fi- '^ K.^ THE MARTON HALL GALLERY. PRICE SIXPENCE. Sold for the Benefit of the "Artists' Orphan Fund." Wh% CA-T-A-X^OOXJE THE HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES FROM MAPJON HALL. MIDDLESBKOUGH. FORMED BY H. W. R BOLCKOW, ESQ., M.P., DECEASED : WHICH (hi/ Order of the Executors) fflSHiU l)f rolD t)}) Auction, \)}) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, Ar TSSIS GSEAT EOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE. On SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1888, AT ONE o'clock PRECIRELT. j\Iay be publicly viewed Three Days precedin.c:, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, ]\Ianson and Woods' (Offices, 8 King Street, iSt. James s Sqiiare, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest IMdder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute ariBe between two or more Bidders, the Lot bo in dispute sliall be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less than 1«. ; aboye Five Pounds, 5*. ; and 80 on in proportion. III. Ill the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5*. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; IVlessre. Chkistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the conect description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the Settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase- ]Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending auch re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1888, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. PICTURES OF THE CONTINENTAL SCHOOLS. C. MOREAU. 1 Le Dejeuner 18 in. by 16 in. BISCHOP. 2 Eembbandt going to uis Anatomical Studies 34 in. by 51 in. L. PERKAULT, 1869. 3 Going to Market 51 in. by 38 in. II. MERLE. 4 The Holy Family ^ 14 in. by 17 in. L^/^JLp^ H. MERLE, 1872. 5 HAGAR AND ISHMAEL 65 in. by 38 in -.-^ ^--y >. ^ ■ L. EUIPEREZ, 1866. 6 Courtyard of a Spanish Inn : loading mules with bales 11 in. by 15 in. L. KNAUS, 1874. 7 A CUP OF COFFEE rfi, -^ 26 in. by 18 in. ' /^ _, E. VEEBOECKHOVEN. 8 SHEEP IN A FLEMISH STABLE g^ 27 in. by 40 in. /l ^ ExMhited at Leeds, 1868 /AP^VU^ E. VEEBOECKHOVEN. 9 A GEOUP OF SHEEP UNDEE THE TEEES fcP ' ^ 41 in. by 66 in. v^'in^ E. FEfeEE, 1865. 10 The Eeprimand 16 iti. by 13 in. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 E. FElfcEE, 1867. 11 Winter: gathering faggots 18 in. by 15 in. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 E. FEEEE, 1864. 12 A CHILDEEN'S PARTY 13 in. by 16 in. C< iA^5» E. FKEKE, 1868. 13 THE GIELS' SCHOOL ^^_ 36 in. by 28 in. LOUIS GALLAIT, 1865. 14 ART AND LIBERTY 44 in. by 32 in. ' i/ / W. BOUGEREAU, 1859. 15 A DAY DREAM ^ 39 in. by 31 in. ^>^ ^^"^^ HENRI ETTE BROWNE. 16 A JEWISH SCHOOL AT CAIRO . ^ q^r^ 22 in. by 17 in. J. L. G^ROME 17 Eastbbn Women v/^y / 18 tn. by 13 tn. J. L. Gl&ROME. 18 PRAYER IN THE EAST /Q J _ 20 in. by 32 in. / ^^/^^^ C. TROYON, 1856. 19 THE WATER-CART '^M.^ ^/^/tvw-» 21 in. by 27 in. ^^^ ^/UH^ 9. Mr^ J. L. MEISSONIER, 1865. 20 REFRESHMENT 9,-„.by7.„. ^j £^^ ' KOSA BONHEUE, 1862. 21 RETURN FROM PASTURE : scene in the Pyrenees ^^ , /5^2 ^/O 32t». by51tn. From the Gillott Collection . ROSA BONHEUE, 1865. 22 DEEE, crossing the summit of the Long Rocks in the forest of Fontaincbleau 54 in. by 126 in. . O Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 r^ ^-T i>^ v Engraved hy C. G. Lewis I .y. -s ? 27 ROSA BONHEUR, 1857. 23 DENIZENS OF THE HIGHLANDS 37 in. by 39 in. From the Manley Hall Collection Engraved hy Thomas Landseer, A.B.A. A. SCHREYER. ^U/^i^ 24 ' ABANDONED ' 51 in. by 98 in. , JOSEF ISRAELS. '^'7 25 WAITING FOR THE HERRING-BOATS 35 in. by 71 in. '^.^■n*^ ENGLISH SCHOOL. K. ANSDELL, R.A., 18GG. 26 THE RESCUE 30 in. by 54 in. ^^3 R. ANSDELL, R.A. 27 A HIGHLAND LOT FOR SALE, Isle of Skyc Exliihited at the Royal Academy, 1874 T ^ jl^ / y Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 /f\4^/y p. H. CALDERON, R.A. 28 AN INCIDENT OF THE WAR IN LA VENDl&E " Men ne'er spend their fury on a child." — Shakspeare. /^ ^ 33 in. by 43 in. ^O ^ffO Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1862 Exhibited at Vienna Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. COLLINS, R.A. 29 THE SKITTLE-PLAYERS 34 en. by 44 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1832 ^y ^K^ 4^" From the Manley Hall Collection Exhibited at Burlington House, 1885 E. W. COOKE, R.A., 1867. 