. w,u r;n BY zaehn:dorf THE COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH DECORATIVE AND USEFUL SILVER PLATE AND JUatrfr Articles, tyrants, &r. THE PROPERTY OF MBS. S. KENNEDY, Deceased, late of 39 Cleveland Square: which (by Order of the Executors) Wiill b* ^rrlb bg 3Vuitton bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5*.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -*o«- On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. — •»«- The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of MRS. S. KENNEDY , deceased , late of Cleveland Square , Hyde Park. SILVER— At per Oz. 1 A King’s-Pattern Service, consisting of— Eleven table-forks Nine table-spoons Twelve dessert-forks Twelve dessert-spoons A pair of gravy-spoons Four sauce-ladles Twelve tea-spoons A butter-knife Four egg-spoons, and A caddy-spoon .... 2 A pierced and engraved fish-slice and fork, with king’s- pattern handles— in case . . . • //o 9 16 3 Twelve coffee-spoons, the handles chased with foliage and shells ^ 4 Twenty coffee-spoons, with chased foliage handles . Afe 4i 2 fa oz. diet. 158 Iff 11 2 4 oz. dwt, 5 A child’s spoon, two forks and a butter-knife, with partly fluted handles; a pair of chased sugar-tongs; and a pair of small ditto ..... 6 6 Two pairs of sugar-nippers ; and four knife-rests . (7 A plain flat-shaped tea-pot, with collar . . 23 (8 A plain cream-jug and sugar-basin, with chased handles . 19 9 A hot-milk jug and cover, partly spirally fluted—1775 13 10 A coffee-pot, the lower part spirally fluted, and with gadroon border and phoenix crest top. • 7 /< 28 11 An oval fluted and engraved sugar-basket; and sugar-sifter, with shell bowl ...... 6 ( 12 A small circular pierced and engraved sugar-basket, with beaded border and handle, and square foot, blue glass liner ...... 3 13 Another, pierced with laurel festoons, on round pierced foot —1774—glass liner ...... 3 14 A plain oblong breakfast-dish, with wire handles—1765/*^ 7 15 An egg-frame, with pierced and beaded border chased with lions’ masks, with five egg-cups and spoons . Jv? 16 A fluted vase-shaped pepper-caster, on square foot; aha a small toast-rack..... . ///s 17 A cylindrical pierced mustard-pot, engraved with bird and scroll foliage, with blue glass liner, and spoon . JjL 18 An oviform mustard-pot, on claw feet, with twisted handles and festoons; and a small beaded wine-funnel . 19 A pierced and engraved vase-shaped muffineer, blue glass liner ; a pair of cylindrical ditto, and liners ; a barrel¬ shaped muffineer ; and two others . . . •2^/^ 20 A globular toilet-box and stand, spirally fluted and chased with flowers, and fruit knob .... 21 A set of four oviform vases, on tripod altar-shaped stands, chased with goat’s heads and festoons of drapery, gilt inside. 9 -£ • ’/ ft ^0 47 19 -” 19 TryO 6 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 tf- /? , 44 45 ^-7 ~o 46 0^/ff * with gadroon borders (one fitted as a pin-cushion) 52 An upright toilet mirror, in silver frame pierced and chased amorini, birds, fruit and arabesque ornament 53 Two pairs of carvers and forks, with threaded silver handles; two * pairs of carvers and folks and a bread-knife, with fluted silver- ^ plated handles ^ " c 54 Sixty-seven dinner-knives, twenty-seven small knives, four carvers and two forks and two bread-knives, with ivory handles; a carver and fork, with buck’s-horn handles ; and a bread-knife —in mahogany case FOREIGN SILVER. oz. dwt. - 55 An old French plain wine-taster, with chased serpent and * ' ring handle, engraved “ Benoit Marduell, 1773,’' and emblems . . . • • • • . 