Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle01chri_3 O -A. T -A- O G- XJ 33 OF THE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES AND DRAWINGS OF J. W. LEACH ASHE, ESQ. Deceased, late of “The Mount,” Chislehurst, ( Sold by Order of the Executors ), ALSO PICTURES and DRAWINGS From Numerous Private Collections and Different Sources : im WHICH 1EUI be ^>olir b|j Ruction bjv Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THITE ©REAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1897, AT ONE 0 CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Wood’s Offices, 8 King Street ,, St. James's Square , S. W. ID ZD IV 61-Id CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 6s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall bo re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1897, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection of J. W. LEACH ASHE, Esq., deceased. DRAWINGS. J. ABSOLON. 1 Homeward Bound G. CATTERMOLE, 2 Attendants at a Doorway G. DODGSON, 1860. 3 The Ferry E. EROLI. B 2 4 A Man with a Sword 4 C. FIELDING. 5 A Coast Scene, with ruin and boat ■2/i. M. DE FRANCESCHI. 6 The Nun T. B. HARDY, 1872. 7 Neab Rotterdam X A. HERBERT. 8 A Harbour Scene, with fishing boats /fc&OAjd /X J. JULIANA. 9 A Roman Beggar //x. A. MARTINETTI. 10 The Toreador 7 J. H. MOLE, 1871. 11 The Cliff Path H. MOORE, R.A., 1866-7. 12 Near Eyton Bridge 4ix /£- — — MULLER. 13 Interior of an old Cottage 7*7 3 . - J. PRICE. 14 A Road Scene, with sheep i 5 J. STEEPLE, 1872. 15 A Storm Cloud, Pont-y-Garth Exhibited A. W. WEEDON. 16 A Eiver in Spate A AZl,- E. M. WIMPERIS, 1884-9. 17 The Flooded Eoad xJJL E. M. WIMPEEIS. 18 An Open Moorland — E. M. WIMPEEIS, 1886. 19 A Landscape, with figures on a road E. M. WIMPERIS, 1880. 20 A Welsh River Scene E. M. WIMPERIS, 1890. 21 A Welsh Stream /4»-X •£.?— ■CXfcti+lein. ■OsnvL PICTURES. 22 The Letter J. A. AITKEN. 23 Evening : A Coast Scene, with fisher-girl 6 ///*- J. AUMONIER, 1876. 24 Neab Overton, Hants /o DAVID BATES, 1894. 25 The Mill at Hanley SJ-xjuy /k/t- DAVID BATES, 1894. 26 A Pool, near Malvern /fXi.0 7 W. COLLINS, R.A., 1830. 27 A Coast Scene, with boats, figures and ruins 'kx/y- I-Mvuc D. COX. 28 A Landscape, with shepherd and sheep T. DANBY. 29 A River Scene J*7nu,t& -- . ~ G. D. DUYTS. 30 A Farm Scene — unframed /f*/r ? P. J. C. GABRIEL. , ; 31 A River Scene, with figures and animals by Do Haas / J. J. HILL. 32 The Gleaners Jic-xi 6 H. E. JAMES, 1888. 33 A Coast Scene, with figures 7 A. JOHNSTON. 34 A Highland Funeral /OKI'S- A. LUCAS, 1875. 35 A Coquette T. LUNY. 36 Coast Scenes, with shipping and figures —a pair &X/0 H. MOORE, R.A., 1859. 37 The Rush Gatherers H. MOORE, R.A., 1860. 38 Dartmoor, near Chagford H. MOORE, R.A., 1877. 39 Wicca Coye, St. Ives, Cornwall gTMOORE,-R.A., 107ft- 40 DBErpiftE, Darnard Castle i-t- H. MOORE, R.A., 1861. 41 The Brook, Hartland /' S. - / 9 . /J. - /: / J 49 On the Thames G. A. FRIPP. /XX'? T. M. RICHARDSON. 