g&;;'l|;ji|lfe{;f!};fe';j;{^i^;;;;{^;;;j!^^;;;;!;i;i;i'j|;'};;';'!;[;|'^ : '/i' j5;»!;^|{ij]^jl;}f}}l|y;i>;>;i;j!^!!^;!;&;|ij}{!;;;;;;;f;!5!^^ ■ '■'■ • 'i ' • ■ ^ . ; ■ ■ !'l'^K’r'J^'j’>vI'i'»'^J''t'i''!'j’'I'j’;j']'r!'J'fi'}'j'}‘j'J'i'i>!vJ’l'i'.'’ GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE SPECIAL AUCTION CATALOG 1801 Feb. 5 LoChB 3 3125 01263 7092 PMiliiiffit IPiiii P»|ippii|Pi ^HSiiilippiiii ^^fcpiliii|lj#(^ jpgPPl^iyll^ flippi® liipi M ,.: ; !w, ; ,; : § ^ Aj|ii|iiiip|||| 1 i|; ’ ■* lj!|i ^,, „,^,pipiiiiijiipiijiiii''''' iilliiiifciiiii iipiiliiiiiliiiiiii ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiii ;§ss?^9Rwiw fclili ’AJHHiil’IlWjW'lii ’Ivi* ’.^Vi' '}> n’ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofwellk01chri OF THE WE;LL known valuable and TRULY CAPITAL CcUtrtwn of ^ittures, FORMING AN ASSEMBLAGE OF THE GREAT AND MOST ADMIRED MASTERS OP tkp ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, akd DUTCH SCHOOLS, PARTICULARLY Raphael, Ann: Carracci, Nic. Poussin, Titian, Dominickino, Claude, Giorgione, Murillo, Le Sueur, Cap.avagio, And. Sacchi, Le Nain, Spagniolet, Carlo Dolce, Rubens, Sal. Rosa, Albano, Vandyck, Teniers, Rembrandt, Wouvermans, Chef V. D. Werff, CUYP, Jan Steen, &c. ALSO, A MOST CAPITAL MADONA, with the BAMBINO, RAPHAELj THE CHESS-PLAYERS, by TITIAN; Venus and Adonis, a Chef d’ceuvre, N. Poussin; A SEA PORT, Claude j The Interment of a Cardinal, by Van Eyk, a Picture of great Antiquity ^ JASON WITH THE DRAGON, by SAL. ROSA, A moft extraordinary and capital Performance. A Selection of Original Portraits of the most celebrated Artists and Authors ; Miniatures; Broivzes of the first Class , &c. FORMED BY THE LATE EARL of BESBOROUGH, Deceased, Not lefs diftinguillied for his exquifite Tafte, than for his Liberiility in Collecting. By IKljtch tutU he hj auctfcn, Mr. CHRIST IE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On Thursday, February 5, 1201, and Two following Days, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be publicly Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had (at One Shilling eachj without which no Perfon can be admitted. CottWtwns of ^ale* I. higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; but fhould any Difpute arife between Two or ■*“ more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. above Five Pounds, as. 6d. And fo on in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20 I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the 5al€. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain- der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited m Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time fpecified, lhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, ihall be made good by the Defaulters at the prefent Sale. s 'K b. Ns, . A CATALOGUE, - &C.-&C. &c. I . . t Firft Day’s Sale, ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY the 5th, 1801. Dmwmgs, ../Z. ^fWilliam Parker i JL HREEin black chalk, Views in Itajy ^ - - Ditto . — 2 Four Ditto ■ / ~ - __ 3 A Portrait of a Chinefe Lady, on plate glafs " y > t^Liotard — 4 Two Heads in crayons ei? — - — Luttrell — 5 Two Heads in crayons, Hobbs of Malmfbury, and . ' John Locke ' Miniatures.. / .. ^ _ ^ Two Portraits of their Majefties, and two Heads of Homer and Cromwell ^ - y/j - ^ Liotard — 7 A Portrait of the late King of France and his Queen, a Head of Eloifa, and i other i - .. —8 A-Head in Ivory of Boileau, and a Ditto of