30 ON THE SCHELDT 23^ in. by 34 in. ^/^ S X C> Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 E. W. COOKE, E.A. 31 CHURCH OF S. MAEIA BELLA SALUTE, Venice 31 in. by 26^ in. /) 31 %n. by 26^ %n. X^^^ j^ ^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 6 E. W. COOKE, R.A. 32 THE PIAZZETTA, Venice, with the Biblioteca, San Teodoro column, part of San Marco, and Palazzo Ducale 31 in. by 26^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 E. W. COOKE, E.A. 33 THE PIAZZETTA, Venice, with the Campanile, part of the Palazzo Ducale and Biblioteca, Lion column, &c. 31 in. by 26^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A., 1844. 34 CATTLE AND SHEEP ^ /i 'J^ 43 in. by 57 in. t$n T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A., 1863. 35 A SUMMER'S DAY : Kent 48 in. by 72 in. DAVID COX, 1852. 36 COUNTING THE FLOCK 23 in. by 33 t». From the Collection of the late Mr. Albert Levy ^^^ O^ Cj Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 DAVID COX, 1852. 37 DRIVING HOME THE FLOCK 23 in. by 32 in. _ / ^^ From the Manleu Kail Collection ^ 1/ V Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 T. CRESWICK, R.A. 38 OLD ENGLAND 68 in. by 90 «n. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1847 ^ - -^ Exhibited at Kensington, 1873 5 ' Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 [jiyh-iAy^ A^^ 10 A. L. EGG, E.A. 39 PEPYS' INTRODUCTION TO NELL GWYNNE '' 23rd, &c. . . . Tlieiice to the King's house, aud saw T]iv, Humorous Lieutenant, a silly play, I think ; only tlie spirit in it, that grows very tall, and then sinks again to nothing, having two heads, ^ breeding upon one ; and then Knipp's singing did please us. Here, in a box above, we spied Mrs. Pierce ; and going oat, they called us, and so we si aid fur them ; and Knipp took us all in and brought to us Nelly, a most pretty woman, who acted the great part of ' Coslia ' to-day very fine, and did it pretty well. I kissed her, and so did my wife, and a mighty pretty toul she is. We also saw Mrs. Ball, which is my little Koman nose black girl, that is mighty pretty. She is usually called Betty. Knipp made us stay in the box and see the dancing, pre- paratory for to-morrow for The Goblins, a play of Suckling's, not acted these twenty-five years, which was pretty. And so away thence, pleased with this sight also, especially kissing of Nelly," &c. 34^ in. by 44 in. From the Bashall Collection Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1851 Exhibited at the Art Treasures, Manchester, 1857 Exhibited at the International Exhibition, 186ii Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 i'/ Si i ■ T. FAED, R.A. 40 THE SILKEN GOWN " And ye shall walk in silk attire And siller ha'e to spare. Gin ye'll consent to be his bride Nor think o' Donald mair." " Oh 1 wha wad buy a silken gown Wi' a poor broken heart ? Or what's t' me a siller crown, Gin frae my love 1 part ? " 37^ in. by 30 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1863 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 11 T. FAED, E.A. 41 'BAITH FAITHER AND MITHER' "He was faither and mithcr, and a' things tae me."—Ballantine. 26f in. by 35i in. ^ z) ^'7 Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1864 Exhibited at Paris, 1867 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 Engraved by W. H. Simmons O^ W. p. FRITH, R.A. 42 MR. HONEYWOOD INTRODUCING THE BAILIFFS TO MISS RICHLAND AS HIS FRIENDS liU A^ Uoneyicood. — " Two of my very good friends, Mr. Twitch and Mr. Flanigan. Pray, gentlemen, sit without cenmony." Miss liichland. — "Wliu can these odd-looking men be? I fear it is as I was informed. It must be so " (aside). — Goldsmith's ' Good-natured Man,' Act III. Scene 1. 28 in. by 41 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1850 ■ ^*' ' F. GOODALL, R.A. 43 REBECCA AT THE WELL " And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit, whether tlio Lord had made his journey iirosperous or not." — Genesis, xxiv. 21. Ap- / ti 60 in. by 41i in Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1867 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 F. GOODALL, R.A. 44 THE SUBSIDING OF THE NILE 60 in. by 120 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1873 J K~ . Co Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 fU/, 12 J. F. HEREING. 