50 The Coast op Berwick G. F. ROBSON. 51 A Highland Lake Scene 9 JP/ D. H. PIGOTT, 1895. 52 A River Scene, with a church r /lt ' ? S. S. WARREN. 53 A River Scene, with a ferry L. HAGHE, 1871. 54 The Tepidarium of the Baths, Pompeii PICTUKES. G. BARRET. 55 A Mountainous River Scene, with an angler G. VINCENT. 56 A Woody River Scene, with bridge and cows H. BRIGHT. 57 A Winter Scene, with figures in a sand pit —circle ot-,. 10 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES DRAWINGS —in Folio. /c ' - /• / ir. - /- /*. - - 2 . - • - JL - - P. BEADDON. 58 Haunts of Chatterton —a set of eight /ox & 9-&x/o 59 Haunts of Charles Lamb— ditto/rxfT9- gx/o 60 Haunts of Thackeray —ditto xoxe-f-^x/o 61 Keminiscences of George Eliot— ditto /ox'S-’x^r/o 62 Haunts of Charles Dickens— ditto/t>'*8- C! h8-x/c 63 Haunts of Dr. Johnson — ditto/ cks-^ %~Kro 8 < 8 8 8 (jSsiuf&r 8 // 2JL DRAWINGS— Framed. J. EUSSELL, E.A. 64 Head of a "Young Lady, in white dress, with powdered haiiv— crayons J. EUSSELL, E.A. 65 Head of a Young Lady, in blue dress, with powdered hair— crayons tfx if E. M. WIMPEEIS. 66 Under the Willows trxk E. M. WIMPEEIS. 67 On the Stour DRAWINGS. R. WESTALL, R.A. 1 68 The Devoted Daughtee '£’X/v- R. WESTALL, R.A. 69 The Father’s Blessing /i>KU+. J. VAN HUTSUM. 70 Flowers and Fruit y. Signed, and dated 1736 XU1 P. DE WINT. 71 A View on the Thames /Ox/t, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 22 A Swiss Lake, with boats —vignette &*-&- A. W. HOGG. 73 Near the Trossachs <2£x/L> F. W. YEAMES, R.A. 91 Note and Nosegay '* v a - A 92 A Winter Scene L. MUNTHE. &x/X R. A. HILLINGFORD. 93 A Spanish Fruit-Seller MALTESE. 94 Still Life, on a table /ffl y'XMXui- cmd 14 $(?. //x VtP G. WEETHEIMER. 97 The King’s Breakfast Exhibited at the Salon, Paris gO'O'P G. HYON. 98 A Charge of French Cavalry G. H. BOUGHTON, R.A. 99 Rosemary Exhibited at the New Gallery F. GOODALL, R.A., 1894. 100 Packing Wool, for the Great Wool Market, Cairo 15 in. by 36 in. J. E. HODGSON, R.A. 101 The Church Afloat—42 in. by 88 in. 15 ANOTHER PROPERTY. DRAWINGS. d. cox. 102 Haddon Hall Doorway (o J. POCOCK. 103 A Sister of Mercy J. CONSTABLE, E.A. 104 At East Bergholt 6x.y J. CONSTABLE, E.A. 105 At Hampstead D. COX. 106 Milking Time PICTURES J. SYEE. 107 Near Bettws-y-Coed fX/A- D. COX. 108 Going to the Hay Field / ao *./6 G. MOELAND. 100 Poshing off the Boat fr-fi-io 16 G. B. WILLCOCKS. 110 A Coast Scene /^C/r J. S. COTMAN. / Ill A Mountain Torrent J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 112 In Dedham Yale sr EARLY ENGLISH. 113 Portrait of a Lady G. ROMNEY. £ 114 Miss Kennal tf-pv R. P. BONINGTON. /*- 115 On the Normandy Coast 3 D. COX. 116 Milking Time /*/ SIR E. LANDSEER. 127 Head of a Spaniel 7*7 A. PYNACKER. 128 A Landscape, with a peasant and animals Ths FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford .street and Charing Cross.