Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoftruly02chri_0 A li OF The Truly CapitalyValuablej,& TVell-ChoJen ColleBiow OF ITALIAN; FRENCH, FLEMISH, & DUTCH PICTURE THE REAL PROPERTY OF A MAN OF FASHION, DISTINGUISHED FOR HIS SUPERIOR TASTE, AND PURCHASED AT A VERY LIBERAL EXPENCE, DURING HIS RESIDENCE ABROADi Gompriling the undoubted Works of the following great and admired Matters, in the higheft State of Prefer vation : Raphael^ Guido t Corregioy GuercinOy D: da Volt err ay C, Cignaniy Primaticcioy TintorettOy., Carracci, Rubensy V: Dycky Teniersy L: Giordano , . P. Neefs, N: Poujfin, Berghem, P: . Panini, Wouvermans, A: Cityp', A: de Velde, Ruyjdael, OJlade, Backhuy/en^ V: Goyen, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION,. Mr. CHRISTIE^ At his Great Roomy Pall Mall, On Friday, March 6, 1801 ,. and following Day,^ AT^ TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be Viewed, and Catalogues had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in Pal] Mall, CONDITIONS OF SALE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Difpute arife between Two or ifforc Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be put up again and re-fcld. 41. No Perfon to advance lefe than is. Above Five Pounds zs. 6d. And fo on in pro- portion. ‘III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down zol. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain- der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery, VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payn)ent fliall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fiiail be re-fold by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, foall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. A Catalogue, &c. Fir ft Day^s Sale, FRIDAY, MARCH the 6th, i8oi. Pi£iures» Bredael — - 1 xA Landfcape with Figures going out a-Hawking. Van Goyen — 2 A Viev/ on a River Canaletti — 3 A Pair of Views in Venice A/Telyn , — 4 A fiTiall Landfcape and Figures Claude — 5 A Landfcape and Figures, Rile of Pellegrini — 6 The Daughter of Jethro Ditto 7 The Difcovery of Achilles S. Ruyfdael — 8 A Landfcape V. Dyck — 9 A Sketch of King Charles on Horfeback Rubens — - 10 Hunting, a Sketch Viviani — II Architecture, Moon-light Schalken — 12 St. Peter denying Chrill, Candle-light Vernet — 13 A Sea-Port, Sun-rife, a pleafing Sketch; Boucher — . 14 A Lady with a Cat Parmigiano — 15 A Holy Family with Saints Paolo Mattel 16 Danae Rubens — 17 The AlTumption of the Virgin Van Uden esaev r-8 A Landfcape with Haymakers' ( 4 ) Ganaletti ^ ’ E 9 ArcEitedfure Le Moine — 20 Mercury and Argus Zorgh — 21 An Interior, with Boors fmoaking 'Fabris — 22 An Italian Sea^Port, with Banditti Fr: Guardi ~ 23 A View on the Grand Lake at Venice Zuccarelli — ■ 24 A pair of fmall elegant Landfcapes Schalken — 25 Students drawing by a Lamp r Lingelback — 26 -Italian Peafants Cuyp — 27 Cows in a Landfcapc P. Neefs — 28 A Church Piece Jan Steen — 29 A Smoker J. Mi el 30 Italian Peafants re.pofing Sir Jolhua Reynolds 31 Count Ugolino, a Sketch for the large Pidlure of the fame Subjedl _V. Dyck ' — 32 “Portrait of G Grayer Rembrandt — 33 An Old Man’s Head - J. Ruyfdael — 34 A Sea Piece A. Kauffman — • 3'5 Hellen, a ^Portrait Solimeni 36 The Affuraption of the Virgin, a grand and fpiritcd Defign for a large Pidlure Berghem 37 A Landfcape and Cattle P. Panini 38 Architedlure and Ruins 1 Breughel '39 A fmall Landfcape J.