Madame Dacier ^ - Vertue , — 9 A Head of Sir Ifaac Newton, highly finifhed ^ /T . ^/Liotard" — 10 A Portrait of the late Emprefs of Rullia, and a Ditto of the late Queen of France . ^Laine — A portrait of Louis XIV. enamelled, and a Minia- ture of the King of PrulTia ( 4 ) . ^ ^ 'Capital Bronzesi Vafes, &c» / - - - • ^ - 12 A pair of Antient Chinefe Vafes, and a fmall ditt® veflel -ij Two, a Lion and a Dragon, ditto . <1^4 A pair of beautiful Chinefe Bronze Pots; the han- dles and feet formed in imitation of the natural Bamboo; and the fides taftefully ornamented in relief -/i- ' 15 Five fmall Bronzes. A Tigrefs, a Boar, an Owl, a Crab, and a fmall antique Velfel /f ■ Jj - 16 Two grotefque lamps, and a fingle-light Candela- brum, mounted on Eagles’ feet Three grotefque Lamps -.5 .. /18 A pair of curious Portraits in filver, King Charles Ift. and his Queen, by Christian Van Vianen, bought in Mr. West’s fale / / -19 A pair of Elegant Gilt Ewers / -7 - 20 A Pot of Old Raphael’s ware Z ^21 Three Cups and two Vafes of the beautiful Derbyfhirc Spar 5 - 22 A fmall Antique Ciftern, and an Alabafter Vafe . /■ ^23 A fmall Altar, formed of fpecimens of rare and curious Marbles, mounted in Ebony, with a Head of Medufa, a fine Cameo in Ivory, by Bozzo J/ yC . - 24 A Portrait of Pope ; a Bas relief . /Z - 25 A capital Masque of Medusa, from the original in the Rondanini Palace at Rome, exquifitely , I fculptured in beautiful tranfparent Alabafter '*25 A pair of fine Bronze Vafes from the Antique, on Terms, mounted with or-moulu /3 - /3 - !»#2_5 The Aldobrandini Marriage, a very fine Bas relief ■—■Jlatuary marble ( s ) . //* - Chev. Cafali — /d • Angelo ^Teniers — . /3 -Luca Giordano /t ^Schalken — ^ — Leo. da Vinci // • // - Largillier — /j - Rigaud — ' Dobfon — ^ ‘ ■ ^JSir G. Kneller - S' - ^Phil. de Champagne ^ Charles Lebrun • /> ^Chev. Cafali - 'S~' ' S- - Blick — S' ■ /S ^ i»Vandyck — S~ Barent Gale — ■ /O - Liotard •— ■ /O ~ Titian /Z . / ^Dom. Series /S . // - Albano iKHarracci /■!lt ./Zt -P. Panini Z/ — — Scott - Ditto — ^ ■ //■ ^. •' 6 • f> - Liotard ^ A - Laine — S . /& -'J^iotitrd 2 .. /? ~ ^^y\ox /..Ar/ ^ - 1 2 .. A : /. A ^ <^Paul Veronefe - /A - Liotard — A A Guido — 2 . - Laine — Drawings and Miniatures, I Hermaphrodite, in crayons A Head of the King of Poland and the Prince of Pruffia Two Drawings of the Grand Signor, and companion, highly finilhed A Miniature of Sir J. Reynolds and King Lear, after Sir Jofliua, by , A Portrait of Sir C. Saunders, by Smart ; a Ditto of Henry the IV. of France and Tully A Portrait of Madam, du The, and i of Madam. D’Orleans An Head of Bianca Capello, in oil A Girl fleeping, an enamel Two, the Roman Charity, and a Magdalen, after A Portrait of Mrs. Ro'binfon, and a fmall miniature / { 9 ) o .d ~ Liotard- — ^ ' Guido and Carlo Marratti Liotard — — Z ■. ^ Marco Ricci — Rofalba — 1 ^ / . 1 1 A Gladiator, from the Antique, and a humourous {cent 12 Herodias, after, and St. Lucia 13 A Deception, finely enamelled 14 Two Italian Scenes, with Ruins 1 5 Heads of the Four Seafons, in Crayons, beautiful 16 A Tablet for a chimney, ort Marble, from the- Antique Capital Bronzes j Vafes^ &c.. ^ - ir ^ 17 . /18 ^ Z ^19 ' 8^ - 20 .. -21 . /f 2^. / -23 4 ^ ./ -24 Four. A ChihJ’^s Head, a Copy of the Juno found ar Bath, an Anatomical Figure in Bronze, and a Ditto in mixed metal Three. Venus after Bathing, from G. di Bologna,, a Venus refting upon a Vafe, from Ditto, and a‘ Torfo, M. Angelo Three. Cupid