45 Labour 28 in. by 36 in. J. F. HERRING. 46 Rest 27 in. by 35 in. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A., 1821. 47 INTRUDING PUPPIES Xv ^ v^ 28 in. by 35 in. ' Engraved by Thomas Landseer, A.B.A. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 48 BRAEMAR 107 in. by 99 in. Exiiibited at the Moyal Academy, 1857 From the Collection of E. L. Belts, Esq. Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 Engraved by Thomas Landseer, A.B.A. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 49 TAKING A BUCK 67 in. by 84 in. r 1 t\Li^ • ' Engraved by Thomas Landseer, A.B.A. ' From the Manley Hall Collection J. LINNELL, 1857. 50 NOON-DAY REST / ^ Q t) 26 in. by 39 in. U OhO in. by 40 in. Exhibited at Burlingtou House, 1875 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 SIR J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. ' ' ^^ 52 THE LOVE OF JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND " King Robert III., in order to protect his son James from the violence of the Duke of Albany, had him secretly put ou b^ard a vessel for France. The vessel was taken by an English ship of war, and the young prince carried prisoner to London, a.d. 1405. He was removed to Windsor 1414, and whilst imprisoned there one of the ladies of the court became enamoured of him, and her exertions were successful to obtain the royal captive's release in 1417." 42 in. by 22 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1859 '//^■/ From the Manley Hall Collection / k ^ A SIR J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. 53 THE NORTR-WEST PASSAGE " It might be done, and England should do it." 70 in. by 88 in. A ^—^'^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1874 Exhibited at the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1878 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 G. MORLAND. 54 THE HORSE-FAIR 28 in. by 36 in. ^ _ Exhibited at BurUmjton House, 1875 -v.-*-/ iX" 'i/^^o 14 G. MORLAND. 55 ROBBING THE ORCHARD ^ y^ ^ 28 in. by 36 in. r\ W. MULLER, 1833. 56 PRAYER IN THE DESERT f 15 in. by 27 i?i. W. MULLER, 1844. 57 ANCIENT TOMBS AND DWELLINGS IN LYCIA, Asia Mioor 'J- ^ 40 in.hjll in. ' From the Manley Hall Collection Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. MULLER, 1839. 58 THE BAY OF NAPLES '■^6 37 ™. by 65 .•„. /^^^ (Th P. N AS MYTH, 1826. 59 MEETING OF THE AVON AND THE SEVERN 28 in. by 37 in. E. NICOL, A.R.A. 6U liOTH PUZZLED " But, sir, if ' wanst ' nought be nothin', then twice nought muBt be somethiu', for it':i double what ' wanst ' nought is." — ' Hedge School,' hij W. Carhton. 381 in. by 29 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1866 Exhibited at the International Exhibition}, 1871 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 Engraved hy W. H. Simmons — ' ,,- — - ^ 15 J. PHILLIP, E.A. Gl A CASTANETTE PLAYER OF SEVILLE 25 in. by 17 in. . C ^ //^" From the Gillotl Collection . J. PHILLIP, R.A., 1850. 62 Highland Lassies, washing ^ — 15 in. by 10 in. I (S-^,^**-"^-*^ / 6 J ^ f ^ J. PHILLIP, ll.A., 1855. G3 IN THE GARDEN OF THE ALCAZAR, at Seville 21 in. by 16^ in. <^<:^^^ . Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 18S7 ^,,,-. P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1865. 64 The Sisteus / , i^y-./^ 20 ••„. by 16 ,„. C^^ P. F. POOLE, R.A. 65 THE SONG OF THE TROUBADOUR Beitrand ilc Born, Lord of the Castlo of Hautc-Fort in Provence, tlic warrior-poet of the 12tli century. " In those times poetry played a considerable part in all the events of the countries south of the Loire. " These metrical romances, often composed by the very men who had taken an active part in the transactions sung about, possessed an energy , , whicli can scarcely be conceived, from the languid state into wliich the "^ (-! V ' ancient tongue of Southern Gaul has since fallen." — Thierry's * History of tlie Norman Conquest.' 