3 11 '> /✓, 0 56 Another, engraved “ P. Laine ” and a coronet . • 3 57 A pair of small open trellis baskets, with foliage borders ,. 4. e — Amsterdam —glass liners ; a small open wire basket, glass liner ; eight small shell salt-spoons, with chased handles; and a caddy-spoon . . . . . 11 4 . 58 A pair of small oval bowls, chased with children and scrolls 7 * ' in the style of Louis XV.; and an Indian silver beaker, chased with foliage . . . • • . 9 12 ^ 59 A pair of vases, fluted and chased with festoons of flowers, masks and shell ornament, on chased tripods— Paris . 15 y- & 60 A vase-shaped sugar-caster, chased with festoons of flowers and foliage, on square foot . / r J ' 61 A Beaker, finely engraved with panels of birds, flowers and shell ornament in scroll panels, on round chased foot —Paris ....... 7 15 ^ q, / 62 A circular sugar-basket, with pierced and beaded border, on ball and claw feet chased with medallion heads and 4 10 laurel festoons— Amsterdain —glass liner. 7 - yg ^ 63 A shaped jug and cover, partly spirally fluted and with beaded ornament— Venetian. .... ^64 A square-shaped dish, with pierced border, chased with medallion heads, laurel festoons and ribbons . „ 65 An oval pierced two-handled bowl and cover, blue glass /fiZ + 0 * ° /• <0 , o liner ; and an. oval dish, repousse with a boar and dogs —Konigsberg ....... 66 A plain vase-shaped chocolate-pot,'spirally fluted, on beaded foot ........ 8 15 14 12 iZ 12 4 «jhr 20 9 7^ 15 9 69 70 ~r& . 0 71 1 (72 o K ( ( 73 , o 74 . o 75 / / o 76 , o 77 78 79 , o A Louis XV. Boat-Shaped Preserve-Stand, repousse with vines, on open scroll feet, with two cut-glass jars with silver tops— Paris ..... A spirally fluted ecuelle, cover and stand, with chased handles and cauliflower knob— Augsburg . A Louis XV. Oval-Shaped Sauce-Tureen and Cover, surmounted hy a seated figure of Cupid, chased with Cupids holding shields, branches of foliage, shell and scroll ornaments, on chased scroll feet— Paris . A Dutch Oval Engraved Open Trellis Basket, with chased ribbon handles, medallion heads and festoons in relief, glass liner ...... A Large Plain Swedish Beaker, with engraved hand of ornament, the rim and foot chased and partly gilt . A pair of table candlesticks, on plain fluted baluster stems and octagonal-shaped feet . . . * A set of four ditto, nearly similar— Amsterdam A pair of candelabra, with branches for two lights each, en suite— Amsterdam ...... A flat-shaped bowl, on three feet, the edge pierced and chased with flowers— Dutch —with glass liner; and two fluted baskets and covers— French .... A fluted sucrier and cover, chased with festoons, and scroll handles and feet ; and a small coffee-pot, on three legs, chased with horses’ heads ..... A pair of figures of a boy and a girl, with a wreath and a musical instrument ...... A box, embossed with baskets of flowers ; two chased and engraved snuff-boxes; a snuff-bottle; a scent-bottle, formed as a mandolin and a small figure of Mercury A pair of cut-glass bottles, mounted with rim and base of chased silver-gilt, the handles formed as blue enamel snakes— all at oz. diet. 21 4 36 2 13 15 29 0 63 18 87 10 11 13 12 14 21 3 — 12 4 e 10 oz. dwt. ?. wreaths and festoons of fruit and foliage, on lion and ball feet, the cover inlaid with a medal of Frederick, King of Sweden ...... li PLATED. 