-Miel 40 Italian Peafants ' Ditto — 41 Ditto, its companion N. Pouffin — 42 A Sketch of Daphne and Apollo Sirani — 43 A Cupid 11 Lingelback — 44 Banditti plundering a Village Schlingeland •— 45 A Dutch Philofopher 2 h Vander Neer — • 46 A Landfcape with a Drawbridge Zuccarelli 47 An Italian Landfcape, an elegant Scene n Simon di Pefaro — 48 Chrift and St. John, a,plcafing Cabinet Pidture, m * fine Prcfervation % P. Brill — 49 A.Repofo, highly finifhed and coloured, the Figures 32 Zi\ $ ■ Guercino Wynants Raphael D. da Voltera Teniers by Ad: Elflieimer 50 A Child refufmg to drink a Medical Draught 51 A Pair of fmall brilliant Landfcapes 52 St. Cecilia, a very curious cabinet Picture 53 Virgin and Child 54 A Martyrdom, a very uncommon and fingularly fine Effort of this Mafter in the Hiftorical Line ( 5 ) S.uyfdael — 55 • A View in Holland near Harlaem 2 $ •Pouflin — 56 Pafiphae, a very fine Pidlure of this Mafter Moucheron - 57 A Landfcape, View near Rome l b 'h Mola — S8 The Meeting of Jacob and Rachel, a very fine and 33 Oftade — 59 Engraved Piflure from the Crozat Colledlion An Interior, with Boers drinking and ffnoaking> a iA5 34 Berghem — 60 beautiful and high-finifhed Cabinet Pi(fture A fmall Landfcape and Figures Van Dyck — 61 Cupid with the arms of -Mars Berghem — 62 A Landfcape with Robbers, in a grand Style, and 4/ Stella — 63 finely preferved A 'Holy Family W '/*- Nich. Loir - 64 A Ditto Thefe Two charming Pibiures were from the Cabinet of Due de Prafin. 77 V, 57 Tenters — Ruyfdael — Van de Velde — • J. Both ~ Carracci — » Teniers ^5 '66 67 68 69 70 Blobbima - 73 Jdd Lud. Carracci ~ 74 Guercino 76 The Four Seafons, painted in the very beft Style of this efteemed Mafter A Landfcape, a woody Scene, the Figures by Wob- vermans A Calm, with Dutch Boats An Italian Fair, a-' warm glowing Scene Holy Family teaching the Infant Chrift to read A Dutch Wake with numerous Figures, executed with a Delicacy and Facility of Pencil peculiar to this Mafter The Companion, equally fine View of the Great Church at Antwerp, certainly one of the fineft Pi£lures of this Mafter, and in perfedl Prefervation A View in Holland from Nature ; The Works of this captivating Artift are juftly held in the greateft Efti- mation Chrift crowned with Thorns — an exquifite Cabinet Pifture, full of Expreffion, and in the fineft Pre- fervation The Virgin and Infant Chrift, St. John and St. Bar- tholomew, an admirable Produition of this great Mafter Portrait of the Senator Gritti /Ok P. Vcronefe A 7 d% >4 • dO -IS S8^ ^9 ( 6 ) P. Panini Ditto Van Helmont N. Pouffin Claude V. Dyck Tintoretto If: Oilade L« Giordano Ditto. Solario Ruyfdael Pouffin 77 A Grand Scene, In which are reprefented the CoToifeOy the Temple of Jupiter Stator, and other remains of Antiquity at Rome 78 The companion, extremely fine. This capital Pair of Pictures are engraved 79 View of a Flemifh Market, with numerous Figures, Still Life, &c, a very interefting and highly-finiflied- Pidlure §0 The Birth of Bacchus, with Groupes of attendant Nymphs t a truly elegant and claffical Compofition Si An Italian Sea Port, with Buildings and Figures, by Sun-fet, painted with warm, glowing Effedl 82 A Defcent from the Crofs : nothing can exceed the Beauty and richnefs of Colouring, in this truly capital Pi6ture, which was brought from a Church in Flanders 83 The Raifing of Lazarus, a grand Compofition of many Figures; the Heads full of Charadter, and the Whole finely coloured 84 A Winter Piece, with a Number of Figures Ikaiting, &c. very Capital §5 Meleager