53 in. by 75 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1854 From the Manley Hall Collection Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 '7 ^ ■^ ?> - 16 C. STANFIELD, R.A. 66 Tronsberg in the Tyrol -~p :; li in. by 17f t«. J ^^^^ C. STANFIELD, E.A. 67 LA CHASSE MARINE, English Channel 38|^ in. by 50 in. Exhihifed at the Rnynl Academy, 1838 From the Manley Hall Collpction Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, JU^ancliester, 1887 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 68 OLD LONDON BRIDGE View taken from Billingsgate IMarket, looking across to the Surrey side of the bridge ; numerous figures and fishing-boats in the fore- ground at the steps of the quay ; on the other side is seen tlic tower of / i^f ^ '^'^- Saviour's, Southwark. Inscribed on a buoy, "Port of London, 18 — ." 39 i in. by 50 in. From the Heutjh Collection Exhibited at Burlington Ucuse, 1885 T. WEBSTER, R.A. 69 THE GRANDMOTHER 18 in. by 24 in. T. WEBSTER, R.A. 70 FRUITS OF INTEMPERANCE 30 in. by 42 in. / From the Manley Hall Collection FINIS. tra-^ /^^t^.-#-» Lomliiu ; Printed by VVm. Clowes k Sons, Limited, ytamford Street and Chiiring Cross. FORTHCOMING SALES. The Gatton Hall Gallery. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON and WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, cat their GEEAT EOOxMS, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, on SATUEDAY, May 12, at one o'clock precisely, by Order of Viscount Oxenbridge, The following important Works from the celebrated Collection of PICTURES at Gatton Park, formed early in the present century by the late Eight Hon. Frederick .Jolm, Lord Monson. The chef d'oeuvre of Leonardo da Vinci, so well known as ' La Vierge au has relief,' from Forster's engraving, described by Lanzi and in Kugier's ' Handbook of Painting ' ; Portrait of Loren/.o de Medici, by Scliasdan del Piombo ; Portrait of the Doge Nicholas Marcello and the Entombment, by Titian ; St. Jerome, by Bellini ; The Death of Lucretia, by Rembrandt ; Vertumnus and Pomona, by Eubens and Snyders ; Card-playei-s, by Nicholas Maas ; The Fishmonger, by N. Steenwyck; The Misers, by Q. Matsys ; A Landscape, by J. Wynants; The Saviour, by Murillo; Two Grand Views of Venice, by Mariesehi ; A Pair of Views on the Brenta, by Bernardo Canaletti ; the celebrated masterpiece of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, representing Mrs. Payno-Galway and Child, engraved as Pick-a-back, by J. E. Smith and S. W. Reynolds; also beautiful Portraits of the Countess of Essex and the Countess of Mexborough, by Sir J. Eeynolds ; The Countess of Dysart, a splendid whole-length portrait by Sir T. Lawrence ; and a fine Portrait of Endymiou Porter, by Dobson. Pictures, Porcelain, Plate, &c., from Burg^hley House. MESSRS- CHb'ISTIE, MANSON and WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SP]LL by AUCTION, at their GEEAT EOOMS, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, early in June, by Order of the Marquis of Exeter, A large and fine Collection of OLD ORIENTAL POECELAIX, including many pieces of great rarity and beauty, and some with silver-gilt mounts of the time of Queen Elizabeth ; a fine Limoges enamel casket and tazza, Italian bronzes, majolica, Italian and French faience, old Dresden porcelain ; a quantity of ancient and modem silver and silver gilt plate, including a tazza of German work of the iGth century, of rare excellence, a very fine centrepiece of the time of Louis XV., very fine toilet sets of the time of William III. and Queen Anne, grand salvers and rosewater dishes, racing cups, &c. Also Forty Pictures, chiefly of the early schools, including an exquisite cabinet work of John Van Eyck, painted for the Church of St. Martin at Yprt s ; a fine altar-piece, by H. Van der Goes; a splendid work of G. Palma; beautiful cabinet works of Titian, Schiavone, A. Durer, V. Catena, and M. di Ferrara ; very fine portraits, by Velasquez, Bronzino, P. Veronese, Sir A. More, Holbein, Janet, C. Jansens, and Angelica Kauffman ; a view of Old London Bridge in 1639, by Claude de Jongh ; also capital works of Hobbema, Ruysdael, &c. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00956 2139 *i%.^ #r. r^. m Niw S ^ J 1 I^^^^^^^^HI ^^^^Hf^