in a fitting Pofture ; and a pair ofi Horfes, from the Antique Two, the Flagellatorl, of Algardi, and i more, fiyie Two. A Horfe and Bull from the Antique Two. The Flora- of tlie Farnefe, and Ditto of the Capitol - A Pair of Capital Bronzes, the Centaurs of the Capitol, with the names of the Artifts on the Plinths Two Beautiful Vafes from the Antique, richly ornamented with _Bas Reliefs, and Priapei’d Malles; Antique Vafes, ^.c,. / /Z ^25 A vafe of the very rare Bianco e Neto Antique marble, and cover B ( to ) . y ■ Riley — 31 /,. // . /nimfelf — 32 // .0.1^ Van. Ooft — 33 / // / . - _ n A / ' ^ ~ Rigaud — 35 A / -, /Dobfon — 36 /Z . /£ - Himfelf — 37 / - Rembrandt 38 - // - Ditto — 39 /S J7 - Mignion — 49 Grapes, Peaches and other Fruits, entwinei>* with Flowers, fo pleafingly arranged as to produce a very fine effect, brilliant and highly finifhed 2^ -2' - Hobbima — 50 A Landfcape, a woody fcene, from Nature, producing a Jiriking effeCt • 2i 'I'rancis Mieris — 51 A Magdalen in the Defart, highly finijhed 2Z ollurillo — 5^ The Virgin with Infant Chrift and Angels, an elegant fmall Cabinet Picture 2^9 "7 C. Metzu ’ — 53 A Lady at her Toilet, highly finijhed -/2, -Keerinx — 54 A Landfcape with Pan and Syrinx 72t / - D. Teniers — 55 An Old Woman Peeling Apples, a beautiful and fpirited Picture ^ 'Ditto — 5 ^ An interior, its companion equally fine /o . /o -Bronzino — 57 Chrift Difputing with theDodlors, painted on marble /O . /a -Albano — — 58 Bacchus and Ariadne, an elegant compofition yZ . /Z JDitto — »— 59 Cupid and Pfyche, its companion -Dominichino — 60 A Landfcape and Figures, a grand Italian fcene 77 / 'Ann : Carracci — 61 Venus' and young Satyrs Swaneveldt — 62 A Landfcape and Figures, an Italian fcene, a warm- rich Picture ( 12 ) 'Old Mieris — // ■ // - Ger. LairelTe — y/ ' / 8 ^ - Giorgione •— ■^0 ^ " Vandyck — - » /4 - Paul Brill & Ann: Carracci — Raffael da Urbino — - / - De Konink — o Gaf. Pouffin /iL , /iL ~ Ditto • 9 Z ^/o — Giorgione *62 The Story of Lucius Papirius, a moft exquifite pifture of the mafter 63 A Bacchanailian Scene, highly finijhed 64 Its companion 65 The resurrection of our Saviour, a noble delign, richly coloured, and produces a wonder- ful effect 66 Portrait of a Lady, three quarters 67 A Landfcape with elegant Buildings, a noble grand compofition — "68 Madona and the Bambino, a very rich-coloured piSlure mm 69 A View in Holland, a moft extenfive fcene, from Nature 70 Jacob and Rachel, in a beautiful Landfcape — 71 finely compofed, and richly coloured — 72 A Woman weighing her Money, very highly finijbedy in the firji manner of 73 Fruit and Flowers, a very high-finiftied picture, equal to Van Huyfum, whofe Manner he chofe — 74 Going out a-Hawking, and the Return, finifhed equal to Wouvermans — 75 Minerva rewarding the Arts (an elegant JketchJ — 76 A Land Storm 77 A Ditto, the companion — 78 A Portrait of Gaston de Foix. This pidlure claims rank with the fineft works of Titian or Vandyke, painted in the great ftile, with a rich- nefs of colouring fo much tke admiration of this celebrated mafter. N. B. This Picture is engraved in Mr. Boydeir s Collediion ^ .y/- Rubens — • — • 79 The Decollation of St. John -^7 • /r - F. Monaville — - 80 The School of Athens, after Raph'ael Ditto — 81 The Mount Parnalfus, after Raphael - Withoes — 82 A large and capital Landfcape with a Waterfall, Figures, Ac. . / - Hondikooter — { 13 ) 83 Live Poultry, exquifitely painted, one of the fined: Works of