and Atlanta, a moft fpirked Performance, and truly Capital — from the Colltdlion of MonL ^ de Calone *• 86 Niobe, the companion, of equal Merit with the preceding 87 The Virgin and Child, full of Sweetnefs and Expreffions 88 A mofl: Capital Landfcape, with Figures and Horfes by Phil: Wouvermans : The grandeft Scene, and: the moft confiderable Work known of this admira- ble Painter 89 THESEUS LIFTING THE STONE, a' moft CAPITAL Picture, ornamented- with noble Arch- itedlure; and painted in the beft Time of this SUBLIME Artist End of the Firll Day*s Sale, i 7 ) Second Day's Sale, SATURDAY, M A R C the .. 7th, 1801.; Fidiures, £ y 23 Morland 1 Sea-Shore, Viev/ in the Jlle of Wigl|(t, withl Figures i' Fragonard — 2 A Sultana Borgognione — 3 A Battle Piece Ditto 4 Ditto, the companion Brooking — 5 A Sea Piece V ^ Sir F. Bourgeois — 6 A Land Storm Alhford — 7 A View in the County of Wicklow * Gobbo Carracci 8 A Pair, a View on a River, and a Landfcape' GaufFredt — • 9 A fmall Landfcape Breemberg — 10 A Ditto Hori/onti — II An elegant Italian Landfcape, with Buildings' and Figures ' -* Ditto 12 A Ditto, the companion ^ Moucheron — 13 A Landfcape, the Figures by A. V. de V,^le Patelle 14 An Italian Landfcape, with Buildings and' Figures Ditto — 15 A Ditto, the companion M. Ricci and V. Dicft 16 Two Landfcapes and Figtires ^ ‘ Ghifolfi — 17 Ruins of a Roman Gate, Sec. Domenichino — t8 A Landfcape with a Magdalen P: il Vecchio 19 Soldiers at Cards • W ootton — 20 A large Landfcape, the Figures by Hogarth Lan franco — 21 St. Matthew Ditto — 22 The companion Locatelli 23 A View in Italy Both — 24 A Landfeape, a mountainous View, and Figures EHheimer — 25 A fmall circular Landfcape, on Copper 7 2 ! SO Z'uccaBo- - 26 Portrait of Gabriel D' Etrces Rubens -— 27 Part of the Hiftory of Henri IV. the Sketch for'cn®- o£ the Hannds ofthe Luxcmbourgh Ditto — 28 A ditto Hauflhsan 29 A fmall rich coloured Laiidfcape Both — SC- A warm Landfcape with a Lime Kiln and Figures Begyn — SI Cattle and Figures in a Landfcape V. Dyck — 32 A Portrait of Philip Rubens, Son of Sir P. P. Rubens Van jGoyen — - 33 A View of the Town of Dordrecht. Vander Mfeulen- — ' 34 A Battle Piece, very finely coloured Palamedes — 35 A Family Scene, very highly finilhed Mantuan® — 3^ Apollo Dancing with the Mufes, a Copy of the cele- brated- Pi Q^ure-of Julio Romano in the Palazzo Pitts- at Florence Canalettl: — 37 A Pair of- Views in Venice Locatelli — 38 A Landfcape with Figures, extremely fine Guido — - 39 Infant Saviour flceping on the Crofs, very- fweetljr coloured^ Jean Miel ~ 40 A Monk diftributing Bread and Soup to the Poor^, very fine Francefchini — 41 A Magdalen, a fine Specimen of this Mafi&r p. Lievens 42. An old Man’s Head, very fine F. Hals 43 A' Boy’s Head, fuRof Spirit and Animation > Guercino 44 St. Jerome Ruyfdael — 45 A woody Scene with a Waterfall Vernet- — . 46, Ruins, an elegant Scene wiith Figures- Ditto — . 47 An Italian Landfcape with Figures, the Companion; Teniers » 48. Af Landfcape with Pigs Rubens — 49 His own Wife, a fine Sketch Ditto- — 50 Shepherds dancing, richly colored Santerre ~ 5^ A Lady in a Spanifli Drefs,- holding a -Mafk- CoCignani — ■ 5.2 Jupiter and Antiope, from the known Pi(£lure-of Cot- regio, — when copies are made by fuch Great Maf*-- ters as G. Cignani they. become Originals- G. Pouflin — 53 A grand kalian Landfcape,. with Figures Corregio -=- 54 A fleeping Venus, finely colored Haphaei «— 55 Portrait of St. Ivo the Advocate of the