87 A king’s-pattern service, consisting of— if , £ Seventy-three table-forks Eleven table-spoons Twenty-four dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons A soup-ladle Two sauce-ladles A pair of salad-servers Six tea-spoons, and Four salt-spoons 0 88 Twenty pierced and engraved fish-knives, with king’s-pattern handles Jys — & 89 Fifty-four dinner-knives and twelve small knives, with king’s-pattern . handles '/' 7 90 Ten dessert-knives and forks, with gilt blades and carved pearl handles ; a small pearl paper-knife ; and a pearl-handled pickle- fork 91 A gilt metal sugar-stand, with two cut-glass bowls and pair of ladles ; four double salt-cellars, of metal-gilt, with seated figures of Cupids and cut-glass liners ; and two mounted ice-pails and pair of ice-tongs 92 A crumb-scoop and cheese-scoop, with ivory handles ; a pair of grape- scissors ; a pair of asparagus-tongs ; eight skewers ; a marrow- spoon ; a pickle-spoon; and two nut-crackers J0 93 A small chased Indian pattern tea-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug; an oval engraved and beaded tea-caddy ; and a cover and stand for butter-dish T 94 An engraved coffee-biggin ; a chased milk-jug ; a small cream-jug ; a toast-rack; a cover and stand for butter-dish ; and an engraved biscuit-box 95 A set of eight chased salt-cellars, on three feet; a triple shell dish ; a beaded breakfast-cruet ; a pierced mustard-pot, with ruby gla liner and spoon ; a pepper-mill; and two napkin-rings 12 4'/*r. * 96 An engraved and beaded spoon-warmer; three vase-shaped muffi¬ neers ; o ooont bottle ; specimen vase ; «a n oblong e igarotto boi fr; . (X -mmm Hlrt Inrrrin mrl bottle^ with uil>ui lw * plated mounts and four fluted pillar candlesticks o m A tea-kettle, on stand with lamp, chased with flowers ; an electrotype, 4 > c with infant Tritons and dolphins in relief ; and an oval casket, chased with subjects of figures in relief 98 A plain oblong breakfast-dish, cover and stand; a muffin-dish, cover and heater, with chased borders; and two circular engraved^ dish-covers / ? 99 A circular salver, with chased centre and border; a champagne-bottle holder ; an engraved pint tankard ; two gadrooned bottle-stands ; Jr and a decanter-stand, fitted with large cut-glass ink-bottle l? / iJ, & 100 A pair of oval breakfast-dishes and covers, with pierced liners and? beaded borders; and two oval mazarins j'/s: 0 101 A pair of circular engraved vegetable-dishes, with beaded borders and four divisions 0/ //> / s (P 102 An ova l vase-shaped soup-tureen and cover, partly fluted and with gadroon borders; and a pair of sauce tureens and covers, (m/ty , stands with lamps, en suite /? > A set of four oval-shaped fluted entree-dishes, covers and heaters, with beaded borders r** t/ & f & t a 104 A set of four oval fluted dish-covers, with headed edges and handles, en suite ' f /y t o 105 An oval two-handled tea-tray, with chased laurel border and engraved /p ; centre " (& ’ > & 106 An oblong ditto, with pierced gallery, chased with busts on pedestaW'y^ at the angles, the centre engraved ly/TC i t £» O’, 0 107 Two large oak plate chests 108 A circular plated dish and ewer, embossed with figures and arabesque designs in the style of Cellini—17 in. diam. J09 A dish, en suite 13 DIFFERENT OBJECTS. 110 111 112 -, ^ 113 >- 1> * 114 115 'a . o 116 7 ' ^ H7 r, o 118 & 119 . 