this Mafter ' - Vandyck 84 Venus attiring 'after BaifhIngT attended by Cupids, finely coloured • //f ~ Denner — 85 The Head of an Old Woman, a remarkably high- ~ h. Van Borfoin — finifhed pi£lure of this celebrated Mafter (o« 86 A Landfcape with Cows and Sheep, very fine, equal to Paul Potter Eglon Vander Neer ■— 87 ^ View of a Village in Holland, by moon-light ; a fine ferene fcene finiflied in a degree far fuperior to the ufual works of this mafter , // - Canaletti — 88 A View in Venice, exhibiting a very interefting fcene of that renowned city, with fome of the principal public Buildings, Shipping, and Com- merce, the figures truly charadleriftic of the na- ^ ^ Ditto — tives, the whole in perfeft union 89 A Ditto, the companion, equally interefting; and fine .Jo -D. Teniers — - 90 A large and capital Landfcape, a View of the Alps^ with Gypfies and Peafants, exprefled with the truth of Nature ; finely coloured and touched with a fpifited and lively pencil. Out of the collection of Sir Luke Schaub y - Sal; Rcfa — 91 His own Portrait, full of character, force, and ex- preffion End of the Second Day’s Sale. Mi ( *4 ) Third Day's Sale, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY the 7th, 1801. Fixtures, .. /3 ^ Rofalba I Portrait of Poinpertina, in crayons ^ . /sir G. Kneller — 1 A Head of Congreve /r /Ditto 3 Portrait of Sir G. Kneller ^ ^ - Jarvis — 4 A Portrait of Jofeph Addifon / --<4irG. Kneller __ 5 Alexander Pope .-3 ~ Rofalba 6 Four, the Seafons, very capital // " 'i- - / Ditto 7 Maternal Felicity, highly finilhed /■4 • 3 - Dominichino — 8 Two Portraits of Dominico Zampieri, and Soplro- - Polemberg 9 nifba Agricola, in oil His own Portrait. , / - Holbein 10 A Ditto of Francis the Firft, highly finifhed y y - Liotard — II A Lady at Tambour-work, very highly finifhed y_ Van. Eyck — 12 Two original Portraits of Hubert and John Van Eyck /v ../O, — -13 Two frames, containing ao Heads, accurately carved / / d ■ 0 ~ Goupy 14 in Ivory, of Greek and Roman charadlers A pair of high finilhed fmall Landfcapes /j . - ^ ' 3Ditto — *5 A pair of ditto, very Capital, after Rubens and Do- / . - / - Ditto 16 minichino Venus and Cupid ( «i ) 7 * Jjyitto — 17 A pair, Liberality and Modefty ; and Apollo reward- ing Merit, after Guido and Andrea Sacchi, very capital, in crayons, with plate glades Capital Bronzes, Vafes, &c. / -7- ^2 ../ t - 19 // /2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A pair of fmall oval Vafes from the Antique A Group of Two Italian fighting boys One, the Apollo Belviddre A Pair from the Gladiators in the Villa Borghefe A Faun with a Kid A Capital Large Bronze from the David of Bernini A Bull of Demofthenes, by Benvenuto Cellini A Remarkably fine Bronze, copy from the Neptune of Bernini A delicately formed Vafe of the Derbyfhire Spar, with handles of or-moulu, taftefully defigned A Pair of fmall Porphyry Vafes and covers, mounted in or-moulu An elegantly fliaped upright Vafe of Porphyry and Cover A Pair of Vafes and Covers of tranfparent Alabafter Six beautiful croupes of Bovs, exquifitely carved in Ivory, from nature, by Fiamingo ; truly Chef d’ceuvres of this celebrated Artift : from the Col- leflion of the great Duke of Buckingham Figures. N. Pouffin — 31 A Head of Quefnoy Detto il Fiamingo Holbein — 32 A Ditto of Bilhop Gardner Valentini — 33 A Ditto of Claude Lorraine, 1631 ( -) Titian -- 34. A Ditto of Michael Angelo .'f Seb. Bourdon — 3S A Ditto of Pierre Puget Spagnolet — 36 A Ditto