Poor,.m fine> prefervation J. Steen ■ — 56 The Village Magiflrate, a humorous SHbje£I Romani el li •=— 57 Virgin, Chrift and St. John playing with a Goldfinclv, < ) Lingclbafck 58 Jlifbens 59 77 , P, Neefs ' * 60 Wynants — 61 Oftade 6 z V. de Velde — 63 JU De Hoog — 64 3 / Pritnaticcio 65 Tintoretto « — 66 't Teniers Rubens i 67 68 A: Ollade •— 69 Cuyp 70 TfO Teniers — 71 ■ 49 kCj Ollade Teniers — w 72 73 Murillo 74 Italian Peafailts merrymaking A Descent from tke Crofs-^-a very fipiritetl and fiite Sketcih for tKe celtbrated Pidfure painted ior the Great Church at Antwerp A Church Piece, highly hniflied ‘ A Landfcape, a brilliant little Cabinet Jevvel An Interior, with Peafants dancing Ships Frozen-in at Sea, an uncommon and exquifite Cabinet Pifture A DomeOic Scene, very richly coloured, and the* lights managed with brilliant and furprifing ElFedl A Lady claiming Juftice from an Emperor, and holding to him the Skull of her Hulband, unjyl^ly con- demned., Few Cabinet Pifturcs of this Mafler are to be met with - c The Golden Calf. This is the fmall Piflure which this Mafter afterwards executed on a large Scale, for the Church of S. Maria del Orto, at Venice. It was brought to Paris by a French AmbalTador, ■in wJiofe Family it remained ’till the Revolution An Interior, with Peafants hawking, highly finilhed A Subj'e£l from the Life of Achilles~a capital Sketch A Woman cleaning Fifli, an aftonilliing high-finifhed and well preferved Piclure of this celebrated Mailer A View of Dort, with Figures, a beautiful warm and glowiug fcene, very capital The Temptation of St. Anthony, a very fpiritcdand high-finifhed A/arm/tt, in high prefervation Dutch Peafants dancing, truly a capital Pifttire Job upon his Dunghill : This extraordinary piflure is painted in a particular Stile, which Teniers fometimes employed, the colouring has fomething of the Venetian School. An Alfumption of the Virgin, an enchanting Cabinet Jewel B ( 10 ) i“yi' 7^ Rubens — 75 The Battle between Conflantine and Maxeatius Ditto — 76 Condantine receiving the Globe and Crofs Ditto — 77 Ditto worlhiping the Crofs Ditto — 78 Ditto receiving the Banner 0 Ditto — 79 Fame crowning Condantrne ’Theje five Sketches form a Part of the admirable Suite of Dejigns from the Hand of this Great Mafer^ intended for a Gallery at Paris, and were a difiinguiftoed Part of the Orleans Flemish Collection. lido N. Pouflin — 80 Apollo and Daphne r Avery fine Morceau, from the //s- Colleflion of Sir Gregory Page Teniers — 81 The Farm Yard: A moft capital' produdlron of' this great and efteemed Mafter, painted in a fweet filver tone. Engraved by Le Bafan ■ .^3 A Landfcape with Ruins and Figures, painted with " • great firmnefs of touch- ; and every part illumined- ^ with a warm glowing fun-Aine, which produces a- mofl: lively and fparkling elFed, truly a brilliant Tenieis- ' — ‘83 Bijou Twelfth Night: A groupe of Figures in an Interior,; ( full of Chara£ler, and painted with unufual fpirit, undoubtedly one of his moft pleafing and exquifitely TAP finilhed Works Berghem — 84 A beautifull Italian Landfcape, with Buildings and a Variety of Figures and Cattle, efteemed one of the- moft capital pictures known of this much admired mafter N. Poullrn 85 The Holy Family, a capital and claftical compofition. well known by the Print engraved' by Poilly; from- the choice Colle6lion of M. de la Regniere r FINIS. J. SmcetoDj, Printer, 148, St» Martin’s Lane. V. s V ■%< , J 1 ^; :■ r- *T* ■>. V y ’■ir V V / I