610 149 NUMBERS *Warner, George 608 Warren, Gen. Joseph 37, 37a, 381, 382 Warriors, Native 79, 470, 471 Washington, George . . .39, 40, 130, 440, 596, 597 After C. W. Peale 383, 384, 399, 400, 401, 528, 595 R. Peale 159 Ramage (?) 267, 268 Robertson 167, 493 Savage . 216-219, 243, 250, 492, 5 1 1—5 13, 515, 525, 570 Stuart . . 38, 105, 179, 194, 308, 326, 327, 385, 386, 514, 522, 523, 548, 569, 584, 585 Wright 129, 366, 524, 593 in his last illness 42 Resignation of 317 Washington, Lady 39a, 387, 402, 515 Washington family 515 Washington memorial designs 41, 43, 44, 45, 106, 149, 245, 539, 586 Washington College 436 Waterhouse, B 235 Watts, Isaac 220, 600 Wayne, General 236, 388 Welsteed, Rev. William . no Wentworth, Sir Wilbraham 456 Wesley, Rev. John . 203, 433 *Wetmore, William 484 *Whitebread, William 119 Whitefield, Rev. George 121,181, 206 •(Williams) . 240 ^Williams, Azarias 49^ 1 S° NUMBERS ^Williams, John ioo Williams, John 320 ^Williams, John C 293 Wilson, Alexander 51 Wine Hills Map 171 Winthrop, John 237 *Winthrop, William 261 *Wiseman, Joseph 607 Woodlands, View of 55 i5 1 * "it, LU'2i L /-ipO>