0 120 121 122 * , ^ 123 « 124 f 0 , ^ 125 A pair of Battersea enamel boxes, with birds in scroll medallions on buff ground, and metal-gilt rims A Dresden enamel tea-caddy, enamelled with views in red ; and a lozenge-shaped box, with views in colours An oval Battersea enamel box, with a Cupid in a garden, and bir^ and scroll ornaments in green and gold on white ground u / green and gold on white ground A ditto square-shaped box, with gold scroll ornament on white y ground iSy/l-e A shuttle-shaped ivory patch-box, with a trophy of rose diamonds y? yy in the centre, with violet enamel top edged with pearls yr A pair of miniature views of palaces, by Blarenberghe y„, ^ ^ A Battersea enamel etui, with flowers in colours on blue ground; ^ yy and a ditto, with portraits in enamel on red ground ^ Three Battersea enamel snuff-boxes, with landscapes in medallions on green, red and blue grounds * yy -> An Algerine onyx casket, mounted with bands, hinges and initial y ' in silver A pair of Battersea enamel candlesticks, with flowers on white y ground A pair of Battersea enamel cups and covers, one painted with views ' y . ~ in medallions, the other with flowers A cup and cover, with views in medallions and flowers on green y ground ^ ^ A pair of crystal candlesticks, of hexagonal design, the tops and bases y ,y pierced and chased with scroll design of silver A crystal cup, the handles formed as winged dragons, and base with four snakes, of white metal A pair of Chinese square-shaped glass vases, engraved with birds, y y on white metal pierced stem A metal-gilt casket, with plaques of agate, richly chased and y mounted with coloured stones, surmounted by a kylin support j ing a watch, in pierced case 14 BRONZES. U/A C? 126 A Roman Warrior, carrying off a Sabine woman, after P. Loison : ^ a bronze group—4 ft. 6 in. high —on fluted black wood stand 127 “ Gloria Yictis ” : a bronze of an angel supporting a warrior, after sr Mercie, by Barbedienne—20 in. high —on circular column of red and green marble, with square base and revolving top-^ 4 ft. 4 in. high z/s-, 0 128 A Bronze Group, of a man, woman and child, after Morea 22 in. high —on oval pedestal 71 * TjMi ; ^ 2 - Y' t 129 A Group of Two Nymphs, in bronze, after G. Gregoire— 21 in. rv high —en suite //* 130 A Pair of Candelabra, with branches for nine lights each— t r* 7 ' supported by bronze figures of nymphs, on black and red marble,//^/ bases—34 in. high •t? 131 “ Mozart ”: a bronze figure, after E. Barrias, by Barbedienne— > 27 in. high —on square pedestal ^ ^ '\ 6'/J~, 0 132 A group of a boy carrying a girl over a stream, after Cumberworth-y^^ 133 A group of Orpheus and Eurydice, after C. Janson—11 in. high 134 A Bronze Figure of Venus, fastening her robe, by Barbedienne & -26 in. high A t P 135 A seated figure of a muse, after J. Pradier, on black marble pli —12^ in. high /t? * v 136 A Pair of Gilt Bronze Figures, of a Picador and an Arab,^?^ after P. J. Mene—20^ in. high l/* / , o 137 A group of three children, on black marble plinth—6 in. high £/ 1 0,0 138 Atalanta and Hippomenes: a pair of bronze figures, on fluted^/? y red marble columns—11 in. high a / 139 A bronze figure of Cupid with two doves, after J. Coutan— *y/ * 25 in. high— on an Algerine onyx column with Corinthian 6 capital and base of chased or-molu—3 ft. 10 in. high f ^ CC * 15 ^-0 140 A Bronze Group of a Kussian Sleigh, with three horses^^/^^ . »—-~p 141 A bronze figure of Britannia, on pedestal—12 in. high $ & 142 A bronze figure of a warrior on horseback, on a pedestal C -p 143 A pair of bronze figures of gladiators, on yellow marble plinths— , ^ ^ 7 in. high j-~ r p 144 A Bronze Figure of a Girl, with an olive branch, before am* / altar, after H. Chapu, by Barbedienne—23^ in. high / , £> 145 A bronze figure of a warrior, on chased pedestal—11 in. high & 146 A bronze figure of a Laplander, on a crystal block FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. CLowes & Sofrs, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ■' * . 3 3125 01074 7109