of Galileo ; very capital Tintoret — 37 A Ditto of Gabriel Falopius Himfelf 38 A Ditto of the Chevalier Bernini Marlow — 39 A View of Lyons Ditto 4.0 A Ditto of Weflminfler Bridge, &c. its companion Ghifolphi — 41 Ruins in the Environs of Rome, with figures Snyders — " 42 9 he Interior of a Larder, with Cats fighting, a fpirited fine pidture Julio Romano •— 43 Carybdus and Scylla Backhuifen — 44 A fea-piece, brifk gale, with Ihipping Lucatelli — 45 An Italian Farm Yard, with peafants Brower — 46 A Smith’s Forge Phil. Woiivermans 47 A fmall Landfcape and figures A. Vandevelde — 48 Cows in a Landfcape Tintorett 49 The lafl; Supper ( a JketchJ B. Breemberg — 50 A Landfcape and Figures, with a Bridge M. Angello, de la Bataglia 51 Italian Peafants dancing and regaling, truly ch&^ rafterftic and full of fpirit Ann : Carracci «- 5^ Mater Ddlorofa, full of exprefiion and charadler Rubens 53 An emblematical Pidlure, a Iketch,. finely defigned Guardi 54 A view on the Grand Larke at Venice ; a fine tranfpa- rent pr£tiire equal- to Canaletti Van Balen — 55 The Rape of Europa Backhuifen — 56 A Sea Piece, view of the Brill in Holland,, a true, and admirable effedl of Nature, which charadlerifes- all his fine works Sebaftian Ricci 57 The Last Supper ; a picture defervedly efteemed for the great fuperiority to the generality of his Works ; in this aflemblage he. has happily united all the grandeur of Paul Veronefe, with a very beautiful and harmonious effedl of colouring ( J7 ) Carlo Dolce - Le Nain — A. Cujp ■— Andrea Sacchi Andrea del Sarto Phil. Wouvermans Ditto — Van. Staverin Vanderheyden Pynaker — 7 JJ37 I - O :v:aY 58 A Magdalen, a very graceful charadler, in his heft time 59 The Last Supper; a fine-compofed picture.— Le Nain was a pupil of Mic. Angelo Caravagio, whofe* manner he imbibed, with a richncfs of colouring peculiar to himfelf,— a very capital per- formance 60 A Landscape and Cattle, a View from Nature, in Holland, a very pleafing pidlurefque effeft, the figures corredly drawn and full of tafte 61 _ NoAH'EXPOSED.f The works of this mafter are very rare in ,t^e cabinets of the Virtuofi, he being moftly employed in painting large pidfures for the Churches at Rome— -remarkably fine 62 Holy family with St. Elizabeth. A grand de- fign and very much n the Stile of Raphael whofe Pupil he was 63 A Battle-piece ; a fpirited pidture ; the paffions of the figures engaged in the principal feene of adlion are finely exprelfed ; the whole full of Animation 64 A Ditto, its companion, and pofleffing all the excel- lences of the preceding 65 A Dutch Family at Dinner, in the ftile of Gerard , ^ Dow ; a beautiful high finilhed pidlure ^ 66^ A^Vj£W,of the Cajile Lazenenhurg. This Cabinet Pic- , ture, may juftly be placed among the mafter pieces of this Artift, fo renowned in his line; the figures by A. Vandevelde 67 A Landfeape, with a Water-Mill: a very pleafing clear, efFe<' > ♦•t v .• -.’<= » ■ '■ .■■- -••' ‘ • ' ■ 5^’“ ' - iiii iiiipiiii iliilitaii 1111111 “ mm Hiliii liiil’IiiiTO iiiiiiiii^iiippli™ iiiiiiiiilii^^ iiiiiiiiiiliii»lliillll IMP iilllMIMli liMilPiilli MiiilMkliill iliiliilii iiiifcilii iiiiiiiMiipi illiliiiiiliipiiii^^ iiipiiilSiilil liiiiiiliiiiiiiPii liitsiiiiilsi i^lIM ■■■ Ilii liiii! PiiilMiiiiii iiiiliip ig pi; giiii lipi I Htfih!! t!t i3Lfih,^ 1^4* i;i:t iiililiiili** liiiiPiiMitti Alib!®: Uliiliili iiliiii |||j|!;:||§ iiiiiill mm iff!-it}{iiir!ihH!i iSiigiiiiSliiiiiiiliSiii ;t;}|||[;||[jyji!l||;;|i!j;;!;j;;||^